Presentation type:
CR – Cryospheric Sciences

The glacier surface forms a vital boundary where snow and ice mass exchange occurs through climatic processes. In addition to the visible upper surface, glaciers are bounded by other interfaces, including the underlying base of bedrock/sediment, the front of a calving glacier facing an ocean or lake, and the ice-shelf base in contact with sub-shelf seawater. These unseen boundaries are venues of glacial sliding, hydrology, calving and underwater melting, which play critical roles in glacier dynamics and mass change. These processes are also essential for understanding how glaciers affect surrounding environments through erosion, sedimentation, ice and meltwater discharge. Despite their importance, these boundaries are largely unexplored, in contrast to the increasing amount of data available on the glacier surface. As they are covered by ice and water, special techniques and tools are required for direct observation. For example, hot-water drilling and borehole measurements provide crucial information regarding subglacial processes, and in-situ observations of the ice-water interface can be carried out with uncrewed vehicles or underwater survey devices near the calving front. Based on our experiences in the Alps, Patagonia, Greenland and Antarctica, this presentation highlights the importance of the processes taking place at the hidden glacier boundaries.

How to cite: Sugiyama, S.: On the dark side: Exploring hidden boundaries of glaciers and ice sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5296,, 2025.

Polar ice sheets and glaciers worldwide are rapidly losing mass, acting as major contributors to global sea-level rise. This mass loss trend is expected to continue and further accelerate in a warming climate. Besides solid ice discharge of calving icebergs, mass loss is driven by a declining glacier surface mass balance (SMB), i.e., the difference between mass gained from snowfall accumulation and lost from meltwater runoff to the ocean. Reconstructions of past and projections of future glacier SMB often rely on global or regional climate models typically running on 5 to 100 km grids. Such spatial resolution remains, however, insufficient to accurately capture local SMB processes over small glaciers and ice caps.


To bridge this resolution gap, statistical downscaling has proven an efficient tool to spatially refine SMB outputs from coarse global and regional climate models to high-resolution (sub-)kilometer grids. In this presentation, we will assess the added value of statistical downscaling to accurately resolve local SMB processes, notably the high accumulation and melt rates generated over rugged mountain ranges and narrow outlet glaciers, respectively. We will discuss how high-resolution products proved essential to reconcile recent in situ and remote sensing mass change records, and to yield reliable future SMB projections. This talk will highlight the role of statistical downscaling in identifying mechanisms that currently drive, and may further accelerate, mass loss of polar ice sheets and glaciers across the globe.

How to cite: Noël, B.: Capturing high-resolution ice sheets and glacier surface mass balance in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5980,, 2025.

Climate Change is expected to increase the intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall events in the coastal areas of Patagonia (Southwest Atlantic Ocean, SWAO). These events carry heavy loads of terrestrial materials and nutrients, and minor components such as kaolin and ash, into coastal areas through riverine inputs. The Chubut River estuary was used a reference coastal ecosystem in the SWAO. In its lower course, the river is diverted into irrigation channels that supply water for agricultural activities. These channels are open from spring to early autumn, increasing the runoff of terrestrial material, and are closed during the rest of the year. Furthermore, kaolin mines are located in the upper course of the river and ash deposition coming from volcanos have been registered. A monitoring of terrestrial material of the Chubut River estuary was conducted and the attenuation coefficients of the different components were evaluated, including terrigenous material, kaolin, and ash. The findings show that the terrestrial material, estimated as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), doubles during rainfall conditions and when irrigation channels are open. During extreme rainfall events, DOC concentrations increased by up to fivefold compared to normal conditions, being the main attenuator in the river. This resulted in a PAR attenuation coefficient variable between 1.3 m-1 under baseline conditions (closed channels, no rainfall) to over 8 m-1 following extreme rainfall events in the outer regime (seawater side) of the estuary. Further monitoring of the different under-studied estuarine components in the SWAO and their effects on the attenuation coefficient is crucial for primary productivity studies.

How to cite: Vizzo, J. I., Helbling, E. W., and Villafañe, V. E.: Inputs of Terrestrial Material, Kaolin and Ash into Coastal Patagonian Waters and their Effects on the Attenuation Coefficient of the Chubut River Estuary (Argentina), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-434,, 2025.

EGU25-2306 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observations 

Xiaosong Ding, Min Zhao, and Hao Li

A wide range of problems in oceanic mass and energy transport involve learning submesoscale surface flow fields from diurnal geostationary satellite observations. Yet, traditional methods, such as the Maximum Cross-Correlation (MCC) algorithm, suffer from limited spatiotemporal resolution and extensive post-processing. Here, we present the RAFT-Ocean architecture, a deep neural network-based approach for learning submesoscale flow fields in pixel-to-pixel manner, to retrieve submesoscale surface flow fields from geostationary satellite data. Compared to the MCC algorithm, the RAFT-Ocean architecture significantly improves these methods, reducing the end-point error (EPE) uncertainty by more than 65% and the absolute angular error (AAE) by more than 55%. The RAFT-Ocean architecture, when transferred to the geostationary ocean color satellite (GOCI/CMOS and GOCI-II/GK2B) sea surface chlorophyll-a products for diurnal hourly flow field retrieval, produced more realistic, continuous, and refined sea surface flow field data compared to geostrophic flow data from altimeter data. The refined diurnal hourly flow field matched well with the filamentous structure of surface phytoplankton, demonstrating an advantage in spatiotemporal resolution for kinetic energy transfer across scales. This approach enhances flow field retrieval quality and opens new avenues for real-time marine environment monitoring and modeling.

How to cite: Ding, X., Zhao, M., and Li, H.: Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2306,, 2025.

EGU25-3582 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy) 

Joana Buoninsegni, Elena Marrocchino, Renzo Tassinari, Umberto Tessari, and Carmela Vaccaro

This study is part of a doctoral research project aimed at characterizing coastal sediments in relation to the presence of microplastics and marine litter. Within this framework, the present research seeks to establish an up-to-date knowledge base regarding the geochemical characterization of sediments across different seasons along the Ferrara coastal area, specifically at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy). The objective is to identify potential vulnerabilities and/or critical aspects related to environmental pollution that require further investigation. Building upon the methodology of Aquilano et al. (2023) and adapting it to the experimental requirements of the current study, a research area was selected at Lido degli Estensi, outside zones allocated for tourism-related public concessions. This site is located on the southern side of the Porto Garibaldi navigation channel (Comacchio municipality, Ferrara), in a coastal section experiencing accretion due to the construction of artificial jetties at the port-channel entrance. These jetties trap sediment transported from the south as a result of longshore drift. Given the beach's width (approximately 150 m), a cross-shore profile was divided into five zones based on specific geomorphological characteristics: swash zone, lower backshore, upper backshore, dune scarp, and dune. Along this beach profile, variations in carbonate content, major oxide composition, and heavy metal concentrations were investigated across different seasons using eight sampling points per season. To evaluate sediment quality in terms of heavy metal contamination, the following indices were employed: Enrichment Factor (EF; Reinmann and De Caritat, 2005), Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo; Buccolieri et al., 2006), Contamination Factor (CF; Loska et al., 2004), and Pollution Load Index (PLI; Ferreira et al., 2022). Furthermore, heavy metal concentrations detected in the samples were compared with the limits established by current Italian legislation (Legislative Decree 152/06). This study was conducted as part of the ECS_00000033_ECOSISTER project, funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 04 Component 2 Investment 1.5 – NextGenerationEU (Call for Tender No. 3277, dated 30/12/2021).

How to cite: Buoninsegni, J., Marrocchino, E., Tassinari, R., Tessari, U., and Vaccaro, C.: Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3582,, 2025.

EGU25-4832 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous Region 

Madhusudan Thapliyal, Surjeet Singh, and Lavkush Patel

Climate change significantly impacts the hydrology and water resources of any region especially high mountain areas including cryosphere that consist of glaciers. Numerous studies report that glaciers are retreating and losing volume with time causing serious concerns over freshwater availability in the basins they feed water to. Assessment of these changes and their relationship with various climatic aspects are crucial to understand and tackle such challenges. Long-term trends in temperature and precipitation and their spatio-temporal distribution, for the mountainous state of Uttarakhand in India were assessed, utilizing the India Meteorological Department’s gridded precipitation and temperature datasets for the period 1951-2023. Mann-Kendall trend test was performed at 90% significance level, for each grid, to check monthly trends, which gave critical insights upon shifts in seasonal meteorology. Results reveal notable changes in the monthly distribution of precipitation with many grids reporting a decreasing winter precipitation (Oct-Jan) and many showing an increasing precipitation for May and August. Global warming impact is much visible through changes in minimum temperatures for almost all the grids, reporting a strong positive trend for February, March, August, September and November. Importantly, these changes are more prominent for the high-altitude areas, which highlights elevation dependent climate change pattern. Evidently, the precipitation is shifting from winters to summers and the minimum temperatures are increasing towards the end of ablation season (Aug-Sep), decreasing the chances of receiving solid precipitation or snowfall. Consequently, a decrease in snow cover is expected in the future, which from a hydrological perspective, would lead to a reduction in snowmelt discharge and its contribution to streamflow of the Himalayan perennial rivers. Moreover, the increasing temperature and precipitation during summers can generate huge discharges from glacierized catchments due to increased simultaneous contribution of glacier-melt and rainfall, causing destructive flash floods and debris flow events, as being witnessed in the recent past. Combination of decreased precipitation in winter months and increased temperatures overall, can prove detrimental to glaciers’ health as they will melt more, whereas their replenishment will be lesser, leading to negative mass balances. Climate change is certainly having an adverse effect on the mountain hydrology, especially that of the Himalayan cryosphere. The glaciated catchments are expected to have more glacier-melt and rainfall-runoff contribution and less snow-melt contribution in the near-future. The glaciers, present in the region, are expected to retreat and lose mass more rapidly, considering the meteorological changes in the high elevation areas. Small glaciers might deplete faster, which would lead to problems of freshwater availability in the nearer downstream areas dependent on the melt-runoff water. While there seems no immediate solution to the prevailing scenario of climate change, community-based measures can be adopted to tackle problems of water availability. Water conservation and springshed management in the mountainous regions are some focus areas to work upon, in order to ensure water security under the changing climate.

How to cite: Thapliyal, M., Singh, S., and Patel, L.: Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4832,, 2025.

EGU25-7292 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian Pacific 

Ray Steven Arce-Sánchez, Diana Medina-Contreras, and Alberto Sánchez-Gonzalez

The coastal ecosystems, including estuaries and mangroves, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic intervention, particularly due to activities such as urbanization, wastewater discharge, and industrial development, which can alter their ecosystem services and affect habitat quality. In order to evaluate the impact of these interventions through the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of two macroalgae Boodleopsis verticillata and Bostrychia spp in four coastal ecosystems of the Colombian Pacific (Valencia - VAL, San Pedro - SPE, Chucheros – CHU with low intervention, and Piangüita - PIA with high intervention) were used to understand the sources of these elements. δ15N values is a commonly used to providing information about nitrogen sources in primary producers. δ13C values is used to investigate carbon sources i.e. terrestrial or marine. Samples were collected during 2014, 2015, and 2016, and analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The results show that the δ13C values ranged from -33.97 to -31.93 ‰ in VAL, -33.78 to -30.09 ‰ in SPE, -31.12 to -28.45 ‰ in CHU, and -33.32 to -21.71 ‰ in PIA. δ15N values ranged from 0.32 to 3.18 ‰ in VAL, 0.57 to 5.47 ‰ in SPE, 1.82 to 3.39 ‰ in CHU, and 2.32 to 10.16 ‰ in PIA. Significant differences were found among the four areas with mean δ13C values by locality (VAL -30.21 ‰, SPE -31.71 ‰, CHU -30.09 ‰, and PIA -30.52 ‰) and δ15N values (VAL 1.74 ‰, SPE 2.30 ‰, CHU 2.40 ‰, and PIA 4.47 ‰) reflecting the impacts of human activities on the coastal ecosystems. This work contributes to understanding the effects of anthropogenic intervention on pollution and wastewater discharge in coastal ecosystems, providing key tools for the development of environmental management policies that support conservation in the Colombian Pacific.

How to cite: Arce-Sánchez, R. S., Medina-Contreras, D., and Sánchez-Gonzalez, A.: Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7292,, 2025.

EGU25-8649 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean Sea 

Lucia Gualtieri, Federica Borile, Hans Burchard, Paolo Oddo, Pietro Miraglio, Emanuela Clementi, Anna Chiara Goglio, and Nadia Pinardi

The Mediterranean Sea, with its unique characteristics as a semi-enclosed and highly stratified basin, serves as a natural laboratory for studying oceanic processes of global relevance. Vertical mixing is a fundamental process regulating the transfer of mass, heat, and nutrients between water column layers, influencing dynamical and biogeochemical processes, and controlling the exchange with the overlying atmosphere. Due to its turbulent nature acting on small spatial and temporal scales, vertical mixing remains challenging to simulate in modern ocean circulation models. Moreover, the interaction between vertical mixing and horizontal diffusion/advection is essential in shaping the transport and distribution of heat, nutrients, and pollutants in marine environments. Finding the optimal vertical mixing parameterizations alongside horizontal advection and diffusion schemes in an ocean circulation model, able to simulate the available observations, presents significant challenges due to the need for consistent scaling, numerical stability, and accurate representation of multi-scale processes.

Here, we use the same system setup as the Mediterranean Forecasting System of the Copernicus Marine Service, that is NEMO (v4.2) general circulation model, including tides, coupled with the WaveWatch III wave model. The model features a horizontal resolution of 1/24° (approximately 4 km) and 141 unevenly spaced vertical levels. We investigate the performance of different numerical vertical closure schemes – a Richardson-number-dependent, a one-equation and a two-equation models – as well as the effect of different lateral advection and diffusion schemes. The role played by the enhanced vertical diffusion due to Camarinal Sill at the Strait of Gibraltar in controlling the exchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is also investigated. We validate our model by assessing our ability to reproduce physical processes and by comparing it with in-situ data throughout the Mediterranean basin, across varying seasons and years.


How to cite: Gualtieri, L., Borile, F., Burchard, H., Oddo, P., Miraglio, P., Clementi, E., Goglio, A. C., and Pinardi, N.: Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8649,, 2025.

EGU25-8764 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIX 

Friederike Pollmann, Carsten Eden, Dirk Olbers, Jonas Nycander, and Zhongxiang Zhao

Breaking internal gravity waves cause small-scale turbulent mixing, which changes water mass properties, affects biogeochemical cycles, and contributes to driving the large-scale overturning circulation. Ocean general circulation models do not resolve this process and thus rely on a parameterization. The state-of-the-art IDEMIX (Internal wave Dissipation, Energy and MIXing) model predicts the propagation and dissipation of internal wave energy based on external forcing functions that represent the main generation mechanisms, notably the internal tide generation at the sea floor and the near-inertial wave generation at the sea surface. By linking small-scale mixing to internal wave energetics, IDEMIX allows the consistent parameterization of wave-induced mixing in ocean models. Its basic incarnation treats all internal waves as part of a horizontally homogeneous continuum and was shown to successfully reproduce observed turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates and internal wave energy levels. In a newer configuration (IDEMIX2), the internal wave field is compartmentalized, distinguishing between a high-mode continuum on the one hand and low-mode near-inertial wave and internal tide compartments, whose horizontal propagation is explicitly resolved in wavenumber angle space, on the other hand. We present the evaluation of the IDEMIX2 model with a particular focus on the impact of applying an anisotropic internal tide forcing. So far, parameterizations of internal tide-driven mixing have not taken the strong anisotropy of the internal tide generation process into account. We demonstrate the need for doing so, showing a notable impact on the modeled internal wave energetics and predicted mixing when changing from the previous isotropic to the new anisotropic tidal forcing in IDEMIX2. 

How to cite: Pollmann, F., Eden, C., Olbers, D., Nycander, J., and Zhao, Z.: Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIX, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8764,, 2025.

EGU25-12429 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate Dynamics 

Swarnendu Saha and Arnab Mukherjee

This study investigates the spatio-temporal variability and long-term warming trends in sea surface temperature (SST) across the Arabian Sea from 2000 to 2019, using daily AVHRR satellite observations with a 1°x1° spatial resolution. Seasonal and interannual SST dynamics reveal patterns shaped by monsoonal processes and global climate phenomena, such as El Niño and La Niña. Wavelet spectrum analysis highlights periodic fluctuations and dominant frequencies associated with interannual climate variability, further emphasizing the influence of seasonal processes. Spring (MAM) exhibits the most pronounced interannual warming, particularly in the central and northern regions, while autumn (SON) demonstrates significant warming trends, especially in the southern basin. Monsoonal processes influence seasonal variability, with winter (DJF) cooling in the northern Arabian Sea and summer (JJA) upwelling along Oman and Somalia, resulting in localized cooling amidst broader warming trends in central and southern regions. Wavelet power spectra from critical regions, including the Gulf of Oman, Balochistan Coast, and Mumbai, indicate dominant periodicities of interannual warming, with variations corresponding to regional oceanographic processes. For instance, the Balochistan Coast displays the highest warming rate (0.0519°C/year), underscored by strong wavelet power at periodicities tied to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles. Similarly, the Gulf of Oman and Mumbai exhibit distinct spectral peaks, reflecting localized climate dynamics and variability. Regionally, the warming trend varies significantly. The Gulf of Aden (0.0181°C/year), Gulf of Oman (0.0164°C/year), and Gulf of Kutch (0.0269°C/year) exhibit moderate warming rates, while areas like the Balochistan Coast and South of Salalah (0.023°C/year) highlight significant localized warming. Southwestern Arabian Sea regions west of Kochi (0.0209°C/year) and Mangalore (0.0323°C/year) also demonstrate notable trends. In contrast, regions like Minicoy (0.0162°C/year) and the Male-Maldives area (0.0073°C/year) show relatively weaker warming. These findings underscore the critical role of spatial and seasonal variability in shaping SST changes and their implications for regional climate patterns, monsoonal behavior, marine ecosystems, and fisheries. The pronounced warming in key regions, coupled with insights from wavelet spectrum analysis, highlights the influence of localized oceanographic processes, such as upwelling, heat transport, and climate-induced variability. These results necessitate further study to assess future impacts and develop mitigation strategies for sensitive marine biodiversity and economic resources in the Arabian Sea . 

How to cite: Saha, S. and Mukherjee, A.: Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12429,, 2025.

EGU25-14703 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detection 

Tatsuhiro Fukuba and Dhugal Lindsay

We have previously developed a 12-sample environmental DNA (eDNA) sampler designed for use in the marine surface. The sampler can collect and store eDNA samples on filter cartridges according to scheduled sequences. Communicating via mobile phone networks also makes it possible to collect samples on demand. For the underwater eDNA sample-return missions, we have designed and developed a compact eDNA sampler with an oil-filled (pressure-balanced) configuration, enabling its deployment at various depths. Field trials for the underwater eDNA sampler were performed using underwater platforms such as deep-sea landers. Here, we introduce the newly developed compact eDNA sampler and discuss its potential applications in mid- to deep-ocean layers, focusing on eDNA sample-return missions targeting jellyfish and other marine species.

How to cite: Fukuba, T. and Lindsay, D.: Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14703,, 2025.

EGU25-17499 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL 

Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti, Florian Pantillon, Stavros Dafis, Milena Menna, Riccardo Martellucci, Piero Serafini, and Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió


Between Sept. 4, 2023, and Sept. 12, 2023, a cyclogenesis develops close to the Greek coast in the Ionian Sea. The evolution of this cyclone is divided into two phases: a strongly baroclinic one with intense orographic precipitation in Greece, and a final barotropic phase with the formation of an intense tropical-like cyclone (TLC) impacting Libya. In this work, we investigate this TLC (named “Daniel”) initially using the standalone WRF model with different sea surface temperature sources,  untile the use of the coupled atmosphere-ocean models. Preliminary results show that SST plays a crucial role in the intensification and tropicalization of the cyclone, with a strong impact not only along the cyclone track but especially in the neighboring areas, where high values of heat transport a precipitable water are found. We also observe how the use of a coupled model as a digital twin, shows strengths in the quality of the simulation and the physics of the process, but highlights some critical issues in the configuration of the marine model, which at small technical variations produces intense changes in the structure of the ocean and atmosphere.

How to cite: Ricchi, A., Ferretti, R., Pantillon, F., Dafis, S., Menna, M., Martellucci, R., Serafini, P., and Carrió, D. S. C.: On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17499,, 2025.

Ice crevasses are pervasive features across the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. These deep, open fractures in the ice surface serve as critical conduits for transporting surface meltwater into the englacial system, significantly impacting ice sheet hydrology and stability. Accurate mapping of the spatial and temporal distribution of ice crevasses is vital for advancing our understanding of ice sheet dynamics and their evolution. Remote sensing technology provides a robust platform to achieve this purpose, while the rapid advancement of machine learning algorithms offers substantial benefits for automated crevasse detection, facilitating efficient and large-scale mapping. This study conducts a comprehensive comparison of the performance of various machine learning models, including CNN, U-Net, ResNet, and DeepLab, for ice crevasse extraction. Through quantitative evaluation metrics and visual inspection, the optimal machine learning model was selected to map ice crevasses on Antarctic ice shelves using multi-source remote sensing data, such as SAR and optical satellite imagery. Furthermore, this work explores the strengths and limitations of various machine learning in detecting ice crevasse and proposes potential solutions for further refinement. This study aims to contributes to enhancing ice crevasse detection and offering robust ice crevasse datasets, which is crucial for reliable analyzing the dynamic of the Antarctic ice sheet in the future.

How to cite: Liang, S. and Xiao, X.: Antarctic ice shelf crevasse detection using multi-source remote sensing data and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19031,, 2025.

EGU25-20632 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain Regions  

Haytam Elyoussfi, Abdelghani Boudhar, Salwa Belaqziz, Mostafa Bousbaa, Hatim Bechri, Eric A Sproles, and Fatima Benzhair

SnowMapPy is a Python-based package developed to streamline the collection, preparation, and analysis of MODIS NDSI data, specifically from the Terra and Aqua satellite products. By automating essential steps (data clipping, reprojection, filtering, and time series generation), SnowMapPy improves the efficiency and precision of snow hydrology research. The protocol allows users to work with both local and Google Earth Engine cloud-based datasets, enabling flexible data acquisition and processing tailored to the needs of snow hydrology, water resource management, and climate change studies. Designed for accessibility and flexibility, SnowMapPy supports large-scale, high-resolution snow cover analysis with minimal configuration. The package facilitates customized workflows through its modular structure, making it a valuable tool for researchers aiming to understand snow dynamics and their impact on seasonal water resources. 

How to cite: Elyoussfi, H., Boudhar, A., Belaqziz, S., Bousbaa, M., Bechri, H., Sproles, E. A., and Benzhair, F.: SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain Regions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20632,, 2025.

This study explores the seasonal and lagged correlations between Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations and vertical velocity (wT) to elucidate upwelling's role in driving phytoplankton productivity. In Oman (Region III), an immediate response to upwelling was observed, with the strongest correlation (r = 0.7) at lag 0 during peak upwelling months (June–July). In contrast, Iranian regions (I & II) exhibited delayed responses, with maximum correlations (r = 0.7) at lag 1 (occurring about a month later). This delay may result from processes like nutrient mixing and remineralization. Seasonal trends revealed sustained Chl-a concentrations in Oman, peaking at 2.39 mg m-3 in September, while Iran showed a steady decline after a July peak of 1.37 mg m-3. Stratification and horizontal currents modulated Chl-a distributions, with weaker stratification in Oman enabling efficient nutrient delivery. These findings reveal the intricate dynamics of upwelling-driven productivity across both semi -enclosed and open marine ecosystems. By examining regional variations in the context of broader oceanographic processes, this study offers valuable insights for the sustainable management of upwelling systems and for anticipating their responses to climate change.

How to cite: A. Ismail, K. and Salim, M.: Unveiling the Impact of Upwelling on Phytoplankton Productivity in the Arabian/Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20989,, 2025.

CR1 – The State of the Cryosphere: Past, Present, Future

EGU25-1532 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

Modelling the impact of mining activities on the dynamics and evolution of a Kyrgyz glacier 

Lander Van Tricht, Harry Zekollari, Matthias Huss, Oleg Rybak, Rysbek Satylkanov, and Daniel Farinotti

Glaciers worldwide are retreating due to climate change driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, but local human activities also impact glacier dynamics. This study models the effects of gold mining on Davydov glacier in the Central Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, from the Little Ice Age through 2100 using a 3D thermodynamic ice flow model. Historical evolution is constrained using satellite observations, while ice excavation from mining is simulated by removing ice within predefined masks. Results show that mining over the past two decades shortened the glacier by ~2 km and reduced its volume by 160 million m³ compared to a climate-only scenario. Projections indicate that if mining ceases, the glacier could advance temporarily by ~100 m because the current ice-flux is at present larger than the surface mass balance. Maintaining its position would require annual removal of up to 650,000 m³ of ice. By 2060, natural retreat is expected to extend beyond the mining site, with no significant differences between mining and no-mining scenarios. By 2100, volume losses range from -40% to -99%, depending on the climate scenario. Under a hypothetical return to Little Ice Age conditions, the glacier could fully recover within 500 years, but mining-induced landscape changes would lead to larger glacier regrowth, with ice thickness reaching up to 600 m due to central pit filling. This study underscores the long-term impacts of local human activities and landscape modifications on glacier geometry and dynamics.

How to cite: Van Tricht, L., Zekollari, H., Huss, M., Rybak, O., Satylkanov, R., and Farinotti, D.: Modelling the impact of mining activities on the dynamics and evolution of a Kyrgyz glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1532,, 2025.

EGU25-1960 | Orals | CR1.1

A global machine learning system for glacier ice volumes 

Niccolò Maffezzoli, Eric Rignot, Carlo Barbante, Troels Petersen, and Sebastiano Vascon

Knowledge of glacier ice volumes is crucial for constraining future sea level potential, evaluating freshwater resources, and assessing impacts on societies, from regional to global. Motivated by the disparity in existing ice volume estimates, we developed a global machine learning framework to model the ice thickness of individual glaciers. IceBoost is a gradient-boosted tree regression model, trained with 3.7 million global ice thickness measurements and an array of 34 numerical features. The model's error aligns within 10% of existing models outside polar regions, and is 30% to 40% lower at high latitudes. We find that providing supervision through available thickness measurements can further reduce the error of individual glaciers by up to a factor 2 to 3. A feature ranking analysis reveals that geodetic information is the most informative variable, while incorporating ice velocity improves model performance by 6% at high latitudes. A major feature of IceBoost is its ability to generalize globally, including in ice sheet peripheries. We present the model, discuss the advantages and shortcomings of a machine learning approach, estimate errors, and provide updated regional glacier volumes.

How to cite: Maffezzoli, N., Rignot, E., Barbante, C., Petersen, T., and Vascon, S.: A global machine learning system for glacier ice volumes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1960,, 2025.

EGU25-4653 | Orals | CR1.1

Variabilities in Climate Sensitivities and Mass Balance of Four High Mountain Asian Glaciers 

Atanu Bhattacharya, Kriti Mukherjee, Sajid Ghuffar, Owen King, Tobias Bolch, and Brian Menounos

We report on the mass balance evolution and climate sensitivities of four glaciers from moderately dry to moderately wet climate zones of High Mountain Asia over the last five decades. We focus on Chhota Shigri Glacier located in the western Himalaya (RGI region: South Asia west), Tuyuksu and Sary Tor glaciers (Northern and Central Tien Shan, Central Asia), and an unnamed glacier (hereafter Glacier No. 4) (Eastern Himalaya, South Asia east). Continentality index indicates Chhota Shigri and Sary Tor as most continental (43 and 41) glaciers, Tuyuksu as intermediate (34) and Glacier No. 4 as the most maritime glacier (22). Using declassified spy satellite imagery from the 1970s and 1980s and recent high-resolution optical satellite images, we estimated glacier mass loss rates ranging from -0.3 ± 0.1 m w.e a-1 for Chhota Shigri and Tuyuksu glaciers (1971-2020), -0.4 ± 0.1 m w.e. a⁻¹ for Glacier No. 4 (1969–2022), and -0.6 ± 0.1 m w.e a-1 for Sary Tor Glacier (1973- 2023). We calibrated a mass balance model (SnowModel) coupled with an ice dynamics model to simulate the long-term annual and seasonal mass balance of each glacier. Subsequently, we used the calibrated model to calculate the dynamic mass balance sensitivity of each glacier to the changes in temperature and precipitation. Our results reveal that Sary Tor Glacier is least sensitive to climate changes. However, as this glacier has observed significantly increasing temperature over the last decades, it may witness an increasing mass loss due to its strong sensitivity to temperature changes. Chhota Shigri Glacier’s mass balance is less sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation compared to Tuyuksu Glacier. In addition, no significant trends in either temperature or precipitation was observed, implying a more stable response of the glacier to climate in near future. Tuyuksu Glacier accumulates mass both in summer and winter, and it is strongly influenced by temperature changes. With no significant increase in precipitation to offset the mass loss due to increased temperature, this glacier will likely experience an increased mass loss in coming decades. Glacier No. 4 has the highest sensitivity to climate. With a warming trend observed in this region, this glacier is expected to witness highest mass loss among the four in the coming years.

How to cite: Bhattacharya, A., Mukherjee, K., Ghuffar, S., King, O., Bolch, T., and Menounos, B.: Variabilities in Climate Sensitivities and Mass Balance of Four High Mountain Asian Glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4653,, 2025.

EGU25-5778 | Orals | CR1.1 | Highlight

Accelerating loss of Alaskan Glaciers 

Bethan Davies, Robert McNabb, Jacob Bendle, Jonathan Carrivick, Jeremy Ely, Tom Holt, Bradley Markle, Lindsey Nicholson, and Mauri Pelto

The Juneau Icefield, Alaska, lost ice at an accelerated rate after 2005, relative to the past 250 years. Rates of area shrinkage were found to be 5 times faster from 2015–2019 than from 1979–1990. The continuation of this trend could push glacial retreat beyond the point of possible recovery.

Climate-driven ice loss from glaciers and icefields has been shown to contribute to rising sea-levels, with Alaska expected to remain the largest regional contributor to this effect up to the year 2100. Alaskan glaciers are particularly vulnerable to changes in the climate because they are often top-heavy (with more area at a higher altitude) and located on plateaus. In addition, these factors make Alaskan glaciers more prone to threshold behaviour, in which exceeding a tipping point could result in an irreversible recession. Longer-term records of Alaskan glacier change are needed to understand how climate change impacts these glaciers.

We used historical records, aerial photographs, 3D terrain maps, and satellite imagery to reconstruct Juneau Icefield glacier behaviour over the past 250 years. We observed steady glacier volume loss at a rate of approximately 0.65 km3 per year between 1770–1979. This rate accelerated to approximately 3 km3 per year between 1970–2010 and then doubled to 5.9 km3 per year between 2010–2020. This ice loss acceleration between 2010–2020 was accompanied by a glacial thinning rate 1.9 times higher than that from 1979–2000 and increased icefield fragmentation. This reduction in icefield accumulation area is contributing to a positive feedback loop, including increasing glacier disconnection and fragmentation. Lowering albedo occurs where surfaces such as darker rock are increasingly exposed, reducing solar reflectivity, and further contributing to the recession.

The findings suggest that a physical mechanism are contributing to this icefield moving towards an irreversible tipping point in glacier recession. This greater understanding of Alaskan glacier ice loss mechanisms could improve projections of near-future sea level rise.

How to cite: Davies, B., McNabb, R., Bendle, J., Carrivick, J., Ely, J., Holt, T., Markle, B., Nicholson, L., and Pelto, M.: Accelerating loss of Alaskan Glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5778,, 2025.

EGU25-7262 | Orals | CR1.1

Unified forward and inverse glacier modeling with IGM 

Guillaume Jouvet, Samuek Cook, Brandon Finley, Tancrede Leger, and Fabien Maussion

Modeling future glacier evolution is traditionally divided into two steps. The first step, known as inverse modeling, involves estimating "hidden" variables (such as distributed ice thickness) to ensure the model aligns with available observations, thereby reconstructing the current full subglacial and supraglacial states. The second step, forward modeling, uses the initial state derived from the inverse model and simulates its evolution under a given climate forcing. Despite advancements in data availability to constrain inverse modeling and improvements in the representation of physical processes, several challenges persist. These include artificial biases and uncertainties, such as the "initial shock" problem, which arises when ice flow and surface mass balance are not physically balanced. These issues stem largely from the difficulty of reconciling hypothesized physical equations with observational data, especially as the volume of available data increases.
Generalized automatic differentiation (the main tool that permits deep learning) and advancements in parallel computing present unprecedented opportunities to address these challenges. By enabling the exploration of large spaces of glacier states, these technologies make it possible to identify states consistent with both ice physics and observations -- an approach that is computationally infeasible with traditional data assimilation methods. More specifically, physics-informed deep learning is a powerful tool that has the capability to merge the two essential steps (data assimilation by inverse modeling, and forward modeling) into a single framework. In this framework, both observational data as well as physics are seen as constraints that can be enforced in a similar manner, allowing for the discovery of composite, consistent solutions. Most importantly, the intrinsic structure of neural networks makes them highly efficient for computational tasks on GPUs as needed for global modeling, where traditional CPU-based solvers suffer from computational bottlenecks.
This work reviews the latest advancements in the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM), a next-generation glacier evolution model leveraging automatic differentiation and physics-informed deep learning to simulate ice flow and topographical change. IGM, a Python-based framework, integrates ice thermomechanics, surface mass balance, and mass conservation while emphasizing user accessibility, modularity, and reproducibility. The model takes benefit of recent libraries and tools such as: i) TensorFlow for high computational efficiency on GPUs and effective data assimilation, ii) OGGM for enhanced data accessibility, and iii) Hydra for streamlined configuration management. We demonstrate IGM’s versatility through applications in paleo and contemporary glacier modeling. Finally, we illustrate the added value of merging inverse and forward modeling into a unified framework. This approach reduces uncertainties by bridging the gap between data and physics, addressing the persistent challenge of inferring spatially distributed ice thickness while ensuring alignment with observed ice flow.

How to cite: Jouvet, G., Cook, S., Finley, B., Leger, T., and Maussion, F.: Unified forward and inverse glacier modeling with IGM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7262,, 2025.

EGU25-7609 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

Changes in glacier dynamics during land-to-lake glaciers transition in Patagonian glaciers.  

Inigo Irarrazaval, Marcelo Somos-Valenzuela, Elizabeth Lizama, Bastian Morales, Pascal Egli, Ines Dussaillant, and Brian Reid

Glacier retreat and the transition from land to lake termini can accelerate mass loss through various feedback mechanisms. This study examines the dynamic changes during the land-to-lake transition of four neighboring glaciers (Exploradores, Grosse, Reichter and Gualas) located in the maritime-humid climate of the western Northern Patagonian Icefields, where ablation rates on glacier terminal tongues can reach up to 20 m w.e. annually.

We conducted the first bathymetric surveys on the glacier’s proglacial lakes and integrated data on ice velocity, elevation changes, front retreat, and front depth to identify the main controls on glacier retreat. Three transition stages were observed: (i) initial thinning with slow front retreat, (ii) increased glacier velocity and terminus flotation leading to rapid disintegration into large tabular icebergs, and (iii) formation of a stable calving front on prograde or <5º retrograde bedrock slopes, with a slowdown in velocity followed by smaller calving events. One debris-covered glacier left large sections of dead ice, while debris-free glaciers efficiently produced large tabular icebergs (>500 m).

While Grosse, Gualas and Reicher Glacier developed a calving front, Exploradores Glacier is currently in stage (i) to (ii), characterized by increased velocity and flotation. Identifying this stage is critical for Exploradores Glacier not only for glaciological interest, but also due to a rapid increase in lake area in the coming years, which will heighten the risk for tourists accessing the terminal glacier tongue, a major attraction visited by up to 9,000 tourists annually. Due to insufficient ice bedrock information to fully assess flotation conditions, we discuss the potential of using ice velocity (widely available nowadays through satellite), geometry and elevation changes to predict rapid retreat stages.

In the Patagonian Icefields, overdeepened areas currently covered by ice are expected to fill with water as glaciers retreat. Understanding the impacts and processes during glacial lake development will enhance the interpretation of paleo-records and predictions of glacier responses to climate change in future environmental systems.

How to cite: Irarrazaval, I., Somos-Valenzuela, M., Lizama, E., Morales, B., Egli, P., Dussaillant, I., and Reid, B.: Changes in glacier dynamics during land-to-lake glaciers transition in Patagonian glaciers. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7609,, 2025.

EGU25-10167 | Posters on site | CR1.1

Regional disparities and topo-climatic controls of glacier darkening across the European Alps since 2000 

Marco Möller, Rebecca Möller, and Christoph Mayer

Climate warming causes increased glacier ablation around the globe. This leads to decreasing surface albedos, which trigger positive melt-albedo feedbacks, fostering continuous glacier darkening whose intensity depends on glacier-specific, topo-climatic factors. Here, we present an analysis of regional disparities of glacier darkening across the European Alps over the period 2000-2023. We derive temporal means and trends of the summer albedo of 152 glaciers from the MODIS MOD10A1 snow product. Based on this data we introduce and calculate a new measure called "glacier darkening resilience", which combines albedo mean and trend to a theoretical time span needed for the albedo to reduce to zero. Our results reveal negative albedo trends on all glaciers (-0.037±0.012 per decade). On 112 glaciers, these trends are statistically significant. The Silvretta Alps are identified as the hot spot of Alpine glacier darkening, with a decadal albedo trend of -0.059 and a darkening resilience of 69.1 years. The Adamello-Presanella Alps, in contrast, show the highest darkening resilience (215.9 years) with a decadal albedo trend of just -0.021. We find that the mean glacier albedos are primarily governed by local climates, while their trends are rather influenced by topographic factors that differ between Western and Eastern Alps.

How to cite: Möller, M., Möller, R., and Mayer, C.: Regional disparities and topo-climatic controls of glacier darkening across the European Alps since 2000, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10167,, 2025.

EGU25-10188 | ECS | Orals | CR1.1

Impact of surface liquid water retention on glacier mass balance: application to Mera Glacier (Nepal) using SURFEX-ISBA-Crocus 

Audrey Goutard, Marion Réveillet, Fanny Brun, Delphine Six, Charles Amory, Xavier Fettweis, Kevin Fourteau, Matthieu Lafaysse, and Léon Roussel

Mountain glaciers are a major contributor to sea-level rise and serve as an important freshwater resource for many mountainous regions. Accurate mass balance estimates are therefore essential for predicting and managing the global and local impacts of climate change. In a warming climate, glaciers will experience increased liquid precipitation and melt, making it crucial to better understand and model the associated surface processes. In this study, we present a modelling approach developed to investigate the dynamic interaction between surface liquid water and glacier mass balance using the SURFEX-ISBA-Crocus model. As Crocus is primarily a snowpack model, some adaptations were necessary for its application to glacier environments. The research focuses on a specific process: the retention of liquid water at the ice surface, which affects both the mass and surface energy budgets.

Our implementation temporarily retains liquid water from melt or rain events when glacier ice is exposed at the surface. This water impacts the energy balance and can refreeze over time depending on meteorological conditions. To prevent over-accumulation, excess water is drained according to a predefined coefficient. This process has a significant impact on glacier properties, through the presence of liquid water at the surface and the production of refrozen ice, which directly affects the albedo and mass balance.

We applied this new development to Mera Glacier in Nepal to analyse its impact on point mass balance, mass fluxes such as melt and refreezing, and their seasonal variations. The case study highlighted the role of the liquid water reservoir in modulating the effects of melt and rain events. During the pre-monsoon season, the developed model showed greater mass loss due to surface liquid water, which enhanced warming rather than compensating through refreezing. In contrast, during the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, the behaviour shifted, with the developed version showing less negative mass balance as refreezing increased. The mean annual difference between the two model versions was 0.22m w.e. over the four simulated years, with a larger difference of 0.38 m w.e. observed in 2021-2022. Sensitivity tests on key parameters of the buffer model indicated that the differences are driven not only by the amount of liquid water retained, but also by a positive feedback on albedo, which strongly influences the energy balance.

To further validate and refine the method, future work will focus on comparing this modelling approach with observations and measurements.

How to cite: Goutard, A., Réveillet, M., Brun, F., Six, D., Amory, C., Fettweis, X., Fourteau, K., Lafaysse, M., and Roussel, L.: Impact of surface liquid water retention on glacier mass balance: application to Mera Glacier (Nepal) using SURFEX-ISBA-Crocus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10188,, 2025.

EGU25-10323 | ECS | Orals | CR1.1

Recent history and future demise of Jostedalsbreen, the largest ice cap in mainland Europe 

Henning Åkesson, Kamilla Hauknes Sjursen, Liss Marie Andreassen, Thomas Vikhamar Schuler, Thorben Dunse, Mette Kusk Gillespie, Benjamin Aubrey Robson, Thomas Schellenberger, and Jacob Clement Yde

Glaciers and ice caps worldwide are in strong decline, and models project this trend to continue with future warming, with strong natural and socioeconomic implications. The Jostedalsbreen ice cap is the largest ice cap on the European continent (500 km2 in 1966, 458 km2 in 2019) and occupies 20% of the total glacier area of mainland Norway. Here we simulate the evolution of Jostedalsbreen since 1960, and its fate in a changing climate in the 21st-century and beyond (2300). This ice cap contains glacier units with a great diversity in shape, steepness, hypsometry, and flow speed. We employ a coupled model system annually accounting for the mass-balance elevation feedback, with 3-d ice dynamics and simulated surface mass balance constrained by Bayesian inference. We find that Jostedalsbreen may lose 12-74% of its present-day volume, depending on future emissions. Regardless of scenario, the ice cap is likely to split into three parts during the second half of the 21st century. Our results suggest that Jostedalsbreen will likely be more resilient than many smaller glaciers and ice caps in Scandinavia. However, we show in simulations to the year 2300 that by the year 2100, the ice cap may be committed to a complete disappearance during the 22nd century, under high emissions. Under medium 21st-century emissions, the ice cap is bound to shrink by 90% until 2300. Further simulations indicate that substantial mass losses undergone until 2100 are irreversible. Our study illustrates a model approach for complex ice masses with numerous outlet glaciers such as ice caps, and how tightly linked future mass loss is to future greenhouse-gas emissions. Finally, uncertainties in future climate conditions appear to be the largest source of uncertainty in future evolution of ice caps like Jostedalsbreen.

How to cite: Åkesson, H., Hauknes Sjursen, K., Andreassen, L. M., Vikhamar Schuler, T., Dunse, T., Kusk Gillespie, M., Robson, B. A., Schellenberger, T., and Clement Yde, J.: Recent history and future demise of Jostedalsbreen, the largest ice cap in mainland Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10323,, 2025.

EGU25-10525 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

Insights from fieldwork on surge-type glaciers with GLOF potential in Gilgit-Baltistan: preliminary results from UAV surveys, GPR surveys, and meteorological measurements  

Pascal Egli, Ursula Enzenhofer, Ronja Lappe, Lukas Hillisch, Gohar Ayub, Zakir Hussain, Ghulam Raza, Jakob Steiner, and Yongmei Gong

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) are a recurring threat in the Karakorum of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Numerous surge-type glaciers in the region periodically advance at time intervals of around 10-25 years and dam up streams to create ice-dammed lakes. These lakes empty in sometimes catastrophic outburst floods one to three times a year for several years once an ice dam has formed. Although the downstream population is aware of the risk, early warning systems are being established by the government, and protection measures are being undertaken, even the most recent outburst floods, e.g. at Shishper Glacier, have caused significant damage to essential infrastructure such as the Karakoram Highway and local settlements.

In summer 2024 a team of four members of the GOTHECA project carried out fieldwork missions at 6 surge-type glaciers in the upper Hunza Valley and at two glaciers in Shigar Valley. We collected repeat UAV data on eight glaciers, UAV data of GLOF lake bathymetry for three locations, GPR data on three glaciers, temperature gradient data together with local students, and established a weather station in Shimshal Valley thanks to collaboration with partners from Pakistan. The aim of this data collection is to provide ground-truth for satellite data, to better understand the current state and characteristics of local surge-type glaciers, and to better quantify and model past and future GLOFs in Gilgit-Baltistan.

We present preliminary results from repeated UAV surveys and from some of the first GPR surveys on these surge-type glaciers in the upper Hunza Valley, providing insights about volumes of former and potential future ice-dammed lakes, ice dynamics, and thermal properties of glacier tongues. With air temperatures of nearly 30 degrees Celsius measured at the tongue of Yazghil Glacier at 3000 m.a.s.l. at noon in summer, daily melt rates were extremely high at more than 0.15 m/day, but the glacier tongue was advancing at several decimeters per day, indicating a potential onset of a surge. Radargrams for three surge-type glaciers indicate alternating zones of warm and cold ice, suggesting polythermal characteristics of these glacier tongues even when not actively surging.

How to cite: Egli, P., Enzenhofer, U., Lappe, R., Hillisch, L., Ayub, G., Hussain, Z., Raza, G., Steiner, J., and Gong, Y.: Insights from fieldwork on surge-type glaciers with GLOF potential in Gilgit-Baltistan: preliminary results from UAV surveys, GPR surveys, and meteorological measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10525,, 2025.

EGU25-11329 | Orals | CR1.1

Variable evolution of debris-covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia during the last several decades 

Tobias Bolch, Francesca Baldacchino, and Atanu Bhattacharya

Debris-covered glaciers (DCG) are common in most parts of High Mountain Asia (HMA). Existing studies show that DCG have been losing mass at similar or even higher rates than debris-free glaciers (DFG). However, the process driving the response of DCG to climate change are much more heterogenous than those of DFG. Understanding the evolution of DCG is further complicated by the development glacial lakes which have significant impacts on glacier dynamics.

To investigate the characteristics and development of the DCG a long time series of observations is beneficial. Here, we present the mass balance and surface evolution of selected DCGs located in different parts of HMA since the last 60 years using historical KH-4 and KH-9 stereo imagery and contemporary high-resolution stereo images such as Pléiades. In addition, we analyse their velocity changes since the 1980s using available data from ITS_Live and calculated annual and seasonal velocities from Sentinel-1 and 2 data.

Our results show that DCGs have slowed-down on average and the surface of DCGs have become rougher indicating the evolution of ice cliffs and supra-glacial lakes. Most DCG have large stagnant tongues, a reverse elevation change gradient at the distal part of the tongue and no visible signs of retreat (“Khumbu type”). In contrast, others show flow activity throughout the tongue and are retreating. Their surface elevation change gradient is similar to DFG (“Kangshung type”). The lake-terminating DCG are also active throughout, have the highest velocity at the end of the tongue and show the highest mass loss. We found topography to be one of the main drivers of heterogeneity. Work is ongoing to analyse various climate parameters to better understand the reasons for the heterogeneity and investigate the similarities and differences in the seasonal velocity of DCGs.

How to cite: Bolch, T., Baldacchino, F., and Bhattacharya, A.: Variable evolution of debris-covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia during the last several decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11329,, 2025.

EGU25-12624 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

The distribution of glacier surge behaviour in Svalbard and implications for understanding unstable ice flow 

William D. Harcourt, Danni M. Pearce, Wojciech Gajek, Harold Lovell, Andreas Kääb, Douglas I. Benn, Adrian Luckman, Richard Hann, Jack Kohler, Erik S. Mannerfelt, Tazio Strozzi, Rebecca McCerery, and Bethan Davies

Glacier surges are periods of significantly increased ice flow due to ice-dynamic feedbacks, in contrast to more conventional advances or other responses due to changes in mass balance. In the Arctic, a ring of surging glacier clusters can be found extending from Alaska-Yukon to Novaya Zemlya. The ‘Arctic ring’ encapsulates Svalbard, an archipelago with a long history of glaciological observations and consequently measurements of glacier surges. However, estimates of the number of surge-type glaciers across the archipelago range between 10% and 90% depending on the classification technique used. To better understand the causes, drivers and impacts of glacier surges in Svalbard, improved monitoring is required and new techniques developed to extend the observational record of active surge dynamics. In this contribution, we review the benefits and limitations of different approaches for monitoring and detecting glacier surges in Svalbard. We use this to compile a new database of surge-type glaciers in Svalbard, which also contains data on surge characteristics e.g. terminus change and velocity. We find that 36% of glaciers in Svalbard have displayed surge-type behaviour throughout our observational and landform record, rising to 51% when removing glaciers smaller than 1 km2. Of all the glaciers in Svalbard, only 9% have been directly observed to surge in Svalbard. Since the 2000s, satellite monitoring has enabled detection of most surges of glaciers with large catchments, and the launch of the Copernicus Sentinels in 2014 has further enhanced our monitoring capabilities. Current surge detection is based upon tracking the speed of glaciers over time, elevation changes, terminus advances particularly in historical data sets, and more recently automatically detecting surface changes related to a surge such as increased crevassing. Geophysical sensors are critical for observing subglacial conditions and further work is required to improve deployment strategies on heavily crevassed glaciers. Past surge behaviour can be inferred by employing a landsystems approach and using historical archives such as maps, photographs and field notes. Improvements in our ability to detect surges has started to reveal more complex surge dynamics that suggests the binary classification of a glacier as surge-type or not breaks down. This has implications for how we understand the mechanisms through which glaciers build up energy during quiescence which enables ice flow acceleration during a surge.

How to cite: Harcourt, W. D., Pearce, D. M., Gajek, W., Lovell, H., Kääb, A., Benn, D. I., Luckman, A., Hann, R., Kohler, J., Mannerfelt, E. S., Strozzi, T., McCerery, R., and Davies, B.: The distribution of glacier surge behaviour in Svalbard and implications for understanding unstable ice flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12624,, 2025.

EGU25-12993 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

Physical modelling of the retreat of Belvedere Glacier through the 21st century 

Paolo Dezuanni, Leonardo Stucchi, Davide Fugazza, Daniele Barbone, and Daniele Bocchiola

Belvedere Glacier, in Italy, is the Alpine glacier with the highest elevation jump, starting from the East Massif of Monte Rosa over 4,000 m a.s.l., and with an ablation area ending at ca. 1,900 m a.s.l. . The deep debris layer, which covers and insulates the tongue of the glacier is indeed the reason why it still persists at such low altitudes. The modelling of dark glaciers melt and dynamics is made difficult by the changing debris cover layer. Here, thanks to the measurements campaign on Belvedere Glacier of 2024, where we installed a climate station, several thermistors, and ablation stakes, we calibrated an energy balance model to mimic ice melt. We also assessed debris layer thickness by reversing energy balance model using infrared satellite images. Dynamics of the glacier was modelled using Glen flow law and GPR measurements of ice thickness. 
By coupling the energy balance model to Poli-Hydro hydrological model we were able to mimic the evolution of the glacier and the water resources of the area up to 2100 using 6 GCM from AR6.

How to cite: Dezuanni, P., Stucchi, L., Fugazza, D., Barbone, D., and Bocchiola, D.: Physical modelling of the retreat of Belvedere Glacier through the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12993,, 2025.

EGU25-13219 | Orals | CR1.1

Investigating the role of evolving basal motion in modulating global glacier change 

William Armstrong, Amaury Dehecq, Regine Hock, Fanny Brun, Olivier Gagliardini, Fabien Gillet-Chaulet, Adrien Gilbert, Florent Gimbert, Romain Millan, and Christian Vincent

Slip at the ice-bed interface (basal motion) dominates the flow of many glaciers, and it is uncertain whether this velocity component will increase or slow in a warmer world. Past results from an idealized flowline glacier model show that declining basal motion induces a two-phase response that initially accelerates glacier retreat in a warming climate on a multidecadal timescale but lessens centennial-scale retreat and mass loss. In the present work, we utilize existing field-collected and remotely-sensed constraints on ice thickness, ice surface velocity, and the change in each of these terms to constrain the current rate of basal motion and its change over the past ~40 years. We focus on the ~1500 global glaciers with higher density of field-based ice thickness measurements in the GlaThiDa dataset (>18 measurements points per glacier). Utilizing these ice thickness and surface velocity constraints, we employ a flow model to estimate the rate of basal motion as the residual between observed surface velocity and modeled ice deformation. We first estimate the contribution of varying basal motion to observed changes in surface velocity across the study glaciers.  We then estimate these glaciers’ retreat and thinning responses to changing velocity and compare these with the magnitudes expected from atmospheric warming, constrained by published point measurements, mass balance models, and snowline observations. These results will constrain the extent to which evolving ice dynamics have amplified or mitigated the response of global glaciers to climate change over past decades. Further, this knowledge will provide insight into the potential importance of varying basal motion on projections of future glacier change, with implications for global sea level rise as well as local water resource and ecosystem management.

How to cite: Armstrong, W., Dehecq, A., Hock, R., Brun, F., Gagliardini, O., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Gilbert, A., Gimbert, F., Millan, R., and Vincent, C.: Investigating the role of evolving basal motion in modulating global glacier change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13219,, 2025.

EGU25-13294 | Posters on site | CR1.1

Reconstructed glacier area and volume changes in the European Alps since the Little Ice Age 

Johannes Reinthaler and Frank Paul

Glaciers in the European Alps have experienced strong area and volume loss since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA) around the year 1850. How large these losses were was so far only poorly known, as published estimates of area loss were mostly based on simple up-scaling and alpine-wide reconstructions of LIA glacier surfaces were lacking. For this study, we compiled all digitally available LIA glacier extents for the Alps and added missing outlines for glaciers >0.1 km2 by manual digitizing. This was based on geomorphologic interpretation of moraines and trimlines on very high-resolution satellite images available from web-map services in combination with historic topographic maps and modern glacier outlines.

From this dataset we determined glacier area changes for all glaciers with LIA extents at a regional scale and reconstructed glacier surfaces with a Geographic Information System (GIS) to calculate (a) glacier volume changes for the entire region from the LIA until around 2015 and (b) total LIA glacier volume in combination with a reconstructed glacier bed. The glacier area shrunk from 4244 km2 at the LIA maximum to 1806 km2 in 2015 (-57%) and total volume was reduced from about 280±43 km3 around 1850 to 100±17 km3 (-64%) in 2015, roughly in line with previous estimates. On average, glacier surfaces lowered by 44 m from the LIA until 2015 (-0.26 m a-1), which is three-times less than observed over the 2000 to 2015 period (-0.82 m a-1) according to Hugonnet et al. (2021). Many glaciers have now only remnants of their former coverage left and at least 1938 glaciers melted away completely, which led to the deglaciation of entire mountain catchments.

The new datasets are made freely available to support a wide range of studies related to the determination of climate change impacts in the Alps. We will present the different input datasets and their uncertainties, the method applied to reconstruct glacier surfaces and the spatial variability of glacier area and volume changes in the Alps since the LIA.

How to cite: Reinthaler, J. and Paul, F.: Reconstructed glacier area and volume changes in the European Alps since the Little Ice Age, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13294,, 2025.

EGU25-15055 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

Enhancing Glacier-Climate Modeling: Integrating High-Resolution Climate Models for Improved Equilibrium Line Altitude Projections in the Alpine Glaciers 

Sobia Ayub, Carlo Camporeale, Luca Ridolfi, Erika Coppola, and Alberto Godio

Glacier-climate models are crucial for understanding and predicting climate change impacts on snow and glacier-fed regions. However, their accuracy depends heavily on the quality of climate input data. While general circulation models (GCMs) provide broad-scale insights, their coarse spatial resolution limits their ability to capture fine-scale climatic variability, especially in complex mountainous regions. We integrate high-resolution Regional Climate Models (RCMs) and Convection-Permitting Models (CPMs) into a glacier-climate coupled model namely Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) to improve equilibrium line altitude (ELA) projections for the glaciers of Aosta valley. We calibrate OGGM using the snow line altitude (SLA) dataset. SLA at the end of the ablation season is an indicator of climate change and a proxy to equilibrium line altitude (ELA). We compute SLA by incorporating satellite imagery of Landsat data for calibration period through image segmentation. K-Means Clustering is utilizing to divide the image into three classes: snow, ice and barren. By computing snow cover ratio across various elevations, the SLA is computed. The clustered classes are validated with manual segmentation while the SLA time series is by the dataset provided by the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS). Historical ELA is constructed based on the Historical Instrumental climatological Time series of the greater Alpine region (HISTALP) for the calibration period. The calibration period gives Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.69. We force the high resolution RCMS and CPMs for both the historical period (1985-2005) and future period (2006-2100). The reason is to validate the model for both periods and to analyze whether the provided models perform well in the historical period or not. The RCMs and the CPMs offer advantages over the GCMs by resolving finer-scale atmospheric processes, such as orographic precipitation and temperature gradients, crucial for accurate glacier modeling. Our results indicate that the RCM and the CPM  reduce biases in the ELA predictions, aligning more closely with observational data compared to GCM-driven simulations. These advancements highlight the transformative potential of high-resolution climate models in glacier research, offering more reliable projections of glacier mass loss, water resource availability, and climate-driven hazards in alpine regions.

How to cite: Ayub, S., Camporeale, C., Ridolfi, L., Coppola, E., and Godio, A.: Enhancing Glacier-Climate Modeling: Integrating High-Resolution Climate Models for Improved Equilibrium Line Altitude Projections in the Alpine Glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15055,, 2025.

EGU25-15883 | Posters on site | CR1.1

Evolution of the caldera-filling glacier at Volcán Sollipulli, Chile 

Jan Erik Arndt, Marcelo Somos, David Farías, Sofía Navas, Andrés Rivera, Hongjie Xie, and Alfonso Fernández

In the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (~33°S - ~46°S), glaciers occur only on the highest peaks of active volcanoes. Many of these glaciers, hence, are located within craters or calderas that have a bowl-shaped basal geometry atypical to other mountain glaciers. Volcán Sollipulli, located at about 39° S, hosts a massive glacier that fills a caldera (diameter of ~4 km), with a relatively flat surface elevation of ~2060 m in 2023/2024. Ground-penetrating radar data from 2013 suggested a maximum ice thickness of approximately 750 m, making it the deepest measured body of ice in Chile, north of the Patagonian Ice Fields, thus harboring a vast amount of freshwater. Glaciers in the southern Andes are undergoing unabated retreat, resulting in reduced freshwater storage, increasing contribution to sea-level rise, and leading to the formation of glacial lakes, which implies the potential risk of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs).

We present a glaciological study of the caldera Sollipulli glacier, investigating the glacier surface elevation over the last decades using remote sensing data and field measurements, and discuss potential effects of the atypical geometry on its future evolution. While the glacier was already losing mass in the 2000 – 2015 period, our results show a nearly two-fold increase in melt rates since then, resulting in more than 60-m glacier thinning during the 21st century. The increasing melt coincides with observations of late summer snow absence on the entire glacier. This indicates that the freezing level has risen above the maximum glacier surface altitude, leading to shrinkage of the accumulation zone to a minimum or its disappearance. In consequence, the surface-lowering induced melt-elevation feedback is now further enhancing mass loss, in addition to the increased climate forcing. The evolution of existing and new marginal glacial lakes is providing hints on glacier hydrology and provides insights on the potential future lake formation that could affect the glacier’s role as a freshwater reservoir and GLOF risk.

How to cite: Arndt, J. E., Somos, M., Farías, D., Navas, S., Rivera, A., Xie, H., and Fernández, A.: Evolution of the caldera-filling glacier at Volcán Sollipulli, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15883,, 2025.

EGU25-17699 | ECS | Orals | CR1.1

Modelling Cold Firn Evolution at Colle Gnifetti, Swiss/Italian Alps 

Marcus Gastaldello, Enrico Mattea, Martin Hoelzle, and Horst Machguth

The existence of cold firn and ice within the European Alps provides an invaluable source of paleoclimatic data with the capability to reveal the nature of anthropogenic forcing in Western Europe over the preceding centuries. Unfortunately, continued atmospheric warming has initiated the thermal degradation of cold firn to that of a temperate firn facie, where infiltrating meltwater compromises this vital archive. However, there is currently limited knowledge regarding the physical transition of firn between these different thermal regimes.

We present the application of a modified version of the spatially distributed Coupled Snow and Ice Model in Python (COSIPY) to the high-altitude glacierised saddle of Colle Gnifetti (4,450 m a.s.l.) of the Monte Rosa massif, Swiss/Italian Alps. Forced by an extensively quality-checked meteorological time series from the Capanna Margherita (4,560 m a.s.l.), with a distributed accumulation model to represent the prevalent on-site wind scouring patterns, the evolution of the cold firn’s thermal regime is investigated between 2003 and 2023. Our results show a continuation of previously identified trends of increasing surface melt at a rate of 0.54 cm w.e. yr −2, representing a doubling over the 21-year period. This influx of additional meltwater and the resulting latent heat release from refreezing drives englacial warming at a rate of 0.045 °C yr −1, comparable to in-situ measurements. Since 1991, a measured warming of 1.5 °C (0.046 °C yr −1) has been observed at 20 m depth with a marked inversion in the temperature gradient developing in the 15-30 m depth range. While this remains below the local rate of atmospheric warming (0.073 °C yr −1), in lower altitude regions (∼ 4,300 m a.s.l.) simulated warming is considerably greater suggesting a rapid transition from cold to temperate firn is occurring – potentially indicative of future conditions at Colle Gnifetti. However, uncertainty is high in this region as the simulation is particularly sensitive to changes to the model’s parameterisations – principally those controlling albedo and percolation – and crucially the length and simulated depth of the model spin-up.

Our research also greatly contributed to the development of the latest version 2.0 of the COSIPY model which includes critical bug fixes, the addition of new parameterisations and performance enhancements to benefit the wider modelling community.

How to cite: Gastaldello, M., Mattea, E., Hoelzle, M., and Machguth, H.: Modelling Cold Firn Evolution at Colle Gnifetti, Swiss/Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17699,, 2025.

Due to ongoing glacier shrinkage caused by anthropogenic climate change, Col de Tsanfleuron (2803 m a.s.l.) in the western Swiss Alps, a former ice pass separating two neighbouring small mountain glaciers (Glacier de Tsanfleuron and Glacier du Sex Rouge), became ice-free in September 2022. The question arose as to whether or not the pass had – until 2022 – always been ice-covered throughout the Holocene. Both bedrock lithology of the now ice-free pass and anthropogenic disturbance likely impedes the application of surface exposure dating to answer this question. Therefore, the glaciers’ evolution was modelled from 11.5 ka until 2100 CE using the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM). Model calibration was carried out based on available glacier mass balance data. Due to the different quality and spatiotemporal resolution of available climate data, two different model runs were performed for the past (one from 11.5 ka to 2000 CE, and a second one from the Little Ice Age maximum (1850) to 2020). In addition, the future evolution of both glaciers was modelled until 2100 using an ensemble of 10 different GCM-RCM model chains for three different RCP scenarios. The three model runs were initialised with reconstructed or observational data for glacier extent, surface elevation and ice thickness. Validation of the modelling results was performed based on known evidence of Holocene glacier fluctuations in the Alps as well as using available 1850-present glacier area and volume data.

Even though the modelled fluctuations of Glacier de Tsanfleuron and Glacier du Sex Rouge show high temporal coherence with known advance and retreat phases for other alpine glaciers, modelled glacier extents and volumes are larger for the entire Holocene compared to in-situ measurements in 2019. According to preliminary modelling results, Col de Tsanfleuron was likely ice-covered throughout the Holocene until 2022. These results partly contrast with other studies, suggesting for instance that in the Alps various summits at higher altitude had been ice-free during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (~10.2 to ~4.2 ka). On the other hand, there is evidence that individual small alpine glaciers persisted during the entire Holocene. Our modelling results are subject to various uncertainties, e.g. related to the initial glacier area, surface elevation and volume, related to the climate data sets used, or related to the melt parameters applied and the modelling approach itself. For the period 1850-2020, our model is able to realistically trace the glaciers’ evolution at high spatiotemporal scale. Modelling results for the future predict the ultimate disappearance of both glaciers. Glacier du Sex Rouge will have completely vanished by around 2040, whereas, depending on the modelled climate scenario, the latest remnants of Glacier de Tsanfleuron will disappear between 2060 and 2080.

How to cite: Schild, J., Fischer, M., and Jouvet, G.: Modelling the fluctuations of two small alpine glaciers (Glacier de Tsanfleuron and Glacier du Sex Rouge, western Swiss Alps) throughout the Holocene (11.5 ka – 2100 CE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18463,, 2025.

EGU25-20608 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.1

Adapting temperature-attribution methodologies to understand industrial-era glacier retreat 

Mira Berdahl, John Christian, Eric Steig, and Gerard Roe

Observed glacier melt is a hallmark of modern climate change, yet a comprehensive attribution of industrial-era glacier retreat to human-caused warming remains to be settled. This challenge stems from difficulties in accurately simulating individual glacier behavior, which depends on poorly constrained factors like local geometry and historical climate conditions.  Here, we adapt methodologies that have previously been applied to industrial-era temperature attribution, and apply them towards climate metrics of specific relevance to glacier mass balance. We use historical and natural-forcing-only simulations from the CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate-model archives, along with observational products of near-surface temperature (e.g. Berkeley Earth) to create a global map of anthropogenic melt-season temperature change. These temperature changes are translated into shifts in equilibrium line altitude (ELA), the boundary between a glacier’s accumulation and ablation zones.  By applying these ELA shifts to example glacier profiles that match known Little Ice Age extents, we estimate the changes in ablation area and rates resulting from anthropogenic activity.  This approach offers fresh insights on quantifying the impact of anthropogenic emissions on modern glacier retreat globally.

How to cite: Berdahl, M., Christian, J., Steig, E., and Roe, G.: Adapting temperature-attribution methodologies to understand industrial-era glacier retreat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20608,, 2025.

EGU25-200 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Glacier Blueprints: Deriving Spatial Surface Mass Balance from Remote Sensing at a Regional Scale with Machine Learning 

Maaike Izeboud, Lander Van Tricht, and Harry Zekollari

The surface mass balance (SMB) of glaciers represents the link between glaciers and their local climate. Quantifying the SMB is essential for calibrating glacier mass-balance models, improving our understanding of the glacier’s response to a changing climate, which affects freshwater availability, sea-level rise, and the risk of natural hazards, among others.

While the SMB cannot be measured directly from space, it can be derived from observations of elevation change, ice velocity, and ice thickness (gradients). Such approaches have been successfully applied in detailed studies of individual glaciers with high spatial and temporal data coverage. However, extending these efforts to regional or global scales present significant challenges due to inconsistent temporal data coverage, coarse spatial resolution, and large uncertainties linked to regional datasets. As a result, many regional glacier evolution models continue to rely on single glacier-wide average mass-balance estimates from long-term geodetic elevation change measurements for model calibration. However, this can lead to model overparameterization and equifinality problems, which are major sources of uncertainty in projections. With the advent of extensive remote sensing datasets and machine learning approaches, there is now an unprecedented opportunity to estimate spatial SMB patterns across glaciers, on regional to global scales.

In this study, we estimate spatial SMB patterns on glaciers in the Swiss Alps with a generalised approach that does not rely on high spatial coverage from in-situ measurements, but rather on datasets with a regional availability. More specifically, we use observational datasets of ice thickness and ice velocity fields derived from remote sensing to calculate the ice flux divergence and combine this with the continuity equation for ice thickness and observations of elevation change to estimate spatial SMB patterns. To optimize the calculation of the ice flux divergence, which relies on non-local ice flow behaviour, we employ a machine learning approach to determine the best filtering (smoothing) parameters for the spatial velocity and thickness gradients. The performance of the method is assessed by comparing SMB estimates with in-situ SMB values derived from stake measurements. This study aims at providing a scalable framework for estimating spatially resolved SMB patterns, with potential applications at the global scale.

How to cite: Izeboud, M., Van Tricht, L., and Zekollari, H.: Glacier Blueprints: Deriving Spatial Surface Mass Balance from Remote Sensing at a Regional Scale with Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-200,, 2025.

EGU25-943 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Glacier Flow Dynamics from Terrestrial Radar Interferometry: Grenzgletscher, Switzerland  

Julius Konietzko, Christian T. Wild, Leah S. Muhle, Reinhard Drews, and Elisa Mantelli

Alpine glaciers are analogues to remote polar ice streams and serve as accessible natural 
laboratories for understanding the key processes driving ice flow. Here, we capture temporal 
variability of surface velocities as a proxy for processes at the glacier bed using a terrestrial radar 
interferometer (GPRI, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer). We conducted two field 
campaigns in October 2023 and June 2024 to measure velocity variability over several days at a 
temporal resolution of three minutes. We focus on a steep icefall zone in which the onset of basal 
sliding is hypothesized. A common challenge in processing terrestrial radar data is the 
contribution of atmospheric turbulence to the measured interferometric phase. To reduce this 
effect, we stack 2653 (1420) one-hour interferograms for each of the two field campaigns. After 
stacking, displacement on fixed rock walls is minimal compared to the mean ice velocity. Across 
both time series, we captured velocity variability on daily as well as seasonal time scales. On the 
steep ice fall, mean velocity differences between the fall and spring campaigns show ~30% faster 
flow in the spring season, when more surface meltwater may lubricate the glacier bed leading to 
seasonally accelerated glacier flow. This research highlights the effectiveness and challenges of 
terrestrial radar interferometry and provides valuable information for understanding glacier 
dynamics in alpine environments.

How to cite: Konietzko, J., Wild, C. T., Muhle, L. S., Drews, R., and Mantelli, E.: Glacier Flow Dynamics from Terrestrial Radar Interferometry: Grenzgletscher, Switzerland , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-943,, 2025.

EGU25-3927 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Predicting Surface Mass Balance of Valley Glacier using Machine Learning 

Pragay Shourya Moudgil, Inger Bij de Vaate, Regine Hock, and Gregoire Guillet

The retreat of glaciers has received considerable attention due to its implications for water availability and hydropower generation, thereby raising significant concerns for both the environment and society. Consequently, understanding the impact of climate on glacier evolution has become essential. In the present study, we investigate the application of various Machine Learning/Deep Learning models, specifically Linear Regression, Neural Networks, XG Boost, and Random Forest, to predict surface mass balance across two geographically distinct regions: the Swiss Alps and Svalbard. We also compared and analyzed different input datasets, such as ERA5, ERA5-Land (higher resolution), and a downscaled climate dataset to understand the impact of selecting different climate datasets and spatial resolutions. The performance of these models is evaluated based on different combinations of input variables to ascertain their impact on prediction accuracy.

How to cite: Moudgil, P. S., Bij de Vaate, I., Hock, R., and Guillet, G.: Predicting Surface Mass Balance of Valley Glacier using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3927,, 2025.

EGU25-5164 | PICO | CR1.2

The second Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise 2025–26 – a Call for Data & Participation 

Michael Zemp, Noel Gourmelen, Livia Jakob, Samuel U. Nussbaumer, Ethan Welty, and Etienne Berthier

Melting glaciers are icons of the climate crisis and severely impact local geohazards, regional freshwater availability, and global sea levels. Well-constrained observations of glacier mass change and associated uncertainties are required to assess these downstream impacts and provide the baseline for calibrating and validating models for future projections. Previous assessments of global glacier mass changes were hampered by spatial and temporal limitations and the heterogeneity of datasets from different observation methods. The Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (GlaMBIE; set out to tackle these challenges through a community effort to collect, homogenise, combine, and analyse glacier mass changes from in situ and remote-sensing observations.

This presentation summarises the results and lessons learned from the first GlaMBIE (2022−24) and introduces GlaMBIE-2, which runs from 2025 to 2026. In GlaMBIE-2, we aim to compile additional mass-change estimates to broaden observational coverage from different methods, extend the data series back to 1992 to align with available ice-sheet estimates, and update the time series to 2025 to cover the latest developments. In addition, we are running pilot studies to better understand the apparent bias between digital elevation model (DEM) differencing and altimetry and to increase the spatio-temporal resolution of our estimates to further hydrological applications. We invite the research community to participate in this collaborative effort by contributing their expertise and glacier mass change data, whether from in situ observations, repeat mapping from optical imaging and radar interferometry, laser and radar altimetry, and gravimetry.

How to cite: Zemp, M., Gourmelen, N., Jakob, L., Nussbaumer, S. U., Welty, E., and Berthier, E.: The second Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise 2025–26 – a Call for Data & Participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5164,, 2025.

EGU25-6326 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Contributions of avalanches to glacier mass balance at the global scale 

Marin Kneib, Fabien Maussion, Guillem Carcanade, Fanny Brun, Daniel Farinotti, Matthias Huss, Marit van Tiel, Achille Jouberton, and Nicolas Champollion

On-glacier avalanches contribute to non-linear mass balance patterns and, by channeling snow from upper headwalls onto the glacier surface, can maintain glaciers at low elevations despite increasing temperatures. Here we combine a gravitational snow redistribution model estimating avalanching with the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) to quantify the current and future contribution of avalanches to glacier mass balance for all mountain glaciers in the world. The avalanche contribution is added as a multiplicative correction factor of solid precipitation per elevation band, and the resulting mass balance is calibrated against global-scale geodetic data based on DEM differencing. The avalanche model is evaluated against a set of remote sensing observations at various spatial scales, including flux inversions and avalanche deposit outlines from Sentinel-1, and the influence of avalanches is quantified using ensemble simulations with CMIP6 climate data until 2100.

The model results show that avalanches can contribute substantially to glacier mass balance, with a strong spatial variability between glaciers and regions. The region most affected is New Zealand, with 19% of the total snow accumulation originating from avalanches on average. At the glacier scale, this avalanche contribution shows a strong variability that depends on glacier area and slope. Some glaciers more than double their snow accumulation while others lose mass by avalanching, and accounting for this contribution leads to more local variability in the mass balance gradients. We find that, at the regional scale and for many individual glaciers, accounting for avalanching has little impact on the simulated future evolution of glacier volume. This is because the effect of avalanching is already implicitly taken into account in the calibration against glacier-specific geodetic mass balance. However, for individual glaciers, explicitly accounting for the effect of avalanches can substantially impact the projected evolution. This is especially relevant for small glaciers at low elevations that, in the model simulations, may survive several decades longer than they would otherwise. We also find indications that removal of snow by avalanching may lead to a higher sensitivity to warming, and therefore faster thinning of steep glaciers at high elevation.

How to cite: Kneib, M., Maussion, F., Carcanade, G., Brun, F., Farinotti, D., Huss, M., van Tiel, M., Jouberton, A., and Champollion, N.: Contributions of avalanches to glacier mass balance at the global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6326,, 2025.

EGU25-10102 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

DebDab: A database of physical properties of supraglacial debris 

Adrià Fontrodona-Bach, Lars Groeneveld, Evan Miles, Michael McCarthy, Thomas Shaw, Vicente Melo Velasco, and Francesca Pellicciotti

Rocky debris layers cover an increasing portion of glacier ablation areas as glaciers thin and retreat in response to climate change, progressively altering surface melt rates. However, determining the thickness and physical properties of supraglacial debris that are required for accurate representation of debris in glacier melt models is challenging, and measurements are scarce. Here, we provide an openly available dataset (DebDab, that compiles physical properties and thickness of supraglacial debris over 83 glaciers in 13 regions of the Randolph Glacier Inventory. The majority of the database (90%) is compiled from 172 sources in the literature, while the remaining 10% has not been published before. DebDab contains 8,286 data entries for supraglacial debris thickness, of which 1,852 include sub-debris ablation rates too, 167 data entries of thermal conductivity of debris, 157 of aerodynamic surface roughness length, 77 of debris albedo, 56 of debris emissivity and 37 of debris porosity. We show regional differences in the distribution of debris thickness measurements, as well as an uneven spatial coverage with well-sampled regions like Central Europe and South Asia, but gaps in the Andes and  Alaska. Additionally, debris thickness measurements are mostly concentrated at lower glacier elevations, leaving mid-glacier areas under-sampled, which may affect the dataset's representativeness. We also provide the most detailed scatter plot of debris thickness and ablation rates yet, with Østrem curves fitted for 19 glaciers, based entirely on observational data, and supporting the well-documented reduction in melt rates after the initial few centimetres of debris and the subsequent minimal reduction in melt rates for thicker debris. DebDab can be used in energy balance, melt and surface mass balance models by incorporating site-specific debris properties, or to evaluate remote  sensing estimates of debris thickness and surface roughness. It can also help future field campaigns on debris-covered glaciers by identifying undersampled regions, glaciers and properties. DebDab is open to new data submissions from the community as more data of supraglacial debris properties become available. 

How to cite: Fontrodona-Bach, A., Groeneveld, L., Miles, E., McCarthy, M., Shaw, T., Melo Velasco, V., and Pellicciotti, F.: DebDab: A database of physical properties of supraglacial debris, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10102,, 2025.

EGU25-11234 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Glacier elevation changes in the Semi-Arid Chilean Andes from Synthetic Aperture Radar 

Ellie Fox, Steven Palmer, Sally Rangecroft, Stephan Harrison, and Ernesto Schwartz-Marin

Globally, mountain glaciers are retreating under the effects of climate change. Many of these mountain glaciers are part of important water tower regions (Immerzeel et al., 2020), and their retreat threatens the water security of local communities and downstream catchments. In the Semi-Arid Chilean Andes, mountain glaciers are particularly important as water from precipitation is limited in this arid climate, which is currently experiencing a ‘mega drought’.   However, estimating the changing ice volume is challenging due to two key reasons. Firstly, a large proportion of the glaciers are small in extent and have a high degree of debris-cover, meaning the ice extent is challenging to measure using satellite remote sensing data. This is most pronounced in the case of rock glaciers, which are numerous in this region. Secondly, there are few in situ observations of ice thickness and extent to validate the multispectral remote sensing observations. Given this context, we present new observations of glacier elevation changes using derived from recently acquired Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) observations. This work aims to better understand how glacier mass balance in the Semi-Arid Chilean Andes affects water resources for downstream catchments, and we evaluate the applicability of the SAR data including ESA’s Sentinel-1 in this context. We use DEM differencing and radar backscatter analyses to study glacier changes in order to track retreat and estimate changing ice content. We will present the findings of this work and comment on the possible opportunities and limitations this approach offers.

How to cite: Fox, E., Palmer, S., Rangecroft, S., Harrison, S., and Schwartz-Marin, E.: Glacier elevation changes in the Semi-Arid Chilean Andes from Synthetic Aperture Radar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11234,, 2025.

EGU25-12435 * | PICO | CR1.2 | Highlight

Snow4Flow: A new NASA airborne mission to measure and model the state and fate of Arctic glaciers 

John W Holt, Joseph MacGregor, and Lauren C Andrews

Quantifying the ongoing retreat of glaciers and ice sheets – and projecting their futures – are major societal concerns due to their contribution to sea-level rise and influence on water resources, natural hazards, and associated socioeconomic impacts. However, our ability to confidently project glacier and ice-sheet mass change is often limited by a severe lack of  observations that reliably constrain both their input (snow) and output (flow) mass fluxes. To address these needs, in April 2024 NASA selected Snow4Flow as an Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS-4) mission. Snow4Flow will capture the spatial variability in snow accumulation and ice volume across 4 Arctic and near-Arctic regions that contain hundreds of rapidly changing glaciers to deliver more reliable, societally relevant projections of land-ice change. Our target areas are Alaska and far western Canada, southeastern Greenland, the Canadian High Arctic, and Svalbard. We will perform spatially extensive multi-frequency airborne radar-sounding surveys in March–May 2027–2029, in conjunction with ground-validation campaigns. Snow4Flow will drive foundational improvements to Northern Hemisphere land-ice boundary conditions and forcing data, including orographic precipitation patterns in alpine environments, ice thickness and subglacial topography, and will directly leverage them into state-of-the-art models and projections. All associated software, datasets and model outputs will be rapidly and openly distributed to enable both independent use and assessment, along with portability to other glacierized regions on Earth.

How to cite: Holt, J. W., MacGregor, J., and Andrews, L. C.: Snow4Flow: A new NASA airborne mission to measure and model the state and fate of Arctic glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12435,, 2025.

Monitoring glacier flow velocity on the Greenland Ice Sheet is crucial for understanding mass balance and assessing its impact on sea level rise. However, the present high temporal resolution velocity primarily derived from Sentinel-1 SAR data, often exhibit gaps during melt seasons due to daily freeze-thaw cycles on the ice surface. 

Here, we constructed a 6-day velocity time series from 2017 to 2021 for six outlet glaciers to comprehensively capture their velocity variations by combining Sentinel-1 and -2 data, including Petermann Glacier, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Helheim Glacier, Kangerlussuaq Glacier, Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier, and Zachariæ Isstrøm Glacier. The offset-tracking technique was applied to derive initial velocity time series from SAR and optical data separately, pairing each image with its three subsequent acquisitions. A least squares method based on connected components then calculates the time series for Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 separately, which were then fused using a weighted least squares method, with weights determined by RMSEs. 

Sentinel-2 data effectively filled the summer gaps of the glacier velocity time series that only generated with Sentinel-1 imagery (such as NSIDC-0766), improving the coverage rates by over 30% in summer. The filled gaps concentrated in the elevation range of 600-1400 meter for Petermann Glacier, Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier, and Zachariæ Isstrøm Glacier, while for Jakobshavn Isbræ, it was most prominent between 1000-1800 meter. The coverage increase for Helheim Glacier and Kangerlussuaq Glacier is most significant in the elevation of 1500-2000 meter. These improvements are primarily observed in the radar glacier zones of wet snow zone and the percolation zone, where daily freeze-thaw more frequently occurred, leading to decoherent of its surface backscattering. In contrast, improvements are less pronounced at the dry snow zone where no thawing occurs and ice crevasses distributed glacier terminus with abundant features for offset-tracking.

At the groundline, Petermann exhibited relatively stable flow, ranging from 1.17 to 1.20 km/yr. Jakobshavn Isbræ showed significant variability, peaking at 4.39 km/yr in 2019 before declining to 2.52 km/yr in 2021. Helheim displayed lower velocities, ranging from 0.15 to 0.26 km/yr, while Kangerlussuaq maintained consistently high flow rates of 4.16 to 4.57 km/yr. Zachariæ Isstrøm demonstrated a steady increase from 0.68 to 0.74 km/yr, and Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden showed minor variations, ranging from 1.14 to 1.17 km/yr. The velocity map gap filled by Sentinel-2 revealed quicker flow rates during the summer months, especially for Jakobshavn Isbræ, Kangerlussuaq, and Zachariæ Isstrøm , reaching up to 1.0 m/day, indicating a lower estimation of the glacier mass loss with the flux gate method. As for other outlet glaciers, Petermann Glacier, Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier and Helheim Glacier, the underestimation of velocity using only Sentinel-1 velocity time series was more pronounced further from the glacier terminus. Precision analysis shows the Sentinel-1 offset-tracking precision is approximately 10 times better than that of Sentinel-2, emphasizing the importance of weighted fusion when combining the datasets.

How to cite: Mao, Y., Li, G., and Chen, Z.: Integrating Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Imagery to Analyze Glacier Velocity Variability of Six Outlet Glaciers in Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15276,, 2025.

EGU25-16010 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Regional observation of glacier surges from space: monthly time series and application to physical theories. 

Luc Béraud, Amaury Dehecq, Fanny Brun, Adrien Gilbert, Laurane Charrier, Romain Hugonnet, and Prashant Shekhar

Glacier surges are spectacular events that lead to surface elevation changes of tens of meters in a period of a few months to a few years, with different patterns of mass transport. They can result in surface elevation changes of more than 100 m in a few months. Recent developments in remote sensing have enabled the estimation of glacier elevation change and surface velocity at monthly resolution. These two variables are crucial to constrain the physical mechanisms responsible for glacier surges.

In this work, we exploit a large archive of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) over 2000-2019 from the ASTER optical satellite sensor. The time series is filtered and homogenized to monthly elevations, in order to study surging glaciers in the Karakoram (Beraud et al., under review). This workflow implements a LOWESS method – locally weighted polynomial regression for filtering and a B-spline method ALPS-REML as elevation temporal interpolation. Additionally, we use ITS_LIVE glacier surface velocities, regularized to monthly dates using the temporal closure of the displacement measurement network (Charrier et al., 2022).

On the modelling side, Thogersen et al. (2019; 2024) theorised a surge propagation mechanism based on the rate and state approach of basal friction. They found that, first, a surge is triggered when a shear stress is reached over a sufficiently large area and, second, it exists relationship between the velocity of the surge front propagation and the sliding velocity. We then explore over about five glaciers the ability of the two datasets to test Thogersen's theory of surge initiation and propagation.



Beraud, L., Brun, F., Dehecq, A., Hugonnet, R., and Shekhar, P.: Glacier surge monitoring from temporally dense elevation time series: application to an ASTER dataset over the Karakoram region,, In review.

Charrier, L., Yan, Y., Koeniguer, E. C., Leinss, S., and Trouve, E.: Extraction of Velocity Time Series With an Optimal Temporal Sampling From Displacement Observation Networks, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1–10,, 2022

Thøgersen, K., Gilbert, A., Schuler, T. V., and Malthe-Sørenssen, A.: Rate-and-state friction explains glacier surge propagation, Nature Communications, 10, 2823,, 2019.

Thøgersen, K., Gilbert, A., Bouchayer, C., and Schuler, T. V.: Glacier Surges Controlled by the Close Interplay Between Subglacial Friction and Drainage, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129, e2023JF007 441,, 2024.

How to cite: Béraud, L., Dehecq, A., Brun, F., Gilbert, A., Charrier, L., Hugonnet, R., and Shekhar, P.: Regional observation of glacier surges from space: monthly time series and application to physical theories., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16010,, 2025.

EGU25-16727 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Spatiotemporal glacier dynamics over the Rulung and Gyama massifs, Ladakh (2000–2018): Influences of topographic and climatic factors 

Mohit Prajapati, Purushottam Kumar Garg, and Sandipan Mukherjee

Long-term observations of glacier dynamics are crucial for understanding past climatic shifts and assessing current glacier conditions. The Ladakh region, known for its high-altitude arid landscape, amasses about 40% of Indian glacier wealth, which is vital for local communities who rely on meltwater for their water needs. However, human-induced warming has accelerated glacier depletion globally, including in the Trans-Himalayas. Despite its importance, Ladakh remains underrepresented in glaciological research, highlighting the need for continued studies on glacier dynamics in the region. Glacier velocity and mass balance is interlinked with each other and is a manifestation of mass change in the glacier system. This study aims to present inter-annual glacier velocity over the Rulung and Gyama massifs of Karzok range, Ladakh using the global dataset i.e. ITS_LIVE which is available from 1980s to 2018, calculated using multiple satellite missions. Furthermore, mass balance calculations are performed to quantify changes in glacier mass. This study also evaluates the influence of both climatic and topographic factors on glacier dynamics. The Rulung and Gyama massifs contain 52 and 100 glaciers, respectively, covering total areas of 22.2 ± 1.4 km² and 44.9 ± 2.7 km². Notably, the glaciers in both massifs are relatively small, with average sizes of 0.39 km² for Rulung and 0.45 km² for Gyama. Consequently, the magnitude of glacier velocity is also low. The surface velocity of Rulung Glacier ranges from 0.37 ± 0.21 m/y to 8.17 ± 2.80 m/y, with an average of 2.33 ± 1.63 m/y. In contrast, the velocity of Gyama Glacier varies from 0.40 ± 0.11 m/y to 6.53 ± 3.32 m/y, with an average of 1.73 ± 0.70 m/y. Over the study period, the velocity across both massifs exhibited a decreasing trend, with an average slowdown of 0.05 m/y (31%) in Rulung and 0.01 m/y (8%) in Gyama. Both glaciers show a negative mass balance, with rates of -0.17 ± 0.03 m w.e./y for Rulung and -0.07 ± 0.01 m w.e./y for Gyama. The observed slowdown in glacier velocity and the associated mass loss can be attributed to sustained warming in the region and an erratic precipitation pattern, both of which primarily govern glacier dynamics. The decreasing velocity and negative mass balance are interlinked, as reduced flow rates often correlate with a loss of glacier mass, further accelerating the retreat and thinning of glaciers. Additionally, regional heterogeneity in velocity patterns can be explained by topographic factors, which exert a significant influence on glacier dynamics The overall decline in both glacier velocity and mass balance highlights the ongoing depletion of glaciers in the region, posing a substantial threat to water security and increasing the risk of natural hazards to communities living in close proximity to the glaciers. The study recommends timely attention towards depleting glaciers to better manage the important water resources. 

Keywords: Glacier changes, remote sensing, glacier mass balance, glacier velocity, climate change, Karzok Range, Ladakh Himalaya

How to cite: Prajapati, M., Garg, P. K., and Mukherjee, S.: Spatiotemporal glacier dynamics over the Rulung and Gyama massifs, Ladakh (2000–2018): Influences of topographic and climatic factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16727,, 2025.

EGU25-17436 | PICO | CR1.2

Long-Term Glacier Mass Balance Reanalysis Using Data Assimilation: Case Studies from Scandinavia 

Gregoire Guillet, Kristoffer Aalstad, Yeliz Yilmaz, and Regine Hock

World-wide glaciers are losing mass which affects global sea-level, river runoff, freshwater influx to the oceans, glacier-related hazards, and landscape changes, with implications for human livelihoods and ecosystems.

Robust glacier mass balance estimates at a high temporal and spatial resolution are hence essential to effective adaptation strategies. 

We outline a probabilistic formalism, based on a modified particle scheme, for using stake, glacier wide, and geodetic mass balance measurements to infer the parameters of a numerical glacier evolution model - the Python Glacier Evolution Model, PyGEM. The particle method iteratively estimates the posterior probability distribution of the dynamical glacier state vector  while successfully accommodating data gaps as well as model nonlinearity and non-Gaussianity.

Our method is tested on different glaciers representing a broad range of climatic conditions and glacial contexts across Scandinavia. 

The approach leverages the combined strengths of the numerical model’s glacier physics-based predictive capabilities with the observations’ direct representation of glacier conditions, providing a robust estimate of glacier mass balance and its associated uncertainties.

This study underscores the value of Bayesian data assimilation, offering a robust and computationally tractable tool for estimating past, current and future glacier changes with high spatiotemporal coverage.

How to cite: Guillet, G., Aalstad, K., Yilmaz, Y., and Hock, R.: Long-Term Glacier Mass Balance Reanalysis Using Data Assimilation: Case Studies from Scandinavia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17436,, 2025.

EGU25-18678 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Mapping glacier ice thickness in Chile 

Jorge Berkhoff, Johaness Fürst, Christian Sommer, David Farias, Marius Schaefer, Jose Luis Rodriguez, Jose Uribe, and Felipe Ugalde

Knowledge of ice thickness is essential for understanding past and predicting future changes of glaciers systems in response to climatic changes. Various methods exist on how to best estimate ice thickness from surface information in data sparse regions. These estimates are vital as they serve as starting point for future glacier evolution under different climatic scenarios.

These projections serve to determine future sea-level contribution or to inform adaptation or mitigation strategies required in response to glacier retreat.

Methods for mapping glacier ice thickness typically utilize surface information and combine it with the perfect plasticity assumption, mass-conservation or the stress balance to infer the unknown thickness distribution. In data sparse regions, estimates remain largely unconstrained and might deviate considerably not only on local scales.

Several maps of glacier ice thickness have been presented for Chile. Most of them however had global or at least a larger target region. So often site-specific measurements were not considered or at most for loose validation. This presents the first systematic effort to integrate local field measurements conduced by the Chilean Water Directorate (DGA) between 2012 and 2014 into an ice thickness reconstruction

These measurements of a constant basal shear stress (τy) at the ice-bedrock interface to infer ice thickness and subglacial topography. This approach avoids overly complex parametrization and is particularly well-suited for data-sparse regions. For this study, ice thickness was reconstructed using surface elevation, glacier outlines and extensive GPR measurements.

Validation results demonstrated achieving root mean square errir of 0.47 meters and a bias of 0.65 meter compared These findings underscore the importance of integrating local measurements with advanced modeling techniques to enhance the accuracy of ice-thickness maps in Chile.


How to cite: Berkhoff, J., Fürst, J., Sommer, C., Farias, D., Schaefer, M., Rodriguez, J. L., Uribe, J., and Ugalde, F.: Mapping glacier ice thickness in Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18678,, 2025.

EGU25-20803 | PICO | CR1.2

Surface mass balance modelling of the Alps constrained by geodetic and snow line observations 

Alexander Raphael Groos, Christian Sommer, Ilaria Tabone, and Johannes J. Fürst

Modelling the evolution of mountain glaciers in response to climate change is essential for accurate projections of global sea level rise and changes in the regional hydrological cycle. Glacier evolution and Earth system models applied at regional to global scales typically rely on simple temperature-index and snow accumulation models to describe spatio-temporal variations in glacier surface mass balance. The major advantage of temperature-index models over more complex energy balance models is their computational efficiency, the limited number of calibration parameters and the global availability of the required basic input data (i.e. air temperature and precipitation). However, temperature-index models based solely on an empirical relationship between melt and air temperature are not suitable for tropical and subtropical regions where incoming shortwave radiation and evaporation have a major control on the energy exchange at the glacier surface. In addition, several studies have shown that these models are oversensitive to air temperature variations and are not robust over time, so they need to be recalibrated for changing climatic conditions. This is problematic for forward modelling. Models of intermediate complexity, such as simplified energy balance models, are thought to be more robust over time and therefore more suitable for long-term modelling. The drawback of more complex models, however, is that they are more computationally expensive, require additional input data and have more degrees of freedom, making them prone to equifinality problems. Most glacier surface mass/energy balance models are now calibrated against geodetic observations available for basically any glacier worldwide. While these observations provide a consistent basis for model calibration, they do not allow the mass balance gradients to be constrained. This uncertainty can lead to large over- or underestimates of ablation and accumulation rates, with consequences for modelling glacier runoff and evolution. Here we present the results of a modelling experiment in which we compared the robustness and spatio-temporal transferability of two surface mass balance models of different complexity, constrained not only with geodetic but also with snowline observations automatically derived from Sentinel-2 data, for all monitored glaciers in the Alps. 

How to cite: Groos, A. R., Sommer, C., Tabone, I., and Fürst, J. J.: Surface mass balance modelling of the Alps constrained by geodetic and snow line observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20803,, 2025.

EGU25-21894 | ECS | PICO | CR1.2

Unveiling the role of the bedrock topography on glacier evolution in Patagonia 

Moritz Koch, Christian Sommer, Norbert Blindow, Johannes J. Fürst, and Matthias H. Braun

The Southern Patagonian Icefield has been observed to exhibit one of the highest mass loss rates globally. However, the individual glaciers within this icefield show significant variations in their contributions to these loss rates, both in terms of space and time. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the glaciers Perito Moreno, Viedma, and Upsala, the latter being the largest glaciers in Argentina with its adjacent basins. Since the climatic sensitivity of lake-terminating glaciers can be strongly influenced by the bedrock topography, we surveyed these three glaciers for the first time with a 25 MHz helicopter-borne radio-echo sounding system.  The data was then incorporated into an state-of-the-art reconstruction approach to derive basin-wide ice thickness information and, subsequently, information regarding the subglacial bedrock topography. This enables the investigation of the potential of future glacier retreat due to the role of buoyancy-driven glacier calving. Furthermore, we analyzed the elevation changes from 2000 to 2024 based on SRTM and TanDEM-X microwave satellite data, the surface velocity evolution of these glaciers, and incorporated bathymetric measurements.

How to cite: Koch, M., Sommer, C., Blindow, N., Fürst, J. J., and Braun, M. H.: Unveiling the role of the bedrock topography on glacier evolution in Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21894,, 2025.

EGU25-3010 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

The detection of long-term changes in the glacial firn line using L-Band SAR 

Kenshiro Arie and Takeo Tadono

The rapid shrinkage of glaciers in recent years is a result of global warming. Long-term, worldwide observations of glacier mass balance—excluding the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets—based on satellite data indicate that estimated mass loss between 2000 and 2019 accounts for about 21 ± 3% of observed sea-level rise (Hugonnet et al., 2021). The retreat of glaciers is expected to have major environmental and social impacts; therefore, predicting future glacier responses to a changing climate is crucial for anticipating and mitigating these impacts (Bolibar et al., 2022).

One way to quantify glacier responses to climate change is by monitoring the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) (e.g., Zemp et al., 2007). The ELA is defined as the spatially averaged altitude on the glacier surface where the climatic mass balance is zero at a given time. Moreover, it represents the lowest boundary of climatic glacierization (Ohmura et al., 1992). Hence, analyzing changes over time in glacier ELA is important for predicting future glacier behavior. However, field-based ELA observations (the glaciological method) are limited to only a few hundred glaciers due to the considerable labor and time required. It is also possible to detect the ELA using optical satellite images (Rastner et al., 2019), but these observations are often restricted at the end of the snowmelt season by cloud cover or the polar night.

In contrast, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is largely insensitive to weather conditions and can observe glaciers regardless of solar illumination or cloud cover. Additionally, glacier zones (such as firn, superimposed ice, and ice) could be distinguished using SAR images (Barzycka et al., 2023). The lower boundary of the firn area is referred to as the firn line. In temperate glaciers without superimposed ice, the altitude of the newly formed annual firn line can be considered equivalent to that year’s ELA. However, the firn line does not exhibit strong year-to-year variability because the previous year’s firn remains in place. Instead, multiple consecutive years of negative (or positive) mass balance will cause the firn line to retreat (or advance). Consequently, firn line variations tend to smooth out annual fluctuations, revealing long-term trends of ELA (König et al., 2002).

In this study, we investigated long-term changes in the firn line altitude (FLA) of two temperate glaciers (Taku glacier, Kesselwandferner) with extensive ELA observation records using a time series of L-band SAR images (JERS-1, ALOS, and ALOS-2). We then compared the SAR-derived FLA with ELA recorded in the long-term. The results indicate that the FLA is consistent with long-term ELA changes, suggesting that the SAR-derived FLA effectively captures the long-term trends in glacier ELA.

How to cite: Arie, K. and Tadono, T.: The detection of long-term changes in the glacial firn line using L-Band SAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3010,, 2025.

Temporal variations of glacier velocity estimation are essential to understanding glacier dynamics and predicting glacier hazards. Therefore, in the current study, the continuous glacier velocities were estimated from 2014 to 2023 in the Nathorstbreen Glacier System (NGS), Svalbard, where a recent surge event was observed. Also, the study identified and quantified the factors controlling variations in annual glacier velocity. Using Landsat 8 OLI imageries, Cossi-corr, an advanced Fourier-based image-matching tool, was utilized to estimate the velocity of the NGS. After that, a multivariate regression analysis preceded by the backward stepwise selection method to identify the controlling factors of annual glacier velocity variations, considering temperature, precipitation, snowfall, and terminus fluctuations. The result indicates that the highest and lowest average yearly velocity of NGS was observed in 2021 and 2018 with a magnitude of 0.86 ± 0.11 m/day and 0.34 ± 0.18 m/day, respectively. An overall decline in velocity was observed between 2014 and 2018, followed by a resurgence between 2020 and 2022 and a final decline in 2023. The terminus of the glaciers show retreat and advancement annually, with an overall retreat of 2.9 km through the study period. Terminus fluctuations were identified as a key driver of annual glacier velocity, with a strong correlation between terminus movement in one year and velocity changes in the next. A 100-meter retreat increased the following year’s yearly velocity by around 9.2 meters, whereas a 100-meter advancement of terminus slowed down the following year's velocity with the same magnitude.

How to cite: Kim, H.-C. and Guha, S.: Temporal Glacier Velocity Variations and Their Controlling Factors in the Nathorstbreen Glacier System, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3886,, 2025.

EGU25-4317 | ECS | Orals | CR1.3

Investigating seasonal velocity variations of debris-covered and debris-free glaciers in High Mountain Asia 

Francesca Baldacchino, Tobias Bolch, and Whyjay Zheng

Glacier flow is a sensitive indicator of mass balance and dynamics. Monitoring changes in glacier flow at high temporal resolutions enables understanding of the glacier’s sensitivity to short term climate variability. Previous studies have found that the glaciers in High Mountain Asia (HMA) are in tendency slowing down concomitant to losing mass at an accelerating rate. However, only few investigated seasonal velocity variations and the difference between debris-covered and debris-free glaciers flow dynamics. We focus on four debris-covered and four debris-free glaciers across HMA, which have different climates, glaciological, topographic and terminating environments. The four debris-covered glaciers include Kekesay, Satopanth, Khumbu and Xibu glaciers. The four debris-free glaciers include Tuyuksu, Abramov, Petrov and Yanong glaciers. Sentinel-1 and -2 images were selected to calculate the glacial velocities using the feature tracking module provided by CARST (Cryosphere And Remote Sensing Toolkit) (Zheng et al., 2021). We then developed a novel statistical method to extract the seasonally resolved glacial velocity time series. We found clear seasonal signals in the velocities for some of the glaciers and suggest that changes in the subglacial drainage system are driving the seasonal variations in velocities. This mechanism will likely continue in the future due to increased surface melt rates and changes in precipitation patterns across HMA. We also highlight that icefalls may alter the glaciers dynamics by blocking the development of subglacial drainage channels, and thus seasonal propagation of velocities. Our novel methodology enables further understanding of short term dynamics of debris-covered and debris-free glaciers, which is crucial to capture in order to study the response of glaciers today, and in the future to climate change in HMA.


Zheng, W., Durkin, W. J., Melkonian, A. K., & Pritchard, M. E. (2021, March 9). Cryosphere And Remote Sensing Toolkit (CARST) v2.0.0a1 (Version v2.0.0a1). Zenodo.

How to cite: Baldacchino, F., Bolch, T., and Zheng, W.: Investigating seasonal velocity variations of debris-covered and debris-free glaciers in High Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4317,, 2025.

EGU25-5279 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Seismicity of Denman Glacier: Constraints on Geometry and Dynamics 

Tobias Stål, Anya M. Reading, Niam Askey-Doran, Sue Cook, Jakob Gradl, Thomas Hudson, Ian Kelly, Bernd Kulessa, Shyla Kupis, Mareen Lösing, Jared Magyar, Maria Constanza Manassero, Matthias Scheiter, Kate Selway, Sarah Thompson, and Ross Turner

Denman Glacier is one of the largest outlet glaciers in Antarctica. Despite its potential significance for sea level change, its geometry and dynamics remain poorly constrained, making predictions of its response to the changing climate challenging. Seismic signals arise from internal stress and interaction with the subglacial landscape, however, seismic methods are still an often underutilised tool for investigating glacial characteristics. In fact, seismology provides one of the few tools for directly observing the processes and properties that control outlet glacier stability and flow.


We present an overview of the seismic data acquired from a transect across Denman Glacier during the Denman Terrestrial Campaign (2023/24). The transect is located 50 km upstream from the grounding line, where the glacier is 13 km wide, and modelling studies suggest a very deep subglacial trough.  


We employ a combination of passive and active seismic techniques to study the glacier’s geometry, internal structure, and dynamics. Our findings reveal constraints on the glacier's geometry, providing an independent view of the depth extent of the main trough. The recorded seismicity also offers preliminary insights into the glacier's dynamics, the baseline for the monitoring of changing environmental forcing.

How to cite: Stål, T., Reading, A. M., Askey-Doran, N., Cook, S., Gradl, J., Hudson, T., Kelly, I., Kulessa, B., Kupis, S., Lösing, M., Magyar, J., Manassero, M. C., Scheiter, M., Selway, K., Thompson, S., and Turner, R.: Seismicity of Denman Glacier: Constraints on Geometry and Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5279,, 2025.

EGU25-5481 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

The glacier geodetic mass balance and its hydrological contribution to runoff in the Yarlung Zangbo-Brahmaputra basin 

Nauman Ali, Qinghua Ye, Lan Cuo, Xueqin Zhang, Yafan Hu, Xinhui Ji, Wang Lei, Wang Junbo, and Zhu Liping

The High Mountain Asia (HMA) hosts the most significant number of glaciers outside the polar region, called the "Third Pole."  Glacier meltwater is vital for 1.5 billion inhabitants in the HMA. The Yarlung Zangbo–Brahmaputra (YB), a transboundary river flowing from China through India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal supporting more than 80 million people, is fed by over 15,000 pieces of glaciers. However, glacier melt contribution to the runoff in the YB by sub–basins is still unclear. In this study, we presented an updated glacier inventory for debris–free glaciers in the YB for 2020, calculated geodetic mass balance by glacier surface elevation difference, using NASADEM and GLO30 DEMs from 2000 to 2013, laser altimetry data from ICESat–2 from 2018 to 2023, and available elevation difference datasets from 2000 to 2020. Additionally, we studied nine individual glaciers to verify our geodetic glacier mass balance results with available in–situ observations and to better understand the glacier dynamics in the basin. Our study shows that (1) the glacier area decreased from 12,638.3±758.3 km2 in the 1970s to 9,081±12.09 km2 in 2020, with a loss of 28.15% of debris–free glacier area at –0.56 % a–1 in the past fifty years; (2) glacier mass balance (GMB) was –0.49 ± 0.02 m w.e.a–1 from 2000 to 2013, with glacier mass change (GMC) at –4.61 ± 0.41 Gt a–1; (3) based on ICESat–2 and GLO30 from 2013 to 2023, the GMB was –0.47 ± 0.02 m w.e.a–1, and GMC was –4.44 ± 0.38 Gt a–1; (4) the GMB was consistently negative in the YB from 2000 to 2020 at five–year intervals, with –0.36 m w.e.a–1 (–3.95 Gt a–1) in 2000 – 2005, and –0.64 m w.e.a–1 (–7.07 Gt a–1) in 2015 – 2020; (5) the GMB contribution to runoff increased from 0.05 % a–1 during 2000 – 2005 to 0.86 % a–1 during 2015 – 2020, with an average of 0.59% a–1 in the YB from 2000 to 2023.

How to cite: Ali, N., Ye, Q., Cuo, L., Zhang, X., Hu, Y., Ji, X., Lei, W., Junbo, W., and Liping, Z.: The glacier geodetic mass balance and its hydrological contribution to runoff in the Yarlung Zangbo-Brahmaputra basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5481,, 2025.

EGU25-6055 | Posters on site | CR1.3

Complex evolving elevation change pattern of Jakobshavn Isbræ during 2003-2023 

Shfaqat Abbas Khan, Danjal Berg, Gong Cheng, Mathieu Morlighem, Valentina Barlatta, Helene Seroussi, and Javed Hassan

The surface elevation of the Greenland Ice Sheet undergoes continuous changes driven by the interaction of surface mass balance processes and ice dynamics, each displaying distinct spatial and temporal characteristics. In this study, we utilize satellite and airborne altimetry data with high spatial (1 km) and temporal (monthly) resolution to examine these changes from January 2003 to August 2023. Our analysis highlights the complex and evolving elevation change patterns of Jakobshavn Isbræ (JI). Specifically, we document thinning near the JI terminus from 2003 to 2015, followed by thickening of approximately 25 meters between 2015 and 2018, thinning of around 20 meters from 2018 to 2022, and slight thickening during 2022–2023.

To validate these findings, we compare surface elevation changes derived from satellite and airborne altimetry with GPS observations from bedrock-based monitoring stations near the JI margins. These GPS stations capture bedrock displacement due to ongoing land uplift in response to current ice mass changes, with the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) signal removed. The GPS data, providing continuous daily estimates of mass changes, corroborates the intricate and evolving elevation change patterns observed in JI.

How to cite: Khan, S. A., Berg, D., Cheng, G., Morlighem, M., Barlatta, V., Seroussi, H., and Hassan, J.: Complex evolving elevation change pattern of Jakobshavn Isbræ during 2003-2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6055,, 2025.

EGU25-6229 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Seismic reconnaissance of firn structure in Denman Glacier region, East Antarctica 

Shyla Kupis, Tobias Stål, and Anya Reading
The Denman Terrestrial Campaign (DTC, 2023/24) enabled investigations of firn and ice structures for various settings in a fast-changing
but little-studied region in coastal Queen Mary Land. Ice coring can inform many aspects of the firn structure; however, the spatial coverage is limited, and operational costs are high. Seismic surveying provides a noninvasive approach to recover firn depth and structure over wider areas and gain complementary insights. Three-component seismic geophones were strategically co-located with other ground-based geophysical methods and ice drill campaigns using the Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID). We are integrating our seismic observations with these additional datasets to cross-validate our firn depth estimates and to explore the ability of seismic methods to characterise firn in future seasons.
During DTC, seismic reconnaissance was carried out at sites along the edge of the continental ice sheet with distinct glacial and climate systems that affect firn-ice formation and layering. We explore an inverse ray tracing algorithm and analytical workflow that uses seismic velocities from refracted waves to provide firn depth estimates and insight into firn processes. In particular, we provide a synthetic study to show how well both methods resolve boundaries and inclusions in the firn, like ice slabs, and if we can expect to find them in the DTC seismic data. We then compare seismic velocity profiles between sites to infer if there are any differences in their firn properties and underlying physical processes. 

How to cite: Kupis, S., Stål, T., and Reading, A.: Seismic reconnaissance of firn structure in Denman Glacier region, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6229,, 2025.

EGU25-7485 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Rising Lake Levels Across High Mountain Asia 

Javed Hassan, Karina Nielsen, William Colgan, Rijan Kayastha, Mira Khadka, and Shfaqat Khan

High-altitude lakes across High Mountain Asia (HMA) are one of the critical freshwater reservoirs and sensitive indicators of climate change due to their remote locations and limited human disturbances. However, the ongoing climate change and enhanced glacier melt represent a substantial risk of outburst floods. We present an updated estimate of changes in water level of 239 lakes across HMA from 2010 to 2023 using satellite altimetry data from the CryoSat-2 mission. Examining lake levels, we observe a decline until 2015, followed by a rapid increase until 2023. About 42% of the lakes located above 4000 m a.s.l. are within glaciated catchments. Increased lake levels are particularly notable in glaciated catchments by 0.22 ± 0.01 m a-1, which is slightly faster than those in non-glaciated catchments (0.17 ± 0.01 m a-1). Elevated lake levels in glaciated catchments enhance the risk of glacial outburst floods.

How to cite: Hassan, J., Nielsen, K., Colgan, W., Kayastha, R., Khadka, M., and Khan, S.: Rising Lake Levels Across High Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7485,, 2025.

EGU25-9169 | Posters on site | CR1.3

Losing the accumulation zone: Exploring albedo and ablation in the summit region of Gepatschferner, Austria 

Lea Hartl, Federico Covi, Martin Stocker-Waldhuber, Anna Baldo, Davide Fugazza, Biagio DiMauro, and Kathrin Naegeli

Glacier albedo is a key driver of glacier energy and mass balance. In recent years, multi-annual firn and summertime snow cover has decreased on Alpine glaciers, exposing larger areas of ice at increasingly high elevations. This reduces glacier albedo and contributes to feedback mechanisms that lead to increased melt. To understand and better predict mass loss in former accumulation areas under conditions of rapid glacier recession, it is important to constrain the possible range of ice albedo that occurs in these newly snow and firn free regions, the duration of ice exposure, and the correlation and causal connection of these factors with ablation at point and glacier scales. Using a unique dataset from an on-ice weather station (3492 m.a.s.l.), ablation stakes, and remote sensing derived albedo, we provide a quantitative overview of albedo and ablation in the summit region of Weißseespitze, the high-point of Gepatschferner (Austria) from 2018 to 2024. We contextualize the observational data with modeling experiments quantifying the sensitivity of surface mass balance to the observed albedo. In the continuous time series of in situ albedo, the seasonal minimum is reached between late July and early September. From 2018 to 2021, minimum albedo values were about 0.30. In 2022, 2023, and 2024 the minima were considerably lower at 0.16-0.17. Prior to 2022, albedo dropped below 0.4 on 3 to 8 days per year. In 2022, 37 days of low albedo conditions (<0.4) were recorded. Ice ablation at the stakes generally increased with increased duration of ice exposure and ranged from zero ablation in years with mostly continuous summer snow cover (e.g. 2020) to more than -1.5 m w.e. in high-melt years like 2022 and 2024. Sentinel-2 derived albedo captures the range and variability of albedo measured in situ well and shows that ice albedo near the summit of Weißseespitze dropped to values similar to those of the surrounding rock in 2022. For average July-September conditions, an albedo decrease from 0.4 to 0.15 results in 10-15 mm w.e. of additional modeled surface melt per day. The impact of ice exposure on melt varies seasonally, with highest sensitivities early in the season. A five day period of very low albedo conditions (<0.2) results in 26% more modeled surface melt if it occurs in late July compared to early September. The albedo decrease at the AWS since 2022 may be related to the exposure and melting of impurity rich firn and ice layers and the accumulation of impurities at the surface, increased presence of meltwater, and the state of the weathering crust. Our extensive dataset sheds light on upcoming changes to be expected at the highest elevations of alpine glaciers in many regions worldwide and provides a starting point for further studies aimed at linking cause and effect of ice albedo variability across scales.

How to cite: Hartl, L., Covi, F., Stocker-Waldhuber, M., Baldo, A., Fugazza, D., DiMauro, B., and Naegeli, K.: Losing the accumulation zone: Exploring albedo and ablation in the summit region of Gepatschferner, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9169,, 2025.

EGU25-9212 | ECS | Orals | CR1.3

Six decades of satellite remote sensing reveal widespread glacier pulsations in the Hissar-Alay (Central Asia) 

Enrico Mattea, Martina Barandun, Atanu Bhattacharya, Amaury Dehecq, Sajid Ghuffar, and Martin Hoelzle

Central Asia hosts a high density of surge‑type glaciers (locally known as pulsating), which exhibit heterogeneous surge characteristics and poorly understood driving mechanisms. Historical monitoring of glacier dynamics in the region is scarce, particularly in the transitional area of the Hissar‑Alay (Pamir-Alay): there, as few as five surging glaciers are reported in existing inventories since the 1970s, and only the Abramov glacier pulsation of 1972 was studied in situ. However, a high prevalence of pulsating glaciers was postulated by Glazirin and Schetinnikov (1980), who used a Bayesian classification model of glacier morphology to predict around 200 occurrences in the Hissar‑Alay – almost 25% of the investigated sample.

Here, we systematically investigate pulsating behavior of glaciers in the Hissar-Alay, using a newly compiled dataset of optical satellite imagery from 1964 to present. We include data from film-based reconnaissance satellites (Key Hole program), SPOT 1 to 7, RapidEye, and Pléiades: these provide superior spatial resolution and temporal coverage compared to the commonly used Landsat and ASTER datasets.

Our analysis reveals asynchronous terminus advances and surge‑like patterns of ice thickness, within an overall context of mass loss. These findings confirm the occurrence of widespread glacier pulsation in the region, despite challenges in the differentiation of actual surge events from glacier advances. We note that existing inventories of surge-type glaciers are highly incomplete and biased towards larger glaciers. The model of Glazirin and Schetinnikov (1980) accurately predicted pulsating behavior at several previously unobserved glaciers; however, we also find a comparable number of misclassifications (both false positive and false negative), confirming that glacier morphology is an imperfect predictor of surging behavior.

Pulsations can induce rapid changes in glacier geometry and surface properties: these may undermine representativity of the computed glacier‑wide mass balance trends, including at reference glaciers like Abramov. Frequently updated topographic data are essential for large-scale modeling and geodetic studies in the region. However, even at pulsating glaciers, point measurements of mass balance remain valuable for calibration and validation of energy and mass balance models. Further investigation of spatio-temporal patterns of the found glacier pulsations will contribute to a better understanding of the drivers of surge behavior in Central Asia.

How to cite: Mattea, E., Barandun, M., Bhattacharya, A., Dehecq, A., Ghuffar, S., and Hoelzle, M.: Six decades of satellite remote sensing reveal widespread glacier pulsations in the Hissar-Alay (Central Asia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9212,, 2025.

EGU25-9239 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Glacier surface temperature warming in the Himalaya-Karakoram: Implications for glacier mass loss 

Arindan Mandal and Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma

Over the past two decades, glaciers in the Himalaya-Karakoram (HK) region have exhibited heterogeneous but accelerated mass loss. Factors driving this loss, such as atmospheric warming and snowfall variability, have been extensively studied by analyzing precipitation and air temperature data, often derived from meteorological reanalysis data. However, reanalysis data such as ERA5 exhibit significant biases and uncertainties, resulting in large spread in glacier mass balance estimates across studies. To address this, we propose to use thermal remote sensing data from the MODIS satellite, which provides glacier surface temperature (GST) at an 8-day temporal and 1 km spatial resolution.

This study leverages 24 years (2000–2024) of MODIS land surface temperature data to analyze GST characteristics, seasonality, and trends across HK subregions. Since temperature modulates glacier mass balance, remote-sensing-based GST is likely to be a superior dataset for mass balance modelling. We demonstrate this by obtaining a strong correlation (r: -0.47; p-value: 0.02) between GST and mass balance for ~6000 glaciers in the HK region. We also show that MODIS-derived GST outperforms ERA5 surface temperature when validated against in-situ surface temperature data measured on glaciers (R2: 0.88, RMSE: 3.57 °C vs. R2: 0.38, RMSE: 8.01 °C).

Our analysis of the spatiotemporal behaviour of GST reveals that during the ablation season, GST has been increasing at an average rate of +0.25 °C dec-1across the HK region, with the Eastern Himalaya experiencing the highest warming (+0.44 °C dec-1). Ablation months, August and September, exhibit more pronounced GST warming compared to other months. Comparisons between the decadal averages (2001-2010 vs. 2011-2020) indicate a marked increase in GST, on average +0.18 °C higher in the second decade across the HK subregions, with the Karakoram showing a threefold higher warming rate than others. Altitudinally, GST warming is strongest in mid-glacier areas (4300-5300 m), predominantly clean-ice zones, which warmed +0.30 °C more than debris-covered areas.

In the Eastern Himalaya, rising GST has significantly increased the annual positive GST area ratio (fraction of glacierised area with > 0 °C GST) by ~3% of total glacierised area, contributing to the region's steeper glacier mass loss than other subregions. Overall, the Eastern Himalaya stands out as a hotspot for GST warming, with significant increases annually, during the ablation season, and across altitudinal zones, making it highly vulnerable to persistent and accelerated glacier mass loss.

This study highlights the utility of satellite-derived GST for assessing glacier thermal states and their mass loss characteristics, offering valuable insights into glacier-surface-atmosphere interactions.

How to cite: Mandal, A. and Vishwakarma, B. D.: Glacier surface temperature warming in the Himalaya-Karakoram: Implications for glacier mass loss, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9239,, 2025.

EGU25-9283 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Active subglacial lakes in the Getz glaciers revealed by CryoSat-2 radar altimetry 

Byeong-Hoon Kim, Choon-Ki Lee, Won Sang Lee, and Ki-Weon Seo

The Getz Glaciers, situated near the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica, represent the third-largest source of freshwater discharge from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Understanding the physical mechanisms driving ice loss in this region is essential for refining projections of future ice loss and its contributions to global sea-level rise. Subglacial hydrology has recently been recognized as a critical factor influencing long-term glacial mass balance. However, the inland regions of the Getz Glaciers remain relatively understudied compared to other parts of Antarctica. This study utilizes CryoSat-2 satellite altimetry data to detect active subglacial lakes across the Getz Glacier region from 2010 to 2024. The findings reveal a significant number of active subglacial lakes, indicative of vigorous meltwater generation, consistent with observations from other West Antarctic glaciers, such as the Thwaites Glacier and Ross Ice Stream. Further research is required to investigate the potential connections between subglacial hydrology, ocean circulation, and its impact on ice shelf destabilization.

How to cite: Kim, B.-H., Lee, C.-K., Lee, W. S., and Seo, K.-W.: Active subglacial lakes in the Getz glaciers revealed by CryoSat-2 radar altimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9283,, 2025.

EGU25-10618 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Glacier inventory of the sub-Antarctic Heard Island, Australian external territory 

Levan Tielidze, Andrew Mackintosh, and Weilin Yang

Glacier inventories serve as critical baseline data for understanding and assessing past, current, and possible future conditions of the local, regional, and global environment. In this study we present a manually mapped inventory of glaciers in the sub-Antarctic Heard Island, for 1947, 1988, and 2019, derived from large-scale topographical maps (1:50,000), cloud-free medium-resolution SPOT, and high-resolution PLEIADES satellite orthoimages.

The total glacier area has reduced from 289.4±6.1 km2 in 1947 to 260.3±6.3 km2 in 1988, which further decreased to 225.7±4.2 km2 in 2019. The mean glacier area has also reduced from 10 km2 to 8.7 km2 and to 6.4 km2 respectively, during the same period. The rate of annual glacier area loss was almost doubled (−0.43% yr−1) in the second investigated period (1988-2019), then it was (−0.25% yr−1) in the first period (1947-1988). Glaciers on the eastern slopes has experienced much higher decrease and retreat rates than the rest of the glaciers. The maximum retreat we observed between 1947 and 2019 was ~5.8 km for the east-facing Stephenson Glacier.

The findings of our study may provide information on how glaciers on Heard Island respond to climate change, potentially reducing uncertainty for further climate and glaciological modelling in this sub-Antarctic region.

How to cite: Tielidze, L., Mackintosh, A., and Yang, W.: Glacier inventory of the sub-Antarctic Heard Island, Australian external territory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10618,, 2025.

EGU25-12214 | Orals | CR1.3

Significant global loss and fragmentation of glaciers since 2000 

James Lea, Stephen Brough, Thomas Chudley, Bethan Davies, Jeremy Ely, Owen King, Kara Lamantia, Laura Larocca, and Fabien Maussion

Loss of glacier ice is contributing substantially to rising sea levels, and is negatively impacting up to 1.9 billion people globally who rely on meltwater for agriculture, drinking water, hydropower and other ecosystem services. Quantifying how glaciers are responding to ongoing climate change therefore has far-reaching implications, though a global observational assessment of this at an individual glacier scale is currently lacking. 

Here, we leverage the Randolph Glacier Inventory v7.0 (RGI) dataset (baseline date: 2000), and imagery from the Sentinel-2 archive between 2020 and 2024 to establish the change in extent of the 181,402 small ice masses (area <= 2 km2) globally that are most vulnerable to climate change. We achieve this through developing a simple, highly automated approach to glacier extent identification in Google Earth Engine, analysing all cloud free imagery for the end of the melt season in each RGI region. 

Our workflow derives thresholded Normalised Difference Snow Index (NDSI) glacier masks for each Sentinel-2 image where at least 95% of the RGI outline area is visible, with the area of each contiguous ice/snow patch calculated using object based connected component analysis. To minimise potential false positives associated with ephemeral snow cover, the resulting masks for each glacier are ranked smallest to largest by the largest ice patch observed, before a final glacier mask is obtained from the areas identified as ice in at least two out of the three top ranked images. Results are compared to custom ERA5-Land reanalysis baselines to highlight the likely climate drivers of these changes, while CMIP6 climate simulations are used to project potential future change. 

Our results highlight that significant global glacier loss and fragmentation has already occurred since 2000, and is likely to continue with future projected warming. This demonstrates recent glacier vulnerability to climate change and that negative impacts arising from glacier loss will likely become more acute on timescales much shorter than a human lifespan. In the International Year of Glacier's Preservation, this analysis therefore has tangible use for establishing the sensitivity of glaciers to future climate change, communicating the global vulnerability of glaciers, and motivating calls for action.

How to cite: Lea, J., Brough, S., Chudley, T., Davies, B., Ely, J., King, O., Lamantia, K., Larocca, L., and Maussion, F.: Significant global loss and fragmentation of glaciers since 2000, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12214,, 2025.

EGU25-12360 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Ice marginal lakes enhance outlet glacier velocities across Greenland 

Connie Harpur, Mark Smith, Jonathan Carrivick, Duncan Quincey, and Liam Taylor

Glaciers terminating in lakes typically flow, thin and lose mass more rapidly than those that terminate on land. This is due to a range of thermomechanical processes exerted at the lake-ice interface, where lake waters drive melt-induced undercutting, enable flotation and facilitate calving. In Greenland, ice marginal lakes (IMLs) have increased in size and number over recent decades and now occupy more than 10% of the ice sheet margin. Despite this, very few observations of their effects on ice dynamics exist, meaning they remain largely unaccounted for in models of ice sheet change.

Here, we use ITS_LIVE ice surface velocity data and the How et al. (2021) IML inventory to compare the flow characteristics of 102 lake-terminating outlet glaciers and 102 neighboring land-terminating outlet glaciers across the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) during 2017. We find that along-flow decelerations are much less pronounced at lake- versus land-terminating glaciers, and that some lake-terminating glaciers (n = 33) even speed up towards the ice margin. In turn, lake-terminating glaciers are on average 4.6 times faster than their land-terminating counterparts within the terminus region. Moreover, the fastest flowing glaciers are found to terminate in the largest lakes, suggesting that lake influence evolves with lake development. Ultimately, these observations demonstrate the capacity of IMLs to enhance the surface velocity of Greenlandic outlet glaciers, highlighting their potential to accelerate future mass loss from the GrIS.

How to cite: Harpur, C., Smith, M., Carrivick, J., Quincey, D., and Taylor, L.: Ice marginal lakes enhance outlet glacier velocities across Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12360,, 2025.

EGU25-12445 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

12 years of snow accumulation from ground-penetrating radar surveys on AP Olsen Ice Cap, northeast Greenland 

Anja Rutishauser, Signe Hillerup Larsen, Nanna B. Karlsson, Michele Citterio, Daniel Binder, and Bernhard Hynek

Greenland’s peripheral glaciers and ice caps are particularly sensitive to a warming climate and often respond more rapidly to warming than the Greenland Ice Sheet. These smaller ice bodies also play a vital role in local ecosystems. End-of-winter distribution of snow cover is a key driver of glacier mass balance, but predicting snow accumulation in the complex glacier terrain is challenging due to the interplay of topography and wind that influences snowfall deposition and re-distribution. Accurate mass balance estimates must therefore rely on in-situ observations.

Here, we present a dataset of end-of-winter snow depths over A.P. Olsen Ice Cap (APO), northeast Greenland, derived from ground-penetrating radar (GPR) measurements over the period 2008-2024. Spanning a total profile length of 568 km collected over 12 survey years, this dataset combines a rare long-term time series of in-situ observations with extensive spatial coverage, offering exceptional insights into snow accumulation patterns. We use this dataset to i) assess the spatio-temporal distribution of snow accumulation over the 16-year period, and ii) evaluate the performance of a regional climate model, the Arctic reanalysis product CARRA, to simulate end-of-winter snow depths. Our findings provide insights into the utility of CARRA for filling spatial and temporal gaps in in-situ end-of-winter snow depth data, a key input parameter for surface mass balance models over A.P. Olsen Ice Cap and other peripheral glaciers. 

How to cite: Rutishauser, A., Hillerup Larsen, S., Karlsson, N. B., Citterio, M., Binder, D., and Hynek, B.: 12 years of snow accumulation from ground-penetrating radar surveys on AP Olsen Ice Cap, northeast Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12445,, 2025.

EGU25-13296 | ECS | Orals | CR1.3

Cordillera Blanca glacier snow cover area estimation and its response to climate forcing during 1988 - 2023 

Julia Lopes Lorenz, Kátia Kellem da Rosa, Rafael da Rocha Ribeiro, Rolando Cruz Encarnación, Adina Racoviteanu, Federico Aita, Fernando Luis Hillebrand, Jesús Gomez Lopez, and Jefferson Cardia Simões

Tropical glaciers are highly vulnerable to climate change, with their mass balance influenced by temperature and precipitation, affecting the snow accumulation area (SCA). This study aimed to develop an open-source, cloud-based tool to identify the SCA using Landsat imagery and analyse annual variations in the Cordillera Blanca (CB), Peru, from 1988 to 2023. The total glacier area was obtained using MapBiomas - Peru data. Automatic classification was performed using spectral indices, slope gradient filtering, and morphological filtering, and the Otsu method was applied to identify the accumulation area. A scaling factor of 0.9, applied to the Otsu method's threshold, is proposed for the identification of the SCA in the CB. Statistical analyses assessed trends and correlations between the annual SCA and factors like temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation, snowfall, El Niño events, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The SCA series were validated through field data and manual mapping of glaciers (Artesonraju, Shallap, and Yanamarey), yielding correlation values of 0.69, 0.72, and 0.89, respectively. The correlation between automated SCA and mass balance reached 0.88. Comparisons between PlanetScope and Landsat imagery showed differences of <5%, with larger discrepancies observed in glaciers with debris cover or small glaciers (<1 km²). Glacier area loss for the Amazonian and Pacific-facing sectors ranged from 21.3% to 22% between 1988 and 2022, with lower rates of loss between 1998/99 and 2007/08, coinciding with a reduced temperature increase in the Pacific. The Amazonian sector experienced a significant decrease in the SCA in the period 1999 - 2023 (S: -97, Z: -2.5354, ρ: 0.011232). For the Pacific sector, this trend is observed in the period 1988 - 1998 (S: -35, Z: -2.6469, ρ: 0.0081), followed by an increase in the values until 2008 and post resumption of lower SCA values. A more pronounced decrease in snowfall after 2000 was observed in the Pacific sector. During the 1997/98 El Niño event, the average SCA variation was -25.49% for the Pacific and -17.43% for the Amazon. El Niño events showed higher correlations with SCA during the wet season (up to -0.68), with a stronger influence on the Pacific sector. SCA was strongly correlated with temperature in the Amazon (-0.76), while in the Pacific, the correlations with snowfall (0.47) and temperature (-0.46) were more similar. The highest correlations with the meteorological parameters for SCA were observed during the dry season, suggesting that even small changes in temperature or precipitation during this period can significantly impact the accumulation area. The automation of image processing for the CB provided spatial and temporal details about the variations of the glaciers in each sector and the cloud-based tool allowed the continuity of glacial facies monitoring in the region over time.

How to cite: Lopes Lorenz, J., Kellem da Rosa, K., da Rocha Ribeiro, R., Cruz Encarnación, R., Racoviteanu, A., Aita, F., Hillebrand, F. L., Gomez Lopez, J., and Cardia Simões, J.: Cordillera Blanca glacier snow cover area estimation and its response to climate forcing during 1988 - 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13296,, 2025.

EGU25-13593 | Posters on site | CR1.3

National and global glacier monitoring efforts – a comparative assessment 

Samuel U. Nussbaumer, Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, Giulio Saibene, Ethan Welty, and Michael Zemp

The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) and its global network of collaborators maintain a comprehensive programme of ongoing glacier change, resulting in an unprecedented dataset that serves as an increasingly important basis for fundamental glacier research and various applications at local, regional, and global scales. Knowledge of glacier distribution and quantification of glacier change is crucial for assessing the impact of glacier shrinkage on regional freshwater availability, local geohazards, tourism, sites of cultural significance, and global sea levels. Therefore, glacier monitoring is essential for the development of sustainable adaptation strategies in regions wherever glaciers (still) exist.

In this presentation, we assess the status of glacier monitoring in each country in 2025 and compare it to the 2015 baseline (Gärtner-Roer et al., Mountain Research and Development, 2019). During this time, surface elevation changes derived from satellite data reached nearly global coverage. In addition, temporal but also spatial gaps could be filled by adding new glaciological in situ series thanks to data rescue efforts. For each country, we describe the number of observed glaciers and total number of observations available in the WGMS Fluctuations of Glaciers (FoG) database for the following observation types: front variation, glaciological surface mass balance, and geodetic surface elevation change. In addition, we review the availability of glacier outline inventories and the annual mass-balance trend in each country.

Finally, we discuss the role of glacier monitoring in international research and policy-making to place our results in the context of global climate-change monitoring. With the advent of new datasets, such as those derived from satellites, information on glaciers transcends national boundaries. However, limited funding often hampers the long-term monitoring of glaciers, regardless of data source. In view of the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation in 2025 and the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Cryospheric Research in 2025–2034, we establish a 2025 baseline and make recommendations for the future of glacier research.

How to cite: Nussbaumer, S. U., Gärtner-Roer, I., Saibene, G., Welty, E., and Zemp, M.: National and global glacier monitoring efforts – a comparative assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13593,, 2025.

EGU25-13743 | Orals | CR1.3

Recent evolution and present situation of the world’s largest tropical icefield: the Nevado Coropuna (Peru).  

Ramón Pellitero Ondicol, Julián Llanto Verde, José Úbeda Palenque, and Alan David Atkinson Gordo

With around 46 km2, Nevado Coropuna (NC, (15°32’S, 72°39’W; 6377 m) is the largest tropical icecap in the world. NC is situated on a stratovolcano structure with six peaks over 6000 meters, in the arid border of the Andean plateau, Southern Peru. NC is a vital source of freshwater for the communities within the Majes valley and for the vast irrigation plans located in the same valley and on the arid coastal strip. Here we present the 1955-2024 glacier surface evolution, which was retrieved from aerial photography and topographic maps for the initial stage in 1955 and from satellite imagery photogrammetry (SPOT, Worldview, PeruSAT-1 and Pleiades), backed by in-situ GPS-RTK measurements for the last 11 years.

Results show that the glacier lost an average of -0.15 m a-1 of ice between 1955 and 2013. The ice loss subsequently accelerated to a rate of -0.18 m a-1 between 2013 and 2018 and -0.44 m a-1 between 2018 and 2023. During the last year the ice loss rate has been -0.15 m a-1.

Ice loss has not been even across the glacier, but it primarily concentrated on the largest northern outlets, where it approached -1.9 m a-1 between 2018 and 2024 with a much lower ice reduction (-0.9 m a-1) in the southern outlets. Ice loss at the peaks is also reported, as a difference between a negligible ice change in the 1955-2013 timeframe contrasts a -0.7 m a-1 ice loss at the central part of the NC top plateau during the 2018-2024 timespan. The extensive debris-covered and rock glacier area features a much more stable behaviour, with ice loss/gain values within the error limit between 2013 and 2024. Likewise, the northwestern section of NC seems quite stable, possibly because of its comparatively higher elevation.

Results in NC show a continuous and consistent glacier retreat, but the mass loss pace is less accelerated than other Peruvian glaciers. Glaciers in the Vilcanota range, in the humid margin of the Andes, show a -0.5 m a-1 ice loss between 2000 and 2020 and there is an even stronger ice loss acceleration in the Central Andes area after 2013, with an average mass change of -1.067 m a-1.

How to cite: Pellitero Ondicol, R., Llanto Verde, J., Úbeda Palenque, J., and Atkinson Gordo, A. D.: Recent evolution and present situation of the world’s largest tropical icefield: the Nevado Coropuna (Peru). , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13743,, 2025.

EGU25-13997 | Orals | CR1.3

Finding the turning point and main driver of a disappearing Himalayan glacier 

Koji Fujita and Rijan B. Kayastha

Glacier AX010 in the Shorong region is an iconic glacier in the Nepal Himalaya, observed since 1978. We conducted a drone photogrammetry survey in November 2023 and evaluated its volume change since 2008 as –1.3 m yr–1, one of the fastest (and accelerating) shrinking rates in the Himalayas. We reconstructed the annual mass balance using the ERA5 reanalysis climate data and a glacier mass balance model, GLIMB. We first evaluated the ERA5 meteorological variables with our recent in-situ observational data of a nearby site (2022-2023). Secondly, we calibrated the ERA5 precipitation to yield the observed geodetic mass balance and reconstructed the annual mass balance over the past 83 years (1940-2023). The estimated mass balance and calibrated temperature were validated with the observational data in the 1970s and 1990s. We also estimated the ideal temperature by which the glacier could maintain equilibrium states. Trend and breakpoint analyses revealed that the temperature warming and glacier shrinkage started in the mid-1970s while precipitation has been rather stable throughout the entire period. These results suggest that temperature warming is the main driver for the glacier shrinkage.

How to cite: Fujita, K. and Kayastha, R. B.: Finding the turning point and main driver of a disappearing Himalayan glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13997,, 2025.

EGU25-14192 | Orals | CR1.3

~70 years of glacier monitoring in Mexico 

Hugo Delgado Granados, José Luis Lorenzo, Patricia Julio Miranda, Jorge Cortes-Ramos, Guillermo Ontiveros-González, and Víctor Soto

Glaciers in México have been present for the last decades on the highest mountains of México: Iztaccíhuatl,Popocatépetl and Citlaltépetl.

In 1964 the size of twelve glaciers was measured at Iztaccíhuatl volcano using aerial photographs resulting in an extension of 1.4 km2. At the time of this review, El Pecho is the only remaining glacier on this mountain which exceeds the projections proposed earlier. Although much of the glacial retreat is related to climate change, in situ observationssuggest that geothermal heat fluxes and hydrothermal flows in the crater area should also be considered.

About the glaciers of Popocatépetl the glacial area in 1964 was 0.72 km2 and consisted of three glaciers. Before 1994, the retreat of glaciers was in the order of ~10,000 m2/year. On December 21, 1994, an eruptive period began atPopocatépetl volcano characterized by volcanic explosions alternating with lava dome construction-destruction phases.An increase in heat flow under the glacial ice, the fall of tephra on its surface, and pyroclastic flows that moved over the glacier surface, caused its irregular thinning, retreat and, in the final stage, its fragmentation between1994-2001.

At Citlaltépetl volcano the existence of 9 glaciers was established, covering an area of 2.04 km2. In 2007 they covered an area of 0.62 km2, and by 2019 the bedrock was exposed, faster than anticipated previously. The accumulation zone of the glacier system is not existent ever since. Exposure of the bedrock increases solar energy transference as heat to the adjacent ice and snow, causing an increasing melting. At the same time, it prevents the flow of ice towards the ablation zone, causing an accelerated retreat of the glacier front. So, the surface of the glacier in 2019 was ~0.46 km2, and the current extension for 2024 is only ~0.37 km2.

How to cite: Delgado Granados, H., Lorenzo, J. L., Julio Miranda, P., Cortes-Ramos, J., Ontiveros-González, G., and Soto, V.: ~70 years of glacier monitoring in Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14192,, 2025.

EGU25-14455 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Influence of the debris layer on the behavior of the Shallap and Llaca glaciers, Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Peru 

Harol Granados, Alexzander Santiago, Yadira Curo, Luzmila Dávila, Gladis Celmi, and Catriona Fyffe

The retreat of tropical glaciers is a visible effect of climate change, which is evident in Peru. These glaciers are sensitive to global and local temperature increases, causing accelerated glacier mass loss. From 1962 to 2020, there has been a decrease in glacier cover at the national level, with a loss of approximately 1,280.95 km². This phenomenon significantly affects local ecosystems and water availability, putting at risk the supply of water for human consumption, agriculture and other essential activities, particularly during dry seasons.

The research was carried out on the Shallap and Llaca glaciers, located in the Cordillera Blanca in Ancash, Peru. The Shallap glacier is characterized by two clearly differentiated zones: one covered by debris and the other with a clean surface. While the Llaca glacier has a glacial tongue completely covered by debris which terminates in a proglacial lake. This distinction in the surface characteristics of both glaciers allows for detailed comparisons, providing insights into the role of supraglacial debris in modifying glacier melt rates, processes which have been rarely studied in the Peruvian Andes.

Repeat Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery conducted in 2019 and 2024 allowed the calculation of mass and area changes of both glaciers, and the assessment of morphological changes between the time periods. Imagery was co-registered to reduce the planimetric errors in the Digital Elevation Models (DEMs).

Much lower mass losses were found over Shallap glacier in the debris-covered compared to clean ice zones, with the debris-covered zone retreating by a maximum of 36 meters, with an area loss of 8,257 m² (equivalent to -14,202 m³ of ice). On the other hand, the debris-free zone retreated by a maximum of 165 meters, with an area loss of 24,439 m², representing a volume of -61,160 m³. However, the Llaca glacier showed a maximum retreat of 122 meters, with an area loss of 21,144 m² (equivalent to -397,813 m³ of ice). This difference in volume loss compared to Shallap glacier, could be due to the presence of the proglacial lagoon, which is still in contact with Llaca glacier and that would be contributing to a greater glacial melting.

Another factor that modulates glacial behavior is the supraglacial debris layer, according to the results obtained from the loss of glacier volume considering the movement recorded between June and November 2024, it was observed that the debris layers of 1.5 cm and 5.5 cm were associated with ice losses of 3.6 m and 2.5 m, respectively. In contrast, the 33 cm and 50 cm thick debris layers showed considerably smaller ice losses of only 0.4 m and 0.2 m. It can be seen that the thicker the debris layer, the lower the ice thickness loss. 

How to cite: Granados, H., Santiago, A., Curo, Y., Dávila, L., Celmi, G., and Fyffe, C.: Influence of the debris layer on the behavior of the Shallap and Llaca glaciers, Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14455,, 2025.

EGU25-14985 | Posters on site | CR1.3

WGMS contribution to the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025 – experiences and first conclusions 

Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, Samuel U. Nussbaumer, and Michael Zemp

Changing glaciers are definite indicators, warning lights, contemporary witnesses and memorials of climate change, as they are accessible beauties and related impacts on the environment, economies, and societies are relatively easy to understand. While these immediate impacts are mainly relevant on local and regional scales, related measures to preserve them need to be taken on the global scale. Therefore, the United Nations have declared 2025 the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation (IYGP; to raise global awareness of glaciers' importance and to ensure that those relying on them or affected by their vanishing have access to the necessary data and information services.

The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) – together with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – helped to coordinate the implementation of the international glacier year, the World Day of Glaciers (from 2025 on the 21st of March) and the United Nations Decade of Action for Cryospheric Research 2025−2034. The contributions have focused on the communication of the scientific basis by explaining the basic processes of glacier dynamics, giving insights into in-situ and remote-sensing techniques to quantify glacier changes and by presenting the latest numbers of glacier mass changes. The WGMS has been actively supported by its network of National Correspondents and Principle Investigators, who highlighted individual or regional glacier changes in workshops, exhibitions, and innovative outreach projects.

Based on the experiences gained so far from national and international outreach events, we want to carefully assess the effect and benefits of these science-based activities on the international glacier monitoring and beyond. This analysis should help to prepare upcoming activities during United Nations Decade of Action for Cryospheric Research 2025−2034 as well as negotiations with decision makers at various levels.

How to cite: Gärtner-Roer, I., Nussbaumer, S. U., and Zemp, M.: WGMS contribution to the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025 – experiences and first conclusions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14985,, 2025.

EGU25-16658 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Assessing the TanDEM-X elevation bias due to SAR signal penetration for glacier mass balance measurements 

Lukas Krieger, Nerea Ibarrola Subiza, Dana Floricioiu, Georg Fischer, and Sahra Abdullahi

The elevation bias due to signal penetration in bistatic InSAR DEMs is recognized as a main error source together with co-registration for estimating glacier mass balance with the DEM differencing method. For TanDEM-X DEMs, the elevation processed from X-band (9.65 GHz) SAR data can lie up to 4-8m lower than the actual snow/ice surface in alpine accumulation areas [1]. However, this bias can often be mitigated by differencing TanDEM-X acquisitions from the same season with unchanged SAR geometry, reducing penetration differences between DEMs. The relative importance of SAR signal penetration for accurate mass balance measurements also reduces with the length of the observation period.

Notably, methods have been developed to correct for SAR signal penetration bias, including estimating volumetric coherence and inverting it [2,3]. However, correction methods have rarely been tested and validated across entire TanDEM-X scenes with coincident ground truth measurements of the actual ice surface. [4] calculated signal penetration based on inversion of volumetric coherence on Union Glacier, Antarctica and validated the results against the optical REMA DEM mosaic over temporally stable surfaces.

A recent study on Aletsch Glacier has observed the elevation bias due to signal penetration in a time stamped TanDEM-X DEM by comparing it to a coincident DEM acquisition from Pléiades optical imagery [1]. Moreover, during an inter-comparison experiment on glacier elevation changes, airborne lidar validation DEMs were produced for Aletsch Glacier enabling a comparison of volumetric changes with TanDEM-X measurements [5].

We use these results to analyse the circumstances under which a signal penetration correction layer associated to the individual processed TanDEM-X DEMs can be used to generate bistatic X-band DEMs that reflect the actual ice/snow surface. We will assess the impact of a signal penetration correction on mass balance measurements similar to [6].


[1] Bannwart, Jacqueline, Livia Piermattei, Inés Dussaillant, Lukas Krieger, Dana Floricioiu, Etienne Berthier, Claudia Roeoesli, Horst Machguth, and Michael Zemp. 2024. “Elevation Bias Due to Penetration of Spaceborne Radar Signal on Grosser Aletschgletscher, Switzerland.” Journal of Glaciology, April, 1–15.

[2] Weber Hoen, E., and H.A. Zebker. 2000. “Penetration Depths Inferred from Interferometric Volume Decorrelation Observed over the Greenland Ice Sheet.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 38 (6): 2571–83.

[3] Dall, Jørgen. 2007. “InSAR Elevation Bias Caused by Penetration Into Uniform Volumes.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (7): 2319–24.

[4] Rott, Helmut, Stefan Scheiblauer, Jan Wuite, Lukas Krieger, Dana Floricioiu, Paola Rizzoli, Ludivine Libert, and Thomas Nagler. 2021. “Penetration of Interferometric Radar Signals in Antarctic Snow.” The Cryosphere 15 (9): 4399–4419.

[5] Piermattei, Livia, Michael Zemp, Christian Sommer, Fanny Brun, Matthias H. Braun, Liss M. Andreassen, Joaquín M. C. Belart, et al. 2024. “Observing Glacier Elevation Changes from Spaceborne Optical and Radar Sensors – an Inter-Comparison Experiment Using ASTER and TanDEM-X Data.” The Cryosphere 18 (7): 3195–3230.

[6] Abdullahi, Sahra, David Burgess, Birgit Wessel, Luke Copland, and Achim Roth. 2023. “Quantifying the Impact of X-Band InSAR Penetration Bias on Elevation Change and Mass Balance Estimation.” Annals of Glaciology 64 (92): 396–410.

How to cite: Krieger, L., Ibarrola Subiza, N., Floricioiu, D., Fischer, G., and Abdullahi, S.: Assessing the TanDEM-X elevation bias due to SAR signal penetration for glacier mass balance measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16658,, 2025.

EGU25-16893 | Orals | CR1.3

Andean glacier mass balance through the last six decades 

Owen King, Robert McNabb, Sajid Ghuffar, Daniel Falaschi, Ines Dussaillant, Jonathan Carrivick, Sutapa Bhattacharjee, Bethan Davies, and Jeremy Ely

Meltwater from Andean glaciers sustains river flow heavily relied on by ecosystems and communities downstream, particularly during periods of drought. However, contemporary rates of glacier recession in the Andes are accelerating and the yield of freshwater from the high mountain environment here is forecast to decline in coming decades, increasing water stress in the region. Water resource management policies rely on robust hydrological and glacier modelling, which themselves require accurate, long-term records of glacier ice loss rates. Prior to the contemporary satellite era (2000-today), records of glacier mass balance are patchy in the Andes, with available data lacking temporal resolution or covering small glacier samples and our knowledge of glacier behaviour during this period can be improved. Here, we have assembled geodetic glacier mass balance records for 10 glacierised river catchments containing ~3200 glaciers and spanning different climatic zones between 9°S (Rio Santa) and 50°S (Rio Santa Cruz). We have generated glacier surface elevation change data using DEMs generated from regional aerial photography surveys, from three archives of declassified American spy satellite imagery (Corona KH4, Hexagon KH9 mapping camera and Hexagon KH9 panoramic camera) and from contemporary optical stereo archives (ASTER). Our geodetic time series captures considerable inter-catchment variability in glacier mass loss rates across different climatic zones, but clearly indicates accelerating glacier mass loss rates throughout the Andes since the 1960s. These results will be used to calibrate glacier and hydrological models which will simulate meltwater flux from the same 10 catchments towards 2150 as part of the NERC Highlights Project ‘Deplete and Retreat: the Future of Andean Water Towers’.

How to cite: King, O., McNabb, R., Ghuffar, S., Falaschi, D., Dussaillant, I., Carrivick, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Davies, B., and Ely, J.: Andean glacier mass balance through the last six decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16893,, 2025.

EGU25-17900 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Glacier mass changes in the Western Pamirs 2003-2024 from high-resolution stereo satellite images 

Haruki Hagiwara, Evan Miles, Achille Jouberton, and Francesca Pellicciotti

The Pamir Mountains are an important target of current research: they constitute a crucial mountain water tower that is highly vulnerable to future climatic, environmental, and social change; and they contain glaciers experiencing limited early 21st-century mass loss despite climate warming. Due to geopolitical factors, the in-situ records in the region were interrupted during this period, and current assessments of glacier volume and mass change in this region are highly uncertain. A global assessment of geodetic mass balance from ASTER images has suggested a change in the mass balance regime in the region toward declining glacier health, but its uncertainties are very high. In this study, we leverage high-resolution (<5m) optical stereo images that compensate for the scarcity of in-situ snow and glacier observation to provide a mass balance estimate entirely independent of the ASTER dataset.

We analyze high-resolution SPOT5, SPOT6, and Pléiades stereo satellite images acquired since the 2000s over the Sangvor glacierized catchment in the Pamir mountains as a case study. We adopt a stereo image analysis workflow from the Ames Stereo Pipeline to process these data, including coregistration and bias correction, and to remove erroneous artifacts such as jitter-induced undulations. In addition to approximating and subtracting the undulation errors using Fourier transforms, for the results with insufficient correction, we adopt an empirical method that calculates the average value of the error in the cross-track direction of the image from the estimated satellite orbit and directly subtracts the averaged error in each along-track direction. We evaluate the elevation change uncertainty based on the patch approach and then quantify glacier mass balance spanning twenty years over our study domain. In order to empirically estimate the error in the spatially averaged elevation change in the study area, we sampled the area into a certain area, calculated the median of the elevation change in the stable terrain, and then calculated the mean of the absolute difference of these tiled median errors. Finally, we compare our results to those derived from ASTER DEMs for this period. Our results demonstrate the potential of very high-resolution satellite imagery for snow and glacier monitoring despite the challenge of short-interval observations and highlight the value of multiple independent, high-quality geodetic mass balance estimates to resolve changes over shorter periods.

How to cite: Hagiwara, H., Miles, E., Jouberton, A., and Pellicciotti, F.: Glacier mass changes in the Western Pamirs 2003-2024 from high-resolution stereo satellite images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17900,, 2025.

EGU25-19578 | Posters on site | CR1.3

Complexities of Using Satellite Imagery for Defining Snowline Altitudes 

Mhairi Hallford, Brice R. Rea, Donal Mullan, Matteo Spagnolo, Lydia Sam, and Shaktiman Singh

Extensive databases of satellite imagery are now available and can be used to undertake assessments of the mass balance of glaciers. Previous studies have mapped the end-of-season snowlines (ESS) on glaciers from satellite imagery to find their snowline altitudes (SLA) and used these as proxies for the glacier equilibrium-li ne altitudes (ELA). This approach is advantageous because it can be implemented at a large scale and may employ automated methods. The veracity of using remotely measured SLAs as a proxy for in-situ measured ELAs however, has not yet been robustly demonstrated.

We have undertaken a systematic mapping of ESSs on 20 glaciers with existing measured mass balance records to determine the errors associated with remotely measured SLAs. Glaciers are selected from the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) Fluctuations of Glacier (FoG) database. For each ELA record, we identify the Landsat image closest in date to the original ELA measurement (where cloud cover is minimal) and the image with the highest altitude snowline for the year. For each image, the snowline is mapped, and its corresponding SLA is extracted from the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map (ASTERGDEM). We find that the reliability of this method is variable, as it is often limited by satellite revisit periods, cloud cover, and late-summer snowfall events. We specifically investigate further the complexities associated with distilling the range of elevation values comprising a mapped snowline into a single elevation value, for example, taking the mean and median elevations along the full width of the glacier and within a fixed buffer of the central flowline and the effect patchy and irregular snowline segments might have on the calculations. Where snow cover is patchy, a greater length of snowline is mapped in order to trace the boundary than is required for smoother segments. This is regardless of whether it contributes a larger area of snow cover or not. Consequently, the SLA calculations are prone to oversampling from areas of irregular snow cover. These results highlight a need to better define the end-of-season SLA and how best to calculate it.

How to cite: Hallford, M., Rea, B. R., Mullan, D., Spagnolo, M., Sam, L., and Singh, S.: Complexities of Using Satellite Imagery for Defining Snowline Altitudes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19578,, 2025.

EGU25-20005 | ECS | Orals | CR1.3

High-Resolution Glacier Mapping of Folgefonna, Western Norway, During Its ‘Little Ice Age’ Maximum and Subsequent Retreat 

Paul Weber, Liss M. Andreassen, Clare M. Boston, and Arve Tvede

The Little Ice Age (LIA) is crucial for understanding the pre-industrial state of the cryosphere. Reconstructions often extend modern glacier inventories to LIA moraines, assuming minimal changes in high-altitude regions— a questionable premise for plateau icefields and other ice masses with top-heavy hypsometries. Using geomorphological mapping based on a wide range of high-resolution remote sensing data, including Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, we mapped the LIA extent of the Folgefonna icefield, Western Norway, in the highest attainable detail, distinguishing its geomorphological signature from earlier Holocene advances. A notable distinction was the contrast between densely vegetated pre-LIA surfaces and sparsely vegetated areas characteristic of the LIA. In steep topographical regions, talus cones outside the LIA boundary remained glacially undisturbed, while those within were often reworked into glacial drift, losing their original form. Other key indicators of the LIA boundary included fresh glaciofluvial fans below moraines. The identification of these distinguishing features may improve the accuracy of LIA reconstructions, which in turn may contribute to better glacier inventories and provide a more reliable foundation for assessing long-term glacier dynamics and changes in the cryosphere.

How to cite: Weber, P., Andreassen, L. M., Boston, C. M., and Tvede, A.: High-Resolution Glacier Mapping of Folgefonna, Western Norway, During Its ‘Little Ice Age’ Maximum and Subsequent Retreat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20005,, 2025.

EGU25-20954 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.3

Deciphering Glacier Velocity Dynamics in North Sikkim, India (1990–2022) through Geospatial Investigation 

Shruti Dutta, Rakesh Kumar Ranjan, and Vinay Kumar Gaddam

The glaciers of North Sikkim, located in the Central Himalaya, serve as crucial indicators of climate change, shedding light on cryospheric processes and hydrological impacts. This study utilizes feature tracking-based remote sensing techniques to analyze glacier velocity trends from 1990 to 2022, examining 679 glaciers categorized as clean glaciers (CG), debris-covered glaciers (DG), glaciers associated with lakes (GL), rock glaciers (RG), and smaller glaciers (SG, <0.5 km²). Landsat imagery reveals velocity values ranging from -20.17 m/year to 21.99 m/year, with a mean velocity of 0.49 m/year. spatial-temporal analysis identifies three velocity phases for the glaciers like moderate variability (1990–2000), stabilization (2001–2010), and acceleration (2011–2022). The latest phase shows a sharp rise in mean velocity to 0.75 m/year, correlating with increased warming trends. Smaller glaciers exhibited the highest climate sensitivity, with extreme velocities reaching 21.9 m/year, while debris-covered glaciers showed periodic accelerations exceeding 10 m/year in 1996 and 2022. Spatial analysis highlights the influence of glacier size and elevation, with higher-altitude glaciers (>5000 m) moving faster due to steeper gradients.

Class-wise analysis reveals distinct behaviors. Clean glaciers remained stable (-0.5 to 1.5 m/year), while lake-associated glaciers experienced significant velocity surges, peaking at 19.4 m/year in 2021–2022 due to hydrological influences. Debris-covered glaciers recorded the highest mean velocity (0.66 m/year), whereas rock glaciers were the most stable (-0.08 m/year). High-velocity glaciers clustered near the Teesta basin, suggesting localized drivers like increased precipitation and glacial lake expansion. This study provides crucial insights into Himalayan glacier dynamics, informing hydrological modeling, disaster risk assessment, and water resource management. Future research should incorporate climate datasets and advanced modeling to predict glacier responses under varying climate scenarios, ensuring effective cryospheric monitoring amid rapid environmental change.

How to cite: Dutta, S., Ranjan, R. K., and Gaddam, V. K.: Deciphering Glacier Velocity Dynamics in North Sikkim, India (1990–2022) through Geospatial Investigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20954,, 2025.

EGU25-320 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4

A 3He-based Holocene glacial chronology from Villarrica volcano, Chile 

Yasmeen Orellana-Salazar, Shaun A. Marcott, Marissa M. Tremblay, Pablo Moreno-Yaeger, Matias Romero, and Emily E. Mixon

Understanding glacier changes during the Holocene provides key insights into climate variability and cryosphere dynamics. Villarrica volcano (39°S), situated within the Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) of Chile, preserves a well-defined record of past glacial extents, with moraines marking post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glacial extents. Despite its potential, the glacial history of Villarrica and the SVZ still remains poorly constrained, limiting our understanding of glacier-climate interactions during the last deglaciation and Holocene.

We present new cosmogenic 3He surface exposure ages from 25 olivine-bearing moraine boulders to better constrain the glacial chronology at Villarrica during the late Holocene. Our chronology reveals multiple phases of moraine formation, including Neoglacial advances at 3350 ± 140 years (n=3) and 1740 ± 225 years (n=3), Little Ice Age (LIA; n=7) advances between 720 ± 340 and 370 ± 220 years, and the onset of modern retreat at 100 ± 50 years (n=12). These advances correlate with shifts in the Southern Westerly Winds (SWW), with Neoglacial advances driven by enhanced moisture delivery, while LIA advances reflect reduced ablation during cooler temperatures. Our findings also demonstrate extended ice positions during the industrial era until the early-to-mid 1900s which corresponds with regional evidence of delayed industrial era warming in Patagonia. Furthermore, the historical volcanic activity at volcanoes like Villarrica can significantly influence glacial landscapes and the preservation of moraines. This study provides a unique opportunity to reconstruct glacial behavior in a highly active volcanic region and offers valuable context for understanding the interactions between volcanic activity, climate, and glacial dynamics in the Southern Hemisphere throughout the Holocene.

How to cite: Orellana-Salazar, Y., Marcott, S. A., Tremblay, M. M., Moreno-Yaeger, P., Romero, M., and Mixon, E. E.: A 3He-based Holocene glacial chronology from Villarrica volcano, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-320,, 2025.

EGU25-321 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

Glacial erosion rates of primary bedrock from in situ 14C-10Be measurements are low 

Andrew Jones, Jeremy Brooks, Shaun Marcott, Lucas Zoet, Nathaniel Lifton, Andrew Gorin, Jeremy Shakun, Christian Helanow, and Marc Caffee

Glacial erosion shapes alpine landscapes, produces chemically reactive mineral surfaces integral to the carbon cycle, and informs glacier dynamics applied in ice sheet models. Quantifying primary bedrock erosion has remained elusive due to the inaccessibility of the ice-bed interface. Many erosion estimates thereby rely on basin-wide sediment accumulation rates that can include reworked sediment, potentially causing overestimates of glacial erosion. Here, we quantify glacial erosion of primary bedrock using 60 paired cosmogenic in situ 14C-10Be measurements from new and published bedrock samples spread across 10 glacier forefields from 60° N to 16° S. We apply a Monte Carlo forward model that tests millions of scenarios of glacier exposure, burial, and erosion to identify scenarios capable of replicating the measured nuclide concentrations. Our new data are from a glacier in southeast Alaska where samples were collected at two scales: landform-scale along a single roche moutonnée to investigate abrasion versus plucking and valley-scale from the modern glacier terminus to its pre-industrial moraine to constrain glacier length fluctuations. The other 9 sites are across-valley transects abutting the terminus of the modern glacier. We compare our results to modeled erosion rates from a power-based abrasion law and Elmer/Ice glacier model simulations. The cosmogenic nuclide-based erosion rates are consistent across scales and sites, overlapping with the modeled erosion rates that are concentrated below 0.3 mm yr-1. These findings suggest glacial erosion rates of primary bedrock are much lower than predicted from modern sediment supply studies that reach up to 10 mm yr-1. Our millennial-scale glacial erosion estimates of crystalline bedrock support a modern bias in erosion estimates (e.g. Ganti et al., 2016) with implications for landscape evolution and sediment delivery models.

How to cite: Jones, A., Brooks, J., Marcott, S., Zoet, L., Lifton, N., Gorin, A., Shakun, J., Helanow, C., and Caffee, M.: Glacial erosion rates of primary bedrock from in situ 14C-10Be measurements are low, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-321,, 2025.

EGU25-501 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

History Matching of the Last Glacial Cycle Model for the Icelandic and Patagonian Ice Sheets 

Alexis Goffin, Lev Tarasov, Ívar Örn Benediktsson, Joseph Licciardi, Andrés Rivera, and Fabrice Lambert

To date, the Icelandic Ice Sheet (IIS) and Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS) have been poorly understood with regard to their configuration, dynamics, and evolution during the last glacial cycle. The few glaciological modelling studies of the IIS and PIS to date have placed minimal attention on addressing model uncertainties. As such, their inferential value is poorly interpretable.

To address this, we present the results of history matchings of the 3D Glacial Systems Model (GSM) against curated sets of paleo constraints for the last glacial cycle IIS and PIS. History matching identifies a set of model simulations that are not ruled out given available data constraints and robust uncertainty analysis (including both model and data uncertainties). As such, it aims to “bracket reality” as opposed to the much more difficult task of determining a meaningful most likely chronology.

The GSM is a thermo-mechanically coupled glaciological model with hybrid shallow ice and shallow shelf/stream physics. The climate forcing consists of a fully coupled energy balance climate model and glacial indexed climate forcing using the results of PMIP3 (Paleo Model Intercomparison Project). Approximate 30 GSM ensemble parameters partially account for uncertainties in climate, basal drag, and marine ice processes. The GSM configuration includes fully coupled visco-elastic glacio-isostatic adjustment enabling physically self-consistent relative sealevel predictions. Our presentation focuses on bracketing chronologies for the last glacial cycle IIS and PIS as well as disentangling the relative contribution of atmospheric and marine forcings on mass loss during the deglaciation.

How to cite: Goffin, A., Tarasov, L., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., Licciardi, J., Rivera, A., and Lambert, F.: History Matching of the Last Glacial Cycle Model for the Icelandic and Patagonian Ice Sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-501,, 2025.

EGU25-774 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

A Data-Model Comparison of Ice Sheet Demise in Northern Patagonia During the Last Deglaciation 

Matias Romero, Shaun Marcott, Joshua Cuzzone, Marissa Tremblay, and Andrew Jones

During the Last Glacial Maximum (26,000-19,000 years B.P.; Clark et al. 2009), the Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS) formed a contiguous ice cap over the southern Andes from 38° to 55° S, with a sea level equivalent to 1.5 m (Davies et al., 2020). Despite recent progress in reconstructing the PIS configuration during the last glacial cycle (Davies et al., 2020), constraints on the timing of PIS retreat and thinning during the last deglaciation remain limited. In order to understand how the PIS responds to centennial and millennial scale changes in climate, we provide geologic constraints to reconstruct the timing of its past area and volume changes and apply numerical ice sheet models to test the sensitivity of the PIS to past climate change. To do this, we apply cosmogenic nuclide dating of exposed bedrock surfaces across the Southern Volcanic Zone in northern Patagonia to document the rates of ice sheet thinning during the last deglaciation. Our data are from elevations of 200-2000 m and span a ~400 km latitudinal transect. Transient model simulations of the PIS with the Ice Sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISMM) were performed to test the sensitivity of the northern PIS to changing climatological inputs driven by the Trace-21ka experiment (He, 2011). Our cosmogenic nuclide ages document the onset of rapid ice sheet thinning that initiated at ~18,000 years B.P. with accelerated and widespread deglaciation occurring after 15,000 years, which is in good agreement with our model simulations (Cuzzone et al. 2024). Together, our data and model simulations show that ice sheet thinning and retreat occurred earlier in the northern sector of the PIS than in the south (Cuzzone et al., 2024), which we attribute to a reduction in wintertime precipitation driven by a poleward migration of the westerly winds. Our work highlights the important, but often overlooked, role of precipitation in modulating both the timing of and magnitude of surface mass balance changes of mid-latitude ice sheets at the millennial-scale following the last glacial period.

How to cite: Romero, M., Marcott, S., Cuzzone, J., Tremblay, M., and Jones, A.: A Data-Model Comparison of Ice Sheet Demise in Northern Patagonia During the Last Deglaciation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-774,, 2025.

EGU25-3674 | Posters on site | CR1.4

Does the structural inventory control tunnel-valley formation? – Insights from the North German Basin 

Jörg Lang, Anke Bebiolka, Vera Noack, Julia Schützke, Sarah Weihmann, and Sonja Breuer

Tunnel valleys are impressive erosional landforms and may attain extreme depths of almost 600 m. Open and buried tunnel valleys have been mapped in many formerly glaciated sedimentary basins. Characteristics of tunnel valleys include undulating basal profiles, abrupt terminations and steep flanks, all indicative of subglacial incision by pressurised meltwater discharge. Tunnel-valley formation is primarily controlled by climatic and glaciological factors. However, the structural inventory, such as faults and salt structures, have been invoked as controlling the location and orientation of tunnel valleys. To identify correlations that may indicate such a structural control, we compare the distribution and orientations of buried Pleistocene tunnel valleys in the North German Basin to the regional structural inventory.  

Our analysis shows that deep tunnel valleys are restricted to areas with thick erodible Cenozoic deposits. The correlation between the trends of tunnel valleys, faults and salt structures varies between the analysed structural regions. The orientations of tunnel valleys commonly follow the trends of faults and salt structures in regions where the structural trend is NNW-SSE to E-W and ice-flow directions were approximately parallel to this trend. However, correlations are rarely observed if the regional structural trend is NW-SE to WNW-ESE and ice advances occurred thus normal or oblique to the regional fault trend. Faults active under the present-day stress field typically are NNW-SSE to NE-SW trending normal faults. Therefore, the strikes of neotectonically active faults were commonly favourable for tunnel-valley incision and may have promoted subglacial erosion. No clear correlation between the orientations of tunnel valleys and elongated salt structures can be identified.

A major motivation for this study was the potential impact of future glaciations and tunnel-valley incision on the long-term safety of radioactive waste repositories. Our results demonstrate that the presence and orientations of faults and salt structures, however, do not provide consistent indicators for future tunnel-valley incision.

How to cite: Lang, J., Bebiolka, A., Noack, V., Schützke, J., Weihmann, S., and Breuer, S.: Does the structural inventory control tunnel-valley formation? – Insights from the North German Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3674,, 2025.

EGU25-4144 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

Reconstructions of the Laurentide Ice Sheet based on Quaternary sediment architecture and buried glacial channels on the Labrador Shelf 

Kai-Frederik Lenz, Felix Gross, Catalina Gebhardt, Arne Lohrberg, Ralph Schneider, Henriette Kolling, Florian Riefstahl, Orlando Martinez Bautista, Viktoria Thamm, and Sebastian Krastel

The Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) covered vast areas of North America during the Wisconsinan period. The melting of the LIS resulted in the release of a substantial volume of freshwater into the Labrador Sea, thereby affecting the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a critical component of the global climate system. Consequently, the investigation of the dynamics of the LIS provides a framework for predicting the melting of analogous ice sheets, such as the Greenland Ice Sheet, in the future. This study presents an updated Quaternary stratigraphy of the Labrador Shelf, based on 2D multi-channel seismic reflection data from three glacial cross-shelf troughs: Okak, Hopedale and Cartwright. Seven different seismic units are described and interpreted in terms of their origin and deposition processes. We observe de- and interglacial deposits between glacial till layers for the first time on the Labrador Shelf. Additionally, sets of incised channels at three different depth intervals have been discovered. The data gathered indicates that these channels are of subglacial origin. Finally, the observations are combined into a shelf evolution model consisting of eight stages and spanning two glacial-interglacial cycles. Our study demonstrates that the cross-shelf troughs of the Labrador Shelf were not fully excavated by the LIS during the Wisconsinan glaciation. Instead, deeper sediment layers contain evidence of older glacial-interglacial cycles. Consequently, the sedimentary succession can be used as an archive to reconstruct the dynamics of glaciations during Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles.

How to cite: Lenz, K.-F., Gross, F., Gebhardt, C., Lohrberg, A., Schneider, R., Kolling, H., Riefstahl, F., Bautista, O. M., Thamm, V., and Krastel, S.: Reconstructions of the Laurentide Ice Sheet based on Quaternary sediment architecture and buried glacial channels on the Labrador Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4144,, 2025.

EGU25-5689 | Posters on site | CR1.4

Relict glacial landforms in the southern Baltic Sea Basin 

Karol Tylmann, Inese Grinbauma, Sarah L. Greenwood, Jan A. Piotrowski, and Marcelina Kasuła

The seafloor geomorphology of glaciated continental margins occasionally hosts relict glacial landforms that serve as proxies of the ice sheet dynamics. The Baltic Sea is a relatively shallow, epicontinental, young sea whose formation after the last deglaciation was modulated by global sea-level fluctuations and isostatic adjustments. During the last glaciation, the Baltic Basin (BB) was one of the major advance corridors of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) towards the Central European Plain. It hosted the Baltic Ice Stream Complex – a zone of potentially highly dynamic, warm-based, fast-flowing ice that drained central parts of the ice sheet. Therefore, BB is a key region for reconstructing the dynamics of the last FIS southern sector. However, the availability of high-resolution bathymetric data which may better constrain BB’s geomorphology is still limited. In particular, the southern part of the BB suffers from a lack of high-resolution bathymetry, which leaves glacial landforms, potentially preserved at the seafloor, largely unrecognized. 

Here, we present the results of mapping relict glacial landforms in some areas of the southern BB. The landforms were mapped in ArcGIS based on bathymetric models obtained from the Polish Navy Hydrographic Office, the Swedish Maritime Administration, the General Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, and the Rhenish-Westphalian Power Plant as 0.5 to 10 m grids. We identified individual glacial landforms such as subglacial lineations, subglacial ribs, moraine ridges, grounding line landforms, crevasse-squeeze ridges, meltwater channels, eskers and ploughmarks. The mapping was performed by on-screen digitizing at various scales, depending on landform dimensions. The outcome is a GIS map of glacial geomorphological features preserved at the seafloor. This is the first map displaying the distribution and morphology of relict glacial landforms based on high-resolution bathymetric data in the southern BB. 

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grant no. 2021/41/B/ST10/01086).

How to cite: Tylmann, K., Grinbauma, I., Greenwood, S. L., Piotrowski, J. A., and Kasuła, M.: Relict glacial landforms in the southern Baltic Sea Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5689,, 2025.

This study advances our understanding of the glacial history of the Putorana Plateau, Central Siberia, by expanding beyond cirque analyses to encompass a broader suite of geomorphological features. Using high-resolution Arctic DEM (2 m) data, this research systematically maps and assesses key glacial landforms, including moraines, cirques, ice-scoured basins, streamlined bedforms, and other large-scale features indicative of past ice dynamics. The focus spans multiple glacial periods, from the Last Interglacial through the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), with particular emphasis on the major advances during MIS5b and MIS4.

The mapping builds on the recently completed cirque inventory of the Western Putorana by, incorporating larger features to comprehensively reconstruct the glacial history of the region. Detailed geomorphological analysis aims to delineate ice flow patterns, quantify ice extent, and identify variations in glacial behaviour across different stadials and interstadials. By integrating these findings with existing palaeoclimate data and previous studies on wider Siberian glaciations, this research provides critical insights into the extent and timing of glaciations in the region.

Initial results highlight the Putorana Plateau as a dynamic ice-marginal environment, shaped by successive glacial advances and retreats. The largest glacial extent occurred during the Late Saalian (MIS 6) and was followed by substantial glaciations during MIS 5b (90–80 ka) and MIS 4 (60–50 ka) connected to the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, to form the wider Eurasian Ice Sheet. These advances, pre-date the more globally recognised LGM at 30–22 ka, revealing a complex history of ice-sheet behaviour influenced by regional climatic and topographic factors.

This study fills a critical gap in the palaeoglacial research of Siberia, where previous investigations have primarily concentrated on the Ural or Kamchatka Mountains and other Weichselian glaciation configurations. By providing the first large-scale geomorphological assessment of the Putorana Plateau, this work not only refines our understanding of Siberian glacial history but also establishes a framework for future studies on palaeoclimate and ice-sheet dynamics in other remote and understudied regions.

How to cite: Oien, R. and Lee, E.: Geomorphological Mapping of the Putorana Plateau: Tracing Glacial Histories from the Last Interglacial to the LGM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5887,, 2025.

EGU25-8572 | Posters on site | CR1.4

Sedimentology of a Rapidly Retreating Alpine Glacier: Insights From the Taschachferner, Tirol, Austria 

Daniel Le Heron, Paulina Mejias Osorio, Marianne Heninger, and Bethan Davies

The rapid retreat and fragmentation of Alpine glaciers is widely reported as humanity faces dramatic climate change in mountainous regions. This rapid change leads to changes in sedimentary processes, which are exposed in recently deglaciated regions. These Alpine glacier forefields offer a wide spectrum of settings through which the ancient sedimentary record can be interpreted. Glacial valley orientation, slope inclination and lithology, and plumbing of subglacial and englacial meltwater drainage all influence the immediate preservation potential of glacial sediments upon deposition. In this contribution, we explore the geomorphology and sedimentology of the Taschachferner (a valley glacier), presenting a new geological-geomorphological map. This small glacier drains an icefield in the Ötztal Alps, and its current ice margin lies at approximately 2550 m a.s.l. Thus far, the glacial sedimentology and its bedrock geology have not been subject to investigation. The bedrock geology is dominated by E-W striking units of paragneiss and amphibolite, and the latter exhibit a series of well-preserved striations together with meltwater-sculpted bedforms (p-forms). The lower region of the glacier can be divided into two parts: (i) a clean-ice part, on the northern valley side with a low, subdued profile and (ii) a debris covered part at the southern valley side, covered with supraglacial debris. The valley margins are dominated by several generations of lateral moraines, the most prominent of which corresponds to the 1852 Little Ice Age Maximum. A well-developed “hanging sandur” is observed immediately in front of the ice margin. This consists of a series of sand and gravel bars cradled in the lee of an interpreted regional fault cross-cutting the bedrock. Sandur deposition is currently influenced and overprinted by dead ice, influencing the trajectory and location of river channels and gravel bars. This paper provides clear lessons regarding the distribution of ice-margin facies associations, which must be incorporated into models of glacier decay in the context of a rapidly
warming climate.

How to cite: Le Heron, D., Mejias Osorio, P., Heninger, M., and Davies, B.: Sedimentology of a Rapidly Retreating Alpine Glacier: Insights From the Taschachferner, Tirol, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8572,, 2025.

In the past the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) extended beyond its present-day limits, sometimes as far as the continental shelf edge during cold periods, such as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ~19-23 ka). Sediment deposited at the base of grounded ice is known as subglacial diamicton (or ‘till’). In addition, diamictons can be formed in a range of other glacimarine depositional environments including sub-ice shelf or seasonally open marine settings, as iceberg rafted and scoured diamictons, or glacigenic debris flows. Whilst there has been some progress in characterising subglacial and iceberg-keel scoured diamictons at both macro- and micro-scales, historically it has been difficult to distinguish between different types of diamictons formed in very different settings. This is particularly true for areas where several glacial and glacimarine processes operate, and thus, overprint each other. However, distinguishing between the different types of diamictons is crucial if we are to reliably reconstruct the maximum extent of the WAIS in the past and the timing of its retreat. This information is urgently needed for ice sheet and climate models that are used to predict future WAIS changes and resulting global sea-level rise. The aim of this study is to macro- and microscopically examine, and determine the origin of, diamictons from the outer shelves of the Bellingshausen Sea (core GC371) and the Amundsen Sea (cores VC430, VC436), in West Antarctica. Although the three cores examined in this study were retrieved from sea floor areas affected by iceberg-keel scouring, their diamictons may also represent any or all of the other aforementioned diamicton-forming processes. Micromorphological analyses show that diamictons in all three cores have undergone stress resulting in pervasive deformation subsequent to deposition. Cores GC371 and VC430 contain diamictons with more abundant and better developed microstructures than core VC436, which suggests cores GC371 and VC430 have undergone more intense deformation than core VC436. Micromorphological structures and features at all three core sites demonstrate complicated and/or inverse down-core deformation patterns, which often do not complement a traditional strain profile, and are not consistent between core sites. This indicates potential overprinting of structures at several horizons after multiple deformation events. Future research should focus on attempting to identify and unravel separate deformation events in diamictons, and to further distinguish between diamictons formed in different Antarctic depositional settings.

How to cite: Linch, L.: The micromorphology of iceberg-keel scoured diamictons from the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas: An approach to improving reconstructions of West Antarctic Ice Sheet extent., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9400,, 2025.

EGU25-9495 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4

In tune with the ice: First description of excellently preserved flutes and other glacial structures from the LPIA in a newly discovered area in South Africa 

Ricarda Wohlschlägl, Paulina Mejías Osorio, Marie Busfield, and Daniel Le Heron

During the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age (LPIA), South Africa was part of the Gondwana supercontinent. It therefore offers remarkably well-preserved outcrops (e.g. Nooitgedacht and Oorlogskloof) that show the extensive glacial influence.

Here, we introduce a newly discovered area in the Northern Cape region where glacially sculpted outcrops reveal a complex relationship between hard bedrock and soft-sediment features. The outcrops feature streamlined structures, clast-rich diamictite, as well as striated surfaces and exceptionally well-preserved flutes, among other features.

The area, which experiences flooding at irregular intervals, serves as an outstanding example of Late Palaeozoic glacial influence and likely represents one of the best-preserved outcrops of pre-Quaternary flutes.

Furthermore, comprehensive mapping of the visible structures enables a detailed analysis of the different phases of glaciation, contributing significantly to our understanding of the complex dynamics of ice flows during the LPIA.

How to cite: Wohlschlägl, R., Mejías Osorio, P., Busfield, M., and Le Heron, D.: In tune with the ice: First description of excellently preserved flutes and other glacial structures from the LPIA in a newly discovered area in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9495,, 2025.

EGU25-10580 | Posters on site | CR1.4

Cosmogenic radionuclide exposure ages from the Enns and Mur Glaciers in the Eastern Alps (Styria/Austria) 

Gerit E.U. Griesmeier, Stephanie M. Neuhuber, Sandra M. Braumann, Jürgen M. Reitner, Daniel P. Le Heron, Oscar Marchhart, and Alexander Wieser

The European Alps were covered by a large interconnected system of valley glaciers during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Many of the glaciers advanced into the Alpine Foreland leaving large latero-frontal moraine complexes suitable for (direct) exposure age dating and correlation of the ice extent at different times. In contrast to large parts of the Alps, valley glaciers flowing to the east did not reach the Alpine Foreland resulting in limited preservation of datable relicts. Fortunately, two localities at the margin of the Enns and Mur Glaciers have been found, where the requirements (quartz-rich blocks resting on latero-frontal moraine ridges) for age dating using cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al are met. 
The Mur Glacier occupied a W-E oriented valley located south of the Niedere Tauern mountain range in Styria. It had several outlets, one of them terminating in the very east at the village Pöls, where a roughly 400 m wide end moraine ridge is preserved. At least two-phases of ice stabilisation are indicated by two to three superimposed ridges. 1.5 m³ Pegmatite-gneiss blocks are embedded in the end moraine ridge, where we collected three samples to determine their exposure age. Age calculation using cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al yields a mean age of 19.6 ± 1.7 ka, whereby the oldest ages were obtained in the outermost part of the ridge following the expected stratigraphic sequence during ice retreat. These ages are in good agreement with other data of end moraines from LGM ice margins around the Alps. More precisely, the age range falls into a second ice re-advance, specified at other locations (especially at the southern alpine rim) but not differentiable at the Mur Glacier.
At the Enns Glacier, which extended north of the Niedere Tauern mountain range, subparallel to the Mur Glacier, a multiphase moraine complex is preserved, however almost all of the  boulders are limestone or dolomite. We managed to scout few conglomerate/breccia blocks that contain 1-2 cm quartz components in a fine matrix. Three of them are embedded in the termination area and two additional boulders are located further proximal. Mean exposure ages calculated using 10Be range between 14 and 17 ka. Ages calculated from the same samples using 26Al are even more scattered. This is surprising given the similarities in location, valley orientation, geographical location, and altitude between both sample locations. Results from Enns Glacier definitely do not fall into the LGM period. But field evidence such as the location and morphological height of the ridges, strongly suggest that they were formed during the LGM and not in a Late-Glacial phase. Implementation of a snow/forest cover correction only has a minor impact on the calculated age. It is possible that the large spread in the Enns glacier exposure ages is caused by the lithological heterogenity of the sampled boulders. Large quartz clasts resist weathering for a longer duration while the matrix is continuously removed until one clast falls out and results in a discontinuous accumulation of cosmogenic radionuclides at the surface. Discussion at the conference is appreciated.

How to cite: Griesmeier, G. E. U., Neuhuber, S. M., Braumann, S. M., Reitner, J. M., Le Heron, D. P., Marchhart, O., and Wieser, A.: Cosmogenic radionuclide exposure ages from the Enns and Mur Glaciers in the Eastern Alps (Styria/Austria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10580,, 2025.

The role of large subsurface landforms produced during glaciations of the Pleistocene is still poorly understood with respect to groundwater flow. In particular, so-called tunnel valleys formed beneath ice sheets, acted as drainage systems of glacial meltwater. Their dimensions (up to 5 km width, 400 m depth, 100s of km length) reflect the massive amount of meltwater that incised into and flushed the subsurface beneath ice sheets.

To understand the potential of tunnel valleys as preferential flow pathways of offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) in the southeastern North Sea, we sailed 320 km of marine time-domain controlled-source electromagnetic surveys on 10 profiles using the surface-towed SWAN system on R/V ALKOR. In particular, we aim to answer the following questions: (1) Does the distribution of electrical resistivities indicate the presence of freshened groundwater in the subsurface of the North Sea? and (2) Can we delineate different resistivity distributions inside tunnel valleys?

Here we show our subsurface electrical resistivity distribution from 2D inversions of the TD-CSEM data with and without structural constraints. We compare these results to a dense net of high-resolution 2D seismic reflection data and additional information from core data in similar geological setting, integrating geophysical and geological data.

The subsurface electrical resistivities show good correlation with the structures prevalent in the 2D seismic reflection data, where correlation is strongest for the upper and lower parts of the tunnel valleys. The electrical resistivity distribution also correlates with deeper Paleogene and Neogene sediments showing low electrical resistivities, likely corresponding to brines. These sediments have been updomed into a large anticline due to salt tectonics in the area, which is reflected in the geometry of electrical resistivities. In between the shallow low resistivity Holocene to Pleistocene sediments and the deeper low resistivity Neogene sediments are regions of significantly increased resistivities in Plio-Pleistocene sediments. These regions are interpreted to represent remnant offshore freshened groundwater from the flushing of meltwater below ice sheets during the Pleistocene, likely to be widespread and not limited to the southeastern North Sea.

How to cite: Lohrberg, A., Haroon, A., Moosdorf, N., and Krastel, S.: The role of buried tunnel valleys of the southeastern North Sea for offshore freshened groundwater: New insights from surface-towed time-domain CSEM measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10687,, 2025.

EGU25-11750 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4

Glaciers in the Rofental, Ötztal Alps, Austria: a sedimentological perspective 

Paulina Mejías Osorio, Ricarda Wohlschlägl, Bethan J. Davies, Thomas Vandyk, Sara Karbacher, and Daniel P. Le Heron

Glacial environments are undergoing rapid transformations due to climate change, which can be observed in the sedimentological processes associated with ice masses. In mountain regions, these can vary within a catchment due to controlling factors such as geological setting and debris sources, slope processes and instability, orientation of the glacier, and glacial dynamics. The Rofental is a valley in the Austrian Alps with a rich history in glaciological research, and hosts several glaciers that exemplify some of these differences. However, until now, there has been no detailed sedimentological work done, in spite of the yearly increase in supraglacial debris on many glaciers, as well as significant ice margin and forefield changes. To address this, we present the results of sedimentological and geomorphological mapping from 2023 and 2024, integrating ground-level observations and drone imagery from fieldwork at 3 different glaciers in the Rofental area: the Hintereisferner, Guslarferner, and Vernagtferner. These glaciers have varying degrees of debris cover and, in some cases, exhibit preservation of delicate sedimentary depositional features on the ice itself. Questions arise regarding transport mechanisms of the debris, including the relative influence of englacial meltout, supraglacial stream deposition and mass wasting (e.g. rockfalls and debris flows). The origins of this debris, its impact on preservation of dead ice over the coming years, and its influence on downwasting rates deserve investigation. By studying these glaciers, we can gain insights into how they will continue to evolve over time, compare them to the previous sedimentary record, and potentially revise some of the established characteristics for retreating glaciers. 

How to cite: Mejías Osorio, P., Wohlschlägl, R., Davies, B. J., Vandyk, T., Karbacher, S., and Le Heron, D. P.: Glaciers in the Rofental, Ötztal Alps, Austria: a sedimentological perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11750,, 2025.

EGU25-12696 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

Earth’s first Phanerozoic-style icehouse in the late Neoproterozoic 

Thomas W. Wong Hearing, Alexandre Pohl, Benjamin H. Tindal, Thomas M. Vandyk, Frédéric Fluteau, Alexander G. Liu, Thomas H. P. Harvey, and Mark Williams

The Ediacaran Period (635 Ma to 538.8 Ma) was a crucial transition interval for the Earth System between the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic worlds. Ediacaran rocks preserve evidence for both profound changes to the global carbon cycle via the stable carbon isotope record, and the emergence of ecosystems containing complex macroscopic organisms, including early animals, through the trace and body fossil records. Nevertheless, geological evidence of Earth’s climate through the Ediacaran is poorly constrained and often equivocal, which limits deeper comprehension of how the Earth System functioned during this time, and the possible feedbacks between biotic and climatic evolution.

The Ediacaran Period is sandwiched between the Cryogenian Period (720 Ma to 635 Ma), which may have been characterised at times by extreme ‘Snowball Earth’ icehouse conditions, and the Cambrian Period (538.8 Ma to 486.85 Ma), which was likely a prolonged greenhouse interval. There is abundant geological evidence of glaciation in the mid- to late Ediacaran (~593 to 579 Ma) that, whilst challenging to correlate in detail, appears to break the ‘Snowball Earth’ mould of globally distributed low altitude ice seen during the preceding Cryogenian Period. In particular, a cluster of glacial deposits on palaeocontinental Avalonia and Gondwana are associated with this interval, with glaciation considered to have terminated just prior to the first appearance of early animal fossils.

Here, we critically evaluate the depositional ages and likely glaciogenicity of candidate glacial deposits of plausibly mid-Ediacaran age. Our re-evaluated dataset provides a framework for assessing the geographical and temporal extent of icehouse conditions in the mid-Ediacaran. We combine this framework with new climate and icesheet model simulations to examine the possible nature of the climate system through this interval. Our data-model comparison supports the hypothesis that, in contrast to the preceding Cryogenian-style ‘Snowball Earth’, the mid-Ediacaran icehouse followed the Phanerozoic paradigm of low altitude ice confined to the mid- to high palaeolatitudes, a pattern of glaciation that continues to the present day.

How to cite: Wong Hearing, T. W., Pohl, A., Tindal, B. H., Vandyk, T. M., Fluteau, F., Liu, A. G., Harvey, T. H. P., and Williams, M.: Earth’s first Phanerozoic-style icehouse in the late Neoproterozoic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12696,, 2025.

EGU25-13259 | Orals | CR1.4

Distal Cirque Contribution to the Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet, Yukon, Canada 

Brent Ward, Derek Cronmiller, Jessi Steinke, and Jeffery Bond

Yukon has been repeatedly affected by the northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet (NCIS). Although termed an ice sheet, it is better described as an ice complex, with quasi-independent lobes originating from mountainous areas around the border of Yukon. This ice complex produced irregular, digitate horseshoe-shaped glacial limits largely on the plateau area of central Yukon, at the eastern edge of unglaciated Beringia. These limits have broadly followed a pattern of progressively diminished extent. It is likely that variations in precipitation across the source areas of these lobes affected their extent and timing during various glacial cycles. The growth model of the NCIS is contingent on ice from numerous cirques and ice fields in the source areas eventually amalgamating into these large, coalescent ice lobes. What is unclear is the contribution of cirque and valley glaciers from the few mountainous areas near the limits of glaciation. This research describes the contribution of cirques and valley glaciers in two areas at the glacial limits from MIS 6-2.

Central Ruby Range is in southwest Yukon and was affected by the Saint Elias lobe. It encompasses the limits of MIS 2, 4 and 6 glaciations. Stratigraphic analysis paired with 10Be surface exposure dating indicates extensive local ice production from cirques and plateau surfaces during MIS 2. During early MIS 2, local valley glaciers advance to the edge of the range but had retreated before inundation by the St. Elias lobe, likely due to local precipitation reduction. These alpine ice centres were responsive to deglacial climatic fluctuations and hosted significant re-advances during the Older Dryas, despite their location in the rain shadow of the St. Elias Mountains and during rapid retreat of the St. Elias Lobe. The MIS 4 limit is slightly more extensive than the MIS 6 limit here, likely because local ice contributed to this portion of the St. Elias Lobe. The record and limit of the MIS 6 glaciation is poorly constrained here but 150 km to the NW, MIS 6 is 4 km more extensive than 4.

Granite Creek is in the Gustavus Range in central Yukon at the MIS 2 limit of the Selwyn lobe. During MIS 2 a tongue of the Selwyn lobe occupied the lower portion of Granite Creek, forming a lake. Cirque glaciers near the margin were overrun by the Selwyn lobe. Cirque glaciers terminating in the lake advanced due to floating ice margins, but these maximum limits are not reflected in the geomorphic record; their well-defined moraines are recessional from this maximum. Stratigraphic studies indicate extensive MIS 4 cirque glaciation but no evidence of a proximal Selwyn lobe. During MIS 6, cirque glaciers were extensive early enough that the Selwyn lobe did not inundate local cirque valleys even though the entire area was overrun.

This research indicates peripheral ice accumulation could contribute to the NCIS. However, variations in precipitation imply that peripheral ice sources were largely out of sync with local ice sources.


How to cite: Ward, B., Cronmiller, D., Steinke, J., and Bond, J.: Distal Cirque Contribution to the Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet, Yukon, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13259,, 2025.

EGU25-13921 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

Quaternary climate inferences for the southernmost Rocky Mountains from cosmogenic dating and glacier modeling at Costilla Massif, New Mexico. 

Anthony Feldman, Brad Sion, Leif Anderson, Keith Brugger, and Janelle Bustard

Despite a significant body of work utilizing terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating to examine the late Quaternary glacial history of the mid to northern Rocky Mountains, we lack an understanding of alpine glacial and ice cap responses to climate change in the southern Rocky Mountains (SRM) and the Southwestern United States (SWUS). While limited work has examined the timing of glacial advance and retreat in the SRM of New Mexico using relative age dating techniques, only one study to date has examined last glacial maximum glacier extents in a mountain valley in the southern Sangre de Cristo mountains (SdCm). The lack of age control for the southernmost Rocky Mountain glacial sequences limits our understanding of the timing for SWUS glacial retreat in response to late Quaternary warming periods. Additionally, while limited work has suggested an absence of Holocene glaciation in valley glacier systems at the far southern extreme of the SdCm near Santa Fe, New Mexico, the southernmost limit to Holocene glaciation within the United States remains uncertain.

Here, we develop preliminary moraine chronology, model glacier and ice cap extents, and produce a paleoclimate record throughout the late Quaternary at Costilla Massif in the SdCm of New Mexico. We aim to use the glacial and paleoclimatic records to examine variations in climate between Costilla Massif and other glaciated regions of the Rocky Mountains and test the hypothesis that latest Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation occurred in the SRM. We use 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of quartz monzonite boulders to develop a glacial chronology for six moraines in two glaciated valleys at Costilla Massif. We use the updated glacial energy/mass balance of Plummer and Phillips to (1) model the extent of valley glaciation and (2) determine paleoclimatic deviations from modern conditions required to sustain glaciers at each moraine position. We compare ice cap extents at Costilla Massif with similar small ice caps throughout the southern Sdm to determine changes in extent related to fluctuations in local and regional climate. We then compare our moraine-derived paleoclimate record with similar records elsewhere in the Rocky Mountains and other climatic proxy records throughout the SWUS and SRM regions to provide analysis of warming trends during the Late Quaternary.

Preliminary soil relative age dating techniques indicate glacial landforms at Costilla Massif range in age from MIS6 (~195 – 123 ka) to the Holocene. Given their limited extent and relative lack of soil development, we hypothesize that the youngest cirque glaciers at Costilla Massif are of Holocene age. Additionally, we predict the Costilla Ice Cap persisted into the Holocene. We predict that valley glaciers at Costilla massif began to retreat earlier than occurred in the mid- to northern Rocky Mountains at similar rates to elsewhere in the SdCm. However, the presence of a locally extensive ice cap and local variations in topography and precipitation and temperature regime compared to elsewhere in the SdCm permitted stabilization of cirque glaciation during the early Holocene in contrast to previous studies suggesting a deglaciation of the SdCm by about 15 ka.

How to cite: Feldman, A., Sion, B., Anderson, L., Brugger, K., and Bustard, J.: Quaternary climate inferences for the southernmost Rocky Mountains from cosmogenic dating and glacier modeling at Costilla Massif, New Mexico., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13921,, 2025.

EGU25-14643 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4

An advance of the Eurasian Ice Sheet to the Central European Uplands preceded MIS 16 

Kaleb Wagner, Lotta Yla-Mella, Martin Margold, Mads Faurschou Knudsen, Dariusz Krzyszkowski, Lucyna Wachecka-Kotkowska, Dariusz Wieczorek, Henrik Rother, Stefan Wansa, Izabela Szuman-Kalita, Birte Lindahl Eriksen, Jane Lund Andersen, Jesper Olsen, Jiří Sláma, and John Jansen

Records of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) from the global oceans indicate the expansion of large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets prior to the Plio–Pleistocene transition. Yet, the geometry of these early ice sheets remains unclear due to limited availability of well-dated terrestrial sediments. In the German and Polish sectors of the North European Plain, chronostratigraphic schemes evolved independently to produce a contrasting picture of regional glacial history. The most divergent points hinge upon the timing and number of alleged Middle Pleistocene Eurasian Ice Sheet (EIS) advances to reach as far south as the Central European Uplands (~51°N).

Here we present 10Be-26Al abundances measured directly in subglacial tills obtained from two locations within ~180 km of the southernmost German-Polish border (Peres, DE; Jaroszów, PL). Using Particle-Pathway Inversion of Nuclide Inventories (P-PINI), we calculate sediment burial ages by matching large arrays of simulated 10Be-26Al pairs to empirical data, accounting for glaciation-induced complexities in pre-burial sample nuclide ratios. These results are supplemented by U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons within the tills as a means of inferring source area correlations and interpreting former ice flow pathways.

Our findings suggest equivalency between the lower stadial of the Elsterian glacial stage in the eastern North German Plain and the Sanian 1 in the Polish Silesian Lowlands. Despite their conventional respective assignments to MIS 12 and MIS 16, our data indicate an older concordant age (MIS 36–56) for both deposits. This implies a temporal compression of the Polish pre-glacial series and provides evidence of the disputed Narevian glacial stage below the Nidanian. Dating uncertainties allow correlation with either the floristically-defined Pinnau (Menapian) or the older Lieth (Eburonian) cold phases recognized across Germany and northwest Europe. We further examine these correlations in light of our findings from the well-studied Szczerców lignite mine exposures (central PL), ~200 km east, where dating of Sanian 1 and 2 tills in stratigraphic position suggests that they were emplaced between MIS 16 and 22. Collectively, these results point to an Early Pleistocene advance of the EIS, extending to ~51°N at a time when peak glacial global sea levels were ~50–100 m higher than those of the Last Glacial Maximum.

How to cite: Wagner, K., Yla-Mella, L., Margold, M., Knudsen, M. F., Krzyszkowski, D., Wachecka-Kotkowska, L., Wieczorek, D., Rother, H., Wansa, S., Szuman-Kalita, I., Eriksen, B. L., Andersen, J. L., Olsen, J., Sláma, J., and Jansen, J.: An advance of the Eurasian Ice Sheet to the Central European Uplands preceded MIS 16, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14643,, 2025.

EGU25-15497 | Orals | CR1.4

Subglacial meltwater corridors and their relationship to the soft-bed subglacial hydrological continuum 

Jane Hart, Kirk Martinez, Nathaniel Baurley, Benjamin Robson, and Amelia Andrews

The subglacial environment is a key part of glacier dynamics, and the ‘slipperiness’ of the bed has shown to be related to the rate of sea level rise. Investigations of the subglacial hydrological system associated with soft beds are rare. Studies from modern glaciers have revealed there is a continuum in subglacial fluvial behaviour associated with a deforming bed, from channelised to distributed. We use data from wireless in situ subglacial probes, GPR, glacier velocity data from remote sensing and GNSS and drone surveys to investigate this continuum. We then use this data to relate this to the geomorphology and sedimentology from both modern and Quaternary melt-water corridors, in order to reconstruct past subglacial processes.

How to cite: Hart, J., Martinez, K., Baurley, N., Robson, B., and Andrews, A.: Subglacial meltwater corridors and their relationship to the soft-bed subglacial hydrological continuum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15497,, 2025.

EGU25-15931 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4

A data-consistent, high-resolution model of the last glaciation in the Alps achieved with physics-driven AI  

Tancrède Leger, Guillaume Jouvet, Sarah Kamleitner, Jürgen Mey, Frederic Herman, Brandon Finley, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Andreas Vieli, Andreas Henz, and Samuel Nussbaumer

Reconstructing the last glaciation of the European Alpine Ice Field via numerical modelling has been challenged by persistent model-data disagreements, including large overestimations of its former thickness. Here, we tackle this issue by applying the Instructed Glacier Model, a three-dimensional, high-order, and thermo-mechanically coupled model enhanced with physics-informed machine learning. This new approach allows us to produce an ensemble of 100, Alps-wide and 17 thousand-year-long (35-18 ka) simulations at 300 m spatial resolution. Unfeasible with traditional models due to computational costs, our experiment substantially increases model-data agreement in both ice extent and thickness. The model-data offset in ice thickness, for instance, is here reduced by between 200% and 450% relative to previous studies. The results yield implications for more accurately reconstructing former ice velocities, ice temperatures, basal conditions, glacial erosion processes, glacial isostatic adjustment, and climate evolution in the Alps during the Last Glacial Maximum. Furthermore, the switch to GPU-based computations enables us, for the first time, to also couple our Alpine Ice Field model with three-dimensional and time-transgressive ice advection of particles (tens of millions). Here, particles are seeded to mimic both the subglacial (e.g. abrasion, plucking) and supraglacial (e.g. rockfall) origins of glacially-transported sediments. Using our ensemble best-fit simulation, we present the results of tracking the sink-to-source transport trajectories of distinct LGM ice-contact deposits (e.g. terminal moraines), and the LGM source-to-sink transport trajectories of specific surface lithologies, throughout the Alps. We find that modelling the Alps-wide glacial transport of particles also helps us better understand the complex internal ice dynamics of the former Alpine Ice Field, including transfluences and the zipping/unzipping behaviours of different tributary glaciers. More generally, this work demonstrates that physics-informed AI-driven glacier models can overcome the bottleneck of high-resolution continental-scale modelling required to accurately describe complex topographies and ice dynamics.

How to cite: Leger, T., Jouvet, G., Kamleitner, S., Mey, J., Herman, F., Finley, B., Ivy-Ochs, S., Vieli, A., Henz, A., and Nussbaumer, S.: A data-consistent, high-resolution model of the last glaciation in the Alps achieved with physics-driven AI , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15931,, 2025.

EGU25-16663 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4

Bringing Order to Chaos: Micromorphological Analysis of Late Palaeozoic glacial diamictites   

Marianne Heninger and Daniel Le Heron

The Late Palaeozoic Ice Age (LPIA) is Earth’s most recent, severe glacial epoch and in Namibia experienced its acme at about 300-298 Ma. The record of the glaciation in southern Africa is exceptional, and many of the deposits consist of poorly-sorted diamictites of the Dwyka Group that were deposited beneath glaciers or at their margins. The study of these deposits has often been neglected, because sedimentologists have tended to regard these deposits as complex, massive, or confusing. New quantitative approaches to oriented samples developed in the course of Quaternary glacial studies is beginning to change this, and thus this study will consist of a detailed evaluation of oriented diamictite samples recovered from northern Namibia (Opuwo) the Aranos Basin (central-southern Namibia) and the Karasburg Basin (Namibia-South Africa border). The aim of this Masters project is to produce a substantial new set of directional data. Previous authors have proposed diverse and often conflicting ice-flow directions from different data sources, and it is hoped that this controversy can be resolved.

Oriented samples were collected during fieldwork in 2019 and 2023 from five different locations. Each was cut in three directions, ie “north-south”-, “east-west”- and “top”-orientations, and thin sections were prepared from these, which were then scanned in high resolution. These scans are being quantitatively analysed using the “microstructural mapping” method proposed by Phillips et al. (2011). Measuring the direction of the longest axis of the grains in each oriented thin section will be achieved using CorelDraw. The data from CorelDraw is then exported to OpenStereo, a program which is used for structural geology analysis, to draw rose diagrams of clast orientation. The rose diagrams from each sample will thus represent three sides of a cube, and this “pseudo cube” will allow the orientation of clasts to be characterised in 3D space. From this, an understanding of the dynamics of sediment deformation, and thereby ice flow orientation, will be determined. At PANGEO, preliminary results will be presented.

The main goal of my thesis is to contribute to a nuanced paleo-reconstruction through a better understanding of glacial dynamics in the LPIA. This will not only improve understanding of ancient glacial environments in Namibia but also further the understanding of contemporary glacial behaviour through exploitation of well-preserved samples. Given the complex issues in unraveling past ice flow in ancient rocks, many datasets have been combined by previous authors to achieve this (striation orientations on bedrock, crossbed orientations etc). By contrast, this will be the first large and significant database of flow directions from the LPIA sedimentary record of Namibia drawn from one single source.

How to cite: Heninger, M. and Le Heron, D.: Bringing Order to Chaos: Micromorphological Analysis of Late Palaeozoic glacial diamictites  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16663,, 2025.

EGU25-20001 | Posters on site | CR1.4

Evolution of the Maladeta Glacier (Central Pyrenees) since the Little Ice Age 

Néstor Campos, Jesús Alcalá, Adam Emmer, Ashim Sattar, Bijeesh K. Veettel, and Melaine Le Roy

Maladeta Glacier, one of the largest glaciers of the Pyrenees, is located on the Maladeta Massif (Central Pyrenees), close to the highest point of the range, the Aneto peak (42° 37' 52 N, 0° 39' 24 E; 3,404 m a.s.l.).  Maladeta Glacier is one of the most meridional ice masses in Europe, and is considered a very good proxy indicator to study the impact of climatic changes on mediterranean mountains.

This glacier is 650 meters long, occupy an area of 24.8 ha and their maximum altitude is ~3,200 meters. At the end of the last century, due to the retreat, the glacier split into two smaller bodies. The main aim of this research is to present an analysis of the evolution of the glacier since the LIA and examine their shrinking. Based on morphological features, the extent of the glacier, their Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) and the temperatures in the study were calculated for the following periods: LIA, 1957, 1983, 2006, 2012 and 2018. To estimate the glacier extension during the LIA, the moraines were mapped by using photo interpretation techniques. For the recent phases digital aerial photographs and satellite images were used.

The preliminary results of the research reveal a retreat of the Maladeta Glacier since the LIA. The length of the glacier has been severely reduced, and its area decreased from 128 ha during the LIA to 24.8 ha in 2018. During this period, the ELA has increased from ~2,894 to ~3,108 m a.s.l. These data reveal a huge retreat of the glacier since the LIA, showing an increase of the temperature in the study area of 1.11-1.39°C from LIA to 2018.

How to cite: Campos, N., Alcalá, J., Emmer, A., Sattar, A., Veettel, B. K., and Le Roy, M.: Evolution of the Maladeta Glacier (Central Pyrenees) since the Little Ice Age, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20001,, 2025.

EGU25-20816 | Posters on site | CR1.4

Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene - ice sheet extent and landscape development in the Western Danish North Sea 

Lasse Tésik Prins, Lis Allaart, Nichlas Christensen, Thomas Vangkilde-Pedersen, Katrine Hansen, Bodil Lauridsen, and Paul Knutz

The Weichselian Ice sheet extent during the Last Glacial Maximum has not been thoroughly described for the Danish North Sea. Particularly towards the western sector, where studies have tended to focus on the deeper geology. With offshore activities related to the renewable energy transition, focus on quaternary glacial landscape evolution, its geological history and the associated geotechnical challenges has risen.    

Regional high resolution seismic mapping combined with conventional and high-resolution vintage seismic data has revealed glaciotectonic thrusting in glacio-lacustrine deposits in the western part of the Danish North Sea. The glacio-lacustrine deposits are part of a laterally extensive unit that covers the entire southern part of the western Danish North Sea revealing evidence of a   large ice-dammed lake in front of the Weichselian ice sheet. Deformation of glaciolacustrine sediments has been observed providing geomorphological evidence of the approximate position of the Weichselian ice sheet in the Danish North Sea.  Additionally previous ice sheet positions have been identified, revealing a retreat pattern characterized by at least three phases of ice marginal lake development. The drainage of the glacial lake is recorded in the sediments as erosional channels which appears to drain through a prominent landscape feature known as the Elbe Paleo valley. This study presents the geological landscape evolution from the last glacial maximum to the early Holocene with emphasis on the glacial processes that have shaped the area.

How to cite: Prins, L. T., Allaart, L., Christensen, N., Vangkilde-Pedersen, T., Hansen, K., Lauridsen, B., and Knutz, P.: Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene - ice sheet extent and landscape development in the Western Danish North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20816,, 2025.

EGU25-203 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

The effect of irrigation on glacier evolution in High-Mountain Asia 

Magali Ponds, Rodrigo Aguayo Gutierrez, Yi Yao, Wim Thiery, and Harry Zekollari

Over the past century, global irrigation extent has expanded nearly fivefold, increasing from approximately 63Mha in the early 1900s to over 306Mha today. This growth has been particularly pronounced in Asia, which accounts for roughly 85% of current global irrigation withdrawals. Irrigation, as one of the most impactful land management practices, substantially influences regional climate by altering precipitation patterns and cooling surface air temperatures. These meteorological changes raise important questions about how irrigation-driven weather modifications might affect glaciers in High Mountain Asia (HMA). This study investigates the impact of irrigation expansion on glaciers in HMA using simulations from the Irrigation Model Intercomparison Project (IRRMIP). IRRMIP provides historical climate simulations (1901-2014) under two contrasting scenarios: (1) the Irr-scenario, representing real-world irrigation trends, and (2) the NoIrr-scenario, modeling a world with irrigation extent fixed at early 20th-century levels. These scenarios are then used as inputs for the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) to assess the effects of irrigation expansion-induced climate changes on glaciers. Our results reveal that irrigation expansion had an important impact on glacier changes in HMA. Without irrigation expansion, glaciers would have lost considerably greater volume loss over the 1985-2014 period compared to the real-world case with irrigation expansion. This outcome discovers the buffering effect of irrigation on glaciers in HMA, partially offsetting climate-induced glacier loss and underscores the interconnection between human land management and cryospheric systems.

How to cite: Ponds, M., Aguayo Gutierrez, R., Yao, Y., Thiery, W., and Zekollari, H.: The effect of irrigation on glacier evolution in High-Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-203,, 2025.

EGU25-242 | Orals | CR1.7 | Highlight

Current climate policies will affect multi-century global glacier change 

Harry Zekollari, Lilian Schuster, Fabien Maussion, Regine Hock, Ben Marzeion, David R. Rounce, and the GlacierMIP3 participants

Glaciers adapt slowly to changing climatic conditions, leading to a time lag between climate change and the resulting impacts, such as sea-level rise, water supply changes, and ecological impacts. While previous projections of all glaciers around the globe have mainly focused on the 21st century, longer timescales are essential to fully understand the glacier response to climate policies and associated warming. 

Using eight glacier evolution models, we simulate global glacier evolution over multi-centennial timescales, allowing glaciers to equilibrate with climate under various constant global temperature scenarios. We estimate that glaciers globally will lose about 40% of their mass, relative to 2020, corresponding to a global mean sea-level rise of more than 10 centimeters even if temperatures stabilized at present-day conditions. The effect of climate policies is very pronounced: under the +1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement, more than twice as much global glacier mass remains at equilibration compared to the mass projected under the warming level resulting from current policies (+2.7°C by 2100 above pre-industrial). 

Long-term global glacier mass loss is highly sensitive to global mean temperature, with each additional 0.1°C warming leading to a ca. 2% additional increase in global glacier mass loss. These long-term losses largely exceed those projected over the 21st century, implying that the most substantial impacts of today's climate policies on glacier mass will unfold after 2100. Notably, regions previously found to experience limited mass loss in the 21st century, such as Arctic Canada, Russian Arctic, and Subantarctic & Antarctic Islands, are projected to lose substantial mass on longer timescales. 

Our findings underscore the necessity of extending the focus of glacier studies beyond the 21st century to fully comprehend the long-term implications of today’s climate policies.

How to cite: Zekollari, H., Schuster, L., Maussion, F., Hock, R., Marzeion, B., Rounce, D. R., and GlacierMIP3 participants, T.: Current climate policies will affect multi-century global glacier change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-242,, 2025.

EGU25-511 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Assessing the risks from a potential Glacial Lake Outburst Flood in the Alaknanda Basin, Central Himalaya 

Janhavi Jadhav, Anil Kulkarni, and Veena Prasad

The Himalayan region is experiencing a higher rise in temperature than the global mean, leading to glacier retreat. This retreat is contributing to the rapid formation and expansion of numerous moraine-dammed lakes. Simultaneously, the Himalayan region is witnessing a surge in development activities, including road and tunnel construction, hydropower projects, rapid urbanization, and a booming tourism industry. These changes increase the region's susceptibility to glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) by altering the natural ecosystem. However, infrastructure development activities can require significant time, during which retreating glaciers may create new lakes, creating new challenges for risk management. Consequently, regions that appear safe today may become vulnerable in the future. In this context, our study focuses on the Alaknanda basin, an area with a high concentration of glaciers and extensive developmental activity.

In this study, we have identified potential lake sites in the Alaknanda basin and assessed their impact on the infrastructure. We used the Himalayan Glacier Thickness Mapper (HIGTHIM) tool to estimate future glacial lakes. It uses the laminar flow method, which estimates ice thickness by balancing factors such as ice surface slope, glacier geometry, and basal shear stress. This method identifies potential subglacial depressions that may become exposed during glacier retreat, thus predicting the area and volume of future glacial lakes.

We identified 28 potential lake sites with a total area of 471.81 ha and a potential to store 113.4 million m3 of water. A highly susceptible lake in the Vishnuganga sub-basin, with an area of 38 ha and a volume of 14.5 million m3, is assessed to understand the impact of GLOF on the downstream region. This study evaluates a possible GLOF caused by a moraine-dam failure using the hydrodynamic model HEC-RAS. This model uses SRTM DEM to understand the channel geometry and downstream topography. The simulation predicts an average flood depth of 10 m and a flood velocity of 5 ms-1 within the settlement, located 10 km from the lake. This settlement experiences flooding within 53 minutes with a peak discharge of 6200 m3s-1 in a high-risk scenario.

Considering the uncertainties in future moraine formations, a sensitivity analysis was conducted by varying the moraine breaching parameters to model different risk scenarios. In addition, the study incorporates hazard, vulnerability, and risk mapping of the downstream flood-affected area to assess potential GLOF impacts comprehensively. These findings highlight the critical role of GLOF prediction in safeguarding downstream communities and guiding future planning efforts. Considering the ongoing and future development activities in this region, it is essential to integrate GLOF risk assessments into development strategies to minimize the potential impact on vulnerable communities and infrastructure.

How to cite: Jadhav, J., Kulkarni, A., and Prasad, V.: Assessing the risks from a potential Glacial Lake Outburst Flood in the Alaknanda Basin, Central Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-511,, 2025.

EGU25-2227 | Posters on site | CR1.7

Divergent responses of bacterial communities to permafrost degradation and their roles in mediating carbon across vertical profile 

Shengyun Chen, Ali Bahadur, Tonghua Wu, Qingbai Wu, and Peijie Wei

Permafrost degradation poses a significant threat to the organic carbon (C) pool primarily through regulating microorganisms. However, microbial responses and their associations with C loss across vertical profile remain unclear. Here, we used metagenomic sequencing to investigate bacterial communities in 125 samples from five 15 m-depth permafrost cores, spanning from the active layer to the permafrost layer along a degraded gradient on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We find that α-diversity decreases, while stochastic processes and community stability increase from the active layer to the permafrost layer. Along permafrost degradation, these community attributes follow similar variations within the active layer but remain basically constant within the permafrost layer. The relative abundance and interaction of core taxa play important roles in maintaining community stability in the active and permafrost layers, respectively. Interestingly, degradation strengthens the negative effect of community stability on C storage, with this link being stronger in the active layer than the permafrost layer, further exacerbating C loss. Our findings provide novel insights into the capacity of microbial-mediated permafrost C sequestration and contribute to modeling C dynamic under future warming.

How to cite: Chen, S., Bahadur, A., Wu, T., Wu, Q., and Wei, P.: Divergent responses of bacterial communities to permafrost degradation and their roles in mediating carbon across vertical profile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2227,, 2025.

EGU25-2446 | Posters on site | CR1.7

Suitability of Chinese snow resorts: present and future 

Shijin Wang and Rongfang Zhao

Ski resorts, as main climate and economic resources, play key roles to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 (promoting decent work and economic growth) in global ice-snow areas. However, warming is influencing spatial suitability of Chinese ski resorts. The study develops an integrated framework that combines machine learning models (MaxEnt and Random Forest) with multi-model ensemble (MME) CMIP6 climate projections to evaluate ski resort suitability in China under current and future climate scenarios. Results show that current suitable areas are concentrated in Northeast and North China, in which winter temperature (i.e. artificial snow weather conditions) and tourist sources are key indicators. Under low-emission scenarios, suitability slightly increases by 2050 but declines significantly by 2070 under high-emission scenarios (19.90% reduction nationally). Regional differences are significant, with Southern China experiencing the largest decline (55.71%), followed by Northeast (21.23%), North (18.68%), and Northwest (10.42%). The suitability centroid shifts mildly from North China to northwestward with a trend toward higher altitudes and latitudes. 

How to cite: Wang, S. and Zhao, R.: Suitability of Chinese snow resorts: present and future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2446,, 2025.

EGU25-3731 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Intact rock glaciers as weathering reactors: influence on spring water quality 

Nicola Colombo, Stefano Brighenti, Thomas Wagner, Michael Pettauer, Nicolas Guyennon, Karl Krainer, Monica Tolotti, Michela Rogora, Luca Paro, Sandra M. Steingruber, Chantal Del Siro, Cristian Scapozza, Noelia R. Sileo, Cristian D. Villarroel, Masaki Hayashi, Jeffrey Munroe, Dario Trombotto Liaudat, Leonardo Cerasino, Werner Tirler, Francesco Comiti, Michele Freppaz, Franco Salerno, M. Iggy Litaor, Edoardo Cremonese, Umberto Morra di Cella, and Gerfried Winkler

During the last decades, most glaciers have been retreating and losing mass in all high-mountain regions, where permafrost has also undergone warming, degradation, and ice loss. In this context, rock glaciers, a visual indication of the presence of mountain permafrost, have gained attention because they host shallow groundwater resources. Hence, rock glaciers could represent a contributor for future water supply, especially in arid and semi-arid mountain areas and/or during dry periods. However, a growing body of literature, mostly composed of local scale studies, has reported high concentrations of solutes, including trace elements, in rock glacier-fed waters, with negative implications on water quality. Therefore, the potential for rock glaciers to function as safe sources for drinking water supply may be questioned, although the main drivers of solute export from rock glaciers are still little understood. Here, we investigated how geographical and geological settings, together with cryospheric conditions, influence the water chemistry of intact (containing internal ice) and relict (without internal ice) rock glaciers, and assessed the potential implications for water quality. To do this, we assembled an unprecedented dataset on 201 rock glacier springs from mountain ranges across Europe, North and South America, and we applied a combination of machine learning, multivariate and univariate analyses, as well as geochemical modelling. Several intact rock glacier springs had higher concentrations of sulphate and trace elements (e.g., Ni, Al, U) than relict ones. Accordingly, one third of springs issuing from intact rock glaciers had a water quality that did not meet the requirements of drinking water standards, with respect to only 5 % of relict rock glacier springs. The ice presence combined with specific lithologies (e.g., paragneisses) enhanced solute concentrations in rock glacier springs, due to intense oxidation of sulphide minerals that was also responsible for the elevated trace element concentrations. Since rock glaciers are emerging as key mountain water resources as well as potential threats to water quality, we call for an international effort to investigate the hydrochemistry of rock glacier springs across the globe, especially in understudied mountain ranges (e.g., Himalayas, Caucasus) and where these springs are used for drinking purposes.

Brighenti, S., Colombo, N., et al. Factors controlling the water quality of rock glacier springs in European and American mountain ranges. Science of the Total Environment 953, 175706 (2024).

NC and SB equally contributed to this work. NC and MF were supported by the project NODES, which has received funding from the MUR – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

How to cite: Colombo, N., Brighenti, S., Wagner, T., Pettauer, M., Guyennon, N., Krainer, K., Tolotti, M., Rogora, M., Paro, L., M. Steingruber, S., Del Siro, C., Scapozza, C., R. Sileo, N., D. Villarroel, C., Hayashi, M., Munroe, J., Trombotto Liaudat, D., Cerasino, L., Tirler, W., Comiti, F., Freppaz, M., Salerno, F., Litaor, M. I., Cremonese, E., Morra di Cella, U., and Winkler, G.: Intact rock glaciers as weathering reactors: influence on spring water quality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3731,, 2025.

EGU25-4283 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.7

Global catalogue of future glacier lakes using novel bed topography 

Céline Walker and Samuel J. Cook

Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) pose a significant risk for settlements and infrastructure in glacierised catchments. Various studies have investigated the current distribution and past evolution of the abundance of glacial lakes and their associated flood risk. Overall, a positive trend in both the number of glacial lakes and the incidence of GLOFs seems to be identifiable as climate change leads to glacier retreat and larger lakes. As climate change is expected to lead to continued substantial glacier retreat worldwide, it is very likely new glacial lakes will continue to emerge and pose risks to downstream populations, infrastructure and ecosystems. To mitigate these risks, the analysis of present and of future glacial lake abundance is therefore crucial. This study aims to detect bedrock depressions that could allow the development of future glacial lakes. The detection is based on a new dataset of subglacial bed topographies from ice-thickness estimates derived using velocity-based inverse modelling in the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM). Using a topographical sink detection algorithm on this new bed topography dataset allows the detection of subglacial depressions worldwide. These depressions have a high potential to evolve into glacier lakes in the future. Contextualising the results of this study with present glacier lake distribution reveals the evolution of GLOF risk in the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) regions with the ongoing retreat of glaciers. As part of a larger project, these first findings lay the basis for estimating the temporal evolution of GLOF hazard in glacierised catchments in a warming climate.

How to cite: Walker, C. and Cook, S. J.: Global catalogue of future glacier lakes using novel bed topography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4283,, 2025.

EGU25-4521 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.7

Temporal and Spatial Snow Variability in the Mountainous Region of the Upper Euphrates Basin 

Esma Nur Demirtaş and Barış Önol

Human-induced greenhouse gas emissions have driven climate change, leading to rising global temperatures and significant disruptions in natural ecosystems. These changes have particularly affected sensitive areas such as the Upper Euphrates Basin in eastern Turkey, and these effects have intensified over the past century. Since the Euphrates River is transboundary water, it is important to monitor the water availability of the river for Syria, Iraq, and Tu ̈rkiye. The basin’s reliance on snow melt for water resources makes it particularly vulnerable to climate change, as rising temperatures shift snow melt timing, reduce snowfall threatening water availability for agriculture, energy production, and ecological balance. This study investigates changes in snow depth and snow cover patterns in the Upper Euphrates Basin from 1985 to 2021, using the Copernicus European Regional Reanalysis for Land (CERRA-Land) dataset. With a high spatial resolution (5.5 km x 5.5 km) and advanced surface modeling, the dataset integrates observational and modeled data, offering a detailed reconstruction of surface and soil variables. We focused on variations in snow depth during the snow season, spanning from November to April. During the study period, specific years, including the early 2000s and mid-2010s, experienced a marked reduction in maximum snow depth. Trend analysis for March and April reveals significant decreases in snow depth, with declines exceeding 30 cm per decade. The most pronounced decreases in snow depth are observed at grid points between 1250 m to 2000 m in the Upper Euphrates Basin. Snow cover decreased remarkably in November, and in the 2012–2021 period, compared to 1985–1994, it remained below 20%, particularly at grid points between 1000– 1500 m altitude. These analyses indicate that the earlier snow melt, the reduction of the snow cover duration, and the decreasing trend in snow depth have considerable impacts on water resources in the countries where the Euphrates basin is located.

How to cite: Demirtaş, E. N. and Önol, B.: Temporal and Spatial Snow Variability in the Mountainous Region of the Upper Euphrates Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4521,, 2025.

EGU25-5903 | Posters on site | CR1.7

Investigating the influence of permafrost on springs water temperature in the Southern Carpathians: A comparative analysis of different source types 

Oana Berzescu, Andrei Ioniță, Petru Urdea, Florina Ardelean, and Alexandru Onaca

The hydrology of rock glaciers is a complex and poorly understood field, marked by uncertainties in water flow dynamics and the uneven distribution of the frozen substrate. One effective method for identifying permafrost - particularly in marginal permafrost regions like the Southern Carpathians - is measuring the temperature of mountain springs at the end of summer. Once seasonal snow has melted, permafrost becomes the primary factor influencing the low temperatures of the springs.

This study examines the spatial and temporal variability of spring water temperatures in the Retezat Mountains to assess the distribution of permafrost and its impact on spring water temperatures. In mid-August 2024, water temperatures were recorded at 62 springs using a Testo 110 instrument with a resolution of 0.10 C resolution. The springs, situated at elevations between 1770 and 2230 meters and were categorized into four groups: (1) springs emerging from rock glaciers, (2) springs from scree slopes and talus slopes, (3) springs from areas with slopes covered with meadows and (4) springs from cirque or valley floors.

Additionally, continuous temperature monitoring was implemented for six springs originating from rock glaciers, using dataloggers, with data collection starting in the summer of 2021. Due to their greater resilience to climate change compared to glaciers, rock glaciers are expected to play an increasingly significant hydrological role in the face of ongoing climate change, acting as vital long-term water reservoirs thanks to their thick insulating debris cover.

How to cite: Berzescu, O., Ioniță, A., Urdea, P., Ardelean, F., and Onaca, A.: Investigating the influence of permafrost on springs water temperature in the Southern Carpathians: A comparative analysis of different source types, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5903,, 2025.

EGU25-5954 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Sampling and Quantification of Microplastic Pollution on Vatnajökull Glacier 

Sydney Fox, Hlynur Stefánsson, and Mark Peternell

Microplastics (MP) have infiltrated the most pristine environments on Earth, including Vatnajökull, Europe’s largest glacier by volume. Although Stefánsson et al. (2021) confirmed MP presence on Vatnajökull, limited sampling locations prevent a comprehensive assessment of MP pollution burden on the glacier. In addition, no standardized protocols exist for collecting and analyzing ice cores for MP contamination. Our work focuses on creating a universal protocol of ice core sampling for MP analysis in glaciers and expanding our sampling locations on Vatnajökull glacier. A 2024 expedition to Vatnajökull focused on assessing MP levels in ice cores collected with standard cold-weather gear containing plastic polymers (e.g., polyester, a polymer with a significant pollution burden in remote areas (Fox et al., 2024)). These results were compared to ice cores collected with fully plastic-free outer layers. Our results demonstrate the importance of wearing plastic-free outer layers to reduce sample contamination when taking ice cores in pristine glacial environments. These results will be implemented in future expeditions to Vatnajökull where a holistic profile of MP contamination around the glacier will be constructed.  

How to cite: Fox, S., Stefánsson, H., and Peternell, M.: Sampling and Quantification of Microplastic Pollution on Vatnajökull Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5954,, 2025.

EGU25-6754 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.7

Natural acid rock drainage causing hydrochemical variations in rock glacier springs in the Austrian Alps 

Christoph Kohler, Thomas Wagner, Michael Pettauer, Franziska Maria Stamm, and Gerfried Winkler

Rock glaciers (RGs) are morphologically distinct landforms of alpine permafrost prevalent in Austria and act as shallow groundwater bodies. Previous studies have shown that some RG spring waters exhibit unexpected low pH values, high concentration of total dissolved solids as well as elevated concentrations of heavy metals due to natural acid rock drainage (NARD). It can be observed that NARD increases and intensifies as permafrost boundaries are shifting towards higher altitudes.

This study aims to show (i) the extreme hydrochemical variation among several springs at a single RG due to NARD and (ii) the temporal evolution of NARD over several years at another RG spring. For this purpose, the active Wannenkar RG in Tyrol and the inactive Klafferkessel RG in Styria are investigated. At the Wannenkar RG, over 15 springs have been identified with large variations in pH values and electric conductivity (EC), which may be attributed to different flow paths and thus hydrogeochemical reactions within an intact RG that is experiencing NARD. In contrast, the Klafferkessel RG features only one spring where over a span of less than 10 years a decrease in pH and a doubling of EC is observed. A detailed analysis of these hydrochemical variations aids to understand the underlying processes. This provides a foundation for water management in this sensitive environment due to climate change.

How to cite: Kohler, C., Wagner, T., Pettauer, M., Stamm, F. M., and Winkler, G.: Natural acid rock drainage causing hydrochemical variations in rock glacier springs in the Austrian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6754,, 2025.

EGU25-6844 | Orals | CR1.7

Impact of historical and future climate change scenarios on meteorological and snow cover droughts in semi-arid and humid snow-dominated catchments 

Antonio-Juan Collados-Lara, Jose-David Hidalgo-Hidalgo, David Pulido-Velazquez, Rosario Jiménez-Espinosa, and Steven Fassnacht

Drought is a temporary precipitation anomaly that affects other hydrological variables and can impact large areas, causing devastating effects on agriculture, environment, and water supplies. Climate change is increasing the frequency of droughts, and their intensity is expected to rise in the future.
In snow-dominated catchments, monitoring and analyzing meteorological (precipitation) and hydrological droughts (associated with snow cover area) is crucial due to their importance in water resources. These regions are particularly sensitive to climate change and serve as excellent observatories for both current and past climate change effects.
In this study, we compare historical droughts related to precipitation and snow cover area in three semi-arid and three humid catchments. We also assess the impact of future climate change scenarios on droughts in these systems. The semi-arid catchments are located in the Sierra Nevada (Spain), the Southern Rocky Mountains (Colorado), and the Andes (Chile), while the humid catchments are located in the Alps (Italy), the Caucasus Mountains (Georgia), and the Himalayas (Nepal).
Historical climate variables were obtained from the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset, and snow cover area was modeled using these climate data along with snow cover area data from the MODIS satellite. Gap filling, extension of the historical period, and simulation of future snow cover area under climate change scenarios were achieved using an improved cellular automata algorithm, which utilizes precipitation, temperature, and elevation as driving variables. Future local climate change scenarios were generated using the stochastic weather generator LARS-WG, which incorporates climate projections from the CMIP6 ensemble, as used in the latest IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. Drought analysis was conducted in terms of frequency, duration, intensity, and magnitude of drought periods using runs theory and various thresholds of the corresponding standardized drought index for precipitation and snow cover area.

This research has been partially supported by the project SIERRA-CC (PID2022-137623OA-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER, UE); the project SIGLO-PRO (PID2021-128021OB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE), the project STAGES-IPCC (TED2021-130744B-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR).

How to cite: Collados-Lara, A.-J., Hidalgo-Hidalgo, J.-D., Pulido-Velazquez, D., Jiménez-Espinosa, R., and Fassnacht, S.: Impact of historical and future climate change scenarios on meteorological and snow cover droughts in semi-arid and humid snow-dominated catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6844,, 2025.

EGU25-6951 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

High-resolution snow projections for Switzerland for the 21st century 

Harsh Beria, Sven Kotlarski, Tobias Jonas, and Christoph Marty

Climate change is projected to substantially reduce snow availability, posing significant challenges for downstream sectors such as ski resort operations, aquatic ecosystems, and hydropower, which are heavily reliant on seasonal snowmelt and streamflow dynamics. This study presents, for the first time, high-resolution (1x1 km²) daily projections of snow cover and snow water equivalent (SWE) for Switzerland under different global warming levels. These projections are derived from an ensemble of over 25 statistically downscaled EURO-CORDEX models, coupled with an operational snow model. We quantify critical thresholds for snow-dependent metrics, including the regional distribution of ephemeral versus seasonal snowpacks, providing new insights into their temporal and spatial evolution. Additionally, we quantify the influence of multivariate versus univariate bias correction techniques on snow simulations and their downstream effects of SWE and snow cover trends. Our results emphasize the importance of methodological choices in climate impact studies and offer actionable insights for managing future snow-dependent resources in a rapidly warming climate.

How to cite: Beria, H., Kotlarski, S., Jonas, T., and Marty, C.: High-resolution snow projections for Switzerland for the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6951,, 2025.

EGU25-6981 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Assessing the impact of recent climate change on semi-arid and humid snow-dominated catchments by using a cellular automata model 

Jose David Hidalgo Hidalgo, Antonio-Juan Collados-Lara, David Pulido-Velazquez, Rosario Jiménez-Espinosa, and Steven Fassnacht

The Earth's spatial heterogeneity and its climate make certain areas more sensitive to climate change. Its effects in these regions become evident earlier than in others. Snow-dominated catchments, where a significant portion of precipitation falls as snow, are particularly sensitive to climate change and serve as excellent observatories for both current and past climate change effects. These areas act as early warning systems for the rest of the world due to their high sensitivity to climate change.
Recent scientific literature highlights significant reductions in snow across various systems in the context of climate change. However, to our knowledge, a global comparison of the effects of climate change on semi-arid and humid snow-dominated mountains has not yet been conducted. Our objective is to analyze the potential differences in sensitivity to climate change between semi-arid and humid regions.
In this study, we compare historical patterns and trends of precipitation, temperature, and snow cover area in three semi-arid and three humid catchments, using data from long-term series (1950-2023). The semi-arid catchments are located in the Sierra Nevada (Spain), the Southern Rocky Mountains (Colorado), and the Andes (Chile), while the humid catchments are located in the Alps (Italy), the Caucasus Mountains (Georgia), and the Himalayas (Nepal).
Climate variables were obtained from the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset, and snow cover area was modeled using these climate data along with snow cover area data from the MODIS satellite. Gap filling and extension of the historical snow cover area period were achieved using an improved cellular automata algorithm, which utilizes precipitation, temperature, and elevation as driving variables.
Several statistical indicators (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, Kling-Gupta Efficiency and coefficient of determination) were used to assess the goodness-of-fit of the improved cellular automata algorithm. The results demonstrated a very good agreement with observed snow cover data in both semi-arid and humid catchments, with the exception of the Himalayan catchment, where the fit was deemed acceptable. Regarding historical snow cover trend, the findings of this study indicate a negative snow cover trend both in semi-arid and humid catchments.

This research has been partially supported by the project SIERRA-CC (PID2022-137623OA-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER, UE); the project SIGLO-PRO (PID2021-128021OB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE), the project STAGES-IPCC (TED2021-130744B-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR).

How to cite: Hidalgo Hidalgo, J. D., Collados-Lara, A.-J., Pulido-Velazquez, D., Jiménez-Espinosa, R., and Fassnacht, S.: Assessing the impact of recent climate change on semi-arid and humid snow-dominated catchments by using a cellular automata model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6981,, 2025.

EGU25-7858 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.7

Understanding snow conditions in Japanese Mountains through a quarter century of insights 

Sojiro Sunako, Satoru Yamaguchi, Yoichi Ito, Katsuya Yamashita, Hayato Arakawa, and Masaki Nemoto

Japan features a wide variety of snow environments, with significant differences in snow distribution based on region and elevation. The effects of ongoing climate change are expected to alter snow conditions significantly, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of these changes and their implications.

Meteorological observation sites managed by the Japan Meteorological Agency are predominantly concentrated in low-altitude areas, with only a limited number in high-altitude regions. Consequently, the lack of long-term and spatially extensive observational data has hindered the quantitative understanding of snow conditions in Japan's mountainous regions. To address this gap, the Snow and Ice Research Center (SIRC) of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience has operated a Snow and Weather Observation Network for over 25 years. This network spans a wide area, from northern to western Japan, monitoring meteorological and snow conditions fluctuations at high elevations. This study utilizes the long-term data collected through the network to analyze trends in snow conditions across Japan's mountainous regions. Particular emphasis is placed on examining the variation characteristics of maximum snow depth and maximum snow water equivalent, including their differences, elevation dependencies, and contrasts between mountainous and flat areas.

Our results indicate that although the trends in maximum snow depth and maximum snow water equivalent are generally consistent, the variability in maximum snow water equivalent is greater than that of maximum snow depth. Additionally, the variation in maximum snow depth shows a distinct dependence on elevation, with different trends observed in mountainous and flat regions. These findings enhance our understanding of the effects of climate change on Japan's snow environments and provide essential insights for improving future projections of snow conditions, as well as for developing strategies to mitigate snow-related disasters.

How to cite: Sunako, S., Yamaguchi, S., Ito, Y., Yamashita, K., Arakawa, H., and Nemoto, M.: Understanding snow conditions in Japanese Mountains through a quarter century of insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7858,, 2025.

EGU25-8037 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Microplastics in Himalayan Glaciers: A Comprehensive Study of recent findings on characteristics and potential source 

shipika sundriyal, Shichang Kang, Yulang zhang, and Tanuj Shukla

The Himalayan glaciers, crucial reservoirs of freshwater and delicate ecosystems, are confronting an alarming threat from microplastic pollution. Defined as plastic particles smaller than 5 mm, microplastics have been detected in these glaciers, raising significant concerns regarding their potential impacts on environmental integrity, human health, and aquatic biodiversity. Despite the growing awareness of microplastic pollution globally, there is a notable lack of information regarding snow microplastics in the Himalayan region. In this study, we collected surface snow samples from the western and central Himalayan glaciers during the pre-monsoon season of 2023 to quantify the presence and abundance of microplastics. Samples were obtained near two scientific research stations (Chorabari and Lahaul & Spiti) and from 13 field sites extending up to 20 km from these stations. We employed Agilent 8700 Laser Direct Infrared Chemical Imaging System (LDIR) to identify polymer compositions and analysed air mass back trajectories to ascertain the potential origins of the sampled air masses. Our findings revealed a diverse array of microplastics, including polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene, basically low-density plastic present in both glacier regions which are predominated by fragments with sized smaller than 100µm in both regions. The distribution and accumulation of microplastics were influenced by hydrological factors, such as glacier melting and runoff, as well as anthropogenic activities, including tourism and trekking. This research adds to the growing body of evidence on microplastic pollution in remote and high-altitude ecosystems, offering critical insights for policymakers, environmental managers, and researchers. The implications of this study are profound, enhancing our understanding of the regional distribution and impacts of microplastic pollution and informing the development of effective strategies to mitigate plastic waste and promote sustainable development. Human Health. This research contributes to a more nuanced perspective on the microplastic cycle and its profound implications for vulnerable ecosystems like the Himalayan Glacier, paving the way for future inquiries into this pressing and pervasive environmental challenge.

How to cite: sundriyal, S., Kang, S., zhang, Y., and Shukla, T.: Microplastics in Himalayan Glaciers: A Comprehensive Study of recent findings on characteristics and potential source, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8037,, 2025.

Global warming in Central Asia has primarily led to glacier melting and the degradation of snow cover in mountainous regions. Research conducted by the Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences using Landsat data (2013–2016) revealed that glacier areas in the Tien Shan river basins have decreased by 10–47% compared to data from the USSR Glacier Catalog (1940–1970). Over approximately 70 years, Kyrgyzstan's glacier area has decreased by 16%, with large glaciers shrinking by 17%, while the area of small glaciers has increased by 2.5 times.

Field studies conducted on nine representative glaciers in Kyrgyzstan between 2011 and 2023 indicate a negative mass balance for glaciers in the mountain regions, with the exception of certain years for the Golubin Glacier (Ala-Archa River basin) and the Abramov Glacier (southern border of the Fergana Valley).

In addition to Landsat data, the dynamics of snow cover have been analyzed using MODIS data processed through the MODSNOW-Tool program. This tool provides valuable insights into snow cover dynamics and accumulation in the Tien Shan Mountains. Seasonal snow reserves and glacier runoff are the primary sources of water for mountain rivers in the Tien Shan. At altitudes above 2.5–3 km, melting in river basins lasts 5–6 months, contributing 80–90% of the annual runoff.

Snow cover data has also been utilized to forecast river flow in Kyrgyzstan. This forecasting methodology was developed under the Central Asia Water (CAWa) project and transferred to Kyrgyzhydromet for implementation in 2015. Over the past decade, it has been actively employed to predict water inflows into reservoirs. An evaluation of the methodology for the Naryn, Karadarya, Chu, and Talas rivers (2021–2023) demonstrated its high efficiency in operational hydrological forecasting.

How to cite: Kalashnikova, O.: Hydrological forecasting based on remote sensing snow cover and glacier data in the river basins of the Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8053,, 2025.

EGU25-8316 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.7

Assessing the Degradation of Conventional and Biodegradable Microplastics in Soil from King George Island, maritime Antarctica 

Sônia Silva Gurgel do Amaral, Mariana Vezzone, Maria Heiling, Rosemary Vieira, Gerd Dercon, and Roberto Meigikos dos Anjos

In recent years, microplastic (MP) pollution has become a global concern, even reaching remote and pristine environments like Antarctica. Antarctica is a sensitive environment, critical to global biodiversity conservation and climate regulation, and therefore has attracted interest for scientific research. Despite its remoteness, King George Island, located in the South Shetland Islands, experiences significant ship traffic due to its strategic location. The island hosts ten permanent research stations and the only airport in the region. Increasing human activity, including tourism and research operations, along with atmospheric and oceanic circulation, has contributed to microplastic contamination in both marine ecosystems and terrestrial soils. In sensitive environments such as the ice-free periglacial zones where most human activities in Antarctica are concentrated, soil plays a critical role in terrestrial ecological processes, such as mediating biological and hydrological processes, as well as nutrient and chemical cycling. The presence of MPs in soil can alter its properties, potentially affecting their ability to perform its essential ecosystem functions. 

Biodegradable plastics have been proposed as a solution to mitigate the environmental impacts of conventional plastics. However, their degradation is highly variable across different environments, with incomplete degradation leading to the formation of MP that still pose a threat to ecosystems.

This study investigates the degradation of conventional and biodegradable MP on Antarctic soils through an incubation experiment using Cambisol collected from a marine terrace in the Admiralty Bay, King George Island (0-10 cm). The experiment was conducted at 25% moisture and 4°C, with two treatments and four replicates each, where the soil was spiked with conventional and biodegradable MPs. A control treatment, consisting of non-spiked soil, and empty jars as blanks, were also included. CO2 concentration and δ13C-CO2 isotopic signatures were measured using cavity ring-down spectroscopy, additionally phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) analyses allowed us to distinguish between microbial groups. The carbon and nitrogen concentration including corresponding isotopes were assessed using EA-IRMS. MP degradation was evaluated through FTIR carbonyl index analysis and δ13C-CO2 mixing model. We will present the preliminary results from this controlled incubation experiment assessing the impact and dynamics of conventional and biodegradable MP on soil from Antarctica.

How to cite: Silva Gurgel do Amaral, S., Vezzone, M., Heiling, M., Vieira, R., Dercon, G., and Meigikos dos Anjos, R.: Assessing the Degradation of Conventional and Biodegradable Microplastics in Soil from King George Island, maritime Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8316,, 2025.

EGU25-9708 | Posters on site | CR1.7

Contribution of Research Station Activities to Microplastic Pollution in Antarctica: A Case Study of King Sejong Station 

Min-Jae Seong, Seung-Kyu Kim, Jun-Hyuk Shin, Yun-Jung Ji, Jin-Yu Kim, Ji-Hee Kim, Seung-Ho Choi, and Chang-Hun Yeom

Microplastics (MPs) are widespread across the globe, including remote regions such as Antarctica. Until recently, Antarctic MPs have been primarily considered to originate from external sources via ocean currents. However, the intensification of human activities within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) has raised concerns that local sources, including research stations, could become significant contributors to MP pollution. Nevertheless, the impacts of local sources remain unclear due to the lack of observation data and snap-shot study results. Frequent temporal monitoring linking potential pollution sources with surrounding environments can help assess and understand the impacts of research stations. This study aimed to quantify and characterize MP pollution from research station activities. To this end, we conducted seasonal or monthly sampling of multiple compartments at or near the King Sejong Station (KSS; located on Barton Peninsula, King George Island)—aquatic (wastewater, seawater, beach sediment, marine sediment), atmospheric (outdoor and indoor air), and terrestrial (soil and snow)—over three years (2023-2025). Here, we present preliminary results, mainly focusing on aquatic compartments. In 2023, influent and effluent discharged from KSS-wastewater treatment plant (WTP) and surface seawater near the KSS-pier in Marian Cove were collected in January, April, July, and October. Additionally, five beach sediments and three marine sediments were collected along a transect from the outer to the inner part of Marian Cove. There was no correlation between the number of residents and MP abundance in wastewater; However, an increasing trend in MP abundance was observed with daily wastewater discharge. Contrary to typical observations, MPs in the effluent (573,100 ± 394,615 n/m3) were more than twice as high as in the influent. This is presumed to result from sludge re-suspension that concentrated MPs, indicating inadequate treatment efficiency in KSS-WTP. We estimate that 5 billion MP pieces may enter Marian Cove annually from KSS-WTP. Surface seawater contained two or three orders of magnitude lower MPs (1,099 ± 1,269 n/m3) compared to WTP effluents but higher levels than those in some mid-latitude coastal regions or other open oceans. MP abundances in beach (205 ± 190 n/m3) and marine sediments (277 ± 107 n/m3) were highest at the site closest to the WTP outlet, with a significant correlation with distance. The detected polymer types were 22 in wastewater, 16 in seawater, and 10 in sediments. Although PP was the predominant polymer, its percentages were 22.9%, 55.8%, 49%, and 31.7%, respectively. These findings indicate that MPs from KSS-WTP are fractionated across media, with less dense polymers remaining longer in seawater and beach sediments. This study provides baseline data on the impact of research station activities, emphasizing the need for improved environmental protocols and systematic monitoring to mitigate MP pollution in Antarctica.

Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI, PE24170), and was also partially supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. RS-2024-00356940).

How to cite: Seong, M.-J., Kim, S.-K., Shin, J.-H., Ji, Y.-J., Kim, J.-Y., Kim, J.-H., Choi, S.-H., and Yeom, C.-H.: Contribution of Research Station Activities to Microplastic Pollution in Antarctica: A Case Study of King Sejong Station, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9708,, 2025.

EGU25-10001 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Snow in the desert: sustainability of the Trojena ski resort in Saudi Arabia 

Laura Sourp and Simon Gascoin

Trojena is a ski resort under construction in the Midian mountains in Saudi Arabia (1500m-2600m). In this warm and arid region, snowfalls are very rare. The average snow cover duration as observed with MODIS is less than 2 days per year during the 2000-2022 period, casting doubts on the possibility to develop a ski resort as advertised by the project managers. Low temperatures at high elevation might allow the production of artificial snow in winter. To examine this possibility, we downscaled  ERA5 meteorological data to 100 m resolution over the Trojena area with MicroMet. We used these high resolution meteorological dataset to  simulate the natural snowpack between 1995 and 2014 at the uppermost and lowermost points (respectively 2389 and 2151 m a.s.l.) in the future ski domain using  the Crocus snowpack model with the default parameters used in France. We evaluated the simulations using Landsat observations of the snow cover. With this model configuration, the snow cover duration with Crocus is slightly overestimated. Then, we ran the Crocus-Resort model  to simulate artificial and managed snow (production of artificial snow and grooming processes) with the default parameters used for French resorts. We evaluated the potential number of skiable days and associated water consumption over this period assuming that the domain was fully equipped to produce artificial snow. In this scenario, the number of skiable days would be approximately 60 and a water consumption around 380 kg.m⁻². Finally, we examined the effect of future climate change by applying the projected temperature increases according to the IPCC scenario SSP2-4.5 on the 2040-2060 horizon. The number of skiable days decreased in this scenario, especially at the bottom of the resort where there would be no skiable days every other year. As a result, the possibility of skiing on snow in Trojena is strongly compromised in the near future. The water consumption decreases in this scenario due to the incapacity of producing snow with the increase of temperature. 

How to cite: Sourp, L. and Gascoin, S.: Snow in the desert: sustainability of the Trojena ski resort in Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10001,, 2025.

Personal care products (PCPs) have become ubiquitous in daily life, resulting in their continuous release into the environment on a global scale. PCPs are organic compounds commonly found in products such as cosmetics, detergents, and deodorants. The growing interest in these substances is primarily driven by their potential to track shifts in human behaviors and consumption patterns. Key characteristics of these compounds include large-scale industrial production, high daily usage volumes, persistence after application, and semi-volatility.

Among these products, fragrances are widely used in cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and detergents, while UV-filters are key components of sunscreen lotions, outdoor polymers, and paints. Some of these compounds have been included on the EU's watchlist due to their potential harmful effects. Additionally, several countries in the Southern Hemisphere have already implemented regulations to limit the use of PCPs, driven by concerns over their negative impacts on coral reefs and marine ecosystems.

Fragrances, owing to their semi-volatile nature, can easily enter the atmosphere and be transported over long distances, even reaching remote regions such as Antarctica. In these areas, they can be deposited through both dry and wet deposition processes and undergo cycles of fractionation, evaporation, and re-deposition. Local sources of PCPs, such as scientific research stations and tourism activities, contribute to their presence in these environments. Notably, PCPs have already been detected in the sewage of the Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) in Antarctica.

This study examined the spatial distribution and temporal variations PCPs in Antarctic surface snow collected during the 2021-2022 season, between November 2021 and February 2022, along the Ross Sea coast, with a particular focus on how seasonality may influence deposition processes. Comparison of the average PCPs concentrations revealed higher values in late summer, with a concentration pattern showing salicylates as the dominant compounds, followed by UV-filters, while musks contributed the least to the total concentration. Salicylates predominated at all sampling sites, including the snow pit dug on McCarthy Ridge. This result may be attributed to potential selectivity in atmospheric transport, likely influenced by the prevailing synoptic air-mass circulation during austral summer.

Additionally, the study was able to differentiate between local and long-range sources by analyzing the concentration trends observed in samples from remote regions and the sewage of the Mario Zucchelli Station. These findings provide a broader understanding of the dynamics involved in long-range atmospheric transport, which require further investigation.

How to cite: Genuzio, G.: Seasonal variability of Personal Care Products in Antarctic snow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10146,, 2025.

EGU25-10479 | Orals | CR1.7

Snow cover duration delays spring green-up in the northern hemisphere the most for grasslands 

Xufeng Wang, Zongxing Li, Jingfeng Xiao, Gaofeng Zhu, and Tao Che

Snow is an important factor controlling vegetation functions in high latitudes/altitudes. However, due to the lack of reliable in-situ measurements, the effects of snow on vegetation phenology remains poorly understood. Here, we examine the effects of snow cover duration (SCD) on the start of growing season (SOS) for different vegetation types. SOS and SCD were extracted from in-situ carbon flux and albedo data, respectively, at 51 eddy covariance flux sites in the northern mid-high latitudes. The effects of SCD on SOS vary substantially among different vegetation types. For grassland, preseason SCD outperforms other factors controlling grassland SOS. However, for forests and cropland, the preseason air temperature is the dominant factor in controlling SOS. Preseason SCD mainly influences the SOS by regulating preseason air and soil temperature rather than soil moisture. The CMIP6 Earth system models (ESMs) fail to capture the effect of SCD on SOS. Thus, Random Forest (RF) models were established to predict future SOS changing trends considering the effect of SCD. For grassland and evergreen needleleaf forest, the projected SOS advance rate is slower when SCD is considered. These findings can help us better understand impacts of snow on vegetation phenology and carbon-climate feedbacks in the warming world.

How to cite: Wang, X., Li, Z., Xiao, J., Zhu, G., and Che, T.: Snow cover duration delays spring green-up in the northern hemisphere the most for grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10479,, 2025.

EGU25-10548 | Orals | CR1.7

Permafrost Degradation Induces the Abrupt Changes of Vegetation NDVI in the Northern Hemisphere 

Yanpeng Yang, Xufeng Wang, and Tonghong Wang

Permafrost, widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, plays a vital role in regulating heat and moisture cycles within ecosystems. In the last four decades, due to global warming, permafrost degradation has accelerated significantly in high latitudes and altitudes. However, the impact of permafrost degradation on vegetation remains poorly understood to date. Based on active layer thickness (ALT) monitoring data, meteorological data and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data, we found that most ALT‐ monitored sites in the Northern Hemisphere show an increasing trend in NDVI and ALT. This suggests an overall increase in NDVI from 1980 to 2021 while permafrost degradation has been occurring. Permafrost degradation positively influences NDVI growth, with the intensity of the effects varying across land cover types and permafrost regions. Furthermore, based on Mann‐Kendall trend test, we detected abrupt changes in NDVI and environmental factors, further confirming that there is a strong consistency between the abrupt changes of ALT and NDVI, and the consistency between the abrupt change events of ALT and NDVI is stronger than that of air temperature and precipitation. These findings work toward a better comprehending of permafrost effects on vegetation growth in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Wang, X., and Wang, T.: Permafrost Degradation Induces the Abrupt Changes of Vegetation NDVI in the Northern Hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10548,, 2025.

EGU25-11478 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Atmospheric Deposition Of Microplastics Recorded In Icelandic Lake Sediments: Estimating Microplastic Fluxes Using Short Sediment Cores 

Mathis Blache, Saija Saarni, Emily Koenders, and Steffen Mischke

Atmospheric transport is a major pathway for microplastics (MP) to reach remote regions, and it plays a significant role in the global distribution of MP. Processes of wet and dry deposition of atmospheric MP are not well understood, but fallouts from atmospheric MP have been previously measured in remote locations. Iceland holds a very strategic location for studying long-range transport of MP, as it is scarcely populated and is located within major oceanic currents and large-scale weather patterns, far from continental Europe and North America.

This study aims to estimate flux rates of atmospheric deposition of MP in Icelandic lakes and to improve the understanding of the atmospheric transport and deposition of MP towards the Arctic. We collected surface sediment from remote crater-like lakes (elevated, with small catchment areas and no apparent main in- or outflows) to minimize contributions from runoff and avoid local sources of MP. A total of six lakes were targeted, located in various locations around Iceland to cover a large scale of mean annual precipitation, ranging from 1000 to 5000 mm. We sampled from the central parts of ice-covered lakes, using a short coring device to preserve the water-sediment interface and prevent loss of easily suspended particles. Only the interface water and upper first centimetre of sediment were collected for the MP study, and additional short cores were retrieved to assess sediment-accumulation rates, and estimate MP flux rates for each lake. MP were extracted using a heavy liquid separation method, followed by organic matter elimination with an enzymatic purification protocol, and identified using micro-FTIR spectroscopy analyses.

As a matter of concern, every sediment sample from every lake contained microplastic particles, with significant variations between lakes. Estimated MP fluxes range from 1 MP/m²/d in Langanes, a peninsula in NE Iceland to 348 MP/m²/d in Skersli, a shield volcano in the highlands, central Iceland. Polymer types PP and PE largely dominate the pollution, and the average MP size decreased with the distance from the coastline. These results emphasize the ubiquity of MP pollution, even in a remote sub-Arctic region, and highlight that MP accumulation in lake sediments is driven by a complex interaction between precipitation, wind patterns and local topography.

How to cite: Blache, M., Saarni, S., Koenders, E., and Mischke, S.: Atmospheric Deposition Of Microplastics Recorded In Icelandic Lake Sediments: Estimating Microplastic Fluxes Using Short Sediment Cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11478,, 2025.

EGU25-11913 | Posters on site | CR1.7

Valuing impact beyond academic publishing: communicating cryospheric change 

Caroline Clason and Sally Rangecroft

As researchers we are well-versed at communicating with the scientific community and assessing the “impact” of our work within the context of academic publishing, but generating impact with non-academic groups is something that is becoming increasingly important, especially under continued global heating. Before and after images of the cryosphere, particularly glaciers, is something the public are now used to seeing, but does this imagery produce the response required to affect a response, or even behavioural or policy change? This contribution reflects on the ways in which cryospheric researchers engage with the public and stakeholder groups and the value of that engagement for researchers, participants, and audiences alike. From citizen science to different forms of art-science dissemination, we draw upon examples from our own work and assess the range of possible impacts of those activities. We focus on understanding and communicating glacier retreat and associated water security issues in the rapidly changing Cordillera Blanca of the Peruvian Andes, and critically examine the benefits and challenges of pursuing participatory research and outreach for the generation of impact beyond academia. We also provide insights from our own experiences to encourage researchers to step beyond the norms of communicating cryospheric science.

How to cite: Clason, C. and Rangecroft, S.: Valuing impact beyond academic publishing: communicating cryospheric change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11913,, 2025.

EGU25-12093 | Posters on site | CR1.7

Synthesizing knowledge to provide a holistic understanding of water quality in the glaciated Rio Santa, Peru 

Sally Rangecroft, Caroline Clason, and Annie Matthews

Here we present an interdisciplinary approach to providing a holistic understanding of an environmental challenge by synthesizing existing published studies and data about water quality in a glaciated Peruvian river basin, the Rio Santa. In mountain regions such as the Cordillera Blanca, connecting the impacts of a changing cryosphere with downstream environmental challenges such as water quality is crucially important for water resource management. Poor water quality negatively impacts human health and ecosystems, yet longitudinal, uninterrupted data to assess trends across time and space is rarely available. We focus on the Rio Santa as a proof of concept for our approach, where water security is already a significant challenge, and one that will become more acute under future climate change, glacier retreat, water and land use change, and water governance.

Research on environmental issues that require in-situ data, such as water quality, is usually fragmented, short-term, and focused on specific aspects or locations, making it difficult to establish a wider, holistic perspective in data-scarce regions. Our approach utilises published data to build a more comprehensive understanding of water quality over a greater temporal and spatial scale than individual studies can provide. Data and knowledge about environmental problems are generated by various research projects over time, but these projects are often unconnected and exist in disciplinary silos. By synthesizing data from existing published research, and seeking to include both quantitative and qualitative data where available, we can aim to create a broader understanding of water quality for a catchment or region, and provide different types of insights, context and knowledge.

We compiled water quality data for the Rio Santa basin from the past two decades, focusing on published variables, such as pH and heavy metal content. We then developed methods to integrate these datasets, providing a more comprehensive understanding of water quality for this catchment. Learnings from this research allow us to expand our understanding from individual studies to build an interdisciplinary and holistic view of water quality across the basin over time. The work also helps to provide a knowledge base for current and future research projects to increase the applicability of data and results, maximising impact and meaning.

How to cite: Rangecroft, S., Clason, C., and Matthews, A.: Synthesizing knowledge to provide a holistic understanding of water quality in the glaciated Rio Santa, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12093,, 2025.

EGU25-12423 | Orals | CR1.7

Analysing long-term (1991-2021) daily records of Snow Water Equivalent in the Po River District, Italy 

Riccardo Rigon, John Mohd Wani, Gaia Roati, Matteo Dall'Amico, Federico Di Paolo, Stefano Tasin, and Kelly E. Gleason

Snow is a critical component of the mountain cryosphere and plays a significant role in shaping the hydrology of the snow-fed basins during summer months. The snowpack serves as a vital water reservoir, accumulating during the wintertime and gradually releasing water during the melt season, to sustain the downstream water demands. Snow is highly sensitive to climate change, particularly in low- and mid-elevation mountain regions like the European Alps.

We present an analysis of a long-term (30 years) dataset of snow water equivalent (SWE) in the Po River district, Italy, which partially covers the mountain ranges of Alps and Apennines from 1991 to 2021. The dataset is available at a spatial resolution of 500x500m and at a daily time step. It was created using a hybrid modelling approach called “J-Snow” that integrates the physically based GEOtop model and assimilation of in-situ snow height data and Earth Observation snow products like MODIS snow cover data.

The Po River basin is the largest in Italy and is considered to be the second most sensitive river basin in Europe after the Rhone basin. In recent years, the Po River basin experienced several droughts, including a recent one in 2022. Therefore, these kinds of long-term spatial datasets help to monitor and analyse the spatial and temporal changes in the SWE and provide vital insights for addressing the snow drought alerts in the study region.

In this study, we analysed several snow phenology metrics that includes snow persistence, first snow date (FSD), snow disappearance date (SDD), peak SWE volume, peak SWE timing, and regional snow line elevation. Our initial results show that the long-term spatially averaged volume of water and snow-covered area are 3.34 Gm3 and 15471 Km2, respectively.Additionally, elevation-wise analysis of the snow phenology metrics show that most changes occur in the low-elevation bands (0-2000 m a.s.l). Changes in snow-water storage start, snowmelt timing, and its variability can directly affect the water availability in snow-fed basins, with significant implications for both ecosystems and human populations.

How to cite: Rigon, R., Wani, J. M., Roati, G., Dall'Amico, M., Di Paolo, F., Tasin, S., and Gleason, K. E.: Analysing long-term (1991-2021) daily records of Snow Water Equivalent in the Po River District, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12423,, 2025.

EGU25-13476 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.7

On the role of Microplastics as Light Absorbing Particles in seasonal snowpacks: First evidence from the Central Pyrenees 

Isabel Marin-Beltran, Javier Brandes, Pablo Dominguez-Aguilar, Jorge Pey, Jesus Revuelto, and Nacho Lopez-Moreno

Microplastic particles (MP; plastic pieces with length < 5 mm) have already colonized every ecosystem on Earth, including cryospheric regions. The presence of MPs has been reported in the Artic, Antarctic and glaciers and seasonal snow at high mountain ranges from Europe, Asia and America. Still, their capacity to affect snow metamorphism and albedo, as light-absorbing impurities, remains unexplored. During the snow season of 2023/24 (from early February to early May 2024), 6 in situ experiments were conducted at the Spanish Central Pyrenees employing a set of mini-lysimeters containing surface snow doped with different concentrations of MP. In each experiment, a blank that remained exempt of particle addition was also included. Two types of polymers were used, low-density polyethylene (PE; ~300 µm) and polyurethane (PUR; ~450 µm) black pellets. The mini-lysimeters were exposed to atmospheric conditions for 3-4 hours to quantify changes in snow specific surface area (SSA), liquid water content (LWC), hyperspectral albedo (HA) and ultimately the total melted water after exposition. Results were very variable across the season. Thus, effective melting (> 40%) was observed only during the warmer days under high solar radiation on old snow. Still, changes in SSA, LWC and HA (calculated as percentage of change per hour) occurred almost in every experiment. SSA changes were quite variable, ranging from negative (mid-winter and old snow, with the lowest PUR concentrations used) to 33% h-1 (spring and warmest day, old snow, all PUR concentrations used). Similarly, LWC increased from 0 the coldest day (with all MPs but the highest PE concentration used) to 500% h-1 (early winter and old snow, with the highest concentration used). Changes in HA were modest, ranging from 1.1% h-1 (mid-winter and old snow, low PUR concentrations) to 7.5% h-1 (spring and warmest day, old snow, highest PUR concentration). Up to now, these results are the first evidence of MP’s capacity to act as light absorbing particles, triggering snow metamorphism and eventually snow melting. Forthcoming studies will test other types of MP and concentrations, under a wider range of snow conditions, to allow a more comprehensive spatial-temporal interpretation.

How to cite: Marin-Beltran, I., Brandes, J., Dominguez-Aguilar, P., Pey, J., Revuelto, J., and Lopez-Moreno, N.: On the role of Microplastics as Light Absorbing Particles in seasonal snowpacks: First evidence from the Central Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13476,, 2025.

EGU25-13841 | ECS | Orals | CR1.7

Response of emperor penguins to changing ice conditions at the Astrid, Mertz, and Sanae colonies using satellite remote sensing (1984-2024) 

Grant Macdonald, Stewart Jamieson, Chris Stokes, Peter Fretwell, Melanie Marochov, and Stephanie Jenouvrier

Emperor penguins are an iconic Antarctic species threatened by climate change. The birds are highly reliant on stable fast ice for successful breeding, and some studies project possible quasi-extinction for over 90% of colonies by 2100 due to future sea ice loss. Recent record-low Antarctic sea ice conditions highlight the threat to the species. In order to better model the future response of emperor penguins to climate change, and increasing extreme ice events in sea ice and at the margins of the ice sheet, it is essential to better understand how colonies have responded to past conditions. In this study we identify the location of the Sanae, Astrid, and Mertz colonies in all available Landsat 4-9, ASTER, and Sentinel-2 imagery, spanning the years 1984-2024. We manually record the location of the colonies through and between years, while also recording major calving events, early fast ice break-out, and distance to the fast ice edge. Colonies typically return to approximately the same sheltered sites annually throughout the 35-40 year period, but we observe variations due to major calving events. Following major calving events at Mertz and Sanae that disrupt breeding sites, colonies relocate to different sites where they may be more vulnerable to earlier fast ice break-out, or need to travel longer distances for foraging. In subsequent years the colonies eventually return to sites close to their original location. Additionally, we observe early fast ice break-out events that are likely to impact breeding success at Mertz and Sanae colonies, including as early as September at Mertz in 2016. Such events are related both to regional sea ice conditions and variations in colony location. Notably, we observe all three colonies to move onto the neighbouring ice shelf in some years (and at Mertz, onto icebergs too), including when stable fast ice is available. Observation of these behaviours contributes to broader understanding of emperor penguins’ adaptability and will aid future efforts to model the response of the species to ice loss.

How to cite: Macdonald, G., Jamieson, S., Stokes, C., Fretwell, P., Marochov, M., and Jenouvrier, S.: Response of emperor penguins to changing ice conditions at the Astrid, Mertz, and Sanae colonies using satellite remote sensing (1984-2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13841,, 2025.

EGU25-15823 | Posters on site | CR1.7

From process-based snow modelling to spatially distributed glacier mass balance estimates  

Giulia Mazzotti, Matthias Huss, Jan Magnusson, Louis Queno, Tobias Jonas, Marin Kneib, and Daniel Farinotti

The spatial distribution and evolution of seasonal snow is a first-order control of glacier mass balance, yet most glaciological models represent snow with rather simple approaches. Despite being key drivers of winter accumulation patterns, processes such as wind drift and avalanching are often disregarded. Here, we explore the application of a recent fully distributed snow model based on mass and energy balance and including redistribution processes to glacierized areas. The model FSM2trans is run over six partially glacierized domains of 1-5 km2 in the Swiss Alps for the hydrological years 2021-2024. These simulations are, for the first time, evaluated against glaciological datasets, including spatially distributed in-situ measurements of winter accumulation across the glacier surface and point mass balance timeseries reconstructions at selected ablation stakes. Despite differing spatial and temporal resolution of model and observations, their comparison allows detecting accumulation biases and areas with excessive snow transport in the simulations. These results motivate ongoing efforts to use glaciological observations to finetune FSM2trans for applications in high alpine glacierized terrain. Comparison of first FSM2trans simulations with existing, interpolation-based model estimates of glacier accumulation patterns corroborates the added value of process-based snow modelling for characterizing spatiotemporal accumulation dynamics. Enhanced representation of snow accumulation and depletion over glaciers is expected to provide mass balance estimates at higher spatial and temporal resolution than previously available and will thus also improve surface water inputs from cryospheric components to hydrological models applied to mountain areas.  

How to cite: Mazzotti, G., Huss, M., Magnusson, J., Queno, L., Jonas, T., Kneib, M., and Farinotti, D.: From process-based snow modelling to spatially distributed glacier mass balance estimates , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15823,, 2025.

Water managers would benefit from high-resolution, distributed snow water equivalent (SWE) estimates, but limited observations and high spatial and temporal variability make SWE difficult to estimate in real-time. For example, in-situ snow measurement stations provide current-year SWE data, but under-sample SWE spatial heterogeneity; and SWE Reanalysis products back-calculate distributed daily SWE once snow has melted to provide more accurate SWE estimates than do real-time models, but don’t provide real-time information. Recent studies have shown that many regions and years have annual snow accumulation patterns that are repeatable, so here we seek to leverage these patterns by combining sparse real-time measurements with distributed historical information to map real-time SWE. We develop and test two methods for calculating SWE, and for each method we test three criteria for deciding which station or collection of stations should be used to estimate SWE at each grid cell. We determine which Western U.S. regions have similar standardized SWE anomalies, and then test our methods in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB). For our two methods, we calculate 1 April 1990 – 2021 SWE using parametric and nonparametric distributions with a leave-one-out approach to map the current-year’s position within an in-situ station’s long-term SWE distribution to the corresponding position within historical distributions at nearby SWE Reanalysis grid cells. In each of these methods, we use our three station selection criteria to calculate SWE such that we calculate six SWE products over the UCRB. These criteria are: i) the nearest-neighbor station, ii) the collection of most-correlated stations, and iii) all in-situ stations within the UCRB. We then compare these to the SWE Reanalysis product from each corresponding year and compare the accuracies of our various methods with the accuracy of SnowModel output relative to the SWE Reanaysis product. The most accurate method used the mean SNV from the collection of most-correlated in-situ stations. This produced distributed 1 April SWE with a median R value of 0.80 and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.13 m, compared to SnowModel results with an R of 0.60 and RMSE of 0.18 m. The methods used here could be applied to additional data, such as updated SWE Reanalysis products that might have higher resolution and improved accuracy over the product used here.

How to cite: Besso, H.: Towards the use of quantile mapping and historical patterns in SWE calculations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19636,, 2025.

EGU25-20707 | Orals | CR1.7

Rethinking Glacier Insulation in the Alpine Space: Microplastic Concerns and Sustainable Materials 

Birgit Sattler, Klemens Weisleitner, Patrick Schwenter, and Alessandro Cuzzeri

Technical interventions on glaciers have emerged as innovative approaches to mitigate the impacts of climate change on vital cryospheric systems. Mountain glaciers play a crucial role in regulating freshwater availability, providing ecosystem services, and supporting economic activities. However, these glaciers are retreating at alarming rates due to rising global temperatures. Geoengineering strategies aim to counteract these losses by preserving glacier mass, reducing ice melt, and managing runoff to protect downstream ecosystems and communities. Key approaches include albedo enhancement using reflective materials to decrease solar absorption and glacier insulation with physical coverings, such as those used on Austrian glacial skiing areas.

While these interventions provide clear benefits for economically utilized glaciers, such as extending ski seasons, they also present significant environmental impacts. Glaciers host diverse microbial communities, which are highly sensitive to external influences. Studies show that covering glacial surfaces reduces bacterial activity by up to 70% and disrupts microbial community structures, with autotrophic organisms struggling to thrive under light-reduced conditions. Additionally, geotextiles made from polypropylene (PP), commonly used for glacier insulation, release microplastic fibers that are dispersed by meltwater and wind. In supraglacial environments, accumulative fiber lengths of up to 3 kilometers per m² of ice have been detected. These fibers are subsequently found downstream, attached to or incorporated into invertebrates, posing risks to aquatic ecosystems.

The Action Plan Microplastics released by the Environmental Agency of Austria emphasizes the urgent need for environmentally friendly alternatives to mitigate such risks in sensitive glacial ecosystems. Recent testing of cellulose-based materials on an alpine glacier has demonstrated comparable performance to PP in reducing ice melt without contributing to chemical leaching or fiber release. Moreover, cellulose-based materials can be integrated into circular processes, enabling upcycling into new fashion products and reducing waste. Collaboration with policymakers and manufacturers to promote a shift toward sustainable materials could enable the continued use of technical interventions on glaciers where needed while minimizing their environmental impact.

How to cite: Sattler, B., Weisleitner, K., Schwenter, P., and Cuzzeri, A.: Rethinking Glacier Insulation in the Alpine Space: Microplastic Concerns and Sustainable Materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20707,, 2025.

CR2 – lce sheets, ice shelves and glaciers

EGU25-357 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Inverting glacier thickness in High Mountain Asia with a deep-learning-based ice flow model 

Gillian Smith, Daniel Goldberg, Guillaume Jouvet, James Maddison, and Hamish Pritchard

Mountain glaciers provide an irreplaceable water resource in High Mountain Asia, with a significant proportion of water input to rivers coming from glacial meltwater. However, the volume of water held in these glaciers and the predicted evolution of the glaciers over the coming decades is subject to great uncertainty. 

Previous global ice thickness inversion studies have used low-order models (such as the shallow ice approximation, which is known to be locally unreliable on mountain glaciers) to describe the relationship between ice velocity and thickness. Furthermore, the reliability of the resulting thickness products in High Mountain Asia is severely limited, since at the time they were produced, only an extremely small dataset of measured thicknesses in that region was available for constraint and validation. Lastly, time-dependent ice thickness simulation runs often show an initial ‘shock’ in modelling a glacier’s evolution, due to the lack of consistency between the ice flow physics and existing thickness products, leading to unreliable results.

To construct more accurate thickness maps for selected glaciers, we use the Instructed Glacier Model, a novel deep-learning-based high-order ice flow model with the capability to invert observed glacier surface velocity for ice thickness. This inversion method, which utilises gradient-based optimization techniques, additionally allows for the inclusion of observed thicknesses to constrain the thickness field. 

A new airborne radar method for measuring ice thickness has been deployed in the Himalayas near Mount Everest, unlocking new possibilities for thickness inversion in this region, which has historically not been well covered by in-situ observations. Here, we use the data from this aerial survey to constrain the thickness inversion of the Instructed Glacier Model.

After showing that contemporary ice thickness products are generally inaccurate on High Mountain Asia glaciers, we present new inverted thickness maps for the 13 glaciers which have observations in this new dataset. We assess the accuracy of the results using a subset of the available data as validation, and demonstrate that our results show significant improvement over earlier thickness products.

How to cite: Smith, G., Goldberg, D., Jouvet, G., Maddison, J., and Pritchard, H.: Inverting glacier thickness in High Mountain Asia with a deep-learning-based ice flow model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-357,, 2025.

EGU25-737 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

A glacier slip law incorporating debris-bed friction 

Jeremy Brooks, Lucas Zoet, Dougal Hansen, Christian Helanow, Trevor Hillebrand, Matthew Hoffman, Natasha Morgan-Witts, and Mauro Perego

In fast-flowing regions of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, most motion occurs through slip at the boundary between ice and its substrate. Glaciologists have developed “slip laws” that describe basal motion as a function of resistive stress (e.g. basal drag) and effective pressure. When implemented in ice sheet models, the choice of slip law affects predictions of grounding-line migration and sea-level rise. Slip laws implemented in ice sheet models assume that the base of the glacier is “clean” (without rock debris) and separated from the bed by a thin frictionless water film, implying that the only source of basal drag is viscous flow and regelation around bed obstacles. However, observations of basal ice indicate that it is “dirty” (debris or sediment-rich) in most glacial environments, suggesting an additional source of drag due to friction between debris-laden basal ice and the bed. Incorporating debris-bed friction into a slip law may lead to significantly different predictions of the magnitude of basal drag and alter the functional form of the slip law.

Here, we report results of laboratory experiments using a geomechanical apparatus (cryogenic ring shear) to slide ice over a rigid bed composed of inclined marble steps at realistic glaciological conditions (e.g. slip velocity, effective pressure, temperature). We conduct a control experiment by sliding clean ice at a range of velocities and recording the resistance to basal motion. We then slide debris-laden basal ice to determine how debris affects the magnitude and functional form of the basal slip law. Our results suggest that slip in clean ice conditions is well described by the commonly used regularized Coulomb slip law. However, debris-bed friction is a significant source of basal drag, raising measured shear stress by ~50-75% despite a sparse areal debris concentration of ~5%. We derive a slip law incorporating debris-bed friction that fits our experimental data within measurement uncertainty with two tuning parameters. The debris-bed friction slip law is composed of three terms: a clean ice term (equivalent to regularized Coulomb), a pressure-dependent debris friction term, and a velocity-dependent debris-friction term. We further validate this slip law for realistic 3-D bed topographies using a finite-element ice flow model (Elmer/Ice). Finally, we implement a parameterized form of the slip law in an ice sheet model (MPAS-Albany Land Ice) and assess the sensitivity of grounding-line migration and ice-mass loss to the choice of slip law.

How to cite: Brooks, J., Zoet, L., Hansen, D., Helanow, C., Hillebrand, T., Hoffman, M., Morgan-Witts, N., and Perego, M.: A glacier slip law incorporating debris-bed friction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-737,, 2025.

EGU25-1342 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Modelling evolution of Greenland Ice Sheet near-surface ice slab and its impact on runoff   

Sourav Laha and Douglas W. F. Mair

In the accumulation regions of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), not all surface meltwater contributes to runoff. A significant portion is retained through refreezing within the underlying firn layer, a process that critically moderates the overall mass loss from the GrIS. The refreezing of percolating meltwater at shallow depths leads to densification of the near-surface and the formation of ice layers. The extent of meltwater refreezing is influenced by firn density and temperature, which together govern the permeability of the near-surface ice layers. The presence of shallow, thick ice layers (> 1m thick, also known as "ice slab") restricts the deeper percolation of meltwater, thereby promoting its conversion into runoff. For example, the formation of ice slab in GrIS has resulted in nearly a 30% increase in the area contributing to runoff generation since 2001. Therefore, modelling ice slab is essential for understanding the total mass loss of the GrIS, both in recent years and in future projections.

In this study, we present a high vertical resolution, physically distributed model that simulates surface mass balance, refreezing, ice layer formation, and runoff. A novel temperature-dependent criterion for ice layer permeability is incorporated that has been rigorously validated against field measurements from the Devon Ice Cap in the Canadian Arctic, where it demonstrates a strong agreement with point-scale observations of surface mass balance and vertical density profiles. We applied the model to the GrIS from 1999 to 2022, using a horizontal spatial resolution of 0.25° × 0.25°, a vertical resolution of 1 cm, and a temporal resolution of 15 minutes. The model simulations are calibrated using the SUMup archive of surface mass balance observations and validated against shallow core measurements of vertical density profiles. The high vertical resolution of the model provides insights into the process of ice slab evolution and impacts on runoff magnitudes and spatial distribution from the accumulation area of the GrIS. We analyze the model results to examine the relationship between the formation of ice slab and the runoff limit across the GrIS exploring sensitivities to changing climate.

How to cite: Laha, S. and W. F. Mair, D.: Modelling evolution of Greenland Ice Sheet near-surface ice slab and its impact on runoff  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1342,, 2025.

EGU25-1718 | Posters on site | CR2.1

Calibration of an Antarctic Ice Sheet model 

Jan De Rydt

Time-averaged or snapshot observations of contemporary ice sheet geometry and surface velocity are commonly used in numerical ice-sheet simulations to infer information about ice viscosity and basal sliding. The solution generally depends on the form of the basal sliding law, ice rheology and some form of regularization. On the other hand, close relationships between observed changes in ice sheet geometry and surface velocity are not systematically examined, yet they contain valuable information about the laws that govern ice-sheet dynamics. For example, it can be shown that the functional relationship between perturbations in ice thickness and ice speed depends on the sliding law exponent in a monotonic way. Hence, by harnessing the information contained in successive measurements of ice-sheet geometry and velocity, one can plausibly derive constraints on the form of the sliding law. Here we use a high-resolution numerical setup of the modern-day West Antarctic Ice Sheet to simulate the response of ice speed to contemporary changes in geometry (ice front location and ice thickness between 2000 and 2020). The simulated changes in ice speed are compared to observations over the same period and used in a Bayesian framework to derive constraints on the form of the basal sliding law, ice rheology, and regularization parameters. The a-posteriori distribution of model parameters is used to construct an ensemble of initial states for the whole of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the year 2000. The ensemble serves as a starting point for hindcast and forecast simulations, with quantified uncertainties for key model parameters.

How to cite: De Rydt, J.: Calibration of an Antarctic Ice Sheet model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1718,, 2025.

EGU25-2127 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Projections of the Lambert Glacier–Amery Ice Shelf system's change, East Antarctica, from 2000 to 2100 

Qian-xi Wang, Xiao Cheng, and Teng Li

Rapid global warming has resulted in substantial mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet, contributing to global sea level rise. This study aims to delineate the future evolution of the Lambert Glacier-Amery lce Shelf system, the largest drainage system in East Antarctica, under the contrasting emission scenarios in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMlP6), specifically SSP5-8.5 and RCP8.5. Employing the ice flow model Úa coupled with the basal melt model PlCO, we analyzed the dynamics of the Amery lce Shelf from 2000 to 2100. The ice shelf's thickness and velocity changes are predominantly driven by the distribution of basal melting. Despite thinning across most simulations, the grounding line showed minimal retreat, with the most sianificant retreat occurring only about 20 km downstream in the eastern sector. By the end of the 21st century, while a marked oceanic warming is evident, it is the Surface Mass Balance (SMB) that predominantly dictates the system's response.The coupled model based on Úa and PICO successfully revealed the increasing trend of the potential contribution of the Lambert-Amery basin to the sea level rise. It was found that even under strong basal melting conditions (5 m/a), the grounding line finds it difficult to cross the shallow sills, highlighting the key impact of bedrock topography on the stability and dynamics of the ice shelf.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Cheng, X., and Li, T.: Projections of the Lambert Glacier–Amery Ice Shelf system's change, East Antarctica, from 2000 to 2100, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2127,, 2025.

EGU25-2472 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

An ice-specific phase-field fracture model for predicting brittle and ductile failure 

Tim Hageman and Emilio Martínez-Pañeda

The material behaviour of ice is complex: At short time scales it behaves as a brittle solid in extension, or a plastic material under compression/shear, whereas at longer time scales the visco-elastic behaviour dominates in all deformation modes. Furthermore, as the temperature of ice is close to its melting point, material properties are strongly impacted by small temperature changes (e.g. those induced via plastic dissipation). All these phenomena are also interlinked with fracture propagation: At lower confining pressure cracks form in a purely brittle manner as a response to sudden stress changes, whereas viscous creep will prevent cracks from forming during slower loading. Instead, at higher pressures (e.g. near the base of ice sheets), cracks develop based on the energy dissipated by plastic work.

Here, a modelling framework able to capture these different regimes will be presented, using the phase-field fracture paradigm to allow for complex fracture patterns. Application will be shown to both small-scale tri-axial compression tests, demonstrating the accuracy of the model and its ability to replicate experimental observations, as well as large-scale cliff failure to showcase the impact of using this material model on predictions of ice-cliff failure.

How to cite: Hageman, T. and Martínez-Pañeda, E.: An ice-specific phase-field fracture model for predicting brittle and ductile failure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2472,, 2025.

EGU25-2721 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Using temperature-sliding inconsistency to evaluate eight geothermal heat flux maps for Totten Glacier 

Junshun Wang, Liyun Zhao, Michael Wolovick, and John C. Moore

Rapid ice sheet sliding requires warm basal temperatures and lubricating basal meltwater.  However, ice sheet models often constrain sliding by inverting surface velocity observations with the vertical structure of temperature and rheology held constant.  If the inversion is allowed to freely vary sliding, then this approach can lead to inconsistencies between the basal temperature and sliding fields. In this study, we propose a new method to quantify the inconsistency between a modelled ice temperature field and the ice velocity field obtained when that temperature field is used to constrain an inversion. This method can be used to evaluate the quality of a modelled temperature field without requiring any englacial or subglacial measurements. We use the method to evaluate simulation results for Totten Glacier using an isotropic 3D ice sheet model with eight geothermal heat flux (GHF) datasets and compare our results with inferences on basal thermal state from radar specularity. The rankings of GHF datasets based on internal inconsistency aligns closely with those using independent specularity content data. Moreover, the spatial distribution of overcooling inconsistency for all datasets shows insufficient GHF at the western boundary of Totten Glacier between 70°S-73°S, which is characterized by a bedrock canyon with fast basal ice velocity. The overheating inconsistency reveals that poorly performing GHF datasets tend to overestimate GHF in central Totten Glacier. Our approach opens a new avenue for assessing the reliability of ice sheet model results and GHF datasets, which may be widely applicable.

How to cite: Wang, J., Zhao, L., Wolovick, M., and Moore, J. C.: Using temperature-sliding inconsistency to evaluate eight geothermal heat flux maps for Totten Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2721,, 2025.

EGU25-2782 | Posters on site | CR2.1

Sensitivity of Totten Glacier dynamics to basal sliding parameterizations and ice shelf basal melt rates 

Liyun Zhao, Yiliang Ma, Rupert Gladstone, Thomas Zwinger, Michael Wolovick, and John Moore

Totten Glacier in East Antarctica holds a sea level potential of 3.85 m and is mostly grounded below sea level. It has the third highest annual ice discharge, 71.4±2.6 Gt yr-1, among East Antarctic outlet glaciers and has been losing mass over recent decades. Recent thinning of the Totten ice shelf is likely to be due to high basal melt rates driven by increasing intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water. Here we simulate the evolution of the Totten Glacier subregion using a full-Stokes model with different basal sliding parameterizations (linear Weertman, nonlinear Weertman, and regularised Coulomb) as well as sub-shelf melt rates to quantify their effect on the projections. The modelled grounding line retreat and decline in ice volume above floatation using the linear Weertman and the regularised Coulomb sliding parameterizations are close, and both larger than that using the nonlinear Weertman sliding parameterization. The simulated grounding line retreats mainly on the eastern and southern grounding zone of Totten Glacier. The change of sub-shelf cavity thickness is dominated by sub-shelf melt rates, yielding strong volume above floatation dependence on melting through the mechanism of reduced buttressing.

How to cite: Zhao, L., Ma, Y., Gladstone, R., Zwinger, T., Wolovick, M., and Moore, J.: Sensitivity of Totten Glacier dynamics to basal sliding parameterizations and ice shelf basal melt rates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2782,, 2025.

EGU25-2800 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Global ice thickness and committed loss to 2050 

Samuel Cook, Guillaume Jouvet, Romain Millan, Antoine Rabatel, Fabien Maussion, Harry Zekollari, and Inès Dussaillant

Mountain glaciers are a major source of sea-level rise and also represent an important freshwater resource in many mountainous regions. Thus, accurate estimations of their thickness and, therefore, the total ice volume are important both in predicting and mitigating the global and local effects of climate change. However, to date, only 2% of the world’s glaciers outside the ice sheets have any thickness observations, due to the logistical difficulties of obtaining such measurements, creating a large and policy-relevant scientific gap.


The recent development of a global-scale ice-velocity dataset, however, provides an ideal opportunity to fill this gap and determine ice thickness across the 98% of glaciers for which no thickness data is available. This can be done by inverting an ice-dynamics model to solve for ice thickness. For accurate thickness results, this needs to be a higher-order model, but such a model is far too computationally cumbersome to apply on a global scale, and simpler, quicker methods usually based on the shallow ice approximation (SIA) are unsuitable, particularly where sliding dominates glacier motion. The only attempt that has been made to leverage the global velocity dataset to retrieve ice thickness has, though, used the SIA, simply because higher-order approaches are not computationally realistic at this scale. Consequently, most of the widely-used global glacier models have made no systematic attempt to invert global ice thickness, owing to these limitations. Allied to this is that, once an inversion is done, subsequent forward modelling is rarely physically consistent with the physics used in the inversion, leading to model inconsistencies that affect the accuracy of simulations.


As a solution to these problems, we apply the deep-learning-driven ice-flow model, the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM), that emulates the performance of state-of-the-art higher-order models at a thousandth of the computational cost. This model, by solving a multi-variable optimisation problem, can fully use and assimilate all available input datasets (surface velocity and topography, ice thickness, etc.) as components of its cost function to invert ice thickness. This approach also gives us the possibility of using consistent ice-flow physics for inversion and forward modelling, reducing the magnitude of the shock inherent in traditional modelling approaches. Our previous work focused on the European Alps; here we update the method for a global scale and present results. We show that our volumetric estimates at a regional scale are generally consistent with previous global thickness-modelling studies, and provide preliminary forward-modelling results showing the committed ice loss globally at the 2050 horizon.

How to cite: Cook, S., Jouvet, G., Millan, R., Rabatel, A., Maussion, F., Zekollari, H., and Dussaillant, I.: Global ice thickness and committed loss to 2050, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2800,, 2025.

EGU25-2866 | Posters on site | CR2.1

 Results from phase one of CalvingMIP:  

Jim Jordan and the The CalvingMIP Team

The implementation of ice shelf calving in numerical ice models is a recent development in the field of cryospheric modelling. As roughly half of Antarctica's ice mass loss is due to calving a thorough understanding of the process is required to make accurate predictions of the future Antarctic mass balance. As yet, there has been no comprehensive investigation into the capabilities and robustness of these models for simulating the complicated physical process that is ice shelf calving.

CalvingMIP is an ongoing model intercomparison project that seeks to address this with a series of experiments and tests of increasing complexity, starting from simplified, idealised simulations before expanding to real world predictions. We make a clear distinction between calving algorithms (how a model numerically represents the physical process of ice calving) and calving laws (how much ice should calve at a given time). The recently completed phase one of CalvingMIP focussed on calving laws with the next phase investigating calving laws. Results from phase one are shown from ten different modelling groups across the cryospheric community.

How to cite: Jordan, J. and the The CalvingMIP Team:  Results from phase one of CalvingMIP: , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2866,, 2025.

EGU25-3221 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

The Antarctic Ice Sheet sliding law inferred from seismic observations 

Kevin Hank, Robert J. Arthern, C. Rosie Williams, Alex M. Brisbourne, Andrew M. Smith, James Smith, Anna Wåhlin, and Sridhar Anandakrishnan

The response of the Antarctic ice sheet to climate change and its contribution to sea level under different emission scenarios are subject to large uncertainties. A key uncertainty is the slipperiness at the ice sheet base and how it is parameterized in glaciological projections. Alternative formulations of the sliding law exist, but very limited access to the ice base makes it difficult to select among them. Here, we use satellite observations of ice flow, inverse methods, and a theory of acoustic propagation in granular material to relate the effective pressure, which is a key control of basal sliding, to seismic observations recovered from Antarctica. Together with independent estimates of grain diameter and porosity from sediment cores, this enables a comparison of basal sliding laws within a Bayesian framework. The presented direct link between seismic observations and sliding law parameters can be readily applied to any acoustic impedance data collected in a glacial environment. For rapidly sliding tributaries of Pine Island Glacier, these calculations provide support for a Coulomb sliding law and widespread low effective pressures.

How to cite: Hank, K., Arthern, R. J., Williams, C. R., Brisbourne, A. M., Smith, A. M., Smith, J., Wåhlin, A., and Anandakrishnan, S.: The Antarctic Ice Sheet sliding law inferred from seismic observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3221,, 2025.

EGU25-4095 | Posters on site | CR2.1

Effect of model initialisation on committed sea level contribution from the Amundsen Sea Sector 

C Rosie Williams, David Bett, Robert Arthern, Paul Holland, Alexander Bradley, and Tom Slater

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is losing ice and its annual contribution to sea level is increasing. The biggest changes are found in the Amundsen Sea sector of WAIS, which contains two of the most rapidly thinning ice streams, Pine Island Glacier (PIG) and Thwaites Glacier (TG). The future behaviour of these glaciers will impact societies worldwide, yet deep uncertainty remains in the expected rate of ice loss. One prominent question is whether the retreat in this region has already passed a tipping point. In ice-sheet projections using the WAVI model, Thwaites Glacier continues to retreat even in an unrealistic scenario of zero oceanic melting, implying that a tipping point has already been passed. Here, we investigate the robustness of this conclusion to the choices made during the ice sheet model initialisation. In particular, we explore the effects of internal ice temperature, ice shelf extent and initial ice damage on forward runs of the WAVI model under the zero-melt scenario (with no evolving damage). We repeat these experiments for initialisations at different time points within the last ~30 years to assess whether the ice damage in this region passed a tipping point within this timeframe.

How to cite: Williams, C. R., Bett, D., Arthern, R., Holland, P., Bradley, A., and Slater, T.: Effect of model initialisation on committed sea level contribution from the Amundsen Sea Sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4095,, 2025.

EGU25-6245 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Regional scale thermal regime mapping of Alpine glaciers inferred from 2D thermo-mechanical modeling 

Juliette Bonnet, Adrien Gilbert, Olivier Ozenda, and Olivier Gagliardini

The thermal regime of glaciers plays a critical role in their dynamics and potential hazards. In particular, impermeable cold ice can trap and store liquid water leading to the formation of intraglacial water pockets, as in the Tête Rousse Glacier (France), where the sudden drainage of over 100,000 m³ of water in 1892 caused 175 fatalities and significant damage to the village of Saint-Gervais.

The objective of this work is to produce a detailed thermal regime map of Alpine glaciers to identify those most susceptible to host this type of thermic water pockets. To achieve this, we use a thermo-mechanical ice flow model based on the Elmer/Ice code to simulate the thermal structure of synthetic 2D glacier profiles. The model is based on the enthalpy formulation, where the surface boundary conditions are computed by a subgrid model solving for meltwater percolation and refreezing in the firn. The synthetic 2D profiles are chosen to be representative of the morphological and climatic diversity of the Alps with various length, slope, bedrock shape, elevation range, aspect, and snow accumulation distribution.

The outputs of these simulations form a large database of glacier thermal structures, which will serve as the training dataset for a machine learning emulator currently under development. This emulator will provide a tool to infer thermal regimes to the scale of the entire Alpine region, predicting basal temperatures based on glacier morphology.

The results from the 2D simulations suggest that snow accumulation patterns play a dominant role in shaping glacier thermal regimes: (i) upstream over-accumulation promotes percolation and refreezing of liquid water, releasing latent heat and warming the glacier locally, while (ii) exposed ice downstream acts as an impermeable thermal barrier, creating favorable conditions for water storage.

This integrated approach, combining detailed physical modeling with machine learning techniques, provides a way to build a tool that can be easily applied at a large scale while accounting for the complex interactions that determine the thermal regime of glaciers. In the longer term, it seeks to deliver a comprehensive thermal regime map of Alpine glaciers, providing a valuable resource for identifying glaciers most at risk of hosting intraglacial water pockets and improving the prevention and management of glacier-related hazards.

How to cite: Bonnet, J., Gilbert, A., Ozenda, O., and Gagliardini, O.: Regional scale thermal regime mapping of Alpine glaciers inferred from 2D thermo-mechanical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6245,, 2025.

EGU25-6479 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Simulations of Ice Stream Size and Frequency Scaling with Ice Sheet Radius 

Niall Gandy, Remy Veness, Jeremy Ely, and Robert Storrar

Corridors of fast ice flow, ice streams, dominate the mass discharge of contemporary ice sheets. Ice streams are points of vulnerability for ice sheet instabilities, and so to understand past and future ice sheet change we need to understand ice stream behaviour. Computer simulations can replicate the position and magnitude of palaeo and contemporary ice streams with some skill, but for accurate future projections of ice mass change we need confidence that simulated ice streams will evolve and adjust to a retreating ice sheet in a realistic manner. This is much harder to constrain with empirical evidence, and there is still considerable uncertainty regarding ice stream response to changes in wider ice sheet geometry.


To explore the behaviour of simulated ice streams on a fundamental level, we run simulations of a circular ice sheet on a flat bed using the BISICLES numerical ice sheet model. We simulate a series of idealised circular ice sheets of various radii, finding that plausible ice stream spacing and magnitude is simulated even on a flat bed, and that ice stream size and frequency scales with ice volume. We apply the idealised model to the bed of the Last Glacial Maximum Icelandic Ice Sheet, resulting in a simulation with less frequent ice streams, each with a greater size than would be expected based on the idealised case. The realistic topography makes ice stream position broadly insensitive to changes in topographic roughness and geothermal heat flux. These simulations provide increased confidence in the ability of ice sheet models to simulate dynamic ice stream change and could act as a starting point for more realistic simulations of the advance and retreat of the last Icelandic Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Gandy, N., Veness, R., Ely, J., and Storrar, R.: Simulations of Ice Stream Size and Frequency Scaling with Ice Sheet Radius, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6479,, 2025.

EGU25-6707 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Exploiting Lagrangian particle tracking in the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) to model coupled debris-covered glacier dynamics 

Florian Hardmeier, José Manuel Muñoz-Hermosilla, Evan Miles, Guillaume Jouvet, and Andreas Vieli

Debris cover on glaciers is expanding worldwide as glaciers are retreating. While the impact of debris cover on local mass balance is relatively well-established, the long-term dynamics of these glaciers are more complex and not fully understood. The dynamics are a key factor when trying to establish relationships between erosion rates, debris fluxes, and debris cover thicknesses while all of these properties are either completely unknown or only known locally in space and time.

Numerical modelling can help us better understand the data scarce debris-covered glacier system. While most recent approaches model englacial debris as an advected concentration, we establish a novel approach that exploits Lagrangian particle tracking in the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM). IGM uses deep learning to solve ice flow equations, greatly reducing computation times and enabling long-term model runs with large amounts of particles. In our implementation, a single particle represents a unit volume of debris and can be assigned any other property. The user can define a particle seeding area through either manual mapping or automatic classification based on conditions. Once particles emerge at the glacier surface in the ablation area, they are evaluated to compute debris cover thickness, which is then tied back to surface mass balance through a user-defined function.

As examples to showcase the capabilities of the model we use Zmuttgletscher, Switzerland, and Satopanth Glacier, India. We explore the sensitivities of the model to the use of different seeding strategies, changes in debris input amounts, mass balance functions, and model parameters such as grid size and seeding frequency.

How to cite: Hardmeier, F., Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M., Miles, E., Jouvet, G., and Vieli, A.: Exploiting Lagrangian particle tracking in the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) to model coupled debris-covered glacier dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6707,, 2025.

EGU25-6813 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Friction: what’s going on underneath the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets? 

Eliot Jager, Rupert Gladstone, Thomas Zwinger, Petteri Uotila, and John Moore

The Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets (AIS and GrIS) play a critical role in shaping future sea-level rise (SLR), but their contributions and human greenhouse gas emissions remain the largest sources of uncertainty in SLR projections (Edwards et al., 2021). This uncertainty, along with the risk of potential tipping points leading to rapid ice loss, arises from a limited understanding of key processes that govern ice-sheet behaviour (Fox-Kemper et al., 2021). In the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6), 55% of AIS and 15 to 35% of GrIS future mass loss uncertainty is due to ice-sheet models’ uncertainty (Seroussi et al., 2023; Jager et al., 2024; Goelzer et al., 2020). While modeling the AIS’s and GrIS’s complex interactions with the climate is difficult (Seroussi et al., 2023), one other uncertain process is basal sliding over bedrock. Because this process is not directly observed due to the large thickness, its representation in current models remains rudimentary. The primary goals of Combining Coupled Modelling and Machine Learning to Constrain Antarctica’s Uncertain Future (ICEMAP) project include (i) better quantification of uncertainties related to basal sliding, (ii) comparison of these uncertainties to other sources of uncertainty, and (iii) exploration of how satellite data can help reduce these uncertainties. 

To achieve these goals, we employ the Shallow Shelf Approximation (SSA) implemented in the Elmer/Ice model, an open source finite element software for ice sheets, glaciers and ice flow modelling, which was one of the participants in ISMIP6 (Gagliardini et al., 2013; Seroussi et al., 2023). It uses inverse methods to calibrate the many unknown parameters related to rheology and friction. Here, we take into account various physical and numerical uncertainties to perform multiple calibrations using remote-sensing velocity data to compute basal sliding and basal shear stress. Subsequently, these values and their spatial variations can be compared with the diverse existing theories that have been developed from small-scale physical and numerical experiments (Gagliardini et al., 2007; Zoet and Iverson, 2020).

Our analysis demonstrates that the principal characteristics of these parameterisations, derived from small-scale experiments, are observable at a large scale. However, the values may deviate from expected norms, particularly with regard to the exponent of the Weertman friction law. This investigation enables the quantification of both the parameter values and their associated uncertainties within the friction parameterisations governing the AIS and the GrIS. Furthermore, it highlights the critical influence of basal water presence, which appears to play a pivotal role in the variability of basal sliding. Incorporating this factor into models, whether through varying levels of model complexity or the use of proxies, is deemed essential for accurately capturing the temporal variations in basal sliding.

How to cite: Jager, E., Gladstone, R., Zwinger, T., Uotila, P., and Moore, J.: Friction: what’s going on underneath the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6813,, 2025.

EGU25-8757 | Posters on site | CR2.1

On the theoretical aspects of joint inversion for basal slipperiness and viscosity in ice-flow models 

Camilla Schelpe and G. Hilmar Gudmundsson

When modelling ice flows there are a number of properties of the ice which are poorly constrained by observations, in particular the ice rheology and basal slipperiness at the ice bed. Inversion methods are frequently used to estimate the distribution of these 'hidden' fields in computational ice flow models. These methods use surface measurement data in combination with a forward model of the ice dynamics that relate the hidden fields to the surface fields. In this study we use first-order linear perturbation theory to gain insights into our ability to extract information about the ice viscosity at the same time as basal slipperiness, and understand the theoretical limitations of this approach. We frame the typical inversion problem in terms of a Gaussian maximum a-posteriori estimation with explicitly stated priors for the hidden fields. We illustrate the inversion behaviour with perturbations applied to flow down a laterally confined channel, where both viscosity and slipperiness play a significant role in the ice sheet dynamics. Our results indicate that it is possible to extract information about the viscosity field at the same time as estimating the basal slipperiness, and that explicitly recognising uncertainty in the viscosity field is important. 

How to cite: Schelpe, C. and Gudmundsson, G. H.: On the theoretical aspects of joint inversion for basal slipperiness and viscosity in ice-flow models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8757,, 2025.

EGU25-9928 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Assessing uncertainties in modelling the thermal state of the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

Olivia Raspoet and Frank Pattyn

Many processes that influence the dynamic behaviour of the Antarctic ice sheet, such as basal sliding, ice rheology, and subglacial meltwater production, largely depend on the thermal state and how it evolves. However, significant uncertainties remain regarding the factors influencing basal and englacial temperatures, hindering the predictions of ice sheet models. These uncertainties pertain to geothermal heat flow, past and present surface climatic conditions, and the inherent complexity of ice flow models. In this study, we provide new estimates of englacial and basal thermal conditions and conduct an ensemble of simulations to quantify the impact of these factors on the basal thermal regime and assess their contributions to model uncertainty. We use observational constraints, including deep borehole measurements, englacial temperatures derived from SMOS satellite observations, and the presence of subglacial lakes, to evaluate the ensemble results and determine the most likely simulations. Although we find that geothermal heat flow remains the largest source of uncertainty, recently published heat flow data seem to better fit the observational constraints. Nevertheless, since the englacial temperature field is sensitive to the past climate history, accounting for variations in surface temperatures and accumulation rates over the last glacial-interglacial cycle results in colder temperature profiles and basal thermal conditions, which points to possible overestimation of thermal conditions based on present-day boundary conditions.

How to cite: Raspoet, O. and Pattyn, F.: Assessing uncertainties in modelling the thermal state of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9928,, 2025.

EGU25-10180 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Identifying the Basal Sliding Law Using Numerical Modeling and GNSS Observations 

Gong Cheng, Valentina Roberta Barletta, Shafaqat Abbas Khan, Mathieu Morlighem, Hélène Seroussi, and Danjal Berg

Basal sliding is a key process that controls the ice discharge of ice into the ocean. Understanding this process is essential for improving the reliability of future projections of ice sheet evolution and sea level rise. The basal sliding law, which governs ice-bed interactions, remains a critical yet poorly understood process in ice sheet models. Recent advances in transient calibration techniques, which incorporate time series of observed surface velocity and elevation, have enhanced the ability of ice numerical models to infer basal conditions. However, relying on the same type of observational datasets for both model calibration and validation limits the ability to independently evaluate model performance, particularly for future projections. In this study, we introduce an independent observational dataset: measurements from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) collected by Greenland GNSS Network (GNET) stations located along Greenland's coastline. By comparing observed uplift signals with modeled mass change, we can validate model behavior and identify sliding laws most consistent with GNSS data. Here, we illustrate this approach by modeling Helheim and Jakobshavn Glaciers from 2007 to 2022 using three different sliding laws. While all sliding laws produce similar surface velocity patterns consistent with InSAR-derived velocity observations, the patterns of mass change, which control bed uplift, differ significantly. Our analysis reveals that all three sliding laws can reproduce uplift signals consistent with GNSS measurements in terms of inter-annual variability. However, only coulomb-limited sliding laws generate uplift signals consistent with GNSS measurements in multi-annual trends. These results highlight the importance of incorporating multiple independent observational data, such as GNSS, into ice sheet models to refine our understanding of basal sliding laws and reduce uncertainties in predicting future sea level rise.

How to cite: Cheng, G., Barletta, V. R., Khan, S. A., Morlighem, M., Seroussi, H., and Berg, D.: Identifying the Basal Sliding Law Using Numerical Modeling and GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10180,, 2025.

EGU25-10371 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

A reduced-order representation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet 

Jan Swierczek-Jereczek, Adrian Hill, Alexander Robinson, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Marisa Montoya

In a warming climate, the potential collapse of the West-Antarctic Ice Sheet is a threat for coastal livelihood as it implies a multimeter sea level rise with unprecedented rate. It is a high-dimensional process, since it involves a number of spatio-temporal variables that interact with each other (e.g. the ocean temperature, the ice thickness and the bedrock elevation). To obtain a better understanding of what initiates a collapse, we propose to apply model reduction techniques to simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet under warming scenarios and rely therefore on modern machine learning concepts. Based on this reduced-order representation, we propose an early warning signal that predicts the onset of the marine ice sheet instability in the Thwaites region with a lead time of several decades. This is of key importance to develop meaningful adaptation strategies, which can save lives and critical infrastructure. Most importantly, the early warning signal can be projected back onto the full dimensionality of the problem, thus giving insights into the physics underlying the collapse. This implies that the present work can even serve for developing efficient monitoring systems and mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Swierczek-Jereczek, J., Hill, A., Robinson, A., Alvarez-Solas, J., and Montoya, M.: A reduced-order representation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10371,, 2025.

EGU25-10964 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Modelling the sensitivity of ice loss to calving front retreat in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica 

Jowan Barnes, Hilmar Gudmundsson, Daniel Goldberg, and Sainan Sun

Ice-sheet modelling studies of the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) in West Antarctica have provided estimates of its future impacts on sea level rise. However, many of these have not considered the impacts of ice front movement due to calving, a key process in the dynamics of marine-terminating glaciers. Sensitivity to calving front retreat is not well understood, so we set out to investigate it in a systematic manner using the recently implemented level set method in the ice-sheet model Úa. Here, we quantify the sensitivity of modelled future mass loss to ice front retreat in the ASE, including Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers. We find that prescribing constant frontal retreat rates from 0.1 to 1 km/yr progressively increases the contribution to sea level rise when compared to experiments with a fixed ice front. The result with our highest rate of retreat is up to 21.4mm additional sea level contribution by 2100, and 239mm by 2300. We identify specific buttressing thresholds where loss of contact with bedrock features causes changes in the ice dynamics. These are reached at different times depending on the retreat rate, and are the main cause of sensitivity to movement of the ice front. We compare variability in the range of our results using different retreat rates to that in the range of ISMIP6 ocean forcing products, as ocean-induced melt is known to be a major factor in determining the future evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet. We find that the variability due to these two factors is similar. We also find that the additional loss of ice due to a prescribed retreat rate is not heavily dependent on ocean forcing, so can be quantified independently of the ocean-induced melt. Our results demonstrate the importance of accurately representing calving processes in models, showing that they can be as important as ocean forcing and therefore deserve a similar amount of attention in future model development work.

How to cite: Barnes, J., Gudmundsson, H., Goldberg, D., and Sun, S.: Modelling the sensitivity of ice loss to calving front retreat in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10964,, 2025.

In the last decades, Pine Island Glacier (PIG) and Thwaites Glacier (TG) are observed to be losing ice with increasing rates, contributing to sea-level rise. To estimate their potential sea-level contribution in the future, it’s essential to understand the mechanisms driving the dynamical changes at present. Various processes have been suggested to influence the dynamics of PIG and TG, including ocean driven sub-ice-shelf melting, iceberg calving, basal sliding and ice fracturing/damage. However, the relative importance of these physical processes for past and future changes of the glaciers remains uncertain. In this study, we use the abundant remote-sensing observations acquired in the recent decades (1996-2023) to quantitatively constrain and perturb an ice-sheet model. By simulating the ice discharge and spatial changes in ice thickness of the glaciers through sensitivity experiments, we quantify the relative impact of the above mentioned processes on the dynamics of PIG and TG.

How to cite: Sun, S.: Contribution of ice-shelf melt, calving and damage to the evolution of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10973,, 2025.

EGU25-11161 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Numerical stabilisation of grounding line dynamics in Stokes problems 

Clara Henry, Thomas Zwinger, and Josefin Ahlkrona

The grounding line marks the boundary between grounded and floating ice, and is a critical region for ice-sheet stability and sea-level projections. The complex ice-flow at the grounding line, where the stress regime moves from vertical shear to horizontal extension over a relatively short distance, is prone to numerical instability in transient full-Stokes simulations. Furthermore, boundary conditions change at the grounding line, switching from a friction law in grounded ice to an ocean pressure force at the ice-ocean interface. Grounding-line full-Stokes problems have been successfully stabilised by the sea spring stabilisation scheme in Elmer/Ice (Durand et al., 2009) which mimicks an implicit time-stepping scheme by predicting the surface elevation and corresponding ocean pressure corrections in the next time step. We extend on this stabilisation approach by introducing the Free-Surface Stabilisation Approximation (FSSA) to the ice-ocean interface. FSSA has been proven successful in allowing larger stable time steps in grounded problems with an evolving ice-atmosphere interface (Löfgren et al., 2022; Löfgren et al., 2024). This stabilisation approach incorporates a boundary condition term into the weak-form of the Stokes equations representing the predicted stress adjustment between the current and next time step. Using a synthetic MISMIP set up (Pattyn et al., 2012), we investigate the applicability of FSSA to the ice-ocean interface.

G. Durand, O. Gagliardini, B. de Fleurian, T. Zwinger, and E. Le Meur. Marine ice sheet dynamics: Hysteresis and neutral equilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114(F3):F03009, 2009. doi: 10.1029/2008JF001170.

A. Löfgren, T. Zwinger, P. Råback, C. Helanow, and J. Ahlkrona. Increasing numerical stability of mountain valley glacier simulations: implementation and testing of free-surface stabilization in Elmer/Ice. The Cryosphere, 18(8):3453–3470, 2024. doi: 10.5194/tc-18-3453-2024.

A. Löfgren, J. Ahlkrona, and C. Helanow. Increasing stable time-step sizes of the free-surface problem arising in ice-sheet simulations. Journal of Computational Physics: X, 16:100114, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpx.2022.100114.

F. Pattyn, C. Schoof, L. Perichon, R. C. A. Hindmarsh, E. Bueler, B. de Fleurian, G. Durand, O. Gagliardini, R. Gladstone, D. Goldberg, G. H. Gudmundsson, P. Huybrechts, V. Lee, F. M. Nick, A. J. Payne, D. Pollard, O. Rybak, F. Saito, and A. Vieli. Results of the Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project, MISMIP. The Cryosphere, 6(3):573–588, 2012. doi: 10.5194/tc-6-573-2012.

How to cite: Henry, C., Zwinger, T., and Ahlkrona, J.: Numerical stabilisation of grounding line dynamics in Stokes problems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11161,, 2025.

EGU25-11628 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Sensitivity of grounding-line migration to ice-shelf pinning 

Thomas Gregov, Frank Pattyn, and Maarten Arnst

Marine ice sheets are essential components of the climate system, with dynamics strongly influenced by interactions with the atmosphere and the ocean. The grounding line, which separates the grounded region of the ice sheet from the floating region, plays a key role in the evolution of marine ice sheets. While numerous studies have focused on grounding-line migration and its sensitivity to physical processes, the influence of localized bedrock features, known as pinning points, remains less well understood. These pinning points can locally ground the floating ice, thereby altering ice flow by providing additional resistance.

Here, we investigate the impact of pinning points on marine ice-sheet dynamics using numerical simulations. The discontinuity in the momentum balance at the grounding line results in a component of the Jacobian matrix for the linearized problem becoming unbounded near pinning points. This behavior is intrinsic to the system and persists regardless of numerical discretization, even over smooth bedrock geometries and with friction laws that vanish at the grounding line. This suggests adopting a regularized approach that ensures a smooth transition between the grounded and floating regions. Based on numerical experiments in idealized setups, we show that a regularized formulation produces results that are qualitatively different from those of the original, unregularized formulation. Hence, the regularization appears a singular perturbation to the equations. This raises interesting questions about the treatment of grounding lines in marine ice-sheet models. Finally, we discuss potential approaches to mitigate this singular behavior and improve the modeling of marine ice sheets and of their grounding lines.

How to cite: Gregov, T., Pattyn, F., and Arnst, M.: Sensitivity of grounding-line migration to ice-shelf pinning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11628,, 2025.

EGU25-11774 | Orals | CR2.1

The stability regimes of Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers, West Antarctica. 

G. Hilmar Gudmundsson, Mathieu Morlighem, Dan Goldberg, Jan De Rydt, Benjamin Getraer, Jowan Barnes, Sainan Sun, and Sebastian Rosier

Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers, West Antarctica, are some of the most dynamical areas of the Antarctic Ice sheet and both currently are discharging more ice into the ocean than is replenished through surface snow accumulation. While the current imbalance does not represent a large contribution to global sea level rise, as compared to the Greenland Ice Sheet an Alpine Glaciers, both Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers have rightly received considerable attention by the glaciological community. This interest is related to the suggestion that these glaciers either have already, or are likely to become, dynamically unstable. Here we review the history of ice-dynamical studies of those systems and show how, in recent years, a more detailed picture of the contemporary dynamics of those systems has emerged.  Our new model-based consensus confirms some previously suggested dynamical behaviour, but also points towards a new understanding of the stability regime of those glaciers. The stability regime of marine-type ice sheet cannot be determined based on local geometry alone. In particular, the slope of the bed with respect to flow direction does not determine the stability of grounding lines. Neither Pine Island nor Thwaites glaciers are currently in a dynamically unstable state. However, Pine Island Glacier did go through a phase of unstable retreat during the 1970s. This unstable phase has now come to a halt. Thwaites glacier similarly appears currently to be responding to some past external forcing, which has yet to be fully identified. However, all studies published do indicate that Thwaites will enter a large-scale unstable and irreversible retreat once, or if, the grounding lines retreats about 75 km upstream of its current location. This recent progress can be described using the well-known IPCC confidence levels, as a shift in the confidence in the potential of near-future collapse of Thwaites from low agreement and low evidence to high agreement and medium evidence.  The biggest unknown is now no longer whether Thwaites glacier can in principle become unstable, but when and if this instability will arise.   

How to cite: Gudmundsson, G. H., Morlighem, M., Goldberg, D., Rydt, J. D., Getraer, B., Barnes, J., Sun, S., and Rosier, S.: The stability regimes of Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers, West Antarctica., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11774,, 2025.

The loss of Thwaites Glacier is the most important factor in determining the future stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), which contains enough ice to raise global mean sea level by up to 3.4 m. All ice that will terminally calve from a glacier can be shows as a flux, that is a velocity through a cross-sectional area. This flux is partly controlled by the distance between the two lateral shear margins that bound an ice stream. For glaciers unconstrained by topography, margin migration can significantly influence ice discharge to the ocean. This is well illustrated in the case of the eastern shear margin (ESM) of Thwaites.

The initiation of basal slip is determined according to a sliding law. Although regularized Coulomb-style sliding laws can resolve slip over both hard and soft bedded glaciers, they depend on knowledge of the effective pressure (ice overburden minus water pressure) of the ice. Most modeling studies that examine Coulomb style slip laws limit themselves to a constant floatation percentage, a constant melt rate based on thickness, or other hard parametrizations, while inverting for friction coefficient values. Instead, I look to find the effect of the variation of basal hydrology with a constant friction coefficient, and quantify the change in slip initiation under differing upstream water flux scenarios.

To examine hydrological shear margin controls, I implemented two models. First, a regional hydrology model which couples the Glacier Drainage system model (GlaDS) with a shallow shelf flow approximation (SSA) forced by an ITS_LIVE annual velocity mosaic. This model yields a high resolution, near-steady state, regional-trending hydrologic system across the Amundsen Sea Sector of West Antarctica which informs boundary conditions for a finer scale model. The second model is local to the Thwaites ESM. It is a hydro-thermomechanical 3D flow model which melt in the basal elements of the domain from enthalpy. In the local model, I couple this melt and hydrology to slip through a regularized Coulomb-style sliding law to calculate the spatial slip distribution over the shear margin.

This work finds good agreement between flow solutions and current velocity observations at the local model scale. Additional upstream water sources divert excess water to the Thwaites catchment rather than to neighboring Pine Island Glacier, and these increased fluxes drive a widening of Thwaites’ main trunk (a margin drift outwards). Future work should expand this local model to regional and WAIS-wide domains to resolve many ice stream dynamics in prognostic ice flow models to more accurately predict sea level rise contributions.

How to cite: Hehlen, M. and Martin, C.: Modeling Thwaites Glacier shear margin stability by slip initiation due to variation of effective pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12934,, 2025.

EGU25-14841 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Ice-lake interactions: How does it affect the ice sheet retreat? 

Ankit Pramanik, Sarah Greenwood, Carl Regnéll, and Richard Gyllencreutz

Ice-dammed lakes expedite glacier retreat, leading to the expansion of lakes and an elevated risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs), and delay the freshwater inflow to the ocean. The escalating number of ice-dammed lakes in Greenland, High Mountain Asia, and Patagonia, driven by the swift retreat of glaciers amid rapid warming, poses a significant threat of natural disasters. Despite extensive research on marine-terminating glaciers, the dynamics of lacustrine-terminating glaciers remain poorly understood. Geological evidence indicates the rapid retreat of the Fennoscandian ice sheet, marked by the formation, expansion, and drainage of ice-dammed proglacial lakes. This underscores a comprehensive investigation into ice-dammed lake-glacier interactions spanning both Paleo- and Contemporary ice sheets. The deglaciation and ice-lake interactions of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) provide a valuable analogue for projecting the future retreat of the Greenland ice sheet, where a manifold increase in the number and volume of ice-dammed lakes is anticipated.

One key aspect of proglacial lake damming is that they may episodically drain; and drainage may be more or less instantaneous. Our study investigates first the effect of lake size, and secondly the effect of sudden lake drainage, on the dynamics of lake-terminating ice sheet outlets using the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM). Our findings reveal significant differences in the dynamics of land- and lake-terminating glaciers without calving, with the magnitude of differences varying with the lake level. Furthermore, we observed abrupt changes in the deviatoric stress at the front during rapid lake drainage, which could potentially trigger cliff collapse and accelerate ice sheet retreat.

How to cite: Pramanik, A., Greenwood, S., Regnéll, C., and Gyllencreutz, R.: Ice-lake interactions: How does it affect the ice sheet retreat?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14841,, 2025.

EGU25-15050 | Posters on site | CR2.1

Future retreat of Great Aletsch Glacier and Hintereisferner – an East-West comparison 

Martin Rückamp, Karlheinz Gutjahr, Marco Möller, and Christoph Mayer

Glaciers in the European Alps play an important role, e.g. for water storage, water supply and the ecosystem. Here, we model the future evolution of two valley glaciers in the European Alps over the course of the 21st century. The Great Aletsch Glacier is located in the Western Alps (Switzerland), while the Hintereisferner is in the Eastern Alps (Austria). The two different glacier locations allow us to compare glacier development in the Western and Eastern Alps in a changing climate. We use a three-dimensional model that combines the full Stokes ice dynamics and basal friction inversion on a 25m horizontal grid. The coupled energy balance model computes the surface mass balance based on high-resolution regional RCP8.5 and RCP2.6 climate model (RCM) data from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble (a total of 62 different GCM-RCM combinations). In addition, SSP5-8.5 and SSP1-2.6 of the newer CMIP6 generation have been calculated based on the ISIMIP3b ensembles (10 different GCMs in total). All simulations show a dramatic volume loss, with the GAG disappearing in 2100 under the high-emission scenarios (RCP8.5 and SPP5-8.5) and the HEF already disappearing in around 2060. A special feature is that the HEF shows a similar volume loss under SSP5-8.5 and SSP1-2.6. The GAG has the ability to stabilize under SSP1-2.6.

How to cite: Rückamp, M., Gutjahr, K., Möller, M., and Mayer, C.: Future retreat of Great Aletsch Glacier and Hintereisferner – an East-West comparison, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15050,, 2025.

EGU25-16232 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Predicting Glacier Dynamics with Neural Operator-Based Surrogate Models. 

Mamta K C, Harald Köstler, and Johannes J. Fürst

Traditional numerical solvers for simulating glacier dynamics are computationally demanding, particularly for large-scale and long-period projections. Recent use of neural networks(NNs) based surrogate models, including data-driven and physics-informed convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have shown considerable success in accelerating simulation while maintaining adequate accuracy. However, conventional NN-based surrogate models typically map finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces, making them confined to particular discretization or resolution. As a result, these models often exhibit limited generalization capabilities and require frequent retraining when applied to new geometries or solution scenarios outside their training domain. Neural operators (NOs) offer a promising alternative. Unlike classical NNs, NOs learn the mapping between functions in infinite-dimensional spaces, making predictions more invariant with regard to resolution. They learn the parametric dependence of solutions across entire families of partial differential equations, making them better at generalization. Despite these advantages, limited existing literature uses neural operators for glacier flow simulation. 

This study presents different versions of a NO-based surrogate model to predict glacier velocity. These implementations will be evaluated against classical NN-based approaches, focusing on their computational efficiency, accuracy, and generalization across varying resolutions. Additionally, the study will explore key hyperparameters that influence the stability and performance of NO models and perform sensitivity analysis to identify the most effective configurations. The first results are promising and give insight into the performance and potential of NO-based surrogate models for ice-flow simulations.

How to cite: K C, M., Köstler, H., and Fürst, J. J.: Predicting Glacier Dynamics with Neural Operator-Based Surrogate Models., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16232,, 2025.

EGU25-16821 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Investigating the basal friction law of Alpine glaciers from multi-decadal up to centennial observations 

Marie Zeller, Adrien Gilbert, and Florent Gimbert

Understanding the physical laws governing glacier and ice sheet basal sliding speed is crucial for accurately predicting their dynamics and contribution to sea-level rise. However, basal sliding is controlled by complex processes linked to subglacial hydrology, which remains difficult to constrain. Previous studies based on Argentière glacier (France) suggest a simplification of the law describing the long-term evolution of sliding velocity, by proposing that long-term subglacial water pressure of hard-bedded glaciers is determined by the basal shear stress condition. The applicability of these findings to other glaciers and over long timescales has not been fully explored yet. In this study, we analyze multidecadal timeseries of surface velocities and elevations from various locations on seven Alpine glaciers, spanning from the early 20th century to the present. Using the Elmer/Ice finite element model, we solve for the full-Stokes equations to derive realistic estimates of basal sliding velocities and shear stresses from observed surface velocity and topography. Our analysis of these datasets reveals distinct basal friction behaviors both among glaciers and within different profiles of the same glacier. We identify three types of friction laws governing glacier dynamics. Most sites follow a Lliboutry-type law, where significant variations in sliding velocity occur under minor changes in shear stress. This behavior can be explained by the formation of water-filled cavities that grow as a function of sliding velocity under constant effective pressure. Other sites exhibit a Weertman-type law, characterized by a power-law scaling between shear stress and sliding velocity, implying constant cavity size through time. Finally, only Gébroulaz glacier follows a Coulomb-type law typical of sedimentary beds, where basal velocities increase dramatically beyond a critical shear stress threshold. For each measurement site, we derive a value of maximum shear stress CN and friction coefficient As and find that hard-bedded glaciers in the Weertman and Lliboutry regimes align along a unified friction law with similar values for the friction exponent m and the bed-shape exponent q. Our results show that the basal friction at all sites can be explained by a single friction law where the effective pressure either remains constant through time or scales with the basal shear stress. Further exploration of correlation between these friction laws and glacier geometric parameters, such as surface slope and bedrock roughness, may provide insights into the underlying mechanisms regulating the long-term effective pressure. 

How to cite: Zeller, M., Gilbert, A., and Gimbert, F.: Investigating the basal friction law of Alpine glaciers from multi-decadal up to centennial observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16821,, 2025.

EGU25-17134 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

A viscoelastic phase-field model for calving and fracture in ice 

Daniel Richards, Robert Arthern, Oliver Marsh, and Rosie Williams

Iceberg calving due to fracture accounts for around half of the ice lost annually from Antarctica, but physically based models representing this process are not currently included in ice sheet models. By using a phase-field viscoelastic model for fracture we can model both slow deformation of ice and the distribution and evolution of cracks leading to calving. The model solves equations for non-linear viscous flow, elastic displacement and a phase-field variable which allows cracks to nucleate and propagate in response to the evolving stress field. Without making any assumptions about the type of calving, we apply this model to a simulate fracture of an iceberg and an ice shelf, giving both insights into parameterisations and a pathway to including fracture directly in ice sheet models. 

How to cite: Richards, D., Arthern, R., Marsh, O., and Williams, R.: A viscoelastic phase-field model for calving and fracture in ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17134,, 2025.

EGU25-17306 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Temporal stability of subtemperate regions in an ice-sheet scale flow-line model 

Sophie Brass, Elisa Mantelli, and Thomas Zwinger

Subtemperate sliding is key to ice stream formation. It has been shown that models without any approximations to the Stokes equations are necessary to capture temporal instabilities at an ice-sheet scale. In this project we analyze the temporal stability of subtemperate regions using a Stokes flow-line model of an ice stream thermodynamically coupled to a continuous water sheet at the bed using Elmer/Ice. We use Newtonian rheology with suitably chosen physical parameters. Subtemperate sliding was modeled through a temperature dependent sliding with strong sensitivity to temperature changes which introduces an additional thermo-frictional feedback. We perform transient perturbation experiments with small variations of the sliding coefficient. We explore the cases of strong and weak temperature dependence of sliding and the effects of a Weertman and a regularized Coulomb sliding law in the temperate region.

How to cite: Brass, S., Mantelli, E., and Zwinger, T.: Temporal stability of subtemperate regions in an ice-sheet scale flow-line model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17306,, 2025.

EGU25-17432 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

3-D thermal structure and age modelling of the ice sheet in the Dome Fuji region, Antarctica 

Zhuo Wang, Michael Wolovick, Daniel Steinhage, Sheng Dong, and Olaf Eisen

The acquisition of 1.5 Myr ice cores is a major objective of Antarctic exploration, aiming to enhance our understanding of the causes behind the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Here, we combine radar observations and ice-flow modeling to investigate the age, basal thermal state and temperature of the ice sheet in the Dome Fuji region, Antarctica, to provide significant information for selecting the drill site.

We use a 3-D ice-flow model to couple the mechanical, thermal and hydrological processes in the ice sheet. Radar internal stratigraphy and the previously identified subglacial waterbodies are incorporated as constraints in the inverse modelling to improve the reliability of the model results. The modelled basal temperature reaches the pressure melting point in most of the study area, while there is a lower modelled basal temperature near the New Dome Fuji (NDF, 77.789° S, 39.053° E) and southeast of the old Dome Fuji drill site (DF, 77.317° S,39.703° E). The relative basal reflectivity, derived from radar bed return power and modelled 3-D ice temperature, is relatively low in these areas as well. This suggests a lower possibility of basal melting, and thus suggests that a longer climate record might be preserved in the ice. The modelled age of of the ice near the base reaches 1.5 Myr near NDF and south of DF. These modelled results enhance the understanding of ice dynamics, age distribution and thermal structure in the Dome Fuji region.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Wolovick, M., Steinhage, D., Dong, S., and Eisen, O.: 3-D thermal structure and age modelling of the ice sheet in the Dome Fuji region, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17432,, 2025.

EGU25-17446 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Towards Reconstructing Debris Supply to Reproduce the Historic Changes in Debris Extent at a Swiss Glacier 

José M. Muñoz-Hermosilla, Evan Miles, Michael McCarthy, Florian Hardmeier, Vicente Melo Velasco, Guillaume Jouvet, and Francesca Pellicciotti

Debris-covered glaciers play an important role in alpine hydrology and surface debris substantially alters glacier processes and evolution. Yet the processes governing the transport and distribution of debris remain poorly understood, and thus poorly included in models of glacier evolution. To address this gap, we are developing a numerical model of debris transport within the framework of the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM), leveraging a newly implemented Lagrangian particle tracking module to simulate the movement of debris across the glacier.

This study focuses on the Oberaletsch Glacier in Switzerland, where we explore different seeding strategies for the debris particles, which involve defining how and where debris particles are introduced into the model to simulate their transport and distribution. These strategies aim to reproduce the spatial and temporal evolution of debris coverage, starting from a debris-free glacier geometry at the end of the Little Ice Age. This negligible-debris known geometry allows us to spin up the model without debris for our initial condition. To reach this pseudo-steady-state, we calibrate the mass-balance model with historic measurements at the nearby Grosseraletschgletscher. We then focus on the debris seeding: by adjusting the debris seeding locations and rates to reproduce the historic changes in debris extent, we assess the influence of initial particle placement and quantity on the debris distribution.

Preliminary results highlight the sensitivity of debris coverage to changes in the seeding strategies. Our simulations also reveal that certain characteristics of the glacier-surface debris coverage —the location and extent of medial moraines— are linked to glacier morphology and arise from the interaction between ice flow dynamics and the structure of the glacier bed, which collectively dictate where debris is transported and deposited on the glacier surface,  irrespective of debris seeding strategy.

This study highlights the potential of integrating Lagrangian particle tracking into glacier models as a robust tool for advancing our understanding of debris-covered glaciers. This approach also provides new insights into the coupling of glacier dynamics and debris transport processes, and offers a framework to understand and characterize the debris inputs to these systems. It is the first step towards developing fully operational models for predictions of glacier evolution in debris-covered glacier systems under changing climatic conditions.

How to cite: Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M., Miles, E., McCarthy, M., Hardmeier, F., Melo Velasco, V., Jouvet, G., and Pellicciotti, F.: Towards Reconstructing Debris Supply to Reproduce the Historic Changes in Debris Extent at a Swiss Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17446,, 2025.

EGU25-18027 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

A robust strategy to calibrate a coupled ice-flow, mass balance and debris cover evolution model 

Prateek Gantayat, Evan Miles, Michael McCarthy, Achille Jouberton, Vicente Melo Velasco, and Francesca Pellicciotti

The aerial extent of supraglacial debris cover is increasing on mountain glaciers as a result of recent climatic warming. A thicker debris cover tends to shield the glacier surface from melting, with important consequences for glacier dynamics and evolution. However, only a few studies have tried to model the impact of a changing supraglacial debris cover on glacier evolution at a regional scale. For nearly all of the existing models, it is difficult to calibrate the individual unknown model parameters, such as the degree-day factors, temperature and precipitation biases, debris supply rate and englacial debris concentration, because of the strong interdependencies between mass balance, ice-flow and debris cover and thickness evolution. In the case of regional  scale modelling of glacier evolution, almost all of these unknown model parameters are tuned with respect to a small set of selected glaciers. As a result, the level of uncertainty in the calculated model outputs varies for those glaciers that are outside the set of glaciers that were used during calibration. On top of that, due to process-based complexities, many of these models have parameterised the evolution of spatial distribution of debris thickness rather than using process-based models. Therefore, we propose using Bayesian inference to calibrate the coupled ice-flow and debris evolution model. Bayesian inference presents a unique way to calibrate the model parameters while taking into account the uncertainty in the observed data. The stochastic calibration of model parameters through Bayesian inference enables a robust uncertainty analysis of the model results. Using Bayesian inference, helps decouple the intertwined complex process that renders model calibration easy.

To demonstrate the above, as a first step, we present a strategy to effectively decouple and separately calibrate the mass-balance and debris cover evolution modules. We first calibrate the unknown parameters of the mass balance model, namely the degree day factor and the temperature and precipitation biases. We use Bayesian inference for calibrating the mass balance model against geodetic mass balance and satellite-derived, maximum annual snowline altitude. Next, we calibrate a debris cover evolution model using the calibrated mass balance model. We first test this approach at the Oberaletsch Glacier in the Swiss Alps. The mass balance model is forced by reanalysis temperature and precipitation, using a degree-day model modified for debris melt effects. Using our strategy, we simulate the 20-year averaged glacier-wide mass balance within 10% uncertainty as compared to existing geodetic mass balance data. In addition, we simulate the evolution of supraglacial debris-cover for every 10 m elevation band within a mean uncertainty of ~11% as compared to satellite-derived debris cover data. In the future, in addition to the mass balance and debris evolution, we also aim to use this strategy to calibrate the ice-flow module. Once calibrated, the coupled model will be used to estimate the future evolution of glaciers located in the Swiss Alps.

How to cite: Gantayat, P., Miles, E., McCarthy, M., Jouberton, A., Melo Velasco, V., and Pellicciotti, F.: A robust strategy to calibrate a coupled ice-flow, mass balance and debris cover evolution model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18027,, 2025.

The Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers in the Amundsen Sea Embayment are losing mass faster than any others in Antarctica, and are crucial for the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Here we examine their sensitivity to the treatment of basal effective pressure and sub-ice shelf melting over millennial timescales, using the BISICLES ice sheet model. We carry out 1000-year simulations with melting applied selectively to either the Pine Island or Thwaites catchments. To examine the sensitivity to effective pressure, we apply an explicit bed weakening scheme below a critical height-above-flotation which has been used in previous studies. We apply a simple depth power law parameterisation foe sub-ice shelf melt and vary a melt coefficient to test the melt sensitivity.

We find that mass loss rates generally increase with the critical height-above-flotation. The sensitivity is greatest for small values of the critical height-above-flotation. However, we also find that for both Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, increasing the critical height-above-flotation and the high end of the range actually delays the onset of rapid retreat. We also find that Pine Island glacier is highly sensitive to the sub-shelf melt rate, and projections of future mass loss depend more upon enhanced ocean melting than on the effective pressure. By comparison, Thwaites glacier was relatively insensitive to increases in ocean melting, and the value of the critical height-above-flotation was more important in controlling rates of mass loss compared to Pine Island glacier.

These results are in line with other recent studies, and support the finding that the Pine Island ice shelf provides significant buttressing strength while the Thwaites ice shelf has minimal buttressing strength. They also demonstrate the importance of accounting for effective pressure in ice sheet model-based experiments. We will present and discuss these results.

How to cite: Trevers, M., Cornford, S., and Payne, T.: Millenial-scale sensitivity of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers to the treatment of effective pressure and melt forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18635,, 2025.

EGU25-18791 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Snapshot and time-dependent inversions of basal sliding using automatic generation of adjoint code on graphics processing units 

Ivan Utkin, Yilu Chen, Ludovic Räss, and Mauro Werder

Basal sliding and other processes affecting ice flow are challenging to constrain due to limited direct observations. Inversion methods, which typically fit an ice flow model to observed surface velocities, enable the reconstruction of basal properties from readily available data. We present a numerical inversion framework for reconstructing the glacier basal sliding coefficient, applied to both synthetic and real-world alpine glacier scenarios. The framework employs automatic differentiation to generate adjoint code and runs in parallel on graphics processing units (GPUs).

We explore two inversion workflows using the shallow ice approximation (SIA) as the forward model: a time-independent approach fitting to a single snapshot of annual ice velocity and a time-dependent inversion accounting for both ice velocity and changes in geometry. We find that the time-dependent inversion yields more robust and accurate velocity fields than the snapshot inversion. However, it does not significantly improve the problematic initial transients often encountered in forward model runs that employ sliding fields from snapshot inversions. This is likely due to the limitations of the forward model. This methodology is transferable to more complex forward models and can be readily implemented in languages supporting automatic differentiation.

How to cite: Utkin, I., Chen, Y., Räss, L., and Werder, M.: Snapshot and time-dependent inversions of basal sliding using automatic generation of adjoint code on graphics processing units, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18791,, 2025.

EGU25-19449 | ECS | Orals | CR2.1

Statistically optimising the input parameter space of a numerical ice sheet model to improve the model fit to observations of palaeo-ice flow direction  

Rosie Archer, Jeremy Ely, Jill Johnson, Jeremy Oakley, Christopher Clark, Frances Butcher, Helen Dulfer, Anna Hughes, Benjamin Boyes, and Ronja Reese

Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are experiencing increased levels of melt, contributing to potentially devastating sea level rise. Quantifying their future changes is imperative in order to understand and mitigate the risks associated with their demise. Projections of future ice sheet change due to climate change are highly uncertain. Palaeo-ice sheets left behind a wealth of information on past ice extents, timing and flow directions. By looking to the past and using such data to validate and constrain numerical ice sheet model simulations, the formulation of model approaches can be improved, and the uncertainty within projections of ice mass loss and sea level rise can be reduced. 

Here we simulate the last Eurasian Ice Sheet complex (EISC) between 40 and 5 thousand years ago, to find a model input parameter space that is optimised to fit the available flow geometry as revealed by observations of former ice flow direction such as from drumlins. We present a new Bayesian framework that takes an initial perturbed parameter ensemble for the EISC, compares each ensemble member to past observed flow directions and identifies an updated parameter sampling routine on a reduced parameter space to improve the overall model-data match of further simulations. To quantitatively compare and score observed flow geometry from glacial landforms with model simulations in a statistically rigorous way, a new model-data comparison tool is utilised: the Likelihood of Accordant Lineations Analysis (LALA) tool. This work could not only be used further to develop a robust simulation of the EISC, as well as other palaeo-ice sheets, optimised to flow geometry, but also to simulate data-driven spin-ups for use in future ice sheet projections. 


How to cite: Archer, R., Ely, J., Johnson, J., Oakley, J., Clark, C., Butcher, F., Dulfer, H., Hughes, A., Boyes, B., and Reese, R.: Statistically optimising the input parameter space of a numerical ice sheet model to improve the model fit to observations of palaeo-ice flow direction , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19449,, 2025.

EGU25-19571 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

Equipping an ice-flow model with calving and ice-front migration 

Veena Prasad, Alexander Groos, Ilaria Tabone, Oskar Hermann, Guillaume Jouvet, James R Jordan, and Johannes J Fürst

Global sea-level rise is significantly influenced by glacier melting and retreat palpable all around the world. Of particular interest are marine- and lake-terminating (MALT) glaciers, which, despite their small number, store a substantial portion of the global glacier ice volume. One key component of the glacier mass budget in MALT glaciers is frontal ablation, which involves mass loss at calving fronts through calving, subaerial melting and sublimation, and subaqueous melting. In order to estimate the impact of frontal ablation on the evolution of MALT glaciers, ice-flow models need to exhibit a calving criterion as well as a tracking algorithm for frontal migration. Most of the regionally or globally applicable glacier evolution models (GEM) either lack explicit tracking of ice fronts or, if at all, rely on simple empiric calving parametrization. Here we equip a regionally applicable GEM with a state-of-the-art calving module with the aim to lift the confidence of projecting MALT glacier evolution under climate changes.

In this calving module, an implicit level-set tracking scheme is implemented. The level set function (LSF) evolves based on the frontal ice velocity, melting and calving rate. While subaerial melting is ignored, the ice velocity is determined from the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM). The model is applied to an idealized synthetic glacier geometry featuring undulating bed topography in a 2-D space is used. These synthetic experiments enabled to test the sanity of the implementation, mass and shape conservations as well as numerical stability. Furthermore, the implementation allows for appropriate ice front advance and retreat.

The second part of calving algorithm involves estimation of the calving rate using Eigen calving. It assumes calving rates to be proportional to along and transversal strain rates. The calving algorithm is integrated with the Instructed Glacier Model and applied to selected glaciers of the Kongsfjorden region, Svalbard. Abundant calibration data is available from remote sensing in form of multi-temporal ice-front positions. This approach provides a robust framework for incorporating calving dynamics into regional glacier evolution models. It addresses key gaps in existing methodologies and enhances the ability to better predict glacier front propagation.

How to cite: Prasad, V., Groos, A., Tabone, I., Hermann, O., Jouvet, G., Jordan, J. R., and Fürst, J. J.: Equipping an ice-flow model with calving and ice-front migration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19571,, 2025.

EGU25-21070 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.1

A Comparison of Different Ice Shelf Damage Modeling Schemes in Antarctica 

Qingyun Long and Tong Zhang

Numerical models simulating the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet still contain considerable uncertainty.The dynamic instability of the Antarctic ice sheet is one of the most uncertain factors affecting global mean sea level rise. Among the various factors, ice shelf damage is a major challenge and a key focus in current research on the dynamic changes of the Antarctic ice sheet. In this study, we apply a newly developed three-dimensional  thermomechanically coupled higher-order ice flow model PoLaRIS (Polar Land Ice Simulator) to simulate the Antarctic Ice Sheet. First, we conducted initialization simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, which are crucial for future projection studies. We used the Robin inversion algorithm for initialization, constraining and inverting the basal friction coefficient based on the observed surface velocity. The simulation results closely match the observations. Based on the initial conditions we have simulated, we are now focusing on the numerical simulation of pan-Antarctic ice shelf damage. We use different methods to simulate the present state of ice shelf damage, validate the model results with the satellite imagery, and compare these methods to identify the best schemes for  damage simulation. In the future, we will continue predicting the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet by incorporating the ice shelf damage process into the ice sheet model, studying its dynamic instability and its impact on global mean sea level rise.

How to cite: Long, Q. and Zhang, T.: A Comparison of Different Ice Shelf Damage Modeling Schemes in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21070,, 2025.

EGU25-118 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

To what extent is climate change responsible for retreat of the Pine Island Glacier over the 20th century? 

Alex Bradley, David Bett, Paul Holland, Rob Arthern, and Rosie Williams

The relative contributions of anthropogenic climate change and internal variability in sea level rise from the Antarctic Ice Sheet are yet to be determined. This is primarily because of uncertainty arising from poorly constrained model parameters and chaotic forcing as well as a relatively short observation period. Using an established uncertainty quantification framework (known as calibrate-emulate-sample), we have quantified, for the first time, the role of anthropogenic climate change on retreat of a major Antarctic glacier. We find that anthropogenic trends in forcing, beginning in the 1960s, are only responsible for approximately 15% of the retreat of this glacier since its retreat began in the 1940s. Most of the retreat is attributable to the inertia associated with a slow retreat over the Holocene. We also find, however, that trends in forcing dominate retreat beyond the 21st century, with ice sheet retreat stabilized if anthropogenic trends plateau.

How to cite: Bradley, A., Bett, D., Holland, P., Arthern, R., and Williams, R.: To what extent is climate change responsible for retreat of the Pine Island Glacier over the 20th century?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-118,, 2025.

EGU25-332 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Links between GRACE/GRACE-FO derived temporal mass variations in Greenland and climatic indices 

Florent Cambier, José Darrozes, Muriel Llubes, Lucia Seoane, and Guillaume Ramillien

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) has been experiencing significant mass loss since the 1990s, driven by the intensifying effects of global warming. However, this global trend is modulated by distinct annual and interannual variations, highlighting the complex interplay between the ice sheet, atmospheric systems, and the ocean. In this study, we analyzed GIS mass changes from early 2002 to late 2023 using data from the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, focusing on the dominant temporal cycles and their relationships with climatic indices and parameters.

Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) applied to mass variation data from the COST-G solution, we identified five leading modes of variability, accounting for 67.5% of the total variance. The primary mode capture both the annual cycle and longer-term periodicities, while subsequent modes highlight interannual oscillations, with cycles ranging from 4 to 11 years.

We examined the interactions between GIS mass changes and six key climatic drivers: the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Greenland Blocking Index (GBI), Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), temperature duration and intensity, precipitation, and surface albedo. Cumulative indices and parameters enabled direct comparisons with the accumulated mass changes since 2002. Through Wavelet Analysis and cross-correlations, we uncovered significant links with varying time lags. They lead to a complete annual cycle and some interannual relationship between them. For instance, a positive NAO phase enhances precipitation, while the AMO displays a surprising 3.5-year delayed response to mass variations.

Additionally, our findings reveal a connection between 11-year cycles in NAO, GBI, and temperature to solar activity, while 4 to 7-year cycles align with potential atmospheric oscillations and Earth’s internal geodynamics.

This study highlights the GIS as a dynamic system modulated by interrelated processes operating on annual to decadal timescales. We have only investigated Greenland in its globality, but we know that the response to external forcing at a scale of a basin or a glacier differs. It will be important to examine this point as the integrations of multi-scale climatic drivers is important to understand past variations and project future changes under a warming climate. Such understanding is vital for assessing global sea-level rise and formulating mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Cambier, F., Darrozes, J., Llubes, M., Seoane, L., and Ramillien, G.: Links between GRACE/GRACE-FO derived temporal mass variations in Greenland and climatic indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-332,, 2025.

The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12-MIS 11 glacial cycle (490-396 Ka) has been recognized as anomalous by researchers due to the longevity of the interglacial interval.  MIS 12 sea level low stand is inferred to be similar to Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), however, due to limited geomorphological data, major uncertainties remain with respect to where the ice was distributed and the relative size of the ice sheets. With the lowest increase in insolation from glacial to interglacial of the past 800 kyrs, MIS 11 was almost twice as long as the other interglacials of the past 500 kyrs. A prevailing hypothesis for the duration of MIS 11 proposes that the large MIS 12 ice sheets, when exposed to a weak insolation increase, gradually released meltwater and deglaciated throughout the interglacial period, contributing to its extended duration. This freshwater influx triggered a positive feedback, promoting the release of oceanic CO2 into the atmosphere, which amplified insolation-driven warming and further prolonged the interglacial period.

Given the lack of terrestrial paleoclimate data, ice and climate modelling may offer a way to improve the understanding of this curious interval. Previous modeling work of this interval has been with either highly parameterized, low-resolution coupled ice-climate models, climate models with forced ice sheets, snapshot climate models with pre-industrial ice sheets, or ice sheet models with forced climate. Few models span the entire duration of the glacial cycle. For the first time, we transiently simulate the entire interval with the fully coupled ice sheet-climate LCIce model that resolves both atmospheric and ocean circulation. Parametric uncertainties are addressed by ensemble simulation. This presentation focuses on ensemble analysis of the ice sheets and climate of the glacial cycle as well as sensitivity testing of the two hypothesized drivers for length of MIS 11: meltwater flux during deglaciation and atmospheric CO2 concentration.

How to cite: Parnell, A. and Tarasov, L.: Ensemble simulation of the MIS 12-MIS 11 glacial cycle using a fully coupled climate-ice sheet model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-577,, 2025.

EGU25-1396 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Modeled Greenland Ice Sheet evolution constrained by ice-core-derived Holocene elevation histories 

Mikkel Langgaard Lauritzen, Anne Munck Solgaard, Nicholas Mossor Rathmann, Bo Møllesøe Vinther, Aslak Grindsted, Brice Noël, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, and Christine Schøtt Hvidberg

During the Holocene, the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) experienced substantial thinning, with some regions losing up to 600 meters of ice.
Ice sheet reconstructions, paleoclimatic records, and geological evidence indicate that during the Last Glacial Maximum, the GrIS extended far beyond its current boundaries and was connected with the Innuitian Ice Sheet (IIS) in the northwest. We investigate these long-term geometry changes and explore several possible factors driving those changes by using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to simulate the GrIS thinning throughout the Holocene period, from 11.7 ka ago to the present. We perform an ensemble study of 841 model simulations in which key model parameters are systematically varied to determine the parameter values that, with quantified uncertainties, best reproduce the 11.7 ka of surface elevation records derived from ice cores, providing confidence in the modeled GrIS historical evolution. We find that since the Holocene onset, 11.7 ka ago, the GrIS mass loss has contributed 5.3±0.3 m to the mean global sea level rise, which is consistent with the ice-core-derived thinning curves spanning the time when the GrIS and the Innuitian Ice Sheet were bridged. Our results suggest that the ice bridge collapsed 4.9±0.5 ka ago and that the GrIS is still responding to these past changes today. Our results have implications for future mass-loss projections, which should account for the long-term, transient trend.

How to cite: Lauritzen, M. L., Solgaard, A. M., Rathmann, N. M., Vinther, B. M., Grindsted, A., Noël, B., Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., and Hvidberg, C. S.: Modeled Greenland Ice Sheet evolution constrained by ice-core-derived Holocene elevation histories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1396,, 2025.

EGU25-3494 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Constraining the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during warmer climates of the Pliocene and Pleistocene: insights from subglacial geomorphology 

Guy Paxman, Stewart Jamieson, Kirsty Tinto, Jacqueline Austermann, Aisling Dolan, and Mike Bentley

The Greenland Ice Sheet is a key contributor to contemporary global sea-level rise, but its long-term history remains highly uncertain. The landscape covered by the ice sheet comprises ∼79% of Greenland and is one of the most sparsely mapped regions on Earth. However, sub-ice geomorphology offers a unique record of environmental conditions prior to and during glaciation, and of the ice sheet’s response to changing climate.

Here we use ice-surface morphology and radio-echo sounding data to identify, and quantify the morphology of, valley networks beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. Our mapping reveals intricate subglacial valley networks beneath the ice-sheet interior that appear to have a fluvial origin. By contrast, in the southern and eastern coastal highlands, valleys have been substantially modified by glacial erosion. We use geomorphometric analysis and simple ice-sheet model experiments to infer that these valleys were incised beneath erosive mountain valley glaciers during one or more phases of Greenland’s glacial history when ice was restricted to the southern and eastern highlands.

These inferred early mountain ice masses contained ~0.5 metres of sea-level equivalent (compared to 7.4 metres in the modern Greenland Ice Sheet). We believe the most plausible time for the formation of this landscape was prior to the growth of a continental-scale ice sheet in the late Pliocene, with the possibility of further incision having occurred during particularly warm and/or long-lived Pleistocene interglacials. Our findings therefore provide new data-based constraints on early Greenland Ice Sheet extent and dynamics that can serve as valuable boundary conditions in models of regional and global palaeoclimate during past warm periods that are important analogues for climate change in the 21st century and beyond.

How to cite: Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Tinto, K., Austermann, J., Dolan, A., and Bentley, M.: Constraining the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during warmer climates of the Pliocene and Pleistocene: insights from subglacial geomorphology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3494,, 2025.

EGU25-4341 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Ice sheet-ocean interactions at 40 kyr BP : Insights from a coupled ice sheet-climate model of intermediate complexity. 

Louise Abot, Aurélien Quiquet, and Claire Waelbroeck

This study examines the interactions between the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and the ocean during the last glacial period. Using the iLOVECLIM climate model of intermediate complexity coupled with the GRISLI ice sheet model, we explore the consequences of an amplification of the melt rates beneath ice shelves on ice sheet dynamics and the associated feedbacks. First, the amplification of oceanic basal melt rates leads to significant freshwater release from both increased calving and basal melt fluxes. Grounding line retreat and dynamic thinning occur over the Eurasian and Iceland ice sheets, while the oceanic perturbation fails to trigger a grounding line migration over the coasts of Greenland and the eastern part of the Laurentide ice sheet. Second, similarly to hosing experiments with no coupling between the climate and the ice sheets, the influx of fresh water temporarily increases sea-ice extent, reduces convection in the Labrador Sea, weakens the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, lowers surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, and increases the subsurface temperatures in the Nordic Seas. Third, the freshwater release and latent heat effect on ocean temperatures lead to a decrease in ice sheet discharge (negative feedback) for the Greenland and Eurasian ice sheets. In the experiments, the Laurentide ice sheet does not feature significant volume variations. Nonetheless, we show that we are able to trigger a grounding line retreat and a North American ice sheet volume decrease, by imposing ad-hoc constant oceanic melt rates in a second set of perturbation experiments. However, the Hudson Strait ice stream also does not exhibit the past dynamical instability indicated by the presence of Laurentide origin ice rafted debris in the North Atlantic sediment records.  This suggests that the fully coupled model is too stable, specifically in the Hudson Bay region. To help address this issue, different modelling choices regarding the basal ice sheet dynamics are considered. This emphasizes the need for further research using fully coupled models to explore the triggering mechanisms of massive iceberg discharges and to clarify the role of the ocean in these events.

How to cite: Abot, L., Quiquet, A., and Waelbroeck, C.: Ice sheet-ocean interactions at 40 kyr BP : Insights from a coupled ice sheet-climate model of intermediate complexity., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4341,, 2025.

EGU25-4663 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Greenland Ice Sheet under climate change: Perspective from a high-resolution modelling simulation from 1421-2024   

Aaquib Javed, Edward Hanna, Leanne Wake, Richard Wilkinson, Mathieu Morlighem, and Joe Mcconnell

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), a major driver of global sea-level rise, holds approximately 7 meters of sea-level equivalent. Despite its critical role, significant uncertainties remain about its mass balance and response to climate forcing over the past few centuries, particularly before the satellite era. This study aims to address these gaps by reconstructing a high-resolution (1x1 km) monthly surface mass balance (SMB) dataset spanning AD 1421–2024 and quantifying its contributions to historical and contemporary sea-level changes using the Positive Degree Day (PDD) modelling approach. 

The novel SMB dataset integrates long-term climate reanalysis inputs (ERA5 and ModE-RA). They are then validated and corrected against available ice-core records and weather station observations using a Bayesian approach to formally constrain the uncertainties. Preliminary analysis indicates signidficant SMB-driven mass loss due to climatic forcing during recent past, potentially offering new insights into the relative contributions of SMB and ice dynamics to GrIS total mass changes during latter half of the last millennium. 

These results represent a significant advancement in understanding the GrIS’s historical behaviour and links with climate change and can form a valuable baseline for improving the accuracy of future SMB and sea-level rise projections. By addressing critical knowledge gaps, this work enhances our ability to predict the long-term impacts of climate change on the GrIS and global sea levels.

How to cite: Javed, A., Hanna, E., Wake, L., Wilkinson, R., Morlighem, M., and Mcconnell, J.: Greenland Ice Sheet under climate change: Perspective from a high-resolution modelling simulation from 1421-2024  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4663,, 2025.

EGU25-5578 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Snow accumulation rates at Concordia Station from stake farm observations 

Claudio Stefanini, Barbara Stenni, Mauro Masiol, Giuliano Dreossi, Massimo Frezzotti, Vincent Favier, Francesca Becherini, Claudio Scarchilli, Virginia Ciardini, and Gabriele Carugati

In this study, surface mass balance (SMB) is estimated from snow accumulation data collected in the nearby area of Concordia Station. Results from the Italian and French stake farms are jointly analyzed. The Italian stake farm is located ~800 m southwest of the Concordia Station and consists of 13 stakes; observations started at the end of 2010 with almost monthly sampling. Some measurements are also available for the 2006-2010 period from a previous stake farm which was located ~300 m east of the current site. The French stake farm is located ~2 km south of the base and consists of 50 stakes; observations started in 2004 with yearly sampling conducted during austral summer. Snow build-up measurements at individual stakes show a strong variability caused by the interaction of wind-driven snow with surface micro-relief. Over the period of common observations, the present Italian stake farm generally underestimates the snow accumulation with respect to the French one, except for three years in which an overestimation is observed. Over the 2011-2023 period, the mean yearly accumulation recorded by the Italian and French stake farms is 7.3±0.2 cm and 8.4±0.1 cm, respectively. Bootstrap simulation has been performed to: (i) assess the significance of the differences between the two datasets; (ii) evaluate the effect of the different size of the stake farms and their distance to the Station on the measurements. Comparison of the observations with reanalysis datasets (ERA5 and MERRA2) and regional models (RACMO, MAR) has been also performed, with the first ones providing the best agreement with the observations. The potential shadowing effect of the station has also been investigated by analyzing the wind direction during the snowfall events, suggesting that buildings may influence accumulation when they are upwind with respect to the stake farms. Additionally, two more stake farms, located 25 km north and south of Concordia Station, are also analyzed to study the accumulation gradient across Dome C, confirming previous results of a continentality effect. On average, yearly accumulation increases by 0.7±0.2 cm over the 50 km span between the southern and northern stake farms. Results should be valuable for validating SMB estimates obtained from reanalysis, regional climate models and remote-sensing data.

How to cite: Stefanini, C., Stenni, B., Masiol, M., Dreossi, G., Frezzotti, M., Favier, V., Becherini, F., Scarchilli, C., Ciardini, V., and Carugati, G.: Snow accumulation rates at Concordia Station from stake farm observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5578,, 2025.

The importance of employing a two-way coupled climate-ice sheet model for future sea level projection has been revealed by LOVECLIP simulation. However, it still has several limitations. LOVECLIM, the climate model used in LOVECLIP, is unsuitable for short-term simulation. Additionally, LOVECLIM with a low-resolution T21 cannot solve regional-scale changes over the Antarctic region. Therefore, we newly coupled CESM1.2 to the Penn State Ice Sheet Model (PSUIM). CESM1.2 consists of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) with a f09 resolution for the atmosphere and Parallel Ocean Program version 2 (POP2) with a gx1v6 resolution for the ocean. Using coupled CESM1.2-PSUIM, we projected the responses of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, as well as future climate and sea level rise under the Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios.

How to cite: Park, J.: Coupled CESM1.2 to Penn State University Ice Sheet Model and future sea level projection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6338,, 2025.

EGU25-6677 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

A combined radiostratigraphy- and ice-core- derived age scale for ice at the divide between the Amundsen, Bellingshausen and Weddell seas, West Antarctica 

Harry Davis, Robert Bingham, Andrew Hein, Anna Hogg, Carlos Martín, and Elizabeth Thomas

Despite ice cores providing high-resolution climate records, few ice cores extracted from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) cover the Holocene, nor extend into the last glacial period. Marine ice-sheet basins, such as those underlying the WAIS, have been shown to be particularly vulnerable to retreat and possible collapse during past warm periods, and thus have significant potential to contribute to global sea-level rise. Dynamic thinning and retreat of ice are underway in the Amundsen Sea and Bellingshausen Sea sectors of the WAIS, yet this Pacific-facing region remains relatively data-poor for informing estimates of past and future retreat rates and sea-level contributions.

In 2010/11, a 136 m ice core was drilled at the three-way ice divide between Ferrigno Ice Stream, Pine Island Glacier, and Evans Ice Stream catchments. To further investigate this region, we analyse the internal structure across this region imaged through three intersecting radar surveys: (1) a 2004/05 UK/BAS survey, conducted with the Polarimetric Airborne Survey INstrument (PASIN), (2) a 2009/10 ground-based survey of Ferrigno Ice Stream, carried out with 3 MHz radar; and (3) NASA Operation Ice Bridge airborne surveys acquired in 2016 and 2018, which utilised the Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder 2 (MCoRDS2). We provide dating control to the traced englacial stratigraphy from tying it to the age-depth profile provided by the WAIS Divide Ice Core in central West Antarctica.

We then utilise a 1-D numerical ice-flow model, optimised by shallow ice-core data and these dated internal reflection horizons at the three-way ice divide, to infer palaeo-accumulation rates throughout the Holocene, and place age constraints on the age of the oldest ice at a proposed deep ice-core drill site at Ferrigno Ice Stream. We show that the method is robust and effectively synthesises the shallow ice-core data and the dated internal reflection horizons to reconstruct past climate records. The modelled maximum age at the three-way ice divide is around 24.77 ka +/- 6.88 ka, with a resolution of around 0.6 ka m-1at the depth of the oldest ice, making this an ideal site for a new deep ice core in West Antarctica. In addition, the ice core would be located in a coastal area and may provide key insights glacial extent during deglaciation.

How to cite: Davis, H., Bingham, R., Hein, A., Hogg, A., Martín, C., and Thomas, E.: A combined radiostratigraphy- and ice-core- derived age scale for ice at the divide between the Amundsen, Bellingshausen and Weddell seas, West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6677,, 2025.

EGU25-7500 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Global High-Resolution Modeling: A New Lens on the Southern Ocean 

Mira Berdahl, Gunter Leguy, Eric J. Steig, William H. Lipscomb, and Bette L. Otto-Bliesner

Modern West Antarctic ice loss is generally driven by warm circumpolar deep water (CDW) reaching ice shelf grounding zones. Understanding what controls CDW delivery remains a challenge, in part because of the multiple scales involved. Most global models are too coarse to capture critical regional processes, while simulations with high-resolution regional models depend on imposed boundary conditions, precluding the possibility of capturing coupled processes across scales.  Here, we analyze a novel multi-member ensemble of global high-resolution (0.1° ocean, 0.25° atmosphere) Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations over the historical period (1850-2005).   We compare the high-resolution runs to equivalent simulations at ~1 to 2° resolution, as well as to observational products (e.g. ECCO, WOA).  We show that biases in key ocean properties in the Southern Ocean are significantly improved in the high-resolution simulations.  This includes better representation of CDW in the high-resolution runs. We use these comparisons to explore new insights on the atmosphere and ice conditions that promote CDW delivery toward the ice shelves.

How to cite: Berdahl, M., Leguy, G., Steig, E. J., Lipscomb, W. H., and Otto-Bliesner, B. L.: Global High-Resolution Modeling: A New Lens on the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7500,, 2025.

EGU25-7794 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Short-term variations of spaceborne microwave brightness temperature on the Greenland ice sheet during the 2012 melting season. 

Takumi Suzuki, Rigen Shimada, Misako Kachi, and Tomonori Tanikawa

The accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet, driven by recent global warming, has attracted significant attention regarding the long-term variations in its mass balance. While several analyses have utilized snow melting indicators derived from microwave brightness temperatures observed through satellites, there is a lack of studies examining the diurnal behavior of these temperatures during the melting season. The Advanced Microwave Satellite Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) aboard the Global Change Observation Mission – Water (GCOM-W) satellite provides multiple daily observations on the Greenland ice sheet, enabling the investigation of diurnal changes in brightness temperature. This study aims to clarify the short-term relationship between snow melting and spaceborne microwave brightness temperatures during the summer of 2012, a period marked by extensive melting of the Greenland ice sheet. To examine the timing of snowmelt, snow surface temperature data collected by the Automated Weather Station (AWS) at a site on the ice sheet in north-west Greenland were utilized. The time series of snow surface temperatures from July to August 2012 were analyzed, revealing distinct patterns across three periods: Period A (early-July: snow temperature of 0°C only during the day), Period B (mid-July: snow temperature of 0°C throughout the day), and Period C (mid-August: snow temperature below 0°C all day). In the north-west regions, Snow Index (Tb18H − Tb36H: Difference in brightness temperature between 18 GHz-H and 36 GHz-H) values, indicative of snow cover, showed significantly different short-term variations between the periods. During Period A, Snow Index values were positive throughout the day and decreased towards the afternoon. In contrast, during Period B, Snow Index values were negative throughout the day, with no significant diurnal changes observed. During Period C, Snow Index values returned to positive again and, as in the previous period, no significant changes were observed during the day. These results suggest the possibility of monitoring diurnal melting with high temporal resolution through short-term variations in spaceborne microwave brightness temperature. These variations across the Greenland ice sheet, including other frequency channels, will be further discussed during the conference day.

How to cite: Suzuki, T., Shimada, R., Kachi, M., and Tanikawa, T.: Short-term variations of spaceborne microwave brightness temperature on the Greenland ice sheet during the 2012 melting season., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7794,, 2025.

EGU25-8670 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Unravelling abrupt transitions of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the mid-Pleistocene transition 

Christian Wirths, Antoine Hermant, Christian Stepanek, Thomas Stocker, and Johannes Sutter

A mechanistic understanding of the main drivers of Quaternary climate variability, especially during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT; around 1.2–0.8 million years ago) remains a significant challenge in paleoclimate research. Climate changes during that time include a pronounced shift from 41-kyr to 100-kyr periodicity of glacial cycles as imprinted on sea level reconstructions, and the emergence of much larger ice sheets. While several modeling studies have focused on the interplay between the climate system and northern hemispheric ice sheets during the MPT, the role of Antarctica in driving and responding to climate change at that time remains largely unknown.  

Here, we use the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to simulate the transient evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet throughout the last 3 million years. PISM is forced by a climate index approach that is based on snapshots of climatic conditions in the past. Climate snapshots are derived from the Community Earth System Models (COSMOS), a general circulation model that simulates atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and land vegetation in dependence of reconstructions of paleogeography, orbital configuration, and greenhouse gas concentrations. Interpolation in times between snapshots is linear and based on a convolution of the EPICA Dome C record and the Lisiecki-Raymo benthic isotope stack.  

Our simulations indicate that between 1.9 Ma and 800 ka BP, several Antarctic drainage basins crossed critical thresholds at different times, for example leading to the formation of a stable marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet. We further examine the characteristics of these thresholds and their associated state transitions. Additionally, our findings suggest that these thresholds, and their interplay, amplified eccentricity-driven climate variability both before and during the MPT, providing new insights into the complex interactions between Antarctic ice sheet dynamics and climate during this period. 

How to cite: Wirths, C., Hermant, A., Stepanek, C., Stocker, T., and Sutter, J.: Unravelling abrupt transitions of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the mid-Pleistocene transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8670,, 2025.

EGU25-9305 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Stability of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets coupled by the Atlantic ocean circulation 

Sergio Pérez Montero, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Alexander Robinson, and Marisa Montoya

Anthropogenic climate change poses a challenge to the stability of current ice sheets. Rising atmospheric temperatures accelerate surface melting in Greenland. Increased ocean temperatures can lead to ice loss at the margins of Antarctica, with positive feedbacks facilitating further ice loss. Both processes impact the Earth System by leading to rising sea level, increasing temperatures through albedo feedbacks, and altering global oceanic circulation. Past records indicate that there is a bipolar interaction between the ice sheets of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres modulated by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that could ultimately affect their individual stability. Could the future response of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets perturb the AMOC in a manner that changes their own stability landscape? Here we will present the first results of the future evolution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets as simulated with the ice-sheet model Yelmo coupled to a box model representing the oceanic circulation. We will show the coupled effects of the shrinking mass of the ice sheets on the AMOC stability and its feedback on the evolution of the ice sheets themselves.

How to cite: Pérez Montero, S., Alvarez-Solas, J., Robinson, A., and Montoya, M.: Stability of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets coupled by the Atlantic ocean circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9305,, 2025.

EGU25-9630 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in Response to Solar Radiation Management 

Marta Corrà, Antoine Hermant, Daniele Visioni, Paul Brent Goddard, Anthony Jones, Emma Spezia, and Johannes Sutter

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) could become the largest single contributor to future sea level rise (SLR). However, its response to rising global mean temperature remains highly uncertain, and potential Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) interventions during the 21st century further complicate the projections. Among these interventions, Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI) have been proposed to limit atmospheric warming and potentially moderate or prevent AIS’ impact on SLR. This study examines the dynamic response of Antarctica to such SAI interventions, in the short-term (until the year 2100) and on centennial time scales. We use the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) forced by the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) to compare the evolution of AIS under SAI scenarios with that under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2-4.5 (SSP2-4.5). Our findings indicate that, on centennial timescales, SAI may be counterproductive in mitigating sea level rise due to the reduced Antarctic surface mass balance compared to the SSP2-4.5 scenario. Ice shelf thinning and grounding line dynamics emerge as dominant factors driving mid- and long-term AIS behavior, where ice dynamics dominate over the effects of constant climate forcing. Variations in the sliding law parameterization further influence simulated outcomes. Unsurprisingly, the results are highly dependent on the individual earth system model employed. To address this, we compare our findings with a suite of the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) scenarios, as well as additional SRM simulations performed using the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2 (HadGEM2-ES).

How to cite: Corrà, M., Hermant, A., Visioni, D., Goddard, P. B., Jones, A., Spezia, E., and Sutter, J.: Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in Response to Solar Radiation Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9630,, 2025.

EGU25-9731 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Simulated ice-ocean-bedrock interactions in Antarctica until year 3000 

Antonio Juarez-Martinez, Jan Swierczek-Jereczek, Javier Blasco, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Alexander Robinson, and Marisa Montoya

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is expected to be one of the dominant contributors to sea level rise in the near future. However, its future sea-level contribution is subject to substantial uncertainties related to modeling of physical processes. One key process is sub-shelf melting, which is particularly important in ice-shelf cavities, where warmer water intrusions could destabilize the corresponding ice shelves. This is of particular interest in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, where many regions are marine based. Another fundamental process is Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, which is associated with the lithospheric rebound in response to changes in the ice load. Here, we use a 3D ice-sheet-shelf model coupled with a novel isostasy model to analyze the role of interactions between the ice, the ocean and the lithosphere in AIS projections during the next millennium. We combine experiments testing the sensitivity of several parameters concerning basal melting laws and different isostatic adjustment methods, under mean climatic conditions with high and low emissions scenarios. 


How to cite: Juarez-Martinez, A., Swierczek-Jereczek, J., Blasco, J., Alvarez-Solas, J., Robinson, A., and Montoya, M.: Simulated ice-ocean-bedrock interactions in Antarctica until year 3000, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9731,, 2025.

EGU25-10037 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet evolution during the last deglaciation and MIS-11 with an ice sheet-ice shelf coupled model 

Wei Liu, Qiuzhen Yin, Philippe Huybrechts, and Heiko Goelzer

Ice sheet models are essential tools for studying ice sheet dynamics in response to the climate evolution during the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. Here, we develop a new version of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet model (NHISM, Zweck and Huybrechts, 2005) by adding a user-friendly ice shelf module and other new characteristics, such as the configurable horizontal resolution and coupled sea level change. This new ice sheet-ice shelf coupled model is named NHISM1.1. The ice shelf module is based on the shallow shelf approximation, allowing simulation of ice stream advance into the ocean and the transformation between floating and grounded ice. NHISM1.1 is first used to conduct offline equilibrium ice-sheet simulations driven by observed present-day climate. It simulates a reasonable spatial distribution of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets with a bias of less than 10% in the Greenland Ice Sheet volume compared to observation. We then use NHISM1.1 to perform offline transient ice sheet simulations for two distinct periods in the past, the Last Deglaciation and the entire MIS-11 period. In both cases, NHISM1.1 is driven by climate outputs of transient simulations performed with the LOVECLIM1.3 model. The performance of NHISM1.1 and the influence of various model configurations are evaluated by comparison with proxy reconstructions and other model simulations as well as sensitivity experiments. Our ice sheet simulations show that the NH ice sheets are largely consistent with geological evidence and that the incorporation of an ice shelf module is critical in properly reproducing glacial inception. By combining the analysis of climate simulations from LOVECLIM1.3 and offline ice sheet simulations from NHISM1.1, we propose that insolation plays a dominant role in driving the initial cooling of the Northern Hemisphere and the regrowth of its ice sheets during the MIS-11 glacial inception.

How to cite: Liu, W., Yin, Q., Huybrechts, P., and Goelzer, H.: Modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet evolution during the last deglaciation and MIS-11 with an ice sheet-ice shelf coupled model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10037,, 2025.

EGU25-10066 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Assessing Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics under temporary overshoot and long-term temperature stabilization scenarios   

Emma Spezia, Marta Corrà, Julien Bodart, Vjeran Višnjević, Fabrice Kenneth Michel Lacroix, Thomas Frölicher, and Johannes Sutter

Current projections of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the next centuries are subject to large uncertainties both reflecting the ice sheet model setup as well as the climate pathways taken into consideration. Assessing both, we present ice sheet model projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet’s evolution during the next centuries using PISM. We employ PISM at continental scale forced by Earth system model data tailored to specific global temperature scenarios via an adaptive greenhouse gas emissions approach. The scenarios reflect a range of transient temperature overshoot (during the 21st and 22nd century) and stabilization trajectories until the year 2500 resulting either in 1.5 °C or 3°C warming. We account for various ice sheet sensitivities and initialize PISM with a present-day state obtained by a paleo thermal spin-up and further tuned on present-day conditions. For each climate scenario, a wide range of physical parameterizations is explored, to consider different ice sheet responses. Comparing the results with a historical baseline control simulation, a relative loss of ice volume proportional to temperature rise is observed across all parameters in the various scenarios. Additionally, tipping points can be identified for certain parameterisations, beyond which no significant differences are observed between stabilization and overshoot scenarios indicating an already destabilised West Antarctic Ice Sheet at present. We compare these results with model projections based on a selection of the CMIP6 scenarios to illustrate the range of Antarctic Ice Sheet responses under uncertain future climate trajectories.

How to cite: Spezia, E., Corrà, M., Bodart, J., Višnjević, V., Lacroix, F. K. M., Frölicher, T., and Sutter, J.: Assessing Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics under temporary overshoot and long-term temperature stabilization scenarios  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10066,, 2025.

EGU25-10219 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Safety Bands of Thwaites Glacier 

Daniel Moreno-Parada, Violaine Coulon, and Frank Pattyn

Mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet is the main source of uncertainty in projections of future sea-level rise. These uncertainties essentially stem from the fact that some regions, such as Thwaites Glacier, may reach a tipping point, defined as irreversible mass loss on human time scales, with a warming climate. The exact timing of when these tipping points may occur remains difficult to determine, allowing for a large divergence in timing of onset and mass loss in model projections. Previous studies have emphasized the difficulties assessing the most suitable observable and the record length necessary to predict such an abrupt collapse within the Early Warning Indicators (EWI) framework. In particular, Rosier et al. (2021) showed that EWI robustly detect the onset of the marine ice sheet instability in realistic geometries such as Pine Island Glacier. The goal of this work is to determine the physical processes that influence the rate of grounding-line retreat of Thwaites Glacier and to test the capability of EWI to predict the onset of such a collapse. Ultimately, this study aims at mapping potential safety bands of grounding-line positions where the glacier may still recover or alternatively reach a ‘stable’ state. 

How to cite: Moreno-Parada, D., Coulon, V., and Pattyn, F.: Safety Bands of Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10219,, 2025.

EGU25-11215 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Extending our knowledge of Antarctic SMB further back in time 

Damien Maure, Christoph Kittel, Clara Lambin, Quentin Dalaiden, Hugues Goosse, and Xavier Fettweis

The reconstruction of Antarctic surface mass balance (SMB) is essential for understanding ice sheet dynamics and sea level rise, yet existing datasets are limited to the satellite era (1979-present) because little is known about the sea surface conditions (SSCs) before 1979. Using a new SSCs product derived from a particle filtering reconstruction of the southern climate before 1979 to constrain the regional atmospheric model MAR, we expand the known SMB time series up to 1958. The dataset has been evaluated against AWS and SMB measurement campaigns to ensure a good agreement throughout the simulation period, substantially better than when MAR is forced by ERA5 SSCs (HadISST2). We also investigate the influence of the sea ice extent drop on SMB observed between the 70s and the 80s, analogous to the one observed in 2016. This extended dataset offers improved insight into past ice sheet mass changes and highlights the importance of long-term SMB reconstructions for further understanding the role of the Antarctic ice sheet in Earth's climate system.

How to cite: Maure, D., Kittel, C., Lambin, C., Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., and Fettweis, X.: Extending our knowledge of Antarctic SMB further back in time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11215,, 2025.

EGU25-11339 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

A Greenland-wide Holocene deglaciation model and building an accompanying 14C database 

Astrid Rosenberg, Gregor Luetzenburg, Ole Bennike, Kristian Kjellerup Kjeldsen, and Nicolaj Krog Larsen

The timing of the Greenland Ice Sheet's retreat from its extent during the Last Glacial Maximum is a key element in constraining the sensitivity of the ice sheet to climate forcing. Although different deglaciation models have been published in previous years (Bennike, 2002; Funder et al., 2011; Sinclair et al., 2016; Leger et al., 2024), these models are limited by the number of samples used or their geographical extent. Therefore, the models have not been able to adequately resolve the deglaciation chronology of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

In this project, we aim to develop a Greenland-wide deglaciation model based on a new compilation of 14C dates, cosmogenic nuclide dates, OSL dates, and geomorphological evidence. The new compilation of 14C samples will be provided as an open-access database: GreenDated.

Within GreenDated, we aim to include all published 14C data from Greenland and the surrounding ocean shelf. All sample entries will as a minimum include information on location, and a categorization of the depositional environment and the sampled material. These steps will ensure accessibility for future users and enable easy extraction of data from the database. We will also recalibrate all the 14C data using the newest calibration curves (Heaton et al., 2020; Reimer et al., 2020) and adjust for differences in old normalization techniques, enabling easy recalibration of data for future users. Lastly, we will conduct a quality assessment based on the protocol used in the Dated (Hughes et al., 2016) and SvalHola (Farnsworth et al., 2020) databases, with the addition of an automated scoring system, seeking to limit bias from the authors.

Ultimately, the deglaciation model and the accompanying GreenDated database will provide a complete and thorough constraint on the Greenland Ice Sheet’s retreat from the Last Glacial Maximum position.

Bennike, O. (2002) ‘Late Quaternary history of Washington Land, North Greenland’, Boreas, 31(3), pp. 260–272.
Farnsworth, W.R. et al. (2020) ‘Holocene glacial history of Svalbard: Status, perspectives and challenges’, Earth-Science Reviews, 208, p. 103249.
Funder, S. et al. (2011) ‘The Greenland Ice Sheet During the Past 300,000 Years: A Review’, Developments in Quaternary Science, 15, pp. 699–713.
Heaton, T.J. et al. (2020) ‘Marine20—The Marine Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55,000 cal BP)’, Radiocarbon, 62(4), pp. 779–820.
Hughes, A.L.C. et al. (2016) ‘The last Eurasian ice sheets – a chronological database and time-slice reconstruction, DATED-1’, Boreas, 45(1), pp. 1–45.
Leger, T.P.M. et al. (2024) ‘A Greenland-wide empirical reconstruction of paleo ice sheet retreat informed by ice extent markers: PaleoGrIS version 1.0’, Climate of the Past, 20(3), pp. 701–755.
Reimer, P.J. et al. (2020) ‘The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55 cal kBP)’, Radiocarbon, 62(4), pp. 725–757.
 inclair, G. et al. (2016) ‘Diachronous retreat of the Greenland ice sheet during the last deglaciation’, Quaternary Science Reviews, 145, pp. 243–258.

How to cite: Rosenberg, A., Luetzenburg, G., Bennike, O., Kjellerup Kjeldsen, K., and Krog Larsen, N.: A Greenland-wide Holocene deglaciation model and building an accompanying 14C database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11339,, 2025.

EGU25-11420 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

New monthly maps of accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Josephine Lindsey-Clark, Aslak Grinsted, and Christine Hvidberg

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has become the single largest contributor to present day sea-level rise, with mass loss driven by changes in Surface Mass Balance (SMB). As the largest component of SMB, snow accumulation is critical to monitor as Arctic warming continues at an accelerated rate. Snowfall patterns across GrIS are influenced by a complex interaction of many interdependent climate variables, leading to high inter-annual spatial variability. As a result, regional climate models (RCMs) often fail to adequately capture this variability and carry substantial uncertainties, leading to biased estimations of ice mass loss. Here, we present a novel method to bias-adjust RCM precipitation output with in-situ SMB records from the SUMup dataset (2024 release), including over two million data points from radar, ice-core, snow pit and stake measurements. RCM output data is first decomposed into Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs), reflecting different modes of spatial variability, and Principal Components (PCs), capturing temporal fluctuations correlating to various climate indices. The SUMup in-situ measurements are used to derive a set of coefficients to scale the model mean climatology and each EOF and PC through least-squares optimisation. We provide monthly bias-adjusted accumulation maps for HIRHAM5-ERA5 output between 1960-2023 and CARRA between 1991-2023, highlighting regional biases in the models through time. 

Preliminary mean bias maps for HIRHAM5 show that the model underestimates accumulation in the south and interiors of the ice sheet by 20-80% or 30-90 mm/year, while the west and east margins of the accumulation zone are overestimated by 20-60% or 30-150 mm/year. In the winter and spring, the model tends to underestimate accumulation overall by 50-100 mm/year, while the reverse is true for the summer and autumn, when accumulation is mostly overestimated, reaching up to 200 mm/year in the north west. 

How to cite: Lindsey-Clark, J., Grinsted, A., and Hvidberg, C.: New monthly maps of accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11420,, 2025.

EGU25-11651 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Towards understanding the effects of extreme events on Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics  

Lena Nicola, Johanna Beckmann, Felicity McCormack, and Ricarda Winkelmann

Projections of Antarctica's future sea-level contribution are still subject to great uncertainties, especially with respect to changes in surface mass balance and sub-shelf melting. While the climatic forcing used as boundary condition for ice sheet models cover the average trend in mass balance with global warming, extreme events, such as heatwaves, are typically not yet considered. However, a number of record-breaking extreme events have been observed in recent years in Antarctica already and may become more frequent or extreme with ongoing climate change. Here we investigate the effects of heatwaves on ice-sheet dynamics: using a storyline approach for conducting a suite of numerical ice-sheet simulations, we explore the additional Antarctic contribution to future sea-level rise when atmospheric extreme events are considered in projections. We set this into perspective with anomalous freshwater fluxes from ocean-driven melting (and calving) and investigate the potential for abrupt shifts and tipping dynamics, which extreme events may cause or pre-condition.

How to cite: Nicola, L., Beckmann, J., McCormack, F., and Winkelmann, R.: Towards understanding the effects of extreme events on Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11651,, 2025.

EGU25-11803 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Bridging the gap between the modern and historical: Extending the mass balance reconstruction of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1421 to 2024 AD 

Leanne Wake, Aaquib Javed, Emily Hill, Edward Hanna, and Hilmar Gudmundsson

Bridging the knowledge gap between the recent decades and the preceding centuries of Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) history is essential for improving projections of its contribution to future sea-level rise. Evidence from relative sea-level reconstructions from salt marshes in southern Greenland suggests that GrIS mass loss began around 1850, well before significant anthropogenic warming—a pattern not yet captured in existing simulations of late Holocene GrIS evolution. Extending reconstructions of GrIS surface mass balance (SMB) as far back as possible, by leveraging newly available climate datasets from ~AD 1400 is critical to understanding its sensitivity to climate forcings during key periods such as the Little Ice Age. 

By addressing the underrepresentation of dynamic components and calculation of pre-20th century mass changes, this project aims to provide critical insights into GrIS-climate interactions and refine predictions of GrIS contributions to global sea-level rise. To achieve this aim, we will first  develop a 1x1-km resolution monthly SMB dataset using ModE-RA, a new palaeoclimate reanalysis product spanning 1421-2024.  This new SMB dataset will be used as input to ice sheet model simulations to assess the  spatial and temporal interplay between climate, SMB and ice dynamics.

Here we will present initial results of (1) GrIS temperature, precipitation and SMB fields for 1421 to 2024 AD and (2) historical simulations using the ice sheet model Úa to reconstruct ice thickness and margin changes outside of the observational period.

How to cite: Wake, L., Javed, A., Hill, E., Hanna, E., and Gudmundsson, H.: Bridging the gap between the modern and historical: Extending the mass balance reconstruction of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1421 to 2024 AD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11803,, 2025.

EGU25-12628 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet with a coupled climate-ice-sheet model 

Gaëlle Leloup, Aurélien Quiquet, Didier Roche, Christophe Dumas, and Didier Paillard

Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and resulting global warming raise uncertainties in the future of currently existing ice sheets. The Antarctic ice sheet, which contains the equivalent of 58 meters of potential sea level rise, is expected to have a relatively small role on sea level rise in this century, but is expected to continue to lose mass afterwards and could become a major driver of sea level rise on longer timescales (Van Breedam et al., 2020; Winkelmann et al., 2015).

The Antarctic ice sheet interacts with the solid Earth, the ocean and the atmosphere, resulting in various positive and negative feedbacks, enhancing or limiting ice sheet growth (Fyke et al., 2018). Positive feedback mechanisms, such as the albedo-melt and elevation-temperature feedbacks, enhance the ice sheet's response to an initial change in forcing, potentially resulting in nonlinear changes, and it is thus crucial to model these feedbacks on long timescales, when significant changes of the ice sheet’s topography can occur. Nonlinear changes can lead to a hysteresis behaviour, with widely different equilibrium states for a given CO2 level or temperature anomaly, depending on the initial condition (Pollard and de Conto, 2005; Garbe et al., 2020; Van Breedam et al., 2023).

In this study, we explore the hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet from the present-day configuration, using an intermediate complexity climate model, iLOVECLIM, representing the atmosphere, ocean and vegetation, coupled to an ice sheet model, GRISLI. Simulations start from either a pre-industrial ice sheet or an ice-free, isostatically rebounded geometry, and different CO2 levels are applied.

Crucially, the albedo-melt feedback is accounted for in our coupled setting, which strengthens nonlinear behaviour and leads to critical CO2 thresholds for the ice sheet melt or growth. This enhances the ice sheet hysteresis, with widely different equilibrium ice volumes at a given CO2 level, depending on the initial ice sheet geometry. The CO2 thresholds either trigger the complete Antarctic ice sheet loss or near-complete regrowth. The orbital configuration influences these CO2 thresholds : a higher (lower) summer insolation in the Southern Hemisphere decreases (increases) the CO2 threshold for Antarctic deglaciation (glaciation).

These findings highlight the importance of ice sheet-atmosphere interactions, notably the albedo-melt feedback, in projecting future long-term ice sheet behavior. Neglecting these feedbacks could lead to an overestimation of CO2 thresholds for the Antarctic ice sheet destabilization, with implications for future long-term sea level rise under high emission scenarios.

This study has recently been accepted in Geophysical Research Letters.

How to cite: Leloup, G., Quiquet, A., Roche, D., Dumas, C., and Paillard, D.: Hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet with a coupled climate-ice-sheet model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12628,, 2025.

EGU25-13026 | Orals | CR2.2

Climate state dependence of ice sheet variability 

Georgia Grant

Cenozoic climate has evolved through stepwise quasi-equilibrium states in response to declining CO2 concentration. As a result, terrestrial polar ice sheets developed in Antarctica ~35 million years ago describing relatively large glacial-interglacial changes, prior to an increasing marine-based ice sheet component by ~15 Ma with lower glacial-interglacial variability, before returning to large glacial-interglacial amplitudes in response to the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets (~2.7 Ma). While mean surface temperature scales linearly with the total concentration of carbon in the atmosphere, this is not the case for past variations in global mean sea-level whose amplitudes are climate-state (CO2)-dependent. By examining past climate drivers (atmospheric CO2) and the response of ice volume (sea level), polar ice sheets are seen to demonstrate vastly different sensitivities under changing climate states highlighted by the ‘100-kyr’ problem of non-linear ice sheet change.

In this study, a new independent global ice volume (sea-level) record (X-PlioSeaNZ: 3.3 – 1.7 Ma) is used to evaluate the deep-sea oxygen isotope proxy record (δ18Obenthic).  An empirical, power-law relationship emerges between δ18Obenthic and sea-level in contrast to long-standing linear δ18Obenthic calibrations. This relationship suggests relatively higher deep-ocean temperature contribution to δ18Obenthic signal and correspondingly lower global ice volume estimates under warmer past climates. It also demonstrates the need for variable ice volume-δ18Obenthic calibrations in response to the evolving bipolar ice sheet geographies over the last ~3 million years (Myr). Consequently, as the Earth system adjusts to 2-3°C of global warming over the coming decades and centuries, a lower paleo-ice sheet sensitivity (compared to the Last Glacial Maximum) is expected for ice sheet configurations where marine based ice sheets act as a buffer to terrestrial based ice sheets and brings geologic reconstructions into agreement with current projections for future sea-level rise.

How to cite: Grant, G.: Climate state dependence of ice sheet variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13026,, 2025.

EGU25-13742 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence of past Greenland Ice Sheet advance and retreat on the continental shelf offshore of SE Greenland as revealed by ‘Kang-Glac’ cruise SD041  

Colm O Cofaigh, Kelly Hogan, Jeremy Lloyd, Matthew Hunt, Camilla Snowman Andresen, Robert Larter, and David Roberts

Cruise SD041 of the UK research vessel the RRS Sir David Attenborough to the continental shelf offshore of SE Greenland took place in July-August 2024. The cruise was part of the UK NERC-funded ‘Kang-Glac’ project, a large multi-disciplinary, international, research project jointly led by British Antarctic Survey and Durham University, UK. The cruise collected a range of geological, geophysical, oceanographic and biological data from the continental shelf offshore of Kangerlussuaq Fjord, SE Greenland, and in several adjoining fjords. The aim of the Kang-Glac project is to investigate the response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to ocean warming during the last 11,700 years of the Holocene. During the cruise marine geophysical data in the form of multibeam swath bathymetric imagery of seafloor landforms and sub-bottom profiler data of shallow acoustic stratigraphy were collected, in addition to a suite of sediment cores. Data collection targeted a large cross-shelf bathymetric trough (‘Kang-Trough’) which extended from the mouth of Kangerlussuaq Fiord to the edge of the continental shelf, as well as a series of smaller fjords to the northeast. These marine geophysical data and sediment cores provide a clear record of an extensive Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) which expanded and retreated across the shelf via Kang-Trough. Landforms comprise well developed streamlined subglacial bedforms which show convergent GrIS flow into the trough, as well as occasional transverse moraines recording episodic retreat. Sediment cores recovered subglacial tills recording a grounded ice sheet in the cross-shelf trough overlain by a range of deglacial glacimarine facies recording retreat by melting and iceberg calving. Cores from the adjacent trough mouth fan on the continental slope targeted glacigenic debris flows which likely were deposited when the GrIS was grounded at the shelf edge and delivered glacigenic debris onto the slope. Collectively the data provide new insights into past GrIS extent, dynamics, and the nature of associated glacigenic sediment delivery from the LGM through the Holocene in the SE sector of the Greenland continental margin.

How to cite: O Cofaigh, C., Hogan, K., Lloyd, J., Hunt, M., Snowman Andresen, C., Larter, R., and Roberts, D.: Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence of past Greenland Ice Sheet advance and retreat on the continental shelf offshore of SE Greenland as revealed by ‘Kang-Glac’ cruise SD041 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13742,, 2025.

EGU25-14498 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Revisiting Antarctic surface melting under climate change by the end of the 21st century using a simple surface energy balance approach 

In-Woo Park, Emilia Kyung Jin, Won Sang Lee, and Kang-Kun Lee

Extensive surface melting has been observed during the austral summer, particularly in the Antarctic Peninsula and peripheral regions. A warming climate change is expected to further increase both precipitation and surface melting due to rising air temperatures. The precipitation, including both liquid and solid phases, contributes to maintaining ice mass, whereas surface melting reduces ice thickness and promotes hydrofracturing of ice shelves, resulting in acceleration of ice mass loss. The Surface Energy and Mass balance model of Intermediate Complexity (SEMIC) is a cost-effective and simplified model which emulates surface energy and mass balance processes. However, its application to Antarctica has not yet been fully explored. In this study, we assess the performance of SEMIC, forced with daily and monthly ERA5 reanalysis data, in reproducing current surface mass balance (SMB) and surface melting. Furthermore, we evaluate future projections of SMB and surface melting under the sustainable (SSP1-2.6) and high-warming (SSP5-8.5) climate scenarios from CMIP6, extending to the end of the 21st century. Our results reveal that SEMIC effectively represents current SMB and surface melting when driven by both daily and monthly forcing, although it underestimates the extent of surface melting in internal ice sheet. Projections indicate that total surface melting volume under SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios is projected to gradually increase to 170.1 ± 65.1 Gt yr-1 and 892.4 ± 505.2 Gt yr-1, respectively, during 2090-2100. Under the warming scenario, the area experiencing surface melting exceeding collapse threshold (> 725 mm yr-1) increases significantly by the mid-21st century. While total precipitation is projected to increase, this is offset by an increase in surface melting, resulting in minimal net changes in SMB by the end of the 21st century.

How to cite: Park, I.-W., Jin, E. K., Lee, W. S., and Lee, K.-K.: Revisiting Antarctic surface melting under climate change by the end of the 21st century using a simple surface energy balance approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14498,, 2025.

EGU25-15073 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Version 3 of the Community Ice Sheet Model 

Gunter Leguy, William Lipscomb, Kate Thayer-Calder, Samar Minallah, Michele Petrini, Heiko Goeltzer, Tim van den Akker, Bill Sacks, Mariana Vertenstein, and Mira Berdahl

Version 3 of the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) is scheduled for release later this year along with version 3 of the Community Earth System Model (CESM). CISM is a parallel, open-source ice flow code, written in Fortran and Python, which can be run as a standalone ice sheet or glacier model or as a coupled component of CESM and NorESM. The model supports several Stokes-flow approximations and has participated in many community intercomparison projects, including ISMIP6, CalvingMIP, and GlacierMIP3.

CISM3 will include new physics options for basal sliding, basal hydrology, iceberg calving, and extrapolating sub-ice-shelf temperature and salinity. A new initialization procedure allows the rate of ice mass change to match observations at the beginning of a projection simulation.  Coupled CISM–CESM simulations can include two-way climate coupling with multiple ice sheets, including Antarctica. CISM3 also has an exciting new capability to initialize and simulate mountain glaciers.

To improve user experience, CISM3 will include new Python tools for setting up glacier and ice sheet simulations and analyzing ice-sheet-relevant fields from other CESM components. CISM is now more integrated with CESM than ever before, by leveraging the Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth (CIME) case control and testing system for verification and validation. 

This presentation showcases examples and results using CISM3’s new tools and capabilities. 

How to cite: Leguy, G., Lipscomb, W., Thayer-Calder, K., Minallah, S., Petrini, M., Goeltzer, H., van den Akker, T., Sacks, B., Vertenstein, M., and Berdahl, M.: Version 3 of the Community Ice Sheet Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15073,, 2025.

EGU25-15269 | Orals | CR2.2

Study on the Instability of Two Large Glaciers in Northeast Greenland in Recent 60 Years 

Lu An, Litao Dai, Xingchen Liu, and Rongxing Li

The Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden glacier (NG) and Zachariae Isstrøm (ZI) are major contributors to the mass balance of northeast Greenland, which drain 12% of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Accurate measurements of these two glaciers are crucial to the estimation of the mass balance in northeast Greenland. They also serve as an important parameter for reflecting climate change and predicting future sea level rise. In the past, early ice velocity data were scarce, primarily due to challenges in difficulties in image orthorectification caused by large distortions and low quality in historical remote sensing imagery. We proposed a systematic process for orthorectification of CORONA KH-4A imagery, which has proven to be both efficient and accurate in velocity mapping at a precision of 25m. By employing a hierarchical network densification approach based on ARGON KH-5 and CORONA KH-4A imagery, we have successfully reconstructed the ice flow velocity fields for NG and ZI from 1963 to 1967. Combining with other ice velocity products, we have obtained the ice velocity of NG and ZI spanning a period nearly 60 years. The results indicate that the average ice flow velocity near the grounding line has increased by 12.4% for NG and a substantial 81.4% for ZI from 1963 to 2020. While ZI is experiencing accelerated mass loss, the NG is still in a relatively stable state under the similar climate condition. The slight fluctuations in ice velocity for NG may be due to the unique topography and the hindering effect of ice rises, suggesting the climate change may have a comparatively less impact on it.

How to cite: An, L., Dai, L., Liu, X., and Li, R.: Study on the Instability of Two Large Glaciers in Northeast Greenland in Recent 60 Years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15269,, 2025.

EGU25-15319 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modelling future Antarctic climate and surface mass balance with RACMO2.4p1 (2015-2100) 

Marte G. Hofsteenge, Willem Jan van de Berg, Christiaan T. van Dalum, Kristiina Verro, Maurice van Tiggelen, and Michiel van den Broeke

We present the first results of future Antarctic climate simulations with the polar-adapted Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RACMO2.4p1). As part of the PolarRES project, two climate storylines are explored, examining the response of the Antarctic surface mass balance (SMB) to two plausible future climates with varying degree of Antarctic sea ice loss and changes to upper atmospheric circulation. For this RACMO2.4p1 is run on a 11 km horizontal grid forced with high emission scenario SSP3-7.0 simulations from CESM2 and MPI-ESM for the period 2015-2100. To evaluate the model performance using climate model data, we compare historical simulations (1985-2015) forced by CESM2 and MPI-ESM to those forced by ERA5. We examine shifts in Antarctic precipitation and SMB between the current and future climate, and relate those changes to changes in atmopsheric circulation, atmospheric moisture budget and presence of sea ice.

How to cite: Hofsteenge, M. G., van de Berg, W. J., van Dalum, C. T., Verro, K., van Tiggelen, M., and van den Broeke, M.: Modelling future Antarctic climate and surface mass balance with RACMO2.4p1 (2015-2100), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15319,, 2025.

EGU25-15980 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Preliminary insights into Miocene palaeoprecipitation and palaeotemperature using speleothem fluid inclusion isotopes from eastern North Greenland 

Lena Friedrich, Gabriella Koltai, Gina E. Moseley, György Czuppon, Attila Demény, Jian Wang, Hai Cheng, Anika Donner, Yuri Dublyansky, and Christoph Spötl

The Miocene epoch was a warm period characterised by elevated atmospheric CO₂ levels compared to the present day. These CO₂ concentrations are similar to those predicted for future climate scenarios, making the Miocene an important period to deepen our understanding of warmer climates. While Greenland ice cores have provided highly valuable data for the late Quaternary, terrestrial palaeoclimate archives extending deeper in time in the Arctic remain sparse, leaving a significant gap in our knowledge of Greenland's climate history.

Speleothems are an excellent archive for obtaining high-resolution terrestrial climate data. During speleothem formation, dripwater can be trapped as fluid inclusions, preserving the isotopic signature of ancient meteoric water. This study focuses on four speleothems from a cave in eastern North Greenland. U-Pb dating indicates that the speleothems were deposited during the middle and late Miocene. We analysed the stable H isotopic composition of primary fluid inclusions to reconstruct the isotopic composition of palaeo-dripwater. Carbon and oxygen isotopes of the speleothem calcite were also measured in order to estimate quantitative temperatures for eastern North Greenland during middle and late Miocene. Our initial results show that during such an elevated CO2 world, mean annual air temperatures were substantially elevated above modern values.

Macroscopically, all speleothems are comprised of translucent and light brown calcite. Microscopically, the dominant fabric is coarsely crystalline columnar calcite. Fluid inclusion petrography shows the presence of both fluid inclusion-rich and inclusion-poor areas in the late Miocene speleothems, while primary fluid inclusions are abundant in the two middle Miocene speleothems. The mean water content obtained from crushing varies from 0.2 µL to 1.0 µL between the speleothems.

How to cite: Friedrich, L., Koltai, G., Moseley, G. E., Czuppon, G., Demény, A., Wang, J., Cheng, H., Donner, A., Dublyansky, Y., and Spötl, C.: Preliminary insights into Miocene palaeoprecipitation and palaeotemperature using speleothem fluid inclusion isotopes from eastern North Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15980,, 2025.

EGU25-16025 | Orals | CR2.2

Greenland and Antarctica as Interacting Constitutes in AWI-ESM 

Christian Rodehacke, Lars Ackermann, Paul Gierz, Ahmadreza Masoum, and Gerrit Lohmann

It is highly challenging to include both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets in a state-of-the-art earth system model. Our presentation demonstrates our system's design, the essential steps before coupling the entire system, the challenges faced in the coupling process, and the initial findings from our series of simulations for warming scenarios spanning the next few centuries until 2500.

We will highlight the existing limitations in the computed climate conditions that affect the behavior of ice sheets. These motivate our system's design. For instance, ocean temperature biases in the marginal seas around Antarctica inhibit its direct use to determine basal melting of floating ice shelves fringing Antarctica despite extensive tuning efforts. As a result, we have developed a flexible framework deemed necessary to adequately represent the currently observed ice sheet state. The still delicate integration of ice sheets into climate models directs the spin-up procedure of ice sheet models. The procedure's results and its consequences are presented and discussed. In particular, the available iceberg calving mechanism has been demanding in our simulations because we allow for freely waxing or waning ice shelf edges around Antarctica, unprecedented in coupled climate-ice sheet model systems.

Finally, the first results of our fully coupled simulations complete the presentation. These focus on the interaction between the climate system and Antarctica or Greenland and its influence on primary climatic conditions. In our model system, interacting ice sheets shape the climate state, creating feedback loops that affect the ice sheet state itself. This interaction may ultimately counteract the disintegration of ice sheets. Supposed it is a robust result, it implies that standalone ice sheet simulations may overestimate future sea level contributions.

How to cite: Rodehacke, C., Ackermann, L., Gierz, P., Masoum, A., and Lohmann, G.: Greenland and Antarctica as Interacting Constitutes in AWI-ESM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16025,, 2025.

EGU25-16564 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Exploring Antarctic Circulation-Ice Sheet Interactions in UKESM Climate Projections Through 2500 and Beyond 

Sarah Taylor, Andrew Orr, Stephen Cornford, Thomas Bracegirdle, and Robin Smith

Understanding how key regional circulation features respond to future global warming is essential for projections of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics, and future global sea level rise. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) influences the strength and location of the mid-latitude tropospheric westerly jet, which controls the transport of warm air and moisture towards the AIS. The Amundsen Sea Low (ASL), a permanent low-pressure system off the coast Antarctica affects regional wind patterns, precipitation and ocean circulation. These features can also impact the exchange of heat and carbon dioxide between the ocean and atmosphere, impacting sea ice extent and the stability of ice shelves. Under global warming scenarios, changes in these atmospheric features may significantly alter surface mass balance, surface melt, temperature and precipitation patterns over the AIS.

This study uses UK Earth System Model (UKESM) overshoot experiments that explore future emission increase, stabilization, and reduction simulations to investigate the interactions between atmospheric circulation features and the Antarctic cryosphere. These idealised simulations are forced only by CO2 concentrations and currently extend up to 650 years duration, allowing exploration of the response of the AIS to a range of global warming scenarios, and asses potential reversibility under future CO2 reduction.

This research utilises these simulations to identify trends in the SAM, ASL and westerly jets. Initial results show a deepening of the absolute pressure of the ASL, a poleward shift and strengthening of the westerly jet, with trends increasing and reversibility diminishing with higher global warming scenarios. These simulations are then used to identify any relationship between these features and trends in temperature, precipitation and surface melt over regions of the AIS and ice shelves, providing insights into the long-term stability of the AIS under varying climate scenarios.

How to cite: Taylor, S., Orr, A., Cornford, S., Bracegirdle, T., and Smith, R.: Exploring Antarctic Circulation-Ice Sheet Interactions in UKESM Climate Projections Through 2500 and Beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16564,, 2025.

EGU25-16952 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

From short-term uncertainties to long-term certainties in the future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

Ann Kristin Klose, Violaine Coulon, Tamsin Edwards, Fiona Turner, Frank Pattyn, and Ricarda Winkelmann

The future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with progressing warming constitutes one of the, if not the main uncertainty in projections of future sea-level change. As the largest potential source of sea-level rise and one of the key tipping elements in the climate system, robust projections are needed to inform coastal adaptation planning worldwide.

Using historically-calibrated perturbed-parameter ensembles of projections with two ice-sheet models, we assess the response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and associated uncertainties to a wide range of climate futures extending to the year 2300 and beyond.

We show that the near-term projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet are strongly influenced by ice-sheet model sensitivities, especially under limited warming, until strong changes in Antarctic climate beyond the end of the century, as projected under unmitigated emissions, clearly dominate the ice-sheet evolution. Irrespective of the wide range of uncertainties explored in our ensembles, large-scale ice loss is triggered in both West and East Antarctica under higher warming scenarios, but can be avoided by reaching net-zero emissions well before 2100. This leads to a multi-meter difference in the committed Antarctic sea-level contribution projected under low and very high emission pathways by the end of the millennium. Our results suggest that the next years and decades are decisive for the multi-centennial fate of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Klose, A. K., Coulon, V., Edwards, T., Turner, F., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: From short-term uncertainties to long-term certainties in the future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16952,, 2025.

EGU25-17048 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Stability of interior North Greenland – an assessment from GPS and satellite data 

Christine S. Hvidberg, Aslak Grinsted, Kristian Keller, Helle A. Kjær, Nicholas Rathmann, Mikkel L. Lauritzen, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Ruth Mottram, Nicolaj Hansen, Martin Olesen, Sebastian Simonsen, Louise S. Sørensen, Anne M. Solgaard, and Nanna B. Karlsson

The mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet has increased over the last two decades, and is now a major contributor to the global mean sea level rise. While the interior of the Greenland ice sheet has remained relatively stable, the mass loss from the ice sheet margins have spread to the north and since 2007 propagated into interior Greenland. We present here an assessment of the interior stability in North Greenland over the last three decades using GPS data, remote sensing data, and climate model output. We compile GPS survey data from interior ice core sites in North Greenland at GRIP (1992-1996), NorthGRIP (1996-2001), NEEM (2007-2015), and EastGRIP (2015-2022), and compare with surface mass balance estimates, and remote sensing observations to assess changes over the last decades. While the surface elevation has remained relatively stable at the northern ice divide sites, an inferred northward migration of the ice divide in Northwest Greenland observed in 2007-2015 coincided with the onset of thinning along the ice margin in the Baffin Bay area. The surface elevation near the summit of the Greenland ice sheet lowered slightly over the last 30 years, during a period of widespread thinning along the western margin. The observations are discussed in relation to regional changes in surface mass balance and the dynamical response to mass loss at the ice margin.

How to cite: Hvidberg, C. S., Grinsted, A., Keller, K., Kjær, H. A., Rathmann, N., Lauritzen, M. L., Dahl-Jensen, D., Mottram, R., Hansen, N., Olesen, M., Simonsen, S., Sørensen, L. S., Solgaard, A. M., and Karlsson, N. B.: Stability of interior North Greenland – an assessment from GPS and satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17048,, 2025.

EGU25-17469 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modelling the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet over glacial-interglacial cycles 

Isabel Schwermer, Anne Munck Solgaard, Mikkel Langgaard Lauritzen, Brice Noël, Roman Nuterman, and Christine Schøtt Hvidberg

The Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) formed more than 1 Ma ago and has evolved over many glacial-interglacial cycles. As it still adjusts to past changes, correctly capturing its present-day state is essential to accurately predict its future evolution and contribution to sea level rise. Furthermore, the past offers numerous examples of the GrIS‘ response to warmer climates, possibly analogous to its future fate.

Here, the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) is utilized to investigate the evolution of the GrIS over past glacial-interglacial cycles. For simulations over such long timescales, the computationally inexpensive PDD scheme is commonly used to calculate surface melt. However, PDD schemes do not capture spatial and temporal differences in surface mass balance sensitivity to temperature and cannot drive glacial-interglacial ice volume changes as they neglect the positive feedback between melt and albedo. To address this, we instead use the Diurnal Energy Balance Model (dEBM-simple) module. It takes into account seasonally and latitudinally varying melt contributions from solar shortwave radiation and changes in albedo in addition to temperature-driven melt to achieve a better representation of orbital timescales.

We calibrate PISM-dEBM-simple with present-day melt rates from the regional climate model RACMO. The calibrated model is then used to investigate the different patterns of growth and retreat of the GrIS over the past glacial-interglacial cycles emerging from using the PDD or the dEBM module in PISM. The enhanced sensitivity of the dEBM to insolation results in an earlier and greater mass loss at the onset of the Holocene, primarily from low-elevation regions and ice shelves.

How to cite: Schwermer, I., Munck Solgaard, A., Langgaard Lauritzen, M., Noël, B., Nuterman, R., and Schøtt Hvidberg, C.: Modelling the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet over glacial-interglacial cycles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17469,, 2025.

EGU25-17480 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Does the AMOC strength matter for the Antarctic ice sheet retreat during the penultimate deglaciation?  

Maxence Menthon, Pepijn Bakker, Aurélien Quiquet, and Didier Roche

The Antarctic Ice Sheet has contributed 0 to 7.7m to the global mean sea level during the Last Interglacial, according to recent publications (Barnett et al., 2023; Dyer et al., 2021; Dumitru et al., 2023; Shackleton et al., 2020). This large uncertainty suggests that the Antarctic ice sheet could have been similar to present-day geometry, but it could also have had a major retreat such as the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and more. For example, Clark et al. 2020 simulate the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse in their modeling work. They suggest that a longer period of reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the penultimate deglaciation compared to the last deglaciation could have led to greater subsurface warming and subsequent larger Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat. 

Here we study the response of the Antarctic ice sheet during the penultimate deglaciation ( 138–128 ka) to different evolutions of the AMOC. We use the ice sheet model GRISLI (Quiquet et al. 2018), including the recently implemented sub-shelf melt module PICO (Reese et al. 2018). The climate forcings, including Northern Hemisphere ice sheets evolution, are obtained from fully coupled Earth System Model simulations using the intermediate complexity model iLOVECLIM (Roche et al. 2014). We run 2 sets of ice sheet simulations. In the first set the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets are fully coupled and therefore provide freshwater fluxes directly to the oceans according to ice sheets melt (Quiquet and Roche 2024). In the second set the freshwater fluxes given in the North Atlantic Ocean are idealized. With the second set, we also test the impact of the timing and duration of the freshwater flux on the ice sheet retreat. We hypothesize that both the duration and timing of reduced AMOC can significantly affect the sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. A larger subsurface warming in the Southern Ocean can be triggered by longer AMOC reduction, and the resilience of the ice sheet to this warming depends on its geometry during the deglaciation.   

How to cite: Menthon, M., Bakker, P., Quiquet, A., and Roche, D.: Does the AMOC strength matter for the Antarctic ice sheet retreat during the penultimate deglaciation? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17480,, 2025.

EGU25-19292 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Mapping the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Lucía Gutiérrez-González, Jorge Álvarez-Solas, Marisa Montoya, and Alexander Robinson

In the coming century, the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is expected to be one of the main contributors to global sea-level rise. In addition, it is thought to be a tipping element due to the existence of positive feedbacks governing its mass balance. Previous studies have explored its stability across a range of temperatures, from present-day conditions to a global warming of 4°C, showing a threshold behavior in its response. However, it is known this threshold has already been exceeded in the past. During the Holocene Thermal Maximum, when Greenland temperatures were 2–4°C warmer than today, the ice sheet retreated beyond its present-day margin but did not fully disappear. Ice losses depend on the level of warming, but also on the rate of forcing and how long the forcing remains above the threshold.  Therefore, we propose studying the stability of the ice sheet over a broader temperature range: from the Last Glacial Maximum to a warming of +4°C,  and examining its current state within the bifurcation diagram. For this purpose, we use the ice-sheet model Yelmo coupled with the regional moisture-energy balance model REMBO and a linear parameterization of the oceanic basal melting.

How to cite: Gutiérrez-González, L., Álvarez-Solas, J., Montoya, M., and Robinson, A.: Mapping the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19292,, 2025.

EGU25-19646 | Orals | CR2.2

Early Results from KANG-GLAC: A Project to Understand Holocene Ice Sheet-Ocean Interaction and Marine Productivity in SE Greenland 

Kelly Hogan, O Cofaigh Colm, Povl Abrahamsen, John Howe, Mark Inall, Jeremy Lloyd, Clara Manno, Christian März, David Roberts, Geraint Tarling, Louise Sime, Jochen Voss, Lev Tarasov, and Camilla Andresen and the SD041 Shipboard Scientific Party

So far, melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has been the biggest contributor from the Earth’s cryosphere to global sea-level rise. Major uncertainties remain about how oceanic heat is transported across the shelf and through the fjords to the faces of marine-terminating glaciers, and how this affects rates of ice melt and calving. In turn, the increasing supply of meltwater and nutrients to the ocean around Greenland is impacting marine ecosystems as primary productivity rises,  subsequently increasing the potential for  carbon to be buried as “blue carbon” in Greenland’s fjords as warming continues. In July-August 2024, the UK-funded KANG-GLAC project completed a 40-day multidisciplinary research cruise to SE Greenland where the 40-strong scientific party made a suite of integrated geological, ocean and biological observations. The main aims of the project are two-fold. First, it aims to better understand how marine-terminating glaciers respond to oceanic heat on longer timescales (decades to centuries) by reconstructing glacier and ice-sheet behaviour during the Holocene and in particular during the climatic warm period of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Second, the project will quantify nutrient cycling in the water column and uppermost seafloor sediments in order to improve our knowledge of  marine ecosystem response to meltwater supply from the GrIS.  The cruise on the UK’s premier polar research vessel, the RRS Sir David Attenborough, is the start of a 3.5 year project. Here, we will present an overview of our field observations in this past-to-future project and outline the plans for future data-driven modelling of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Hogan, K., Colm, O. C., Abrahamsen, P., Howe, J., Inall, M., Lloyd, J., Manno, C., März, C., Roberts, D., Tarling, G., Sime, L., Voss, J., Tarasov, L., and Andresen, C. and the SD041 Shipboard Scientific Party: Early Results from KANG-GLAC: A Project to Understand Holocene Ice Sheet-Ocean Interaction and Marine Productivity in SE Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19646,, 2025.

EGU25-19795 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Investigating Osmium Isotopes and Sedimentological Records for the end of the Saalian Glacial from Northwest Baffin Bay 

Sirui Huang, David Selby, Jeremy Lloyd, and Paul Knutz

Understanding the dynamic response of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) during past climate warmings is essential for predicting its behaviour as global warming accelerates. However, detailed reconstructions of GrIS growth and retreat are limited due to lack of long high-resolution sedimentary records in proximity to its major glacial outlets. Here, new osmium isotope data are presented, from IODP Expedition 400 Hole U1604B, obtained from the lower slope of the Melville Bugt Trough Mouth Fan on the northwest Greenland margin. The osmium isotope analyses are integrated with shipboard sedimentary proxies to trace sediment sources and reconstruct glacial meltwater flux. Preliminary results from the studied interval show sediment proxy variations suggesting significant changes in sediment sources and depositional conditions. Between ~29 and 24 m CSF-A 187Os/188Os are radiogenic (~2.3 – 2.5). In contrast, immediately above this section between ~24 and 22 m CSF-A depth 187Os/188Os are distinctly less radiogenic (~1.3). The latter depth interval is also characterized by a peak in Ca/K ratios, decreased magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma radiation. The current preliminary age-model for Hole 1604B suggests that the studied core interval could represent the end of the Saalian Glacial. As such, we hypothesize the change in the sediment proxies is interpreted to record enhanced glacial meltwater and sediment delivery, potentially following ice sheet break-up at the end of the Saalian glacial and transition into the Eemian interglacial. Our multi-proxy findings provide new insight into the relationship between GrIS, Innuitian/Laurentide Ice Sheets, and regional sedimentation patterns during a significant glacial to interglacial transition, with important implications for understanding of GrIS response to abrupt climate warming.

How to cite: Huang, S., Selby, D., Lloyd, J., and Knutz, P.: Investigating Osmium Isotopes and Sedimentological Records for the end of the Saalian Glacial from Northwest Baffin Bay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19795,, 2025.

EGU25-20400 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Coupling the polar ice sheets to the Norwegian Earth System Model: advances and challenges 

Michele Petrini, Mariana Vertenstein, Heiko Goelzer, William H. Lipscomb, Gunter R. Leguy, William J. Sacks, Katherine Thayer-Calder, David M. Chandler, and Petra M. Langebroek

The polar ice sheets are melting faster due to climate change, with the contribution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets being the largest uncertainty in projecting future sea level rise. Understanding this is crucial for assessing impacts on the environment and ecosystems. Most of the existing modelling studies focus on ice sheet response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing. However, the ice sheets closely interact with and influence the Earth’s climate. With the goal of better representing ice sheet and climate processes and feedbacks, we aim to integrate Greenland and Antarctic dynamic ice sheet components into the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). NorESM is a global, CMIP-type coupled model for the physical climate system and biogeochemical processes over land, ocean, sea ice and atmosphere. In its latest release, NorESM features interactive coupling with a dynamic Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) component, although this coupling does not explicitly include ocean forcing at the marine-terminating margins of the ice sheet. In this presentation, we will show preliminary results of NorESM simulations featuring (1) a new interactive coupling with the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) over both the Antarctic and Greenland domains, and (2) a new ocean and ice sheet coupling allowing us to force the ice sheets with horizontally and vertically resolved  NorESM ocean properties. We will discuss work in progress, highlighting recent advances and most pressing challenges of our coupling approach.

How to cite: Petrini, M., Vertenstein, M., Goelzer, H., Lipscomb, W. H., Leguy, G. R., Sacks, W. J., Thayer-Calder, K., Chandler, D. M., and Langebroek, P. M.: Coupling the polar ice sheets to the Norwegian Earth System Model: advances and challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20400,, 2025.

EGU25-20846 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

The role of Greenland ice sheet – climate interactions from 1000-year coupled simulations with MAR-GISM 

Chloë Paice, Xavier Fettweis, and Philippe Huybrechts

As the second largest ice body on Earth, comprising an ice volume of 7.4 m sea level equivalent, the Greenland ice sheet is one of the main contributors to global sea level rise. Though observational and modelling efforts have increased substantially in recent years, major uncertainties remain regarding the ice sheet – climate interactions and feedback mechanisms that drive the ice sheet’s long-term mass loss. To improve sea level projections and the representation of such interactions in model simulations, efforts are currently emerging to couple ice sheet and regional climate models. However, so far, only a few coupled ice sheet – regional climate model simulations have been performed, and these do not extend beyond the centennial timescale. They therefore provide limited insights into the evolution and critical thresholds of the ice sheet – climate system over longer timescales.

As such, to obtain a better understanding of the ice sheet – climate interactions and potential feedback mechanisms over Greenland, we coupled our Greenland Ice Sheet Model (GISM) with a high-resolution regional climate model, the Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR), and performed millennial-length simulations. The global climate model forcing for MAR during these simulations consisted of the IPSL-CM6A-LR model output under the SSP5-8.5 scenario, which was available until 2300. After this date, the climate was held constant, and we prolonged our coupled simulations until the year 3000.

Specifically, we performed three coupled simulations for the period 1990-3000 with differing coupling complexity: full two-way coupling, one-way coupling and zero-way coupling. In the two-way coupled set-up, the ice sheet topography and surface mass balance were communicated yearly between both models, such that ice sheet – climate interactions were fully captured. In the one-way coupled set-up only the surface mass balance – elevation feedback was considered, through interpolation of the yearly SMB onto the changing ice sheet topography. And lastly, in the zero-way coupled set-up the ice sheet – climate interactions were entirely omitted.

The results show that the ice sheet evolution is determined by positive as well as negative feedback mechanisms, that act over different timescales. The main observed negative feedback in our simulations is related to changing wind speeds at the ice sheet margin, due to which the integrated ice mass loss remains fairly similar for all simulations up to 2300, regardless of the differently evolving ice sheet geometries. Beyond this time however, positive feedback mechanisms related to decreasing surface elevation and changing precipitation patterns dominate the ice sheet – climate system and strongly accelerate the integrated ice mass loss. Hence, over longer timescales and for a realistic representation of the evolving ice sheet geometry, it is indispensable to account for ice sheet – climate interactions as was done in our two-way coupled ice sheet – regional climate model set-up.

How to cite: Paice, C., Fettweis, X., and Huybrechts, P.: The role of Greenland ice sheet – climate interactions from 1000-year coupled simulations with MAR-GISM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20846,, 2025.

EGU25-21018 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by an IntenseAtmospheric River 

Hannah Bailey and Alun Hubbard

Atmospheric rivers are transient channels of intense water vapor that account for up to 90% of the poleward moisture transport from mid-latitudes. Though short-lived, these events can deliver extreme amounts of heat and rainfall that have been widely reported to accelerate ablation and ice mass loss across the Arctic. However, the impact of atmospheric river fueled snowfall has received less attention, partly due to the limited availability of empirical evidence and direct observations. Here, we explore the potential of atmospheric rivers to deliver intense snowfall to the Greenland ice sheet and thereby replenish its health through enhanced mass accumulation. Specifically, we use new firn-core isotopic analyses and glacio-meteorological datasets from Southeast Greenland to examine the origin and impact of atmospheric rivers on regional mass balance. To this end, we sampled firn core stratigraphy from the upper accumulation area of Southeast Greenland and related it to meteorological observations, to demonstrate that an intense atmospheric river in mid-March 2022 delivered up to 11.6 gigatons per day of extreme snowfall to this region of the ice sheet. 
We show that this immense snowfall not only recharged the snowpack and offset Greenland ice sheet net mass loss by 8% in 2022, but also raised local albedo thereby delaying the onset of summer bare-ice melt by 11 days, despite warmer than average spring temperatures. Since 2010, synoptic analysis of ERA5 data reveals that snow accumulation across Southeast Greenland increased by 20 mm water equivalent per year, driven by enhanced Atlantic cyclonicity. Depending on their seasonal timing, our study demonstrates that the impact of atmospheric rivers on the mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet is not exclusively negative. Moreover, their capacity to contribute consequential ice mass recharge may become increasingly significant under ongoing Arctic amplification and predicted poleward intrusion of mid-latitude moisture.

How to cite: Bailey, H. and Hubbard, A.: Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by an IntenseAtmospheric River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21018,, 2025.

A major obstacle in both paleo and future simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is that most studies do not include interactive ice sheets. Although this is a current area of development, most studies use stand alone climate models to force separate ice sheet models to study the potential impacts of climate changes on ice sheets; however this method ignores consequent impacts of the ice sheets on the ocean-atmosphere system, leading to simulations that may under or over estimate retreat in a warmer climate. The few model simulations that do include ice sheet-climate feedbacks disagree on the overall sign of the these feedbacks.
Here we are developing a new coupling between an established ice sheet (PSU-ISM) and climate model (HadCM3) that has been used extensively for paleoclimate applications. These models are suitable for performing multiple simulations over thousands of years. The ice sheet model output will be used to update the ice sheet in the climate model. The climate model orography and land sea mask will be modified to match that in the ice sheet model and ice sheet discharge will be added as a freshwater flux, modelled via change in salinity around the Southern Ocean. The models have been coupled offline and we are next automating this process so that simulations can be repeated over shorter timescales. This will allow the model to develop feedbacks more quickly rather than being limited to the length of the run. The model has been developed using pre-industrial idealised simulations. The main focus of the work is on reproducing the AIS response and sea level rise during the middle Miocene warm interval that matches proxy records more closely without having to add unrealistic CO2 forcing.

How to cite: Byrne, L.: Development of a new coupled ice sheet-climate model for simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet under a warm climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21116,, 2025.

Ice slabs are multi-meter thick layers of refrozen meltwater that form in the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) percolation zone and play a crucial role in modulating surface runoff. The limited permeability of ice slabs restricts the vertical percolation of meltwater into underlying firn, thus accelerating runoff. Improving understanding of ice slab growth and evolution is crucial to improving understanding of GrIS supraglacial hydrology, reducing uncertainty in projections of GrIS surface runoff rates, and improving global sea level rise estimates. Existing maps of ice slab extent have been developed using NASA’s Operation Ice Bridge Accumulation Radar data collected between 2011-2014 and 2017-2018 as well as Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) L-band radar data averaged over 2015-2019, however both of these datasets have some combination of limited spatial resolution, poor spatial coverage, or inconsistent temporal coverage, making it difficult to capture high resolution rates of inland expansion.

Here, we present the first annual time series of ice slab extent from 2015 through 2024, derived from polarimetric Sentinel-1 backscatter measurements. This work yields maps of the full spatial extent and continuity of ice slabs at 500 m2 resolution and establishes a comprehensive decade-long record of ice slab behavior in a warming climate. To assess atmospheric drivers of ice slab growth over this time, we compare our observations of inland expansion to hindcasts from two regional climate models: MAR and RACMO. We also compare our time series to the existing MacFerrin and Brils models of ice slab expansion to evaluate whether computationally expensive firn models are needed to predict ice slab expansion. Our work ensures continuous monitoring of ice slab expansion into the 2030s with the arrival of each new year of Sentinel-1 data and provides a basis for improving model predictions of surface mass balance in Greenland’s wet snow zone.

How to cite: Mutter, E. and Culberg, R.: Decade Long Time Series (2015 - 2024) of Ice Slab Expansion in Greenland using Sentinel-1 SAR , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1811,, 2025.

EGU25-3771 | ECS | Orals | CR2.3

Subglacial drainage modelling and Bayesian calibration using Gaussian Process emulators 

Tim Hill, Gwenn Flowers, Derek Bingham, and Matthew Hoffman

Subglacial drainage models sensitively depend on the values of numerous uncertain parameters. However, the computation time associated with running these models makes it difficult to quantify the associated uncertainty in model outputs and to use field data to calibrate parameter values. To overcome these computational limitations, we construct a Gaussian Process (GP) emulator that accelerates subglacial drainage modelling by ~1000x. The GP predicts spatiotemporally resolved water pressure as a function of eight model parameters and is trained using ensembles of up to 512 simulations with the Glacier Drainage System (GlaDS) model applied to the Kangerlussuaq sector of the western Greenland Ice Sheet. The GP reproduces the spatial patterns and daily temporal variations simulated by GlaDS within ~4%, with locally higher errors near moulins and during the early melt season. As an application of the GP, we compute the sensitivity of basal water pressure to each of the eight parameters and find that three parameters (ice-flow coefficient, bed bump aspect ratio and the subglacial cavity system conductivity) explain 90% of the variance in model outputs. Next, we explore using a borehole water-pressure timeseries to calibrate the eight uncertain parameters. We take a Bayesian perspective to quantify the uncertainty in parameter estimates and use the GP in place of the physics-based model to make Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling computationally feasible. We find meaningful constraints relative to the prior assumptions on most parameters and a factor-of-three reduction in uncertainty of the calibrated model predictions. However, significant differences between the calibrated model and the borehole data suggest that structural limitations of the model, rather than poorly constrained parameters or computational cost, remain the most important constraint on subglacial drainage modelling.

How to cite: Hill, T., Flowers, G., Bingham, D., and Hoffman, M.: Subglacial drainage modelling and Bayesian calibration using Gaussian Process emulators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3771,, 2025.

EGU25-4180 | ECS | Orals | CR2.3

Modelling the hydrology of sedimentary basins beneath marine ice sheets 

Gabriel Cairns, Ian Hewitt, and Graham Benham

The flow of Antarctic ice streams is modulated by a subglacial hydrological system, including “shallow” water transported through till and channels as well as “deep” groundwater stored in sedimentary basins. The latter has risen to prominence in recent years as a contributor to subglacial hydrology through the exchange of groundwater with the “shallow” system. These sedimentary basins possess complex geometries and display variations in salinity due to historic seawater intrusion. However, relatively little is known about the hydraulic properties of subglacial sedimentary basins, or their overall contribution to subglacial hydrology. To address these questions, we develop a mathematical model of groundwater flow in a sedimentary basin driven by an overlying marine ice sheet over geological timescales. By comparing modelled seawater intrusion to field observations of groundwater salinity, we  estimate the permeability of sedimentary basins in West Antarctica. We also show that exchange of groundwater between sedimentary basins and the shallow hydrological system is primarily driven by spatial variation in the basin geometry, and discuss implications for the dynamics of the ice stream. 

How to cite: Cairns, G., Hewitt, I., and Benham, G.: Modelling the hydrology of sedimentary basins beneath marine ice sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4180,, 2025.

EGU25-5167 | ECS | Orals | CR2.3

New insights into Hydrology and Lake Dynamics Upstream of Thwaites Glacier 

Felipe Napoleoni, Rebecca Schlegel, Alex M. Brisbourne, Julien Bodart, Helen Ockenden, Robert G. Bingham, and Team Ghost

Understanding Antarctic subglacial hydrology is crucial for assessing ice sheet dynamics and their contributions to global sea-level rise. Subglacial water modulates basal friction, influencing ice flow and glacier stability, as shown in studies of Thwaites Glacier and other West Antarctic systems. Here, we present new insights into subglacial hydrology derived from geophysical observations. By integrating radar-derived bed reflectivity with subglacial topography analysis, and the geometry of englacial layers we identify potential subglacial flow pathways.

Our study focuses on a 350 km² region located 124 km upstream of the Thwaites Glacier grounding line, where an active subglacial lake has been inferred from satellite altimetry, reflecting periodic ice surface uplift and depression. We investigate the ice-bed interface reflectivity to identify areas of potential water accumulation or saturated sediments beneath the glacier. Additionally, we analyse the geometry of englacial layers to further explore subglacial water distribution and drainage patterns. To account for the influence of basal topography, we remove the topographic signal to derive layers relative to a "flattened" base. Residual englacial layers above regions of high bed reflectivity were examined for drawdowns and uplifts linked to subglacial hydrological processes.

We also simulate the hydropotential in this region to delineate the most likely drainage pathways around the active subglacial lake's fringe. Our findings reveal high bed reflectivity areas coinciding with englacial layer drawdowns, along with regions of apparent uplift in the englacial stratigraphy. These results suggest a potential flow routing for Subglacial Lake Thw 124 and indicate that its previously defined boundary may be overestimated, implying episodic lake growth.

How to cite: Napoleoni, F., Schlegel, R., Brisbourne, A. M., Bodart, J., Ockenden, H., Bingham, R. G., and Ghost, T.: New insights into Hydrology and Lake Dynamics Upstream of Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5167,, 2025.

EGU25-6255 | Orals | CR2.3

Numerical modelling of subglacial water flow under a visco-elastic glacier-ice cover 

Thomas Zwinger, Tómas Jóhannesson, Peter Råback, and Juha Ruokolainen

We present a model for water flow at the base of a glacier implemented with the Elmer/Ice Open-Source Finite-Element Software. The model describes subglacial water flow in connection with the emptying of basal water bodies and the subglacial propagation of glacial outburst flood (jökulhlaup) fronts using a visco-elastic model for the overlying glacier combined with a turbulent thin-sheet model for water flow. The visco-elastic model is based on Maxwell-elements1 combining linear elasticity with the non-linear viscous behaviour described by Glen's ice-flow law, and, by introducing a pressure variable, allowing for incompressibility of the material. The dynamics of the subglacial ice–water interface is implemented as fluid–structure interaction (FSI), utilizing artificial compressibility. The coupled visco-elastic, thin-sheet model aims to represent the propagation of rapidly- and slowly-rising subglacial floods2, many of which are inferred from remote-sensing and in-situ observations to involve lifting of the glacier from its sole over large areas3. Dynamically similar subglacial ice–water interactions may be involved in widespread, propagating ice-velocity and surface-elevation disturbances that have been observed by remote sensing during subglacial drainage events in Greenland4 and Antarctica5, indicating that the dynamics of jökulhlaups may have wider implications for glacier dynamics in general. We will demonstrate the coupled model with simple synthetic examples. The visco-elastic model can simulate the observed geometry of ice-surface depressions formed by the collapse of basal water cupolas and conduits, for which we present simulation results with comparison to observed ice-surface depressions at Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland.


1Zwinger, T., Nield, G. A., Ruokolainen, J., and King, M. A.: A new open-source viscoelastic solid earth    deformation module implemented in Elmer (v8.4), Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1155–1164 (2020).

2 Jóhannesson, T. Propagation of a subglacial flood wave during the initiation of a jökulhlaup. Hydrol. Sci. J., 47, 417–434 (2002).

3 Magnússon, E., & 13 others. New insights into the development of slowly rising jökulhlaups from the Grímsvötn subglacial lake, Iceland, deduced from ICEYE SAR images and in-situ observations. EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-18204,

4 Maier, N., Andersen, J.K., Mouginot, J., Gimbert, F., & Gagliardini, O. Wintertime supraglacial  lake drainage cascade triggers large-scale ice flow response in Greenland. Geophys. Res.  Lett., 50(4), p.e2022GL10 (2023).

5Neckel, N., Franke, S., Helm, V., Drews, R., & Jansen, D. Evidence of cascading subglacial  water flow at Jutulstraumen Glacier (Antarctica) derived from Sentinel-1 and ICESat-2  measurements. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48(20), p.e2021GL094472 (2021).

How to cite: Zwinger, T., Jóhannesson, T., Råback, P., and Ruokolainen, J.: Numerical modelling of subglacial water flow under a visco-elastic glacier-ice cover, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6255,, 2025.

EGU25-6766 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Simulating Greenland Ice Slabs and Firn Aquifers with a 1D Firn Model 

Nikola Jovanovic, Timm Schultz, and Angelika Humbert

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has been losing mass at an accelerating rate, primarily due to meltwater runoff to the ocean. Firn, a porous transition layer between snow and ice, has the potential to buffer the GrIS’s contribution to sea level rise by retaining this meltwater. In regions with low surface accumulation, such as the K-transect in Southwest Greenland, high surface melt leads to the formation of thick, near-impermeable ice slabs which decrease the capacity of firn to retain meltwater. In contrast, in regions with high surface accumulation, such as the Helheim glacier in Southeast Greenland, high surface melt causes the formation of firn aquifers.

In this research, we simulate ice slabs and firn aquifers with a one-dimensional firn model, called Timm’s Firn Model (TFM), along glacier flowlines in different climate forcing scenarios. Instead of the commonly-used, more computationally efficient bucket scheme, the TFM solves the Richards’ equation, which simulates the vertical water transport more physically. We investigate whether the TFM simulates an earlier onset, greater extent, and expansion of ice slabs and firn aquifers towards the interior of the GrIS. In addition, we offer a new detection method for ice slabs based on hydraulic conductivity and volumetric liquid water content, enabled by the modeling of liquid water movement with the Richards’ equation.

The results show that firn aquifers were already forming in the Helheim glacier region before the GrIS started rapidly losing mass. Furthermore, the TFM results indicate that, with warming, firn aquifers form earlier along the flowline, expanding towards the interior of the ice sheet. Firn aquifer formation is highly dependent on surface accumulation, with higher accumulation rates favouring formation.

We further find that ice slabs, though less extensive than firn aquifers, were present along the K-transect in Southwest Greenland before the GrIS’ rapid mass loss. With warming, ice slabs form earlier along the flowline and expand towards the interior, consistent with available observations. Three consecutive years of extensive melt lead to ice slab formation. However, decade-old ice in the subsurface firn leads to ice slab formation as well, by merging with newly refrozen layers.

How to cite: Jovanovic, N., Schultz, T., and Humbert, A.: Simulating Greenland Ice Slabs and Firn Aquifers with a 1D Firn Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6766,, 2025.

EGU25-6941 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Observations and models of englacial deformation during supraglacial lake drainage 

George Lu, Meredith Nettles, Laura Stevens, and Stacy Larochelle

The hydrofracture-driven drainage of supraglacial lakes rapidly introduces large volumes of meltwater to the ice-sheet bed, influencing ice-sheet dynamics on multiple timescales. Immediate ice deformation mainly arises from three sources: the opening of the hydrofracture crack, separation of the ice from the bed, and additional slip at the bed. An understanding of the ice response to drainage requires knowledge of these spatially and temporally varying sources, ideally constrained by observations obtained both on the ice surface and within the ice column. Previous work examining ice dynamics during supraglacial lake drainage relies on ice-surface observations only: aerial and satellite imagery, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, and pressure-sensor records from draining lakes. We deployed three autonomous phase-sensitive radio echo sounders (ApRES) near a set of three supraglacial lakes at ~950 m elevation, in the mid-ablation zone of the western Greenland Ice Sheet, to record englacial deformation during lake drainage. The ApRES stations were embedded within a geophysical network including GNSS stations, air-temperature sensors, and a lake pressure logger, and were configured to make repeat measurements every 15 minutes from May 2022 to September 2023. In 2022, two of the lakes adjacent to the ApRES stations drained abruptly via hydrofracture, exhibiting characteristics of inter-lake static-stress triggering; in 2023, all three lakes drained in a similar manner. We demonstrate the capability of the ApRES system to provide estimates of the time-varying change in englacial vertical strain rate that accompanies hydrofracture-driven lake drainage, despite the short durations of the drainages and the wet and variable ice surface that is inevitable during the melt season. At station locations ~1 km away from the hydrofracture cracks, we observe vertical strain rates of magnitude up to ~1 yr-1 during lake drainages, averaged over the top 500 m of ice and over 15 minutes; background vertical strain rates have magnitudes of ~10-3 yr-1 at these locations. As a first step towards incorporating these englacial observations of deformation as constraints on an inverse problem to obtain the spatial and temporal history of the deformation source, we compare the englacial observations to predictions from a source model constructed using only GNSS data. Following previous work, we use an elastic dislocation model and invert the GNSS data to obtain time- and space-varying estimates of the opening of the hydrofracture crack, opening at the ice-bed interface, and excess slip at the bed during lake drainage. We then use this model to predict changes in strain in the ice under the ApRES stations, and compare the resulting timeseries with our observations. We evaluate the additional sensitivity provided by our englacial observations to the deformation source.

How to cite: Lu, G., Nettles, M., Stevens, L., and Larochelle, S.: Observations and models of englacial deformation during supraglacial lake drainage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6941,, 2025.

EGU25-8763 | ECS | Orals | CR2.3

Seasonal drainage of ponded crevasses in response to dynamics at Greenlandic outlet glaciers 

Thomas Chudley, Chris Stokes, Thomas Winterbottom, James Lea, and Caroline Clason

Greenland’s crevasses are responsible for transferring the majority of seasonal runoff to the bed of the ice sheet in fast-flowing regions, with implications for ice rheology, subglacial hydrology, and ice dynamic feedbacks. However, their drainage mechanics are poorly understood, particularly relative to other transfer mechanisms such as lake drainage and moulins. Here, we use remote-sensing products to identify relationships between strain rates and crevasse drainage at Greenland’s fast-flowing outlet glaciers. We map the time-series evolution of water-filled crevasses by training and applying a convolutional neural network (CNN) to 10 metre resolution Sentinel-2 MSI imagery, and extract contemporaneous logarithmic strain rates from NASA MEaSUREs ITS_LIVE velocity data. We test the time-evolving relationship between strain rates and crevasse ponding across a range of outlet glaciers, and examine whether significant relationships between the two processes can be detected. We find that crevasse drainage displays a unique response to seasonal strain rate evolution not detectable in analogous lake drainage studies, with drainage events occurring following a seasonal transition from compressive to tensile strain rate regimes. We aim to use these relationships to parameterise dynamic controls on crevasse drainage into coupled models of Greenland Ice Sheet hydrology-dynamics.

How to cite: Chudley, T., Stokes, C., Winterbottom, T., Lea, J., and Clason, C.: Seasonal drainage of ponded crevasses in response to dynamics at Greenlandic outlet glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8763,, 2025.

EGU25-9210 | ECS | Orals | CR2.3

Glacier outburst floods originating from glacial water pockets: what do we know? 

Christophe Ogier, Mauro Fischer, Mauro A. Werder, Matthias Huss, Mauro Hupfer, Mylène Jacquemart, Olivier Gagliardini, Adrien Gilbert, Leo Hösli, Emmanuel Thibert, Christian Vincent, and Daniel Farinotti

The term "water pocket" is often used as an umbrella term to describe the unknown origin of glacial outburst floods. There is currently no consensus on its definition and the formation and rupture mechanisms of water pockets remain poorly understood. Here, we define a glacial water pocket as an englacial or subglacial water-filled cavity with a volume larger than 1000 m3. Glacier outburst floods originating from the rupture of a water pocket are called water pocket outburst floods (WPOFs). WPOFs are in contrast to glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs), for which the water giving rise to a flood stems from a detectable reservoir located either in the glacier forefield, at the surface of the glacier, at the glacier margin, or at the glacier base.

Here, we aim to understand the mechanisms behind WPOFs from alpine glaciers by analyzing their spatial and temporal distribution, pre-event meteorological conditions, and the glacio-geomorphic features of the glaciers from which the floods originate. We updated an inventory of known WPOFs in the Swiss Alps to 91 events from 37 individual glaciers. Among all the recorded events, 64 events have direct observations of the flood at the glacier tongue, while 27 events are characterized as speculative because of the lack of direct observations. Infrastructure damage was reported for 43 events, and two WPOFs caused the death of three people. Most WPOFs occurred between June and September, linked to meltwater input. Meteorological data indicate anomalously high temperatures during the days preceding most events and heavy precipitation on 25 % of days for which WPOFs occur, indicating that water pockets typically rupture during periods of high water input.

Based on the collected information, we propose four mechanisms of water pocket formation: temporary subglacial channel blockage, hydraulic barriers, water-filled crevasses, and accumulation of liquid water behind barriers of cold ice (thermal barriers). Overall, our analysis highlights the challenge of understanding WPOFs due to the sub-surface nature of water pockets, emphasizing the need for field-based research to improve their detection and monitoring.

How to cite: Ogier, C., Fischer, M., Werder, M. A., Huss, M., Hupfer, M., Jacquemart, M., Gagliardini, O., Gilbert, A., Hösli, L., Thibert, E., Vincent, C., and Farinotti, D.: Glacier outburst floods originating from glacial water pockets: what do we know?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9210,, 2025.

EGU25-9617 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Investigating Buried Meltwater Lakes on an Antarctic Ice Shelf with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery and Machine Learning Methods 

Paula Suchantke, Rebecca Dell, Neil Arnold, and Devon Dunmire

Antarctic ice shelves, which encircle approximately 75% of the continent, play a pivotal role in moderating global mean sea level rise as their buttressing properties restrict the flow of inland ice. Each ice shelf is subject to distinct glaciological and climatic conditions that influence its susceptibility to partial break-up or total disintegration. One factor compromising the stability of ice shelves is the presence of both surface and sub-surface meltwater, which may accelerate firn-air depletion and induce flexural stresses, possibly leading to fractures within the ice shelf.

While the occurrence of surface meltwater has been studied extensively in recent years – documenting widespread meltwater systems across several ice shelves during the austral summer – our understanding of meltwater storage below the surface remains limited. In some regions, liquid water may persist within the ice-shelf surface throughout the year, insulated by overlying snow, firn, or ice layers. This subsurface meltwater, particularly in the form of buried lakes, represents a potential mechanism for hydrofracture – even outside the melt season. However, buried lakes are typically difficult to detect using optical imagery, complicating efforts to understand their dynamics and their impact on ice-shelf stability.

Here, we aim to evaluate the feasibility of applying machine learning methods, previously employed on the Greenland Ice Sheet, to detect meltwater lakes buried beneath the surface of Antarctic ice shelves. Using a convolutional neural network in a deep learning approach, we seek to classify ice-shelf surface and subsurface features in Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery (SAR), enabling the identification of buried lakes. Preliminary qualitative analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR data has revealed several possible buried meltwater lakes near the grounding line of the western Wilkins Ice Shelf near Merger Island. These lake findings provide an opportunity to assess the applicability of machine learning models developed for Greenlandic application in an Antarctic context. Additionally, it allows us to test the use of airborne radar data for validating buried lake identification in SAR imagery.  

How to cite: Suchantke, P., Dell, R., Arnold, N., and Dunmire, D.: Investigating Buried Meltwater Lakes on an Antarctic Ice Shelf with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery and Machine Learning Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9617,, 2025.

Shortwave radiation can penetrate a few metres below the surface of an ice sheet, causing subsurface melting which results in the formation of a surface layer of porous ice, called the weathering crust. The weathering crust evolves in response to changing weather conditions, affecting the albedo, the surface and near-surface melting, and the transport of meltwater across the ice-sheet surface. Here, we extend our existing one-dimensional mathematical model for the vertical structure and temperature of the weathering crust to also account for lateral flow of meltwater through the porous crust. This is done using Darcy’s law and a parametrisation for lateral drainage. Our model successfully reproduces observed temperature, porosity and surface lowering on the south-western Greenland Ice Sheet over several years. This enables our model to be used as a tool for predicting future mass loss and weathering crust evolution in a changing climate. We also explore how two key parameters in our model – representing the partitioning of shortwave radiation between surface and subsurface absorption, and the strength of lateral meltwater drainage – affect the ice structure, temperature and mass loss. From this, we demonstrate the importance of accounting for the weathering crust, particularly subsurface radiation, for correctly reproducing observed surface mass loss.

How to cite: Woods, T. and Hewitt, I.: Modelling surface mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet in response to radiation and lateral meltwater drainage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10272,, 2025.

EGU25-10780 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

How do variations in ice-marginal lake water depth impact subglacial hydrology routing and ice dynamics?  

Adam Jake Hepburn and the SLIDE Team

Over 3,300 ice-marginal lakes exist around the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), interacting with ~10% of its perimeter boundary. The number of ice-marginal lakes has increased over the last three decades, likely in response to enhanced meltwater runoff and glacier recession. We describe an ice-dammed, ice-marginal lake drainage event observed north of Isunnguata Sermia Glacier, south west Greenland in which ~1.6 million m3 of water drained from the 100 m deep lake over 4 days during the 2015 melt season. Using the Glacier Drainage System (GlaDS) model, fully-coupled to ice flow dynamics in the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM), we model this ice-marginal lake drainage as an instantaneous drop in water level at the boundary of our model domain. By modifying the subglacial hydrological inflow/outflow boundary conditions, and tracking the evolution of the system through time in terms of channelised discharge, sheet thickness, effective pressure, and ice velocity we show that ice-marginal lake-drainage of the scale observed in 2015 causes significant reorganisation of the channelised subglacial drainage, both in the short term with a sudden injection of water and channel development, and in the long term with changes in the outlet boundary conditions and basal friction. As the number of ice-marginal lakes and the frequency of their drainage increases going forward we expect these dynamic drainage reorganisations to become more common, with implications for future GrIS dynamics. 

How to cite: Hepburn, A. J. and the SLIDE Team: How do variations in ice-marginal lake water depth impact subglacial hydrology routing and ice dynamics? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10780,, 2025.

EGU25-10834 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Subglacial blister evolution in the event of supraglacial lake drainage 

Harry Stuart and Ian Hewitt

Meltwater lakes on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet are forming at higher altitudes due to atmospheric warming. They can often drain suddenly (within hours) by evacuating water through crevasses in the ice. This water then spreads along the ice-bedrock interface, resulting in hydraulic jacking on the order of metres. The effect of such events on the wider subglacial drainage system is poorly understood, and current models of the large-scale subglacial drainage system are unable to resolve these high volumes of fluid being injected over short time scales.

We present a mathematical model for the radial expansion of a subglacial ‘blister’ both during and after injection from a supraglacial lake. The model incorporates both turbulent and laminar water flow, both of which are found to be significant over different time and length scales. We also include a novel formulation for the fluid ‘leak-off’ to represent the decay of the blister volume as the injected water drains into the wider subglacial drainage system. This model can be used as a buffer to regularise numerical formulations of the larger-scale subglacial network.

How to cite: Stuart, H. and Hewitt, I.: Subglacial blister evolution in the event of supraglacial lake drainage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10834,, 2025.

EGU25-11107 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Investigating seasonal basal properties in Greenland through ice velocity inversion 

Majbritt Kristin Eckert, Anne Solgaard, G. Hilmar Gudmundsson, and Christine S. Hvidberg

Surface melt runoff at the margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet has long been linked to seasonal surface velocity changes caused by water lubricating the base of the ice sheet and enhancing basal sliding. The relationship between seasonal runoff and velocity patterns has been studied and other behaviors besides increased sliding have been found. This suggests a link to different states of basal drainage systems and basal properties (Moon et al., 2014; Solgaard et al., 2022). We investigate the impact of surface melt runoff on the dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet margins by determining basal properties. Using the finite element ice flow model Úa (Gudmundsson et al., 2012) constrained by surface velocities from the PROMICE velocity product (Solgaard et al., 2021), we invert for the ice rate factor A and basal slipperiness C. This approach allows us to investigate the effect of surface melt water on ice velocities and is an important step towards improving the sensitivity of ice flow models to seasonal climate variations.

How to cite: Eckert, M. K., Solgaard, A., Gudmundsson, G. H., and Hvidberg, C. S.: Investigating seasonal basal properties in Greenland through ice velocity inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11107,, 2025.

Streams and lakes develop each summer over the marginal regions of the Greenland ice sheet. These hydrological features reach into the accumulation area and confirm that surface runoff of meltwater from above the ice sheet’s equilibrium line contributes to Greenland’s mass loss.

The CASSANDRA project (2019 to 2024) united a team of four researchers to (i) study the physical processes at the visible runoff limit of the Greenland Ice Sheet, (ii) quantify how the runoff limit changed over time and (iii) assess the impact of a rising runoff limit on the ice sheet’s surface mass balance.  To this end, we carried out six field campaigns on the ice sheet, we developed algorithms for runoff limit mapping from Landsat and MODIS, we quantified changing firn properties from Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) radar data and we modelled lateral meltwater flow and superimposed ice formation.

We found that the area of the ice sheet experiencing visible surface runoff has expanded by about 30 % since the late 1980s. The visible runoff area peaked in 2012 and thereafter fluctuated around relatively high extents. By comparing the extent of the runoff area with firn structure mapped from OIB, we found a clear agreement between visible runoff and areas where near-surface firn pore space is depleted. These areas contain metres-thick near-surface ice slabs, which are substantially thicker directly underneath supraglacial streams and lakes.

In our field area close to the visible runoff limit we measured and modelled that up to roughly 80 % of the meltwater refreezes as superimposed ice on top of existing ice slabs, thickening the slabs by between 0.2 to 1 m per year. Ice-sheet-wide estimates show that due to intense refreezing, current ice slab areas contribute only modest amounts of runoff.

While we shed light on the previously understudied area of the Greenland Ice Sheet around the runoff limit, we also revealed that this area is the source of substantial uncertainties in RCM-modelled Greenland surface mass balance. RCM-simulated runoff limits differ strongly between models, either placing them lower or higher than our measurements indicate. The differences between RCM-simulated runoff limits also substantially impact simulated total runoff. Addressing these uncertainties requires improved simulation of meltwater hydrology and refreezing processes near the runoff limit. This is crucial, as firn areas newly affected by surface runoff are projected to continue to expand.

How to cite: Machguth, H., Tedstone, A., Clerx, N., and Jullien, N.: Meltwater runoff from Greenland's firn area – what we have learned during five years of research focused on the Greenland Ice Sheet runoff limit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11189,, 2025.

EGU25-11691 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Summer-to-winter record of Greenland moulin water pressure and electrical conductivity revealed by Cryoegg wireless instruments 

Sarah Mann, Mike Prior-Jones, Hawkins Jonathan, and Craw Lisa and the SLIDE Team

Subglacial and englacial hydrology is a key driver of ice dynamics in glaciers and ice sheets. Observations of subglacial and englacial water storage, especially in moulins, are extremely challenging, and long-term datasets are consequently limited. The transition from the summer melt season to the winter drainage system shutdown is rarely observed.

We studied a glacial moulin on Isunnguata Sermia, West Greenland between July and December 2024 using Cryoegg instruments. Cryoegg is a spherical, wireless device which monitors conditions within the englacial and subglacial environment of glaciers and ice sheets. It provides hourly temperature, pressure, and electrical conductivity (EC) measurements[JH1]  of englacial and subglacial water. 

Three Cryoeggs were deployed, two at different depths in one moulin and the third in another moulin nearby. We observe the changing hydrology of these moulins, including the transition from summer to winter. In summer, warm sunny days produce diurnal cycles in the pressure and EC measurements, with high pressure and low-EC water being present during the local afternoon and evening. The transition to winter includes evidence of the release of stored (high-EC) water into the drainage system and a gradual transition to a high-pressure, high-EC state as midwinter approaches.  

How to cite: Mann, S., Prior-Jones, M., Jonathan, H., and Lisa, C. and the SLIDE Team: Summer-to-winter record of Greenland moulin water pressure and electrical conductivity revealed by Cryoegg wireless instruments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11691,, 2025.

EGU25-13962 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Assessment of Dielectric Mixing Models for L-Band Radiometric Measurement of Liquid Water Content in Greenland Ice Sheet 

Alamgir Hossan, Andreas Colliander, Joel Harper, Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel, Baptiste Vandecrux, Julie Miller, and Shawn Marshall

Surface melting and consequent runoff/refreezing play an increasingly crucial role in the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) Surface Mass Balance (SMB) and its contribution to the global sea-level rise. Space-based L-band radiometry offers a promising tool for quantifying the total surface-to-subsurface liquid water amount (LWA) in the firn, in addition to providing the areal extent and duration of seasonal surface snow melt. Here, we evaluate the performance of commonly used microwave dielectric mixing models in determining the total LWA using a snow microwave emission and radiative transfer model in conjunction with L-band (1.4 GHz) brightness temperature (TB) observations from Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) missions. The L-band TB responds to the real and imaginary parts of the firn dielectric constant, which increases markedly with liquid water content (LWC) in the firn. The measured dielectric constant is translated into LWA using a model between snow LWC and the dielectric constant. The formulation of the effective dielectric constant of the ice, air, and water mixture is key to accurately quantifying LWA; as it is independent of the radiometer measurement, it adds an uncertainty component to the LWA retrieval that is solely depending on the accuracy of this dielectric mixing model. We apply different dielectric mixing formulations in the forward model to estimate LWA, which we compare to the corresponding LWA from a locally calibrated ice sheet Energy and Mass Balance (EMB) model and the Glacier Energy and Mass Balance (GEMB) model within NASA’s Icesheet and Sea-Level System Model (ISSM). The EMB model was driven by in situ measurements from automatic weather stations (AWS) of the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) located in the percolation zone of the GrIS, and the GEMB model was forced with the ERA-5 reanalysis products. Both models were initialized with relevant in situ profiles of density, snow and firn stratigraphy, and the sub-surface temperature measured at the AWS locations. The agreements and discrepancies between the LWA estimates from the mixing models and their comparison with the LWA from firn models will be presented. The analysis assesses the impact of the dielectric mixing model choice on the LWA retrieval algorithm to create an observational dataset of seasonal LWA across GrIS.

How to cite: Hossan, A., Colliander, A., Harper, J., Schlegel, N.-J., Vandecrux, B., Miller, J., and Marshall, S.: Assessment of Dielectric Mixing Models for L-Band Radiometric Measurement of Liquid Water Content in Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13962,, 2025.

EGU25-13983 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

A Physics-Based Parameterization of Mean Melt Lake Depth and Area Fraction of Supraglacial Melt Lakes  

Danielle Grau, Azeez Hussain, and Alexander A Robel

Over the past several decades, the abundance of melt lakes appearing on Antarctic ice shelves has increased. Most notably these melt lakes have led to large-scale fracturing and calving events such as the Larsen B Ice Shelf collapse during the 2001-2002 melt season. In this work, we analyze the surface roughness of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to determine its self-affinity, which quantifies the repeating topographical scaling pattern of the surface, using ICESat-2 land ice elevation altimeter tracks. We find a relationship between roughness parameters and mean melt lake depth and area fraction by developing a workflow of Monte Carlo simulations that simulate the distribution of melt lakes as they form on the glacial surface. From this workflow, we derive two mathematical parametrizations, that utilize the roughness parameters and melt supply, to estimate the mean melt lake depth and mean area fraction of melt lakes on a self-affine surface. We validate the effectiveness of these parameterizations by computing the estimated mean melt lake depth and area coverage from 2013-2018 using estimated runoff from RACMO and the analyzed ICESat-2 tracks and compare this estimation with a Landsat-based set of observations. In the future, we plan to implement these parameterizations into large-scale climate and ice sheet models to improve albedo and ice damage simulation.  

How to cite: Grau, D., Hussain, A., and Robel, A. A.: A Physics-Based Parameterization of Mean Melt Lake Depth and Area Fraction of Supraglacial Melt Lakes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13983,, 2025.

EGU25-14465 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Bridging Observations and Models: Isolating Frictional and Frontal Controls on Glacier Dynamics in Northwestern and Central-West Greenland 

Kuba Oniszk, Jessica Badgeley, Gong Cheng, William Colgan, and Shfaqat Abbas Khan

The Greenland Ice Sheet is a major contributor to present-day sea-level rise, with ice dynamics playing a central role in its mass loss. Previous studies suggest that Greenland’s glaciers can be broadly classified into three distinct types based on seasonal velocity patterns near the ice front. The differences between patterns are primarily attributed to interactions of two critical processes: basal motion at the ice-bed interface and frontal ablation at the ice-ocean interface. Many glaciers exhibit behaviour that deviates from the idealised classifications, and even within the same glacier, the patterns may vary significantly from upstream to downstream. These observations underscore the complexity of the processes that drive ice motion.

In this study, we aim to separate the influences of basal motion and frontal ablation on the seasonal flow variations of 33 marine-terminating outlet glaciers in Northwestern and Central-West Greenland. Using surface velocity observations derived from the ITS_LIVE offset-tracking dataset, we compare these with modelled results from the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model, which incorporates monthly ice-front positions and surface mass balance inputs but neglects explicit subglacial hydrology. By incorporating modelled velocities, we move from correlation to causation, quantifying the contributions of frontal dynamics and basal conditions to the seasonal flow signal. This allows us to explore the extent to which each driver affects specific locations in a crucial step toward a greater understanding of the spatial and temporal variability in glacier behaviour.

How to cite: Oniszk, K., Badgeley, J., Cheng, G., Colgan, W., and Khan, S. A.: Bridging Observations and Models: Isolating Frictional and Frontal Controls on Glacier Dynamics in Northwestern and Central-West Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14465,, 2025.

EGU25-16505 | Posters on site | CR2.3

Modelling Greenland’s subglacial hydrology using CUAS-MPI 

Thomas Kleiner, Yannic Fischler, Christian Bischof, Dorthe Petersen, and Angelika Humbert

Subglacial hydrology plays a key role in many glaciological processes. The amount of water at the glacier base and the properties of the hydraulic system modulate the basal sliding and, thus, ice discharge. The subglacial discharge of fresh water impacts the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the adjacent fjords or ice shelf cavities. It is a main driver of submarine melting and glacier terminus retreat for Greenland’s marine-terminating glaciers.

We apply the MPI-parallel implementation of the Confined-Unconfined Aquifer System model (CUAS-MPI) to the entire Greenland Ice Sheet. The model is forced with water input from ice sheet basal melt and additional runoff (daily) from the regional climate model RACMO. CUAS-MPI is based on an effective porous media approach (single-layer, Darcy-type flow) in which the hydraulic transmissivity is spatially and temporally varying. The transmissivity evolves due to channel wall melt, creep-closure, and cavity opening. This makes it possible to simulate inefficient and efficient water transport without resolving individual channels.

Based on daily model output data, we analyse the evolution of Greenland’s subglacial system and the water discharge into selected fjords and compare the results for a normal year (2018) with a particularly warm year (2019).

How to cite: Kleiner, T., Fischler, Y., Bischof, C., Petersen, D., and Humbert, A.: Modelling Greenland’s subglacial hydrology using CUAS-MPI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16505,, 2025.

EGU25-17121 | Orals | CR2.3

Self-regulation of fast-moving glaciers in Greenland: from borehole observations to spaceborne measurements 

Poul Christoffersen, Samuel Doyle, Bryn Hubbard, Kuba Oniszk, Charlotte Schoonman, Thomas Chudley, Robert Law, Tun Jan Young, and Coen Hofstede

Subglacial drainage systems exert control on glacier motion; however, the nature and evolution of these drainage systems are not well established. Here, we report the co-evolving state of friction, water pressure and water flows at the base of Sermeq Kujalleq (Store Glacier), a fast-moving glacier in west Greenland. Seismic records from a centreline location on a major subglacial drainage axis show stick-slip impulsive events (icequakes) to be far more frequent in winter than in summer. In contrast, the amplitude of low-frequency tremor from subglacial water flows are low in winter but high in summer. Additional insight into this basal environment is gained through boreholes, which show a strong anti-phase relationship between water pressure recorded in water-filled cavities that are either connected with or isolated from surface melt inputs.

Collectively, the observations show a winter-system of largely unconnected cavities switching rapidly to a system of linked or partially linked cavities as soon as meltwater reaches the bed. The formation of a channel occurs later in the summer season and is seen in our data as a distinct slow-down in glacier speed. The return to the winter system of mostly unconnected cavities is seen from a switch to in-phase water pressure in borehole records. Reduced seismic tremor at this point in time is consistent with linked cavities becoming isolated, while more frequent stick-slip events suggest the glacier bed is stronger after the melt season has ended. We hypothesise glacier motion is governed by the extent to which cavities are either isolated (strong bed) or linked (weak bed), and that channelisation strengthens the bed by capturing water from the latter.

To upscale our findings we use spaceborne measurements of glacier velocities to look for evidence of channelisation in the basal drainage system more widely. Out of 54 glaciers examined in west Greenland, we report 45 glaciers with strong self-regulation and a hydro-dynamic behaviour similar to Sermeq Kujalleq (Store Glacier). We found a statistically robust correlation between latitude and the elevation to which channelised systems could be traced on tidewater glaciers, with channels extending to 1,500 m or higher beneath tidewater glaciers in the southwest. For land-terminating glaciers in the same sector we found no evidence of channelisation above 1,000 m elevation and there was no statistical correlation with latitude. Contrary to the current consensus: that the additional runoff generated in warmer and longer summers is routed away with little or no impact on the ice sheet, our study shows this self-regulation is only strong for marine-terminating glaciers. High melt combined with poor drainage in the land-terminating setting make the southwest sector of the Greenland more vulnerable to climate change than previous work and the latest IPCC report has suggested.

How to cite: Christoffersen, P., Doyle, S., Hubbard, B., Oniszk, K., Schoonman, C., Chudley, T., Law, R., Young, T. J., and Hofstede, C.: Self-regulation of fast-moving glaciers in Greenland: from borehole observations to spaceborne measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17121,, 2025.

EGU25-18456 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

Control of seasonal ice dynamics by overdeepenings. 

Andrew Jones, Darrel Swift, and Stephen Livingstone

Ice loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is currently the most significant single global contributor to barystatic sea level rise. The discharge of ice directly into the ocean from marine terminating glaciers is the cause of approximately 40% of this sea level rise. Understanding the processes that control how ice slides over the bed is fundamental to improving predictions of future GrIS mass loss.

Ice flow through major outlet glaciers dominates discharge of ice to the ocean, and this often involves flow through complexly overdeepened glacially eroded troughs. The adverse slopes of overdeepenings have the potential to modulate subglacial water pressure both by reducing hydraulic gradient, and via supercooling processes.

Here, we explore the control exerted on ice dynamics by the prominent overdeepening near the terminus of Upernavik Isstrøm II, an outlet glacier on the west coast of Greenland. We observe a ‘marine-isolating’ effect on the flow of inland ice, with ice dynamics dominated by marine processes downstream of the riegel and by melt processes inland of the riegel. Further, intriguing patterns of seasonal velocity variation were observed within the overdeepening under high melt conditions that support the possibility that adverse slopes of overdeepenings suppress the seasonal development of efficient channelised subglacial drainage, which is a key mediator of rates of sliding.   

How to cite: Jones, A., Swift, D., and Livingstone, S.: Control of seasonal ice dynamics by overdeepenings., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18456,, 2025.

EGU25-18570 | Posters on site | CR2.3

Modelling the surface hydrology of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica 

Sammie Buzzard, Jon Elsey, and Alex Robel

Remote sensing and modelling studies have shown several Antarctic Ice Shelves to be vulnerable to damage from surface meltwater. With surface melting predicated to increase, understanding the surface hydrology of ice shelves in the present and the future is an essential first step to reliably project future vulnerability of Antarctic ice shelves to meltwater driven hydrofracture. This has implications for sea level rise from ice sheet melt due to the loss of the buttressing effect provided by ice shelves on the grounded ice sheet.

Here we present a surface hydrology modelling study focused on the George VI Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula. George VI is the second largest ice shelf remaining on the Antarctic Peninsula and experiences significant seasonal surface melt including the formation of surface lakes.

We use MONARCHS: a 3-D model of ice shelf surface hydrology. MONARCHS is the first comprehensive model of surface hydrology to be developed for Antarctic ice shelves, enabling us to incorporate key processes such as the lateral transport of surface meltwater.

This community-driven, open-access model has been developed with input from observations, and allows us to provide new insights into surface meltwater distribution on Antarctica’s ice shelves. This enables us to answer key questions about their past and future evolution under changing atmospheric conditions and vulnerability to meltwater driven hydrofracture and collapse. We solicit community feedback on future additions of new processes to the model, or case studies of interest.

How to cite: Buzzard, S., Elsey, J., and Robel, A.: Modelling the surface hydrology of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18570,, 2025.

EGU25-18788 | Posters on site | CR2.3

Speed variability of Wordie Bay outlet glaciers driven by subglacial hydrology 

Yuting Dong, Ji Zhao, Michael Wolovick, Steven Franke, Angelika Humbert, Lukas Krieger, Dana Floricioiu, Daniela Jansen, Veit Helm, Thomas Kleiner, and Lea-Sophie Höyns

The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) accelerating mass loss is dominated by ice dynamics [1]. The most up-to-date research reveals a widespread increase in discharge from glaciers on the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula since 2018 [2]. The western AP is roughly divided by Brabant and Anvers islands of the Palmer Archipelago between the cooler waters of the Bransfield Strait to the north and the warmer Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) to the south. The warm ocean water is widely accepted to be the main driver for acceleration of marine-terminating ice streams by a reduction of the resistive force due to ocean-driven ice shelf thinning, ice shelf disintegration, terminus retreat and increasing ice damage [3, 4].

In addition to the long-term ice dynamics for decades, short-term seasonal speed variability on the grounded ice sheet of AP have been reported that an average summer speed-up of 12.4% for tidewater glaciers in western AP [5] and 15% for glaciers feeding into the George VI Ice Shelf [6]. Current research links these speed fluctuations with seasonal ocean warming and surface melt [5], however the seasonality of speed varies between years and regions. Changes in subglacial hydrology can have large effects on glacier dynamics, including reductions in basal friction and short-term accelerations of ice flow, but until now these changes have remained challenging to detect.

In our study, we focused on the dynamics and driving mechanisms of outlet glaciers that flow into Wordie Bay on western AP. After the Wordie Ice Shelf break-up, these former tributary glaciers have significantly increased their flow speed and dynamically thinned. The mainstream Fleming Glacier is currently one of the fastest outlet glaciers on western AP. We use high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data from the TanDEM-X mission and Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA), and the radar depth sounder (RDS) data from the Center for Remote Sensing and Integrated Systems (CReSIS) mission to detect new subglacial lakes. We also use time-series DEMs to estimate subglacial lake height anomalies and analyze how subglacial lake filling and drainage processes affect glacier surface velocities. To further explore the basal conditions of sliding, we invert for time-series basal drag distribution with the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) using high resolution geometry and velocity data from remote sensing.



  • Otosaka, I.N., et al., Mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets from 1992 to 2020. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 2023. 15(4): p. 1597-1616.
  • Davison, B.J., et al., Widespread increase in discharge from west Antarctic Peninsula glaciers since 2018. The Cryosphere, 2024. 18(7): p. 3237-3251.
  • Cook, A.J., et al., Ocean forcing of glacier retreat in the western Antarctic Peninsula. Science, 2016. 353(6296): p. 283-286.
  • Wallis, B.J., et al., Ocean warming drives rapid dynamic activation of marine-terminating glacier on the west Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Communications, 2023. 14(1): p. 7535.
  • Wallis, B.J., et al., Widespread seasonal speed-up of west Antarctic Peninsula glaciers from 2014 to 2021. Nature Geoscience, 2023. 16(3): p. 231-237.
  • Boxall, K., et al., Seasonal land-ice-flow variability in the Antarctic Peninsula. The Cryosphere, 2022. 16(10): p. 3907-3932.

How to cite: Dong, Y., Zhao, J., Wolovick, M., Franke, S., Humbert, A., Krieger, L., Floricioiu, D., Jansen, D., Helm, V., Kleiner, T., and Höyns, L.-S.: Speed variability of Wordie Bay outlet glaciers driven by subglacial hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18788,, 2025.

EGU25-19370 | Orals | CR2.3

Application of bedrock elastic deformation data to study meltwater transportation in Greenland 

Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Lin Liu, Roland Klees, Shfaqat Abbas Khan, Twila Moon, Jiancheng Li, Michael Bevis, Min Zhong, Xavier Fettweis, Junguo Liu, Brice Noël, Ck Shum, Jianli Chen, Liming Jiang, and Tonie van Dam

For the first time, we apply bedrock elastic deformation data to study meltwater transportation within the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). We consider the vertical component of the deformations extracted from GPS data records acquired by the Greenland GNSS Network (GNET) stations. Data time-series from 22 stations distributed along the entire Greenland coast are analyzed. Various geophysical models are used to eliminate nuisance signals from the data. This concerns, among others, deformation associated with surface mass balance (SMB) processes. To quantify the effect of SMB processes, we use the estimates produced by regional climate models, such as RACMO2.3p2. The residual vertical deformations remaining after the subtraction of nuisance signals are fit to a simple analytic model, which allows us to quantify some parameters associated with buffered water storage (i.e., the temporal storage of meltwater on its way to the ocean). Among others, we quantify the average water storage time per station. We find that the average water storage time in Greenland is about 8 weeks. It is slightly larger along the northeast (9±2 weeks) and west (9±3 weeks) coasts. For the southeast coast, it is roughly halved (4.5±2 weeks). This is likely because the ablation zone in the southeast is relatively narrow and steep. Furthermore, we find that the water runoff estimated by regional climate models may require a down- or up-scaling, with the scaling factors being correlated with summer temperature anomalies. In the warmest summers the required runoff upscaling may reach 20%. Likely explanations are an underestimation of water melt or an overestimation of water retention in the firn (or both). The latter can happen if the model underestimates degradation of firn storage capacity caused by a reduction in the pore space and formation of impermeable ice layers. The finding that current regional climate models may require an adjustment in instances of high summer temperature is highly important in view of the ongoing climate warming. Summer temperatures that are considered high nowadays may become normal in the near future. Our study paves the way for more realistic projections of future GrIS meltwater production and its contribution to global sea level rise. Our results have been recently published in Nature (

How to cite: Ran, J., Ditmar, P., van den Broeke, M. R., Liu, L., Klees, R., Khan, S. A., Moon, T., Li, J., Bevis, M., Zhong, M., Fettweis, X., Liu, J., Noël, B., Shum, C., Chen, J., Jiang, L., and Dam, T. V.: Application of bedrock elastic deformation data to study meltwater transportation in Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19370,, 2025.

EGU25-19537 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.3

The Dynamics of Lubricated Gravity Currents: Insights into Ice Stream Formation and Evolution 

Sada Nand and Roiy Sayag

Ice streams, such as those along the Siple Coast in Antarctica, serve as critical conduits for transporting ice from the interior of ice sheets to the ocean, significantly contributing to sea-level rise. The dynamics of many ice streams is believed to be strongly governed by subglacial hydrology, which modulates basal friction and consequently the ice flow. Lubricated gravity currents provide a simplified yet robust analog for examining such glaciological phenomena. In this study, we employ controlled laboratory experiments to explore the dynamics of lubricated gravity currents. In those experiments, a polymer solution representing ice, with flow similar to Glen’s law, propagated under gravity axisymmetrically over a flat surface. Beneath this gravity current, a less viscous fluid is discharged axisymmetrically to provide lubrication, mimicking the subglacial system. Varying the viscosity and flux ratios of the two fluids, we observe various flow patterns, reminiscent of ice streams. These patterns, which include shear margin, exhibit distinct modes characterized by a progressive reduction in the number of streams with the flux ratio. At high flux ratios, the system transitions to a single-stream mode. Additionally, we observed patterns such as stream branching and the shutting down of streams. Our findings elucidate the impact of flux conditions of the ice flow and the subglacial hydrology system in determining the morphology and stability of ice streams. Through the analysis of laboratory experiments, this work highlights the significance of controlled analog studies in understanding glacial environments. Additionally, the experimental findings could serve as a benchmark for validating and refining numerical simulations in glaciology research.

How to cite: Nand, S. and Sayag, R.: The Dynamics of Lubricated Gravity Currents: Insights into Ice Stream Formation and Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19537,, 2025.

EGU25-21560 | Posters on site | CR2.3

Detection of a perennial firn aquifer within Nivlisen Ice Shelf, East Antarctica 

Rebecca Dell, Randall Scharien, and Connor Dean

Perennial Firn Aquifers (PFA’s) facilitate meltwater storage within an ice sheet’s firn layer. They have been extensively mapped across the Greenland Ice Sheet, largely using Operation Ice Bridge and Sentinel-1 data. However, in Antarctica, observations of PFA’s are limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, where the combination of high accumulation and ablation aids in the formation and insulation of extensive sub-surface meltwater reservoirs. On ice shelves, PFA’s have the potential to drive ice-shelf damage via hydrofracture, and it is therefore crucial that we have a better understanding of their presence beyond the Antarctic Peninsula.


To begin to improve our understanding for PFA’s elsewhere in Antarctica, we conduct a study on the Nivlisen Ice Shelf, an ice-shelf often characterised by extensive surface meltwater networks in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. In addition to high rates of ablation, Nivlisen Ice Shelf also experiences high accumulation rates, making the ice-shelf a good candidate for the formation of PFAs. To investigate this theory, we utilise a method previously applied on the Greenland Ice Sheet, and exploit the low backscatter values returned in C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to detect potential PFA’s. C-band SAR data is obtained from Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM), and is complemented with L-band SAR imagery. With both the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) and Copernicus ROSE-L satellites planned for future launches, we hope that our work will allow us to better understand the value of combined C- and L- band research for for studies of buried meltwater across both the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets.



How to cite: Dell, R., Scharien, R., and Dean, C.: Detection of a perennial firn aquifer within Nivlisen Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21560,, 2025.

EGU25-1810 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Persistent landfast sea ice supports early stages of ice shelf formation 

Naomi Ochwat, Theodore Scambos, and Alison Banwell

Melange and multi-year fast ice is known to be able to suppress calving and dampen long-period ocean swells at the termini of marine-terminating glaciers. Currently, the effectiveness of fast ice at suppressing calving and/or providing direct buttressing to grounded ice remains controversial. Here we show that the interaction between tidewater glaciers and persistent fast ice can support the early stages of ice-shelf formation, as evidenced by localized areas of the northern Antarctic Peninsula that have undergone decadal cooling. We find that during persistent fast ice occupation, calving almost completely ceased, and a floating glacier tongue formed. As the glacier tongue advances it interacts with the fjord walls, increasing the resistive lateral stress on the lower glacier. This is similar to the well-known formation process of Arctic-style ice shelves in Ellesmere Island and Northern Greenland, for example, the recently collapsed Hunt Fjord Ice Shelf. 

We have identified several ice shelf or glacier tongue areas in Antarctica that have both highly persistent fast ice and thicker glacier ice advancing into these fast ice protected areas. These regions include the Larsen B embayment (2011-2022), Land Glacier and Nickerson Ice shelf (~1960s-present), Shackleton and West ice shelves, and the Lützow-Holm Bay region (past few decades). For these case study regions, we present preliminary data of ice shelf and upstream glacier velocity change, grounded glacier thickness change, and a synthesis of climate data to confirm a locally cooling climate in these areas. Our analysis will offer essential quantifiable evidence on the extent to which fast ice enhances the stability of upstream glacier ice, and will seek to test several components of the overall ice tongue/ice shelf advance process.

How to cite: Ochwat, N., Scambos, T., and Banwell, A.: Persistent landfast sea ice supports early stages of ice shelf formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1810,, 2025.

EGU25-2835 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Analyzing two decades of basal melting rates below Pine Island Ice Shelf using multi-sensors remote sensing data 

Lucille Gimenes, Romain Millan, Jean Baptiste Barré, and Amaury Dehecq

Ice shelves play a crucial role in buttressing the ice flux from the ice sheet. It is therefore critical to monitor their evolution and weakening. Changes in basal melting rates, driven by enhanced advection of circumpolar deep water, are one of the primary drivers of ice shelf weakening in Antarctica. In the Amundsen Sea Embayment, basal melting rates are the highest in Antarctica, exceeding 100 m/yr at the grounding line of Pine Island Glacier (PIG), which has discharged more than 130 Gt/yr of ice into the ocean since 2008 (Mouginot et al., 2013; Rignot et al., 2019). Previous studies of basal melting below PIG (Adusumili et al., 2022) were limited by low spatial resolution, showing significant differences from local high-resolution estimates (Shean et al., 2019), and temporal discrepancies when compared to in-situ ocean observations, highlighting the limitations of existing products (Dutrieux et al., 2014; Jenkins et al., 2018). Biases may arise from the challenge of performing remote sensing in Antarctica (fast changing ice bodies), with sensor-specific complexities (e.g., radar altimetry, laser, stereo-photogrammetry) and reliance on model outputs (SMB, firn). In this study, we revisit the estimation of melting rates on PIG using high-resolution multi-sensor optical imagery from 2000s onward. Leveraging modern geospatial formats like GeoParquet, coupled with DuckDB and high-level tools such as Xarray/Dask, we develop a high-performance pipeline to process heterogeneous elevation datasets. Data from GeoEye/WorldView (Maxar) as well as from ASTER (NASA/METI) were used, regenerated and aligned to a combination of measurements with a centimetric precision from the LVIS and ATM instruments aboard NASA's Operation IceBridge, and the ICESat missions. Dozens of millions of data points are uniformly filtered, advected, and corrected for tides, atmospheric pressure, geoid, and mean dynamic topography throughout the entire observation period with dynamically evolving ice shelf geometry from updated grounding lines and ice front positions. We estimate basal melting on summer mosaics, within a consistent Lagrangian framework by calculating changes in thickness, SMB, firn, and rapid ice advection (Shean et al., 2019; Millan et al., 2023). We quantify the error in melting rates using error propagation and supplement this analysis using different firn and SMB products (RACMO, FDM, CFM). We compare the spatial and temporal variability of our melting rate estimates with previous satellite data on PIG as well as in-situ measurements (Dutrieux et al., 2014). The methodology we propose here is based on state-of-the-art tools in geospatial analysis and offers new perspectives for mapping the evolution of basal melting at high resolution on a regular basis over the past two decades. It provides a coherent framework, with the most precise spatio-temporal measurements, limiting sensor-specific biases, which will be extended to all Antarctic ice shelves. We also provide a more conservative uncertainty estimates based on measurement errors as well as an ensemble-based approach for firn and SMB, which are significant sources of uncertainty. This data will be of direct interest for reanalyzing the stability of ice shelves and for constraining ocean models to better resolve basal melting variability.

How to cite: Gimenes, L., Millan, R., Barré, J. B., and Dehecq, A.: Analyzing two decades of basal melting rates below Pine Island Ice Shelf using multi-sensors remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2835,, 2025.

EGU25-4369 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Bistable Dynamics of Ocean Circulation under Antarctic Ice Shelves: Insights from a Low-Dimensional Model 

Louis Saddier, Corentin Herbert, Christopher Y.S. Bull, and Louis-Alexandre Couston

While East Antarctica ice shelf cavities are currently filled with cold surface water and experience low basal melting, West Antarctica ice shelf cavities are filled with warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) and experience high basal melting. Recent modeling studies have shown that cavities currently filled with cold water may suddenly transition to warm water conditions under climate change scenarios. However, the dynamical drivers of such regime changes are poorly understood, such that the likelihoods of ocean cavities tipping from cold to warm conditions on sea levels and global ocean circulation are still uncertain.

Recent studies have used conceptual box models to propose a mechanistic explanation for the transition from a low melt rate regime (due to cold, saline surface water filling the cavity) to a high melt rate regime (driven by CDW intrusions) in specific ice shelf cavities [1,2]. Here, we extend an existing conceptual model to study these regime shifts. This new model takes into account polynya convection thanks to a sea surface box at the front of the ice-shelf, but also ice shelf/ocean interactions as in the Potsdam Ice-shelf Cavity model (PICO) [3] to generically study various Antarctic ice shelves. We find that numerous ice shelf ocean cavities are in a bistable regime and check that the results are robust against changes in model parameterizations. The surface box enables a representation of the impact of polynyas on dense water formation, which we demonstrate plays a key role in the bistable dynamics of under-ice-shelf seas. Our results suggest that the melt rate of ice shelves might vary abruptly under weak atmospheric changes.

[1] J. E. Hazel, A. L. Stewart, Bistability of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Cavity Circulation and Basal Melt. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. 125, 1-21 (2020).

[2] R. Moorman, A. F. Thompson, E. A. Wilson, Coastal polynyas enable transitions between high and low West Antarctic ice shelf melt rates. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 16 (2023).

[3] R. Reese, T. Albrecht, M. Mengel, X. Asay-Davis, R. Winkelmann, Antarctic sub-shelf melt rates via PICO. The Cryosphere. 12(6), 1969-1985 (2018).

How to cite: Saddier, L., Herbert, C., Bull, C. Y. S., and Couston, L.-A.: Bistable Dynamics of Ocean Circulation under Antarctic Ice Shelves: Insights from a Low-Dimensional Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4369,, 2025.

EGU25-4568 | Posters on site | CR2.4

Ice-Sheet Model Calibration and Parametric Uncertainty Analysis for 2000-2020 

Qing Qin, Jan De Rydt, Vio Coulon, and Frank Pattyn

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) exerts a critical influence on global sea level rise (SLR). Accelerating mass loss, particularly in West Antarctica, is projected to significantly enhance its contribution in the coming centuries. Approximately half of the surface mass gain is offset by ocean-induced basal melting, highlighting the critical role of ice-ocean interactions (Depoorter et al., 2013; Paolo et al., 2023). Despite advances in AIS modelling, significant uncertainties persist, largely arising from the representation of basal melt processes, which are influenced by varying parameterizations, parameter choices and sparsely sampled oceanic forcing datasets. These uncertainties, coupled with divergent future climate forcing scenarios, lead to a large spread in future ice-sheet trajectories and their contribution to SLR by 2300 (Seroussi et al 2024).

To enable robust estimates of future mass fluxes from the AIS, this study uses a circum-Antarctic high-resolution configuration of the Úa ice-sheet model (Gudmundsson, 2020, 2024) to conduct a series of transient simulations spanning 2000-2020. These simulations are used to quantify uncertainties and sensitivities in modelled ice-shelf melt. We apply multiple basal melting parameterizations and a plausible range of parameter choices, including the Local Quadratic Melting (Jourdain et al., 2020), PICO (Reese et al., 2018), and Plume Models (Jenkins, 1991; Lazeroms et al., 2019; Rosier et al., 2024), forced by two different observational oceanic datasets. By varying initial ice-sheet conditions, basal melting schemes, and external forcing, a large ensemble of hindcast simulations was generated and validated against observed changes in ice velocity, thickness, and grounding line position, providing robust insights into model behaviour and ice-ocean interactions.

This initial work, funded by the Horizion Europe project OCEAN ICE, forms a robust foundation for the next phase of forecast transient simulations, enabling long-term projections of AIS contributions to SLR for an ensemble of observationally-constrained model parameters. Our work aims to quantify the complex interplay between basal melting, ice dynamics, and oceanic forcing, while delivering key insights for enhancing the predictive capability of coupled ice-sheet-ocean models in a rapidly changing climate.

How to cite: Qin, Q., De Rydt, J., Coulon, V., and Pattyn, F.: Ice-Sheet Model Calibration and Parametric Uncertainty Analysis for 2000-2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4568,, 2025.

EGU25-5261 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Eddies observed in the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity, and the implications for circulations and melting 

Yingpu Xiahou, Craig Stewart, Melissa Bowen, Mike Brewer, Christina Hulbe, and Craig Stevens

Ice shelf ocean cavities are among the least observed regions of the oceans. While we know that eddying motions are ubiquitous in the oceans, there are few observations of such processes in ice shelf cavities. Here, we describe multi-year hydrographic mooring from central Ross Ice Shelf to understand baroclinic eddy properties and their potential effect on cavity circulation and basal ice melting. As the data are limited, some assumptions need to be made to estimate the eddying motion and separate it from the background circulation. Here we resolve the kinematic structures of the selected eddy signals. The analysis suggests the eddies are around 22 km in diameter with a velocity scale of between 0.8 and 1.8 cm/s. The thermohaline structure of the selected baroclinic eddies suggests that baroclinic eddies can entrain High Salinity Shelf Water from the benthic water column to the mid-water column. However, in the instance of the central Ross Ice Shelf cavity region, there are cold-water intrusions in the mid-water column that serve to partially isolate the ice from many of the ocean cavity conditions.

How to cite: Xiahou, Y., Stewart, C., Bowen, M., Brewer, M., Hulbe, C., and Stevens, C.: Eddies observed in the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity, and the implications for circulations and melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5261,, 2025.

EGU25-6003 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Tracking the grounding line migration at Getz Ice Shelf using Sentinel-1 A/B observations 

Sindhu Ramanath, Lukas Krieger, and Dana Floricioiu

The grounding line defines the boundary of grounded ice of marine ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The speed and extent of grounding line retreat indicate ice sheet stability, making tracking and quantifying grounding line migration imperative. Although satellite observations of several key glaciers and ice streams in these regions have enabled spatially dense grounding line mappings, the revisit frequency of current missions is inadequate to capture the tide-induced grounding line migration. Moreover, limited tide information due to insufficient observations and the coarse resolution of tide models near the grounding line makes it challenging to correlate tide levels to the grounding line position.

Here, we focus on observing and quantifying solely the grounding line movement at the different time scales without using tide models and taking advantage of the dense time series of Sentinel-1 SAR data acquisitions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet margins. We generated double difference interferograms with all available and coherent 6-day Sentinel-1 triplets in 2015-2024. The interferograms were generated with the custom processing chain developed at the Remote Sensing Technology Institute of the German Aerospace Center (Muir, 2020). The grounding lines were automatically delineated in the DInSAR phase using our deep neural network-based delineation pipeline, as detailed in Ramanath Tarekere et al., 2024. The Getz Ice Shelf is coherently captured in most Sentinel-1 acquisitions, making it an ideal region to test our algorithm. We will develop a statistical method to measure the spatial variation of the lines and identify stationary and non-stationary regions. Additionally, in the non-stationary regions, we will decompose the time series into seasonal and trend components, possibly discriminating long-term climate-induced grounding line retreat and variations in grounding line positions caused by different ocean tide levels.



Muir, A. (2020). System specification document for the antarctic ice sheet cci project of esa’s climate change initiative,
version 1.0.
Ramanath Tarekere, S., Krieger, L., Floricioiu, D., & Heidler, K. (2024). Deep learning based automatic grounding line
delineation in DInSAR interferograms [Preprint]. EGUsphere, 2024, 1–35.

How to cite: Ramanath, S., Krieger, L., and Floricioiu, D.: Tracking the grounding line migration at Getz Ice Shelf using Sentinel-1 A/B observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6003,, 2025.

EGU25-7146 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Ephemeral grounding of ice-keels on Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf: observations, modelling, and dynamic impacts. 

Benjamin Wallis, Trystan Surawy-Stepney, and Anna Hogg

In Antarctica, changes in ice dynamics dominate the ice sheet’s contribution to global sea-level rise. Changes to the continent’s ice shelves play a key role in this dynamic evolution through the buttressing that they provide to the upstream grounded ice. One striking and well observed example of the importance of ice shelves is Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf, which has undergone dramatic changes in the modern observational period. This includes major periods of grounding line retreat and ice-shelf thinning due to influxes of warm ocean water, combined with large calving events and the disintegration of its southern shear margin. Overall, these changes have reduced the buttressing support provided by the ice shelf, leading to increased ice discharge and dynamic thinning on the inland portion of the glacier.

Concurrent with the erosion of Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf, ice-shelf thickness anomalies originating at the glacier grounding line, known as ice keels, have regularly bumped along the bedrock underneath the ice shelf. This has caused small regions ephemeral grounding, which occur irregularly in the central shelf. While known, these events remain largely unstudied, and the effects of this ephemeral grounding on stresses within the ice shelf and the evolution of ice-shelf dynamics remain poorly understood.

Here we use a combination of satellite observations and ice sheet modelling to study the movement of a prominent ice keel over a bathymetric ridge during the period 2014-2021 and analyse the effects this had on the dynamics of the ice shelf.

To observe the grounding of the ice keel, we use the differential range offset tracking technique applied to synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) data from the European Space Agency and European Commission Copernicus' Sentinel-1 satellites to produce a dense timeseries of ice keel grounding without the need for interferometric coherence. With this dataset we track the motion of the ice keel in the last decade, showing that at times up to 10 km2 of the central ice shelf was grounded. Alongside these observations, we use the BISICLES ice sheet model to analyse the impacts of this ephemeral grounding on the dynamics and stress regime of the ice shelf. Finally, we discuss our results in terms of re-grounding as a mechanism which may stabilise the retreat of marine ice sheets.

How to cite: Wallis, B., Surawy-Stepney, T., and Hogg, A.: Ephemeral grounding of ice-keels on Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf: observations, modelling, and dynamic impacts., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7146,, 2025.

EGU25-9697 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Calving front dynamics in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica 

Jennifer Arthur, Geir Moholdt, Lotte Wendt, and Anca Cristea

Antarctica’s ice shelves play a crucial role in the stability of the ice sheet and the rate at which it contributes to sea-level rise. While large, tabular iceberg calving accounts for most of the ice discharged from Antarctic ice shelves, less attention has been given to smaller-scale frontal ablation processes that also contribute to ice-shelf area and mass changes. This can be caused by: (1) the collision of large- to medium-sized (>100 km2) tabular icebergs with the coastline, (2) undercutting of ice-shelf fronts by ocean waves, causing edge wasting, and (3) the absence of protective landfast sea ice that can expose calving fronts to damaging ocean swell.

Here, we analyse calving front dynamics and frontal ablation through observed ice-shelf advance and retreat rates in the coastal Dronning Maud Land region of East Antarctica since 2015. Using time series derived from semi-automated classification of Sentinel-1 radar imagery, we quantify ice-shelf frontal ablation and mass change rates. Our results reveal complex seasonal and interannual patterns in calving front dynamics, demonstrating the importance of multiple ice-shelf frontal ablation processes. Iceberg collisions triggered a cascade of regional calving in 2021, as well as damage to several fronts that did not calve. These cascading calving events were initiated by collisions with iceberg D28 from the Amery Ice Shelf, which released further icebergs that drifted and collided with other parts of the coast. Observations of small-scale ice-shelf frontal retreat during periods of unusually absent landfast sea ice and dense pack ice suggests frontal ablation is partially linked to the persistence of protective sea ice. Altogether, these findings provide improved knowledge of calving front dynamics and its drivers in East Antarctica, needed for refining calving parameterizations to more accurately predict ice-shelf evolution and stability.

How to cite: Arthur, J., Moholdt, G., Wendt, L., and Cristea, A.: Calving front dynamics in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9697,, 2025.

EGU25-11447 | Orals | CR2.4

Evolution of the 79N ice shelf 

Brice Rea, Dave Roberts, Mike Bentley, Chris Darvill, Angelika Humbert, Stewart Jamieson, Tim Lane, and James Smith

The North-East Greenland Ice Stream is the largest ice stream of the Greenland Ice Sheet and drains an area of some 200,000 km2, which equates to ~12% of the ice sheet, and the entire catchment holds sufficient water to impact eustatic sea level (~1.1 m). It appeared relatively resilient to atmospheric warming until the mid-2000s, since when two of the outlets, 79N and Zachariæ Isstrøm, have started to thin and accelerate. Zachariæ Isstrøm experience rapid retreat followed by loss of the ice shelf by 2010. This work focuses on the ~80 km long ice shelf fronting 79N, which has previously been shown to have thinned significantly since 1994. The main structural components of the ice shelf are identified and mapped, at approximately 5 yearly intervals, from Landsat imagery, spanning 1985 to 2024. Retreat of the grounding line is approximated by the migration of supraglacial meltwater ponds which migrate upflow over the timeseries. The location of lateral grounding lines are tracked using their topographic expression (Midgardsormen), along the margins of the ice shelf. Taking the surface elevation of the ice shelf from the Arctic DEM and the bed topography/bathymetry from BedMachine and assuming the floating part of the ice shelf is in hydrostatic equilibrium, a time series of ice shelf reconstructions are generated by tracking the migration of the Midgardsormen towards the fjord margins. Evolution of the grounding lines and the structure of the 79N ice shelf are assessed in relation to air and ocean temperature records across the timeseries.

How to cite: Rea, B., Roberts, D., Bentley, M., Darvill, C., Humbert, A., Jamieson, S., Lane, T., and Smith, J.: Evolution of the 79N ice shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11447,, 2025.

EGU25-11769 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Impacts of Temperature- and Stress-Dependent Rheology on Ice-Shelf Front Bending 

Emily Glazer and W. Roger Buck

Classical treatments of ice-shelf bending suggest that shelf fronts should bend downwards, due to the distribution of hydrostatic water pressure at the front. However, there are several observed instances in lidar data of upward-bending ice-shelf fronts. While this phenomenon has often been attributed to a buoyant force created by a submerged ice bench, recent work suggests that vertical variations in viscosity within the ice shelf, caused by a temperature gradient, can induce an internal bending moment that causes the shelf front to bend upwards, even in the absence of a bench.

To investigate this novel bending mechanism, we present the first two-dimensional, viscoelastic models of ice-shelf-front bending assuming a standard dependence of ice rheology on temperature and depth. Our results confirm the thin-plate analytic prediction that an ice-shelf front can bend upwards with a sufficiently cold surface temperature and a sufficiently high ratio of activation energy to flow-law exponent. The results also demonstrate that the temporal evolution of the flexural wavelength and the relationship between the edge deflection amplitude and the flexural wavelength are consistent with thin-plate analytic predictions, though modeled uplift starts to gradually outpace analytic predictions over time. These deviations are attributed to two distinct forms of two-dimensional flow effects that we term “bulge” and “flare”.

Model results also demonstrate that the internal moment mechanism produces uplift with a shorter flexural wavelength than the submerged bench mechanism. This difference can be leveraged to discern between causal mechanisms of the upward bending seen in lidar data, which we illustrate with an example from the Ross Ice Shelf front. We also illustrate how comparing model results with data offers a way to constrain the parameters describing ice rheology.

How to cite: Glazer, E. and Buck, W. R.: Impacts of Temperature- and Stress-Dependent Rheology on Ice-Shelf Front Bending, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11769,, 2025.

EGU25-12249 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Using data inversion to infer basal melt rates underneath ice shelves 

Max Brils and Hilmar Gudmundsson

More than 80% of the grounded ice of the Antarctic ice sheet drains into the ocean through ice shelves. It is estimated that roughly half of the ice shelves’ mass is eventually lost through melting from the underside, where the ice gets in contact with warmer ocean waters. Loss of these ice shelves could cause an increase of the discharge of grounded ice which would lead to additional sea-level rise. It is thus important to accurately quantify the rate at which ice shelves are melting if we wish to estimate future sea-level rise. Here, we present a novel methodology for estimating basal melt rates, by assimilating remotely derived estimates of surface velocities, ice sheet thickness, surface elevation changes and modelled surface mass balance using an ice sheet model (Ua). This methodology allows for a less noisy, physically consistent estimate of the ice mass divergence, and considers the uncertainty associated with each data product. The resulting estimates of the melt rate pattern at almost every Antarctic ice shelf is compared with previous remotely derived estimates.

How to cite: Brils, M. and Gudmundsson, H.: Using data inversion to infer basal melt rates underneath ice shelves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12249,, 2025.

EGU25-12550 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Horizontal Force Balance Calving Laws: Ice Shelves, Marine- and Land-Terminating Glaciers 

Niall Coffey and Ching-Yao Lai

Predicting calving in glacier models is challenging, as observations of diverse calving styles appear to contradict a universal calving law. Here, we generalize and apply the analytical Horizontal Force Balance (HFB) fracture model from ice shelves to land- and marine-terminating glaciers. We consider different combinations of "crack configurations" including dry or meltwater surface crevasses above saltwater- or meltwater-filled basal crevasses. Our generalized model analytically reveals that, in the absence of meltwater, calving criteria depends on two dimensionless variables: buttressing B and dimensionless water level λ. Using a calving regime diagram, we quantitatively demonstrate that glaciers are generally more prone to calving with reduced buttressing B and lower water level λ. For a specified set of B, λ and crack configuration, an analytical calving law can be derived. For example, the calving law for an ice shelf, land-, or marine-terminating glacier with a dry surface crevasse above a saltwater basal crevasse reduces to a state with no buttressing (B = 0). With climate warming, glaciers are expected to become more vulnerable to calving due to meltwater-driven surface and basal crevassing. Our findings provide a framework to understand diverse calving styles.

How to cite: Coffey, N. and Lai, C.-Y.: Horizontal Force Balance Calving Laws: Ice Shelves, Marine- and Land-Terminating Glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12550,, 2025.

The crevasse-depth approach to calving remains promising but in its classic form struggles to produce calving without including additional stresses, such as from meltwater in surface crevasses, which may not be realistic. Here, we present new analytical results that account for stress concentration under crevassing, following recent work by Buck (2023). Focusing on grounded tidewater glaciers, we further consider non-zero ice tensile strength and the potential influence of basal friction. This results in a revised version of the crevasse-depth law that produces plausible calving regimes without needing to invoke added external stresses. The revised law has an ice thickness threshold of approximately 400 m, below which the ice tensile strength is able to resist full-thickness calving, suggesting that glaciers with thicknesses above or below this threshold should have differing dominant calving style. We discuss strong observational support for this finding, and consider the role of the revised formulation in the search for an overall calving law.

How to cite: Wagner, T. and Slater, D.: Differences in calving styles at tidewater glaciers explained by horizontal stress balance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12957,, 2025.

EGU25-13517 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Turning the Tide on Antarctic Shear Zones 

Christian T Wild, Sebastian HR Rosier, Jinhoon Jung, Ji Sung Na, Won Sang Lee, Choon Ki Lee, Dana Floricioiu, and Reinhard Drews

Outlet glaciers play a crucial role in transporting ice from the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the coast, where they transition into floating ice shelves at the grounding line. Shear margins, which separate these fast-moving glaciers from relatively stationary ice, are regions of intense lateral shearing that generate side drag—a resistive force that counteracts glacier driving stress and mitigates sea-level rise. The nature of this side drag depends largely on bulk ice stiffness, a property which is poorly understood due to the numerous challenges in accessing and measuring these most dynamic regions. Here, we use the vertical displacement of floating ice under tidal loading as a natural experiment to constrain bulk ice stiffness within shear margins. Using a GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI), we monitored the tidal flexure zone of Priestley Glacier, which flows into the Nansen Ice Shelf, over a full spring-neap tidal cycle in December 2024. Preliminary results suggest shear-zone weakening, supported by in-situ GPS measurements capturing the corresponding horizontal ice dynamics and ApRES observations of internal strain within the bending ice column. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms driving ice discharge and provide critical observational constraints for simulations of ice-sheet dynamics, ultimately refining estimates of Antarctica’s contribution to sea-level rise.

How to cite: Wild, C. T., Rosier, S. H., Jung, J., Na, J. S., Lee, W. S., Lee, C. K., Floricioiu, D., and Drews, R.: Turning the Tide on Antarctic Shear Zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13517,, 2025.

EGU25-13728 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Enhanced West Antarctic ice loss triggered by polynya response to meridional winds 

Gemma O'Connor, Yoshihiro Nakayama, Eric Steig, Kyle Armour, LuAnne Thompson, Shuntaro Hyogo, Mira Berdahl, and Taketo Shimada

West Antarctic outlet glaciers are in a stage of rapid retreat, modulated by wind-driven exposure to warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). Retreat likely began in the mid-20th century, and is often attributed to increased CDW volume near the ice shelves forced by strengthening westerly winds over the continental shelf break. This westerly wind trend is a feature of some historical climate simulations but is not supported by proxy observations. Here, we present an ensemble of regional ocean simulations and proxy-constrained climate reconstructions, and show that shelf-break westerlies are a poor indicator of ocean conditions near the ice shelves. Instead, cumulative northerly wind anomalies close coastal polynyas, driving anomalous warming and freshening near the ice shelves, increasing ice-shelf melting. The increased meltwater leads to strengthening of the undercurrent that supplies CDW, further enhancing ice-shelf melting. Our results highlight the importance of local northerly winds and associated sea ice changes on ice-shelf melting in West Antarctica. Proxy reconstructions show a significant historical northerly wind trend in this region (an extension of Amundsen Sea Low deepening), providing the atmospheric forcing that can explain the initiation of West Antarctic glacier retreat during the mid-20th century.

How to cite: O'Connor, G., Nakayama, Y., Steig, E., Armour, K., Thompson, L., Hyogo, S., Berdahl, M., and Shimada, T.: Enhanced West Antarctic ice loss triggered by polynya response to meridional winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13728,, 2025.

EGU25-14510 | Posters on site | CR2.4

Extreme value theory reveals massive Antarctic iceberg calving events may not be primarily climate-driven 

Emma MacKie, Joanna Millstein, and Katherine Serafin

Massive calving events result in significant instantaneous ice loss from Antarctica. The rarity and stochastic nature of these extreme events makes it difficult to understand their physical drivers, temporal trends, and future likelihood. To address this challenge, we turn to extreme value theory to investigate past trends in annual maxima iceberg area and assess the likelihood of high-magnitude calving events. We use 47 years of iceberg size from satellite observations. Our analysis reveals no upward trend in the surface area of the largest annual iceberg over this time frame. This finding suggests that extreme calving events such as the recent 2017 Larsen C iceberg, A68, are statistically unexceptional and that extreme calving events are not necessarily a consequence of climate change. Nevertheless, it is statistically possible for Antarctica to experience a calving event up to several times greater than any in the observational record. The methods used in this study could be combined with other data sets or physical information to enhance calving models.

How to cite: MacKie, E., Millstein, J., and Serafin, K.: Extreme value theory reveals massive Antarctic iceberg calving events may not be primarily climate-driven, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14510,, 2025.

Land-terminating glacier surges begin at the upstream region, followed by the flow acceleration propagating downward. However, marine-terminating glacier surges in Svalbard may be triggered by frontal thinning and retreat, indicating different driving factors of surge initiation from land-terminating glaciers. Here, we present detailed observations of glacier surface elevations for two marine-terminating glaciers, Wahlenbergbreen and Negribreen, and characterize the evolution from frontal thinning to glacier-wide surges. Wahlenbergbreen and Negribreen entered an active surge phase in 2016 and 2017, respectively, with a surface elevation drop of ~60 m at their thinning centers. Interestingly, our analysis using the ArcticDEM strip data reveals that the intensive frontal thinning took place three years before the active surge phase. The centers of frontal thinning then gradually shifted upstream at a rate of 2-3 km/yr during the following three years until the glacier-wide surges occurred. Based on these observations, we propose a physical framework for surge initiation due to ocean-induced thinning. This thinning signal can kinematically propagate inland, increase the surface slope and driving stress until a certain threshold is achieved, and finally accelerate the entire glacier with an inefficient subglacial drainage system. This proposed mechanism can contribute to surge initiation with other driving factors, such as excessive meltwater supply to the bed. A region-wide survey for this surge precursor (inland thinning propagation at the glacier front) is now being planned to answer whether all marine-terminating glacier surges in Svalbard have a terminus origin and whether these surge events are fundamentally different from land-terminating glacier surges driven by thickened upstream bulges.

How to cite: Zheng, W.: Upward thinning propagation as a surge precursor of marine-terminating glaciers in Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14750,, 2025.

EGU25-15490 | Posters on site | CR2.4

A phase-field description of crevasse growth: comparison of elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt models for ice 

Kristin Houdyshell, Lars Hansen, and Meghana Ranganathan

Uncertainty in the rate and extent of ice lost from Antarctica and Greenland is the largest source of uncertainty in predicting global sea-level rise, largely due to a poor understanding of the mechanisms governing iceberg calving. Ice-shelf fracture models are typically estimated using a linear elastic model for ice. However, ice exhibits both elastic and viscous behavior in response to a load. This is evidenced by the observation that fractures within glaciers reduce their ability to support a load, resulting in accelerated ice flow downstream. 

To examine the coupling between the flow response of ice and crevasse growth, we use a phase-field description of ice fracture to compare crevasse propagation rates. We examine fracture rates amongst a linearly elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt model of ice during deformation. We impose Robin boundary conditions for a fixed ice-shelf with constant rates of strain downstream and further compare two domains, in which the ice-shelf is either being longitudinally stretched from upstream flow or vertically bent due to tidal forcing. From these numerical experiments, we find that both a Maxwell and Kelvin-Voigt model for ice reduce the rate of crevasse propagation as compared to a linearly elastic model. This implies that crystal plastic processes relax stress around crevasses and therefore controls the rate of crack growth in ice-shelves. The results of crevasse evolution, as governed by elastic and viscoelastic end-member cases, indicate that the viscous response of ice plays a significant role in crack propagation—highlighting the importance of incorporating descriptions of crystal plasticity in predictions of crevasse development.

How to cite: Houdyshell, K., Hansen, L., and Ranganathan, M.: A phase-field description of crevasse growth: comparison of elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt models for ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15490,, 2025.

EGU25-15533 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

 The impact of ice mélange dynamics on the calving of two major Greenland tidewater glaciers, Helheim and Nunatakassaap Sermia 

Tobias Socher, Anders Bjørk, Jonas Andersen, and Anne Solgaard

Ice mélange, a mixture of icebergs and sea ice located in front of tidewater glaciers usually terminating in relatively narrow fjords, is believed to impact the calving dynamics of said glaciers through buttressing force and to alter the fjord circulation through freshwater fluxes. Still, given its potential impact on sea level rise, research concerned with the influence of the mélange is scarce. This study seeks to clarify its’ effect on calving dynamics based on remote sensing data for the two fast flowing Greenland outlets Helheim Gletsjer (East Greenland) and Nunatakassaap Sermia (Alison Glacier, West Greenland).

To achieve this Sentinel-1 radar and Sentinel-2 optical images are combined to retrieve an intra-seasonal timeseries of ice mélange dynamics before the relationship between a shrinking/growing ice mélange and calving dynamics is analyzed. To further aid the interpretation of ice mélange composition, the radar images with mélange matrix are studied based on their statistical variations in pixel intensity. The detection of calving events’ and upper bounds for their respective size is based on the dataset of outlet glacier terminus position traces AutoTerm (Zhang et al., 2023) as well as near-terminus velocity mosaics from the ITS_LIVE dataset (Gardner et al., 2018). Finally, to investigate the impact of the mélange and of related driving mechanisms on calving dynamics for Helheim Gletsjer and Nunatakassaap Sermia, the resulting timeseries of mélange dynamics and calving event characterization are combined with datasets of sea surface temperature, surface temperature, glacier ice velocity, etc.

How to cite: Socher, T., Bjørk, A., Andersen, J., and Solgaard, A.:  The impact of ice mélange dynamics on the calving of two major Greenland tidewater glaciers, Helheim and Nunatakassaap Sermia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15533,, 2025.

EGU25-15857 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Disentangling temporal and spatial calving dynamics using a multisensor approach 

Andrea Kneib-Walter, Armin Dachauer, Dominik Gräff, Antonin Salamin, Sebastian H.R. Rosier, Emanuele Marchetti, Ethan Welty, Brad Liposky, Fabian Walter, and Andreas Vieli

Mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet is a major contributor to sea level rise, driven primarily by increased surface melting and dynamic mass loss. Tidewater glaciers, which extend from the ice sheet to terminate in fjords, drive dynamic mass loss through frontal ablation at their termini by calving and oceanic melt. Calving rates and style vary substantially over time and between individual glaciers, making general parameterizations difficult. Capturing spatially and temporally high-resolution observations of calving is particularly challenging due to the harsh and remote environment. This limits our understanding of this critical process and reduces our ability to accurately predict the future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Here, we present a unique in-situ dataset comprising terrestrial radar interferometry (TRI) acquisitions, time-lapse imagery, seismic measurements, infrasound recordings, wave height data, fiber-optic cable measurements and manual observations. While each technique has its own temporal or spatial limitations, their integration offers a comprehensive perspective on the calving process at the tidewater glacier Eqalorutsit Kangilliit Sermiat (EKaS) in South Greenland. The simultaneous recording, co-detection and subsequent synthesis of these diverse multi-week to annual datasets overcome current observational constraints, providing crucial insights into calving dynamics. These novel observations are critical for understanding and predicting the role of calving in the mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Kneib-Walter, A., Dachauer, A., Gräff, D., Salamin, A., Rosier, S. H. R., Marchetti, E., Welty, E., Liposky, B., Walter, F., and Vieli, A.: Disentangling temporal and spatial calving dynamics using a multisensor approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15857,, 2025.

During the GEOEO North of Greenland expedition with Swedish Icebreaker Oden in the summer of 2024, radio-echo sounding (RES) campaigns were undertaken at CH Ostenfeld, Ryder and Petermann glaciers. The CH Ostenfeld RES survey focused on the ice trunk upstream of the current calving front, which has been the glacier’s terminus since the collapse of CH Ostenfeld’s floating tongue in 2002/2003. At Ryder and Petermann glaciers, less extensive RES surveys were focused on the grounding zones areas, covering both the grounded ice and the floating ice tongues. Ryder Glacier’s grounding line has recently retreated across the fjord unevenly, with observed retreat of c. 8 km in the north-eastern part and less than 2 km in the south-western section (Millan et al., 2023). Millan et al. (2023) also report cumulative mass loss at Ryder Glacier during 2000-2021 as c. 55 Gt, dominated by basal melt (c. 46 Gt) likely driven by the presence of warm Atlantic water, followed by surface melt, runoff and calving (Box et al., 2022; Slater and Straneo, 2022).

Here, we present an overview of the data acquisition campaign at Ryder Glacier, as well as radargrams from the survey lines. The radargrams show evidence of a sub-ice shelf structure interpreted to represent a sub-ice shelf melt channel. Evidence for it is visible in the radargrams at four instances (across various survey lines) along a 22 km quasi-flowline of Ryder Glacier’s tongue. Between the farthest upstream and farthest downstream location, the channel width increases from c. 500 m to c. 2 km, while channel depth ranges between c. 100 and 400 m. At the farthest downstream location, the sub-ice shelf melt channel seems moreover to be co-located with a supraglacial melt channel clearly identifiable from satellite imagery.  The suspected sub-ice shelf melt channel is also coincident with the region of largest grounding line retreat. At present, the most recent mapped grounding line of Ryder Glacier is from 2020, but work is ongoing to retrieve the 2024 grounding line to enable evaluation of the significance of the new RES observations. Better understanding of the spatio-temporality of basal melt and its implications for grounding line retreat and ice dynamics is important for assessing the future behaviour of Ryder Glacier.


Box, J. E., Hubbard, A., Bahr, D. B., Colgan, W. T., Fettweis, X., Mankoff, K. D., Wehrlé, A., Noël, B., van den Broeke, M. R., Wouters, B., Bjørk, A. A., and Fausto, R. S. 2022.  Greenland ice sheet climate disequilibrium and committed sea-level rise, Nature Climate Change, 12,;

Millan, R., Jager, E., Mouginot, J. et al. 2023.  Rapid disintegration and weakening of ice shelves in North Greenland. Nat Commun 14, 6914.

Slater, D. A. and Straneo, F. 2022. Submarine melting of glaciers in Greenland amplified by atmospheric warming, Nature Geoscience, 15,

How to cite: Kirchner, N., Wang, Z., Jakobsson, M., and Ross, N.: Recent rapid grounding line retreat at Ryder Glacier focused around a sub-ice shelf melt channel: first indications from airborne radio-echo sounding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16192,, 2025.

A reduction in sea ice extent and increasing temperatures have been linked to enhancement and shallowing of warm Atlantic Water (AW) advection into Isfjorden, a fjord on the west coast of Svalbard (Skogseth et al., 2020). With warming AW (Walczowski et al., 2017), there is an increased interest in how this affects the stability of marine-terminating glaciers (MTGs) (Skogseth et al., 2020), as an increase in water temperatures could lead to enhancing melt rates and therefore a destabilisation of MTGs (Luckman et al., 2015). Usually, sills protect the MTGs by blocking the pathway of AW into the fjord, however, with a shallowing of AW it can enter the fjord more easily. A better understanding of the circulation in fjords with MTGs is crucial in quantifying the effect of enhancement and shallowing of AW on MTGs.

In June 2023, data were collected aboard the RV Hanna Resvoll to measure temperature, salinity, turbulent kinetic energy dissipation, and velocities across the glacier front. High-resolution data were obtained using a Microstructure Profiler and a vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Two moorings were deployed to capture flow across the fjord sill.

A general-purpose hydrodynamic model (MITgcm) is used to investigate sensitivity of glacial melt to varying combinations of the inflowing water temperature, the depth of maximum temperature, tidal flows and sub-glacial discharge rate. The model was configured using realistic bathymetry from multibeam surveys on a 50m x 50m horizontal grid with 2m resolution in the vertical. Realistic tides were forced at the seaward boundary, the "iceplume" package (Cowton et al., 2015) was used to simulate glacial melt and sub-glacial discharge at the glacial terminus. The model is initialised and validated with the independent observational data set as described above. Additionally, simulations explore the combined impact of a deepening and warming AW layer, along with increased subglacial discharge plume.

These results provide critical insights into the future stability of MTGs in a warming climate and offer a more comprehensive understanding of how shifts in fjord circulation could enhance melt rates and further destabilize glacier fronts.

How to cite: Riehn, L., Skogseth, R., Frank, N., and Inall, M.: Impact of Atlantic Water and Subglacial Discharge on Marine-Terminating Glaciers: Insights from Field Observations and Numerical Modeling in Tempelfjorden, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18299,, 2025.

EGU25-18654 | Posters on site | CR2.4

Yearly evolution of Basal Terraces at Ekström Ice Shelf (East Antarctica) 

Reinhard Drews, Rebecca Schlegel, Olaf Eisen, Oraschewski Falk, Inka Koch, Reza Ershadi, Johannes Noll, and Sylvia Köppe

Basal terraces are characteristic stepped features with steep, near-vertical walls which are interspersed by smooth horizontal sections. They occur beneath many Antarctic ice shelves and their genesis has been linked to stable ocean stratification beneath the horizontal sections which ceases near the walls where ocean-induced melt rates intensify. However, how terraces initially form and how they evolve over time is poorly observed and understood. Here, we present temporal changes in basal topography from densely spaced GPR profiles imaging the 3D structure of a basal terrace field on Ekström ice shelf in East in 2021/22 and 2022/23. Many features can be traced coherently across time and the majority of the structures advected with ice flow, with the exception of some local modifications near some walls. A concurrent year-long time series of an ApRES situated above one of those terraces shows moderate melt rates comparable to the ice-shelf wide magnitudes, confirming previous assertions that melt rates at the terraces are low. Imaging of the 3D structure of the basal terraces now enables us to identify off-angle reflections in the ApRES time series and thus quantify if localized horizontal melting at the walls can be detected.

How to cite: Drews, R., Schlegel, R., Eisen, O., Falk, O., Koch, I., Ershadi, R., Noll, J., and Köppe, S.: Yearly evolution of Basal Terraces at Ekström Ice Shelf (East Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18654,, 2025.

EGU25-18682 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Projecting the retreat of Narsap Sermia using a minimum observational inputs approach 

George White, James Lea, and Stephen Brough

Mass loss from marine terminating glaciers in Greenland is often simulated using physically-based models driven by multiple parameters such as atmospheric forcing, submarine melt, fjord topography and iceberg calving, each of which carry their own uncertainties. While these models may perform well, they are time intensive to set up, calibrate and validate, and the development of simpler though potentially informative observationally-based models has received less attention.

In this study, we develop a simple observationally derived approach to hindcast and project the future behaviour of Narsap Sermia, a marine-terminating glacier in Nuuk Fjord, south-west Greenland. This glacier has experienced significant retreat (~3.5km) between 2014 and 2024 and is approaching a significant overdeepening located ~7.5km from its current terminus position. Once it reaches this overdeepening, it has the potential to rapidly destabilise, with the next likely stable topographic configuration located ~21km further up-glacier. This will have implications for the safety of local and tourist activities and the operation of Greenland’s largest port at nearby Nuuk.

To achieve this, we have constrained terminus behaviour under different fjord conditions through analysis of terminus positions from satellite imagery. The link between terminus migration and fjord conditions has been compared with varying potential drivers (e.g. runoff, fjord surface temperature and air temperature), and is found to be most closely linked to the presence or absence of a proglacial ice mélange which in turn is linked to cumulative positive and negative degree days. Using calculated degree day thresholds, the model estimates dates of mélange formation and break-up, driving changes in the pattern of terminus migration by switching between observationally derived values of terminus change for rigid mélange and open water conditions. The model reproduces terminus migration at Narsap Sermia over the 2014-2024 period, achieving a mean absolute deviation of 243m for the entire period of observed retreat. Assuming current calving behaviour continues, we are able to project future mélange behaviour and terminus migration using bias corrected CMIP6 2m air temperature data for three climate scenarios. We use this approach to explore a range of scenarios projecting when Narsap Sermia will reach the overdeepening.

How to cite: White, G., Lea, J., and Brough, S.: Projecting the retreat of Narsap Sermia using a minimum observational inputs approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18682,, 2025.

EGU25-306 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

Basal Channels on Pine Island Glacier with CryoSat-2: their formation, melt evolution and impact on buttressing. 

Katie Lowery, Pierre Dutrieux, Paul Holland, Anna Hogg, Noel Gourmelen, and Benjamin Wallis

Ice shelves buttress the grounded ice sheet, slowing its flow into the ocean. Mass loss from these ice shelves occurs primarily through ocean-induced basal melting, with the highest melt rates concentrated within basal channels—elongated, kilometre-wide zones of relatively thinner ice. While some models suggest that basal channels could mitigate overall ice shelf melt rates, channels have also been linked to basal and surface crevassing, leaving their cumulative impact on ice shelf stability a topic of ongoing debate. However, due to their relatively small spatial scale and the limitations of previous satellite datasets, our understanding of how channelised melting evolves over time remains limited.

In this study, we present a novel approach to integrate CryoSat-2 radar altimetry data to calculate ice shelf basal melt rates, demonstrated here as a case study over Pine Island Glacier (PIG) ice shelf. Our method generates monthly Digital Elevation Models and melt maps with a 250m spatial resolution. Using these data, we show that near the grounding line basal melting preferentially melts the channels western flank 50% more than its eastern flank. We also find that the main channelised geometries on PIG are inherited from upstream of the grounding line and that channels play a role in forming ice shelf pinning points, potentially impacting the stability of the ice shelf. These observations further highlight the impact of channelised melting under ice shelves, emphasising the need to investigate them further and to consider their impacts on datasets and models that do not resolve them.

How to cite: Lowery, K., Dutrieux, P., Holland, P., Hogg, A., Gourmelen, N., and Wallis, B.: Basal Channels on Pine Island Glacier with CryoSat-2: their formation, melt evolution and impact on buttressing., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-306,, 2025.

EGU25-325 | Orals | CR2.5

The Development of the Coupled Southern Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Model (SOSIM v1.0) 

Chengyan Liu, Zhaomin wang, Xianxian Han, Hengling Leng, and Chen Cheng

Modeling of the interactions between the Southern Ocean, sea ice, and ice shelves can provide insights into understanding the future sea level rising and climate changes, yet the interactions in the Southern Ocean are complex due to the coupled ocean-sea ice-ice shelf system. Considering the complexity of the Southern Ocean, the development of a high-resolution coupled circumpolar ocean-sea ice-ice shelf model could provide insights into the complex processes in the Southern Ocean. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model (MITgcm), including a sea ice component and an ice shelf component, has been applied to the Southern Ocean to derive estimates of the oceanic state, sea ice evolution, and ice shelf basal fluxes. This Coupled Southern Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Model (SOSIM v1.0) uses version c66m of the MITgcm, and the ocean, sea ice, and ice shelf components share the same horizontal grid layout (the Arakawa C grid). The sea ice model in the MITgcm is a viscous-plastic dynamic and zero-layer thermodynamic model, with the so-called zero-layer thermodynamics assuming one layer of ice underneath one layer of snow. The ice-shelf model is used to represent the static and thermodynamically active ice shelves located in the south of the model domain. In this study, the configuration of SOSIM v1.0 is documented, and the simulated features from SOSIM v1.0 are evaluated.

How to cite: Liu, C., wang, Z., Han, X., Leng, H., and Cheng, C.: The Development of the Coupled Southern Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Model (SOSIM v1.0), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-325,, 2025.

EGU25-2179 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

Seasonal and interannual variability of freshwater sources for Greenland's fjords 

Anneke Vries, Willem Jan van de Berg, Brice Noël, Lorenz Meire, and Michiel van den Broeke

Freshwater fluxes entering fjords are important for ice-ocean interactions,  circulation in Greenland's fjords, and the use of freshwater forcing in ocean modelling. We study the timing, source type, and magnitude of freshwater fluxes and their temporal and spatial variability using statistically downscaled output from regional climate models for the mass fluxes, process-based estimates of basal melt and observational data for solid ice discharge. For seven climatologically distinct regions, we estimate the absolute and relative contribution of runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet, ice caps, and tundra, solid ice discharge and precipitation directly falling into fjords between 1940 and 2023. The relative contribution of freshwater sources varies between months and regions, with distinct differences between the runoff-dominated southwest, and the solid-ice-discharge-dominated southeast. 

How to cite: Vries, A., van de Berg, W. J., Noël, B., Meire, L., and van den Broeke, M.: Seasonal and interannual variability of freshwater sources for Greenland's fjords, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2179,, 2025.

EGU25-3758 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

Drivers of glacial fjord-shelf temperature differences in the reduced-physics model FjordRPM 

Martim Mas e Braga, Tom Cowton, Donald Slater, Mark Inall, Eleanor Johnstone, and Neil Fraser

Greenland fjords connect and modulate exchanges between its outlet glaciers and the open ocean. Subglacial meltwater and icebergs discharged from the ice sheet cause convection and mixing inside the fjord, upwelling warmer waters from depth and cooling down the upper layers. As a result of these processes, the water temperatures that effectively melt outlet-glacier termini are different than what is observed close to the fjord mouths and on the continental shelf. Data coverage to study such processes, however, is limited in both space and time, and a Greenland-wide assessment of fjord behaviour using general circulation models is computationally prohibitive. To tackle these issues, we use the Fjord Reduced-Physics Model (FjordRPM) to simulate 37 fjords around Greenland forced by available observations between 2016 and 2020. Its low computational cost enables large-ensemble analyses (i.e., 27000 simulations in total for this study) to explore the effects of icebergs, exchanges between the fjord and the continental shelf, and meltwater plumes.


We show that, while fjords cool down at the surface under increased icebergs, the effect of fjord-shelf exchanges and the meltwater plume are less straightforward. The depth where the plume reaches neutral buoyancy will determine which water masses are mixed, which might either warm or cool the fjord. The intensity of exchanges between the fjord and the shelf will affect the fjord stratification, therefore affecting the plume’s role in mixing water masses and homogenising the water column. Finally, we match our simulations to available observations to find the best-fitting model parameters, and highlight that, although there is a high variability in the best-fit model parameters between fjords and between years for a given fjord, values for the model parameters tested follow known statistical distributions, which can be used to refine prescribed model-parameter ranges. Although fjord systems are highly complex and the effects of different processes are not linear, a reduced-physics model can elucidate how fjords modulate ice-sheet-ocean exchanges at a Greenland-wide scale, provided observations are available to force the model.

How to cite: Mas e Braga, M., Cowton, T., Slater, D., Inall, M., Johnstone, E., and Fraser, N.: Drivers of glacial fjord-shelf temperature differences in the reduced-physics model FjordRPM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3758,, 2025.

EGU25-4501 | Orals | CR2.5

What is happening in the Ross Sea?  

Alessandro Silvano, Pasquale Castagno, and Sohey Nihashi
The Ross Sea has been freshening for the last > 60 years, likely driven by increased melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. This freshening has caused a decrease in the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water and reduced abyssal ventilation. However, over the past years there has been a reversal of this trend. This unexpected change challenges our understanding of the Ross Sea, questioning 1) whether the freshening will resume in coming years and 2) what the drivers of salinity variability are. Here we combine modelling, in situ and satellite observations to show the role of different freshwater sources in explaining seasonal to multidecadal salinity variability. We conclude by suggesting possible future directions for better understanding the Ross Sea and how it might change in a warming world.

    How to cite: Silvano, A., Castagno, P., and Nihashi, S.: What is happening in the Ross Sea? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4501,, 2025.

    EGU25-5701 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Future Freshwater Fluxes From the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

    Violaine Coulon, Jan De Rydt, Thomas Gregov, Qing Qin, and Frank Pattyn

    Surface freshening of the Southern Ocean driven by meltwater discharge from the Antarctic ice sheet has been shown to influence global climate dynamics. However, most climate models fail to account for spatially and temporally varying freshwater inputs from ice sheets, introducing significant uncertainty into climate projections. We present the first historically calibrated projections of Antarctic freshwater fluxes (sub-shelf melting, calving, and surface meltwater runoff) to 2300 that can be used to force climate models lacking interactive ice sheets. Our findings indicate substantial changes in the magnitude and partitioning of Antarctic freshwater discharge over the coming decades and centuries, particularly under very-high warming scenarios, driven by the progressive collapse of the West Antarctic ice shelves. We project a shift in the form and location of Antarctic freshwater sources, as liquid sub-shelf melting increases under the two climate scenarios considered, and surface meltwater runoff could potentially become a dominant contributor under extreme atmospheric warming.

    How to cite: Coulon, V., De Rydt, J., Gregov, T., Qin, Q., and Pattyn, F.: Future Freshwater Fluxes From the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5701,, 2025.

    EGU25-6042 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Sub-Antarctic fjord circulation and associated larval retention in a changing climate 

    Joanna Zanker, Emma Young, Paul Brickle, and Ivan Haigh

    Climate change is impacting high-latitude fjord circulation with consequences for the transport of marine biota essential for supporting local ecosystems. Currently, little is understood about oceanographic variability in sub-Antarctic island fjords such as Cumberland Bay, the largest fjord on the island of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean. Cumberland Bay is split into two arms, West Bay and East Bay, and is a key spawning site for the ecologically and commercially important mackerel icefish. Through the use of a high-resolution three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, the seasonal cycle in Cumberland Bay is found to be driven by a combination of boundary forcing influencing shelf exchange and deep inflow, atmospheric forcing influencing near surface temperatures and flows and freshwater forcing via subglacial discharge driving upwelling and strong outflowThere is a complex three-dimensional flow structure with a high degree of variability on short timescales due to wind forcing. Using model flow fields to drive an individual-based model parameterised for larvae of the ecologically and commercially important mackerel icefish spawned in Cumberland Bay, we identify West Bay as a key retention zone. Successful retention of mackerel icefish larvae is found to be sensitive complex circulation patterns driven by winds, freshwater and fjord-shelf exchanges and to changes in physical processes linked to climate change such as meltwater runoff and föhn wind events. This study highlights the importance of oceanographic variability in influencing ecological processes in fjords in our changing climate.

    How to cite: Zanker, J., Young, E., Brickle, P., and Haigh, I.: Sub-Antarctic fjord circulation and associated larval retention in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6042,, 2025.

    EGU25-6688 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    On the forces at play during kilometer-scale iceberg calving: insight from numerical simulations 

    Nicolas De Pinho Dias, Justin C. Burton, Alban Leroyer, Anne Mangeney, and Olivier Castelnau

    Iceberg calving is a complex process often followed by the capsize of the newborn iceberg because of the torque created by the buoyancy and gravity forces. In the case of kilometer-scale icebergs, calving/capsize events can trigger seismic waves (glacial earthquakes) recorded hundreds of kilometers away by global seismic networks. These recordings contain information on the seismic source such as the calved-iceberg volume as well as the contact force applied by the iceberg on the glacier, the glacier dynamical response but also water waves and flow following the capsize.

    To obtain an accurate estimation of the iceberg volume, it is necessary to couple seismic inversion of glacial earthquakes with numerical modeling of the capsize [Sergeant 2019]. Therefore, based on our previous work, we use a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to simulate the fluid-structure interaction between the ocean and an iceberg capsizing against a glacier terminus. The model reproduces with great accuracy lab experiments (rotation kinematics, effect of calving type, hydrodynamic pressure, etc).

    In this talk, we will focus on field-scale simulations. We will show that the forces applied on the glacier terminus due to the hydrodynamic pressure and to the iceberg-glacier contact appear to have similar amplitudes, are of opposite signs, and depend on the iceberg geometry. We also give a first estimation of the glacier deformation under the action of these forces. Our CFD simulations make it possible to compute the water velocity field in which values exceed 10 m/s close to the 200-meters-high-iceberg capsize.

    Sergeant, A. et al. (2019) ‘Monitoring Greenland ice sheet buoyancy-driven calving discharge using glacial earthquakes’, Annals of Glaciology, 60(79), pp. 75–95. doi:10.1017/aog.2019.7.

    How to cite: De Pinho Dias, N., C. Burton, J., Leroyer, A., Mangeney, A., and Castelnau, O.: On the forces at play during kilometer-scale iceberg calving: insight from numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6688,, 2025.

    EGU25-7100 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Modelled centennial ocean warming in the Amundsen Sea driven by thermodynamic atmospheric changes, not winds 

    Katherine Turner, Kaitlin Naughten, Paul Holland, and Alberto Naveira Garabato

    Increased ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet plays a significant role in determining future sea level rise. Much of this loss originates from within the Amundsen Sea sector, where the floating components of ice sheets, the ice shelves, are expected to melt more rapidly over the coming century. This increased melting is caused by warm waters entering the continental shelf and melting these ice shelves from below. While models project an increase in ocean warming over the coming century, the causes behind this warming are little understood. In this study, we untangle how climate change will affect ocean warming in the future by comparing ocean warming under high emissions to pre-industrial simulations. An anthropogenic signal in ocean warming first emerges between 2013 and 2018 in the simulations and continues to strengthen under high emissions forcing. We then compare the effects of stronger winds shifted southwards (wind forcing) against the impacts of a warmer, wetter atmosphere (thermodynamic forcing). We find that the thermodynamic changes are primarily responsible for the predicted Amundsen Sea warming. Under a warmer and wetter climate, the ice shelves experience an increase in the poleward flow of warmer waters at depth, leading to more melting.

    How to cite: Turner, K., Naughten, K., Holland, P., and Naveira Garabato, A.: Modelled centennial ocean warming in the Amundsen Sea driven by thermodynamic atmospheric changes, not winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7100,, 2025.

    EGU25-7173 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Effects of Ambient Currents  on  Melting at the Grounding Line  

    Mainak Mondal, David M. Holland, Keith W. Nicholls, and Paul R. Holland

    The stability of marine-terminating glaciers at the grounding line is critical for understanding the future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and its contribution to sea-level rise. While warm water intrusions are well-known drivers of ice-shelf melting, the role of shore-parallel ambient currents remains underexplored. Using a high-resolution, idealized MITgcm setup, we model a grounding zone cavity to investigate how along-shelf ambient currents influence circulation and melting patterns. Our results reveal that even modest ambient currents disrupt classical buoyancy-driven circulation by introducing Ekman layers and geostrophic flows that redistribute heat and salt. Positive along-shelf gradients amplify melting throughout the cavity, while negative gradients reduce melt rates, except near the grounding line. This dynamic interplay between ice-shelf and ambient currents significantly influences melt patterns and grounding-line stability. These findings emphasize the necessity of incorporating realistic three-dimensional ocean dynamics, including tides and residual circulation, into grounding-zone models. By linking shore-parallel flows, tides, and stratified ocean dynamics with melting processes, this study provides new insights into the retreat of Thwaites Glacier and underscores the critical role of small-scale ocean variability in ice-ocean interactions.

    How to cite: Mondal, M., Holland, D. M., Nicholls, K. W., and Holland, P. R.: Effects of Ambient Currents  on  Melting at the Grounding Line , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7173,, 2025.

    EGU25-7295 | Orals | CR2.5

    Insights from Sediment Export Variability in Three Glacier-Fed Fjords in Disko Bay Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) 

    Ian Delaney, Marjolein Gevers, Faye Perchanok, Michael Bollen, Ethan Pierce, Julia Wellner, Samuel Toucanne, Paul Liu, Irina Overeem, Brahimsamba Bomou, Brandee Carlson, and Samuel Jaccard

    The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is undergoing accelerated melt and dynamic shifts that influence sediment export, with critical implications for regional biogeochemical cycles and cryospheric processes. However, direct observations of sediment export variability remain limited. To address this gap, we analyzed sediment cores from three glacier-fed fjords in Disko Bay, encompassing diverse catchment areas and glacier dynamics. The spatial extent of sediment packages and ice-rafted debris (IRD) within the cores was assessed, alongside decadal-scale sedimentation rates. These rates were integrated with sedimentary facies analyses and subbottom profiling.

    By examining sedimentation rate variations with respect to glacier retreat histories, velocity data, and meltwater flux estimates, we identify contrasting behavior in sediment export amongst the fjords and catchments. The findings highlight the differential roles of glacier dynamics, catchment size, land or marine-terminating glacier fjord type, and meltwater contributions in modulating sedimentation patterns. Furthermore, several hyperpycnal deposits are present that could be the result of glacier outburst floods. We discuss their potential role in supplying sediment to the fjord and the challenges they introduce when trying to establish climate effects. This study underscores the importance of sediment production and mobilization processes from the GrIS and emphasizes the need for regional sediment export assessments to refine predictions of future discharge scenarios.

    These results link sedimentary processes to ice sheet dynamics, offering a framework to evaluate processes controlling sediment fluxes in response to ongoing ice sheet retreat and climate change.

    How to cite: Delaney, I., Gevers, M., Perchanok, F., Bollen, M., Pierce, E., Wellner, J., Toucanne, S., Liu, P., Overeem, I., Bomou, B., Carlson, B., and Jaccard, S.: Insights from Sediment Export Variability in Three Glacier-Fed Fjords in Disko Bay Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7295,, 2025.

    EGU25-9654 | Orals | CR2.5

    Efficient simulation of glacial fjord dynamics using a new reduced physics model (FjordRPM) 

    Donald Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall

    Interactions between ice masses and the ocean are key couplings in the global climate system. In many cases these interactions occur through glacial fjords, which are long, deep, and narrow troughs connecting the open ocean to marine-terminating glaciers. By controlling the fluxes of ocean heat towards the ice sheet and ice sheet freshwater towards the ocean, glacial fjords play an important role in modulating ice sheet mass loss and the impacts of freshwater on ocean circulation. Yet, these dynamics occur at small scales that are challenging to resolve in earth system models and so are they often ignored, represented in an ad-hoc manner, or studied using expensive high-resolution models that are limited in scope.

    Here, we propose a means of capturing glacial fjord dynamics at negligible computational expense in the form of a new "reduced physics" model (FjordRPM) that resembles a "1.5-dimensional" or box model. We describe the make-up of the model and show that it accurately captures glacial fjord circulation when compared with simulations in a full general circulation model (MITgcm). We conclude by considering applications for the model, including furthering the understanding of fjord circulation, the production of ocean temperature boundary conditions for ice sheet models and freshwater boundary conditions for ocean models, and the potential to act as a bridge between ice sheet and ocean in earth system models.

    How to cite: Slater, D., Johnstone, E., Mas e Braga, M., Fraser, N., Cowton, T., and Inall, M.: Efficient simulation of glacial fjord dynamics using a new reduced physics model (FjordRPM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9654,, 2025.

    EGU25-9797 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Mapping Subglacial Discharge Plumes and Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentrations in South Greenland Fjords 

    Anna Kirk Deichmann, Anders Anker Bjørk, and Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson

    The interface between marine-terminating glaciers and fjord waters is a key part of the Greenland cryosphere and marine systems. The discharge of glacial meltwater interacts with fjord conditions by affecting water circulation, heat budget and ecosystem dynamics. Sediment-laden plumes are clear visual evidence of this interaction. The plumes occur when meltwater from a marine-terminating glacier is discharged into a fjord at depth. The meltwater then forms buoyant, sediment-laden plumes that reach the fjord water surface, making them detectable by satellite. Although the presence of plumes is well-documented, direct observational evidence is sparse, and only a few in-situ observations exist. More observations are needed to improve our understanding of the driving mechanisms of the plumes, including their spatiotemporal extent.

    In this study, we apply Random Forest Classification to high-resolution optical imagery from Sentinel-2 to automatically map the extent of the plumes in front of glaciers in South Greenland. Based on surface reflectance, we estimate the suspended sediment concentration in the plumes, and we assess the performance of Random Forest compared to more commonly used regression methods.

    Our results provide the basis for future work of constructing a comprehensive dataset of subglacial discharge plumes and sediment concentration for all marine-terminating glaciers across Greenland, offering new insights into their extent and properties.

    How to cite: Deichmann, A. K., Bjørk, A. A., and Karlsson, N. B.: Mapping Subglacial Discharge Plumes and Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentrations in South Greenland Fjords, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9797,, 2025.

    EGU25-10170 | Orals | CR2.5

    Unique In-situ Measurements from Greenland Fjord Show Winter Freshening by Subglacial Melt 

    Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson, Karina Hansen, Penelope How, Ebbe Poulsen, John Mortensen, and Søren Rysgaard

    The interaction between glacier fronts and ocean waters is one of the key uncertainties for projecting future ice mass loss. Direct observations at glacier fronts are sparse, but studies indicate that the magnitude and timing of freshwater fluxes are crucial in determining fjord circulation, ice frontal melt and ecosystem habitability. In particular, wintertime dynamics are severely understudied due to inaccessible conditions, leading to a bias towards summer observations.

    Using a novel uncrewed aerial vehicle, we conducted multiple measurements in late winter in South Greenland. Here, we present our in-situ observations of temperature and salinity acquired at the front of a marine-terminating glacier and in surrounding fjords. Our observations indicate the existence of an anomalously fresh pool of water by the glacier front, suggesting that meltwater generated at the bed of the glacier discharges during winter. The results suggest that during winter, warm Atlantic water and nutrients are entrained at the glacier front, leading to enhanced frontal melt and increased nutrient levels. Our findings have implications for understanding the heat exchange between glacier fronts and ocean waters, glacier frontal melt rates, ocean mixing and currents, and biological production.

    How to cite: Karlsson, N. B., Hansen, K., How, P., Poulsen, E., Mortensen, J., and Rysgaard, S.: Unique In-situ Measurements from Greenland Fjord Show Winter Freshening by Subglacial Melt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10170,, 2025.

    EGU25-11117 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Unveiling the 3-dimensional fjord water circulation from iceberg tracking at a calving glacier in Greenland 

    Andrea Kneib-Walter, Donald Slater, Armin Dachauer, and Andreas Vieli

    Processes at the ice-ocean boundary are key in driving the rapid mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet. However, quantifying and understanding these processes remains challenging, particularly those occurring at the ice terminus beneath the fjord's water surface. Critical mechanisms include the melting of the submerged ice front by ocean water (oceanic melt), which influences the geometry of the glacier terminus and thus the glacier mass loss, and the outflow of subglacial meltwater. Subglacial meltwater can enforce a circulation cell within the fjord, drawing warm ocean water at depth towards the glacier front and enhancing oceanic melt. This circulation generates highly variable and opposing currents across different depths and over time. The harsh and highly dynamic environment makes direct observation and quantification of these circulations extremely difficult. Consequently, our understanding of key mechanisms is limited, restricting our ability to predict the future behaviour of the Greenland ice sheet. To bridge this knowledge gap, more comprehensive observations of circulation patterns near the calving front are crucial to improve our knowledge about the processes in the fjords.

    This study exploits a unique time-series of terrestrial radar interferometry (TRI) acquisitions, complemented by fjord measurements, to investigate the tidewater outlet glacier Eqalorutsit Kangilliit Sermiat (EKaS) in South Greenland. A novel approach is applied to this dataset for inferring three-dimensional underwater fjord circulation with high temporal (minute-scale) and spatial (meter-scale) resolution over continuous periods lasting several weeks. An automated iceberg tracking method is employed to analyse the movement of icebergs of various sizes within the approximately 300 m deep fjord over time. TRI-derived elevation models are used to determine the above-water shapes of icebergs and estimate their submerged draft below the waterline. By linking the movements of icebergs with their draft, this study is able to extract the general water circulation patterns in the fjord at different depths, as icebergs of varying sizes are influenced by currents at distinct water layers. These findings are combined with fjord stratification data obtained from CTD profiles, providing a comprehensive understanding of the fjord's circulation dynamics.

    The results of the inverted fjord circulation can later be compared with modelled fjord water circulation and combined with observations of glacier dynamics and calving derived from TRI acquisitions to obtain a comprehensive image of the “hidden” interplay between glacier and fjord circulation acting below the waterline. The findings are essential for understanding and predicting the role of oceanic forcing for the Greenland ice sheet mass loss and for assessing the implications for biodiversity within fjords in a changing climate.

    How to cite: Kneib-Walter, A., Slater, D., Dachauer, A., and Vieli, A.: Unveiling the 3-dimensional fjord water circulation from iceberg tracking at a calving glacier in Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11117,, 2025.

    Models are reported to overestimate basal melting under warm water ice shelves. Hence, ice-ocean heat exchange and its parameterisation are investigated using an ice-ocean boundary current model (IOBCM).  Using the simplified case of a horizontal ice-ocean interface (IOI), we demonstrate how parameterizations in z-coordinate ocean models can significantly overestimate melt rates in boundary layers over dynamically stable pycnoclines when far-field ocean currents are weak.

    We propose a simple physics-based parameterisation framework for this specific case. Two case studies are presented: 1) a horizontal IOI with uniform far-field currents; and 2) a sloped IOI with density-driven, sheared currents. We use this parameterisation framework to formulate a hybrid model for the general case of density-driven currents under ice shelves. The hybrid model is a combination of the classic plume model for dynamically unstable regimes and the parameterized version of the IOBCM for dynamically stable regimes. In the hybrid model, for stable regimes, the melt rate as well as its response to warming are significantly reduced when compared with the regime-independent treatment in the classic plume model.

    Our findings highlight the importance of careful consideration of the ocean stratification and flow conditions when parameterizing ice-ocean interactions, especially in regions with weak currents and stable stratification.

    How to cite: T. Pillai, J. and Jenkins, A.: Ice shelf Basal Melt Parameterisations for Ice-Ocean Boundary Layers over Dynamically Stable Pycnoclines: Case studies using a Boundary Current Model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11731,, 2025.

    EGU25-13400 | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Dynamic ice sheet-ocean interactions in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model 

    Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Alexander Hager, Trevor Hillebrand, Matthew Hoffman, Andrew Nolan, Stephen Price, Irena Vaňková, and Jonathan Wolfe

    Representing ice-shelf and ocean interactions in Earth system models (ESMs) has been challenging due to their coarse resolution and static ice shelf cavity geometries. Additionally, coupling techniques often struggle to conserve mass and energy across components. We have recently implemented new algorithms in the ocean component of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model to enable dynamic ice-ocean interactions within Antarctica’s ice-shelf cavities. These include a thin subglacial film below grounded ice, subglacial runoff into ice-shelf cavities, and ice shelf-ocean fluxes computed in the ESM’s coupler. Together, these three approaches will enable representation of dynamic ice-sheet and ice-shelf geometry as well as continuity between the subglacial hydrological system while conserving mass and energy. Here, we present ocean simulations that explore the capabilities separately and report progress toward integrating both. We explore the thin-film capability in an idealized ice-shelf cavity at 2 km resolution modeled on the ISOMIP+ domain and the coupling capability in a global domain containing all Antarctic ice shelves at 12 km resolution. All simulations feature active ice-shelf thermodynamics. In the idealized simulations, we compare ice-ocean boundary layer properties and ice-shelf melt distributions from simulations with continuous dynamics between grounded and floating ocean model regions to those with fixed grounding line representations. We explore the model’s ability to simulate grounding-line migration due to both large ice-sheet thickness changes and tidal motion. We show that with our thin-film approach, subglacial runoff can mix with ocean waters below grounded ice before crossing the grounding line. In the global simulations, we demonstrate the ability to prescribe both fixed and dynamic ice-shelf thickness and outline the next steps for integrating the thin-film approach in this configuration.

    How to cite: Asay-Davis, X., Begeman, C., Engwirda, D., Hager, A., Hillebrand, T., Hoffman, M., Nolan, A., Price, S., Vaňková, I., and Wolfe, J.: Dynamic ice sheet-ocean interactions in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13400,, 2025.

    EGU25-13605 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Leveraging sustained monitoring of a southeast Greenland glacial fjord to understand ice-ocean and biogeochemical interactions 

    Margaret Lindeman, Fiamma Straneo, James Holte, and Aurora Roth

    Greenland’s glacial fjords are the sites of climatically important exchanges of heat, freshwater, and nutrients between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Greenland ice sheet, as well as hosting productive ecosystems integral to local communities. Though both glacial inputs and ocean exchanges are modulated by seasonal and interannual variability, observational studies of the complex interactions that take place in these fjords often necessarily rely on data from a single field campaign, amounting to a summer snapshot of fjord conditions.

    We have sustained a long-term monitoring program in Sermilik Fjord, a major glacial fjord in southeast Greenland, since 2008, collecting ocean temperature and salinity profiles almost annually, supplemented by ongoing mooring records that cover the full period from 2008-2023. This exceptional data set, at times augmented by the collection of complementary data such as velocity measurements and noble gas, nutrient, and dissolved oxygen concentrations, has given us a more robust understanding of the fjord circulation and water mass transformations. This in turn can be leveraged to help us address a range of questions within this complex system.

    We apply this foundational knowledge of Sermilik Fjord to interpret the cycling of mercury in the fjord from full water column measurements of mercury concentrations from summer 2021. We use a water mass analysis to show that the exported glacially-modified waters are depleted in inorganic mercury (HgII) relative to ambient ocean waters. We propose that sediments initially suspended in glacier meltwaters scavenge particle-reactive HgII and are subsequently buried, making the fjord a net sink of oceanic mercury.

    How to cite: Lindeman, M., Straneo, F., Holte, J., and Roth, A.: Leveraging sustained monitoring of a southeast Greenland glacial fjord to understand ice-ocean and biogeochemical interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13605,, 2025.

    EGU25-13619 | Orals | CR2.5

    Basal reflectance and melt rates across the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from grounding line to ice shelf front 

    Wolfgang Rack, Daniel Price, Joseph Snodgrass, Heather Purdie, Christina Hulbe, Christian. T Wild, Craig Stevens, Oliver. J Marsh, Michelle Ryan, Adrian McDonald, Kelly Gragg, and Martin Forbes

    We present a 1000 km transect of Autonomous phase-sensitive Radio Echo Sounding (ApRES) measurements of ice thickness, basal reflection strength, basal melting, and ice-column deformation across the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS). Measurements were gathered across 32 repeat measurement sites and over five austral summers (2015-2020) connecting the grounding line with the distant ice shelf front. ApRES identifies varying basal reflection strength revealing a variety of basal conditions influenced by ice flow and by ice-ocean interaction at the ice base. Reflection strength is lower across the central RIS, characterised by higher strengths from major glaciers and ice streams and lower strengths in shear margins and suture zones. Strong reflections in the near-front and near-grounding line regions correspond with higher basal melt rates, up to 0.47 ± 0.02 m a-1 in the north. Melting from atmospherically warmed surface water is shown to extend 150-170 km south of the RIS front. Melt rates up to 0.29 ± 0.03 m a-1 and 0.15 ± 0.03 m a-1 are observed near the grounding lines of the Whillans and Kamb Ice Stream, respectively. Our surface-based observations generally agree with the basal melt pattern provided by satellite-based methods but provide a distinctly smoother pattern. 

    How to cite: Rack, W., Price, D., Snodgrass, J., Purdie, H., Hulbe, C., Wild, C. T., Stevens, C., Marsh, O. J., Ryan, M., McDonald, A., Gragg, K., and Forbes, M.: Basal reflectance and melt rates across the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from grounding line to ice shelf front, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13619,, 2025.

    EGU25-15530 | Orals | CR2.5

    Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean Modeling of the Filchner-Ronne sector using ISSM and FESOM-2 

    Michael Wolovick, Claudia Wekerle, Angelika Humbert, Ralph Timmermann, Martin Rückamp, and Thomas Kleiner

    Coupled ice sheet and ocean models are vital for projecting the dynamics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and for predicting future sea level rise. The Filchner-Ronne sector of Antarctica contains a number of deep-bedded ice streams and glaciers potentially vulnerable to the Marine Ice Sheet Instability. Previous work has shown that, in a warming climate, a mode switch in circulation could bring intrusions of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) that would increase basal melt rates near the deep grounding lines of these vulnerable glaciers. Furthermore, the adjacent Weddell Sea is an important site of global deep water formation that is heavily dependent on the export of Ice Shelf Water. Here, we develop a new ice-ocean coupling framework for linking the global Finite volumE Sea ice Ocean Model (FESOM-2) with the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM), and we apply this framework to model the Filchner-Ronne sector of Antarctica and the adjacent Weddell Sea. We use adaptive mesh resolution for FESOM-2 ranging from 100 km elements in the far field down to 3 km in the Weddell Sea and the sub-ice cavity. Our ice sheet model resolution varies from 10 km down to ~300 m, with basal friction taken from an inversion fit to present-day surface velocities. We use offline coupling with a timestep of 1 year. We develop an adaptive filtering technique for the transmission of melt rates from the ocean model to the ice model that effectively removes numerical artifacts caused by the z-coordinate representation of the ice base in the ocean model while preserving true structure in the melt rate field. For the adaptation of the ocean model to the updated ice geometry, we develop an iterative horizontal-vertical extrapolation procedure for ocean tracers and a minimal smoothing procedure for ocean velocities to ensure that the ocean model can restart in a manner that is both realistic and numerically stable. Using this coupling architecture, we are able to directly restart the ocean model after the geometry change without requiring either a cold start or a spinup period with reduced timesteps and increased viscosity. We then simulate the evolution of the coupled ice-ocean system, including a moving calving front, over the next century under a range of climate forcing scenarios. We find that the projected mode switch to warm conditions in the Filchner-Ronne cavity happens earlier in our coupled model than in previous projections, with warm CDW first entering the Filchner cavity in ~2035 under SSP585 forcing, followed by ice shelf thinning, grounding line retreat, and grounded ice mass loss in the ensuing decades. By comparison, previous projections in strongly warming scenarios showed the CDW entering the cavity in 2050-2075. These results emphasize the rapid changes in the cryosphere and the Southern Ocean that could arise from continued anthropogenic warming, and the importance of coupled modeling for fully understanding the dynamics of the ice-ocean system.

    How to cite: Wolovick, M., Wekerle, C., Humbert, A., Timmermann, R., Rückamp, M., and Kleiner, T.: Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean Modeling of the Filchner-Ronne sector using ISSM and FESOM-2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15530,, 2025.

    EGU25-16538 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Developments within an Antarctic ocean model configuration: balancing regional characteristics with circumpolar modelling challenges 

    Birgit Rogalla, Kaitlin Naughten, Paul Holland, Pierre Mathiot, Nicolas Jourdain, and Christoph Kittel

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rapidly losing mass due to ocean-driven ice shelf melt, contributing to sea level rise. This ice shelf melt is typically studied using either global climate models without open ice shelf cavities or regional models with ice shelf cavities. We will present updates on development work with a  ¼° circumpolar Antarctic NEMO configuration that extends from the continent to 50 degrees south to allow for interaction between regions and which includes sea ice, icebergs, and open ice shelf cavities with BedMachinev3 bathymetry. While experiments forced by ERA5 atmospheric conditions are stable over the observational period (1979-now), there is a tendency for reduction of stratification in the water column in the Weddell Sea, making it prone to destabilization when forced with historical conditions and resulting in excess deep convection. We will present results from testing of the sensitivity to excess Weddell Sea deep convection in the model configuration, leading to a set of sea ice parameter combinations that appear to reduce convection, while maintaining desired ice shelf cavity properties. We will also discuss some explorations into mixing representations within ice shelf cavities. Moving forward, we plan to use this configuration to study attribution questions of ocean-driven melt of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    How to cite: Rogalla, B., Naughten, K., Holland, P., Mathiot, P., Jourdain, N., and Kittel, C.: Developments within an Antarctic ocean model configuration: balancing regional characteristics with circumpolar modelling challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16538,, 2025.

    EGU25-16776 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Calving induced tsunamis in the Wolstenholme Fjord (Greenland) 

    Anna Guglielmin, Alberto Armigliato, Stefania Danesi, Giovanni Muscari, Simone Salimbeni, and Filippo Zaniboni

    Tsunamis are rare but potentially highly destructive natural phenomena, posing a serious threat to coastal environments and communities in many parts of the world. Historical catalogues tell that about 70% of the tsunamis worldwide are generated by submarine or coastal earthquakes, while the remaining 30% includes landslides, volcanic eruptions, atmospheric disturbances, and calving. Especially in light of the rapidly changing global climate conditions, calving is gaining increasing attention in the tsunami research community. This study aims at describing calving generation mechanism, focusing on observations and modelling. Unlike earthquake-generated tsunamis, the mechanisms behind iceberg calving and the resulting water displacement are poorly understood and more difficult to model. The dynamics and unpredictable nature of calving events make it essential to improve our understanding of how these tsunamis form and propagate. Data from the Italian MACMAP Project (A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Climate Change Indicators in the Mediterranean and Polar Regions) coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy) is used to achieve this goal. In fact, the project operates a meteo-hydrometric station at Wolstenholme Fjord, Greenland, which provides continuous measurements of crucial parameters such as instantaneous, minimum, and maximum sea level measures, which are useful for studying calving-induced tsunamis in the basin. To model the tsunami initial conditions, generated by the calving events, a paraboloid shape is employed, with crests surrounding the block of ice falling into water. This geometry has been chosen due to its ability to replicate the initial displacement patterns observed in calving dynamics as described in Hu (2022) and in Huang (2023). The simulations are carried out by means of the JAGURS software for different geometries of the ice body and in different locations based on potential sources observed in the study fjord. The available tide gauge time histories are used to validate the results of the numerical modeling, aiming at acquiring knowledge of the calving source and quantifying the detached ice mass.

    How to cite: Guglielmin, A., Armigliato, A., Danesi, S., Muscari, G., Salimbeni, S., and Zaniboni, F.: Calving induced tsunamis in the Wolstenholme Fjord (Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16776,, 2025.

    EGU25-17223 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    A new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sector 

    Brad Reed, Kaitlin Naughten, Katherine Turner, and Jan De Rydt

    The Amundsen Sea sector in West Antarctica has undergone dramatic changes recently, with increased ice loss, widespread thinning and retreating grounding lines. This has led to concerns about the future stability of the region and of the wider ice sheet, which could raise global mean sea level by several meters. Mass loss is predominantly driven by basal melting at the coast, where vulnerable ice shelves are exposed to warm ocean waters. However, internal ice dynamics also plays a huge role in how the ice sheet responds to ocean-induced melting. To understand the ice sheet evolution, we must consider changes in both the ice and ocean systems and how they affect each other.

    Here we show preliminary results from a new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sector. The model domain spans from the Abbot basin to the Getz basin, including the major Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, and includes the continental shelf, break and open ocean. We use the ice-flow model Úa to produce a present-day configuration of the ice sheet, through a two-stage optimisation procedure involving observations of ice velocities and thickness changes. This is coupled offline to the MIT general circulation model, which includes both sea ice and ice shelf thermodynamics, and is forced with historical atmospheric conditions. The coupled model has been validated using both ice and ocean observations and will now be run using projected conditions. This new model will help us to better understand the complex interplay between ice dynamics and ocean conditions in the Amundsen Sea sector and what impact this will have in future scenarios.

    How to cite: Reed, B., Naughten, K., Turner, K., and De Rydt, J.: A new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17223,, 2025.

    EGU25-17684 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Modelling calving over the last 1000 years of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier during advance and retreat 

    Domino Jones, Doug Mair, Isabel Nias, James Lea, and Mathieu Morlinghem

    50% of mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet in recent decades is due to calving from tidewater glaciers (TWG). However, the relationship between climate and calving remains uncertain. While calving parameters in glacier models can replicate observed glacier retreat, they need validation against longer-term records of ice margin advance and retreat. By contextualizing both the advance and retreat of a Greenlandic TWG, Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, KNS, over centennial to millennial timescales, we can minimize the impact of short-term climate variations and assess if modelled climate-glacier interactions are biased toward retreat due to processes operating over decadal timescales. 

    Our model is validated against a well-constrained millennial-scale record of advance and retreat from a fast-flowing TWG in southwest Greenland. Our key research questions are: How do calving laws perform when modelling the advance of a grounded Greenlandic TWG? And how do calving law tuning parameters relate to physical processes, such as climate and fjord geometry? By comparing four calving laws and exploring a physical basis for glacier-specific tunning, we aim to better constrain calving fronts in glacier models and improve the capacity for predictive calving modelling.

    A previous Greenland wide study suggested that the von Mises law better replicates decadal retreat, but our results show it lacks sensitivity to advance and, to avoid numerical instability, requires transient tuning for retreat. We further investigate the sensitivity of other calving laws, including eigen calving, height-above-buoyancy, and crevasse-water-depth.

    How to cite: Jones, D., Mair, D., Nias, I., Lea, J., and Morlinghem, M.: Modelling calving over the last 1000 years of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier during advance and retreat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17684,, 2025.

    EGU25-18807 | Posters on site | CR2.5

    ARCTIC-FLOW: A new project for better understanding water mass formation processes in the Nordic Seas 

    Estrella Olmedo, Manuel Arias, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Carolina Gabarró, Verónica González-Gambau, Michael Karcher, Nanna B. Karlsson, Frank Kauker, Roger Oliva, Raul Onrubia, Aqeel Piracha, Roberto Sabia, Anne Munck Solgaard, Antonio Turiel, Marta Umbert, and Martin Wearing

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a central role in climate by transporting and redistributing recently observed temperature increases to depth, thereby regulating the effective heat capacity of the ocean under global warming. The AMOC is projected to decline in response to climate change and there is broad agreement that the climate consequences of a potential shutdown of this vital ocean circulation are enormous. The Nordic Seas are a dominant contributor to the overturning circulation due to the production of dense waters north of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge which feed into the lower limb of the AMOC.


    The objectives of ARCTIC-FLOW, an ESA Polar Cluster project, are: 1) to identify the main locations of surface water mass transformation into denser waters; 2) to provide new estimates of water mass transformation and overturning in order to understand the mechanisms driving  surface density changes and their impact on the ocean circulation; 3) to investigate the temporal and spatial scales at which the main processes of water mass formations occur; and 4) to assess the impact of extreme freshening events, with the main focus on different regions of the Nordic Seas.


    To achieve these objectives, we will construct a new 16-year time series of satellite-derived freshwater and density fluxes for the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions,  obtained by combining SSS, SST and velocity fields from EO observation, along with information of the Mixed Layer Depth. We will then  perform an in-depth analysis of a comprehensive set of in situ measurements in combination with results of model experiments and the new EO-derived time series. 

    In this talk we will present the project and the progress made in generating  the new satellite product.


    How to cite: Olmedo, E., Arias, M., Beszczynska-Möller, A., Gabarró, C., González-Gambau, V., Karcher, M., B. Karlsson, N., Kauker, F., Oliva, R., Onrubia, R., Piracha, A., Sabia, R., Munck Solgaard, A., Turiel, A., Umbert, M., and Wearing, M.: ARCTIC-FLOW: A new project for better understanding water mass formation processes in the Nordic Seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18807,, 2025.

    EGU25-18881 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    The role of tidal modulation on potential future warming behaviour in the Ross Sea 

    Alethea S. Mountford, Adrian Jenkins, Christopher Y. S. Bull, Nicolas C. Jourdain, and Pierre Mathiot

    Ocean temperatures on the continental shelf in the Ross Sea and beneath the Ross Ice Shelf have remained cold in recent decades, despite climate-related warming trends in nearby regions, such as the Amundsen Sea. The Ross Sea is an important area for water mass transformation and the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water, an essential water mass in the global overturning circulation. Inflows of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) and outflows of High Salinity Shelf Water and Antarctic Bottom Water across the continental shelf break and beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, particularly in the west, are strongly modulated by tides. We find that tidal forcing modifies the cross-shelf circulation and regulates the inflow of warm CDW and sub-ice shelf warming, with associated impacts on basal melt rates.

    Using a regional ocean model configuration (NEMO) at 1/4° resolution, which includes both the Amundsen and the Ross seas, we explore the influence of tides on potential future warming in the Ross Sea and continental shelf with four simulations as follows. The model is run with two different climate conditions: firstly, the control simulation is forced by repeat normal year atmospheric forcings, and secondly, a future 2300 climate scenario simulation is forced with air temperature +10°C and precipitation increased by a factor of two. We assess the sensitivity of both the control simulation and the 2300 climate scenario to tidal forcing by running each simulation firstly with only surface tidal forcing (no tides) and then with both surface tidal forcing and tidal harmonic forcing at the model domain lateral boundaries (tidal forcing). Under 2300 temperature and precipitation conditions, in the simulation with no tides, the Ross Ice Shelf cavity warms rapidly to temperatures of over 1°C during a 20 year period, with a rapid increase in basal melt rates. This is followed by a slower cooling period with a stabilisation of basal melt rates, leading to the cavity being filled with cold, fresh water by the end of the simulation period. In the simulation with tidal forcing, the cavity warms more gradually and remains warm, at temperatures at or above 0°C, with an associated increase in basal melt rates, for the duration of the simulation period. The tidal modulation leads to more gradual warming of the Ross Ice Shelf cavity and prevents a rapid transition of the cavity from cold to warm and from warm to fresh, as we see in the simulation without tides. This work suggests that tides are an important process to be included when modelling future climate projections.

    How to cite: Mountford, A. S., Jenkins, A., Bull, C. Y. S., Jourdain, N. C., and Mathiot, P.: The role of tidal modulation on potential future warming behaviour in the Ross Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18881,, 2025.

    EGU25-21454 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    The first successful deployment of an ice-mounted instrument platform to measure submarine melt rate and boundary layer flow at an active tidewater glacier  

    Kaelan Weiss, Jonathan Nash, Meagan Wengrove, Noah Osman, Erin Pettit, Nadia Cohen, Jasmine Nahorniak, Teaghan Knox, Kyle Jensen, Louis Ross, Ken Zhao, Rebecca Jackson, David Sutherland, Lucy Waghorn, Bridget Ovall, and Eric Skyllingstad

    We present the first direct observations of submarine melt rate and boundary layer characteristics made from an instrumentation platform mounted underwater into the terminus of Xeitl Sit’ (LeConte Glacier) in southeast Alaska. The instrumentation platform, called a Meltstake, is a remotely deployed robotic platform that drills into a near-vertical submarine ice face, allowing for prolonged stationary measurements in the ice’s reference frame. Three deployments of the Meltstakes were completed at 20 m, 45 m, and 50 m depths, with each deployment lasting approximately two hours. Observations were targeted in the ambient melt region away from the subglacial discharge plume, where the ocean velocity is generally assumed to be quiescent and driven by submarine melt plumes. However, flow along the glacier exhibits broadband variability in both speed and direction. Ocean temperature and salinity within 1 m of the boundary suggest the presence of ambient melt water mixing with fjord water, but no signatures of ambient melt plumes are clearly observed at the deployment locations. Submarine melt rate at the deployment locations is variable in time and exceeds 1-2 m/d. These observations provide an unprecedented look into the boundary layer dynamics driving submarine melt at a near-vertical ice face.

    How to cite: Weiss, K., Nash, J., Wengrove, M., Osman, N., Pettit, E., Cohen, N., Nahorniak, J., Knox, T., Jensen, K., Ross, L., Zhao, K., Jackson, R., Sutherland, D., Waghorn, L., Ovall, B., and Skyllingstad, E.: The first successful deployment of an ice-mounted instrument platform to measure submarine melt rate and boundary layer flow at an active tidewater glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21454,, 2025.

    EGU25-134 | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Crust and Uppermost Mantle Heterogeneity in East Antarctica, and Potential Impacts on Earth-ice Interactions. 

    Anya Reading, Tobias Stål, Niam Askey-Doran, Ian Kelly, Jared Magyar, Shyla Kupis, Matt King, and Jacqueline Halpin

    The ancient landmass of East Antarctica was assembled through multiple cycles of tectonic supercontinent assembly and breakup. Sparse geological exposures around the periphery of the continent, set in the context of plate reconstructions, provide clues to the nature of those assembled lithospheric domains and their boundaries. However, many boundary locations are obscured by ice, and cryptic domains (i.e. with no exposure) are likely in the East Antarctic interior. 


    This presentation takes a step towards better constraints on the architecture and character of the crust and upper mantle components of the lithosphere. The study makes use of seismic and multivariate geophysical inputs, introducing new data from recent field campaigns such as the CAD (Casey-Davis) deployment with co-located seismic and GNSS instruments.


    We place new constraints on parameters such as bulk geological composition, crustal thickness and Moho character to enable the refinement of previous low-resolution 3D models of East Antarctica. We outline how the spatial heterogeneity of these properties might (a) shape the ice sheet from below and (b) impact the dynamics of the Earth’s response to ice mass change.


    Metrics calculated to appraise the spatial variation in uncertainty of the above properties show that significant knowledge gaps remain.  Targeted data collection might be achieved through collaboration between National Antarctic Programs, newly invigorated by making use of independent logistics providers. We welcome discussions that might further improve solid Earth datasets to inform Earth-ice interactions in East Antarctica.

    How to cite: Reading, A., Stål, T., Askey-Doran, N., Kelly, I., Magyar, J., Kupis, S., King, M., and Halpin, J.: Crust and Uppermost Mantle Heterogeneity in East Antarctica, and Potential Impacts on Earth-ice Interactions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-134,, 2025.

    EGU25-1350 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Diverse geomorphological regimes underlie the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream 

    Charlotte Carter, Steven Franke, Guy Paxman, Stewart Jamieson, Michael Bentley, Daniela Jansen, John Paden, and Olaf Eisen

    Approximately 17% of the modern Greenland Ice Sheet is drained via the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS), which extends ~600 km into the interior of the ice sheet. The NEGIS is generally thought to be topographically unconstrained, as the onset of fast flowing ice is not confined to or channeled by a distinct valley.

    In our study, we investigate the subglacial topography along the length of the NEGIS, from its onset to its divergence into its outlet glaciers, in order to ascertain the characteristics of the subglacial conditions beneath the ice stream. We analyse airborne radio-echo sounding surveys collected using the AWI airborne ultra-wideband radar system during 2018 and 2022, alongside selected survey lines from Operation IceBridge. We use the metrics of hypsometry, topographic roughness, and valley morphometry, to elucidate three geomorphologically distinct regions over which the NEGIS flows.

    The region at the onset of the NEGIS exhibits very low small-scale roughness, low relief, and a lack of valleys, indicating a likely sedimentary basin. Downstream of this, the subglacial environment changes, increasing in small-scale roughness following a topographic step. Here, two major overdeepened troughs control the ice flow. As the ice stream starts to diverge, the subglacial topography evolves again into smaller, more alpine-like valleys, akin to the eastern subglacial highlands which previously hosted Pliocene ice caps. The differences in these geomorphological regimes underlying the NEGIS are likely to be attributable to changing geological provinces, which in this area are poorly constrained. In addition, whilst these regimes appear to have little effect on the location of the onset of the ice stream and its shear margins, the subglacial topography downstream has a distinct impact on ice stream geometry by channeling or reinforcing ice flow direction. In contrast to the fact that the NEGIS is generally thought of as topographically unconstrained, this study indicates that topography is in fact influencing the ice stream. We will also present first results on quantifying this effect, through the derivation of 3-dimensional mass flux balance and its relation to topography.

    This study provides new insights into the subglacial environment along the NEGIS, which, despite the acquisition of large amounts of bed elevation data in recent years, has yet to be fully characterised. Furthermore, it emphasises the highly variable conditions which can affect and facilitate fast ice flow, indicating that no one single process controls the ice stream.

    How to cite: Carter, C., Franke, S., Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Bentley, M., Jansen, D., Paden, J., and Eisen, O.: Diverse geomorphological regimes underlie the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1350,, 2025.

    EGU25-1446 | Orals | CR2.7

    Variability of the Antarctic mantle, crust and sub-ice topography shapes ice sheet and Earth system evolution from beneath 

    Anya Reading, Tobias Stål, Niam Askey-Doran, Ian Kelly, Jared Magyar, Shyla Kupis, Maria Manassero, Kate Selway, Matt King, Jacqueline Halpin, Mareen Lösing, Felicity McCormack, Jörg Ebbing, and Emma Mackie

    Solid Earth structure, often overlooked as a component of Earth system interactions, can be an important system component as the battle between gravity and heat plays out in the mantle. The heterogeneity of the crust, and changing topography and character of the sub-ice region further intensifies or adds fine detail to the variability of influence from beneath. This is the dynamic foundation for ice sheets and other Earth system components.


    In this presentation, aspects of solid Earth structure that impact the ice sheet and other Earth system components are reviewed and their past, present and future influence on the evolution of the polar regions, especially Antarctica, are considered. On long time-scales, plate tectonics controls the form of ocean basins and deepwater pathways, and hence the development of major ocean currents. On shorter time-scales, solid Earth structure has a significant influence on continental water flow, and heat flow, which both contribute to shaping ice sheets from beneath.


    Geophysical approaches illuminate hidden parts of our planet, and nowhere is this more significant than the polar regions where ice sheets add a further concealing layer. Our concepts of Earth structure in the polar regions are thus formed in terms of physical properties such as density, seismic wavespeed and electrical conductivity together with constraints from plate tectonic history and sparse geological and geochronological information.


    Looking forward, Earth-ice interactions are important boundary conditions for initiatives that aim to improve the prediction of ice sheet response to changes in atmospheric and ocean forcing. Our challenge is to capture the variability and deep Earth structure and the diversity of sub-ice processes at sufficient detail, and with sufficient rigour in multivariate and computational approaches, to truly represent the interplay between the solid Earth and the systems it supports.

    How to cite: Reading, A., Stål, T., Askey-Doran, N., Kelly, I., Magyar, J., Kupis, S., Manassero, M., Selway, K., King, M., Halpin, J., Lösing, M., McCormack, F., Ebbing, J., and Mackie, E.: Variability of the Antarctic mantle, crust and sub-ice topography shapes ice sheet and Earth system evolution from beneath, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1446,, 2025.

    EGU25-2572 | Orals | CR2.7

    Bathymetry of the Antarctic continental shelf and ice shelf cavities from circumpolar gravity anomalies and other data 

    Romain Millan, Raphaelle Charrassin, Eric Rignot, and Mirko Scheinert

    Ice shelves around Antarctica are buttressing the discharge of glaciers into the ocean. The intensification of westerly winds pushes warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) toward Antarctica’s continental shelf and into ice shelf cavities, leading to greater basal melting and causing erosion of basal ice at faster rates. This accelerated ice loss reduces the ability of ice shelves to buttress glacier flow, amplifying Antarctica’s contribution to sea level. Therefore, understanding pathways of warm CDW up to the grounding zone is crucial for projecting Antarctica's future evolution. Although extensive bathymetric mapping has been carried out in several key areas, many regions of Antarctica still lack complete or any bathymetric data (Dorschel et al., 2022), hindering our understanding of current changes and the ability to predict ice sheet future evolution. Bathymetric measurements in Antarctica are primarily conducted with icebreaking ships equipped with echo sounders, but the presence of sea ice and icebergs complicates navigation, leaving large areas uncovered. Mapping beneath ice shelves requires more advanced methods, such as seismic surveys, AUVs, or CTD from boreholes. Despite international efforts, only eight of the largest ice shelves have received sufficient coverage due to the complexity of conducting surveys in Antarctica. Free-air gravity anomalies provide insights into variations in water thickness and bedrock-sediment density beneath ice shelves. Inversions of gravity data, properly constrained by seafloor depth observations, have shown to be an effective method for mapping bathymetry at large spatial scales. In this study, we present a novel and comprehensive bathymetry of Antarctica that includes all ice shelf cavities and previously unmeasured continental shelf areas. The inversion is based on ground-based and airborne gravity measurements compiled under the International Association of Geodesy Sub-Commission (Scheinert, 2016a). Using additional data and applying an improved remove-compute-restore processing workflow, a new compilation named “AntGG2021” was created, with a resolution refined from 10 km to 5 km (Scheinert et al., 2021). The inversion process is constrained by a unique compilation of multi- and single-beam echo sounding, seismic, AUV, CTD, and seal data from the Marine Mammals Exploring the Ocean Pole to Pole project (MEOP). We calculate the inversion uncertainty by quantifying the misfit and using unseen MBES measurements for three different sectors with varying data quality. Unknown troughs with thicker ice shelf cavities are revealed in many parts of Antarctica, especially the East. The greater depths of troughs on the continental shelf and ice shelf cavities, compared to CTD measurements since 1968, imply that many glaciers are more vulnerable to ocean subsurface warming than previously thought, which may increase projections of sea level rise. Finally, we pinpoint regions still lacking observational constraints to resolve pathways for warm water, providing potential guidance on the likely location of troughs, sills, and areas of importance for future surveys. Meanwhile, the AntGG2021 bathymetry represents a step forward in improving the characterization of ocean circulation on the continental shelf and in ice shelf cavities, which will be directly useful for researchers studying ice-ocean interactions and projecting ice mass losses from Antarctica.

    How to cite: Millan, R., Charrassin, R., Rignot, E., and Scheinert, M.: Bathymetry of the Antarctic continental shelf and ice shelf cavities from circumpolar gravity anomalies and other data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2572,, 2025.

    EGU25-2728 | ECS | Orals | CR2.7

    Importance of calculating subglacial heat flow in 3D 

    Georg-Maximilian Hüttner, Jörg Ebbing, Mareen Lösing, and Wolfgang Szwillus

    Geothermal heat flow has been recognized as a key boundary condition for understanding the evolution of ice sheets. While there has been, to a certain degree, consensus on the regional variations in Antarctica, local scale variations are of increasing interest as even small variations can lead to the presence of subglacial melt.

    Local variations, on top of the regional variations stemming from the lithospheric architecture, depend on a variety of parameters, e.g. variation of thermal conductivity and radiogenic heat production, but also the geometry of the ice-bed interface.

    Local variations in thermal parameters can be predicted by combining joint inversion of geophysical data sets with machine learning approaches, especially when Antarctica is linked to tectonically neighbouring areas, where extensive databases on all of these parameters exist, e.g. Australia.

    Still, geothermal heat flow is mostly calculated by solving the steady-state heat equation in 1D. Here, we apply finite-element modelling based on the pyGIMLI environment to solve the steady steady-state heat equation in 2D and 3D to estimate how much this affects subglacial heat flow.

    Our case examples in East Antarctica show that variations in topography and sedimentary layer thickness can both locally change subglacial heat flow up to at least ∼10%, in an effect known as thermal refraction. Exploring the role of variations in radiogenic heat production shows, that this contribution to subglacial heat flow is decreased compared to 1D models, as these are dampened by the system. In contrast, the results of 2D and 3D modelling generally agree, indicating that 2D calculations along profiles are a reasonable approach.

    These results have an important implication, when coupling ice temperature and solid earth temperature models, as a basic 1D approach is not well suited, and coupling should be done ideally in 3D, or at least in 2D for selected profiles.

    How to cite: Hüttner, G.-M., Ebbing, J., Lösing, M., and Szwillus, W.: Importance of calculating subglacial heat flow in 3D, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2728,, 2025.

    EGU25-5645 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Equivalent source inversion to homogenise magnetic airborne surveys in Antarctica flown on irregular flight lines, line spacing, heights and decades. 

    Maximilian Lowe, Wolfgang Szwillus, Alan Aitken, Mareen Lösing, Lu Li, Graeme Eagles, and Jörg Ebbing

    Magnetic data collection in Antarctica is commonly carried out using airborne platforms, which allow to cover large spatial areas. Airborne surveys in Antarctica have been conducted since the 1950s as part of international and collaborative efforts. A challenge in creating a homogenous magnetic data compilation for Antarctica arises from heterogeneity in data collection through the decades, for example from different flight lines spacing, different observation height and long time period between surveys. Traditional data processing is performed manually or semi-automated which is time consuming due to the factors described above.

    Equivalent source technique is a powerful tool to automate the data processing to combine irregular airborne surveys on different observation heights and time periods. The magnetic field data from different airborne surveys can be represented by a set of equivalent sources that accurately reproduce the input data. The magnetic forward response of the equivalent sources can be calculated at any height making upward / downward continuation obsolete and allowing a uniform observation height between surveys. Furthermore, the magnetic field can be calculated on a regular grid, removing irregular flight lines from airborne data compilations. Combining the equivalent source method with despiking-, wavelet filtering-, IGRF/DGRF correction- and weighted distance base station correction routines allow a fully automated processing workflow to create a harmonised magnetic compilation containing irregular airborne surveys with decreased noise.

    We present a test case in East Antarctica to highlight the potential of an automated processing workflow to harmonise magnetic airborne data without biases arising from manual processing. Here, we utilise ICECAP data (2009-2017) and RAE data (1956-1960) as well as the ADMAP data compilation grid as prior. The next step is to use ADMAP line data to create a fully automated homogeneous continent wide Antarctic magnetic data compilation under the SCAR ADMAP working group umbrella.

    How to cite: Lowe, M., Szwillus, W., Aitken, A., Lösing, M., Li, L., Eagles, G., and Ebbing, J.: Equivalent source inversion to homogenise magnetic airborne surveys in Antarctica flown on irregular flight lines, line spacing, heights and decades., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5645,, 2025.

    EGU25-5851 | ECS | Orals | CR2.7 | Highlight

    Mapping subglacial Antarctica using satellite observations of the ice surface 

    Helen Ockenden, Robert G Bingham, Daniel Goldberg, Andrew Curtis, and Mathieu Morlighem

    The ice-covered landscape of subglacial Antarctica is a crucial basal boundary condition for understanding the continental response to climate forcing, but is the least well mapped land surface in the inner solar system. Most current maps of the topography depend upon interpolation between non-uniform geophysical surveys, leading to significant spatial biases which are only gradually reduced by increasing survey coverage. We explore a different pathway to mapping subglacial Antarctica, utilising high-resolution satellite surveys of the ice surface and the principle that stress changes caused by flow over obstacles in the bedrock lead to ice-surface topography. By inverting ice-surface topography and combining the results with existing geophysical survey data, we produce a new elevation map of the subglacial landscape of interior Antarctica. As the ice-surface observations are spatially uniform, the insights provided by the new map into subglacial properties such as roughness can be compared on a continental scale, including in previously unsurveyed regions. In addition to this, the new map significantly improves our understanding of mesoscale (2-30 km) Antarctica sub-ice landforms, particularly subglacial mountain ranges and basins. It will therefore provide an improved boundary condition for ice-sheet models, alongside insights into geomorphological history, and guidance for future geophysical surveying.

    How to cite: Ockenden, H., Bingham, R. G., Goldberg, D., Curtis, A., and Morlighem, M.: Mapping subglacial Antarctica using satellite observations of the ice surface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5851,, 2025.

    EGU25-8657 | Orals | CR2.7

    Estimating Geothermal Heat Flow in Ice-Covered Regions Using Bayesian Inversion and SMOS Satellite Data 

    Judith Freienstein, Wolfgang Szwillus, Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Giovanni Macelloni, and Jörg Ebbing

    Geothermal heat flow (GHF) plays a critical role in influencing ice sheet dynamics, making accurate estimation essential for understanding the thermal structure of the lithosphere. However, direct observations in ice-covered regions are sparse, and geophysical data interpolations often have high uncertainties, particularly in remote areas like Antarctica. To address these challenges, we propose an approach for estimating and reconciling GHF by integrating multiple sources of information.

    Our methodology combines Solid Earth models with ice temperature profiles derived from remote sensing data provided by the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite mission. To estimate GHF from the ice temperature profiles, a Bayesian inversion framework is used, treating the geothermal heat flow as a free parameter. This allows us to derive posterior distributions, quantifying uncertainties and exploring the parameter space of possible GHF values. Subsequently, stationary thermal modelling is employed to achieve convergence between ice and lithospheric temperature models at the base of the ice sheet.

    With our inversion we focus on the Solid Earth parameters, such as radiogenic heat production, using the GHF posterior distributions derived from ice temperature profiles as prior. We apply this approach to the Dome A region in Antarctica, where GHF has previously been estimated using glaciological constraints from ice-penetrating radar. This independent dataset enables validation of SMOS-derived observations with respect to amplitude and wavelength. Our approach demonstrates the potential of integrating remote sensing data and Solid Earth models to overcome data scarcity in ice-covered regions, offering a robust framework for improving GHF estimation and reducing uncertainties in regions critical to ice sheet dynamics.

    How to cite: Freienstein, J., Szwillus, W., Leduc-Leballeur, M., Macelloni, G., and Ebbing, J.: Estimating Geothermal Heat Flow in Ice-Covered Regions Using Bayesian Inversion and SMOS Satellite Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8657,, 2025.

    As part of the 8th Turkish Antarctic Expedition (TAE-IV) and Turkey-Ecuador Bilateral Cooperation, field studies were conducted on Dee and Cecilia Islands, two small islets situated between Robert and Greenwich Islands in the South Shetland Archipelago (Western Antarctica). This study explores the geological characteristics and petrography of gabbroic intrusions on these islands, offering insights into their emplacement depths.

    The geological setting of these islands is formed from volcanic and intrusive rocks, with a minor presence of sedimentary rocks distributed throughout the landmass of the islands. Volcanic rocks primarily consist of basaltic lavas, while sedimentary rocks are represented by conglomerates. The Burro Peaks (Dee Island) and Cecilia (Cecilia Island) gabbroic intrusions share a broadly similar mineralogical composition—dominated by plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and olivine with minor opaque minerals—but exhibit different textural and structural characteristics. The Burro Peaks Intrusion is distinguished by its fine-grained, holocrystalline porphyritic texture and orthogonal cooling joints, indicative of rapid cooling at shallow crustal levels. Disequilibrium textures such as sieve-textured plagioclase, embayed crystals, and multiple generations of plagioclase are in line with this shallow-level emplacement. In contrast, the Cecilia Intrusion displays a coarser-grained holocrystalline granular texture, predominantly one-dimensional joints, and euhedral to subhedral crystals with minimal zoning or reaction rims, pointing to slower cooling at relatively deeper levels. Basaltic lavas on both islands share a similar mineralogical composition with the gabbros but are texturally distinct, exhibiting phaneritic to hemicrystalline-porphyritic textures with pilotaxitic to intersertal groundmass. On Cecilia Island, basaltic lavas overlie the intrusion in the western part, while the contact relationship between lavas and the Burro Peaks Intrusion is unclear in the field.

    The field and petrographical data collectively suggest that the Burro Peaks and Cecilia intrusions were emplaced at different crustal levels. The similar compositions of the intrusions and lavas, along with their spatial relationships, support the hypothesis that they may have originated from a common magmatic system but were emplaced at varying depths rather than through separate magmatic events. However, geochronology and geothermobarometry studies are planned as future work to test this hypothesis further and elucidate the interplay with tectonic events within the framework of the South Shetland Arc.

    How to cite: Ünal, A.: Preliminary Results on the Geology and Petrography of the Burro Peaks and Cecilia Intrusions, South Shetland Islands (Antarctica): Constraints for Different Emplacement Depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10432,, 2025.

    EGU25-12769 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Gravity inversion for sub-ice shelf bathymetry; best practises, uncertainty estimates, and open-source software 

    Matthew Tankersley, Huw Horgan, Fabio Caratori Tontini, and Kirsty Tinto

    Sub-ice-shelf bathymetry exerts a primary control on the stability of ice shelves by guiding melt-inducing water masses and through pinning points that resist the flow of the overriding ice. Collecting sub-ice-shelf bathymetry data using active source seismic surveying or direct observations is inefficient, and often impractical. Gravity methods provide a pragmatic alternative, by which observed variations in Earth’s gravitational field are used to estimate the underlying bathymetry. We utilize a new open-source gravity inversion algorithm (Invert4Geom) developed specifically for modeling sub-ice-shelf bathymetry and estimating the spatially variable uncertainty in the results. Here we test the inversion on a suite of models created with real bathymetric data from Antarctica's Ross Sea. These tests enable 1) determination of the best practices for conducting bathymetric inversions, 2) recognition of the limitations of the inversion and uncertainty quantification, and 3) identification of where community efforts should be focused for the future of determination of Antarctica’s sub-ice-shelf bathymetry. We find that estimating and removing the regional component of gravity prior to the inversion is the largest source of error in the resulting bathymetry model, but this error can be greatly reduced with additional bathymetry constraints. Additionally, we explore the effectiveness of inversions with varying levels of data noise, spacing, and strengths of the regional gravity field.

    How to cite: Tankersley, M., Horgan, H., Caratori Tontini, F., and Tinto, K.: Gravity inversion for sub-ice shelf bathymetry; best practises, uncertainty estimates, and open-source software, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12769,, 2025.

    EGU25-13970 | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Passive Seismic Imaging of Subglacial Conditions on Thwaites Glacier  

    Jeremy Paul Winberry, Nate Stevens, Amanda Willet, Jaiden Zak, Luke Zoet, and Sridhar Anandakrisnan and the ITGC GHOST Team

    Subglacial bed-type (bedrock or sediment) is a significant control on fast glacier-motion. Geophysical techniques provide a relatively efficient means to explore variations in bed type. The GHOST project collected a range of geophysical datasets to explore variability in bed type beneath Thwaite glacier including active source seismic and radar measurements. Over the course of two seasons an array of ~ 200 Magseis Fairfield ZLand 3C nodal seismometers were deployed on Thwaites. The primary goal of this array was to record glacier generated seismicity to explore subglacial dynamics via subglacial stick-slip events and ice dynamics via crevasses generated seismicity. We explore the potential use of this seismic array to image bed type using passive source seismic methods. We will present initial results using two complimentary methods. First, we use the receiver function method, which leverages the recording of earthquakes to identify converted waves that are produced by significant material boundaries, such as those that occur at the ice-bed interface or between sediment-bedrock interfaces. Second, we explore the use of ambient-noise seismic-imaging to measure seismic surface waves traveling across the network. We then use these surface-wave measurements to measure phase velocities which can then be used to identify the presence of large sedimentary layers. We will present initial results of spatial variability in sedimentary structure across our study area and how these are related to variations in basal conditions and flow-speed of Thwaites Glacier.  Finally, we  will show how these data can be used to extract information about sediment properties that can be linked interpreted in terms of physical properties that influence ice sheet flow speed such as porosity.        

    How to cite: Winberry, J. P., Stevens, N., Willet, A., Zak, J., Zoet, L., and Anandakrisnan, S. and the ITGC GHOST Team: Passive Seismic Imaging of Subglacial Conditions on Thwaites Glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13970,, 2025.

    Sub-ice shelf pinning points provide buttressing to the Antarctic Ice Sheet, which regulates sea-level rise by reducing ice discharge across the grounding line. Satellite-derived ice rises or rumples have been identified on Antarctic ice shelves as sub-ice-shelf pinning points where the ice-shelf bottom is anchored to the seafloor, and they have been used to extend the ice-shelf thickness change record back to 1973 (Miles & Bingham, 2024). We use combined analysis of Landsat imagery with aerogravity-derived bathymetry to present a history of intermittent grounding of the Venable Ice Shelf on a seafloor high since ~1935. We interpret crevasse patterns in satellite imagery over this former pinning point as evidence of mid-twentieth-century ice-shelf thinning in the Bellingshausen Sea sector, allowing us to extend the ice-shelf thickness record beyond the satellite era. Investigation of additional Antarctic ice shelves with similar analysis reveals other paleo-pinning points, which can extend the ice-shelf thickness record beyond the satellite era in key locations.

    How to cite: Locke, C. and Tinto, K.: Mid-twentieth Century Bellingshausen Sea Sector Ice-shelf Thinning Identified from Venable Ice Shelf Grounding History, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14295,, 2025.

    EGU25-14386 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Why Assumptions & Uncertainties in Bed DEMs Matter: A Geothermal Example from Haynes Glacier, West Antarctica 

    Jason Bott, Don Blankenship, Duncan Young, and Shuai Yan

    Subglacial digital elevation models (DEMs) are a critical boundary condition in glaciological modeling for hypothesis testing. Interpreting the results of this glaciological modeling requires careful consideration of statistical methods, data integrity, and error quantification when generating the bed DEMs used as a constraining boundary condition.  Here we use various DEMs to model ice flow over a suite of hypothesized geothermal anomalies, at Thwaites/Haynes Glaciers, West Antarctica, described in Bott et al. 2023 & 2024, to assess the impact of DEM selection on hypothesis testing for these potential melt anomalies.

    Commonly used DEMs (e.g. Bedmap 2 and BedMachine), while robust on a continental level, do not in general represent the finer-scale variation in bed topography, which has a significant impact on ice dynamics from the ice divide all the way to the grounding line. 

    Bedmap 2 uses a thin plate spline algorithm with iterative finite difference interpolation, producing a smooth interpolation of subglacial topography. This method has merit in providing a general topographic shape; however, the smaller-scale basal roughness is virtually erased, and notable inaccuracies exist in areas of high topographic relief, such as the edges of deep troughs and subglacial valleys. 

    BedMachine, constrained by its mass-balance ice flow model must, by nature, assume where basal ice is sliding vs. where ice is frozen to the bed. This creates inherent circular logic in modeling, whereby one cannot constrain basal melt and basal sliding using BedMachine’s topography - since the thermodynamic state of basal ice has already been assumed by the DEM’s mass-balance model. 

    To combat these issues, novel geostatistical and machine-learning methods for generating high-fidelity DEMs, which incorporate simulations of smaller-scale basal roughness, have been developed by Goff et al. 2014, Graham et al. 2017, and Dr. Emma MacKie at the University of Florida’s Gator Glaciology Lab. But all methods, regardless of their sophistication, come with assumptions, biases, and uncertainties. And with Bedmap 3 and BedMachine 4 not far from becoming publicly available, the selection of DEMs has never been wider. Here we use the potential for basal melting beneath Haynes/Thwaites Glaciers as a framework for understanding how underlying assumptions, methodologies, and uncertainties associated with the spectrum of bounding DEMs impact our confidence in the hypothesis tests based on this ice sheet modeling. 

    Here we focus on the Thwaites/Haynes Glacier System of West Antarctica, which has two properties that make it ideal for assessing the impact of bed DEMs on ice sheet modeling results. 1) The presence of a trough-dominated basal morphology, characterized by heterogeneous geothermal flux provides ample conditions for testing the spatial distribution of basal sliding vs. plastic flow. And 2) a richness of volcaniclastic internal reflection horizons to be used as indicators of mass losses from basal melting through time. 

    How to cite: Bott, J., Blankenship, D., Young, D., and Yan, S.: Why Assumptions & Uncertainties in Bed DEMs Matter: A Geothermal Example from Haynes Glacier, West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14386,, 2025.

    EGU25-14493 | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Using seismic and gravity data to examine the seafloor geology in the vicinity of the Discovery Deep shelfal basin, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica 

    Andrew Gorman, William Oliver, Oban Hansen, Hamish Bowman, Jenny Black, Eilzabeth Keller, Charlotte Carter, Matthew Tankersley, Huw Horgan, and Gavin Dunbar

    The Discovery Deep Basin, located beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, adjacent to the Trans-Antarctic Mountains and south of Minna Bluff, is the deepest (>1500 m water depth) shelfal basin in the Ross Sea.  Its tectonic origin and sedimentary and glacial evolution are poorly constrained, and direct investigations are hindered by the ice cover of the Ross Ice Shelf. Understanding of bathymetry and seafloor geology in the region is based on limited surface investigations and inversions of regional airborne geophysical datasets. However, its proximity to outflow glaciers from East Antarctica and great depth mean that it is likely to contain sedimentary records of past glacial cycles and environmental change.

    We present the results of two seasons of explosive-source seismic exploration of the basin in the summers of 2021/22 and 2023/24, for which the primary objectives were to identify the basin’s deepest point, obtain high-resolution imagery of seafloor sediment accumulations, and constrain subsurface structure and stratigraphy. More than 65 km of seismic reflection imaging was complemented by surface collected gravity data. These data provide localised coverage of the sub-ice-shelf ocean and sediments in a region where ROSETTA-Ice airborne-gravity data identified a regional gravity low. During the first season, data were collected using explosive charges frozen into 25-m-deep hot-water-drilled holes that are recorded by 96 conventional geophones buried in the firn with a 10-m spacing; the shot spacing was 240 m. During the second season, data were collected using  surface-detonated Cordtex detonating cord sources (10 m lengths at 10 g/m) recorded by a 300-m-long 96-geophone snow streamer with a 60 m shot spacing. Both seismic reflection data sets were processed into seismic images using GLOBE Claritas.

    Processed seismic data show a gently dipping layered seafloor lying beneath the ocean cavity with a maximum depth of 1650 m and at least 200 m of layered and dipping sedimentary strata containing several mappable unconformities and distinct geological structures (e.g., a regional anticline and several faults). Given its depth and substantial sediment accumulation, this site may offer one of the highest resolution climate records in Antarctica. The study also provides a critical bathymetric tie for regionally inverted airborne gravity data (Tinto et al., 2019; Tankersley et al., 2022) by confirming a greater basin depth than previously modelled and relocating the deepest point of Discovery Deep towards the NW. These findings will contribute to an improved understanding of RIS basin geodynamics, ice sheet stability, ocean currents, and tectonic activity and emphasise the importance of future exploration drilling to refine our knowledge of past climate conditions.

    How to cite: Gorman, A., Oliver, W., Hansen, O., Bowman, H., Black, J., Keller, E., Carter, C., Tankersley, M., Horgan, H., and Dunbar, G.: Using seismic and gravity data to examine the seafloor geology in the vicinity of the Discovery Deep shelfal basin, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14493,, 2025.

    EGU25-14746 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Seismicity Insights Near the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier 

    Lucia Gonzalez, Jacob Walter, Marianne Karplus, Adam Booth, Emma Smith, Nori Nakata, Slawek Tulaczyk, Poul Christoffersen, and Tun Jan Young

    Accelerated ice loss from Thwaites Glacier poses a potential threat to the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, making it a key contributor to future sea-level rise and a priority in Antarctic research. Seismic investigations have proven invaluable in glaciological research, enabling the examination of basal ice conditions, ice-bedrock interactions, and seismotectonic processes that could contribute to glacier retreat and ice sheet instability. From December 2019 to December 2021, as part of the Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME) project, we collected passive seismic data utilizing two strategically deployed seven-station broadband networks (T1 and T2) across the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier. Using machine learning-based P- and S-wave pickers, we compiled a catalog of ~1,200 low-frequency (2–14 Hz) seismic events, which were subsequently associated and initially located. We further identified and analyzed an area of high seismic activity west of the T1 network through template matching and event relocation, leading to a detailed description of 616 events geographically divided into two clusters. The first cluster was located roughly 30 km west of the T1 network near the Thwaites Glacier drainage basin edge, while the second cluster was situated directly beneath the T1 network. The events displayed magnitudes ranging from -0.78 to 2.68 and depths mostly between 5 and 10 km, which we interpreted as being primarily tectonic in origin, likely reflecting the intricate tectonic history of the West Antarctic Rift. Additionally, we investigated the potential for dynamic triggering for any of these events by distant large earthquakes and described a few impulsive icequakes observed in the first cluster, which originated in the upper ~2.5 km of the ice.

    How to cite: Gonzalez, L., Walter, J., Karplus, M., Booth, A., Smith, E., Nakata, N., Tulaczyk, S., Christoffersen, P., and Young, T. J.: Seismicity Insights Near the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14746,, 2025.

    EGU25-14819 | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Geochemistry and Geochronology of Horseshoe Island (Antarctic Peninsula) Igneous Rocks 

    Raif Kandemir, Orhan Karslı, Hadi Shafaii Moghadam, Cüneyt Şen, İbrahim Uysal, Tülay Bak, Şevval Yalçınkaya Bay, and Mehmet Korhan Erturaç

    The geotectonic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula (AP), one of the most important parts of the West Antarctic mosaic, began before the breakup of the Gondwana continent during the Triassic. The geotectonic events that formed the AP continued after the breakup. Horseshoe Island, located near the center of the AP, contains crystalline records of these geological events. This study presents the magmatic stratigraphy of Horseshoe Island was reconstructed using the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of zircon crystals from plutonic rocks of the island, collected during the Turkish Antarctic Science Expedition-VII (2023). The obtained ages are matched to the plutonic units mapped thoroughly by Matthews (1983) as follows. Old to young: U-Pb zircon analyses of rocks from the Antarctic Peninsula Metamorphic Complex, which consists of metamorphic rocks ranging in grade from meta-granites to gneisses, yielded mean ages ranging from 211.5 ± 1 Ma to 175.1 ± 0.5 Ma (MSWD=0.1-13). The light-colored, medium-grained Homing Head Granites, which surface south of Homing Head along the northern slopes of Mount Searle, yielded ages ranging from 108.83 ± 0.47 Ma to 106.19 ± 0.46 Ma (MSWD=0.3-1.1). The age of the myrmecitic textured brick-red coloured Gaul Cove Granites within the Andean Plutonic Series is between 106.9 ± 0.4 Ma and 103.4 ± 0.7 Ma. The coarse-grained Mite Diorite observed in a narrow area south of Lystad Bay yielded an age of 91.0 ± 0.2 My. The Sally Cove gabbro, observed on the southern slopes of Sally Cove, the northernmost of the rocky islands in Lystad Bay and in a narrow area on the beach where the Turkish Scientific Research Station is located on the island gave ages ranging from 73.4 ± 0.5 Ma to 72.0 ± 0.4 Ma. In the west of the island, U-Pb ages ranging from 74.6 ± 1.1 Ma to 72.78 ± 0.99 Ma were obtained from zircons from the coarse-grained pink-coloured Beacon Point Granites, which cut the gabbros and surface along the northern slopes of Lystad Bay. Jurassic and Cretaceous plutons of island have I-type geochemical character. The isotopic compositions of ISr, εNd(t) and εHf(t) indicate that the Homing Head Granodiorite, Gaul Cove Granite, and the Upper Beacon Head Quartz Monzonite were formed by partial melting of crustal sedimentary rocks. The Mite Diorite and Sally Cove Gabbro are hybrid magmas formed by amphibolitic mafic lower crust dominated and lithospheric mantle contribution. When geochemical data are evaluated in tectonic discrimination diagrams, Sally Cove Gabbro and Beacon Head Quartz Monzonite have the characteristics of rocks formed in intraplate environments, while Homing Head Granodiorite, Gaul Cove Granite and Mite Diorite have the characteristics of rocks formed in subduction environments.

    This study was carried out under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey and in coordination with TÜBİTAK MAM Polar Research Institute (KARE) and supported by TÜBİTAK grants 122Y192 and 122G261.

    How to cite: Kandemir, R., Karslı, O., Moghadam, H. S., Şen, C., Uysal, İ., Bak, T., Yalçınkaya Bay, Ş., and Erturaç, M. K.: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Horseshoe Island (Antarctic Peninsula) Igneous Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14819,, 2025.

    EGU25-15143 | Orals | CR2.7

    Mapping the Grounding line of Antarctica - first results of the airborne SWIDA-RINGS Circumnavigation Campaign 2024-25 

    Rene Forsberg, Carl Leuschen, Emily Arnold, Andreas Stokholm, Fernando Rodrigues-Morales, and Tim Jensen

    A major airborne remote sensing campaign with multifrequency radar, lidar, imagery and gravimetry was carried out in a circumnavigation of Antarctica in the 2024/25 season, as a major contribution to the recent SCAR RINGS initiative. The primary purpose of the campaign was to measure ice thickness along the grounding line, to secure better data on Antarctic mass balance by the input-output method, and thus adding more reliable information to solve the discrepancies between space-based mass balance estimates of Antarctica, but also to monitor upper ice layers, providing input data for models, and adding improved gravity measurements to rectify earlier geophysical surveys. The airborne campaign was based on a 30 GHz deep ice sounding radar, along with a 5 GHz broadband snow radar of University of Kansas, along with scanning lidar, nadir and side-looking imagery and gravimeters, and even included  atmosphere chemistry and aerosol monitoring sensors in cooperation with EPFL, Switzerland. The logistics involved two Twin-Otters (one for science and one for logistics), helicopters (used for access to national bases), as well as logistics support from a Brazilean-chartered icebreaker, hosting a complimentary scientific program with a.o. shallow ice  coring and oceanography. The presentation will show some first results of the campaign, and also highlight the usefulness of private-public cooperation in the extensive and costly field program.

    How to cite: Forsberg, R., Leuschen, C., Arnold, E., Stokholm, A., Rodrigues-Morales, F., and Jensen, T.: Mapping the Grounding line of Antarctica - first results of the airborne SWIDA-RINGS Circumnavigation Campaign 2024-25, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15143,, 2025.

    EGU25-16800 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Learning from Finland: The role of geology and Radiogenic Heat Production to predict subglacial heat flow in Greenland  

    Wolfgang Szwillus, Judith Freienstein, Jörg Ebbing, and Maja Zimmer

    Understanding the spatial variability of geothermal heat flow (GHF) in Greenland is critical for predicting ice sheet dynamics. However, the scarcity of direct observations complicates GHF predictions and most samples of thermal parameters are from its coasts, which requires some form of extrapolation or modelling to predict these under the Greenland ice sheet.

    Finland, in turn has a uniquely dense coverage of radiogenic heat production (RHP) measurements. Here, the RHP data reveal a significant spatial variability, which can be correlated with tectonic age units. However, RHP also exhibits variability within the units, which we find to be describable as a random field with two correlation lengths of <10 and c. 50 km as well as substantial white noise variability. If we decimate the Finish data to a strip at the Finish coast and inland border, the statistical distribution (mean and standard deviation) for each unit is almost identical to the whole data set. Hence, using the limited data for Greenland to predict thermal parameters under the ice is justified, if the subglacial geology was known.

    Subglacial geology is, however, not well known for Greenland and we test two geological maps. Using conditional simulation, we extrapolate RHP from coastal rock samples, assuming the statistical properties are valid for the whole units. Based on the Finish data, we treat the within-unit variability using a random field with a spatial length scale of 50 km and an amplitude equal to 10% of total standard deviation. We choose to neglect the smaller-scale variations, as they are likely not affecting surface heat flow, due to the smoothing effect of heat diffusion.

    Our results show that both geological maps predict significantly different GHF values of up to 20 mW/m² differences within the local spots in the interior of Greenland with a similar unit wide GHF. In northern Greenland and at the transition between southern and central Greenland larger scale differences of about 30 mW/m² can be found, which come from the different structure of the units of both maps and thus significantly different mean RHP values. This underlines the need for reliable geological maps to constrain the distribution of RHP.

    How to cite: Szwillus, W., Freienstein, J., Ebbing, J., and Zimmer, M.: Learning from Finland: The role of geology and Radiogenic Heat Production to predict subglacial heat flow in Greenland , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16800,, 2025.

    Understanding the Solid Earth structure beneath ice shelves and glaciers is essential for predicting their interaction with ocean circulation and the evolution of Polar Regions. This study focuses on the innovative use of airborne gravimetric data collected during transit flights to improve bathymetric and tectonic models in Antarctica and the surrounding regions.

    We first present a detailed bathymetric model of the Cook Ice Shelf, Ninnis Glacier Tongue, and the surrounding continental shelf edge derived from airborne gravity inversion. This model improves our understanding of water pathways connecting the continental shelf to the ice shelves, a critical factor for analyzing basal melt processes. Localized basins (~1400 m deep) beneath the ice shelves and shallow areas (~200 m) near Cape Freshfield were identified, with seafloor depths near grounding lines exceeding the observed depths of modified Circumpolar Deep Water (< 350 m). For the first time, transit flight gravity anomalies were used to propose a new position for the continental shelf edge (~27 km north of its currently mapped location), challenging previous assumptions about the extent of the Cook Shelf Depression.

    Building on this work, we explore further applications of transit flight gravity data in tectonic studies of the region between South America and Antarctica, encompassing the South American, Scotia, Shetland and Antarctic plates. These datasets, compared with satellite-derived gravity models and ship-based data, are evaluated for their potential to refine bathymetric grids and address gaps in tectonic understanding. Preliminary results suggest that airborne gravimetry, with appropriate filtering and leveling, can provide valuable insights into regions where traditional methods face limitations, such as beneath ice shelves or in sparsely surveyed areas.

    Our ongoing efforts focus on optimizing data processing to enhance resolution and combining these results with existing tectonic models. By addressing questions such as the resolution achievable for gravity-based bathymetric inversions and the integration of sparse data into robust models, this research seeks to expand the applicability of transit flight data. These insights will contribute to understanding the lithospheric structure and plate interactions in the Southern Ocean, bridging gaps in knowledge critical for both solid-earth and cryospheric studies.

    This work exemplifies the importance of integrating novel data sources, such as transit flight gravimetric data, into comprehensive models that connect the solid Earth and ice dynamics. By doing so, we aim to improve the understanding of tectonic and subglacial processes that influence the evolution of Polar Regions.

    How to cite: Constantino, R. and Tinto, K.: From the Antarctic Continental Shelf to Plate Boundaries: Applications of Airborne Gravity Data from Transit Flights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16908,, 2025.

    Geological fieldwork was conducted on Nelson Island (South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica) during January and February 2023, with logistical support provided by the Czech Antarctic Research Center and in-kind assistance from TÜBİTAK MAM Polar Research Institute. This study presents the petrography and preliminary crystal size distribution (CSD) results of the volcanic rocks from the Nelson Island-Stansburry Peninsula.

    Nelson Island is situated in the northwestern region of the Antarctic Peninsula, within the South Shetland Islands. The dominant lithologies in the study area are volcanic and intrusive rocks, with a minor presence of sedimentary rocks distributed throughout the ice-free areas. The volcanic rocks are primarily basalt/basaltic andesite lavas, accompanied by associated pyroclastic rocks. Petrographic analyses reveal that the lavas are predominantly composed of plagioclase and orthopyroxene crystals, with occasional olivine. Plagioclases occur as phenocrysts and microlites, with phenocrysts exhibiting labradorite composition (An50–70). The basaltic lavas display phaneritic to hemicrystalline-porphyritic textures, with pilotaxitic to intersertal groundmass. Disequilibrium textures, such as sieve-textured plagioclase, multiple generations of plagioclase, and embayed pyroxenes and plagioclases, are prominent.

    To understand magma chamber processes, the crystal size distributions (CSD) of two basalt samples from Nelson Island were analyzed. A total of 400 crystals were measured, yielding average results indicating a relatively short magma residence time of 10.6 years and a population density (​n0) of 19.7 mm⁻⁴. These results produce a concave-up trend in the population density versus size diagram. Petrographic and CSD data collectively highlight dynamic disequilibrium crystallization conditions, likely influenced by variations in temperature and pressure within the magmatic system. Future petrological and geothermobarometric analyses will refine these interpretations, providing deeper insights into the evolution and magma chamber processes of Eocene magmatism in the South Shetland Islands.

    How to cite: Bayram, G., Ünal, A., and Altunkaynak, Ş.: Preliminary Results from Petrography and Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) Analysis of Lavas from Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands (Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18684,, 2025.

    EGU25-19041 | Orals | CR2.7

    Subglacial canyons in the path of jökulhlaups from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland 

    Eyjólfur Magnússon, Finnur Pálsson, Greta H. Wells, and Joaquín M.C. Belart

    The subglacial lake Grímsvötn in central Vatnajökull ice cap (Iceland), collects surface meltwater as well as meltwater produced by volcanic and powerful geothermal activity. The meltwater is released in jökulhlaups almost annually in recent times. The flood route out of Grímsvötn beneath its seal has been at similar location since 1996 when a massive jökulhlaup (net volume of 3.6 km3 and ~40,000 m3 s-1 peak discharge) caused by an eruption north of the lake drained out via a new flood route. Here we present subglacial bedrock map of 6 km2 area adjoining Grímsvötn and spanning both the current drainage route out of Grímsvötn as well as the route prior to 1996. The bedrock map, based on field surveys in 2021–2024, was created from traced bed reflections in 3D migrated radio echo sounding profiles, measured only 20 m apart. It reveals a rare example of a subglacial landforms most likely carved by large floods. This includes canyons with near-vertical walls and cataracts at the upstream ends. The most prominent canyon is over 100 m deep and ~200 m wide and is located where the flood route from the lake was before 1996. The timing of the canyon formations is unknown. The record of jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn with estimated magnitudes dates back to the 1930s, when two eruption-related jökulhlaups (in 1934 and 1938) of similar magnitude as in 1996 drained from Grímsvötn; other jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn in the past ~100 years have been smaller. Since there is no clear evidence of significant flood erosion in the path of the 1996 jökulhlaup, the canyons were likely formed by significantly larger jökulhlaups, ruling out formation by the jökulhlaups in the 1930s, as well as other smaller jökulhlaups since then. Glacier is required to produce large floods from Grímsvötn, both for damming the lake and as a source of meltwater. Canyons adjacent to Grímsvötn at same elevation and bent towards them, are therefore most likely eroded subglacially by jökulhlaups from the lake.   

    How to cite: Magnússon, E., Pálsson, F., Wells, G. H., and Belart, J. M. C.: Subglacial canyons in the path of jökulhlaups from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19041,, 2025.

    EGU25-19514 | ECS | Orals | CR2.7

    Temperate ice develops at topographic highs beneath Thwaites Glacier 

    Ryan Strickland, Robert Law, Nicholas Holschuh, Ian Joughin, Tun Jan Young, and Poul Christoffersen

    Thwaites Glacier is the largest marine-terminating glacier draining the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet. Ice loss from Thwaites is of global importance because it currently contributes ~4% of global sea level rise and is thought to serve as an indicator of how WAIS responds to climate change. Even though Thwaites is well-studied, our understanding of ice-motion near the bed remains enigmatic. Specifically, it is uncertain how subglacial topographic highs interact with ice flow, and this challenges efforts to predict changes in flow and understand subglacial landform development. We present a 3D thermo-mechanically coupled model to investigate ice motion over high-resolution bed topography of Thwaites Glacier. We show that basal slip rates vary considerably at topographic rises where inferred basal traction is high, and landforms are interpreted to be predominantly erosive. Simulations show temperate ice is locally present at these topographic highs, where it can sensitively influence flow resistance. In contrast, basal slip rates are high and uniform in topographic basins where inferred basal traction is low, and landforms are interpreted to be predominantly depositional. Flow-parallel lineations in these depositional settings did not greatly influence ice motion compared to uniform beds in our simulations. Preexisting geology is the crucial decider of landform morphology and ice flow, particularly at erosive topographic highs. The millennial lifespan of structural topographic highs suggests that patterns of basal traction beneath Thwaites Glacier are largely controlled by subglacial topography, not subglacial drainage.

    How to cite: Strickland, R., Law, R., Holschuh, N., Joughin, I., Young, T. J., and Christoffersen, P.: Temperate ice develops at topographic highs beneath Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19514,, 2025.

    EGU25-20938 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.7

    Present-day deglaciation driving transient upper-mantle deformation: modelling fast uplift rates in the Amundsen Sea Embayment 

    Caroline van Calcar, Taco Broerse, Io Iannidi, Tom Breithaupt, David Wallis, Matthias Willen, Ricardo Riva, Wouter van der Wal, and Rob Govers

    Active deglaciation results in faster solid earth deformation rates than predicted by models that are used on longer glacial-cycle timescales. We test the hypothesis that the discrepancy can be explained by transient mantle viscosities.

    In mechanical experiments on mantle rocks, steady-state viscous flow is preceded by transient creep during and after changes in stress. Transient deformation following stress changes initially occurs at fast rates and decays while the rock viscosity gradually increases. New efforts in microphysical modelling, calibrated against experimental deformation, provide a novel flow law that captures both transient as well as steady-state viscous behaviour. The flow law describes dislocation creep, where interactions between dislocations lead to internal stresses that counteract loading. We complement the flow law by a model that describes the evolution of these internal stresses with progressive deformation, and thereby allows for variable viscosity. We use this flow law in numerical models to study stress history-dependent glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). First, we investigate the relevance of this flow law for GIA, using a simple 1D model. For typical loads induced by ice-mass changes, we predict that the asthenospheric viscosity may temporarily reduce by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude compared to the long-term, steady-state viscosities.


    Second, we study the contribution of transient dislocation creep to present-day GIA by using regional 3D finite element models. We focus on the Amundsen Sea Embayment in Antarctica, and test whether transient rheology can provide a better fit to GNSS time series than steady-state mantle rheology. Satellite altimetry and firn models provide a spatio-temporal view of ice load changes for the last three decades, and we test the sensitivity to ice load changes in the pre-observational era.

    Recent studies demonstrate that feedback between vertical velocities of bedrock and ice-sheet evolution, and the speed of grounding line retreat, depends strongly on mantle viscosity. As transient rheology affects effective viscosity when ice loads change, transient rheology may be an important factor to consider in ice sheet-bedrock motion interactions.

    How to cite: van Calcar, C., Broerse, T., Iannidi, I., Breithaupt, T., Wallis, D., Willen, M., Riva, R., van der Wal, W., and Govers, R.: Present-day deglaciation driving transient upper-mantle deformation: modelling fast uplift rates in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20938,, 2025.

    EGU25-907 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

    Subgrain-Size Piezometer: A Recalibration and its Application in Natural Samples 

    Anamitra Sikdar, Santanu Misra, and David Wallis

     A subgrain-size piezometer is intended to be free from subsidiary effects of recrystallisation, such as phase mixing and pinning, unlike the classical grain-size piezometers, which are best limited to monomineralic samples to avoid these effects. Previously calibrated subgrain-size piezometers have a wide range of uncertainty in stress for a given intercept length. The log-log linear regression fits contribute to the large and impractical error ranges in linear space. The reason behind this behaviour could be the method applied to measure the representative intercept length of the experimental samples. We reanalysed the same calibration datasets used in the existing subgrain-size piezometer and observed that the distributions of intercept lengths are not log-normal. Instead of taking the arithmetic mean of such datasets, we propose that the median may be a better statistic to represent the central tendency of the datasets. Additionally, we have considered subgrains having misorientation angles from 2–10°. Removing 1–2° subgrain boundaries strikes a balance between data loss and noise reduction. Moreover, we propose a method whereby the measurement of subgrain intercepts is free from grain-boundary intercepts, which usually contribute to the largest values in the datasets. Care is taken to minimise the noise in the electron backscatter diffraction datasets whilst preserving the subgrain boundaries by conservatively choosing the halfQuadratic filter parameters. In this updated subgrain-size piezometer, the error ranges in the linear space are reduced from hundreds of megapascals to a few tens of megapascals. We compared the new calibration with the classical grain-size piezometers in two recrystallised monomineralic quartz-bearing natural rock samples. One sample is from a deformed quartzite in a shear zone and the other is from a sheared silicic vein inside a craton. Misorientation axes of subgrain boundaries indicate that basal and prism slip occurred in the respective samples, implying that the deformation temperatures are different. Recrystallisation regimes are confined to certain temperature ranges, and we tested the subgrain-size piezometer in two separate regimes. The range of the differential stress estimated from our recalibrated piezometer is narrowest amongst the available piezometers, for both samples, even when postdeformation grain growth is observed in one of them.

    How to cite: Sikdar, A., Misra, S., and Wallis, D.: Subgrain-Size Piezometer: A Recalibration and its Application in Natural Samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-907,, 2025.

    EGU25-3075 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Impact of fabric on viscosity of Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica 

    Ole Zeising, Álvaro Arenas-Pingarrón, Alex M. Brisbourne, and Carlos Martín

    The viscous deformation of glacier ice is governed by its temperature and the bulk ice crystal orientation fabric. Due to the mechanical anisotropy of ice crystals, the fabric’s influence on viscosity is directional: depending on the deformation direction, the ice becomes softer or harder. Representing the mechanical anisotropy in numerical ice sheet models is crucial for accurately predicting the future contributions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to global sea-level rise. However, the fabric strength, orientation, and its impact on viscosity are largely unexplored in fast-flowing ice streams and glaciers. Consequently, the fabric’s influence on ice dynamics is currently inadequately accounted for in ice sheet models. Advances in ground-based radar technologies and improved analysis methods enable the determination of depth profiles of the crystal orientation fabric. In this study, we investigate the fabric and its influence on the viscosity of the Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica. We analyzed polarimetric measurements performed with an Autonomous phase-sensitive Radio Echo Sounder (ApRES) using a novel approach that allows the determination of fabric-depth profiles to significantly greater depths than previously possible. The results demonstrate a rapid increase in fabric strength within the upper 200 to 300 m depth, followed by a relatively stable fabric strength over depth. In the center of Rutford Ice Stream, our analysis revealed an average fabric strength ranging between 0.4 and 0.5 within the upper 1200 m and fabric rotation by 45° to the ice flow direction. Closer to the shear margin, the fabric strength increased up to 0.8, where the orientation is aligned with the ice flow direction. The findings indicate a substantial influence of the fabric on the effective viscosity, particularly near the shear margin where the ice is softened by a factor of three for horizontal-shear deformation. These findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the distribution of fabric and its influence on the viscosity within ice streams and serve as validation for fabric evolution models.

    How to cite: Zeising, O., Arenas-Pingarrón, Á., Brisbourne, A. M., and Martín, C.: Impact of fabric on viscosity of Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3075,, 2025.

    EGU25-3540 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

    Exhumation-induced residual stress in undeformed, ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rock 

    Jean-baptiste Jacob, Hugo van Schrojenstein Lantman, Benoît Cordonnier, Luca Menegon, Jonathan Wright, and François Renard

    The exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks from subduction zones involves dramatic pressure-temperature changes, triggering complex micromechanical responses at the grain-to-sub-grain scale. However, the mechanical aspects of these processes, particularly the origins and persistence of residual stresses within rock microstructures, remain poorly understood. To address this problem, we employed synchrotron-based three-dimensional X-ray diffraction to investigate residual strain, stress, and intra-grain misorientation in a garnet-quartz metamorphic rock from the Lago di Cignana ultra-high-pressure unit in the Western Alps. Our analysis reveals long-range residual stress heterogeneities spanning tens to hundreds of micrometers, with magnitudes reaching several hundred MPa. Significant intra-grain misorientations in both quartz and garnet provide insights into the interplay between plastic and elastic deformation processes.  These stress signatures are preserved in a sample lacking apparent macroscopic deformation, suggesting that subtle mechanisms—such as decompression-induced anisotropic expansion, grain interactions, and garnet compositional gradients—play a key role in stress retention. These findings highlight the potential of synchrotron X-ray diffraction for capturing the stress field within polycrystalline rocks. The ability to resolve three-dimensional strain and stress distributions across scales offers new opportunities to advance our understanding of micromechanical processes associated with rock deformation and metamorphism. 

    How to cite: Jacob, J., van Schrojenstein Lantman, H., Cordonnier, B., Menegon, L., Wright, J., and Renard, F.: Exhumation-induced residual stress in undeformed, ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3540,, 2025.

    Transient creep of calcite controls the strength evolution of carbonate shear zones during postseismic deformation. However, a lack of information on the dominant microphysical mechanisms of transient creep of calcite hinders the development of constitutive equations. Specifically, for dislocation-mediated deformation, it is unclear whether strain hardening occurs primarily by short-range dislocation interactions and is therefore isotropic or by long-range elastic interactions and is therefore anisotropic. Here, I test whether mylonitic calcite marbles from the mid-crustal shear zone of the Karakoram Fault Zone, NW India, preserve residual stresses indicative of these long-range elastic interactions among dislocations. Previous work demonstrated that the mylonitic fault rocks experienced bulk stresses in the range 40–250 MPa as they were exhumed and cooled from approximately 480°C to 300°C. I analysed the microstructure and micromechanical state of three samples, including undeformed wall rock, protomylonite, and ultramylonite, using electron backscatter diffraction and high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction. The undeformed wall rock has a grain size of 130 µm, whereas the protomylonite and ultramylonite have grain sizes of 22 µm and 12 µm, respectively. Densities of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) increase from the wall rock into protomylonite and ultramylonite. In the deformed lithologies, GND densities generally increase with proximity to grain boundaries over distances of 10–15 µm. Residual stresses in the wall rock are below the noise level of the HR-EBSD measurements, with a 99th percentile of 54 MPa. However, significant heterogeneity in residual stress is present in the protomylonite and ultramylonite, with 99th percentiles of 325 MPa and 742 MPa respectively. Both the spatial and probability distributions of the residual stresses reveal that they are imparted primarily by dislocations. Autocorrelation of the stress fields indicates that the typical length scale of stress heterogeneity increases from approximately 2 µm in the wall rock to 4 µm in the protomylonite and 7 µm in the ultramylonite. Collectively, these observations demonstrate that dislocations in calcite generate long-range internal stresses that cause elastic interactions. These elastic interactions are typically inferred to manifest as a backstress that counteracts the applied stress and generates a component of anisotropic kinematic hardening. The contribution of this mechanism of transient creep is missing from existing constitutive equations for calcite and should be represented by a backstress that is subtracted from the applied stress and can evolve with strain and time.

    How to cite: Wallis, D.: The role of intragranular stress heterogeneity in transient dislocation-mediated deformation of calcite mylonites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7403,, 2025.

    EGU25-8556 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

     Distinct creep regimes of methane hydrates can be predicted by a monatomic water model  

    Henrik Andersen Sveinsson and Pinqiang Cao

    Although both ice and methane hydrates are hydrogen-bonded structures of water molecules, methane hydrates are orders of magnitude more creep resistant than ice. The power law scaling properties of this creep resistance was shown experimentally two decades ago, but a molecular-scale explanation for these exponents has still been lacking. Using molecular dynamics simulations over almost two orders of magnitude of stresses and three orders of magnitude of strain rates, we show that power law creep consistent with the creep experiments by Durham and coauthors in 2003 can emerge from a monatomic water model. A monatomic water model with an angular term resulting in tetrahedral ordering, a spherically symmetric methane model and the concept of a hydrate polycrystal are sufficient conditions for this behavior to emerge. We attribute a low-stress low-power relationship to shear of the amorphous layer on grain boundaries between hydrate grains, and show this by a separate set of simulations only containing amorphous hydrate. Higher power creep of polycrystalline hydrate at higher stresses scales with an exponent about twice that of the low-stress regime, but is slower than expected from the amorphous hydrate simulation results. We therefore attribute this creep to the degradation of hydrate corners that are carrying the compressional loading of the hydrate at stresses that cannot be carried by the grain boundaries.

    How to cite: Sveinsson, H. A. and Cao, P.:  Distinct creep regimes of methane hydrates can be predicted by a monatomic water model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8556,, 2025.

    EGU25-8817 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Mimicking postseismic creep in the laboratory: Testing models for transient creep in the upper mantle 

    Diede Hein, Lars Hansen, and Amanda Dillman

    Predictions of postseismic creep, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), and seismic-wave attenuation rely on a sound understanding of the microphysics of transient rheological behavior of olivine-rich rocks, the main constituent of the upper mantle. Recent work proposes that changes in dislocation density and dislocation interactions in olivine may explain the time-dependent evolution of the viscosity of the upper mantle as inferred from geodetic studies. We designed load-relaxation experiments to test whether this model (also known as the backstress model) can accurately predict the transient rheological behavior of polycrystalline olivine during load relaxations similar to those experienced by the upper mantle during postseismic creep and GIA.

    We performed our experiments in a gas-medium apparatus at a confining pressure of 300 MPa and temperatures from 1100–1200℃ on dried and annealed Aheim dunite with a grain size of ~ 400 μm. In each experiment, we performed two load relaxations. The first relaxation was initiated after rapidly loading our annealed samples to a differential stress of ~ 200 MPa within 60 s, and the second relaxation was initiated after steady-state creep was reached at a similar, constant stress. 

    During the first relaxation, we find that viscosities are initially 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than steady-state viscosities before converging to the steady-state creep flow law over the course of minutes to hours. Meanwhile, such an interval of transient rheological behavior is absent during load relaxations from steady state creep. Microstructural analysis of our starting materials and deformed samples indicates that the observed transient behavior cannot be attributed to changes in grain size or crystallographic preferred orientation. Instead, the transient behavior likely corresponds to changes in dislocation density, which systematically increased during deformation following a piezometric relationship.

    We compare these observations to numerical predictions of the backstress model, taking into account the stress history preceding the relaxations, the grain size and the initial dislocation density of our samples. We find that the backstress model accurately predicts the viscosity reduction during the interval of transient rheological behavior, although it slightly underestimates the duration of the transient. In addition, the absence of transient behavior during relaxation subsequent to steady-state creep indicates that the magnitude of backstress during steady-state creep is similar to the applied stress, in agreement with the model. However, the backstress model tends to overestimate strain rates during steady-state creep and subsequent relaxation. Analysis of decorated dislocations in our deformed samples indicates that this discrepancy may be due to the overestimation of dislocation density during steady-state creep by the backstress model. We discuss potential modifications to improve the model involving the effects of temperature and internal stress heterogeneity on the transient behavior of olivine.

    How to cite: Hein, D., Hansen, L., and Dillman, A.: Mimicking postseismic creep in the laboratory: Testing models for transient creep in the upper mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8817,, 2025.

    EGU25-9407 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

    Stress amplification in rigid blocks of lower-crustal shear zones is controlled by bulk strain rate 

    Sascha Zertani, Marcel Thielmann, and Luca Menegon

    Seismic failure of dry lower-crustal rocks requires very high differential stress on the gigapascal-level. Among the mechanisms proposed to generate such high stresses is the so-called jostling block model, in which stress is amplified in rigid blocks within lower-crustal shear zone networks, leading to seismic failure. The model is based on field observations from the Musgrave ranges, Australia and the Nusfjord ridge, Lofoten, northern Norway, where pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melts produced by coseismic slip) occur within the aforementioned structural setting.

    Here we present numerical models to test if stress can be amplified in jostling blocks to the levels necessary to fracture dry, intact, lower-crustal rocks, and on which timescales such stress amplification can be achieved. Our models are based on the geometries and material properties determined in the Nusfjord locality. We systematically test the influence of strain rate, viscosity, loading conditions (pure vs. simple shear), and geometry (shear zone thickness, spacing, angle) and find that the bulk strain rate has the most significant impact on both the magnitude and rate of stress amplification. At high to moderate strain rates of 10-10-10-12 s-1 stress amplification to the required level is achieved in years to hundreds of years, while lower strain rates are insufficient to reach the required stress levels. Average long-term strain rates in the in the crust are on the order of 10-13-10-15 s-1, and transiently high strain rates are reported from both field localities mentioned above. Our numerical results are thus well-supported by the rock record. Furthermore, we find that a high viscosity contrast in our models is necessary to reproduce the geometries observed in the field. A third notable contributor to the magnitude of stress amplification that can be reached in the jostling-block geometry is the loading conditions. Specifically, we find that the impact of pure shear on stress amplification is greater compared to simple shear. Shear zone angle and spacing typically have a minor effect. In contrast, increased shear zone width leads to a reduction of stress in the blocks as strain is accommodated fully by the viscous shear zones, and elastic loading of the rigid blocks is no longer necessary to accommodate bulk strain.

    Our results clearly demonstrate that, geometric and material properties contribute to stress amplification in different ways, but that strain rate is the controlling factor. In fact, our results indicate that at moderate to high strain rates, stress amplification to levels necessary for failure of intact lower-crustal rocks in shear zone networks is not only plausible, but inevitable.

    How to cite: Zertani, S., Thielmann, M., and Menegon, L.: Stress amplification in rigid blocks of lower-crustal shear zones is controlled by bulk strain rate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9407,, 2025.

    Quantifying rock rheology is fundamental to understanding and modelling the lithosphere’s dynamics. However, although most rocks of the lithosphere deform at high (> 0.5 GPa) – to very high (> 3 GPa) – pressure over geodynamic events, available mechanical laws have been produced at low pressure (0.3 GPa) using gas-medium deformation apparatuses. To explore rock rheology at higher pressure – typically above 1 GPa – a solid-medium apparatus is required, which involves substantial friction-related stress overestimations while the sample is deforming within the confining medium. Here we provide a series of deformation experiments that aim to quantify such a stress overestimation in the new generation Griggs-type apparatus. The main goal is to better estimate how the friction “baseline” evolves with pressure, alongside defining the starting point of the strain-stress curve more accurately. To do so, we performed general shear experiments of Carrara marble at a confining pressure ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 GPa, while systematically applying a temperature of 650 °C and a displacement rate of 10-4 s-1. Using relaxation steps to highlight the friction baseline in a ‘force-displacement’ plot, we document a slope that increases linearly with pressure, from 0.1° to 1.5°. Moreover, none of the highlighted baselines crosses the conventional hit-point, which is the commonly used reference to define the “zero” point of strain-stress curves in the Griggs-type apparatus. Such a mismatch involves additional stress overestimations that we propose to correct by using a new “hit-point” at the intersection between the baseline and mechanical curve. Thanks to the latter and applying a “baseline” correction, we document stress measurements equivalent to the ones documented for Carrara marble using the gas-medium Paterson press.

    How to cite: Précigout, J., McGill, G., and Arbaret, L.: Rheological perspective using the new generation Griggs-type apparatus: New constraints from general shear experiments of Carrara marble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10412,, 2025.

    EGU25-11010 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Coupling neutron imaging and thermochromic liquid crystals to investigate the properties of a laboratory-made subducting slab.  

    Hugo Remise Charlot, Alban Aubertin, Lukas Helfen, Manon Pépin, Christiane Alba-Simionesco, and Anne Davaille

    Ludox colloidal dispersions exhibit viscous, elastic, plastic and brittle rheological properties depending on their water content. This makes these dispersions a relevant model system to study a wide variety of phenomena, from drying paint to columnar joints. As for now, they are the only system that enables to generate one-sided subduction from convection in the laboratory. Rayleigh numbers, constraining the intensity of convection,  have a similar order of magnitude in the laboratory experiments and in the mantle. Prandtl numbers are much greater than 100, insuring negligible inertial effects. Ludox is thus a relevant analog system to study convection in planetary mantles, the water content playing the role of temperature in determining its rheological properties. 

    We investigate here convective patterns  in a Ludox suspension (TM50) heated from below and dried and cooled from above, coupling neutron imaging (NeXT, ILL) and thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs). Both imaging methods are complementary. Neutron imagery is used to estimate the local volume fraction of silica in the solution, which can be linked to the local rheological properties. TLCs  give us access to the temperature field. We therefore can follow in situ the development  of hot thermal plumes, and of a skin at the surface, that will eventually subduct spontaneously. 

    In addition to the imagery, the evaporation rate, the surface, ambient and heating temperatures, and the ambient humidity rate are recorded. They are  used to estimate the heat and mass transfer at the surface and how the formation of a skin affects them compared to a case with an homogeneous newtonian solution. 

    How to cite: Remise Charlot, H., Aubertin, A., Helfen, L., Pépin, M., Alba-Simionesco, C., and Davaille, A.: Coupling neutron imaging and thermochromic liquid crystals to investigate the properties of a laboratory-made subducting slab. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11010,, 2025.

    EGU25-11108 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    What can modeling Steady-State Crystal Fabrics of Ice Streams tell Us about their Age? 

    Theo Häußler, Nicholas Rathman, and Aslak Grinsted

    During the gravity-driven flow of glaciers and ice sheets, polycrystalline ice tends to develop a strain-induced alignment of individual grains. This fabric development can act as a strain marker for understanding the recent-most deformation history, in addition to exerting significant rheological control on ice sheets compared to isotropic ice. We develop a new way to directly solve for depth-average fabric fields using satellite-derived velocities, assuming that velocities are approximately steady and that fabric evolution is dominated by lattice rotation, in a depth-averaged sense. We apply the method to the North East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) and compare results to radar-derived observations of ice fabrics, suggesting the memory of past flow, stored in ice-stream fabrics, might be useful way to independently set bounds on the age of ice streams (assuming recrystallization is negligible in a depth-average sense). Source/sink flux terms for crystal orientations at the surface and basal boundary naturally appear in the problem as fabric-state-space attractors, and we discuss how the effect of ice—bed interactions on fabric evolution may be parameterized using such terms.

    How to cite: Häußler, T., Rathman, N., and Grinsted, A.: What can modeling Steady-State Crystal Fabrics of Ice Streams tell Us about their Age?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11108,, 2025.

    EGU25-11179 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Inferring the Crystal Orientation Fabrics of Olivine from Oblique Seismic Data using a Spectral Fabric Representation 

    Luisa Hirche, Klaus Mosegaard, and Nicholas Rathmann

    Olivine, the most abundant mineral in the Earth's upper mantle, affects seismic wave propagation through its crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) developed during deformation. As a result, the seismic anisotropy of the crystals serves as a crucial tool for constraining large-scale geodynamic models, linking seismic observations to mantle flow processes via the orientation of olivine crystals.

    Building on this link, we propose an optimization problem for inferring the crystal orientation fabrics of upper mantle olivine using oblique seismic data by adapting a method from ultrasound tomography, previously used to infer orientation fabrics of polycrystalline ice. The method relies on (i) a harmonic expansion of the grain orientation distribution function (unknown to be inferred), (ii) a fourth-order closure approximation of the distribution function (reducing the dimensionality of the problem), and (iii) a simple strain homogenization scheme (Voigt homogenization) over elastically orthotropic grains. We construct a one- and two-layer homogeneous slab model of olivine to demonstrate the feasibility of our method in idealized settings and discuss potential applications to regions where sufficient seismic data might exist for real-world application. We also discuss the limitations of our method and the caveats of the assumptions made, in particular the assumed orientation fabric symmetries assumed (hence the assumed mantle flow regime) and the well-posedness of our cost function approach.

    How to cite: Hirche, L., Mosegaard, K., and Rathmann, N.: Inferring the Crystal Orientation Fabrics of Olivine from Oblique Seismic Data using a Spectral Fabric Representation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11179,, 2025.

    EGU25-11382 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Fabric-induced flow enhancement of the Amery ice shelf inferred from satellite-derived surface velocities 

    Athene Demuth, Nicholas Rathmann, and Aslak Grinsted

    During the gravity-driven flow and spreading of ice shelves, polycrystalline ice tends to develop a strain-induced alignment of individual grains. This fabric development can exert significant rheological control on ice shelves, potentially softening or hardening anisotropic ice by several orders of magnitude compared to isotropic ice. We develop a new way to directly solve for depth-average fabric fields using satellite-derived velocities over ice shelves, assuming that velocities are approximately steady and that fabric evolution is dominated by lattice rotation, in a depth-averaged sense. We apply the method to Amery ice shelf, Antarctica, and compare results to previous observations of ice fabrics. Further, we calculate the equivalent isotropic enhancement-factor field using the “CAFFE” method, supposed to represent the first-order effect of fabric on ice viscosity. Because a significant fraction of the ice-shelf thickness on Amery is accreted marine ice, we explore how this may alter the depth-averaged estimate of fabric, and thus viscosity, by including an idealized source term to account for the sub-shelf flux of new grain orientations as ice accretes.

    How to cite: Demuth, A., Rathmann, N., and Grinsted, A.: Fabric-induced flow enhancement of the Amery ice shelf inferred from satellite-derived surface velocities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11382,, 2025.

    EGU25-12111 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

    Characterizing quartz rheology through load-stepping experiments, from diffusion to dislocation creep 

    Leif Tokle, Greg Hirth, and Whitney Behr

    Due to the abundance of quartz in the continental crust, quartz rheology is fundamental to our understanding of many geodynamic processes. Quartz rheology is commonly characterized using a dislocation creep flow law with a stress exponent equal to 4; however, several recent studies indicate that the stress exponent for quartz aggregates can be as low as 2 at conditions where it has been proposed to deform by a combination of dislocation creep and grain boundary sliding (GBS), known as dislocation accommodated grain boundary sliding (disGBS). To address these differing hypotheses, we conducted axial compression load-stepping experiments in a Griggs apparatus at temperatures ranging from 800-950°C, 1.5 GPa, and differential stresses ranging from ~40 MPa to ~1430 MPa with water added. Quartz samples were prepared with different grain sizes of ~3, 5, 10, and 20 μm. For each experiment ~25 load steps were conducted during which the strain rate achieved a mechanical steady state. At the finest grain size, the mechanical data show a stress exponent of n = 1, which then transitions to n ~ 1.8 with increasing stress; for a given stress, strain rate increases with decreasing grain size in both regimes. For larger grain sizes over the same stress range, the stress exponent transitions from n ~ 4 to n ~ 1.8 to n ~ 3 with increasing stress, where only the intermediate stress regime (n ~1.8) shows a grain size sensitivity. We interpret the lowest stress and finest grain size mechanical data to represent grain boundary diffusion creep and assume a grain size exponent of 3. With increasing stress, the samples are interpreted to represent disGBS, where dislocation creep and GBS act in series, where GBS is determined to have a grain size sensitivity of 1. The highest stress data represents dislocation creep. Microstructurally, we observe minimal variation in the starting and final grain sizes, suggesting that the grain size was nominally constant throughout the experiments. Experiments quenched in the GBS regime show microstructures with straight grain boundaries consistent with observations from previous studies. Flow laws have been constrained for all four deformation mechanisms. Plotting a deformation mechanism map using our new flow laws extrapolated to geologic conditions, we show consistent relationships between our flow law estimates and c-axis fabric relationships with naturally deformed quartzites. These new mechanical relationships improve our understanding and constraints on grain-size sensitive rheologies in quartz as well as our ability to model quartz rheology over a wide range of geologic conditions.

    How to cite: Tokle, L., Hirth, G., and Behr, W.: Characterizing quartz rheology through load-stepping experiments, from diffusion to dislocation creep, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12111,, 2025.

    EGU25-12671 | Orals | CR2.8

    A physically-based model for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization: applicationsto ice and prospects for large-scale modeling 

    Thomas Chauve, Antonin Hilzheber, Maurine Montagnat, Véronique Dansereau, Pierre Saramito, Kévin Fourteau, and Andréa Tommasi

    Dynamic recrystallization plays a critical role in the texture evolution of polycrystalline materials undergoing high-temperature deformation, particularly in anisotropic materials such as ice. This study presents a novel, physically-based formulation to model texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization, leveraging detailed observations of ice microstructure under dislocation creep and recrystallization [1]. The formulation incorporates an orientation attractor that maximizes resolved shear stress on basal slip systems, coupled with an anisotropic viscoplastic law to capture mechanical responses. Implemented via finite-element methods in the R3iCe model [2], the approach successfully replicates experimental observations across diverse loading conditions, demonstrating its effectiveness in modeling texture-induced mechanical softening. While the model is validated for ice, it shows potential for application to other anisotropic materials such as olivine. Ongoing work is investigating the scalability and applicability of this formulation to large-scale models, such as glacial ice flow simulations, with a focus on addressing challenges related to computational efficiency and parameterization.


    [1] Chauve, T., Montagnat, M., Dansereau, V., Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., & Tommasi, A. (2024). A physically-based formulation for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization. A case study of ice. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 352(G1), 99-134.

    [2] R3iCe repository :

    How to cite: Chauve, T., Hilzheber, A., Montagnat, M., Dansereau, V., Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., and Tommasi, A.: A physically-based model for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization: applicationsto ice and prospects for large-scale modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12671,, 2025.

    EGU25-13052 | Orals | CR2.8

    Modelling Grain Size Evolution and its Role in Mantle Dynamics: From Small-scale Convection to Passive Margin Collapse 

    Juliane Dannberg, Rene Gassmöller, Robert Myhill, Arushi Saxena, Menno Fraters, and Ranpeng Li

    Dynamic models of Earth's lithosphere and convecting mantle often simplify the rheological behavior of mantle rocks, for example by assuming constant grain size or considering limited changes in material properties with mineral assemblage. While these simplifications reduce computational requirements, they neglect key processes such as shear localization and transient rheological behaviour associated with phase transitions, which can profoundly impact mantle flow patterns. As incorporating the effect of an evolving grain size in dynamic models has garnered more interest in the geodynamics community, there is a growing need for accurate, scalable, and computationally efficient approaches to address this complexity.

    Here, we present recent advancements in the finite-element code ASPECT that address this challenge. These include a higher-order particle method for tracking grain size evolution and the integration of the ARKode solver library, which offers adaptive time-stepping for solving the ordinary differential equation governing grain size evolution. Our implementation captures the simultaneous and competing effects of different mechanisms affecting grain size, such as dynamic recrystallization driven by dislocation creep, grain growth in multiphase assemblages, Zener pinning, and recrystallisation at phase transitions.

    We showcase three applications that highlight the importance of grain size evolution—and its interaction with stress and strain rate—for mantle dynamics: (i) global-scale mantle flow, (ii) small-scale convection beneath lithospheric plates, and (iii) the collapse of passive margins. Our models reveal that grain size evolution induces viscosity variations spanning several orders of magnitude, promoting strain localization in all three settings. It therefore controls the shape of upwellings and downwellings as well as the onset time of instabilities. For instance, beneath oceanic plates, the development of large grain sizes before the onset of convection, when strain rates are low, can delay the initiation of cold downwellings. These initial downwellings, in turn, reduce both grain size and viscosity at the base of the lithosphere, allowing subsequent cold drips to form at younger plate ages. Grain damage can also facilitate the collapse of a passive margin through grain size reduction in the lower parts of the lithosphere—but only within a specific range of grain size evolution parameters. Furthermore, additional weakening mechanisms are required for breaking the upper ≥25 km of the plate for subduction initiation to occur. These applications illustrate the applicability of our method to large-scale 2D and 3D models of the convecting mantle and lithosphere and emphasize the critical role of grain-scale processes in shaping the dynamics of Earth’s interior. 

    How to cite: Dannberg, J., Gassmöller, R., Myhill, R., Saxena, A., Fraters, M., and Li, R.: Modelling Grain Size Evolution and its Role in Mantle Dynamics: From Small-scale Convection to Passive Margin Collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13052,, 2025.

    EGU25-13323 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

    Assessing ice anisotropy using basal icequakes at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, Greenland 

    Ana Nap, Thomas S. Hudson, Fabian Walter, Adrien Wehrlé, Andrea Kneib-Walter, Hugo Rousseau, and Martin P. Lüthi

    Glacial ice is formed as snow is compressed under its own weight, forming ice crystals with initially random orientations i.e. isotropic ice. Over time, under sustained accumulation and overburden stress, the ice crystals transition from a random arrangement to a more aligned structure, forming anisotropic ice. With continued stress, the ice starts flowing, further modifying the anisotropy. Unlike isotropic ice, which responds equally to stress in all directions, anisotropic ice can deform up to 10 times faster due to its aligned crystal structure. Widely used glacier flow laws, such as Glens flow law, assume the ice to be isotropic. Anisotropy significantly impacts flow dynamics and should therefore be included in ice sheet and glacier models. While enhancement factors are sometimes used to mimic anisotropy, they often do not accurately represent these effects.

    In order to correctly represent anisotropy in ice flow, in-situ measurements of ice fabric are needed. However, obtaining such measurements is challenging, particularly in dynamic regions such as ice streams and outlet glaciers. Due to the evolving stress patterns they are subjected to over time, ice streams and outlet glaciers develop distinct anisotropic characteristics. This anisotropic signal contrasts with areas dominated by vertical compression, such as accumulation zones, where anisotropic measurements are typically conducted through ice cores. By applying the concept of seismic anisotropy, specifically shear wave splitting (SWS), we can effectively determine the ice fabric in these fast-flowing areas. This approach provides insights into ice anisotropy of ice streams and glaciers that is difficult to achieve with other methods.

    Here, we present ice fabric measurements at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia (Jakobshavn Isbræ), Greenland's fastest flowing outlet glacier, with flow velocities reaching 30–40 m/d. By utilizing shear wave splitting observed using basal icequakes, measured directly within the main ice stream, we are able to make a first estimate of the ice anisotropy in such a fast-flowing ice stream.

    How to cite: Nap, A., Hudson, T. S., Walter, F., Wehrlé, A., Kneib-Walter, A., Rousseau, H., and Lüthi, M. P.: Assessing ice anisotropy using basal icequakes at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13323,, 2025.

    EGU25-15461 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

    A Spectral Directors Method for Modeling the Coupled Evolution of Flow and CPO in Polycrystalline Olivine 

    Nicholas Rathmann, David Prior, Klaus Mosegaard, Ivanka Bekkevold, and David Lilien

    The crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of polycrystalline olivine affects both the viscous and seismic anisotropy of Earth's upper mantle with wide geodynamical implications. In this methods contribution, we present a continuous field formulation of the popular directors method for modeling the strain‐induced evolution of olivine CPOs, assuming the activation of a single preferred crystal slip system. The formulation reduces the problem of CPO evolution to a linear matrix problem that can easily be integrated alongside large‐scale geodynamical flow models, and conveniently minimizes the degrees of freedom necessary to represent CPO fields. We validate the CPO model against existing deformation experiments and naturally deformed samples, as well as the popular discrete grain model D‐Rex. A numerical model of viscoplastic thermal convection is built to illustrate how flow and CPO evolution may be two‐way coupled, suggesting that CPO‐induced viscous anisotropy does not necessarily strongly affect convection time scales, boundary (lid) stresses, and seismic anisotropy, compared to isotropic viscoplastic rheologies. As a consequence, geodynamical modeling that relies on an isotropic rheology (one‐way coupling) might suffice for predicting seismic anisotropy under some circumstances. Finally, we discuss limitations and shortcomings of our method, such as representing D‐ and E‐type fabrics or modeling flows with mixed fabric types, and potential improvements such as accounting for the effect of dynamic recrystallization.

    How to cite: Rathmann, N., Prior, D., Mosegaard, K., Bekkevold, I., and Lilien, D.: A Spectral Directors Method for Modeling the Coupled Evolution of Flow and CPO in Polycrystalline Olivine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15461,, 2025.

    EGU25-16598 | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Elongation inhibition in two-phase media due to surface tension effects 

    Marcel Thielmann and Marcin Dabrowski

    The rheological properties of Earth's lower mantle have a strong impact on global mantle dynamics. Previous studies have shown that the deformation of the ferropericlase-bridgmanite mixture may be strongly controlled by the morphology of the weaker ferropericlase. Due to elongation of weak ferropericlase clusters, the bulk viscosity of the two-phase mixture is significantly lowered and become anisotropic. As a result, this transient microstructural evolution may have a strong impact on the overall rheology of the lower mantle.

    Existing numerical models of this process often do not consider that the elongation of ferropericlase during deformation may be counteracted by interfacial diffusion. This diffusion reduces the interfacial energy and may result in an increased rounding rate that reduces the deformation-induced elongation. However, it is unclear under which conditions this process has an impact on the overall dynamics and bulk rheology of a two-phase mixture. A scaling analysis of the governing equations reveals that the dynamics of the given system are mainly influenced by the ferropericlase-bridgmanite viscosity ratio and by the ratio of viscous to interfacial forces.

    To explore the impact of these two properties on the dynamics and bulk rheology of the ferropericlase-bridgmanite mixture, we employ numerical models. In these models,  interfacial diffusion is approximated by adding a surface tension term to the governing equations and by directly resolving the ferropericlase-bridgmanite interface using body fitted meshes. The results show that for a range of model parameters, rounding due to surface tension may have a significant impact on the morphological evolution of the ferropericlase inclusions and may thus also exert some control over the rheology of the lower mantle.

    How to cite: Thielmann, M. and Dabrowski, M.: Elongation inhibition in two-phase media due to surface tension effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16598,, 2025.

    EGU25-16902 | Posters on site | CR2.8

    ANIMA the journey: how we model olivine CPO-related anisotropic viscosity 

    Ágnes Király, Yijun Wang, Clinton P. Conrad, Juliane Dannberg, Menno Fraters, Rene Gassmöller, and Lars Hansen

    The long-term fluid-like movements in the Earth’s mantle largely depend on the rheological behaviour of olivine, the main rock-forming mineral in the upper mantle. Although the average viscosity of the mantle can be estimated from post-glacial rebound or geoid anomalies, the micromechanical mechanisms that facilitate the deformation of the solid mantle have been identified from rock mechanics experiments. Dislocation creep emerges as the predominant deformation mechanism in the uppermost mantle, aligning olivine crystals into a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) parallel to the flow, while this alignment of crystals also results in anisotropic viscous behaviour. Thus, anisotropic viscosity and CPO evolve hand in hand, and this interaction may impact many geodynamic processes. For example, beneath tectonic plates CPO evolves parallel to the plate motion direction, weakening the asthenosphere in that direction. However, if the plate motion direction changes, the asthenosphere will resist this change, leading to smaller velocities, less deformation and therefore a slow evolution of the CPO towards the new plate motion direction. In the ANIMA project, we aimed to find an efficient way of modelling CPO evolution and the related anisotropic viscosity in a fully coupled way within a geodynamic simulation. We developed a method that tracks CPO evolution on advected particles based on the D-REX method and utilizes the eigenvalues of the mean CPO orientation matrices to predict the anisotropic viscous parameters. These parameters allow us to calculate a tensor form of the viscosity, which we then feed back into our model solution. This method can be applied in combination with other rheologies, although with a cost of having to represent the viscosity as a tensor in the entire model domain, regardless of the dominant deformation mechanism. Despite an estimated increase in computational cost by up to an order of magnitude, incorporating anisotropic viscosity coupled to CPO evolution stands feasible for regional geodynamic models. This development will facilitate the study of a broad new range of geodynamics problems that involve olivine texture and anisotropic viscosity.

    How to cite: Király, Á., Wang, Y., Conrad, C. P., Dannberg, J., Fraters, M., Gassmöller, R., and Hansen, L.: ANIMA the journey: how we model olivine CPO-related anisotropic viscosity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16902,, 2025.

    EGU25-19836 | Posters on site | CR2.8

    Direct Measurement of Grain-Boundary Sliding in Forsterite Bicrystals 

    Julian Mecklenburgh, Shobhit Singh, Elisabetta Mariani, Christopher Thom, Katharina Marquardt, John Wheeler, and Lars Hansen

    Olivine is the most abundant mineral in Earth’s mantle, and its rheological behaviour is likely to control upper-mantle deformation. While the rheological behaviour of olivine is widely studied, relatively little is known about the behaviour of individual olivine grain-boundaries. There is a pressing need to advance our understanding of their physical and chemical properties. Forsterite bicrystals, synthesized by direct bonding of highly polished single crystals at high temperature, were tested in a creep apparatus to investigate sliding along a single planar grain-boundary at high temperature (1300°C and 1400°C). Prior to deformation, the lateral surfaces of the bicrystals parallel to the shear direction were polished, and fiducial markers were scribed perpendicular to the grain-boundary trace to track grain-boundary sliding. Bicrystals were deformed in shear between two polycrystalline alumina pistons or two single crystal forsterite pistons, at 1 atm, with applied resolved shear stresses ranging from 1 to 30 MPa. Post-deformation microstructural analysis using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows discrete offsets of fiducial markers, which is the first direct evidence of grain-boundary sliding in olivine bicrystals. These results establish that the studied grain-boundaries are significantly weaker than crystal interiors, and that, crucially, grain-boundary sliding is controlled by the crystallography of crystal interiors and is favoured in a direction nearly parallel to the weakest slip direction in both crystals of the bicrystal.  The measured effective grain-boundary viscosities fit well theoretical models of a dislocation grain-boundary sliding mechanism and are higher than measurements inferred from attenuation. This evidence may highlight the important role of boundary dislocations in accommodating grain-boundary sliding in large grain sizes. These new results indicate that grain-boundary sliding in olivine could play a crucial role in the development of crystallographic preferred orientation and the resulting seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle and should therefore be accounted for in geodynamic models of Earth’s interior.

    How to cite: Mecklenburgh, J., Singh, S., Mariani, E., Thom, C., Marquardt, K., Wheeler, J., and Hansen, L.: Direct Measurement of Grain-Boundary Sliding in Forsterite Bicrystals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19836,, 2025.

    EGU25-20791 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

     Brittle creep deformation observed in an ice stream from borehole distributed acoustic sensing  

    Coen Hofstede, Andreas Fichtner, Brian Kennett, Anders Svensson, Julian Westhoff, Fabian Walter, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Eliza Cook, Dimitri Zigone, Daniela Jansen, and Olaf Eisen

    Ice streams are major contributors to ice sheet mass loss and critical regulators of sea level change. Despite their importance, standard viscous flow simulations of ice stream deformation and evolution have limited predictive power, mostly because our understanding of the involved processes is limited. This leads, for instance, to widely varying predictions of sea level rise during the next decades.

    Here we report on a Distributed Acoustic Sensing experiment conducted in the borehole of the East Greenland Ice Core Project (EastGRIP) on the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). For the first time, our observations reveal a brittle deformation mode that is incompatible with viscous flow over length scales similar to the resolution of modern ice sheet models: englacial ice quake cascades that are not being recorded at the surface. A comparison with ice core analyses shows that ice quakes preferentially nucleate near volcanism-related impurities, such as thin layers of tephra or sulfate anomalies. These are likely to promote grain boundary cracking, and appear as a macroscopic form of crystal-scale wild plasticity. A conservative estimate indicates that seismic cascades are likely to produce strain rates that are comparable in amplitude to those measured geodetically, thereby bridging the well-documented gap between current ice sheet models and observations. 

    How to cite: Hofstede, C., Fichtner, A., Kennett, B., Svensson, A., Westhoff, J., Walter, F., Ampuero, J.-P., Cook, E., Zigone, D., Jansen, D., and Eisen, O.:  Brittle creep deformation observed in an ice stream from borehole distributed acoustic sensing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20791,, 2025.

    EGU25-819 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    A Comprehensive Snow Modeling Using Multi-Source Data and Assimilation for a Refined Characterization of a Complex Mediterranean Basin 

    Mevlüthan Sakallı, Arda Şorman, Francesco Avanzi, Simone Gabellani, and Aynur Şensoy

    Climate change significantly impacts snow dynamics, thereby affecting water resources, especially in countries like Türkiye, where snow is crucial for water supply. This study focuses on one of the largest Mediterrenain river basins, the Seyhan Basin (21,890 km²), contributing significantly to Türkiye's overall water resources. The basin's extensive agricultural activities and significant hydropower potential necessitate sustainable water management for its long-term sustainability. The basin's complex mountainous topography and its location at the intersection of Mediterranean and continental climate zones, combined with limited data availability, present significant challenges for hydrological modeling. These factors make the Seyhan Basin an ideal region for analyzing changes in snow potential and related water resources.

    This study aims to refine spatial snow characterization in this complex Mediterranean basin through comprehensive snow modeling using multi-source data and assimilation. The spatial and temporal accuracy and reliability of Snow Multidata Mapping and Modeling (S3M) model outputs for snow-water equivalent, snow depth, and snow-covered area are assessed. The main S3M model inputs, derived from ERA5-Land, include hourly temperature, relative humidity, shortwave radiation, and precipitation data from 2012 to 2022. Model inputs of temperature and precipitation are validated against observations from 12 meteorological stations within and around the basin. The S3M data assimilation framework improves model estimates by incorporating satellite snow cover area data (Eumetsat H SAF products). Additionally, snow-covered area estimates are compared to MODIS, IMS, and ERA5-Land datasets, while snow-water equivalent measurements from five in situ stations, ERA5-Land and H SAF datasets provide independent validation for SWE outputs. The performance of daily aggregated model results is evaluated using different metrics as RMSE, KGE, and NSE, besides spatial performance analysis as false alarm rate and hit scores for the whole period. The results indicate that NSE performance is 0.90-0.95 for SCA, RMSE is 5-30 mm for SWE and the false alarm rate is calculated as 0.15-0.35 for SCA.

    How to cite: Sakallı, M., Şorman, A., Avanzi, F., Gabellani, S., and Şensoy, A.: A Comprehensive Snow Modeling Using Multi-Source Data and Assimilation for a Refined Characterization of a Complex Mediterranean Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-819,, 2025.

    EGU25-3907 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Impact of Changing Cryosphere on Streamflow Seasonality of Three River Basins in Southwest China 

    Yiyan Huang and Yuting Yang

    Three River Basins (TRB) in southwest China: the Jinsha, Lancang and Nu River, which originate from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP), are distributed with cryosphere elements such as snow, permafrost, and glacier. The upstream and midstream areas of the TRB show a trend of warming and wetting, but the downstream regions with the temperature rising shows a trend of decreasing precipitation under climate change. This has led to the vanishing cryosphere and changes in the hydrological process of the TRB. How the changes in a single meteorological forcing or cryosphere element influence the amount and seasonality of streamflow remains unclear. This study simulated the different streamflow components and analyzed the amount and seasonality of streamflow in all sub-basins using a distributed hydrological model by controlling the changes of cryosphere elements and meteorological forcing during 1961-2020. The results showed that the contribution of snowmelt to streamflow in the midstream sub-basins was relatively high during April-June with a decreasing trend; the increasing glacier meltwater contributed to the streamflow in the source areas from June to September, especially in the Jinsha and Nu River; groundwater affected by permafrost degradation exhibited an increasing trend in the downstream reaches of the TRB. The spring rise timing was advanced and the recession timing was delayed with the reduction of snowfall fraction and the degradation of permafrost, and this effect gradually weakened from the upstream to the downstream areas of the TRB. Less glacier generally delayed the timing of summer streamflow in all reaches of the study basins. The seasonal variation of streamflow in the TRB decreased with the vanishing cryosphere. In addition, results of two experiments by using the multiyear mean precipitation and air temperature as forcing manifested that precipitation was the dominant factor causing changes in annual runoff and seasonal variation of streamflow, and increase in air temperature played a significant role in reducing the runoff and streamflow seasonality of the TRB. These findings shed light on the difference of changes in the streamflow process between sub-basins under climate change and provide a useful reference for water resource management in future for the TRB in southwest China originating from the QTP.

    How to cite: Huang, Y. and Yang, Y.: Impact of Changing Cryosphere on Streamflow Seasonality of Three River Basins in Southwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3907,, 2025.

    EGU25-4154 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Novel Approach to Spatiotemporal Analysis of Snow Cover Pattern using ERA 5 Dataset Over Finland 

    Ramin Faal Gandomkar, Mojtaba Saboori, Epari Ritesh Patro, Pertti Ala-Aho, and Ali Torabi Haghighi

    Variations in Arctic snow cover, including Finland, can impact the ecosystem, hydrological cycle, biodiversity, and many other physical processes. Getting a consistent picture of long-term changes in relevant snow cover pattern (SCP), including phenology, duration of snow cover and snow-free days, is crucial for understanding the regional dynamics of the water resources. Prevalent SCP assessments excluded critical features such as the first and last days with maximum snow cover, which are essential for a thorough spatiotemporal analysis. To address these gaps, this study utilized a novel convolution-based method coupled with K-means clustering to analyze SCP features using ERA5-Land data spanning from 2000 to 2020 across Finland. This approach was employed to cluster the country into four distinct regions based on SCP, enhancing our understanding of spatiotemporal variability and dynamics.  The largest cluster spanned 114,738 km2 with maximum snow cover duration (Dmax) lasted 189 days of 220 snow-covered duration (Dtotal). Conversely, the smallest cluster in southern and coastal areas covered 41,630 km², experiencing Dmax of 85 out of 123 days of Dtotal. Using K-nearest neighbours method and based on the mentioned four clusters, the 20 annual SCP features images of Finland were classified. The effect of air temperature and precipitation in the classification’s results were also investigated. To assess the accuracy of annual classification, and to analyze snow cover dynamics in relation to air temperature and precipitation, three indices were obtained to measure anomalies occurred during snow accumulation period, the period with maximum snow cover, and snowmelt period.

    How to cite: Faal Gandomkar, R., Saboori, M., Patro, E. R., Ala-Aho, P., and Torabi Haghighi, A.: Novel Approach to Spatiotemporal Analysis of Snow Cover Pattern using ERA 5 Dataset Over Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4154,, 2025.

    Mountain catchments serve as critical water towers, where the interplay between snow dynamics and baseflow plays a fundamental role in regulating water availability across both seasonal and interannual timescales. While current mesoscale studies have challenged traditional conceptualizations of baseflow and revealed diverse landscape roles, the mechanisms linking snow conditions to baseflow generation across elevation gradients remain poorly understood. This study examines these mechanisms using the HBV model applied to 93 catchments across Czechia and Swiss mountain regions (1965-2019). Our preliminary findings revealed elevation-dependent patterns in baseflow generation, with increases in annual and summer baseflow fractions during periods of increased snowfall. Snow water storage (SwS) emerged as a critical buffer in high-elevation catchments, maintaining stable baseflow patterns despite changing climate conditions. We identified distinct temporal lag effects between snowmelt and baseflow generation that vary with elevation, leading to significant differences in seasonal flow dynamics between lower and higher elevation catchments. These insights advance our understanding of mountain snow hydrology and offer valuable implications for water resource management in snow-dominated regions under increasing climate pressure.

    How to cite: Acheampong, J. N. and Jenicek, M.: Snowmelt Contribution to Seasonal Baseflow Dynamics: Multi-Catchment Analysis of Hydrological Responses in Mountain Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6220,, 2025.

    Accurate estimation of spatiotemporal snowpack is crucial for understanding the hydrological processes associated with snowmelt in mountainous regions. Incorporating in-situ and remote sensing observations into physics-based snowpack models through data assimilation techniques can mitigate model uncertainties and improve estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE). However, implementing data assimilation techniques over a large spatial domain remains challenging, due to the sparse and uneven availability of observations across varying spatial and temporal scales. Remote sensing data are also constrained by gaps caused by revisit intervals, cloud cover, and complex topography in mountains. Therefore, this study proposes an adaptive snow data assimilation framework with satellite remote sensing data utilizing the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). The adaptive EnKF assimilates daily sparse high-resolution, remote-sensed snow cover data into the snow model of the distributed wflow_sbm hydrological model, applied to the Rhône River basin—a region in France heavily dependent on snow and glacier meltwater for runoff across multiple scales. Using this adaptive EnKF, we simulate spatiotemporal SWE and river runoff in the Rhône River basin from 2016 to 2019. Results demonstrate that snow data assimilation significantly improves streamflow predictions in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Compared to the simulations without assimilation, our model indicates a spatial decrease in snowmelt runoff during winter (October to March) and a spatial increase during the melt season (April to June). These results demonstrate that adaptive data assimilation not only effectively integrates high-resolution satellite data with hydrological models but also enhances the representation of snowmelt processes, leading to more accurate forecasts of river runoff. This approach paves the way for developing snow reanalysis and forecasting tools, seamlessly integrating sparse information from high-resolution satellite observations into physics-based models, offering valuable insights for water resource management in basins governed by snowmelt-driven hydrological processes.

    How to cite: Cheng, M., Vossepoel, F. C., Lhermitte, S., and Hut, R.: Adaptive assimilation of spatiotemporal sparse satellite-derived snow cover data into hydrological modelling in the Rhône River basin, France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6433,, 2025.

    EGU25-6998 | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Investigating Ice Layer Dynamics and Hydrological Processes in Snowpacks Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Energy Balance Analyses  

    Michel Baraer, Mathis Goujon, Lisa Michaud, Annie Poulin, and Eole Valence

    This study examines the formation, evolution, and hydrological role of ice layers in snowpacks during dynamic winter conditions, with a focus on liquid water infiltration, moisture redistribution, and structural transformations. The research was conducted at the Sainte-Marthe Experimental Watershed (BVE), located 70 km west of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. From February 8 to April 3, 2023, the study captured 50 freeze-thaw cycles and 7 substantial rain-on-snow (ROS) events, which significantly influenced snowpack properties and hydrological behavior.

     A downward-looking Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system was used to provide high-resolution data on snowpack stratigraphy and changes in dielectric properties. Complementary observations, including ultrasonic snow depth sensors, Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) probes, and weekly snow pit measurements, supported the GPR interpretations. These data were further contextualized with energy balance analyses to link external meteorological drivers—such as radiative fluxes and precipitation inputs—to internal snowpack processes.

     The results highlight the critical role of ice layers as dynamic hydrological barriers. During a significant ROS event, March 17, the GPR captured a rapid increase in two-way travel time (TWT) and amplitude changes as liquid water accumulated above an impermeable ice lens. Over time, the lens degraded, becoming permeable and enabling deep water infiltration. This permeability shift was corroborated by amplitude data, which revealed contrasting moisture responses above and below the lens. Four other events monitored before and after March 17 served in capturing the evolving influence of ice layers in influencing surface meltwater retention and subsurface flow pathways.

    By emphasizing the hydrological dynamics of ice layers, this study advances understanding of snowpack behavior under changing winter conditions. The integration of GPR, field measurements, and energy balance analyses provide a powerful framework for examining the interplay between meteorological inputs and internal snowpack transformations, particularly during critical events involving ice layers.

    How to cite: Baraer, M., Goujon, M., Michaud, L., Poulin, A., and Valence, E.: Investigating Ice Layer Dynamics and Hydrological Processes in Snowpacks Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Energy Balance Analyses , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6998,, 2025.

    EGU25-7604 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Dynamic precipitation phase partitioning reduces model bias for some snow and streamflow metrics across the Northwest US  

    Bhupinderjeet Singh, Mingliang Liu, John Abatzoglou, Jennifer Adam, and Kirti Rajagopalan

    While the importance of dynamic precipitation phase partitioning to get accurate estimates of rain versus snow amounts has been established, hydrology models rely on simplistic static temperature-based partitioning. We evaluate changes in model bias for a suite of snow and streamflow metrics between static and dynamic partitioning. We used the VIC-CropSyst coupled crop hydrology model and performed a comprehensive evaluation using 164 snow telemetry observations across the Pacific Northwest (1997-2015).  We found that transition to the dynamic method resulted in a better match between modeled and observed (a) peak snow water equivalent (SWE) magnitude and timing (~50% mean bias reduction), (b) daily SWE in winter months (reduction of relative bias from -30% to -4%), and (c) snow-start dates (mean reduction in bias from 7 days to 0 days) for a majority of the observational snow telemetry stations considered (depending on the metric, 75% to 88% of stations showed improvements). We also find improvements in estimates of basin-level streamflow and peak SWE over streamflow. However, there was a degradation in bias for snow-off dates, likely because errors in modeled snowmelt dynamics—which cannot be resolved by changing the precipitation partitioning—become important at the end of the cold season.  These results emphasize that the hydrological modeling community should transition to incorporating dynamic precipitation partitioning so we can better understand model behavior, improve model accuracies, better support management decision support for water resources, and prioritize improvements in melt dynamics to improve timing simulations.

    How to cite: Singh, B., Liu, M., Abatzoglou, J., Adam, J., and Rajagopalan, K.: Dynamic precipitation phase partitioning reduces model bias for some snow and streamflow metrics across the Northwest US , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7604,, 2025.

    EGU25-8286 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Spatial downscaling of snow water equivalent estimates for hydrological applications in Alpine Europe using machine learning 

    Tijmen Schults, Gijs Simons, Jill van Etten, Arthur Lutz, Carla Catania, Peter Burek, Jennie Steyaert, and Niko Wanders

    Accurate Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) data is essential for hydrological modelling, flood forecasting, estimating terrestrial water storage, and understanding climate change impacts on water systems. The high horizontal and vertical heterogeneity of snowfall, snow accumulation and snowmelt restrict the usage of ground-based SWE observations for region-scale estimations. Climate reanalysis products like ERA5-Land provide SWE estimates globally but are often unable to capture local snow processes due to their limited spatial resolution, especially in mountain areas with heterogeneous topography.

    To address these limitations, this study presents a Random Forest Regression (RFR)-based approach to downscale ERA5-Land SWE data to a finer spatial resolution using open-source global datasets and in situ SWE measurements. The RFR model was trained on a dataset of SWE observations at 383 snow weather stations between 1999 and 2019. Predictor datasets included climate reanalysis of ERA5-Land SWE and DEM-derived topographical covariates. The SWE downscaling methodology was trained and validated for the Upper Danube River Basin and its applicability in hydrological models is investigated in two case studies in Alpine Europe: CWatM model simulations for the Upper Danube and PCR-GLOBWB simulations for the Rhine-Meuse Basin.

    ERA5-Land significantly overestimated SWE with a PBIAS of 444% at snow weather station locations in the Upper Danube River Basin. Applying the downscaling approach significantly reduced this bias to -11%. Downscaled SWE strongly correlated with the observations with an R² of 0.81 and an RMSE of 17.87 mm for the Upper Danube. The downscaled SWE showed improved temporal dynamics of snow accumulation and melt, and enhanced spatial distribution. These initial results highlight the potential of the RFR downscaling approach for improving snowmelt runoff calibration in the two case studies. In the Rhine-Meuse study, we validate the applicability of the RFR model to regions outside the training domain. The open-source and easily accessible nature of the predictor datasets ensures accessibility and adaptability across diverse landscapes.

    How to cite: Schults, T., Simons, G., van Etten, J., Lutz, A., Catania, C., Burek, P., Steyaert, J., and Wanders, N.: Spatial downscaling of snow water equivalent estimates for hydrological applications in Alpine Europe using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8286,, 2025.

    EGU25-9237 | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Assessment of Snow Water Equivalent Estimates from Reanalysis and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in Northern Italy 

    Gokhan Sarigil, Francesco Avanzi, Mattia Neri, and Elena Toth

    Snow water resources play a crucial role in Mediterranean mountainous regions, serving as natural reservoirs that sustain water supply during dry seasons. The accurate estimation of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) is fundamental for water resource management, though direct measurements remain sparse in mountainous terrain. Current SWE estimation approaches face distinct challenges: for instance, large-scale reanalysis products derived from land-surface models (such as ERA5-Land) are limited by sparse data assimilation of mountain observations, the coarse scale of the modeling grid (often running in the 10+ km), a poor representation of orographic precipitation, and globally optimized parameterizations that may not suit complex mountain environments. On the other hand, hydrological models are constrained by uncertainty in input data, precipitation-phase determination and simplified snow thermodynamics. These limitations necessitate systematic evaluation across different terrain types to improve mountain snow monitoring.

    This study compares SWE estimates across Northern Italy by evaluating large-scale reanalysis products and rainfall-runoff modeling against the high-resolution IT-SNOW dataset (Avanzi et al., 2023). The IT-SNOW reference dataset provides validated SWE estimates across Italy at 500m spatial resolution with comprehensive data assimilation from satellite and in-situ measurements. The evaluation examines regional and global reanalyses at various spatial scales, alongside the SWE simulations obtained at catchment scale with the GR6J rainfall-runoff model (Coron et al., 2017) coupled with the CemaNeige snow routine (Valéry et al., 2014), locally calibrated against the observed streamflow. By analysing over 100 catchments during 2010-2023, we assess the performance of these estimates across diverse topographical and climatic conditions to identify their strengths and limitations.

    Our methodology involves a two-scale evaluation approach: at the gridded scale, we compare IT-SNOW with reanalysis products; at the catchment scale, we evaluate the CemaNeige-GR6J rainfall-runoff model simulations of the SWE volumes. Both analyses span seasonal and interannual timescales to assess the variations of SWE estimates.

    The findings of this comparative analysis advance our understanding of SWE estimation methods across the Italian mountainous regions by systematically evaluating the strengths and limitations of different estimation approaches. Future research will focus on integrating SWE estimates from IT-SNOW into the rainfall-runoff model calibration phase, aiming to develop more robust hydrological models capable of better representing snow dynamics.


    Avanzi, F., Gabellani, S., Delogu, F., Silvestro, F., Pignone, F., Bruno, G., ... & Ferraris, L. (2023). IT-SNOW: a snow reanalysis for Italy blending modeling, in situ data, and satellite observations (2010–2021), Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 639–660. doi:

    Coron, L., Thirel, G., Delaigue, O., Perrin, C., & Andréassian, V. (2017). The suite of lumped GR hydrological models in an R package. Environmental modelling & software, 94, 166-171. doi:

    Valéry, A., Andréassian, V., & Perrin, C. (2014). ‘As simple as possible but not simpler’: What is useful in a temperature-based snow-accounting routine? Part 1–Comparison of six snow accounting routines on 380 catchments. Journal of hydrology517, 1166-1175. doi:

    How to cite: Sarigil, G., Avanzi, F., Neri, M., and Toth, E.: Assessment of Snow Water Equivalent Estimates from Reanalysis and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in Northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9237,, 2025.

    EGU25-10423 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Reconstructing the water balance of selected glacierized catchments in High Mountain Asia since 1970 

    Achille Jouberton, Thomas E. Shaw, Evan Miles, Marin Kneib, Stefan Fugger, Michael McCarthy, Yota Sato, Koji Fujita, and Francesca Pellicciotti

    In High Mountain Asia (HMA), declines in water stored in glaciers and seasonal snowpacks have been widespread in recent decades. Changes are however highly heterogeneous, with glaciers in the Pamirs experiencing near-neutral mass balance while fast rates of mass loss are observed in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Modeling can provide an understanding of mass balance seasonality and mountain hydrology at a spatial and temporal resolution not achievable by observations, and validated simulations can extend over long time scales. Quantifying the water balance at high elevations requires the estimation of snowfall amounts, which is challenging due to uncertainties in reanalysis products and rare precipitation measurements. Differences in accumulation regimes and precipitation decadal variability complicate the assessment of precipitation phase change and its role in glacier and snow mass changes under warming conditions.

    In this study, we leverage in-situ hydro-meteorological observations and climate reanalysis to run a mechanistic, highly resolved land-surface model and reconstruct snow and glacier mass changes since 1970 at three benchmark glacierized catchments with contrasting climatic conditions in HMA. The catchments cover areas between 100 and 200 km2, span elevations ranging from 2000 to 6000 m a.s.l., and are located in the Northwestern Pamir (Kyzylsu), Nepalese Himalayas (Trambau-Trakarding) and Southeastern Tibetan Plateau (Parlung No.4). The land-surface model is run at hourly and 100 meters resolution, and its performance is evaluated using in-situ snow depth, surface albedo, remotely sensed snow cover and multi-decadal geodetic glacier mass balance. 

    At all sites, we find declining trends in snowfall, snow depth and glacier mass balance between 1970 and 2023. A decline in the snowfall to total precipitation ratio was found at all sites (-0.005, -0.005 and -0.03 decade-1 at Kyzylsu, Trambau-Trakarding and Parlung No.4 respectively), but was only pronounced at the Southeastern Tibetan site. The decadal variability in precipitation amount, rather than phase, controls most of the snowfall and glacier mass changes, although the shift in precipitation type from snowfall to rainfall had a substantial contribution to the recent snowfall decline at Parlung No.4 (30% of the snowfall decrease between 1970-1999 and 2000-2023), where we simulate the most rapid glacier mass loss, in agreement with regional assessments of geodetic mass balances. Glacier mass loss has only been marked at Kyzylsu since 2018, following a near-neutral mass balance period characteristic of the Pamir-Karakoram Anomaly. Positive runoff trends were found at Parlung No.4 (+6%/dec) and Trambau-Trakarding (+2%/dec), but not at Kyzylsu (-2.5%/dec) where the recent increase in ice melt only partially compensated for reduced precipitation and for a relative increase in evapotranspiration.  Future simulations should assess how snowfall, glacier mass balance and runoff trends will evolve as climate warming strengthens in these catchments.

    How to cite: Jouberton, A., E. Shaw, T., Miles, E., Kneib, M., Fugger, S., McCarthy, M., Sato, Y., Fujita, K., and Pellicciotti, F.: Reconstructing the water balance of selected glacierized catchments in High Mountain Asia since 1970, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10423,, 2025.

    EGU25-11032 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Glacier melt contribution to future streamflow in the Rhône bassin (France) 

    Olivier Champagne, Anthony Lemoine, Isabelle Gouttevin, Sophie Cauvy-Fraunié, Thomas Condom, Gilles Delaygue, and Flora Branger

    The Alps are impacted by dramatic changes in the context of global warming with large implications for hydrology. The Rhône bassin, draining a large part of the french and Swiss Alps, has already been the subject of hydrological modelling using J2000-Rhone. In this study, we present the integration of a glacier algorithm in the hydrological model J2000-Rhône, the validation of snowmelt, icemelt and streamflow, and the future projections of these processes. The results show that snowmelt, icemelt and streamflow are satisfactorly simulated by J2000-glaciers in the Rhone basin. By the end of the 21st century, the major changes will be a large increase of streamflow in winter but a decrease in summer associated to earlier snowmelt, a decrease of precipitation and glacier shrinkage. On the Arve and upper Rhône catchments, the remaining glaciers will still be crucial to sustain the streamflow in dry summers.

    How to cite: Champagne, O., Lemoine, A., Gouttevin, I., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Condom, T., Delaygue, G., and Branger, F.: Glacier melt contribution to future streamflow in the Rhône bassin (France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11032,, 2025.

    EGU25-12258 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Integrating snow-water equivalent simulated by a physically based model into a lumped model in an Alpine catchment in Italy 

    John Mohd Wani, Giacomo Bertoldi, Michele Bozzoli, Daniele Andreis, and Riccardo Rigon

    In the European Alps, seasonal snow plays a crucial role in hydrology, functioning as a reservoir by storing precipitation during winter and releasing it during the summer. Snow is highly sensitive to climate change, particularly in low- and mid-elevation mountain regions like the European Alps. In snow-fed basins, any changes in snowmelt contribution to river discharge can significantly impact agriculture, domestic water supply, and hydro power generation. 

    Hydrological modeling employs a variety of models, ranging from simple lumped models to physically-based, spatially distributed models, to simulate river discharge. These models either have a simple temperature-based or a physically based snow module to simulate the snow dynamics. Distributed, physically based models can provide accurate insights into snow dynamics. However, their high input data requirement, overparameterization, and high computational demands make them challenging to use for operational purposes. In contrast, simple lumped models require less input data, standard snow parameters and are well-suited for operational applications.

    In this study, we present an approach to improve both runoff forecasting and spatial snow pattern estimation by integrating the snow water equivalent (SWE) simulations from a physically based GEOtop model into the lumped GEOframe system. We evaluate and compare different approaches, ranging from direct substitution to a mass-conserving statistical downscaling method. The methodology is applied in the Non Valley catchment, Italy, where water is important for agriculture, hydropower, and other uses.

    Our initial results from 01-01-2017 to 15-09-2022 at hourly time step show that the GEOframe is able to simulate the discharge very well with a Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) value of 0.87 and 0.72 during the calibration and validation, respectively. This approach aims to preserve the computational efficiency and feasibility of lumped models while incorporating the improved physical representation of snow processes and spatial variability from a physically-based snow model.


    The work of J.M.W. has been funded by Fondazione CARITRO Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, grant number 2022.0246.

    How to cite: Wani, J. M., Bertoldi, G., Bozzoli, M., Andreis, D., and Rigon, R.: Integrating snow-water equivalent simulated by a physically based model into a lumped model in an Alpine catchment in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12258,, 2025.

    EGU25-12459 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Investigating the seasonal influence of atmospheric rivers on runoff generation during rain-on-snow 

    Alexis Bédard-Therrien, François Anctil, and Daniel Nadeau

    Numerous studies in the western United States have shown that atmospheric rivers (AR) have been responsible for flood-prone rain-on-snow (ROS) conditions such as intense rainfall, rapid warming of the air, and important snowmelt. Intense AR events were also shown to affect snowpack depth on a seasonal scale. The documentation of such impacts is less extensive in other areas, such as the east coast of North America. Meanwhile, climate projections indicate that the intensity and frequency of extreme events associated with atmospheric rivers will increase for the region, leading to an elevated hydrological impact caused by AR. This study focuses on the Côte-Nord region in Quebec (Canada), which experiences important yearly snow accumulation (>300 mm) and where snowpack monitoring is crucial due to the high hydroelectricity production in the area. The impacts of AR are analyzed by combining hydrometeorological observations with automated snow water equivalent measurements at 42 sites for the 2012–2021 period, as well as atmospheric river intensity scales derived from reanalysis. The ROS events were separated between those accompanied by AR and those that were not, resulting in 149 AR and 58 non-AR events. The intensity of the events was represented by the generated water available for runoff (WAR), which combines net rainfall and snowmelt. A seasonal analysis revealed that early winter was characterized by a high frequency of AR-associated events (36), exhibiting the greatest yearly frequency of high-scale AR events. The median WAR for AR events during this period was 36 mm, with rainfall predominating. In instances of extreme precipitation, WAR was significantly amplified by snowmelt, resulting from the rapid warming of shallow snowpacks. In late winter, there was a more balanced distribution of non-AR (54) and AR (74) events, which were characterized by generally lower intensity scales. This resulted in lower median WAR of, respectively, 30 mm and 19 mm for AR and non-AR events. However, the contribution of snowmelt during these events closely resembled that of rainfall, due to the generally warmer temperatures and the presence of lower-scale AR. The seasonal behaviour of the ROS events suggests a precipitation phase sensibility for WAR generation and variability in energy balance components. The sensitivity to precipitation phase is expected to vary between early and late winter, due to their distinct WAR compositions. Similarly, the event energy balance is bound to differ between early and late winter due to the contrasting conditions provided by low- and high-scale AR. This study underscores the distinctions between early and late winter ROS events and the necessity of accounting for the effects of atmospheric rivers on snowpack dynamics. Additionally, the findings outline considerations for snowpack modelling to more accurately represent extreme weather events projected to increase in frequency in the future.

    How to cite: Bédard-Therrien, A., Anctil, F., and Nadeau, D.: Investigating the seasonal influence of atmospheric rivers on runoff generation during rain-on-snow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12459,, 2025.

    EGU25-12766 | Orals | HS2.1.1

    The potential of stable isotopes of water for process analysis and modeling in cryosphere-dominated environments 

    Bettina Schaefli, Natalie Ceperley, Xinyang Fan, and Tom Müller

    Streamflow generation in cryosphere-dominated environments results from the complex interplay of precipitation accumulation and release processes across spatial and temporal scales. While the general streamflow dynamics of such environments are very well understood and relatively easy to simulate, the actual underlying storage-release processes are more difficult to reliably represent in models than what is currently thought.  Using stable isotopes of water to trace hydrological flow paths, estimate water age or attribute streamflow sources has become standard in hydrological process research. The isotopic ratios of oxygen or hydrogen in rainfall and snowfall commonly show substantial differences in alpine environments. Accordingly, it is tempting to think that they represent an ideal tracer to quantify the hydrologic partitioning at various time scales (from the event scale to the seasonal scale) and across a range of processes (ice melt, snow melt, rain-on-snow, infiltration, groundwater recharge, vegetation water uptake, baseflow generation). In this contribution, we discuss the potential of isotope analyses for cryosphere-dominated catchments regarding process research and modeling, what essential insights we can derive from stable isotopes of water for downstream water resources management under a changing climate, and we provide recommendations for future sampling campaigns.  

    How to cite: Schaefli, B., Ceperley, N., Fan, X., and Müller, T.: The potential of stable isotopes of water for process analysis and modeling in cryosphere-dominated environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12766,, 2025.

    EGU25-13326 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Remote Sensing of Mountain Snow from Space: Developing Accurate Snow Products for Efficient Water Resource Management in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains 

    Mostafa Bousbaa, Abdelghani Boudhar, Christophe Kinnard, Gemine Vivone, Haytam Elyoussfi, Eric A. Sproles, Bouchra Bargam, Karima Nifa, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

    In semi-arid regions of the Mediterranean, snowmelt and precipitation are vital water sources for downstream communities. Here, snow-covered mountain peaks serve as natural water reservoirs, playing a crucial role in regulating river flow and replenishing groundwater. This research leverages remote sensing to compensate for the lack of ground-based hydroclimatic data, focusing on the latest version of the MODIS snow cover product (version 6, V6). The study aims to refine the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) threshold and develop localized models for fractional snow cover (FSC) estimation tailored to the Moroccan Atlas Mountains. For this purpose, 448 Sentinel-2 scenes across six different regions in the Atlas Mountains were used to adjust the NDSI threshold and develop FSC models. Moreover, 8419 MOD10A1 and 7561 MYD10A1 images covering the period from March 2000 to June 2023 were processed to improve cloud filtering and generate a high-precision daily snow cover product for the region. Significant improvements were achieved in reducing cloud-covered pixels from 25.7% to 0.4%. Two NDSI MODIS threshold selection schemes were tested: the standard global threshold of 0.4 and a locally optimized threshold of 0.2. The local threshold demonstrated superior accuracy, significantly reducing snow cover estimation errors compared with the global threshold (0.4) for both Terra and Aqua MODIS images. The newly developed FSC models demonstrate high accuracy, displaying high correlation coefficients (average of 0.84) and low error measures when comparing MODIS-derived FSCs with high-resolution Sentinel-2 data. The improved daily snow cover product was compared with high-resolution snow maps obtained from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in different regions of the Moroccan Atlas. On average, the product showed a mean correlation coefficient of 0.96, a mean absolute error of 0.22%, and a mean reasonable negative bias of -0.17%. This research concludes that the improved daily snow cover product offers a robust understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of snow extent. These advancements offer considerable potential improvements to modelling snowmelt contribution to the water balance, supporting efficient water resource management in the southern Mediterranean region.

    How to cite: Bousbaa, M., Boudhar, A., Kinnard, C., Vivone, G., Elyoussfi, H., A. Sproles, E., Bargam, B., Nifa, K., and Chehbouni, A.: Remote Sensing of Mountain Snow from Space: Developing Accurate Snow Products for Efficient Water Resource Management in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13326,, 2025.

    EGU25-14202 | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    A Lagrangian-Based Multi-Layer Snow Model for Improved Snowpack Simulation in the Sanjiangyuan Region 

    Yinghui Jia, Yuefei Huang, and Shuo Zhang

    The cryosphere is one of the regions most profoundly affected by climate change. Since snowmelt plays a critical role in runoff generation, understanding its evolving contribution to runoff in the context of global warming is essential for informed water resource management and planning. Existing snow modules embedded in hydrological models typically focus on energy exchanges at the snowpack surface, neglecting internal changes in temperature and density. As a result, these models often fail to accurately capture variations in snow depth.

    This study addresses these limitations by developing a multiple layer snow model based on a Lagrangian framework, incorporating liquid water and air content within the snowpack. Conservation equations for energy and mass were established for the surface, inner, and bottom layers of the snowpack, and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method was employed to solve equations. The model effectively simulates temperature and density profiles of snow layers, as well as the timing and location of melting and refreezing events within the snowpack. Additionally, the snow and rain separation algorithm was enhanced by integrating multiple meteorological datasets.

    Applied to the Sanjiangyuan region in China with corrected precipitation data, the model yielded improved simulations of snow depth, achieving a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.77. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of snow cover aligned more closely with remote sensing observations, highlighting the model's enhanced accuracy and applicability.

    How to cite: Jia, Y., Huang, Y., and Zhang, S.: A Lagrangian-Based Multi-Layer Snow Model for Improved Snowpack Simulation in the Sanjiangyuan Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14202,, 2025.

    In our study, we focused on the Panj River basin, located in the Eastern Pamirs, a region characterized by extreme climatic conditions, low air temperatures, minimal precipitation, extensive permafrost, seasonal snow cover and graciarization. The Panj River, one of Tajikistan's primary rivers, is a left tributary of the Amu Darya, formed by the confluence of the Vakhandarya and Pamir rivers. Its estuary lies in southeastern Tajikistan.

    In Panj river, the seasonal snow reserves significantly influence the timing of snow and glacier melt and determines water availability in the region. In years with minimal snow accumulation, snow cover melts out by early July, with glacier melt beginning shortly thereafter. In contrast, during average snowy years, snow cover melts in the latter half of July, followed by glacial melt approximately 10 days later. During dry winters and low-water years, glacial runoff partially compensates for reduced river flow during the flood season.

    To study the runoff formation and temporal contribution to Gunt River, we employed both observational methods (e.g., topographic maps and catalogs) as well as digital techniques using remote sensing data from Landsat and MODIS satellite programs. The MODSNOW-Tool program, which analyzes MODIS snow cover area data and can be used for hydrological forecasting purposes, was used in determining snow cover melt and the onset of glacier melt dates. This enabled precise calculations of snow and glacial runoff in the Gunt River Basin. Additionally, MODIS snow cover data was utilized to forecast water availability during the flood season, providing critical early warnings to water management organizations and emergency services across Central Asia and beyond.

    With this presentation we would like to demonstrate achieved results and potentially disseminate scientific outcome to be used by other research communities or decision makers. 

    How to cite: Niyazov, J., Gafurov, A., and Gafurov, A.: Glaciation, snow cover and runoff formation in the Gunt River basin analyzed using the remote sensing data. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15080,, 2025.

    EGU25-15091 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Isotopic insights into cold region hydrology: Decoding isotopic signatures of snow and glacier in Khangeri glacier, North-eastern Himalaya.  

    Madhusmita Nanda, Uma Narayan, Archana M Nair, and Suresh A Kartha

    The hydrology of the glacier-fed systems plays a critical role in maintaining sustainability, water availability, and livelihood in the downstream region. The Khangeri glacier of the north-eastern Himalaya belongs to the Mago basin, which is a small catchment in the major Brahmaputra river system. Understanding the isotopic characteristics of these cold regions offers a unique lens to decode the dynamics of snow and glacier behaviour to the regional water resources. This study investigates the stable isotopic signature of snow, ice, glacier, and meltwater within the Khangeri glacier system, employing the stable isotopes of oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) as tracers. The isotopic analysis was performed using the Liquid Triple Isotopic Water Analyser (L-TIWA) following the conventional analytical procedure for laser-based, off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS). The isotopic analysis reveals distinct seasonal variations, with heavier isotope enrichment during the premonsoon period and depletion during the postmonsoon period. All the snow samples show regression lines with similar slopes and intercepts greater than the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL), but the glacier samples show a regression line with a lesser slope and intercept than the GMWL. This study also identifies the critical processes involved in the fractionation of isotopes during snow/glacier melting and isotope mixing, which shapes the isotopic signature of meltwater coming downstream. This isotopic study offers the significance of this tracer technique in understanding hydrological processes and predicting climate change on cryospheric hydrology.

    Keywords: Stable isotope, Snow, Khangeri glacier, North-eastern Himalaya, Mago basin

    How to cite: Nanda, M., Narayan, U., Nair, A. M., and Kartha, S. A.: Isotopic insights into cold region hydrology: Decoding isotopic signatures of snow and glacier in Khangeri glacier, North-eastern Himalaya. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15091,, 2025.

    EGU25-15593 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    The impact of snow cover and precipitation phase on groundwater recharge 

    Karin Bremer, Ilja van Meerveld, Kevin Bishop, Michal Jeníček, Lukáš Vlček, and Jan Seibert

    Catchment storage affects the runoff response to snowmelt or rainfall events. Although changes in snow cover will affect streamflow responses, there is currently a lack of knowledge of how changes in snow cover will affect groundwater storage. This is important as summer low flows are often sensitive to changes in groundwater storage. This study aims to investigate how groundwater level fluctuations differ during rainfall versus snowmelt events and if the effect of the precipitation phase on groundwater recharge and storage varies across a catchment.

    This study uses data from high-frequency measurements from 44 wells from the 20-ha Studibach catchment in the pre-alps in Switzerland (2010-2024 data), 48 wells from the C6 and C2 catchments in the Krycklan catchment in Sweden (2018-2024 data), and five wells from the Rokytka catchment in the Vydra catchment in Czech Republic (2013-2023 data). It analyses the response of the groundwater during periods with snow cover (rain-on-snow events), during snowmelt events, and rainfall events and whether these differences depend on the location of the catchment (as represented by, for example, the topographic wetness index, slope, and land cover). Furthermore, it determines the correlation between the site characteristics and how this differs for these three types of events. These results will be helpful to understand better how changes in snow due to cover climate change will affect groundwater recharge and storage, and thus streamflow.

    How to cite: Bremer, K., van Meerveld, I., Bishop, K., Jeníček, M., Vlček, L., and Seibert, J.: The impact of snow cover and precipitation phase on groundwater recharge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15593,, 2025.

    EGU25-16624 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data and Melting Models for Estimating Glacier Melt Contributions to Runoff 

    Riccardo Barella, Ezequiel Toum, Pierre Pitte, Mariano Masiokas, and Carlo Marin

    In the context of climate change, the declining contribution of snowmelt to runoff underscores the need for precise quantification of glacier meltwater contributions. Accurate differentiation between snowmelt and ice melt is crucial but challenging, requiring detailed knowledge of glacier surface land cover. High-resolution optical remote sensing data from platforms like Landsat and Sentinel-2 provide a valuable tool for assessing glacier surface cover, leveraging their rich spectral information to distinguish snow from ice effectively.

    The inherent limitation of cloud occlusion in optical imagery can be mitigated by integrating high-resolution datasets with daily low-resolution observations through gap-filling techniques. These land cover maps can be used as input for a range of melting models, from simple temperature-index models to more complex physically-based models.

    A preliminary study was conducted on the Hintereisferner glacier in Austria, a well-documented site with extensive historical data. The study compared glacier melt estimates derived from gap-filled high-resolution satellite data, orthorectified and classified webcam imagery, and terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) data (Voordendag et al. 2023). Results revealed strong agreement between the satellite-based melt maps and those derived from webcam and TLS measurements, demonstrating the potential of this approach.

    Future applications will focus on reference glaciers in the Andes, where glacier melt contributions to downstream water resources are more significant than in Alpine catchments. The methodology aims to enhance our understanding of glacier dynamics and support water resource management in regions heavily reliant on glacier-fed runoff.

    This work has been done in the context of the project SNOWCOP. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions programme under Grant Agreement 10180133.



    Voordendag, A., Goger, B., Klug, C., Prinz, R., Rutzinger, M., Sauter, T., & Kaser, G. (2023). Uncertainty assessment of a permanent long-range terrestrial laser scanning system for the quantification of snow dynamics on Hintereisferner (Austria). Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1085416.

    How to cite: Barella, R., Toum, E., Pitte, P., Masiokas, M., and Marin, C.: Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data and Melting Models for Estimating Glacier Melt Contributions to Runoff, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16624,, 2025.

    EGU25-16691 | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Future of Snowmelt Hydrology and Hydropower: A Case Study of Türkiye’s Mountainous Basins 

    Aynur Sensoy, Yusuf Oğulcan Doğan, Gökçen Uysal, and Ali Arda Şorman

    Climate change significantly impacts global water resources, particularly in snow-fed mountainous basins where reservoir operations and hydropower generation are crucial. This study investigates future snowmelt runoff, water resource management, and hydropower production under climate change scenarios for two headwater basins in Türkiye: Peterek on the Çoruh River in the Eastern Black Sea region and Göksu on the Seyhan River in the Mediterranean region. These basins were selected for their similar topographies but distinct climatic conditions, representing regions predicted to experience varying climate change impacts.

    An ensemble of five Global Climate Models (GCMs) from the CORDEX-Europe database, adjusted for local bias corrections, was employed under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios, along with Global Warming Levels (GWL) from the Paris Climate Agreement. The HBV-Light model simulated future reservoir inflows (2020–2099), revealing significant reductions in snow accumulation and inflows due to rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns. Reservoir operations and hydropower generation projections were conducted using the Water Resources Assessment and Planning (WEAP) model, predicting a 4–9% reduction in hydropower generation for the Çoruh Basin and a 10–35% reduction for the Seyhan Basin over the final decades (2076–2099).

    To adapt to these changes, four alternative management strategies were evaluated to optimize reservoir operations under climate challenges. This study emphasizes the importance of comprehensive scientific assessments for policymakers in understudied, snow-dominated transboundary river basins, particularly those with significant energy production potential. The findings contribute to improved water and energy management by providing critical insights into climate-driven changes in reservoir storage, flow patterns, and hydropower generation.

    How to cite: Sensoy, A., Doğan, Y. O., Uysal, G., and Şorman, A. A.: Future of Snowmelt Hydrology and Hydropower: A Case Study of Türkiye’s Mountainous Basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16691,, 2025.

    EGU25-17124 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Linking observed glacier mass losses and streamflow trends globally 

    Marit Van Tiel, Jakob Steiner, Matthias Huss, Walter Immerzeel, Rodrigo Aguayo, Christoff Andermann, Sarah Mager, Santosh Nepal, Eric Pohl, Ekaterina Rets, Thomas V Schuler, Kerstin Stahl, Lander van Tricht, Tandong Yao, and Daniel Farinotti

    Ongoing glacier retreat is causing the loss of a critical water resource in mountain regions, with wide-ranging downstream impacts. These include shifts in streamflow seasonality, change in water availability, and changes to low-flow conditions, either exacerbating or alleviating them. To date, most hydrological impact studies have relied on model simulations for specific regions or catchments, often driven by future climate change scenarios. However, evidence on the hydrological impact of glacier retreat based on direct observational data is scarce due to the limited accessibility of in-situ data. To address this, we have assembled a comprehensive dataset of streamflow observations from approximately 600 glacierized catchments (10–1000 km²) around the world. By integrating this dataset with geodetic estimates of glacier mass change for each individual glacier globally, we quantify the contribution of net glacier mass loss to streamflow across diverse mountain regions. Our study identifies where decadal glacier mass losses (2000–2010 and 2010–2019) align with observed streamflow trends in both magnitude and direction, and where other hydrological processes are more dominant. Streamflow trends and variations are analyzed both at an annual and seasonal scale with a specific focus on hydrograph characteristics such as high flows, low flows, and the melt season. Our results highlight the spatial heterogeneity of glacier retreat impacts across mountain regions and their downstream implications.

    How to cite: Van Tiel, M., Steiner, J., Huss, M., Immerzeel, W., Aguayo, R., Andermann, C., Mager, S., Nepal, S., Pohl, E., Rets, E., V Schuler, T., Stahl, K., van Tricht, L., Yao, T., and Farinotti, D.: Linking observed glacier mass losses and streamflow trends globally, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17124,, 2025.

    EGU25-18065 | Orals | HS2.1.1 | Highlight

    Glaciers and their declining role in buffering current and future megadroughts in the Southern Andes 

    Álvaro Ayala, Eduardo Muñoz-Castro, Daniel Farinotti, David Farías-Barahona, Pablo Mendoza, Shelley MacDonell, James McPhee, Ximena Vargas, and Francesca Pellicciotti

    Megadroughts are multi-year precipitation deficits that cause severe hydrological, ecological, agricultural or socioeconomic droughts, and they are increasing world-wide in duration, severity and extension. The Chilean Megadrought is among the most severe, persistent and extensive droughts on record in South America (from 2010 to present), and offers an ideal study case to understand the importance of glaciers during periods of water stress. Here, we simulate the response of glaciers in the Central Andes of Chile and Argentina to both the ongoing Chilean Megadrought and to megadroughts projected to occur by the end of the century under climate change scenarios.

    We use the TOPKAPI-ETH glacio-hydrological model to simulate the evolution, mass balance and runoff of the 100 largest glaciers in the Southern Andes between 30°S and 40°S, representing a total of 78 km3 of ice volume (63% of the total glacier volume in the region). TOPKAPI-ETH is a spatially distributed physically-based model with parameterisations of mass redistribution due to ice flow, avalanching and ice melt under debris, as well as snow albedo decay and distributed ice albedo, which are key elements to represent the impact of snowfall reduction on surface melt. We run the model at high horizontal (100 m) and temporal (3-hour) resolutions forced by gridded meteorological data. Parameters are calibrated and evaluated for each selected glacier using geodetic mass balance and surface albedo for the period 2000-2019. The model is then used to simulate the period 2000-2099 using outputs from four Global Climate Models (GCM) under a moderate (RCP2.6) and a high (RCP8.5) future greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenario. End-of-century megadroughts are defined as the driest 10-year period during 2075-2100 for each GCM and RCP. We use the decade 2000-2009 as a reference period, since it has been identified as a period of near-neutral glacier mass balance in the study area. The Chilean megadrought caused a precipitation deficit of −36±11% across glaciers, but total glacier runoff (sum of snowmelt, ice melt and rainfall) during 2010-2019 remained nearly unchanged (decrease of −2%) compared to the 2000-2009 reference period. These small changes were due to a 5% loss in total glacier volume that resulted in a 120% increase in total ice melt. In contrast to the relatively small changes in glacier runoff during 2010-2019, glacier runoff is projected to decrease significantly during end-of-century megadroughts compared to the reference period (2000-2009): by −10±4% under RCP2.6 and by −21±11% under RCP8.5 on an annual basis, and by −35±6% and −50±6% during summer. 

    Our results demonstrate that ongoing glacier retreat reduces glaciers’ fundamental capacity to buffer precipitation deficits during extreme droughts, increasing water scarcity for ecosystems and livelihoods in the mountain regions of South America. Crucially, the future megadroughts will occur under substantially warmer conditions than the current megadrought, likely increasing water demand of downstream areas. 

    How to cite: Ayala, Á., Muñoz-Castro, E., Farinotti, D., Farías-Barahona, D., Mendoza, P., MacDonell, S., McPhee, J., Vargas, X., and Pellicciotti, F.: Glaciers and their declining role in buffering current and future megadroughts in the Southern Andes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18065,, 2025.

    EGU25-18668 | Orals | HS2.1.1

    Evaluating Glacier Melt's Role in Mitigating Hydrological Droughts in Mountainous Regions: Insights from the Adige River Basin 

    Giacomo Bertoldi, Susen Shrestha, Stefano Terzi, Davide Zoccatelli, Mattia Zaramella, Marco Borga, Mattia Callegari, Andrea Galletti, and Roberto Dinale

    Glacier meltwater is critical in sustaining streamflow during low-flow periods in mountainous regions. Nevertheless, glacier melt is often poorly or statically assessed in hydrological simulations, leading to partial considerations for effectively managing water, especially during droughts.

    This study evaluates the contribution of glacier melt to summer flows and its capacity to mitigate hydrological droughts in the upper Adige River basin, located in the Italian Alps (6900 km2). To achieve this, a new dynamic glacier module was implemented into the ICHYMOD-TOPMELT hydrological model, enabling annual updates of glacier area and improved quantification of meltwater contributions under progressive glacier retreat (from 122 km2 in 1997 to 84 km2 in 2017).

    The hydrological model exhibited robust performance metrics, with Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) values of 0.82 for the overall study period and 0.65 for summer low-flow months. The dynamic glacier module accurately captured observed glacier area, mass balance, and seasonal melt trends. Validation against ASTER-derived glacier mass balance data for 2000–2019 revealed an error of 11%, underscoring the model’s ability to effectively represent long-term glacier dynamics.

    Results indicate that glacier melt contributed an average of 5.86% to summer streamflow during the period 1997–2019, with significant spatial variability. In drier, more glacierized subbasins, melt contributions reached up to 30–40%, highlighting its importance in maintaining streamflow where precipitation is scarce. We analyzed also the interplay between snow water equivalent (SWE), temperature, and glacier melt during droughts, with SWE acting as a buffer to delay summer glacier melt under cooler conditions.

    Severe drought years (like 2003, 2005, and 2022) demonstrated considerable variability in glacier melt contributions. In 2003, high temperatures and limited SWE led to glacier melt accounting for 14.4% of summer flows. By contrast, colder temperatures in 2005 reduced contributions to 6.3%. In 2022, while high temperatures drove glacier melt, reduced glacier areas led to lower absolute contributions (8.2%) compared to earlier droughts. If we had the same glacier area in 2022 like in 1997, glacier contribution could have been up to 14.6 %.

    Findings highlight the declining capacity of glacier melt to buffer against hydrological droughts due to ongoing glacier retreat. With shrinking glaciers, future summer flows in the Adige River basin are expected to become increasingly dependent on precipitation and snowmelt, thereby heightening the vulnerability of water resources to climate variability.

    Additionally, simulations showed that models using a static glacier area tend to overestimate glacier melt contributions, emphasizing the necessity of integrating a dynamic glacier modeling framework in hydrological models. These frameworks are crucial for accurately projecting future water availability and informing adaptive water resource management strategies in glacier-fed catchments.

    How to cite: Bertoldi, G., Shrestha, S., Terzi, S., Zoccatelli, D., Zaramella, M., Borga, M., Callegari, M., Galletti, A., and Dinale, R.: Evaluating Glacier Melt's Role in Mitigating Hydrological Droughts in Mountainous Regions: Insights from the Adige River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18668,, 2025.

    EGU25-18909 | Orals | HS2.1.1

    High-resolution and large scale modelling of seasonal snow in forests over the European Alps 

    Clare Webster, Simon Filhol, Giulia Mazzotti, Marius Rüetschi, Louis Queno, Joel Fiddes, Tobias Jonas, and Christian Ginzler

    Mid-elevation alpine regions are currently undergoing profound changes, with snow cover regimes shifting from seasonal to ephemeral. At the same time, forests around the world are also undergoing large changes due both natural and human-induced disturbances. Quantifying the impact of these environmental changes on seasonal snow requires physics based models that incorporate the relevant processes, as well as sufficiently detailed datasets of forest structure.

    In the last decade, a new generation of snow models have been developed that explicitly represent interactions between forests, snow and meteorology. These models build on airborne lidar data  incorporating the effect of individual tree crowns on radiation transfer and snow interception processes, replacing the use of the leaf-area index and the “big-leaf” approach. However, these new models rely on airborne lidar data with limited spatial extents defined by arbitrary boundaries such as state, municipal and/or isolated hydrological catchments. Large spatial scale and global forest snow modelling is therefore still reliant on the “big-leaf” approach, which is known to have limited performance especially in heterogeneous forest environments. 

    This study presents a modelling chain to predict seasonal snow accumulation and ablation in forests based on satellite forest products and global climate forcings (ERA5) applied across the European Alps as a first large-scale use case. The motivation to develop this modelling chain is to facilitate modelling forest snow processes across large spatial scales, especially in previously unstudied remote forested regions around the globe.

    The model chain begins with a 10m canopy height model (CHM) derived from Sentinel-2 imagery. The CHM is used with Copernicus Land Monitoring Service forest products as input to the Canopy Radiation Model (CanRad) to calculate the forest structure and radiation transfer input variables for the Flexible Snow Model (FSM2). Forest variables are calculated at 25m sub-grid scale and averaged to run FSM2 at 250 m resolution over the European Alps. The ERA5 meteorological input for FSM2 are downscaled and aggregated at the hillslope scale using the climate downscaling toolkit TopoPyScale (TPS). Throughout the modelling chain, the model outputs are validated using airborne lidar data of both forest structure and snow cover in both the French and Swiss Alps. 

    This model chain overcomes large-scale forest snow modelling challenges with 1) an explicit description of snow-canopy interactions, 2) a method compensating for the lack of a global canopy dataset, and 3) reduced computational cost of running large scale simulations. The main advantage of this approach is the ease of use and availability to run over much smaller domains as well as its relevance for global applications in fields such as permafrost, snow and hydrological research.

    How to cite: Webster, C., Filhol, S., Mazzotti, G., Rüetschi, M., Queno, L., Fiddes, J., Jonas, T., and Ginzler, C.: High-resolution and large scale modelling of seasonal snow in forests over the European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18909,, 2025.

    EGU25-19532 | ECS | Orals | HS2.1.1

    A multi-year analysis of forest snow and its contribution to the water cycle of Switzerland 

    Vincent Haagmans, Giulia Mazzotti, Peter Molnar, and Tobias Jonas

    Switzerland is covered 30% by forests, a considerable part of which receives snow in winter. Accurate information about where, when, and how much snow is stored across Swiss forests remains scarce due to the extensive area, complex terrain, and intricate forest snow processes leading to substantial spatiotemporal variability across scales. The Swiss Operational Snow-Hydrological Service (OSHD) runs a physics-based model system that includes detailed forest snow routines, providing daily nationwide snow distribution and snow melt grids at 250m resolution. While these routines have been validated on multiple occasions and at various research sites within and outside forests, the forest simulations have not yet been evaluated over large areas. As a first step, we therefore validated the model results against remotely sensed snow cover information from 3m Planet Labs RGB imagery. The evaluation revealed a very good match throughout the winter season, across regions and years, and within aspect classes, expressed by an overall mean absolute error in snow cover fraction of only 0.14. These results motivated us to analyze a multi-year dataset from the OSHD model system with regards to the relevance of forest snow for the hydrology of Switzerland. In the period investigated, hydrological years 2017-2024, Swiss forests stored, on average, a fifth of the total snow water equivalent during peak SWE. Yet, if hypothetically all forests in Switzerland were removed or lost, this would increase SWE storage by approximately 5% only. However, this does not render the impact of forests on snow water resources irrelevant. At smaller spatial scales and between years, the differences can be considerable for both the amount and timing of snowmelt runoff. In the Swiss Alps, on average, snow remains longer on the ground in the open, reaching its maximum storage later in winter and having significantly higher ablation rates than in adjacent forests. However, aspect matters as snow in south-facing slopes often deviates from the above with prolonged snow cover durations in the forest due to later melt-out. In summary, this study provides a detailed view of the effects of forests on snow water resources and quantifies how these differ with region, topography, season, and between years.

    How to cite: Haagmans, V., Mazzotti, G., Molnar, P., and Jonas, T.: A multi-year analysis of forest snow and its contribution to the water cycle of Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19532,, 2025.

    EGU25-19745 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Inference of snow dynamics from streamflow observations: choose your metrics wisely 

    Pau Wiersma, Bettina Schaefli, Nadav Peleg, Jan Magnusson, and Grégoire Mariéthoz

    High elevation streamflow integrates the hydrological response to snow accumulation and melt. Accordingly, streamflow observations hold valuable but often underutilized information about snow water equivalent (SWE), offering a means to reconstruct historical SWE dynamics. We develop an inverse hydrological modelling framework to derive SWE estimates from streamflow: the framework generates a range of prior SWE scenarios, feeds them into a hydrological model and computes their likelihood based on how well corresponding streamflow simulations match observed streamflow. A critical step hereby is the choice of model performance metrics to be used as likelihood functions. To test our framework, we perform a range of tests in a synthetical setting, where we use known SWE data that we feed into the hydrological model and then apply the inversion framework to retrieve the SWE time series from the streamflow alone. The goal of this synthetic setting is to determine which streamflow metrics select realistic SWE scenarios (measured in terms of errors between the known SWE time series and generated scenarios).

    Our results reveal that classical streamflow metrics, such as the Kling-Gupta and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies, show no correlation with any SWE timing or magnitude error metrics. Accordingly, minimizing these streamflow metrics does not result in an efficient selection of  SWE scenarios. In contrast, minimizing the mismatch of selected streamflow signatures, such as the baseflow index and the mean melt-season discharge, does lead to a selection of SWE scenarios with smaller errors. Overall, however, our results show that correlations between streamflow performance metrics and SWE performance metrics are generally weak and show significant year-to-year variability, indicating that streamflow metrics are often not informative for reconstructing SWE. 

    Our synthetic modeling experiments are conducted in the Dischma catchment in Switzerland, using the OSHD Swiss SWE reanalysis product as the synthetic SWE observations (Mott et al., 2023). Synthetic streamflow observations are generated by feeding OSHD snow melt and MeteoSwiss rainfall into the hydrological model. 

    Our findings are relevant for future studies aiming to evaluate or calibrate SWE simulations against streamflow observations, and will help us in the application of the inverse hydrological framework to real-world SWE reconstructions.


    Mott, R., Winstral, A., Cluzet, B., Helbig, N., Magnusson, J., Mazzotti, G., Quéno, L., Schirmer, M., Webster, C., and Jonas, T.: Operational snow-hydrological modeling for Switzerland, Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1228158,, 2023.

    How to cite: Wiersma, P., Schaefli, B., Peleg, N., Magnusson, J., and Mariéthoz, G.: Inference of snow dynamics from streamflow observations: choose your metrics wisely, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19745,, 2025.

    EGU25-21295 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.1.1

    Assessing Snow and Firn Dynamics in Georgian Glaciers Using Local Data and Modeling 

    Sopio Beridze and Carlo De Michele

    Mountain glaciers play a crucial role in regulating water resources and are highly sensitive to climatic shifts. In this study, we applied and tailored the snow-firn dynamics model by Banfi and De Michele (2021) to analyze the snowpack and firn characteristics of Georgian glaciers. Meteorological data from a station (Shovi) near the Buba Glacier, located in the Racha region of Georgia in the Caucasus, were utilized. The model integrates snow and firn processes through mass balance, densification, and melt dynamics, allowing for detailed simulations of seasonal and interannual variability. By incorporating site-specific variables such as precipitation, temperature, snow cover, and wind speed, we simulated snow accumulation, firn densification, and melt processes. The model's performance was evaluated under local conditions, demonstrating its capability to replicate
    seasonal variations in snow retention and density distribution. Using the Python programming language, our analysis highlights the critical role of wind-driven erosion and seasonal temperature thresholds in shaping snow-firn transitions. These findings offer valuable insights into the dynamics of Georgian glaciers, particularly in this highly active region characterized by numerous glaciers, substantial precipitation, and glacier-related
    disasters. This work contributes to advancing glacier monitoring and informing regional climate impact assessments.

    How to cite: Beridze, S. and De Michele, C.: Assessing Snow and Firn Dynamics in Georgian Glaciers Using Local Data and Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21295,, 2025.

    EGU25-426 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Thinning of Antarctic Winter Water preconditions recent storm-triggered Antarctic sea ice decline 

    Theo Spira, Marcel du Plessis, Alexander Haumann, Isabelle Giddy, Alessandro Silvano, Aditya Narayanan, and Sebastiaan Swart

    In winter 2015, Antarctic sea ice underwent a drastic change, transitioning from a period of record high sea ice coverage to a period of record low sea ice coverage. While both an intensified atmospheric circulation and warmer ocean temperatures have been invoked as possible causes for this sea ice regime shift, a detailed process understanding is still missing. Using ~110,000 hydrographic profiles from the seasonal ice zone of the Southern Ocean and atmospheric reanalysis, we reconcile how storm-driven mixing interacted with subsurface warming to change the sea ice state. We observe a gradual thinning of Antarctic Winter Water that acts as a barrier between the warmer deep water and the surface over the period 2005 to 2015 (~2 m per year). This thinning is likely induced by an increased near-surface density stratification in this period, hampering Winter Water formation. As a result, the reservoir of warmer deep water moved closer to the surface and the sea ice. In winter 2015, anomalously strong winds enhanced mixing across the thin Winter Water layer, which broke down stratification over the upper ocean and enhanced connectivity between the ocean mixed layer and deeper interior. Consequently, this reduced stratification allows warmer deep waters to melt sea ice. Our findings thus show that an oceanic preconditioning was a prerequisite for the potential sea ice regime shift that was ultimately triggered by strong storm-driven mixing in 2015.

    How to cite: Spira, T., du Plessis, M., Haumann, A., Giddy, I., Silvano, A., Narayanan, A., and Swart, S.: Thinning of Antarctic Winter Water preconditions recent storm-triggered Antarctic sea ice decline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-426,, 2025.

    EGU25-462 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Linking the recent decrease in Weddell Sea dense shelf water formation to shifts in the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation 

    Maurice Huguenin, Svenja Ryan, Caroline Ummenhofer, and Matthew England

    Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is formed in select locations around the Antarctic margin, filling the bottom 40% of the world’s ocean and circulating heat, carbon and nutrients throughout all basins. Recent observations suggest that almost half of AABW is formed in the western Weddell Sea and that since 1992, its formation has decreased by around 40%. A combination of anthropogenic warming, through the addition of freshwater from melting glaciers and ice shelves, and natural climate variability, is thought to have led to this drastic decrease. The Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), known to exhibit teleconnections to the Weddell Sea, has been proposed as responsible for some of this decrease. However, it remains unclear to what extent recent shifts in the IPO have influenced AABW formation because limited observations include the impact of all natural and anthropogenic climate drivers and not just the IPO. Here we use the 1/10° global ocean-sea ice model ACCESS-OM2 to simulate the isolated impact of the IPO on Weddell Sea dense shelf and bottom water formation. We find indications that southward wind anomalies associated with a negative IPO phase push sea ice towards the coastline, prevent polynyas from opening and have reduce dense shelf and bottom water formation. In the Ross Sea we see the opposite, with more dense shelf water formation during negative IPO phases compared to positive phases, especially for the highest density ranges. This indicates that during IPO phase shifts, Weddell Sea AABW changes might be compensated by changes in the Ross Sea. These findings have implications for interpreting decadal-scale variability in dense shelf and AABW production and its impacts on the global ocean circulation under a rapidly warming climate.

    How to cite: Huguenin, M., Ryan, S., Ummenhofer, C., and England, M.: Linking the recent decrease in Weddell Sea dense shelf water formation to shifts in the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-462,, 2025.

    EGU25-1904 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Identifying Changes in Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes in Antarctic Bottom Water 

    Emma Robertson, Alexander Haumann, and Michael Meredith

    The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in global climate regulation through its influence on the oceanic and atmospheric circulation. Due to the very cold temperatures in the polar Southern Ocean, salinity exerts a fundamental control on vertical mixing, water mass renewal, and the global overturning circulation. Thus, understanding the causes and consequences of salinity changes in the Southern Ocean is not only essential for understanding changes in regional climate dynamics but also implications the changes have on the global climate system. We here investigate spatial and temporal changes in the salinity of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) from historic hydrographic data to understand the coupled system of freshwater inputs and salinity changes in the Southern Ocean. Using a novel database of seawater isotopes and noble gases as tracers, combined with in-situ salinity measurements, we identify freshwater sources in AABW within the Weddell Sea, and their changes over time. We find that AABW has freshened and become enriched in δ18O from 1995 to 2016, suggesting a coupled relationship between reduced sea ice export from the Weddell Sea continental shelf, increased sea ice melting, and reduced basal melting of the adjacent Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The observed decline in meteoric water contributions, including basal melt, further supports this inference, suggesting that declines in sea ice export from the continental shelf significantly impact AABW formation and export.

    How to cite: Robertson, E., Haumann, A., and Meredith, M.: Identifying Changes in Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes in Antarctic Bottom Water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1904,, 2025.

    EGU25-2291 | Orals | OS1.7

    Winter thermohaline evolution along andbelow the Ross Ice Shelf 

    Pierpaolo Falco, Naomi Krauzig, Pasquale Castagno, Angela Garzia, Riccardo Martellucci, Yuri Cotroneo, Daniela Flocco, Milena Menna, Annunziata Pirro, Elena Mauri, Francesco Memmola, Cosimo Solidoro, Massimo Pacciaroni, Giulio Notarstefano, Giorgio Budillon, and Enrico Zambianchi

    Observations beneath ice-covered oceans and within ice-shelf cavities are central to understanding the ocean-ice interactions that influence ice-shelf stability, contribute to global sea-level change, and shape large-scale ocean circulation patterns. However, direct observations in these regions, particularly those capturing wintertime conditions, remain scarce due to the logistical challenges posed by persistent ice cover. Emerging autonomous technologies and new applications now offer opportunities to address these observational gaps.
    Since 2020, we have deployed 20 unconventionally programmed Argo floats in key regions of the Ross Sea, including the Terra Nova Bay and Ross Ice Shelf polynyas, the critically under-sampled Eastern Gate, and along the Ross Ice Shelf front. These floats provide year-round thermohaline and biochemical measurements, which, among other capabilities, allow for the quantification of water mass transformations, sub-ice dynamics, and key processes such as the production of High Salinity Shelf Water, a precursor to Antarctic Bottom Water. This represents a significant advancement, as previous studies have largely relied on summer ship-based or satellite-derived observations, which fail to capture the full seasonal cycle.
    Futhermore, with measurements from three Argo floats operating for several months beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, we directly observed and quantified processes that had previously only been hypothesized. These include the intrusion of seasonally warmed Antarctic Surface Water, identified as a primary driver of frontal and basal melting, along with its associated effects on ocean heat content and basal melt rates, as well as the outflow of Ice Shelf Water, the coldest ocean water in the world.

    Building on the insights gained over the past 4 years, we argue that broadening the deployment of grounded-mode Argo floats across Antarctica can provide a unique understanding of ocean-ice interactions. By enabling continuous, autonomous measurements — even in winter and under ice — this approach can improve our capacity to quantify key processes, such as the lateral and vertical extent of shelf water production and the mechanisms driving basal melt. Our results demonstrate that Argo floats offer direct evidence of how heat absorbed at the surface is transported into ice-shelf cavities, contributing to basal melting and reshaping our understanding of water mass formation processes in coastal polynyas. Expanding the float network would enhance our ability to detect interannual variability, characterize longer-term trends, and reduce uncertainties in ice-shelf and sea-level projections, ultimately supporting more accurate climate model predictions for these critical polar environments.

    How to cite: Falco, P., Krauzig, N., Castagno, P., Garzia, A., Martellucci, R., Cotroneo, Y., Flocco, D., Menna, M., Pirro, A., Mauri, E., Memmola, F., Solidoro, C., Pacciaroni, M., Notarstefano, G., Budillon, G., and Zambianchi, E.: Winter thermohaline evolution along andbelow the Ross Ice Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2291,, 2025.

    EGU25-2487 | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Contribution of ocean processes to the drops in Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of the 1970s and after 2016 

    Hugues Goosse, Feba Francis, Bianca Mezzina, Benjamin Richaud, and Quentin Dalaiden

    The Antarctic sea ice extent has displayed two large drops over the past 65 years, a small one at the end of the 1970s and a more substantial one after 2016. The atmospheric forcing provided a dominant contribution to those drops. Wind changes strongly control the spatial pattern of sea ice reduction, especially in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and in the western Weddell Sea. The relationship between the winds and sea ice seems less direct in the east Antarctic sector (i.e., mainly in the eastern Weddell Sea and in the Indian sectors), where oceanic processes are expected to play a larger role. This contribution of oceanic processes in the sea ice reduction in the east Antarctic sector is estimated here using simulations performed with the ocean-sea-ice  model NEMO, substantiated by observations. The simulations cover the period 1958-2023, driven by both the ERA5 reanalysis and a forcing derived from a recent reconstruction that displays more homogenous time series than ERA5 over the whole period. Observations are used at first to evaluate the model behaviour over the past decades when the data network is denser. The simulations, then, allow the analysis to be extended over the past 65 years, to estimate the changes in oceanic heat transport, heat content and oceanic heat flux towards the sea ice. Several simulations with NEMO are compared, using different initial conditions and parameters influencing mixing to estimate how they influence the sea ice extent variations and thus to disentangle the role of different oceanic processes in the observed changes.

    How to cite: Goosse, H., Francis, F., Mezzina, B., Richaud, B., and Dalaiden, Q.: Contribution of ocean processes to the drops in Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of the 1970s and after 2016, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2487,, 2025.

    EGU25-2551 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Decadal variability of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea driven by winds 

    Michael Haigh and Paul Holland

    Ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, are being melted rapidly from below by warm ocean waters, causing sea-level rise. Amundsen Sea oceanography and ice-shelf melting are both subject to long-term (centennial) trends and natural decadal variability. We study the atmospheric drivers of the decadal variability using perturbation experiments in which the mechanical (winds) and thermodynamic atmospheric forcings are applied individually in an ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea. We find that the decadal variability is predominantly driven by mechanical forcing of the winds, through impacts on the melting and formation of sea ice. This variability in the sea ice drives variability in the Amundsen Sea undercurrent and the heat fluxes towards the ice shelves, which in turn leads to decadal variability in the melting of the ice shelves. While winds are the primary driver of this variability, it is also found that a significant part of the variability is due to nonlinear effects, and cannot be explained by the individual impacts of either winds or thermodynamics. Our results also highlight how the processes that drive variability differ depending on the timescale (e.g., annual, decadal, centennial) of interest.

    How to cite: Haigh, M. and Holland, P.: Decadal variability of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea driven by winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2551,, 2025.

    EGU25-4674 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Mechanisms of wind-field regulation of eastward undercurrents in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica 

    Ziang Li, Chuning Wang, and Meng Zhou

    The ice shelves in Amundsen Sea are experiencing a rapid melting phase, largely due to the intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) from off the continental shelf. At intrusion sites on the continental slope, the CDW, along with an eastward undercurrent, breaks the Taylor–Proudman theory, causing southward cross-isopycnal intrusion. To explore the mechanisms of the intrusion, we developed a coupled ocean-sea ice-ice shelf numerical model for the Ross Sea-Amundsen Sea system, reconstructing the circulations and simulating the CDW intrusion. The vorticity budget along the continental shelf break of Amundsen Sea is examined using the depth-averaged vorticity budget equation based on the model’s outputs. Results show that the advection of planetary vorticity (APV) and the joint effect of baroclinicity and relief (JEBAR) dominate the vorticity balance at the CDW intrusion sites on the shelf break. The intensity and vertical structure of the eastward undercurrent upstream significantly affect the density structure in the downstream intrusion area, promoting the JEBAR effect. The velocity of the eastward undercurrent is linked to the local wind field. We find that stronger eastward undercurrent speeds are associated with stronger westerly winds and weaker wind stress curl. Westerly winds can drive undercurrents via modifying the meridional sea surface altitude gradient, while wind stress curl reduces the undercurrent by weakening the strength of the continental slope front, which represents the wind field's own internal constraints on the undercurrent. Stronger negative wind stress curl in the Amundsen Sea could drive a stronger geostrophic component of Sverdrup transport under the Ekman layer, which may compress local isopycnals to alter the undercurrent on a seasonal timescale.

    How to cite: Li, Z., Wang, C., and Zhou, M.: Mechanisms of wind-field regulation of eastward undercurrents in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4674,, 2025.

    EGU25-4705 | Orals | OS1.7

    The role of Antarctic basal meltwater  

    Martina Zapponini, Dmitry Sidorenko, Patrick Scholz, Tido Semmler, Jan Streffing, and Thomas Jung

    Freshwater hosing experiments are a widely used tool for understanding the impacts of Antarctic ice shelf basal melting on the Southern Ocean and global climate. Most existing coupled climate models lack the necessary physics to explicitly simulate basal melting. Therefore, freshwater anomalies have to be imposed as a proxy. Previous studies have employed diverse freshwater scenarios and application methods. In this study, we explore variations in the application and representation of meltwater anomalies around Antarctica. We compare simulations where freshwater anomalies are introduced at the ocean surface over different spatial extents and at specified depths along the continental slope for a more realistic representation of plume dynamics resulting from basal melting. Additionally, we investigate ocean heat fluxes variability when accounting for the latent heat of fusion required to melt the ice. It is possible to observe similarities and differences in ocean responses depending on the methodology used to impose the freshwater anomaly. Surface application scenarios tend to exhibit more diffuse impacts on ocean stratification and circulation, while depth-specific applications lead to localized but more intense changes in water mass transformation. Accounting for latent heat can introduce further complexity, altering the thermal structure and influencing buoyancy-driven dynamics. By comparing these approaches, we want to highlight the sensitivity of simulated ocean dynamics to the spatial and physical representation of meltwater inputs. Accurately parameterizing ice-ocean interactions in models is necessary to improve the reliability of projections regarding Antarctic contributions to sea level rise and global climate variability.

    How to cite: Zapponini, M., Sidorenko, D., Scholz, P., Semmler, T., Streffing, J., and Jung, T.: The role of Antarctic basal meltwater , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4705,, 2025.

    EGU25-4882 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Spatial Characteristics and Dynamic Mechanisms of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Ross Sea 

    Yang Liu, Chengyan Liu, Zhaomin Wang, Liangjun Yan, Xianxian Han, Kechen Liu, Michael Haigh, Yue Xia, Jiabao Zeng, XIang Li, and Xi Liang

    Coupled with the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF), the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC) encircles Antarctica and has variable structures. Two types of the ASC/ASF have been identified in the Ross Sea. Yet, the spatial characteristics of the ASC/ASF have not been depicted in detail, and the transition zone between the two different types is still unclear. Using an eddy-permitting coupled regional ocean-sea ice-ice shelf model, we aim to investigate the spatial characteristics and energy sources of the ASC/ASF in the Ross Sea. Based on the simulated results, three distinct structures of the ASC/ASF have been identified in three regimes from east to west: (i) in Regime I, the ASC is characterized by a westward flow in the upper layer and an eastward countercurrent in the lower layer; (ii) in Regime II, the undercurrent of the ASC reverses to the west and features a bottom intensification; (iii) in Regime III, the ASC in the upper layer is eastward, and the westward undercurrent still occupies the lower layer. By analyzing the momentum budget of the ASC, we quantified the respective contributions of barotropic and baroclinic pressure terms in determining the structure of the ASC/ASF. Furthermore, by analyzing the Mean Kinetic Energy budget of the ASC, we found that the Mean Available Potential Energy plays an important role in converting energy to the Mean Kinetic Energy, indicating that the maintenance of the ASC is closely associated with the available potential energy released from the ASF.

    How to cite: Liu, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Z., Yan, L., Han, X., Liu, K., Haigh, M., Xia, Y., Zeng, J., Li, X., and Liang, X.: Spatial Characteristics and Dynamic Mechanisms of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Ross Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4882,, 2025.

    EGU25-5829 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Upstream governors of the Warm Deep Water inflows towards the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf 

    Valentina Volkova, Markus Janout, and Torsten Kanzow

    Importance of the Weddell Sea for the global ocean circulation is irrefutable as it is a hotspot of dense water formation, a precursor of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which dominates the abyssal ocean ventilation. Furthermore, the region hosts the largest by volume floating ice shelf, Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS), which is vulnerable to episodic Warm Deep Water (WDW) inflows that induce basal melting at the ice shelf front and within its cavities. The resulting meltwater enters the system as freshwater forcing and alters local density gradients and water mass distribution, ultimately contributing to global sea level rise and potentially disrupting the global overturning circulation. Hence, knowledge about the seasonality and magnitude of the WDW inflows carries significance both locally and globally.

    In 2017 and 2018, the anomalously warm inflows were observed yet there is still no agreement on the mechanism for their trigger. The on-shore propagation of WDW inherently depends on several factors, such as e.g circulation at the continental margins, the seasonal cycle of sea ice, the thermocline depth, position and magnitude of the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF). The intricate interplay between these factors yields a fairly complex system, which is difficult to unravel with the scarce available observations. Albeit the Weddell sea remains fairly undersampled up to this day, significant efforts are being undertaken to supplement data gaps with numerical modeling.  

    The aim of my research is to shed light on seasonal and interannual variability of the coastal circulation upstream of the FRIS and its sensitivity to external forcings, using existing in-situ observations, reanalyses and the high-resolution eddy-permitting Finite-Element/Volume Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM), in order to investigate the impact of wind and buoyancy forcing. Preliminary results indicate that the maximum thermocline depth exhibits a distinct seasonal cycle which is not consistent with sea ice formation, as previously speculated. Apparently, it reaches its deepest position in the Dronning Maud Land region in austral summer, then downstream at Kapp Norvegia in austral autumn and further downstream next to the FRIS – in austral winter, which rather implies generation and along-coast propagation of a large-scale baroclinic signal and further accentuates the importance of along-coast connectivity. Furthermore, the character of thermocline also needs to be considered. For instance, in 2017-2018, when the anomalous warm inflows were observed at the FRIS, thermocline thickness was increased rather than its depth, which raises the question of necessary and sufficient conditions for said inflows to occur.

    How to cite: Volkova, V., Janout, M., and Kanzow, T.: Upstream governors of the Warm Deep Water inflows towards the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5829,, 2025.

    EGU25-6361 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Ice melting in saltwater: laboratory experiments in the diffusive-convective regime 

    Brivaël Collin, Louis-Alexandre Couston, Sylvain Joubaud, and Romain Volk

    The melting of Antarctic ice shelves is driven by heat fluxes from the underlying ocean to the ice. The relationship between basal heat fluxes and ocean conditions is an active topic of research, as current state-of-the-art parameterizations perform relatively poorly in all but the fully-turbulent well-mixed regimea. Indeed, discrepancies between observed and predicted melt rates under certain ice-shelves have been detectedb. Here, we  perform laboratory experiments of tabular ice cuboids melting in salty water. We aim to improve our understanding of the basal melting of ice shelves in the diffusive-convective regime, for which there is currently no parameterizationc. To this end, we investigate the melting rate and underlying fluid dynamics over a broad range of water salinity and temperature, without any external forcing. Our work uniquely complements field observations, which are difficult and sparse, and simulations, which most often approximate the dynamics for computational expediency.

    We use a meter-scale tank, which we fill with saltwater and place a freshwater tabular ice cuboid to melt on top. A bottom heating plate is used to maintain the bottom saltwater temperature at a prescribed value and the setup is placed in a cold room. The depth-dependent seawater temperature, salinity, currents, and the melt rate are explored for different bottom water temperatures and initial salinity values. We use a moving temperature and salinity sensor, PIV data and shadowgraphy images of the retreating ice-water front to provide a relatively comprehensive data set from which we derive a mapping between the average melting rate and the flow statistics (kinetic energy density, dissipation rate, temperature gradient) of interest to polar oceanography.

    We find that temperature and salinity vertical gradients in the system can create a layered system, depending on the conditions. In particular, we observe the formation of a freshwater layer insulating the ice plate, and slowing the melting, at relatively low temperature. When the bottom temperature is relatively large, the two-layer organisation disappears as convection becomes vigorous enough to penetrate and mix the freshwater layer with the ambient. 

    References :

            a - Malyarenko, A., Wells, A. J., Langhorne, P. J., Robinson, N. J., Williams, M. J., \& Nicholls, K. W. (2020). A synthesis of thermodynamic ablation at ice–ocean interfaces from theory, observations and models. Ocean Modelling, 154, 101692.

            b - Kimura, S., Nicholls, K. W., \& Venables, E. (2015). Estimation of ice shelf melt rate in the presence of a thermohaline staircase. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(1), 133-148.

            c - Rosevear, M. G., Gayen, B., \& Galton-Fenzi, B. K. (2022). Regimes and transitions in the basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(10), 2589-2608.

    How to cite: Collin, B., Couston, L.-A., Joubaud, S., and Volk, R.: Ice melting in saltwater: laboratory experiments in the diffusive-convective regime, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6361,, 2025.

    EGU25-6705 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Investigating Iceberg–Sea Ice Interactions in the Southern Ocean Using NEMO-ICB 

    Eva Lemaire, François Massonnet, Thierry Fichefet, Noé Pirlet, Pierre Mathiot, Juliana Marini Marson, and Anna Olivé Abelló

    Icebergs, formed by the calving of the Antarctic ice sheet, are among the most emblematic natural features of the polar regions. Their presence in the Southern Ocean, an essential carbon and heat sink, raises important questions about their role in the future evolution of the ocean and climate. As the mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet continues to decline, it is crucial to better understand how iceberg-sea ice interactions influence ocean dynamics and sea ice variability in the Southern Ocean.   

     In this study, we use the NEMO version 4.2.2 ocean model coupled to the ICB module (Iceberg) to investigate these interactions. Our approach has two main objectives:  (1) We assess the impact of icebergs on the ocean and sea ice by running two 30-year regional hindcast simulations of the Southern Ocean, one with the ICB module enabled and the other with the module disabled. This allows us to isolate the influence of iceberg dynamics on sea ice concentration and thickness, along with ocean physical properties such as surface temperature and salinity.  And (2) by implementing a sea ice locking process in the ICB module we aim to better represent the mechanical interactions between icebergs and sea ice, particularly when icebergs become 'trapped' by thick, highly concentrated sea ice. Sea ice locking has a major impact on the distribution of freshwater fluxes in the ocean, by influencing the trajectory of icebergs.  

    This study is a first step towards improving our understanding of the coupled iceberg-sea ice-ocean system and its implications for the future evolution of the Southern Ocean in a changing climate.   

    How to cite: Lemaire, E., Massonnet, F., Fichefet, T., Pirlet, N., Mathiot, P., Marini Marson, J., and Olivé Abelló, A.: Investigating Iceberg–Sea Ice Interactions in the Southern Ocean Using NEMO-ICB, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6705,, 2025.

    EGU25-7499 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Remote pathways of ocean heat transport toward the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

    Channing Prend, James Girton, Graeme MacGilchrist, and Andrew Thompson

    Transport of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) into ice shelf cavities is known to be a primary source of heat driving Antarctic Ice Sheet mass loss. This CDW originates in the open ocean, and thus, basal melt rate variability is often linked to wind-driven fluctuations in cross-shelf CDW transport. While cross-shelf heat fluxes are certainly an important part of the story, less focus has been placed on the offshore processes that bring CDW from the open ocean to the shelf break. Here, we use in situ data from profiling floats in combination with Lagrangian particle release experiments in an ocean model to investigate the pathways by which CDW moves toward the continental slope, which is a necessary precursor to the cross-shelf exchange that has been studied in more depth. Observations and models suggest that CDW transport exhibits considerable spatial heterogeneity in the form of concentrated pathways linked to bathymetric features, both on- and off- shore of the continental slope. This suggests that pathways to the shelf break are characterized by distinct timescales and varying degrees of water mass transformation across different sectors. In addition, temporal variability on mesoscale, seasonal, and interannual timescales is present. This is potentially important context through which to understand regional and long-term variations in continental shelf heat content and ice shelf basal melt, which in turn, has implications for future sea level rise.

    How to cite: Prend, C., Girton, J., MacGilchrist, G., and Thompson, A.: Remote pathways of ocean heat transport toward the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7499,, 2025.

    EGU25-7568 | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Changes in the Sea Ice-Ocean Drag Coefficient Due to the Decrease in Antarctic Sea Ice 

    Tae-Wan Kim, Heewon Yang, Yeonggi Kim, and Jisoo Park

    Despite the ongoing decline in Arctic sea ice extent over the past 30 years, an increase had been observed in Antarctic sea ice until 2016. That year, however, the sea ice melt season started unusually early, leading to a decrease in sea ice extent. Since then, this decline has continued, culminating in a record low sea ice extent in 2023. This reduction in sea ice is primarily linked to changes in atmospheric patterns, along with the impact of rising ocean surface temperatures. Additionally, it has been identified that the decrease in Antarctic sea ice extent significantly affects the atmosphere by increasing the surface heat loss from the Southern Ocean. Simultaneously, a continuous thinning of the sea ice has been observed. This decline in ice thickness is expected to lower the drag coefficient between the sea ice and the ocean, which would, in turn, enhance the influence of wind on the flow of sea ice. Notably, increased sea ice flow during the melting season could accelerate the melting process and increase seasonal sea ice variability. We analyzed the changes in the sea ice-ocean drag coefficient using satellite-observed sea ice concentration and thickness, along with reanalysis wind data over the past 20 years. Although regional differences exist, the overall trend indicates a clear decline in the sea ice-ocean drag coefficient.

    How to cite: Kim, T.-W., Yang, H., Kim, Y., and Park, J.: Changes in the Sea Ice-Ocean Drag Coefficient Due to the Decrease in Antarctic Sea Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7568,, 2025.

    EGU25-8172 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Impact of a representation of Antarctic landfast ice on the shelf water properties simulated by NEMO4-SI³ 

    Noé Pirlet, Thierry Fichefet, Martin Vancoppenolle, and Casimir de Lavergne

    The formation of dense water in the Southern Ocean plays a key role in the global overturning circulation of the ocean, and thus affects the distributions of heat, carbon, oxygen and nutrients across the World Ocean. However, the simulation of dense water properties by climate models remains problematic. These models often generate dense water in incorrect locations and for wrong reasons, primarily through deep convection in the center of the Weddell and Ross Seas. We hypothesize that this inability to simulate the formation and fate of dense water stems partly from the erroneous or absent representation of coastal polynyas and their key drivers, particularly landfast ice. A recent study presented a restoring method that accurately represents Antarctic landfast ice and demonstrated its essential role in shaping coastal polynyas and enhancing sea ice production in the NEMO4-SI3 model. Here, building on this study, we investigate the impact of this landfast ice representation on water mass properties simulated by the model over the Antarctic continental shelf. We perform two simulations: one with the landfast ice scheme activated and one with this scheme turned off. A comparison of the simulation results confirms the expected densification of water masses within polynyas when landfast ice is represented. However, the results also reveal unexpected regions of fresher water beneath landfast ice, which influence the polynya dynamics downstream. On a circumpolar scale, incorporating landfast ice enhances the model's agreement with observations, particularly in terms of bottom salinity, temperature and mixed layer depth. Notably, the mixed layer depth undergoes significant changes, which in turn affect the Southern Ocean's coastal dynamics and lead to enhanced ice shelf melting. Overall, representing landfast ice improves the simulation of dense water formation and shelf ocean dynamics, thereby advancing our understanding of key physical processes in these critical regions.

    How to cite: Pirlet, N., Fichefet, T., Vancoppenolle, M., and de Lavergne, C.: Impact of a representation of Antarctic landfast ice on the shelf water properties simulated by NEMO4-SI³, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8172,, 2025.

    EGU25-11288 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Uncertainty in Future Southern Ocean Warming and Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Due to Meltwater-Driven Climate Feedbacks 

    Morven Muilwijk, Tore Hattermann, and Rebecca Beadling and the SOFIA team

    The increasing release of meltwater from Antarctica represents one of the most profound yet uncertain consequences of global climate change. The lack of interactive ice sheets in state-of-the-art climate models, including those participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), combined with the inadequate representation of key processes driving ice shelf basal melting, prevents the direct calculation of ice-ocean feedbacks and leaves a high uncertainty on the magnitude and impacts of meltwater discharge. Previous studies that explored meltwater impacts produced partially contradictory findings, largely relied on experiments with single models, had inconsistent experimental designs, and imposed varying freshwater forcing rates. To address these shortcomings, this study employs results from the new  "Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica” (SOFIA) initiative to assess the effect of meltwater-induced ocean warming on basal melting and potential future Antarctic mass loss. We evaluate the ocean response to meltwater across a suite of 10 CMIP6 models and compare it to future scenarios simulations without additional meltwater (SSP5-8.5), assessing model bias and both meltwater- and global warming-induced anomalies in the Southern Ocean. Applying these anomalies to a regional basal melting parameterization, constrained by a new observational hydrographic climatology, our findings reveal that meltwater feedbacks amplify warming on the continental shelf and enhance ice loss in many sectors around Antarctica. However, in the West Antarctic regions where the greatest ice mass loss was observed in recent years, most models show either cooling or reduced warming on the shelf, hence indicating a negative feedback due to the meltwater input. Consistent with previous studies, we confirm that regional disparities are driven by advection and acceleration of the Antarctic Slope Current. Our results suggest that mass loss from East Antarctica will become increasingly important under future global warming. The meltwater-induced feedback causes an additional 750 Gt/year of ice loss in the multi-model median response to our perturbation experiments. For comparison, observations estimate current anomalous ice shelf loss at approximately 1,000 Gt/year, while SSP5-8.5 simulations, which account for global warming without additional Antarctic meltwater, project an anomalous 3,400 Gt/year of ice loss by the end of the century.

    How to cite: Muilwijk, M., Hattermann, T., and Beadling, R. and the SOFIA team: Uncertainty in Future Southern Ocean Warming and Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Due to Meltwater-Driven Climate Feedbacks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11288,, 2025.

    EGU25-11729 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Southern Ocean Sea Ice-Ocean Interactions in a Simple Box Model 

    Marlene Schramm and F. Alexander Haumann

    Subsurface warming has been identified as a likely causal factor for the sustained low Southern Ocean sea ice extent in recent years. Subsurface-to-surface heat transport is impacted by the water mass structure of the water column and the depth of vertical mixing, which can in turn be altered by sea ice processes. These interactions create potential feedback effects that remain insufficiently explored in the context of the recent low Southern Ocean sea ice extent. In this study, we investigate interaction mechanisms and feedbacks between Southern Ocean sea ice and the underlying water column through a simple one-column box model, focusing on water mass structure and properties. The model represents the surface mixed layer, subsurface Winter Water, and the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water as distinct ocean boxes. A fourth box represents sea ice when present, interacting with the mixed layer through heat and salt exchange. The evolving mixed layer depth is calculated using a mixed layer model, with subsurface Winter Water formed when the mixed layer shoals and re-entrained when the mixed layer deepens. In this contribution, we present the box model framework and discuss preliminary insights, as well as challenges encountered during the model development process.

    How to cite: Schramm, M. and Haumann, F. A.: Southern Ocean Sea Ice-Ocean Interactions in a Simple Box Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11729,, 2025.

    EGU25-12192 | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Cold deep lenses in the Dotson Trough, Antarctica 

    Karen J. Heywood, Daisy Pickup, Dorothee Bakker, Francis Glassup, and Benjamin Webber

    Hydrographic surveys in the Dotson Trough in the Amundsen Sea in January-February 2022 using a fleet of ocean gliders reveal deep (~400 m) isolated lenses of cold, dense water. The water contained within these lenses is colder, saltier, deeper and denser than the typical regional Winter Water (temperature-minimum) layer that appears above the lenses at about 200 m in summer.  The lenses occur in the stratified layer influenced by the warm, salty and dense modified Circumpolar Deep Water below, that provides heat to the underside of the vulnerable ice shelves in this region. We do not have evidence of the lenses travelling beneath the ice shelves, but they are at about the right depth to do so. If they did, they would insulate the base of the ice shelf from the warmer water below, helping to prevent basal melting that is prominent in this region.

    The lenses are colder (close to the local freezing point of seawater) than the surrounding waters at the same depths and densities, and fresher than the surrounding water at the same densities. Their dissolved oxygen concentration is similar to that of Winter Water and their pH is lower than Winter Water, but both properties are increased compared with surrounding water at the same depth. Thus, they provide a mechanism to sequester carbon and oxygen deeper than typical Winter Water formation can achieve.

    We explore possible formation mechanisms for the lenses and the water mass they contain, using wintertime profiles of temperature and salinity obtained from tags on seals. One possibility is that local chimneys of deep convection succeed in penetrating sporadically to 400 m, and are subsequently capped by other water masses.  We do not find convincing evidence to support this.  Our favoured hypothesis is that the shallower regions (less than 500 m water depth) surrounding the Dotson Trough (e.g. Bear and Martin Peninsulas) host enhanced surface heat loss and subsequently intense brine rejection during sea ice formation, leading to very cold, dense water in winter. The seal tag profiles do indeed show wintertime water masses in these shallower regions of the same temperature, salinity and density as the lenses. We speculate that this water spills off into the deeper water sporadically (perhaps akin to the formation mechanism for Meddies). They would then populate the layer at which they are neutrally buoyant, beneath the typical Winter Water and invading the uppermost layers of modified Circumpolar Deep Water.

    How to cite: Heywood, K. J., Pickup, D., Bakker, D., Glassup, F., and Webber, B.: Cold deep lenses in the Dotson Trough, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12192,, 2025.

    EGU25-14740 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Subglacial discharge effects on ice-shelf basal melting in Antarctica 

    Irena Vaňková, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Branecky Begeman, Darin Comeau, Alex Hager, Matthew Hoffman, Stephen Price, and Jonathan Wolfe

    Subglacial discharge beneath ice shelves is a source of freshwater, and therefore buoyancy, at the grounding line. Being released at depth, it accelerates an ascending plume along the ice-shelf base, enhancing entrainment of ambient waters, and increasing melt rates. By now it is understood that subglacial discharge is a key control on melt rate variability at the majority of Greenland's glaciers. However, its importance in present-day and future Antarctic melt rates is less clear. To address this point, we use the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) and investigate the effects of subglacial discharge addition in both idealized setups and realistic, global, sea-ice ocean coupled configurations. For realistic Antarctic configurations, we use the subglacial hydrology model from the MALI ice-sheet model run at 4-20 km resolution to calculate steady state subglacial discharge across the grounding line under historical ice-sheet conditions.  This subglacial meltwater discharge is implemented as a grounding line freshwater flux in MPAS-Ocean, the ocean component of E3SM.

    Results from idealized, rotating ice-shelf configurations show a stronger melt rate dependence on discharge than in previously studied non-rotating Greenland-like fjord scenarios. We also find that the melt-rate response is strongly sensitive to the location of the discharge along the grounding line; the efficiency of subglacial discharge, in terms of total melt-rate increase, grows with distance from the area where meltwater accumulates due to rotational effects. The analysis of subglacial discharge effects in realistic, global configurations focuses on ice-shelf melt rates, cavity circulation, continental shelf properties, and sea-ice conditions around Antarctica. Results from realistic, global configurations indicate that, although some regions are more affected than others, overall the present-day levels of subglacial discharge result only in relatively minor changes in ice-shelf melt rates and continental shelf properties. Significant oceanic changes would require at least an order of magnitude stronger subglacial discharge than present-day estimates.

    How to cite: Vaňková, I., Asay-Davis, X., Branecky Begeman, C., Comeau, D., Hager, A., Hoffman, M., Price, S., and Wolfe, J.: Subglacial discharge effects on ice-shelf basal melting in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14740,, 2025.

    EGU25-14844 | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Reversal of freshening trend of Ross Sea shelf water links to an abrupt transition from high to low state of Antarctic sea ice since the mid-2010s 

    Taekyun Kim, Sung-Ho Choo, Jae-Hong Moon, Emilia Kyung Jin, Daehyuk Kim, and Hyeonsoo Cha

    Despite the increase in global mean temperature and massive sea ice loss in the Arctic, the Antarctic sea ice extent has not changed significantly throughout reliable satellite records starting in 1979. Long-term trends rather show an increase in the Antarctic sea ice area, resulting in record high anomalies in 2014 and 2015. However, after the moderate expansion in the sea ice extent, a sharp decline occurred in 2016 and has remained low since then. The record Antarctic sea ice loss in recent years may be a sign the region has entered a new regime of low sea ice coverage in a warming world. Meanwhile, Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), driving the lower limb of the global meridional overturning circulation and ventilating the abyssal ocean interior has warmed and freshened in recent decades, leading to a decrease in AABW formation. Ross Sea shelf water which is responsible for 20–40% of the total AABW production, has experienced the largest freshening. However, repeat hydrographic data have shown that since the mid-2010s the salinity of Ross Sea shelf water has sharply rebounded from the multidecadal freshening trend. Here, it is interesting that the abrupt transition from a high to low state of Antarctic sea ice since the mid-2010s coincides with the onset of the salinity rebound of dense shelf water on the Antarctic continental shelf.

    As the planet warms global sea ice has continued to get a lot of attention due to the substantial implications for planetary albedo, ice sheet and ice shelf stability, atmosphere-ocean interactions, cryosphere ecosystems, biogeochemical cycle, and the Southern Ocean freshwater cycle. Particularly, sea ice’s growth and melting play an important role in water mass transformations. Here, we investigate how the rapid decline in the Antarctic sea ice in recent years has contributed to the rebound of shelf water salinity in the Ross Sea, using satellite observations of sea ice, as well as oceanic and atmospheric reanalysis data. Our result shows that despite the rapid decrease in the Antarctic sea ice in recent years, the sea ice formation rate in the Ross Sea continental shelf has increased. During the salinification period since the mid-2010s, local anomalous winds and surface heat flux associated with the remote and large-scale forcing that drive the recent change in the Antarctic sea ice, induced the reduced sea ice cover and larger polynya area on the Ross Sea continental shelf, increasing sea ice formation rate. Furthermore, data-based sea ice budget analysis indicates that due to the anomalous wind forcing, the sea ice has moved to the outer shelf through dynamic processes such as advection and divergence, creating a sustained favorable environment for sea ice formation and brine rejection.

    How to cite: Kim, T., Choo, S.-H., Moon, J.-H., Jin, E. K., Kim, D., and Cha, H.: Reversal of freshening trend of Ross Sea shelf water links to an abrupt transition from high to low state of Antarctic sea ice since the mid-2010s, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14844,, 2025.

    EGU25-14845 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Positive low cloud feedback accelerates abrupt Southern Ocean sea-ice decline in high-resolution global climate model 

    Dae-Won Kim, Martina Zapponini, Sahil Sharma, Thomas Jung, Myeong-Hyeon Kim, Nikolay Koldunov, Navajyoth Puthiyaveettil, Dimitry Sidorenko, Jan Streffing, Axel Timmermann, Tido Semmler, and Wonsun Park

    Sea ice extent around the Antarctic exhibits a high level of variability on interannual and longer timescales, characterized by a positive trend since the satellite era and interruptions due to e.g., the emergence of the Maud Rise Polynya in 2016. Given the relatively short period of observational data and the high level of natural variability it has remained challenging to unequivocally identify the anthropogenic fingerprint in Antarctic sea ice. Moreover, to properly study the Antarctic sea-ice and its response to future warming, it is necessary to capture important dynamics, such as polynyas, the Antarctic slope current and coastal leads. Many models within the CMIP6 model portfolio do not even have the spatial resolution to adequately resolve these features. This implies that their Antarctic projections may not be as trustworthy and robust as those for the Arctic Ocean.

    In this study, we employ the high-resolution OpenIFS-FESOM (AWI-CM3) coupled general circulation (nominally 31 km atmosphere and 4-25 km ocean resolutions) to investigate the Antarctic sea ice response to greenhouse warming, following a SSP5-8.5 greenhouse gas emission scenario. Our simulation exhibits a sudden decline of Antarctic sea ice in the Weddell Sea (WS) which can be explained by a combination of physical processes that involve continued strengthening of westerlies, increasing of horizontal density and pressure gradients, intensifying of atmosphere-ocean momentum transfer due to sea ice decline, a spin-up of the cyclonic gyre and westward current and corresponding vertical and horizontal supply of heat into the Weddell Sea. The resulting decrease of sea ice further leads to heat accumulation in austral summer due to the absorption of short-wave radiation, which can further weaken winter sea ice extent and intensify the momentum transfer and associated heat transport into the Weddell Sea. 

    Our study highlights the relevance of positive atmosphere-sea ice-ocean feedback in triggering the abrupt decline in Antarctic sea ice.  

    How to cite: Kim, D.-W., Zapponini, M., Sharma, S., Jung, T., Kim, M.-H., Koldunov, N., Puthiyaveettil, N., Sidorenko, D., Streffing, J., Timmermann, A., Semmler, T., and Park, W.: Positive low cloud feedback accelerates abrupt Southern Ocean sea-ice decline in high-resolution global climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14845,, 2025.

    EGU25-17058 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

    Regime shift of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf cavity remains reversible  

    Ronja Reese, Jan De Rydt, and Kaitlin Naughten

    The cavity underneath the second largest ice shelf in Antarctica, the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, could flip under strong climate warming from its current 'cold' state into a 'warm' state (Hellmer et al., 2012). Numerical models show that this regime shift occurs relatively abrupt, within a decade, with sub-shelf melt rates increasing 21-fold (Naughten et al., 2021). The increase in melting will reduce the ice shelfs buttressing capacity, thereby driving grounded ice loss, and a contribution to sea-level rise. Moreover, changes in sub-shelf melting, and the cavity geometry, in turn, can influence the ocean circulation, creating feedbacks that only emerge when considering the ice and ocean systems together. It is unclear, how these feedbacks influence the regime shift and subsequent evolution of the system, as well as a potential reversibility of the cavity. Here we run regional, numerical simulations of the coupled ice sheet and ocean system to investigate the role of ice-ocean feedbacks on the ocean regime shift, its reversibility, and the impact on ice sheet dynamics. We find that while sub-shelf melt rates increase only half as much as in the coupled system due to the geometric changes, the feedbacks do not influence a reversibility of the regime shift that we find in our simulations. Importantly, the reversal occurs more gradual than the 'cold' to 'warm' flip, and meanwhile the ice sheet continues losing ice and retreating. Our results imply that melt rate projections are ideally conducted in a coupled system, however, the regime shift and reversal of Filchner-Ronne cavity appears to be controlled by local atmospheric conditions, and is not qualitatively influenced by ice-ocean feedbacks. 

    How to cite: Reese, R., De Rydt, J., and Naughten, K.: Regime shift of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf cavity remains reversible , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17058,, 2025.

    EGU25-18340 | Posters on site | OS1.7

    How upstream ice shelves affect Dense Water formation: Insights from FESOM2 Experiments 

    Mathias van Caspel, Ralph Timmermann, and Markus Janout

    The Southern Ocean is the source of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), a dense water mass that occupies 60 % of the global ocean. AABW is formed in different places around Antarctica as a mixture of dense shelf waters (DSW) and Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW).

    CDW occupies the deep Southern Ocean at depths between 200-1500 m, and is considerably warmer (temperature higher than 0°C) than the water masses found at similar depths over the continental shelf. CDW is carried eastward around the continent by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) but close to the shelf break it flows westward within the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC).

    The ASC is a quasi-circumpolar feature that starts in the Bellingshausen Sea and vanishes next to the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea. The ASC is connected to the flooding of the continental shelf with CDW modified by the interaction with local surface waters (modified CDW – mCDW) and the presence of mCDW over the continental shelf can affect the sea ice formation and represents a risk for the ice shelves fringing the Antarctic continent. 

    The presence of warmer mCDW and freshwater resulting from the ice shelf melt reduce the sea ice production rates, a crucial part of DSW formation. When the ocean freezes salt (brine) is rejected into the water increasing local density which creates an instability and can trigger convection and produce DSW, when less sea ice is formed the deep convection potential is reduced; the DSW formed this way is termed HSSW.

    HSSW can flow offshore and slide down the continental slope mixing with ambient waters along its path until it reaches the equilibrium depth as AABW. HSSW can also flow underneath the ice shelf cavity and reach the grounding line where the freezing temperature is lower than at the surface due to the pressure effect. There, it causes melting and the mixture with glacial melt water generates the supercooled (colder than surface freezing temperature) and slightly fresher Ice Shelf Water (ISW). ISW can mix with ambient waters forming a dense water type that sinks when it reaches the continental slope producing another type of AABW.

    When the DSW leaves the continental shelf they are carried westward by the ASC together with CDW and lighter waters influenced by the ice shelf melt water. Part of the waters on the continental shelf are advected in the same direction by the Antarctic Coastal Current (ACoC), a westward flow observed in various sites around Antarctica. The waters transported by the ACoC and ASC can have an impact on the neighbouring basins. 

    Starting from a Finite volumE Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM2) that is able to reproduce the above-mentioned key characteristics around the Antarctic continent  we prepared 3 experiments to investigate the effects of the ice shelves upstream from 3 key DSW formation sites: the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Amery Ice Shelf and Ross Ice Shelf. We will present the experiment design and preliminary results.

    How to cite: van Caspel, M., Timmermann, R., and Janout, M.: How upstream ice shelves affect Dense Water formation: Insights from FESOM2 Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18340,, 2025.

    EGU25-20716 | Posters on site | OS1.7

    Indications of the Ronne-Filchner-Ice-Shelf becoming host to a warm cavity within the second half of the 21st century under high emission scenario 

    Stefan Jendersie, Alanna Alevropoulos-Borrill, Dan Lowry, and Nicholas Golledge

    To quantify the ocean-driven Antarctic ice mass loss and the subsequent sea level rise, the geophysical modeling community is pushing towards frameworks that fully couple increasingly complex models of atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ice sheets & shelves. We will present results from an 8km ocean – ice shelf – ice sheet - bathymetry coupled model of Antarctica, based on the frameworks of the Regional Ocean Modelling System and the Parallel Ice Sheet Model.

    Our projections for two different global warming trajectories (rcp2.6 & 8.5) suggest that warming of the Antarctic shelf seas diverge between scenarios from the 2050s onward. Our preliminary analysis focuses on the two largest ice shelves, the Ross and the Ronne-Filchner, both currently hosting cold ocean cavities.

    Under the rcp8.5 trajectory, episodic warm water hosing over the eastern shelf in the Weddell Sea becomes a permanent feature at mid century, leading to a 1.5 degree increase of water temperature within a decade over the central and the eastern shelf. Basal melt rates of the entire Filchner-Ice-Shelf and the southern Ronne-Ice-Shelf exceed 2 m/yr, which in some areas is a magnitude larger than current rates.
    In contrast the Ross-Ice-Shelf appears to remain stable under both climate trajectories. In the rcp8.5 scenario the shelf sea over the north-south stretching banks warms moderately by 0.25-0.5 degrees but this increased heat has no access to the cavity according to our model results.
    We will present insight to the mechanisms that drive the sudden warming in the Weddell Sea and construct a hypothesis of why the Ross Ice Shelf appears more protected from Southern Ocean heat.

    How to cite: Jendersie, S., Alevropoulos-Borrill, A., Lowry, D., and Golledge, N.: Indications of the Ronne-Filchner-Ice-Shelf becoming host to a warm cavity within the second half of the 21st century under high emission scenario, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20716,, 2025.

    CR3 – Sea, Lake and River Ice

    Continuum sea-ice models are increasingly being applied to high-resolution settings, while there are still open questions about the physics governing sea-ice deformation on these resolutions. Simultaneously, discrete element method (DEM) models are now starting to be used to address questions regarding specific processes within sea-ice deformation. A direct comparison of both methods has not been done yet, as the spatial resolution differs on several orders of magnitude and the computational costs of high-resolution DEM simulations over large areas of sea ice are high. Here, we will present a comparison of idealized simulations of sea-ice convergence utilizing both methods. We used the neXtSIM sea-ice model as the continuum model and HiDEM as the DEM model. Sea-ice deformation in neXtSIM is determined by a brittle rheology with Lagrangian sea-ice advection. In HiDEM, the ice is described by spherical particles connected by beams, which can fail as the ice cover locally reaches a critical stress state. In both cases, we simulate the same sea-ice area and use the same forcing, yet the spatial resolution differs. This setup enables us to investigate the sea-ice deformation yielding from both methods. We compare the resulting ice thickness distributions and ice ridge formation patterns and highlight the similarities and differences between both methods.

    How to cite: Muchow, M., Ólason, E., and Polojärvi, A.: Exploratory sea-ice simulations: Comparing idealized sea-ice compression simulations using a continuum and discrete element method models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-130,, 2025.

    EGU25-1585 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    A New Parameterization of Dilation Using GODAR 

    Antoine Savard, Bruno Tremblay, and Arttu Polojärvi

    Capturing all sea ice dynamical aspects in a model is notoriously challenging due to the complex interplay of granular and fracture-dominated processes. In the central Arctic, linear kinematic features (LKFs) dominate deformation patterns, while the marginal ice zone (MIZ) is characterized by fragmented floes where the collisional mode is dominant. The rheological properties of sea ice in these region differ significantly, and a rheological model that could be used in all regimes is desirable. Continuum models, commonly used for large-scale sea ice simulations, rely on parameterizations to approximate subgrid-scale processes such as floe interactions, wave attenuation, and dilation. Although high-resolution (<2 km) continuum models improve the representation of LKFs and deformation statistics, they remain fundamentally limited by their reliance on simplified, or ill-posed rheologies and the continuum assumption, which cannot reconcile velocity discontinuities inherent in granular materials like sea ice. Discrete element models (DEMs), on the other hand, explicitly resolve particle-scale interactions and naturally capture fracture and granular behaviour, but their computational cost has historically restricted their application to small-scale scenarios.

    We addressed this gap by developing the granular floes for discrete Arctic rheology (GODAR) model, a DEM specifically designed to simulate the mesoscale evolution of sea ice mechanics. GODAR tracks the time evolution of contact normals between floes, enabling us to derive generalized equations that relate dilation to prognostic variables such as shear and normal stress, open water fraction, and floe size distribution. These results demonstrate that GODAR effectively captures both the granular physics and fracture-driven dynamics underpinning LKFs. By seamlessly integrating microscale processes into macroscale behaviour, GODAR offers a powerful framework for bridging the limitations of continuum models. Its insights provide a pathway to improved parameterizations, advancing both the scientific understanding of sea ice dynamics and the operational forecasting capabilities necessary for safe navigation and climate modeling.

    How to cite: Savard, A., Tremblay, B., and Polojärvi, A.: A New Parameterization of Dilation Using GODAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1585,, 2025.

    Reliable prediction of short-term Arctic sea ice variation is crucial for ensuring the safety of navigation on Arctic shipping routes. While deep-learning models have demonstrated potential in improving the accuracy of sea ice predictions, many data-driven approaches focus solely on individual aspects of sea ice without considering the interrelationships and underlying physical laws governing various sea ice factors. To address this limitation, we introduce a dual-task prediction model that simultaneously targets sea ice concentration (SIC) and sea ice motion (SIM). Our approach incorporates a novel loss function that enforces dynamic constraints derived from the sea ice control equation, ensuring that predictions of both SIC and SIM are consistent with physical dynamics. We conduct comprehensive comparative experiments to identify the optimal model structure for predicting SIC and SIM. Our findings reveal that a dual-task branching architecture is particularly effective for this purpose, with a post-decoder branch network structure exhibiting the best performance in predicting both SIC and SIM. By integrating the sea ice dynamics equation into the loss function, our models demonstrate enhanced alignment with physical laws, leading to improved predictability and accuracy in SIC and SIM prediction.

    How to cite: Wang, Y. and Liu, Q.: Physics-Embedded Deep Convolutional Network: A Novel Approach for Prediction of Sea Ice Concentration and Motion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3643,, 2025.

    EGU25-4127 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Data-driven equation discovery of a sea ice albedo parametrisation 

    Diajeng Atmojo, Katja Weigel, Arthur Grundner, Marika Holland, and Veronika Eyring

    In the sea ice model Finite-Element Sea Ice Model (FESIM), a part of the Finite-Element Sea ice Ocean Model (FESOM), sea ice albedo is treated as a tuning parameter defined by four constant values depending on snow cover and surface temperature. This parametrisation is too simple to capture the spatiotemporal variability in sea ice albedo observed via satellites. Our work aims to improve this parametrisation by discovering an interpretable, physically-consistent equation for sea ice albedo using symbolic regression, an interpretable machine learning technique, combined with physical constraints. Leveraging pan-Arctic satellite and reanalyses data from 2013 to 2020, we apply sequential feature selection to identify the most informative input variables for sea ice albedo. With sequential feature selection, we develop parsimonious models that perform well with as few input variables as possible. To understand how additional model complexity reduces error, we evaluate our discovered equations against baseline models with different complexities, such as multilayer perceptron neural networks and polynomials on an error-complexity plane, identifying the models on the Pareto front. Our results indicate that parsimonious models demonstrate better generalisation to unseen data than models using the full set of input variables. Compared to the current FESIM parametrisation, our best equation reduces the mean squared error by about 51%, while excelling in balancing error and complexity. Unlike neural networks, our equation allows for further regional and seasonal analyses due to its inherent interpretability by fine-tuning the coefficients representing the weights of each term and input variable. Through the synergy of observations with machine learning, we aim to deepen the process-level understanding of the Arctic Ocean’s surface radiative budget and reduce uncertainty in climate projections.

    How to cite: Atmojo, D., Weigel, K., Grundner, A., Holland, M., and Eyring, V.: Data-driven equation discovery of a sea ice albedo parametrisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4127,, 2025.

    EGU25-4696 | Posters on site | CR3.2

    High-resolution large-scale model for sea ice dynamics 

    Arttu Polojärvi, Jan Åström, and Jari Haapala

    Forecasts of sea-ice motion and deformation are crucial for maritime operations including winter navigation and offshore wind energy harvesting. Further, sea-ice models have a key role in predictions on long-term effects of climate change. In this study we utilize the Helsinki Discrete Element Model (HiDEM) to simulate sea-ice breakup and dynamics. HiDEM code is optimized for high-performance supercomputers and achieves superior temporal and spatial resolutions when compared to conventionally used continuum models. We compare simulated fracture patterns and ice motion with satellite images from the Kvarken region of the Baltic Sea and show that HiDEM reproduces observed ice deformation patterns, which formed over a period of few days in nature. The results closely match the observed ice fracture and motion patterns, floe sizes, ridge structures, and fast-ice regions. The simulations cover an area of about 100 km × 100 km with 8 m resolution and they completed in about 10 hours of wall clock time.

    How to cite: Polojärvi, A., Åström, J., and Haapala, J.: High-resolution large-scale model for sea ice dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4696,, 2025.

    EGU25-7735 | Orals | CR3.2

    Ultra-high resolution pan-Arctic sea ice-ocean coupled simulation on a heterogeneous many-core supercomputer 

    Longjiang Mu, Yuhu Chen, Hong Wang, Ruizhe Song, Lin Zheng, and Xianyao Chen

    Arctic sea ice has undergone dramatic changes in recent decades. The decline in sea ice thickness has resulted in more brittle ice, which is increasingly susceptible to deformation by wind and ocean currents. Small-scale features such as sea ice leads and ridges are frequently observed in the field but remain poorly understood. Accurately forecasting these features requires high-resolution sea ice modeling with a horizontal resolution of several kilometers. To address this, a pan-Arctic ultra-high-resolution (~500 m) sea ice-ocean coupled model has been developed. This model is based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model (MITgcm) but has been substantially refactored and enhanced to adapt to the heterogeneous many-core architecture of the computing system. The model's Pacific open boundary is positioned north of the Okhotsk Sea, away from the Aleutian Islands, while the Atlantic open boundary is set north of the Strait of Gibraltar to avoid the influence of deep convection processes. The model operates on a three-dimensional grid comprising approximately 15.1 billion points, with around 9 billion wet points. The sea ice component shares the same grid as the ocean model, enabling direct coupling between the two at each grid point. For sea ice thermodynamics, a zero-heat-capacity, one-layer model is employed, while sea ice dynamics are governed by viscous-plastic rheology. The highly nonlinear sea ice momentum equations are solved using a tridiagonal solver combined with a line successive relaxation method, achieving an accuracy of 1.0×10⁻⁵. The nonlinear integration is iterated 10 times, with each iteration allowing a maximum of 500 steps to ensure convergence of the high-resolution solutions. The model demonstrates significant improvements in simulating sea ice ridges compared to lower-resolution models. Validation against IceSAT-2 along-track data reveals strong agreement in both spatial distribution and probability density function, underscoring the model's enhanced capability to capture small-scale sea ice features.

    How to cite: Mu, L., Chen, Y., Wang, H., Song, R., Zheng, L., and Chen, X.: Ultra-high resolution pan-Arctic sea ice-ocean coupled simulation on a heterogeneous many-core supercomputer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7735,, 2025.

    EGU25-8384 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Who causes whom? A spatially distributed causal analysis of the relationship between Arctic sea ice and teleconnection indices 

    Guido Ascenso, Matteo Sangiorgio, Ian Baxter, and Andrea Castelletti

    The relationship between Arctic sea ice and tropical climate variability is a crucial aspect of global climate dynamics. While numerous studies have explored potential links between sea ice concentration (SIC) or sea ice thickness (SIT) and teleconnection indices such as AMO, AO, NAO, ENSO, and PDO, these investigations often faced challenges in fully capturing the complexity of these interactions. For instance, most analyses relied on linear, non-causal methods such as trend matching (although the underlying processes are likely highly nonlinear), or focused on single indices (thus potentially missing more complex interactions when more than one index is considered at once), or analyzed the relationship in aggregate over the entire Arctic region, rather than considering subtle regional differences. Additionally, these teleconnections were often assessed in only one “direction” (e.g., how much ENSO influences SIC), but there is evidence to suggest that there may be two-way interactions at play.

    In this study, we address these challenges by proposing a bi-directional, causal, and spatially distributed approach to analyze the relationships between SIC/SIT and eight teleconnection indices. Using transfer entropy (TE), a non-parametric measure of information flow, we quantify the influence of these indices on SIC/SIT and vice versa across multiple lead times. This approach lets us understand how these causal relationships vary at different lead times and over different Arctic regions, to verify whether the various teleconnection indices provide information that is complementary or redundant, and to detect preferential directions in the causal relationship between indices and ice (thus answering the question “who influences whom?”). For instance, our results indicate that the North Atlantic Oscillation is influenced by the Arctic ice more than it itself affects the ice, whereas the relationship is inverted for the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

    Although we focus our analysis on understanding the spatial and temporal variability of Arctic-teleconnection interactions, the proposed framework is highly flexible and can be adapted to consider other indices and lead times, and entirely different domains altogether.

    How to cite: Ascenso, G., Sangiorgio, M., Baxter, I., and Castelletti, A.: Who causes whom? A spatially distributed causal analysis of the relationship between Arctic sea ice and teleconnection indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8384,, 2025.

    EGU25-9952 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Linking the evolution of floe-scale ice characteristics to its deformation history using satellite observations 

    Nils Hutter, Cecilia Bitz, and Luisa von Albedyl

    Arctic sea ice is a mosaic of ice floes whose distribution and thicknesses greatly impact the interaction of sea ice with the atmosphere and the ocean. However, we are still lacking knowledge of the physics to describe the complex interplay of ice floes that are a key characteristic of sea ice. In our contribution, we outline a framework to characterize sea-ice deformation at the floe-scale from observational data by studying the mechanical interaction of multiple identifiable floes. We use Sentinel SAR imagery and ICESat-2 data acquired during the MOSAiC expedition to map ice floes and their thickness in the larger area around Polarstern. This combination of data products allows us to describe the floe-size distribution of floe diameters from tens of kilometers down to tens of meters. With the repeated coverage of SAR imagery, ice motion is tracked and deformation estimates are derived. By combining both floe-size estimates and deformation rates we provide insights into how the floe composition changes in regions that were exposed to deformation and highlight ice fracture as a major source of the power-law distribution of floe sizes. Finally, we present a parameterization of this relationship between floe sizes and ice fracture for large-scale continuum sea-ice models.

    How to cite: Hutter, N., Bitz, C., and von Albedyl, L.: Linking the evolution of floe-scale ice characteristics to its deformation history using satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9952,, 2025.

    EGU25-11839 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Modeling Fast Ice in the Southern Ocean Using a Particle-Continuum Approach 

    Carolin Mehlmann

    Approximately 4% to 13% of sea ice remains stationary, forming a narrow band around Antarctica. This contrasts with the majority of sea ice, which drifts with winds and ocean currents as "pack ice." This stationary landfast sea ice, known as "fast ice," is anchored to the coastline or grounded by icebergs and has significant implications for the global climate. However, current global climate models poorly represent fast ice, casting doubt on their ability to make accurate future projections for this critical component.

    To address this limitation, we have developed a prognostic fast-ice representation suitable for coupled climate models. Our approach introduces a novel coupling mechanism between sea ice and grounded icebergs. This mechanism incorporates feedback from subgrid-scale grounded iceberg particles into the sea ice rheology. Idealized test cases demonstrate that this method successfully simulates fast ice as well as coastal polynyas due to subgrid-scale iceberg grounding.

    How to cite: Mehlmann, C.: Modeling Fast Ice in the Southern Ocean Using a Particle-Continuum Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11839,, 2025.

    EGU25-12073 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Arctic landfast ice simulation with brittle rheology and probabilistic grounding 

    Augustin Lambotte, Thierry Fichefet, François Massonnet, Laurent Brodeau, Pierre Rampal, Jean-François Lemieux, and Frédéric Dupont

    Landfast ice, i.e., sea ice that is mechanically immobilized for several weeks along the coasts, significantly influences the underlying ocean by controlling the occurrence of coastal polynyas and the formation of dense water within. However, it is usually poorly represented in numerical models. In the Arctic, the accurate simulation of landfast ice relies on parameterizing sea ice grounding in shallow water areas and on the sea ice rheology capability to form ice arches in regions with restricted geometry. In this study, we compare a brittle rheology (i.e., the Brittle Bingham-Maxwell or BBM one), newly implemented in the ocean-sea ice model NEMO-SI3, with a standard viscous-plastic rheology (i.e., the aEVP), which is widely used in sea ice models. The performance of the two rheologies in forming ice arches and landfast ice is evaluated at the scale of the Arctic at a 0.25° horizontal resolution. For the grounding parameterization, we apply a probabilistic grounding scheme based on the ice thickness distribution and investigate how leveraging subgrid-scale bathymetry statistics can enhance its performance.

    How to cite: Lambotte, A., Fichefet, T., Massonnet, F., Brodeau, L., Rampal, P., Lemieux, J.-F., and Dupont, F.: Arctic landfast ice simulation with brittle rheology and probabilistic grounding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12073,, 2025.

    EGU25-12255 | Orals | CR3.2

    A unified sea ice fracture model for climate applications 

    Bruno Tremblay and Lettie Roach

    Interactions between ocean surface waves and sea ice dictate the width of the marginal ice zone, where new ice formation and increased sea ice melt are present in the winter and summer (respectively). Existing sea ice wave fracture models predict fracture when one of two limits is reached: (i) a maximum strain failure criterion assuming that the ice is a perfectly flexible plate that follows the ocean surface, and (ii) a maximum stress failure criterion assuming that the ice is a perfectly rigid plate that does not deform under the action of buoyancy and gravity forces. The perfectly rigid sea ice plate model is valid for small wavelengths that have a short lever arm but systematically predicts fracture for long wavelengths irrespective of the amplitude because of the long lever arm. Conversely, the flexible plate model is valid for long wavelengths but systematically predicts fracture for short wavelengths because of the unrealistically large strain. In this work, we present a unified sea ice fracture model based on elastic beam theory for the bending of a sea ice plate (or floe) that is valid for all wavelengths. Our approach reduces to the rigid plate and fully flexible model for short and long incoming ocean wavelength limits, respectively. Results using a fully-developed ocean wave field show much smaller strain within the ice plate and a resulting floe size distribution after fracture with a higher mean and no floes in the smallest size categories. This distribution also aligns with correct ice thickness and Young's Modulus dependencies, matching observational evidence, and contrasts with results from perfectly rigid or flexible sea ice plate models.

    How to cite: Tremblay, B. and Roach, L.: A unified sea ice fracture model for climate applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12255,, 2025.

    EGU25-12835 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Fast, flexible, focused: the case for a single-column sea ice data assimilation framework 

    Molly Wieringa, Joseph Rotondo, Christopher Riedel, Jeffrey Anderson, and Cecilia Bitz

    Assimilating sea ice observations into numerical sea ice and climate models has garnered increasing interest, driven by a demand for more comprehensive sea ice records and forecasts in response to a rapidly changing cryosphere. The development of data assimilation (DA) techniques targeted specifically for sea ice, however, has been comparatively limited.  The computational requirements and structure of many modern sea ice models, the physical characteristics of key sea ice variables, and the uncertainty and relatively limited scope of assimilated sea ice observations all pose significant challenges for the development and tuning of sea ice DA systems. This work presents a new, lightweight framework for sea ice DA development that couples a flexible ensemble DA software to a single-column, multi-category sea ice model, and reviews several recent applications. Key results include the variable impact of common sea ice observation kinds across different sea ice regime types; the benefits of tailoring DA algorithms to the physical and modeled characteristics of sea ice; and the efficacy of assimilating new kinds of observations, including the ice thickness distribution and sea ice albedo. Collectively, these results highlight the ease of experimentation proffered by this new framework, which enables both novel research and more accessible development in sea ice state estimation and forecasting contexts.

    How to cite: Wieringa, M., Rotondo, J., Riedel, C., Anderson, J., and Bitz, C.: Fast, flexible, focused: the case for a single-column sea ice data assimilation framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12835,, 2025.

    EGU25-13483 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    A multi-scale approach to model ice mélange 

    Saskia Kahl and Carolin Mehlmann

    The continuum viscous-plastic sea-ice model is widely used in climate models for simulating large-scale sea-ice dynamics, usually on grids of several kilometres (> 10km). Recently, there is an increasing interest in modelling small-scale processes that have the potential to impact large-scale dynamics, such as sea-ice iceberg interactions in the context of ice mélange. Ice mélange has not yet been studied in the context of climate models as efficient numerical realizations are missing. To close this gap, we present a hybrid ice-mélange model. In this approach, icebergs in form of particles are coupled to the viscous-plastic sea-ice model by modifying the tensile strength in the presence of icebergs. The icebergs, in the size of several hundreds of meters, are tracked on a subgrid scale, which makes the approach numerically efficient. Based on a series of idealised test cases, we demonstrate that this approach captures relevant small-scale physics such as polynya formation caused by grounded icebergs. 

    How to cite: Kahl, S. and Mehlmann, C.: A multi-scale approach to model ice mélange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13483,, 2025.

    EGU25-14272 | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Observational Requirements in the Context of AI prediction Systems - a PCAPS ORCAS Task Team 

    Clare Eayrs and Lorenzo Zampieri

    The PCAPS ORCAS task team is part of the WMO's World Weather Research Programme's PCAPS (Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services) project. PCAPS builds upon the foundational work of the Polar Prediction Project and its flagship activity, the Year of Polar Prediction, to improve the actionability, impact, and fidelity of environmental forecasting for human and environmental well-being in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. PCAPS ORCAS is a community effort that aims to enhance forecasting capabilities by exploring the potential of new AI techniques. Outcomes from this initiative will contribute to strengthening observing systems, including satellite and field campaign data, to provide better initialisation and validation for sea-ice forecasts. 

    Recent advances in artificial intelligence are transforming sea-ice forecasting, with AI models demonstrating comparable or superior performance to traditional physics-based approaches while requiring significantly fewer computing resources. These advantages could enable more frequent and timely predictions, benefiting stakeholders. However, the effective development and validation of these AI systems depend heavily on high-quality observational data. AI models are generally trained on reanalysis datasets, and data from observational campaigns--though vital for process understanding--has seen limited integration into these products. Such observations are essential to evaluate the physical realism of AI models and build trust in their predictive capabilities.

    The PCAPS ORCAS task team systematically evaluates the observational requirements necessary for next-generation AI-based sea-ice prediction systems. This effort combines historical campaign data analysis with collaborative AI model assessments, focusing particularly on extreme events captured during major observational campaigns such as MOSAiC. We examine how different types of observational data contribute to model initialisation and validation while assessing the physical consistency of AI predictions compared to traditional forecasting systems. 

    This approach identifies critical gaps in current observing systems and will inform the design of future field campaigns and observation networks, including those proposed for Antarctica InSync and the upcoming fifth International Polar Year. Our recommendations for strengthening polar observing systems specifically address the unique requirements of AI-based prediction systems while maintaining physical consistency in forecasts. These insights are essential for the polar science community as we work to improve the accuracy and reliability of sea-ice predictions in a rapidly changing Arctic and Antarctic environment.

    How to cite: Eayrs, C. and Zampieri, L.: Observational Requirements in the Context of AI prediction Systems - a PCAPS ORCAS Task Team, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14272,, 2025.

    EGU25-16681 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Multivariate surrogate model of sea ice in the Arctic region  

    Flavia Porro, Charlotte Durand, Tobias Sebastian Finn, Marc Bocquet, Alberto Carrassi, and Pierre Rampal

    The rapid changes occurring in Arctic sea ice influence climate and marine ecosystems, mid-latitude weather on timescales from weeks to months, and human activities, further motivating the need for accurate forecasts. A novel generation of sea ice models based on Elasto-Brittle rheologies, such as neXtSIM (Rampal et al, 2016), successfully represents sea-ice processes, with a remarkable accuracy at the mesoscale, for resolutions of about 10 km. However, these models are computationally expensive, limiting their practical application for long-term forecasting. To address this challenge, we leverage deep learning techniques to build an accurate and computationally affordable surrogate of the physical model.  

    Following up from the initial work by Durand et al., 2024 on univariate surrogate of the sea-ice thickness (SIT) in neXtSIM, we present here a multivariate surrogate model designed to emulate simultaneously SIT, sea-ice concentration (SIC), and sea-ice velocities (SIU and SIV) in the Arctic region. As its core, our deterministic neural-network-based surrogate model uses a U-Net architecture, tailored to the sea-ice forecasting problem. The model is trained on reforecast-like data generated from neXtSIM and atmospheric forcings from ERA5, which help the model to better represent advective and thermodynamic processes. The neural network is trained to predict sea-ice fields with a 12-hour lead time, and it can iteratively be applied to extend predictions for up to a year. 

    We thoroughly investigate the learning process, providing a detailed analysis of our choice of customized loss function and its optimal parameter values. In particular, we investigate the importance of each predicted variable and perform a feature sensitivity analysis. The forecast skills of our model have been successfully evaluated for lead times of up to one year, using both statistical and physical-dynamical metrics. Our preliminary results indicate that the model demonstrates good prediction capabilities at much lower computational costs than the original physical model. The application of a supervised deep learning approach to sea-ice modeling offers a promising alternative to traditional, computationally intensive methods. The positive results from our model's predictions underscore its potential as a reliable tool for seasonal sea ice forecasting. 


    Rampal P. et al. “neXtSIM: a new Lagrangian sea ice model”. In: The Cryosphere 10.3 (2016), pp. 1055–1073 

    Durand C. et al. “Data-driven surrogate modeling of high-resolution sea-ice thickness in the Arctic”. In: The Cryosphere 18.4 (2024), pp 1791-1815 

    How to cite: Porro, F., Durand, C., Finn, T. S., Bocquet, M., Carrassi, A., and Rampal, P.: Multivariate surrogate model of sea ice in the Arctic region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16681,, 2025.

    EGU25-20343 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    An analog experiment of sea-ice fracture by waves at the laboratory scale. 

    Baptiste Auvity, Laurent Duchemin, Antonin Eddi, and Stéphane Perrard

    We study at the laboratory scale the rupture of thin floating sheets made of a brittle material under wave induced mechanical forcing. We show that the rupture occurs where the curvature is maximum, and the break up threshold strongly depends on the wave properties. We observe that the corresponding critical stress for fracture depends on the forcing wavelength: our observations are thus incompatible with a critical stress criteria for fracture. Our measurements can rather be rationalized using an energy criteria: a fracture propagates when the material surface energy is lower than the released elastic energy, which depends on the forcing geometry. I will eventually discuss the possible implication for sea ice fracture criterion by ocean waves.

    How to cite: Auvity, B., Duchemin, L., Eddi, A., and Perrard, S.: An analog experiment of sea-ice fracture by waves at the laboratory scale., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20343,, 2025.

    EGU25-21072 | Orals | CR3.2

    Influence of Snow Redistribution and Melt Pond Schemes on Sea Ice Thickness Simulation during MOSAiC Expedition 

    Yang Lu, Jiawei Zhao, Xiaochum Wang, and Ralf Giering

    The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition was implemented with one year observation of atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, giving us an opportunity to understand the sea ice processes. Due to the missing observation during the expedition, ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis along the MOSAiC drift trajectory, after its validation, is used to force a column sea ice model Icepack, commonly used in coupled climate models. We compare sea ice thickness (SIT) simulations against MOSAiC observation to understand the reasons of SIT simulation misfits fordifferent combinations of two melt pond schemes and three snow redistribution configurations. The three snow redistribution configurations are bulk scheme, snwITDrag scheme and one simulation selection without snow redistribution. In both bulk and snwITDrdg snow redistribution schemes, snow can be lost to leads and open water. In the bulk scheme, snow from level ice can be lost to leads or open water. In snwITDrdg scheme, snow is distributed to different sea ice categories and the scheme also allows wind-driven snow compaction and erosion. The two melt pond schemes are TOPO scheme and LVL scheme, which differ in the distribution of melt water. The results show that Icepack can reproduce sea ice growth in the winter and spring periods of MOSAiC expedition. Icepack without snow redistribution scheme simulates excessive snow ice formation and its contribution to sea ice mass balance, resulting in thicker SIT simulation than the observation in spring. Applying snow redistribution schemes in Icepack reduces snow-ice formation while enhancing congelation rate. The bulk snow redistribution scheme improves the SIT simulation in winter and spring, while the bias is larger in simulations using the snwITDrdg scheme. During summer time, Icepack underestimates the sea ice surface albedo, resulting in an underestimation of SIT at the end of simulation. The simulations with TOPO scheme present a more reasonable melt pond evolution than the LVL scheme, resulting in a smaller bias in SIT simulation. Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation are required to improve sea ice thickness simulation. Some earlier results using adjoint model to improve sea ice simulation will also be presented.

    How to cite: Lu, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, X., and Giering, R.: Influence of Snow Redistribution and Melt Pond Schemes on Sea Ice Thickness Simulation during MOSAiC Expedition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21072,, 2025.

    Floe size distribution (FSD) is a parameter that describes the geometric features of discrete sea ice floes. It plays a crucial role in the momentum, energy and mass exchanges between atmosphere and ocean over the frozen waters, through regulating the ice field consolidation and lead distribution. Previous studies on characterizing the Arctic FSD mainly focused on the marginal ice zone (MIZ) in the peripheral waters. However, continuous ice thinning and enhanced response of ice motion to wind forcing lead to more intense sea ice fragmentation in the Arctic pack ice zone (PIZ). This, in turn, further strengthens sea ice mobility and contributes to the Arctic sea ice outflow. Therefore, this study focuses on the FSD at the northern entrance of the Nares Strait, a region characterized by severe ice conditions and high ice dynamics, which is essential for the outflow of Arctic multi-year ice. We firstly developed a parameter-free method based on a deep convolutional neural network and graph partitioning algorithm to retrieve floes geometry in this specific region from Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar images. Using manual produced ground truth data as the benchmark, the proposed method outperformed four conventional algorithms, including K-means, dynamic local thresholding, watershed, and kernel graph cut, in visual assessment and quantitative evaluation. It achieved an overall accuracy and F1-score of 97.0% and 97.6%, respectively. Subsequently, the method was applied to obtain the FSD at the northern entrance of the Nares Strait in 2019. Result showed that the FSD exhibited a power-law distribution for floes with mean caliper diameter ranging from approximately 3 to 53 km for most time. Exceptions occurred in early autumn at the onset of ice freezing, where invalid power law exponent α emerged due to the finite image size and/or abnormal ice advection. We further found that the variations of α were primarily regulated by sea ice thickness, ice advection, and events of floe breakup and welding. Compared with that identified in the Arctic MIZ, seasonal change in FSD in this region appeared relatively moderate, owing to high sea ice concentration and different regulating mechanisms.This work provides a practical algorithm for floe geometry retrieval and a rare case study on the seasonal change in FSD in the Arctic PIZ.

    How to cite: Yang, F., Liu, T., and Lei, R.: Seasonal change in floe size distribution at the northern entrance of the Arctic Nares Strait derived from Sentinel-1 images: retrieval method and case study in 2019, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1736,, 2025.

    EGU25-4117 | Orals | CR3.3

    Arctic regional changes revealed by clustering of sea-ice observations 

    Amelie Simon, Pierre Tandeo, Florian Sévellec, and Camille Lique

    Understanding the evolution of Arctic sea-ice is crucial due to its socio-economic impacts. Usual descriptors (e.g., sea-ice extent, sea-ice age and ice-free duration) quantify changes but do not account for the full seasonal cycle. Here, using satellite observations of sea-ice concentration (1979-2023), we perform a k-means clustering of the Arctic sea-ice seasonal cycle, initializing with equal quantile separation and using Mahalanobis distance. We identify four optimal seasonal cycle clusters: ocean-only (no ice year-round), permanent sea-ice (full coverage with a minimum of 0.7 sea-ice concentration), and two clusters showing ice-free conditions, namely partial and full winter freezing. The latter has larger sea-ice concentration in winter, more abrupt melting and freezing, and shorter ice-free season than the former. Hence, the starting dates for melting are good precursors of ice-free duration. The probability of belonging to the open-ocean cluster increased by 1.6% per decade mostly due to cluster spatial expansion in the Atlantic side. The permanent sea-ice decreased by 1.5% per decade with a likelihood reduction in the Pacific side. The last two clusters do not exhibit any trend but spatial shifts occur. We further diagnose cluster transitions and subsequently infer regions of stabilization and destabilization. The East Siberian and Laptev Seas are destabilized (losing their typical permanent sea-ice seasonal cycle) while the Kara and Chukchi Seas have stabilized (experiencing a new typical seasonal cycle, the partial winter-freezing cluster). This work provides a new way to describe Arctic regional changes using a statistical framework based on physical behaviours of sea-ice.

    How to cite: Simon, A., Tandeo, P., Sévellec, F., and Lique, C.: Arctic regional changes revealed by clustering of sea-ice observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4117,, 2025.

    EGU25-4593 | ECS | Orals | CR3.3 | Highlight

    How Flat is Flat? Investigating the Spatial Variability of Snow Surface Temperature and Topography on Landfast Sea Ice Using Drone-Based Mapping  

    Julia Martin, Ruzica Dadic, Brian Anderson, Roberta Pirazzini, Lauren Vargo, and Oliver Wigmore

    How do snow distribution patterns influence the surface temperature of snow on sea ice? Despite its crucial role in influencing sea-ice energy balance, snow on Antarctic sea ice remains poorly understood.  

    To address this knowledge gap, we used an Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and ground-based measurements to produce a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the snow topography and map the snow surface temperature over relatively uniform landfast sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica during our field season in November-December 2022.  

    A key methodological innovation in this study is an algorithm that corrects thermal drift caused by Non-Uniformity Correction (NUC) events in the DJI Matrice 30T thermal camera. The new algorithm minimizes temperature jumps and distortion in the imagery, ensuring consistent and accurate high-resolution (9 cm/px) snow surface temperature maps.  

    As expected, largest surface temperature anomalies were associated with sediment deposition on the snow surface, which was identified by low red band values in UAV optical imagery. Additionally, we found that the small-scale topography on a seemingly flat snow field significantly influences the incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the point scale. Using a model that accounts for topographical effects on insolation, we found that assuming uniform insolation over our study area (200x200 m) underestimated insolation variability due to relatively small-scale surface topography. The modeled mean insolation for the overflown study site, which accounts for surface topography, is 592 ± 90 Wm-2(2 Standard Deviations), whereas the mean measured insolation at the point scale is 593 ± 20 Wm-2. This shows that assuming a flat surface fails to represent the full range of insolation and may impact non-linear energy balance processes.  

    Our results improve our understanding of snow's spatial distribution, how it influences snow surface temperatures and how it may influence the sea-ice energy balance. 

    How to cite: Martin, J., Dadic, R., Anderson, B., Pirazzini, R., Vargo, L., and Wigmore, O.: How Flat is Flat? Investigating the Spatial Variability of Snow Surface Temperature and Topography on Landfast Sea Ice Using Drone-Based Mapping , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4593,, 2025.

    EGU25-5195 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Simulating in-plane failure of sea ice floes in the Arctic using discrete element methods 

    Adam Bateson, Daniel Feltham, David Schröder, Scott Durski, Jennifer Hutchings, Rajlaxmi Basu, and Byongjun Hwang

    Sea ice is made up of individual pieces of ice called floes, and these floes can vary in size from scales of just metres to tens of kilometres. There has been much recent interest in simulating variable floe size in continuum models of sea ice, since floe size can impact the evolution of the sea ice cover via several mechanisms including lateral melt volume, rheology, and momentum exchange. These simulations usually only account for the breakup of floes driven by waves. Observations of the Arctic sea ice cover show that there also exists several mechanisms of in-plane floe failure resulting from processes including wind forcing, interactions between neighbouring floes, and thermal weakening. The limited availability of in-situ observations of these in-plane failure mechanisms inhibits the development of accurate parameterisations for use in continuum models. Discrete element models (DEMs) are able to resolve relevant properties such as shear and normal stress and sea ice strength at the sub-floe scale, and they can therefore directly simulate crack formation and propagation. DEMs can thus be applied as a virtual laboratory of floe breakup and be used to supplement observations to develop a more complete understanding of floe failure mechanisms.

    In this study, we use well-characterised case studies of floe breakup events to test sea ice DEM capability in simulating the mechanical breakup of floes. We will present results from a series of DEM simulations to explore these observed case studies of floe breakup and identify important parameters and processes that impact whether the floe fails and the resulting floe sizes. We will also discuss the challenges that have emerged in applying a sea ice DEM to floe fragmentation at smaller scales.

    How to cite: Bateson, A., Feltham, D., Schröder, D., Durski, S., Hutchings, J., Basu, R., and Hwang, B.: Simulating in-plane failure of sea ice floes in the Arctic using discrete element methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5195,, 2025.

    EGU25-5747 | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Tropospheric BrO and sea ice in the surroundings of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) 

    Cristina Prados-Roman, Laura Gómez-Martín, Olga Puentedura, Jose Antonio Adame, Mónica Navarro-Comas, Héctor Ochoa, and Margarita Yela

    Sea ice plays a crucial role in atmospheric chemistry. In the polar regions, particularly during spring, large amounts of bromine migrate from reservoir state in sea ice to gas phase (Br2, BrCl) and subsequently to reactive bromine (Br, BrO). This involves autocatalytic processes which deplete surface ozone and oxidizes toxic mercury, facilitating its entry into the trophic chain.

    During the last years, in collaboration with the Argentinian Antarctic Directorate/Argentine Antarctic Institute, INTA has been performing long-term observations of relevant tropospheric trace gases aiming at characterizing the polar photochemistry and its link to environmental conditions. These observations are performed from Ushuaia (USH, 54˚S, 68˚S) co-operating with SMN (Argentine National Meteorological Service), and from the Antarctic sites of Marambio (MAR, 64˚S, 56˚W) and Belgrano (BEL, 78˚S, 34˚W). One of the main objectives of the current nationally funded research project GARDENIA (Gases and aerosols in Antarctica: distribution, context and variability) is to investigate the role that sea ice plays on tropospheric halogens in Antarctica.

    The work presented herein focuses on a long-term (2015-2022) study of reactive bromine in the context of the sea ice surrounding the Weddell Sea sector. This will be assessed by combining long-term observations of tropospheric BrO from the Antarctic sites of MAR and BEL, with back trajectories computed using the HYSPLIT model (Stein et al., 2015) and the sea ice state of development facilitated by the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC, 2020). This pluriannual study suggests that not only sea ice extent but also sea ice state of development should be further investigated in the framework of cryosphere-atmosphere interactions in a context of global warming.


    Stein et al., (2015): NOAA’s HYSPLIT atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling system. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 96, 2059–2077.

    NSIDC (2020): U.S. National Ice Center Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration and Climatologies in Gridded Format. (G10033, Version 1). Fetterer, F. & Stewart, J. S. (Comps.).

    How to cite: Prados-Roman, C., Gómez-Martín, L., Puentedura, O., Adame, J. A., Navarro-Comas, M., Ochoa, H., and Yela, M.: Tropospheric BrO and sea ice in the surroundings of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5747,, 2025.

    EGU25-6280 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics of Sea Ice Deformation Using Deep Learning-Based Optical Flow 

    Matias Uusinoka, Arttu Polojärvi, Jari Haapala, and Jan Åström

    Recent advances in high-resolution deep learning-based optical flow and radar imaging have opened new opportunities to analyze sea ice deformation at unprecedented spatiotemporal scales. Building on our novel deep neural network-based motion-tracking method we can now provide insights into the fundamental processes driving sea-ice deformation. For the ship radar data from the MOSAiC expedition, our approach resolves deformation events at scales down to 10 meters and 10-minute intervals across a 10 km × 10 km domain, generating on the order of 10^8 deformation-rate estimates per day with accuracy comparable to, or exceeding, that of traditional measurements. By quantifying the presence of nonlinear dynamics in intermediate-scale ice dynamics, our analysis refines established scaling laws and reveals emergent behaviors in deformation processes. Our findings emphasize the importance of seasonality and spatial heterogeneity in determining the mechanical response of Arctic sea ice under changing climate conditions.

    How to cite: Uusinoka, M., Polojärvi, A., Haapala, J., and Åström, J.: Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics of Sea Ice Deformation Using Deep Learning-Based Optical Flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6280,, 2025.

    EGU25-6431 | ECS | Orals | CR3.3

    Sea-ice turbulent dynamics derived from Lagrangian buoys tracks 

    Romain Caneill, Pierre Rampal, and Mickaël Bourgoin

    The Arctic, a central place to our global climate, is mainly covered by sea ice. The motion of sea ice is important as it exports freshwater from the central Arctic to the North Atlantic. The motion itself is on a large scale driven by atmospheric and oceanic patterns. Yet, fluctuating velocities are superimposed on this mean circulation. These fluctuating velocities represent atmospheric and oceanic turbulence as well as internal sea ice dynamics. One main property of the sea-ice fluctuating velocity is its high intermittency induced by the fracturing of sea ice. To understand the dynamical properties of the fluctuating velocities, we study the kinematic energy using Lagrangian statistics derived from observed trajectories, inspired by classical multi-scale analysis from fluid turbulence. We use trajectories from the International Arctic Buoy Program (IABP), covering a 40-years period of the sea-ice covered central Arctic, both in summer and winter seasons. The energy spectra is found to follow the Kolmogorov -5/3 scaling, which is classically observed for fluid turbulence. The cross-correlated acceleration-velocity structure function (Sau) provides information on the energy cascade between spatial scales. While noisy, the computed Sau is negative in the 10-1000 km scales, which would imply a direct energy cascade (from large to small scales). The imprint of the atmospheric and oceanic turbulence must present a direct energy cascade. However, as the characteristics of the sea-ice fluctuating velocity fields are also impacted by the sea ice internal physics, such a negative cascade could result from the energy transfer from large-scale forcing fields down to the smallest fractures in the sea ice. While the statistics of the sea-ice turbulence are similar over the whole 40-years period, differences are found between the old and modern data. These changes point towards a transition of dynamical regime that the Arctic sea ice is undergoing.

    How to cite: Caneill, R., Rampal, P., and Bourgoin, M.: Sea-ice turbulent dynamics derived from Lagrangian buoys tracks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6431,, 2025.

    EGU25-7248 | Orals | CR3.3

    A surprising, but not unexpected, multi-decadal hiatus in Arctic sea ice decline 

    Lorenzo Polvani, Mark England, and James Screen

    Since the beginning of the satellite era in 1979, September sea ice area over the Arctic has nearly halved, and the rapid sea ice decline in the early 2000s fueled concerns that the first ice-free Arctic summer could occur before 2020.  In light of these dire forecasts, therefore, it is remarkable that no statistically significant decline in September Arctic sea ice coverage has occurred over past two decades, as we demonstrate here.

    This 20-year-long hiatus in pan-Arctic sea ice decline is robust across observational datasets, and also robust to the choice metric (sea ice area or extent).  In fact, the present hiatus is seen in all months of the year, not only in September.

    One is immediately led to ask whether climate models are able to capture multi-decadal-long periods with no Arctic sea ice decline in the presence of strong anthropogenic radiative forcing.  To answer this, we analyze multiple large ensembles of CMIP5 and CMIP6 simulations over the first half of the 21st century.  We find that 20-year-long periods with no significant Arctic in sea ice loss occur rather frequently in climate models, even under high emissions scenarios.  Roughly 20-30% of the hundreds of model runs analyzed here show 2005-2024 trends smaller than the small observed trend, although the intermodel spread is considerable.  Sub-selecting models based on their ability of simulating observed climatological sea ice, or on their equilibrium climate sensitivity, or on the specific scenario forcings, does not alter the key result.

    Our analysis also reveals that the simulated forced response, in most models, is considerably larger than the observed trends.  This highlights the important role of internal variability in enhancing and, more recently, in reducing Arctic sea ice decline.  In fact, our analysis of model output reveals that a different configuration of internal climate variability could have caused an overall growth in Arctic sea ice over the past 20 years, surprisingly enough.

    Looking at the coming decades, and focusing on those climate simulation which are consistent with the present observed trends, we find the hiatus is 50% likely to persist for another five years, and could plausibly last another full decade (with roughly 30% chance).

    Taken together, our findings lead us to conclude that the current hiatus in Arctic sea ice decline, even as emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise, is not an unexpected event that questions our basic understanding of the Arctic climate system.  Climate models show that it can occur rather frequently, and that it could plausibly persist for years to come.

    How to cite: Polvani, L., England, M., and Screen, J.: A surprising, but not unexpected, multi-decadal hiatus in Arctic sea ice decline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7248,, 2025.

    EGU25-7366 | ECS | Orals | CR3.3

    Interannual Variability of the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone Over Four Decades: A Comparison of Two Definitions 

    Armina Soleymani, Alex Crawford, and K. Andrea Scott

    The Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) is a dynamic region between open water
    and consolidated ice, crucial for heat and moisture exchange and support-
    ing diverse marine ecosystems. With Arctic sea ice thinning and the melt
    season lengthening, monitoring the MIZ has become increasingly impor-
    tant. This study analyzed Arctic MIZ trends over 40 years (1983–2022)
    using Bootstrap SIC data and two definitions: one based on the SIC
    threshold (MIZt) and another on the SIC anomaly (MIZσ ). MIZt was de-
    fined as 0.15 0.15 ≤ SIC < 0.80, while MIZσ used grid cells with a median
    standard deviation of SIC anomaly above 0.11, derived from the probabil-
    ity density function. This research represents a novel exploration of the
    Arctic MIZ using a SIC anomaly-based approach. Both definitions showed
    similar seasonal trends, but MIZσ peaked during freeze-up (October) and
    break-up (July), while MIZt peaked in summer (August). MIZσ fractions
    were consistently higher than those from MIZt across all seasons. Finally,
    October and August exhibit the most rapid increases in both MIZt and
    MIZσ fractions, coinciding with accelerated sea ice decline. These results
    highlight the importance of selecting an MIZ definition tailored to specific
    research or applications.

    How to cite: Soleymani, A., Crawford, A., and Scott, K. A.: Interannual Variability of the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone Over Four Decades: A Comparison of Two Definitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7366,, 2025.

    EGU25-8158 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Arctic Sea Ice Lead Detection From China FY-3D MERSI-II Quality Enhanced Images  

    Lu Zhang, Fengming Hui, Xiao Cheng, Gang Li, Xiaopo Zheng, Zhaohui Chi, Hang Yu, Ling Sun, and Shengli Wu

    The 250-m resolution Chinese Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) Medium Resolution Spectral Imager-II (MERSI-II) thermal infrared (TIR) data can help us understand the rapid variations of Arctic sea ice leads, which are key features within the sea ice. The challenges of utilizing the 250-m FY-3D MERSI-II TIR data are bowtie effect and nonuniform brightness stripe noise.

    While previous solutions have addressed these issues separately, this study introduces a more integrated two-step image quality enhancement strategy for MERSI-II TIR images. It considered the interactions between the two issues and overcame the excessive or inadequate destriping in existing models due to the ideal stripe-type assumption. Specifically, for the bowtie effect, a rigorous geometric model suitable for MERSI-II was constructed. For the nonuniform brightness stripe noise, a novel adaptive multiscale frequential (AMSF) algorithm was developed. The proposed strategy was outperforming existing methods in quantitative and qualitative assessments with higher efficiency on both bowtie effect and stripe noise removal. To validate the effectiveness of proposed strategy in sea ice lead detection, the temperature anomaly method was used to extract leads in winter Arctic Baffin Bay from images of varying quality. The results show that the overall accuracy improved from 0.88 to 0.95.

    However, the sea ice lead extraction results from the traditional temperature anomaly method on TIR images is affected by the subjective selection of window sizes and is prone to misclassification caused by clouds. To address these issues, a novel deep learning method is applied to quality-enhanced FY-3D MERSI-II TIR images, which adaptively extracts sea ice leads and reduces cloud interference. Several commonly image segmentation networks: PSP Net, U-Net, and Deeplabv3, were compared to identify the most suitable network for extracting sea ice leads from TIR images, with the U-Net architecture providing the best segmentation results.

    Nevertheless, the segmentation results of U-Net network still exist some misclassification caused by clouds. Therefore, the network was further optimized by introducing frequency domain filtering modules, which eliminate the interference of low-frequency clouds and enhance the model's focus on the high-frequency regions like linear features of sea ice leads, thereby improving the extraction accuracy of sea ice leads from thermal infrared images. Results show that the novel network effectively reduces misclassification caused by clouds, thereby providing more accurate and reliable sea ice lead data. 

    How to cite: Zhang, L., Hui, F., Cheng, X., Li, G., Zheng, X., Chi, Z., Yu, H., Sun, L., and Wu, S.: Arctic Sea Ice Lead Detection From China FY-3D MERSI-II Quality Enhanced Images , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8158,, 2025.

    EGU25-8393 | Orals | CR3.3

    New perspectives on the skill of modelled sea ice trends in light of recent Antarctic sea ice loss 

    Caroline Holmes, Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Paul R. Holland, Julienne Stroeve, and Jeremy Wilkinson

    Most climate models do not reproduce the 1979–2014 increase in Antarctic sea ice area (SIA). This was a contributing factor in successive Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports allocating low confidence to model projections of sea ice over the 21st century. However, due to the rapid declines in Antarctic sea ice since 2016, the linear trend in annual mean Antarctic SIA is no longer positive. We therefore investigate what impact this has on the evaluation of trends from the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble and show that the recent rapid declines bring observed SIA trends back into line with the models. More generally, the level of agreement between observed and modelled linear trends depends both on the length of the time series examined ('timescale') and the exact years ('time period').  Our novel result that trends over the full satellite era 1979–2023 do not disagree between observations and models could imply that models are better able to represent changes over longer timescales than previously thought. However, this is not the only interpretation. One confounding aspect is the abrupt nature of recent change, as a result of which the full time series does not appear particularly linear. This presentation will discuss these aspects and the implications for future research priorities.

    How to cite: Holmes, C., Bracegirdle, T. J., Holland, P. R., Stroeve, J., and Wilkinson, J.: New perspectives on the skill of modelled sea ice trends in light of recent Antarctic sea ice loss, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8393,, 2025.

    Against the backdrop of global climate change, the continued decline in Arctic sea ice extent and thickness has intensified the dynamic evolution of the marginal ice zone (MIZ). As a critical transitional region between the open ocean and pack ice, the MIZ plays a pivotal role in mediating ocean-atmosphere interactions, influencing sea ice dynamics, and supporting polar ecosystems. Therefore, we investigated the dynamic variability and morphological evolution of the Arctic MIZ from 1979 to 2023 using the Bootstrap sea ice concentration (SIC) product. Results reveal that while the overall MIZ extent has remained relatively stable over the long term, the MIZ fraction (i.e., the ratio of MIZ extent to Arctic sea ice extent) has increased significantly, particularly during summer. The MIZ has experienced a northward shift over the past four decades, with an accelerated rate of migration post-2000. This shift is accompanied by morphological changes, characterized by a smoother ice edge and more compact ice during late summer. A significant change point was detected in 2006, signaling a structural shift in MIZ dynamics. Post-2006, the frequency of MIZ occurrence increased in high-latitude regions, particularly across the Beaufort, Chukchi, East Siberian, and Laptev Seas. Building on these findings, we are currently employing deep learning techniques combined with optical data and Sentinel-1 SAR data to invert the distribution of sea ice floes within the Arctic MIZ during the melt season (May to August), with a focus on analyzing the evolution of these floes during the retreat of Arctic sea ice. These findings provide critical insights into Arctic sea ice dynamics, highlighting the evolving nature of the MIZ and its role in shaping the future Arctic ice regime under continued climate change.

    How to cite: Song, L. and Zhao, X.: Assessing Arctic Marginal Ice Zone Dynamics from 1979 to 2023: Insights into Long-Term Variability and Morphological Changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8605,, 2025.

    EGU25-11156 | ECS | Orals | CR3.3 | Highlight

    Future sea ice weakening amplifies wind-driven trends in surface stress and Arctic Ocean spin-up 

    Morven Muilwijk, Tore Hattermann, Torge Martin, and Mats Granskog

    Arctic sea ice mediates atmosphere-ocean momentum transfer, which drives upper ocean circulation. How Arctic Ocean surface stress and velocity respond to sea ice decline and changing winds under global warming is unclear. Here we show that state-of-the-art climate models consistently predict an increase in future (2015-2100) ocean surface stress in response to increased surface wind speed, declining sea ice area, and a weaker ice pack. While wind speeds increase most during fall (+2.2% per decade), surface stress rises most in winter (+5.1%  per decade) being amplified by reduced internal ice stress. This is because, as sea ice concentration decreases in a warming climate, less energy is dissipated by the weaker ice pack, resulting in more momentum transfer to the ocean. The increased momentum transfer accelerates Arctic Ocean surface velocity (+31-47% by 2100), leading to elevated ocean kinetic energy and enhanced vertical mixing. The enhanced surface stress also increases the Beaufort Gyre Ekman convergence and freshwater content, impacting Arctic marine ecosystems and the downstream ocean circulation. The impacts of projected changes are profound, but different and simplified model formulations of atmosphere-ice-ocean momentum transfer introduce considerable uncertainty, highlighting the need for improved coupling in climate models.

    How to cite: Muilwijk, M., Hattermann, T., Martin, T., and Granskog, M.: Future sea ice weakening amplifies wind-driven trends in surface stress and Arctic Ocean spin-up, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11156,, 2025.

    EGU25-11201 | ECS | Orals | CR3.3

    CMIP6 Models Rarely Simulate Antarctic Winter Sea-Ice Anomalies as Large as Observed in 2023 

    Rachel Diamond, Louise Sime, Caroline Holmes, and David Schroeder


    In 2023, Antarctic sea-ice extent (SIE) reached record lows, with winter SIE falling to 2.5Mkm2 below the satellite era average. With this multi-model study, we investigate the occurrence of anomalies of this magnitude in latest-generation global climate models. When these anomalies occur, SIE takes decades to recover: this indicates that SIE may transition to a new, lower, state over the next few decades. Under internal variability alone, models are extremely unlikely to simulate these anomalies, with return period >1000 years for most models. The only models with return period <1000 years for these anomalies have likely unrealistically large interannual variability. Based on extreme value theory, the return period is reduced from 2650 years under internal variability to 580 years under a strong climate change forcing scenario.


    Diamond, Rachel, et al. "CMIP6 models rarely simulate Antarctic winter sea‐ice anomalies as large as observed in 2023." Geophysical Research Letters 51.10 (2024): e2024GL109265.


    In 2023, the area of winter Antarctic sea ice fell to the lowest measured since satellite records began in late 1978. It is still under debate how far this low can be explained by natural variations, and how much can be explained by climate change. Global climate models are tools used to study past and predict future global change. We show that, without climate change, the latest generation of these models are extremely unlikely to simulate a sea-ice reduction from the mean as large as observed in winter 2023. Including strong climate change quadruples the chance of such a reduction, but the chance is still very low. When these rare reductions are simulated, sea ice takes around 10 years to recover to a new, lower, area: this indicates that Antarctic sea ice may transition to a new, lower, state over the next few decades.

    How to cite: Diamond, R., Sime, L., Holmes, C., and Schroeder, D.: CMIP6 Models Rarely Simulate Antarctic Winter Sea-Ice Anomalies as Large as Observed in 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11201,, 2025.

    EGU25-11669 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Predictability of Rapid Sea Ice Loss Events in CESM2 model 

    Annelies Sticker, Francois Massonnet, Thierry Fichefet, and Alexandra Jahn

    The decline in summer Arctic sea ice extent that has been underway for several decades is set to continue until summer Arctic sea ice disappears completely by the middle of the century, according to the latest climate projections. Based on observations and these climate model projections, the rate at which sea ice is retreating is not linear: the decrease in the Arctic sea ice cover is marked by periods of abrupt sea ice decline.
    Specifically, it has been suggested that these rapid ice loss events (RILEs) will become a frequent phenomenon in the coming decades. The causes of such events remain poorly understood and we are still unable to reliably predict their evolution. By running sensitivity simulations with the CESM2 model, we aim to investigate the predictability of RILEs and the factors contributing to their onset. Simulations initialized in the year of the event demonstrate predictive skill, whereas those initialized one to two years prior exhibit limited predictive capability. Additional simulations are designed to explore the role of the sea ice mean state and previous oceanic conditions in driving these events.

    How to cite: Sticker, A., Massonnet, F., Fichefet, T., and Jahn, A.: Predictability of Rapid Sea Ice Loss Events in CESM2 model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11669,, 2025.

    EGU25-12243 | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Barents Sea ice volume budget in a 40-member historical ensemble of a global climate model 

    David Schroeder, Danny Feltham, and Jake Aylmer

    The decrease of Arctic sea ice affects the future climate in the Arctic and beyond. Therefore, it is important to understand the drivers of sea ice variability and trends. The variability of the Arctic-wide winter sea ice extent is largely determined by that in the Barents Sea. The relative impact of oceanic and atmospheric processes has been discussed controversially in the literature for different time scales. Here, we provide a volume budget analysis over the period from 1960 to 2014 based on a 40-member ensemble with the Hadley Centre global climate model HadGEM3 using a horizontal resolution of around 10km in the Arctic. Sea ice gain is Arctic-wide dominated by sea ice growth with a net contribution from sea ice advection and divergence generally below 10%. However, in the Barents Sea this contribution reaches 100% with significant ice growth only taking place on the northern edge of the Barents Sea. Locally up to 5m of annual sea ice are advected in certain place of the Barents Sea. Consequences for the importance of atmospheric and oceanic drivers on variability and trend will be analysed.

    How to cite: Schroeder, D., Feltham, D., and Aylmer, J.: Barents Sea ice volume budget in a 40-member historical ensemble of a global climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12243,, 2025.

    EGU25-15695 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Linking observations of Arctic summer sea ice thickness and melt ponds to model simulations 

    Lena Buth, Gerit Birnbaum, Thomas Krumpen, Niklas Neckel, Melinda Webster, and Christian Haas

    Melt ponds on Arctic sea ice play a critical role in the ice-albedo feedback, influencing the Arctic energy budget and climate. While satellite-derived products provide broad-scale estimates of melt pond fraction, detailed information on individual pond properties and direct high-resolution comparisons with other sea ice properties remain limited. In this study, we combine airborne observations of melt ponds and sea ice thickness with model output to evaluate the representation of melt ponds in Arctic sea ice simulations.

    Melt pond properties, in particular pond fraction, along flight tracks are derived using high-resolution RGB imagery, while coincident ice thickness measurements are obtained using the EM-Bird, a tethered electromagnetic sensor. These observations are analyzed to explore the relationship between melt pond fraction, ice thickness, and surface morphology, providing a comprehensive observational perspective. This relationship is then compared to simulations from the Los Alamos Sea Ice Model (CICE) and its column physics module, Icepack, which include melt pond parameterizations based on sea ice thickness categories and the distribution of level and deformed ice within these categories. By examining how observed relationships between melt pond fraction and ice thickness agree with model results, this study aims to evaluate models in realistically simulating melt pond properties and processes on Arctic sea ice.

    How to cite: Buth, L., Birnbaum, G., Krumpen, T., Neckel, N., Webster, M., and Haas, C.: Linking observations of Arctic summer sea ice thickness and melt ponds to model simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15695,, 2025.

    EGU25-15728 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Persistent Antarctic sea ice biases in spite of recent observed sharp decline 

    Lettie A. Roach and Lorenzo M. Polvani

    Antarctic sea ice expanded for the first 35 years of the satellite record, but in the past 10 years has dropped to record lows. The recent unexpected behaviour has renewed discussion on the ability of coupled climate models to capture observations. Here, we present analysis of CMIP6 model output and satellite observations to argue the following. The clear observed Antarctic sea ice expansion from 1979 to around 2014 should be captured in state-of-the-art coupled climate model ensembles. However, only a very small fraction of models capture this expansion, and those that do almost universally show large biases in mean state and/or variability. Besides this, simulations that capture the post-2014 decline are also uncommon. These issues severely limit our ability to understand observed and future Antarctic sea ice change.

    How to cite: Roach, L. A. and Polvani, L. M.: Persistent Antarctic sea ice biases in spite of recent observed sharp decline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15728,, 2025.

    EGU25-16126 | Orals | CR3.3

    Hydrodynamic interactions significantly effect frazil ice crystal collisions in the ocean 

    Deborah Rhee, Andrew Wells, and Ian Hewitt
    The early stages of sea ice formation often involve frazil ice, formed as a crystal suspension in supercooled turbulent water. Frazil ice formation is known to play a significant role in the development of Antarctic Bottom Water, and is thus a key component of the global ocean circulation. However, despite its significance, frazil ice formation is still a poorly understood sea-ice process.

    Understanding how frazil ice impacts the water column requires a model for the number, size and velocities of frazil ice crystals. All of these quantities change as the crystals collide and potentially fracture or flocculate. However, the conditions required for crystals to fracture or flocculate remain uncertain.

    We develop a model for frazil ice collisions which includes the effect of hydrodynamic interactions between the crystals. This model allows us to determine the collision efficiency of crystal interactions, a quantity previously not included in frazil ice models. We find that the collision efficiency strongly depends on the level of turbulence and in more quiescent flow, hydrodynamic interactions significantly reduce the number of crystal collisions.

    Our model also suggests that nucleation is more likely to occur by small dendritic structures breaking off from the crystal surface, rather than from crystals snapping. This has implications for the number and size distribution of the resulting crystals.

    We discuss the utility of our model for parameterising frazil ice population models and discuss the implications for understanding the role of frazil ice in the development of Antarctic Bottom Water.

    How to cite: Rhee, D., Wells, A., and Hewitt, I.: Hydrodynamic interactions significantly effect frazil ice crystal collisions in the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16126,, 2025.

    EGU25-20855 | Posters on site | CR3.3

    Surface energy budget and its impact on the sea ice evolution in the Barents Sea 

    Caixin Wang and Keguang Wang

    Sea ice is a critical interface layer between the atmosphere and the ocean. It is a major component of the polar ecosystem, an essential component of the earth climate system, and an amplifier of global climate change. Sea ice plays an important role in the global climate system. Its thermodynamical processes increase or decrease the sea ice thickness through phase changes, controlled by the energy budgets at the ice surface and at the ice bottom. Barents-2.5 is an operational ocean and sea ice forecast model for short-term forecasting at Operational forecasts are performed daily for sea ice concentration, sea surface temperature, and ocean currents in the Barents Sea, coastal waters around Svalbard and off northern Norway. The model is based on ROMS (the Regional Ocean Modeling System) version 3.7 (Shchepetkin and McWilliams, 2005) and CICE version 5.1 (Hunke et al., 2017). The surface energy budget in the Barenets-2.5 model is elucidated and its impact on the sea ice evolution is evaluated in this study.

    How to cite: Wang, C. and Wang, K.: Surface energy budget and its impact on the sea ice evolution in the Barents Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20855,, 2025.

    EGU25-487 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Oceanic heat transport along the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the role of eddies 

    Dong Jian, Xiaoming Zhai, Ian Renfrew, and David Stevens

    The warm and saline Atlantic Water in the Nordic Seas serves as a conduit for poleward oceanic heat transport and plays  a crucial role in regulating the Northern Hemisphere climate. However, the impact of mesoscale eddies on this heat transport remains unclear, owing to a lack of in situ observations and numerous ocean modeling challenges. Our study aims to improve  the model representation of eddies and investigate their role in  oceanic heat transport in the Nordic Seas. Using a novel configuration of the MITgcm ocean-ice model,  with a resolution ranging from 1 to 4 km, we analyze 21 years of simulation. We show that oceanic heat transport anomalies are predominantly driven by velocity variations along Norwegian Atlantic Current, while lateral eddies play a significant role in leaking heat westward along a few key pathways, most notably near the Lofoten Escarpment. Further investigation on the linkage between ocean's temporal variability with the atmosphere is underway. Our study emphasizes the significant role of eddies in modulating poleward heat transport toward the Arctic by diverting heat laterally. 

    How to cite: Jian, D., Zhai, X., Renfrew, I., and Stevens, D.: Oceanic heat transport along the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the role of eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-487,, 2025.

    EGU25-1303 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    A Dataset of Arctic Ocean Water Masses from 40 Years of Hydrographic Observations 

    Kate Oglethorpe, Joshua Lanham, Rafael Reiss, Emma Boland, and Ali Mashayek

    The Arctic Ocean is changing significantly and rapidly in a warming climate. To monitor these changes, it is useful to classify the Arctic Ocean into water masses containing waters of same origin and similar physical and biogeochemical properties. However, there are significant barriers to Arctic Ocean water mass classification: observations of seawater properties are sparsely and heterogeneously sampled in space and time, and traditional water mass classification relies on extensive knowledge of water mass characteristics and circulation and mixing. We propose a tool for estimating relative fractions of Arctic Ocean water masses (0-1) from observations of seawater temperature and salinity, and share the classification tool and water mass dataset. Our estimates of relative fractions of water masses broadly reproduce the spatial and temporal distribution of Arctic Ocean water masses reported in the literature, most notably the key Atlantic Water (AW) and Pacific Water (PW) pathways within the Arctic Ocean and the increasing influence of AW and PW in the Arctic Ocean over the last few decades. Our classification tool and water mass dataset will help improve understanding of Arctic Ocean dynamics and changes, and provides an accessible framework for assessing the accuracy of models in representing Arctic Ocean properties.

    How to cite: Oglethorpe, K., Lanham, J., Reiss, R., Boland, E., and Mashayek, A.: A Dataset of Arctic Ocean Water Masses from 40 Years of Hydrographic Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1303,, 2025.

    EGU25-1425 | Orals | OS1.1

    The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE): A Gateway to Understanding Ice-Ocean Dynamics 

    Kirstin Schulz, An Nguyen, Helen Pillar, and Patrick Heimbach

    State estimates like the Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE, Nguyen et al., 2021) are powerful tools that combine observational data and numerical models to reconstruct the ice and ocean’s physical state over time. Unlike sequential data-assimilated reanalysis products, state estimates minimize misfit to a large set of various observations by adjusting model input and parameters rather than altering the model’s physical state, thereby consistently obeying physical laws and ensuring all source and sink terms can be identified. 

    In this talk, I will explain the methodology behind a state estimate and present the first release of ASTE, which provides complete estimates of the Arctic sea ice and ocean states spanning 2002-2017 at a spatial resolution of about 15 km. I will highlight how ASTE has informed studies ranging from the analysis of Atlantic Water properties in the Arctic to the characterization of beneficial environmental conditions for high-latitude benthic habitats, and how ASTE’s adjoint model, i.e., the capability of running the model backwards in time to track which processes have influenced a chosen variable, provides a powerful method to unambiguously identify causal connections in the coupled Arctic system.

    Towards the next release of ASTE, I will present a study of the impact of tides on Arctic sea ice, based on a higher, 3.5 km resolution version of ASTE that has been run for one full seasonal cycle, in a configuration including and excluding tides. While the study shows an overall decrease in sea ice volume in the presence of tides associated with increased vertical mixing and the upward flux of heat from deeper layers of the Arctic Ocean in line with previous findings, it also reveals an unexpected result, pointing to a new mechanism resulting in delayed sea ice melt in summer.

    How to cite: Schulz, K., Nguyen, A., Pillar, H., and Heimbach, P.: The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE): A Gateway to Understanding Ice-Ocean Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1425,, 2025.

    EGU25-2008 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

     Future projection of the Ocean Dynamic Sea Level over the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Seas under different global warming thresholds 

    Emmanuel Eresanya, Gerard D. McCarthy, Veeranjaneyulu Chinta, and Hyacinth C. Nnamchi

    The Arctic is a complex system in which ocean, sea ice, land, and atmosphere all interact. Poleward energy transport is crucial for climate variability in the Arctic and is controlled by atmospheric transport at the middle-high latitudes. The ocean has been rising non-uniformly under global warming. The future state of the ocean on a regional scale is uncertain. Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) provides different scenarios (SSPs 1.26, 2.45, 5.85) that give insights into this uncertainty across the chosen regions under different global warming thresholds. Here, we show that with every degree change in the global warming threshold, there is a corresponding change in the ocean dynamic sea level (DSL). The Arctic, Irish and Norwegian coasts respond at different scales under the global warming thresholds. This study provides insight into the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Sea's future state, which is necessary for policy formulation and planning.

    How to cite: Eresanya, E., McCarthy, G. D., Chinta, V., and Nnamchi, H. C.:  Future projection of the Ocean Dynamic Sea Level over the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Seas under different global warming thresholds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2008,, 2025.

    The Arctic Ocean has increasingly drawn widespread attention in global climate change system. However, due to the high-latitude air-sea characteristics and the seasonal distribution of sea ice, the on-site marine environment surveys are more challenging than other oceans.

    To understand the ice‒sea thermal dynamic processes, we built the in-situ observation dataset based on a series of international in-situ observation plans carried out in the Arctic Ocean and Chinese Arctic Research Expedition. With the support of polar icebreakers Xuelong and Xuelong-2, China has carried out a series of scientific investigations in Arctic Ocean for special phenomena, and accumulated many first-hand in-situ observations.

    We used quality control and data processing methods to analyze and re-arrange the data mentioned above and obtained nearly a million thermohaline profiles from1983 to 2023. Meanwhile, a monthly climatology dataset is established with a horizontal resolution of 0.25×0.25° and 57 vertical layers. The datasets can serve as a standard reference for future observation data quality control, and can also be used to correct the thermohaline results of existing ice-ocean coupled models.

    In order to evaluate the quality of the in-situ observations dataset, we selected typical water exchange areas for water mass analysis and partial thermohaline profile analysis,the result shows a significant seasonal variation and has a high quality and effectively reflects the overall hydrological characteristics of the Arctic Ocean. Meanwhile we compared the climatology datasets with WOA18, and find out there is clearly positive feedback by using Chinese Arctic Research Expedition data in the climatology datasets we built. And the thermohaline has stronger continuity and more stable structure. In the key of Chinese Arctic Research Expedition area, the analysis can reflect the high temperature Pacific water flowing into the Arctic Ocean, with a clear meridional temperature stratification, and temperature gradually decreasing from south to north.

    Evaluating Ocean Heat Content (OHC) with in-situ observations climatology datasets show that the climatology dataset reflects the accurate state of the OHC, and can be used to verify and evaluate the OHC calculated from different model.

    Next step, for studying the thermohaline structure of the Arctic ocean, we will use AI models for training with reanalysis data to get the prediction field by using the observation datasets we built.

    How to cite: Wu, X. and Li, J.:  Construction and Evaluation of In-situ Observation Dataset and Its Climatology in Arctic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2085,, 2025.

    EGU25-2262 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Integrated Retrieval of Surface and Atmospheric Variables in the Arctic From FY-3D MWRI With a Time-Constraint Optimal Estimation Method 

    Ziyu Yan, Yufang Ye, Georg Heygster, Xin Zhang, Zhuoqi Chen, and Cheng Xiao

    Integrated retrieval using the optimal estimation (OE) method iteratively finds a set of geographical parameters that best match the observations. However, this method becomes more challenging over the ice surface due to the highly sensitive parameters such as sea ice concentration (SIC) and multiyear ice concentration (MYIC). In this study, a new time constraint that captures the distinct temporal characteristics of SIC and MYIC is incorporated into the OE method. The integrated retrievals, using both the original and time-constraint OE method (referred to as OE and OE-Z, respectively), were conducted based on FengYun-3D (FY-3D) microwave radiation imager (MWRI) data. Compared to other radiometer-based SIC and MYIC products, OE-Z outperforms OE, with the correlations increasing from 0.91 to 0.96 for SIC and from 0.41 to 0.49 for MYIC. The time constraint in OE-Z effectively mitigates the anomalous retrievals in SIC and MYIC, resulting in smoother and more reasonable time series than OE. Improvements in SIC and MYIC lead to enhanced simulation of surface microwave emission, thus improving the retrieval of atmospheric parameters. In comparison with the MOSAiC total water vapor (TWV) measurements, the RMSE in OE-Z reduces from 1.72 to 1.66 kg/m2, and the correlation increases from 0.46 to 0.50. The simulated brightness temperature (TB) biases in OE-Z reduce from 0.71 to 0.31 K at 36 GHz and from −8.95 to −7.72 K at 89 GHz. This emphasizes the importance of imposing suitable constraints on highly sensitive parameters in integrated retrieval.

    How to cite: Yan, Z., Ye, Y., Heygster, G., Zhang, X., Chen, Z., and Xiao, C.: Integrated Retrieval of Surface and Atmospheric Variables in the Arctic From FY-3D MWRI With a Time-Constraint Optimal Estimation Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2262,, 2025.

    EGU25-3482 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Sub-Pixel Precision Image Matching for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Using Maximum Cross-Correlation 

    Xue Wang and Zhizhuo Xu

    Sea ice drift has significant impacts on climate change and navigation safety. Currently, various approaches have been employed to address quantization error and achieve subpixel precision in sea ice drift extraction using maximum cross-correlation (MCC). However, limited research has been conducted to compare these approaches. This study compares the performance of three approaches: image oversampling, subpixel similarity estimation, and the combination of both, for MCC-based Arctic sea ice drift extraction with subpixel precision at different time intervals. The research findings indicate that the combined approach of image oversampling and subpixel similarity estimation outperforms any single approach in terms of the accuracy of extracted sea ice drift. Additionally, this study provides recommended combinations of spatial resolutions (achieved through image oversampling) and subpixel similarity estimation methods for retrieving sea ice drift based on Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) data at different time intervals.

    How to cite: Wang, X. and Xu, Z.: Sub-Pixel Precision Image Matching for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Using Maximum Cross-Correlation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3482,, 2025.

    EGU25-3536 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    Large-scale destratification in the Eurasian Basin thermocline driving Atlantic Water shoaling 

    François Challet, Christophe Herbaut, Marie-Noëlle Houssais, and Gianluca Meneghello

    The stratification of the Arctic Ocean plays a central role in regulating the impact of climate change on the Arctic. Though the stratification in the eastern Eurasian Basin halocline is known to have weakened since the 2000s, the variability over the full AW depth range in the whole Eurasian Basin has been little explored.

    Our analysis aims to combine available in-situ observations to characterize the regional changes in stratification in the Eurasian Arctic Ocean over the past four decades. We find that, in both the Nansen and Amundsen basins, the variability of the temperature and salinity is most pronounced in the thermocline that separates the Atlantic Water (AW) core from the stratified halocline. This variability is affected by both warm and salty pulses entering through the Fram Strait, and by long-term trends. Positive temperature and salinity anomalies in the thermocline are associated with a destratification of the thermocline down to the AW core. In these layers, the stratification is estimated to have decreased by up to 50% across the Eurasian Arctic over the past 40 years, implying the possibility of enhanced vertical salt and heat fluxes up to the base of the halocline. In contrast, the stratification of the halocline has remained approximately constant or increased. Using a conceptual advective-diffusive model which takes into account the impact of stratification changes on vertical diffusion, we further show that the observed structure of changes is well reproduced by vertical diffusion of anomalies travelling from the Fram Strait around the Eurasian Basin. Our approach, using clustering techniques to divide the Eurasian Basin into several regions with coherent temperature, salinity and stratification profiles, provides new insights on the regional evolution of the Eurasian Arctic stratification, in particular in regions where few long-term studies are available like the Amundsen Basin.

    How to cite: Challet, F., Herbaut, C., Houssais, M.-N., and Meneghello, G.: Large-scale destratification in the Eurasian Basin thermocline driving Atlantic Water shoaling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3536,, 2025.

    EGU25-4070 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Unpacking fjord ice in Hornsund, Svalbard 

    Zuzanna Swirad, Malin Johansson, and Eirik Malnes

    Fjord ice, that includes both sea and glacier ice, is an important part of the fjord microclimate that impacts e.g. water-atmosphere energy transfer, habitat conditions, ocean wave transformation and coastal processes. It also plays a role in ship and snowmobile operations. Understanding the trends in fjord ice extent, duration and timing aids understanding the impact of changing climate on the magnitude of natural hazards (such as coastal flooding and erosion) and improving future predictions.

    Satellite images provide high-frequency large-area information on the state of the fjord ice, with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery being unaffected by polar night and weather conditions. Few studies have attempted automating fjord ice detection from satellite imagery, likely due to problems related to the topography influence on the sea state, mixed land/water pixels, presence of rocks and islands and wave breaking in the nearshore.

    This study builds on the recent progress of Johansson et al. (2020) who adapted the semi-automated binary ice/open water classification method of Cristea et al. (2020) to Svalbard fjord environment, and Swirad et al. (2024a) who created a near-daily dataset of binary ice/open water maps at 50 m resolution for Hornsund fjord from the entire Sentinel-1 A/B dataset spanning Oct 2014 – Jun 2023. Swirad et al. (2024a) did not find direct relationships between fjord-scale ice coverage and air and water temperatures. Nonetheless, temporal peaks in ice coverage existed in March for the main basin, April for the inner bays and locally in October. The authors associated these with the arrival of pack ice from the Greenland Sea, formation of in situ fast ice and intensification of tidewater glacier calving, respectively.

    Speculating that stronger relationships can be found between climate and ice coverage if fjord ice is unpacked into ‘drift ice’, ‘fast ice’ and ‘glacier ice’ we developed an algorithm that splits the ‘ice’ from the binary classification into the three classes using pixel and polygon properties such as continuity in time, location, size, shape and timing. We then explored relationships between ice, meteorological and hydrographic conditions. The dataset was also extended back to Jan 2012 using RADARSAT-2 imagery (Swirad et al., 2024b).


    Cristea, A., van Houtte, J., and Doulgeris, A. P.: Integrating Incidence Angle Dependencies Into the Clustering-Based Segmentation of SAR Images, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl., 13, 2925–2939,, 2020.

    Johansson, A. M., Malnes, E., Gerland, S., Cristea, A., Doulgeris, A. P., Divine, D. V., Pavlova, O., and Lauknes, T. R.: Consistent ice and open water classification combining historical synthetic aperture radar satellite images from ERS-1/2, Envisat ASAR, RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1A/B, Ann. Glaciol., 61, 40–50,, 2020.

    Swirad, Z. M., Johansson, A. M., and Malnes, E.: Extent, duration and timing of the sea ice cover in Hornsund, Svalbard, from 2014–2023, The Cryosphere, 18, 895–910,, 2024a.

    Swirad, Z. M., Johansson, A. M., and Malnes, E.: Ice distribution in Hornsund fjord, Svalbard from RADARSAT-2 (2012-2016) [dataset], PANGAEA,, 2024b.

    How to cite: Swirad, Z., Johansson, M., and Malnes, E.: Unpacking fjord ice in Hornsund, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4070,, 2025.

    EGU25-4579 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    Using Noble Gases to Constrain Parameterizations of Arctic Air-Sea-Ice Gas Exchange Processes 

    Chiara-Marlen Hubner, Stanley Scott, Yannis Arck, and Werner Aeschbach

    The Arctic Ocean plays an important role in the global climate system as it acts, for example, as major reservoir of anthropogenic carbon. Despite its global significance, data on physical parameters and tracers in the Arctic Ocean are still sparse and thus carbon inventory estimates only weakly constrained, for which insights into Arctic air-sea-ice gas exchange and ventilation need to be enhanced. Noble gases, with their biological and chemical inertness and constant atmospheric abundance history, fill this gap, as their concentrations in water are set by the conditions of last atmospheric contact. In light of this, water samples taken during the Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) expedition to the Central Arctic Ocean with the Swedish icebreaker Oden in summer 2021 (SAS-Oden 2021) at six stations from the surface to the seafloor were analyzed for their noble gas content. This first application of the full set of the five stable noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon) to the Arctic Ocean marks a new step towards a comprehensive understanding of Arctic Ocean dynamics.

    The measured profiles show a strong influence of rapid cooling, excess air injection and brine rejection from sea ice formation, which affect the light and heavy noble gases differently, depending on their size, solubility and diffusivity. Building upon work from groundwater hydrology and extensions to cave calcites, as well as previous ocean applications of noble gases, the concepts of recharge temperatures, excess air terms and ice fractions or freezing rates are transferred to the Arctic Ocean, enabling the development of new parameterizations of the air-sea-ice exchange processes. We present two “static” model approaches, differing in the sea ice parameterization, and a “dynamic” mixed reactor-type model for two limits (steady state and quasi-steady state), resulting in different parameterizations of rapid cooling. The fit results from a least-squares regression for all four models are able to reproduce the measured concentrations both accurately and precisely and thus allow for predictions for other gases. In our study, these are the anthropogenic transient tracers sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12), which were also measured during the SAS-Oden 2021 expedition and are used to determine water ages, a task for which the intitial surface saturations need to be known. We suggest a relative oversaturation of around 6% of SF6 to CFC-12 due to the deviating impact of excess air, compatible with previous estimates from noble gas measurements.

    How to cite: Hubner, C.-M., Scott, S., Arck, Y., and Aeschbach, W.: Using Noble Gases to Constrain Parameterizations of Arctic Air-Sea-Ice Gas Exchange Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4579,, 2025.

    Starting from May 2023, a global anomaly event led to the highest recorded sea surface temperature (SST) in history, underscoring the urgency of understanding how warming oceans impact polar and subpolar regions. Against this backdrop, our study focuses on the Sea of Okhotsk, where data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center and sea surface height measurements revealed an unprecedented, ice-free zone—measuring 50 to 80 kilometers in radius—near the Gulf of Patience (たらいかわん), east of Sakhalin Island, during Feb. – Mar. 2023. This phenomenon stands in stark contrast to observations in previous years and appears closely linked to sea surface height anomalies (SSHA). The role of such localized oceanic features, including eddies, in shaping late-spring sea ice melting patterns is of interest.

    During the SOYA cruise in February 2023, National Central University (Taiwan) and Hokkaido University deployed eleven Taiwan-made drifting wave buoys. These buoys captured high-resolution data on waves, ocean currents, and sea temperatures, revealing robust mesoscale ocean eddy activity within the region. This study integrates buoy-based observations, satellite remote sensing, and numerical model outputs to explore the dynamic relationship between mesoscale eddies and the rapid formation of the ice-free zone. It is the aim to investigate how eddies influence springtime sea ice melting and distribution in the Okhotsk Sea. The preliminary findings may have implications for climate modeling, marine ecosystems, and regional socioeconomic activities, and will be shown in detail in the poster.

    How to cite: Chien, H., Wang, A.-S., and Lin, L.-C.: Observations of an Emerging Ice-Free Zone in the Sea of Okhotsk during the Spring Sea-Ice Melting Period amid the 2023 Global SST Warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4756,, 2025.

    EGU25-4891 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    Anthropogenic amplification of the Arctic near-surface wind speed 

    Kaiqiang Deng, Wanlei Liu, Song Yang, and Deliang Chen

    The near-surface wind speed in the Arctic plays an increasingly critical role in shaping local air-sea interactions and ensuring the safety of trans-Arctic shipping. However, its potential changes under a warming climate and the underlying mechanisms driving these changes remain unclear. By analyzing reanalysis data and model simulations, we demonstrate that Arctic surface wind speed has significantly increased since the 1960s, with the most pronounced acceleration occurring over the Arctic Ocean basins adjacent to the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. Historical simulations from CMIP6 models indicate that this acceleration is primarily driven by greenhouse gas induced warming, which is particularly prominent during the cold seasons. On one hand, the rapid surface warming in the Arctic disrupts the temperature inversion over sea ice, reducing atmospheric stability in the lower troposphere and enhancing thermal turbulence in the Arctic boundary layer. On the other hand, Arctic warming raises the height of the boundary layer, allowing stronger turbulence to mix high-altitude wind speed down to the surface, thereby intensifying near-surface wind speeds. Furthermore, CMIP6 models project a robust increase in Arctic NWS under various warming scenarios throughout the 21st century. This increase is especially prominent near the Kara Sea and the Beaufort Sea, with stronger wind speeds projected under higher SSP scenarios.

    How to cite: Deng, K., Liu, W., Yang, S., and Chen, D.: Anthropogenic amplification of the Arctic near-surface wind speed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4891,, 2025.

    EGU25-5304 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Reassessing primary production in polar ocean: A novel approach using mooring systems 

    Jisoo Park, Eunho Ko, Younjoo Lee, and Eun Jin Yang

    Rapid changes in the polar marine environment, driven by climate change, are altering the variability of nutrient and light distribution, with significant impacts on primary producer growth. However, access to polar regions is limited, and satellite data from high-latitude areas are typically available only during the summer, complicating the acquisition of continuous in-situ data. To address this, we collected year-round chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration data in polar regions using a mooring system and compared the results with reanalysis data. Unlike previous satellite-based studies that rely on surface measurements, we applied the annual vertical distribution of Chl-a to the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) to estimate annual primary production more accurately. Our findings reveal that phytoplankton exhibited a subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) as sea ice retreated, with the SCM layer persisting for approximately four months—contrary to the gradually deepening SCM distribution predicted by model-based reanalysis data. This suggests that light and nutrient conditions within the SCM remained stable, supporting continuous phytoplankton growth. The estimated annual primary production, based on this vertical distribution of Chl-a, was 6.85 gC m−2 yr−1, which is more than ten times higher than estimates based on satellite data alone, highlighting significant underestimation by satellite-based approaches. Furthermore, this value was comparable to the average satellite-derived primary production of surrounding coastal and shelf areas (15.80 ± 10.65 6.85 gC m−2 yr−1). These results emphasize the importance of incorporating vertical distribution of phytoplankton and light in polar marine ecological models to enhance our understanding of carbon cycling and food web dynamics in these regions.

    How to cite: Park, J., Ko, E., Lee, Y., and Yang, E. J.: Reassessing primary production in polar ocean: A novel approach using mooring systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5304,, 2025.

    EGU25-5349 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Turbulent heat fluxes in the North Water Polynya and ice estimated based on ASRv2 data and their impact on cloud 

    Fengming Hui, Haiyi Ren, Mohammed Shokr, Tianyu Zhang, Zhilun Zhang, and Xiao Cheng

    The presence or absence of sea ice introduces a substantial perturbation to surface‒atmosphere energy exchanges. Comprehending the effect of varying sea ice cover on surface‒atmosphere interactions is an important consideration for understanding the Arctic climate system. The recurring North Water Polynya (NOW) serves as a natural laboratory for isolating cloud responses to a rapid, near-step perturbation in sea ice. In this study, we employed high-resolution Arctic System Reanalysis version 2 (ASRv2) data to estimate turbulent heat fluxes over the NOW and nearby sea ice (NSI) area between 2005/2006 and 2015/2016. The results indicate that the average turbulent heat fluxes in the polynya are about 87% and 86% higher than in the NSI area over the 10 years during the entire duration of the polynya and during polar night, respectively. Enhanced turbulent heat fluxes from the polynya tend to produce more low-level clouds. The relationship between the polynya and low cloud in winter was examined based on Cloud‒Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO). The low-cloud fraction (0–2 km) was about 7–34% larger over the polynya than the NSI area, and the ice water content below 200 m was about 250%–413% higher over the former than the latter. The correlation between cloud fraction and turbulent heat fluxes in the polynya peaks around the altitude of 200–300 m. These results suggest that the NOW affects the Arctic boundary layer cloudiness and structure in wintertime. Furthermore, higher horizontal resolution reanalysis data can advance our understanding of the cloud-polynya response.

    How to cite: Hui, F., Ren, H., Shokr, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, Z., and Cheng, X.: Turbulent heat fluxes in the North Water Polynya and ice estimated based on ASRv2 data and their impact on cloud, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5349,, 2025.

    EGU25-5642 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    The Arctic Beaufort Gyre in CMIP6 Models: Present and Future 

    Marylou Athanase, Raphael Köhler, Céline Heuzé, Xavier Lévine, and Ryan Williams

    The Beaufort Gyre is an important feature of the Arctic Ocean. By accumulating or releasing freshwater, it influences ocean properties both within the Arctic and as far as the North Atlantic. Yet, its future remains uncertain: the gyre could strengthen as sea ice declines and allows increased wind stress on the ocean, or weaken along with the Beaufort High pressure system. Here, we provide a first evaluation of the Beaufort Gyre in historical and climate-change simulations from 27 available global climate models. We find that the vast majority of models overestimate the gyre area, strength, and northward extent. After discarding the models with too inaccurate a gyre and its drivers – namely, the sea ice cover and Beaufort High – we quantify changes in the Beaufort Gyre under two emission scenarios: the intermediate SSP2–4.5 and the high-warming SSP5–8.5. By the end of the 21st century, most models simulate a significant decline or even disappearance of the Beaufort Gyre, especially under SSP5–8.5. We show that this decline is mainly driven by a simulated future weakening of the Beaufort High, whose influence on the Beaufort Gyre variations is enhanced by the transition to a thin-ice Arctic. The simulated gyre decline is associated with an expected decrease in freshwater storage, with reduced salinity contrasts between the gyre and both Arctic subsurface waters and freshwater outflow regions. While model biases and unresolved processes remain, such possible stratification changes could shift the Atlantic-Arctic Meridional Overturning Circulation northward.

    How to cite: Athanase, M., Köhler, R., Heuzé, C., Lévine, X., and Williams, R.: The Arctic Beaufort Gyre in CMIP6 Models: Present and Future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5642,, 2025.

    EGU25-6241 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    An assessment of the CMIP6 performance in simulating Arctic sea ice volume flux via Fram Strait 

    Yufang Ye, Huiyan Kuang, Shaozhe Sun, Shaoyin Wang, Haibo Bi, Zhuoqi Chen, and Xiao Cheng

    Numerical models serve as an essential tool to investigate the causes and effects of Arctic sea ice changes. Evaluating the simulation capabilities of the most recent CMIP6 models in sea ice volume flux provides references for model applications and improvements. Meanwhile, reliable long-term simulation results of the ice volume flux contribute to a deeper understanding of the sea ice response to global climate change.

    In this study, the sea ice volume flux through six Arctic gateways over the past four decades (1979–2014) were estimated in combination of satellite observations of sea ice concentration (SIC) and sea ice motion (SIM) as well as the Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) reanalysis sea ice thickness (SIT) data. The simulation capability of 17 CMIP6 historical models for the volume flux through Fram Strait were quantitatively assessed. Sea ice volume flux simulated from the ensemble mean of 17 CMIP6 models demonstrates better performance than that from the individual model, yet IPSL-CM6A-LR and EC-Earth3-Veg-LR outperform the ensemble mean in the annual volume flux, with Taylor scores of 0.86 and 0.50, respectively. CMIP6 models display relatively robust capability in simulating the seasonal variations of volume flux. Among them, CESM2-WACCM performs the best, with a correlation coefficient of 0.96 and a Taylor score of 0.88. Conversely, NESM3 demonstrates the largest deviation from the observation/reanalysis data, with the lowest Taylor score of 0.16. The variability of sea ice volume flux is primarily influenced by SIM and SIT, followed by SIC. The extreme large sea ice export through Fram Strait is linked to the occurrence of anomalously low air temperatures, which in turn promote increased SIC and SIT in the corresponding region. Moreover, the intensified activity of Arctic cyclones and Arctic dipole anomaly could boost the southward sea ice velocity through Fram Strait, which further enhance the sea ice outflow.

    How to cite: Ye, Y., Kuang, H., Sun, S., Wang, S., Bi, H., Chen, Z., and Cheng, X.: An assessment of the CMIP6 performance in simulating Arctic sea ice volume flux via Fram Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6241,, 2025.

    The Arctic Ocean is undergoing rapid transformations due to the loss of sea ice, shifts in its heat budget and physical structure, and the “greening” of the polar surface ocean. These changes have profound implications for ocean biogeochemistry, the carbon cycle, and ocean acidification (OA). As part of the U.S. Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS), we conducted a transect from the Chukchi Sea shelf to the North Pole during late summer 2022, enabling comprehensive sampling of the ocean carbon cycle in the seldom-sampled high Arctic. Discrete samples of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA) were collected from CTD-hydrocasts spanning surface to deep waters, complemented by higher-frequency underway measurements of DIC, TA, and pH. These observations establish a critical baseline for tracking future changes in Arctic carbon dynamics, biogeochemistry, and acidification. Additionally, the 2022 US SAS dataset allows for comparison with earlier observations, including the 1994 Arctic Ocean Section (AOS), the 2005 Beringia expedition, and the 2015 GEOTRACES Arctic cruise. Our synthesis reveals significant and ongoing changes in the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle, including: (1) substantial uptake of anthropogenic CO₂; (2) alterations in the driving force for air-sea CO₂ exchange; (3) a decreasing capacity of the Arctic Ocean to absorb atmospheric CO₂; and (4) intensified impacts on surface pH and ocean acidification. These findings underscore the accelerating pace of carbon cycle changes in the high Arctic and highlight the importance of sustained monitoring.

    How to cite: Garley, R. and Bates, N.: Arctic Ocean inorganic carbon and acidification changes from 1994 to 2022 across the Chukchi Sea to the North Pole: A US contribution to the International Synoptic Arctic Survey Program, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6782,, 2025.

    EGU25-6867 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux in the Central Arctic: Results from the MOSAiC Expedition (2019-2020) 

    Yeon Choi, Torsten Kanzow, Benjamin Rabe, and Simon Reifenberg

     The Arctic is a hot spot of climate change. Sea ice and snow, in particular, act as an insulator that prevent heat exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere and have been an important factor in mitigating temperature increases in the Arctic. However, the reduction of sea ice over the past 40 years has led to an increase in ocean-atmosphere heat exchange, contributing to Arctic Amplification. Despite its importance, obtaining observational data beneath sea ice in the Arctic during winter has been challenging due to the unique conditions of ice coverage, especially in winter. Several studies have been able to make use of recent advances in autonomous instrumentation to calculate wintertime ocean to ice heat flux (OHF). However, there remain considerable discrepancies in OHF estimates, even when examining the same time periods and research areas, primarily due to variations in calculation methods.

     In this study, we used observational data from the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) to calculate OHF from October 2019 to May 2020. The observations were made by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ice-tethered Profilers and Microstructure profilers drifting with sea ice along the Transpolar Drift. Here, we assess the applicability of an OHF parameterization from observational data, relying on the temperature difference between the mixed layer and the freezing temperature.

     The results in winter predominantly show negative (downward) OHF. We consider those results physically implausible, and they seem to be related to the ubiquitous presence of supercooled water in the mixed layer. When applying near surface temperature rather than freezing temperature to assess the heat content in the boundary layer, the wintertime OHF values are closed to zero until mid-March 2020. This result is in line with direct (dissipation based) measurements of OHF from the stratified ocean into the mixed layer during the same period. This study, therefore, suggests limitations in the applicability of the OHF parameterization in supercooled conditions. By opting for ocean surface temperature observations from the Arctic winter of 2019-2020, which were consistently lower than the freezing temperature, we anticipate that these refined calculation methods will yield more accurate results for assessing heat flux in future Arctic winters.

     From mid-March to early May, the OHF increased significantly, and so did the upward heat flux into the mixed layer. Our results suggest this shift occurred once the sea ice had drifted southward across the Gakkel Ridge toward Fram Strait. Analyzing the hydrographic properties of the upper ocean, we conclude that not only seasonal but also regional changes contributed to this shift.  

    How to cite: Choi, Y., Kanzow, T., Rabe, B., and Reifenberg, S.: Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux in the Central Arctic: Results from the MOSAiC Expedition (2019-2020), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6867,, 2025.

    EGU25-7121 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    First look at Arctic eddies in a kilometric NEMO5 simulation 

    Stefanie Rynders, Yevgeny Aksenov, Andrew Coward, and James Harle

    Arctic eddies are important for mixing and heat exchange between sea ice and ocean. The effect carries over to the ecosystem to cause spatial patterns of primary production up to fish distribution. Strong stratification makes the Rossby radius of eddies on Arctic shelve very small resulting in spatial gradients in eddy sizes over the Arctic. Limited resolution of models in the past has been preventing correct representation. We present eddy statistics in a kilometric Arctic Ocean NEMO-SI3 model, using NEMO version 5.0 with the RK3 advection scheme and the TKE mixing scheme. The sea ice rheology is aEVP. We aim to validate the number of eddies as well as eddy sizes with available data from satellite and moorings. This simulation was done as part of the CANARI project, which includes examination of future sea ice loss impact on mixing and the possibility of accelerated sea ice decline. This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) project CANARI NE/W004984/1. This work used the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service (

    How to cite: Rynders, S., Aksenov, Y., Coward, A., and Harle, J.: First look at Arctic eddies in a kilometric NEMO5 simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7121,, 2025.

    EGU25-7127 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Mapping of sea and glacier ice distribution in 2018-2023 in the Hornsund fjord, Svalbard with PlanetScope imagery 

    Elizabeth Makhotina, Gareth Rees, Zuzanna Swirad, and Olga Tutubalina

    Understanding the distribution and variations of sea and glacier ice coverage is critically important for assessing both the impacts and drivers of climate change, particularly in the Arctic. Sea ice responds dynamically to both ocean and atmospheric motion, implying variability on very short timescales which is challenging to monitor. In this study we assess the ability of PlanetScope satellite imagery, offering both high spatial and temporal resolutions, to analyse temporal variability. The study area is Isbjørnhamna-Hansbukta area in north-western Hornsund, Svalbard -  a fjord characterised by both in situ formed sea ice (fast ice and drift ice broken from the fast ice e.g. by waves), pack ice drifting into the fjord from south-west with Sørkapp Current that brings cold water masses from Barents Sea, and glacier ice from calving Hansbeen. 

    We selected cloud-free images over a 4.5 ✕ 4.9 km AOI, large enough to depict the spread of sea ice to ensure accuracy in the analysis. From ten images captured in 2023, we collected sample reflectance data for three categories: thin ice, thick ice, and water. Thin ice in the AOI is typically grey and grey-white sea ice (10-30 cm) as well as brash ice and growlers, while thick ice is often snow-covered young and first-year sea ice (>30cm) as well as bergy bits and icebergs. Using these data, we calculated normalised difference spectral indices for both 8-band and 4-band imagery. Coastal Blue-Green 1 and Blue-Red indices were determined to be the most effective for discriminating between the different categories, and optimum thresholds were identified. Applying these indices and thresholds in QGIS, we generated 233 maps covering the months of March to August for the years 2018 to 2023.

    From  the initial visual interpretation, the results showed credible classification of the images and revealed continuous seasonal patterns for all years of the study, with minimal ice coverage observed in March, May, and July through August, a peak in sea ice coverage in April, and a resurgence of thin ice in June. However, no observable multi-year trends could be identified from a preliminary analysis of the maps, other than a sharp decline in ice coverage in 2023. Quantitative analysis of the maps allows estimates of the sea and glacier ice extent within the AOI to be made. 

    This research enhances our understanding of seasonal and interannual sea and glacier ice distribution in the nearshore and coastal zone of Svalbard. These findings have the potential to inform future studies about sea ice distribution, with the PlanetScope Imagery maps to be made publicly available through the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System data portal at the end of the study. Future research will compare the relative advantages of PlanetScope and SAR imagery.

    How to cite: Makhotina, E., Rees, G., Swirad, Z., and Tutubalina, O.: Mapping of sea and glacier ice distribution in 2018-2023 in the Hornsund fjord, Svalbard with PlanetScope imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7127,, 2025.

    EGU25-7556 | Orals | OS1.1

    Research Progress and Applications of Polar Sea Ice Products Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Payloads of Fengyun Satellites 

    Xiaochun Zhai, Shengrong Tian, Cong Yin, Kunlin Huang, Guangzhen Cao, Zhaojun Zheng, Jian Shang, Shengli Wu, Lin Chen, and Xiuqing Hu

    Fengyun satellites have now developed the capability to retrieve multiple polar sea ice parameters based on active and passive microwave payloads. This includes the operational production and release of four types of polar sea ice products, including the FY-3 MWRI radiometer sea ice concentration, the FY-3E WindRAD scatterometer sea ice edge and type, and the FY-3 GNOS-R sea ice thickness. The monitoring capabilities of Fengyun satellites in the polar regions are continuously improving. This study will systematically introduce the inversion and validation of polar sea ice parameters mentioned above, focusing on the research of sea ice edge and type inversion from the WindRAD scatterometer, which is the world's first dual-frequency, dual-polarization, fan-beam rotating scanning system. The release and application of operational sea ice parameter products from Fengyun satellites can further enhance the polar sea ice monitoring capabilities and provide a scientific and reliable new data source for research related to polar and global climate change, such as climate numerical models and the monitoring of extreme climate events.

    How to cite: Zhai, X., Tian, S., Yin, C., Huang, K., Cao, G., Zheng, Z., Shang, J., Wu, S., Chen, L., and Hu, X.: Research Progress and Applications of Polar Sea Ice Products Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Payloads of Fengyun Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7556,, 2025.

    EGU25-7857 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Ocean heat flux and a buoy data map with noise eliminated 

    Ikjun Hwang and Woosok Moon

    The rise in air temperature due to global warming has significantly reduced the extent and thickness of sea ice, a phenomenon with profound implications. Sea ice loss results from complex factors, including changes in heat and momentum fluxes and internal feedbacks within the Arctic air-ocean system. This loss influences atmospheric circulation and mid-latitude weather patterns. Declining sea ice volume increases seasonal variability in ocean-atmosphere heat exchange, emphasizing the need to accurately estimate ocean heat flux at the sea ice base. Ocean heat flux, crucial for sea ice formation and melting, is challenging to measure directly. This study addresses this by using observational data to estimate ocean heat flux through the interplay of conduction (analyzed using Fourier series to reduce noise) and latent heat. The resulting Arctic buoy data map enhances predictions of sea ice dynamics.

    How to cite: Hwang, I. and Moon, W.: Ocean heat flux and a buoy data map with noise eliminated, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7857,, 2025.

    EGU25-9085 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    Constraining Arctic Climate Projections: A Process-Based Approach to Model Weighting 

    Susanna Winkelbauer, Michael Mayer, and Leopold Haimberger

    Significant uncertainties in projections of various ocean and sea ice variables stem from a variety of sources, including different modeling approaches, imperfect representations of physical processes, and natural variability. Multi-model ensembles like CMIP6 are essential for assessing the range of uncertainty, however they rely on "model democracy," which assumes all models are equally plausible and independent of one-another.

    Various constraining and weighting approaches are in use to minimize model uncertainties. Most of these approaches focus on state quantities, often relying solely on historical simulations of the target variable itself as the primary diagnostic. Here, we want to use more process-based diagnostics to incorporate physical mechanisms and interactions that govern the system dynamics. Previous assessments of the historical Arctic's energy budget in CMIP6 have shown tight connections between oceanic heat transports and key Arctic state quantities like sea ice and the ocean's warming rate, with substantial biases prevailing from the ocean to the Arctic surface. Using our new StraitFlux tools, which enable fast and precise calculations of oceanic transports for diverse climate models, we can quite efficiently incorporate oceanic transports into existing model weighting algorithms. By evaluating model performance against observational data and assessing their independence of one-another, we aim to identify and mitigate biases in Arctic projections. We use this approach to weight and constrain key Arctic variables, such as sea ice, for a large ensemble of CMIP6 models. For example, weighting the Arctic September sea ice extent ensemble reduces the spread in the first year of an ice-free Arctic and indicates a general tendency to an earlier ice-free Arctic than when using model democracy. Those results agree very well with past studies using different weighting diagnostics, demonstrating the robustness of the weighting approach. 

    How to cite: Winkelbauer, S., Mayer, M., and Haimberger, L.: Constraining Arctic Climate Projections: A Process-Based Approach to Model Weighting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9085,, 2025.

    EGU25-9800 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Strong winter-time deep-water formation during the Little Ice Age in subarctic semi-enclosed formerly glaciated marginal seas (Baltic Sea and Eastern Canadian coastal waters)  

    Matthias Moros, Aarno Kotilainen, Thomas Neumann, Henriette Kolling, Svenja Papenmeier, Kerstin Brembach, Kai-Frederik Lenz, Anne De Vernal, Patrick Lajeunesse, Guillaume St-Onge, Stephanie S. Kienast, Jaap S. Damste, H.E. Markus Meier, and Ralph Schneider

    New hydroacoustic measurements combined with old data reveal the widespread occurrence of contourite drift deposits - indicative of persistent strong bottom currents -  at rather great water depths in the northern Baltic Sea and  Eastern Canadian coastal waters (Foxe Basin, Hudson Bay, Gulf of St. Lawrence). In addition, lag deposits suggest that strong bottom currents temporary eroded sediments most likely during the cold Little Ice Age. For example, the Little Ice Age lag deposits are found to a water depth of  ~ 300 m in Foxe Basin and to ~ 150 m in the Baltic Sea. In all ecosystems the depositional environment changed drastically with the onset of climate warming after the Little Ice Age: calm conditions prevailed leading to the accumulation of fine-grained sediments. A possible mechanism to explain the strong bottom currents during the Little Ice Age is an enhanced deep-water formation caused by accelerated convection and/or brine formation (Eastern Canadian waters) during colder winter conditions. Attempts to model the enhanced winter-time deep-water formation / convection remain inconclusive and do not match the hydroacoustic and sedimentological evidence. However, solving this issue is critical as it could allow to, e.g., reconstruct past winter temperatures based on sedimentological grain-size studies. Yet, most proxies used in paleo-oceanographic temperature reconstructions only relate to spring and summer (growing season) conditions. Our results indicate that winter temperature changes (strength and length of sea-ice season) are of critical importance for the depositional environment and bottom water ventilation in the Eastern Canadian and Baltic Sea ecosystems.

    How to cite: Moros, M., Kotilainen, A., Neumann, T., Kolling, H., Papenmeier, S., Brembach, K., Lenz, K.-F., De Vernal, A., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Kienast, S. S., Damste, J. S., Meier, H. E. M., and Schneider, R.: Strong winter-time deep-water formation during the Little Ice Age in subarctic semi-enclosed formerly glaciated marginal seas (Baltic Sea and Eastern Canadian coastal waters) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9800,, 2025.

    EGU25-10639 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    The seasonal cycle of the Arctic Ocean in a summer ice-free climate : changes, driving processes and consequences. 

    Camille Le Gloannec, Rym Msadek, and Camille Lique

    The Arctic Ocean is a hot spot of climate change, with enhanced warming and freshening of near-surface waters and a rapid decline of sea ice in recent decades. Climate model projections suggest that the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free in summer as early as 2030-2050, accompanied by an intensified seasonal cycle of sea ice characterized by earlier melting and later growth seasons. This transition will enhance interactions between the ocean, atmosphere and sea ice, likely altering the stratification of the Arctic Ocean during summer. The projected retreat of summer sea ice in the coming decades raises the question of how the seasonal cycle of the ocean may change, which is critical in regulating chemical, biological and physical processes in the region. Given the non-uniformity of sea ice loss across the Arctic, pan-Arctic averages fail to capture the spatial variability of these changes. In this study, we analyze 36 climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) under the SSP5-8.5 scenario to characterize regional changes in the Arctic Ocean seasonal cycle in the near future. Our results reveal an intensified seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature and a weakened seasonal cycle of sea surface salinity with significant regional variability and model dependence. Changes at depth are primarily confined to the mixed layer. By analyzing the mixed layer temperature and salinity budget for each region, we identify the key processes driving these changes. These insights enhance our understanding of the evolving seasonal dynamics of the Arctic Ocean and their broader implications in a rapidly changing climate.

    How to cite: Le Gloannec, C., Msadek, R., and Lique, C.: The seasonal cycle of the Arctic Ocean in a summer ice-free climate : changes, driving processes and consequences., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10639,, 2025.

    EGU25-10970 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Impacts of Seasonal and Interannual Sea Ice Changes on Arctic Ocean Stratification 

    Haohao Zhang, Andrea Storto, Xuezhi Bai, and Chunxue Yang

    Seasonal and interannual variations in Arctic Ocean stratification significantly influence the vertical exchange of heat, salt, nutrient fluxes and the surface ice cover. On the seasonal scale, Arctic stratification is mainly influenced by ice melting/freezing processes. We used a one-dimensional (1D) coupled sea ice-ocean model to understand the effects of ice melting/freezing processes on stratification and their feedback on the ice itself. This 1D model can accurately simulate observed seasonal changes in the vertical structure of the upper Arctic Ocean. Then, we prevent the model from releasing meltwater into the ocean or maintaining a constant ice cover during the melting season, in a series of decoupling experiments, which reveal the following points: In summer, meltwater has negative feedback on ice melting by insulating a portion of the solar radiation into the Near Surface Temperature Maximum (NSTM); sea ice changes primarily manifest as the well-known albedo feedback. In winter, meltwater has minimal impact in strongly stratified regions, however, in weakly stratified regions, meltwater promotes freezing by hindering the heat upward mixing from Atlantic warm water (AWW); In regions with less ice cover, if there is no meltwater to counteract the stronger mixing due to the winter atmosphere-ocean energy exchange, the AWW can mix dramatically upwards, and even melt the ice in winter. In contrast, if there is enough ice cover to insulate the atmosphere from the ocean, strong mixing will not occur, even without meltwater. The 1D-model study demonstrates that, as Arctic sea ice diminishes and Atlantification intensifies in the future, the impact of meltwater on the ice-ocean system will become increasingly significant. For multiyear scales, we utilized CIGAR historical ocean reanalysis (1961-2022) data and extensive in situ observations from the Arctic Ocean to investigate the long-term variations in Arctic Ocean stratification. The results show a strong correlation between stratification strength and freshwater content in the Arctic Ocean. However, over the past decade, while the freshwater content in the Beaufort Sea has remained regionally stable, stratification strength has shown a decline. This suggests that, with the retreat of sea ice, atmospheric energy input is becoming increasingly significant in influencing stratification.

    How to cite: Zhang, H., Storto, A., Bai, X., and Yang, C.: Impacts of Seasonal and Interannual Sea Ice Changes on Arctic Ocean Stratification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10970,, 2025.

    EGU25-11030 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Arctic to the North Atlantic connectivity using Montgomery Potential on neutral density surfaces 

    Yevgeny Aksenov, Stefanie Rynders, George, A.J. Nurser, Alex Megan, Stephen Kelly, and Andrew Coward

    How Arctic waters end up in the North Atlantic? We have examined ocean connectivity for neutral density surfaces by developing Montgomery Potential for the NEMO ocean model. The method is coded in Python, enabling calculating geostrophic flow on pseudo-neutral density surfaces. We have analysed global NEMOv4.2 at 1/12 degree runs for the 2008-2021 period for ocean connectivity from the Arctic to the North Atlantic. We have also mapped water-mass pathways by releasing on neutral density surfaces 25.8-28.2 in the Laptev Sea, in the Denmark and Davis Straits, near the Flemish Cap and on the West European Shelf, then by tracking particles forward and backward. The transient times from the Laptev Sea to the Great Banks are of about 6 years; across the Atlantic – another 6 yrs; and the Laptev Sea to the West European Shelf is of about 16 years in total. The model transient times were compared to those from the observed Technetium spread to the Western Barents Sea and to the regions around Greenland. This presented work has been funded from the European Union's project EPOC, EU grant 101059547 and UKRI grant 10038003, EC Horizon Europe project OptimESM “Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Changes”, grant 101081193 and UKRI grant 10039429, and from the UK NERC projects LTS-M BIOPOLE (NE/W004933/1), CANARI (NE/W004984/1) and UK LTS-S Atlantic Climate & Environment Strategic Science –ATLANTIS. For the EU projects the work reflects only the authors' view; the European Commission and their executive agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information the work contains. We acknowledge the use of ARCHER UK National Supercomputing and JASMIN.

    How to cite: Aksenov, Y., Rynders, S., Nurser, G. A. J., Megan, A., Kelly, S., and Coward, A.: Arctic to the North Atlantic connectivity using Montgomery Potential on neutral density surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11030,, 2025.

    EGU25-12218 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Arctic spin-up under melting sea ice  

    Xiaoyan Wei, Chris Wilson, and Sheldon Bacon

    The Arctic sea ice has been rapidly declining due to climate change, with significant impacts on subpolar ocean dynamics and mid-latitude regional weather patterns. However, climate models (e.g., CMIP5 and CMIP6) show a large inter-model spread in projected sea ice changes, often underestimating the observed decline. This discrepancy may result from the poor representation of key ocean heat transport processes in the Arctic Ocean. Using a high-resolution global ocean-sea ice model (NEMO-SI3) with a 1/12° grid, forced at the surface by the Earth System Model UKESM1.1, we explored how atmospheric forcings, boundary currents, energetics, and horizontal/vertical mixing change with the declining Arctic sea ice from 1990 to 2100 under the SSP3-7.0 scenario. We investigated how these changes in the Arctic Ocean drive upward heat fluxes from Atlantic Water (AW) beneath the halocline to the ocean surface, and quantified their contribution to the ocean surface heat budget in an increasingly energetic Arctic. Finally, we demonstrated the critical role of enhanced upward AW heat flux in accelerating sea ice decline under a warming climate. Our study underscores the potential importance of processes linked to Arctic spin-up in the facilitation of heat transfer from the warm, sub-surface Atlantic Water to the cold, fresh Arctic Ocean surface, accelerating sea ice melt and influencing the global climate system. 

    How to cite: Wei, X., Wilson, C., and Bacon, S.: Arctic spin-up under melting sea ice , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12218,, 2025.

    EGU25-12510 | Orals | OS1.1

    Future Changes in Arctic River Runoff and its Impact on the Ocean 

    Tahya Weiss-Gibbons, Clark Pennelly, Tricia Stadnyk, and Paul Myers

    Freshwater plays an important role in the Arctic Ocean, where stratification and circulation are dominated by salinity. River runoff is an important piece of the Arctic freshwater budget, and it is changing rapidly with climate change. River runoff into the Arctic Ocean has been increasing in both amount and temperature, a trend which is expected to continue into the future. We look at forcing a state of the art ocean model with future runoff projections for the Arctic Ocean, to understand how this increase in runoff temperature and flow impacts the changing Arctic. Runoff projections are produced using the A-HYPE hydrological model, over the Arctic drainage basin, giving both runoff and river temperature data. These are used to force a regional configuration of the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) framework 4.2, with a nested 1/12 degree Arctic Ocean. As opposed to traditional methods of linearly scaling runoff for future projections, combining hydrological model output with ocean models gives a more complete spatially and temporally varying picture of runoff. Changes in river runoff has implications for sea ice futures, circulation patterns, freshwater storage and release of freshwater to lower latitudes.

    How to cite: Weiss-Gibbons, T., Pennelly, C., Stadnyk, T., and Myers, P.: Future Changes in Arctic River Runoff and its Impact on the Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12510,, 2025.

    EGU25-13327 | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Estimated Transport of Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean Using Observed and Simulated Radionuclides 

    Yanchun He, Mu Lin, and Emil Jeansson

    The pathways and time scales of Atlantic Water (AW) transport to the Arctic Ocean (AO), and its subsequent return to the North Atlantic, are critical for understanding the ocean’s role in modulating heat, salinity, and the sequestration of anthropogenic trace gases.

    To quantify the time scales of AW transport by advective and diffusive processes, we applied the Inverse-Gaussian Transit-Time Distribution (IG-TTD) method, utilizing a suite of radionuclide datasets. The IG-TTD parameters—mean transit time (Γ), representing advection, and width (Δ), characterizing diffusion—were derived from radionuclides such as Iodine-129 (I-129), Technetium-99 (Tc-99), and Uranium-236 (U-236). These radionuclides originate primarily from two European nuclear reprocessing facilities. To complement observational data, idealized tracers from an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) were incorporated, including Boundary Impulse Response (BIR) tracers and dilution tracers. BIR tracers constrained the mixing ratio (Δ/Γ) in the IG-TTD, while the dilution tracer refined source functions for improved accuracy.

    Preliminary results indicate a transit time of approximately 25 years from the Iceland-Scotland Ridge to the central Arctic Ocean, with mixing ratios (Δ/Γ) ranging between 0.2 and 0.4—significantly lower than the typical value of ~1 observed for CFCs/SF6 tracers transitioning from surface ventilation to the ocean interior. A dilution factor on the order of 1000 was necessary to scale source functions and avoid unrealistically high mean ages. Transit times showed substantial variability within the same region, depending on radionuclide type and sampling period, highlighting the impact of strong synoptic variability in ocean currents on measurement uncertainties. Additionally, dual-tracer constraints on mixing ratios, comparisons of transit times derived from radionuclides versus ventilation tracers, and assessments against model-simulated BIR tracers are discussed.

    How to cite: He, Y., Lin, M., and Jeansson, E.: Estimated Transport of Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean Using Observed and Simulated Radionuclides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13327,, 2025.

    In the Arctic, ocean surface waves are becoming more energetic. This is due to the larger wind fetch caused by decreased sea ice cover in summer and delayed sea ice formation in fall. These changes, driven by global climate change and regional warming, are projected to be more extreme in the future. Surface gravity waves are a key factor in coastal erosion and flooding, which are already negatively affecting coastlines in the Arctic (Casas-Prat & Wang 2020). Understanding and quantifying surface waves evolution is therefore particularly important for the communities that live along the coasts of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), yet it has not been investigated with modeling.

    We used the spectral wave model Wavewatch III® (Tolman 1997, 1999a, 2009) to simulate gravity waves formation and propagation for the entire Arctic and the North Atlantic over 2002-2022, using output from a regional 1/4° NEMO simulation. Simulations reveal a positive wave height trend in Baffin Bay and locations near the sea ice margin in the Barents, Kara and East Greenland Seas. A positive trend is found in Baffin Bay from June to October (max 0.25 m/y), where peak wave heights of 4-6 m are also observed during fall, in the second decade of the run. This highlights the importance of combined delay in seasonal sea ice formation and storm activity in the CAA, with storms more likely to produce high waves conditions during fall.

    Further ongoing work will: 1) analyze the impact of waves on coastal erosion; 2) project ocean and wave conditions under CMIP6 forcing: the numerical ocean model NEMO, at 1/4° resolution, and a nested grid over the CAA will allow WW3 wave simulations to be projected over 2100.

    How to cite: Pochini, E. and Myers, P.: Simulated wave evolution and coastal erosion in the Arctic and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (2002-2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13701,, 2025.

    EGU25-16814 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Changing trends in Arctic sea ice volume 

    Rebekka Jastamin Steene and Martin Rypdal

    Arctic sea ice has undergone massive changes in the latest decades. Not only has the ice extent seen a great reduction over the satellite era, sea ice thickness is also strongly altered as a result of changing climate conditions. In this study, we look at sea ice volume in the Arctic and show how its response to increasing temperatures has changed in recent years. Using a Bayesian statistical framework, we look at reanalysis data of sea ice volume and detect changepoints in trends. We have identified an abrupt change in Arctic sea ice volume relative to global mean temperature. Spatial analysis shows that this signal of abrupt change primarily stems from loss of sea ice thickness in the Canadian Basin and Beaufort Gyre region. We compare these findings with CMIP6 Earth system models and find similar behaviour in several models. Further, we have conducted experiments with the NorESM model to better describe the mechanisms of this abrupt change, and to see how the sea ice volume behaves if global warming is later reversed.

    How to cite: Steene, R. J. and Rypdal, M.: Changing trends in Arctic sea ice volume, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16814,, 2025.

    EGU25-17101 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    How reversible are carbonate chemistry changes triggered by future Arctic sea ice loss? 

    Eike E. Köhn, Lester Kwiatkowski, James C. Orr, Guillaume Gastineau, and Juliette Mignot

    The ongoing rapid decline in Arctic sea ice is considered as a tipping element of our climate system. It is exposing a warmer and more acidified ocean directly to the atmosphere, permitting greater light penetration and enhanced exchange of heat, momentum, and gases across the air-sea interface. Earth system models project that these thermal and biogeochemical changes will dramatically perturb Arctic Ocean carbonate chemistry. As one of the consequences, the projections indicate that the seasonal maximum in surface ocean pCO2 generally shifts from winter to summer during this century. Yet, it is unknown whether such biogeochemical changes in the Arctic would be reversible, if we managed to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Here we analyse the reversibility of Arctic biogeochemistry changes using idealised 1pctCO2-cdr simulations from six earth system models. These model experiments simulate a 140-year period of 1% annual atmospheric CO2 increase (rampup to 4x preindustrial levels), followed by a 140-year period of 1% annual CO2 decrease (rampdown). Our results indicate that the present day pCO2 cycle is largely recovered when atmospheric CO2 returns to preindustrial levels. However, most models exhibit substantial hysteresis, particularly during summer, where surface ocean pCO2 remains more elevated during the rampdown phase relative to the rampup phase (difference in Arctic average up to 60 𝜇atm pCO2 for the same atmospheric CO2 levels). Despite model differences, their projections consistently show pronounced regional variability in the pCO2 hysteresis, with high hysteresis occurring for example in the Nordic Seas and the Barents Sea. Our results indicate that the pCO2 hysteresis is particularly sensitive to sea surface temperature and net primary productivity, both of which show regionally varying hysteresis as well. These findings underscore the complex impacts of Arctic sea ice loss on biogeochemical cycles, emphasising the importance of accounting for hysteresis in CO2 overshoot scenarios and climate mitigation strategies.

    How to cite: Köhn, E. E., Kwiatkowski, L., Orr, J. C., Gastineau, G., and Mignot, J.: How reversible are carbonate chemistry changes triggered by future Arctic sea ice loss?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17101,, 2025.

    EGU25-17889 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

    Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the future Arctic Ocean from a Regional Ecological Model 

    Lucia Gutierrez-Loza and Siv K. Lauvset

    In the Arctic, where the effects of the changing climate are occurring faster than anywhere else on Earth, warming, sea-ice decline and changes in ocean circulation have already resulted in an overall increase of the marine primary productivity. According to global climate projections, the increased productivity is expected to continue in this region due to greater open-water habitats and larger growing seasons. Significant shifts in phytoplankton composition and an increasingly unstable community structure are also expected through the 21st century in response to climate change. Nevertheless, high uncertainties still exist in future net primary productivity (NPP) and the overall response of phytoplankton to climate change in the Arctic and subarctic regions.

    This study assesses the effect of changing physical characteristics in the Nordic and Barents Seas on nutrient distribution and phytoplankton dynamics over the 21st century using the high-resolution NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM.E2E). The results show two distinct pathways of the phytoplankton response, differentiating Arctic conditions (i.e., Barents Sea) and Atlantic conditions (i.e., Nordic Seas). The Barents Sea, a shallow and well-mixed basin with persistent nutrient supply from the deep ocean to the surface, experiences a gradual intensification of the phytoplankton blooms towards the end of the century. This response is consistent with increasing temperatures, sunlight availability due to reduced sea-ice extent and the intensification of the vertical mixing.

    In contrast, the Nordic Seas experience an abrupt change in the phytoplankton dynamics, with a sudden shift in the phytoplankton communities from a diatom-dominated to a flagellate-dominated bloom, according to the simulations. The rapid change in phytoplankton bloom dynamics is caused by an interplay between a shallowing mixed layer depth and changing nutrient consumption patterns by phytoplankton. These changes are consistent across climate scenarios SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5. However, the timing and magnitude of the changes vary significantly, with SSP3-7.0 showing the most abrupt changes.

    As Arctic conditions continue at an accelerated pace, major implications for local and regional ecosystems are expected. These impacts will, most probably, not be limited to the Arctic region given its crucial role in the Earth’s system. Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics have the potential to impact the global carbon cycle by altering primary productivity and carbon export into the deep ocean, ultimately affecting the global climate.

    How to cite: Gutierrez-Loza, L. and Lauvset, S. K.: Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the future Arctic Ocean from a Regional Ecological Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17889,, 2025.

    EGU25-18826 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

    Projected Increase of Phytoplankton Carbon Exudation and Particle Formation in the Arctic Ocean until the End of the Century 

    Moritz Zeising, Laurent Oziel, and Astrid Bracher

    The Arctic Ocean is projected to become ice-free by the middle of the century, accompanied by changes in freshwater input, stratification, and warming of the upper ocean. The marine ecosystem is predominantly influenced by the availability of light and nutrients for phytoplankton, which form the base of the food web. With the projected changes of the physical environment throughout the course of the century, CMIP6 models suggest a general increase in Arctic net primary production. It is anticipated that phytoplankton shift from a light-limited state to nutrient limitation across large areas of the Arctic Ocean, potentially leading to increased exudation of organic carbon into the water column.

    We briefly discuss the mechanisms driving the dynamics of organic carbon in the upper Arctic Ocean before focusing on long-term trends in Arctic biogeochemistry projected until 2100. Using an ocean general circulation sea-ice biogeochemistry model based on the IPCC Shared Socio-economic Pathway high-emission scenario SSP3-7.0, we observe regionally varying increases in exuded organic carbon, alongside enhanced formation of particulate organic carbon in the upper water column. These particles can either be transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere, acting as precursors to primary marine organic aerosols, or sink in the water column, contributing to carbon export. Our findings align with other recent studies, showing a shift from light to nutrient limitation in phytoplankton growth, particularly in regions experiencing retreat of the marginal ice zone. Our simulation indicates that diatoms are the primary contributors to organic carbon exudation and subsequent particle aggregation. However, some regions do not exhibit an overall increase in particulate organic carbon due to elevated remineralization rates. Overall, our projection provides an assessment of the impact of changes in the physical environment on phytoplankton dynamics and, consequently, on organic carbon pools in the upper Arctic Ocean. This work is part of the DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 172 on Arctic Amplification.

    How to cite: Zeising, M., Oziel, L., and Bracher, A.: Projected Increase of Phytoplankton Carbon Exudation and Particle Formation in the Arctic Ocean until the End of the Century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18826,, 2025.

    EGU25-20584 | Orals | OS1.1 | Highlight

     Atlantification advances into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean  

    Igor Polyakov

    Atlantification—the northward inflow of anomalous waters and biota from the Atlantic into the polar basins—has wide-ranging climatological ramifications.  Sustained observations demonstrated that, contrary to the global climate model projections, atlantification has already advanced into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, having a significant impact on the physical and ecological components of the climate system. The primary example is the rapidly diminishing sea ice in the Siberian Arctic Ocean (SAO), which is caused by the weakened ocean stratification and amplified heat fluxes. These sea ice thickness anomalies caused by atlantification persist across the Arctic region and are prevalent along the entirety of the Transpolar Drift. Furthermore, we observe the transition of the central SAO to conditions resembling those in the eastern SAO 5-7 years ago and the emergence of a powerful ocean-heat/ice-albedo feedback, which accelerates sea-ice losses. The eastern SAO is still strongly stratified but collaborative international observations demonstrate that the atlantification-driven shoaling of warm, salty, and nutrient-rich intermediate waters already has important ecological consequences there. Disentangling the role of atlantification in multiple and complex high-latitude changes should be a priority in future modeling and observational efforts.


    How to cite: Polyakov, I.:  Atlantification advances into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20584,, 2025.

    EGU25-20633 | Orals | OS1.1

    On the importance of air-sea ice-ocean coupling in the Barents Sea 

    Wieslaw Maslowski, Younjoo Lee, Robert Osinski, Jaclyn Clement Kinney, and Mark Seefeldt

    Recent studies of Arctic Amplification (AA) suggest that the Arctic has been warming between three to four times faster compared to the global average. The loss of sea ice in the Arctic has been one of the most evident manifestations of the warming climate over the past several decades. This decline has been most pronounced in the Barents/Kara seas during winter and in the western Arctic during summer

    Changes in the Arctic sea ice cover can be both a cause and a consequence of anomalous atmospheric and oceanic warming. In the case of the winter trend, some earlier studies have suggested that factors other than atmospheric forcing, e.g., ocean heat transport and storage, are responsible for the observed sea ice retreat. Moreover, results from models participating in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) suggest an emergent constraint linking oceanic heat convergence to declining sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean. At the same time, significant biases in individual simulated sea ice states persist, resulting in the continued large CMIP model spread. The limited skill in the historical simulations of the Arctic climate system hinders the interpretation of their results and affects the reliability of their future projections.


    In this presentation, we will address some of these limitations, focusing on the importance of oceanic heat transport from the Nordic Seas, its convergence and impact on the sea ice over the Barents Sea, and the remaining outflow into the central Arctic. Results from the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM), at varying spatial resolutions and forced with an atmospheric reanalysis or fully coupled, will be evaluated to demonstrate a relatively wide range of the simulated volume fluxes into the Barents Sea. Apparent coupled linkages between oceanic volume and heat fluxes, sea ice cover, and the oceanic heat convergence over the Barents Sea will be demonstrated. The importance of spatial resolution in representing some critical processes related to ocean mesoscale, sea ice characteristics, and air-sea coupling in the region will be discussed. Finally, the need for expanded long-term measurements to reduce uncertainties in the observational estimates of oceanic fluxes in and out of the Barents Sea will be rationalized.

    How to cite: Maslowski, W., Lee, Y., Osinski, R., Clement Kinney, J., and Seefeldt, M.: On the importance of air-sea ice-ocean coupling in the Barents Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20633,, 2025.

    EGU25-21413 | Orals | OS1.1

    The Effects of Salinity and Stratification on Rapid Sea Ice Advance in the Arctic Ocean  

    Julian Schanze, Scott Springer, Jessica Anderson, Michael Town, Ee Qi Lim, David Treadwell, Zhiwei Zhou, Sicheng Zhou, and Oleg Melnichenko

    The annual sea ice minimum extent in the Arctic Ocean has decreased almost two-fold since the advent of satellite observations in the 1970s, leaving more open water before the fall freeze-up.  Here, we leverage a combined dataset from the 2022 NASA Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) field program to elucidate the central hypothesis that drove SASSIE: Does surface salinity stratification due to sea ice melt, precipitation, and riverine inputs lead to changes in the rates or extent of autumnal sea ice advance? The SASSIE study region in the Beaufort Sea is stratified both by melting sea ice in the summer and riverine discharge. We leverage measurements of oxygen isotopes as well as colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to trace the origins of fresher water at the surface.

    In addition to an in-depth analysis of in situ data, we use the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) for individual profiles as well as the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) initialized and forced with observations from the SASSIE field campaign. These observations include temperature and salinity from the salinity snake instrument at 1-2cm depth, shipborne thermosalinograph (4m) and underway conductivity-temperature-depth (uCTD) measurements (5-100m), acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data, as well as meteorological and net heat flux observations. In realistically forced runs, we re-create the observations during the month-long cruise. We then modify the stratification to both increase and decrease salinity stratification to assess the importance of salinity stratification on the autumnal sea ice advance. We compare these model outputs to satellite-derived freeze-up data as well as in situ observations from autonomous platforms in the area. Preliminary results show a strong control of salinity on rapid sea ice advance, in which areas that are highly stratified freeze significantly faster than areas of deeper or weaker stratification.

    Based on this hypothesis, we present a novel way of modelling the autumnal Arctic Sea Ice advance using a Convolutional Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network model. In this machine learning approach, we demonstrate that the inclusion of the experimental merged salinity OISSS v3 dataset derived from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellites significantly improves forecast accuracy of sea ice concentration in our study area, which encompasses the East Siberian, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The model is based on 8 years of training data and tested using 3 years of evaluation data. Using this 60-day forecast, we show that the spatial forecasting pattern of sea ice concentration is significantly improved. This is further illustrated in an ablation study, in which we find sea surface salinity to be the 4th most important predictive term after sea surface temperature, net heat flux, and sea ice concentration.

    Through these studies, we show the connection between the terrestrial water cycle, oceanic freshwater fluxes, and sea ice formation in the Arctic, and present a novel technique of sea ice prediction that will become increasingly useful as the Arctic becomes more ice free.

    How to cite: Schanze, J., Springer, S., Anderson, J., Town, M., Lim, E. Q., Treadwell, D., Zhou, Z., Zhou, S., and Melnichenko, O.: The Effects of Salinity and Stratification on Rapid Sea Ice Advance in the Arctic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21413,, 2025.

    CR4 – Frozen ground, debris-covered glaciers and geomorphology

    EGU25-2193 | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Monitoring of ground hydrothermal regimes and active layer thickness during 2017-2022 in some previously burned areas in hemiboreal forests in Northeast China 

    Xiaoying Li, Hongwei Wang, Huijun Jin, Ruixia He, Dongliang Luo, Ziyu Li, and Jinlong Zhang

    Wildfires have important effects on hydrothermal regimes of boreal permafrost. However, they are not yet systematically and extensively studied in Northeast China, except those discrete measurements during the early 1990s. Since 2017, a series of study sites have been built for continuous observation on ground hydrothermal regimes at ten sites of three fire severity (unburned, light burn and severe burn) in three areas (Mo’he, Alongshan and Mangui) on the western flank of the northern Da Xing’anling Mountains, Northeast China. An integrated dataset was compiled with sub-datasets on ground temperatures, soil moisture contents, and active layer thickness (ALT). The study results show evident impacts of wildfires manifested as rapid ground warming, thickening active layer and drying shallow soils. Moreover, the thermally affected depth of wildfires has exceeded 20 m, and ALT has increased by as much as 2.75 m eight years after the severe burn. Post-fire changes were more pronounced in ground temperatures at depths of 0-6 m. In addition, changes in ground hydrothermal regimes became greater with increasing fire severity, and the fire influences lasted more than 30 years. Rapid warming and thawing of permafrost and subsequent loss of SOC after wildfires could have a positive feedback effect on climate warming. Therefore, this study can provide basic data for studies and action plan to support the carbon neutralization initiative and for assessment of ecological safety and management of the permafrost environment.

    How to cite: Li, X., Wang, H., Jin, H., He, R., Luo, D., Li, Z., and Zhang, J.: Monitoring of ground hydrothermal regimes and active layer thickness during 2017-2022 in some previously burned areas in hemiboreal forests in Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2193,, 2025.

    EGU25-3281 | Orals | CR4.2

    Estimating fire-induced permafrost thaw and carbon emissions from space 

    Sander Veraverbeke, Lucas Diaz, Max van Gerrevink, and Sonam Wangchuk

    Arctic-boreal fire regimes are intensifying, leading to a growing number of boreal forest fires and Arctic tundra fires occuring on permafrost terrain. After fires, the seasonally thawed active layer of permafrost soils usually thickens, and this can lead to long-term gradual or abrupt permafrost degradation. Permafrost soils store large amounts of carbon, and hence fire-induced thaw may lead to additional carbon emissions from permafrost soils for many years after the fire.

    This presentation explores several spaceborne measurements for mapping fire-induced permafrost thaw and its associated carbon emissions and will cover two case studies and one continental application. First, we investigated a boreal forest fire in Eastern Siberia using several measurements from sensors on Landsat 8. We found that especially land surface temperature (LST) related strongly to field-measured thaw depth, and we developed a statistical model to map fire-induced thaw depth over the entire fire scar. Second, we mapped post-fire permafrost soil subsidence after several tundra fires in Northeastern Siberia using Sentinel-1 interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data. We found that burned areas experienced about three times higher soil subsidence than adjacent unburned areas in the growing season after the fire (4.88 cm/year vs. 1.54 cm/year), and this difference was primarily driven by fire-induced surface albedo darkening. Lastly, we used the ESA Climate Change Initiative permafrost product to estimate post-fire active layer thickening and associated carbon emissions for all fires in boreal North America between 2001 and 2019. We estimate that post-fire carbon emissions from permafrost thaw amount up to 30 % of the direct carbon emissions during fires, demonstrating the importance of including permafrost thaw when estimating climate feedbacks from boreal forest fires.

    Taken together, this presentation highlights the use of multi-source remote sensing products for estimating post-fire surface deformation and active layer thickening of fires in permafrost ecosystems, and provides a first continental assessment of the climate warming feedback from carbon emissions from fire-induced permafrost thaw.

    How to cite: Veraverbeke, S., Diaz, L., van Gerrevink, M., and Wangchuk, S.: Estimating fire-induced permafrost thaw and carbon emissions from space, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3281,, 2025.

    Permafrost in the Arctic and Subarctic regions contains a significant amount of carbon from ancient vegetation and animals remaining and started to thaw at an alarming rate due to global warming and the Arctic amplification, posing significant risks of releasing ancient carbon into the atmosphere and affecting global carbon neutrality. However, the magnitude and rates of carbon release from permafrost at a global scale remain unclear. Among the various processes associated with permafrost thaw, mass movements such as retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs) play a critical role in transforming local hydrology, geomorphology, and ecosystems and moving soil organic carbon from permafrost to the environment. To advance the understanding of carbon release from permafrost, we utilized high-resolution (2 m) topographic change data (DEM differences) and multi-temporal/source satellite imagery to identify RTSs and estimate the carbon mobility during the RTS development. Specifically, we (1) delineated regions of elevation loss from 2-meter-resolution topographic change data using the Segment Anything Model, (2) fine-tuned a vision-language model (e.g., CLIP) model and used it to classify areas of elevation loss into RTS-induced and others using multi-temporal/source satellite imagery, and (3) calculated the volume of matter removed from permafrost using the DEM difference and estimated the carbon mobility using the northern circumpolar soil carbon database. The DEM difference was derived from approximately 200 TB of ArcticDEM, covering all land in the Arctic and SubArctic ( This is a newly funded project that started in January 2025, and we will present some preliminary results and look forward to the collaboration and contribution from Arctic scientists and carbon experts.

    How to cite: Huang, L.: Estimating the carbon mobility from permafrost using DEM difference derived from ArcticDEM at a pan-Arctic scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5034,, 2025.

    EGU25-5216 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Benefits of downscaled satellite-derived land surface temperature for permafrost modelling in the northern high latitudes 

    Sonia Dupuis, Nando Metzger, Sebastian Westermann, Konrad Schindler, Frank-Michael Göttsche, and Stefan Wunderle

    Northern high latitudes have experienced pronounced warming throughout the last decades, with particularly high temperatures during winter and spring. Due to Arctic Amplification, the Arctic region is warming four times faster than anywhere else. Permafrost, a crucial component of arctic ecosystems, is particularly sensitive to increasing air temperatures and changes in the snow regime. In the last decade, satellite-derived land surface temperature (LST) products combined with snow cover information and land cover data have been increasingly used for permafrost modelling. For example, the CryoGrid community model, a ground thermal model, is used within the frame of the ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project to produce permafrost extent maps on a hemispheric scale. These maps and permafrost modelling outputs are based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LST data. A drawback is that MODIS LST products have only been available since 2001, which prevents differentiating multi-decadal climate trends from decadal-scale climate oscillations.

    To leverage the historic Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensors series, a new pan-Arctic LST dataset has been developed using EUMETSAT’s AVHRR Fundamental Data Record (FDR). The pan-Arctic AVHRR LST product covers a period from 1981 to 2021 and has a spatial resolution of approximately 4 km. It incorporates snow cover information derived from fractional snow cover and snow water equivalent data, allowing for accurate emissivity and temperature retrievals over snow and ice. To obtain AVHRR LST data at a spatial resolution similar to the MODIS LST dataset (~ 1 km) and allow for intercomparison of the permafrost modelling outputs, the AVHRR pan-Arctic LST dataset is downscaled to a spatial resolution of 1 km. Recent advances in spatiotemporal fusion and super-resolution models offer new solutions to downscale thermal infrared (TIR) data, allowing obtaining LST data at a high spatial and temporal resolution. Guided super-resolution (SR) is another downscaling strategy that only relies on a low-resolution source and a high-resolution guide. It returns a high-resolution version of the source. In the case of the AVHRR LST downscaling, the guide comprises information derived from land cover, elevation models, and canopy height data. Downscaling results of the pan-Arctic LST dataset based on guided deep anisotropic diffusion for the region of the Yamal Peninsula (Siberia) and along the Alaska Highway in the Yukon (Canada) showed promising results. The downscaling methodology demonstrated its potential for capturing the complexities of typical permafrost landscapes.

    How to cite: Dupuis, S., Metzger, N., Westermann, S., Schindler, K., Göttsche, F.-M., and Wunderle, S.: Benefits of downscaled satellite-derived land surface temperature for permafrost modelling in the northern high latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5216,, 2025.

    EGU25-5394 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Flexible Permafrost Model: a new process-based permafrost model for cross-scale studies 

    Bin Cao, Wen Sun, and Xuejun Guo

    Understanding the dynamics and influences of permafrost under a warming climate heavily relies on numerical simulations. However, this task presents significant challenges as the state-of-the-art land surface models are found weak ability in representing permafrost processes. Here, we introduce the Flexible Permafrost Model (FPM), a land surface scheme designed model especially for permafrost applications. This model serves as a flexible platform to explore novel structures and parameterizations for a variety of permafrost processes. The FPM accounts for both vertical and lateral heat flow at and below the soil surface, while also describing the energy exchange with the atmosphere by considering radiative and turbulent fluxes. To demonstrate the utility of FPM for supporting permafrost studies, we apply the model to the simulations of global-scale permafrost extent and fine-scale permafrost island dynamics. Our simulation results are found reasonable against published permafrost extent and in situ observations, indicating FPM can serve as a stand-alone simulation tool for permafrost studies.

    How to cite: Cao, B., Sun, W., and Guo, X.: Flexible Permafrost Model: a new process-based permafrost model for cross-scale studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5394,, 2025.

    EGU25-5655 | Posters on site | CR4.2

    A comparative investigation on the in-situ thermal conductivity between Arctic tundra and alpine meadow in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 

    Ren Li, Shenning Wang, Tonghua Wu, Shengfeng Tang, Wenhao Liu, and Xiaodong Wu

    The permafrost types in the Arctic and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) are different, resulting in significant differences in their thermal characteristics. Soil thermal conductivity (STC) is a key physical parameter in land surface processes that controls the storage and conduction of heat in soil, and it is of great significance for simulating the thermal state of frozen soil. Here,a comparative study on STC of the active layer surface soil between the Arctic tundra and alpine meadow in hinterland of the QTP was conducted. Results show that the STC of the Arctic tundra and the alpine meadow in  hinterland of the QTP exhibit an opposite patterns. During study period,  monthly average STC of the Arctic tundra varied significantly with seasons, reaching a maximum of 1.989 Wm-1K-1 in cold season and a minimum of 0.761 Wm-1K-1 in warmer season, with an annual average of 1.541 Wm-1K-1. For Arctic tundra, STC in frozen state was 1.787 Wm-1K-1, while in the unfrozen state, it was 0.802 Wm-1K-1. In contrast, the monthly average STC for alpine meadow in the hinterland of the QTP showed opposite pattern, with the minimum value of 0.933 Wm-1K-1 occurred in January and the maximum value of 1.375 Wm-1K-1 occurred in September, and an annual average of 1.151 Wm-1K-1. In frozen state STC was 0.962 Wm-1K-1 while in unfrozen state such value was 1.341 Wm-1K-1. Field observation experiments in both regions found that STC is strongly dependent on soil moisture content. The initial frozen water content of the Bylot tundra in the Arctic was approximately 0.531 m3m-3 (0.495~ 0.565 m3m-3), while that of the Tanggula alpine meadow in the hinterland of the QTP was 0.142 m3m-3 (0.167~0.115 m3m-3), only 26.7% of the Arctic tundra. This significant difference in initial frozen water content is the main reason for the difference in STC between the two regions. Additionally, rapid changes in unfrozen water content have a great impact on STC during freezing process. For the Arctic tundra observation site, the STC increased by 0.273 Wm-1K-1 (0.247~0.300 Wm-1K-1) for every 0.100 m3m-3 decrease in unfrozen water content. While for the alpine meadow of the QTP, the STC decreased by 0.163 Wm-1K-1 for every 0.100 m3m-3 decrease in unfrozen water content. On average, in the Arctic tundra, the STC of the active layer surface decreases with increasing soil liquid water content, while in the alpine meadow of the QTP, it increases with increasing soil liquid water content. In frozen state for Arctic tundra, the contribution of soil ice content and unfrozen water to thermal conductivity is 75.6% and 5.2%, respectively. It can be seen that STC of the Arctic tundra active layer is mainly controlled by the ice content. As for the QTP meadow, such values were 25.9% and 41.8%, respectively. That means unfrozen water content is the dominant factor for STC changes in the QTP meadow. Furthermore, the Kerstern number scheme was optimized based on the STC data obtained from in-situ observations and KD2 Pro dehumidification experiments of soil samples under different soil moisture conditions. 

    How to cite: Li, R., Wang, S., Wu, T., Tang, S., Liu, W., and Wu, X.: A comparative investigation on the in-situ thermal conductivity between Arctic tundra and alpine meadow in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5655,, 2025.

    EGU25-6618 | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Solifluction Processes in a Discontinuous Permafrost Arctic Landscape: Insights from Two Years of Dense Monitoring 

    Sylvain Fiolleau, Sebastian Uhlemann, Stijn Wielandt, and Baptiste Dafflon

    Solifluction processes inherent in Arctic environments introduce a layer of complexity when estimating both current and future soil carbon dynamics and fluxes. This intricacy extends to the assessment of hillslope stability and infrastructure resilience. Understanding the dynamic interplay of factors in the Arctic landscape requires a meticulous examination of triggers and drivers behind soil movement in hillslopes with discontinuous permafrost. In this study, we made use of a novel dense monitoring approach to obtain vertically resolved, continuous observations of soil movement and temperature at tens of locations across multiple adjacent hillslopes throughout two successive thawing seasons to better understand the mechanisms at play.

    Results show substantial soil movements, with surface deformations reaching up to 344 mm in the second year. The upper parts of the watershed exhibited the greatest movements, with thaw depth, slope angle, and thermal conditions identified as key factors influencing solifluction. Thaw depth played a central role, triggering deformation by impacting water pressure at the thawing front. Soil temperature influenced both thawing and freezing processes, affecting soil cohesion and internal friction, which are critical for slope stability. A Factor of Safety proxy based on observed data has been developed and proved useful for assessing slope stability and understanding the effects of soil thermal conditions on deformation. This study provides new insights into the triggers of hillslope movements, contributing to the broader understanding of soil redistribution in Arctic environments and the implications for future landscape and infrastructure resilience in these regions.

    How to cite: Fiolleau, S., Uhlemann, S., Wielandt, S., and Dafflon, B.: Solifluction Processes in a Discontinuous Permafrost Arctic Landscape: Insights from Two Years of Dense Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6618,, 2025.

    Under a climate warming, wildfires have been occurring frequently in the boreal permafrost regions. Wildfires can lead to rapid degradation of permafrost, triggering significant changes in soil nutrients. Since 2016, we have systematically established a network for studying soil nutrients (0-3.6 m in depth) and hydrothermal state of the active layer and permafrost (0-20 m in depth) in some previously burned areas in the northern Da Xing’anling (Hinggan) Mountains in Northeast China. The datasets included soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total potassium (TK), soil moisture content (SMC), ground temperatures and active layer thickness (ALT). The data were collected from eight sites in four burned areas with two categories of fire severity (severely burned and unburned) from 2016 to 2022. The research showed that wildfires cause rapid degradation of permafrost and evident changes in soil nutrients. At depths of 0-4 m, ground temperatures were 0.5-9.9oC higher at the burned sites than those at the unburned sites. At depths of 12-20 m, the differences were 0-2.1oC between at the burned and unburned sites, and less than those at depths of 0-4 m. ALTs were 0.13-2.75 m deeper at the burned sites than those at the unburned sites. SMC values were lower at the burned sites than those at the unburned sites. Wildfires affected the ground freeze-thaw processes in permafrost regions, delaying the ground freezing or advancing the ground thaw by about a month. A large amount of SOC and TN were stored in the active layer and near-surface permafrost layer, especially in the soil organic layer. At depths of 0-1.5 m at the unburned sites, average contents of SOC and TN were 1.5-3.9 and 1.6-3.5 times those at the severely burned sites, respectively, and 2.5-2.9 and 1.5-2.0 times those of at the slightly burned sites, respectively. The contents of TP and TK also changed significantly in different burned years. With increasing fire severity, changes in the ground hydrothermal regimes and soil nutrient contents became more obvious. Moreover, 30 years after fire, there were still remarkable difference in ground hydrothermal regimes and soil nutrient contents between the burned and unburned sites. Wildfires lead to rapid ground warming and great loss of SOC, and the effects may last for at least 30 years.

    How to cite: Jin, H., Li, X., and Wang, H.: An integrated dataset of ground hydrothermal regimes and soil nutrients monitored during 2016-2022 in Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7727,, 2025.

    EGU25-8116 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    60-year evolution of retrogressive thaw slumps on the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 

    Zhuoxuan Xia, Zhuoyi Zhao, and Lin Liu

    Permafrost underlying the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau has experienced significant degradation in recent decades due to the warming climate. Retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs), a typical form of abrupt permafrost disturbance, retreat rapidly and can impact the local environment for decades before stabilizing. Previous studies have revealed rapid growth of RTSs in the central plateau, with their areas and numbers increasing by 154% and 70% from 2016 to2022, respectively. To gain a deeper understanding of the long-term activity and distribution of RTSs, we utilized multi-source satellite imagery, including Keyhole (1965–1984), Landsat (1984–2015), WorldView (2006–2013), and PlanetScope (2016–2024), to trace their activities over six decades. We manually delineated RTSs on high-resolution (<5 m) satellite images in 1965–1984 and 2016–2024. To fill the temporal gap between 1984 and 2016, we acquired 30-m-resolution Landsat imagery and applied deep learning-based heatmap regression to estimate RTS areas.

    We identified 126 RTSs affecting 108 ha areas in 1965; while after sixty years, the number and affected areas increased by 4.48 and 13.9 times. Notably, around 50 new RTSs developed between 1970 and 1973. Since then, the activity of RTSs has slowed, with numbers increasing slightly from 274 to 287 in 1973-2010. However, from 2010 to 2013, the number rose to 324, affecting 482 ha. Between 2016 and 2017, RTSs surged from 407 to 697, impacting 1,167 ha. By comparing the average air temperatures from station records for the thawing season (from June to August), we found that the episodically rapid growth of RTSs during 1970–1973, 2010–2013, and 2016–2017 was associated with high summer temperatures.

    In conclusion, we compiled a comprehensive timeseries of RTS evolutions in the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, based on which we found that the active initiation of RTSs may be attributed to high summer temperatures. However, a more detailed analysis incorporating other climatic and environmental factors is necessary. Based on the long-term evolution of RTSs, we will further enhance our analysis of their changing numbers and areas to gain a quantitative understanding of the decadal evolution of these hillslope thermokarst landforms on the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.

    How to cite: Xia, Z., Zhao, Z., and Liu, L.: 60-year evolution of retrogressive thaw slumps on the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8116,, 2025.

    EGU25-8727 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Statistical Analyses of Permafrost Subsidence Based on High-resolution InSAR Data 

    Zhijun Liu, Barbara Widhalm, Annett Bartsch, Thomas Kleinen, and Victor Brovkin

    Modeling climate-driven changes in permafrost, particularly surface subsidence caused by melting ground ice, remains a significant challenge for Earth System Models (ESMs) due to high spatial and temporal heterogeneity inherent in permafrost dynamics.

    In this study, we investigate permafrost subsidence using the latest InSAR satellite data on ground displacement. With its meter-scale resolution, InSAR data provides a unique opportunity to examine the highly heterogeneous nature of permafrost subsidence unprecedented sampling density and coverage area. Statistical analyses were conducted on high-resolution data from PALSAR-2, covering five regions: Central North Slope, Inuvik region, Noatak River Basin, Yamal, and Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

    Our findings reveal that permafrost subsidence exhibits consistent statistical properties. The Exponential Weibull distribution (EWD) emerged as the best-fit model across all regions and scales, effectively capturing the skewed and heavy-tailed nature of subsidence distributions. Correlation analyses between subsidence and potential driving factors, including climatic variables derived from ERA5-Land, soil class, and topography, showed low direct correlations. Additional analysis of clustered subsidence distributions in relation to local environmental conditions was performed to explore cross-regional commonalities.

    Furthermore, we identified key requirements and limitations for improving permafrost subsidence analyses using InSAR data. First, the quality of observation data does not significantly improve beyond a certain threshold of sample size and resolution. While larger datasets produce smoother histograms, the overall shape of the distribution remains unchanged. Second, results from a series of Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests show that subsidence data reliability is insensitive to any Gaussian distributed noises.

    These insights highlight some robustness in the statistical nature of permafrost subsidence while emphasizing the need to focus on other factors, such as temporal and spatial coverage, to advance future analyses on permafrost subsidence under climate impacts. Additionally, the choice of data filters plays a critical role, as effective filtering can preserve large-scale patterns while mitigating atmospheric artifacts.

    This study provides a statistical perspective on utilizing InSAR data to gain new insights into permafrost subsidence, while identifying current data limitations that urgently need to be addressed.

    How to cite: Liu, Z., Widhalm, B., Bartsch, A., Kleinen, T., and Brovkin, V.: Statistical Analyses of Permafrost Subsidence Based on High-resolution InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8727,, 2025.

    Depth-to-bedrock (DTB) determines soil thickness in land surface models and controls the active depth of hydrological and biogeochemical processes, particularly important in permafrost regions where soil thickness affects both hydrologic and heat transfer. In this study, we evaluate the sensitivity of permafrost hydrothermal regime to DTB parameterization in Community Land Model version 5.0 (CLM5.0) by comparing two datasets: DTB_P (default DTB in CLM5.0, developed by Pelletier) and DTB_SG (Shangguan-derived DTB) over three sites (BLH, TGL, and XDT) and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Through four experiments with increasing soil thickness, we find significant sensitivity of permafrost simulations to DTB, shallow DTB_P results in excess water being redistributed and overestimated active layer thickness (ALT) at three sites (9.1 m and 10.5 m at BLH and TGL, exceeding 42 m at XDT), while deeper DTB_SG improves simulations by enhancing soil column's water storage capacity and extending the depth of soil-parameterized heat transfer, where both thermal conductivity and heat capacity vary with soil properties rather than using constant bedrock values. At the regional scale, implementation of DTB_SG significantly reduces mean ALT from 8.83 m to 3.11 m across the QTP and from 9.04 m to 2.55 m in the Three Rivers Source Region, producing more realistic spatial patterns and temporal variations. We conclude that while soil liquid water simulations stabilize beyond 4.0 m, greater soil thickness continues to benefit thermal processes, establishing a minimum DTB threshold of 4.0 m for reliable permafrost simulations in the QTP.

    How to cite: Chen, Z. and Luo, S.: Sensitivity of Permafrost Hydrothermal Regime to Depth-to-Bedrock in Land Surface Modeling: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8789,, 2025.

    EGU25-9437 | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Future vegetation greening on permafrost dynamics 

    Youhua Ran

    Both field and satellite observations found a significant greening earth under global warming since the early 1980s, even surprisingly at the permafrost regions. However, the holistic effect of vegetation greening on permafrost at global scale remain unclear. This study employs a well-trained ensemble machine learning model, developed using extensive ground temperature measurements, high-quality climate, topographic, soil, and leaf area index (LAI) data, to assess the effect of vegetation greening on permafrost ground temperature and extent. Our model results show that vegetation greening on the permafrost will lead to a warming in mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) by 0.02-0.01 °C, a reduction in the area of permafrost by 6.7-2.5×104 km2 compared to the scenario without LAI increasing, under four shared socioeconomic pathways by the end of this century. This found indicate that the impact of vegetation greening on permafrost at global scale is negligible. However, the impact at regional or local scales is substantial under both SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5, with the heating effect in most shrub-tundra areas averaging 0.2±0.1°C (potentially reaching up to 0.8°C). In contrast, the effect in grassland tundra areas is predominantly cooling, with an average of 0.1±0.05°C (potentially reaching up to 0.6°C), and only occurring under SSP5-8.5. Such multi-scale effects will have implications for climate, the carbon cycle, and projection of permafrost dynamics.

    How to cite: Ran, Y.: Future vegetation greening on permafrost dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9437,, 2025.

    EGU25-9514 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Assessing the ability of high latitude methane monitoring and modeling systems to detect climate driven changes  

    Martijn Pallandt, Annett Bartsch, Mathias Goeckede, and Gustaf Hugelius

    Climate change is affecting high latitude ecosystems in unprecedented ways as temperature increases more than two times higher than the global average. Large stocks of carbon sequestered in permafrost may be released as the region –that historically has been a carbon sink– appears to be turning into a source of carbon to the atmosphere. Therefore, it is of great importance to properly account for changes in the carbon cycle. Of note is that even if we are aware of the quantities of carbon release, there is a large difference in warming potential between carbon dioxide and methane, the latter is a far stronger short term greenhouse gas. 
    Here we present work on two ESA projects which aim to address gaps in our knowledge of Arctic methane release: AMPAC-net and the CCI RECCAP-2 project. 

    AMPAC-net is an ESA contribution to AMPAC, the 'Arctic Methane and Permafrost Challenge', which is a cooperation between ESA and NASA. Key topics include the combination of remote sensing with in-situ measurements for high latitude methane detection. The RECCAP2-CCI ‘REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes’, is in Phase 2 of ESA's 'Climate Change Initiative'. The overarching aim is to improve carbon budgets for the global stock take, with our sub-project focusing on permafrost region wetlands. As part of these research projects, we have reviewed past, current and required future state of methane monitoring and modeling in high latitudes. After an initial overview of past work, we follow with an analysis of the current state of Arctic methane research. Many projects aim to improve our understanding directly, but also indirectly for example by improved wetlands classification. We also highlight and discuss a major research challenge: the large discrepancy between top-down and bottom-up carbon budgets in high latitudes. We present our initial steps towards addressing this issue in a set of experiments where we use updated Arctic specific priors for methane inversions. Finally, we give an overview of high priority knowledge gaps that will need further addressing, and advise on how to move forward.

    How to cite: Pallandt, M., Bartsch, A., Goeckede, M., and Hugelius, G.: Assessing the ability of high latitude methane monitoring and modeling systems to detect climate driven changes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9514,, 2025.

    EGU25-10741 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Investigation of three different river systems and floodplain areas in Arctic permafrost regions. 

    Clemens von Baeckmann, Annett Bartsch, Helena Bergstedt, Barbara Widhalm, and Tobias Stacke

    Circumpolar permafrost landscapes are undergoing rapid transition and are strongly affected by climate warming. In these high latitude regions, the rising temperatures are disrupting the thermal equilibrium of the ground, influencing the Arctics moisture levels (wetting / drying) which is driving significant changes in hydrological regimes. The Arctic is a water-rich region with abundant freshwater systems. An important feature of large rivers is their discharge of globally significant quantities of freshwater, dissolved organic carbon, and other materials into the Arctic Ocean, while lakes and rivers also contribute to the global emission of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere.

    For this study, three different Arctic river systems were investigated: the Mackenzie (Canada), the Ob (Russia) and the Lena (Russia). We mapped river systems at different levels of detail and localized floodplain-related areas by combining Digital Elevation Model (DEM) analysis with land cover maps (CALU). The floodplain areas are described by the fraction distribution of different land cover units. For example, the majority of the detected units showed water as the dominant unit. After filtering out the water areas, the remaining floodplain areas primarily consisted of wetland. We also separated the areas according to their bioclimate subzones (CAVM) which showed no significant differences in wet/dry units between the subzones; in all cases, wet areas were the majority.

    This work contributes to the mapping and characterization of rivers in the Arctic, with a focus on identifying, describing, and analyzing floodplains in relation to river systems. The results will enhance the understanding of Arctic hydrology, providing a foundation for further analysis of the wetting and drying in the Arctic which is the focus of the ERC project Q-Arctic.


    • CALU: Bartsch, A., Khairullin, R., Efimova, A., Widhalm, B., Muri, X., von Baeckmann, C., Bergstedt, H., Ermokhina, K., Hugelius, G., Heim, B., Leibman, M., & Gruber, C. (2024). Circumarctic Landcover Units (2.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
    • CAVM: Walker, D. A., Raynolds, M. K., Daniëls, F. J., Einarsson, E., Elvebakk, A., Gould, W. A., Katenin, A. E., Kholod, S. S., Markon, C. J., Melnikov, E. S., Moskalenko, N. G., Talbot, S. S., Yurtsev, B. A., and other members of the CAVM Team (2005). The Circumpolar Arctic vegetation map, J. Veg. Sci., 16, 267–282,

    How to cite: von Baeckmann, C., Bartsch, A., Bergstedt, H., Widhalm, B., and Stacke, T.: Investigation of three different river systems and floodplain areas in Arctic permafrost regions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10741,, 2025.

    EGU25-10955 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Wetness Dynamics and Permafrost Thaw Across the Arctic: An Integrated Analysis based on In-Situ and Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Datasets 

    Sree Ram Radha Krishnan, Barbara Widhalm, Annett Bartsch, and Mathias Göckede

    The rapid thawing of Arctic permafrost is driving significant changes in both the hydrological and carbon cycles, with critical implications for surface wetness and ecosystem processes. These changes are contributing to increased surface wetness, which, in turn, accelerates permafrost degradation and alters ecosystem dynamics. Understanding the feedback mechanisms governing these processes is essential for predicting future impacts, as seasonal variations in wetness directly influence permafrost stability and carbon fluxes. This study integrates in-situ measurements and satellite-based observations to investigate wetness variability across the Arctic, providing a comprehensive assessment.

    In-situ soil moisture records, collected across diverse permafrost regions in North America and Eurasia, were combined with high-resolution land cover data from the circumarctic Land Cover Units (CALU) v2.0 dataset and other variables (ground temperature etc.) from ESA CCI Permafrost records. This approach aims to identify the processes and key drivers of wetness variability and quantify wetting/drying trends. To gain deeper insights into the mechanisms governing these dynamics, land cover is incorporated as a critical variable to understand its role in influencing wetness dynamics, including processes such as vegetation growth and permafrost thaw including related disturbances. Statistical analyses were conducted to assess biases in satellite-based soil moisture retrievals and to evaluate the significance of the observed trends. Preliminary findings reveal considerable biases in satellite retrievals.

    Further on, surface deformation and subsidence are associated with permafrost thaw. They can be investigated with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) utilizing data from e.g. Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 PALSAR. These deformation patterns provide critical insights into surface wetness. The findings of this study advance understanding of the current and future impacts of climate change on Arctic ecosystems, particularly in relation to surface wetness dynamics, permafrost stability, and land-atmosphere interactions.

    How to cite: Radha Krishnan, S. R., Widhalm, B., Bartsch, A., and Göckede, M.: Wetness Dynamics and Permafrost Thaw Across the Arctic: An Integrated Analysis based on In-Situ and Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10955,, 2025.

    EGU25-12562 | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Evidence for Arctic paleothermokarst and melt features controlled by sea-level rise in regional sub-bottom profile data 

    Maureen Walton, Jeff Obelcz, Jong Kuk Hong, Charles Paull, Trilby Hill, Taylor Lee, Warren Wood, and Virginia Brake

    Permafrost extends offshore in the Arctic as submarine permafrost. Near the edge of stable, continuous permafrost offshore, fresh groundwater flux contributes to regions of actively deforming thermokarst. Large-magnitude (up to ~30 m) sinkholes have been observed to form over less than a decade, posing a significant threat to offshore infrastructure. Additionally, having recently been discovered in sub-Arctic environments, thermokarst formation may be possible in a wider range of conditions than previously thought. It is critical to understand the evolution of degrading submarine permafrost, thermokarst, and the critical parameters necessary to predict the locations and magnitudes of seabed impacts.

    We present acoustic sub-bottom profile (3.5 kHz Chirp) data collected in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, highlighting observations just offshore of a well-studied, actively deforming thermokarst field near the shelf edge. We map a seismic horizon that marks the top of ice-bearing sediment in the active thermokarst region; seaward, this horizon becomes a choppy unconformity punctuated by low-amplitude reflections that we interpret as fluid escape pathways. Beneath this horizon, an acoustically transparent layer persists seaward until characteristically and abruptly gaining coherent layering. We map the seaward edge of the acoustically transparent layer and interpret it as paleothermokarst. Laminated shallow seismic stratigraphy and a deep continuous acoustic basement surface are also characteristic of the interpreted paleothermokarst zone and absent from active thermokarst regions. The seaward edge of interpreted paleothermokarst has remarkably consistent seafloor depths at our mapped crossings (-372 m ± 34 m), suggesting an influence of depth-related processes controlling this edge. Lowstand sea level (-120 m) and potentially colder bottom-water temperatures may have allowed lowstand thermokarst to form ~187 m deeper than the thermokarst along the Canadian Beaufort margin today (which has seaward edge depths of -185 m ± 24 m). We suggest that the locus of active thermokarst (de)formation has moved landward over time in response to rising sea level, and expect the most active deformation at the landward edge of the thermokarst field.

    How to cite: Walton, M., Obelcz, J., Hong, J. K., Paull, C., Hill, T., Lee, T., Wood, W., and Brake, V.: Evidence for Arctic paleothermokarst and melt features controlled by sea-level rise in regional sub-bottom profile data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12562,, 2025.

    EGU25-13067 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Investigating permafrost degradation below beaver ponds using ground-penetrating radar in northwestern Alaska 

    Jananee Sriharan, Rodrigo Correa Rangel, Benjamin M. Jones, Michael M. Loranty, Ken D. Tape, Thomas W. Glass, Sebastian Zavoico, Paige Kehoe, Sarah Ellen Johnston, Jason A. Clark, and Christopher V. Maio

    The Arctic is warming, resulting in permafrost degradation. Beavers are rapidly colonizing the Arctic tundra and altering the landscape, which can further increase permafrost thaw. While surface changes caused by beaver ponds have been shown using remote sensing imagery, the subsurface changes caused by beaver ponds remain theoretical and undocumented. Here, we used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to non-invasively measure permafrost table depth under beaver pond complexes in northwestern Alaska and quantify the rate of permafrost thaw based on pond age in beaver and non-beaver-affected waterbodies. GPR measurements were collected in August 2024 along transects at 11 sites associated with beaver ponds. These included six sites near Nome on the Seward Peninsula, characterized by discontinuous permafrost with low to moderate ground-ice content, and five sites near Kotzebue on the Baldwin Peninsula, characterized by continuous permafrost with high ground-ice content. An antenna frequency of 160 MHz was used inside a packraft, and measurements were recorded at 0.3 s intervals. We also measured thaw depth (average of 0.5 m +/- 0.2 m) using a probe around the water bodies to calibrate the radar velocity (0.05 m/ns) within the thawed layer. Our results show deeper thaw beneath old (>20 years) beaver ponds and shallower thaw beneath young (~1 year) beaver ponds. Permafrost tables are more clearly identified in radargrams in sites with continuous permafrost and high ground-ice content compared to sites with discontinuous permafrost and low ground-ice content. This study quantifies the effects of beaver engineering on permafrost degradation, enhancing our understanding of the Arctic beaver pond environment and the future of the Arctic tundra ecosystems in a changing climate.

    How to cite: Sriharan, J., Rangel, R. C., Jones, B. M., Loranty, M. M., Tape, K. D., Glass, T. W., Zavoico, S., Kehoe, P., Johnston, S. E., Clark, J. A., and Maio, C. V.: Investigating permafrost degradation below beaver ponds using ground-penetrating radar in northwestern Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13067,, 2025.

    EGU25-13451 | Orals | CR4.2

    Physical modelling of thaw slumps in a geotechnical centrifuge  

    Greg Siemens, Azin Mardani, Ryley Beddoe, Geoff Eichhorn, and Cedric Rugwizangoga

    Retrogressive thaw slumps are a well-known arctic geohazard, which often occur in ice-rich permafrost. Thaw slumps can be triggered by warming and/or anthropogenic influences. Consequences of thaw slumps include changes to the landscape, impacts to infrastructure, sediment and solute loads to watersheds, and release of stored carbon, among other effects. Many studies on thaw slumps in nature include external monitoring through use of time-lapse photography, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and lidar surveys. While field studies using external monitoring equipment provide high quality information about the extent and consequence of thaw slumps, direct observations of thermal and mechanical mechanisms occurring behind the scarp normally remain hidden. Recent advances at Royal Military College of Canada  (RMC) used physical modeling to examine cold regions phenomena with a geotechnical centrifuge. Geotechnical centrifuges apply elevated gravity to small-scale models to create stress-equivalent environments and allow for direct observation of subsurface displacements from digital images of the model's side profile. Instrumentation in thaw slump physical models includes internal temperature measurements using fiber optics and scarp face temperature measurements using a thermal camera. Preliminary results indicate that the thaw slump physical models are conceptually capturing key behaviours observed from external field measurements. Typically, warming begins at the face and surface leading to thawing and and episodic thaw slump events. Failed material migrates downward and away from the intact block. This mechanism repeats until the final slump occurs . Internal displacements, measured using digital image corellation (DIC), show corellation with co-located temperature measurements. Results also show higher ice contents and taller scarps tend to lead to shear failure while lower ice contents and shorter scarps tend to fail via a toppling mechanism. Outcomes of the research will provide a practical analysis tool for analyzing thaw slumps as well as fundamental understanding of pre-failure permafrost mechanics.  

    How to cite: Siemens, G., Mardani, A., Beddoe, R., Eichhorn, G., and Rugwizangoga, C.: Physical modelling of thaw slumps in a geotechnical centrifuge , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13451,, 2025.

    EGU25-15630 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Regional differences in drained lake basin distribution and surface characteristics across the Arctic  

    Helena Bergstedt, Annett Bartsch, Clemens von Baeckmann, Benjamin M. Jones, Amy Breen, Juliane Wolter, Louise Farquharson, Guido Grosse, and Mikhail Kanevskiy

    Lakes and drained lake basins (DLBs) cover 50% to 75% of the landscape in permafrost lowland regions of Alaska, Siberia, and Canada. Lakes and DLBs of different ages create a heterogeneous and dynamic mosaic of terrain units, providing unique habitats for flora and fauna. Lakes and drained lake basins play a crucial role in the permafrost landscape and ecosystem processes, influencing permafrost dynamics, the hydrologic regime, and biogeochemical processes including carbon cycling and greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on time passed since drainage of a given DLB, characteristics like surface roughness, vegetation, moisture, and abundance of ponds may vary between basins. Spatial heterogeneity within a single basin also varies between basins of different age, climatic subzone and underlying surficial geology. The mosaic of vegetative and geomorphic succession within DLBs and the distinct differences between DLBs and surrounding areas can be discriminated with remote sensing and used to derive a landscape-scale classification.

    Here we present an update from the circumpolar DLB mapping effort with a focus on regional differences in DLB distribution and DLB characteristics made visible by this systematic approach. We use the novel pan-Arctic assessment on DLB occurrence and the ESA Permafrost_cci circumpolar landcover unit data to assess the inter and intra-DLB spatial heterogeneity of surface characteristics, comparing different regions across the Arctic. Building on existing research, we utilize parameters like landcover patchiness, pond abundance and wetland distribution to infer relative age of different basins within a defined region. Different regions across the Arctic show different landcover distributions within basins, highlighting the importance for region-specific analysis when studying these landscape features. First results show distinct differences between DLBs of different geographic regions areas of differing surficial geology, based on the landcover occurring within basins and other surface properties. Comprehensive mapping and characterizing of DLBs on a circumpolar scale will allow for improved parametrization of regional to pan-Arctic modelling efforts and improve our understanding of DLBs as a crucial landform in Arctic permafrost landscapes. 

    How to cite: Bergstedt, H., Bartsch, A., von Baeckmann, C., Jones, B. M., Breen, A., Wolter, J., Farquharson, L., Grosse, G., and Kanevskiy, M.: Regional differences in drained lake basin distribution and surface characteristics across the Arctic , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15630,, 2025.

    EGU25-15648 | Orals | CR4.2

    Permafrost sensitivity to modified soil hydro-thermodynamics in MPI-ESM 

    Fidel González-Rouco, Félix García-Pereira, Nagore Meabe-Yanguas, Norman Julius Steinert, Philipp de Vrese, Stephan Lorenz, and Johann Jungclaus

    The intense warming of Arctic soils make them vulnerable to permafrost degradation, with critical implications for the global carbon cycle and regional ecosystems. However, the increasing temperature is not the only factor affecting permafrost degradation. Water availability changes in the Arctic considerably affect the soil moisture and ice presence and subsequently thermal structure in permafrost regions. The interaction between soil hydrology and thermodynamics is still poorly represented by most of the CMIP6 land surface models (LSMs), mainly in terms of the soil depth, vertical resolution, and coupling between hydrology and thermodynamics.

    Using a modified version of the MPI Earth System Model (MPI-ESM), we investigate the sensitivity of permafrost to changes in soil hydrology and thermodynamics. Three different model configurations were tested to simulate varying hydrological states under future warming. Enhanced soil depth and vertical resolution within the land surface model, JSBACH, were also incorporated to capture fine-scale dynamics. The findings reveal that deepening JSBACH reduces the intensity of near-surface warming, reducing the deep permafrost degradation area by 3.1 million km2 and constraining the active layer thickness deepening by the end of the 21st century under high-emission scenarios. However, hydrological configurations significantly influence model outcomes, with DRY and WET setups producing temperature offsets of up to 3°C and varying active layer thicknesses by 1–2 meters. The results highlight the crucial role of hydro-thermodynamic interactions in shaping permafrost dynamics.

    How to cite: González-Rouco, F., García-Pereira, F., Meabe-Yanguas, N., Steinert, N. J., de Vrese, P., Lorenz, S., and Jungclaus, J.: Permafrost sensitivity to modified soil hydro-thermodynamics in MPI-ESM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15648,, 2025.

    EGU25-16275 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Permafrost feature and wetness gradient monitoring in Northern Western Siberia 

    Rustam Khairullin, Barbara Widhalm, Chiara Gruber, Clemens von Baeckmann, Sree Ram Radha Krishnan, Annett Bartsch, and Artem Khomutov

    The northern part of Western Siberia has been identified as one of the hotspot areas of climate change across the Arctic. This region is rich in typical permafrost features (thaw lakes, thaw slumps and polygonal features) and stretches across the current transition zone from continuous to discontinuous permafrost for more than 1200 km. These features are characterized by distinct wetness patterns which are expected to alter with permafrost thaw. Remote sensing has been shown of high value for monitoring this region in the past. This included e.g. landcover and ground subsidence analyses. A main constraint for satellite observations is, however, the spatial resolution when working over such large areas. UAV and VHR satellite observations are only available locally but can be used to investigate the impact of the scale mismatch of permafrost features and satellite observations.

    A recently developed landcover dataset and subsidence (Sentinel-1) records were investigated for this study. The Circumpolar Landcover Unit (CALU) Database provides highly detailed landcover information with a spatial resolution of 10 meters and consists of 23 thematic units. This level of detail is needed for various applications addressing climate change impacts and ecological research. The used retrieval scheme of landcover units employed provides an unprecedented level of detail. The landcover units have been derived by fusion of satellite data using Sentinel-1 (synthetic aperture radar) and Sentinel-2 (multispectral). These units reflect gradients in moisture and vegetation structure. The available spatial detail of CALU has been already shown to provide the means to assess the complexity of lowland permafrost regions, specifically related to thaw lake variations.

    The original CALU database covered the Arctic north of the tree line. The latest version extents towards south, providing additional detail within the tundra-taiga. In addition, about a third of the original extend has been reprocessed (including parts of Western Siberia). Numerous issues of the previous version like data gaps, processing artefacts and minor misclassification cases were addressed.

    Eventually, the satellite derived information has been compared to VHR data, specifically for polygonal tundra. A database including a range of relevant properties (e.g. low centered versus high centered polygons) has been created for this purpose, covering 25 sites sized 1x1 km with polygonal peatlands spread for 30 kilometers from north to south in the northern part of the Pur-Taz interfluve. Permafrost properties of this area are rapidly changing: while it was considered to be continuous in 1991, it is now discontinuous according to CCI Permafrost data. Statistics based on wetness gradients and landcover for polygonal and non-polygonal features were analyzed. Differences in typical wetness gradients between these features were found to be more pronounced in subsidence retrievals than in landcover.

    CALU: Bartsch, A., Khairullin, R., Efimova, A., Widhalm, B., Muri, X., von Baeckmann, C., Bergstedt, H., Ermokhina, K., Hugelius, G., Heim, B., Leibman, M., & Gruber, C. (2024). Circumarctic Landcover Units (2.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

    How to cite: Khairullin, R., Widhalm, B., Gruber, C., von Baeckmann, C., Radha Krishnan, S. R., Bartsch, A., and Khomutov, A.: Permafrost feature and wetness gradient monitoring in Northern Western Siberia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16275,, 2025.

    EGU25-16304 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Bridging the Gap: Nearshore zones as key mediators in Arctic land-ocean carbon fluxes 

    Fleur van Crimpen, Lina Madaj, Joost van Genuchten, Tommaso Tesi, Dustin Whalen, Kevin Scharffenberg, Lisa Bröder, Michael Fritz, and Jorien Vonk

    The Arctic is experiencing rapid warming, leading to prolonged ice-free periods, increased storm activity, and intensified coastal erosion. These changes release organic matter-rich permafrost into the nearshore marine environment, where it either degrades to CO₂ or is transported further for potential burial on the continental shelf. However, only 5% of all sediment samples in the Arctic Ocean have been collected from the nearshore zone (depths shallower than 10 meters), suggesting that this zone has been significantly under-sampled and understudied in the global carbon cycle and along the land-ocean continuum. This study addresses this gap by investigating OC redistribution and transformation in the nearshore zone of the Canadian Beaufort Sea coast.
    We collected sediment samples from five locations adjacent to eroding permafrost coasts along the Canadian Beaufort Sea coast across two shallow zones: the surf zone (0–2 m depth) and the nearshore zone (2–5 m depth). Additional samples included four shelf sediments (30–55 m depth), a sediment trap (2.2 m depth), and surface water samples. The samples were hydrodynamically fractionated (into low and high density with cutoff of 1.8 g/cm³; and subsequently size-fractionated) and analysed for their carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and δ¹³C content. We compare our results with an earlier study that characterized eroding permafrost coastal material.
                    Our findings indicate that in eroding permafrost, the majority of OC is stored in the LD and HD<38 μm fractions, contributing 69±22% and 20±18% of OC, respectively. Fluvial material, as shown by sediment trap analysis, also retains most of its OC in the LD (56%) and HD<38 μm (32%) fractions. In contrast, surf zone sediments (0–2 m depth) predominantly store OC in the HD>200 μm and HD>63 μm fractions, which contribute up to 39±23% and 28±18% of total OC, respectively, while the LD fraction accounts for only 19±24%. In slightly deeper nearshore waters (2–5 m depth), OC distribution shifts, with a larger fraction in HD<38 μm (41±23%) and HD>63 μm (27±26%), and the LD fraction increasing to 28±18%. On the inner shelf, OC distribution undergoes a clear shift, with the HD<38 μm fraction becoming the dominant contributor, representing 86±2.4% of total sediment OC. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images confirm that vascular plant material can be found in the high-density (usually more mineral) fractions, particularly in the high-density (63–200 μm) fraction. These findings highlight the redistribution and transformation of vascular plant material into high-density coarse fractions, which can undergo further degradation. It further highlights the importance of shallow Arctic coastal zones in the global carbon cycle, emphasizing their role in the redistribution, transformation, and burial of terrestrial organic carbon. By focusing on these underrepresented zones, this research provides critical insights into Arctic OC dynamics under the influence of climate-driven changes.

    How to cite: van Crimpen, F., Madaj, L., van Genuchten, J., Tesi, T., Whalen, D., Scharffenberg, K., Bröder, L., Fritz, M., and Vonk, J.: Bridging the Gap: Nearshore zones as key mediators in Arctic land-ocean carbon fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16304,, 2025.

    EGU25-16368 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Active-layer detachment failures and the vulnerability of infrastructure in Alaska and northwestern Canada 

    Eirini Makopoulou, Olli Karjalainen, Panya Lipovsky, Andrée Blais-Stevens, and Jan Hjort

    As the Arctic warms at nearly four times the global average, the thawing of ice-rich permafrost is destabilizing the ground and amplifying thermokarst-related mass-wasting events, including active-layer detachment failures (ALDs). ALDs are translational landslides that occur during summer thaw and are very common across the Arctic in both continuous and discontinuous permafrost areas, most typically in ice-rich unconsolidated sediments. These events are becoming increasingly common and pose significant risks to the region's topography, vegetation, hydrology, infrastructure integrity, and carbon exchange. This study investigates the susceptibility of ALDs in permafrost regions under current climate conditions, with a particular focus on Alaska and the Northwest Territories of Canada. Using the Maxent statistical model, we developed a susceptibility map for ALDs across the study area, providing valuable insights into the spatial distribution of ALD-prone zones. Our analysis revealed high-susceptibility regions in critical areas, including the Brooks Range, Franklin Mountains, and West Crazy Mountains in Alaska, as well as the areas around Dawson City and Mackenzie River regions in Canada. A particular concern is the vulnerability of linear infrastructure, with significant portions (39% in total) of roads and pipelines located in high to very high susceptibility zones. These findings underscore the broader implications of climate change in the Arctic regions, particularly the destabilization of permafrost. They highlight the necessity of adapting infrastructure and management strategies to mitigate the growing risks associated with ALD events.

    How to cite: Makopoulou, E., Karjalainen, O., Lipovsky, P., Blais-Stevens, A., and Hjort, J.: Active-layer detachment failures and the vulnerability of infrastructure in Alaska and northwestern Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16368,, 2025.

    EGU25-17283 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Disturbance by livestock impacts ground temperatures in marginal permafrost areas in Central Mongolia 

    Robin B. Zweigel, Avirmed Dashtseren, Khurelbaatar Temuujin, Anarmaa Sharkhuu, Clare Webster, Hanna Lee, and Sebastian Westermann

    In the Central Mongolian mountains, the presence of permafrost is intimately linked to local topography and ecosystem setting. Permafrost in these areas is generally found on north-facing slopes, and it is an important element of the hydrological regime, contributing to water availability and downstream ecosystem function. Currently, these linked systems are under increased pressure from both intensified land use and climate warming. This includes disturbances from herd animals, who modify the surface energy balance at grassland sites by changing vegetation structure in summer and snow cover in winter. However, the effect of livestock grazing and trampling on the ground thermal regime in these marginal permafrost areas is largely unknown. In this study, we investigate how semi-nomadic pastoralism impacts surface cover and associated ground temperatures at grassland sites in Central Mongolia. We survey vegetation and snow cover in summer and winter and monitor ground surface temperatures (GSTs) over 14 months at plots featuring different grazing intensities (intensely and ungrazed), as well as topographic aspects (north- and south-facing). We find that plots subject to intense grazing feature lower vegetation density and height, reduced snow cover and an absence of surface litter layers. Overall, intensely grazed plots display an intensified annual cycle of GSTs compared to ungrazed plots, with GSTs at a south-facing site up to +5.1°C warmer in summer and up to -5.4°C colder in winter. We further find the impact of grazing on GST to depend on topographic aspect, and at a north-facing site we observe lower seasonal differences in GST of +1.4°C and -2.5°C between grazed and ungrazed plots. At our study sites the seasonal differences in GST largely cancel each other out, with the net effect depending on spring and autumn conditions. These results suggest that surface conditions at grassland sites can be managed by regulating the disturbances caused by livestock, which in turn can modify the ground thermal dynamics. For example, a cooling of ground temperatures can possibly be achieved through shielding areas from grazing during the growing season while allowing or even promoting grazing and trampling in the snow season. Such livestock management could potentially offset current and future surface warming in marginal permafrost areas, contributing to sustained local water availability and ecosystem function.

    How to cite: Zweigel, R. B., Dashtseren, A., Temuujin, K., Sharkhuu, A., Webster, C., Lee, H., and Westermann, S.: Disturbance by livestock impacts ground temperatures in marginal permafrost areas in Central Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17283,, 2025.

    EGU25-18451 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Investigating Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in Saline Permafrost (East Greenland) using Electrical Resistivity Tomography 

    Saskia Eppinger, Thomas Højland Lorentzen, Michael Angelopoulos, Marco Marcer, Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen, and Michael Krautblatter

    Retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS), a common type of thermokarst landslide in Arctic permafrost, have been increasing both in number and distribution in recent years. As RTS are characterized by their dynamic behaviour, a main controlling factor is the ice availability and the sediment properties. Most RTS described in previous studies occur within fine grained permafrost sediments, a multi-layered geological setting, as in this study, uncommon for RTS.

    The study site is located near the Zackenberg Research in Northeast Greenland, within sediments deposited since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), including a salt-rich marine layer. In recent years, two RTS have developed on the eastern riverbank in a multi-facies geological setting. To investigate the RTS, the geological subsurface model, and the threat to the station, five quasi-3D profiles were measured using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The surveys were combined with stratigraphic analysis, core drilling and laboratory tests. To better delineate the extent of the marine layer, whose high salt content strongly affects the geophysical measurements, additional ERT calibrations were performed under laboratory conditions. The combined results highlight the significant influence of a saline marine silt on the geomorphology, permafrost state (unfrozen vs. frozen), and the behaviour of RTS.

    How to cite: Eppinger, S., Lorentzen, T. H., Angelopoulos, M., Marcer, M., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., and Krautblatter, M.: Investigating Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in Saline Permafrost (East Greenland) using Electrical Resistivity Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18451,, 2025.

    EGU25-19325 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Spatial analysis of summer subsidence in Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula (2019 – 2024): linking Sentinel-1 D-InSAR and in-situ observations 

    Bernardo Costa, Gonçalo Vieira, Michael Lim, and Dustin Whalen

    Climate warming is driving widespread changes in Arctic permafrost coasts, which comprise about 1/3 of global coastal areas. The Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula registered average shoreline retreat rates of -0.77 m/yr from 1950 to 2020, with a 31% increase since 1985. Coastal morphology significantly controlled shoreline evolution trends, with low-lying tundra flats retreating at higher rates. Permafrost-thaw subsidence, coastal erosion, and sea level rise are driving high land loss rates in low-lying permafrost areas. This study uses field and remote sensing methods to assess the factors contributing to permafrost subsidence and degradation on regional and local scales. UAS surveys were conducted in 2023 and 2024 in target low-lying coastal sites along the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula such as Reindeer Point, Toker Point, Tuft Point and Warren Point. The UAS DSMs were used to derive very high-resolution digital surface models and to quantify short-term changes in target low-lying coastal sites. Sentinel-1-based D-InSAR analysis for the summers of 2019 to 2024 allowed for assessing regional scale and local surface deformations. We analysed the spatial variability of each summer and the interannual differences between them. Results show prevailing regional subsidence in all summers, with the highest values in 2021, where shoreline retreat hotspots such as Tuktoyaktuk Island, Toker Point, and Warren Point displayed more than 40 cm of subsidence. Warren Point registered the highest surface deformation patterns of the UAV surveyed areas between 2023 and 2024, likely due to coastal inundation events that degraded the permafrost and caused thaw subsidence.

    How to cite: Costa, B., Vieira, G., Lim, M., and Whalen, D.: Spatial analysis of summer subsidence in Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula (2019 – 2024): linking Sentinel-1 D-InSAR and in-situ observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19325,, 2025.

    Thawing permafrost increasingly threatens the integrity of legacy sites from resource exploration and extractive industries. In the Northwest Territories, Canada, over 200 sumps containing drilling wastes within permafrost pose considerable environmental and health risks to local ecosystems and populations relying on the land for subsistence. Exploratory drilling activities have caused long-term disturbances to permafrost terrains and tundra vegetation, necessitating continued monitoring and research. This study investigates the complex interactions between legacy oil well disturbances, permafrost thaw, and vegetation changes. Using a combination of field-based and remote sensing techniques, we mapped and assessed the impacts of four drilling mud sumps located along the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway (Northwest Territories, Canada). Multispectral drone surveys were conducted at the sites to produce high-resolution orthophotos, digital elevation models, landcover and vegetation index maps. Additionally, we measured the active layer thickness, percent cover of plant functional types, and canopy height within vegetation plots distributed along transects that covered both undisturbed and disturbed terrains. Here, we present preliminary findings from these investigations, including statistical and spatial analyses of the gathered data. Decades after decommissioning, the disturbances caused by the drilling mud sumps, coupled with permafrost degradation processes, continue to affect plant communities, shrub growth and vegetation productivity.

    How to cite: Scheer, J. and Siewert, M.: Mapping the impacts of legacy oil wells and permafrost thaw on vegetation in the Northwest Territories, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19570,, 2025.

    EGU25-20294 | ECS | Orals | CR4.2

    Experimental modelling of coastal permafrost weathering in two different setup : a wave flume and a static water tank. 

    Jérémiah Clément, Marianne Font, Jacob Stolle, Dominique Mouazé, and Emilie Lagniel

    Permafrost in high latitudes has been particularly affected by global warming. Its extent is decreasing rapidly, and that can have a significant effect on coastal communities. Because of the ice mixed with sediments, those coasts are affected by important erosive processes, differing from those affecting lower latitudes (Lantuit et al., 2012). The number of studies on coastline dynamics is significant, however the majority have been completed using remote sensing data. Over the last decade numerical models have also been developed (Barnhart et al., 2014) but few studies have tried physical modelling of coastal permafrost (Korte et al., 2020). Physical modelling allows for the observance of the erosional processes during the experiments in the controlled environment. The purpose of this study was to use experimental modelling to improve the knowledge on the processes and the main parameters involved in coastal permafrost weathering.

    For a first set of experiments, permafrost blocks were created in the M2C cold rooms (Caen University, France) using a cubic box made of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The blocks were 30 cm high and 50 cm wide. They were placed in the M2C wave flume (17 m long and 50 cm wide). For the experiments presented here, only regular wave conditions were used. While the block was degrading, it was monitored with several instruments to document its morphological and thermal evolution, along with the hydrodynamic conditions. Their purpose is to observe the changes in permafrost erosion under different experimental configurations (wave height, water height, water temperature, sediment type) to quantify the influence of each parameter on the erosion process. As predicted by different models (Dupeyrat et al., 2011; White et al., 1980) the water temperature remains the critical parameter for the erosion rate, but the granulometry, linked to the porosity and ice structure also has an important impact. Coarser blocks erode at a slower rate. As the block degrades, a cone of loose sediments is formed alongside the receding frozen part. Wave action tends to lower the cone’s slope angle and increase the frequency of gravity-driven processes, as well as creating scallop patterns on the exposed permafrost surface.

    These experiments were compared to a complementary study carried out in a cubic static water tank. The permafrost blocks were smaller (30 cm high and 30 cm wide) and allowed for the testing of the influence of salinity on the degradation of the blocks. The results in the static water tank could then be compared with the wave flume tests. This comparison allowed for the quantification of the mechanical component of the erosion process while also expanding the test series to include the influence of water temperature and salinity. Salinity seems to only have a small impact on the block’s erosion rate in our setup, compared to the water temperature. 

    How to cite: Clément, J., Font, M., Stolle, J., Mouazé, D., and Lagniel, E.: Experimental modelling of coastal permafrost weathering in two different setup : a wave flume and a static water tank., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20294,, 2025.

    EGU25-21061 | Posters on site | CR4.2

    Increasing Extreme Heat Events in the Permafrost Region of the Northern Hemisphere 

    Haipeng Feng, Bo Su, Hongyu Zhao, Tong Zhang, and Cunde Xiao

    Extreme heat events can significantly impact the active-layer thermal conditions of permafrost, yet there is still lack of a comprehensive evaluation of extreme heat events across the permafrost region of the Northern Hemisphere (PRONH). We used six indices to quantify the spatio-temporal patterns and variations of extreme heat events in PRONH under historical (1991–2020) and projected future (2021–2100) periods. Furthermore, we compared the trend of extreme heat events among four types of permafrost and discussed their potential impacts on permafrost dynamics. The results
    indicated that, variations in extreme heat events were not significant across most regions during the historical period. Under high-emission scenarios, the Arctic and Tibet Plateau regions exhibit the rapid increases, and extreme heat events may become the norm in these areas. The northern Greenland permafrost region demonstrates a dual-sided extrusion warming process, with increases in air temperatures accompanied by decreases in the annual highest temperatures. Continuous permafrost will experience more extreme heat events in the future, while the increase of extreme heat events in discontinuous, sporadic, and isolated permafrost is relatively slow but their intensity remains considerable. Due to their scattered distribution, those permafrost types are more susceptible to extreme heat events, potentially leading to higher degradation risks in these regions.

    How to cite: Feng, H., Su, B., Zhao, H., Zhang, T., and Xiao, C.: Increasing Extreme Heat Events in the Permafrost Region of the Northern Hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21061,, 2025.

    EGU25-683 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Cryo-Hydrogeological Dynamics of a Variable-Aperture Fracture Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions 

    Mahsa Malmir, John Molson, and René Therrien

    Cryo-hydrogeological behaviour of groundwater flow through a saturated variable-aperture fracture is numerically simulated in three dimensions. Simulations are carried out using the finite element Heatflow/Smoker model for groundwater flow and heat transport with freeze/thaw and latent heat. We test the effects of fracture aperture distributions and thermo-hydraulic conditions on fluid flow and heat transport through a thawing fracture within an initially frozen porous matrix, and evaluate the relationships between the pre-defined (input) local-scale freezing functions (FFs) and the derived mean (fracture-averaged) freezing functions. Simulations are carried out on a 1x1x0.4 m3 porous medium block with a single variable-aperture horizontal fracture under variable temperature conditions and hydrological forcings, and fracture statistical variables. Results show that hydraulic conditions play a more important role than fracture geometry in determining how fractures open and thaw as heat flows through the system. Derived mean freezing functions differ from the input local-scale freezing functions because of a complex interaction among several factors including heat loss to the matrix, the influence of the hydraulic gradient on fluid flow, and variations in fracture aperture. These elements combine in complex ways, affecting how temperature and unfrozen water content evolve in space and time. Nevertheless, for mean negative temperatures, the simulated mean FFs for a fracture tend to be similar to the local-scale FFs, suggesting applicability to larger fracture systems which assume metre-scale uniform apertures. Under sufficient hydraulic gradients, variable aperture fields are also crucial as they enable preferential flow which helps keep the system open, while with an equivalent mean aperture, the lack of variability results in more uniform cooling and freezing, causing the system to close more rapidly. The results also underscore the pivotal role of the frozen matrix as a thermal sink especially in scenarios characterized by extensive cooling and fracture closure, reducing advective heat transport through the fracture, and steering the system toward a conduction-dominated regime. The numerical simulations enhance our understanding of internal flow dynamics during freezing and thawing in variable-aperture fractures, providing valuable insights for experimental investigations and larger-scale numerical simulations.

    How to cite: Malmir, M., Molson, J., and Therrien, R.: Cryo-Hydrogeological Dynamics of a Variable-Aperture Fracture Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-683,, 2025.

    The seasonal dynamic of the suprapermafrost groundwater significantly affects the runoff generation and confluence in permafrost basins and is a leading issue that must urgently be addressed in hydrological research in cold and alpine regions. In this study, the seasonal dynamic process of the suprapermafrost groundwater level (SGL), vertical gradient changes of soil temperature (ST), moisture content in the active layer (AL), and river level changes were analyzed at four permafrost watersheds in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau using comparative analysis and the nonlinear correlation evaluation method. The impact of freeze–thaw processes on seasonal SGL and the links between SGL and surface runoff were also investigated. The SGL process in a hydrological year can be divided into four periods: (A) a rapid falling period (October–middle November), (B) a stable low-water period (late November–May), (C) a rapid rising period (approximately June), and (D) a stable high-water period (July–September), which synchronously respond to seasonal variations in soil moisture and temperature in the AL. The characteristics and causes of SGL changes significantly varied during these four periods. The freeze–thaw process of the AL regulated SGL and surface runoff in permafrost watersheds. During period A, with rapid AL freezing, the ST had a dominant impact on the SGL; in period B, the AL was entirely frozen due to the stably low ST, while the SGL dropped to the lowest level with small changes. During period C, ST in the deep soil layers of AL (below 50 cm depth) significantly impacted the SGL (nonlinear correlation coefficient R2>0.74, P <0.05), whereas the SGL change in the shallow soil layer (0–50 cm depth) showedacloserassociation with soil moisture content. Rainfall was the major cause for the stable high SGL during period D. In addition, the SGLs in periods C and D were closely linked to the retreat and flood processes of river runoff. The SGL contributed approximately 57.0–65.8% of the river runoff changes in period D. These findings will help to facilitate future hydrological research in the permafrost basins and the development and utilization of water resources in cold and alpine regions.

    How to cite: Qin, J. and Ding, Y.: Links between seasonal suprapermafrost groundwater, the hydrothermal change of the active layer, and river runoff in alpine permafrost watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1552,, 2025.

    EGU25-3108 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Volume change due to thawing/freezing processes in the context of nuclear waste repository safety assessment 

    Hailong Sheng, Markus Schedel, Hung Pham, Christoph Schüth, Ingo Sass, and Wolfram Rühaak

    Safety assessments of high-level radioactive waste repositories require the long-term performance assessment of the repository system over a 1-million-year evaluation period. This timeframe encompasses approximately ten glacial-interglacial cycles in northern lattitudes, during which processes such as glaciation, permafrost formation, and thawing may impose significant mechanical and thermal stresses on the geological barrier. These environmental dynamics will alter the parameters of the overburden rock. Although it is not expected that this reduces the safety of the repository, it is still required to have a good understanding of the respective processes to be able to obtain an integrated safety assessment.

    To investigate the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on geological and engineered barriers, in this study both consolidated materials (e.g., sandstone, granite, and claystone) and unconsolidated materials (e.g., clay and sand) will be tested. For the measurements an enhanced triaxial experimental system is used. This system allows to observe volume changes induced by freeze-thaw cycles under controlled confining pressure conditions. The experimental design captures the relationships between freeze-thaw-induced volume changes and key factors, including material properties, temperature variations, the number of cycles, and saturation.

    The correlation models obtained from the experiments will be used for the validation and refinement of three-dimensional finite element models, and the experimental results will be reproduced and to extend the findings to broader spatial scales through numerical simulations.

    At the hydrogeological scale, a comprehensive catchment model will be applied to evaluate the interactions between glacial cycles, regional groundwater flow mechanisms, and their cumulative impact on the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repositories. This study provides critical insights into the long-term stability of geological barriers under cyclical freeze-thaw conditions and offers a robust foundation for advanced repository safety assessments in glacial-interglacial scenarios.

    How to cite: Sheng, H., Schedel, M., Pham, H., Schüth, C., Sass, I., and Rühaak, W.: Volume change due to thawing/freezing processes in the context of nuclear waste repository safety assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3108,, 2025.

    EGU25-6233 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Groundwater Dynamics in the Swedish Sub-Arctic Region: Inferring from Standardized Index Based on Model and Observation Data 

    Wahdan Achmad Syaehuddin, Samuel Jonson Sutanto, Ryan Sponseller, and Ylva Sjöberg

    The Arctic and Subarctic regions are experiencing faster warming than the global average. This warming already increases the seasonal thaw depth of soils in permafrost areas, as evidenced by monitoring across the Arctic region. Accompanied by changes in the ground surface, diminishing permafrost could increase hydrological connectivity and groundwater flow, which in turn could influence the rate of thawing via impacts on soil thermal properties and advective transport of heat with groundwater. Yet, our basic understanding of the factors that drive groundwater dynamics in high-latitude landscapes remains limited. Here we report on a preliminary study in Abisko, Swedish sub-arctic that explores the meteorological factors that influence groundwater conditions. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Groundwater Index (SGI), and Standardized Precipitation-Evaporation Index (SPEI) were used to calculate anomalies in precipitation and groundwater conditions from 1991-2018. These indexes indicate the dryness and wetness of a region. The SGI, SPI, and SPEI were computed using observational data from the Swedish Geological Survey, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and the output of LISFLOOD models. PET was calculated using the Thornthwaite method. The result shows that the observation-based SGI exhibits a strong correlation with the SPI-x, when more than six months of precipitation data are accumulated, demonstrating an R-value of 0.64 for SPI-6 and 0.58 for SPI-12. This indicates a time lag in groundwater response to precipitation, likely due to seasonal thaw cycles. Evapotranspiration also shows as an important factor although in cold regions where the correlation between SGI and SPEI-3 and SPEI-6 are 0.56 and 0.52, respectively. Evapotranspiration likely reduced the impact of precipitation based on this standardized index. Thornthwaite method might underestimate the PET value, thus, calculation with other methods might be beneficial. Although the model bias for SGI was low (0.14), the model has inadequate representation relative to observations, with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.85 and a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.15. The complexity of hydrology in this region results in poor model fit, which indicates that other than meteorological factors, snow depth, ground surface condition, and adjacent surface water potentially influence groundwater dynamics. Future research will examine those factors on groundwater interactions in sub-arctic climates with surrounding surface water to improve our understanding of groundwater dynamics in this region via observation and remote sensing techniques.

    How to cite: Syaehuddin, W. A., Sutanto, S. J., Sponseller, R., and Sjöberg, Y.: Groundwater Dynamics in the Swedish Sub-Arctic Region: Inferring from Standardized Index Based on Model and Observation Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6233,, 2025.

    EGU25-6315 | Orals | CR4.3

    Numerical and experimental studies of coupled heat and water transfers in permafrost-bearing continental surfaces: advances of the HiPerBorea project 

    Orgogozo Laurent, Xavier Thibault, Prokushkin Anatoly, Alonso-González Esteban, Gascoin Simon, Cazaurang Simon, Marcoux Manuel, Quintard Michel, Audry Stéphane, Shirokova Liudmila, Muesser Antonin, Mouche Emmanuel, Loyko Sergey, Lim Artem, and Pokrovsky Oleg

    Quantitative simulation of permafrost dynamics, both under current climatic conditions and future climate change scenarios, presents significant challenges. These include, but are not limited to, long computation times, the construction of accurate surface boundary conditions, and the estimation of transfer properties for soil, organic matter, and vegetation layers that cover (sub-)Arctic regions. The challenges of permafrost simulation are exemplified by the broad range of scenarios for near-surface permafrost evolution under climate change, as indicated by climate models. These range from minimal changes by 2100 under the SSP1-2.6 scenario to complete disappearance as early as 2080 under the SSP5-8.5 scenario (IPCC, 2022). The HiPerBorea project ( has developed and applied innovative methodologies to address these challenges. This includes leveraging high-performance computing (Orgogozo et al., 2023; Xavier et al., 2024) and experimental characterizations with X-ray computed tomography (Cazaurang et al., 2023, Cazaurang, 2023). Results will be presented for case studies at two environmental monitoring sites in Siberia: a continuous permafrost area with boreal forest in Central Siberia and a discontinuous permafrost-bearing area with peatlands in Western Siberia. For instance, in the Central Siberia study site, a 40 km2 headwater catchment, projected increase of the active layer depth by 2100 under scenario SSP5-8.5 corresponds to a ∼350 km southward shift in current climatic conditions (Xavier et al., 2024). As another example of results, the hydraulic conductivity of the tens of cm thick moss cover of the Western Siberia site has been shown to be higher than previously reported in the literature (Cazaurang et al., 2023). The associated applications and perspectives for further development will also be discussed.


    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2022. Cambridge University Press.

    Cazaurang S. et al., 2023. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 431–451, 2023

    Cazaurang S., 2023. PhD thesis of Toulouse INP.

    Orgogozo L. et al., 2023. Computer Physics Communications 282 (2023) 108541

    Xavier T. et al., 2024. The Cryosphere, 18, 5865–5885,

    How to cite: Laurent, O., Thibault, X., Anatoly, P., Esteban, A.-G., Simon, G., Simon, C., Manuel, M., Michel, Q., Stéphane, A., Liudmila, S., Antonin, M., Emmanuel, M., Sergey, L., Artem, L., and Oleg, P.: Numerical and experimental studies of coupled heat and water transfers in permafrost-bearing continental surfaces: advances of the HiPerBorea project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6315,, 2025.

    EGU25-7036 | ECS | Orals | CR4.3

    Where, when, and why do frozen landscapes erode faster than unfrozen ones? 

    Jonas Eschenfelder, Shawn Chartrand, Mark Jellinek, and Cansu Culha

    A fundamental research question of periglacial geomorphology is whether and how ground ice interacts with surface water flow to change grain-scale sediment transport dynamics, and how those processes translate to the landscape-scale, potentially changing the timing and intensity of erosion events. Polar deserts in the Canadian High Arctic serve as ideal field laboratories to isolate the effects of ground ice on particle transport due to a lack of vegetation and by being largely undisturbed since the last glacial maximum.

    During the Summer 2024 field season at the Flying Squirrel polygon field on Devon Island, we observed a complex of pools interconnected by channelised polygon troughs and relatively steeper relict gravel deposits, as well as evidence of recent transport of gravel- and sand-sized particles. However, despite visiting during a storm event, we did not observe active transport and only limited surface water run-off. As such, the timing and magnitude(s) of the flow events  that caused the gravel deposits are unclear, nor do we know the thermal state of the bed during the time of transport. 

    To investigate this research gap, we conducted flume experiments with an initially frozen bed under rarefied transport conditions to investigate at what thermal state sediment transport is favoured and compare the bed behaviour to unfrozen experiments. Particle flux is maximised at the start of the frozen experiments before decaying to an approximate steady-state background flux similar to the unfrozen experiments, following a power law with the relationship . At early stages of the frozen experiments, hydraulic jumps develop in concert with variations of the local thaw depth, which result in enhanced particle entrainment and relatively rapid thawing downstream, as the hydraulic jumps migrate upstream. Beneath hydraulic jumps, we observe forced injections of water into the partially-frozen bed, which can spread laterally along an evolving thaw front. Depending on the thaw front depth, the combined effects of locally-intensified melting, increased pore pressure and mechanical disruption of the bed can enhance particle entrainment locally and increase the overall erosion rate compared to unfrozen experiments. Enhanced rates of particle entrainment continue until hydraulic jump activity diminishes and the injected surface water no longer penetrates to the thaw front. Accordingly, we develop a maximum injection depth, which is strongly dependent on the local permeability, as well as the jump height.

    Our experimental results show that the thermal state of the bed can have a strong influence on the local entrainment rate at the grain-scale with entrainment being promoted at a shallow thaw depth. We hypothesise that this sensitivity also translates to the landscape-scale, where all water has to travel as overland flow when the active layer is thin, whereas much of the water supply can be compensated as subsurface flow late in the summer, minimising particle entrainment. This could explain the lack of active erosion at the Flying Squirrel polygon field during the late summer when the active layer was approximately 1m deep.

    How to cite: Eschenfelder, J., Chartrand, S., Jellinek, M., and Culha, C.: Where, when, and why do frozen landscapes erode faster than unfrozen ones?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7036,, 2025.

    EGU25-7078 | Orals | CR4.3

    Permafrost ecohydrology of beaver ponds in Arctic Alaska 

    Ken Tape, Tom Glass, Benjamin Jones, Rodrigo Rangel, and Sebastian Zavoico

    Beavers (Castor canadensis) are rapidly colonizing the North American Arctic, transforming aquatic and riparian tundra ecosystems. Arctic tundra may respond differently than temperate regions to beaver engineering due to the presence of permafrost and the paucity of unfrozen water during winter. Here, we provide a detailed investigation of 11 beaver pond complexes across a climatic gradient in Arctic Alaska, addressing questions about the permafrost setting surrounding ponds, the influence of groundwater inputs on beaver colonization and resulting ponds, and the change in surface water and aquatic overwintering habitat. Using field measurements, in-situ dataloggers, and remote sensing, we evaluate permafrost, water quality, pond ice phenology, and physical characteristics of impoundments, and place our findings in the context of pond age, local climate, permafrost setting, and the presence of perennial groundwater inputs. We show beavers are accelerating the effects of climate change by thawing permafrost adjacent to ponds and increasing liquid water during winter. Beavers often exploited groundwater upwellings in discontinuous permafrost, and summertime water temperatures at groundwater-fed (GW) beaver ponds were roughly 5°C lower than sites lacking perennial groundwater inputs (NGW). Late winter liquid water was present at all but a recently abandoned pond complex, although liquid water below seasonal ice cover was shallow (0–82 cm at GW ponds; 0–15 cm at NGW ponds) and ice was thick (median: 83 cm at GW ponds; 120 cm at NGW ponds). Water was less acidic at GW than NGW sites and had higher specific electrical conductivity and more dissolved oxygen. We estimated 3.2 dams/km of stream at sites on the recently-colonized (last ~10 years) Baldwin Peninsula and 8.0 dams/km on the Seward Peninsula, where beavers have been present longer (~20+ years) and groundwater-surface water connectivity is more common. Our study highlights the importance of climatic and physiographic context, especially permafrost presence and groundwater inputs, in determining the characteristics of the Arctic beaver pond environment. As beavers continue their expansion into tundra regions, these characteristics will describe the future of aquatic and riparian Arctic ecosystems.

    How to cite: Tape, K., Glass, T., Jones, B., Rangel, R., and Zavoico, S.: Permafrost ecohydrology of beaver ponds in Arctic Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7078,, 2025.

    EGU25-7345 | Orals | CR4.3

    The role of water tracks in permafrost hillslope hydrology 

    Sarah Evans, Sarah Godsey, Joanmarie Del Vecchio, Rachel Harris, Rebecca Frei, Brandon Yokeley, Aaron Mohammed, Clara Chew, Kaden Cusack, Emma Ferm, Key Hatch, Gabrielle Matejowsky, Raven Polk, and Cansu Culha

    Hillslope hydrology in upland permafrost regions (e.g., Alaska, High Canadian Arctic, Russia, Antarctica) is often dominated by water tracks, zones of enhanced soil moisture in unchannelized depressions that concentrate water flow downslope. Continued warming of permafrost regions may alter hydrologic cycling, leading to increased frequency of extreme hydrologic events like drought and flooding and modification to biogeochemical cycles. It is therefore imperative to parametrize the role of water tracks in the hydrology of the permafrost environments. In this study, we synthesize uniting and distinguishing hydrologic characteristics of water tracks across permafrost regions and then examine water track seasonality, occurrence, and contribution to the permafrost hydrologic cycle using field observation, remote sensing, and numerical modeling for permafrost hillslopes on the North Slope of Alaska, USA. Results suggest that water tracks occur across climate and hydrologically disparate permafrost landscapes but have ubiquitous surface wetness, vegetation, and snow duration patterns that can be identified remotely using 3-m resolution PlanetScope imagery. Detailed field investigation from 2022-2024 of three study sites with ~20 water tracks and ~15 gullies suggests that water tracks are hydrologically distinct from larger, variably channelized hillslope features and require more precipitation and time to initiate discharge following rainfall events. Across these study sites, concentration-discharge relationships reveal that water tracks can exhibit drastically different dynamics of particulate and dissolved organic carbon export based on landscape attributes. Young water fraction analysis found that in 2023, 24–78% of runoff from the study sites was young water less than 35 days old during the observed summer thaw season, and model-estimated young water fraction increased by two-fold when factoring in the fall shoulder season. Geophysical investigations indicate the presence of buried ice wedges on the margins of studied water tracks, supporting the idea that water tracks may form from the coalesced drainage of patterned ground. Over time, these drainage patterns likely evolve and widen into present-day water tracks that act as flow conduits and discharge liquid water into the fall shoulder season after the adjacent hillslope has frozen. Our ongoing analysis explores how water track flow seasonality may influence observed ground collapse and mediate or enhance the permafrost-carbon feedback. 

    How to cite: Evans, S., Godsey, S., Del Vecchio, J., Harris, R., Frei, R., Yokeley, B., Mohammed, A., Chew, C., Cusack, K., Ferm, E., Hatch, K., Matejowsky, G., Polk, R., and Culha, C.: The role of water tracks in permafrost hillslope hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7345,, 2025.

    EGU25-7545 | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Influences of seasonal source waters on changing Arctic hydrology 

    Hotaek Park and Kazuyoshi Suzuki

    The warming climate in the Arctic terrestrial regions resulted in earlier snowmelt in spring, deeper active layer thickness, and larger rainfall in the summer season. These changes have driven the changes to higher summer evapotranspiration and increased river discharge in autumn and the cold season, evidently indicating shifts in the seasonal hydrological processes. Very few studies have provided quantitative assessments of changes in the seasonal hydrological processes, including contributions of the seasonal source waters (i.e., snow, rain, and ground ice water) to the changes. A land surface model, coupled with a tracer scheme tracking along the flow route of individual source waters in the hydrological processes, was used to assess the changes in the pan-Arctic water budget for the past four decades. The model results showed that summer-sourced rainwater contributed to the increases in summer evapotranspiration and autumnal river discharge during the study period. In addition, the autumn rainwater was connected to the peak river discharge and evapotranspiration in the spring of the following year, suggesting a soil-water memory effect that the autumnal rainfall, stored as frozen soil water during the winter season was reactivated at the spring season with soil thawing. The permafrost degradation-induced ground ice meltwater showed a weak relationship with the increasing river discharge. This model study provides a possibility to distinguish quantitatively the changes in the Arctic ecohydrological processes, resulting from the future climate warming.

    How to cite: Park, H. and Suzuki, K.: Influences of seasonal source waters on changing Arctic hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7545,, 2025.

    EGU25-10103 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Observing fresh water freezing in highly detailed 3D printed fracture replicas 

    Michael Kröhn

    The study of groundwater freezing in fractures of crystalline rock is essential for understanding subsurface flow dynamics during ice age events. Freezing significantly alters the hydraulic permeability, which is particularly relevant for the safety assessment of a nuclear waste repository in crystalline rock. German law mandates safety evaluations for at least one million years, during which multiple ice ages are likely to occur and potentially causing freezing in fractures.

    Due to the challenges of directly observing fresh water freezing in real rock, an alternative measurement approach using 3D scanning of fracture surfaces and subsequently 3D printing of fracture replicas was investigated. Surface data of natural fractures in granitic rock were captured with a high-resolution 3D scanner. After post-processing the datasets, a digital model of a test cell for flow tests in the lab including the fracture surfaces was created and printed. The cell was fabricated using a high-resolution Formlabs Form 3 printer with a clear resin. This material was chosen for its transparency and durability under low temperatures.

    The printed test cell was placed in a climate chamber and equilibrated to a temperature of- 5°C. Freezing processes were monitored by an industrial camera using a 0.05% methylene blue solution, which changes color from dark blue to transparent during crystallization. Initial tests did not account for the expansion of the tracer solution during freezing which proved to occur in significant proportions separating the two fracture halves. In subsequent tests, this shift was restricted using a metal frame. A series of scenarios with varying temperatures and inflow rates were tested.

    It turned out that both, the freezing pattern and the point where freezing originated, varied between individual experiments. Occasionally, freezing even began in the tubing, causing blockages and leading to premature termination of the experiments.

    To analyze the images, threshold segmentation was applied to the digital photographs using Matlab. This resulted in a binary array that represents the state of the methylene blue solution for each pixel. Each entry in this array corresponds to an area of approximately 150 by 150 µm. Although the image processing technique is advanced, the sensitive test setup was still affected by external disturbances. These disturbances resulted in spikes and other artifacts in the images. While some of these issues were mitigated, it was not possible to eliminate all disturbances and achieve a completely undisturbed test.

    How to cite: Kröhn, M.: Observing fresh water freezing in highly detailed 3D printed fracture replicas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10103,, 2025.

    EGU25-12367 | ECS | Orals | CR4.3

    Geophysical monitoring of hydrological dynamics within a discontinuous permafrost environment 

    Sebastian Uhlemann, Chen Wang, Stijn Wielandt, Sylvain Fiolleau, Craig Ulrich, Ian Shirley, and Baptiste Dafflon

    Increasing temperatures are rapidly changing the Arctic ecosystem. Yet, we are missing a predictive understanding of the interactions within the bedrock to atmosphere column that are driving ecosystem evolution and carbon-climate feedback. A critical knowledge gap within these systems are the dynamics of surface water - groundwater interactions, and infiltration and groundwater flow processes, which drive permafrost thaw and biogeochemical processes. Geophysical techniques have been shown to be a valuable tool to assess the intermediate depths (1 - 10’s of m) that are particularly important to understanding the impact of climate change on permafrost thaw and related hydrological dynamics. In this study we highlight how automated geophysical monitoring can reveal rapid and heterogeneous changes in thermohydrological conditions that are characteristic for discontinuous permafrost systems.

    Given the remote environment, we will first introduce the field setup that allowed us to acquire continuous data for over 4 years. We present the variations in ground conditions and associated changes in data quality, which highlight the expected poor data during the winter season, once the ground is frozen. Focusing on the monitoring data, we show that summer rainfall events drive distinct infiltration patterns at locations of a deep active layer. Snowmelt and rainfall events drive considerable variations in groundwater level, which are confirmed by borehole information and driven by flow below the permafrost. Data acquired in early winter shows spatially heterogeneous ground freezing, mostly controlled by the microtopography. These observations provide novel information that will help in better understanding the complex hydrological processes taking place in discontinuous permafrost environments, and will eventually lead to better parameterization of ecosystem models.

    How to cite: Uhlemann, S., Wang, C., Wielandt, S., Fiolleau, S., Ulrich, C., Shirley, I., and Dafflon, B.: Geophysical monitoring of hydrological dynamics within a discontinuous permafrost environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12367,, 2025.

    EGU25-14348 | ECS | Orals | CR4.3

    Does stream chemistry reflect thaw depth on a seasonal scale across Alaskan Arctic permafrost catchments? 

    Amelia Grose, Jay Zarnetske, Arsh Grewal, Abigail Rec, Jonathan O'Donnell, Arial Shogren, Benjamin Abbott, and Breck Bowden

    The Arctic is rapidly changing due to increasing temperatures and hydrologic intensification. The Arctic is also data-limited, necessitating the development of new tools to document and quantify ecosystem responses to these changes. Some of the hardest changes to observe are in the subsurface, including thaw depth conditions in continuous permafrost regions. Thaw depth is dynamic across the thaw season as well as on a longer, interannual scale as the Arctic warms and permafrost degrades. Measuring thaw depth often requires intensive sampling or remote sensing capabilities that have spatiotemporal limitations; therefore, little is known about complex subsurface dynamics and how they will affect Arctic ecosystems in the future. Often, surface waters are our best proxy for subsurface dynamics, as streams integrate signals from the landscape as water travels through the hillslope subsurface. In permafrost systems, water and solute flowpaths are governed by thaw depth dynamics, and flowpaths through variable soil chemical conditions govern downgradient stream water chemistry. Hence, thaw depth may be reflected in stream chemistry. Prior work looking at long-term stream chemistry data suggests there are multiple soil-derived solutes that are tracers of thaw in Arctic catchments, and some increase with thaw over decadal timescales. Building on this work, we want to know if this stream chemical tracer approach works at different spatiotemporal scales, such as within a thaw season as thaw depth increases, and across catchments with varying characteristics (e.g., slope, vegetation). We hypothesize that with more frequent stream chemistry observations across a thaw season, we will also see these soil chemical tracers signal seasonal thaw, and that the signal’s strength will vary depending on catchment characteristics.  

    To determine whether we can use chemical tracers as proxies of thaw depth across a diverse set of catchments on Alaska’s North Slope, we sampled the stream outlets of three catchments underlain by continuous permafrost across three thaw seasons (2021-2023). We measured continuous discharge and analyzed nine different ions including Ca, Fe, Na, and S to identify seasonal patterns in stream chemistry, as these element concentrations change with soil depth in this region. As discharge could impact instream solute concentrations, we also analyzed concentration-discharge relationships to determine whether discharge was significantly influencing concentration and reducing the tracer’s utility in signalling thaw depth.  

    We found that the efficacy of the stream tracer approach to detect thaw on a seasonal scale is seemingly dependent on catchment characteristics, as we suspected. Our two low-gradient tundra systems did not show consistent patterns in the tracers; however, we saw patterns in multiple tracers in our high-gradient alpine catchment. In our low-gradient catchments, solute concentration was often impacted by discharge, making it difficult to assess the impact of thaw depth on chemistry. Overall, understanding thaw depth dynamics will become increasingly important with climate change, necessitating the development of tools to document and predict thaw depth at a range of scales. Here, we find that stream tracers of thaw at the catchment scale show promise, but it is much more nuanced and complex than preliminary studies indicated.

    How to cite: Grose, A., Zarnetske, J., Grewal, A., Rec, A., O'Donnell, J., Shogren, A., Abbott, B., and Bowden, B.: Does stream chemistry reflect thaw depth on a seasonal scale across Alaskan Arctic permafrost catchments?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14348,, 2025.

    EGU25-14360 | ECS | Orals | CR4.3

    Climate Change Impacts on Contaminant Transport and Active Layer Groundwater Dynamics in the High Arctic, Canada 

    Selsey Stribling, Ruta Basijokaite, Aaron Mohammed, Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé, and Jeffrey McKenzie

    The Arctic is warming two to four times faster than the global average, leading to permafrost thaw and changes in groundwater flow due to alterations in the timing and the depth of the active layer. These changes may lead to previously immobilized contaminants being transported through the active layer; these new pathways for contaminant migration raises concerns, given that there are an estimated 13,000 to 20,000 industrially contaminated sites, many of which remain unremediated. Understanding how the mobilization of contaminants in a high-Arctic settings is crucial to understand to ensure the safety of northern community water resources. The objective of our research is to assess how changing active layer dynamics affects the transport behavior of contaminants in a continuous permafrost hillslope environment via a numerical modeling approach.

    For this study, we use SUTRA-solice, a version of the US Geological Survey SUTRA model that incorporates mass transport processes with groundwater flow and energy transport with dynamic freeze-thaw processes. We simulate a 280 m long, two-dimensional transect that terminates in a lake. The site has an unconsolidated overburden of 2 m over crystalline bedrock and contains continuous permafrost. The model results focus on seasonal contaminant migration through the active layer and discharge into the lake via groundwater flux. By untangling the relationship between climate change processes (increased temperature, precipitation, etc.) alongside contaminants migration, we are able to understand how constituent migration through evolving active layers will impact down-slope water sources.

    How to cite: Stribling, S., Basijokaite, R., Mohammed, A., Lamontagne-Hallé, P., and McKenzie, J.: Climate Change Impacts on Contaminant Transport and Active Layer Groundwater Dynamics in the High Arctic, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14360,, 2025.

    In the northern periphery, acceleration of hydrological cycle due to global warming include an increase in frequency and intensity of extreme events. Among the consequences of these extreme events in wintertime one can observe an increase of damage to the built environment and natural landscape in the form of fractures. These result from changes in the rain/snow relationship, snowmelt and freeze-thaw cycles. Sometimes these fractures initiate and develop in a manner accompanied by a sudden release of (seismic) energy, commonly known as frost quakes.

    Our objective is to study soil freezing, cryosuction phenomena and its relation to occurrence of frost quakes in northern periphery in Finland in the city of Sodankylä. We build a 1D hydrological model that accounts for snow accumulation and melt and heat transfer into to soil and liquid/gas/ice content in subsurface. The hydrological 1D model was calibrated against the measured soil water content and temperature at five different depths in soil during the wintertime 2023/2024. The aim of this study is to understand the ice lens formation, cryosuction process, change in the air and the soil temperature and how these are connected to frost quake occurrence. During the winter 2023/2024 several frost quakes occurred in Sodankylä that are related to rapid change in air temperature, soil temperature and change in cryosuction pressure.

    How to cite: Okkonen, J. and Remes, J.: Thermo-hydrological modeling of ground freezing and its relations to occurrence of frost quakes in northern Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14966,, 2025.

    EGU25-14997 | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Subsurface hydrology in Arctic and Subarctic Regions 

    Jeffrey McKenzie, Brendan Mulligan, and Selsey Stribling

    Groundwater and surface water combine to form a single water resource in Artic and Subarctic regions. Groundwater is a critical for providing water for streams, maintaining ecological systems, and as a water resource. Across Alaska, the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut almost 50% of the population rely on groundwater for their drinking water supply, including more than 97% of Yukoners. There are many concerns about Northern groundwater vulnerability due to climate change as arctic warming is two to four times the global average rate, accompanied with increasing precipitation rates.

    Detecting change in Arctic cryohydrogeologic systems is difficult due to a lack of groundwater observation data. We present results from government groundwater monitoring programs in Alaska and the Yukon, including initial results from the Yukon Observation Well Network (YOWN), a unique observatory for monitoring climate change impacts on northern groundwater. The YOWN was adapted from a small Yukon-wide observation program that started with one observation well at the outlet of the Wolf Creek Research Basin in 2001. The network is rapidly growing with now more than 75 wells between the latitudes of 60.04º and 67.57º, with continuous water level observations and periodic water quality measurements.

    Observation well results show that groundwater levels follow seasonal and local climate trends, particularly for snow melt. Broadly, the wells show that groundwater recharge is dominated by snow melt, and most wells do not show a seasonal rise in water levels in the fall, as is seen at lower latitudes. The observations show that the snowpack from an antecedent winter is the primary control on a subsequent year’s groundwater levels. Many wells also show multi-year increases in both winter and summer water levels. This ‘groundwater staircase’ demonstrate that some cryohydrogeology systems are affected by multiyear climatic controls across the region. The results have important implications for managing water resource vulnerability and detecting climate change impacts on Northern groundwater systems.

    How to cite: McKenzie, J., Mulligan, B., and Stribling, S.: Subsurface hydrology in Arctic and Subarctic Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14997,, 2025.

    EGU25-15469 | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Towards a better representation of Arctic hydrology in the ICON-LAND model 

    Tobias Stacke, Philipp de Vrese, Veronika Gayler, and Victor Brovkin

    Recent advancements in our global land surface model, ICON-LAND, have focused on enhancing the representation of surface and soil hydrology, temperature profiles in snow pack and soil as well as the spatial structuring of land surface characteristics. These improvements are done in the framework of the Q-Arctic project and aim to provide a more realistic simulation of Arctic hydrology which is required to capture the effects of processes like permafrost degradation and its impact on Arctic soil carbon storages.

    Key developments include the implementation of an advanced tiling infrastructure for soil moisture dynamics, which enhance the model's ability to simulate land surface heterogeneity. This is particularly important in regions with close proximity of wet and dry surfaces, e.g. in the Arctic tundra or on hillslopes. Additionally, updates to the soil ice representation have improved the accuracy of heat transport within the soil profile. This allows for a more consistent simulation of surface temperature, as well as water and energy fluxes, which are crucial for understanding phenomena such as permafrost thawing and its implications for carbon release. These enhancements not only contribute to a better representation of Arctic processes but also improve the overall reliability of the ICON-LAND.

    In our presentation, we will demonstrate the effects of these improvements on the simulation of Arctic hydrology, but also explore potential weak spots in our model's land physics and the necessary steps to counter them.

    How to cite: Stacke, T., de Vrese, P., Gayler, V., and Brovkin, V.: Towards a better representation of Arctic hydrology in the ICON-LAND model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15469,, 2025.

    EGU25-15539 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Modelling of groundwater age under variable permafrost and environmental conditions 

    Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé, Jeffrey McKenzie, and Barret Kurylyk

    Groundwater discharge age is a useful metric for retracing flowpaths, and is essential to estimate an aquifer’s renewability and vulnerability. As permafrost thaws in cold regions, supra-permafrost aquifers will expand, which will cause new pathways to develop and potentially alter the spatiotemporal distribution, quantity, and age of groundwater discharge. While numerous modelling studies have analysed the shift in groundwater discharge magnitude and patterns in permafrost regions, the associated changes to groundwater age have been largely overlooked. Using heat-transfer and solute-transport numerical models for cold regions, we recreated various archetypical conceptual models of permafrost-groundwater distributions. The object is to use different environmental conditions to evaluate which setting could result in a pronounced shift in groundwater discharge age and to identify the most significant parameters driving alterations to groundwater discharge age. In general, the results show that groundwater discharge is expected to become gradually older with permafrost thaw. Continuous permafrost settings exhibit very small changes in groundwater age until the lowering permafrost table allows for the formation of a supra-permafrost talik. The biggest shift occurs when taliks evolve from closed to open by connecting supra- and sub-permafrost aquifers. These insights are useful to determine the potential vulnerability and renewability of newly formed aquifers in permafrost settings.

    How to cite: Lamontagne-Hallé, P., McKenzie, J., and Kurylyk, B.: Modelling of groundwater age under variable permafrost and environmental conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15539,, 2025.

    EGU25-16642 | ECS | Orals | CR4.3

     Investigating snowmelt infiltration into tundra soils on Qeqertarsuaq (Disko Island), Greenland 

    Evan James Wilcox, Hannah Plötz, Oliver Kaufmann, and Lars Kutzbach

    Snow represents the single largest water source in most regions of the Arctic, but few investigations of snowmelt infiltration into frozen and unfrozen soils have been conducted in this region. To investigate the infiltration of snowmelt into tundra soils, we collected vertical soil cores before snowmelt (mid-April), mid-snowmelt (mid-May), and after snowmelt (early June) from Blæsedalen, Qeqertarsuaq (Disko Island), Greenland at sites varying in soil properties, snow depth, and landscape position. Soil cores were separated into sections, after which we measured bulk density, gravimetric water content (GWC), soil texture, organic content, and the water isotope composition of the soil water of each soil core section. Water isotope composition was also measured for vertically-integrated snowpack samples at each sampling location, so that we could attribute any changes in soil moisture to infiltrating snowmelt runoff. Post-snowmelt cores were separated into frozen and unfrozen sections, to compare the infiltration of snowmelt into frozen and unfrozen soil.

    Initial results show that the GWC varied widely from 0.25 – 43 among soil core sections, the extremes reflecting differences between dense loamy soils with little organic material and porous, saturated peat. After snowmelt, soil water in the top 0 – 20 cm of the soil column experienced a significant shift towards the isotope composition of snow, regardless of whether the soil was frozen or not. There was little change in soil water isotope composition mid-snowmelt. Changes in GWC mirrored these results: the average GWC increased by 46% post-snowmelt in soil core sections from the top 20 cm of the soil column, with no significant change in GWC mid-snowmelt. Interestingly, frozen soils from the top 20 cm of the soil column experienced a larger increase in GWC than unfrozen soils, suggesting that frozen soils did not hinder the ability of snowmelt to infiltrate into soil. Below 20 centimetres in the soil column, no significant changes in water isotope composition or GWC were observed. We also observed no clear link between the snow water equivalent of the overlying snowpack, and the increase in GWC after snowmelt.

    The landscape of Qeqertarsuaq is abundant with large snow drifts that last well into July, which could provide a significant source of water for soils downslope of drifts. We were unable to test this hypothesis because an exceptionally late snowmelt meant we collected post-snowmelt soil cores immediately after soils became snow-free, giving little time for lateral runoff from melting snow drifts to travel downslope. However, we did observe that peat soils, which develop in wet areas, were often present immediately downslope from large snow drifts, while only thin organic layers combined with other vegetation covers were present upslope of snow drifts. With this study, we have been able to provide the first insights into snowmelt infiltration on Qeqertarsuaq, and how it may be playing a role in the spatial variability of soil development.

    How to cite: Wilcox, E. J., Plötz, H., Kaufmann, O., and Kutzbach, L.:  Investigating snowmelt infiltration into tundra soils on Qeqertarsuaq (Disko Island), Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16642,, 2025.

    EGU25-17729 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Deep Learning-Based Electrical Exploration for High-Precision Permafrost Inversion Method      

    Shuai Cao and Dingwen Zhang

    As the acceleration of global warming and humidification continues, the thickness of the active layer in permafrost regions is increasing, and the permafrost table is significantly lowering. The melting of permafrost has triggered a series of engineering problems, such as uneven settlement and deformation of roads, tilting, cracking, and even collapse of buildings. Therefore, accurately detecting the distribution of ice content in the subsurface of permafrost regions is of great significance for the construction of new permafrost projects and the disaster prevention of existing projects. Currently, the detection of ice content in permafrost primarily relies on high-density electrical exploration, which is based on the resistivity differences between soil and ice. However, due to the small electrical differences between permafrost with varying ice content, existing methods can only roughly determine the position of the permafrost upper limit, and it is difficult to accurately determine the thickness of the active layer and the specific ice content of the permafrost. To address this issue, this paper proposes a high-density electrical inversion method based on deep neural networks. By incorporating physical laws into the inversion process, the inversion accuracy of high-density electrical exploration in permafrost areas is significantly improved. In field exploration experiments conducted in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the inversion results of this method were highly consistent with the results of borehole measurements, validating its effectiveness.

    Keywords: permafrost, deep  learning,electrical exploration


    How to cite: Cao, S. and Zhang, D.: Deep Learning-Based Electrical Exploration for High-Precision Permafrost Inversion Method     , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17729,, 2025.

    EGU25-19953 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.3

    Geoelectrical insights on the evolution of post-glacially uplifted permafrost on Svalbard 

    Michael Angelopoulos, Katharina Boie, Maximilian Rau, Ernst Hauber, Michael Zanetti, Cynthia Sassenroth, Andreas Johnsson, Harry Hiesinger, Nico Schemdemann, Pier Paul Overduin, Julia Boike, and Michael Krautblatter

    Saline permafrost exists beneath shallow shelf seas, coastal plains shaped by past marine transgressions, and post-glacially uplifted landscapes that were once submerged. In Svalbard, the Kvadehuksletta region northwest of Ny-Ålesund features a diverse landscape comprising raised beach terraces, lagoons, paleo-lagoons (now lakes), and surface seeps. Our study aimed to decipher the evolution of uplifted permafrost over time through two extensive electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys: a 2.3 km terrestrial profile and a 1.0 km amphibious profile that crossed a lagoon. Both profiles originated at the 2024 coastline, extending inland to higher elevations. The 2.3 km profile reached approximately 700 m beyond the Late Weichselian Marine Limit. Shallow sediment samples (0–200 cm deep) were collected to characterize near-surface porewater and sediment properties. Mobile LiDAR scanning was carried out to create a high-resolution topography map (3 cm/pixel, 100 m wide swath) along the 2.3 km transect for geologic context. The ERT data suggest that the state and salinity of permafrost are influenced by the surface geomorphology (e.g., frost-shattered shale/sandstone, coarse-grained beach deposits), uplift duration, storm surge flooding, and the mid-Holocene transgression. Groundwater flow, which freshens porewater, may have flushed salts from coarse-grained deposits during permafrost formation. Consequently, the behaviour of saline permafrost in the coarse-grained deposits of Svalbard may differ from that of finer-grained sediments in other Arctic regions, such as the Alaskan North Slope, where diffusive salt transport dominates in newly exposed marine sediments.

    How to cite: Angelopoulos, M., Boie, K., Rau, M., Hauber, E., Zanetti, M., Sassenroth, C., Johnsson, A., Hiesinger, H., Schemdemann, N., Overduin, P. P., Boike, J., and Krautblatter, M.: Geoelectrical insights on the evolution of post-glacially uplifted permafrost on Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19953,, 2025.

    EGU25-3029 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Application of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to improve the characterization of an ice-rich rock glacier 

    Mirko Pavoni, Ilaria Barone, Jacopo Boaga, Steven Javier Gaona Torres, and Alexander Bast

    The Flüela rock glacier is located in the Eastern Swiss Alps, at the top of the Flüelapass (Grisons). Previous geophysical studies indicated the presence of an ice-rich frozen layer (Boaga et al. 2024, Bast et al. 2024) towards the central area of the rock glacier at ~ 5 m depth and absent close to the front. In August 2023, we collected electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic data along a longitudinal line (48 electrodes/geophones; spacing 3 m) in the central part of the lower rock glacier. The ERT results confirm the presence of the ice-rich frozen layer, but the P-wave velocities (Vp) obtained from the seismic refraction tomography (SRT) are surprisingly lower than the typical velocities of an ice-bearing sediment. The SRT results indicate, in fact, the typical Vp values of liquid water (~1500 m/s). Consequently, we hypothesised the presence of a shallow water-saturated sediment layer (supra-permafrost flow) that prevents P-wave penetration. Since the seismic survey was carried out with low-frequency geophones (4.5 Hz), we additionally ran a multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW; Park et al., 1999) to retrieve the S-wave velocities (Vs), which are insensitive to the liquid phase in the medium. Another advantage of the MASW analysis, compared to the common SRT applied in permafrost environments, is that it allows detecting velocity inversions in the subsurface (i.e., a lower velocity layer between two higher velocity layers). The obtained Vs profiles agree with the ERT results and confirm the presence of a shallow high-velocity layer (Vs = 2000 m/s) in the upper part of the rock glacier, between 5-10 m depth and absent towards the front.

    To confirm our results, we conducted full-wave seismic modelling, using a subsurface structure akin to that proposed for the Flüela rock glacier. This model consists of no permafrost in the first half and features a 5 m thick ice-rich layer and supra-permafrost water in the second half. The synthetic shot gathers were compared to the real ones, both in terms of surface wave dispersion and Vp first-arrival times. In both cases, we found a high correlation between synthetic and real data, confirming the reliability of the proposed rock glacier structure. Therefore, we encourage data acquisition using low-frequency geophones (e.g., 4.5 Hz) for future seismic surveys within mountain permafrost environments. This ensures that both the traditional SRT analysis and the MASW approach can be applied.



    Bast, A., Pavoni, M., Lichtenegger, M., Buckel, J., & Boaga, J.: The Use of Textile Electrodes for Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Periglacial, Coarse Blocky Terrain: A Comparison With Conventional Steel Electrodes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes,, 2024.

    Boaga, J., Pavoni, M., Bast, A., and Weber, S.: Brief communication: On the potential of seismic polarity reversal to identify a thin low-velocity layer above a high-velocity layer in ice-rich rock glaciers, The Cryosphere, 18, 3231–3236,, 2024.

    Park, C. B., Miller, R. D., & Xia, J.: Multichannel analysis of surface waves. Geophysics, 64(3), 800808,, 1999.

    How to cite: Pavoni, M., Barone, I., Boaga, J., Gaona Torres, S. J., and Bast, A.: Application of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to improve the characterization of an ice-rich rock glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3029,, 2025.

    EGU25-4734 | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Warming‐induced destabilization of the polar coastal rock cliff of Forkastningsfjellet, Svalbard 

    Dirk Kuhn, Reginald L. Hermanns, Michael Fuchs, Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Juditha Aga, Jacob Bendle, and Trond Eiken

    Deep-seated landslides rockslides and related displacement waves threaten coastal settlements, infrastructure, and shipping routes in the Arctic. However, the occurrence, dynamics, and impact of such rockslides under a warming climate are poorly understood owing to scarce observational data. We have investigated two rockslides on the permafrost coastline of Forkastningsfjellet, Svalbard. Along this coastline, which was dormant for at least the last 80 years, a 175,000 m³ rockslide occurred in August 2016, followed by a second rockslide of 750,000 m³ in November 2022. Based on extensive field data collection starting in 2017, which includes the acquisition and differencing of drone-based DEMs, point-based displacement measurements (dGNSS), ground surface temperature logging, and field mapping, we documented accelerating surface deformation and the redirection of the drainage pathways from the surface into the ground that drove the dynamics of the 2022 rockslide. Our findings indicate that this rockslide was governed by rapid fluvial incision and accelerated thermo-erosion along colluvium-covered, pre-existing zones of weakness.

    We attribute this localized permafrost degradation to climate warming, which increases the active layer thickness and water availability. Cliff instability is linked to cohesion loss and rising pore water/ice pressures from the refreezing cleft ice within the joint system of the bedrock.

    Given continued Arctic warming with increasing permafrost temperatures, active layer depths, and changing precipitation patterns, thermal erosion might play a key role in permafrost degradation and future destabilization of rock slopes along the Arctic coastlines. In this context, the morpho-structural development of Forkastningsfjellet could serve as a model for the future development of other polar coastal landscapes.

    How to cite: Kuhn, D., Hermanns, R. L., Fuchs, M., Schüßler, N., Torizin, J., Aga, J., Bendle, J., and Eiken, T.: Warming‐induced destabilization of the polar coastal rock cliff of Forkastningsfjellet, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4734,, 2025.

    EGU25-7199 | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Permafrost boreholes and geophysical observations in Central Asia 

    Martin Hoelzle and the CROMO-Adapt Project

    Climate change poses a significant challenge to humanity, with its global repercussions threatening economies and livelihoods for future generations. Developing effective strategies to enhance climate resilience through adaptation requires reliable baseline data, including climate observations and the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) identified by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). However, substantial gaps persist in the global climate observing system, especially in high-altitude mountain regions. This issue is particularly pronounced in developing countries, where baseline data is either lacking or at risk to be continued, therefore also increasing uncertainty about the impacts of climate change. Such information is crucial for predicting future changes and devising appropriate adaptation strategies.

    Climate change in the mountainous regions of Central Asia significantly affects water resources and increases the frequency and intensity of natural hazards. To address these challenges, the Cryospheric Observation and Modelling for Improved Adaptation in Central Asia (CROMO-ADAPT) project has focused on closing data gaps and strengthening cryospheric monitoring systems, including snow, glaciers, and permafrost. As part of this initiative, new permafrost boreholes have been installed across Central Asia.

    Three boreholes, each approximately 30 meters deep, were drilled at sites in Kazakhstan (Zholsalykezen Pass), Kyrgyzstan (Akshiirak), and Tajikistan (Uy Bulak Pass). All boreholes confirmed permafrost conditions and are continuously monitored. Recorded temperatures at 20 m depth are approximately -0.17°C in Kazakhstan, -1.6°C in Kyrgyzstan, and -1.1°C in Tajikistan. Additionally, geophysical surveys have been conducted at these locations and are compared with the borehole data to provide a more comprehensive understanding of permafrost conditions.

    How to cite: Hoelzle, M. and the CROMO-Adapt Project: Permafrost boreholes and geophysical observations in Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7199,, 2025.

    EGU25-7435 * | ECS | Orals | CR4.4 | Highlight

    Introducing the New Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) Database – the Primary Data Repository for the Permafrost Essential Climate Variable (ECV) 

    Anna Irrgang, Tillmann Lübker, Sebastian Laboor, Hugues Lantuit, Guido Grosse, and Dimitry Streletskiy

    Permafrost regions occupy almost one quarter of the Northern Hemisphere land area and store a globally relevant carbon pool in permafrost soils. As a consequence of global warming, permafrost is also warming at a global scale, leading to destabilization of landscapes and infrastructure as well as mobilizing previously freeze-locked soil carbon and releasing the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Long-term observation data are needed in order to understand how permafrost responds to a warming climate and how much greenhouse gas contributions from thawing permafrost we can expect in the future.

    The Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) is the primary international programme concerned with sustained long-term monitoring of the state of permafrost. Members of the GTN-P community from more than 30 countries collect permafrost borehole temperature and active layer data across diverse permafrost regions and contribute them to the GTN-P data platform. The previous management system and web portal was developed in 2015 and is now technically outdated, requiring the establishment of a new system. Based on community input and under guidance of the GTN-P Steering Committee of the IPA, the new GTN-P database is being developed in the Permafrost Research Section of the Alfred Wegener Institute. Designed as the primary community platform for sharing data collected by a large and diverse network of researchers and institutions, it provides access to global information on permafrost data acquisition sites and data availability, while data ownership is retained with the original providers. 

    The new GTN-P database provides data for the two Permafrost ECV products Permafrost Temperature (PT) and Active Layer Thickness (ALT) with the potential to add additional products such as Rock Glacier Velocity (RGV). When designing the new system, special attention was paid to ensure a clear and self-explanatory user interface. As a central access point, it provides a platform for the scientific community to explore data availability and standardized metadata, as well as visualize temperature and depth time series. Data downloads are offered in different formats and for different levels of aggregation, e.g. for individual time series, PT boreholes, ALT sites and research sites. A new feature of the data platform will be an annual global compilation product of all available data, which includes co-authorship by all contributors. Special data products synthesizing the monitoring data will also be made available. Existing collaborations with the WMO will be used to establish a consolidated permafrost data profile, which will be aligned with internationally recognized data standards. These conventions will form the basis for better meeting the ‘interoperability’ and ‘reusability’ aspects of the FAIR Data Principles. For data providers, the upload capabilities have been streamlined and are coupled with an automated quality check that provides intermediate feedback during the upload. Building on the existing, well-established IT infrastructure at AWI, the new GTN-P data system is guaranteed long-term availability.

    How to cite: Irrgang, A., Lübker, T., Laboor, S., Lantuit, H., Grosse, G., and Streletskiy, D.: Introducing the New Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) Database – the Primary Data Repository for the Permafrost Essential Climate Variable (ECV), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7435,, 2025.

    EGU25-8138 | ECS | Orals | CR4.4

    First geophysical exploration of periglacial landforms in southern Tierra del Fuego, Chile 

    Alberto Carrera, Mirko Pavoni, Sebastian Ruiz-Pereira, Nagy Balázs, and Jacopo Boaga

    Monitoring permafrost is of paramount importance due to its critical role as the foundation of soil mechanical and biological stability. Periglacial environments serve as valuable indicators of past and present climate conditions, offering unique insights into geomorphological processes and landscape evolution. However, degrading permafrost, driven by the warming climate, poses significant challenges. It affects soil hydrology and stability, alters carbon storage and release dynamics, and threatens ecosystems reliant on frozen ground. Furthermore, these changes have cascading effects on human infrastructure and contribute to feedback mechanisms that exacerbate global climate change.

    There is no direct evidence for the presence of permafrost in southern Patagonia, apart from geomorphological processes. However, Tierra del Fuego (54°S), an archipelago shared by Argentina and Chile, is an extensive region where dozens of mountains exceed 1,500 m in elevation, and probabilistic maps of permafrost speculate that it may exist in elevated areas.

    At the end of the austral summer 2024, a pioneering geophysical campaign was carried out in a remote area of the N-E Darwin Cordillera (54°S), without any assistance from vehicles or helicopters. We applied two of the most used and complementary geophysical techniques, i.e. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) with enough sensitivity to discretize either partially frozen ground or very shallow lenses of degrading permafrost profiles. The investigations were motivated by the expansion of the infrastructure network toward the southern national border and the encounter with the Darwin Range along the Beagle Channel, as the recent degradation of frozen soils could alter the compaction and settlement of the soil surface, leading to subsidence and frost heave. In particular, the road under construction involves reaching passes over the Cordillera, at whose elevations frozen ground is likely to be found.

    In this work, we present a preliminary characterization of the periglacial environment in Yendegaia park, Tierra del Fuego. The use of electro-seismic geophysics, coupled with field observations and analysis, enabled to obtain more accurate subsoil models through a non-invasive approach. Validation by direct invasive techniques (i.e., soil coring) was unfortunately not possible at that moment, due to logistic complications and costs. The geophysical results obtained, coupled with the geomorphological slope processes observed, suggest the presence of frozen ground, active-state mountain periglacial processes and potentially permafrost around its probability limits in Tierra del Fuego, above 650 m a.s.l., becoming essential information at both geotechnical and climatic levels.

    How to cite: Carrera, A., Pavoni, M., Ruiz-Pereira, S., Balázs, N., and Boaga, J.: First geophysical exploration of periglacial landforms in southern Tierra del Fuego, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8138,, 2025.

    EGU25-9185 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Towards improved alpine permafrost maps using the energy balance model of the CryoGrid community 

    Benjamin Lehmann, Florence Magnin, Maëva Cathala, and Sebastian Westermann

    The warming of mountain permafrost due to climate change poses significant challenges for slope stability and ecosystem dynamics in alpine regions. Accurate permafrost maps are essential for hazard assessment, as they depict local permafrost conditions and account for meso-scale thermal variability caused by complex alpine topography. Over recent decades, several permafrost maps have been developed using field data (e.g., rock surface temperatures, rock glacier inventories) and statistical models that link permafrost evidence to air temperature, solar radiation, and, in some cases, precipitation.

    These models effectively map permafrost in steep alpine rock slopes with limited snow accumulation and estimate permafrost probability in debris-covered slopes based on the distribution of active rock glaciers. However, they are unable to capture the complex thermal regimes associated with variable snow accumulations typical of high mountain environments. In particular, permafrost in intermediately steep slopes (40°–60° inclination) is strongly influenced by snow accumulation patterns, including timing, thickness, and interactions with solar radiation. These slopes, which form a significant portion of alpine landscapes, often exhibit fractured rock, surface debris, and variable snow cover, creating unique conditions for permafrost formation and evolution. Unlike steep rock faces, intermediately steep slopes may retain larger ice volumes due to the refreezing of meltwater from seasonal snow, resulting in distinct thermal regimes and geomorphological behaviors. Their complex micro-topography further amplifies variability in solar radiation and snow distribution, complicating their thermal and mechanical stability.

    To address these knowledge gaps, this research applies the CryoGrid community energy and hydrological balance model to simulate temperature dynamics at monitored sites in the French Alps, spanning elevations of 2500 to 3800 m. The initial phase involves calibrating the model using data collected from 2019 to 2024 across diverse snow cover conditions. Calibration focuses on parameters such as maximum snow height, deposited snow fraction, near-surface convection, initial temperature profiles, and albedo, identified as critical for energy balance simulations in prior CryoGrid3 applications in alpine settings.

    Once calibrated, the model will be generalized to account for variable slope angles, sun exposures, surface roughness, ground characteristics, and precipitation regimes. These calibration steps will enable spatial application of the model on digital elevation models (DEMs) to generate improved permafrost maps for alpine settings, encompassing steep rock walls, creeping debris slopes, and intermediately steep slopes. Additionally, the model outputs will provide insights into permafrost evolution in diverse mountain slopes and support stakeholders in developing effective risk mitigation strategies.

    How to cite: Lehmann, B., Magnin, F., Cathala, M., and Westermann, S.: Towards improved alpine permafrost maps using the energy balance model of the CryoGrid community, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9185,, 2025.

    Under the background of climate warming, the degradation of frozen ground over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) will lead to a series of hydrological and ecological environmental issues. Therefore, it is important to study how seasonally frozen ground (SFG) will change in the future, especially on a finer scale. This study focuses on the maximum freeze depth (MFD) and freeze-thaw period (FTD) of SFG over TP from 2021 to 2100, based on air temperature and precipitation data with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution from 13 CMIP6 models, using a well-tested fitting method. The study also evaluates how vegetation will change responds to changes on SFG. The results show that under the shared socioeconomic pathway SSP245, the average MFD and FTD over TP will be 118.4 cm and 198 days in the near future (2021-2040). In the far future (2081-2100), MFD and FTD will decrease to 92.1 cm and 177 days, considering the increased extent of SFG. Under the more extreme SSP585 scenario, the MFD and FTD will drop even further, reaching only 53.7 cm and 143 days, respectively. As radiative forcing increases, the rates of these decreases will also speed up. The impact of different socioeconomic pathways on MFD will be more significant at high altitudes, the MFD and FTD will show a faster decline as altitude increases. Vegetation indices, such as LAI, NPP, and GPP, will rise more sharply with the stronger degradation of SFG. This highlights the strong link between SFG changes and vegetation growth.

    How to cite: Wang, J.: Variations in seasonally frozen ground over the Tibetan Plateau from 2021 to 2100, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10594,, 2025.

    Permafrost collapse features (PCFs) have been increasingly prevalent in permafrost regions due to the warming climate, yet their drivers remain less understood. This study leverages high-quality datasets of PCFs and water systems, along with a physically-based permafrost model, to investigate the relationships between water system dynamics and PCF development. We found a large amount of the PCF is directly linked to water systems (rivers and lakes). These water-linked PCFs are primarily driven by a warming-wetting climate and are accelerated near waterbodies due to the heating impact of water on adjacent permafrost. Simulations at a representative permafrost river section indicate a ~2 °C higher mean annual ground temperature and a significantly thicker active layer in river-controlled permafrost compared to air-controlled permafrost, facilitating the formation of PCFs. In response to climate changes, the rivers on the Tibetan Plateau are generally warming and widening, substantially accelerating the surrounding permafrost thaw and increasing the frequency of PCFs along rivers, thereby increasing river sediment flux, threatening infrastructure safety, and accelerating the land-to-river carbon transport.

    How to cite: Zhao, Y. and Li, D.: Warming rivers accelerate the permafrost thaw and thermokarst landslide development in the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11258,, 2025.

    EGU25-11363 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Three modes of mechanical rock-ice failure in permafrost rock slopes 

    Simon Mühlbauer and Michael Krautblatter

    In recent years, frequent rock slope failures in permafrost regions exceeding 1 Mio m³ have been documented on a regional (European alps) and global (Andes, Caucasus) scale. Yet, the fracture behaviour of ice-filled joints under high loads remains insufficiently understood, precluding a definitive assessment of modelling approaches. Strictly speaking, the brittle-ductile transition is not yet defined for these loads in the ice mechanical literature.

    This study presents novel data to extend the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for rock-ice interfaces (Krautblatter et al. 2013, Mamot et al. 2018) for rock overburden exceeding 16 m. Consequently, we propose a governing law for the transition between ductile ice creep and brittle fracture, explicitly incorporating the effects of temperature, stress, and deformation rate in permafrost rock environments.

    More than 100 shear experiments were conducted at high normal stresses, simulating rock overburden of up to 65 m (1600 kPa). The tests were performed at temperatures ranging from -0.5 °C to -4 °C, with strain rates consistently maintained in the range of 10⁻³ s⁻¹.

    Extending the Mohr-Coulomb criterion to higher overburden pressures revealed, for the first time, consistent increases in friction angle and cohesion as temperatures decreased within the examined range. We define 3 novel sectors of mechanical behaviour:

    (i) Ductile deformation

    (ii) Single-brittle failure

    (iii) Stick-slip failure

    Ductile ice deformation occurs within the temperature range of -1 °C to -0.5 °C and exhibits marginal dependence on normal stress. Below -1 °C and at normal stresses below 800 kPa, the rock-ice interface undergoes single brittle fracture. At higher stress levels, ice healing mechanisms are activated, leading to periodic stick-slip fracture behaviour.

    We integrated this temperature- and stress-dependent characterization of material behaviour into a three-phase failure model to enhance the rheological representation with respect to numerical modelling of high-magnitude failures.

    This study refines the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for ice-filled rock fractures by incorporating high-load mechanisms and defining the brittle-ductile transition as a function of stress and temperature, providing valuable insights to improve mechanical models of large-scale permafrost rock slope instabilities.


    Krautblatter, M.; Funk, D.; Günzel, F. K. (2013): Why permafrost rocks become unstable: a rock-ice-mechanical model in time and space. In: Earth Surf Processes Landf 38 (8), S. 876–887. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3374.

    Mamot, P.; Weber, S.; Schröder, T.; Krautblatter, M. (2018): A temperature- and stress-controlled failure criterion for ice-filled permafrost rock joints. In: The Cryosphere 12 (10), S. 3333–3353. DOI: 10.5194/tc-12-3333-2018.

    How to cite: Mühlbauer, S. and Krautblatter, M.: Three modes of mechanical rock-ice failure in permafrost rock slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11363,, 2025.

    The magnitude and frequency of slope failures in permafrost zones have increased in recent decades. Permafrost warming and thawing represent major contributing factors to large slope failures, which have the potential to damage infrastructure and pose a risk to human life and surrounding ecosystems. Understanding the link between permafrost thaw and slope movement is thus crucial for identifying and adapting to related geohazards and increasing public safety in mountain communities.

    We aim to provide quantitative and time-dependent context for interpreting past events and establish correlations between slope failures and potential driving factors, such as changes in air temperatures, ground temperatures, thaw depth, and water availability. We demonstrate our system by investigating the change in these driving factors and their connection with recent slope movements in northern British Columbia and the Yukon.

    We developed a simulation workflow to generate 1D ensemble simulations of the ground thermal regime at any point globally, whose parameterization is helped by in-situ observations where available. Furthermore, we model temperature inversions in sub-arctic valleys where cold-air pooling is particularly intense in cold months and use it to correct 75 years of atmospheric reanalysis data forcing, increasing the accuracy and reliability of our results. We then produce summary statistics of drivers at permafrost landslide sites. This full-scale analysis is carried out for sites with varying degrees of remoteness, topographic parameters, and atmospheric conditions, producing an ‘ensemble’ of simulations. This framework allows for consistent and efficient production and analysis of mountain permafrost simulations in relation to slope failures. However, its main strength and appeal lie in its ability to be used globally and for a large number of sites, efficiently. Most workflows are contained in the Python packages SuPerSim and GlobSim, new packages for model testing and for producing climate change scenarios are added.

    We observe a general increase in extreme events in the variables we analyze compared to earlier decades, and we correlate their timings with those of landslides. Such research may help establish proxies for permafrost landslide preconditioning and triggers, providing a tool to support research and prediction concerning hazards in mountain terrain.

    How to cite: Pozsgay, V., Gruber, S., and Brown, N.: Global, consistent, and efficient production of transient permafrost ensemble simulations for investigating climatic influences on slope failures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11426,, 2025.

    EGU25-13436 | ECS | Orals | CR4.4

    Illuminating discontinuities in alpine bedrock permafrost by saline tracer tests coupled with 3D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography 

    Clemens Moser, Nathalie Roser, Tomasz Gluzinski, Umberto Morra di Cella, Christian Hauck, and Adrián Flores Orozco

    Tracking the movement of saline tracers by time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been established as a suitable method in hydrogeological investigations. In our study, we test the potential of the method to illuminate discontinuities (i.e., joints, fractures and clefts) in bedrock permafrost. Identification of such features is key as they represent preferential flow paths for water and advective heat exchange between the atmosphere and the subsurface (i.e., the permafrost body). Recent studies have suggested that clefts and fractures might lead to the large heterogeneity in subsurface temperature and ice content observed at the Cime Bianche plateau (Aosta valley, Italy), a mountain permafrost monitoring area at 3100 m a.s.l. undergoing permafrost degradation. In this study, we injected saltwater into eight locations at the Cime Bianche site and monitored changes in the subsurface electrical conductivity by time-lapse ERT to investigate the presence and geometry of water flow paths of the saline solution. ERT data were collected with the Syscal Terra (from Iris Instruments) within a 3D electrode grid array with a temporal resolution of 3–7 minutes. To resolve temporal changes in the electrical conductivity in the subsurface we inverted the data with a time-lapse difference approach using the R3t code in the ResIPy wrapper. In three of the eight injection points the water infiltrated quickly into the subsurface (within a few seconds) and, based on the time-lapse ERT results, moved into depths of up to 10 m, suggesting the presence of fractures. In the other five positions, the water infiltrated slowly into the subsurface (within a couple of hours) leading to only small changes in the electrical conductivity close to the injection point. While our study demonstrates the potential of time-lapse ERT to localize clefts and fractures in bedrock permafrost, the results demonstrate the need for stochastic inversion strategies to resolve thin and sharp objects more accurately. Knowing the geometry and location of such features is essential in thermal modeling and further understanding of the permafrost degradation processes at the site.

    How to cite: Moser, C., Roser, N., Gluzinski, T., Morra di Cella, U., Hauck, C., and Flores Orozco, A.: Illuminating discontinuities in alpine bedrock permafrost by saline tracer tests coupled with 3D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13436,, 2025.

    The elevation dependence (ED) of atmospheric warming in mountain regions is debated, with studies showing varying trends due to data, spatial, and temporal differences. Permafrost, a critical component of alpine environment, also exhibits elevation dependent changes in response to climate change. This study investigated the ED of permafrost changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the world’s largest alpine permafrost region, using multi-forcing ensemble simulations with a numerical model. We analyzed the ED of ground temperature (GT) at various depths and active layer thickness (ALT) changes over recent decades.

    Three gridded meteorological datasets from reanalysis and remote sensing consistently show a negative ED of air warming (i.e., its trend decreases with increasing elevation) in permafrost regions (primarily above 3800m). Our ensemble simulations reveal that the ED of ALT and surface GT (GT0m) is consistently negative. However, interestingly, below 5000m elevation, the ED of GT at deeper depths (e.g., GT3m) becomes positive. This apparent discrepancy can be explained by the sensitivity of GT3m to air warming: in warmer permafrost (lower elevations), the increase in GT3m per unit of air warming is smaller compared to colder permafrost (higher elevations). This sensitivity is fundamentally linked to the soil freezing characteristic curve, which governs how heat is partitioned between temperature increases and ice melting. Similarly, the sensitivity of ALT to air warming is larger in warmer permafrost regions. Consequently, the consistently negative ED of ALT is a result of the combined influence of air warming ED and ALT sensitivity.

    Under Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) scenarios, we projected future permafrost changes by using the sensitivities of GT3m and ALT derived from historical simulations. Despite variations in air warming ED across scenarios and periods, the ED of GT3m and ALT changes remained consistent with historical period, demonstrating that air warming ED alone does not solely determine the ED of permafrost changes. Our findings were further corroborated by analysis of additional gridded dataset and in-situ observations. This study highlights the consistent ED of permafrost changes despite the variability in atmospheric warming trends across elevations, advancing our understanding of the diverse responses of ground temperature and ice to climate change in permafrost regions.

    How to cite: Ji, H. and Nan, Z.: Consistent Elevation-Dependent Permafrost Changes Despite Variable Elevation Dependence of Atmospheric Warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15326,, 2025.

    EGU25-15585 | ECS | Orals | CR4.4

    From ice-filled fractures to pressurised water flow in permafrost bedrock: seasonal changes in rockwall hydrology 

    Maike Offer, Samuel Weber, Ingo Hartmeyer, Markus Keuschnig, Maximilian Rau, and Michael Krautblatter

    Alpine permafrost is warming globally and has been extensively studied through electrical resistivity monitoring and borehole temperature measurements. However, permafrost degradation is often primarily attributed to rising air temperatures and related conductive heat fluxes in the ground, while the crucial role of water flow on the thermal and mechanical regime of rockwalls is frequently oversimplified or overlooked. To address this research gap and improve the knowledgeof how bedrock permafrost will respond to climate change, year-round observations of hydrothermal processes are essential, despite the challenges posed by such extreme environments.

    Here, we present results from daily repeated electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and piezometric pressure measurements conducted in 2024 in the permafrost-affected north flank of the Kitzsteinhorn (Hohe Tauern range, Austria). Ground temperature time series from four deep boreholes indicate a maximum permafrost active layer thickness of 4.3 m, with evidence of non-conductive heat fluxes reflected in abrupt temperature anomalies and long-term regime changes between 2016-2019 and 2020-2024. A distinct reduction in electrical resistivity values at the end of May coincides with the onset of snowmelt recorded at a nearby weather station. Persistently low electrical resistivity values (<4 kΩm) throughout the summer suggest water-saturated conditions in the active layer. This hypothesis is additionally supported by piezometric measurements, which show water heads of up to 11.8 m, suggesting pressurised water injection into a widespread fracture network. In mid-September, rising electrical resistivity values in the upper layers coincide with the onset of the freezing season, with partial freezing of cleft water. Furthermore, we compared temperature-resistivity relations derived from laboratory experiments on rock samples from the study site with field observations.

    Our study shows that high-frequency electrical resistivity monitoring can effectively detect seasonal periods of enhanced water flow, playing a critical role in the warming process of bedrock permafrost and increasing hydrostatic pressure on rock faces – both key factors contributing to slope instability and failure.

    How to cite: Offer, M., Weber, S., Hartmeyer, I., Keuschnig, M., Rau, M., and Krautblatter, M.: From ice-filled fractures to pressurised water flow in permafrost bedrock: seasonal changes in rockwall hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15585,, 2025.

    EGU25-16337 | ECS | Orals | CR4.4

    Statistical modelling of permafrost distribution in steep rock slope, application to the French Alps 

    Maeva Cathala, Florence Magnin, Nicolas Monzie, Ludovic Ravanel, and Emmanuel Malet

    In high mountain environments, permafrost in steep slopes has been increasingly studied since the 2000s, driven by the increase of rock slope failure caused by permafrost degradation. In the European Alps, estimating permafrost distribution is a first step in understanding its current state and evolution, evaluating associated hazards, and investigating its impact on infrastructure. The only existing model to map permafrost in steep rock slope has been published in 2012 and is based on a limited number of data mostly collected in the Northern European Alps. However, over the past decade, numerous temperature loggers have been installed in the French Alps, over a latitudinal range for 46° to 44° and the collected data allow to fit a new statistical model to map permafrost in the steep rock wall of the French Alps. This study presents an updated statistical model of permafrost distribution in the steep rock slopes of the French Alps.

    To achieve this, we first measured ground surface temperature from 80 temperature sensors installed on steep slope or rockwalls over 22 study sites in the French Alps that provide 176 multi-year temperature points are used to fit a multiple linear regression model explaining the mean annual rock surface temperature (MARST) with the potential incoming solar radiation (PISR) and mean annual air temperature (MAAT). PISR is calculated with GIS tools with a 10 m resolution DEM while the MAAT is interpolated from the reanalysis climate data from the S2M-SAFRAN model of Météo France. The model is then implemented with the MAAT of the 1991-2020 period to map the MARST that is then used to calculated permafrost probability (i.e., the probability of the MARST to be < 0°C). We then analyse the spatial distribution of permafrost over the French Alps and compare it to the previous permafrost map.

    This map is an important baseline for any permafrost investigation and hazard assessment from alpine rockwalls in the French Alps.

    How to cite: Cathala, M., Magnin, F., Monzie, N., Ravanel, L., and Malet, E.: Statistical modelling of permafrost distribution in steep rock slope, application to the French Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16337,, 2025.

    Active layer temperature regimes mainly result from heat transfer between the atmosphere and the soil surface, mediated by variable surface conditions. In the Maritime Antarctic, the later are dominated by the buffering effect snow cover, which has been identified by several studies as key in understanding interannual active layer temperature and thickness variability. During the warm season, from December to March, with lacking snow cover, the soil and the atmosphere show a better coupling with an increased effect of the later in the thermal regime. Here, we study the impact of synoptic-scale weather conditions on the active layer temperature regime during the warm season by analysing mean monthly, daily and hourly active layer temperatures from 2008 to 2024 from a very shallow borehole (2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 120 cm depth), and weather conditions using air temperature observations and ERA-5 data. The study focus at the Irizar CALM-S site, located in Deception Island in the South Shetlands archipelago (Antarctic Peninsula). The site is at an elevation of 130 m in a wide col in the main crater rim, which bridges the ocean-side and the inner caldera slopes, making it very wind-exposed. The  data shows a cooling of the active layer from 2008 to 2015, followed by a strong warming . The permafrost table is located between 80 and 120 cm. 

    This research is a contribution to the project THAWIMPACT - Antarctic Peninsula permafrost under a changing climate: sensitivity, fate and impacts, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2022.06628.PTDC).

    How to cite: Mora, C. and Veira, G.: Weather types and their impacts on the warm season active layer temperatures at the Irizar CALM-S site (Deception Island, Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16911,, 2025.

    EGU25-17074 | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Active Layer Boundary Conditions in Steep Rockwall Permafrost 

    Jan Beutel, Dominik Amschwand, and Samuel Weber

    There is much debate about the presence and role of fluid water in the permafrost active layer in steep bedrock environments. This holds for water both at the macro and micro scale (pores). While initial long-term experiments e.g. by Hasler started investigations based on the hypothesis that large ice bodies progressively formed inside deep cleft structures found in rockwalls and ridges this could not be backed up by observations. As far as observations at depth in solid rockwalls are possible, compact ice lenses have only been documented at significant scale in deeper sections of rupture planes of (large) rock falls.

    The boundary conditions of an active layer on an inclined plane (steep rock walls or steep sections of rock glaciers) are significantly different from low to neglectable slope angles predominantly found in arctic permafrost environments. In arctic soil or rock columns fluid water mobilized on or in the active layer sits for long periods of time on an impermeable permafrost body with runoff only happening slowly in dominantly horizontal directions. Contrary to this we argue that in steep (30 degree plus) environments fluid water runs off or escapes quickly through the active layer effectively draining the latter when observed over significant timescales. Especially with climate-induced permafrost warming at a global scale, the refreezing of fluid water on the permafrost table is minimal. This effectively leads to a “drying” of the steep mountain peaks. Our assumptions are backed up by observations that (i) fluid water availability through snowmelt dominates in periods of active layer deepening and not during refreezing, (ii) iceshields and firn flanks are reduced leaving only bare rock/soil as well as (iii) the boundary conditions found in first order physical principles, e.g. energy balance, gravity as well as fluid flow. In this presentations we approach these questions from a conceptual perspective, highlight principle boundary conditions and invite further collaborators to further the discussion.

    How to cite: Beutel, J., Amschwand, D., and Weber, S.: Active Layer Boundary Conditions in Steep Rockwall Permafrost, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17074,, 2025.

    EGU25-17443 | Orals | CR4.4

    25 years permafrost monitoring in the Swiss Alps 

    Cécile Pellet and Jeannette Noetzli and the PERMOS Scientific Commitee

    Permafrost is classified as an essential climatic variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) because of its sensitivity to changes in climatic conditions. The Swiss Permafrost Monitoring Network PERMOS documents the state and changes of permafrost conditions in the Swiss Alps since 2000 based on long-term field measurements. To account for the heterogeneous distribution and characteristics of mountain permafrost, PERMOS developed and implemented a comprehensive monitoring strategy, which relies on three complementary observation elements: (1) direct observation of ground temperatures, (2) permafrost electrical resistivity to determine changes in ground ice content, and (3) rock glacier velocities, which are considered a proxy to assess the permafrost thermal regime.

    In this contribution, we discuss permafrost conditions in the Swiss Alps during the hydrological year 2024 with respect to the observations of the past 25 years. Striking changes in permafrost conditions were recorded for all three observation elements. Most recently, the hydrological year 2024 was characterized by the warmest winter on record since 1864 and by an early onset of the snow cover in autumn 2023 following a hot summer. These atmospheric conditions led to the warmest permafrost conditions since the start of the measurements revealed by all observation elements.

    How to cite: Pellet, C. and Noetzli, J. and the PERMOS Scientific Commitee: 25 years permafrost monitoring in the Swiss Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17443,, 2025.

    EGU25-17476 | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Novel concepts for the mechanical modelling of warming permafrost rock slopes 

    Michael Krautblatter, Felix Pfluger, Riccardo Scandroglio, Maike Offer, Ingo Hartmeyer, and Simon Mühlbauer

    This paper discusses mechanical modelling strategies for instable permafrost bedrock. Modelling instable permafrost bedrock is a key requirement to anticipate magnitudes and frequency of rock slope failures in a changing climate but also to forecast the stability of high-alpine infrastructure throughout its lifetime.  

    The last 5-10 years have brought upon significant advances in the (i) knowledge of relevant hydrostatic pressures in permafrost rock, (ii) the brittle-ductile transitions of ice relevant for larger permafrost rock slope failures, (iii) techniques that can help to decipher the preparation phase of large rockslides and also (iv) many new examples have delivered additional insight into multi-phase failure.

    High-alpine rock faces witness the past and present mechanical limit equilibrium. Rock segments where driving forces exceed resisting forces fall of the cliff often leaving a rock face behind which is just above the limit equilibrium. All significant changes in rock mechanical properties or significant changes in state of stress will evoke rock instability which often occurs with response times of years to 1000 years. Degrading permafrost will act to alter (i) rock mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strength, fracture toughness and most likely rock friction, (ii) warming subcero conditions will weaken ice and rock-ice interfaces and (iii) increased cryo- and (iv) hydrostatic pressures are expected. Laboratory experiments provide estimations of the serious impact of thawing and warming rock and ice-mechanical properties (ad i and ii), which often lose 25-75% of their strength between -5°C and -0.5°C.  Approaches to calculate cryostatic pressure (ad iii) have been published and are experimentally confirmed. However, the importance and dimension of extreme hydrostatic forces (ad iv) due to perched water above permafrost-affected rocks has been assumed but has not yet been quantitatively recorded.

    This paper presents data and strategies how to obtain relevant (i) rock mechanical parameters (compressive and tensile strength and fracture toughness, lab), (ii) ice- and rock-ice interface mechanical parameters (lab), (iii) cryostatic forces in low-porosity alpine bedrock (lab and field) and (iv) hydrostatic forces in perched water-filled fractures above permafrost (field).

    We demonstrate mechanical models that base on the conceptual assumption of the rock ice mechanical (Krautblatter et al. 2013) and rely on frozen/unfrozen parameter testing in the lab and field. Continuum mechanical models (no discontinuities) can be used to demonstrate permafrost rock wall destabilization on a valley scale over longer time scales, as exemplified by progressive fjord rock slope failure in the Lateglacial and Holocene. Discontinuum mechanical models including rock fracture patterns can display rock instability induced by permafrost degradation on a singular slope scale. Discontinuum mechanical models also have capabilities to link permafrost slope stability to structural loading induced by high-alpine infrastructure such as cable cars and mountains huts. 

    Over longer time scales the polycyclicity of hydro- and cryostatic forcing as well as material fatigue play an important role. We also introduce a mechanical approach to quantify cryo-forcing related rock-fatigue. This paper shows benchmark approaches to develop mechanical models based on a rock-ice mechanical model for degrading permafrost rock slopes.

    How to cite: Krautblatter, M., Pfluger, F., Scandroglio, R., Offer, M., Hartmeyer, I., and Mühlbauer, S.: Novel concepts for the mechanical modelling of warming permafrost rock slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17476,, 2025.

    EGU25-18375 | Orals | CR4.4

    Active Layer Monitoring on James Ross Island, Antarctica: Results from 2006–2023 

    Filip Hrbáček, Michaela Kňažková, Kamil Láska, Lucia Kaplan Pastíriková, and Tomáš Uxa

    The northern part of James Ross Island, Ulu Peninsula, is one of the largest ice-free areas in Antarctica. Its diverse local conditions, including variations in altitude, lithology, topography, and vegetation cover, create unique opportunities for active layer research. Monitoring of active layer temperature and thickness on the Ulu Peninsula began in 2006, with the installation of soil temperature measurement profiles at two initial sites. Over time, the network expanded to 12 locations, comprising more than 20 profiles that measure soil temperatures from the surface layer (5 cm depth) down to the upper permafrost boundary (75–200 cm). These sites were strategically selected to represent different lithological and altitudinal conditions. In 2014, the first Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring South (CALM-S) site was established near the Johann Gregor Mendel Station, with two additional CALM-S sites added in 2017.

    Long-term data from Abernethy Flats (45 m a.s.l.) showed mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) ranging from –5.7 °C at 5 cm depth to –6.0 °C at 50 cm depth during 2006–2023. Ground temperatures at other sites varied by approximately +0.5 °C to –2.0 °C compared to Abernethy Flats. Over the study period, significant cooling (approximately –1.0 °C per decade) was observed until 2013–2015, followed by a warming trend, culminating in 2023 as the warmest year recorded on James Ross Island. Active layer thickness showed high variability, largely influenced by lithology, with typical values ranging from 50 to 90 cm. Maximum thicknesses exceeding 130 cm were recorded at the CALM-S JGM site. Similar to temperature trends, the active layer thinned until 2013 (approximately 10–15 cm per decade) and then thickened at a comparable rate thereafter.


    How to cite: Hrbáček, F., Kňažková, M., Láska, K., Kaplan Pastíriková, L., and Uxa, T.: Active Layer Monitoring on James Ross Island, Antarctica: Results from 2006–2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18375,, 2025.

    EGU25-18453 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.4

    A-ERT Insights: Linking resistivity, temperature, and moisture dynamics in two distinctive Antarctic permafrost lithologies 

    Michaela Kňažková, Mohammad Farzamian, Filip Hrbáček, Teddi Herring, and Christian Hauck

    This study investigates the relationship between electrical resistivity, ground temperature, and soil moisture across two contrasting lithologies within the permafrost environment on James Ross Island, located in the north-eastern Antarctic Peninsula. The region is characterized by continuous permafrost and a semi-arid polar continental climate with a mean annual air temperature of approximately -7 °C. The monitoring transect crosses a lithological boundary between a Holocene marine terrace and finer-grained Cretaceous sediments. An automated electrical resistivity tomography (A-ERT) system, utilizing a 4POINTLIGHT_10W (Lippmann) device, was installed near the Czech Antarctic station Johann Gregor Mendel in February 2023. The system performs daily resistivity measurements along a 23-metre transect with 47 electrodes spaced 0.5 m apart, probing depths up to 4.5 meters. Complementary temperature sensors (placed at depths from 5 to 200 cm) and soil moisture sensors (at 5, 35, 55, and 75 cm) provide additional context on thermal and moisture regimes within each of the distinctive lithologies.

    Approximately two years of data reveal significant lithology-dependent variations in resistivity. Resistivity values are consistently higher in the coarser-grained Holocene marine terrace than in the finer-grained Cretaceous sediments. Overall, resistivity increases rapidly during winter (approximately 1–2 kΩm) and decreases during the thawing phase (approximately 10–100 Ωm), closely following the changes in ground temperature and soil moisture. The thaw front progression is readily observable in resistivity data, highlighting contrasting thermal and hydrological responses between lithologies. These relationships also form the basis for modelling ground temperature across the whole transect using resistivity data, offering a predictive approach to understanding permafrost dynamics.

    This study demonstrates that A-ERT provides robust, high-resolution insights into the interplay between lithology, thermal regime and soil moisture in permafrost environments, surpassing the spatial limitations of traditional borehole methods and enabling effective long-term monitoring in extreme Antarctic conditions.

    How to cite: Kňažková, M., Farzamian, M., Hrbáček, F., Herring, T., and Hauck, C.: A-ERT Insights: Linking resistivity, temperature, and moisture dynamics in two distinctive Antarctic permafrost lithologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18453,, 2025.

    EGU25-19318 | Orals | CR4.4

    Seasonal ground temperature variation controls stress regime and rock anchor tension in warming permafrost rock slopes 

    Rg Pläsken, Ingo Hartmeyer, Markus Keuschnig, and Michael Krautblatter

    In recent decades, widespread impacts of permafrost degradation and glacier recession on rock instability have been well-documented in the Alps and other mountain regions worldwide. While these changes have largely been attributed to shifts in resisting forces – such as the stability of rock, ice, and rock-ice interfaces – changes in stress regimes have received less attention, primarily due to the significant challenges in measuring and recording them.

    In this contribution we study seasonal and multiannual changes in the stress regime of a warming permafrost rock slope based on a unique five-year dataset (2016-2020) of loads measured at the heads of three grouted anchors at the Kitzsteinhorn, Central Alps, Austria. The studied steel anchors (total length 25 m) are located in a recently deglaciated rock-face below a high-alpine cable car station and are interpreted as extensometers which register stress changes in the surrounding rock mass. Variations in recorded load are interpreted as proxies for deformation along the 18-meter free anchor length, offering valuable insights into the deep subsurface. In this zone, the effects of climate warming are often more discernible due to the reduced influence of strongly fluctuating atmospheric conditions.

    In the five-year observation period loads ranged from 350-600 kN at the three studied anchors. A strong seasonal variation of 40-125 kN was observed (high winter loads, low summer loads), which translates to strains of 1.3 to 4.1 mm. Seasonal load increases were found to correlate strongly with negative thermal gradients in the subsurface, which drive cryosuction and ice segregation. Autumn and winter load increases are thus likely associated with the seasonal formation of segregated ice in the active layer, while the summertime load decreases are attributed to the seasonal melt of ground ice.

    Small variations of the maximum thickness of the permafrost active layer – measured in a 20 m deep borehole situated just a few meters from the rock anchors – seem to have a critical effect on the observed loads, pointing to ice melt at the base of the active layer as a critical driving force for load (stress) variation. Recorded anchor loads decreased by up to 24 % in warm summers and recovered only partially in the following winters resulting in a gradual, long-term load decline in the observation period.

    How to cite: Pläsken, R., Hartmeyer, I., Keuschnig, M., and Krautblatter, M.: Seasonal ground temperature variation controls stress regime and rock anchor tension in warming permafrost rock slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19318,, 2025.

    EGU25-19777 | ECS | Posters on site | CR4.4

    Numerical modeling of ground thermo-hydrological changes in two Tibetan catchments and implications for lake level changes 

    Maria Peter, Léo Martin, and Sebastian Westermann

    Across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, arid and cold conditions provide permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. In recent decades changing climate led to substantial hydrological changes and strongly variable lake levels in the region which again strongly impacts the local population and settlements. This study focuses on two endorheic lake catchments, lake Paiku and lake Hala, to advance the representation and understanding of the connection between increased evaporation, runoff, and changing thermal states of the ground using a 1D numerical permafrost model. Additionally, to ameliorate the scarcity of data and measurement points for ground ice content and to compare the model output to field data, a novel remote sensing approach is utilized. Here, the seasonal amplitude of frost heave and thaw subsidence measured through satellite-based Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is used to estimate the potential for ground ice content in the active and the seasonally frozen layers of permafrost ground and translated to predict ground ice content within the permafrost table together with landform information from geomorphological mapping.

    This provides a tool to estimate how large the impact of changing permafrost hydrology and the loss of ground ice content might be on local lake levels and, ultimately, on settlements and societies in arid high mountain regions which are highly vulnerable to small changes in the hydrological system.

    How to cite: Peter, M., Martin, L., and Westermann, S.: Numerical modeling of ground thermo-hydrological changes in two Tibetan catchments and implications for lake level changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19777,, 2025.

    EGU25-2460 | Orals | GM9.4

    Beyond Ice: The Role of Glacier Retreat in Shaping Ecosystem Services in High Mountain Regions 

    Laura Velasquez, Alejandra Morán Ordóñez, and Gianalberto Losapio

    Glacier retreat in high mountain regions is accelerating globally due to anthropogenic climate change, yet the implications for ecosystem services in newly exposed landscapes remain underexplored. While much of the research has focused on glacier retreat’s impact on vegetation and soil succession, its effects on the provision of ecosystem services, particularly in proglacial environments, have received less attention. This study systematically reviews the literature to identify the ecosystem services mediated by plant communities and soils in post-glacial ecosystems, and to assess how glacier retreat influences these services. Our findings reveal both the loss and gain of multiple ecosystem services, with a particular focus on their spatial distribution within proglacial landscapes. We identify over ten distinct soil-plant mediated services, including natural hazard mitigation, slope stability, climate regulation, air quality improvement, and nutrient cycling. These services show contrasting trends in relation to glacier retreat, underscoring the complex interaction between glacial processes and broader ecosystem functioning. This review highlights the need for a multidisciplinary approach that integrates geological and ecological perspectives, emphasizing the role of ecosystem services in guiding conservation and land-use planning in rapidly changing mountain regions. It further underscores that glaciers play a crucial, multifaceted role in maintaining ecosystem stability and the provision of critical services, far beyond their physical presence as ice masses.

    How to cite: Velasquez, L., Morán Ordóñez, A., and Losapio, G.: Beyond Ice: The Role of Glacier Retreat in Shaping Ecosystem Services in High Mountain Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2460,, 2025.

    EGU25-2762 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Alpine landslide dynamics and post-glacial topographic reshaping 

    Coline Ariagno, Philippe Steer, and Pierre Valla

    In steep alpine environments, successive glacial-interglacial cycles during the Quaternary led to multiple transient geomorphological phases. These periods are marked by landscape disequilibrium between the inherited topography and the dominant geomorphological processes. In particular, post-glacial periods are key transition phases experiencing rapid geomorphic changes, characterized by intense hillslope processes where ice and permafrost have shrunk. As landslides are the main post-glacial processes controlling sediment production in steep mountain environments, we approach numerically their late-glacial to interglacial dynamics in re-shaping the alpine topography. In the Ecrins massif (French western Alps), we select three catchments, with particular morphological signatures (i.e. from fluvial to glacial) to explore their associated topographic evolution under landsliding. Using the landscape evolution model ‘Hyland’, we quantitatively assess their individual response to landsliding by exploring the role of different internal or external factors (e.g., bedrock cohesion, return time of landslides). The model is calibrated with the output landslide area-volume scaling law and the massif-averaged denudation rate, known from literature. We focus on the cumulative impact of landslides, during the post-glacial period, on catchment slope distribution, hypsometry, produced sediment volume and erosion rate. Moreover, inherited glacial topography seems strongly sensitive to hillslope processes showing a bimodal distribution of elevation for landsliding for the glacial catchments, both spatially and temporarily. The evolution of the slope-elevation distribution is associated to a lowering in maximum catchment elevations, usually attributed to the glacial buzzsaw. Our modeling results also show a temporal variability in landslide frequency, highlighting a maximum frequency at the onset of the glacial retreat followed by a progressive decay during the interglacial period, despite an inherent variability associated with landslide stochasticity. Thus, the associated landslide erosion rate follows a similar progressive trend. On the contrary, fluvial catchments show more stable topography and less intense landslide activity. Landscape evolution models appear as a suitable tool to reveal the landslide dynamics during the postglacial period and to quantitatively explore the non-linear interactions between landsliding and catchment topographic evolution.

    How to cite: Ariagno, C., Steer, P., and Valla, P.: Alpine landslide dynamics and post-glacial topographic reshaping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2762,, 2025.

    EGU25-4457 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4

    Tracking river course dynamics in Alpine glacier forelands with satellite time series 

    Lorena Abad, Daniel Hölbling, Vanessa Streifeneder, Elena Nafieva, Zahra Dabiri, and Florian Albrecht

    Satellite imagery time series (SITS) have become a powerful tool to monitor changes within complex landscapes. Opposed to single snapshots, insights and information derived from SITS expand our knowledge about dynamic processes, such as those occurring in glacier forefields. In recent decades, the decline of glaciers and the related enlargement of glacier forefields have occurred at unprecedented rates, leading to the evolution of new landscapes. For instance, climate change has accelerated the meltwater runoff from glaciers, resulting in the emergence and expansion of drainage systems. This work aims at a spatio-temporal analysis of the evolution of proglacial river courses in glacier forelands for selected areas in the High Tauern mountain range and the Ötztal Alps in Austria. For this purpose, on-demand data cubes based on high-resolution SITS from PlanetScope are created for the focus areas. A machine learning classification of distinct land cover types, focusing on water detection is performed to identify the river course at each timestamp. Ancillary data, such as topography, is integrated into the classification process to enhance accuracy. Further, an analysis of time series trajectories allows the quantification of change per pixel, providing a detailed overview of the evolution of the river courses. These changes are then related to deglaciation processes driven by climatic variations. The results of this study will contribute to a better understanding of how glacier retreat influences hydrological systems in alpine environments, offering valuable insights for future research and environmental management.

    How to cite: Abad, L., Hölbling, D., Streifeneder, V., Nafieva, E., Dabiri, Z., and Albrecht, F.: Tracking river course dynamics in Alpine glacier forelands with satellite time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4457,, 2025.

    EGU25-4638 | Orals | GM9.4

    Harnessing the power of graphs to model subglacial sediment transport networks and basal sediment evolution 

    Alan Aitken, Ian Delaney, Mauro Werder, Guillaume Pirot, and Adam Hepburn

    A better knowledge of sediment transport is needed to understand the distribution of sediments beneath ice, and the signals of cryosphere change that may be detected in glacial sediments deposited offshore. We present here an updated graph-analysis approach to enable further exploration of the sedimentary consequences of hydrological change and allows for a quantitative estimate of water and sediment fluxes in the subglacial environment, and associated basal till evolution and properties, impacting on glacier sliding and hydrogeology processes. The analysis is based on the outputs of physical models, including an ice sheet model output and a subglacial hydrology model output. The approach defines catchment-scale graphs as ‘communities’ of the subglacial hydrology network, from which nested subgraphs are defined optimised to the problem at hand: Such representations greatly reduce the model size and operating in parallel allow efficient development of an ensemble result. The subgraphs may be defined from prior information, such as known catchments, or ad-hoc definition during run-time based on stochastic, probabilistic, or adaptive algorithms. For the subglacial environment the models resolve where sediment is unlikely to be preserved, contrasting with areas of high survivability and deposition. Key properties are defined including thickness of the sediment layer, the grain size of sediment and sediment transport history. These properties may be used to further understand the mechanism of basal sliding and the opportunity for hydrogeological processes. We demonstrate the approach for synthetic examples and catchment-scale studies of real systems.

    How to cite: Aitken, A., Delaney, I., Werder, M., Pirot, G., and Hepburn, A.: Harnessing the power of graphs to model subglacial sediment transport networks and basal sediment evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4638,, 2025.

    EGU25-5871 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4

    A Python modelling framework for estimating tunnel-valley erosion under former and future ice sheets 

    Gustav Jungdal-Olesen, Jan A. Piotrowski, Vivi Kathrine Pedersen, Anders Damsgaard, Runa Fälber, and Jutta Winsemann

    Estimating the erosive potential of future glaciations is important for assessing the long-term safety of nuclear waste repositories. Of special interest is the formation of tunnel-valleys, glacial erosional features over 500 m deep carved by meltwater channels beneath ice sheets and glaciers. We present a Python modeling framework to estimate tunnel-valley erosion using the erosion and deposition model of Walder & Fowler (1994) in combination with several open-source models and libraries for ice sheet modelling, flexural isostasy modelling, image pattern recognition, and meltwater routing. We showcase how the model works and performs on a synthetic fluvial pre-glacial landscape with a fixed simplified ice sheet configuration. The model works by routing both surface meltwater through simulated moulins in the ice sheet and basal meltwater on the hydraulic potential surface under the ice. The meltwater flow modulates the locations for initial channel incision, wherein the erosion and deposition will be calculated iteratively as the erosion and deposition rate depends on the channel cross-section. The preliminary results of this model show that a steady flux of meltwater from a deglaciating ice sheet can incise tunnel valleys tens of meters deep and several hundred meters wide over a period of hundreds of years. We anticipate incorporating features such as catastrophic lake drainage and an erosion parameter controlled by lithology into the model, as these mechanisms are believed to play a crucial role in the formation of large-scale tunnel valleys.  


    Walder, J. S., & Fowler, A. (1994). Channelized subglacial drainage over a deformable bed. Journal of Glaciology, 40(134), 3–15.

    How to cite: Jungdal-Olesen, G., Piotrowski, J. A., Pedersen, V. K., Damsgaard, A., Fälber, R., and Winsemann, J.: A Python modelling framework for estimating tunnel-valley erosion under former and future ice sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5871,, 2025.

    EGU25-5902 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Microbial dynamics in an alpine glacier forefield: Environmental drivers and ecological implications 

    Frédéric Lardet, Clémence Maire, Jasmine Berg, and Stuart Lane

    The retreat of glaciers and ice sheets since the end of the Little Ice Age has created proglacial margins, where environmental conditions are initially too harsh for the establishment of higher organisms such as vascular plants. Less sensitive to disturbances and to the lack of resources commonly observed immediately after soil exposure, microbes (e.g. Bacteria, Archaea), however, rapidly colonise these environments. In doing so, they drastically alter soil biogeochemistry and properties. Microbes thus act as key ecosystem engineers, facilitating the development of macroorganisms in proglacial margins. The recent advancement of DNA extraction and metabarcoding along global glacier chronosequences has revealed significant microbial diversity in these ecosystems, with contrasting ecological trajectories over time. This can be attributed to their high sensitivity to changing environmental conditions, alongside time since deglaciation, suggesting a need for multidisciplinary studies to constrain the development of these pioneers. In our study, we evaluate the role of soil microbes as actors in ecosystem development following deglaciation. By collecting soil samples along a high-elevation site in the Southwestern Swiss Alps, we investigated the relationships between microbial community composition and soil biogeochemistry, local geomorphology, and seasonality. With this approach, we constrained the shifts in community composition as time since deglaciation increased, finding that soil biogeochemistry, texture and seasonality are the main drivers of these changes. We demonstrate that microbes are also subject to ecological succession and that environmental factors are essential to explain their ecology. In the context of new ecosystem emergence following accelerated glacier retreat in the 21stcentury, our results underscore the importance of understanding microbial ecology to comprehend the future of these new landscapes.

    How to cite: Lardet, F., Maire, C., Berg, J., and Lane, S.: Microbial dynamics in an alpine glacier forefield: Environmental drivers and ecological implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5902,, 2025.

    EGU25-6109 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4

    Calving waves impact morphodynamics of Arctic beaches, Greenlandic and Svalbard cases studies 

    Oskar Kostrzewa, Małgorzata Szczypińska, Jan Kavan, Krzysztof Senderak, Milan Novák, and Mateusz Strzelecki

    Ongoing climate warming is leading to rapid changes in the Arctic environment, including major changes in the cryosphere. One of the effects of recent rapid retreat of marine-terminating glaciers is the exposure of new coastlines. The calving of such glaciers often produces tsunami-like waves that pose a serious threat to coastal environments. These powerful waves are not only able to shift glacial melange in front of ice cliffs and redistribute icebergs, but also flood and rebuild local cliffs and beaches. We present a multidecadal analysis of changes of the coastal zone in front of the Eqip Sermia glacier (Greenland) and Hansbreen (Svalbard). We provide evidence that calving waves play a important role in transforming the lateral moraine left on shore by retreating glacier into a system of beaches and spits. In case of Eqip Sermia part of the former moraine has been transformed into a boulder-dominated spit that has closed the local lagoon over the years. Even one standard calving wave can remodel the beach surface by entraining boulders up to 1.8 m in diameter and eroding the beach surface by leaching sand and gravel from rocky outcrops. Calving waves produced by Hansbreen are smaller and had more subtle effect on local beaches. Our study represents an important advance towards understanding paraglacial coastal evolution in regions characterised by rapid marine-terminating glaciers’ retreat.

    Funding: The research is supported by the National Science Centre in Poland (project:  ‘GLAVE- transformation of paraglacial coasts by tsunamis - past, present and warmer future’ No. UMO-2020/38/E/ST10/00042).

    How to cite: Kostrzewa, O., Szczypińska, M., Kavan, J., Senderak, K., Novák, M., and Strzelecki, M.: Calving waves impact morphodynamics of Arctic beaches, Greenlandic and Svalbard cases studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6109,, 2025.

    EGU25-7452 | Orals | GM9.4

    A new subglacial sediment deformation discharge rule 

    Lucas Zoet, Dougal Hansen, and Rebecca Schlegel

    Movement of glaciers over (soft) sediment beds can deform the underlying sediment, transporting it in the direction of glacier flow. This subglacial sediment discharge can vary spatially, leading to net erosion in some areas and deposition in others—stripping some areas free of sediment, while others accumulate thick deposits—thereby forming a diverse array of subglacial landforms. The sediment discharge rules currently employed in landscape evolution models lack an empirical basis, which limits their predictive capabilities. We propose a new sediment discharge rule informed by highly controlled laboratory ring shear experiments, in which sediment discharge was directly measured. In these experiments, a water-saturated sediment layer was placed beneath a rotating ring of ice that was spun at varying slip speeds and effective stresses (N, defined as overburden stress minus water pressure), while sediment deformation was monitored. Sediment did not deform below a threshold speed, which depended on N and the material properties of the sediment. Past this threshold, deformation occurred with a near linear dependence between sediment discharge and ice slip speed, along with a non-monotonic dependence of sediment discharge on N. Specifically, sediment discharge increased with N up to approximately 60 kPa, after which it decreased. This non monotonic relationship arose from the coupling of the viscous ice sole with the sediment bed and the development of force chains within the deforming sediment layer. Considering these different mechanical attributes, we derive a sediment discharge rule that is both simple to implement and physically grounded, depending on effective stress, slip speed and the material properties of the sediment. This new relationship captures a range of dynamic behaviors at low N and can explain observed patterns of subglacial landform formation.

    How to cite: Zoet, L., Hansen, D., and Schlegel, R.: A new subglacial sediment deformation discharge rule, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7452,, 2025.

    EGU25-9614 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Quantification of landslide-induced changes in glacier dynamics – literature review 

    Arunabh Bhattacharyya, Marek Ewertowski, and Jakub Malecki

    Glaciers serve as markers of climate change; however, they can also respond to other events, e.g. large mass movements. Instances of large supraglacial landslides have been documented from across all major mountain ranges of the world.  Despite the large number of such events, quantitative data on glacier response to debris loading by landslide remains limited and highly incoherent. The absence of a uniform standard to report quantitative data on glacier behaviour complicates data interpretation. This study aimed to conduct an extensive literature review to compile an inventory of landslide-affected glaciers for which quantitative data are available. The generated database standardised reported data, bringing them to the same units to enable data comparison for different glaciers. The study also discussed data and methods used to obtain quantitative data and propose the most effective workflows to derive each parameter. 

    Glacier response to a sudden delivery of a large quantity of debris by a landslide can include a change in ice flow velocity (acceleration or deceleration) and/or change in ablation rate, which, in consequence, can lead to mass balance modification and glacier advance. These changes can be quantified by measurements of several parameters, the most common of which are ice velocity, ice thickness, ablation, mass balance, volume, and terminus position. Based on the literature review, we were able to find only 22 glaciers for which at least some quantitative data were available on glacier response to the landslide event. Quantification of ice velocity change was the most common (available for 15 glaciers), followed by measurements of terminus position (12 glaciers) and changes in ice thickness (nine glaciers). In most cases, the ice flow velocity after the landslide increased, with the highest values reported for Baltoro glacier (Gardner and Hewitt, 1990), RGO (Stark et al., 2012) and Amalia (Van Wyk de Vries et al., 2022) glaciers. Terminus advance after the landslide was reported for nine glaciers (from 100 to 3200 m) and retreat for three glaciers (300 to 1400 m). The biggest challenges in interpreting the reported data were: different durations of observations, different modes of measurements, and different units. 

    This research was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, project number 2021/42/E/ST10/00186


    Gardner, J., & Hewitt, K. (1990). A Surge of Bualtar Glacier, Karakoram Range, Pakistan: A Possible Landslide Trigger. Journal of Glaciology., 36(123), 159-162. 

    Stark, C., Wolovick, M., & Ekstrom, G. (2012). Glacier surge triggered by massive rock avalanche: Teleseismic and satellite image study of long-runout landslide onto RGO Glacier, Pamirs. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts

    Van Wyk de Vries, M., Wickert, A. D., MacGregor, K. R., Rada, C., & Willis, M. J. (2022). Atypical landslide induces speedup, advance, and long-term slowdown of a tidewater glacier. Geology.

    How to cite: Bhattacharyya, A., Ewertowski, M., and Malecki, J.: Quantification of landslide-induced changes in glacier dynamics – literature review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9614,, 2025.

    EGU25-9808 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Modeling topsoil organic carbon in proglacial areas worldwide using interpretive machine learning 

    Collin van Rooij, Gerard Heuvelink, Arnaud Temme, Sigrid van Grinsven, and Titia Mulder

    Proglacial areas emerge where glaciers retreat as a result of climate change. These ‘natural laboratories’ act as a chronosequence due to glaciers’ steady recession, and are thus ideally suited to study soil formation. We synchronized data from several studies, resulting in 673 soil samples from 29 proglacial areas worldwide. We used Random Forests (RF) to inspect the predictive power of Machine Learning (ML) on topsoil organic carbon. We used 10-fold nested cross-validation to tune the model and to prevent overfitting. 37 different covariates were selected to serve as proxies of soil-forming factors. Among these are variables like the modeled temperature and precipitation to reflect climatic conditions, and geomorphological indices like the slope to reflect relief. These covariates were either measured in situ or, in majority, derived from globally available (satellite) data. The remotely sensed covariates were retrieved from open-source data through Google Earth Engine. We also analyzed how ML models perform when supplied with different subsets of covariates grouped by their associated soil-forming factor. Additionally, we conducted analyses where we left out whole areas or even regions to inspect the applicability of ML models on other proglacial areas worldwide.

    The RF model with all covariates had an R² of 0.5, thus only weakly explaining the variation in topsoil organic carbon. The performance of the models where subsets of all covariates were used did not decline much. By employing Shapley values, an interpretive ML method, we revealed that NDVI and Age have the largest influence on topsoil OC content. However, the relations between covariates and the topsoil organic carbon remain complex, as is shown by the small differences in variable importance and changes in importance when certain variables are omitted. Site-specific Shapley values suggest differences in local and global drivers of SOC sequestration. Relief variables for example have a substantial effect when we consider individual areas, but climatic variables are more important within a global scope. Although Shapley values cannot guarantee a direct cause-and-effect relationship of soil forming factors and topsoil OC content in proglacial areas, they clarify the positive effect of using variables such as NDVI and Age within an ML framework and help to gain insight beyond prediction.

    How to cite: van Rooij, C., Heuvelink, G., Temme, A., van Grinsven, S., and Mulder, T.: Modeling topsoil organic carbon in proglacial areas worldwide using interpretive machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9808,, 2025.

    EGU25-11160 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4

    As Glaciers Recede, Soils Emerge: Modelling the Dynamics of Proglacial Soil Formation  

    Sophie Stoffl, Alessia Giarola, and Arnaud Temme

    Proglacial areas offer valuable insights into soil development in alpine environments and as glaciers retreat due to climate warming, new bedrock is exposed, initiating soil formation. Proglacial areas are dynamic, with soil development influenced by various factors such as glacial retreat, erosion, topographic conditions and geomorphic processes. Understanding these processes is crucial for predicting how soils in alpine landscapes will evolve in response to ongoing climatic changes. Until now, however, our understanding of soil formation processes has been based primarily on point-specific data from samples collected in glacial forefields. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of these processes, we aimed to simulate them across an entire area. Therefore, we developed a new version of an existing soil and landscape model with the objective of enhancing our understanding of soil formation in proglacial areas by simulating the soil development for each pixel of a digital elevation model.

    The soil and landscape model LORICA integrates geomorphic and soil-forming processes, enabling a deeper understanding of the spatial and temporal aspects of soil development. In high-alpine regions, geomorphic processes, like water erosion, play a critical role in shaping the landscape and influencing soil formation. To apply LORICA to proglacial areas, a "proglacial mode" was developed using the Bachfallenferner study site in Tyrol, Austria. Existing and self-collected soil samples were analysed to obtain information for the model inputs, like the average grain size distributions. The proglacial mode entails some adjustments to model parameters and incorporates an age raster. The age raster reflects glacial extents since the Little Ice Age, allowing simulations of soil development over selected time periods as the glacier retreats and the proglacial area expands. As a result, during a model run, more and more soil is exposed as consequence of the glacial melting and soil formation begins, reflecting reality. In the proglacial mode, the geomorphic process “water erosion and deposition” and the soil forming processes “physical weathering”, “chemical weathering”, “clay dynamics” and “carbon cylcle” are selected as relevant and the parameters for these processes were adjusted to fit the framework conditions of a glacier forefield. In addition, the proglacial mode accounts for the influence of glacier-derived meltwater on the newly forming soils.  

    The model, including the proglacial mode, was calibrated using representative soil samples from Bachfallenferner. These field-collected data form the foundation for ensuring the model's accuracy and reliability. By complementing traditional soil-sampling methods, our approach provides a comprehensive, area-covering view of soil development in a dynamic alpine environment and represents the first mechanistic model that can depict the successive development of soil in a glacier forefield.

    How to cite: Stoffl, S., Giarola, A., and Temme, A.: As Glaciers Recede, Soils Emerge: Modelling the Dynamics of Proglacial Soil Formation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11160,, 2025.

    EGU25-11274 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4

    Development of hydraulic functions in proglacial soils - investigations in two alpine valleys  

    Lea-Sophie Nopens, Arnaud Temme, Magdalena Koschmieder, and Fabian Wild

    The retreat of glaciers as a result of climate change is increasingly creating proglacial areas in which new soils are developing. These soils can play a key role in the hydrological processes and water regulation of alpine regions. However, the development of hydrologically important properties of proglacial soils remains largely unquantified. In this study, we explore the development of soil-hydraulic properties of proglacial soils over time and the factors that influence this development. We hypothesized that proglacial soils increase their capacity to retain water over time. 

    For this purpose, twelve soil samples were taken from moraines of different ages and geological compositions from two alpine valleys - the Langtalferner with crystalline till, and the Pazielferner with carbonatic till, both in Austria. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory for their physical and hydraulic properties (dry weight, loss on ignition, grain size distribution). Sample volume was calculated using terrestrial structure from motion photogrammetry before and after sample extraction to determine other properties such as density and porosity. Pedotransfer functions, which are used to mathematically estimate properties that are difficult to measure directly, were used to determine other hydraulic properties such as saturated hydraulic conductivity. 

    We found that the soil rock fraction is higher in the crystalline till than in the carbonate till. These fractions remained stable with soil age. Organic matter increases significantly in the crystalline Langtal with soil age, while no corresponding increase was found in the carbonatic Pazielferner. We also tested the expectations that a) with increasing soil age the grain size distribution will show a higher proportion of clay and a lower proportion of sand, and b) that the porosity will increase with the rise in clay content to allow greater water retention as the soils age.

    How to cite: Nopens, L.-S., Temme, A., Koschmieder, M., and Wild, F.: Development of hydraulic functions in proglacial soils - investigations in two alpine valleys , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11274,, 2025.

    EGU25-12393 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Proglacial Retrogressive Thaw Slumping, Svalbard 

    Liam Carson and Brian Moorman

    The Arctic is currently experiencing warming at much higher rates when compared to the global average, which has led to rapid changes within the cryosphere, including glacial retreat and permafrost thaw. These climate-induced processes are transforming proglacial environments, with ice-cored moraine thaw driving rapid landscape evolution. Although topographical changes caused by thawing ice-cored moraines have been studied in the Arctic, there is a lack of ice-cored moraine studies in central Spitsbergen. In this study, we present Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-derived models of two glacial forefields in central Spitsbergen, Scott Turnerbreen (STB) and Longyearbreen (LYB), where six aerial photogrammetric surveys were flown over the course of three weeks, providing a high temporal resolution for three specific Retrogressive Thaw Slumps (RTS) and the forefields themselves. Previous aerial imagery captured in 2018 and satellite imagery gathered from 2014 allow for a greater range of temporal frequencies. Furthermore, using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), sites that experienced movement, as observed from the aerial surveys, were tested to determine if the cause of movement could be directly correlated to the melting ground ice. STB saw a loss of 67350m3 since 2018, with one-third of that volume loss being attributed to the three RTSs observed in this study. Since 2018, the LYB has lost 115,252m3 in volume, almost double the amount observed in STB. This disparity in lost material is evident in the area of the visible RTSs occurring in both study sites, with the LYB being home to an RTS almost 3 times the size of the largest RTS observed in STB. By integrating surface and subsurface analyses, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of ice-cored moraine dynamics under climate change, highlighting implications for geomorphological stability, sediment release, and hydrological systems. These findings emphasize the urgent need for continued monitoring and predictive modelling to assess the persistence of such changes in these Arctic proglacial landscapes.

    How to cite: Carson, L. and Moorman, B.: Proglacial Retrogressive Thaw Slumping, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12393,, 2025.

    EGU25-15347 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4

    Glacier retreat and slope instabilities: Impacts on alpine infrastructure assessed through InSAR technique 

    Zahra Dabiri, Daniel Hölbling, Elena Nafieva, Vanessa Streifeneder, Lorena Abad, and Florian Albrecht

    Glacier retreats, along with associated geomorphological and periglacial processes, can significantly impact hiking infrastructure and have consequences for the local tourism industry, which heavily depends on high-altitude mountaineering. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time-series techniques, such as the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) method, have gained considerable attention for analysing surface deformation and slope instability. InSAR utilises phase information to measure time-series surface deformations with sub-centimetre accuracy.

    The primary objective of this study is to identify and measure surface deformation and slope instability using InSAR, and to investigate the potential impacts on selected alpine huts in high mountain regions in Austria. We use time-series Sentinel-1 data and open-source software, including the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) tool for SAR data processing and the Miami InSAR Time-series software in PYthon (Mintpy) for SBAS analysis. By integrating the InSAR results, slope units derived from a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), and alpine infrastructure locations, we identify areas showing significant deformation rates. The initial results provide insights into the slope instabilities and surface deformation that may affect alpine infrastructure. The results highlight the potential of advanced InSAR time-series analysis for monitoring surface deformation in highly dynamic alpine landscapes, where increasing natural hazards, such as landslides, necessitate improved natural hazard and risk management. Future steps include discussion and validation of the results in collaboration with experts from alpine associations.

    How to cite: Dabiri, Z., Hölbling, D., Nafieva, E., Streifeneder, V., Abad, L., and Albrecht, F.: Glacier retreat and slope instabilities: Impacts on alpine infrastructure assessed through InSAR technique, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15347,, 2025.

    EGU25-16333 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Global Quantification of Glacial versus Fluvial Erosion Rates: Limits to Timescale Dependence 

    Joel Wilner, Bailey Nordin, Alexander Getraer, Rowan Gregoire, Mansa Krishna, Jiawen Li, Derek Pickell, Emma Rogers, Kalin McDannell, Marisa Palucis, and C. Brenhin Keller

    Geologists have long debated the erosive power of glaciation. At one extreme, glaciers and ice sheets have been viewed as non-erosive protective blankets, while at the other extreme, they are considered among Earth’s most potent erosive forces. As such, the question of whether glaciers or rivers are, on average, more effective erosive agents remains contentious. This problem is further complicated by the “Sadler effect,” which describes how erosion and deposition rates appear to decrease as the timescale of observation increases, posing a considerable challenge for directly comparing glacial and fluvial erosion rates. The Sadlerian dilemma is particularly relevant to discussions of Cenozoic paleoclimate, where intensified erosion due to enhanced glaciation has been argued to be both a cause and consequence of Cenozoic cooling. Here, we present a comprehensive global compilation of glacial and fluvial erosion rates supplemented by simple numerical experiments. Our analysis shows that globally averaged glacial erosion rates surpass fluvial erosion rates by an order of magnitude (0.51 mm/year vs. 0.067 mm/year), a difference that cannot be attributed to the Sadler effect. We further demonstrate that the Sadler effect arises from three distinct biases: a measurement thickness bias (primarily related to the average penetration depth of cosmogenic rays into rocks), an erosion-redeposition bias (reflecting the bidirectional nature of certain geological processes whereby previous progress may be undone), and a non-observation bias (resulting from unobserved erosionally or depositionally quiescent intervals). Taken together, these findings support the notion that erosion rates increased with Cenozoic cooling and glaciation, highlighting the global importance of glacial erosion across diverse timescales.

    How to cite: Wilner, J., Nordin, B., Getraer, A., Gregoire, R., Krishna, M., Li, J., Pickell, D., Rogers, E., McDannell, K., Palucis, M., and Keller, C. B.: Global Quantification of Glacial versus Fluvial Erosion Rates: Limits to Timescale Dependence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16333,, 2025.

    Global climate change has led to severe glacial retreat in the European Alps over the past 130 years. Glacial retreat leaves behind a mostly barren landscape of rock and moraine material, where it takes decades before plants grow and soils to develop. Before plant communities can establish, certain conditions need to be met. Water retention and nutrient availability are generally limiting seed germination and plant growth. This study tackles the question whether we can accelerate plant growth and soil development in areas close to current glaciers, leading to enhanced carbon dioxide uptake and carbon storage in the soil, transforming proglacial areas to lands that are more functional and productive.

    Our overall hypothesis is that it is possible to kickstart plant growth and soil development by transplanting soils and vegetation from nearby vegetated hillslopes, and/or fertilize with local food waste from tourism. The transplantation of soils and compost provides the locations in the proglacial areas with living plants, plant seeds, microbial communities, and carbon and nutrients. We hope this leads to biologically rich hubs from which nearby proglacial locations can be colonized more rapidly. If successful, this can be applied easily, cheaply, and over many glacial valleys.

    The proposed natural form of accelerated soil development has three additional advantages beyond capturing carbon from the atmosphere. First, well-developed soils attenuate waterflow out of deglaciated valleys, which prevents drought and reduces floods. Second, better developed soils are biodiversity hotspots. Finally, the barren landscape left behind by retreating glaciers is often unattractive for tourists. Soil and plant development in these areas will thus likely have economic value from the perspective of mountain communities.

    We explain in this contribution the activities as planned for the summer of 2025, and invite comments and suggestions.

    How to cite: Temme, A. and van Grinsven, S.: Accelerating soil development in proglacial areas by soil transplantation and mountain hut compost fertilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18182,, 2025.

    EGU25-21905 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4

    Andean camelids as engineers of novel proglacial ecosystems 

    Anaïs Zimmer, Fabien Anthelme, Timothy Beach, Rosa Isela Meneses, Sebastián Rivas Regalado, Jean Salcedo Aliaga, and Anali Carmen Velit

    By 2100 and due to global warming, 49% to 83% of the world's terrestrial glaciers will disappear depending on which climate trajectory is followed. The resulting proglacial landscapes will create new challenges and opportunities for downstream socio-ecological systems.

    In the high Andes, a region inhabited for millennia, glacier retreat exacerbates socio-economic challenges, including risks of species extinction, water contamination from acid rock drainage, slope instability, reduced water availability, glacier lake outburst floods, declines in tourism, and the loss of cultural identity and values. Understanding the mechanisms that drive the development of post-glacial ecosystems is urgently needed in the face of rapid glacial retreat.

    These emerging ecosystems, located at the heads of watersheds, play a crucial role in delivering essential services such as water provision, carbon storage, and biodiversity support, benefiting both human and natural systems. To explore these mechanisms, we combined experimental and observational approaches to examine the impact of native Andean camelids on soil properties and vegetation development in four deglaciating landscapes across Peru and Bolivia.

    Our research included a camelid inclusion experiment in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, and observational studies conducted in three deglaciating valleys: two in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru, and one in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia. The findings indicate that native Andean camelids contribute to the formation of novel proglacial ecosystems by creating nutrient-rich hotspots and promoting seed dispersal.

    This regional study provides robust scientific evidence that rewilding with native Andean camelids can support adaptation to glacier retreat. It underscores the potential of nature-based solutions to mitigate both ecological and socio-ecological impacts of climate change. Furthermore, conservation policies and management practices that recognize the role of these animals in proglacial areas could significantly influence ecosystem resilience and response to a warming climate.

    How to cite: Zimmer, A., Anthelme, F., Beach, T., Meneses, R. I., Rivas Regalado, S., Salcedo Aliaga, J., and Velit, A. C.: Andean camelids as engineers of novel proglacial ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21905,, 2025.

    CR5 – Snow and ice: properties, processes, hazards

    EGU25-45 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1

    Improvement of the CLASSIC Snow Model to Better Simulate Arctic Snowpacks 

    Mickaël Lalande, Christophe Kinnard, and Alexandre Roy

    Current snow models – including the most sophisticated ones, such as CROCUS and SNOWPACK – struggle to properly simulate Arctic snowpack characteristics such as density profiles. Indeed, those models have been developed and designed for Alpine snowpacks, which evolve differently from Arctic ones due to higher wind speeds, increasing the compaction of the upper snowpack layers, and stronger temperature gradients, inducing upward water vapor fluxes within the snowpack and influencing the compaction and metamorphism. Both phenomena – combined with complex interactions with the vegetation – are at the origin of the wind-slab and depth hoar formation in Arctic snowpacks. The Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) – being the Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM) land surface component – uses a medium-complexity single-layer snow scheme. Whether correctly representing Arctic snowpack bulk characteristics requires a multilayer approach over a single-layer snow scheme is still an open question. To assess the model skills, 1D simulations were performed at ten sites – including three Arctic sites. Improvements in the snow model scheme were carried out, including three new parameterizations to better represent Arctic snow: (1) blowing snow sublimation losses, (2) wind inclusion in the computation of fresh snow density, and (3) increased wind compaction. Those improvements allow most of the current model skills to be improved at the Arctic sites. Uncertainties related to the meteorological forcing, variable measurements, snow drift, and model bias compensations are a perpetual challenge in those model assessments. Future studies will involve spatial evaluation of those model developments in addition to implementing new snow cover fraction parameterization in CLASSIC. The influence of these new developments will be assessed against the ESA Snow CCI variables for different land types and for the simulated surface energy and carbon fluxes.

    How to cite: Lalande, M., Kinnard, C., and Roy, A.: Improvement of the CLASSIC Snow Model to Better Simulate Arctic Snowpacks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-45,, 2025.

    Snow cover and seasonally frozen ground (SFG) are the key cryospheric elements on the southern edge of Altai Mountains (SEAM). Quantifying the thermal effect of snow cover on the frozen ground remains challenging. Utilizing the datasets observed at Altai Kuwei Snow Station (AKSS) and by National Meteorological Stations of China Meteorological Administration (CMA), we evaluated the thermal effect of snow cover on SFG regime. The results observed by AKSS indicated that the energy exchange between the ground and atmosphere was significantly insulated by snow cover, resulting in a considerable temperature offset between the snow surface and the ground below. This offset reached a maximum of 12.8 °C for a snow depth of 50 cm, but decreased for snowpack depths of >70 cm, whereas the snow temperature lapse rate was systematically steeper in the upper snowpack than at depth. Snow cover was the dominating driver of inter-annual differences in the SFG regime, as represented by the annual maximum freezing depth and soil heat flux. The observed average soil heat loss rate increased from 2.68 to 5.86 W/m2 on two occasions when the average snow depth decreased from 61.2 cm to 13.7 cm, resulting in an increase in maximum freezing depth of SFG from 69 cm to >250 cm soil depth. The results observed by CMA also demonstrate how snow cover controlled the SFG regime by warming the ground and inhibiting freezing of the soil column. Snow cover caused a 44.5-cm decline of annual maximum freezing depth during 1961-2015 period. SFG degradation between 1961 and 2015 was accompanied by increases in both air temperature and snow cover, with the former playing the dominant role. The correlation between snow cover and the ground–atmosphere temperature offset provides a new empirical method of evaluating the effective thermal effect of snow cover on SFG.

    How to cite: zhang, W.: Observations on snow cover and frozen ground in the Chinese Altai Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2196,, 2025.

    EGU25-3069 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1

    Drifting Snow Particle Fragmentation Enhances Blowing Snow Sublimation 

    Guang Li, Jiacheng Bao, Hongxiang Yu, and Ning Huang

    Snowflakes usually have different shapes for different formation environments. When drifting snow happens, fragmentation makes snowflakes transform into rounder shapes and releases more small particles. This is important because it changes airborne snow particles' size distribution(SPSD) and concentration, affecting blowing snow mass flux and sublimation rate. However, current drifting and blowing snow models ignore this, increasing uncertainty in predicting snow mass and energy balance. Here, we develop a drifting and blowing snow model considering the snow fragmentation process during particle-bed interaction and investigate the effects of fragmentation on drifting and blowing snow. The results show that compared to not considering fragmentation, fragmentation changes the SPSD, resulting in an enhancement of mass flux and sublimation rate. The sublimation rate of blowing snow increases by 75% on average under a moderate wind speed ( with a friction velocity between 0.3 and 0.5 m/s). Initial SPSD also affects the final sublimation rate, which indicates that SPSD is an important factor for blowing snow modeling.

    How to cite: Li, G., Bao, J., Yu, H., and Huang, N.: Drifting Snow Particle Fragmentation Enhances Blowing Snow Sublimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3069,, 2025.

    EGU25-3774 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Dry snow densification over ice sheets in the ORCHIDEE land surface model  

    Philippe Conesa, Cécile Agosta, Sylvie Charbit, Simon Beylat, and Christophe Dumas

    The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are particularly vulnerable to global warming. Surface melt and runoff are increasing over Greenland, inducing a decrease in surface mass balance. Projections suggest that this process will accelerate in the future and could also affect the Antarctic ice sheet. Over ice sheets, snowpacks can reach several tens of meters and have the capacity to store and refreeze liquid water. This process directly impacts the amount of runoff and is strongly dependent on the physical characteristics of the snowpack, particularly the snow density governed by metamorphism and overburden pressure. Consequently, understanding and modelling the evolution of ice sheets requires an accurate representation of surface and internal snowpack processes.  However, many Earth system models have simplified snowpack schemes, often evaluated and adapted for seasonal snow but not for polar snow conditions.

    Here we present an automatic method for initialization and calibration of densification in snowpack models, applied  to the ORCHIDEE model, the land surface scheme of the IPSL-CM Earth system model. ORCHIDEE includes an intermediate complexity representation of the snowpack with 12 snow layers and 8 ice layers. In this work, we use ORCHIDEE in offline conditions with atmospheric forcings from the polar-oriented regional atmospheric model MAR. We develop a snowpack initialization method adaptable to any snowpack thickness and model. To address the limitations of densification parameterizations for polar regions identified in ORCHIDEE, we use  an automatic tuning method known as History Matching to calibrate free parameters of the densification formulations. Calibration of 1D simulations over two characteristic dry-snow locations in Greenland and Antarctica enable us to improve densification across the rest of the ice sheets. We apply this method for two different types of density parameterizations and obtain similar good agreement with observed density profiles from the SUMup database. In the future, this methodology can be extended to other free parameters of the model, such as those associated with the albedo parameterization.

    How to cite: Conesa, P., Agosta, C., Charbit, S., Beylat, S., and Dumas, C.: Dry snow densification over ice sheets in the ORCHIDEE land surface model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3774,, 2025.

    EGU25-3784 | Orals | CR5.1

    Characterizing and Predicting Watershed-Wide Snowpack Ripening Patterns with Machine Learning Methods 

    Joel Harper, Clément Cherblanc, Javier Pérez Álvaro, and Jesse Johnson

    A melting snowpack initiates runoff production after cold content has been eliminated and the pore liquid water content has grown to overcome capillary resistance, a process called ripening. Here, we quantify the time-space distribution of ripening within a 4341 km² mountain basin in Montana, USA. Using model output for a 19 year period we compute a time-series of the energy needed for ripening, termed the Runoff Energy Hurdle (REH). The REH is associated with snowpack mass but is variably influenced by cold content, peaks earlier than mass, and is typically eliminated in days. We show that individual locations have complex year-to-year histories of REH growth and loss. Through K-means clustering, we identify four distinct ripening behaviors across high year-to-year variability. One cluster has ripening events throughout the snow season and can include 7-92 % of the basin depending on the year. Three additional clusters ripen progressively later in the spring season within narrowing time windows. We test machine learning methods for predicting the major spring ripening event at each location, based solely on snowpack state. The predictability is proportional to the magnitude of REH, with runoff activation of the highest REH locations predictable within an 18-day window eight weeks in advance. 

    How to cite: Harper, J., Cherblanc, C., Pérez Álvaro, J., and Johnson, J.: Characterizing and Predicting Watershed-Wide Snowpack Ripening Patterns with Machine Learning Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3784,, 2025.

    EGU25-5827 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1

    Some insights from the second principle for snow modelling 

    Kevin Fourteau, Kaoane Jondeau, and Clement Cances

    As snowpacks are largely governed by thermodynamics, special care is usually given as to ensure the first principle, i.e. energy conservation, in their mathematical and numerical descriptions. On the other hand, the second principle, i.e. entropy production, has received less attention. However, the second principle, and its numerical translation, has proven to be a powerful tool in applied mathematics to ensure the stability of mathematical and numerical models. The goal of this work is thus to present the derivation of thermodynamically consistent numerical snowpack models. This rigorous approach restricts the number of acceptable numerical schemes that unconditionally comply with the second principle, and which are thus free of spurious oscillations, overshoots, or divergence. As examples, we consider some regularly encountered cases of numerical instabilities in snowpack models, and re-visit them based on the second principle point of view.

    How to cite: Fourteau, K., Jondeau, K., and Cances, C.: Some insights from the second principle for snow modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5827,, 2025.

    As a form of solid precipitation, snow plays a crucial role in climate regulation by reflecting solar radiation and insulating the ground. Additionally, it serves as a vital water resource, influencing hydrological cycles through its seasonal melting process. So, accurate predictions of snowfall and the subsequent evolution of the snowpack are essential. In this study, some investigations are made to reveal the impact of multi-strategically assimilating Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) precipitation and Himawari-8/Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) water vapor radiances (WVR) on forecasting a heavy snowfall event and snow properties on the ground over the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau employing the Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF) and the Four-Dimensional Variational assimilation system. DA strategies includes two aspects: the initial time of Reg_NWPs runs and the type of observations used. The initial times of Reg_NWPs are 0000 UTC, 0600 UTC, and 1200 UTC on October 28, 2022. Separate and combined DA tests are conducted to forecast. For the process of snowfall, the joint assimilation of the two not only yields multi-dimensional atmospheric insights but also addresses the limitations of individual assimilation. Assimilation GPM and AHI are respective sensitivity to the lower layers (about 800hpa) and upper layers (about 400hpa) of model. The individual assimilation GPM has the greatest effect on near-surface humidity field, and AHI plays a dominant role in the joint assimilation. In addition, we further compare the 12-hourly cumulative snowfall with in-situ meteorological station observations. The predictions of snowfall from DA_G&A perform much better with the correlation coefficient and root-mean-square error 0.36 and 3.14mm, respectively. As for different initial times of NWPs, the best snowfall forecast is 0600 UTC on October 28, 2022, and the CC is 0.4. For the snow properties on theground, the results indicate that the predictions of snow properties, such as snow depth (SD), snow cover fraction (SCF) and snow albedo (SAL), are influenced by both the initial time of Reg_NWPs and the type of observations. DA_G&A showed a significant increase in deep snow area (SD >15cm), and a decrease in shallow snow area (SD<5cm). Comparing with some reanalyzed and remote sensing inversion datasets, the predictions exhibit good physical consistency between snow parameters and fine temporal-spatial resolution. However, the land surface scheme of Reg_NWPs tends to overestimate SCF and SAL. So, in the future, the integration of a land surface DA system (LDAS) into Reg_NWPs will be considered for on-line coupling.


    How to cite: Ren, J. and Huang, C.: Impact of the Snowfall and Snow Properties Predictions with Multiple Data Assimilation Strategies Digesting GPM Precipitation and Himawari-8/AHI water vapor radiance into Reg_NWPs over TP plateau , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6026,, 2025.

    EGU25-8377 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Evaluation of simulated snow inside forests using measured ground temperature 

    Brage Storebakken, Erwin Rottler, Michael Warscher, and Ulrich Strasser

    Forests influence the inside-canopy snow dynamics in various ways depending on topography and the prevailing climate. Understanding how forest effects on snow change with climate variability and climate change is essential for predicting the future role of forests for seasonal snow dynamics. Thereby location-specific studies, such as the one presented here, provide valuable insights into forest-snow interactions within particular regions. In this study, the physically-based and fully distributed snow model openAMUNDSEN, was used to simulate the seasonal snow cover evolution in the Berchtesgaden National Park, Bavaria, Germany. This area is characterized by significant elevation differences (ranging up to 2000 meters within a 3.5 km distance) and offers an ideal setting to examine how forest-snow interactions vary across complex mountain terrain. The model is forced with meteorological data collected from 20 automatic weather stations located in open areas and distributed across different elevations. Simulations were conducted at a spatial resolution of 50 x 50 meters. The temperature at 10 cm ground was measured by 150 temperature-moisture sensors positioned within the forest. These sensors are deployed across various elevations and forest densities. Using these measurements, snow cover duration and snow disappearance date were derived for forested plots and used to evaluate the simulated snow cover. The results indicate that observed and simulated snow metrics generally show consistent patterns within the forested regions of the study area, though some deviations were observed at specific locations. The presented investigations contribute to a more detailed understanding of forest-snow interactions in mountainous environments.

    How to cite: Storebakken, B., Rottler, E., Warscher, M., and Strasser, U.: Evaluation of simulated snow inside forests using measured ground temperature, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8377,, 2025.

    EGU25-9709 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1

    Modelling Meltwater Infiltration and Refreezing in Snow under Non-Isothermal Conditions 

    Camilla Crippa, Alessio Fumagalli, Anna Scotti, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

    The flow of meltwater through snow, acknowledged as a porous medium, is a crucial hydrological process essential for predicting the cryosphere’s response to climate change. This work aims to model the intricate coupling between meltwater infiltration and the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of ice-melt phase change at the Darcy scale. The proposed model consists of the Richards’ equation for infiltration, and evolution equations for ice and water temperature fields, which account for the thermal budget resulting from melt refreezing. Additionally, the model takes into account variations in porosity within the ice structure. The study presents numerical results from simulations conducted on 2D models of snowpacks with distinct initial levels of dryness and varying physical setups, which examine the mechanics of infiltration and alteration of the porosity structure due to refreezing. The implementation employs the PorePy and PyGeoN Python libraries.

    How to cite: Crippa, C., Fumagalli, A., Scotti, A., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: Modelling Meltwater Infiltration and Refreezing in Snow under Non-Isothermal Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9709,, 2025.

    EGU25-9995 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Insights of the seasonal evolution of an arctic snowpack from an intensive field campaign 

    Lisa Bouvet, Neige Calonne, Pascal Hagenmuller, Laurent Arnaud, Oscar Dick, Kévin Fourteau, Mathieu Fructus, Daniel Kramer, Alexandre Langlois, Yves Lejeune, Julien Meloche, Jacques Roulle, Arvids Silis, Louis Védrine, Vincent Vionnet, and Marie Dumont

    The Arctic snowpack covers a large portion of the Earth’s surface, yet detailed snow observations in these areas are sparse compared to observations in alpine environments. The Arctic presents unique environmental conditions, leading to thin snowpacks undergoing high-temperature gradients. These conditions lead to specific evolutions of the snow microstructure, which results in peculiar snowpack properties. To improve our understanding and description of the Arctic snowpack, an eight-month-long field campaign (IVORI) was conducted in Cambridge Bay at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station, Nunavut, Canada (69°N) during the 2023-2024 winter. The campaign is based on daily acquisitions of the 3D snow microstructure at 10 μm using a cold laboratory X-ray tomograph located next to the field site, along with extensive monitoring of the meteorological conditions and traditional snow characterizations. This dataset notably contains 200 tomographic samples and 50 snow stratigraphic profiles covering the full snow depth.

    Here we present the specific climatic context of the 2023-2024 winter at Cambridge Bay, along with an analysis of the evolution of the vertical profiles of density and specific surface area. Finally, a preliminary overview of the performance of snow models at this Arctic location is given, highlighting potential areas for improvement.

    How to cite: Bouvet, L., Calonne, N., Hagenmuller, P., Arnaud, L., Dick, O., Fourteau, K., Fructus, M., Kramer, D., Langlois, A., Lejeune, Y., Meloche, J., Roulle, J., Silis, A., Védrine, L., Vionnet, V., and Dumont, M.: Insights of the seasonal evolution of an arctic snowpack from an intensive field campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9995,, 2025.

    EGU25-10482 | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Intensive field campaign on snow microstructure evolution at a low-elevation alpine site 

    Neige Calonne, Pascal Hagenmuller, Rémi Granger, Lisa Bouvet, Kévin Fourteau, Julien Brondex, François Tuzet, Yves Lejeune, Anne Dufour, Mathieu Fructus, and Marie Dumont

    Dataset of snowpack properties combined with atmospheric forcing are necessary to evaluate snow models. Here, we followed the evolution of the snowpack at Col de Porte, a regular snow observation site located near Grenoble at 1350 m, with detailed measurements of the snow microstructure and related properties. The goals were 1/ to test the feasibility of using X-ray tomography for regular snowpack monitoring, 2/ to carry out an inter-comparison of different instruments for density and specific surface area (SSA) measurements, and 3/ to provide new dataset of snow properties including snow microstructure and meteorological forcing for model driving and evaluation for a low-elevation alpine environment. Over the winters 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, the standard observation program was complemented by SnowMicroPen measurements, SSA measurements with two optical instruments (DUFISSS and HISSGraS), and 3D imaging using a cold laboratory X-ray tomograph located next to the snow field. Measurements were performed weekly to bi-weekly. For tomography, snow were collected in cylinders of 4 cm diameter and 15 cm height. The scans were performed at two resolutions: 10 microns (50 min scan per cm) and 42 microns (3 min scan per cm). We present the evolution of the snowpack in relation to the weather conditions. Snow heights were well below average for the second winter, with several total snowpack disappearances, from mid-February on. Both winters showed regular rain-on-snow and melt events throughout the winter, offering suited data to evaluate wet snow and liquid water flow in models, especially. An inter-comparison of density and SSA estimates from tomography, SnowMicroPen and optical instruments is provided. Finally, we present a preliminary comparison of the snowpack evolution between measurements and the snowpack model Crocus.

    How to cite: Calonne, N., Hagenmuller, P., Granger, R., Bouvet, L., Fourteau, K., Brondex, J., Tuzet, F., Lejeune, Y., Dufour, A., Fructus, M., and Dumont, M.: Intensive field campaign on snow microstructure evolution at a low-elevation alpine site, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10482,, 2025.

    EGU25-10619 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Simulating snow properties and Ku-band backscatter across the forest-tundra ecotone 

    Georgina Woolley, Nick Rutter, Leanne Wake, Vincent Vionnet, Chris Derksen, Julien Meloche, Benoit Montpetit, Gabriel Hould Gosselin, Richard Essery, and Philip Marsh

    Sophisticated snowpack models are required to provide accurate estimation of snowpack properties across the forest-tundra ecotone where in situ measurements are rare. As snowpack properties strongly influence radar scattering signals, accurate simulation is crucial for the success of spaceborne radar missions to retrieve snow water equivalent (SWE). In this study, we evaluate the ability of default and Arctic Crocus embedded within the Soil, Vegetation and Snow version 2 (SVS2-Crocus) land surface model to simulate snowpack properties (e.g. depth, density, SWE, specific surface area) across a 40-km transect of the Northwest Territories, Canada, using two winter seasons (2021-22 & 2022-23) of in situ measurements. An ensemble of simulated snowpack properties (120 members from default and Arctic SVS2-Crocus) were used in the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) model to simulate Ku-band (13.5 GHz) backscatter. SMRT backscatter using multi-layer SVS2-Crocus snowpack simulations were compared to backscatter using a simplified 3-layer radar-equivalent snowpack. Results highlight that Arctic SVS2-Crocus wind-induced compaction modifications were spatially transferable across the forest-tundra ecotone and lead to an improvement in the simulation of surface snow density at all sites, reducing the RMSE of surface density by an average of 29%. The parameterisation of below-canopy wind speed limits the ability of SVS2-Crocus to increase surface density to match measurements, despite the inclusion of Arctic modifications and should be revised for sparse (e.g. canopy densities < 15 %) canopy environments. Basal vegetation modifications were less effective in simulating low-density basal snow layers at all sites (default RMSE: 67 kg m-3; Arctic RMSE: 69 kg m-3) but were necessary to simulate a physically representative Arctic density profile. SVS2-Crocus underestimated snow specific surface area (SSA) leading to high errors in the simulation of snow backscatter (default RMSE: 3.5 dB; Arctic RMSE: 5.3 dB). RMSE of backscatter was reduced by implementing a minimum SSA value (8.7 m2 kg-1; default RMSE: 1.4 dB; Arctic RMSE: 1.3 dB) or by scaling the scattering effects of the snowpack (polydispersity: 0.63; default RMSE: 1.6 dB; Arctic RMSE: 2.6 dB). Utilising a radar-equivalent snowpack was effective in retaining the scattering behaviour of the multi-layer snowpack (RMSE < 1 dB) providing a means to monitor SWE with reduced computational complexity.

    How to cite: Woolley, G., Rutter, N., Wake, L., Vionnet, V., Derksen, C., Meloche, J., Montpetit, B., Hould Gosselin, G., Essery, R., and Marsh, P.: Simulating snow properties and Ku-band backscatter across the forest-tundra ecotone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10619,, 2025.

    Precipitation and snowmelt from the Andes Cordillera are vital water resources for downstream communities and ecosystems, particularly in Central Chile, where agricultural water demands peak during hot, dry summers—out of sync with the winter precipitation regime. The snowpack serves as a natural reservoir, delaying water release; however, warmer temperatures are shifting precipitation patterns from snow to rain and accelerating snowmelt, potentially undermining the snowpack’snatural storage capacity. Understanding the vulnerability of this natural reservoir to climate warming is critical. In this study, we employ the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, configured for convective-permitting simulations over South America (WRF-SAAG), to analyze snowpack dynamics under current and future climate conditions. We simulate a moderate-to-high socioeconomic scenario (SSP3.7.0) over a 22-year period and compare model outputs with observations from high-elevation hydrometeorological stations in Chile and Argentina. Results show reasonable agreement in snow water equivalent (SWE) timing and magnitude, though mean monthly precipitation is overestimated by ~20%. We calculate the Snow Storage Index (Hale et al., 2023) for both historical (2000–2021) and future (2060–2080) periods, assessing its temporal and spatial variability at both grid (4 km) and catchment scales. We also analyze key snowpack characteristics, including peak SWE, duration, and melt rates, highlighting projected reductions in natural storage capacity across the Southern Andes. This research enhances our understanding of snow dynamics in a region with complex topography and varying climatic conditions. Findings are crucial for policymakers and water managers, providing essential insights for developing climate adaptation strategies in the Southern Andes foothills, an area of growing societal importance yet relatively understudied.

    How to cite: Scaff, L. and Krogh, S.: Quantifying the vulnerability of the natural storage capacity of the Andes Cordillera snowpack using a 4-km convection-permitting regional climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14003,, 2025.

    We investigated the effect of formed snowdrifts in advance on the turbulent flow and subsequent snowdrift distribution in a numerical simulation. We conducted an ideal numerical simulation for snowdrift distribution around three types of snow fences: two-dimensional fence, three-dimensional fence, and two-dimensional fence with a bottom gap. Snowdrifts resulting from an 8-hour drifting snow event were estimated by dynamically updating the bottom boundary conditions every 2 hours to reflect the developed snowdrift structures. Compared to simulation without boundary updates, snowdrift height on windward side of the two-dimensional fence was higher in the updated simulation. This increase was attributed to the weakened wind speed and modified snow particle trajectories around the previous snowdrifts. For the three-dimensional and bottom-gap fences, significant differences of snowdrift height were observed on the leeward areas between the updated and no-updated simulations. Snowdrifts on the leeward side of these fences were formed further downstream in the no-updated simulation. In contrast, the updated simulations generated snowdrifts closer to the fence on the leeward side. These findings suggested that neglecting the impact of the previous snowdrift structures in numerical simulation could lead to an overestimation of snowdrift development on the leeward side of obstacles.

    How to cite: Tanji, S.: Estimating the effect of pre-existing snowdrift on turbulent airflow and subsequent snowdrift in the numerical simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14098,, 2025.

    EGU25-15329 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Investigating the potential of snow liquid water content retrieval from near-infrared reflectance measurements 

    Valentin Philippe, Lars Mewes, and Benjamin Walter

    Assessing snow melt and the liquid water content (LWC) of snow is crucial for understanding the hydrological cycle for predicting water resources, hydroelectric power generation, runoff, and potential flooding. It is also essential for correcting remote sensing signals (RADAR) and forecasting wet snow avalanches, for which snow stability is closely linked to its water content. Various methods exist to measure snow LWC, including calorimetry techniques, centrifugal separation, and dielectric methods based on permittivity differences between ice, air, and water. While these methods are well established, they are limited to low sampling resolutions and do not capture the typically high spatial variability of liquid water within the snowpack. However, Donahue et al. recently (2022) demonstrated the potential of near-infrared (NIR) spectral imaging for visualizing the 2D spatial variability of snow wetness in their study, Mapping Liquid Water Content in Snow at the Millimeter Scale: An Intercomparison of Mixed-Phase Optical Property Models Using Hyperspectral Imaging and In Situ Measurements (The Cryosphere).

    The SnowImager instrument (, recently developed at the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (WSL/SLF) together with a local start-up (Davos Instruments), allows for measuring the 2D spatial NIR diffuse-reflectance of snow stratigraphies at wavelengths of 850 nm and 940 nm. Leveraging the fact that reflectance at 850 nm is less influenced by liquid water than at 940 nm, we explore the application of NIR diffuse-reflectance imaging for measuring 2D LWC distribution with the SnowImager. As a first step, we developed a wetness index based on the reflectance measurements, and which is proportional to the LWC. Because the NIR diffuse-reflectance also depends on the optical equivalent grain diameter, a baseline dry reflectance ratio was determined using dry snow samples collected over the winter season 2023/2024. In addition, field measurements (in Weissfluhjoch test site and in Tschuggen during the melt season) were carried out to compare the wetness index against conventional liquid water content measurements obtained with a capacitive sensor.

    Results from the Tschuggen campaign exhibit good agreement between the wetness index and the LWC measurements with the capacitive sensor for the snowpack wetness evolution. Furthermore, the imaging approach demonstrates the ability of capturing high resolution 2D variability of the LWC within a snowpack. Although the findings are promising, limitations were identified at snow microstructure regions of high textural contrasts. Further research is required to validate the wetness index method comprehensively, particularly concerning the characterization of the baseline reflectance ratio.

    How to cite: Philippe, V., Mewes, L., and Walter, B.: Investigating the potential of snow liquid water content retrieval from near-infrared reflectance measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15329,, 2025.

    EGU25-16197 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1 | Highlight

    Drifting Snow around Icebergs: Understanding the Role of Iceberg Size and Shape Through Modeling and Observational Data 

    Océane Hames, Iolène Bouzdine, Christian Haas, and Michael Lehning

    The state of research on snow mass balance over sea ice has advanced in recent years, with significant progress in understanding the complex snow-ice interactions. However, challenges remain in accurately assessing the snow depth variability over sea ice in both space and time, particularly when considering the effect of snow transport by wind. In Antarctica, the calving of ice shelves generates icebergs that get trapped in landfast sea ice and act as obstacles to drifting snow. By accumulating snow around them, icebergs may influence the dynamics of land-fast ice in coastal areas but their precise impact on the mass balance and spatial distribution of snow remains uncertain. Drifting snow models are valuable for isolating the geometric properties of obstacles and independently examining their impact on snowdrifts. In our study, we investigate the effect of iceberg geometry on snowdrift quantities by combining aerial laser scanner observations and numerical Euler-Lagrange simulations. Properties such as iceberg size, roundness and elongation were evaluated and the model outcome was compared to the observations. Results show that the size of icebergs governs the snowdrift quantities, while other shape characteristics mostly affect the snow distribution across the iceberg sides. A new scaling law has been discovered, revealing a clear power-law relationship between the size of snowdrifts and icebergs. Our work improves the understanding of drifting snow processes over Antarctic land-fast ice, particularly the impact of large-scale features on the snow distribution. It can offer deeper insights into the comparison of regions with small and large icebergs, along with their associated land-fast ice characteristics and help to quantitatively predict sea ice dynamics.

    How to cite: Hames, O., Bouzdine, I., Haas, C., and Lehning, M.: Drifting Snow around Icebergs: Understanding the Role of Iceberg Size and Shape Through Modeling and Observational Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16197,, 2025.

    EGU25-16255 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1

    Monitoring dry snow metamorphism from in-situ tomographic measurements 

    Oscar Dick, Neige Calonne, Pascal Hagenmuller, and Benoît Laurent

    Snow physical properties result from the complex 3D arrangement of ice and air at the micrometre scale, referred to as snow microstructure. Describing snow microstructure and predicting its temporal evolution are keys for snowpack models, such as CROCUS or SNOWPACK. Currently, the evolution laws of density and SSA in both models are not fully satisfactory, as shown by some model errors when compared to observations. For example, SSA of new snow simulated on CROCUS tends to decrease faster than what is observed experimentally, while the inverted density profile due to strong gradient metamorphism observed in arctic snowpacks is not captured by CROCUS. These limitations result partly from the fact that evolution laws were empirically derived from experimental time series covering a limited number of snow evolution scenarios, and whose temporal and spatial resolutions could be enhanced.

    X-ray tomography has brought new insights into snow microstructure observation, enabling a quantitative assessment of its variations and a deeper understanding of the physical processes at the micrometer scale. While first measurements were made at room temperature and required to fix the microstructure evolution with impregnation, the use of micro-CT directly inside a cold lab offers the possibility to conduct extensive measurements of snow samples in a cold environment. In this work, we use micro-CT measurements to characterize the temporal evolution of microstructural properties of snow under dry snow metamorphism. To do so, we designed a snow-metamorphism cell to control the temperature at the upper and lower boundaries of a cylindrical snow sample of size 1.8 cm x 2 cm2. This cell can operate directly inside the tomograph and offers the possibility to conduct in-situ monitoring under various experimental conditions. We explored temporal evolutions for different initial snow types, mean temperatures, and temperature gradients ranging from isothermal condition up to 200 K/m. From the micro-CT measurements, we calculate the microstructure properties and analyze their temporal evolution. We also explore the relationships between characteristic lengths, such as ssa, correlation length, mean chord length, and curvature length. In this work, we present the preliminary results from a selection of experiments. The long-term objective is to produce highly resolved time-series with systematic variations of the experimental conditions, and to monitor the evolution of the snow microstructural properties in order to compare them to existing evolution laws and suggest improvements if needed.

    How to cite: Dick, O., Calonne, N., Hagenmuller, P., and Laurent, B.: Monitoring dry snow metamorphism from in-situ tomographic measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16255,, 2025.

    In mountains, wind- and gravity-driven transport of snow affects the overall distribution of snow and can have a significant effect on snowmelt dynamics. In the context of the Swiss operational snow melt forecasting, a compromise must be found to enable the representation of such small-scale processes over the entire Swiss Alps while maintaining viable computational costs.

    To this end, the snow redistribution modules SNOWTRAN-3D and SnowSlide were implemented and adapted within the FSM2oshd physics-based snow cover model. In an earlier study we showed the added value of snow redistribution representations on a 1180 km2 domain within the Eastern Swiss Alps when running simulations at 25, 50 and 100 m spatial resolutions. Here, we present the challenges and developments that are needed to apply this research model successfully over the whole Swiss Alps at 100 m resolution in an operational setting. In particular, we discuss the following issues:

    - The Swiss Alps include very high elevations, with summits above 4000 m.a.s.l. and glaciers. Transport parameters that were shown to be suitable for terrain at 2500 m.a.s.l. are not applicable in more extreme conditions and need diversification.

    - Wind fields, although dynamically downscaled, need further post-processing to mitigate biases that became evident in comparison to wind station measurements, particularly on exposed ridges.

    - The representation of snow redistribution and of forest snow processes have to be integrated as both types of processes coexist wherever open alpine terrain interfaces with subalpine forest.

    - The snow cover fraction scheme has to be adapted to better account for snow transport processes and sub-grid variability in simulations at high spatial resolution.

    How to cite: Quéno, L., Jonas, T., Mazzotti, G., and Magnusson, J.: Including snow redistribution in snow hydrology modelling: challenges and developments to make a research model operational at nation-scale , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17090,, 2025.

    EGU25-17427 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Learning to filter: Snow data assimilation using a Long Short-Term Memory network 

    Giulia Blandini, Francesco Avanzi, Lorenzo Campo, Simone Gabellani, Kristoffer Aalstad, Manuela Girotto, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Hirashima, and Luca Ferraris

    In snow-dominated regions, today’s snow is tomorrow’s water, making reliable estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow depth crucial for water resource management. In this context, data assimilation is a powerful tool to optimally combine models and measurements, enhancing accuracy and reliability. Ensemble-based techniques like the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and Particle Filter (PF) are often used but their deployment in real-time applications can make it challenging to ensure timely and accurate results. To address these challenges, we propose an innovative data assimilation framework for snow hydrology that leverages Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Using data from seven diverse study sites across the Northern Hemisphere, our framework is trained on the outputs of an EnKF, persuing a balance between computational efficiency and model complexity to advance data assimilation applications in snow hydrology. This LSTM-based framework achieves performance comparable to the EnKF in improving open-loop estimates, with only minor increases in root-mean-square error (RMSE): +6 mm for SWE and +6 cm for snow depth on average. Adding a memory component enhances stability and accuracy, especially under sparse data conditions. When trained on long-term datasets spanning 25 years, the LSTM framework demonstrated promising spatial transferability, with accuracy reductions of less than 20% for snow water equivalent and snow depth estimation. After training, the LSTM approach significantly outperformed a parallelized EnKF in computational efficiency, reducing runtime by 70% while maintaining comparable accuracy. Training on multi-site data further ensured robust performance across diverse climate regimes and during both dry and average water years, with a modest RMSE increase compared to the EnKF (+6 mm for SWE and +18 cm for snow depth). By combining the strengths of traditional ensemble methods and modern machine learning, this framework offers a scalable, computationally efficient, and reliable alternative for operational snow hydrology data assimilation.


    How to cite: Blandini, G., Avanzi, F., Campo, L., Gabellani, S., Aalstad, K., Girotto, M., Yamaguchi, S., Hirashima, H., and Ferraris, L.: Learning to filter: Snow data assimilation using a Long Short-Term Memory network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17427,, 2025.

    EGU25-17643 | Orals | CR5.1

    Calibrating a compressible firn rheology and application to firn in shear zones 

    Aslak Grinsted, Nicholas Mossor Rathmann, and Christine Hvidberg
    Most existing firn densification models are one-dimensional and empirical, limiting their ability to accurately represent complex stress regimes. For instance, they fail to account for enhanced densification in shear zones. In contrast, the Gagliardini and Meysonnier 1997 (GM97) model offers a more comprehensive approach by incorporating a compressible firn rheology. This allows modelling densification under arbitrarily complex stress regimes. Unfortunately this model not as constrained empirically, and less practical to implement in a typical one dimensional use case. Here we report on progress on bridging the gap in the firn model hierarchy. How can the GM97 model be reformulated so that it can be used in 1D models, such as the Community Firn Model, while still accounting for horizontal shear? How can we calibrate the model so that it performs as well as simpler models without case by case tuning?

    How to cite: Grinsted, A., Rathmann, N. M., and Hvidberg, C.: Calibrating a compressible firn rheology and application to firn in shear zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17643,, 2025.

    EGU25-18277 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Spatial-variability of snow surface and snowpack properties characterized by near-infrared diffuse reflectance imaging 

    Lars Mewes, Valentin Philippe, Martin Schneebeli, Henning Löwe, and Benjamin Walter
    Near-infrared diffuse reflectance imaging is well-suited to accurately characterize macro- and microscopic properties of snow.1 The technique's versatility and capability to resolve details down to the millimeter-scale, while simultaneously capturing areas up to a few square-meters, renders it ideal for ground-truth observations of snow surfaces and its stratigraphic structure. Specific surface area, density, as well as liquid water content properties are readily derived from the measured reflectance data using snow-optical theory.2-6
    We present recent results of surface and snowpack measurements obtained during field-campaigns in the Swiss Alps, the Arctic and the Antarctic, focusing on spatial-variability on the centimeter to meter scale. These insights provide valuable information to established measurement techniques that sample one-dimensional profiles only and thus lack the additional spatial information. Moreover, especially the surface measurements provide small scale details that are averaged-out in remote sensing data from drones, planes and satellites.
    Using near-infrared diffuse reflectance imaging enables us to observe spatio-temporal variations of snow properties on the centimeter to meter scale, providing important ground-truth observations to better gauge the snow's role within the climate system.
    1. Matzl, M. & Schneebeli, M., J. Glaciol. 52, 558–564 (2006).
    2. Mewes, L. et al., under review.
    3. Donahue, C. et al., The Cryosphere 16, 43-59 (2022).
    4. Bohren, C. F. & Barkstrom, B. R., J. Geophys. Res. 79, 4527–4535 (1974).
    5. Warren, S. G., Rev. Geophys. 20, 67 (1982).
    6. Kokhanovsky, A. A. & Zege, E. P., Appl. Opt. 43, 1589 (2004).

    How to cite: Mewes, L., Philippe, V., Schneebeli, M., Löwe, H., and Walter, B.: Spatial-variability of snow surface and snowpack properties characterized by near-infrared diffuse reflectance imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18277,, 2025.

    The snow depth and the increase of snow depth after three consecutive days of snowfall, hereinafter referred to as ds and DH3gg, respectively, are typically chosen for avalanche protection and avalanche hazard assessment purposes. With specific reference to the Central Apennines (Central Italy), the preferable provider of observations for avalanche related applications is MeteoMont, which supplies ds observations at 34 manual stations, measured between 1978 and 2023. The area of interest is also covered by ERA5-Land, over a period of 73 years, from 1950 to 2023. In terms of temporal, spatial and quantitative availability of snow information, ERA5-Land consists in a more appealing choice as most manual weather stations set up in the Central Apennines are located at lower altitudes compared to where avalanches are likely to occur. Moreover, data recorded at manual stations appears to be incomplete, especially during extreme snowfall events. However, it is necessary to stress that ERA5-Land is affected by biases (e.g. underestimation or overestimation of extremes) and the use of uncorrected data in all applications might lead to unreasonable results. Therefore, in order to overcome the listed limitations, the suggested approach consists in the regionalisation of both ERA5-Land and MeteoMont ds and DH3gg and in the subsequent bias correction and downscaling of the regionalised ERA5-Land variables by means of the regionalised MeteoMont ones. With regards to ERA5-Land, 51 nodes have been considered as their grids intersect recorded and reconstructed avalanche paths in the Abruzzo Region (extracted from the Avalanche Record and the Map of Probabilistic Location of Avalanches provided by the Abruzzo Region). This ensures that the selected nodes are solely representative of areas where avalanches are most likely to occur. The regionalisation of both ERA5-Land and MeteoMont ds and DH3gg is performed by applying the index value regional method before the bias correction and the downscaling of ERA5-Land data as, in terms of computational efforts, only 2 bias corrections and downscalings for each couple of best-matched ERA5-Land and MeteoMont homogeneous areas would be required instead of 102 (2 for each couple of nodes and stations). The bias correction and downscaling of the ERA5-Land regionalised variables are then performed by means of a statistical transformation based on the assumption that said variables are described by one of the distributions belonging to the GEV family. This work is of particular relevance as, on the one hand, it overcomes the limited availability of snow information in the Central Apennines, especially in relation to avalanche related applications. In fact, it provides a tool that quantifies ds and DH3gg quantiles at elevations and sites that are not supplied with observations. On the other hand, it provides realistic initial and boundary conditions for simulating avalanche dynamics, drawing up hazard and risk maps, and designing active and/or passive defence structures. 

    How to cite: Fontana, S., Pasquali, D., and Di Risio, M.: Regionalisation, Bias Correction and Downscaling of ERA5-Land Snow Variables by Means of Local Observations Recorded in Central Italy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19323,, 2025.

    EGU25-20052 | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Snow Microstructure over Antarctic Landfast Ice 

    Ruzica Dadic, Julia Martin, Roberta Pirazzini, Brian Anderson, Martin Schneebeli, Matthias Jaggi, Amy Macfarlane, Michael Lehning, Nander Wever, and Petra Heil
    Landfast ice plays a significant role in climate and ecosystems in Antarctic coastal regions. From October to December 2022, we investigated the physical properties of snow and sea ice on Antarctic landfast ice in McMurdo Sound, following the protocols from the MSOAiC expedition. Our measurements confirmed some findings from MOSAiC (e.g. the potential mass transfer from the sea ice surface to snow , the high spatial variability of snow depth}, and the discrepancy between meteorological snowfall and snow accumulation),  but we also had observations that were contrasting our MOSAiC data, for example: 1) presence of salt up to 15 cm of snow height (as opposed to MOSAiC's 5 cm for a relatively similar total snow height), 2) the lack of the surface scattering layer on melting sea ice, which caused significantly lower albedos of bare sea ice (0.45, as opposed to MOSAiC's 0.65), 3) average densities of non-melting snow of 450 kg/m3 (as opposed to MOSAIC'S 350 kg/m3 ). Here, we will discuss the microCT measurements from our samples and relate them to the macroscale obervations of parameters like snow density, snow height, snow surface roughness, salinity or stable water isotopes. The main focus in this study in on the prevalance of a prominent depth hoar layer at the snow-ice interface, which we to be caused by the mass transfer between snow and ice because of the large vertical temperature gradients. This is also visible by the microscale roughness of the interface. Additionally, we will discuss the microstructure of the extremely dense wind slab that dominates most of the snow profile and the implications of these findings for modelling and remote sensing of snow on sea ice. 

    How to cite: Dadic, R., Martin, J., Pirazzini, R., Anderson, B., Schneebeli, M., Jaggi, M., Macfarlane, A., Lehning, M., Wever, N., and Heil, P.: Snow Microstructure over Antarctic Landfast Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20052,, 2025.

    EGU25-21697 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1

    Firn densification across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the IMAU-FDM (1940-2023) 

    Elizabeth Case, Peter Kuipers-Munneke, Max Brils, Willem-Jan van de Berg, Carleen Tijm-Reijmer, and Michiel van den Broeke

    The IMAU Firn Densification Model (IMAU-FDM) is a 1D, semi-empirical model that simulates the evolution of snow grain size, firn density, firn air content, temperature, and liquid water content. It has been used primarily to investigate future surface changes over both Greenland and Antarctica, as well as for continent-wide estimates of mass change from satellite altimetry. Here, we will present a streamlined, updated IMAU-FDM with results for the Greenland Ice Sheet extended back to 1940 and through to 2023. IMAU-FDM is driven by ERA5, dynamically downscaled by the regional climate model RACMO 2.3p2 to 5.5 km^2 resolution. We will present timeseries of firn air content, liquid water content, and ice slab presence across the Greenland Ice Sheet, and initial results of future runs through 2100.

    How to cite: Case, E., Kuipers-Munneke, P., Brils, M., van de Berg, W.-J., Tijm-Reijmer, C., and van den Broeke, M.: Firn densification across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the IMAU-FDM (1940-2023), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21697,, 2025.

    Snow avalanches are masses of snow that descends rapidly down a slope and has the potential to cause fatalities and damage infrastructure including roads, dams, and buildings. These events are a common natural hazard in the glaciated and snow covered areas of the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). The rising air temperatures due to global warming have led to early wet snow formation, contributing to an increased frequency of avalanches in recent years across the IHR. Avalanche susceptibility is crucial for avalanche forecasting and infrastructure planning. In the current study, snow avalanche susceptibility is modelled using multiple machine learning techniques in the Chandra-Bagha and Upper Beas basins covering parts of the states of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, Western Himalaya. The study evaluates 24 predictive variables, including topographic, hydrological, cryospheric, geological, climatic, and anthropogenic layers using various machine learning algorithms. The random forest technique produced promising results with an accuracy of 88%. The results are presented as avalanche probabilities, which are then reclassified into five classes for susceptibility mapping. Further, the predictive variables are ranked based on their influence on the accuracy of the machine learning algorithm. Valley depth, snow cover duration and distance to lineaments are identified as the the most important variables for predicting snow avalanches in the region. 

    Keywords: Snow Avalanche, Machine Learning, Himalaya, Random Forest

    How to cite: Alangadan, A. and Sattar, A.: Assessment of the Avalanche Susceptibility Using Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms in Western Himalayan Watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-509,, 2025.

    EGU25-2432 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.2

    Snow Particle Motion in Process of Cornice Formation 

    Hongxiang Yu, Guang Li, Benjamin Walter, Ning Huang, and Michael Lehning

    Snow cornices are a common snow pattern in cold regions, and their fracture and collapse can easily trigger avalanches. Despite numerous observations and experimental simulations on their formation process, the microscopic mechanism of their formation remains unclear. This work carried out wind-tunnel experiments using high-speed photography, to study the particle movement surrounding the snow cornice. Results indicated that the cornice is composed of small-sized snow particles. Saltation is the most dominant moving pattern for particles adhering to cornice. Notably, particles at the edge exhibit lower impact velocities and a wider distribution of impact angles compared to those on the surface. Further analysis of force balance equations of particles at the edge explains the shape-forming mechanism of wedged-like snow cornice. This work enhances the understanding of the micro-mechanism of snow cornice formation, offering theoretical insights for avalanche prediction.

    How to cite: Yu, H., Li, G., Walter, B., Huang, N., and Lehning, M.: Snow Particle Motion in Process of Cornice Formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2432,, 2025.

    In Korea, every year, numerous casualties occur due to traffic accidents caused by icy roads during the winter. Accordingly, in this study, the characteristics and main causes of icy roads traffic accidents were derived through road traffic accident statistics and analysis of major accident cases that occurred in the past, and implications for reducing icy roads traffic accidents were derived. To this end, first, 2,147,503 traffic accident statistics that occurred over the past 10 years (2014-2023) were extracted from the Traffic Accident Analysis System(TAAS) operated by the Korea Road Traffic Authority. Based on the extracted statistical data, the characteristics of icy roads traffic accidents were analyzed by categorizing them by time zones(one-hour intervals), road types(7 such as highways, national roads and etc.), road forms(12 such as bridges, tunnels and etc.), and road conditions (7 such as dryness, icy and etc.). As a result of the analysis, the proportion of traffic accidents caused by icy was found to be not high at 0.76% of all traffic accidents. On the other hand, the fatality rate of icy roads traffic accidents was 2.3%, which was about 1.35 times higher than that of general traffic accidents, which was 1.7%. According to the analysis by time zone, unlike general traffic accidents, icy roads traffic accidents occurred at the highest rate(20.8%) between 8 and 10 a.m., and the fatality rate was the highest at 5.1% between 4 and 6 a.m. The reason for this is that in winter, sunrise is late, so the roads remain icy until the morning rush hour, and at the same time, traffic volume increases in these circumstances, which leads to many accidents. By road type, the largest number of accidents, 5,479(33.7%), occurred on city-operated roads, and the fatality rate was highest in accidents occurring on highways at 7.9%. One of the reasons why fatality rates are highest on highways is generally believed to be because of the high speeds of vehicles traveling on them. The results of the analysis by road forms show that the most accidents occurred in other single roads(57.9%), however, the fatality rate was highest in tunnels(8.3%). The reason for the high fatality rate in tunnels is believed to be that it is difficult to evacuate due to spatial constraints in the event of chain collisions and fires caused by a primary icy roads traffic accident. In addition, the investigation data were collected and analyzed on six accidents with large damage or social issues among icy roads traffic accidents over the past 10 years. The analysis results showed that the common main causes of accidents were drivers’ violation of speed limits in dangerous environments with icy roads, lack of installation of anti-icing and slipping facilities, and a number of traffic accidents caused by freezing in sections not designated as vulnerable to freezing. Finally, three implications for reducing icy roads traffic accidents were derived and the results will be provided to the TF currently being jointly conducted by ministries to establish measures to reduce icy roads traffic accidents.

    How to cite: Choi, S., Kim, E. B., and Kim, J. E.: Identifying the occurrence characteristics and main causes of icy roads  traffic accidents through analysis of traffic accident statistical data and past traffic accident investigation data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3369,, 2025.

    EGU25-3712 | ECS | Orals | CR5.2

    Predicting past and future avalanche danger in northern Norway with machine-learning models 

    Kai-Uwe Eiselt and Rune Grand Graversen

    Snow avalanches are one of the most impactful natural hazards in mountainous areas. Avalanche characteristics are likely to change in a changing climate, especially in the Arctic where changes are more rapid, posing a severe challenge for local adaptation. Here we train machine-learning (ML) models to predict avalanche danger in northern Norway and then apply these models to dynamical downscalings of future climate projections.

    We utilise regional expert avalanche-danger level assessments differentiating two different avalanche problems: wind slab, and wet (loose and slab combined). The ML models are trained on the 3-km Norwegian reanalysis (NORA3) to estimate the linkage between avalanche danger in the Troms region of Norway and local meteorological conditions. For the future climate simulations, we employ the Nordic Convection Permitting Climate Projections (NorCP), providing a 3-km dynamical downscaling of the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios performed with two global climate models.

    To obtain a rough estimate of the trend of avalanche danger, the European Avalanche Danger Services (EAWS) 5-level avalanche danger scale is changed into a binary setup with levels 1 and 2 aggregated to 0 and levels 3, 4, and 5 to 1. The overall accuracy of the ML model for the wind slab problem is about 80 % and considerably higher than for the wet problem with about 67 %. This indicates that while the wind slab problem is to a high degree determined by the recent weather, this is less so for the wet problem. Including information from sophisticated snowpack modelling in the training data may thus increase the prediction accuracy.

    By applying the ML models in a hindcast setting to the whole NORA3 record (1970-2024), we find a correlation between avalanche danger and a well-known climate mode, namely the Arctic Oscillation (AO). Given recent advances in model skill in representing the AO, this has potential implications for the seasonal predictability of avalanche danger in northern Norway.

    Moreover, by applying the ML model to the NorCP simulations (2040-2060 and 2080-2100), the results differ per avalanche problem: While the wind slab avalanche danger declines in all scenarios, the wet avalanche danger remains relatively constant and even increases in some cases. The former appears to be related to decreasing snowfall and wind speed, while the latter is likely connected to increasing temperatures and rain.

    How to cite: Eiselt, K.-U. and Graversen, R. G.: Predicting past and future avalanche danger in northern Norway with machine-learning models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3712,, 2025.

    EGU25-7061 | ECS | Orals | CR5.2

    In Situ Snow Avalanche Monitoring and Characterization 

    Johannes Aichele, Andri Simeon, Alec van herwijnen, Michele Volpi, Betty Sovilla, Pierre Huguenin, Johan Gaume, Andreas Fichtner, Cristina Pérez, and Pascal Edme

    Snow avalanches in alpine regions pose significant risks to people and infrastructure. To mitigate these risks, early warning systems based on seismic sensors can provide real-time data on avalanche activity, crucial for avalanche forecasting. Additionally, forecasting and risk management require a thorough understanding of avalanche processes. However, avalanche release mechanism and dynamics are only partly understood due to the multi-physics processes involved, spanning from dynamic crack propagation to granular and turbulent flow. Traditional seismic monitoring systems have relied on far-field signals or sparse point measurements along the flow path, limiting our ability to fully capture the processes at play.

    On the one hand, this makes investigating avalanche release very challenging. For example, identifying dynamic fracture propagation through seismic sensors in the near-field is crucial to advance real-time avalanche prediction. On the other hand, far-field measures are often insufficient for effective risk mitigation. Mitigation requires a thorough characterization of avalanche flow regimes and entrainment throughout the entire heterogeneous avalanche path. To address these challenges, we deployed a unique dense array of seismic sensors at the avalanche test site Vallée de la Sionne, Valais, Switzerland, covering the release zone to the runout area. The setup consists of a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system interrogating 14 parallel downslope fiber optic lines (~100 m in length, spaced by 2 m) within the release zone at ~2400 m a.s.l., and a quasi linear fiber optic cable down to ~1500 m a.s.l., which follows the avalanche track and covers the entire runout corridor. The ~4 km long cable is embedded beneath the first snow layer, providing innovative in situ measurements of seismic and aseismic signals in the near field. Sampled at 400 Hz, at every 2 m with 4 m gauge length, this deployment represents one of the most comprehensive in situ avalanche monitoring efforts to date.

    We present preliminary results from the 2024/2025 season. The avalanches act as moving seismic sources whose far and near-field seismic signals allow us to characterize the spatio-temporal avalanche evolution from release to arrest. We are able to differentiate different flow regimes along the avalanche path, and the grid will potentially capture fracture propagation in the release zone. Our DAS derived information will be benchmarked against concurrent measurements at Vallée de la Sionne which include optical and radar measurements. This makes our setup the ideal field experiment to advance avalanche characterization and lay the groundwork for real-time hazard monitoring with fibre optic cables.

    How to cite: Aichele, J., Simeon, A., van herwijnen, A., Volpi, M., Sovilla, B., Huguenin, P., Gaume, J., Fichtner, A., Pérez, C., and Edme, P.: In Situ Snow Avalanche Monitoring and Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7061,, 2025.

    Winter nature-based tourism is a vital segment of the tourism industry, offering unique activities like ski touring, snowshoeing, winter hiking, or ice climbing. These activities not only provide recreational opportunities but also foster a deeper appreciation for winter landscapes and natural environments. Beyond its economic value, winter tourism promotes environmental awareness, nature conservation values, along with physical and mental well-being. However, challenges such as managing avalanche risks and ensuring tourist safety require understanding of both: 1) avalanche hazards and 2) visitors’ behaviour in order to introduce effective risk management strategies.

    Therefore, our study aims to investigate determinants of avalanche risk and support preparedness planning, based on systematic long-term visitor and avalanche hazard monitoring in the Tatra National Park, Poland. Our work is based upon empirical data which comprise following datasets: 1) avalanche accidents records, 2) daily visitor counts, 3) daily meteo data, 4) daily avalanche danger scale in the winter seasons from 2018/19 to 2023/24. Avalanche accidents records were obtained from the mountain rescue database (TOPR) and included anonymized information on date, place, avalanche danger level, type of accident, number of affected people and the consequences of the accident. Visitor counts (grouped by recreation activity) were systematically collected at the entrance points to the Tatra National Park. Meteorological data contained measurements from 2 meteo stations located in the Tatra National Park: Kasprowy Wierch (1989 m a.s.l.) and Hala Gasienicowa (1508 m a.s.l.). Daily avalanche danger level was obtained from TOPR avalanche bulletin.

    Our results show that visitation volumes ranged between 8’000 – 40’000 per winter season and have gradually increased in recent years. Dominant winter nature-based recreational activities were hiking (incl. snowshoeing), followed by ski touring. Climbing and speleology were the least frequent winter outdoor activities. Significant increase in nature-based winter activities was observed during COVID-19 pandemic (2021). During this time especially, ski touring visits increased by 400% in comparison to the 5-year average before the COVID-19 pandemic. Visits took place mainly on the weekends. Weather and avalanche risk level had less influence on visitation numbers.

    To conclude, systematic long-term monitoring of avalanche risk determinants is necessary to develop successful risk management strategies. Combing knowledge on physical environmental conditions like snowpack, weather and human factors is critically important to address winter tourism risks and to improve safety outcomes in mountain destinations.

    How to cite: Taczanowska, K., Bielanski, M., and Reiweger, I.: Combining long-term visitor and avalanche hazard monitoring to support risk management in winter mountain tourism: a case study of the Tatra Mountains, Poland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8013,, 2025.

    EGU25-8180 | ECS | Orals | CR5.2

    Modelling compaction band formation in snow: a FEM application of an elasto-visco-plastic model 

    Gianmarco Vallero, Monica Barbero, Fabrizio Barpi, Mauro Borri-Brunetto, and Valerio De Biagi

    The mechanics of snow plays a critical role in assessing and mitigating hazards associated with snow and avalanches in mountain and cold environments. Accurately modelling the mechanical behaviour of snow remains a significant challenge, requiring the development of reliable constitutive models and advanced numerical methods. These efforts are particularly important because of the unique characteristics of snow, such as strain-rate sensitivity, sintering and degradation phenomena, localisation of the deformation, etc.

    This study employs the elasto-visco-plastic constitutive model recently proposed by the authors [1, 2] to simulate compaction band formation in snow samples subjected to confined compression conditions. We refer to the experimental findings described by Barraclough et al. (2017) [3], which demonstrated the onset of compaction bands in snow specimens subjected to compression in plane strain conditions. The results revealed a clear dependency of the response on the applied strain rate: at low strain rates (typically below the threshold of 10-4 s-1) the samples exhibited homogeneous deformation. Conversely, when the strain rate exceeded this threshold, deformation localised, forming distinct compaction bands. The new constitutive model, implemented within the finite element software Abaqus/Standard through a custom User MATerial (UMAT) subroutine, has been used to simulate the behaviour observed in the tests.

    The application of the proposed constitutive model to this problem demonstrates its ability to accurately replicate the specific phenomenon observed in laboratory experiments. This study underscores the potential of numerical simulations to enhance the understanding of snow deformation mechanisms, with promising implications for simulating the behaviour of snow at both in-situ and laboratory scales, as well as for improving avalanche hazard and risk assessment.

    [1] Vallero, G., Barbero, M., Barpi, F., Borri-Brunetto, M., De Biagi, V. (2025). An elasto-visco-plastic constitutive model for snow: Theory and finite element implementation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 433, 117465.

    [2] Vallero, G. (2024). A visco-plastic constitutive model for snow. Theoretical basis and numerical implementation. PhD thesis. Politecnico di Torino.

    [3] Barraclough, T. W., Blackford, J. R., Liebenstein, S., Sandfeld, S., Stratford, T. J., Weinländer, G., Zaiser, M. (2017). Propagating compaction bands in confined compression of snow. Nature Physics, 13(3), 272-275.

    How to cite: Vallero, G., Barbero, M., Barpi, F., Borri-Brunetto, M., and De Biagi, V.: Modelling compaction band formation in snow: a FEM application of an elasto-visco-plastic model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8180,, 2025.

    EGU25-12747 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.2

    Spatial and temporal variability of snow density and snow temperature at high mountain sites 

    Katharina Böhm, Bernhard Hynek, and Ingrid Reiweger

    Measurements of the glacier mass balance are of great climatic relevance, as glaciers serve as reliable indicators of climate change. They respond directly and sensitively to changes in long-term atmospheric conditions. They virtually ‘live’ on the same time scale as climate change. To understand how a glacier reacts to the prevailing climate and its changes, glacier mass balance measurements are conducted on some glaciers either annually or every six months. The winter mass balance measurement, usually performed in early May when the snow thickness on glaciers is at its greatest, assesses the increase in mass during the winter months. This involves measuring snow depth at multiple points using either a probe or radar and, for a subset of snow profiles also the snow density, to be able to convert the measured snow depths into mass. The point measurements are then spatially interpolated and aggregated to calculate the total mass change. With snow depths averaging over four metres, accurately determining vertical snow density is a complex undertaking. This master's thesis examines how well the spatial and temporal variability of snow density can be approximated using meteorological and topographical parameters as well as the errors associated with these approximations. The analysis is based on a dataset of snow density and snow temperature measurements from more than 500 snow profiles taken over a period of more than 40 years on three glaciers in the Hohe Sonnblick area in the Hohe Tauern region in the Austrian Alps. High-resolution topographical parameters such as location, altitude, slope inclination and exposure of the snow profiles along with daily climate data from the TAWES Sonnblick station are used as predictors. The aim of this thesis is to improve snow density measurements and to optimize and enable improved modelling of the glacier mass balance.

    How to cite: Böhm, K., Hynek, B., and Reiweger, I.: Spatial and temporal variability of snow density and snow temperature at high mountain sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12747,, 2025.

    EGU25-12940 | ECS | Orals | CR5.2

    Development of a deep learning-based seismic waveform classifier to automatically detect snow avalanches. 

    Andri Simeon, Alec van Herwijnen, Johannes Aichele, Michele Volpi, Betty Sovilla, Pierre Huguenin, Johan Gaume, Andreas Fichtner, Pascal Edme, and Cristina Pérez-Guillén

    Avalanche forecasters mostly rely on human observations of avalanche activity, but these reports are typically incomplete during periods of poor visibility, delayed, and not automated. Automated detection systems equipped with seismic sensors can improve monitoring efficiency, providing accurate avalanche data to support avalanche forecasting, regardless of visibility and weather conditions. Additionally, such systems could be implemented as early warning tools to enhance safety measures in mountain regions. While seismic detection systems have been widely used for avalanche monitoring, there is currently no automated method to reliably identify signals originating from avalanches. To address this, we developed a deep neural network to automatically detect avalanches in real-time continuous seismic recordings. This model was trained using seismic data collected over 13 winter seasons at the avalanche test site of Vallée de la Sionne, in Switzerland. Avalanches of varying sizes and paths are monitored using four seismometers strategically placed within and outside the avalanche path. The system simultaneously acquires continuous seismic data and event alarms. The alarms are based on amplitude thresholds recorded by the two seismometers near frequent release zones. While these alarms provide preliminary insights into avalanche activity, they require manual verification to filter out false alarms caused by events such as earthquakes or other unknown sources.


    To overcome this limitation, we trained an end-to-end deep learning-based seismic waveform classifier on normalized, 40-second signal snippets extracted from the event database. The model architecture includes a convolutional encoder, a convolutional feature extractor with attention mechanisms, and a fully connected classification head. The network reliably distinguishes between avalanches and non-avalanche signals, achieving an accuracy of 0.97 on held-out events from the 2022/23 and 2023/24 winter seasons. The model was also deployed during the latest winter season to classify signals in near real-time, providing daily avalanche detection rates and demonstrating its feasibility as an automatic detection system. Finally, we plan to investigate the transferability of the classifier to seismic data collected by a distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) system installed on the avalanche test site, exploring its potential for broader applications.

    How to cite: Simeon, A., van Herwijnen, A., Aichele, J., Volpi, M., Sovilla, B., Huguenin, P., Gaume, J., Fichtner, A., Edme, P., and Pérez-Guillén, C.: Development of a deep learning-based seismic waveform classifier to automatically detect snow avalanches., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12940,, 2025.

    EGU25-13688 | Posters on site | CR5.2

    Modeling Modern and Future Avalanches in Southeastern Alaska 

    Gabriel Wolken, Elizabeth Fischer, Yves Bühler, Marc Christen, and Katreen Wikstrom Jones

    Snow avalanches are a significant concern across much of Alaska, posing risks to public safety, transportation, and accessibility. Despite their profound effect on society and the natural environment, avalanches remain poorly understood in many parts of Alaska. Public awareness and availability of information to support hazard adaptation, mitigation, and preparedness efforts are limited, even in the state’s most densely populated areas. The development of comprehensive avalanche hazard information is constrained by sparse observations of weather and snowpack conditions, and limited data on avalanche frequency. As climate warming progresses, shifts in temperature and precipitation are expected to modify snowpack conditions and influence the frequency and magnitude of avalanches, potentially changing Alaska’s vulnerability to these hazards. Understanding current avalanche hazards is critical for anticipating future climate-driven avalanche activity and assessing its potential effects on society and landscape dynamics. This project uses advanced avalanche models, originally developed and calibrated in Switzerland, to identify potential release areas and simulate millions of avalanche scenarios using downscaled climate reanalysis data and projections. The result is large-scale avalanche hazard indication maps for southeastern Alaska, both for present and future climate.

    How to cite: Wolken, G., Fischer, E., Bühler, Y., Christen, M., and Wikstrom Jones, K.: Modeling Modern and Future Avalanches in Southeastern Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13688,, 2025.

    EGU25-15365 | Orals | CR5.2

    A modelling approach for deriving continuous intensity-frequency and loss-frequency curves in the area of impact for robust hazard and risk assessment 

    Jan Kleinn, Yves Bühler, Julia Glaus, Dörte Aller, Adrian Peter, and Nils Hählen

    Comprehensive and robust hazard and risk assessments require information beyond the current hazard map information. Current hazard mapping is usually limited to selected return periods and these return periods are commonly based on the return period of release and not the return period of impact.

    We present a modelling approach, which allows to derive probability-based hazard information at any location in avalanche-prone areas. Such an event-based modelling approach provides continuous intensity-frequency-curves at any location and allows to calculate continuous loss-frequency-curves for individual objects as well as for groups of objects. It is therefore suited for comprehensive hazard and risk assessments.

    The modelling approach is based on probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, which are common practice for seismic hazard and risk assessments since several decades. Continuous intensity-frequency information is required for hazard assessment and continuous loss-frequency curves are required for risk assessment. Therefore, we simulate numerous possible avalanches, covering the entire range of release volumes, from small to very large, and various possible model parameters. The probabilities of the different avalanche events are based on the exceedance probabilities of different snow accumulation heights, represented by the three-day snow accumulation, which is also the key information used for the generation of traditional hazard maps. The combined evaluation of avalanche intensities and probabilities in the area of impact allows to derive continuous intensity-frequency-curves at any given location. This approach contrasts with the common practice of assigning the return period of a single release volume to all possible outcomes of this release volume. In combination with exposed values and their vulnerability functions, this modelling approach allows to derive continuous loss-frequency-curves for comprehensive risk assessment and risk communication.

    We present the simulation results from a case study in the Bernese Oberland in the Swiss Alps. The case study results highlight the advantages of this new modelling approach in hazard and risk management and the additional analyses being possible with this new modelling approach.

    How to cite: Kleinn, J., Bühler, Y., Glaus, J., Aller, D., Peter, A., and Hählen, N.: A modelling approach for deriving continuous intensity-frequency and loss-frequency curves in the area of impact for robust hazard and risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15365,, 2025.

    The propagation distance of snow weak layer collapse, colloquially referred to as a "whumpf", is important to understand slab avalanche size. We present findings from Greenland with weak layer collapse propagation distances of up to 800 m. The observed weak layer collapses occurred in exceptionally flat terrain on the North East Greenland Ice Stream, near the EastGRIP field station. Here we can expect pure anticrack propagation. Geophone arrays measure the arrival of the anticrack and provide a direct measurement of the crack tip. Additionally, using distributed fiber-optic sensing, we recorded the seismic signal created by the propagating anticrack. We can use this as an indirect measurement of the crack tip and reconstruct its propagation distance and speed. Applying a simple point source model and assuming radial propagation, we derive propagation speeds between 25-35 m/s. Based on the anticrack model, we can therefore also infer weak layer and slab properties. Improved understanding of the wavefield generated by a whumpf can contribute to our understanding of crack propagation in weak layers; propagation can be reconstructed without placing arrays in the collapsing area. Fiber optic seismology is a promising method for direct and indirect crack measurements and should be applied next in steep terrain.

    How to cite: Benz, J.: Measuring snow weak layer collapse propagation with distributed fiber-optic sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15769,, 2025.

    EGU25-15777 | Orals | CR5.2

    AvaRelPro: A Novel Method for Estimating Avalanche Release Probability and Mass 

    Kjersti Gleditsch Gisnås and Peter Gauer

    Accurate and sufficient use of climate data is essential for understanding the frequency of extreme weather events and avalanche cycles. However, current approaches to estimating avalanche release probability and fracture heights often fail to fully utilize available climate data, potentially leading to inaccurate results.

    Existing methods for determining fracture heights typically rely on return values of three-day snow height increases, adjusted for wind load and slope. These methods, however, overlook the properties of the old snowpack and fail to quantify the probability of fractures occurring within it. This omission may lead to misleading fracture height estimates, especially in diverse climate conditions. Furthermore, current methods often rely purely on the height of the fracture disregarding the snow density. This introduces more often then not inconsistencies in the mass balance of observed release masses and those used in avalanche models.

    To address these limitations, we developed AvaRelPro, a novel method for estimating avalanche release probabilities using gridded climate data. AvaRelPro combines daily climate variables, such as snow water equivalent and air temperature, to estimate shear strength and assess snowpack stability under various conditions. Monte Carlo simulations over 2.5 million synthetic days calculate release probabilities and corresponding fracture heights, accounting for both new and old snow layers. The model also incorporates adjustments for vegetation effects, wind drift, and snowpack stability.

    AvaRelPro has been tested on several well-known avalanche paths in Norway, yielding promising results. This methodology enables the combined quantification of release probability and initial release mass for specific climates, slopes, and vegetation covers. Additionally, AvaRelPro is well-suited for studies exploring how changing climatic conditions impact avalanche release probabilities.

    How to cite: Gisnås, K. G. and Gauer, P.: AvaRelPro: A Novel Method for Estimating Avalanche Release Probability and Mass, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15777,, 2025.

    EGU25-16003 | Posters on site | CR5.2

    Snow-soil friction: the role of liquid water in the formation of glide-snow avalanches 

    Grégoire Bobillier, James Glover, Jakob Schöttner, Miguel Cabrera, Alec van Herwijnen, Johan Gaume, and Jürg Schweizer

    Glide-snow avalanches occur when the entire snow cover slowly slides downslope until it suddenly and catastrophically releases and forms an avalanche. They can involve wet, moist, or dry snow and typically appear on slopes steeper than about 15°, where the ground surface is relatively smooth (e.g., bare rock or grass). Although the presence of liquid water at the snow-soil interface is known to be critical for avalanche release, the exact role of the liquid water and the mechanical properties of snow on gliding behavior remain largely unknown. This knowledge gap restricts our ability to predict the size and timing of glide avalanches. To better understand the lubrication at the snow-soil interface, we conducted interface shear tests to investigate the effect of liquid water at the snow-soil interface on friction. Snow samples were tested on a temperature-controlled substrate in a cold laboratory under various surface roughness conditions and snow liquid water contents. We tested two different snow types (fragmented precipitation particles and rounded grains) on four different surfaces: glass, low-friction geotextiles, and two types of sandpaper. Test results allowed us to evaluate stress-displacement behavior and investigate how interfacial liquid water and different shearing rates influence static and kinetic friction angles. On a dry, rough surface (i.e., no interfacial liquid water), the failure was within the snow sample without any sliding at the interface. In contrast, under dry conditions on a smooth surface, or lubricated conditions on a rough surface, the failure occurred at the interface. Before failure, up to the adhesive strength, we observed strain-softening behavior. For the tests where the adhesive strength was exceeded, the friction angle, both static and kinetic, showed no dependence on the liquid water content. These surprising, exploratory results call for further comprehensive studies on the role of liquid water in the fundamental processes of glide-snow avalanche release. Moving forward, we plan to refine and expand the experimental setup to investigate the role of snow compaction and assess how various snowpack properties influence glide-snow avalanche release processes.

    How to cite: Bobillier, G., Glover, J., Schöttner, J., Cabrera, M., van Herwijnen, A., Gaume, J., and Schweizer, J.: Snow-soil friction: the role of liquid water in the formation of glide-snow avalanches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16003,, 2025.

    EGU25-16793 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.2

    Field measurements of multiaxial strength of weak snowpack layers 

    Sirah Kraus, Melin Walet, Jakob Schöttner, Valentin Adam, Ingrid Reiweger, and Alec van Herwijnen

    Failure initiation within a buried weak snow layer is the first step towards slab avalanche release. Since avalanches occur on inclined terrain, this failure happens under multiaxial loading conditions, particularly compression and shear loading. Like many geomaterials, snow shows different strength depending on the loading conditions. This dependence of strength on the loading conditions is commonly represented using failure envelopes. For snow, the experimental data on failure envelopes is very limited. To address this gap, we designed a displacement-controlled testing device to perform multiaxial strength measurements in the field. In this study we present results from a measurement series conducted on a buried surface hoar layer in February 2024 in Davos, Switzerland. The testing device includes a tilting mechanism that allows us to adjust the loading angle and thus vary the multiaxial stress state within the weak layer. Results show that the strength in compression is about 50% higher than that in shear. Furthermore, our data suggest that for the weak layer tested, the failure envelope had an elliptical shape. Additionally, we also recorded videos of the strength tests and used digital image correlation (DIC) to estimate the strain rate of the sandwiched weak layer to be between 10-3 and 10-4. While these preliminary experiments showed that our new measurement set-up can be used to obtain failure envelopes in the field, they also highlighted some shortcomings of the measurement setup. We therefore intend to improve the measurement setup to also investigate the influence of strain rate on the measured strength values. Ultimately, this will allow us to collect a comprehensive set of failure envelopes of common weak snowpack layers.

    How to cite: Kraus, S., Walet, M., Schöttner, J., Adam, V., Reiweger, I., and van Herwijnen, A.: Field measurements of multiaxial strength of weak snowpack layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16793,, 2025.

    EGU25-16897 | ECS | Orals | CR5.2

    Modeling the effect of entrainment and air pore pressure on the mobility of snow avalanches: new insights from DEM and CFD-DEM simulations 

    Camille Huitorel, Hervé Vicari, Tiziano Di Pietro, Betty Sovilla, and Johan Gaume

    Snow avalanches pose significant threats to both populations and infrastructure in mountainous regions. A critical factor influencing the dynamics and hazards associated with these events is the entrainment of bed material, which can substantially increase flow volume and mobility. However, the detailed assessment of entrainment mechanisms and rates, particularly in relation to various flow and bed material properties, has rarely been conducted. In this study, we developed a three-dimensional model based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to simulate the interaction between a snow avalanche and an erodible, porous snow cover generated through cohesive ballistic deposition. Initially, we analyse the effects of bed porosity and depth on entrainment and flow mobility in the absence of interstitial fluid. By holding macroscopic strength parameters constant, we isolate the influence of bed porosity on entrainment dynamics. The results reveal a transition in entrainment mechanisms: frontal ploughing and increased mobility dominate in highly porous beds, while basal abrasion and decreased mobility prevail in less porous ones. Subsequently, we incorporate interstitial air effects using coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and DEM simulations. For realistic snow conditions, our simplified snow impact model configuration suggests that pressurized pore air can weaken and fluidize the snow thus enhancing avalanche mobility. In the future, laboratory and field experiments will be carried out to validate and complement these modeling efforts. Additionally, the model will be extended to simulate liquefaction-induced entrainment in debris flows over saturated sediments. 

    How to cite: Huitorel, C., Vicari, H., Di Pietro, T., Sovilla, B., and Gaume, J.: Modeling the effect of entrainment and air pore pressure on the mobility of snow avalanches: new insights from DEM and CFD-DEM simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16897,, 2025.

    EGU25-17290 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.2

    Assessment of protective effect of wind-disturbed forest against snow avalanches 

    Leon Bührle, Tommaso Baggio, Marc Adams, Lukas Winiwarter, Emanuele Lingua, Andreas Stoffel, Thomas Marke, Peter Bebi, and Michaela Teich

    Mountain forests provide various ecosystem services, including the protection against snow avalanches, which is essential for Alpine communities. However, storms, one of the primary drivers of large-scale forest disturbances in protective forests, can change the forest structure and thus the protective effect against avalanche formation and release. This can potentially lead to a protection gap, where the forest cannot fulfil its protective function. The assessment of the remaining protective effect of these areas against snow avalanches is crucial for decisions regarding the most effective post-disturbance forest and risk management. Previous studies have shown that unmanaged windthrow areas often exhibit a high protective effect against avalanches as the lying stems and root plates lead to a high roughness and prevent the formation of spatially continuous weak layers, but their protective effect changes over time due to decomposition. However, an objective, reliable, and easy-to-apply assessment for monitoring the protective effect is still lacking.


    Building on a recent study that introduced protective effect indices in windthrow areas derived from drone-based photogrammetric data, we refined and integrated this approach into a semi-automated and comprehensive framework for supporting the assessment of said protective effect of windthrow areas against snow avalanche release. The framework includes 1) the processing of a dense point cloud representing the deadwood structure, 2) the detection of remaining standing trees and their crowns, 3) the determination of the critical snow depth required to cover the deadwood and reduce surface roughness below a defined threshold favourable for avalanche release, 4) adding a relevant snow slab thickness, and 5) assessing the return period of such snow depths. The output of this framework are spatial protective effect indices identifying critical zones for potential avalanche release.


    We demonstrate the applicability of the framework in various windthrow case study sites, exhibiting different characteristics in severity, deadwood structure, number of standing trees and slope steepness. The results show that the return period for the snow depth required for potential avalanche release is mostly above 30 years but locally varies strongly depending on the existing deadwood structure. This study is a crucial step toward providing an objective decision-support tool for practitioners and decision-makers to effectively manage windthrow areas in protective forests against snow avalanches.

    How to cite: Bührle, L., Baggio, T., Adams, M., Winiwarter, L., Lingua, E., Stoffel, A., Marke, T., Bebi, P., and Teich, M.: Assessment of protective effect of wind-disturbed forest against snow avalanches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17290,, 2025.

    EGU25-19048 | Orals | CR5.2

    Velocity distributions in the head of cold-dry snow avalanches 

    Anselm Köhler, Betty Sovilla, Peter Gauer, and Jan-Thomas Fischer

    Snow avalanches establish several flow regimes ranging from highly turbulent and intermittent flow in cold powder snow avalanches to uniform sliding in warm dense plug flow avalanches. To assess the different flow regimes, radar observations proved useful as they are independent of visibility conditions, but more importantly penetrate through the covering suspension powder cloud and measures the denser flow underneath. Here we focus on data from pulse Doppler radar that tracks the whole velocity spectrum in time and space.

    Our analysis allows us to extract several velocity metrics. For each part of the avalanche throughout the duration of the flow, the material velocity is found at the velocity of highest radar intensities and a maximal velocity can be defined. Depending on the flow regime, these velocities reach up to 75 m/s. Additionally, the frontal approach velocity is estimated by tracking the avalanches’ leading edge in time and space.

    We analyze the Doppler radar data of 30 dry-cold avalanches in three locations covering altitude differences along their thalweg between 1400 m, 900 m and 400 m. For each of the 30 avalanches, we compare their material velocities against their “steady state” or characteristic approach velocity that is derived from the front velocity. For the largest avalanches, we find the head of the avalanche is characterized by material velocities exceeding the front velocity by a factor up to 1.4. This causes an intermittent flow and surges that frequently overtake the avalanche front. Such an avalanche head seems only to exist for fully developed powder snow avalanches, that have a front velocity larger than 30-35m/s.

    In contrast, smaller dense avalanches have the highest material velocities directly at the front and the flow dynamics is well-represented by the frontal approach velocity. Nevertheless, we observe for all dry-cold avalanches that at some locations maximal velocities can be up to 50 to 80% higher than the front. Today, common avalanche models used in operational simulation tools do not allow for processes like the frontal surging and likely underestimate velocities and therefore local or point pressures. Our results may support the development of flow regime specific computational avalanche simulation approaches and provide reference data for model evaluation.

    How to cite: Köhler, A., Sovilla, B., Gauer, P., and Fischer, J.-T.: Velocity distributions in the head of cold-dry snow avalanches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19048,, 2025.

    EGU25-20987 | ECS | Orals | CR5.2 | Highlight

    From Data to Decisions: Enhancing Avalanche Mitigation with Probability Mapping 

    Julia Glaus, Jan Kleinn, Lukas Stoffel, Pia Ruttner-Jansen, Hervé Vicari, Johan Gaume, and Yves Bühler

    In alpine regions, avalanches endanger infrastructure such as roads, ski slopes and buildings. Some of the avalanche paths cannot be protected permanently due to financial and topographic limitations. Therefore, local experts assess daily whether additional safety measures are required, such as temporary road or ski slope closures. To support this decision-making process, we produced avalanche probability maps that show potential daily avalanche runout areas and intensities. The probability maps are generated by running multiple avalanche simulations using realistic distributions of input parameters, such as release volume and erosion depth, to capture a representative range of possible scenarios and runouts. Additionally, we account for release probability by incorporating the predicted avalanche danger scale into the analysis. We aim to identify the minimum number of input parameters needed to meaningfully represent daily conditions. To perform the numerical simulations, we can apply models with varying levels of physical details. To evaluate the quality of the produced probability maps, we recalculated well-documented avalanche events from Switzerland, using meteorological station data from the mornings prior to the avalanche occurrence. We compare the resulting predictions to the measured outlines of the avalanche cores. This study demonstrates how real-time data on weather and snow conditions can be utilized effectively to provide practitioners with a quick overview on how far current avalanches can reach considering the current conditions to support their decision-making process.

    How to cite: Glaus, J., Kleinn, J., Stoffel, L., Ruttner-Jansen, P., Vicari, H., Gaume, J., and Bühler, Y.: From Data to Decisions: Enhancing Avalanche Mitigation with Probability Mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20987,, 2025.

    EGU25-970 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Studies to Control Resuspension of Dust from Playgrounds 

    Umangi Mehta, V.S. Vamsi Botlaguduru, Manaswita Bose, and Virendra Sethi

    Dust resuspension from playgrounds can be a major contributor to urban air pollution. To address this issue, mitigation strategies such as the use of windscreens, water sprinkling, and dust suppressants have been reported in literature (Dong et al., 2007; Jeon et al., 2021; Taylor et al., 2015). However, the effectiveness of these measures is dependent on the soil type, wind patterns affected by green cover and surrounding. This study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of different dust control strategies and offer potential solutions for widespread application in urban playgrounds. Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of particle size distribution, wind speed and moisture content on dust resuspension from three different soil types. Numerical simulations will be performed to simulate the wind patterns that influence dust resuspension for a selected playground in Mumbai.

    How to cite: Mehta, U., Botlaguduru, V. S. V., Bose, M., and Sethi, V.: Studies to Control Resuspension of Dust from Playgrounds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-970,, 2025.

    EGU25-1057 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Dust Aerosol and Water Vapor Radiative Effects: A Multi-Campaign Analysis of ASKOS and ORCESTRA/PERCUSION Over the Atlantic 

    Dimitra Kouklaki, Alexandra Tsekeri, Anna Gialitaki, Kyriakoula Papachristopoulou, Panagiotis-Ioannis Raptis, Bernhard Mayer, Claudia Emde, Silke Groß, Eleni Marinou, Vassilis Amiridis, and Stelios Kazadzis

    Aerosols significantly attenuate solar radiation and influence atmospheric thermodynamic stability, particularly over regions like the Atlantic, impacting Earth's energy budget and climate through radiative heating or cooling. Quantifying these effects is challenging due to aerosol diversity and complexity. For desert dust particles, the difficulty lies in defying their optical properties and accurately monitoring their extensive distribution.

    This study aims to assess the radiative effects of dust aerosols and water vapor (WV), and their impact on atmospheric heating rates, by adopting non-spherical particle shapes and their intrinsic microphysical and optical properties during severe dust events. To achieve this, ground-based, airborne, and satellite observations are employed along with Radiative Transfer (RT) modeling, and more precisely the libRadtran RT package (Mayer and Kylling, 2005; Emde et al., 2016). The study utilizes data from two experimental campaigns – ASKOS and ORCESTRA/PERCUSION – both conducted in the Atlantic region during peak trans-Atlantic dust transport periods, in summers of 2022 and 2024.

    In the frame of the ASKOS ESA Joint Aeolus Tropical Atlantic Campaign (JATAC), we utilized ground-based remote sensing and airborne in-situ observations, including solar radiation and airborne meteorological profiles. Microphysical properties from UAVs, MOPSMAP (Gasteiger and Wiegner, 2018) and TAMUdust2020 (Saito et al., 2021) scattering databases were used to derive dust optical properties considering a mixture of spheroidal and irregular-hexahedra shapes. Multi-wavelength lidar measurements contributed to the validation of the optical properties and dust vertical distribution. RT simulations incorporated WV concentration, to investigate dust-WV-solar radiation interactions under clear sky conditions. The simulated broadband shortwave radiation was, finally, compared with the ground-based solar radiation measurements.

    A second case study was performed, leveraging ORCESTRA/PERCUSION campaign ( synergistic airborne measurements. This campaign incorporated a comprehensive suite of airborne instruments, providing, amongst others, radiation measurements, meteorological profiles, and extensive lidar measurements. Radiation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) from the EarthCARE ESA mission supported comprehensive closure studies at TOA and at aircraft level.


    This research was financially supported by the PANGEA4CalVal project (Grant Agreement 101079201) funded by the European Union, the CERTAINTY project (Grant Agreement 101137680) funded by Horizon Europe program and the AIRSENSE project which is part of Atmosphere Science Cluster of ESA’s EO Science for Society programme. DK, ΑΤ, ΚP, PR and SK would like to acknowledge COST Action HARMONIA (International network for harmonization of atmospheric aerosol retrievals from ground-based photometers), CA21119, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).


    Mayer, B., Kylling, A.: Technical note: The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations - description and examples of use. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5(7), 1855–1877, 2005.

    Emde, C., et al.: The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations (version 2.0.1), Geoscientific Model Development, 9(5), 1647–1672, 2016.

    Gasteiger, J. and Wiegner, M.: MOPSMAP v1.0: a versatile tool for the modeling of aerosol optical properties, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2739–2762,, 2018.

    Saito, M., et al.: A comprehensive database of the optical properties of irregular aerosol particles for radiative transfer simulations, J. Atmos. Sci., in press,, 2021.



    How to cite: Kouklaki, D., Tsekeri, A., Gialitaki, A., Papachristopoulou, K., Raptis, P.-I., Mayer, B., Emde, C., Groß, S., Marinou, E., Amiridis, V., and Kazadzis, S.: Dust Aerosol and Water Vapor Radiative Effects: A Multi-Campaign Analysis of ASKOS and ORCESTRA/PERCUSION Over the Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1057,, 2025.

    EGU25-1247 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Vertical Profiling of Dust Layers in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sources, Dynamics, and Impacts 

    Irina Rogozovsky, Albert Ansmann, Kevin Ohneiser, Holger Baars, Ronny Engelmann, Julian Hofer, and Alexandra Chudnovsky

    Dust pollution is a critical environmental challenge with far-reaching impacts on climate and health. Despite its significance, no unified methodology exists for identifying dust-contaminated days, leading to inconsistencies across disciplines. The most widely used approaches often rely on ground-based measurements to classify dust events. However, these methods may overlook lofted dust layers. We used a ground-based lidar system to detect and classify dust layers and compared the results to widely adopted methods. Surprisingly, at least 50% of dust-contaminated days identified by lidar were missed by traditional surface-based methods. This gap underscores the critical role of vertical profiling in accurately capturing dust presence, which is vital for improving health impact studies and climate models. Our results highlight the challenges of distinguishing between anthropogenic and natural dust events using only ground-based measurements, as many measurement approaches classify mixed aerosols as dust, potentially leading to biased exposure estimates. In addition, vertical profiling and layering data revealed distinct pollution configurations in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region, ranging from purely anthropogenic layers to complex mixtures of marine aerosols, anthropogenic pollution, and desert dust. Results reveal that dust layers in the EM often extend vertically up to 10 km, with depths reaching 6.3 km. We used air masses back trajectory analysis to identify the source of particles for each layering type, and found 2 distinct dust sources, North African mostly pure dust and Middle Eastern dust with anthropogenic component. Finally, we analysed the uncertainties of the conventional satellite-derived AOD measurements. It was found the presence of lofted dust layers or mixed aerosols challenge the retrieval accuracy, gaining crucial insights into the limitations of satellite-derived AOD in representing complex atmospheric environments, especially in dust dominated regions. The holistic approach applied in our study is essential for understanding the dynamic interplay between pollution sources and atmospheric interactions, particularly in regions like the EM, which serve as a crossroads for diverse aerosol types.

    How to cite: Rogozovsky, I., Ansmann, A., Ohneiser, K., Baars, H., Engelmann, R., Hofer, J., and Chudnovsky, A.: Vertical Profiling of Dust Layers in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sources, Dynamics, and Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1247,, 2025.

    EGU25-2589 | PICO | CL4.14

    Can we infer a mineralogical signature of dust hot spots using EMIT hyperspectral data? 

    Paul Ginoux, Philip G. Brodrick, Maria Gonçalves Ageitos, Greg S. Okin, Carlos Pérez Garcia-Pando, David R. Thompson, and Robert O. Green

    With more than 20 years of MODIS twice daily global measurements, dust hot spots have been
    located using the extrema of frequency of occurrence of Dust Optical Depth (DOD) derived from
    MODIS Deep Blue aerosol products. We know that these hot spots have a geomorphological signature (cf. Prospero et al., 2002; Baddock et al., 2016) but does it also imply that they have a mineralogical signature? This is important to know as mineralogy controls the sign and amplitude of dust interactions with the Earth's climate systems, in particular in terms of radiative forcing, ice cloud formation, rain water acidity, snow albedo, ocean bio-geochemistry. By overlaying over the dust hot spots, the soil mineralogy retrieved from the hyperspectral instrument NASA-JPL Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) over almost 3 years, our presentation will show that mineralogical content of dust hot spots is region specific.

    How to cite: Ginoux, P., Brodrick, P. G., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Okin, G. S., Pérez Garcia-Pando, C., Thompson, D. R., and Green, R. O.: Can we infer a mineralogical signature of dust hot spots using EMIT hyperspectral data?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2589,, 2025.

    EGU25-3373 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Analysis of PM2.5 Impacts from Agricultural Vinyl Waste Treatment Processes and Uncollected Waste 

    Hyunjun Park, Minseon Park, Namhoon Lee, and Hui-Young Yun

    The treatment of agricultural plastic waste is a critical source of fine dust (PM2.5) emissions, contributing significantly to air pollution. Uncollected plastic waste, predominantly subjected to open-air incineration, exacerbates this issue, underscoring the need for comprehensive management strategies.

    This study aims to predict PM2.5 emissions from agricultural plastic waste treatment processes and quantify the contribution of uncollected plastic waste to air pollution, providing a novel analysis of the relative environmental impact of these two waste management pathways. Using the CAPSS model and process-specific emission factors, PM2.5 emissions from shredding, crushing, and sorting processes were estimated based on the annual average agricultural plastic waste generation of 314,000 tons from 2016 to 2021.

    Predicted PM2.5 emissions per ton of treated waste were 0.00012 kg, 0.00075 kg, and 0.00043 kg for shredding, crushing, and sorting processes, respectively. By 2030, cumulative emissions from these processes are expected to reach 25.09 kg, 156.84 kg, and 89.92 kg. In contrast, uncollected vinyl waste subjected to open-air incineration is estimated to generate approximately 725,779.45 kg of PM2.5 by 2030, a figure nearly 2,600 times higher than emissions from treated waste.

    The findings highlight the disproportionate environmental impact of uncollected vinyl waste compared to treated waste. This study underscores the urgency of improving collection rates and optimizing treatment processes for agricultural vinyl waste. Policy recommendations include expanding treatment facilities, fostering private-sector recycling initiatives, and enforcing stricter regulations on open-air incineration to mitigate fine dust emissions effectively. Future research should explore the comprehensive evaluation of waste management systems and the development of advanced technologies for reducing PM2.5 emissions.


    This research was supported by Particulate Matter Management Specialized Graduate Program through the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) funded by the Ministry of Environment(MOE)

    How to cite: Park, H., Park, M., Lee, N., and Yun, H.-Y.: Analysis of PM2.5 Impacts from Agricultural Vinyl Waste Treatment Processes and Uncollected Waste, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3373,, 2025.

    EGU25-4448 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Detection of seasonal-specific potential source areas of mineral dust on Crete (Greece) based on isotope measurements and mineralogical investigations 

    Simon Bitzan, Cécile L. Blanchet, Georgios E. Christidis, Kerstin Schepanski, and Fabian Kirsten

    The Sahara is the Earth’s largest dust source, producing dust plumes that impact the whole planet. The eastern Mediterranean is one of the areas significantly affected by Saharan dust and its deposition.
    The geochemical and mineralogical composition of the deposited mineral dust particles depend on their source area and on spatiotemporal variability of the source areas.
    Although being of great importance for local soil formation and soil distribution, the impact of changes in dust provenance has not been extensively studied in the eastern Mediterranean. Thus, further research is required to characterize dust deposition fluxes, transport trajectories and the geochemical and mineralogical composition of deposited mineral dust.
    Modelled trajectories of dust events provide good insights on aeolian transport routes, but if larger distances are covered over land, the exact source area of the deposited material cannot be traced with certainty. The question also arises as to whether the composition of the mineral dust deposited differs due to spatial sorting and thus its influence on the deposition area.
    In order to gain insight into the dynamics of dust deposited on Crete, we present results from eight passive deposition traps (marble samplers) that were installed in western Crete at various sites around the Lefka Ori mountains. Monthly sampling was performed between March 2023 and June 2024, which provides us a unique temporal and spatial coverage.
    Here we used a multi-proxy fingerprinting approach including Nd-Sr isotopic composition, mineralogy and grain-size distribution. The isotope analyses show a temporal shift in the potential source areas over the year, but no significant spatial differences. This spatial homogeneity in the isotopic signature of deposited dust suggests a minor influence of local inputs, which are characterized by distinct geological contexts, which is confirmed by the mineralogy. Samples with a coarser and well-sorted grain-size distribution likely track larger dust events, as a relatively larger proportion originates from the same source. The aim is to combine the results and thus to highlight and classify the intensity of influence of different source areas on the soil development of western Crete. In the long term, an analysis of back-tracking trajectories is to be carried out and combined with the results of the isotope analyses, which we expect to improve the informative value of the potential source areas.

    How to cite: Bitzan, S., Blanchet, C. L., Christidis, G. E., Schepanski, K., and Kirsten, F.: Detection of seasonal-specific potential source areas of mineral dust on Crete (Greece) based on isotope measurements and mineralogical investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4448,, 2025.

    EGU25-4494 | PICO | CL4.14

    Unraveling Late Quaternary Climate Dynamics: Insights from the Velika Vrbica Loess-Palaeosol Sequence, Wallachian Basin 

    Zoran Perić, Cathal Ryan, Warren Thompson, Milica Radaković, Petar Krsmanović, Helena Alexanderson, and Slobodan Marković

    The Velika Vrbica loess-palaeosol sequence (LPS) in northeastern Serbia, located at the westernmost boundary of the Wallachian Basin, provides a high-resolution terrestrial archive of palaeoenvironmental changes spanning Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 to MIS 1. This study integrates optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, magnetic susceptibility (χ), and mass accumulation rates (MAR) to reconstruct climatic and environmental dynamics over the last ~41,000 years. The OSL chronology reveals consistent loess deposition from ~41 ka to 3 ka, with peak accumulation rates during MIS 3 and late MIS 2. Notably, MARs are higher during the interstadial MIS 3 compared to the Last Glacial Maximum (MIS 2), challenging conventional models that associate intensified dust deposition solely with colder glacial phases. This pattern highlights the influence of regional factors such as sediment source proximity, wind dynamics, and variations in sediment trapping efficiency. The χ record highlights fluctuations in pedogenesis and aeolian activity, which broadly correspond to climatic oscillations captured in the NGRIP δ¹⁸O ice core record. These global cold periods align with intensified dust deposition, but substantial MAR values observed during warmer interglacial phases suggest that sedimentation processes in southeastern Europe were influenced by additional, localized drivers. The Velika Vrbica LPS captures detailed environmental responses to Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events, marked by rapid warming and subsequent cooling phases. These responses reflect the sensitivity of southeastern Europe to abrupt climatic shifts and reveal the nuanced relationship between global climatic drivers and regional environmental processes. Notably, the sandy layer deposited between ~32 ka and ~15 ka reflects intensified palaeowind activity during the Last Glacial Maximum, further illustrating the interplay between climate and sedimentation dynamics. Comparison with other LPSs in southeastern Europe highlights the distinct depositional patterns of Velika Vrbica, with pronounced MAR peaks during MIS 3 and considerable variability during MIS 2. These findings diverge from the widely accepted model of loess formation, emphasizing the importance of site-specific factors and regional climatic influences. For example, while most models predict lower dust input during interglacial periods, the Velika Vrbica LPS records substantial dust deposition even during MIS 3 interstadials. This challenges established paradigms and underscores the complexity of loess formation processes in dynamic semi-arid environments. By integrating high-resolution geochronological data with sedimentological and palaeoclimatic analyses, this research provides critical insights into late Quaternary climate dynamics in southeastern Europe. The Velika Vrbica LPS not only enhances our understanding of the region’s environmental history but also contributes to refining global models of loess deposition and dust dynamics. These findings emphasize the need for further site-specific investigations to disentangle the interplay between global climate systems and local environmental processes, thereby advancing our understanding of past climatic variability and its implications for future environmental changes.

    How to cite: Perić, Z., Ryan, C., Thompson, W., Radaković, M., Krsmanović, P., Alexanderson, H., and Marković, S.: Unraveling Late Quaternary Climate Dynamics: Insights from the Velika Vrbica Loess-Palaeosol Sequence, Wallachian Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4494,, 2025.

    EGU25-4612 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Westerly jet variations over East Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum: Evidence from Asian dust records in the Mariana Trench  

    Yanning Wu, Yifeng Liu, Tao Wu, Chun-Feng Li, Wancang Zhao, Taoran Song, and Liyan Tian

    The seasonal migration of the westerly jet (WJ) over East Asia is recognized as a substantial factor in the historical climate of the region, especially regarding spatial and temporal variability of regional rainfall and the dust cycle in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the evolution of East Asian WJ since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) remains debated. To enhance our understanding, we investigate the changes in Asian dust sources in sediments from the southern Mariana Trench utilizing trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes.

    According to the geochemical analyses, the eolian dust from the Taklimakan desert is the major dust source to the southern Mariana Trench during most of the LGM. Nevertheless, the Mongolian Gobi Desert became the dominant dust contributor during partial periods of the early LGM. This result can be attributed to changes in the timing of the seasonal WJ transition and the meridional distribution of the WJ. During the LGM, low boreal summer insolation kept the WJ axis south of the Tibetan Plateau throughout the year, which should be accompanied by broad meridional distribution of the WJ affecting mid-to-high latitudes. However, extensive Northern Hemisphere ice sheets prevented the occurrence of the WJ over mid-to-high latitudes. Therefore, the WJ mainly transported the Taklimakan dust. The smaller ice sheets in the early LGM than in the late LGM allowed the WJ to appear over the Mongolian Gobi Desert, favoring the local dust export.

    During the mid-Holocene, the trench received a mixed contribution of the Taklimakan and the Mongolian Gobi dust. Strong boreal summer insolation during this period caused the WJ axis to frequently shift to a southwest-northeast orientation and an earlier seasonal WJ transition. This facilitated the transport of dust from both deserts. In the late Holocene, the Taklimakan desert became the dominant dust source, due to a reoriented WJ axis with a west-east orientation and a delayed seasonal transition driven by declining boreal summer insolation.

    How to cite: Wu, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, T., Li, C.-F., Zhao, W., Song, T., and Tian, L.: Westerly jet variations over East Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum: Evidence from Asian dust records in the Mariana Trench , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4612,, 2025.

    EGU25-4644 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Intermediate-mode mineral dust aerosols efficiently scatter solar radiation 

    Chen Cui, Pengfei Tian, Binrui Wang, and Wenfang Wang

    Dust aerosols emitted naturally into the atmosphere play a crucial role in the climate system by scattering and absorbing radiation, which may alter regional aerosol radiative forcing. Aerosol size distributions exhibit a widespread trimodal pattern globally, and the presence of this trimodal distribution affects the scattering properties of the aerosol population. Here, we identify an intermediate mode in the African dust aerosol size distribution, previously overlooked, located between the fine and coarse modes. In regions with high dust loads, dust particles undergo physical processes, including surface fragmentation due to external forces, generating fine fragments with a characteristic size of approximately 0.6 µm. These fragments exhibit strong scattering properties, with a scattering efficiency factor roughly five times that of the fine mode, making them significant contributors to regional cooling effects. However, in recent years, the concentration of the intermediate mode has been gradually decreasing due to regional economic development and desert management, impacting both regional and global environmental and climate effects. This study provides new insights into dust aerosol emissions and improves the parameterization of dust in global climate models. These findings are crucial for enhancing the accuracy of global climate simulations and better quantifying the impact of dust aerosols on the climate.

    How to cite: Cui, C., Tian, P., Wang, B., and Wang, W.: Intermediate-mode mineral dust aerosols efficiently scatter solar radiation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4644,, 2025.

    EGU25-4775 | PICO | CL4.14

    Paleoclimate informed simulations for constraining aerosol radiative effects 

    Samuel Albani, Natalie M. Mahowald, Longlei Li, Douglas S. Hamilton, and Jasper F. Kok

    Aerosol radiative effects are still one of the major sources of uncertainty in terms of a quantitative understanding of climate changes across time scales, despite many advances in the field. Yet, paleodata databases offer the opportunity to constrain to some extent past natural aerosol emissions, allowing to account for aerosol radiative effects in a more realistic way in simulations with Earth System Models, at least from the point of view of amounts and spatial distributions of different aerosol species.

    Here we first present the results of simulations conducted with CESM1.0 using paleodust constrained emissions for different equilibrium climate states, then broaden our discussion on the importance of historical and paleoclimate aerosol radiative effects, considering the published literature. We estimated that preindustrial to present-day aerosol radiative effects are affected by emission uncertainties that are just as large as model spread uncertainties (2.8 W m−2). We advocate that more efforts are put into improving and expanding existing paleodata collections and that those available should be taken into account when assessing uncertainties related to aerosol radiative effects. In particular we propose a new intercomparison project (AERO-HISTMIP) that compares outcomes when using multiple emission pathways in CMIP historical simulations.  

    How to cite: Albani, S., Mahowald, N. M., Li, L., Hamilton, D. S., and Kok, J. F.: Paleoclimate informed simulations for constraining aerosol radiative effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4775,, 2025.

    EGU25-5652 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    From Sahara Desert to Ukraine: an integrated study of mineral dust transport 

    Yuliia Yukhymchuk, Gennadi Milinevsky, Vassyl Danylevsky, Philippe Goloub, Xuhui Gao, and Xuanyi Wei

    In April 2024, the transport of mineral dust from the Sahara Desert was observed over Ukraine. This phenomenon, unusual for the region, resulted in reduced visibility, "red rain," degraded air quality, and altered atmospheric aerosol properties over Kyiv. To better understand the impact of this event, sun photometers and modeling efforts were used to analyze the changes in aerosol characteristics and the atmospheric influence of mineral dust transport. Observations from the AERONET Kyiv station indicated significant changes in aerosol characteristics. Specifically, there was an increase in aerosol optical depth (AOD) and coarse-mode AOD, while the Angstrom exponent (AE) and fine-mode AOD showed a decline. Cluster analysis of these parameters revealed temporal patterns and correlations between the observed changes. The size distribution analysis highlighted the dominant influence of coarse particles. Additionally, the single scattering albedo (SSA) and refractive index values were affected, reflecting the presence of mineral dust compared to typical conditions. The GEOS-Chem chemical transport model further indicated changes in mineral dust concentrations, suggesting its notable impact on Ukraine's territory. Additionally, the HYSPLIT model was utilized in this study to analyze backward trajectories of air masses, providing crucial information about their movement before reaching the territory of Ukraine and identifying their origins.

    How to cite: Yukhymchuk, Y., Milinevsky, G., Danylevsky, V., Goloub, P., Gao, X., and Wei, X.: From Sahara Desert to Ukraine: an integrated study of mineral dust transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5652,, 2025.

    EGU25-5908 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Towards Convection-Resolving Dust Emission Modelling 

    Pascal Kunze, Matthias Faust, Kerstin Schepanski, and Ina Tegen

    Dust emissions are closely associated with wind speed and are affected by a variety of meteorological drivers and factors that have effects across different spatial and temporal scales. Global or regional atmospheric dust models employing parameterized convection often encounter difficulties in accurately replicating observed dust emissions. Recent investigations by Garcia-Carreras et al. (2021) have demonstrated significant discrepancies when modeling Northern African dust emissions across various grid scales using either parametrized convection or resolved convection. In order to further clarify the influence of model resolution on dust emissions, an investigation was conducted employing surface winds from two different model studies: the coarse-resolution CMIP-6 model intercomparison study [Eyring et al. (2016)] with parameterized convection and the high-resolution ICON model  simulation that was part of the DYAMOND project [Stevens et al. (2019)], which was computed with explicit convection. Two different dust products were computed using the modelled surface winds: the Dust Uplift Potential (DUP) derived from wind data and an offline dust emission model based on Tegen et al. (2002), which incorporates soil and vegetation effects to simulate dust emission fluxes utilizing gridded surface wind fields. The dust emissions from the different models are evaluated across various source regions, including Northern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, the Gobi Desert, and the Taklamakan Desert. Convective events such as haboobs particularly necessitate explicit modeling at convection-resolving resolution, which is e.g an important cause of dust emissions in the southern Sahara in northern hemisphere summer. Other local wind systems can be discerned by both high and low-resolution models, albeit at varying magnitudes. In the Gobi region, there is negligible impact of model resolution on dust emissions. These findings could inform further research on modeling dust emission and  transport by providing a basis for improved dust emission parameterizations in large-scale models.

    How to cite: Kunze, P., Faust, M., Schepanski, K., and Tegen, I.: Towards Convection-Resolving Dust Emission Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5908,, 2025.

    EGU25-6183 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Meteorological Drivers of East Asian dust activity in spring 2001-2022 

    Feifei Mu and Stephanie Fiedler

    East Asian dust storms from the Gobi and the Taklamakan Desert occur frequently in spring. Dust aerosols influence climate through effects on radiation and clouds, and impair air quality with impacts on human health. However, large uncertainties in model simulations of dust aerosols persist. An estimation of the relative contributions of different meteorological drivers to dust activities can help to improve the representation of dust storms in models.

    Mongolian cyclones, which form East of the Altai-Sayan Mountains, are important for dust-emitting winds in the Gobi Desert. Utilizing an automated detection algorithm of extratropical cyclones and multiple datasets for dust aerosol for 2001–2022, the contribution of Mongolian cyclones to East Asian dust emission and dust optical depth is quantitatively estimated (Mu and Fiedler). The results highlight that springtime dust storms in East Asia are primarily associated with a low-pressure system over Mongolia. Mobile Mongolian cyclones explain almost half of the total spring dust emission amount of the Gobi Desert. The calculated relative contributions of Mongolian cyclones to dust emissions in the Gobi Desert are similar from two different products, despite differences in the physical parameterization schemes for dust emission, number and location of the prescribed potential dust sources, and in the absolute dust emission amount by a factor ten. Dust emissions in the Gobi Desert and dust aerosol optical depth in the region downwind have decreased in the past decades, with Mongolian cyclones contributing to reductions of 10%-18% decade-1 and 11%--15% decade-1, respectively. The reduction of dust emissions and dust aerosol optical depth is at least in part explained by weaker and fewer Mongolian cyclones over time. 

    Mongolian cyclones may also affect the dust activity in the Taklamakan Desert to the west of the Gobi Desert. The passage of the Mongolian cyclone in mid-March 2021 has led to a cold air intrusion into the Taklamakan Desert. The cold air favored the nighttime near-surface temperature inversion. The stable stratification near the surface allows the development of Nocturnal Low-Level Jets (NLLJs). The breakdown of NLLJs results in a strengthening of near-surface winds, which are sufficiently strong for dust emissions in many parts of the Taklamakan Desert (Mu et al., 2023). The Taklamakan dust was elevated by deep mixing and transported eastwards by prevailing mid-level westerlies, impacting air quality primarily in western China. Ongoing work addresses the link of cyclones and NLLJs in the Taklamakan Desert from the climatological perspective.


    Mu, F., Luiz, E.W., Fiedler, S., 2023. On the dynamics and air-quality impact of the exceptional East Asian dust outbreak in mid-March 2021. Atmos. Res. 292, 106846.
    Mu, F. and Fiedler, S., in review. How much do atmospheric depressions and Mongolian cyclones contribute to East Asian spring dust activities?

    How to cite: Mu, F. and Fiedler, S.: Meteorological Drivers of East Asian dust activity in spring 2001-2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6183,, 2025.

    EGU25-6741 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    The contribution of haboobs to the dust direct radiative effect 

    Andreas Baer, Rumeng Li, and Martina Klose

    Mineral dust is the most abundant type of atmospheric aerosol in terms of mass. Dust models at non-storm resolving resolutions are usually able to capture the dust load on diurnal or longer-term average, but perform worse in capturing its diurnal variability. A main reason for this deficit is the fact that phenomena smaller than the grid size cannot be represented and are therefore lacking in the simulations. A major dust-event type that can only be represented at single-digit kilometer resolution are haboobs – intense dust storms created by the cold-pool outflow of moist convection. Haboobs mostly occur during the afternoon and thus their representation in models at storm resolving resolutions increases dust emissions during the afternoon hours, especially in regions where haboobs typically occur. As a significant amount of global dust emissions can be attributed to haboobs, their impact, e.g. on interactions of dust aerosol with radiation, on the continental to global scale is of special interest.

    Here we investigate the contribution of haboobs to the direct radiative effect (DRE) of dust through their modulation of the dust diurnal cycle and vertical and horizontal distributions. For this purpose, we performed a set of annual simulations of the year 2020 using the ICON-ART model at 5km and 80km grid resolution for a domain covering North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, as these regions are strong dust sources and haboob hotspots. A radiation multiple call scheme in ICON-ART was used to assess the DRE from a single simulation. We analyze differences in DRE and the vertical and horizontal dust distribution between the simulations and link them to the spatial distribution of haboob occurrence in the high-resolution simulation.

    By assessing the impact of haboobs on the radiation balance of the earth, we aim to contribute to evaluating the benefits of storm-resolving simulations on a global scale with online treatment of aerosols; and to test the importance of representing meso-scale phenomena for quantification of dust-climate impacts.

    How to cite: Baer, A., Li, R., and Klose, M.: The contribution of haboobs to the dust direct radiative effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6741,, 2025.

    EGU25-7106 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Another one traps the dust: Central Svalbard Lake sediments track 8,000 years of High Arctic wind strength 

    Zofia Stachowska, Willem G. M. van der Bilt, Mateusz C. Strzelecki, and Jan Kavan

    The Arctic warms faster than any other region on Earth. As sea ice diminishes in response, wind speeds increase due to reduced drag over open waters. Lake sediments offer valuable records of these processes and their relation to past climate change through the deposition of wind-blown grains and elements. This study reconstructs 8,000 years of Arctic eolian activity using laminated sediments from closed Lake Dunsappietjørna on the Svalbard archipelago. The site faces North Atlantic Westerlies as well as Easterly winds. By integrating geochemical (X-Ray Fluorescence – XRF), visual (Computed Tomography – CT and Scanning Electron Microscope – SEM), and granulometric (End Member Modeling Analysis – EMMA) fingerprints in a geostatistical (Principal Component Analysis – PCA) framework, we link clastic lacustrine input to sediment sources in the catchment, and unravel the imprint of Westerly and Easterly wind systems throughout the Holocene.

    How to cite: Stachowska, Z., van der Bilt, W. G. M., Strzelecki, M. C., and Kavan, J.: Another one traps the dust: Central Svalbard Lake sediments track 8,000 years of High Arctic wind strength, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7106,, 2025.

    The 2.3-million-year grain-size records of detrital components from IODP Site U1430 in the East (Japan) Sea illustrate the influence of East Asian Winter Monsoon variations on Asian dust transport and deposition. Dust transport was driven by two distinct wind systems: low-level northwesterly winter monsoon winds and upper-level westerlies. Using end-member (EM) modeling of grain-size distributions, five EMs were identified: fine-mode dust transported by upper-level westerlies (EM1), coarse-mode dust carried by northwesterly surface winds (EM2), and marine tephra components (EM3, EM4, EM5). After excluding marine tephra contributions, a refined dust-size distribution model was developed, focusing on EM1 and EM2. The cyclic patterns and amplitudes of dust-size variations at Site U1430 closely align with size records from the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), where sedimentation is predominantly influenced by northwesterly surface winds. This agreement suggests that dust deposition at Site U1430 was similarly controlled by the intensity of these winds, rather than upper-level westerlies. Additionally, variations in loess size across the CLP and modern dust observations indicate that vertical and lateral sorting processes during atmospheric transport contributed to the finer dust sizes recorded at Site U1430. These findings highlight the critical role of surface wind intensity and atmospheric sorting in shaping long-term dust deposition patterns in the East (Japan) Sea. 

    How to cite: Jang, J.-H., Bahk, J.-J., and Lee, D. E.: IODP Site U1430 Asian Dust Size Records in the East (Japan) Sea Since the Early Pleistocene: The Role of Northwesterly Surface Winds and Upper Westerlies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7600,, 2025.

    EGU25-8292 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Saharan dust deposition in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: ballasting agent or fertilizer? 

    Anouk van Boxtel, Addison Rice, Gert J. de Lange, Francien Peterse, and Jan-Berend Stuut

    Dust deposition can increase the strength of the biological pump through fertilizing and ballasting effects of the deposited dust, in particular in (ultra-)oligotrophic oceans such as the eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS). However, dust characteristics, such as nutrient content and bioavailability, organic-matter content, and grain-size distribution, and thus its fertilizing and ballasting potential, can vary between dust events.

    Here, we present a long-term (1999-2011), high-resolution (14-21 days) sediment-trap record of dust fluxes, dust grain-size distributions, and fluxes of plant leaf waxes at 500, 1500, and 2500m water depth to assess seasonal and interannual variation in the amount and characteristics of dust deposited in the EMS.

    We find that dust events mainly occur during late spring and summer, although their exact timing and magnitude varies between years. Differences in grain-size distribution and plant wax content between dust events indicate that the provenance, transportation, and/or deposition mode of the dust varied between events. The dust events archived in the sediment traps are preceded by atmospheric dust transport, indicated by increased Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) values recorded by satellites in the weeks before dust fluxes increase. However, several major atmospheric dust outbreaks observed by satellites do not appear in the sediment trap record. This indicates that not all material that passes the EMS through the atmosphere is actually deposited on the sea surface and/or reaches the traps at larger water depths.

    Most dust events in the sediment traps can be traced through the water column, indicating relatively rapid vertical export. The dust events coincide with increases in organic carbon flux, supporting the proposed role of dust in the biological pump through ballasting. However, while coarse-grained dust is consistently transferred to the deepest trap, regardless of the absolute flux, finer-grained dust is primarily detected in the upper trap. We will use our dataset to further investigate whether export of fine-grained dust is also linked to ballasting or is mediated by productivity in the surface ocean through the formation of organic aggregates and fecal pallets, either as a result of dust fertilization or natural processes.

    How to cite: van Boxtel, A., Rice, A., de Lange, G. J., Peterse, F., and Stuut, J.-B.: Saharan dust deposition in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: ballasting agent or fertilizer?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8292,, 2025.

    EGU25-8963 | PICO | CL4.14

    Evaluating the impact of improved dust representation and atmospheric iron chemistry in marine primary production and subsurface iron stocks  

    Joan Llort, Elisa Bergas-Massó, Raffaelle Bernardello, Valentina Sicardi, Maria Gonçalves Ageitos, Carla Pons, Stelios Myriokefalitakis, and Carlos Pérez García-Pando

    The impact of dust deposition on the fertilisation of marine ecosystems has been studied for decades. Despite the relevance of this air-sea interaction, aerosol chemical transformation, deposition over the ocean, and the eventual influence on ocean biogeochemistry (including carbon export) are poorly represented in most Earth System Models (ESM). For instance, the deposition of soluble iron (the chemical iron forms that phytoplankton can uptake) is often estimated in ESM as a constant fraction of deposited dust. This type of simplistic formulation underrepresents the interannual and spatial variability of the aeolian input of nutrients in marine ecosystems. 

    In this work, we present a reconstruction of global ocean biogeochemistry for the last 30 years, where we evaluate the impact of newly produced iron deposition fields derived from the state-of-the-art atmospheric model EC-Earth3-Fe, which explicitly resolves the mineralogy of dust sources, includes a detailed representation of the atmospheric Fe dissolution processes and accounts for the contribution of other sources of Fe, such as anthropogenic combustion and biomass-burning. When compared to a standard run using climatological atmospheric inputs and constant dissolution rates the new simulation shows a contrasted response of marine primary production where production increases above 10% in large areas of the Pacific and the South Atlantic, while other smaller regions show an equivalent decrease. 

    We also analysed the impact of the monthly resolved historical reconstruction of dust deposition (i.e., atmospheric model forced with observed meteorology) on the primary production’s interannual variability. Results showed no immediate impact of dust deposition variability on marine primary production. However, we found a replenishment of the subsurface stock of dissolved iron associated with the increase in dust deposition over the Equatorial Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and the subtropical Pacific. As this subsurface stock is one of the main seasonal inputs of iron through winter vertical mixing, it can induce delayed responses in marine ecosystems. Ongoing work is evaluating this hypothesis and comparing the simulated vertical distribution of dissolved iron in the water column against observations acquired by the GEOTRACES program.

    In this presentation, we will also describe the efforts made in the new project BIOTA to understand how changes in aerosol transformation and deposition interact with the projected increase in upper ocean stratification, potentially enhancing the relative importance of aeolian nutrient inputs.

    How to cite: Llort, J., Bergas-Massó, E., Bernardello, R., Sicardi, V., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Pons, C., Myriokefalitakis, S., and Pérez García-Pando, C.: Evaluating the impact of improved dust representation and atmospheric iron chemistry in marine primary production and subsurface iron stocks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8963,, 2025.

    EGU25-8965 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Photovoltaic production in West Africa: Impact of dust and water footprint of cleaning operations 

    Amy Tamunoibinyemiem Banigo, Benoit Hingray, Louise Crochemore, Béatrice Marticorena, and Sandrine Anquetin

    To achieve universal electricity access and comply with Paris Agreement, one large-scale objective of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is the deployment of +8 to +20 GWp of solar energy systems by 2030 (IRENA, 2018). ECOWAS is located south of the Saharan region and close to the Bodélé depression, which has been observed to have the largest atmospheric dust production activity on Earth (Isaacs et al., 2023). Once deposited on panels, dust reduces the transmission of solar radiation to the panels and, consequently, the energy production (Sarver et al., 2013). Annual losses of solar energy production of up to 54% have been observed in the region due to dust (Chanchangi et al., 2022). These production losses can be mitigated by regularly cleaning solar panels. In West Africa, cleaning operations commonly use water but many areas are water-scarce. It is thus important to ensure that water resources are not further strained by water cleaning operations associated with the expected large-scale deployment of solar energy systems in the region.

    In the present work, we aim to assess the water footprint of different cleaning strategies of virtual solar plants in the ECOWAS region. A first step towards this aim consists in regionally assessing how dust would accumulate on Photovoltaic (PV) panels and, in turn, what the associated production losses would be. We present a dust accumulation model allowing to simulate, over a long time period and across the region, the temporal sub daily variations of dust accumulation on virtual PV panels. The model uses as input the particulate matter concentration of different particle sizes. Dust data from the CAMS and MERRA2 reanalyses are considered. Both datasets are first compared to observations of regional particulate matter concentration available from a set of four stations from the INDAAF network. CAMS data were found to better agree with observations (> 0.8 correlation for a 1-week temporal resolution). Time series of dust accumulation simulated from CAMS data were then compared to time series of dust deposit observations available for the same four INDAAF stations. Results show fair agreement but highlight significant differences, likely due to uncertainties in various variables and model assumptions. Lastly, simulated accumulated dust amounts are used as input to a PV soiling loss model to derive the transmission reduction and the mean PV production losses for different cleaning operation strategies.


    Chanchangi et al., 2022. Soiling mapping through optical losses for Nigeria. Renewable Energy, 197, 995–1008.

    IRENA (2018), Renewable Energy Statistics 2018, The International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.

    Isaacs et al., 2023. Dust soiling effects on decentralized solar in West Africa. Applied Energy, 340, 120993.

    Sarver et al.,2013. A comprehensive review of the impact of dust on the use of solar energy: History, investigations, results, literature, and mitigation approaches. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 698–733.

    How to cite: Banigo, A. T., Hingray, B., Crochemore, L., Marticorena, B., and Anquetin, S.: Photovoltaic production in West Africa: Impact of dust and water footprint of cleaning operations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8965,, 2025.

    EGU25-9134 | PICO | CL4.14

    Coordinated vertical tandem-profiling of a Saharan dust intrusion over Central Europe on 20 June 2024 based on balloon-borne soundings from two different sites. 

    Ralf Weigel, Konrad Kandler, Monika Scheibe, Katie Smith, Luis Valero, Luca K. Eichhorn, Sina Jost, Kristin Röck, Sonja Gisinger, Alexandre Baron, Troy Thornberry, Adrienne Jeske, and Holger Tost

    When favourable synoptic conditions prevail, desert dust is transported from North Africa to Central Europe. Between June 19 and 21, 2024, air from North and Northwest Africa spread from Algeria across the south-coast of France with predicted dust load > 1200 mg m-2 over an area limited by the Rhone Valley, extending to the coasts of Belgium and the Netherlands. The intrusion reached as far as the Skagerrak and the Kattegat and stretched across parts of Poland and the Czech Republic to the Aegean Sea and Greece, and it entirely covered Italy. On June 20, 2024, time-coordinated balloon-borne vertical soundings were carried out over Germany from two locations: 1) at 13:18 CEST from Oberpfaffenhofen (OPH - near Munich) and 2) at 14:15 CEST from Spielberg (SPb - near Frankfurt/Main, in the framework of “TPChange”, DFG TRR301) with the aim to analyse the same (intermediately transported) air mass. The SPb balloon payload included (a. o.) a radiosonde (RS41 SGP by VAISALA), a set of dual-stage impactors to perform particle sampling for offline physico-chemical analyses, and optical particle counters (OPC) such as the Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS). The OPH payload consisted of an OPC-N3 (by Alphasense) and the RS41 SGP.

    Qualitative agreement was obtained from the independent profiles: from 1.5 km to 4.8 km height, a layer of increased particle number concentration (N) with 100 to 1000 cm-3 stands out from the background (N < 20 cm-3) in the vertical profile for particles with a diameter (Dp) from 0.14 µm to 2.6 µm (POPS-detected sized range). While below ~ 4.5 km (OPH) and ~ 4.8 km (SPb), the relative humidity (RH) remains below 87 %, the region of particle enhancement is effectively capped by a cloud layer (RH exceeding 100 %) of about 200 m vertical thickness above ~ 4.5 km (OPH) and ~ 4.8 km (SPb), respectively. Aloft, N drops abruptly and temporarily reaches background values < 20 cm-3. The impactor sample taken throughout passage of the particle layer showed considerable presence of mineral dust (generally > 75 % of all particles collected), the largest of which have estimated Dp of 10 µm and smallest Dp were estimated with 0.1 µm. Admixtures of sea salt (particle fraction Dp > 500nm) and sulphates (fraction Dp < 500 nm) were also identified. We will present more specific microphysical properties of the mineral dust aerosol, including morphology and chemical composition, and discuss these in the context of the atmospheric conditions at both measurement sites.

    How to cite: Weigel, R., Kandler, K., Scheibe, M., Smith, K., Valero, L., Eichhorn, L. K., Jost, S., Röck, K., Gisinger, S., Baron, A., Thornberry, T., Jeske, A., and Tost, H.: Coordinated vertical tandem-profiling of a Saharan dust intrusion over Central Europe on 20 June 2024 based on balloon-borne soundings from two different sites., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9134,, 2025.

    EGU25-9264 | PICO | CL4.14 | Highlight

    The shadow of the wind: photovoltaic power generation under Europe's dusty skies 

    György Varga, Fruzsina Gresin, András Gelencsér, Adrienn Csávics, and Ágnes Rostási

    The impact of the Sahara dust storm events on photovoltaic power generation in Europe will be presented. In recent years, driven by global sustainability, climate and energy security objectives, photovoltaic power generation has been expanding worldwide, with a particular focus on the European continent. We are also witnessing a change in the frequency and intensity of Saharan dust storm events. Atmospheric particulate matter significantly reduces irradiance through its direct and indirect effects, with energy flux changes sometimes having serious economic and security of supply implications. 

    In a diverse energy mix, which varies significantly from state to state, weather-dependent renewable generation must be forecasted to meet the delicate balancing needs of electricity supply, which poses a major challenge to the system operator. Analysis of the accuracy of the forecasts has shown that this is subject to significant errors and that the magnitude of these errors is larger during dust storm events than during non-dust storm situations. In the photovoltaic power generation data series of the southern (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece) and central European (Hungary) countries  presented here, we characterise episodes where atmospheric dust caused irradiance and electricity production to deviate significantly from the predicted levels.

    Key Takeaways:

    (1) The influence of atmospheric particulate matter is substantial for both photovoltaic (PV) production and generation forecasting. This effect is likely more pronounced with meridional (south-north) dust transport due to a steeper thermal gradient, which intensifies cloud formation processes through warm air advection and increased fine-grained particulate mass.

    (2) Accurate PV production forecasts cannot be achieved using coarse-resolution aerosol climatology data without aerosol-cloud coupling. Instead, calculations should integrate up-to-date dust load data and relevant cloud physics relationships.

    (3) The quantities of atmospheric dust, the dynamics of its transport, and the mineralogical and physical properties (such as grain size and shape) of the dust are not well understood. These factors have diverse impacts on cloud formation processes, necessitating further research for better comprehension.

    (4) Due to climate change and the inherent variability of the climate system, forecasts are made under fluctuating hydrometeorological and atmospheric conditions, which inherently carry uncertainties. These errors are expected to become more significant with increasing PV capacity, thus managing them will require expanding electricity storage capacities alongside more precise forecasts.

    The research was supported by the NRDI projects FK138692 and by the Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (FFT NP FTA). This work has been implemented by the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014) project within the framework of Hungary's National Recovery and Resilience Plan supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the European Union.

    How to cite: Varga, G., Gresin, F., Gelencsér, A., Csávics, A., and Rostási, Á.: The shadow of the wind: photovoltaic power generation under Europe's dusty skies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9264,, 2025.

    EGU25-10547 | PICO | CL4.14

    Dust emission from dust sources in Iceland: Insights from the High-Latitude Dust Experiment in summer 2021 

    Kerstin Schepanski, Konrad Kandler, Mara Montag, Kilian Schneiders, Agnesh Panta, Adolfo González-Romero, Cristina González-Flórez, Martina Klose, Xavier Querol, Andrés Alastuey, Jesús Yus-Díez, Sylvain Dupont, Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserová, and Carlos Pérez García-Pando

    Mineral dust is one of the most prominent natural aerosols and is almost ubiquitous in the atmosphere, where it substantially interacts, modulates and alter atmospheric processes. Although research on dust aerosol is carried out since many decades by means of different approaches and techniques, knowledge on mineral dust emitted at high latitudes or in cold climate regions is still limited despite its pivotal impact on polar environments. Within a warming climate, dust emitted from sources located in cold climate zones is expected to increase due to the retreat of the ice sheets and increasing melting rates. Therefore, and for its extensive impacts on different aspects of the climate system, a better understanding of the atmospheric dust cycle at high latitudes/cold climates in general, and the spatio-temporal distribution of dust sources in particular, are essential.

    We will present results from the HiLDA measurement campaign which took place in summer 2021 in the Dyngjusandur in Iceland. The measurements were set up to observe dust concentration variability across the Dyngjusandur and near-source dust transport areas in order to eventually conclude on the variability in dust source emissivity. We have measured aerosol size distributions and meteorological parameters distributed over different dust source areas at high temporal resolution for a period of eight weeks in summer 2021 and spring 2022. During this time, we observed a couple of intense dust events as well as background conditions. Ultimately, the analysis of our measurement data addresses the complex web of interactions which is defined by the variability of dust source characteristics and wind speed distribution in concert. Findings from this study contribute to the understanding of dust emission in cold climate regions and its spatio-temporal variability, which is essential with respect to the quantification of dust-associated feedbacks in the Earth system.

    How to cite: Schepanski, K., Kandler, K., Montag, M., Schneiders, K., Panta, A., González-Romero, A., González-Flórez, C., Klose, M., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Yus-Díez, J., Dupont, S., Dagsson-Waldhauserová, P., and Pérez García-Pando, C.: Dust emission from dust sources in Iceland: Insights from the High-Latitude Dust Experiment in summer 2021, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10547,, 2025.

    EGU25-11653 | PICO | CL4.14

    Earth Observations and Atmospheric Dust: unveiling Atlantic Ocean deposition 

    Jan-Berend Stuut, Emmanouil Proestakis, Vassilis Amiridis, Carlos Pérez Garcia-Pando, Svetlana Tsyro, Jan Griesfeller, Antonis Gkikas, Thanasis Georgiou, Maria Gonçalves Ageitos, Jeronimo Escribano, Stelios Myriokefalitakis, Elisa Bergas Masso, Enza Di Tomaso, Sara Basart, and Angela Benedetti

    The global ocean is a key component to the Earth’s climate system, absorbing atmospheric energy in excess and exchanging as a sink climate-relevant gases with the atmosphere. More specifically, through the uptake of atmospheric CO2 and acting as carbon storage, through the processes of biological pump and solubility pump, helps to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 increase. Moreover, the ocean enables phytoplankton photosynthesis, impacts ocean color, light penetration into deeper layers, and sea surface temperature, eventually modulating weather and resulting to feedback effects on climate. However, primary production highly depends on the spatial distribution of input nutrients from the atmosphere, with iron (Fe) availability the most important limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. Across the open ocean, the principal source of Fe is considered atmospheric mineral dust, transported over distances of thousands of kilometers prior removal through wet deposition or gravitational settling.

    The present study provides quantification of the amount of atmospheric dust deposited into the broader Atlantic Ocean. Based on Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) routine observations on atmospheric dust, the primary instrument onboard Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO), and meridional and zonal wind components provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis (ERA5), the atmospheric dust fluxes and the dust deposited component across the tans-Atlantic transits are estimated. On the basis of more than sixteen years (12/2006-11/2022) of Earth Observations, and for the Atlantic Ocean region extending between latitudes 60°S and 40°N, the annual-mean amount of deposited dust is estimated at 274.79 ± 31.64 Tg, of which 243.98 ± 23.89 Tg is deposited into the North Atlantic Ocean and 30.81 ± 10.49 Tg into the South Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, a negative statistically significant decreasing trend in dust deposition into the Atlantic Ocean for this period is revealed, characterized by slope -13.35 Tg yr-1 and offset 306.97 Tg.

    The climate data record is evaluated against high quality sediment-trap measurements of deposited lithogenic material implemented as reference dataset, demonstrating the protentional of the established dataset to be used in a wide range of applications, including filling geographical and temporal gaps in sediment-trap measurements, aiding model simulation evaluations, uncovering physical processes in the dust cycle from emission to deposition, and enhancing our understanding of dust's biogeochemical impacts on ocean ecosystems, as well as its effects on weather and climate.



    This research was supported by the Dust Observation and Modelling Study (DOMOS) under ESA contract number 4000135024/21/I-NB. Emmanouil Proestakis acknowledges support by the AXA Research Fund for postdoctoral researchers under the project entitled “Earth Observation for Air-Quality – Dust Fine-Mode (EO4AQ-DustFM)”.

    How to cite: Stuut, J.-B., Proestakis, E., Amiridis, V., Pérez Garcia-Pando, C., Tsyro, S., Griesfeller, J., Gkikas, A., Georgiou, T., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Escribano, J., Myriokefalitakis, S., Bergas Masso, E., Di Tomaso, E., Basart, S., and Benedetti, A.: Earth Observations and Atmospheric Dust: unveiling Atlantic Ocean deposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11653,, 2025.

    EGU25-12087 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    From fine to giant: Multi-instrument assessment of the particle size distribution of emitted dust during the J-WADI field campaign 

    Hannah Meyer, Martina Klose, Konrad Kandler, Sylvain Dupont, and Carlos Pérez García-Pando and the J-WADI Team

    Mineral dust, a key component of Earth’s aerosols, impacts atmospheric processes and climate. Emitted from dry soil, these particles travel long distances, influencing atmospheric radiation, cloud dynamics, and biogeochemical cycles. Dust effects are size-dependent. Larger particles, for example, tend to warm the atmosphere, whereas smaller ones (diameter dp < 2.5 µm) typically cool it. Understanding dust transport and impacts requires detailed particle size distribution (PSD) data at emission, but measurements are sparse and larger particles (dp > 10 µm) are understudied due to low concentrations and sampling challenges.

    The Jordan Wind Erosion and Dust Investigation (J-WADI) campaign, conducted in September 2022 near Wadi Rum, Jordan, provides the platform for this study, in which we characterize the PSD at emission, focusing on super-coarse (10 < dp ≤ 62.5 µm) and giant (dp > 62.5 µm) particles. This study is the first to comprehensively characterize the size distribution of mineral dust directly at the emission source, covering diameters between 0.4 and 200 µm. Using a suite of aerosol spectrometers, the overlapping size ranges enabled systematic intercomparison and validation across instruments, improving PSD reliability and addressing challenges in detecting larger particles, such as inlet efficiencies or size range restrictions.

    Results show significant PSD variability over the course of the campaign. During periods with friction velocities (u*) above 0.25 ms⁻¹, super-coarse and giant particles were observed, with concentrations increasing with u*. These large particles account for about two-thirds of the total mass during the campaign, with contributions of 90% during an active emission event, emphasizing the importance of including super-coarse and giant particles in PSD analyses. A prominent mass concentration peak was observed near 50 µm. While particle concentrations for dp < 10 µm show strong agreement among most instruments, discrepancies appear for larger dp due to reduced instrument sensitivity at the size range boundaries and sampling inefficiencies. Despite these challenges, physical samples collected using a flat-plate sampler largely confirm the PSDs derived from aerosol spectrometers.

    These findings advance the characterization of PSD over a large size range at emission sources and lay the foundation to further improve our understanding of the mechanisms facilitating super-coarse and giant dust particle emission and transport.

    How to cite: Meyer, H., Klose, M., Kandler, K., Dupont, S., and Pérez García-Pando, C. and the J-WADI Team: From fine to giant: Multi-instrument assessment of the particle size distribution of emitted dust during the J-WADI field campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12087,, 2025.

    EGU25-13198 | PICO | CL4.14

    Giant Particle Size Distribution and Composition Near and In Dust Sources 

    Konrad Kandler, Agnesh Panta, Mara Montag, Melanie Eknayan, Hannah Meyer, Martina Klose, Kerstin Schepanski, Cristina González-Flórez, Adolfo González-Romero, Andres Alastuey, Pavla Dagsson Waldhauserová, Xavier Querol, and Carlos Pérez García-Pando

    Mineral dust is one of the key players in the Earth’s atmosphere with respect to climate and atmospheric nutrient transport. Dust spans a large size range of particle diameters, reaching from around 100 nm to more than 100 µm. While it has been assumed for a long time that the super-coarse (10 - 62.5 µm) and giant (> 62.5 µm) particles are not widely dispersed from the sources, more recent observations show that they can travel on a regional up to even intercontinental scale. Owing to the negligence and difficulty in measurement, not much information is available on this dust size range.

    In the present work we have collected dust by means of a simple flat-plate deposition sampler and analyzed the collected material with electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence, yielding information on particle size distributions and elemental composition. Samples were collected during intensive field campaigns of the FRAGMENT project in Morocco in 2019, a joint field campaign with the HiLDA project in Iceland in 2021, and the Jordan Wind erosion And Dust Investigation (J-WADI) in 2022. During all campaigns, severe dust conditions were observed with mass concentrations ranging into the tens of milligrams per cubic meter.

    All observed number size distributions have in common a decrease towards submicron particles and a monotonic decrease with increasing particle size starting from 5 µm diameter. Both features are in general corroborated by online size distribution measurements in the overlap region, while the decrease towards smaller particle sizes is enhanced in the deposition sampling, most probably linked to the lower deposition speed of these particle sizes. The mean size distribution observed in Iceland has relatively more larger particles, followed by Jordan and lastly Morocco. Besides modes at around 1 µm and 5 µm, in Morocco a tertiary mode at around 70 µm in diameter gets pronounced. Mineral composition was estimated for each particle from the elemental composition. Morocco and Jordan have a similar composition with a slightly higher amount of Ca-accreted and feldspar particles in Jordan and more illite-/muscovite-like ones in Morocco. Expectedly, the composition of Icelandic dust is different, with volcanic glass, feldspars, and pyroxene/amphibole-like particles dominating. Comparing the coarse (sub-10-µm) with the super-coarse/giant (>10 µm) size range, we observe in the hot deserts less calcite for the larger particles as a common feature. The trend of a decreasing relative contribution of Fe-rich particles starting at the submicron range continues. In Iceland, we see the dominance of glassy particles still increase with increasing particle size. A big change in composition between these size classes is not observed unlike, for example, in previous measurements in Morocco, which showed a strong increase of quartz-like particles for the giant particle range. That indicates a considerable small-scale variability in freshly emitted dust plumes, dependent on their source.

    How to cite: Kandler, K., Panta, A., Montag, M., Eknayan, M., Meyer, H., Klose, M., Schepanski, K., González-Flórez, C., González-Romero, A., Alastuey, A., Dagsson Waldhauserová, P., Querol, X., and Pérez García-Pando, C.: Giant Particle Size Distribution and Composition Near and In Dust Sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13198,, 2025.

    EGU25-13655 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Modelling of Dust Emissions from Agricultural Sources in Europe 

    Matthias Faust, Robert Wagner, Ralf Wolke, Steffen Münch, Roger Funk, and Kerstin Schepanski

    Mineral dust emissions from arable land are a significant environmental concern. Fugitive dust emissions commonly arise during mechanical activities such as tilling and harvesting, while aeolian emissions occur from sparsely vegetated cropland, particularly during the transitional phases between fresh tillage and substantial vegetation growth and hence coverage of the bare soil. Suspended in the atmosphere, dust aerosol particles originating from arable land suposedly affect human health, reduce air quality, and can economically impact agricultural productivity due to soil degradation and reduced yields.

    Agricultural dust emissions are often overlooked in coupled atmosphere-aerosol models, perhaps due to the complex conditions that lead to emissions. Fugitive emissions are highly variable, influenced by unpredictable human activities, while aeolian emissions require accurate descriptions of vegetation dynamics during transitional periods.

    To address these gaps, we developed modelling strategies to simulate both fugitive and aeolian emissions. Fugitive emissions were analysed using a Lagrangian particle dispersion model designed to capture the turbulent mixing of dust particles in the atmospheric boundary layer. A case study based on measured tilling emissions demonstrated how atmospheric stratification can limit or amplify dust plumes and their range of transport.

    For aeolian emissions, a new parameterisation was implemented in the atmosphere-aerosol model COSMO-MUSCAT, utilising high-resolution satellite data to represent vegetation cover. We tested our model for a dust emission event in Poland in 2019, where the model showed good agreement with satellite observations and ground-based measurements.

    Ultimately, our modelling efforts provide insights into the dynamics, spatial distribution, and broader impacts of agricultural dust emissions, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of their role in the atmosphere.

    How to cite: Faust, M., Wagner, R., Wolke, R., Münch, S., Funk, R., and Schepanski, K.: Modelling of Dust Emissions from Agricultural Sources in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13655,, 2025.

    EGU25-16684 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Enhancing Aerosol Modeling: Integrating the Mineralogy of Mineral Dust into ECHAM_HAMMOZ 

    Elisabeth Hofmann, Robert Wagner, and Kerstin Schepanski

    Dust aerosols are a key component of the climate system due to their interactions with radiation, their influence on atmospheric chemistry, and their role in biogeochemical cycles. Despite this importance, many climate models treat mineral dust particles as a homogeneous entity, overlooking their inherent variability regarding mineralogical composition. In reality, dust aerosols consist of fine particles entrained by wind from sparsely vegetated soil surfaces, originating from geographically diverse regions of the Earth and shaped by local climate and geological conditions. These particles are a complex mixture of various mineralogies with distinct size distributions.

    In this study, we discuss the global distribution of mineral dust aerosol concentrations with regard to the dust particles’ mineralogical composition, using the atmosphere-aerosol model ECHAM-HAMMOZ (ECHAM6.3.0-HAM2.3-MOZ1.0). The model has been enhanced by integrating 12 minerals derived from the database of Journet et al. (2014), as modified by Gonçalves Ageitos et al. (2023). This implementation allows for a more detailed representation of the mineralogical diversity of atmospheric dust aerosols as a function of soil mineralogy at the contributing dust source areas. The results of the model simulations are evaluated against observational data in order to assess the model's accuracy and performance with regard to the representation of the mineralogical composition of dust aerosol plumes.

    This work highlights the importance of incorporating mineralogical diversity in climate models to better understand the role of dust aerosols in the Earth system.


    • Gonçalves Ageitos, María & Obiso, Vincenzo & Miller, Ron & Jorba, Oriol & Klose, Martina & Dawson, Matt & Balkanski, Yves & Perlwitz, Jan & Basart, Sara & Tomaso, Enza & Escribano, Jerónimo & Macchia, Francesca & Montané Pinto, Gilbert & Mahowald, Natalie M & Green, Robert O & Thompson, David & Pérez García-Pando, Carlos. (2023). Modeling dust mineralogical composition: sensitivity to soil mineralogy atlases and their expected climate impacts. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 23. 8623-8657. 10.5194/acp-23-8623-2023.

    • Journet, E., Balkanski, Y., and Harrison, S. P.: A new data set of soil mineralogy for dust-cycle modeling, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3801–3816,, 2014.

    How to cite: Hofmann, E., Wagner, R., and Schepanski, K.: Enhancing Aerosol Modeling: Integrating the Mineralogy of Mineral Dust into ECHAM_HAMMOZ, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16684,, 2025.

    EGU25-16882 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Magnetic minerals in atmospheric Saharan dust  

    Iida Kostamo, Johanna Salminen, Anu Kaakinen, Outi Meinander, Antti Penttilä, and Karri Muinonen

    Atmospheric dust is an important component of the global climate system. It has large-scale effects on the planetary radiation budget, the albedo of snow/ice, and biogeochemical cycles. Despite this, particularly the magnetic minerals in atmospheric dust have been poorly described in aerosol models. The absorption effects of magnetic particles can be comparable to black carbon, they promote ice nucleation and therefore play a role in cloud formation, and they increase the input of iron into ocean ecosystems. We aim to contribute to characterizing these dust particles and their source areas, long-range transport, and scattering effects.  

    The research material consists of Saharan dust deposited on snow in Finland, collected as an extensive citizen science campaign by the Finnish Meteorological Institute during 2021. The first results regarding the dust samples were published by Meinander et al. (2023). The multidisciplinary study showed that the dust originated from the Sahara and the Sahel regions (south of Sahara), based on the magnetic properties of the particles, and the System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition (SILAM) model. The results form the basis for the present project.  

    A detailed magnetic characterization of the dust samples is one of the main objectives. Identifying properties such as the types and grain sizes of the magnetic particles is crucial in indicating the source area of the dust and improving the light scattering and absorption models of dust. Magnetic measurements, including initial susceptibility with two frequencies, anhysteretic remanence, and isothermal remanence, have been carried out for a set of 47 dust samples. The preliminary results are in good agreement with the previously published magnetic analyses (Meinander et al. 2023), showing signs of the presence of both Saharan and anthropogenic dust.  

    In the future, the scattering and absorption of light by the dust particles will be studied both experimentally and theoretically. The existing numerical methods will be extended for the treatment of magnetic particles, particularly. 


    Meinander, O., Kouznetsov, R., Uppstu, A. et al. African dust transport and deposition modelling verified through a citizen science campaign in Finland. Sci Rep 13, 21379 (2023). 

    How to cite: Kostamo, I., Salminen, J., Kaakinen, A., Meinander, O., Penttilä, A., and Muinonen, K.: Magnetic minerals in atmospheric Saharan dust , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16882,, 2025.

    EGU25-17479 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    A 21-year evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth retrievals during Icelandic dust events 

    Sam Poxon, Matthew Baddock, and Joanna Bullard

    The wind-blown entrainment, transportation, and deposition of mineral dust originating in the high latitudes plays a significant role in atmospheric, cryospheric, marine and terrestrial environments at the regional scale. However, the intermittent nature of dust events occurring over broad spatial scales is difficult to capture from field studies alone. Remote sensing datasets are well-suited to overcoming some of these spatial limitations, and while they have been effectively used to characterise and understand dust activity across the major global hotspots, they lack application in high latitude dust regions. The use of surface observations of dust, such as those recorded at meteorological stations, is an important step in assessing the value of data retrieved from space. Meteorological observations have an established application in monitoring wind erosion and dust activity at broad spatial and temporal scales, however their use as a comparative method for evaluating data retrieved from remote sensing remains under explored.

    This research presents the first systematic comparison of remotely-sensed data and ground-based present weather dust codes for a high latitude region, using Iceland as a case study. Remote sensing datasets including Aerosol Optical Depth, Angstrom Exponent and Single Scattering Albedo are derived from the MODIS Level-2 Aerosol Product at 10 km resolution, has and have been evaluated against coded present weather reports of dust obtained from 23 Icelandic meteorological stations for the study period 2001 – 2022. Preliminary analysis indicates that Aerosol Optical Depth is elevated for dust constrained days which allows some inference about the seasonality of dust activity.  Further comparative testing of ground-based and remotely-sensed data may create opportunities for better understanding the opportunities and limitations associated with remote sensing of high latitude dust activity in regions where ground-based data are not available.

    How to cite: Poxon, S., Baddock, M., and Bullard, J.: A 21-year evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth retrievals during Icelandic dust events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17479,, 2025.

    EGU25-20931 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14

    Is there a link between modelled mineral dust hematite content and lidar measured intensive optical properties? 

    Sofía Gómez Maqueo Anaya, Dietrich Althausen, Julian Hofer, Moritz Haarig, Ulla Wandinger, Bernd Heinold, Ina Tegen, Matthias Faust, Holger Baars, Albert Ansmann, Ronny Engelmann, Annett Skupin, Birgit Hesse, and Kerstin Schepanski

    Mineral dust aerosols are composed of a complex mixture of various minerals that vary by source region. Notably, the iron oxide fraction differs yielding to differences in the dust absorbing properties in the UV-VIS spectrum due to changes in the imaginary parts of the complex refractive index.

    This study investigates whether variations in the Saharan dust’s iron oxide content have led to measurable variations in the backscattering properties of dust particles, which is indicated by laboratory measurements and theoretical models. This work combines modelled mineralogical data using the regional dust model COSMO-MUSCAT with vertically resolved lidar measurements conducted in Cabo Verde, located in the tropical Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Northern Africa.

    The results include comparisons between the modelled iron oxide content and lidar resolved intensive optical properties, such as the lidar ratio (extinction-to-backscattering ratio), the backscatter-related Ångström exponent (ÅE), and the particle depolarization ratio. Dust plumes were analysed over two northern hemispheric summer campaign periods in 2021 and 2022. The findings reveal that the strongest correlations were observed between the modelled iron oxide mineral content and the backscatter-related ÅE. This supports the idea that variations in dust iron oxide content influence this intensive optical property at UV-VIS wavelengths, even though the backscatter-related ÅE is regarded to indicate mainly the particle size.

    This study provides a framework for further exploring the influence of a varying hematite content on the backscattering properties of dust in the UV-VIS wavelength range. Establishing certainty with regards to dust optical properties, particularly at these wavelengths, is essential for improving calculations of dust radiative impact.

    How to cite: Gómez Maqueo Anaya, S., Althausen, D., Hofer, J., Haarig, M., Wandinger, U., Heinold, B., Tegen, I., Faust, M., Baars, H., Ansmann, A., Engelmann, R., Skupin, A., Hesse, B., and Schepanski, K.: Is there a link between modelled mineral dust hematite content and lidar measured intensive optical properties?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20931,, 2025.

    EGU25-1624 | ECS | PICO | HS6.3

    Warming Triggers Snowfall Fraction Loss Thresholds in High-Mountain Asia 

    Yupeng Li, Yaning Chen, Fan Sun, Xueqi Zhang, and Yifeng Hou

    Snowfall, a crucial indicator of climate change, is essential for freshwater supply and glacier health. Accurately classifying precipitation types, especially in the rain-snow transition zone, is vital for understanding climate impacts. While previous studies have used snowfall fractions for classification, they often overlook the nuances of regional variations and tipping points. High Mountain Asia (HMA), with its complex topography and rapid warming, is an ideal region to study snowfall thresholds. This research aims to: (1) identify key snowfall fraction thresholds to categorize HMA into distinct precipitation dominance categories, (2) project the future evolution of these dominant precipitation types using CMIP6 model data, including estimates of transition times for various precipitation types, and (3) assess uncertainties in snowfall fraction predictions by comparing temperature- and temperature-relative humidity-based precipitation phase identification methods. This research can provide a valuable scientific resource for identifying climate-sensitive areas and regions at high risk of snowfall loss within HMA.

    In this study, a continuous piecewise linear regression model was employed to classify HMA into four distinct precipitation regimes: insensitive snowfall-dominated areas, sensitive snowfall-dominated areas, sensitive rainfall-dominated areas, and insensitive rainfall-dominated areas. Our results show that future warming will increase the sensitivity of winter and spring snowfall to climate change, whereas summer and autumn snowfall will become less sensitive. All four precipitation regimes exhibit an upward shift to higher elevations, with varying rates of elevation gain across regions and seasons. Temperature is the primary driver of snowfall loss, whereas relative humidity mitigates it. This study identifies high-risk areas vulnerable to snowfall loss, guiding the development of effective mitigation strategies.

    How to cite: Li, Y., Chen, Y., Sun, F., Zhang, X., and Hou, Y.: Warming Triggers Snowfall Fraction Loss Thresholds in High-Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1624,, 2025.

    EGU25-3516 | PICO | HS6.3

    Satellite remote sensing of red algal blooms in the snow of the European Alps  

    Marie Dumont, Léon Roussel, Simon Gascoin, Diego Monteiro, Mathias Bavay, Pierre Nabat, Jade Ezzedine, Mathieu Fructus, Matthieu Lafaysse, Samuel Morin, and Eric Maréchal

    In the European Alps, snow sometimes takes a blood-like color in late spring due to the presence of snow algal blooms. These blooms decrease snow albedo, accelerating snowmelt and potentially feeding back on snow and glacier decline caused by climate change. In the Alps, so far, only sparse information exists regarding the frequency and location of these blooms. We developed a methodology to identify red snow algal blooms in the European Alps on Sentinel-2 image that enabled to separate red blooms from similarly colored snow due to Saharan dust depositions that occurs frequently in the Alps. The methodology was evaluated using 4600 webcam images. We applied the methodology to 5 years of Sentinel-2 images to generate an atlas of snow algal blooms in the Alps.

    The atlas was combined to detailed simulations of the snow and meteorological conditions to identify the drivers of the blooms in the Alps as well as to quantify the maximum contributions of red algal blooms to snow melt. Based on this analysis and on projections on the future snow and meteorological conditions under different emission scenarios, we finally conclude that the occurrences of red snow algal blooms in the European Alps by the end of the century will either stay stable or slightly decrease.

    How to cite: Dumont, M., Roussel, L., Gascoin, S., Monteiro, D., Bavay, M., Nabat, P., Ezzedine, J., Fructus, M., Lafaysse, M., Morin, S., and Maréchal, E.: Satellite remote sensing of red algal blooms in the snow of the European Alps , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3516,, 2025.

    Accurate snow cover information is crucial for studying global climate and hydrology. Existing snow cover fraction products struggle to balance temporal coverage and spatial resolution. We propose a new method to produce daily cloud-free SCF products at a 5 km resolution for the Northern Hemisphere from 1981 to 2024. This approach integrates advanced techniques such as asymptotic radiative transfer (ART), physics-constrained deep learning, stacked ensembles, and multi-level decision trees. Specifically, we develop a deep learning algorithm for SCF retrieval based on enhanced resolution passive microwave data (6.25 km), considering brightness temperature, soil properties, and land cover types. A cloud discrimination algorithm using a multi-level decision tree based on AVHRR data is constructed to improve the ability to distinguish between snow and clouds in medium-resolution optical remote sensing data. By utilizing surface reflectance remote sensing data, terrain data, and meteorological reanalysis, we establish a physics-constrained deep neural network model to accurately estimate SCF. Furthermore, we develop different fusion strategies for SCF in cloudy and cloud-free regions based on microwave and optical remote sensing, employing deep learning algorithms and ensemble learning techniques. This product is expected to better serve global climate, hydrological, and related research.

    How to cite: hao, X. and Zhao, Q.: Production of a High-Precision Daily Cloud-Free Snow Cover Fraction Product at 5 km Resolution for the Northern Hemisphere (1981-2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5480,, 2025.

    EGU25-5483 | ECS | PICO | HS6.3

    Lidar-based estimation of snow depth and SWE in north boreal and sub-arctic sites 

    Maiju Ylönen, Hannu Marttila, Anton Kuzmin, Pasi Korpelainen, Timo Kumpula, and Pertti Ala-Aho

    Snow is an important part of the hydrological cycle in high-latitude and mountainous regions, influencing global climate, ecosystems, water resource management, and human societies. Accurate, high-resolution snow cover data are increasingly needed for model inputs, predictions, and societal risk management. Snow distribution is influenced by weather and topography, often exhibiting consistent patterns across locations, such as areas prone to faster melting or wind-blown accumulation. Thus, there is major local variation, making modelling and predictions challenging.

    This study tests a novel measurement of snow water equivalent in the boreal landscape through the combination of UAV lidar technology, machine learning and ground measurements. We focus on three different study sites in Finnish Lapland, Pallas, Sodankylä and Oulanka, each representing different vegetational and topographical conditions typical of the boreal and sub-arctic landscapes. The field data were collected in four campaigns during the winter of 2023–24 from UAV-based lidar, manual snow course measurements, and snow depth sensor network. Based on measurements, we defined clusters for variable snow accumulation sections in study sites using a k-means machine learning algorithm, and daily snow height estimates were created for each cluster from reference snow depth measurements. The created clusters and their daily snow heights were then used as input for the Δsnow model (Winkler et al., 2021) to estimate catchment-scale daily snow water equivalent (SWE) and its distribution.

    Three different clusters were defined in all sites by the lidar-based snow depth maps, typically corresponding to open areas, transition zones and forested areas. Each established cluster represents three different snow development patterns during the winter, from early winter to melt. The clustering approach allowed the upscaling of snow course measurements with reasonable accuracy, producing daily SWE and snow depth estimates that aligned with observed measurements.

    The results show a promising contribution of UAV lidar mapping to catchment-scale snow monitoring, providing improved spatial and temporal accuracy for daily snow depth and SWE mapping in different areas. The work is important for estimating snow cover and melting for flood prediction, hydropower operation and water availability estimation.

    How to cite: Ylönen, M., Marttila, H., Kuzmin, A., Korpelainen, P., Kumpula, T., and Ala-Aho, P.: Lidar-based estimation of snow depth and SWE in north boreal and sub-arctic sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5483,, 2025.

    NASA Earth Science Division’s Water and Energy Cycle Focus Area (hereafter, WEC) supports investigations of the distribution, transport, and transformation of water and energy within the Earth system through Earth observing missions, airborne field campaigns, directed research at NASA Centers, competed research programs, and support for the World Climate Research Programme International Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Project. During 2017-2023, WEC supported four field campaigns as part of its Snow EXperiment (SnowEX: and WEC continues to invest in research that leverages SnowEx data, including Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) and Snow Water Equivalent Synthetic Aperture Radar and Radiometer (SWESARR) observations, to advance global satellite-based snow water equivalent (SWE) monitoring and modeling capabilities. Seasonal snowpack dynamics play an integral role in the Earth system by regulating local surface energy budgets, impacting the timing and availability of snowmelt, and consequently, influencing the availability of water for ecosystems and human society. New research suggests that snow variability can also have significant non-local climate impacts. For example, between springtime Tibetan Plateau snow cover and summer US climate.

    This presentation provides an overview of NASA WEC’s recent and ongoing snow-related research and highlights opportunities for future international participation. We will introduce twelve new research projects that all leverage SnowEx data, four of which will pursue development of global SWE retrievals from the forthcoming NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar mission. Then, we will summarize related activities supported across NASA’s Earth Science Division, including land data assimilation and modeling, commercial satellite data evaluation, remote sensing theory, and instrument development. To close, we will suggest potential opportunities for international collaboration that could be facilitated through GEWEX and NASA’s Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment program.

    How to cite: Ferguson, C. and Entin, J.: NASA Remote Sensing of Seasonal Snow: SnowEx campaigns, ongoing research, and future opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7193,, 2025.

    EGU25-7808 | ECS | PICO | HS6.3

    Recent developments in remote sensing of SWE using InSAR 

    Ross Palomaki, Zachary Hoppinen, Jack Tarricone, Randall Bonnell, Sebastien Lenard, and Karl Rittger

    Satellite remote sensing of snow water equivalent (SWE) at high spatiotemporal resolutions remains an unsolved challenge in snow hydrology. While accurate and high resolution measurements of snow surface properties (e.g., snow cover, grain size, albedo) can be derived from multispectral and hyperspectral data, these sensors cannot provide direct SWE information. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has the potential to measure SWE directly because the radar signal at sufficiently low frequencies can penetrate a dry snowpack. Depending on the SAR frequency used, both backscatter-based and interferometric (InSAR) approaches have been demonstrated. Here we present recent results from several studies that investigate remote sensing of SWE using airborne L-band (1.26 GHz) and spaceborne C-band (5.405 GHz) InSAR data. Because the InSAR technique is sensitive to changes in atmospheric and soil conditions as well as snow, one way to determine where to apply the technique is to incorporate satellite-based optical snow cover maps alongside the InSAR data. We show that careful selection of optical snow data is necessary because differences in the spatial and temporal resolutions between the optical and InSAR products propagate uncertainties into SWE calculations, which can change the final SWE estimates by more than 100%. Additionally, optical sensors can accurately detect snow cover in forested areas with canopy densities up to 60%, but vegetation effects may cause temporal decorrelation in InSAR data over these environments and prevent the retrieval of SWE information. Using data from two field sites in Colorado, USA, we show that InSAR coherence generally remains sufficiently high over temporal baselines of 12 days or more, allowing unbiased SWE estimates to be obtained across landscapes with canopy densities up to 40%. These results show the potential for SWE monitoring with the L-band InSAR sensor on the NISAR satellite, especially when combined with other SAR (e.g. Sentinel-1) and optical (e.g. Landsat 8/9) satellites.

    How to cite: Palomaki, R., Hoppinen, Z., Tarricone, J., Bonnell, R., Lenard, S., and Rittger, K.: Recent developments in remote sensing of SWE using InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7808,, 2025.

    EGU25-12736 | PICO | HS6.3

    Potential of using satellite derived snow products for estimating snow aerodynamic roughness length and evaposublimation across spatio-temporal scales 

    Katharina Scheidt, Rafael Pimentel, Carlo Marin, María José Polo, and Claudia Notarnicola

    Evaposublimation of snow plays an important role in the energy balance of snow, particularly in low- and mid-latitude mountain regions where this process can contribute substantially to overall snow mass partitioning. The evaposublimated snow, driven by the exchange of turbulent latent heat fluxes between the snow surface and the atmosphere, have significant implications for water resources management, as they reduce the meltwater released to the soil and rivers.  

    A key parameter in quantifying turbulent heat fluxes is the aerodynamic roughness length, which represents the height above the surface where the horizontal wind speed drops to zero. This parameter is intrinsically linked to the surface roughness of snow, which is highly dynamic and evolves with the snowpack's physical state. As the snow transforms, its surface characteristics, and consequently its aerodynamic roughness length, can vary substantially, influencing the magnitude of turbulent flux exchanges. Modeling turbulent latent heat fluxes however often suffers from limited knowledge of spatio-temporal evolution of aerodynamic roughness length, leading to significant uncertainty in evaposublimation rate estimates.

    Remote sensing offers a valuable tool to monitor snow properties across spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we investigate the potential of satellite derived products related to the current state of snow such as snow cover fraction, albedo, snow grain size, and land surface temperature in combination with in-situ meteorological measurements, to predict aerodynamic roughness lengths of snow, and consequently turbulent latent heat fluxes in the European Alps on a spatio-temporal scale using machine learning regression models. Validation is conducted using roughness lengths and turbulent latent heat flux data obtained from three FLUXNET eddy-covariance stations. This approach assesses the feasibility of generalizing predictions of evaposublimation from the ground across different locations and temporal scales contributing to a better understanding of its implications for snowpack dynamics and water resource management.


    How to cite: Scheidt, K., Pimentel, R., Marin, C., Polo, M. J., and Notarnicola, C.: Potential of using satellite derived snow products for estimating snow aerodynamic roughness length and evaposublimation across spatio-temporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12736,, 2025.

    EGU25-14506 | ECS | PICO | HS6.3

    Estimation of local scale snow depth and snow water equivalent over a winter period in northern Finland with an object-based ensemble machine learning approach 

    David Brodylo, Lauren Bosche, Thomas Douglas, Ryan Busby, Elias Deeb, and Juha Lemmetyinen

    Seasonal snow occurs in high latitude and altitude regions of the globe, and throughout the winter and post-winter period can rapidly alter the makeup of these regions. Commonly studied snow features include snow depth, snow water equivalent (SWE), and snow density. These features can be measured on the ground while also capable of being remotely sensed with airborne and spaceborne instruments. Individually both approaches can be utilized to assess these snow features. However, field-based techniques tend to be limited to smaller spatial scales while remotely sensed methods tend to excel at larger spatial scales. At local scales (10 km2) a hybrid technique can be employed to better estimate such snow features. This can be realized by utilizing machine learning modeling to upscale field measurements with high-resolution remote sensing imagery. We performed this over a 10 km2 area in Sodankylä, Finland by combining repeat field snow depth and SWE data with 2-meter resolution WorldView-2 (WV-2) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data over a winter period between the middle of December 2022 to the end of April 2023. Snow depth field measurements were upscaled to a local spatial scale with an object-based machine learning approach before harnessing the estimated snow depth products to permit an enhanced estimation of SWE to the same local scale from more limited field measurements. Snow density was then determined from the predicted snow depth and SWE. A weighted ensemble approach of multiple machine learning models proved to be most effective compared to the chosen base models of Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The fluctuating outputs from these features over the winter period were found to strongly connect to dry and wet peatbogs and with forests containing carbon and mineral surface soils.

    How to cite: Brodylo, D., Bosche, L., Douglas, T., Busby, R., Deeb, E., and Lemmetyinen, J.: Estimation of local scale snow depth and snow water equivalent over a winter period in northern Finland with an object-based ensemble machine learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14506,, 2025.

    Snow cover extent and related variables are key elements to understand many processes in mountain regions. To constantly monitor and assess the changes in these areas, consistent and accurate data sets are of utmost importance. In this perspective, MODIS sensors offer an unprecedented possibility in terms of time availability from 2000 to present and ground resolution (500 m) (Bormann et al., 2018).

    This work presents a unique time series of snow cover extent and snow phenology (snow cover duration-SCD, first snow day-FSD, and last snow day-LSD) for the period 2000-2024 with a ground resolution of 500 m (Notarnicola, 2024). The main input data is the MODIS product, MOD10A1.061, from which the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) layer was considered and converted to SCF by exploiting the Salomonson and Appel formulation (2004). The snow phenology parameters (SCD, FSD, LSD) were derived from MOD10A1.061 daily maps. The SCD values were obtained from daily snow cover maps by exploiting an auto-regressive approach to reduce the gaps due to cloudiness (Dietz et al., 2012). In this time series, FSD and LSD represent the first and the last date in the hydrological year with snow presence. The whole dataset is available here:

    Preliminary analysis of the whole datasets indicate that reduction in snow cover duration can reach up to 55 days while the snow cover extent declines up to 13%. These results were obtained on regions showing changes with significance level at 5% in the Mann-Kendall statistics. Interestingly there are some areas in eastern Russia which show a snow cover extent increase up to 15% while snow cover duration indicates an increase as well but not significant in the adopted statistics.  When considering FSD and LSD variables, both mainly indicates a shortening of the snow season with an average of 15 days for both delayed start of the season and anticipated end of the season. These preliminary results on the trends in the period 2000-2024 provide confirmation of behaviour found in the shorter period 2000-2018 (Notarnicola, 2020), highlighting a general decline for main snow variables but as well with a high variability among the different investigated regions.


    Bormann, K. J., Brown, R. D., Derksen, C., Painter, T. H. Estimating snow-cover trends from space. Nat. Clim. Change 8, 924–928, 2018.

    Dietz, A.J., Wohner C., Kuenzer, C. European Snow Cover Characteristics between 2000 and 2011 Derived from Improved MODIS Daily Snow Cover Products. Remote Sens. 4, 2432-2454, 2012.

    Notarnicola, C., Hotspots of snow cover changes in global mountain regions over 2000-2018. Rem. Sen. Environ. 243, 111781, 2020.

    Notarnicola, C. Snow cover phenology dataset over global mountain regions from 2000 to 2023,Data in Brief, Volume 56, 2024, 110860, ISSN 2352-3409,

    Salomonson, V.V., Appel, I. Estimating the fractional snow covering using the normalized difference snow index. Remote Sens Environ 89, 351-360, 2004.

    How to cite: Notarnicola, C.: Assessing snow cover changes in global mountain regions by exploiting MODIS time series from 2000 to 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14994,, 2025.

    EGU25-21944 | ECS | PICO | HS6.3

    Assessing Liquid Water Content in a Seasonal Snowpack: A Comparative Analysis of Satellite Observations and the HyS Model 

    Sepehr Norouzi, Greta Cazzaniga, Ali Nadir Arslan, and Carlo De Michele

    Understanding the spatial and temporal variations in the liquid water content (LWC) of alpine snowpacks is crucial for assessing short-term water availability, which influences hazards such as wet snow avalanches and river floods. Accurate monitoring and forecasting of snow wetness play a vital role in applications ranging from avalanche risk assessment to hydropower management and flood prediction, particularly when integrated with hydrological models.

    Remote sensing provides valuable observations of snowpack properties, with Sentinel-1 satellites offering C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data at high spatial and temporal resolutions, enabling the detection of wet snow. Meanwhile, snow models like HyS (De Michele et al. 2013) can simulate the liquid water content of the snowpack.

    This study focuses on evaluating the discrepancies between satellite-derived wet-snow products and modeled LWC estimates. Specifically, we compare (1) Sentinel-1-based wet-snow retrievals and (2) HyS model simulations. The analysis is conducted for the Mallero basin, a mid-sized alpine watershed where snowmelt and glacier ablation significantly impact seasonal river discharge, particularly in spring and summer.

    The results indicate a strong overall agreement between Sentinel-1 data and HyS model outputs. Short periods of divergence between the two datasets are further analyzed to investigate potential physical processes that may not be fully captured by the model.

    How to cite: Norouzi, S., Cazzaniga, G., Arslan, A. N., and De Michele, C.: Assessing Liquid Water Content in a Seasonal Snowpack: A Comparative Analysis of Satellite Observations and the HyS Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21944,, 2025.

    CR6 – Instrumental and paleo-archive observations, analyses and data methodologies in the cryospheric sciences

    EGU25-1197 | PICO | CR6.2

    Airborne radar polarimetry over the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream 

    Olaf Eisen, Daniela Jansen, Steven Franke, Veit Helm, Ole Zeising, Charlotte Carter, Tamara Gerber, Niels Nymand, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, John Paden, and Daniel Steinhage

    Ice streams are important export routes for ice from the interior of ice sheets to the ocean and a key component for projecting future sea level rise under continued climate heating. Over the last years, evidence emerged that the distribution of ice crystals in and near ice streams is highly anisotropic and strongly influences the viscosity of the ice. To map this crystal orientation fabric (COF) in space, radio-echo sounding has been proven as the most effective way. Several methods to deduce COF were applied to co-polarized airborne and ground-based radar data (i.e. all antennas have the same polarization direction) and tied to ice cores, with extensive coverage available around the EastGRIP ice core to analyse the COF within the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). We extended this application to a new setup of cross-polarimetric surveys with AWI's ultrawideband airborne radar system and performed several surveys over NEGIS in 2022. 
    Our presentation focuses on the results of this survey obtained from established methods to obtain the COF and compares them to ground-based results, such as from phase-sensitive radio-echo sounding (pRES) and a ground-based polarimetric radar system. We discuss the advantages of operating airborne radar systems in a cross-polarized mode in contrast to only co-polarized configurations to provide insights into fabric distribution on larger spatial scales as well as the disadvantages from a lower signal-to-noise ratio for imaging the bed as well as sounding internal layers.

    How to cite: Eisen, O., Jansen, D., Franke, S., Helm, V., Zeising, O., Carter, C., Gerber, T., Nymand, N., Dahl-Jensen, D., Paden, J., and Steinhage, D.: Airborne radar polarimetry over the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1197,, 2025.

    EGU25-1493 | PICO | CR6.2

    Surface melt driven changes to ice properties for a marine-based ice shelf and the influence on fracture propagation: Insights from a core on the Brunt Ice Shelf 

    Emma Pearce, Oliver Marsh, Liz Thomas, Alex Brisbourne, Tom Mitchell, Jack Humby, Dieter Tetzner, Manon Jones, Mishka Rawatlal, Shaun Miller, and Amy King

    Fracture-induced ice shelf instability is a critical contributor to uncertainties in sea level projections, which are central to global flood mitigation planning. While the occurrence of ice fracturing at critical stress thresholds is well-documented, the mechanisms governing fracture timing, rate, and orientation remain poorly understood, particularly across ice shelves with varying ice properties and provenance. Observations on the Brunt Ice Shelf reveal unique fracture behaviours, where rifts deviate from their stress-predicted pathways to avoid blocks of meteoric ice, and preferentially fracture through thinner marine ice. The speed of propagation is also influenced by these differences in ice type.   

    To improve our understanding of these fracture dynamics, a 37 m firn core through thin, marine-based ice was collected in 2024 on the Brunt Ice Shelf. This core provides a high-resolution record of precipitation and climate changes over the past 40 years, with saline layers at the base. Biogenic species within the core trace variations in summer sea ice extent and proximity to open water, including the A-81 calving in 2023, while an increasing prevalence of melt layers highlights a rise in surface melt. By integrating fracture toughness measurements from layers with varying melt and accumulation conditions, we demonstrate how climatic and environmental shifts could influence ice shelf susceptibility to fracture propagation.

    How to cite: Pearce, E., Marsh, O., Thomas, L., Brisbourne, A., Mitchell, T., Humby, J., Tetzner, D., Jones, M., Rawatlal, M., Miller, S., and King, A.: Surface melt driven changes to ice properties for a marine-based ice shelf and the influence on fracture propagation: Insights from a core on the Brunt Ice Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1493,, 2025.

    EGU25-5893 | PICO | CR6.2

    Cosmic rays detector for the measurement of snowpack by both neutrons and muons absorption 

    Enrico Gazzola, Mauro Valt, Stefano Gianessi, Barbara Biasuzzi, and Luca Stevanato

    The amount of water stored in mountain snowpack as Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) is notably difficult to measure due to the complexity of the snowpack and the remoteness of the areas of interest. Well-established methods include in-situ coring campaigns performed by specialized personnel, estimations by computational models usually relying on meteorological observations, and remote sensing by satellites. Each method has its own limitations, leaving a gap in temporal and spatial resolution that highlights the importance of deploying proximal sensors providing continuous SWE measurements in remote areas.

    Recently, probes based on the detection of cosmic rays have emerged as a suitable candidate, with the development of devices based on either the absorption of neutrons or muons by the snowpack. The detector manufactured by Finapp is characterized by the patented feature of being able to contextually detect and discriminate both neutrons and muons with the same device.

    The setup for SWE measurements is composed by a Finapp probe on the ground and a reference detector on a mast, out of the snowpack, to monitor the incoming cosmic rays flux. A network of 25 such systems has been deployed on the Italian mountains of the Veneto region, spanning elevations between 1400 and 2600 m asl, integrating them to pre-existent meteo-nivological stations managed by the Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Veneto (ARPAV).

    SWE can be calculated basing on the drop of either neutron counts or muons counts by the ground detector. In this presentation we will compare the two methods, with a special attention to their notably different footprint, and the advantages of their simultaneous availability will be highlighted. The SWE trends will be also compared to field campaigns, historical trends and computational models.

    How to cite: Gazzola, E., Valt, M., Gianessi, S., Biasuzzi, B., and Stevanato, L.: Cosmic rays detector for the measurement of snowpack by both neutrons and muons absorption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5893,, 2025.

    EGU25-6793 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Testing time-lapse gravimetry on Murtèl rock glacier (Swiss Alps) to quantify subsurface water/ice storage changes 

    Dominik Amschwand, Landon Halloran, Daniel Vonder Mühll, Martin Hoelzle, and Jan Beutel

    Seasonal storage of liquid and frozen water in high-mountain catchments will play an increasingly important role as a hydrological buffer in rapidly deglaciating mountains, sustaining streamflow during late-summer dry phases after completion of the snowmelt. Depending on the local topo-climatic conditions, these catchments are (partly) underlain by permafrost. However, below-ground water/ice storage processes, their dynamics, and water pathways are currently poorly characterized. This holds particularly in high-mountain catchments where field data with sufficient resolution to capture the spatial variability are sparse. Among geophysical techniques, time-lapse gravimetry stands out as a method that is directly sensitive to the target quantity, mass (density) distribution changes, at an appropriate spatial scale. Time-lapse gravimetric surveys have successfully quantified groundwater storage changes in high-mountain catchments (Halloran, 2025), but have never been deployed on mountain permafrost, notably rock glaciers.
    33 years after pioneering gravimetric investigation on Murtèl rock glacier (Vonder Mühll & Klingelé, 1994), we return to the site with a state-of-the-art relative spring gravimeter (Scintrex CG-6 Autograv) able to resolve water/ice storage changes at the few μGal range (corresponding to <10 cm water equivalent). First, we present results from repeat gravimetric surveys, complemented by drone-based photogrammetry, that we carried out in early and late Summer 2024. We observed significant, spatially variable gravity changes attributable to the seasonal ice loss in the coarse blocky active layer. Second, we compare our data with the 1991 measurements (Vonder Mühll & Klingélé, 1994). Finally, we discuss the strengths and limitations of time-lapse gravimetry in complex mountain permafrost terrain, including challenges related to the decomposition of the temporal gravity signal to different water and rock mass distribution changes.

    Vonder Mühll, D. S., and Klingelé, E. E.: Gravimetrical investigation of ice-rich permafrost within the rock glacier Murtèl-Corvatsch (upper Engadin, Swiss Alps). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 5(1), 13–24. doi:10.1002/ppp.3430050103, 1994.
    Halloran, L.J.S., Mohammadi, N., Amschwand, D., Carron, A., Gutierrez, F., Baia Sampaio, J., and Arnoux M.: Hydro-gravimetry as a monitoring solution for water and ice storage changes in dynamic alpine environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 April–2 May 2025, EGU25-3101, 2025.

    How to cite: Amschwand, D., Halloran, L., Vonder Mühll, D., Hoelzle, M., and Beutel, J.: Testing time-lapse gravimetry on Murtèl rock glacier (Swiss Alps) to quantify subsurface water/ice storage changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6793,, 2025.

    EGU25-6801 | PICO | CR6.2

    Effect of surface cracking propagation on induced polarization of clay under freeze-thaw cycling and desiccation processes 

    Haoliang Luo, Anne Jost, Julien Thiesson, Aida Mendieta, Emmanuel Léger, and Damien Jougnot

    Freeze-thaw cycles and desiccation significantly influence soil surface cracking and shrinkage, reshaping pore structures and altering hydraulic properties. Despite their importance, studies using geophysical methods to evaluate how soil crack patterns and shrinkage respond to climate change remain limited. In this study, we utilized induced polarization (IP), a sensitive and non-intrusive geophysical technique, to investigate the relationship between soil surface crack patterns and complex conductivity during freeze-thaw-desiccation and desiccation-only processes. Laboratory experiments revealed that the desiccation-only sample exhibited a distinct surface texture and different types of crack intersections compared to the freeze-thaw-desiccation sample. While Y-junction-dominated crack patterns form on the sample surface during the freeze-thaw-desiccation process, the desiccation-only sample predominantly displayed more T-junctions at the crack intersections. SIP measurements revealed a sharp decline in both in-phase and quadrature conductivities below the freezing/thawing point, with high-frequency ice polarization signals emerging. During desiccation, these components exhibited an exponential decline with a consistent decay time (τ = 358 mins). Furthermore, a clear linear relationship was observed between both conductivities and surface crack ratio, as well as gravimetric water content. These findings highlight the potential of IP for monitoring crack propagation and subsurface water dynamics in clayey soils, offering a promising tool for field applications like time-lapse tomography on clayey slopes to assess water transport and structural stability.

    How to cite: Luo, H., Jost, A., Thiesson, J., Mendieta, A., Léger, E., and Jougnot, D.: Effect of surface cracking propagation on induced polarization of clay under freeze-thaw cycling and desiccation processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6801,, 2025.

    EGU25-8018 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Helicopter-borne GPR provides insights on the 2024 La Bérarde flood  

    Ilaria Santin, Christophe Ogier, Raphael Moser, Huw Joseph Horgan, Antoine Blanc, and Daniel Farinotti

    On 21 June 2024, the mountain settlement of La Bérarde (French Alps) was severely damaged by a flood and debris flow. Preliminary investigations conducted by the local French authorities indicate that flooding was caused by a compound event combining (i) exceptional precipitation amounts, (ii) high snowmelt rates, and (iii) a supraglacial lake outburst flood from the nearby Glacier de la Bonne Pierre. Water balance consideration, however, indicated that additional water might have come from a subsurface reservoir, possibly located within Glacier de la Bonne Pierre. To better asses this possibility, we surveyed the glacier with a dedicated Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) campaign in November 2024. The survey used the Airborne Ice Radar of ETH Zürich (AIRETH), a dual-polarization, helicopter-borne GPR system that has been successfully applied in previous glaciological studies.

    The resulting 20 km of high-quality GPR data allowed detailed imaging of the glacier’s internal structure and bedrock. We focus on the possibility for large water accumulation within the glacier, or at the ice-bedrock interface, that could have been the origin reservoir contributing to the total flood volume. Along the glacier tongue, we detected a widely distributed, high scattering zone, indicative of temperate ice containing small water inclusions. Additional evidence of a subglacial drainage network was observed, supported by both peculiar GPR features and the presence of a river outcrop at the glacier tongue, as well as possible cavities within the ice. We applied the VAW-ETHZ package WhereTheWaterFlows.jl, which determine subglacial water flow paths, to further investigate the subglacial drainage of the glacier and validate the GPR interpretation. The outcomes of this study demonstrate the value of combining advanced geophysical techniques with modelling approaches to deepen the understanding of glacier-related hazards.

    How to cite: Santin, I., Ogier, C., Moser, R., Horgan, H. J., Blanc, A., and Farinotti, D.: Helicopter-borne GPR provides insights on the 2024 La Bérarde flood , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8018,, 2025.

    EGU25-8650 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Seismic monitoring of grounding line processes at Totten Glacier, East Antarctica 

    Jared Magyar, Anya Reading, Ross Turner, Sue Cook, Paul Winberry, Tobias Stål, Felicity McCormack, Ian Kelly, Benjamin Galton-Fenzi, Madelaine Rosevear, Thomas Hudson, and Jason Roberts

    The Aurora Subglacial Basin (ASB), East Antarctica, contains approximately 3.5m global sea-level equivalent of marine-based ice, which primarily drains through Totten Glacier. The dynamics of Totten Glacier are therefore a major influence on mass balance for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). The grounding line geometry is complex, and has undergone rapid migration over the past decades, with upstream regions of retrograde bed slope potentially leaving the glacier vulnerable to the marine ice sheet instability if the grounding line were to retreat beyond the Vanderford Trench. Enhanced monitoring capability for Totten Glacier, particularly in this grounding line region, is therefore of pivotal importance for assessing the future stability of the EAIS. 

    Passive seismology offers a method for detecting and analysing transient or hidden glaciological processes such as stick-slip basal motion, iceberg calving, ice fracture, and subglacial hydrology. In this work, we present results from a seismic network deployed near the grounding line of Totten Glacier during the austral summer of 2018-19. Thousands of seismic events are coherently detected and catalogued across the network. We use template matching methods to compile a database of the repeating event waveforms and analyse their timing, magnitudes and inter-event durations. Such multiplet events are of particular note in this study, where the near identical waveforms are best explained by a repeating source mechanism. This is interpreted as being due to repeated slip of the glacier at asperities at the glacier bed near the grounding line. The seismic waveforms are used to investigate the underlying physics of the repeating events, comparing the underlying slipping processes active in the grounding zone to tectonic analogues. Analysis of these repeating events has the potential to elucidate the basal sliding processes key to the dynamics of this large outlet glacier. 

    How to cite: Magyar, J., Reading, A., Turner, R., Cook, S., Winberry, P., Stål, T., McCormack, F., Kelly, I., Galton-Fenzi, B., Rosevear, M., Hudson, T., and Roberts, J.: Seismic monitoring of grounding line processes at Totten Glacier, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8650,, 2025.

    EGU25-10878 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Radar and seismic investigations of an active glacier hydrological system in West Greenland 

    Jonathan Hawkins, SIobhan Killingbeck, Matthew Peacey, Samuel Doyle, Lisa Craw, Sian Thorpe, Remy Veness, Andrew Sole, Stephen Livingstone, Neil Ross, Adam Booth, Elizabeth Bagshaw, Michael Prior-Jones, Sammie Buzzard, Laura Edwards, and Rob Storrar and the SLIDE team

    A hydrologically-active subglacial lake system has been identified near the south lateral margin of Isunnguata Sermia, West Greenland. Differencing time-stamped ArcticDEM strips has revealed multiple anomalies in ice-surface elevation change. A large hydrological drainage event from Isunnguata Sermia in 2015 slowed ice flow for ~1 month and flooded the foreland, depositing up to 8 meters of sediment. Although the proglacial flooding provided evidence that the ice-surface elevation anomalies were likely caused by subglacial water bodies, satellite altimetry cannot provide direct insights into their thickness, structure and properties. Therefore, field-based geophysical measurements, including ground-based radar and active source seismics, were collected during summer 2023 and autumn 2024 to characterise the subglacial hydrological system. 

    Radar data were collected in October 2024 using a 10 MHz Blue Systems Integration ice-penetrating radar (IPR) to determine ice thickness and constrain a subglacial hydrological model. 26 km of radar data were collected over two of the ice-surface elevation anomalies. The radar data cross existing airborne IPR transects and point measurements from a phase-sensitive radar (pRES). Active source seismic surveys were performed at three locations over the largest ice-surface elevation anomaly: 1) anomaly centre, 2) anomaly southern edge, and 3) between the anomaly centre and southern edge, where bright basal reflections had been identified from radar observations. Seismic data were acquired with a hammer and plate source and 48 100 Hz vertical component geophones in a 94 m-long spread at a geophone spacing of 2 m. 

    Our radar results show that the ice-surface elevation anomalies overlie complex subglacial topography on the southern sidewall of the large over-deepened trough beneath the Isunnguata Sermia trunk. Across the largest surface anomaly, ice thickness varies between 380 m to 600 m. The seismic data shows a negative polarity at the ice-bed interface, coincident with a subglacial topographic low. This indicates an acoustically soft basal material, which could represent water or water-saturated sediment. Scattering and diffraction hyperbola in the radar data arise from a complex englacial structure, which have implications for attenuation of radio and sound energy. 

    These observations provide new insights into the glaciology and hydrology of an important West Greenlandic outlet glacier and highlight the complexities associated with active glacier hydrological systems and their geophysical characterisation.

    How to cite: Hawkins, J., Killingbeck, S., Peacey, M., Doyle, S., Craw, L., Thorpe, S., Veness, R., Sole, A., Livingstone, S., Ross, N., Booth, A., Bagshaw, E., Prior-Jones, M., Buzzard, S., Edwards, L., and Storrar, R. and the SLIDE team: Radar and seismic investigations of an active glacier hydrological system in West Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10878,, 2025.

    EGU25-10927 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Identification of spatial variations in subglacial sediment discharge and basal slip from ground penetrating radar  

    Rebecca Schlegel, Lucas K. Zoet, Adam D. Booth, Andrew M. Smith, Roger A. Clark, and Alex M. Brisbourne

    Basal conditions that facilitate fast ice flow are still poorly understood and their parameterization in ice flow models results in high uncertainties in ice flow and consequent sea-level rise projections. One approach to understanding basal conditions is through investigating the basal landscape of ice streams and glaciers, which has been shaped by ice flow over the underlying substrate.

    In this study, we map the subglacial landscape and identify basal conditions of Rutford Ice Stream (West Antarctica) using different visualisation techniques on high-resolution 3D radar data. Our novel approach reveals bedforms of < 300 m in length, surrounded by bedforms of > 10 km in length. We assume these variations in bedform dimension to reflect spatial variation in sediment discharge. We find no correlation to glaciological factors, but our radar data reveal a correlation between variation in bedform dimension to bed composition.

    We thus developed a simple model relating sediment discharge (and hence, deformation) to inferred basal condition and measurements of basal effective pressure. The model implies that effective pressure and sediment properties (low-porosity material vs soft sediment) at the ice-bed interface are first-order controls on sediment discharge and thus bedform dimensions. This work highlights the small-scale spatial variability of basal conditions and its implications for basal slip.

    Assuming glaciological factors to be constant this new approach, allows spatial variation in basal conditions and effective pressure to be identified from spatial variation in bedform dimensions, observed from high-resolution radar data. This will further allow the flow mechanism to be separated into basal slip and basal deformation and a better incorporation of their variation into numerical ice flow models.

    How to cite: Schlegel, R., Zoet, L. K., Booth, A. D., Smith, A. M., Clark, R. A., and Brisbourne, A. M.: Identification of spatial variations in subglacial sediment discharge and basal slip from ground penetrating radar , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10927,, 2025.

    EGU25-11283 | PICO | CR6.2

    Characterizing rockwall permafrost dynamics at Aiguille Du Midi (French Alps) through electrical resistivity tomography monitoring  

    Feras Abdulsamad, Florence Magnin, André Revil, Emmanuel Malet, Jessy Richard, Pierre-Allain Duvillard, and Ludovic Ravanel

    Climate change significantly impacts high-mountains worldwide, accelerating the degradation of the cryosphere. Over the last decade, numerous rockfall events involving permafrost-affected rockwalls have been recorded, especially in the European Alps. The frequency of these events is expected to increase over time due to the degradation of mountain permafrost. This study investigates permafrost dynamics at the Aiguille du Midi (3840 m a.s.l.) in the French Alps using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) monitoring over four years. A total of three profiles each 155 m in length, were deployed downwards from the summit in three directions: north-west, south and east. A system for permanent monitoring and remote data acquisition was implemented. A time-lapse inversion technique was employed for data interpretation. Laboratory measurements of electrical resistivity were conducted on granite samples in both unfrozen and frozen conditions to evaluate the temperature-dependency of resistivity. Furthermore, temperature monitoring in three boreholes provides localized information about permafrost dynamic across the site. Our ERT results demonstrate that the temperature-dependence of resistivity in field conditions is less pronounced than in controlled laboratory settings, influenced by the complexity of the site (3D effect, human-made infrastructure, rock heterogeneity (at different scales from fractures to pores) and variable ice content. In field, the freezing temperature fluctuated between -0.5 °C and -2.5 °C. Importantly, we observed that the active layer's thickness varied significantly from one face to another, with implications for the thermal regime and potential geohazards in this mountainous environment. These results are correlated with thermal information measured in boreholes. Notably, our assessments of the hydrogeological system revealed instances of water flux, although the exact pathways of infiltration and drainage remain ambiguous. This research highlights the efficacy of ERT as a low-cost, non-invasive tool for monitoring permafrost dynamics in alpine environments and highlights the need for further methodological refinement to enhance data reliability. These findings contribute to understanding potential geohazards associated with permafrost degradation and emphasize the importance of continuous monitoring in the context of ongoing climate change.

    How to cite: Abdulsamad, F., Magnin, F., Revil, A., Malet, E., Richard, J., Duvillard, P.-A., and Ravanel, L.: Characterizing rockwall permafrost dynamics at Aiguille Du Midi (French Alps) through electrical resistivity tomography monitoring , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11283,, 2025.

    EGU25-12160 | PICO | CR6.2

    Seismic reflection surveys at GHOST Ridge, Thwaites Glacier 

    Ronan Agnew, Alex Brisbourne, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Atsuhiro Muto, Louise Borthwick, Amanda Willet, and Sierra Melton and the ITGC GHOST Team

    Subglacial topography and the character of a glacier’s basal material have a controlling effect on ice flow and are therefore important to parameterise in ice sheet models. Seismic surveys provide a means to characterise basal materials through the estimation of the elastic parameters of the bed (for example, acoustic impedance and Poisson’s ratio). The subglacial topography of Thwaites glacier is oriented across flow, with a series of subglacial ridges running East to West across the glacier. The bed character in the vicinity of a subglacial ridge ~60km upstream of the grounding zone, named GHOST ridge, is of particular concern, as this ridge may be a future pinning point for the grounding zone as Thwaites retreats. We present measurements of basal conditions from an active seismic dataset acquired immediately upstream of GHOST Ridge. During the 2023-24 season a 14.4 km seismic line was shot with hot water drilled Pentolite sources. We observe varied bed topography within the 14km section, with areas of smooth bed topography interspersed with rougher areas, and crag-and-tail like features present. Bed reflectivities are consistent with a widespread subglacial dilatant till layer, with stiffer till on the stoss sides of basal topographic features, and the softest till on the lee sides of these features. We will also discuss preliminary results from amplitude-versus-offset analysis, which gives further constraint of basal elastic properties.

    How to cite: Agnew, R., Brisbourne, A., Anandakrishnan, S., Muto, A., Borthwick, L., Willet, A., and Melton, S. and the ITGC GHOST Team: Seismic reflection surveys at GHOST Ridge, Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12160,, 2025.

    EGU25-13020 | PICO | CR6.2

    Time-lapse GPR to quantify internal glacier deformation 

    Alexi Morin, Gabriela Clara Racz, Bastien Ruols, Johanna Klahold, Melissa Francey, and James Irving

    The estimation of surface flow velocities using satellite imagery, photogrammetry, or GPS data is now a standard practice in glaciology. In contrast, assessing internal ice deformation remains a significant challenge, often relying upon sparse measurements and theoretical models constrained by limited data. This study explores the potential of repeat, common-offset, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection surveys as a tool to address this challenge. While GPR reflection data are traditionally utilized to determine glacier bed geometry, they also reveal key information about internal glacier structures, including the distribution of air pockets, debris, and water channels. Over time, these structures deform in response to glacier dynamics, suggesting that time-lapse GPR measurements could offer insights into internal flow velocities. In this regard, we propose a localized cross-correlation (LCC) approach, inspired by feature-tracking methods, as a starting point for a non-linear inversion of the deformation field. We test our methodology on synthetic GPR profile data, where electromagnetic wave propagation is modeled in a simplified flowing glacier containing randomly distributed scatterers, as well as on repeat GPR profiles acquired on the Findelen Glacier, Switzerland. In both cases, the GPR measurements are considered along the direction of glacier flow, and the corresponding data are diffraction enhanced and migrated prior to analysis. Our findings demonstrate that the proposed approach successfully retrieves the two-dimensional along-flow velocity field, highlighting its potential for field applications and future extension to three-dimensions.

    How to cite: Morin, A., Racz, G. C., Ruols, B., Klahold, J., Francey, M., and Irving, J.: Time-lapse GPR to quantify internal glacier deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13020,, 2025.

    EGU25-13161 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Multi-Offset Imaging of Bed Topography Using Radio Frequency over Fiber Radar Arrays: Modelling and Initial Field Results 

    Daniel May, Olivers Pranis, Dustin Schroeder, Thomas Teisberg, Sameeh Maayah, Anna Morgan, Zara Rutherford, Gilberto Tovar, and Leo Hollberg

    Radio-echo sounding (RES) is a widely used tool in glaciology, providing insight into englacial and subglacial environments. Conventional high-spatial resolution RES surveys typically employ zero- or small-offset configurations with a single transmitter-receiver pair. Such surveys often prioritize spatial coverage over monitoring temporal changes in englacial and subglacial conditions. Stationary radar arrays aimed at providing time series data have been previously deployed in glaciated regions to provide estimates of basal melt rates, infer vertical strain within ice sheets, and image englacial layers in 3D. However, these stationary arrays are unable to image the ice-bed interface with sufficiently high resolution to infer changes in bed geometry over time. This is largely due to hardware limitations in the radar systems used in glaciology which typically support an inadequate number of antenna elements. Unlike in towed or airborne radar systems, where spatial resolution can be improved through synthetic aperture processing techniques, the spatial resolution achieved by a stationary array is proportional to the number of real antenna elements deployed. We overcome limitations in the number of supported antennas by integrating radio-frequency over fiber (RFoF) hardware, typically used in the communications industry, into existing radar systems such as the autonomous phase-sensitive radio-echo sounder (ApRES), as well as software-defined radios (SDRs). By converting RF signals to optical signals, lossy copper-based coaxial cables is replaced by low-loss fiber optic cables, permitting large separations between receive and transmit elements without significant signal attenuation during transmission. Further, the low cost, high switching speeds, and large number of output channels provided by fiber optic switches allows for a cost-effective way to rapidly cycle through 100s of antenna elements using a single radar unit RF input or output port. These modifications allow an ApRES, which traditionally supports up to 8 receive and 8 transmit antennas, to handle 100s of antennas on both the receive and transmit side, offering significant improvements in imaging capabilities. Such a system could support advanced imaging geometries capable of 3D time-lapse monitoring of englacial and subglacial processes, such as seasonal hydrology, subglacial erosion, isostatic rebound, and the evolution of sub-ice shelf features. We demonstrate these imaging capabilities through modelling and initial field results using our modified ApRES and SDR systems.

    How to cite: May, D., Pranis, O., Schroeder, D., Teisberg, T., Maayah, S., Morgan, A., Rutherford, Z., Tovar, G., and Hollberg, L.: Multi-Offset Imaging of Bed Topography Using Radio Frequency over Fiber Radar Arrays: Modelling and Initial Field Results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13161,, 2025.

    EGU25-13712 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2 | Highlight

    UAV-based monitoring of the mountain cryosphere: Recent advances and future prospects 

    Alexander Raphael Groos

    The mountain cryosphere responds very sensitively to global climate change because of local processes and positive feedbacks, with far-reaching hydrological, ecological and socio-economic consequences at different spatial scales. To uncover rapid changes, assess potential impacts and develop effective adaptation strategies, comprehensive monitoring of the state and evolution of the mountain cryosphere is essential. In recent years, unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with cameras or geophysical and meteorological instruments have been increasingly deployed for detailed mapping and monitoring of the mountain cryosphere. UAVs facilitate a wide range of geoscientific applications and are particularly useful for surveying areas in alpine terrain that are difficult to access. They also have great potential for the spatial study of small-scale and dynamic processes. Using high-resolution digital elevation models or dense point clouds from (repeated) UAV surveys has become a widespread method for mapping snow depth changes and quantifying glacier volume loss. The ongoing miniaturisation of electronic sensors and the specific development of multispectral and thermal infrared cameras, GPR and LiDAR systems and other geophysical instruments for UAV-based surveys have opened up new opportunities for cryospheric research in complex terrain. Recent advances include the measurement of glacier thickness and snow depth using UAV-borne GPR, the mapping of supraglacial debris thickness and permafrost distribution using UAV-based thermal infrared thermography, the mapping of snow and ice albedo using UAV-based multispectral imaging, and the investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer over ice and snow using UAVs. Here I briefly discuss the potential and limitations of recent advances in UAV technology for cryospheric research and outline future prospects for the detailed monitoring of mountain glaciers, permafrost and snow cover.

    How to cite: Groos, A. R.: UAV-based monitoring of the mountain cryosphere: Recent advances and future prospects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13712,, 2025.

    EGU25-14977 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    In-Situ Bathymetry and Volume Estimation of Glacial Lakes in Western Himalaya 

    Suresh Das and Raaj Ramsankaran

    In recent years, glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) hazards in the Himalayan region have garnered considerable attention. The expansion of glacial lakes and the corresponding increase in volume play major roles in the initiation of GLOFs. Due to the lack of systematic assessments and the challenges associated with conducting field surveys, communities living downstream face significant risks from potential GLOFs. Accurate volume estimation of glacial lakes is crucial for calculating outburst flood peak discharge and simulating flood evolution. However, in-situ bathymetry-derived volume estimations are limited to only a few glacial lakes. Consequently, earlier studies have relied on volume-area empirical relations, which have shown substantial discrepancies. In this study, we surveyed four glacial lakes—Kya Tso Lake (KTL), Panchi Nala Lake (PNL), Gepang Gath Lake (GGL), and Samudri Tapu Lake (STL)—located in the Chandrabhaga basin, western Himalaya. Among these, GGL and STL are reported as potentially dangerous glacial lakes (PDGLs) due to their rapid expansion and risk of future bursts. In-situ depth measurements were conducted using an echo sounder mounted on an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and portable inflatable kayak. The lake basin morphologies were modelled using triangulated irregular networks (TINs). We compared the bathymetry-derived lake volumes with volumes estimated using commonly used empirical equations. The results revealed maximum depths of 16 m, 10 m, 46 m, and 59 m for KTL, PNL, GGL, and STL, with corresponding storage capacities of 0.89 × 10⁶ m³, 0.44 × 10⁶ m³, 24.12 × 10⁶ m³, and 24.69 × 10⁶ m³, respectively. Substantial discrepancies (± 47-309%) were observed between volumes derived using existing empirical equations and those obtained through in-situ bathymetry for all four lakes. None of the commonly used equations produced similar volume with in-situ observations. Despite several challenges during the USV survey, like noise from variable sound penetration under different turbidity, limited telemetry, wind, boat speed relative to water depth, and floating ice on lake, this study provides valuable in-situ bathymetric data for future modelling and hazard assessment of rapidly expanding PDGLs in the region. The present study emphasizes the need for more robust, in-situ-based bathymetric datasets of glacial lakes to develop an empirical equation with better applicability.

    How to cite: Das, S. and Ramsankaran, R.: In-Situ Bathymetry and Volume Estimation of Glacial Lakes in Western Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14977,, 2025.

    Permafrost is warming globally as shown in many recent studies based on borehole temperature monitoring. However, data on changes in ground ice and water content in permafrost areas are scarce, which are both expected to change strongly close to the melting point when latent heat effects upon melting mask further temperature increase until all ice has melted. This is the reason why permafrost borehole temperature monitoring is in many cases complemented by geophysical surveying, such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), due to the strong dependence of electrical resistivity on liquid water content. ERT has been successfully applied to e.g. spatially map the active layer depth, quantify ice and water content and detect and delineate massive ice bodies within the permafrost since many years. In several cases survey lines were repeated or monitored over short time-periods to identify freeze-thaw processes or identify permafrost changes over longer time periods. However, only very rarely electrical resistivity is monitored operationally by an automated station.

    In recent years, automated ERT (A-ERT) systems have been specifically developed to be deployed in harsh and remote terrain, and several systems have been installed in permafrost environments within different research projects. In this study, we collect and compare first results from several of these A-ERT stations regarding data quality over a full year monitoring period, specifics of current injection and contact resistances, energy consumption and resistivity evolution over freeze and thaw cycles. The continuously monitored permafrost resistivity data are compared for several A-ERT stations in polar and mountain regions, including the Antarctic Peninsula Region, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, Svalbard, Kyrgyzstan, Greenland and the European Alps. Finally, we will present processing approaches to relate the obtained resistivity changes to changes in water content and compare them to in-situ measured temperature and soil moisture data.

    How to cite: Hauck, C. and the A-ERT comparison team: Comparison of Automated ERT stations (A-ERT) for continuous monitoring electrical resistivity in polar and mountain permafrost regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15700,, 2025.

    EGU25-15704 | PICO | CR6.2

    CRYO-RI: snow and ice monitoring and research infrastructure for Northern Finland 

    Pertti Ala-aho, Hannu Marttila, Ali Torabi Haghighi, Anne Tuomela, Riku Paavola, Toni Liedes, Veijo Sutinen, Kati Anttila, Jarkko Okkonen, and Anna Kontu

    The CRYO-RI project establishes a comprehensive research infrastructure to investigate and monitor the rapid transformations in snow, ice, and frozen ground in Northern Finland. Recognizing the need to reassess historical projections and governance frameworks related to cryospheric systems, the project focuses on documenting these changes with high-quality, dynamic monitoring systems. CRYO-RI addresses this pressing challenge through a regionally focused, interdisciplinary snow and ice research infrastructure cluster. The consortium comprises the University of Oulu, the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), and the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).

    This presentation highlights the advancements in snow and ice monitoring infrastructure achieved within the CRYO-RI project. Key developments include: (i) innovative temperature-based approaches for monitoring snow, permafrost, and river ice conditions using low-cost IoT sensors, distributed temperature sensing with optical cables, and Simba equipment, (ii) updated snow field monitoring stations at the Oulanka and Sodankylä Research Stations, (iii) in-situ stable water isotope analysis of seasonal snowpacks, (iv) a river ice monitoring program, (v) GNSS-R-based snow and ice monitoring, (vi) advanced soil laboratory equipment for assessing frozen soil properties, and  (vii) UAV-based measurements using LiDAR, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) sensors.

    The collective efforts of the CRYO-RI consortium aim to generate novel insights, innovative measurement methodologies, and cutting-edge research at the intersection of cross-disciplinary science and cryosphere-related resource management. Additionally, the CRYO-RI platform provides open-access data and measurement infrastructure, inviting collaboration with partners from academic, public, and private sectors

    How to cite: Ala-aho, P., Marttila, H., Torabi Haghighi, A., Tuomela, A., Paavola, R., Liedes, T., Sutinen, V., Anttila, K., Okkonen, J., and Kontu, A.: CRYO-RI: snow and ice monitoring and research infrastructure for Northern Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15704,, 2025.

    EGU25-16124 | PICO | CR6.2

    Towards a Unified Model for Wet Snow Permittivity 

    Carlo Marin

    The development of a unified model for wet snow permittivity has remained a persistent challenge in remote sensing applications. While research conducted in the 1980s and 1990s yielded permittivity models for dry and wet snow and facilitated the development of in-situ snow probes, the application of these models in practical contexts, particularly across a broad frequency spectrum, remains an area requiring further investigation. The absence of a universally accepted model for wet snow impedes accurate retrievals of essential snow properties, including density, snow height, and liquid water content (LWC), from ground-based, drone-based, and satellite radar observations. This result in inconsistencies among LWC measurements from the different systems and retrieval methods.

    The primary impediment to progress in this area is the limited availability of comprehensive reference datasets encompassing simultaneous measurements of permittivity, LWC, density, and a diverse range of snow conditions. The traditional method for LWC determination, employing freezing calorimetry, offers high accuracy under controlled conditions and with skilled operators but is characterized by a time-intensive measurement process, thereby limiting the feasibility of extensive data acquisition.

    This study undertakes a re-evaluation of existing field campaign data concerning wet snow permittivity at a wide range of frequencies, considering the diverse acquisition methodologies employed and their associated limitations. By critically appraising the underlying assumptions and limitations of existing permittivity models, we seek to reconcile observed discrepancies. The ultimate objective of this research is to formulate recommendations for future field campaigns, emphasizing enhanced data quality and the resolution of existing knowledge gaps that currently limit the development of robust wet snow permittivity models across a broad frequency range spanning from the MHz to tens of GHz.

    Through systematic analysis and the identification of critical knowledge gaps, this investigation will contribute to the advancement of a unified understanding of wet snow permittivity, with the potential to significantly enhance the accuracy of snow property retrievals derived from remote sensing observations.

    How to cite: Marin, C.: Towards a Unified Model for Wet Snow Permittivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16124,, 2025.

    EGU25-16146 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Cryowurst: a wireless borehole instrument for observing hydrology and ice kinematics in surging glaciers 

    Lisa Craw, Michael Prior-Jones, Christine Dow, Brittany Main, Jonathan Hawkins, Hashem Alnader, Sophia M. Rahn, and Luke Copeland

    Glacier surges are dramatic increases in glacial ice flow velocity occurring over short periods of time (months to years), which can lead to rapid advance of the ice front and trigger hazardous outburst flooding in local areas. Direct measurements of the basal hydrology and internal dynamics of surging glaciers are sparse, due to the limitations of wired instrumentation and the unpredictability of surge timing. Consequently, the causes of surge events are poorly understood, and we are unable to accurately predict their occurrence.

    We have developed a borehole instrument, the sausage-shaped "Cryowurst", which can wirelessly transmit measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity, pressure and tilt within and beneath a glacier to the surface over a period of multiple years. These sensors allow us to directly measure the hydrological conditions and kinematics of ice deformation, over longer time periods than is currently possible with wired instrumentation due to cable breakage.

    We installed a vertical string of four Cryowursts 20-50m apart in a hot-water-drilled borehole in Dän Zhùr (Donjek Glacier), a surging glacier in the Yukon territory of Canada, which is predicted to surge before 2027. We present preliminary data on the basal hydrology and internal kinematics of the glacier, which were transmitted through up to 170m of ice, and received at a solar-powered and satellite-enabled receiving station on the glacier surface. Based on recent testing, there is potential for these instruments to transmit data continuously over multiple years, capturing novel information about the causes and consequences of glacier surging.

    How to cite: Craw, L., Prior-Jones, M., Dow, C., Main, B., Hawkins, J., Alnader, H., Rahn, S. M., and Copeland, L.: Cryowurst: a wireless borehole instrument for observing hydrology and ice kinematics in surging glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16146,, 2025.

    EGU25-16302 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Study of Snowpack Stratigraphy Using a SFCW Radar (0.6 – 6 GHz): Experimental Measurement and Electromagnetic Simulation. 

    Adrián Subías Martín, Víctor Herráiz-López, Iñigo Salinas, Samuel T.Buisán, and Rafael Alonso

    The characterization of snowpack stratigraphy is essential for understanding the physical processes associated with its evolution, assessing risks and optimizing water resource management. Non-destructive and real-time measurement systems for analyzing the snowpack structure are crucial for this characterization. This study presents reflectance measurements, as a function of the snowpack depth, using a stepped-frecuency continuous-wave (SFCW) radar. This system operates at the AEMET Formigal-Sarrios field laboratory in the Spanish Pyrenees.

    The measured reflectance is compared to the simulated reflectance derived from the structure obtained through in situ experimental measurements and simulations performed using the SNOWPACK software. Simulated reflectance calculations are conducted using a matrix-based electromagnetic plane wave model.

    The in situ experimental measurements of snowpack structure include the assessment of density, grain type, and hardness. At the same time, local meteorological data is used to determinate the temporal evolution of the snowpack profile through the use of SNOWPACK software. This process generated detailed profiles including density, grain characteristics, hardness and liquid water content (LWC).

    The agreement between radar SFCW measured reflectance and the reflectance calculated based on the experimental measured profile and the simulated profile from SNOWPACK demonstrate that this method, which is real-time, non-destructive and doesn't interfere with the evolution of the snowpack, is able to reveal its internal structure with a high level of detail. This makes possible a clear identification of the transitions between layers with different physical properties.

    How to cite: Subías Martín, A., Herráiz-López, V., Salinas, I., T.Buisán, S., and Alonso, R.: Study of Snowpack Stratigraphy Using a SFCW Radar (0.6 – 6 GHz): Experimental Measurement and Electromagnetic Simulation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16302,, 2025.

    EGU25-16424 | PICO | CR6.2

    Permafrost Distribution and Percolating Water at Mt. Zugspitze: Insights from Seismology including DAS 

    Fabian Lindner, Krystyna Smolinski, Riccardo Scandroglio, Andreas Fichtner, and Joachim Wassermann

    Degradation of mountain permafrost due to global warming reduces the stability of steep rock slopes, increasing the hazard potential for humans and infrastructure. However, detection and continuous monitoring of permafrost environments remains challenging due to the harsh conditions typically encountered in high Alpine terrain. In this study, we present results from passive seismic monitoring conducted at Mt. Zugspitze in the German/Austrian Alps.

    Between 2021 and 2023, we collected continuous passive seismic data from three small seismic arrays installed along the permafrost-affected ridge to the west of the summit. This dataset is complemented by campaign-wise distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) in the tunnel systems beneath the ridge, as well as rock temperature logging and cleft water flow measurements at multiple locations near our seismic deployments.

    Coda-wave interferometry reveals seasonal seismic velocity changes for most station pairs. Regarding rock temperature, pairs including stations located on the warmer south-facing slopes are primarily influenced by seasonal freezing only, whereas station pairs located on the colder north-facing slopes also indicate active-layer deepening and thus the presence of permafrost. Additionally, slant-stack analysis of DAS recordings from the northern part of the ridge also provides evidence for active-layer development during summer and fall, offering in-situ seismic observations of permafrost dynamics. Besides rock temperatures, some station pairs show a strong correlation with water flow through rock fractures, which may influence permafrost distribution.

    Compared to other methods, seismology is less laborious and costly, non-invasive and allows continuous monitoring. Here, we demonstrate that it can effectively monitor freeze-thaw processes and locate permafrost. Furthermore, the results from our northern ridge deployments show evidence for extensive active-layer thaw and refreeze, indicating that permafrost may be more wide-spread than previously suggested by other studies.

    How to cite: Lindner, F., Smolinski, K., Scandroglio, R., Fichtner, A., and Wassermann, J.: Permafrost Distribution and Percolating Water at Mt. Zugspitze: Insights from Seismology including DAS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16424,, 2025.

    EGU25-16989 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Non-invasive monitoring of high-alpine snow dynamics with Cosmic-Ray neutron sensing – a case study at two locations at the Zugspitze Massif  

    Paul Schattan, Nora Krebs, Benjamin Fersch, Martin Schrön, Roberta Facchinetti, Elias Bögl, Carolin Rempfer, Jakob Knieß, Karl-Friedrich Wetzel, Christian Voigt, Korbinian Achmüller, Till Rehm, Karsten Schuzl, and Franziska Koch

    Monitoring snow water resources is crucial to understand the dynamics of snow-fed mountain rivers. Still, in harsh and remote environments like mountain regions using conventional measurement techniques remains particularly challenging. Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) constitutes an emerging method for autonomous and non-invasive monitoring of soil moisture and snow dynamics at intermediate spatial scales of several hectares. The method is therefore promising for monitoring snow water equivalent (SWE) in high alpine locations.

    The analysis includes two sites at the Zugspitze Massif, differing in elevation and surrounding topographical features. Both sensors have been installed inside existing buildings with steep roofs to avoid snow accumulation, rather than establishing new infrastructure in complex terrain. The CRNS at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS, 2656 m a.s.l.) was installed in November 2015 in the Kugelalm located on one of the terraces. A second CRNS was installed in October 2023 in the building of “Zugspitze Geodynamic Observatory Germany” (ZUGOG) operated by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) at the summit (2962 m a.s.l.). The CRNS signal is compared against spatially distributed reference SWE based on manual measurements, terrestrial lidar and airborne photogrammetry. Furthermore, Monte Carlo based neutron simulations using the URANOS model and a dedicated modular scenario tool (YULIA) are performed to characterize the local dynamics at the measurement sites.

    First results prove that CRNS is suitable for monitoring SWE dynamics even at high alpine locations like the Zugspitze Massif. At UFS the neutron counts reveal both extremely dry years, like 2022, but also very snow-rich years, like 2019 and 2024, which were among the wettest since 2015. The high altitude, the shape of the steep topography and the rocky underground with limited soil cover reduce the statistical error and increase the seasonal dynamics in the neutron flux, facilitating CRNS based SWE monitoring. Another noteworthy aspect is, that due to the large measurement footprint of several hectares, CRNS can even be used when installed within existing buildings, thus reducing costs and limiting the environmental impact of the installation.

    How to cite: Schattan, P., Krebs, N., Fersch, B., Schrön, M., Facchinetti, R., Bögl, E., Rempfer, C., Knieß, J., Wetzel, K.-F., Voigt, C., Achmüller, K., Rehm, T., Schuzl, K., and Koch, F.: Non-invasive monitoring of high-alpine snow dynamics with Cosmic-Ray neutron sensing – a case study at two locations at the Zugspitze Massif , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16989,, 2025.

    EGU25-19502 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

    Ice content estimation in a Palsa at Aidejavri (Norway) using High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP) 

    Raphael Schulz, Isabella Burger, Annika Pischke, Sebastian Westermann, and Andreas Hördt

    Permafrost is an import carbon sink on earth and its thawing due to global warming is considered one of the most critical tipping points in climate change. Among permafrost landforms, palsas – frost-heaved mounds with ice-rich cores - are particularly sensitive to global warming. Palsas form under conditions of alternating freezing and thawing, leading to the accumulation of ice lenses that elevate the ground surface. As global temperatures rise, palsas are increasingly subject to degradation, which results in subsidence and the release of stored greenhouse gases, profoundly affecting local and global ecosystems.

    This study focuses on a palsa located in a peat mire at Aidejavri/Norway, aiming to characterise it using geophysical methods. High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP) was employed to quantify ice content across the palsa. HFIP is an innovative method that measures the frequency-dependent electrical conductivity in the frequency-range between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. In that range, the electrical permittivity of water ice exhibits a sharp decrease, making HFIP suitable for ice-content estimation. The HFIP data were inverted in 1D to isolate the polarization response of the subsurface from induction. A two-component dielectric mixture model was used to invert the data in 2D, providing detailed spatial insights into ice distribution. The results indicate high ice contents underneath the palsa, togehter with clear signs of degradation by decreasing ice contents at the edges where ponds are visible at the surface.

    To supplement these findings, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) were applied. ERT revealed the lateral extent and resistivity contrasts of the permafrost, while GPR delineated the upper boundary of the frozen layer. Together, these methods provided a comprehensive view of the palsa’s internal structure.

    This study shows that HFIP, paired with effective pre-processing and additional methods, serves as a dependable approach for examining ice-rich permafrost. The results can be used to characterize the current state of the palsa and provide data on ice content and spatial variability. The data constitute the beginning of repetitive measurements, that aim to capture temporal changes in the palsa’s internal structure and ice content. These repeated observations will help track the dynamics of permafrost degradation over time, offering insights into how rapidly such landforms respond to climatic variations.

    How to cite: Schulz, R., Burger, I., Pischke, A., Westermann, S., and Hördt, A.: Ice content estimation in a Palsa at Aidejavri (Norway) using High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19502,, 2025.

    EGU25-19748 | PICO | CR6.2

    Ice-bed interface conditions in the accumulation zone of the Grenzgletscher 

    Francesca Falcini, Coen Hofstede, Olaf Eisen, and Elisa Mantelli

    Ice streams are river-like features of ice sheets that move much faster than the surrounding, ice. This contrast in velocity (100s m/yr vs 10s m/yr) results from ice flow being dominated by basal sliding with a fully temperate bed within ice streams, whereas ice is sliding little or not at all outside, where the bed is below the melting point. Here, we present initial results from an ERC-funded project, PHAST, which seeks to unravel the physics driving ice stream formation and dynamics. As part of this project, we seek to characterize observationally the onset of basal sliding at cold/temperate basal transition at an easily accessible alpine glacier (Grenzgletscher). Previous research has found a cold bed in the accumulation zone and a temperate bed in the ablation zone. However, the location of the cold/temperate basal transition is not known. Using a micro vibrator Elvis 7 (p-wave generator) we collected two active seismic profiles at a 3720 m high plateau on the Grenzgletscher; one parallel (250 m) and one (325 m) perpendicular to ice flow. The parallel profile shows a surprising lack of structure below the 328m deep ice-bed contact, suggesting it is likely to be bedrock. However, at the downstream end of the profile there is some stratification, which could be eroded sediments. As there is no polarity reversal at the ice-bed contact we find no indication of water at the bed. These initial results suggest that the cold/temperate basal transition is located further downstream. However, further analysis of this data, alongside passive seismics and ground-penetrating radar data, will help us identify the transition with more confidence – assisting a drilling campaign to be undertaken in 2026.

    How to cite: Falcini, F., Hofstede, C., Eisen, O., and Mantelli, E.: Ice-bed interface conditions in the accumulation zone of the Grenzgletscher, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19748,, 2025.

    The Magnaprobe, a widely used automated snow depth probe patented in 1999 (US Patent 5,864,059), has revolutionized the collection of snow depth data globally. By significantly increasing the speed of data collection compared to traditional methods, the Magnaprobe enables an exponential growth in data points. However, our study reveals a critical limitation: over-probing issues that can lead to substantial errors in snow depth measurements. In a comprehensive field validation study conducted in a boreal forest ecosystem in interior Alaska, we found that the Magnaprobe overestimated snow depth by up to 53.8% in certain ecotypes. These findings underscore the importance of validating Magnaprobe measurements in the field to prevent significant overestimations of snowpack depth. Our research highlights the need for careful consideration of instrument limitations and underscores the importance of ground-truthing automated measurements to ensure accurate snow depth data, which is crucial for various applications in hydrology, ecology, and climate science.

    How to cite: Vas, D., Brodylo, D., and Baxter, W.: Validation of an Automated Snow Depth Probe: Addressing Over-Probing Issues in a Boreal Forest Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20710,, 2025.

    EGU25-1803 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    The Antarctic ice shelf surface temperature retrieval from Chinese MERSI series data 

    yachao li and tingting Liu

    The ice shelf surface temperature (IST) is a critical environmental and climatic parameter. Current wide-swath IST products, such as those from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), typically have a spatial resolution of around 1000 m. In contrast, the Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) provides a thermal infrared channel with a wide swath of 2900 km and a higher spatial resolution of 250 m. In this study, we developed a practical single-channel algorithm to retrieve ISTs from MERSI series data, addressing several key challenges: (1) the wide range of incidence angles; (2) the unstable, snow-covered ice surface; and (3) variations in atmospheric water vapor content. To enhance retrieval accuracy, we simulated directional emissivity to mitigate the limitations of assuming a constant emissivity. Simulations were conducted for various ice surface types, with the sun crust type identified as the most suitable for IST retrieval. Additionally, real-time water vapor content was estimated using a band ratio method based on MERSI near-infrared data. The proposed algorithm demonstrates improved accuracy and reliability compared to the original approach. The retrieved IST values are higher than those from IceBridge measurements, with a mean bias of 1.06 K and an RMSE of 1.76 K. Validation against AWS measurements further confirms the algorithm's performance, yielding an RMSE of about 2.5 K for both MERSI-I and MERSI-II data.

    How to cite: li, Y. and Liu, T.: The Antarctic ice shelf surface temperature retrieval from Chinese MERSI series data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1803,, 2025.

    EGU25-3215 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Low-cost smartphone hyperspectral imaging for environmental monitoring in the cryosphere 

    Mary Stuart, Matthew Davies, Callum Fisk, Elizabeth Allen, Andrew Sole, Ryan Ing, Matthew Hobbs, and Jon Willmott

    Hyperspectral imaging is a valuable analytical technique with significant benefits for environmental monitoring. However, the application of these technologies remains limited, largely by the cost and bulk associated with available instrumentation. This results in a lack of high-resolution data from more challenging and extreme environmental settings, limiting our knowledge and understanding of the effects of climate change in these regions. Here we challenge these limitations through the application of a low-cost, smartphone-based hyperspectral imaging instrument to measurement and monitoring activities at the Greenland Ice Sheet. Datasets are captured across a variety of supraglacial and proglacial locations covering visible and near infrared wavelengths. Our results are comparable to the existing literature, despite being captured with instrumentation costing over an order of magnitude less than currently available commercial technologies. Practicalities for field deployment are also explored, demonstrating our approach to be a valuable addition to the research field with the potential to improve the availability of datasets from across the cryosphere, unlocking a wealth of data collection opportunities that were hitherto infeasible.

    How to cite: Stuart, M., Davies, M., Fisk, C., Allen, E., Sole, A., Ing, R., Hobbs, M., and Willmott, J.: Low-cost smartphone hyperspectral imaging for environmental monitoring in the cryosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3215,, 2025.

    EGU25-4549 | Orals | CR6.5

    A Roadmap to Global High Spatial/Temporal Resolution Snow Depth Survey Through Synergistic Space Lidar and Optical Spectral Measurements 

    Yongxiang Hu, Xiaomei Lu, Szedung Sun-mack, Yan Chen, and Paolo Di Girolamo

    In our previous articles (Hu et al., 2022; Lu et al., 2022, Hu et al., 2023), we introduced a theoretical snow depth and snow density measurements concept using lidar measurements. The key findings of these studies are: snow depth and snow density play key roles in the probability distribution of diffused photon scattering inside snow. When absorption can be ignored, the averaged photon pathlength of laser light or sunlight traveling inside snow is proportional to snow depth. Snow density are also affect spectral absorptions and the higher order statistics of the diffused photon pathlength distribution. 

    Spectral reflectance of sunlight R(k) is the Laplace transform of the diffuse photon pathlength distribution, P(L).  R(k)=∫ p(L)  e-kL dL.  Here k is the absorption coefficient of snow at given wavelength. Thus there are information of snow depth and snow density in the spectral measurements of sunlight, of which k may change between 0.02 per meter to 100 per meter. For example, Snow depth is proportional to the first moment of the pathlength distribution, , which is simply,  -R' (k)=-dR⁄dk=∫ L p(L)  e-kL dL. Thus, snow depth is proportional to the first order derivative of the spectral reflectance. 

    Thus, snow depth and snow density can be derived from spectral reflectance of sunlight through inverse transform. Using machine learning that uses lidar measurements of snow depth and snow density to train the collocated spectral solar reflectance measurements, we can effectively perform atmospheric correction and -R’(k) at the same time This short paper describes the theory behind the measurements. We will also demonstrate the measurement concept with collocated PACE and ICESat-2 observations.

    How to cite: Hu, Y., Lu, X., Sun-mack, S., Chen, Y., and Di Girolamo, P.: A Roadmap to Global High Spatial/Temporal Resolution Snow Depth Survey Through Synergistic Space Lidar and Optical Spectral Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4549,, 2025.

    EGU25-6996 | ECS | Orals | CR6.5

    Von Mises Stress a Robust Predictor of Ice Slab Fracture in Greenland 

    Riley Culberg, Ching-Yao Lai, and Emma Mackie

    Fractures in Greenland’s ice slabs provide englacial drainage pathways that initially reduce surface runoff but may eventually form surface-to-bed connections that cause high-elevation hydrodynamic coupling. As a result, characterizing the large-scale spatial patterns of surface fracture in ice slabs is important for assessing the current and future mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Unfortunately, these crevasses are mostly too narrow to be directly observed with remote sensing systems that provide consistent pan-Greenland coverage. Here, we integrate the respective strengths of remote sensing and fracture mechanics with statistical methods to overcome this challenge. We use ice sheet surface velocities derived from satellite remote sensing to calculate the stresses at the ice sheet surface. We then use sparse but high-fidelity observations of ice slab fractures from WorldView imagery to train a logistic regression model to predict fracture likelihood based the von Mises stress. We use a model ensemble approach to both optimize our calculation of the surface stresses and to account for uncertainty in the stress state due to velocity measurement error and ice viscosity uncertainty. Our regionally cross-validated model achieves an F1 score of 0.83+/-0.05, demonstrating that the von Mises stress can robustly predict spatial patterns of crevassing in Greenland's ice slabs. Across the Greenland Ice Sheet, we predict that 41% of the ice slab area is fractured, with most crevasses fields forming in marine-terminating sectors. This result suggests that (1) englacial storage is likely a significant component of mass balance in many ice slab regions and (2) that the interplay between melt-modulated basal sliding and oceanic terminus forcing may be key to the future evolution of Greenland's marine-terminating outlet glaciers as englacial drainage expands to higher elevations.

    How to cite: Culberg, R., Lai, C.-Y., and Mackie, E.: Von Mises Stress a Robust Predictor of Ice Slab Fracture in Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6996,, 2025.

    EGU25-8060 | Orals | CR6.5

    Estimating Antarctic surface melt rates using passive microwave data calibrated with weather station observations. 

    Valeria Di Biase, Peter Kuipers Munneke, Bert Wouters, Michiel van den Broeke, and Maurice van Tiggelen

    Surface melt is a critical boundary condition for the hydrological system of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, impacting processes such as mass balance and ice shelf stability. However, its quantification remains challenging due to the scarcity of in-situ measurements and the spatial variability of melt processes. While remote sensing offers extensive coverage, estimating melt rates - beyond binary melt detection - is complicated by the nature of satellite measurements, which detect the presence of liquid water rather than the physical process of melting.

    This study explores a novel method for estimating surface melt rates across Antarctica by calibrating passive microwave data from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) with in-situ observations of surface melt collected by Automatic Weather Stations (AWS).

    Binary melt days were identified using SSMIS 19GHz brightness temperature thresholds carefully calibrated against AWS data from diverse Antarctic regions, including the Larsen C, Baudouin, and Ekström ice shelves. A quantitative relationship was established to link the number of melt days to the melt quantities measured at AWS sites, offering a first approximation of annual melt rates. The methodology emphasizes spatial coherence and compatibility across datasets and offers insights into regional variations in melt processes.

    We suggest that this approach has the potential to improve the detection of melt days and provide estimates of melt rates from space rather than merely identifying melt occurrence. The study underscores the significance of AWS calibration, while also acknowledging the uncertainties in both the data and the methodology. This framework represents a step forward in understanding melt dynamics in Antarctica and contributes to the development of tools for long-term operational monitoring of surface melt, as well as offering an independent estimate of surface melt over the past 45 years since the onset of the satellite era.

    How to cite: Di Biase, V., Kuipers Munneke, P., Wouters, B., van den Broeke, M., and van Tiggelen, M.: Estimating Antarctic surface melt rates using passive microwave data calibrated with weather station observations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8060,, 2025.

    EGU25-8150 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Real-time Detection of Daily Surface Snowmelt Based on FY-3 MWRI and Enhanced-resolution SSMIS Data Over the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

    Ziqian Zhang, Lei Zheng, Xiao Cheng, and Lingmei Jiang

    Surface snowmelt on the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) plays a crucial role in Earth’s climate system, influencing surface hydrology, ice shelf stability, surface mass and energy balance. Liquid water emerging in surface snowpacks during melt seasons increases the emissivity of microwaves, enabling the detection of snowmelt information by identifying the sudden increase in passive microwave brightness temperature (Tb). The detecting of polar ice sheet surface snowmelt state at superior timeliness and finer scale is rapidly progressing through the augmenting real-time capability and resolution of passive microwave radiometry. However, existing algorithms often rely on complete melt seasons of observation Tb data, which limits their applicability for real-time detection and typically suffer from low spatial resolution. Here, we develop a real-time detection algorithm and a corresponding system for surface snowmelt detection on the Antarctic Ice Sheet, utilizing Tb data at multiple spatial resolutions.

    The three remotely sensed variables we used include diurnal amplitude variation at 37 GHz vertical polarization (i.e., DAV37), the difference between the Tb at 37 GHz vertical polarization and the winter reference (i.e., ΔTB37V), and the normalized polarization ratio at 37 GHz (NPR37). In-situ observations from the AIS automatic weather stations (AWSs) are provided by the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research of Utrecht (IMAU). The energy available for surface snowmelt was calculated using the surface energy balance (SEB) model, which has demonstrated reliability and robustness in providing consistent snowmelt flux estimates. In this study, we primarily used three remotely sensed variables and in-situ snowmelt flux as inputs for the parameterization of the Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) equation Di01xi,12xi,2. In this equation, D represents the discriminant score, and if D is above 0°C, a specific pixel is classified as a melting state, whereas if D is below 0°C, the pixel is classified as frozen. The validation of snowmelt results was conducted using snowmelt flux data from AWSs, yielding a promising overall accuracy of 96% and an F1-score of 0.74.

    The algorithm is suitable for real-time snowmelt detection, and the corresponding detection system enables high timeliness (within 24 hours) in acquiring surface snowmelt state, melting area and melting days on the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The FY-3 MWRI provides real-time Tb data stably, whereas it is limited by its low spatial resolution (25 km). The missing time series satellite observations from the SSMIS sensor are substantial, leading to random errors. However, the enhanced-resolution SSMIS dataset can provide higher spatial resolution Tb measurements (3.125 km). Here we perform the linear regression and time-line interpolation method to establish a relationship between Tb data from various spatial resolutions, and further combine measurements from the FY-3 MWRI and SSMIS sensors to enhance the spatial resolution of the system.

    How to cite: Zhang, Z., Zheng, L., Cheng, X., and Jiang, L.: Real-time Detection of Daily Surface Snowmelt Based on FY-3 MWRI and Enhanced-resolution SSMIS Data Over the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8150,, 2025.

    The Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) is a comprehensive compilation of the best available topographic data for Antarctica, serving as an essential tool for researchers navigating and understanding the continent’s ever-changing landscape. Key layers, such as the Antarctic coastline, are regularly updated through visual control and manual editing. In contrast, other data layers, like Rock Outcrop, are updated only upon request, typically during the creation of maps for specific regions.

    Antarctic topographic mapping primarily relies on remote sensing data rather than ground surveys, which is unlike most populated areas of the world. Monitoring changes in polar regions is crucial for understanding global climate change. Therefore, the increasing use of pre-trained foundation models based on remote sensing data is expected to be beneficial for Antarctic mapping.

    This study aimed to utilize models pre-trained on large satellite datasets to update the Rock Outcrop layers using a small amount of training data. The current Rock Outcrop layer, generated in 2016 based on Landsat 8 imagery, has become outdated.

    For this work, a Sentinel-2 mosaic of averaged, mostly cloud-free images from the 2023/2024 Antarctic summer season was generated using Google Earth Engine for the British Antarctic Territory (BAT). The mosaic was exported as a tiled raster image, consisting of 4,990 chips. Rock outcrop labels were created for 20 tiles, evenly spread across the BAT.

    The ResNet18 model, pre-trained on the SSL4EO-S12 dataset with Sentinel-2 RGB MOCO weights, was trained, resulting in an F1 score of 0.91. To achieve proper cartographic representation, the generated predictions underwent a generalization process. The results will be published as part of the next ADD update.

    The updated layer shows a 28% increase in the area of exposed rock compared to the 2016 layer. This significant change could be attributed to both the data and methods used, as well as actual changes in snow coverage in the study area. Further updates, which now require minimal effort to implement, may help explain the observed dynamics.

    How to cite: Skachkova, A.: Improving Antarctic Topography: Utilizing Pre-Trained Models for Rock Outcrop Updates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9539,, 2025.

    EGU25-9870 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    AI4Glaciers: Introducing a multi-sensor photogrammetric system for calving monitoring at the Perito Moreno glacier 

    Xabier Blanch Gorriz, Laura Camila Duran Vergara, and Anette Eltner

    Understanding glacier dynamics is fundamental to predicting their response to a changing climate and mitigating associated risks. Glaciers, which hold approximately 70% of the world's freshwater, are losing mass at an unprecedented rate due to anthropogenic activities. Accurate predictions of glacier behavior under warming scenarios are crucial for short-term hazard mitigation and long-term water resource planning.

    The project "AI4Glaciers: AI-Enabled Prediction of Glacial Calving based on 4D Real-Time Multi-Sensor Monitoring (AI4G)" aims to monitor, in near real-time, a section of the Perito Moreno Glacier's front using a multi-sensor photogrammetric system (RGB and thermal cameras) in 4D (3D + time). By correlating calving events with climatic conditions using artificial intelligence, the project seeks to understand the drivers of accelerated glacial calving processes and, consequently, glacier retreat.

    In this contribution, we present the camera setup installed in January 2025 at the Perito Moreno Glacier as part of the AI4G project. The system comprises eight synchronized DSLR cameras capturing image pairs every 30 minutes during daylight hours. These images are transmitted twice daily to a central server via 4G connectivity, enabling near real-time analysis. Additionally, three thermal cameras (600x400 pixels), capturing data continuously 24 hours a day, were installed to generate photogrammetric reconstructions using temperature data.

    With approximately 15,000 images collected monthly, photogrammetric models are generated using Structure-from-Motion Multi-View Stereo (SfM-MVS) techniques. These models are compared using change-detection algorithms to identify relative changes at the glacier front, including ice loss due to calving and pre-calving deformations.

    How to cite: Blanch Gorriz, X., Duran Vergara, L. C., and Eltner, A.: AI4Glaciers: Introducing a multi-sensor photogrammetric system for calving monitoring at the Perito Moreno glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9870,, 2025.

    EGU25-9898 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Deep learning applied to Sentinel-1 data shows doubling of glacier area loss in Svalbard compared to 1980–2010  

    Konstantin Maslov, Thomas Schellenberger, Claudio Persello, and Alfred Stein

    Glaciers in Svalbard are undergoing rapid changes due to Arctic Amplification that demand frequent and accurate monitoring. We present a deep learning model, Intensity-Coherence-Evolution-mapper (ICEmapper) designed to extract annual glacier outlines from Sentinel-1 time series data regardless of cloud cover. The model combines SAR backscatter intensity and interferometric coherence. In extensive validation tests against manually digitised optical imagery, ICEmapper demonstrates human-expert accuracy, with intersection of union score higher than 0.95, total area discrepancies below 0.5%, median distance deviations under 15 m, and 95th percentile deviations within 250 m. Additionally, we report calibrated uncertainties of our classification results at the pixel level, allowing for detailed analysis of significant changes as well as total area uncertainty estimation. This performance allowed us to construct a continuous inventory of glacier outlines in Svalbard from 2016 to 2023.

    The results of area change analysis suggest a substantial escalation in the rate of glacier area loss to about 180 km2 a−1 in the last decade, nearly doubling from the previously reported ~80 km2 a−1 (1980–2010; Nuth et al., 2013). This increase is predominantly driven by enhanced calving at tidewater glaciers, although climatic signal also shows a significant correlation with the area loss of land-terminating glaciers. Surging glaciers, particularly in the Nathorstbreen system and Austfonna, exhibited unique behaviours that can temporarily increase the total glacier area. In 2016, the Nathorstbreen system gained 107.76 km2, while Austfonna, Basin-3 expanded by 86.54 km2 as compared to the Randolph Glacier Inventory, jointly offsetting net losses by approximately two years. In the last decade, however, surging glaciers lost area more rapidly (−0.57 km2 a−1 on average) than the non-surging ones (−0.09 km2 a−1). Additionally, our analysis uncovered a surge in Austfonna, Basin-7 starting in 2019 and not reported previously, emphasising the capability of annually updated inventories to complement other methods of surge detection.

    Our methods have the potential to be transferred to other glacierised regions and enhance monitoring and understanding of glacier area changes on larger scales using Sentinel-1 data.

    How to cite: Maslov, K., Schellenberger, T., Persello, C., and Stein, A.: Deep learning applied to Sentinel-1 data shows doubling of glacier area loss in Svalbard compared to 1980–2010 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9898,, 2025.

    EGU25-11780 | ECS | Orals | CR6.5

    Observing an immediate ice stream response to calving with terrestrial radar interferometry at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, Greenland 

    Adrien Wehrlé, Hugo Rousseau, Martin P. Lüthi, Ana Nap, Andrea Kneib-Walter, Janneke van Ginkel, Guillaume Jouvet, and Fabian Walter

    Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia (hereafter SKK, also known as Jakobshavn Isbræ), Greenland, is among the most extensively studied glaciers worldwide, mainly due to its recent retreat associated with fast flow and high ice discharge. However, substantial gaps remain in understanding its short-term ice dynamics, as glacier responses to abrupt changes occurring within hours to minutes require high-rate field measurements that are challenging to acquire. Here, we present high-resolution terrestrial radar observations revealing a stepwise acceleration of SKK ice stream immediately following a large calving event. This response was observed up to 10 km from the glacier terminus, representing one of the longest immediate calving responses reported in Greenland to date. Additionally, we detected large instantaneous deformations in the highly crevassed shear margins, further supporting the notion of a strong lateral and longitudinal coupling of the ice stream. Using a simplified theoretical framework, we present the loss of lateral drag due to calving as a key component in the genesis of such a widespread calving response.

    How to cite: Wehrlé, A., Rousseau, H., Lüthi, M. P., Nap, A., Kneib-Walter, A., van Ginkel, J., Jouvet, G., and Walter, F.: Observing an immediate ice stream response to calving with terrestrial radar interferometry at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11780,, 2025.

    EGU25-12187 | Orals | CR6.5

    Monthly variations of glacier velocity extracted from large scale datasets 

    Laurane Charrier, Amaury Dehecq, Lei Guo, Fanny Brun, Romain Millan, Nathan Lioret, Antoine Rabatel, Luke Copland, Nathan Maier, Christine Dow, and Paul Halas

    Massive processing using correlation algorithms on optical and SAR image pairs are now largely used to measure glacier surface velocity worldwide. This variable is crucial as it controls glacier mass redistribution and geometry changes. Post-processed products of these raw image-pair velocities are available at an annual scale in open-access. However, at shorter time scales, velocity time-series are still highly uncertain and available at heterogeneous temporal resolutions. This hinders our ability to understand physical processes related to glacier dynamics, such as basal sliding or surges, and the integration of these observations in numerical models. Therefore, post-processing pipelines are needed to extract sub-annual velocity time-series from the large-scale datasets available in open-access or on demand.

    Here, we introduce an open source and operational Python package called TICOI (Temporal Inversion using Combination of Observations and Interpolation). TICOI is an out-of-core algorithm. It accesses cloud datasets without fully loading them into local memory, and parallelize the processing by chunks, using the dask library. TICOI fuses multi-temporal and multi-sensor image-pair velocities produced by different processing chains, using the temporal closure principle. Several strategies are implemented to improve TICOI robustness to Gaussian noise, temporal decorrelation, and abrupt non-linear changes. Here, we provide extensive examples of TICOI application on the ITS\_LIVE cloud dataset and in-house velocity products. We discuss the performance of our pipeline using GNSS data collected on three glaciers with different dynamics in Yukon and western Greenland. We show that TICOI is able to retrieve monthly velocities even when only annual image-pair velocity observations are available, implying a paradigm shift. Finally, we illustrate the spatio-temporal variations of velocity retrieved by TICOI in several montain range: the Mont Blanc Massif in the Alps, the Qilian Mountains in High Mountain Asia, and the St Elias Mountains in Yukon, Canada.

    This package opens the door to the regularization of various datasets, enabling the production of standardized sub-annual velocity time-series.

    How to cite: Charrier, L., Dehecq, A., Guo, L., Brun, F., Millan, R., Lioret, N., Rabatel, A., Copland, L., Maier, N., Dow, C., and Halas, P.: Monthly variations of glacier velocity extracted from large scale datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12187,, 2025.

    EGU25-12715 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Glacier Monitoring in the Alps: Leveraging GEDI Altimetry for Surface Elevation Change Detection 

    Alireza Hamoudzadeh, Roberta Ravanelli, and Mattia Crespi

    Glaciers are vital components of Alpine ecosystems and are increasingly threatened by climate change. Therefore monitoring glacier elevation change over time is an essential task and aids in modeling future freshwater availability. By leveraging remote sensing technologies with high revisit frequencies, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of glacier dynamics, including retreat rates, the influence of landslides, and overall glacier health.

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) provide the most precise means of tracking glacier surface changes, however, their use is often constrained by high costs and the difficulty of conducting in-situ measurements in extreme weather or remote locations. In these cases, remote sensing and satellite altimetry offer a practical and viable alternative.

    In this study, we present a novel methodology utilizing Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) altimetry data. GEDI is a LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor collecting altimetric data with a 25 m footprint size and 60 m along-track spacing from the International Space Station [1,2]. GEDI was active from early 2019 till 2023 when it was temporarily hibernated and has recently been reactivated.

    The proposed method relies exclusively on available GEDI bands and is fully implemented within Google Earth Engine (GEE). We have applied the methodology to three Alpine glaciers using nine GEDI acquisitions and evaluated its performance through comparisons with reference Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generated from aerial and drone photogrammetry and LiDAR data.

    After applying outlier detection techniques solely based on GEDI bands, GEDI-derived glacier profiles along the tracks provided valuable surface elevation information. The results showed a strong correlation (r = 0.99) with reference DSMs along with low dispersion and R2 of 0.99, based on an average of 135 GEDI footprints per glacier. Additionally, the analysis indicated that GEDI could capture seasonal variations in glacier surfaces, detecting the melt and gain in the snowpack.

    While GEDI lacks the capability to map an entire glacier extent as photogrammetric block imagery does, its higher acquisition rate, including coverage of smaller glaciers, offers a significant advantage. Integrating GEDI with traditional approaches thus enables more continuous and comprehensive glacier monitoring.


    [1] Hamoudzadeh, A., Ravanelli, R., and Crespi, M.: Glacier Monitoring Using GEDI Data in Google Earth Engine: Outlier Removal and Accuracy Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10176,, 2024.

    [2]  Hamoudzadeh, A., Ravanelli, R., and Crespi, M.: GEDI DATA WITHIN GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF A RESOURCE FOR INLAND SURFACE WATER MONITORING, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-M-1-2023, 131–136,, 2023.

    How to cite: Hamoudzadeh, A., Ravanelli, R., and Crespi, M.: Glacier Monitoring in the Alps: Leveraging GEDI Altimetry for Surface Elevation Change Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12715,, 2025.

    EGU25-12804 | ECS | Orals | CR6.5

    Automated Mapping of Rock Glaciers Using Image Segmentation with Deep Learning 

    Alexander C. Takoudes, Alexander L. Handwerger, and Jeffrey S. Munroe

    Rock glaciers are critical landforms in periglacial environments. They play a significant role in regional hydrology and provide valuable insights into climate and geomorphological processes. Mapping rock glacier extent is an important step for quantifying their hydrologic and geomorphic role in the landscape, but this process is labor intensive. To automate the process of mapping rock glaciers in the western U.S. (total area ~ 30000 km2), we present a methodological framework that relies on a combination of Google Earth Engine and TensorFlow cloud computing. Using existing rock glacier inventories, we trained a Compact Residual U-Net Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that uses 14 input bands, including Sentinel-2 optical imagery, USGS elevation models, Sentinel-1 backscatter SAR imagery, and Landsat 8 thermal imagery. The model was trained across 5 US states (Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana) which have different rock types and climates. With 2597 rock glacier outlines from the Portland State University Active Rock Glacier Inventory used for training, the model achieved a moderate Intersection over Union (IoU) of 0.495 when tested on a new dataset. Precision and recall values were 0.735 and 0.602, respectively. The model successfully mapped 206 out of 290 rock glaciers as well as 41 false positives and 84 false negatives in the eastern Uinta Mountains across an area of 3037 km2. The model struggled to map slower-moving rock glaciers, which are more geomorphologically subtle. Our research advances the application of machine learning in rock glacier mapping, offering a high-dimensional method for mapping rock glaciers, which will ultimately enhance our understanding of these important landforms in a changing climate.

    How to cite: Takoudes, A. C., Handwerger, A. L., and Munroe, J. S.: Automated Mapping of Rock Glaciers Using Image Segmentation with Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12804,, 2025.

    EGU25-13003 | Posters on site | CR6.5 | Highlight

    Long-term satellite remote sensing SWE observations for new operational C3S cryosphere and hydrology services 

    Miriam Kosmale, Kari Luojus, Mikko Moisander, Pinja Venäläinen, Matias Takala, and Jaakko Ikonen

    Seasonal snow is the largest single component of the cryosphere, covering about 50% of the Northern Hemisphere’s land surface during mid-winter. Snow plays an important component of Earth’s hydrological and climate systems and provides a significant feedback effect in a warming climate owing to its high albedo. Snow also a major, if not dominant, freshwater source in many regions and an important contribution to the global water cycle.

    Within Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Finnish Meteorological Institute will offer consistent long-term observations of snow from satellite. C3S provides reliable, open, and free access to a wide variety of Climate Data Records (CDRs) consistently derived from satellite observations that can be used to monitor climate change.

    Snow water equivalent (SWE) is an important variable indicating the amount of accumulated snow on land surfaces. FMI’s SWE processor combines satellite-based passive microwave radiometer data with ground based synoptic snow depth observations using Bayesian data assimilation, incorporating a microwave snow emission model. Building on developments in ESA GlobSnow and Snow CCI projects, the new Copernicus services facilitate the transition from research to operations by ensuring reliable access to the climate data records and all information needed to use them effectively.

    FMI’s contribution to C3S services focus on the operational production and provision of consistent and long-term data records on Essential Climate Variable (ECV) of snow water equivalent based on observation dating back to 1979. The new C3S SWE dataset is extended in time and will offer a fully documented, quality-controlled, free and open product, easily accessible via the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS).

    We are presenting the activities of C3S cryosphere and hydrology and how the new remote-sensing products of Snow Water Equivalent provide operational snow information to these domains.

    How to cite: Kosmale, M., Luojus, K., Moisander, M., Venäläinen, P., Takala, M., and Ikonen, J.: Long-term satellite remote sensing SWE observations for new operational C3S cryosphere and hydrology services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13003,, 2025.

    The formation and expansion of glacial lakes, driven by ongoing climate warming, is a potentially hazardous phenomenon with significant impacts on glacier melt and regional hydrology. In regions like Central Asia, decades of glacier retreat and thinning have fostered the development and growth of various types of glacial lakes, including ice-marginal, moraine-dammed, and supraglacial lakes. These water bodies store meltwater and accelerate glacier mass loss and terminus retreat through heat exchange and intensified melt, ice calving, and ice-marginal destabilization. Once formed, glacial lakes can trigger positive feedback mechanisms that decouple their evolution from direct climate forcing, resulting in rapid glacier downwasting and retreat.

    Despite advances in remote sensing, accurately capturing the full size and spatial distribution of these lakes remains challenging. Current inventories, largely based on moderate-resolution imagery (Landsat, Sentinel-2), often overlook smaller lakes. These smaller lakes are a critical yet underappreciated component of the cryosphere and can expand rapidly, posing risks of Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs).

    In this study, we present a comprehensive, high-resolution glacial lake inventory for Central Asia, derived from Planet’s PlanetScope imagery. With a spatial resolution of approximately 3 m/pixel—an order of magnitude finer than Landsat and Sentinel-2 —PlanetScope data enables the delineation of lakes as small as tens of meters in size, overcoming the spatial limitations of previous satellite-based inventories. The study focuses on Central Asia, covering regions including Dzhungarsky Alatau, Tien Shan, Pamir-Alay, and Pamir.

    Our approach consists of four main steps: (i) Water Pixel Identification: Water pixels are detected from PlanetScope images using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), with thresholds determined by Otsu’s algorithm. (ii) Lake Clustering: Detected water pixels are grouped into clusters, with glacial lakes defined as clusters exceeding 22 connected pixels (~200 m²). (iii) Boundary Refinement: Lake boundaries are further refined using an NDWI- and CDOM--based Otsu method. (iv) Lake Inventory Compilation: A detailed inventory is produced, including geographical coordinates, elevation, area, and NDWI statistics for each identified lake. The algorithm is implemented within the Google Earth Engine (GEE) environment, enhancing computational efficiency and minimizing the need for local data storage.

    The new Central Asia Glacial Lake Inventory (CAGLI) comprises approximately 14,000 water bodies, each with an area exceeding 200 m² with a combined area of 470 km² as of August-September 2023. This dataset allows for a detailed characterization of lake size distribution in the region, efficient monitoring of lake formation and growth, and analysis of the impact of surface ponds on glacier evolution. It also enhances the delineation of debris-covered glaciers, where water pond formation is more likely than on non-glacierized terrain. Importantly, the new algorithm provides practitioners in Central Asia and other glacierized mountain regions with a highly efficient tool for monitoring lake changes, supporting early warning systems and risk reduction strategies.

    How to cite: Li, Q., Shahgedanova, M., Roy, S., and Jiang, Y.: High-Resolution Mapping of Glacial Lakes in Central Asia Using PlanetScope Imagery and Google Earth Engine: A New Algorithm and Comprehensive Inventory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13738,, 2025.

    EGU25-14949 | Orals | CR6.5

    Low-Cost lidar as an Easy-to-Use REST API: Permanently Installed Systems for Cryospheric Research and Beyond 

    Thomas Goelles, Stefan Wallner, Birgit Schlager, Alexander Prokop, Christoph Gaisberger, Markus Schratter, and Stefan Muckenhuber

    The rapid advancement and commercialization of low-cost (0.5k to 20k EUR) lidar have transformed how researchers monitor and analyze dynamic environmental processes. Initially developed for industries like automotive navigation and robotics, these compact and cost-effective sensors have gained significant traction in geoscience. Many of these sensors operate in the wavelength range of 900 to 1000 nm, where ice is highly reflective, making them particularly suited for cryospheric observations. In addition to their affordability, these systems are robust, capable of high scan rates of up to 20 Hz, and have a range of up to 450 meters. The high scan rates enable the collection of detailed datasets but can result in substantial data volumes that require efficient processing. Many sensors also include integrated IMUs, adding another layer of functionality.

    This work focuses on the static use of lidar systems, where they are mounted on fixed structures for continuous or periodic monitoring. Low-cost lidars are typically sold without essential components such as power supplies, data loggers, or data transmission capabilities. Additionally, they often output data in proprietary formats, making data analytics and processing cumbersome. Furthermore, the comparable low range makes it often necessary to use multiple sensors which increases complexity even more. These barriers make their deployment challenging for many researchers or research groups that lack the resources or expertise to build custom solutions.

    To address this gap, we have developed a comprehensive system combining hardware, software, and analytical tools to lower the barrier to entry. Our data logger is built on the Robot Operating System (ROS 2), enabling seamless integration of multiple sensors, even from different manufacturers, if they provide a ROS 2 driver. Users can configure scanning intervals and durations to suit their needs, such as a 5-second scan every 15 minutes combined with continuous monitoring. The collected scan data is uploaded to our server via a REST API, where further processing is automated. Our REST API handles tasks such as quality checks, conversion to standard point cloud formats like LAS or CSV, point cloud differencing, and volume calculations. Furthermore, our system integrates seamlessly with pointcloudset, our open-source Python package designed for advanced 4D point cloud analytics. This package enables detailed analysis of extensive point cloud datasets recorded over time.

    We present the current version of our API, available at, alongside the first deployment of a system with two lidar from Livox in December 2024 in Lech am Arlberg, Austria, at an elevation of 2270 m asl. Preliminary insights from the collected data highlight the potential of our system to enable widespread use of (semi-)permanently installed lidars in cryospheric research and beyond. By providing an accessible and integrated solution, we aim to empower researchers to leverage the full capabilities of low-cost lidar systems without the burden of technical challenges.

    How to cite: Goelles, T., Wallner, S., Schlager, B., Prokop, A., Gaisberger, C., Schratter, M., and Muckenhuber, S.: Low-Cost lidar as an Easy-to-Use REST API: Permanently Installed Systems for Cryospheric Research and Beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14949,, 2025.

    EGU25-15978 | ECS | Orals | CR6.5

    Automated pipeline for DEM generation from SPOT-5 stereo imagery for glacier elevation change assessment 

    Francesco Ioli, Clare Webster, Lucas Kugler, and Livia Piermattei

    Accurate estimation of glacier elevation change is crucial for long-term geodetic mass balance and assessing glacier response to climate change. This study introduces an automated pipeline for generating Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from satellite stereo imagery to quantify glacier elevation changes.  

    We focus on SPOT-5 High-Resolution Stereoscopic (HRS) imagery, recently freely accessible through the SPOT World Heritage program by CNES. SPOT-5 is an underutilized archive with global coverage from 2002 to 2015 and stereoscopic capabilities, making it valuable for reconstructing glacier elevation changes and complementing stereo imageries from more recent satellites. However, its inherent challenges, such as limited radiometric resolution, rectangular pixel geometry, and absence of camera's Rational Polynomial Coefficient model, require specific attention. We apply our workflow to Hofsjökull, Iceland’s third-largest ice cap, because of extensive SPOT-5 temporal coverage, further complemented by ArcticDEM, SPOT-6 and Pleiades for recent years.

    Our workflow addresses key steps in DEM generation such as stereo pair selection, bundle adjustment, stereo correlation, noise filtering, point cloud gridding, void filling, and co-registration. Each of these steps significantly affects DEM quality and glacier elevation change estimates. Therefore, we compare and evaluate various approaches to identify optimal solutions for automation. We benchmark open-source photogrammetry tools, including Ames Stereo Pipeline and MicMac, and geospatial libraries like xDEM, GeoUtils, and OPALS, integrating them for interoperability.

    We tested different stereo-matching algorithms and found that the More Global Matching algorithm performs best for SPOT-5 data under diverse illumination and viewing conditions. For DEM gridding and void filling, we use a Robust Moving Planes fitting method in OPALS. Co-registration is performed using the globally available Copernicus DEM (GLO-30) as reference, using appropriate masks to exclude glaciers, forests, water bodies and steep areas. The least-squares template matching algorithm implemented in OPALS enhances alignment accuracy by estimating full affine transformations, while sub-pixel refinement is achieved with the Nuth and Kääb method. Finally, we derive elevation-band-based trends from spaceborne DEM time series to extrapolate elevation changes over decadal intervals. This enables us to calculate area-weighted mean elevation change estimates for each glacier and the entire ice cap over defined periods.

    This study contributes to the Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (GlaMBIE) by advancing scalable, open-access methodologies for glacier elevation change assessments. Additionally, our systematic comparison and integration of algorithms and techniques for each stage ensures optimized performance, making the pipeline reproducible across regions, temporal scales, and satellite platforms. 

    How to cite: Ioli, F., Webster, C., Kugler, L., and Piermattei, L.: Automated pipeline for DEM generation from SPOT-5 stereo imagery for glacier elevation change assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15978,, 2025.

    EGU25-16344 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Brittle Landscapes: A Case Study of Crevasse Development in Firn 

    Anja Løkkegaard, William Colgan, Shfaqat Abbas Khan, Dominik Richard Fahrner, Max Polzin, Josie Hughes, Eigil Yuichi Lippert, and Derek Pickell

    Recently formed crevasses can now be observed more than 100 km upstream from the outlet of Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn Isbræ, JI), challenging previous assumptions that the ice sheet is crevasse-free at 2000 m elevation. The recent appearance of these open surface crevasses is a strong indicator of change migrating inwards on the ice sheet. Investigating the formation and evolution of these large transverse crevasses is important, as their presence may signal shifting firn mechanics which may amplify the impacts of climate change on ice sheet stability.

    We are working on a case study of one particular crevasse field located at site T131, which is ~130 km upstream of the JI grounding zone. Open surface crevasses appeared around 2001 in optical satellite imagery (Landsat-7), but radar imagery (ERS-1) confirm the prior existence under snow and firn cover as early as 1991. We have lowered a tethered LiDAR robot into an open crevasse to map its geometry beyond the line of sight accessible to humans. Direct LiDAR measurements indicate a crevasse depth exceeding 37.6 m, with width-based extrapolations placing the full depth between 44 and 58 m. A firn and ice density profile from nearby Crawford Point (50 km away) reveals the firn-ice transition at ~124 m depth, confirming that these crevasses are forming within the firn. 

    Offsets between airborne radar and laser altimetry suggest the presence of ice slabs formed by refreezing meltwater in the near surface firn downstream of our crevasse field. Repeat firn density profiles from nearby site T4 (47 km away) show an increase in firn density from ~600 to ~700 kg/m³ above 20m depth between 1967 and 2019. Repeat firn density profiles from higher elevations above the crevasse field show no such recent increase in near-surface density. A transition toward more brittle firn conditions, associated with the appearance of refrozen ice layers within the near surface, may be responsible for the recent opening of this crevasse field. 

    The crevasse field examined here is not unique; similar fields are appearing across the region, suggesting a regional transition toward more fracture-prone firn.

    How to cite: Løkkegaard, A., Colgan, W., Khan, S. A., Fahrner, D. R., Polzin, M., Hughes, J., Lippert, E. Y., and Pickell, D.: Brittle Landscapes: A Case Study of Crevasse Development in Firn, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16344,, 2025.

    EGU25-16536 | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Towards high spatiotemporal resolution monitoring of snowpack depth, SWE, LWC and T°C 

    Mathieu Le Breton and Alec van Herwijnen

    Today's method allow to monitor snowpack dynamics either in space or in time, but hardly both. That makes it hard to fully capture heterogeneous and dynamic snow processes. We introduce an innovative close-range sensing method to track several snowpack parameter at a high spatiotemporal resolution: snow depth, snow water equivalent, liquid water content, and temperature. The observations provided by this method could offer novel insights on the role of local features (e.g., vegetation, microtopography and elevation) on processes such as wind transport, accumulation and melting. We will present the method and the first results from 2024-2025 winter campaign obtained near Davos, Switzerland.

    How to cite: Le Breton, M. and van Herwijnen, A.: Towards high spatiotemporal resolution monitoring of snowpack depth, SWE, LWC and T°C, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16536,, 2025.

    Glacier lakes have been expanding globally in quantity and size due to accelerated glacier melt. In Norway, a growth in lakes has been seen in recent decades. The expansion and formation of glacier lakes pose significant risks, including the increased frequency of Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs), which can impact downstream communities. Given the difficulty in accessing mountainous regions, the application of remote sensing is fundamental to monitoring glacier lakes for understanding the impacts of climate change and assessing the risks associated with GLOFs. However, there is no universally accepted definition of a glacier lake, which complicates regional comparisons. Standard mapping techniques for glacier lakes, such as thresholding the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) from remote sensing data, face challenges due to cloud cover, terrain shadows, and ice cover variability. This has led to the use of manual or semi-automatic methods, often requiring labour-intensive post-processing to improve accuracy. Recent advancements in machine learning offer promising alternatives, enabling more efficient and accurate mapping by integrating multiple input data sources. However, existing methods still rely on digital elevation models (DEMs), which may not accurately reflect recent glacier retreat and the formation of new lakes. This study aims to address these limitations by developing an automated, reproducible workflow to update the glacier lake inventory of Norway using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery from 2023/24. We employ a random forest classifier trained on a 10th percentile Sentinel-2 summer composite without relying on DEMs. To mitigate misclassification, particularly due to mountain shadows, we propose a novel post-processing step that uses differences between ascending and descending Sentinel-1 images. Our fully automated workflow, implemented in Google Earth Engine and Python, is expected to improve the efficiency and reproducibility of glacier lake mapping. A comparison of the results with Norway's most recent glacier lake inventory from 2018/19 shows further glacier retreat with associated lake expansion and formation of new lakes. The method performs best in flat and low-lying glacier environments, whereas some manual editing is still needed in steep, high-alpine regions due to shadowing and year-round lake ice cover.

    How to cite: Lappe, R. and Andreassen, L. M.: ­Updating Norway’s glacial lake inventory - an automated workflow using Sentinel-1 & 2 data and machine learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17460,, 2025.

    EGU25-18201 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.5

    Autonomous UAVs for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics and Hazards: A Case Study from Jostedalsbreen, Norway 

    Alexander Maschler, Paula Snook, Thomas Scheiber, Lukas Schild, and Sarah Langes

    Monitoring glaciers is essential for understanding their response to climate change, managing freshwater resources, and mitigating geohazards such as icefalls and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Traditional glacier monitoring techniques often face challenges connected to limited spatial and temporal resolution and logistical constraints in hazardous terrain. These challenges are especially pronounced for steep and fast-moving glaciers with large surface changes and high velocities. In such settings high temporal and spatial resolution data are essential for capturing rapid surface changes and understanding glacier dynamics.

    We introduce the potential of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operating from stationary drone docks as a novel, flexible, and cost-effective solution for glacier monitoring. We tested a DJI Dock 2 at Flatbreen and Bøyabreen, two outlet glaciers of the Jostedalsbreen ice cap in Western Norway. We captured high-resolution aerial imagery for photogrammetric mapping, conducted at customizable intervals (hourly, daily, weekly). These datasets enabled the generation of multitemporal point clouds, digital terrain models and orthophotos. To derive surface velocities and detect changes over time we used the 3D point cloud analysis algorithm M3C2 and 2D feature-tracking methods.

    Preliminary findings revealed that autonomous UAVs can monitor surface changes and velocity patterns effectively with a high temporal and spatial resolution. Surface velocities for both glaciers ranged from 0.4 to 1.5 m per day, with higher rates observed in steeper sections of the glacier. The data offers unique insights on short-term processes, including acceleration phases, crevassing, the collapse of subglacial cavities and several significant icefall events. The results demonstrate a level of detection of 2-4 cm, which allows for the identification of subtle changes at cm-scale. Integrating autonomous UAVs into existing glacier monitoring frameworks represents a significant advancement in data collection by improving spatial and temporal resolution and time efficient workflows through automation in data collection and post processing.

    This study highlights the feasibility and effectiveness of autonomous UAVs for near-continuous glacier and geohazard monitoring, particularly valuable in inaccessible or dangerous environments. We demonstrate the potential of autonomous UAVs to track both long-term glacier dynamics and short-term changes. This capability enhances process understanding and provides a robust foundation for developing UAV based early warning systems for glacial hazards. While challenges remain, particularly in difficult weather conditions, low visibility, and regulatory compliance, this innovative approach demonstrates substantial potential for monitoring, supporting effective risk management in regions vulnerable to glacial hazards.

    How to cite: Maschler, A., Snook, P., Scheiber, T., Schild, L., and Langes, S.: Autonomous UAVs for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics and Hazards: A Case Study from Jostedalsbreen, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18201,, 2025.

    EGU25-19073 | Orals | CR6.5

    Validating energy and mass balance model simulations of the Adamello glacier using sound records from the artistic-scientific project Un Suono In Estinzione (USIE) 

    Roberto Ranzi, Arianna Astolfi, Carlo Baroni, Alberto Carton, Christian Casarotto, Paolo Colosio, Alessio Degani, Cristian Ferrari, Amerigo Lendvai, Claudio Smiraglia, Marco Tedesco, and Sergio Maggioni

    Glaciers are dynamic systems of snow and ice that accumulate and melt, producing a wide range of sounds associated with morphodynamic and hydrological processes, such as their deformation and movement, melting and refreezing cycles, and ice collapse. The USIE (Un Suono In Estinzione) project leverages sound analysis to investigate Alpine glacier evolution and to raise awareness of climate change impacts. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the project aims to advance scientific research in alpine glacier hydrology while creating artistic performances and installations, both relying on the same dataset of recorded sounds. Such approach can be classified as STEAM, as it integrates Scientific research, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics, incorporating into the classical STEM aspect, typical of classical hydrological and cryospheric sciences, the perceptual and emotional dimensions typical of sound arts. Between 2021 and 2023, over 14’000 hours of acoustic data were collected on the Adamello Glacier using five bioacoustic recorders, suitable for long-term outdoor deployment, placed in strategic locations, such as crevasses and meltwater streams. For the same years, a spatially distributed energy and mass balance model (the PDSLIM model) has been used to compute surface melting and runoff at the sound recorders locations. In order to capture the daily variability of surface melting, the model requires hourly temporal resolution meteorological input data. Here, we show how the acoustic monitoring can be used for the validation of the PDSLIM surface melting model. We show how the sound pressure level daily variability reveals insights about timing of snow and ice melting cycles and the hydrological response of the glacier, highlighting seasonal and daily patterns. Through this innovative approach, we investigate the potential of acoustics as a complementary tool for advancing cryospheric and hydrological science while emotionally communicating the critical conditions of alpine glaciers.

    How to cite: Ranzi, R., Astolfi, A., Baroni, C., Carton, A., Casarotto, C., Colosio, P., Degani, A., Ferrari, C., Lendvai, A., Smiraglia, C., Tedesco, M., and Maggioni, S.: Validating energy and mass balance model simulations of the Adamello glacier using sound records from the artistic-scientific project Un Suono In Estinzione (USIE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19073,, 2025.

    EGU25-277 | ECS | Orals | CR6.6

    Variability of seasonnally frozen ground in an agricultural field using drone-based GPR 

    Lisa Michaud, Michel Baraër, Christophe Kinnard, Annie Poulin, and Mathis Goujon

    Spring in cold regions is a critical time for floods, as snowmelt releases large amounts of water into watersheds. Seasonally frozen ground reduces soil infiltration and increases runoff by blocking pores in the soil. This limited infiltration causes rivers to respond faster to rain or meltwater, heightening flood risks. Most hydrological models used to project flood risks in a future climate are built on the assumption that, for a given land use, soil infiltrability is somewhat homogeneous. We challenge that assumption by measuring frozen ground thickness distribution in an agricultural field over an entire winter. For that purpose, we measured frost thickness at one specific point of the field at a sub hour frequency and over a +/- 120m transect on a weekly basis. Point measurements were done using TDR sensors.   The transect measurements were performed with a drone-based ground penetrating radar (GPR). The use of a drone based GPR allowed repetitive measurements over a given transect in a nondestructive way. Unlike a drone based GPR, the use of a ground based GPR would have altered the snow cover over the studied transect with potential perturbations of the heat exchanges at the ground surface.

    Field measurements show that the ground frost depth is not spatially uniform all winter long. During the snowmelt period, the ground frost depth is particularly heterogeneous. We found that 78.11% of the transect that we were able to interpret had an unfrozen layer on top of the frozen ground. If the top layer of the ground is unfrozen during the snowmelt period, it forms a zone where there can be liquid water infiltration and/or storage. Furthermore, because of the spatial variability of ground frost, some areas thaw completely before others. The matric potential of these areas increases and allow preferential infiltration in the thawed zone while the ground is still considered frozen. We conclude that it is important to account for spatial variability of ground frost to better understand how seasonally frozen ground impacts infiltration and flooding. The study shows that drone based GPR is a well-adapted tool to evaluate frozen ground thickness variability in a repetitive and non-destructive way.

    How to cite: Michaud, L., Baraër, M., Kinnard, C., Poulin, A., and Goujon, M.: Variability of seasonnally frozen ground in an agricultural field using drone-based GPR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-277,, 2025.

    Snow on sea ice plays a critical role in modulating ice mass changes in response to anthropogenic warming, with significant implications for ocean mixed layer processes, the surface energy budget, and marine ecosystems. Most importantly, accurate snow depth measurements are essential for deriving reliable sea ice thickness estimates from all altimetry satellites. Operation IceBridge (OIB), which collected snow depth data using the airborne CReSIS FMCW C/S-band snow radar for a decade, remains a pivotal reference for understanding pan-Arctic snow depth changes and validating remote sensing snow retrievals. Despite its importance, significant concerns persist regarding snow retrieval algorithms from snow radar, particularly around algorithm performance and the representation of snow properties.

    In this study, we revisit OIB snow depth retrieval algorithms by comparing them with underutilized in-situ snow depth measurements from MagnaProbe surveys conducted near Eureka, Canada, in 2016. To enhance the spatial representation of the in-situ data, we employ Kriging interpolation methods. Additionally, we make use of the co-collected conical laser scanner data. A detailed comparison of retrieval algorithms - focusing on the detection of the air-snow and snow-ice interfaces as well as the derived snow depth - reveals that the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) algorithm performs best for the 2-8 GHz snow radar version, yielding a correlation of R=0.72 over undeformed sea ice. However, the CWT algorithm predominantly detects snow depths within the 80-90% quantile of the in-situ distribution within the radar footprint. This bias is attributed to the air-snow interface being identified as the first rise above the radar noise floor, which typically corresponds to the highest snow elevations within the footprint. Finally, we compare a subset of newly derived snow depth data from OIB  including highly-valuable uncertainties with existing datasets, highlighting potential improvements.

    Looking ahead, we propose a framework to enhance snow depth retrieval algorithms, offering robust pathways for validating and improving satellite-based snow datasets. This approach holds significant promise for advancing the accuracy of snow depth measurements critical to polar science in the future campaigns.

    How to cite: Kagel, T. and Zhou, L.: Revisiting NASA's Operation IceBridge Snow on Sea Ice Radar Measurements in the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4482,, 2025.

    EGU25-4553 | Orals | CR6.6

    An improved radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet and its value for ice-sheet model initialization 

    Joseph A MacGregor, Mark A Fahnestock, Andy Aschwanden, John D Paden, Jilu Li, Jeremy P Harbeck, and Constantine Khrulev

    Radar sounding across a wide range of frequencies regularly generates rich datasets for local-to-regional-scale investigation of the properties and processes that govern ice flow. However, beyond measurements of ice thickness, little of this richness is directly incorporated into continental-scale models that project the future of Earth’s ice sheets amid anthropogenic climate change. Ice sheets have long memories, and their isochronal radiostratigraphy memorializes and integrates an ice sheet’s response to past centennial-to-millennial-scale climatic and dynamic events. These memories are often cast aside in modeling studies to focus on reproducing recent observations of dramatic change, but at the expense of a more reliable initial state. Isochronal radiostratigraphy is thus an obvious target for next-generation continental-scale validation of the initial state of ice-sheet models and evaluation of their sensitivity to past climate changes. Here we describe the second version of a VHF radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 26 NASA and NSF airborne campaigns between 1993 and 2019 and its value for identifying well-tuned modern instances of the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM). We incorporated several lessons learned from the generation of the first version (1993–2013), improved quality control, reviewed and augmented the entire 1993–2013 radiostratigraphy, and applied an independently developed method for predicting radiostratigraphy (ARESELP) to the previously untraced campaigns (2014–2019) to accelerate their semi-automatic tracing. The result is a substantially more robust and accessible radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet that highlights the tradeoff between speed and sophistication for generating continental-scale observational constraints from radar sounding. We upgraded PISM to generate and record ice age non-diffusively, and then generated an ensemble of PISM simulations initialized during the Last Glacial Period through to the present. This ensemble is compared against our new radiostratigraphy to evaluate its basin-level sensitivity to deglaciation and to identify a best-fit simulation to use as an initial state for future projections.

    How to cite: MacGregor, J. A., Fahnestock, M. A., Aschwanden, A., Paden, J. D., Li, J., Harbeck, J. P., and Khrulev, C.: An improved radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet and its value for ice-sheet model initialization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4553,, 2025.

    EGU25-5430 | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Can we see through the ice of Greenland’s outlet glaciers? A helicopter-borne GPR investigation in southern Greenland 

    Daniel Farinotti, Raphael Moser, Ilaria Santin, Christophe Ogier, Huw Horgan, Faezeh M. Nick, Nanna Karlsson, Andreas Vieli, Anja Rutishauser, and Hansruedi Maurer

    The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) presently loses mass at a rate of ~200 Gt/yr, impacting anything from ocean circulation and sea levels, over sea-ice extents and surface albedo, to the functioning of local ecosystems and human activities. Half of the loss is due to surface melt, while the other half stems from direct ice discharge into the ocean. The latter is essentially the product of the ice flow velocity and the ice thickness of so-called outlet glaciers, i.e. glaciers that transport ice from the GrIS’s interior to the ocean. While ice flow velocity can be determined via remote sensing, the ice thickness is much harder to constrain. This is particularly true in the southern Greenland, where ice thickness surveys have been rare and often unsuccessful in the past.

    Here, we report on a pilot project by which ETH Zurich’s Airborne Ice penetrating Radar (AIRETH) was deployed over four outlet glaciers using Narsarsuaq airport, southern Greenland, as base for the operation. More specifically, we used AIRETH’s 25MHz configuration to conduct a set of dedicated, helicopter-borne GPR surveys over (i) Qooqqup Sermia, (ii) an unnamed glacier terminating into Lake Motzfeldt, (iii) Eqalorutsit Kangilliit Sermiat, and (iv) Sermilik Bræ. These sites are of specific interest in the frame of ongoing partner projects and had seen unsuccessful airborne GPR investigations in the past. Our contribution will provide details on the used GPR system and present first results, particularly focusing on both the encountered challenges and the interpretation of the retrieved data. A comparison to previously-existing, model-based ice thickness estimates will be presented too, providing hints on the need of further investigations.

    How to cite: Farinotti, D., Moser, R., Santin, I., Ogier, C., Horgan, H., Nick, F. M., Karlsson, N., Vieli, A., Rutishauser, A., and Maurer, H.: Can we see through the ice of Greenland’s outlet glaciers? A helicopter-borne GPR investigation in southern Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5430,, 2025.

    EGU25-6196 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Investigating firn structures in the Aletch glacier’s accumulation area using Ground Penetrating Radar  

    Akash Patil, Christoph Mayer, Thorsten Seehaus, and Alexander Groos

    The role of firn structure and density in glacier mass balance estimation has been constrained, with studies in alpine conditions primarily limited to models. Our research focuses on understanding firn structures and firn density-depth profiles in the Aletsch Glacier's accumulation area. This is achieved through field methods, Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) as a geophysical tool, glaciological methods, and firn compaction models.

    We aimed to characterize the firn structure and determine the spatial firn density-depth profiles by estimating electromagnetic wave velocities by identifying reflection hyperbolae via semblance analysis, using data collected with the common midpoint (CMP) method. Three density-depth profiles were obtained at various locations within the accumulation area, providing firn density profiles up to 35 meters deep. Firn compaction models Ligtenberg (LIG) and Kuipers Munnekee (KM), were selected from the community firn models (CFM), to evaluate how well the model results match the observations. These models were adjusted to fit the estimated 1-D firn density profiles from CMP gathered by tuning model parameter coefficients based on regional climatic conditions.

    We developed a method to estimate accumulation history by chronologically identifying GPR-derived internal reflection horizons (IRHs) as annual firn layers. This method was validated against estimated snow water equivalent (SWE) from long-term stake measurements. Our findings emphasize the importance of direct measurements, such as snow cores, firn cores, and isotope samples, in identifying the previous summer horizon. We demonstrated the spatial firn density distribution and the glacier's accumulation history over the past 12 years using a 1.8 km GPR transect, supported by CMP-derived density-depth profiles. Our study underscores the potential of integrating GPR, direct measurements, and firn compaction models in monitoring firn structures and density, ultimately enhancing glacier mass balance estimation in future research.

    How to cite: Patil, A., Mayer, C., Seehaus, T., and Groos, A.: Investigating firn structures in the Aletch glacier’s accumulation area using Ground Penetrating Radar , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6196,, 2025.

    EGU25-7569 | Orals | CR6.6

    Advancing Radar Sounding Attenuation Estimates with Frequency-Based Techniques 

    Eliza Dawson, Winnie Chu, Michael Christoffersen, and Donglai Yang

    Attenuation rates derived from radar data offer valuable insights into subsurface ice sheet conditions, revealing information about the ice sheet temperature, chemical composition, and physical structure. Accurate attenuation estimates are also essential for interpreting basal conditions. However, established methods for estimating attenuation rates perform poorly in certain ice sheet regions, and uncertainties remain in the physical interpretations of attenuation results.

    In this study, we develop a novel frequency-based method for deriving ice sheet attenuation rates, adapting techniques from planetary radio science and seismology. We apply this method to airborne radar sounding data collected across multiple Antarctic basins, enabling new interpretations of the englacial and subglacial environment in regions where subsurface information is sparse. Not only do these frequency-based attenuation estimates offer valuable englacial and subglacial insight in new regions of the Antarctic ice sheet, but we show how leveraging the attenuation results to train neural networks can facilitate predictions and constraints on subglacial conditions. Such constraints are useful for better resolving subsurface processes in numerical models. Our study highlights the potential of advancing conventional geophysical methods in combination with AI-driven approaches and model validation to enhance our understanding of ice sheet subsurface conditions and ice dynamics.

    How to cite: Dawson, E., Chu, W., Christoffersen, M., and Yang, D.: Advancing Radar Sounding Attenuation Estimates with Frequency-Based Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7569,, 2025.

    EGU25-10601 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Unveiling firn hydrological processes in Greenland’s percolation zone with continuous radar monitoring 

    Falk M. Oraschewski, Anja Rutishauser, Reinhard Drews, Nanna B. Karlsson, Keith W. Nicholls, and Andreas P. Ahlstrøm

    The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is losing mass at accelerating rates, currently contributing ~25% to global mean sea-level rise. About half of this mass loss stems from surface melting and runoff into the ocean. In the accumulation zone, firn can buffer surface meltwater runoff, but this capacity is constrained by available pore space and presence of impermeable ice layers. As surface melting intensifies with climate warming, the future ability of firn to mitigate runoff remains uncertain, largely due to limited understanding of firn hydrological processes.

    Here, we present results from autonomous phase-sensitive radio-echo sounders (ApRES) deployed at three sites in the GrIS percolation zone: KAN-U, Dye-2 and Camp Century. Installed in spring 2023, the instruments collected hourly data throughout the year, capturing the summer melt season. We analyze the ApRES time series to infer firn-meltwater interactions in the near-surface, including changes in water saturation, downward percolation of meltwater, and ice layer formation. This study demonstrates the potential of autonomous radio-echo sounding to monitor firn hydrology and provides new insights to improve predictions of firn evolution under a warming climate.

    How to cite: Oraschewski, F. M., Rutishauser, A., Drews, R., Karlsson, N. B., Nicholls, K. W., and Ahlstrøm, A. P.: Unveiling firn hydrological processes in Greenland’s percolation zone with continuous radar monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10601,, 2025.

    EGU25-10716 | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Assessing the usability of remotely sensed ice temperatures for ice sheet modelling 

    Anne Solgaard, Synne Svendsen, Nanna Karlsson, Aurélien Quiquet, Catherine Ritz, and Marion Leduc-Leballeur

    A primary objective of CryoRad, a candidate mission for ESA's Earth Explorer 12, is to provide ice sheet wide satellite-derived observations of englacial temperatures and basal thermal states. These parameters are critical for modeling ice flow dynamics but remain significant unknowns for both the Greenland and the Antarctic Ice Sheets with implications for projections of future sea level rise.

    In this study, we use PISM (Parallel Ice Sheet Model) and GRISLI (Grenoble ice sheet and land ice) for the Greenland Ice Sheet to evaluate the potential benefits and challenges of an observed englacial and subglacial temperature dataset for ice sheet modelling purposes. We provide PISM with synthetic englacial temperature fields mimicking the product derived from future CryoRad observations.  By perturbing the input temperature field and varying its horizontal resolution we investigate the response of the simulated ice dynamics and basal states, and assess the minimum required information level for usability in ice sheet model simulations. Furthermore, we examine the impact of uncertainties and systematic biases on modeled basal states and model drift.  Our results will help guide mission design and requirements.

    How to cite: Solgaard, A., Svendsen, S., Karlsson, N., Quiquet, A., Ritz, C., and Leduc-Leballeur, M.: Assessing the usability of remotely sensed ice temperatures for ice sheet modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10716,, 2025.

    EGU25-12305 | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Climatic imprint in the optical properties of ice sheets: polarimetric radar as a tool for oldest ice exploration 

    Carlos Martin, Robert Mulvaney, Howard Conway, Reinhard Drews, and Anja Rutishauser

    The climatic conditions over ice sheets at the time of snow deposition and compaction imprint distinctive crystallographic properties to the resulting ice. As it gets buried, its macroscopic structure evolves due to vertical compression but retains traces of the climatic imprint that generate distinctive mechanical, thermal, and optical properties. Because climate alternates between glacial periods, that are colder and dustier, and interglacial periods, the ice sheets are composed from layers with alternating properties. Here we compare ice core climatic information with polarimetric radar data acquired with phase-sensitive radar (ApRES) at 5 sites on Antarctica (EPICA Dome C, Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice, EPICA Dronning Maud Land and South Pole Ice Core) and Greenland (Camp Century). We use a new method to invert the polarimetric radar data and extract bulk crystallographic information. We conclude that there is a strong correlation in all our sites between radar anisotropic scattering and glacial to interglacial transitions. This correlation is particularly strong in the bottom half of the ice column. Our hypothesis is that this anisotropic scattering is the result of the subtle but sharp transition in crystallographic properties during glacial to interglacial transitions. To conclude, we propose to use polarimetric information to locate glacial to interglacial transitions and guide models for future ice core site exploration.  

    How to cite: Martin, C., Mulvaney, R., Conway, H., Drews, R., and Rutishauser, A.: Climatic imprint in the optical properties of ice sheets: polarimetric radar as a tool for oldest ice exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12305,, 2025.

    EGU25-13480 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Annual dynamics of Arctic lake ice pressure ridge formation in Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska 

    Rodrigo Correa Rangel, Benjamin M. Jones, Andrew D. Parsekian, Andrew Mahoney, Melissa W. Jones, Todd Sformo, Brian Person, and Craig George (in Dedication)

    Lake ice pressure ridges are compression ruptures that typically form due to large air temperature variations, occurring mostly on large lakes in cold environments such as the Arctic tundra and boreal regions. Quantifying pressure ridge occurrence is important for societal (e.g., natural hazards) and ecological (e.g., fish habitat) reasons. Lake ice pressure ridges can be categorized into two main types: overlapped and folded. Overlapped ridges, the more common type, occur when one side of the rupture shifts upward and overrides the other. In contrast, folded ridges develop when both sides of the rupture buckle, creating upward or downward folds. Here, we document the presence and dynamics of an annual Arctic lake ice pressure ridge in Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska, which is the largest (~830 km2) thermokarst lake in the world. We combine (1) field observations, including photos, time-lapse camera, temperature and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) measurements, and (2) remote sensing observations, including satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys. GPR (800 MHz) data was acquired on April 29 and May 4, 2022, along several transects perpendicular and parallel to the pressure ridge, showing its internal structure and thickness (up to ~3 m) variation. Lake ice temperature dataset, time-lapse camera images, and UAV orthoimages from late April and early May 2022 revealed that the pressure ridge activity increased as the ice surface temperatures warmed. Moreover, we compiled spaceborne SAR data between 2007 and 2025 to document the distribution of pressure ridges in 5 km grid cells over the time series, revealing that ridges occurred across most of the lake area but preferentially along the lake center and north and south margins. Finally, interferometric SAR (InSAR) data between April 19 and May 1, 2022, shows a common "split bullseye" pattern, indicating failure and buckling of the ice under compressive stress. These findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the formation, dynamics, and spatial distribution of lake ice pressure ridge formation in Teshekpuk Lake, offering critical insights into their ecological and societal implications in the context of a changing climate.

    How to cite: Rangel, R. C., Jones, B. M., Parsekian, A. D., Mahoney, A., Jones, M. W., Sformo, T., Person, B., and George (in Dedication), C.: Annual dynamics of Arctic lake ice pressure ridge formation in Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13480,, 2025.

    EGU25-13558 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Enhancements to Mini-RF X/C-band Data Quality through Cross-Channel Calibration and Reprocessing Strategies 

    Kristian Chan, G. Wesley Patterson, J. Robert Jensen, F. Scott Turner, Nicholas T. Dutton, and the Mini-RF Team

    Since 2009, the Mini-RF synthetic aperture radar (SAR) onboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has been collecting both S-band (12.6 cm) or X/C-band (4.2 cm) observations to provide near-global coverage of the Moon, including large portions of permanently-shadowed regions. Mini-RF currently operates in a bistatic configuration after failure of the transmitter in December 2010. Incident signals of circular polarization are transmitted from ground stations on Earth and received by Mini-RF in their H- and V- orthogonal linear polarizations, thus preserving the hybrid polarimetric nature of the radar system. This architecture enables the generation of Stokes parameters, which encode information used to infer surface and near-surface properties. In particular, these data can be used to characterize wavelength-scale surface roughness, regolith density, composition, as well as identify areas of buried water ice deposits. X/C-band coverage includes a significant fraction of the south polar region, making this dataset uniquely capable to inform future exploration and landing site assessment for the Artemis and Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) programs.

    Accurate derivation of the Stokes parameters relies on well-calibrated and isolated H- and V- receive channels. Initial post-launch calibration efforts indicated H- and V- gain imbalances that varied significantly from test-to-test. Moreover, the quality of processed X/C-band observations included artifacts that were not present in S-band data. In spite of these issues, a significant fraction of the south polar region was still observed with X/C-band, with the intent to reprocess the data when the issues contributing to poor data quality are better understood.

    In this work, we report on test campaigns aimed to further investigate this observed gain imbalance primarily affecting X/C-band observations. Recent evidence indicates this imbalance is caused by the presence of cross-channel leakage of received signals within the antenna. To correct for this leakage, test data collected from ground stations are used to develop a model to obtain complex correction coefficients. The model is linear, which implies that the impact on the signals can be removed. We present an example application of these coefficients to a collection of X/C-band bistatic observations of Mare Imbrium, demonstrating significant improvement in data quality.

    In addition to cross-channel signal leakage, monostatic X/C-band data quality suffered from issues related to the utilization of a commercially-purchased radar processor. Recently, the Mini-RF team has manually reprocessed a small number of "test-case" X/C-band monostatic observations utilizing the in-house bistatic radar processor. Results indicate significant improvements in data quality are achievable. We find that the combination of applying the cross-channel leakage correction to archived monostatic X/C-band data and reprocessing it with a modified version of the current Mini-RF bistatic processing algorithm represents an opportunity to greatly enhance the quality and usability of the data. We anticipate that a fully calibrated and reprocessed X/C-band dataset can provide new insights into lunar regolith processes, acting at smaller scales and to shallower depths relative to complementary S-band observations. This knowledge will augment our understanding of lunar conditions critical to support future human exploration of the Moon.

    How to cite: Chan, K., Patterson, G. W., Jensen, J. R., Turner, F. S., Dutton, N. T., and Team, T. M.-R.: Enhancements to Mini-RF X/C-band Data Quality through Cross-Channel Calibration and Reprocessing Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13558,, 2025.

    EGU25-13781 | ECS | Orals | CR6.6

    The effect of melt geometry in ice on radar reflectivity, attenuation, and polarimetry 

    Annie Cheng, Dustin Schroeder, Natalie Wolfenbarger, and Riley Shaper

    Estimating water content in ice is critical to our understanding of subsurface conditions and processes in both terrestrial and planetary ice masses. Knowledge of ice sheet hydrology, rheology, and thermal configuration can define more accurate models for informing sea level projections. Additionally, the presence and distribution of liquid water in ice serves as an important indicator for habitability on other planetary bodies. Past attempts to quantify water content using ice-penetrating radar tools of reflectivity, attenuation, and polarimetry have not accounted for melt inclusion geometry, leading to observational uncertainties. For instance, recent discussions regarding Mars and the Devon ice cap have highlighted the non-uniqueness of highly reflecting radar signals as being indicative of large water bodies. Other radar observables such as attenuation and polarimetry – commonly attributed to englacial water and ice fabric, respectively – may be similarly non-unique. Here, we use geometric mixing models to show how a variety of geophysical conditions can be replicated by small volume fractions of geometrically oriented melt, with strong implications for water content in both temperate and sub-temperate ice as well as ice fabric orientation. We further discuss how the combination of geometric mixing models with polarimetric radar can be a valuable tool in clarifying melt volume fraction and orientation.

    How to cite: Cheng, A., Schroeder, D., Wolfenbarger, N., and Shaper, R.: The effect of melt geometry in ice on radar reflectivity, attenuation, and polarimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13781,, 2025.

    EGU25-14008 | Orals | CR6.6

    Using delay doppler processing to separate stratigraphic and basal ice at Dome A, Antarctica 

    Duncan Young, Shuai Yan, Alejandra Vega González, Shivangini Singh, Megan Kerr, Duyi Li, Gregory Ng, Dillon Buhl, Scott Kempf, and Donald Blankenship
    Internal reflecting horizons (IRH) seen in ice penetrating radar data are key markers of ice sheet mass balance and strain [1].  Additional units lacking horizons, but sometimes with diffuse echoes, are also seen at depth in the ice sheet. IRH are characterized by a specular radar response at VHF frequencies. Existing approaches for broadly characterizing IRH [ILCI, 2] focus on their appearance in time delay, but do not exploit azimuth information. In the along track direction, azimuth information can be extracted from delay doppler processing [3,4], and used to constrain roughness and geometric information about the subsurface [4,5,6,7].  We find that basal ice can be cleanly separated from stratigraphic on the basis of its delay doppler appearance in 60 MHz MARFA data.

    Here we present an automatically generated volume of basal and stratigraphic ice for the Dome A region using NSF Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX) radar data collected in between 2022 and 2024, based on delay doppler thresholding, and compare this to manual interpretation of COLDEX radargrams [8].  We also demonstrate the approach on selected other regions of Antarctica, and examine how as a quality estimate this delay doppler approach complements the ILCI approach.
    1. Bingham, Bodart, Cavitte, Chung, Sanderson, Sutter et al., in review; doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2593
    2. Karlsson et al, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.04.034
    3. Raney, 1998; doi:10.1109/36.718861
    4. Peters et al., 2005; doi:10.1029/2004JB003222
    5. Schroeder et al. 2014; doi:10.1109/LGRS.2014.2337878
    6. Castelletti et al., 2019; doi:10.1017/jog.2019.72
    7. Arenas-Pingarrón et al., 2023; doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2856
    8. Young, Paden et al, 2024; doi:10.18738/T8/J38CO5

    How to cite: Young, D., Yan, S., Vega González, A., Singh, S., Kerr, M., Li, D., Ng, G., Buhl, D., Kempf, S., and Blankenship, D.: Using delay doppler processing to separate stratigraphic and basal ice at Dome A, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14008,, 2025.

    EGU25-14090 | Orals | CR6.6

    Availability of LRO Mini-RF S- and X/C-band Data for Landing Site Characterization 

    Wes Patterson, Gareth Morgan, Angela Stickle, Tanish Himani, Caleb Fassett, Edgard Rivera-Valentín, Arnav Agrawal, Ali Bramson, Santa Lucia Pérez-Cortés, Lizeth Magaña, Bradley Thomson, Tamal Samaddar, Thomas Frueh, Cole Nypaver, and Joshua Cahill and the the Mini-RF team

    NASA’s Mini-RF instrument on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) is a hybrid-polarized, dual-frequency synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that operates at S- (12.6 cm) and X/C-band (4.2 cm) . Mini-RF initially operated as a monostatic system – i.e., the instrument antenna transmitter and receiver co-located. A transmitter anomaly led to Mini-RF transitioning to a bistatic architecture – i.e., transmitting from Arecibo Observatory (AO) or the Goldstone deep space communications complex antenna DSS-13 and receiving at the LRO spacecraft. These data can be used to characterize the radar scattering properties of the lunar surface and near subsurface at depth scales < 1 cm to > 3 m and are valuable for identifying landing site hazards and constraining the dielectric properties (including volatile content) of regolith within landing regions of interest.

    Monostatic data include both 150 m (baseline) and 30 m (zoom) resolution modes. The majority of these data were collected at S-band in zoom mode and cover >95% of the poles. Controlled mosaics of derived Stokes products for both poles have been produced and allow characterization of permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) at a resolution of 30 m. Where available, monostatic coverage in X/C-band zoom and S- and X/C-band baseline modes provide additional wavelength coverage and sensitivity.

    Bistatic data include both S- and X/C-band observations and have a processed resolution of ~100 m in range and 2 m in azimuth. The range resolution can vary from one observation to another, as a function of the viewing geometry, and the data are averaged in azimuth to provide a spatial resolution of 100 m, yielding a 50-look statistical average for each pixel. This architecture allows examination of the scattering properties of a target surface for a variety of bistatic angles. Laboratory data and analog experiments have shown that the scattering properties of lunar materials can be sensitive to variations in bistatic angle. Although Mini-RF is not currently collecting S-band bistatic data, X/C-band acquisition is ongoing.

    The ability of radar to interrogate the lunar subsurface provides a unique perspective with which to explore geologic processes and their influence on regolith development (including volatile content). Recent and ongoing Mini-RF research that can be leveraged to support the characterization landing sites include: production of orthorectified monostatic S-band data that provide improved understanding of surface scattering properties; development of modeled, meter-scale radar rock abundance data at S-band zoom resolutions (i.e., 30 m); characterization of volatile potential associated with polar craters and PSRs (including on seasonal timescales); identification of secondary crater populations within polar craters of interest; and direct analyses of NASA Artemis III landing zones and other sites of interest. These data provide fundamental information on the structure and dielectric properties of the lunar surface and buried materials within the penetration depth of the system(s) and have the advantage of being sensitive to the physical form of water ice. The continued operation of Mini-RF provides unique capabilities for addressing science and engineering objectives of the Artemis, CLPS, and international missions supporting the continued exploration of the Moon.

    How to cite: Patterson, W., Morgan, G., Stickle, A., Himani, T., Fassett, C., Rivera-Valentín, E., Agrawal, A., Bramson, A., Lucia Pérez-Cortés, S., Magaña, L., Thomson, B., Samaddar, T., Frueh, T., Nypaver, C., and Cahill, J. and the the Mini-RF team: Availability of LRO Mini-RF S- and X/C-band Data for Landing Site Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14090,, 2025.

    EGU25-16306 | ECS | Orals | CR6.6

    Unveiling Hidden Heterogeneity: UAV-borne GPR for Investigating Alpine Snowpack Variability 

    Anna Siebenbrunner, Robert Delleske, and Markus Keuschnig

    Avalanche risk assessment critically depends on understanding snowpack conditions. Conventional methods, such as weather forecasts, field observations, and snow pits, provide valuable information but are limited in their ability to capture the high spatial variability often observed within the snowpack. Geophysical near-surface methods can help unveil spatial variabilities within the snowpack. This study investigates the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to characterize snowpack heterogeneity at high spatial resolution, previously unattainable using conventional methods. Our study found a high correlation (R²=0.93, r=0.97) between snow depth measurements obtained from UAV-borne GPR and conventional probe measurements, indicating a strong accuracy of the GPR method for assessing snow depth. This suggests that UAV-borne GPR can effectively and reliably measure snow depth. Data collected from multiple alpine sites in the Austrian Alps revealed pronounced spatial variability within the snowpack over short distances. The analysis unveiled considerable snow depth variability with values ranging from < 1 m to > 4 m within our largest study site (~ 0.07 km²) at Stubai Glacier, Tyrol, Austria. We furthermore observed a high degree of internal snowpack variability within short distances. These findings emphasize the importance of considering spatial variability in avalanche formation and highlight the potential of UAV-borne GPR to provide valuable insights beyond the limitations of traditional methods. The system employed in this study utilizes readily available components, making it a potentially valuable tool for both researchers and practitioners, potentially complementing conventional methods for more comprehensive snowpack analysis and avalanche mitigation. 

    How to cite: Siebenbrunner, A., Delleske, R., and Keuschnig, M.: Unveiling Hidden Heterogeneity: UAV-borne GPR for Investigating Alpine Snowpack Variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16306,, 2025.

    EGU25-18193 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Three-dimensional full-waveform inversion of asteroid interiors from monostatic radar data 

    Zhiwei Xu, Fengzhu Zhang, Peimin Zhu, Yuefeng Yuan, Zi'ang Li, Shi Zheng, Ruidong Liu, and Shuanlao Li

    Understanding the interior structure and lithology of asteroids is crucial for gaining insights into their origin and evolutionary processes, as well as the early history of the Solar System. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Hera and China’s upcoming Tianwen-2 asteroid missions will employ monostatic orbital radar to investigate the interiors of the target asteroids Apophis and 2016 HO3, respectively. While most previous studies have focused on imaging asteroid interiors from bistatic radar data, relatively few studies have explored imaging asteroid interiors from monostatic radar data (MRD). To support the measurement strategy and upcoming data processing for the two missions, it is essential to investigate potential imaging methods for reconstructing asteroid interiors from MRD.

    Previous studies have demonstrated that full-waveform inversion (FWI) is a promising approach for accurately reconstructing the internal structure and dielectric properties of asteroids. In this study, we propose a three-dimensional (3-D) full-waveform inversion (FWI) approach to obtain the internal structure and permittivity distribution from MRD. Additionally, we introduce total-variation regularization to ensure the stability of the inversion process.

    FWI experiments on 3-D rubble pile and onion shell asteroid models demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. Furthermore, we analyze the sensitivity of FWI to three factors, including the number of measurement points, the number of orbitals, and the orbital heights, using the 3-D onion shell model. The inversion results yield three key findings. First, increasing the number of orbital measurements would improve FWI results, provided the total number of measurement points remains constant. Second, FWI results do not improve as expected as the number of measurement points increases, with a single measurement orbit. Third, FWI results on three orbitals with two higher orbitals significantly outperform those on three orbitals with two lower orbitals. Our study provides an effective method for imaging asteroid interiors using MRD and offers valuable guidance for optimizing acquisition geometries in future asteroid missions.

    How to cite: Xu, Z., Zhang, F., Zhu, P., Yuan, Y., Li, Z., Zheng, S., Liu, R., and Li, S.: Three-dimensional full-waveform inversion of asteroid interiors from monostatic radar data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18193,, 2025.

    EGU25-20315 | Orals | CR6.6

    Characterization of the Intuitive Machines (IM-1) Lunar Landing Site Near the South Pole 

    Bradley Thomson, Cole Nypaver, G. Wes Patterson, Angela Stickle, Thomas Fruh, and Josh Cahill

    A major milestone for the commercial lunar sector was attained by Intuitive Machines’ lander Odysseus (IM-1), which successfully soft-landed near the lunar south pole on February 22, 2024. The Odysseus mission was the second launch of the NASA’s lunar CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) program and the first to successfully reach the Moon. Despite coming to rest at an unplanned angle of ~30°, the spacecraft was able to communicate with Earth and remained operational for a week on the lunar surface.


    Here we use available orbital data to characterize the geologic context of the IM-1 landing site, with an emphasis on Mini-RF bistatic radar data, LROC image data, and LOLA and LROC topographic data. One of the science goals of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)’s extended mission is to support future lunar landings by analyzing orbital data over future, current, and past landed missions in order to better constrain and “ground truth” the orbital data. Landing site characterization is a key element in planetary surface exploration as a mission that does not land safely is over before it begins.


    Odysseus touched down in an intercrater region about 10° latitude from the lunar south pole (~300 km) at 80.13°S, 1.44°E. The landing site lies on a ~12° slope east of the irregular, degraded Malapert A crater (33 km in diameter) and roughly equidistant between craters Malapert B, Malapert C, and Malapert K (32, 38, and 39 km in diameter, respectively). Notably, the site is very close to the ring of discontinuous massifs that constitute the outer rim of South Pole-Aitken Basin.


    The landing site was as expected in that it is a typical highlands site that consists of mostly low, rolling terrain, formed by an accumulation of ancient ejecta and interrupted by craters; steep slopes are largely limited to crater interior walls. Odysseus landed adjacent to the rim of an ancient crater measuring about 1.2 km in diameter. No high concentrations of rough-textured ejecta or hazardous boulders that are commonly found surrounding fresh craters were observed in the Mini-RF radar data, a finding consistent with the view from the lander. Unlike on the mare, small craters in the highlands (<5 to 10 km in diameter) tend not to excavate many boulders. Therefore, the lack of a radar signature consistent with abundant rocks is in agreement with Diviner-derived rock abundance measurements for non-polar terra regions that are generally low (rocks occupy <0.5% of the surface). If Odysseus had been a sample-centric mission, those samples would likely have been regolith-dominated (unlike Apollo 16 in the highlands where there were abundant boulders).

    How to cite: Thomson, B., Nypaver, C., Patterson, G. W., Stickle, A., Fruh, T., and Cahill, J.: Characterization of the Intuitive Machines (IM-1) Lunar Landing Site Near the South Pole, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20315,, 2025.

    EGU25-21329 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.6

    Investigating fabric signatures in the South Pole - Dome A sector, Antarctica 

    Shivangini Singh, Duncan Young, Donald Blankenship, and Benjamin Hills
    The uniaxial crystalline symmetry of an ice crystal gives rise to anisotropy in its electrical and mechanical behavior. Deformation of polycrystalline ice leads to preferential enhancement of these properties in certain orientations which constitutes fabric. These fabric regimes can be used as a metric for assessing compressional or tensional stresses in an ice sheet. The bulk mechanical anisotropy can be inferred based on the phenomenon of birefringence (1) (the splitting of a propagating wave through anisotropic media) observed in along-track radar return profiles.
    The exploration of the South Pole subglacial basin and Dome A region undertaken by the NSF Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX) during 2022-24 has presented a unique opportunity to analyze birefringence systematically and test the hypothesis of enhanced ice flow in the past (2). Fossil fast flow leads to a distinct fabric formation that can be discerned through the systematic analysis of birefringence induced banding and anisotropy induced bulk dielectric permittivity offsets in different acquisition configurations. We present a preliminary analysis of these signatures and place them in the context of paleo ice flow in the region. 
    (1) Hargreaves, N. D. (1977). The polarization of radio signals in the radio echo sounding of ice sheets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 10(9), 1285–1304. 
    (2) Bingham, R. G., M. J. Siegert, D. A. Young, and D. D. Blankenship (2007), Organized flow from the South Pole to the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf: An assessment of balance velocities in interior East Antarctica using radio echo sounding data, J. Geophys. Res., 112, F03S26, doi:10.1029/2006JF000556.

    How to cite: Singh, S., Young, D., Blankenship, D., and Hills, B.: Investigating fabric signatures in the South Pole - Dome A sector, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21329,, 2025.

    EGU25-417 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Towards a new method for estimating englacial attenuation 

    Leah Sophie Muhle, Guy Moss, Rebecca Schlegel, and Reinhard Drews

    Sea level rise projections for the second half of this century exhibit considerable uncertainties, which complicates the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies. These uncertainties stem, in part, from the reliance of ice-flow models on insufficiently constrained parameters such as the englacial temperature and the state of the ice-bed interface. In principle, both parameters can be inferred from radar measurements as the attenuation of the radar signal in the ice is a proxy for the englacial temperature and the strength of the basal reflection depends on the conditions at the basal interface. Here, we focus on developing a new method for inferring attenuation rates from radar measurements for two reasons: (1) existing methods typically provide only depth-averaged attenuation rates and exhibit a strong method dependence of inferred attenuation rates from the same radar dataset, and (2) a better estimate of attenuation rates could additionally improve the interpretation of the basal reflection strength since it relies on attenuation correction. Most contemporary methods infer depth-averaged attenuation rates from the variation of reflection strength of either internal reflectors or the bed reflector with depth. These methods rely on strong assumptions such as comparable reflectivity of internal reflectors or spatially constant reflectivity along the bed reflector. To overcome the dependence on these assumptions, we suggest a different approach that learns the relationship between radar measurements and attenuation rates directly from the data. Due to the lack of radar measurements with known attenuation rates, we simulate realistic radar data with known attenuation rates. We apply Neural Posterior Estimation, a Bayesian machine learning framework, to then infer attenuation rates from radar measurements. Ideally, this approach would not only yield depth-averaged attenuation rates, but also attenuation rate profiles. Here, we present the first results of our work.

    How to cite: Muhle, L. S., Moss, G., Schlegel, R., and Drews, R.: Towards a new method for estimating englacial attenuation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-417,, 2025.

    EGU25-2868 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Calibrating Glacier Surface Mass Balance Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Kalman Filter 

    Oskar Herrmann, Alexander Groos, Ilaria Tabone, Jouvet Guillaume, and Johannes Fürst

    Surface mass balance (SMB) models are critical for understanding glacier evolution and projecting changes in response to climatic variations. This study presents a novel framework for calibrating SMB parameters using remotely sensed observations, incorporating the timing of data acquisition to improve accuracy and temporal relevance. The framework leverages the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), a robust data assimilation method, to iteratively refine model parameters based on incoming observations.

    In our implementation, we decided on the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) and embed it into the EnKF data assimilation approach. Before the transient ensemble simulations are started, a built-in stationary inversion is pursued to constrain ice-dynamic parameters and infer the basal topography. This stationary step relies on surface velocity, surface topography, and if available ice thickness measurements. For the transient evolution, a simple SMB model is calibrated using satellite-derived surface elevation changes. The calibration focuses on three primary parameters: the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) and two SMB elevation gradients for accumulation and ablation. This simplified SMB approach serves as a proof-of-concept, balancing simplicity with efficiency to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Initial results show that the method performs well for a synthetic glacier setup for which the target SMB is a-priori known. A sensitivity analysis highlights the importance of the key EnKF parameters. For real-world applications reasonable agreement is achieved with in-situ measurements - partially owing to the simple SMB approach. In summary, we are convinced that the approach could help improve our understanding of SMB processes, especially in regions with limited in-situ measurements.

    How to cite: Herrmann, O., Groos, A., Tabone, I., Guillaume, J., and Fürst, J.: Calibrating Glacier Surface Mass Balance Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Kalman Filter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2868,, 2025.

    EGU25-3057 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Ice-Dynamic Constraints on Glacier Climatic Mass Balance using Inverse Technique 

    Anna Zöller, Guillaume Jouvet, and Johannes Fürst

    The performance of models for surface mass balance (SMB) builds on reliable atmospheric information as input as well as on in-situ stake measurements for calibration. Both data should best show appropriate quality and spatial coverage. In remote and high mountain regions, in-situ information is often impractical to obtain due to logistical and ressource limitations. Consequently, modellers can often only rely on climate reanalysis data and remotely sensed mass balance observations. As ground-truthing is limited in many mountain regions, this step introduces substantial uncertainties in transient simulations. Given the importance of glaciers as climate indicators and water resources, accurately simulating their evolution is crucial, but cannot be achieved with large uncertainties in forcing and calibration data. This study presents a proof-of-concept to overcome the limitation when estimating glacier-wide mass balance fields by combining mass conservation and stress balance with remotely sensed observations. Target quantity is the 2D SMB field, in particular first-order quantities such as vertical gradients and the equilibrium line altitude (ELA). The flux divergence is calculated using a built-in inversion within the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM).  The model relies on a deep-learning informed surrogate model to simulate ice flow. A sensitivity analysis of this inverse data assimilation was performed to assess the influence of uncertainties of observational input. This analysis emphasises the critical role of ice-thickness measurements. Together with surface velocites, ice thickness controls the spatial pattern and magnitudes in the flux divergence – a key field to infer the unknown SMB. Our approach was further validated in real-world application to Rhône Glacier, Aletsch Glacier and Kanderfirn, demonstrating SMB results largely consistent with available observational records. We extended the application to other glaciers with available SMB measurements and show sound transferability. We are therefore convinced that the resulting SMB fields can be employed to improve the calibration step of melt models of various complexity. As the method exclusively relies on remotely sensed observations it is readily transferible to glacierised regions worldwide. Moreover, the SMB field can provide new insights into poorly constrained precipitation magnitudes over mountainous regions. This is potentially relevant as additional constraints on reanalysis datasets. In summary, this method can seamlessly be integrated into glacier evolution modelling, is readily transferible and adaptable to the specific needs and we are convinced that it will in the future be a valid procedure for melt-model calibration.

    How to cite: Zöller, A., Jouvet, G., and Fürst, J.: Ice-Dynamic Constraints on Glacier Climatic Mass Balance using Inverse Technique, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3057,, 2025.

    EGU25-3248 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Modelling the Evolution of West Antarctica Through the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene Constrained by Radar Isochrones 

    Julien Bodart, Vjeran Višnjević, Antoine Hermant, Christian Wirths, Emma Spezia, and Johannes Sutter

    Constraining paleo-modelling results of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has primarily been restricted to using individual point-based measurements such as ice and sediment cores. However, these records only provide a one-dimensional picture of temperature/accumulation and ice-sheet/grounding-line extent respectively. Additionally, the extent to which these measurements are representative of the wider region in which they are situated is uncertain. This in turn impacts our ability to constrain paleo simulations of the ice sheet from physics-based models. Here, we make use of a spatially extensive age-depth model, compiled over much of the Pine Island and Thwaites glacier catchments from radar-detected isochrones, to constrain paleo simulations from the three-dimensional ice-sheet model PISM. We present initial results and assess the mismatches that exist between the observed dated isochrones from the radar and the modelled isochrones obtained from our simulations, focusing primarily on the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene period, a time during which the ice-sheet most likely transitioned into today's intergacial state in a non-linear fashion. We aim to refine the ice-sheet model’s parameters based on this mismatch analysis in isochrone elevations, thus providing us with a spatially constrained evolution of the two glacier catchments that go beyond the typical one-dimensional constraints used so far over the WAIS.

    How to cite: Bodart, J., Višnjević, V., Hermant, A., Wirths, C., Spezia, E., and Sutter, J.: Modelling the Evolution of West Antarctica Through the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene Constrained by Radar Isochrones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3248,, 2025.

    EGU25-6110 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Icebergs, Genealogy and Jigsaw Puzzles 

    Ben Evans, Andrew Fleming, Alan Lowe, and Scott Hosking

    Accurate estimates of iceberg populations, disintegration rates and iceberg movement are essential to understand ice sheet contributions to global sea level change, effects of freshwater inputs on ocean circulations and heat balances. Furthermore, there are operational imperatives to predict iceberg drift and fragmentation in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of polar shipping. The dynamics, persistence, fragmentation rates, melt rates and dispersal of icebergs are, however, poorly understood due to a lack of automated approaches for monitoring them.

    We present an automated iceberg tracking approach that is capable of reconstructing iceberg paths, fragmentations and ultimately lineages through multiple generations based on satellite radar imagery. The method offers scope for the first time to relate iceberg fragments back to their original source computationally, which will allow scalable deployment and the development of improved predictive iceberg drift and disintegration models and a better understanding of contributions to nutrient and freshwater distributions. 

    Tracking is developed using the Canadian Ice Island Drift, Deterioration and Detection (CI2D3) database. This contains manually-delineated observations of large tabular icebergs in the Canadian Arctic between 2008 and 2012 based on RADARSAT-1 and -2 imagery. Critically, CI2D3 documents the lineages of icebergs across fragmentation events and therefore provides a unique ground control dataset allowing evaluation of tracker performance.

    Tracking of unchanging icebergs is achieved using a Bayesian tracking algorithm that makes linkages based upon a variety of geometric shape descriptors. Tracking across fragmentation events minimises Dynamic Time Warping distances between residual perimeter curves for candidate fragments and potential parents. This enables the matching of noisy, partial geometries and the automatic tessellation of fragments at one time step into the outline of their parent in a preceding observation irrespective of the intervening drift patterns. We evaluate tracker performance against bespoke metrics and those developed for cell tracking challenges that include mitotic division.

    The system provides a generalisable geospatial tracking methodology based on object geometries that is applicable to other contexts and questions as well as a novel means of reconciling global invariances in geometries when conducting shape fingerprinting and matching.

    How to cite: Evans, B., Fleming, A., Lowe, A., and Hosking, S.: Icebergs, Genealogy and Jigsaw Puzzles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6110,, 2025.

    Realistic simulations of large ice sheets under various climate conditions are crucial to estimate future ice sheet (in)stability and melt. Here, we focus on the Greenland ice sheet and its evolution under the climate of the last glacial cycle using the ice sheet model Yelmo. Our previous work demonstrated the value of applying the layer tracer model Englacial Layer Simulation Architecture (ELSA) together with dated radiostratigraphy data to validate and calibrate the Yelmo-modeled ice sheet. 

    However, an outstanding complication is that the thickness of modeled isochrones not only depends on dynamical thinning but also on the original thickness upon deposition (surface mass balance). While our earlier simulations used a simplified representation of past climates and employed a positive degree day scheme to estimate the surface mass balance, we now attempt to improve the representation of the boundary conditions by using the more detailed Bergen Snow Simulator (BESSI). BESSI simulates all surface and internal fluxes of heat and mass explicitly and outputs surface mass balance while still being computationally efficient. 

    With BESSI providing a more realistic layer deposition thickness, ELSA tracing the modeled isochronal layers, and radiostratigraphy providing reconstructed isochrones as a comparison quantity, we have a comprehensive framework to evaluate the climate input and ice dynamics of our simulations and can work towards a realistic modeled representation of the Greenland ice sheet over the last glacial cycle.

    How to cite: Rieckh, T. and Born, A.: A multi-model approach for more realistic simulations of the Greenland ice sheet during the last glacial cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6268,, 2025.

    EGU25-9843 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Constraining glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics using ice core and isochronal records 

    Antoine Hermant, Vjeran Višnjević, Julien Bodart, Christian Wirths, and Johannes Sutter

    The present-day state of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) results from millennia of changes in ice accumulation and flow. Understanding ice dynamics over glacial-interglacial cycles is crucial for accurately representing the current state of the AIS in models and making reliable projections. This study leverages the growing pool of traced and dated internal layers (isochrones) to characterise regions around deep ice core sites in Antarctica, focusing on ice divides in which ice flows on hundreds of thousands of years timescale. We employ a thermomechanically-coupled 3D ice sheet model (PISM) to simulate ice flow over glacial-interglacial cycles in these regions. First, we implement direct reconstructions of surface temperature and accumulation from deep ice cores, bypassing conventional climate index approaches in improving the thermal state and constraining the isochronal structure in the upper part of the ice. Second, we improve the ice rheology and constrain the model parameter space by minimising the mismatch between observed and modelled isochrone elevations closer to bedrock. Finally, we reduce uncertainties in basal thermal conditions through direct comparison with measured borehole profiles and further spatial calibration of isochronal geometries.
    This methodology emphasises the importance of reliable boundary conditions in ice sheet models for accurately representing past ice dynamics. Our work seeks to deepen our understanding of AIS dynamics on glacial-interglacial timescales and provide improved paleo-informed initialisations for AIS projections.

    How to cite: Hermant, A., Višnjević, V., Bodart, J., Wirths, C., and Sutter, J.: Constraining glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics using ice core and isochronal records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9843,, 2025.

    EGU25-9847 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7 | Highlight

    Isochronal insights into ice flow evolution during the Last Glacial Period in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica  

    Vjeran Višnjević, Julien Bodart, Antoine Hermant, Emma Spezia, Christian Wirths, and Johannes Sutter

    Improving our understanding of past ice dynamics is essential for robust simulations of the future evolution of Antarctic Ice sheet and consequent sea-level rise projections. A major challenge in reconstructing paleo ice flow is the limited availability of temporal and spatial proxies to constrain ice evolution. Reconstructions on continental and regional scales often rely on broad ensembles constrained by present-day observations or sparse point data, such as past grounding line positions at specific locations. This sparse temporal and spatial coverage often proves inadequate for reconstructing the past conditions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    In this study, we employ Antarctica’s radar obtain stratigraphy, a repository of past changes in ice dynamics, climate and basal conditions, to constrain spatial and temporal changes in the evolution of the Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica across the last 200kyrs. We use PISM to model ice flow, exploring the ice dynamics parameter space, and the influence of different geothermal fluxes, RACMO versions, grid sizes and basal parametrizations. To simulate the temporal climate signal, we use the climate index approach as well as accumulation information from EDML ice core. Finally, isochrones allow us to test and compare climate reconstructions and ice flow parameterizations, identify when mismatches occur during simulations, and distinguish between the effects of surface and basal processes.


    How to cite: Višnjević, V., Bodart, J., Hermant, A., Spezia, E., Wirths, C., and Sutter, J.: Isochronal insights into ice flow evolution during the Last Glacial Period in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9847,, 2025.

    EGU25-10157 | PICO | CR6.7

    A New Spaceborne Mission Concept for The Monitoring of the Cryosphere : CryoRAD 

    Marco Brogioni, Giovanni Macelloni, Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Ghislain Picard, Jacqueline Boutin, Aurelien Quiquet, Lars Kaleschke, Laurent Bertino, Stef Lhermitte, Anne Munck Solgaard, Synne Høyer Svendsen, Kenneth C. Jezek, Anna Kontu, Kimmo Rautiainen, Jean-Luc Vergely, Roger Oliva, Raul Onrubia, Yiwen Zhou, Rasmus Tonboe, and Matthias Drusch

    Over the past decade, the availability of new low-frequency microwave spaceborne data has provided key parameters of the cryosphere and polar ocean that can be assimilated into Earth System Models, enhancing our understanding of fundamental processes. Building on these findings, new initiatives have emerged to explore the potential of using even lower frequencies (with the current lower limit being 1.4 GHz). These lower frequencies can penetrate deeper into ice and have shown greater sensitivity to sea surface salinity in cold waters. Airborne surveys conducted in Greenland and Antarctica have demonstrated the potential of low-frequency wideband radiometers in monitoring polar regions, offering unprecedented capabilities compared to existing and planned spaceborne satellites. The ESA Earth Explorer 12 CryoRad mission candidate aims to fully demonstrate these capabilities and produce key scientific data for advancing cryosphere studies. CryoRad consists of a single satellite equipped with a broadband low-frequency microwave radiometer operating in the range 0.4 to 2 GHz with continuous frequency scanning with frequent revisit and a complete coverage of polar regions. The three main mission objectives are: (i) Better assess the mass balance and stability of ice sheets, by bridging the observation gap for ice sheet  temperature profiles of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, extending from surface to base, a dataset previously available only through limited borehole observations or models; (ii) Better assess the freshwater cycle and water mass formation at high latitudes, by bridging the observation gap for sea surface salinity in cold waters enhancing the uncertainty by at least a factor of 2 compared with existing L-band measurements; (iii) Investigate sea ice dynamics and salinity exchange processes in the Arctic and Antarctic, by bridging the observation gap of sea ice thickness in the range 0.5-1 m and deliver the first spaceborne observations of sea ice salinity. Scientific and industrial studies are currently on-going to improve the mission concept and to accurately design the products’ requirements and instrument parameters. The aim of the paper is to present the mission concept to the scientific community, discuss the methodologies for extracting geophysical parameters, and evaluate the potential impact of these new parameters on Earth System Models. 

    How to cite: Brogioni, M., Macelloni, G., Leduc-Leballeur, M., Picard, G., Boutin, J., Quiquet, A., Kaleschke, L., Bertino, L., Lhermitte, S., Munck Solgaard, A., Høyer Svendsen, S., Jezek, K. C., Kontu, A., Rautiainen, K., Vergely, J.-L., Oliva, R., Onrubia, R., Zhou, Y., Tonboe, R., and Drusch, M.: A New Spaceborne Mission Concept for The Monitoring of the Cryosphere : CryoRAD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10157,, 2025.

    EGU25-10390 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Leveraging remote observations for calibrating surface energy- and mass balance models: a case study on Hintereisferner 

    Niklas Richter, Anselm Arndt, Nikolina Ban, Emily Collier, Nicolas Gampierakis, Fabien Maussion, Nikolaus Umlauf, and Lindsey Nicholson

    Glaciers are critical to the global socio-ecological system, providing essential ecosystem services and contributing to sea-level rise. They react to ambient atmospheric conditions via surface energy and mass exchanges at the glacier-atmosphere interface and are thus pivotal indicators of ongoing climate change. However, individual atmospheric drivers of glacier change are not well quantified in regional to global glacier modelling, which relies on variants of the temperature-index model due to their ease of use and performance and the reduced need for in-situ observations compared to surface energy balance models.

    Leveraging advancements in high-resolution, convection-permitting climate model simulations and a growing body of remotely sensed glacier-specific observations, such as geodetic mass balances and transient snowline altitudes, we explore the possibility of calibrating the surface energy and mass balance model COSIPY using remote observations only as a first step towards applications in unmonitored regions.  

    We force COSIPY at Hintereisferner with simulations using the COSMO-CLM model configured with 2.2-km grid spacing from 2000 to 2010 and combine a systematic assessment of the parameter space using Latin Hypercube Sampling and a probabilistic Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework to identify likely posterior parameter values and their associated uncertainties. The calibration outputs are used to assess the energy balance at Hintereisferner and are evaluated against benchmark surface energy balance simulations forced with in-situ observations. We discuss the results in light of commonly used model calibration procedures and validate our results against independent in-situ observations. 

    How to cite: Richter, N., Arndt, A., Ban, N., Collier, E., Gampierakis, N., Maussion, F., Umlauf, N., and Nicholson, L.: Leveraging remote observations for calibrating surface energy- and mass balance models: a case study on Hintereisferner, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10390,, 2025.

    EGU25-14516 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Probabilistic Inference of Ice Sheet Basal Temperature with Thermal Modelling and Radar Attenuation 

    Donglai Yang, Winnie Chu, and Eliza Dawson

    Accurate prediction of ice sheet mass balance requires robust understanding of basal conditions, particularly the ice-bed interface temperature. However, thermal modeling predictions of basal temperature are limited by uncertainties in boundary conditions and sparse in-situ validation data.

    Ice-penetrating radar wave attenuation has emerged as a promising large-scale proxy for depth-averaged ice temperature. We present three complementary methods to integrate observed attenuation rates with thermomechanical modeling for improved basal temperature estimation: (1) gradient-assisted MCMC coupled with a fast 1.5D enthalpy model for exact Bayesian inference, (2) Gaussian Process Regression combined with 3D enthalpy model ensembles for exact Bayesian inference, and (3) generative AI integrated with 3D enthalpy model ensembles for approximate Bayesian inference. This multi-method approach offers flexibility in balancing computational demands, inference accuracy, and output continuity.

    Application to radar attenuation data from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, reveals widespread thawed conditions near Pine Island Glacier contrasting with heterogeneous basal conditions upstream of Thwaites Glacier. A pronounced basal temperature gradient between these glaciers suggests a significant flow boundary. This radar-and-model-informed basal temperature field represents a crucial step toward assimilating novel observational constraints and improving sliding mechanics in ice sheet models.

    How to cite: Yang, D., Chu, W., and Dawson, E.: Probabilistic Inference of Ice Sheet Basal Temperature with Thermal Modelling and Radar Attenuation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14516,, 2025.

    EGU25-16121 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Comparing methods for estimating basal velocity and internal deformation at the Grenzgletscher 

    Cristina Gerli and Elisa mantelli

    The forward motion of glaciers and ice sheets results from two components: internal deformation and basal sliding, with the latter accounting almost entirely for the high speeds attained by ice streams. Even with direct access to the ice-bed interface (e.g., through a borehole), basal motion cannot be measured directly and must be derived through modelling. In this work, we compare three previously developed mathematical frameworks for deriving englacial and basal sliding velocities from borehole tilt observations. These methods address different tensional configurations: 1) pure plane strain, 2) plane strain with an ad-hoc extension component optimized for scenarios with a limited number of tiltmeters, and 3) plane strain with a combined extension-compression component, restricted to regions with negligible lateral drag. The velocity is reconstructed by measured variations in tilt angle along boreholes drilled to the bed. For synthetic tilt curves that are representative of a variety of tensional states, and for each of the modelling frameworks above, we assess the limitations and propagation of errors in the reconstructed velocity profiles and basal velocities. We further discuss the optimal number and location of borehole tiltmeters that minimize errors in the estimated sliding velocity. This work offers practical guidance on an upcoming borehole campaign at the Grenzgletscher, Switzerland, aimed at characterizing the onset of basal sliding at frozen/temperate basal transitions.

    How to cite: Gerli, C. and mantelli, E.: Comparing methods for estimating basal velocity and internal deformation at the Grenzgletscher, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16121,, 2025.

    EGU25-17352 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Advancing snow data assimilation with a variable, state-dependent observation uncertainty 

    Devon Dunmire, Michel Bechtold, Lucas Boeykens, and Gabrielle De Lannoy

    Seasonal snow, a critical resource for society and the climate system, provides water for billions, supports agriculture, clean energy, and tourism, and influences the global energy balance. However, accurately quantifying snow mass, particularly in mountainous regions, remains a challenge due to substantial observational and modelling limitations. As such, data assimilation (DA) offers a powerful tool for overcoming these limitations by integrating observations with physically-based models to improve estimates of thesnowpack. Previous snow DA studies have employed an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to assimilate Sentinel-1 satellite-based snow depth retrievals, demonstrating improved accuracy in modelled snow depth, mass, and streamflow. In those studies, the observation uncertainty was assumed to be constant in space and time, which is not optimally making use of the observational information. Here, we present several advances in snow DA. Using an EnKF, we assimilate novel snow depth retrievals resulting from a machine learning product that uses Sentinel-1 backscatter observations, land cover, and topographic information over the European Alps. We also incorporate a state-dependent observation error, whereby the uncertainty of the assimilated snow depth observation varies in space and time with snow depth, better reflecting the variability of the snow depth retrieval uncertainty. The machine learning snow depth retrieval product is assimilated into the Noah-MP land surface model over the entire European Alps at 1 km for the years 2015-2023 and we evaluate modelled snow depth and snow water equivalent against independent in-situ measurements and modelled snow cover against satellite observations. This work demonstrates the benefits of machine learning based snow depth retrievals and variable observation errors in EnKF-based snow DA.

    How to cite: Dunmire, D., Bechtold, M., Boeykens, L., and De Lannoy, G.: Advancing snow data assimilation with a variable, state-dependent observation uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17352,, 2025.

    EGU25-17705 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7

    Spatio-Temporal Mass Changes of the Mýrdalsjökull Icecap (Iceland) since2010: Insights from high-Resolution Statistical Modelling. 

    Jonas Liebsch, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Joaquín M. C. Belart, Eyjólfur Magnússon, Finnur Pálsson, and Michelle Parks

    Changes in glacial loading of Mýrdalsjökull icecap impact the dynamic behavior of the subglacial volcano Katla. Here, we are quantifying the glacial changes since 2010 with a daily resolution. This will improve the understanding of Katla's response to both, long-term and seasonal changes.

    To reconcile the temporally sparse but highly accurate data from spaceborne altimetry (ArcticDEM, Pléiades and IceSat2) with the higher temporal resolution surface mass balance products derived from the weather reanalysis CARRA, we apply a geographically weighted linear regression. This approach helps estimate biases in the reanalysis product and the divergence in glacial flow.

    We demonstrate that residuals from this process are effective in identifying anomalies in glacial behavior, such as surges or geothermal activity.

    How to cite: Liebsch, J., Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., Belart, J. M. C., Magnússon, E., Pálsson, F., and Parks, M.: Spatio-Temporal Mass Changes of the Mýrdalsjökull Icecap (Iceland) since2010: Insights from high-Resolution Statistical Modelling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17705,, 2025.

    Tracing internal reflection horizons (IRHs) in radio-echo sounding data is crucial for understanding ice sheet dynamics and reconstructing past climate conditions. We present an autoregressive generative model designed to trace IRHs iteratively, mimicking the human annotation process. Unlike conventional segmentation-based approaches, which require large training datasets and yield one-shot predictions necessitating extensive post-processing (Moqadam et al. 2024), our model works by estimating a spatial probability map for each annotation mark, conditioned on previously generated marks. This iterative approach emulates human-like tracing by sequentially traversing along each IRH and allows the model to learn from minimal data, resulting in transferability to diverse radar systems.

    The model produces interpretable probability maps at each step, providing transparent outputs that human experts can verify directly, without the need for post hoc analyses. Furthermore, avoiding explicit class definitions mitigates the detrimental effects of imbalanced data, which is a common issue in traditional pixel classification methods. The lightweight design of the model – an iterative rather than one-shot approach – improves its suitability for widespread application. This innovative approach presents a significant advancement in automating the annotation of IRHs and provides a robust, interpretable, and adaptable solution for ice sheet radargram analysis.

    Hameed Moqadam, Daniel Steinhage, Adalbert Wilhelm, et al. Going deeper with deep learning: automatically tracing internal reflection horizons in ice sheets. ESS Open Archive . October 25, 2024. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.172987463.39597493/v1

    How to cite: Moqadam, H., Bojesen, T. A., and Eisen, O.: Autoregressive mark-tracing for radiostratigraphy: A lightweight model for annotating internal reflection horizons in ice sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17824,, 2025.

    EGU25-469 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Advancing snow grain classification for snow micro-penetrometer signals using machine learning 

    Jil Lehnert, Marie Hofmann, Julia Kaltenborn, Martin Schneebeli, and Christoph Mitterer

    The layered nature of snow is a key characteristic of the seasonal alpine snowpack. In fact, snow stratigraphy influences all physical processes e.g., mechanical or thermal behavior. In order to describe these physical processes precisely, a profound and objective representation of the snow stratigraphy is paramount. The Snow-Micro Penetrometer (SMP) is a rod-driven snow penetrometer that provides resistance-force profiles across snow depth, offering an objective method to measure vertical snow stratigraphy. These submillimeter-scale profiles facilitate the derivation of a micro-mechanical snow model. These derivatives have the potential to initialize complex, physics-based snow cover models (e.g., SNOWPACK). While many parameters for snowpack simulations can be derived directly, determining grain type remains challenging due to the absence of a clear physical correlation. To address this, machine learning (ML) approaches have been investigated. However, prior ML models are limited in their number of snow grain type classes and datasets, which prevents the operational use of these models. Recently, Kaltenborn et al. introduced Snowdragon, a ML benchmark for automated classification and segmentation of SMP profiles. The current version of Snowdragon is trained on SMP profiles collected during the MOSAiC expedition and contains only specific non-standardized grain types typically observed for snow on Arctic sea ice. In this work, we re-trained the supervised models of the Snowdragon benchmark on Alpine snow. To enable the usage of Snowdragon for a broader community, we adapted the classification of grain types according to the international standard for seasonal snow. Our dataset comprises 52 manually labeled SMP profiles recorded in Alpine snow in Switzerland. Previously identified high-performing ML models were re-trained without additional hyperparameter tuning and subsequently evaluated. We found that the ML model Random Forest performed best but nevertheless had difficulties in recognizing faceted crystals, similar to the other models. Additionally, all models react sensitive to minor force changes in the SMP profiles, often leading to predictions of alternating micro-classes between two grain types. These preliminary results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for grain type classification, but underscore the limitations posed by the small dataset size. Future work will focus on expanding the training dataset and developing a robust interface for operational use of the prediction output. This work marks a step toward more reliable and generalizable snow grain classification of SMP signals for operational use, like snowpack modeling and avalanche assessment.

    How to cite: Lehnert, J., Hofmann, M., Kaltenborn, J., Schneebeli, M., and Mitterer, C.: Advancing snow grain classification for snow micro-penetrometer signals using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-469,, 2025.

    EGU25-4229 | ECS | Orals | CR6.8

    Deep learning-based rock glacier mapping using Earth observation data 

    Vanessa Streifeneder, Benjamin Aubrey Robson, Daniel Hölbling, Elena Nafieva, Zahra Dabiri, Emma Hauglin, and Lorena Abad

    Rock glaciers are tongue-shaped complex landforms that indicate current or past permafrost conditions. They are commonly found in high-latitude and/or high-elevation environments and consist of poorly sorted angular debris and ice-rich sediments formed by gravity-driven creep. In the Austrian Alps, it is estimated that over 5700 rock glaciers exist (Kellerer-Pirklbauer et al., 2022). Knowing the location, extent and characteristics of rock glaciers is important for several reasons. These include estimating their hydrological importance as a water resource (e.g., for alpine huts) and assessing the geohazard potential because of the destabilisation of rock glaciers due to climate change. Unlike other cryosphere features, such as snow and glaciers, rock glaciers are spectrally inseparable from the surrounding terrain. This makes them difficult to automatically detect and delineate from Earth observation (EO) data. As a result, rock glaciers are usually mapped by labour-intensive, subjective manual interpretation of EO data. This often leads to inhomogeneous, incomplete, and inconsistent mapping. Therefore, there is a need for automated and efficient methods to map rock glaciers. This can be achieved by using globally applicable satellite data sets such as Sentinel-2.   

    Modern machine learning methods, such as deep learning (DL), provide new opportunities to automate mapping tasks and address the challenges of detecting rock glaciers from EO data. However, research on DL-based rock glacier mapping remains limited, and there is no consensus on the best-suited parameters for this application. In addition, features with surface textures similar to rock glaciers, such as landslides, avalanche deposits, or fluvial deposits, may be misclassified by DL models. Hence, a thorough investigation of the DL model architectures and input data types is necessary to determine the most effective approach for mapping rock glaciers. In the project “ROGER - EO-based rock glacier mapping and characterisation”, we test different DL models (e.g. Unet, DeepLABV3) with different settings (backbones, input layers (including optical imagery and DEM-derived information)) to identify the most suitable model for rock glaciers delineation in Austria. We evaluate the performance, robustness, and reliability of the different DL models for automated EO-based mapping of rock glaciers in different study areas in Austria, and quantify the accuracy of the results in comparison with reference data.

    Through our study, we aim to make a substantial contribution to cryospheric research by evaluating methods for the automated identification of rock glaciers, thereby enhancing our understanding of the potential of DL to efficiently map complex natural phenomena using EO data. The results will also contribute to increase the trustworthiness of DL methods, which is critical for various applications and particularly in communicating and explaining results to stakeholders and decision makers. 


    Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Lieb, G.K., Kaufmann, V. (2022). Rock Glaciers in the Austrian Alps: A General Overview with a Special Focus on Dösen Rock Glacier, Hohe Tauern Range. In: Embleton-Hamann, C. (eds) Landscapes and Landforms of Austria. World Geomorphological Landscapes. Springer, Cham.

    How to cite: Streifeneder, V., Robson, B. A., Hölbling, D., Nafieva, E., Dabiri, Z., Hauglin, E., and Abad, L.: Deep learning-based rock glacier mapping using Earth observation data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4229,, 2025.

    EGU25-4329 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    From Decision Trees to Deep Learning: Enhanced Supraglacial Lake Detection in Antarctica 

    Celia A. Baumhoer, Jonas Koehler, and Andreas Dietz

    With the ongoing effects of global warming, supraglacial meltwater in polar regions plays a critical role in ice sheet dynamics, influencing global sea levels. In Antarctica, the accumulation of meltwater on ice surfaces not only reduces albedo—accelerating melting in a self-reinforcing cycle—but also drives processes such as meltwater injection and basal lubrication, with possible destabilizing effects for ice sheets. Monitoring the seasonal evolution and dynamics of supraglacial lakes is essential for understanding these processes, yet the vast and remote nature of the Antarctic ice sheet presents significant challenges. Spaceborne remote sensing offers the best solution, providing continuous, large-scale, and long-term observations. However, extracting reliable information from optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data remains complex due to limitations in spatial transferability, cloud cover, polar night, and the spectral similarities of frozen lakes with surrounding ice. The Sentinel mission bridges these gaps, enabling the combination of optical and SAR data to achieve the best possible accuracy for mapping and monitoring supraglacial lakes.

    This study evaluates whether a deep learning-based mapping approach outperforms a pixel-based Random Forest (RF) classification algorithm for supraglacial lake (SGL) detection in Antarctica. As a benchmark, we utilized an RF model trained on 14 regions and 24 input channels, including Sentinel-2 spectral bands, spectral indices, and topographic variables. To work toward a circum-Antarctic, operational SGL mapping product, we reduced the input channels by selecting the four most important features identified by the RF approach and trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) on partially labeled data from 16 Sentinel-2 scenes, including more images with cloud cover. Both models were validated using the same 16 test areas across eight Antarctic ice shelves.

    The RF approach achieved a producer’s accuracy, user’s accuracy, and F1 score of 0.750, 0.945, and 0.837, respectively, whereas the CNN-based workflow achieved scores of 0.915, 0.912, and 0.913, respectively. In scene-specific comparisons, the CNN outperformed the RF approach in 13 of the 16 validation scenes. Key advantages of the CNN approach include its ability to detect lakes under thin clouds and over floating ice, resulting in less fragmented lake area estimates and requiring fewer input features. However, challenges persist in transition zones between lakes and slush, where spectral details outweigh the benefits of shape-based detection.

    How to cite: Baumhoer, C. A., Koehler, J., and Dietz, A.: From Decision Trees to Deep Learning: Enhanced Supraglacial Lake Detection in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4329,, 2025.

    EGU25-5204 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Mapping of Glaciers in the Poiqu Basin (Central Himalaya) Using U-Net and Transfer Learning 

    Farzaneh Barzegar and Tobias Bolch

    Monitoring of glaciers is crucial as they are an important source of freshwater, an indicator of global warming, and a contributor to sea level rise. Accurate delineation of glaciers plays a crucial role in glacier monitoring and remote sensing is the most appropriate tool to map glaciers.

    Existing glacier inventories have shortcomings such as unavailability in recent years and data quality. Traditional glacier mapping methods using remote sensing often rely on spectral band ratio techniques or manual digitizing. However, glacier boundaries achieved from manual digitizing are highly affected by human errors. Moreover, in the band ratio technique challenges arise in mapping debris-covered glaciers as traditional optical methods fail to distinguish debris-covered ice from surrounding rock due to their spectral similarities. Therefore, automatic mapping of glaciers is still challenging.

    Advanced deep learning methods have demonstrated significant advancements in automatic glacier mapping. However, the potential of state-of-the-art deep learning methods in glacier mapping has not yet been fully explored. When it comes to deep learning, one of the challenges is the amount of training data. With the low amount of training data, the results won't be of the desired accuracy. However, it is still possible to obtain good results using a lower amount of training data and the transfer learning technique.

    This study focuses on glacier mapping in Poiqu Basin (Central Himalaya), using U-Net and transfer learning. To this purpose, Sentinel-2 images and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model are deployed.

    The results indicate that transfer learning leads to considerably better results than training the deep learning network from scratch. Moreover, trying different backbones does not considerably affect the results. This study highlights the efficiency of the transfer learning technique, emphasizing its potential and effectiveness in regions with limited training data.

    How to cite: Barzegar, F. and Bolch, T.: Mapping of Glaciers in the Poiqu Basin (Central Himalaya) Using U-Net and Transfer Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5204,, 2025.

    EGU25-5944 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Neural network emulators of high resolution melt processes under Antarctic ice shelves 

    Helen Ockenden, Clara Burgard, Nicolas Jourdain, and Pierre Mathiot

    To make accurate projections of future sea level rise, small-scale ice-sheet and ice-shelf processes must be included in global climate models. Since high-resolution fully-coupled ice-sheet--ocean models are computationally expensive, multi-centennial simulations use lower resolution grids combined with simple parameterizations of the ice-ocean interface. However, these simple parameterizations do not fully reproduce observed melt patterns and have low sensitivity to warmer conditions. Instead, neural networks can be used to improve models by emulating the ice-ocean interactions simulated by high resolution models. We present a framework for training neural networks to emulate small-scale Antarctic basal melt processes within a global low-resolution model (here the NEMO ocean model). We employ a multi-layer perceptron which is trained with a variety of model simulations on a grid with quarter degree resolution, and aim to assess the performance of the neural network, particularly in warmer conditions representative of potential future climate states. This simple framework provides a springboard for future work using more complex architectures, and offers the potential to run computationally affordable long-period global simulations while still capturing crucial ice-shelf--ocean interactions.  

    How to cite: Ockenden, H., Burgard, C., Jourdain, N., and Mathiot, P.: Neural network emulators of high resolution melt processes under Antarctic ice shelves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5944,, 2025.

    EGU25-8017 | Orals | CR6.8

    A first view of the EO-driven digital twin for ice sheets 

    Sebastian Simonsen, Nanna Karlsson, and The DTC Team

    The response of ice sheets and shelves to climate change profoundly influences global human activities, ecosystems, and sea-level rise. As such, ice sheets are a vital component of the Earth system, making them a cornerstone for developing a future Digital Twin Earth. Here, we present the initial steps toward an Earth Observation (EO)-driven Digital Twin Component (DTC) for Ice Sheets, marking an effort to understand and predict the behaviour of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Antarctic ice shelves under user-defined “what-if” scenarios.

    To meet the diverse needs of stakeholders, DTC Ice Sheets will adopt a modular design comprising 10 Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and Data Science modules. All targeted four initial use cases that will drive the development of DTC Ice sheets. These initial use cases are: (1) Greenland Hydropower Potential: By modelling and monitoring ice sheet hydrology and meltwater runoff, the DTC ice sheets will evaluate Greenland’s renewable energy opportunities and provide actionable insights for sustainable hydropower development. (2) EU Sea Level Response Fingerprint: The DTC Ice Sheets will deliver region-specific insights into how ice sheet mass loss will contribute to global sea level rise, focusing on the implications for coastal infrastructure across Europe. (3) State and Fate of Antarctic Ice Shelves: Through detailed stability analysis, the DTC Ice Sheets will investigate the vulnerability of Antarctic ice shelves to climatic and oceanic changes, shedding light on their role in regulating ice sheet mass loss and global sea level. (4) Enhanced Surface Climate: Leveraging EO data and climatology, the DTC Ice Sheets will improve understanding of surface climate interactions, advancing predictions of feedback loops between ice sheets, the atmosphere, and the ocean.

    The DTC Ice sheet implementation on the DestinE Core Service Platform (DESP) will consist of interconnected modules to serve the use cases. Still, it will also, when fully implemented, provide a holistic view of an ice sheet digital twin. Hence, DTC Ice Sheets aims to provide high-resolution insights into ice sheets' past, present, and future states, align with stakeholders, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration by interfacing with other thematic Digital Twin Earth systems, such as ocean and coastal processes. The DTC ice sheets will empower stakeholders to explore What-if scenarios to address climate change's impacts and feedback mechanisms. All are found in current state-of-the-art EO data of ice sheets. 

    How to cite: Simonsen, S., Karlsson, N., and DTC Team, T.: A first view of the EO-driven digital twin for ice sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8017,, 2025.

    EGU25-8433 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Mapping and analyzing ice shelf damage using multisensor imagery and machine learning 

    Kaian Shahateet, Romain Millan, Lucie Bacchin, Cyrille Mosbeux, and Trystan Surawy-Stepney

    The floating ice shelves surrounding Antarctica play a crucial role in regulating ice sheet mass loss by providing mechanical buttressing, which regulates ice discharge into the ocean. The recent collapses of Larsen-A and B along with the rapid retreat of Thwaites were followed by accelerated ice discharge, underlining the importance of understanding the full dynamic of this process. Enhanced damage through fracturing has recently been shown to play a critical role in ice shelf weakening, reducing its buttressing capacity and potentially accelerating their collapse. Despite its significance, the processes governing ice shelf damage remain poorly understood. Damage manifests itself as large crevasses, rifts, and shearing regions clearly visible on satellite imagery. Historically, the mapping of fractures has been challenging due to the labor-intensive nature of manual delineation. Rapid advancements in machine learning, however, have revolutionized damage mapping, enabling the automatic detection of damage features. Although SAR backscatter imagery from ESA's Sentinel-1 has been the primary source of data in recent studies, it suffers from limited temporal coverage (2013-present), which does not capture the entire damage dynamic of ice shelves that destabilized in the early 2000s. Other available products, also  exhibited significant discrepancies with modeled changes in ice viscosity, suggesting that critical features of ice damage are not fully captured (e.g. basal fracturing). To address these gaps, this study presents a novel methodology leveraging multisensor optical imagery and supervised/semi-supervised machine learning algorithms to identify damage features. A U-Net algorithm was trained on manually annotated images from 10 acquisitions from the USGS/NASA's Landsat satellite, across diverse Antarctic ice shelves. These annotations represented various types of damage to ensure broad applicability. The model was then refined using a human-in-the-loop approach with additional Landsat and Sentinel imagery datasets, enhancing prediction accuracy. We demonstrate the capability of our model to map comprehensively the evolution of damage in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, one of Antarctica's most vulnerable regions, from the 1990s to the present.  The results are compared with existing damage products derived from machine learning and radon transform methods using Sentinel-1 SAR images, on the period 2013 to present. We map the dynamic evolution of surface and basal fractures, along with their morphological characteristics such as maximum length and area, and compare this evolution with dynamical changes over the same time period. We complement our analysis by comparing our result to damage modeling using an ice flow model on the Pine Island ice shelf. We use the Shallow Shelf Approximation within the Elmer/ice model to invert for damage and ice viscosity evolution since 1992, by assimilating a long record of satellite-derived surface flow velocity and thickness. We finally analyze the spatial correlations between modeled and observed damaged and draw conclusions on the features of importance regarding ice sheet stability through time. We demonstrate the potential of multisensor optical imagery, which offers broader temporal coverage dating back to the 1970s, to address critical gaps in understanding ice shelf damage and its evolution.

    How to cite: Shahateet, K., Millan, R., Bacchin, L., Mosbeux, C., and Surawy-Stepney, T.: Mapping and analyzing ice shelf damage using multisensor imagery and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8433,, 2025.

    EGU25-8973 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Machine learning for prediction of sea ice stability 

    Alessandro Cotronei, Claudio Gallicchio, and Rune Graversen

    Arctic sea ice, the vast body of frozen water near the North Pole, has been in steady decline since satellite observations began. While state-of-the-art models attempt to project future scenarios, they often show significant discrepancies, even though the sea ice system is generally considered to decline linearly with rising temperatures. Machine learning models, although they may lack the ability to fully explain the underlying physical processes, offer a complementary approach. By training these models on existing data, we can generate plausible future predictions that are less influenced by the biases inherent in traditional modeling methods. In this study, we evaluate several machine learning architectures to identify the most effective ones. Using the best-performing model, we explore the stability and potential hysteresis behaviors of the Arctic sea ice system.

    How to cite: Cotronei, A., Gallicchio, C., and Graversen, R.: Machine learning for prediction of sea ice stability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8973,, 2025.

    EGU25-9315 | ECS | Orals | CR6.8

    Ice Floe Data Augmentation Using Diffusion Models 

    Justin Bunker, Martin S. J. Rogers, Louisa van Zeeland, Jeremy Wilkinson, and Mark Girolami

    The monitoring of ice floe is essential for mapping marine ecosystems, ensuring safe ship navigation, and ice hazard forecasting. Satellite imagery, such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), is a prime candidate for capturing information related to ice floes, due to the ability to discern sea ice conditions in this imagery in cloudy or poor lighting conditions. This SAR imagery can then be passed along to image processing algorithms to extract quantities of interest such as floe size distribution (FSD). Whilst considerable research has used fully supervised machine learning models in this domain, such models require an abundant amount of annotated data for training. The time-consuming, subjective, and costly process of annotating limits the amount of available data that can be used during training and, thus, reduces the performance of the trained model. To alleviate this problem, we turn towards the burgeoning field of generative modeling to create synthetic labeled data.

    An important class of generative models, known as diffusion models, has been shown to be particularly efficient. Over the years, a rich plethora of techniques and architectures have been developed to enable these diffusion models to provide realistic samples from an approximate distribution of the training data. Moreover, such models can also be conditioned by additional information, such as texts or images, offering an interesting degree of flexibility to explore and enhance the sampling process. More pertinently, diffusion models have been employed to generate synthetic images of semi-natural areas captured by drones, as well as satellite imagery of rural and urban scenes. However, to date, their application to SAR imagery of the cryosphere remains unexplored.

    In this work, we describe a process whereby we use a diffusion model, namely a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model, to model the joint distribution over the space of SAR images and their corresponding labels. In addition to standard error metrics, we use FSD to demonstrate that the synthetic SAR data is consistent with the real data. Furthermore, we show that using a dataset composed of both the real data and the synthetic data results in better performance for segmentation modeling. Additional experiments are performed to show performance as a function of the amount of real and synthetic data. 

    How to cite: Bunker, J., Rogers, M. S. J., van Zeeland, L., Wilkinson, J., and Girolami, M.: Ice Floe Data Augmentation Using Diffusion Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9315,, 2025.

    EGU25-10699 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Creating a Pan-Arctic Retrogressive Thaw Slump Dataset with Harmonized Sentinel-2 Data and Deep Learning Methods 

    Jonas Küpper, Tobias Hölzer, Todd Nicholson, Luigi Marini, Lucas von Chamier, Sonja Hänzelmann, Ingmar Nitze, Anna Liljedahl, and Guido Grosse

    In a rapidly changing permafrost environment driven by climate change and anthropogenic disturbances, tracking geomorphological dynamics is a crucial task, not only to provide hazard monitoring, but also to evaluate climatological feedback processes. Yet, the impact on rapid permafrost disturbances on the Earth system is still uncertain, making the availability of reliable, long term data a very important building block to understand the interconnections and feedbacks between several environmental subsystems. 

    Specifically, Retrogressive Thaw Slumps (RTS) are a major mass-wasting phenomenon and a rapid disturbance in ground-ice rich permafrost landscapes. They can mobilize large quantities of formerly frozen ground and consequently sediment, carbon, and nutrients. Once initiated they can grow and develop broader erosion disturbances. Over years and decades they can undergo polycyclic behaviour of initialization, growth, stabilization, and re-activation. The spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of RTS are generally poorly quantified so far on a pan-arctic scale, except for some regions covered by more intensive research. 

    Multiple methods and data are used to map permafrost disturbances like RTS, including in-situ mapping. However, due to the remoteness and reduced accessibility, earth observation data is the primary source of RTS inventories. While RTS mapping is also done manually utilizing expert knowledge from high-resolution remote sensing imagery, machine learning techniques are increasingly used to segment permafrost features from satellite images. However, due to the requirement to process large amounts of data and also the reduced availability of suitable image data, especially in the high-latitudes, these datasets still often lack the temporal and spatial coverage to derive insights related to the recent global environmental changes. Current advancements in artificial intelligence based inference methods make feature segmentation now much more feasible and efficient, so activities for mapping RTS based on high resolution PlanetScope images and deep-learning methods, such as the DARTS dataset, already cover large RTS affected regions. Nevertheless, a full pan-arctic coverage over multiple time-steps is still lacking, thus far. 

    To expand the existing body of RTS inventories, we use a convolutional neural network to detect these permafrost features from Sentinel 2 imagery to create a multi-year dataset of detected thaw slumps in the circumpolar arctic. The comparison with existing manually labelled and automatically derived high resolution thaw slump inventories provides a quantifiable verification to estimate uncertainties. This is crucial for evaluating Sentinel-2 as a high resolution dataset with favourable properties in terms of data availability and processing requirements compared to commercial and access restricted VHR imagery. Our work can underpin downstream tasks to extend RTS classification, understanding trigger mechanisms and improve vulnerability mapping. Also, time series of RTS disturbance data may be used for the temporal and spatial correlation with climate reanalysis and atmospheric datasets for large scale climate change impact modelling and feedback evaluation over the permafrost domain. Additionally, the open architecture of the processing pipeline can be used to implement near real-time monitoring services based on the Sentinel-2 data release stream for public access. We present ongoing work on the RTS segmentation dataset and current key downstream results.

    How to cite: Küpper, J., Hölzer, T., Nicholson, T., Marini, L., von Chamier, L., Hänzelmann, S., Nitze, I., Liljedahl, A., and Grosse, G.: Creating a Pan-Arctic Retrogressive Thaw Slump Dataset with Harmonized Sentinel-2 Data and Deep Learning Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10699,, 2025.

    EGU25-11168 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Bridging machine learning and physics-based models for improving snow water equivalent predictions in the northern hemisphere 

    Oriol Pomarol Moya, Derek Karssenberg, Walter W. Immerzeel, Philip Kraaijenbrink, Madlene Nussbaum, Siamak Mehrkanoon, and Isabelle Gouttevin

    Snow water equivalent (SWE) is an important component of the hydrological cycle but still faces large uncertainties in its quantification due to its high temporal and spatial variability. While machine learning (ML) has been applied to multiple domains in hydrology, its use for SWE prediction has been hindered by limited observational training data beyond the local scale. Hybrid models that integrate simulated data from physics-based models with a ML setup may overcome this lack of observations, outperforming both physics-based models and conventional ML approaches in data-scarce regions.

    In this project, we tested two different hybrid ML setups that predict the daily change in SWE using Crocus snow model simulations together with data from ten meteorological and snow observation stations throughout the northern hemisphere containing 7-20 years of data. The first setup follows a common post-processor approach where the outputs and state variables from Crocus are fed as additional predictors to the ML model at each time step. The second setup follows the concept of data augmentation, where Crocus is used to simulate SWE for stations for which no observations are available. These simulations are then fed as additional data points to the ML model, but are weighted in the loss function to control their influence during training.

    The obtained results show that the post-processor approach is best suited for predicting SWE in years excluded during training. However, when predicting SWE in untrained stations the data augmentation setup achieves the largest increase in performance, reducing the root mean squared error by 22% compared to Crocus and by 42% compared to the measurement-based ML model. A feature importance analysis reveals that the hybrid model predictions are influenced the most by the current SWE status, incoming radiation, snowfall and air temperature. These results showcase the potential of hybrid models for predicting variables that suffer from data scarcity such as SWE.

    How to cite: Pomarol Moya, O., Karssenberg, D., Immerzeel, W. W., Kraaijenbrink, P., Nussbaum, M., Mehrkanoon, S., and Gouttevin, I.: Bridging machine learning and physics-based models for improving snow water equivalent predictions in the northern hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11168,, 2025.

    EGU25-11399 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Towards quantifying ice contents in mountain permafrost environments 

    Julie Røste and Andreas Kääb

    In its special report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) from 2019, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights clear knowledge gaps concerning the extent and ice content of permafrost in mountain regions. We present results from a study on the distribution of mountain permafrost that includes an improved understanding of its characteristics and an estimation of the sub-surface ice reserves in mountainous regions under climate scenarios. We explore the feature space of mountain permafrost using a range of statistical and machine learning techniques in an uncertainty-aware setting. This space consists of topographic and climatic features such as topographic masks, elevation models, potential incoming solar radiation, seasonal ground temperatures and snow accumulation. We combine these features with existing inventories of rock glaciers, as these are good visible indicators of mountain permafrost, and in addition typically ice-rich. Based on such datasets we create a data-driven model to predict the probability of potential rock glaciers occurrence in order to obtain a first estimate of ground ice content. In addition, output from a numerical permafrost model, the CryoGrid community model, provides synthetic observations. We further investigate the vulnerability of these potentially ground-ice rich areas under climate change by including forcing data from climate models based on various RCP scenarios.

    How to cite: Røste, J. and Kääb, A.: Towards quantifying ice contents in mountain permafrost environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11399,, 2025.

    EGU25-11686 | Orals | CR6.8

    Generative Model-Based Downscaling of the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet 

    Nils Bochow, Philipp Hess, and Alexander Robinson

    The surface mass balance (SMB) is projected to become the main driver of mass changes for the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) by the end of this century. Therefore, it is crucial to have realistic projections of the SMB for future estimates of mass loss and sea-level rise.

    To date, estimates of the surface mass balance are most often provided by either (i) stand-alone parameterization schemes, such as positive degree days (PDD) or energy balance approaches, (ii) direct outputs from Earth system models (ESMs), or (iii) regional climate models (RCMs) forced by boundary conditions from ESMs. Each of these approaches has its disadvantages. Stand-alone parameterization schemes are often overly simplified and unable to capture smaller-scale processes at the surface. ESMs often provide forcing fields that are too coarse compared to the resolution required for ice sheets. Meanwhile, regional climate models are expensive to run and computationally slow.

    In this study, we address these issues by employing a generative model-based approach to realistically downscale the SMB directly from ESM fields to a 5 km resolution. We train a diffusion-based model on historical and future SMB fields from the regional climate model MAR. This allows us to generate high-resolution SMB fields in a fraction of the time required by a regional climate model. We condition our diffusion model on an initial estimate of the SMB derived from ESMs. Specifically, we add noise to the initial ESM estimate and subsequently de-noise the SMB field at different noise levels. By selecting the noise level during inference, we can effectively choose the spatial scale at which ESM features should be preserved.

    Our approach enables fast, simple, and probabilistic downscaling of the SMB and potentially other climate fields.

    How to cite: Bochow, N., Hess, P., and Robinson, A.: Generative Model-Based Downscaling of the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11686,, 2025.

    EGU25-12902 | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Label-free ice floes segmentation in SAR images for floe size distribution in the Antarctic 

    Louisa van Zeeland, Martin S. J. Rogers, Nick Hughes, Ben R. Evans, Oliver Strickson, Gaëlle Veyssière, Andrew Fleming, Scott Hosking, and Jeremy Wilkinson

    Sea ice is a crucial component of the polar marine environment. A contiguous piece of sea ice is called an ice floe, and the size variation in these floes across a region is described as the floe size distribution (FSD). Analysis of FSD provides information on the physical processes associated with sea ice dynamics, which is needed for calibrating and validating numerical sea ice models. For example, the size and shape of sea ice floes is predominantly controlled by wind and ocean wave conditions, thus the FSD metric provides crucial insight into these environmental conditions. Consequently, the automatic detection of floes, and hence FSD, is required to improve our understanding of these conditions over large spatial-temporal scales. Here, we present a method to automatically segment sea ice from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images for downstream applications. Our method uses an autoencoder architecture, minimising dual losses concurrently to guide the training on a large number of SAR images.

    For machine learning (ML) to assist in automatic labelling of sea ice, traditional supervised learning models require the provision of a sufficiently large, labelled dataset to train the model. Manual interpretation and identification of sea ice in satellite imagery is a time consuming and tedious process, frustrating the development of annotations over large spatial areas. Additionally, manually labelled data are subject to unintentional human variability thus potentially introducing bias. It is not a scalable solution.

    Feature learning or representation learning is a ML technique that automatically guides its own training to extract useful information without the need for labelled data. Instead of using optical images as many other works done on FSD with supervised learning techniques, we use SAR images here with representation learning. Using SAR images allows us to monitor sea ice conditions year-round, including during periods of polar darkness and cloudy conditions, where the detection of sea ice conditions in optical images is problematic. As this autoencoder model does not require labelled data, it can be scaled both spatially and temporally. It also has the potential to be extended to detect other features and to learn beyond ice-water segmentation.

    How to cite: van Zeeland, L., Rogers, M. S. J., Hughes, N., Evans, B. R., Strickson, O., Veyssière, G., Fleming, A., Hosking, S., and Wilkinson, J.: Label-free ice floes segmentation in SAR images for floe size distribution in the Antarctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12902,, 2025.

    EGU25-14145 | ECS | Orals | CR6.8

    Cryo2S1: Mapping sea ice radar freeboard in Sentinel-1 SAR imagery from CryoSat-2 using deep learning 

    Andreas Stokholm, Jack Christopher Landy, Roberto Saldo, Tore Wulf, Anton Korosov, and Sine Munk Hvidegaard

    Sea ice is critical to map for safe and efficient maritime navigation, to mitigate ship trapping and capsizing. Sea ice is also vital to monitor to assess the state of the changing climate and a critical component in climate and weather models, reflecting sunlight towards space and acting as an insulating material between the ocean surface and the atmosphere.

    Professional sea ice analysts at national ice services map sea ice based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by satellites, such as the Sentinel-1 (S1) satellite constellation. The ice analysts manually interpret the SAR images using their in-depth knowledge and experience to create sea ice charts with information on the sea ice conditions.

    A challenge for the S1 5.4 GHz SAR measurements is that the radar wave does not penetrate deep into the sea ice and is scattered/reflected by the surface. Therefore, the SAR images provide information primarily about the sea ice surface, useful for identifying and classify sea ice conditions. The charts describe, among others, the sea ice’s stage of development - the type of sea ice - an indicator of its thickness. The manual charting process apply sea ice classes, defined by the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Considerable uncertainties are associated with the ice classes that can vary from, e.g. 30-200cm or 70-120cm in thickness. Deep-learning models that produce stage-of-development information from S1 radar images exist but has the same inherent limitations of the sea ice charts in the model outputs.

    Current state-of-the-art sea ice thickness retrieval methods relies on altimeter satellites, such as the CryoSat-2 (CS2) satellite. The distance between the ocean and the sea ice is measured, known as the sea ice freeboard. For a Ku-band radar altimeter like CS2, it is assumed that the radar response penetrates the snow and returns from the sea ice surface. As the true penetration is unknown, and the radar wave propagation is delayed when the signal passes through snow, the measured quantity is known as the radar freeboard.

    The sea ice thickness can be estimated with an accuracy of 20-40% using the radar freeboard by calculating the sea ice's buoyancy based on snow and ice density estimates, and auxiliary snow depth information. However, CS2 only measures 1600m across the orbit and can thus only monitor sea ice thickness in the Arctic monthly - insufficient for many applications, such as maritime navigation, and leaves data record gaps. S1 SAR on the other hand, cover 400km in Extra Wide mode across the orbit with repeating coverage every week.

    Here, we present our preliminary results of circumventing the limitations of CS2 and S1 by training supervised deep-learning convolutional neural network (CNN) models to recognise sea ice textures in S1 SAR images and assign sea ice radar freeboard estimates acquired by CS2. This approach transfers information acquired by CS2 to S1, which we call Cryo2S1. A Cryo2S1 dataset is curated, containing several thousand collocated S1 SAR images and along-track CS2 measurements during 2020-2021.

    How to cite: Stokholm, A., Landy, J. C., Saldo, R., Wulf, T., Korosov, A., and Hvidegaard, S. M.: Cryo2S1: Mapping sea ice radar freeboard in Sentinel-1 SAR imagery from CryoSat-2 using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14145,, 2025.

    EGU25-14736 | ECS | Orals | CR6.8

    Automated Analysis of Snowpack Stratigraphy NIR Images Using Deep Learning 

    Marlena Reil, Olya Mastikhina, Jennifer Marks, Karla Felix Navarro, Mohammad Reza Davari, Lars Mewes, Julia Kaltenborn, and David Rolnick

    Snowpacks are important elements of the Earth’s cryosphere and are composed of layers with unique physical properties. Snow stratigraphy, the study of distinct snow layers and their properties, provides essential data for climate modeling, water resource management, and avalanche prediction. However, existing methods for characterizing snowpacks with near-infrared (NIR) photography are based on manually segmenting layers from images, which is a laborious and time-consuming task. In this work, we develop an approach to automate snowpack layer segmentation based on fine-tuning Segment Anything (SAM), a state-of-the-art deep learning segmentation model. We use a small set of expert-labeled NIR snowpack images and explore different task representations. We approach the problem through the lens of 1) edge detection, which focuses on detecting snowpack layer boundaries and 2) region detection, which focuses on predicting the area occupied by the layers.  Our results indicate that deep learning segmentation is promising for automating the segmentation of snowpacks. This ultimately leads to facilitating snow stratigraphy analysis to improve applications such as avalanche forecasting and snowpack modeling.

    How to cite: Reil, M., Mastikhina, O., Marks, J., Navarro, K. F., Davari, M. R., Mewes, L., Kaltenborn, J., and Rolnick, D.: Automated Analysis of Snowpack Stratigraphy NIR Images Using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14736,, 2025.

    EGU25-15293 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8 | Highlight

    Glacier Area Change Assessment over 2015-2023 in the European Alps with Deep Learning 

    Codrut-Andrei Diaconu, Jonathan L. Bamber, and Harry Zekollari

    Glacier retreat is a key indicator of climate change and requires regular updates of the glacier area. The most recent inventory for the European Alps, released in 2020, showed that  glaciers retreated approximately 1.3% per year from 2003 to 2015. This ongoing retreat underscores the urgent need for accurate and efficient monitoring techniques.

    Recent advancements in Deep Learning have led to significant progress in the development of fully automated glacier mapping techniques. In this work, we use DL4GAM, a multi-modal Deep Learning-based framework for Glacier Area Monitoring, to assess the change in glacier area in the European Alps over 2015-2023. The main data modality used for training is based on Sentinel-2 imagery, combined with additional features derived from a Digital Elevation Model, along with a surface elevation change map, which is particularly useful for debris-covered glaciers. The framework provides an area (change) estimate independently for each glacier, with uncertainties quantified using an ensemble of models. Region-wide, we estimate a retreat of -1.90 ± 0.71%, which is greater than the rate observed during the previous decade. Our estimates also present a significant inter-glacier variability which we analyze with respect to various topographical parameters such as slope, aspect, or elevation.

    Several challenges persist, including model limitations, data availability issues, and the impact of debris, cloud cover, and seasonal snow. We discuss these challenges, the design choices made to address them, and the remaining open issues.

    How to cite: Diaconu, C.-A., Bamber, J. L., and Zekollari, H.: Glacier Area Change Assessment over 2015-2023 in the European Alps with Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15293,, 2025.

    EGU25-15407 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Temporal Evolution of the Petermann Glacier Surface Elevation with Implicit Neural Representation in High Spatiotemporal Resolution using CryoSat-2 Data 

    Peter Naylor, Andreas Stokholm, Nikolaos Dionelis, Natalia Havelund Andersen, and Sebastian Bjerregaard Simonsen

    Global warming threatens to cause irreversible planetary changes and is accelerated in the polar regions, warming at nearly four times the global average. Warmer temperature exacerbates ice sheet ice loss, increasing the freshwater discharge into oceans and contributing to rising sea levels and regional changes in ocean salinity, threatening a collapse of ocean currents. The number of humans living below sea level is projected to rise by 73% by the turn of the century. Therefore, accurately determining the ice loss and the freshwater discharge is paramount to enable decision-makers to take necessary actions.


    Ice sheet ice loss can be estimated using a satellite altimeter, measuring the spatial ice sheet surface height at many time instances. The apparent elevation change can be converted into mass change by accounting for bedrock movement and snow/firn processes. An obstacle in utilising satellite altimeter data is the unstructured nature of the data points resulting from elevation observations at different time instances. We propose to treat these altimeter data as cloud points in the space-time domain and utilise implicit neural representation (INR) to encode the target field as a continuous function varying both in time and space. Compared to traditional interpolation methods such as trilinear interpolation or kriging, the INR method can capture non-linearities and long-term trends while providing a compact encoding of the target field, allowing for scalable dissemination of the product.


    We present a feasibility study of utilising INR to reconstruct the surface elevation of the Petermann glacier, northwest Greenland, from CryoSat-2 radar altimeter elevation observations. We carried out many model training experiments, consisting of ablation studies on additional loss terms as well as model architectures (SIREN, RFF, KAN and MFN) and hyperparameters (number and width of layers and loss term weights), to find the best combination. The main difficulty is correctly capturing the glacier temporal dynamics. In addition, we trained models with varying quantities of data (5 months, 1 year, 2 years and 12.5 years) to investigate whether more data improved the model performance. Results are evaluated using Operation IceBridge (OIB) LIDAR, and GeoSAR elevation measurements. OIB allows for evaluation of model elevation over a large temporal and geographical area, whereas GeoSAR allows for comparing high resolution elevation data on a single day over a small area.


    Results indicate that we achieve the best performance using the SIREN INR architecture coupled with high temporal and spatial loss weights. In addition, models perform best when using CryoSat-2 data from the entire 12.5 year time frame. The models perform particularly well in regions with high data point density but struggle at the outer rims of the ice sheet where the point density is low. The feasibility study presents a promising direction in modelling the spatiotemporal evolution of the ice sheet at a sub kilometre resolution with a daily temporal time step using INR. We foresee these methods being applicable to many geoscience applications with irregular data sampling in space and time.

    How to cite: Naylor, P., Stokholm, A., Dionelis, N., Andersen, N. H., and Simonsen, S. B.: Temporal Evolution of the Petermann Glacier Surface Elevation with Implicit Neural Representation in High Spatiotemporal Resolution using CryoSat-2 Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15407,, 2025.

    EGU25-16155 | ECS | Orals | CR6.8

    High-resolution mass balance reconstructions for Swiss glaciers using machine learning 

    Marijn van der Meer, Harry Zekollari, Kamilla Hauknes Sjursen, Matthias Huss, Jordi Bolibar, and Daniel Farinotti

    Glacier retreat poses significant environmental and societal challenges. Understanding the local impacts of climate drivers on glacier evolution is essential, with glacier mass balance being a central concept. This study uses the Mass Balance Machine (MBM; Sjursen et al., 2025), an open-source, data-driven model based on eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) that reconstructs glacier mass balance with high spatiotemporal resolution at regional scales. Trained on point mass balance data from multiple glaciers, MBM captures both intra- and inter-glacier variability, enabling the identification of transferable patterns and applications to glaciers without direct observations. Here, we applied MBM to reconstruct the mass balance of Swiss glaciers. The model was trained using a comprehensive dataset of approximately 34,000 winter and annual point mass balance measurements from 35 Swiss glaciers in diverse climate settings from 1951 to 2023. Using MBM, we generated high spatial resolution reconstructions of seasonal and annual mass balance for these 35 glaciers. When validated on independent unseen glaciers, MBM demonstrated robust performance across spatial scales (point to glacier-wide) and temporal scales (monthly to annual). This study underscores how MBM can be effectively used in Switzerland to generalize across diverse glaciers and climatic conditions, highlighting the model's versatility and broad applicability.

    How to cite: van der Meer, M., Zekollari, H., Sjursen, K. H., Huss, M., Bolibar, J., and Farinotti, D.: High-resolution mass balance reconstructions for Swiss glaciers using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16155,, 2025.

    EGU25-16392 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Comparison of selected machine learning algorithms to derive glacier velocity maps 

    Magdalena Łucka and Miłosz Sumara

    Marine-terminating glacier dynamics play a crucial role in understanding the climate system. They connect large ice sheets, oceans, and the atmosphere; thus their changes might deliver important information about the relationship between those systems. One of the factors describing ice dynamics is velocity. Its changes can reflect the processes occurring on and underneath the ice sheet surface. Nowadays, that information is delivered mainly by remote-sensing sensors, including satellite radar images (SAR), which provide timely and continuous data even in isolated areas. Plenty of offset-based algorithms already exist to deliver reliable velocity maps based on satellite products. However, these methods require setting a bunch of processing parameters, and they are usually suitable for only one sensor type. This study investigates possible machine learning solutions for finding corresponding areas on satellite images in order to provide velocity maps in an alternative way. In this work, SAR datasets from Sentinel-1 satellite were used to test two machine learning approaches for glacier velocity retrieval. The first approach is based on utilising convolutional neural networks (CNN) to select similar areas on the image pairs. The input data consist of only two coregistered SAR intensity images, which are augmented in the next processing step. As the model output, the most similar image patch is returned. After selecting corresponding image patches, the offsets in both image axes are determined and calculated into velocity values based on a pixel size and temporal baseline. The second approach investigates the possibility of applying the LightGlue image matching technique to the analysis of SAR data in order to detect similar features and determine their movement. The same input products are used, and methods performance and reliability are assessed. Both techniques are tested on two glaciers with different ice dynamics and locations: one in Greenland and one in Svalbard. The methods are compared in terms of efficiency, information density, and velocity values reliability. The final maps are validated by offset-tracking results processed for the same input images.

    How to cite: Łucka, M. and Sumara, M.: Comparison of selected machine learning algorithms to derive glacier velocity maps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16392,, 2025.

    Permafrost degradation and its impact on carbon cycling in the Arctic necessitate innovative approaches for monitoring and understanding freeze-thaw dynamics. The zero-curtain, a critical period wherein a subsurface phase-state threshold of 0°C is maintained, significantly influences permafrost degradation and carbon release. Understanding these dynamic processes is vital for predicting drivers of change and formulating strategies to address mitigation and intervention methods and the broader implications on global climate systems. The generation of Circumarctic zero-curtain maps and subsidence products leverages advanced radar polarimetry from Sentinel-1 C-band inSAR and UAVSAR L-band inSAR (NISAR) data as well as thermal imagery derived from MODIS and ASTER (SBG-TIR). Radar backscatter intensity, interferometry, and polarimetric decomposition were applied to detect and infer surface deformation and subsurface moisture content. We utilized eigenvalue decomposition and matrix algebra to extract coherent scatterers and compute ground displacement, i.e., thaw subsidence. To better resolve the zero-curtain with subsurface thermal gradients, water flow, and thermal conductivity in permafrost regions, we reconciled energy balance, derived probabilistic phase transitions, and computed molecular momentum and quantum tunneling before training and validation. To generate Circumarctic zero-curtain maps, coherency-masked radar data was down-sampled using wavelet transform and kriging interpolation, while in situ-calibrated thermal data was up-sampled with bilinear interpolation. We examined freeze-thaw dynamics and trained a robust hybridized ensemble learning framework (GeoCryoAI) with in situ subsurface temperature and soil moisture content measurements at depth. The GeoCryoAI architecture integrates teacher forcing to support in situ learning reinforcement, multimodal data harmonization for validation and scaling efforts, multidimensional memory-encoded convolutional-layered (ConvLSTM3D) hybrid stacking to capture spatiotemporal dependencies, and physics-informed modules rooted in mathematical theory, thermodynamic principles, and quantum mechanics. These methods introduce key relationships and real-world dynamics to the modeling framework (e.g., heat equation, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Stefan’s equation, Darcy’s law, Fourier’s law, Schrödinger’s law, Heisenberg uncertainty principle) while also resolving complex optimization problems with database searching and integer factorization. In this study, we integrated empirical and theoretical perspectives to gain insight into the permafrost carbon feedback with novel applications. By exploring the elusive nature of the zero-curtain phenomenon across the Circumarctic with various quantification methods and preparing an efficient, robust pipeline and scalable framework for NISAR harmonization, pre-processing, simulations and forecasts, and 12-day high-resolution analysis-ready maps and science products, this study leverages multimodal data resources, high-performance computing infrastructure, a novel quantum-driven classification scheme, a novel hybridized dynamical feedback ensemble learning framework, and provide contemporary resources that inform, engage, and promote high-impact cross-disciplinary research across the northern latitudes.

    How to cite: Gay, B. and Miller, C.: Advancing Arctic Science in the NISAR Era: Mapping Circumarctic Zero-Curtain Dynamics with inSAR Polarimetry, Thermal Imaging, and Quantum-Enhanced AI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17518,, 2025.

    EGU25-17904 | Orals | CR6.8

    Probabilistic forecasts of interannual September Arctic sea ice extent with data-driven statistical models 

    Lauren Hoffman, François Massonnet, and Annelies Sticker

    he widespread impacts of declining Arctic sea ice cover necessitate accurate and reliable predictions of Arctic sea ice. Up to now, much emphasis has been placed on either predictions at the sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales, or projections at the multi-decadal time scales, and less so on predictions at the seasonal to interannual time scales that are key for planning and infrastructure upgrade. Internal variability is a dominant source of uncertainty in predicting Arctic sea ice on seasonal to interannual timescales. However, initialized predictions conducted with dynamical climate models are of little use today, since these models exhibit biases and long-term drift that lead to poor skill beyond the seasonal time scale. In this study, we test and develop several statistical models in the form of transfer operators and neural networks to forecast probabilistic state transitions of the internal variability in Arctic September sea ice extent. Both the transfer operators and neural networks are trained on a large database of state transitions available from the CMIP6 archive. The models show comparable skill to other numerical and statistical models included annually in the Sea Ice Outlook for the predictions of September sea ice extent initialized in June, July, and August. While both statistical model types are able to make accurate and reliable predictions for many initialization months, the model performance is characterized by the spring predictability barrier and decreases for predictions initialized in March--May. The statistical models show skill beyond simple persistence when it comes to predicting sea ice extent trends at the interannual time scale. In particular, predictions initialized in July 2000 are able to reproduce the 2000-2010 accelerated decline in September sea ice extent, and predictions initialized in July 2012 capture the 2012-2024 slow-down in sea ice decline.

    How to cite: Hoffman, L., Massonnet, F., and Sticker, A.: Probabilistic forecasts of interannual September Arctic sea ice extent with data-driven statistical models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17904,, 2025.

    EGU25-18155 | Posters on site | CR6.8

    On emulating Sea Ice in the Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM) 

    Florent Birrien, Nils Hutter, and Nikolay Koldunov

    In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer in climate modeling, providing innovative and adaptable approaches while improving accuracy and computational efficiency. For instance, hybrid models can preserve the robustness of physical modeling while emulating components that are computationally expensive or poorly represented. The relatively two-dimensional and localized nature of sea ice makes it an ideal candidate for AI-based emulation, offering a solution to the significant computational burden it imposes on ocean models. Here, we present a sea ice emulator for the Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM), capable of predicting the evolution of sea ice thickness (SIT), concentration (SIC), and drift (SID) on timescales ranging from weeks to months.

    First, an adaptive U-Net-based model is trained to predict sea ice state (SIT, SIC, SID) increments at one (or multiple) lead times ahead, using corresponding atmospheric forcing and past and current sea ice states. The model is driven by multi-decadal series of daily to sub-daily atmospheric forcing and 2D sea ice and ocean outputs from FESOM, which have been preprocessed and re-interpolated onto a regular grid. To ensure scalability, training sequences are divided into chunks, managed by a custom mapper that balances their usage during training and supports compatibility with multi-GPU configurations. The model is trained by minimizing a penalized mean square error loss function, with an adaptive learning rate controlled via a dedicated scheduler, until convergence. The quality and accuracy of the training process are systematically assessed prior to inference.

    Emulation of sea ice can then be performed using recursive inference of the trained models for rollouts spanning from some weeks to a year. Subsequent sea ice states are occasionally clipped into their physical range in order to prevent non-physical behaviors. Rolling predictions can be eventually generated daily or weekly along the test sequences, similar to operational forecasting.

    Apart from SIT, SIC, and SID maps, metrics including Integrated Ice Edge Error, root mean square error, mean ice thickness, and Sea Ice Extent are implemented to evaluate the quality of the prediction in comparison to the actual FESOM outputs and some predefined baselines. The emulator demonstrates robust predictions up to 100 days, while still maintaining a realistic representation of various sea ice states beyond this time. Both training and inference are scalable and have been deployed on GPUs, although rolling predictions can be run on a single CPU without incurring prohibitive costs. Computation times for both steps will be estimated, along with the time required for a standard FESOM simulation including sea ice, to assess the potential gain in computational efficiency.

    How to cite: Birrien, F., Hutter, N., and Koldunov, N.: On emulating Sea Ice in the Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18155,, 2025.

    EGU25-18799 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.8

    Leveraging Self-Supervised Learning for Sea Ice Segmentation in the Arctic to Reduce on Labelling 

    Jacob Seston, William D. Harcourt, Georgios Leontidis, Brice Rea, Matteo Spagnolo, and Lauren McWhinnie

    The rapid decline of Arctic sea ice driven by climate change poses significant challenges and opportunities for global shipping, ecosystems, and coastal communities. Understanding and mapping sea ice variability is crucial for assessing its implications on navigability and ensuring maritime safety in this dynamic region. One of the most significant challenges in applying machine learning (ML) to cryospheric sciences is the reliance on large quantities of human-labelled data, which is both costly and time-intensive to produce, particularly in remote and harsh environments like the Arctic. This contribution addresses this challenge by leveraging self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to reduce the dependency on labelled data while maintaining high levels of model performance. We used the well-known UNet model, a CNN designed for pixel-wise segmentation tasks, and integrate BYOL (Bootstrap Your Own Latent), an SSL technique that leverages unlabelled data to learn features without requiring explicit labels. BYOL trains the model to match representations of the same image under different transformations, allowing it to learn useful features from unlabelled data without needing explicit labels.

    We apply these models to Sentinel-1 SAR imagery in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, a region of critical importance due to its role in global shipping routes, where sea ice variability directly impacts navigability and maritime safety.

    We created binary ice and open water labels to serve as a benchmark for evaluating model performance. Early preliminary results suggest that using BYOL reduces the labelling requirement by approximately 50% compared to models trained without self-supervised pretraining. By pretraining the UNet model on unlabelled Sentinel-1 SAR imagery and fine-tuning it for sea ice segmentation, this approach demonstrates how leveraging unlabelled data can significantly minimise the need for human annotation while maintaining robust segmentation accuracy. These methods optimise the use of limited labelled datasets, enabling efficient and scalable models that potentially generalise to sea ice segmentation tasks where high-quality labels are often scarce or imprecise. These techniques enhance the adaptability of ML models, allowing them to be applied to new datasets and tasks with minimal retraining, further reducing the computational and data requirements. By reducing reliance on labelled data, this approach improves efficiency and opens up possibilities for tackling broader challenges, such as real-time ice monitoring, assessing shipping route viability, and conducting long-term trend analysis.

    How to cite: Seston, J., Harcourt, W. D., Leontidis, G., Rea, B., Spagnolo, M., and McWhinnie, L.: Leveraging Self-Supervised Learning for Sea Ice Segmentation in the Arctic to Reduce on Labelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18799,, 2025.

    EGU25-94 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    A new Australian gas lab for the Million Year Ice Core project 

    Daniel Baggenstos, James Menking, and Joel Pedro

    The aim of the Australian Million Year Ice Core Project (MYIC) is to drill and recover an ice core that extends to well over a million years ago. Due to the highly thinned nature of the ice close to the bedrock of the MYIC, good vertical sampling resolution, and thus small sample capabilities, is key to resolve the variability in the climate records. This requirement demands major development of new ice core measurement capability, including a state-of-the-art ice continuous flow analysis facility and development and build of a new ice core gas laboratory.

    The main capabilities for the gas laboratory include a small-volume (~50g) sublimation extraction system, a QCL absorption spectrometer, and a MAT 253+ mass spectrometer, to produce 1) concentration measurements of the primary greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, N2O to constrain changes in radiative forcing, 2) isotope ratio measurements of CO2 on discrete ice samples to screen measured concentrations for contamination artefacts and constrain carbon cycle source and sink changes, 3) measurements of δ18O-O2 and δ15N-N2 for understanding of site conditions, gas trapping, firnification processes and to aid dating. We present our plans and progress in establishing the new Hobart ice core gas facility to achieve these measurements.

    How to cite: Baggenstos, D., Menking, J., and Pedro, J.: A new Australian gas lab for the Million Year Ice Core project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-94,, 2025.

    EGU25-147 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    « Horizontal coring » in blue ice areas of Antarctica: an accessible approach for assessing paleoclimate variations 

    Etienne Legrain, Veronica Tollenaar, Steven Goderis, and Harry Zekollari and the BlueIceLapseRate Team

    Reconstructing past Antarctic climate typically relies on vertical drilling of deep ice cores. However, the ~1% of the Antarctic ice sheet exposes blue ice, which offers a unique resource for paleoclimate research. The typically old blue ice exposed at the surface presents a continuous horizontal age gradient. By sampling ice along a transect in blue ice, we can thus reconstruct past climate variations.

    In this study, we treat surface blue ice transects as horizontal ice cores and analyze 444 ice samples from the Sør Rondane Mountains. Isotope (δ18O) measurements from these samples enable the estimation of surface paleotemperatures for both the current interglacial period and the Last Glacial Maximum. By combining these paleotemperatures with the spatially variable source elevations of the blue ice, we provide the first insights into the (absence of) lapse rate changes (variations in the elevation-temperature relationship) in Antarctica over the last deglacial warming.

    The absence of lapse rate changes in the samples from Antarctica contrasts with lower latitudes, which have experienced elevation-dependent warming over the same period. Our results reaffirm the potential of blue ice as an archive for reconstructing past climatic variations in Antarctica, and the easily accessible samples offer complementary insights to those obtained from vertical ice core drilling.

    How to cite: Legrain, E., Tollenaar, V., Goderis, S., and Zekollari, H. and the BlueIceLapseRate Team: « Horizontal coring » in blue ice areas of Antarctica: an accessible approach for assessing paleoclimate variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-147,, 2025.

    EGU25-2317 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    81Kr dating of 1 kg polar ice 

    Jie Wang, Florian Ritterbusch, Xin Feng, Sarah Shackleton, Michael Bender, Edward Brook, John Higgins, Zehua Jia, Wei Jiang, Zhengtian Lu, Jeffrey Severinghaus, Liangting Sun, Guomin Yang, and Lei Zhao

    81Kr (t1/2=229 ka) is a valuable isotope for radiometric dating of water and ice with a dating range from thirty thousand to over one million years. It is produced by cosmic rays in the stratosphere, and uniformly distributed in the atmosphere with an isotopic abundance of 81Kr/Kr ~ 1 ×10-12. Based on laser cooling and trapping, the detection method Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) has enabled 81Kr analysis at the extremely low isotopic abundance levels in the environment. However, it has been a challenge to apply 81Kr dating on ice cores where sample size is limited. Here, we present the realization of an all-optical ATTA system, reducing cross-sample contamination during 81Kr analysis by two orders of magnitude. As a consequence, the sample size requirement reduces to 1 kg of ice and the upper dating limit is extended to 1.5 million years. Using the all-optical ATTA system, we demonstrate 81Kr dating of 1-kg ice core samples from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, whose gas ages are precisely known from their stratigraphic alignment. Moreover, we have performed 81Kr analysis on basal ice samples of the GISP2 core, providing constraints on when Greenland Summit was most recently ice-free. The achieved sample size reduction facilitates 81Kr dating of ice-core sections to address open questions in paleoclimatology such as the evolution of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau or the stability of the West-Antarctic ice sheet.

    How to cite: Wang, J., Ritterbusch, F., Feng, X., Shackleton, S., Bender, M., Brook, E., Higgins, J., Jia, Z., Jiang, W., Lu, Z., Severinghaus, J., Sun, L., Yang, G., and Zhao, L.: 81Kr dating of 1 kg polar ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2317,, 2025.

    EGU25-3459 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Investigating Antarctic Blue Ice Climate Archives Using Laser Ablation Impurity Imaging 

    Fairuz Ishraque, Mebrahtu Weldeghebriel, Elizabeth Niespolo, and John Higgins

    Ice cores are indispensable archives for preserving terrestrial climate history, yet continuous Antarctic cores are limited to 1–1.5 million years due to basal melting, ice flow dynamics, and layer thinning, with the oldest continuous ice core (the EPICA Dome C core) extending to 800,000 years before present.  Recent discoveries of ice as old as 6 million years from shallow cores drilled in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA) in Antarctica indicate that it is possible to extend the polar ice core record well beyond what is possible from continuous ice cores. However, developing robust paleoclimate archives from Antarctic BIA ice cores is challenging due to the uncertainties in the orientation and thickness of layering in such old, deformed, and often chronologically disturbed ice. Cryo-cell laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) offers a micro-destructive method to analyze spatial impurities in ice cores at a sub-millimeter scale, and preserves most of the ice material for paired, high-precision chemical analyses. This study investigates the application of LA-ICP-MS for high-resolution chemical layer analysis and orientation of Antarctic BIA cores. By imaging distribution of trace elements like Na, Mg, Ca, Al, and Sr at micrometer (µm) scales, LA-ICP-MS enables the chemical characterization of individual ice layers. To evaluate the technique’s effectiveness, we analyzed NIST 612 glass standard, Taylor Glacier ice, and an Allan Hills ice core (ALHIC 1903). Our findings reveal that LA-ICP-MS captures fine-scale spatial variations (65 µm) in elemental concentrations, highlighting the potential for annual layer identification within BIA ice cores. In the ALHIC 1903 sample, we identified a probable annual layer through a distinct peak in Na concentration across the length of a sample, demonstrating the ability of LA-ICP-MS to reveal layering within ice microstructure. The study emphasizes the importance of optimizing laser parameters and washout times to preserve microstructural details, ultimately enhancing the reconstruction of paleoclimate records from BIA ice cores. 

    How to cite: Ishraque, F., Weldeghebriel, M., Niespolo, E., and Higgins, J.: Investigating Antarctic Blue Ice Climate Archives Using Laser Ablation Impurity Imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3459,, 2025.

    EGU25-4393 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Investigating the possibility to retrieve climate information from three stacked δ18O series in Adélie Land: a comparison between data and virtual firn cores 

    Titouan Tcheng, Elise Fourré, Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos, Frédéric Parrenin, Emmanuel Le Meur, Frédéric Prié, Olivier Jossoud, Roxanne Jacob, Bénédicte Minster, Olivier Magand, Cécile Agosta, Niels Dutrievoz, Vincent Favier, Mathieu Casado, Martin Werner, Alexandre Cauquoin, Laurent Arnaud, Bruno Jourdain, Ghislain Picard, and Amaelle Landais

    Water stable isotopes signals recorded in snow, firn and ice cores were successfully used to investigate past temperatures on glacial/interglacial scales. However, many uncertainties hampered the interpretation of water isotope records at sub-annual to decadal resolution as a proxy of past temperature variations only. Condensation, sublimation and/or redistribution of snow triggered by strong katabatic winds as well as diffusion within firn lessen the representativeness of a single isotopic profile to reconstruct past temperature in this region. In order to mitigate the non-representativeness of a single isotopic profile, a solution consists of averaging several records to increase signal to noise ratios.

                  In this study, we present an analysis of 3 stacked δ18O temporal series from the coast-to-plateau transition in Adélie land. Each of these stacks was built from three shallow firn cores (~20 m-long) drilled at 3 locations (so called D47, Stop5 and Stop0) with high accumulation rates (~200 mm w.eq ·yr-1) during the ASUMA campaign in December 2016 - January 2017. The sites feature different elevations (from 1516 m to 2416 m above sea level) and katabatic winds influence. We present a comparison of each of these stacks with virtual firn cores produced from the outputs of two atmospheric general circulation models including isotopes, ECHAM6wiso and LMDZ6iso for the period 1979 - 2016. In particular, we show how much of the climatic information we can retrieve from our δ18O stacked series.

    How to cite: Tcheng, T., Fourré, E., Leroy-Dos Santos, C., Parrenin, F., Le Meur, E., Prié, F., Jossoud, O., Jacob, R., Minster, B., Magand, O., Agosta, C., Dutrievoz, N., Favier, V., Casado, M., Werner, M., Cauquoin, A., Arnaud, L., Jourdain, B., Picard, G., and Landais, A.: Investigating the possibility to retrieve climate information from three stacked δ18O series in Adélie Land: a comparison between data and virtual firn cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4393,, 2025.

    EGU25-4894 | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Biomass burning over the past 350 years: insights from high-resolution analysis of black carbon particles in a northwestern Greenland ice core 

    Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Yoshimi Ogawa-Tsukagawa, Kaori Fukuda, Koji Fujita, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Remi Dallmayr, Jun Ogata, Nobuhiro Moteki, Tatsuhiro Mori, Sho Ohata, Yutaka Kondo, Makoto Koike, Sumito Matoba, Moe Kadota, Akane Tsushima, Naoko Nagatsuka, and Teruo Aoki

    Black carbon (BC) particles, emitted by incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels, play a crucial role in Earth's radiation budget and climate. Conversely, climate changes can influence BC emissions from biomass burning (BB). Global warming has been linked to the recent increase in large wildfires worldwide, causing significant ecological and societal damage. Increased occurrence of large wildfires in the future could affect Earth’s radiation budget, and change the frequency at which certain regions are exposed to serious hazards. Understanding the long-term changes in BC concentrations and size distributions is essential to assess BC's role in climate dynamics and its response to climate change. At the EGU 2024 General Assembly, we presented an ice core BC record from the EastGRIP site in northeastern Greenland, focusing on temporal variability in BC derived from anthropogenic emissions. In this study, we present a high-resolution BC record from the SIGMA-D ice core in northwestern Greenland, spanning the past 350 years. Using an improved BC measurement technique coupled with a continuous flow analysis (CFA) system, we obtained accurate, high-temporal-resolution data on BC particle size and mass/number concentrations.

    Our results reveal that both BC number and mass concentrations began to increase in the 1870s, peaked during the 1910s–1920s due to the inflow of anthropogenic BC, and subsequently decreased to pre-industrial levels or lower. However, BC particle size did not return to pre-industrial values, remaining elevated during the 1960s–2000s. Anthropogenic BC emissions also shifted the annual peak in BC concentrations from summer to winter–early spring, while the peak returned to summer after BC concentrations declined to pre-industrial levels. This suggests that BB has become the dominant source of BC at the SIGMA-D site in recent years. Interestingly, anthropogenic BC emissions made only a minor contribution to summer BC concentrations throughout the past 350 years. By separating winter and summer BC data, we reconstructed temporal variations in BC originating from boreal forest fires, even during periods of significant anthropogenic input. Our findings indicate no increase in boreal forest fire-derived BC until the early 2000s. These results enhance our understanding of the interplay between natural BC emissions, anthropogenic influences, and climate variability since the preindustrial time.

    How to cite: Goto-Azuma, K., Ogawa-Tsukagawa, Y., Fukuda, K., Fujita, K., Hirabayashi, M., Dallmayr, R., Ogata, J., Moteki, N., Mori, T., Ohata, S., Kondo, Y., Koike, M., Matoba, S., Kadota, M., Tsushima, A., Nagatsuka, N., and Aoki, T.: Biomass burning over the past 350 years: insights from high-resolution analysis of black carbon particles in a northwestern Greenland ice core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4894,, 2025.

    EGU25-5176 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Limitations on the Use of Atmospheric δO₂/N₂ for Ice Core Dating: Insights from the EPICA Dome C Ice Core  

    Louisa Brückner, Amaëlle Landais, Anna Klüssendorf, Grégory Teste, Frédéric Prié, and Élodie Brugère

    The measurement of atmospheric δO₂/N₂ trapped in ice is an incredible tool for ice core dating, as it is directly linked to local summer insolation. Numerous studies conducted between 2005 and 2022 have focused on determining the δO₂/N₂ composition of the EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core. However, discrepancies between the datasets from these studies have emerged, raising questions about the potential causes of variability. Notably, inconsistencies between datasets measured years apart (e.g. 2012 vs. 2022) are investigated using newly acquired high-resolution δO₂/N₂ data in the age range from 450 to 550 ka BP. In this presentation, we present this new data together with a compilation of all available δO₂/N₂ values on the EDC ice core.

    One significant factor influencing the δO₂/N₂ composition is gas loss during the storage of the ice samples, which appears to correlate with the storage temperature. Our results reveal that the storage temperature plays a critical role in preserving the δO₂/N₂ signature. Samples transported at -20°C, even for only a few months, exhibit a substantially more depleted δO₂/N₂ signature (approximately -5‰) compared to those consistently stored at -50°C. Additional factors influencing δO₂/N₂ values include the local accumulation rate and other regional conditions, for which the δD of the ice is a proxy. By comparing local summer insolation, δD of the ice, and δO₂/N₂ of the trapped air, one can distinguish the effects of orbital forcing from higher-frequency, non-orbital influences. Accurately interpreting the EDC δO₂/N₂ record is essential for the best use of this tool for the construction of the chronology of the new Beyond EPICA ice core.

    How to cite: Brückner, L., Landais, A., Klüssendorf, A., Teste, G., Prié, F., and Brugère, É.: Limitations on the Use of Atmospheric δO₂/N₂ for Ice Core Dating: Insights from the EPICA Dome C Ice Core , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5176,, 2025.

    EGU25-5530 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Mineral dust weathering in the RICE ice core 

    Luca Lanci, Barbara Delmonte, Michele Mattioli, Laura Valentini, Giovanni Baccolo, and Nancy Bertler

    The RICE ice core was drilled on the NE edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, at the summit of Roosevelt Island (79.364°S, 161.706°W, 550 m a.s.l.), an ice rise 764 m thick, locally-grounded 214 m below sea level (Bertler et al., 2018). The climate record documented in the ice core covers the last 83 ka, providing rich insights on the coastal Antarctic climate. Insoluble impurities in the RICE ice core mainly consist of mineral dust particles. Direct SEM and X-Ray diffraction analyses on single-grains from discrete dust samples extracted from RICE sections show evidence of extensive englacial diagenesis, in particular below ca. 650 m depth. Within the upper part of the core, dust particles are mostly volcanic or aeolian. In the deepest part of the core, conversely, aeolian dust particles show authigenic, eudral crystals grown on their surface. Also, individual crystals not showing signs of atmospheric transport both possibly resulting from in situ mineralization have been observed. Mineral neoformation likely results from the interaction between dust and fluids concentrating in ice crystal boundaries and triple junctions. Newly-formed minerals include Fe-bearing compounds such as Jarosite, Goethite, Magnetite and Hematite. These results are in line with the ice-weathering model proposed for ice deeper than about 1500 meters at Talos Dome (Baccolo et al., 2021a, 2021b), although in the case of RICE the depth of englacial mineralization is much shallower. Our results corroborate the finding that weathering and englacial diagenesis is a common process at depth inside thick ice sheet, potentially affecting the climatic interpretation of dust records in deep ice cores. Considering the different depth at which such processes have been found in RICE and Talos Dome ice cores, it remains to be understood which are the limiting factors controlling the initiation of such englacial reactions.

    Bertler, Nancy AN, et al. "The Ross Sea Dipole–temperature, snow accumulation and sea ice variability in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, over the past 2700 years." Climate of the Past 14.2 (2018): 193-214.

    Baccolo, G., Delmonte, B., Niles, P.B., ... Snead, C., Frezzotti, M. Jarosite formation in deep Antarctic ice provides a window into acidic, water-limited weathering on Mars, Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1), 436

    Baccolo, G., Delmonte, B., Di Stefano, E., ... Marcelli, A., Maggi, V. Deep ice as a geochemical reactor: Insights from iron speciation and mineralogy of dust in the Talos Dome ice core (East Antarctica), Cryosphere, 2021, 15(10), pp. 4807–4822

    How to cite: Lanci, L., Delmonte, B., Mattioli, M., Valentini, L., Baccolo, G., and Bertler, N.: Mineral dust weathering in the RICE ice core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5530,, 2025.

    EGU25-5912 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Improving the past methane budget using dual-isotope methane records over the last glacial cycle 

    Michaela Mühl, Hubertus Fischer, Jochen Schmitt, and Barbara Seth

    Ice core derived records of the past atmospheric methane concentration ([CH4]) allow us to reconstruct its past variability and its link to changes in the climate system. During the last glacial cycle [CH4] showed pronounced increases from glacial to interglacial conditions, but [CH4] also closely followed large and rapid millennial-scale warming events in the Northern Hemisphere associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, indicating a strong sensitivity of NH low-latitude CH4 sources to the position of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone.

    Past [CH4] are well recorded by the measurements of Antarctic and Greenland ice cores, however, large parts of existing Greenland records over the last glacial period suffered from excess methane production during analysis (Mühl et al., 2023). The individual contributions of various sources and sinks to the global methane budget are still a matter of debate and a quantitative assessment is still missing for many time periods in the past. Synchronized ice core records from both polar regions allow to derive the Inter-Polar Difference (IPD) in [CH4] reflecting latitudinal emission variability and are used to distinguish low and high latitude CH4 sources. Another powerful tool to separate emissions from different sources are measurements of the stable hydrogen and carbon isotopic signature of CH42H-CH4, δ13C-CH4) as CH4 released by the various sources are associated with characteristic isotopic signatures and different sinks are connected to systematic isotope fractionations, providing additional constraints on past CH4 source variability and top-down quantifications of the CH4 budget.

    In this study we present the first complete δ2H-CH4 record over the last glacial cycle complementing our existing δ13C-CH4 record (Möller et al., 2013). The record shows only relatively small variations in δ2H-CH4 over the last glacial cycle, while δ13C-CH4 showed pronounced millennial variability, which are correlated to concurrent CO2 changes but not to stadial/interstadial climate variability. With additional measurements of Greenland ice core samples (GRIP) in the time interval 73-105 kyr, we can derive for the first time an IPD in both the methane concentration and the methane dual-isotopic signature during glacial times. We concentrate our CH4 budget reconstruction on selected time intervals during Heinrich Stadials 7b and 9, and DO events 21-23, where excess CH4 production does not affect our results.

    How to cite: Mühl, M., Fischer, H., Schmitt, J., and Seth, B.: Improving the past methane budget using dual-isotope methane records over the last glacial cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5912,, 2025.

    EGU25-6313 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Deciphering the cause of greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) alteration in shallow ice at Larsen blue-ice area, East Antarctica 

    Giyoon Lee, Jinho Ahn, Ikumi Oyabu, Julia M. Peterson, Changhee Han, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Edward J. Brook, Kenji Kawamura, Kumiko Goto-Azuma, and Sangbum Hong

    Ice cores drilled from polar ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland contain ancient atmospheric air trapped in air bubbles. The reconstruction of past atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), has enhanced our understanding of the glacial-interglacial climate cycles and their relationship to surface temperature. However, processes that alter the GHG concentrations of the trapped air poses a challenge for accurate GHG reconstruction and paleoclimate interpretation. Previous studies report excess GHG concentration related to various factors, such as ice impurities, organic carbon oxidation, methods of extracting trapped air, refrozen ice layers, and biological activity. Despite these findings, the causes and mechanisms of GHG alteration within glacial ice remain incompletely understood, for example, the alterations observed in shallow ice in blue-ice areas (BIAs). GHGs in shallow ice cores from BIAs in Antarctica show excess CO2 and CH4 concentration values and even extremely lower CH4 concentration than other non-contaminated ice core records at the same gas ages. Here, we aim to decipher the cause of excess GHG (CO2, CH4) concentration and depleted CH4 concentration observed in the shallow ice from Larsen BIA, East Antarctica. CO2 concentration in the Larsen blue ice shows a gradual decrease from the surface until a depth of ~4.6 m where the concentration variation stabilizes. In contrast, CH4 concentration records show an increasing trend from the surface to a depth of ~0.35–1.15 m. Then gradually decreases until it reaches stabilized values at ~4.6 m depth. Measurements of δ15N-N2, ion concentrations (Ca2+ and Na+), and Pb isotopes indicate that excess GHG concentrations are not associated to the modern air/aerosol intrusion. The pronounced excess GHG concentrations in the surface ice are not related to dust content. The observed δ18Oatm depletion in the surface ice suggests that photochemical reactions have occurred within the ice. Therefore, we infer that GHG alterations observed in the surface ice from Larsen BIA are attributed to UV photochemistry. Based on δ13C of CO2, we suggest that photolysis of both organic and inorganic carbon by ultraviolet light from sun is a primary source for the excess CO2 concentration.

    How to cite: Lee, G., Ahn, J., Oyabu, I., M. Peterson, J., Han, C., Hirabayashi, M., J. Brook, E., Kawamura, K., Goto-Azuma, K., and Hong, S.: Deciphering the cause of greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) alteration in shallow ice at Larsen blue-ice area, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6313,, 2025.

    EGU25-6428 | Orals | CL1.2.7 | Highlight

    Ice half a million years old at the base of the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core 

    Eric Wolff, Xin Feng, Wei Jiang, Zheng-Tian Lu, Florian Ritterbusch, Jie Wang, Guo-Min Yang, Amaelle Landais, Elise Fourré, Thomas Combacal, Niklas Kappelt, Raimund Muscheler, and Robert Mulvaney

    Skytrain Ice Rise is a separate ice flow centre at the inland edge of the Ronne Ice Shelf, on the periphery of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. An ice core drilled through to the base of the ice at 651 m was dated as far as 126 ka before present, which is found at 627 m depth. This ice has been used so far to investigate the climate and the ice sheet stability of the Holocene and the last interglacial. Here we investigate the ice between 627 and 651 m depth. Three methods for dating old ice have been applied to samples within this depth range. Analysis using the ATTA method of 81Kr, with a half-life of 229 kyr, has been carried out on three samples between 635 and 648 m, as well as on one younger sample of known age. 40Ar in the atmosphere is increasing with time, and therefore the deficit compared to modern of the derived quantity 40Aratm can be used to date ice. Two samples of deep ice have been analysed for this measure. Finally the ratio of 36Cl/10Be should be independent of production rate changes, and has an apparent half-life of 384 kyr. Five samples were analysed between 633 and 650 m. We first compare the findings from the three methods to establish their consistency. The combination of data from the three methods suggests that, despite flow disturbances that are apparent around the last interglacial (LIG) ice, the ages are monotonically increasing with depth. Ice just above the bottom is around half a million years old, suggesting that the ice at Skytrain Ice Rise has been present since before Marine Isotope Stage 11. The climate record will be shown, but has to be interpreted very carefully because we can assume that flow disturbances, similar to those in the LIG, have affected ice at the interfaces between cold and warm periods, leading to missing sections of the record.

    How to cite: Wolff, E., Feng, X., Jiang, W., Lu, Z.-T., Ritterbusch, F., Wang, J., Yang, G.-M., Landais, A., Fourré, E., Combacal, T., Kappelt, N., Muscheler, R., and Mulvaney, R.: Ice half a million years old at the base of the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6428,, 2025.

    EGU25-7037 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Could the calcium conundrum in Skytrain shed light on West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics?  

    Rachael Rhodes, Helena Pryer, Ryan Simpson, Helene Hoffmann, Mackenzie Grieman, Emily Stevenson, Hal Bradbury, Alexandra Turchyn, Jack Humby, James Marschalek, Emily Archibald, Thomas Bauska, and Eric Wolff

    Recent work demonstrates that the Skytrain ice core, retrieved from the Weddell Sea Embayment in West Antarctica, can inform us about the (in-)stability of the Ronne-Filcher Ice Shelf and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in past warm periods. Here we switch our focus to the Last Glacial period at Skytrain and describe our “Calcium Conundrum”, which may be linked to ice sheet dynamics.


    The Skytrain calcium record diverges from those of other Antarctic ice cores across several distinct time intervals. The increased Ca at Skytrain is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in other terrigenous elements such as Al. We hypothesize that the elevated Ca intervals result from additional input of relatively local dust, unique to Skytrain. To test this, we present new geochemical measurements on the soluble phase and fully digested dust particles from a ‘regular Ca’ interval (20–31 ka) and an ‘excess Ca’ interval (42–49 ka).


    Trace element data confirm elevated Ca levels during the excess Ca interval, associated also with a significant Ba increase relative to Al. However, terrigenous elements associated with silicate minerals exhibit no significant difference between the two intervals when normalised to Al. Radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopes of the regular Ca interval fall within range of South American source areas, typical for Antarctica during the Last Glacial Period. In contrast, 87Sr/86Sr and eNd values for the excess Ca interval are significantly different from those of the regular Ca interval. Using a collation of Sr and Nd isotope data of potential source regions, complemented by new measurements on rocks from the nearby Ellsworth Mountains, we assess the possibility that the recurring excess Ca signal during the Last Glacial fingerprints a dynamic ice sheet in the Weddell Sea Embayment that intermittently exposed nearby nunataks to physical erosion and dust transport.


    Additionally, we report the first (to our knowledge) Ca isotope measurements on ice cores in an effort to further fingerprint the source of the excess Ca.

    How to cite: Rhodes, R., Pryer, H., Simpson, R., Hoffmann, H., Grieman, M., Stevenson, E., Bradbury, H., Turchyn, A., Humby, J., Marschalek, J., Archibald, E., Bauska, T., and Wolff, E.: Could the calcium conundrum in Skytrain shed light on West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7037,, 2025.

    EGU25-7227 | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Analysis of nano- and micro- particles in ice cores from polar and high altitude glaciers by spICP-TOFMS 

    Stanislav Kutuzov, Madeleine C. Lomax-Vogt, Lucas Carter, Paolo Gabrielli, Garret Bland, Ryan Sullivan, Gregory Lowry, and John W. Olesik

    Due to its small particle size, nanoparticle (NPs) and and microparticles (μPs) could reside in the air for a long time affecting human health and the environment. Understanding of its sources and dynamics in the atmosphere remains a complex challenge since direct observations are limited. Ice cores drilled from glaciers around the world contain records of atmospheric composition over time. Single particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (spICP-TOFMS) is uniquely capable of quickly (in ~10 minutes) measuring the estimated mass equivalent size distribution, number concentration, and elemental chemical composition (up to 70 elements excluding O, H, N, F, and the noble gases) of more than 100,000 individual insoluble mineral NPs and μPs using <0.5 mL of melted ice. spICP-TOFMS allows us not only to consider the total mass concentrations of each element but also assess distribution of particles within each sample depending on elemental composition. Here, we present the results of spICP-TOFMS application for three sets of discrete samples: 1) Ice samples from the "horizontal ice core" from the Taylor Glacier (coastal East Antarctica) (44 – 9 kyrs BP). 2) Mt. Ortles (European Alps) ice core samples spanning from the pre-Roman period (780 BCE) to the modern era (1955 CE). 3) Snow and ice samples at the Upper Fremont glacier, WY, USA collected in 2024.

    Study of 28 Taylor Glacier samples using spICP-TOFMS reveals changes in the concentration, size distribution, composition, and inferred mineralogy of individual particles during the last glacial-interglacial transition providing a first assessment of natural background variability of NPs and μPs in Antarctica. Samples from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 18–29 kyr) tend to contain more sub-micron particles with higher fractions of Al, Mg, Na and Ca, and lower fractions of Si suggesting an additional input of material of a different elemental composition most likely due to varying mineralogical sources during the LGM compared to the Holocene. spICP-TOFMS analysis of samples from Mt. Ortles and Upper Fremont glacier were used to investigate anthropogenic particles. We observed enrichments for: Pb, Sb, Bi, Cu, Zn, Sn, Cr, Mo and Ni in modern samples. The percentage of Pb-containing particles increased by about a factor of ten in the most modern samples compared to the oldest sample. The total % mass due to Sn, Bi, and Pb were 26 to 97x higher in the modern samples than in the pre-Roman Mt. Ortles samples, consistent with those elements having significant contributions from anthropogenic sources. This study was supported by NSF Award 1744961.

    How to cite: Kutuzov, S., C. Lomax-Vogt, M., Carter, L., Gabrielli, P., Bland, G., Sullivan, R., Lowry, G., and Olesik, J. W.: Analysis of nano- and micro- particles in ice cores from polar and high altitude glaciers by spICP-TOFMS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7227,, 2025.

    EGU25-7265 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    New insights on dust particles in Greenland ice cores combining state-of-the-art methods 

    Mauro Masiol, Nicolas Stoll, Piers Larkman, David Clases, Raquel Gonzalez de Vega, Elena Di Stefano, Barbara Delmonte, Carlo Barbante, and Pascal Bohleber

    Aerosol-related impurities trapped in ice cores can supply important insights into the mechanics of our climate system. Mineral dust particles can provide information on past atmospheric transport and ice sheet size. This information is encoded in the geochemical composition and size of the dust particles: Local dust sources are characterised by large particles. As a prominent example, changes in dust particle sizes in the RECAP ice core from the Renland ice cap (East Greenland) have been shown to reflect smaller ice cap extent during interglacial periods [1]. To better understand dust chemistry and size changes at high resolution, we applied several state-of-the-art analytical methods to samples of the RECAP and EGRIP ice cores from East Greenland: Cryo-Raman spectroscopy, Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) 2D mapping, coulter counter (CC), time-of-flight single particle analysis (SP ICP-TOFMS), and Low- Background Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (LB-INAA). We show that high-resolution LA-ICP-MS maps of Na, Al, Mg, and Fe, in accordance with Raman spectroscopy data from the same samples, reveal the clustering of particles in the microstructure and a species-dependent preferred localisation. Subsequent measurements, taken where possible on the same samples, provide new insoluble particle size and concentration data (CC) and further in-depth elemental characterisation of the dust particles (cryo-Raman, SP ICP-TOFMS, LB-INAA). We can thus reveal changes in size and composition of the dust particles between the Holocene and the last glacial period, as well as within the last glacial. We further introduce a new approach to estimating particle sizes by utilising previously gathered data, exploiting SP analyses' vast, largely untapped potential for ice core science. The know-how in combining these different state-of-the-art methods and their insight into high-resolution dust chemistry and size will also provide important assistance for interpreting the dust signal stored in the upcoming deepest ice of the Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice Core. Work performed in the framework of the Arctic Research Program of Italy (project PRA2021-0009 “Abrupt climate change and Greenlandice cover in a high-resolution ice core record”).


    [1] Simonsen, M.F., Baccolo, G., Blunier, T. et al. East Greenland ice core dust record reveals timing of Greenland ice sheet advance and retreat. Nat Commun 10, 4494 (2019).

    How to cite: Masiol, M., Stoll, N., Larkman, P., Clases, D., Gonzalez de Vega, R., Di Stefano, E., Delmonte, B., Barbante, C., and Bohleber, P.: New insights on dust particles in Greenland ice cores combining state-of-the-art methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7265,, 2025.

    EGU25-8532 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Dating old ice with the 36Cl/10Be ratio 

    Niklas Kappelt, Eric Wolff, Marcus Christl, Christof Vockenhuber, and Raimund Muscheler

    The bottommost sections of ice cores are often difficult to date, due to the low temporal resolution and possible disturbances, such as folding and missing layers. One possible tool for dating this ice is the 36Cl/10Be ratio, which decays with a combined half-life of 384 kyr years. Individual radionuclides are created by galactic cosmic rays in the atmosphere, but the ratio has been modelled to remove the varying production signal. The chronology of the recently drilled Skytrain ice core from West Antarctica ends with an age of 126 kyr BP 24 m above bedrock. Our aim was to obtain age estimates for samples in the undated section below, while improving our understanding of the 36Cl/10Be ratio as a dating tool. Two datasets were measured: an annually resolved record of the last few decades and a series of older samples from the Holocene, the last interglacial and five samples from the undated section. The data from recent decades was used to test whether the Skytrain site is affected by 36Cl loss, which occurs at low accumulation sites, such as EPICA Dome C and Little Dome C in East Antarctica, where 36Cl is gassing out as HCl. By measuring anthropogenic 36Cl from nuclear bomb tests in the 50s and 60s, we were able to confirm that the peak is found at the expected depth and that no 36Cl loss occurs. In older samples, there was a marked difference between glacial and interglacial data, with higher individual 36Cl and 10Be concentrations in glacial times. This is observed at other sites as well and can most likely be attributed to a dilution effect. However, the 36Cl/10Be ratio was also found to be higher in the last glacial period and correlated with the d18O signal, which likely results from the different physical and chemical properties of 36Cl and 10Be. While 36Cl can be found in its gaseous form or attached to particles, 10Be is always attached to particles, which yields different sensitivities to changes in temperature or precipitation. Possible mechanisms include a washout en-route, which may affect one radionuclide more than the other or an increased scavenging efficiency for 36Cl in mixed-phase clouds. While not fully understood, the correlation with d18O was used to detrend the data and estimate the age of five samples below the dated section, the oldest being 541 +55-61 kyr old.

    How to cite: Kappelt, N., Wolff, E., Christl, M., Vockenhuber, C., and Muscheler, R.: Dating old ice with the 36Cl/10Be ratio, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8532,, 2025.

    EGU25-8910 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Towards understanding the N2O production in dust-rich Antarctic ice using bulk and position-specific isotope analysis 

    Lison Soussaintjean, Jochen Schmitt, Joël Savarino, Andy Menking, Edward Brook, Barbara Seth, Thomas Röckmann, and Hubertus Fischer

    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas also involved in the destruction of stratospheric ozone. Unlike carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), there is no continuous record of past atmospheric concentrations of N2O from ice cores over the last 800,000 years. This is due to the production of excess N2O in dust-rich Antarctic ice during glacial periods.

    We investigated the production of N2O that happens in the ice sheet - referred to as in situ production - with the aim of systematically identifying affected ice core samples. To this end, we measured the nitrogen bulk and position-specific isotopic composition of N2O in dust-rich samples affected by in situ production in the EDC, Vostok, EDML, and Taylor Glacier ice cores. We calculated the isotopic signature of in situ-produced N2O with a mass balance approach. For this calculation, we had to determine the amount of N2O enrichment from in situ production relative to an unaffected atmospheric baseline for N2O concentration and isotopic composition. We chose to use as the atmospheric baseline the N2O record from the TALDICE ice core, which has a low dust content and is supposed to be the least affected by in situ production. To investigate a potential nitrogen precursor, we then compared the nitrogen isotopic signature of in situ-produced N2O with that of nitrate (NO3-) measured in the same samples.

    These measurements reveal that the isotopic composition of the central-position N atom in the N2O molecule (δ15Nα) correlates with the nitrogen isotopic composition of NO3- with a slope of 1. However, there is no correlation between the nitrogen isotopic composition of the terminal-position N atom in N2O (δ15Nβ) and that of NO3-. Therefore, our study shows that the N2O produced in situ is hybrid, i.e., the two N atoms in the N2O molecule come from two distinct nitrogen sources. Our hypothesis is based on a reaction involving three reactants. NO3- present in the ice provides the central-position N atom in N2O. It is first converted to NO2- by a reducing species contained in the dust (e.g. Fe2+), and NO2- reacts with a yet unknown nucleophilic species that is the source of the terminal-position N atom.

    How to cite: Soussaintjean, L., Schmitt, J., Savarino, J., Menking, A., Brook, E., Seth, B., Röckmann, T., and Fischer, H.: Towards understanding the N2O production in dust-rich Antarctic ice using bulk and position-specific isotope analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8910,, 2025.

    EGU25-10358 * | Orals | CL1.2.7 | Highlight

     Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice Core: Insights from a 1.2-Million-Year-Old Climate Record 

    Carlo Barbante and the Beyond EPICA Team

    The Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice project in East Antarctica marks a groundbreaking milestone in unraveling Earth’s past climate dynamics. Recent findings confirm that the paleoclimatic record extends back at least 1.2 million years, offering unprecedented opportunities to explore glacial-interglacial cycles and the mechanisms driving Earth’s climate system.

    To better constrain the long-term response of Earth’s climate system to continuing greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential to turn to the past. A key advance would be to understand the shift in Earth’s climate response to orbital forcing during the 'Mid-Pleistocene transition' [MPT, 900,000 (900 kyr) to 1.2 million years (1.2 Myr) ago], when a dominant 40 kyr cyclicity gave way to the current 100 kyr period. It is critical to understand the role of forcing factors and especially of greenhouse gases in this transition. Unravelling such key linkages between the carbon cycle, ice sheets, atmosphere and ocean behaviour is vital, assisting society to design an effective mitigation and adaptation strategy for climate change. Only ice cores contain direct and quantitative information about past climate forcing and atmospheric responses.

    Drilling operations reached the bedrock at a depth of 2800 meters, granting access to ancient ice. High-resolution analyses of hydrogen isotopes (δD) were conducted, with sampling resolutions down to 25 cm, providing unparalleled insights into climate and environmental fluctuations. Concurrently, dielectric profiling (DEP) measurements were employed to identify detailed climatic stratifications within the ice core.

    This presentation will highlight the main results achieved so far, emphasizing their implications for understanding the transition of glacial cycles from 40,000 to 100,000 years and the long-term evolution of greenhouse gas concentrations. These findings lay the foundation for subsequent talks in this session, which will delve into isotopic, chemical, and physical analyses of the ice core.

    By bridging critical gaps in our knowledge of paleoclimate, this work also establishes a robust basis for modeling future climate scenarios, reinforcing the importance of understanding Earth’s climatic past to inform predictions of its future.

    How to cite: Barbante, C. and the Beyond EPICA Team:  Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice Core: Insights from a 1.2-Million-Year-Old Climate Record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10358,, 2025.

    EGU25-10469 | Orals | CL1.2.7 | Highlight

    Towards radiostratigraphic connectivity between Antarctica’s deep ice cores and ice-sheet margins 

    Robert Bingham and the AntArchitecture Collaboration

    Antarctica’s ice cores provide seminal records of past climates and calibration points for ice-sheet modelling, but are, by definition, limited to single locations. However, spatially-widespread radar-imaged internal-reflecting horizons, tied to ice-core age-depth profiles, can be treated as isochrones that may link between ice-core sites, and record a 3D age-depth structure across the Antarctic ice sheets. In 2018, the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research programme formed the AntArchitecture consortium, which has progressively been tracing radiostratigraphy across the Antarctic ice sheets to form a baseline dataset for multiple scientific applications, for example the search for Antarctica’s oldest ice and to reconstruct past mass balance. In this presentation we focus on the use of radiostratigraphy to connect between deep ice-core sites and, in so doing, to calibrate ice-core dating profiles and extend the age-depth profiles into three dimensions and extend knowledge of the age of the ice towards the ice-sheet margins and potential future ice-coring sites. We present our best attempts at radiostratigraphic connections across both the East and West Antarctic ice sheets, and the current state of the art in connecting age-depth profiles between the two ice sheets, calibrated by Antarctica’s main ice cores. We demonstrate that radiostratigraphy is a potent companion to ice cores in the quest to reconstruct past climate and hence reduce uncertainties in projecting future ice-sheet behaviour.

    How to cite: Bingham, R. and the AntArchitecture Collaboration: Towards radiostratigraphic connectivity between Antarctica’s deep ice cores and ice-sheet margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10469,, 2025.

    EGU25-10761 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Gas extraction from continuous flow analysis for dating ice cores with 39Ar and 81Kr 

    David Wachs, Florian Ritterbusch, Clara Baumbusch, Remi Dallmayr, Xin Feng, Qiao-Song Lin, Azzurra Spagnesi, Kerstin Urbach, Jie Wang, Werner Aeschbach, Carlo Barbante, Wei Jiang, Zheng-Tian Lu, Markus Oberthaler, Guo-Min Yang, and Pascal Bohleber

    Paleoclimate reconstructions from ice core records can be hampered due to the lack of a reliable chronology, especially in deep ice, when the stratigraphy is disturbed and conventional dating methods cannot be applied. The noble gas radioisotopes 81Kr and 39Ar can in these cases provide robust constraints as they yield absolute, radiometric ages. 81Kr (t1/2=229 ka) covers the time span of 30-1500 ka, which is especially relevant for polar ice cores, whereas 39Ar (t1/2=268 a) with a dating range of 50-1600 a is suitable for alpine glaciers. The anthropogenic 85Kr (t1/2=10.8 a) is particularly useful to quantify contamination with modern air. Due to advances in the detection of 81Kr, 85Kr and 39Ar with Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA), the sample size has been reduced to ~ 1 kg of polar ice. However, this amount can still be difficult to obtain, for example from the upcoming deepest sections of the “Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice Core” (BEOI), for which no archive piece will be conserved.

    Here, we present 85Kr and 81Kr results for gas samples from an Antarctic ice core extracted at the debubbler waste line of a continuous flow analysis (CFA) system. From the continuous melting of ~3 m long core, discrete ~ 100 mL STP gas samples have been extracted, and subsequently analyzed offline for 85Kr and 81Kr. The 85Kr results indicate a minor contamination with modern air of 1-2 %, which can likely be reduced by an earlier bypassing of contaminant air from cracks within a CFA stick and transitions between sequential CFA sticks.

    The presented extraction system enables 81Kr and 39Ar dating of an ice core at numerous depths without additional ice demand, which is particularly relevant for upcoming CFA-melting campaigns of deep polar ice cores.

    How to cite: Wachs, D., Ritterbusch, F., Baumbusch, C., Dallmayr, R., Feng, X., Lin, Q.-S., Spagnesi, A., Urbach, K., Wang, J., Aeschbach, W., Barbante, C., Jiang, W., Lu, Z.-T., Oberthaler, M., Yang, G.-M., and Bohleber, P.: Gas extraction from continuous flow analysis for dating ice cores with 39Ar and 81Kr, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10761,, 2025.

    EGU25-11227 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    First 17O-excess record for the EPICA Dome C deep ice core 

    Emma Samin, Amaëlle Landais, Thomas Combacal, Antoine Grisart, Jean Jouzel, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Bénédicte Minster, Frédéric Prié, and Barbara Stenni

    Water isotopes records in polar ice cores provide insights into past climate variability through oxygen and hydrogen fractionation. The EPICA Dome C (EDC) deep ice core in Antarctica has provided δ18O and δD records over the last 800,000 years, which are known to be valuable proxies for tracking temperature variation. Combining both, the deuterium excess (d-excess = δD − 8 * δ18O) gives us information on the hydrological cycle, as it is known to reflect the evaporation stage and air mass transport. However, it is sensitive to the variations of seawater δ18O and the distillation effect of the air mass. The 17O-excess (17O-excess = ln(δ17O+1) − 0.528×ln(δ18O+1)) can provide complementary information to d-excess as it is rather sensitive to air mass mixing and supersaturated conditions along the path.

    Here, we present the first record of 17O-excess for the EDC ice core, spanning over the past 126,000 to 800,000 years. We aim to investigate the potential of this tool for interpreting the reorganization of the hydrological cycle in the Southern Hemisphere. 17O-excess variations along the core show the alternation of glacial and interglacial cycles, comparable with other water isotopes and related to orbital parameters. We scrutinize the glacial-interglacial 17O-excess amplitude shift around 400,000 years ago, with amplification of variations in the most recent part, with lower minima, while maxima reach similar levels. This shift could have emerged after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition.

    How to cite: Samin, E., Landais, A., Combacal, T., Grisart, A., Jouzel, J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Minster, B., Prié, F., and Stenni, B.: First 17O-excess record for the EPICA Dome C deep ice core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11227,, 2025.

    EGU25-11255 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Reliable Orbital Dating in Deep Ice Core Provides Accurate Marine-Ice Sequences over Old Terminations 

    Anna Klüssendorf, Ellyn Auriol, Marie Bouchet, Mathieu Casado, Héloïse Guilluy, Frédéric Parrenin, Émilie Capron, Elisabeth Michel, Frédéric Prié, Elodie Brugère, Grégory Teste, Soizic Salaün, and Amaëlle Landais

    Past climate and environmental changes can be reconstructed from palaeoclimate archives, including marine sediment and polar ice cores. Understanding mechanisms associated with major climate changes requires an accurate and precise chronology for each archive and the synchronisation of these individual chronologies to a common multi-proxy timescale. Discrepancies between the individual chronologies can lead to misinterpretation of the phase relationships and the climate dynamics. For old terminations that occurred more than 700,000 years ago, when using original chronologies, ice core data suggest that the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration lags behind the sea level rise recorded in marine sediment cores. This finding strongly contradicts the established understanding of the climate mechanisms during deglaciations based on observations over the seven most recent terminations, suggesting a mismatch between the site-specific chronologies. Deep ice core age scales are generally developed based on orbital dating correlating gas orbital tracers with insolation variations. However, in the deepest and oldest section of an ice core, thermally enhanced gas diffusion and extensive annual layer thinning significantly mute the proxy records, hampering precise orbital dating. 

    In this study, we evaluate the diffusion effect on the frequencies of the gas records critical for orbital dating and explore the incoherence within and between the AICC2023 ice core chronology and modelled LR04 age scale for the marine sediment cores for the period between 600,000 to 800,000 years ago utilising new high-resolution data (~700 years on average instead of >1000 years on average in the previous chronology reconstruction) from the deepest 200 metres of the EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core. Spectral analyses of CH4, δ18O of O2, and δ(O2/N2) confirm that diffusion does not significantly affect the orbital-scale variability, which enables us to revise the existing depth-age relationship for EDC on its deepest section. Integrating chronological information from the ice core and a continuous high-resolution stable oxygen isotope record of benthic foraminifera using the statistical dating tool Paleochrono-1.1, we link the ice core chronology to marine sediment cores and propose an improved and coherent timescale to reconceive the CO2 and sea level scenario over old terminations.


    How to cite: Klüssendorf, A., Auriol, E., Bouchet, M., Casado, M., Guilluy, H., Parrenin, F., Capron, É., Michel, E., Prié, F., Brugère, E., Teste, G., Salaün, S., and Landais, A.: Reliable Orbital Dating in Deep Ice Core Provides Accurate Marine-Ice Sequences over Old Terminations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11255,, 2025.

    EGU25-11519 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    New chemical signatures and 39Ar dating from Weißseespitze ice cores (Eastern Alps): Tracing anthropogenic pollution from the Late Medieval to Early Modern Period  

    Azzurra Spagnesi, Pascal Bohleber, David Wachs, Elena Barbaro, Matteo Feltracco, Daniela Festi, Jacopo Gabrieli, Linus Langenbacher, Werner Aeschbach, Markus Oberthaler, Martin Stocker-Waldhuber, Andrea Gambaro, Carlo Barbante, and Andrea Fischer

    High-altitude glaciers in the western European Alps have preserved long-term records of anthropogenic air pollution, as shown by numerous ice core studies over the past three decades. These records reveal a significant increase in pollutants over the last two centuries, closely linked to industrialization, with pollutants transported from nearby regions. In contrast, long-term studies in the eastern Alps remain limited, as these glaciers were considered unsuitable for undisturbed ice core preservation due to their lower elevations and temperate basal conditions. However, recent findings suggest that, under specific circumstances, cold ice frozen to bedrock can exist below 4000 m, as demonstrated by the Weißseespitze (WSS) summit ice cap in the Eastern Alps (3499 m a.s.l.), which preserves a 6000-year-old record within ~10 m of depth, despite ongoing surface mass loss.

    Building on earlier work, this study provides further insights into the WSS glacier through expanded chemical analyses of an 8.5 m deep ice core drilled in 2019, complementing previously reported data on major ions and levoglucosan. The extended dataset includes detailed profiles of 22 trace elements (Ag, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, In, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn), carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids, obtained from discrete samples collected alongside the 2022 melting campaign performed at Ca’ Foscari University.

    A Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) analysis of the recorded impurities revealed significant anthropogenic contributions to the trace element profiles. This was supported by a Lagrangian particle dispersion model, showing that ~50% of the air masses over the WSS glacier originated in Central Europe, with a notable contribution from the Po Valley, emphasizing its historical role in pollution transport.

    To refine the glacier's age-depth relationship and contextualize these findings, age constraints were obtained from micro-14C dating and 39Ar dating using atom trap trace analysis (ATTA) from a parallel ice core and additional shallow cores, integrated with the chemical dataset. This analysis determined that the glacier surface formed approximately 356 +19 -23  years prior to 2019. Additionally, the dating established a precise timeline for a significant levoglucosan and chemical peak at a depth of 6.4 meters, placing it roughly 779 +53 -63  years before 2019. The  radiometric age data were combined with an age model using the Raymond model, suitable for ice cap conditions like WSS.

    Building on these insights, the regional significance of the prominent horizon at 6.4 m depth in the 2019 Weißseespitze ice core was explored by comparing the levoglucosan record with micro-charcoal data from the Schwarzboden mire in the Maneid valley, a few kilometers southeast of the glacier. This comparison revealed a striking correspondence, offering new insights into the region’s environmental history.

    This study highlights the WSS glacier’s exceptional value as a long-term archive of pre-industrial pollution. However, with the industrial period already erased by ice mass loss, this archive is critically endangered. Projections suggest that 30% of the Ötztal glaciers could vanish by 2030, emphasizing the untapped potential of Eastern Alpine glaciers in reconstructing past environmental changes before they disappear.

    How to cite: Spagnesi, A., Bohleber, P., Wachs, D., Barbaro, E., Feltracco, M., Festi, D., Gabrieli, J., Langenbacher, L., Aeschbach, W., Oberthaler, M., Stocker-Waldhuber, M., Gambaro, A., Barbante, C., and Fischer, A.: New chemical signatures and 39Ar dating from Weißseespitze ice cores (Eastern Alps): Tracing anthropogenic pollution from the Late Medieval to Early Modern Period , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11519,, 2025.

    EGU25-11852 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Regional patterns of anthropogenic warming in East Antarctica 

    Agnese Petteni, Mathieu Casado, Joel Savarino, Andrea Spolaor, Elise Fourré, Silvia Becagli, Adrien Ooms, Elsa Gautier, Amaelle Landais, Emma Samin, Massimo Frezzotti, Giuliano Dreossi, and Barbara Stenni

    Global warming driven by human activities has a greater impact on polar regions than the global average, a phenomenon known as polar amplification (Casado et al. 2023; England et al. 2021). Strong warming has been directly observed in West Antarctica and in the Antarctic Peninsula. Yet, evidences in the East Antarctic Plateau region remains anecdotal (Clem et al. 2020), even though this region, characterised by thicker ice sheet, represents the largest potential source of global sea-level rise and plays a key role in understanding climatic feedbacks essential for future projections. The ERA5 reanalysis data suggest a warming trend over the recent 30-year at multiple sites on the plateau. However, the natural variability at decadal scale observed on the plateau complicates the isolation of a multi-decadal forced warming trend. In addition, the reliability of this trend estimation is constrained by the time series’ limited coverage, starting in 1940 and exhibiting a discontinuity around 1980, coinciding with the assimilation of satellite data. To address this, ice core records offer a valuable long-term climatic archive. Water stable isotopes (δ¹⁸O and δD) from ice cores, with their well-establish relationship to local temperature – commonly referred to as “paleo-thermometer” – are crucial for reconstructing past temperature variations.

    In this study, we present isotopic records from four firn cores collected at the Paleo site, located in the interior of the East Antarctic Plateau. The 18-meter-deep cores were drilled during the austral summer 2019-2020 as part of the East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse (EAIIST) project. By stacking the four ice cores, we enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in a record that effectively captures climate information at a scale better than interdecadal. These results are first compared to reanalysis data to evaluate their ability to represent the climatic conditions in this remote area on the plateau, which lacks direct observations. Subsequently, the extended time series is presented, offering valuable insights into climatic variability over the past ~350 years and potentially improving the isolation and quantification of the anthropogenic warming trend in this region.

    How to cite: Petteni, A., Casado, M., Savarino, J., Spolaor, A., Fourré, E., Becagli, S., Ooms, A., Gautier, E., Landais, A., Samin, E., Frezzotti, M., Dreossi, G., and Stenni, B.: Regional patterns of anthropogenic warming in East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11852,, 2025.

    EGU25-12402 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Novel insights into the microstructure and crystal-preferred orientation of million-year-old Allan Hills ice 

    Nicolas Stoll, Valens Hishamunda, Margot Shaya, Colin A. Shaw, Sarah Shackleton, Ed Brook, John Higgins, and Tyler Jeffrey Fudge

    Ice cores from the Allan Hills (AH) Blue Ice Area, Antarctica, are up to 6 million years of age, providing novel snapshots in time reaching back into the Miocene. However, AH ice core records are often discontinuous, probably caused by a complicated flow behaviour and, so far unknown, history. Deriving a better understanding of the past and current deformation via ice crystal orientation and microstructure analysis will help interpret these precious ice samples. We, therefore, apply a cascade of structural glaciology methods focusing on four depth regimes around identified age reversals from the 159 m long AH1901 core. Visible features in this, and other AH cores, are large, strongly elongated bubbles. We thus analyse the 2D shape preferred orientation (SPO) of almost 20,000 air bubbles within polished AH samples using established optical mapping methods. Bubble elongation (aspect ratio) is up to 3 times larger than in, e.g., the WAIS divide ice core and is comparably consistent throughout all samples, implying a critical ice-strain rate for a significant time. Similar results were derived via 3D micro-CT investigations. High-resolution grain boundary network analyses via Large Area Scanning Macroscope (LASM) reveal comparably large, bulging crystals with amoeboid shapes, indicating strong recrystallisation. Mean crystal sizes in horizontally (to the core axis) orientated samples are roughly 2-5 times larger than in vertically oriented crystals indicating highly elongated crystal shapes. Finally, we investigated the crystal-preferred orientation (CPO or fabric) within polished thin sections (300 μm) with an automated fabric analyser (G50). Preliminary data show broad single maxima CPOs with several deviating crystals. Closer investigations identify these diverging crystals as bands of crystals with a different orientation intruding the matrix of similar-orientated crystals. Comparable observations were made in the NEEM core (tilted lattice bands), and they could indicate highly localised shear zones. Further investigations on additional samples will help characterise the flow history of AH ice.

    How to cite: Stoll, N., Hishamunda, V., Shaya, M., Shaw, C. A., Shackleton, S., Brook, E., Higgins, J., and Fudge, T. J.: Novel insights into the microstructure and crystal-preferred orientation of million-year-old Allan Hills ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12402,, 2025.

    EGU25-12745 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    First results from a dual-wavelength (157 & 193 nm) LA-ICP-MS/MS System for spatially-resolved chemical analysis of ice cores 

    Tobias Erhardt, C. Ashley Norris, Michael Shelly, Ruben Rittberger, Linda Marko, Alexander Schmidt, and Wolfgang Müller

    In recent years, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) applied to ice-core samples has become the go-to method to investigate climate signals in highly thinned sections of ice cores and the interaction of impurities and the ice’s microstructure. Ablation is typically performed using DUV (deep UV, 193 nm or 213 nm) excimer laser sources. However, at these wavelengths ice is virtually transparent leading to high penetration of the laser energy into the ice. That means that ablation is sometimes non-controlled and likely depends on the impurity load of the ice, and may require very high on-sample fluence. This makes it challenging to generate calibrated ice-core impurity records using cryo-LA-ICPMS. One approach to overcome this is to utilize a laser wavelength that is absorbed by the ice, resulting in shallower penetration. To implement this, we have built a unique custom-designed dual-wavelength LA system that can use both 193 nm and 157 nm excimer lasers. At 157 nm, ice is strongly absorbent, which implies good energy transfer into the sample. Our setup has already been successfully used to ablate other DUV-transparent materials such as fused silica and quartz.

    Here we present the design of the system and the accompanying purpose-built cryo sample holder that allows us to use both 193 nm and 157 nm laser light for the analysis of ice-core samples. The holder is designed to enable high sample throughput by keeping three 14 cm long ice core samples alongside reference materials and frozen standards inside the proven Laurin Technic S155 ablation chamber. In addition to showcasing the design of our system we will show initial results of laser ablation analyses from Greenland ice core samples over Stadial/Interstadial transitions using an Agilent 8900 ICP-MS/MS. In the presented setup the system can be used both to generate high-depth-resolution down-core time series as well as high-resolution impurity maps, both of which are essential to further our understanding of the signal preservation in the ice and to ultimately reconstruct climate variability from highly thinned ice-core records such as the >1Ma old Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice core.

    How to cite: Erhardt, T., Norris, C. A., Shelly, M., Rittberger, R., Marko, L., Schmidt, A., and Müller, W.: First results from a dual-wavelength (157 & 193 nm) LA-ICP-MS/MS System for spatially-resolved chemical analysis of ice cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12745,, 2025.

    EGU25-14784 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Beyond EPICA Little Dome C (BELDC) field seasons to bedrock 

    Frank Wilhelms and the BELDC field participants 2022/23, 23/24, 24/25, stable isotope field measurements team, dating team

    The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice aims at retrieving a continuous ice core record of climate feedback and forcing spanning about 1.5 Ma back in time. In that period the cyclicity of glacial/interglacial changes in continental ice sheet volume and temperature changed from 40 ka to the well-known 100 ka cycles encountered over the last 800 ka. After determining a suitable drill site Little Dome C (LDC), 35 km southwest of Concordia station, during an extensive pre-site survey, we penetrated to 2800 m depth during the third deep drilling season 2024/25, roughly spanning at least 1.2 Ma and a basal unit below 2584 m. We will report on the drilling and core processing activities, completed to the bottom at 2800 m depth.

    How to cite: Wilhelms, F. and the BELDC field participants 2022/23, 23/24, 24/25, stable isotope field measurements team, dating team: Beyond EPICA Little Dome C (BELDC) field seasons to bedrock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14784,, 2025.

    EGU25-14884 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Reconstructing Mean Ocean Temperature over a full glacial cycle using noble-gas ratios from the EDC ice core 

    Henrique Traeger, Markus Grimmer, Jochen Schmitt, Daniel Baggenstos, and Hubertus Fischer

    The ocean is the largest heat reservoir of the planet active on millennial to orbital time scales. By observing and reconstructing its temperature changes – together with the evolution of ice sheet volume – insights on the distribution of Earth’s energy balance may be traced though time (Baggenstos et al., 2019).
    MOT is reconstructed in our studies from noble gases trapped within ice cores. Noble gases are inert: as a result, they partition in a simple two reservoirs system: the atmosphere and the ocean and are not affected by biological cycles in the ocean. As the atmospheric concentration of noble gases is tied to their solubility in the ocean, and the latter is in turn mostly temperature dependent, the concentration recorded within ice cores gas bubbles or clathrates creates a continuous atmospheric record through time. As heat and noble gases are conservatively entrained into the interior of the ocean, we stress that with our MOT approach we obtain the integrated ocean heat content at a given point in time, integrating over all water parcels of the ocean which have different ventilation ages, hence which have equilibrated at the ocean surface at different points back in time. Accordingly, MOT is a convoluted signal of past sea surface temperatures biased towards regions of deep and intermediate water formation.
    The majority of MOT analyses carried out thus far have focused on glacial terminations. Here, we build upon the already existing TIV & TIII data to present early results focused on the glacial cycle in-between. The EPICA Dome C ice core is used to reconstruct MOT fluctuation during Marine Isotope Stage 8 (MIS 8: 255 – 330 ka) with a millennia-scale resolution. This allows to look in the detail of a glacial inception and investigate the mechanisms triggering the onset of glaciation.

    Baggenstos, D., Häberli, M., Schmitt, J., Shackleton, S. A., Birner, B., Severinghaus, J. P., Kellerhals, T., & Fischer, H. (2019). Earth’s radiative imbalance from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(30), 14881–14886.

    How to cite: Traeger, H., Grimmer, M., Schmitt, J., Baggenstos, D., and Fischer, H.: Reconstructing Mean Ocean Temperature over a full glacial cycle using noble-gas ratios from the EDC ice core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14884,, 2025.

    EGU25-14925 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Measurements of the 36Cl/10Be ratio in the deep ice of Talos Dome (East Antarctic): applications to paleomagnetism and ice dating. 

    Alexis Lamothe, Mélanie Baroni, Ellyn Auriol, Mirko Severi, Aster Team, and Edouard Bard

    Cosmogenic nuclides such as beryllium-10 (10Be) and chlorine-36 (36Cl) are valuable tools for dating deep ice cores and reconstructing paleomagnetic events. These nuclides are formed through interactions of target atoms in the atmosphere with galactic cosmic rays and deposited on ice sheets in aerosol form only and aerosol and gaseous forms for 10Be and 36Cl, respectively. However, questions persist regarding the preservation of their production signals in deep ice cores. In particular, low snow accumulation rates favour H36Cl migration and outgassing from the snowpack (Delmas et al., 2004; Pivot et al., 2019).

    Here, we present new measurements of 10Be and 36Cl in the Talos Dome ice core, focusing on periods older than 170 ka BP. When corrected from the radioactive decay of 36Cl and 10Be, a 36Cl/10Be ratio of 0.125 is observed, consistent with ratios observed during the last 700 years in the Talos Dome ice core. The 36Cl/10Be ratio generally overestimate the reconstructed age compared to those expected from AICC2023 chronology (Bouchet et al., 2023). Thus, the consideration of climatic and chemical concentrations is necessary to correctly apply the 36Cl/10Be ratio as a dating tool.

    Additionally, 10Be and 36Cl fluxes record past Earth magnetic field variations. We identify the Iceland Basin geomagnetic excursion around 190 ka as a clear stratigraphic marker, associated with a near doubling of the 10Be and 36Cl fluxes compared to background levels. By contrast, evidence for the Pringle Falls excursion(s) is less apparent. This different observation suggests that only the most intense excursions can be recorded in East Antarctic ice cores. This conclusion is of importance for future consideration of Beyond EPICA ice samples for investigating excursions and inversions after 800 ka.

    Overall, our findings underscore the good preservation of atmospheric cosmogenic nuclide signals in the Talos Dome ice core, reinforcing their utility for dating deep ice and investigating paleomagnetic events.

    How to cite: Lamothe, A., Baroni, M., Auriol, E., Severi, M., Team, A., and Bard, E.: Measurements of the 36Cl/10Be ratio in the deep ice of Talos Dome (East Antarctic): applications to paleomagnetism and ice dating., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14925,, 2025.

    EGU25-15112 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Nitrate record of the 2022 Mt. Logan ice core suggests highest elevation regions sensitive to atmospheric acidity 

    Kira Holland, Alison Criscitiello, Joseph McConnell, Bradley Markle, Hanaa Yousif, Britta Jensen, Sophia Wensman, Emma Skelton, Dominic Winski, Seth Campbell, and Nathan Chellman

    Anthropogenic nitrogen oxide (NOx = NO + NO2) emissions have increased since the Industrial Revolution as a result of fossil fuel burning, contributing to increasing atmospheric acidity and changes to the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Oxidation of NOx leads to the formation of atmospheric nitrate both in the gas phase (HNO3(g)) and aerosol phase (p-NO3), which may then be removed from the atmosphere via wet and dry deposition. Ice core records of nitrate may thus be used to infer past changes in atmospheric NOx concentrations and atmospheric acidity given high enough accumulation rates to prevent substantial post-depositional photolytic loss from the snowpack. Increasing trends innitrate concentrations over the 20th century have been observed in ice core records throughout the Northern Hemisphere including Greenland and the North Pacific. However, two ice cores (1980 NW Col and 2002 PR Col ice cores) retrieved from the summit plateau (5,334 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Logan, the second tallest mountain in North America located in the glaciated region of the St. Elias Mountains in southwest Yukon, revealed no long-term trend in acid chemistry. This lack of sensitivity to increasing atmospheric acidity was largely attributed to the high elevation of the site within the free troposphere and the efficient scrubbing of atmospheric pollutants during transit across the Pacific. Here, we present a nitrate record from the new 2022 Mt. Logan ice core since 1912 CE (~256 m depth). Reconstructed accumulation at the site is extremely high with an average rate of 2.97 m weq a-1 from 1912 to 2020, implying excellent preservation of volatile species coupled with low average temperatures (-26.9°C). The nitrate record suggests a statistically significant (p < 0.01) increasing trend since 1912 CE, in contrast to both the NW Col and PR Col records. The record agrees with other Northern Hemisphere ice core nitrate records including Summit (Greenland; r = 0.49, p < 0.01, 1912–2006), Begguya (Alaska; r = 0.44, p < 0.01, 1912–2012), and Eclipse (Yukon; r = 0.30, p < 0.01, 1912–2001). These results indicate that the highest elevation regions of the North Pacific, such as Mt. Logan, are indeed sensitive to anthropogenic NOx emissions, with ice cores providing rare insight into mid-tropospheric acid chemistry where preservation is adequate.

    How to cite: Holland, K., Criscitiello, A., McConnell, J., Markle, B., Yousif, H., Jensen, B., Wensman, S., Skelton, E., Winski, D., Campbell, S., and Chellman, N.: Nitrate record of the 2022 Mt. Logan ice core suggests highest elevation regions sensitive to atmospheric acidity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15112,, 2025.

    EGU25-15678 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Cryo-SEM and EBSD on air clathrate hydrates in polar ice 

    Florian Painer, Maartje Hamers, Martyn Drury, Sepp Kipfstuhl, and Ilka Weikusat

    In the deeper part of polar ice sheets, air clathrate hydrates (commonly referred to as air hydrates) trap most of the ancient air molecules in their crystal structure, which is the only direct paleo-atmosphere access used for paleoclimatic reconstructions. They form the cubic structure II (sII or CS-II), which consists out of cages formed by water molecules in which the air molecules are enclosed. However, their microstructure and crystallinity are poorly understood.

    Studying air hydrates in polar ice is challenging because they are thermodynamically unstable and dissociate under the temperature and pressure conditions in the cold-laboratories. However, the surrounding ice acts as a pressure cell to keep them metastable for a certain amount of time (in the order of years to tens of years).

    We use transmitted light microscopy paired with Cryogenic Scanning Electron Microscopy (Cryo-SEM) to investigate air hydrates in polar ice cores. Transmitted light microscopy enables the localization of air hydrates inside the ice sample. Ice grain boundaries and ice relaxation features, such as plate-like inclusions, are useful for orientation during SEM analysis. Air hydrates at or close to the samples surface already dissociate in the cold-laboratory during sample preparation, and form a characteristic structure. Controlled sublimation inside the SEM chamber allows to observe air hydrates previously located inside the ice sample and to investigate their dissociation behavior with sub-micron resolution. For the first time, we perform Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) analysis on air hydrates in polar ice, which is a powerful method to study the crystallographic structure of materials.

    How to cite: Painer, F., Hamers, M., Drury, M., Kipfstuhl, S., and Weikusat, I.: Cryo-SEM and EBSD on air clathrate hydrates in polar ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15678,, 2025.

    EGU25-16850 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Investigating the relationship between Total Air Content (TAC) variations in polar ice cores and surface climate conditions 

    Héloïse Guilluy, Émilie Capron, Frédéric Parrenin, Vladimir Lipenkov, Jochen Schmitt, Zhipeng Wu, Qiuzhen Yin, Anna Klüssendorf, Amaëlle Landais, Patricia Martinerie, Barbara Seth, Hubertus Fischer, and Dominique Raynaud

    Ice cores constitute a valuable archive for reconstructing climate and atmospheric composition from glacial-interglacial to annual timescales. The Total Air Content (TAC), corresponding to the total volume of air trapped in ice, reflects changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature, and pore volume at the bubble close-off at the bottom of the firn. Building on these properties, TAC has been employed as a paleoelevation proxy and more recently as an orbital dating tool. Pore volume at bubble close-off depends not only on atmospheric pressure but also on local surface conditions driving firn densification and air entrapment efficiency through processes like compaction and snow grain metamorphism.

    Investigating the relative impact of different surface climate parameters on the TAC signal, requires evaluating variables such as local insolation, accumulation rate, and seasonal temperature variations. Previous studies have mainly focused on site-specific analyses, limiting broader insights into regional and global patterns. To address this gap, we compiled TAC data from 30 ice cores across Antarctica and Greenland, combining published datasets with new measurements from the EDC, EDML and TALDICE ice cores. This data compilation includes sites with highly contrasting local climatic conditions, in terms of accumulation rates (1150 to 22 mm w.e. yr-1) and surface temperatures (-14 to -58°C). In addition to surface parameters (e.g. reconstructed annual surface temperatures and accumulation rates, Half Year local Summer Insolation index and atmospheric pressures), simulated summer temperatures from an Earth system model of intermediate complexity were used to be compared to past TAC changes. Then, we apply a series of statistical analyses on the compiled dataset, including linear and multiple regression analyses as well as residual analyses, to evaluate the relationships between TAC and the different environmental parameters at orbital and millennial scales. We also compare the measured TAC datasets with TAC outputs from the IGE firn densification model.

    Our results highlight regional contrasts in the relationship between TAC variations and the different surface climate parameters. For Greenlandic ice cores we observed strong correlations observed between TAC and climatic parameters. For instance, at NGRIP and GRIP sites, coefficients of determination (R2) between TAC and Half Year Summer Insolation are higher than 0.6. Antarctic sites, including those on the East plateau, exhibited more variable and site-specific responses. For example, at EDC and Dome Fuji sites, the R2 between TAC and Half Year Summer Insolation is respectively 0.3 and 0.6. These findings underline the critical importance of addressing site-dependent dynamics to use TAC as a robust environmental proxy and orbital dating tool.


    How to cite: Guilluy, H., Capron, É., Parrenin, F., Lipenkov, V., Schmitt, J., Wu, Z., Yin, Q., Klüssendorf, A., Landais, A., Martinerie, P., Seth, B., Fischer, H., and Raynaud, D.: Investigating the relationship between Total Air Content (TAC) variations in polar ice cores and surface climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16850,, 2025.

    EGU25-17165 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    How accurate was the age modelling for the Beyond EPICA ice core? 

    Ailsa Chung and the Beyond EPICA community

    The International Partnership on Ice Core Science (IPICS) set the “Oldest Ice” challenge of retrieving an ice core with a continuous palaeoclimatic record covering the past 1 million years. In order to determine good ice core drill sites, flow modelling is required to assess the potential age of the ice. Different age models were applied to the Beyond EPICA drill site on Little Dome C in East Antarctica. During the 2024/2025 Antarctic field season, drilling reached bedrock and the preliminary measurements from the field suggest the age of the oldest ice to be over 1.2 million years.

    In this work, we compare age-depth tie points observations to both 1D and 2.5D ice flow models. The comparison shows how different models using different constraining radar surveys performed when compared with observations from the ice core. We also discuss why a simpler model may be more appropriate in the Dome C region. This validation exercise is of special interest to other ice core drilling projects where these modelling techniques have been used and for searching for new potential “Oldest Ice” drill sites.

    How to cite: Chung, A. and the Beyond EPICA community: How accurate was the age modelling for the Beyond EPICA ice core?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17165,, 2025.

    EGU25-17368 | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Basal section of the Beyond EPICA Little Dome C ice core 

    Julien Westhoff and the Beyond EPICA Community

    The Beyond EPICA project aims to collect ice of more than one million years of age. This ice is found approx. 200m above bedrock, the basal unit remained a mystery before drilling. We present the first results from the basal unit, i.e. the section identified from radio-stratigraphy, which seemed to be unstratified and, based on modeling results, also potentially stagnant. Variations in crystal size measured on-site reveal the gradual transition into this basal unit. In the approx. 5 m of basal ice recovered from the core, we find layered bands containing 1-2mm rocks, clogged clays sections of banded dispersed facies, and repetitive transitions of clear ice to debris-rich ice. The mineralogic composition is mainly of granitic and gneiss rocks, mainly in the size fraction of sand. With these new results, we can increase our understanding of ice sheets' formation and evolution, ice flow over the bedrock, and variations in rheology due to ice crystals.

    How to cite: Westhoff, J. and the Beyond EPICA Community: Basal section of the Beyond EPICA Little Dome C ice core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17368,, 2025.

    EGU25-18382 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Physical properties in the shear margin of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream 

    Johanna Kerch, Audrey Wichartz, Kyra Streng, Nicolas Stoll, Daniela Jansen, Johannes Freitag, Henning Ullrich, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, and Ilka Weikusat

    The North-East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) is a major contributor to ice loss experienced by the Greenland Ice Sheet. Our current understanding of the mechanics of this highly dynamic feature is limited compared to the surrounding slowly deforming ice sheet, but significant for enhancing ice flow models and attaining more accurate sea-level rise projections. Especially the shear margins of an ice stream are the regions where, in addition to the ice stream bed, a large part of the deformation occurs. To study the deformation processes that are active in the shear margins on the basis of sub-surface ice samples will contribute to our understanding of how fast flow in ice streams is enabled. The East Greenland Ice-core Project drilled the first deep ice core in such a fast-flowing regime at the onset of NEGIS, reaching bedrock at approximately 2670 m. The EGRIP ice core data provide a comprehensive record of the crystal-preferred orientation (CPO) throughout the core. Additionally, short cores of approximately 100 m length (S5, ExS5-1, ExS5-2) were drilled in 2019 and 2022 in the shear margin south-east of the main core drilling site.

    We present results from CPO analysis of these three cores, supported by density data and temperature profiles from the boreholes. Comparing our results with those from the main core reveals the effect of shear localisation in the margin on the physical properties of the ice, and highlights the significant lateral variation between the three locations set in the shear margin within distances of 2-3 km.

    How to cite: Kerch, J., Wichartz, A., Streng, K., Stoll, N., Jansen, D., Freitag, J., Ullrich, H., Kipfstuhl, S., Dahl-Jensen, D., and Weikusat, I.: Physical properties in the shear margin of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18382,, 2025.

    EGU25-18499 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    High resolution hyperspectral, microphysical and mineralogical interdisciplinary approach applied on the 224 m long ice core drilled on the Adamello glacier (Italian Alps) 

    Deborah Fiorini, Barbara Delmonte, Elena Di Stefano, Clara Mangili, Sergio Andò, Alessandro Cavallo, Susan Kaspari, Claudio Artoni, and Valter Maggi

    The capability of ice-covered surfaces to reflect solar electromagnetic radiation is significantly influenced by mineral dust, one of the primary components of aerosols. This dust alters the reflectance of the ice, causing a larger portion of the radiation to be absorbed, depending on the properties of the dust layer.

    The aim of this work is to apply a novel hyperspectral, microphysical and mineralogical interdisciplinary approach for the characterisation of ice cores and the entrapped mineral dust. More than 120 m of the 224 m long ADA270 ice core drilled in 2021 from the Adamello glacier (Pian di Neve, Italian Alps) has been analysed trough this method. A non-destructive Hyperspectral imaging sensor is used to create high-spatial and high-spectral resolution images in the VNIR wavelength range (380-1000 nm).

    Hyperspectral measurements were performed at the EuroCold Laboratory of the University Milano-Bicocca (Italy). From these, some optical descriptors such as Albedo, Snow Darkening Index (SDI) and Impurity Index (II) (Di Mauro B. et al, 2015) were extracted. We compared results with independent measurements of dust concentration, grain size (Coulter Counter) and mineralogy (X-Ray Diffraction). Also, single-grain analyses with a Hyperspectral Imaging Microscope Spectrometer (HIMS, Central Washington University, USA) generating reflectance spectra in the same VNIR range were performed in order to explore the possibility to associate the optical footprint of dust layers to specific mineralogical mixtures.

    The hyperspectral analysis of the ice core, spanning depths from 3.4 to 124 meters, revealed a sequence of melting-refreezing zones, bubbled regions, and dusty layers, these latter particularly abundant in the upper part of the core. Comparison of the SDI signal with the mineral dust concentrations confirms that, as expected, reflectance diminishes as mineral dust content rises. The mineralogical analyses indicate a notable presence of Quartz, Chlorite, and Biotite, likely due to local transport, along with Kaolinite, a secondary mineral typically linked to Saharan dust transport. By means of the HIMS system various reflectance spectra were extracted from dust samples, providing valuable insights into the optical effects of mineral dust transport through the atmosphere and aiding in the identification of its source region.

    By integrating hyperspectral, microphysical, and XRD data, a comprehensive characterization of the inorganic content of the Adamello ice core can be achieved. Micro-hyperspectral measurements offer a qualitative assessment of the optical impact of individual minerals, helping to assess their influence on atmospheric optics, glacier melting rates, and the response of hyperspectral scanning systems.

    How to cite: Fiorini, D., Delmonte, B., Di Stefano, E., Mangili, C., Andò, S., Cavallo, A., Kaspari, S., Artoni, C., and Maggi, V.: High resolution hyperspectral, microphysical and mineralogical interdisciplinary approach applied on the 224 m long ice core drilled on the Adamello glacier (Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18499,, 2025.

    EGU25-18857 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Optical characterisation of mineral dust in polar ice: towards an improved understanding of climate-regulating processes 

    Valentina Raspagni, Marco Alberto Carlo Potenza, Barbara Delmonte, Luca Teruzzi, Llorenç Cremonesi, Giovanna Scaiano, and Walter Maggi

    Polar ice cores represent a unique and invaluable archive, offering an exceptional resource for enhancing our understanding of the atmospheric composition over time and its aerosol content. These cores preserve, over millennia, crucial information such as air bubbles, solid particles trapped in ice, as well as isotopes, heavy metals, and radioactive elements. Among the various paleoclimatic proxies, mineral dust is widely recognized as a key component of the climate system, strongly linked to the glacial-interglacial climate oscillations of the Quaternary period. Nevertheless, its impact on the radiative balance of the planet system remains to be fully quantified, primarily due to the considerable variations in its optical properties that occur over both space and time. In this context, laser-sensing instruments emerge as a versatile and non-destructive tool suitable for in-line characterisation of particle radiative properties.


    In this work, we present an optical technique which provides two optical parameters, namely the extinction cross-section and the polarizability, of each particle passing through a focused laser beam under continuous forced flow, called Single Particle Extinction and Scattering (SPES). This method, developed by the Instrumental Optics of the Physics Department of the University of Milan, is based on the far-field, self-reference interference between the zero-angle field scattered by each nano- or microparticle and the more intense field transmitted through the sample.


    This analysis has been applied to the EPICA ice core drilled at Dome C, East Antarctica, with depth range from about 200 to 2900 m.  In deeper sections, where growth and recrystallisation of ice grains might cause relocation of impurities, particular attention has been directed towards the identification of dust aggregates, which have the potential to alter the original paleoclimate signal. Preliminary results and insight on the SPES method will be presented.


    How to cite: Raspagni, V., Potenza, M. A. C., Delmonte, B., Teruzzi, L., Cremonesi, L., Scaiano, G., and Maggi, W.: Optical characterisation of mineral dust in polar ice: towards an improved understanding of climate-regulating processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18857,, 2025.

    EGU25-19112 | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    March 2022 warm event detected in precipitation and surface snow at Concordia Station in East Antarctica 

    Giuliano Dreossi, Mauro Masiol, Daniele Zannoni, Claudio Stefanini, Claudio Scarchilli, Virginia Ciardini, Paolo Grigioni, Massimo Del Guasta, Amaëlle Landais, Mathieu Casado, Inès Ollivier, Stefan Terzer-Wassmuth, Lorenzo Copia, and Barbara Stenni

    An unprecedented heatwave affected East Antarctica between 15 and 19 March 2022, triggering record-high temperatures from the coastal regions to the Antarctic plateau. The event was caused by an intense atmospheric river that transported heat and moisture from the central and southwestern subtropical Indian Ocean at lower latitudes into the interior of continental Antarctica. Although the poleward moisture advection ceased after 18 March, a counterclockwise flow of clouds around a blocking anticyclone trapped the residual moisture over Antarctica. This led to sustained high surface temperatures for several days following the atmospheric river event (Wille et al., 2024a).

    The heatwave brought rain and caused significant surface melting in coastal areas and intense snowfall events in the inner Antarctic region, which contributed to an overall positive mass balance. The Italian stake farm close to Concordia Station observed an accumulation of ~7 cm from 15 February to 22 March, which represents almost 90% of the local amount of accumulation.

    Although the March 2022 heatwave lasted only for some days, model results suggest that this anomaly can be retrieved from ice core records over the equivalent of several years of snow accumulation (Wille et al., 2024b).

    Since 2008, daily precipitation has been collected at Concordia Station, East Antarctica. The snow collected during the March 2022 heatwave exhibits δ¹⁸O and δ²H values that are the highest recorded since precipitation collection began. On 9 January 2023, a high-resolution snow pit, sampled at 2 cm intervals, was dug at Concordia. The isotopic analysis revealed a significant peak between 12 and 16 cm in depth, with three δ¹⁸O values exceeding -40‰. These unusually high values can be directly linked to the precipitation from the March 2022 heatwave.

    The oceanic origin of the water vapor was also observed in tritium (3H) levels: in the Dome C 2022 precipitation reconnaissance measurements, values were as low as 10 TU (compared to between 20 and 400 TU during the rest of the year), which is in good agreement with GNIP observation sites closer to the Antarctic coast at similar latitudes.

    Understanding the effects of single heatwave events on the isotopic signal stored in snow, firn and in ice cores is fundamental to better constrain palaeoclimatological studies, where isotopic analysis is widely used in climate reconstruction studies.


    Wille, J. D., and Coauthors, 2024a.

    Wille, J. D., and Coauthors, 2024b.

    How to cite: Dreossi, G., Masiol, M., Zannoni, D., Stefanini, C., Scarchilli, C., Ciardini, V., Grigioni, P., Del Guasta, M., Landais, A., Casado, M., Ollivier, I., Terzer-Wassmuth, S., Copia, L., and Stenni, B.: March 2022 warm event detected in precipitation and surface snow at Concordia Station in East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19112,, 2025.

    EGU25-20335 | ECS | Posters on site | CL1.2.7

    Placing the Weddell Sea Holocene elevation drop in context: New records of total air content from Fletcher Promontory and Skytrain Ice Rise 

    Janani Venkatesh, Amy King, Korina Chapman, Shaun Miller, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Robert Mulvaney, Eric Wolff, Xavier Faïn, Emilie Capron, and Thomas Bauska

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), holding close to five metres sea level equivalent of ice, has long been considered one of the major tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system. A recent study suggests that WAIS is perhaps one of the most decisive elements in this system as well (Wang et al., 2023). Total Air Content (TAC) data (a proxy for ice sheet elevation) from the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core (~79°S, 078°W, 784 m altitude) shows rapid elevation changes of around 100 m within decadal timescales around 8,000 years ago at this site (Grieman et al.,2024), which provides strong evidence towards the vulnerability of this region and the need to understand its past behaviour in high spatial and temporal resolution.

    Here, we present a complete record of TAC during the Holocene from the Fletcher Promontory ice core (~78°S, 082°W, 873 m altitude) located around 220 km from the Skytrain Ice Rise site. The record covers the entire Holocene until ~11,000 years BP, measured on a high-accuracy TAC system. Using the two records from Skytrain Ice Rise and Fletcher Promontory, the long-term trends and offsets in this region during the Holocene are investigated. The reliability of the TAC data and the robustness of our measurement system are also discussed, along with implications for WAIS and possible future studies.

    Wang, S. et al: Mechanisms and Impacts of Earth System Tipping Elements. Reviews of Geophysics 61, 1 (2023).

    Grieman, M.M., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Hoffmann, H.M. et al.: Abrupt Holocene ice loss due to thinning and ungrounding in the Weddell Sea Embayment. Nat. Geosci. 17, 227–232 (2024).

    How to cite: Venkatesh, J., King, A., Chapman, K., Miller, S., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Mulvaney, R., Wolff, E., Faïn, X., Capron, E., and Bauska, T.: Placing the Weddell Sea Holocene elevation drop in context: New records of total air content from Fletcher Promontory and Skytrain Ice Rise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20335,, 2025.

    EGU25-21557 | ECS | Orals | CL1.2.7

    Sea ice diatoms in ice cores, a novel proxy for reconstructing past Antarctic sea ice changes 

    Dieter Tetzner, Elizabeth Thomas, and Claire Allen
    Antarctic sea ice plays a key role in modulating regional and global climate. Over the last decade, Antarctic sea ice has presented a rapid decline. However, observational records are short, hindering our ability to directly assess the wider context of the recently observed changes. In the absence of long direct observations, ice core proxy records have the potential to yield valuable information about past environmental changes over long timescales.
    In this study, we present multiple records of sea ice diatoms preserved in a set of ice cores retrieved from two sub-Antarctic islands within the seasonal sea ice zone and two coastal Antarctic Peninsula sites. The abundance of sea ice diatoms preserved in ice core layers strongly correlates with spring sea ice concentration upwind from the ice core sites. This strong relationship highlights the sea ice diatom abundance preserved in ice layers as a novel Antarctic sea ice concentration proxy.

    How to cite: Tetzner, D., Thomas, E., and Allen, C.: Sea ice diatoms in ice cores, a novel proxy for reconstructing past Antarctic sea ice changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21557,, 2025.

    EGU25-906 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    Preliminary Seismic Signature Analysis of the Tagliamento River During Flood Events Using Machine Learning Algorithms 

    Mario Valerio Gangemi, Alfio Marco Borzì, Andrea Cannata, Flavio Cannavò, Stefano Parolai, Concetto Spampinato, Luca Zini, and Francesco Panzera

    Identifying the seismic signature of rivers (e.g., flow and bedload) is a significant challenge due to the varying responses of the investigation site and the hydrodynamic parameters controlling river streams during flood events. Moreover, environmental noise, such as wind and rain components, is not always easily distinguishable from the signal generated by river motion, given their overlapping frequency ranges.

    We analysed the seismic signature of the Tagliamento River, located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Northeast Italy), recognised as one of the "last large natural alpine rivers in Europe." This river is characterised by significant water level rises and gravel sediment transport during extreme meteorological events. Using data from level gauges and pluviometric sensors alongside seismic stations installed along the river, we examined the relationship between increasing water levels, rainfall indices, and the amplitude of seismic waves recorded by seismometers during multiple flood events from 2018 to 2024.

    Additionally, we performed detailed analyses, including cross-correlation, time-of-concentration calculations, and seismic signal polarisation, to better characterise river behaviour. This preliminary study aims to understand the seismic signals generated by the turbulent flow of the river and the transported bedload using the collected data. Subsequently, we propose to develop an empirical model for water level estimation, enabling the evaluation of hydrogeological hazards during upstream floods with the assistance of machine learning algorithms.

    How to cite: Gangemi, M. V., Borzì, A. M., Cannata, A., Cannavò, F., Parolai, S., Spampinato, C., Zini, L., and Panzera, F.: Preliminary Seismic Signature Analysis of the Tagliamento River During Flood Events Using Machine Learning Algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-906,, 2025.

    EGU25-2842 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    Seismic Footsteps: Harnessing Machine Learning to Decode Wildlife in the African Savanna 

    Rene Steinmann, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Fabrice Cotton, Frederik Tilmann, and Beth Mortimer

    Seismic sensors, traditionally used in geophysical studies, are emerging as non-invasive tools for continuous wildlife monitoring by capturing seismic waves generated by animal locomotion. This novel approach opens new possibilities but also presents methodological challenges. In this study, we analyze seismic signals from African savanna species during locomotion and apply machine learning to classify species based on footfall signals. Utilizing the SeisSavanna dataset, which includes over 70,000 labeled seismograms paired with camera trap images, we identify distinct species-specific footfall patterns. Our analysis reveals that local site effects significantly influence signal frequency content. To address this, we trained machine learning models on data from multiple locations, achieving a balanced accuracy of 87% for elephants, giraffes, hyenas, and zebras at distances up to 50 meters, decreasing to 77% at 150 meters due to weaker signals and lower label quality. Importantly, the models generalize well to new stations if similar site conditions are represented in the training data. These findings highlight the potential of seismic monitoring to complement tools like camera traps and acoustic loggers, offering unique insights into wildlife behavior and expanding monitoring capabilities to silent species. To fully realize this potential, further methodological advances and larger datasets are necessary to establish seismic sensors as a robust tool for wildlife conservation.

    How to cite: Steinmann, R., Nissen-Meyer, T., Cotton, F., Tilmann, F., and Mortimer, B.: Seismic Footsteps: Harnessing Machine Learning to Decode Wildlife in the African Savanna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2842,, 2025.

    Fin whales, the second-largest animals on Earth, produce some of the most intense vocalizations in the animal kingdom. Monitoring these sounds using ocean-based hydrophones is crucial for studying their distribution and social behaviour, although obtaining real-time data remains challenging. In this study, we explore whether vocalizing near-coastal fin whales can be detected and located widely using onshore seismometers. By analysing publicly available data from existing seismic stations, we show that fin whale songs can be detected with onshore seismometers up to 5.5 km inland across various marine environments worldwide. Through the analysis of seismic wave properties, individual whales can be located and tracked.

    Additionally, we demonstrate that citizen science seismometers, like the affordable and widely used ‘Raspberry Shake’ devices, can reliably detect fin whale songs. These instruments, often placed in coastal areas, offer a cost-effective and accessible approach to monitoring coastal fin whale activity in real-time. The discovery that human habitats are ensonified by fin whale song presents an opportunity to increase public engagement with marine life and opens new possibilities for global monitoring. Given that fin whales are threatened by noise pollution, shipping collisions, and entanglement in fishing gear, the use of terrestrial seismometers could help improve early warning systems and enhance datasets on near-coastal whale vocalizations. This study highlights the significant, untapped potential of seismic data for monitoring near-coastal fin whales on a global scale.

    How to cite: Möllhoff, M. and Bean, C.: Onshore seismometers detect fin whale songs, unlocking new opportunities for coastal cetacean monitoring and public engagement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4452,, 2025.

    EGU25-5217 | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Monitoring Ocean Wave height in the Northeast Atlantic Using Terrestrially based microseism data 

    samaneh baranbooei and Christopher J Bean

    Current methods employed to track the spatiotemporal evolution of ocean wave mainly include insitu buoys, numerical ocean wave modeling, and satellite altimetry. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of spatial and temporal resolution. For example, buoys provide high temporal resolution, but lower spatial resolution compared to numerical wave forecast modeling and satellite altimetry.

    This study explores an alternative method to investigate the feasibility of constructing an ocean wave monitoring system utilizing land-based seismic amplitudes. The proposed method relies on the correlation between secondary microseism amplitudes detected on land and their causative ocean wave heights. .

    In this method, we implemented a supervised Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to quantify the nonlinear relationship between secondary microseism amplitudes recorded on land and the associated ocean wave heights.. The ANN was trained using seismic amplitudes data from seismic stations distributed across Ireland and Buoy data or numerical simulated ocean wave height data in the Northeast Atlantic. Subsequently, the trained ANN was utilized to estimate significant Wave Height (SWH) at specific location(s). The estimated wave heights exhibit a similar statistical distribution to in-situ wave height observations, with normally distributed differences. Since the approach is purely data-driven, its implementation is straightforward and holds potential as a reliable, low-cost operational tool.

    The comparison between our results and the measured wave height data demonstrates a strong correlation, particularly for smaller wave heights, where the estimates show excellent accuracy. For larger wave heights, while the estimates are not as accurate, they still provide reasonably reliable approximations, highlighting the robustness of this  approach, across a range of ocean wave conditions.

    How to cite: baranbooei, S. and Bean, C. J.: Monitoring Ocean Wave height in the Northeast Atlantic Using Terrestrially based microseism data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5217,, 2025.

    EGU25-5684 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Investigating Modifications in the Hydrological System Following the M7.2 Hualien Earthquake with Seismic Methods 

    Peter Makus, Niels Hovius, Jens Turowski, and Jui-Ming Chang

    In April 2024, a M7.2 earthquake struck the east coast of the Taiwanese island near the city of Hualien. Being the largest earthquake in the region for more than 25 years, the Hualien earthquake offers a unique opportunity to study the landscape and subsurface response to strong ground motion. Extraordinarily high precipitations during the following monsoon season put additional pressure on the near-surface and subsurface hydrological systems. Here, we combine multidisciplinary environmental and hydrological datasets with seismological data products recorded by a network continuously active since 2016 around the Liwu River catchment. We analyse, for example, seismic velocity change time series (dv/v) or horizontal over vertical spectral ratios (H/V) to shed light on the mechanisms causing increased river discharge and changes in water composition following strong ground motion events. In the data, we not only find a strong response to the M7.2 earthquake but also clear evidence of seasonal variation corresponding to the biannual cycles in temperature and rainfall. This study will put further constraints on the reaction of aquifers and aquitards in mountainous environments to large earthquakes. Mountain freshwater reservoirs are a primary resource for the Taiwanese population and economy. Understanding its dynamics will shed light on the chances and limitations of its exploitation and sensitivity to climate change.

    How to cite: Makus, P., Hovius, N., Turowski, J., and Chang, J.-M.: Investigating Modifications in the Hydrological System Following the M7.2 Hualien Earthquake with Seismic Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5684,, 2025.

    EGU25-5793 | Orals | GM2.1

    Monitoring Rain-Induced Stress Changes in a Limestone Cliff Using Ultrasonic Testing and Resonance Frequency 

    Juliane Starke, Romain Rousseau, Laurent Baillet, Antoine Guillemot, and Eric Larose

    Rockfalls pose significant risks, with the potential to cause severe infrastructural damage and fatalities. Among the primary weathering agents - freezing, rainfall, and thermal variations - rainfall's impact on rock weathering remains poorly understood. The mechanical properties - damage and rigidity - are crucial determinants of long-term rock stability (2). This study investigates the effects of rainfall on the sonic velocities and apparent rigidity of a natural rock column.

    Ultrasonic testing, a widely used method in structural health monitoring, was employed in situ on a 50-meter-high south-facing limestone cliff overlying the Chauvet Cave in the Ardèche Plateau, SE France. This cliff experiences a range of climatic solicitations, including solar illumination, temperature fluctuations, and rainfall events. Sonic velocity changes, obtained during repeated ultrasonic testing, are indicative of internal stress variations within the rock, driven by environmental factors (thermal-acousto-elasticity, (1)).

    We combined ultrasonic testing with resonance frequency measurements to evaluate stress changes at both centimeter and decameter scales of a limestone cliff. While sonic velocities provide insights into local rigidity, resonance frequency measurements reflect changes in the apparent rigidity and fracture dynamics of the rock mass as a whole. Summer rain events caused a drop in resonance frequency, likely due to rock mass contraction and fracture adjustments, while sonic velocity responses varied depending on rainfall intensity. These results suggest an interplay between rainfall and rock properties, potentially involving pore space filling and increased local rigidity from micro-crack closure. This study underscores the value of sonic velocity measurements as a proxy for assessing rock damage and rigidity, emphasizing the need for further quantification to better understand damage evolution and rock stability.

    1 ) Guillemot, A., Baillet, L., Larose, E., & Bottelin, P. (2022). Changes in resonance frequency of rock columns due to thermoelastic effects on a daily scale: observations, modelling and insights to improve monitoring systems. Geophysical Journal International, 231(2), 894-906.

    2 ) Guillemot, A., Audin, L., Larose, É., Baillet, L., Guéguen, P., Jaillet, S., & Delannoy, J. J. (2024). A comprehensive seismic monitoring of the pillar threatening the world cultural heritage site Chauvet-Pont d'Arc cave, toward rock damage assessment. Earth and Space Science, 11(4), e2023EA003329.

    How to cite: Starke, J., Rousseau, R., Baillet, L., Guillemot, A., and Larose, E.: Monitoring Rain-Induced Stress Changes in a Limestone Cliff Using Ultrasonic Testing and Resonance Frequency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5793,, 2025.

    Ambient seismic noise is a highly useful signal to monitor various Earth structures and processes over time. Through its excitation at the Earth’s surface by the oceans, wind and other sources, it also provides an observational basis to study the interaction between the solid Earth and its oceans and atmosphere.

    While ambient noise has been used extensively for monitoring crust and soil with coda wave passive image interferometry, it remains challenging to localize and quantitatively model the observed changes. Ballistic waves retrieved by ambient noise cross-correlation, which would provide a more straightforward means to interpret observed changes, are only considered an acceptable observable for monitoring under specific circumstances due to the high spatio-temporal variability of ambient noise sources which may bias the measurements.

    With the motivation to understand such biases better, we investigate the time-dependent behaviour of attenuation and phase velocity on a regional-scale, 20-year cross-correlation dataset from Switzerland, including stations in the Jura, the Molasse basin and the Alps. Seasonal variations in the composition of the ambient seismic noise field due to the generation of microseismic noise by the ocean have been previously observed. Here, we observe seasonal phase velocity and surface wave attenuation changes, which we further compare to conventional dv/v measurements and time-dependent ambient noise coda-Q measurements. To investigate these changes more quantitatively, we model ambient noise correlations numerically using pre-computed Green’s function libraries for a 3-D Earth model from SPECFEM3D_globe and oceanographically constrained secondary microseism source proxy maps. With these models we aim to determine whether the observed seasonal variations can be explained by ocean microseism source effects.

    With this work, we intend to contribute to the quantitative understanding and usage of ambient noise correlations, in particular for the secondary microseism, and ultimately to detailed and interpretable time-dependent monitoring of the crust.

    How to cite: Ermert, L., Boschi, L., and Obermann, A.: Zooming out: Seasonal changes shown by the background seismic wavefield in the Swiss Alps and Molasse basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6046,, 2025.

    EGU25-6236 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Exploring the potential of seismic sensors in monitoring slow moving landslides in Lower Austria 

    Philipp Marr, Michael Dietze, Edoardo Carraro, Robert Kanta, and Thomas Glade

    Landslides pose a significant threat to settlements, infrastructure and communities globally. In order to mitigate the potential impact and damages caused by these phenomena, various approaches and methodologies have been developed and implemented. Among these, the continuous monitoring of slope instabilities is crucial for understanding landslide dynamics and gaining information in predisposing and triggering factors. In this context, the use of passive seismic sensors has emerged as a powerful tool for monitoring, as they can detect subtle transient slope mechanical and hydrological changes as well as unpredictable episodes of signal emission associated with slope deformation processes. By continuously recording such microseismic activity, seismometers can provide data on landslide movements, offering valuable insights into the state of activity and allowing a better understanding of the relationships between the driving mechanisms.

    This study provides a preliminary attempt on the investigation of slow-moving processes occurring in the region of Lower Austria, which is known to be highly prone to landslides due to its complex geological characteristics. The lithological transition between the Flysch and Klippen Unit formations consists predominantly of mechanically weak components, such as intercalated limestones and marlstones to claystone and deeply weathered materials. Combined with hydrological factors, changes in land use, and anthropogenic influences, these predisposing conditions contribute to the region's susceptibility to slope instability.

    In this work, we present the results from an ongoing monitoring conducted across three well established landslide observatories in this region, which have been co-instrumented with a total of 26 geophones to monitor landslide activity. The deployed compact seismic stations consist of geophones, installed at 25 cm depth in dug pits, and a DataCube data logger recording ground velocity values at 200 Hz sampling frequency. This setup is powered by a 55Ah 9V battery and periodically visited to extract data and check the station status. Here, we evaluate and discuss the seismic expression of external drivers, co-registered slope deformation and spatio-temporal patterns of slope activity. In addition, taking advantage of the sensors included in the monitoring network installed in each site (e.g. inclinometers, piezometers), we examine the possibility of analysing the relationship with possible drivers and reactions on nested temporal scales. The findings of this work contribute to advancing the application of passive seismic monitoring technologies in landslide research, particularly in the context of slow-moving landslides.

    How to cite: Marr, P., Dietze, M., Carraro, E., Kanta, R., and Glade, T.: Exploring the potential of seismic sensors in monitoring slow moving landslides in Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6236,, 2025.

    EGU25-6557 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

     The June 2024 Flooding of La Bérarde: Insights from Seismic Data and Field Observations 

    Noélie Bontemps, Eric Larose, Malgorzata Chmiel, and Antoine Blanc

    The hamlet of La Bérarde, a touristic hotspot in the French Alps for hiking and mountaineering and an iconic site in the history of alpinism, was severely impacted by the catastrophic flooding of the Etançons torrent during the night of June 20–21, 2024. The event resulted in the evacuation of 114 people, affected 66 buildings, and resulted in the complete destruction of 16 structures. The flood, characterised afterwards with a centennial recurrence interval, was caused by a combination of intense precipitation over the 2 days, significant snowmelt, and the sudden drainage of the supraglacial lake of the Bonne Pierre glacier.

    Field assessments revealed that up to 300,000 m³ of sediments were transported downstream by the torrent, explaining the landscape transformation that occurred in the hamlet. Due to the evacuation of the village during the middle of the night and to the destruction of the river gauge downstream during the event,reconstructing the sequence of events involving the torrent and the associated debris flows proved challenging.

    The three closest seismic stations to La Bérarde (located 15-20 km away) were used in this study to better refine the timeline of the flood. Tools such as seismic signal polarisation and spectrograms helped us to constrain the hours of the night where we observed an increase in the recorded seismic energy and a shift in the polarisation toward the hamlet. These findings align with eyewitness accounts and measurements of the Véneon River flow prior to the destruction of the river gauge by the flood.

    Eventually, we installed a seismic station shortly after the flood near the front of the Bonne Pierre glacier and at the cross section of the Bonne Pierre river and the Etançons torrent to have a better idea of the sediment’s availability in case of futur glacial lake drainage. This revealed that a large amount of sediment is available and could potentially be carried by the torrent in case of another rapid drainage of the glacier.

    This work was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under grant No. 101142154 - Crack The Rock project.


    How to cite: Bontemps, N., Larose, E., Chmiel, M., and Blanc, A.:  The June 2024 Flooding of La Bérarde: Insights from Seismic Data and Field Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6557,, 2025.

    EGU25-7093 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Seismic Investigation of the Åknes Rockslide: Using Ambient Seismic Noise to Identify Possible Rockslide Movement 

    Laura Bogner, Charlotte Bruland, Nadege Langet, Volker Oye, Celine Hadziioannou, and Antonia Kiel

    The Åknes rockslide is located on the slope of a steeply dipping fjord in Norway in the proximity of urban areas, posing a significant hazard due to its potential to trigger a massive tsunami. This study utilizes data from eight vertically aligned borehole geophones and one broadband seismometer on the surface, collected over a period of approximately 22 months. Previous research has demonstrated that passive seismic monitoring, specifically tracking changes in seismic velocities, can provide precursory indicators of landslide failure. This study aims to assess the potential of this method for monitoring and identifying seasonal patterns in the subsurface properties of the slope. To achieve this, we perform seismic interferometry on various frequency bands to calculate relative seismic velocity changes near the borehole and broadband station.

    By integrating meteorological data from the study area, we can relate these velocity variations to environmental factors. Our analysis indicates that measurements from borehole sensors demonstrate a positive correlation between temperature and seismic velocity changes during snow-covered months, and a negative correlation during the summer, highlighting the sensitivity of seismic waves to seasonal changes and therefore different environmental regimes. Additionally, results from the broadband sensor reveal a clear decrease in seismic velocities during the melting period, and an increase in seismic velocities with increased precipitation and the reemergence of snow cover, suggesting the seismic velocities being influenced by changes in the water content. These findings advance our understanding of the relationship between calculated relative velocity changes and their connection to complex environmental interactions. This is essential for incorporating seismic velocity monitoring as a tool for assessing the stability of the Åknes slope.

    How to cite: Bogner, L., Bruland, C., Langet, N., Oye, V., Hadziioannou, C., and Kiel, A.: Seismic Investigation of the Åknes Rockslide: Using Ambient Seismic Noise to Identify Possible Rockslide Movement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7093,, 2025.

    EGU25-8249 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    Interrogating crevasse icequake source physics at an alpine glacier using Distributed Acoustic Sensing 

    Thomas Hudson, Sebastian Noe, Fabian Walter, Bradley Lipovsky, John-Michael Kendall, and Andreas Fichtner

    Crevassing plays an important role for the stability of glaciers and ice shelves. While dry crevasses are limited in their depth of propagation by the surrounding stress field, crevasses filled with water can become unstable and propagate far deeper, providing a route for meltwater to reach the glacier bed. Hydrofracture-driven crevassing therefore has the potential to destabilise glaciers and has also been shown to cause rapid ice shelf disintegration. However, the physical mechanisms associated with hydrofracture are seldom observed. Icequakes generated by crevasse fracture provide an ideal tool to directly interrogate the process. Here, we present crevasse-driven icequakes observed using a dense 2D grid Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) deployment of fibre at Gornergletscher, Switzerland. This dataset was collected during a time of high meltwater production, providing an ideal opportunity to study the fundamental physical mechanisms associated with hydrofracture failure.

    We detect and locate 951 icequakes.  We then use new full-waveform inversion methods to refine event depths and obtain focal mechanisms. Furthermore, we quantify fracture mode and volumetric opening extent. We find that events typically exhibit tensile crack opening, consistent with expected crevasse fracture mechanisms. As well as direct P-wave and surface-wave energy, the waveforms contain strong coda. We attempt to isolate the spatial origin of this coda, to decipher if it is associated with either: fluid resonance at the crevasse fracture site, or wavefield scattering off other crevasses within the wider crevasse field. While we cannot definitively confirm that individual crevasse failure is caused by hydrofracture, the dense sampling provided by fibreoptic sensing allows us to interrogate the fracture mechanisms in detail. These results therefore help us understand what controls crevasse fracture propagation. Our results also highlight the application of a new generation of tools for interrogating seismic sources using fibreoptic sensing techniques in other settings.

    How to cite: Hudson, T., Noe, S., Walter, F., Lipovsky, B., Kendall, J.-M., and Fichtner, A.: Interrogating crevasse icequake source physics at an alpine glacier using Distributed Acoustic Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8249,, 2025.

    EGU25-8895 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    Monitoring Elephant Activity Patterns in a Zoo Using Co-located Seismic and Infrasound Sensors: A Pilot Study 

    Fabian Limberger, Georg Rümpker, Tanja Spengler, and Martin Becker

    This pilot study evaluates the feasibility of recording low-frequency elephant rumbles at the Opel-Zoo near Frankfurt am Main, Germany, using non-invasive co-located seismic and infrasound sensors. Wave-based communication of African elephants (Loxodonta Africana) is well-documented, but its study in anthropogenic zoo environments - particularly with respect to seismic signals - remains limited compared to natural habitats. Over a period of several weeks, we recorded thousands of rumbles that reveal significant temporal variability. Rumble activity exhibits a diurnal correlation with visitor numbers, while many rumbles occur in rapid sequences, suggesting interaction and potential communication among the five elephants housed in the zoo. Additionally, most rumbles are accompanied by ground vibrations, resulting from locomotion or trampling, which are not detectable through sound-only measurements. This underscores the advantages of integrating seismic and acoustic data, revealing that rumbles rarely occur as isolated events. Moreover, this study identifies potential external factors that may trigger increased rumble activity. The collected dataset provides promising insights into temporal elephant activity, helping to deepen our understanding of their behaviour and welfare in zoo environments that are highly influenced by anthropogenic conditions.

    How to cite: Limberger, F., Rümpker, G., Spengler, T., and Becker, M.: Monitoring Elephant Activity Patterns in a Zoo Using Co-located Seismic and Infrasound Sensors: A Pilot Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8895,, 2025.

    EGU25-9517 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Subglacial bedload export quantification and subglacial drainage network evolution inferred using environmental seismology techniques 

    Davide Mancini, Michael Dietze, Matthews Jenkin, Tom Müller, Floreana Miesen, Matteo Roncoroni, and Stuart Nicholas Lane

    Alpine glaciers have been retreating at increasing rates in recent decades due to climate warming. As a consequence, large amounts of suspended and bedload flux are exported from subglacial channels to proglacial environments, such as proglacial forefields. To date, our understanding of subglacial sediment export by subglacial streams has been predominantly shaped by suspended sediment dynamics recorded in front of shrinking glaciers, primarily due to difficulties in measuring bedload transport. Bedload transport is typically monitored far downstream from glacier termini at permanent monitoring stations (e.g. water intakes), leaving significant uncertainties regarding the absolute quantities and temporal patterns of transport in both glacial and proglacial environments, as well as its relative importance compared to suspended sediment in the context of proglacial morphodynamic filtering. Recent advancements in environmental seismology have addressed this knowledge gap. Given this, the aim of this project was to develop a novel technique for calibrating the Fluvial Model Inversion (FMI) model of Dietze et al. (2019) to quantify, for the first time, the total subglacial bedload export from an Alpine glacier and to investigate the physical mechanisms driving it.

    This work focuses on a large Alpine glacier, the Glacier d’Otemma, located in the Southwestern Swiss Alps (Canton Valais). Continuous seismic data were collected in close proximity to the glacier terminus using a DATA-CUBE type 2 datalogger connected to a three-component PE-6/B geophone, over two entire melt seasons (June to September 2020 and 2021) experiencing different climatic conditions: the first year was warm and relatively dry, while the second was cold and relatively wet.

    The seismic ground parameter values of the FMI model used to invert the raw seismic data into bedload transport were determined by adopting a Monte Carlo simulation based on a Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) approach. This involved iteratively running thousands of inversions within predefined ranges of possible ground seismic parameter values. The methodology was validated by comparing parameter values and model outputs to those obtained using a more conventional active seismic survey.

    Results indicate that the developed methodology for calibrating the inversion model is promising and comparable to those derived from the more demanding active seismic survey technique. Scientifically, findings reveal a strong agreement between subglacial bedload export rates and the snowline altitude during the melt season. Extremely warm summers are associated with the exhaustion of subglacial bedload sources as the progressive rise of the snowline altitude fully exposes the glacier's bare ice, while cooler summers show the opposite pattern. This highlights the existence of a link between atmospheric temperature, subglacial drainage network extension, and bedload output rates. These results are crucial for advancing our understanding of the relationship between subglacial sediment export and meteorological conditions in a warming climate.

    How to cite: Mancini, D., Dietze, M., Jenkin, M., Müller, T., Miesen, F., Roncoroni, M., and Lane, S. N.: Subglacial bedload export quantification and subglacial drainage network evolution inferred using environmental seismology techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9517,, 2025.

    EGU25-9652 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    Tracking Iceberg Calving Events in Greenland from 2013 to 2024 Using Seismic Data and Machine Learning 

    Selina Wetter, Anne Mangeney, Clément Hibert, and Eléonore Stutzmann

    The retreat of Greenland’s glaciers is accelerating due to climate change, driven not only by rising temperatures but also by processes such as iceberg calving. These events contribute significantly to the Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss, a critical factor in global sea level rise. Identifying as many iceberg calving events as possible is essential for reducing the uncertainty in mass loss estimates, ultimately helping to improve our understanding of their cumulative impact on sea level rise and climate change.

    We use seismic data to detect signals generated by time-varying forces during iceberg calving on marine-terminating glacier termini, known as glacial earthquakes. By applying a detection algorithm based on the Short-Time Average over Long-Time Average (STA/LTA) method, combined with a supervised machine learning approach (Random Forest), we successfully differentiate glacial earthquakes from tectonic earthquakes. Despite limited recordings per event, we can locate them using a non-linear location methodology (NonLinLoc).

    Applying this methodology to continuous seismic data from 2013 to 2024, we identify more than 4500 previously undocumented glacial earthquakes along Greenland's coastline. While the yearly and monthly event counts are strongly influenced by the availability of seismic stations, seasonal variations in iceberg calving activity are clearly observed. This trend is further supported by an observed increase in detected events over time when focusing on a continuously available subset of stations. In addition, we will present the spatio-temporal evolution of detected events, providing further insights into the dynamics of iceberg calving activity.

    These findings lay the groundwork for future work, including characterizing iceberg volume and shape to enhance our understanding of Greenland’s ice mass loss dynamics.

    How to cite: Wetter, S., Mangeney, A., Hibert, C., and Stutzmann, E.: Tracking Iceberg Calving Events in Greenland from 2013 to 2024 Using Seismic Data and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9652,, 2025.

    Following an initial landslide in Taiwan, frequent post-failure events, primarily rockfalls with occasional debris flows, pose risks to the safety of road users on a road section next to the bare land slope. To address this issue, a comprehensive warning system has been developed. This system utilizes two seismometers strategically positioned at the crown and toe of the landslide. This configuration effectively captures the physical processes of rockfalls, with the elevation difference between the stations correlating to the time difference in their peak ground velocities. Eleven seismic parameters are employed for initial rockfall detection. Subsequently, a machine learning model, trained on over 100,000 spectrograms, is implemented as a secondary filter to minimize false alarms. Additionally, the system assesses rockfall risk levels by calculating nighttime rockfall activity (from 6 PM to 6 AM) to determine a daily risk level communicated through a traffic light concept. Furthermore, the system integrates local acceleration and rainfall data to address potential coseismic rockfalls and debris flows. This data is transmitted to local electronic boards on both sides of the landslide, displaying the corresponding rockfall/debris flow risk levels with red, yellow, and green lights. Overall, this multi-tiered approach facilitates immediate hazard alerts and proactive risk management. The system provides a robust and adaptable solution for real-time warnings and risk assessments related to rockfalls and debris flows, ultimately enhancing road safety and management efficiency in hazard-prone slopes.

    How to cite: Chang, J.-M. and Chao, W.-A.: Development and Implementation of a Real-Time Rockfall Warning System Using Seismic signal and machine learning analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10336,, 2025.

    EGU25-11390 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    How fractal dimension changes during mass movement events in seismic signals? 

    Quratulain Jaffar, Qi Zhou, and Hui Tang

    Enhancing real-time detection of mass movement events is critical for improving early warning systems and reducing risks to individuals and communities. Seismic monitoring offers an effective tool for hazard detection and timely alerts. However, a significant challenge remains in successfully isolating seismic signals associated with mass movements from continuous recordings, often obscured by persistent background noise. Therefore, it is essential to develop robust and reliable algorithms for automatic detection. This study proposes utilizing fractal geometry to quantify signal patterns across various scales, distinguishing seismic signals from background noise based on fractal dimension (FD). The study analyzed seismic data from various mass movement events, including debris flows and rockfalls in the Illgraben catchment of Switzerland and a landslide event from the Askja caldera in Iceland. Two methods were employed to estimate the FD: (i) the variogram estimator and (ii) detrended fluctuation analysis. The results show that noise typically exhibits a higher FD than the seismic signals produced by mass movements. Additionally, this study established distinct FD ranges for each type of mass movement, facilitating their classification. The outcomes also show that landslide seismic landslide signals exhibit high variability, particularly with low (signal-to-noise ratio) SNR and increased distance from the source. The findings highlight the potential for this method to improve seismic event detection in real-time monitoring systems.

    How to cite: Jaffar, Q., Zhou, Q., and Tang, H.: How fractal dimension changes during mass movement events in seismic signals?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11390,, 2025.

    EGU25-12027 | Orals | GM2.1

    How Fast, How Deep, and How Much? — Seismic Sensing of Groundwater Recharge from the 2023 Atmospheric-River Storms 

    Shujuan Mao, William Ellsworth, Yujie Zheng, and Gregory Beroza

    In early 2023, California was struck by intense storms from a series of atmospheric rivers, inflicting extensive damage and hardship on Californians. These storms have also alleviated California's historical drought, rapidly refilling surface reservoirs; however, it remains unclear how much water California's depleted underground reservoirs have absorbed. Understanding these aspects is crucial for assessing the state's total water deficit and guiding sustainable water management.

    Here we apply advanced seismic interferometry techniques to assess the natural recharge of aquifers in Greater Los Angeles from 2003 through the 2023 storms. The derived seismic hydrographs reveal that the expression of groundwater drought is distinct from that of surface-water drought: While surface-water storage nearly fully recovered in the epic wet season of 2023, less than 25% of the groundwater lost over the previous two decades was replenished. On a decadal scale, we find significant depletion with slight storm-related replenishment in aquifers below 50 m depth. Furthermore, seismic imaging across the study area shows prominent groundwater restoration in San Gabriel Valley, highlighting the role of mountain recharge for aquifer replenishment.

    This study showcases the promise of seismic sensing for providing new insights into groundwater hydrology at different depths. Our findings emphasize the need to monitor deep aquifers for a more complete assessment of water resources, which is crucial for facilitating data-informed amidst extreme weather patterns.

    How to cite: Mao, S., Ellsworth, W., Zheng, Y., and Beroza, G.: How Fast, How Deep, and How Much? — Seismic Sensing of Groundwater Recharge from the 2023 Atmospheric-River Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12027,, 2025.

    EGU25-12608 | Orals | GM2.1

    Seismological and geotechnical studies at the wind energy test site WINSENT, Germany 

    Joachim Ritter, Philipp Fesseler, Jan Hirsch, Carlos Pena Pinto, Sabine Gehring, Hans Stutz, Andreas Rettenmeier, and Maayen Wigger

    The Wind Science and Engineering Test Site in Complex Terrain (WINSENT) in SW Germany is a research facility to study wind energy harvesting in mountainous regions. WINSENT consists of two 0.75 MW wind turbines (WTs) along with a massive instrumentation for scientific measurements, including four 100 m high masts with numerous meteorological sensors at different heights. In addition, there are further open-field measurement systems such as remote sensing devices and a huge amount of instrumentation for nature conservation research, e.g. a bird radar and high-speed cameras for bird monitoring. For studying the soil-structure interaction, each WT foundation has six manholes for geotechnical and geophysical instrumentation such as pressure, displacement and seismic sensors inside the foundations. In addition, there are three shallow boreholes with broadband seismic sensors at 6 m depth and temporary seismic experiments are conducted to measure the propagation properties of seismic waves. These measurements are important for the safe and economic building of WTs and the understanding of the ground motion emissions from wind turbines. The results can later be used to design countermeasures at the source side and refine the determination of protection zones for seismic monitoring stations which can be disturbed from these emissions.

    We present the design of the geoscientific research at WINSENT and the first results from seismic refraction measurements for local compressional and shear wave velocity models. The 3-D motion of the WT foundation was recovered: it is composed of a major tilt motion of a few micrometers and a minor wobble-type contribution. We acknowledge financial support by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, project WINSENTvalid, no. 03EE2028B.

    How to cite: Ritter, J., Fesseler, P., Hirsch, J., Pena Pinto, C., Gehring, S., Stutz, H., Rettenmeier, A., and Wigger, M.: Seismological and geotechnical studies at the wind energy test site WINSENT, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12608,, 2025.

    EGU25-13382 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1

    Fibre-Optic Monitoring of Seismic Events from an Alpine Slope Instability: Insights into Spatial and Temporal Dynamics 

    Tjeerd Kiers, Julius Grimm, Cédric Schmelzbach, Florian Amann, Hansruedi Maurer, Pascal Edme, Piero Poli, and Johan Robertsson

    Slope instabilities represent a significant hazard to communities and infrastructure across various regions worldwide. Climate change and resultant increasing severe precipitation events potentially raise the risk of failing mass movements. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of slope failure processes is vital for reducing risks. Established remote-sensing and synthetic aperture radar technologies provide valuable data on the surface movement of landslides, but only provide limited information on the instability’s internal state. In contrast, seismic imaging and monitoring techniques can provide critical complementary information on the subsurface structure, physical properties, and time-dependent processes linked to the slope instability dynamics.

    The ‘Cuolm da Vi’ slope instability near Sedrun (central Switzerland) represents one of the Alps’ largest active landslides, with an estimated volume of around 150 million m3 and maximum displacement rates of up to 20 cm per year. While the instability currently does not pose an imminent danger, the slope's surface displacement is under constant observation. However, little is known about the Cuolm da Vi internal structure and dynamics at depth. The primary objective of our project is to advance our understanding of the subsurface structures and processes over time, with potential implications for deepening our fundamental knowledge of toppling instabilities in general.

    In the summer of 2022, we established an extensive seismic observation network at Cuolm da Vi. This seismic sensor setup included over 1’000 autonomous seismic nodes and a 6-kilometer-long trenched fibre-optic cable. The fibre-optic sensing system was designed for long-term Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS) observations. This multi-sensor geophysical network provides a unique spatial and temporal resolution for studying the Cuolm da Vi instability, allowing us to observe time-dependent changes across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Between summer 2022 and 2024, we gathered a comprehensive data set, including long-term continuous recordings from the nodal, DAS, and DSS systems.

    Using a DAS dataset continuously collected from February to July 2023, we developed a wavefield coherence-based workflow to detect and cluster over 7’000 events recorded along the fibre-optic cable. These event clusters of highly similar seismic signals were manually classified into categories such as regional earthquakes, anthropogenic noise, rockfalls, and local seismic events, based on their time- and frequency domain characteristics. The spatial and temporal distribution of several local seismic event clusters exhibits distinct patterns that correlate closely, for example, with the surface displacement measurements. We are currently analysing these clusters of local events and investigating whether spatial links to known tectonic structures can be established, and whether the observed seismic signals allow refining the hazard scenarios and associated early warning strategies.

    How to cite: Kiers, T., Grimm, J., Schmelzbach, C., Amann, F., Maurer, H., Edme, P., Poli, P., and Robertsson, J.: Fibre-Optic Monitoring of Seismic Events from an Alpine Slope Instability: Insights into Spatial and Temporal Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13382,, 2025.

    EGU25-15658 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    The Seismic Fingerprint of Tree Sway 

    Josefine Umlauft, Karin Mora, Teja Kattenborn, Christian Wirth, and Christiane Werner

    Changing climate, especially the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme events such as heat waves and droughts, places many forests under significant pressure. However, we lack methods to efficiently track stress responses of trees across large scales. Real-time monitoring of physiological and structural stress indicators of trees, for instance via sap flow, stomatal conductance, or photosynthetic activity are often expensive, require high maintenance, and are therefore not efficient on a larger spatio-temporal scale.

    We propose to investigate whether the stress responses of trees can be approximated as a function of the seismic power generated by tree sway - referred to as the tree’s seismic fingerprint. These wind-induced sway signals are intrinsically linked to the material properties of leaves, branches, and trunks, which are influenced by changes in cell water content and corresponding turgor pressure. Seismic measurements offer scalability and low maintenance, making them viable for extensive long-term monitoring. Moreover, the data’s high temporal resolution provides detailed and characteristic sway frequency information that could be linked to tree individuals, species or traits.

    Using complementary observations from ground-based seismometers and tree-attached accelerometers collected at the ECOSENSE site in the Black Forest, we successfully isolated and analysed the seismic fingerprint of tree sway through frequency analyses and signal correlations. We further integrated these sway data with direct tree traits and meteorological time series using machine learning techniques. We present the first results of this innovative approach, marking a significant step towards understanding the intricate relationship between tree motion and their immediate surrounding ecosystem.

    How to cite: Umlauft, J., Mora, K., Kattenborn, T., Wirth, C., and Werner, C.: The Seismic Fingerprint of Tree Sway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15658,, 2025.

    EGU25-16277 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Identifying pressurized flows under river-ice using seismology: insights from a flume experiment 

    Sophia Laporte, Florent Gimbert, Alexis Buffet, Hervé Bellot, Lina E. Polvi, and Richard J. Mason

    River-ice affects hydraulics and sediment transport that may in turn influence channel morphology. However, scientific understanding of sub-ice flows is limited by the difficulty of accessing the ice-covered channel bed and banks. During periods of stable ice cover, hydraulic studies usually assume that the stable ice cover is free-floating and can therefore move vertically to accommodate changes in river discharge. However, ice cover is often fixed in place, attached to the channel banks. In this case, increasing discharge is forced under the ice cover causing pressurized flows typified by higher flow velocities and sediment transport. The identification and study of pressurized flows is difficult due to the challenges of measuring flows in ice-covered rivers during high discharges; in particular since common methods of drilling holes to measure velocities will disrupt any potential pressurization.

    We aim to determine if environmental seismology can be used to identify pressurized flows in rivers and to interpret the characteristics of seismic signals to inform knowledge of hydraulic processes during pressurized flow events. Thus, we set up a flume experiment to compare the hydraulic seismic signature of free-surface flow with pressurized flow under fixed ice-covered conditions. Using a 7m-long transparent 10 x 10 cm PVC tube and fixing roughness elements onto the riverbed (sand and gravel), we test three configurations varying the discharge and the distance between the bed and the bottom of the ice cover (simulated by the upper surface of the inside of the tube). The slope is 0.3 % to represent prototype low-slope subarctic river channels. Two PE6/B three-component 4.5 Hz geophones record millisecond resolution seismic data: one is installed on top of the water-filled flume, and the other on an empty 1m-long section of the same type of PVC tube placed next to the flume, to record background noise. We can pressurize the water-filled flume by increasing the discharge for a given treatment, and record discharge and video data to identify and describe pressurization events.

    Comparing seismic and discharge data confirms that we can identify hydraulic signals in the seismic record. We observe a scaling relationship between discharge data and seismic power, and are investigating its coherence with existing theoretical models and its dependency on apparent bed roughness. We expect pressurized flows to appear as high-energy signals due to increased water velocity, with a decrease in background noise due to complete contact between the water and the pipe.

    These results can help resolve a long-term aim of identifying the occurrence of sub-ice pressurized flows from seismic field data. Such understanding has implications for using seismic signals to calculate stage in ice-covered rivers or subglacial channels and calculating ice-related bedload transport. These techniques provide unparalleled opportunities for non-intrusive and continuous measurements of hydraulic processes under ice.

    How to cite: Laporte, S., Gimbert, F., Buffet, A., Bellot, H., Polvi, L. E., and Mason, R. J.: Identifying pressurized flows under river-ice using seismology: insights from a flume experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16277,, 2025.

    The microtremor measurements data have been carried out in 72 locations in and around Varanasi city (Uttar Pradesh), India, to understand the local site conditions and preliminary site effect of the Quaternary sediments of Varanasi in the Indo-Gangetic plain. Estimated outcomes from the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio show the predominant frequency varies from 0.34 Hz to 0.94 Hz, site amplification varies from 1.96 to 3.88, and the vulnerability index (Kg) varies from 4.82 to 39.61, and the low shear wave velocity (approximate ~ 300 m/s) down to the depth of 30 m is evident from the synthesis of the 1-D velocity model for the city, which are classified as class D soil type (NEHRP classification). The primary goal of the current study is to determine the dynamic properties of soil response during a potential earthquake in Varanasi city The obtained results will support the seismic microzonation study by identifying areas prone to liquefaction and aiding in mitigating the risks associated with near-surface site failures during seismic activity in and around Varanasi city.

    How to cite: Yadav, A. K. and Sengupta, P.: Microtremor measurements and analysis for local geology condition of Varanasi city based on seismic vulnerability index (kg), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16364,, 2025.

    EGU25-16371 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Low-cost instrumentation for monitoring wadi discharge: A Raspberry Shake and time-lapse camera system 

    Robert Krüger, Michael Dietze, Jens Grundmann, Ghazi Al-Rawas, and Anette Eltner

    In recent years, Oman has faced increasing challenges with flash floods, driven by climate change and rapid urbanization. Climate change has intensified the water cycle, causing more frequent and severe precipitation in this arid region. Urban expansion into wadi floodplains, which historically acted as natural flood channels, has worsened the situation. Oman's flood preparedness is critically hindered by the lack of effective early warning systems. While sensor networks could monitor rainfall and wadi flow to provide flood alerts and water management data, their implementation is limited by the country's vast territory, complex terrain, and high infrastructure costs.

    The existing wadi monitoring infrastructure in Oman relies on two primary types of measurement devices: pressure gauges and radar sensors. However, each technology presents distinct operational challenges in the dynamic wadi environment. Pressure gauges, which must be installed directly within the wadi bed to measure water levels, are vulnerable to damage or complete loss during powerful flood events. Radar gauges, while avoiding direct water contact, face different limitations. These devices are typically mounted on structures along the wadi banks to measure water levels from above. However, this positioning becomes problematic due to the naturally shifting nature of wadi channels, which can migrate significantly over time through erosion and sediment deposition.

    Image-based monitoring systems offer a promising solution to the challenges of wadi measurement. Cameras can be safely installed outside the channel while maintaining visibility across the entire river cross-section. Different studies have shown that cameras can accurately measure water levels, even with low-cost equipment. Moreover, these systems can measure flow velocities by analysing short video sequences, enabling discharge estimation. However, image-based methods have a significant limitation: they perform poorly in challenging lighting conditions, e.g. at night, during heavy rain or dust events.

    Recently, seismic observations were utilized to infer river level and bedload flux, using low cost sensors (e.g. Raspberry Shake) installed at safe distance to the hazardous flood corridor. These studies employed physical models, which predict the seismic frequency spectra created by bedload transport and turbulent flow. Those models rely on a large number of parameters to be set, including water level. Therefore, Monte Carlo approaches are used to randomly sample parameters for synthetic spectra calculation to be compared against the empirical one, ultimately leading to the water level.

    The integration of cameras and seismic sensors can allow for a robust and synergetic measurement system. Optical measurements of water level and surface velocities can effectively constrain the parameters used in seismic signal analysis, significantly improving water level estimation accuracy when image-based methods are not available, particulary during night time operations. With the increasing availability of low-cost seismometers, we have developed and implemented a combined low-cost seismo-optical monitoring system. To evaluate this approach, the setup was installed at two reaches of Wadi Al-Hawasinah in Oman. Our study examines initial results from flow events of varying magnitudes and assesses the practical applicability of this integrated monitoring solution.

    How to cite: Krüger, R., Dietze, M., Grundmann, J., Al-Rawas, G., and Eltner, A.: Low-cost instrumentation for monitoring wadi discharge: A Raspberry Shake and time-lapse camera system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16371,, 2025.

    EGU25-16515 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Comprehensive monitoring of the subglacial stream of Glacier d'Otemma using seismic nodes and distributed acoustic sensing data 

    Eva Wolf, Eleonore Stutzmann, Jean-Philippe Metaxian, Ugo Nanni, Floreana Miesen, Aurélien Ballu, Fabian Walter, Anne Mangeney, Rafael Arbeu, Martin Schimmel, Michael Dietze, and Stuart Lane

    Subglacial processes are difficult to monitor due to their inaccessibility with conventional hydrological probes. We know relatively little about when and at what rate the products of subglacial erosion are evacuated, especially for coarse sediment (bedload). Environmental seismology is contributing to close this knowledge gap, providing some of the first, seasonal-scale datasets on bedload evacuation by subglacial streams. The advantage of seismic monitoring of subglacial sediment transport is that it does not need to be installed directly into the water.


    The location of a static subglacial channel can be found using techniques such as GPR surveys, but rapid changes in the subglacial channel system require continuous data sets on channel location. Monitoring seismic amplitudes and applying beamforming methods to seismic array records, one can locate noise sources and thus identify variations in activity and location of subglacial streams and bedload transport. This may be done using arrays of seismic nodes and/or distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) along an optical fiber. To identify the best use of such methods for monitoring the subglacial stream, the present study compares conventional seismic sensors and fiber optic cables for beamforming source location.


    The field site of this study is Glacier d’Otemma in Valais, Switzerland. Given two data sets of seismic nodes and DAS, as well as ancillary observations, we can identify the location of the subglacial river and track changes in its discharge and bedload transport rate. These findings mainly relate to variations in seismic noise throughout the diurnal cycle of glacier melt. Depending on frequency band and daytime, the location of the most intense seismic noise, averaged over two hours, varies. These variations relate to processes such as surface melt, which stops during night, and subglacial flow, which continues but is less intense. Seismology proves to be a temporally and spacially rich tool to monitor this constantly changing activity of glaciers.

    How to cite: Wolf, E., Stutzmann, E., Metaxian, J.-P., Nanni, U., Miesen, F., Ballu, A., Walter, F., Mangeney, A., Arbeu, R., Schimmel, M., Dietze, M., and Lane, S.: Comprehensive monitoring of the subglacial stream of Glacier d'Otemma using seismic nodes and distributed acoustic sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16515,, 2025.

    EGU25-16545 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Precision in Seismic Detection of Bedload Transport: Visualizing Array Geometry for Optimal Source Localization 

    Aiswarya Padmadas, Jonathan Laronne, Fabian Walter, Susan Bilek, and Jens Turowski

    Understanding bedload transport is crucial for predicting sediment flux and managing fluvial systems. Previous studies, such as those by Burtin et al., (2016); Gimbert et al., (2016), and Piantini et al., (2022), have explored fluvial dynamics using dense arrays with up to 80 sensors in alpine regions like the Himalayas and Alps. However, these approaches are less adaptable to a wider variety of ecosystems. Our study addresses this gap by developing a seismic array geometry tailored to diverse fluvial environments, optimizing signal location while maintaining scalability and adaptability.

    We introduce a framework for optimizing array geometry and integrating beamforming as well as directivity analyses to enhance accuracy of signal detection. Results indicate that strategic seismic sensor placement significantly improves location precision and minimizes ambiguities caused by overlapping signals. These findings establish a robust methodology for continuous, non-invasive monitoring of fluvial bedload transport, applicable across morphologically diverse river systems.

    Preliminary results from the Arroyo de los Pinos, New Mexico—a semi-arid, flash-flood-prone environment— are promising with interactive positive components. An optimized array comprising 17 seismic nodes, covering frequencies from 1 Hz to 100 Hz, was deployed and optimized for signal processing with numerical modelling. Future efforts will extend this framework to other ecosystems, refining predictive capabilities and advancing sediment management strategies.


    • Burtin, Arnaud, et al. "Spectral analysis of seismic noise induced by rivers: A new tool to monitor spatiotemporal changes in stream hydrodynamics." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid EarthB5 (2008).
    • Burtin, Arnaud, Niels Hovius, and Jens M. Turowski. "Seismic monitoring of torrential and fluvial processes." Earth Surface Dynamics2 (2016): 285-307.
    • Gimbert, Florent. "Using array seismology to quantify river physics." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2016. 2016.
    • Piantini, Marco, et al. "Using a dense seismic array to study fluvial processes in a braided river reach under flood conditions." LHB1 (2022): 2053314.

    How to cite: Padmadas, A., Laronne, J., Walter, F., Bilek, S., and Turowski, J.: Precision in Seismic Detection of Bedload Transport: Visualizing Array Geometry for Optimal Source Localization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16545,, 2025.

    EGU25-17047 | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Active and passive seismic surveys over the grounding zone of Eastwind Glacier, Antarctica 

    Tun Jan Young, Emma Pearce, Ronan Agnew, Marianne Karplus, Meghana Ranganathan, Andrew Hoffman, Madeline Hunt, Andrew Pretorius, Sooraj Shanly, Mitchel Beres, Kaushik Pradhan, Yeshey Seldon, Adam Booth, and Roger Clark

    Glacier grounding zones, where ice transitions from resting on land to floating on ocean, are critical to understanding ice sheet dynamics and stability. Despite their importance, these regions are challenging to study directly due to their inaccessibility and the inherent risks of fieldwork. To address this, we conducted seismic investigations at Eastwind Glacier, Antarctica, an accessible grounding zone near McMurdo Station and Scott Base, as part of the EGGS on TOAST project. Our fieldwork included deploying 330 three-component seismic nodes across the grounding zone during the austral summer of 2022/23, capturing continuous data for nine days on all nodes, with extended recordings of 19 days on 150 nodes. Active-source seismic data were acquired using hammer-and-plate shots, both densely spaced along the array's centerline and at individual node locations. In the following field season (2023/24), we supplemented these observations with distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) using a fiber optic cable positioned downstream of the grounding line for cross- and along-flow imaging. Initial analyses of the seismic data reveal key features, such as the flotation point of ice and ice and firn thickness variations. Additionally, passive seismic methods provide insights into icequake activity and ambient noise characteristics. This comprehensive dataset offers a new perspective on grounding zone processes and serves as a valuable resource for testing innovative cryo-seismological techniques. 

    How to cite: Young, T. J., Pearce, E., Agnew, R., Karplus, M., Ranganathan, M., Hoffman, A., Hunt, M., Pretorius, A., Shanly, S., Beres, M., Pradhan, K., Seldon, Y., Booth, A., and Clark, R.: Active and passive seismic surveys over the grounding zone of Eastwind Glacier, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17047,, 2025.

    EGU25-17862 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1 | Highlight

    Nature’s intelligence: Hybrid bio-inspired method yields more accurate seismic locations of geomorphic events 

    Stefania Ursica and Niels Hovius

    How do we pinpoint fleeting geomorphic surface events in the planet's remotest corners, where no witness observes and classical methods falter? Processes like landslides, debris flows, avalanches, and rockfalls not only sculpt the Earth's dynamic landscape but also pose significant hazards in remote and populated areas alike. As environmental changes intensify, closing the gap of elusive detection holds profound implications for disaster response, hazard prediction, and geomorphic theory advancement. The difficulty lies in the concealed, stochastic nature of these processes and the challenges of direct observation. Continuous high-resolution seismic sensing offers unique potential to detect and locate geomorphic sources that evade other tools. However, surface processes generate chaotic, site-specific waveforms with rapid, nonlinear energy release, often in noisy, inaccessible settings. Existing, rigid location techniques are ill-equipped for this challenge, failing to match known details of historic geomorphic sources. We introduce a hybrid, nature-inspired seismic event location approach that fuses physical and biological principles to overcome longstanding obstacles in monitoring geomorphic processes.

    Our method synergizes deterministic and heuristic elements into a robust, self-adaptive framework. The source location is approximated first by a hybrid of grid search, modified gradient descent, and full waveform inversion. A bio-inspired procedure then iteratively refines this output to near-optimal solutions. Our method autonomously picks arrival times through a multi-layered structure, leveraging dynamic time warping, Bayesian inference, and SNR optimization. Composite misfit metrics from synthetic and observed waveforms guide location estimation in a dynamic solution landscape. This search space self-adjusts to instrument network layout and landscape complexity using Voronoi tessellation, convex hulls, and velocity-refined grids.

    The cornerstone of our approach is a biomimicry component, inspired by the adaptive, collaborative behaviors of diverse animal species. We leverage over ten animal behaviors mathematically encoded as optimization agents. Each species epitomizes niche strategies based on their specific strengths. For instance, elephants’ memory and herding guide global searches, fireflies’ light-attraction principles refine locally, and whales’ spiral foraging navigates complex search spaces. Guided by evolutionary mechanisms, predator-prey dynamics, and interagent communication, collective intelligence and a recursive memory are built, and global exploration is seamlessly integrated with local information, balancing far-field searches with near-field precision.

    As a benchmark we will use a seismic dataset of 290 geomorphic events, spanning diverse types, scales, and complexities, worldwide. Preliminary results show a 47–200% reduction in location misfit compared to brute-force methods, which mislocate events by 11–20 km. Biomimicry achieves relocation precision of 2.6 km, reducing misfits by up to five orders of magnitude. Improvements are achieved within 150 iterations across varying noise levels, with location standard deviations as low as 1–2 km. Additionally, the method isolates subsurface anomalies, estimates source depth, provides a pathway to track process propagation, and can eventually integrate into real-time early warning systems.

    By bridging geomorphology, biology, and seismology, our work elevates the capacity to detect surface processes with accuracy, adaptability, and scalability. Intelligent, resilient, and inspired by nature itself, it lays a foundation for applications ranging from hazard monitoring to planetary exploration.

    How to cite: Ursica, S. and Hovius, N.: Nature’s intelligence: Hybrid bio-inspired method yields more accurate seismic locations of geomorphic events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17862,, 2025.

    EGU25-18249 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Investigating Soil Saturation Changes through Geophysical Data 

    Anita Saraswati, Thomas Lecocq, and Marnik Vanclooster

    The water cycle impacts geophysical signals, influencing our ability to monitor subsurface hydrology. At the Membach geophysical station in Belgium, we integrate gravity and ambient seismic noise data to study hydrological variations and develop a numerical hydrological model at a local scale. Our findings reveal that gravity observations at Membach station exhibit gradual changes, reaching a peak at ± 2-day after rainfall, reflecting subsurface water redistribution and storage processes. Concurrently, increased soil saturation corresponds with a decrease in HVSR (Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio), indicating reduced stiffness and changes in seismic wave propagation. Furthermore, relative velocity changes (dv/v) show frequency-dependent time delays, with deeper layers exhibiting slower responses compared to shallower regions. These results highlight the dynamic relationship between rainfall, soil saturation, and geophysical responses, providing new insights into critical zone processes. By combining gravimetry and ambient seismic noise, we address challenges in studying deep and complex subsurface zones, where traditional hydrological methods often fall short. This approach not only enhances our understanding of subsurface hydrology but also improves water resource management and critical zone studies. The integration of geophysical methods offers a comprehensive framework for monitoring hydrological dynamics, advancing our ability to interpret geophysical signals influenced by the water cycle and providing a valuable tool for managing environmental and climatic impacts on subsurface water storage.

    How to cite: Saraswati, A., Lecocq, T., and Vanclooster, M.: Investigating Soil Saturation Changes through Geophysical Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18249,, 2025.

    EGU25-19268 | Orals | GM2.1

    Seismic monitoring of the Rutor proglacial stream: exploring the impact of glacier dynamics on water flow and bedload transport processes 

    Marco Piantini, Elisabetta Corte, Carlo Camporeale, Stefania Tamea, Stefano Crema, and Francesco Comiti

    An important consequence of the rapid retreat of Alpine glaciers associated with global warming is the increasing extent of proglacial areas. These environments are dominated by a heterogeneous and dynamic fluvial system, whose evolution mostly depends on the interplay between the varying water discharge and coarse sediment supply coming from the glacier terminus. Although understanding the impact of glacier retreat on bedload yield is essential for the preservation of high-mountain regions, long-lasting investigations on the processes occurring in proglacial areas are lacking. In this context, seismic sensors recording river-induced ground vibrations have been shown to constitute a valid monitoring technique (Mancini et al., 2023; Corte et al., 2024).

    Here, we present the results of monitoring campaigns carried out in the proglacial area of the Rutor Glacier (Aosta Valley, Italy) during the ablation seasons of the last three years. Ground vibrations have been monitored using a network of three geophones installed next to a stable reach of the main proglacial torrent  ∼150 m downstream of the glacier mouth. Direct measurements of bedload transport have been made in 2022 and 2023 by deploying portable bedload traps at the glacier mouth. In addition to meteorological data gathered at a weather station, water discharge has been estimated by means of a downstream gauge station. We have found that a varying and non-trivial relationship exists between the direct bedload measurements and the recorded seismic signals, indicating a potential strong buffering of sediment export exerted by the proglacial area. Moreover, for all the three monitoring campaigns but starting at different moments of the ablation season, we have observed quasi-periodic peaks of seismic power occurring at a sub-hourly scale during the afternoon. We advance that they could be related to water discharge fluctuations resulting from the dynamics of the subglacial drainage system. These observations show the effectiveness of using seismic methods to shed some light on the complex feedback mechanisms existing between glacier dynamics and the natural processes of proglacial areas.


    Mancini, D.Dietze, M.Müller, T.Jenkin, M.Miesen, F.Roncoroni, M., et al. (2023). Filtering of the signal of sediment export from a glacier by its proglacial forefieldGeophysical Research Letters50, e2023GL106082.

    Corte, E., Ajmar, A., Camporeale, C., Cina, A., Coviello, V., Giulio Tonolo, F., Godio, A., Macelloni, M. M., Tamea, S., and Vergnano, A. (2024): Multitemporal characterization of a proglacial system: a multidisciplinary approach, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 3283–3306,

    How to cite: Piantini, M., Corte, E., Camporeale, C., Tamea, S., Crema, S., and Comiti, F.: Seismic monitoring of the Rutor proglacial stream: exploring the impact of glacier dynamics on water flow and bedload transport processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19268,, 2025.

    EGU25-20756 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Geoelectrical and seismic investigation of a subsidence geohazard zone in Neckendorf, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany  

    Matthias Silbermann, Azra Khosravichenar, Mehdi Aalijahan, Mikhail Ginga, Ivo Rappsilber, Nadine Sänger, Christoph Gauert, Jan Seidemann, Josefine Umlauft, and Djamil Al-Halbouni

    The Mansfelder Mulde (German for trough) around Lutherstadt Eisleben is considered as an active subsidence area. Deep-seated subrosion is the potential reason for large- and small-scale earth surface deformation. The appearance of sinkholes as potentially hazardous surface expression of karst has led to increasing interest in the area. Specifically, in the study area Neckendorf in the southwest of the Mansfelder Mulde, two major sinkholes occurred in the early 2000s, affecting a federal road and an allotment garden site. At the end of 2021, surface cracks formed again along a main road just 800 meters away from the previous sinkholes. This process is attributed to ongoing subsidence in the adjacent field. The continuous ground movement, coupled with significant surface cracking along an additional road causing severe traffic problems, necessitated the complete closure of both roads in December 2022.

    The subsidence area has been investigated by the State Office for Geology and Mining (LAGB) Saxony-Anhalt since 2022 and is since March 2024 a research topic of the UL. During first field measurements, the edge areas of the subsidence were surveyed using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). In addition, three seismic stations were recently (November 2024) installed to investigate the ground movements in the context of the large-scale subsidence. Currently, no results from the seismic data are available. Once the field data has been retrieved, it will be analyzed in conjunction with the existing ERT data to discuss the subsidence event. With the help of long-distance (deep) ERT we aim to decipher the hydrogeologic conditions of the Anhydrite and Gypsum Zechstein layers, at the supposed base of the subrosion. One objective was to detect, cracks and loosening zones also in the overlying lower Buntsandstein layers. Several profiles were created along the neighbouring fields and the affected roads. Due to different electrical material properties compared to the surrounding soil material, the suspected subrosion features appear as anomalies. ERT showed a clear difference between farmed and abandoned, non-farmed areas. Higher resistivities indicate a deformed subsoil, and with high probability an extension of the loosening zones beyond the crack formation visible on the surface. Near vertical lower-resistance structures could indicate water-saturated fracture zones in context of the main subsidence. Furthermore, the effects of a defective water pipe were possibly detected with ERT. As it is currently not possible to estimate how the subsidence will develop, the evaluation of geophysical data is significant for local hazard assessment and should, above all, provide the affected farmers with clarity about the subsoil situation of their fields and inform local stakeholders about the ongoing process.

    How to cite: Silbermann, M., Khosravichenar, A., Aalijahan, M., Ginga, M., Rappsilber, I., Sänger, N., Gauert, C., Seidemann, J., Umlauft, J., and Al-Halbouni, D.: Geoelectrical and seismic investigation of a subsidence geohazard zone in Neckendorf, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20756,, 2025.

    EGU25-21164 | Posters on site | GM2.1

    Seismic analysis of bedload transport in a small mountain creek 

    Emanuele Marchetti, Giacomo Belli, Duccio Gheri, Lorenzo Innocenti, Ilenia Murgia, Diletta Chirici, Matteo Verdone, Sara Nicoletti, Luca Solari, Omar Morandi, and Daniele Penna

    Assessing and quantifying bedload dynamics and sediment transport rates in rivers is critical for evaluating the landscape evolution, which in turn controls channel morphology and catchment erosion. In the last decades, seismic observations emerged as one of the most promising tools for monitoring river dynamics. In particular, recorded seismic energy has been shown to correlate with river discharge and with the amount of transported sediments. However, uncertainties persist in quantifying bedload transport using recorded seismic signals. This lack is particularly relevant for small mountain streams, where sediment mobilisation begins, that have been to date poorly studied.

    In this study we present the first outcomes of two years of continuous seismic monitoring of the Re della Pietra, a small stream in Tuscan Appennines. Specifically, we analyse data collected by two triaxial seismometers placed in two different channel sections, deployed on the riverbank, ~3 meters from the stream. Root-mean-square amplitude analysis (RMSA) is used for computing the envelopes on recorded data as well as analysis on frequency domain is performed for investigating the spectral content of the signal. Over the two years of observations many flood events were recorded, ranging from small and short (few hours) events to massive and long (days) ones related to exceptional storms. Recorded seismic data shows peculiar waveform and spectral footprints. To investigate how flow dynamics affect seismic radiation, collected seismic data are compared with flow depth data and video images acquired by during the events. Preliminary results highlight important constraints on the mobilizations of the solid particles within small creeks thus suggesting how seismic sensors can be successfully used for monitoring the bedload transport.

    This study is being carried out within the interdisciplinary project TRANSFORM (“A new interdisciplinary approach to advance understanding of sediment and large wood TRANSport in FORested Mountain catchments”-

    How to cite: Marchetti, E., Belli, G., Gheri, D., Innocenti, L., Murgia, I., Chirici, D., Verdone, M., Nicoletti, S., Solari, L., Morandi, O., and Penna, D.: Seismic analysis of bedload transport in a small mountain creek, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21164,, 2025.

    EGU25-1511 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3

    A workflow for cloud-based and HPC simulations with the NEMO ocean model using containers 

    Aina Gaya-Àvila, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Stella V. Paronuzzi Ticco, Oriol Tintó Prims, and Miguel Castrillo

    In this work, we explored the deployment and execution of the NEMO ocean model using Singularity containers within the EDITO Model Lab, implementing the European Digital Twin of the Ocean. The Auto-NEMO workflow, a fork of Auto-EC-Earth used to run NEMO workflows using the NEMO Community reference code, was adapted to run simulations using containers. The use of a Singularity container ensures consistent execution by packaging all dependencies, making it easier to deploy the model across various HPC systems.

    The containerized approach was tested on multiple HPC platforms, including MareNostrum5 and LUMI, to evaluate scaling performance. Our tests compared the use of mpich and openmp libraries, providing insights into how communication strategies impact the computational performance of the model in containerized setups. In addition, the runs are orchestrated by a content workflow manager, in this case Autosubmit, deployed in a cloud infrastructure in EDITO-Infra, making the entire solution (workflow manager and workflow itself) portable end-to-end. The benefits of portability and reproducibility make containers an attractive solution for streamlining workflows in diverse computational environments.

    A comparison between containerized and non-containerized runs highlights the trade-offs involved. Direct execution may provide slightly better performance in some cases, but the containerized approach greatly reduces setup complexity. These findings demonstrate the potential of containerization to enhance efficiency and accessibility in large-scale ocean modeling efforts.

    How to cite: Gaya-Àvila, A., de Paula Kinoshita, B., Paronuzzi Ticco, S. V., Tintó Prims, O., and Castrillo, M.: A workflow for cloud-based and HPC simulations with the NEMO ocean model using containers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1511,, 2025.

    EGU25-2142 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Enhancing Data Provenance in Workflow Management: Integrating FAIR Principles into Autosubmit and SUNSET 

    Albert Puiggros, Miguel Castrillo, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Pierre-Antoine Bretonniere, and Victòria Agudetse

    Ensuring robust data provenance is paramount for advancing transparency, traceability, and reproducibility in climate research. This work presents the integration of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles into the workflow management ecosystem through provenance integration in Autosubmit, a workflow manager developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and SUNSET (SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and asSEmenT suite), an R-based verification workflow also developed at the BSC.

    Autosubmit supports the generation of data provenance information based on RO-Crate, facilitating the creation of machine-actionable digital objects that encapsulate detailed metadata about its executions. Autosubmit integrates persistent identifiers (PIDs) and annotations, making provenance records more accessible and actionable for both humans and machines.  However, the provenance metadata provided by Autosubmit through RO-Crate focuses on the workflow process and does not encapsulate the details of the data transformation processes. This is where SUNSET plays a complementary role. SUNSET’s approach for provenance information is based on the METACLIP (METAdata for CLImate Products) ontologies. METACLIP offers a semantic approach for describing climate products and their provenance. This framework enables SUNSET to provide specific, high-resolution  provenance metadata for its operations, improving transparency and compliance with FAIR principles. The generated files provide detailed information about each transformation the data has undergone, as well as additional details about the data's state, location, structure, and associated source code, all represented in a tree-like structure.

    The main contribution of this work is the generation of a comprehensive provenance object by integrating these tools. SUNSET uses Autosubmit to parallelize its data processing tasks, with Autosubmit managing SUNSET jobs. As part of this process, an RO-Crate is automatically generated describing the overall execution. This object encapsulates detailed provenance metadata for each individual job within the workflow, using METACLIP's semantic framework to represent each SUNSET execution process. Certain entities are introduced to have the RO-Crate created by Autosubmit link with the provenance details generated by SUNSET. This integrated approach provides a unified hierarchical provenance record that spans to both the workflow management system and the individual job executions, ensuring that provenance objects are automatically generated for each experiment conducted.

    This work demonstrates the practical application of FAIR principles in climate research by advancing provenance tracking within complex workflows. It represents an initial step to obtain and share metadata about the provenance of the data products that a workflow provides. The integration of RO-Crate and METACLIP not only enhances the reproducibility of climate data products but also fosters greater confidence in their reliability. To our knowledge, this is the first effort in the climate domain to combine different provenance formats into a single object, aiming to obtain a complete provenance graph with all the metadata. 

    How to cite: Puiggros, A., Castrillo, M., de Paula Kinoshita, B., Bretonniere, P.-A., and Agudetse, V.: Enhancing Data Provenance in Workflow Management: Integrating FAIR Principles into Autosubmit and SUNSET, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2142,, 2025.

    EGU25-4355 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Generic State Vector: streaming and accessing high resolution climate data from models to end users 

    Iker Gonzalez-Yeregi, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière, Aina Gaya-Avila, and Francesc Roura-Adserias

    The Climate Adaptation Digital Twin (ClimateDT) is a contract under the Destination Earth initiative (DestinE) that aims to develop a digital twin to account for climate change adaptation. This is achieved by running high-resolution simulations with different climate models by making use of the different EuroHPC platforms. In addition to the climate models, applications that consume data from models are also developed under the contract. A common workflow is used to execute the whole pipeline from the model launching to the data consumption by the applications in a user-friendly and automated way.

    One of the challenges of this complex workflow is to handle the different outputs that each of the climate models initially offered. Each model works with its own grid, vertical levels, and variable set. These differences in format make it very complicated for applications to consume and compare data coming from different models in an automated and timely manner. This issue is resolved by introducing the concept of Generic State Vector (GSV), which defines a common output portfolio for all models to ensure a homogeneous output between models. The conversion from the model's native output to the GSV happens before the data is written in the HPC and it is automated in the workflow allowing transparent access to the data changing only the name of the model in the call.

    Data in the GSV format can be read using a newly designed dedicated Python tool: the GSV Interface. This tool links the model part of the workflow with the applications part of the workflow, enabling running everything in a single complex workflow (end-to-end workflow). The GSV Interface allows to read data that has been previously converted to GSV, adding proper metadata. It also offers some extra features like interpolation to regular grids and area selection. All the workflow components that read data from the models rely on the GSV Interface. In addition to that, the GSV Interface can also be used to transparently retrieve and process data from the public Destination Earth Service Platform.

    How to cite: Gonzalez-Yeregi, I., Bretonnière, P.-A., Gaya-Avila, A., and Roura-Adserias, F.: Generic State Vector: streaming and accessing high resolution climate data from models to end users, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4355,, 2025.

    EGU25-4466 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    ClimateDT Workflow: A containerized climate workflow 

    Francesc Roura-Adserias, Aina Gaya-Avila, Leo Arriola i Meikle, Iker Gonzalez-Yeregi, Bruno De Paula Kinoshita, Jaan Tollander de Balsch, and Miguel Castrillo

    The Climate Adaptation Digital Twin (ClimateDT), a contract (DE_340) inside the Destination Earth (DestinE) flagship initiative from the European Commission, is a highly collaborative project where climate models are executed in an operational manner on different EuroHPC platforms. The workflow software supporting such executions, called ClimateDT Workflow, contains a model component and an applications component. The applications can be seen as elements that consume the data that is provided by the climate models. They aim to provide climate information to sectors that are critically dependent on climate change, such as renewable energy or wildfires, among others. This workflow relies on the Autosubmit workflow manager and is executed over different EuroHPC platforms that are part of the contract.

    There are six lightweight applications that are run in this workflow, in parallel to the model and in a streaming fashion. Setting up and maintaining an environment for these applications for each EuroHPC platform (plus the development environments) is a time-consuming and cumbersome task. These machines are shared by multiple users, have different operating systems and libraries, some do not have internet access for all users on their login nodes, and there are different rules to install and maintain software on each machine.

    In order to overcome these difficulties all the application-required dependencies of the workflow are encapsulated beforehand in a Singularity container and therefore the portability to the different platforms becomes merely an issue with path-binding inside the platform. Through the use of Singularity containers, their execution does not require administrator permissions, which allows anyone with access to the project to execute the desired application either on the EuroHPC machines, or on their local development environment.

    This work shows the structure of the ClimateDT workflow and how it uses Singularity containers, how they contribute not only to portability but also to traceability and provenance, and finally the benefits and issues found during its implementation. We believe that the successful use of containers in this climate workflow, where applications run in parallel to the climate models in a streaming fashion and where the complete workflow runs on different HPC platforms, presents a good reference for other projects and workflows that must be platform-agnostic and that require agile portability of their components.

    How to cite: Roura-Adserias, F., Gaya-Avila, A., Arriola i Meikle, L., Gonzalez-Yeregi, I., De Paula Kinoshita, B., Tollander de Balsch, J., and Castrillo, M.: ClimateDT Workflow: A containerized climate workflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4466,, 2025.

    In an era of unprecedented availability of Earth Observation (EO) data, the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE) emerges as a vital platform to bridge the gap between data accessibility and actionable insights. With petabytes of freely accessible satellite data at our fingertips and multiple operational data processing platforms in place, many of the foundational challenges of accessing and processing sensor data have been addressed. Yet, the widespread adoption of EO-based applications remains below expectations. The challenge lies in the effective extraction of relevant information from the data. While numerous R&D projects demonstrate the possibilities of EO, their results are often neither repeatable nor reusable, primarily due to prototype-level implementations and overly tailored, non-standardized workflows.  

    CDSE tackles these barriers by adopting common standards and patterns, most notably through openEO, an interface designed to standardize EO workflow execution across platforms. openEO enables the development of reusable workflows that are scalable and transferable, paving the way for systematic and objective monitoring of the planet. CDSE has already integrated openEO as a core processing interface, and further advancements are underway, including the integration of Sentinel Hub to support openEO. This integration will enhance instantaneous visualization, synchronous API requests, and batch processing, as well as support openEO process graphs within the Copernicus Browser, bringing the simplicity and speed of Sentinel Hub’s synchronous engine to the openEO ecosystem.  

    CDSE’s openEO capabilities are already validated through large-scale operational projects such as ESA WorldCereal and Copernicus Global Land Cover and Tropical Forestry Mapping and Monitoring Service (LCFM), which leverage its robust, scalable, and reliable infrastructure. Additionally, the openEO Algorithm Plaza fosters collaboration by enabling the easy sharing and reuse of processing workflows, while the Bring Your Own Data feature allows users to integrate their datasets into the ecosystem, promoting data interoperability and collaborative advancements.  

    CDSE is embracing a federated approach, allowing additional data or service providers to become part of the ecosystem. This inclusivity ensures a growing network of interoperable services while maintaining technical and operational stability—a cornerstone for broad adoption and long-term sustainability.  

    By addressing the need for operational and reusable workflows with openEO and related initiatives, CDSE is not only advancing the technical landscape of EO but also fostering a culture of repeatable, scalable, and impactful science. Through this session, we aim to spark a discussion on how to make EO applications more accessible, reusable, and impactful for the global community.

    How to cite: Sharma, P.: How openEO standardizes workflows for scalable and reusable EO data analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5593,, 2025.

    EGU25-6201 | Orals | ESSI3.3

    Advancing Computational Workflow Sharing in Earth Science: Insights from DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE 

    Marco Salvi, Rossana Paciello, Valerio Vinciarelli, Kety Giuliacci, Daniele Bailo, Pablo Orviz, Keith Jeffery, Manuela Volpe, Roberto Tonini, and Alejandra Guerrero

    The increasing complexity and volume of data in Solid Earth Science necessitate robust solutions for workflow representation, sharing, and reproducibility. Within the DT-GEO ( project, we addressed the challenge of creating interoperable and discoverable representations of computational workflows to facilitate data reuse and collaboration. Leveraging the EPOS Platform (, a multidisciplinary research infrastructure focused on Solid Earth Science, we aimed to expose workflows, datasets, and software to the community while adhering to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles. While the EPOS-DCAT-AP ( model, already used in EPOS, can effectively represent datasets and software, it lacks direct support for computational workflows, necessitating the adoption of alternative standards.

    To overcome this limitation, we employed the Common Workflow Language (CWL, to describe workflows, capturing their structure, software, datasets, and dependencies. The developed CWL representations are "abstract" focusing on general workflow structures while omitting execution-specific details to prioritize interoperability. To package these workflows along with metadata, we utilized Workflow Run Crate, an extension of the RO-Crate ( standard. Together, these technologies enable workflows to become self-contained entities, simplifying sharing and reuse. 

    This approach not only aligns with community standards but also benefits from a mature ecosystem of tools and libraries, ensuring seamless integration and widespread applicability. Initial implementations within the DT-GEO project serve as a model for adoption in related initiatives such as Geo-INQUIRE (, where similar methodologies are being used to share workflows derived from the Simulation Data Lake (SDL) infrastructure. These implementations pave the way for broader integration within the EPOS Platform, enhancing access to advanced workflows across disciplines.

    Our contribution highlights the value of adopting standardized tools and methodologies for workflow management in Solid Earth Science, showcasing how CWL and RO-Crate streamline interoperability and foster collaboration. These advances address challenges in data and computational management, contributing to the scalable FAIR workflows essential for tackling the complexities of Solid Earth Science. Moving forward, the integration of these standards across projects like DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE will further enhance the EPOS Platform's capabilities, offering a unified gateway to reproducible, secure, and trustworthy workflows that meet the evolving needs of the scientific community.

    How to cite: Salvi, M., Paciello, R., Vinciarelli, V., Giuliacci, K., Bailo, D., Orviz, P., Jeffery, K., Volpe, M., Tonini, R., and Guerrero, A.: Advancing Computational Workflow Sharing in Earth Science: Insights from DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6201,, 2025.

    EGU25-6216 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    CAMELS-PLUS: Enhancing Hydrological Data Through FAIR Innovations. 

    Carlos Zuleta Salmon, Mirko Mälicke, and Alexander Dölich

    The CAMELS-PLUS initiative is revolutionizing the way hydrological, and Earth System Science (ESS) data are processed, shared, and utilized by enhancing the widely-used CAMELS-DE dataset. While Germany boasts one of the richest hydrological datasets globally, CAMELS-DE has faced challenges due to its reliance on fragmented, manual workflows, which are error-prone and hinder collaboration. CAMELS-PLUS introduces a groundbreaking solution: a standardized framework for containerized scientific tools that embed rich metadata, ensuring provenance, reusability, and seamless integration across diverse scientific domains.

    A key innovation of CAMELS-PLUS lies in its ability to bridge the gap between disciplines by implementing a fully containerized pipeline for dataset pre-processing. This approach allows researchers in meteorology, forestry, and other ESS subdomains to easily contribute and extend CAMELS-DE without the complexity of navigating storage systems or inconsistent workflows. The initiative’s metadata schema, implemented as YAML files with JSON-based tool parameterization, enables tools to "speak the same language," ensuring they are interoperable and aligned with FAIR principles.

    Key Deliverables:

    • Updated CAMELS-DE Dataset: Incorporates new precipitation sources and enhanced metadata for seamless integration with the NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub.
    • Standardized Scientific Containers: A community-adopted specification for containerized tools, promoting accessibility and reusability across disciplines.
    • Interactive Community Engagement: Extensions to, transforming it into a hub for exploring workflows and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.

    What makes CAMELS-PLUS particularly compelling is its potential to democratize access to cutting-edge hydrological datasets. By enabling non-specialists to contribute and utilize CAMELS-DE through intuitive, containerized workflows, the initiative reduces barriers to entry and accelerates innovation in data-driven hydrology and beyond. This project not only sets a new standard for dataset management in ESS but also creates a replicable model for tackling similar challenges across other scientific domains. CAMELS-PLUS is poised to inspire transformative changes in how large-sample datasets are curated, shared, and advanced for global scientific impact.

    How to cite: Zuleta Salmon, C., Mälicke, M., and Dölich, A.: CAMELS-PLUS: Enhancing Hydrological Data Through FAIR Innovations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6216,, 2025.

    EGU25-6544 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    PyActiveStorage:  Efficient distributed data analysis using Active Storage for HDF5/NetCDF4 

    Bryan N. Lawrence, David Hassell, Grenville Lister, Predoi Valeriu, Scott Davidson, Mark Goddard, Matt Pryor, Stig Telfer, Konstantinos Chasapis, and Jean-Thomas Acquaviva

    Active storage (also known as computational storage) has been a concept often proposed but not often delivered. The idea is that there is a lot of under-utilised compute power in modern storage systems, and this could be utilised to carry out some parts of data analysis workflows. Such a facillity would reduce the cost of moving data, and make distributed data analysis much more efficient.

    For storage to be able to handle compute, either an entire compute stack has to be migrated to the storage (with all the problems around security and dependencies) or the storage has to offer suitable compute interfaces. Here we take the second approach, borrowing the concept of providing system reduction operations in the MPI interface of HPC systems, to define and implement a reduction interface for the complex layout of HDF5 (and NetCDF4) data.

    We demonstrate a near-production quality deployment of the technology (PyActiveStorage) fronting JASMIN object storage, and describe how we have built a POSIX prototype. The first provides compute “near” the storage, the second is truly “in” the storage. The performance with the object store is such that for some tasks distributed workflows based on reduction operations on HDF5 data can be competitive with local workflow speeds, a result which has significant implications for avoiding expensive copies of data and unnecessary data movement. As a byproduct of this work, we have also upgraded a pre-existing pure python HDF5 reader to support lazy access, which opens up threadsafe read operations on suitable HDF5 and NetCDF4 data.

    To our knowledge, there has previously been no previous practical demonstration of active storage for scientific data held in HDF5 files. While we have developed this technology with application in distributed weather and climate workflows, we believe it will find utility in a wide range of scientific workflows.

    How to cite: Lawrence, B. N., Hassell, D., Lister, G., Valeriu, P., Davidson, S., Goddard, M., Pryor, M., Telfer, S., Chasapis, K., and Acquaviva, J.-T.: PyActiveStorage:  Efficient distributed data analysis using Active Storage for HDF5/NetCDF4, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6544,, 2025.

    EGU25-7056 | Orals | ESSI3.3

    Reliable and reproducible Earth System Model data analysis with ESMValTool 

    Valeriu Predoi and Bouwe Andela

    ESMValTool is a software tool for analyzing data produced by Earth System Models (ESMs) in a reliable and reproducible way. It provides a large and diverse collection of “recipes” that reproduce standard, as well as state-of-the-art analyses. ESMValTool can be used for tasks ranging from monitoring continuously running ESM simulations to analysis for scientific publications such as the IPCC reports, including reproducing results from previously published scientific articles as well as allowing scientists to produce new analysis results. To make ESMValTool a user-friendly community tool suitable for doing open science, it adheres to the FAIR principles for research software. It is: - Findable - it is published in community registries, such as; - Accessible - it can be installed from Python package community distribution channels such as conda-forge, and the open-source code is available on Zenodo with a DOI, and on GitHub; - Interoperable - it is based on standards: it works with data that follows CF Conventions and the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Data Request, its reusable recipes are written in YAML, and provenance is recorded in the W3C PROV format. It supports diagnostics written in a number of programming language, with Python and R being best supported. Its source code follows the standards and best practices for the respective programming languages; - Reusable - it provides a well documented recipe format and Python API that allow reusing previous analyses and building new analysis with previously developed components. Also, the software can be installed from conda-forge and DockerHub and can be tailored by installing from source from GitHub. In terms of input data, ESMValTool integrates well with the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) infrastructure. It can find, download and access data from across the federation, and has access to large pools of observational datasets. ESMValTool is built around two key scientific software metrics: scalability and user friendliness. An important aspect of user friendliness is reliability. ESMValTool is built on top of the Dask library to allow scalable and distributed computing, ESMValTool also uses parallelism at a higher level in the stack, so that jobs can be distributed on any standard High Performance Computing (HPC) facility; and software reliability and reproducibility - our main strategy to ensure reliability is modular, integrated, and tested design. This comes back at various levels of the tool. We try to separate commonly used functionality from “one off” code, and make sure that commonly used functionality is covered by unit and integration tests, while we rely on regression testing for everything else. We also use comprehensive end-to-end testing for all our “recipes” before we release new versions. Our testing infrastructure ranges from basic unit tests to tools that smartly handle various file formats, and use image comparison algorithms to compare figures. This greatly reduces the need for ‘human testing’, allowing for built-in robustness through modularity, and a testing strategy that has been tailored to match the technical skills of its contributors.

    How to cite: Predoi, V. and Andela, B.: Reliable and reproducible Earth System Model data analysis with ESMValTool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7056,, 2025.

    EGU25-7070 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    EarthCODE - a FAIR and Open Environment for collaborative research in Earth System Science  

    Chandra Taposeea-Fisher, Garin Smith, Ewelina Dobrowolska, Daniele Giomo, Francesco Barchetta, Stephan Meißl, and Dean Summers

    The Open Science and Innovation Vision included in ESA’s EO Science Strategy (2024) addresses 8 key elements: 1) openness of research data, 2) open-source scientific code, 3) open access papers with data and code; 4) standards-based publication and discovery of scientific experiments, 5) scientific workflows reproducible on various infrastructures, 6) access to education on open science, 7) community practice of open science; and 8) EO business models built on open-source. EarthCODE ( is a strategic ESA EO initiative to support the implementation of this vision. 

    EarthCODE (Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment) will form part of the next generation of cloud-based geospatial services, aiming towards an integrated, cloud-based, user-centric development environment for European Space Agency’s (ESA) Earth science activities. EarthCODE looks to maximise long-term visibility, reuse and reproducibility of the research outputs of such projects, by leveraging FAIR and open science principles and enabling, thus fostering a sustainable scientific process. EarthCODE proposes a flexible and scalable architecture developed with interoperable open-source blocks, with a long-term vision evolving by incrementally integrating industrially provided services from a portfolio of the Network of Resources.  Additionally, EarthCODE is a utilisation domain of EOEPCA+, contributing to the development and evolution of Open Standards and protocols, enabling internationally interoperable solutions.  

    EarthCODE will provide an Integrated Development Platform, giving developers tools needed to develop high quality workflows, allowing experiments to be executed in the cloud and be end-to-end reproduced by other scientists. EarthCODE is built around existing open-source solutions, building blocks and platforms, such as the Open Science Catalogue, EOxHub and EOEPCA. It has additionally begun to integrate platform services from DeepESDL, Euro Data Cube, Polar TEP and the openEO federation on CDSE platforms, with more being added annually through ESA best practices. With it’s adopted federated approach, EarthCODE will facilitate processing on other platforms, i.e. DeepESDL, ESA EURO Data Cube, Open EO Cloud/Open EO Platform and AIOPEN/AI4DTE.   

    The roadmap for the portal includes the initial portal release by end of 2024, followed by the capability to publish experiments in Q1 2025 (including development, publishing, finding and related community engagement), and by mid-2025 to have a further release with reproducibility capabilities around accessibility and execute functionalities.  

    Collaboration and Federation are at the heart of EarthCODE. As EarthCODE evolves we expect providing solutions allowing federation of data and processing. EarthCODE has ambition to deliver a model for a Collaborative Open Development Environment for Earth system science, where researchers can leverage the power of the wide range of EO platform services available to conduct their science, while also making use of FAIR Open Science tools to manage data, code and documentation, create end-to-end reproducible workflows on platforms, and have the opportunity to discover, use, reuse, modify and build upon the research of others in a fair and safe way. Overall, EarthCODE aims to enable elements for EO Open Science and Innovation vision, including open data, open-source code, linked data/code, open-access documentation, end-to-end reproducible workflows, open-science resources, open-science tools, and a healthy community applying all the elements in their practice.

    How to cite: Taposeea-Fisher, C., Smith, G., Dobrowolska, E., Giomo, D., Barchetta, F., Meißl, S., and Summers, D.: EarthCODE - a FAIR and Open Environment for collaborative research in Earth System Science , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7070,, 2025.

    EGU25-8114 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3

    Flexible and scalable workflow framework HydroFlows for compound flood risk assessment and adaptation modelling 

    Willem Tromp, Dirk Eilander, Hessel Winsemius, Tjalling De Jong, Brendan Dalmijn, Hans Gehrels, and Bjorn Backeberg

    Flood risk assessments are increasingly guiding urban developments to safeguard against flooding. These assessments, consisting mainly of hazard and risk maps, make use of interconnected models consisting of a chain of climate, hydrological, hydraulic, and impact models, which are increasingly run interactively to support scenario modelling and decision-making in digital twins. To maintain interoperability, transparency, and reusability of this chain and the assessments themselves, using a workflow manager to manage the inter-model dependencies is a natural fit. However, composing and maintaining workflows is a non-trivial, time-consuming task, and they often have to be refactored for new workflow engines, or when changing compute environments, even if the workflow conceptually remains unchanged. These issues are particularly relevant in the development of digital twins for climate adaptation, where flood risk assessments serve as input to indicate high-risk areas. The complex model chain underpinning such digital twins can benefit greatly from transparent workflows that can be easily reused across different contexts.

    To address these challenges, we developed the HydroFlows Python framework for composing and maintaining flood risk assessment workflows by leveraging common patterns identified across different workflows. The framework allows users to use one of the many steps available in the library or define workflow steps themselves and combine these into complete workflows which are validated on the fly. Available workflow steps include building, running, and postprocessing of models. Execution of the workflow is handled by one of the workflow managers to which our workflow description can be exported, such as Snakemake or tools with CWL support. This flexibility allows users to easily scale their workflows to different compute environments whenever the computational requirements demand so.

    We demonstrate the flexibility of the HydroFlows framework by highlighting how it can be used to create complex workflows needed for digital twins supporting climate adaptation. HydroFlows not only enhances the flexibility and portability of the digital twin modelling workflows but also facilitates the integration of digital twin tooling and advanced computing and processing solutions to support interactive flood risk assessments in federated compute and data environments.

    How to cite: Tromp, W., Eilander, D., Winsemius, H., De Jong, T., Dalmijn, B., Gehrels, H., and Backeberg, B.: Flexible and scalable workflow framework HydroFlows for compound flood risk assessment and adaptation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8114,, 2025.

    EGU25-8305 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Enabling reliable workflow development with an advanced Testing Suite 

    Alejandro Garcia Lopez, Leo Arriola Meikle, Gilbert Montane Pinto, Miguel Castrillo, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Eric Ferrer Escuin, and Aina Gaya Avila

    Climate simulations require complex workflows that often integrate multiple components and different configurations per experiment, typically involving high-performance computing resources. The exhaustive testing required for these workflows can be time and resource consuming, presenting significant challenges in terms of computational cost and human effort. However, robust Continuous Integration (CI) testing ensures the reliability and reproducibility of such complex workflows by validating the codebase and ensuring the integrity of all the components used when performing climate simulations. Additionally, CI testing facilitates both major and minor releases, enhancing the efficiency of the development lifecycle.

    To address these challenges, we present our Testing Suite software, designed to automate the setup, configuration, and execution of integration tests using Autosubmit, a workflow manager developed at the BSC. Autosubmit is typically used for climate modelling experiments, but also atmospheric composition ones, and also constitutes the backbone of some operational systems and Digital Twin initiatives. The Testing Suite software allows Autosubmit commands to be executed in batches and the responses from the Workflow Manager to be bypassed in a structured manner. By streamlining this process, it minimizes the effort required for exhaustive testing while ensuring reliability.

    Beyond integration testing, the Testing Suite offers advanced capabilities for scientific result verification. By automatically comparing output data bit by bit, it swiftly detects regressions during test execution. Additionally, it provides CPMIP performance metrics, offering insights into the efficiency of the workflows.

    As a result, the Testing Suite plays an important role in quality assurance, particularly during releases, where extensive testing ensures the workflow meets required functionality and performance standards across different configurations. These integration tests act as a checkpoint, validating the stability and robustness of the software before release. They also identify stable points in the main codebase, enabling developers to create new branches with confidence. This approach minimizes compatibility issues and facilitates a smoother development process.

    In conclusion, the Testing Suite is a crucial part of the development lifecycle for climate simulations. It mitigates risks, ensures stability, and fosters innovation, all while maintaining a robust and reliable foundation for scientific research and development.

    How to cite: Garcia Lopez, A., Arriola Meikle, L., Montane Pinto, G., Castrillo, M., de Paula Kinoshita, B., Ferrer Escuin, E., and Gaya Avila, A.: Enabling reliable workflow development with an advanced Testing Suite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8305,, 2025.

    EGU25-8621 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Auto-EC-Earth: An automatic workflow to manage climate modelling experiments using Autosubmit 

    Eric Ferrer, Gilbert Montane, Miguel Castrillo, and Alejandro Garcia

    The European community Earth system model EC-Earth is based on different and interoperable climate components simulating different processes of the Earth system. This makes it a complex model that requires multiple input data sources for its various model components, which can be run in parallel with multiple configurations and resolutions, demanding different computational resources in each case.

    The EC-Earth software contains a minimum set of scripts to manage the compilation and execution of the simulations, but these are not enough to perform all the tasks that experiments demand nor to guarantee the traceability and reproducibility of the entire workflow in a high-productivity scientific environment. For that matter, the Auto-EC-Earth software has been developed at the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-ES) relying on Autosubmit, a workflow manager also developed at BSC-ES.

    We take advantage of the automatization provided by the workflow manager that allows us to configure, manage, orchestrate and share experiments with different configurations and target platforms. The workflow manager allows the user to split the run into different tasks that are executed on different local and remote machines, like the HPC platform where the simulation needs to be performed. This is achieved in a seamless integration between Autosubmit, the EC-Earth tools, and the different machines where the scripts run, all without any user-input required after the initial setup and the launch of the experiment thanks to the workflow developments. Autosubmit also allows to ensure traceability of the actual runs, to have all the required data available for different kinds of experiments separated and well documented.

    However, running the main part of the simulation is a cooperative task between the Autosubmit workflow manager and the different tools used for each model version. Auto-EC-Earth workflow has evolved to adapt the best possible to the EC-Earth model scripts that are present to help with the model runs. In EC-Earth 4, ScriptEngine is used to manage the run, and it has been fully integrated into the Auto-EC-Earth 4 workflow and used to set up the environment, while Autosubmit still manages the submission of jobs to the HPC and the dependencies between them.

    Auto-EC-Earth is a great example of a workflow system that has been developed and used throughout the years, well established within the BSC-ES and used in multiple production cases, like multiple CMIP exercises as well as a reference for newer ESM workflows like the one developed in the Destination Earth project. It has also allowed the BSC-ES to collaborate with the EC-Earth community through the testing of the new releases of the model.

    How to cite: Ferrer, E., Montane, G., Castrillo, M., and Garcia, A.: Auto-EC-Earth: An automatic workflow to manage climate modelling experiments using Autosubmit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8621,, 2025.

    EGU25-9175 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Enhancing Earth system models efficiency: Leveraging the Automatic Performance Profiling tool 

    Roc Salvador Andreazini, Xavier Yepes Arbós, Stella Valentina Paronuzzi Ticco, Oriol Tintó Prims, and Mario Acosta Cobos

    Earth system models (ESMs) are essential to understand and predict climate variability and change. However, their complexity and computational demands of high-resolution simulations often lead to performance bottlenecks that can impede research progress. Identifying and resolving these inefficiencies typically require significant expertise and manual effort, posing challenges for both climate scientists and High Performance Computing (HPC) engineers.

    We propose automating performance profiling as a solution to help researchers concentrate on improving and optimizing their models without the complexities of manual profiling. The Automatic Performance Profiling (APP) tool brings this solution to life by streamlining the generation of detailed performance reports for climate models.

    The tool ranges from high-level performance metrics, such as Simulated Years Per Day (SYPD), to low-level metrics, such as PAPI counters and MPI communication statistics. This dual-level reporting makes the tool accessible to a wide range of users, from climate scientists seeking a general understanding of the model efficiency, to HPC experts requiring granular insights for advanced optimizations.

    Seamlessly integrated with Autosubmit, the workflow manager developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), APP ensures compatibility with complex climate modelling workflows. By automating the collection and reporting of key metrics, APP reduces the effort and expertise needed for performance profiling, empowering users to enhance the scalability and efficiency of their climate models.

    APP currently supports multiple models, including the EC-Earth4 climate model and the NEMO ocean model, and is compatible with different HPC systems, such as Marenostrum 5 and ECMWF’s supercomputer. Furthermore, the modular design of the tool allows adding new models and HPC platforms easily.

    How to cite: Salvador Andreazini, R., Yepes Arbós, X., Paronuzzi Ticco, S. V., Tintó Prims, O., and Acosta Cobos, M.: Enhancing Earth system models efficiency: Leveraging the Automatic Performance Profiling tool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9175,, 2025.

    Geo-simulation experiments (GSEs) are experiments allowing the simulation and exploration of Earth’s surface (such as hydrological, geomorphological, atmospheric, biological, and social processes and their interactions) with the usage of geo-analysis models (hereafter called ‘models’). Computational processes represent the steps in GSEs where researchers employ these models to analyze data by computer, encompassing a suite of actions carried out by researchers. These processes form the crux of GSEs, as GSEs are ultimately implemented through the execution of computational processes. Recent advancements in computer technology have facilitated sharing models online to promote resource accessibility and environmental dependency rebuilding, the lack of which are two fundamental barriers to reproduction. In particular, the trend of encapsulating models as web services online is gaining traction. While such service-oriented strategies aid in the reproduction of computational processes, they often ignore the association and interaction among researchers’ actions regarding the usage of sequential resources (model-service resources and data resources); documenting these actions can help clarify the exact order and details of resource usage. Inspired by these strategies, this study explores the organization of computational processes, which can be extracted with a collection of action nodes and related logical links (node-link ensembles). The action nodes are the abstraction of the interactions between participant entities and resource elements (i.e., model-service resource elements and data resource elements), while logical links represent the logical relationships between action nodes. In addition, the representation of actions, the formation of documentation, and the reimplementation of documentation are interconnected stages in this approach. Specifically, the accurate representation of actions facilitates the correct performance of these actions; therefore, the operation of actions can be documented in a standard way, which is crucial for the successful reproduction of computational processes based on standardized documentation. Aprototype system is designed to demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed approach. By employing this pragmatic approach, researchers can share their computational processes in a structured and open format, allowing peer scientists to re-execute operations with initial resources and reimplement the initial computational processes of GSEs via the open web.

    How to cite: Zhu, Z. and Chen, M.: Reproducing computational processes in service-based geo-simulation experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9791,, 2025.

    EGU25-10981 | Orals | ESSI3.3

    yProv: a Software Ecosystem for Multi-level Provenance Management and Exploration in Climate Workflows 

    Fabrizio Antonio, Gabriele Padovani, Ludovica Sacco, Carolina Sopranzetti, Marco Robol, Konstantinos Zefkilis, Nicola Marchioro, and Sandro Fiore

    Scientific workflows and provenance are two faces of the same medal. While the former addresses the coordinated execution of multiple tasks over a set of computational resources, the latter relates to the historical record of data from its original sources. As experiments rapidly evolve towards complex end-to-end workflows, handling provenance at different levels of granularity and during the entire analytics workflow lifecycle is key for managing lineage information related to large-scale experiments in a flexible way as well as enabling reproducibility scenarios, thus playing a relevant role in Open Science.

    The contribution highlights the importance of tracking multi-level provenance metadata in complex, AI-based scientific workflows as a way to foster documentation of data and experiments in a standardized format, strengthen interpretability, trustworthiness and authenticity of the results, facilitate performance diagnosis and troubleshooting activities, and advance provenance exploration. More specifically, the contribution introduces yProv, a joint research effort between CMCC and University of Trento targeting multi-level provenance management in complex, AI-based scientific workflows. The yProv project provides a rich software ecosystem consisting of a web service (yProv service) to store and manage provenance documents compliant with the W3C PROV family of standards, two libraries to track provenance in scientific workflows at different levels of granularity with a focus on AI models training (yProv4WFs and yProv4ML), and a data science tool for provenance inspection, navigation, visualization, and analysis (yProv Explorer). Activity on trustworthy provenance with yProv is also ongoing to fully address end-to-end provenance management requirements.

    The contribution will cover the presentation of the yProv software ecosystem and use cases from the interTwin ( and ClimateEurope2 ( European projects as well as from the ICSC National Center on HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing targeting Digital Twins for extreme weather & climate events and data-driven/data-intensive workflows for climate change. 

    How to cite: Antonio, F., Padovani, G., Sacco, L., Sopranzetti, C., Robol, M., Zefkilis, K., Marchioro, N., and Fiore, S.: yProv: a Software Ecosystem for Multi-level Provenance Management and Exploration in Climate Workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10981,, 2025.

    EGU25-11937 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    DAM2 — A Scalable and Compliant Solution for Managing enriched Infrared images as FAIR Research Data  

    Jean Dumoulin, Thibaud Toullier, Nathanael Gey, and Mathias Malandain


    Efficient and secure dataset management is a critical component of collaborative research projects, where diverse data types, sharing requirements, and compliance regulations converge. This work presents a dataset management tool entitled DAM2 (Data and Model Monitoring) developed within the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) funded European BRIGHTER project [1], to address these challenges. It provides a robust and adaptable solution for handling private and public ground based measurements datasets throughout the project lifecycle. These datasets combine infrared images (e.g. multispectral ones), with visible images, local weather measurements, labeled data, etc.

    The tool is designed to ensure rights management, enabling selective data sharing among authorized partners based on predefined permissions. It incorporates secure access controls to safeguard sensitive data and meets GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements to guarantee compliance with European privacy standards. For public datasets, the tool integrates with Zenodo, an open-access repository, to support long-term storage and accessibility, aligning with the principles of open science. Key technical features include the usage of an open source, S3 compatible object storage server (MinIO [2]) providing scalability to manage large volumes of data. Additionally, the use of Zarr [3] data format behind the scene offers significant advantages for this cloud-based data management tool, including efficient storage of large datasets through chunking and compression, fast parallel read and write operations, and compatibility with a wide range of data analysis tools. The tool adheres to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, storing metadata alongside datasets to enhance usability and interoperability.

    Developed as an open-source platform, the tool promotes transparency and collaboration while providing a complete and well-documented API for seamless integration with other systems. A user-friendly interface ensures accessibility for stakeholders with varying technical expertise, while the tool remains flexible to accommodate additional file formats as required. The development process incorporates insights from relevant COFREND (French Confederation for Non-Destructive Testing) working groups, to ensure alignment with broader initiatives in data management, interoperability and durability.

    This paper addresses the design, study and developed platform. First operational functionalities are demonstrated through the manipulation of first BRIGHTER and other research project datasets.

    In conclusion, DAM2 is a comprehensive solution for managing diverse datasets in collaborative projects, balancing security, compliance, and accessibility. It provides a foundation for efficient, compliant, and interoperable data handling while supporting the principles of open science and FAIR data management.

    Perspectives include expanding interoperability with additional repositories, incorporating advanced analytic and visualization features, and integrating AI-driven automation.


    Authors would like to acknowledge the BRIGHTER HORIZON project. BRIGHTER has received funding from the Chips Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101096985. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program and France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Turkey.


    [1] Brighter --- Project-Brighter., accessed on January 2025.

    [2] MinIO, Inc. MinIO S3 Compatible Storage for AI --- Min.Io., accessed on January, 2025.

    [3] Zarr ---, accessed on January, 2025.

    How to cite: Dumoulin, J., Toullier, T., Gey, N., and Malandain, M.: DAM2 — A Scalable and Compliant Solution for Managing enriched Infrared images as FAIR Research Data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11937,, 2025.

    EGU25-13604 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3

    Streamlining configurations of process-based models through extensible and free workflows 

    Kasra Keshavarz, Alain Pietroniro, Darri Eythorsson, Mohamed Ismaiel Ahmed, Paul Coderre, Wouter Knoben, Martyn Clark, and Shervan Gharari

    High-resolution and high-complexity process-based hydrological models play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding and prediction of water cycle dynamics, particularly in ungauged basins and under nonstationary climate conditions. However, the configuration, application, and evaluation of these models are often hindered by the intricate and inconsistent nature of a priori information available in various datasets, necessitating extensive preprocessing steps. These challenges can limit the reproducibility, applicability, and accessibility of such models for the broader scientific user community. To address these challenges, we introduce our generalized Model-Agnostic Framework (MAF), aimed at simplifying the configuration and application of data-intensive process-based hydrological models. Through a systematic investigation of commonly used models and their configuration procedures, we provide workflows designed to streamline the setup process for this category of hydrological models. Building on earlier efforts, this framework adheres to the principle of separating model-agnostic and model-specific tasks in the setup procedure of such models. The model-agnostic workflows focus on both dynamic datasets (e.g., meteorological data) and static datasets (e.g., land-use maps), while the model-specific components feed preprocessed, relevant data to the hydrological models of interest. Our initial prototypes of MAF includes recipes for various static and dynamic datasets and also tailored model-specific workflows for MESH, SUMMA, and HYPE process-based modelling frameworks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these novel workflows in reducing configuration complexity and enhancing the reproducibility of process-based hydrological models through test applications in high-performance computing environments. The framework automates numerous manual tasks, significantly saving time, and enabling continuity in research efforts. Moreover, by minimizing human error and enhancing reproducibility, this research has fostered collaboration with several Canadian government entities, leveraging sophisticated process-based models to address complex environmental challenges.

    How to cite: Keshavarz, K., Pietroniro, A., Eythorsson, D., Ahmed, M. I., Coderre, P., Knoben, W., Clark, M., and Gharari, S.: Streamlining configurations of process-based models through extensible and free workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13604,, 2025.

    EGU25-18040 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Workflows for numerical reproducibility in the OceanVar data assimilation model 

    Francesco Carere, Francesca Mele, Italo Epicoco, Mario Adani, Paolo Oddo, Eric Jansen, Andrea Cipollone, and Ali Aydogdu

    Numerical reproducibility is a crucial yet often overlooked challenge in ensuring the credibility of computational results and the validity of Earth system models. In large-scale, massively parallel simulations, achieving numerical reproducibility is complicated by factors such as heterogeneous HPC architectures, floating point intricacies, complex hardware/software dependencies, and the non-deterministic nature of parallel execution.

    This work addresses the challenges of debugging and ensuring bitwise reproducibility (BR) in parallel simulations, specifically for the MPI-parallelised OceanVar data assimilation model. We explore methods for detecting and resolving BR-related bugs, focusing on an automated debugging process. Currently mature tools to automate this process are lacking for bugs due to MPI-parallelisation, making automatic BR verification in scientific workflows involving such codebases a time-consuming challenge.

    However, BR is sometimes considered unrealistic in workflows involving heterogeneous computing architectures. As an alternative, statistical reproducibility (SR) is proposed and explored by various research groups in the Earth system modelling community, for which automated tools have been developed. For example, the scientific workflow of CESM supports automatic verification of SR using the CESM-ECT framework/PyCECT software. In case of failure of SR a root-cause analysis tool exists, CESM-RUANDA, albeit currently not fully functional. We explore SR as an alternative and complementary approach to of BR focusing on its potential to support numerical reproducibility in workflows involving heterogeneous computing architectures.

    How to cite: Carere, F., Mele, F., Epicoco, I., Adani, M., Oddo, P., Jansen, E., Cipollone, A., and Aydogdu, A.: Workflows for numerical reproducibility in the OceanVar data assimilation model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18040,, 2025.

    EGU25-18890 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Research data management for numerical simulations in Earth-System Science 

    Klaus Getzlaff and Markus Scheinert

    One of today's challenges is the effective access to scientific data either within research groups or across different institutions to increase the reusability of the data and therefore their value. While large operational modeling and service centers have enabled query and access to data via common web services, this is often not the case for smaller institutions or individual research groups. Especially the maintenance of the infrastructure and the simplicity of the workflows, in order to make the data and their provenance available and accessible, are common challenges for scientists and data management.

    At GEOMAR there are several data steward positions to support RDM for special disciplines and formats. They are also connected across centres to work on common standards, e.g. the netcdf standard working group in the Helmholtz Earth and Environment DataHUB.

    Here we will present the institutional approach on research data management for numerical simulations in earth system science. The data handling, especially the possibilities for data sharing, publication and access, which is in today’s focus, is realized by using persistent identifier handles in combinations with a modern http web server index solution and a THREDDS server allowing remote access using standardized protocols such as OPeNDAP, WMS. By cross-linking this into the central institutional metadata and publication repositories it allows the re-usability of the data by scientists from different research groups and backgrounds. In addition to the pure data handling the documentation of the numerical simulation experiments is of similar importance to allow re-usability or reproducibility and to provide the data which will be addressed too.

    How to cite: Getzlaff, K. and Scheinert, M.: Research data management for numerical simulations in Earth-System Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18890,, 2025.

    EGU25-19655 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    Multi-faceted habitat connectivity: how to orchestrate remote sensing with citizen science data? 

    Ivette Serral, Vitalii Kriukov, Lucy Bastin, Riyad Rahman, and Joan Masó

    In the era of declining biodiversity, global climate change and transformations in land use, terrestrial habitat connectivity is one of the key parameters of ecosystem management. In this regard, the land-use/land-cover (LULC) dynamics is crucial to detect the spatiotemporal trends in connectivity of focal endangered species and to predict the effects for biodiversity for planned or proposed LULC changes.

    Apart from the LULC derivatives of remote sensing, connectivity analysis and scenarios modelling can also benefit from citizen science datasets, such as Open Street Map and GBIF species occurrence data cubes in which aggregated data can be perceived as a cube with three dimensions - taxonomic, temporal and geographic. The synthetic LULC datasets which cover Catalonia every 5 years (1987-2022) were enriched via developed Data4Land harmonisation tool harnessing Open Street Map (through Overpass Turbo API) and World Database on Protected Areas. Two outstanding well-known tools, Graphab and MiraMon GIS&RS (using the Terrestrial Connectivity Index Module - ICT), were used to create the overarching dataset on terrestrial habitat connectivity in Catalonia (2012-2022) for target species and broad land cover categories, forests. Significant decline trends in forest habitat connectivity are observed for Barcelona metropolitan area, and vice versa in the Pyrenees mountain corridor and protected areas. According to the local case study on the connectivity of Mediterranean turtle in the Albera Natural Park, general positive trend was affected by massive fires in 2012.

    To ensure the replicable results, the pipeline to create reliable metadata in accordance with FAIR principles, especially data lineage, is being developed, as well as the high performance computing pipeline for Graphab.

    How to cite: Serral, I., Kriukov, V., Bastin, L., Rahman, R., and Masó, J.: Multi-faceted habitat connectivity: how to orchestrate remote sensing with citizen science data?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19655,, 2025.

    EGU25-21553 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

    European Digital Twin of the Ocean: the integration with EuroHPC platforms 

    Stella Valentina Paronuzzi Ticco, Simon Lyobard, Mathis Bertin, Quentin Gaudel, Jérôme Gasperi, and Alain Arnaud

    The EDITO platform serves as the foundational framework for building the European Digital Twin of the Ocean, seamlessly integrating oceanographic data, processes and services on a single and comprehensive platform. The platform provides scalable computing resources interconnected with EuroHPC supercomputing centers. We have developed a mechanism that allows users to remotely execute functions (processes) on HPCs and store the resulting output at the location of their choice (e.g. EDITO personal storage, third parties S3 buckets, etc.). This output can then be leveraged as input for subsequent processes, fostering a streamlined and interconnected workflow. Our presentation will delve into the technical details to achieve such an integration between cloud and HPC systems. 

    How to cite: Paronuzzi Ticco, S. V., Lyobard, S., Bertin, M., Gaudel, Q., Gasperi, J., and Arnaud, A.: European Digital Twin of the Ocean: the integration with EuroHPC platforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21553,, 2025.

    EGU25-2144 | PICO | GM2.5

    Mapping fractures in 3D from airborne LiDAR: comparison with field mapping 

    Sara Carena and Anke Friedrich

    We tested whether public high-resolution airborne LiDAR data could be suitable for structural geology applications by comparing fracture orientation measurements on Virtual Outcrop Models (VOMs) to field measurements from the same outcrops. We found that the fundamental requirement for taking full advantage of such data is good bedrock exposure, which is also dependent on lithology. Whenever this requirement is satisfied, VOM measurements are comparable to field measurements. VOMs can help considerably in both reducing the time it takes to collect measurements, and in expanding the area in which measurements can be collected without adding significantly to the time budget. They are also especially useful in remote regions and at high elevations, where access is more difficult and yet good exposures are more likely to be found, and they should always be used when planning field work. At present  the main limitations, apart from LiDAR coverage not yet existing in places, are due to the hardware and software capabilities needed to create and especially to analyze VOMs. 

    How to cite: Carena, S. and Friedrich, A.: Mapping fractures in 3D from airborne LiDAR: comparison with field mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2144,, 2025.

    EGU25-2736 | PICO | GM2.5

    Extraction and Orientation Analysis of Rock Mass Discontinuities Using UAV-Assisted Photogrammetry 

    Xianquan Han, Ruoming Zhai, Yuewen Huang, and Bangning Ding

    The stability of rock masses is crucial for the safety of hydraulic engineering, as the integrity of the rock mass directly influences the stability of structures such as dams, reservoirs, and tunnels. Accurate extraction and orientation of rock mass discontinuities plays a key role in stability analysis, providing essential geometric data for assessing rock mass behavior. However, traditional manual measurement methods used to extract these orientations are not only time-consuming and labor-intensive but also fraught with safety risks, especially when working on large and steep slopes. These limitations hinder the efficiency and accuracy of rock mass stability assessments.

    To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel approach for acquiring 3D rock mass scenes using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), coupled with oblique photogrammetry technology for 3D scene reconstruction. With UAVs equipped with high-resolution cameras to capture image sequences from various angles, the Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithm is then applied to reconstruct the 3D scene. This method allows for the generation of high-precision point cloud data through geometric uniform sampling, ensuring accurate representation of rock mass. Once the 3D scene is reconstructed, local geometric features (including surface curvature, planarity, scattering, and verticality) are calculated based on neighborhood search. Combined with RGB texture information, machine learning method is employed to analyze the importance of these features, and further identify and differentiate rock mass features from vegetation and outliers within the large-scale slope scene, followed by a region-growing and merging algorithm for the segmentation of rock mass patches. For each individual patch, a local planar coordinate system is established to generate a grayscale image, which is then used for edge detection to identify structural boundaries. Following this, line extraction is carried out using an energy-optimization-based graph cut algorithm, and the closed contours of the structural patches are delineated through vectorization, ensuring an accurate and detailed mapping of the rock mass structure.

    The effectiveness of the proposed method was validated through experiments conducted on a large-scale rock mass slope scene. The results demonstrate that the method can accurately extract the rock mass structural regions, identify the fracture network, and provide crucial geometric features, such as dip, strike, and trace information for each structural plane. The extracted features significantly contribute to evaluating the structural integrity and stability of large-scale slopes, offering a more efficient, accurate, and safer alternative to traditional manual measurement methods. Moreover, this method can be applied to a wide range of geological environments, providing a valuable tool for real-time monitoring and assessment in engineering projects.

    How to cite: Han, X., Zhai, R., Huang, Y., and Ding, B.: Extraction and Orientation Analysis of Rock Mass Discontinuities Using UAV-Assisted Photogrammetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2736,, 2025.

    EGU25-4331 | PICO | GM2.5

    An Introduction to Fully Automated Co-Alignment - FACA 

    Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Claudia Gunkel, Michael Fuchs, Karsten Schütze, Lars Tiepolt, and Dirk Kuhn

    Well-aligned point cloud time series data generated with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be a significant asset to geoscientists.
    Practitioners benefit from multi-temporal point clouds with high comparative accuracy, e.g. to evaluate landscape changes after landslides and quantify mass wasting.
    Two approaches are usually applied to achieve the accurate alignment of point clouds: indirect and direct georeferencing.
    Indirect georeferencing uses well distributed Ground Control Points (GCPs) in the study area.
    While this method significantly enhances the precision and accuracy of time series point clouds, the placement and measurement of GCPs are time-intensive and may even be impossible in difficult terrain.
    Direct georeferencing depends on highly precise and accurate location information embedded in images, which is often viable only with expensive real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning equipment or post-processed kinematic (PPK) services.
    Beyond the extra cost, this approach faces the same challenges as indirect georeferencing, particularly in the placement of equipment and scalability for large areas.

    Recent research has introduced an alternative method called Co-Alignment, which enables the alignment of point clouds with high local precision without GCPs and RTK data. Moreover, when GCPs or RTK are used, co-alignment can further enhance accuracy of the point cloud alignment.
    This method aligns multiple point clouds with good local precision without requiring GCPs or RTK equipment, though it lacks global accuracy.
    The workflow uses common, unchanged features in the study area, such as anthropogenic structures or boulders, to establish spatial references across multiple epochs using computer vision algorithms.

    We developed FACA - Fully Automated Co-Alignment to implement the Co-Alignment workflow.
    With FACA, we aim to offer easy access to a scalable point cloud alignment method.
    FACA is automatable from the command line and user-friendly through a custom graphical user interface, making it adaptable to common point cloud generation workflows.
    Released as open-source software under the GNU General Public License v3, FACA is freely accessible and modifiable to meet diverse user requirements.
    By integrating with Agisoft Metashape Professional, FACA leverages advanced photogrammetric features to enhance performance and output quality.
    We present the FACA workflow, emphasizing its ease of use, scalability, performance, supported by results from data acquired at Germany's Baltic Sea coast and in Svalbard.

    Furthermore, we discuss the potential for custom software solutions to further improve and expand the workflow’s capabilities.

    How to cite: Schüßler, N., Torizin, J., Gunkel, C., Fuchs, M., Schütze, K., Tiepolt, L., and Kuhn, D.: An Introduction to Fully Automated Co-Alignment - FACA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4331,, 2025.

    EGU25-5168 | PICO | GM2.5

    Unlocking the potential of historical aerial and spy satellite stereo-imagery in geosciences: access, processing, and applications 

    Livia Piermattei, Robert McNabb, Melanie Elias, Camillo Ressl, Amaury Dehecq, Luc Girod, Thomas Dewez, and Anette Eltner

    Historical imagery captured from aeroplanes since the early 1900s and from spy satellites from the 1960s onwards have long been used in natural sciences for military, civil, and research purposes. These images have the unequalled potential for documenting and quantifying past environmental changes caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. Especially when acquired in stereo mode, these images enable the generation of point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs), allowing us to quantify surface elevation changes over the past century.

    Recent advancements in digital photogrammetry and the increasing availability of historical photographs as digitised/scanned images have heightened the interest in these data for reconstructing long-term surface evolution from local to regional scale. However, despite the large archive of historical images, their full potential is not yet widely exploited. Key challenges include accessibility, lack of metadata, image degradation, limited resolution and accuracy and lack of standardised workflows for generating DEMs and orthophotos.

    We reviewed 198 journal articles published between 2001 and 2023 that processed historical aerial and spy satellite imagery. Our review spans methodological advancements in photogrammetric reconstruction and applied research analysing past 2D and 3D environmental changes across geoscience fields, such as geomorphology, cryosphere, volcanology, forestry, etc. We provide a comprehensive overview of these studies, summarise the image archives, applications, and products, and compare the methods used to process historical aerial and spy satellite imagery. Furthermore, we highlight emerging workflows and offer recommendations for image processing and accuracy assessment for future research and applications.

    How to cite: Piermattei, L., McNabb, R., Elias, M., Ressl, C., Dehecq, A., Girod, L., Dewez, T., and Eltner, A.: Unlocking the potential of historical aerial and spy satellite stereo-imagery in geosciences: access, processing, and applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5168,, 2025.

    The project's goal is to create a software tool for detecting and predicting a higher form of (rill) erosion on agricultural land. The planned tool's innovative potential is the use of neural networks on the joint remote sensing and erosion-hydrological modelling data. Morphological parameters and erosion-hydrological causal event response thus enhance common inputs for the neural network-driven semantic segmentation.

    By combining morphological parameters, event-based hydrological responses, and a calculated critical water layer thickness (hcrit) from physical SMODERP model - the threshold at which rill erosion begins - the tool enhances the precision of high-risk area delineation, supporting smart agriculture and climate adaptation.

    The project utilizes a unique dataset of manually digitized erosion rills from over 20 years of aerial orthophotos, enabling comprehensive training of neural networks. Multi-resolution data, including satellite imagery, aerial orthophotos, and UAV images, are combined to identify and refine morphological properties critical for rill erosion detection. Several types of neural networks were tested, notably FCN, U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabv3+, to evaluate their effectiveness in handling diverse input data and optimizing predictive accuracy. Automated workflows for dataset expansion and retraining ensure adaptability to new data.

    Validation of the model will be performed using the original dataset of manually digitized erosion rills as a benchmark for accuracy. By comparing the predicted rill locations with this dataset, the model’s performance can be rigorously evaluated and adjusted. Real-time erosion event mapping, supported by the Agricultural Land Erosion Monitoring system, will complement this process by incorporating contemporary data to further enhance model reliability. This innovative tool addresses gaps in existing methods by combining predictive capabilities with detailed spatial data, improving erosion detection accuracy for sustainable land management under changing climatic conditions.

    The research is funded by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic research project (TQ03000408)- Detection of Increased Erosion Damage Using Neural Networks on a Combination of Remote Sensing Imagery and Erosion-Hydrological Modeling and an internal student CTU grant (SGS23/155/OHK1/3T/11).

    How to cite: Tejkl, A., Kavka, P., Pesek, O., and Landa, M.: Detection of Increased Erosion Damage Using Neural Networks on a Combination of Remote Sensing Imagery and Erosion-Hydrological Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5875,, 2025.

    EGU25-6611 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    The use of computer vision to relocate historical aerial photographs that enhance the understanding of hydrogeomophic changes in Ethiopia 

    Michiel De Baets, Lore Lamote, Jonathan Sterckx, Sofie Annys, Jan Nyssen, Hiep Luong, Tesfaalem Gebreyohannes, and Amaury Frankl

    The digitisation of historical aerial photograph archives offers a unique opportunity to analyse long-term environmental changes. One such valuable resource is the archive of 1935-1941 aerial photographs of Ethiopia, one of the largest and oldest collections in Africa, comprising 34,000 images. While a portion of these images has been localized, many remain without known coordinates. To address this, we developed a computer vision approach that combines scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) keypoint matching and nearest-neighbour search, achieving 99% accuracy and 80% recall in matching images. This method increased the localization rate from 40% to approximately 70%, though manual verification and coordinate determination remain necessary. A proof-of-concept further demonstrated the potential of utilizing depth information to localize photographs: by leveraging the spatial proximity of images within the quite erratic flight lines, we significantly reduced the search area. Additionally, we show that 3D scene reconstruction from consecutive images, matched to a digital elevation model using the ICP algorithm, is feasible.

    We demonstrate the potential of historical aerial archives for studying long-term environmental change through a case study on river geomorphology. At 70 locations where aerial photographs intersect major unconfined rivers, we analysed key hydrogeomorphological variables to assess river dynamics. By comparing river morphology in 1935-1941 with that on the most recent Google Earth imagery, our results reveal significant morphological changes, including channel widening, gullying, bank erosion, and in-stream sediment accumulation. These findings highlight how a detailed understanding of local river dynamics, derived from historical and modern imagery, can enhance the broader understanding of environmental changes and their impacts on catchment behaviour.

    Key words: Aerial Photographs, Environmental Change, Hydrogeomorphology, Environmental Change, River

    How to cite: De Baets, M., Lamote, L., Sterckx, J., Annys, S., Nyssen, J., Luong, H., Gebreyohannes, T., and Frankl, A.: The use of computer vision to relocate historical aerial photographs that enhance the understanding of hydrogeomophic changes in Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6611,, 2025.

    EGU25-6774 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    Historical photogrammetry for DoDs in deglaciating environments: challenges and opportunities 

    Leona Repnik, Arnaud Breillad, Alessandro Giovanardi, Francesco Comiti, Mattia Gianini, Anne-Laure Argentin, Felix Pitscheider, and Stuart N. Lane

    Climate change is resulting in rapidly increasing temperatures in the European Alps, rising twice as fast compared to the global average, and leading to unprecedented glacier retreat. Deglaciating alpine landscapes are considered extremely dynamic, evolving rapidly over space and time. The use of DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) of Difference (DoDs) to study changes occurring in these environments has significantly increased in the last years and has been used for a wide range of disciplines. This approach builds on the growing availability of datasets (e.g. historical imagery), accessibility of drones and their sensors (e.g. LiDAR) and facilitated use of digital photogrammetry through commercial and open-source Structure-from-Motion software. However, DoDs of deglaciating landscapes tend to disregard the diversity and complexity of processes in these environments. 

    In this research, DEMs were obtained using aerial archival photogrammetry (1977) for the Turtmann basin, a rapidly deglaciating Alpine valley in the Canton of Valais (southwestern Switzerland. A 2021 DEM was used as a reference to create a DoD of the basin (28km2), in order to determine net sediment erosion and deposition during this 44-year time period. 

    Most changes identified in the DoD could not be attributed to sediment displacement, but rather to various ecological (e.g. tree growth), glacial (e.g. glacier ice melt) and periglacial (e.g. rock glacier and buried ice melt) processes, as well as error in the photogrammetry. The latter is amplified by the inherently steep topography of alpine basins, which means that small georeferencing errors can cause significant apparent vertical change. A series of post-processing steps were required to obtain precise sediment volumes from the DoD. 

    DoDs are extremely valuable for assessing changes in rapidly deglaciating environments. However, challenges exist when applying them to such topographically complex and dynamic landscapes. These challenges must be identified and thoroughly dealt with through DoD post-processing in order to exploit DoDs to their full potential and obtain precise volumes of change. The specific post-processing steps will depend on (1) the research objective, which determines the desired precision as compared to the limits of detection, and (2) the spatial and temporal scales of the DoD, which influence the detectability of changes. In this research, the large temporal (decades) and spatial (basin-wide) scales exposed the challenges and opportunities of using DoDs in rapidly deglaciating environments. The workflow developed to overcome these challenges can be applied to other alpine basins for more precise change detection and thus allow for a better quantitative understanding of processes in deglaciating environments. 

    How to cite: Repnik, L., Breillad, A., Giovanardi, A., Comiti, F., Gianini, M., Argentin, A.-L., Pitscheider, F., and Lane, S. N.: Historical photogrammetry for DoDs in deglaciating environments: challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6774,, 2025.

    EGU25-11270 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    Landscape attractiveness – It depends on the observer 

    Magdalena Koschmieder, Christina Pfeuffer, Sebastian Mikolka-Flöry, and Tobias Heckmann

    Different people perceive landscapes in various ways depending on their cultural and social background as well as their own values. However, characteristics inherent in the landscapes also have an impact on their perceived beauty. Accordingly, it remains unclear to what extent personal assessments and landscape properties influence how much people appreciate landscapes. In this study, we had 50 test subjects evaluate alpine landscapes represented by 30 historic and recent rendered pictures each. Since the recent pictures should display the exact same part of the landscape as the historic ones, digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthophotos were used to render the current scene in the same greyscale range as in the historic photographs. Additionally, DEMs and landcover maps for the captured images were analysed. These results were used to explain the test subjects’ values of the appreciation of and desire to travel to the landscapes using linear mixed models.

    The key finding is that perceived landscape attractiveness depends more on the people assessing the landscapes than the landscape characteristics themselves. The number of distance zones (surrounding, near, middle and far zone) present in the viewshed has a significant impact on the appreciation of the landscape. The maximum slope affects the desire to travel to the landscapes, and the relief energy, the viewshed size and the ratio of the recently glaciated area influence both the appreciation of and the desire to travel to the landscape. Furthermore, the historic photographs are perceived as more beautiful than the recent rendered ones. Taking into account the ratio of the glaciated area, this difference is even more pronounced for the desire to travel to the landscape. The bigger the difference in the glaciated area between the historic and recent image is – hence the more glacier has melted – the more the test subjects desire to travel to the scene shown in the historic picture than in the recent one.

    How to cite: Koschmieder, M., Pfeuffer, C., Mikolka-Flöry, S., and Heckmann, T.: Landscape attractiveness – It depends on the observer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11270,, 2025.

    EGU25-12156 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    Deep Learning-based Terrain Data Completion with Geomorphological Constraints 

    Tianxin Lu and Michel Jaboyedoff

    Raw terrain data acquired by sensing techniques such as SfM or LiDAR typically contain non-terrain components that require filtering, such as vegetation occlusion and other non-terrain features. While filtering helps remove non-terrain data, it can introduce discontinuities and local voids in the dataset. These data gaps can affect both the completeness of the terrain representation and subsequent analysis tasks. Therefore, it is crucial to develop effective terrain data completion methods for reliable terrain analysis.

    Traditional terrain data completion methods, such as interpolation-based algorithms and Poisson surface reconstruction, typically model and optimize data continuity from a mathematical perspective. Although these methods address local voids to some extent, they generally fail to exploit terrain features and semantic information, limiting their effectiveness in completing complex terrain scenarios.

    To address these issues, we propose a deep learning-based framework for terrain data completion. Our methodology explores different neural network designs with supervised and unsupervised learning, incorporating geomorphological constraints to improve terrain feature representation and semantic understanding. The framework leverages the representational capabilities of deep learning to improve the robustness of terrain data completion, contributing to a more consistent and reliable basis for subsequent terrain analysis and applications.

    How to cite: Lu, T. and Jaboyedoff, M.: Deep Learning-based Terrain Data Completion with Geomorphological Constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12156,, 2025.

    EGU25-15301 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    Multiple airborne sensors to monitor rafts and beached Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean: Documenting different UAVs applications for management actions. 

    Napoleon Gudino-Elizondo, Eduardo Cuevas, Abigail Uribe-Martinez, Hector Garcia-Nava, Xavier Flores-Vidal, and Orlando Avendaño-Gastelum

    The assemblage of multiple sensors on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to collect high resolution geospatial data represents one of the most significant advances in remote sensing, including oceanographic applications. Coastal inundation of pelagic Sargassum has been thoroughly documented as a natural hazard that jeopardizes the ecological integrity of coastal ecosystems, unbalancing several livelihoods and local economies. Sargassum patches (rafts) are drifted offshore by surface ocean currents, with distinct drivers at different geographic and time scales. UAVs have revolutionized the immediate local remote sensing of Sargassum as they can identify rafts that are expected to reach the coast in terms of hours, becoming a strategic tool for rapidly management actions, bridging the on-site actions with high and medium resolution satellite detections. To obtain primary data on the extent, frequency, and magnitude of floating and beached Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean, a rapid assessment protocol based on aerial photogrammetric techniques was implemented in the Yucatan Peninsula. We documented the arrival of sargassum rafts in the nearshore environment used to perform statistical comparisons with other remote sensing products. High resolution orthomosaics, DSMs, and 3D reality models were created to document the extent and quantity of beached Sargassum and the contiguous “brown tide” areas. Floating sargassum rafts were also identified in real time using long-range telemetry UAVs between 2 and 20 km offshore, that were consistent with field-based observations. Ocean circulation model outputs are also presented, which demonstrate that including UAV-mounted multi-sensors data acquisition is fundamental towards a comprehensive description and monitoring of the Sargassum coastal dynamics. These results strongly suggest that UAV-derived cartographic products represent an efficient tool for Sargassum-management actions, downscaling satellite detections and linking them with local observations, a strategy that needs to keep addressing as the future research agenda in Operational oceanography.

    How to cite: Gudino-Elizondo, N., Cuevas, E., Uribe-Martinez, A., Garcia-Nava, H., Flores-Vidal, X., and Avendaño-Gastelum, O.: Multiple airborne sensors to monitor rafts and beached Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean: Documenting different UAVs applications for management actions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15301,, 2025.

    EGU25-15820 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    Constraining centennial to sub-annual sediment dynamics on alpine alluvial fans – first insights from the Friedergries (Germany) 

    Philipp Gewalt, Thomas C. Wagner, and Michael Krautblatter

    Alpine alluvial fans are important storages in the alpine sediment cascade. It is to be expected that climate change and the resulting changes in precipitation will have a massive impact on the dynamics of alpine alluvial fans. In order to differentiate between short-term and long-term dynamics, we compile a dataset quantifying sediment redistribution of a small mountain river and its alluvial fan on centennial, decadal and sub-annual scales. Our dataset comprises historical topographic maps from 1826 to 1912, 25 sets of historical aerial images collected between 1945 and 2024, and 17 high-resolution UAV-campaigns collected between September 2018 and October 2024. We identify the spatial changes in the sediment body, quantify the sediment redistribution and relate both to precipitation.

    On centennial timescales, our data show a shift from presumably low geomorphic activity that persisted for at least 100 years (1820s-1930s) in the eastern sector of the fan, to high geomorphic activity with rapid channel migration across the central fan within the past 60 years. The onset of intense geomorphic activity may be contemporaneous to the increase in debris flow activity at nearby lake Plansee in the 1920s (Kiefer, Oswald et al., 2021). Decadal changes to the active area are largely explained by median precipitation (r2 = 0.66, p < 0.002) measured at a weather station c. 10 km east. Since the 1960s, incision at the apex and deposition at the toe of the fan can be observed. Sub-annual change detections show that for most epochs, erosion and deposition balance out within the uncertainty margin and the main channel gradually shifts its position by bank erosion and gravel bar construction. However, following an extreme deposition event between August and September 2019 with a net deposition of 8000 ± 3500 m3, the course of the main channel abruptly shifted. Our preliminary results show that while historical maps and aerial images are useful to reconstruct long-term trends, repeat topographic surveys with a close temporal spacing are needed to understand the processes behind these trends.

    Kewords: alpine alluvial fan, sediment redistribution, geomorphic change detection, multiscale investigation

    Kiefer, C., Oswald, P. Moernaut, J., Fabbri, S.C., Mayr, C., Strasser, M. & Krautblatter, M. (2021): A 4000-year debris flow record based on amphibious investigations of fan delta activity in Plansee (Austria, Eastern Alps). – Earth Surface Dynamics, 9: 1481–1503. DOI: 10.5194/esurf-9-1481-2021

    How to cite: Gewalt, P., Wagner, T. C., and Krautblatter, M.: Constraining centennial to sub-annual sediment dynamics on alpine alluvial fans – first insights from the Friedergries (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15820,, 2025.

    EGU25-16381 | PICO | GM2.5 | Highlight

    A new high resolution historical aerial image dataset from East Greenland 

    Anders Bjork, Anna Deichmann, and Tobias Socher

    During the last decades the high Arctic has undergone substantial changes as a result of global warming and arctic amplification. Melt seasons are expanding rapidly, and landscape and ecosystems are shifting into new states. To quantify these changes from the historical baseline requires datasets on pre-warming states, which can be extremely rare in the high Arctic. Prior to the satellite era, starting in the 1990s, a commonly used data source for baselines in geosciences is aerial photographs, which if one is lucky can reach back to the 1930s. These aerial images are most often recorded at high elevation and perhaps also obliquely which results in spatial resolutions of 2-10 meters, limiting the level of detail that can be resolved on the ground.  

    With this presentation we reveal a new exciting dataset of aerial images from East Greenland recorded in the 1950s and ‘60s. Contrary to other aerial campaigns, these images were recorded at very low elevation in order to conduct geological mapping, ultimately yielding spatial resolutions surpassing those of the newest high resolution satellites.

    The images were recorded by geologist John Haller during the Lauge Koch expeditions to central East Greenland in the 1950s and 1960s, and comprise a dataset of c. 3600 high resolution oblique images recorded at low elevation from plane and helicopter. The images are recorded in stereo, which allows us to recreate the terrain surface in 3D and construct orthorectified imagery that allows a direct comparison with modern satellite images, for use in all aspects of landscape- and ecosystem evolution.

    How to cite: Bjork, A., Deichmann, A., and Socher, T.: A new high resolution historical aerial image dataset from East Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16381,, 2025.

    EGU25-17688 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

    Advances in Historical Aerial Image Analysis: Boosting SfM Pipelines with Learned Models 

    Lucas Kugler, Francesco Ioli, Jan Dirk Wegner, Inés Dussaillant, Camilo Rada, and Livia Piermattei

    Trend determination for earth surface processes requires long and continuous and certain measurements, but long-term records of landscape change are often limited in temporal and spatial extent. Scanned historical aerial imagery serve as a valuable resource to derive data products like digital elevation models (DEMs) to document the historical state of the Earth's surface and to calculate trends for different processes e.g. glacier dynamics.

    Classic Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry workflows have demonstrated the capability to automatically generate DEMs and orthoimage mosaics from such historical images, as highlighted in a few studies. These workflows typically consist of the following steps: (a) pre-processing, (b) tie-point extraction, (c) matching, (d) bundle adjustment, (e) dense reconstruction, (f) co-registration, and (g) orthoimage mosaic generation. However, classic methods struggle with the challenges historical imagery coming with. For example: inconsistent image quality, limited metadata documentation, image distortions and distinct viewpoint geometries.

    Recently, advances in robotics and computer vision have introduced learned models for tasks such as tie-point identification, matching, dense reconstruction as well as part of the co-registration stage (e.g. SuperPoint, ALIKE, SuperGlue, LoFTR and more). These networks have shown promising results in different stereo-matching scenarios by outperforming classic SfM methods. However, since they were primarily developed for modern robotics and computer vision tasks, their performance on scanned historical aerial imagery remains uncertain. As historical imagery exhibits the properties described above, these networks were not optimised with them during training.

    We boost existing pipelines in tie-point extraction and matching with these models and compare the quality of resulting DEMs from different model combinations together. We also highlight issues encountered when applying these learned models to historical aerial imagery and proposes solutions to address them. We demonstrate our findings using scanned historical images from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field (Chile) recorded in 1980, particularly for the Grey & Dickson Glacier area, as well the south-west flank of Cordon Mariano Moreno Mountain and adjacent fjords. These two sites providing different acquisition geometries and overlaps. The results evaluate the average RMS reprojection error following the bundle adjustment, to determine the quality of different extractors and matchers as well as the median distance between closest points to evaluate the co-registration.

    How to cite: Kugler, L., Ioli, F., Wegner, J. D., Dussaillant, I., Rada, C., and Piermattei, L.: Advances in Historical Aerial Image Analysis: Boosting SfM Pipelines with Learned Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17688,, 2025.

    Along many coastlines worldwide, a variety of direct and indirect anthropogenic influences are influencing natural processes of coastal erosion and deposition.  Both traditional change reconstruction and monitoring techniques (e.g. repeat surveys) and increasingly sophisticated approaches (e.g. photogrammetry, LiDAR, drone imagery) require specialist knowledge and equipment, can be time consuming to apply, and may be restricted to assessing relatively recent changes over short timeframes (e.g. typically years to a few decades).  Here, we evaluate the potential for archival visual sources - maps, paintings, geological sketches, and historical photographs – to help document changes in the coastal environment of Ceredigion County, west Wales, over the past 100-150 years.  Two extant sites of geoscientist interest, both located within 20 km of Aberystwyth, were investigated: Harp Rock (Craig y Delyn), which represents the westward-dipping limb of a synclinal fold, and Monk’s Cave (Twll Twrw), which has essentially now developed into a coastal arch.  Egg Rock (Tŵr Gweno), a coastal stack which was previously located near to Monk’s Cave but has since disappeared, was also investigated.  All three sites were well-known tourist attractions in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and various maps, paintings, sketches and photographs help to provide both qualitative and quantifiable insights into the nature of coastal change, including the sequencing, rates, and timing of key changes, as well as volumes of mass loss.  For example, Harp Rock is retreating landward as sandstone strata of ~37 cm thickness are removed by wave action and mass movement; for every 1 m2 of stratal loss, a mass of 858.4 kg is removed.  For Monk’s Cave, the average vertical erosion rate of the cave entrance is estimated to ~0.65 cm/yr over a timespan of 139 years.  Based on the last known photograph of Egg Rock (early 1900s), the total mass loss is approximated to be 197.70 t.  Collectively, the findings from these three sites provide insights into rates of Holocene shore platform development along this dynamic coastline.

    Wider use of archival visual sources clearly has potential for complementing more technically sophisticated short-term change reconstruction and monitoring approaches.  Key challenges include sourcing well-dated, high-quality archival visual sources to enable establishment of robust timelines of change and the generation of quantitative data, and safely accessing potentially hazardous locations to enable new paintings, sketches, or photography.  If these challenges are surmounted, opportunities include enhanced potential for: i) providing quantified landscape change case studies for inclusion in school/university geoscience syllabi; ii) demonstrating the relevance of geoscience for local/regional natural and cultural heritage; and iii) enhancing public engagement with coastal geoscience (e.g. through citizen science projects or science-art collaborations).


    How to cite: Goode, C. and Tooth, S.: Can archival visual sources be used to quantify coastal change?: insights from the dynamic coastline of Ceredigion, west Wales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18399,, 2025.

    CR7 – The Cryosphere in the Earth system: interdisciplinary topics

    EGU25-813 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    A Giant Grounding Zone Wedge in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica: Geomorphological Characteristics and Internal Structure 

    Chiara Alina Tobisch, Rachel Barrett, Johann P. Klages, Katharina Hochmuth, Timo Mühlberger-Krause, Karsten Gohl, Lenya M. Baumann, and Sebastian Krastel

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is losing mass from its marine-based portions in response to a warming climate. This warming causes the west wind drift to migrate southwards leading to upwelling of relatively warm deep waters. The assumed future behaviour of the EAIS mainly relies on numerical models, which, however, are rarely validated against precise past ice sheet constraints. This significantly affects their ability to reliably simulate potential future change. In particular, there is a dearth of data for the sectors of the East Antarctic continental shelf situated offshore major subglacial basins, such as Vincennes Bay on the Mawson Sea shelf offshore the Aurora Subglacial Basin. Past dynamic grounding zone changes are recorded here by glacial morphological structures. Those structures, including glacial troughs, glacial lineations, and grounding zone wedges (GZW), can be systematically mapped to provide important information about regional fast and slow flowing ice sheet portions, meltwater pathways, ice sheet extent, and grounding zone stabilisation processes. Here we particularly focus on GZWs, which record grounding zone stabilisation periods in a particular location during overall post-Last Glacial Maximum retreat.

    We collected 230 km of high-resolution 2D multi-channel seismic reflection as well as deep-penetrating seismic profiles, multibeam and sediment echo-sounding data, during RV Polarstern Expedition PS141 (EASI 3) in early 2024 to study the morphology and architecture of glacial structures seaward of the Vanderford glacier front in Vincennes Bay. These data reveal a giant GZW that is up to 260 m high and extends 60 km along the previous ice stream bed. To our knowledge, this is the largest GZW discovered on the Antarctic continental shelf to date. The GZW consists of prograding sequences of different inclinations, suggesting multi-phase development of the GZW and a stabilisation process that led the grounding zone to grow and re-advance by several kilometres. Our findings present a significant step forward in understanding past ice sheet behaviour in Vincennes Bay, and thus provide important constraints for the evolution of the EAIS. Our new data therefore provide an important benchmark for testing and improving numerical ice sheet simulations.

    How to cite: Tobisch, C. A., Barrett, R., Klages, J. P., Hochmuth, K., Mühlberger-Krause, T., Gohl, K., Baumann, L. M., and Krastel, S.: A Giant Grounding Zone Wedge in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica: Geomorphological Characteristics and Internal Structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-813,, 2025.

    EGU25-951 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Observations of turbulent mixing and ocean currents in Dotson Ice Shelf cavity 

    Maren Elisabeth Richter, Karen Heywood, Rob Hall, and Anna Wåhlin

    Adjacent to Thwaites Ice Shelf in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, Dotson Ice Shelf is experiencing rapid grounding line retreat and high melt rates. Here we present oceanographic observations from a propeller-driven autonomous underwater vehicle sent into the Dotson Ice Shelf cavity, to study the inflow of relatively warm water into the cavity.

    In February 2022, during the TARSAN research voyage on RV Nathaniel B Palmer, an Autosub Long Range (ALR) completed four missions under Dotson Ice Shelf. The mission tracks ventured ~20km into the eastern cavity (inflow region) and ~40km into the central cavity (central trough), with one mission travelling along the ice-shelf front. During its missions, the ALR recorded seawater temperature and salinity, chlorophyll concentration and turbidity, current velocity, and turbulent microstructure approximately 80 m above the seabed. 

    We present an analysis of this unique dataset. Turbulent energy dissipation rate (ε) in the cavity is on the order of 10-10 to 10-8 W/kg. Outside of the cavity ε is higher, with values ranging from 10-9 to 10-8 W/kg.  These values are similar to ε values measured under Pine Island Ice Shelf. We are able to show that turbulent mixing is higher in the inflow and bottom intensified, it is influenced by interactions with bathymetry and current speed. Our measurements are able to resolve the warm, dense inflow of water in the eastern cavity with average southward velocities of -7 cm/s at the ice shelf front and variable flow patterns deep into the central cavity. We show the near-bed currents in context with water-mass properties, turbulence, and conditions in the embayment immediately in front of Dotson. This dataset opens up exiting opportunities for collaboration, including with other datasets collected in the Dotson Ice Shelf cavity during the TARSAN campaign and with modelling efforts.


    How to cite: Richter, M. E., Heywood, K., Hall, R., and Wåhlin, A.: Observations of turbulent mixing and ocean currents in Dotson Ice Shelf cavity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-951,, 2025.

    EGU25-1272 | Orals | CR7.2

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet regime shifts during climate transitions 

    Nicholas Golledge, Richard Levy, Stephen Meyers, Michael Weber, Peter Clark, Julianne Burns, Hana Ishii, Hanna Knahl, Dan Lowry, Robert McKay, Timothy Naish, Georgia Grant, and Nicholas Sullivan

    Reconstructions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet based on geological records commonly assume that the relationship between a given proxy and changes in ice mass remains constant in time, and that this relationship is independent of climate state. This assumption, however, has yet to be comprehensively tested. To address this shortcoming, we use a coupled ice sheet--ice shelf model representing an East Antarctic-type ice sheet to determine how ice sheets respond to ocean--atmosphere states ranging from warm and wet with weak ocean forcing, to cold and arid with strong ocean forcing.
    We find that where warm climates are accompanied by a weak sensitivity to ocean forcing, net ice volume oscillates in phase with oceanic and atmospheric forcing, whereas under cold climates with strong ocean forcing the behaviour is anti-phased. Transitions between these two regimes are characterised by ice volume fluctuations that resonate at half the frequency of the forcing. Calving, reflecting ice discharge, exhibits a highly complex relationship to imposed forcings, transitioning from smooth oscillations to abrupt pulses as the dominance of ocean forcing increases.

    Focusing on the evolving balance between surface melt, basal melt, and calving, we are also able to demonstrate that the local Shannon entropy signature of our simulations maps out specific ice sheet regime types. Under both warm and cold extremes the ice sheet exists in a low entropy state of high predictability. Between these end-members, however, the ice sheet exhibits less predictable and more variable behaviour, characterised by overall higher entropy but also abrupt flickering between states. The transition from the cold to intermediate regime can occur under an atmospheric temperature change of as little as 0.5 - 1 K, whereas the transition to the warmest regime occurs over a 1 - 2 K range. 
    Our findings are based on an ensemble of coupled ice sheet--ice shelf model simulations totalling 100 million model years, spanning climates from five degrees colder than present to fifteen degrees warmer than present. As such they provide a comprehensive framework for interpreting future East Antarctic Ice Sheet changes over multi-centennial to multi-millennial timescales. Most importantly, our results suggest that ice sheet reconstructions based on geological proxy records must take into account the background climate state and behavioural regime of the ice sheet in order to be most accurate. 

    How to cite: Golledge, N., Levy, R., Meyers, S., Weber, M., Clark, P., Burns, J., Ishii, H., Knahl, H., Lowry, D., McKay, R., Naish, T., Grant, G., and Sullivan, N.: East Antarctic Ice Sheet regime shifts during climate transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1272,, 2025.

    EGU25-1428 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Mass losses of the Antarctic Peninsula. New constraints from stereoscopic imagery and laser altimetry. 

    Maud Bernat, Etienne Berthier, Amaury Dehecq, Joaquin MC Belart, and David Youssefi

    Along with glaciers, polar ice sheets are a major contributor to sea level rise and their losses are accelerating. Since 2012, intercomparison exercises have combined estimates of ice sheet mass change from various methods (gravimetry, altimetry and input/output method). However, the consensus displayed in these intercomparisons hides sometimes strong divergences between these different methods because each one presents drawbacks. In particular, the altimetry method, whether based on radar or laser measurements, has a resolution of generally one kilometer. This resolution, although perfectly suited in the central and flat areas of the polar ice sheets, does not allow to solve the complexity of the elevation changes of the coastal glaciers, especially along the sloping coasts of the Antarctic Peninsula and Greenland. Yet, it is at their margins that ice sheets respond dynamically to rising atmospheric and oceanic temperatures.

    The objective of the study is to build high resolution estimates of ice sheet elevation changes. It exploits an archive of stereo pairs acquired by the SPOT5-HRS sensor mostly during the International Polar Year (IPY, 2007-2009) to build a topography of the polar ice sheet periphery. A vertical correction of each digital terrain model (DEMs) is performed using the elevation measurements, partly simultaneous, of the ICESat laser altimeter (2003-2008). This IPY topography is then used as a reference to estimate more than 15 years of volume changes of the ice sheet periphery by comparison with measurements from recent missions, in particular ICESat-2 and REMA (Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica) /ArcticDEM.

    The Antarctic Peninsula was selected to develop the methodology and to estimate 15 years of evolution. This is one of the regions where recent estimates of mass loss diverge the most and where glacier dynamics are complex. The elevation change maps reveal, at a high resolution, the spatial pattern of changes over the past 15 years.

    How to cite: Bernat, M., Berthier, E., Dehecq, A., MC Belart, J., and Youssefi, D.: Mass losses of the Antarctic Peninsula. New constraints from stereoscopic imagery and laser altimetry., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1428,, 2025.

    EGU25-1662 | Orals | CR7.2

    Late Pleistocene to Holocene fluctuations of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Adélie Land using cosmogenic nuclides: combining in situ 10Be/26Al on glacial landforms with meteoric 10Be in marine sediments 

    Marcelline Péan, Yann Rolland, Pierre Valla, Régis Braucher, Irène Schimmelpfenning, Xavier Crosta, Johan Étourneau, Vincent Jomelli, Vincent Favier, and Margot Louis

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) dynamics are source of uncertainty in past and future sea level variations. The assessment of the EAIS stability lies on a lack of data, especially since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Although previous works focused on the LGM ice sheet front at the shelf break or its modern position reached ~8 ka ago, these offshore marine records did not document the post-LGM to Holocene ice sheet fluctuations driven by climatic or oceanic circulation variations. In Adélie Land (136°E-142°E), glacial landforms (i.e., morainic ridges, erratics and glacially polished bedrocks) as well as sedimentary deposits (i.e., along the Adélie bank) suggest multiple post-LGM oscillations of the EAIS front position which have not yet been fully assessed so far. With a new set of cosmogenic nuclides data on well preserved terrestrial and marine archives, we aim to shed new light on the EAIS response to both climatic and oceanic changes with improved spatial and temporal resolution.

    We propose new data using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides - 10Be and 26Al - from morainic ridges (Lacroix moraine) and glacially-polished bedrocks scattered on the Pointe Géologie archipelago (Dumont d’Urville basecamp). We combine these results with more distal marine data proxies through meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios measured on the authigenic phase of the sediment core MD03-2601 (66°03.07’S; 138°33.43’E, 746m water depth), collected on the continental shelf of Adélie Land and already investigated with environmental proxies over the Holocene.

    10Be/26Al exposure dating of glacially polished bedrocks displays complex exposure histories and diachronous timing for ice sheet retreat along the coastline and within Pointe Géologie archipelago. Here, the onset of ice sheet retreat appears to range from > 60 ka to the LGM period, linked to the Astrolabe ice-stream dynamics. In contrast, the inland Lacroix moraine documents a more recent deglaciation period around 2.5 ka. These terrestrial deposits thus record non-synchronous late-Pleistocene ice sheet dynamics and final withdraw along the Terre Adélie.

    Comparatively, in the marine sediment core, we evidence a major meteoric 10Be input around 6 ka associated to changes in sedimentation rates. Based on the distal core location, we propose this event to be linked with either a modified Circumpolar Deep-Water or easterly currents incursions. 9Be data are in agreement with other environmental proxies and record ice-sheet oscillations: (1) a major ice-sheet re-advance and detrital input at 4.2ka; and (2) ice-sheet retreat since around 2.5 ka, synchronous to deglaciation ages on the coast. Our results record at least three main oscillations of the EAIS at different space and time during the late Pleistocene to Holocene period, illustrating its sensitivity to short-term climate forcing.

    How to cite: Péan, M., Rolland, Y., Valla, P., Braucher, R., Schimmelpfenning, I., Crosta, X., Étourneau, J., Jomelli, V., Favier, V., and Louis, M.: Late Pleistocene to Holocene fluctuations of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Adélie Land using cosmogenic nuclides: combining in situ 10Be/26Al on glacial landforms with meteoric 10Be in marine sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1662,, 2025.

    EGU25-2904 * | Orals | CR7.2 | Highlight

    Research results and new frontiers for the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, 2018-2024 

    Ted Scambos, Robert Larter, Peter Davis, Marianne Karplus, Athena Dinar, and Margie Turrin and the The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration

    The evolution of Thwaites Glacier represents the largest uncertainty in sea level rise forecasts over the next few centuries. To address this concern, the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) was co-sponsored by the US and UK polar research agencies with contributions from Sweden, Germany, and South Korea. The program investigated all aspects of the climate-ice-ocean-earth system in the Thwaites-Amundsen region, in eight coordinated projects. Several of the scenarios of highest concern for rapid increase in ice flux from the system are found to be less likely than initially thought. However, newly discovered processes that could accelerate ice loss, and additional considerations of the processes investigated, mandate that the region receive continued focus. Modelling and observational data show that the impending loss of the remaining ice shelf will result in only a small (order 10%) increase in grounded glacier flow speed, at least initially. Runaway ice cliff failure, while a valid process with several forms, is difficult to sustain in model scenarios so far; however, concerns remain about the effects of damaged ice on the ice-cliff calving thresholds and rates. Studies of the Holocene and recent pre-satellite evolution of the system show that the region has experienced very rapid retreat in the recent past, and that ice elevation near the Holocene Optimum was around 35 m lower than the present day, but then recovered as climate slowly cooled and bed elevation increased due to glacial isostatic adjustment to ice loss following the Last Glacial Maximum. Modern retreat at the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers appears to have been initiated in the 1940s after a series of very strong El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effects. In considering the future retreat and ice loss from the Thwaites catchment, studies of the shear margins and bed imply that further ice loss will likely widen the glacier, and that the pattern of mixed resistant and slick bed conditions will actually lead to slightly faster retreat of the Thwaites  Glacier basin in the coming centuries. Lastly, significant concerns remain about a tidal pumping process, inferred from satellite and field observations as part of the project, that may be driving warm near-bottom seawater several kilometers upstream of the nominal grounding line. This process, and in general the oceanography near the ice front and basal geology of the glacier bed, remain areas in need of continuing study by the community.


    How to cite: Scambos, T., Larter, R., Davis, P., Karplus, M., Dinar, A., and Turrin, M. and the The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration: Research results and new frontiers for the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, 2018-2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2904,, 2025.

    EGU25-3557 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Did past warm periods see glacial collapse into the East Antarctic Aurora Subglacial Basin? An experiment of geologically constrained modelling. 

    Rebecca Knight, Edward Gasson, Kate Littler, and Taryn Noble

    One of the biggest uncertainties in future global sea level rise is the stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and its response to anthropogenic climate change. However, to understand future glacial retreat, we must consider paleoclimate proxies to inform our models.

    In a recent study, Jamieson et al. [2023, Nature Communications] discovered a relic landscape formed by rivers millions of years ago and preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The existence of this landscape beneath the modern ice sheet in the Aurora Subglacial Basin region can help us constrain past glacial collapse in this region. In this investigation, we use high-resolution model simulations to better understand if the preservation of this landscape precludes significant glacial retreat into the basin in past warm periods, with a focus on the mid-Pliocene. We apply new subglacial topography maps to resolve mesoscale features within the model, and a range of geothermal heat flux maps. We use simulations with different parameterisations of glacial processes such as ocean temperature sensitivity and hydrofracture (driving marine ice cliff instabilities) to assess which processes might have influenced glacial retreat while allowing for the preservation of the relic landscape.

    How to cite: Knight, R., Gasson, E., Littler, K., and Noble, T.: Did past warm periods see glacial collapse into the East Antarctic Aurora Subglacial Basin? An experiment of geologically constrained modelling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3557,, 2025.

    EGU25-3689 | Orals | CR7.2

    Exploring East Antarctica from past to future 

    Florence Colleoni and the Members of the SCAR INSTANT Scientific Programme

    While most of West Antarctic ice shelves are thinning due to ongoing oceanic warming, East Antarctic ice shelves, except a few ones, are apparently more stable. East Antarctica represents most of the ice volume stored on the Antarctic continent. Understanding its potential response to climate warming through its history can inform the implementation of adaptation plans and associated costs. Combining geological observations and knowledge with the glaciological and climatic observations of the past decades can help understand how East Antarctica responds to climate warming in general. Paleoclimate have now the potential to provide insights on processes and interactions, where present-day glaciological and oceanic observations networks fail, for example, within cavities. With the technological progresses and the advances in understanding of ice-ocean or ice-atmosphere interactions, our understanding of the role of Antarctica in the climate system has made some progresses. But numerous knowledge gaps remain and rely on our capacity to set-up successful expeditions to explore the mostly unknow East Antarctic margins.

    How to cite: Colleoni, F. and the Members of the SCAR INSTANT Scientific Programme: Exploring East Antarctica from past to future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3689,, 2025.

    EGU25-4166 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Geomorphological record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in front of Vanderford Glacier 

    Lenya Mara Baumann, Jacob Geersen, Johann Philipp Klages, Chiara Alina Tobisch, Mardi McNeil, Estella Weigelt, and Sebastian Krastel

    From instrumental observations, we know that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has experienced mass loss over recent decades, with a higher potential for climate change-induced ice loss than previously assumed. While instrumental data only allow for reconstructing high-latitude ice-sheet dynamics over some decades, little is known about the long-term EAIS development over geological timescales. One possibility to overcome this lack of data is to study the geomorphological record imprinted on the Antarctic continental shelf. Here, we visualize the paleo-ice sheet bed on the Mawson Sea shelf with a focus on the shelf offshore Vanderford Glacier – EAIS’s fastest-retreating glacier forced by increasing intrusions of modified Circumpolar Deep Water. The study uses multibeam bathymetry and sediment echosounder data collected on the continental shelf in front of the Vanderford Glacier terminus during RV Polarstern and RSV Nuyina expeditions in 2024 and 2022 respectively.  A large assemblage of subglacial bedforms was imaged revealing past hydrological and glacial conditions at the former ice sheet bed. An over-deepened glacial trough system right in front of the modern glacier terminus suggests intense past meltwater discharge beneath the Vanderford glacier, possibly reactivated during several glacial cycles. Further seawards, a giant grounding-zone wedge records past subglacial sediment accumulation at the convergence zone of fast-flowing ice streams from various glaciers. The presented glacial landform assemblage reveals a major paleo-ice stream system including corridors of fast-flowing ice, distinct regions of ice flow acceleration, and inter-ice stream regions characterized by slowly moving or even stagnant ice masses. Our new geomorphological data from Vincennes Bay provides crucial information on the EAIS’s past behaviour in a region that currently changes rapidly. As it is directly situated seawards of the vast Aurora Subglacial Basin, it will allow for constraining regional ice sheet and oceanographic models more reliably.

    How to cite: Baumann, L. M., Geersen, J., Klages, J. P., Tobisch, C. A., McNeil, M., Weigelt, E., and Krastel, S.: Geomorphological record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in front of Vanderford Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4166,, 2025.

    EGU25-4186 | Orals | CR7.2

    Were the Cook and Ninnis glaciers stable in the Pleistocene? 

    Laura De Santis and the Cook glacier-Ocean Antarctic Past Stability (COLLAPS) project scientific team

    The thick and cold East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is apparently stable and melts only slightly due to atmospheric warming. However, it is predicted that the EAIS sectors, whose base is below sea level, will partially shrink or retreat over the next three centuries, mainly due to ocean warming. One of these sectors is located in George V Land (GVL), where ice flow and ice mass loss have increased in recent decades. The intrusion of warm Circumantarctic Deep Water (CDW) was observed between 1996 and 2019 in the mid-continental shelf of GVL off the Ninnis Glacier, but did not reach the subglacial sea cave. Whether and when this phenomenon will progress and lead to ice melt and dynamic changes in the GVL sector remains to be proven.

    We present a new geomorphologic map and sedimentary paleoceanographic archives obtained from the GVL continental margin in front of the Cook and Ninnis glaciers by the Cook glacier-Ocean Antarctic Past Stability (COLLAPSE) project funded by the Italian Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), providing evidence for their fluctuations and instability during the Pleistocene. Our results show that the Cook and Ninnis glaciers responded to increased continental shelf warming with partial melting and calving.

    Our analysis reconstructs the erosion and deposition processes on the continental slope and sheds light on the dynamics of the EAIS and its interaction with the bottom current during warmer periods with increased CDW rise on the slope. The Pleistocene was the coldest period of the last 100 million years on Earth, during which the Antarctic ice sheet remained roughly stable even during the interglacials. The global sea level change was mainly caused by the volume fluctuations of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet. Our results show that the marine EAIS sector of the GVL responded to ocean warming and thus contributed to global sea level changes, although major ice mass loss occurred before MIS 9, possibly as a consequence of prolonged warm climate periods such as MIS11.

    How to cite: De Santis, L. and the Cook glacier-Ocean Antarctic Past Stability (COLLAPS) project scientific team: Were the Cook and Ninnis glaciers stable in the Pleistocene?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4186,, 2025.

    EGU25-4396 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Past ice sheet dynamics from seismic reflection data of Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica – was the Vanderford Glacier more stable than presumed? 

    Timo Mühlberger-Krause, Karsten Gohl, Katharina Hochmuth, Rachel Barrett, German Leitchenkov, Chiara Tobisch, Johann P. Klages, and Sebastian Krastel

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has long been assumed to remain relatively stable under current climatic forcing. Recently, however, this assumption has been challenged by the observation of increased ice mass loss, improved subglacial topography data, and extensive geological and geophysical data of past glacial change from the Sabrina Coast. Glacial-marine sediments deposited on the continental shelf, slope, and rise record past ice sheet expansion and retreat periods that have occurred since the onset of Southern Hemisphere glaciations. The Vanderford Glacier is the main glacial outlet in Vincennes Bay (eastern Mawson Sea shelf), which together with the Totten Glacier drains the large Aurora Subglacial Basin.

    We use deep-penetrating seismic reflection data collected during the RV Polarstern Expedition PS141 (EASI-3) in early 2024 combined with existing data to construct a seismic stratigraphic model of the continental shelf, slope, and rise in Vincennes Bay. The newly acquired seismic data reveal pre-glacial sedimentary strata and glacially-transported sequences on the continental shelf and slope in a previously unmapped area near the Vanderford Glacier. We analyze pre-glacial and glacial sedimentation processes on the East Antarctic continental shelf in this region, which so far remained poorly constrained. This allows us to decipher dominant phases of early Oligocene to Pleistocene EAIS development in this sector.

    Long-distance seismic horizon correlation with deep-sea scientific drill records from DSDP, ODP, and IODP sites in the northern Mawson Sea, Prydz Bay, and offshore Wilkes Land provides age estimates for the seismostratigraphic sequences on the continental shelf. The earliest clear indications of grounded ice advancing onto the middle continental shelf are inferred in the Early Miocene (~24-14 Ma) from buried subglacial channel systems. The middle shelf consists of older preglacial sequences of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene age and is overlain by a much younger (Quaternary?) gigantic grounding zone wedge. The outer continental shelf is dominated by prograding glacially-transported sequences of inferred Late Miocene to Pliocene age (14-5 Ma), indicating repeated advances of grounded ice with a high sediment influx from the hinterland. In contrast to the neighbouring Totten Glacier of the Sabrina Coast, the distribution of glacial sedimentary features across sequences suggests that the EAIS was more stable in the Vincennes Bay region, highlighting how differently these two systems might have reacted to changing conditions.

    How to cite: Mühlberger-Krause, T., Gohl, K., Hochmuth, K., Barrett, R., Leitchenkov, G., Tobisch, C., Klages, J. P., and Krastel, S.: Past ice sheet dynamics from seismic reflection data of Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica – was the Vanderford Glacier more stable than presumed?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4396,, 2025.

    EGU25-5515 | Orals | CR7.2

    Holocene Ice Shelf Collapse and Subsequent Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, Driven by Warm Deep Water Inflow and Sea Level Rise 

    Yusuke Suganuma, Takuya Itaki, Yuki Haneda, Kazuya Kusahara, Takashi Obase, Takeshige Ishiwa, Takayuki Omori, Minoru Ikehara, Rob McKay, Osamu Seki, Daisuke Hirano, and Masakazu Fujii

    Recent observations and model simulations show that the inflow of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) causes rapid and significant melting and thinning of the ice shelves of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, contributing to the ongoing increase in the discharge of grounded ice. This process is also thought to contribute to the deglaciation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, the role of the CDW in a potential large-scale ice-mass loss in East Antarctica is largely unknown. In this study, we present new, well-dated sedimentary core records of the ice sheet and ice shelf retreat since the LGM, including a signature of the ice shelf collapse in Lützow-Holm Bay (LHB), eastern Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Foraminiferal C-14 ages indicate the ice shelf collapses occurred at ca. 9 ka, which is consistent with the initiation of the thinning of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet revealed by Be-10 surface exposure dating along the southern coast of the bay. In addition, foraminiferal carbon isotope data from the cores suggest that the CDW inflow had intensified and reached the southern coast during this period. Using a hierarchical modelling approach that combines climate and high-resolution ocean simulations, we find that freshwater discharge from adjacent sectors of the AIS into the Southern Ocean likely enhanced regional CDW inflow into submarine troughs in the LHB between 10 and 9 ka. Our results suggest that a series of cascading tipping points propagated around the Antarctic margin during the last glacial termination, highlighting the importance of feedbacks between meltwater input, CDW intrusion onto the continental shelf, ice shelf stability and ice sheet dynamics, and relative sea level rise for both historical and future changes in the AIS.

    How to cite: Suganuma, Y., Itaki, T., Haneda, Y., Kusahara, K., Obase, T., Ishiwa, T., Omori, T., Ikehara, M., McKay, R., Seki, O., Hirano, D., and Fujii, M.: Holocene Ice Shelf Collapse and Subsequent Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, Driven by Warm Deep Water Inflow and Sea Level Rise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5515,, 2025.

    EGU25-5596 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of surface mass balance in East Antarctica: Insights from Dronning Maud Land using airborne radar observations 

    Alexandra M. Zuhr, Steven Franke, Olaf Eisen, Leah S. Muhle, Rebecca Schlegel, Daniel Steinhage, Maria Hörhold, and Reinhard Drews

    The near-surface stratigraphy of ice sheets provides a unique archive of past specific surface mass balance (SMB), usually on the order of years to millennia. In the context of ongoing climate change, a warming atmosphere is expected to increase SMB over the East Antarctic plateau due to enhanced snowfall. However, the scarcity of observational data across this vast region complicates the quantification of recent SMB changes, contributing to uncertainties in future sea level projections.

    In this study, we reconstruct SMB over the last millennium along 3,000 km of airborne radar profiles on the plateau in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Multiple internal reflection horizons in the firn column are traced in the ultra-wideband radar data. The flight lines overlap with firn core positions, which allow dating of the horizons and thus an interpretation of the data as a proxy for time-averaged SMB. More specifically, we cover decadal to centennial time intervals going back to the 12th century. The spatial variability (coefficient of variation) reaches more than 120% of the mean value inferred at the firn cores.

    For time periods prior to 1975, we find temporally and spatially stable SMB patterns that do not change significantly within our error estimates. After 1975, the data suggest an increase of specific SMB up to 30%. We use environmental information such as wind direction and surface slope to generate spatial SMB fields that highlight spatio-temporal SMB changes. We also present robust uncertainty estimates that will help refine sea level projections and improve our understanding of East Antarctica’s role in the global climate system.

    How to cite: Zuhr, A. M., Franke, S., Eisen, O., Muhle, L. S., Schlegel, R., Steinhage, D., Hörhold, M., and Drews, R.: Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of surface mass balance in East Antarctica: Insights from Dronning Maud Land using airborne radar observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5596,, 2025.

    EGU25-5704 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Miocene to Pliocene/Pleistocene shift in West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea sectors 

    Karsten Gohl, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, Johann Klages, Lingyan Luo, Robert Larter, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, and Ulrich Salzmann

    The attention on the current enormous ice mass loss of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) leads to questions about its behavior in the geological past, in particular during past extended warm periods such as those in the Miocene and Pliocene. The compilation of the network of seismic lines linked to relevant ocean drilling sites of ODP Leg 178 at the western Antarctic Peninsula and IODP Expedition 379 on the Amundsen Sea continental rise enables analyses of the temporal and spatial evolution of the WAIS in the southeastern Pacific sector from early expansions to the continental shelves in the Oligocene-Miocene to variations in its dynamic behavior up to the Pliocene/Pleistocene. This includes significant warm periods with major grounded ice retreat events in the middle to late Pliocene. Our analyses indicate that long-period expansion and retreat phases of the main ice-stream outflow systems in the Bellingshausen Sea sector and the Amundsen Sea sector occurred less synchronously than previously assumed. In the Bellingshausen Sea sector, the earliest high-intensity advances of grounded ice occurred in the Miocene with mid- to low-intensity advances in the Pliocene. Extended ice sheet retreat periods during the Pliocene warm times are not as clearly observed as in the Amundsen Sea sector. On the other hand, the Amundsen Sea sector experienced its earliest low-intensity ice advances in the Miocene and high-intensity advances in the Pliocene with extended ice-sheet retreat periods embedded during the so-called Pliocene Amundsen Sea Warm Period from 4.2 to 3.2 Ma. Different paleotopographic conditions of the respective hinterlands likely caused different ice-stream/ice-sheet dynamics. In addition, regional ocean circulation patterns, that were prevalent at particular times, seem to have had a major control on expansion and retreat phases. We show newest seismic data analyses and try to synthesize our observations into a consistent model for past WAIS dynamics from the Miocene to the Pleistocene.

    How to cite: Gohl, K., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klages, J., Luo, L., Larter, R., Hillenbrand, C.-D., and Salzmann, U.: Miocene to Pliocene/Pleistocene shift in West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea sectors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5704,, 2025.

    EGU25-5738 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability: insights from a > 50 ka sediment record from the Vestfold Hills 

    Jacob Feller, Martin Melles, Sonja Berg, and Bernd Wagner

    Geological fieldwork in the Vestfold Hills, a 413 km2 ice-free area on the eastern margin of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, was carried out during the R/V Polarstern cruise PS140 to support the research objectives of the Eastern Antarctic Ice Sheet Instabilities (EASI) initiative. A 12 m sediment core composite obtained from Watts Lake provides a high-resolution record of the climatic, glacial, and relative sea-level history of the region, as well as the first evidence of ice-free conditions in the Vestfold Hills prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A series of 24 radiocarbon ages from bulk organic carbon, mollusk shells, and lacustrine moss remains collected throughout the core will provide the basis for a detailed age-depth model going back over 50 ka, and provide insight into the rate and timing of deglaciation ~10 ka. Ongoing biogeochemical analyses, including XRF, biomarker, TOC and CNS profiling, will provide proxies for biological productivity and changes in meltwater supply, allowing us to reconstruct Holocene climate trends. A combination of radiocarbon ages from surrounding marine terraces, field geodetic data, and lacustrine-marine transitions identified and dated in the core will allow us to develop updated relative sea level curves that are prerequisites to track isostatic uplift during deglaciation and model past ice thickness. These data will be integrated with other sediment records from the same field campaign, collected along a 10 km E-W transect of the adjacent Ellis Fjord, which will provide further spatial and temporal detail on deglaciation processes and evaluate possible ice readvances in the Vestfold Hills. Overall, the results will improve our understanding of the dynamics of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and its role in a warming world.

    How to cite: Feller, J., Melles, M., Berg, S., and Wagner, B.: East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability: insights from a > 50 ka sediment record from the Vestfold Hills, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5738,, 2025.

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is the largest reservoir of frozen freshwater on Earth, with the potential to raise global sea levels by approximately 52.2 meters if fully melted. Despite its critical role in the global climate system, significant uncertainties remain regarding its sensitivity to past and future warming scenarios. Marine-based sectors of the EAIS, such as the Wilkes Subglacial Basin (WSB) and Aurora Subglacial Basin (ASB), are particularly vulnerable to climate-induced instability due to their grounding below sea level. Recent studies have documented mass loss from these sectors during past warm periods (Blackburn et al., 2020), and numerical models predict their substantial contributions to future sea-level rise under warming scenarios (DeConto and Pollard, 2016).

    This study aims to reconstruct the behavior of the WSB and ASB during past climatic warm periods using glaciomarine sediments deposited along the continental margins of the Sabrina Coast (draining ASB via Totten Glacier) and the George V Coast (draining WSB via the Mertz, Cook, and Ninnis glaciers). Recovered during IODP Leg 318 and DSDP Leg 28 expeditions, these sediments archive multiple glacial cycles and capture evidence of ice sheet advances and retreats.

    Preliminary results focus on characterizing iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) and integrating Nd-Sr isotopic data to infer sediment provenance and ice sheet dynamics. Data reveals that during the Pliocene, shifts in sediment origins were highlighted by significant increases in the accumulation rates of ice-rafted debris. These findings suggest that deglacial warming led to accelerated iceberg calving, followed by the retreat of the ice margin further inland (Bertram et al, 2018).

    These findings, combined with available ice core records and numerical ice sheet models, aim to provide a multi-dimensional understanding of EAIS stability under projected warming scenarios. The results will refine predictions of sea-level rise, enhance understanding of glacial-climate interactions, and inform evidence-based strategies for mitigating climate change impacts.

    How to cite: Gupta, R. and Kiro, Y.: Reconstructing the Dynamics of Marine-Based East Antarctic Ice Sheet Sectors During Past Warm Periods: Insights from Glaciomarine Sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6269,, 2025.

    EGU25-6827 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Warm water intrusion onto the East Antarctic Shelf 

    Jasper Ferber, Gastón Kreps, Lester Lembke-Jene, Laura Herraiz Borreguero, Ole Rieke, and Nina Keul

    Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) poses a major threat for the future stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. In the Southern Ocean, CDW encroaches onto the Antarctic continental shelf in East Antarctica. CDW is the warmest deep-water mass within the Southern Ocean, and thus, harbours large amounts of heat with the potential to drive large basal melting under the ice shelf cavities it reaches. The PS141 expedition focused on the Denman Glacier, one of the fastest retreating glaciers in the East Antarctic Aurora subglacial basin. It holds a sea level rise equivalent of up to 1.6 m. However, the processes behind the Denman retreat remain undocumented. During PS141, found warm modified CDW intrusions in the immediate vicinity of the Denman ice shelf. mCDW temperature reached up to -0.1 °C, more than 1.5 °C higher than ambient water masses. It was present as the deepest water mass below 330 m on the continental shelf along a cross-shelf-transect at 100° E. Its minimum thickness was 50 m at the ice shelf and reached up to 100 m thickness mid shelf, where the warmest temperatures were measured. Predictions into how future climate scenarios may affect how CDW interacts with the Antarctic Ice Sheet suggest an increasing presence of mCDW within the Antarctic continental shelf. This could be a major threat to the stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, especially if it reaches vulnerable regions such as the Aurora subglacial basin and Denman glacier. By documenting the ocean state near this critical region, we can deliver better climate-related advice to policy makers working on mitigating and adapting to future sea level rise.

    How to cite: Ferber, J., Kreps, G., Lembke-Jene, L., Herraiz Borreguero, L., Rieke, O., and Keul, N.: Warm water intrusion onto the East Antarctic Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6827,, 2025.

    EGU25-7698 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Beryllium isotope record from the Sabrina Coast details ice sheet dynamics related to upwelling deep water from 350,000 years ago to the present 

    Bethany Behrens, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Zihan Huang, Hisami Suga, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Stephen Obrochta, Alix Post, Philip O'Brien, and Leanne Armand

    Along the Sabrina Coast, extensive canyon systems, mapped in high resolution during the RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01, cut through the continental slope and rise. These essential conduits for transporting water masses to and from the continental shelf provide a pathway for upwelling warm deep water (e.g., Donda et al., 2024). Beryllium isotope ratios (10Be/9Be) can be used as an indicator of upwelling deep water due to differing beryllium concentrations in surface water, deep water (von Blanckenburg et al., 1996; Jeromson et al., 2024), and meltwater from continental ice shelves (Yokoyama et al., 2016, Valletta et al., 2018) in that deep ocean water beryllium isotope ratios are higher than that sourced from continents (Wittmann et al., 2017, Jeromson et al., 2024). Records of beryllium isotope variability from the Southern Ocean are scarce, and primarily encompass the Last Glacial Period through the Holocene (Sjunneskog et al., 2007, Yokoyama et al., 2016, Behrens et al., 2022, Sproson et al., 2022) or focus on spatial variability (White et al., 2019, Jeromson et al., 2024). 

    Here, we present the longest known beryllium isotope record from the continental rise, extracted from between two canyons off the Sabrina Coast. The site is adjacent to the Sabrina Subglacial Basin, the Totten Glacier, and Moscow University Ice Shelf. This 16 m-long beryllium isotope record elucidates the relationship between the Antarctic Ice Sheet and upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water from 350,000 years ago to the present. Glacial periods exhibit low beryllium ratios, indicating a greater contribution of beryllium from the continent due to the more proximal location of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the study site and absence of upwelling deep water. The balance shifts during interglacial periods, and higher beryllium ratios indicate a greater presence of upwelling deep water through canyons along the continental slope and rise. The data presented here demonstrates the usefulness of beryllium isotopes in determining periods with higher ‘continental’ or ‘oceanic’ beryllium contribution along the Antarctic continental rise, which may be used as a proxy for ice sheet advance or retreat as it relates to upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water.

    How to cite: Behrens, B., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Huang, Z., Suga, H., Ohkouchi, N., Obrochta, S., Post, A., O'Brien, P., and Armand, L.: Beryllium isotope record from the Sabrina Coast details ice sheet dynamics related to upwelling deep water from 350,000 years ago to the present, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7698,, 2025.

    EGU25-7999 | Orals | CR7.2

    Footprint of sustained poleward warm water flow within East Antarctic submarine canyons 

    Federica Donda, Michele Rebesco, Vedrana Kovacevic, Alessandro Silvano, Manuel Bensi, Laura De Santis, Yair Rosenthal, Fiorenza Torricella, Luca Baradello, Davide Gei, Amy Leventer, Alix Post, German Leitchenkov, Taryn Noble, Fabrizio Zgur, Andrea Cova, Philip O'Brien, and Roberto Romeo

    The intrusion of relatively warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) onto the Antarctic continental shelf is widely recognized as a threat to ice shelves and glaciers grounded below sea level, as enhanced ocean heat increases their basal melt. CDW incursion onto the continental shelf is currently causing ice mass loss, thinning and extensive grounding line retreat of the Totten Glacier (Sabrina Coast), which drains one of the vastest East Antarctic subglacial basin complexes, the Aurora-Sabrina subglacial basin, and holds more than 3.5 m of Sea Level Equivalent (SLE). Another ice stream, the Ninnis Glacier, buttressing a large sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), is currently losing mass, although its melting from CDW incursion near the grounding zone is prevented by the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water that currently maintains a cold subglacial cavity. However the geological record indicates that the Ninnis glacier retreated inland during past warmer and prolonged interglacials, e.g., the Marine Isotope Stage 11 about 425 Ky ago. While the intrusion of warm water has been documented on the East Antarctic continental shelf, the locations where such warm water transport is sustained through time are still uncertain. The recognition of preferential conduits for enhanced CDW incursions toward the ice grounding zone is key to predict rates and modes of future responses of major Antarctic marine-based ice streams, such as the Totten and the Ninnis glaciers. We provide new evidence of the role of East Antarctic submarine canyons in conveying southward flowing currents that transport CDW toward the shelf break, thus facilitating relatively warm water intrusion on the continental shelf. The discovery of dozen-meter-thick sediment drifts on the eastern flank of the canyons testifies to the occurrence of sustained southward-directed bottom flows potentially prone to enhanced ocean heat transport toward the continental shelf. The investigated canyons and sediment drifts indicate that long-lasting flow of CDW onto the continental slope and rise have occurred offshore of both the Aurora and Wilkes sub-glacial basins, thus likely helping trigger and/or accelerate the destabilization of these key marine based sectors of the EAIS, with implications to global sea level both in the past and future. New, deep sediment archives from the sediment drifts flanking these canyons are, however, required to document the response and sensitivity of the EAIS, particularly the marine-based Aurora Basin system, to climate changes throughout the Neogene especially during warmer than pre-industrial climate states. To partially fill this knowledge gap, the new, multidisciplinary DIONE project, funded by the Italian Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), will collect geological, geophysical and oceanographic data, which will provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the climatic and environmental evolution of the Sabrina Coast since the Pliocene. However, a complete history of the ice sheet-climate interactions will only be achieved with a new deep sea drilling campaign.

    Donda F., et al 2024. Footprint of sustained poleward warm water flow within East Antarctic submarine canyons. Nature Communications, 15, 6028 (2024)

    How to cite: Donda, F., Rebesco, M., Kovacevic, V., Silvano, A., Bensi, M., De Santis, L., Rosenthal, Y., Torricella, F., Baradello, L., Gei, D., Leventer, A., Post, A., Leitchenkov, G., Noble, T., Zgur, F., Cova, A., O'Brien, P., and Romeo, R.: Footprint of sustained poleward warm water flow within East Antarctic submarine canyons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7999,, 2025.

    EGU25-8151 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Holocene environmental history of Thomas Island, Bunger Oasis, East Antarctica, inferred from a lake sediment record 

    Bernd Wagner, Damain B. Gore, Daniela Dägele, Amber Howard, Timo Lange, Stephanie Scheidt, Marie Weber, Duanne White, and Sonja Berg

    Over the last decades, climate change led to only moderate changes of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). In recent years, however, modelling approaches and field experiments have shown that also the EAIS is increasingly affected by ice mass losses. In order to obtain information on temporal/spatial ice sheet changes at the margins of the major glaciers in East Antarctica, northern Bunger Hills were visited within the frame of the EASI3 "RV Polarstern" expedition in the period between 19. and 29. February 2024. From a ca 1-km-long lake, here informally named Western Ear Lake (S 66.10621°, E 100.95924°), on Thomas Island, several gravity cores and hammering cores of up to 112-cm-length were recovered in the central part of the ice-covered lake at 14.4 m water depth. Very stiff, greyish to olive sediments sticking to the outer core barrel at sediment depths >110 cm imply that the recovered sediment successions contain the entire environmental history of the lake since the deglaciation of the basin. Greyish and clastic, coarse to fine grained sediments at the base of the sediment succession represent the retreat of the ice sheet after deglaciation of the lake basin. Sediments with fine lamination ranging from submillimeter to centimeter scale characterize the uppermost ~80 cm of the recovered sediment succession. Individual layers show distinct changes in granulometric and geochemical characteristics, particularly with respect to organic matter and calcite contents. The detailed study of these layers will allow a better understanding of lake internal sedimentation processes and related environmental changes. Bulk organic matter from nine horizons throughout the core is used for radiocarbon dating and will set the chronological framework for the reconstructed environmental changes. The radiocarbon ages may support an ice retreat during the early Holocene, as it is reported from geomorphological evidence and glacial deposits from the closer surrounding of the lake. Despite distinct changes in lamination with respect to lamination thickness or internal structures and geochemical composition in the uppermost ~80 cm of the sediment succession, large scale environmental changes that might be related to a marine transgression after ice retreat cannot be observed. The lack of evidence for marine conditions in the basin supports a marine limit several meters below the lake level of 14.8 m asl during the time of visit and/or the sill height of the outflow of the outflow at 16.3 m asl. Moreover, despite a long-term trend of sediments more enriched in organic matter towards the sediment surface, there is no indication for distinct long-term changes in environmental conditions. This may indicate that sedimentation conditions in the lake remained relatively constant after the ice retreat until today and were mainly controlled by small scale changes, such as lake ice coverage, meltwater supply, light and/or nutrient conditions. It also indicates that a major glacial advance of the ice sheet or of outlet glaciers into the lake catchment after the presumed early Holocene ice retreat can be discarded.

    How to cite: Wagner, B., Gore, D. B., Dägele, D., Howard, A., Lange, T., Scheidt, S., Weber, M., White, D., and Berg, S.: Holocene environmental history of Thomas Island, Bunger Oasis, East Antarctica, inferred from a lake sediment record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8151,, 2025.

    EGU25-8552 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    The Antarctic response to 1% annual atmospheric CO2 concentration increase 

    Javier Blasco, Britta Grusdt, Marisa Montoya, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Alexander Robinson

    The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) holds the largest potential for global sea-level rise (SLR), yet it remains the greatest source of uncertainty in future SLR projections. While the physical processes driving AIS mass loss are qualitatively well understood, significant uncertainties persist due to the challenging representation in models of these processes such as ice-ocean interactions and basal friction at the ice-bed interface. Satellite observations from the last decade reveal accelerated AIS mass loss in regions experiencing enhanced oceanic warming. Such warming thins ice shelves, reducing their buttressing effect and accelerating the flow of grounded ice. This can trigger a retreat of the grounding line into deeper bedrock, activating the Marine Ice Sheet Instability (MISI) feedback mechanism. Understanding the proximity to this tipping point is crucial for accurate sea-level rise projections and for developing effective adaptation strategies. From modeling and paleo-climatic studies it is well established that oceanic warming of 1–3°C in the Amundsen Sea Embayment could instigate MISI in West Antarctica. In addition, the spread and reliability of climate projections in future warming scenarios derived from Earth System Models (ESMs) remains a large source of uncertainty. However, a systematic study of this possible threshold with multiple models is needed. To address this, we conducted simulations of the AIS forced by CMIP6 ESMs under a scenario of 1% annual CO2 increase until 2300, including simulations that branch off with a constant imposed forcing at different global warming levels. The simulations are run until year 3000 with a constant climate to study committed impacts to ice loss. For this, we use an ensemble produced with the ice-sheet-shelf model Yelmo, initialized with varying configurations to account for key uncertainties, including ice-ocean interactions and basal friction, as well as climatic forcing obtained from various CMIP6 ESMs that were assessed for their performance in Antarctica. This approach provides insights into the differential warming of the Southern Ocean relative to global temperatures, the AIS’s committed response, and its proximity to triggering the MISI.

    How to cite: Blasco, J., Grusdt, B., Montoya, M., Alvarez-Solas, J., and Robinson, A.: The Antarctic response to 1% annual atmospheric CO2 concentration increase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8552,, 2025.

    Abstract: The deepest area of the continental shelf is located at the Drygalski Trough, western Ross Sea, with a water depth over 1,100 m. Sedimentation in Drygalski Trough is mainly controlled by the past East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). Previous studies discussed the sediment facies and sedimentary environments, but the analysis of sediment source provenance is poor, transport dynamics and post-transport processes are not clearly, the correspondence between sedimentary events and paleoclimate changes still needs to be explored. We analyzed the grain size, XRF, biogenic silica, and isotope dating to obtain the information of the composition and access the sedimentation mechanism from the two new gravity cores collected in the Drygalski Trough by Chinese Antarctic Expedition. The preliminary results indicate that the sediments are characterised by coarse diamictons with low biological productivity and stronger hydrodynamics during the glacial, and by clay and silt deposits with increased biological productivity and lower hydrodynamics during the interglacial, and what appears to be a renewed trend toward stronger hydrodynamics in the present. Several thin interbedded deposits on the gravity core contain high amounts of ice rafted debris (IRD), presumably controlled by formation of the polynya and density shelf water discharge. The adjacent cores support that Drygalski trough had received subglacial sediments since 20 ka. The aim of this study is to reveal the sediment events under the complicated palaeoceanographic conditions and ice sheet-ocean interaction based on the changes in biological productivity and the formation of polynya since the ending of Last Glacial Maximum. The reconstruction of the evolution of the depositional environment in the Drygalski trough, western Ross Sea, analyzing the past glacial activities and history of Paleocean ventilation provides key information for predicting the impacts of future glacier changes and improving the accuracy of glacier-ocean models. 
    Key Words: Drygalski Trough; Ross Sea; marine sedimentology; ice sheet dynamics; sediment cores; palaeoceanographic evolution; Antarctica. 

    How to cite: Xiao, Z., Huang, X., and Yang, X.: Tracing palaeoceanographic archives of ice sheet-ocean interaction of the western Ross Sea since Last Glacial Maximum, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9982,, 2025.

    Changes in snow accumulation on the Antarctic Ice Sheet are of significant relevance
    to global mean sea level. Measurements taken over a 33-year period near the Neumayer
    Stations, Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, were used to statistically
    analyse both interannual and intraannual trends and variability of snow accumulation.
    While a significant increases in snow accumulation have been observed at
    Kohnen Station on the DML plateau in the interior of the continent, the question
    arises as to whether the coastal measurements near Neumayer show similar trends.
    This study reveals that two unprecedented accumulation years, 2021 and 2023, were
    recorded near Neumayer; however, no statistically significant long-term trend could
    be identified in the time series, which shows several periods of increasing and decreasing
    mulit-annual means in snow accumulation. Despite this, shifts in certain
    accumulation characteristics during the study period suggest the possible onset of
    a positive trend. Specifically, positive annual accumulation anomalies have become
    more frequent and more intense, the rate of interannual accumulation increase has
    accelerated, and the current period reflects a prolonged state of above-average accumulation.
    High interannual variability, however, prevents the identification of a
    significant trend within the available data period.
    Periodicities observed in the time series suggest possible links to larger atmospheric
    patterns, such as the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave. Further research is required to
    also investigate the role of the major climate modes such as the Southern Annular
    Mode (SAM) and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and how these might influence
    local accumulation trends. This climatological analysis offers valuable data
    that could be used for future ground-truthing of satellite observations and benchmarking
    of climate models, especially given the higher temporal resolution of these
    measurements compared to firn and ice core records.

    How to cite: Reppert, V., Eisen, O., and Prinz, R.: Climate Signals from Neumayer, Coastal Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: A 33 Year Statistical Analysis of Snow Accumulation in a Stake Farm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10222,, 2025.

    EGU25-10652 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Paleoenvironmental insights into ice-ocean interactions in East Antarctica 

    Lina Raffelsiefen, Daniela Dägele, Damian Gore, Christine Heim, Martin Melles, and Sonja Berg

    As meso-order predators, snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) play a significant role in the Antarctic food web. Changes in their abundance can be related to the availability of prey and thus provide an indication of ecosystem health. The foraging grounds of snow petrels lie within the pack ice and open waters of the Southern Ocean, while their nesting sites are restricted to ice-free areas on the Antarctic mainland and surrounding islands. Modern observations of the birds allow conclusions to be drawn about their breeding performance and foraging ecology in relation to environmental parameters, such as sea-ice extent. Biological studies on the distribution of nesting sites and the response of the birds to changing environmental conditions can be complemented by the analysis of fossil stomach oil deposits produced by snow petrels, the so-called 'Antarctic mumiyo'. Stomach oil is composed of lipid-rich dietary components and can therefore provide information on the composition of the diet, which consists mainly of different fish and krill species.

    Fossil stomach oil deposits provide information on the timing of snow petrel occupation of a particular nesting site and can be used as an indicator of ice sheet retreat. However, 'Antarctic mumiyo' also serves as a novel terrestrial archive for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Southern Ocean. Analyses of the organic and inorganic composition of the stomach oil deposits allow assumptions to be made about the paleodiet of the snow petrels, which in turn depends on the oceanic environmental conditions prevailing at the time of deposition. We investigate stomach oil deposits from several coastal sites in East Antarctica (including the Vestfjella, Framnes Mountains, Bunger Hills, and Windmill Islands) to develop new proxies for the composition of the paleodiet and to link these to marine environmental conditions (e.g., sea-ice variability and polynya occurrence) during the Holocene.

    The fossil stomach oil deposits are examined using inorganic, lipid, and isotopic geochemical methods, as well as radiocarbon dating for temporal constraints. Evidence for regional differences in the paleodiet comes from lipid data, such as n-C14 to n-C24 alcohol and fatty acid distributions, reflecting either a more fish or krill dominated paleodiet. We will present initial regional reconstructions based on 14C-dated stomach oil deposits from Bunger Hills and Framnes Mountains and discuss potential links between paleoenvironmental conditions and paleodiet.

    How to cite: Raffelsiefen, L., Dägele, D., Gore, D., Heim, C., Melles, M., and Berg, S.: Paleoenvironmental insights into ice-ocean interactions in East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10652,, 2025.

    EGU25-10979 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Maximum extent and subsequent retreat of the grounding line from the Mac. Robertson Shelf (East Antarctica) during and since the Last Glacial Maximum and its implications for Antarctic Bottom Water formation 

    Janina Güntzel, Juliane Müller, Lester Lembke-Jene, Ralf Tiedemann, Gesine Mollenhauer, Estella Weigelt, Lasse Schopen, Niklas Wesch, Andrew Mackintosh, and Johann P. Klages

    The future behaviour of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is considered as one of the largest unknowns in global climate predictions and dramatically accelerated ice loss has been observed over the past few decades for numerous of its drainage basins. However, those records only reflect a short moment of limited informative value when considering the length of a full cycle of ice sheet build-up and retreat. The deglaciation history of the East Antarctic sector is largely understudied compared to the West Antarctic margin. This emphasizes the urgent need for reliable long-term spatiotemporal data of mass balance change, particularly for sectors along the East Antarctic margin that play key roles in supplying the world’s oceans with dense bottom water. Marine ice sheet dynamics are strongly influenced by interactions between ocean, ice, and bedrock, which so far remain poorly understood along the East Antarctic margin. Here, we performed a multi-proxy analysis on numerous sediment cores recovered from two prominent glacial cross-shelf throughs on the Mac. Robertson Shelf. Combined sedimentological, sediment-physical, and geochemical analysis as well as radiocarbon dating of calcareous foraminifers reveal the onset of deglaciation on the Mac. Robertson Shelf and the subsequent retreat of the grounding line (GL). Additionally, we analyzed submarine glacial landforms on the shelf along both troughs from combined multibeam swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data, providing new evidence on initial GL retreat and the pattern of its subsequent retreat. Our study reveals a retreat at or shortly after the Antarctic Cold Reversal ~12,5 cal. kiloyears before the present (cal. ka BP), it did not contribute to meltwater pulse (MWP) 1A but may have contributed to MWP-1B. Glacial bedforms indicate an episodic retreat of the ice sheet’s GL starting with a slow retreat on the outer shelf, accelerating towards the retrograde mid shelf part. At the mid shelf, the retreat underwent a further stagnation leading to the formation of two small grounding zone wedges. A mid-shelf bedrock sill likely acted as a pinning point representing an additional ice sheet stabilization event. We conclude GL advance to the continental shelf break until ~12.5 cal. ka BP. This maximum position implies the prevention of dense shelf water formation on the Mac. Robertson shelf in its current form, and therefore suggests either an absent or a different formation mechanism of Antarctic Bottom Water under full glacial conditions.

    How to cite: Güntzel, J., Müller, J., Lembke-Jene, L., Tiedemann, R., Mollenhauer, G., Weigelt, E., Schopen, L., Wesch, N., Mackintosh, A., and Klages, J. P.: Maximum extent and subsequent retreat of the grounding line from the Mac. Robertson Shelf (East Antarctica) during and since the Last Glacial Maximum and its implications for Antarctic Bottom Water formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10979,, 2025.

    EGU25-11111 | Posters on site | CR7.2

      Ancient Tunnel Valleys: a snapshot into the past glacial dynamics  

    Xiaoxia Huang

    Subglacial and marine records from adjacent to continental ice sheets reflect climate changes, ice sheet dynamics, the intensity of erosion, and the effect of uplift and subsidence in onshore and offshore catchment areas. The glacial activity was responsible for major erosion and deepening of the shelf and the accumulation of eroded sediments along glaciated continental margins. In this study, We analyze and compare the spatial pattern and morphometry of a number of tunnel valleys and associated glacial landforms from over Antarctic margin. Detailed mapping of the tunnel valley morphology and the geometry of the infill based on high resolution of the bathymetric and seismic data indicates that subglacial meltwater was responsible for incising the valleys and depositing at least some of the infill. The characteristics of the valley morphology, orientations, and infill stratigraphy indicate the tunnel valleys were active over long periods of time and were formed by multiple drainage events and linked to the regional response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. We further use a numerical model of bedrock erosion to quantify the major controls on the formation of the tunnel valleys, and elucidate how they interact with the subglacial hydrological system and paleo-ice sheet dynamics regionally.

    How to cite: Huang, X.:   Ancient Tunnel Valleys: a snapshot into the past glacial dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11111,, 2025.

    EGU25-11220 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Sedimentary evidence of asynchronous glacial evolution along the Bellingshausen Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice sheet 

    Lingyan Luo, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, and Karsten Gohl

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) presumably collapsed multiple times during past warm periods, significantly influencing past sea levels. Recent studies have shown that different parts of the WAIS advanced and retreated asynchronously during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period, posing a key uncertainty in ice sheet reconstruction. Along the West Antarctic continental margin, deep-sea contourite drifts receive fine-grained sediments from mixed down-slope (turbidite) and along-slope (contourite) deposition, alongside ice-rafted debris (IRD) of various densities. These sediments reflect interactions between ice sheet dynamics and ocean circulation and are therefore important indicators of the glaciation history.

    This study focuses on the Bellingshausen Sea sector of WAIS, a region with high sensitivity to climate changes and a well-preserved sedimentary record. Using seismic stratigraphy and deep-sea proxies, we constrain the timing of major changes in ice volume and ocean conditions. Analysis of seismic data collected in the area of Drift 7 off the western Antarctic Peninsula identified six seismic subunits within Pliocene–Pleistocene sequences. Drill-core evidence from ODP Leg 178 suggests a warm Mid-Pliocene (4.2–3.4 Ma) with at least five ice sheet retreats, consistent with the so-called Pliocene Amundsen Sea Warm Period (4.2–3.2 Ma), but preceding the global Mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (3.3–3.0 Ma). A cooling trend began in the Late Pliocene (3.4–2.6 Ma), evidenced by reduced bio-productivity and low IRD content. Glacial conditions persisted in the Pleistocene with widespread ice rafting. Multiple intervals with abundant calcareous microfossils suggest intermittent warm periods with probably open ocean conditions.

    The seismic profiles also reveal sediment transport patterns and unconformities across contourite drifts. Correlations between Drift 7 and Drift 6 reveal disparities in sedimentation rates since the late Miocene, along with the abandonment of a Miocene-Pliocene channel on Drift 6’s northeast flank. During the late Pliocene, a more erosive and far-reaching deep-sea channel formed between Drifts 6 and 7, possibly due to large amounts of downslope sediments from massive ice advance and reorganization of drainage pathways.

    This work is the first step towards quantifying any asynchronicity in ice-sheet dynamics along the broader West Antarctic margin, aiding future refinements in ice-sheet modeling and climate reconstructions.

    How to cite: Luo, L., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., and Gohl, K.: Sedimentary evidence of asynchronous glacial evolution along the Bellingshausen Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11220,, 2025.

    EGU25-11233 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Stability of Wilkes Subglacial Basin since before the Last Glacial Maximum signalled by englacial stratigraphy connecting Dome C and Talos Dome Ice Cores 

    Clara Nyqvist, Robert G. Bingham, Andrew S. Hein, Neil Ross, Johannes C. R. Sutter, Julien A. Bodart, Fausto Ferraccioli, and Egidio Armadillo

    Wilkes Subglacial Basin covers an area of 400,000 km2, and stores a volume of ice equivalent to approximately 3 to 4 metres of sea-level rise. Both model simulations and observational evidence from offshore sediment cores indicate that the ice within the basin is susceptible to significant instability, and has seen extensive deglaciation and retreat in periods during the Pleistocene and Pliocene. Two ice cores are located proximal to the Wilkes Subglacial Basin: (i) EPICA Dome C ice core, situated at the ice divide in the upstream section of the catchment, with a record dating back to approximately 800 ka; and (ii) Talos Dome ice core, situated closer to the coast, and extending back to approximately 350 ka. Englacial stratigraphy imaged by radio-echo sounding can be dated at intersections with the ice cores, therefore extending the observational evidence of palaeo-behaviour of ice sheets beyond these isolated point-based measurements. To date, the englacial stratigraphy between these two ice cores has not been comprehensively investigated.

    Here, we analyse the englacial stratigraphy using an airborne radio-echo sounding dataset comprising 61,000 km of along-track data, jointly acquired in 2005-2006 by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the Italian Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (the WISE-ISODYN survey). Data were acquired with the 150 MHz BAS Polarimetric Survey Instrument (PASIN). We have traced multiple englacial layers between Dome C and Talos Dome ice cores, with at least one layer of age 38 ka directly connecting the 1,100 km distance between the two ice cores. Our findings here provide robust geophysical confirmation that englacial layers across Antarctica correspond to chemically dated layers measured in deep ice cores more than 1,000 km apart. Overall, the architecture of englacial layers spanning between the two ice cores indicates a pervasive and stable ice geometry in the upper Wilkes Subglacial Basin during the last 60 ka. Future work will be directed towards extending the tracing of englacial stratigraphy towards the grounding line of Wilkes Subglacial Basin as calibration for ice-dynamic modelling to investigate the stability of the entire basin.

    How to cite: Nyqvist, C., Bingham, R. G., Hein, A. S., Ross, N., Sutter, J. C. R., Bodart, J. A., Ferraccioli, F., and Armadillo, E.: Stability of Wilkes Subglacial Basin since before the Last Glacial Maximum signalled by englacial stratigraphy connecting Dome C and Talos Dome Ice Cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11233,, 2025.

    EGU25-11290 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Deglacial and Holocene sea ice variability along the East Antarctic continental margin 

    Lena Cardinahl, Patricia Sonnemann, Janina Güntzel, Johann Klages, and Juliane Müller

    The sensitivity of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) to the advection of relatively warm circumpolar deep water and changes in sea-ice cover, both affecting the stability of ice-shelf fronts, remains poorly constrained for the past deglacial period. Accordingly, projections of how (rapidly) the EAIS will respond to ongoing climate warming lack solid information to quantitatively evaluate the ice-ocean feedback mechanisms that drive ice-sheet disintegration. Here, we investigate the biomarker inventory (highly branched isoprenoids, phytosterols, GDGTs) of two sediment cores recently collected from the Nielsen Basin on the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica, to evaluate if and how sea-ice variability was related to local ice-sheet dynamics and the occurrence of polynyas. Sediment core PS128_39-1, retrieved from a sedimentary basin on the mid shelf, reveals a reduced sea ice cover permitting higher phytoplankton productivity during the deglacial and an expanded sea-ice cover limiting the marine productivity during the Holocene. Sediment core PS128_41-1, obtained from a grounding zone wedge from the outer basin, also records a higher deglacial phytoplankton productivity, but a less expanded sea-ice cover and rather polynya-like conditions throughout the Holocene. Further analyses are pending and, together with refined age models and sedimentological analyses, will allow to robustly track the retreat behavior of the EAIS on the Mac. Robertson Shelf and associated oceanic drivers.

    How to cite: Cardinahl, L., Sonnemann, P., Güntzel, J., Klages, J., and Müller, J.: Deglacial and Holocene sea ice variability along the East Antarctic continental margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11290,, 2025.

    EGU25-11885 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Subglacial topography of Coats Land records the geological evolution and past ice behaviour of the eastern Weddell Sea, East Antarctica 

    Guy Paxman, Tom Jordan, Mike Bentley, and David Small

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) formed circa 34 million years ago and is now the largest reservoir of freshwater on Earth, containing an ice volume equivalent to ~52 metres of global sea-level rise. Although the EAIS is approximately in balance today, there is substantial uncertainty as to the sensitivity of certain sectors, particularly those underlain by widespread low-lying bed topography. The Wilkes and Aurora Subglacial Basin catchments have notably been the focus of recent observation- and modelling-based work, but comparatively little is known about the long-term history of Coats Land and the eastern margin of the Weddell Sea, which is the third major marine-based catchment of the EAIS. In total, the eastern Weddell Sea catchments contain ~9 metres of sea-level equivalent, which is more than the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    However, offshore and onshore geological records of past ice-sheet change are particularly sparse in this region, and the subglacial landscape has been little studied. Here, we describe the use of radio-echo sounding and ice-surface morphology data to characterise distinct physiographic regions of the ice-sheet bed in Coats Land. Our mapping reveals a widespread low-relief, seaward-dipping topographic surface immediately inland of the grounding line, which resembles similar features documented around the East Antarctic margin that are inferred to be remnants of once-contiguous coastal plains formed by fluvial erosion after the separation of East Antarctica from Gondwana (ca. 180 Ma) and prior to glaciation. The preservation of these landforms indicates a lack of intense, selective erosion of the surfaces throughout Antarctica’s glacial history.

    We also identify deep subglacial troughs that crosscut (i.e., post-date) these pre-glacial erosion surfaces. The morphology of these troughs resembles that of typical half-graben basins associated with continental rifting; the overlying ice is largely stagnant, indicating that these features did not form beneath the modern EAIS. Based on these observations, geophysical measurements, and geomorphological and geochronological constraints from local nunataks, we infer that these troughs originally formed as ‘failed rift branches’ during Gondwana breakup and were subsequently overdeepened by ice in the Oligocene–Miocene (ca. 34–14 Ma), when ice first expanded to continental-scale but in a different configuration to the modern EAIS. Together, our observations provide new insights into the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic and geological evolution of this sector of East Antarctica, as well as the long-term behaviour of the ice sheet that initially modified this landscape but now acts to preserve signatures of pre- and early-glacial processes.

    How to cite: Paxman, G., Jordan, T., Bentley, M., and Small, D.: Subglacial topography of Coats Land records the geological evolution and past ice behaviour of the eastern Weddell Sea, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11885,, 2025.

    EGU25-12219 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Where did the ice reach the sea? The utility of coupled K-feldspar Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb-isotope analysis applied to mid-Miocene ice-rafted debris in Antarctic marine sediment  

    Chris Mark, Roland Neofitu, Delia Rösel, Thomas Zack, Dan Barfod, Darren Mark, Michael Flowerdew, Suzanne O'Connell, Samuel Kelley, Jacqueline Halpin, and J. Stephen Daly

    The middle Miocene climate optimum (c. 14.2 to 13.8 Ma), a significant warm period, was followed by a series of step-wise global cooling and Antarctic ice-sheet expansion events visible in marine isotope records (e.g., Holbourn et al., 2013), the oldest of which is termed the mid-Miocene climate transition. Associated episodes of ice-sheet instability and iceberg calving are recorded by ice-rafted debris in mid- to high-latitude marine sediment, accessible via deep-sea sediment cores around the Antarctic margin. Paleo-ice sheet models indicate that step-wise ice-sheet growth in part reflects ice expansion across previously ice-free low-elevation regions (Gasson et al., 2016; Halberstadt et al., 2021). Such predictions are amenable to testing by detrital provenance analysis of ice-rafted debris. However, the small-volume and mineralogically impoverished samples which are typically recovered from distal marine sediment preclude use of conventional accessory heavy-mineral proxies: instead, use of a rock-forming mineral is necessitated. 

    Here, we present in-situ Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb-isotope data from ice-rafted K-feldspar collected from mid-Miocene marine sediment in the Weddell Sea (Neofitu et al., 2024) and offshore Prydz Bay. Source regions for these depocenters respectively include the Recovery and Aurora sub-glacial basins, where ice-sheet embayment formation during warm periods is predicted. Our data suggest that the Wilkes and Aurora subglacial basins were free of marine-terminating ice during the middle Miocene climate optimum. During the transition, ice advanced to the coast across the Aurora sub-glacial basin, and both the Recovery and Aurora basins at least intermittently hosted marine-terminating ice during the subsequent cooling step.

    Halberstadt et al., 2021, EPSL, 564, 116908, 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116908;

    Holbourn et al., 2013, Paleoceanography 28, 688–699, 10.1002/2013PA002538;

    Gasson et al., 2016, PNAS 113, 3459–3464, 10.1073/pnas.1516130113;

    Neofitu et al., 2024, EPSL, 641, 118824, 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118824.

    How to cite: Mark, C., Neofitu, R., Rösel, D., Zack, T., Barfod, D., Mark, D., Flowerdew, M., O'Connell, S., Kelley, S., Halpin, J., and Daly, J. S.: Where did the ice reach the sea? The utility of coupled K-feldspar Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb-isotope analysis applied to mid-Miocene ice-rafted debris in Antarctic marine sediment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12219,, 2025.

    EGU25-12810 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Drivers of recent ice speed variability on Cook West Glacier, East Antarctica 

    Ross A. W. Slater, Anna E. Hogg, Pierre Dutrieux, and Benjamin J. Wallis

    Changes in flow speed of large Antarctic outlet glaciers are a key indicator of the stability of the ice sheet. West Antarctica, primarily along the Amundsen Sea facing coast, is known to be in dynamic imbalance and losing significant mass, but a less clear picture exists in East Antarctica. Observing ice dynamic change in East Antarctica, and identifying its drivers, will allow us to better constrain estimates of future ice mass loss.

    The Cook Glacier system in George V Land drains a large volume of ice from the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. This is one of the largest regions in East Antarctica susceptible to the marine ice sheet instability and contains 3-4m of sea level rise equivalent. Cook Glacier has two distinct flow units: Cook West Glacier (CWG), which has a readily calving ice front near the grounding line; and the slower but larger Cook East Glacier (CEG), which flows into an extensive ice shelf.

    By offset tracking of high-resolution imagery from the Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar satellites, we generate a dense data cube of ice velocity observations in this region from 2015-2024. In this period, ice speeds on CWG have followed a sinusoidal pattern (with an approximately 2-year period), superimposed on a positive linear trend. Meanwhile, neither this variability nor trend have been observed on CEG, where the speed of grounded ice has been stable through the study period.

    To investigate drivers of this speed variability on CWG we compare our dense time series of ice speed observations with climate reanalysis data. We present the propagation and timings of speed change along CWG and using the Copernicus Marine Service Global Ocean Physics reanalysis and ECMWF ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis, investigate correlation of this variability with environmental variables including wind speed, air temperature, ocean temperature, sea surface height, and surface pressure.

    How to cite: Slater, R. A. W., Hogg, A. E., Dutrieux, P., and Wallis, B. J.: Drivers of recent ice speed variability on Cook West Glacier, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12810,, 2025.

    EGU25-13677 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Change in geomorphological expression of palaeo-ice stream grounding zone retreat associated with change in bed slope along Belgica Trough, Bellingshausen Sea 

    Robert Larter, Johann Klages, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Simon Dreutter, Estella Weigelt, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, and Karsten Gohl and the CoReBell Team

    Previous studies showed that during the Last Glacial Maximum one of the largest palaeo-ice streams around West Antarctica flowed along Belgica Trough in the Bellingshausen Sea. Based on radiocarbon dates on acid insoluble organic matter in shelf sediment core samples, grounding zone retreat has been interpreted as having started before the global glacial maximum and as having reached Eltanin Bay on the inner shelf before the start of the Holocene. A contributing factor to an early start to retreat could have been the fact that the continental shelf break in the trough is unusually deep (>650 m). Previous sparse bathymetry data showed that, unusually among palaeo-ice stream troughs on the continental shelves around West Antarctica, the shallowest part of the trough is on the middle shelf. The outer shelf part of the trough slopes down at a very gentle gradient towards the shelf edge, whereas inshore from the middle shelf “saddle” the trough is inclined more steeply towards a >1000 m deep basin in Eltanin Bay 

    New multibeam bathymetry, acoustic sub-bottom profiler and multichannel seismic data were collected along the axis of Belgica Trough during RV Polarstern expedition PS134 in January and February 2023. These new data reveal a set of six grounding zone wedges (GZWs) on the gentle seaward-inclined slope from the middle to the outer shelf, with along-trough extents between 15 and 45 km and frontal heights between 20 and 40 m. A multichannel seismic profile shows the thickness of GZW deposits is mostly between 20 and 60 ms two-way time (~15–55 m) above angularly truncated older strata. The maximum thickness observed is 90 ms two-way time (70–80 m), at a location where deposits of one GZW extend over the backslope of an earlier one.  In contrast to the slope seaward of the mid-shelf saddle, we identify only three possible GZWs on the retrograde slope inshore from it, which are thinner and more widely spaced. The contrasting geomorphological character and GZW sediment volume either side of the mid-shelf saddle are consistent with what would be expected to result from a faster retreat with fewer pauses once the grounding zone moved onto the retrograde slope. The regularity of GZW formation on the seaward-inclined slope outboard of the mid-shelf saddle suggests the possibility of autocyclic ice stream behaviour during this phase of grounding zone retreat.

    How to cite: Larter, R., Klages, J., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Dreutter, S., Weigelt, E., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., and Gohl, K. and the CoReBell Team: Change in geomorphological expression of palaeo-ice stream grounding zone retreat associated with change in bed slope along Belgica Trough, Bellingshausen Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13677,, 2025.

    EGU25-13894 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Holocene Ice-Ocean Interactions in the South-East Weddell Sea 

    Katie Meddins, Erin McClymont, David Small, and Claire Allen

    The timing and nature of changes to the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) and adjacent ocean since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is still considered somewhat uncertain in the Weddell Sea region and at the Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf. This is on account of high regional variability in ice-ocean dynamics, paired with a relative lack of sedimentary data from the Weddell Sea Embayment.  Here, we present a multi-proxy analysis of marine gravity core GC569 (77°15’.80S, 33°27’.93W), recovered from the Albert Trough offshore of Coats Land, East Antarctica.  GC569 is located close to several moraines and a post-glacial sediment drape. The sediments include both biogenic and terrigenous material and have been analysed using diatom assemblages, biomarker analysis, and XRF scanning. Here, we identify intervals of ice sheet retreat, changes to sea ice, and ocean-ice sheet interactions. We also assess the response of the marine biosphere to these Holocene environmental changes. This study will help to refine existing records and generate new data in an area of great uncertainty, enhancing the understanding of ice-ocean interactions in the South-East Weddell Sea and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    How to cite: Meddins, K., McClymont, E., Small, D., and Allen, C.: A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Holocene Ice-Ocean Interactions in the South-East Weddell Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13894,, 2025.

    EGU25-14512 | Posters on site | CR7.2

     Major West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat events during the Pliocene: Evidence from the sediment provenance analyses of Amundsen Sea IODP U1532 records 

    Keiji Horikawa, Masao Iwai, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Christine S. Siddoway, Anna Ruth Halberstadt, Ellen A. Cowan, Michelle L. Penkrot, Karsten Gohl, Julia S. Wellner, Yoshihiro Asahara, and Ki-Cheol Shin

    The stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), crucial for preventing major future sea-level rise, is threatened by ocean-forced melting in the Pacific sector, especially in the Amundsen Sea. So far, direct evidence of the extent and rate of WAIS retreat during past warm periods has been lacking. Here, we analyzed detrital Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope data of sediments (<63 µm) recently drilled at International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1532 on the Amundsen Sea continental rise to assess WAIS behavior, particularly the extent of its retreats, during glacial–interglacial cycles of the Pliocene (5.33–2.58 million years ago, Ma), a time warmer than present.

    The Pliocene sediments of Site U1532 are marked by alternations of thick, gray, predominantly terrigenous laminated silty clays with relatively thin, greenish, biosilica-bearing/rich, bioturbated muds containing dispersed ice rafted debris (IRD), whose abundance usually increases towards the top of the muds. The IRD-bearing greenish mud intervals are typically less than 1.7 m thick and are characterized by a lower natural gamma ray (NGR) signal and negative a*-values. Fourteen prominent greenish mud intervals are identified between 4.65 Ma and 3.33 Ma. The diatom assemblages in the IRD-bearing muds are dominated by open water taxa, heavily silicified Fragilariopsis (F. barronii, F. interfrigidariata, and F. praeinterfrigidariata) and Dactyliozolen antarcticus, and significant biological productivity is indicated by relatively high diatom concentrations and elevated Ba/Ti ratios, which are a proxy for biogenic barium. The abundance of IRD and the presence of diatom taxa suggest that the IRD-bearing muds formed during interglacial periods, potentially reflecting past retreat events of the WAIS.

    At Site U1532, we observe significant variations in Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopes of detrital sediments throughout glacial–interglacial cycles, indicating substantial changes in WAIS extent. A notable provenance signal emerges at the onset of some glacial intervals (3.88 Ma 3.6 Ma, and 3.33 Ma), characterized by high Pb (> 18.93 for 206Pb/204Pb) and low eNd (< –5 eNd) values. This distinct isotopic signature suggests long-distance supply of detritus sourced from plutonic rocks located in the continental interior. The presence of this material at Site U1532 indicates major inland retreat of the WAIS during the immediately preceding interglacials, which allowed icebergs to transport and deposit the detritus on the Amundsen Sea shelf. Our Pliocene records reveal multiple major inland retreats of the WAIS, highlighting the extent of possible WAIS response to ongoing global warming.


    How to cite: Horikawa, K., Iwai, M., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Siddoway, C. S., Halberstadt, A. R., Cowan, E. A., Penkrot, M. L., Gohl, K., Wellner, J. S., Asahara, Y., and Shin, K.-C.:  Major West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat events during the Pliocene: Evidence from the sediment provenance analyses of Amundsen Sea IODP U1532 records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14512,, 2025.

    EGU25-14733 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Ocean Soundscapes in Antarctica's Amundsen Sea: Insights from Long-Term Hydroacoustic Monitoring 

    Sukyoung Yun, Won Sang Lee, Robert P. Dziak, Lauren Roche, Choon-Ki Lee, and Byeong-Hoon Kim

    Deploying long-term, passive acoustic sensors in the polar ocean allows us to record a wide variety of sounds related to air-sea interactions, including icequakes from sea-ice, icebergs, and ice shelves, as well as vocalizations of marine mammals and ocean noise from human activities. The combination of these sounds in a specific location and time period is often referred to as the “soundscape,” and the characteristics of these sounds serve as a tool to monitor changes in the local ocean environment.

    The Korea Polar Research Institute and NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory have jointly operated two Autonomous Underwater Hydrophones in Pine Island Bay and the Dotson Ice Shelf region in the Amundsen Sea during the periods of February 2020 to August 2022 and February 2022 to January 2024, respectively. The broadband cryogenic signals recorded at these sites exhibit correlations with local wind speeds and tidal forces. In the Pine Island Bay data, we detected signals from a large iceberg (B-49) that calved from the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf in February 2020, and noise levels steadily declined after 2020, coinciding with changes in sea ice concentration and the movement of icebergs and the ice shelf.

    Seasonal variations in icequake activity were particularly prominent in the Dotson Ice Shelf region, with the highest noise levels occurring during the austral summer when nearby sea ice concentration approached zero. These signals were likely caused by iceberg movements in the nearby Bear Ridge region. Leopard seal vocalizations were successfully detected exclusively in the Dotson Ice Shelf region, whereas whale calls, commonly recorded in other Antarctic regions, were absent in both regions. Despite the logistical challenges and harsh environmental conditions associated with long-term hydroacoustic monitoring in polar regions, the data can help us understand environmental changes in the Southern Ocean and provide information about the status and trends of biodiversity.

    How to cite: Yun, S., Lee, W. S., Dziak, R. P., Roche, L., Lee, C.-K., and Kim, B.-H.: Ocean Soundscapes in Antarctica's Amundsen Sea: Insights from Long-Term Hydroacoustic Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14733,, 2025.

    EGU25-14849 | Orals | CR7.2

    Controlled-source seismic imaging of the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier  

    Marianne Karplus, Danny May, Zhendong Zhang, Nori Nakata, Galen Kaip, Solymar Ayala Cortez, Lucia Gonzalez, Yeshey Seldon, Andrew Pretorius, Jacob Walter, Adam Booth, Tun Jan Young, and Slawek Tulaczyk

    The Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME) project, part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC), examines the physical processes and properties at the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica using geophysical imaging and monitoring. During 2023-24, the TIME field team collected controlled-source seismic reflection and refraction data across the Thwaites’ Eastern Shear Margin, with 1000 3-component seismic nodes deployed in a 27-km line and a 3-km by 5.5-km seismic grid. We detonated 671 seismic sources, mostly “Poulter” sources with 4-kg explosive boosters suspended on a 6-foot bamboo pole. We use these controlled-source seismic data to image the shear margin in two and three dimensions, including englacial, bed, and sub-ice geologic imaging and interpretation. Seismic sources were recorded with high signal to noise ratios across the full extent of the seismic line and grid and penetrated into the bed beneath the ice (~2000-km-thick). We present two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection images of the shear margin environment as well as seismic refraction velocity models. We compare the seismic images and seismic refraction velocity models to co-located airborne radar data. The seismic images, seismic velocity models, and radar data shed new light on physical properties of the ice and bed across the shear margin.

    How to cite: Karplus, M., May, D., Zhang, Z., Nakata, N., Kaip, G., Ayala Cortez, S., Gonzalez, L., Seldon, Y., Pretorius, A., Walter, J., Booth, A., Young, T. J., and Tulaczyk, S.: Controlled-source seismic imaging of the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14849,, 2025.

    EGU25-15117 | Orals | CR7.2

    3D characterization of mélange dynamics inside large rifts in Filchner ice shelf in east Antarctica  

    Rongxing Li, Menglian Xia, Marco Scaioni, Lu An, Zhenshi Li, and Gang Qiao

    There is little known about dynamics of mélange inside large rifts in Antarctic ice shelves and its role in rift propagation and the weakening of shelf stability. This lack of knowledge hinders our capability for long-term forecasting of the Antarctic ice sheet contribution to global sea level rise. We propose an innovative multi-temporal DEM adjustment model (MDAM) that builds a multi-satellite DEM time series from meter-level resolution small DEMs across large Antarctic ice shelves by removing biases, as large as ~6 m in elevation, caused by tides, ice flow dynamics, and observation errors. Using 30 REMA and ZY-3 sub-DEMs, we establish a cross-shelf DEM time series from 2014 to 2021 for the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, the second largest in Antarctica. This unified and integrated DEM series, with an unprecedented submeter elevation accuracy, reveals quantitative 3D structural and mélange features of a ~50 km long rift, including rift lips, flank surface, pre-mélange cavities, and mélange elevations. We report that while the mélange elevation decreased by 2.1 m from 2014 to 2021, the mélange within the rift experienced a rapid expansion of (7.93±0.03) × 109 km3, or 130%. This expansion is attributed to newly calved shelf ice from rift walls, associated rift widening, and other factors related to rift-mélange interactions. The developed MDAM system and the 3D mélange dynamics analysis methods can be applied for research on ice shelf instability and the future contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea level rise.

    How to cite: Li, R., Xia, M., Scaioni, M., An, L., Li, Z., and Qiao, G.: 3D characterization of mélange dynamics inside large rifts in Filchner ice shelf in east Antarctica , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15117,, 2025.

    EGU25-15311 | Orals | CR7.2

    Glacial geology of Thomas Island, Bunger Hills, East Antarctica 

    Damian Gore, Sonja Berg, Ross Whitmore, Marie Weber, Bernd Wagner, Stephanie Scheidt, Timo Lange, Amber Howard, Daniela Dägele, and Duanne White

    Thomas Island (Bunger Hills, East Antarctica) is a 34 square kilometre, deglaciated area potentially impacted by the East Antarctic ice sheet and Remenchus Glacier from the east, Shackleton Ice Shelf from the north and Edisto Glacier from the west. Its glacial geology reveals a complex interplay between these ice masses, which operate with different spatial and temporal dynamics. This poster maps glacial erosional and depositional features and allows inference of the history of ice advance and retreat, and sets a framework for quantitative dating of its deglaciation history. Overriding by the ice sheet created flutes and striations, showing regional iceflow to the northwest. Retreat of ice from this advance was succeeded by a shelf glacier impinging from Edisto Channel to the north and Cacapon Inlet to the south, creating moraine ridges along the northern and southern shores. The final stage of glaciation occurred via the tongue of Edisto Glacier impacting the island from the southwest, creating prominent moraine ridges along the island’s western edge. This is a more complex history than hitherto appreciated for the main oasis forming southern Bunger Hills.

    How to cite: Gore, D., Berg, S., Whitmore, R., Weber, M., Wagner, B., Scheidt, S., Lange, T., Howard, A., Dägele, D., and White, D.: Glacial geology of Thomas Island, Bunger Hills, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15311,, 2025.

    EGU25-15496 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Glacial-interglacial variations in marine productivity and ice-rafted debris supply in the Indian Southern Ocean: Implications for East Antarctic ice sheet variability 

    Peter Matzerath, Julia Gottschalk, Juliane Müller, Lester Lembke-Jene, Johann P. Klages, and Sebastian Krastel

    In the recent past, the Antarctic ice sheet has experienced significant ice mass loss, which is suggested to be driven primarily by the intrusion of relatively warm deep waters on continental shelves. Given its vast ice shelves and bedrock below sea level, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been considered to be strongly sensitive to oceanic forcing and associated heat supply to its margins. Recently, however, also marine-based portions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) were identified of reacting sensitively to oceanic changes with a direct consequence for rising sea levels as large subglacial areas such as the Aurora or Wilkes Basin hold a sea level equivalent of around 20 meters. So far, past EAIS dynamics and their interaction with ocean dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we reconstruct past EAIS dynamics from ice-rafted detritus (IRD) counts and estimates of marine productivity in the Indian Southern Ocean. Our opal and carbonate percentages derive from sediment core PS141_49-3 (64° 55.795' S, 106° 51.606' E, 2454 m) retrieved during RV Polarstern Expedition PS141 on the upper East Antarctic continental slope offshore Vanderford Glacier, reaching back to marine isotope stage (MIS) 8, i.e., ~300 ka before present. During glacials, the dominant input of terrigenous sediments suggests a decrease of marine productivity, possibly due to enhanced sea-ice cover extending over the continental slope region. Deglacial phases coincide with high IRD input indicating enhanced iceberg discharge during periods of increased ice mass loss. In contrast, high interglacial opal contents suggest enhanced surface ocean productivity likely associated with a reduced seasonal sea-ice cover. Comparison of our findings with other marine records from offshore Sabrina Coast, Prydz Bay and Wilkes Land reveals consistency of this glacial-interglacial pattern to slope and abyssal sediments around the East Antarctic margin. Our data therefore contributes to an Indian Southern Ocean-wide perspective on terrigenous sediment mobilisation on the slope and EAIS-proximal marine productivity, likely controlled by the grounding line migration across the shelf, sea-ice extent, and oceanic heat supply towards the EAIS margin.

    How to cite: Matzerath, P., Gottschalk, J., Müller, J., Lembke-Jene, L., Klages, J. P., and Krastel, S.: Glacial-interglacial variations in marine productivity and ice-rafted debris supply in the Indian Southern Ocean: Implications for East Antarctic ice sheet variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15496,, 2025.

    EGU25-17788 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Recent Changes in Ice Dynamics of Frost and Holmes Glaciers, Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica  

    Matilda Weatherley, Chris Stokes, and Stewart Jamieson

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is often seen as less vulnerable to climate change than the West Antarctic or Greenland Ice Sheets, but studies show that some regions of the EAIS have been losing mass over recent decades. In particular, Wilkes Land, which overlies the Aurora Subglacial Basin, is thought to have been losing mass at accelerating rates over the past two decades. Several large outlet glaciers drain this region, but very few have been studied in detail. This paper presents new data on the recent ice dynamics of three outlet glaciers in Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land. This includes Frost and Holmes glaciers, which may have generated almost a quarter of the EAIS’s sea-level contribution over the past four decades. We use optical satellite imagery and a range of previously published datasets to measure changes in the glacier terminus, grounding line position, ice surface velocity and ice surface elevation over the last three decades. These data are used to assess the likelihood of any dynamic imbalance and explore the potential drivers of change to help inform future projections of this critically important region.

    How to cite: Weatherley, M., Stokes, C., and Jamieson, S.: Recent Changes in Ice Dynamics of Frost and Holmes Glaciers, Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17788,, 2025.

    EGU25-17970 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Are Denman Glacier mass losses unprecedented in recent millennia? 

    Richard Jones, Jacinda O'Connor, Corey Port, Levan Tielidze, Andrew Mackintosh, Jan-Hendrik May, Reka Fulop, Klaus Wilcken, Juliet Sefton, Krystyna Saunders, and Duanne White

    The Denman–Scott Glacier system in East Antarctica holds an ice-volume equivalent to 1.5 m of sea-level rise. Warm ocean waters under its ice shelf have the potential to drive ice mass loss, and the bedrock topography underlying the glacier makes it vulnerable to irreversible retreat. Worryingly, extensive grounding-line retreat and dynamic thinning have been observed over the last few decades. However, these observations are not long enough to determine whether this mass loss is unprecedented or reflects natural variability in the system.

    We aim to extend the period of observations for the Denman-Scott glacier system from decades to millennia. As part of the Denman Terrestrial Campaign 2023-24 field season, we collected a series of geological records based on three main approaches: (1) 10Be and 14C dating of glacial erratics and bedrock on elevation transects adjacent to the glacier to directly constrain past ice-thickness change; (2) radiocarbon dating of isolation basin sediment cores and OSL dating of raised beach deposits in Bunger Hills to determine past sea-level and corresponding regional ice-mass change; and (3) cosmogenic nuclide analysis of shallow bedrock cores to test if the ice margin has been stable or fluctuating over recent millennia.

    We present preliminary results that help reconstruct the magnitude and rate of past changes. This includes evidence of glacier thinning during the Holocene and relative sea-level fall of ~4 m over the last millennium. Further analysis will allow us to establish whether currently observed ice loss is unprecedented, and also determine the mechanisms that drove changes in the past, ultimately helping us to reduce uncertainty in future sea-level projections.

    How to cite: Jones, R., O'Connor, J., Port, C., Tielidze, L., Mackintosh, A., May, J.-H., Fulop, R., Wilcken, K., Sefton, J., Saunders, K., and White, D.: Are Denman Glacier mass losses unprecedented in recent millennia?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17970,, 2025.

    EGU25-18616 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Assessing the consistency of modelled surface mass balance and observed ice flux and surface elevation change on the East Antarctic Plateau 

    Thomas Langen, Martin Horwath, Veit Helm, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Maria Kappelsberger, and Martin O. Willen

    Recent intercomparisons of ice sheet mass balance estimates derived from altimetry and from the input output method (IOM) have revealed significant discrepancies for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Modelled SMB, as a main input to the IOM, differs considerably between different models.

    We explore comparisons between the altimetric mass balance method and the IOM for selected subregions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Rather than evaluating entire drainage basins, we aim at regions for which uncertainties in the horizontal mass flux through the region boundaries as well as in the altimetric mass balance are small. For this purpose, we choose subregions of the East Antarctic Plateau. We explore the hypothesis that this allows us to benchmark SMB modeling results in these regions, assuming that SMB is the most uncertain part in a comparison of net mass flux and altimetric mass change.

    We apply the IOM using outputs from different SMB models (such as RACMO and MAR). We apply the altimetric method using different altimetric surface elevation change products (such as CryoSat2-AWI,  and Multi-mission-JPL, ICESat-2-ATL-15) as well as firn air content changes from firn densification models (such as IMAU-FDM). We perform the evaluation for different regions with sizes ranging from about 6x104 to 1.5x102 km2 and for different time intervals, such as 1992-2019, or 2010-2019, or 2019-2024.

    Discrepancies between the mass-flux-based IOM mass balance and the volume-based altimetric mass balance are significant for a number of regions, time intervals, and choices of input data product. The discrepancies are up to the order of some 10 percent of the SMB of the region. In particular, discrepancies (or their absence) are sensitive to input SMB modeling results. In the light of uncertainties assessed for all inputs, we discuss conclusions regarding the evaluation of SMB modeling results.

    How to cite: Langen, T., Horwath, M., Helm, V., van den Broeke, M. R., Kappelsberger, M., and Willen, M. O.: Assessing the consistency of modelled surface mass balance and observed ice flux and surface elevation change on the East Antarctic Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18616,, 2025.

    EGU25-20491 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

     High-frequency Antarctica climate oscillations during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period 

    Isabela Sousa, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, and Anne de Vernal

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is thought to be highly vulnerable to global warming. With this in mind, we analyzed sediments from the Ross Sea during the mid-Pliocene warm period (mPWP), the last period when atmospheric CO2 levels were comparable to those of today. Using IODP site 1524 cores, we analyzed the organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen contents and δ¹³C-OC values. The ~ 300,000-year interval between the Kaena top magnetic reversal (3.032 Ma) and the Mammoth bottom reversal (3.330 Ma) reveals 21 glacial beds characterized by strongly negative δ¹³Corg values (~ -28‰) and low OC-contents (<0.3 dw-dry weight-%). In contrast, interglacial layers exhibit δ¹³C values around ~ -25‰ and a consistent OC-content of ~0.6 dw% .We propose   the organic carbon deposited during glacial intervals was predominantly refractory carbon, eroded from continental rocks, whereas the interglacial intervals displayed a stronger contribution from marine primary productivity and/or terrestrial fluxes. Assuming the robustness of the paleomagnetic stratigraphy, the number of glacial beds within the mPWP interval indicates a frequency of approximately 14,000 years per glacial pulses, which is notably more dynamic than the obliquity-paced oscillations reported in previous studies.

    How to cite: Sousa, I., Hillaire-Marcel, C., and de Vernal, A.:  High-frequency Antarctica climate oscillations during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20491,, 2025.

    EGU25-20649 | Orals | CR7.2

    A Holocene Collapse of a Ross Ice Shelf Ice Rise 

    Philip Bart, Lindsay Prothro, Amy Leventer, Ryan Venturelli, Wociech Majewski, Matthew Danielson, Ben Lindsey, Magkena Szemak, Rachel Meyne, Martina Tenti, Joseph Ruggiero, and Songjie He

    Ice rises and rumples are common features of the Antarctica ice sheet margin that appear where thick ice shelves are grounded to an underlying shallow submarine bank.  The ice rises buttress ice flow, partly controlling the extent of both grounded and floating ice. Here we reconstruct the unpinning of the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS) from Ross Bank, a broad, shallow submarine bank located approximately 100 km north of the current RIS calving front in the central Ross Sea.  The Ross Bank Ice Rise formed after the retreat of grounded ice from the adjacent deep-water Glomar Challenger and Pennell troughs following the Last Glacial Maximum.  High resolution seafloor bathymetry reveals small-scale, concentric backstepping moraines marking the progressive contraction of the edges of the ice rise toward the shallow bank crest.  Kasten and piston cores from the crest recovered clay-poor, winnowed glacimarine sediment rich in carbonate macrofossils, with radiocarbon ages indicating that the unpinning proceeded over several thousand years.  The long-lived pinning point eventually failed, with the RIS fully unpinning from the shallowest crest by 4160 ± 20 14C year BP (uncorrected). This ultimately led to the shift of the RIS calving front to its current location.  Our reconstructions validate concerns that destabilizing ice rises could lead to significant reorganization of grounded and floating ice.

    How to cite: Bart, P., Prothro, L., Leventer, A., Venturelli, R., Majewski, W., Danielson, M., Lindsey, B., Szemak, M., Meyne, R., Tenti, M., Ruggiero, J., and He, S.: A Holocene Collapse of a Ross Ice Shelf Ice Rise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20649,, 2025.

    Near-surface air temperature (Ta) is crucial for glacio-hydrological modeling, yet measuring
    and modeling it in glacierized regions is challenging due to spatial variability. On-glacier Ta
    data is scarce in the Himalaya, and in these regions, katabatic winds significantly influence
    Ta, and linear extrapolation of Ta from off-glacier does not perform well. This study focuses
    on the Chhota Shigri Glacier in the Western Himalaya, examining how local wind systems,
    particularly katabatic and valley winds, influence Ta and glacier mass balance (MBs). Using
    data from nine on-glacier and three off-glacier weather stations during the summer of 2022,
    the study highlights interactions between winds and Ta variability across the glacier surface.
    Katabatic winds, which accounted for 89% of the observed data, cooled near-surface Ta by
    up to 2°C compared to temperatures extrapolated using linear lapse rates (LRs). This cooling
    effect, most pronounced during midday, significantly influenced the glacier's thermal regime
    and highlighted the limitations of linear LRs in capturing Ta variability. The piecewise linear
    regression approach (SM10 model), incorporating katabatic wind effects, was applied to
    extrapolate on-glacier Ta. Modeled Ta (SM10) and extrapolated Ta (using LRs) were used in
    a temperature index model to simulate point mass balance (MBs) and compare with in-situ
    MB observations (using stake data). When validated against in-situ measurements, LR-based
    models overestimated point MBs by up to 92%, while the SM10 model reduced the errors to
    just 8%.
    These results highlight the crucial role of local winds in regulating glacier surface
    temperatures and emphasize the need to account for the katabatic wind effect in MBs
    modeling. This study enhances the integration of observed Ta into glacio-hydrological
    models by analyzing the “glacier cooling effect,” advancing the understanding of glacier-
    atmosphere complex interactions in the Himalayan terrain and improving the accuracy of
    melt and mass balance studies.

    How to cite: Kaushik, H. and Azam, M. F.: The Role of Observed Air Temperature and Local Winds in Glacier Mass BalanceModeling: Chhota Shigri Glacier, Western Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1186,, 2025.

    Iron (Fe) as a limiting nutrient has profound impacts on ecosystems and the global biogeochemical cycle. Field observations were made at the atmosphere—snowpack interface in various glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau. The formand chemical properties of the Fe detected were investigated in laboratory using TEM‐EDX measurements, to obtain insights in the content and sources of Fe in aerosol pollutants in glaciers, as well as micro‐structure changes and their environmental effects, as well as interface transformation dynamics. We find that Fe occurs in forms of aggregated and single particulates with diameter d < 5 μm. The Fe particulates collected from different locations show clear spatial heterogeneity, with fly ash and soot constituting the major components of anthropogenic Fe. The concentration of Fe aggregates with pollutants (e.g., sulfate and nitrate) is dominant in regions close to the areas of human activity. Moreover, in the remote areas of the interior plateau, an increased concentration of mineral Fe particles is found in the aggregates. These observations are crucial to elucidate the evolution processes of pollutant‐Fe mixing, from generation or emission through anthropogenic activities to accumulation in remote areas and modification of Fe occurrence form during transportation. Our results also show that, during interface deposition, soluble Fe particle concentration increased by 13.8% on average, as Fe solutes with sulfate‐coating enhances of the dissolution of Fe in fly ash‐soot and minerals—a process that produces large quantities of ultrafine Fe particle under reductive dissolution in snowpack. Overall, these changes significantly contribute to enhancing the bioavailable iron content in the study areas affecting thereby the glacier ecosystem.

    How to cite: Dong, Z.: Iron Variability Reveals the Interface Effects of Aerosol‐Pollutant Interactions on the Glacier Surface of Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1457,, 2025.

    Asian dust has significant impacts on atmospheric systems and global biogeochemical cycles. In this study, we applied the U isotopic method to trace sediments based on their comminuting age, analyzing the uranium isotopes of cryoconite samples from various glaciers in western China, including the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and Tianshan Mountains. We aimed to explore the spatial variability of the ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratio and residence time, as well as the transport mechanism of the dust cycle in the region. Additionally, we used Nd-Sr isotopes data from our previous work to jointly determine the provenance. Our results indicate that the average ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratios in southern TP glaciers are higher, with mean range of 0.981–0.993, while those in northeastern TP locations are lower, with mean of 0.974. This suggests a decreasing trend from south to north. In the Tianshan region, the ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratio is higher in central areas compared to eastern areas, with a mean range of 0.984–0.996, indicating a decreasing trend from west to east. U-Sr-Nd isotopes analysis showed that dust provenance is from multiple sources, including long-range transported and local dust inputs from the glacier basins, mainly originating from the TP surface and central Asian arid regions. Using the end-member mixing model analysis and meteorological data, we interpret that the cryoconite dust in eastern Tianshan and Qilian Mountains comes from a complex mixture of the southern Gobi, northern TP surface dust, and Taklimakan and Alxa arid deserts. In contrast, the glacial dust in southern TP locations originates mainly from the plateau surface dust. Our findings suggest that the uranium isotopes in high-altitude glaciers are primarily influenced by the origins of dust, which are affected by related atmospheric circulation. We also developed a conceptual model to illustrate the complete process of U isotopic fragmentation and migration changes during dust production, transport, and deposition in the TP region.

    How to cite: Jiao, X.: Provenance of Aeolian Dust Revealed by ( 234U/ 238U) ActivityRatios in Cryoconites From High-Altitude Glaciers in WesternChina and Its Transport and Settlement Mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1464,, 2025.

    Zinc (Zn) exerts a significant influence on the global environment, terrestrial ecosystems, and human health. The application of Zn isotopes (δ66Zn) has been suggested as a potent tool for tracing environmental contamination. However, studies focusing on Zn isotope tracing within the cryosphere areas are notably limited. Here we present the first dataset on Zn isotopes in glacial cryoconite, based on observations over a large regional scale in High Asian Mountains (including Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its surroundings of western China). The results showed that glacial cryoconite had a general heavy Zn isotopic signature in various TP locations, with δ66Zn values ranging from -0.22‰ to +0.87‰. Employing the MixSIAR model, the overall Zn contribution source to the cryoconite was mineral dust (36%) > coal burning (33%) > non-exhaust traffic emissions (22%) > industrial smelting (10%). We ascertained that anthropogenic sources account for the primary contribution (about 60-73%) of Zn inputs in all glacial locations, with coal burning emerging as the foremost anthropogenic contributor (mean 33%). Anthropogenic Zn in various TP locations was primarily derived from Zn emissions resulting from coal combustion, though it is also predominantly influenced by industrial smelting source in cryoconite of the Tianshan Mountains. Our results aligned with coal combustion data from the energy inventory of western China, suggesting that regional coal burning likely represents the foremost source of atmospheric Zn pollutant emission and deposition in the High Asia mountain glaciers.

    How to cite: Rui, W.: Zn Isotope Tracing Unveils Primary Anthropogenic Zn Sources in Glacial Cryoconite of the High Asian Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1472,, 2025.

    EGU25-2034 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Characterization and Impacts of Pre-Monsoonal Dust Events on Aerosol Optical Properties and Snow Albedo in the Indian Himalayas 

    Amit Singh Chandel, Chandan Sarangi, Karl Rittger, Rakesh K. Hooda, and Antti-Pekka Hyvärinen

    Dust storms are significant atmospheric events that play a crucial role in altering the regional and global climate system. In this study, we investigate the characteristics and impacts of pre-monsoonal dust loading events over the Indian Himalayas using a combination of satellite observations and in situ aerosol measurements conducted at Mukteshwar, a representative high-altitude site. Ten prominent dust events were identified through satellite-derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and corroborated with ground-based observations. These events were further classified into two categories based on air mass back-trajectory analysis: Mineral Dust Events (MDEs) and Polluted Dust Events (PDEs). MDEs are characterized by long-range transported dust plumes, primarily from arid regions such as the Thar Desert and the Middle East, traversing the lower troposphere before reaching the Himalayas. Conversely, PDEs are linked to short-range transported dust plumes that originate from the arid western Indian subcontinent but travel through the highly polluted Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) boundary layer before reaching the Himalayan foothills.

    The study reveals substantial enhancements in aerosol loading and optical properties during these dust events. During both MDEs and PDEs, the mass concentration of coarse particles (2.5-10 µm) increased by approximately 400% (from 24±15 µg/m³ to 98±40 µg/m³), while the extinction coefficient increased by 175% (from 89±57 Mm⁻¹ to 156±79 Mm⁻¹) compared to background conditions. However, there were significant differences in aerosol optical properties between MDEs and PDEs. Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) and Absorption Ångström Exponent (AAE) showed contrasting trends: SSA and AAE increased during MDEs, indicating dominance of mineral dust particles with relatively low light absorption properties, while they decreased during PDEs, highlighting a more substantial contribution from light-absorbing aerosols such as black carbon (BC).

    Notably, black carbon concentrations and aerosol absorption coefficients exhibited a twofold increase during PDEs compared to background levels, whereas minimal changes were observed during MDEs. These contrasting aerosol characteristics critically impact snow albedo reduction (SAR) over the Himalayas. SAR during PDEs was nearly double that of background conditions, driven primarily by the enhanced absorption of solar radiation by black carbon and other light-absorbing aerosols. Although SAR also increased during MDEs, the magnitude of change was comparatively lower.

    Our findings highlight the dual nature of dust storms impacting the Indian Himalayas: long-range transported MDEs dominated by mineral dust and short-range transported PDEs enriched with black carbon and anthropogenic pollutants. Both categories significantly alter the aerosol optical properties and have distinct yet substantial effects on snow albedo and subsequent glacier melting processes. These findings highlight the necessity of thorough modeling and observational research to more accurately estimate the long-term effects of dust-induced snow albedo reduction on the Himalayan region.

    How to cite: Chandel, A. S., Sarangi, C., Rittger, K., Hooda, R. K., and Hyvärinen, A.-P.: Characterization and Impacts of Pre-Monsoonal Dust Events on Aerosol Optical Properties and Snow Albedo in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2034,, 2025.

    EGU25-3234 | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    High Arctic snow, ice, and particle samples to investigate dust and black carbon occurrence close to Longyearbyen, Svalbard  

    Outi Meinander, Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Jafar Fathi, Miriam Kosmale, Leena Leppänen, Roman Juras, Jan Kavan, Ondrej Jankovsky, Vojtěch Moravec, and Ali Nadir Arslan

    Svalbard is one of the hot spots of Arctic Amplification, i.e., fastest warming places on Earth. Most often dust and black carbon (BC, soot) investigations in Svalbard have been carried out in clean remote areas and investigations close to the settlement and coal mines are rare. Therefore, our investigation focused on the vicinity of Mine 5 and Mine 7 (coal mining) and on the Longyearbyen settlement surroundings, as well as on samples collected from a nearby glacier. Dust storms have been observed in Svalbard (e.g., 11 September 2024).

    During 22-28 April 2024, the Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and University of Arctic (UA) Thematic Network on Nordic Snow Network (established from Nordic Snow Network project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers) organized an educational Polar Winter School (PWS) in Svalbard. Several research and educational activities were carried out. Here we present our work related to dust and black carbon and results from the samples that we collected during the PWS. In the field, the snow surface was often observed visually dark, either due to soot (black) or dust (tones of grey and brown), depending on the location. Dark impurity layers (with ice) were observed and sampled from a deep snowpack nearby the Mine 7. The glacier samples appeared visually clean.

    The samples were transported from Svalbard to the laboratory of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland, mainly as snow and ice. In Finland, these samples were melted and filtered. Thereafter, the particle and filter samples were investigated with multiple methods for their dust and BC (soot particle) properties at FMI and at the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT), Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic. For example, our soot samples (loose particle sample no. 7, and quartz filter sample no. 7 from a dirty ice layer close to the Mine 7) particle volume size distributions had a peak at 200 µm, and rectangular, non-spherical shapes (observed using scanning electron microscopy). The presence of C (74.6 Wt%), O (13.2 Wt%), Zr (4.5 Wt%) Fe (4.4 Wt%) and <1 Wt% of Si, S, Al, Ca, Mg, Na and K were detected using SEM/EDS by UCT. In addition to dust and BC results, we demonstrate how to utilize remote sensing observations to better understand our field work environment and our data.

    We gratefully acknowledge all the PWS participants, as well as Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Science -  University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, UArctic Thematic Networks on High Latitude Dust (HLD) and Nordic Snow Network, Norway grants within EEA funds, Czech Arctic Research Station and Summit Trade.

    How to cite: Meinander, O., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Fathi, J., Kosmale, M., Leppänen, L., Juras, R., Kavan, J., Jankovsky, O., Moravec, V., and Nadir Arslan, A.: High Arctic snow, ice, and particle samples to investigate dust and black carbon occurrence close to Longyearbyen, Svalbard , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3234,, 2025.

    EGU25-3301 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Air temperature control on snow erosion at a high-elevation site in the Eastern European Alps 

    Tiziana Lazzarina Zendrini, Luca Carturan, Michael Lehning, Federico Cazorzi, Mathias Bavay, and Nander Wever

    Snow accumulation on glaciers typically exhibits high spatial and temporal variability, especially on high-elevation and exposed areas, where wind action (e.g., preferential deposition, redistribution, erosion) can deeply modify snow accumulation patterns. Yet, wind action remains one of the most challenging processes to account for in glacier mass-balance models. In fact, the latter often treat snow accumulation by assuming a simple proportionality with precipitation, overlooking the influence of wind and its variability in space and time.

    A critical issue, among others, regards the susceptibility of the snowpack to wind erosion. This susceptibility is controlled by the metamorphism of snow, which depends on the surface energy balance and time. In this study, we investigate how the susceptibility to erosion at the Alto dell’Ortles glacier (3905 m a.s.l., Eastern Alps, Italy) responds to high-elevation meteorological conditions. More in detail, on Mt. Ortles we focus on the influence of air temperature as it might lead to important feedbacks regulating snow accumulation and its seasonality in the context of climate change.

    Few works exist in the scientific literature addressing the relationship between snow susceptibility to erosion and air temperature. We address this knowledge gap by calculating the energy and mass balance at a site close to the summit of Mt. Ortles, using the physically based process-oriented SNOWPACK model, which explicitly accounts for snow erosion by wind. The model is driven by meteorological data from an automatic weather station (AWS) located on the glacier’s upper accumulation zone (3830 m a.s.l.) and precipitation data recorded at the nearby Solda AWS (1907 m a.s.l.). The model is evaluated against automatic snow depth measurement series and periodic mass balance observations spanning 2011–2015.

    This approach enables the systematic assessment of snowpack susceptibility to wind erosion under varying air temperature, considering its effects during the formation of snow layers and during their permanence at the glacier surface. In particular, we observe increasing resistance to wind erosion for increasing mean temperature during the permanence of a layer at the surface. The results enable to shed light on the long-term behaviour of this high-elevation glacial site, which shows persistent net snow accumulation despite ongoing atmospheric warming. 

    This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

    How to cite: Zendrini, T. L., Carturan, L., Lehning, M., Cazorzi, F., Bavay, M., and Wever, N.: Air temperature control on snow erosion at a high-elevation site in the Eastern European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3301,, 2025.

    Black carbon (BC), a short-lived aerosol produced by incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels, exerts profound influences on local, regional, and global cryosphere through snow albedo feedback mechanisms. Accurately estimating BC concentration in the cryosphere using satellite surface reflectance is a pivotal objective of snow optical remote sensing. Over the past two decades, numerous endeavors have developed various retrieval algorithms for cryosphere's BC and conducted small-scale validations to prove their feasibility. However, few studies have focused on evaluating how these algorithms address the enormous challenges of global BC concentration quantification, which has led to the community's limited knowledge of BC loading in snow globally. Considering the mounting obstacles to achieving carbon neutrality goals and the increasing prevalence of global wildfires, it is imperative to extend state-of-the-art black carbon retrieval algorithms to the global scale to achieve more refined quantitative mapping of snow pollutants with enhanced generalizability. To bridge this gap, this work employs six advanced cryospheric snow BC remote sensing algorithms rooted in analytical asymptotic radiative transfer theory to retrieve global BC abundance. The study comprehensively optimized the covariates used by the six commonly adopted BC direct retrieval algorithms from three aspects: inherent optical properties of ice crystals and BC, snow microstructure and scattering characteristics, and BC's intrinsic physical properties. This research quantified uncertainties using over 20,000 high-quality BC concentration measurements (including thermal, optical, and thermo-optical methods) from the global cryosphere (including Asia, Europe, America, and the Polar Regions) and further analyzed the optimal configuration for remote sensing retrieval of BC. Overall, through large-scale critical evaluation of the current state-of-the-art snow BC concentration remote sensing retrieval scheme, this work revealed the tremendous potential of using satellites to quantify BC abundance in the cryosphere, providing a new perspective for estimating the carbon sequestration capacity of the cryosphere.

    How to cite: Ji, W., Hao, X., and Shao, D.: Quantifying Black Carbon Retrieval in Snow Surface: Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Observations Perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5541,, 2025.

    EGU25-5819 | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Meteorological Impact of Glacier Retreat and Proglacial Lake Temperature in Western Norway 

    Kristine Flacké Haualand, Tobias Sauter, Jakob Abermann, Simon de Villiers, Alexander Georgi, Brigitta Goger, Isaac Dawson, Sigurd D. Nerhus, Benjamin A. Robson, Kamilla H. Sjursen, Daniel J. Thomas, Moritz Thomaser, and Jacob C. Yde

    Glaciers are retreating worldwide, yet little is known about the influence of these changes on local weather and climate in glacial landscapes. Changes in glacier extent and proglacial lakes alter the thermodynamic forcing in glacier-lake-valley systems that may be of similar or greater importance for future microclimate than direct effects of global warming. To study the impact of these changes, we combine the first set of high-density spatiotemporal observations of a glacier-lake-valley system at Nigardsbreen in western Norway with high-resolution numerical simulations from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The sensitivity of the thermodynamic circulation to glacier extent and proglacial lakes is tested using glacier outlines from 2006 and 2019 as well as varying lake surface temperature. The model represents the evolution of glacier flow and cold air pools well when thermal forcing dominates over large-scale forcing. During a persistent down-glacier flow regime, the glacier-valley circulation is sensitive to lake temperature and glacier extent, with strong impacts on wind speed, convection in the valley, and interaction with mountain waves. However, when the large-scale forcing dominates and the down-glacier flow is weak and shallower, impacts on atmospheric circulation are smaller, especially those related to lake temperature. This high sensitivity to meteorological conditions is related to whether the flow regime promotes thermal coupling between the glacier and the lake. The findings of this study highlight the need for accurate representation of glacier extent and proglacial lakes when evaluating local effects of past and future climate change in glacierized regions.

    How to cite: Haualand, K. F., Sauter, T., Abermann, J., de Villiers, S., Georgi, A., Goger, B., Dawson, I., Nerhus, S. D., Robson, B. A., Sjursen, K. H., Thomas, D. J., Thomaser, M., and Yde, J. C.: Meteorological Impact of Glacier Retreat and Proglacial Lake Temperature in Western Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5819,, 2025.

    EGU25-5894 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Saharan dust impacts on Argentière glacier surface mass balance during the 2022 extreme melt year 

    Léon Roussel, Marie Dumont, Marion Réveillet, Delphine Six, Marin Kneib, Pierre Nabat, Kévin Fourteau, Diego Monteiro, Simon Gascoin, Emmanuel Thibert, Antoine Rabatel, Jean-Emmanuel Sicart, Mylène Bonnefoy, Luc Piard, Olivier Laarman, Bruno Jourdain, Matthieu Lafaysse, Matthieu Vernay, and Mathieu Fructus

    Saharan dust depositions frequently color alpine glaciers in orange. Along with other light absorbing particles, dust lowers snow albedo, increases the melt rate of snow, and lowers the surface mass balance of glaciers. Since the surface mass balance drives the evolution of alpine glaciers, assessing the impact of impurities helps understanding the current and future evolution of alpine glaciers. Here, we quantify the impact of impurities on glacier surface mass balance taking into account mineral dust. To do so, we used the SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus snow model, that explicitely accounts for the evolution of impurities content within the snowpack and computes their effect on albedo with the TARTES two stream radiative transfer model.  Over the Argentière Glacier (Mont-Blanc area, France), our modeling show that considering the impact of mineral dust leads to a decrease in the glacier-wide annual surface mass balance by around 0.25 m w.e. on average for the period 2019-2021, but it reaches the double during the exceptionnal melt of 2022 (around 0.5 m w.e.) on average over the whole glacier, and up to 1.00 m w.e. locally. This highlights the importance of accounting for the impact of mineral dust when simulating the surface mass balance of mountain glaciers, and the need to understand how this contribution varies at the mountain range scale and for different periods of times.

    How to cite: Roussel, L., Dumont, M., Réveillet, M., Six, D., Kneib, M., Nabat, P., Fourteau, K., Monteiro, D., Gascoin, S., Thibert, E., Rabatel, A., Sicart, J.-E., Bonnefoy, M., Piard, L., Laarman, O., Jourdain, B., Lafaysse, M., Vernay, M., and Fructus, M.: Saharan dust impacts on Argentière glacier surface mass balance during the 2022 extreme melt year, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5894,, 2025.

    EGU25-6410 | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    The Role of Light Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice on Svalbard: A Focus on Dust 

    Susan Kaspari, Elisabeth Isaksson, Jean-Charles Gallet, Jack Kohler, Andy Hodson, William Hartz, Oscar Orme, Andrea Spoloar, Federico Scoto, Biagio Di Mauro, and Geir Moholdt

    The Arctic is warming as much as four times the global rate, with warming particularly pronounced on Svalbard. This warming is leading to reductions in snow, glaciers and sea ice and a potential increase of local dust emissions. In addition to climate warming, another factor that can contribute to snow and ice melt is the deposition of light absorbing particles (LAP). LAP include black carbon, dust and biogenic impurities.  When deposited on snow and ice surfaces, LAP reduce albedo, increase energy absorption, and can accelerate snow and ice melt.  Numerous studies have investigated black carbon in snow and ice cores from Svalbard, but less work has been done on dust, and measurements of snow dust concentrations and dust deposition rates are sparse.  Recent studies have called for an assessment of the impacts of climate change on dust emissions and the cryosphere in the Arctic, as decreases in seasonal snow cover and duration, glacier retreat, and warming temperatures are all hypothesized to lead to an increase in dust sources and emissions, and subsequent deposition of dust on snow and ice surfaces.

    We present LAP results from snow and firn core samples that were collected from spatially distributed Svalbard glaciers between 2021-2025. The samples were analyzed for black carbon using a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), dust concentrations via gravimetric filtration and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), dust spectral reflectance using a spectroradiometer, and dust composition and mineralogy via X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and a scanning electron microscope with a Back Scatter Electron (BSE) detector.  Results indicate that dust concentrations vary seasonally with low concentrations during the winter and higher concentrations during the summer-fall, and there are spatial variations in dust concentrations and dust optical properties that are likely associated with variations in local dust sources. Modeled albedo reductions indicate that LAP albedo reductions are dominated by dust, with smaller albedo reductions from black carbon. Changes in dust emissions and dust deposition spatially and temporally in response to a changing climate on Svalbard are also considered.

    How to cite: Kaspari, S., Isaksson, E., Gallet, J.-C., Kohler, J., Hodson, A., Hartz, W., Orme, O., Spoloar, A., Scoto, F., Di Mauro, B., and Moholdt, G.: The Role of Light Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice on Svalbard: A Focus on Dust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6410,, 2025.

    EGU25-6724 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Proxies of Amazon Climate in a Peruvian Ice Core 

    João Gomes Ilha, Elena Barbaro, Carlo Barbante, Jefferson Cardia Simões, and Paul Mayewski

    The Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world, is a big producer of aerosols. They can be of either natural or anthropic origin. The forest is also responsible for controlling much of the weather in South America. Approximately 70 km distant, in the Cordillera Vilcanota, in the Peruvian Altiplano, lies the biggest tropical ice cap in the world at an altitude of about 5674 meters above sea level. In 2022, an ice core was drilled at the Summit Dome, by the Climate Change Institute (University of Maine) as part of a joint US-Brazil-Italy collaboration, recovering the entirety of the ice cap thickness at that point in an ice core 128.3 meters-long recording possibly the last 2 thousand years of South American tropical climate. The ice core is being analyzed for levoglucosan, organic acids and major ions to understand if it could be a reliable site for studying Amazon changes in the past. The first 35 meters of which 18 meters represent the superficial firn pack have already been analyzed. The preliminary results indicate that much of the ionic signal is preserved within the most superficial sections of the ice cap both for the inorganic ionic species (such as Na+, Ca2+, NH4+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-) and the organic species (MSA, C1-formic, C2-acetic, C2-glycolic and C2:C7 diacids). Further analyzes are still being made and should bring progress on the state of the ice core geochemistry, revealing other processes and enhancing the knowledge whether Amazon signal is recorded in such an isolated environment.

    How to cite: Gomes Ilha, J., Barbaro, E., Barbante, C., Cardia Simões, J., and Mayewski, P.: Proxies of Amazon Climate in a Peruvian Ice Core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6724,, 2025.

    EGU25-9461 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Intra-seasonal trends of cryoconite bacterial communities on an Alpine Glacier  

    Alessandro Cuzzeri and Birgit Sattler

    In the current context of climate change, the study of cryospheric environments is becoming increasingly important. While it was originally believed that these natural systems were unable to support life, it is now well known that they represent microbial biodiversity hot spots. To better understand the dynamics and drivers that regulate the cryospheric microbial communities inhabiting cryoconite holes throughout the melting season, 60 samples were collected from an alpine glacier (Jamtalferner, Austrian Alps), consisting of sediment and supernatant water from June to September 2022. The present study harnesses the power of long-read Nanopore 16S rRNA sequencing, flow cytometry for cell counting in supra-glacial water, and a technique for estimating bacterial productivity of cryoconite sediment based on 3H-Leucine incorporation.

    The results of bacterial abundance and productivity showed numbers ranging from 64.000 (early July) to 300.000 cells/mL (early August). Levels of bacterial productivity were shown peaking in early June and early August (ranging from 10-8 - 10-5 gC/g ww·h), especially at the beginning of the season and during late July - early August, but, unlike the community structure, they suggest no distinctive trends. On the other hand, the significance of the observed trends in microbial ecology was investigated by means of Generalized Linear (Mixed) Models. It revealed a globally increasing diversity along the season for all alpha diversity indices, and a strong presence of cyanobacteria, mainly belonging to the family Leptolyngbyales, which decreased along the season in favor of Proteobacteria (Polaromonas sp.) and Bacteroidetes (fam. Chitinophagaceae). This highlights a fully-fledged ecological succession despite the harsh environmental conditions and the relatively short intra-seasonal time frame.

    The ongoing climate change scenario represents a clear threat to the communities inhabiting the supraglacial environments due to the faster ice melting rates observed on low altitude glacial tongues. While the long-term repercussions are somewhat difficult to envision and quantify, what we currently know is that the (deriving) functional losses encompass different aspects, such as carbon fixation by cyanobacteria (estimated in the tens of thousands of tons worldwide for non-Antarctic cryoconites alone). Also, bacteria are able to degrade persistent organic pollutants from agricultural use like pesticides, or, more generally, to handle a variety of compounds as growing substrates, due to the otherwise environmental scarcity they are subjected to. In this sense, along with the ice, a plethora of filter ecosystems are quickly disappearing. The natural continuation of our study is to directly analyze the expressed activities compared to the genomic potential shown by these communities (genomics versus transcriptomics), extending the field of application to extreme latitudes (East Antarctica). Finally, to pinpoint the provenance of the various components of the aforementioned communities, sampling the bioaerosols insisting on these glacial areas and backtracking the air masses’ trajectories will provide us with the last piece of the puzzle, to understand the assembly processes that lead to the observed ecological configurations.

    How to cite: Cuzzeri, A. and Sattler, B.: Intra-seasonal trends of cryoconite bacterial communities on an Alpine Glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9461,, 2025.

    EGU25-9826 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Flow structure and turbulence characteristics on a mid-latitude glacier 

    Giordano Nitti and Ivana Stiperski

    Mountain glaciers are a perfect laboratory to study the interaction between the mountain atmosphere, including the multiscale processes developing within it, and the stably stratified ice surfaces. Due to their setting within mountain valleys, the structure of the glacier boundary layers is a result of a complex interplay between the surface thermal forcing, the thermally and dynamically driven multiscale mountain flows and the larger scale flow aloft. This complex flow structure plays an important role in glacier microclimates and surface energy and mass balance of glaciers. However, few datasets of atmospheric measurements over the whole surface of a glacier are available to probe this complex interaction and spatio-temporal variability. In August and September 2023, the Second Hintereisferner Experiment (HEFEX II), a three-week measurement campaign took place on the Hintereisferner glacier in the Austrian Alps to address these challenges. The glacier was instrumented with 18 surface weather stations, of which 10 were equipped with two or three levels of turbulence measurements.

    The data from this extensive dataset is used to characterize the surface atmospheric flow over the glacier and investigate its turbulent properties. Using a clustering method on the vertical profiles from one tower at the upper part of the glacier tongue, we show that different classes of katabatic flows, as well as some perturbed flows related to the impact of synoptic flows during strong synoptic winds periods, and the passage of a cold front take place during the campaign. We also show that these different types of flow show characteristic horizontal wind and temperature structure across the glacier tongue. The results thus suggest that it is possible to recover the type of flow from one multi-level measurement location and extend it consistently to the whole surface of the glacier, meaning that a well-chosen point on the glacier is correctly representing the spatial structure of the flow. The surface measurements are then used to explore the turbulence structure during the different flow regimes, and estimate the surface energy balance over the glacier and calculate the melt rate. The calculated melt rates are consistent with ablation measurements. The results indicated that the different clusters are associated with different melt rates and surface energy balance contributions, with katabatic flows having a large radiative contribution and synoptically perturbed flows having large sensible and latent heat contribution.

    How to cite: Nitti, G. and Stiperski, I.: Flow structure and turbulence characteristics on a mid-latitude glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9826,, 2025.

    Common turbulence parametrization in numerical weather prediction models and traditional boundary layer theory are predominantly designed for horizontally homogeneous flat terrain and only consider vertical transport processes. However, these assumptions fail in valleys, where the horizontal constrictions to the flow as well as prevalent surface heterogeneity mean that horizontal terms in the budget equations (e.g. advection, horizontal flux divergence) become important. Over a mountain glacier, in addition, the acceleration of the katabatic wind downslope, a decrease in wind speed from the centerline towards the margin due to lateral variation in the forcing (glacier ice vs. rocky sides), and horizontal temperature gradients necessitate consideration of horizontal terms in the budgets of mean and turbulent quantities.

    Here we investigate the importance of horizontal term in the budgets of momentum, heat, TKE and sensible heat flux, for deep katabatic flows over the Hintereisferner glacier in Austria. The analysis is based on data collected during the three-week Hintereisferner Experiment (HEFEX) field campaign that took place in the summer of 2018, where four turbulence towers were installed in an along- and across-glacier transect, allowing the estimation of horizontal terms in the down-glacier and cross-glacier direction. Towers were equipped with two levels of turbulence sensors, and one level of mean wind and temperature sensors. The focus of the study is on deep flows where both turbulence observational heights were below the potential jet maximum height, so that all the estimated budget terms are located within the same layer.

    The results indicate that, for certain selected periods with deep flow, horizontal terms have an important contribution to the budget equations. The largest contribution comes from the horizontal advection terms, and they are shown to enhance TKE destruction by buoyancy and TKE production by advection and shear over Hintereisferner. These results highlight the importance of considering horizontal processes to correctly capture the flow dynamics in complex terrain.

    How to cite: Staudinger, I. and Stiperski, I.: Exploring the importance of horizontal transport terms in a katabatic flow over a glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9840,, 2025.

    Polar Regions are the most fragile regions on our Earth, where small changes can have tremendous impacts on local and global climate. Black Carbon and High Latitude Dust (HLD) were recognized as important climate drivers in Polar Regions (AMAP, 2015; IPCC SROCC, 2019). HLD has impacts on climate, such as effects on cryosphere, cloud properties, atmospheric chemistry and radiation, and marine environment.  

    In 2024, many extreme events causing severe air pollution were observed and measured in Iceland, Svalbard and Antarctica. In Iceland, we measured i. tens of severe dust storms at multiple locations, resulting in long-range transport to Scandinavia, Faroe and British Isle, and Svalbard; ii. two Saharan dust plumes causing air pollution in Iceland, and iii. Black/Organic Carbon haze from burning mosses around the eruption in Reykjanes Peninsula, transported >300 km to Northeast Iceland. Several dust storms were measured also in Antarctic Peninsula. In Svalbard, aerosol measurements revealed high concentrations of dust, coal dust and Black Carbon, while dirty snow evidenced the occurrences of Snow-Dust Storms, similarly to Iceland.        

    The 2024 HLD measurements are part of the long-term in-situ measurements conducted occasionally in deserts of Iceland since 2013 and Antarctic deserts of Eastern Antarctic Peninsula since 2018. Severe Icelandic dust storms exceeded particulate matter (PM) concentrations (one-minute PM10) of 50,000 ugm-3 in the past. However in 2024, the instruments were overloaded (maximum concentration 150 mgm-3) several times. Antarctic summer was not as severe as in 2021-2022 when hourly PM10 means in James Ross Island exceeded 300 ugm-3. Saharan dust plumes in Iceland caused increase of PM10 (PM2,5) concentrations to 200 (50-100) ugm-3 in November 2024.

    The August 2024 eruption in Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland caused a biomass burning haze at locations > 300 km with significantly reduced visibility and smoke smell. The cause was burning mosses around the fresh lava. Air pollution in terms of Black Carbon (BC) concentrations was severe. Particle number concentrations of Black Carbon increased from background of 0-10 particles per cm3 to 10 000 particles per cm3. Some particles exceeding the sizes > 1 µm. Particulate matter (PM1) mass concentrations had exceeded 25 µgm-3 for 12 hours. These HLD and BC events were not captured by most of the models or remote sensing products except for the DREAM and SILAM models.

    The year 2024 was extreme in terms of variability and frequency of air pollution events in Iceland. The air pollution observed in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, seems to be common based on the industrial background of the town. Long-term daily aerosol measurements are therefore needed at more locations at high latitudes than available. More in-situ observations around HLD sources would confirm that background air quality is not better than at industrial or some urban stations, such as in Iceland during the CAMS NCP project.

    More information at the Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (IceDust) websites (,, UArctic Network on High Latitude Dust (, NORDDUST (, and CAMS NCP Iceland (, Field campaigns were partially funded by Orkurannsoknasjodur, National Power Agency of Iceland.  

    How to cite: Dagsson Waldhauserova, P., Meinander, O., and members, I.: In-situ aerosol measurements in Iceland, Antarctica and Svalbard in 2024, including plumes of High Latitude Dust and Saharan Dust, and Black Carbon haze , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11911,, 2025.

    EGU25-16660 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Concentrations of organic carbon, elemental carbon and mineral dust in the snow cover between 2016 and 2024 at Sonnblick Observatory, Austria 

    Daniela Kau, Marion Greilinger, Andjela Vukićević, Jakub Bielecki, Johannes Zbiral, and Anne Kasper-Giebl

    Light-absorbing aerosols, including elemental carbon and mineral dust, reduce the albedo of snow covers after deposition. This enhances melting, reducing the duration of the snow cover. Mineral dust additionally introduces various elements to the deposition area, e.g., Fe and Ca. In thermal-optical analysis, which is frequently applied to snow samples after melting and filtration over quartz fibre filters, these Fe-oxides contained in mineral dust lead to a bias in the classification of elemental and organic carbon [1]. Especially for remote environments like glaciers, the correct quantification of both compounds is of interest.

    We quantify organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) via thermal-optical analysis (TOA) in the snow cover collected at the glaciers surrounding the remote high-altitude Global Atmosphere Watch station Sonnblick Observatory (3106 m a.s.l.), located in the Austrian Alps. Samples were collected between 2016 and 2024 with a resolution of 20 cm, providing a continuous data set covering 9 years. We identify samples, which contain mineral dust, using the temperature dependent change of optical properties as previously described and assess the Fe loading directly from TOA data for the current data set. Up to 44 % of samples in the annually collected snow covers were identified to be affected by mineral dust, which is deposited after long-range transport. To counter the influence of mineral dust on OC and EC data, we evaluate those samples using a linear approach and quantify the changes in OC and EC concentrations in the annual snow covers when considering or neglecting the influence of mineral dust on TOA. We analyse the corrected EC data for trends.

    Using elemental data of the snow samples collected at Sonnblick Observatory and approaches from literature, we discuss the possibility to deduce the mineral dust loading directly from TOA data.

    [1] Kau, D., et al. (2022). Thermal–optical analysis of quartz fiber filters loaded with snow samples–determination of iron based on interferences caused by mineral dust. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(18), 5207-5217.

    How to cite: Kau, D., Greilinger, M., Vukićević, A., Bielecki, J., Zbiral, J., and Kasper-Giebl, A.: Concentrations of organic carbon, elemental carbon and mineral dust in the snow cover between 2016 and 2024 at Sonnblick Observatory, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16660,, 2025.

    EGU25-16744 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6 | Highlight

    Atmospheric Connections: Wildfire Aerosols and Their Role in Andean Tropical Glacier Dynamics  

    Christian Alonso Riveros Lizana and Wilson Suarez Alayza

    This research examines the relationship between wildfire aerosol deposition—primarily from Amazonian fires—and the accelerated retreat of tropical glaciers in the Andes. Covering approximately 1,409 km² and supplying water to over 30 million people, these glaciers have experienced significant shrinkage since the 1970s. This decline is driven by rising average temperatures (1–2 °C) and the deposition of light-absorbing particles (LAPs), notably black carbon (BC).
    Black carbon deposition on glacier surfaces reduces albedo, increasing absorbed solar radiation and enhancing glacier melt rates. BC-induced albedo reductions range from 0.04% to 3.8%, contributing to a positive radiative forcing of up to +3.2 W/m². Annually, 5–20% of glacier mass loss can be attributed to this darkening effect. BC concentrations spike during El Niño events, when atmospheric conditions promote Amazonian wildfire activity and enhance aerosol transport to high-altitude glaciers.
    Amazonian wildfires account for approximately 70% of BC emissions deposited in the Andes, peaking at 50 teragrams of BC per fire season due to agricultural expansion and slash-and-burn practices. Atmospheric transport models (e.g., WRF-CHEM) and field measurements highlight the role of meteorological systems such as the South American Monsoon System (SAMS), the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and the South American Low-Level Jet (SALLJ) in moving aerosols over 2,000 km during the dry season (July–October). This process leads to BC concentrations in glacier snowpacks reaching up to 1,092 ng/g.
    The combined effects of albedo reduction and increased radiative forcing exacerbate glacier melting, with significant implications for water resources, food security, and ecosystem stability in regions reliant on seasonal glacier runoff. Observed melt rates range from 0.1 to 0.4 meters of ice thickness per year, with peaks during El Niño episodes.

    How to cite: Riveros Lizana, C. A. and Suarez Alayza, W.: Atmospheric Connections: Wildfire Aerosols and Their Role in Andean Tropical Glacier Dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16744,, 2025.

    EGU25-17274 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Parameterisation of summertime surface winds near mountain glaciers 

    Krishnanand Jayan, Argha Banerjee, Himanshu Kaushik, Mohd. Farooq Azam, Chandan Sarangi, and Ramachandran Shankar

    Glaciers in mountain valleys create unique local climates consisting of glacier winds, valley winds and slope winds. These local winds together with the synoptic winds mediate the turbulent heat fluxes between the glacier surface and the atmosphere, and contribute up to one-third of the total glacier melt. The knowledge of on-glacier wind speed distribution is required to estimate these fluxes, which can be either obtained through weather stations or climate reanalysis products. Weather station data is sparse on glaciers due to logistic reasons. Large scale climate models on the other hand, fail to capture these local winds entirely due to their coarse resolution. Hence we develop a parameterisation for summertime hourly wind speed at any glacier around the world using freely available large scale climate and topographic data. We calibrate and validate this parameterisation using station data from 25 near-glacier weather stations around the world. Our method reduces the prediction errors of wind speed and turbulent heat fluxes by a factor of 1.6 and 3 respectively, as compared to the state-of-the-art climate data product. This will help improve the glacier- to basin- scale melt and runoff estimates by regional and global models.


    How to cite: Jayan, K., Banerjee, A., Kaushik, H., Azam, M. F., Sarangi, C., and Shankar, R.: Parameterisation of summertime surface winds near mountain glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17274,, 2025.

    Local snow accumulation in alpine terrain is highly influenced by wind-driven redistribution of snow. Accurate knowledge of the small-scale flow field and the interactions between the snow and the atmosphere are therefore necessary to better simulate and understand glacier mass balance. To bridge the gap between an explicit treatment in high-resolution numerical simulations and computational feasibility for (multi-)seasonal assessments, we introduce SNOWstorm (the SNOW drift Sublimation and TranspORt Model), a deep-learning based model to predict high-resolution near-surface winds, snow redistribution and drifting snow sublimation from low-resolution atmospheric input and high-resolution topography. The model has a stacked U-Net shape architecture and is trained with data from large-eddy simulations (dx=50 m) in a semi-idealized environment. The numerical simulations for the training data set are performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) using a coupled drifting snow module. The surface topography and atmospheric conditions used in WRF reflect the variability seen in alpine terrain over a winter season.

    Here we present the basic design of the model, possibilities for applications in the future, as well as first assessments of case studies coupling the model to real-world atmospheric input.

    How to cite: Saigger, M. and Mölg, T.: SNOWstorm – A new emulator model for near-surface winds and drifting snow in glaciological applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17454,, 2025.

    EGU25-17840 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions on the Edge: The Ice Cliff Boundary Layer 

    Marie Schroeder, Rainer Prinz, Lindsey Nicholson, Jakob Abermann, Jakob Steiner, Michael Winkler, and Ivana Stiperski

    Land-terminating ice cliffs are rare features of the cryosphere, displaying unique atmosphere-cryosphere interactions due to their vertical nature. Although the ice cliff surface is small compared to the total glacier surface, the mass balance of the vertical face can play a decisive role in glacier ablation, due to the cliff's altered exposure to radiative fluxes and modulation of turbulent heat fluxes. Understanding the boundary layer fluxes over these vertical ice walls is therefore essential for accurately modeling the melt of the cliff and other related processes. Our research addresses this gap by analyzing turbulence and microclimate data collected from ice cliffs in two distinct climatic regions: northern Greenland and Kilimanjaro.

    The dataset from Greenland includes low-frequency temperature and humidity observations from the vertical ice face and its surroundings, allowing us to characterize the microclimate of ice cliffs in polar environments. The Kilimanjaro site was additionally equipped with high-frequency instrumentation. These measurements provide reliable insights into the boundary layer structure and turbulent fluxes of heat and moisture. Therefore, using data from this site, we aim to evaluate whether heat and moisture fluxes calculated from low- and high-frequency measurements are consistent. This allows us to determine whether the low-frequency data is sufficient to calculate turbulent fluxes at sites without high-frequency instrumentation. The insights gained from these analyses can help improve the representation of turbulent fluxes in ice cliff melt models.

    In summary, this work contributes to the broader understanding of cryosphere-atmosphere interactions at vertical ice cliffs, offering valuable insights into the boundary layer processes that control their melt under varying climatic conditions.

    How to cite: Schroeder, M., Prinz, R., Nicholson, L., Abermann, J., Steiner, J., Winkler, M., and Stiperski, I.: Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions on the Edge: The Ice Cliff Boundary Layer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17840,, 2025.

    EGU25-18365 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Quantifying the light-absorbing impurities and their seasonal variability in snow in the Arctic and their impact on accelerated melting 

    Anna-Marie Jörss, Sebastian Zeppenfeld, Andreas Herber, Alia Khan, Sally Vaux, and Zsófia Jurányi

    Black carbon (BC) is a key contributor to modifications in the radiation budget of snow-covered surfaces. By reducing snow albedo, BC accelerates melting and triggers feedback processes between the atmosphere and cryosphere. Its primary sources are anthropogenic, including incomplete combustion in diesel engines, biomass burning, and agricultural activities.

    Despite its significance, data on BC concentrations in the central Arctic remain sparse, with most studies focusing on continental regions or the spring and summer seasons. Due to its low concentrations, BC is challenging to detect via remote sensing, emphasizing the need for direct in-situ measurements.

    To investigate the temporal and spatial distribution of BC in snow from the central Arctic, snow samples collected during the year-long MOSAiC expedition (2019/2020) were analyzed using a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2). This dataset provides a unique opportunity to assess BC concentrations throughout an entire year, including the winter season, and to examine its role in altering snow surface albedo and its subsequent effects on the radiative budget. Additionally, bipolar comparisons are made using measurements from Neumayer Station III in Antarctica.

    High salinity in snow samples, originating from sea ice such as the MOSAiC samples, compromises the accuracy of SP2 analysis by leading to an underestimation of BC concentrations. To address this issue, test samples with well-known BC concentrations and varying salinity ranges were created to evaluate the extent to which salinity influences measurements with the SP2. These experiments form the basis for developing correction factors essential for analyzing the MOSAiC samples.

    Corrected BC concentrations are incorporated into the 1-dimensional radiative transfer model SNICAR (Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiative Model) to quantify the radiative forcing induced by BC. This study provides insights into the seasonal variability of BC in the Arctic and highlights its role in the climate system, offering valuable data for improving future climate models and understanding polar feedback mechanisms.

    How to cite: Jörss, A.-M., Zeppenfeld, S., Herber, A., Khan, A., Vaux, S., and Jurányi, Z.: Quantifying the light-absorbing impurities and their seasonal variability in snow in the Arctic and their impact on accelerated melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18365,, 2025.

    Mountain glaciers are important components of the global climate system, playing a crucial role in regional hydrology, energy balance and atmospheric dynamics. These systems are highly sensitive to climate change, and small-scale processes such as localised thermodynamic adjustments can trigger rapid feedback mechanisms that significantly alter large-scale atmospheric conditions. Observing and directly interpreting these adjustments is challenging due to non-linear and often opaque cause-effect relationships mediated by intermediate steps. This complexity limits the predictability of meteorological and cryospheric phenomena in mountainous regions. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic analysis that does not rely on assumptions of linearity or simple correlations.
    To overcome these obstacles, we use high-resolution numerical atmospheric simulations to study the interactions between glacier microclimates and the free atmosphere, as well as the feedbacks that occur across scales. Using transfer entropy, we uncover the causal relationships driving these feedbacks, identify directional influences between mass and energy fluxes, and analyse how localised processes propagate across micro-, meso- and synoptic scales. For example, our analysis shows how changing glacier geometries affect microclimates and regional energy balances, which in turn drive mesoscale atmospheric circulation patterns.
    This presentation highlights key insights from these simulations, in particular the role of glacier-atmosphere interactions in shaping elevation-dependent warming and energy flux dynamics. By advancing computational techniques to better analyse scale coupling in complex terrains, this work addresses unresolved questions in climate research. Ultimately, it provides a way to improve the predictability of cryospheric and atmospheric phenomena in high mountain regions.

    How to cite: Sauter, T.: Exploring Scale Interactions and Feedback Mechanisms in Glacier-Atmosphere Dynamics in Mountain Regions: Insights from High-Resolution Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19772,, 2025.

    EGU25-20381 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

    Validation of ICON-LES from HEFEXII field campaign observations 

    Alexander Georgi and Tobias Sauter

    In August 2023, the HEFEX II (HinterEisFerner-EXperiment) campaign was conducted in the Austrian Alps to investigate multi-scale exchanges between the atmosphere and glaciers. The campaign combined data from numerous automatic weather stations (AWS) and Eddy-Covariance (EC) stations operating over four weeks and an intensive three-day observation utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and LIDAR technology. These measurements provided detailed insights into various atmospheric parameters, including temperature, humidity, wind information, and heat fluxes, across spatial and temporal scales.

    The collected data serves as a valuable resource for validating high-resolution ICON-LES (Large Eddy Simulation) models with a horizontal resolution of 51 meters. This validation is performed both qualitatively and quantitatively, focusing on capturing the spatio-temporal variability of the measured atmospheric parameters. Through this process, the campaign aims to refine model parameterization to enhance simulation accuracy, particularly for the complex and dynamic processes governing atmosphere-glacier interactions.

    Preliminary results confirm that ICON-LES simulations exhibit strong agreement with observed data. These findings support the potential of ICON-LES as a reliable tool for modeling atmosphere-glacier interactions, paving the way for climate impact studies in alpine regions. This study highlights the synergy between advanced observational techniques and high-resolution modeling, advancing our understanding of atmosphere-glacier dynamics and their broader climatic implications.

    The HEFEX campaign demonstrated the effective application of UAVs in atmospheric research. These platforms demonstrated their capability to collect high-resolution, flexible, and precise data in challenging high-elevation environments. By integrating UAV observations with traditional measurement methods, the campaign underscores their growing importance in complementing and extending stationary observations.

    Overall, the HEFEX campaign contributes to advancing understanding of atmosphere-glacier processes, improving numerical weather prediction models, and showcasing innovative observational techniques in atmospheric science.

    How to cite: Georgi, A. and Sauter, T.: Validation of ICON-LES from HEFEXII field campaign observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20381,, 2025.

    EGU25-846 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Elevational dependency of precipitation climatology and trends in global mountains: a model view 

    Olivia Ferguglia, Elisa Palazzi, and Enrico Arnone

    High-altitude regions have been identified as hotspots of climate change. In particular, the dependence of warming rates on elevation, known as Elevation-Dependent Warming (EDW), has been extensively discussed in the literature. Recently, the focus has expanded to the broader concept of Elevation-Dependent Climate Change (EDCC), with attention to precipitation and its extremes, given their importance for mountain hydrological resources and their role in triggering geo-hydrological hazards. Recent studies have investigated the elevational stratification of precipitation in  in-situ observations and reanalysis datasets, showing a lack of uniform patterns of EDCC across the world, which point to the need for common methodologies and insight in the driving mechanisms. In this study, we extend results we obtained with the ERA5 reanalysis to CMIP6 global climate models, and study EDCC in key mountain regions of the world: Tibetan Plateau, the US Rocky Mountains, the Greater Alpine Region, and the Andes. We focus on precipitation and its extremes, assessing the ability of the models  to reproduce historical patterns of stratification by comparison with ERA5 reanalysis data and other observation-based gridded datasets. We also explore how the stratification in other key climate variables, such as cloud cover, humidity, besides temperature, influence the elevational patterns of precipitation and precipitation extremes and their trends. Our analysis aims to determine whether the observed elevation-dependent precipitation patterns are primarily driven by dynamical, thermodynamical, or microphysical processes, identifying seasonal variations and the specific precipitation type (i.e., stratiform vs convective)  mostly affected. Particular attention is given to the role of the model spatial resolution, including regional climate models in a case study analysis over the Greater Alpine Region.

    How to cite: Ferguglia, O., Palazzi, E., and Arnone, E.: Elevational dependency of precipitation climatology and trends in global mountains: a model view, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-846,, 2025.

    Orographic interactions of intense western disturbances (WDs) with western Himalayan (WH) topography often drive persistent extreme precipitation events (EPEs) in the region during the winter season, contributing to significant socio-economic losses. Accurate predictions of such events remain challenging due to the sparse gauge network and complex multi-scale interactions of dynamical and microphysical processes with the region’s heterogenous orography. Numerical weather prediction models, such as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, are widely utilized tools for simulating extreme precipitation with high-resolution and physically informed configurations. Kilometer-scale convection-permitting hold potential for improved representation of sub-grid processes, such as orographic effects and land-surface interactions, thus offering more scope for enhancing predictability. The present study investigates the predictability of intense WD-associated EPEs using convection-permitting (3 km) dynamically downscaled WRF simulations and a multi-physics ensemble (ENSM) approach, initialized using ERA5 reanalysis and validated with high resolution IMDAA (12 km) regional reanalysis. Ten persistent EPEs (lasting 3 or more consecutive days) were analyzed to assess sensitivity to sea surface temperature (SST) forcings and eight microphysical parameterization (MP) schemes (Single-moment: WSM7, Thompson8; Double-moment: WDM7, Thompson28, Morrison, P3). The findings reveal minimal variations from SST forcings at 3–4-day time scales, highlighting the dominant role of atmospheric processes at shorter time scales during winter EPEs. Both single- and double-moment MPs exhibited comparable performance, with minor spatial variations. The ENSM demonstrated enhanced prediction skill (>0.6) and accurately captured precipitation characteristics, including diurnal variations and dynamics like atmospheric baroclinicity, vertical wind shear, and stability driven by meridional temperature gradients. Overall, the findings underscore the potential of a convection-permitting multi-physics ensemble frameworks in enhancing the predictability of extreme winter precipitation over the orographic WH region.

    Keywords: Convection-Permitting Simulations, WRF Model, Mountain Precipitation Extremes, Prediction, Microphysical Parameterization

    How to cite: Sharma, N. and Attada, R.: Enhanced Predictability of Himalayan Orographic Precipitation Extremes Using a Kilometer-Scale Convection-Permitting Multi-Physics Ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1058,, 2025.

    EGU25-1443 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Quantifying processes of winter daytime and nighttime warming over the Tibetan Plateau 

    Fangying Wu, Qinglong You, and Nick Pepin

    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) has experienced accelerated warming in recent decades, especially in winter. However, a comprehensive quantitative study of its long-term warming processes during daytime and nighttime is lacking. This study quantifies the different processes driving the acceleration of winter daytime and nighttime warming over the TP during 1961-2022 using surface energy budget analysis. The results show that the surface warming over the TP is mainly controlled by two processes: a) a decrease in snow cover leading to a decrease in albedo and an increase in net downward shortwave radiation (snow-albedo feedback), and b) a warming in tropospheric temperature (850-200 hPa) leading to an increase in downward longwave radiation (air warming-longwave radiation effect). The latter has a greater impact on the spatial distribution of warming than the former, and both factors jointly influence the elevation dependent warming pattern. Snow-albedo feedback is the primary factor in daytime warming over the monsoon region, contributing to about 59% of the simulated warming trend. In contrast, nighttime warming over the monsoon region and daytime/nighttime warming in the westerly region are primarily caused by the air warming-longwave radiation effect, contributing up to 67% of the simulated warming trend. The trend in the near-surface temperature mirrors that of the surface temperature, and the same process can explain changes in both. However, there are some differences: an increase in sensible heat flux is driven by a rise in the ground-atmosphere temperature difference. The increase in latent heat flux is associated with enhanced evaporation due to increased soil temperature and is also controlled by soil moisture. Both of these processes regulate the temperature difference between ground and near-surface atmosphere.

    How to cite: Wu, F., You, Q., and Pepin, N.: Quantifying processes of winter daytime and nighttime warming over the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1443,, 2025.

    EGU25-2606 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Sources of temperature biases in Regional Climate Models over complex orography: a general approach 

    Francesca Zarabara and Dario Giaiotti

    Amid the alarming pace and effects of human-induced climate change, mountainous regions are warming at about twice the global average rate. Modeling climate and climate change scenarios over regions with highly complex topography, such as the Alps, remains a significant challenge for regional climate modeling. Better characterizing the sources of model biases is a major issue, particularly in areas with complex terrain.

    We analyze the sources of bias affecting near-surface temperature (TAS) in an ensemble of EURO-CORDEX models, focusing on the Friulian Alps. By examining the vertical structure of atmospheric thermal profiles, we identify and quantify four main sources that contribute to surface temperature biases at specific locations or grid points.

    • The first source is related to the ensemble's ability to reproduce free-atmosphere temperatures, such as those at the 500 hPa level.

    • The second component accounts for the biased representation of the thermal gradient between the free-atmosphere and the boundary layer top.

    • The third component is associated with model errors in the height of the boundary layer top. Under the environmental lapse rate approximation, this component corresponds to the orographic bias at a station or grid point. In the mountainous region we examined, the orographic bias represents a significant source of error.

    • The final contribution to the TAS bias stems from the inadequate representation of processes within the boundary layer, which exhibit temporal and spatial variability depending on the type of mountain boundary layer.

    We provide seasonal and annual estimates for each TAS bias component and suggest that advanced statistical bias correction techniques, including machine learning approaches, may be particularly effective in addressing the specific challenges posed by the boundary-layer-dependent component of the overall TAS bias.



    How to cite: Zarabara, F. and Giaiotti, D.: Sources of temperature biases in Regional Climate Models over complex orography: a general approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2606,, 2025.

    EGU25-2940 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Simulating the submesoscale rotating structures in the bora wind 

    Petar Golem, Hrvoje Kozmar, Željko Večenaj, and Branko Grisogono

    Wind speed within bora (downslope windstorm) events at the northern Adriatic coast is often found to be “pulsating” in a quasi-periodic manner with a period of a few minutes. In an earlier work, the characteristic horizontal rotational motion of these pulsations at the town of Senj, Croatia was studied using tower measurements. In the present work this analysis is extended to a larger domain using a hectometer-scale numerical simulation (WRF-ARW) of a summer bora event. The model successfully reproduced the rotational motion at the position of the tower: the near-ground wind velocity vector within the band of periods between 3 and 11 min traces out a highly elongated ellipse in the counterclockwise direction, its major axis aligned with the shear vector at the top of the leeside low-level jet. The pulsations are associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz instability between the low-level jet and the stagnation zone. The most interesting finding is that the predominant rotation direction over the rest of the domain, especially over the sea, depends strongly on directional shear within the low-level jet, i.e., which direction the wind turns with height. It is argued that the cause of the predominant rotation direction is deformation of the laterally unstable Kelvin-Helmholtz billows by the directional shear.

    How to cite: Golem, P., Kozmar, H., Večenaj, Ž., and Grisogono, B.: Simulating the submesoscale rotating structures in the bora wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2940,, 2025.

    EGU25-3039 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Strongly Heterogeneous Surface-Water Warming Trends in High Mountain Asia 

    Taylor Smith and Bodo Bookhagen

    High Mountain Asia has experienced significant warming in recent decades. Changes in both temperature and precipitation patterns have strongly impacted regional hydrology, including changes to glaciers, snowmelt, and river systems. Here we examine long-term (1983-2023) and high-resolution (30 m) changes in water-surface temperature over a large and topographically diverse region encompassing the world’s highest mountains. We find that water-surface temperatures have significantly increased in the vast majority of the study area -- especially in snow-covered and high-elevation regions -- with a noted acceleration over the past decade. While some of this warming can be explained by increasing regional air temperatures, we find that surface water is warming faster than nearby dry areas. We posit that modifications to snowmelt timing and volume have created strong spatial heterogeneities in surface-water warming. These impacts will be felt both directly by cold-water flora and fauna, and downstream through decreases in surface-water quality.

    How to cite: Smith, T. and Bookhagen, B.: Strongly Heterogeneous Surface-Water Warming Trends in High Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3039,, 2025.

    Some of the rainiest regions on Earth lie upstream of tropical mountains, where the interaction of prevailing winds with orography produces frequent precipitating convection. Yet, the response of tropical orographic precipitation to the large-scale wind and temperature variations induced by anthropogenic climate change remains largely unconstrained.
    Here, we quantify the sensitivity of tropical orographic precipitation to background cross-slope wind using theory, idealized simulations, and observations. We build on a recently developed theoretical framework that characterises the orographic enhancement of seasonal-mean precipitation, relative to upstream regions, as a response of convection to cooling and moistening of the lower free-troposphere by stationary orographic gravity waves. Using this framework and convection-permitting simulations, we show that higher cross-slope wind speeds deepen the penetration of the cool and moist gravity wave perturbation upstream of orography, resulting in a mean rainfall increase of 20--30% per m s-1 increase in cross-slope wind speed.
    Additionally, we show that orographic precipitation in five tropical regions exhibits a similar dependence on changes in cross-slope wind at both seasonal and daily timescales. Given next-century changes in large-scale winds around tropical orography projected by global climate models, this strong scaling rate implies wind-induced changes in some of Earth's rainiest regions that are comparable with any produced directly by increases in global mean temperature and humidity. 

    How to cite: Nicolas, Q. and Boos, W.: Sensitivity of tropical orographic precipitation to wind speed with implications for future projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3810,, 2025.

    Parameterizations of subgrid scale mountains are commonly used in large scale numerical weather prediction and climate models. They try to represent quite separate processes: the enhancement of the turbulent drag by orography, gravity waves and low level flow blocking. Among the gravity waves some schemes eventually separate between the upward propagating waves and the trapped lee waves.  Using a recent theoretical methodology that addresses the interaction of stratified boundary layers with mountains, a theory that handles the transition from neutral to stratified dynamics and trapped waves, we propose a formalism that can include all these effects.  As in most parameterizations it separates the flow between a linear part and a blocked part.  Here  the linear part handles enhanced turbulent drag in the neutral case and gravity waves in the stratified case, trapped lee waves in the transition. In this presentation we evaluate the mountain drag associated to all these processes as well as the fraction of the drag that stays within the boundary layer instead of being radiated in the far field.  We also try to  evaluate the blocked part by combining the sheltering effects that dominate when stratification is small and the blocking effects that dominate when stratification is large.

    How to cite: Lott, F., Beljaars, A., and Deremble, B.: Rationale for a subgrid scale orography parameterization that includes turbulent form drag, gravity wave drag and low level flow blocking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4362,, 2025.

    EGU25-5859 | Orals | AS1.38 | Highlight

    The TEAMx Observational Campaign – First findings from the winter campaign 

    Manuela Lehner, Mathias W. Rotach, Ivana Stiperski, Lena Pfister, Alexander Gohm, Christophe Brun, Jutta Vüllers, Jan Cermak, Andrew Orr, Ian Renfrew, Helen F. Dacre, and Charles Chemel

    TEAMx (multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains – programme and experiment) is an international research program that aims at improving our understanding of exchange processes over complex terrain and at evaluating and improving the representation of these processes in numerical weather and climate prediction models. As part of TEAMx, a one-year long field campaign, the TEAMx Observational Campaign (TOC), started in September 2024, with dedicated observations being conducted in four target areas aligned in an approximate north-south cross section through the European Alps. In addition to long-term monitoring during the TOC, shorter experiments with a high density of instrumentation target processes under different atmospheric conditions and at a range of spatial scales from turbulence to cross-Alpine transport during two extended observational periods.

    The first of these two extended observational periods took place between January and February 2025, with experiments focusing on the Inn Valley, Austria, and the Wipp Valley, Italy. The measurements were designed to observe (i) the three-dimensional structure of the mountain boundary layer, including its turbulence characteristics; (ii) the mean and turbulent structure of katabatic winds over a steep snow-covered slope and its response to larger-scale flows; (iii) the three-dimensional structure of mountain waves; and (iv) the life cycle of low-level stratiform clouds forming in the valley atmosphere. To this purpose, measurements were conducted with a suite of instruments, including research aircraft, radiosoundings, remote-sensing wind and temperature profilers, tethered balloons, and a network of turbulence towers.

    This presentation will give a brief overview of TEAMx and highlight some of the very first findings from the experiments conducted during the winter campaign.

    How to cite: Lehner, M., Rotach, M. W., Stiperski, I., Pfister, L., Gohm, A., Brun, C., Vüllers, J., Cermak, J., Orr, A., Renfrew, I., Dacre, H. F., and Chemel, C.: The TEAMx Observational Campaign – First findings from the winter campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5859,, 2025.

    EGU25-6679 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Precipitation Uncertainty Hampers the Understanding of Glacier Response in High Mountain Asia 

    Thomas Shaw, Achille Jouberton, Masashi Niwano, Marin Kneib, Koji Fujita, and Francesca Pellicciotti

    High Mountain Asia (HMA) provides crucial water resources to more than 1.5 billion people and accurate quantification of high elevation precipitation in this region is essential for understanding the hydrological cycle, patterns of ongoing climatic change, and water resource management. This is particularly the case in high elevation, glacierised catchments where the interplay of complex cryospheric and atmospheric processes limits our understanding of current and future water resource availability. Moreover, the role of precipitation and snow accumulation is critical for the health of glaciers which represent both an important freshwater storage and hydrological buffer to drought conditions, but also pose an increasing hazard to downstream populations through potential lake-damming and outburst floods. In both present-day and future modelling scenarios, precipitation at both macro and local scales generate some of the greatest uncertainties in glacier response to climate, and in few places are these hydroclimatic complexities better demonstrated than in HMA.


    We explore the variability of precipitation estimates across several of the latest regional gridded products with high spatial (>= 10 km) and temporal (hourly) resolution and provide a specific focus over glacierized areas of HMA. Given the common temporal window of 2001-2019, we find substantial disagreement between precipitation products in terms of i) their annual and seasonal magnitudes, ii) the fraction of precipitation occurring during the summer/monsoon period, iii) the decadal difference of precipitation sums, iv) the inter-annual correlation to station observations, v) diurnal precipitation frequency and, vi) dependence on elevation and topographic complexity. Biases of precipitation amounts against in-situ station data can exceed +400% in steep mountainous areas of the Himalaya and errors between products are 23-120% greater over glacierized areas relative to the HMA-wide mean. 


    When forcing an energy balance model over select glaciers, annual mass balances can disagree by up to 8 m w.e. (1.5 m w.e.) over a single year without (with) bias correction to local observations, propagating into highly distinct long-term trends of estimated glacier health. The high variability of glacier response at the catchment scale relates to spatial patterns of precipitation occurrence due to orographic effects and the resolution and physical process representation of different products. Differences in the surface energy balance of glaciers is, however, most strongly linked to the sub-daily timing of precipitation events and resultant temperature-driven phase of precipitation in different seasons. 


    We discuss the implications of process representation by different precipitation products and the uncertainty attached to their application in models of glacier energy and mass balance. We also highlight the role of elevation-dependent temperature changes over HMA during the last decades and the implications for changing precipitation phase as a key driver of regionally distinct patterns of glacier mass balance.

    How to cite: Shaw, T., Jouberton, A., Niwano, M., Kneib, M., Fujita, K., and Pellicciotti, F.: Precipitation Uncertainty Hampers the Understanding of Glacier Response in High Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6679,, 2025.

    EGU25-6939 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Investigating lee wave trapping mechanisms over the UK and Ireland 

    Hette G. Houtman, Miguel A.C. Teixeira, Suzanne L. Gray, Simon Vosper, Peter Sheridan, and Annelize van Niekerk

    Although various lee wave trapping mechanisms have been studied theoretically since Lyra (1940), not much is known about the relative occurrence of these trapping mechanisms in the real world. For this purpose, vertical atmospheric profiles associated with trapped lee waves are clustered here using self-organising maps.

    Because in-situ observations of trapped lee waves are scarce, these vertical profiles are extracted from the Met Office’s convective-scale UKV model (which encompasses the UK and Ireland). To demonstrate that this model accurately represents the conditions relevant to trapped lee wave generation, the wavelength and orientation of trapped lee waves visible in satellite imagery are compared to those in the model. The model is found to reproduce these observed characteristics well.

    Subsequently, we use the trapped lee wave identification model developed by Coney et al. (2023) and a linear Taylor-Goldstein equation solver to determine which vertical profiles are associated with trapped lee wave activity. We confirm that high low-level wind speeds are a necessary condition for the generation of trapped lee waves of substantial amplitude. We find that wind speeds increasing with height contribute to wave trapping in most cases. Temperature inversions are present in roughly one-third of trapped lee wave cases. The implications of these results for the development of a trapped lee wave drag parametrisation scheme are discussed.



    Lyra, G. (1943) Theorie der stationären Leewellenströmung in freier Atmosphäre. Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 23, 1-28.

    Coney, J. et al. (2023) Identifying and characterising trapped lee waves using deep learning techniques. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150, 213–231.

    How to cite: Houtman, H. G., Teixeira, M. A. C., Gray, S. L., Vosper, S., Sheridan, P., and van Niekerk, A.: Investigating lee wave trapping mechanisms over the UK and Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6939,, 2025.

    EGU25-7058 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38

    A KGE-based weighted mean of stations’ ensemble to estimate the air temperature at Jungfraujoch since 1900 

    Marco Bongio, Carlo De Michele, and Riccardo Scotti

    Air temperature is a key variable in the meteo-climatological fields because impacts the atmospheric stability and clouds formation, drives wind patterns and defines the kind of precipitation. However, there is a scarcity of long-term data, especially at high elevations (more than 2000 m). This study proposes a statistical-based methodology to reconstruct a long-term daily temperature record (maximum, mean, and minimum) for high-altitude sites. We have tested it at Jungfraujoch (3571 m a.s.l.), Switzerland, with a backward simulation extending to 1900. The methodology involves daily data from surrounding meteorological stations (thirty), within the MeteoSwiss database, located at elevations ranging 485-2691m a.s.l., providing uninterrupted observations spanning at least the period from 1971 to 2023. The methodology includes the following steps: 1) long-term temporal consistency was evaluated by removing observations with data gaps exceeding 30 days; 2) the mean monthly trend was removed using a non-linear trend estimation function; 3) for each meteorological station, during the calibration period (1988–2005), the daily temperature at Jungfraujoch was estimated as the sum of the temperature at the selected station plus a deterministic and stochastic component; 4) pairwise model performance was evaluated within two validation periods (1971–1985 and 2005–2023) by calculating biases, RMSE, correlation coefficients, rank-based metrics, and the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE); 5) stations with a KGE greater than 0.9 were selected to calculate ensemble simulations, which were obtained as the weighted mean of these stations, extending back to the year 1900 ; 6) A validation was conducted by comparing the reconstructed time series with the closest grid point from two datasets: HISTALP and that provided by Imfeld et al. (2023).

    The results suggest: i) comparable performance with existing datasets (HISTALP, Imfeld et al. 2023), despite using a highly parsimonious model that does not rely on additional variables such as relative humidity, cloud cover, wind velocity, or weather patterns; ii) the selection of stations with temporally consistent long-term observations is critical; iii) model performance, efficiency, and errors are primarily influenced by elevation, rather than latitude, longitude, exposure, or distance; iv) the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) is the most appropriate metric for selecting stations to be used in the ensemble; v) Temporally consistent time series generated by this methodology can provide a benchmark for evaluating observations anomalies and for deeper analysis of Elevation-Dependent Warming issue.

    How to cite: Bongio, M., De Michele, C., and Scotti, R.: A KGE-based weighted mean of stations’ ensemble to estimate the air temperature at Jungfraujoch since 1900, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7058,, 2025.

    The urban areas of many developing cities are suffering from environmental problems due to overpopulation and inadequate public services, in that sense, air pollution is one of the biggest problems. In general, Latin American cities have a higher density of vehicles and are therefore prone to experience high contributions of vehicular pollution. Considering also that the vehicle fleet is old and, in many cases, poorly maintained compared to more developed cities.

    The dispersion of pollutants is mainly influenced by wind characteristics, which in turn are influenced by surface roughness (urban coverage) and mountain topography. The objective of the study is to evaluate the influence of surface roughness and topography on wind profiles and the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in two populated hills located in the city of Cusco, the first called UNSAAC and the second Independencia Hill.

    The analysis will be carried out using the numerical model RANS ENVI-met, which determines the dispersion of air pollutant taking into account the interaction between the cover and the atmosphere. The input of the model will be the topographic information, hourly meteorological data and the concentration of pollutants (NO2, SO2, O3, PM10) measured in the field for two months.

    In the UNSAAC area, the urban coverage extends along one of the faces of a mountain with a 21 % slope and in the Indepencia area, the urban coverage is located between two mountains with a slope of 15 % (see Figure 1). Regarding roughness, 3 cases were evaluated: zero roughness (topography without buildings), normal roughness (topography with buildings) and increased roughness (topography with doubled-height buildings). Two wind directions were evaluated: 180° and 360°.

    Figure 1: Northern axis of evaluation in the Independencia and UNSAAC area

    According to the results, the velocity in the boundary layer is lower when the roughness is increased for both study areas; this difference is greater when the wind direction is 360° (see Figure 2). It can also be observed that the height of the boundary layer is higher in the urban area of Independencia. Here, the velocity exceeds 2 m/s at a height of 20 m, while, in the other profiles it exceeds this value at a height less than 5 m. On the other hand, a peak in the NO2 concentration values ​​with 180 µg/m3 can be observed in the urban area of ​​Independencia (see Figure 3).

    The results of the study may be useful to buid a risk map of both areas, in order to identify areas with high concentrations of pollutants, and propose measures to reduce pollution, such as limiting the number of vehicles on certain roads.

    Figure 2: Wind profiles for a) UNSAAC zone WD= 180° b) UNSAAC zone WD= 360° c) Independencia zone WD= 180° d) Independencia zone WD= 360°

    Figure 3: NO2 concentration for a) UNSAAC zone  and b) Independencia zone

    How to cite: Mallqui, R., Horna, D., and Cabrera, J.: Study of the influence of surface roughness and topography on wind profiles and the dispersion of atmospheric pollutant in two populated hills in Cusco, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7252,, 2025.

    EGU25-8083 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Mountain waves occurrence in Polish Carpathians and their influence on aviation operations 

    Alina Jasek-Kaminska, Łukasz Kiełt, Adrian Góra, and Mirosław Zimnoch

    Mountain regions, as defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), cover less than 5% of Poland, but highly variable orography dominates almost whole southern border of the country. Under favorable conditions, orographic gravity waves are observed in the wind field over significant part of southern Poland, influencing airspace users. 

    Private aircrafts, weighing around five tons and often less, experience orographically induced turbulence directly but not exclusively over the mountainous areas: rotors occurring downstream generate moderate or severe turbulence as well. Moreover, their presence may not be evident in cloudiness so that the pilot encounters so-called clear air turbulence (CAT). Airports located downstream can experience low level wind shear which creates additional difficulties for take-off and landing operations, and if encountered unprepared, can result in a dangerous loss of lift. It is recommended by the ICAO that mountain waves (MTW) of moderate or severe intensity are included in aviation weather forecasts products. 

    This study presents the MTW climatology in Polish Carpathians, focusing mainly on the Tatra mountains, using observational data and ERA5 reanalysis. Typical synoptic situations favorable for MTW occurrence in southern Poland are summarized. Based on an extreme case of a devastating downslope windstorm in the Tatra mountains in 2013, the impact of numerical model resolution on resolving the mountain wave effects is investigated using high resolution WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model) simulations. 

    This project has been supported by the subsidy of the Meteorological Service for Civil Aviation of Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute of Poland, "Excellence Initiative - Research University" program at AGH University of Krakow (grant agreement no. 598707), and the subsidy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

    How to cite: Jasek-Kaminska, A., Kiełt, Ł., Góra, A., and Zimnoch, M.: Mountain waves occurrence in Polish Carpathians and their influence on aviation operations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8083,, 2025.

    EGU25-12489 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Forest Transition and its Hydro-Climatic Impacts in the Indian Himalayas: Inferences from Field Observations  

    Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty, Jaya Khanna, Sumit Sen, and Jagdish Krishnaswamy

    The Himalayas, known as the Earth's third pole, are vital to regional and global climate systems, supporting globally significant biodiversity and livelihoods through ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and water. However, in the west-central Indian Himalayas, moist, broad-leaved mixed-Oak forests are increasingly being replaced by dry, fire tolerant and fire prone Chir Pine forests, posing ecological concerns. This transition threatens biodiversity, reduces ecosystem functionality, and disrupts water availability, raising significant ecological and societal concerns. While the socio-ecological impacts have been explored, the hydro-climatic consequences remain less understood. To address this knowledge and data gap, we established two research observatories in Uttarakhand’s Chir pine and mixed-oak forests (~1600m elevation, 23° slope) to investigate how these forest transitions affect land -atmosphere energy fluxes, soil moisture, streamflow, and transpiration. Our study integrates field measurements with numerical simulations to provide insights into these changes. Bowen ratio (BR) assemblies were installed at 30m (pine) and 18m (oak) heights, equipped with EE181 and HC2S3 temperature and humidity sensors. Seasonal on-site calibration ensured reliable data collection, resulting in a nearly complete year of high-quality data from these remote locations. During the monsoon season, Pines exhibit higher BR evapotranspiration (ET) compared to Oaks, while during the dry period, their ET is only marginally higher. At the tree level, Pines transpire over a larger sapwood area and exhibit less stringent regulation of sap flow and associated transpiration under varying environmental conditions compared to Oaks. Hydrological analyses indicate that the catchments dominated by Pine have lower baseflow to precipitation percentage compared to Oak, rendering streams in these Pine dominated catchments ephemeral, unlike the more sustained baseflow in Oak-dominated forests. All the measurements corroborate the higher evapotranspiration observed in the Chir pine forest compared to Oak. These observations have been used to parameterize vegetation in the Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model, enabling high-resolution simulations of regional hydro-climatic conditions under different forest covers  This first ever study of these Himalayan vegetation transitions is likely to provide insights into the future changes in ecohydrology in this biodiversity and water security hotspot. 

    How to cite: Mohanty, J. R., Khanna, J., Sen, S., and Krishnaswamy, J.: Forest Transition and its Hydro-Climatic Impacts in the Indian Himalayas: Inferences from Field Observations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12489,, 2025.

    EGU25-13871 | Orals | AS1.38

    First Results From The TEAMx-FLOW Project: Wintertime Radiosonde Observations And Numerical Modelling Of Mountain Waves Over The Tyrolean Alps 

    Neil Hindley, Andrew Orr, Corwin Wright, Andrew Ross, and Philip Rosenberg

    The TEAMx programme is a coordinated international research programme focusing on improving our understanding of exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains and evaluating their representation in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models. TEAMx features several observational and modelling strategies conducted by nationally funded projects centred on the European Alps, including 6-week extended observational periods (EOPs) in both summer and winter 2025. In this presentation, we present the first results from the UK-funded TEAMx-FLOW project, which focuses on the representation of wintertime orographic drag from mountain waves across spatial scales (including sub-km) in the UK Met Office Unified Model (UM) and its evaluation against TEAMx observations. Here we present analysis of the first of these observations, an intensive radiosonde balloon campaign launched throughout January-March 2025 conducted by the UK National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). The NCAS campaign featured 6-hourly operational launches, complemented with 3-hourly intensive launch periods during mountain wave events and also simultaneous launches of offset pairs of radiosondes. We analyse and quantify mountain waves and their momentum transport in these measurements, including using cross-spectral analysis of the offset pairs to obtain scale separation of observed mountain waves, a process not routinely applied to balloon soundings before. We also explore observations of partial wave breakdown in horizontally sheared flow, a process highly challenging to represent in models. With these new observations, we outline how the representation of mountain waves across multiple spatial scales in the UM and other NWP models can be evaluated and improved to achieve ever more accurate sub-km modelling, leading to improved predictions of mountain weather and climate in next-generation models.

    How to cite: Hindley, N., Orr, A., Wright, C., Ross, A., and Rosenberg, P.: First Results From The TEAMx-FLOW Project: Wintertime Radiosonde Observations And Numerical Modelling Of Mountain Waves Over The Tyrolean Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13871,, 2025.

    EGU25-13987 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Investigating the spatial structure of winds in complex terrain using a mobile wind lidar 

    Stephan De Wekker, Jagdish Desai, Gert-Jan Duine, and Leila Carvalho

    In the lee of the Santa Ynez Mountains north of Santa Barbara, CA, late afternoon-to-early morning episodes of offshore, northerly gusty downslope surface winds are frequently observed. These downslope winds are locally known as Sundowners. Sundowners are spatially non-uniform and can be accompanied by rapid increases in temperature and decreases in relative humidity with significant impact on fire behavior. Our understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of Sundowners and the underlying mesoscale mechanisms is limited. To address this knowledge gap, the NSF-funded Sundowner Wind Experiment (SWEX) was conducted in Spring 2022.  

    In this presentation, we focus on observations made by the surface-based mobile observing platform UWOW (University of Virginia Wind Observatory on Wheels), a trailer-mounted lidar system to measure spatial and temporal variations of lower tropospheric winds.  UWOW uses a HALO photonics StreamLine XR Doppler lidar, a GPS, and an inertial navigation system placed in a custom trailer to measure boundary layer winds while traveling on the road. UWOW can measure wind profiles from approximately 100 to 3000 m above ground with 30 m vertical spacing. During SWEX, UWOW travelled about 7000 km on roads around the Santa Ynez Mountains to document the spatial wind and aerosol variability during Sundowner Wind days and during undisturbed days. Data examples and comparisons with 1-km numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model will be discussed. 

    How to cite: De Wekker, S., Desai, J., Duine, G.-J., and Carvalho, L.: Investigating the spatial structure of winds in complex terrain using a mobile wind lidar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13987,, 2025.

    EGU25-14115 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Assessing The Impact of Global Warming on Glacial Elevation of The Bolam Glacier  

    Lily Welsh, Sarah Neuhaus, and Slawek Tulaczyk

    Mount Shasta, a large stratovolcano in northern California, contains the southernmost glacial system in North America (41.3 degrees N, about the latitude of Rome). Due to its southern position, this glacial system is very vulnerable to climate warming. However, previous research indicated that this glacial system experienced significant growth during the second half of the twentieth century, mainly as a result of the so-called "snowgun effect" at high elevations, operating in the warmer, wetter winters of this ocean-influenced climate (Howat & Tulaczyk, 2005 & Howat et al., 2006). New results indicate recent, significant glacier collapse as a result of continued climate warming leading to increased ablation, which eventually overwhelms the effect of increased snow deposition at high elevations. The Hotlum, Bolam and Whitney glaciers reside on the North face of Mount Shasta while Konwakiton and Wintun reside on the South face. It is evident that glacial bodies have receded in this time period, but a more indepth inspection of the effects of climate change on the Bolam Glacier was deemed necessary. The glaciers within Mount Shasta provide a small percentage of water to the Shasta Reservoir. More notably, the glacial bodies provide water supply to support habitats for immense biodiversity in flora and fauna within the region, including endemic species. Changes in glacial terminus elevation of the Bolam Glacier were observed in the field and through aerial photography. Through topographic and photographic inspection, in field geolocated waypoint collection and analysis of field data, a retreat of nearly 1500 meters at the Bolam Glacier was observed between the years photographs of 1998 and of 2024, suggesting a significant impact on glacial bodies in the region due to changes in climate.


    Ewert, J. W., Diefenbach, A. K., & Ramsey, D. W. (n.d.). Eruption History of Mount Shasta U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved January 6, 2025, from

    Geology and History of Mount Shasta U.S. Geological Survey. (2023, November 6). Retrieved January 6, 2025, from 

    Howat, I. M., & Tulaczyk, S. (2005, December 8). Climate sensitivity of spring snowpack in the Sierra Nevada. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110.

    Howat, I. M., Tulaczyk, S., Rhodes, P., Israel, K., & Snyder, M. (2006, August 18). A precipitation-dominated, mid-latitude glacier system: Mount Shasta, California. Climate Dynamics, 28, 85-98.

    Howat, I. M., & Tulaczyk, S. (2005). Trends in spring snowpack over a half-century of climate warming in California, USA. Annals of Glaciology, 40, 151.

    Lindsey, R., & Dahlman, L. (2024, January 18). Climate Change: Global Temperature NOAA Retrieved January 6, 2025, from

    How to cite: Welsh, L., Neuhaus, S., and Tulaczyk, S.: Assessing The Impact of Global Warming on Glacial Elevation of The Bolam Glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14115,, 2025.

    EGU25-14227 | Orals | AS1.38

    Karakoram Anomaly and its connection with the Western Disturbances 

    Pankaj Kumar and Aaquib Javed

    The global retreat of glaciers is a widely recognized indicator of climate change. However, the Karakoram region of the Himalayas defies this trend, exhibiting a unique phenomenon termed the “Karakoram Anomaly,” characterized by glacier stability or surges. This anomaly has been increasingly linked to the dynamics of western disturbances (WDs), upper-tropospheric synoptic systems propagating eastward along the subtropical westerly jet stream, critical drivers of winter precipitation in the region. This study synthesizes recent analyses of WDs using tracking algorithms applied to reanalysis datasets (ERA5, MERRA2, and NCEP-CFSR/CFSv2) to evaluate their role in sustaining the Karakoram Anomaly. While the frequency of WDs has remained relatively steady, a ∼10% increase in precipitation intensity associated with WDs over the anomaly core region has been observed in recent decades. The Karakoram receives approximately 65% of its total winter snowfall from WDs, emphasizing its pivotal role in modulating regional glacier mass balance. Concurrently, snowfall from non-WD sources has declined by ∼17%, further underscoring the significance of WDs. Changes in atmospheric dynamics, including enhanced baroclinic instability and a latitudinal shift in the subtropical westerly jet, have been identified as contributors to the increased intensity of WDs. Moreover, a statistically significant eastward shift (~9.7°E) in the genesis zone of WDs has been noted, resulting in enhanced cyclogenesis potential, higher moisture availability, and reduced propagation speeds. These factors collectively intensify WD-induced precipitation events over the Karakoram, supporting anomalous glacier behavior. This study highlights the critical influence of strengthening WDs on the Karakoram Anomaly, providing new insights into the interplay between atmospheric dynamics and regional glacier dynamics under climate change.


    Keywords: Glaciers, Karakoram anomaly, Western Disturbances, TRACK

    Acknowledgement: Funding from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India, grant number CRG/2021/00l227-G

    How to cite: Kumar, P. and Javed, A.: Karakoram Anomaly and its connection with the Western Disturbances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14227,, 2025.

    EGU25-15922 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Observed hotspots of changing snow depth and snowfall in European mountain regions 

    Dana-Magdalena Micu, Vlad-Alexandru Amihaesei, Gabriele Quinti, Kirsten Halsnæs, Shreya Some, Monica-Gabriela Paraschiv, Alexandru Dumitrescu, and Sorin Cheval

    Mountain regions are particularly vulnerable to natural hazards, such as snow avalanches, landslides, or flash-flooding, which are increasingly exacerbated by climate warming and changing climate patterns. This paper leverages the Copernicus Regional ReAnalysis for Europe (CERRA) dataset, with 5 km x 5 km spatial resolution, from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), covering the period 1985–2020, to analyse the changing of the seasonal patterns of snow depth and snowfall in two major European mountain ranges: the Alps and the Carpathians. More specifically, the study aims to identify the mountain areas with persistent and statistically significant increases or declines in snowfall and snow depth, referred to as "hotspots". The focus of the study is on four key snow depth and snowfall-related indicators including (i) total snow depth, (ii) number of snow cover days, (iii) days with snow depth exceeding 30 cm, and (iv) snowfall water equivalent. The hotspots are identified based on local spatial auto-corelation methods (the Getis and Ord G statistic), using the estimated Mann-Kendall trends of the four snow indicators as inputs. A positive Gi value signifies that a feature and its surrounding neighbours exhibit high values, whereas a negative Gi value indicates low values in the feature and its neighbours. The magnitude of the Gi value reflects the intensity of the clustering. 
    The results indicate widespread hotspots characterised by significant declines in both snow depth and snowfall indicators, in all seasons, especially at low and mid-elevations in both mountain regions. The observed shifts are particularly pronounced during winter (December-January-February) and spring (March-April-May). The location of identified hotspots carries multiple implications for the distribution and availability of water resources, ecosystem services, infrastructure and tourism activities, and so for the livelihood of mountain communities. These findings provide critical insights into the shifting snow avalanche hazard and their socio-economic impacts at NUTS3 level and in specific areas where historical snow avalanche events have significantly impacted three key socio-economic sectors—tourism, infrastructures, and forestry. They also could underscore the ongoing challenges in the mountain risk management under a changing climate.
    This research received funds from the project “Cross-sectoral Framework for Socio-Economic Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Events in Europe (CROSSEU)” funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme, under Grant agreement n° 101081377.

    How to cite: Micu, D.-M., Amihaesei, V.-A., Quinti, G., Halsnæs, K., Some, S., Paraschiv, M.-G., Dumitrescu, A., and Cheval, S.: Observed hotspots of changing snow depth and snowfall in European mountain regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15922,, 2025.

    EGU25-16079 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Campaign TEAMx: First results of wind observations compared to model simulations at three sites in the Inn Valley (Austria) 

    Rebecca Gugerli, Maxime Hervo, Alexander Gohm, Daniel Leuenberger, and Alexander Haefele

    In the framework of the campaign TEAMx, MeteoSwiss deployed a Doppler Wind Lidar (WL, Windcube-100S) in Radfeld, Austria. The WL provides high resolution wind speed and – direction measurements within the Inn Valley at several altitudes. These observations provide a reliable reference to investigate the performance of model wind estimates in alpine valleys. In this study, we use analyses data from the ICON NWP model computed with KENDA, a Km-scale ENsemble-based Data Assimilation system. These data from the KENDA-CH1 NWP system have a spatial resolution of 1.1x1.1 km and a temporal resolution of 1 hour. First results show a good model performance at Radfeld with an average root mean square vector difference (RMSVD) of 3.78 m/s during the period from 23 October 2024 to 16 December 2024.

    Furthermore, the comparison between observations and model analyses is extended to the sites of Kolsass and Innsbruck, which are both located in the same valley (Inn Valley) and at both sites wind observations are obtained by a WL (Halo Photonics Systems). In addition, we analyse the observations from a WL permanently deployed in Payerne (Switzerland).

    Our results show that the model has an average RMSVD lower than 3.8 m/s for all sites during the given time period. The only exception with a higher RMSVD occurs during the storm Caetano (19-23 November 2024). For Payerne, we find a RMSVD of 2.7 m/s, which is significantly better than for the other sites. This is explained by the assimilation of several observed atmospheric profiles (wind and temperature) in the model, which positively impacts the model analyses. Moreover, Payerne has a flatter topography. Overall, our results confirm a good performance of the simulated wind dynamics by the high resolution KENDA-CH1 NWP system.

    How to cite: Gugerli, R., Hervo, M., Gohm, A., Leuenberger, D., and Haefele, A.: Campaign TEAMx: First results of wind observations compared to model simulations at three sites in the Inn Valley (Austria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16079,, 2025.

    EGU25-16132 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Understanding elevation-dependent warming in the Alps through high-resolution surface energy balance analysis 

    Simon Zitzmann, Benjamin Fersch, and Harald Kunstmann

    This study investigates elevation-dependent warming (EDW) in the Alps, focusing on Berchtesgaden National Park, Germany, to provide insights into the drivers of warming patterns and their spatial variability.
    EDW refers to the variation in warming rates across altitude, often characterized by intensified warming trends at higher elevations. This phenomenon has significant implications for mountainous and downstream ecosystems and water resources. While multiple factors contributing to EDW have been discussed in the literature – such as snow-albedo feedbacks and the increased sensitivity of cold, dry regions to climate change – the roles of soil interactions and topography remain underexplored.

    Our research uses high-resolution spatial data and long-term temperature records to uncover how topography, soil properties and surface energy dynamics contribute to EDW. We utilize data from HISTALP, a homogenized observational dataset for the Greater Alpine Region, to examine the relationship between warming trends and topographic factors. Within the national park, 23 long-term stations monitor meteorological variables. Additionally, three temporary stations spanning altitudes from 617 to 1930 m measure surface energy balance components to capture elevation-dependent and small-scale effects.

    Preliminary findings indicate that EDW is influenced by factors beyond altitude. Historical data (1910–2010) reveal significant warming across altitudes in the Greater Alpine Region, with rates of 0.4–2.4 K per century. Higher elevations generally experience stronger warming, except in winter, when mid-elevation bands (500–1000 m) warm the most. Slope orientation significantly affects warming rates, with north-facing slopes showing amplified trends. Ongoing research aims to develop a statistical model incorporating topography, vegetation and soil properties to map warming trends across the Alps.
    Ground heat flux analysis reveals spatial variations potentially influenced by soil depth and moisture retention at different altitudes. Integrating these observations with simulations from the GEOtop hydrological model will provide spatially detailed and novel insights into relevant land surface processes.

    How to cite: Zitzmann, S., Fersch, B., and Kunstmann, H.: Understanding elevation-dependent warming in the Alps through high-resolution surface energy balance analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16132,, 2025.

    EGU25-16472 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38

    Assessing the representation of flow separation in Foehn descent with high-resolution numerical simulations 

    Julian Quimbayo-Duarte, Yue Tian, and Juerg Schmidli

    Foehn winds are warm, dry, downslope winds that occur on the lee side of mountain ranges. They result when moist air is forced to ascend on the windward side, cooling and losing moisture as precipitation. As the now-drier air descends on the leeward side, it warms adiabatically, leading to distinct temperature and humidity profiles. In the Alps, the descent of foehn winds is often confined to distinct hotspots where the interplay between complex topography, mountain-induced gravity waves, and flow separation processes focuses the descending air. These hotspots are associated with localized warming and drying, which can significantly influence weather conditions, predictability, and their impact on ecosystems and human activities in the affected regions. Previous studies, utilizing the COSMO model, a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model at 1 km resolution, visualized these hotspots and established their connection to mountain-induced gravity wave. However, the adequacy of a 1 km resolution in accurately capturing flow separation at the mountain surface—a key feature influencing foehn dynamics and predictability—remains an open question.

    To address this question, we conducted high-resolution simulations for two case studies: one in the Rhine Valley from February 2017 and another in Meiringen, Switzerland, from March 2022. Simulations were performed using the ICON model in NWP mode at a horizontal resolution of 1.1 km and ICON-LES at resolutions of 520 m, 260 m, and 130 m. For the Meiringen case, we validated our model setup using wind and temperature profiles obtained from the Meiringen Campaign (2021–2022). Meanwhile, the Rhine Valley case, previously analyzed at a resolution of 1 km, was revisited to assess whether higher resolutions provide an improved representation of flow separation dynamics. Additionally, we employ offline trajectories to precisely track the descent locations of the foehn air parcels, providing a detailed assessment of how model resolution influences the spatial distribution of descent hotspots in the Swiss Alps.

    Our study is the first to combine trajectory analysis with LES simulations in foehn research, enabling a detailed visualization of foehn trajectories. The ultimate goal of this study is to provide guidance on selecting appropriate model resolutions to enhance the accuracy of research on foehn winds and their associated effects.

    How to cite: Quimbayo-Duarte, J., Tian, Y., and Schmidli, J.: Assessing the representation of flow separation in Foehn descent with high-resolution numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16472,, 2025.

    EGU25-16725 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Steps for the identification of Elevation Dependent Warming in the Pyrenees 

    Pere Esteban Vea, Marc Prohom Duran, and Jordi Cunillera Grañó

    In recent decades, several research efforts have been made to quantify climate change in the Pyrenees, mainly focusing on temperature and precipitation trends since the 1950s. However, as in many mountain regions around the world, the lack of data at the highest elevations makes it difficult to draw solid conclusions about the varying warming rates at different altitudes.

    As part of the LIFE-SIP project "Pyrenees4Clima" (2024-2032) various tasks for the detection and analysis of Elevation-Dependent Warming (EDW) have been planned. First, as much climate series as possible above 1,500 meters is being compiled, with trend analysis, quality control, and homogenization (if needed) being carried out. Additionally, temperature and relative humidity sensors will be installed during the summer of 2025 to create or enhance four pilot areas in Spain (Catalonia and Aragón), France, and Andorra for a detailed analysis of EDW and circulation patterns. To support this readings, a complete automatic weather station has been installed in one of the pilote areas (in the Catalan Pyrenees and 1,700 m). By incorporating snow measurements from existing automatic weather stations, the influence of the presence or absence of snow on warming will also be explored.

    This presentation aims to show EGU 2025 participants our objectives, intentions, and results to date, learn about other EDW case studies, and share experiences and recommendations during this initial phase of our project.

    How to cite: Esteban Vea, P., Prohom Duran, M., and Cunillera Grañó, J.: Steps for the identification of Elevation Dependent Warming in the Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16725,, 2025.

    EGU25-16963 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Insight into subsurface - quantification of alpine heat waves and their impact on high mountain permafrost 

    Tomasz Gluzinski, Christian Hauck, Christin Hilbich, Coline Mollaret, and Cécile Pellet

    In recent years the changing state of the cryosphere has been one of the most visually striking effects of climate change in mountainous terrains, gathering increased attention of not only the scientific community but the general public. Ice loss in the subsurface, caused by a warming ground thermal regime, is not directly visible such as retreating glaciers or annual snow cover changes, but it can have major impacts on ground stability.
    Heat waves may contribute twofold to cryospheric changes: (1) as contributors to the general warming trend and (2) by (potentially) irreversibly changing the ground ice content through excessive amounts of heat penetrating the ground during such an event. Here, we focus on the second aspect and its impact on mountain permafrost. Although climatological research provides several tools for heat wave analysis, the application of (often regional) studies to the sparsely available borehole data and discrete meteorological monitoring networks are rare.
    We employ the Heat Wave Magnitude Index daily (HWMId) metric to analyse temperature data from several Swiss Permafrost Monitoring Network (PERMOS) and MeteoSwiss stations near well-studied permafrost monitoring sites in the Alps. Historical and reconstructed data are used to determine specific temperature thresholds per site, accounting for local conditions (such as geomorphology, geology or ice content) therefore a systematic heat wave definition can be applied uniformly across all locations.
    HWMId is compared to the changes in ground moisture content and observed changes in the permafrost body derived from borehole data. In addition, ice content is independently estimated from time series of 2-dimensional geophysical data, namely seismic refraction tomography and electrical resistivity tomography jointly inverted by petrophysical joint inversion. Initial results from the analysis of decade-long time series show correspondence between ground resistivity decrease with a general increasing trend in heat wave occurrences and intensity. Moreover heat waves precondition the permafrost for further thawing in subsequent years. Resilience of permafrost to the heat wave events in different landforms brings important implications for slope stability and safety of communities and infrastructure in mountainous regions.

    How to cite: Gluzinski, T., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Mollaret, C., and Pellet, C.: Insight into subsurface - quantification of alpine heat waves and their impact on high mountain permafrost, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16963,, 2025.

    EGU25-17153 | Posters on site | AS1.38

    Refining valley wind days detection from in situ observations and ERA5 reanalysis 

    Sebastiano Carpentari, Mira Shivani Sankar, Nadia Vendrame, Dino Zardi, and Lorenzo Giovannini

    Numerous studies proposed algorithms to identify days with well-developed valley wind circulations, commonly applying thresholds based on measurements from surface weather stations and/or reanalysis datasets. In the present study, the method suggested by Lehner et al. (2019) was selected as a starting point to detect valley wind days in the Alpine Adige Valley (Italy),  based on a year-long dataset collected at an eddy covariance flux station. The method employs three fixed thresholds: two on geopotential height gradients at 700 hPa in the North-South and West-East directions (synoptic forcing), and one on longwave radiation (Clear Sky Index, local forcing), following Marty and Philipona (2000). 

    To refine the procedure, in this study four geopotential pressure levels were considered, using the ERA5 reanalysis dataset covering the period 1991-2020. Additionally, the daily threshold was assessed using a n-day moving window centered on the target day. The Clear Sky Index was calculated, choosing the most suitable emissivity parameterization for the Adige Valley. Furthermore, objective adjustments to the Clear Sky Index reference limit were made. Finally, the method was tested with data from other eddy-covariance stations to verify its performance in different contexts and generalize the results.

    How to cite: Carpentari, S., Shivani Sankar, M., Vendrame, N., Zardi, D., and Giovannini, L.: Refining valley wind days detection from in situ observations and ERA5 reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17153,, 2025.

    EGU25-20147 | Orals | AS1.38

    On the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over highly complex terrain 

    Juerg Schmidli and Bruno Neininger

    The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over mountainous regions plays a crucial role in exchange processes between the surface and the free atmosphere, influencing weather, climate, and air quality. Unlike the relatively uniform ABL over flat terrain, the structure of the mountain boundary layer (MoBL) is highly complex due to the wide spectrum of scales of motion induced by the multi-scale orography. These scales range from small-scale turbulence and coherent structures to slope and valley winds, encompassing both thermally and dynamically forced flows. This intricate interplay of processes creates a highly heterogeneous and variable boundary layer that challenges traditional modeling approaches and necessitates detailed investigation. This study aims to enhance understanding of the convective boundary layer (CBL) over highly complex terrain by addressing the following questions: What are the characteristics of the coherent structures (e.g., thermals) in the CBL and how stationary are they? What is their diurnal cycle, and how do their statistics, such as preferred locations, vary from day to day?

    To answer these questions, we utilize the ICON model to perform large-domain, real-world large-eddy simulations (LES) at a resolution of 65 m, incorporating 1.5 million grid points. The simulations employ a nesting strategy with four domains at resolutions of 520 m, 260 m, 130 m, and 65 m, progressively refining the model to capture fine-scale dynamics. Conducted over the Swiss Alps for seven days in August 2022, the simulations reveal a highly heterogeneous boundary layer with preferred locations for thermal formation. These locations exhibit a rather consistent diurnal cycle and remarkably small day-to-day variability, despite changing large-scale forcings. Comparisons with Alptherm, a Lagrangian model designed for forecasting gliding conditions, provide additional context. Insights from this study advance our understanding of the mountain ABL and support improvements in mesoscale and forecasting models for complex terrain.

    How to cite: Schmidli, J. and Neininger, B.: On the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over highly complex terrain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20147,, 2025.

    EGU25-2877 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    Atmospheric response to Antarctic coastal polynyas 

    Matthias Noel, Sébastien Masson, and Clément Rousset

    Antarctic coastal polynyas are ice-free areas forming in sea ice-covered regions, primarily driven by strong katabatic winds that push sea ice offshore. These polynyas enable ocean-to-atmosphere heat exchange, driving intense sea ice production and dense water formation. Despite their role in generating Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which constitutes 30-40% of global ocean volume, their atmospheric dynamics remain poorly understood.

    This study investigates the atmospheric impacts of Antarctic coastal polynyas using high-resolution (3 km) WRF simulations, focusing on the Prydz Bay region, including the Cape Darnley (CDP) and Mackenzie Bay polynyas (MBP). A sensitivity experiment without polynya, highlights the significant atmospheric changes when polynyas are open: a major heat release toward the atmosphere (up to 1000 W·m⁻²) increases the air temperature (over 5.5°C), creates a low-pressure anomaly (-70 Pa), an acceleration of the surface winds (over 5 m·s⁻¹) and an intense atmospheric convection leading to a thicker boundary layer (+400 m) and more clouds. Two recirculation anomaly cells develop upstream and downstream of the polynya. An analysis of meridional wind trends reveals that the dynamical response of the atmosphere to the polynya opening is controlled by a balance between the pressure gradient forces, the advection and the vertical diffusion, reinforced by the strong vertical turbulent mixing above the polynya. 

    These results underline the substantial influence of polynyas on local atmospheric dynamics, and suggest potential feedback mechanisms that could influence polynya dynamics and consequently the AABW formation.

    How to cite: Noel, M., Masson, S., and Rousset, C.: Atmospheric response to Antarctic coastal polynyas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2877,, 2025.

    EGU25-3313 | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Decadal time series of high-resolution downwelling spectral radiancemeasurements from Concordia Station, Antarctica 

    Giovanni Bianchini, Gianluca Di Natale, Luca Palchetti, and Marco De Pas

    In December, 2011 the REFIR-PAD Fourier transform spectroradiometer was installed in Concordia Station, Antarctica to perform continuous monitoring of the atmospheric downwelling emitted radiance in the middle-far infrared region. The spectroradiometer is supported by several auxiliary instruments to monitor ground and sky conditions and, since 2020, by a compact lidar sensor to provide cloud structure in the lower troposphere and boundary layer region, thus establishing a complete and integrated set of sensors for the monitoring of the Antarctic troposphere.

    The main product in the data set provided by the observing system consists in high-resolution spectral radiances measured in the 100-1500 cm-1 region with a 0.4 cm-1 resolution. This allows us not only to separate the contributions to the radiation budget due to H2O, CO2, O3 and clouds, but also to retrieve vertical profiles of water vapor and temperature, columnar amounts of minor constituents and cloud properties through a data inversion process.

    The production of a consistent long-term dataset needs to front multiple challenges which are intrinsic in long period continuous operation in extreme environment, methods for the correction of systematic effects and to perform automatic data quality assessment had been developed in order to be able to make the data available for use by the atmospheric science community.

    An example of the results that can be obtained exploiting the advantage of long term measurement and high temporal resolution provided by the dataset is the identification and analysis of extreme events: not only it is possible to perform a detailed analysis of the most prominent events on an hourly timescale, but also it is possible to search the dataset for the occurrence and statistics of minor events that could be of similar origin.

    How to cite: Bianchini, G., Di Natale, G., Palchetti, L., and De Pas, M.: Decadal time series of high-resolution downwelling spectral radiancemeasurements from Concordia Station, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3313,, 2025.

    EGU25-3634 | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Assessment of Long-Term Climatic, Hydrological, and River Ice Dynamics in River Oulankajoki  

    Abolfazl Jalali Shahrood, Amirhossein Ahrari, and Ali Torabi Haghighi

    This study examines long-term climatic and hydrological trends in River Oulankajoki, in Finland. The aim is to understand the impacts of changing climate conditions on river systems. Using 57 years (1966–2023) of daily air temperature and snow depth data from the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and hydrological observations from the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), the analysis incorporates longwave (LW) and shortwave (SW) radiation data from ERA5, accessed through Google Earth Engine (GEE). The Mann-Kendall trend test was employed to detect significant temporal changes, that reveals a significant decreasing trend in both air temperature values and discharge Phase Change Timing (i.e., PCT) over the study period. The results show that the river ice break-up timing has been shifting about 3-weeks in time, meaning that the break-up season occurs earlier than 57 years ago. These changes indicate potential shifts in regional climate dynamics, likely influenced by global climate change. Correlation heatmaps showed strong positive relationships between air temperature (AT) and river ice Break-Up Days (i.e., BUDs).

    How to cite: Jalali Shahrood, A., Ahrari, A., and Torabi Haghighi, A.: Assessment of Long-Term Climatic, Hydrological, and River Ice Dynamics in River Oulankajoki , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3634,, 2025.

    EGU25-4130 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    Quantifying the risk of unprecedented Antarctic heatwaves 

    Charlie Suitters, James Screen, and Jennifer Catto

    It has been widely documented that the East Antarctic heatwave (EAH) in March 2022 featured some of the largest positive temperature anomalies ever recorded anywhere on Earth. The heatwave was extraordinary in both extent and magnitude, where anomalies of at least 30°C were reached widely in the region. This study seeks to determine the likelihood of this event, the risk of even more extreme events occurring in the current state of the Antarctic climate; and whether events of a similar magnitude could occur elsewhere on the continent and at other times of year, with potentially more severe impacts for ice shelf stability. A large ensemble of seasonal hindcasts from multiple forecasting centres is used to assess the simulated occurrence of high temperature extremes over Antarctica, using a technique known as "UNprecedented Simulated Extremes using Ensembles" (UNSEEN).

    The March 2022 EAH was outside the range of possible extreme temperatures suggested by the ensemble of hindcasts, signifying that events of this magnitude are incredibly rare. It is also shown with the ensemble that almost everywhere in Antarctica could experience unprecedented March heatwaves in the current climate, at least 5°C higher than has been observed. The UNSEEN method also suggests that temperature anomalies of a similar magnitude to those in the March 2022 EAH could occur widely across the continent in today’s climate. Therefore, Antarctic heatwaves on the scale of the 2022 event could occur almost anywhere, even though they have not yet been observed. This would be particularly problematic over the larger ice shelves of the Ross and Ronne-Filchner. If the extreme temperatures suggested by UNSEEN are realised here, it is shown that these ice shelves would be more susceptible to more frequent, or more severe, melting. This could ultimately result in weaker ice shelves, ice shelf collapse, and rising global sea levels.

    How to cite: Suitters, C., Screen, J., and Catto, J.: Quantifying the risk of unprecedented Antarctic heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4130,, 2025.

    EGU25-5718 | Orals | AS4.1

    Extreme increases in snow grain size on the Antarctic Plateau from Satellite Observations and Ice Sheet-Atmosphere Interactions 

    Claudio Stefanini, Giovanni Macelloni, Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Vincent Favier, Benjamin Pohl, and Ghislain Picard

    Grain size variations impact the albedo and have consequence for the energy budget of the surface.  The snow grain size in Antarctica follows a clear seasonal pattern: a summer increase and a winter decrease, which are conditioned by atmospheric processes —namely temperature, wind, snowfall— and by mechanisms acting inside the snowpack leading to water vapour transport thus causing the coarsening of the grains. This study focuses on the evolution of the grain size in the interior part of East Antarctica, where dry metamorphism occurs, by using satellite observations. For this, we use, as proxy for the snow grain size, the Grain Size Index (GSI) inferred from the 89 and 150 GHz radiometer observations collected by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B) from 2000 to 2022. Four extreme increase in GSI have been identified over the Antarctic Plateau, along the highest ice divide. In these cases, the ERA5 reanalysis revealed an atmospheric blocking/ridge situation around the onsets of the summer growing of the grain size, conveying the relatively warm and moist air coming from the mid latitudes, often associated with atmospheric rivers. The snow dry metamorphism is facilitated conditions of weak wind, low temperature and low snowfall conditions during the following weeks, leading to grain growth. These conditions determine anomalous high value of the snow grain size at the end of summer. Theoretical analysis have been performed to investigate in detail the extreme snow grain size event happened near Dome Fuji during the summer 2019-2020. The simulations of the AMSU-B observations  confirm that this extreme variation is mainly related to an increase in snow grain size. Results also highlighted  a decrease in snow density during this event. This is supported by independent satellite observations at 1.4 and 36 GHz (from Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity SMOS and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 AMSR-2, respectively), which showed synchronized variations related to an unusual change in surface snow density.

    How to cite: Stefanini, C., Macelloni, G., Leduc-Leballeur, M., Favier, V., Pohl, B., and Picard, G.: Extreme increases in snow grain size on the Antarctic Plateau from Satellite Observations and Ice Sheet-Atmosphere Interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5718,, 2025.

    EGU25-7154 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    Drivers and impacts of the vertical structure of the troposphere at Villum Research Station, Northeast Greenland 

    Jonathan Fipper, Jakob Abermann, Ingo Sasgen, and Wolfgang Schöner

    The vertical temperature structure controls atmospheric stability and is a key component for surface energy exchange. However, in situ data for validation of re-analysis data or process studies remain scarce in the Arctic. We collected 130 vertical temperature profiles up to 500 m above ground using uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) over different surface types (ice, snow-free tundra, open water) around the Villum Research Station (VRS) in Northeast Greenland. The VRS is adjacent to Flade Isblink, the largest peripheral ice cap in Greenland. To assess the accuracy of our approach, we conducted 50 ascents and descents next to a meteorological mast equipped with temperature sensors at 2 m, 8 m, 20 m and 80 m above ground. Our UAV-based approach shows good agreement with the mast, with about 90% of the measurements being within the sensor accuracy of 0.6°C. Furthermore, we find a robust agreement between the UAV data and the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) data set (mean absolute difference of 1°C; r= 0.59) depending on the prevailing wind direction. To understand the influence of different surface properties on the vertical temperature structures and their temporal changes, we focus on daily CARRA data for June, July and August between 1991 and 2024. We show that differences in air temperature between regions of snow-free tundra and glacier ice maximize in July and find the maximum altitude up to which the atmosphere is significantly (α = 0.05) controlled by surface properties at about 100 m above ground. Next, we use K-means clustering to categorize temperature gradients above this threshold of 100 m and 500 m to analyze the associated large-scale atmospheric conditions. We are able to distinguish 5 clusters from the temperature gradients related to distinct patterns of large-scale atmospheric conditions of 850 hPa temperature and 500 hPa geopotential height. These preliminary results suggest that the temperature structures of the lowest 100 m of the troposphere are significantly controlled by surface properties and consequently by the fraction of snow cover in the tundra. Above 100 m, temperature gradients are driven by large-scale synoptic conditions. Finally, we study the effect of surface properties and large-scale circulation on the mass balance of the Flade Isblink ice cap using the Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR).

    How to cite: Fipper, J., Abermann, J., Sasgen, I., and Schöner, W.: Drivers and impacts of the vertical structure of the troposphere at Villum Research Station, Northeast Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7154,, 2025.

    EGU25-9051 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    30 years of Antarctic weather station observations by the IMAU network (1995-2025) 

    Maurice Van Tiggelen, Paul Smeets, Carleen Reijmer, Peter Kuipers Munneke, and Michiel van den Broeke

    Since 1995, the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU) at Utrecht University has operated automatic weather stations (AWS) at 20 different locations on the Antarctic ice sheet. In cooperation with multiple institutes, AWS were installed in Dronning Maud Land, on the East Antarctic Plateau, on the remnants of the Larsen B ice shelf, and on the Larsen C and Roi Baudouin ice shelves.  Besides standard meteorological observations (wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity, surface pressure), these stations also recorded the four components of net surface radiation, as well as surface height change. That allows for a reliable estimation of the surface energy balance (SEB) and surface mass balance (SMB) at hourly temporal resolution. Due to the harsh climatic conditions and limited number of maintenance visits, the data require a thorough quality control procedure and specific sensor corrections.

    Here we present the corrections that were applied to the measurements, as well as the procedure that was implemented to flag suspicious samples. We give an overview of the first quantification of the long-term variability in SEB components, as well as the strong contrast between the high-melt locations near the grounding lines of ice shelves and the dry interior of the Antarctic ice sheet.  In total, 152 station-years of observations are available, of which 78% are non-flagged simultaneous observations of all meteorological and radiation parameters.

    This dataset may be used for the evaluation of climate models and for the interpretation and validation of remote sensing products, but also for the quantification of climatological changes and for process understanding in general. The data are openly available at

    How to cite: Van Tiggelen, M., Smeets, P., Reijmer, C., Kuipers Munneke, P., and van den Broeke, M.: 30 years of Antarctic weather station observations by the IMAU network (1995-2025), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9051,, 2025.

    EGU25-9646 | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Interconnections between the components of the Antarctic climate system: a causal inference approach 

    Sebastian Berghald, Nicole Van Lipzig, Hugues Goosse, and Stef Lhermitte

    Antarctica and the Southern Ocean have an important role in Earth's climate, influencing global heat balance and carbon uptake. Recent anomalies, such as drastic sea ice decline, anomalous snowfall, and unprecedented heat waves challenge our understanding of the region's climate response. Both internal (local processes) and external (influence from lower latitudes) factors have been suggested as drivers of this variability, but the relative contributions of these remain unknown due to the lack of observations as well as shortcomings in climate models. We aim to enhance the understanding of this system by making use of recent advances in causal effect estimation. Going beyond correlation, causal network reconstruction aims to detect cause-effect links and their strength from observational datasets, including satellite records and reanalysis data. For selected sectors of Antarctica, the interconnections between ice sheet surface mass balance (SMB), sea ice, ocean temperature, and meridional transport of heat and water from lower latitudes are examined and causal relationships identified and quantified.

    How to cite: Berghald, S., Van Lipzig, N., Goosse, H., and Lhermitte, S.: Interconnections between the components of the Antarctic climate system: a causal inference approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9646,, 2025.

    EGU25-10147 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Glacier-Climate Interactions across Time: A West Greenland Case Study  

    Florina Roana Schalamon, Lindsey Nicholson, Sebastian Scher, Andreas Trügler, Wolfgang Schöner, and Jakob Abermann

    Altitude-driven gradients of air temperature, humidity, wind, and surface mass balance play a critical role in understanding glacier-climate interactions, particularly in regions of rapid environmental change like the Arctic. In this study, we compare datasets from Alfred Wegener’s last expedition to the west coast of Greenland in 1930/31 with a modern measurement network established at the same locations in 2022. This unique comparison offers insights into how the atmospheric and glacial conditions have changed within a century.  
    The measurement network consists of one automatic weather station at the coast over bare ground in vicinity of the outlet glacier Qaamarujup Sermia and another at 940 m on the Greenland Ice Sheet. For both locations observations exist during the Wegener expedition and since 2022. Additionally, temperature and humidity sensors and surface mass balance measurements distributed between these two points provide high-resolution spatial data.  
    The observed gradients in air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction are analysed at multiple temporal scales, from diurnal cycles to annual variations. Preliminary results show that the air temperature gradient between the coastal and the glacier station follows a seasonal cycle by being the smallest in spring (on average –6.5 °C) and the largest in winter (on average –11°C). Although this is true in the historic and modern dataset, the gradient in spring is colder in 2023 and 2024 with –7.0°C and –6.7°C respectively versus –5.7°C in 1931. The summer gradient is warmer in the modern dataset from -8.3°C in 1930, -9.3°C in 1931 to -7.7°C in 2023 and -7.8°C in 2024.  
    Our goal is to understand the key factors shaping these gradients, including the influence of large-scale atmospheric patterns such as the Greenlandic Blocking Index and North Atlantic Oscillation and the prevailing regional conditions identified through self-organizing maps. By comparing historical and modern datasets, we further examine how changes in glacier geometry and a frontal retreat of approximately 2 km since the 1930s have shaped climatic gradients. A particular focus is placed on whether this influence is more pronounced at the coastal or the glacier station.  
    This work contributes to the broader understanding of how glacier-climate interactions are influenced by both local and large-scale factors and underscores the value of historic observational records in assessing climate change impacts. 

    How to cite: Schalamon, F. R., Nicholson, L., Scher, S., Trügler, A., Schöner, W., and Abermann, J.: Glacier-Climate Interactions across Time: A West Greenland Case Study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10147,, 2025.

    EGU25-11681 | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Surface radiation budget data in a bipolar perspective: observations, comparison and exploiting for products. 

    Alice Cavaliere, Claudia Frangipani, Daniele Baracchi, Francesca Becherini, Angelo Lupi, Mauro Mazzola, Simone Pulimeno, Dasara Shullani, and Vito Vitale

    Clouds modulate the net radiative flux interacting with both shortwave and longwave radiation, but the uncertainties regarding their effect in polar regions are especially high, because ground observations are lacking and evaluation through satellites is made difficult by the high surface reflectance. In this work, the radiative regimes and sky conditions for five different stations, two in the Arctic (Ny-Ålesund, 78.92°N, 11.93°E,  Barrow, 71.32°N, 156.61° W) and four in Antarctica (Neumayer, 70.68°S, 8.27°W; Syowa,  69.01°S, 39.58°E; South Pole, 90°S, 0°E ; DomeC, 75.01°S, 123.33°E) will be presented, considering the decade between 2010 and 2020. Measurements of broadband shortwave and longwave radiation components (both downwelling and upwelling) are collected within the frame of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) (Driemel et al. 2018). Observations, together with  identification of the clear sky and overcast conditions will be compared with ERA5 reanalysis (Herschbach et al., 2023). Furthermore, the identified conditions based on estimated cloud fraction will serve as labels for a machine learning classification task, leveraging algorithms such as Random Forest and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks (i.e. Zeng et al., 2021; Sedlar et al., 2021). These models incorporate features including global and diffuse shortwave radiation, downward longwave radiation, solar zenith angle, surface air temperature, relative humidity, and the ratio of water vapor pressure to surface temperature. The Random Forest model will also compute feature importance, identifying the most influential variables in predicting sky conditions and providing insights into the relationships between these meteorological factors.


    Driemel et al. (2018): Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN): structure and data description (1992–2017). 

    Riihimaki et al. (2019): Radiative Flux Analysis (RADFLUXANAL) Value-Added Product.

    Hersbach, H. et al. (2023): ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS) 

    Zeng, Z. et al. (2021): Estimation and Long-term Trend Analysis of Surface Solar Radiation in Antarctica: A Case Study of Zhongshan Station. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 38, 1497–1509. 

    Sedlar, J. et al. (2021): Development of a Random-Forest Cloud-Regime Classification Model Based on Surface Radiation and Cloud Products. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 60, 477–491.

    How to cite: Cavaliere, A., Frangipani, C., Baracchi, D., Becherini, F., Lupi, A., Mazzola, M., Pulimeno, S., Shullani, D., and Vitale, V.: Surface radiation budget data in a bipolar perspective: observations, comparison and exploiting for products., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11681,, 2025.

    EGU25-12116 | Orals | AS4.1

    Melting energy sources in rainfall conditions over Pine Island Bay, Antarctica. 

    Denys Pishniak, Ella Gilbert, Larysa Pysarenko, and Andrew Orr

    The case of a strong heat anomaly around Pine Island Bay is examined. This region of west Antarctica is well known for its rapidly thinning and accelerating marine-terminating glaciers. Polar-WRF model simulations were used to investigate the atmospheric structure, dynamic and energy fluxes of this event at high spatial resolution. The modeling discovered a hot spot that formed due to the development of relatively large-scale foehn phenomena at the basin of Pine Island Glacier (PIG). The thickness of the positive temperature layer over this region can exceed 1 km with a maximum of +8ºC. The layering of several warm air masses, accompanied by atmospheric rivers, causes significant liquid precipitation over coastal glaciers and ice shelves.  In such rare cases precipitation makes the main contribution to heat flux directed from atmosphere to the surface. The flux can reach up to 400 W m-2 in the form of latent heat (which may release later). Direct heat transfer is also contributing to surface warming as a negligible part of the heat balance. We also tried to estimate a nonlinear dependence of precipitation heat fluxes in relation to atmosphere warming.  Finally, Noah LSM used in WRF model has some simplicities that make it not an ideal instrument for estimation of precipitation heat fluxes in polar regions. Although precipitation distribution and local wind patterns are sensitive to topography representation and demand high model resolution for estimation accuracy.

    How to cite: Pishniak, D., Gilbert, E., Pysarenko, L., and Orr, A.: Melting energy sources in rainfall conditions over Pine Island Bay, Antarctica., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12116,, 2025.

    EGU25-12294 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Evolution of precipitations and snow depth over the Arctic sea ice modeled by the regional climate model MAR 

    Clara Lambin, Christoph Kittel, Damien Maure, Brice Noël, and Xavier Fettweis

    The Arctic is experiencing changes in precipitation, both in terms of amount and phase, due to rising temperatures. Key mechanisms contributing to these changes include increased poleward moisture transport and higher ocean evaporation resulting from the shrinking sea ice cover. In autumn, changes in precipitation over the sea ice can influence its growth by altering the insulation between the ocean and the atmosphere. A reduction in snow cover (which has lower insulating properties) enables the ocean to cool faster by releasing heat into the atmosphere, thus promoting sea ice growth. In spring, variations in snowfall and rainfall can affect the sea ice albedo, influencing its melting rate. Using the regional climate model MAR, which includes a complex snow scheme, we examine trends in precipitation and snow depth over the Arctic sea ice during the growth season. We also conduct sensitivity tests to assess the response of snow depth to changes in sea ice thickness.

    How to cite: Lambin, C., Kittel, C., Maure, D., Noël, B., and Fettweis, X.: Evolution of precipitations and snow depth over the Arctic sea ice modeled by the regional climate model MAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12294,, 2025.

    EGU25-13156 | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Polar-to-midlatitude teleconnections in a warming world: Statistical relationships from large ensembles 

    Carley Iles, Bjørn Samset, and Marianne Lund

    How are polar-to-midlatitude teleconnections represented in recent large ensembles of coupled climate model simulations? And how do they evolve with global warming? Using the rich information on internal variability available from large ensembles, we investigate the relationship between sea ice amount and atmospheric circulation for both Arctic and Antarctic sea ice variability in CESM2 and ACCESS-ESM1-5, using a composite analysis. We find that the links between sea ice and sea level pressure (SLP), the midlatitude jet stream and temperature depend on the region in which sea ice varies, for instance with low Barents-Kara sea ice in January being associated with a positive North Atlantic Oscillation SLP pattern and high pressure over Northern Eurasia. These circulation patterns persist with increased levels of global warming, until around 3 or 4°C when they start to evolve in some cases, as sea ice starts to disappear. Surface air temperatures are anomalously high around the region of sea ice retreat with varying patterns of remote cooling elsewhere. Lagged analysis shows that sea-ice circulation relationships when the atmosphere leads sea ice are very similar to the instantaneous relationships, suggesting that the latter largely reflects the atmospheric patterns leading to reduced sea ice. For positive lags (sea ice leading the atmosphere), for some regions the SLP teleconnections persist in a weakened state for subsequent months, whilst for others they evolve, e.g. into a negative Arctic Oscillation response for Barents-Kara sea ice reduction. However, results for positive lags differ between the two models examined. SLP relationships with Antarctic sea ice are model dependent, but feature a negative Southern Annular Mode pattern in ACCESS-ESM1-5. In CESM2, we find a less zonally symmetric pattern which also consists of high pressure over the pole in Autumn and Winter.

    How to cite: Iles, C., Samset, B., and Lund, M.: Polar-to-midlatitude teleconnections in a warming world: Statistical relationships from large ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13156,, 2025.

    EGU25-13164 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    The Key Role of the Southern Annular Mode During the Seasonal Sea Ice Maximum in Recent Antarctic Sea Ice Loss 

    Chloe Boehm, David W.J. Thompson, and Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth

    Southern Hemisphere sea ice area (SH SIA) exhibited weak increases from the early 1980s until 2015 when it abruptly dropped, setting record low values in 2017, 2022, and 2023. The reasons for the rapid declines in SH SIA remain open to debate, with potential explanations ranging from changes in tropical Pacific climate, warming of the high latitude subsurface ocean, and contemporaneous variations in the extratropical atmospheric circulation. Here we provide novel insights into the role of the extratropical atmospheric circulation in driving year-to-year and long-term changes in Antarctic sea ice, with a focus on the influence of the Southern annular mode (SAM) on recent trends in SH sea ice area. The influence of the SAM on SH SIA exhibits a more pronounced seasonal variation than that indicated in previous work: during the annual sea ice minimum, anomalous circumpolar westerlies associated with the positive polarity of the SAM lead to increases in SH SIA that persistent for several months. In contrast, during the annual sea ice maximum, anomalous circumpolar westerlies associated with the positive polarity of the SAM lead to pronounced decreases in Antarctic sea ice that persist for up to a year. In terms of annual-mean SH SIA, by far the largest impacts arise from variations in the atmospheric circulation during the sea ice maximum. As a result, changes in the SAM during the sea ice maximum have had a marked impact on long-term changes in SH SIA. These linkages are robust in both observationally constrained data products and modeled data, with additional results exploring how this relationship changes as the mean state of the climate changes under global warming.

    How to cite: Boehm, C., Thompson, D. W. J., and Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E.: The Key Role of the Southern Annular Mode During the Seasonal Sea Ice Maximum in Recent Antarctic Sea Ice Loss, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13164,, 2025.

    EGU25-13984 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Quality-controlled meteorological datasets from SIGMA automatic weather stations in northwest Greenland 

    Motoshi Nishimura, Teruo Aoki, Masashi Niwano, Sumito Matoba, Tomonori Tanikawa, Tetsuhide Yamasaki, Satoru Yamaguchi, and Koji Fujita

    In situ meteorological data are essential for a better understanding of the ongoing environmental changes in the Arctic. In order to increase the scientific value of discussions on understanding the actual state of environmental change in a given area, it is necessary to appropriately remove the anomalous values recorded due to external factors resulting from low temperature and icing. Here we present methods for quality control (QC) of meteorological observation datasets from two automatic weather stations in northwest Greenland, where drastic glaciological and meteorological environmental changes have occurred. The stations were installed in the accumulation area of the Greenland Ice Sheet (SIGMA-A site, 1490 m a.s.l.) and near the equilibrium line of the Qaanaaq Ice Cap (SIGMA-B site, 944 m a.s.l.). We describe the two-step sequence of QC procedures we used to produce increasingly reliable data sets by masking erroneous records. This method was developed for the climatic conditions of Greenland, however, it is designed to be as universally applicable as possible, with a basis in meteorology and glaciology, and with the intention of removing the subjectivity of the person performing the QC. The QC is divided into two processes: Initial Control and Secondary Control. Initial Control removes values that violate physical laws and also serves as a preliminary process to improve the accuracy of Secondary Control. Secondary Control removes abnormal values using stricter statistical criteria than Initial Control. As a result of this two-step process, controlled by scientifically objective criteria, we were able to successfully remove erroneous data sets and greatly reduce the time required for QC. In addition, by using a generally applicable process, we were able to successfully establish an algorithm that could be applied to multiple sites. The data sets from both the SIGMA-A and SIGMA-B sites were classified into three levels (Level 1.1 to Level 1.3) according to the stage of data processing. Level 1.1 is the so-called raw data, in which the data for the period when the logger was stopped are masked (processed to flag them as missing or abnormal), the so-called raw data. Level 1.2 and Level 1.3 are datasets to which Initial Control and Secondary Control have been applied to the Level 1.1 and Level 1.2 datasets, respectively, and the Level 1.3 dataset is a dataset from which all abnormal values have been removed. These datasets have been archived in the Arctic Data Archive System (ADS) operated by the National Institute of Polar Research in Japan (e.g., Level 1.3 dataset: SIGMA-A - and SIGMA-B -

    How to cite: Nishimura, M., Aoki, T., Niwano, M., Matoba, S., Tanikawa, T., Yamasaki, T., Yamaguchi, S., and Fujita, K.: Quality-controlled meteorological datasets from SIGMA automatic weather stations in northwest Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13984,, 2025.

    EGU25-14448 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Coupled Influence of Synoptic Weather and Topographic Control on Near-surface Wind Variability in the Denman Glacier Basin, East Antarctica 

    Zhaohui Wang, Laurie Menviel, Alex Sen Gupta, Ian Goodwin, Zijian Chen, and Thomas Caton Harrison

    Denman Glacier Basin, a critical region for studying polar ice dynamics and climate change impacts, is heavily influenced by the combination of topographic and atmospheric conditions, particularly experiencing strong downslope winds. This study examines the structure and variability of near-surface winds in the basin, focusing on the influence of large-scale circulation, synoptic weathers, and local orographic effects. Through high-resolution atmospheric simulation experiments, we demonstrate the forced components of near-surface winds during prevalent synoptic systems in the area, quantifying the roles of large-scale and locally driven forces in shaping wind structure and variability. We also conduct perturbation experiments with topographies of varying resolutions to examine the orographic controls on the spatial climatology of downslope winds, in response to a range of synoptic systems typical to the region. Our findings can be used to clarify uncertainties in interpreting snow accumulation variability in ice cores and determining whether modern regional mass balance trends result from increased glacial discharge or shifts in synoptic circulation. This research findings will be used to interpret the Denman Glacier discharge, snow accumulation over the basin, aiding in the interpretation of recent ice core data collected in the recent field season.


    How to cite: Wang, Z., Menviel, L., Sen Gupta, A., Goodwin, I., Chen, Z., and Caton Harrison, T.: Coupled Influence of Synoptic Weather and Topographic Control on Near-surface Wind Variability in the Denman Glacier Basin, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14448,, 2025.

    EGU25-14582 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    Extreme Precipitation in the Cyrosphere: Atmospheric River Interaction with Antarctic Sea Ice 

    Gabrielle Linscott, Chelsea Parker, Linette Boisvert, and Elina Valkonen

    In 2016, Antarctic sea ice experienced a regime shift when a persisting decreasing trend emerged from a relatively stable annual cycle. Drivers of the sea ice regime shift and future projections of Southern Ocean sea ice remain unresolved. One possible contributing phenomena are atmospheric rivers (ARs), which are long, narrow, and transient features responsible for the majority of global poleward water vapor transport. Though infrequent over Antarctica, ARs wield a substantial influence on the Antarctic ice mass balance. Previous studies highlight their significance, attributing 35% of the interannual precipitation variability over the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) to ARs. The interaction between ARs and Antarctic sea ice has not been as clearly defined. Our ongoing work uses ERA5 reanalysis data, results from an AR tracking algorithm, and passive microwave sea ice concentration data from 1980 to 2023 to examine the relationship between ARs and Antarctic sea ice, especially in the context of the changing sea ice state. In this study, we explore the relationship between AR activity and sea ice area at a region and seasonal scale, then analyse the contribution of ARs to precipitation over sea ice and how that contribution has changed through the 40-year study period. On average, ARs can be attributed with 11% of total precipitation, 11% of snowfall, and 13% of rain over Antarctic sea ice. While the AR contribution to sea ice snowfall is fairly consistent through the year, the predominant AR contribution to rain rotates around the Southern Ocean sequentially by season. The strongest signal of AR precipitation over sea ice is in the Weddell Sea winter, when ARs constitute 25% of winter rain. The trends of these contributions vary by season and by region. For example, while AR precipitation on sea ice has an increasing trend across all types of precipitation in each season in the Weddell Sea, the opposite is true for the Ross Sea. These findings underscore the importance of the AR interaction with Antarctic sea ice, particularly in the context of seasonal and regional variability and change. This work will improve our understanding of the spatiotemporal variability and trends of ARs as precipitation mechanisms, which is vital for understanding and predicting sea ice mass balance in a changing climate.

    How to cite: Linscott, G., Parker, C., Boisvert, L., and Valkonen, E.: Extreme Precipitation in the Cyrosphere: Atmospheric River Interaction with Antarctic Sea Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14582,, 2025.

    EGU25-15568 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Emulating Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt Using Graph Neural Networks 

    Ziqi Yin, Aneesh Subramanian, and Rajashree Datta

    As global mean temperatures exceeded the 1.5 °C threshold in 2024, the urgency to better quantify the impacts of global warming, including sea level rise contributions from polar ice sheets, has intensified. The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has experienced significant mass loss over recent decades, primarily driven by surface melting, a process expected to accelerate under continued warming. Surface melt is influenced by a combination of factors and complex interactions between atmosphere and ice sheet surface, but simulating these processes using coupled climate models is computationally expensive and often impractical.

    In this study, we develop a graph neural network (GNN) as an emulator for GrIS surface melt, trained on output from the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2), which explicitly calculates surface melt through a downscaled surface energy balance framework. GNNs are uniquely suited to this task, as they capture spatial and relational dependencies across the ice sheet, enabling the emulator to reproduce spatially resolved melt fields and identify the influence of key atmospheric patterns.

    We will first evaluate the emulator’s performance in replicating CESM2 simulated melt under different climatic conditions and employ explainability techniques to identify the relative importance of key atmospheric patterns in driving surface melt. This work aims to demonstrate the utility of machine learning emulators in enhancing our understanding of GrIS surface melt dynamics and advancing projections of sea level rise under future climate scenarios.

    How to cite: Yin, Z., Subramanian, A., and Datta, R.: Emulating Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt Using Graph Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15568,, 2025.

    Greenland's contribution to global mean sea level exhibits decadal variability, driven by interannual surface mass balance (SMB) changes. In this study, we attribute historical Greenland SMB changes to radiative forcings using the Community Earth System Model version 2 Large Ensemble and its single-forcing Large Ensemble simulations (CESM2-LE and CESM2-SFLE), which enables separation of impacts from greenhouse gases and aerosols. We quantify the contribution of radiative forcings to Greenland SMB changes by estimating univariate and multivariate detection and attribution scaling factors through Bayesian total least squares regression implemented via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The MCMC formulation allows us to quantify the uncertainty of the scaling factors using prior knowledge from observation-based simulations and reconstructions, as well as CESM2-LE and CESM2-SFLE. Our results indicate that historical Greenland SMB changes can be attributed to anthropogenic forcings, including anthropogenic aerosols, which affect decadal scale variability superimposed on the greenhouse gas-driven long-term trend. However, CESM2 tends to underestimate the relative contribution of each individual forcing to observed historical Greenland SMB changes. To explore potential reasons for this underestimation, we test a few hypotheses, including the role of internal variability. Our analysis demonstrates that internal variability plays only a minor role in the underestimation of the forced Greenland SMB changes due to individual forcings. Additionally, we find that Greenland runoff changes, rather than precipitation changes, explain both the SMB changes and the underestimation of attributable portions to individual forcings. Our findings emphasize the confounding role of aerosol forcing on the historical SMB trajectory but also highlight outstanding questions regarding the ability of climate models to correctly parse such influences. We will discuss the implications of these issues and steps to address them.

    How to cite: Kuo, Y.-N., Culberg, R., and Lehner, F.: Assessing the portion of historical Greenland surface mass balance change attributable to anthropogenic forcing and its uncertainties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15676,, 2025.

    EGU25-15824 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    Exploring atmospheric transport into the Arctic 1940 to 2023 - A Lagrangian Perspective 

    Andreas Plach, Lucie Bakels, and Andreas Stohl

    The Arctic is a key component of the Earth’s climate system and has received much attention in recent years due to it’s above-average warming (Arctic Amplification). Furthermore, we know that the Arctic is not a closed system, but is influenced by atmospheric transport from lower latitudes, a fact that for example can be observed during spring when polluted air transported from lower latitudes regularly leads to a reduction in visibility (Arctic Haze).

    In order to better understand the observed warming and pollution events we investigate circulation and transport patterns in the Arctic by calculating residence times, following air particle trajectories to and from the Arctic, and studying the dynamical characteristics of the Polar Dome. For our investigation we employ a newly created Lagrangian Reanalysis (LARA) dataset which is based on global simulations with the Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model FLEXPART forced with ERA5 reanalysis data for the period 1940 to 2023.

    Similar to a previous study we find average Arctic residence times in the order of one (January) to two weeks (July). Preliminary results indicate that these residence times have changed most during the transition months, especially in spring (e.g., shorter Arctic residence times in April at present than in the mid-20th century). However, we find strong spatial differences in residence times and in their changes over time. In this presentation we aim to discuss the seasonal and spatial characteristic of the residence times, investigate potential pollution source regions, explore the dynamical characteristics of the Polar Dome, and analyze how all of this has changed between 1940 and 2023. Furthermore, we plan to investigate the relation of observed dynamical changes to changes in sea ice, North Atlantic Oscillation, and other observations.

    How to cite: Plach, A., Bakels, L., and Stohl, A.: Exploring atmospheric transport into the Arctic 1940 to 2023 - A Lagrangian Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15824,, 2025.

    EGU25-15984 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Pathways of Atmospheric Rivers in the Arctic: Dynamics, Moisture Transport, and Impacts on Sea Ice during April 2020 

    Luisa E. Aviles Podgurski, Patrick Martineau, Hua Lu, Ayako Yamamoto, Tony Phillips, Tom Bracegirdle, Amanda C. Maycock, Andrew Orr, Andrew Fleming, Anna E. Hogg, and Grzegorz Muszynski

    In recent decades, the Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the global average, undergoing profound changes as a result. A key factor in this accelerated warming is the meridional transport of atmospheric water vapour. Particularly, intense intrusions of moisture and heat, so-called atmospheric rivers (ARs), are rare phenomena to reach the high latitudes, but can have severe impacts on the Arctic environment.

    In this study, we examine an AR pair in April 2020 using a combination of Eulerian and Lagrangian methods alongside observational data from Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition. The event consisted of two distinct ARs that followed separate pathways - one across Siberia and the other across the Atlantic - before converging in the central Arctic within the span of one week. Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns associated with these ARs show a combination of low and high pressure systems on the flanks of the ARs, channelling moisture and heat northward. Notably, our results show that the Siberian AR was linked to extreme heat anomalies, whereas the Atlantic AR primarily transported abundant moisture.

    Backward air parcel trajectories calculated using LAGRANTO provide new insights into the complex dynamics of Arctic ARs, revealing details of their distinct pathways and moisture source regions. Analysis of these trajectories also uncovers a strong connection between the observed sea ice melt in the Barents-Kara Sea and the interaction of an AR with the ice edge, underscoring the significant influence of ARs on the Arctic climate system.

    How to cite: Aviles Podgurski, L. E., Martineau, P., Lu, H., Yamamoto, A., Phillips, T., Bracegirdle, T., Maycock, A. C., Orr, A., Fleming, A., Hogg, A. E., and Muszynski, G.: Pathways of Atmospheric Rivers in the Arctic: Dynamics, Moisture Transport, and Impacts on Sea Ice during April 2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15984,, 2025.

    EGU25-16387 | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Characteristics of Strong Winds at Jang Bogo Station in East Antarctica: An 8-Year Observational Study 

    Hataek Kwon, Yonghan Choi, and Sang-Jong Park

    This study investigates the characteristics and mechanisms of strong winds at Jang Bogo Station (74°37'S, 164°12'E) in Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica, using 8 years (2015-2022) of Automated Synoptic Observation System (ASOS) data and ERA5 reanalysis data. Analysis of strong wind patterns reveals two distinct strong wind regimes: southwesterly (180-270°) and northwesterly (270-360°) winds. Strong wind events show clear seasonal variation, with peak frequencies occurring in March and July. Synoptic analysis using ERA5 reanalysis data indicates that these strong winds are primarily driven by the interaction between the Amundsen Sea Low and the Antarctic continental high pressure system. The intensity and positioning of these pressure systems significantly influence both wind direction and speed at Jang Bogo Station. Notably, the strongest winds (top 1%) are predominantly northwesterly, associated with enhanced pressure gradients near the station. Case studies of extreme wind events reveal two distinct generating mechanisms: one associated with intense pressure gradients from passing cyclonic systems, and another linked to katabatic flows descending from the Antarctic interior. These findings provide important insights into the wind regime of Terra Nova Bay and contribute to our understanding of Antarctic meteorological patterns, which has implications for both operational forecasting and regional climate studies.

    How to cite: Kwon, H., Choi, Y., and Park, S.-J.: Characteristics of Strong Winds at Jang Bogo Station in East Antarctica: An 8-Year Observational Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16387,, 2025.

    EGU25-17914 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1

    EC-Earth- and ERA5-driven retrospective ensemble hindcasts with the fully coupled ice-sheet–ocean–sea ice–atmosphere–land circum-Antarctic model PARASO 

    Florian Sauerland, Pierre-Vincent Huot, Sylvain Marchi, Hugues Goosse, and Nicole van Lipzig

    We present 4 retrospective hindcasts using PARASO, a five-component (ice sheet, ocean, sea ice, atmosphere, and land) fully coupled regional climate model over an Antarctic circumpolar domain: a control run forced at its boundaries with reanalysis data from ERA5 and ORAS5, and an ensemble of 3 members forced by 3 different EC-Earth global hindcasts. The ERA5 driven hindcast is shown to accurately simulate the increase in maximum sea ice extent observed prior to 2014. This trend being absent from the EC-Earth driven hindcasts, with strong intra-ensemble agreement, suggests a large influence of mid-latitude forcings, rather than a misrepresentation of local processes in global models. We analyse other factors possibly contributing to the diverging sea ice trends, such as ocean temperature and large-scale circulation patterns, and the spatial pattern of these sea ice changes. It is shown that all simulations display a sea ice retreat in the Amundsen Sea, which has previously been shown to be related to the intensification of the Amundsen Sea Low. Similarly, they all display an increase in sea ice extent in the Indian ocean sector, off of Enderby Land and the Amery Ice Shelf. However, the spatial extent of these areas differs between the ERA5 and EC-Earth driven hindcasts, and the trend diverges around the Antarctic Peninsula and in the Weddell Sea.

    Furthermore, we explore how the diverging sea ice extent trends are translating into diverging evaporation trends, which in turn results in diverging moisture transport and surface mass balance trends for the Antarctic continent, even though all hindcasts once again agree on an increasing trend of moisture transport from the mid-latitudes. It is demonstrated that the EC-Earth driven hindcasts agree on most trends affecting the surface climate in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, both in intensity and spatial pattern. However, the trends seen over the continent are less consistent between the EC-Earth ensemble members, compared to the ones seen over the Southern Ocean, indicating a larger influence of internal variability.

    How to cite: Sauerland, F., Huot, P.-V., Marchi, S., Goosse, H., and van Lipzig, N.: EC-Earth- and ERA5-driven retrospective ensemble hindcasts with the fully coupled ice-sheet–ocean–sea ice–atmosphere–land circum-Antarctic model PARASO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17914,, 2025.

    EGU25-19587 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1

    Investigating the drivers of future changes in Arctic aerosols in UKESM1 using a Lagrangian air-mass trajectory framework 

    Prerita Agarwal, Laura J. Wilcox, Steven T. Turnock, and Daniel Partridge

    Aerosols are well-known climate forcers, yet their climatic impact on the Earth’s radiative budget remains uncertain. One of the reasons for this is poor representation of the aerosol-cloud interaction (ACI) process in the current Global Climate models (GCMs). Aerosol number size distributions in the atmosphere influence key ACI-relevant aerosol and cloud properties and, therefore, need to be accurately represented in GCMs. Understanding aerosol sources and sinks in pristine polar regions is crucial for improving climate projections, as several studies highlight the poor performance of GCMs in these areas. Moreover, it offers the advantage of understanding the impact of future changes in transport patterns on aerosol-climate feedback in sensitive background regions. To this end, improved representation of the regional distribution of aerosol emissions, and their temporal variations in climate models for near-term projections is a crucial gap that needs urgent attention. As the European Union (EU) aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, this study seeks to advance our understanding of aerosol life cycle processes in response to future regional emission changes.

    We capitalise on a recently developed framework from the AeroCom Phase III GCM Trajectory (GCMTraj ) experiment, which leverages GCM meteorological fields to calculate the air-mass trajectories (Kim et al., 2020). Our work utilises the free-running and nudged UKESM1-0-LL versions from Regional Aerosol Model Intercomparison Project (RAMIP) simulations to calculate the trajectories and perform a spatio-temporal collocation of aerosol diagnostics. Here, we explore the various shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP370 and SSP370-126aer) from RAMIP to compare the impacts of global warming and aerosol reductions on future aerosol trends. This is the first time the free-running simulations from RAMIP have been used to calculate future air-mass trajectories. Using these trajectories we analyse the changes in source-receptor trends resulting from significant regional emission reductions in the post-fossil Arctic aerosol regime (2050) at Mt. Zeppelin.

    We find continental air-mass transport from the northwest, Nordic and Siberian regions, towards the receptor site, Mt. Zeppelin and a strong seasonal variation in the transport patterns between 2010-2014 and 2046-2050. These results contrast with trajectories derived from ERA-Interim, ERA5 reanalysis and UKESM1 (nudged version), which reveal dominant air mass transport from the south-west, Eurasia and the northern Atlantic Ocean between 2010-2014. The results demonstrating seasonal characteristics of aerosol sources and sinks owing to changes in future circulation and emission patterns will be presented. This work will help improve knowledge of ACI evolution in response to changes in regional emission trends in the post-fossil remote aerosol regime. 

    How to cite: Agarwal, P., J. Wilcox, L., T. Turnock, S., and Partridge, D.: Investigating the drivers of future changes in Arctic aerosols in UKESM1 using a Lagrangian air-mass trajectory framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19587,, 2025.

    Cold-air outbreaks (CAOs) have an overwhelming influence on global atmospheric and oceanic circulations, yet their cloud regimes remain poorly sampled and are therefore not fully understood nor well-represented in weather models. More data on the vertical dependence of the microphysical and macrophysical properties of clouds in CAOs and its variability and dependence on environmental conditions is crucial for enhancing the understanding of processes occurring in clouds, and for improving and evaluating the performance of models and remote sensing retrievals over high latitudes. The Cold-Air outbreak Experiment in the Sub-Arctic Region (CAESAR) field campaign acquired such in-situ and remote sensing data during 8 flights of the National Science Foundation/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF/NCAR) C-130 between 22 February and 7 April 2024 over the Norwegian Sea.

    In this study, the vertical dependence of microphysical properties of total number concentration, liquid water content, ice crystal concentration, ice mass content, liquid and ice effective radius, and median volume diameters using data from the Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP), Two-Dimensional Stereo Probe (2D-S) and High Volume Precipitation Sampler (HVPS) is determined as a function of normalized altitude (zn), where zn=0 at cloud base and zn=1 at cloud top. The majority of clouds sampled were either liquid- or mixed-phase, with few entirely ice-phase clouds sampled during the campaign. Case studies from 2 April 2024 (RF09) and 3 April 2024 (RF10) are shown to establish a typical structure of clouds sampled during CAESAR with liquid water content and effective diameter increasing with zn, with graupel, irregular particles and rimed snowflakes occurring in mid-levels for some vertical profiles. However, when examining data from all 70 vertical profiles there was a lack of uniformity on how the parameters varied as a function of zn. Therefore profiles were cataloged according to environmental conditions (e.g., cloud base temperature, updraft/downdraft characteristics, open vs. closed cells, presence of cloud streets, distance from sea ice edge, aerosol concentration) in an attempt to better characterize the variability. Implications for the understanding of processes occurring in CAO clouds will be discussed.  

    How to cite: McFarquhar, G., Amundsen, N., and Woods, S.: Quantifying the Dependence of Cloud Vertical Structure during Cold Air Outbreaks on Environmental Conditions: Preliminary Findings from CAESAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-174,, 2025.

    EGU25-1061 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4

    Bacterial Bioaerosols Involved in Ice Nucleation and Cloud Formation: Connections to Shifting Precipitation Patterns in the Antarctic Peninsula 

    Ksenija Vučković, Eva Lopes, Leonor Pizarro, Sharath Chandra Thota, Maria de Fátima Magalhães Carvalho, Claudio Hernán Durán Alarcón, Catarina Magalhães, and Irina Gorodetskaya

    With the ongoing warming trend on the Antarctic Peninsula (AP), the amount, intensity, and frequency of precipitation is projected to increase by the end of the 21st century. The future of precipitation phase—whether rainfall will dominate snowfall over the AP—remains uncertain. Warm weather events occurring over the AP have been showing frequent snowfall to rainfall transitions, particularly during atmospheric rivers (AR) (Chyhareva et al., 2021; Wille et al., 2021; Gorodetskaya et al., 2023).

    ARs are long corridors of anomalously high water vapour transport, which bring heat and moisture towards polar regions and, notably, can also facilitate the transport of aerosols (Lapere et al., 2021). When the sources of moisture and aerosols co-occur within ARs, aerosols can be scavenged and deposited as precipitation on ice-sheet surfaces.

    In pristine environments such as Antarctica, aerosols of natural origin play an important role in cloud and precipitation formation (Mallet et al., 2023). Bioaerosols, specifically bacteria, can serve as potent ice-nucleating particles, facilitating the formation of ice and influencing precipitation formation, especially in mixed-phase clouds.

    This study aims to identify culturable bacteria present in precipitation samples—rainfall, snowfall, and surface snow following precipitation events—collected in the northern AP, on King George Island, in the vicinity of the King Sejong station. Bacterial isolates were identified using 16S rDNA gene sequencing, revealing key differences in culturable biodiversity between rainfall and snowfall samples. Genera known for exhibiting ice-nucleating activity, Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas, were predominantly recovered from rainfall. Additionally, potentially novel strains were recovered from rainfall samples. Surface snow samples following precipitation events exhibited high culturable biodiversity, including Spirosoma sp. and Bacillus sp. strains, which are adapted to the extreme conditions of aerial and polar environments.

    These results highlight a shift from snowfall to rainfall-dominated precipitation in the AP may impact the local biodiversity, and the newly introduced ice-nucleating strains can further impact the Antarctic climate. Bacteria associated with ice nucleating activity were recovered from precipitation, indicating bacteria can impact the polar aerosol budget, cloud dynamics and climate of the AP.

    Future analysis of AR-associated precipitation is key to determining the atmospheric transport of bioaerosols and is a necessary component for understanding the current warming trend of the AP.

    Acknowledgements:  PROPOLAR (Portuguese Polar Program) projects APMAR/TULIP/APMAR2/APMAR2025 and FCT project MAPS (2022.09201.PTDC) and MicroANT (2023.15890.PEX)


    Chyhareva, A., et al (2021). Precipitation phase transition in austral summer over the Antarctic Peninsula. Ukr. Ant. J.,

    Gorodetskaya, I., et al. (2023). Record-high Antarctic Peninsula temperatures and surface melt in February 2022: A compound event with an intense atmospheric river. npj Clim. Atmos. Sci.

    Lapere, S., et al. (2024). Polar aerosol atmospheric rivers: Detection, characteristics, and potential applications. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmospheres, 129(2).

    Mallet, M., et al. (2023). Untangling the influence of Antarctic and Southern Ocean life on clouds. Elementa: Sci. Anthropocene, 11(1).

    Wille, J. D., et al. (2021). Antarctic atmospheric river climatology and precipitation impacts. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmospheres, 126(8), e2020JD033788

    Keywords: Antarctic Peninsula, precipitation, bioaerosols, culturable biodiversity, ice-nucleation


    How to cite: Vučković, K., Lopes, E., Pizarro, L., Chandra Thota, S., de Fátima Magalhães Carvalho, M., Durán Alarcón, C. H., Magalhães, C., and Gorodetskaya, I.: Bacterial Bioaerosols Involved in Ice Nucleation and Cloud Formation: Connections to Shifting Precipitation Patterns in the Antarctic Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1061,, 2025.

    EGU25-3274 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4

    Extreme precipitation and atmospheric rivers over West Antarctic ice shelves: insights from kilometre-scale regional climate modelling 

    Ella Gilbert, Denis Pishniak, José Abraham Torres, Andrew Orr, Michelle Maclennan, Nander Wever, and Kristiina Verro

    Extreme precipitation events in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica deposit significant precipitation amounts, often during atmospheric river (AR) events. In this work, we use observations, reanalysis, and three regional climate models (RCMs: MetUM, Polar-WRF, HCLIM) at a spatial resolution of 1 km to evaluate the characteristics of two AR cases: one in winter, and another in summer. We quantify the magnitude of snow and rain falling over the Thwaites and Pine Island ice shelves and explore the drivers and mechanisms of this extreme precipitation. The model results indicate that supercooled liquid precipitation fell during these cases, generated in particular by the interaction of the AR with steep topography. Model estimated snowfall compares well against observed snow height measurements, but ERA5 estimates for both events are severely underestimated (by 3-4 times) compared to the measurements. Our work highlights that kilometer-scale models are useful tools to investigate the total precipitation amount and its partitioning into rain and snow over this globally important and climatically sensitive region, and the critical need for in situ observations of rainfall.

    How to cite: Gilbert, E., Pishniak, D., Torres, J. A., Orr, A., Maclennan, M., Wever, N., and Verro, K.: Extreme precipitation and atmospheric rivers over West Antarctic ice shelves: insights from kilometre-scale regional climate modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3274,, 2025.

    EGU25-6347 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Assessing the aerosol and moisture transport to the Arctic through atmospheric river and their impact on clouds 

    Fathima Cherichi Purayil, Jan Kretzschmar, and Johannes Quaas

    The transport of aerosols to the Arctic plays a key role in shaping local climate processes, particularly in the context of Arctic amplification. Here, we utilize an atmospheric river detection algorithm to identify and analyze extreme aerosol and moisture transport events from mid-latitudes to the Arctic over a 43 year period.By examining the combined effects of aerosol and moisture intrusions, we aim to understand how the presence of aerosols alter the cloud properties compared to scenarios with only moisture. Inorder to evaluate the cloud properties, we use the active remote sensing product DARDAR-Nice dataset.

    The findings will provide insights into aerosol-cloud interactions in the Arctic, offering a better understanding of the role of aerosol transport in Arctic climate change and thereby improving the accuracy of climate model projections.

    How to cite: Cherichi Purayil, F., Kretzschmar, J., and Quaas, J.: Assessing the aerosol and moisture transport to the Arctic through atmospheric river and their impact on clouds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6347,, 2025.

    EGU25-6488 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Long-term Analysis of Vertically Resolved Cloud Observations at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) using Self-Supervised Deep Learning 

    Kerstin Ebell, Nils Risse, Dwaipayan Chatterjee, Andreas Walbröl, Marion Maturilli, Simone Bauer, Mario Mech, and Susanne Crewell

    Climate change is particularly evident in the Arctic, where warming between 1979 and 2021 was almost four times faster than the global average (Rantanen et al., 2022). However, this temperature increase is not uniform across the region. For example, the Svalbard archipelago, situated in the warmest part of the Arctic, has experienced the most significant warming (Dahlke and Maturilli, 2017).

    The role of clouds in the rapidly changing Arctic climate system, along with the underlying processes, remains a major area of investigation. While detailed cloud observations are crucial, there are few Arctic locations where continuous, high-resolution vertical cloud measurements are conducted. One such site is the German-French Arctic Research Base AWIPEV, located at the Ny-Ålesund Research Station in Svalbard. Since 2016, a 94 GHz cloud radar has been operational here as part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TR172 on Arctic Amplification (AC)³ (; Wendisch et al., 2023). Combined with existing remote sensing tools such as ceilometers and microwave radiometers, this setup enables continuous monitoring of clouds with high temporal and vertical resolution. This presentation will showcase key findings from these multi-year cloud radar observations.

    At Ny-Ålesund, clouds are present 78% of the time, with the highest occurrence observed in low-level clouds between 0.5 and 1.5 km altitude. Pure liquid water clouds display a clear seasonal cycle, whereas mixed-phase clouds, containing both liquid and ice, are present throughout the year, averaging 42% of the time. These liquid-containing clouds significantly influence surface radiative fluxes, with an overall net warming effect of clouds of approximately 11 Wm⁻².

    A novel approach to efficiently characterize the long-term observations of diverse cloud systems over Ny-Ålesund is by using a self-supervised deep learning framework. This framework is designed to learn the complex relationships within the sub-hourly, multi-scale measurements from radar collected from 2017 to 2021. During training, it captures the non-linear, orthogonal aspects of the clouds' vertical and temporal structure and distributions over the Ny-Ålesund column and extracts the essential low-dimensional features. Sensitivity tests are conducted by combining different measurements and observing the resulting changes in the extracted features. Analyzing this low-dimensional representation of the entire cloud measurement time series provides valuable insights into cloud evolution and its connection to environmental conditions.

    Acknowledgment: We gratefully acknowledge the funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project Number 268020496 – TRR 172, within the framework of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center “ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)³”. We also acknowledge the support by AWIPEV for the project AWIPEV_0016.

    How to cite: Ebell, K., Risse, N., Chatterjee, D., Walbröl, A., Maturilli, M., Bauer, S., Mech, M., and Crewell, S.: Long-term Analysis of Vertically Resolved Cloud Observations at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) using Self-Supervised Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6488,, 2025.

    Fog is typically a very low cloud touching the ground and consists of tiny liquid droplets or ice particles. Ice fog can form in very cold areas such as polar regions or high mountains at temperatures below -30°C. Few field campaigns have focused on ice fog and fewer have shown the presence of ice fog at warmer temperatures, suggesting that limitation in time and space may lead to an underestimation of this phenomenon with implications on the biosphere and the estimation of the Earth's energy budget.

    By analysing CALIOP data from 2006 to 2023, we have found a reduction of both liquid fog (~ -33% up to 0.5km; ~ -32% up to 2km) and ice fog (~ -29% up to 0.5km; ~ -30% up to 2km) over time.
    The geographical distribution of ice fog shows that ice fog mainly occurs at latitudes above 50°, where ice is more likely to form due to low temperatures.
    Separating the regions with ice fog occurrence into North/South and continental/maritime sub-regions, we have found an increase in ice fog of about 35% (up to 0.5km; +30% up to 2km) over time in the maritime region at latitudes above 60° North, despite a decrease in ice fog in the other areas analysed.
    Our results show that the increase in both liquid and ice fog from 2006 to 2023 is well correlated with the increase in aerosols over the same period. However, when ice fog over snow and ice covered surfaces is removed, the correlation between aerosols and ice fog is poor.
    The aerosol types provided by CALIOP have been analysed for two temperature ranges to distinguish the homogeneous glaciation (T < -38°C) and the heterogeneous glaciation (-38°C ≤ T ≤ 0°C) of possible ice nucleating particles. This analysis have been used to derive probability density functions of single aerosol types, from which glaciation temperatures have been estimated over continental and maritime surfaces.

    How to cite: Bruno, O. and Cermak, J.: Global decrease of ice fog VS increase in the Arctic Ocean: a global analysis of ice fog and aerosols using 17 years of CALIOP measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6541,, 2025.

    EGU25-8990 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Diagnosing moisture sources, transport and transformation in the Arctic withwater vapor isotopes in atmospheric modeling 

    Hannah Marie Eichholz, Svetlana Botsyun, Jan Kretzschmar, Josefine Umlauft, Stephan Pfahl, and Johannes Quaas

    The Arctic has been rapidly moistening over the last forty years, influencing energy fluxes and precipitation. While local changes in
    air temperature and sea ice cover partly explain this trend, the role of changing moisture transport to the Arctic is less clear.
    Understanding how moisture transport affects Arctic amplification is crucial, as most moisture in the Arctic comes from lower latitudes.
    Enhanced warming in the Arctic strengthens meridional transport due to changes in Rossby waves, but current global climate
    models struggle to capture these shifts accurately.

    The presentation will show results from case studies of moisture transport into the Arctic, analyzing the changing structure of
    water vapor isotopes in response to varying moisture transport patterns and phase transition along these transport pathways.
    Initial simulations with the isotope-enhanced ICON-ART atmosphere model reveal limitations in its ability to accurately capture
    isotopic variations on a global scale. Therefore, the model first needs to be improved and validated for global simulations.
    Once these improvements are achieved, case studies are performed to assess phase transition processes in detail and
    explore their response to recent warming.

    How to cite: Eichholz, H. M., Botsyun, S., Kretzschmar, J., Umlauft, J., Pfahl, S., and Quaas, J.: Diagnosing moisture sources, transport and transformation in the Arctic withwater vapor isotopes in atmospheric modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8990,, 2025.

    EGU25-9487 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Model analysis of the changing role of convection in the Arctic climate 

    Sophie Vliegen and Johannes Quaas

    The pronounced warming observed in the Arctic region has significantly altered the atmospheric energy budget, leading to a transition in the prevailing equilibrium state from radiative-advective to radiative-convective-advective. This study uses data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) to analyze the emergence and characteristics of convective events in the Arctic. Using historical simulations and future projections, we examine the spatiotemporal evolution of convection and its interactions with key climatological parameters such as temperature and humidity. By providing a detailed assessment of these processes, this research contributes to improving our understanding of Arctic climate dynamics and the implications for global climate systems in a warming world.

    How to cite: Vliegen, S. and Quaas, J.: Model analysis of the changing role of convection in the Arctic climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9487,, 2025.

    EGU25-10186 | Orals | AS4.4

    Advanced precipitation scheme in ICOLMDZ with improved microphysics and subgrid cloud-hydrometeor interactions to better simulate polar precipitation 

    Étienne Vignon, Lea Raillard, Audran Borella, Gwendal Rivière, Meryl Wimmer, and Niels Dutrievoz

    The current assessment of the ice sheet surface mass balance and more generally of the atmospheric branch of the high latitude water cycles mostly relies on climate model simulations. The ability of climate models to reproduce the polar precipitation not only depends on the simulation of the atmospheric dynamics and on the advection of moisture towards the poles but also on the representation of the subgrid scale cloud and precipitation processes that govern the formation and growth of snowflakes and rain drops. The ICOLMDZ model, atmospheric component of the IPSL-CM Earth System Model, is intensively involved in polar-oriented studies and recent developments were carried out to improve the representation of mixed-phase and ice clouds. However, recent studies also evidenced substantial shortcomings and biases that persist in the simulation of the polar precipitation, both in the Arctic and in the Antarctic. This study presents the development of a new precipitation scheme in the ICOLMDZ model that includes both an advanced microphysical treatment of snowfall and subgrid vertical overlap considerations to properly account for the interactions between hydrometeors and clouds. Particular attention is also paid to the numerical treatment of the different processes to ensure numerical convergence and stability at typical time steps used in global climate models. The scheme is then evaluated using regional simulations conducted over Adélie Land, East Antarctica and the Svalbard Archipegalo. The simulated vertical profiles of precipitation and microphysical tendencies are compared with observational data from a ground-based polarimetric radar deployed during the APRES3 campaign as well as from airborne radar and lidar data collected during the THINICE campaign. Perturbed parameter ensemble experiments are also conducted to assess the parameteric sensitivity of the model and to disentangle calibration issues from genuine structural biases. Results show that the model is now able to physically capture the vertical evolution of the snowfall and to simulate more realistically the melting layer. Future applications of the new precipitation scheme including simulations of the Antarctic surface mass balance with ICOLMDZ can now be envisaged.

    How to cite: Vignon, É., Raillard, L., Borella, A., Rivière, G., Wimmer, M., and Dutrievoz, N.: Advanced precipitation scheme in ICOLMDZ with improved microphysics and subgrid cloud-hydrometeor interactions to better simulate polar precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10186,, 2025.

    EGU25-11015 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Observations of the vertical water vapor distribution and the downward, broadband thermal-infrared irradiance at the ground in the Central Arctic during MOSAiC 

    Clara Seidel, Dietrich Althausen, Albert Ansmann, Manfred Wendisch, Hannes Griesche, Martin Radenz, Julian Hofer, Sandro Dahlke, Marion Maturilli, Andreas Walbröl, Holger Baars, and Ronny Engelmann

    For the first time, measurements of high-resolution water vapor profiles are available for the central Arctic winter North of 85°N. The measurements were conducted with the Raman lidar PollyXT during the MOSAiC-campaign. Using those observations, the impact of the vertical distribution of tropospheric water vapor on the cloud-free downward, broadband thermal-infrared irradiance (FTIR) was quantified.

    Values of the integrated water vapor (IWV) were determined from the lidar-derived vertical water vapor profiles up to the tropopause region and correlated to the FTIR at the surface. Colocated radiosonde measurements were used to consider the influence of the temperature of the vertically distributed water vapor on this correlation with means of a water-vapor-weighted mean temperature (representative temperature of the water vapor distribution).

    In the study, seven measurement cases of several hours duration were examined representing slowly changing air masses. Furthermore, 53 rather short-term (10 minutes) measurement cases were investigated. The temporal evolution of the slowly changing air masses revealed a linear relationship between FTIR and IWV with slopes between 7.17 and 12.95 W kg−1 and a coefficient of determination larger than 0.95 for most of the selected cases. A dependence of the slopes and ordinate-intercepts on the water-vapor-weighted mean temperature was found with smaller ordinate-intercepts at lower temperatures. A linear relationship was found between the water-vapor-weighted mean temperature and the temperature determined with the Stefan-Boltzmann law from FTIR. The analysis of 53 independent short-term observations of different air masses confirmed the linear relationship between FTIR and IWV at wintertime cloud-free conditions in the Arctic with a coefficient of determination of 0.75 and a slope of 19.95 W kg−1.

    The evaluations of the profile measurements showed a clear influence of the temperatures of the water vapor along its profile on the FTIR at the surface and the importance of the vertical water vapor and temperature distribution for radiation investigations at the surface.

    How to cite: Seidel, C., Althausen, D., Ansmann, A., Wendisch, M., Griesche, H., Radenz, M., Hofer, J., Dahlke, S., Maturilli, M., Walbröl, A., Baars, H., and Engelmann, R.: Observations of the vertical water vapor distribution and the downward, broadband thermal-infrared irradiance at the ground in the Central Arctic during MOSAiC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11015,, 2025.

    EGU25-12746 | Orals | AS4.4

    Have three years of observations explained model biases in Southern Ocean clouds? 

    Tom Lachlan-Cope and the Southern Ocean Clouds team

    Recent climate models have shown biases in surface radiation linked to errors in cloud amount over the Southern Ocean. The NERC funded Southern Ocean Cloud project is trying to explain these biases and has been running for the last three years. It consist of long term measurements of aerosol size and composition at Rothera Station on the Antarctic Peninsula, two airborne campaigns observing cloud properties based out of Rothera and a ship cruise on the Sir David Attenborough, again concentrating on aerosol properties, in the Southern Ocean. The aim of the project is to investigate the sources of aerosols at high southern latitudes and the role they play in clouds. The hope is that this will lead to better representation of these processes within climate models.

    Observations made at Rothera Station and on the Sir David Attenborough have identified several distinct types of cloud nuclei and we are working to determine their sources. At the same time these surface based observations, both from Rothera and the ship, are compared with the aircraft observations of cloud properties. These observations are starting to give an insight in to the processes that control clouds over the Southern Ocean and are being used to improve parameterisations of both aerosols and clouds in models.

    How to cite: Lachlan-Cope, T. and the Southern Ocean Clouds team: Have three years of observations explained model biases in Southern Ocean clouds?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12746,, 2025.

    EGU25-13186 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Aerosol particle measurements on the Southern Ocean during the Southern Ocean Clouds (SOC) campaign in November and December 2024 

    Leah Williams, James Allan, Michael Flynn, David Beddows, James Brean, Mark Tarn, Manuel Dall'Osto, Amélie Kirchgaessner, and Thomas Lachlan-Cope

    We deployed an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) on the British Antarctic Survey Research Vessel Sir David Attenborough (SDA) during November and December 2024 as part of the Southern Ocean Clouds (SOC) campaign. The AMS measures sub 1 micron aerosol particle chemical composition and size distributions, using thermal vaporization and electron impact ionization, followed by time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

    The cruise track covered a broad area (50 S to 67 S and 70 W to 25 W) and encountered a wide variety of atmospheric environments, including seasonal sea ice zones, open ocean, and areas near islands with penguin colonies and volcanoes. Different ratios of organics, sulphate and methane sulphonic acid (MSA) were observed for different sympagic and pelagic air masses and associated with distinct aerosol size distributions. We also observed distinct plumes of NH4Cl particles from a volcano and we saw aqueous processing of aerosol particles during a multi-day fog event. As is typical of ship campaigns, the AMS organics showed that we were sampling ship emissions, both from the engines and from the kitchen, at least half of the time.

    How to cite: Williams, L., Allan, J., Flynn, M., Beddows, D., Brean, J., Tarn, M., Dall'Osto, M., Kirchgaessner, A., and Lachlan-Cope, T.: Aerosol particle measurements on the Southern Ocean during the Southern Ocean Clouds (SOC) campaign in November and December 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13186,, 2025.

    EGU25-13748 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Lagrangian single-column modeling of Arctic airmass transformation 

    Michail Karalis, Gunilla Svensson, and Michael Tjernström

    As warm and moist airmasses are advected into the Arctic, a sequence of turbulent, microphysical and radiative processes is initiated which transfers heat and moisture from the airmass into the Arctic environment, eventually transforming both. Despite the importance of airmass transformation for the evolution of the Arctic climate, it is still relatively poorly understood. In our study, we take on this complex issue from a Lagrangian perspective, using warm-air intrusions captured by different Arctic campaigns (ACSE, MOSAiC, HALO-(AC)3 and ARTofMELT) and the Atmosphere-Ocean Single Column Model (AOSCM). We use trajectory analysis to assess under what conditions and to what extent this Lagrangian AOSCM framework is suitable to study the Arctic airmass transformation. Finally, we use it to simulate the changes in heat-moisture content and vertical structure of the airmass at different stages of the transformation and identify the physical processes that drive them. Comparison with observations, reanalysis and operational forecast data shows that the Lagrangian AOSCM can be used for future model analysis and diagnostics development.

    How to cite: Karalis, M., Svensson, G., and Tjernström, M.: Lagrangian single-column modeling of Arctic airmass transformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13748,, 2025.

    EGU25-15288 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Investigation of virga with active remote sensing in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard 

    Andreas Foth, Beril Aydin, Maximilian Maahn, and Heike Kalesse-Los

    The focus of this work is on sublimation and evaporation of precipitation. Precipitation is an
    essential component of the Arctic climate system as part of the hydrological cycle, linking the
    atmosphere and cryosphere. Much of the Arctic precipitation sublimates or evaporates before it
    reaches the ground due to dry sub-cloud layers.

    We use long-term atmospheric observations at Ny-Ålesund with vertically-pointing cloud radars
    and backscattering lidars to identify and quantify atmospheric sublimation/evaporation. Radar
    observation-based sub-cloud precipitation profiles are studied by employing a virga detection tool,
    the so-called Virga-Sniffer (Kalesse-Los et al., 2023). The quantification of the sublimation/
    evaporation is based on sub-cloud vertical gradients of radar moments. First statistical results of
    precipitation phase, virga depth, and full sublimation/ evaporation altitude above ground will be
    shown. Misclassification by the Cloudnet target classification within virga at precipitation edges
    will be discussed in detail.

    We will also show investigations on wind direction dependence on virga statistics. Air masses
    advected from the Arctic Ocean are more humid and lead to more precipitation reaching the ground
    and thus less virga. Air masses advected over Ny-Ålesund from Easterly directions (i.e. the island of
    Svalbard itself) are often characeterized by low-humidity subcloud layers leading to more
    evaporation/sublimation and hence a higher fraction of virga.

    Kalesse-Los, H., Kötsche, A., Foth, A., Röttenbacher, J., Vogl, T., and Witthuhn, J.: The Virga-
    Sniffer – a new tool to identify precipitation evaporation using ground-based remote-sensing
    observations, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1683–1704,,

    How to cite: Foth, A., Aydin, B., Maahn, M., and Kalesse-Los, H.: Investigation of virga with active remote sensing in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15288,, 2025.

    EGU25-15714 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4

    The Microphysical and Radiative Interactions of Arctic Multilayer Clouds  

    Gabriella Wallentin, Luisa Ickes, Peggy Achtert, Matthias Tesche, and Corinna Hoose

    Multilayer clouds have been found to occur frequently in the Arctic, as determined by ship-based campaigns. Nevertheless, they remain underrepresented in the literature compared to their single-layer counterpart. To deepen our understanding of these clouds regarding microphysics and radiative processes, and to estimate the frequency of occurrence of such phenomena in the Arctic region, we utilise the numerical weather prediction model ICON. 

    The model domain, encompassing 71°N-90°N, has been initialised using analysis data from ICON Global and 32 consecutive 24-hour simulations were conducted at a 2.5km grid spacing. The multilayer clouds studied here occurred during the Arctic MOSAiC campaign, active during 2019-2020. The season with the highest number of multilayer clouds, as determined by an observational algorithm, was selected: namely, early autumn (August to September 2020). Model output was acquired at a high temporal resolution following the MOSAiC drifting site and includes full regional coverage of cloud hydrometeors and radiative products. To enhance the representation of Arctic ice nucleating particles (INP), a new immersion freezing parameterisation has been developed, underpinned by extensive Arctic campaigns and station data across the Arctic sector. 

    Here, we will present modelled multilayer clouds across the Arctic sector, highlighting a high occurrence of such clouds in the region. We further investigate their microphysical and radiative properties in comparison to single-layer clouds. Using observational products from the MOSAiC campaign for comparison, we further strengthen our modelled understanding of these clouds. Our findings indicate that multilayer clouds differ significantly from single-layer clouds due to both microphysical and radiative interactions. In terms of microphysics, the seeder-feeder mechanism, whereupon frozen precipitation may act as a seed for ice formation in a lower cloud layer, is prevalent, impacting the cloud phase, precipitation and the formation of new cloud particles. In terms of radiative processes, multilayer clouds have been found to have a substantial radiative impact. The presence of upper clouds may efficiently reduce the cloud-top radiative cooling of lower cloud layers, impacting macrophysical cloud properties. Furthermore, we will demonstrate that multilayer clouds exert a surface radiation budget impact that is twice that of single-layer clouds. This emphasises the necessity for further investigation into these cloud systems in this rapidly changing region. 

    How to cite: Wallentin, G., Ickes, L., Achtert, P., Tesche, M., and Hoose, C.: The Microphysical and Radiative Interactions of Arctic Multilayer Clouds , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15714,, 2025.

    EGU25-15924 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    The two Arctic wintertime boundary layer states: Disentangling the role of cloud and wind regimes in reanalysis and observations during MOSAiC 

    Sandro Dahlke, Annette Rinke, Matthew D. Shupe, and Christopher J. Cox

    The central Arctic atmosphere during winter comprises two distinct synoptic states: a radiatively clear state, which is linked to clear sky, strong surface cooling and temperature inversions; and a radiatively opaque state, which is linked to mixed-phase clouds, weak surface radiative cooling, and more neutrally-buoyant boundary layers. Weather and climate models are often reported to lack the representation of processes associated with these states, but most prior work has treated the problem as an aggregate of synoptic conditions. Here, we disaggregate the Arctic states in an evaluation of ERA5 reanalysis and compare to observations from the MOSAiC drift campaign over the central Arctic sea ice from November 2019 – March 2020. Combining near surface winds and liquid water path (LWP), nine different classes describing synoptic conditions spanning the states are derived. Results show that the clear state is primarily formed by weak and moderate winds and the absence of liquid-bearing clouds, while strong wind cases and enhanced LWP forms the occurrence peak in the radiatively opaque state. ERA5 struggles to reproduce these basic statistics, shows too weak sensitivity of thermal radiation to synoptic forcing, and for similar LWP amounts, it overestimates both upward and downward longwave radiation due to a warm bias near the surface. This warm bias has a pronounced vertical structure and is largest in clear and calm conditions, owing to the lack of surface inversions in ERA5. Under strong synoptic forcing, the warm bias is constant with height and discrepancies in mixed-phase cloud altitude appear. Thus, biases in each state are partially opposing in a manner that makes them overlap unrealistically, masking the distinctions that are known to form the first-order variability of the Arctic winter energy budget. Separating between different synoptic conditions in conjunction with the classical two radiative states classification is therefore regarded a useful step for isolating dominant processes for evaluation of the Arctic troposphere in models.  

    How to cite: Dahlke, S., Rinke, A., Shupe, M. D., and Cox, C. J.: The two Arctic wintertime boundary layer states: Disentangling the role of cloud and wind regimes in reanalysis and observations during MOSAiC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15924,, 2025.

    EGU25-16621 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4 | Highlight

    Marine sources of ice-nucleating proteins in the Arctic and their impact on atmospheric processes 

    Lasse Z. Jensen, Christian Castenschiold, Corina Wieber, Claudia Mignani, Anne Ellebæk, Eva Kjærgaard, Dorte Søgaard, Bernadette Rosati, Luisa Ickes, Lars Lund-Hansen, Sigurd Christiansen, Leendert Vergeynst, Malin Alsved, Jakob Löndahl, Thomas Bataillon, Merete Bilde, Kai Finster, and Tina Šantl-Temkiv

    The Arctic is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to a decrease in surface albedo caused by declining ice and snow cover. Aerosol-cloud feedbacks modulate Arctic warming, with clouds profoundly affecting the radiative balance of the region through both cooling and warming effects. The concentration and type of ice-nucleating particles (INP) are key factors controlling cloud ice formation which directly influences cloud radiative properties and lifetime. It has recently been proposed that microbially-produced INPs, which come from marine environments and can trigger freezing at low supercooling, are important for the formation of mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic. These clouds commonly form at low altitudes within the temperature range, where biogenic INPs are key drivers of ice formation. Despite their importance, it remains unclear which microorganisms are responsible for the production of marine INPs and under which conditions these are produced. This lack of knowledge limits our quantitative understanding of how high-temperature INPs from marine environments impact cloud formation in the Arctic.

    To investigate marine-sourced INPs and their sources, we collected a series of marine- (i.e. seawater, sea-surface microlayer, and sea ice) and atmospheric aerosol samples from the west coast of Greenland between 2016 and 2023. We performed droplet-freezing measurements with the micro-PINGUIN setup to quantify INPs, along with chlorophyll a measurements, δO18 analysis, and amplicon sequencing of marker genes using Illumina MiSeq to determine the composition of bacteria (16S rRNA genes) and microalgae (18S rRNA genes) and identify potential producers of INPs. Using filtration analysis and heat treatments, we investigated the type of INPs identified in marine systems. We carried out field experiments and laboratory simulations using a modified cold-finger to study incorporation of INP from seawater into sea ice. Finally, we employed laboratory simulations using AEGOR the sea-spray tank to study emissions of bioaerosols and marine INP.

    In the fjords, we observed a significant contribution of terrestrial sources to INPs in the marine waters during the early melting season with enhanced terrestrial runoff. These reflected in elevated INP concentrations, which were up to 10,000-fold higher that previously reported, with properties distinct from known marine INPs. In the open sea, we found that INP concentrations in seawater increased with latitude, independent of terrestrial freshwater input. While INP concentrations linked to marine microbial communities, they were surprisingly not tightly associated to phytoplankton blooms as previously suggested. We identified annual sea ice as a key reservoir of INPs, which exhibited INP concentrations up to 100-fold higher than the seawater below sea ice. INPs did not preferentially incorporate into the ice from seawater but were likely produced by the heterotrophic bacterial community in the early phase of sea ice growth. As the sea ice melts in the spring, these INPs are released into the surface seawater significantly contributing to the marine INP pool. Finally, through both field measurements and sea-spray experiments, we observed the transfer of marine INPs and microbial cells into the air. Ultimately, our research significantly enhances the understanding of marine microorganisms and their pivotal role in atmospheric processes within the Arctic region.

    How to cite: Jensen, L. Z., Castenschiold, C., Wieber, C., Mignani, C., Ellebæk, A., Kjærgaard, E., Søgaard, D., Rosati, B., Ickes, L., Lund-Hansen, L., Christiansen, S., Vergeynst, L., Alsved, M., Löndahl, J., Bataillon, T., Bilde, M., Finster, K., and Šantl-Temkiv, T.: Marine sources of ice-nucleating proteins in the Arctic and their impact on atmospheric processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16621,, 2025.

    EGU25-16625 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Seasonal Dynamics of Bioaerosols and Ice Nucleating Particles in the High Arctic Atmosphere 

    Lasse Z. Jensen, Andreas Massling, Lise Lotte Sørensen, Henrik Skov, Frank Stratmann, Heike Wex, Kai Finster, and Tina Šantl-Temkiv

    The Arctic is experiencing rapid climate change, with warming rates four times higher than the global average. This warming has a profound impact on the Arctic hydrological cycle, including cloud formation and precipitation processes. Bioaerosols are critical components driving these processes as they can act as high-temperature ice nucleating particles (INPs). Despite their importance, the representation of bioaerosol-cloud interactions in climate models remains highly uncertain, primarily due to limited understanding of biogenic INPs, their sources and specific properties. Recent studies have highlighted the need for long-term studies and detailed source characterization of INPs and their characteristics in the Arctic to bridge these knowledge gaps.

    Here, we present preliminary data from the first long-term dataset of bioaerosol concentration and composition in the High Arctic, complementing detailed high-temperature INP measurements. The samples were collected at the Villum Research Station in North Greenland over three years (2021–2023) at a time resolution of 3.5 days. INP concentrations were measured using the Micro-PINGUIN cold-stage setup, focusing on activity between 0°C and -20°C. Simultaneously, bacterial communities in the air were characterized through qPCR and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Source-tracking analyses were performed using potential environmental sources, including soils, glacial runoff, plant material, and seawater, supplemented with publicly available Arctic sequence datasets. Meteorological data and aerosol microphysical and chemical data, such as black carbon and particle number size distributions, were incorporated to support the analysis of bioaerosol drivers.

    Preliminary results reveal that INP-12 concentrations ranged from 2.2 • 10-5 to 7.2 • 10-2 • L-1, consistent with previous observations in the High Arctic. Airborne bacterial concentrations were exceedingly low, ranging from 2.7 • 100 to 4.2 • 103 • m-3 of air, and the taxonomic diversity varied seasonally. During the Arctic haze season, the microbial community was dominated by spore-forming taxa, such as Bacillus, likely transported via long-range atmospheric transport from mid latitudes. In contrast, post-haze conditions were marked by increased microbial diversity, dominated by phototrophic taxa such as Tychonema and other members of the core cryospheric microbiome, including Sphingomonas and Hymenobacter. These taxa likely originated from regional terrestrial and marine sources, exposed to the atmosphere as snow and ice melted during summer. Both bacterial concentrations and the taxonomic diversity were positively correlated with the warm-temperature INP concentrations (ρ = 0.66, p = 3.6 • 10-12 and ρ = 0.59, p = 1.2•10-9,  respectively), suggesting a direct link between bioaerosol abundance and INP concentration in the Arctic atmosphere. Finally, Spearman rank correlations also revealed significant relationships between warm-temperature INP concentrations and the relative abundances of 177 microbial genera, giving insights into the potential sources of these INPs.

    These findings provide new insights into the seasonal dynamics of bioaerosols and their role as INPs in the High Arctic. Our long-term dataset highlights the importance of integrating microbial ecology, aerosol microphysics and chemistry, and meteorological observations to improve our understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions. Future work will focus on disentangling the contributions of source environments and microbial taxa to Arctic INP populations, with the goal of refining aerosol-cloud interaction parameterizations in climate models.

    How to cite: Jensen, L. Z., Massling, A., Sørensen, L. L., Skov, H., Stratmann, F., Wex, H., Finster, K., and Šantl-Temkiv, T.: Seasonal Dynamics of Bioaerosols and Ice Nucleating Particles in the High Arctic Atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16625,, 2025.

    EGU25-17011 | Orals | AS4.4

    Precipitation events and atmospheric waves on Greenland's west coast 

    Arno Hammann, Ruth Mottram, and Fredrik Boberg

    The supply of atmospheric moisture in the Arctic is increasing with the warming global climate, owing both to higher volumes of moisture advection into the region and to enhanced local evaporation. Correspondingly, overall precipitation amounts and the frequency of large individual precipitation events are increasing as well. Due to the relative sparsity of observations in the region, however, the local microphysical and dynamical processes which translate the moisture content into precipitation remain poorly studied and classified. We build on a comprehensive observational dataset from a research site in Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland to characterise the local boundary layer structure during precipitation events. The observations include, besides standard surface climate parameters, atmospheric profiles of temperature and humidity from a microwave radiometer and cloud observations from an optical camera. Dynamical processes are studied by combining observations and the CARRA reanalysis, with a focus on internal gravity waves which trigger precipitation events when they interact with local topography and atmospheric moisture. Both our observations and CARRA are also used to validate and bias-correct simulations of regional atmospheric models (in particular, HIRHAM) performed as part of the PROTECT project, which allow an assessment of how the precipitation-generating processes will change in the future.

    How to cite: Hammann, A., Mottram, R., and Boberg, F.: Precipitation events and atmospheric waves on Greenland's west coast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17011,, 2025.

    EGU25-17572 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    A calibration method for the UV-Vis-NIR and SWIR spectrometers installed at THAAO and its impact on the retrieval of cloud properties 

    Angelica Focardi, Giovanni Muscari, Filippo Calì Quaglia, Monica Tosco, Daniela Meloni, Annalisa Di Bernardino, Virginia Ciardini, Tatiana Di Iorio, Giandomenico Pace, and Alcide di Sarra

    A TriOS spectroradiometer (RAMSES-ARC) operating in the UV-Vis-NIR spectral range has been operating at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO, 76.5° N, 68.8° W, 225 m asl, in Pituffik, Greenland, since 2021. Its measurements are used to study Arctic cloud characteristics and the cloud optical thickness (COT) in particular. This effort will be extended with additional radiance measurements performed by means of a Zeiss PGS ShortWave InfraRed (SWIR) spectrometer which will be installed at the THAAO in March 2025 in order to further characterise cloud properties.

    The RAMSES-ARC is used for in situ hyperspectral light field measurements, operating across a wavelength range of 320–950 nm with a field of view (FOV) of approximately 7° in air. The Zeiss spectrometer covers the 1000–2200 nm spectral range, is thermoelectrically cooled, and will be equipped with a custom-designed input optic to reduce the field of view of its standard fiber optic and with an in-house developed software for the data acquisition.

    Ensuring long-term, high-quality measurements in extremely cold environments requires rigorous and repeated calibrations to maintain reliability across the entire spectral range. However, practical challenges, such as high costs and limited access to fully equipped calibration laboratories, often hinder the achievement of optimal calibrations. Furthermore, extended operations in low-temperature environments increase the risk of calibration drifts. This study presents a structured and repeatable calibration procedure that can be easily implemented in settings where advanced laboratory equipment is unavailable.

    The calibration method employs a Gigahertz Optik GmbH 250 W halogen calibration lamp powered by a highly stabilised current source. The lamp’s optical axis is aligned perpendicularly to the centre of a Labsphere panel with a reflectance factor of about 0,99 for wavelengths shorter than 1800 nm and between 0,98 and 0,94 for wavelengths between 1800 nm and 2200 nm. The panel is positioned at a distance from the lamp optimised using ANSYS SPEOS software to ensure uniform irradiance distribution across the panel.

    Additionally, this presentation will discuss the impact of the new calibration on COT estimates obtained by using the method described in Calì Quaglia et al. (2024).

    The primary objective is to prove that the new calibration method maintains measurement integrity while guaranteeing repeatability and accuracy, particularly in scenarios requiring frequent recalibration.

    Calì Quaglia, Filippo, et al. (2024), On the Retrieval of Cloud Optical Thickness from Spectral Radiances - A Sensitivity Study with High Albedo Surfaces, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,

    How to cite: Focardi, A., Muscari, G., Calì Quaglia, F., Tosco, M., Meloni, D., Di Bernardino, A., Ciardini, V., Di Iorio, T., Pace, G., and di Sarra, A.: A calibration method for the UV-Vis-NIR and SWIR spectrometers installed at THAAO and its impact on the retrieval of cloud properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17572,, 2025.

    EGU25-17930 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    What are the most important contributors to Arctic precipitation: When, where and how? 

    Melanie Lauer, Annette Rinke, Susanne Crewell, and Awadhesh Pant

    To investigate the role of synoptic systems for Arctic precipitation, Lauer et al. (2023) established a new methodology to attribute precipitation to Atmospheric Rivers (AR), cyclones, and also atmospheric fronts and tested it for two field campaigns in the Arctic North Atlantic (ANA) sector (ACLOUD, AFLUX). The results led us to hypothesize that during early summer, precipitation is mainly associated with cyclones, while during early spring, ARs and fronts are more effective. About one-third of the precipitation was classified as residual, which reduced significantly when a precipitation threshold was applied as often used to eliminate “artificial” precipitation. To investigate whether these results can be generalized we now apply the methodology of Lauer et al. (2023) to the long-term (1979-2022) ERA-5 reanalysis record over the full Arctic north of 70 deg.

    When: Most precipitation falls in August as a consequence of rain peaking in July and the highest amount of snowfall in September at the time of the sea ice minimum and thus the highest evaporation from the ocean. Where: The ANA region is by far the one with the most precipitation, and the only region with significant rain outside the summer months. How: Cyclone-associated precipitation dominates in all regions, while ARs are more important for summer rainfall and, in some regions, can even bring rain in winter. We can pinpoint the high occurrence of residual precipitation over the ANA region to Marine Cold Air Outbreaks, while in the central Arctic the residual stems from very light precipitation.

    How to cite: Lauer, M., Rinke, A., Crewell, S., and Pant, A.: What are the most important contributors to Arctic precipitation: When, where and how?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17930,, 2025.

    EGU25-18439 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Modelling cloud phase and radiative effects in the European Arctic 

    Yaël Le Gars, Jean-Christophe Raut, and Louis Marelle

    Arctic clouds, which cover the region for around 70-80% of the year, are a key component of the Arctic climate system, influencing, among others, surface temperature, ice melt and atmospheric dynamics. Mixed-phase clouds, containing both supercooled liquid water and ice crystals, are of particular concern due to their prevalence in the Arctic and their role in the local energy budget. Because their variability and their lifecycle are inaccurately represented in models, they are an important source of uncertainty, as the cloud phase impacts both radiative effects, cloud lifetime and precipitation amounts. Assessing the vertical distribution of clouds, their optical properties and their phase distribution is therefore critical to accurately determine the surface energy balance (SEB). 


    Here, the mesoscale WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) updated for application in polar regions is run over the European Arctic from January to June 2015. The simulations are evaluated using observations from the N-ICE campaign, conducted from January through June 2015 in the drifting sea ice north of Svalbard (surface radiation and meteorology, atmospheric profiles), as well as satellite data derived from CALIPSO and CloudSat observations. The simulated SEB as well as low-level cloud distributions and phase partitioning are evaluated to get insight on the limitations of the model to represent Arctic clouds and the factors underlying these biases. 


    This study reveals strong biases in radiative fluxes at the surface, even when cloudy conditions are successfully represented in the model, with effects varying across seasons. Results show that these discrepancies are likely to be strongly linked to the accurate phase characterization of clouds. Sensitivity tests based on variations in CCN and INP number concentrations reveal moderate effects on the radiative budget through changes in liquid water content, insufficient to account for the observed biases.

    How to cite: Le Gars, Y., Raut, J.-C., and Marelle, L.: Modelling cloud phase and radiative effects in the European Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18439,, 2025.

    EGU25-18587 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Cloud optical thickness measurements in high albedo conditions at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO), Greenland 

    Giovanni Muscari, Filippo Calì Quaglia, Monica Tosco, Daniela Meloni, Annalisa Di Bernardino, Tatiana Di Iorio, Angelica Focardi, Giandomenico Pace, Sebastian K. Schmidt, and Alcide di Sarra

    In the Arctic, cloud optical thickness (COT) estimations are scarce due to limited site accessibility, short sunlit seasons, and high surface albedo, which enhances the multiple scattering. This work presents a comparison of estimates of COT obtained by means of different types of measurements collected on the north-western coast of Greenland, an area presenting alternatively high and low surface albedo, depending on the season. Our approach exploits ground-based zenith spectral radiance (ZSR) measurements in the 320-950 nm wavelength range as well as downward shortwave irradiance (DSI, 310-2800 nm) and Liquid Water Path (LWP) measurements. All measurements are carried out at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO, 76.5° N, 68.8° W, 225 m asl,, where  LWP measurements have been performed from 2016 to 2024, while DSI and ZSR measurements started in 2009 and 2021, respectively, and are still ongoing. The analysis also includes COT values from MODIS aboard Terra/Aqua. 

    COT values are calculated for two case studies of low and high surface albedo values, focusing on total cloud cover conditions and liquid clouds. The COT values retrieved from the ZSRs are obtained by using various combinations of transmissivities at different wavelengths. Numerical simulations allowed us to provide uncertainties for the ZSR COT estimates. We found that the use of broadband albedo values in the retrievals instead of spectrally-resolved ones is the largest source of uncertainties. The COT values obtained with the different methods during the two case studies range between 1 and 45.

    Results show that the ZSR-based retrievals lack sensitivity for clouds with COT between 6 and 14. Numerical simulations can explain this shortcoming and they will also be presented. For COT larger than 14, the ZSR-based estimates agree very well with the other methods employed. We will discuss in detail how the different estimates compare to one another and show that, given the observatory measurements capabilities, estimates of COT could be performed continuously and with good accuracy in high surface albedo conditions by means of ZSR and DSI measurements.

    How to cite: Muscari, G., Calì Quaglia, F., Tosco, M., Meloni, D., Di Bernardino, A., Di Iorio, T., Focardi, A., Pace, G., Schmidt, S. K., and di Sarra, A.: Cloud optical thickness measurements in high albedo conditions at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO), Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18587,, 2025.

    EGU25-18624 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4

    Properties of Arctic mixed-phase clouds explored by multi-frequency radars 

    Linnu Bühler, Sabrina Schnitt, Mario Mech, Janna Rückert, Nils Risse, Pavel Krobot, and Susanne Crewell

    Arctic mixed-phase low-level clouds pose a large challenge to weather and climate models. The new G-band radar GRaWAC (G-band Radar Water vapor profiling and Arctic Clouds) is a frequency-modulated continuous wave radar with two frequencies at 167.3 and 174.8 GHz. Measurements at higher frequencies than conventional cloud radars and near the 183 GHz water vapor absorption line enable for extracting water vapor profiles in clouds by making use of the differential absorption technique for measurements at the two frequencies. In combination with radar measurements in the W-band, the high frequencies also make the observations of small hydrometeors in the non-Rayleigh regime possible, enabling future retrievals of hydrometeor phase and size distribution based on differential radar measurements.

    We present observations from the ship-based campaign VAMPIRE that took place from August to October 2024 in the Central Arctic Ocean on the research vessel Polarstern and from a ground-based intensive operation period from January to March 2025 at AWIPEV station in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The G-band radar GRaWAC alongside a W-band radar measured in both campaigns, while the observations at AWIPEV were expanded by including a Ka-band radar. First results show the presence of mixed-phase clouds which will be evaluated in their respective environmental conditions, determined by wind and precipitation measurements, and 6- to 12-hourly radiosondes. The contribution will present the post-processed radar data of both intensive measurement periods, including attenuation and ship motion correction, and first analyses of microphysical properties in mixed-phase clouds and water vapor profiles.

    How to cite: Bühler, L., Schnitt, S., Mech, M., Rückert, J., Risse, N., Krobot, P., and Crewell, S.: Properties of Arctic mixed-phase clouds explored by multi-frequency radars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18624,, 2025.

    EGU25-18964 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Investigating the Atmospheric and Biological Significance of Ice-Nucleating Macromolecules Produced by Antarctic Mosses 

    Nina L. H. Kinney, Floortje van den Heuvel, Amélie Kirchgaessner, Thomas Lachlan-Cope, Mark D. Tarn, Daniel Ballesteros, and Thomas F. Whale

    Ice-nucleating particle (INP) concentration in the atmosphere over the Southern Ocean represents a significant source of uncertainty in the representation of clouds in global climate models. A better understanding of the sources, properties and abundance of INPs in this region is essential to reduce this uncertainty (Murray, 2021). There is increasing evidence to suggest that ice nucleators are produced ubiquitously by land plants. Yet, the molecular basis and evolutionary origins of these ice nucleators remain obscure. Adapted for cold- and drought-tolerance, mosses dominate the Antarctic flora, with over one hundred species colonising the ice-free coastal regions of Antarctica and their land cover increasing (Roland 2024). Ice nucleation by moss spores and leaves was recorded separately by Weber (2016) and by Moffett (2015), who suggested that this activity may afford benefit as a means of gathering essential water in dry climates. In the years since, the atmospheric and biological significance of these ice nucleators has remained unexplored. Here we present evidence that mosses produce water-soluble ice-nucleating macromolecules that are present in the gametophyte and sporophyte generations. We hypothesise that the same class of ice-nucleating macromolecules are produced by the spore-producing mosses and ferns and the pollen-producing seed plants, tracing back to an ancient common ancestor. The widespread and variable nature of ice-nucleating activity in plants suggests that this activity is secondary or ‘incidental’ in function (Kinney, 2024). Nevertheless, it is conceivable that such activity may constitute an exaptation, having been selected for in the evolution of taxa adapted to specific environmental conditions. Notably, we find Antarctic moss species exhibit high ice-nucleating activity, reaching temperatures of -7.4 °C, within the range where secondary ice-production may further enhance ice crystal numbers in clouds. As such, we suggest that mosses may represent a previously unknown source of ice nucleators in the atmosphere over the Southern Ocean.


    N. L. H. Kinney, C. A. Hepburn, M. I. Gibson, D. Ballesteros, and T. F. Whale. High interspecific variability in ice nucleation activity suggests pollen ice nucleators are incidental. Biogeosciences, 21(13):3201–3214, 2024.

    B. F. Moffett. Ice nucleation in mosses and liverworts. Lindbergia, 38(1):14–16, 2015.

    B. J. Murray, K. S. Carslaw, and P. R. Field. Opinion: Cloud-phase climate feedback and the importance of ice-nucleating particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(2):665–679, 2021.

    T. P. Roland, O. T. Bartlett, D. J. Charman, et al. Sustained greening of the Antarctic peninsula observed from satellites. Nature Geoscience, 17:1121–1126, 2024.

    C. F. Weber. Polytrichum commune spores nucleate ice and associated microorganisms increase the temperature of ice nucleation activity onset. Aerobiologia, 32(2):353–361, 2016.

    How to cite: Kinney, N. L. H., van den Heuvel, F., Kirchgaessner, A., Lachlan-Cope, T., Tarn, M. D., Ballesteros, D., and Whale, T. F.: Investigating the Atmospheric and Biological Significance of Ice-Nucleating Macromolecules Produced by Antarctic Mosses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18964,, 2025.

    EGU25-19437 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Comparison of ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses with long-term atmospheric measurements at the THAAO, Greenland 

    Filippo Calì Quaglia, Giovanni Muscari, Angelica Focardi, Virginia Ciardini, Annalisa Di Bernardino, Tatiana Di Iorio, Daniela Meloni, Giandomenico Pace, Monica Tosco, and Alcide di Sarra

    The Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO, is a strategically important site for collecting atmospheric measurements in the Arctic. Located in Pituffik (76.5° N, 68.8° W, 225 m asl) on the Greenland west coast, it experiences harsh environmental conditions and offers invaluable atmospheric measurements otherwise scarce in the region. Over the past decade, increased visits to the observatory have facilitated the expansion, maintenance, and upgrading of its instruments. More than 15 instruments are currently operating at the THAAO, measuring atmospheric and surface climate parameters. Among those are upward- and downward-looking pyranometers and pyrgeometers, radiosondes, microwave spectrometers for atmospheric composition, lidar and ceilometer systems, and a weather station also providing precipitation measurements.

    This study compares two prominent reanalysis datasets - ERA5 and the C3S Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) - produced by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Ground-based measurements of various atmospheric parameters, including local and column-integrated variables, are used for this comparison. CARRA delivers higher spatial resolution (2.5 km) but lower temporal resolution (3-hourly) data, concentrating on Greenland and utilising ERA5's global reanalysis (0.25° x 0.25° and hourly) as lateral boundary conditions.

    The analysis extends over a period ranging from 3 to 15 years, depending on the parameter, and includes key variables such as temperature, relative humidity, integrated water vapour, radiation components (shortwave and longwave), precipitation, cloud base height, wind speed and direction. In addition, over 50 radiosonde measurements, unevenly distributed between 2016 and 2024, are exploited in the comparison. The data used in this study have not been assimilated into the reanalysis under consideration, allowing an independent evaluation.

    The impact of different temporal and spatial resolutions of the reanalyses will be assessed. The climatological length of the reanalyses (> 30 years) allows the assessment of seasonal and annual trends, as well as the regional impact of extreme events over a long time span.

    How to cite: Calì Quaglia, F., Muscari, G., Focardi, A., Ciardini, V., Di Bernardino, A., Di Iorio, T., Meloni, D., Pace, G., Tosco, M., and di Sarra, A.: Comparison of ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses with long-term atmospheric measurements at the THAAO, Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19437,, 2025.

    EGU25-19981 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Airborne in-situ cloud observations around the Antarctic peninsula from the Southern Ocean Clouds project  

    Floortje van den Heuvel, Dan Smith, Freya Squires, Jonathan Witherstone, Mike Flynn, Jessica Girdwood, Jiawei Xu, and Thomas Lachlan-Cope

    Clouds are a major source of uncertainty in climate model projections over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica1. The inaccurate representation of clouds in climate models results in biases in the net radiative balance which has knock-on effects on the ability of models to represent sea surface temperatures, ocean heat uptake, sea ice cover, and ultimately large-scale circulation in the Southern Hemisphere2,3,4,5,6. Evidence suggests that this is due to the poor representation of mixed phase clouds in models—the dominant cloud type in this region.

    As part of the Southern Ocean Clouds project, we have conducted two flying campaigns out of Rothera research station which is located on the Antarctic peninsula, in order to investigate the composition of clouds over the Southern Ocean. Over the course of two field seasons (one in the 2022-23, and one in the 2024-25 Antarctic season) we performed more then 40 flights consisting of over 140 flying hours. During these flights we measured ice crystal, water droplet and aerosol number concentrations and sizes. We also collected Ice Nucleating Particles on filters in addition to performing measurements of meteorological parameters, turbulence, and radiative balance. 

    Here we will present an overview of the flying campaign of the 2024-25 season, and compare the observations conducted this year to those which were made during our previous campaign in the 2022-23 season. Although we saw higher droplet number concentrations for the 2024-25 campaign than during the 2022-23 campaign, both revealed the presence of higher droplet number concentrations at higher altitudes (> 2000 m asl) indicating a potential long range source for these. 

    1 Bodas-Salcedo, A., et al., 2014: Origins of the Solar Radiation Biases over the Southern Ocean in CFMIP2 Models. J. Climate, 27, 41–56, 

    2 Lauer, A., et al., 2018: Process-level improvements in CMIP5 models and their impact on tropical variability, the Southern Ocean and monsoons. Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, 33–67, 

    3 Frölicher, T. L., et al., 2015: Dominance of the Southern Ocean in Anthropogenic Carbon and Heat Uptake in CMIP5 Models. J. Climate, 28, 862–886, 

    4 Ferrari and Ferreira 2011: what processes drive the ocean heat transport? Ocean. Model., 38, 171-186, 

    5: Ceppi P., et al., 2012: Southern Hemisphere Jet latitude biases in CMIP5 models linked to shortwave cloud forcing. Geophys. Res. Lett, 39, 19: 

    6 Y. Hwang, D.M.W. Frierson, 2013: Link between the double-Intertropical Convergence Zone problem and cloud biases over the Southern Ocean, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 110 (13) 4935-4940, 

    How to cite: van den Heuvel, F., Smith, D., Squires, F., Witherstone, J., Flynn, M., Girdwood, J., Xu, J., and Lachlan-Cope, T.: Airborne in-situ cloud observations around the Antarctic peninsula from the Southern Ocean Clouds project , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19981,, 2025.

    EGU25-20517 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Virga Detection Tool based on Micro Rain Radar in Arctic 

    Lekhraj Saini, Saurabh Das, and Nuncio Murukesh

    Virga known as precipitation that fails to reach to the ground due to evaporation/sublimation beneath the cloud base. Virga is commonly observed in hot and arid regions where dry air helps in the process [1]. In a warming climate, virga is increasingly observed in cold environments such as Antarctica and Switzerland as sublimation of snow [2,3]. Virga precipitation constitutes occurrences over 30% in TRMM, GPM and 50% in Cloudsat in arid regions and accounts for 50% (30%) of false precipitation detections by TRMM (GPM) satellites. Virga plays a crucial role in quantifying total precipitation, particularly in remote regions like the Arctic where virga is poorly studied. Accurate identification of virga is essential to improve precipitation estimates derived from satellite radar observations, which are limited in Arctic regions. This study introduces the Arctic Virga Detection Algorithm (ArViDAM), which uses ground-based vertical precipitation observations from Micro Rain Radar (MRR) deployed at Ny-Ålesund (78° 55' N, 11° 56' E) in the Arctic to identify virga events based on reflectivity and fall velocity profiles up to 6 km.

    Figure: (top) Time-height series profile of (a) Ze, (b) W, and (c) SW for 13th–14th June, 2020 includes virga and surface precipitation with detected virga height with black line. (bottom) Seasonal variation of occurrence of virga and surface precipitation during 2020-2023.

    A summer event presented in Figure shows the sensibility of the ArViDAM with detected virga height on the time-height profile of reflectivity (Ze), fall velocity (W), and spectral width (SW) during 13th–14th June, 2020. ArViDAM outcomes from 2020–23 indicate that summer has the highest virga occurrence with∼40%, followed by spring and autumn with∼30% and winter with the lowest∼22%. The outcomes are expected to enhance understanding of Arctic precipitation processes and contribute to quantitative precipitation estimation. 

    Keywords—Virga, Arctic Precipitation, Sublimation, Micro Rain Radar, Climate Change




    [1] Wang, Y. You, and M. Kulie, “Global virga precipitation distribution derived from three spaceborne radars and its contribution to the false radiometer precipitation detection,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 4446–4455, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/abs/10.1029/2018GL077891.


    [2] N. Jullien, E. Vignon, M. Sprenger, F. Aemisegger, and A. Berne, “Synoptic conditions and atmospheric moisture pathways associated with virga and precipitation over coastal ad´elie land in Antarctica,” The Cryosphere, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1685–1702, 2020. [Online]. Available: 


    [3] R. Beynon and K. Hocke, “Snow virga above the swiss plateau observed by a micro rain radar,” Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 4, 2022. [Online]. Available:

    How to cite: Saini, L., Das, S., and Murukesh, N.: Virga Detection Tool based on Micro Rain Radar in Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20517,, 2025.

    EGU25-21627 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers in the Antarctic Peninsula: Synoptic Evolution and Oceanic Feedback  

    Matilde Rafacho, Alizee De Groodt, Paulo Avilez-Valente, Claudio Durán-Alarcón, Sangjong Park, and Irina Gorodetskaya

    Atmospheric rivers (ARs), increasingly recognized for their substantial influence on polar regions, are characterized as long, narrow corridors of intense moisture transport that play a crucial role in the redistribution of heat and water vapor toward higher latitudes. These systems profoundly affect precipitation regimes, surface melt dynamics, and, consequently, the surface mass balance of Antarctica (Wille et al., 2021). Additionally, ARs interact with oceanic processes, influencing wave activity, sea spray aerosol production, and feedback mechanisms that can impact cloud microphysics and precipitation. In the Antarctic Peninsula (AP), ARs have been associated with anomalous snowfall, extreme melting events, and transitions between snowfall and rainfall. A notable example occurred in February 2022, when an intense AR event resulted in unprecedentedly high temperatures, extensive surface melting across the AP and anomalously high rainfall amounts in the northern AP, underscoring their significant role in regional climate variability (Gorodetskaya et al., 2023).

    Building on prior findings, this study examines a February 2023 AR event using observations at King Sejong Station, King George Island (radiosondes and precipitation radar MRR-PRO), ERA5 reanalysis and WAVEWATCH III model. The AR was driven by a deep low-pressure system west of the AP and a high-pressure ridge to the northeast, creating strong moisture advection and cyclonic uplift. Integrated Vapor Transport (IVT) values exceeded 400–600 kg/m−1 s−1 during peak days, with a distinct influence of baroclinic zones and fronts identified using wet-bulb potential temperature gradients at 850-hPa level. These conditions facilitated enhanced vertical motion, cloud development, and significant precipitation, primarily as snowfall in inland and higher- altitude regions of the AP. Concurrently, the strong winds associated with the AR enhanced wave activity and whitecapping in the surrounding Southern Ocean, increasing sea spray aerosol production, which could potentially influence cloud microphysical properties.

    Furthermore, thermodynamic conditions during the AR were characterized by pronounced baroclinicity and the interaction of warm, moist subtropical air with cold polar air, which sustained cloud formation and moisture convergence. Later in February, as cyclonic activity weakened and IVT values decreased below 200 kg/m−1 s−1, precipitation became less intense and spatially confined. However, residual moisture flux and localized thermodynamic forcing supported light snowfall, even as synoptic features transitioned toward zonal flow. The dynamic interplay between AR-driven moisture transport, cyclonic uplift, oceanic feedback, and synoptic transitions underscores the significant role of ARs in modulating cloud and precipitation properties over the AP.

    Acknowledgements: We are grateful for financial and logistical support via FCT projects MAPS and MICROANT, PROPOLAR and KOPRI


    Gorodetskaya, I.V. et al. “Record-high Antarctic Peninsula temperatures and surface melt in February 2022: a compound event with an intense atmospheric river” (2023)

    Wille, J. D. et al. (2021) “Antarctic atmospheric river climatology and precipitation impacts” J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 126, e2020JD033788

    How to cite: Rafacho, M., De Groodt, A., Avilez-Valente, P., Durán-Alarcón, C., Park, S., and Gorodetskaya, I.: Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers in the Antarctic Peninsula: Synoptic Evolution and Oceanic Feedback , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21627,, 2025.

    EGU25-21662 | Posters on site | AS4.4

    Atmospheric Rivers and Antarctic Peninsula Precipitation Phase Transitions 

    Irina V. Gorodetskaya, Claudio Durán-Alarcón, Xun Zou, Penny Rowe, Vincent Favier, and Sangjong Park

    Atmospheric rivers (AR) are long, narrow, transient corridors of intense atmospheric moisture transport affecting many regions around the world including Antarctica, where they play an important role in surface mass and energy balance. Over the Antarctic Peninsula (AP), one of the most rapidly warming regions, ARs have been increasing in frequency and intensity causing major heatwaves, anomalous precipitation and surface melt [1,2]. The impact of ARs would not be as intense without global warming [3] and thus it is urgent to understand processes driving ARs and their impacts using observations and improve their representation in the models used for weather forecasts and for future climate projections. One of the most worrying impacts is the increasing frequency of rain both during summer and winter seasons over the AP, which can drastically change surface energy and mass balance as well as impact fragile ecosystems. Understanding processes driving the transitions from snowfall to rainfall in time, location and in vertical profile - during all-weather events and particularly during ARs - is one of our key goals for collecting precipitation and radiosonde measurements at King Sejong station on King George Island, north of the AP. Since February 2023, we have been operating MRR-PRO, a 24-GHz vertically profiling precipitation radar from which we can derive effective reflectivity, Doppler velocity, melting layer height and precipitation rates. King Sejong is also equipped with automatic weather stations providing near-surface meteorological parameters, broadband surface radiation, precipitation-gauge measurements and snow height. Cloud lidar measurements using miniMPL at Escudero station are available via NASA’s MPLnet [4]. Here we present the evolution of ARs and associated snowfall and rainfall properties during two years of observations (2023-2024). The spatial distribution of precipitation from ERA5 and high-resolution Polar-WRF simulations for specific events demonstrates a transition from rainfall in the northern AP to snowfall in its southern part with significant orographic enhancement over the western upwind side of the AP. Vertical profiling with MRR at King Sejong shows significant variability in the melting layer attaining higher altitudes (up to 3km) during AR events. Combining MRR and radiosonde observations during a selected AR in February 2024 showed strong temperature inversions in the first 3 km with a melting layer varying in height between 3 km and near surface, accompanied by a sharp transition from snowfall to rain. Observations are used to evaluate representation of precipitation in ERA5 and in Polar WRF.

    Acknowledgements: We thank FCT (projects MAPS/MICROANT); PROPOLAR; KOPRI; ANR (project ARCA).


    [1] Wille, J.D., et al. (2019): West Antarctic surface melt triggered by atmospheric rivers. Nat. Geosci.

    [2] Gorodetskaya et al. (2023): Record-high Antarctic Peninsula temperatures and surface melt in February 2022: a compound event with an intense atmospheric river. npj Clim Atmos Sci.

    [3] González-Herrero et al. (2022): Climate warming amplified the 2020 record-breaking heatwave in the Antarctic Peninsula. Commun. Earth Env..

    [4] Rowe et al. (2025) Observations of Clouds and Radiation Over King George Island and Implications for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, JGR, in review.

    How to cite: Gorodetskaya, I. V., Durán-Alarcón, C., Zou, X., Rowe, P., Favier, V., and Park, S.: Atmospheric Rivers and Antarctic Peninsula Precipitation Phase Transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21662,, 2025.

    EGU25-652 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Constraining the Viscosity of Europa’s Ice Shell from Eutectic Interfaces in Geodynamic Models 

    William Byrne, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Hauke Hussmann, Natalie Wolfenbarger, Dustin Schroeder, and Gregor Steinbruegge

    Jupiter’s moon Europa is one of the prime targets for planetary exploration due to its high astrobiological potential. Slightly smaller than Earth’s moon, Europa harbors a liquid water ocean beneath an ice shell. The thickness of Europa’s ice shell is poorly constrained and values of less than 1 km  to up to 90 km have been suggested in previous studies (e.g., Billings and Kattenhorn, 2005, Vilella et al., 2020). Ice-penetrating radars on NASA’s Europa Clipper (REASON, Blankenship et al., 2024) and ESA’s JUICE (RIME, Bruzzone et al., 2013) missions aim to determine the thickness of Europa's ice shell. Recent studies have suggested that constraints on the thickness of Europa’s ice shell can be obtained through the detection of eutectic interfaces, defined as the depth where brine becomes thermodynamically stable in the ice shell (Schroeder et al., 2024).  In fact, previous studies have shown that the detection of eutectic horizons within an ice shell is likely easier than detecting the ice-ocean interface, given their shallower depths and therefore lower total signal attenuation (Kalousova et al., 2017, Soucek et al., 2023, Byrne et al., 2024). The depth of the eutectic interfaces depends on the thermal state of the ice shell, which is closely linked to the ice shell viscosity and large-scale dynamics (Kalousova et al., 2017). As suggested by previous authors (Kalousova et al., 2017, Schroeder et al., 2024), detection of eutectic interfaces therefore represents a promising strategy to constrain the thermophysical properties of the ice shell through characterization of its convective pattern.


    In this study we use the geodynamic code GAIA (Hüttig et al., 2013) to investigate the ice shell dynamics on Europa. We vary the ice shell thickness and ice shell viscosity that largely affect the convection pattern and in particular the number of hot upwellings and cold downwellings that can develop. In our models, the viscosity is temperature dependent and follows an Arrhenius law. We choose a reference value for the viscosity at the ice-ocean interface and vary this over several orders of magnitude between the different models. Once a simulation has reached a statistical (quasi-)steady state, we determine the eutectic pattern by identifying the depths of the eutectic temperature. We treat this sequence of eutectic depths as a signal and identify the peaks of each local maxima (or peak) in the signal. The number of local maxima in the simulation is used to estimate the global number of convection cells in the ice shell. 


    Our preliminary results show a close relation between the number of plumes that develop in the ice shell of Europa and the viscosity at the ice-ocean interface. By increasing the number and complexity of our simulations, we aim to derive so-called scaling laws that will relate the convection structure with the viscosity and thickness of Europa’s ice shell. This will provide a framework that will help to interpret the detection of eutectic interfaces in future radar measurements in the context of large-scale dynamics of the deep ice shell. 

    How to cite: Byrne, W., Plesa, A.-C., Hussmann, H., Wolfenbarger, N., Schroeder, D., and Steinbruegge, G.: Constraining the Viscosity of Europa’s Ice Shell from Eutectic Interfaces in Geodynamic Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-652,, 2025.

    EGU25-3741 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Seasonal Variability of Stratospheric H2O on Titan 

    Joshua Ford, Nicholas Teanby, Patrick Irwin, Conor Nixon, and Lucy Wright

    Seasonal Variability of Stratospheric H₂O on Titan

    Titan is Saturn’s largest moon and one of the most complex Earth-like bodies in our Solar system. It hosts a thick, complex atmosphere with weather systems [1], rich C-N-H photochemistry [2], and unique surface features such as lakes of methane [3]. The presence of organic hazes and oxygen-bearing molecules in the atmosphere make Titan astrobiologically important and provides an analogous natural laboratory to study pre-biotic Earth [4] and exoplanets with similar climates. Understanding Titan’s atmosphere is also pertinent to inform NASA's Dragonfly mission set to arrive in 2034 [5].

    Water vapour is an important, yet poorly understood presence in Titan’s atmosphere. It plays a vital role in distributing oxygen molecules, which are otherwise scarce, throughout the planet to form species such as CO, CO2 and H2CO [2]. Water vapour was first detected in Titan’s atmosphere in 1998 by the Infrared space Observatory [6]. Since then, only a handful of studies from Herschel [7], CIRS [8] and the INMS [9] instruments have provided observations. Due to modelling difficulty and its low abundances, there is limited information on seasonal, global and vertical abundances of Titan’s H2O with research focusing on averages and single measurements.

    146 far-IR observations acquired by CIRS on-board the Cassini spacecraft were analysed to form the first-reported global picture of H2O abundances in Titan’s stratosphere across its 13-year mission, improving on previous studies. Using the most recent photochemical model [2] as an a priori in the NEMESIS radiative transfer modelling tool [10] and a new method of applying parameterised gaussian cross-sections [11] to fit the poorly understood hazes, we present results showing the seasonal variability of water vapour at pressures of ~ 0.1-10 mbar. We discuss our results and its implications, and compare our findings to previous work. 

    References: [1] N.A. Teanby et al. (2017) Nat. Commun. 8, 1586. [2] V. Vuitton et al. (2019) Icarus 324, 120-190. [3] M. Mastrogiuseppe et al. (2019) Nat. Astron. 3, 535-542. [4] D.W. Clarke and J.P. Ferris (1997) Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 27, 225-248. [5] J.W. Barnes et al. (2021) Planet. Sci. J. 2, 130. [6] A. Coustenis et al. (1998) A&A 336, 85-89. [7] R. Moreno et al. (2021) Icarus 221, 753-767. [8] V. Cottini et al. (2012) Icarus 220(2), 855-862. [9] J. Cui et al. (2009) Icarus 200, 581-615. [10] P.G.J. Irwin (2008) J. Quant. Spec. Radiat. Transf. 109, 1136–1150. [11] N.A. Teanby (2007) Math Geol, 39, 419–434. [12] S. Bauduin et al. (2018) Icarus, 311, 288-305.

    How to cite: Ford, J., Teanby, N., Irwin, P., Nixon, C., and Wright, L.: Seasonal Variability of Stratospheric H2O on Titan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3741,, 2025.

    EGU25-4402 | Orals | PS2.5

    A High-Level Description of Titan’s Winds  

    Ralph Lorenz

    A high-level description of Titan’s wind field is a useful tool for two reasons. First, as a series of simple statements, one can convey succinctly to the public how Titan’s weather differs from that on Earth or Mars, for example.  Second, those statements can be mapped to an algorithmic specification (i.e. lines of code) to generate tables or maps of numerical values, and such a program is a much more compact and convenient construct to use in modeling of meteorological or geomorphological processes or in planetary mission design than are tables themselves.

    Here I overview such a description, guided by the Huygens descent measurements obtained 20 years ago, subsequent Cassini and groundbased observations, and global circulation model outputs.  The most prominent feature to be captured is the seasonal evolution of the stratospheric zonal wind at mid/high latitude (analogous to the jetstream encountered in terrestrial aviation).

     Results from this effort may contribute to the next generation of the NASA Titan-GRAM (Global Reference Atmosphere Model) tool. 

    How to cite: Lorenz, R.: A High-Level Description of Titan’s Winds , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4402,, 2025.

    EGU25-7144 | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Search for cyanopropyne and isobutyronitrile in Titan with TEXES 

    Athena Coustenis, Therese Encrenaz, David Jacquemart, Thomas K. Greathouse, Panayotis Lavvas, Benoit Tremblay, Pascale Soulard, Lahouari Krim, Rohini Giles, and Jean-Claude Guillemin

    Titan’s organic chemistry has been partly revealed from Cassini-Huygens and recent ground-based observations so far, but the full degree of its complexity is not yet fully understood (e.g. Coustenis, 2021; Nixon, 2024). Several hydrocarbons and nitriles have already been detected in the atmosphere and their seasonal variations studied in particular by the CIRS instrument aboard Cassini. Other minor species have been detected from the ground mainly in the millimeter range or space-borne observatories like ISO (Coustenis et al., 1998). These results have been included in photochemically models (Lavvas et al. 2008, and this work) that have also predicted the presence of other minor species, among which some have infrared transitions in the 5-25-micron spectral range, like cyanopropyne (CH3C3N) and isobutyronitrile (i-C3H7CN).

    Jacquemart et al. (2025) have derived absorption cross-sections at room temperature for these two non-cyclic organic molecules from laboratory spectra recorded in the 495-505 cm-1 and 510-570 cm-1 spectral ranges, respectively, with a spectral resolution of 0.01 cm-1 and 0.056 cm-1 and have proposed them for the 2024 update of the HITRAN database. In this group, we have started an observing campaign using the TEXES thermal infrared imaging spectrometer at the Infrared Telescope Facility (Mauna Kea Observatory) to monitor the infrared signatures of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and cyanoacetylene (HC3N), along with acetylene (C2H2 and C2HD). In addition, we have been searching for C4H3N and C4H7N in the 20-micron region. High resolution spectra of Titan have been obtained in September 2022 in the following spectral ranges: (1) 498-500 cm-1 (C2HD, HC3N, search for C4H3N); (2) 537-540 cm-1 (C2HD, search for C4H7N); (3) 744-749 cm-1 (C2H2, HCN); (4) 1244-1250 cm-1 (CH4). As a first application, we used the retrieved spectra in a radiative transfer code to simulate observations of Titan’s stratosphere acquired using the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES at the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF, Mauna Kea Observatory). We discuss preliminary results and perspectives, among which estimated upper limits of 3×10-9 for CH3C3N and 3×10-7 for isobutyronitrile in Titan’s stratosphere.

    In the future, we plan to use the TEXES instrument in conjunction with other larger telescopes in order to optimize the search range and to acquire detection or upper limits for some of these new molecules.


    - Coustenis, A., 2021. “The Atmosphere of Titan”. In Read, P. (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science. Oxford University Press. doi:

    - Nixon, C. A., 2024. The Composition and Chemistry of Titan’s Atmosphere. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2024 8 (3), 406-456. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.2c00041

    - Coustenis, A., Salama, A., Lellouch, E., Encrenaz, Th., Bjoraker, G., Samuelson, R. E., de Graauw, Th., Feuchtgruber, H., Kessler, M. F., 1998. Evidence for water vapor in Titan’s atmosphere from ISO/SWS data. Astron. Astrophys. 336, L85-L89.

    - Lavvas, P., Coustenis, A., Vardavas, I. M., 2008. Coupling photochemistry with haze formation in Titan's atmosphere. Part I: Model description. Plan. Space Sci. 56, 27-66.

    - Jacquemart, D., et al. 2025. Near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy of isobutyronitrile and cyanopropyne: absorption cross-sections for quantitative detection in astrophysical objects. JQSRT, submitted.

    How to cite: Coustenis, A., Encrenaz, T., Jacquemart, D., Greathouse, T. K., Lavvas, P., Tremblay, B., Soulard, P., Krim, L., Giles, R., and Guillemin, J.-C.: Search for cyanopropyne and isobutyronitrile in Titan with TEXES, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7144,, 2025.

    EGU25-8107 | Posters on site | PS2.5

     An updated view of Titan’s upper atmosphere from Cassini/UVIS airglow observations: Constraints on atmospheric structure and haze. 

    Panayotis Lavvas, Devin Hoover, Nathan Le Guennic, and Tommi Koskinen

    Titan’s atmosphere is one of the most complex environments in the solar system. The intense photochemistry of the main atmospheric gases (N2 & CH4) drives a rapidly expanding molecular growth of organic species that terminates with the formation of photochemical hazes. However, many aspects of this atmosphere remain elusive: observations with the Cassini-Huygens space mission reveal that Titan’s upper atmosphere is temporally variable through unidentified mechanisms, while the processes driving the gas to haze transition are largely unknown due to the lack of constraints on the haze microphysical properties in the upper atmosphere. Here we discuss observations obtained with the Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) from 2004 to 2017 that provide a detailed view of the upper atmosphere. Spectra from the FUV detector reveal the dominance of emissions from the de-excitation of molecular and atomic nitrogen, resonant scattering of Lyman-a photons by atomic hydrogen and scattering by the atmospheric gases and the photochemical haze. We use detailed forward models of the observed emissions to characterize the upper atmosphere and get constraints on the abundance profiles (and their variability) of the N2, CH4 and H gases and the microphysical properties of the haze particles. Our results demonstrate that the observed gaseous emissions closely follow a temporal evolution throughout the Cassini mission that is consistent with the solar-cycle variability, while the haze scattering observations reveal marked differences between the evening and morning terminators. We discuss the implications of our retrievals on the thermal structure of the upper atmosphere and the haze microphysical growth.

    How to cite: Lavvas, P., Hoover, D., Le Guennic, N., and Koskinen, T.:  An updated view of Titan’s upper atmosphere from Cassini/UVIS airglow observations: Constraints on atmospheric structure and haze., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8107,, 2025.

    EGU25-9877 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Modeling of fault initiation in the ice shell of Enceladus 

    Barbora Piláriková, Ondřej Souček, and Ben S. Southworth

    In light of the growing interest in the composition and habitability of the ocean beneath the icy crust of Enceladus, we revisit the basic hypotheses behind the formation of the prominent Tiger Stripes fault system on Enceladus’ south pole. This study revolves around the formation of new fractures assuming the existence of the first one, considering two distinct physical scenarios.

    In the first one, we expand the idea by Hemingway et al.[1]. First, we approximate the ice crust by a Kirchhoff plate to obtain a fourth-order ordinary differential equation modeling the deformation of the plate. The solution of this equation is obtained by the method of variation of parameters providing us with a function describing the plate’s response to different surface load distributions. By investigating the solution profiles for both the approximated point load [1] and the more realistic distributed load [2] and employing the criterion for the maximal bending moment of the plate, we find that the maxima correspond to the positions of the new fracture. Our results indicate that while simple point load approximation quite accurately predicts new fracture positions for a reasonable estimate of the elastic shell thickness, the more realistic load model implies a thinner crust more consistent with observations [3].
    In the second scenario, we couple the mechanical Kirchhoff plate problem with damage mechanics [4] which allows us to model the formation of the crack due to periodic tidal loading rather than distributed surface mass. We compare the results of these two scenarios and discuss their implications both for the formation hypotheses and the structural constraints on the ice shell thickness. 

    This research was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under Grant No. 25-16801S.

    [1] Douglas J. Hemingway, Maxwell L. Rudolph, and Michael Manga. Cascading parallel fractures on Enceladus. Nature
    Astronomy, 4(3):234–239, 2020

    [2] Ben S. Southworth, Sascha Kempf, and Joe Spitale. Surface deposition of the Enceladus plume and the zenith angle of
    emissions. Icarus, 319:33–42, 2019

    [3]Ondřej Čadek, Gabriel Tobie, Tim Van Hoolst, Marion Massé, Gaël Choblet, Axel Lefèvre, Giuseppe Mitri, Rose-Marie
    Baland, Marie Běhounková, Olivier Bourgeois, et al. Enceladus’s internal ocean and ice shell constrained from cassini
    gravity, shape, and libration data. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(11):5653–5660, 2016

    [4] Ravindra Duddu, Stephen Jiménez, and Jeremy Bassis. A non-local continuum poro-damage mechanics model for hydrofracturing of surface crevasses in grounded glaciers. Journal of Glaciology, 66(257):415–429, 2020

    How to cite: Piláriková, B., Souček, O., and Southworth, B. S.: Modeling of fault initiation in the ice shell of Enceladus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9877,, 2025.

    EGU25-10116 | Orals | PS2.5

    Clathrate as a noble gas reservoir from the primordial hydrosphere of Titan  

    Alizée Amsler Moulanier, Olivier Mousis, Alexis Bouquet, and Ngan H.D. Trinh

    Titan, visited by the Huygens probe in 2005, is the only moon in the solar system known to have a dense, nitrogen-rich atmosphere. It is also suspected to possess a subsurface global ocean beneath an ice crust. A striking characteristic of Titan’s atmosphere is the absence of primordial noble gases such as argon, krypton, and xenon. If Titan’s ice content—estimated to be between 30% and 50%—was delivered by volatile-rich planetesimals and solids, it would be expected that these noble gases would have been incorporated into the moon’s hydrosphere during its formation. A plausible explanation for the depletion of these noble gases in Titan’s current atmosphere is their sequestration in clathrate hydrates. This process could have occurred either after the formation of Titan's ice crust or shortly after the moon's accretion, during the “open-ocean” phase, when Titan’s surface was initially liquid.

    Our work focuses on modeling the ocean-atmosphere equilibrium during Titan’s early history. To achieve this, we begin with a bulk composition and calculate how volatiles are distributed between the vapor and liquid phases. We take into account the vapor-liquid equilibrium between water and various volatiles, as well as the CO₂-NH₃ chemical equilibrium occurring within the ocean at shallow depths. Additionally, using a statistical thermodynamic model, we explore the potential impact of clathrate formation at the ocean's surface. If the stability conditions for clathrates are met, we investigate how their formation could influence the composition of Titan’s primordial atmosphere. Specifically, we assess the required thickness of the clathrate crust necessary to deplete the primordial atmosphere of noble gases.

    Our computations suggest that if Titan's water budget was delivered by icy planetesimals with a comet-like composition, a thick, CO₂- and CH₄-rich primordial atmosphere would form above the ocean. We also highlight that the equilibrium of the primordial hydrosphere leads to a significant depletion of NH₃ in both the atmosphere and the ocean, as it is converted into ions due to the chemical equilibrium with CO₂. Furthermore, we show that a clathrate crust just a few kilometers thick would be sufficient to completely deplete the primordial atmosphere of xenon at 273.15 K. In contrast, to retain most of the krypton in the atmosphere, a much thicker clathrate crust—on the order of tens of kilometers—would be required. Argon, however, is not trapped as efficiently as other noble gases. Our calculations show that argon can only be captured in significant amounts at much lower temperatures, after Titan's surface has cooled.

    How to cite: Amsler Moulanier, A., Mousis, O., Bouquet, A., and Trinh, N. H. D.: Clathrate as a noble gas reservoir from the primordial hydrosphere of Titan , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10116,, 2025.

    EGU25-10910 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Selection of the chemical adsorbents and operating conditions for the injection traps onboard the Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer Gas Chromatograph 

    Alex Abello, Caroline Freissinet, Théo Govekar, Arnaud Buch, Joel Casalinho, Cyril Szopa, and Melissa Trainer

    Dragonfly is a relocatable lander that will explore Titan in the mid-2030’s [1]. It is equipped with the Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer (DraMS) instrument to investigate Titan chemistry at geologically diverse locations. DraMS’ gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) mode will investigate organic molecule diversity and look for potential molecular biosignatures in surface samples. In this mode, solid samples are thermally volatized or chemically derivatized in a pyrolysis oven. The evolved components are concentrated on a chemical injection trap during the whole duration of the thermal or chemical treatment of the sample. The adsorbed compounds are then desorbed by flash-heating the trap for a rapid injection into the chromatographic column. The role of the column is to separate the different components so that they can be detected and identified with the mass spectrometer.

    DraMS-GC is composed of two independent injection traps. At least one of them is necessarily composed of Tenax for its performances and heritage, but the chemical adsorbent in the other trap may be different. Despite its overall performance, Tenax has shown some contamination that challenges the interpretation of the origin of the molecules. This has been widely documented on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument onboard Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission [2],[3],[4],[5]. Both Carbograph and Carbotrap adsorbents have been considered as an alternative, but the former was abandoned due to its low mechanical resistance to vibration.

    Desorption performance was evaluated for various chemical compounds mimicking the ones expected in future Titan samples, such as linear alkanes, fatty acid methyl esters, amines, amides, amino acids and nucleobases. Some of these were derivatized beforehand using N,N-dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal (DMF-DMA), as they will be on DraMS-GC.

    The desorption temperature and the flash-heat duration have to be optimized for each adsorbent to ensure the best efficiency within the mission constraints. While the optimal desorption temperature for Tenax is 280°C, Carbotrap requires at least 300°C to significantly desorb most compounds. At the highest temperature tested (350°C), alkanes up to C26 can be desorbed from Carbotrap. Results also showed a greater increase in desorption efficiency by extending the flash-heat duration from 10 to 40 seconds rather than by increasing its temperature alone (for example from 280 to 300°C).

    Moreover, DraMS-GC must be able to detect a potential enantiomeric excess in the samples since this could be a bioindicator. Thus, some homochiral compounds are studied using a chiral chromatographic separation. Preliminary results show adsorption and desorption processes on Carbotrap do not induce a significant racemization of those compounds.

    The final choice for the nature of the adsorbent and the operating conditions will consider those results along with the strong constraints on the power available to reach and maintain the optimal desorption temperature.


    [1]          J.W. Barnes et al., 2021, Planet. Sci. J.

    [2]          D.P. Glavin et al., 2013, J. Geophys. Res. Planets

    [3]          C. Freissinet et al., 2015, J. Geophys. Res. Planets

    [4]          A. Buch et al., 2019, J. Geophys. Res. Planets

    [5]          K.E. Miller et al., 2015, J. Geophys. Res. Planets

    How to cite: Abello, A., Freissinet, C., Govekar, T., Buch, A., Casalinho, J., Szopa, C., and Trainer, M.: Selection of the chemical adsorbents and operating conditions for the injection traps onboard the Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer Gas Chromatograph, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10910,, 2025.

    EGU25-11947 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Cracking Europa’s shell: How ice thickness and convection drive surface-interior dynamics 

    Hyunseong Kim, Antoniette Grima, and Luke Daly

    Europa’s geologically young surface, characterised by extensional and subsumption bands, hints at dynamic ice tectonics and active interactions between the moon’s surface and its interior. Potentially, a key driver of this activity is the convection within Europa’s icy shell. Ice shell convection can facilitate and promote the mobility of Europa’s ice surface, the evolution of its topography as well as thermochemical mixing within the shell itself. Yet, critical aspects of Europa’s ice shell, such as its thickness and composition and how these vary across the surface and with depth, remain elusive, limiting our understanding of Europa’s icy dynamics and its surface evolution. In this work, we present state-of-the-art numerical models of convection in an icy shell with composite viscosity, visco-elastic-plastic deformation, and a free-surface top boundary condition using the finite element code ASPECT. We explore a range of ice properties informed by current the literature and find that the ice shell thickness plays a pivotal role in determining the onset, style and longevity of convection. Notably thicker ice shells encourage chaotic convection with high Rayleigh numbers, leading to the formation and peeling of ‘icy slabs’. These results provide new insights into the dynamic behavior of Europa’s icy shell and its implications for surface-interior coupling.

    How to cite: Kim, H., Grima, A., and Daly, L.: Cracking Europa’s shell: How ice thickness and convection drive surface-interior dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11947,, 2025.

    Photochemical processes in Titan’s upper atmosphere produce a number of hydrocarbon and nitrile gases which reach their condensation temperatures in Titan’s stratosphere. These ices form around the organic haze particles which give Titan its characteristic orange color. The microphysics of these ice particles was modeled using the Titan mode of PlanetCARMA (based on the Community Aerosol & Radiation Model for Atmospheres). CARMA models the vertical transport, coagulation, nucleation, condensation, and evaporation of particles in a column of atmosphere. Ice composition includes hydrogen cyanide (HCN), benzene (C6H6), diacetylene (C4H2), propane (C3H8), acetylene (C2H2), and ethane (C2H6). CARMA tracks the mass of each ice on the atmospheric particles and calculates a flux of material across the tropopause.

    Once in the troposphere, these particles can become seed nuclei for the methane clouds seen from groundbased and Cassini observations. Methane is the only condensable gas abundant enough in Titan’s atmosphere to grow cloud particles to raindrop sizes, which then fall to the surface transporting any haze and ice mass within. The Titan Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (TRAMS) is a fully dynamic, compressible, regional-scale numerical model of Titan’s atmosphere. Coupled to CARMA, TRAMS is used to explore the microphysics and dynamics of Titan’s methane storms. We will report on results from TRAMS simulations of methane clouds and storms to quantify the mass and composition of ices deposited at Titan’s surface and implications for local changes in Titan’s surface albedo. 

    How to cite: Barth, E. L.: Delivery of Ices to Titan’s Surface within Methane Raindrops, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14316,, 2025.

    EGU25-14681 | Orals | PS2.5

    Ocean underpressure, subsurface boiling, and the upward transport of water on icy moons 

    Max Rudolph, Alyssa Rhoden, Micael Manga, and Matt Walker

    Variations in orbital parameters can change the total amount and spatial distribution of tidal heating within icy satellites, leading to changes in ice shell thickness. These thickness changes are accommodated by the melting and solidification of ice at the ocean/ice interface. During the thickening phase of ice shell evolution, the volumetric change as water freezes into ice, in combination with the volumetric shrinkage of a cooling ice shell, generates overpressure within the subsurface ocean and extensional stresses at the satellite’s surface. During the thinning phase of ice shell evolution, the opposite process may occur, with large compressional stresses generated within the cooling ice shell and underpressure within the subsurface ocean. Fracture penetration, ocean pressurization, and eruptions associated with thickening ice shells have been explored for Europa, Enceladus, and Mimas. However, much less work has been done to understand the behavior of the ice-ocean system when the ice shell thins. Here, we use analytic and numerical models of ice shell evolution to compute the conditions within ice shells and subsurface oceans during the thinning phase of ice shell evolution. We map the conditions under which subsurface oceans may develop underpressure sufficient to initiate decompression boiling and we discuss possible upward transport mechanisms for the vapor generated by this process. We also discuss the implications of our model for the interpretation of compressional tectonic features associated with the stresses generated within thinning ice shells.

    How to cite: Rudolph, M., Rhoden, A., Manga, M., and Walker, M.: Ocean underpressure, subsurface boiling, and the upward transport of water on icy moons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14681,, 2025.

    EGU25-17397 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Icy realms compared: Global ice shell dynamics of Ganymede and Europa 

    Tina Rückriemen-Bez and Ana-Catalina Plesa

    Icy moons and their cryo-/hydrospheres are central to the search for subsurface habitable environments in the solar system (e.g., [1]). While the structure of internal ice and liquid water layers varies with the moon’s size, an outer ice shell is a common feature. Smaller moons, like Europa, typically have a thin ice shell overlaying a liquid ocean, whereas larger moons, like Ganymede, possess a thicker ice shell, burying the ocean deeper beneath the surface. The outer ice layer is particularly significant: it is the most accessible for exploration, serves as a conduit between the surface and subsurface ocean, and may itself harbor niches for life. Understanding its thermal and dynamic state is essential for interpreting mission data and assessing astrobiological potential.

    In this work, we compare thin (10–40 km, e.g., Europa) and thick (50–200 km, e.g., Ganymede) ice shells, focusing on their impact on thermal and dynamic properties. We model ice shell dynamics using the GAIA convection code [2], building on recent studies [3,4] to incorporate temperature-dependent thermal conductivity (k), temperature- and pressure-dependent thermal expansivity ($\alpha$), and a complex rheology. We also examine tidal heating, a significant factor for Europa [5].

    Our analysis explores various ice grain sizes, which influence the viscosity—a critical parameter for ice shell dynamics. Key model outputs that can be tested with future measurements include elastic thickness, brittle-to-ductile transition, boundary heat flux, and potential formation of brines. Furthermore, scaling laws relating heat loss and convection vigor, as well as the creep mechanism that dominates the deformation help us to characterize the ice shell dynamic regime (i.e., conductive, weakly convective, or highly convective).  By distinguishing dynamic regimes, we aim to advance our understanding of icy worlds, the heat and material transport through their icy shells, and their potential for habitability.


    [1] Coustenis & Encrenaz et al., 2013. [2] Hüttig et al., 2013. [3] Carnahan et al. 2021. [4] Harel et al. 2020. [5] Tobie et al., 2003.

    How to cite: Rückriemen-Bez, T. and Plesa, A.-C.: Icy realms compared: Global ice shell dynamics of Ganymede and Europa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17397,, 2025.

    EGU25-18157 | Orals | PS2.5

    Current Developments in the Forefield Reconnaissance System for Melting Probes for the Exploration of Subglacial Lakes with the TRIPLE Project 

    Mia Giang Do, Jan Audehm, Fabian Becker, Georg Böck, Niklas Haberberger, Klaus Helbing, Dirk Heinen, Martin Vossiek, Christopher Wiebusch, and Simon Zierke

    In search of extraterrestrial life within the solar system, Jupiter’s moon Europa emerges as a promising candidate. Previous observations indicate the existence of a global ocean beneath the moon’s icy shell. To explore the hidden water reservoir, future missions need to penetrate the kilometer-thick ice layer. Within the project line TRIPLE (Technologies for Rapid Ice Penetration and subglacial Lake Exploration), initiated by the German Space Agency at DLR, technologies for such a mission are under development.
    Three main components are involved: (i) A retrievable electrothermal drill, also referred to as a melting probe, for penetrating the ice shell and investigating the ice layer. (ii) A miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle (nanoAUV) for exploring the water reservoir and collecting samples. (iii) An astrobiological laboratory for in-situ examination of samples.

    For the melting probe to be able to detect obstacles on its trajectory, safely navigate to the ice-water interface and anchor itself there, it needs a robust forefield reconnaissance system. In this contribution, we present a hybrid forefield reconnaissance system (FRS) that combines sonar and radar. This hybrid approach was selected to utilize the complementary advantages of both sensor systems. Both radar and sonar will be integrated into the melting head. To determine the propagation speed of the electromagnetic waves and to further provide scientific data about the ice stratification, a permittivity sensor is included.

    The entire TRIPLE system is to demonstrate its operational capability in an analog terrestrial scenario in the Antarctic. Of particular interest is the Dome C region, as it is expected that subglacial lakes in this area lie beneath a several-kilometer-thick ice shell. The next milestone for addressing this challenge is an intermediate test on the Ekström Ice Shelf. Although the introduced FRS concept was successfully tested on Alpine glaciers, adaptations will be necessary for its integration into the full TRIPLE scenario. In this presentation, we will present the latest developments related to the upcoming campaign.

    How to cite: Do, M. G., Audehm, J., Becker, F., Böck, G., Haberberger, N., Helbing, K., Heinen, D., Vossiek, M., Wiebusch, C., and Zierke, S.: Current Developments in the Forefield Reconnaissance System for Melting Probes for the Exploration of Subglacial Lakes with the TRIPLE Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18157,, 2025.

    EGU25-18662 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Search for low altitude polar orbits for future Enceladus missions 

    Taruna Parihar, Hauke Hussmann, Alexander Stark, Kai Wickhusen, Jürgen Oberst, and Roman Galas

    Enceladus is one of the few objects in our Solar System that probably harbors a habitable environment. This makes it a highly interesting target for planetary exploration and the European Space Agency (ESA) has decided to send its large mission (L4) to Enceladus. With the active regions located at the South pole of the moon a polar orbit is most desirable for revealing the mechanism that powers the jets and to perform a chemical analysis of the material ejected from the deep interior of Enceladus. We carried out a comprehensive numerical integrations of spacecraft orbits, with the aim to find suitable candidate orbits for a future mission to Enceladus. All the relevant perturbations caused by mainly Saturn, as well as the Sun, Jupiter, and the other moons of the Saturn system, and also solar radiation pressure, are taken into account. We have considered the higher degree and order Stokes coefficients of Enceladus’ and Saturn’s gravity fields provided in Park et al. 2024. Furthermore, we performed a grid search to identify suitable orbits in inertial space by varying orbital parameters such as semi-major axis (330 to 420 km), inclination (40° to 120°) and longitude of ascending node. Moderately inclined orbits (inclination between 45° and 60°) covering the equatorial and mid-latitude regions of Enceladus were found to be stable from several months up to years. In contrast, the more useful polar mapping orbits were found to be extremely unstable due to the so-called “Kozai mechanism”, which causes the spacecraft to impact the moon’s surface within a few days. However, an example of a highly inclined orbit was found with inclination of approximately 76°, which had an orbital life time of 13 days. A longer mission duration in this orbit would require correction maneuvers every few days. This would provide coverage of the tiger stripes region and allow for a near-global characterization of the surface. We also determined the delta-v that would be necessary to maintain such an orbit over a mission duration of several months.

    How to cite: Parihar, T., Hussmann, H., Stark, A., Wickhusen, K., Oberst, J., and Galas, R.: Search for low altitude polar orbits for future Enceladus missions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18662,, 2025.

    EGU25-18900 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    A journey across scales: Two-phase models for Europa’s icy mantle 

    Benjamin Terschanski, Tina Rückriemen-Bez, Ana-Catalina Plesa, and Julia Kowalski

    Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, is a prime target in the search for habitability within the solar system (e.g., [1]). While the greatest potential for life lies in the interaction between a hypothesized liquid ocean and the rocky mantle—similar to Earth's deep-sea hydrothermal vents—the outer ice shell also plays a critical role. This shell could either aid in the detection of life or serve as a potential habitat itself.

    In both scenarios, the transport of brine liquids is key: at the sub-kilometer-scale ice-ocean interface (localized brine intake) and across the planetary-scale ice shell (global brine transport). Despite the vast differences in spatial and temporal scales, these processes require models that account for the interplay between two phases (solid and liquid), the presence of solutes (salts), and phase changes.

    Within the terrestrial and extraterrestrial cryosphere research community, two-phase flow models have been independently developed. They describe processes such as mushy layer dynamics (e.g., [3]) and, more recently, global ice shell behavior involving pure water ice (e.g., [4]). Established models are often derived from a common system of conservation laws, but a variety of different simplifying assumptions makes it challenging to compare and connect them consistently.

    In this work, we present a unified framework for deriving process models applicable to different scales, from mushy layers to global ice shells. We begin by outlining the homogenized conservation laws for mass, momentum, energy, and solute (salt), operating under the assumption of equilibrium solidification.

    Subsequently, we perform a scaling analysis to develop two-phase flow models tailored to both planetary-scale ice shells and sub-kilometer-scale mushy layers, which represent the ice-ocean interface. These derived models will be systematically compared to existing published models, with a particular focus on addressing the equilibrium thermochemistry problem in the context of the significant pressure variations encountered across planetary ice shells.


    [1] Coustenis & Encrenaz et al., 2013. [2] Nisbet and Sleep, 2001. [3] Katz and Worster, 2008, [4] Kalousova et al., 2018.

    How to cite: Terschanski, B., Rückriemen-Bez, T., Plesa, A.-C., and Kowalski, J.: A journey across scales: Two-phase models for Europa’s icy mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18900,, 2025.

    EGU25-21003 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Gravity and topography signatures of shallow water bodies in the subsurface of Europa and Ganymede 

    Julia Maia, Pietro Matteoni, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Tina Rückriemen-Bez, Frank Postberg, and Hauke Hussmann

    The Jupiter moons Ganymede and Europa are prime targets for icy moons exploration by ESA’s JUICE and NASA’s Europa Clipper missions [1,2]. Future measurements by JUICE and Europa Clipper will provide key information about the ice shell structure and the depth of the subsurface oceans of these moons. While the ocean itself is the largest water body beneath the surface, liquid brine reservoirs may be present locally within the ice shell, in the shallow subsurface. These reservoirs may represent niches for habitability that may provide ideal targets for exploration because of their location close to the surface.

    Evidence for the presence of shallow water reservoirs within the ice shell of Europa has been presented in a recent study that performed detailed geomorphological-structural investigations of Menec Fossae [3]. The observed tectonic activity in this region on Europa could be related to a shallow water pocket located close to the surface that would explain the observed overall topography of this area in addition to the presence of specific geological features such as chaos terrain and double ridges. 

    On Ganymede, possible past cryovolcanic activity was suggested in a few isolated spots on the surface, the so-called “scalloped depressions” (“paterae”), which have been interpreted as possible caldera-like features [4] and could be potentially sourced from shallow water bodies. While the low-resolution data currently available prevents a precise characterization, age estimates, and composition of these regions, future measurements by JUICE will reveal the origin and formation mechanism of Ganymede’s paterae.

    In this work, we perform numerical modeling of the outer ice shell of Ganymede and Europa to test the expected gravity and topography signatures of shallow water bodies. We vary the size and location beneath the surface of such reservoirs. Moreover, since the composition and physical state (i.e., liquid state or solidified state) of such reservoirs is poorly constrained but affects the density in these regions, we test different values for density anomalies. In our models, we assume that these reservoirs are located within the conductive part of the ice shell, close to the surface. In order to quantify the effect of large-scale dynamics on the gravity and topography signal induced by shallow density anomalies, we test scenarios in which the entire ice shell is purely conductive (no additional density anomalies) and cases where the deeper ice shell is convective (additional density anomalies due to solid-state convection).

    Our models will provide scenarios that can be tested with current data, where resolution permits, and help to interpret future measurements. This will help us to locally constrain the structure of the ice shell and determine the presence of shallow water bodies in the subsurface of Ganymede and Europa.


    [1] Grasset et al. (2013), PSS.

    [2] Pappalardo et al.  (2024), SSR.

    [3] Matteoni et al.  (2023), JGR: Planets.

    [4] Stephan et al. (2021), PSS.

    How to cite: Maia, J., Matteoni, P., Plesa, A.-C., Rückriemen-Bez, T., Postberg, F., and Hussmann, H.: Gravity and topography signatures of shallow water bodies in the subsurface of Europa and Ganymede, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21003,, 2025.

    EGU25-21311 | ECS | Orals | PS2.5

    Investigating cryobot performance in realistic ice environments with the Cryotwin 

    Dipankul Bhattacharya, Anna Simson, and Julia Kowalski

    Ice-melting probes, also called cryobots, are envisioned as a key technology for accessing the subglacial oceans of icy moons, such as Europa and Enceladus, to search for life. These extraterrestrial ice shells, several kilometers thick, are anticipated to include a dense ice layer transitioning to a porous, mushy zone at the ice-water interface, resembling Earth’s sea ice. Despite this, most terrestrial field tests of cryobots have been conducted in glacial ice, which differs significantly from sea ice in structure and composition. However, for mission planning both types of ice need to be considered.

    Digital twins and virtual testbeds can be used for the integration of data and forward simulations for design and decision support subjected to the performance of the cryobot. In this contribution, we extend the functionality of the Cryotwin, an in-house digital twin for cryobots [1,2], to assess the influence of porosity on the cryobot’s performance. Our simulation model predicts the cryobot’s melting velocity, efficiency and transit time [3] for the unique thermal and porosity gradients encountered in sea ice. Mimicking a virtual testbed, our model considers an explicit update of the local environment, comprised of porosity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and density, while the cryobot moves downward melting into the ice. Porosity will be incorporated into the simulations based on temperature and salinity measurements from sea ice cores. We take salinity and temperature data from the RESICE database [4], which currently provides data from 287 sea ice cores originating from different geospatial locations and seasons, and feed environmental data into the digital twin’s testbed. Further, we use this data to derive the material properties of the local cryo-environment used in the simulation.

    This work provides insights into the operation of future cryobots in extraterrestrial environments that comprise both dense and porous ice. With this study, we want to investigate the importance of analogue testing in sea ice, and demonstrate the value add of comprehensive virtualized digital twin infrastructure, to enhance mission readiness for icy moon exploration.


    [1] Kowalski et al., Cryotwin – Digital infrastructure for virtually-assisted preparation and analysis of cryo-robotic exploration missions, 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (2023) 1 – 5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.2023101223.

    [2] Bhattacharya et al., Cryotwin: Toward the Integration of a Predictive Framework for Thermal Drilling, ECCOMAS (2024), doi: 10.23967/eccomas.2024.070

    [3] Boxberg et al., Ice Transit and Performance Analysis for Cryorobotic Subglacial Access Missions on Earth and Europa, Astrobiology 23 (2023) 1135-1152, doi: 10.1089/ast.2021.007.

    [4] Simson et al., RESICE - Reusability-targeted Enriched Sea Ice Core Database - General Information, Zenodo (2024), doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10866347.

    How to cite: Bhattacharya, D., Simson, A., and Kowalski, J.: Investigating cryobot performance in realistic ice environments with the Cryotwin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21311,, 2025.

    EGU25-21313 | Orals | PS2.5 | Highlight

    Exploring Enceladus: The Science Case for Future Radar Sounder Measurements 

    Hauke Hussmann, William Byrne, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Tina Rückriemen-Bez, and Andreas Benedikter

    One of the major questions in planetary exploration concerns the habitability of icy moons in the outer Solar System. These bodies can harbor liquid water in substantial amounts over long time-scales, a necessary ingredient for habitable environments. Water on icy moons is located in global oceans in the subsurface, beneath a global ice shell,  and/or in local reservoirs within this ice shell. Moreover, some of the satellites, in particular Europa and Enceladus and perhaps also Triton and the largest Moons of Uranus, may provide the ‘right’ chemistry because of an ocean-silicate interface in their interior. The latter allows for rock-water interaction potentially bringing chemical compounds (CHNOPS) in contact with liquid water. Due to tidal friction, which can be an important heat source in the moons’ interiors, energy that drives chemical cycles would be available and sustained over time. 

    Among the icy moons, Enceladus is a high priority target for planetary explorations due to its high astrobiological potential. Based on the current knowledge from mission data and theoretical modeling, Enceladus provides compelling evidence for the presence of a global ocean, tidal energy as a heat source, hydrothermal processes at the ocean floor, current surface activity and a young surface, as well as possible existence of shallow water reservoirs and complex chemistry. In fact, Enceladus is recommended as the top priority target in ESA’s Voyage 2050 plan covering the science theme “Moons of the Giant Planets” [1], with a subsurface radar sounder in the core payload of such a mission. 

    Radar sounders are the obvious means to detect and characterize subsurface water reservoirs on icy moons [2]. They can determine the ice-water interface and variations thereof, detect near-surface water reservoirs, study the connection of the ocean with the shallow subsurface/surface, and characterize the layering of the upper ice crust, e.g. snow, ice regolith, or compact ice that can help to understand the past evolution (intensity of jet activity and geological history).

    In this study we focus on the scientific goals of a radar sounder at Enceladus. We discuss the ice shell characteristics (thickness and variations, thermal structure, and layering) and their effects on the radar attenuation. We calculate the two-way radar attenuation on Enceladus considering a conductive ice shell covered by a porous thermally insulating surface layer. Our models show that for regions covered by a thick insulating porous surface layer (∼700 m, [3]) a radar signal will not be able to reach the ice-ocean interface. However, for these same regions the high subsurface temperatures caused by a strong insulation due to the thick porous layer increase the likelihood that shallow brines are present [4]. Such brine reservoirs are fundamental to characterize habitable environments in the shallow subsurface, and the potential to directly access them with future measurements is much greater when compared to the accessibility of subsurface oceans [5].


    [1] Martins et al. (2024); [2] Benedikter et al., this meeting; [3] Martin et al. (2023); [4] Byrne et al. (2024); [5] Wolfenbarger et al. (2022).

    How to cite: Hussmann, H., Byrne, W., Plesa, A.-C., Rückriemen-Bez, T., and Benedikter, A.: Exploring Enceladus: The Science Case for Future Radar Sounder Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21313,, 2025.

    EGU25-21319 | Posters on site | PS2.5

    A Distributed Radar Sounder Concept for Subsurface Exploration of Saturn's Moon Enceladus: Feasibility and Potential 

    Andreas Benedikter, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Jalal Matar, Hauke Hussmann, Masaki Nagai, Tobias Otto, Taruna Parihar, William Byrne, Tina Rückriemen-Bez, Eduardo Rodrigues-Silva, Gerhard Krieger, and Marc Rodriguez-Cassola

    Since the very first observations of the Moon, radars have been more and more employed as payloads of planetary exploration missions, in various operational modes like altimeters, SARs or radar sounders. Especially radar sounders provide unique measurement capabilities for the subsurface exploration of planetary bodies, as demonstrated by the MARSIS and SHARAD instruments and planned for the REASON [1] and RIME [2] instruments of the Europa Clipper and Juice missions, aimed on the exploration of Jupiter’s icy moons. Radar sounders are nadir-looking sensors that transmit pulsed electromagnetic radiation that propagates through the subsurface due to its relatively low frequency. Each dielectric discontinuity in the ground material reflects part of the signal towards the radar. The analysis of the recorded echoes provides crucial information on the subsurface structure and composition. Despite the capability of achieving good performances, the abovementioned instruments are limited by the almost omnidirectional antenna characteristic of dipole antennas that are commonly used because of the large antenna size at low frequencies. Due to the omnidirectional characteristic, surface clutter, i.e., spurious signals from off-nadir directions, is collected that potentially masks the signal of interest coming from subsurface layers in nadir direction, thus hindering the subsurface data interpretation.

    To overcome those limitations, we investigate the feasibility and potential of a distributed radar sounder satellite configuration for an Enceladus mission scenario, in the frame of an ESA study. Distributed radar sounding configurations have been already proposed for Earth Observation of icy regions (e.g., the STRATUS concept [3]). Such a formation flying satellite configuration allows for synthesizing a large antenna array that potentially provides the following advantages with respect to a traditional radar sounding configuration: 1) suppress the surface clutter through beamforming techniques, 2) increase the signal to noise ratio, 3) possibility of exploiting interferometric techniques for subsurface DEM generation and clutter interpretation, and 4) possibility of performing 3D tomographic imaging of the subsurface.

    We present an analysis of a distributed HF-band radar sounder for the subsurface exploration of Enceladus including 1) a science case derivation, 2) orbit and formation implications, 3) radar operational concepts, 4) instrument and satellite system architecture implications, and 5) performance assessment. The formation consists of up to 7 satellites, one complex mother satellite (~1.5 tons) implementing the radar signal transmission and other power and mass demanding functionalities (e.g., communication, down-link, data storage, on-board processing), and the other satellites (~200 kg) implementing transponder functionalities that receive the radar echoes and forward it to the mother satellite in a MirrorSAR [4] configuration. A main criticality is the strongly perturbed gravitational environment at Enceladus [5] posing challenges on the orbits and the formation flying capabilities. Potential orbit and formation concepts are presented as well as a performance assessment for the subsurface sounder exploration of Enceladus based on the envisioned satellite formation, attenuation and backscatter models, different operational concepts, and different beamforming approaches.


    [1] Blankenship et al., 2009. [2] Bruzzone et al., 2013. [3] Bruzzone et al., 2021. [4] Krieger et al., 2017. [5] Benedikter et al., 2022.

    How to cite: Benedikter, A., Plesa, A.-C., Matar, J., Hussmann, H., Nagai, M., Otto, T., Parihar, T., Byrne, W., Rückriemen-Bez, T., Rodrigues-Silva, E., Krieger, G., and Rodriguez-Cassola, M.: A Distributed Radar Sounder Concept for Subsurface Exploration of Saturn's Moon Enceladus: Feasibility and Potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21319,, 2025.

    EGU25-21520 | ECS | Orals | PS2.5

    LunaIcy, a Multiphysics Surface Model for the study of icy surfaces 

    Cyril Mergny and Frédéric Schmidt

    Ices are widespread across the solar system, present on the surfaces of nearly all planets and moons. Icy moons, in particular, are of high interest due to their potential habitability, as they can harbor liquid water oceans beneath their icy crust making them prime targets for the upcoming JUICE (ESA) and Europa Clipper (NASA) missions. While space observations suggest that these surfaces are made of granular water ice, the fine-scale structure — such as the size, shape, and distribution of ice grains — remains poorly understood. This raises the question: What is the current state of the ice microstructure on these surfaces?

    Various interdependant surface processes interact over large timescales and together alter the microstructure of the icy surfaces. To adress this, we have developed an innovative multiphysics simulation tool, LunaIcy, which integrates the main physics that affect Europa’s ice microstructure and simulates their interactions. This model has already provided valuable insights into Europa's surface, helping to estimate the thermal dynamics, ice cohesiveness/sintering, and crystallinity.

    Space observations will greatly benefit from such modeling advancements, which will be essential for a better interpretation of data from the upcoming missions. Multiple other applications for different icy bodies are underway, as we expect that the study of planetary surfaces, much like General Circulation Models for climate science, can greatly benefit from such multiphysical approaches.

    How to cite: Mergny, C. and Schmidt, F.: LunaIcy, a Multiphysics Surface Model for the study of icy surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21520,, 2025.

    EGU25-21586 | ECS | Orals | PS2.5

    Insights about Stratigraphy and Composition From Ray and Halo Craters on Ganymede 

    Namitha Rose Baby, Thomas Kenkmann, Katrin Stephan, Roland Wagner, Oguzcan Karagoz, Rajit Das, and Ernst Hauber

    Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, captivates with its complex geology and potential habitability. ESA's JUICE mission currently focuses on exploring Ganymede [1, 2]. We investigate ray and halo impact craters on its surface, which exhibit diverse morphologies and ejecta materials [3], including bright icy and dark non-ice materials [4, 5] found in various locations on Ganymede. In order to understand stratigraphy of Ganymede’s crust, we investigate formation of ray and halo impact craters using the Z-model [8] and the iSALE 2D, which is a multirheology and multimaterial Hydrocode code [e.g. 9] for numerical simulations.

    We mapped ray and halo impact craters using global mosaic created by [10]. Additionally, we incorporate NIMS-derived data on varying water ice abundance, dark non-ice material distribution, and water ice grain sizes as presented in [11], wherever available. For iSALE, the projectile resolution used was 10 cells per projectile radius, corresponding to an impactor size of 1 km. Approximately 120-160 zones were used in the extension zone, with a 5% increase in cell size from one neighboring cell to the next. For Antum, an impactor velocity of 15 km/s was employed.

    Excavation depth measurements for different crater types were collected based on [7] and [8] (Z = 3, Z = 4). These measurements reveal that dark ray craters such as Antum and Mir suggest the dark terrain at Marius Regio is relatively thin, not exceeding 2.3 km. In contrast, dark halo craters like Nergal and Khensu on light terrain indicate that excavated dark material originates from depths of ~1.4 km and 2.5 km, respectively, suggesting heterogeneity in the crust and the presence of subsurface dark material. Dark ray craters in light terrain, like Kittu, indicate that dark terrain material originates from a depth of around 2.3 km. From iSALE, for Antum, dark material is ejected furthest followed by bright material, where the dark material is estimated to ~1.3 km thick. These findings support the possibility of rifting contributing to the formation of light terrain wherever dark halo and dark ray craters are present, indicating subsidence of dark material into the subsurface. While bright ray craters imply light terrain formation via tectonic spreading. Our preliminary findings support iSALE modeling results for Antum are consistent with results from Z-model [8].

    [1] Grasset et al. (2013), PSS, v. 78, p. 1-21. [2] Stephan et al. (2021), v. 208, p. 105324. [3] Schenk et al., (2004), Cambridge University Press, p. 427 - 456. [4] Hibbitts (2023), Icarus, v. 394, p. 115400. [5] Schenk and McKinnon (1991), Space Science Reviews, v. 60, no. 1, p. 413-455. [6] Kenkmann  et al (2014), Journal of Structural Geology, v. 62, p. 156-182. [7] Melosh (1989), Oxford University Press. [8] Maxwell, D. E. (1977),  Impact and explosion cratering, 1003–1008. Pergamon Press. [9] Amsden et al. (1980), No. LA-8095), Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States). [10] Kersten et al. (2022), pp. EPSC2022-450. [11] Stephan et al. (2020), Icarus, v. 337, p. 113440.

    How to cite: Baby, N. R., Kenkmann, T., Stephan, K., Wagner, R., Karagoz, O., Das, R., and Hauber, E.: Insights about Stratigraphy and Composition From Ray and Halo Craters on Ganymede, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21586,, 2025.

    EGU25-21709 | Posters on site | PS2.5

    Ice Data Hub - A Crowdsourced Approach to Compile Terrestrial Analog and Ice Property Data for Icy Moons Exploration Activities 

    Julia Kowalski, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Marc Boxberg, Jacob Buffo, Mark Fox-Powell, Klara Kalousová, Johanna Kerch, Maria-Gema Llorens, Maurine Montagnat, Soroush Motahari, Tina Rückriemen-Bez, Dustin Schroeder, Anna Simson, Christophe Sotin, Katrin Stephan, Benjamin Terschanski, Gabriel Tobie, and Natalie S. Wolfenbarger

    Ice is omnipresent in our Solar System: on Earth, on different planetary bodies, and on icy moons in the outer Solar System. Quite a number of those icy bodies feature subglacial water reservoirs under global ice shells, some of which may even host cryo-habitats. In addition, on the moons Europa and Enceladus the ocean is thought to be in contact with the rocky interior leading to water-rock processes potentially similar to the ones at the ocean floor on the Earth and making these two bodies highly relevant targets for planetary exploration. Space exploration missions, such as JUICE and Europa Clipper missions which are currently on their way to the Jupiter system, will allow us to further characterize cryo-environmental conditions on icy moons. Lander missions are likely to follow should a high habitability potential be identified. In order to prepare for both the interpretation of data acquired by Europa Clipper and JUICE, and for the design of future lander missions, it is of crucial importance to exploit any possible synergy between the various cryosphere research communities. 

    In the past, terrestrial and extraterrestrial cryosphere research mostly developed as independent research fields whereas synergies may shed light on both fields. In fact, close cooperation across different cryosphere research communities is a necessary prerequisite for designing future planetary exploration missions. An in-depth knowledge of similarities and differences between ice regimes on Earth and hypothesized physical regimes on icy moons will pave the way for optimized information retrieval from mission data and allow to effectively orchestrate terrestrial analogue field test, lab experiments, and model-based design for lander technology development. An accessible database that provides information on available datasets, e.g., regarding activities at terrestrial analogue sites, dedicated lab experiments or ice properties is not available to date or maintained by the community.

    The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) team ‘Bridging the gap: From terrestrial to icy moons cryospheres’ [1] started its work in 2023 and brings together scientists and engineers with different terrestrial and extra-terrestrial cryosphere expertise. The overall goal of the project is to make knowledge hidden in the vast amounts of existing data from different cryosphere research groups accessible to the community. This should be achieved by consolidating information from existing data sets into comprehensive, moderated open access compilations. More specifically, the team focusses on two types of data compilations, namely

    • a collection of experimental and theoretical work regarding ice properties along with their implicit assumptions and ranges of applicability, and
    • a compilation of published work conducted at terrestrial analogues sites along with their relevance for icy moons exploration.

    Here, we will introduce the project and its rationale, and describe our approach to selecting and compiling the data. Most importantly, we will show how the community can contribute to and benefit from the data collection.

    Acknowledgement:  This research was supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, through ISSI International Team project #23-589 Bridging the gap: From terrestrial to icy moons cryospheres.

    References: [1]

    How to cite: Kowalski, J., Plesa, A.-C., Boxberg, M., Buffo, J., Fox-Powell, M., Kalousová, K., Kerch, J., Llorens, M.-G., Montagnat, M., Motahari, S., Rückriemen-Bez, T., Schroeder, D., Simson, A., Sotin, C., Stephan, K., Terschanski, B., Tobie, G., and Wolfenbarger, N. S.: Ice Data Hub - A Crowdsourced Approach to Compile Terrestrial Analog and Ice Property Data for Icy Moons Exploration Activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21709,, 2025.

    EGU25-21724 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5

    The Effects of a Porous Layer on the Dynamics and Two-way Radar Attenuation of Enceladus’ Ice Shell 

    Evan DeMers, William Byrne, and Ana-Catalina Plesa

    The presence of an ocean beneath the Enceladus’ ice shell makes this Saturnian moon a high priority target for future planetary exploration [1]. Water jets that have been observed at the south pole by NASA’s Cassini mission [2] are thought to originate from the ocean and provide a direct window into the subsurface composition [3]. These jets generate a highly porous material that, due to its low thermal conductivity, affects the thermal state of the ice shell.

    The analysis of pit chains on the surface of Enceladus indicates that locally the porous layer can be as thick as 700 m [4]. Such a thick porous layer can locally increase the temperature of the ice shell, leading to a low viscosity. This may promote solid-state convection in regions where the ice shell is covered by such a layer, whereas regions with thin porous layers could be characterized by conductive heat transport. Moreover, due to its effect on the ice shell temperature, the porous layer can strongly attenuate the signal of radar sounders that have been proposed to investigate the Enceladus’ subsurface [5, 6].

    Here, we use the geodynamical code GAIA [7] to investigate the effects of a porous layer on the thermal state and dynamics of Enceladus’ ice shell. Using the resulting thermal state we calculate the associated two-way radar attenuation at each location within the ice shell. We test different values of the ice shell thickness (5 – 35 km, [8]), porous layer thickness (d = 0 – 750 m), and its thermal conductivities (k = 0.1 – 0.001 Wm-1K-1 [9,10]). To account for chemical impurities within the ice shell we test a “low” loss scenario that considers a pure water ice shell and a “high” loss case that assumes a homogeneous mixture of water ice and chlorides in concentrations extrapolated from the particle composition of Enceladus’ plume [5].

    Our results show that the porous layer thickness and its distribution have a first order effect on the thermal state and dynamics of the ice shell. Regions covered by a thick porous layer are characterized by a warm ice shell temperature and thus a lower viscosity, becoming more prone to convect. The vigor of convection depends on both the temperature-dependent ice shell viscosity and the temperature difference across the ice shell. While a thick porous layer would result in a low ice shell viscosity, thus increasing the convection vigor, such thick porous layers lead to an almost isothermal ice shell, due to their strong insulation, which, in turn, decreases the convection vigor. As discussed in a recent study that only investigated a purely conductive ice shell [6], the high temperatures may lead to the formation of shallow brines detectable by radar measurements.


    [1] Choblet et al. (2021); [2] Porco et al. (2006); [3] Postberg et al. (2009); [4] Martin  et al. (2023); [5] Souček et al. (2023). [6] Byrne et al. (2024); [7] Hüttig et al., (2013); [8] Hemingway & Mittal (2019); [9] Seiferlin et al. (1996); [10] Ferrari et al. (2021).

    How to cite: DeMers, E., Byrne, W., and Plesa, A.-C.: The Effects of a Porous Layer on the Dynamics and Two-way Radar Attenuation of Enceladus’ Ice Shell, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21724,, 2025.

    CR8 – Short courses, Outreach, Communication

    EGU25-1047 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

    Virtual Field Trips: Enhancing learning before, during, and post-fieldwork 

    Eleftherios Theodoropoulos, Anders Mattias Lundmark, Kirsty Dunnett, Rafael Kenji Horota, and Karianne Staalesen Lilleøren

    Fieldwork is an essential component of geoscience education. However, challenges such as weather, safety concerns, logistical and accessibility problems can impact the overall experience. This study explores the use of Virtual Field Trips (VFTs) to enhance students’ learning experience before, during, and after fieldwork, and in some cases, replacing physical fieldwork. The research was conducted in the alpine region of Finse, Norway, a popular fieldwork destination for several geoscience courses at Norwegian universities.

    The VFTs were created using drone-captured photospheres and Digital Outcrop Models, offering immersive simulations of the field environment. Data on the educational potential was collected from students and teaching staff who tried out the VFT outside of a course context. Pre-fieldwork questionnaires were used to gather student expectations, followed by interviews with the same group after some of them used the VFT in the field. The study makes use of the theory of Novelty Space to explore the potential of VFTs; by reducing student uncertainty in areas not related to fieldwork (cognitive, social, psychological and geographical), the students can focus on the educational elements of the fieldtrip.

    The VFTs were seen as a potentially valuable tool for preparing for fieldwork by helping students visualize the site and identify areas of interest. VFTs were also considered useful for post-fieldwork activities, such as report preparation and presentations, and were recognized for enhancing inclusivity by providing virtual access to field sites for students who cannot participate in physical fieldwork.

    In a field course, students expressed excitement about the upcoming fieldwork, describing it as "exciting" and "interesting," though many also reported feeling "nervous" and "stressed," particularly about missing other courses and the challenging conditions of the field location. Social aspects, such as working in groups with their classmates and establishing good working relationships with teachers, were a common concern. The VFT is particularly useful to address cognitive and geographical concerns prior to fieldwork, and afterwards, students who did not take appropriate photos, or record observations during the field trip, used the VFT post-fieldwork for their projects. Moreover, students who used the VFT as a substitute for fieldwork found that, despite not being physically present, they were able to engage in group discussions and contribute to report writing.

    This research highlights the potential of VFTs to overcome barriers in geoscience fieldwork, enhancing accessibility and engagement. The positive feedback indicates that VFTs can enhance preparedness, serve as a supplement or substitute for fieldwork, and support post-fieldwork activities. Additionally, VFTs offer opportunities for knowledge exchange between institutions, enabling broader access to fieldwork experiences. Future work will refine VFT design and explore their use in diverse educational settings based on the users’ feedback.

    How to cite: Theodoropoulos, E., Lundmark, A. M., Dunnett, K., Kenji Horota, R., and Staalesen Lilleøren, K.: Virtual Field Trips: Enhancing learning before, during, and post-fieldwork, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1047,, 2025.

    EGU25-1222 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

    Beyond the Bathroom: Hygiene and Comfort (for Women) in Polar Regions 

    Rebecca Schlegel and Alexandra M. Zuhr

    We all got to do it: pee and poo in the wilderness, far from toilet facilities. When doing fieldwork in remote places, fulfilling these basic personal needs can become a challenge. Often, conversations about these topics are non-existent or limited, leaving individuals to feel isolated with their concerns. For women, this challenge can be even greater, especially when managing menstruation in environments with little privacy, running water, or waste disposal options. It's time to break the silence and normalize these conversations—because addressing these needs openly can empower everyone to focus on the fieldwork itself, rather than the logistics of personal care.

    Actively addressing toilet and menstruation practices is essential to overcoming these barriers. We offer practical strategies for every phase of an expedition, from planning and preparation to implementation in the field, including effective ways to manage waste outside of station facilities and away from civilization. This contribution seeks to raise awareness and foster open discussions about hygiene and comfort during fieldwork in remote areas. Drawing from our experiences in Greenland and Antarctica, we aim to share insights while gathering and exchanging practices from other locations and contexts. We hope to collaborate with others in the field to develop a community-driven effort that will culminate in comprehensive guidelines and resources for field hygiene and comfort. If you are interested in contributing, we invite you to join the conversation and help shape this initiative!

    How to cite: Schlegel, R. and Zuhr, A. M.: Beyond the Bathroom: Hygiene and Comfort (for Women) in Polar Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1222,, 2025.

    Passive dust traps were installed in summer of 2024 at the Kobbefjord Research station in west Greenland (64°08’ N, 51°23’ W) to capture local and long-range transported dust. The installation included three different types of dust traps for wet and dry deposition as well as vertical flow, following the standard methods for wind erosion research and model development by Webb et al., USA. The Kobbefjord Research station belongs to the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR). 

    Planning and preparations for the installations were carried out with the essential help from the station manager (KR). Materials that could be interesting for the Arctic foxes that live in the station area, e.g., rubber and plastics, needed to be avoided. Also any material that would collect insects rather than aeolian dust, e.g. sticky pads, were advised to be avoided. To ensure the installation materials arrived in time in Greenland, our visiting team (OM and LT) transported everything as personal luggage from Finland to Greenland. There, the research station could be reached only by boat, weather allowing, since there are no roads to the station.

    The dust traps were installed by the visiting team on 14 August and they collected dust until the end of September 2024. During the visit, stream samples were also collected and quartz filters for further laboratory analysis (e.g., dust and Black Carbon) at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) were prepared. At the time of the visit, there was no snow close to the station, but snow on glaciers and mountain tops up to 1300 m could be observed. The snow surfaces were observed to have visible amounts of light-absorbing impurities, most likely due to local dust.

    OM and LT gratefully acknowledge H2020 EU INTERACT DUST project (no. 871120).

    How to cite: Meinander, O., Thölix, L., and Raundrup, K.: Planning and conducting a field campaign in west Greenland to capture local and long-range transported aeolian dust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3994,, 2025.

    EGU25-4173 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Fieldwork education and the use of Virtual Geological Tours 

    Jan van Bever Donker, Charl Cilliers, and Matthew Huber

    South Africa hosts a great many geohistorical sites such as the Vredefort Dome impact structure1, greenstones and stromatolites of the Barberton Mountains2, turbidity sequences of the Tanqua Karoo3, and the Sea Point Contact (visited by Charles Darwin in 1836)4. Together they preserve the history of continents and the evolution of life (e.g. the “Cradle of Humankind” in the Sterkfontein Caves)1. Therefore, South Africa is a geotourism and geo-educational hotspot. However, construction, vandalism, sea-level rise and land-use changes threaten many important outcrops, both in South Africa and worldwide5.

    To address this, several platforms and initiatives such as Geodyssey (SA)6, iGeology (UK), European Geoparks Network (Europe), and GeoTourist (worldwide) have been developed to document specific outcrops for preservation, geotourism, and/or educational purposes. Our team at the University of the Western Cape has used this framework to develop virtual geological tours (VTs) of key Cape Granite, Cape, and Karoo Supergroup outcrops to: 1) add visual material to Geodyssey; 2) create Google Earth-hosted geotourism-focused tours; and 3) build longer, more comprehensive VTs with high resolution imagery, narrated video-links, 3D scans, and scientific references to allow professionals to visually access sites and to prepare students for in-person field trips. The educational efficacy of the latter has been proven with statistical analyses that show significant positive impacts that increase with target population education levels7.

    Thus far, we have built easily navigable, interactive VTs using a Canon R5 camera (with various lenses and a Syrp Genie II Pan Tilt mechanical camera head), Canon XA 40 camcorder, Insta 360 X-one camera, DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine drone and an Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max in combination with purchased software packages such as PTGui©, Agisoft Metashape© and Pano2VR© along with freeware/hosting platforms including 3D Scanner (LiDAR), Handbrake, Blender, CapCut, Microsoft Clipchamp, YouTube, Sketchfab, and the web-based version of Google Earth. Although we have used the above expensive equipment and licensed software, freeware such as HitFilm Free, HugIn and Marzipano are available, which may achieve compatible results.

    In conclusion, our latest results demonstrate that anyone can create VTs with a good mobile phone with LiDAR capability and a high resolution camera (45 megapixel or more) such as an Apple iPhone 15 or 16 pro, without having to lug heavy backpacks with bulky and expensive camera equipment into the field as we will demonstrate by showing some results.



    1) Allen, N. et al. (2022).

    2) Tice, M.M. et al. (2004).

    3) Wickens, H.D., Bouma, A.H. (2000).

    4) Bailie, R.H. et al. (2024).

    5) Helm, C.W. et al. (2024).

    6) Geological Society of South Africa (2024).

    7) Van Bever Donker, J.M. et al. (2024).

    How to cite: van Bever Donker, J., Cilliers, C., and Huber, M.: Fieldwork education and the use of Virtual Geological Tours, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4173,, 2025.

    EGU25-4272 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Gear Hack for Women – Field Testing of Prototype  

    Nighat Johnson-Amin and Leila Nour Johnson

    At EGU  2024 the Gorgoneion Collective introduced the project addressing " Gear Hack for women:  Polar Gear Revisited for Female Friendly Field Operations".  

    The project market research opened up a wider dialogue around women in Antarctica. These sessions have created a small community and we hope to create discussions to improve working conditions for women in the polar regions.
    We drew our first prototypes that were tested in Antarctica. The drawings brought together innovations but also symbolic elements to give a homage to people who live in extreme and hostile environments.

    We went to visit two factories that we partnered with Inter plume, Getex and met REAL STAAM. Our approach incorporates eco-responsibility and these three companies are the perfect embodiment of shared values.

     We have been working on testing a Prototype with 

    • A company in Chamonix which designed the basic forms for the fieldwork clothing
    • a company in France run entirely by women,  for the production of the prototype
    • A company in France run entirely in a sustainable way for the production of the duck feathers used in the clothing
    • A company in France that produced the merino underclothing that would go under the field clothing.
    • The International Polar Foundation which operates the Belgian Station Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
    • Partius in Belgium that helps with the Project Management
    • Scientists from the Netherlands who tested the clothing and gave their feedback

    The prototypes were tested in the deep field by scientists from the project FROID who worked on the Antarctic plateau at temperatures going to -45°C.

    At EGU 2025 we will give a report on the prototypes and how well they functioned and what modifications will be necessary in order to produce improved versions for the next testing season.  We will then select a researcher who will be working in the deep field to test the new prototypes in 2025-26 before making these available to a wider community in the season 2026-27.

    The Gorgoneion Collective can be followed on the following platforms: Instagram, Linked In

    How to cite: Johnson-Amin, N. and Johnson, L. N.: Gear Hack for Women – Field Testing of Prototype , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4272,, 2025.

    EGU25-6418 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Virtual Field Trips (VFT) - Approaches and Learning Opportunities for Higher Education  

    Sandra Sprenger, Caroline Leininger-Frézal, and Neli Heidari

    Virtual field trips (VFTs) have gained considerable importance for education in recent years (Friess et al. 2016, Stainsfield et al. 2000), offering innovative approaches to teaching and learning in higher education and beyond.The presentation will entail different approaches to implementing VFTs in higher education including teacher training and highlights the learning opportunities. The main ways to create a virtual field trip based on digital maps are presented. There are two basic variations of application: First, utilizing existing VFTs, which are available for numerous geoscience topics and places. Second, enabling students to create their own VFT or digital map based on obtained or existing data. A range of tools with varying levels of complexity can be employed for this purpose (Leininger-Frézal & Sprenger, 2022). Selected case studies will be used to show how virtual environments can be developed to explore spatial themes in different places. In addition, first empirical evidence is presented (Leininger-Frézal & Sprenger, 2022) that depicts learning opportunities in VFTs from the perspective of students. The results show that these are seen particularly in the accessibility of places and to promote inclusion. Limitations arise from the perspective of students due to the fact that no direct real experience is possible or also due to inadequate technical equipment. The experiences and results from three virtual field trip projects (Virt-Ex (Leininger-Frézal & Sprenger, 2022), V-Global, and V-GeoSciEd)) will be presented in order to highlight opportunities and challenges for teaching and learning in Higher Education.

    Friess, Daniel A., Grahame J. H. Oliver, Michelle S. Y. Quak, and Annie Y. A. Lau. 2016. “Incorporating ‘Virtual’ and ‘Real World’ Field Trips into Introductory Geography Modules.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (4): 546–564.

    Leininger-Frézal, Caroline, and Sandra Sprenger. 2022. “Virtual Field Trips in Binational Collaborative Teacher Training: Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development.” Sustainability 14, 12933.

    Stainfield, John, Peter Fisher, Bob Ford, and Michael Solem. 2000. “International Virtual Field Trips: A New Direction?” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 24 (2): 255–262.

    How to cite: Sprenger, S., Leininger-Frézal, C., and Heidari, N.: Virtual Field Trips (VFT) - Approaches and Learning Opportunities for Higher Education , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6418,, 2025.

    EGU25-11157 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Sharing good cryospheric fieldwork practice with the next generation of scientists 

    Michael Prior-Jones, Elizabeth Bagshaw, Lisa Craw, Samuel Doyle, Simon Filhol, Emma Fisher, Donna Frater, Jonathan Hawkins, Larissa van der Laan, Emma C Smith, and Tun Jan Young

    Fieldwork in polar and cryospheric research involves working as a team in a hazardous environment. We developed a residential field course, “CryoSkills”, which ran in Norway in April 2024, with 20 early-career scientists. One of the course objectives was to familiarise the participants with the reality of working in a cold, snow-covered environment, and for the instructor team to model and promote good practice in cryospheric fieldwork. In this presentation we will describe our approach to fieldwork and how, though a mixture of formal teaching, mentoring, and groupwork, we successfully conveyed this approach to our early-career participants. Extensive preparation and planning, including a pilot course, meant that the instructor team were able to create a supportive environment and model good practice in teamwork to the participants.

    After the course, several participants who went on to do fieldwork later in the season and told us how much their learning on the course had helped them deal with difficult situations, and we will share some of these experiences.

    How to cite: Prior-Jones, M., Bagshaw, E., Craw, L., Doyle, S., Filhol, S., Fisher, E., Frater, D., Hawkins, J., van der Laan, L., Smith, E. C., and Young, T. J.: Sharing good cryospheric fieldwork practice with the next generation of scientists, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11157,, 2025.

    EGU25-12789 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

    Girls* on Ice Austria: strategies for inclusive approaches to field experiences 

    Giulia Bertolotti, Lindsey Nicholson, Valerie Reppert, Ilga Staudinger, and Florina Schlamon and the Girls* on Ice Austria (

    Inspiring Girls Expeditions (IGE)* is a transformative wilderness science education program designed to empower young women through immersive, hands-on experiences in the natural world. With a focus on fields traditionally underrepresented by women, such as glaciology and mountaineering, IGE fosters leadership, self-confidence, and teamwork while promoting scientific inquiry and artistic expression.

    Girls on Ice Austria*, one of the most recent additions to the IGE network, offers a ten-day expedition in the Ötztal Alps, where participants, aged 15-17, engage in scientific research, mountaineering, and artistic projects. These all-female expeditions aim to break down barriers for underrepresented genders in science and outdoor activities by providing a supportive and inclusive environment. Female scientists, artists, and mountain guides lead the expeditions, offering mentorship and expertise while encouraging participants to push their physical and intellectual boundaries.

    During the expedition, participants learn basic mountaineering skills (e.g., knot tying and crevasse rescue), conduct scientific experiments, and engage in creative activities such as painting and sketching the alpine landscape. These activities are designed not only to introduce participants to the scientific method but also to help them develop a deeper connection to nature and strengthen their personal resilience. Importantly, the program is tuition-free, removing financial barriers to participation and opening doors for those who might not otherwise have access. Such opportunities can serve as preparatory experiences for subsequent scientific fieldwork.

    Here, we present the methods used to foster inclusion and teach participants with a low or mixed experience level how to operate in the field environment. Specific approaches include: (1) clear explanation of expectations for each activity (duration, planning, breaks, etc.); (2) dedicated timeslots for mentor and peer-to-peer guidance on everything from packing a bag to using the toilet; (3) ad hoc mentor and peer-to-peer advice on walking efficiently, coping with fuel and hydration issues, and managing body temperature and the elements (e.g., how not to get wet, and why); (4) formal safety training for critical activities such as glacier travel and crevasse rescue, emphasizing the need to establish a common group approach and communication strategy; (5) encouragement to voice individual needs and discuss how they can be met alongside team needs and goals; and (6) regular check-ins and feedback opportunities.

    We discuss how such programs and the tactics deployed within them can be leveraged to increase diversity in scientific leadership, provide hands-on learning experiences, and inspire and equip the next generation of young women to pursue careers in geoscience and beyond.

    How to cite: Bertolotti, G., Nicholson, L., Reppert, V., Staudinger, I., and Schlamon, F. and the Girls* on Ice Austria ( Girls* on Ice Austria: strategies for inclusive approaches to field experiences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12789,, 2025.

    EGU25-12932 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Centering Community: How Scientific Publishers Can Promote Inclusive Research Practices 

    Matthew Giampoala, Allison Schuette, Kristina Vrouwenvelder, Sarah Dedej, and Mia Ricci

    Fieldwork is inevitably place based and raises the question of how local communities are engaged. We have been working to create venues for communicating research that has addressed community priorities, and that support co-creation with local communities. We will highlight the Community Science Exchange (CSE), a collaboration by a coalition of partner societies. The CSE launched to elevate, share, and expand the reach of science performed by, for, and with communities through the journal Community Science as well as the Hub, designed for sharing various outputs of community science. We will also discuss AGU Publications’ policies aimed at improving transparency and equity for research collaborations in resource-limited settings.

    How to cite: Giampoala, M., Schuette, A., Vrouwenvelder, K., Dedej, S., and Ricci, M.: Centering Community: How Scientific Publishers Can Promote Inclusive Research Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12932,, 2025.

    Fieldwork is an essential part of geoscience training. It teaches spatial reasoning, teamwork, and organizational skills while requiring integration of diverse observations and iterative hypothesis testing. Successful field campaigns demand critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability—skills that many students find challenging, particularly when faced with open-ended tasks that lack “correct answers.” Moreover, physical fieldwork can also be exclusionary, particularly for students with health or mental impairments, lower socioeconomic status, or inflexible family obligations that limit their ability to enter the field. To address these barriers, we need inclusive and innovative methods to teach transferable field skills to all students, regardless of their ability to participate in physical fieldwork. Interactive Virtual Field Trips (iVFTs) offer a promising solution by enabling students to explore spatially integrated, data-rich environments and “visit” inaccessible sites at their own pace with fewer external stressors.

    We present an iVFT to the Mont Albert ophiolite complex (Québec, Canada), designed to train and assess students in field preparation and critical thinking in an accessible, inclusive setting. We built the iVFT as a “choose your own adventure", challenge-based virtual environment that provides a structured yet flexible framework for cultivating field skills such as strategic planning, data integration, and decision-making in dynamic scenarios. The environment integrates desktop virtual reality with an option of VR/AR compatible glasses for full immersion. To prepare for the 'field' activity, we instruct students to plan an initial field campaign justified by their chosen research problem and terrane accessibility inferred from a topographic map, and "pack a backpack" based on logistical constraints (including weight estimates). Students then enter the virtual environment and test the validity and flexibility of their field plans by making real-time decisions about site selection (i.e., what outcrops to study in detail, and why) and sampling strategies (i.e., what samples to 'collect,' and how much they weigh). The “choose your own adventure” framework allows for embedding unexpected challenges related to weather, health and safety, and active decisions of how and where to spend time. Students keep “field notebooks” to document observations, evolving hypotheses, and modifications to original field plans. During the exercise, we encourage metacognition by guiding student articulation of reasons behind decision making, responses to unexpected challenges, and strengths and weaknesses of original field plans. After the exercise, we captured this cognitive growth through post-activity written reflections. 

    Preliminary assessments using pre- and post-surveys and student products, including narrative reflections, indicate that this approach enhances students’ confidence in tackling complex, open-ended problems while fostering skills critical to real-world fieldwork. Leveraging iVFTs as fieldwork preparation tools has the potential to impact geoscience education by providing students with a safe, accessible, and effective platform to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and field planning skills. Such skills are transferable both to in-person field experiences, and more broadly, to complex problem-solving.

    How to cite: Kotowski, A. and van Vuuren, N.: Cultivating Fieldwork Skills Through a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Interactive Virtual Field Trip, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13672,, 2025.

    EGU25-13919 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Fieldwork for the collection of ecological monitoring data – learnings from creating research infrastructure in Australia 

    Sally O'Neill, Katie Irvine, Ellen Kilpatrick, Andrew Tokmakoff, Luke Derby, Ashley Leedman, Jacqui DeChazal, Amelia Cook, and Ben Sparrow

    The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) is Australia's land observatory. With a network of 1000, 1-ha plots across the nation, TERN has over 10 years of experience developing standardised monitoring protocols and implementing on-ground field surveys across Australia's unique environments.

    With a dedicated team of experienced ecologists, including plant and soil specialists, students and volunteers, operating independently, camping in remote locations for ~12 days, research infrastructure is created through a suite of standardised, repeatable monitoring methods. Site location, soil, landscape and environmental attributes, vegetation community and floristics data are collected. Herbaria specimens, leaf tissue samples, soil samples, and metagenomic samples are collected for a national repository and freely accessible to the international research community.

    Aside from the research data created, TERN has developed best practices for managing field teams who conduct remote fieldwork in challenging environments, including safety and communication procedures, scientific permitting approvals, and biosecurity procedures for transporting samples across jurisdictions. 

    Building on TERN's experience, the Ecological Monitoring System of Australia (EMSA) was created in collaboration with the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). EMSA provides the tooling for natural resource management (NRM) practitioners and ecologists to expand Australia's network, with plot-based monitoring specifically designed to test the effectiveness of NRM investment projects.

    EMSA provides on-ground practitioners with a modular suite of standardised survey protocols, comprehensive instruction manuals, a field data collection app, and a centralised data management and storage system for the Australian Government's Biodiversity Data Repository. Support is provided via a help desk, a community of practice with monthly information sessions and opportunities for questions, discussions and shared learning. Multi-day on-ground training programs and outreach activities upskill ecologists from regional delivery partner organisations and contractors. The modular approach encourages and allows project managers to consider their specific project needs when designing the monitoring program. The ongoing learning opportunities and the repeatability of the methods enable ecologists and field practitioners, once experienced in the techniques, to take up job opportunities across the country, applying the skills to different ecosystems.

    How to cite: O'Neill, S., Irvine, K., Kilpatrick, E., Tokmakoff, A., Derby, L., Leedman, A., DeChazal, J., Cook, A., and Sparrow, B.: Fieldwork for the collection of ecological monitoring data – learnings from creating research infrastructure in Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13919,, 2025.

    EGU25-17745 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

    Piloting a course model for blended multisite field course 

    Tuukka Oikarinen, Janne J. Salovaara, and Katja Anniina Lauri

    We present a case study of a graduate-level pilot course that was planned as a blended multisite field course, utilising both onsite and online components to connect three simultaneous fieldwork sites within a single course. The course aim was to conduct simultaneous point measurements of greenhouse gas exchange and scale them to local measure using different measuring techniques. 26 Master's and doctoral students with a background in various natural sciences participated in the course. The course design combined online sessions with fieldwork on a local research station or measurement site. Three clusters of students each travelled to their nearest field site to minimize travel-related impacts. The course aimed to familiarize students with Arctic and sub-Arctic research stations, their datasets, and measurement methods, and it provided an opportunity to conduct small-scale comparative studies on them.

    We present results from a a mixed-method case study on how the social relationships, a sense of belonging and community of students evolved, how students formed a critical co-learning community, how did the responsible teachers reflect the course setup, and in general how students and teachers perceived the benefits of the multisite setup for learning.

    How to cite: Oikarinen, T., Salovaara, J. J., and Lauri, K. A.: Piloting a course model for blended multisite field course, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17745,, 2025.

    EGU25-18098 | PICO | EOS2.2

    The Field: An Essential Foundation for Geologist Training in the Digital Era 

    Elsa Ottavi Pupier, Hervé Leyrit, and Sébastien Ottavi

    Fieldwork is the cornerstone of geoscience education. But what kind of work?

    Since the late 1990s, has the rise of digital technologies altered its role?

    Geologists are increasingly confronted to data that are less and less rooted in their original contexts, raising questions about their validity, critical assessment, and realism of models. It is therefore essential to develop the ability to connect field observations with data processing, fostering the ability to discern which elements must be quantified or qualitatively integrated into databases.

    At UniLaSalle, field observation is a pillar of geosciences training. To complement digital advancements, we have embedded it into a continuous, structured pedagogical framework throughout the five years of engineering training (three years for technician training). This "spine" includes a minimum of 18 weeks spread across 10 field camps, allowing students to acquire scientific expertise, geological skills, as well as interpersonal and professional values and skills.

    During the first three years, the educational skills focus on analyzing various dimensions (e.g., mineralogy, paleontology, petrology, sedimentology, structural geology...), observing, mapping, characterizing objects methodically, deducing processes and their interrelations, estimating their relative importance, and creating a cartographic or 3D block model as a basis for all future applications.

    The chosen field locations cover a wide variety of geological contexts, broadening skills and enabling adaptation to the specificities of each domain. Students gradually progress from interpreting maps to creating them, and by their third year, they produce a "Research Initiation Report."

    Over time, students take on managerial responsibilities, including mission management, educational supervision, group safety, data verification, and the development of data acquisition methodologies.

    In the master's program, two complementary objectives are emphasized:

    • Developing critical distance regarding data quality:M1 students supervise undergraduate students. They must create a map using data collected by undergraduate students. This experience enhances their understanding of data quality, biases, and methodological rigor.
    • Integrating multidisciplinary data (log data, geochemical, geophysical, etc.) into cartographic analysis. Cross-referencing and coherence analysis help to verify various hypotheses and encourage reflection on the critical and effective use of collected data depending on the practical problem at hand (environment, energy, materials, etc.). This requires methodological support for scientific approaches.

    By establishing the conditions for effective "learning by doing" and "peer tutoring," the structure of the 10 field camps allows students to consolidate their learning through spontaneous questioning and regulation that virtual methods cannot replicate. Similarly, the variety of roles and positions strengthens their understanding and mastery of skills. Lastly, group work fosters inclusion, requiring everyone to collaborate with peers from diverse approaches and cultures.

    This level of autonomy, confidence, and competence allows students to see themselves as scientists and professionals, contributing to the success of UniLaSalle teams in various international competitions. Fieldwork remains the ultimate reference in our professions: validation through the field is nearly incontestable—a reality that speaks for itself.

    How to cite: Ottavi Pupier, E., Leyrit, H., and Ottavi, S.: The Field: An Essential Foundation for Geologist Training in the Digital Era, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18098,, 2025.

    EGU25-18532 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

    Empowering Fieldwork: A Positive Perspective on Respect, Inclusion, and Responsibility 

    Marie Schroeder, Rainer Prinz, Jakob Abermann, and Jakob Steiner

    Fieldwork is a vital component of geoscience research, providing unique opportunities for data collection, hands-on learning, and team collaboration. While discussions on fieldwork often center around challenges—such as exclusion, harassment, and inequality—it’s equally important to highlight positive experiences and the factors that contribute to them.

    I aim to share my personal experiences as an early-career scientist of how respect, trust and inclusion in my teams on various occasions fostered productive and empowering environments. From short field trips in Austria to organizing an international field campaign in Bolivia and managing logistical efforts for a month-long expedition in Greenland, I have consistently felt valued as an equal contributor, regardless of my career stage. I will discuss key practices that made these experiences successful: encouraging early-career researchers to take on responsibilities, fostering open communication, and promoting shared decision-making. These approaches not only helped build my confidence but also contributed to the overall success of the field campaigns.

    By sharing lessons learned from these experiences, this contribution aims to suggest practical strategies for building positive and inclusive fieldwork environments. While it is essential to acknowledge and address the difficulties some face, presenting successful examples can inspire teams to create a culture of mutual respect and trust. This perspective encourages reflection on how we can collectively ensure that fieldwork remains a safe, supportive, and enriching experience for all.

    How to cite: Schroeder, M., Prinz, R., Abermann, J., and Steiner, J.: Empowering Fieldwork: A Positive Perspective on Respect, Inclusion, and Responsibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18532,, 2025.

    EGU25-19771 | PICO | EOS2.2

    Combining Geographic Field Trips and Nature Bildung: A Dual Approach in Danish and German Teacher Training 

    Dominik Conrad, Jesper Heidemann Langhoff, Anja Vocilka, and Thorbjørn Wejdling

    Fieldwork didactics and education for sustainable development (ESD) are integral components of geography teacher training. However, these subjects are often taught separately. Fieldwork in nature provides a wide range of opportunities for experiencing nature, and Nature Bildung is regarded as a central concept in ESD. Moreover, research highlights that a connection to nature is a significant factor in promoting sustainable and responsible actions (Grund & Brock, 2020; Mayer & Frantz, 2004; Roczen, 2011).

    We will present a collaborative project between the University of Education Ludwigsburg and University College Copenhagen, exploring how Nature Bildung theory and geographical fieldwork didactics can be combined to enhance Nature Bildung through fieldwork courses in teacher education. As part of the project, five student groups each designed a three-hour fieldwork assignment in the UNESCO Geopark Odsherred. These assignments were developed based on pedagogical and didactical theories, with students tasked to select field trip locations that aligned with their conceptual frameworks.

    The project was evaluated to address the question of how geographical fieldwork can be conceptualized in teacher education to foster Nature Bildung through a double-didactic approach. Data for the evaluation includes a questionnaire, observation field notes, student-designed materials, and group interviews conducted post-project.

    In our presentation, we will share key findings from the study and discuss their implications for teacher training programs and ESD.


    Grund, J., & Brock, A. (2022). Formal Bildung in times of crises: The role of sustainability in schools, vocational education, and universities. Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin. Available at (14.01.2025).

    Mayer, F. S., & Frantz, C. M. (2004). The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals’ feeling in community with nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(4), 503–515.

    Roczen, N. (2011). Environmental competence – the interplay between connection with nature and environmental knowledge in promoting ecological behavior (dissertation). Eindhoven University of Technology.


    How to cite: Conrad, D., Heidemann Langhoff, J., Vocilka, A., and Wejdling, T.: Combining Geographic Field Trips and Nature Bildung: A Dual Approach in Danish and German Teacher Training, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19771,, 2025.

    EGU25-725 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6

    Breaking the Ice Between Machine Learning Experts and Cryosphere Scientists - The ML4Cryo Research Community 

    Kim Bente, Julia Kaltenborn, and Andrew McDonald

    Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool within cryospheric sciences, offering innovative and effective solutions for observing, modelling, and understanding Earth's frozen regions. However, the ML and cryosphere communities have traditionally been poles apart, each shaped by distinct research motivations, publishing paradigms, and evaluation criteria. These research silos can lead to common pitfalls of interdisciplinary research, such as "helicopter science", insights getting lost in translation, or the continued use of outdated (ML) methods. To fully harness the compelling opportunities for impactful research at the intersection of these two fields, machine learning practitioners and domain scientists must join forces. 

    To address this gap between machine learning and cryosphere research, we established ML4Cryo (Machine Learning for the Cryosphere, see, a global research community that leverages collective expertise across diverse fields such as deep learning, physics-informed ML, remote sensing, and both terrestrial and marine cryospheric domains. Our goal is not only to advance scientific discovery but also to foster application-driven advances in machine learning research. ML4Cryo aims to empower researchers by initiating conversations and collaborations, enabling machine learning specialists to learn about the most pressing challenges within the cryosphere, while cryosphere researchers can learn about the state-of-the-art models developed by the ML community. Contributing to ML4Cryo’s mission, our platform serves as a community-driven hub to share and discover ideas, recent publications, tools, software, datasets, knowledge resources, funding opportunities, best practices, as well as relevant conferences and events. We invite you to join ML4Cryo, where the synergy between machine learning and cryospheric science paves the way for impactful and rewarding research.

    How to cite: Bente, K., Kaltenborn, J., and McDonald, A.: Breaking the Ice Between Machine Learning Experts and Cryosphere Scientists - The ML4Cryo Research Community, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-725,, 2025.

    EGU25-4377 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurements 

    Marina Amadori, Monica Pinardi, Claudia Giardino, Mariano Bresciani, Rossana Caroni, Anna Joelle Greife, Stefan Simis, Jean-Francois Crétaux, Laura Carrea, Herve Yesou, Claude Duguay, Clément Albergel, and Alice Andral

    Lakes are responding rapidly to climate change and in coming decades global warming is project to have more persistent and stronger effects on hydrology, nutrient cycling, and biodiversity. Factors driving lake condition vary widely across space and time, and lakes, in turn, play an important role in local and global climate regulation, with positive and negative feedback depending on the catchment. Understanding the complex behaviour of lakes in a changing environment is essential to effective water resource management and mitigation of climate change effects.

    To support the comprehension of this topic at a global scale, satellite technologies provide a unique source of data. Remote sensing can indeed enable long-term monitoring of freshwaters, supporting water managers' decisions providing data, and filling knowledge gaps to a better understanding of the regional and local areas most affected and threatened by health status degradation. With this aim, space agencies and the remote sensing community have joined the efforts to provide global, stable, consistent, and long-term products openly available and easily accessible to different kinds of users.

    In this contribution, we present the latest release of the dataset from the Lakes_cci project (funded by the European Space Agency), which provides the most complete collection of the Essential Climate Variable LAKES consisting of six thematic products (lake water extent and level, lake ice cover and thickness, lake surface water temperature, lake water-leaving reflectance). The dataset spans the time range 1992 to 2022 and includes over 2000 relatively large lakes, which represent a small fraction of the number of lakes worldwide but a significant portion of the global freshwater surface. An overview of the current version (V2.1) of the dataset and the improvements in quality and usability of the next version (V3) of the dataset will be presented, together with a set of tools and a dashboard for visualisation and download of the data.

    With this contribution, we aim to discuss how this kind of product can be useful to the several research communities involved, their limits, potential improvements and chances to further joint research also respect to the research community's expectations and needs.  

    How to cite: Amadori, M., Pinardi, M., Giardino, C., Bresciani, M., Caroni, R., Greife, A. J., Simis, S., Crétaux, J.-F., Carrea, L., Yesou, H., Duguay, C., Albergel, C., and Andral, A.: A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4377,, 2025.

    EGU25-4414 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    User-centred design for environmental data services   

    Poppy Townsend, Jesse Alexander, Louise Darroch, David Green, Monica Hanley, Nourhan Heysham, Matthew McCormack, Oluwaseni Osunkoya, David Poulter, Shwetha Raveendran, Paulius Tvaranavicius, Carl Watson, and Thomas Zwagerman

    To create tailored tools and solutions that improve our ability to mitigate and respond to environmental challenges, we need to understand how to efficiently communicate complex information to the intended audience.  One of the core aims of the UK’s Environmental Data Service is to better engage with users and ensure their needs are central to everything we do.  
    How we design, maintain and share our services hasn’t traditionally been prioritised with user feedback in mind. Many of our teams and systems are now having to change the way we work and learn new skills. There was no central location to share good practice about user-centred design of tools/services specifically for environmental sciences. We wanted to create guidance for our staff and others who develop and maintain data services for environmental science.  

    We have created a ‘user-centred design toolkit for environmental services’ with the aim of supporting data, software and design experts to create user-friendly and effective environmental data services. This toolkit provides a range of resources, case studies and guidance needed to collaborate with users, gather insights, and co-design solutions that work. The toolkit has been shaped by collaborations across all environmental science domains, with a range of experts in user design, data management, communications and engagement, and software engineering.  

    The toolkit is still in early development. We are looking to share our progress so far, understand if this is something the wider community would like to contribute to or partake in a community of practice.  

    How to cite: Townsend, P., Alexander, J., Darroch, L., Green, D., Hanley, M., Heysham, N., McCormack, M., Osunkoya, O., Poulter, D., Raveendran, S., Tvaranavicius, P., Watson, C., and Zwagerman, T.: User-centred design for environmental data services  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4414,, 2025.

    EGU25-4541 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for Geomorphology 

    Melanie Stammler, Katy Burrows, Bastian Grimm, Caio Breda, Larry Syu-Heng Lai, Matthieu Giaime, Roberto Fernández, and Alice Lefebvre

    Scientific data needs to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Scientific publications should also follow these accessibility principles. Diamond Open Access publishing represents an approach where articles are free for all to read, without journal subscription, and free to publish, without article processing fees for authors, who also retain the copyright of their work. Thus, it strongly contributes to FAIR, open and transparent scientific publishing - promoting inclusivity and eliminating barriers.

    Geomorphica ( is a community-led and -driven scientific journal that fosters academic discourse and research advances in the field of geomorphology. It is hosted by Penn State University Libraries, supported by the International Association of Geomorphology and a proud part of the family of Diamond Open-Access journals in the Geosciences. 

    Geomorphica is run by over 30 volunteers that embody the editorial, equity diversity and inclusion, communications, and ethics teams and contribute to all functions including administration, managing, editing, reviewing, typesetting, and visual branding. Geomorphica has been open for submission since June 2023 and welcomes manuscripts related (but not limited) to landscapes and landforms, Earth’s and planetary near-surface processes, and the mechanisms, dynamics and timescales pertaining to these processes. 

    Here, we introduce our diverse team of volunteers, give an update on the number of manuscripts we have handled so far, and share our experiences related to setting up and running a Diamond Open Access journal. Further, we exemplify what FAIR can stand for in scientific publishing, showcasing how Geomorphica is addressing the principle. We welcome feedback from the broader community to help us continually improve Geomorphica and look forward to your involvement with the initiative.

    How to cite: Stammler, M., Burrows, K., Grimm, B., Breda, C., Lai, L. S.-H., Giaime, M., Fernández, R., and Lefebvre, A.: For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for Geomorphology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4541,, 2025.

    EGU25-4635 | Orals | EOS4.6

    Developing AIDMAP: A roadmap to interactive community-based data compilation for magnetic data in Antarctica. 

    Alan Aitken, Joerg Ebbing, Max Lowe, Mareen Loesing, Wolfgang Szwillus, Lu Li, and Eagles Graeme

    Antarctica poses a unique challenge for data compilation and sharing, due to the sourcing of data from many national programs and a diversity of surveys and data access protocols. Coordinated by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, the Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project (ADMAP) has made huge progress to collate coordinate and disseminate the magnetic data of Antarctica. ADMAP’s first iteration was produced in 2001, and the second iteration was released in 2018. The community is looking now towards the next iteration to support ongoing research in Antarctica. We present here a roadmap for this data compilation, with a focus on the ability for researchers to access a live and interactive resource, to add new data when it is available, and for this to be realised in the compilation soon after data submission. For this it is necessary to ease the burden of data processing, to define a consistent approach to the data handling, and to accelerate the timeline from data-submission to incorporation into the compilation. The approach therefore is founded on an automated data-processing workflow that can accommodate the wide variety of data submitted (variable spacings, heights and times of collection), can tolerate incremental updates to the main product within a reasonable compute load, and can achieve results within a reasonable tolerance without requiring manual intervention. This presentation focuses on the intended approach to compilation and the expected outcomes, based on a test-case.

    How to cite: Aitken, A., Ebbing, J., Lowe, M., Loesing, M., Szwillus, W., Li, L., and Graeme, E.: Developing AIDMAP: A roadmap to interactive community-based data compilation for magnetic data in Antarctica., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4635,, 2025.

    EGU25-8347 | Orals | EOS4.6

    The evolution of the Polar-AOD network: towards a comprehensive repository supporting efforts for integrated polar observing systems 

    Simone Pulimeno, Mauro Mazzola, Angelo Lupi, Giulio Verazzo, Alice Cavaliere, Claudia Frangipani, Robert Stone, and Vito Vitale

    Atmospheric aerosols play a crucial role in Earth's atmospheric environment and are among its most variable components. In polar regions, aerosols originate from both natural and anthropogenic sources. In the Arctic, the majority of the aerosol mass consists of oceanic sea-salt, mineral dust, non-sea-salt sulphate, and products of biomass burning (Tomasi et al. 2015). In contrast, anthropogenic aerosols are dominated by black carbon (BC) and nitrate, which are signatures of traffic and industrial emissions (Quinn et al. 2007). Polar aerosols can have significant regional effects by interacting with incoming solar radiation and by altering the albedo of the surface-atmosphere system (IPCC 2023). To address and study these effects, the Polar-AOD project was proposed for the first time in 1999 by Claudio Tomasi from the National Research Council of Italy. This initiative aims to characterize the means, variability, and trends of aerosol properties in polar regions. Its primary goal is to connect observational stations measuring aerosol properties along the atmospheric vertical column. These observations provide critical data to quantify aerosol physical and radiative properties at high latitudes, including seasonal background concentrations derived from aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements, spectral characterizations, and the influence of natural and anthropogenic processes on the radiative balance of the surface and atmosphere. This project fosters collaboration among scientists in the field of photometry at both poles. It also incorporates the stellar and lunar photometry data, which help to address historical gaps in AOD climatologies during the polar night. By filling these gaps, the Polar-AOD project contributes to a comprehensive understanding of aerosol behavior and its impacts on the polar regions. To support this effort, a new web platform has been recently developed to store and share data and metadata from photometric measurements, forming a polar AOD archive. This archive, managed by CNR through GeoNetwork, enables the organization and search of spatially referenced resources while allowing each scientific group to manage its own data, choosing to share metadata only or both data and metadata for specific sites or campaigns within the Polar-AOD network. The new data portal will be presented, along with the maps of the stations and instruments, and the Polar-AOD metadata catalogue.


    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2023). Climate Change 2021 – The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

    Quinn, P. K. et al. (2007), Arctic haze: current trends and knowledge gaps, Tellus B, 59(1):99–114.

    Tomasi, C. et al. (2015), Aerosol remote sensing in polar regions. Earth-Science Reviews, 140:108–157, 0012-8252,

    How to cite: Pulimeno, S., Mazzola, M., Lupi, A., Verazzo, G., Cavaliere, A., Frangipani, C., Stone, R., and Vitale, V.: The evolution of the Polar-AOD network: towards a comprehensive repository supporting efforts for integrated polar observing systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8347,, 2025.

    EGU25-8669 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the Paleogene 

    Simonetta Monechi, Laia Alegret, Aitor Payros, Claudia Agnini, Gabriele Scaduto, and Bruno Fanini

    Access to geological reference sections can have limitations related to geo-political reasons, travel restrictions during global pandemics, weather conditions or time and funding for travelling, among other limiting factors. In addition, the quality of outcrops and their access often deteriorate due to weathering or vegetation cover, making it difficult and even impossible to use them in scientific research and public outreach. The rapid development of three-dimensional digital models has changed this scenario, deeply contributing to innovative information technologies and scientific research in geoscience.

    In order to enhance and give visibility to Paleogene global reference sections such as the Global Stratotype section and point (GSSP) that officially marks the base of standard geological units (stages and ages), as well as globally significant geo-heritage sites, the International Subcommission on Paleogene Stratigraphy (ISPS) has focused on the acquisition and digitization of geological outcrops. The results are publicly available on the ISPS website, and will be populated with additional information in the future.

    Data acquisition used photogrammetry and Lidar modeling techniques with mobile phones. The models were enhanced to create an immersive virtual experience of the geosites. The utilization of ATON, an open-source framework developed by the Institute of Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISPC), allows the exploration of large, massive 3D datasets using HMDs (i.e. Oculus Quest) directly through a web browser. Such a modular framework offers advanced functionalities like visual immersive analytics and integration with complex multimedia content. Users virtually immerse in the outcrop enabling real-time querying of all geometries, annotations and measurement functionalities (e.g. examining 3D fossils and other material or associated information).

    This digital approach offers a unique opportunity for saving temporary outcrops, geological features or fossils in virtual environments, and it will contribute to facilitate examination of the most relevant outcrops of the Paleogene by scientists, and to promote and disseminate geo-education.

    How to cite: Monechi, S., Alegret, L., Payros, A., Agnini, C., Scaduto, G., and Fanini, B.: An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the Paleogene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8669,, 2025.

    EGU25-9230 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    The Hellenic DataBase of Active Faults (HeDBAF): a new, national geodatabase of active faults for the broader Greek territory 

    Dimitris Galanakis, Sotiris Sboras, Dimitris Sakellariou, Spyros Pavlides, Kyriaki Iordanidou, Charalambos Georgiou, Athanasios Ganas, Ioannis Koukouvelas, Charalambos Kranis, Spyros Lalechos, Theodora Rondoyanni, and Efthimios Lekkas and the EPPO Seismotectonics Committee

    A new geospatial database started to realize since 2021 including parametric and descriptive information about the active faults in the broader Aegean region (Eastern Mediterranean). The Hellenic DataBase of Active Faults (HeDBAF) is a national ongoing product developed under the auspices of the EPPO (Earthquake Planning & Protection Organisation) and the supervision of its Seismotectonics Committee. The responsibility of implementation, management and hosting is held by the Hellenic Survey of Geology & Mineral Exploration (HSGME).

    Active fault databases for broader Greece already existed since about 2010. Besides the fact that these databases were materialized by small groups of researchers, their objectives were also rather narrow, offering data and information for particular purposes. The HeDBAF adopts conceptual approaches and characteristics from other time-proven national databases of the world (e.g. INGV’s DISS, IGME’s QAFI, etc.). It is a multi-layered tool that hosts all available literature data (e.g. scientific articles, technical/project reports, thematic maps, etc.), targeting various groups of end-users: the primary target group is the scientific community which often needs medium- to small-scale information for geodynamic interpretations, large-scale data for local seismotectonic analyses, and appropriate parametric information for numerical modelling. The next target group is the engineers who need large-scale detailed surveying of the fault traces and ground ruptures, and fault models for the prediction of ground motion in the context of Seismic Hazard Assessment. Administration, government, security bodies and local authorities can benefit from this geodatabase as a decision-making tool for safety and rescue planning. Last, but not least, a broad range of citizens will be able to access principal theoretical and parametric information about active faults in areas they are interested in.

    Until today, two main fault datasets have started to develop: i) the Fault Traces, and ii) the Fault Zones datasets. The former focuses on the mapping accuracy of faults, targeting on large- to medium-scale data (> 1:50,000). Faults originating from smaller scale maps are reassessed (if possible) using hi-resolution topographic data. Primary co-seismic ground ruptures are distinguished from geologically detected fault traces to better understand the surficial rupturing process for fault rupture hazard purposes. The Fault Zones dataset involves fault segmentation and earthquake rupture scenarios which are crucial for Seismic Hazard Assessment (SHA). Thus, the fault zones are represented by medium- to small-scale lineaments which also facilitate the visualization of large tectonic structures in small-scale maps. The HeDBAF, as a very young effort still misses both fault occurrences and associated information. However, the geodatabase is continuously updateable and upgradeable showing frequent improvements and enrichments.

    How to cite: Galanakis, D., Sboras, S., Sakellariou, D., Pavlides, S., Iordanidou, K., Georgiou, C., Ganas, A., Koukouvelas, I., Kranis, C., Lalechos, S., Rondoyanni, T., and Lekkas, E. and the EPPO Seismotectonics Committee: The Hellenic DataBase of Active Faults (HeDBAF): a new, national geodatabase of active faults for the broader Greek territory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9230,, 2025.

    CSV and Excel formats are among the most common storage formats for data sharing, especially in scientific and government contexts. Chaves-Fraga notes that a significant amount of public data is published in tabular formats such as CSV and Excel, which can hinder data accessibility and interoperability due to their lack of standardized metadata (Chaves-Fraga,  2020). This is in line with the findings of Burg et al. (2019). They highlight that although CSV files are widely used due to their simplicity, they often lack the necessary metadata to ensure data quality and provenance, which are crucial for compliance with the FAIR principles. Furthermore, Kaur et al. (2021) highlight that many health information systems allow data to be exported in CSV format, which is accessible but does not provide the semantic interoperability needed for effective data sharing and reuse. Furthermore, the limitations of CSV and Excel formats are compounded when datasets are converted to SQLite databases.

    The NFS group ( has developed an open source Python-based application ( that facilitates the organization of the data a researcher is willing to share. 

    The application is designed to be used as a command line tool or through a graphical interface. It reads as input a spreadsheet file with one sheet for each table, plus an application-specific sheet defining the database schema, the data dictionary, the DataCite metadata, and other specific metadata (extended title, abstract/summary). The output of the procedure is represented by a SQLite file containing all the data and metadata, as well as an image of the graphical ERD-like schema, and a formal pdf document presenting the contents of the database. The SQLite file is a metadata-rich SQL-based database, taking full advantage of relational features and thus improving data accessibility, interoperability, and reusability by humans and machines.

    The use of the procedure is demonstrated by processing a simple but significant use case.


    Chaves-Fraga, David, Edna Ruckhaus, Freddy Priyatna, Maria-Esther Vidal, e Oscar Corcho. 2021. «Enhancing virtual ontology based access over tabular data with Morph-CSV». A cura di Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Muhammad Saleem, Ruben Verborgh, Muhammad Saleem, Ruben Verborgh, Muhammad Intizar Ali, e Olaf Hartig. Semantic Web 12 (6): 869–902.
    Kaur, Jasleen, Jasmine Kaur, Shruti Kapoor, e Harpreet Singh. 2021. «Design & Development of Customizable Web API for Interoperability of Antimicrobial Resistance Data». Scientific Reports 11 (1): 11226.
    Van Den Burg, G. J. J., A. Nazábal, e C. Sutton. 2019. «Wrangling Messy CSV Files by Detecting Row and Type Patterns». Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33 (6): 1799–1820.

    How to cite: Scotti, R., Giadrossich, F., and Casalta Badetti, A.: NFS-FAIR-DDP  the data documentation procedure developed by NuoroForestrySchool as   open source tool to upgrade entry level data sharing by exploiting the SQL standard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9663,, 2025.

    The Science Explorer (SciX) digital library is a cutting-edge solution designed to address the growing complexity of accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing the expanding body of literature in Earth and environmental sciences. While the Earth System itself remains as intricate as ever, the challenge today lies in navigating an increasingly vast and diverse array of research and data. SciX responds to this need by providing a centralized, open-access platform that enhances the discovery and integration of scientific literature, all while adhering to the FAIR principles—Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

    In this session, we will showcase how SciX empowers researchers to efficiently explore a vast repository of scholarly publications relevant to the Earth and environmental sciences. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, SciX optimizes literature search and discovery, enabling users to easily locate, evaluate, and engage with the most pertinent scientific papers and resources. Features like personalized searches, citation exports, and tailored alerts allow researchers to stay at the forefront of their fields.

    We will also highlight the powerful bibliometric tools within SciX, including parameterized search and advanced visualization capabilities. These bibliometric visualizations help researchers uncover connections between authors, citations, and emerging research trends, enabling the identification of potential collaborators across disciplines and fostering a broader, more integrated approach to scientific inquiry. By mapping key contributors and intellectual networks, SciX facilitates cross-disciplinary collaboration, enhancing the impact of research across the Earth System.

    At the heart of SciX is a commitment to open science and continuous user engagement. The platform evolves based on user-driven feedback, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of the scientific community. This presentation will demonstrate how SciX is shaping the future of literature review, collaboration, and interdisciplinary research in Earth and environmental sciences.

    Attendees will leave with practical insights into how SciX can streamline their literature review process, promote collaboration across scientific disciplines, and help tackle the challenges of today’s rapidly expanding research landscape.

    How to cite: Kurtz, M., Myers, B., and Kelbert, A.: Enhancing Geoscience Collaboration and Discovery: Leveraging the Science Explorer (SciX) for Efficient Literature Review and Interdisciplinary Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10379,, 2025.

    EGU25-12152 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st century 

    Thomas Harvey, Emelia Spofforth-Jones, Elisha McCowan, and Natasha Stephen

    'GeoFutures' is the Geological Society of London’s flagship conference series focussing on 21st century geoscience and solutions that geoscientists can offer to global challenges. The series cycles through the Society’s five strategic science themes, with the inaugural 2023 meeting centred on the theme of 'Digital Geoscience' and the 2024 meeting focussed on the theme of ‘Planetary Geoscience’.

    Both meetings have sought to foster collaboration within and out of the geoscience community by bringing together researchers, engineers, citizen scientists, policymakers, funders and representatives from government agencies. We actively seek to encourage attendance by groups and individuals who do not traditionally attend scientific meetings. The series aims to cultivate networks and research partnerships, as well as to spark innovative ideas to shape the response of geoscientists to future issues.

    In addition to the disciplinary topics, sessions have focussed on the application of breakthrough technologies and methods, as well as considering how geoscientists might apply these to scientific and societal problems both current and future. Fundamental to this is consideration of how best to ensure that subsequent generations of geoscientists and geoscience facilities are adequately prepared, as well as the importance of communicating geoscience issues and solutions to the public effectively. A large part of both conversations involves promoting open data and science, and collaboration between the many varied interested parties.

    In 2025, the series turns to the Society’s ‘Climate and Ecology’ theme, integrating themes from a series of talks and discussions, around the UK, related to climate and ecological research and issues. On a continuing basis, we aim to demonstrate that bringing together contributors and organisations from diverse sectors at novel, discipline-specific meetings is an effective measure to support the UK and wider international geoscience communities to tackle current and future challenges.

    How to cite: Harvey, T., Spofforth-Jones, E., McCowan, E., and Stephen, N.: GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12152,, 2025.

    EGU25-13606 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography models 

    Maria Tsekhmistrenko, Kasra Hosseini, Karin Sigloch, Grace Shephard, Mathew Domeier, and Kara Matthews

    SubMachine is a collection of web-based tools for the interactive visualisation, analysis, and quantitative comparison of global-scale datasets of the Earth's interior [1]. It focuses on making regional and global seismic tomography models easily accessible to the wider solid Earth community to facilitate collaborative exploration. Over 30 tomography models can be visualised and explored—individually, side-by-side, or through statistical and averaging tools. SubMachine also serves diverse non-tomographic datasets, including plate reconstruction models, normal mode observations, global crustal structure, shear wave splitting, geoid, marine gravity, vertical gravity gradients, and global topography in adjustable degrees of spherical harmonic resolution.

    To ensure continuity beyond the DEEP TIME ERC project [2], SubMachine is transitioning to a new home within ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology, This transition secures SubMachine’s long-term sustainability and further integrates it into the broader seismological research infrastructure.

    In preparation for this move, SubMachine has undergone significant modernization. The entire platform has been migrated to Python 3.12. The transition from Basemap to Cartopy enhances long-term stability, though some projections may experience slower performance. New features include cross-sections through vote maps [3]. These advancements, along with various performance improvements, position SubMachine as a more robust and sustainable resource for the geoscience community.

    [1] Hosseini, K., Matthews, K. J., Sigloch, K., Shephard, G. E., Domeier, M., & Tsekhmistrenko, M. (2018). SubMachine: Web-Based Tools for Exploring Seismic Tomography and Other Models of Earth's Deep Interior. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(5), 1464-1483.


    [3] Shephard, G. E., Matthews, K. J., Hosseini, K., & Domeier, M. (2017). On the consistency of seismically imaged lower mantle slabs. Scientific reports, 7(1), 10976.

    How to cite: Tsekhmistrenko, M., Hosseini, K., Sigloch, K., Shephard, G., Domeier, M., and Matthews, K.: SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13606,, 2025.

    EGU25-14319 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasure 

    Katie Irvine, Sally O'Neill, Andrew Tokmakoff, Donna Lewis, and Ben Sparrow

    TERN (Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network) is Australia’s field-based ecological observatory; national research infrastructure for collecting, recording and sharing data and samples using highly instrumented monitoring sites, field surveys and remote-sensing techniques such as drones and satellites. TERN’s freely available long term monitoring data and samples are used by researchers, government decision makers and industry in Australia and internationally.

    The TERN Australia Soil and Vegetation Collection is a purpose-built treasure trove for scientists, bringing together more than 150,000 soil samples, soil metagenomic samples, plant voucher specimens, plant samples and plant genetic material. Beginning in 2012, the TERN field monitoring program has data and samples from 1000 long-term ecological monitoring sites across the continent. The TERN Collection was recently added to Index Herbariorum, the global network of herbaria.

    Unlike most soil and plant collections around the world, each sample in the TERN Collection is associated with comprehensive, highly detailed environmental information about the 100m x 100m survey sites where it was collected. All other specimens sampled at each site are also available, enabling complex research, discovery and understanding such as on relationships between soils, plants, carbon and environmental conditions. Botanists, ecologists, taxonomists and agricultural scientists are frequent users of this collection, and the samples can also be useful to microbiologists for a range of human and environmental health applications. The repository is openly available to interested researchers globally.

    This state-of-the-art repository is contributing to important research critical to solving real-world problems, particularly in the areas of climate science, earth observation, conservation, and sustainability.

    How to cite: Irvine, K., O'Neill, S., Tokmakoff, A., Lewis, D., and Sparrow, B.: The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14319,, 2025.

    EGU25-15003 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6

    Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and Meteorology 

    Juniper Tyree, Sara Faghih-Naini, Peter Dueben, Karsten Peters-von Gehlen, and Heikki Järvinen

    While the output volumes from high-resolution weather and climate models are increasing exponentially, data storage, access, and analysis methods have not kept up. Data compression is a vital tool to keep up with this increase in data production. As lossless compression is no longer sufficient to produce the required compression ratios, lossy compression should be applied instead. However, information loss sounds scary. While mounting research shows that model and measurement data contains “false information” (e.g. noise or uncertainty from measurements or numerical inaccuracies) that can be removed for better compression without degrading the data quality, a convincing argument for lossy data compression can only be made by domain scientists themselves by trying it out for themselves.

    Interactive code notebooks (e.g. Jupyter) have become popular for sharing and communicating computational experiments, analyses, and visualizations. While sharing the notebooks is easy, running them requires hosting a JupyterLab server and installing all Python and system libraries required for the notebook. This initial setup cost hinders quickly experimenting with a shared notebook and testing, e.g. a practical example of lossy data compression for oneself.

    As part of the EuroHPC ESiWACE, Phase 3, Centre of Excellence (, we have been developing an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and Meteorology (, a JupyterLab instance that runs serverless just within your web browser and comes with many libraries pre-installed. With the online lab, which builds on the Pyodide and JupyterLite community projects, running and exploring a shared notebook can start within a minute. We use the online laboratory to provide domain scientists with an online compression laboratory,, to reduce the barrier to experimenting with the effect of lossy compression on their own data. The lab also supports URL schemas to preload other third-party notebooks (and repositories) hosted via Git, as Gists, or behind any URL, so that sharing a ready-to-run notebook is as easy as sharing, e.g., We are also working on quickly turning existing static-documentation example-notebooks into interactive documentation that invites immediate further exploration.

    In this session, we want to showcase the online laboratory and the services it can provide to the earth science community by live demonstrating its applications in the compression laboratory and others. We also hope to gather feedback on the future direction of its development and collaborations with other open science tools to serve our communities best.

    How to cite: Tyree, J., Faghih-Naini, S., Dueben, P., Peters-von Gehlen, K., and Järvinen, H.: Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and Meteorology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15003,, 2025.

    EGU25-16049 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open Access 

    Stefano Maffei, Maelis Arnould, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Thibault Duretz, Mohamed Gouiza, Lorraine Hwang, and Iris van Zelst

    The past decade has seen the consolidation of open access practices in scientific publishing, with funding bodies, international agencies and academic institutions requiring free access to not only scientific papers but also other output such as datasets and computer codes. The transition to open access practices has led multiple academic publishers to offer Gold Open Access (GOA) schemes, under which scientific papers are free-to-read. Compared to the traditional publication models, GOA comes at a much higher cost for authors. These practices have had a documented negative impact on the scientific publishing landscape, from the rise of predatory journals to the broadening of the economic divide between academic institutions.

    Partly in response, different fields of Earth Sciences have seen the rise of several community-led Diamond Open Access journals (DOAJ). These journals are free-to-publish and free-to-read. The aim is to remove financial barriers to scientific publishing by making peer-reviewed articles available at no cost to both authors and readers, thus offering a platform for true open science. DOAJs are created and maintained by the very same scientific community they aim to serve, thus removing economical and business considerations that drive a large fraction of the modern publishing landscape. These community-led journals offer a high-quality alternative to classical for-profit scientific journals.

    We are pleased to announce a new DOAJ initiative called Geodynamica. Coordinated by a core committee of seven scientists, Geodynamica aims at promoting academic discourse and disseminating research pertaining to the quantitative study of Earth and (exo-)planetary internal structure, dynamics, and evolution from observational to modelling perspectives.

    Geodynamica, which is expected to launch in early 2025, enjoys the support of eScholarship (University of California), and hugely benefits from the experience of existing community-led journals within the geoscience field, such as Volcanica, Tektonika and Seismica, as well as the help of a pre-launch editorial team composed of a dozen of established volunteer scientists. 

    In this contribution, we will provide the vision behind this initiative, report on the structure of this journal, its scope, and the remarkable community effort that will make this new DOAJ a reality.

    How to cite: Maffei, S., Arnould, M., Bethkenhagen, M., Duretz, T., Gouiza, M., Hwang, L., and van Zelst, I.: Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open Access, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16049,, 2025.

    EGU25-16104 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access Publishing  

    Adrien Broquet, Liliane M. L. Burkhard, and Mark A. Wieczorek and the The Planetary Research journal team

    The planetary science community is launching a new journal, Planetary Research, as an alternative to traditional publishing models that profit from publicly funded research. This initiative aims to address accessibility and inclusivity challenges in scientific publishing by adopting the diamond open access model, ensuring no fees for authors or readers. Unlike gold, green, and hybrid open access journals, which impose significant financial barriers on authors through article processing charges or hinder the availability of their research outputs via subscriptions, diamond open access relies on minimal operational costs, achieved through free and open-source software for editorial and archival tasks and volunteer contributions.   

    Scheduled to launch in January 2026, Planetary Research will be governed transparently by members of the planetary science community, providing opportunities for researchers at all career stages to contribute to its development and operations. An open call for editorial board and steering committee members will be announced at the 2025 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The journal will cover the full scope of planetary science, including extrasolar systems, exoplanets, spacecraft and Earth-based observatory data, laboratory studies of extraterrestrial materials, theoretical and numerical modeling, and terrestrial analog research. Original research will be published as long-format articles or short letters. Peer reviews as well as assessments and recommendations by the editorial team will be linked to the published article on the journal website   

    By eliminating financial barriers, the journal aims to democratize access and dissemination of scientific knowledge, promote inclusivity, and foster collaboration. To ensure sustainability, Planetary Research will leverage volunteer-driven editorial processes, open-source platforms for managing both the peer review process and journal website, as well as low-cost infrastructure for web hosting and digital object identifiers (DOIs). Geoscience diamond open access journals typically report annual operational costs of approximately USD 1000, demonstrating the feasibility of this model. We are currently assessing funding possibilities to cover these operational costs and ensure the perenniality of the journal. The journal will also prioritize outreach to both the scientific community and the general public with the creation of a volunteer-driven media team, emphasizing the societal value of open access to planetary research as community participation is central to Planetary Research. Everyone is welcome to join our pre-launch discussions that are hosted on an online forum accessible via the pre-launch website ( This open forum will remain active post-launch, allowing members to engage with the steering committee, editorial board, and media team, in order to adapt and evolve the journal in response to community needs. By embracing the principles of accessibility, inclusivity, and transparency, Planetary Research seeks to set a new standard in scientific publishing, ensuring that the benefits of planetary science are freely available to all. 

    How to cite: Broquet, A., Burkhard, L. M. L., and Wieczorek, M. A. and the The Planetary Research journal team: Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access Publishing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16104,, 2025.

    EGU25-18390 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases” 

    Laura Endres, Nikita Kaushal, Simon Goring, Socorro Dominguez, Franziska Lechleitner, Heather Stoll, and John W. Williams

    Over the past few years, SISAL has released several versions of a global speleothem database as a community effort. The latest version, SISALv3, features 800+ records from both hemispheres, multiple proxies (stable isotopes (δ18O,δ13C) and trace elements (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, U/Ca, P/Ca and Sr isotopes)), and extensive metadata about cave sites and specimens. A major strength of the SISAL database is that it is a high-quality dataset with multiple manual and auto quality control checks performed by members and experts of the speleothem community, becoming de facto the gold standard for speleothem data. In the past few years, the database has been increasingly used in studies improving speleothem proxy understanding, as well as for global analysis of key past climate intervals and global climate patterns.

    However, SISAL is organized only as a temporary working group within the Past Global Changes network (PAGES) and is scheduled to wind down after its current phase. This poses an essential question for this community-led effort: how can we place ourselves so that the carefully created database can be maintained and grow beyond the intended life cycle of the original working group?

    To increase the visibility and ease of access to this data, accelerate database updates, and enable long-term data stewardship in a community of similar paleo datasets, SISAL has recently decided to join Neotoma as a constituent database, through a data migration that has been supported by the ETH Open Research Data program. Neotoma, a “database of databases” within the palaeoecological and paleoenvironmental sciences, provides a structure for on-going community data stewardship as well as a strong backend for SISAL data through standardisation of data entry, quality-check workflows. The SISAL team plans to maintain the popular SISAL web app for finding and downloading data, currently linked to SISALv3, and in the future plans to update the web app to dynamically link to SISAL-Neotoma holdings. This SISAL-Neotoma partnership also helps connect speleothem isotope data to data from other proxy communities, such as pollen or biomarkers, which can lead to further synergies to be exploited in the future.

    How to cite: Endres, L., Kaushal, N., Goring, S., Dominguez, S., Lechleitner, F., Stoll, H., and Williams, J. W.: Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18390,, 2025.

    EGU25-18663 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6

    Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and Zenodo  

    Felipe Carlos, Kalamkas Yessimkhanova, Paola de Salvo, and Lionel Menard

    Reusable and actionable Earth Observation (EO) Data and Knowledge are crucial for tackling global issues. In recent years, the adoption of Open Science practices in the scientific community has increased the availability of Open EO Data and Open EO Knowledge. This movement created an ecosystem in which existing research outcomes, tools, data, and knowledge are reused as the basis for new research activities and projects. 

    The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) is a global effort of countries, civil society organizations, and the private sector to empower users to access and use EO Data and Knowledge as the foundation for policymaking toward a more sustainable and resilient world. Over the past years, as one way to support its goal, GEO has been developing the GEO Infrastructure, a comprehensive set of services supporting the Open Data and Open Knowledge activities within the GEO Community. This infrastructure includes the GEOSS Platform, which provides an easy way to access Open EO Data from multiple sources. It also has the GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH), a digital repository empowering user to share and preserve Open EO Knowledge. 

     The GKH uses the Knowledge Package as its sharing unit, which is an implementation of a Research Compendium that allows users to centralize, preserve, and describe resources used to compose their research. Each resource in a Knowledge Package can have its metadata, files, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI). As the goal of the GKH is to preserve and centralize Open EO Knowledge, creating a Knowledge Package and uploading resources to it is always recommended. However, the resources used to develop research are sometimes spread across multiple platforms. In alignment with the GEO Data Sharing and Data Management Principles, the GKH also handles this case by allowing users to provide as much metadata as possible about resources and links to access it. 

    Zenodo, the universal repository on which various research projects and other initiatives are based, is a common source for those remote resources. Therefore, we developed this integration in this work to facilitate the composition of Knowledge Packages using resources in Zenodo.  

    This integration allows users to import a Zenodo record, such as a Dataset, as part of their Knowledge Package. Once imported, the record is visible within the package with its own page, presenting the metadata and files from Zenodo. To avoid duplications and optimize storage usage, GKH only imports metadata from Zenodo. The files are listed in GKH as remote content. Also, the Zenodo metadata in GKH is automatically synchronized when new updates are available in Zenodo. 

    To test this integration, we partnered with EuroGEO, a European initiative to create a regional GEO community for Europe. We used this integration in various EU-funded projects, creating packages with a mix of content available in GKH and Zenodo. 

    In this session, we are going to share our path to this integration, lessons learned, and the impact in the GEO community. 

    How to cite: Carlos, F., Yessimkhanova, K., de Salvo, P., and Menard, L.: Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and Zenodo , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18663,, 2025.

    EGU25-18716 | Orals | EOS4.6

    Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen Science  

    Keri Nicoll, Hripsime Mkrtchyan, and R. Giles Harrison

    Many paper archives of environmental data have yet to be made available digitally. One example is an extensive series of atmospheric electricity observations made at UK sites during the majority of the twentieth century, which contains almost continuous measurements at hourly resolution. Renewed interest in atmospheric electricity due to its relationship to climate variables and local air pollution has made digitising this archive a priority. Due to the number of handwritten individual observations to be transcribed, a citizen science keying project has been implemented on the Zooniverse platform: see . Through press and news articles, over 500 citizen scientists have now been recruited to contribute to this task. We have also evaluated which of these profile-raising activities have been most effective for drawing volunteers to the project. One advantage of having multiple individuals take part is that ambiguous handwritten entries can be recovered effectively and accurately, through combining the judgements of different transcribers. A further key aspect of engagement has been putting our contributors in touch with how the original data looks, and to some extent “feels”, as it provides an entry point for digital era humans into how past environmental data was recorded, in pen and ink. Since citizen science project are undertaken entirely by volunteers, we also discuss the challenges with maintaining engagement with the community of volunteers, which is essential for the successful completion of data transcribing projects to yield the associated scientific advancement. 

    How to cite: Nicoll, K., Mkrtchyan, H., and Harrison, R. G.: Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen Science , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18716,, 2025.

    EGU25-19107 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future Directions  

    Lina Teckentrup, James O. Pope, Feba Francis, Julia K. Green, Stuart Jenkins, Stella Jes Varghese, Sian Kou-Giesbrecht, Christine Leclerc, Gaurav Madan, Kelvin Ng, Abhnil Prasad, Indrani Roy, Serena Schroeter, Susanna Winkelbauer, and Alexander J. Winkler

    Output generated by the different phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has underpinned countless scientific projects and serves as the foundation of the United Nations climate change reports. While initially CMIP was largely driven by the scientific curiosity in the broader climate modeling community, CMIP output has also become a crucial data source for disciplines more tangentially related to physical climate science such as the economic modelling community. The upcoming CMIP phase 7 is expected to produce the largest amount of CMIP-related data to date. However, with an increasing number of modelling systems, represented realms, model complexity, variable names, experiments, and different grid types, the initial exposure to CMIP output has undoubtedly become an overwhelming experience for first-time users. For this presentation, we would like to start a conversation with users who are in or have recent experience of being in the early stages of employing CMIP outputs for their research, and together identify:

    • Key barriers and challenges experienced when first using CMIP data
    • Additional documentation/tools needed to facilitate the use of CMIP data
    • Key pieces of advice for new CMIP users

    How to cite: Teckentrup, L., Pope, J. O., Francis, F., Green, J. K., Jenkins, S., Varghese, S. J., Kou-Giesbrecht, S., Leclerc, C., Madan, G., Ng, K., Prasad, A., Roy, I., Schroeter, S., Winkelbauer, S., and Winkler, A. J.: Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future Directions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19107,, 2025.

    EGU25-19248 | Orals | EOS4.6

    How can climate adaptation platforms engage and learn from each other? 

    Rosie Witton and Sukaina Bharwani

    In 2022, the European Union (EU) launched the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, to foster the climate resilience of regions, cities, citizens, and companies in Europe. The EU funded project, Adaptation AGORA, brings together 13 partners from eight EU countries and the UK to support communities and citizens to accelerate their transformation to a climate resilient future. More specifically, Adaptation AGORA has used a transdisciplinary co-creation approach to facilitate the development of a digital toolbox of innovative mechanisms and transdisciplinary approaches for inclusive climate governance that fosters citizen and community engagement, known as the online climate adaptation platform, the Agora Community Hub, as well as two digital academies focussing on accessing and using climate data and monitoring climate risks, and climate change disinformation. 

    However, the proliferation of portals and platforms sharing information online is expanding daily. This does not always result in a coordinated or systematic effort, which means knowledge is often fragmented and siloed leading to redundancy and/or replication. In an era when planning must accelerate to implementation and concerted climate action, we need faster ways to learn lessons from one another on knowledge sharing and exchange. To support knowledge sharing and exchange between climate adaptation platforms, the Adaptation AGORA project has started this webinar series to engage climate adaptation platforms, encourage collaboration between platforms, and increase learning. The webinar series has focused on: EU funded projects and climate adaptation platforms; connecting knowledge to policy and practice; and has an upcoming webinar on monitoring the impact of climate adaptation platforms. 

    This EGU session would be interactive, highlighting the AGORA project as well as other climate adaptation platforms available, and then engaging with the audience to discuss enablers and barriers of and how to build alliances with other climate adaptation platforms. The session aims to:  

    • Highlight the AGORA project and its related platforms, focusing on how other climate adaptation platforms can interact with the Agora Community Hub. 
    • Share and exchange information on enablers and barriers to exchanging with climate adaptation platforms. 
    • Explore potential synergies, opportunities and foster collaboration between climate adaptation platforms. 
    • Engage and foster a dialogue between climate adaptation platforms in line with the AGORA project webinar series. 

    Anticipated outcomes include the identification and exploration of available climate adaptation platforms, identification of enablers and barriers to engaging with climate adaptation platforms to limit silos, and discussions around future synergies and collaborations between climate adaptation platforms. A summary and findings will be disseminated through an online feature. 

    How to cite: Witton, R. and Bharwani, S.: How can climate adaptation platforms engage and learn from each other?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19248,, 2025.

    EGU25-19351 | Orals | EOS4.6

    Transparency in open science outputs -: Ensuring Transparency, Reproducibility, and Credit for All Supporting Research Contributions 

    James Ayliffe, Deborah Agarwal, Justin Buck, Joan Damerow, Graham Parton, Shelley Stall, Martina Stockhause, and Lesley Wyborn

    An ongoing challenge relevant to most research disciplines is the difficulty in citing 100+ digital objects such as datasets, software, samples, and images. Journals require authors to place citations over some set limit into supplemental information, where individual citations are not properly indexed, not linked to the manuscript, nor tracked accurately. Citing these research products is critical to enable transparent and reproducible research and for researchers, institutions, and project managers to trace citation, get appropriate credit, and report impact to funders. 


    Open Science practices encourage providing proper attribution for the digital objects that support research findings and outcomes. Journals commonly redirect authors with many digital object citations to move those to the supplemental information where they are not indexed.  This means: 

    • Creators of these digital objects do not get attribution and credit for their contribution to the scholarly literature 
    • Funders cannot measure use, impact and derived value from these digital objects
    • Machine-actionable transparency is not possible. And over time, the supplement has a high probability of not being maintained by the publisher.  

    We need to develop a scalable citation implementation strategy to enable open transparent and traceable research, which allows integration into common citation/impact metrics


    The findings of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Complex Citations Working Group have produced key requirements (R1 - R10) for Complex Citation Objects (CCOs) to achieve our goals. In summary: 

    • CCOs capture enough detail to ensure proper credit, traceability, and transparency of cited materials (R1), supporting machine-actionable attribution for each referenced object (R2).
    • CCOs do not accrue credit themselves but simply list data and digital identifiers that require citation tracking (R3).
    • CCOs are stable, identifiable, versioned, resolvable, and persistent (R4, R5).
    • CCOs use standardized structures, limited to two PID graph levels, with a strong preference to utilize persistent identifiers (R6, R6.1, R7).
    • CCOs remain open, accessible, and flexible for various use cases, with an open license, and sufficient metadata (R8-R10).


    The full recommendations were published ahead of a presentation at the last RDA plenary session (Agarwal et al. 2024). The recommendations were based on use cases that identified the roles and responsibilities of the Complex Citation Workflow Actors necessary for the Complex Citation Objects (CCOs) to be used in practice.


    The Complex Citations Working Group is moving to a new phase where the recommendations need to be tested, evaluated and proven. To this end we are keen to inspire collaboration through new use cases, pilot implementations, to include repositories, journals, indexers and researchers to develop a new project and entrain more communities to take this work forward.



    Agarwal, D., Ayliffe, J., J. H. Buck, J., Damerow, J., Parton, G., Stall, S., Stockhause, M., & Wyborn, L. (2024). Complex Citation Working Group Recommendation (Version 1). Zenodo.

    How to cite: Ayliffe, J., Agarwal, D., Buck, J., Damerow, J., Parton, G., Stall, S., Stockhause, M., and Wyborn, L.: Transparency in open science outputs -: Ensuring Transparency, Reproducibility, and Credit for All Supporting Research Contributions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19351,, 2025.

    EGU25-19987 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a time 

    Lucia Perez-Diaz, Kim Welford, and Moh Gouiza and the the Tektonika Executive Editor team

    Science, without effective dissemination, has a very short life and little impact. Yet, most scientific research is hidden away behind exclusive and expensive paywalls imposed by traditional publishers. Tektonika is an Earth Science community-led diamond open-access journal (DOAJ: free for authors, free for readers) publishing peer reviewed research in tectonics and structural geology. It is a grass-roots initiative driven by the enthusiasm and devotion of a wide and diverse spectrum of Earth Scientists from around the globe, intended to help shape a new landscape for publishing in the geosciences. 

    Since its debut at EGU2022, Tektonika has experienced steady growth, fueled by a consistent stream of manuscript submissions.  Tektonika’s success reflects broader trends among community-driven DOAJs, demonstrating their ability not only to survive but to flourish. The strong support of the Earth Science community has been instrumental—from authors entrusting their work to the journal, to individuals amplifying its reach via social media, and volunteers contributing to editorial tasks, peer review, and the formatting of accepted articles. Tektonika stands as a testament to the power of collective effort in transforming scientific publishing.

    How to cite: Perez-Diaz, L., Welford, K., and Gouiza, M. and the the Tektonika Executive Editor team: Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19987,, 2025.

    EGU25-20355 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

    A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians 

    Chaoyang Wang, Tao Wang, and Yi Ding

    Databases are playing an increasingly pivotal role in the field of Earth Sciences. We present a comprehensive database of igneous rocks from the Newfoundland Appalachians ( The database consists of a set of 15,110 high-quality data. Each dataset includes detailed information on geographic location (latitudes and longitudes), geological background, petrology, geochronology, major and trace elements, isotopes, and references. The data were collected from published papers, publicly available databases, geological survey reports, and academic dissertations. The database offers several advantages: (1) A systematic and complementary data model aligned with the knowledge systems of igneous rock. (2) A broad range of high-quality data collected over 50 years, and derived from diverse sources; (3) A platform for efficient searchability and usability. This database will help achieve a wide range of scientific research objectives related to igneous rocks in the Newfoundland Appalachians and the tectonic evolution of the Newfoundland island.

    How to cite: Wang, C., Wang, T., and Ding, Y.: A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20355,, 2025.

    The Earth, space, and environmental sciences community, through a grant from the Belmont Forum, has developed a suite of open science materials to get you and your teams started on your Open Science Journey.  The development team includes members from Australia, Brazil, France, Japan, and the United States, coordinated by the AGU. This talk will share the materials and a bit of the background. Included are topics such as your Digital Presence, Data Documentation and Citation, Software Documentation and Citation, materials for working openly as a team, and how to integrate data and software management into your research lifecycle.  

    How to cite: Stall, S. and Specht, A.: Your Open Science Journey:  Earth, space, and environmental science educational materials supporting researchers and their teams., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20599,, 2025.

    EGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

    Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media 

    Johanna Knauf, Theresa Zimmermann, Jonas Schröter, Miriam Tivig, and Frank Kreienkamp

    This work examines the extent and form in which uncertainty of Extreme Event Attribution (EEA) results is best communicated to stakeholders. To achieve this, we develop communication materials in both text and graphics and test them for accuracy and accessibility through guided interviews with scientists and stakeholders.

    Extreme weather events pose significant challenges for human civilization. Climate change can influence both the intensity and probability of specific extreme weather events, such as heatwaves or heavy rainfall. EEA has become an established tool to answer public questions about the contribution of climate change to such events. However, the results of EEA studies are often accompanied by considerable uncertainties. Communication of results, including an accessible representation of uncertainty, is therefore a fundamental necessity in this field of research, extending beyond the general effort to make scientific findings accessible to the public. Media representatives, who often bridge the gap between attribution scientists and the public, are therefore key stakeholders in this research.

    We present the current state of research on communicating uncertainties in this field and outline our iterative approach to working with attribution scientists and media representatives alike to determine what should be communicated and how to communicate it effectively. Finally, we evaluate which communication materials are both relevant and accessible, and we reflect on the lessons learned for future communication efforts concerning EEA results.

    This study is part of ClimXchange, which aims to enhance the usability of climate science for societal stakeholders. ClimXchange is embedded within the ClimXtreme research consortium, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which focuses on extreme weather events in the context of climate change.

    How to cite: Knauf, J., Zimmermann, T., Schröter, J., Tivig, M., and Kreienkamp, F.: Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2164,, 2025.

    EGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6

    Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes 

    Gabriele Messori, Stephen Jewson, and Sebastian Scher

    Skilful weather forecasts help users make sound decisions when faced with potentially hazardous climatic conditions. However, this beneficial result may be reduced or negated in the absence of an effective communication of forecast uncertainty. On average, forecast skill improves for shorter lead times, which implies that we expect differences between successive forecasts. While there is a vast literature on the communication and visualisation of weather forecast uncertainty, little attention has been dedicated to communicating forecast changes to non-specialist audiences. Nonetheless, this is a key dimension of forecast uncertainty, and there are several user cases in which providing information about possible future changes in weather forecasts can improve their use.

    An illustrative example is the situation in which a user has to decide whether to act now or wait for the next forecast. This can be as simple as a professional deciding whether to drive or not to a client on a day for which extremely heavy rainfall is forecasted, potentially leading to flash flooding. Cancelling well-ahead of time makes rescheduling easier, yet the forecast has a larger chance of being wrong. Cancelling on short notice minimises the chance of a false alarm, but poses greater logistical challenges for both the professional and the client. Something as simple as knowing how often the later forecast is better – for example knowing that 9 times out of 10 a heavy rainfall forecast issued one day ahead is better than one issued 5 days ahead – can qualitatively help the non-specialist users in this fictitious example to make a more informed decision.

    In this contribution, we consider a variety of cases in which information on forecast changes may be of value. We then present a set of easily interpretable metrics making information on such changes accessible to non-specialist users.

    How to cite: Messori, G., Jewson, S., and Scher, S.: Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4471,, 2025.

    Whether its memories of a cold, frosty Christmas or an August bank holiday beach trip interrupted by rain, many cultural, sporting, and social events in the United Kingdom have strong associations with particular weather conditions. As the average global temperature increases, the impacts of a changing climate are likely to be felt across many aspects of British life, including in the public’s experiences of these popular events. Several recent works conducted by the UK Met Office have sought to make the local day-to-day impacts of climate change more understandable for the public by exploring likely climatic conditions of popular events by the 2050s. These works have received strong engagement from the public, demonstrating the demand for relevant and understandable climate information.

    We serve this demand by using the 2018 UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) and HadUK-Grid observations data to evaluate how climate change will affect the climatology of a diverse range of British social, cultural, and sporting events. To explore and communicate the uncertainties in UKCP18 due to inherent model biases, several bias correction methods are applied to the data and the resulting data is analysed together to give an improved uncertainty range. The research will focus on assessing changes to temperature variables at global warming levels of 1.5°C and 3.0°C to illustrate these two future scenarios and the uncertainty within each scenario.

    We will show that some events are likely to have a significantly altered climatology which is likely to substantially change the nature of these events or force them to change when they occur during the year to give the best chance of having favourable climatic conditions. By assessing the impact of climate change on popular British events such as the London Marathon and Glastonbury Festival the findings of this research will prove useful in communicating the impacts of climate change in a way which will resonate with the British public.

    How to cite: Woods, L., Pope, J., and Fung, F.: Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9081,, 2025.

    Flood frequency analysis is a cornerstone of hydrologic studies, providing a probabilistic framework to relate the magnitude of extreme events to their frequency of occurrence. This methodology is critical for designing flood-related infrastructure, conducting economic evaluations of flood control projects, and delineating floodplains. However, its utility depends heavily on data quality, model selection, and parameter estimation, each of which introduces uncertainties that become especially significant for rare events.

    This presentation will address key sources of uncertainty, including model choice, parameter inference methods, and sample size limitations. Strategies for incorporating these uncertainties into engineering practice are discussed, with an emphasis on probabilistic representations and innovative design approaches. An exceptional flood, a "black swan" event, is used to illustrate the paradox of increased uncertainty despite improved information. This case underscores the importance of expanding flood analyses through historical records, regionalization, and causal modeling, particularly in the context of a changing climate.

    The presentation will be designed to foster cross-discipline exchange in the quantification of uncertainty in Earth Sciences.

    How to cite: Viglione, A.: Flood Frequency Hydrology: Navigating Uncertainty in Flood Design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11466,, 2025.

    EGU25-13135 | PICO | EOS1.6

    Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images 

    Peter Dietrich, Husain Najafi, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

    Two-dimensional (2D) images are often used to communicate the results of scientific investigations and predictions. Examples are weather maps, earthquake hazard maps and MRI slices. In contrast to statistical analyses of individual variables or time series, there are currently no established methods for visualizing the uncertainties in the 2D images. However, this would be necessary to make the information in the 2D images clear to scientists as well as to the non-expert public audiences in order to avoid misinterpretation and over-interpretation.

    In this study, we demonstrate the challenges and approaches to uncertainty visualization using the case study of drought forecasting, which is relevant for climate adaptations and mitigations. A drought is a deviation (anomaly) from the parameter value expected from long-term data. In our case, the parameter under consideration is soil moisture, which is an important parameter for various environmental processes. The soil moisture can be used in combination with soil type to estimate the amount of water available to plants in the topsoil. If the amount of water available to plants according to the so-called percentile approach deviates significantly from the value expected from long-term data, this is referred to as an agricultural drought.

    The drought forecast is based on ensemble modelling. This means that the results of various weather forecast models are used to predict the development of soil moisture for the period of the weather forecast. For each weather model used, a possible soil moisture development is predicted. Each of these is used for a drought forecast. The result of the ensemble modelling is therefore several forecasts, which can differ significantly. Due to the use of different weather models and the consideration of uncertainties in the models, the result of ensemble modelling is therefore a large number of drought forecast maps. When visualising the results, often only a map of the mean values resulting from the predictions is shown. If only the mean value is displayed, however, the information about a possible difference and thus the uncertainty of the predictions is lost. In other words: If individual cases from the ensemble predict the possibility of drought, this will not be clearly visible in the mean value map.

    In this presentation, we will demonstrate and discuss different approaches to visualize the uncertainty in the prediction.

    How to cite: Dietrich, P., Najafi, H., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13135,, 2025.

    EGU25-13260 | PICO | EOS1.6

    Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey 

    Peter Dietrich, Michelle Dietrich, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

    Uncertainties are an unavoidable part of scientific research. Practical limits with regard to the number, accuracy and precision of available observations as well as limitations in terms of methodological accuracy and modelling contribute to the fact that even the most elaborate and meticulous forecasts can never be deterministic and no completely reliable and accurate predictions for decision-making can be achieved. In concrete applications, a sufficient understanding of the accuracy and reliability of scientifically based predictions is important, for example in disaster prevention or resource planning. For example, natural hazard maps are primarily intended for those who have the necessary expertise to understand them. However, they are also used in their unaltered form by non-experts for decision-making, many of whom are unfamiliar with the scientific background and implications of the map.

    We address this problem using an earthquake hazard map which can be relevant to non-expert audiences when seeking advice on purchasing a house or obtaining insurance. In order to understand how non-experts perceive a scientifically compiled earthquake hazard map, we conducted an online survey with 229 participants. This was done as part of the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants were asked about their first impression of the map in terms of information content, any need for further explanation and possible actions to take. Other questions assessed participants’ previous experiences and self-assessment of hazard perceptions.

    In this presentation, we will discuss the survey results and share lessons learned when communicating information that contains uncertainty with non-expert audiences.

    How to cite: Dietrich, P., Dietrich, M., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13260,, 2025.

    Working with environmental data means dealing with complex processes, limited data (in space and/or time) and the impossibility of setting up controlled experiments, leading to uncertain predictions of system behaviour.

    In the field of statistical hydrology, many efforts have been made during the last decades to provide methods to quantify uncertainty, but the common practice of infrastructure design has not yet incorporated them. This may be due to several reasons, including the complexity of the methods, which are often difficult to apply in most everyday cases, and regulations that "favour" well-established requirements.

    Here we present the "uncertainty compliant design flood estimator" (UNCODE) method, which accounts for aleatory uncertainty in the estimation of the design flood value. The method provides a corrected design value and is easy to use for practical purposes as simplified formulae are provided to quantify the correction factor. However, in addition to its practical application, it can also be used to compare different models with different levels of uncertainty and to highlight the "cost" of uncertainty.

    Finally, its mathematical formulation allows a direct link to be made between the classical approach to hydrological design, based on a fixed hazard level (or return period), and a risk-based design approach, which is widely recognised as a more flexible method but is not usually included in regulations.

    How to cite: Ganora, D.: Uncertainty in flood frequency analysis and its implications for infrastructure design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15189,, 2025.

    EGU25-17779 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

    Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study  

    Solmaz Mohadjer, Gökce Ergün, Sebastian G. Mutz, Max Schneider, Tom Schürmann, Michael Pelzer, and Peter Dietrich

    Maps are the most commonly used means of visualizing and communicating natural hazard information to support decisions about risk mitigation. They are a product of hazard assessment studies which involve different input parameters with uncertainties relevant to decision making. This process is further complicated by the subjective uncertainties that arise in the audience when confronted with the visualization of hazard information. 

    Natural hazard maps are primarily designed to be used by experts, but they are also used in their unaltered form to communicate with non-experts, many of whom are unfamiliar with the map’s scientific background and implications. Previous studies focus mainly on evaluating such maps with expert groups (e.g., directly involved stakeholders and authorities), with less attention on non-experts (e.g., the public audiences) who are confronted with these maps before purchasing a house, getting insurance or making other critical decisions. 

    To address this gap, our study investigates how well hazard maps are understood and interpreted by non-expert audiences. We tested two earthquake hazard maps of Germany that differ in color palettes (rainbow vs. colorblind-friendly and perception-optimized yellow-orange-red-brown color palettes) and data classification schemes (algorithmic Fisher vs. quasi-logarithmic classification schemes). We showed both maps to 20 non-expert participants during the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants answered map-reading and hazard perception questions (e.g., participants were asked to read off the hazard level for a given city, and to compare hazard levels between for a pair of cities) while their eye movements were monitored with eye-tracking software. 

    To identify if either map improved map reading and hazard perception, participants’ responses were scored, analyzed and compared using a two-sample Mann–Whitney U and Fisher’s Exact tests. In general, the differences detected in participants’ responses were not statistically significant, perhaps due to the small sample size. Still, we observed that nearly all participants who used the redesigned map (8 out of 9) correctly read the hazard level for a city while only 33% (3 out of 9 participants) who used the rainbow color map responded correctly.

    Eye-tracking data were used to analyze focus-metrics. Composite heatmaps accumulating the duration of eye fixations of all participants indicate that their eye movements were focused more on the high hazard zones and the corresponding values shown on map legend when answering questions using a hazard map redesigned to use best practices for hazard perception.

    To quantify these differences, the ratio of fixations on high-hazard zones to total fixations on the map were calculated for both map versions. The data were tested for normality and the statistical significance of the differences were evaluated using Independent Samples t-tests for equal variances. While the results were not statistically significant, participants viewing the redesigned map showed a greater number of fixations on high-hazard zones compared to the participants viewing the original map, with a moderate effect size. We note tendencies in the data that encourage the repetition of the experiment with a larger sample size.

    How to cite: Mohadjer, S., Ergün, G., Mutz, S. G., Schneider, M., Schürmann, T., Pelzer, M., and Dietrich, P.: Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17779,, 2025.

    A presentation of emerging themes and lessons learnt from examples of best practice in uncertainty quantification and communication relevant to climate services.  Drawn from existing literature and reports, and from a community engagement workshop.

    • Consider the climate risks that are of most concern to the audience. 
    • Use language the audience is familiar with (don’t say uncertainty).
    • The precision of uncertainty information should be relevant to the situation.
    • Understand existing narratives about climate uncertainty.
    • Use communication about uncertainty to build trust.
    • Be aware of deep uncertainty.

    Standardised approaches to uncertainty communication should consider not only the climate science component, but also the complexities regarding socio-economic vulnerability.

    Climateurope2, is a Horizon Europe project with a consortium of 33 parties from 13 countries that includes intergovernmental institutions such as the World Meteorological Organisation, social sciences, humanities and STEM expertise, assurance providers, SMEs, and standardisation bodies. Together we are building a community of practice for the standardisation and support of climate services.

    How to cite: Pascoe, C., Dankers, R., Domingo, X., and Pagé, C.: Don't say uncertainty: preliminary best practices and emerging themes for uncertainty quantification and communication in climate services from the Climateurope2 project., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18364,, 2025.

    The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to effectively communicate forecasts and their uncertainty. This is especially important if the aim is to minimize the risk of misinformation and poorly-informed decision-making. Both the IPCC and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction have identified risk communication, complexity and uncertainty as major challenges to decision-making, and call for better understanding of how existing risk communication practices are perceived by those affected and those making decisions.

    Despite these calls, many geoscientists, especially early career researchers, lack opportunities to discuss scientific uncertainty and explore ways to communicate uncertainty to different audiences, including the non-scientific publics. To address this demand, we organize the international training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, which is co-sponsored by the EGU and set to take place at the University of Tübingen in Germany from March 17 to 19, 2025. This in-person, three-day training school aims to equip Early Career Researchers with knowledge and skills needed to effectively account for and communicate uncertainty in geosciences with their peers as well as public audiences.

    Some of the biggest challenges of training programs on uncertainty relate to the interdisciplinary nature of the concept: understanding and effectively communicating uncertainties requires knowledge and skill sets typically taught and researched across a range of diverse fields. Highlighting this interdisciplinary background, we combine insights from geoscientific uncertainty assessment and outputs (e.g., maps, interpretations, models, simulations, time series) with approaches from (visual) rhetoric, science communication, presentation research, and multimedia competence. 

    Building on existing good practice, the training strives to equip geoscientists with the tools and skills they need to communicate uncertainty, help reduce misinformation, and enhance future decision-making. This will be done collaboratively through an interdisciplinary partnership between the Department of Geosciences, the Research Center for Science Communication at the Department of General Rhetoric, and Global Awareness Education at the University of Tübingen. The new approaches and exercises developed for this training will not only be practically applied in the training school, but also reflected and evaluated, including a pre-workshop survey addressing expectations and needs identified by the participants and a concluding qualitative evaluation.

    In this presentation, we will discuss our multifaceted practices and strategies applied to foster skills in communicating uncertainty in geosciences, present the results of the accompanying survey and evaluation used in this training, and conclude with lessons learned and best practices recommended to further develop similar opportunities in the future.

    How to cite: Pelzer, M., Dietrich, P., and Mohadjer, S.: Fostering Skills in Communicating Uncertainty in the Geosciences: a review of concepts, strategies and approaches applied in the training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18655,, 2025.

    Sub-seasonal weather forecasting is notoriously difficult, particularly for the extra-tropics. Predictions must be probabilistic, and from weeks 3 or 4 onwards forecast distributions are often very close to model-climate distributions. Together, these facts make conveying a meaningful forecast to customers extremely difficult, and those forecasts are then very vulnerable to misinterpretation. Standard map-based graphical output can show little more than whether the forecast mean is for average, or above average or below average conditions – ostensibly a 3-category classification. And indeed “average” in this scheme can be interpreted variously as a genuine forecast of average, or a “no-signal” prediction, which cannot both be right.

    So ECMWF is working towards a new two-layer brand of map-based sub-seasonal forecast products, that succinctly represent both the mean anomaly and the forecast uncertainty. We plan to call these “quantile-based weekly guidance maps”. The overarching aim has been to exploit much better than hitherto the information content of the sub-seasonal forecast system in a compact format. Once these first go public they will be classed as an “experimental product”. We hope for wide-ranging uptake, providing greater outreach for our forecasts than hitherto, to benefit multiple sectors of society.

    The new graphical output can be summarised in a 3-by-3 matrix form where one dimension represents the mean anomaly and the other relative spread. So for example a mean anomaly around zero can either represent a high confidence, narrow distribution forecast of average conditions (a true forecast of “average”), or more commonly a no-signal forecast where forecast and climate distributions are much the same (= “we don’t know”), or less often an odd scenario in which forecast spread exceeds climate spread (= “very uncertain indeed”). The graphical versions of the new system, and the 9 classes, will be demonstrated using real ECMWF forecast examples. These will highlight how translating appropriately chosen mathematical metrics into suitable graphics, and on into plain language text, can lie at the heart of successful uncertainty communication. Clear documentation for users is another key requirement.

    How to cite: Hewson, T.: Making Uncertainty in Sub-seasonal Weather Forecasts Intelligible, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19375,, 2025.

    EGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

    Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium 

    Jakub Stepanovic, Sandy Claes, and Jan Sermeus
    Uncertainty is an inherent part of the nature of science (NoS), and its communication is essential to maintain scientific transparency and credibility. Yet, current teaching on the topic is insufficient, leaving many with naïve views of NoS. Following calls to integrate uncertainty as a core component of science education and support NoS instruction with real-world examples, we designed an interactive learning experience conveying uncertainties in planetary science stemming from missing data and using artificial intelligence for a planetarium lecture. We were particularly interested in how interaction in the immersive planetarium settings impacts the audience's engagement with the lecture and, thus, uncertainty in science. The experience was presented to adolescents and adults attending the planetarium, and we collected feedback from 343 participants. Here, we share insights from the development, discuss interactive methods that significantly improved the audience's engagement, and share the participants' perspectives on uncertainty in science. We conclude by examining the pillars of NoS to clarify and define the presence of uncertainty and provide considerations for science communicators and educators. 

    How to cite: Stepanovic, J., Claes, S., and Sermeus, J.: Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21809,, 2025.

    Translation of geoscience research into tangible changes, such as modified decisions, processes or policy in the wider world is an important yet notably difficult process. Co-RISK is an accessible (i.e. open access, paper-based, zero cost) ‘toolkit’ for use by stakeholder groups within workshops, which is intended to aid this translation process. It is given a robust basis by incorporating paradox theory from organisation studies, which deals with navigating the genuine tensions between industry and research organizations that stem from their differing roles. Specifically designed to ameliorate the organizational paradox, a Co-RISK workshop draws up ‘Maps’ including key stakeholders (e.g. regulator, insurer, university) and their positionality (e.g. barriers, concerns, motivations), and identifies exactly the points where science might modify actions. Ultimately a Co-RISK workshop drafts simple and tailored project-specific frameworks that span from climate to hazard, to risk, to implications of that risk (e.g. solvency). The action research approach used to design Co-RISK (with Bank of England, Aon, Verrisk), its implementation in a trial session for the insurance sector and its intellectual contribution are described and evaluated. The initial Co-RISK workshop was well received, so application is envisaged to other sectors (i.e. transport infrastructure, utilities, government).  Joint endeavours enabled by Co-RISK could fulfil the genuine need to quickly convert the latest insights from environmental research into real-world climate change adaptation strategies.

    How to cite: Hillier, J. K. and van Meeteren, M.: Co-RISK: A tool to co-create impactful university-industry projects for natural hazard risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-291,, 2025.

    Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. During 2024, our team collaborated with other groups specializing in fact checking and countering misinformation about the climate crisis. With this submission we highlight two of these collaborations:

    • Creating fact briefs in collaboration with Gigafact
      Fact briefs are short, credibly sourced summaries that offer “yes/no” answers in response to claims found online. They rely on publicly available, often primary source data and documents. Fact briefs are created by contributors to Gigafact — a nonprofit project looking to expand participation in fact-checking and protect the democratic process. 
    • Turning a PDF-based report refuting 33 climate solutions myths into stand-alone rebuttals
      In early 2024 we spotted an impressive report addressing climate solutions misinformation, "Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles," written by members of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School. We collaborated with the authors to create 33 stand-alone rebuttals based on the report's content to make it possible to link to each of the rebuttals directly.

    Both of these collaborations help with sharing fact-based information in order to counter mis- and disinformation spread online.

    How to cite: Winkler, B.: Collaborations between Skeptical Science and other groups to spread fact-based information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1439,, 2025.

    In an era characterised by the political economy of financialised capitalism, accounting plays an instrumental role in shaping decision-making through the principle of materiality.  This principle influences how physical climate risks are perceived and addressed.  The role of accounting and the principle of materiality are foundational to using corporate reporting to prepare markets for the effects of climate change.  
    The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD, 2023) has highlighted persistent inadequacies in corporate disclosures, particularly their failure to provide decision-useful information for managing or mitigating the financial and societal impact of extreme weather events.  Inspired by the Absurdist literary tradition, the paper offers a conceptual alternative: expressing materiality as an aesthetic performance that embraces the ambiguity and complexity of climate risk.
    To visualise this interplay, disclosure is interpreted as a form of communicative storytelling, where accounting frameworks set the plot and characters, shaping stakeholder engagement.  The tangible impacts of physical climate change function as the unpredictable forces driving the narrative, while aesthetic materiality transforms these elements into a cohesive strategic risk management framework.  This dynamic symbiosis, imbued with Absurdist tensions, illustrates how narrative, financial structures, environmental realities, and performative aesthetics collectively influence decision-making in the face of climate risks.
    The Absurdist lens reveals how contemporary disclosures embody a condition of "waiting for the correct data," a state of deferral legitimised by incremental approaches to risk management.  Traditional calculative paradigms in accounting—such as materiality thresholds, metrics, and financial quantification—struggle to address the non-linear and interdependent risks posed by extreme weather events.  By aestheticising materiality, this paper argues that corporate disclosures can better cope with these limitations, engaging stakeholders through participatory and relational communication rather than static, deterministic metrics.
    Aesthetic materiality shifts the focus from rigid frameworks to systemic interconnectivity, inviting decision-makers to critically reflect on the unpredictability of climate risks and to co-create meaning alongside stakeholders.  This perspective complements tools such as impact-based forecasting and early-warning systems by addressing the socio-cultural dimensions of risk communication.
    Empirical insights from 44 interviews with stakeholders across 16 FTSE350 organisations illustrate the limitations of calculative realism in accounting for climate scenarios.  Participants reported deferring action in pursuit of elusive “objective truths,” grappling with helplessness amidst multiple potential realities and feeling hopeless by the inexpressible ambiguity associated with accounting for extreme weather risks.  These findings underscore the Absurdist tension between striving for control and coping with the immeasurable—a tension that current frameworks fail to resolve.
    Aesthetic materiality is a conceptual response to the systemic inadequacies of existing corporate disclosure practices.  It disrupts normative accounting principles such as reliability and objectivity, advocating instead for evocative narratives, symbolic imagery, and dialogical engagement that better reprehend the interconnected nature of extreme weather events.  Such a transition also signals a shift beyond the prevailing interdisciplinary accounting discourse by foregrounding the limits of language and representation, emphasising the performative aesthetics of materiality and expressing disclosure as an unending process. 

    How to cite: O Rourke, J.: Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic Materiality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1592,, 2025.

    EGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials 

    Lucy Blennerhassett, Geertje Schuitema, and Fergus McAuliffe

    Developing innovative public engagement measures are central to addressing many of the key geoscience related challenges within the EU. One of the most pressing European challenges includes achieving a sustainable and secure supply of critical raw materials (CRMs). These materials include vital metals used in renewable energy technologies, for which the EU is often totally reliant on imports at both the extraction and processing level. Hence, EU climate neutrality by 2050, as per the European Green Deal, hinges on CRM supply. However, this is not often discussed in the public realm.

    Informal education spaces such as festivals provide unique environments for science communication, where incidental adult audiences can stumble upon new scientific concepts and problems in engaging ways. However, to be successful, science exhibits at such events need to capture attention and stimulate the audience in a short period of time. The critical raw material challenge is underrepresented in the festival environment likely due to historically negative public attitudes towards mining. Hence, a necessary science communication endeavour is to develop a novel engagement activity that engages adult audiences at festivals with this issue and stimulates conversation. We present a hands-on, challenge-based public engagement activity/tool for use in the fast-paced science and arts festival environment, where contact time is limited and interaction is key. Designed to simulate the supermarket experience, ‘GreenDealz’ brings participants through tactile ‘shopping’ tasks, with evaluation points included throughout. The main aim of GreenDealz was to engage participants with the concept of critical raw materials and their demand for renewable energy technologies in a relatable and task-based way.

    We outline the iterative process of developing GreenDealz for the festival environment, including ideation, design, and an evolution of evaluation from classic self-reported techniques to more novel and festival friendly ‘embedded assessment’ measures. Importantly, we highlight how this activity has been tested and validated via a mixed methods approach: our quantitative data, collected across several festivals in Ireland, yields significant findings about audience learnings and engagement, while our qualitative data, gleaned through less time-restricted participant interactions sheds a deeper light on the effectiveness of this tool in achieving learning outcomes and sparking interest in critical raw materials within non-specialist audiences.

    How to cite: Blennerhassett, L., Schuitema, G., and McAuliffe, F.: GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2292,, 2025.

    EGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network 

    Eva Feldbacher, Carmen Sippl, Babette Lughammer, Ioana Capatu, Gregor Jöstl, Dominik Eibl, Michaela Panzenböck, Laura Coulson, Elmira Akbari, and Gabriele Weigelhofer

    Austrian citizens, like many others worldwide, show high levels of skepticism coupled with low interest in science. This disengagement is closely tied to limited science literacy, characterized by a poor understanding of the scientific process and scientific data generation. Initiatives operating at the intersection of science and education provide a valuable opportunity to develop innovative methods of science communication, enhance science literacy, and positively influence attitudes toward scientific findings. To address these challenges, scientists from diverse disciplines, educators, and administrators have joined forces to establish the “Interdisciplinary Network for Science Education Lower Austria (INSE)”. Led by WasserCluster Lunz and funded by GFF NÖ, this partnership aims to: (i) deepen public understanding of science by engaging students and citizens in scientific processes across disciplines, (ii) spark interest in science through innovative communication strategies, and (iii) build trust in the benefits of science by showcasing its contributions to addressing societal and ecological challenges.

    In this presentation, we will introduce the INSE partnership and highlight our science education concepts tailored to different educational levels. At the primary level, the focus was on research in the humanities, emphasizing the significance of reading and writing. At the lower secondary level, the main principles of the "Nature of Science (NOS)" were introduced, while at the upper secondary level, students conducted their own research projects, either in the natural sciences (a respiration experiment in aquatic ecology) or the social sciences (a social science survey). Students explored the principles of specific research methods and examined the similarities and differences among various scientific disciplines. This approach aimed to provide participants with both a solid understanding of general scientific principles and insights into discipline-specific methodologies.

    We will also present initial evaluation results on the effectiveness of our educational activities. Additionally, we aim to foster new collaborations at both national and international levels to strengthen our network and expand the resources available for science education.

    How to cite: Feldbacher, E., Sippl, C., Lughammer, B., Capatu, I., Jöstl, G., Eibl, D., Panzenböck, M., Coulson, L., Akbari, E., and Weigelhofer, G.: Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2755,, 2025.

    SCAPE° is a new science center under development in Offenbach, Germany, dedicated to making weather, climate, and their profound connections to human life both tangible and engaging. Situated in the heart of the city, SCAPE° aims to bridge the gap between science and society through interactive exhibits, immersive workshops, and dynamic community events.

    This presentation will provide an overview of SCAPE°’s organizational structure, the planning and design process, and the challenges encountered in creating this innovative space. Key exhibits will be showcased, including hands-on installations such as turbulence simulators and immersive visualizations of global weather phenomena, demonstrating the center’s commitment to interactive and educational engagement. Examples of workshops and events will illustrate how SCAPE° fosters dialogue and involvement in a scientific, but also artistic way. 

    By sharing the experiences and lessons learned in developing SCAPE°, this presentation seeks to inspire innovative approaches to science communication and public engagement in weather and climate sciences, while raising awareness and excitement for SCAPE° itself as a vital new space for exploration and education.

    How to cite: Frank, B.: SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2820,, 2025.

    This study investigates how the mining industry employs science communication tactics, specifically framing, warmth, honesty, and relatability when engaging with the public. Guided by three primary research questions, this project seeks to identify: (1) which frames and tactics Canadian mining organizations employ when communicating about mining, (2) how these tactics influence engagement among audiences with pro-, anti-, and neutral attitudes toward mining, and (3) whether the use of tactics varies based on the type of organization.

    A mixed-methods approach integrates content analysis, survey responses, and thematic analysis. Advertisements, corporate websites, and corporate responsibility documents from various mining organizations are systematically coded to identify framing strategies and communication techniques. To evaluate changes in public perceptions, knowledge, and behaviours, participants complete pre-engagement surveys to establish baseline attitudes toward mining. They then engage with assigned materials in two stages: first independently and later through guided discussion and interviews conducted via Zoom. Post-engagement surveys capture immediate reactions and subsequent changes in perception, knowledge, and potential actions. Transcribed interviews from guided discussions are analyzed thematically to uncover deeper insights into how audiences engage with mining-related messaging.

    This research is significant for its focus on the intersection of industry messaging and public engagement, addressing a critical gap in understanding how science communication influences public trust and opinion in resource-driven sectors. Insights from this study will inform best practices for transparent, relatable, and effective communication in the mining industry, with broader implications for improving public engagement strategies in other science-based fields.

    How to cite: Onstad, C. and van der Flier-Keller, E.: Preliminary Insights into Science Communication Strategies in Canadian Mining Messaging: A Mixed-Methods Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2911,, 2025.

    Some environmental issues (nuclear/special wastes, CO2 storage) are extremely long-lasting, from thousand to one million years (Flüeler 2023). Three aspects are mandatory to recognise them adequately: their complexity (e.g., safety “proof”), uncertainty (aleatory/epistemic …), inequality (today’s risk deciders vs. future risk bearers). All require a deep sense of multiperspectivity: Changing perspectives enables a conscious view of an issue from different angles.

    With exceptions, conventional practice reveals “technical” and “acceptance” approaches. The problem is said to be solely political, “the public’s” poor state of knowledge spurs the plea for “outreach”, following the “deficit model”: Specialists inform laypeople to close their “information gap”. The long term is covered by safety margins and, as a last resort, by waste retrievability.

    Applied research is more sophisticated. Nuclear waste safety cases have become comprehensive, considering insecurities and stakeholder involvement (NEA 2020b). Still, the very long term (10,000y plus) is left to risk analysts. “Communication Across 300 Generations” (Tannenbaum 1984) or “to bridge ten millennia” (Sebeok 1984) are issues reserved to semiotics and not really developed further (NEA 2019). Conserving artefacts and symbols over time seems unsatisfactory, even unrealistic. Site-selection procedures have, partly, recognised the need for decades-long processes (NEA 2020a).

    What is “long term”? (cf. Flüeler 2023, 55ff.) It would be futile for society to deal with the year 800,000 AP, but it is to reckon what Brand and Eno called “the Long Now”, 10,000 years back and forth, yet a generations-based approach seems more practical, maybe the Canadian First Nations’ yardstick of the Seven Generations (NCSL 2017): “Traditionally, no decision was made until it was understood how it would affect the next seven generations”. Or we draw on Boulding’s suggestion: 100 years backward and foreward (grandparents to grandchildren) (Boulding 1978).

    At any rate, our responsibility to future generations “requires new operationalisations, new norms of practice, new sets of values, new virtues, and – last but not least – new institutions” (Birnbacher 1988). It needs new skills for sustainable governance, transparent (digital) dashboards, open online platforms to table/respond to controversial views/assertions, transdisciplinary labs, ways to address indeterminacy (>>“uncertainty”), VR learning machines to train changing perspectives, etc.

    The ethical, political and institutional complexity insinuates that there is no silver bullet to tackle the issue of governance: “The solution is easily summarized, but much less easily achieved: to establish ecological reflexivity as a core priority of social, political and economic institutions” (Dryzek/Pickering 2019). We need continual discourse to transform our societies sustainably, rather than pre-fixed concepts in order to restore supposedly paradisiac past states.


    Birnbacher, D. Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen. Reclam, Stuttgart (transl.).

    Boulding, E. The Family as a Way into the Future. Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA.

    Dryzek, J.S./Pickering, J. The Politics of the Anthropocene. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.

    Flüeler, T.


    NEA/Nuclear Energy Agency/2019. Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory Across Generations. OECD, Paris.

    NEA/2020a. Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Policy Brief.

    NEA/2020b. Two Decades of Safety Case Development: An IGSC Brochure.

    Sebeok, T.A. Communication Measures to Bridge Ten Millennia. BMI/ONWI-532. Battelle, Columbus, OH.

    Tannenbaum, P.H. Communication Across 300 Generations: Deterring Human Interference with Waste Deposit Sites. BMI/ONWI-535.

    How to cite: Flüeler, T.: How to communicate “long term”? 10, 100, 10,000 years …? Practice, research, reflections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4847,, 2025.

    EGU25-6769 | Orals | EOS1.1

    How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust? 

    Milena Marjanovic, Simon Besançon, David Hautemayou, Souradeep Mahato, and Ted Luc

    Similar to X-rays used in medicine to scan human bodies, to understand the characteristics of the oceanic crust that covers >70% of our planet, marine geophysicists conduct controlled source seismic experiments at sea on research vessels. We produce tiny earthquakes using compressed air, which travel through the subsurface built of different rock types; the differences in the rocks introduce changes in the propagated waves, which are registered by an array of receptors and then processed to produce seismic images. However, this field of research is not commonly known by school students or the general public. To bridge this gap, we designed a seismic atelier to expose the less-known but marvelous world of marine geophysics and show it as a possible career path. The atelier includes a presentation of our work at sea supported by pictures and videos, presentation of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) developed and designed internally at IPGP, and model that simulates seismic data acquisition. For this model, we obtained the EGU Public Engagement Award in 2023. The elements that constitute the model:

    • 400 l water tank, floating LEGO ship
    • three 3-D printed OBSs connected to an electromagnetic mechanism that simulate deployment and recovery of the instruments
    • ballons that are perforated under the water to mimic the seismic source
    • hydrophone connected to a laptop for signal recording

    The experiment is accompanied by a 5-question quiz tailored to correspond to the age of the participants; all the topics concerning the questions were covered in the presentations. The quiz is conducted before and after the atelier, which helps us to evaluate the impact of outreach activity. All the questions were designed as a multiple-choice. For example, for the age 11-15 years, one question is: What is the temperature of the deep ocean?, with the offered responses: a) 0-3º, b) 23-25ºC, and c) 0 -10 ºC.

    We have already run the atelier on two occasions, and the results are promising. The first time was during the Fête de la Science (Open House event in France) at IPGP in early October 2024, during which we presented our atelier to four groups, 10-12 participants (9-12 years old) in each group. The second session was organized with 30 high-school students (~15 years old). The quizzes' analyses clearly show that the number of correct answers increases by up to 50% after the conducted atelier, demonstrating the positive impact of the activity on student knowledge. The results also show that some questions were tackling less-known topics. For instance, the question we gave as an example above was consistently answered incorrectly by ~80% of students before the atelier; in contrast, after the atelier, the situation was reversed, and >90% of the participants gave the correct answer. Overall, the impressions of the students after participating in the atelier, especially the youngest ones, are highly positive, and we hope they will develop a certain level of passion for marine sciences. The next stage for our project would be to film it and make it available online in different languages to reach students internationally.

    How to cite: Marjanovic, M., Besançon, S., Hautemayou, D., Mahato, S., and Luc, T.: How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6769,, 2025.

    EGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy 

    Chiara Pocaterra, Valeria Mingardi, Laura Mentini, Sara Silvi, and Alessia Careccia

    APRE is an Italian non-profit association with a network of more than 160 members from academia and private sector, that has developed extensive expertise in sharing research results to the wider public from several HORIZON EUROPE funded projects across different areas through innovative science communication, education and engagement methodologies.  

    Notable projects include the Engage4Bio project which launched actions at a regional level for the deployment of local bioeconomies, achieving new ways to govern societal transformation and engage citizens through awareness raising and education on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles. The BIOVOICES project raised awareness on the bioeconomy through engagement and exchange of knowledge. The GenB project tested innovative formats and developed concrete products and toolkits to raise awareness and educate students, teachers and multipliers on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy. Finally the BlueRev project increased skilled job opportunities in the bio-based sector for local businesses with training and webinars.  

    During these projects, the Authors were able to develop and validate via engagement and participatory processes, innovative science communication formats and concrete methods. Our aim was to raise awareness and educate non-specialised audiences (especially young people, teachers, educators, citizens) on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy, building communities with knowledge and instruments to create, enact, and disseminate sustainable practices. These non-traditional science communication techniques are proving effective and based on artistic/ narrative means and personal interaction that strengthen credibility and trust with the audience.  

    In Engage4BIO, art, communication and science were merged by creating an attractive Design Award. The goal of the competition was to encourage artists in finding sustainable solutions through art and design. In this process, science communication played a central role, bridging the gap between creativity and technology.   

    The book for children "What's bioeconomy?" was developed by BIOVOICES and it is the first-ever publication written for kids on sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Through an interactive 80 flaps, the book translates complex scientific concepts into easily comprehensible contents for pre- and primary school young people, their parents and teachers to increase awareness on the environmental, social and economic benefits of the bioeconomy and bio-based sectors.  

    GenB has designed an educational podcast series for 4-8 year old audience. Using captivating storytelling, and stimulating imagination and curiosity, children can enjoy them on any occasion to explore crucial concepts such as sustainability, circularity, and respect for the environment, making the bioeconomy an accessible and fascinating topic. The podcast features 10 episodes written by selected authors and scientifically validated by experts.   

    A participatory photography format for youth was also tested and developed in GenB project, to increase awareness of the applications of science in their everyday contexts. Through photographs or video, young people learned to identify real-world examples of bioeconomy, collecting examples from their daily lives. Photography and visual approach in education creates meaningful connections with places, people, and moments in time, encouraging reflection, insight and awareness, and empowering young people to make more informed decisions about consumption and lifestyle. 

    How to cite: Pocaterra, C., Mingardi, V., Mentini, L., Silvi, S., and Careccia, A.: Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7084,, 2025.

    EGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms 

    Philip Heron, Kiona Osowski, Fabio Crameri, and Jamie Williams

    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects have historically struggled to be inclusive and accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, STEM subjects have often been rigid in their teaching structure, creating barriers to education for students with more specific (or unrecognised) learning needs. Our STEM outreach course, Think Like A Scientist, has been running in a number of English prisons since 2019, and started in Canada and Australia over the past two years. Our students in prison often have diverse learning needs – a classroom often presents numerous barriers (sensory, communication, information processing, and regulation) which particularly impacts neurodivergent students (e.g., autism, ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, etc.). In our teaching in prison, we have been conscious of creating different educational access points that are not solely reliant on rigid teaching structures.

    Although our outreach programme is tailored to the restrictive prison environment, the application of its core principles are fundamental Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) practices that can be applied to university-level teaching and supervision. Here, we outline the choices we have made in prison education to increase educational engagement for those within the neurodivergent umbrella – and how these choices can map onto university teaching to widen participation for STEM students. Specifically, we will describe our university campus work in a few key areas: creating relatable science content for our geoscience student body, giving students a voice in their education, adding reflection activities, and fostering a classroom environment that is inclusive and accessible to all. Finally, we welcome an open discussion on potential best inclusive practices in the geosciences.

    How to cite: Heron, P., Osowski, K., Crameri, F., and Williams, J.: Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7405,, 2025.

    EGU25-9684 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology 

    Taru Sandén, Julia Fohrafellner, Ana Pires da Silva, and Carla Brites

    AGROECOLOGY, the European Partnership "Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures," is a significant European research and innovation initiative involving the European Commission and 26 Member States, Associated Countries, and Third Countries, with a total of 72 partner organizations. The goal of AGROECOLOGY is to assist the agricultural sector in addressing the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and environmental sustainability, while ensuring agriculture remains profitable, sustainable, and attractive to farmers.

    Transforming the agricultural sector to meet societal and policy demands requires bold and systemic changes. AGROECOLOGY fosters for solutions that leverage natural and biological processes, blending state-of-the-art science, technology, and innovation with farmers' knowledge. By pooling resources from the European Commission and the involved member states and regions, the Partnership funds high-level research in Living Labs and Research Infrastructures, co-creating relevant knowledge and technologies aligned with the priorities of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Farming System Transition.

    To support these efforts, a range of activities is being implemented to inform, engage, and empower stakeholders. These activities aim to enhance capacities, raise awareness, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and data. A key element of this effort is the Conversations on Agroecology which serve as foundational steps to strengthen agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) for agroecology. These conversations foster collaboration and connections between Living Labs, Research Infrastructures and stakeholders across Europe.

    The online Conversations on Agroecology are held monthly throughout the Partnership, enabling the mobilization and networking of agroecology actors in Europe and beyond. In 2024, six online conversations were organized on various themes, such as the role of AKIS for agroecology, agroecological transition, and the power of networks for agroecology. Through these monthly conversations, AGROECOLOGY engages diverse groups of actors, ensuring involvement of institutional AKIS actors, farmers, and farming networks to ensure inclusive participation and drive progress toward sustainable food systems by 2030.

    How to cite: Sandén, T., Fohrafellner, J., Pires da Silva, A., and Brites, C.: Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9684,, 2025.

    EGU25-11418 | Orals | EOS1.1

    The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels. 

    Verena Meraldi, Christina Hess, Holly Stainton, Henry Evans, Elizabeth Leane, and Anne Hardy

    The popularity and use of Participatory or Citizen Science (CS) in scientific research has increased over the recent years, and the literature reports that CS can promote positive change; enhance public knowledge, understanding, and awareness of environmental issues; and amplify conservation efforts.

    Accessibility to polar regions is limited and expensive.  With resources from other traditional platforms (i.e. research vessels and funding) decreasing, research institutions are looking at alternatives that involve partnering with the private sector tourism as a ‘crowdsourcing’ data collection option, with the added benefit of passenger participation and education. CS monitoring is a cost-effective alternative for greater spatial and/or temporal coverage, including geographical areas that remain under-researched. 

    HX’s Science & Education Program focuses on broadening guests’ understanding of the polar regions and ecosystems, as well as the impacts of climate change. Our guests become active participants in data collection through an immersive educational onboard program and on-site interaction with researchers. During 2024 we allocated over 1900 cruise nights to welcome 80+ researchers from collaborating institutions on our vessels and our guests contributed more than 30,000 data submissions to over 20 different CS projects globally.

    To better understand this potential and to evaluate the longer-term effect of participation in CS and science related activities on guests, HX carried out a research project in partnership with UTAS during 2022 and 2023. Results from semi-structured interviews with over 70 guests on three HX vessels suggest that guests saw CS, and the Science & Education program more generally, as a core part of their experience, and many returned with a heightened sense of the fragility of the region.

    However, and as an example, HX represents approximately 8% of the Antarctic expedition cruising tourism. The full potential for future partnerships to tap into these vast resources as an industry is yet to be realized.

    How to cite: Meraldi, V., Hess, C., Stainton, H., Evans, H., Leane, E., and Hardy, A.: The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11418,, 2025.

    EGU25-12106 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society? 

    Laura Reilly, Martin Möllhoff, Christopher Bean, Siobhán Power, Louise Collins, Patrick Smith, James Grannell, Huda Mohamed, Emma Smithers, and Philippe Grange

    Most people in Irish society, when asked, “Do we experience earthquakes in Ireland?” would likely answer, “No we don’t”. However, this is incorrect – earthquakes do occur in Ireland and are occasionally felt. This misconception is understandable as Ireland is not located near the edge of a plate boundary and the earthquakes we experience tend to be of very low magnitude (M2.5 is the largest onshore Irish earthquake recorded so far). As a result, earthquakes are not a regular thought for the population of Ireland. We aim to raise awareness on this topic.

    The QuakeShake programme has these main aims:

    • Encourage Irish society to consider seismic activity and monitor seismic events both locally and globally and thereby develop an integrated community of citizen seismologists throughout Ireland.
    • Provide teaching resources for educators and school students.
    • Inspire interest in Physical and Earth Sciences at tertiary levels.
    • Support the government’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Art and Mathematics) initiative.
    • Foster a closer relationship between researchers and citizens.
    • Gather and share seismic data to support scientific research in various seismological fields.

    The programme is managed by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) and co-funded by DIAS, Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), and Research Ireland. QuakeShake functions as the outreach programme for the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN), the national earthquake monitoring body in Ireland. It supports and promotes the monitoring efforts of the INSN.

    QuakeShake is facilitating the operation of affordable seismometers, known as Raspberry Shakes, in schools, homes, and public institutions. These compact, professional grade seismometers require only power and internet connectivity to operate. In 2024, QuakeShake distributed seismometers via public raffle and workshops for teachers and the public. In 2025, the aim is to distribute even more Raspberry Shake devices and encourage the public and schools to acquire their own units. 

    At EGU 2025 we will showcase the programmes development, aimed at educating people from all backgrounds in Ireland about both Irish and Global earthquakes. We will illustrate how QuakeShake is actively building a community of citizen seismologists across Ireland.

    How to cite: Reilly, L., Möllhoff, M., Bean, C., Power, S., Collins, L., Smith, P., Grannell, J., Mohamed, H., Smithers, E., and Grange, P.: Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12106,, 2025.

    EGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands  

    Andrea Alonso, Daniel Prieto, Rubén García-Hernández, David Afonso, Héctor de los Rios, Luca D’Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

    Scientific communication is a key pillar of the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN). In this context, Guayota is a weekly multilingual graphic report that summarizes seismic-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. This resource analyzes the earthquakes recorded over the past week, detailing their location, magnitude, and energy released. A color-coded map visually represents the magnitudes (red for >4, orange for 3-4, yellow for 2-3, and green for <2), providing an intuitive overview of the most relevant data. Additionally, the report includes the total number of seismic events, the energy in joules, and the maximum recorded magnitude. 

    The report also incorporates the volcanic alert system, based on four color levels from the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Response to Volcanic Risk in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA), to assess the hazard level. An accompanying table highlights key parameters such as seismicity, deformation, and gas emissions on the most volcanically active islands: La Palma, El Hierro, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Lanzarote. 

    Guayota is published every Friday on INVOLCAN's social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter/X, and its website, ensuring that the information is accessible, educational, and timely. This initiative plays a crucial role in keeping the population of the Canary Islands informed with reliable, accurate, and easily understandable data. By raising public awareness, it helps communities better understand and prepare for the risks of living in a volcanically active environment. These efforts enhance community resilience and promote safer coexistence. In doing so, INVOLCAN reaffirms its commitment to scientific outreach, education, and effective volcanic risk management. 

    How to cite: Alonso, A., Prieto, D., García-Hernández, R., Afonso, D., de los Rios, H., D’Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12352,, 2025.

    EGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall 

    Auguste Gires and Eleonora Dallan

    Rainfall is very commonly experienced by most people, often seen as a constraint. Anyway, usually people are not really paying attention to it, being too busy with their daily life. As rainfall and hydrology scientists, we aim to reach out to the general public to increase knowledge in an area of widespread misinformation. More importantly, we aim to enhance curiosity and awareness of people in their geophysical environment. In order to contribute to this much needed efforts, we designed and implemented a series of multisensory experiences centered on rainfall with three purpose in mind: i) Actively engage people on geoscience topics by pushing them to pay attention to their environment ; ii) Create a simple and pleasant moment for people enabling to focus on geophysical environment. iii) Create some new knowledge on rainfall for them. With regards to the latter point, the involvement of one’s senses is a great tool to facilitate memorization.

    The experiences are simple and do not require any material, apart from an available mind and some rainfall. Three examples are feeling the drops and their sizes on the hand or face while walking; listening to the rain falling on something (tent, umbrella, sheet of metal…); looking at the rain falling near a lamppost at night. Each experience has a simple take home message. The first one is related to the various sizes of drops, the second one to the temporal variability of rainfall, while the third one enables to notice the temporal variability of both rainfall and wind. 

    The process is designed as follows. A short description of the suggested experience is given to people. Once they have implemented them, they are asked to fill a rather open/free form to report their sensations and findings. After they are given some explanations on the take home messages we originally had in mind, which does not necessarily match their own feeling. If they are interested in doing it again, they are invited to provide new sets of feedback. 

    In a first step, the whole process was tested with 10-15 people with various backgrounds and who have no expertise in rainfall. Results of this preliminary implementation will be presented in this poster. They are used to tune the process, i.e. the experiences, the short description and also the explanations of the take home message. In future investigations, it will be implemented with a larger number of people to obtain more quantitative and robust results.

    How to cite: Gires, A. and Dallan, E.: Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13449,, 2025.

    EGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture

    An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication 

    Heather Handley

    Geoscience plays a vital role in shaping our sustainable future, yet the discipline is at a critical crossroads. Declining student enrolments, reduced course offerings, and the closure of university departments threaten its survival. Key challenges include public perceptions of geoscience and associated industries, its lack of visibility in school curricula, outdated branding and stereotypes, and issues related to diversity and inclusion. As students increasingly seek altruistic, sustainability-focused careers, geoscience must respond rapidly or risk further decline. A more strategic, impact-driven approach to geoscience communication is essential to address the discipline’s struggling brand image. This presentation takes you behind the scenes of the Earth Futures Festival, an international geoscience film and video festival. The festival bridges the arts and sciences to demonstrate how geoscience, combined with long-standing cultural knowledge of the Earth, offers solutions to pressing global challenges. We will explore the impact-focused approach underpinning the festival’s design, including forging value-aligned partnerships, providing communication skills training for geoscientists, and amplifying the visibility of typically underrepresented groups. This talk will provide a step-by-step practical guide to illustrate how impact-focused design can be effectively applied to geoscience communication and outreach.

    How to cite: Handley, H.: An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13520,, 2025.

    Podcasting about science is thriving.  In the Earth sciences alone, there are at least 15 podcasts.  How do such podcasts fit within the ecosystem of informal science education alongside museums, field trips and other resources?  Can podcasts convey the core results of present-day research without sacrificing their essence and subtlety?  Are researchers willing to make time to contribute to podcasts?  Who is listening to these podcasts and what are they seeking from them?  Does AI-enabled translation and transcription help reach listeners from hitherto less well-served geographies?  The presentation will address such questions and use examples from Geology Bites and other podcasts. 

    How to cite: Strimpel, O.: Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13862,, 2025.

    EGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation 

    Mario Soriano, Reed Maxwell, and Allison Carruth

    In the wake of disasters, storytelling can function as a means for collective sensemaking, trauma recovery, and community-centered knowledge co-production. Through the practice of listening and the medium of voice, audio stories can convey culturally specific knowledge that engages emotions while fostering dialogic thinking on complex topics. Here, we detail our experience in research and producing a public-facing audio story series about communities facing displacement and loss from water-related disasters. First, we traveled in 2023 to communities in the central Philippines devastated by 2013’s Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the deadliest and strongest storms to make landfall in modern history. We conducted field interviews with Haiyan survivors and responders, local policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the months leading up to the tenth-year commemoration of the storm. Their narratives allowed us to ground discourses about learning from disaster in mass media and academic research—discourses that we examined via a computational analysis of over 15,000 newspaper articles and 300 academic abstracts on Haiyan. The second story series explores perspectives on climate retreat in the wake of floods and increasing flood risks in New Jersey. This series centers the voices of homeowners considering property buyouts through a state program, local officials, as well as scientists who are documenting the social and physical impacts of more intense flooding and sea level rise in real time. Titled Carried by Water and produced by Princeton’s Blue Lab, these interrelated series anchor academic framings of disaster in lived experience and first-person narratives. The project does so to shed light on long-term recovery, learning processes applied to everyday decision-making, and diverse understandings of disasters, home, agency, risk, and climate resilience.

    How to cite: Soriano, M., Maxwell, R., and Carruth, A.: Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14045,, 2025.

    EGU25-14200 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

    Katherine Boggs, Amrine Dubois Gafar, David Eaton, Lilian Navarro, Jerry Demorcy, Holly Bley, Jesus Rojas Parra, and Richard Carlisle

    The International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 is returning to Canada, after an absence of over 50 years (1972, Montreal). Hosted in Calgary, Alberta, this will mark the first IGC to be held in western North America. We look forward to showcasing our “Gorgeous Geology” and “Legendary Landscapes” with the world’s geoscience community. Field trip opportunities include the Mohorovic discontinuity and glacial fjords in UNESCO World Heritage Site (UWHS) Gros Morne National Park (Newfoundland), the Carboniferous Forests at UWHS Joggins Fossil Cliffs (Nova Scotia), the Logan Line separating the Appalachians from the Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield in UWHS Quebec City (Quebec), the Cretaceous Dinosaur fossil beds at UWHS Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alberta), and evidence for the Cambrian Explosion of Life in the Burgess Shale surrounded by glaciers across the UWHS Rocky Mountain Parks (Alberta/British Columbia). Potential Indigenous cultural day trips from Calgary include Blackfoot Crossing, UWHS Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, and UWHS Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, also known as the “Blackfoot Archives” because of the thousands of pictographs throughout the park.

    Here we report on the overall communications plan, starting with phase one leading into IGC 2024 in which a powerful social media presence became the potential game-changer to connect with the target audiences such as the national and global geoscience community, as well as the general public. This connection built brand awareness while unearthing enthusiasm for the destination and program. Stage one for the social media campaign involved a recent three-month social media campaign with daily bilingual postings on Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn and YouTube. Social media was important for achieving the goals of: i) promoting Canadian geosciences, ii) highlighting the conference tagline “Geosciences for Humanity” and iii) building awareness about the Canadian bid. During IGC 2024 the social media team also promoted the events that happened at the Canadian Booth and Reception, reflecting Calgary’s renowned hospitality such as the White Hat Ceremony swearing in 30 IGC delegates as honorary Calgarians. This strategy united the international geoscience community, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that we aim to foster for IGC 2028.

    The stage two of the social media (post-bid) campaign started at the end of 2024. Weekly themes promote Indigenous and geotourism offerings across Canada, with three weekly postings to showcase content. After winning the bid to host IGC 2028, interest from the local media was sparked after a press release led by the University of Calgary framing this as the “Olympics of the Geosciences”. Co-chairs Boggs and Eaton were interviewed on TV and Radio. Further press releases will follow in upcoming years to profile plenary speakers and advertise the Keynote Daily Themes (KDT) to local public schools and universities across Canada. KDTs such as “Space and Planetary Geosciences” will springboard off the Artemis II Mission which will be circumnavigating the moon in 2025 with Canadian Astronaut Jeremy Hansen onboard.


    How to cite: Boggs, K., Dubois Gafar, A., Eaton, D., Navarro, L., Demorcy, J., Bley, H., Rojas Parra, J., and Carlisle, R.: Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14200,, 2025.

    EGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project 

    Catalina Cabello, Denisse Leal, and Martin Riedel-Hornig

    Engaging the community with geosciences has always been a big challenge for geoscientists. It has become increasingly important in the face of widespread misinformation on social media. To address this, the “Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias (Let’s talk about geoscience)” project was created to bridge the gap between geoscientists and the general public in an informal and approachable setting, where people don’t feel afraid or ashamed to asks questions.

    We dropped the traditional structure of the academia and took researchers from the Universidad de Concepción away from the university, to a local restobar. There, through the course of the first semester of 2024, we organized six conservatories. Scientist were asked to present a brief introduction to their research topic in a non-scientific, everyday language. The audience was encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions throughout the talks. These interactions often guided the development of the topics, fostering an open and dynamic dialogue. The addressed themes were stratigraphy, hydrothermal waters, volcanoes, field geology, earthquakes and landslides.

    The talks had a great reception from the public, who participated actively and asked abundant questions. We compiled these questions and general topics of interest about each of the themes and presented the results to academics at the university, not only to bring sciences to the public but to also bring peoples interests to academics, hoping to have an impact in the development of future research topics.

    How to cite: Cabello, C., Leal, D., and Riedel-Hornig, M.: Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14325,, 2025.

    An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice discusses a successful co-creation of a film project with sicentsits and film professionals from Europe and the US. The resulting film,The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice is about the science of how a long-lost sediment core reveals crucial clues about the disappearance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and global sea level rise. Scientists find the sediment from a secret sub-ice US Milirary Cold War base in the Arctic holding clues to the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet and completely transforming our understanding of ice sheet collapse. The film was an enormous undertaking to follow the science across nine laboratories in the US and Europe and highlights some of the most remote locations in Greenland. The E&O generated not only important outreach for science, but also built on practical and theoretical research within film. The collaborative academic model built the E&O team within the science team rather than as an ad hoc external team. This approach developed an atmosphere of co-creation. During this presentation, Kasic will sceen excerpts of the film and will be availabe to discuss the combined traditional and non-traditional approaches the project took to E&O, from conception to completion. 

    Here is a private link to the film in its entirety:

    The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice

    Link to trailer:

    Full Film available for screening upon request.

    How to cite: Kasic, K.: An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14662,, 2025.

    EGU25-15176 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science 

    Giulia Bongiorno, Dienke Stomph, Wietse Wiersma, and Jillian Student

    How do soil scientists perceive and experience soils? They use a wide variety of devices and tools, such as microscopes, laboratory equipment and field campaigns, and they summarize their knowledge through publications, graphs, and tables. Approaching soils with this academic perspective is likely to cause scientists to have different relationships with soils than people without soil science training. Humans have relationships with soils, and in addition to the science-based ones, these relationships can be personal, artistic, cultural, sensorial and more. Clearly, soils matter at many levels since people and communities can feel a deep connection with the soil of their homeland, as a source of identity, sustenance and a sense of place and belonging. What we proposed during the Wageningen Soil Conference 2023 was to let soil scientists discover the diversity in ways that soils can be experienced and perceived so to facilitate a positive transformation on how do we do soil science. During these event we took participants beyond the scientific perspective in an informal and relaxed space where we engaged with soils in unexpected and creative ways. Seventeen ‘stations’ were dedicated to experiencing colors, smells, tastes, textures, sounds, visuals, emotions and feelings peculiar to soils. Each station was organized by either a scientist or an artist that was present to encourage discussions, conversations and sharing of stories to inspire to experience new soil perspectives. One of the goals of this exercise was to expand (transform) the, often narrow, view of soil scientists on soils and let them discover other dimensions which can allow them to better connect with society and inspire them to share their work and knowledge about soil. This event was just the beginning of our collaboration towards experiencing soil perspectives and more events using the same or a similar format for different stakeholder groups (non-soil scientist, general public) were organized. During the conference we will share our concept, experiences and reflection with a broader group of soil scientists also reflecting about the experiences derived from the course ‘Transformative soil science’ hold in November 2024. The course was grounded in transdisciplinary perspectives from natural and social sciences and the humanities, and helped early-career scientists to understand their own perspectives on soil, and how to connect with other perspectives in an integral way of knowledge generation that contributes to meaningful transformations.

    How to cite: Bongiorno, G., Stomph, D., Wiersma, W., and Student, J.: Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15176,, 2025.

    EGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils! 

    Sabine Huber, Marie-Cécile Gruselle, Katharina Keiblinger, Ingrid Lubbers, Sónia Rodrigues, Hanne Ugstad, Jannes Stolte, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Frederik Bøe, and Franziska Fischer

    Soil health plays a crucial role in ecosystem functioning and is closely linked to human life. However, land and soil degradation are widespread due to environmental and anthropogenic threats. Soil knowledge is essential to address modern global challenges. Despite the important role of soils, they are often underappreciated by the general population, highlighting the need to raise soil awareness. The EU project CURIOSOIL (2024-2028, co-funded by the European Union: URL: therefore aims at raising soil literacy and promoting a positive narrative around soils. CURIOSOIL focuses on enhancing soil literacy by triggering soil curiosity and connections between society and soil. According to the EU Mission Soil Implementation plan, soil literacy refers to both awareness about the importance of soil and practice-oriented knowledge related to achieving soil health. Soil literacy and education are crucial to environmental sustainability and the future of societies.

    With this poster contribution, we seek to explore to what extent university students and scientists at EGU are willing to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors toward soils using a participatory approach. We hypothesize that participating in discussions and reflection exercises about soil helps to increase awareness, spark curiosity, and encourage action to solve soil-related issues. We therefore invite conference participants to actively engage with us through our participatory poster. The participants are invited to answer targeted questions, write down and display their reflections directly on the poster, via post-its and/or via a digital survey. These questions are aligned with learning objectives and competences of soil literacy related to knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards soil.  All collected information will be anonymized to ensure privacy and confidentiality. To the best of our knowledge, this participatory approach is new to soil science as usually data are presented and not collected during a soil science conference. We therefore also aim to introduce the participatory poster as a research tool for data collection. Additionally, it serves as a communication instrument to encourage reflection on individual perspectives towards soil and promote an active role of raising soil awareness in society.

    Specifically, our objectives are to: 1) collaboratively (the presenter and conference participants together) reflect on our knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors including emotions and habits related to soils, 2) discuss factors that influence our connection with soils (or lack thereof), 3) brainstorm on ways to create formal and informal environments that improve awareness, curiosity and learning about soils. Our findings will be used to design CURIOSOIL educational materials that will be made available for free on the project website (

    In summary, we believe that our participatory approach can enhance soil awareness, curiosity and learning. We intend to bridge the gap between society and soils to encourage careful and sustainable soil use and protect soil health. Moreover, our participatory approach is designed to engage scientists, foster multidisciplinary collaborations between social and natural scientists towards co-creation of educational materials, as well as to contribute meaningfully to natural science research.

    How to cite: Huber, S., Gruselle, M.-C., Keiblinger, K., Lubbers, I., Rodrigues, S., Ugstad, H., Stolte, J., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Bøe, F., and Fischer, F.: CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15618,, 2025.

    EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer 

    Márk Somogyvári, Fabio Brill, Pedro Henrique Lima Alencar, Jakob Fischer, and Tobias Sauter

    Inter- and transdisciplinary projects often face the challenge of becoming scattered, due to the challenges of communication, collaboration and data integration. While co-design and close collaboration between all involved actors have been widely recommended to address congruence and representativity of all disciplines on the results and reports, inter- and transdisciplinary research often lacks platforms where these practices can be effectively carried out. The Einstein Research Unit “Climate and Water under Change” (CliWaC) investigated water-related issues in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany, from diverse perspectives of more than 20 individual research groups across a wide range of disciplines - thus making it a perfect case for researching integration tools. By the end of the three-year project, we have developed a knowledge-based interactive data platform called the CliWaC Explorer, that can address the abovementioned issues and present research results and products in a coherent whole.

    The CliWaC Explorer is designed as a multi-purpose tool: as a data-exploration platform for researchers studying water-related issues in the region, as a decision support tool for stakeholders and as an education and outreach tool for the wider public. One of the biggest challenges was to appeal to both a natural and a social science user base. We achieved this by allowing the users to both navigate topics spatially, as commonly done in map-based natural sciences or in a thematic plane, where project parts are organized according to their thematic relationships. The explorer has been developed with close collaboration of the project partners, and currently being further developed with a series of workshops, to be accessible by a wider user base including stakeholders and educators. We believe our platform could provide a template of how interdisciplinary research can be integrated, and how its results can be communicated to a wider audience.

    How to cite: Somogyvári, M., Brill, F., Alencar, P. H. L., Fischer, J., and Sauter, T.: Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16949,, 2025.

    EGU25-17396 | Orals | EOS1.1

    A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy 

    Florindo Antonio Mileti, Mario Tatone, Fabio Terribile, and Bojan Blazica

    Ecotourism and rural tourism are pivotal activities for generating substantial income, supporting rural economies, and fostering a deeper understanding of land and soil resources in various regions, particularly in inland areas. Recognizing their significance, the United Nations has included these activities in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (specifically SDG 8.9 and SDG 12), aiming for their accomplishment by 2030. While digital tourism has experienced remarkable growth recently, its focus largely remains on well-known tourist destinations.

    This study highlight the potential of a geospatial decision support system (S-DSS) built on a publicly accessible, web-based geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI). This system offers a practical and effective tool to enhance tourism opportunities in less-visited inland areas promoting a greater appreciation of soil and land environmental resources.

    The S-DSS platform is designed to facilitate the collection, management, processing, and analysis of both static (e.g., information on soil and geology) and dynamic data (e.g., climatic data). It also features advanced data visualization and on-the-fly computational tools, catering to a diverse user base that includes farmers, tourism operators, associations, and public institutions.

    The S-DSS tool known as EcoSmarTour operates across the entirety of Italy, providing extensive information, including detailed soil information, to expand territorial knowledge. It supports scenario analysis, map generation, and the assessment of potential trails or ecotourism hotspots. Also, through the use of artificial intelligence, EcoSmarTour can generate text-based narratives of selected routes, tailored to the user’s preferences. This functionality enables the creation of customized storytelling for various audiences, from children and teenagers to adults and experts.

    How to cite: Mileti, F. A., Tatone, M., Terribile, F., and Blazica, B.: A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17396,, 2025.

    EGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding 

    Daniela Sauer, Daniel Schwindt, Nikola Patzel, Facundo Luis Lucas, Sophie Raous, Francesca Bampa, Laura Mellanen, and Helinä Melkas and the SOILSCAPE Team

    “In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” These words by forestry engineer Baba Dioum in 1968 reflect, how the relationship between people and forests has intensified over recent decades, a development that has significantly contributed to forest conservation. Unlike trees, esthetical and vital soils are rarely exposed for people to see, understand, or appreciate, making it harder to foster a connection to them.

    The EU project SOILSCAPE (Spreading Open and Inclusive Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education) aims to bring soils closer to the public. Alongside modern communication methods, the project places a strong emphasis on artistic approaches to promote awareness, understanding, and love for soils in their context.

    In a first step towards this goal, current narratives were analyzed through a media study that examined coverage in newspapers, television, podcasts, and social networks. Thereby, the guiding questions were: What knowledge and opinions are there? Which imaginations and associations regarding soils do we find in society - and of whom? For exploring these questions, we conducted a survey using a verbal and visual questionnaire and follow-up expert interviews. Our analysis aimed at assessing dominant soil narratives and their potential impacts, and at preparing effective strategies to strengthen connections between people and soils, including cultural and artistic approaches. Thereby, we addressed societal narratives, imaginaries, and values related to soils, particularly focusing their perception and communication. The media research, questionnaire-based survey, and expert interviews were conducted in eight European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Switzerland. The study yielded almost 100 datasets from the media analysis, 435 complete responses from the visual-based questionnaire, and 24 expert interviews, providing a robust foundation for understanding how soils are perceived and how soil awareness in the European public can be more effectively enhanced.

    Our results from the media research show that soils are mostly not in the focus of media, but rather treated as functional elements in discussions related to agriculture, climate change, and urbanization. People tend to perceive soils indirectly, through their use and significance in these broader contexts. Perception of soils varies widely depending on region and prior knowledge. Around 40% of participants felt that soils in their region are in poor condition, while another 40% were unsure. Primary threats to soil that were named by people included agriculture, forestry, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

    These outcomes of this study point to a gap between implicit and explicit awareness of soil-related challenges. While artistic and educational approaches seem most promising in bridging this gap, the results of our study highlight the urgent need for targeted communication strategies to raise the awareness of soils and make them a topic of societal concern. Only by fostering a deeper public understanding, a stronger connection to and protection of this critical resource can be achieved.

    How to cite: Sauer, D., Schwindt, D., Patzel, N., Luis Lucas, F., Raous, S., Bampa, F., Mellanen, L., and Melkas, H. and the SOILSCAPE Team: Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18051,, 2025.

    EGU25-18409 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX) 

    Tillmann Lübker, Ingmar Nitze, Sebastian Laboor, Anna Irrgang, Hugues Lantuit, and Guido Grosse

    Climate change has led to an increase in permafrost warming and thaw at global scale. Land surface changes associated with permafrost thaw include the acceleration of Arctic coastal erosion, increased thaw slumping in ice-rich regions, the drainage and formation of lakes, as well as an intensification of other disturbances, such as forest and tundra fires and droughts. Thermo-erosion threatens infrastructure and leads to gullying, slumping, and even landslides. To detect and map such permafrost disturbances at high spatial resolution across large regions and to quantify land surface change, remote sensing analyses can be applied. In the ERC PETA-CARB, ESA CCI Permafrost, and NSF Permafrost Discovery Gateway projects, a pan-arctic 20-years time series of land surface disturbance trends was produced using Landsat TM, ETM+, and OLI imagery. The dataset presents a valuable source of information for Arctic communities, planners, stakeholders, and rights holders. Arctic communities living on frozen ground are increasingly forced to adapt their livelihoods to permafrost thaw. In some areas, the relocation of settlements has become the last resort and is already actively planned for several communities in Alaska.

    To make the large landscape change dataset more easily accessible to non-specialist audiences, within the EU Arctic PASSION project, we designed a new web-based portal tailored towards such audiences and the sometimes limited internet bandwidths encountered in Arctic communities. The Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX, was launched in early 2024 and provides interactive maps displaying recent information on land surface changes, hot spots of disturbances, and potential areas of active permafrost thaw and erosion. While focusing on the local to regional scale relevant for private users, regional, and state-level decision makers, exploring the data up to the pan-arctic scale may open new avenues for understanding permafrost change for the general public. A new release of ALEX in early 2025 will provide several new features. On the portal's home page, a new section will highlight selected locations in the Arctic with extraordinary land surface changes, accompanied by contextual information. On the map, users will be able to easily compare the change data with satellite imagery and other reference maps using a swipe and fade toolbox. Sharing specific map views will also be enabled. A second story map focusing on shore erosion explains geophysical processes and the role of permafrost.

    Consultations with local representatives and stakeholders in Alaska, requests from members of governmental and tribal entities to reuse our data, and inquiries from research partners in the Arctic confirm that our transfer efforts have met real needs. This positive feedback encourages us to continue updating the tool beyond the end of the Arctic PASSION project.

    How to cite: Lübker, T., Nitze, I., Laboor, S., Irrgang, A., Lantuit, H., and Grosse, G.: Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18409,, 2025.

    Climate adaptation action is increasingly both local and urgent. Reasons for including citizen and community voices in decision-making range from securing climate justice to generating more apt solutions and increasing public acceptance of interventions. More broadly, attempts to rebuild public trust in democracy and public institutions has led to a surge in citizen engagement initiatives for decision making in a whole range of subjects.

    This confluence of trends has generated an ever-growing knowledge and experience base and countless publications that call for citizen engagement in climate change adaptation efforts, provide best practices for citizen engagement, and occasionally both. However, the enormous breadth of the intended audiences means that in almost all cases, these best practice guides focus on citizen engagement in general.

    As part of the Adaptation AGORA project – a 3-year Mission Adaptation project that brings together researchers and practitioners from 12 institutes from across Europe – we have spent two years mapping European adaptation-related citizen engagement initiatives ( CEIs), interviewing experts across the CEI value chain and carrying out interactive workshops in attempt to identify best practices. The variety of adaptation contexts and wide range of possible (positive and negative) outcomes and impacts from CEIs pushed us beyond only looking for universal good practices to also consider those that lead to specific outcomes, like generating more just decisions, being tailored to the local settings in which they apply, promoting mutual learning, or producing improved collaboration.

    We find that choices taken when designing initiatives are key to the achievement of different goals. Some general good practices can almost universally be applied, like setting a clear objective, and ensuring effective communication before, during and after the initiative. However, beyond these straightforward observations, the variety of primary and secondary objectives (awareness raising, allocating public resources, generating ideas, creating guidelines, forming long-term plans etc.) and the myriad of contextual factors (scale, scope, location, resources, familiarity with citizen engagement etc.) frustrate identifying the best practices to pursue among a surfeit of potential actions. Essentially, what is often missing from existing best-practice guides is a framework to prioritise what can be achieved with limited resources to meet the identified goals. Indeed, the relative merit of different practices in achieving different goals is well understood only by a few seasoned experts, and frequently a challenge to communicate.

    Hoping to facilitate discussion and the exchange of different perspectives, we propose a serious game, Citi-Adapt, that seeks to visibilise the trade offs and push collaborative teams to collectively seek better design choices in the pursuit of different goals in unique contexts. Citi-Adapt allows us to add in different constraints, to situate CEIs in different contexts, and for different actors to walk in each other's shoes. It can be played in two ways – 1) exploring the types of resources required to achieve certain goals; and 2) identifying possible outcomes based on available resources – and we would be delighted to present it and hear your thoughts as we move to building a prototype.

    How to cite: Pickard, S. and Baulenas, E.: Citi-Adapt: Communicating design decisions for citizen engagement in climate adaptation action via a serious game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18809,, 2025.

    EGU25-19249 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society 

    Eulàlia Baulenas, Dragana Bojovic, Menno Veerman, Edgar Dolores-Tesillos, Aleksander Lacima-Nadolnik, Kerstin Haslehner, Arjun Kumar, Carlos Delgado-Torres, and Albert Soret

    This study investigates the co-production and science communication efforts surrounding the use of storm-resolving Earth system models (SR-ESMs) to support the renewable energy transition. The models were developed under the Horizon Europe EU-funded project Next Generation of Earth System Models (NextGEMS) in the course of 3,5 years. 

    By engaging in participatory workshops with stakeholders from the energy sector—including policymakers, energy providers, and civil society—we co-created scenario storylines that integrate the km-scale climate model outputs with socio-political narratives. These workshops served as a platform for dialogue, enabling the communication of complex scientific findings in a manner accessible to non-specialist audiences, and also exploring the way in which SR-ESMs can move forward to support key societal challenges such as the energy transition.

    The co-production process and communication strategy were informed by exploring stakeholder perspectives and preferences, which helped design the scenarios that could be later on represented by the SR-ESMs. Specifically, the use of discourse-analytical methods helped identify key narratives that resonate with different audience segments, ensuring the models' outputs are framed in ways that address socio-environmental concerns, such as the public acceptance of renewable energy technologies.

    Our communication efforts revealed several lessons: the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, the value of iterative engagement with stakeholders, and the need for flexible strategies that adapt to evolving audience needs. These insights contribute to best practices in science communication, emphasizing the role of co-production in making scientific information actionable and impactful for policy and societal change.

    How to cite: Baulenas, E., Bojovic, D., Veerman, M., Dolores-Tesillos, E., Lacima-Nadolnik, A., Haslehner, K., Kumar, A., Delgado-Torres, C., and Soret, A.: Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19249,, 2025.

    EGU25-19274 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach 

    Ingrid Lubbers, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Sónia Morias Rodrigues, and Omid Noroozi

    Soil plays a fundamental role in terrestrial ecosystems, acting as a medium for plants and other organisms while supporting all terrestrial life by providing essential conditions for growth and development. Despite its critical importance, the role of soil is often undervalued. The CURIOSOIL project aims to ignite curiosity about soils, enhance soil literacy, and foster meaningful connections between people and soil. CURIOSOIL focuses on improving soil education, addressing the pressing need for a stronger connection with soil amidst increasing human pressures on this vital resource. The project seeks to bridge gaps in soil knowledge among pupils, students, teachers, citizens, policymakers, and practitioners, thereby addressing soil illiteracy, a significant barrier to sustainable soil use. A key part of CURIOSOIL is the development of the Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF) for five target groups: primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, teachers, and lifelong learners. To achieve this, we identified the core main domains and subdomains of soil literacy in consultation with soil experts and stakeholders in soil education and lifelong learning. Four main domains have been defined: soil diversity, soil services, soil threats, and soil solutions.

    This study prioritized these main domains and subdomains for designing a valid soil literacy assessment framework (SLAF) in diverse target groups. Furthermore, understanding the relative importance of these main domains (and subdomains) enables educators and policymakers to focus on the most impactful areas, ensuring that soil education efforts address the unique needs of both children and adults. By establishing these priorities, resources can be allocated efficiently, and targeted educational activities can be developed to enhance soil awareness and literacy. In this study, we employed the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize soil literacy's main domains and subdomains for SLAF. AHP is a widely recognized method that provides a systematic framework for pairwise comparisons of variables, enabling a detailed evaluation of their relative importance. Using this approach, soil experts, researchers, and educators assessed the significance of various domains for children and subdomains for adults, yielding valuable insights into the main domains and subdomains priorities.

    The AHP analysis was facilitated by specialized software, such as Expert Choice. This study demonstrated its utility in designing an assessment framework and prioritizing the main domains and subdomains of soil literacy for diverse target groups. By utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in this study, soil experts contributed valuable insights into the prioritization of soil literacy the main domains and subdomains for designing valid questionnaires. This input ensures that the resulting assessment framework and educational activities are scientifically robust and practically applicable.

    Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), CURIOSOIL, environmental education, Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF), sustainability

    How to cite: Lubbers, I., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Morias Rodrigues, S., and Noroozi, O.: Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19274,, 2025.

    EGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology  

    Insa Thiele-Eich, Ellen Arimond, and Annika Uebachs

    The University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences (UPAS) is a collaborative initiative among ten German universities offering Bachelor's and Master's programs in meteorology. Supported by an executive office at the University of Bonn, UPAS aims to enhance meteorological education and research in Germany by focusing on four key areas:

    • Attracting qualified students
    • Providing excellent education
    • Fostering synergies for successful science
    • Engaging in societal and community outreach

    A significant component of UPAS is its dedication to advancing science communication and public engagement within meteorology. This commitment is exemplified through initiatives such as MeteoXchange, an international network fostering professional growth among early-career scientists via annual virtual conferences and specialized workshops designed to enhance presentation and communication skills. Additional efforts include interactive science slamming workshops, hands-on climate change experiment demonstrations for classrooms across Germany, the development of a dedicated podcast, and the creation of high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER). These activities not only elevate internal training but also bridge the gap between scientific research and societal understanding, amplifying the impact of meteorology on diverse audiences.

    This presentation will highlight UPAS's achievements, providing an overview of our approaches to enhance education, research and outreach in meteorology. We will also discuss challenges encountered and share lessons learned, including strategies for overcoming hurdles and successfully leveraging synergies among our partner institutions. We are more than keen to invite collaboration and idea exchange with other geoscientific networks sharing similar objectives, in particular on the international level.


    How to cite: Thiele-Eich, I., Arimond, E., and Uebachs, A.: University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20089,, 2025.

    EGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist 

    Thomas Gatt, Anna-Katharina Sieberer, Florian Westreicher, Maria Mattersberger, and Simon Zeiner

    Scientific research is often inaccessible to non-academic audiences, even when it is publicly funded or conducted in their local area. Bridging this gap is essential to promote public understanding and inspire future geoscientists.

    This study presents a small-scale science communication project developed as part of a Master's thesis and implemented in a rural Austrian community within the Hohe Tauern National Park. The initiative involved two local school classes and the general public through interactive activities and workshops. An open lecture on regional geology, given by young scientists from the University of Innsbruck, introduced the project to the wider community. The following day, school classes took part in field workshops led by scientists and National Park rangers on topics such as regional geology, tectonics, ore mining, geoarchaeology, alpine farming and local fauna. Hands-on, outdoor activities proved to be an effective and easy-to-implement tool for geoscience engagement and received positive feedback during this project.

    Feedback indicated an increased interest and understanding of geoscience topics among participants. This study highlights how small-scale, low-cost projects can effectively engage local communities and stimulate interest in geoscience. Such efforts are critical to making science communication accessible and replicable for future researchers.

    How to cite: Gatt, T., Sieberer, A.-K., Westreicher, F., Mattersberger, M., and Zeiner, S.: Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20316,, 2025.

    EGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science 

    Meriem Krouma and the Mednight team

    Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition is an enchanting collection of stories created to inspire children under 12 with the wonders of Mediterranean science. This one-of-a-kind anthology showcases the winning entries from the IV Literary Contest “Tales from Mednight,” a transnational initiative celebrating the fusion of creativity and science.

    The stories explore themes such as biodiversity, clean energy, Mediterranean history, and environmental stewardship, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for science among young readers. Written in seven languages—Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish—the winning tales embody the Mediterranean's rich cultural diversity and shared scientific legacy.

    To celebrate the launch of the Junior Edition, the Mednight initiative is distributing printed copies to children in hospitals, primary schools, and refugee camps. Free digital copies are also available, ensuring that the inspiring world of Mediterranean science reaches young readers everywhere.

    How to cite: Krouma, M. and the Mednight team: Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20455,, 2025.

    EGU25-21677 | Orals | EOS1.1

    The communicative power of climate extremes  

    Malte von Szombathely, Anne Reif, Benjamin Poschlod, Benjamin Blanz, Leonard Borchert, Lukas Brunner, and Jana Sillmann

    Climate extremes have increased in frequency and scope recently, and this development is projected to continue under ever worsening anthropogenic climate change. Media coverage of extreme weather events plays an important role in promoting climate-friendly attitudes, the perception of climate science and the willingness to take collective action for mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate extremes.

    While Earth System model simulations of climate change and extremes are becoming more and more accurate, increasing doubts about the results of climate science and the existence of climate change have recently been observed among the German population (Reif et al., 2024). The upcoming elections in Germany make this turning point in political support for climate change policies even more relevant. It raises questions about how uncertainties in past and future climate change are perceived, and the success of different approaches to climate communication. Here, we address the dilemma of climate science communication, focusing on climate extremes.

    We conducted a representative, Germany-wide survey at the beginning of December 2024 (n=1.019), gauging the perception of climate science, climate extremes and associated uncertainties. We present the results of this novel survey with a particular focus on the interaction of progress in climate extreme research and communication of uncertainties on the one hand, and the public perception of climate science on the other hand. Our analysis shows the development of perceived uncertainties of climate research in the German population. However, our work also highlights the perception of climate extremes as an opportunity for powerful and approachable climate communication.  



    Reif A., Guenther L., Tschötschel R. S. , Brüggemann M. (2024): Rückschlag für den Klimaschutz. Wandel der Einstellungen und Kommunikation zu Klimawandel und Klimapolitik von 2015 bis 2023, Media Perspektiven, Vol. 2024, 14, 1-12. 

    How to cite: von Szombathely, M., Reif, A., Poschlod, B., Blanz, B., Borchert, L., Brunner, L., and Sillmann, J.: The communicative power of climate extremes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21677,, 2025.

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