Presentation type:
EMRP – Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics

Over the past 25 years, satellite observations have revolutionised our understanding of Earth’s magnetic field. The pioneering Ørsted and CHAMP satellite missions marked the beginning of continuous magnetic field monitoring from space, offering invaluable insights into Earth’s interior and its geospace environment. Building on these missions, the Swarm satellite trio, launched in 2013, introduced simultaneous measurements from nearby spacecraft, enabling improved separation of the various magnetic sources.

The field continues to advance with the launch of the first "Macau Science Satellite" (MSS-1) in May 2023, operating in a low-inclination orbit, and the forthcoming NanoMagSat constellation that is currently in preparation. These missions present exciting opportunities to address longstanding scientific questions and explore new frontiers in geomagnetic research.

This talk will highlight the scientific challenges of utilising satellite magnetic data to investigate Earth’s magnetic field, from disentangling overlapping sources to advancing data interpretation techniques. It will also explore the opportunities offered by current and upcoming missions, emphasizing their potential to enhance our understanding of Earth’s interior dynamics, magnetospheric processes, and geospace interactions.

How to cite: Olsen, N.: Exploring Earth's Magnetic Field from Space: Challenges and Opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2598,, 2025.

Fault mechanics predicts that fault reactivation and slip occur when the shear stress exceeds the fault strength, potentially nucleating earthquakes. Following Anderson’s legacy, the evolution of tectonic stress over the seismic cycle results in different couplings between normal and shear stress. This coupling depends on (1) the fault’s orientation relative to the maximum principal stress and (2) the tectonic faulting style. Reverse faults, loaded by an increase in maximum principal stress, experience increases in both normal stress and shear stress during the interseismic phase. In contrast, normal faults, loaded by a decrease in minimum principal stress, undergo a reduction in normal stress as shear stress builds up. For instance, low-angle normal faults experience larger increases in normal stress for the same shear stress increment compared to Andersonian 60°-dipping normal faults.

Despite this rich variety of stress field evolution observed in nature, laboratory deformation experiments have predominantly focused on a single stress-field scenario: a reverse fault optimally oriented for reactivation. The choice of reversed faults is dictated by the geometry of the apparatus, and the optimal orientation is the simplest system to generate recurrent lab-quakes. This simple laboratory approach describes faults as planes embedded in elastic media.

Here, I summarize results we have collected in the past years by systematically investigating in the laboratory the role of fault orientation and tectonic faulting style under triaxial saw-cut configuration—broadening the range of scenarios beyond the single one described above. The results reveal the impact of stress field on both fault zone and surrounding host rock deformation.

For fault zones, our results on gouge-bearing faults show clear discrepancies when compared with theoretical reactivation based on Coulomb-Mohr criterion. Faults at higher angles to the maximum principal stress appear weaker, suggesting potential stress field rotation within the fault zone. Additionally, when the normal stress for reactivation is comparable, reverse faulting tends to promote stable creep, while normal faulting—due to greater compaction and stiffness of the fault zone—favors slip acceleration and instabilities.

Fault orientation also affects the stress state of the surrounding host rock over the seismic cycle. Optimally oriented faults behave like ideal spring-slider system: elastic energy accumulates in the host rock during the interseismic phase and is released via on-fault slip during the co-seismic phase, accompanied by precursor acoustic activity. In contrast, unfavorably oriented faults produce a more complex picture. The host rock becomes critically stressed, acoustic activity spreads throughout the host rock, and precursors to lab-quakes become undetectable.

These results highlight the potential of investigating in the laboratory the role of stress field on fault zone deformation and its interplay with the surrounding host rock during earthquake nucleation. By expanding laboratory observations to include a wider range of stress-field scenarios, we take one small step toward bridging the gap between simplified experiments and the complex fault systems observed in nature.

How to cite: Giorgetti, C.: The Role of Stress Field on Fault Reactivation: What We Can Learn from Experimental Rock Deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17929,, 2025.

This study examines field-aligned currents (FACs) and polar electrojet (PEJ) characteristics during the extreme May 2024 geomagnetic storms across dawn, dusk, daytime, and nighttime in both hemispheres. FAC and PEJ intensities were up to 9 times greater than usual, with equatorward FACs reaching -44º Magnetic Latitude. Maximum FACs and PEJ are larger at dawn than dusk in the Northern Hemisphere but larger at dusk than at dawn in the Southern Hemisphere. Dawn and duskside FACs correlate best with Dst or solar wind dynamic pressure (Pd) in both hemispheres. On the dayside (nightside), most FACs in both hemispheres are primarily correlated with Pd (merging electric field, Em or Pd). The PEJs correlate largely with Dst and partly with Em and Pd. Duskside (nighttime) currents are located at lower latitudes than dawnside (daytime), and northern currents are positioned more poleward than southern currents. The latitudes of peak FACs are most strongly correlated with Dst or Pd in both hemispheres. However, in the northern daytime sector, they are primarily influenced by Em. The latitudes of peak PEJ show the strongest correlation with Dst or Pd in both hemispheres, except on the northern dawnside, where they are primarily influenced by Em. The qualitative relationships between peak current density, corresponding latitude, solar wind parameters, and the Dst index are derived.

How to cite: Wang, H., Lühr, H., and Cheng, Q.: Local Time and Hemispheric Asymmetries of Field-aligned Currents and Polar Electrojet During May 2024 Superstorm Periods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-396,, 2025.

EGU25-1368 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene. 

Rabindra Kumar Patel, Vikas Adlakha, Kunal Mukherjee, Shailendra Pundir, Parikshita Pradhan, and Ramesh Chandra Patel

The collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates ~ 55 Ma formed the Himalaya, one of the youngest mountain belts. This convergence led to two significant metamorphic stages: M1, which occurs under high pressure and low temperature in a thick crust, and M2, resulting from crustal thinning in a high-temperature, low-pressure environment, evolved the gneissic domes. This study provides the first apatite fission track (AFT) and zircon fission track (ZFT) thermochronological record from one of such gneissic domes in the NW Himalaya viz., the Gianbul Dome (GD). The dome is bounded by two extensional shear zones, namely the South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) dipping towards NE and the Khanjar Shear Zone (KSZ) dipping towards SW.  The AFT cooling ages range from 14.2 ± 1.2 to 5.7 ± 1.1 Ma, and ZFT ages range from 22.8 ± 2.2 to 14.6 ± 0.9 Ma. The ZFT ages remain almost constant across the dome, suggesting thermal relaxation during this period, while the AFT ages are young towards the extensional shear zones of KSZ and STDS. The fission-track data, in combination with the published Ar-Ar and (U-Th)/He cooling ages, has been modeled using a thermo-kinematic inverse and forward model to analyze the processes that led to the exhumation of the dome. Various scenarios like river incision, lithology, deformation along faults like Main Himalayan Thrust, Main Central Thrust, STDS, glacier control, and erosion control over exhumation have been tested. Our results suggest that the extension of normal fault is the primary mechanism for the exhumation of the GD. The extension happened in two phases: (a) during the initial normal sense movement along the STDS when the reverse sense of shear was switched to the usual sense of shear during the early Miocene, and (b) during the Late Miocene. The initial phase of extension is a well-recognized phenomenon in the Himalayan orogen that has been explained through models like channel flow or ductile wedge extrusion. However, the first report of extensional activity along the STDS during the Late Miocene allows us to test whether it is a local phenomenon or a regional event that happened in the brittle stage. Thus, we compiled all the published geochronological and thermochronological data of all the prevailing gneissic domes in the Himalayas from west to east and ran the 3D thermokinematic model to assess the exhumation path of the rocks and brittle stage deformation history. Our results suggest that two phases of extension happened in the entire arc of the Himalayan orogen. The first phase facilitated the southwest migration of ductile materials of rocks from mid-crustal depths accompanying the extension because of gravitation, favoring the channel flow concept. The second phase of extensional collapse happened during ~7-3 Ma ago in the brittle stage. We hypothesize that a drop in gravitational potential energy led to the reactivation of extensional faults along the Himalayan arc. Thus, we propose that extensional collapse in the collisional mountain belts is a cyclic phenomenon that happens to attain a stable, steady state of the orogens.

How to cite: Patel, R. K., Adlakha, V., Mukherjee, K., Pundir, S., Pradhan, P., and Patel, R. C.: Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1368,, 2025.

EGU25-1504 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW India 

Suvam Mondal, Alip Roy, and Sadhana Chatterjee

The Kaliguman Shear Zone (KSZ) in northwestern India marks the boundary between the South Delhi Fold Belt to the west and the Aravalli Fold Belt to the east. Structural analysis reveals a narrow, high-strain zone characterized by the development of mica schist along this boundary. The principal structural orientation trends in the NE-SW direction. Strain analysis indicates that the rocks in this zone formed under transpressional deformation conditions.

The metamorphic history of the KSZ is well-preserved in the mica schists, which predominantly contain garnet and staurolite. Petrological and textural studies have helped establish the relative crystallization sequence of mineral phases during the metamorphic events. Examination of garnet porphyroblasts reveals a complex deformation pattern, reflecting pre-, syn-, and post-tectonic events associated with fabric formation. Geothermobarometric analysis indicates that the mica schists underwent amphibolite facies metamorphism. Phase equilibria analysis, supported by PT pseudosections, shows peak metamorphic conditions at approximately 590±10 °C and 4.7 kbar. Garnet isopleth plots suggest increasing pressure and temperature during metamorphism, which is consistent with the inferred PT path. Variations in the modal abundance of index minerals further corroborate this evolutionary trajectory. These findings support a model of crustal thickening for the KSZ. The textural control monazite age data from the mica schists confirms that the shear zone was formed during the early Neoproterozoic. The study provides valuable insights into the tectonic evolution of the contact between the Delhi and Aravalli Fold Belts, highlighting the role of shear zones in accommodating deformation and facilitating metamorphic processes during Neoproterozoic orogenic events.

Keywords: Kaliguman Shear Zone, Aravalli, Delhi Fold Belt, Neoproterozoic, NW India

How to cite: Mondal, S., Roy, A., and Chatterjee, S.: Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1504,, 2025.

EGU25-2072 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processes 

Penggao Fang and Weiwei Ding

       Bathymetry of marginal sea basins is commonly deeper than the half-space cooling prediction for large oceans, but what controls this pattern is poorly understood. Here, based on abundant seismic sections with increasingly available databases, we perform an enhanced approach that specifically corrects for post-spreading cooling to reassess thermal subsidence across the Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) and the broader South China Sea (SCS) basin. We attribute the current excessive subsidence of the SCS basin primarily as a response to the post-spreading cooling process, which has global applicability to other marginal sea basins and accounts for at least 86% of the observed depth anomaly. Additionally, the mode of magma supply during seafloor spreading plays a crucial role in shaping reconstructed shallower bathymetry of the SCS basin relative to predictions from the half-space cooling model. A stronger magma supply deriving from the regional subduction system can explain the relatively shallow depth developed during the opening of the SCS compared to large oceans. In contrast, a westward decayed magma supply, driven by localized rift propagation induced by the inherited pre-Cenozoic heterogeneous lithospheric structure of South China, attributes to subsidence discrepancies among sub-basins and within the SWSB.

        The sediment-corrected depth of most marginal seas is, on average, more than 500 m deeper than that of large oceans, with maximum anomalies ranging from -0.95 to -2.70 km (in 0.5° bins). The sediment-corrected depths exhibit statistically poor correlations with the spreading rate, indicating that the thermal evolution of marginal seas is not primarily controlled by the spreading rate, unlike large oceans. Neither can this anomaly be fully explained by dynamic topography driven by large-scale mantle convection or by localized variations in the degrees and patterns of subduction systems, although the latter may be an important factor influencing the bathymetry of still-active marginal seas. We interpret at least 44.5% of these anomalies as a result of long-term post-spreading thermal subsidence in inactive marginal seas, with magmatic processes influencing bathymetry during oceanic plate formation. We propose that the post-spreading secular cooling, together with the variable mode of magma supply and potential dynamic subsidence processes driven by subducting slabs, play pivotal roles in the formation of the topographic anomalies within the oceanic basins of marginal seas.

How to cite: Fang, P. and Ding, W.: Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2072,, 2025.

EGU25-2323 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigations 

Kang Tao, Heinz Konietzky, and Wengang Dang

Slip characteristics of tectonic faults are highly correlated with earthquake risks. However, the stress conditions in-situ are not static, because tides and seismic waves produce dynamic stress disturbances. The effect of fluids also needs to be considered. The fault slip evolution considering both, stress perturbation and fluid pressure is poorly investigated in the laboratory.

We performed direct shear tests on saw-cut granite joints using a shear box device with external syringe pump. The lower part of the specimen was driven by constant load point velocity, and static/dynamic normal loads were applied to the upper part. LVDTs recorded horizontal and vertical movements: fault slip and vertical dilatancy, respectively. The impact of two factors are studied in the experiment: pore fluid pressure and applied normal stress oscillation amplitude.

In conclusion, static pore fluid pressure reduces effective normal stress and shear stiffness of the sheared fault. Under constant normal stress, the reduction in fault shear stiffness caused by fluids synchronously competes with the reduction in critical stiffness (Kc) as the effective normal stress decreases. The stick-slip events are most intensive under low fluid pressure and high normal stress. Under oscillating normal stress, as the normal stress oscillation amplitude increases, the overall fault shear strength weakens continuously. Frictional strengthening and aseismic slips always occur in the normal stress loading stage. Normal stress unloading leads to multi-step stick-slip behavior of the sheared fault. The fault normal deformation is controlled by both normal loading/unloading and asperity overriding. Increasing pore pressure and superimposed normal stress magnitudes lead to more dramatic shear stress changes, but the degree of seismic slip is reduced.

How to cite: Tao, K., Konietzky, H., and Dang, W.: Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2323,, 2025.

EGU25-2827 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquake 

Xiaofei Guo, Yosuke Aoki, and Jianghai Li

Surface rupture caused by a strong earthquake is extremely hazardous to the safety of people’s lives. Understanding the rupture evolution mechanism of co-seismic faults and assessing the influence of fault area propagation is essential for disaster prevention and resilience. Since 2000, Hualien and nearby areas in eastern Taiwan have experienced 33  earthquakes, which is a good area to study the evolution of fault rupture. In this study, we propose a dynamic discrete element model to explain fault rupture evolution and use it to analyze the rupture behavior of the 2024 Mw7.4 earthquake of Hualian. This earthquake occurred near the northern Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF), where crustal movement can be seen from the Milun Fault (MF) to the north part of the LVF. We use ALOS-2 data to identify major faults and the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to access the spatial displacement on the surface of the study area. In order to simulate the complex geometry and corresponding deformation of the co-seismic rupture surface under the compound influence of multiple faults, we set a rock biaxial simulation test to obtain effective model parameters. We then established a series of dynamic models with different bond types and strengths based on the discrete element method. The model demonstrates the deformation along the fault rupture surface, corresponding to the observation results. The simulation results cover the rupture behavior of the fault and the displacement of the shallow fault under long time series, which can provide a reference for the subsequent seismic hazard assessment and fault displacement analysis.

How to cite: Guo, X., Aoki, Y., and Li, J.: Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2827,, 2025.

EGU25-2898 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impacts 

Mikołaj Zawadzki, Natalia Godlewska, and Szymon Oryński

Meteorites that have impacted the Earth's surface in the past have created impact craters. Most of these craters have not been preserved in a form that allows for their contemporary identification, but some, especially in Central and Northern Europe, have been described and classified as geological structures formed by meteorite impacts. When a celestial body strikes the Earth's surface, it causes a temporary increase in temperature to several hundred degrees Celsius, sometimes exceeding the Curie temperature for ferromagnetic rocks and minerals that make up the near-surface layer. Magnetization is relatively stable from a geological time perspective. The magnetic record in magnetite is usually stable and is quite difficult to remagnetize (Fassbinder, 2015).

The impact leads to a change in the direction of magnetization in the minerals, which sometimes persists after the impact. This phenomenon is known as Thermoremanent Magnetization (TRM). It is characteristic of meteorite impact sites. This property is attributed to minerals cooled from high temperatures resulting from plutonic/volcanic processes or meteorite impacts. It is one of several types of remanent magnetization, but only this type will be present in impact structures (Fassbinder, 2015).

The project aims to conduct research in the field of applied geophysics and the magnetic properties of rock and mineral samples in the area of craters formed by meteorite impacts in the context of thermomagnetic anomalies.

As part of this project, proton magnetometer measurements have been conducted in the areas of the Morasko craters in Poland, the Dobele crater in Latvia, the Vepriai crater in Lithuania, and several craters in Estonia. Samples from the Estonian craters have been collected for paleomagnetic studies, which will soon be analyzed using a rotational magnetometer and a magnetic susceptibility instrument. The results of the magnetometric measurements are very promising and exhibit characteristic patterns of magnetic field anomalies typical of impact craters.

The project is funded under the 'Pearls of Science' program by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.

How to cite: Zawadzki, M., Godlewska, N., and Oryński, S.: Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2898,, 2025.

The Chatree Region, located in central Thailand, holds significant potential for gold exploration, hosting substantial mineral resources. The complex geological setting of this region, with its diverse lithologies and intricate structural controls, poses both significant opportunities and challenges for successful mineral exploration. Given these challenges, this study utilizes a geophysical approach focusing on magnetic data interpretation to enhance the precision and efficiency of identifying potential gold prospects.

Enhancements to the magnetic data were achieved through the application of Downward Continuation (DWC) and Automatic Gain Correction (AGC), which amplified near-surface features and improved signal clarity. Subsequently, by employing the Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET) Grid Analysis, zones of structural complexity, indicative of epithermal gold deposits were detected, which generated two heat maps, including Contact Occurrence Density (COD) and Orientation Entropy (OE). These maps revealed six major and seven minor potential gold prospect zones, providing a critical dataset for subsequent geological analysis. Geological correlations and lineament interpretation were then conducted to validate and refine the magnetic interpretations by integrating several filtered magnetic images with existing geological knowledge of the region. The results of this integrated approach show that many of the identified magnetic anomalies and lineaments correlate with known geology, highlighting the critical role of synthesizing advanced magnetic data analysis with geological expertise. This integration provides a valuable foundation for future exploration in the region and establishes an applicable methodological approach to other mineral exploration efforts.

How to cite: Pinkaew, K.: Identifying Prospective Areas for the Chatree Epithermal Gold Region from Airborne Magnetic Data Using Advanced Analyzing Techniques, with Interpretative Correlation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3794,, 2025.

EGU25-3894 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern Tibet 

Di Xin, Tiannan Yang, Chuandong Xue, Lili Jiang, and Kun Xiang

The differences in the tectonic interpretation of ophiolite suites have become a major issue of the debate in the tectonic reconstruction of an ancient orogenic belt, especially when it comes to subduction polarity. In this regard, the Sanjiang Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau provides an excellent case study. The Sanjiang Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in the northern, eastern, and southeastern Tibet is bounded by the western Jinshajiang‒Garzê‒Litang suture to the north and the Shuanghu‒Changning‒Menglian suture to the south and west. The southern Jinshajiang Suture separates the Zhongzha Block to the east and the eastern Qiangtang Block to the west. The tectonic nature of the NNW-trending southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange remaining controversial. A detailed linear traverse mapping was c across the southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange, with a focus on pillow lavas and the structural relationship between the lavas and their country rock (Paleozoic sedimentary rocks). The results of a field study, in conjunction with new geochronological data and geochemical data, have enabled the identification of the Zhongdian continental back-arc basin. This basin was filled with a flysch succession and at least two horizons of pillow basalt from 267 to 254 Ma. The fining- and thinning-upward nature of the sedimentary succession, widespread syndepositional folds and syndepositional breccias, and submarine channel sediments, as well as intensive basaltic volcanism suggest that this back-arc basin generated in a typical extensional environment. The inversion of the back-arc basin was completed within a relatively short period of one million years (254~253 Ma), resulting in the development of overturned folds of the flysch succession and a latest Permian to Early Triassic back-arc foreland basin in front of the folded belt. Whole-rock geochemical data for the basalts and coeval gabbros suggest that the petrogenetic process of the basalts in the back-arc basin is likely comparable to that of basalt in a rift system as well, which is a lithospheric extension induced uplift of lithospheric mantle and asthenosphere and allowing decompression partial melting of the mantle peridotite. The late stage pillow basalts exhibit a stronger arc signature than the earlier massive basalt and diabase. The Zhongdian back-arc basin is considered to be an extinct continental and arc-type back-arc basins, which are characterized by thick crust, shallow bathymetry, and may not evolve into “normal” oceans. The formation and inversion of the Zhongdian back-arc basin are believed to have been caused by rollback and subsequent break-off of the subducted oceanic slab. During the inversion, the crust shortening occurred predominantly in the back-arc basin, while the southwestern shoulder of the back-arc basin, which was weakly deformed, was shifted north-eastward for ~30 km. The formation process of the Zhongdian back-arc basin is comparable to that of a typical continental rift system, the asymmetric architecture of which has mostly been inherited by the structures formed during the basin inversion. The southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange is representative of the inverted Zhongdian back-arc basin, which is a short-lived, partially mature oceanic basin.

How to cite: Xin, D., Yang, T., Xue, C., Jiang, L., and Xiang, K.: Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3894,, 2025.

The development of continental rift basins is often accompanied by multiple episodes of volcanic activity. The impact of these volcanic eruptions on the sedimentary filling process of the basin is a geological problem worth considering. This relationship is not only the premise for reasonably explaining the binary filling characteristics and development of sequences of volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks in rift basins but also the key geological basis for the prediction of volcanic and sedimentary rock reservoirs in rift basins. On the basis of a large amount of three-dimensional seismic data, logging data and lithology data, we estimated the volcanic eruption period, volcanic rock mass and spatial shape of the Changling faulted depression in the Songliao Basin. We then studied the spatial distribution characteristics of lithofacies and sedimentary facies in the basin. Finally, we assessed the influence of volcanic eruptions on the type of sedimentary filling, the distribution of sedimentary facies and the spatial stacking of sedimentary strata. This study revealed that during the rapid rifting stage (Yingcheng Formation depositional period), the Changling faulted depression developed mainly fan delta, braided river delta and lacustrine sedimentary systems and experienced four phases of volcanic eruptions. The lithology, scale and spatial distribution of volcanoes were directly related to the activity and location of the basement faults in this area, reflecting the control that basement fault activity had on the volcanic eruptions. Moreover, the stacking form and eruption scale of volcanic rocks played a substantial role in the paleogeomorphology of the basin, which in turn affected the form of the source channel of the basin, causing changes in the sedimentary facies type and spatial distribution and changes in the spatial overlapping pattern of the sedimentary sequence. Moreover, volcanic eruptions provided different sources of debris to the continental lake basin. The differences in location and delivery methods of these materials complicate the rock structure and reservoir properties of the basin sandstone.

How to cite: Wang, H., Zhang, H., and Liu, A.: Influence of volcanic eruptions on the sedimentary filling of a continental rift basin — A case study of the Yingcheng Formation in the Changling faulted depression in the Songliao Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4049,, 2025.

EGU25-4896 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep Learning 

Li Zhuolin, Zhang Guoyin, and Gao Yifan

Electrical image logs can intuitively reflect the development status and characteristics of dissolution pores, which is of significant importance for the development of oil and gas resources. However, traditional methods for identifying pores in electrical image logs are not only cumbersome and labor-intensive but also incapable of distinguishing between different types of pores. Moreover, the strong heterogeneity and dissolution effects in carbonate reservoirs result in significant variations in pore size and complex, diverse pore morphologies, making it difficult to extract pore parameters. To address these issues and challenges, this paper proposes a semantic segmentation model, FILnet, designed using computer vision technology and deep learning frameworks. This model aims to achieve intelligent recognition and segmentation annotation of pores of different scales in the wellbore region of electrical image logs. The data selection process involved using a sliding window to choose electrical log images containing dissolution pores and caves. Image processing techniques were then applied to complete and augment the images, thereby enhancing data diversity. Furthermore, a dual-attribute dataset was created using dynamic and static images from electrical image logs to assist the model in learning the semantic features of pores. Finally, the proposed model was compared with traditional pore identification methods, such as threshold segmentation. The results showed that FILnet demonstrated significant performance advantages on the dual dataset, with a mean intersection over union (MIoU) of 85.42% and a pixel accuracy (PA) of 90.54%. Compared to traditional pore identification methods, the deep learning semantic segmentation approach not only achieves recognition of different types of pores but also improves identification accuracy. This indicates that the network model and data processing methods proposed in this paper are effective and can achieve intelligent recognition and accurate segmentation of pores in electrical image logs.

How to cite: Zhuolin, L., Guoyin, Z., and Yifan, G.: Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4896,, 2025.

EGU25-5552 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolution 

Deb Dyuti Ghosh and Sadhana M. Chatterjee

In northwest India, the South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) is a NE-SW trending region of the Neoproterozoic age, consisting of poly-deformed and poly-metamorphosed rocks. To the west lies the Marwar Craton, and the boundary between them is defined by a crustal-scale shear zone, dated to 810 Ma, known as the Phulad Shear Zone (PSZ). The syn-tectonic Phulad Granite, which runs along the PSZ, played a key role in stitching together the Marwar Craton and the SDFB during the 810 Ma tectonic event. Approximately 30 km to the east of the PSZ, a quartz monzonite pluton, emplaced within the calc-silicates of the SDFB, is observed. This study focuses on the meso- and micro-structures, as well as the geochemistry of the quartz monzonite, to better understand its emplacement conditions and the tectonic processes at that time.

In the field, the quartz monzonite exhibits a saccharoidal texture with a crude foliation, defined by the alignment of feldspar grains. The foliation in the monzonite has a mean orientation of 14°/67° E. The quartz monzonite is primarily composed of k-feldspar and plagioclase feldspar, with minor amounts of quartz, amphibole, and titanite. Microstructural analysis reveals features indicative of sub-magmatic, high-temperature deformation, suggesting that the rock underwent solid-state deformation. These microstructural characteristics of the quartz monzonite suggest a syn-magmatic deformation event. The foliation in the monzonite is broadly parallel to the mylonitic foliation in PSZ, further supporting the idea of a syn-tectonic emplacement. The geochemical study of the quartz monzonite displays a syn-collisional granite-type geochemical signature with a distinctly negative REE pattern. The REE pattern features suggest that garnet played a significant role in the petrogenesis. By integrating micro and meso-structural analyses with geochemical data, we infer that the emplacement of the quartz monzonite coincided with the development of the PSZ and the intrusion of the Phulad Granite. Despite the temporal overlap, the quartz monzonite and the Phulad Granite display significant geochemical differences, denoting distinct petrogenetic processes. Based on the integration of all available data, we propose that the quartz monzonite was emplaced during the 810 Ma collisional event, resulting from the partial melting of garnet-bearing mafic crust. While both quartz monzonite and Phulad Granite likely share a common source, the depth of melting was different. The greater depth of melting in the eastern portion suggests an eastward subduction of the Marwar Craton during this tectonic event.

How to cite: Ghosh, D. D. and Chatterjee, S. M.: Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5552,, 2025.

EGU25-6123 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric Techniques 

Parvaneh Alizadeh, Esmaeil Shabanian, and Zohreh Masoumi

In highly populated urban areas such as Tehran, with over 17 million inhabitants, identifying active faults is essential to hazard and risk management. Tehran is located in central Alborz within the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. The region is the manifestation of interplay between structural systems of the western and eastern Alborz. The study area focuses on the Lavizan and Babaei fault-related fold structures as the main Quaternary features of the Tehran piedmont. Tehran's rapid urbanization in the past few decades has made it impossible to access fault traces and the associated geomorphic features in the field. This research is the first study which uses photogrammetric methods to extract detailed 3D data and digital terrain model (DTM) from archival imaging. Historical aerial photographs were acquired from 1955-1965, before the city's development. A DTM with a spatial resolution of about 86 centimeters, an orthophoto-mosaic, and a three-dimensional model were created employing photogrammetric methods. The geomorphic analysis of the model reveals lateral unidirectional eastwards growth of the Lavizan and Babaei structures during Pleistocene and Holocene. The presence of wind gaps developed from water gaps, and sharp fault scarps in the upper Pleistocene and Holocene geomorphic surfaces testify this lateral propagation. This study presents a typical example for a long-lasting tectonic activity and its Holocene continuation on the E-W fault-related fold structures, which directly affect urban areas in the Iranian metropolitan.

How to cite: Alizadeh, P., Shabanian, E., and Masoumi, Z.: Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6123,, 2025.

EGU25-6137 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-derived Storm and Substorm Indices Using Information Theory: Implications for Interhemispheric Asymmetry 

Constantinos Papadimitriou, Georgios Balasis, Zoe Boutsi, and Omiros Giannakis

In November 2023, the ESA Swarm constellation mission celebrated 10 years in orbit, offering one of the best-ever surveys of the topside ionosphere. Among its achievements, it has been recently demonstrated that Swarm data can be used to derive space-based geomagnetic activity indices, like the standard ground-based geomagnetic indices, monitoring magnetic storm and magnetospheric substorm activity. Given the fact that the official ground-based index for the substorm activity (i.e., the Auroral Electrojet – AE index) is constructed by data from 12 ground stations, solely in the northern hemisphere, it can be said that this index is predominantly northern, while the Swarm-derived AE index may be more representative of a global state, since it is based on measurements from both hemispheres. Recently, many novel concepts originated in time series analysis based on information theory have been developed, partly motivated by specific research questions linked to various domains of geosciences, including space physics. Here, we apply information theory approaches (i.e., Hurst exponent and a variety of entropy measures) to analyze the Swarm-derived magnetic indices around intense magnetic storms. We show the applicability of information theory to study the dynamical complexity of the upper atmosphere, through highlighting the temporal transition from the quiet-time to the storm-time magnetosphere around the May 2024 superstorm, which may prove significant for space weather studies. Our results suggest that the spaceborne indices have the capacity to capture the same dynamics and behaviors, with regards to their informational content, as the traditionally used ground-based ones. A few studies have addressed the question of whether the auroras are symmetric between the northern and southern hemispheres. Therefore, the possibility to have different Swarm-derived AE indices for the northern and southern hemispheres respectively, may provide, under appropriate time series analysis techniques based on information theoretic approaches, an opportunity to further confirm the recent findings on interhemispheric asymmetry. Here, we also provide evidence for interhemispheric energy asymmetry based on the analyses of Swarm-derived auroral indices AE North and AE South.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, C., Balasis, G., Boutsi, Z., and Giannakis, O.: Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-derived Storm and Substorm Indices Using Information Theory: Implications for Interhemispheric Asymmetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6137,, 2025.

EGU25-6417 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic data 

Qingfeng Meng, Baibing Yang, Zhifeng Guo, and Fang Hao

We present high-resolution ocean bottom node (OBN) seismic data of the Dongfang 1-1 structure in the Yinggehai Basin of the South China Sea, which hosts China's largest offshore gas reservoir. The OBN seismic data reveals more continuous and detailed reflections compared to conventional seismic data, highlighting the internal structure and formation mechanism of a diapir-like structure. The seismic images show a tapered conical structure characterized by a concentric distribution of fractures, with a significant increase in fracture intensity and connectivity towards the center. These fractures, particularly the sub-vertical ones, are interpreted as natural hydraulic fractures formed due to intense overpressurization in the Lower Miocene strata, with formation pressure coefficients up to 2.2. The fractures are believed to have originated from thermogenic hydrocarbon gas generation and inorganic CO2 production. The throughgoing fractures that traverse the entire Neogene succession, including the thick Upper Miocene sealing mudrocks, provide crucial pathways for deep gas-bearing fluids to charge the Pliocene sandstone reservoir. The study underscores the importance of natural hydraulic fractures in bypassing thick sealing sequences and conduiting fluids in deep overpressured environments. Moreover, our results may provide guidance for accurate geological interpretations of mud diapir-like structures in conventional seismic images in many other sedimentary basins.

How to cite: Meng, Q., Yang, B., Guo, Z., and Hao, F.: Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6417,, 2025.

This study explores the application of Fracture-Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) for stress analysis in the Ramon Crater, a tectonically “stable” region in southern Israel. FEMR, an innovative geophysical method, detects electromagnetic pulses emitted during micro-fracturing events to infer stress orientations. Unlike traditional seismic techniques, FEMR is sensitive to subtle stress changes, making it suitable for regions with limited seismicity. Field measurements were conducted at nine locations using the ANGEL-M device, capturing high-sensitivity electromagnetic signals to determine the stress azimuth. The results revealed a dominant mean stress azimuth of 308°, aligning closely with the acute bisector of two principal joint sets in the region, WNW-ESE and NNW-SSE. These orientations correspond to historical compressional stress from the Syrian Arc Stress (SAS) regime and more recent extensional stress from the Dead Sea Stress (DSS) field. The superimposition of these regimes has created a complex tectonic environment, evidenced by features such as joint sets, fault planes, and basaltic dikes. FEMR measurements correlate with these geological indicators, confirming the technique’s ability to detect regional stress directions and their evolution over time. In the past decade, the method of FEMR has progressively gained impetus as a viable, non-invasive, cost-effective, real-time geophysical tool for stress analysis in various parts of the world. Its range lies in delineating tectonically active zones, landslide-prone weak slip planes, highlighting stress accumulation in mines and tunnels, etc. This study highlights FEMR’s viability for stress field analysis, especially in stable tectonic zones. Its ability to capture micro-crack activity and subtle stress shifts offers a detailed understanding of how tectonic forces shape regional geodynamics. While FEMR enhances stress detection capabilities, careful calibration with geological models is essential to differentiate transient stress changes from long-term tectonic trends. This research advances FEMR’s application in geophysical studies, particularly for monitoring stress fields in regions influenced by ancient and ongoing tectonic forces.

How to cite: Das, S. and Frid, V.: The Fracture Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) technique as a tool for stress mapping: A case study of the Ramon Crater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9651,, 2025.

EGU25-9784 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element Modeling 

Zongming Chen, Jianghai Li, and Guoping Liu

The slip behavior of the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) plays a key role in improving our understanding of the tectonic deformation processes shaping the Tibetan Plateau. In this investigation, a three-dimensional (3D) model representing the central segment of the ATF was constructed using discrete element numerical simulations to examine the main damage zones and stress distribution in the Akato Tagh Bend, AKsay Bend, and Xorkoli segments. The simulation results were then cross-referenced with fault orientation measurements from the northern Qaidam Basin and focal mechanism solutions (FMS) to assess their precision and reliability. The results indicate that the stress environment is stable in the linear strike-slip Xorkoli segment, whereas the stress distribution in the Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments exhibits significant heterogeneity, with alternating regions of high and low stress. On the concave side of these bends, compressive stress accumulates, fostering the formation of local thrust faults or folds along the fault plane. Conversely, on the convex side, tensile stress dominates, promoting the development of normal faults or extensional fractures. In the restraining bend region, tensile stress remains horizontal, though its orientation shifts considerably as fault displacement increases. The bend segments also show significant variations in shear stress, which can lead to the creation of secondary fault features like Riedel shears. The intensity and distribution of shear stress are influenced by the curvature and bending angle of the fault, with larger bending angles in the Akato Tagh Bend producing more pronounced shear stress concentrations. Fractures are primarily concentrated at the fault tips, along fault intersections, and within the fault plane, with the fault damage zone being notably wider in the Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments. As fault displacement increases, the width of the damage zone and fracture density initially increase rapidly before reaching a plateau. Moreover, the primary damage zone develops earlier in the restraining Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments compared to the linear strike-slip Xorkoli segment, which absorbs more strain before the principal displacement zone forms. Therefore, the Akato Tagh Bend exhibits the highest fracture intensity, followed by the AKsay Bend and Xorkoli segment. These findings offer significant insights into the slip behavior and stress distribution along the ATF and enhance our understanding of the tectonic processes in the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Li, J., and Liu, G.: Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9784,, 2025.

Monazite has the potential to place temporal constraints on the crustal melting in high-grade metamorphic rocks like granulites and migmatites. Melt loss in granulite-grade metamorphic rocks plays a key role in progressively depleting LREE in the residue and enhancing the dissolution of monazite during heating to the metamorphic peak. Newly formed monazite are therefore more abundant in leucosomes than the residue. Higher degree of partial melting and subsequent melt loss, therefore, poses a major hindrance to constraining the mobility of these elements in the micro-domain scale, particularly during the early stage of melting at amphibolite to granulite facies transition. To overcome such an issue and to understand the behavior of this mineral during the onset of granulite facies metamorphism, metamorphic rocks that have reached the P-T conditions culminating at the aforesaid transition should be targeted. Considering this, the present study has been carried out on charnockite from the northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India which underwent such transition (M2) following crystallization during an earlier granulite facies metamorphic event (M1). The rock is composed of plagioclase (Pl), K-feldspar (Kfs), quartz, orthopyroxene, biotite, and garnet with apatite, allanite, and monazite as accessory phases. The rock has well-developed gneissic foliation, demarcated by alternate biotite +garnet-rich and quartzofeldspathic layers. While both the feldspars show grain boundary migration recrystallization, quartz grains are deformed by sub-grain rotation recrystallization. Garnet is porphyroblastic and post-kinematic as it overgrows the matrix biotite. The former phase is closely associated with cuspate Kfs and quartz grains which developed as a result of incipient dehydration melting of moderately fluorine rich biotite during the aforesaid transition. Monazite grains are coarse (up to 200 µm across), mostly elliptical and either partially or completely replaced by the reaction rim of apatite+ thorite with an external corona of allanite in the biotite+garnet-rich layers. In case of partial replacement, the oscillatory-zoned relict monazite core is preserved. Th-rich patches are present in such cores. Interestingly, the coronitic assemblage overgrows the matrix biotite is always associated with porphyroblastic garnet. On the contrary, corona-free monazite grains are abundant in quartzofeldspathic layers. Spot dates from the oscillatory-zoned relict monazite core yield a weighted mean age of 960±6 Ma. Th-rich patches, showing prominent huttonite substitution, yield a weighted mean age of 938±7 Ma. Integrating monazite textural and age data, we interpret that the ca. 960 Ma represents the crystallization age of the charnockite magma which coincides with the M1 metamorphic event of the Eastern Ghats Province (EGP). The ca. 938 Ma, additionally, corresponds to the age of the M2 event when biotite dehydration melting occurred and porphyroblastic garnet was formed. Based on the textural evidence and mineral phase chemical data, we propose that the replacement of primary monazite occurred via coupled dissolution precipitation process in the presence of incipient melt originated during biotite dehydration melting. Such melt was fluorine rich and helped to mobilize REEs by forming REE-fluoride complexes and was incorporated in allanite corona. Monazite grains in quartzofeldspathic layers must have escaped the melting reaction and the melt-induced element mobility.   

How to cite: Ganguly, P., Banerjee, A., and Das, K.: Behavior of monazite during incipient dehydration melting of charnockite at the northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Insights on the mobility of REE at amphibolite-granulite facies transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11645,, 2025.

EGU25-11991 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake Prediction 

Angelo De Santis, Saioa A. Campuzano, Gianfranco Cianchini, Homayoon Alimoradi, Loredana Perrone, and Habib Rahimi

Predicting earthquakes remains one of the most profound challenges in seismology and a long-standing aspiration for humanity. Among the array of potential precursors, changes in the Earth’s magnetic field have emerged as a promising yet contentious avenue of research (e.g., De Santis et al., 2015). With advancements in satellite technology, especially with the advent of the European Space Agency’s Swarm mission, we now have the unprecedented ability to measure the magnetic field with extraordinary precision, unlocking exciting opportunities for earthquake forecasting.

In this study, we leverage data from Swarm satellites to investigate whether magnetic anomalies can serve as reliable precursors to earthquakes. Our approach integrates two complementary methodologies: a) global statistical analysis: We applied superposed epoch and spatial techniques to several years of global earthquake data, correlating it with Swarm's magnetic field measurements (De Santis et al., 2019; Marchetti et al., 2022); b) tectonic case study: We focused on major earthquakes occurring from 2014 to 2023 within the tectonically active Alpine-Himalayan belt (Alimoradi et al., 2024).

To analyze these events, we employed an advanced automated algorithm (De Santis et al., 2017) to detect magnetic anomalies in satellite data recorded up to 90 days prior to global earthquakes and up to 10 days before events in the Alpine-Himalayan region. The findings revealed compelling evidence of clear magnetic anomalies preceding earthquakes. Notably, in the Alpine-Himalayan case study, we observed a striking correlation between earthquake magnitude and the duration and intensity of these anomalies: larger earthquakes were associated with stronger and more prolonged signals.

Our predictive framework demonstrated remarkable performance, achieving an accuracy of 79%, a precision of 88%, and a hit rate of 84%. These results underscore the transformative potential of satellite-based magnetic field analysis, paving the way for an operational earthquake prediction system. Such a system could serve as a powerful tool for mitigating the devastating impacts of earthquakes and safeguarding communities worldwide.

The work has been developed in the framework of the following projects: UNITARY- Pianeta Dinamico (funds from MUR), SPACE IT UP (PNRR), Limadou Scienza + (ASI) and FURTHER (INGV).



Alimoradi, H., Rahimi, H., De Santis, A. Successful Tests on Detecting Pre-Earthquake Magnetic Field Signals from Space, Remote Sensing, 16(16), 2985, 2024.

De Santis et al., Geospace perturbations induced by the Earth: the state of the art and future trends, Phys. & Chem. Earth, 85-86, 17-33, 2015.

De Santis A. et al., Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: the 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461, 119-126, 2017.

De Santis A. et al. Precursory worldwide signatures of earthquake occurrences on Swarm satellite data, Scientific Reports, 9:20287, 2019.

Marchetti D., De Santis A., Campuzano S.A., et al. Worldwide Statistical Correlation of eight years of Swarm satellite data with M5.5+ earthquakes, Remote Sensing, 14 (11), 2649, 2022.

How to cite: De Santis, A., Campuzano, S. A., Cianchini, G., Alimoradi, H., Perrone, L., and Rahimi, H.: Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11991,, 2025.

EGU25-14725 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterization 

Kaushik Das, Sankar Bose, Proloy Ganguly, and Amitava Chatterjee

The Precambrian history of the Indian continent centers around several Archean cratonic nuclei, e.g. the Singhbhum Craton, the Bundelkhand Craton and the Aravalli Craton in the north; the Bastar Craton in the central-east, and the Dharwad Craton in the south. Apart from a group of less disturbed and unmetamorphosed Meso- to Neoproterozoic platformal sedimentary packages resting over deformed and metamorphosed Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement, several Neoproterozoic orogenic belts occur at the margins of these Archean cratonic blocks. These craton-margin orogenic belts are the areas of intense deformation and multiple phases of deep- to intermediate depth, and hence constitute the sites of major records of crustal-scale material recycling through plate movements. They occur on the east, south and west of the Archean cratonic clusters (conjugate north and south Indian cratonic blocks). Though major deep-crustal deformation and metamorphism in these craton-margin orogenic belts can be tracked mostly up to the earliest Neoproterozoic, exhumation-related reactivation seems to be more common in these belt around ca. 800–750 Ma. 

In this study, we shall highlight the east and west Indian marginal belts. We shall present the new data showing conditions of metamorphic pulses and their age from the rocks of the Mercara Shear Zone, marking the south-western boundary of the Archean (>3000 Ma) Dharwar craton. The results indicate at least four events; (1) ~2900 Ma; basin formation with supply from craton, (2) 2900–2700 Ma; age of prograde metamorphism, (3) 2700–2500 Ma, age of charnockite magmatism during Dharwar Orogeny with metamorphic peak, and (4) final reactivation at 830–730 Ma marking exhumation of deep crust during retrograde metamorphism along the crustal scale shear zone (stretching lineation and S-C fabric formation as last deformation event. We shall also review our group’s recent published data on the pressure-temperature-deformation-fluid-age histories during the orogenic reactivation of the western boundary, and the Chilka Domain of the northern Eastern Ghats Belt. Together we shall try to collate data showing the idea of a near-synchronous orogenic reactivation surrounding Indian cratonic cluster during middle to late Tonian Period with various preceding age gaps.

How to cite: Das, K., Bose, S., Ganguly, P., and Chatterjee, A.: Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14725,, 2025.

EGU25-17658 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) Formations  

Nitin Nagarkoti, Tanisha Kumar, Neha Panwar, and Ravi Sharma

Efficient handling of climate change issues in order to mitigate its negative impact of the flora and fauna of the earth, or on the pace of industrialization, is a big challenge in every disposition around the world.  Amongst the many options available, geological storage of CO2 in the basalt formations is proving to be a promising one due to its large and pervasive occurrence, to facilitate stable carbonation of the sequestered CO2, and with ready access to the basalt deposits for operational requirements. Laboratory testing and a few field   implementations showed that carbon dioxide injected in basalts would form stable carbonate minerals, keeping the substance in place for thousands of years.

This work applies the machine learning applications aimed at the classification of different facies in basalts, particularly flow tops and flow interiors, towards the selection of a sequestration site based on their relevant petrophysical characteristics.

After the facies were identified, several rock physics models were run with an outlook of predicting the elastic properties of basalt. Based on our results, we found the Differential Effective Medium (DEM) model enables the most accurate prediction with the least error as compared to Self-Consistent Approximation and Kuster-Toksӧz model. This finding provides a foundation for using the DEM model to create an initial reservoir matrix, which can be applied to simulate geomechanical changes upon CO2 injection in Basalt. Additionally, facies classification aids in delineating zone boundaries within basalt flows, allowing for the selection of optimal injection sites based on their petrophysical properties.

How to cite: Nagarkoti, N., Kumar, T., Panwar, N., and Sharma, R.: Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) Formations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17658,, 2025.

EGU25-19572 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significance 

Anirban Manna, Sadhana M. Chatterjee, Alip Roy, and Ayan Kumar Sarkar

The South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) within the northwestern Indian Shield is a Proterozoic NE-SW trending fold belt. The western boundary of the SDFB is defined by the Phulad Shear Zone, formed during a transpression regime around 820-810Ma. Granite rocks of ~1Ga have been documented from the western part of the fold belt and are linked with the formation of the Rodinia Supercontinent. These granites are closely associated with gabbroic rocks. The present study focuses on the geochemistry of these granites and the mafic rocks, as well as their field structure and petrography. 
The granites and the mafic rocks are confined to a narrow linear belt along the western part of the fold belt. Detailed field studiesreveal that the foliations in the granites, mafic and mylonites within PSZ share a common stress regime and are broadly synchronous. Geochemically these granites are ferroan, calc-alkalic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and their classification in granite discrimination diagrams confirms A-type and within plate granite. The mafic rocks exhibit a compositional range fromtholeiitic to calc-alkaline, with atrace element ratio resembling enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (E-MORB) type magma. The tectonic discrimination diagram suggestsrift-relatedmagmatism. Geochemical analysis of these bimodal magmatic compositions in the SDFB, encompassing both mafic rocks and A-type granites are typically associated with areas experiencing extensional tectonics, particularly rift-related magmatism. Integrating field structures, petrography and geochemistry of these granite and the mafic rocks suggests that the ~1Ga granite and the associated mafic rocks formed in an extensional regime and are not directly linked to the collisional assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent.

How to cite: Manna, A., Chatterjee, S. M., Roy, A., and Sarkar, A. K.: Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19572,, 2025.

EGU25-20105 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco). 

Souad Assoussi, Youssef Hahou, Malki Khalifa, Fadoua Saadaoui, and Brahim Oujane

The Central High Atlas in Morocco is characterized by complex geological structures shaped by tectonic and magmatic processes. Gravimetry, a geophysical technique sensitive to subsurface density variations, plays a crucial role in exploring and understanding these features. This study provides a bibliometric analysis of global research on the application of gravimetry, with a specific focus on its use in the Central High Atlas.

The main objectives of this study are to identify global research trends and applications of gravimetry in the study of geological structures, analyze key contributors, scientific collaborations, and dominant themes in gravimetric research, and compare findings from studies conducted in the Central High Atlas with those from other regions worldwide.

A bibliometric analysis was conducted using data from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Keywords such as "gravimetry," "Central High Atlas," and "geological structure" were employed to extract relevant studies. The analysis utilized the R-bibliometrix package and VOSviewer software to map collaboration networks, visualize thematic clusters, and analyze global research trends over time.

The results reveal a significant increase in gravimetric studies over the last two decades, reflecting growing interest in its applications in mountainous regions like the Central High Atlas. The findings highlight deep-seated geological structures, active fault systems, and the relationship between gravimetric anomalies and tectonic processes. Moreover, a comparative analysis shows that studies in Morocco focus heavily on tectonic and magmatic processes, while research in other countries often emphasizes technological advancements and methodological innovations.

This bibliometric study underscores the importance of gravimetry as a tool for exploring complex geological structures in the Central High Atlas. It also highlights the need for stronger international collaborations and interdisciplinary research to advance gravimetric methodologies and foster knowledge exchange across regions.

How to cite: Assoussi, S., Hahou, Y., Khalifa, M., Saadaoui, F., and Oujane, B.: Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20105,, 2025.

EGU25-20168 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study. 

Fadoua Saadaoui, Youssef Hahou, Lahcen Ousaid, Souad Assoussi, and Brahim Oujane

This study evaluates the contributions of geophysics and remote sensing to structural mapping in the Central High Atlas region of Morocco. A bibliometric analysis was conducted using data collected from databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Keywords related to geophysics, aeromagnetic, remote sensing, structural mapping, and the Central High Atlas were used to systematically identify relevant research articles. Analytical techniques, including citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, keyword analysis, and network analysis (using VOSviewer), were applied to explore research trends, collaborations, and key focus areas.

The findings highlight notable research trends in the application of geophysics and remote sensing, identifying key contributors, influential institutions, and pivotal publications in this domain. Research gaps and opportunities for further investigation were also uncovered. Visualization of research networks provided insights into collaboration patterns and thematic focus areas.

This study underscores the importance of geophysics and remote sensing in enhancing the understanding of the Central High Atlas's structural geology. It offers a foundation for future research, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced methodologies to address existing research gaps and further explore the region's geological complexities.

How to cite: Saadaoui, F., Hahou, Y., Ousaid, L., Assoussi, S., and Oujane, B.: Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20168,, 2025.

EGU25-20667 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Archean shear tectonics in the Congo craton: insights from Petro-structural characterization and U-Pb geochronology of the Memve’ele mylonite, Southern Cameroon 

Jonas Didero Takodjou Wambo, Sylvestre Ganno, Jean Paul Nzenti, and Paul D. Asimow

The Congo craton is an early Archaean through Paleoproterozoic basement block in Central Africa. It consists of a vast heterogenous granulitic complex extending over 1200 km between the Lomami River (24°E) and the Atlantic coast in Angola. The well-exposed domains of the Congo craton are the Kasaï block, Tanzania block, West-Nile complex, and Ntem-Chailu complex. The latter represents the northwestern edge of the craton in southern Cameroon. The Memve'ele area belongs to the Ntem Complex, where recent investigations have highlighted various lithologies, including TTG gneiss and intensely sheared and folded charnockitic and granitic gneiss, pervasively intruded by younger monzogranite. This region provides a critical window into the complex tectonic evolution of one of Earth's oldest continental blocks. Both TTG and granitic gneiss are riddled with folded or sheared leucogranitic veins, suggesting a local origin through melting and dynamic recrystallization. This study presents a comprehensive investigation of the highly sheared Memve’ele mylonitic corridor. Through detailed field mapping, systematic kinematic analysis, and meticulous petrographic and microstructural studies, we aim to unravel the multiple deformation events that have shaped this region. U-Pb zircon geochronology was employed to precisely constrain the timing of these processes and to correlate them with regional tectonic events. The ultimate goal of this research is to better understand the broader geodynamic implications of these findings for the evolution of the Congo Craton. Initial results reveal that the Memve’ele area has undergone a complex polyphase deformation history, involving at least four distinct events. The early ductile deformation (D1) resulted in the development of a pervasive foliation and associated structures. Subsequent ductile-brittle deformation (D2) overprinted the earlier structures, while later brittle deformation events (D3 and D4) further modified the rock fabric. The studied mylonites yield Mesoarchean ages of 2927 ± 52 Ma. The presence of a sinistral shear zone within the area suggests that the region was subjected to significant shear stresses, likely related to regional tectonic processes such as continental collision or crustal extension. These findings have important implications for understanding the tectonic evolution of the Congo Craton and may provide insights into the potential for mineral exploration in the region.

How to cite: Takodjou Wambo, J. D., Ganno, S., Nzenti, J. P., and Asimow, P. D.: Archean shear tectonics in the Congo craton: insights from Petro-structural characterization and U-Pb geochronology of the Memve’ele mylonite, Southern Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20667,, 2025.

EMRP1 – Rock and Mineral Physics

The 660 km discontinuity serves as an important boundary for elucidating the dynamics of subducting slabs at this depth. Subducting slabs, characterized by their lower temperatures compared to the surrounding mantle, undergo distinct phase transitions. Harzburgitic compositions are the most gravitationally stable within the lower mantle transition zone, potentially incorporating up to 15 vol% akimotoite in their mineral assemblage. Recent experimental studies indicate that the transition from akimotoite to bridgmanite may be a critical factor in deciphering the complexities inherent to this region.  Additionally, discoveries of iron-rich natural analogs of akimotoite and bridgmanite in Suizhou L6 chondrite have attracted considerable scientific attention regarding the stability of these iron-rich phases. These analogs, identified as Hemleyite (Fe2+0.48Mg0.37Ca0.04Na0.04Mn2+0.03Al0.03Cr3+0.01) SiO3 and Hiroseite (Fe2+0.44Mg0.37Fe3+0.1Al0.04 Ca0.03Na0.02) (Si0.89Al0.11) O3​, provide critical insights into the geochemical behavior and phase stability of iron-bearing silicates under extreme conditions. In this study, first-principles computational methods based on density functional theory (DFT) were employed to investigate the stability fields of these iron-rich phases under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions, aiming to elucidate the effects of Fe²⁺ incorporation on slab stagnation behavior. The analysis demonstrates a positive correlation between acoustic velocity contrasts and increasing Fe²⁺ concentration at the phase transition boundary, while the transition pressure decreases significantly. Additionally, the findings suggest that the overall steepness of the Clapeyron slope remains largely invariant with increasing iron content.

How to cite: Pandit, P., Chandrashekar, P., and Shukla, G.: Impact of Fe²⁺ incorporation on the structural and thermodynamic characteristics of the akimotoite-to-bridgmanite phase transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-603,, 2025.

EGU25-1033 | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Dynamic Strength of rock under High strain rates 

Noopur Gupta, Mukat Lal Sharma, Mohammad Ashraf Iqbal, and Adarsh Tripathi

In rocks, brittle deformation depends on loading rating. With increasing rates, usually greater than ~102 s-1 rock strength increases significantly that results intense fragmentation. Dynamic conditions necessary for rate dependent brittle failure can occur during impact events, seismic ruptures and landslides. Among the geoscientist and rock engineers, Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) is often used for the study of dynamic behavior of rocks under high strain rate condition. Present study focuses on strength behavior of sandstone over the range of strain rate (3.6×10-5 - 2.4×102 s-1) using compression testing machine and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). The failure mode is also captured by high speed camera. The result demonstrates that dynamic compressive strength increases with increasing strain rate and follows Kimberley’s universal theoretical scaling relationship. Dynamic increase factor (DIF) also shows strong dependency on strain rate. The degree of fragmentation is also compared with existing theoretical fragmentation models. The average fragments size shows strong strain rate dependency over the entire testing range. With the increasing strain rate more pulverized state were observed after the failed specimens. Moreover, the mean fragment sizes are well described by power law function of strain rate.

How to cite: Gupta, N., Sharma, M. L., Iqbal, M. A., and Tripathi, A.: Dynamic Strength of rock under High strain rates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1033,, 2025.

EGU25-1946 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.1

Elasticity control through overburden and adsorption competition in porous media 

Rui Wu, Hongpu Kang, Fuqiang Gao, Bing Q. Li, Kerry Leith, Qinghua Lei, Gennady Gor, Paul A. Selvadurai, Xiangyuan Peng, Shuangyong Dong, and Ying Li

Adsorption-induced deformation is common in porous rocks, but its role in stressed porous rocks remains unclear. These changes in elasticity have critical implications for geological stability, particularly in regions experiencing alternating droughts and wet conditions. This study investigates elastic deformation in fine-grained sandstone under cyclic loading over 34 days, with humidity increased to near dew point. Adsorption-induced weakening decreases from over 40% to less than 10% as overburden pressure rises from 1 MPa to levels below crack initiation. Similar trends are observed in fine-grained granite. A multi-scale model combining contact mechanics and nanopore adsorption explains these results, highlighting stress competition between adsorption effects and overburden pressure. Adsorption weakening becomes negligible beyond burial depths of 200 meters in sandstone and 700 meters in granite. These findings improve understanding of near-surface geological hazards, such as exfoliation, landslides, and cliff failure, under extreme climatic events.


How to cite: Wu, R., Kang, H., Gao, F., Li, B. Q., Leith, K., Lei, Q., Gor, G., Selvadurai, P. A., Peng, X., Dong, S., and Li, Y.: Elasticity control through overburden and adsorption competition in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1946,, 2025.

EGU25-2713 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.1

Caracterising Thermo Hydro Mechanical properties in complexe limestone formation (OZNS, Beauce aquifer, France) 

Margot Dupuis, Bouamama Abbar, Céline Mallet, Antoine Voirand, Mikael Philippe, and Mohamed Azaroual

Most models for dimensioning shallow geothermal heat exchangers consider that heat is only transferred by conduction. The ground water content is assumed to be constant with time. However, in the Vadose Zone (VZ) presenting important geothermal potential, the thermal properties of materials depend on the variable water content.

The literature review highlights that the relationships between thermal conductivity and water content are multiple and often very specific to certain nature of ground systems. The target of this work is therefore to characterize the thermal conductivity of a specific strongly heterogeneous site in order to discuss the limit of adaptability of these approaches and the robustness of the associated models.

Excavation of the Observatory of transfers in the Vadose Zone (O-ZNS) near Orléans (France) allowed us to extract VZ limestones from 7,20 to 20 m-depth, described as massive and weathered with heterogeneous fracture density. Two experimental approaches are used to determine thermal conductivity at different water content. The first is an empirical model that estimates thermal conductivity from acoustic velocity. P-wave acoustic velocities are obtained in dry and saturated conditions and then converted into thermal conductivity. These results are compared to direct thermal conductivity measurements obtained using the hot-wire method.

The indirect method seems to be well adapted for dry materials characterization. However, it presents inconsistencies for saturated or partially saturated materials. Indeed, we saw a conductivity decreases with water content, while theory predicts the opposite. The empirical model clearly shows its limitations when it comes to considering water in the pores of complex rocks. Nevertheless, on dry samples, the deduced thermal conductivity values are validated by direct measurements. The direct method makes it possible to observe the theoretical correlation between thermal conductivity and water content in order to adapt future models. Measurements show an increase in thermal conductivity with water content. But, in some samples, of rather massive appearance, poorly altered and fractured, water content has a relatively low impact on thermal conductivity. These variations raise questions about the effects of a specific microstructure on the correlation between water content and thermal conductivity. Indeed, on samples taken at 16.6 m-depth, the same mean value of thermal conductivity was observed regardless of water content, a behavior not observed on other samples.

The thermal conductivity data will be integrated in a new thermo-hydro model of the O-ZNS site, currently under development : i) to test the stability and consistency of the models and compare results with experimental data, and ii) to later calibrate the chosen model and apply it to different contexts.

How to cite: Dupuis, M., Abbar, B., Mallet, C., Voirand, A., Philippe, M., and Azaroual, M.: Caracterising Thermo Hydro Mechanical properties in complexe limestone formation (OZNS, Beauce aquifer, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2713,, 2025.

EGU25-3048 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.1

The competition between fluid diffusion and volume dilatancy during the failure process of thermally cracked Westerly granite 

Gang Lin, Caiyuan Fan, Samuel Chapman, Jérôme Fortin, and Alexandre Schubnel

Pore fluid pressure is known to significantly influence the mechanical strength of rocks. On one hand, an increase in pore fluid pressure may favor crack growth and thus trigger failure, while on the contrary, a decrease in pore fluid pressure will inhibit crack propagation and stabilize failure. On the other hand, whether pore fluid decrease or increases depends on the combination of: 1) pore-fluid pressure boundary conditions; 2) pore fluid pressure diffusion timescale relative to deformation timescales; 3) the latter governing the evolution of permeability and storage capacity within the system. Hence, whether pore fluid pressure will stabilize failure or not, via dilatant strengthening, will depend on a number of parameters, amongst which boundary conditions (drained or undrained), initial permeability, and strain rate must be included.

Here, we perform a comprehensive investigation into the mechanical strength of thermally cracked Westerly granite, in order to provide insights on pore fluid pressure evolution during rock failure. We conducted triaxial loading experiments on heat-treated Westerly granite samples (heated to 700 °C). In order to investigate the mechanical and hydraulic responses throughout the entire failure process, experiments were performed under both drained and undrained boundary conditions, at different strain rates (10-4, 10-5, 10-6, and 10-7 s-1) and initial effective confining pressures (5, 20, and 40 MPa). All experiments were conducted at an initial pore pressure of 50 MPa. During each experiment, stress, strain, as well as pore pressure (using 8 in-situ pore pressure transducers) were monitored. Acoustic emission and the evolution of elastic P-wave velocities were also recorded. So far, our experimental results demonstrate that: 

  • Water-saturated granites under undrained conditions show higher strength than drained ones, due to dilatant strengthening from reduced pore pressure at failure.
  • Under drained conditions, the onset of pore pressure drop is governed by the competition between fluid diffusivity and volumetric strain rate.
  • Dilatant strengthening under drained conditions is strain-dependent, with larger pore pressure drops at high (10-4 /s) vs. low (10-7 /s) loading rates.  

Our results highlight the importance of dilatant strengthening during the failure of crystalline rock. For instance, it is possible that a number of former studies realized under nominally drained water saturated conditions may have underestimated the effect of water weakening, due to important – yet unobserved at the time- dilatant strengthening happening, resulting in strength of dry and saturated specimen being almost equivalent.

Dilatant strengthening being most efficient at high strain rate, we can safely extrapolate that it is most efficient just before or just after failure. In particular, by stabilizing failure, it may explain long foreshock and aftershock sequences, as seem to be the case in at least some of the recorded AE sequences during our experiments. Finally, whether thermal pressurization is or not able to balance out (because of high velocity frictional heating) dilatant strengthening during dynamic rupture remains to be investigated.


How to cite: Lin, G., Fan, C., Chapman, S., Fortin, J., and Schubnel, A.: The competition between fluid diffusion and volume dilatancy during the failure process of thermally cracked Westerly granite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3048,, 2025.

EGU25-3958 | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

High pressure triaxial compression test in soft sedimentary rocks 

Shigeo horikawa, Takato takemura, and Kinichiro kusunose

The release of CO2 into the atmosphere is thought to be a major factor contributing to global warming, and technology for separating and recovering CO2 from the gases emitted from large-scale sources and storing it in deep underground aquifers (hereafter referred to as CCS: Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) is already being used commercially in other countries as a measure to combat global warming. When starting a CO2 geological storage project, as part of risk management, it is necessary to consider whether there is a potential threat of causing seismic activity or ground deformation that could have a negative impact, and to plan and implement countermeasures. The Japan islands located in the convergent zone of four tectonic plates and are known as one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. Evaluating and predicting the impact of great earthquakes on reservoirs and cap rocks and disseminating this information to society is considered to be one of the important issues in terms of gaining social acceptance at the project planning stage. The authors are currently developing an earthquake response analysis method for evaluating the stability of CO2 geological storage sites in advance in the event of a great earthquake, but one of the issues is the physical properties of the ground to be input into the analysis model. It is well known that brittle rocks under atmospheric pressure show plasticity under confining pressures of tens to hundreds of MPa, and it is easy to imagine that soft sedimentary rocks also show similar mechanical behaviour. However, there are only a few cases of published high-pressure triaxial compression tests using drilling core samples collected from deep underground, for example. In this study, triaxial compression tests were conducted using sandstone and mudstone block samples (comprising the middle Pleistocene to the upper Pliocene) collected from outcrops and shaped into specimens (height 100 mm, diameter 50 mm) in the laboratory under confining pressures equivalent to CO2 storage sites. Regardless of the age of the sediment, the principal stress difference in mudstone increased to 1-2% axial strain, after which it remained almost constant. There was no clear yield point in the ‘stress-strain curve’, and the mudstone showed strain-hardening behaviour. The pore water pressure increased as the axial strain increased. In the sandstone, no clear shear surface was formed even at an axial strain of around 5%. The specimens did not become barrel-shaped after testing, but instead showed a shape of overall shrinkage. The volume change continued to decrease as the axial strain increased. This is thought to be because the difference in the principal stress did not reach its maximum strength. In the future, we plan to conduct experiments that take into account the pressure history (depositional depth and overburden) that the specimens have been subjected to in the past, before loading tests.

How to cite: horikawa, S., takemura, T., and kusunose, K.: High pressure triaxial compression test in soft sedimentary rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3958,, 2025.

EGU25-4306 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Volume and phase changes of swelling sulphates revealed through multitemporal micro-CT imaging  

Chiara Caselle, Anna Ramon, Laurenz Schröer, Veerle Cnudde, Sabrina Maria Rita Bonetto, Pietro Mosca, Emanuele Costa, Emmanuele Giordano, and Arianna Paschetto

This study has the main purpose of investigating the micro-mechanisms involved in the expansion of anhydrite, a phenomenon that often occurs during excavations and may cause serious technical problems to civil tunnelling and other infrastructures (e.g., buildings, bridges, underground caverns). For this purpose, we developed an experimental investigation aimed at observing microscale changes occurring in anhydrite samples during water immersion by means of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT).  

We prepared six cylindrical specimens (diameter 10 mm and height 20 mm) of Triassic anhydrite from the Western Alps. Each of them was wrapped with an impervious cellophane sheet and partially submerged in calcium-sulphate saturated water. The upper surfaces were left in direct contact with air to force the water to cross the specimens. The specimens were put in water on the 15th of December 2023. Then, they were periodically scanned – over a total period of 1 year – through X-ray tomography using the CoreTOM scanner (TESCAN XRE) at Ghent University Centre for X-ray Tomography (UGCT), with a voxel size of 10 µm, as an EXCITE TNA project.

The elaboration of CT scans allowed to evaluate the volume and phase changes occurred during the test. All the specimens consistently showed a total expansion between 2% and 3% in volume. In addition, the multitemporal scans were examined using an algorithm of Digital Volume Correlation to deepen the mechanisms driving the expansion by visualizing the position where the expansion prevalently occurred.

The improved knowledge of the mechanism driving the process of expansion in anhydrite provides elements for a more accurate forecasting of the entity and the times of the phenomenon in real contexts (e.g., civil tunnelling, mining, slope stability, underground energy storage), driving to the possible refinement of existing constitutive models.

How to cite: Caselle, C., Ramon, A., Schröer, L., Cnudde, V., Bonetto, S. M. R., Mosca, P., Costa, E., Giordano, E., and Paschetto, A.: Volume and phase changes of swelling sulphates revealed through multitemporal micro-CT imaging , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4306,, 2025.

EGU25-5665 | Orals | EMRP1.1

Spatial Differences in Potential Changes of Rock Loaded to Fracturing: Characteristics and Mechanism 

Licheng Sun, Lixin Wu, Youyou Xu, Tao Zheng, Guangrui Dong, Busheng Xie, and Wenfei Mao

    Electrical signal changes in process of loading rock to fracturing is an important rock petrophysical phenomenon, which is of great significance for understanding the abnormal electric field, magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation related to rock fracturing, geohazards and tectonic earthquake. Positive holes (P-holes) activation due to the broken of peroxy defects is one of the important mechanisms causing rock current, and peroxy defects are common in most of the crust rocks. During the loading of rock specimen, the activation, transmission and accumulation of P-holes in different place inside the rock are bound to be variable, and present as the spatial difference in the changes of electrical signals. However, the spatial differences in the changes of electrical signals during loading rock to fracturing and the correlation between the electrical signal and the internal physical-and-mechanical states of rock have not been well studied so far.

    Therefore, we carried out potential monitoring experiments in different areas of the rock under local stress and synchronous acoustic emission monitoring. The rock specimen was specially designed in 3D shape of cube-frustum. The lower cube acting as the loaded part was wrapped with copper foil and connect to the negative electrode of the potentiometers; while the upper square frustum acting as the free part were pasted with copper foil at three places and connect to the positive electrode of potentiometers, respectively, as in Fig. 1a.

    The experimental results, as in Fig. 1b, showed that during the early rock loading, the characteristics of potential changes in each area were basically the same, with slight differences in amplitude, which were directly related to the size of micro-crack development area in the corresponding part. When the loaded rock reached to macroscopic fracturing and got failure, the characteristics of potential change in different areas were significantly different (Fig. 1c), which were directly related to the formation of macroscopic fracture inside. When no macroscopic fracture surface was formed at the intersection zone of the free part and the loaded part below the potential monitoring area, P-holes would transmit upward to the upper surface of frustum along the stress gradient, resulting in the rise in potential. Conversely, if a macroscopic fracture surface was formed at the intersection zone (Fig. 1d), the upward transmission of P-holes would be blocked, and more P-holes reached the surface of the loaded cube, resulting in the decrease in potential. Furthermore, we kept loading the rock fragments after macroscopic failure, and found that during the friction or the relative slip process between fragments, the combined influence of furrow effect, adhesive friction and slip shear also led to P-holes activation and dislocation sliding, resulting in potential rising again. The potential risings in different areas were related to the degree of friction and the distribution of macroscopic fracture surfaces in the corresponding parts.

Figure 1 Experimental schema diagram and results. (a) Diagram of the experimental schema; (b) The variations of potentials; (c) Potential changes when the rock got failure; (d) Failure pattern. 

How to cite: Sun, L., Wu, L., Xu, Y., Zheng, T., Dong, G., Xie, B., and Mao, W.: Spatial Differences in Potential Changes of Rock Loaded to Fracturing: Characteristics and Mechanism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5665,, 2025.

EGU25-6576 | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Experimental analysis of crystal growth in anhydrite and its impact on swelling quantification 

Emmanuele Giordano, Chiara Caselle, Emanuele Costa, Sabrina Maria Rita Bonetto, Arianna Paschetto, and Pietro Mosca

This study focuses on the investigation of the chemical reactions involved in the phenomenon of anhydrite swelling, that is a well-known issue that may affect the functionality of underground infrastructures.

The study was performed on Triassic gypsum and anhydrite samples collected from an Alpine location (Signols, Oulx in the Susa Valley, Piedmont, Italy) and involved the investigation of the behavior of this material immersed in different aqueous solutions at various temperatures.

The influence of different aqueous solutions (distilled water, water with CaSO4, water with MgCl2, and water with NaCl)  on the solubility and precipitation of new crystals was evaluated at different temperatures (15°C, 40°C, and 60°C).

Both macro- and micro-scale observations were conducted before water immersion and after different time intervals. Macro-scale observations included the measure of the volume and the mass and the capture of photographical images with a camera. Micro-scale analyses involved the use of SEM-EDS to determine the mineralogical composition and examine the changes in micro-scale morphological features (e.g., growth of new crystals).

The experiment seeks to identify potential mineralogical transformation, particularly the hydration of anhydrite into gypsum, under the specified conditions. The findings will contribute to understanding the mechanisms influencing anhydrite swelling and its implications for geological and engineering applications.

How to cite: Giordano, E., Caselle, C., Costa, E., Bonetto, S. M. R., Paschetto, A., and Mosca, P.: Experimental analysis of crystal growth in anhydrite and its impact on swelling quantification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6576,, 2025.

EGU25-7280 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.1

Exploring Dyke Geometry Effects on Tunnel Stability Using Particle Flow Code 

Enes Zengin and Ömer Ündül

Istanbul is a unique city spanning two continents and one of the world's most populous cities. There is a significantly increasing demand for the construction of deep engineering structures, particularly transportation and infrastructure tunnels because of a population exceeding 16 million. Numerous projects, including intercontinental strait crossings, will be implemented over the coming decades to meet the city's needs. Istanbul’s complex geological structure, rugged topography, and earthquake risk make construction efforts more challenging. Generally, deep engineering structures in Istanbul are primarily constructed within the classic and carbonate rocks, which are part of the Istanbul Paleozoic Sequence. These sedimentary rocks are intersected by dikes composed of andesite, diabase, and dacite, which exhibit varying geometries. Due to the different engineering properties of these rock units, which have different geological origins, their behavior in deep underground excavation openings also varies. Engineering problems such as rock bursts, water inflows, and TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) jamming arise during tunnel construction, leading to both cost overruns and time delay. In this study, the effect of dyke geometries on tunnel stability was analyzed using ITASCA’s Particle Flow Code (PFC), which employs the discrete element method (DEM). Models were calibrated based on field experiences and laboratory data of the host rocks and dykes obtained during tunnel construction on the Anatolian side of Istanbul. The uniaxial compressive strength and elasticity modulus values of the host rocks and dykes are 28 MPa and 46 MPa, 12 GPa, and 16 GPa, respectively. Initially, a base two-dimensional model with dimensions of 4 by 4 meters was calibrated using the flat-joint model, and upscaled to 80 by 60 meters to represent the tunnel environment. Additionally, models featuring singular and dual dyke geometries with different orientations were utilized in an environment containing a tunnel opening with a radius of 4 meters. Analyses were carried out on a total of 18 models, which included seven single dyke geometries with a dip angle varying between 0 and 90 degrees in 15-degree increments, six geometries featuring a secondary dyke with a horizontal dip angle of 0 degrees intersected by another dyke at 15-degree increments, and five models with two dykes positioned at dip angles of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 degrees relative to each other. Each model was run for up to 100,000 cycles under gravitational loading conditions, and data on force chains, fragmentations, stress, and strain values were collected using measurement spheres positioned at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees around the tunnel opening. According to the results obtained from the models, the highest deformation in the tunnel section was observed at 60 degrees in single dyke geometries, while in double dyke geometries, it was observed at 0-30, 0-45, and 0-60 degrees.

How to cite: Zengin, E. and Ündül, Ö.: Exploring Dyke Geometry Effects on Tunnel Stability Using Particle Flow Code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7280,, 2025.

EGU25-8113 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Onset of Pore Collapse and Dilatancy in Porous Sandstone Under True Triaxial Compression: Experimental Observation and Micromechanical Modeling  

Fanbao Meng, Lu Shi, Stephen Hall, Patrick Baud, and Teng-fong Wong

In many geotechnical and tectonic settings, a fundamental understanding of the inelastic behavior of porous rocks under polyaxial compression is necessary. In this study, we present new true triaxial compression data obtained in the ductile regime on Bleurswiller sandstone with the size of 100mm X 50mm X 50mm. The deformed samples show a range of failure modes qualitatively similar to what was reported by earlier experimental studies performed in conventional conditions (axisymmetric compression). In particular, visual inspection and X-ray Computed Tomography imaging reveal compaction localization in all our deformed samples. The pore collapse model of Zhu et al. (2010) is extended to include the role of the intermediate principal stress and our new data for the onset of shear-enhanced compaction are in basic agreement with this extended model that includes three stress invariants. At constant minimum principal stress, the onset of shear-enhanced compaction tends to decrease slightly with increasing intermediate principal stress.

Published true triaxial data obtained in the brittle regime highlights the impact of the intermediate principal stress on the onset of dilatancy. The predictions of the conventional sliding wing crack model extended to true triaxial conditions are in poor agreement with these data. Our analysis suggests that the observed discrepancies are related to the influence of the intermediate principal stress on the effective shear stress on the wing cracks. Another energetic approach pioneered by Wiebols & Cook (1968) shows a better agreement with the experimental results, and predicts that at constant minimum principal stress, the onset of dilatancy would not be a monotonic function of the intermediate principal stress. Our new data and analysis will help the interpretation of inelastic deformation under polyaxial compression in various geotechnical and tectonic settings.

How to cite: Meng, F., Shi, L., Hall, S., Baud, P., and Wong, T.: Onset of Pore Collapse and Dilatancy in Porous Sandstone Under True Triaxial Compression: Experimental Observation and Micromechanical Modeling , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8113,, 2025.

EGU25-8168 | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Integrating Finite Element Modeling and Machine Learning for Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Swelling in Clay-Sulfate Rocks 

Reza Taherdangkoo, Mostafa Mollaali, Matthias Ehrhardt, Thomas Nagel, and Christoph Butscher

The swelling behavior of clay-sulfate rocks poses significant challenges in geotechnical engineering due to complex hydro-mechanical and chemical interactions. This study introduces a hybrid framework combining finite element modeling (FEM) with machine learning (ML) to efficiently analyze and predict the nonlinear behavior of swelling processes. We generated synthetic datasets representing swelling phenomena at the Staufen site, Germany, using a coupled hydro-mechanical FEM simulation in OpenGeoSys. A parametric analysis was conducted to systematically vary critical parameters, including Young's modulus, permeability, maximum swelling pressure, and air entry pressure, to capture the inherent uncertainty and variability of swelling processes. A constrained CatBoost ML model was trained on the FEM outputs to predict porosity, saturation, and displacement under varying hydro-mechanical conditions. Results demonstrate strong alignment between the ML surrogate and FEM simulations, achieving high accuracy while significantly reducing computational demands. Sensitivity analysis indicated the dominance of swelling pressure and Young's modulus in influencing swelling-induced deformation, while Monte Carlo simulations quantified prediction uncertainties. This contribution discusses the potential of integrating FEM with ML for site-specific risk assessment and mitigation planning in geotechnical engineering.

How to cite: Taherdangkoo, R., Mollaali, M., Ehrhardt, M., Nagel, T., and Butscher, C.: Integrating Finite Element Modeling and Machine Learning for Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Swelling in Clay-Sulfate Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8168,, 2025.

EGU25-10931 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.1

In-situ test and numerical verification of bearing capacity of soft rock foundation with depth 

Xueying Yang, Weiming Gong, and He Yang

Currently, there is insufficient confidence in the application of soft rock in major projects, leading to overly conservative design of foundation bearing capacity. Clarifying the stress distribution and failure process of soft rock foundation with depth offer guiding significant for determining the bearing capacity of soft rock foundation in practical geotechnical engineering. Based on the arch foundation project of the Fifth Bridge of the Lantian Yangtze River, this paper investigated the bearing capacity of soft rock foundations and its depth correction rule by analyzing field test results and numerical simulations.  A formula inversion model was established referencing current standards and relevant literature, and the depth correction coefficient k2 for soft rock foundation bearing capacity was calculated based on field test measurements.  Using finite element software PLAXIS 3D, a numerical model of soft rock foundations with variables including load plate burial depth and lateral limiting conditions was created under field conditions and calculate the simulated bearing capacity of soft rock foundations.  By combining results from both methods, the variation rule of soft rock foundation bearing capacity influenced by depth factors is analyzed, and the applicability of different research methods is discussed.  It is found that within a certain range, the bearing capacity of soft rock foundations has a linear positive correlation with burial depth, and after reaching 15d, it shows a gradual trend.  Finally, recommended values for the depth correction coefficient are 2.5 (for undetailed or poor foundation conditions) and 8.0 (for good foundation conditions with low weathering degree), with different values adopted according to site conditions.  Furthermore, the bearing capacity of soft rock foundations with free surfaces was discussed, offering a valuable reference for similar future engineering scenarios.  After the bearing capacity measurement and foundation deformation performance analysis, it was concluded that there is still a significant bearing capacity reserve, which provides essential data support for dimensional optimization.  This paper further substantiates that the bearing capacity of soft rock foundation can be significantly enhanced through in-depth modification, thereby offering meaningful reference and guidance for practical engineering applications.

How to cite: Yang, X., Gong, W., and Yang, H.: In-situ test and numerical verification of bearing capacity of soft rock foundation with depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10931,, 2025.

EGU25-11515 | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Evaluation of Aereal Block Proportion (ABP) for the mechanical characterization of bimunits using Electrical Resistivity Tomography  

Sabrina Bonetto, Cesare Comina, Andrea Festa, and Chiara Caselle

The mechanical and technical characterization of bimunits (i.e., chaotic units consisting of hard blocks within a softer matrix), represents an untrivial challenge for researchers and practitioners. The main existing methods for their characterization require the estimation of the Volumetric Block Proportion (VBP). In real contexts, the VBP is typically estimated from point, linear, or areal measurements, making it strongly dependent on the availability of accessible outcrops and/or borehole data. To address this limitation, we evaluated the potential of geophysical (geoelectrical) methodologies for quantifying the Areal Block Proportion (APB) in bimunits. Specifically, we propose an approach for the analysis of electrical resistivity tomographies (ERTs) on bimunits, as outlined by Caselle et al. (2024). This approach is based on the fundamental research assumption that the electrical contrast between blocks and the matrix enables the discrimination of rock blocks in ERTs, provided their sizes exceed the resolution of the ERT. When block sizes are smaller, the ERT homogenizes the blocks-matrix mixture, producing an overall resistivity signature. This signature shows a positive proportionality with the percentage of blocks and can be used to estimate the ABP while still providing valuable information for bimunits characterization. This hypothesis was tested through numerical simulations and real ERTs, offering a preliminary validation of the proposed approach.  


Caselle, C., Comina, C., Festa, A., Bonetto, S. 2024. Electrical resistivity tomography for the evaluation of Areal Block Proportion (ABP) in bimunits: Modelling and preliminary field validation, Engineering Geology, 333, 107488,

How to cite: Bonetto, S., Comina, C., Festa, A., and Caselle, C.: Evaluation of Aereal Block Proportion (ABP) for the mechanical characterization of bimunits using Electrical Resistivity Tomography , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11515,, 2025.

EGU25-11880 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Digital concrete physics - High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and microstructural investigations of concrete under confining pressures 

Lisa Marie Beiers, Martin Balcewicz, Maxim Lebedev, and Erik Hans Saenger

Understanding the microstructural details of concrete is crucial for improving their material properties in structural applications within civil engineering. Digital Rock Physics (DRP) refers to a modern technique that enhances the understanding of the physical behavior of rocks or respectively concrete through microscale imaging of their internal structures. Based on the non-destructive method of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (XRCT), which is still widely underestimated, it is possible to obtain information e.g., on phase distributions, volume characteristics like pore spaces and furthermore microstructures such as microcracks can be visualized. Here we used the XRCT to investigate the influence of external mechanical loading on concrete. XRCT images with different resolutions were performed under confining pressures of 0.1 MPa to 46 MPa. The generated and analyzed CT images of unloaded and loaded (i.e., due to external stress) concrete are compared with respect to any potential microstructural changes. We specifically examined the segmentation process and its impact on the determined effective material properties. Despite the many possibilities enabled by XRCT technology, there are still challenges in identifying microstructures or phases correctly, due to its relatively low resolution, which also complicates the assignment of their physical properties based on numerical simulations. For the interpretation of the concrete’s CT images, additional methods are needed. This applies in particular to grain and phase boundaries of individual aggregates, transition zones or very fine-pored phases. For this reason, the high-resolution image-based data from XRCT is combined with standard polarization and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Together with these additional fundamental laboratory techniques, it is possible to receive more detailed information of the structure, detect internal changes at all scales and to get an optimal spatially segmented image of the concrete samples. It is possible to determine realistic synthetic scenarios for different loading situations, which enables the application of advanced numerical approaches. This study demonstrates the importance of understanding the internal microstructure of concrete-based structures to analyze the XRCT images and to identify the effects of external stresses in concrete and thus the factors that influence the accuracy of physical measurements at elevated pressure conditions.

How to cite: Beiers, L. M., Balcewicz, M., Lebedev, M., and Saenger, E. H.: Digital concrete physics - High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and microstructural investigations of concrete under confining pressures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11880,, 2025.

Despite daily progress over half a century, rock deformation leaves significant challenges in understanding their underlying mechanics and providing accurate models. Experimental geologists developed various approaches to deform rock samples, but coupling them with X-ray tomography marked a turn in monitoring failure precursors and interpreting stress-strain curves. X-ray transparent triaxial presses become more advanced and equipped yearly, allowing the complete rheological study of earth material. 

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is the unique 4th generation synchrotron worldwide. Its Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) allows the scan of samples encapsulated in thick autoclaves at high speed. It proposes a state-of-the-art fleet of triaxial presses capable of accurately measuring and observing the deformation of a rock sample while passively recording its acoustic emissions. It enables researchers to analyse fault movements, stress transfer, and energy release mechanisms at different sample sizes while precisely controlling stress, temperature, and deformation rates.

With comprehensive data analysis, such as crack segmentation and digital volume correlation coupled with acoustic events' time and spatial resolution, it is now possible to identify failure precursors at high spatial (X-rays) and soon temporal (acoustic) resolutions. One may also investigate phenomena with low amplitude or high frequency, which produce deformation but appear aseismic.

Here, we present the successful results of several teams that have used these devices and their latest technical developments.

How to cite: Cordonnier, B.: Cracking the Rock Mechanisms with the European Synchrotron Experimental Fleet., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18080,, 2025.

EGU25-19025 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Laser-rock interactions, is drilling rocks possible with a laser? 

Pawel Slupski, Georg Cerwenka, Maciej Chorowski, Eloisa Di Sipio, Antonio Galgaro, Kevin Mallin, Adele Manzella, Riccardo Pasquali, Arno Romanowski, Raffaele Sassi, Olaf Steinmeier, and Luc Pockele

The application of laser technology for drilling rocks has drawn the attention of scientists and engineers for decades (Xu et al., 2003; Buckstegge et al., 2016; Jamali et al., 2019; El Neiri et al., 2023), promising a revolution in well-drilling operations of the oil and gas industry and geothermal energy sector. High-power lasers can penetrate hard rock formations with greater rate and precision, without physical contact with the rock which eliminates wear on drill bits and subsequently reduces significantly drilling time and well completion costs. This work is a part of the DeepU Project that addresses problems of conventional drilling in search of cheaper and environmentally friendly drilling technique for the exploitation of geothermal energy. A series of laboratory-scale experiments were performed with the Ytterbium fiber laser with a wavelength of 1070±10nm, operating in continuous mode within a power range of 170-30000W. The temperature of the lasing process and IR imaging were recorded by thermo-camera FLIR GF77a with HSM mode allowing for gas visualization. The craters in laser-affected rocks were further investigated by photogrammetry and electron microscopy while ejected particles were collected and characterized. This comprehensive study has revealed the nature of petro-thermo-mechanical phenomena occurring during laser irradiation of rocks. The three observable processes are: thermal spallation, melting and vaporization. They are controlled mainly by power density (delivered to the rock surface), irradiation time and lithology (texture, mineral and chemical composition). The photogrammetric analysis of laser-affected rocks has shown the efficiency of the laser drilling process, expressed by the rate of penetration and specific energy i.e., the amount of energy necessary to remove a unit of volume. The microscopic study of lased surfaces has revealed the impact of the laser on the rock samples. Depending on the drilling regime the result was: 1) smoothly cut craters with shallow fractures generated by thermal spallation at lower power or 2) a rugged glass layer of vitrified molten rock formed by melting and vaporization at higher power. The power-dependent transition between the processes, thus drilling regime was defined for granite, sandstone and limestone. These results allowed to design and apply a DeepU thermal spallation laser system to successfully drill larger diameter boreholes (<10cm), and bring closer to the successful application of laser technologies in the geothermal field.

This research is funded by the European Union (G.A. 101046937). However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Buckstegge F., Michel T., Zimmermann M., Roth S., Schmidt M., 2016, PP, v. 83, p. 336–343, doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2016.08.035.

El Neiri M.H., Dahab A.S.A.H., Abdulaziz A.M., Abdelghany K.M., 2023, JEAS, v. 70, p. 98, doi:10.1186/s44147-023-00260-2.

Jamali S., Wittig V., Börner J., Bracke R., Ostendorf A., 2019, GEE, v. 20, p. 100112, doi:10.1016/j.gete.2019.01.001.

Xu Z., Reed C.B., Leong K.H., Parker R.A., Graves R.M., 2003, ICALEO, Laser Institute of America, p. P531, doi:10.2351/1.5060167.

How to cite: Slupski, P., Cerwenka, G., Chorowski, M., Di Sipio, E., Galgaro, A., Mallin, K., Manzella, A., Pasquali, R., Romanowski, A., Sassi, R., Steinmeier, O., and Pockele, L.: Laser-rock interactions, is drilling rocks possible with a laser?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19025,, 2025.

EGU25-19456 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.1

Strength Behavior of Thermally Treated Sandstone Under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions 

Adarsh Tripathi, Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Anindya Pain, and Nachiketa Rai

The aim of the present study is to understand the strength behaviour of thermally treated sandstone under compression and tensile loading conditions, both in quasi-static and dynamic states. The sandstone specimens were thermally treated in a furnace for 24 hours at a heating rate of 5°C/min and then allowed to cool within the furnace. The specimens were divided into five temperature groups: 25°C, 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 800°C. Using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB), the quasi-static and dynamic compressive and tensile strengths were determined. The study validates the applicability of Kimberley's universal scaling relationship for thermally treated sandstone under both loading condition. Additionally, the characteristic strain rate remains unchanged up to 400°C and significantly decreases thereafter. High-speed photography provided crucial insights into the failure characteristics under both compression and tensile loading conditions as the temperature increased. The findings are applicable to various geotechnical projects involving high temperatures and dynamic loading conditions.

How to cite: Tripathi, A., Khan, M. M., Pain, A., and Rai, N.: Strength Behavior of Thermally Treated Sandstone Under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19456,, 2025.

EGU25-21626 | Orals | EMRP1.1

Numerical analysis of the effects of chemistry on the THM behaviour of rocks 

Anna Ramon and Sebastià Olivella

The chemical characteristics of water present in the pores and fractures of the rock mass and the mineralogical rock composition determine the chemical processes that may take place in a geological formation. The chemical reactions occurring in a geotechnical problem play an important role because their development can influence on the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of rock masses. For example, a change in the concentration of dissolved salts in groundwater can lead to a modification of the swelling potential or trigger and expansive or shrinkage response of clayey formations (Yustres et al., 2017). Therefore, a good knowledge of the chemistry involved in the rock mass is relevant both to understand and to predict the response of the geological media. This is of great importance in the case of the construction of critical civil infrastructures like energy and nuclear waste storage facilities.

Chemical effects are expected to occur in soils and rocks, and several variables may affect the intensity at which they take place. The literature describes several case histories in rocks where the effects of chemistry are more intense than in soils. Tunnels and foundations may respond hydraulically and mechanically under the influence of the chemical processes of the dissolution/precipitation of soluble minerals present in the rock. These phenomena are capable of leading to severe and rapid expansions that can result in infrastructure and building damage. The extreme expansions observed in anhydritic rocks are one example in which dissolution and precipitation processes affect the geotechnical behaviour (Alonso et al., 2013, Ramon & Alonso, 2018).

A coupled numerical model has been developed to address the chemical processes coupled to thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) problems in geological media. The numerical model is capable to simulate general chemical processes and the associated hydraulic and mechanical effects. The formulation of the chemical interactions is implemented in a coupled manner within a Finite Element code for THM analysis in geological media (CODE_BRIGHT). The presentation will describe the details of the equations and hypothesis considered in the model. The simulation of a real case will be also analysed.

Alonso, E.E., Berdugo, I.R. and Ramon, A. (2013). Extreme expansive phenomena in anhydritic-gypsiferous claystone: the case of Lilla tunnel. Géotechnique 63 No. 7, 584 – 612

Ramon, A. and Alonso, E. E. (2018) Heave of a Building Induced by Swelling of an Anhydritic Triassic Claystone. Rock Mech. Rock Engng.: 51, Issue 9, pp 2881–2894.

Yustres, A., Jenni, A., Asensio, L., Pintado, X., Koskinen, K., Navarro, V., Wersin, P. (2017). Comparison of the hydrogeochemical and mechanical behaviours of compacted bentonite using different conceptual approaches. Applied Clay Science, 141: 280-291.

How to cite: Ramon, A. and Olivella, S.: Numerical analysis of the effects of chemistry on the THM behaviour of rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21626,, 2025.

EGU25-484 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Permeability of oolitic limestones from the Upper Rhine Graben 

Sarvar Mammadov, Patrick Baud, Michael Heap, Mathieu Schuster, and Thierry Reuschle

The Grande Oolithe is an oolitic limestone from the Middle Jurassic, present at various depths within the Upper Rhine Graben (Alsace, France). It has been identified as a prospective target for geothermal energy extraction. A comprehensive evaluation of the geothermal potential of this formation hinges on a detailed understanding of its mechanical and physical properties, in particular permeability. Previous studies on porous carbonates highlighted the diversity and the microstructural complexity of this rock type. Permeability could be strongly influenced in particular by the degree of cementation and the proportion of macro and micropores in limestones, which often have a dual porosity structure. To identify the parameters controlling fluid flow in the Grande Oolithe, we initiated a systematic study to map its permeability over the entire Upper Rhine Graben and quantify its possible variations with pressure.

Cylindrical samples were prepared from 18 blocks collected from several outcrops in Alsace. Porosity measured on 90 samples span from 4 to 26% for the different blocks, while permeability was found to range from 10⁻15 to 10⁻18 m². Our preliminary microstructural analysis and X-ray Computed Tomography data revealed a high degree of cementation in most of our samples and that the pore space is dominated by micropores, mostly of submicron sizes. For high-pressure experiments, we targeted so far the high-porosity/high permeability end-members, from Bouxwiller (GO) and Gueberschwihr (GU), with respective porosity of 25 and 20%. Both limestones are made of 99% calcite. Conventional triaxial experiments were performed at room temperature on water-saturated samples, in drained conditions with a constant pore pressure of 10 MPa and at effective pressures up to 100 MPa. The experiments were performed at a constant strain rate of 10-5 s-1 and permeability was measured using steady-state flow technique at different stages of deformation.

Under hydrostatic compression, permeability was found to decrease moderately in both GO and GU during the poroelastic stage and then more significantly beyond the onset of pore-collapse. The total permeability decrease was more pronounced in GO than in GU. At an effective pressure of 100 MPa, inelastic compaction resulted in a permeability reduction of a factor 15 in GO and a factor 4 in GU, while respective porosity reduction was 7.8% and 2.5%. Under triaxial compression, the permeability measured in samples deformed at various effective pressures showed somehow similar variations, in qualitative agreement with previous studies on permeability in porous carbonates under triaxial compression.

How to cite: Mammadov, S., Baud, P., Heap, M., Schuster, M., and Reuschle, T.: Permeability of oolitic limestones from the Upper Rhine Graben, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-484,, 2025.

Porous reservoir rocks like sandstones have gained utmost importance in the last decade as a potential sink for CO2. Most of the targeted reservoirs are depleted oil and gas fields, which have caprocks to ensure the containment of the injected CO2. Injecting CO2 into porous reservoirs increases the pore pressure, reducing the effective horizontal and vertical stresses. Depending on the pre-injection stress condition and permeability of the reservoir, careful monitoring should be in place to define the upper limit of CO2 injection pressure to prevent any permanent damage to the reservoir, which can lead to leakage or induced seismicity. Lab-scale experiments provide key insights into the deformation behaviour of reservoir rocks under different stress conditions, which can be upscaled to understand reservoir-scale processes. To simulate the stress perturbation caused by CO2 injection operations, we have subjected porous reservoir rocks (core plugs) collected from different depths of offshore North Sea under realistic reservoir stress and saturation conditions, with liquid CO2 flow-through leading to failure. The P and S wave velocities along the core plugs were recorded every 15 s to assess the change in wave properties during deformation, fluid displacement and pore pressure build-up. It was observed that during each loading cycle, wave velocities are highest at the elastic-plastic transition zone, which can be attributed to the compression of pores and closure of microcracks perpendicular to the loading direction. The wave velocities and amplitudes decrease sharply after the onset of plastic deformation, which can be attributed to the formation of microcracks in the coreplug due to increasing load. During displacement of brine with CO2, velocities and amplitudes drop sharply. These indicators are used to develop a traffic light scenario for CCS operations to maintain safe stress conditions in the reservoir. The consistent correlation between the wave properties and mechanical response of the reservoir rocks reveals that constant monitoring of wave velocities during CO2 injection can act as a cheaper and more efficient tool for monitoring stress state and plume movement in the reservoir, facilitating safer CO2 storage operations.

How to cite: Chandra, D. and Barnhoorn, A.: Applicability of sonic velocities as a monitoring tool for subsurface CO2 plume migration and associated stress change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1802,, 2025.

EGU25-2171 | Orals | EMRP1.2

Compaction and permeability evolution of tuffs from the Krafla geothermal system (Iceland) 

Michael Heap, Kamal Bayramov, Gabriel Meyer, Marie Violay, Thierry Reuschlé, Patrick Baud, Albert Gilg, Claire Harnett, Alexandra Kushnir, Francesco Lazari, and Anette Mortensen

Pressure and stress perturbations associated with volcanic activity and geothermal production can modify the porosity and permeability of volcanic rock, influencing hydrothermal convection, the distribution of pore fluids and pressures, and the ease of magma outgassing. However, porosity and permeability data for volcanic rock as a function of pressure and stress are rare. We focus here on three porous tuffs from the Krafla geothermal system (Iceland). Triaxial deformation experiments showed that, despite their very similar porosities, the mechanical behavior of the three tuffs differs. Tuffs with a greater abundance of phyllosilicates and zeolites require lower stresses for inelastic behavior. Under hydrostatic conditions, porosity and permeability decrease as a function of increasing effective pressure, with larger decreases measured at pressures above that required for cataclastic pore collapse. During differential loading in the ductile regime, permeability evolution depends on initial microstructure, particularly the initial void space tortuosity. Cataclastic pore collapse can disrupt the low-tortuosity porosity structure of high-permeability tuffs, reducing permeability, but does not particularly influence the already tortuous porosity structure of low-permeability tuffs, for which permeability can even increase. Increases in permeability during compaction, not observed for other porous rocks, are interpreted as a result of a decrease in void space tortuosity as microcracks surrounding collapsed pores connect adjacent pores. Our data underscore the importance of initial microstructure on permeability evolution in volcanic rock. Our data can be used to better understand and model fluid flow at geothermal reservoirs and volcanoes, important to optimize geothermal exploitation and understand and mitigate volcanic hazards.

How to cite: Heap, M., Bayramov, K., Meyer, G., Violay, M., Reuschlé, T., Baud, P., Gilg, A., Harnett, C., Kushnir, A., Lazari, F., and Mortensen, A.: Compaction and permeability evolution of tuffs from the Krafla geothermal system (Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2171,, 2025.

EGU25-2429 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Control of Physical Properties by the Matching between Rock Components and Pore Structure in Shale Oil Reservoirs 

Zhaojing Song, Junqian Li, and Dianshi Xiao

Shale oil reservoirs are extremely tight, making it fundamental to evaluate their physical properties to exploration and development efforts. These properties are closely linked to the rock components (RC) and pore structure (PS). The significant complexity and heterogeneity inherent in the RC and PS pose considerable challenges for assessing the physical properties of these reservoirs. In specific depositional environments, a matching relationship between RC and PS exists. Identifying this relationship and associating microscale PS attributes with macroscale physical properties can expose substantial variations within shale oil reservoirs, aiding in the selection of optimal layers for exploitation and improving development efficiency.

This study focuses on the shale oil reservoirs of the Lucaogou Formation (P2l) in the Jimusar Sag, marked by mixed-source sedimentation. Using a combination of thin section observations, XRD, TOC analysis, and EDS analyses, it characterizes the RC within the designated area. Moreover, the investigation employs LTNA experiments, MICP tests, and SEM to detail the PS attributes. Based on these experiments, the research analyzes the matching relationship between RC and PS in the shale oil reservoirs and the connection between microscale PS and macroscale physical properties, highlighting the control of physical properties by RC and PS. The findings reveal that pore types in these shale oil reservoirs predominantly consist of small pores and mesopores. Small pores, developed within K-feldspar, quartz, and clay minerals, are chiefly dissolution pores; mesopores occur between dolomite or plagioclase grains, characterized by a regular pore morphology. Porosity is governed by the presence of micropores, mesopores, and macropores, while permeability is principally influenced by mesopores and macropores. This established relationship between RC and PS in this study offers a reference for the efficient development of the P2l shale oil reservoirs and can serve as a foundation for research into fluid-solid interaction and flow characteristics in porous media.

How to cite: Song, Z., Li, J., and Xiao, D.: Control of Physical Properties by the Matching between Rock Components and Pore Structure in Shale Oil Reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2429,, 2025.

EGU25-2734 | Orals | EMRP1.2

The behaviour of wave propagation in linear thermo-viscoelastic media 

zhiwei wang, liyun Fu, and carcione jose

We constructed a thermo-viscoelasticity equation based on Lord-Shulman (LS) thermoelasticity with the Kelvin-Voigt (KV) model for viscoelasticity. The plane-wave analysis predicts two compressional waves and a shear wave. These two compressional waves are the fast-P and slow-P diffusion/wave (the T-wave), which have similar characteristics to the fast- and slow-P waves of poroelasticity, respectively. To overcome the nonphysical phenomenon of high-frequency P-waves in the thermo-viscoelastic (KV model), we established the thermo-viscoelasticity equation by combining LS thermoelasticity and the Zener and Cole-Cole model of viscoelasticity. Plane-wave analysis predicts two inflection points on the dispersion and attenuation curves; these are mainly affected by thermal diffusion and viscoelasticity. The dispersion curves of both types of P waves have two-level limit velocities of high frequency, and their attenuation curves also feature two attenuation peaks. Selecting appropriate parameters can cause the two-level limit velocities of high frequency and attenuation peaks to move or overlap. Finally, we consider the experiment data of P-wave velocity varying with frequency of two kinds of sandstone. Indeed, a Cole-Cole fractional model is needed to obtain a good match. These results are helpful for studying the physics of thermo-viscoelasticity and for testing experimental data and numerical algorithms for wave propagation.

How to cite: wang, Z., Fu, L., and jose, C.: The behaviour of wave propagation in linear thermo-viscoelastic media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2734,, 2025.

EGU25-3471 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Revealing the Hidden Dynamics of Clay-Coated Quartz Grains in Sandstone with Multiphase-Field Modeling 

Akash Kumar, Nishant Prajapati, Daniel Schneider, Benjamin Busch, Christoph Hilgers, and Britta Nestler

The quality of the sandstone reservoir is critically influenced by the presence of clay coatings on the surfaces of quartz grains. These coatings play an essential role in determining porosity and permeability, key parameters that govern the storage and flow potential of sandstone reservoirs used for geothermal energy, groundwater, and hydrocarbons. This study employs a multiphase-field model, a versatile tool widely used in materials science, to simulate the complex interplay of interface motion and phase transitions within geological systems. By generating a detailed three-dimensional digital representation of sandstone, the model provides precise control over quartz grain coatings and composition, enabling a thorough investigation of their impact on reservoir properties. Two central aspects are explored: (1) the effect of varying clay coating coverage on quartz grains, and (2) the influence of coating distribution on the evolution of porosity and permeability during quartz precipitation. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations further quantify the changes in permeability at different stages of grain growth, revealing intricate relationships between the distribution of the coating, the properties of the rock, and the dynamics of fluid transport. The findings show that sandstones with a higher proportion of coated grains exhibit enhanced permeability due to the cement growth limiting effects of clay coatings on quartz grains. These insights provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that govern sandstone reservoir quality and offer practical implications for optimizing applications in geothermal energy, water resource management, and carbon and hydrogen storage.

How to cite: Kumar, A., Prajapati, N., Schneider, D., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., and Nestler, B.: Revealing the Hidden Dynamics of Clay-Coated Quartz Grains in Sandstone with Multiphase-Field Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3471,, 2025.

EGU25-5004 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Comparative Analysis of CO₂ Sequestration Potential in Shale Reservoirs: Insights from the Longmaxi and Niutitang Formations 

Li Bo, Yu Bingsong, Paul Glover, Piroska Lorinczi, Wu Kejian, and Ciprian Panaitescu


The rapid escalation of global warming, driven by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, underscores the necessity of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies as a critical strategy for mitigating atmospheric CO₂ levels. Shale reservoirs, characterized by their extensive nanopore networks and heterogeneous pore structures, hold significant promise for CO₂ sequestration. This study investigates the storage and sequestration potential of shales from two distinct formations: the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation (TY1 group) and the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation (N206 group). A comprehensive suite of experiments, including XRD analysis, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), low-pressure gas adsorption (N₂ and CO₂), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and mineralogical analysis, was employed to characterize pore structure, adsorption behaviour, and mineralogical controls on CO₂ storage. Moreover, a novel fractal parameter, succolarity along with conventional mass and surface fractal dimensions were used to depict the pore systems of the two groups.

Results reveal that the TY1 samples exhibit higher total organic carbon (TOC; up to 7.58%), greater microporosity, and stronger CO₂ adsorption energies (up to 34 kJ/mol) compared to the N206 samples, which display a more mesopore-dominated system and lower adsorption energies (28–30 kJ/mol). The Longmaxi Formation demonstrates superior pore connectivity and pore size distribution (PSD) homogeneity, enhancing both CO₂ retention and transport. Its higher carbonate content also suggests potential for mineral trapping through carbonation reactions. In contrast, the Niutitang Formation is characterized by higher total porosity (up to 2.4%) and mesoporous contributions, favouring rapid injection but limiting long-term retention. Meanwhile, the FE-SEM observations revealed that many authogenic minerals such as quartz, pyrite and rutile occupy the pore space in organic matters. It is much more prevalent in the N206 samples, which may be responsible for its lower microporosity.

Key findings include a strong correlation between TOC and micropore volume, as well as between clay minerals and mesopore-macropore attributes. These correlations highlight the dual role of organic matter and mineral content in determining gas adsorption capacity and flow dynamics. The TY1 group’s balanced micropore and mesopore contributions make it ideal for long-term CO₂ sequestration, while the N206 group’s larger pore sizes enhance its suitability for rapid injection and enhanced gas recovery (EGR) applications.

This study provides critical insights into the interplay of organic matter, mineral composition, and pore structure in controlling CO₂ storage potential in shale reservoirs. The findings emphasize the Longmaxi Formation's superior suitability for CO₂ storage and EGR, with implications for optimizing CCS strategies in similar shale systems globally.

How to cite: Bo, L., Bingsong, Y., Glover, P., Lorinczi, P., Kejian, W., and Panaitescu, C.: Comparative Analysis of CO₂ Sequestration Potential in Shale Reservoirs: Insights from the Longmaxi and Niutitang Formations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5004,, 2025.

EGU25-6979 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2 | Highlight

Developing methods for the location and characterisation of Li-bearing geothermal waters in Cornwall 

Joseph T. Brabin, Paul W. J. Glover, Taija M. Torvela, Chris M. Green, Robin K. Shail, and Chris Yeomans

Domestic production of lithium is central to the UK’s industrial strategy. This will facilitate the energy transition and will be essential to safeguard lithium supply against geopolitical developments. To this end, two different styles of lithium extraction are being developed in Cornwall: (1) open-pit ‘hard-rock’ lithium mining at two locations in the St Austell Granite and (2) Li-enriched geothermal fluids produced through fracture-controlled fluid-rock interaction and flow. The latter resource is being evaluated for Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) at multiple locations.

The work undertaken here will largely concern the geothermal lithium resource. In an early phase of research, the petrophysical properties of significant lithologies will be investigated, focusing on variation due to alteration around fractures. This will involve measuring the permeability, porosity, and electrokinetic properties (streaming potential and zeta potential) of core plugs; impedance spectrometry will also be carried out. Additionally, petrographic imaging, focused ion beam SEM imaging, and a combination of micro- and nano-CT scanning will be performed. Information gained in this phase of work will enhance interpretation of geophysical data and feed into prospectivity modelling. A subsequent phase of this research will, therefore, concern the analysis of pre-existing geophysical data, plus the acquisition and processing of new, pertinent geophysical measurements. Furthermore, petrophysical characterisation will permit modelling of the expected geophysical signatures of prospects of varying size, geometry, and potentially effective grade.

The formation and behaviour of the Cornish geothermal lithium resource will also be explored. Geochemical study will elucidate the chemical development of lithium-bearing groundwaters and may suggest the physicochemical consequences of water extraction at different rates. Self-potential signals will be used to recognise patterns of groundwater flow, feeding into a broader model of Cornish geothermal circulation.

Considering Cornwall as a case study, this work is expected to inform regional prospectivity for lithium-bearing geothermal brines; it could also enhance estimates of the geothermal energy potential of the region.

How to cite: Brabin, J. T., Glover, P. W. J., Torvela, T. M., Green, C. M., Shail, R. K., and Yeomans, C.: Developing methods for the location and characterisation of Li-bearing geothermal waters in Cornwall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6979,, 2025.

Effective stress is known to be a key factor affecting permeability measurements under geological conditions. As effective stress increases, the permeability of rock containing micro-fractures will decrease significantly. Based on laboratory measurement data, several scholars have come up with empirical equations to describe permeability changes with effective stress and found that there generally exists an exponential or power-law relationships. In this study, the experimental sample is a tight sandstone formation containing microfractures from Kuche Depression in Tarim Basin, China, where gas is produced from deep reservoirs of over 6000 m. Permeability was measured using the conventional pulse-decay method using an in-house true triaxial stress cell with maximum confining pressure of 120 MPa, pore pressure of 100 MPa and axial pressure of 250 MPa. The tight sandstone contains micro-fracture and an ambient porosity of 5%. Under the condition of high pore pressure (up to 80 MPa), the Knudsen number Kn<0.01, and the gas slippage effect appears to have little impact on the permeability, characteristic in the Darcy flow state. As the confining pressure increases, the gas permeability decreases significantly, whereas as the pore pressure increases, the gas permeability increases. It has been shown that as the effective stress increases, the gas permeability decreases, and ln(K/K0) shows an exponential relationship with (δ - δ0) (subscript 0 represents the initial state). As the effective stress decreases, ln(K/K0) shows a logarithmic relationship with (δ - δ0). Under the condition of equal effective stress, ln(K/K0) shows a linear relationship with pore pressure. In addition, we have also noticed a strong anisotropy in the permeability when differential axial stress was applied during the permeability measurement, reflecting a preferential distribution of microfractures in the tight sandstone measured.

How to cite: Yu, B., Liu, K., and Yu, L.: Experimental investigation of the relationship between permeability and effective stress for low-permeability sandstone with micro-fractures under high pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7924,, 2025.

EGU25-9935 | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Fracture Modelling and Geothermal Lithium 

Paul Glover, Joseph Brabin, Taija Torvela, and Christopher Yeomans

Lithium is a critical mineral in the fight against climate change:  it is used in electrical batteries for computing, in electric vehicles, and as local electrical storage for smoothing flow from intermittent sustainable power sources. According to the IEA, in 2023 lithium supply was mainly limited to China, Chile and Australia (85% for mining and 96% for refining), associating lithium supply with high geopolitical risk; a risk to which the UK and EU are exposed.

The UK has a world-class lithium resource in Cornwall, as mineable granite, but lithium is also dissolved in geothermal brines occupying fractures. These fluids have lithium concentrations at approximately 100 ppm (at 2000 m), but they also have order of magnitude lower levels of Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ compared with other brine deposits, which makes lithium extraction simpler. Furthermore, the geothermal nature of the brines may allow production plants to be powered by sustainable energy. The question remains, how much lithium-rich brine can be extracted? Here petrophysical fracture modelling can help.

This research reports on some of the modelling technology that can be used to understand lithium-rich brine flow during extraction. It is important to consider aspects of fracture connected volume and connectivity, and to find pragmatic quantitative methods for assessing and reporting such data. Fracture connectivity depends on the number of nodes where fractures interact, and the distance between nodes. Studies of these have been found to be fractal. If that is the case in Cornwall, it implies that aspects of the fracture network at different scales can be fractally extrapolated from measurements made at smaller or larger scales. Connected fracture volume is controlled by fracture length and aperture. These are also fractally distributed. Consequently, a reasonably reliable multiscale 3D model can be constructed in Fracman or FracpaQ.

The aperture, and to some extent the fracture length, changes as the stress regime changes. For example, significant brine drawdown could reduce the flow rate because  external stress acts to close fractures when the fracture fluid pressure is reduced, and hence also reduce connectivity. By contrast, a significant injection of brine from which lithium and heat has been extracted would have the opposite effect. Quantification of this can be carried out using electrical methods as well as non-invasive 3D imaging (CT or micro-CT). Consequently, it is important for the fracture model to be responsive to the changing stresses in the model that might result from different stress tensors and production scenarios.

Finally, geothermal brine flow is also controlled by the roughness of fracture surfaces, especially as fractures close during drawdown. The interacting asperities on the surfaces increase the tortuosity of fluid flow significantly, but they also prop fractures open when they would otherwise close. The fracture surfaces are also fractal, and this work shows both models of fractal fracture surfaces and the fluid flow through them. Examples are given which show that uncompressed fractal fracture surfaces with a fractal dimension of 2.349 can reduce fluid flow, in our scenario by 28%.

How to cite: Glover, P., Brabin, J., Torvela, T., and Yeomans, C.: Fracture Modelling and Geothermal Lithium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9935,, 2025.

EGU25-10606 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Is CO2 Sequestration in Marine Hydrate Reservoirs Geomechanically Stable?  

Qi Zhang, Zixuan Song, Daoyi Chen, and Mucong Zi

Hydrate-based CO₂ sequestration in marine gas hydrate reservoirs is a promising dual-purpose strategy for carbon storage and energy recovery. However, geomechanical stability remains a critical challenge for ensuring safe geo-engineering operations, as it directly influences risks such as wellbore destabilization, subsea subsidence, and submarine landslides. Despite significant advancements, a systematic understanding of the geomechanical responses of marine hydrate reservoirs under CO₂ injection is still lacking. This study provides a comprehensive review of the formation stability associated with hydrate-based CO₂ sequestration, adopting a cross-scale and multi-method perspective. Three distinct storage strategies are discussed: (1) CO₂ sequestration above the hydrate zone, forming an artificial hydrate cap; (2) sequestration within the hydrate zone through immediate CH4-CO2 exchange; and (3) sequestration within the hydrate zone via later-stage replacement, producing mix-hydrates. We further evaluate experimental, numerical, and molecular-scale studies that investigate the geomechanical behavior of hydrate reservoirs across these scenarios. Key findings reveal several unresolved issues, including the debated mechanical superiority of CO₂ hydrates compared to methane hydrates and the absence of quantitative relationships linking hydrate saturation to reservoir mechanical performance. Additionally, commercial viability remains a significant hurdle, with integrated approaches such as the co-production of gas hydrates, shallow gas, and deep gas proposed as potential solutions. This review highlights critical knowledge gaps and identifies future research directions to advance hydrate-based CO₂ sequestration. By addressing these challenges, this work aims to support the safe and sustainable implementation of this emerging carbon storage technology.

How to cite: Zhang, Q., Song, Z., Chen, D., and Zi, M.: Is CO2 Sequestration in Marine Hydrate Reservoirs Geomechanically Stable? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10606,, 2025.

EGU25-11103 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Quantification of the microstructural properties of CCS and radioactive waste target rocks using Convolutional Neural Networks 

Wurood Alwan, Paul Glover, and Richard Collier

Digital rock models are becoming increasingly important in addressing the challenges of transitioning to sustainable energy. While traditionally employed to model fundamental petrophysical and geomechanical processes, their utility is expanding into critical applications such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), geothermal energy development, and subsurface energy storage. By using advanced imaging, simulation, and multi-scale analysis techniques, digital rock models provide a detailed understanding of pore-scale properties and their implications for fluid flow, geomechanics, and geochemistry. These insights are essential for optimizing low-carbon energy systems and ensuring reservoir integrity during energy storage and CO2 sequestration. This work highlights some of the recent advancements in digital rock technologies and their contributions to innovative solutions in sustainable energy development.

Estimating the physical properties of rocks, a crucial and time-consuming process in the characterization of geothermal reservoirs, CCUS, and other renewable energy resources, has seen a shift from traditional laboratory experiments to the increasing use of digital rock physics. A key requirement of many forms of pore structure image analysis is that they require binary images to distinguish pore-space from non-pore-space (mineral phases). These are often obtained by thresholding grayscale SEM or X-ray tomographic images. In this study, we present the collection and processing of exceptionally high-quality two-dimensional images of carbonate rocks, with a resolution of 16-bit density and dimensions of 29056 × 22952 pixels. This dataset, subdivided into 155 smaller images of 2048 × 2048 pixels each, was further enhanced using data augmentation techniques such as rotation and reflection, creating a diverse and non-redundant set of training images.

The objective of this work is to train a machine-learning model capable of predicting porosity directly from the images. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was developed and modified for this purpose, using 60% of the dataset for training. The training process involves pre-labeled images, which are used to optimize the weights of the neural network. So far, the CNN has achieved an accuracy of 89.55% in predicting porosity during the training phase. Validation and testing datasets were employed to evaluate and refine the model’s performance, with ongoing efforts aimed at surpassing 95% accuracy in testing. Furthermore, we are working on analyzing the relational characteristics of porosity to expand the applicability of this approach. Initial work in 2D and 3D that has the power to discriminate between mineral phase, between connected and unconnected porosity, and to quantify the pore fluid-mineral surface area, are also in progress. This latter property is extremely relevant to CCS targets where the area for CO2 adsorption is an important parameter which is difficult to assess.

This research not only enhances our ability to quantify key petrophysical properties but also contributes to the development of sustainable energy technologies. The work has significant potential to enhance geothermal resource evaluation and advancing carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiatives, playing a critical role in the transition to low-carbon energy solutions.

How to cite: Alwan, W., Glover, P., and Collier, R.: Quantification of the microstructural properties of CCS and radioactive waste target rocks using Convolutional Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11103,, 2025.

EGU25-11208 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Experimental and microstructural analysis of feldspar solubility in CCS reservoirs 

Natalie Farrell, Lining Yang, Michael Flowerdew, Eszter Badenszki, Chris Mark, Buhari Ardo, Kevin Taylor, John Waters, Lewis Hughes, and Lee Paul

Feldspars are a common framework grain in sandstone reservoirs targeted for carbon capture and storage (CCS). They are mechanically weak under reservoir conditions and are very likely to react with CO2 injected into saline aquifers or depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs.  Reactions could dissolve feldspar and precipitate new minerals to an extent that fundamentally changes reservoir properties and potentially mineralises injected CO2. The current general consensus is that these features are unlikely to impact fluid migration during the injection lifespan of any CCS project. However, the response of feldspars to saturation with aggressive CO2-enriched fluids under stressed reservoir conditions is poorly understood.

In this contribution, the magnitude of any “feldspar effect” is re-evaluated using sandstone samples obtained from the Lower Cretaceous Captain Sandstone in the Central North Sea, which is the target reservoir for CO2 injection in the Acorn Project (UK). 

Firstly, using petrography, SEM analysis and Pb isotopic compositions of detrital feldspars, sediment provenance and subsequent diagenesis are shown to be significant drivers on feldspar composition and texture prior to injection. This is important because it is already understood that different feldspars react with CO2-rich fluids at different rates: thus any feldspar effect could significantly vary within a reservoir with mixed provenance and burial history on a sub-basin scale. Secondly, we conducted a suite of novel reaction experiments conducted using a triaxial ‘Nimonic’ deformation rig to investigate chemical dissolution in sandstone core plugs saturated with both CO2-enriched fluids and water under subsurface conditions. Experiments were run at CCS reservoir pressures (70MPa confining pressure, 50MPa pore fluid pressure) and a range of temperatures (80°C – 550°C) to accelerate reaction rates and promote geological reactions in a short timescale. Microstructural and elemental analysis of post-mortem experimental samples showed enhanced fracturing and dissolution of certain feldspars along with precipitation of secondary minerals, whereas other feldspars were apparently unaffected. Experiments performed above 400°C showed replacement and dissolution of K-feldspar grains with Ca-rich plagioclase and K-bearing clays.

The outcome of our re-evaluation is that the impact of feldspars in CCS reservoirs has likely been overlooked, but until further experimental work is carried out to constrain how quickly feldspar interactions will impact fluid flow within the reservoir, uncertainties will remain with regard to their impact on CO2 injectivity and storage capacity.

How to cite: Farrell, N., Yang, L., Flowerdew, M., Badenszki, E., Mark, C., Ardo, B., Taylor, K., Waters, J., Hughes, L., and Paul, L.: Experimental and microstructural analysis of feldspar solubility in CCS reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11208,, 2025.

EGU25-11807 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks enveloping reservoirs exploited for geo-energy purposes 

Mike Sep, Suzanne Hangx, and Hans de Bresser

Though the energy transition aims to phase out fossil fuels while continuing to exploit the subsurface for other storage solutions (e.g. geological CO2 storage, temporary hydrogen storage), natural gas, as a low-carbon energy carrier, will continue to play a role in our energy mix for the foreseeable future. In general, human activities in the subsurface change the physical and chemical environment, which in turn can lead to surface subsidence and induced seismicity. These phenomena may continue even after activities have stopped, as observed for natural gas extraction from the giant Groningen Gas Field in the Netherlands. They are largely caused by deformation in the reservoir rock, driven by fluid pressure changes. However, in-situ strain measurements from the Groningen Gas Field demonstrate that the clay-rich over- and underburden formations of the reservoir are also affected by these fluid pressure changes, displaying slow compaction. To make accurate predictions of reservoir deformation and to allow reliable assessment of the associated surface subsidence and induced seismicity, a detailed understanding of the deformation processes controlling deformation in these clay-rich formations is needed. Understanding which processes caused deformation in past (hydrocarbon) operations will help in understanding what may happen now that we plan to store other fluids in the subsurface.

We performed rock mechanical experiments at in-situ conditions on the Opalinus Claystone (Switzerland), an analogue to the Groningen over- and underburden claystones, to assess the grain-scale mechanisms responsible for deformation. We designed an innovative and comprehensive multi-step experimental procedure that provides new, coherent data on the time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks. The experiments were performed in a triaxial compression apparatus, applying systematic steps of constant stress while controlling the pore fluid pressure in the sample. These steps were either stepped up or down in differential stress during an experiment. At each differential stress we systematically analyzed the instantaneous and time-dependent deformation.

We observed general compaction of the samples upon increasing stress, and time-dependent expansion of the sample when stepping down in stress. Our results demonstrate that deformation in clay-rich rocks is strongly affected by the fluid-transport properties of the rock. We infer that sorption of fluids to the clay-rich matrix plays an important role in the deformation of clay-rich rocks, along with frictional slip controlling grain rearrangement. However, matters are complicated by slow diffusion of pore fluid pressure, which leads to an additional time-dependent component. Overall, our results demonstrate that over half of the observed deformation is permanent, even at low differential stresses. A detailed understanding of the time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks is crucial for accurate predictions of the impact of human activities in the subsurface, as sorption of fluid to the clay material may also be important during CO2 and hydrogen storage.

How to cite: Sep, M., Hangx, S., and de Bresser, H.: Time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks enveloping reservoirs exploited for geo-energy purposes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11807,, 2025.

Seismoelectric (SE) methods are potentially interesting for subsurface characterization by exploiting the coupling between seismic waves and electromagnetic fields in fluid-saturated porous media. While traditional SE techniques have primarily focused on body-wave-induced signals, recent research has highlighted the significant advantages of surface wave-induced SE signals, including enhanced amplitudes and increased sensitivity to near-surface heterogeneities. These characteristics make surface wave-induced SE signals particularly valuable for detailed subsurface investigations.

We conducted controlled laboratory experiments using a water-saturated sandstone sample (19.7% porosity, 310 mD permeability) and a planar acoustic source to generate surface waves at a water-sandstone interface. SE signal variations were systematically measured as a function of receiver distance from the interface, and array-based measurements were performed to analyze the velocity and characteristics of the induced SE surface waves. High signal-to-noise ratio SE surface waves were successfully measured across multiple excitation frequencies (100 kHz, 200 kHz, 300 kHz, 400 kHz, and 500 kHz), demonstrating the robustness of the phenomenon across a broad frequency range.

Our results show that SE signals were only observed in the presence of the porous medium, confirming that they originate from the fluid-porous interface. The SE signal amplitude decayed rapidly with increasing distance from the surface, which is consistent with surface wave behavior. Notably, the SE waveforms exhibited propagation velocities matching those of acoustic surface waves. They showed significantly shorter durations and different frequency content than the corresponding acoustic signals, indicating potential for enhanced spatial resolution in subsurface imaging. Ongoing work focuses on extracting the dispersion and attenuation characteristics of the measured SE surface waves across different frequencies. These findings will provide a foundation for more effective geophysical workflows, particularly in scenarios requiring detailed near-surface characterization.

How to cite: Liu, Y. and Smeulders, D.: Acoustically Induced Seismoelectric Surface Waves at a Fluid-Saturated Sandstone Interface: Multi-Frequency Experimental Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13204,, 2025.

EGU25-14303 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Geophysical and Petrophysical Insights into Bedded Salt Formations: Implications for Underground Energy Storage in the Delaware Basin 

Nur Schuba, Lorena Moscardelli, Tim Dooley, Ander Martinez-Doñate, and Leandro Melani

This study integrates 3-D seismic reflection and petrophysical data to investigate the Lopingian bedded salt formations of the Delaware Basin, part of the Greater Permian Basin in the United States. Focusing on the Castile and Salado Formations, the analysis identifies a zone of thickened and deformed strata associated with an intra-salt fold-thrust belt in the southwestern portion of the seismic volume. Adjacent to this fold-thrust belt lies a geophysically distinct region termed the buffer zone.

Petrophysical analysis of the Castile Formation within the buffer zone reveals a unique composition, deviating from the expected cyclical anhydrite-halite members. Instead, this zone consists exclusively of anhydrite. This compositional anomaly challenges previous interpretations that halite absence results from dissolution, suggesting instead that gypsum deposition followed by conversion to anhydrite may have occurred.

The overlying Salado Formation displays significant heterogeneity and karst features, highlighting potential geohazards and complexities for underground energy storage. These findings emphasize the necessity of combining geophysical and petrophysical approaches to accurately characterize subsurface conditions, assess risks, and optimize the placement of salt caverns for energy storage applications.

How to cite: Schuba, N., Moscardelli, L., Dooley, T., Martinez-Doñate, A., and Melani, L.: Geophysical and Petrophysical Insights into Bedded Salt Formations: Implications for Underground Energy Storage in the Delaware Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14303,, 2025.

EGU25-15144 | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Data Driven Porosity Measurement for Non-homogeneous Sandstone 

Yao-Ming Liu, Arata Kioka, and Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang

Pore structure is a critical factor in evaluating the quality of a reservoir or cap layer, influencing storage capacity, fluid flow efficiency, and reaction rates. Standard approaches, including Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP), Gas Pycnometry, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis, provide essential information; they are limited in their ability to capture pore connectivity and pathway complexity. X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) provides a distinct perspective, enabling three dimensional visualization of pore structures and insights into pore connectivity within 3D images. Accurate porosity analysis using CT, however, depends on careful evaluation of the segmentation process, especially the selection of thresholding methods, which can introduce biases and impact the reliability of the results. To address these challenges, this study introduces a new workflow leveraging grey-level terrain parameters from CT images as a reference index. Interbedded samples of muddy sandstone and siltstone are analyzed, with CT-derived porosity compared to experimental results obtained from an AccuPyc Helium Pycnometer. This comparison assesses the reliability and accuracy of the data-driven approach. By reducing uncertainties associated with porosity thresholding, the proposed workflow aims to establish a robust framework for CT-based pore structure analysis. It highlights the ability of CT imaging to deliver detailed 3D pore analysis, thereby supporting improved predictions of reservoir properties and resource management.

How to cite: Liu, Y.-M., Kioka, A., and Huang, J.-J. S.: Data Driven Porosity Measurement for Non-homogeneous Sandstone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15144,, 2025.

EGU25-20882 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

 Measuring the Fractal Dimensions of Reservoirs: A New Seismic Fractal Heterogeneity Log for Application to CCUS Prospects 

Mehdi Yaghoobpour, Paul Glover, and Piroska Lorinczi

Carbon Capture and Underground Storage (CCUS) is not simply the reverse of the hydrocarbon extraction process. The injection of supercritical CO2 involves different flow regimes (viscous, slip, Knudsen, and molecular diffusion) and the adsorption of CO2 to mineral surfaces. Small pressure differences control the distribution of the gas and gravity controls the overall gas distribution. Under these circumstances reservoir heterogeneity strongly controls where the CO2 goes. Consequently, it is important to have a quantitative description of this heterogeneity. Leeds University Petrophysics Group has been working on using fractals to describe heterogeneity and anisotropy of reservoirs at all scales for the past decade and to develop fractal reservoir models that account for flow at scales smaller than the seismic resolution. In this presentation we show how the fractal dimension of a bounded dataset can be measured, and the main influences on the accuracy of the measurement, taking account of the systematic uncertainties imposed by the finite boundary conditions, scale-dependent effects, and multifractal behaviour.

The approach has been used to carry out digital ‘logging’ of several reservoirs including the Chandon field (Offshore NW Australia) and is currently being implemented for the CCUS testbed Sleipner reservoir (UK North Sea). This logging differs from wireline logging in that it is carried out over an predefined area or seismic data as a function of depth. For the Chandon field, depth-averaged measurements have produced a fractal dimension of 2.15±0.18 (arithmetic mean±standard deviation) over the entire scale range. It is recognised that the fractal dimension of this reservoir is multifractal, with a fractal dimension of 2.06±0.19 in the 70-150 m scale range and 2.62±0.07 in the 200-400 m scale range. Hence, the reservoir is more heterogeneous at the larger scale. This work also has the advantage of providing a fractal dimension value as a function of depth. Our results show in each case that the fractal dimension varies significantly with depth and is dependent on lithofacies. The fractal dimension at both scales picks out apparent lithofacies, with the coarsening-up sequence in the top part of the reservoir (1950-2020 m, all depths TVDSS) associated with a decrease in fractal dimension, shalier units (2020-2035 m and 2080-2125 m) exhibiting high fractal dimensions, and cleaner units (2035-2080 m) showing much lower fractal dimensions. This is good evidence that this new Seismic Fractal Heterogeneity Log (SFHL) represents a measure of rock heterogeneity to horizontal flow at each depth. Work is ongoing concerning the discrimination of different fractal dimensions as a function of azimuth as well as vertically, which is especially important in reservoirs used in CCUS applications.

It is hoped that the new SFHL can provide the sought after quantitative measure of heterogeneity for use in quantifying and modelling CO2 injection into CCUS reservoirs. The real advantage of this approach is that it can be applied to existing 3D and 4D seismic datasets in order to extract from them extra information and extra value. Future work will be aimed at developing the approach further.

How to cite: Yaghoobpour, M., Glover, P., and Lorinczi, P.:  Measuring the Fractal Dimensions of Reservoirs: A New Seismic Fractal Heterogeneity Log for Application to CCUS Prospects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20882,, 2025.

EGU25-122 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Quantitative classification evaluation model for tight sandstone reservoirs based on machine learning 

XingLei Song, CongJun Feng, Teng Li, Qin Zhang, Xinhui Pan, Mengsi Sun, and Yanlong Ge

Tight sandstone reservoirs are a primary focus of research on the geological exploration of petroleum. However, many reservoir classification criteria are of limited applicability due to the inherent strong heterogeneity and complex micropore structure of tight sandstone reservoirs. This investigation focused on the Chang 8 tight reservoir situated in the Jiyuan region of the Ordos Basin. High-pressure mercury intrusion experiments, casting thin sections, and scanning electron microscopy experiments were conducted. Image recognition technology was used to extract the pore shape parameters of each sample. Based on the above, through grey relational analysis (GRA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), entropy weight method (EWM) and comprehensive weight method, the relationship index Q1 between initial productivity and high pressure mercury injection parameters and the relationship index Q2 between initial productivity and pore shape parameters are obtained by fitting.Then a dual-coupled comprehensive quantitative classification prediction model for tight sandstone reservoirs was developed based on pore structure and shape parameters. A quantitative classification study was conducted on the target reservoir, analyzing the correlation between reservoir quality and pore structure and shape parameters, leading to the proposal of favourable exploration areas.The research results showed that when Q1 ≥ 0.5 and Q2 ≥ 0.5, the reservoir was classified as type I. When Q1 > 0.7 and Q2 > 0.57, it was classified as type I1, indicating a high-yield reservoir. When 0.32 < Q1 < 0.47 and 0.44 < Q2 < 0.56, was classified as type II. When 0.1 < Q1 < 0.32 and 0.3 < Q2 < 0.44, it was classified as type III. Type I reservoirs exhibit a zigzag pattern in the northwest part of the study area. Thus, the northwest should be prioritized in actual exploration and development. Additionally, the initial productivity of tight sandstone reservoirs showed a positive correlation with the porosity, permeability, sorting coefficient, coefficient of variation, and median radius. Conversely, it demonstrated a negative correlation with the median pressure and displacement pressure. The perimeters of pores, their circularity, and the length of the major axis showed a positive correlation with the porosity, permeability, sorting coefficient, coefficient of variation, and median radius. On the other hand, they exhibited a negative correlation with the median pressure and displacement pressure. This study quantitatively constructed a new classification and evaluation system for tight sandstone reservoirs from the perspective of microscopic pore structure, achieving an overall model accuracy of 93.3%. This model effectively predicts and evaluates tight sandstone reservoirs. It provides new guidance for identifying favorable areas in the study region and other tight sandstone reservoirs.

How to cite: Song, X., Feng, C., Li, T., Zhang, Q., Pan, X., Sun, M., and Ge, Y.: Quantitative classification evaluation model for tight sandstone reservoirs based on machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-122,, 2025.

The time dependent Vp/Vs ratio (Scholz et al., 1973), preslip (Dieterich, 1978), and cascade models (Ellsworth and Beroza, 1995) are popular geophysical models used as earthquake precursors. Such geophysical models have generally focused on the physics of earthquake source regions (Yamashita et al., 2021). However, the physical properties of the off-fault region are also related to earthquake mechanics (Gudmundsson, 2004), which are strongly affected by the presence of fractures (Jayawickrama et al., 2024). While the presence of fractures affects the physical properties of rocks, inarguably, they alter the transport properties as well. In this investigation, it is speculated that such changes in the transport properties coupled with the seismic velocity in the off-fault regions could be used to develop an earthquake precursor model. To this end, cyclic deformation experiments were conducted on thermally cracked (at 800oC) Aji granite, in analogy to damage, while simultaneously measuring the water permeability and the seismic velocity. However, unlike the conventional cyclic experiments, a stationary time was employed between each cycle (loaded to 0.6C, 0.7C, 0.8C, and 0.9C) around 0.1C (C: peak stress), in analogy to a stress relaxation period before the stress accumulation for the next event. With the initial stress build up, the seismic velocity increases while the permeability drops until the onset of dilation, where the trend is reversed from there onwards. Once the axial stress is released gradually, followed by an initial increase, the permeability becomes relatively stable, while the seismic velocity continues to drop. During the stationary period, a noticeable compaction was observed along with a seismic velocity increase and a permeability drop. Hence, indicated an overall healing in the damaged sample, under relaxed stress conditions. The dynamic crack density evolution also provides critical evidence for this. Moreover, with each cycle, the magnitude of velocity increment and the permeability drop becomes lower. Subsequent to the healing process as the stress builds up, the seismic velocity and the permeability follow a similar trend to the previous cycle. Hence the repeated compaction and dilation that the sample suffers with stress cycles is reflected by the seismic velocity and the permeability evolution. As such, the current investigation has proven the possibility of utilizing the evolution of permeability coupled with seismic velocity in the off-fault regions as a possible precursor to earthquakes.

How to cite: Jayawickrama, E. and Katayama, I.: Permeability and seismic velocity evolution of thermally cracked Aji granite during cyclic loading, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-804,, 2025.

EGU25-1285 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Petrophysical characterization of multi-scale heterogeneities of a vadose zone within continental limestone formation 

Celine Mallet, Gautier Laurent, and Mohamed Azaroual

Heterogeneities control rock properties, especially hydraulic, reactivity, and geophysical properties. Complex systems typically include multiple porosities at embedded scales, from the micro/meso cracks and pores to geological macro-fractures and karsts. This complex network plays interdependent roles and introduces difficulties in the characterization of the whole formation, especially with difficulties extrapolating laboratory interpretation to field investigation. A general and comprehensive workflow of the upscaling processes needs to be developed.

Our study focuses on the platform “Observatoire des transferts dans la Zone Non-Saturée” (O-ZNS, Orléans, France), an artificial excavation in the karstified and fractured limestone formation of Beauce aquifer. The observatory is composed of an exceptional well (20 m-depth, 4 m-diameter) surrounded by 8 cored boreholes. During the development of this platform, we excavated metric heterogeneous blocks to investigate different properties at an intermediate scale between laboratory and field. Our aim is to characterize these samples thanks to direct (micro)structure observation and quantification compared to petrophysical property measurements (transport and acoustic properties) to define their representative elementary volume (REV). The though protocol is a repetitive process including series of 3D scans and petrophysical measurements followed by cutting blocks in smaller and smaller parts. In complement, 3D scans made from photogrammetric reconstruction of the blocks provides digital models at various scales that help us in locating the geophysical heterogeneities with respect to the observed geological features at various scales.

For the biggest blocks, the carrying out of this protocol is challenging and tremendous. The key methodologies still need to be confronted to discussion.

We started the investigation on some intermediate blocks (around 30 to 50 cm-size). We highlight the possibility of measuring acoustic at different frequencies even on the rough surface of the block. Permeability can be obtained with air-measurements using a tiny-perm apparatus. Porosity is more challenging. As a first approximation, we estimate it assuming a certain grain density, and by measuring its dry weight and volume. Finally, 3D scans allow us to describe the embedded structure of the block, and to count and measure pores and cracks sizes. The first series of results are coherent, and we will be able to go a step-down and tentatively obtain the REV for all these properties. The final objective would be to define the link between the REV of the different explored properties, considering the heterogeneities.

How to cite: Mallet, C., Laurent, G., and Azaroual, M.: Petrophysical characterization of multi-scale heterogeneities of a vadose zone within continental limestone formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1285,, 2025.

EGU25-1565 | Orals | EMRP1.3

A novel water saturation well logging evaluation model for tight carbonate gas reservoir based on pore-throat radius ratio from SEM images 

Xin Nie, Chuanrui Sun, Shuoqi Yang, Ying Zhou, Sen Liu, and Qianzhe Mei

Traditionally, resistivity well logs have been used to determine water saturation (Sw) in oil and gas reservoirs based on Archie's Law. However, the intricate pore structure of tight carbonates poses challenges, as their electric conductivity does not adhere to this law, thereby complicating the assessment of water/gas saturation in gas reservoirs. To address this, the study analyzed SEM images of carbonate samples to understand the pore structures. Utilizing the Slice-Gans model, 3D digital cores were constructed and resistivity was simulated.

The findings reveal that as porosity increases, the cementation exponent m in Archie's formula also increases. Theoretical derivations indicate that this is primarily due to changes in the PTRR as porosity varies. Dolomite and calcite are the primary minerals in the carbonates studied, and the PTRR differs between dolomite and calcite pores. Consequently, the m value varies depending on the mineral composition. By applying a parallel conductive model, the m value for cores with different dolomite and calcite volume fractions can be calculated.

Additionally, the study analyzed rock resistivity experiment results and found that the saturation exponent n's value also varies with porosity, with a fitted relationship established. This enabled the creation of a final variable m and n model. When applied to practical logging data, the calculated Sw values were found to be consistent with the bounded water saturation obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments in gas layers, validating the accuracy of the new model.

How to cite: Nie, X., Sun, C., Yang, S., Zhou, Y., Liu, S., and Mei, Q.: A novel water saturation well logging evaluation model for tight carbonate gas reservoir based on pore-throat radius ratio from SEM images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1565,, 2025.

The mechanical properties and elastic anisotropy of shale oil reservoirs are influenced by factors such as lithology, pore structures, and fluids. Studying the dynamic and static elastic properties is crucial for predicting geological and engineering “sweet spots” in these reservoirs. While there has been extensive research on the static properties of shale, dynamic multi-frequency elastic anisotropy remains under-explored. This study investigates the anisotropic dispersion mechanism of favorable lithofacies (lamellar dolomitic shale with vertical and horizontal bedding) in the inter-salt shale oil reservoir of the Qianjiang Formation, by using multi-frequency measurement techniques including low-frequency stress-strain and high-frequency ultrasonic tests. Key findings include: 1) Terrestrial shale exhibited stronger elastic property dispersion than marine shale, attributed to high viscosity medium oil. Lamellar structures and interbedded fractures significantly contributed to this anisotropy; 2) Elastic property dispersion in partially oil-saturated states decreased from strong to weak with increasing frequency, likely driven by wave-induced fluid flow or intrinsic dissipation; 3) Elastic parameters measured perpendicular to bedding showed greater dispersion and pressure sensitivity than those measured parallel, with higher anisotropy and sensitivity at seismic frequencies; 4) Fluid saturation reduced pressure sensitivity of elastic parameters in the vertical direction while increasing it in the parallel direction; 5) Anisotropic Gassmann theory effectively explained P-wave velocity at low frequencies, though predictions for S- and P-wave velocities at higher frequencies were less accurate. This study provides a solid reference for understanding frequency-dependent properties of azimuthal anisotropy and offers valuable insights for seismic prediction of “sweet spots” in shale oil reservoirs.

How to cite: Zhao, J.: Experimental Studies on Anisotropic Dispersion of inter-salt Shale Oil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3795,, 2025.

EGU25-6497 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Estimating Effective Permittivity using Digital Rock Physics and Drill Cuttings – Preliminary Insights and Future Challenges 

Nils Kerkmann, Mirko Siegert, Noël-Aimee Kouamo Keutchafo, and Erik H. Saenger

The EU-funded project GeoHEAT aims to develop new time- and cost-efficient methods for geothermal exploration. One part will be a georadar probe that can be used to characterize geological structures at elevated ambient temperatures. As the permittivity of the surrounding rock mass is of great importance for the optimal use of this probe, we are investigating the possibility of estimating this dielectric property using digital rock physics (DRP) and drill cuttings. With the latter being a by-product of exploration drilling, they represent a further potential approach at saving both time and costs, without the added expense of core sampling. Here we want to present the current state of our research and give an overview of preliminary insights and future challenges.

In order to determine the effective permittivity using DRP, a pore scale model is required. For this purpose, nano-computed tomography images are created and then segmented, whereby different phases are assigned to the gray value intensities of the scanned sample. The model is finalized by attributing physical properties to individual material particles in the location-dependent volume and is subsequently used to compute the effective permittivity with a solver utilizing the finite volume method. To optimize this process, standardized granite core samples from the Bedretto Lab in Switzerland are used, and the results are validated by comparing them to laboratory measurements of the same rock type for accuracy.

Since the extraction of these kinds of samples is expensive, requires interruption of drilling and can only be carried out for limited boreholes and depth sections, the next step is to investigate the use of cuttings, which are generally produced during drilling and transported to the surface with the drilling mud. We analyze to what extent the precision of the obtained results is affected by this more economic approach.

The analysis of core samples has yielded promising results, demonstrating a high level of accuracy in estimating effective permittivity values using DRP. In addition, ongoing investigations into the use of rock cuttings as a substitute have shown great potential for significantly reducing cost and time, while maintaining reliability of the determined rock property. These advances could improve the practical application of georadar probes, offer a more efficient approach to geothermal exploration and provide deeper insights into the geology of the subsurface.

How to cite: Kerkmann, N., Siegert, M., Kouamo Keutchafo, N.-A., and Saenger, E. H.: Estimating Effective Permittivity using Digital Rock Physics and Drill Cuttings – Preliminary Insights and Future Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6497,, 2025.

EGU25-7669 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Application of digital rock characterization and elastic simulation to rock physics modelling in shale reservoirs 

Bohong Yan, Jianguo Zhao, Jinsong Li, Ming Ma, Yangyang Sun, Zengjia Xiao, Chuanbin Lu, Xiaohu Luo, Jianbin Ma, and Langqiu Sun

The complex pore structure and diverse mineralogy of shale impart specific elastic properties to the saturated rock, characterized by notable heterogeneity and pronounced frequency dependence. These intricate elastic behaviors of shale present challenges to conventional rock physics-based quantitative interpretation of reservoirs. This study employed an integrated approach combining cross-band rock physics measurement, digital rock imaging, and numerical simulations. The research focused on the inter-salt shale oil reservoir of the Qianjiang Formation (Jianghan Basin, China), to investigate anisotropy and dispersion phenomena. Initially, various scanning imaging techniques were applied to analyze the microstructural features of natural rocks, leading to the creation of a set of virtual cores by numerical reconstruction. Subsequently, static and dynamic elastic simulations were performed to monitor wave-induced fluid flow, revealing the influence of microstructure, mineral composition, and physical properties on dispersion and attenuation. Finally, based on the simulations, the applicability of various rock physical theories was evaluated, and we proposed a set of anisotropic dispersion theory models consistent with the geological characteristics and elastic response rules of shale oil reservoirs. The results compare satisfactorily with ultrasonic velocity, well-logging data, and stress-strain measurements. This approach underscores the value of integrative research, combining experimental data, theoretical models, and digital rock physics techniques, offering new insights into the refinement of quantitative reservoir characterization in complex geological environments.

How to cite: Yan, B., Zhao, J., Li, J., Ma, M., Sun, Y., Xiao, Z., Lu, C., Luo, X., Ma, J., and Sun, L.: Application of digital rock characterization and elastic simulation to rock physics modelling in shale reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7669,, 2025.

EGU25-7721 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Fluid identification and reservoir prediction based on frequency-dependent AVO inversion 

Yu Zhang, Fang Ouyang, Yihe Qing, Jianguo Zhao, Zhi Li, Ming Ma, Bohong Yan, and Yangyang Sun

Velocity dispersion and attenuation frequently occur in fluid-saturated reservoir rocks. However, most current reservoir prediction and fluid identification methods overlook the effects of seismic wave dispersion and attenuation. Instead, researchers primarily rely on frequency-independent elastic data and theoretical models. Frequency-dependent elastic parameters, in contrast, reveal more detailed information about reservoir fluids and significantly enhance the accuracy of fluid identification and reservoir prediction.Rock physics experiments and theoretical analyses have shown that rocks saturated with different fluids exhibit distinct velocity dispersion gradients. This finding underscores the potential of the velocity dispersion gradient as a reliable indicator for identifying target reservoirs. To extract the velocity dispersion gradient attribute, this study incorporates a frequency term into the Zoeppritz approximation and develops a frequency-dependent AVO  inversion equation. The study applies time-frequency analysis to seismic data, deriving the time-frequency spectrum. By integrating the time-frequency spectrum with the frequency-dependent AVO inversion equation, the method extracts the velocity dispersion gradient attribute.The study further analyzes how various factors influence the accuracy of dispersion gradient attribute inversion, using theoretical models and seismic physical analyses. It validates the reliability of the dispersion gradient inversion method and demonstrates its effectiveness in delineating reservoirs and identifying fluids.This research provides a robust approach for improving the precision of reservoir prediction and advancing fluid identification techniques.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Ouyang, F., Qing, Y., Zhao, J., Li, Z., Ma, M., Yan, B., and Sun, Y.: Fluid identification and reservoir prediction based on frequency-dependent AVO inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7721,, 2025.

EGU25-7725 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Utilization of magic Lamé impedances on carbonate reservoirs' lithological and porosity characterization 

Amany Said, Jian-guo Zhao, JinSong Li, and Yangyang Sun

The dolomite reservoir in the fourth member (Ma4) of the Ordovician Majiagou Formation is a significant gas reservoir in the Ordos Basin, China. It consists of thin layers within limestone, characterized by a mottled dolomitic limestone texture, with pores formed by complex diagenetic processes that result in low porosity values. These layers show minimal petrophysical contrast with the surrounding rock, complicating identification and property prediction using conventional elastic attributes like P- and S-impedances. To overcome this challenge, the study utilizes Lamé impedances (λρ and μρ), which expand the P- and S-impedance cross-plot space, enhancing the identification of reservoir zones. First, Lambda-rho and Mu-rho impedances were derived from logging data and cross-plotted to create a locally constrained rock physics template based on porosity and dolomite content along the vertical direction. This template was then applied to the Lambda-rho and Mu-rho attributes generated from seismic pre-stack inversion. The rock physics template (λμρ cross-plot) accurately predicted dolomite content and porosity from seismic data, achieving high precision compared to the conventional porosity and dolomite content logs. This study highlights the effectiveness of Lamé parameters (λμρ) in predicting and estimating reservoir property distributions, providing valuable insights into the geological origins of dolomite and advancing hydrocarbon exploration and development.

How to cite: Said, A., Zhao, J., Li, J., and Sun, Y.: Utilization of magic Lamé impedances on carbonate reservoirs' lithological and porosity characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7725,, 2025.

EGU25-9190 | Orals | EMRP1.3

Moisture dynamics controls rock elasticity from weakening to stiffening 

Fuqiang Gao, Hongpu Kang, Rui Wu, Xiangyuan Peng, Shuangyong Dong, Chenxi Zhao, Kerry Leith, Boris Gurevich, Bing Qiuyi Li, Qinghua Lei, Gennady Gor, and Paul A. Selvadurai

Water is ubiquitous in crustal rocks and has been independently shown to increase and decrease rock elasticity via adsorption-induced weakening and saturation-related stiffening. Yet, the interplay of how weakening and stiffening effects concurrently control the rock elasticity remains unclear. Here, we examine the acousto-mechanical behavior of a free-standing sandstone subjected to gradual water infiltration with a downward-moving wetting front over 7 days. Using time-lapse ultrasonic and digital imaging techniques, we observe elastic weakening ahead of the wetting front, which is explained by an analytical model linking P-wave velocity decrease, adsorption-induced expansion and surface energy decrease established at the grain scale. As the wetting front moves through the probed region, the weakening effect diminishes, and P-wave velocity begins to increase, consistent with findings in granite. This shift is attributed to saturation-related stiffening, supported by an analytical model of partial water saturation. A numerical model simulating the profile of water saturation and vapor further validates these observations. Our research sheds light on a key question in rock deformation: how weakening and stiffening effects jointly control rock deformation during progressive wetting.

How to cite: Gao, F., Kang, H., Wu, R., Peng, X., Dong, S., Zhao, C., Leith, K., Gurevich, B., Li, B. Q., Lei, Q., Gor, G., and Selvadurai, P. A.: Moisture dynamics controls rock elasticity from weakening to stiffening, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9190,, 2025.

GebPy is an open-source, Python-based tool developed to simulate synthetic geophysical and geochemical properties of minerals, rocks and entire rock sequences. It is based on the concept that the properties of a rock are fundamentally determined by its mineralogical composition and its interaction with fluids like water. By adopting a bottom-up approach, GebPy systematically builds from the mineral scale to the rock and sequence level, providing a robust framework for understanding and modeling geophysical and geochemical systems.

The modeling process begins at the mineral level, where properties such as density, volume, seismic velocity or gamma radiation are calculated based on chemical composition and fundamental physical and crystallographic principles. These properties are then combined to simulate the bulk properties of a rock, accounting for the proportional contributions of individual minerals. GebPy also integrates the effects of pore fluids, such as water, to provide a realistic representation of subsurface conditions.

One of the key strengths of GebPy is its scalability. Beyond individual minerals and rocks, the tool enables the simulation of entire rock sequences, generating idealized datasets that are highly valuable for geophysical applications. These include seismic modeling, well-log analysis and the evaluation of geophysical inversion techniques. This ability to model idealized systems provides insights into the fundamental principles governing geophysical and geochemical behavior, making GebPy a powerful resource for both theoretical and applied research.

The development of GebPy was inspired once by the study of well-log diagrams, which play a critical role in resource exploration. By generating synthetic well-log data under idealized conditions - free from natural imperfections such as fractures or measuring artifacts - GebPy provides a new perspective on how these diagrams might look in a perfect geological scenario. This approach not only enhances our understanding of the fundamental properties of rocks but also supports the development of advanced modeling techniques and the evaluation of uncertainty sources.

Looking ahead, GebPy’s development roadmap includes the integration of advanced techniques such as machine learning and the use of experimental data for calibrating input parameters like elastic properties of minerals. These enhancements will further expand its capabilities, enabling even more precise and comprehensive simulations. GebPy’s open-source nature ensures that it can be continuously improved and adapted by the geoscientific community, fostering collaboration and innovation.

GebPy represents an important step forward in the generation of synthetic geophysical and geochemical data. By providing a scalable and reliable framework for modeling minerals, rocks and sequences, it empowers researchers and practitioners to explore geological systems with precision and flexibility.

How to cite: Beeskow, M. and von Hagke, C.: GebPy - a Python-based, open source tool for the generation of synthetic geophysical and geochemical data of minerals, rocks and whole sequences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10743,, 2025.

EGU25-11954 | Orals | EMRP1.3

A Multiphase Geological Segmentation of the Rotondo Granite 

Noël-Aimée Keutchafo Kouamo, Martin Balcewicz, Mirko Siegert, and Erik H. Saenger

Accurate analysis of rock pore structures is pivotal for predicting their performance in geological applications, such as CO₂ storage, geothermal energy extraction, and radioactive waste disposal. Advanced imaging techniques, such as Digital Rock Physics (DRP), have transformed the characterization of porous media by providing detailed insights into microstructural properties.

DRP employs high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT) to scan rock samples, generating 3D images that reveal pore structures, mineral phases, and fracture networks. This enables the computation of key rock properties, including porosity, permeability, thermal conductivity, and elastic moduli. These properties are critical for applications in sustainable energy production and seismic hazard monitoring.

The classical five-step workflow of DRP begins with the preparation of a high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT) image. This is followed by tomographic reconstruction of the image using simple back-propagation techniques. Next, preprocessing operations are conducted to assess and manage artifacts before proceeding to the segmentation of individual phases. Based on the segmentation results, key rock properties such as thermal conductivity, permeability, and elastic properties are computed by solving the corresponding physical equations.

The accurate segmentation of digital rock models into different phases and features holds a significant importance and remains a formidable challenge, as it directly impacts the precise characterization of subsequent physical properties. However, most studies using classical segmentation techniques, such as grayscale histogram processing or watershed algorithms usually relied on a binary segmentation process. This means that rock samples are divided into just two phases: pore and solid. This oversimplifies the complexity of multiphase rocks, neglecting the heterogeneity of, i.e., granitic rocks and compromising the accuracy of reservoir characterizations.

This study presents a multiphase geological segmentation approach for the Rotondo Granite, integrating geological ground truth for potential machine learning applications. By accounting for every distinct mineral phase within a granitic reservoir rock, this method moves beyond traditional binary segmentation, enabling a more detailed and accurate representation of rock microstructures. The improved segmentation accuracy enhances the precision of DRP analyses, contributing to more reliable underground reservoir assessments and supporting the transition toward sustainable energy technologies.

How to cite: Keutchafo Kouamo, N.-A., Balcewicz, M., Siegert, M., and Saenger, E. H.: A Multiphase Geological Segmentation of the Rotondo Granite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11954,, 2025.

EGU25-12039 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Experimental and numerical study of the seismo-electromagnetic signals created at thin porous-porous interfaces 

Victor Martins-Gomes, Daniel Brito, Stéphane Garambois, Hélène Barucq, Michel Dietrich, and Clarisse Bordes

Seismo-electromagnetic (SE) signals are created in fluid-saturated porous media by electrokinetic conversions at the pore scale. Two of these signals are frequently investigated: the first is a co-seismic wavefield, bounded to the propagating seismic waves, and the second is an electromagnetic (EM) wave created when a seismic wave passes through the interface between two porous media. Led by the effectiveness of SE phenomena in detecting thin layers (i.e., layers with thicknesses smaller than the seismic wavelength), many authors studied how a thin layer, or a combination of thin layers, can alter SE signals. In this context, the present work brings new experimental and numerical data as a means to further investigate the relation between the layer thickness and the EM interface-generated response. Particularly, we have noticed that the effect of layer thinning on the EM interface-generated waves is similar to what is observed for seismic waves, but with a maximum signal enhancing, due only to thickness, occurring when a layer has a thickness that is equal to half the wavelength of the P-wave impinging on the layer. We have also explored the effect of the pore-fluid electric conductivity on SE signals, since this parameter plays an important role on the SE fields. The fact that the EM interface-generated wave is very sensitive to contrasts of fluid conductivity, whereas seismic waves (and therefore the co-seismic) are, in effect, insensitive, is an appealing characteristic of SE exploration. By comparing experiments with simulations we have accessed the effect of fluid conductivity on SE wavefields, complementing previous studies with a quantitative analysis of the dependency of SE signals on this physical property. Moreover, we have evaluated the ability of the electrokinetic theory adopted in this study to predict our experimental data, and showed that it performs well in terms of waveform and amplitude behavior for all fluid conductivities considered.

How to cite: Martins-Gomes, V., Brito, D., Garambois, S., Barucq, H., Dietrich, M., and Bordes, C.: Experimental and numerical study of the seismo-electromagnetic signals created at thin porous-porous interfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12039,, 2025.

EGU25-12316 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Numerical analysis of pore scale processes in carbonate reservoirs from the Western Offshore basin in India 

Kunal Sulekh, Sanjay Pandit, Anup Kumar Shahi, and Kumar Hemant Singh

Reliable modelling of pore-scale network is critical to the understanding of fluid flow behaviour in a reservoir. This study presents the application of numerical techniques to high-resolution pore-network model derived from 3D micro-CT data obtained from scanning of core plugs of carbonate reservoirs from the Western Offshore basin. The methodology incorporates Direct Pore-Scale modelling, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to solve flow field equations numerically, such as the Navier-Stokes equations. Adaptive mesh refinement within Finite Element Methods (FEM) and Finite Volume Methods (FVM) ensures accurate resolution of flow dynamics while maintaining numerical stability. Furthermore, the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is implemented to handle complex pore geometries and boundary conditions efficiently, with an advantage of large-scale parallelization to avoid interface tracking explicitly.

In parallel, Pore Network Models (PNMs) are integrated to represent pore spaces into simplified networks of pores and throats, preserving topological features for reconstructing the fabric of carbonate rock. These models are particularly effective to study collective behaviour across pores and complement direct methods by linking pore scale to sub-pore scale domain. Our approach addresses the computational intensity of sub-pore scale simulations and the limitations of network simplifications, that have implications on macroscopic properties such as Darcy-scale permeability for single-phase incompressible flows.

By integrating these approaches, we provide insights into accurate computation of mass fluxes and fluid-structure dynamics with high fidelity. Our results systematically analyse and compare numerical differences across methods to provide an understanding of the variability of computed properties, in our case single-phase incompressible absolute permeability. This facilitates in the resolution of complex fluid-structure dynamics and the development of optimized, stable, and consistent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) workflows for applications in enhanced hydrocarbon recovery and subsurface energy applications.

How to cite: Sulekh, K., Pandit, S., Shahi, A. K., and Singh, K. H.: Numerical analysis of pore scale processes in carbonate reservoirs from the Western Offshore basin in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12316,, 2025.

EGU25-12758 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Seismoelectric conversion at poroelastic/elastic interfaces and the role of dielectric permittivity: experimental and numerical analysis 

Daniel Brito, Natael Bernardo, Victor Martins-Gomes, and Clarisse Bordes

Seismoelectric phenomena, caused by electrokinetic coupling between seismic and electromagnetic fields, have attracted significant interest in geological reservoir characterization for their sensitivity to pore-fluid contrasts. Consequently, most studies have focused on seismic-to-electromagnetic conversions at fluid/poroelastic and poroelastic/poroelastic interfaces. However, when investigating permeable zones in unfractured media, often associated with geothermal reservoirs, poroelastic/elastic interfaces must be considered. To address this, we conducted laboratory and numerical experiments using a container filled with quartz sand saturated with a NaCl solution, with one of five thin layers made of different materials (four elastic and one poroelastic) embedded within the sand. Our numerical simulations assume an elastic medium as poroelastic using limiting values for certain physical parameters. The results confirm that seismoelectric conversion occurs at poroelastic/elastic transitions, showing a strong agreement between experiments and simulations. Furthermore, we inferred that the amplitudes of electromagnetic waves generated at poroelastic/elastic interfaces are mainly controlled by contrasts of dielectric permittivity.

How to cite: Brito, D., Bernardo, N., Martins-Gomes, V., and Bordes, C.: Seismoelectric conversion at poroelastic/elastic interfaces and the role of dielectric permittivity: experimental and numerical analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12758,, 2025.

EGU25-12870 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Thermal Conductivity Measurements of in Resin-Embedded Cuttings Using the Optical Scanning Method 

Anne Schulz, Valentin Kasburg, Andreas Goepel, and Nina Kukowski

The transport of heat from the Earth’s interior to its surface is the main
driving force for many geological processes, like e.g. lithosphere dynamics and
mantle convection. To understand these processes, it is essential to capture
the spatially and temporally dependent temperature field of the Earth’s crust.
The structure of this temperature field is largely determined by the thermal
properties of the rocks. One of the key thermophysical properties is thermal
conductivity, which plays a critical role in various scientific and economic fields,
such as the study of sedimentary basins and geothermal potentials.
To characterize the thermal properties of various lithologies, measurements
on core samples are of ultimate interest. However, as coring is highly expen-
sive, drill cores are not often taken during drilling campaigns. Nonetheless, drill
cuttings would be available from nearly all drill holes. The drill cuttings can
be ground and compressed to form measuring tablets for thermal conductivity
tests, which changes the rock structure and thus also the thermal properties. An
alternative could be to embed drill cuttings in materials of known thermal prop-
erties like resin to prepare samples ready to be used with the widely available
Thermal Conductivity Scanner (TCS).
In this study, we present an innovative method for determining the thermal
conductivity of drill cuttings using TCS by preparing various samples drill cut-
tings embedded in epoxy resin. We investigate how grain size of the encased
cuttings affects the estimation of thermal conductivity with the TCS. To test
this novel approach, we use artificially produced drill cuttings, mini-cores em-
bedded in epoxy resin, and undisturbed reference samples. Our investigations
suggest that grain size and thermal edge effects resulting from embedding the
samples in resin can be corrected with sufficient precision to enable accurate
conclusions about the thermal conductivity of the undisturbed rock.

How to cite: Schulz, A., Kasburg, V., Goepel, A., and Kukowski, N.: Thermal Conductivity Measurements of in Resin-Embedded Cuttings Using the Optical Scanning Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12870,, 2025.

EGU25-13878 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

A Novel Experimental Set-up for Simultaneous Acquisitions of Spectral Induced Polarization and X-ray µCT Data in 3D Porous Media 

Hamdi Omar, Tom Bultreys, Flore Rembert, Sojwal Manoorkar, David Caterina, Frédéric Nguyen, and Thomas Hermans

Understanding multi-phase pore-scale dynamics and their impact on bulk electrical properties is essential when monitoring reactive flow and transport processes  in many applications. This study introduces a novel experimental setup combining simultaneously Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) acquisition with X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) for real-time monitoring. This innovative approach enables spectroscopic measurements, from mHz to kHz, to be directly correlated with dynamic imaging of pore-scale fluid and grain distributions. The setup features a custom-designed flow cell capable of operating under controlled pressure (up to 120 bars) and temperature (up to 100°C) allowing for real-time monitoring of dynamic petrophysical processes such as multi-phase flow, reactive transport, and mineral precipitation and/or dissolution.

In this contribution, we validate the experimental set-up under variable saturation conditions. Using a medium-grained sand sample,  we conducted a series of eight experiments transitioning from dry to fully saturated states, followed by three progressive partial desaturations steps via nitrogen gas injection and subsequent three progressive re-saturations. µCT scans were performed with 2001 projections and 17.21 µm voxel size resolution for each image. SIP data, spanning the 10 mHz – 45 kHz frequency range, were integrated with µCT-derived pore network models to analyze resistivity variations as functions of pore size, connectivity, and tortuosity.

Our results reveal that simultaneous Spectral Induced Polarization and X-ray micro-computed tomography measurements capture transient fluid redistribution processes, providing enhanced interpretability of bulk electrical responses. We observed significant hysteresis in Spectral Induced Polarization data during drainage and re-saturation cycles, linked to pore-scale fluid trapping and structural changes. Furthermore, resistivity predictions from the pore network model aligned closely with experimental data, validating the integration's robustness.

This novel experimental set-up lay the groundwork to the study of coupled structural and electrical dynamics in porous media, offering valuable insights into pressure and temperature dependant multi-phase subsurface processes including ones with mineral reactivity. By bridging the observation gap between pore-scale processes and bulk geophysical responses in 3D, this approach sets a new standard for experimental petrophysics.


How to cite: Omar, H., Bultreys, T., Rembert, F., Manoorkar, S., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., and Hermans, T.: A Novel Experimental Set-up for Simultaneous Acquisitions of Spectral Induced Polarization and X-ray µCT Data in 3D Porous Media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13878,, 2025.

EGU25-14022 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Geoacoustic model based on physical property characterization of Quaternary sediments off eastern Geoje Island, Korea Strait 

Gil Young Kim, Kiju Park, Seok-Hwi Hong, Gwang Soo Lee, Dong-Geun Yoo, and Seong-Pil Kim

Drilled-core samples (21ESDP-205, 21ESDP-206) collected from off eastern Geoje Island (Korea Strait) were used to characterize physical properties of the area with respect to sedimentary depth. Laboratory analyses of the acoustic and physical properties of the samples were conducted and shear-wave velocity, velocity ratio, poisson’s ratio, and velocity anisotropy were calculated. In particular, lithological characteristics of two drilled-core samples were interpreted using both visual description and geoacoustic and physical property data. In addition to visual description, a relationship between mean grain size and dry bulk density was used to interpret lithological characteristics. In other word, the values greater than approximately 1 g/cm3 in dry bulk density may be corresponded toward coarse grained sediments, except for the relationship caused by compaction effect. As a result, geoacoustic and physical property data at the two sites were in correlation with lithological characteristics alternating (mainly between sandy mud and muddy sand) at sedimentary depth. The relationships between velocity and porosity showed better correlation than those of between velocity and wet bulk density. Geoacoustic units (GAUs) identified from sites 21ESDP-205 and 21ESDP-206 were divided into 12 and 14 units with sedimentary depth, respectively, and geoacoustic models were developed for the sedimentary layers around these sites. The upper sediments in the study area were largely originated and redistributed from the Nakdong River, caused by sea-level changes during the Quaternary. These results suggest that sedimentary physical properties in the region were primarily controlled by depositional processes linked to the river, and that sea-level changes played a significant role as a dominant sedimentary process during the Quaternary.

How to cite: Kim, G. Y., Park, K., Hong, S.-H., Lee, G. S., Yoo, D.-G., and Kim, S.-P.: Geoacoustic model based on physical property characterization of Quaternary sediments off eastern Geoje Island, Korea Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14022,, 2025.

EGU25-15257 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

A Logging Evaluation Method for Cleat Development in Deep Coal Rocks Based on Acoustic Attenuation 

Ziyang Ni, Wei Li, Xiangjun Liu, and Lixi Liang

Compared to shallow coal seams, deep coal bed methane (CBM) is characterized by a higher content of free gas, which typically exhibits the traits of “immediate gas production upon well startup and high output upon gas production.” It has become an important natural gas resource for China to optimize its energy structure and achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Cleats serve as the primary pathways for gas desorption and migration in deep coal seams and act as weak structural planes of coal rocks, playing a crucial role in controlling both wellbore wall stability during drilling and fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing. Therefore, the degree of Cleat development is regarded as a critical indicator for the efficient development of deep CBM. At present, most Cleat evaluation methods in coal rocks are derived from shallow coal seam studies, which primarily rely on compressional wave velocity and shear wave velocity characteristics. However, in deep coal seams subjected to high stress and strong compaction, Cleats often exhibit low aperture, resulting in weak logging responses. This makes the methods developed for shallow coal seams inapplicable, highlighting the lack of effective approaches for evaluating Cleats in deep coal seams. This study begins by conducting experiments on 70 coal rock samples with varying degrees of Cleat development. Combined with numerical simulations of coal rocks with different Cleat apertures, the experimental and simulation analyses Cleatly confirm the effectiveness of acoustic attenuation in evaluating Cleat development in deep coal seams. Compared to velocity and anisotropy, attenuation is more sensitive to Cleats with low aperture or partial closure. Based on dual-porosity medium theory and squirt flow theory, a rock physics characterization model of Cleat-related acoustic attenuation in deep coal seams is established. Subsequently, an inversion method for Cleat development degree based on acoustic attenuation is developed using an iterative method and applied to actual well evaluations. The results demonstrate that the proposed logging evaluation method for Cleat development based on acoustic attenuation more accurately reflects the degree of Cleat development. Compared to the velocity-based methods for shallow coal seams, the relative error is reduced from 27% to 18%, indicating that attenuation is more effective than velocity in assessing Cleat development in deep coal seams.

fig1. Comparison of Logging Evaluation Results for Cleat Development in Deep Coal Rocks

fig2. Comparison of Relative Errors in Logging Evaluation of Cleat Development in Deep Coal Rocks

How to cite: Ni, Z., Li, W., Liu, X., and Liang, L.: A Logging Evaluation Method for Cleat Development in Deep Coal Rocks Based on Acoustic Attenuation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15257,, 2025.

EGU25-16147 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Physical Properties of Carbonate Rock Cuttings vs. Borehole Data: Insights from Ongoing Research 

Angelly Serje Gutierrez, Martin Balcewicz, and Erik H. Saenger

Over the past few years, several scientific projects at Bochum University of Applied Sciences have developed new methods and procedures for determining the petrophysical properties of small rock samples. These workflows, which are part of Digital Rock Physics (DRP) and have been published in peer-reviewed journals, are based on the non-destructive testing of samples using X-ray computed tomography.

After the subsequent semi-automated segmentation - i.e. the identification of the pore space and different minerals in the 3D scan - the thermophysical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of the rock sample relevant for geothermal projects are calculated using numerical methods. The method can be applied to cuttings (drill cuttings produced during the drilling process). The method thus offers the possibility of determining the relevant rock parameters over the entire drilling section and without the use of expensive core drilling methods, which can save costs on one hand and significantly improve the database for the subsequent numerical simulation of the geothermal plant on the other

We present the first results of the ongoing SimBoL-project. A selection of Carbonate cuttings were scanned with a high-resolution CT device. Those digital images were transformed into digital rock samples which are the basis of numerical simulations to determine the permeability, the heat conductivity and the mechanical rock properties. A first qualitative comparison with borehole data is presented.

How to cite: Serje Gutierrez, A., Balcewicz, M., and Saenger, E. H.: Physical Properties of Carbonate Rock Cuttings vs. Borehole Data: Insights from Ongoing Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16147,, 2025.

EGU25-18980 | Orals | EMRP1.3

Quantitative Characterization of Pore-invasive Gas Hydrate Morphology via Rock Physics Modeling 

Tao He, Qi Zhang, Hailong Lu, Mucong Zi, and Daoyi Chen

Advancing rock physics modeling is critical for understanding the physical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments and assessing hydrate reservoirs. This study presents a combined elastic and electrical rock physics framework to quantitatively characterize the morphology and distribution of pore-invasive gas hydrates, a dominant reservoir type in marine and permafrost environments. Elastic modeling, grounded in granular medium contact theory and Gassmann’s equation, reveals the influence of hydrate saturation and initial porosity on P- and S-wave velocities. However, these velocities alone are insufficient to uniquely constrain hydrate morphology. To overcome this limitation, we refined Archie's law by introducing an empirical ion concentration exponent, improving the sensitivity of electrical conductivity models to hydrate distributions within pores. By coupling these models, we simulate hydrate formation processes and evaluate their impact on seismic and resistivity properties. Our results highlight several key conclusions. First, experimental observations suggest that a uniform distribution of hydrates within the pore framework is most consistent with measured geophysical responses, despite the potential for ring-shaped saturation patterns during laboratory experiments. Second, we identify a distinct morphological evolution during hydrate growth: hydrate structures transition from grain-supporting to contact-cementing and finally to pore-filling morphologies as saturation increases. This progression is reflected in both velocity and resistivity trends, offering complementary insights into the hydrate formation process. This work not only advances the understanding of hydrate formation but also provides a robust framework for evaluating hydrate reservoirs, contributing to efforts in energy resource development and environmental management.

How to cite: He, T., Zhang, Q., Lu, H., Zi, M., and Chen, D.: Quantitative Characterization of Pore-invasive Gas Hydrate Morphology via Rock Physics Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18980,, 2025.

EGU25-1722 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Frictional slip behavior of highly overconsolidated fault gouge 

Matt Ikari and Andre Hüpers

On major plate-boundary fault zones, there is an expectation that large-magnitude earthquakes do not nucleate at shallow depths, but rather starting at depths of several km in the crust.  This depth dependence is generally understood  to be controlled by the frictional behavior of the sediments making up fault gouges, where velocity-strengthening friction and low effective stresses at shallow depths tends to produce stable fault slip.  The transition to velocity-weakening rocks at seismogenic depth has been suggested to be caused by a variety of diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic processes that lithify the sediments into more competent fault rocks.  Recent laboratory results on both natural fault rocks and desiccated clay-salt mixtures show that this is a viable mechanism, where velocity-weakening friction is seen in the lithified rocks having high cohesion and low porosity.  A remaining open question is whether the key ingredient for velocity-weakening friction is the porosity reduction, or the mechanical cementation.

Here, we test whether porosity reduction alone can induce velocity-weakening friction in powdered Rochester shale, an otherwise velocity-strengthening sediment.  We control the porosity by consolidating deionized water-saturated shale powders to a vertical stress of 86 MPa and shearing the samples under lower effective normal stresses of 0.1-10 MPa, for overconsolidation ratios (OCRs) of up to ~860.  We then measure the frictional properties of our overconsolidated samples with velocity-step tests from 10-6–10-5 m/s, repeated over long displacements to account for fading of the initial consolidation state with slip. 

We observe that overconsolidation induces an additional porosity reduction of 35-63%, relative to the porosity under normal consolidation. The velocity steps show predominantly velocity-strengthening friction; however, some scattered instances of velocity-weakening are observed for the highest tested OCR.  Analysis of the rate- and state-dependent friction parameters shows that the velocity steps in samples with the highest OCR have both larger values of “a” and large positive values of “b”, whereas the rest of the samples show predominantly negative values of “b”.  The observed pattern in “b” suggests that asperity contacts under shear, and therefore surface roughness is important.  This is supported qualitatively by photos of the shear surfaces, showing that for larger OCRs, a smaller proportion of the nominal surface area is in real contact during shear.  The results show that velocity-weakening friction begins to appear when the additional porosity reduction is ~55%, consistent with previous work.  However, the appearance of velocity-weakening friction due solely to porosity loss may require unrealistically large OCRs, and truly unstable sliding at depth likely requires cementation by mineralization.

How to cite: Ikari, M. and Hüpers, A.: Frictional slip behavior of highly overconsolidated fault gouge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1722,, 2025.

EGU25-3342 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex ruptures 

Sara Beth Leach Cebry and Gregory McLaskey

Fault geometric heterogeneities such as roughness, stepovers, or other irregularities are known to affect the spectra of radiated seismic waves that result from dynamic slip on a fault. To investigate the effect of normal stress heterogeneity on radiated spectra, we created a laboratory fault with a single, localized bump by utilizing the compliance and machinability of poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA). By varying the normal stress on the bump and the fault-average normal stress, we produced earthquake-like ruptures that ranged from smooth, continuous ruptures to complex ruptures with variable rupture propagation velocities, slip distributions, and mechanical stress drops. We used an array of eight piezoelectric sensors to measure vertical ground motions calibrated to determine source spectra and PGA for individual events. High prominence bumps produced complex events that radiated more high frequency energy, relative to low frequency energy, than continuous events without a bump. In complex ruptures, the radiated high frequency energy was spatially variable and correlated with local variations in peak slip rate and maximum mechanical stress drop caused by the bump. Continuous ruptures emitted spatially uniform bursts of high frequency energy as the rupture propagated along the fault. Near-field peak ground acceleration (PGA) measurements of complex ruptures show nearly an order-of-magnitude higher PGA near the bump than elsewhere. We propose that for natural faults, geometric heterogeneities may be a plausible explanation for commonly observed order-of-magnitude variations in near-fault PGA.

How to cite: Cebry, S. B. L. and McLaskey, G.: Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex ruptures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3342,, 2025.

Natural faults are typically surrounded by a damage zone consisting of fractures of varying scales and geometries, which can significantly influence the dynamics of earthquake ruptures. Numerical studies have shown that damage can affect rupture parameters such as velocity, style, and extent. However, only a limited number of experimental studies have examined the effect of damage on the rupture process, focusing primarily on the rupture speed. Here, we present direct experimental observations on how damage geometry can affect earthquake rupture dynamics on a planar fault. We use polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) specimens with a pre-cut planar fault and create damage near the fault with varying crack geometry and spacings using laser cutting technology. We generate spontaneously propagating shear ruptures along the main faults and image the rupture using an ultra-high-speed camera operating at one million frames per second. By employing Digital Image Correlation (DIC) techniques, we obtain detailed evolution maps of velocities, displacements, and strains associated with the propagation of the ruptures. Initial results demonstrate that damage zone characteristics can significantly influence the slip velocity, rupture style, and speed, including the transition from sub-Rayleigh to supershear velocities. Such results can offer valuable experimental observations on how damage zones influence earthquake rupture dynamics and deepen the understanding of the complex interplay between fault structures and rupture processes.

How to cite: Ghosh, S. and Tal, Y.: The Effect of Fault Damage Zone on the Dynamics of Earthquake Ruptures: Experimental Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3648,, 2025.

EGU25-4426 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Response of a fluid-saturated fault gouge to frequency varied cyclic pore-pressure variations 

Stanislav Parez, Pritom Sarma, and Einat Aharonov

Cyclic fluid injection for industrial purposes within fault zones are commonly imposed, since they are observed to stabilize induced seismicity, often inducing aseismic slip along fault surfaces, without immediate seismic energy release (Zang et al., 2018; Noël et al., 2019; Ji et al., 2021a, 2021b, 2022). Even though dynamic variations of effective normal stress on fault zones due to both natural and anthropogenic causes are common (Chen et al., 2024), the impact of the perturbations and their frequencies on fault strength is less explored (Savage and Marone, 2007; Ferdowsi et al., 2015; Noël et al., 2019). The frequency of pore-pressure changes are  expected to impose a characteristic timescale, controlling the crossover from a drained to an undrained response, which in turn will promote markedly different deformation modes and rates (Passelègue et al., 2018).


In this work we present results from a coupled hydromechanical-discrete element model that simulates the response of a pre-stressed, fully saturated fault, filled with a granular fault gouge, subject to cyclic pore-pressure variations across frequencies of three orders of magnitude. For lower frequencies we see nucleation-arrest-nucleation dynamics within the granular rupture and for higher frequency we observe cyclic creep, both driven by pore-pressure perturbations. Within the frequency parameter space we see a crossover of the slip modes as we increase frequency, lower frequencies show unstable failure, while higher frequencies show creep. Our results might account for a) fluid induced slip stability in cyclic injection scenarios (higher frequencies) and b) low-frequency dynamic triggering of earthquakes.

How to cite: Parez, S., Sarma, P., and Aharonov, E.: Response of a fluid-saturated fault gouge to frequency varied cyclic pore-pressure variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4426,, 2025.

EGU25-4873 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Thermo-hydro-mechanical mechanisms in sandstone-derived fault gouges during simulated small-magnitude earthquakes from experiments and models 

Chien-Cheng Hung, Niemeijer André, Stefano Aretusini, Elena Spagnuolo, Jianye Chen, and Maartje Hamers

Laboratory studies have demonstrated that faults undergo dynamic weakening during large displacements (>1 m) at seismic slip velocities (>0.1 m/s). However, the role of this weakening in small-displacement induced earthquakes (M 3–4), such as those in the Groningen Gas Field (the Netherlands), remains unclear. To address this, we conducted seismic slip-pulse experiments on Slochteren sandstone gouges (SSG), derived from the gas reservoir, using a rotary-shear apparatus to provide decimeter-scale constraints on the dynamic fault slip of quartz-rich gouges. Pre-sheared gouge layers, confined between ~1.5 mm thick sandstone host blocks, were subjected to slip pulses under initial effective normal stresses of 4.9–16.6 MPa and pore fluid pressures of 0.1 and 1 MPa under undrained conditions. The experiments achieved peak velocities of 1.8 m/s, accelerations up to 42 m/s², and displacements of 7.5–15 cm, using either dry Argon or water as pore fluid at ambient temperatures. Our results reveal that water-saturated gouges weaken rapidly from a peak friction of ~0.7 to ~0.3, accompanied by early fast dilatancy followed by slower ongoing dilation, with minimal dependence on normal stress, slip acceleration, or displacement. In contrast, Argon-filled samples exhibited only minor weakening. Microstructural analysis shows no systematic relationship between the width of the principal slip zone (PSZ) and frictional work or power input densities, indicating that wear or heat production alone does not control PSZ growth. Instead, our thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical modeling suggests that thermal pore fluid pressurization, potentially involving water phase transitions at asperity scales, drives weakening in short-displacement, induced seismic events. To extend these small-scale laboratory findings to reservoir-scale processes, ongoing research focuses on discrete element modeling (DEM) at particle and gouge scales coupled with THM solutions. This includes calibrating the THM-DEM models at both grain and gouge scales using laboratory data from Groningen sandstone-derived samples. The calibrated models will be validated with recent data generated under fast slip conditions with varying pore fluids.

How to cite: Hung, C.-C., André, N., Aretusini, S., Spagnuolo, E., Chen, J., and Hamers, M.: Thermo-hydro-mechanical mechanisms in sandstone-derived fault gouges during simulated small-magnitude earthquakes from experiments and models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4873,, 2025.

Compared to other kinds of fluid-related seismicity, reservoir-induced seismicity (RIS) is usually characterized by higher magnitudes. Seismic and water level monitoring and statistical modelling, however, do not provide comprehensive understanding of the RIS mechanism and controls. This study presents a novel finite element method-based 2D poro-visco-elasto-plastic fully dynamic earthquake model, specifically applicable to RIS simulations. In the first stage of the simulations, Drucker-Prager plasticity is used to generate a normal fault in the Earth’s upper crust with enhanced porosity, over a long time-scale of millions of years. In the second stage of the simulations, RIS is modelled under typical reservoir impoundment dynamics, producing four seismic sequences, triggered by pore pressure increase at the fault at shallow depth below the reservoir. This pressurization is released by aftershocks in every seismic cluster, accompanied by permeability hikes at the fault and associated with fault “valving” behaviour. A dynamic coseismic rupture phase driven by wave-mediated stress transfers coupled with rate-and-state dependent friction coefficient weakening is modelled, along with interseismic deformations. Coseismic crack opening in a dilatant regime, inducing porosity and permeability hikes especially emphasized at the fault, is implemented. The model component verifications demonstrate convincing agreement with theoretical predictions. The model allows investigation of spatio-temporal RIS characteristics and their controls. It may contribute to earthquake prediction in situ and facilitate earthquake mitigation policies.

How to cite: Katsman, R. and Ben-Avraham, Z.: A Dynamic Poro-Visco-Elasto-Plastic Earthquake Simulator with Spontaneous Dilatant Coseismic Rupture: Modelling Fault Deformations at Reservoir-Induced Seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5024,, 2025.

EGU25-6563 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Velocity influence on the friction and wear of a single-asperity lab-fault 

Adriane Clerc, Guilhem Mollon, Amandine Ferrieux, Lionel Lafarge, and Aurélien Saulot

Understanding earthquakes mechanisms still represents a challenge, motivated by the large consequences of the numerous earthquakes occurring each year. The complexity of fault zones and fault behaviour requests to make some simplifications and to down-scale the studied system. In our work we borrow from the tribological approach the pin-on-disk experiment so that the two rough surfaces in contact through a series of asperities fault concept is downscaled to a single asperity sliding on a rough surface. The single asperity response to shearing induced by sliding and the evolution of friction are studied closely to understand the behaviour of the down-scaled fault, especially when the velocity is changing. Moreover, mono-asperity experimental tests are an effective way to construct new friction laws for numerical simulations.

The original experimental apparatus consists in a centimetric pin with a hemispherical extremity representing the fault asperity while a large flat rotating disk stands for the opposite surface of the experimental fault. Both pieces are made in the same carbonate rock (Carrara white marble) with controlled roughness. Under co-seismic conditions (contact size, contact normal stress) and with a rough track with presence of granular gouge, the lab-fault is submitted to different velocities (from 0.001 m/s up to 1m/s). A number of high-sampling-rate sensors are used to constrain the observation of the asperity-rough track contact during the simulated seismic events. Moreover, complete post-mortem analyses of the contact surfaces with optical microscopy, SEM and roughness images allow to quantify the mechanisms and to reconstruct friction scenarios in accordance with the time-series acquired during tests. A quasi 2D numerical twin is also created with the elementary discrete method software MELODY, in order to compare the different features observed on the pin or on the track.

In this present work, we focus on the change of wear mechanisms in the lab-fault due to changes in sliding velocity. Independently of the normal load applied, the Carrara white marble asperity-track system experiences weakening velocity due to frictional heating. The friction coefficient evolution during the co-seismic events and the post-mortem analyses put in contrast two regimes. At low velocity, the carbonate rock lab fault wears off at a constant rate producing a large amount of granular gouge. At high velocity, the contact surfaces are covered by viscous sintered material, which can be called mirror surfaces.

How to cite: Clerc, A., Mollon, G., Ferrieux, A., Lafarge, L., and Saulot, A.: Velocity influence on the friction and wear of a single-asperity lab-fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6563,, 2025.

EGU25-7148 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Probing Fault Zone Evolution with Ultrasonic Measurements: Seismic Imaging in Laboratory Experiments 

Michele De Solda, Michele Mauro, Giovanni Guglielmi, Federico Pignalberi, and Marco Scuderi

Faults can slip in diverse modes, ranging from slow, aseismic creep to dynamic, earthquake-generating rupture. Geological observations reveal that many fault zones consist of localized slip zones surrounded by a broader damage zone, where microcracks and fractures interact in complex ways. Friction laws propose that whether a fault will host a slow slip event or a fast dynamic rupture depends on the relative stiffness of these slip zones and the surrounding material. Conversely, the local stress field imposes such structures' evolution. Although the evidence for these complex interactions indicates the opportunity to incorporate this knowledge in the theoretical framework, collecting data on the spatiotemporal evolution of elastic properties at seismogenic depth is inherently challenging, leaving this possibility mostly unexplored.

Laboratory experiments provide a controlled environment for studying the evolution of fault mechanics and elastic properties. Elastic waves are governed by the same equations that relate wave speeds to dynamic moduli. Therefore, they offer a pathway to link laboratory observations to natural fault processes.

This study investigates how microstructural reorganization during fault deformation and fault zone structure formation affects fault zone stiffness and slip behavior using synthetic quartz gouge layers sheared in double-direct shear (DDS) configuration.
Our DDS setup is instrumented with piezoelectric transducers designed to generate and record predominantly compressional (P) or shear (S) waves. By carefully characterizing the source time function, we ensure that early arrivals in each recorded signal represent a single wave mode with minimal mode conversion or side reflections.

We then apply Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) to these early arrivals to reconstruct velocity models for both P- and S-waves as deformation progresses. The inverted models reveal spatiotemporal variations in the bulk and shear moduli, which we interpret as signatures of contact-area changes, grain size reduction, and other micromechanical processes relevant to frictional stability. In particular, the evolving elastic properties allow us to gauge how the local stiffness of the gouge zone evolves relative to applied stress, linking the observed velocity changes to the constitutive laws underpinning rate-and-state friction (RSF). While RSF implicitly links frictional strength to contacts dynamic through a state variable, our results illustrate how ultrasonic waveform acquisition and modeling can provide hints toward the explicit rewriting of such laws in terms of the evolution of elastic properties, an intermediate level of description easier related to micromechanical processes.

This approach highlights the potential for ultrasonic measurements in earthquake laboratory experiments to probe fault zone mechanics and outline a framework for integrating seismic imaging with frictional mechanics to better understand fault behavior across scales.

How to cite: De Solda, M., Mauro, M., Guglielmi, G., Pignalberi, F., and Scuderi, M.: Probing Fault Zone Evolution with Ultrasonic Measurements: Seismic Imaging in Laboratory Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7148,, 2025.

EGU25-7873 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Dilation or compaction? Laboratory insights into the role of fault roughness 

Shupeng Chai, Boyang Su, Yuan Zou, and Qi Zhao

The geometrical roughness of faults results in significant stress heterogeneity across various length scales, thus affecting rupture and sliding behavior during earthquakes. The dilatancy behavior on rough joints also becomes much more complicated than on planar faults. Whether dilation or compaction will occur on rough faults, especially those with large asperity heights, during interseismic and seismic slips is still an open question. 

Here, we perform laboratory shear tests on rough faults with millimeter-scale asperity heights and analyze the four types of dilation or compaction behavior observed during stick-slip cycles. In the stick phases, dilatancy behavior inferred from the asperity contacts agrees well with the variation of normal displacement. The locations of acoustic emission (AE) events are also consistent with the potential surface damage regions estimated from the evolution of asperity contacts at various shearing displacements. Stick-slip events with compaction-dominant interseismic slip usually occur at large shear displacements on interlocking faults when overriding high asperities. In those stick-slip events, the proportion of large-magnitude AEs is lower, resulting in higher Gutenberg–Richter b values. A generalized schematic model is also proposed for the complex dilatancy behavior during stick-slip cycles.

The experimental results provide new insights into the effects of fault roughness on shear-induced dilatancy behavior and serve as valuable benchmarks for our numerical simulations considering visible contact evolutions during shear sliding on rough faults.

How to cite: Chai, S., Su, B., Zou, Y., and Zhao, Q.: Dilation or compaction? Laboratory insights into the role of fault roughness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7873,, 2025.

EGU25-7883 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Fault core structure and the fault slip behavior during fluid injection: insights from laboratory friction experiments 

Stefano Aretusini, Chiara Cornelio, Elena Spagnuolo, Giuseppe Volpe, Giacomo Pozzi, Luca Dal Zilio, Paul Selvadurai, and Massimo Cocco

Fluid pressure plays a crucial role in controlling fault reactivation in both natural and induced seismicity. The effective normal stress is linearly reduced by an increase in fluid pressure (Pf) with σeff = σn  - S · Pf, which lowers the frictional strength of the fault, τ=µ·σeff, increasing the potential for fault reactivation and seismic slip. Upon reactivation, slip can occur quasi-statically or dynamically depending on the interplay between σn and Pf and mediated by the S parameter, (the hydromechanical coupling) and by the rate-and-state properties of the fault materials. In this context, the fault zone structure dictates the frictional properties as well as the fault hydro-mechanical coupling, particularly when S ≠ 1 and reactivation might occur at effective stresses different than predicted.

In Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies (BULGG, Switzerland), a target fault zone chosen for fluid-induced fault stimulation is characterized by a fractured host rock surrounding a sub-centimetric fault core with fault gouge and bare-rock asperities.  Therefore, to define slip mode of the target fault it is important to characterized the frictional properties of both fault gouge and bare-rock asperities taking advantage of a laboratory controlled experimental environment.

Fault stimulation by fluid injection was simulated in laboratory by increasing the Pf following an injection protocol suitable for the BULGG fluid stimulation. Experiments were performed on both the fault gouge sampled from the target fault and on bare rock surfaces sampled in the surrounding host rock. We employed a rotary shear apparatus (SHIVA) to perform fluid injection experiments. First, we imposed the stress conditions measured at depth in the underground laboratory, halved due to apparatus limitations: 7.5 MPa σeff, 7.5 MPa confining pressure and 2.5 MPa Pf. Second, we imposed a slip rate of 10-5 m/s for 0.01 m to develop a stable fault core structure. Third, we applied a constant shear stress of 2.7 MPa, considering the slip tendency measured on the target fault (0.35). We then increased stepwise the Pf by 0.1 MPa every 150 s. After fault slip initiation, the maximum allowed slip velocity was 0.1-1 m/s. Between each of the experimental stages, permeability and transmissivity were measured with the gradient (Darcy) or Pf oscillations methods.

We show that fault reactivation and slip behavior are different between gouge and bare rocks: in gouge creep and dilatancy precede reactivation, whereas in bare rock surfaces reactivation is sudden and not preceded by neither tertiary creep nor dilatancy indicating that dynamic reactivation is promoted in smooth bare-rock surfaces. Moreover, gouge displays a higher friction (0.58 vs 0.49) and a lower hydraulic transmissivity (i.e., 10-19 vs 10-17 m3) than bare rocks.

Here we proceed to test a suite of constitutive models against our data: rate and state friction, (Rudnicki, 2023; Cappa et al., 2022), and a fully coupled poromechanical model (Dal Zilio et al., in prep.), to understand what are the physical processes controlling the onset and style of fault activation in the two fault core structures.

How to cite: Aretusini, S., Cornelio, C., Spagnuolo, E., Volpe, G., Pozzi, G., Dal Zilio, L., Selvadurai, P., and Cocco, M.: Fault core structure and the fault slip behavior during fluid injection: insights from laboratory friction experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7883,, 2025.

EGU25-8673 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Frictional strength and healing behaviour of natural carbonated serpentinites at hydrothermal conditions 

Leonardo Salvadori, Giulio Di Toro, and Telemaco Tesei

Ophicalcites (carbonated ultramafic rocks) are commonly found when serpentinized mantle rocks are exposed to fluid-rock interaction in settings such as slip and damage zone of mid ocean ridges, transform faults and subduction zones. In this study, we analyze the frictional strength and healing properties of ophicalcites under hydrothermal conditions because of their possible role in the nucleation of “fast” (i.e., earthquakes) and slow slip events.

The ophicarbonates used in this study belong to the exhumed ophiolitic unit of Eastern Elba Island (Italy). The hand samples are black, red, and purple ophicarbonates and include veined breccias and cataclasites. The mineral assemblages, determined through optical microscopy and quantitative (Rietveld) X-ray powder diffraction, consist of serpentine (lizardite and chrysotile with rare relicts of pyroxene and olivine), talc and calcite veins. Hematite is only found in the red ophicalcite.

We conducted slide-hold-slide experiments with a rotary-shear apparatus coupled with a hydrothermal vessel (ROSA-HYDROS, Padua University, Italy) on a synthetic fault gouge derived from a red natural ophicalcite cataclasite with a composition of 26.9% lizardite and chrysotile, 12.3% talc, 57.6% calcite, 2.9% hematite and traces of smectite. The experiments were performed at an effective normal stress (σneff = σn - Pp) of 20 MPa, a fluid pressure (Pp) of 6 MPa, constant slip velocity of 10 µm/s between the holds (which lasted from 10 to 10.000 s) and temperatures ranging from 20 to 400°C. Our results show that, the “serpentinite” component dominates the bulk friction and the healing behaviour. For T≤ 200°C and in the presence of water in liquid state, the friction coefficient (µ = shear stress/σneff) is relatively low (µ = 0.35-0.45), poorly sensitive to fluid temperature and we observe creep.  Instead, for T ≥ 300°C and in the presence of water in vapor state, the µ is higher (= 0.80-0.90) and we observe stick-slip behaviour.

The experimental approach of this study aims to understand the nucleation of earthquakes or of slow slip events along mid ocean ridges and transform faults and to contribute to the assessment of seismic hazard associated with CO2 storage by carbonation of serpentinite in deep reservoirs.

How to cite: Salvadori, L., Di Toro, G., and Tesei, T.: Frictional strength and healing behaviour of natural carbonated serpentinites at hydrothermal conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8673,, 2025.

EGU25-8830 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Dynamics of frictional healing of anhydrite bearing faults imaged by ultrasonic waves 

Michele Mauro, Giovanni Guglielmi, Michele De Solda, Fabio Trippetta, Cristiano Collettini, and Marco Scuderi

The ability of faults to regain strength between seismic events (frictional healing) is crucial to understand the seismic cycle. In lithologically heterogeneous faults, differences in healing rates among various rock types can lead to the locking of specific fault patches. These locked segments may store significant amounts of elastic strain energy, which can be dynamically released during earthquakes. Anhydrite is a key component of the Triassic Evaporites, the seismogenic layer responsible for destructive earthquakes in Central Italy, e.g. 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia mainshock. Its complex mechanical behavior, strongly influenced by boundary conditions, remains underexplored. Minor variations in effective pressure, humidity, loading rate, and temperature alter healing properties, rheology, and fault slip behavior of anhydrite. These mechanical characteristics are inherently tied to its elastic properties. Hence, the broad spectrum of mechanical behaviors observed should correspond to an equally wide variation in its elastic moduli.

We performed dry and wet friction experiments on anhydrite gouge using the BRAVA2 biaxial apparatus. These experiments include Slide-Hold-Slide (SHS) sequences to investigate the healing properties of anhydrite by varying temperature between 20 and 100 °C. To inform mechanical data with the microphysical evolution of the fault, we equipped the sample assembly with PZT sensors in transmission mode. These sensors record ultrasonic wave (UW) propagation through the sample during SHS tests. Finally, mechanical and ultrasonic measurements were accompanied by comprehensive microstructural analysis.

At room temperature, distinct mechanical features emerge between dry and wet samples. Wet experiments are characterized by lower friction (μ = 0.49) and higher healing rate (β = 0.015) with respect to dry ones (μ = 0.6 and β = 0.004). In both wet and dry tests fault healing follows a log-linear dependence with hold duration, however, in wet samples this relationship occurs only after a characteristic cut-off time, tc (s). We report a log-linear increase of UW amplitude with hold time. Microstructural analysis of wet samples reveals shear localization and grain size reduction within multiple Y, B, and R shear bands. Conversely, dry samples predominantly feature distributed deformation within R shear bands and local S-C structures.

The observed differences between dry and wet experiments suggest that water-activated processes play a major role in controlling shear strength and healing properties of anhydrite. This hypothesis is corroborated by the presence of a cut-off time for wet healing measurements. We interpret tc as a necessary time for water-activated deformation mechanisms to effectively operate by increasing the healing rate.
The evidence of a log-linear relationship between UW amplitude and hold duration testifies that fault restrengthening is intimately related to gouge porosity reduction and fault zone evolution.

Our approach aims to correlate reductions in shear modulus with shearing along specific slip planes, which are known to be active through microstructural analyses. To achieve this goal, the relationship between complex frictional healing and the elastic properties of anhydrite will be investigated via the extraction of elastic moduli from UW velocities.

How to cite: Mauro, M., Guglielmi, G., De Solda, M., Trippetta, F., Collettini, C., and Scuderi, M.: Dynamics of frictional healing of anhydrite bearing faults imaged by ultrasonic waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8830,, 2025.

EGU25-8940 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Spatio-Temporal Organization of Earthquakes: Insights from Aseismic Transients and Seismic Triggering in Rock Fracture 

Hao Chen, Paul Antony Selvadurai, Sofia Michail, Antonio Felipe Salazar Vásquez, Claudio Madonna, and Stefan Wiemer

Recent observations of many large earthquakes suggest a pronounced interaction of seismic sequences and aseismic slip (Kato & Ben-Zion, 2020). Among them, the spatio-temporally clustered seismic sequences may be related to internal stress transfer through event-event triggering processes (Davidsen et al., 2021). These evolving stress correlations at different length scales may be a key component to earthquake nucleation. However, the coupling between aseismic deformation and seismic triggering remains poorly understood due to observational limitations. In this study, we performed a triaxial experiment at 50 MPa confining pressure on a Rotondo granite sample. The sample was pre-notched to induce localized stress concentrations. The deployment of distributed strain sensing (DSS), based on fiber-optic technology, captures the transient behavior of aseismic deformation leading to system-size failure. We show that, at peak stress (σp = 420 MPa), the strain first builds up and accelerates near the edges of notches. During a subsequent small stress drop (Δσd = 1.5 MPa), a sharp contrast between positive and negative strain rates appears. This asymmetric deformation reflects the local stress redistribution associated with the development of shear cracks emanating from the notches. Following this, a transient recovery is observed, as the concentrated strain rate transfers to the surrounding regions. This indicates that the shear crack is growing away from the notches towards the middle of sample. Acoustic emissions (AEs) recorded throughout the failure sequence were analyzed in conjunction with local strain rates, strain gradients, and the speed at which the strain concentrations propagate. This study provides novel insights into the spatio-temporal evolution of shear cracks, revealing the complex interplay between strain localization, aseismic transients, foreshock activity and stress redistribution during the preparatory phase preceding dynamic failure.



Davidsen, J., Goebel, T., Kwiatek, G., Stanchits, S., Baró, J., & Dresen, G. (2021). What Controls the Presence and Characteristics of Aftershocks in Rock Fracture in the Lab? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10), e2021JB022539.

Kato, A., & Ben-Zion, Y. (2020). The generation of large earthquakes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2(1), 26–39.

How to cite: Chen, H., Selvadurai, P. A., Michail, S., Salazar Vásquez, A. F., Madonna, C., and Wiemer, S.: Spatio-Temporal Organization of Earthquakes: Insights from Aseismic Transients and Seismic Triggering in Rock Fracture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8940,, 2025.

EGU25-10995 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

BeeAx: A New Biaxial Apparatus to Investigate Shallow Brittle Rock Deformation and Frictional Sliding 

Nico Bigaroni, Julian Mecklenburgh, Mike Chandler, Lee Paul, and Ernest Rutter

The mechanisms that lead a fault in the brittle crust to catastrophically fail during fluid injection remain poorly understood. In traditional rock mechanics, significant effort has been devoted to developing fluid injection experiments that reactivate small specimen surfaces over their whole area. However, in natural settings, only a portion of the fault may initially experience an increase in fluid pressure and reactivation by enlarging the area of slip.

Therefore, it is important to explore further the processes that lead to nucleation on a localized patch subjected to fluid injection to involve a larger portion of the fault that are not initially subjected to the elevated fluid pressure. To do so, we developed a new bi-axial apparatus specifically designed to investigate the nucleation phase of fluid injection-induced earthquakes on large enough sample.

This apparatus accommodates slabs of rock with a sliding surface of 15 x 17 cm and 1 cm thick. It is equipped with two servocontrolled hydraulic rams capable of delivering horizontal and vertical forces up to 450kN. The fluid pressure (both upstream and downstream) and both rams are controlled by adapted Nova-Swiss hand pumps that are independently managed by EUROTHERM process controllers, which operate MAXXON brushless electric motors via ESCON digital servo-controllers. This setup enables precise servo-control of each piston and upstream and downstream pressure in either displacement or pressure mode, using feedback from LVDTs and pressure transducers, respectively.

We designed a new double L-shaped assembly that ensures a uniform shear stress distribution on the sliding surface prior to reactivation, as shown by finite element analysis. The assembly is equipped with eight piezoelectric transducers to record acoustic emissions (AE) and to conduct active velocity surveys, as well as strain and displacement gauges placed across the sliding surface to monitor local strains and finite displacements. The slip surface can be machined to form an area with an initial stress concentration around its tip so that slip can be initiated entirely by raising the fluid pressure in the ‘crack’. The sample material chosen is Pennant sandstone, a tight sandstone with high cohesive strength and very low porosity and permeability.

Here, we present a suite of preliminary experiments ranging from conventional stable/unstable frictional sliding to fluid injection-induced fault reactivation. Acoustic emissions were utilized to monitor the evolution of the seismic b-value and to locate AE events throughout the experiments.

How to cite: Bigaroni, N., Mecklenburgh, J., Chandler, M., Paul, L., and Rutter, E.: BeeAx: A New Biaxial Apparatus to Investigate Shallow Brittle Rock Deformation and Frictional Sliding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10995,, 2025.

EGU25-12897 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Validating the link between fault geometry and slip distribution 

Tom Gabrieli, Pierre Romanet, Yuval Tal, and Marco M. Schuderi

Fault geometry is increasingly regarded as a key parameter that affects all aspects of the earthquake cycle, yet the in-situ geometry of active faults remains poorly resolved, and they are often modeled as largely planar. On the other hand, recent advances in sensing and computational abilities enable measuring the co-seismic slip of large earthquakes in high resolution, both on the surface and at seismogenic depths. Previous analytical and numerical studies showed that the slip distribution of an earthquake is mechanically linked to the fault geometry through its curvature, though this link has not yet been verified. Here we show experimental verification of this link, by measuring at high precision the shear slip profiles along non-planar interfaces in laboratory earthquakes. We trigger dynamic shear ruptures that propagate along the interface between two loaded and matching PMMA plates and, using image correlation of ultrahigh-speed photography, resolve the propagating ruptures and the resulting displacements. The plates are pre-cut along a desired geometry, and we compare the slip calculated from the geometry and the experimental shear slip at each pixel along the interface. We show that, as predicted analytically, fault curvature is correlated to slip gradient when the plates are in contact and anti-correlated when there is opening. These relationships are clearly visible in our results at all measured scales regardless of the rupture complexity. Our results suggest that variations of the co-seismic slip along a fault can be highly indicative of the in-situ fault geometry and, alternatively, that slip distribution may be predicted along a fault with known geometry.

How to cite: Gabrieli, T., Romanet, P., Tal, Y., and Schuderi, M. M.: Validating the link between fault geometry and slip distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12897,, 2025.

EGU25-13704 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

The Effect of Temperature and Physical State of Water on the Frictional Properties of Gouges from Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland) 

Wei-Hsin Wu, Wei Feng, Rodrigo Gomila, Telemaco Tesei, Marie Violay, Anette K. Mortensen, and Giulio Di Toro

Safe exploitation of high-enthalpy geothermal fields for energy production requires knowledge of the mechanical behavior of faults and the seismic cycle in the presence of hot, pressurized fluids. In geothermal reservoirs, fluids can exist in the liquid, liquid-vapor mixture, vapor, or supercritical fluid state. Here we investigate the frictional properties of simulated fault gouges derived from the main stratigraphic units present in Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland) under realistic water temperature (Tf=100-400˚C) and pressure (Pf=10-30 MPa) conditions. These conditions correspond to water in the liquid, vapor, and supercritical state. 

Laboratory rotary shear, slide-hold-slide (SHS) experiments at a constant effective normal stress of 10 MPa are performed on gouges prepared from non-altered basalt (Krafla Fires eruptions, 1975-1984), chlorite-altered basalt (borehole KH-6, 708.5 m borehole depth), amphibole-altered basalt (borehole IDDP-01, 1686 m borehole depth), fine-grained basaltic dyke with scarce alteration (borehole IDDP-01, 1970 m borehole depth), and rhyolite (borehole KJ-39, 1637-1646 m borehole depth). All experiments are initiated with a 5 mm run-in slip at a loading point slip rate V of 10 μm/s followed by the SHS sequence with a hold time thold increased from 3 s to 10,000 s, separated by a slip interval of 1 mm.

The frictional strength μss (friction coefficient during run-in) slightly increases with Tf in non-altered and amphibole-altered basalt and slightly decreases with Tf in chlorite-altered basalt, basaltic dyke, and rhyolite. However, for all rock types, μss is higher (μss_vap> μss_sup and μss_liq) when vapor is present (only exception, non-altered basalt with μss_sup>μss_vap> μss_liq).

The frictional healing Δμ (frictional strength recovery during holds), is highest at Tf=400˚C in vapor and supercritical water. Still, the effect of Tf and the physical states of water on frictional healing rate (βμ/log(1+thold/tcutoff)) depends on rock type. In non-altered basalt, β increases with Tf but decreases in vapor water; in chlorite-altered basalt and basaltic dyke, β increases with Tf and is independent of the physical state of water; in amphibole-altered basalt and rhyolite, β is independent of both Tf and the physical state of water. However, systematic microanalysis of the deformed gouges is required to understand the underlying mechanisms. 

Lastly, for measured constant machine stiffness in this Tf-Pf range, all tested gouges show stable sliding (creep) at Tf=100˚C but become unstable (stick-slip) at Tf=200˚C (basaltic dyke) and Tf=300˚C (other rock types) regardless of the physical states of water. The highest stress drops during stick-slip are measured in supercritical water (non-altered basalt) or vapor (all the other gouges). Consistent with the seismological observations, our laboratory data show that the fault/fracture network in Krafla reservoir is less prone to nucleate earthquakes in the shallow hydrothermal system (Tf~170˚C, < 1 km depth), with most earthquakes located in the deep hydrothermal system (Tf≥300˚C, 1-2 km depth).

In conclusion, both temperature and the physical states of water should be considered when interpreting the seismicity in geothermal fields. 

How to cite: Wu, W.-H., Feng, W., Gomila, R., Tesei, T., Violay, M., Mortensen, A. K., and Di Toro, G.: The Effect of Temperature and Physical State of Water on the Frictional Properties of Gouges from Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13704,, 2025.

EGU25-16260 | Orals | EMRP1.5

PolystyQuakes : what can we learn from the use of polystyrene as analogue to earthquakes? 

Audrey Bonnelye, Abraham Gouedar, and Delphine Faure-Catteloin

Laboratory investigations into the behavior of fault zones have been a significant focus in experimental rock mechanics over the past decades. Various approaches have been developed, ranging from analog models to testing natural samples in triaxial cells. The primary goal of the latter is to infer the physical mechanisms responsible for failure under realistic conditions encountered in natural settings, albeit on small sample sizes (e.g., centimeter scale). In contrast, analog modeling aims to replicate similar mechanical behavior by applying scaling laws to geometry and material properties.

To address the spatial scale limitations of classical rock mechanics, we developed new experiments that bridge the gap between traditional rock mechanics and analog experiments. These experiments utilize the unique capabilities of the DIMITRI setup, a giant true-triaxial apparatus (1.5m × 1.5m × 1m). Due to the size of this experimental device, the maximum stress it can apply is limited to 2 MPa per principal stress. Consequently, we chose polystyrene as an analog for rocks. The low elastic properties of polystyrene slow down physical processes, enabling comprehensive observation of rupture phenomena, from initiation to failure arrest. Our objective is to investigate the interplay between different types of slip occurring along the interface.

In this study, we conducted stick-slip experiments on large-scale polystyrene blocks with a pre-cut surface area of 1.5 m². We applied shortening rates ranging from 1 to 10 mm/min. Our experiments successfully reproduced stick-slip behavior, allowing us to observe variations in frictional behavior along the interface and identify different types of slip, from slow slip to dynamic slip.

How to cite: Bonnelye, A., Gouedar, A., and Faure-Catteloin, D.: PolystyQuakes : what can we learn from the use of polystyrene as analogue to earthquakes?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16260,, 2025.

EGU25-16382 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Effect of strong and weak inclusions on the frictional behaviour of fault gouges 

Lucille Carbillet, Simon Guérin-Marthe, Karin Hofer Apostolidis, and Marie Violay

Faults are heterogeneous at all scales. Crustal faults extend for tens or hundreds of kilometers across which they intersect many different lithologies. In the fault core, meter-scale blocks are embedded within a shear zone mélange and, at the grain-scale, fault segments comprise patches of weak and strong minerals. This structural heterogeneity may be  associated with an heterogeneous stress distribution on-fault and has therefore been invoked to explain observations of different slip behaviours occuring simultaneously and at the same location on individual faults.

Conceptually, the structural and mechanical heterogeneity along fault is often described in terms of rheological asperities that can either be competent, have a velocity-weakening frictional behavior and tend to slip unstably or be less competent, have a velocity-strengthening frictional behaviour and slip stably. To understand the spectrum of slow, intermediate, and fast slips behaviors observed in nature, the laboratory studies have investigated the effect of rheological asperities on fault stability and slip behaviour. Laboratory experiments have been performed using mixtures of gouge materials with different frictional properties mixed homogeneously in various proportions or using spatially heterogeneous gouges with predefined layering perpendicular or parallel to the shear direction. In gouge samples prepared using talc-calcite mixtures, a 20% fraction of talc – the weak phase – was shown to drastically change the frictional properties of calcite gouge. However, recent results for vertically segmented gouges prepared from claystone and sandstone showed that fault friction and its rate-dependence are not simply controlled by the weakest lithology nor by a homogeneous mixture of the juxtaposing lithologies.

We performed friction experiments at room temperature in a servo-controlled biaxial apparatus using homogeneous and heterogeneous gouge samples prepared from calcite and talc minerals in various proportions by weight. Calcite and talc were chosen for their well-known antagonist frictional behaviour, as the strong velocity-weakening lithology and weak velocity-strengthening lithology, respectively. Heterogeneous gouge samples consist of a cylindrical inclusion of talc/calcite embedded within calcite/talc. For each experiment, two identical layers of gouge were placed in between three grooved sliding blocks, in a double-direct shear configuration, and a constant normal stress of 40 MPa was applied. Samples were sheared at a sliding velocity of 10 µm.s-1 until a steady state was reached. Velocity-stepping and slide-hold-slide sequences were then performed, under fully dry conditions. 

Overall, we observe that the coefficient of friction decreases with increasing talc content. However, depending on the geometry of the slip interface – a weak inclusion in a stronger and continuous lithology or the opposite – the decrease in strength associated with the presence of phyllosilicate minerals varies non linearly. Velocity weakening during shearing is reduced in the case of a strong calcite inclusion embedded in a weaker talc continuum. Our results show that the rheological heterogeneity associated with the presence of weak or strong inclusions exerts a second order control on the frictional behaviour of our simulated gouges.

How to cite: Carbillet, L., Guérin-Marthe, S., Hofer Apostolidis, K., and Violay, M.: Effect of strong and weak inclusions on the frictional behaviour of fault gouges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16382,, 2025.

EGU25-17462 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Frictional properties and healing in sedimentary subduction fault zones: insights from the Sestola-Vidiciatico unit, Northern Apennines. 

Renato Diamanti, Leonardo Salvadori, Francesca Remitti, Silvia Mittempergher, Giancarlo Molli, Giiulio Di Toro, and Telemaco Tesei

Subduction zone thrust fault systems accommodate deformation and guide the dynamics of converging tectonic plates. Investigating the frictional, healing, and deformation mechanisms at shallow depths within these zones is important for enhancing models of fault zone mechanics, slip behavior, and material transfer processes, as well as for understanding the nucleation and propagation of megathrust earthquakes. The Gova Fault Zone (GFZ), located within the basal portion of the Sestola-Vidiciatico Unit (SVU) in the Northern Apennines (Italy), offers a unique opportunity to examine the frictional properties, healing dynamics, and deformation processes within an exhumed erosive subduction channel.

The GFZ consists of multiple thrust surfaces that juxtapose highly folded and strained phyllosilicate-rich sediments derived from the upper plate (Marmoreto Marls, Fiumalbo Shales, FIU, and Civago Marls Fms., CIV) onto foredeep turbidites (Gova Sandstone Fm, GOV) of the lower plate.

We sampled the rocks in across the GFZ transect from the footwall GOV sandstones into the SVU shear zone, a sheared Civago marls and Fiumalbo shales.

Fault rocks were reduced to gouge and sheared in a rotary shear apparatus equipped with a hydrothermal vessel (RoSA+HYDROS, University of Padova) under an effective normal stress of 20 MPa and fluid pressure of 6 MPa, at both 25°C, and 200°C. We measured the friction and the time-dependent recovery of frictional strength during simulated interseismic periods (i.e., the healing).

The footwall GOV sandstone gouges are dominated by cataclastic processes, are frictionally strong and their friction increase from μ = 0.49 at 25°C to µ = 0.57 at 200° C. They are also characterized by positive healing and a transition from stable slip to stick-slip at 200° C.

The hangingwall rocks are frictionally weaker: the CIV marls show μ = 0.27 (25°C)-0.31 (200° C) and the FIU shales µ = 0.2 (25°C)-0.25 (200° C), display null/negative frictional healing rates. Both rocks maintained stable sliding, facilitated by phyllosilicate lamellae reorientation and buckling. The CAT, show intermediate friction µ = 0.37 (25°C)-0.42 (200° C) but negative healing rate slip behavior dominated by stable sliding.

The measured in the experiments of the footwall sandstones would, in nature, force strain to migrate into the weaker lithologies of the hangingwall. This “migration” of strain favors (1) the development of thrust surfaces within the hangingwall, such as the FIU on CIV contact, and contributes (2) to erosion, enabling the transfer of material from the upper plate to the lower plate. The positive frictional healing and stick-slip behavior at 200° C in the siliciclastic fault rocks (GOV) suggest a role of the footwall in favoring seismic slip nucleation. Conversely, the weakness and lack of frictional healing suggest a predominantly aseismic or slow slip behavior in the phyllosilicate-rich lithologies. Collectively, we found that frictional and microstructural heterogeneities between subducting sediments and the tectonic mélange at shallow depths may control the erosional vs. accretional character of subduction zones and be responsible for complex slip behavior within the frontal thrusts of subduction zones.

How to cite: Diamanti, R., Salvadori, L., Remitti, F., Mittempergher, S., Molli, G., Di Toro, G., and Tesei, T.: Frictional properties and healing in sedimentary subduction fault zones: insights from the Sestola-Vidiciatico unit, Northern Apennines., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17462,, 2025.

EGU25-17710 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Nanostructures as indicator for deformation dynamics 

Sarah Incel, Markus Ohl, Frans Aben, Oliver Plümper, and Nicolas Brantut

We aim to determine the feedback between fault dynamics and fault gouge structures by examining gouge structures that formed during rupture and slip of initially intact granite under upper crustal conditions. Experiments were conducted under quasi-static (3·10-5 mm/s), weakly dynamic (0.27 mm/s) and fully dynamic (≫1.5 mm/s) conditions, with or without fluids, and limited slip displacement (max. 4 mm). The extent in gouge amorphisation positively correlates with deformation rate, and we detected evidence of melting, e.g., magnetite nanograins, associated with the highest deformation rates. Gouge nanostructure is directly correlated to power dissipation rather than total energy input. The presence of amorphous material is shown to have no detectable impact on the strength evolution during rupture. We highlight that gouge textures, generally associated with large displacements and/or elevated pressure and temperature conditions, can form during small slip events (Mw <2) in the upper crust from initially intact materials.

How to cite: Incel, S., Ohl, M., Aben, F., Plümper, O., and Brantut, N.: Nanostructures as indicator for deformation dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17710,, 2025.

EGU25-17832 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Applications of the Particle Finite Element Method (P-FEM) to faulting in the brittle crust 

Andrea Bistacchi, Matteo Ciantia, Riccardo Castellanza, Silvia Mittempergher, and Federico Agliardi

Accurately modeling faulting in the so-called brittle crust remains a challenge due to limitations in numerical algorithms and problems in choosing realistic constitutive models. These challenges are reflected in difficulties linking observations across scales: from laboratory to outcrop and up to regional geology.

Here we present the Geotechnical Particle Finite Element Method (P-FEM), a large-deformation numerical tool developed to capture detailed progressive failure and fracturing using a non-local formulation.

A key advantage of P-FEM is its ability to simulate localized shear bands (fault zones with finite thickness) that naturally emerge independent of mesh discretization, both in thickness and orientation. Continuous remeshing further enables the modeling of large deformations within a Lagrangian framework, and techniques used to minimize numerical diffusion help producing realistic localized shear/fault zone patterns. Additionally, P-FEM benefits from its foundation in standard finite elements, allowing to use efficient and accurate solvers (tested through years by a large community of users) and a wide library of constitutive models to simulate various geo-materials, including non-cohesive soils and fault gouges, weak porous rocks (that could develop deformation/compaction bands), and “standard” brittle-frictional-plastic materials. Multiphysics implementations including fluid and heat flow are also available but will not be specifically discussed here.

These capabilities make P-FEM particularly suited for investigating fundamental tectonic processes such as (i) fault nucleation and growth in mechanically layered materials, (ii) the interplay between faulting and folding in thrust belts, and (iii) the development of fault damage and/or process zones in materials with heterogeneous mechanical properties. Our contribution will outline the P-FEM method and discuss its application to these tectonic problems.

How to cite: Bistacchi, A., Ciantia, M., Castellanza, R., Mittempergher, S., and Agliardi, F.: Applications of the Particle Finite Element Method (P-FEM) to faulting in the brittle crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17832,, 2025.

EGU25-18843 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Slip Localization versus Instability Nucleation Feedback Loop: A Laboratory Perspective from Gouge Deformation Experiments 

Carolina Giorgetti, Federico Pignalberi, Giacomo Mastella, Marco Maria Scuderi, and Cristiano Collettini

Experimental observations on fault gouges suggest that shear localization is a prerequisite for the nucleation of instabilities. Synthetic gouges typically produce lab-quakes when the shear deformation is localized along sharp, knife-edge shear planes – a condition that satisfies the steady-state existence requirement of the rate-and-state friction framework. Similarly, exhumed fault cores exhibit shear planes so localized that they appear as mirror surfaces.

Yet, the scenario in nature is far more complex. Many faults contain multiple fault cores, multiple localized shear planes, cemented fault rocks, and evidence for fault core recycling. This suggests that deformation localized along a principal slip plane during an earthquake – unlike in controlled shear experiments – does not necessarily persist over the lifespan of a mature fault. While in laboratory gouge experiments the steady state corresponds to a microstructural fabric that does not evolve significantly over seismic cycles, fault rock fabrics in nature evolve significantly during the seismic cycle—remaining far from a simple localized steady-state fabric.

Here, we present a preliminary study aiming at reconciling these two perspectives: the laboratory-derived nucleation, which involves deviations from a pre-existing steady-state, and the field-derived nucleation, often occurring far away from any steady-state condition. To address this, we conducted double-direct shear experiments on quartz gouges at 30 MPa normal stress, reactivating faults via shear stress steps that allowed spontaneous fault acceleration or deceleration.

The novelty of our approach lies in (1) the different textural states imposed on the gouge before reactivation and (2) the integration of acoustic emissions monitored during fault acceleration with post-mortem microstructures. Specifically, we designed three textures: a pre-localized texture – with localized shear planes developed by prior shearing at constant velocity and normal stress of 30 MPa for a few millimeters; a homogeneous texture – compacted under a normal stress of 30 MPa without prior shearing before reactivation; and an overconsolidated homogeneous texture – compacted under normal stress of 60 MPa before reactivation at 30 MPa.

Preliminary results reveal clear correlations between acoustic emission rate, slip evolution, and the degree of localization in post-mortem microstructures. Pre-localized textures remain locked until a critical stress is reached, after which they abruptly accelerate. Homogeneous textures display slow, progressive acceleration, with increasing slip velocity at higher shear stresses. The overconsolidated texture exhibits intermediate behavior. The acoustic emission signature during low constant-velocity slip reflects the grain interactions typical of granular flow, while rapid acceleration produces impulsive lab-quake-like signals typical of localized rupture nucleation.

These preliminary observations suggest a feedback loop between the localization of deformation and instability growth. While this type of relationship between shear strain localization and slip rate is well-established for the co-seismic propagation phase, our observations indicate that it may play a role during the nucleation phase, challenging the steady-state assumption commonly derived from laboratory studies.


How to cite: Giorgetti, C., Pignalberi, F., Mastella, G., Scuderi, M. M., and Collettini, C.: Slip Localization versus Instability Nucleation Feedback Loop: A Laboratory Perspective from Gouge Deformation Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18843,, 2025.

EGU25-21574 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

The Influence of Particle Size Distributions on Flash Heating and Thermally Induced Weakening in Fault Gouges 

Hossein Shahabi and Hadrien Rattez

Flash heating is a critical phenomenon in fault gouges, occurring during rapid slip events that generate temperature surges at the grains or asperity contacts. These abrupt temperature increases trigger mechanisms that weaken the gouge material, reducing its shear strength. This process plays a key role in modulating fault dynamics and can significantly impact the propagation of earthquakes [1, 2]. Although many studies have considered microscale friction of uniform or narrowly graded grain sizes, natural fault zones commonly consist of a wide range of particle sizes [3].

In this work, we used a three-dimensional discrete element framework to simulate shear in a granular fault gouge to replicate the rotary-shear experiment. A local temperature-dependent friction law was implemented in which the friction angle of a grain decreases sharply once its temperature exceeds a specified cut-off threshold [4], quantifying how grain size ranges influence the onset of thermally-activated weakening by varying the PSD of our simulated fault gouge—from monodisperse (all grains have the same size) to highly polydisperse (very broad size ranges)—and determining how this range modulates the onset of flash heat weakening. Our numerical results demonstrate that monodisperse samples distribute contact forces more evenly among grains, and that heating and subsequent weakening occur more synchronously across the sample. This uniform distribution of contact forces and thermal effects results in a drop in the macroscopic friction coefficient in a relatively abrupt way. In contrast, samples with polydisperse particles have a wide range of grain sizes, which can give rise to a heterogeneous stress state and thereby strengthen local frictional heating in some areas of the sample, thus allowing a gradual and disordered decline in the macroscopic friction coefficient. Thus, larger grains in polydisperse assemblies can be considered as stress bridges, sustaining higher values of contact forces; on the other side, small grains have lower thermal capacities (via small masses), and they heat up and soften quicker than larger ones with the same frictional work rate. Such a mixture of these aspects explains a larger percentage of weakened particles in polydisperse assemblies and its lower residual friction compared to samples with narrower PSDs. These results emphasize the importance of considering the natural heterogeneity of grain sizes in models of, and observations of temperature-dependent weakening in fault gouges. The polydispersity degree can have a dramatic impact on the rate and extent to which flash heating can induce a transition from a strong (frictional) resisting to a weakened state. Knowledge of these PSD-dependent processes leads to a more realistic representation of dynamic fault weakening and enhances our understanding of earthquake rupture dynamics at naturally heterogeneous fault zones.



[1] J.R. Rice. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 111(5), 2006.

[2] B.P. Proctor, T.M. Mitchell, G. Hirth, D. Goldsby, F. Zorzi, J.D. Platt, and G. Di Toro. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 119(iv):3076–3095, 2014.

[3] C. Marone and C.H. Scholz. Journal of Structural Geology, 11(7):799–814, 1989.

[4] A. Taboada and M. Renouf. Geophysical Journal International, 233(2):1492–1514, 2023.

How to cite: Shahabi, H. and Rattez, H.: The Influence of Particle Size Distributions on Flash Heating and Thermally Induced Weakening in Fault Gouges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21574,, 2025.

After fifty years of mantle plume theory, the cause and effect remain subjects of intense debate. The scientific community is divided between those who believe that mantle plumes are fueled by a deep mantle source and those who argue for a shallow process related to plate tectonics. Although both the plume and plate hypotheses relate to the effect of thermal anomaly, few studies have attempted to explain the formation of initial thermal instability or the maintenance of magma sources for volcanism and large igneous provinces (LIPs). In this study, by considering the putative link between mantle dynamics, lithospheric breakup and flood basalts, we employ a three-dimensional spherical shell model to simulate the Earth's rifting process under thermal expansion. Based on the physical principles for the phase change of materials, we invoke a qualitative model of decompression-melting generation in rifting-induced abnormally-hot asthenosphere to explain that extra volume growth during the material phase change from solid to liquid can promote the coupling effect between pressure and temperature. Our fracture modeling shows that the shallow-based lithospheric process favors a no-root mantle plume as the source for volcanism. Continental rifting and breakup may be caused by the heat accumulation within the asthenosphere underneath the lithosphere, without the need for the existence of deep mantle plumes. Inversely, the fractures, particularly around triangle conjunctions, may release the stresses around their tips and accelerate the decompression melting, which in turn results in the thermal anomaly underneath the lithosphere inside which fractures develop. Our results reveal that pressure drops caused by uplift-induced rifting can accelerate decompression melting and provide the magma source for potential eruptions. Additionally, the significant increase in magma pressure, resulting from the abrupt volume expansion during the solid-to-liquid phase change, may act as the driving force of magma production. This process can become unstable if the coupling between melting pressure and temperature operates as a positive feedback loop. Such instability may lead to mantle dynamics emerging in a top-down pattern, offering insights into the rapid and voluminous magma eruptions characteristic of LIPs. Namely, the accumulated heat may result in expansion in the mantle which may promote uplifting, weakening and eventual breakup of the lithosphere, with huge outpouring of flood basalts, leading to the great events of LIPs. Furthermore, the associated cooling of the lithosphere occurs due to heat absorption during melting and heat loss during eruptions. This process provides a clear understanding of the short-lived yet massive nature of LIPs.

How to cite: Tang, C., Gong, B., and Chen, T.: Investigation into the formation of large igneous provinces from the perspective of Earth's breakup and induced decompression melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-146,, 2025.

EGU25-912 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.6

Role of Strain Hardening in Frictional Aging of Nanoscale Asperity Contacts  

Rajiv Mukherjee and Santanu Misra

Frictional strength of a fault surface is controlled by the yield strength of microscopic asperities. During any quasi-stationary contact, these asperities transiently creep to a characteristic nm-to-μm length scale to achieve a steady-state strain-rate, which governs the “state” evolution of the fault interface. In the Low-Temperature Plasticity regime, asperities predominantly deform through dislocation creep which is controlled by the dislocation density at the junction. While the density of the statistically stored dislocations (ρSSD) controls the steady-state deformation of the asperities, density of the geometrically necessary dislocations (ρGND) governs the transient creep.

We have designed a novel nanoindentation based cyclic deformation experiment to assess the evolution of dislocation densities at asperity contact with progressive hardening. Experiments with normal load ranging from 1 to 8 mN and 10 continuous deformation cycles conducted on single crystals of San Carlos Olivine reveal that with increasing iteration of deformation cycle, and thus strain-hardening, Yield Stress and the percentage of anelastic recovery increases nonlinearly. We show that progressive hardening increases the ρGND at asperity contact that alters the root-mean-square curvature of the asperity, while a similar increment in the ρSSD reduces the characteristic length scale of deformation and increases the macroscopic strength of the material. These observations further validates that the “contact quality” controls the “contact quantity” of nanoscale asperities. Integrating the experimental observations with the existing theories on scale-dependent strength of asperities and nanoscale surface roughness, we have developed a semi-analytical model that relates coefficient of friction with the characteristic length scale of asperity deformation, dislocation densities and roughness parameters. Our model predicts that increasing strain-hardening can reduce the frictional aging for a given amount of fault-normal strain, which provides a microphysical basis for understanding the rate-and-state based friction laws of natural fault surfaces. This study provides a novel mechanistic interpretation of the frictional evolution of nanoscopic self-affine rough surfaces and has potential applications in understanding the transient deformation of the lithospheric mantle.

How to cite: Mukherjee, R. and Misra, S.: Role of Strain Hardening in Frictional Aging of Nanoscale Asperity Contacts , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-912,, 2025.

Accurate initial geostress state is a prerequisite for the dynamic optimization design and construction of deep-buried tunnels, as well as for preventing disasters such as rockburst and large deformation. Inversion methods of the stress field for underground engineering, which utilize limited measurement data and numerical simulation techniques, have emerged as the primary approach. However, traditional inversion optimization models often treat stress components as independent scalars. This simplification overlooks issues of physical consistency and optimization complexity. Additionally, existing intelligent inversion methods, such as machine learning and heuristic optimization, require a large number of simulations, posing a challenge in balancing accuracy and efficiency. This issue becomes particularly problematic for large-scale tunnels in complex geological conditions where the computational time cost is exorbitantly high, thereby hindering the practical need for quick and precise stress field reconstruction.


To address these challenges, we propose a novel inversion method that integrates a tensor-based objective function with Bayesian optimization (TOF-BO). Concretely, this method regards the stress tensor as a whole, uses the Euclidean distance to measure the deviation between calculated and measured values during optimization, and formulates the objective function as the sum of deviations across all measurement points. Unlike traditional scalar objective functions, this tensor-based objective function preserves the physical correlations between stress components, reduces the dimensionality of the objective function, and effectively avoids the adverse effects of magnitude differences between components on optimization efficiency and accuracy. Given the objective function's dependency on costly simulation, we adopt Bayesian optimization, utilizing active learning to achieve global and efficient optimization.


This method was applied at the engineering site of a deep-buried tunnel under construction in southwestern China. The results showed that the TOF-BO method yielded satisfactory results (average accuracy=90.8%) with only 18 time-consuming numerical simulations, proving that the method can significantly reduce the demand for expensive simulations, effectively decrease computational costs, and possesses the ability to rapidly and reliably reconstruct the stress field within the study area. Compared to commonly neural network methods, the TOF-BO method improves accuracy by approximately 4.6% within the same time cost. In conclusion, the TOF-BO method provides an efficient and reliable solution for the inversion of geostress fields, demonstrating substantial potential for practical applications.

How to cite: Li, T. and Wei, D.: An Efficient Geostress Inversion Method and Its Application under Complex Geological Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1749,, 2025.

EGU25-2916 | Orals | EMRP1.6

Investigating the effects of thermal weathering on bedrock cliffs using in-situ borehole monitoring in Yosemite Valley, California, USA 

Jan Blahůt, Greg M. Stock, Brian D. Collins, Ghazaal Rastjoo, and Ondřej Racek

Thermal weathering has a long-term (decadal to millenia) effect on the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and can directly influence rockfall hazard. However, despite substantial research, the processes of rock degredation from thermal influences are not completely understood. This study analyzed data from two, 3-meter-deep boreholes spaced approximately 1.8 km apart in western Yosemite Valley, California (USA) subject to different thermal regimes. The boreholes were drilled horizontally into lithologically and macroscopically identical rock (El Capitan Granite) with no visible fractures. However, we located the two boreholes with different aspects, one on a sun-facing cliff with southern aspect, and one on a sun-shaded cliff with northern aspect. Sensors in the boreholes monitor temperature changes at 10-minute intervals and were installed from the surface to 3-m-depth at increasing increment intervals (i.e., at the surface, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 300 cm). A comparison of the temperature data showed significant differences in rock surface temperatures and temperature gradients between the south- and north-facing cliffs. Between April and November 2024, the south-facing site showed a greater surface temperature range (51.2°C) and average (28.3°C) than the north-facing site (28.3°C range and 17.3°C average). At 3-m-depth, the south-facing site had a temperature range of 10.6°C (21.0°C average) compared to a 8.1°C range (13.1°C average) for the north-facing site. We also analyzed the borehole cores using applied ultrasonic P- and S-waves to calculate their dynamic elastic properties. Despite similar lithology and structure, significant differences were found between the sites. Samples from the south-facing slope, which receives more thermal energy given its location in the Northern Hemisphere, proved to be more weathered, coincident with rock of higher porosity and lower dynamic moduli. In contrast, rock samples from the north-facing and consequently wetter slope showed lower porosity, higher elastic moduli, and a more pronounced gradient of weathering towards the surface. We hypothesize that diurnal and annual thermal stress changes play a larger role in rock weathering than previously assumed, possibly exceeding the long-term influence of other factors, such as groundwater. However, further measurements of rock properties at multiple locations are required to confirm this hypothesis.

How to cite: Blahůt, J., Stock, G. M., Collins, B. D., Rastjoo, G., and Racek, O.: Investigating the effects of thermal weathering on bedrock cliffs using in-situ borehole monitoring in Yosemite Valley, California, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2916,, 2025.

EGU25-3325 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.6

Stress versus damage-induced permeability anisotropy under true triaxial stress states in Etna Basalt  

Ashley Stanton-Yonge, Thomas Mitchell, Philip Meredith, David Healy, John Browning, and Filip Adamus

Fluids within low-porosity rocks are transported through networks of interconnected microcracks and fractures. Under crustal conditions, rocks are subjected to true triaxial stress states characterized by three unequal principal stresses, where σ123. These triaxial stress states can influence the magnitude and direction of fluid flow in two ways. First, cracks may open, close, and/or slip depending on their orientation with respect to the anisotropic stress field, and thereby potentially reducing fluid flow in certain directions while enhancing flow in others. Second, once the magnitude of differential stresses surpasses the onset of dilatancy in the rock, new cracks form, providing additional pathways for fluid transport. The geometry of these new fractures, and therefore the direction of fluid flow enhancement, is also controlled by the anisotropic stress field.

Despite the fundamental role of triaxial stresses in controlling the magnitude and direction of fluid flow through the crust, very little is known regarding the anisotropy of permeability under true triaxial stress states. This knowledge gap exists primarily because experimental permeability measurements are typically conducted under axisymmetric stress states (σ123​) with fluid flow and permeability usually measured only parallel to the σ1​-direction. To address this, we have developed a new True Triaxial Apparatus (TTA) at UCL equipped with a pore fluid system to deform cubic, saturated rock samples under true triaxial loading while contemporaneously measuring permeability along all three loading axes and recording the output of acoustic emissions (AEs).

Results from tests conducted on 50 mm cubes of initially isotropic Etna basalt under true triaxial loading indicate that, under relatively low differential stresses (σ13<180 MPa), fluid flow is reduced by over one order of magnitude in the direction parallel to σ1. Increasing the magnitude of stress along the σ2 axis also results in a decrease in permeability along the same axis. The increase of differential stress eventually leads to an increase in AE hits, which further coincides with a sudden increase in permeability along the σ2​-axis. Our results revealed two completely different anisotropic permeability behaviours during the progressive deformation of the rock. At lower differential stresses, permeability is stress-controlled and is characterised by the reduction of permeability parallel to σ1. Increasing differential stresses beyond the onset of dilatancy in the rock results in the creation of new cracks that creates pathways for fluids parallel to the σ2 axis. Further experiments and analysis are in progress to fully quantify and characterise these behaviours.

How to cite: Stanton-Yonge, A., Mitchell, T., Meredith, P., Healy, D., Browning, J., and Adamus, F.: Stress versus damage-induced permeability anisotropy under true triaxial stress states in Etna Basalt , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3325,, 2025.

EGU25-3556 | Orals | EMRP1.6

Progressive changes in rock fracture mechanical properties with exposure age at the Earth's surface. 

Philip Meredith, Yoshitaka Nara, Martha-Cary Eppes, Monica Rasmussen, Russell Keanini, Amit Mushkin, and Thomas Mitchell

Fractures in rocks are ubiquitous, from grain-scale microcracks to crustal scale faults. Importantly, fracture networks allow crystalline rocks to store and transport fluids, which can then interact with rock-forming minerals and enhance rock deformation processes, leading to slow, progressive fracture growth that is time-, stress- and environment-dependent.


We previously reported progressive changes in physical and mechanical properties of granitoid boulders exposed at the surface from zero to around 100 ka in Eastern California, USA. We noted systematic decreases in tensile strength, uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus and seismic wave velocities, and systematic increases in porosity and permeability, with increasing surface exposure age. We postulated that the observed changes were likely functions of an increase in the level of crack damage over time. Hence, we interpreted the changes as reflecting progressive subcritical crack growth arising from ubiquitous, but relatively low magnitude environmental stresses acting continuously on the boulders over the extensive periods of exposure.


Here, to avoid ambiguity in interpretation, we report direct measurements of key fracture mechanical properties made on samples from the same boulders. The critical stress intensity factor for dynamic fracture propagation (fracture toughness, KIC) was measured using the Double Torsion testing methodology. We also measured the pre-exponential offset (A) and the subcritical crack growth index (n) in the Charles’ Law relation: V = A (KI/KIC)n, using the same technique (where V is the crack growth rate). We find that KIC decreases from around 2.0 MPa.m-1/2 in fresh material to around 0.5 MPa.m-1/2 in boulders exposed for around 90 ka, and that the A offset increases from -5 to +20. By contrast, we find no significant change in the n index, which has a value of around 60 ± 10, apparently regardless of exposure age.


These results suggest that the ease of nucleation and rate of growth of new cracks increases with exposure age, consistent with rocks weakening over time through decreasing strength. However, this is in direct contradiction with extensive field measurements that appear to show that the rate of crack growth (measured by crack intensity on thousands of rocks) decreases over time.


So, how do we reconcile these apparently contradictory observations? Here we observe that over exposure time, individual cracks can nucleate and then continue to grow under low imposed stress. However, this assumes that the stress reaching the crack tip does not change over time. But, in nature, the stress intensity (KI) felt at the crack tip is a function of the stress propagating throughout the rock mass. As the bulk rock becomes more compliant (lower Young’s modulus) over exposure time, due to diffuse microcracking, the rock accommodates more elastic strain and translates a lower net stress intensity to each individual crack tip. Thus, we expect the overall rate of cracking in any rock mass to depend on the instantaneous ratio between the decreasing stress intensity factor and the decreasing fracture toughness (i.e., KI/KIC).

How to cite: Meredith, P., Nara, Y., Eppes, M.-C., Rasmussen, M., Keanini, R., Mushkin, A., and Mitchell, T.: Progressive changes in rock fracture mechanical properties with exposure age at the Earth's surface., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3556,, 2025.

EGU25-3905 | Orals | EMRP1.6

A progressive damage and permeability evolution model for brittle rocks  

Tao Xu, Ben Liu, Wancheng Zhu, and Zhiguo Li

A model for progressive damage and permeability evolution in brittle rocks, accounting for inherent heterogeneity of rocks, has been developed. This model has been incorporated into a comprehensive three-dimensional coupled numerical framework for investigating stress-permeability dynamics throughout the rock fracturing process. Comparative analysis between simulations and experimental results validated the efficacy of the model. Subsequently, the study delved into the damage and failure mechanisms of rock specimens under uniaxial and triaxial compression, exploring the influence of confining pressure on failure plane orientation and the progressive alterations in permeability during damage and fracturing of rock. The findings show that the permeability evolution during fracturing hinges on the initiation, propagation, and coalescence of micro-fractures within rock. Initially, under loading, permeability reduction ensued due to micro-fracture compaction. Subsequent micro-fracture propagation led to a gradual permeability rise until unstable failure, prompting a sharp increase in permeability, denoting macroscopic fracture surface emergence. Furthermore, the mechanical attributes of rock specimens, fracture surface inclination, and permeability shifts were intricately inked to confining pressure: heightened confining pressure correlated with elevated compressive strength, reduced fracture angle, initial permeability levels, and alterations in permeability during macroscopic failure stages in rock samples.

How to cite: Xu, T., Liu, B., Zhu, W., and Li, Z.: A progressive damage and permeability evolution model for brittle rocks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3905,, 2025.

EGU25-6063 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Influence of triaxial compaction on the mechanical behaviour and porosity evolution of reservoir rocks. 

Ashmita Dasgupta, Puspendu Saha, Abinash Bal, and Santanu Misra

Mineralogical composition and porosity significantly influence the mechanical behavior of hydrocarbon reservoir rocks in crustal conditions. To understand the mechanical failure behavior and dynamic porosity changes with axial loading, triaxial compression experiments were conducted, in three distinct reservoir rock types: KG Basin Sandstone, Bombay High limestone, and Boise Sandstone. Initial porosities of collected samples varied; with KG sandstone at 30%-32%, Bombay limestone at 9.5%-12.7%, and Boise sandstone at 20.6%-25%, determined under dry testing conditions. A range of effective pressures (Peff) was applied to investigate brittle faulting and cataclastic flow under dynamic axial loading. Both Boise and KG sandstones transitioned from a brittle dilatant regime to a compactive cataclastic flow regime, with Boise sandstone displaying brittle behavior up to 5 MPa Peff and KG sandstone up to 50 MPa Peff. Conversely, the Bombay limestone consistently exhibited compactive cataclastic flow at all tested experimental conditions. KG sandstone demonstrated highest peak strength relative to the other rock types due to its lower porosity. Additionally, Boise sandstone showed higher peak strength than Bombay limestone, primarily due to the presence of quartz within the sandstone matrix, which is more resistant relative to the carbonate minerals of limestone formations. In KG sandstone, there was a significant increase in porosity prior to sample failure, particularly up to 70 MPa Peff, and the final porosity observed post-failure surpassed the initial porosity levels recorded, upto 50 MPa Peff. In contrast, both Boise sandstone and Bombay limestone showed a continuous decrease in porosity with increasing differential loading throughout the experiment at all tested conditions. Deflection patterns of triaxial curves indicated a shift from shear-induced dilation to shear-enhanced compaction in both Boise sandstone (dilation up to 5 MPa Peff) and KG sandstone (dilation up to 50 MPa Peff), while the Bombay limestone predominantly displayed shear-enhanced compaction across all tested Peff beyond a critical stress threshold. KG sandstone exhibited a transition from pre-failure dilatant to post-failure compactive inelastic strain with increasing Peff, which contrasts with the post-failure compactive inelastic strain that was consistently observed in the case of the Bombay limestone.

    By integrating these petrophysical and mechanical parameters into reservoir management, hydrocarbon extraction can be made more effective and safer. These insights are essential for creating accurate geomechanical models, which are vital for strategic field operation planning, optimizing production rates, and maintaining reservoir stability.

How to cite: Dasgupta, A., Saha, P., Bal, A., and Misra, S.: Influence of triaxial compaction on the mechanical behaviour and porosity evolution of reservoir rocks., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6063,, 2025.

EGU25-6366 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.6

Assessing the Impact of Wildfires and High Temperature on Rock Properties on Diverse Lithologies in the Czech Republic 

Ghazaal Rastjoo, Jan Blahut, Ondřej Racek, Xuan Xinh Nguyen, and Marco loche

Wildfires are an increasing global concern due to their profound impact on the environment and human life. These events affect a wide range of environments, from arid regions and forests to other highly flammable areas, such as the Bohemian Switzerland National Park in the Czech Republic. In 2022, a large-scale wildfire in this region—characterized by its sandstone rock formations near the Czech-German border—highlighted the importance of understanding the effects of extreme temperatures on rock properties. While wildfires occur almost annually in this region, the unprecedented scale of this event may have been exacerbated by factors such as wind and prolonged hot climate conditions influenced by ongoing climate change.

To investigate the impact of high temperatures on rock properties, we collected rock samples representing all major lithologies across Czechia, including sandstone and crystalline rocks. After preparing the samples, we exposed them to a controlled heating process, mimicking wildfire conditions. Samples were first dried at 105°C and then incrementally heated to 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 800°C, with ultrasonic P- and S-wave testing performed after each temperature stage to assess their dynamic elastic properties. The heating process was carefully designed to replicate natural wildfire conditions, including gradual temperature increases, targeted temperature suspension, and subsequent cooling.

Our findings reveal distinct thermal responses in rock properties. Sandstone and crystalline samples initially strengthened after heating to 200°C, likely due to changes in cementation. Beyond this point, progressive weakening occurred, with rocks reaching their weakest state at 800°C. These results align with previous studies, offering valuable insights into the thermal behavior of rock materials under wildfire conditions and contributing to a broader understanding of the environmental impacts of high-temperature events.

How to cite: Rastjoo, G., Blahut, J., Racek, O., Nguyen, X. X., and loche, M.: Assessing the Impact of Wildfires and High Temperature on Rock Properties on Diverse Lithologies in the Czech Republic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6366,, 2025.

With the increasing exploration of the Bohai Bay area, deeply buried metamorphic rock paleoreef reservoirs have become a key focus of exploration. These reservoirs typically consist of fractures and dissolution cavities, exhibiting strong heterogeneity and characteristics of low porosity and permeability. Their pore structures are extremely complex, which brings considerable uncertainty to the classification of reservoir effectiveness. At the same time, the contribution of the rock skeleton to the resistivity logging values in metamorphic rock paleoreef reservoirs is much higher than that of formation fluids. Consequently, conventional fluid identification methods based on resistivity logging are significantly limited in these types of reservoirs. Thus, the effectiveness classification and fluid identification of metamorphic rock paleoreef reservoirs pose a considerable challenge to logging personnel.

This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the logging response characteristics of pulse neutron logging in metamorphic rock paleoreef reservoirs, specifically the counting rates of inelastic gamma rays, the decay rates of gamma rays over time, and the counting rates of thermal neutron capture gamma rays. It proposes a novel method for fluid property identification in metamorphic rock paleoreef reservoirs using pulse neutron logging.

The analysis reveals that the gamma counting rate of the far-detector of pulse neutron logging is significantly influenced by high-density minerals such as biotite and pyroxene. A method for correcting the gamma counting rate based on lithology calibration for high-density rocks is thus introduced. When the reservoir contains gas or is a gas layer, the gamma long-short source distance counting rate for inelastic collisions shows a distinct “intersection” characteristic. This feature can effectively identify gas layers. When the reservoir is a liquid-bearing layer, a novel fluid identification method based on the reconstruction of the rock skeleton's relative atomic weight curve is proposed. This method first optimizes the multi-mineral model based on X-ray diffraction analysis to calibrate mineral content, then calculates the relative atomic weight of minerals based on the mineral element content, and finally derives the theoretical relative atomic weight curve for the rock skeleton along the entire well section. The effective reservoir is identified using the intersection feature between this theoretical curve and the macroscopic thermal neutron capture cross-section curve obtained from pulse neutron logging. Additionally, oil-water layers are discriminated based on oil and gas shows recorded in the field.

This innovative method for correcting the gamma counting rate based on lithology and reconstructing the relative atomic weight curve for fluid identification has been successfully applied to the effectiveness classification and fluid identification of the Paleoproterozoic paleoreef reservoirs in the BZ26 and BZ27 oilfields in the Bohai Bay. The logging interpretation accuracy exceeds 85%, which partially addresses the limitations of conventional resistivity logging in evaluating Paleoproterozoic paleoreef reservoirs.

How to cite: Meng, L., Li, J., and Xu, M.: Research on the Effectiveness Classification and Fluid Identification Methods of Complex Paleoreef Reservoirs Based on Pulse Neutron Logging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8171,, 2025.

EGU25-11784 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

The Influence of Weathering on the Mechanical Properties of Chalk: Study of the Saint Marguerite Chalk  

Antonin Chalé, Fengchang Bu, Michel Jaboyedoff, Stephane Costa, Olivier Maquaire, and Mohamed Kouah

The chalk cliffs of northern France are exposed to considerable erosion, resulting in a significant coastal retreat of up to 1 m per year on average. A key concern is how the mechanical properties of the chalk evolve under different weathering conditions. Previous research, based on a limited number of samples, has provided a preliminary understanding of potential changes in the mechanical properties of chalk in altered and unaltered states. As part of the DEPHY3GEO project, we conducted experiments on Saint Marguerite Chalk, which is part of the Newhaven Chalk Formation. Due to the inherent low strength of the chalk, some conventional displacement measurement techniques are inappropriate. Therefore, we used digital image correlation (DIC) coupled with basic acoustic measurements. Experiments were performed on chalk samples exposed to various weathering conditions, including salt solutions, fresh water, and thermal cycling. These experiments consisted of uniaxial and confined compression tests, which allowed us to evaluate the influence of weathering on the mechanical behavior of the chalk. Results show that water saturation of chalk rock significantly reduces by half or more its maximum compressive strength. Ongoing work will further investigate the weathering of chalk by studying its effect on micro- and macro-scale structures through structural analysis of cliff samples and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

How to cite: Chalé, A., Bu, F., Jaboyedoff, M., Costa, S., Maquaire, O., and Kouah, M.: The Influence of Weathering on the Mechanical Properties of Chalk: Study of the Saint Marguerite Chalk , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11784,, 2025.

Inherent complex internal architecture within fault zones, governed by diverse geological factors, results in heterogeneous mechanical variability, causing uncertainties in subsurface ground conditions. Therefore, understanding the spatial variations in mechanical stability in a fault zone is crucial to appropriate engineering mitigation plans and cost reduction for surface or subsurface infrastructure projects. The Great Glen Fault (GGF) is one of the major NE–SW trending strike-slip faults in Scotland, exhibiting complex internal architecture resulted from the multiple reactivation events and exhumation. The Torcastle block, a fault-bounded sliver within the fault core of the GGF, contains heterogeneous micaceous shear zones, faults, and local dykes cutting foliated psammitic–pelitic gneiss and quartzite. At the Torcastle block, this study synthesizes the parallel structural geological and engineering approaches to decipher the relationship between structural features and mechanical stability by mapping structural domains, topological nodes, fracture densities, and engineering Q-values. Four fracture types are classified based on the spatial distribution pattern and geometrical relationships with local faults and foliations. The heterogeneous spatial patterns of faults, fractures, and foliations at the Torcastle block define several fault-bounded structural domains. The geometrical properties of fractures are highly variable, but they clearly relate to the dyke distribution and local foliation trend in each domain. Mechanically weak zones, represented by low Q-values, are highly heterogeneous but concordant with the areas of high fracture and topological X and Y node density. These mechanically unstable zones are typically related to the following structural features in a fault zone, including major shear or fault strands and embedded blocks, intruded igneous dykes, abutting areas of faults with different orientations, and highly rotated blocks showing re-oriented local foliations. Correlation analysis between Q-values and other parameters, including fracture density, RQD, Jn, Jr, and X and Y node density, reveals different contributing patterns of each parameter to mechanical stability in each structural domain. Especially, the zone of highly rotated local foliations exhibits lower mechanical stability, despite relatively low fracture densities compared to other mechanically weak zones, due to increased fracture orientation variability and connectivity. The results of this study highlight the heterogeneous internal architecture of fault zones and their relationships with mechanical stability distribution, which shed insight into forecasting mechanically weak zones in rock masses and reducing geotechnical risks for subsurface engineering projects.

How to cite: Kim, N., Zoe K., S., Yannick, K., and Christopher D., J.: Deciphering Heterogeneous Mechanical Stability in an Exhumed Fault Zone through a Structural-Geotechnical Approach: A Case Study from the Great Glen Fault, Scotland., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11919,, 2025.

EGU25-12108 | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Acoustic Emission Source Localization Techniques: A Methodology for Improved Localization Accuracy in Laboratory Deformation Experiments 

Guido Maria Adinolfi, Yongchao Chen, and Sergio Carmelo Vinciguerra

Acoustic Emissions (AE), the laboratory analogs for seismic activity, offer a controlled environment to study deformation and failure mechanisms. By leveraging high-precision three-dimensional localizaton techniques, researchers can analyze ongoing these mechanisms during rock deformation experiments. The spatial resolution is thus crucial for increasing our capability to understand and predict failure modes in natural and engineered systems.

Despite recent advances in localization techniques, automated AE localization faces significant challenges. Conventional AE processing systems generally extract a limited set of parameters, such as arrival time defined as the first overcoming a given amplitude threshold. While these parameters provide the bulk information, they often overlook critical signal aspects, underestimating AE phenomena complexities and compromising the localization accuracy. In fact, amplitude thresholds may not capture accurately the signal onset, particularly in noisy or complex waveforms.

This study proposes a new methodology to improve source location accuracy and AE event classification by developing an automatic picking system tailored to seismic signal characteristics and set on Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). The novel algorithm introduced here overcomes conventional amplitude-based thresholding by including broader waveform characteristics, source-receiver distance and wave propagation path. The analysis operates on multiple signal windows and provides uncertainty estimates, enabling more accurate AE location.

The AE source localization process was carried out using the Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) method, widely applied in rock deformation laboratory experiments. This approach considers signal arrival time differences at multiple transducers and, with a velocity model, estimates the three-dimensional coordinates of AE sources. The localization quality was assessed via four key parameters: 1) RMS (Root Mean Square) between observed and calculated arrival times, 2) localization errors along the three principal coordinates, 3) MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error quantifying arrival time differences), and 4) the average azimuthal gap across three principal planes. These parameters quantify discrepancies in location accuracy and are employed to assess the final localization.

We applied our methodology to waveform data of AE recorded by an array of twelve 1 MHz piezo-electric transducers during conventional triaxial deformation of a 40 × 100 mm Darley Dale sandstone cylindrical sample (King et al., 2021) at 20 MPa confining pressure. We show that our approach reduces the localization errors and improves the AE detection and localization accuracy. By addressing conventional AE location limitations, this work advances AE-based monitoring toward more accurate and reliable results, providing higher resolution and improved information to describe the damage micro-mechanisms driving failure in stressed rocks. 

How to cite: Adinolfi, G. M., Chen, Y., and Vinciguerra, S. C.: Acoustic Emission Source Localization Techniques: A Methodology for Improved Localization Accuracy in Laboratory Deformation Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12108,, 2025.

EGU25-12123 | Orals | EMRP1.6

What can we learn from progressive rock failure in volcanoes? 

Jean-Luc Got, Aline Peltier, and David Marsan

Volcanic eruptions are often preceded by intense deformation and volcano-tectonic microearthquakes, which evidence the progressive failure of the volcanic edifice. Studying this process may be of interest for the more general understanding of the progressive failure of rocks.

Active volcanoes are pressurized by fluids and undergo considerable deformation prior to eruption. Surface deformation and seismicity are recorded continuously by volcanological observatory networks; both are due to the action of fluid pressure and rock weakening with deformation, and can be used to quantify fluid pressure variations and rock damage. In this talk we will show how coupling a simple fluid pressurization model with a seismicity-based damage model can be used to explain the surface deformations recorded on basaltic volcanoes. In particular, we will describe the foundations of the damage model. We'll show how damage, crack interaction and stress diffusion can explain the inverse Omori law often evidenced before eruptions, and the relationship between this law and entropy production during progressive rock failure. Finally, using a dataset from 24 pre-eruptive periods at Piton de la Fournaise, we’ll show how these concepts can be used to track the temporal evolution of the state variables that can help describe pre-eruptive processes.

How to cite: Got, J.-L., Peltier, A., and Marsan, D.: What can we learn from progressive rock failure in volcanoes?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12123,, 2025.

EGU25-12136 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

AI calibration of modelling parameters in UDEC 

Fengchang Bu, Ruoshen Lin, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron, Wei Liu, and Lei Xue

The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) has gained widespread prevalence in simulating multiscale rock failure in varied branches of geotechnics. Simulation performance demonstrates a heavy reliance on modelling parameters. The trial-and-error approach and parametric sensitivity analysis have long been the primary method employed in the parametric calibration in UDEC. However, they share the drawbacks of excessive computational resources, high dependence on human subjectivity, and the challenge of handling high-dimensional and nonlinear complex parameter spaces. To address this issue, we employed artificial intelligence (AI) to handle multidimensional data and higher-order nonlinear relationships between modelling parameters and macroscopic responses of numerical models. A wide range of preset gradient-based modelling database was established to pre-train the machine learning model to map the parametric relationships. Then, this pre-trained model was combined with an experimental database with various lithologies to conduct an inverse search of the input parameters in UDEC. To further improve the estimates, a gradient-based hyperparameter optimisation, implemented via GridSearch, was applied to identify the optimal parameter set by minimising the loss function. The calculated modelling parameters were subsequently input into UDEC for simulation and validation. Hundreds of comparisons reveal that the simulated results by UDEC align closely with those from the experimental database, demonstrating the feasibility of our model. This research provides a substantive solution to the parametric calibration in UDEC, significantly improving both the reliability and convenience of UDEC simulations.

How to cite: Bu, F., Lin, R., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M.-H., Liu, W., and Xue, L.: AI calibration of modelling parameters in UDEC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12136,, 2025.

EGU25-12839 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6 | Highlight

Influence of solar heating on spontaneous rock exfoliation at Arabia Mountain, Georgia, USA 

Aislin N. Reynolds, Martha C. Eppes, Brian D. Collins, Zhigang Peng, and Karl A. Lang

The formation of surface-parallel exfoliation fractures, or “sheeting joints,” in rock domes produces some of the most intriguing and celebrated landforms on Earth. In 1904, G.K. Gilbert outlined three mechanisms for exfoliation fracture formation: (1) contraction during original cooling, (2) decompression during exhumation, and (3) post-exhumation surface processes. Recent research, including direct measurements during spontaneous exfoliation, has emphasized the influence of solar heating on progressive (subcritical) fracture propagation. This study investigates the mechanisms driving exfoliation fracturing at Arabia Mountain, a biotite orthogneiss dome near Atlanta, Georgia (USA), which experienced a spontaneous exfoliation event in July 2023. Digital elevation model differencing and field observations revealed the event uplifted a ~250 m² area by ~30 cm, buckling sheets up to 12 cm thick, and leaving traces of rock fragments and dust thrown meters away from fractures. Following this event, we installed instrumentation during the summer of 2024 to monitor surface-parallel stresses, local seismic activity, and subsurface rock temperatures at the site. Multiple subsequent exfoliation events in June 2024 were captured in real-time, including direct observations of progressive fracture propagation and dynamic rupture during a period of high temperatures. Relative surface-parallel stresses measured at variable depths in two boreholes revealed clear daily cycles that appear correlated with diurnal patterns of solar heating. A decrease in stress magnitudes and rock temperatures and increased lag time with depth further supports links between rock stresses and solar heating at the surface.

These observations support the hypothesis that subcritical cracking can be initiated or propagated due to thermal stresses and highlight the critical role of solar heating in progressive rock fracturing. The implications of these findings extend beyond Arabia Mountain. The sensitivity of rock domes to thermally induced stresses elevate concerns for an increased hazard of spontaneous exfoliation and rockfall events with future climate warming. Understanding the interplay between thermal stresses, mechanical fracturing processes, and pre-existing damage is critical for predicting such hazards and improving mitigation strategies. Furthermore, our observations and monitoring results provide valuable insights into the fundamental mechanics of subcritical fracturing, which can aid in determining the influence of surface weathering and erosion—key processes impacting the evolution of rock domes. We highlight the importance of multidisciplinary research in advancing our understanding of exfoliation joint formation, and more broadly towards disentangling the impacts of climate change on rock dome stability and landscape evolution.

How to cite: Reynolds, A. N., Eppes, M. C., Collins, B. D., Peng, Z., and Lang, K. A.: Influence of solar heating on spontaneous rock exfoliation at Arabia Mountain, Georgia, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12839,, 2025.

EGU25-12997 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

The Effects of Unstable Fault Zones on Design Parameters of Tunnels (The Case of Erzurum Kırık Tunnel) 

Oguzhan Eslik, Omer Undul, and Mehmet Mert Dogu

The Kırık Tunnel in Erzurum is an important route in the highway network designed to connect the northern and southern regions of Turkey. The tunnel, planned to be 7 km long, 10 m high and 7 m wide, passes through a geologically complex region. Preliminary investigations have revealed that the tunnel route is predominantly composed of clayey limestone and marl succession with variable slopes and orientations. During the tunnel construction works, a cave-in occurred during excavation after the water flow and a fault zone containing sandy-gravelly and organic matter was encountered at the 1+825+70 km section of the tunnel. The discovery of the crushed zone due to faulting necessitated a change in the tunnel design and it was decided to apply the back analysis method to understand the collapse mechanism. The deformation data affecting the tunnel were obtained with the help of load cells and back analysis was performed to determine the parameters of the collapse material from this deformation value at the time of collapse. Rock mass classifications were made using the parameters obtained from field and laboratory observations. As a result, with the help of Rocscience RS2, the collapse in the Kırık Tunnel was analyzed by finite element method and back analysis was performed. During the back analysis, the lateral vertical stress pressure acting on the faulted weak zone had to be re-evaluated. The k value changes in the numerical calculation model were examined from the existing approach methods and the comparison of these methods depending on the deformations in tunnel construction was given within the scope of the study. As a result of these data, new design parameters were found and grouting and support recommendations were given to overcome the stability problems in the tunnel. Accordingly, the lateral vertical stress ratio was taken as 1.6, which is normally 0.3, and the lateral pressure in the tunnel was determined as higher than the vertical pressure. With the new parameters, the unstable zone in the tunnel was theoretically crossed without any problems.

How to cite: Eslik, O., Undul, O., and Dogu, M. M.: The Effects of Unstable Fault Zones on Design Parameters of Tunnels (The Case of Erzurum Kırık Tunnel), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12997,, 2025.

EGU25-13049 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.6

Prediction of clay-rich rock failure coupling local and global non-destructive measurement techniques. 

Matthieu Lusseyran, Audrey Bonnelye, Alexandre Dimanov, Jérôme Fortin, Alexandre Tanguy, Hakim Gharbi, and Pierre Dick

Understanding the damage processes in clay-bearing rocks is a decisive factor in geological engineering. But, more generally, they may also contribute to localized deformation and thus the rupture of fault gauges in seismic zones. Due to their physical and mechanical properties, such as low permeability, fracture healing potential, and effective radioactive elements adsorption capacity, several European countries plan to use these impermeable rocks to confine their nuclear waste in deep geological repositories. However, structural damage could lead to uncontrolled radionuclide dispersion by advective transport, thus the early detection of the damaging nucleation and evolution is decisive in geological engineering.

This study aims to explore the interplay between P-wave ultrasonic velocity and the micro-deformation mechanism identified by digital image correlation (DIC) in order to predict the failure of the sample.

To this end, uniaxial compression tests are performed on small-scale Tournemire shale samples (8 mm in width and twice as long) using a home-designed miniature loading frame under controlled relative humidity of RH = 75% and RH = 20%. These tests involve two simultaneous measurements: 1) the axial and lateral P-wave travel times, recorded by an active emission system, and 2) the full displacement field on the sample surface, based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) applied to high-resolution optical or Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) images. The latter allows for the calculation of 2D full strain fields in order to characterize the deformation at different scales while performing simultaneous acoustic measurements. The processed images are representative of two distinct scales: one at the microscale using the ESEM with a resolution of 24 nm/pixel and the other at the mesoscale using an optical camera with a resolution of 0.55 μm/pixel.

The results allow us to discuss the global evolution of the acoustic wave velocities during the uniaxial loading process with respect to the identified active micro-damage mechanisms.

How to cite: Lusseyran, M., Bonnelye, A., Dimanov, A., Fortin, J., Tanguy, A., Gharbi, H., and Dick, P.: Prediction of clay-rich rock failure coupling local and global non-destructive measurement techniques., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13049,, 2025.

EGU25-13545 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Anisotropy reveals contact sliding and aging as a cause of post-seismic velocity changes 

Manuel Asnar, Christoph Sens-Schönfelder, Audrey Bonnelye, Andrew Curtis, Georg Dresen, and Marco Bohnhoff

Rocks exhibit astonishing time dependent mechanical properties, like memory of experienced stress or slow dynamics, which refers to a transient recovery of stiffness after a softening induced by almost any type of loading. This softening and transient recovery is observed in the subsurface and in buildings after earthquake shaking, or in laboratory samples.

Our investigation of anisotropy of the slow dynamics effect under uniaxial loading in dry sandstone samples shows that it is observed independent of propagation direction, while the loading effect shows the expected anisotropy originating from the opening and closing of cracks. These observations put a number of novel constraints on the enigmatic physics of slow dynamics.

We conclude that transient changes in bulk stiffness are caused by sliding of oblique grain-to-grain contacts and resulting changes in frictional properties as empirically described by rate-and-state friction and observed in laboratory experiments across block contacts.

Connecting the nonclassical nonlinearity of heterogeneous materials to the powerful framework of rate-and-state friction provides an elegant explanation for the long searched-for origin of slow dynamics and potentially adds a new perspective for the monitoring of very early stages of material failure when deformation is still distributed in the bulk and just starts to coalesce towards a fracture.

Similar experiments conducted are conducted with fluid saturation under varying confining and effective pressures illuminate the complex impact of pore fluids on the slow dynamics response of the material.

How to cite: Asnar, M., Sens-Schönfelder, C., Bonnelye, A., Curtis, A., Dresen, G., and Bohnhoff, M.: Anisotropy reveals contact sliding and aging as a cause of post-seismic velocity changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13545,, 2025.

EGU25-14383 | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Monitoring Surface Deformation and Classifying Activity of Deep-Seated Landslide Sites Using Multi-Temporal InSAR 

Chih-Yu Kuo, Suet-Yee Au, Ya-Hsin Chan, Rou-Fei Chen, Kun-Che Chan, En-Ju Lin, and Pi-Wen Tsai

Through the application of Multi-temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MTInSAR) for long-term monitoring of surface deformation, the Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation (ARGSWC), Ministry of Agriculture, has identified 315 deep-seated landslide sites with protecting targets across Taiwan as of 2024. For this study, imagery from January 2022 to October 2023 from the ALOS-2 satellite, released by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), is used for the MTInSAR monitoring. Based on the MTInSAR surface displacement data, activity indices for the deep-seated landslide sites have been developed, including both the arithmetic mean and inverse area-weighted deformations. The k-mean clustering and risk matrix method are then employed to classify and rank the landslide activity. The analysis reveals that approximately 5.8%, 10.7% and 83.6% of the deep-seated landslide sites are classified as high, medium and low activity, respectively. In addition, statistical clustering techniques are applied to group the surface deformation data, which are then compared to slope units derived from the aerial LiDAR Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the landslide sites. This approach helps to identify active landslide blocks or subzones within the landslide sites.

How to cite: Kuo, C.-Y., Au, S.-Y., Chan, Y.-H., Chen, R.-F., Chan, K.-C., Lin, E.-J., and Tsai, P.-W.: Monitoring Surface Deformation and Classifying Activity of Deep-Seated Landslide Sites Using Multi-Temporal InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14383,, 2025.

EGU25-15632 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Simulation of displacement rate effect on tensile rock failure using a phase-field fracture approach 

Hossein Asghari Chehreh, Lucas Witte, Mandy Duda, and Tobias Backers

The tensile strength of brittle rocks is commonly determined experimentally using the Brazilian test (splitting tensile strength test). For spatial and temporal upscaling of these experimental results, numerical methods are necessary to predict rock behaviour under complex geomechanical conditions such as foundation, slope stability, underground space and reservoirs studies, and to analyse the influence of individual parameters on the outcomes.

Previous studies on phase-field modeling of rocks often employed a single open flaw to simulate fracture initiation, and two to four open flaws to represent fracture propagation and failure. These flaws were generally arranged in a geometrically ordered pattern. However, in natural rock formations, microfractures are predominantly closed and exhibit a more or less random distribution depending on texture.

This study used a phase-field model to simulate brittle fractures in granite containing multiple randomly distributed, closed pre-existing microcracks, employing the principal stress criterion as the driving force in the phase-field evolution equation.

This study focuses on analyzing the sensitivity of the model to crack density, spatial distribution, and phase-field parameters. The effect of displacement rate was investigated, and phase-field parameters were calibrated accordingly. To demonstrate the presented approach's accuracy, numerical simulations are compared to experimentally obtained results showing that the approach is in principle capable of temporal and spatial upscaling when microstructural features are considered.

How to cite: Asghari Chehreh, H., Witte, L., Duda, M., and Backers, T.: Simulation of displacement rate effect on tensile rock failure using a phase-field fracture approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15632,, 2025.

EGU25-15953 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Time-lapse ultrasonic testing for monitoring stress and structural changes in rock cliffs 

Romain Rousseau, Juliane Starke, Antoine Guillemot, Laurent Baillet, Ludovic Moreau, and Eric Larose

Rock fracturing plays a key role in both the formation of mountain landscapes and natural hazards. Weathering agents, such as daily thermal variations and precipitation, are some of the main triggers of the weathering and fracturing process. However, the mechanisms involved are not well understood, and questions remain about the thermo-mechanical stress field in the near surface of cliffs. 

To better understand the effect of thermal variation on mechanical stress variation at centimeter to meter scales, long-term recordings were made using repeatable ultrasonic acoustic sensors to measure both esound velocity and waveform changes. The acoustic sensors were placed on a few square meters of a 50 m limestone cliff above Chauvet Cave in the Ardeche region of southeastern France.

The results show that daily cycles of velocity changes are evident and appear to correlate with thermal fluctuations and variations in solar radiation. We propose that the velocity variations are due to thermal stress variations in the rock. During the hottest part of the day, the velocity variation causes an increase in compressive hydrostatic stress. At the same time, the spectral analysis of the impulse response shows daily variations with the appearance of high frequency content during the hottest part of the day. Thus, we propose that the hottest times of the day have the effect of expanding the rock surface and thus closing the fractures, which increases the high frequencies content. Conversely, during cooling periods, we can detect tensile stresses that are likely to open fractures and contribute to progressive subcritical cracking within the rock mass.

This work was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under grant No. 101142154 - Crack The Rock project


How to cite: Rousseau, R., Starke, J., Guillemot, A., Baillet, L., Moreau, L., and Larose, E.: Time-lapse ultrasonic testing for monitoring stress and structural changes in rock cliffs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15953,, 2025.

EGU25-16144 | Posters on site | EMRP1.6

Using high-resolution geomorphometry and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to assess slope stability in the watersheds of Taiwan: A case study of the section between Chinhe and Fuxing, from 92K to 99K of Taiwan Provincial Highway 20. 

Yi-Ting Huang, Rou-Fei Chen, Kuo-Jen Chang, Tsung-Hai Chen, Chia-Shin Chang, Chin-Hsiung Wang, Shih-Jie Syu, Hsin-Kai Chuang, and Chien-Yu Chi

Due to the increasing impacts of global climate change in recent years, nations around the world have been grappling with frequent natural disasters. Taiwan, situated on the Pacific Rim seismic belt, is shaped by active orogeny, resulting in its rugged terrain. The island has experienced numerous typhoons, extreme rainfall, and complex hydrological conditions, making its mountainous areas particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. The accumulation of soil and sediment further alters the landscape of its watersheds, putting both infrastructure and residents at significant risk. This study therefore focuses on the monitoring and maintenance of slopes in Taiwan’s watershed areas.

Since the inspection of mountain roads is limited by terrain and vegetation, this study utilizes the high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for geomorphometric analysis to precisely target landslide hot spots, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to observe more detailed topographical features. Meanwhile, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used to interpret landslide and vegetation restoration status, while Multi-Temporal InSAR (MTInSAR) is employed to detect topographical changes and observe post-disaster alterations.

Taking the section between Chinhe and Fuxing (92K to 99K) of Taiwan Provincial Highway 20 as a case study, this highway serves as a critical horizontal transportation hub. Following the impact of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, the region has experienced highly unstable and complex hydrological conditions, resulting in persistent damage to its roads and bridges. This study primarily employs high-resolution LiDAR DEM to analyze pre- and post-disaster changes in terrain and river channels. Then the NDVI interpretation, derived from SPOT satellite imagery, reveals that the crown of the original landslide area has been actively developing, leading to the movement of rocks and debris. The MTInSAR results further corroborate this interpretation, confirming that the crown area of Yushui River remains prone to landslides, with new slide events and significant sediment accumulation in downstream areas.

In summary of the analysis and on-site data, the primary disaster-prone factors are the meandering of the Lanong River and the accumulation of soil and sand, leading to extreme instability in the alluvial fans on both banks. After multiple landslides, the damage mechanism is analyzed, revealing that the region is highly susceptible to tectonic activity. The initial results facilitate the overall slope stability evaluation and provide relevant agencies with governance and maintenance recommendations to enhance road safety.

Keyword:High-resolution Digital Elevation Model, DEM、Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI、Multi Temporal InSAR, MT-InSAR.

How to cite: Huang, Y.-T., Chen, R.-F., Chang, K.-J., Chen, T.-H., Chang, C.-S., Wang, C.-H., Syu, S.-J., Chuang, H.-K., and Chi, C.-Y.: Using high-resolution geomorphometry and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to assess slope stability in the watersheds of Taiwan: A case study of the section between Chinhe and Fuxing, from 92K to 99K of Taiwan Provincial Highway 20., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16144,, 2025.

EGU25-16797 | Orals | EMRP1.6

Progressive rock failure in coastal cliffs: analysis of preparatory and triggering actions in a field laboratory at the Island of Ventotene (Italy) 

Gian Marco Marmoni, Federico Feliziani, Guglielmo Grechi, Mattia Montagnese, Francesca Bozzano, and Salvatore Martino

Sea-wave impacts and near-surface thermal fluctuations are periodic stressors capable of exerting long-term mechanical effects that drive progressive rock mass failure and are regarded as a preparatory process for landslides. These processes pose significant hazards in coastal areas, which are expected to increase due to climate change. Despite scientific consensus identifying sea waves as a causative factor for slope instability, the mechanisms that govern subcritical crack growth and the transition to critical failures remain poorly understood. Failures often occur without any precursory signs and may happen even in the absence of major destabilizing forces.

To investigate the fatigue processes experienced by rock masses under periodic loading and to understand the mechanisms driving coastal cliff failure with a goal in hazard assessment, a coastal sector was instrumented, monitoring both subaerial and underwater environments. This monitoring focuses on the effects of stressors and corresponding rock mass deformations. As part of the TRIQUETRA Horizon EU project, the Ventotene Field Laboratory (VFL) was established and inaugurated in May 2024. The VFL was located in a portion of the tuffaceous sea cliff of the Punta Eolo promontory, where a thick succession of ignimbrite deposits (ascribable to the Parata Grande geological unit) experienced large instabilities in the past tens of years.  The cliff is still evolving with rockfall and rock toppling mechanisms, that are threatening the archaeological excavation of the Roman Villa of Giulia (of the 1st century A.D.) and the Cemetery where Altiero Spinelli, the father of European thought, lies.

The monitoring system includes a fully equipped weather station, conventional geotechnical sensors, and specialized devices for measuring sea-wave characteristics. These devices include a sea-wave and currents Doppler profiler, dynamic titanium water-tight pressure gauges to assess wave impacts at the cliff base, and instruments to measure elastic and plastic deformation of the fractured rock mass, such as crack meters, a biaxial tiltmeter, thermocouples, and load cells.

Additionally, laboratory mechanical investigations were carried out to evaluate the strength and stiffness of the intact rock while examining the roles of water saturation and salt crystallization in rock weathering.

Findings from the first year of monitoring revealed notable responses of the fractured rock mass to intense rainfall events, which caused sharp and partially reversible fracture openings. Cyclical deformation, including dilation and block tilting, was observed in response to daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations. Data collected from the monitoring system have been used to inform a stress-strain finite difference numerical model to analyse the static influence of basal notches on slope predisposition, as well as the preparatory effects on slope stability of combined thermal and marine actions. Ongoing numerical and laboratory geomechanical analyses aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the progressive rock failure processes driving the evolution of these complex systems.

How to cite: Marmoni, G. M., Feliziani, F., Grechi, G., Montagnese, M., Bozzano, F., and Martino, S.: Progressive rock failure in coastal cliffs: analysis of preparatory and triggering actions in a field laboratory at the Island of Ventotene (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16797,, 2025.

Heterogeneous porous structures, spanning multiple length scales from nano- to macro-levels, are found in both natural and engineered materials. To fully understand their mechanical and fracture behaviors, it is essential to explore the relationship between porosity and mechanical integrity at different scales. In this presentation, we focus on the mechanical responses of these complex structures, with a particular emphasis on the role of nano-porosity. Our approach combines multi-scale analysis, integrating molecular dynamics simulations at the atomistic level with phase-field fracture methods at the continuum level. This allows us to capture critical material properties from the nanoscale, examining how variations in porosity, pore shapes, and their interactions influence the macroscopic mechanical and fracture behaviors. We will present several case studies to highlight the significant impact of nano-pore morphology on the overall fracture response of porous materials.

How to cite: Newell, P.: Phase-Field Fracture Modeling of Porous Materials Informed by Molecular Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20480,, 2025.

EGU25-110 | Orals | ERE5.1

The bound growth of induced earthquakes could de-risk hydraulic fracturing 

Ryan Schultz, Federica Lanza, Ben Dyer, Dimitrios Karvounis, Remi Fiori, Peidong Shi, Vanille Ritz, Linus Villiger, Peter Meier, and Stefan Wiemer

The world's energy supply depends critically on hydraulic fracturing (HF): HF operations utilize microseismicity to enhance subsurface permeability, so that hydrocarbons or geothermal heat can be extracted economically.  Unfortunately, HF also has the potential to induce larger earthquakes – with some projects being prematurely terminated because of perceived earthquake risks.  To de-risk HF, we use a suite of novel statistical tests called CAP-tests to discern if some physical process has restricted the growth of earthquake magnitudes.  We show that all stage stimulations at UK PNR-1z indicate bound fracture growth, implying a more controllable operation.  Contrastingly, stimulations at Utah FORGE and UK PNR-2 sequentially transitioned into unbound fault reactivation.  The problematic stages (that ultimately led to the termination of PNR-2) are clearly distinguishable using CAP-tests.  We postulate that our research can discriminate fracture stimulation from fault reactivation, contributing to the de-risking of HF operations worldwide.

How to cite: Schultz, R., Lanza, F., Dyer, B., Karvounis, D., Fiori, R., Shi, P., Ritz, V., Villiger, L., Meier, P., and Wiemer, S.: The bound growth of induced earthquakes could de-risk hydraulic fracturing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-110,, 2025.

EGU25-3844 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Fluid-Induced Aseismic Slip: Far-Field Triggering and Static Stress Transfer in the Haynesville Shale Gas Field 

Eduardo Arzabala, Pritom Sarma, Carolina Hurtado-Pullido, Martin Musila, and Cynthia Ebinger

Large fluid volume injections into the subsurface are increasingly common across a range of industrial and remediation activities. However, deep fluid injections are often associated with increased seismicity within a few hundred kilometers of the injection sites. The role of aseismic slip as an important precursory signal in induced-seismicity has gained importance in the community due to two reasons: (a) the time and length scales of injection-induced earthquakes are inconsistent with realistic diffusivities, and  fluid-transport models do not match observations, and (b) modern theories of fault weakening suggest that at very high fluid pressures, faults can experience aseismic slip for prolonged periods before ultimately transitioning to unstable, seismic failure driven by static stress transfer.


Our work investigates far-field microseism triggering in NE Texas and NW Louisiana within the Haynesville shale-gas field that has developed since 2008. It includes  the 2012 Mw 4.8 Timpson, TX earthquake, which has been attributed to wastewater injection. Seismicity from a temporary array and national monitoring show an increase in the number and magnitude of earthquakes in the area, with regular ML3 events near the Texas-Louisiana border. InSAR data indicate uplift around some injection wells. We consider multiple injection wells and compute the spatial distribution of geodetic strain rates derived from GNSS velocities and compare them with seismic strain rates from new earthquake data. In the decade following the 2012 event, several microseisms across the Texas-Louisiana border have been recorded, suggesting that critically stressed faults in the vicinity are being triggered in part by static stress transfer, as well as newer injection wells.  We compare fault orientations to current stress, consider Coulomb stress change from the Timpson event, and use fluid transport models to explain the seismicity and vertical land motion observed in the Haynesville Shale play area.

How to cite: Arzabala, E., Sarma, P., Hurtado-Pullido, C., Musila, M., and Ebinger, C.: Fluid-Induced Aseismic Slip: Far-Field Triggering and Static Stress Transfer in the Haynesville Shale Gas Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3844,, 2025.

EGU25-4842 | Orals | ERE5.1

Seismicity Induced by a Large Open Pit Mine in SE Brazil: Combination of Stress Concentration and Crustal Weakness. 

Marcelo Assumpcao, Lucas Schirbel, José Alexandre Nogueira, Juraci Carvalho, Leonardo Dias, and Marcelo Bianchi

Seismicity induced by water reservoir and fluid injection are widely known phenomena and have been studied for several decades. However, seismicity induced by crustal unloading in large open-pit mines are seldomly reported in the literature. Here we describe a case of seismicity associated with the large open-pit Cajati mine in SE Brazil, which has been operating for more than 40 years. The mine exploits carbonate rocks of a Mesozoic alkaline intrusion complex. The pit is 1.4 km long and 0.75 km wide reaching 300 m depth. The estimated amount of extracted rock is about 350 Mton. Nine earthquakes with magnitudes in the range 2.0-3.2 Mw have been recorded since 2009 by stations of the Brazilian Seismic Network (RSBR), some of them felt with intensities IV MM in nearby towns. The 2015 mainshock (3.2 Mw) caused expressive cracks in the mine benches, with up to 10 cm displacement. Epicenter relocation of the six largest events, using correlated P- and S-waves at regional distances, show that all events occurred in a single NNW-SSE oriented, 0.5 km long rupture aligned with the major axis of the pit, in agreement with the main trend of the micro-seismicity recorded by the local mine network. Focal mechanism was determined with two techniques: ISOLA envelope and FMNEAR using three stations at 100 to 160 km distance. Both methods show a reverse faulting mechanism with nodal planes oriented NW-SE to NNW-SSE.  This is consistent with the expected mechanism for crustal unloading in open-pit mines. The Cajati mine is located in the Ponta Grossa Arch, in the coastal ranges of SE Brazil, a region with low-velocities at lithospheric depths. This suggests lithospheric thinning that concentrates stresses in the upper crust. In addition, the NE-SW P axis orientation is parallel to the coast line, a pattern that favors concentration of the regional stresses due to continental/oceanic structural transition. Aeromagnetic data shows a clear NNW-SSE regional fault crossing the mine area. The Cajati mine-induced seismicity is a classic case where several positive factors contribute to the inducing mechanism: a) high stresses in the upper crustal, b) favorable orientation of a previously existing weak zone (related to the NNW-SSE fault during emplacement of the alkaline body), and large Coulomb stress changes of about 4 MPa from unloading of the vertical stresses.

How to cite: Assumpcao, M., Schirbel, L., Nogueira, J. A., Carvalho, J., Dias, L., and Bianchi, M.: Seismicity Induced by a Large Open Pit Mine in SE Brazil: Combination of Stress Concentration and Crustal Weakness., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4842,, 2025.

we performed microseismicity detection and location using the deep learning method and obtained a high-precision earthquake catalog in the Changning gas field in China. It is found that the spatial and temporal characteristics of seismicity in the region are indicative of its correlation with industrial operations. The distribution of earthquakes at depth reflected variations in reservoir depth and provided valuable constraints on it. The horizontal layered distribution of earthquakes at depth is due to the formation of fracture surfaces from interconnected fractures near the reservoir during hydraulic fracturing (HF) operations, which clearly demonstrates how HF operations impact seismicity. We suggested that the horizontally layered distribution was driven by two fundamental mechanisms: reactivation of pre-existing faults during HF and injection of high-pressure fluids into the reservoir, leading to fracture creation. Several ML ≥4 earthquakes, which did not occur on well-defined seismogenic faults, may have been triggered by pore elastic coupling resulting from regional stress accumulation and fluid injection. Significantly, the ML 4.9 seismic sequence occurring at the basement indicates that fracking has reactivated and promoted pre-existing faults, highlighting the need for further investigation into potential seismic hazards in the region.

How to cite: Wen, Z. and Zhang, N.: The temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of induced  seismicity in the Changning shale gas field based on dense array , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5018,, 2025.

Fluid injection-induced earthquakes present a significant challenge for geo-energy applications, such as geothermal systems and CO2 storage. Understanding the earthquake magnitude and frequency in response to fluid injection is of vital importance. Both the pressure and pressure rate are considered dominant parameters for the occurrence of induced earthquakes. Theoretical analyses of a spring-block model [1] have demonstrated that the reservoir response depends on the nondimensional pressure rate, defined as the ratio of the characteristic time of frictional slip to that of pressurisation. The pressure rate effect is most pronounced when this ratio falls within a narrow range of 10-4 to 10-3. These results have contributed to the interpreting laboratory experimental observations, however, the correlation between the injection rate and induced earthquakes at the field scale remains poorly understood.
This work develops a coupled hydro-mechanical model to simulate constant-rate fluid injection into a reservoir adjacent to a sealing, steeply-dipping, rate-and-state frictional fault, aiming to evaluate fault activation behaviour and the associated induced earthquake magnitude and frequency. The fault is modelled as a rate-and-state frictional contact with Mohr-Coulomb fault strength, and deemed to be reactivated when the shear traction on the fault exceeds the fault strength (frictional resistance), which depends on the fault sliding velocity. Rate-and-state fault slip dynamics are resolved using frictional contact modelling through a fully implicit, monolithically coupled finite element formulation. The fault is characterised by velocity-weakening frictional properties, allowing it to slip multiple times during fluid injection. A seismicity rate model is used to simulate the induced seismicity rate along the fault during fluid injection. Given that the nondimensional pressure rate depends on both the critical slip distance (related to the characteristic time of frictional slip) and the injection rate (related to the characteristic time of pressurisation), different combinations of the two parameters within the typical range of field values are examined to investigate the pressure rate effect on induced earthquake magnitude and frequency and seismicity rate.
Results have shown that the critical slip distance affects both the magnitude and frequency of induced earthquakes, whilst the injection rate primarily controls the frequency of induced earthquakes in typical field conditions. Notably, the induced earthquake frequency, along with the induced seismicity rate, shows a positive correlation with the pressure rate. However, the maximum induced earthquake magnitude does not appear to be significantly affected by the pressure rate within the typical range of field conditions. Based on the model results, the range of nondimensional pressure rate, within which the pressure rate effect is significant in field reservoir conditions, is identified. Outcomes of this work may provide valuable guidance for regulating injection rates to mitigate fluid injection-induced earthquakes in geo-energy applications.

[1] Rudnicki, J.W. and Zhan, Y., 2020. Effect of pressure rate on rate and state frictional slip. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(21), p.e2020GL089426.

How to cite: Cao, W. and Ma, T.: Pressure rate effect on the fluid injection-induced earthquake magnitude and frequency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5080,, 2025.

EGU25-5744 | Orals | ERE5.1

Impact of variable permeability in fault networks on fluid-induced seismicity dynamics 

Pierre Romanet, Marco S. Scuderi, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and Frédéric Cappa

The connection between fluid pressure, reservoir permeability evolution, slow-slip events, and the triggering of larger earthquakes remains a crucial but unresolved issue in the study of fluid-induced seismicity. Understanding these interactions is essential for seismic hazard mitigation and optimizing subsurface fluid injection productivity.

Discrete Fracture Networks (DFNs) are commonly used to study hydraulic diffusion and seismic activity within fault systems. However, traditional DFN models often rely on quasi-static assumptions and a simple Mohr-Coulomb criteria for earthquake triggering. These limitations hinder their ability to capture dynamic phenomena, such as self-propagating slow-slip events, and they provide little insights into the earthquake dynamics.

This study  addresses these gaps by developing a 2D DFN model capable of simulating both fluid-induced slow-slip events and the potential for earthquake triggering. The model integrates hydraulic diffusion and slip processes governed by rate-and-state friction across several interacting faults within an impermeable, elastic rock matrix. A key innovation of this model is the dynamic evolution of fault permeability, which depends on normal traction changes and accumulated slip, consistent with laboratory and in-situ experiments.

The model was applied to two scenarios, both with and without permeability evolution: (1) fluid injection along a primary rough, rate-strengthening fault, where slow slip events occur and subsequently triggers microseismicity on secondary, smaller faults; and (2) fluid injection within a network of rate strengthening intersecting faults, where fluid diffusion reactivates slip throughout the network. In both cases, the simulated slow-slip events propagate faster than the fluid pressure diffusion front.

Interestingly, the migration patterns of microseismicity in the first case and slow slip in the second resemble diffusion processes, yet exhibit diffusivity values distinct from the imposed fault’s hydraulic diffusivity. This finding suggests that estimates of hydraulic diffusivity based solely on microseismicity front migration may not be accurate, in line with previous experimental and modeling studies.

These results highlight the influence of variable permeability and stress transfer caused by slow slip transients, offering valuable insights into induced seismicity within crustal reservoirs.

How to cite: Romanet, P., Scuderi, M. S., Ampuero, J.-P., and Cappa, F.: Impact of variable permeability in fault networks on fluid-induced seismicity dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5744,, 2025.

EGU25-6205 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Fluid-Driven Slip on a Three-Dimensional Fault with Rate-and-State Friction: A Finite Element Analysis 

Navid Hosseini, Adriana Paluszny, and Robert W. Zimmerman

A three-dimensional quasi-dynamic finite element method is developed to simulate fluid-induced seismicity on faults governed by rate-and-state friction. The coupled nonlinear hydro-mechanical equations governing both the fault and the surrounding rock matrix are solved simultaneously using the Imperial College Geo-mechanics Tool (ICGT), providing fluid pressure and displacement fields. This work highlights enhancements made to the friction module of ICGT, specifically the implementation of the augmented Lagrangian method to enforce fault surface contact constraints. This approach leverages the strengths of both the penalty method and Lagrange multipliers within the finite element framework. A stick-predictor slip-corrector algorithm is developed for the rate-and-state friction law to improve the convergence of the solution. The proposed numerical model captures the dynamic response of a fault to fluid injection, with the fault represented explicitly as a zero-thickness interface element in the mesh. To account for radiation damping effects and prevent unbounded slip rates within the quasi-dynamic framework, a velocity-dependent cohesion term is introduced into the shear stress formulation. The results emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate spatial mesh sizes and temporal time steps to ensure the convergence of the iterative Newton-Raphson solver. The simulation results show that pore pressure changes initiate an aseismic slip front that propagates along the fault, leading to failure in seismogenic zones. This method successfully captures all stages of the seismic cycle, including the transition from stick to slip behavior. 

How to cite: Hosseini, N., Paluszny, A., and Zimmerman, R. W.: Fluid-Driven Slip on a Three-Dimensional Fault with Rate-and-State Friction: A Finite Element Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6205,, 2025.

EGU25-6627 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.1

Post-Injection Seismic Decay Dynamics at Geothermal Sites: Insights from Wellhead Pressure and Hydraulic Energy 

Zhiwei Wang, Olivier Lengliné, and Jean Schmittbuhl

Induced seismicity following fluid injection in geothermal reservoirs presents significant challenges for risk mitigation and hazard assessment. While numerous studies have focused on seismicity during active injection phases, less attention has been given to the critical post-injection period when seismic activity gradually subsides. In this study, we systematically analyze post-injection seismic decay at three prominent geothermal sites—Soultz-sous-Forêts (France), Cooper Basin (Australia), and Basel (Switzerland)—leveraging high-resolution industrial datasets. We thank the EPOS TCS-AH platform and CDGP for providing the data used in this study. This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (DT-Geo, grant agreement No. 101058129).

Using the Modified Omori Model, we characterize seismic event density decay rates and evaluate their dependence on operational and hydraulic parameters, such as wellhead pressure dynamics, injection duration, hydraulic energy, and reservoir diffusivity. Our results highlight the pivotal influence of sustained wellhead pressure and its dissipation rate (γ) on seismic decay, where faster pressure dissipation promotes fault stabilization and leads to reduced seismic activity. Secondary influences include cumulative injection volume and hydraulic energy, which moderate fault reactivation processes. The corner time parameter (c), marking the onset of seismic decay, shows limited correlation with operational metrics, suggesting the importance of site-specific geological properties.

By comparing the Modified Omori Model with alternative decay models (e.g., Cut-off Power Law, Gamma, and Stretched Exponential), we demonstrate its robustness in capturing the temporal evolution of seismicity across diverse geological settings. These findings highlight the critical role of wellhead pressure management in reducing trailing seismic risks and offer actionable insights for optimizing geothermal operations. This work contributes to a deeper understanding of post-injection seismicity, advancing risk management strategies for sustainable geothermal energy development.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Lengliné, O., and Schmittbuhl, J.: Post-Injection Seismic Decay Dynamics at Geothermal Sites: Insights from Wellhead Pressure and Hydraulic Energy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6627,, 2025.

EGU25-7125 | Posters on site | ERE5.1

A synthetic benchmark dataset for induced seismicity monitoring 

Laura Ermert, Peidong Shi, Federica Lanza, Katinka Tuinstra, Vanille Ritz, Claudia Finger, Anne Obermann, Antonio Rinaldi, and Stefan Wiemer

Monitoring induced seismicity is an indispensable part of risk management during the creation and operation of enhanced geothermal systems. Due to the relative scarcity of manually labeled, informative datasets of induced seismicity, it can be challenging to evaluate the performance of monitoring tools ahead of time. We have created continuous synthetic seismic waveform data for an induced seismicity sequence at the Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE). The data are based on a synthetic catalog that mimicks an injection-induced sequence at Utah FORGE and contains approximately 20 000 events occurring during 24 hours with the majority of events during the simulated hydraulic stimulation. Taking into account site-specific geology, induced event waveforms are computed using a spectral-element visco-elastic wave propagation solver and source-receiver reciprocity. Two types of seismic noise are added to create two subsets of test data: low-amplitude Gaussian noise and site-specific correlated noise. We test the retrieval of the known events from the continuous synthetic data using one real-time and one post-processing monitoring workflow based on SeisComP and MALMI  (MAchine Learning aided earthquake MIgration location). The results illustrate reliability and shortcomings of the two monitoring tools. For example, depending on the monitoring tool, the noise conditions and the behaviour of the sequence (injection vs. post-injection), the rate of detected events ranges from approximately 20% to 100%. In addition to this benchmark, the dataset generation also serves as a rough feasibility study for a digital “twin” of wave propagation in an enhanced geothermal system. While uncertainties concerning the elastic medium and receiver coupling, as well as the time to availability of observed induced event data and interpretations are likely to pose challenges, the performance of the reciprocal wave propagation modeling strategy is satisfactory for incorporation into a “twin” if updates to the geologic structure are infrequent.

How to cite: Ermert, L., Shi, P., Lanza, F., Tuinstra, K., Ritz, V., Finger, C., Obermann, A., Rinaldi, A., and Wiemer, S.: A synthetic benchmark dataset for induced seismicity monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7125,, 2025.

EGU25-7395 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Structural Controls on Earthquake Clustering in Hydraulic Fracturing: Insights from Velocity Model and Seismic Reflection Data 

Fangxue Zhang, Yunfeng Chen, Ruijia Wang, Hongyu Yu, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, and Vanille Ritz

The spatial distribution of hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity is controlled by regional tectonics and local geological structures. In this study, we integrated a high-resolution shear velocity model from ambient noise imaging with 3D seismic reflection data to investigate structural influences on induced seismicity near an active hydraulic fracturing (HF) platform in the Sichuan Basin, China. We conducted continuous seismic monitoring throughout the fracturing period and located over 1,000 earthquakes within the 7 weeks of active stimulation. Tomographic model reveals a distinct first-order, EW-striking velocity boundary near the HF well. This lateral velocity discontinuity aligns closely with the 3D curvature attribute identified in seismic reflection data, with high-curvature areas corresponding to disrupted geological features like small-scale faults or stratigraphic discontinuities. Further quantitative analysis reveals that in addition to the spatial clustering near high-curvature areas, 70% of earthquakes are distributed on the high-velocity side and concentrated within a range of 500 meters from the HF well. Based on these observations, we infer that 1) the high-velocity anomalies are mechanically stronger and more susceptible to the release of cumulative elastic energy, and 2) pronounced attribute variations delineate the principal seismogenic structures responsible for hosting induced earthquakes. Consequently, regions with brittle rock properties and significant structural variations are more seismically sensitive under external fluid injection. Future work will involve applying the ETAS model to better understand the triggering mechanisms of induced seismicity, aiming to provide insights into the interaction between external fluid injection and localized stress perturbations.

These observations highlight the interplay between velocity heterogeneity, structural attributes, and localized stress perturbations in driving induced seismicity. Similar correlations between local velocity structure and earthquake nucleation are observed at a nearby platform, where the majority of over 6000 detected earthquakes are preferentially located near a NE-SW oriented high-velocity structure east of the injection well. Interestingly, both platforms are characterized by sharp topographic relief, with their maximum gradient well aligning with the velocity boundaries. These integrated structural features may prove crucial in identifying local geological structures that are prone to instability and assist strategy development toward risk mitigation of HF-induced seismicity.


How to cite: Zhang, F., Chen, Y., Wang, R., Yu, H., Rinaldi, A. P., and Ritz, V.: Structural Controls on Earthquake Clustering in Hydraulic Fracturing: Insights from Velocity Model and Seismic Reflection Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7395,, 2025.

EGU25-7718 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Dataset preparation for Resolving Apparent Source Time Functions (ASTF) and Evalutions Using Basic ML-models 

Runcheng Pang, Hongyu Yu, Ge Li, Haoran Meng, Zaiwang Liu, Cheng Su, Deli Zha, and Wanli Tian

Monitoring induced seismic harzards during the fluid injections has been a significant challenge for geo-energy development. Conventional approaches, such as the (adaptive) traffic light protocol and prediction methods based on statistical and machine learning regressions, often yield limited accuracy due to diverse geological conditions across regions. A promising direction lies in developing precursors to monitor fault reactivation more effectively.

Recent seismological studies have shown that aseismic slip loading is more prevalent than previously thought during fault activation induced by fluid injections (Yu et al., 2021a, b; Eyre et al., 2019, 2022). Slow earthquake signals, like Earthquakes characterized by Hybrid-frequency Waveforms (EHW), occur during the transition from fault creep to brittle rupture induced by fluid injection (Guglielmi et al., 2015). These signals are potential indicators for aseismic slip loading and fault reactivation. However, their longer rupture durations distinguish them from typical induced earthquakes, rendering classic source analysis methods ineffective for real-time monitoring.

To address this limitation, we propose ASTF-Net, a machine learning (ML) model designed to predict Apperant Source Time Function (ASTF) by deconvoluting Empirical Green's Function (EGF) waveform from target waveform in time domain. This approach provides reliable real-time estimates of source durations, to identify slow earthquake signals, specifically EHW, and offers a valuable tool for fault activation monitoring. A robust and well-sampled dataset is therefore crucial for the model's performance.

In this study, we present a dataset designed for developing a single-channel version of ASTF-Net and evaluate its effectiveness using basic ML-models. The dataset consists of three parts: ASTFs, EGFs, and target seismic waveforms. Synthetic ASTFs are generated using kinematic forward modeling with an elliptical rupture model to simulate earthquake events with magnitudes ranging from Mw 3.0 to 4.5 and stress drops between 5 and 20 MPa. These random ASTFs are calculated under various ray paths. We collect EGFs from hydraulic fracturing-induced earthquakes (M1.5-2.5) in the Southern Montney Play, western Canada, recorded by a network of 40 nodal/broadband seismic stations between 2017 and 2020. Synthetic target waveforms are then created by convolving ASTFs with corresponding EGFs. The dataset’s inputs consist of single-channel synthetic seismic waveforms and their corresponding EGFs, with ASTFs as outputs. To assess the generalization and robustness of the model, records from different stations are divided into training, validation, and four test sets with varying difficulty levels based on geographical locations and event counts. Notably, Test level 4 is human analysis results reported by Roth et al. (2022).

We evaluate model performance using basic ML architectures, including MLP, CNN, VGG and U-Net. Performance metrics include the Correlation Coefficient (CC) between predictions and labeled ASTFs, and the relative error in apparent source duration. CNN emerges as the most promising candidate for the further optimization, achieving the following CC > 0.9 across test levels: 87.9% (Level 1), 85.9% (Level 2), and 80.3% (Level 3). The percentages of relative error below 10% are 59.3%, 59.3%, and 51.2%, respectively, for the three levels.

How to cite: Pang, R., Yu, H., Li, G., Meng, H., Liu, Z., Su, C., Zha, D., and Tian, W.: Dataset preparation for Resolving Apparent Source Time Functions (ASTF) and Evalutions Using Basic ML-models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7718,, 2025.

EGU25-8121 | Orals | ERE5.1

Modelling soil response at the national scale for Switzerland in the framework of risk assessment of induced seismicity 

Paolo Bergamo, Jaleena Sunny, Iason Grigoratos, Philippe Roth, Toni Kraft, Francesco Panzera, and Stefan Wiemer

Risk modelling is a key tool for mitigating the seismic risk associated with geo-energy applications and CO2 storage. Prior estimation of potential damages and mapping of affected communities enable, among other things, the feasibility assessment of geothermal projects in their planning phase and the allocation of appropriate resources for damage compensation. This promotes societal preparedness and acceptance towards such applications.  

With rising interest in geothermal energy in Switzerland, the Federal Office of Energy tasked the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) to extend the national Earthquake Risk Model ERM-CH23 (Papadopoulos et al., 2024) to include induced seismicity associated with geo-energy applications and CO2 injection projects. Since these activities typically trigger shallow earthquakes with low-to-moderate magnitudes, the need arose to extend the range of modelled intensity measures towards intermediate periods, which are more sensitive to potential damage from the expected scenario ruptures. As ERM-CH23 already covers PGV and PSA at 1, 0.6 and 0.3 s, it was decided to additionally integrate PSA(0.4s) and PSA(0.2s). From the perspective of soil amplification modelling, we first verified that the existing ERM-CH23 local response layers (Bergamo et al., 2023) are suitable for induced seismicity scenarios. We then applied the procedure of Bergamo et al. (2023), i.e., combining empirical amplification factors with site proxies via geostatistical interpolation, to generate the additional soil response layers for PSA(0.4, 0.2s). Leveraging an extended ground motion database and proven site condition indicators, the maps cover the whole of Switzerland while achieving a fine spatial resolution (250 m); the high quality of the input datasets contributes to keeping the associated (and mapped) epistemic uncertainty (ϕS2S) within reasonable limits.

In addition to seismic risk modelling, the complete set of national soil amplification maps for PSA(0.2 - 1.0s) has also been incorporated into the GRID approach of the current revision of SED's Good-Practice Guide for managing induced seismicity in deep geothermal projects (Kraft et al., 2025). GRID (Geothermal Risk of Induced seismicity Diagnosis, Trutnevyte & Wiemer 2017) is a diagnostic tool developed to classify a project's induced seismicity risk. The PSA(0.2 - 1.0s) amplification maps have been collated to consistently chart soft soil areas (soil types D, E and F of the Swiss building code SIA 261) at the national scale, contributing to GRID’s “local amplification” indicator.



Bergamo, P., et al. (2023). A site amplification model for Switzerland based on site-condition indicators and incorporating local response as measured at seismic stations. Bull Earthquake Eng 21, 5831–5865.

Papadopoulos, A. N., et al. (2024). The Earthquake Risk Model of Switzerland, ERM-CH23, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 3561–3578,

Kraft, T., et al. (2025). Good-Practice Guide for Managing Induced Seismicity in Deep Geothermal Energy Projects in Switzerland, Version 3, Report of the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich, pp. 80, https://10.3929/ethz-b-000714220

Trutnevyte, E., & S. Wiemer (2017). Tailor-made risk governance for induced seismicity of geothermal energy projects: An application to Switzerland, Geothermics, 65, 295-312,

How to cite: Bergamo, P., Sunny, J., Grigoratos, I., Roth, P., Kraft, T., Panzera, F., and Wiemer, S.: Modelling soil response at the national scale for Switzerland in the framework of risk assessment of induced seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8121,, 2025.

EGU25-9387 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Application of methodologies for the analysis of microseismicity in industrial areas: a case study from underground gas storage in Cornegliano Laudense 

Mario Fusco, Mariangela Guidarelli, Maria Adelaide Romano, Monica Sugan, Marco Romanelli, Denis Sandron, and Matteo Picozzi

Underground gas storage (UGS) systems are commonly used to balance seasonal fluctuations in demand and to secure strategic reserves by storing gas in geological trap formations. All underground industrial activities, including UGS, can affect the pore pressure and pre-existing stress state in seismogenic layers, potentially triggering earthquakes. Monitoring microseismicity in such a context is crucial, especially in urban areas. The study area of this work focuses on the Cornegliano Laudense UGS site, near Milan, one of 15 such sites in Italy, where the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) conducts seismic monitoring. In 2017, nine seismic stations were installed in accordance with national guidelines to establish a baseline of natural seismicity before the start of gas storage activities in December 2018.

Previous studies have shown that the central sector of the Po Plain has weak and deep seismicity due to crustal shortening between the Alpine and Apennine fronts. However, shallow seismicity has occasionally been recorded since monitoring began. Shallow seismicity was recorded both before and after the onset of storage activities, suggesting that it may be related to shallow tectonic structures. At the end of September 2024, the local seismic network detected its first seismic sequence, consisting of nine shallow microearthquakes with magnitudes between 0.9 and 1.3 ML and a depth of ~ 2.5 km. These seismic events occurred near a known thrust fault just outside the storage area.

We present preliminary results of a seismicity analysis performed to understand the origin of these shallow microearthquakes. Detection and location of such small earthquakes is challenging due to their low magnitude and low signal-to-noise ratio in this area. To improve detection, we applied a template matching technique based on the cross-correlation of continuous seismic data with well-located events, known as templates. This process revealed more than 150 seismic events throughout the entire monitoring period, with magnitudes ranging from -1 to 1.6 ML. Initially assigned to the locations of their templates, the hypocenter locations were refined by identifying P and S wave arrival times, where possible, applying both absolute (NonLinLoc) and relative (HypoDD) location methods. Our analysis also identified small clusters of past seismic events like those in the September 2024 sequence using a template matching method. For each sequence, we calculated composite focal mechanisms using the SKHASH code, combining polarities and S/P amplitude ratios for more reliable results. Finally, we examined seismicity diffusion patterns to assess potential fluid movement influences, as seismic events triggered by fluid intrusion often show characteristic spatial and temporal migration patterns.

How to cite: Fusco, M., Guidarelli, M., Romano, M. A., Sugan, M., Romanelli, M., Sandron, D., and Picozzi, M.: Application of methodologies for the analysis of microseismicity in industrial areas: a case study from underground gas storage in Cornegliano Laudense, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9387,, 2025.

EGU25-9673 * | Posters on site | ERE5.1 | Highlight

Induced seismicity in Germany during the last decade - an overview and update 

Thomas Plenefisch, Monika Bischoff, Peter Gaebler, Gernot Hartmann, and Ulrich Wegler

The Federal Seismic Survey at BGR routinely evaluates seismic events in Germany and neighbouring
countries on a daily basis. The results are supplemented by the outcomes of the seismological agencies of
the federal states of Germany and German universities and stored in an event database and in the German
earthquake catalogue, which is complete for earthquakes with magnitudes ML ≥ 2.
Furthermore, the events are classified as natural earthquakes, induced earthquakes, or explosions (mostly
quarry blasts). A considerable number of the events are induced earthquakes. They originate from stress
changes due to human activity in the subsurface. The main causes of the induced events are coal mining,
potash salt mining, natural gas extraction and geothermal energy.
We describe the characteristics of the associated seismicity for the different mining regions in Germany. In
contrast to natural seismicity characterized by long-term tectonic processes, the number and strength of
induced seismicity can be strongly dependent on rather short-term temporal and spatial changes following
the mining process.
The seismicity in coal mining regions, e.g., decreased coinciding with the shutdown of coal mining, whereas
seismic activity in geothermal or natural gas fields show different behavior, increasing or decreasing
depending on the location. Additionally, the latter both types of induced seismicity show remarkable
peculiarities in their temporal behavior. Seismic events still occur with a delay after a geothermal power plant
was shut down. Seismic activity can start even several years after the start of extraction in a new natural gas
We show the temporal course of induced seismicity over the last 10 years in dependence on the distinct
extraction types, compare it with the previous decades and discuss the main features. In addition, we also
investigate the magnitude-frequency relationship and the energy release of the induced earthquakes. We
determine these parameters regarding their originators as well as in relation to those of natural earthquakes.

How to cite: Plenefisch, T., Bischoff, M., Gaebler, P., Hartmann, G., and Wegler, U.: Induced seismicity in Germany during the last decade - an overview and update, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9673,, 2025.

EGU25-10194 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.1

Quantification of the probability of induced seismicity associated with large-scale underground hydrogen storage in Dutch salt formations 

Naomi van den Ameele, Prof.dr. Hadi Hajibeygi, Dr. Heijn van Gent, and Dr. Annemarie Muntendam-Bos

Construction and cyclic operation of multi-cavern systems within salt pillars present notable geomechanical challenges, including subsidence due to cavern convergence, pressure interactions between caverns, leakage and induced seismicity. Monitoring stations in the northeast of the Netherlands have consistently reported small seismic events (local magnitudes ≥ -2), the underlying physics of which are poorly understood. As the operational activity in the salt domes is expected to scale up due to the prospects of underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in salt caverns, it is crucial to investigate the mechanisms underlying the observed seismic events. More importantly, it is essential to quantify the probability of induced seismic events due to the increase in UHS projects.

This study aims to assess the probability of induced seismicity associated with the prospect of large-scale hydrogen storage (UHS) plans. To this end, it is crucial to understand, analyse, and quantify the mechanisms behind induced seismicity observed due to the salt cavern leaching and cyclic storage operations within the Dutch salt domes. As a necessary bench-mark step for our study, it is essential to explain the occurrence of small-scale events for the existing caverns. We commence by constructing simplified yet meaningful simulation models, which include the basic characteristics of the salt formation, salt cavern, operational conditions, and the presence of structural features in the salt formation as well as in the over- and side-burden. Subsequently, the deformation evolution of the system is quantified and the impact of uncertainties on stress and deformation is assessed. The simulation model will be coupled to a seismogenic source model to compute the spatio-temporal development of the seismic activity in the model due to the deformation evolution.

How to cite: van den Ameele, N., Hajibeygi, P. dr. H., van Gent, Dr. H., and Muntendam-Bos, Dr. A.: Quantification of the probability of induced seismicity associated with large-scale underground hydrogen storage in Dutch salt formations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10194,, 2025.

EGU25-11791 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Statistical Models to Forecast Induced Seismicity in CO2 Storage  

Gina-Maria Geffers, Chaoyi Wang, Christopher S. Sherman, and Kayla A. Kroll

Induced seismicity related to industrial operations including carbon storage, geothermal energy, hydraulic fracturing or wastewater disposal has become increasingly common over the last 15 years. To continue these operations with minimal impact on sites, populations and economic conditions of the operation, it is crucial to better understand the mechanisms that control induced earthquakes and the occurrence of these in both space and time.

This research focuses on enhancing statistical forecasts (using the seismogenic index model and ETAS), specifically for CO2 storage applications. This forecasting is essential for estimating the hazards associated with the operational life cycle of these sites. Additionally, based on these forecasts, we explore operational management strategies, aimed at providing real-time feedback and suggestions to operators. All model calibrations were performed using data from the Illinois Basin Decatur Project – a pilot CO2 storage initiative with injection performed from 2011 to 2014. The resulting forecasts are included within an ensemble forecast within the open-source Operational Forecasting of Induced Seismicity (ORION) toolkit.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

How to cite: Geffers, G.-M., Wang, C., Sherman, C. S., and Kroll, K. A.: Statistical Models to Forecast Induced Seismicity in CO2 Storage , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11791,, 2025.

There is still uncertainty in the mechanisms controlling the increase in earthquake productivity and shale gas development in the southern Sichuan basin of China. In this study we take advantage of a more complete seismic catalog from local seismic stations, as well as injection data for two adjacent hydraulic fracturing wells, during March 2017 to January 2018, to investigate these mechanisms. To ensure the completeness and reliability, two seismic catalogs were effectively merged and uniformly scaled using the moment magnitude Mw scale. A spatiotemporal constraint framework was designed to extract induced earthquakes during the injection stages, and a series of seismic statistical methods were used to study the correlation between 885 earthquakes (Mw 0 to 4.6) and fluid injection. These include the ETAS model, and the nearest-neighbor-distance method. The results suggest most seismicity close to the wells are likely linked to the hydraulic fracturing process. For events associated with the N5 well pad, the cumulative number of earthquakes has a positive correlation with the cumulative injection volume. Through the use of the Seismogenic-Index, the difference of seismogenicity of different wells is obtained. We show that injected volume not only correlates with the number of induced earthquakes, but also correlate with the maximum seismic magnitude in the region. We demonstrate that this can then be used to retroactively forecast the induced seismicity. Although the injection at the  two well pads is similar, the N5 pad is associated with many more indued events compared to the N7 pad. Reflection seismic imaging indicates that faults and fractures are well developed beneath the target reservoir of N5, but not for N7. This indicates proximity to preexisting faults/fractures control the occurrence of inducing seismicity in the region. The possible cause of the Mw 4.6 earthquake is briefly analyzed by calculating the range of pore pressure diffusion, and the Coulomb stress change from poroelastic effects. This shows that induced seismicity in the southern Sichuan basin is controlled by both preexisting faults/fractures and injection fluid volume.

How to cite: Hu, J.: The productivity of induced seismicity in the southern Sichuan basin, China is controlled by injected volume and preexisting faults , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13985,, 2025.

EGU25-16675 | Orals | ERE5.1

Inferring Permeability Enhancement During Fluid-Induced Fault Slip Reactivation In The Laboratory 

Inès Ben Khaled, Pierre Dublanchet, Hervé Chauris, François Passelegue, and Laura Blanco Martin

Earthquakes that occur during geothermal exploitation or any other fluid-injection activity (hydraulic fracturing, CO2 waste disposals…) are attributed to the reactivation of rapid slip along critical faults. This highlights the urgent need of comprehensive monitoring and mitigation strategies to ensure both energy production and environmental safety.

Our main objective is to develop numerical methods to infer the permeability enhancement during fault reactivation induced by fluid injection in the laboratory. To this end, we model an experimental protocol conducted on a rock sample with a saw-cut fault, led by F.X. Passelègue and collaborators from the EPFL and GéoAzur rock mechanics laboratories. At the beginning of the injection experiments, pore pressure was uniformly set to 10 MPa along the fault plane. The injection experiment was preceded by a loading phase, during which shear stress was increased to approximately 90% of the peak shear stress to bring the fault to a critically pre-slip state. Fluid was then injected along the fault at a constant rate of 1 Mpa/minute, with simultaneous measurements of pore pressure, slip, and shear stress recorded continuously.

To simulate the experimental process, we established a system of coupled partial and ordinary differential equations that describe the evolution of key variables, including permeability, porosity, fault slip, and pore pressure. These equations are solved numerically. The general behavior of our key variables generated by the model reproduces the trend observed in the data recorded in the laboratory. For an advanced data match we develop a deterministic inversion approach, specifically the adjoint state method, to infer the permeability model. We are currently focused on enhancing this inverse model.

How to cite: Ben Khaled, I., Dublanchet, P., Chauris, H., Passelegue, F., and Blanco Martin, L.: Inferring Permeability Enhancement During Fluid-Induced Fault Slip Reactivation In The Laboratory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16675,, 2025.

EGU25-17247 | Posters on site | ERE5.1

Hydraulic Stimulations with Hydro-Mechanical Pre-Conditioning at the BedrettoLab 

Mohammadreza Jalali, Valentin Gischig, Paul Selvadurai, Elena Spagnuolo, Men-Andrin Meier, Luca Dal Zilio, Martina Rosskopf, Anne Obermann, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Nima Gholizadeh Doonechaly, Kai Bröker, Julian Osten, Marian Hertrich, Hansruedi Maurer, Domenico Giardini, Stefan Wiemer, Massimo Cocco, and Florian Amann and the FEAR Team

The heterogenous nature of geological formations is further complicated by natural and induced discontinuities such as fractures and faults. These geological features introduce a complex network of pathways and barriers that alter the local in-situ stresses as well as fluid flow dynamics. A comprehensive understanding of hydro-mechanical (HM) interactions during fluid injection experiments may provide insights into the effective manipulation of underground for energy extraction (e.g., hydraulic stimulation) as well as prediction and mitigation of induced seismicity in response to various stimulation techniques. Significant effort has been devoted to understand the rock-fluid interactions in energy contexts (e.g., shale gas, enhanced geothermal system) and earthquake seismology through various methodologies including laboratory studies, in-situ experiments and numerical simulations over the last decades. However, systematic studies of such interactions under in-situ conditions with natural heterogeneity require systematic manipulation of injection parameters in a well-characterized reservoir or underground research laboratory.

The BedrettoLab (Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies) with a local overburden of over 1000 m, located in the Swiss Alps, is a suitable site for conducting such studies, as the rock volume has been well instrumented and characterized [Plenkers et al., 2023]. In a close collaboration between two running projects in BedrettoLab, i.e., VALTER (Validating of Technologies for Reservoir Engineering) and FEAR (Fault Activation and Earthquake Rupture), a series of controlled hydraulic stimulations were conducted where various HM pre-conditioning steps were included (or left out) in the injection protocol. The main objective of the HM pre-conditioning was to understand and control microseismicity by pre-determining the pressurized patch on the fault/fracture volume via the injection protocol prior to the main injection. The installed monitoring system captured ongoing HM processes during each hydraulic stimulation, enabling systematic testing of these pre-conditioning hypothesis across various fractures. In the next step, similar protocols were applied to the first stimulation experiment as part of the project which provided a comprehensive insight of the HM and seismogenic characteristics of the stimulated fault, in response to pre-conditioning.

How to cite: Jalali, M., Gischig, V., Selvadurai, P., Spagnuolo, E., Meier, M.-A., Dal Zilio, L., Rosskopf, M., Obermann, A., Rinaldi, A. P., Gholizadeh Doonechaly, N., Bröker, K., Osten, J., Hertrich, M., Maurer, H., Giardini, D., Wiemer, S., Cocco, M., and Amann, F. and the FEAR Team: Hydraulic Stimulations with Hydro-Mechanical Pre-Conditioning at the BedrettoLab, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17247,, 2025.

EGU25-17271 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.1

Characterization of induced micro seismicity at the Gonghe geothermal project during the 2021 injection phase 

Sofia Bressan, James Verdon, and Hao Zhang

The global development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) and the increasing related occurrence of induced seismicity are topics of growing interest for the scientific community. One of the most recent EGS developments is in the Gonghe Basin, located in the northeastern Quinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China. The project is considered one of the most promising Hot Dry Rock (HDR) resources in the country due to the high temperature detected while drilling the first well in 2017 (236°C at a depth of 3705 m).

A surface seismic network of 20 three-component seismometers monitored the area around the wells GH01, GH02, and GH03 during the June – October 2021 injection and circulation phases. We used a beamforming method to detect and locate earthquakes. The beamforming process significantly improved the number of events detected, with over 10,000 detections (whereas previous research had identified roughly 2,600 events using an automated phase-picker for detections). The largest event had a magnitude of ML 3.2, with the smallest events having magnitudes smaller than ML -1. The increased event detection produced by the beamforming is fundamental for enhanced imaging of the faults and fractures activated by the geothermal stimulations. We compare the beamforming locations with those produced by manual phase picking for the largest events with ML > 0.7.

Further seismological analysis has included analysis of shear wave splitting (SWS) phenomena, to understand the development of anisotropy in the reservoir during and after the injection procedures. Our results show that the fast S-wave polarization have a NE-SW orientation, congruent with the orientation of the maximum horizontal principal stress, characterized by a direction of NE55°. However, variations into the orientation are present at some stations, which could indicate additional geological complexity within the area.

How to cite: Bressan, S., Verdon, J., and Zhang, H.: Characterization of induced micro seismicity at the Gonghe geothermal project during the 2021 injection phase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17271,, 2025.

The Baihetan Hydropower Station, located on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, is the world's second-largest hydropower station in terms of installed capacity. The 289-meter-high dam will create a massive reservoir with a storage capacity of 20.6 billion cubic meters upstream of the Jinsha River. On April 6, 2021, the Baihetan Reservoir began its initial impoundment, leading to significant seismic activity at the intersection of the Xiaojiang, Zemuhe, and Daliangshan fault zones. These earthquakes were characterized by shallow focal depths and a general distribution along the reservoir area, indicating reservoir-induced seismicity. During the initial impoundment of the Baihetan Reservoir, two notable earthquakes occurred within the Tibetan Plateau, the Yangbi MS 6.4 earthquake and the Maduo MS 7.4 earthquake, with an interval of less than five hours between them.

This study utilizes data from a dense seismic array deployed in the Baihetan Reservoir area to analyze the remote dynamic triggering effects of these two earthquakes. Preliminary works indicate that the surface waves from the Yangbi MS 6.4 earthquake, which was approximately 330 km away, did not trigger any small earthquakes in the Baihetan Reservoir area, and there was no significant increase in microseismic activity within four hours after the earthquake. In contrast, the surface waves from the Maduo MS 7.4 earthquake, which was about 920 km away, triggered multiple small earthquakes when they reached the Baihetan Reservoir area. Additionally, precise earthquake relocations reveal the heterogeneous distribution of critical stress states in the Baihetan Reservoir area due to the impoundment process. These results provide insights into the mechanisms of reservoir-induced seismicity and the potential for remote dynamic triggering in the region.

How to cite: Liu, Z., Wu, T., and He, X.: Remote dynamic triggering of reservoir-induced seismicity during the initial impoundment of the Baihetan Reservoir, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17304,, 2025.

To determine the source characteristics of mining-induced earthquakes, the corner frequency fc, rupture radius r, seismic moment M0, radiated seismic energy Es, and stress drop Δσ of 80 micro-earthquakes with 1.0≤ML≤3.3 in the Datong coal mine were calculated based on waveform records from the regional digital seismic network. The Scaling relationships between these parameters and M0 were studied, and the reasons for the lower levels of corner frequency and stress drop in mining-induced seismicity were analyzed. The results show that the displacement spectrum of the source of mining-induced earthquakes in the Datong coal mining is consistent with the Brune model ω-2 attenuation pattern. Using this ω-2 model, the source parameters of micro-earthquakes in the Datong coal mine were estimated. The fc ranges mainly from 0.82 to 4.64 Hz, the r ranges from 67.89 to 382.65 m, and the Δσ from 0.03 to 0.85 MPa. The M0 estimated from the zero frequency limit ranges from 5.85e+10 to 7.66e+13 Nm, and the Es ranges from 7.34e+4 to 7.07e+8 J. With the increase of M0, the source parameters of r, Δσ, and Es show an increasing trend, while the fc decreases gradually, exhibiting characteristics similar to tectonic earthquakes. Mining-induced earthquakes in the Datong coal mining area have lower corner frequencies and stress drop levels than tectonic earthquakes. This is mainly due to the artificial alteration of the initially stable geological structure and stress state during mining. This leads to deformation and micro-fracturing of the coal and rock mass in the roof and floor, approaching or reaching a critical, unstable state. With the continuous mining operation, mining-induced earthquakes occur in a lower-stress environment under the multiple coupling effects of the self-weight stress of the coal and rock mass and mining-induced stress disturbance.

How to cite: Li, L. and Liu, J.: Source Parameters and Scaling Relationships for Mining-induced Seismicity in the Datong Coal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17776,, 2025.

EGU25-18119 | Posters on site | ERE5.1

Multiplets as a tool for identification of seismogenic structures at various geothermal fields 

Monika Staszek, Łukasz Rudziński, and Jan Wiszniowski

Identification of seismogenic zones in geothermal fields undergoing active fluid injection is an important issue for seismic hazard assessment in such destinations. It is well known that subsurface discontinuities can be successfully imaged using multiplets, i.e. seismic events with very similar waveforms. Very promising results of this method were obtained using the dataset from Prati-9 and Prati-29 injection wells at The Geysers geothermal field. With the use of multiplet analysis followed by double-difference relocation we imaged three fractures and one fault within the reservoir and described their different seismic response to injection.

In this work we present the current results of multiplet identification followed by double-difference relocation in two other geothermal sites: (1) Helsinki geothermal site (Finland), and (2) Coso geothermal field (California). The mentioned geothermal sites exhibit very different geological conditions. Helsinki site is a typical example of geothermal stimulation of crystalline Precambrian basement rocks in the area of very low background seismicity. On the contrary, Coso geothermal field is located in tectonically active volcanic area cut with a complex system of faults. Moreover, we extend the multiplet analysis performed in the area of Prati-9 and Prati-29 injection wells at The Geysers geothermal field by searching for multiplets in various frequency ranges. In this way seismic events from broader magnitude range can be included in the following relocation procedure. The multiplets identified within each frequency range are relocated separately. At the end, obtained images are stacked together using common reference events.

Our results confirm that relative relocation of similar seismic events with double-difference method can be successfully applied for the identification of seismogenic structures in geothermal areas exhibiting very different geological and tectonic complexity.

This research was supported by research project no. 2022/45/N/ST10/02172, funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, under agreement no. UMO-2022/45/N/ST10/02172. This work was also partially supported by a subsidy from the Polish Ministry of Education and Science for the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. This research was supported in part by PLGrid Infrastructure.

How to cite: Staszek, M., Rudziński, Ł., and Wiszniowski, J.: Multiplets as a tool for identification of seismogenic structures at various geothermal fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18119,, 2025.

This study investigates an innovative approach to the earthquake location problem by simulating the use of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology deployed in a single vertical borehole. Traditional methods typically rely on extensive networks of seismometers distributed horizontally on the surface to accurately determine earthquake hypocenters. In contrast, this work examines the feasibility of deriving earthquake locations from DAS seismogram images recorded by 700 virtual receivers along a 3.5 km vertical cable in a well.

We evaluated multiple methodologies, including cross-correlation-based matching with a database of synthetic waveforms and advanced machine learning (ML) techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and autoencoders. While the cross-correlation approach produced promising results for simple velocity models, it faced limitations when applied to more complex, realistic subsurface structures. To overcome these challenges, CNNs were employed to classify earthquake locations within a grid framework, and autoencoders were utilized to enhance the resolution of derived location images. The methodology was tested against two benchmark velocity models: the Marmousi model and a region-specific model derived from seismic exploration at a geothermal energy site.

Our findings highlight the potential of integrating DAS technology with ML for earthquake location imaging, particularly in environments with sparse seismic instrumentation. Our approach demonstrates promise in improving the efficiency and accuracy of seismic monitoring, especially in regions characterized by lateral velocity heterogeneities.

How to cite: Komeazi, A. and Rümpker, G.: Earthquake Location Imaging (ELI) for single-well Distributed Acoustic Sensing using Wavefield Classification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18529,, 2025.

Developing geothermal energy projects require a clear understanding of seismic hazard potential in the subsurface, specifically, fault reactivation and induced seismic events of societal significance. The Californië geothermal field in South Eastern Netherlands is one such project where concern for disruptive seismicity has stalled development. Evaluating seismic hazards of structurally-controlled geothermal systems must include a clear understanding of subsurface geometries, specifics of the current stress field, and rock properties at depth. At Californië, although considerable subsurface data is available, the extent and specific geometries of local faults and fault topologies, including paleo-fault structures, stratigraphic formations, as well as the stress field at reservoir depths are not all well understood. This study addresses these uncertainties with a probabilistic approach to three-dimensional structural and geomechanical modeling, qualifying primary observations of structural features and evidence of the in situ stress state with a cumulative measure of their uncertainties. A number of structural geometric realizations are derived from these probabilistic uncertainties and analysed using the finite element method to evaluate slip tendency, dilation tendency, and fracture susceptibility. The results of these calculations provide meaningful distributions for fault stability considering uncertainties of in situ stress, structural geometries, and frictional properties to inform development and operational parameters and enable a finer evaluation of seismic hazards and further geothermal development.

How to cite: Jones, A., Kruszewski, M., and Amann, F.: Investigating fault reactivation potential for the Californië geothermal field (the Netherlands) by addressing uncertainties with probabilistic modeling of structures and in situ stress., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19108,, 2025.

EGU25-19220 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Modeling Reservoir-Induced Seismicity using Rate-and-State Friction law  

Anulekha Chakraborty, Sachin Singh Gautam, and Arindam Dey

Triggering of earthquakes due to the filling of dam reservoir is attributed to mechanical disequilibria, build-up by pore pressure diffusion driven differences in deformation and stresses in the subsurface rocks, ultimately compensated by the reactivation of faults. This kind of earthquake, also known as Reservoir induced seismicity (RIS) has the characteristics of small magnitude, high intensity, shallow source and long period. In some cases, seismic activities have lasted for several decades after the initial impoundment (e.g. in Koyna-Warna, India). Various approaches have been made by researchers to comprehend the role of water reservoirs in triggering such unique events.  Modeling fluid-induced earthquakes requires coupling geomechanics, flow through porous media, and fault friction. A 2D poroelastic finite element model has been employed, incorporating coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis along with contact interaction coupled to rate-and-state friction law, to simulate the stress change, deformation in rocks and fault slip due to reservoir impounding. Rate-and-state friction has been used with an aim to develop a modelling framework that can capture multiple earthquake sequences in order to understand the protracted RIS phenomenon. A fault is embedded in a 2D subsurface domain as contacting surfaces, the frictional behaviour along the fault surfaces is prescribed using a user subroutine FRIC in ABAQUS/Standard. The rate-and-state law has been defined in the subroutine. The ability of the subroutine to simulate multiple events of stick-slip motion has been checked using a simple spring-block slider analogy. The fault model is first initialised by simulating the in-situ field conditions, geostatic stresses are defined in the domain, frictional contact at the fault is established and zero pore pressure conditions are defined. After which, reservoir loading is applied on the top surface of the domain over a transient consolidation step and the pore pressure evolution down at the fault is studied. The decrease in fault strength is a result of increase in pore pressure that reduces the effective normal compressive stresses. The stress path, accumulated slip and friction coefficient at the midpoint of the fault is observed. The fault remains locked at the beginning, while the effective normal stress continues to decrease, at a point the fault strength drops and it starts to slip. Friction coefficient increases at the onset of slip, which is known as the direct effect, then decreases as the slip accelerates. Later, the fault rupture is arrested and the friction coefficient goes back to a higher value gradually. While simulating rupture in the fault, the contact interaction undergoes chattering when the fault slips abruptly, causing simulation to fail. In a non-dynamic analysis, instabilities will occur as the strain energy released due to fault slip cannot be dissipated. Contact damping has to be specified to dissipate the released energy. In the present study, only one event of fault slip has occurred. Increase in the pore pressure near the fault due to reservoir loading is not high enough for a second slip event.

Keywords: Reservoir Induced Seismicity, Poroelasticity, Rate and State Friction, Fault Slip

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., Gautam, S. S., and Dey, A.: Modeling Reservoir-Induced Seismicity using Rate-and-State Friction law , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19220,, 2025.

EGU25-19407 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

Monitoring induced seismic tremor associated with fluid injection/extraction and mechanical operations at the Domo San Pedro geothermal field (Mexico) 

Francisco Muñoz-Burbano, Jean Soubestre, Geneviève Savard, Marco Calò, Violeta Reyes-Orozco, and David Ávalos

Seismic tremor signals were recorded in 2021 by a temporary broadband seismic network deployed in the surroundings of the Domo de San Pedro geothermal field (DSPgf) in Mexico. A network-based covariance matrix approach was used to analyze those tremor-like signals, employing vertical-component data only. Seismic tremors were detected by identifying periods associated with low values of spectral width, defined as the width of the eigenvalue distribution of the network covariance matrix. These tremors occur in frequency bands ranging from 1 to more than 22 Hz, with durations varying from hours to months, and show higher amplitudes at closest stations to the active wells. The spectral characteristics of the DSPgf tremor-like signals reveal similarities to those found in volcanic and glacial environments, such as the presence of harmonic frequencies and spectral gliding. The sources of these tremor signals are located by back-projecting on a 3-D grid the dominant component of the wavefield obtained from the covariance matrix first eigenvector. Tremor locations indicate that the events originate within the zones of influence of the wells where geothermal operations occurred. We categorized four distinct tremor families based on spectral width signatures and compared them with detailed operational records. Our findings reveal that tremors at the DSPgf are associated with geothermal operations such as fluid extraction, wellbore maintenance, fluid re-injection, and changes in injection pressure. We propose a conceptual model of the first order tremor-generating mechanism for each tremor family.

How to cite: Muñoz-Burbano, F., Soubestre, J., Savard, G., Calò, M., Reyes-Orozco, V., and Ávalos, D.: Monitoring induced seismic tremor associated with fluid injection/extraction and mechanical operations at the Domo San Pedro geothermal field (Mexico), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19407,, 2025.

EGU25-19763 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.1

How Does Injection Rate Control Injection-Induced Earthquakes? 

Chonglang Wang, Pu Wang, and Kaiwen Xia

Injection-induced earthquakes (IIEs) are commonly attributed to pore-pressure elevation and associated Coulomb stress changes, leading to widespread adoption of Traffic Light Systems (TLS) that primarily focus on injection rate modulation for hazard mitigation. However, recent field observations have identified aseismic slip as an alternative mechanism for fault reactivation during direct fault-zone fluid injection, with evidence showing that slip propagation can outpace fluid migration fronts. Despite these insights, the critical conditions that determine when aseismic slip becomes the dominant mechanism—particularly the role of injection parameters—remain poorly understood. Here, we present direct fault-injection experiments equipped with high-resolution monitoring of fault slips and fluid difussions. Our findings reveal two fundamental insights into IIE mechanisms: (1) When faults are subjected to specific combinations of injection rates and pre-stress conditions, aseismic slip can initiate and propagate beyond the fluid-pressurized zone, becoming the primary mechanism for IIEs. (2) In near-critically stressed faults, the maximum seismic moment release may remain elevated even after injection rate reduction, undermining a core assumption of TLS protocols. Overall, these observations highlight that fault stress conditions, rather than injection parameters alone, dictate the upper bound of seismic hazard. 

How to cite: Wang, C., Wang, P., and Xia, K.: How Does Injection Rate Control Injection-Induced Earthquakes?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19763,, 2025.

EGU25-20161 | Orals | ERE5.1

AI-assisted assessment of low-magnitude seismicity in the area of Kavala-Prinos (Greece)  

Erion-Vasilis Pikoulis, Christos Mavrokefalidis, Olga-Joan Ktenidou, and Efthimios Sokos

For the transition to a low-carbon future, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a field of intense research worldwide. However, the process needs to be monitored closely for induced seismicity, and this in turn requires a clear picture of the background seismicity of the immediate area around the storage site. This study focuses on assessing the background seismicity of the Gulf of Kavala in Greece, where an offshore CCS pilot is deployed within EU project COREu. However, a major challenge associated with this area is the scarcity of catalogued events due to its low seismicity, as well as the sparse seismic station distribution, owing also to geography. To overcome this challenge, in this study, state-of-the-art AI-based seismic detectors (EQTransformer and PhaseNet) are used to re-evaluate existing recordings and enrich the area’s catalogue with low-magnitude events. A two-stage approach is considered to take into account and resolve the particularities of this involved task. In the first stage, we evaluate the baseline performance of the adopted pre-trained AI-based detectors, using data from the Corinth Gulf area, selected because the seismic network there is significantly denser and the seismicity higher. Specifically, for our purposes, we used data from a microseismic sequence of more than 400 events recorded in the first half of 2021, with magnitudes ranging from 0.1 to 1. In the experiment we utilize recordings of the selected events from a total of 50 stations located around the seismic sequence, with distances out to several tens of kilometers, to build a dataset with a wide and representative range of recording SNRs. To assess the detectability of the events, for each event/station pair, we measure the output of the detectors in a time-window of 5 seconds around the event arrival, forming a (detector) response magnitude vs SNR curve. This is used as a guideline for determining a detection threshold that strikes a good balance between true and false positives. Through this successful application of the method in the Corinth Gulf area, we gained significant knowledge about the limitations and the necessary configuration of the methods. In the second stage of the study, we conduct a preliminary detection experiment on continuous recordings from Prinos, utilizing data from stations surrounding the target area. The outcome of this experiment is evaluated by expert seismologists, using a specially created visualization tool for assisting the evaluation process. The adopted two-stage approach leads to the detection of a considerable number of low-magnitude, previously undetected events, constituting a significant first step towards assessing the implementation of CCS  in the Prinos area.   

How to cite: Pikoulis, E.-V., Mavrokefalidis, C., Ktenidou, O.-J., and Sokos, E.: AI-assisted assessment of low-magnitude seismicity in the area of Kavala-Prinos (Greece) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20161,, 2025.

The Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) covers a vast area, extending from a zero edge along the Canadian Shield to the Canadian Cordillera in the west, where the basin is up to 7 km thick. Seismicity is largely concentrated within a ≈300km wide corridor, immediately east of the deformation front of the Canadian Cordillera. The northern half of the WCSB experiences natural earthquakes in the Mackenzie and Richardson Mountains, which are strongly influenced by plate-boundary interactions along the west coast of North America. To the south, seismicity in northeastern BC and western Alberta is characterized by localized induced (human-caused) seismic activity related to unconventional resource development during the last 15 years. This north-south partitioning of seismicity is reflected in Canada’s national seismic hazard maps, which consider only natural seismic hazards and highlight areas of relatively elevated seismic hazard in the Mackenzie and Richardson Mountains. However, since 2021 the seismic moment-release rates have become broadly similar in both southern and northern regions of the WCSB, despite relative seismic quiescence in the south from 2000 – 2014. Short-term seismic hazard maps for Alberta show localized areas of elevated seismic hazard that track temporarily and spatially varying levels of industry activity. The advent of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) and geothermal projects could increase the potential for anthropogenic triggering of seismic activity.

How to cite: Eaton, D., Kao, H., Canales, M., and Shipman, T.: The big picture in western Canada: Induced seismicity from geo-energy applications is approaching the natural moment release rate of tectonically active northern regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20644,, 2025.

EGU25-20902 | Posters on site | ERE5.1

Effects of Normal Stress Reduction on Seismic Triggering 

Ke Gao and Long Zhang

The injection of water during hydraulic fracturing leads to effective normal stress reduction on faults and may trigger earthquakes. Different injection loading schemes may lead to various slip behaviors in fault zones. In addition to direct pressurization (i.e., direct reduction of effective normal stress), cyclic pressurization has also been introduced. In this study, to reveal the underlying seismic triggering mechanisms during hydraulic fracturing, we employ double direct-shear tests to investigate the frictional behaviors of fault gouges under sine-shaped normal stress oscillation (NSO) and direct reduction of normal stress, conducted at a reference background normal stress of 40 MPa and constant shear stress (CSS) conditions. In all experiments, during the slip process, the fault slip velocity initially increases (slip-acceleration stage) and then decreases (slip-deceleration stage). NSO can significantly reduce the peak slip velocity of a fault compared to the direct reduction of normal stress. Faults sliding at a higher acceleration rate during the slip-acceleration stage also show a higher deceleration rate during the slip-deceleration stage. Repeating the NSO on the same fault under identical conditions causes a gradual decrease in its peak slip velocity, indicating permanent changes in the fault during slips. Various factors, including the compaction effect on healing and the rate of normal stress reduction, control the different slip behaviors triggered by NSO. Quantifying controlling factors in the field and optimizing NSO parameters can effectively reduce the potential of seismic activity, which is critical for safe hydraulic fracturing operations.

How to cite: Gao, K. and Zhang, L.: Effects of Normal Stress Reduction on Seismic Triggering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20902,, 2025.

EGU25-483 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

The Impact of Pore Geometry and Orientation on Permeability Evolution and Compaction Band Formation in Volcanic Rocks 

Kamal Bayramov, Michael Heap, Patrick Baud, and Francesco Lazari

Compaction band formation and permeability evolution in volcanic rocks are key to understanding fluid transport and the potential for pore fluid pressurisation, impacting volcano eruption dynamics and volcanic hazards, geothermal energy extraction, and CO₂ sequestration. Compaction banding and permeability evolution are influenced by the geometry and alignment of pores. Laboratory studies on volcanic rocks have provided valuable insights, yet the heterogeneity of volcanic rock microstructures—particularly in pore geometry and distribution—presents challenges in predicting deformation and permeability changes across varied geological settings. This study systematically investigates the role of pore geometry on compaction band formation and permeability evolution in a porous lava.

A porous lava, a trachyandesite from a quarry near Volvic, France, known as "Volvic Bulleuse" (VB), was studied to explore the factors influencing compaction band and permeability evolution. The pores in VB with an average aspect ratio of 0.44, exhibit elongation along a preferred orientation within a groundmass dominated by plagioclase microlites. To investigate the effects of pore geometry, cylindrical samples were drilled along two orientations—parallel (VBY) and perpendicular (VBZ) to the pore major axis—such that in VBY samples, the pore major axis aligns with the cylinder’s long axis, while in VBZ samples, the axes are perpendicular. Both VBY and VBZ exhibited porosities ranging from 23–27%, as determined by gas pycnometry. In terms of permeability, measured along the cylinder’s long axis, VBY samples showed a value of approximately 10⁻¹⁴ m², while VBZ samples exhibited a lower permeability of around 10⁻¹⁵ m².

Triaxial deformation experiments demonstrated that VBZ samples—featuring pores perpendicular to the cylinder axis—are approximately twice weaker than VBY samples deformed at the same pressure. Microstructural analysis of deformed samples revealed that pore geometry has minimal influence on compaction band orientation at lower effective pressures, where compaction bands typically formed sub-perpendicular to the major principal stress, as is commonly observed. However, at higher pressures, compaction bands preferentially formed at angles of 45–50° to the loading direction in VBY samples, a development that is closely linked to the preferred orientation of the pores.

Additionally, we measure permeability during triaxial deformation under an effective pressure in the ductile regime (75 MPa), revealing significant changes in permeability due to deformation and pore orientation. Our analysis emphasizes pore structure's role in deformation and permeability evolution, with applications ranging from geothermal energy extraction to various subsurface fluid transport processes.

How to cite: Bayramov, K., Heap, M., Baud, P., and Lazari, F.: The Impact of Pore Geometry and Orientation on Permeability Evolution and Compaction Band Formation in Volcanic Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-483,, 2025.

EGU25-1131 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Stress-induced permeability anisotropy and fluid flow dynamics in a Mesozoic fractured carbonate aquifer of southern Italy 

Ian Bala Abdallah, Cathy Hollis, David Healy, Jeffrey De'Haven Hyman, Giacomo Prosser, and Fabrizio Agosta

Understanding the impact of local stress states on computed permeability for fractured carbonates or any other lithotype is crucial to better assess the modalities of fluid flow in the subsurface. Considering Mesozoic fractured carbonates exposed along the flanks of the Viggiano Mt. of southern Italy, we investigate the control exerted by the local fracture networks on the output of DFN modelling of geocellular volumes whose dimensions are like those of the studied outcrops. Specifically, the following four sedimentary units are considered:

  • Scarrone La Macchia II, (SLM II), well-layered, Sinemurian–Pleinsbachian carbonate succession of wackestone-packstones to grainstones arranged in discrete bed packages originally deposited in a low-energy, open lagoon environment.
  • Scarrone la Macchia I, (SLM I), Toarcian oolithic carbonates characterized by bed amalgamation originally formed in a ramp setting rimmed by oolithic sand shoals.
  • Piana del Buon Cuore (PBC), Lower Cretaceous - Upper Jurassic limestones whose clasts consist of oolites, oncolites and intraclasts deposited in a high-energy platform margin environment.
  • The Il Monte (ILM), massive, amalgamated, Cretaceous carbonate rudstones and grainstones originally deposited along the paleo-slope of the carbonate platform.

By employing existing field data (Abdallah et al., 2023, 2024), we carried out Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) modelling of 5 m-sided geocellular volumes including internal sub-volumes representative of single carbonate beds. This work was conducted by means of  high-resolution computational meshes provided by the dfnWork ® code, which is capable of non-reactive solute transport simulation, and constrain of imposed depth-equivalent stresses to assessing effective horizontal permeability (effkxx, effkyy).

Focusing on the results achieved for the Viggiano Mt. aquifer, we simulated depth conditions of 500m coupled with principal stress axes of ~13MPa (sv), 10 MPa (shmax, NW-SE), and 7.58 MPa (shmin, NE-SW). The theoretical aperture data were hence modulated by the local stress state conditions. SLM I, exhibits an increase in permeability anisotropy ratio as a function of the stresses, hence, leading to flow channelling within the network. Lagrangian solute transport simulation supports the afore-mentioned results by marked changes in primary flow path, increase in path tortuosity, as a function of stress, and delay in breakthrough time. Similar results were achieved for PBC and ILM units. Differently, SLM II undergoes the opposite effect, where the permeability ratio seems to reduce drastically at a depth of 500m and stabilizes after that. We infer this behaviour as due to non-linear-fluid-flow behaviour as a function of aperture closure or dilation, as seen in highly connected systems of fractures including both stratabound and non-stratabound elements. Accordingly, SLM II is characterized by efficient mechanical units made up of bed interfaces, which were able to compartmentalize the vertical growth of high-angle fractures.

This research highlights the complex behaviour of permeability anisotropy in fractured carbonate rocks, in response to depth-equivalent stresses, and the importance of building realistic geomechanically coupled-DFN models to estimate fluid-flow and storage properties of fractured rocks at depth.


How to cite: Abdallah, I. B., Hollis, C., Healy, D., Hyman, J. D., Prosser, G., and Agosta, F.: Stress-induced permeability anisotropy and fluid flow dynamics in a Mesozoic fractured carbonate aquifer of southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1131,, 2025.

EGU25-1785 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Fault leakages from the Val d’Agri hydrocarbon reservoir: a comparison between paleo- and present-day fluids 

Giulia Schirripa Spagnolo, Francesca Gori, Marino Domenico Barberio, Tiziano Boschetti, Barbara Marchesini, Giovanni Ruggieri, Stefano Bernasconi, Antonio Caracausi, Alessandra Sciarra, Michele Paternoster, Davide Novella, Maurizio Barbieri, Marco Petitta, Andrea Billi, and Eugenio Carminati

Assessing leakage mechanisms that compromise reservoir integrity is essential for effective geo-resource management and mitigating environmental risks. Reservoir leakages can occur via both anthropogenic pathways, such as active and inactive wells and pipelines, and natural pathways, including fractures and fault zones. Additionally, fault-valve action can temporarily disrupt sealing layers, allowing trapped fluids to migrate upward. Distinguishing between natural and human-induced causes of reservoir leakage is valuable but often challenging. To address this, we present an innovative approach that compares fluid circulation systems before and after the onset of reservoir exploitation. Present-day fluids are studied using standard groundwater sampling, modelling, and near-surface soil gas surveys. In contrast, paleo-fluids are analyzed using carbonate clumped isotope of fault-related calcite veins, along with fluid inclusion spectroscopy and microthermometry to determine parental fluid temperatures and compositions. We applied this approach to the giant Val d’Agri hydrocarbon reservoir in Southern Italy, a region characterized by: (i) high seismic hazard, with historical earthquakes up to magnitude 7; (ii) recent low-magnitude seismicity induced by oil extraction; and (iii) ongoing debate about industrial activities potentially triggering anthropogenic leakages. From our extensive dataset of fault-related calcite veins, we selected samples from Pleistocene-Holocene extensional-transtensional faults of the northeastern side of the valley, where productive oil wells are located. Carbonate clumped isotope analysis revealed precipitation temperatures of 160-180°C, while micro-Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions detected hydrocarbon phases matching those currently extracted from the reservoir. These findings suggest that past faulting, likely associated with strong earthquakes, temporarily breached the thick sealing layer, releasing trapped hydrocarbons. Considering present-day fluids, isotope analyses (carbon, boron, sulfate, and helium) from hydrogeochemical monitoring of nearby springs indicated long-term mixing between these hydrocarbons and shallow fluids. In summary, our multidisciplinary study demonstrates that natural leakage via fault-valve action occurred in the pre-exploitation period. Given the high seismic hazard in this region, we recommend incorporating these natural processes into future assessments to enhance environmental hazard mitigation and support sustainable hydrocarbon production management.

How to cite: Schirripa Spagnolo, G., Gori, F., Barberio, M. D., Boschetti, T., Marchesini, B., Ruggieri, G., Bernasconi, S., Caracausi, A., Sciarra, A., Paternoster, M., Novella, D., Barbieri, M., Petitta, M., Billi, A., and Carminati, E.: Fault leakages from the Val d’Agri hydrocarbon reservoir: a comparison between paleo- and present-day fluids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1785,, 2025.

Salt domes are considered as host rocks for long-term nuclear waste disposal. Groundwater flow in the near salt domes may lead to the transport of radionuclides into the biosphere. The following key factors that influence groundwater dynamics are the presence of brine as a result of salt dissolution, heat generation from radioactive waste and the "salt chimney effect"-a phenomenon in which the geothermal heat flux and high thermal conductivity of salt rock induce elevated temperatures around salt domes. The resulting temperature and salinity variations affect groundwater density (and viscosity), driving thermohaline convection in adjacent rock layers of the salt dome. Variable density and viscosity lead to coupled processes due to the highly nonlinear nature of the problem, which is challenging to model numerically. This study defines the fractured salt chimney problem and investigates for the first time the effect of fractures in the surrounding rock layers of a salt dome on thermohaline convection in these layers. Results show that the presence of fractures can have a strong impact on salt transport rates and the thermohaline convection patterns near salt domes.

How to cite: Suilmann, J. and Graf, T.: Numerical investigation of thermohaline convection in fractured-porous media near salt domes: the fractured salt chimney problem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2742,, 2025.

Fracture network develops in response to deformation in competent rocks and are often related to fault related folding (Allmendinger, 1982; Watkins et al., 2018). The Baghewala structure in the Bikaner-Nagaur sub-basin is a fault related anti-form that encompasses the Marwar Supergroup. The structure has a spatial extent of ~12 km2 and is bounded by a major ENE-WSW trending reverse fault. The Upper carbonate (UC) Formation of Marwar supergroup here carries dominantly the dolomites and is traversed by extensive fractures that are visible in cores and image logs. This is a zone of severe mud loss and drilling complications.  

We study the image logs from 6 wells to decipher the fracture orientation, understand the deformation mechanism and the implications for drilling and hydrocarbon production. The interpreted fractures from image logs are observed to be dominantly high-angle (60°-90°) extensional fractures oriented along ENE-WNW direction with respect to the sub-horizontal bedding. Additionally, it is seen that the fractures are confined to dolomitic part of UC Formation. Spatially the wells nearer to the fold crest and fault show higher fracture intensity compared to the peripheral wells. The transpressional tectonics after the deposition of the Marwar Super group induced ~NW-SE compression that led to the formation of fault related Baghewala fold. Consequently, the outer arc extension resulted in formation of the syn-post folding fracture network (Price 1966). The fractures thus can be inferred as late-stage high angle fractures due to its orientation (Basa et al., 2019; Ahmed and Bhattacharyya, 2021) and relative prominence (Ismat and Mitra, 2001). Dolomites accommodate deformation by forming fracture networks and fracture intensity is higher, proximal to the fault zone and fold structure (Ahmed and Bhattacharyya, 2021). Thus, lithology and structural position played a role in the partitioning of fractures vertically and spatially.

We see the horizontal wells that are oriented sub-parallel to the fracture network have significant history of mud loss within UC compared to the wells whose profile trends at high-angle to fracture orientation. The deviated wells oriented along the major fracture network will encounter weak planes leading to drilling complications compared to profiles that are oriented across. Therefore, understanding orientation of fracture networks has implications in designing deviation profile of the wells. In low permeability rocks like dolomite, fractures can affect fluid flow due to increase or decrease in permeability (Hanks et al., 2004). The extensional fractures developed in the Baghewala structure can lead to increase in permeability in the reservoir zone also i.e. the competent Jodhpur sandstone. We see enhanced production in one well that is closer to the fault zone which may be due to the increased permeability effected by the fractures, but the data is limited to conclusively prove this. This study will help to design the well position and trajectory not only to avoid mud loss and drilling complications but also to increase production by optimally placing the wells in proximity to the higher fracture intensity after arriving at a Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) model.

How to cite: Ahmed, F. and Rai, T.: Fracture network mapping using image logs from Baghewala structure, Bikaner Nagaur sub-basin: Implications for well profile and hydrocarbon production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3144,, 2025.

EGU25-3991 | Orals | ERE5.2

Nucleation of remote hydraulic fractures 

Keita Yoshioka, Tao You, Yuma Kanemaru, Nagi Obata, Noriaki Watanabe, and Kiyotoshi Sakaguchi

Hydraulic fracturing is widely recognized as the most effective method for creating Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). However, its application has been associated with induced seismicity, leading to the shutdown of several projects. As an alternative, low-viscosity fluids, such as CO2, may be used because they tend to generate complex fracture networks by inducing numerous small, isolated (remote) fractures without requiring high-pressure injection. Despite this potential, however, the mechanisms and conditions that govern the formation of such patterns remain poorly understood. This study identifies two critical factors through poroelastic analysis: (1) prolonged pressure diffusion facilitated by the low viscosity of the fluid, and (2) heterogeneity in Biot’s coefficient. To validate these findings, hydraulic fracturing experiments were performed on two types of marble: fine-grained marble, representing a homogeneous sample, and coarse-grained marble, representing a heterogeneous sample. Both water and CO2 were used as injection fluids. The results demonstrate that remote fractures only form in heterogeneous rocks when CO2 is used as injection fluid. These findings suggest the potential to develop a safe and innovative reservoir stimulation technique that effectively stimulates large surface areas by strategically alternating the viscosity of the injection fluid while maintaining low injection pressures.

How to cite: Yoshioka, K., You, T., Kanemaru, Y., Obata, N., Watanabe, N., and Sakaguchi, K.: Nucleation of remote hydraulic fractures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3991,, 2025.

EGU25-8308 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Faults in geomechanical models – Necessary, nice, or nonsense? 

Moritz Ziegler, Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Robin Seithel, Mojtaba Rajabi, Thomas Niederhuber, Luisa Röckel, Birgit Müller, and Thomas Kohl

Faults are an important factor for geoenergy applications due to either their sealing or conducting properties or their mechanical behaviour. Consequently, (thermo-hydro-) mechanical numerical investigation of geoenergy applications often include faults in their modelled rock volume. It is often assumed, that faults can significantly alter the far-field stresses, impacting both magnitudes and the orientation. In contrast to the far-field, stress rotations in the vicinity of faults are clearly observed in numerous borehole stress analyses across the world.

While an impact of faults on the stress field is expected, the representation of faults in (thermo-hydro-) mechanical numerical models is technically highly diverse. We investigate different methods to incorporate faults in geomechanical-numerical models and the relationship between faults and the stress state on two different spatial scales.

(1) The impact of faults on the stress state at distances of several hundred meters to a few kilometres (far-field) is tested. Therefore, faults are modelled with different numerical representations, material properties, fault orientations w.r.t. the stress field, fault width, extent, and boundary conditions. The results show that the impact of faults on the far-field is negligible in terms of the principal stress magnitudes and orientations. Only in extreme cases, stress changes in the far-field (>1km) can be observed, but these are not significant considering the general uncertainties in stress field observations.

(2) Stress changes within the fault zone are investigated, too. Particularly, the material contrast between the intact rock and the damage zone and fault core is regarded. This contrast can be responsible for a dramatic change in the stress tensor, observed as a rotation of the principal stress axes. In general, the change in the stress field increases with increasing stiffness contrast. The orientation of the fault w.r.t. the background stress field and the relative stress magnitudes, particularly the differential stress, lead to further stress changes. A small angle between the fault and the maximum principal stress axis and a small differential stress promote stress changes.

The study indicates that the impact of faults on the stress field is mostly limited to the fault’s near-field. These models provide an upper limit of stress changes, as several factor which alter stress changes (joints, viscosity etc.) are not included. However, the stress changes depend on the acting processes and material properties. Furthermore, for models used for site investigation, the implementation method and the mesh resolution can play an important role. All these factors need to be considered when planning the setup of a model with faults and their implementation.

The work was partly funded by BGE SpannEnD 2.0 project, the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture (Science and Arts) within the framework of the “Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria” (GAB), and the DFG (grant PHYSALIS 523456847).

How to cite: Ziegler, M., Reiter, K., Heidbach, O., Seithel, R., Rajabi, M., Niederhuber, T., Röckel, L., Müller, B., and Kohl, T.: Faults in geomechanical models – Necessary, nice, or nonsense?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8308,, 2025.

EGU25-8404 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Multidisciplinary characterization of a complex fault zone in crystalline basement rock 

Tom Schaber, Mohammadreza Jalali, Alberto Ceccato, Alba Simona Zappone, Giacomo Pozzi, Paul Selvadurai, Elena Spagnuolo, Valentin Gischig, Men-Andrin Meier, Marian Hertrich, and Florian Amann and the FEAR Team

Safe and controlled exploration of deep geothermal resources in future decades is a key pillar for successfully transitioning to a carbon-neutral economy. A largely untouched source of deep hot source rocks can be found in crystalline basement formations in many European regions. Hydraulic stimulations are required to harness this thermal energy. Past geothermal projects were not always publicly accepted due to unintended induced seismicity that accompanied the projects. Faults and entire fault systems are jointly responsible for these seismic events and must therefore be thoroughly understood before they may be stimulated, to minimize tremors and unintentional shaking.

The Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies in Ticino, Switzerland allows for decameter scale stimulation experiments and access to deeply (> 1km) buried crystalline faults. A complex fault zone is hydraulically and petrophysically described as part of the FEAR project, using various field and laboratory techniques. Two sub-parallel boreholes obliquely intersecting the target fault are analyzed using geophysical image and sonic logs. Hydraulic tests on predefined, packered intervals in the form of pulse-, constant rate- and step-rate injection tests are implemented on field scale, deducing parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and injectivity. In addition, laboratory petrophysical experiments on samples retrieved from varying parts along the fault zone are performed to determine permeability under certain effective stresses, porosity, and p-wave velocity, among other properties. This allows for a cross-scale hydraulic and petrophysical comparison. Prior, structural geologists described and analyzed the target fault using core logging, outcrop, and fracture data. Correlations between structural, hydraulic, and petrophysical observations can be drawn.


How to cite: Schaber, T., Jalali, M., Ceccato, A., Zappone, A. S., Pozzi, G., Selvadurai, P., Spagnuolo, E., Gischig, V., Meier, M.-A., Hertrich, M., and Amann, F. and the FEAR Team: Multidisciplinary characterization of a complex fault zone in crystalline basement rock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8404,, 2025.

EGU25-8885 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Fracture networks in the Muschelkalk aquifer of the external northen foreland of the Central Alps (CH/DE); implications for permeability, CO2 storage and geothermal potential 

Alannah C. Brett, Jefter Caldeira, Anindita Samsu, Larryn W. Diamond, and Herfried Madritsch

Switzerland aims to reach net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (BAFU, 2021). Implementation of geological storage of CO2 and geothermal heat mining to help achieve this aim requires reservoir properties to be assessed. The structural and permeability architectures of the target reservoirs are essential input for numerical models used to assess storage and production potential, minimize fluid injection and extraction uncertainties, and reduce exploration risks. The so-called Muschelkalk aquifer (Triassic) including the Schinznach Formation is regarded as one of the key potential aquifers for gas storage and hydrothermal geothermal systems in Switzerland (Chevalier et al., 2010). While the matrix permeability of the Schinznach Formation is relatively well known (Diamond et al., 2019), magnitude and distribution of its fracture permeability and structural controls on these fractures are poorly understood.

This study aims to assess the style and intensity of natural fracture networks in the Muschelkalk aquifer at sub-seismic scale and explain their regional variability. Outcrop analogues in the Wutach Gorge of southern Germany are used to improve understanding of lateral and vertical variability of fracture networks, including how they are influenced by regional structures. The Wutach Gorge is within the Tabular Jura and provides cliff exposures along 5–12 km-long E–W and N–S transects, aligning with and crossing fault strands of the Freiburg–Bonndorf–Bodensee Fault zone.

Insights from field observations contribute to ongoing work that supports the proposed pilot CO2 injection test into the Schinznach Formation via an existing exploration borehole at Trüllikon in northern canton Zurich. A feasibility study (Diamond et al., 2023) assessed the reservoir properties at Trüllikon by building discrete fracture network models and computing their permeabilities from a combination of rock-matrix properties, vertical drill hole fracture logs, a horizontal fracture log from another nearby drill hole, and results from hydraulic tests. This multidisciplinary approach should provide a more robust basis for exploration for CO2 storage sites and geothermal energy.



Chevalier, G., Diamond, L. W., & Leu, W. (2010). Potential for deep geological sequestration of CO2 in Switzerland: a first appraisal. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 103, 427-455.

Diamond, L. W., Alt-Epping, P., Brett, A.C., Aschwanden, L. and Wanner, C. (2023) Geochemical–hydrogeological study of a proposed CO2 injection pilot at Trüllikon, Switzerland. Report 2023-7 submitted to the Swiss Geological Survey (swisstopo). Rock Water Interaction, University of Bern, 87 pp.

Diamond L.W., Aschwanden, L., Adams, A., and Egli, D. (2019) Revised potential of the Upper Muschelkalk Formation (Central Swiss Plateau) for CO2 storage and geothermal electricity. Slides of an oral presentation at the SCCER-SoE Annual Conference at EPFL-Lausanne, 4th Sept. 2019. 13 pp.

BAFU (2021) Switzerland Long-Term Climate Strategy. 4 pp.'s%20Long-Term%20Climate%20Strategy.pdf

How to cite: Brett, A. C., Caldeira, J., Samsu, A., Diamond, L. W., and Madritsch, H.: Fracture networks in the Muschelkalk aquifer of the external northen foreland of the Central Alps (CH/DE); implications for permeability, CO2 storage and geothermal potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8885,, 2025.

EGU25-8886 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Advancing CO₂ Storage Analysis in Fractured Rocks with Discrete Fracture Network Models 

Valentina Romano, Giampaolo Proietti, Rajesh Pawar, and Sabina Bigi

Modeling fluid behavior in fractured rock is essential for geo-resource exploration and geological storage. This study utilizes a Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) approach to evaluate the efficiency of fractured systems in storing supercritical CO₂ (scCO₂). Synthetic fracture networks, generated using the dfnWorks suite (LANL), based on outcrop data, represent a range of fracture densities. Key parameters such as fracture count, volume, porosity, and permeability are statistically analyzed, and their most frequent values are used to create representative DFN models for fluid flow simulations.

Results reveal a direct correlation between increased fracture density and storage capacity, with storage values consistently below 10% of the total injected mass. A Fracture Efficiency Factor (Efr) is introduced, quantifying CO₂ retained in fractures relative to the total injected CO₂. This efficiency reduces theoretical capacity estimates by approximately one order of magnitude, aligning with previous analytical and dynamic reservoir-scale studies (e.g., Nordbotten et al., 2005; Ringrose, 2020; Rutqvist et al., 1998).

This approach enhances CO₂ storage capacity estimates by explicitly accounting for fracture network contributions. While reservoir-scale scCO₂ flow simulations using DFN models remain challenging, this method provides critical insights into the storage potential of fractured media.

How to cite: Romano, V., Proietti, G., Pawar, R., and Bigi, S.: Advancing CO₂ Storage Analysis in Fractured Rocks with Discrete Fracture Network Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8886,, 2025.

EGU25-9882 | Orals | ERE5.2

Investigation of geothermal fluid circulation through the study of CO2 soil flux: an application to the Tivoli quarry area (Rome, Italy) 

Sara Emili, Riccardo Reitano, Massimo Ranaldi, Luca Tarchini, Maria Luisa Carapezza, Guido Giordano, Martina Picciallo, and Claudio Faccenna

Geothermal energy represents a renewable energy source exploited for multiple purposes, including electricity, direct use, district heating and heat pumps. One of the most relevant problems in geothermal energy industry is the permeability of the reservoir, both for production and reinjection. Therefore, it is important to assess the fluid circulation in the reservoir and where deep fluids rise. Faults, fractures and active tectonics influence fluid behaviour and fluid-rock interactions in a geothermal context. It is necessary to estimate the role of faults and map as well as their distribution, as tectonic structures could act as barriers to fluid circulation or as preferential conduits. The Acque Albule Basin (AAB) is a case study representing one of the most important hydrothermal manifestations in central Italy. The AAB is a tectonically controlled basin, characterized by a huge hydrothermal manifestation (discharges in the order of m3/s). The deep hydrothermal activity is testified by the presence of a large and thick travertine deposits and several mineralized springs (Tmax at the surface up to 23°C) in which warm fluids rise from the geothermal reservoir. These hot fluids circulate through the Meso-Cenozoic carbonate reservoir, highly affected by dissolution and brittle deformation. In this framework, travertine deposition is mainly controlled by the faults activity. Several geophysical surveys were carried out to evaluate the cap-rock of the geothermal reservoir, beneath the travertine plateau. The exploration provided a clearer view of the stratigraphy of the AAB and revealed the carbonate roof at 300-400 m. The carbonate rocks are overlain by some alluvial sediments and a travertine plateau from 10 m to 90 m. Based on the geophysical investigations, the measurement of diffuse CO2 emissions from the soil was planned to ascertain the faults role in the hydrothermal circulation. Preliminary results show that the fault zone is characterised by an extremely low degassing (5/10 g m-2d-1). The low degassing could be related to the low-permeability of the alluvial and travertine deposits and/or by self-sealing processes through the main shear zone, which obstacle the upwelling of fluids and gases. The model will be improved with further regional CO2 surveys and δC13 analysis of CO2 of gaseous samples taken from the soil.

How to cite: Emili, S., Reitano, R., Ranaldi, M., Tarchini, L., Carapezza, M. L., Giordano, G., Picciallo, M., and Faccenna, C.: Investigation of geothermal fluid circulation through the study of CO2 soil flux: an application to the Tivoli quarry area (Rome, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9882,, 2025.

Deep geothermal energy is emerging as a key component of Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050. In the Canton of Vaud, projects target natural hydrothermal systems at depths of 800 to 1,000 meters, with temperatures ranging from 35 to 100°C, in Upper Malm limestone reservoirs. These limestones, with low matrix porosity and permeability, rely on well-connected fracture networks and karstic features to enhance fluid flow. However, subsurface data from seismic surveys and well data do not fully cover scale intervals that are relevant for reservoir characterization and modeling. To address this limitation, we use a virtual outcrop model (VOM) to characterize fractures in 3D, explore its potential to bridge the length-scale gap, and compare fracture patterns and kinematics between scales of observation. 
At Creux-du-Van, a unique continuous, 3D exposure of fractured and gently folded Upper Malm limestones in the Central Internal Jura Fold and Thrust Belt provides an exceptional opportunity for fracture characterization at the decimeter to hundreds of meters scale, allowing comparisons with previous structural interpretations at the regional, 1:500,000 to 1:25,000 scale. Approximately 700 fractures were interpreted from high-resolution VOMs, i.e., point clouds (~110 points/m²), of Creux-du-Van, derived from terrestrial LiDAR scanning. These fractures were classified based on vertical persistence, which is a relative measure for the extent to which they propagate across mechano-stratigraphic boundaries. Geometric parameters such as orientation, dimensions (length, width, and aspect ratio), and spacing were also quantified. Field-based structural analysis complements the digital dataset by providing kinematic and chronological interpretations of brittle structures linked to the tectonic evolution of the fold and thrust belt.
The lengths of regional strike-slip fault traces span four orders of magnitude, ranging from tens of meters to tens of thousands of meters, with a median of 177 meters. Their orientation, kinematic, and length relationships align with the multi-scale Riedel shear model (Ruhland, 1973)   forming the regional structural framework. Fractures in the VOM span scales from 0.1 to hundreds of meters, with a median length of 5 meters. Regional faults and VOM-derived fractures show an overlap in length distributions and consistency in fracture orientations and kinematics. Both align with the NW-SE compression inferred from field-based kinematic data and regional restorations associated with the Jura shortening event, demonstrating seamless characterization of brittle features across scales. 
This study seeks to further investigate the role of mechanical boundaries (e.g., stratigraphic boundaries, regional structures) in controlling reservoir compartmentalization. It also showcases the potential of outcrop analogues such as Creux-du-Van to support 3D characterization and analyses of fracture properties such as length distributions, orientation, and vertical persistence, ultimately contributing to the advancement of structural modelling of subsurface reservoirs for sustainable energy solutions.

How to cite: Caldeira, J. and Samsu, A.: Seamless Fracture Characterization with Virtual Outcrop Models: Fracture Geometry and Vertical Persistence at Creux-du-Van, Swiss Jura Mountains  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11216,, 2025.

Understanding and predicting the hydro-mechanical (HM) behavior of subsurface porous and fractured formations is key to a number of engineering applications, including fluid injection/extraction, construction/excavation, geo-energy production and deep geological disposal. The interaction between fluid pressure, deformations and stresses is particularly affected by the subsurface heterogeneity, which may lead to non-intuitive responses, such as effective stress reduction and pressure increase during fluid extraction. While the impact of large-scale heterogeneities is acknowledged in most studies and modeling efforts, the presence of heterogeneities at smaller scales cannot be included in reservoir-scale models and it must be encompassed into equivalent properties assigned to uniform materials.

In this work, we focus on the Biot effective stress coefficient, a central property determining the HM behavior of fluid-saturated geological media. When not simply assumed as equal to 1, this coefficient is estimated experimentally at the laboratory sample-scale or analytically through expressions valid for isotropic homogeneous materials. However, these approaches are not able to estimate a representative equivalent coefficient for fractured rocks, which are strongly anisotropic and prone to sample-size effects, with fracture lengths spanning several orders of magnitudes from millimeters up to hundreds of meters. By employing a theoretical framework to quantify an equivalent Biot coefficient for a fractured rock mass from the properties of both the porous intact rock and the discrete fracture network (DFN), it is possible to analyze the variability of this coefficient with the DFN properties and highlight the implications for the rock upscaled HM behavior, in the context of natural processes and engineering applications.

How to cite: De Simone, S.: The equivalent Biot coefficient reveals the effects of heterogeneity on the Hydro-Mechanical behavior of fractured rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11332,, 2025.

EGU25-12950 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

An experimental apparatus to investigate fluid-assisted long-term recovery of fractured rocks 

Michele Fondriest and Ismay Vénice Akker

Seismological observations show that earthquakes produce significant changes in the elastic and transport properties of active faults, with co-seismic drops in seismic wave velocities consistently followed by a slow post-seismic recovery, over months to few years. Such variations occur in volumes up to several hundred metres thick that correlate well with the dimensions of fault damage zones. This suggests the existence of a damage-recovery cycle within active fault zones, with the recovery phase possibly driven by a range of fluid-assisted re-strengthening “healing” mechanisms in the fractured medium and/or stress relaxation. Understanding how and how rapidly fractured rocks seal, regain their stiffness, and drive fluid flow in fault zones is fundamental to comprehend the mechanics of the brittle crust and for geo-engineering applications such as geothermal energy, ore deposits, the deep disposal of radioactive waste and CO2 sequestration.

At the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua, a “percolation cell” apparatus has recently been installed to study long-term fluid-rock interaction under hydrostatic conditions with a maximum confining and pore pressure of 100 MPa and a maximum temperature of 250°C. Such apparatus is equipped with two syringe pumps and a back-pressure regulator that allow to monitor permeability evolution through time and a set of high-temperature P- and S- ultrasonic transducers to track changes of rock elastic properties in-situ. In addition, the pore fluid inlet circuit can flow into a stirred autoclave to pump solutions with controlled chemistry up to 20 MPa pore pressure and 200°C temperature through an externally heated pipe. Such an experimental apparatus allows to study both diffusion- and advection-dominated regimes within conditions representative for the upper crust.

Together with the experimental setup, here we present some preliminary long-term percolation tests in which de-ionized water was flowed at 25°C through rock cylinders of micritic limestones with mated and non-mated single fractures under 20 MPa confining pressure and 5 MPa pore pressure. The temporal evolution of permeability and elastic properties were monitored together with the fluid-chemistry at the outlet. Mechano-chemical processes along the fractures were also investigated through X-ray microtomography and SEM analyses.

How to cite: Fondriest, M. and Akker, I. V.: An experimental apparatus to investigate fluid-assisted long-term recovery of fractured rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12950,, 2025.

EGU25-13175 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Fracture Network Variability in Granite: Insights from Wilsons Promontory, Southeast Australia 

Anindita Samsu, Guillaume Gasche, and Alexander R. Cruden

Permeability in crystalline rocks, considered for use as geothermal reservoirs or deep geological repositories, is controlled by networks of well-connected fractures. Fracture connectivity depends on fracture orientation and density, which are influenced by tectonic and non-tectonic stresses, pre-existing foliations, and fracture zones. This study investigates fracture variability in the Devonian Wilsons Promontory granitic batholith of southeast Australia, which intruded Devonian metasediments that are unconformably overlain by Cretaceous rift-related sedimentary rocks.

Outcrop analogues allow 2D and 3D observation of fracture networks at scales from centimeters to hundreds of meters, complementing sub-meter-scale borehole data and regional lineament mapping. Additionally, digital outcrop models from uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys enable fracture characterization in outcrops that are difficult to physically access, such as the granites in the study area. In this study, over 2,500 fractures were mapped and characterized from a UAV-derived point cloud. Most fractures strike NNW-SSE to N-S; they are are interpreted as extensional and to have formed coevally with NNW-SSE striking joints in outcropping Cretaceous rocks during regional uplift under NNW-SSE horizontal compression. Domains characterized by distinct fracture patterns are separated by meter-scale fracture zones, suggesting structural segmentation within the granite.

Future work will investigate the geometry and origin of these domain-bounding fracture zones and their links to mechanical heterogeneities in the granite. These insights will inform discrete fracture network (DFN) and hydrological models of granite reservoirs and repositories for spent nuclear waste. They will also support comparisons of brittle deformation in granitic versus siliciclastic rocks under shared tectonic regimes, relevant to energy projects involving multi-level, multi-lithology reservoirs.

How to cite: Samsu, A., Gasche, G., and Cruden, A. R.: Fracture Network Variability in Granite: Insights from Wilsons Promontory, Southeast Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13175,, 2025.

EGU25-14230 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Impact of faulting on organic-rich shale reservoir structure 

Xiaoshi Li, Jin Wang, Zhuo Li, and Zongxiu Wang

As a key parameter affecting shale gas accumulation, the physical characteristics of shale reservoir are greatly affected by tectonic stress transformation and deformation, which not only affects the occurrence state of shale gas, but also determines the evaluation and exploration prospect of shale gas resource potential by changing the migration and enrichment of shale gas. In this study, shale samples were collected from two different faults based on the distance from each fault. Comparative analysis of the micro/nanopore structural characteristics and physical properties of these samples was carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), liquid nitrogen adsorption and carbon dioxide adsorption. The results show that as brittle deformation is enhanced (from far away from the fault to inside the fault), the number of organic pores decreases overall, and the connectivity of microfractures and different pore types increase. The total pore volume and total pore specific surface area of shale both increase, the pore volume of mesopores decreases by 31%, and the macropores increase rapidly by 29%. The storage capacity of shale-related folds is higher than that of shale in faults, which is more conducive to the adsorption of shale gas. The permeability of shale in faults is higher than that of shale-related folds, which is more conducive to the seepage and migration of shale gas. The organic layer structure, which is the unique and very rare microstructure at the shale fault site (under shear), was observed inside the fault. It is believed that the organic matter in the shale at the fault site has transformed from the amorphous state at the initial stage of formation to the orientation of the aromatic lamellae to stretching and extension to an increase in the pore size and the enhancement of connectivity. In addition, inorganic nanoparticles were also observed at the fault site. Both structures are important for the small pores in the fault and the increase in reservoir space. When the fault forms a closed environment or tectonic activity ceases in the later period, the early fault location likely becomes a potential high-quality hydrocarbon generation reservoir. These results help improve the understanding of the physical properties of shale reservoirs and shale gas reservoir migration within fault structures and are of great significance for shale gas exploration, development and prediction.

How to cite: Li, X., Wang, J., Li, Z., and Wang, Z.: Impact of faulting on organic-rich shale reservoir structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14230,, 2025.

EGU25-14719 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Fracture Propagation Dynamics Predicted by Data-model-interactive Neural Proxy Model 

Fengyuan Zhang, Jizhou Tang, Yu Fan, Jian Yang, Junlun Li, Weihua Chen, Hancheng Wang, and Yucheng Jia

Abstract: Fracture propagation dynamics in complex geological formations is crucial for understanding cracking mechanism of deep rock and facilitating subsurface reconstruction and resource extraction. However, predominant mechanism-driven numerical model exist several inherent limitations: 1) Over-reliance on empirical formulas and simplified hydraulic fracture propagation model with multi-assumptions restrict its capacity for effectively characterizing the multi-physics coupling in 3-D space, thereby reducing the accuracy of fracture morphology. 2) Computational schemes such as finite element method (FEM) or discrete element method (DEM) involving extensive repetitive calculations, are resource-intensive and exhibit poor temporal efficiency, posing a challenge to engineering requirements. Therefore, a data-model-interactive neural proxy model combining the prior-knowledge from mechanism models and fitting efficiency of deep neural networks, is put forward to depict the fracture propagation dynamics in complex geological formation. Initially, a numerical model for fracture propagation is developed by implementing the 3-D discrete lattice method alongside the elastic-plastic constitutive equation. The coupling of rock deformation and fluid flow is iteratively processed in a stepwise manner to generate a sequence of fracture morphology evolution over time. These mechanism data will provide training samples for the subsequent neural proxy model. Secondly, the efficacy of the neural proxy model is contingent upon the richness and diversity of features presented in the training dataset, necessitating a close approximation of all conceivable scenarios. In light of the irregular spatial distribution of data resulting from the complex geological formation with strong heterogeneity, the Latin Hypercube sampling method is employed to ensure a uniform selection of all conditions, mitigating the potential data imbalance. Furthermore, the integration of numerical results with empirical measurements is employed to train the developed deep-neural networks, fitting high-dimensional mapping relationships among formation physical parameters, engineering parameters, and fracture morphology. Finally, the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed method are verified by multi-level comparison experiments between real data and simulation results. Our research provides reliable technical support for rapid evaluation of formation fracturing potential in field and guidance of development process.

Keywords: Fracture propagation, Neural proxy model, Deep learning, Numerical simulation, Deep-formation

How to cite: Zhang, F., Tang, J., Fan, Y., Yang, J., Li, J., Chen, W., Wang, H., and Jia, Y.: Fracture Propagation Dynamics Predicted by Data-model-interactive Neural Proxy Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14719,, 2025.

EGU25-15295 | Orals | ERE5.2

Hydrogeological parametrization of a carbonate thermal aquifer through integrated pumping test and virtual outcrop reconstruction (Daruvar, Croatia) 

Marco Pola, Ivan Kosović, Kosta Urumović, Staša Borović, Tihomir Frangen, Mirja Pavić, Bojan Matoš, Ivica Pavičić, Andrea Bistacchi, Silvia Mittempergher, Stefano Casiraghi, and Gabriele Benedetti

Geothermal resources are renewable sources of energy and raw materials. A sustainable utilization for the long-term preservation of the resource requires a site-specific plan that needs to be based on geological and hydrogeological reconstructions. Northern Croatia is rich in geothermal resources that are generally hosted in carbonate rocks. The occurrence of thermal waters (temperatures of 38-50°C) in the town of Daruvar has been documented since the Roman age. In this research, the characterization of the Daruvar carbonate thermal aquifer was detailed using an integrated approach combining hydrogeological and structural investigations and discrete fracture network (DFN) modeling. Hydrogeological investigations consisted in the well logging and pumping tests of a 190 m deep well in Daruvar. Structural investigations were conducted NE of Daruvar where the carbonate rock complex of the aquifer is exposed at the surface. They included the measurement of the discontinuity sets and the photogrammetric reconstruction of the outcrop. The results were used to calibrate a DFN model at the scale of the aquifer explored by hydrogeological investigations (700x700x150 m).

The porosity distribution of the aquifer was obtained from the neutron log of the well ranging from 0.03 to 9.1% (average = 2.7%). The permeability was calculated using transmissivity values from the analysis of pumping tests and literature data resulting in a range from 7.4 to 122.8 D (average = 46 D). Structural analyses in the outcrop analog of the aquifer depicted two dominant systems of discontinuities (241/65 and 296/75). A highly fractured section of the outcrop was selected for the statistical analysis of the geometrical features of the discontinuity network to derive the input parameters for the DFN modeling. Discontinuity aperture was estimated based on the calibration of the DFN model. The results show a linear and power correlation of the aperture with porosity and permeability, respectively. Considering the average porosity of the aquifer, the calibrated aperture value was 3 mm obtaining a permeability of 1.5×105 D. Such high value was interpreted as connected to the porosity value used for the calibration, which was measured through the neutron log depicting the total porosity. On the other hand, the fluid flow and the aquifer permeability are influenced by the effective porosity, which is at least an order of magnitude lower than the total porosity in carbonate aquifers. This difference was accounted for by testing a “dual aperture” approach. Considering the experimental dataset, a porosity of 0.2% (10th percentile of the distribution) was tested. It resulted in a calibrated fracture aperture of 0.22 mm obtaining a permeability of 60.5 D, comparable with the experimental dataset.

The obtained results highlight the importance of integrating structural and hydrogeological approaches to investigate fractured aquifers. Structural data can be used to determine the architecture of the fracture network in the rock mass, while hydrogeological investigations supported by numerical modeling and structural results can provide a solid hydrogeological parametrization of the aquifer.

Acknowledgment: This research was funded by the HyTheC project of the Croatian Science Foundation, grant number UIP-2019-04-1218.

How to cite: Pola, M., Kosović, I., Urumović, K., Borović, S., Frangen, T., Pavić, M., Matoš, B., Pavičić, I., Bistacchi, A., Mittempergher, S., Casiraghi, S., and Benedetti, G.: Hydrogeological parametrization of a carbonate thermal aquifer through integrated pumping test and virtual outcrop reconstruction (Daruvar, Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15295,, 2025.

EGU25-16743 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Comparing the impact of deterministic and stochastic fracture networks on modelling hydraulic properties 

Silvia Favaro, Marina Facci, Stefano Casiraghi, Silvia Mittempergher, and Andrea Bistacchi

Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models have a widespread use when predicting hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses with different numerical and (semi-)analytical methods. However, recent advances in the way fracture network parameters are characterized in the field or in geophysical datasets are not completely reflected in input options of DFN simulators. For instance, to our knowledge no 3D DFN stochastic simulator is able to generate fracture networks with realistic topological relationships, and fracture spatial distributions different from a completely random Poisson distribution cannot be generated (so clustered or regular distributions cannot be modelled). This means that stochastic fracture networks cannot show realistic connectivity, with a strong impact on our possibility to model hydraulic properties.

Here we report on a comparative experiment where we have (i) reconstructed a 3D deterministic fracture network, based on rich outcrop data (Cretaceous platform limestones from Cava Pontrelli, Puglia, Italy), and stochastic DFNs with the same statistical parameters, and then (ii) we have modelled hydraulic properties with different semi-analytical (e.g. Oda method) and numerical methods (e.g. finite volumes implemented in DFNWorks).

Our preliminary results suggest that more advanced numerical methods are more sensitive to the quality of input data than simple semi-analytical methods. This is explained by the fact that for instance the Oda method simply ignores topology, connectivity, fracture height/length ratio and other important parameters.

How to cite: Favaro, S., Facci, M., Casiraghi, S., Mittempergher, S., and Bistacchi, A.: Comparing the impact of deterministic and stochastic fracture networks on modelling hydraulic properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16743,, 2025.

EGU25-16786 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

How Good is Your Fracture Model? Evaluating Human Biases and Uncertainty in Geoscientific Interpretations 

Leila Evans, Zoe Shipton, Clare Bond, Jen Roberts, and Namgwon Kim

Applied geoscience relies on robust structural models that are appropriately scaled and detailed to address specific challenges. However, the process of developing these models is influenced by human biases shaped by personal and professional experiences, area of expertise, cognition, and values. This diversity of approaches to geoscience interpretation, such as fracture characterisation, impacts the reliability of structural models, which are critical for geoenergy, resource and infrastructure applications. Ensuring robust interpretations is vital for improving safety, enhancing decision-making, and securing project success.

This study investigates the variability in fracture interpretations made by geoscientists analysing an aerial drone image of a fractured outcrop. We compare outputs such as fracture frequency, orientation & density, and network topology across participants to assess the variability in their observations and the uncertainty this develops.

Previous studies on 3D seismic data have shown that geoscientists’ experience and approach significantly impact structural models. Our research systematically assesses similar variability using remotely sensed outcrop data and shows that while our cohorts of geoscientists agree of the “big stuff”, there is less consensus when we examine the detail.

By illustrating these uncertainties, we can begin to inform improved interpretation workflows, team arrangements, assurance processes, and geoscience education and communication. Understanding biases in fracture interpretation is a critical step towards enhancing interpretational accuracy. Coupled with a clear idea of how “good” the structural model needs to be for the problem being solved and appropriate mitigation measures, (if necessary) this ensures better project outcomes and supports the development of reliable geoscience outputs across applications.

How to cite: Evans, L., Shipton, Z., Bond, C., Roberts, J., and Kim, N.: How Good is Your Fracture Model? Evaluating Human Biases and Uncertainty in Geoscientific Interpretations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16786,, 2025.

EGU25-17127 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Structural control on silicification and hypogenic karst: insights from Morro Vermelho cave, Irecê Basin, Brazil  

Filippo Porta, Carlo Morandi, Vincenzo La Bruna, Augusto Auler, Francisco Hilàrio Rego Bezerra, and Fabrizio Balsamo

Fault-related karst systems and silicification processes are important factors in controlling permeability heterogeneities in shallow crusts. In recent years, the interest in these processes has become more important since they significantly modify the texture, mineralogy, and petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoirs.

The hypogenic Morro Vermelho Cave, in the Irecê Basin, Bahia (Brazil), is a key study area for understanding the development of fault-related silicification and subsequent karstification along fault networks in dolomitized carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Salitre Formation.

This contribution focuses on a tridimensional digital cave model analysis and a detailed outcrop and cave investigation to constrain fracture attitude, type, geometry, and kinematics. Field data show the presence of regional-scale E-W thrust data.

The Morro Vermelho cave is developed in the proximity of one of these thrusts and is mostly developed along silicified carbonates with bedding dipping 40° toward SE.

The analysis of the lidar model reveals that the cave has an irregular morphology with several branching passages controlled by major N-S to NNE-SSW thoroughgoing fractures.

Both 3D model and high-resolution structural mapping in the cave highlight the presence of high-angle N-S-oriented normal faults and the following fracture sets: E-W-striking sheared veins and joints, bed-parallel NE-SW-striking veins, fault-parallel N-S-striking veins and joints, and bed-perpendicular NW-SE-striking veins and joints.

The obtained results indicate that the silicification process was mostly controlled by regional-scale E-W-striking thrust, associated with the N-S shortening of the Brasiliano orogeny, whereas the Morro Vermelho cave developed mostly along bedding layers and small-scale N-S-oriented normal faults, system and related fractures. The fractures also controlled the occurrence of late-stage silica crusts that post-date the cave development.

We propose a preliminary conceptual model that includes different stages of silicification events and karstification related to fault systems and fracture networks, in alignment with the structural regional-scale evolution of the study area.

The findings might be highly significant for understanding the permeability characteristics of deeply buried pre-salt fractured carbonate reservoirs in offshore Brazil and other similar settings.

How to cite: Porta, F., Morandi, C., La Bruna, V., Auler, A., Bezerra, F. H. R., and Balsamo, F.: Structural control on silicification and hypogenic karst: insights from Morro Vermelho cave, Irecê Basin, Brazil , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17127,, 2025.

EGU25-18626 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Integrated Workflow for Parametrization of Fracture Networks in Digital Outcrop Models: Focus on Directional Topology and H/L ratio calculation 

Stefano Casiraghi, Gabriele Benedetti, Daniela Bertacchi, Federico Agliardi, Silvia Mittempergher, and Andrea Bistacchi

Mesoscale fractures, with lengths between meters and hundreds of meters, cannot be effectively characterized in the subsurface, due to limitations of borehole and geophysical datasets. However, large quantitative structural datasets can be collected by combining field and remote sensing techniques in digital outcrop models (DOMs). These data can be then used to constrain stochastic models of subsurface fracture networks with the outcrop analogue approach. However, to date a methodology optimized to characterize all parameters of a fracture network remains elusive. In this contribution we present a workflow that leverages digital outcrop models including both pavement and wall exposures, allowing for a three-dimensional analysis. Different parameters are calculated starting from different types of support, so we collect orientation data on point cloud DOMs (PC-DOMs) of vertical outcrops with semi-automatic methods. These data are classified based on field observations and segmented using a k-medoid approach. The goodness-of-fit to orientation distributions is tested with a proper statistical treatment. Topological parameters are measured on the fracture network digitalized from textured surface DOMs (TS-DOM). Standard topological analysis only provides averaged information on the whole fracture network. In this contribution a novel approach called directional topology is presented, in which every node retains information about the branches that generated it. This not only provides a more comprehensive understanding of the network's connectivity but also allows for the extraction of quantitative parameters about the degree of abutting of a specific fracture set on another (on horizontal outcrops) and on the extent to which a set is stratabound (on vertical outcrops). The trace length, height and spacing distributions are measured with a robust innovative approach, accounting for the censoring bias with survival/reliability analysis. P21 data are collected distributing several grids of scan area with increasing edge length, and the representative elementary area is qualitatively defined. A particular focus will be placed on the calculation of the H/L ratio, often overlooked but of fundamental importance, as it is responsible of the jump in dimensionality in 3D stochastic models.

How to cite: Casiraghi, S., Benedetti, G., Bertacchi, D., Agliardi, F., Mittempergher, S., and Bistacchi, A.: Integrated Workflow for Parametrization of Fracture Networks in Digital Outcrop Models: Focus on Directional Topology and H/L ratio calculation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18626,, 2025.

EGU25-19549 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Time-lapse seismic properties of CO2-filled fault zones: Field observations 

Idris Bukar, Rebecca Bell, Ann Muggeridge, and Sam Krevor

We investigate seismic waveform changes in time-lapse along supercritical CO2-bearing faults from field data by analysing 4D seismic data from the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project. 1 million tonnes of CO2 was injected into the Lower Mt. Simon continuously over a three year period from 2011-2014. It has been established that the injected CO2 migrated vertically along faults at this site to reach the Middle and Upper Mt. Simon formations (Bukar et al., 2024). Time-lapse 3D vertical seismic profiles were acquired each year of injection in addition to a pre-injection baseline and a final survey two months post-injection. We study the time-lapse seismic waveforms in zones around previously interpreted faults. In post-stack, we observe waveform distortions in the monitor traces that manifest as phase changes when compared to the baseline traces. Interestingly, these distortions magnify with increasing injected CO2 volume, and decrease post-injection. To further investigate potential causes of these phase changes, we study the data in pre-stack. We also attempt to discriminate the contribution of CO2 saturation effects and pressure effects. This is crucial as pressure increase also causes a slowdown effect on seismic waves in fractured media due to positive physical strain (expansion) and an accompanied decrease in the rock bulk modulus. However, while CO2 injection is typically accompanied by pressure increases, the pressure would typically decline more quickly than CO2 would dissolve in brine; multiple pressure gauges at this site show a rapid decline in pressure once injection ceased. Therefore, time-lapse seismic acquired soon after stopping injection could offer insights. We also observe these distortions where faults have not been mapped – these could be CO2-filled fault zones with small throws that are below seismic resolution. This could potentially be used to illuminate unseen faults after CO2 injection.


Bukar, I., Bell, R., Muggeridge, A. H., & Krevor, S. (2024). Carbon dioxide migration along faults at the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project revealed using time shift analysis of seismic monitoring data. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110049.

How to cite: Bukar, I., Bell, R., Muggeridge, A., and Krevor, S.: Time-lapse seismic properties of CO2-filled fault zones: Field observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19549,, 2025.

Let us focus on a specific question that may has an ability to build an efficient method toward extracting significantly major ingredients of pre-active events going ahead of significant seismic activities. What is the common point at the state spaces of significant earthquakes of Türkiye in 1999 and 2023? The answer comes from some live but non-instrumented observations, those are devised privately. Those observations are related to both waveguide and cavity effects of natural and/or manmade significant structures replaced in both underground and/or atmosphere. The effects are studied on the electromagnetic wave propagation at significant pre-seismic activities of both circularly cylindrical wave guide and cavity structures meshed in underground and/or atmosphere by considering the extended wave equations in irregularly deviating environs1. Those structures have excessive dimensions as in subway tunnels2 and/or layered guiding pathways in atmosphere3.

The answer comes from two big tunnels excavated before abovesaid two earthquakes of Türkiye. First is Mount Bolu Tunnel, that is almost finished in 2007 and begun in 1993 and second is New Mount Zigana Tunnel, that is finished in 2023 and begun in 2016. Why? First of all, both tunnels are into mounts area of Northern Anatolia. The reason is related to the changing character of seismic activities after 5.9 R (included) magnitude that converts the seismic activities to electromagnetic activities majorantly4.

There is one more tunnel process that still continues for constructions: Between Bahce (37° 12′ 0″ N, 36° 35′ 0″ E) and Nurdagi (37° 10′ 44″ N, 36° 44′ 23″ E) districts of Gaziantep Province, Türkiye. This tunnel construction may have a potential on future seismic activities as two tunnel constructions said in previous paragraph.

The cavities and tunnels behave as layered guiding pathways for propagating waves either homogeneous and/or inhomogeneous fillings; therefore, the activities of waveforms may propagate along long distances under the Earth; i.e., between NAF and SAF by suitable transmissions, propagations, and guiding of waves. The majorant contributions come through Casimir and Casimir-like activities from the boundary interfaces between different materials with specific conditions under stochastic processes. The propagating waves create similar effects among transmitters and receivers through atmosphere layers. Author calls transmission effect by the cavity tunneling and layered guiding pathways these effects.

Those circumstances are studied in above paragraphs by considering the state space formulation of equivalent electrical circuits models through the possible mechanical circuits into the Earth.

The equivalent circuit model governs the significant Seismic Activities, sSAs, by the interactions among source and sink structures available in the distributed networks of equivalent circuits. New constructions have the ability to trigger and produce sSAs close to both specific domains of sSAs and their neighbor domains even if they never generated sSAs in past, of tunnel projects in paragraph 3 and similar ones. Temporal intervals may not coincide with the time spans of excavations of sSAs processes and their triggering effects may either decrease, mostly and/or increase, asymptotically as depending to coupling activities in environ.






How to cite: Sengor, T.: The Cavity Tunneling and Layered Guiding Pathways in Significant Seismic Activities: Pre-fingerprints in Significant Earthquakes of Türkiye in 1999 and 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-988,, 2025.

There has long been research on the phenomenon of abnormal microwave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface before a major earthquake. However, the enhanced microwave radiation received by satellite sensors is affected by a combination of factors such as surface vegetation, soil moisture, land surface temperature, and atmospheric environment. So far, it has been difficult to remove non-seismic interference through quantitative physical modeling, leaving only the earthquake-related additional components for earthquake precursor analysis and short-term earthquake prediction. To tackle with this, we developed a knowledge-guided deep learning model that leverages a large amount of remote sensing observation data for training, incorporating prior knowledge of earthquake anomaly analysis. In the modelling process, a large amount of multi-source data, such as surface microwave brightness temperature (MBT), land surface temperature (LST), surface vegetation index, soil moisture index, atmospheric water vapor content, cloud cover, land cover type, digital elevation model (DEM), and geological type, were collected, and a regression model between multiple factors and surface MBT were firstly established through deep learning methods. In the same way, another regression model was developed between non-temperature parameters and LST by using historical records. During the seismic window of one month before and after the target earthquake, the LST was obtained by using non-temperature data through the second regression model, and then was substituted it into the first regression model to get the MBT value that does not include the additional effects of earthquakes. Eventually, we can obtain the additional MBT value due to seismic activity by calculating the difference with the actual observation, which represents the earthquake-related MBT anomaly. Since the deep learning-based modeling is based on long time series data and the output results of the model already include the contribution of multiple factors on the surface to the MBT, the differential results are mainly affected by the additional impacts of the earthquake, so they can be considered 'pollution-free'. In other words, there is no need to use additional auxiliary data to discriminate and separate the non-seismic disturbances. For a specific target area, such as the Tibetan Plateau, after establishing a model based on historical data using the aforementioned method, we can obtain real-time earthquake MBT variations as the input data is continuously updated. This can be used to analyze and identify potential earthquake precursors, and consequently, for short-term earthquake prediction.

How to cite: Qi, Y., Mao, W., Wu, L., and Huang, B.: A Knowledge-Guided Deep Learning Model for Extracting Pollution-free Seismic Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1408,, 2025.

EGU25-2283 | Orals | NH4.4

On the Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Lithosphere coupling during theNovember 9, 2022 Italian Earthquake 

Mirko Piersanti, Giulia D'Angelo, Dario Recchiuti, Fabio Lepreti, Paola Cusano, Enza De Lauro, Vincenzo Carbone, Pietro Ubertini, and Mariarosaria Falanga

In the last decades, the scientific community has been focused on searching earthquake signatures in the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere. This work investigates an offshore Mw 5.5 earthquake that struck off the Marche region's coast (Italy) on November 9, 2022, with a focus on the potential coupling between the Earth's lithosphere, atmosphere, and magnetosphere triggered by the seismic event. Analysis of atmospheric temperature data from ERA5 reveals a significant increase in potential energy (Ep) at the earthquake's epicenter, consistent with the generation of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs). This finding is further corroborated by the MILC analytical model, which accurately simulates the observed Ep trends (within 5%), supporting the theory of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling. The study also examines the vertical Total Electron Content (vTEC) and finds notable fluctuations at the epicenter, exhibiting periodicities (7-12 minutes) characteristic of AGWs and traveling ionospheric disturbances. The correlation between ERA5 observations and MILC model predictions, particularly in temperature deviations and Ep distributions, strengthens the hypothesis that earthquake-generated AGWs impacted atmospheric conditions at high altitudes, leading to observable ionospheric perturbations. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling mechanisms and the potential for developing reliable earthquake prediction tools.

How to cite: Piersanti, M., D'Angelo, G., Recchiuti, D., Lepreti, F., Cusano, P., De Lauro, E., Carbone, V., Ubertini, P., and Falanga, M.: On the Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Lithosphere coupling during theNovember 9, 2022 Italian Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2283,, 2025.

We discuss the potential impact of the Geospace environment on the significant earthquake preparation processes. In this work, we investigate the response of major seismic activity to geomagnetic storms with a joint analysis of solar wind, geomagnetic field, and earthquake catalog. As a test case, we processed the seven strongest earthquakes in Italy for the period  1980 - 2016:  Amatrice M6.2 of Aug 24, 2016; Visso M6.1 of 26 Oct 2016; Norcia M6.6 of 30 Oct 2016; Emilia-Romagnia M6 of May 20, 2012;  L’Aquila M6.3 of Apr 6, 2009;  Foligno M6 of Sep 26,1997  and  Irpina of M6.9 of 23 Nov 1980. All of the seismic events were preceded by geomagnetic storms, which satisfied a given criterion: at the time of geomagnetic storm onset, the high-latitude part of the longitudinal region, where in the future an earthquake occur, was located under the polar cusp, where the solar wind plasma would directly access the Earth’s environment [Ouzounov and Khachikyan, 2024]. The number of preceded storms varied for different earthquakes from two to five. This results in different time delays between the day of the magnetic storm onset and the day of earthquake occurrence; it ranges between 9-80 days. Because of the existing delay between a shocked solar wind arrival and earthquake occurrence up to some months, this may suggest that solar wind energy does not trigger earthquakes immediately (as it is believed at present); instead, it may accelerate the processes of lithosphere dynamics, such as fluid and gas upwelling, which are active participants in tectonic earthquakes. For comparison, we present the results of the same analysis applied to other territories of the Mediterranean region: the Anatolian Plate (Turkey) and Crete Island (Greece), which look strikingly similar.


How to cite: Ouzounov, D. and Khachikyan, G.: The impact of the geospace environment on earthquake preparation processes. Case studies for M>6 in Italy for 1980-2016, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3686,, 2025.

EGU25-5269 | Orals | NH4.4

Similarities and differences of the preparation of three (M≈6) earthquake doublets around the Arabian Plate 

Essam Ghamry, Dedalo Marchetti, and Mohamed Metwaly

In this study, we compared the results of multiparametric and multilayers investigations of three doublet earthquakes that occurred around the Arabian plate (M6.2 + M6.0 on 18 August 2014 close to Dehloran, Iran; M6.0 + M6.0 occurred on 15 July 2018 offshore Kilmia, Yemen and M6.0 + M6.0 occurred on 1 July 2022 close to Bandar-e Lengeh). We applied identical methods to the same dataset for all three cases. In particular, we investigated lithospheric, atmospheric, and ionospheric data six months before the three events. The lithosphere was investigated by calculating the cumulative Benioff strain with the USGS earthquake catalogue. Several atmospheric parameters (aerosol, SO2, CO, surface air temperature, surface latent heat flux humidity, and dimethyl sulphide) have been monitored using the homogeneous data from the MERRA-2 climatological archive. We used the three-satellite Swarm constellation for magnetic data, analysing the residuals after removing a geomagnetic model. All the cases present some patterns of anomalies, and when comparing them, we noticed some similarities but also differences. We pointed out that the released energy by the three events is very similar and occurred around the same plate. Still, they involved two different tectonic contexts (compressional on the Iranian side and extensional and transcurrent on the African Plate border). For the above reasons, their comparison is very interesting. Some similarities seem to be explainable in the tectonic context, and some are caused by the ocean's influence at the epicentre location. However, we also identified some differences that still require further investigation and comparison with other case studies.

Finally, this work can be considered a preliminary test of an extensive investigation and systematical search of LAIC patterns before the earthquake occurrences and the study of the possible influence of focal mechanism, location, geological factors, and other constraints.


References :

Ghamry Essam; Marchetti Dedalo; Metwaly Mohamed. Geophysical Coupling Before Three Earthquake Doublets Around the Arabian Plate. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 1318.


How to cite: Ghamry, E., Marchetti, D., and Metwaly, M.: Similarities and differences of the preparation of three (M≈6) earthquake doublets around the Arabian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5269,, 2025.

EGU25-5321 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Novel experimental design for the study of seismic processes based on the stick-slip mechanism. 

Alejandro Ramírez-Rojas, Luciano Telesca, and Elsa Leticia Flores-Márquez

Seismicity is the result of the interaction between tectonic plates in relative motion where the underlying mechanism of earthquake generation in seismic subduction areas is stick-slip. In reality, seismicity is a complex phenomenon as it involves processes that take place from within the Earth. A thorough understanding of seismicity requires theoretical and experimental approaches. The dynamics in subduction zones occur when two tectonic plates, one on top of the other, are in relative motion where the plate below is in motion due to convective processes within the Earth. Due to the roughness of both surfaces, the underlying mechanism that gives rise to seismicity is stick-slip. In this work, an experimental stick-slip model is proposed, which simulates the relative motion of two rough surfaces by the interaction of two blocks covered by sandpaper with a certain degree of roughness. In this experimental model, the interaction between rough surfaces (sandpaper), with a relative motion in opposite directions to each other, produces stick-slip events (synthetic seismicity), which mimic real seismicity. Here we present the first analyses of synthetic seismicity by calculating the Gutenberg-Richter law, temporal correlations and characterization in terms of organization and order from the Fisher-Shannon method for each synthetic catalogue.

How to cite: Ramírez-Rojas, A., Telesca, L., and Flores-Márquez, E. L.: Novel experimental design for the study of seismic processes based on the stick-slip mechanism., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5321,, 2025.

EGU25-5493 | Orals | NH4.4

Toward Real-Time Forecasting of Earthquake Occurrence and Ground-Shaking Intensity Using ETAS and GMM: Insights from Recent Large Earthquakes in Taiwan 

Ming-Che Hsieh, Chung-Han Chan, Kuo-Fong Ma, Yin-Tung Yen, Chun-Te Chen, Da-Yi Chen, and Yi-Wun Liao

Earthquake forecasting, combined with precise ground-shaking estimations, plays a pivotal role in safeguarding public safety, fortifying infrastructure, and bolstering the preparedness of emergency services. This study introduces a comprehensive workflow that integrates the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model with a preselected ground-motion model (GMM), facilitating accurate short-term forecasting of ground-shaking intensity (GSI), which is crucial for adequate earthquake warning for earthquake-prone regions like Taiwan. First, an analysis was conducted on a Taiwanese earthquake catalog from 1994 to 2022 to optimize the ETAS parameters. The dataset used in this analysis allowed for the further calculation of total, background, and clustering seismicity rates, which are crucial for understanding spatiotemporal earthquake occurrence. Subsequently, short-term earthquake activity simulations were performed using these up-to-date seismicity rates to generate synthetic catalogs. The ground-shaking impact on the target sites from each synthetic catalog was assessed by determining the maximum intensity using a selected GMM. This simulation process was repeated to enhance the reliability of the forecasts. Through this process, a probability distribution was created, serving as a robust forecasting for GSI at sites. The performance of the forecasting model was validated through an example of the Taitung, Taiwan earthquake sequence in September 2022, showing its effectiveness in forecasting earthquake activity and site-specific GSI. The other example is the Hualien, Taiwan earthquake sequence from April 2024, which serves as an excellent demonstration of a workflow designed to provide real-time aftershock forecasting following an M7.2 event. The proposed forecasting model can quickly deliver short-term seismic hazard curves and warning messages, facilitating timely decision-making.

How to cite: Hsieh, M.-C., Chan, C.-H., Ma, K.-F., Yen, Y.-T., Chen, C.-T., Chen, D.-Y., and Liao, Y.-W.: Toward Real-Time Forecasting of Earthquake Occurrence and Ground-Shaking Intensity Using ETAS and GMM: Insights from Recent Large Earthquakes in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5493,, 2025.

EGU25-8052 | Orals | NH4.4

Multiparameter observations of Lithosphere–Atmosphere–Ionosphere pre-seismic anomalies: Insights from the 2022 M6.8 Chihshang earthquake in southeastern Taiwan 

Ching-Chou Fu, Hao Kuo-Chen, Chung-Hsiang Mu, Hau-Kun Jhuang, Lou-Chuang Lee, Vivek Walia, and Tsung-Che Tsai

This study conducted a systematic analysis of the 2022 Chihshang earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan, integrating multidimensional observational parameters related to the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere. High-resolution data from the MAGIC (Multidimensional Active fault of Geo-Inclusive observatory - Chihshang) at the Chihshang fault area provided a comprehensive and diverse dataset. The analysis revealed significant pre-earthquake anomalies across various parameters. These include a marked increase in soil radon concentration one month prior to the earthquake, concurrent anomalies in hydrogeochemical parameters (e.g., elevated groundwater temperature, reduced pH, and decreased chloride ion concentration), and active foreshock activity detected by a dense microseismic network starting mid-August, suggesting the development of microfractures within the lithosphere. Additionally, persistent OLR (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) anomalies, indicating hotspots near the epicenter, were observed from September 5 to 7. Pre-earthquake signals in TEC (Total Electron Content) were identified between August 20 and September 13 in two independent datasets, GIM-TEC and CWA-TEC.

Post-earthquake observations revealed a significant increase in CO2 flux in the region, likely attributable to the release of deep-seated gas sources or enhanced permeability of the fault system. These combined observations suggest that all anomalies can be classified as short-term precursors, which can be interpreted within the theoretical framework of lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling (LAIC). The findings also contribute to a deeper understanding of the earthquake preparation process. This study underscores the critical importance of real-time integration of multi-parameter observations, offering new insights and improvements for seismic hazard assessment and advancing the predictive capability of earthquake precursors.

How to cite: Fu, C.-C., Kuo-Chen, H., Mu, C.-H., Jhuang, H.-K., Lee, L.-C., Walia, V., and Tsai, T.-C.: Multiparameter observations of Lithosphere–Atmosphere–Ionosphere pre-seismic anomalies: Insights from the 2022 M6.8 Chihshang earthquake in southeastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8052,, 2025.

EGU25-8652 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.4

Recent achievements on the application of Robust Satellite Techniques to the short-term seismic hazard forecast 

Roberto Colonna, Carolina Filizzola, Nicola Genzano, Mariano Lisi, Iacopo Mancusi, Carla Pietrapertosa, and Valerio Tramutoli

Robust Satellite Techniques applied to long-term satellite TIR (Thermal InfraRed) radiances have
been, since more than 25 years, employed to identify those anomalies (in the spatial/temporal
domain) possibly associated to the occurrence of major earthquakes.
The results until now achieved by processing multi-annual (more than 10 years) time series of TIR
satellite images collected in different continents and seismic regimes, showed that more than 67%
of all identified (space-time persistent) anomalies occur in the pre-fixed space-time window around
the occurrence time and location of earthquakes (M≥4), with a false positive rate smaller than 33%.
Moreover, Molchan error diagram analysis gave a clear indication of non-casualty of such a
correlation, in comparison with the random guess function.
After the most comprehensive test performed over Greece, Italy, Turkey and Japan, here, we will
critically discuss the preliminary results achieved over California by applying RST analyses to
long-term series of GOES-17 radiances.

How to cite: Colonna, R., Filizzola, C., Genzano, N., Lisi, M., Mancusi, I., Pietrapertosa, C., and Tramutoli, V.: Recent achievements on the application of Robust Satellite Techniques to the short-term seismic hazard forecast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8652,, 2025.

EGU25-8809 | Orals | NH4.4

Noise reductions of VLF signals and excitation/attenuation of waves with small wave periods before earthquakes 

Giovanni Nico, Aleksandra Nina, Pierfrancesco Biagi, Hans Ulrich Eichelberger, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, and Luka Č. Popović

Various types of changes in the characteristics of very low frequency (VLF) signals before earthquakes have been presented during the past few decades. Most of these changes have been observed on data with time sampling of the order of a few tenths of a second or of the order of minutes. Improvements in this sampling in recent years have indicated three new types of changes whose onsets have been observed a few minutes or tens of minutes before the earthquake. These changes manifest themselves as reductions in the VLF signal amplitude and phase noises, and excitation and attenuation of waves with small wave periods in both of these signal characteristics [1-5].

In this work, we present these changes and list the parameters in the time and frequency domains that are significant for statistical analyses. A central issue is the relationship of the changes with the characteristics of earthquakes, the observed signals, and their spread in the surrounding area. The presented analyses were conducted on data recorded by a VLF receiver in Belgrade, Serbia.



[1] A. Nina, S. Pulinets, P.F. Biagi, G. Nico, S.T. Mitrović, M. Radovanović, L.Č. Popović, “Variation in natural short-period ionospheric noise, and acoustic and gravity waves revealed by the amplitude analysis of a VLF radio signal on the occasion of the Kraljevo earthquake (Mw = 5.4)”, Science of The Total Environment, 710, 136406, 2020.

[2] A. Nina, P. F. Biagi, S. T. Mitrović, S. Pulinets, G. Nico, M. Radovanović,  L. Č. Popović, “Reduction of the VLF signal phase noise before earthquakes”, Atmosphere 12 (4), 444, 2021.

[3] A. Nina, P. F. Biagi, S. A. Pulinets, G. Nico, S. T. Mitrović, V. M. Čadež, M. Radovanović, M. Urošev,  L. Č. Popović, “Variation in the VLF signal noise amplitude during the period of intense seismic activity in Central Italy from 25 October to 3 November 2016”, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 10:1005575, 2022.

[4] A. Nina, “Analysis of VLF Signal Noise Changes in the Time Domain and Excitations/Attenuations of Short-Period Waves in the Frequency Domain as Potential Earthquake Precursors”, Remote Sensing, 16(2), 397, (2024)

[5] A. Nina “VLF Signal Noise Reduction during Intense Seismic Activity: First Study of Wave Excitations and Attenuations in the VLF Signal Amplitude”, Remote Sensing, 16(8), 1330, 2024.


How to cite: Nico, G., Nina, A., Biagi, P., Eichelberger, H. U., Boudjada, M. Y., and Popović, L. Č.: Noise reductions of VLF signals and excitation/attenuation of waves with small wave periods before earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8809,, 2025.

A critical review of geoelectrical monitoring activities carried out in seismically active areas is presented and discussed. The electrical resistivity of rocks is one of the geophysical parameters of greatest interest in the study of possible seismic precursors, and it is strongly influenced by the presence of highly fractured zones with high permeability and fluid levels. The analysis in this study was based on results obtained over the last 50 years in seismic zones in China, Japan, the USA and Russia. These previous works made it possible to classify the different monitoring strategies, to analyze the theoretical models for interpreting possible correlations between anomalies in resistivity signals and local seismicity, and to identify the main scientific and technological gaps. In addition, much attention is given to some recent work on the study of correlations between focal mechanisms and the shapes of anomalous patterns in resistivity time series, and to the new possibilities offered by the AI-based methods for geophysical data processing. Finally, new strategies and activities for investigating the spatial and temporal dynamics of the electrical resistivity changes in seismically active areas were identified.

How to cite: Lapenna, V.: Detecting DC Electrical Resistivity Changes in Seismic Active Areas: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9250,, 2025.

EGU25-9938 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.4

High resolution tsunami inundation maps: towards multi-hazard risk analysis. 

Hany M. Hassan and Antonella Peresan

Multi-hazard disaster risk analyses in coastal areas requires the integration of data and models concerning hazard, exposure and vulnerability data and models, all developed with high spatial resolution. Indeed, accurate high-resolution models and data are essential for properly assessing the impact of specific hazards that threaten coastal areas, such as tsunamis, floods, landslides, and coastal erosion. Nevertheless, this level of detail remains unachieved for many coastal hazards in various locations. Consequently, critical fine-scale differences in localized risk assessment are overlooked, leading to potential underestimations or overestimations of the actual risk to coastal communities. It is vital to address this gap in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of risk assessments.

A key step in tsunami hazard and risk assessment involves the development of inundation maps, specifically maps describing inundated areas and related depths. To date, such maps are not yet available at proper resolution for the coastal areas of the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia Region (FVG). Accordingly, this study aims to enhance the characterization of tsunami hazard in the Northern Adriatic by developing detailed inundation maps and possibly addressing the identified research gaps. Leveraging on accurate and high resolution bathymetry and topographic data is crucial for reliable tsunami modelling for the FVG coastal areas. To this purpose, bathymetry and topographic data are refined and are used, along with existing databases of tsunamigenic earthquake sources, for modelling tsunami waves propagation and inundation by means of the NAMI DANCE code (e.g. Yalciner et al. 2014, Mediterranean Sea Oceanography and references therein).

Existing datasets from open access and local data sources are collected and then refined, particularly addressing inaccuracies in lagoon bathymetry. This involves incorporating high-resolution data and considering small-scale coastal features that can significantly impact tsunami inundation. Multiple bathymetry and topography datasets are used to develop high resolution refined data at 25 meters, and 10 meters resolution. The database of co-seismic seafloor displacement for all individual scenarios, developed based upon the DISS-3.3.0 database, is adopted to carry out a reappraisal of tsunami wave amplitude maps (Peresan & Hassan, MEGR 2024 and references therein) and to estimate realistic tsunami inundation maps. Additionally, tsunami sources caused by local earthquakes relevant to the FVG region are investigated, providing local scale maps of wave amplitudes and inundation estimates; this involves using appropriate fault rupture realisations for local tsunami scenarios (ITCS100&101), as specified in the DISS-3.3.0 database.

The outcomes from this study provide the basis for multi-scenario tsunami hazard assessment, contributing to the development of high-resolution and comprehensive tsunami hazard maps for the Northern Adriatic coasts. Moreover, along with high-resolution exposure maps, they contribute improving precision and accuracy of related risk assessment, and hence are an important step in preparedness, response, and prevention efforts in the framework of disaster risk management.

This research is a contribution to the RETURN Extended Partnership (European Union Next-Generation EU—National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Hassan, H. M. and Peresan, A.: High resolution tsunami inundation maps: towards multi-hazard risk analysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9938,, 2025.

EGU25-10351 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Investigation of VLF/LF electromagnetic wave propagation as recorded by the receivers of the INFREP network 

Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Victorin Emilian Toader, Hans Ulrich Eichelberger, Pier Francesco Biagi, Mohammed Boudjada, Mihai Anghel, Liviu Marius Manea, Andrei Mihai, and Bogdan Antonescu

In recent decades, significant efforts have been devoted to understanding and interpreting the link between ionospheric perturbations and natural or anthropogenic phenomena, such as seismic activity, electrical or geomagnetic storms, and unidentified radio emissions. This is achieved through various methods among which is also the study of electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in the very low frequency (VLF, 3–30 kHz) and low frequency (LF, 30–300 kHz) bands. These bands enable long-distance communication, navigation, and military applications, including submarine contact, AM broadcasting, lightning detection, and weather systems. Due to their long wavelengths, VLF and LF waves exhibit unique propagation characteristics. VLF waves propagate globally by using Earth-ionosphere waveguides, reflecting off the D and E layers as skywaves, and are influenced by solar and atmospheric conditions. LF waves primarily rely on ground waves for extensive coverage, although they can also utilize ionospheric reflection (skywaves) for longer-distance communication.

This paper introduces fundamental concepts related to VLF/LF electromagnetic wave emission, propagation, reception, and the perturbing factors that affect them. Additionally, it presents key findings from the European INFREP Receivers Network, which studies seismo-ionospheric anomalies linked to earthquake activity. Established in 2009, the INFREP network monitors VLF/LF signals from transmitters across Europe and neighboring regions. The network currently comprises 10 receivers, built by Elettronika (Italy), and operates at a sampling rate of one sample per minute. The Romanian segment of INFREP includes two receivers, operational since 2009 and 2017, with only brief interruptions, notably during the pandemic when travel restrictions hindered access to the observatories.

The paper discusses the current state of the INFREP network and outlines methods for providing near real-time data access. It highlights advancements in real-time electromagnetic data transmission, archiving, and the use of 2D and 3D online signal visualization and processing techniques. Data access is available through the INFREP headquarters in Graz, Austria ( and the National Institute for Earth Physics in Romania ( The paper also shares findings from the detection of potential ionospheric anomalies in EM signals preceding large earthquakes that occurred between 2012 and 2024. All anomalies are analyzed in correlation with space weather events and extreme meteorological phenomena.

This paper was carried out within Nucleu Program SOL4RISC, supported by MCI, project no PN23360201, and PNRR- DTEClimate Project nr. 760008/31.12.2023, Component Project Reactive, supported by Romania - National Recovery and Resilience Plan


How to cite: Moldovan, I.-A., Toader, V. E., Eichelberger, H. U., Biagi, P. F., Boudjada, M., Anghel, M., Manea, L. M., Mihai, A., and Antonescu, B.: Investigation of VLF/LF electromagnetic wave propagation as recorded by the receivers of the INFREP network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10351,, 2025.

EGU25-10353 | ECS | Orals | NH4.4

High-resolution exposure models for coastal cities in Northern Adriatic for multi-risk analysis 

Hazem Badreldin, Chiara Scaini, Hany M Hassan, and Antonella Peresan

Multi-hazard disaster risk reduction and mitigation require high-resolution exposure models that grasp the characteristics of assets at the local scale. High-resolution exposure models may allow improving precision/accuracy of risk and damage assessments, especially for hazards which are characterised by high spatial variability or may be influenced by the presence of the assets, such as tsunami or flooding. We propose a methodology for developing a high-resolution population and residential buildings exposure models, to be used for multi-hazard risk reduction purposes at the local scale.  This method has been tested and validated for a selected coastal area in the upper Adriatic, exposed to multiple hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis, meteorological events and coastal erosion. For the development of the population exposure model, a high-resolution population density data, collected at global scale, is combined with the national population census data, leveraging  both on the accuracy of the national census and on the resolution of the global data. Also, the building census data is complemented with exposure indicators extracted from digital building footprints from the Carta Tecnica Regionale Numerica (CTRN),  which is missing in census data, such as average built area, total built area, replacement cost, height and plan regularity. The final exposure layers are assembled at two resolutions: 100 meters and 30 meters, with information also provided at the census unit level. We discuss the development and use of these layers for multi-risk assessment and their potential combination with artificial intelligence. 

This research is a contribution to the projects: RETURN Extended Partnership (European Union Next-Generation EU—National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005); PRIN-PNRR project SMILE: Statistical Machine Learning for Exposure development, funded by the European Union- Next Generation EU, Mission 4 Component 1 (CUP F53D23010780001). 

How to cite: Badreldin, H., Scaini, C., M Hassan, H., and Peresan, A.: High-resolution exposure models for coastal cities in Northern Adriatic for multi-risk analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10353,, 2025.

Japan is frequently hit by major earthquakes, such as the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which cause enormous human and economic losses. Short-term forecast of earthquakes is effective for mitigating such damage, but this has not been achieved to date. On the other hand, there have been reports of electromagnetic phenomena preceding major earthquakes in various frequency bands, including precursor phenomena in the VLF/LF band (3-300 kHz). In this study, we investigated earthquake-related VLF/LF signals, which has strong electromagnetic emissions due to lightning activity, and it is important to discriminate the VLF/LF signals from those due to lightning activity. In this study, two approaches were attempted: (1) development of a source localization method using VLF/LF broadband interferometry and (2) removal of signals caused by lightning discharges using machine learning.
The first approach is expected to spatially discriminate between VLF/LF signals related to earthquakes (which are located near the epicenter and do not move) and signals related to lightning activity (which move with fronts and thunderclouds). The second is to utilize machine learning technology, which has been rapidly developed in recent years, for detection and removal of lightning discharge signals. For example, Wu et al. at Gifu University have succeeded in classifying lightning discharge waveforms in the thunderstorm activity process with an accuracy of approximately 99% using a machine learning technique called Random Forest. In this study, machine learning is expected to efficiently discriminate and eliminate known lightning discharge signals from a large amount of observation data with high accuracy, and analyze the remaining unknown signals to efficiently investigate the relationship between lightning and earthquakes. In this paper, we will describe the specific methods and results of the above two approaches.

How to cite: Hattori, K., Ota, Y., Yoshino, C., and Imazumi, N.: Construction of a VLF/LF band interferometer using a capacitive circular flat-plane antenna and discrimination and identification of observed VLF/LF band signals by machine learning: Preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10447,, 2025.

EGU25-13142 | Orals | NH4.4

Sub-ionospheric VLF/LF waveguide electric field investigation from Mw≥5.0 earthquake events with multiple receivers in Europe 

Hans U. Eichelberger, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Aleksandra Nina, Bruno P. Besser, Daniel Wolbang, Maria Solovieva, Pier F. Biagi, Patrick H. M. Galopeau, Christoph Schirninger, Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Giovanni Nico, Manfred Stachel, Özer Aydogar, Cosima Muck, Josef Wilfinger, and Irmgard Jernej

Electric field amplitude and phase measurements between narrowband VLF/LF transmitters and receivers in the sub-ionospheric waveguide are affected and altered by man-made and natural sources (Nina 2024; Boudjada et al., 2024a,b). In this study we investigate Mw≥5.0 earthquakes (EQs) which occurred in Europe during the year 2024 based on data from the INFREP receiver network (Biagi et al., 2019; Moldovan et al., 2015; Galopeau et al., 2023). In the selected Mediterranean area with geographical longitude [-10°E, 40°E] and latitude [30°N, 50°N] the United States Geological Survey EQ catalog (USGS, 2025) provides 20 events with Mw≥5.0. For these EQs we apply the night-time amplitude method and consider variations in the terminator times (Hayakawa et al., 2010). The main radio links that cross the EQ prone areas are from transmitters localized in the southern part of Europe, including TBB (26.70 kHz, Bafa, Turkey), ITS (45.90 kHz, Niscemi, Sicily, Italy), and ICV (20.27 kHz, Tavolara, Italy). 

We find statistically significant electric field anomalies for various VLF/LF paths, particularly for events with higher magnitudes. The continuous VLF/LF electric field amplitude and phase datasets can be important parameters for real-time observations and services to assess seismic hazards and disturbing physical phenomena within the waveguide.


Biagi, P.F., et al., The INFREP network: Present situation and recent results, OJER, 8, 101-115, 2019.

Boudjada, M.Y., et al., Unusual sunrise and sunset terminator variations in the behavior of sub-ionospheric VLF phase and amplitude signals prior to the Mw7.8 Turkey Syria earthquake of 6 February 2023, Remote Sens., 16, 4448, 2024.

Boudjada, M.Y., et al., Analysis of pre-seismic ionospheric disturbances prior to 2020 Croatian earthquakes, Remote Sens., 16, 529, 2024.

Galopeau, P.H.M., et al., A VLF/LF facility network for preseismic electromagnetic investigations, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 12, 231–237, 2023.

Hayakawa, M., et al., A statistical study on the correlation between lower ionospheric perturbations as seen by subionospheric VLF/LF propagation and earthquakes, JGR Space Physics, 115(A9), 09305, 2010.

Moldovan, I.A., et al., The development of the Romanian VLF/LF monitoring system as part of the International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake Precursors (INFREP), Romanian Journal of Physics, 60 (7-8), 1203-1217, 2015. Bibcode: 2015RoJPh..60.1203M

Nina, A., VLF signal noise reduction during intense seismic activity: First study of wave excitations and attenuations in the VLF signal amplitude, Remote Sens., 16, 1330, 2024.

USGS, United States Geological Survey earthquake catalog,, as of Jan 2025.

How to cite: Eichelberger, H. U., Boudjada, M. Y., Nina, A., Besser, B. P., Wolbang, D., Solovieva, M., Biagi, P. F., Galopeau, P. H. M., Schirninger, C., Moldovan, I.-A., Nico, G., Stachel, M., Aydogar, Ö., Muck, C., Wilfinger, J., and Jernej, I.: Sub-ionospheric VLF/LF waveguide electric field investigation from Mw≥5.0 earthquake events with multiple receivers in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13142,, 2025.

EGU25-13210 | Orals | NH4.4

Comparative multifractal study of seismicity in two seismic zones of Türkiye in the period from 2010 to 2024. 

Elsa Leticia Flores-Marquez, Alejandro Ramirez Rojas, and Jennifer Pérez-Oregon

Intense earthquakes have been natural phenomena that produce enormous disasters, mainly in large urban areas, due to the intense energy released in a very short period. Earthquakes are inevitable natural phenomena, and up to now, they cannot be predicted. On February 6, 2023, a M 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye, near the northern border of Syria. This earthquake was followed by a M 7.5 earthquake to the north. The relative motions of three major tectonic plates (Arabian, Eurasian, and African) and one smaller tectonic block (Anatolian) are responsible for the seismicity in Türkiye. Recently, Onur investigated the aftershock distribution and its relation to energy release on the faults and Coulomb stress change areas, his study allowed the relocation of two-catastrophic earthquakes. In the present work we analyze the behavior of multifractality and its complexity parameters calculated from the catalog of seismic magnitudes during a period of 14 years monitored within two regions of Türkiye: the first one (west) between (35-42) Latitude, (25-34) Longitude and the second one (East) between (35-42) Latitude and (34-42) Longitude, being this area where the doublet occurred. Our results show differences in both multifractality and its complexity measures between the two regions. These findings may be indicators of expected seismicity in each region.


How to cite: Flores-Marquez, E. L., Ramirez Rojas, A., and Pérez-Oregon, J.: Comparative multifractal study of seismicity in two seismic zones of Türkiye in the period from 2010 to 2024., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13210,, 2025.

EGU25-14706 | Orals | NH4.4

Design of the PRELUDE CubeSat for investigating ionospheric D-region earthquake precursor 

Masashi Kamogawa, Masashiko Yamazaki, and Nagisa Sone

Despite advances in satellite remote sensing, predicting large earthquakes, remains a significant challenge due to the unpredictable nature of these events. To address this challenge, our study, building upon the achievements of the French DEMETER satellite, focuses on atmospheric and space electrical variations as potential indicators of ionospheric D-region precursors to earthquakes. This approach is expected to contribute to the enhancement of short-term prediction capabilities. For this purpose, we would like to introduce our CubeSat PRELUDE (Precursory electric field observation CubeSat Demonstrator), a tiny satellite dedicated to the earthquake precursor detection and elucidated the physical mechanism. PRELUDE is scheduled for launch in JFY2025 as part of JAXA’s Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Program. This study presents the results of the system design, development, and mission planning of the PRELUDE, aimed at clarifying the physical mechanisms behind the statistically significant earthquake precursor ionospheric phenomena. PRELUDE is a 6U CubeSat specialized in VLF electromagnetic wave intensity observation, weighing 8 kg. To achieve miniaturization, it incorporates a drive recording function to downlink only the data surrounding the EQ epicenter to ground stations, reducing data storage and transmission requirements. Additionally, it hybridizes the Langmuir and electric field probes, typically found on satellites weighing over 100 kg like DEMETER, into a compact design suitable for CubeSats weighing just a few kilograms. The hybrid sensor unit extends booms bidirectionally by 1.5 m from the satellite using a folding extension mechanism, In this presentation, we show the satellite design requirements for elucidating the mechanism of earthquake precursor phenomena.

How to cite: Kamogawa, M., Yamazaki, M., and Sone, N.: Design of the PRELUDE CubeSat for investigating ionospheric D-region earthquake precursor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14706,, 2025.

EGU25-14734 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Rapid prediction method of earthquake damage to masonry structures based on machine learning 

Lingxin Zhang, Yan Liu, Li Liu, and Baijie Zhu

Masonry structures are one of the most vulnerable to severe and extensive damage in terms of previous earthquakes. It is significant to quickly evaluate the seismic damage levels of masonry structures, to reduce casualties and economic losses caused by earthquakes. However, traditional methods based on manual judgment or finite element simulations tend to be relatively slower . In this paper, a machine learning-based rapid prediction method was proposed for assessing the seismic damage of masonry structures. By analysis of building data from several cities and combining ground motion with structural characteristics, 11 impact factors were identified as input variables. The LM-BP neural network model was developed by a backpropagation (BP) neural network with strong nonlinear modeling capabilities, and by the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. The accuracy and stability of the model were verified by comparing the predicted values with actual earthquake examples. The results show that the selected seismic damage impact factors can accurately reflect the structural damage level. By comparing methods using parameters on either the structure or ground motion, the predictive accuracy of the proposed method is significantly enhanced. It provides a basis for post-earthquake structural safety assessments and disaster prevention and mitigation work.

How to cite: Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Liu, L., and Zhu, B.: Rapid prediction method of earthquake damage to masonry structures based on machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14734,, 2025.

EGU25-16143 | ECS | Orals | NH4.4

Machine Learning based EStimator for ground shaking maps workflow applied to New Zealand 

Rut Blanco Prieto, Marisol Monterrubio Velasco, Brendon Bradley, Claudio Schill, and Josep de la Puente

Earthquakes are among the most frequent yet unpredictable natural hazards, posing substantial risk to human safety and infrastructure globally, particularly, when large-magnitude earthquakes occur. This highlights the urgent need to develop innovative and alternative methodologies for rapidly assessing the intensity of ground shaking following an earthquake.

This study explores the application of the Machine Learning Estimator for Ground Shaking Maps (MLESmap) methodology in New Zealand, a region characterized by  high seismic activity.

MLESmap utilizes extensive datasets of high-fidelity, physics-based seismic scenarios to rapidly estimate ground-shaking intensity in near real-time following an earthquake. This methodology has demonstrated evaluation times similar to those of empirical ground motion models, while offering superior predictive accuracy in the two previously tested regions: the Los Angeles basin and the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ).

To adapt MLESmap for New Zealand’s seismicity, seismic simulations tailored to the unique geological and tectonic context of the region are implemented. Specifically, we use the dataset generated by CyberShake NZ, a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) software developed by the University of Canterbury. Using this software, a total of 11,362 finite-fault rupture simulations were performed across the region and seismic hazard results were calculated on a grid of 27,481 synthetic seismic stations. A ‘forward’ simulation approach was adopted due to the large number of output locations relative to rupture locations, the optimisation of the grid for each rupture and the intention to include plasticity.

The expected results aim to demonstrate the applicability of MLESmap to New Zealand, providing ML-based tools for rapid response actions. This study also takes the first steps in applying cascading effects to MLESmap, in order to improve the overall risk assessment and to advance prevention efforts through innovative and multidisciplinary methodologies.



©2023 ChEESE-2P Funded by the European Union. This work has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) and Spain, Italy, Iceland, Germany, Norway, France, Finland and Croatia under grant agreement No 101093038.

How to cite: Blanco Prieto, R., Monterrubio Velasco, M., Bradley, B., Schill, C., and de la Puente, J.: Machine Learning based EStimator for ground shaking maps workflow applied to New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16143,, 2025.

The region near the India-Eurasia plate boundary has a long history of large earthquakes. Over the past century, more than 50 earthquakes with magnitudes of 7 or greater have occurred within 500 km of the Indo-Eurasian collision zone. These include the 2015 M7.8 Nepal earthquake, the 1934 M8.0 Bihar-Nepal earthquake, the 1950 M8.6 Assam earthquake, and the 1905 M7.9 Kangra earthquake. The January 7, 2025, M7.1 earthquake in the southern Tibetan Plateau further underscores the seismic significance of this region. This study examines the temporal variation in seismicity within the Indo-Eurasian collision zone and its adjacent areas by utilizing historical records and instrumentally recorded earthquake data from 1900 to 2024. Based on seismic behaviour, clustering of events, and tectonic structures, the collision zone is divided into 26 distinct seismic zones. The temporal variation in seismicity for each zone is analyzed, and a susceptibility index, ESI6, is calculated. This index considers the return period of earthquakes with Mw ≥ 6 and the time elapsed since the last Mw ≥ 6 earthquake in each zone. The ESI6 represents the number of pending Mw ≥ 6 earthquakes in each seismic zone. Ten zones with high ESI6 values (>2.5) have been identified; these zones were seismically active in the past but have remained without major earthquakes for the last three decades. To mitigate potential losses and raise awareness, it is critical to implement GPS monitoring of plate movements, satellite-based deformation monitoring, and seismic health assessments of crucial infrastructure in these silent zones.

How to cite: Kumar, S.: Spatio Temporal Analysis of Earthquake Potential in the Indo-Eurasian Collision Zone: Identifying Future Seismic Hotspots Using the Earthquake Susceptibility Index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16591,, 2025.

EGU25-17662 | Orals | NH4.4

Automated Site Effects Mapping in Mayotte Using Airborne Electromagnetic Data and Machine Learning 

Cécile Gracianne, Hugo Breuillard, Célia Mato, Pierre-Alexandre Reninger, Agathe Roullé, Anne Raingeard, and Roxanne Rusch

Recent seismic hazard assessments in Mayotte have highlighted the island's significant exposure to site effects during earthquakes. These effects are closely linked to its complex geological setting, characterized by altered volcanic formations whose heterogeneous geometry leads to strong spatial variations in ground motion. In response to governmental requests, a site effects map is being developed to raise public awareness and support risk-informed urban planning.

A novel methodology for site effects mapping has recently been developed at BRGM, integrating airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data with borehole logs, geological maps, and seismic data (MASW and H/V measurements). This approach was tested on three test sites covering 12 km² of Mayotte surface, and it has demonstrated its potential in imaging the geological interfaces responsible for site effects. However, the current methodology relies on expert-driven data interpretation, making its large-scale application highly labour-intensive and costly. To overcome this limitation, partial automation of the data processing is required in order to handle larger datasets efficiently.

Machine learning techniques offer a promising solution to address this challenge. The test sites provided a unique training dataset, associating resistivity profiles derived from AEM data with the position of geological interfaces responsible for site effects within the soil column. These interface locations were determined through the integration and interpretation of all available geological and geophysical data, including MASW, H/V measurements, and borehole logs. Using this dataset, we trained various models, including Random Forest and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to predict the localization of geological interfaces responsible for site effects based on AEM data.

Preliminary results indicate that the CNN model shows good performances on this task. Nevertheless, further improvements require the expansion of training datasets, underscoring the significant investment needed to generalize this approach to other regions. Future research will focus on refining predictive models and optimizing data acquisition to support large-scale implementation.

How to cite: Gracianne, C., Breuillard, H., Mato, C., Reninger, P.-A., Roullé, A., Raingeard, A., and Rusch, R.: Automated Site Effects Mapping in Mayotte Using Airborne Electromagnetic Data and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17662,, 2025.

Finding a sustainable solution to disaster risk mitigation needs to consider different aspects of the disaster’s impact along with social, economic, and physical characteristics of the region. In this regard, a desirable solution for disaster risk mitigation for a region is the one tailored to the local characteristics. These local characteristics not only help measure the different aspects of a disaster impact but also portray existing pressing issues as priorities. While the former can be modeled using risk and resilience assessment models, the latter can be measured from experts’ points of view. Ultimately, the combination of the expert’s perception on important issues and the output of risk and resilience assessment models can be used to evaluate the optimality of each disaster risk mitigation solution.

In this research, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework is developed to provide an evaluation of each disaster risk mitigation. The developed framework is designed to be able to run on the action-outcome results from risk and resilience assessment models and the cardinal ranking of the decision criteria, representing decision-makers’ expert opinion on the priorities in mitigating and managing disaster risk. The developed MCDA framework is very practical as it can run on action-outcome results, and these results are accessible from a large variety of risk and resilience assessment models. Furthermore, the developed MCDA framework takes into account the uncertainty in the risk and resilience assessment models. In compatibility with running on minimal available information, the MCDA’s decision model is simplified to one layer with a single layer of the decision criteria.

Additionally, as the number of competing mitigation solutions might increase rapidly in practice, the MCDA framework is developed to handle a huge number of alternatives more efficiently and with relatively limited computational resources. The MCDA framework is developed based on the CAR method of eliciting the preferences among mitigation alternatives. The final results evaluate the competing disaster risk mitigation solution based on available data (as processed by risk and resilience assessment models) and the expert’s opinion on important issues and their preferences on the important aspects of disaster impact. As such, the final results provide an estimation of the expert’s belief on the desirability of each of the disaster risk mitigation solutions.

This MCDA framework is developed as part of the Horizon Europe project MEDiate (Multi-hazard and risk-informed system for Enhanced local and regional Disaster risk management). This project is dedicated to creating a decision-support system (DSS) for disaster risk management that not only takes into account the complexities of multiple interacting natural hazards but also tailors the final solution to the characteristics, priorities, and concerns of the local communities and decision-makers. The MEDiate framework is implemented on four different testbeds (Oslo (Norway), Nice (France), Essex (UK), and Múlaþing (Iceland)), each of which has a different multi-hazard pair and different socio-economic characteristics. The deployment of the developed MCDA framework on different natural hazards and socio-economic characteristics shows its flexible practicality.

How to cite: Yeganegi, M. R., Komendantova, N., and Danielson, M.: Measuring the experts’ perception about the suitability of natural disaster risk mitigation solutions using minimal risk assessment information, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17936,, 2025.

EGU25-18225 | Posters on site | NH4.4

A web platform for crowdsourced collection, processing, and visualization of exposure data on buildings 

Maria Teresa Artese, Elisa Varini, Isabella Gagliardi, Gianluigi Ciocca, Flavio Piccoli, Claudio Rota, Matteo Del Soldato, Silvia Bianchini, Chiara Scaini, Antonella Peresan, and Piero Brondi

The ultimate objective of our research is to explore the potential of Machine Learning in the dynamic creation of up-to-date exposure layers for buildings. This effort involves integrating remote sensing images, ancillary data such as national census information, and crowdsourced data collected by trained citizens. The crowdsourcing activity builds on a previous successful initiative developed within the CEDAS (building CEnsus for seismic Damage Assessment) project, which engaged high school students from North-East Italy in collecting data on buildings that were either unavailable from conventional exposure data sources or not easily retrievable via remote sensing techniques (Scaini et al., 2022).

To this end, we are developing a complex multimedia information system via web platform designed to collect, process, store, and distribute information to different knowledge users (policymakers, territorial planners, citizens) with targeted visualization strategies. The crowdsourcing initiatives are taking place in selected municipalities of Tuscany and Friuli regions (Italy), exposed to different natural hazards, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides.  An online questionnaire has been created to assist the user in building data collection and minimize input errors. Simultaneously, building data, along with their photos, are stored in a structured database for research purposes.  For instance, building data and images are used as learning set to train a machine learning algorithm to identify specific features such as roof type, number of floors, and the presence of a basement. These algorithms can then be included in the online questionnaire to facilitate further data collection by automatically suggesting features associated to the buildings. A dedicated visualization tool is being developed on the web platform to showcase the effectiveness of this method in recognition of building features. We will demonstrate the data visualization tools developed on the web platform so far, highlighting the key features of the available exposure databases. The web platform is designed to provide an easy-to-use tool for communicating with various knowledge users, while also enhancing disaster awareness and preparedness, which is attained exploring and collecting data on the built environment.

This study is a contribution to the ongoing PRIN 2022 PNRR project SMILE “Statistical Machine Learning for Exposure development” (code P202247PK9, CUP B53D23029430001) within the European Union-NextGenerationEU program.

How to cite: Artese, M. T., Varini, E., Gagliardi, I., Ciocca, G., Piccoli, F., Rota, C., Del Soldato, M., Bianchini, S., Scaini, C., Peresan, A., and Brondi, P.: A web platform for crowdsourced collection, processing, and visualization of exposure data on buildings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18225,, 2025.

EGU25-21907 | Orals | NH4.4

Seismo-electromagnetism: observations and mechanisms 

Qinghua Huang

Seismogenic mechanism of strong earthquakes plays a fundamental role in disaster prevention. Electromagnetic methods, which are sensitive to fluid, have been widely adopted in the study on seismogenic structure and earthquake physics. Due to the increasing environmental disturbances and limited understanding on electromagnetic anomalies, electromagnetic data cannot fully show their potential values in disaster prevention. We propose an integrated work on seismogenic structure, identification of electromagnetic disturbances, and mechanism of seismo-electromagnetic anomalies. Based on the tests of synthetic and field data, we demonstrate that the multiple electromagnetic methods can reveal the feature of the multi-scaled seismogenic structure. With the developments of the new methodology based on deep learning and the seismo-electromagnetic coupling model, one can investigate the spatio-temporal characteristics of electromagnetic anomalies and their possible relationship with earthquakes. This study may contribute to the study on earthquake forecast and disaster prevention.

How to cite: Huang, Q.: Seismo-electromagnetism: observations and mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21907,, 2025.

EGU25-193 | ECS | Posters on site | SM6.2

Lg-wave attenuation tomography in the Alaskan mainland: Implications for the formation of volcanic gap and clustered volcanism 

Geng Yang, Lian-Feng Zhao, XIao-Bi Xie, Xi He, Lei Zhang, and Zhen-Xing Yao

The Alaskan mainland overlies the subducting Pacific plate and Yakutat microplate as they subduct beneath the southern margin of the North American plate. South-central Alaska features massive volcanoes of different types, including intraplate volcanoes, Aleutian arc volcanoes, and a group of densely clustered volcanoes called the Wrangell volcanic field (WVF). How the Denali volcanic gap (DVG) formed and why the Wrangell volcanoes are clustered remain vigorously debated. Investigating the crustal thermal structure can be crucial for understanding subsurface magmatic activity. Seismic attenuation, or the quality factor Q, usually provides good constraints on the viscoelastic structure and is sensitive to thermodynamic processes in the lithosphere, such as partial melting and high-temperature magmatism. Regional Lg-waves propagating in the continental crust waveguide are an ideal phase for investigating crustal attenuation. In this study, based on vertical-component waveform data recorded by 20 permanent and temporary seismic networks in Alaska, we established a high-resolution broadband crustal Lg-wave attenuation model for Alaska and nearby regions. Strong Lg attenuation is observed beneath the volcanoes in south-central Alaska, indicating thermal anomalies and possible melting in the crust. In contrast, the central Yakutat terrane and DVG are characterized by weak Lg attenuation, suggesting the existence of a cool crust that prevents hot mantle materials from invading the crust. This cool crust is likely the reason for the DVG. Quarter-toroidal crustal melting with strong attenuation is revealed around the Yakutat terrane. This curved zone of crustal melting, possibly driven by toroidal mantle flow, weakly connects the Wrangell and Buzzard Creek-Jumbo Dome magmatic chambers.

This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42430306 and 42404067), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2024M751295) and the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of CPSF (GZC20240638).

How to cite: Yang, G., Zhao, L.-F., Xie, X.-B., He, X., Zhang, L., and Yao, Z.-X.: Lg-wave attenuation tomography in the Alaskan mainland: Implications for the formation of volcanic gap and clustered volcanism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-193,, 2025.

EGU25-718 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

Two-station Lg wave attenuation tomography in  Central-Southwest China 

Yansong Hu, Youlin Chen, and Ruifeng Liu

Understanding Lg wave attenuation provides valuable insights into crustal properties such as temperature, partial melting, and fractures, making it a crucial tool for studying crustal material flow in tectonically active regions. Central-southwestern China, encompassing the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Sichuan Basin, Qinling Orogenic Belt, and nearby areas, is a key region for such research due to its complex tectonic activity driven by the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. However, many questions remain about the pathways and barriers that influence the eastward migration of crustal material from the Tibetan Plateau. To tackle these challenges, we treat unresolved 3-D structural effects in Lg spectral amplitude as Gaussian-distributed modeling errors. This approach supports our SVD-based inversion method, enabling reliable estimation of crustal attenuation and thorough evaluation of model resolution and reliability. By incorporating site response corrections into the traditional two-station (TS) method and integrating it with reversed two-station (RTS) and reversed two-event (RTE) techniques, we effectively minimized the impact of source and site effects, enhancing the accuracy of attenuation tomography. Utilizing over 34,000 Lg waveforms from 257 crustal earthquakes, we constructed a high-resolution broadband Lg wave attenuation model across a frequency range of 0.05–10.0 Hz. The findings reveal complex attenuation patterns that correlate with regional tectonic and crustal features, offering fresh insights into the pathways and barriers affecting the eastward flow of material from the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Hu, Y., Chen, Y., and Liu, R.: Two-station Lg wave attenuation tomography in  Central-Southwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-718,, 2025.

EGU25-871 | ECS | Posters on site | SM6.2

Seismic attenuation tomography: new insights into fluid dynamics in the Northern Calabrian region (Italy)  

Malik Adam Alddoum Adam, Luca De Siena, Debora Presti, Silvia Scolaro, and Cristina Totaro

In recent years, 3D seismic velocity models of the southern Apennines–Calabrian Arc border region have improved the definition of crustal structures at the northern edge of the Ionian subduction zone (see, e.g., Totaro et al., JoG, 2014). In this sector, a seismic gap, supported by the absence of major earthquakes in historical catalogues (, was previously hypothesized by paleoseismological evidence (Cinti et al., SRL, 2015). In the upper crust, a low-velocity anomaly of both P- and S-waves was detected between the Calabrian and southern Apennines domains, characterized by higher velocities (Totaro et al., JoG, 2014). The low velocity- anomaly may be related to fluid rising along several SW-NE-oriented faults crossing Italy from the Tyrrhenian to the Ionian coasts (Minissale et al., Earth-Sci Rev, 2019). Seismic-wave attenuation is highly sensitive to fluid storage within geological structures. When scattering attenuation and absorption, the two primary attenuation mechanisms, are separated and mapped in space and time, they can constrain fluid migrations through tectonic structures (Reiss et al., GRL, 2022; Gabrielli et al., GRL  2023). For this study, we collected 3690 waveforms from 112 earthquakes (M≥3.0, hypocentral depth≤20km) that occurred in the area between September 2004 and October 2024. We used the MuRAT3.0 suite (De Siena et al., JVGR, 2014; Napolitano et al., SR, 2024) to map proxies of scattering attenuation and absorption (peak-delay times and late-time coda attenuation) in space. The results mark the presence of high-attenuation anomalies, potentially associated with sources of geothermal energy comprised in the low-velocity anomaly described by Totaro et al. (JoG, 2014). Seismic attenuation models provide complementary information to velocity tomography on the area's complex 3D structure. The results are jointly interpreted with those coming from geophysical and geological investigations (e.g., Totaro et al., BSSA, 2015; Brozzetti et al., JStructGeol, 2017; De Ritis et al., Tectonics, 2019), fully characterizing the crustal structure of the study area.

How to cite: Adam Alddoum Adam, M., De Siena, L., Presti, D., Scolaro, S., and Totaro, C.: Seismic attenuation tomography: new insights into fluid dynamics in the Northern Calabrian region (Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-871,, 2025.

EGU25-1937 | Posters on site | SM6.2

 MuRAT3: A new generation of Multi-ResolutionAttenuation Tomography. 

Luca De Siena and the MuRAT Team

Seismic attenuation has long been an important measurable property of rocks, valuable for eliminating path information from source models and understanding seismic hazards. Over the last 30 years, total attenuation and its two primary components—seismic scattering and absorption—have emerged as state-of-the-art tomographic attributes ranging from planets to the core, to the lithosphere, to rocks. Following the rise of seismic interferometry, stochastic seismic wavefields, once the exclusive domain of the “Heterogeneous Earth” community, have now become vital data for attenuation tomography in tectonic and volcanic settings.

Despite the importance of seismic tomography for Earth Sciences, few open-access codes combine the rigorous treatment of seismic data with novel tomographic tools in a collaborative environment. MuRAT has been a complete solution for seismic attenuation, scattering, and absorption imaging since 2014. It includes modules that provide coherent- and incoherent-wave forward models based on ray theory and radiative transfer equations that seismologists can define using simple SAC files. Fully coded in Matlab©, it links to community-wide inversion packages and is thought of as a fully cooperative environment based on GitHub. The package has been applied to all crustal scales, from stable continental regions to hundreds-meter- active surveys in volcanic areas.

MuRAT3 ( is the first full 3D release of this code. It is specifically designed to integrate state-of-the-art forward-modelling tools from seismology to push current frequency and scale boundaries in seismic attenuation imaging. Here, I will present the last benchmark in attenuation imaging, illustrating how the code works, its success stories, its limitations, and the direction to follow to mitigate them.

How to cite: De Siena, L. and the MuRAT Team:  MuRAT3: A new generation of Multi-ResolutionAttenuation Tomography., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1937,, 2025.

EGU25-2326 | Posters on site | SM6.2

Seismic Q model and lithosphere rheology in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau 

Lian-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Bi Xie, Xi He, Ruo-Jie Li, Xu Chang, and Zhen-Xing Yao

The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an area with the youngest uplift, strongest deformation, and frequent occurrence of large earthquakes. Seismic velocity can constrain the lithosphere's rheological strength and crustal flow distribution, allowing the deformation to be explored for the crust and upper mantle. However, seismic velocity is related to rock strength and composition and reflects the rock's elastic behavior. As a direct anelastic observation of deep temperature and rheological strength, seismic attenuation can decrease the multiplicity of geodynamic interpretation. We construct a broadband high-resolution attenuation model for the lithosphere in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau by using regional seismic phases propagating in the crust and uppermost mantle. A rheological strength structure was obtained from a seismic attenuation model of the lithosphere. The dynamic origins of the distribution of soft, ductile materials can be investigated. Hence, the tectonic evolution and seismogenic environment under the lithospheric compression and collision can be detected in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2139206).

How to cite: Zhao, L.-F., Xie, X.-B., He, X., Li, R.-J., Chang, X., and Yao, Z.-X.: Seismic Q model and lithosphere rheology in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2326,, 2025.

The Wave Gradiometry Method (WGM) measures spatial gradients of the wavefield within a subarray to extract phase velocity, wave propagation direction, amplitude perturbation, and radiation pattern within a subarray (Langston, 2007; Cao et al., 2020; Liang et al., 2023). The phase velocity can then be analyzed with respect to azimuths to determine azimuthal anisotropy. The Azimuth-Dependent Dispersion Curve Inversion (ADDCI, Liang et al., 2020) method is used in conjunction with the WGM to extract both 3D velocity and 3D azimuthal anisotropy. Amplitude perturbation accounts for geometrical spreading relative to propagation distance, intrinsic attenuation, and wave scattering within the medium. By eliminating the effects of scattering and geometrical spreading, the dispersion curve of attenuation is obtained, allowing for the determination of the medium's 3D attenuation.

The method is applied to the seismic waveforms collected by the ChinArray conducted in the southeastern Tibetan plateau. The arrays have an average station spacing of 35km. Our results show large variations in fast propagation directions (FPD) and magnitude of anisotropy (MOAs) with depths and blocks. The FPDs are positively correlated with plate moving directions measured by GPS. Low-velocity zones (LVZs) in the middle to lower crust are widely distributed in the Songpan Ganze Terrane and the north Chuan-Dian block. However, the LVZs are not well represented across the Lijiang-Xiaojinghe fault towards the southeastern Tibetan plateau. Low 1/Q values are found in the Sichuan basin and Emeishan Large Igneous Province at all depths. For the Tibetan plateau, low 1/Q values are found at depths shallower than 50km, while high 1/Q values are present at 50km and deeper depths. The low attenuation, combined with the FPDs being dominantly perpendicular to the movement directions of the materials, contradicts the lower crust flow model. However, the pure shearing crust shortening model, which involves the thrusting and folding of the upper crust and the lateral extrusion of blocks, may be the primary mechanism responsible for the growth of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau.


Liang, C., Cao, F., Liu, Z., & Chang, Y. (2023). A review of the wave gradiometry method for seismic imaging. Earthquake Science, 36(3), 254-281.

Cao, F., C.Liang*, Yihai Yang, Lu Zhou, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhen Liu (2022). 3D velocity and anisotropy of the southeastern Tibetan plateau extracted by joint inversion of wave gradiometry, ambient noise, and receiver function, Tectonophysics,

Liang, C., Liu, Z., Hua, Q., Wang, L., Jiang, N., & Wu, J. (2020). The 3D seismic azimuthal anisotropies and velocities in the eastern Tibetan Plateau extracted by an azimuth‐dependent dispersion curve inversion method. Tectonics, 39, e2019TC005747.

Langston C A. Wave gradiometry in two dimensions (2007). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97(2): 401-416,

How to cite: Liang, C. and Cao, F.: The 3D attenuation and anisotropy structure extracted by the Wavegradiometry method resolves the uplift mechanism of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2351,, 2025.

EGU25-3594 | Orals | SM6.2

Revealing fault damage zones using ambient noise tomography 

Xin Liu, Gregory Beroza, Yehuda Ben-Zion, and Hongyi Li

The fault damage zone is a region surrounding an earthquake fault interface where rocks are significantly fractured due to tectonic movements and historical large earthquakes on the fault. The rock fractures within the damage zone absorb and scatter seismic waves, causing amplitude decay in different frequency ranges. In this study, we use ambient noise attenuation tomography to image the fault damage zones in two tectonic settings: a transform fault in southern California and a thrust fault in western Sichuan. According to dynamic rupture models, a preferred rupture direction leads to asymmetric damage zones adjacent to the fault interface. In the Ramona array example for the San Jacinto Fault, the velocity contrast across the strike-slip fault interface leads to a preferred rupture direction towards northwest, resulting in more pronounced damage on the side with higher-velocity at depth. In the Hongkou array example for the Longmenshan Fault, significant rock damage is observed at ~ 1 km depth in the footwall side of the thrust fault interface due to upward rupture propagation from seismogenic depths. Combined with ambient noise differential adjoint tomography, a more detailed S-wave velocity model can be derived, facilitating the interpretation of tectonic structure across the fault interface and further constraining the asymmetric nature of the observed fault damage zones as predicted by dynamic rupture models.

How to cite: Liu, X., Beroza, G., Ben-Zion, Y., and Li, H.: Revealing fault damage zones using ambient noise tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3594,, 2025.

EGU25-3917 | Posters on site | SM6.2

High-resolution Lg attenuation structure of the Colombian crust and its implications for the volcanic mechanism and plate boundary 

Baofeng Tian, Zhen Liu, Lian-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Bi Xie, Carlos A. Vargas, and Zhen-Xing Yao

      A typical triple junction in Colombia is critical for understanding the plate convergence and coupling among the South American plate and the subducting Nazca and Caribbean plates (González et al., 2023). However, locating this triple junction is challenging due to the complex geodynamic evolution and uncertainty in the plate boundaries. Magmatic arc activity has been diverse and discontinuous due to varying subduction angles, resulting in blocks with distinct rheological properties and thermal structures (Lagardère and Vargas, 2021). Seismic Lg waves are a prominent phase in high-frequency regional seismograms (e.g., Gutenberg). Compared with velocity data, seismic wave attenuation is more sensitive to deep materials' temperature and rheological strength (Boyd et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2013). Therefore, we developed a high-resolution Lg-wave attenuation model for Colombia and surrounding areas to constrain crustal magmatic activity, linking deep dynamic processes with surface volcanism and determining potential plate boundaries at the crustal scale. The ancient and stable Guinan Shield is characterized by weak Lg attenuation. In contrast, the area encompassing Central America, western Colombia, and Ecuador features strong Lg attenuation and concentrated volcanoes, indicating thermal anomalies or partial melting in the crust. Low QLg is shown near the Caldas tear along 5.5°N, speculating that a hydrothermal uplift channel caused by the Nazca plate tear may exist at depth. Based on our results and other geological and geophysical data, the thermal distribution due to the subduction of the Nazca and Caribbean plates suggests that the boundary between the subducting Nazca and Caribbean slabs beneath the South American plate may be located at 7.5°N, and that the potential location of the triple junction may be located at 7.5°N, 77°W. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2139206, 41974061, 41974054).


Boyd, O. S., Jones, C. H., & Sheehan, A. F. (2004). Foundering Lithosphere Imaged Beneath the Southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Science, 305(5684), 660–662.
Hey, R., 1977. Tectonic evolution of the Cocos-Nazca spreading center. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 88, 1404.
González, R., Oncken, O., Faccenna, C., Le Breton, E., Bezada, M., Mora, A., 2023. Kinematics and Convergent Tectonics of the Northwestern South American Plate During the Cenozoic. Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems 24, e2022GC010827.
Lagardère, C., Vargas, C.A., 2021. Earthquake distribution and lithospheric rheology beneath the Northwestern Andes, Colombia. Geod. Geodyn. 12, 1–10.
Kellogg, J.N., Vega, V., Stailings, T.C., Aiken, C.L.V., Kellogg, J.N., 1995. Tectonic development of Panama, Costa Rica, and the Colombian Andes: Constraints from Global Positioning System geodetic studies and gravity, in: Geological Society of America Special Papers. Geological Society of America, pp. 75–90.
Vargas, C.A., Ochoa, L.H., Caneva, A., 2019. Estimation of the thermal structure beneath the volcanic arc of the northern Andes by coda wave attenuation tomography. Front. Earth Sci. 7, 208. 
Zhao, L.-F., Xie, X.-B., He, J.-K., Tian, X., & Yao, Z.-X. (2013). Crustal flow pattern beneath the Tibetan Plateau constrained by regional Lg-wave Q tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 383, 113–122. 

How to cite: Tian, B., Liu, Z., Zhao, L.-F., Xie, X.-B., Vargas, C. A., and Yao, Z.-X.: High-resolution Lg attenuation structure of the Colombian crust and its implications for the volcanic mechanism and plate boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3917,, 2025.

EGU25-4001 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

Evidence for Weak Attenuation in Mars’s Deep Mantle 

Jiaqi Li

Surface or shallow subsurface water and ice have been reported on Mars, but sustaining life requires more than just the presence of liquid water. A mechanism to preserve water over geological timescales is essential, and a deep-water reservoir could fulfill this role. However, the volatile content of Mars’ deeper mantle remains poorly constrained. Using seismic data from global tectonic marsquakes and meteorite impacts recorded by the InSight mission, we observed weak attenuation in Mars’ deep mantle (500–1500 km) relative to Earth’s. This weak attenuation likely results from lower water content, larger grain size, and/or reduced oxygen fugacity in the martian mantle. Assuming mantle mineral grain sizes on Mars are similar to those on Earth, Mars’ upper mantle appears relatively dry, with water content estimated at less than 13–24% of Earth’s. If deep water exists on Mars today, it is most likely confined to the basal mantle layer (~ 1550–1700 km) at the core-mantle boundary, potentially the only viable deep-water reservoir for the red planet.

How to cite: Li, J.: Evidence for Weak Attenuation in Mars’s Deep Mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4001,, 2025.

EGU25-5292 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

3D Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structures of the eastern Sino-Korean Craton 

Yanbing Liu, Tae-Kyung Hong, Junhyung Lee, Seongjun Park, Samuel Celis, Jeongin Lee, and Byeongwoo Kim

This study investigates the three-dimensional seismic velocity and attenuation structures of the eastern Sino-Korean Craton through the analysis of an extensive dataset from China and South Korea. The dataset comprises 87,260 earthquakes recorded by 680 Chinese seismic stations since 2008 and 5,400 earthquakes recorded by 483 South Korean stations since 2017. The methodological framework includes 1D velocity model inversion, event relocation, and manual picking of Pg, Pn, Sg, and Sn arrivals, assisted by a machine-learning-based picking approach. A modified ray-tracing technique, optimized for tracking later Pg and Sg arrivals, is employed in double-difference velocity tomography to construct the velocity model. Attenuation factors (t*) for P-waves and S-waves are estimated via source spectral analysis. These factors, combined with the velocity model and arrival time data obtained in velocity tomography, are integrated into attenuation tomography. The dense coverage of seismic ray paths across the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea enhances resolution, particularly in the boundary regions between mainland China and the Korean Peninsula.

The results identify a high-velocity zone extending from the Sulu Orogenic Belt northeastward through the northern and central Yellow Sea to the western Korean Peninsula, corresponding to the collision zone between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean blocks. Additionally, a low-velocity zone is observed from the crust of the South Yellow Sea to the mantle beneath Halla Volcano, suggesting post-collision extensional processes in the southern Yellow Sea Basin and a potential connection to volcanic activity. Preliminary seismic attenuation results exhibit features generally consistent with the velocity structure, providing insights into the region’s geodynamic evolution and comprehensive understanding of its tectonic and geological history.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Hong, T.-K., Lee, J., Park, S., Celis, S., Lee, J., and Kim, B.: 3D Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structures of the eastern Sino-Korean Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5292,, 2025.

EGU25-5308 | Orals | SM6.2

3D anelastic full waveform modeling and inversion 

Nian Wang, Yang Shen, and Dinghui Yang

Anelasticity is an intrinsic property of the Earth that causes energy reduction of propagating seismic waves. Accurate 3D anelastic full waveform modeling and inversion are important for imaging high resolution velocity and attenuation structures of the Earth, which will provide crucial insights into the plate tectonics and geodynamic processes. In the presence of strong attenuation, wavefield simulation requires a strong stability preserving time discretization scheme. Otherwise, wavefield simulation could be inaccurate or unstable over time if not well treated. In this work, we choose the optimal strong stability preserving Runge Kutta (SSPRK) method for the temporal discretization and apply the fourth order MacCormack scheme for the spatial discretization. Theoretical and numerical analyses show that, compared with the traditional fourth order Runge-Kutta method, the SSPRK has a larger stability condition number and can better suppress numerical dispersion. As a result, our method can largely improve the computational efficiency during numerical modeling. Based on our forward anelastic modeling method and in the framework of the scattering integral method, we develop a new method for computing the 3D waveform sensitivity kernels that accounts for full physical-dispersion and dissipation attenuation. The Northwestern United States region is chosen as an example to verify the accuracy of the computed 3D velocity and attenuation sensitivity kernels. Finally, we construct a 3D high resolution model of velocity and attenuation structure of the crust and upper mantle in Eastern Tibet using real seismic waveform data, which provides important constraints on the processes of crustal and mantle extrusion in Eastern Tibet.


Nian Wang is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42204056) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021M690087).


How to cite: Wang, N., Shen, Y., and Yang, D.: 3D anelastic full waveform modeling and inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5308,, 2025.

3D attenuation tomography of the upper mantle is important for understanding the temperature and rheological structures of the Earth’s interior as well as the related geodynamic features and mechanisms. However, robust surface-wave attenuation tomography is still challenging due to the strong trade-off between the intrinsic attenuation and the scattering due to the complex effects of 3D wave-speed and density heterogeneities in the surface-wave amplitude records. Based on tracking surface-wave travel times and amplitudes from seismic array data, here we upgraded the theory of Helmholtz tomography by accounting for the scattering effects and present a new method called Helmholtz Multi-Event Tomography to invert for the variation of surface-wave attenuation. The synthetic inversions based on 3D forward simulations in anelastic media validate the effectiveness of our new method. We then demonstrated the resulting surface-wave attenuation model can be applied to an iterative depth inversion that reveals the 3D variation of intrinsic attenuation of the upper mantle. Our study provides an innovate and promise way to generate accurate and precise attenuation models of the upper mantle from surface-wave data with low computational cost.

How to cite: Bao, X. and Wang, N.: Upper-Mantle Attenuation Tomography Using Surface Waves Recorded by Regional 2D Seismic Arrays, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5378,, 2025.

In volcanic areas, seismic attenuation is greatly influenced by the presence of hot rocks and magma. This makes the spatial distribution of attenuation highly inhomogeneous and three-dimensional. The attenuation model can be expressed in terms of the attenuation coefficient α or the quality factor Q, both of which depend on the frequency of seismic waves. Hot rocks and magma affect especially S-wave propagation very strongly. In addition to attenuation, the S-wave velocity and the ratio of P-wave and S-wave velocities also change significantly.

To find the relationship between seismic S-wave attenuation and S-wave velocity, we studied the Reykjanes Peninsula region in SW Iceland, where intense volcanic activity has been ongoing since 2019. This area is monitored by the local seismic network REYKJANET, which consists of 17 stations. We have used 8602 seismic rays that link 680 earthquake foci to the Reykjanet stations. We determined the average value of the α and Q attenuation parameters as a function of frequency. We also determined the average seismic velocities vp and vs along these rays. We calculated the correlation between attenuation and seismic velocities. It turns out that there is a statistically significant dependence between these parameters.

The findings can be used to map the occurrence of magma in the upper crust in volcanic regions and thus contribute to the prediction of volcanic eruptions.

How to cite: Malek, J. and Fojtikova, L.: Correlation between seismic attenuation and S-wave velocity in the volcanic region of Reykjanes, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5672,, 2025.

EGU25-6331 | Posters on site | SM6.2

Discerning crustal deformation patterns beneath Sikkim Himalaya 

Chandrani Singh, Abhisek Dutta, and Arun Singh

Sikkim Himalaya is an actively deforming part of the Himalayan orogen which formed as a result of an impactful continental-continental collision. Recent studies have characterized the region by bimodal seismicity resulting from a dynamic multi-fault system against the backdrop of spatially varying geological and geophysical features. In this study, we attempt to map the distribution of crustal inhomogeneity beneath Sikkim Himalaya using peak delay time (Tpd) analysis of the S-wave envelope. Quantitative estimations at 6 Hz central frequency shows predominant path dependence (B > 0.5) suggesting strong multiple forward scattering due to presence of inhomogeneities. Further, we produced 3-D peak delay perturbation (ΔLog(Tpd)) map to investigate the depth distribution of inhomogeneities. Spatial variation maps at six distinct depths reveal high ΔLog(Tpd) between 0-15 km in the south, southwestern Sikkim, and eastern Nepal region which elucidate the presence of a highly heterogeneous decollement surface along which the Indian plate is underthrusting beneath the Tibetan plateau. On the contrary, the shallow crust of northern Sikkim portrays negative ΔLog(Tpd) which evidences an undeformed medium, corroborated with the lack of seismicity at shallower depths. Investigation of the depth section along the southeast-northwest direction reveals a zone of highly deformed crust across MHT with prevalent micro-seismic activity. The said zone coincides with low S-wave velocity and low coda attenuation parameter which transpires to the presence of numerous inhomogeneities with the possible presence of fluid as well. We also observe deformation in the foothills of Himalaya possibly induced due to the upliftment of the Shillong plateau.  

How to cite: Singh, C., Dutta, A., and Singh, A.: Discerning crustal deformation patterns beneath Sikkim Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6331,, 2025.

EGU25-6650 | ECS | Posters on site | SM6.2

Multi-scale attenuative imaging of the Collalto UGS area and the Montello thrust system (eastern Southern Alps, Italy) 

Donato Talone, Romano Maria Adelaide, De Siena Luca, Guidarelli Mariangela, Santulin Marco, Peruzza Laura, Lavecchia Giusy, and de Nardis Rita

Seismic attenuation tomography is a valuable geophysical method for imaging complex geological assessments at local and regional scales. It effectively detects melt, fractures, and strain conditions in rocks, and its reliability has been confirmed through laboratory experiments.

This study focuses on locating the Collalto underground gas storage (UGS) in the eastern Southern Alps of Northern Italy through seismic attenuation tomography. It represents the first multiscale attenuation imaging of the Montello thrust, which belongs to the segment of the Alpine boundary thrust covering about 100 km from Vicenza to Pordenone. The region faces medium to high seismic hazards, monitored by a local seismic network managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics in Trieste.

Using data from this network and the Murat code, we analyzed scattering, absorption, and total attenuation, interpreting results alongside geological-structural data. Our models confirm the principal attitude of the Montello thrust system, also highlighting minor faults that distribute deformation and seismic activity.

At a local scale, the absorption model highlights the methane-rich volume (Collalto UGS) as notably attenuative, indicating the method's effectiveness in detecting fluids. It also reveals deeper attenuative patches that anti-correlate with seismicity, suggesting a deeper layer of fluids likely influencing tectonic behavior.

These results open the path for further interdisciplinary research to develop comprehensive seismotectonic models integrating seismic activity with rock properties and deformation patterns.

How to cite: Talone, D., Maria Adelaide, R., Luca, D. S., Mariangela, G., Marco, S., Laura, P., Giusy, L., and Rita, D. N.: Multi-scale attenuative imaging of the Collalto UGS area and the Montello thrust system (eastern Southern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6650,, 2025.

Layering or stratification, as well as volume (spatial) heterogeneity and rough boundaries between the layers (the interface roughness), are ubiquitously present in natural environments and caused by combination of many processes, for instance, by regular gravity-controlled vertical sedimentation, as well as continuous and discrete irregularity due to granular microstructure, presence of solid inclusions, gas bubbles, voids, and spatial fluctuations of their volume concentration. In this paper, we consider wave propagation, scattering, and attenuation in a stack of elastic layers with various types of irregularities (or scattering mechanisms), represented by volume heterogeneity within the layers and roughness of the interfaces in between, and given by spatial continuous and discrete variations of material parameters. A general idea of suggested here theoretical approach originates from one used in acoustics to consider underwater sound propagation for calculating the coefficient of reflection of compressional plane waves from a stack of fluid homogeneous layers with flat interfaces (modeling, for example, discretely stratified water-like sediments) using the reflection coefficients of each interface. We show that a similar, but a more general matrix approach, can be developed to include scattering mechanisms, such as interface roughness and volume heterogeneity, as well as different types of media and waves, for instance compressional and shear seismic waves (vertically and horizontally polarized) in elastic, viscoelastic, and poroelastic layers. A general full-wave solution for an arbitrary number of such layers is described in terms of transition matrix coefficients, or T-matrixes, taken from a set of simpler solutions for a plane wave transformation, reflection and scattering from, and transmission through, a single layer located between two homogeneous half-spaces and therefore isolated from interactions with other boundaries. Inside of this layer, for simplicity, scattering mechanisms are isolated as well - either a rough interface or volume heterogeneity is allowed. These simplified T-matrix solutions (found separately for each “isolated” layer and interface of the system) provide inputs to a set of integral equations which describe interactions between different layers and interfaces. Then a general solution, the scattering amplitude or T-matrix of the whole stack of layers can be obtained using an iterative procedure that starts from a simple case of two half-spaces at the basement. As an example, scattering from a heterogeneous elastic layer is considered resulting in explicit expressions for the coherent reflection loss and the incoherent scattering strength. Applications to remote sensing of underwater sediments and sea ice are discussed. [Work supported by ONR and BSF].

How to cite: Ivakin, A.: Modeling of wave propagation in multi-layered environments with rough interfaces and volume heterogeneities: A T-matrix approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7512,, 2025.

In local earthquake seismology depth-dependent elastic models of P- and S-wave velocities are indispensable, e. g. to locate earthquakes. If not only travel times but also amplitudes of seismic waves are important, elastic Earth models are insufficient and visco-elastic models are required to include intrinsic absorption of seismic waves. This applies e. g. to the estimation of moment magnitudes and to physics-based ground motion modeling in seismic hazard analysis. The estimation of seismic attenuation parameters of the Earth is significantly more difficult than the estimation of velocities for two reasons: (1) Scattering attenuation as well as intrinsic absorption contribute to the attenuation of seismic waves and it is essential to separate these two effects. (2) Seismic attenuation parameters are inherently frequency dependent, whereas the frequency dependence of seismic P- and S-wave velocities can be neglected in almost all cases. Due to the lack of information, attenuation is often completely neglected in seismic wave simulation, standard values for seismic Q are used, or frequency dependence and depth dependence are ignored. To solve this issue, we develop a computer code, 'QEST - Q estimation'. The code is based on a forward modeling using radiative transfer theory in depth-dependent velocity and attenuation models and a global inversion scheme based on a genetic algorithm. Besides frequency and depth dependent intrinsic as well as scattering attenuation parameters, earthquake source spectra and frequency dependent site amplifications are also a result of the inversion with QEST. We applied the technique to seismograms of earthquakes in three regions: the Upper Rhine Graben (Germany), the Leipzig-Regensburg fault zone (Germany) and the Alaska Subduction Zone (Alaska). These regions were selected to represent exemplary areas with thick sedimentary layers, without thick sedimentary layers and the lithosphere and asthenosphere, respectively. Results show a clear depth and frequency dependence of both, scattering attenuation as well as intrinsic absorption, within the thick sediments of the graben. In contrast, the Leipzig-Regensburg fault zone exhibits a clear frequency dependence of the attenuation parameters, albeit only a smaller depth dependence, while the results of the Alaska Subduction Zone show a depth and frequency dependence that is particularly evident in the scattering attenuation.

How to cite: van Laaten, M. and Wegler, U.: Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation of Shear Waves: Depth- and Frequency-Dependent Attenuation Insights using the QEST Code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8259,, 2025.

EGU25-8713 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2 | Highlight

Global Lower Mantle Attenuation Model and the Origin of Lower Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities 

Shuyang Sun, Stephanie Durand, Yanick Ricard, and Eric Debayle

The details of heterogeneities in the lower mantle have increased considerably during the last decades thanks to seismic imaging revealing ULVZs, D” layer, PERM anomaly and now mega-ULVZs. However, the origin of these anomalies is actively debated, as seismic velocities alone cannot disentangle between thermal or compositional origins. Seismic attenuation can provide an additional perspective to seismic velocity for constraining physical properties of the lower mantle heterogeneities. In this study, we aim to develop the first 3D global model of body wave attenuation (Q) in the lower mantle using various S-phase measurements. To maximize the depth and spatial coverage, we incorporate multiple phases (S, SS, SSS, SSSS), core phases (ScS, ScSScS, ScSScSScS), Sdiff and their depth phases (e.g., sS, sScS, sSdiff). We process > 80, 000 seismic data recorded on more than 2000 global seismic stations from earthquakes occurring during 2009-2023. We measure differential anelastic delay times between the observed S phases and the same phases on 3D synthetics using the instantaneous frequency matching method in period range of 100 ~ 10 seconds. These synthetic seismograms are computed in 3D mantle model S40RTS and crust model CRUST1.0 using SPECFEM3D-globe, which can fully account for the effect of 3D heterogeneities, allowing for reliable attenuation measurements. The differential anelastic time delays exhibit abnormally large variations for all S phases, reflecting the complexity of the data potentially brought by the elastic effects. Despite this, the average differential anelastic time delays for all S phases remain consistently negative across all epicentral distances and generally decrease with increasing epicentral distances, suggesting that the Earth is, on average, less attenuating than the PREM model. We further find that the scattering of differential anelastic time delays can be significantly reduced, and abnormal measurements effectively excluded, when the waveform similarity of observed and synthetic phases is high. This is likely because, in such cases, uncertainties arising from factors like source mechanisms and heterogeneity are substantially minimized. We perform a 1D tomographic inversion using high-similarity data. The preliminary 1D attenuation model we obtain is similar to PREM model, with lower attenuation in the lower mantle and the highest attenuation in the upper mantle, roughly corresponding to the depth range of the low velocity zone. However, the Q values in our model are approximately 1.5 times larger than the Q values in PREM model. Next, we will perform 3D tomographic inversion and subsequently integrate this 3D Q model with global 3D shear wave models to jointly invert for the thermo-chemical state of the lower mantle.

How to cite: Sun, S., Durand, S., Ricard, Y., and Debayle, E.: Global Lower Mantle Attenuation Model and the Origin of Lower Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8713,, 2025.

The North China Craton (NCC) was formed from the Archean to the Paleoproterozoic and is one of the oldest cratons in the world, which can be divided into three parts: the Western Block, the Eastern Block, and the Central Orogenic Belt. Since the Mesozoic, the NCC has experienced significant destruction and transformation, and has developed a large number of extensional structures, accompanied by intense magmatic activity, metal minerals and oil and gas resources. Many seismic velocity tomography studies have been conducted in NCC, however, there are very few seismic attenuation tomography studies in the region. For this reason, this study collects P- and S-wave seismograms from ~6,000 earthquakes recorded by 477 permanent and 111 temporary stations in North China from 2013 to 2017, and uses body wave attenuation tomography to determine its three-dimensional attenuation structure of the crust and uppermost mantle.

We first use the seismic amplitude spectrum to determine about 60,000 P-wave t* and 57,000 S-wave t* data, and use the spectrum ratio method of Guo and Thurber (2021) to construct event-pair differential t* data. By using both absolute and differential t* data, we determined 3D Qp and Qs models of the NCC lithosphere with grid intervals of 0.5°×0.5° in the horizontal directions and 10 km in the depth. Overall. the Q features in the crust correspond well to the regional geological structures. In the shallow depths, thicker sedimentary zones are associated with low Q values, such as the Bohai Bay Basin and the western part of the Central Orogenic Belt (COB). Relatively low Q values are also associated with fault zones, such as the Tanlu fault zone and the Zhangbo fault zone. In addition, the Hetao rift and the Weihe rift zones  also have relatively low Q values. Beneath the Datong volcanic field, evident low Q values extend from the crust to the upper mantle, suggesting the existence of partial melting.

In comparison, the Yanshan orogenic belt has significantly higher Q values. In the uppermost mantle, both Qp and Qs models have high values in the eastern part of the NCC, and the COB and western part have lower Q values. Across the North-South Gravity Lineament, there is a sharp change of Q values with lower to the west and higher to the east. We will combine Qp and Qs models with the available velocity models to further understand the destruction and dynamic processes of the NCC.

How to cite: Zhang, H. and Wang, J.: Three-dimensional seismic body wave attenuation tomography of the North China Craton : implications for craton destruction and transformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8983,, 2025.

EGU25-9352 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

3D Scattering and Absorption Imaging of the Jammu and Kashmir Himalaya 

Dibyajyoti Chaudhuri, Amarjeet Kumar, Supriyo Mitra, Sunil Wanchoo, and Keith Priestley

The NW Himalayan "seismic gap" spanning the meisoseismal zone of the 1555-Kashmir earthquake, is located between the rupture zones of the 1905 and 2005 earthquakes. Knowledge of the lateral variation in seismic attenuation across this orogenic belt is crucial to estimate ground shaking from future earthquakes. To this end, we use recordings from the Jammu and Kashmir Seismological NETwork to compute the 3D S-wave attenuation (through coda-normalization) and, jointly separate and map the frequency dependent seismic absorption (from coda quality factors) and scattering (from peak delay times) contributions. Our findings reveal strong variations in these parameters throughout the region which are controlled by the differences in crustal structure and rheology. Maps at shallow depths show patches of both high and low attenuation throughout the Sub-Himalaya and the Lesser Himalaya relating to differences in sediment thicknesses or rheology. The regions adjoining the reentrants of MFT south of the Reasi Thrust, and those of the MBT and MCT, SW and SE of the Kishtwar Window display high absorption characteristics, conspicuous across all frequencies and this pattern does alter significantly as depth increases (~20 km). The Kishtwar window, hosting crystalline rocks, is marked by lower attenuation overall but higher attenuation in patches to the south and north, as we go deeper. Surprisingly, high absorption of energy is visible throughout the window across all frequencies. SW of the window, near the MCT reentrant, a broad patch of high absorption coincides with the lateral ramp of the MHT and continues all through in the SE direction. The Kashmir Valley, where sedimentary rocks overlie the crystalline basement shows lateral variations of low and high Q and Qc (absorption), with the Pir Panjal Ranges to its south showing high S-wave attenuation, low absorption and high scattering. At greater depths however this entire zone is marked by high attenuation, high absorption but low scattering which may be a signature of the structure of the top of the underthrusting Indian Plate and/or the frontal-lateral ramps on the MHT.

How to cite: Chaudhuri, D., Kumar, A., Mitra, S., Wanchoo, S., and Priestley, K.: 3D Scattering and Absorption Imaging of the Jammu and Kashmir Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9352,, 2025.

EGU25-10045 | Posters on site | SM6.2

Attenuation P-S-waves tomography of the Amatrice-Norcia fault system from high densely recorded aftershock data 

Pasquale De Gori, Francesco Pio Lucente, Andrea Attolico, and claudio Chiarabba

We perform the attenuation local earthquake tomography (P,S, waves) of the complex fault system that ruptured a wide portion of the central Apennines, during the long lasting seismic sequence that started in 2016. Three mainshocks (the 24 August Mw 6.1, the 26 October Mw 5.9, and the 30 October Mw 6.5) hit the towns of Amatrice, Norcia and Visso causing several casualties and diffuse damages. The ruptured faults spread over an 80 km north-northwest-elongated section of a normal-faulting system. A huge amount of seismic data has been collected by permanent and temporary seismic stations since the onset of the sequence.

About 230,000 seismic events have been analyzed to retrieve P and S seismic waves arrival times, which allowed us to compute 3-D velocity structure and precise earthquake locations.

For all of the earthquakes that meet strict selection criteria based on the signal to noise ratio, we computed the low frequency spectral level and the decay of the amplitude spectra (t*) of both P- and S-waves at about 150 recording sites. In order to avoid source complexity, we selected only events with M<2 for which the source corner frequency is beyond the analysed frequency band (1-40 Hz) and the spectral decay could be modeled only by attenuation effects. A preliminary fit of the observed spectra was used to compute the amplitude residuals between the observed and modeled spectra for P- and S- waves. For each station, the mean of the overall amplitude residuals, for each frequency, contribute to define the site response, a sort of site transfer function that is used to correct the observed spectra in a second round of fit. The high-frequency spectral decays (t*) are then computed again on the corrected spectra and they are used as input for tomography.

The applied method is a powerful tool to image the elastic properties of the medium in terms of seismic energy absorption, i.e. lower or higher attenuation of seismic waves. The retrieved pattern of attenuation gives useful insights on the physical state of the rocks in the crustal volume hosting the ruptured faults during the ongoing  seismic sequence.


How to cite: De Gori, P., Lucente, F. P., Attolico, A., and Chiarabba, C.: Attenuation P-S-waves tomography of the Amatrice-Norcia fault system from high densely recorded aftershock data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10045,, 2025.

EGU25-10969 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

Generalized inversion of source, site and attenuation parameters using the radiative transfer theory: application to a French dataset 

Grégoire Heller, Olivier Sèbe, Ludovic Margerin, Paola Traversa, Jessie Mayor, and Marie Calvet

An accurate magnitude estimation is necessary to evaluate properly the seismic hazard. Unfortunately, the magnitudes of small earthquakes are subject to large uncertainties due to high-frequency propagation effects, which are generally not accurately considered. To address this issue, we developed a method to separate source, attenuation and site parameters from the elastic radiative transfer modeling of the full energy envelopes of seismograms. Our separation method is based on a 2-step inversion procedure. First, for each source-station pair, we retrieve the optimal frequency-dependent attenuation parameters (scattering and absorption) fitting the observed energy envelopes in the 0.375-24Hz band. In a second step, we separate the source and site amplification spectra using a joint inversion algorithm. The site amplification is adjusted on reference stations, characterized by approximatively flat H/V ratios. From the source spectra, we estimate the moment magnitude Mw, the corner frequency fc and the apparent stress σapp.
We applied the inversion procedure to around 21000 waveforms recorded by EPOS-FR and LDG stations at hypocentral distances less than 250 km, for earthquakes with magnitudes ML ranging from 2.0 to 5.9. The magnitudes Mw of the extracted 1300 source spectra show a high coherency of our inverted Mw with the unified Euro-Mediterranean catalogue. The comparison with the SI-Hex catalogue shows the role of attenuation variations across France in source parameters estimation. These spatial variations of attenuation are highlighted through scattering and absorption maps. σapp reveals a slight increase with Mw, but no regional differences when preforming the joint inversion. On the contrary, if source and site parameters are estimated for each event independently, σapp presents spatial variations with a systematic higher level in Western France. This regional difference is caused by a regional site effect not considered in a disjoint separation scheme in space and time across the event catalog. These results show the importance of attenuation and site correction in estimating source parameters. In the future, we intend to automate our method and apply it routinely to smaller earthquakes for which traditional methods are not readily applicable due to the complexity of waveforms.

How to cite: Heller, G., Sèbe, O., Margerin, L., Traversa, P., Mayor, J., and Calvet, M.: Generalized inversion of source, site and attenuation parameters using the radiative transfer theory: application to a French dataset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10969,, 2025.

EGU25-11209 | Posters on site | SM6.2

3D Analysis of Scattering Attenuation Before and After the February 6, 2023, Earthquake Doublet in Türkiye 

Simona Gabrielli, Aybige Akinci, Yijian Zhou, Edoardo Del Pezzo, and Luca De Siena

On February 6th, 2023, an earthquake of Mw 7.8, known as the Kahramanmaraş earthquake, struck between southern Turkey and northern Syria. The strike-slip event ruptured multiple southwestern segments of the East Anatolian Fault System (EAFS). It was followed by a severe series of aftershocks, as the Mw 7.6 Elbistan earthquake, occurred just nine hours from the Kahramanmaraş event, rupturing an east-west trending fault near the main EAFS. The Mw 6.4 Antakya aftershock occurred along a bifurcation of the EAFS.

Seismic attenuation is a powerful tool to look at variations in the crustal properties, being strongly controlled by structural irregularity and heterogeneities: fractures, temperature, and pressure variations can cause an increase or a decrease in the amplitude of seismic wave amplitude. Hence, seismic attenuation imagining can provide us with information about the areas with a variation in fracturing or other changes in the crust (Gabrielli et al., 2022; 2023; 2024).

This work aims to present an initial 3D imaging of seismic wave scattering variations before and after the February 6th earthquakes, examining their spatial and temporal changes at different frequency bands. To achieve this, we utilized distinct datasets: the first covers the period before the sequence (pre-sequence phase, January 2020 - February 5, 2023), while the second begins with the February 6 event and extends through May 2023 (sequence phase). The datasets are composed of ~48000 waveforms for the pre-sequence and ~238000 for the sequence, recorded by 64 stations, ensuring a good coverage for our analysis in the examined area. 

We calculated the peak-delay parameter, a proxy of seismic scattering, and mapped using a regionalization approach. The preliminary results show a difference between the pre-sequence and the sequence phase, with increased scattering between the  EAF main branch and the Sürgü-Çardak Fault (to the northwest). Between the EAF and the North Anatolian Fault/Bingol area, we record a constant high scattering. 

How to cite: Gabrielli, S., Akinci, A., Zhou, Y., Del Pezzo, E., and De Siena, L.: 3D Analysis of Scattering Attenuation Before and After the February 6, 2023, Earthquake Doublet in Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11209,, 2025.

EGU25-12024 | Posters on site | SM6.2

Attenuation imaging of the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy) revealed by peak delay and coda Q analysis 

Vincenzo Serlenga, Ferdinando Napolitano, Ortensia Amoroso, Valeria Giampaolo, Tony Alfredo Stabile, Luca De Siena, and Paolo Capuano

In addition to the more common elastic crustal imaging, the investigation of attenuation properties is a pivotal task for gaining insights into the geological complexities of a study area. Indeed, the availability of scattering and absorption crustal images may allow for defining the extension of both highly fractured regions in seismogenic volumes and the presence of fluids, along with their possible role in the seismic activity of the target areas. Furthermore, the possible imaging of fluid saturated rock volumes could be a significant clue about the geothermal potential of target areas.

Our study is placed in this scientific framework, thus providing an unprecedented complete attenuation image of the High Agri Valley (HAV, Southern Italy). The latter is a NW-SE elongated basin located in southern Apennines, hosting the largest onshore oil field in Western Europe. Hydrocarbons are not the only fluids of interest in the area, as a meaningful amount of sulphureous hypothermal water and gases have been found in the Tramutola site, on the western side of the valley.

The HAV is bordered by two oppositely dipping fault systems: the Eastern Agri Fault System (EAFS) to the east, and the Monti della Maddalena Fault System (MMFS) to the west. In the area, one of the strongest earthquakes in Italy occurred (the 1857 Mw 7.0 earthquake) making the High Agri Valley a region affected by a very high seismic hazard. Furthermore, in the region there is a well-documented induced seismicity due to: 1) the combined effects of the water level oscillations of the Pertusillo lake, the regional tectonics, and likely the poroelastic/elastic stress due to aquifers in the carbonate rocks; 2) the injection, through the Costa Molina 2 well, of the wastewater produced by the exploitation of the Agri Valley oilfield.

The dataset adopted for our aims consists in the seismic signals recorded in the period 2016 – 2019 by a virtual network composed of the seismic stations belonging to INGV, ENI, and INSIEME seismic networks (Stabile et al., 2020). A total number of 650 earthquakes were recorded, with hypocentral depths ranging from 0 down to 10 km. The scattering and absorption imaging were retrieved by adopting an approach combining peak delay and coda-Q methodologies, already implemented in the open source code MuRAT (De Siena et al., 2016). The preliminary results show high scattering and high absorption at depth between 2 and 3.5 km featuring Costa Molina 2 injection well location, in agreement with the interpretation of a volume fractured by high-pressure injected fluids. Other high intrinsic attenuation anomalies have been found at similar depths in the Tramutola and Pertusillo Lake areas, while a deeper strong absorption has been found in the northern HAV at greater depth (4.5 km).

How to cite: Serlenga, V., Napolitano, F., Amoroso, O., Giampaolo, V., Stabile, T. A., De Siena, L., and Capuano, P.: Attenuation imaging of the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy) revealed by peak delay and coda Q analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12024,, 2025.

EGU25-12495 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

An automatic waveform modeling method to estimate source and attenuation parameters for earthquakes       

Rodolfo Petito Penna, Aldo Zollo, Guido Russo, Sahar Nazeri, and Grazia De Landro

An automatic waveform modeling method to estimate source and attenuation parameters for earthquakes   

R. Petito Penna1, A. Zollo1,2, G. Russo2, S. Nazeri2, G. De Landro2

1 Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Napoli, Italia

2 Dipartimento di Fisica Ettore Pancini, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italia

Seismic waves in the Earth's crust experience attenuation, affecting waveform, amplitude, and duration. Anelastic attenuation is quantified by the quality factor Q, the ratio of energy lost per wave cycle to total radiated energy. Kjartansson (1979) developed a model where Q is spatially variable but frequency-independent, predicting a linear relationship between pulse width Tdc and the attenuation parameter tc* :

Here, c refers to P or S phase, Tdc is the pulse duration at the receiver, T0  is the apparent source duration, TTc  is the travel time, and Qc is the quality factor. Cdc  is a constant coefficient. This relation also applies to half duration Thdc, defined as the time between the pulse peak and its beginning.

We propose a time-domain technique to estimate source parameters and Q by measuring pulse durations (Tdc and Thdc) for P- and S-wave displacement signals in an anelastic medium. These signals are recorded at stations around epicenters with a known velocity model. Based on circular kinematic rupture models (Sato and Hirasawa, 1973; Madariaga, 1976), our method approximates the far-field displacement waveform with a scalene triangular function and finds the theoretical waveform that best fits the recorded P (or S) pulse.

For each seismic station, the procedure reads three ground motion records, calculates the displacement modulus, and detects P and S phase arrivals using a kurtosis-based technique (Ross et al., 2014). It selects a time window around each phase, searching for the best-fit triangular waveform by adjusting total duration Tdc, half duration Thdc, and peak amplitude AP. A cross-correlation function aligns real and theoretical signals, calculating the cost function:

where N is the window length, n is the time instant, AReal is the real signal amplitude, and ATheo is the theoretical amplitude. The [i, j, k] indices correspond to the i-th value of Tdc, the j-th value of Thdc and the k-th value of AP. The best-fit signal corresponds to the smallest F value, repeated across stations.

The next step is to fit total durations to travel times to estimate T0 and stress drop Δσ from the slope, providing information about the ratio Cdc/Q. Applying this to 500 earthquakes (0<Mw<4) in Nagano, Japan (November-December 2014), we found average stress drops of <ΔσP>=(0.09±0.05)MPa for P-waves and <ΔσS>=(0.04±0.03)MPa for S-waves, with average Q values <QP>=143±14 and <QS>=340±133. Cdc was set to 1.    

Kjartansson's model assumes Cdc is independent of Q, stress-drop ∆σ, and magnitude M. However, our analysis on synthetic triangular signals suggests these dependencies are present. Validating these dependencies with real signals is crucial. We show it's possible to test Cdc's dependency on magnitude, stress-drop, and Q by combining waveform fitting results with signal spectrum modeling, extending the proposed methodology's applications.

How to cite: Petito Penna, R., Zollo, A., Russo, G., Nazeri, S., and De Landro, G.: An automatic waveform modeling method to estimate source and attenuation parameters for earthquakes      , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12495,, 2025.

EGU25-12643 | ECS | Posters on site | SM6.2

Temporal and spatial variability of site response during the 2016-2017 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence 

Andrea Attolico, Pasquale De Gori, Mario Anselmi, Francesco Pio Lucente, and Elisa Tinti

The site response is critical for accurately estimating  source parameters, as it directly influences the spectral characteristics of seismic signals. Achieving reliable estimates of these parameters requires clearly distinguishing between source effects, path attenuation, and site response, which are often interdependent and subject to significant trade-offs. As highlighted in recent studies, site response reflects the amplification or damping effects of the shallow subsurface layers on seismic waves, and its accurate characterization is essential to correct the observed spectra and to improve the source parameter estimations. By accurate analysis of the site response, we aim to mitigate these uncertainties and achieve a more robust parameterization of seismic events, particularly for low-magnitude earthquakes, where these effects are more pronounced.

We analyzed the site response of seismic events during the 2016 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia, Central Italy, seismic sequence focusing on earthquakes with local magnitude Ml<2. All seismograms, recorded by the huge INGV-BGS seismic network that consists of 155 recording sites accounting for permanent and temporary seismic stations, were sampled at 100 Hz. We therefore assume that  spectral decays are dominated by path attenuation, as corner frequencies are expected to be beyond 40 Hz, the upper limit of the observable frequency range. 

The study spans from August 24 to November 30, 2016, and focuses on data from five seismic stations (NRCA, LNSS, SMA1, CAMP, RM33) located within the area hit by the seismic sequence. We selected these stations since they are representative of the activated fault system and lay on different geological units that are separated by a peculiar tectonic line that crosses the epicentral area. We performed a preliminary fit for all events, calculating, for each spectrum that exceeded the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) threshold, the low-frequency level (Ω0) and the t* attenuation parameter. This analysis was conducted while neglecting the corner frequency (fc) and assuming that the quality factor (Q) is frequency-independent. The amplitude residuals between the observed and modeled spectra for P- and S- waves, derived using the spectral residual technique, were used to calculate the site responses at the five stations. We derive the S/P amplitude ratios in time to highlight also the evolution of the site response at discrete frequencies during an ongoing sequence.   

The results provide valuable insights into the spatial and temporal variability of site-specific attenuation effects, emphasizing the dynamic role of subsurface conditions in shaping seismic wave propagation. These findings enhance our understanding of subsurface dynamics in the central Apennines and contribute to more accurate seismic hazard assessments and improved modeling of regional seismicity.

How to cite: Attolico, A., De Gori, P., Anselmi, M., Lucente, F. P., and Tinti, E.: Temporal and spatial variability of site response during the 2016-2017 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12643,, 2025.

EGU25-13642 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

Seismic Absorption and Scattering Imaging at Aluto Volcano in the Main Ethiopian Rift 

Tesfahiwet Yemane, John Michael Kendall, Simona Gabrielli, and Luca De Siena

Understanding the distribution of fluids in subsurface reservoirs within volcanic systems is important for geothermal energy development, the exploration of critical-metal-bearing brines, and other applications, including forecasting volcanic eruptions. Seismic attenuation tomography can be used to map fluids and structural features beneath a volcano. Here, we use coda wave attenuation and peak delay time, which measure absorption and scattering, respectively, at the Aluto volcano. Aluto volcano is located in the central part of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) and is Ethiopia’s first pilot site for geothermal exploration. Absorption is highly effective in detecting fluids, high temperatures, and melt, while scattering is effective in detecting lithological variations and structural features such as faults and fracture systems. We analysed seismic data from January 2012 to January 2014, locating 2,393 events that predominantly lie along the Wonji Fault Belt (WFB) using non-linear location methods. We selected 312 events for 3D attenuation tomography based on the number of phases and a coda-to-noise ratio of three or higher. High inverse coda quality factor is spatially correlated with high-temperature areas, zones with hydrothermal manifestations and elevated CO2 flux, and around productive geothermal wells with high temperature and high enthalpy. High scattering is spatially correlated with areas of structural features such as faults and fracture systems, which act as fluid pathways and with the most permeable geothermal wells. These methods better constrain the distribution of fluids, high-temperature areas, and lithological and structural variations and can be used in geothermal exploration. High absorption and scattering areas are ideal for geothermal exploration, as they indicate hot fluids in fractured permeable rock.

How to cite: Yemane, T., Kendall, J. M., Gabrielli, S., and De Siena, L.: Seismic Absorption and Scattering Imaging at Aluto Volcano in the Main Ethiopian Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13642,, 2025.

EGU25-14832 | ECS | Posters on site | SM6.2

Mapping Sn wave attenuation tomography across the Eastern Nepal Himalaya: Insights from Two Station Method 

Shirish Bose, Chandrani Singh, and Arun Singh

Our study introduces Sn wave attenuation tomography model developed for the eastern Nepal Himalaya. The objective is to explore the complex upper mantle heterogeneity beneath this tectonically significant region. Employing a robust network comprising 155 seismic stations (operational under XF, XQ, and YL networks), we have carefully analyzed 113 regional seismic events captured through 3433 seismic waveforms. The interstation Q values were calculated utilizing the Two Station Method (TSM). Following this, the least‐squares orthogonal factor decomposition (LSQR) inversion technique was used to develop a detailed tomographic model for this region, illustrating the spatial variations in Sn wave quality factor (Sn Q) across the region. Our results revealed a prevalence of low Q values, ranging from 20 to 100 throughout the area. The central region of our study exhibits medium Q value ranging from around 100 to 300. Moreover, isolated pockets of exceptionally high Q values have been observed in the northwestern and southeastern parts of the region. The tomographic results of this study are in sync with previously reported high attenuation in and around this region. This study enhances our understanding of the upper mantle beneath the eastern Nepal Himalaya, providing valuable insights into the lithospheric architecture and geodynamics of the region, as well as Sn wave propagation dynamics.

How to cite: Bose, S., Singh, C., and Singh, A.: Mapping Sn wave attenuation tomography across the Eastern Nepal Himalaya: Insights from Two Station Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14832,, 2025.

EGU25-15677 | Orals | SM6.2

New Insights about the Character of the PP Precursors at High Frequency 

Tuo Zhang and Christoph Sens-Schönfelder

The energy on the seismogram before the arrival time of the seismic main PP wave is called PP precursor. Although the name of PP precursor corresponds to the term PP, the components do not only concern the wave reflection back from the surface. The early part of the PP precursors overlapped with the P or Pdiff wave coda, meanwhile the PKiKP wave arrived earlier than the PP wave when the distance is larger than about 100°, which results in a mixture with the PKiKP phase. The origin of the PP precursors was usually regarded as the discontinuities of the mantle, like 410 km and 660 km discontinuities. However, the arrival time and the slowness from seismic array beamforming of the precursors very close to the PP wave both disagree with this interpretation. Some middle mantle reflection layers (e.g., at 1000 km) may contribute to the unknown phase before the PP wave at the long period, but cannot explain the gradually increasing energy before the phase at high frequency. We have observed the PP precursors at high frequencies of 1–2 Hz at an epicentral distance between 95° and 115° from the earthquakes whose magnitude is larger than 7.0 Mw and the source depth is shallower than 100 km. The global PP precursors show that it originates not only from the off-great-circle scattering at some regional subduction slabs. The stacking result is compared to our Monte Carlo simulation of 3D scattering with a 1D spherically symmetric heterogeneity model, which has much potential to be improved. Single scattering of the middle and upper mantle (shallower than 1000 km depth) allows for the generation of the emerging PP precursor at high frequencies. The scattering process is similar to the one responsible for the generation of the Pdiff coda, which is generated by scattering in the whole mantle. As a consequence, the scattering pattern of the PP precursors is PP*P or P*PP, where the asterisk indicates the scattering, which explains that the slowness of some PP precursors is higher than the PP wave but sometimes similar to the P or Pdiff wave.

How to cite: Zhang, T. and Sens-Schönfelder, C.: New Insights about the Character of the PP Precursors at High Frequency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15677,, 2025.

EGU25-17608 | ECS | Orals | SM6.2

Seismic wave attenuation in urban environments: insights from 3D numerical simulations of site-cityinteraction 

Malcon Celorio, Philippe Guéguen, Hideo Aochi, Florent De Martin, and Fabian Bonilla

Seismic wave characteristics are influenced by several physical processes, including the
earthquake source, geometrical effects such as topography, and local amplification phenomena.
In urban environments, civil structures introduce an additional complexity in the wavefield
evolution. While earthquake engineers have traditionally regarded buildings as passive
recipients of seismic waves, diverse seismological studies have demonstrated that building
clusters can significantly alter the ground motion (e.g. Guéguen et al. 2002; Kham et al.
2006; Semblat et al. 2008; Guéguen & Colombi, 2016). This phenomenon is known as
site-city interaction (SCI) effects. Key signatures of SCI include elongated ground motion
duration, increased spatial variability, and wave amplitude decay. SCI arises from two primary
mechanisms: kinematic and inertial interactions. In kinematic interaction, seismic waves are
scattered due to the impedance contrast between the soil and the building foundations. In
inertial interaction, the wavefield is perturbed at frequency bands near the resonant frequencies
of the buildings, often converting surface into body waves or adding some harmonics. Despite
extensive studies using numerical simulations and observations either from active shots or
earthquake records, the contribution of SCI mechanisms to seismic wave attenuation remains
insufficiently quantified.
In this work, we use 3D numerical simulations to study the wavefield evolution in urban
environments at the local scale, for frequencies up to 10 Hz. Simulations are performed by
using the spectral element method code EFISPEC (De Martin, 2011). The model consists of a
layered half-space with a flat surface, where the shear wave velocity of the layer is 200 m/s
and that of the half-space is 650 m/s. The urban configuration includes 30 buildings spaced
100 m apart, each 100 m high. The building foundations are modeled as rigid blocks with size
25 m. We perform three sets of simulations: (1) free-field conditions, (2) with foundations
only, and (3) with complete buildings. Attenuation is quantified from the amplitude decay
of the ballistic wavefield with distance. Our results reveal that at high frequency (> 5 Hz),
seismic wave attenuation is primarily controlled by scattering, driven by interactions with
foundations acting as diffractors. At lower frequencies, attenuation is dominated by the
building dynamics, resulting in energy band gaps near the modal frequencies of the buildings.
Additionally, the scattering attenuation length is found to be of the same order as the spacing
between foundations.

How to cite: Celorio, M., Guéguen, P., Aochi, H., De Martin, F., and Bonilla, F.: Seismic wave attenuation in urban environments: insights from 3D numerical simulations of site-cityinteraction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17608,, 2025.

This study investigates the high-frequency attenuation parameter kappa (κ), an important parameter in seismic hazard assessment and ground-motion modeling. Using the BELSHAKE ground-motion database, κ values were first determined from acceleration Fourier amplitude spectra following the classic Anderson and Hough definition. Three fitting methods for estimating site-specific kappa (κ0) of all stations and the regional kappa gradient (κr) in different crustal domains in Belgium were evaluated, the Free Kappa Gradient Method, the Joint Kappa Gradient Method, and the Mixed-Effect Method, and we compared their effectiveness in robustly capturing variations in seismic attenuation. Data from four crustal domains were analyzed, with a filtering process excluding kappa values from induced earthquakes and short-distance, shallow-depth records to enhance the κ-distance relationship and refine κ0 and κr estimation. Our results indicate that the Mixed-Effect Method yields the most robust and reliable estimates. In comparison, the Joint Kappa Gradient Method offers a balance between accuracy and consistency, while the Free Kappa Gradient Method is more sensitive to data availability. This comprehensive analysis advances the estimation of crustal attenuation properties in Belgium, supporting the development of improved seismic models and hazard assessments.

How to cite: Onvani, M. and Vanneste, K.: Analysis of the site-specific and regional components of kappa across crustal domains in Belgium based on the BELSHAKE database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17631,, 2025.

EGU25-21444 | Posters on site | SM6.2

Shallow magmatic storage systems linking to main magma chambers beneath the Central Anatolian Plateau 

Wei-Mou Zhu, Luca De Siena, Lian-Feng Zhao, Tuna Eken, Xiao-Bi Xie, and Zhen-Xing Yao

The Central Anatolian Plateau, featuring its volcanic provinces, is a significant transition zone that marks the abrupt shift from continental collision and compressional deformation in the east to oceanic subduction and extensional dynamics in the west. A comprehensive understanding of physical properties, including seismic attenuation within the crust, can illuminate the potential causes of geodynamic processes and related volcanic activity. Here, we analyse S-wave attenuation and peak delay using data from the Continental Dynamics–Central Anatolian Tectonics (CD-CAT) seismic deployment conducted between 2013 and 2015. Strong attenuation is observed in the Cappadocia volcanic region, indicating active magmatic systems, thermal anomalies, and fluid-rich regions. The anomaly body shows a NE-SW trend consistent with volcanic group distribution, indicating that the regional tectonic stress field controls magmatic activity from east to west. The anomaly body's depth gradually decreases from 12 km to 5 km, possibly revealing the geometry of shallow magmatic storage systems. Peak delay time shows positive anomalies in the volcanic region, indicating highly fractured crustal rocks, whereas negative anomalies in the subduction front region reflect dense ones. The deep magmatic system shows directional characteristics consistent with plate kinematic observations. The unique distribution of anomaly depth gradually decreasing from NE-SW may reveal the existence of shallow magmatic storage systems, with this depth range possibly representing the location of main magma chambers and the vertical extent of magmatic conduits.

This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2139206, 41974061, 41974054) and the Special Fund of China Seismic Experimental Site (2019CSES0103). The first author has also been financially supported by the China Scholarship Council (202204910302).


How to cite: Zhu, W.-M., De Siena, L., Zhao, L.-F., Eken, T., Xie, X.-B., and Yao, Z.-X.: Shallow magmatic storage systems linking to main magma chambers beneath the Central Anatolian Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21444,, 2025.

EGU25-140 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experiments 

Ismay Vénice Akker and Michele Fondriest

Geological observations, seismic data as well as laboratory experiments have shown that faults lithify and recover their strength (heal) during interseismic periods. The mechanical-chemical process of fault healing is a key in understanding many aspects of fault behavior, such as earthquake recurrence and rupture dynamics. Such processes do not only play an important role in understanding unconventional seismicity, such as ‘slow and low frequency earthquakes’ as observed at active plate boundaries, but are also pivotal for the application of deep geothermal energy, CO2 sequestration and the underground storage of radioactive waste. In this study we investigate the mechano-chemical recovery of fractures in carbonates at upper crustal conditions. In the upper crust, fractures are dominantly sealed through mineral precipitation from supersaturated fluids that are chemically out of equilibrium with the host rock. In order to simulate the healing process, we performed fluid percolation experiments on intact as well as pre-fractured carbonates with varying timescales representing different healing rates. In order to quantitatively document the healing process, the selected rock samples are analyzed by X-ray microtomography before and after the experiments. In addition, optical as well as scanning electron microscopy is applied to document the mechanical-chemical processes of healing. The role of the initial (micro)fracture network, the effect of the initial chemistry of the injected fluid and the effect of temperature on the healing process will be investigated. The experiments on both intact and pre-fractured rock are carried out with a percolation cell that allows the fluid-rock interaction to be reproduced at confining pressures up to 100 MPa, pore pressures up to 100 MPa and temperatures up to 250°C. This work will advance knowledge about the damage-recovery cycle in fractured carbonates through the investigation of healing processes active at different timescales using a unique experimental approach.


How to cite: Akker, I. V. and Fondriest, M.: Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-140,, 2025.

EGU25-3797 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering cooling 

Simon Schorn and Evangelos Moulas

Reactions involving variable exchange of latent heat are ubiquitous dynamic metamorphic processes: prograde dehydration and melting reactions cause an increase of the effective heat capacity by over an order of magnitude as they advance, while melt crystallization and retrograde hydration leads to transient heat production similar to radioactive heating in the continental crust. We show results of  thermokinematic models simulating the release and consumption of latent heat in an upward advecting rock pile to constrain thermal histories akin to exhumation in active tectonic settings. We show that hydration of dry gneisses leads to a gain of 20–40 g water per kg of rock and releases 80–160 kJ/kg latent heat. This transient thermal perturbation delays cooling and enhances thermally-activated processes such as diffusive loss of radiogenic Argon, which can rejuvenate apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages in white mica by up to ~10%. Biotite and feldspar display a similar distortion, even for large grains of ~1 mm in diameter (Schorn et al., 2024). In another case study we present multicomponent diffusion modeling of garnets in hydrated micaschist from the polymetamorphic Koralpe–Saualpe locality (Austria). We explore exhumation paths for varying hydration and latent heat production to constrain temperature–time histories, with a best-fit of modelled garnet zoning pattern achieved for ~120 kJ/kg released at 550°C and an exhumation rate of 4 mm/yr. As for melting reactions, we simulate periodic sill emplacement in 5-km wide ‘hot zone’ at 25 km depth, like magma injection in a subduction-related arc setting (e.g., Annen et al., 2006). Focusing on the thermal–temporal evolution of metapelitic source rocks at depth, we investigate the thermal retardation related to the endothermic melting of mica followed by the exothermic crystallization of leftover melt in comparison to the unbuffered case. This interplay leads to a clustering of temperatures around the conditions of melt-related thermal buffering and is consistent with the predominance of mineral assemblages related to focused biotite–sillimanite breakdown in metapelites (Schorn et al., 2018), as observed at the orogen-scale in large exhumed hot orogens such as the granulite-facies domain of the Namaqua–Natal Metamorphic Province in southern Africa (Diener & Macey, 2024).


Annen, C., Blundy, J. D., & Sparks, R. S. J. (2006). The genesis of intermediate and silicic magmas in deep crustal hot zones. Journal of Petrology, 47(3), 505-539.

Diener, J. F., & Macey, P. H. (2024). Orogen‐scale uniformity of recorded granulite facies conditions due to thermal buffering and melt retention. Journal of Metamorphic Geology.

Schorn, S., Diener, J. F., Powell, R., & Stüwe, K. (2018). Thermal buffering in the orogenic crust. Geology, 46(7), 643-646.

Schorn, S., Moulas, E., & Stüwe, K. (2024). Exothermic reactions and 39Ar–40Ar thermochronology: Hydration leads to younger apparent ages. Geology, 52(6), 458-462.

How to cite: Schorn, S. and Moulas, E.: Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering cooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3797,, 2025.

EGU25-5693 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain. 

Bérénice Cateland, Nicolas E.Beaudoin, Anne Battani, Frédéric Mouthereau, Antonio Caracausi, and Magali Pujol

The Betic Cordillera, located in southeastern Spain, underwent a complex geodynamic history that contributed to the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean. The Alboran margin is characterized by crustal thinning, linked to slab retreat, tearing, and delamination processes during the Miocene. These processes, combined with alkaline to calc-alkaline volcanism and exhumation of metamorphic domes, are thought to drive a dynamic fluid system. The relative contributions of magmatism, crustal thinning and slab tearing to the uplift of the Betics remain however unclear. Understanding these deep fluid systems has significant scientific and industrial implications, particularly for deep geothermal and hydrogen systems. Active lithospheric faults, such as the Carboneras-Palomares strike-slip fault systems, in the eastern Betics potentially act as major conduits for deep fluids (gases, water) and heat sourced from the mantle.
In this work, we aim to characterize the influence of these faults on the fluid system, both in the past and now. Paleofluids are studied through calcite and quartz mineralization in fault zones, while modern-day fluids are collected in thermal waters (20-50°C) where gas species are sampled (as bubbles or dissolved in water). Multiple tracers are studied in mineralization (Microthermometry, carbonate isotopy, cathodoluminescence, U-Pb dating, 3He/4He as well as in modern-day fluids (major compounds geochemistry and their δ13C, 3He/4He). Preliminary results in modern-day fluids indicate high levels of N2 (up to 92%) with associated CO2 (4 to 6%) and some CH4 (around 1% when present). δ13C (CO2) (-10 to -7‰) are compatible with a deep origin. Microthermometry results indicate hydrothermal temperatures of ~300°C in quartz and ~120°C in calcite. These temperature data, combined with isotopic analyses (δ18OCaCO3 value around 12‰ VPDB) also point to a deep fluid source. All these results illustrate the role of large-scale structures on driving the origin pathways and calendar of the fluids in the upper crust.

How to cite: Cateland, B., E.Beaudoin, N., Battani, A., Mouthereau, F., Caracausi, A., and Pujol, M.: Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5693,, 2025.

EGU25-6019 | Orals | TS1.4

From pore-scale to macro-scale: Understanding fluid-rock interactions using X-ray Computed Tomography 

Alice Macente, John MacDonald, Katherine J. Dobson, Frederick Pessu, and Sandra Piazolo

Fluid-rock interaction represents a common geological process that is highly dynamic and may cause substantial microscale petrophysical and geochemical changes both in a static and syn-deformational environment. Understanding how these local microscale dynamics occur is crucial to comprehend macroscale behaviour of the lithosphere, and for advancing critical subsurface engineering challenges, such as carbon capture and storage; a process that, together with hydrogen storage and geothermal energy recovery, is vital for the energy transition. With the advance of non-destructive imaging techniques (X-ray Computed Tomography - XCT), we can image the evolution of these microscale dynamics and understand how they drive changes in crustal dynamics and subsurface engineering. We present two applications, in which we use XCT to characterise the evolution of reservoir storage properties, such as porosity and permeability, and provide further insights into carbon sequestration. In the first application, we used XCT to investigate the precipitation history of an amygdaloidal basalt now partially filled by calcite as an analogue for CO2 mineral trapping in a vesicular basalt. We quantified the evolution of basalt porosity and permeability during pore-filling calcite precipitation by applying novel numerical erosion techniques to “back-strip” the calcite from the amygdales and fracture networks. We found that once the precipitation is sufficient to close off all pores, permeability reaches values that are controlled by the micro-fracture network. These results prompt further studies to determine CO2 mineral trapping mechanisms in amygdaloidal basalts as analogues for CO2 injections in basalt formations. In the second application, we considered the combined effect of upstream corrosion of the carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure and pre-existing reservoir rock compositions on the evolution of reservoir storage properties. Reactions from the corroded pipelines can change the chemistry of injected brine, which can then react with the adjacent rock formations reservoir, affecting reservoir porosity, permeability and caprock integrity. These are important parameters that determine the injectivity and storage capacities of deep geological sites for long term CO2 storage. Reservoir rock samples are characterised before corrosion and after carbonation reactions using XCT and other micro-analytical techniques, to assess the changes in the rock storage capacity properties. Our preliminary results prompt further studies into the understanding of fluid-rock interactions for subsurface engineering challenges, with a particular focus to pre-existing microfractures and changes in the injected brine due to corrosion of the upstream pipelines and interaction between CO2 brine and reservoir rocks.

How to cite: Macente, A., MacDonald, J., Dobson, K. J., Pessu, F., and Piazolo, S.: From pore-scale to macro-scale: Understanding fluid-rock interactions using X-ray Computed Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6019,, 2025.

EGU25-6490 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

A new approach for constraining temperature, fractionation process, and fluid evolution in clay-rich fault zones: a case study from Lemnos Island (Greece) 

Vincenzo Moretto, Luigi Riccardo Berio, Luigi Dallai, Giulio Viola, Fabrizio Balsamo, Georg Grathof, Lurence Noel Warr, Ruikai Xie, and Luca Aldega

Fluid circulation in the shallow crust is modulated by faults, which can act as barriers, conduits, or combined systems. In fault zones, fluids may vary in temperature and composition, originating from meteoric, connate, or magmatic/hydrothermal sources, and leading to the precipitation of various minerals in fault-related rocks and veins (e.g., carbonates, silicates, sulphates, oxides/hydroxides, clay minerals). In limestone, stable isotopes analyses (C, O), clumped isotopes, microthermometry of fluid inclusions, and U-Pb dating on carbonate mineralizations (e.g., slickenfibers, veins) are generally applied to determine the temperature and the source of fluids circulating within the fault zone during deformation. Discriminating temperature and fluid origin in clay-rich fault zones is more challenging, due to the coexistence of detrital minerals derived from the mechanical comminution of the host rocks and authigenic/synkinematic minerals precipitated during transient frictional heating or by prolonged fluid circulation. The compositional and temperature variation of fluids over time is recorded by authigenic minerals, that may reflect mixing with external sources or deformation at different depths and structural levels. The extent of fluid interaction with detrital minerals also contributes to their isotopic signature, and the evaluation of fluid sources can be very tricky due to the various mineral-water fractionation factors for every mineral. Indeed, H and O isotopes studies in clay-rich fault zones are generally applied as long as fault rock samples are nearly mono-mineralic, leading to very low number of data to develop a reliable dataset. To solve this issue, we applied a multi-method approach based on X-ray diffraction analyses of clay minerals, paleotemperature evaluation, and H, O isotope studies of different grain size fractions (from <0.1 to 10 µm) combined with a new calculation that allows to evaluate the fractionation processes of every single mineral (detrital vs. authigenic). In addition, K-Ar ages on syn-kinematic K-bearing minerals allowed to determine the age of faulting and eventually build an evolutionary model of fluid composition and temperature. In this contribution, we investigated two regional-scale fault zones on Lemnos Island (Greece), the Kornos-Aghios Ioannis extensional fault and the Partenomythos extensional fault, that are affected by Si-rich hydrothermal alteration. Our findings show that authigenic clay minerals (illite-smectite) from the <0.1 fractions are not in isotopic equilibrium with the host-rock, suggesting a meteoric-derived component infiltrated during faulting and recorded by clay minerals as a progressive change in fluid composition through time. These results represent an important step forward for fluid characterization in clay-rich fault zones, improving our understanding on how temperature and fluid source control the formation of authigenic minerals and fractionation processes in fault rocks.

How to cite: Moretto, V., Berio, L. R., Dallai, L., Viola, G., Balsamo, F., Grathof, G., Warr, L. N., Xie, R., and Aldega, L.: A new approach for constraining temperature, fractionation process, and fluid evolution in clay-rich fault zones: a case study from Lemnos Island (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6490,, 2025.

EGU25-6533 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassing 

Alberto Ceccato, Lorenzo Tavazzani, Nadia Malaspina, Whitney M. Behr, and Stefano M. Bernasconi

CO2 degassing in orogenic settings, derived from either prograde metamorphic decarbonation or deep mantle sources, is commonly linked to deep and shallow seismicity along major deformation zones. However, the scarcity of natural fossil analogues of these deformation zones hosting CO2-rich fluid flow limits our understanding of the causative mechanisms and hinders validation of proposed explanatory models and inferences from geophysical and geochemical observations.

We describe a set of shear zone-hosted, carbonate-bearing breccias from the basement units of the Gotthard nappe, Aar, and Mont Blanc massifs (Central and Western Alps), interpreted as evidence of regional-scale, fault zone-hosted flow of CO2-rich metamorphic fluids during Alpine orogenesis. Field observations, microstructures and geochemical data suggest these breccias serve as fossil analogues of fault/shear zone networks controlling CO2-rich fluid flow in active orogenic settings, providing new insights on crustal-scale transport of carbonic fluids and its relationship with tectonic deformation.

The breccias are localized on a pre-Alpine fault network within the crystalline basement rocks and are mainly composed of coarse-grained (mm-to-cm in crystal size) blocky calcite/dolomite forming a matrix that encloses angular host rock clasts. The large volumes of carbonates and the macro- and micro-textures indicates formation during transient, but repetitive (carbo-)hydraulic fracturing in the presence of CO2-rich fluids, potentially at amphibolite/upper-greenschist facies conditions. C-O stable isotopes (-8.49‰ < d13CVPDB < +0.73‰, +8.07‰ < d18OVSMOW < +16.39‰) and the enrichment of (Heavy) REE elements, as well as the characteristic Y/Ho and LaN/LuN ratios, suggest the fluids potentially originated from high-grade metamorphic decarbonation during Alpine collision.

These breccias, together with previously reported H2O-CO2 flow examples in the Central-Western Alps (e.g., carbonate shear zones along the Glarus thrust; retrograde calcite-bearing Alpine clefts), point to orogen-scale flow of CO2-rich fluids spanning prograde, peak, to retrograde metamorphism during Alpine collision. Although evidence for seismogenic deformation is limited, field and microscale structures show evidence for transient tectonic deformation, potentially aided by elevated pore fluid pressure. Tectonic stress drops associated with fluid pressure changes in these zones might have promoted (transient) H2O/CO2 phase immiscibility, leading to carbonate saturation and voluminous deposition. The resulting large carbonate volumes suggest that the shear zones intermittently acted as both conduits and reservoirs for CO2 -rich fluids transported from depth toward the surface. This highlights their dual role in controlling orogenic CO2 degassing and buffering emissions, with implications for understanding fluid-mediated tectonics and carbon cycling in collisional orogens.

How to cite: Ceccato, A., Tavazzani, L., Malaspina, N., Behr, W. M., and Bernasconi, S. M.: Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6533,, 2025.

EGU25-6845 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Earthquake driven mechanical alteration of fault core material and its effect on post-seismic fluid-rock interaction 

Bex Robertson, Catriona Menzies, Nicola De Paola, Stefan Nielsen, Dave Craw, Carolyn Boulton, and André Niemeijer

Earthquakes release vast quantities of energy over very short timescales. At shallow depths, a portion of this energy is used to fracture, crush, and grind fault hosting rocks, resulting in reduced particle size and mineral crystallinity; frictional heating; mass movement of pore-fluid; and overall extreme but transient conditions. These seismic  processes partially control mineral alteration reactions that often take place within fault gouges. The mineralogy and therefore mechanical and chemical properties of fault core material will influence the style of future slip on faults. Many studies have shown that mineralogical differences within fault cores result from inter-seismic alteration by pore fluid, but have neglected co-seismic processes. Here we highlight the role of co-seismic mechanically and mechanochemically influenced mineral reactions. These reactions enhance fluid driven alteration and affect the frictional properties of fault rocks.

Transient co-seismic conditions cannot be studied in the field, so earthquakes were simulated in the lab using a high velocity rotary shear apparatus and silicate based synthetic fault material to enable control of experimental inputs. We found significant frictional differences in reworked gouge after having experienced a high velocity (seismic) event, particularity in healing capabilities. Our investigations indicate this is due to generation of “shocked” material that has undergone dehydration and dehydroxylation of hydrated minerals, amorphisation, and  grain comminution; all equating to a more reactive gouge. In natural post-seismic settings, this ‘shocked’ material sits in contact with pore-fluid that is at least partially externally derived. Due to the increased reactivity of this gouge, it is more prone to rapid post-seismic fluid-rock alteration, producing clay abundant retrograde authigenic minerals and reducing fault strength.

Using experiments to simulate this process, we show that synthetic post-seismic gouge exhibited increased fluid-rock interaction and enhanced precipitation of authigenic material relative to unsheared gouge. This was traced by analysing pore-fluid chemistry after prolonged contact with the gouge, close examination of the clay sized fraction using SEM techniques, and detailed XRD of shear inputs and outputs. Our work highlights the key role that co-seismic processes play in 1) the initial post-seismic change of frictional properties; 2) accelerated retrograde mineral evolution due to increased gouge reactivity; 3) and the associated reduction of fault strength and friction coefficient of fault core material post alteration.


How to cite: Robertson, B., Menzies, C., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Craw, D., Boulton, C., and Niemeijer, A.: Earthquake driven mechanical alteration of fault core material and its effect on post-seismic fluid-rock interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6845,, 2025.

EGU25-7082 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Burial stylolites favouring Mg-rich fluid ingress and fluid-rock interaction: petrophysical variations during regional dolomitization in the Lessini Mountains (Southern Alps, Italy)  

Costantino Zuccari, Gianluca Vignaroli, Fabrizio Balsamo, Luigi Berio, and Giulio Viola

Rock petrophysical properties, including porosity and permeability, are fundamental factors in regulating fluid ingress, flow and fluid-rock interaction across various length scales and tectonic settings. The composition of fluids, and their modes of ingress into- and reaction with host rocks, in turn influence bulk rock properties. Therefore, fluids can significantly alter rock rheology, potentially modifying their density, long-term viscosity, porosity and permeability. Mineralizing fluids may also change the rock composition, heal fractures, and promote strain hardening within active fault systems, potentially impacting the seismic cycle.

To better understand these processes and the governing background conditions, it is particularly useful to investigate the pathways for fluid flow, especially in rocks with low primary porosity and permeability, which would normally hinder significant fluid circulation. In micritic, horizontally-bedded carbonates, for example, vertical fluid flow is generally limited far away from tectonic fractures, whereas lateral, bed-parallel circulation is favoured exploiting laterally continuous planar anisotropies (e.g., bed-bed interfaces), to progressively permeate the succession. Secondary anisotropies, such as pressure-solution seams (e.g., stylolites), may represent other interesting features for fluid flow, being at times very abundant in limestone. However, they are typically considered to reduce the permeability and porosity of host rocks due to (i) the cementation and precipitation of dissolved materials in pores within the immediately surrounding rock and (ii) the accumulation of insoluble, fine-grained and low-permeability material on their surfaces. Recent studies in carbonates challenged this assumption, demonstrating that burial stylolites can be preferential pathways for karst dissolution.

We present here new data on the petrophysical properties of Cretaceous micritic limestone from the Lessini Mountains, Veneto, Italian Southern Alps, where much of the exposed, generally sub-horizontal Mesozoic carbonate succession underwent pervasive dolomitization during Eocene extensional tectonics and the onset of the Venetian Volcanic Province magmatism. Petrographic analyses, Hg-porosimetry, and He-pycnometry were applied to assess the effects of Mg-rich fluids, probably connected with the volcanic environment, on micritic limestone. Preliminary results indicate that burial stylolites developed in low porosity limestone are selectively dolomitized, with dolomitization seams 1-10 mm thick, suggesting pervasive bedding-parallel fluid flow. Dolomitization occurred also along vertical fractures and in fracture meshes of mosaic breccias, suggesting across-bedding Mg-rich fluid circulation associated with normal faults accommodating.

Dolomitization significantly increased rock density from ~2.65 g/cm³ in the pristine micritic limestone to ~2.9 g/cm³ in the fully dolomitized rock. Additionally, pore size, porosity, and the capillary threshold pressure of Hg injection change gradually but substantially from the limestone to the dolomite, with median pore sizes increasing from ~0.012 μm to ~0.33 μm, porosity from ~3.2% to 21.8%, and capillary threshold values decreasing from ~5140 to ~35 PSI.

These results demonstrate that, under specific conditions, stylolites can actually serve as effective pathways for fluid ingress/migration and thus promote fluid-rock interaction in rocks characterized by overall low porosity and permeability (e.g., micritic limestone). Furthermore, we show that dolomitization significantly modified the petrophysical rock properties, further enhancing fluid ingress and likely promoting fracturing and brecciation by changing rheology, with consequences for deformation localization and partitioning during later tectonic activity.

How to cite: Zuccari, C., Vignaroli, G., Balsamo, F., Berio, L., and Viola, G.: Burial stylolites favouring Mg-rich fluid ingress and fluid-rock interaction: petrophysical variations during regional dolomitization in the Lessini Mountains (Southern Alps, Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7082,, 2025.

EGU25-7433 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Nanopores enable fluid flux in mylonites and ultramylonites – novel insights from Scanning Small-angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy 

Christoph Schrank, Nicole Bishop, Michael Jones, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, David Paterson, Livia Salvati Manni, and Nigel Kirby

Mylonitic shear zones funnel significant amounts of fluids through the crust. However, the physical mechanisms and pathways for mass transfer remain debated. Grain boundaries, creep cavities, and pores formed by mineral reactions involving volume change and mass transport are considered the most important fluid conduits. So far, the imaging of these pores was either limited to µm-resolution, or in the case of nm-scale resolution, to very small areas (e.g., TEM investigates regions in the µm2-range) with limited statistical power. Moreover, many pores involved in ductile fluid flow only remain open intermittently before they are closed again by mineral growth and plastic deformation. To find traces of closed pores and assess pore production and consumption due to mineral reactions, high-resolution microchemical maps are needed.  

Here, we present a study that addresses these challenges through applying scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM) to samples of a mylonite transitioning into ultramylonite, derived from a granitic protolith. SAXS delivers maps of nanopores with apertures between 1 and 280 nm while XFM enables spatially resolved mass balance computations, geochemical fluid fingerprinting, and the correlation of nanoporosity with mineral phase and trace-element composition. Importantly, both techniques are applied to an entire thin section, providing a sound observational statistical base from nm- to cm-scale.

Some key observations include:

1) A substantial amount of nanoporosity is discovered, with the same magnitude as microporosity measured previously in granitoid mylonites.

2) The ultramylonite contains twice as much nanoporosity as the mylonite.

3) Nanoporosity is strongly mineral-specific and highly elevated in regions enriched in epidote and mica.

4) Nanoporosity is highly anisotropic and usually aligned with, or at low angle to, the foliation, enabling mass flux along the shear zone.

5) Pore sheets from the mylonite connect with those of the ultramylonite, providing pathways for fluid exchange between high-strain shear zone and host rock.

These results highlight the importance of nanoscale fluid conduits and synkinematic mineral reactions for mass transfer in ductile shear zones. The implications for models of coupled fluid flow in the ductile crust will be discussed.

How to cite: Schrank, C., Bishop, N., Jones, M., Berger, A., Herwegh, M., Paterson, D., Manni, L. S., and Kirby, N.: Nanopores enable fluid flux in mylonites and ultramylonites – novel insights from Scanning Small-angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7433,, 2025.

EGU25-7480 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychography 

Nicole Bishop, Christoph Schrank, Michael Jones, Cameron Kewish, David Paterson, Alfons Berger, and Marco Herwegh

Petrological and geochemical evidence demonstrates that mylonitic ductile shear zones transport significant amounts of fluids through the lithosphere. Because of the lack of percolating pore networks in exhumed mylonitic rocks, it has been hypothesised that most of the fluid pathways in ductile shear zones consist of transient pores with micro- to nanoscale aperture. These transient pores typically include grain boundaries, creep cavities, and pores due to mineral reactions, all of which open and close cyclically during plastic deformation. However, it is not known how much each of these features contributes to crustal fluid flow. Moreover, nano-scale pores are notoriously difficult to map with non-destructive imaging methods. These are the key problems addressed by this research.

We recently used X-ray ptychography to image midcrustal quartzo-feldspathic mylonites at the X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe beamline of the Australian Synchrotron. This transmission small-angle scattering method maps X-ray phase contrast non-destructively with nanometre resolution. In addition, high-resolution trace-element maps are acquired coevally with X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM). We systematically sampled transects from mylonite to ultramylonite to capture the strain-time evolution of nano- and microvoids and to study how transient porosity and trace-element composition change with deformation intensity, composition, grain size, and deformation mechanism. This dataset will provide novel insights into mass transfer in ductile shear zones.

How to cite: Bishop, N., Schrank, C., Jones, M., Kewish, C., Paterson, D., Berger, A., and Herwegh, M.: Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7480,, 2025.

EGU25-8324 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone 

wenshuai Li and the Wenshuai Li

he interaction between a large, dissolved Mn reservoir in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and the deeper oxygenated water allows for Mn oxidation and precipitation at their interface. The current paradigm posits that the OMZ acts as a Mn²⁺ source necessary for ferromanganese encrustation, while the encrustation itself is not thought to occur within the OMZ, though this remains a subject of ongoing debate. Marine Fe-Mn crusts enrich metals including those with high affinity for Mn oxides (e.g., Ce), which can provide insights into the origin of Mn oxides. In this study, we identify heterogeneous Ce and δ142CeSW profiles in seawater and Fe-Mn crusts across the OMZ in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, closely linked to the cycle of Mn. Moreover, we quantify a close association of Ce with Mn oxides in Fe-Mn crusts and associated Ce isotope fractionation between the crusts and ambient seawater, bridging the marine Mn and Ce cycles. The outcome reveals that continuous precipitation of Mn oxides could initiate within the OMZ and extend into the deep ocean (5,000–6,000 m seawater depth) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

How to cite: Li, W. and the Wenshuai Li: Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8324,, 2025.

EGU25-8523 | Orals | TS1.4

The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault Gouge 

Weijia Zhan, André Niemeijer, Alfons Berger, Christopher Spiers, Frank Gfeller, and Marco Herwegh

Sheet silicates play an important role in shaping crustal rheology and causing strain localization at shallow depths through their low strength. However, their effect on crustal rheology at deeper levels (>3 km) remains unclear. We conducted hydrothermal ring shear experiments on three simulated gouges with comparable quartz content but varying mica types (biotite/muscovite) and contents (8-61 wt.%). Applied temperatures (T) ranged from 20-650°C, with sliding velocities (V) between 0.03-1 μm/s, and an effective normal stress and pore water pressure of 100 MPa. Shear strains up to 30 were attained.

At 1 μm/s and 20°C, granitoid gouge exhibits a higher friction coefficient (μ=0.81) than the muscovite-rich (μ=0.47) and biotite-rich gouges (μ=0.44). With increasing T and decreasing V, granitoid gouge firstly remains its strength, and then exhibits substantial weakening when T reaches 450°C and V is lower than 1 μm/s. In contrast, muscovite-rich gouge hardens and then levels off at μ=0.68 as T reaches 450°C across all V tested, and finally weakens once T reaches 650°C and V is lower than 0.1 μm/s. Biotite-rich gouge hardens and reaches μ=0.56 at 450°C, with little further changes as T and V continue to change. Overall, the two mica-rich gouges become stronger than granitoid gouge at ≤ 0.01 μm/s and at least T=650°C.

For all post-mortem gouges, mainly samples with substantial weakening exhibit both principal slip zones constituting <6% width of the entire layer, and mineral reactions. Microstructures within the principal slip zones are consistent with dissolution-precipitation creep, including truncated grain contacts, mineral precipitates, submicrometer grain size and low porosity. Mineral reactions are often observed at 650°C and 0.1 μm/s under FEG-SEM, including Ca-rich feldspar rims of albite grains in granitoids, and muscovite breakdown plus biotite formation in muscovite-rich one. By fitting the shear strain rate to shear stress obtained from tests run at 650°C, the apparent stress exponent for granitoids is 2.2 ± 1.8, and for muscovite-rich gouge is 6.8 ± 2.2. Our results imply that mica enrichment in crustal faults (mainly granitoid composition) can lead to a stronger crust at deep levels when temperatures are high and strain rates are low. Multiple similarities between experimental and natural microstructures suggest that the interpreted mechanisms dissolution-precipitation creep and mineral reactions may trigger a frictional-viscous transition at a depth range corresponding to greenschist metamorphic facies under natural conditions. 

How to cite: Zhan, W., Niemeijer, A., Berger, A., Spiers, C., Gfeller, F., and Herwegh, M.: The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault Gouge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8523,, 2025.

The 2018 Hualien earthquake (Mw 6.4) resulted in the Milun fault rupture and caused hundreds of casualties. The last rupture of the Milun Fault occurred in 1951, implying a short recurrence interval for the Milun Fault. The outcropped Milun Fault has not been recognized in the field, and its fault architecture and the relevant processes triggered during the seismic cycle remain unknown. This represents a significant limitation in our understanding of fault mechanics and seismic hazard assessment.

The Milun Fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing project (MiDAS) was conducted in 2020, and the drilling borehole cores showed the presence of the Milun Fault. The Milun Fault Zone exhibits an asymmetric fault structure, displaying altered spotted schist and non-cohesive serpentinite as the damage zone, and foliated grey and black gouges as the fault core. The damage zone of the Milun Fault has been described as a product of fluid-rock interaction, although direct evidence remains limited.

Here, we conduct synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) on altered spotted schist and non-cohesive serpentinite to investigate fluid-rock interaction during the inter-seismic period. Previous data on the outcropping spotted schist showed that the mineral assemblages are mainly composed of muscovite, feldspar, and quartz. For the outcropping cohesive serpentinite, the major minerals are antigorite and magnetite. Our XRD data show that the altered spotted schist mainly contains quartz, feldspar, and clay minerals such as illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. Non-cohesive serpentinite is composed of chrysotile, talc, chlorite, and actinolite. The altered spotted schist exhibits an anastomosing occurrence, suggesting the presence of fluid-relevant interaction along the fractures and resulting in the observed clay-rich mineral assemblages. The non-cohesive serpentinite shows the reactions of antigorite to chrysotile with some residual antigorite fragments, suggesting the process of severe alteration by low temperature (< 200°C) fluid. To further explore fluid-rock interaction processes, we will conduct X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis to detect changes in chemical elements within the Milun Fault zone in this month. Our findings will help identify the source and composition of the fluids involved and provide insights into the structure and evolutionary history of the Milun Fault.

How to cite: Chiang, P.-C., Kuo, L.-W., Ma, K.-F., and Ling, Y. Y.: Fluid-rock interaction within the active Milun Fault: In the case of the Milun Fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing project (MiDAS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9249,, 2025.

EGU25-10967 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Bimetasomatic reaction zones between ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes in the Sierra Chica, Córdoba, Argentina: temporal variations and geochemical features 

María Eugenia Muratori, Sofía López Morlhiere, Manuel Demartis, Jorge Enrique Coniglio, María Alejandra Boffadossi, Fernando Javier D’Eramo, Lucio Pedro Pinotti, Joaquín Coniglio, and José Julián Esteban

The emplacement of basic to acid magmas into ultramafic rocks represents a specialized scenario where bimetasomatic exchanges commonly occur. In the Sierra Chica of Córdoba, near the city of Alta Gracia, remmants of the intensely serpentinized upper mantle -tectonically emplaced into the metasedimentary sequence during the Neoproterozoic (pre-Pampean)- are intruded by dykes of tonalitic to granitic compositions. This contribution deals with some of these dykes of trondhjemitic composition that exhibit tabular shapes and relatively small dimensions (< 50 m long and 2 m thick). They develop penetrative reaction zones symmetrically at the contacts between serpentinized ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes, with regular thicknesses between 0.10 and 1.0 meter. Three distint mineralogical zones were identified, progressing from the dykes towards the serpentinite:

1.- Magnesio-hornblende zone (Mg-Hbl ± Pl ± Ttn ± Chl),

2.- Chlorite zone (Chl ± Mg-Hbl ± Zrn ± Ap)

3.- Anthophyllite zone (Ath ± Tr ± Chr ± Tlc ± Chl).

According to textural and mineralogical evidence, the following sequence of formation is proposed: 1) Ath zone, 2) Mg-Hbl zone and 3) Chl-zone.

Zircon U-Pb dating of the trondhjemitic dykes yields a concordia age of 528 Ma for the crystallization and emplacement of these rocks. Zircons extracted from the Chl-zone share similar petrographical features and ages, evidencing that they represent xenocrysts derived from the trondhjemitic magmas later affected by chlorite-forming reactions. The age of 528 Ma place the emplacement of the trondhjemitic dykes during the high-grade metamorphism, anatexis and magmatic events of the Pampean orogeny, occurred at 0.65 - 0.85 GPa and 700º- 850ºC. Anthophyllite, typically formed at relatively high temperature (>600 °C), is interpreted to have formed close to the time of trondhjemitic dyke emplacement and crystallization, when the whole enclosing region was undergoing high amphibolite-to-granulite facies at the main events of the Pampean orogeny. The conspicuous presence of chlorite (clinochlore) in all zones crosscutting the formerly crystallized minerals (e.g., Ath and Mg-Hbl), temperature ranges of 273º - 418ºC estimated by Chl geothermometers, along with pervasive low temperature deformation textures (kink folding) evidence that Chl was formed at lower P-T conditions.

Field and petrographic evidence, geochemical and geochronological data obtained in this work indicate that the reaction zones were formed in two different periods. Anthophyllite and Mg-Hbl zones resulted from the bimetasomatic ionic diffusion between the ultramafic rock and trondhjemitic dykes during the Pampean orogeny at high P-T conditions. Conversely, Chl crystallization should have occurred at lower P-T conditions during the Famatinian orogeny that took place from ~500-440 Ma in the Sierras de Córdoba mainly as deformational events. The chlorite zone is therefore proposed to have formed as a result of fluid infiltration in the already altered contact zones between the ultramafic rocks and the trondhjemitic dykes.

How to cite: Muratori, M. E., López Morlhiere, S., Demartis, M., Coniglio, J. E., Boffadossi, M. A., D’Eramo, F. J., Pinotti, L. P., Coniglio, J., and Esteban, J. J.: Bimetasomatic reaction zones between ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes in the Sierra Chica, Córdoba, Argentina: temporal variations and geochemical features, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10967,, 2025.

EGU25-11033 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systems 

Barbara Marchesini, Giacomo Pozzi, Cristiano Collettini, Eugenio Carminati, and Telemaco Tesei

The mechanical and hydraulic behavior of faults in geothermal systems is strongly impacted by fluid-induced alteration. For instance, hydrolytic alteration of felsic volcanic rocks deeply affects the frictional and permeability properties of fault rocks, controlling the hydraulic behavior of faults. We investigated fault rocks from the caprock of a fossil hydrothermal system in the Northern Apennines, by combining field structural observations with mineralogical and microstructural analyses, friction experiments and permeability tests on fault rocks. Hydrolytic alteration promoted general weakening of fault rocks by enrichment of kaolinite-alunite-group minerals in the fault core, favoring strain localization. Enrichment of kaolinite along major faults induces a local decrease in permeability of three orders of magnitude (1.62x10-19 m2) with respect to the unaltered protolith rocks (1.96x10-16 m2) transforming faults from fluid conduits into barriers.

Alunite-kaolinite-rich rocks shows a velocity-strengthening frictional behavior, suggesting that hydrolytic alteration favors stable slip of faults at low temperatures (160-270°C). 

How to cite: Marchesini, B., Pozzi, G., Collettini, C., Carminati, E., and Tesei, T.: Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11033,, 2025.

EGU25-11801 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy) 

Alexander Marcel Bechmann Pasquinucci, Nadia Malaspina, Alberto Ceccato, Francesco Giuntoli, Daniela D'Alessio, Marcello Campione, and Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz

In the last decades many studies focussed on carbon capture and storage (CCS) to find a possible remedy to reduce the large increase of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2). CCS can potentially sequester billions of tonnes of CO2 per year using the Earth as the widest laboratory available for long-term storage. In geological reservoirs, CO2 can be trapped by physical and chemical mechanisms. Among chemical mechanisms, mineral carbonation plays a crucial role in CCS, being almost irreversible, involving the chemical reaction in aqueous environment between CO2 and Mg- and/or Ca-rich minerals, where CO2 is converted into solid carbonates.

In nature, listvenite, a rock mainly composed of Mg-Ca-bearing carbonates, quartz and Cr-bearing mica (fuchsite), documents natural CO2 sequestration. Indeed, listvenites are the result of the extensive alteration of ultramafic rocks by CO2-bearing fluids, which involved the substitution of olivine, pyroxene and serpentine by Ca- and Mg-carbonates. To date, very little is known about the kinetics and rate of this reaction, spanning from weeks (serpentinites) to thousands of years (peridotites).

We studied carbonated serpentinites from the Zermatt-Saas Zone (Corno del Camoscio, Western Alps, Italy) which underwent fluid-mediated natural carbonation under hydrothermal conditions. Hydrothermal carbonation is spatially associated to Oligo-Miocenic brittle faults of the Aosta-Ranzola system (Bistacchi et al., 2001). Field structural surveys identified two main strike-slip fault sets (N-S and NW-SE striking) controlling fluid flow, with voluminous carbonation observed mainly along the NW-SE-striking set. We collected a series of structurally-controlled samples along a reaction front from serpentinite to listvenite close to a major fault zone, aiming to relate the CO2-rich fluid/rock interaction with mega and meso-structures, along with detailed microstructural and chemical analyses.

The petrographic study, along with X-ray maps and microprobe chemical analyses, identify the following mineral associations, from serpentinite to listvenite: (i) serpentine + chlorite and minor quartz + fuchsite, talc, calcite and dolomite, (ii) serpentine + brucite + chlorite and minor quartz, talc, calcite and dolomite-siderite, (iii) dolomite, quartz, chlorite, serpentine and minor fuchsite associated with quartz-chlorite layers, (iv) quartz, dolomite and fuchsite with relict brucite. Interestingly, samples collected close to the serpentinite show microfolds where dolomite is stable, subsequently cut by brittle deformation related to the large-scale faults, suggesting a previous stage of fluid-mediated carbonation under a ductile deformation regime.

Qualitative and quantitative X-ray powder diffraction data enabled us to calculate a mass balance to model the rate of reaction and the composition of the original fluids. Preliminary results indicate a structural control on the fluid drainage and the role of brucite to dominate the carbonation reaction, as reported by experimental results of Campione et al. (2024), along with fuchsite.



Bistacchi, A., Dal Piaz, G., Massironi, M., Zattin, M., Balestrieri, M. (2001). The Aosta–Ranzola extensional fault system and Oligocene–Present evolution of the Austroalpine–Penninic wedge in the northwestern Alps. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90, 654-667


Campione, M., Corti, M., D’Alessio, D., Capitani, G., Lucotti, A. Yivlialin, R., Tommasini. M., Bussetti, G., Malaspina, N. (2024). Microwave-driven carbonation of brucite. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 80, 102700

How to cite: Pasquinucci, A. M. B., Malaspina, N., Ceccato, A., Giuntoli, F., D'Alessio, D., Campione, M., and Dal Piaz, G. V.: A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11801,, 2025.

EGU25-12877 | Orals | TS1.4

Instability and equilibration of fluid-mineral systems under stress investigated through molecular dynamics 

Mattia Luca Mazzucchelli, Evangelos Moulas, Stefan M. Schmalholz, Boris Kaus, and Thomas Speck

Stress gradients and non-hydrostatic stresses are to be expected in rocks in the lithosphere, even in the presence of fluids. This complexity challenges the reliability of existing hydrostatic thermodynamic models, and, currently, in the geological lterature there is still no accepted theory for evaluating the thermodynamic effect of non-hydrostatic stress on reactions [e.g. 1, 2].

Large-scale Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations (i.e., >2e6 atoms) give us the opportunity to investigate reactions in deforming systems by directly bridging the scale between atomic-level processes and continuum deformation. With MD, the a-priori assumption of a specific thermodynamic potential is not required, which makes it a robust approach to test existing thermodynamic theories [3]. With MD simulations the energy of the system, the pressure of the fluid, the stress of the solid, as well as the overall dissolution and precipitation process can be monitored over time until the stressed system attains equilibrium conditions.

Our findings indicate that a solid under non-hydrostatic stress can be equilibrated with its pure fluid. However, for deformations at constant temperature, the non-hydrostatic equilibrium differs from the hydrostatic equilibrium in that the pressure of the fluid must increase to maintain equilibrium with the solid. At low differential stresses, such pressure deviations from the reference hydrostatic equilibrium are small, allowing phase equilibria predictions by considering the fluid pressure as a proxy for equilibration pressure, as suggested by previous experimental investigations.

In the presence of substantial non-hydrostatic stresses, the stressed system becomes unstable, leading ultimately to the precipitation of a quasi-hydrostatically stressed crystalline film on the surfaces of the initial highly stressed crystal. During crystallization, the total stress balance is preserved until the newly formed solid-film-fluid system reaches again a stable equilibrium. At the final equilibrium conditions only the low-stressed solid film is exposed to the fluid, bringing back the equilibrium fluid pressure close to the value expected for the equilibrium at homogeneous hydrostatic conditions. While our results agree qualitatively and quantitatively with previous theories of thermodynamics in deformed systems [4,5] and with experiments [6,7], they cannot be predicted by theories proposed to interpret reactions in deformed geological systems [e.g., 2,8].


1) Hobbs, B. E., & Ord, A. (2016). Earth-Science Reviews, 163, 190–233.

2) Wheeler, J. (2020). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175(12), 116.

3) Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Kaus, B. J. P., & Speck, T. (2024). American Journal of Science, 324.

4) Gibbs, J. W. (1876). Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 3, 108–248.

5) Frolov, T., & Mishin, Y. (2010). Physical Review B, 82(17), 1–14.

6) Berréhar, J., Caroli, C., Lapersonne-Meyer, C., & Schott, M. (1992). Physical Review B, 46(20), 13487–13495.

7) Koehn, D., Dysthe, D. K., & Jamtveit, B. (2004). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(16), 3317–3325.

8) Paterson, M. S. (1973). Reviews of Geophysics, 11(2).

How to cite: Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Schmalholz, S. M., Kaus, B., and Speck, T.: Instability and equilibration of fluid-mineral systems under stress investigated through molecular dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12877,, 2025.

EGU25-12944 | Orals | TS1.4

Atomic structure at the surface of warm basaltic glasses 

Marthe Grønlie Guren, Henrik Anderson Sveinsson, Razvan Caracas, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, and Francois Renard

Silicate melts exist as lava flows which form when molten or partially molten magma erupts, and when they cool, magmas evolve into solid rocks. Depending on the cooling rate, they can evolve into fully crystalline rocks, partially-crystallized rocks or even glassy rocks. The composition of the glass at the cooling interface with air or water may be different than in the bulk. Here we study how some major elements could be concentrated or depleted at the surface of a cooling basaltic melt. This may have effects on how glass will interact with water at the onset of weathering. To model silicate melts, we have trained a machine-learned interatomic potential for basaltic glass, which we use to run molecular dynamics simulations of molten basalt and a basalt surface at temperatures consistent with fresh deposits of basalt during eruption. We have studied the difference between bulk molten basalt and a free surface of molten basalt by comparing the diffusion coefficient, lifetime of species and the spatial distribution of atoms between the two domains. We show that the diffusion at the surface is higher than in the bulk, indicating a higher rearrangement of the surfaces compared to the bulk, and the coordination numbers are generally lower at the surface than in the bulk. When studying the composition of a surface and bulk, our results show that most of the cations on the surface are iron, magnesium and calcium, i.e. the cations that can react with CO2 to precipitate as carbonate minerals. These simulations are relevant for the initial weathering of silicate melt, and knowledge of the composition of the surface are relevant for the potential reactions with CO2 and carbon mineralization.

How to cite: Guren, M. G., Sveinsson, H. A., Caracas, R., Malthe-Sørenssen, A., and Renard, F.: Atomic structure at the surface of warm basaltic glasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12944,, 2025.

EGU25-12965 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern Europe 

Maja Maleš, Fadi Henri Nader, Uroš Stojadinović, Liviu Matenco, Nemanja Krstekanić, Nikola Randjelovic, and Renaud Divies

Collisional orogens are characterized by complex contractional and extensional deformation, which significantly impact fluid migration and mineralization. These processes are crucial for understanding subsurface fluid flow dynamics, with implications for geothermal energy, hydrogen production, and CO2 storage. The Dinarides orogen in southeastern Europe, formed during the closure of the Neotethys Ocean and subsequent Adria-Europe collision, provides an excellent natural laboratory to investigate fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions driven by orogenic deformation.

The Dinarides have experienced a sequence of tectonic events in their late evolution, including NE-EW Late Cretaceous-Eocene contraction, NE-SW Oligocene contraction, and bimodal NE-SW/NW-SE Miocene extension. These phases created fracture networks, tension gashes, and fault gouges, facilitating fluid migration and mineral precipitation within the orogen. Field investigations across five tectonic units in Montenegro (Dalmatian, Budva, High Karst, Pre Karst, and East Bosnian-Durmitor) documented structural features associated with these deformation phases.

Petrographic and geochemical analyses of vein-filling cements, including optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and stable isotope measurements, reveal that vein formation predominantly occurred under burial conditions with episodic transitions to meteoric environments. These results suggest that deformation-controlled fracture network acted as fluid pathways, driving localized dolomitization and calcite precipitation. The structural timing of these features correlates with major orogenic events, providing insights into the relationship between deformation and fluid flow.

Our findings contribute to understanding how fluid migration is driven by tectonic deformation in collisional orogens. By integrating field observations with petrographic and geochemical data, this study offers a framework for linking mineralization processes to tectonic evolution, with broader implications for fluid flow modelling in similar orogenic systems worldwide.

How to cite: Maleš, M., Nader, F. H., Stojadinović, U., Matenco, L., Krstekanić, N., Randjelovic, N., and Divies, R.: Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12965,, 2025.

Understanding the interaction of stress waves with fluid-filled rock joints is crucial for seismic hazard assessment, hydrocarbon extraction, geological CO2 storage, geothermal energy exploration, and wastewater disposal. This study investigates dynamic mechanical behaviors (including elastic modulus and initial joint stiffness) and wave propagation characteristics (i.e., transmission and reflection coefficients, energy attenuation) of single fluid-filled rock joints under the normal incidence of high-intensity stress waves, with a focus on the effects of liquid content and viscosity.  Dynamic compression tests were conducted using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) technique combined with high-speed photography on rock joints with varying liquid content and viscosity. The results demonstrate that higher liquid content and viscosity increase the dynamic elastic modulus and initial joint stiffness of the joints. Increasing joint stiffness leads to an increase in wave transmission but a decrease in wave reflection. Besides, the increasing liquid viscosity reduces both wave transmission and reflection but enhances wave attenuation by individual fluid-filled rock joints. High-speed imaging revealed a transition from turbulent to laminar jet behavior with increasing liquid viscosity. These findings advance the understanding of fluid-rock interaction under dynamic conditions, offering valuable insights for theoretical development and practical applications in geophysical and geomechanical engineering.

How to cite: Yang, H., Duan, H., and Zhu, J.: The role of fluid viscosity in the interaction between individual fluid-filled rock joints and high-intensity stress waves , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15332,, 2025.

EGU25-15657 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processes 

Berit Schwichtenberg, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, Christoph Schrank, Michael W. Jones, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Dominik Fleitmann, Cameron M. Kewish, and Teo Neuenschwander

During the interseismic phase, faults regain frictional strength through a process commonly referred to as fault healing. Key mechanisms include contact welding by dissolution-precipitation creep and cementation by mineral precipitation in fluid-rich environments. While much research has focused on experimental investigations of silicate systems, e.g. in slide-hold-slide experiments, the complex interaction between mechanical and chemical processes, as well as recurring fault healing over multiple earthquake cycles remain understudied. Particularly in the case of natural fault systems, the database is scarce as processes of interest occur at depth and show a low preservation potential during exhumation.

Here, we present a combination of microstructural and microchemical observations from a carbonate-hosted fault zone located within the Helvetic nappe stack of the south-western Swiss Alps which was recently exposed due to glacial retreat, creating excellent outcrop conditions. The microstructural record allows us to distinguish three major healing episodes within the principal slip zone. These episodes follow brittle deformation at sub-seismic to seismic rates, forming veins along sets of discrete fault-parallel fractures. Due to continuous brittle deformation, individual veins experienced subsequent mechanical overprinting which led to the modification of the vein texture, an increase in the local porosity and the formation of new fluid-rock interaction faces. Additionally, we use the unique geochemical fingerprint of each set of veins, documented and analysed by high-resolution X-ray fluorescence mapping of trace elements, to differentiate and characterize individual fluid pulses and dynamic changes in the physio-chemical conditions of the fluid-rock system over time. While we interpret the principal slip zone to represent the youngest deformation event in our study, adjacent vein-derived domains that are deformed by aseismic viscous processes represent relatively older structures. Comparison of the isotopic composition of newly formed calcite crystals with relict grains and the country rock provides insight into possible isotope fluid-rock equilibria during tectonic processes and therefore fluid sources. Measured stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) show a significant influence of meteoric water while clumped isotope thermometry indicates temperatures of 65-120°C, which are at least 100°C lower than in the country rock and literature values of Tmax in the area.

Our results suggest that the observed microstructural record is representative of seismic deformation and associated fault healing caused by low-magnitude earthquakes at shallow crustal levels near the upper limit of the seismogenic zone. This interpretation is consistent with the depth distribution of current hypocenters within a seismically active structure that is located in the vicinity of our study area, the so-called Rawil Fault Zone. We, therefore, conclude that the processes identified in the exhumed tectonite samples can serve as proxies for active deformation and fluid flow at depth. In a wider context, this may offer valuable insights for geothermal exploration in southwest Switzerland.

How to cite: Schwichtenberg, B., Berger, A., Herwegh, M., Schrank, C., Jones, M. W., Bernasconi, S. M., Fleitmann, D., Kewish, C. M., and Neuenschwander, T.: Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15657,, 2025.

EGU25-17178 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experiments 

Nick Harpers, Arthur Ng, James Gilgannon, Damien Freitas, Lisa Eberhardt, Roberto Rizzo, Benoit Cordonnier, Ian Butler, and Florian Fusseis

The dehydration of rocks, such as gypsum, is a critical process influencing plate tectonics and fault zone dynamics. Gypsum dehydration, serving as a model for serpentine dehydration, involves complex hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (HMC) interactions that remain poorly understood under shear stress. Our study investigates how dehydration reactions and microstructural developments relate to macro-scale frictional responses, providing new insights into the conditions leading to mechanical instabilities and shear localisation.

To study the couplings between shear stress, strain and the microstructures formed during the dehydration of gypsum, we have conducted a series of direct shear experiments on Volterra Alabaster slabs and 99% pure gypsum powder. We performed the tests in a new direct shear setup of the x-ray transparent Heitt Mjölnir Cell (Freitas et al. 2024) at the ID19 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France). This new setup allows fast 4D microtomography (4DμCT) to record the time evolution of the microstructure. In several 4D operando experiments, the samples were loaded with 10 - 25 MPa confining pressure and 2 MPa fluid pressure while allowing initial thermal equilibration of the system at 60 °C. Following equilibration, temperature was increased to 115 - 125 °C to start the dehydration of the gypsum. Simultaneously, a constant axial displacement rate of 0.2 - 0.3 µm/s was applied, which produced shear strain within the sample. Pore pressure oscillations were applied to monitor changes in hydraulic permeability across the samples.

The 4DµCT datasets allow good discretization of the three phases of interest (gypsum, hemihydrate and pore space) on the relevant microscale. Our ongoing analyses of the various 4DµCT datasets focus on 1) digital volume correlation (DVC) to quantify the deformation in the sample on the grain scale, 2) the calculation of reaction rates for dehydration and 3) the quantification of grain-scale permeability during shearing and reaction. Initial analyses show well-resolved shear structures forming throughout the different tests (e.g., boundary shears, compaction bands, Riedel-shears). By quantifying the reactions and the deformation over time, we identify the minor and major processes controlling the development of the microstructure. These processes are then related to changes in friction and transport parameters.  In future experiments, we will focus on different lithologies to further understand the effects of fault gouge composition and grain geometry as well as the analysis of rate-and-state friction (RSF) for the quantification of sliding stability. Our data demonstrate the potential that 4D operando direct shear experiments hold for the study of friction processes in fault zones.

How to cite: Harpers, N., Ng, A., Gilgannon, J., Freitas, D., Eberhardt, L., Rizzo, R., Cordonnier, B., Butler, I., and Fusseis, F.: Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17178,, 2025.

EGU25-18686 | Posters on site | TS1.4

The complex and prolonged fracturing and chemical alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite on the Bømlo archipelago in southwestern Norway 

Annina Margreth, Kristian Drivenes, Jasmin Schönenberger, Roelant van der Lelij, Ola Fredin, and Jochen Knies

Reconstructing the tectonic and geomorphological history of geological terranes poses significant challenges, particularly when interpreting deeply buried and exhumed settings. The Rolvsnes granodiorite terrane exposed in the Bømlo archipelago on Norway’s southwestern coast, provide invaluable insights into these processes. This granodioritic to granitic intrusive body serves as an onshore counterpart to offshore basement reservoirs, such as those on the Utsira basement high, where altered basement rocks are overlain by Permian to Cretaceous sediments. These analogs enable researchers to link surface observations to subsurface conditions, offering a rare opportunity to understand complex fracture and alteration histories.

We provide new evidence from multidisciplinary investigations constraining the fracturing and alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite. Multiple chemically altered bedrock outcrops associated with fracture zones were identified across Bømlo, with samples collected for geochemical, mineralogical, and isotopic analyses. We characterize secondary clay assemblages and constrain the timing of alteration processes. Additionally, three bedrock cores drilled through prominent fracture zones were logged and sampled to enhance the dataset with subsurface information.

K-Ar geochronology dates range from the Carboniferous to the Paleogene, suggesting multiple alteration events over extended periods. Geochemical and mineralogical data indicate significant leaching of alkali and alkaline-earth elements, with the formation of kaolinite, smectite, interstratified illite-smectite, illite, and lepidocrocite in the altered material. Scanning electron microscopy reveals small but significant differences between alteration zones. In some zones, K-feldspar is altered into a mixture of kaolinite, smectite, and illite, while plagioclase (particularly Na-rich laminae) and biotite remain relatively unaffected. In other zones, biotite transforms into vermiculite, illite, and iron (hydro-)oxides, while plagioclase alters into smectite and kaolinite, leaving K-feldspar relatively intact. These findings suggest alteration predominantly by low-temperature meteoric water. Many samples did not yield Kübler Index determinations due to poorly defined 10 Å peaks, but acquired illite-crystallinity data indicate fluid temperatures ranging from 120 to 295 °C. Thus, K-Ar ages should be interpreted cautiously, as multiple alteration events may occur along the same fracture zone at different times.

The data suggests that faulting and hydrothermal alteration initiated as early as the Carboniferous, continuing through the Permian. Late Triassic brittle faulting may have coincided with supergene weathering under humid, tropical conditions, resulting in saprolitic weathering of the crystalline basement along pre-existing fractures. During subsequent marine transgressions, most saprolitic material was eroded, leaving remnants buried beneath sedimentary cover, which was in turn largely removed during the Plio-Pleistocene. The Rolvsnes granodiorite appears to have experienced additional fracturing and alteration events beneath this sedimentary cover, as indicated by K-Ar dates extending into the Early Cretaceous and Paleogene. 

This study highlights the inherent difficulties of reconstructing complex tectonic and geomorphological histories in such terranes. The Bømlo archipelago offers a compelling case study for linking onshore observations to offshore settings, but challenges remain in disentangling overlapping alteration processes and correlating them to specific tectonic events.

How to cite: Margreth, A., Drivenes, K., Schönenberger, J., van der Lelij, R., Fredin, O., and Knies, J.: The complex and prolonged fracturing and chemical alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite on the Bømlo archipelago in southwestern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18686,, 2025.

EGU25-19182 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy) 

Muhammad Awais, Renato Diamanti, Giovanni Camanni, Massimo D'antonio, Giovanna Della porta, Valeria Di renzo, Sossio fabio Graziano, Alessandro Iannace, and Andrew Kylander-clark

Shallow crustal fault zones, particularly those within carbonate successions, are deformation zones that influence subsurface fluid migration, localization, and interaction. These zones, characterized by fault-controlled fracturing and brecciation, can act as important conduits for fluid flow in the Earth's crust. The interaction between fluids and the fractured carbonates rock matrix can induce significant changes in the mineralogical and mechanical properties of fault zones. Therefore, studying fluid-rock interactions in such environments is crucial not only for understanding the natural processes governing subsurface fluid dynamics, deformation, and metamorphism but also for addressing significant challenges in energy and mineral exploration as well as in underground engineering.

This study presents, for the first time in the southern Apennines (southern Italy), evidence of fault-driven hydrothermal dolomitization during the late Triassic rifting event in the western Adria plate. We investigated the fault-controlled saddle dolomite formation in Norian dolomites exposed in the western sector of the Matese Massif. The study focused on dolomite breccias associated with N-S and NNW-SSE striking normal faults. These structures include layers of mature cataclasites made of clasts with angular boundaries within a highly porous matrix, crossed by veins, mosaic and chaotic breccias. The breccias are composed of angular clasts of host rock dolomite, formed by early marine replacive dolomitization of shallow-water carbonates, surrounded by coarse saddle dolomite cement. The saddle dolomite cement is characterized by two distinct phases. The first phase (SD1) is yellow, inclusion-rich, and forms a rim around the clasts, while the second phase (SD2) is euhedral, exhibiting well-defined zoning with a transition from cloudy to limpid crystals. The saddle dolomite cement texture, coupled with decreasing δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values, suggests that it precipitated at temperatures of 100-120°C from fluids that likely interacted with magmatic sources.

U-Pb dating of the dolomite cement provides late Triassic crystallization ages of approximately 206 ± 13 Ma and 217.0 ± 6.6 Ma. Additionally, the ferroan dolomite cement contains quartz and hydrothermal minerals, including fluorite and apatite, in minor quantities. These findings suggest that the brecciation and hydrothermal saddle dolomite precipitation were linked to normal fault activity during the breakup of Pangea, contributing to the separation of the SW sector of Eurasia from the western margin of the Adria Plate.

How to cite: Awais, M., Diamanti, R., Camanni, G., D'antonio, M., Della porta, G., Di renzo, V., Graziano, S. F., Iannace, A., and Kylander-clark, A.: Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19182,, 2025.

What makes slow and fast slip phenomena exhibit different statistics, in frequency distribution and temporal rate of moment? [1–3] Here, we experimentally demonstrate an exponential distribution of moment and a proportionality between moment and duration, as slow-slip phenomena. These statistics are realized by our novel rotary shear system using spherical particles floated on a liquid surface. By varying porosity and material of the particle layer, we suggest that low friction and/or low rigidity of particles distinguish slow-slip phenomena from fast slip. Our results imply that the amount and temporal rate of moment is limited by the strain localization and the fraction of pore or ductile phase.

We developed a quasi-two-dimensional rotary shear system using fault gouge analogue lubricated with fluid matrix. A granular layer of spherical particles (~ 4 mm in diameter) was prepared floating on a transparent heavy liquid (density 2.8 g/cm3). We recorded and tracked particle movements while measuring torque in real-time. The porosity of the layer was varied between 0.18 and 1 (pure liquid), using roughly 3900 particles at maximum. These measurements were conducted individually with soft, low-friction hydrogel particles and hard glass beads. A rotating cylinder connected to a torque meter via a torsion spring imposed shear on the layer at 0.6˚/s, 0.01 mm/s on the surface. The same particles were glued onto the cylinder.

Our findings can be summarized in the following three points:

(1) A decrease in porosity results in the transition from stable shear flow to stick-slip behaviors. Using hydrogel particles, the stress drop during slip events follows a scale-limited exponential distribution, irrespective of porosity. Similarly, using glass beads, exponential distributions are observed. Considering previous experimental studies confining dry frictional particles with power law [4–6], low friction by our lubrication might suppress force chain networking across particles and scale-invariant event generation.

(2) The moment of the hydrogel particle layer, calculated from measured torque and visually tracked slip area, also follows an exponential distribution. The characteristic moment increases with porosity decrease (pressure increase). The decrease in porosity is also accompanied by shear band localization. This localization is, thus, caused by compression of a higher porous shear band. The decrease in pore fluid and ductile phase could explain the seismic transition zone from slow to fast earthquakes on updip and downdip side, respectively.

(3) A nearly linear moment-duration scaling with an exponent of 1.0–1.3 is exhibited by hydrogel at any porosity, while glass beads exhibit an exponent of 1.3-2.3. This might correspond to the earthquake scaling: linear for slow-slip phenomena, and cubic for fast ones [2]. Moreover, for soft hydrogel particles, porosity decrease leads to the maximum moment rate, as expected to slow earthquakes [3]. In our analogue system, the maximum moment rate is limited by the minimum width of the localized shear band, suggesting similar mechanisms in natural slip systems.

[1] Chestler & Creager (2017) JGR
[2] Ide et al. (2007) nature
[3] Ide & Beroza (2023) PNAS
[4] Korkolis et al (2021) JGR
[5] Geller et al (2015) PRE
[6] Dalton & Corcoran (2001) PRE

How to cite: Sasaki, Y. and Katsuragi, H.: Lubricated soft granular shear explaining an origin of slow-slip phenomena's statistics: Experimental study using fault gouge analogue of spherical hydrogel particles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-327,, 2025.

EGU25-909 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

1,000-km distant dynamic triggering of large aseismic fault slip and mud volcano unrest in the Eastern Caucasus 

Zaur Bayramov, Renier Viltres, Cécile Doubre, Alessia Maggi, Romain Jolivet, and Luis Rivera

Dynamic triggering of local seismicity or slow-slip events by large earthquakes over vast distances is a well-documented phenomenon. Using satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) and seismic data, we identified a significant  aseismic deformation signal in the Eastern Kura Basin, situated between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus thrust belts, at the diffuse boundary of the converging Eurasian and Arabian plates. This deformation is concentrated along the 170-km-long West Caspian Fault (WCF) and six shorter, sub-parallel faults (<70-km); it is also associated with unrest at 56 mud volcanoes over known hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Surface displacement fields from four InSAR tracks constrained the aseismic slip to a transient event between 4 and 9 February 2023, with no significant pre- or post-slip deformation. However, InSAR and GNSS  analysis over a longer time-frame indicates that the WCF and sub-parallel faults are continuously creeping. Seismic analysis of data from a station 2 km away from the WCF identified 58 high-frequency local events at depths ranging 10–20 km, with magnitudes below 3.2. These events coincided with the arrival of surface waves from the 6 February 2023, M7.8/M7.6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes in eastern Türkiye, over 1,000 km away. SAR coherence and interferometric phase maps also revealed eruptions and deformation at 56 mud volcanoes during this period, suggesting a fluid-mediated dynamic triggering mechanism. Our inversion of displacement fields indicates right-lateral strike-slip motion along the vertical WCF and sub-parallel faults, incorporating hydrocarbon reservoir inflation.

We interpret the observed aseismic slip as a fluid-mediated transient event dynamically triggered by the surface-waves of a 1000-km distant earthquake, which altered pore pressure and normal stress on optimally oriented faults in the Eastern Kura basin. This event represents one of the largest documented aseismic crustal slips in a continental collision zone. Despite the continuous creep and transient slip behavior observed along the WCF,  its potential for generating large seismic events remains uncertain. 

How to cite: Bayramov, Z., Viltres, R., Doubre, C., Maggi, A., Jolivet, R., and Rivera, L.: 1,000-km distant dynamic triggering of large aseismic fault slip and mud volcano unrest in the Eastern Caucasus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-909,, 2025.

Subducted rough topography, such as seamounts, complicates seismic and aseismic slip behavior along megathrusts. The 2024 M 7.1 Hyuganada earthquake occurred along the megathrust with the subduction of Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) offshore Kyushu, southwestern Japan. Therefore, this earthquake provides a valuable opportunity to observationally illustrate the role of subducted seamounts in modulating seismic and aseismic slip processes.  We inferred coseismic slip and 1-week afterslip using GNSS coordinates. The inferred mainshock slip was located in the down-dip of the seamount, suggesting that this earthquake was initiated under enhanced compression due to the subducted seamount. Furthermore, considering that subducted seamounts might act as a soft barrier, the mainshock rupture was probably arrested by this seamount. The inferred 1-week afterslip peaked at the up-dip of the mainshock peak and overlapped with the seamount. This up-dip afterslip is accompanied by four aftershock clusters. Assuming that the activation timing of aftershocks marks the arrival of the afterslip front, various onset timings of these clusters suggest different migration rates of afterslip in different directions. In particular, the activation of a cluster up-dip of the seamount is delayed, suggesting that the migration rate of the afterslip front is slowed down along the path across the seamount. Little afterslip is inferred in a segment south of the mainshock, where the interseismic slip deficit rate is low. We interpret these observations that the megathrust there is somehow insusceptible to stress perturbation and seems to creep steadily across the mainshock occurrence. Our results geodetically highlight that the subducted KPR introduced mechanical heterogeneity of megathrust at an order of 10 km.

How to cite: Itoh, Y.: Coseismic slip and early afterslip of the 2024 Hyuganada earthquake modulated by a subducted seamount, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1671,, 2025.

EGU25-1948 | Orals | TS3.3

Stick-slip from heterogeneous Coulomb friction 

Maryam Alghannam, Jan Nordbotten, and Ruben Juanes

Stick-slip on pre-existing faults has long been recognized as a source of shallow earthquakes, where  "stick" is the interseismic period of elastic strain accumulation and  "slip" is the earthquake. While stick-slip behavior has long been associated with velocity-dependent and time-dependent friction, the description has not adequately addressed position-dependent friction---an aspect that is relevant to spatially complex fault zones in nature. Here we state a frame-indifferent formulation of frictional contact between heterogeneous surfaces and introduce the notion that friction is a function of the states of the two surfaces in contact, each representing roughness and microstructural details of the surface. We show how the interaction between irregular surfaces results in heterogeneous Coulomb friction along the interface. We then conduct dynamic simulations of a spring-slider model and find that heterogeneity in Coulomb friction alone is capable of reproducing a wide range of complex fault slip behaviors, from fault creep and low frequency earthquakes to ordinary earthquakes and slow slip events. The different slip behaviors produced by our model occur at a spectrum with no sharp boundaries between them, which seem to agree with observations in various subduction zones. We also find that seismic moment-duration scaling span a broad continuum with upper bounds for fast and slow earthquakes adhering to cubic and linear relations, respectively. As a whole, our framework of position-dependent friction raises the prospect of alternative approaches to simulate earthquake dynamics in multidimensional models of geologic faults. 

How to cite: Alghannam, M., Nordbotten, J., and Juanes, R.: Stick-slip from heterogeneous Coulomb friction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1948,, 2025.

EGU25-2271 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Transient Weakening of a Natural Fault Zone 

Sam Wimpenny

In 2011 and 2016 two near-identical earthquakes near Mochiyama, Japan ruptured the same fault, in the same place, with a similar magnitude. The unusually short repeat time between the two earthquakes provides a rare opportunity to estimate the evolution of stress on a fault through an earthquake cycle, as the stress drop in the first earthquake provides a reference value from which we can infer variations through time in the stresses required to cause earthquake rupture. I will argue that the fault experienced a decrease of 1–5 MPa in the shear stresses needed to generate earthquake rupture (20-50% of the first earthquake’s stress drop). I will describe geodetic and seismological evidence of the inter-event period that might have hinted at the mechanisms that led to this fault weakening.  

How to cite: Wimpenny, S.: Transient Weakening of a Natural Fault Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2271,, 2025.

EGU25-4673 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Investigating megathrust slip during and following the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in southwest Japan  

Xiaolong Zhang, Shaoyang Li, and Ling Chen

We use a 3-D finite-element model to invert the dense GNSS observations for coseismic and postseismic megathrust slip of the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in westernmost Nankai subduction zone. The results reveal a quasi-circular, thrust-dominated rupture with a maximum slip of ~ 1.5 m, spanning depths of 15–30 km along the downdip edge of the subducting Kyushu-Palau ridge. Following the mainshock, a complex evolution of postseismic slip is observed. Initially, afterslip is concentrated predominantly within the coseismic rupture area. Over subsequent weeks, afterslip steadily migrates downdip to depths of 30–50 km, overlapping with regions historically associated with short- and long-term slow slip events (SSEs). Approximately one month after the earthquake, an additional episode of accelerated aseismic slip is detected at depths of 60–80 km, accompanied by a burst of M1–2 microseismicity. This distinct spatiotemporal evolution of megathrust slip suggests a complex interplay among the temperature and stress states of the subduction system, the megathrust rheology and the subducting Kyushu-Palau ridge. Through systematic resolution tests, we demonstrate that this event may represent the first well-constrained “seamount earthquake” captured by modern inland geodesy.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Li, S., and Chen, L.: Investigating megathrust slip during and following the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in southwest Japan , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4673,, 2025.

EGU25-5800 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Understanding Fault Slip Modes Through AE Scaling and Seismic Partitioning 

Federico Pignalberi, Giacomo Mastella, Carolina Giorgetti, Chris Marone, and Marco Maria Scuderi

Recent observations reveal that faults can host both slow and fast slip events, raising fundamental questions about their governing physics. Initially considered rare phenomena, slow slip events are now recognized as widespread features of fault zones, capable of releasing seismic moments comparable to large earthquakes, however, over longer time-scales.

We use laboratory experiments in a double-direct shear configuration with quartz gouge to explore fault slip behavior under varying normal stresses (8–22 MPa) and loading stiffness. The experiments were conducted on the BRAVA2 biaxial deformation apparatus, which features servo-controlled loading and high-frequency acoustic emission (AE) monitoring. By varying the stiffness ratio (k/kc), defined as the ratio of system stiffness (k) to fault stiffness (kc), we reproduced a spectrum of slip behaviors.

Our results reveal that the transition between slip modes is governed by the ratio (k/kc) of the loading system stiffness (k) to the fault critical stiffness (kc). We observe stable sliding when k/kc > 1.4, slow slip events clustering around k/kc ≈ 1, and fast events occurring when k/kc < 0.8, with peak slip velocities ranging from hundreds of μm/s to over 25 mm/s.

These slip modes exhibit distinct seismic signatures: slow slip events produce swarms of low-amplitude AEs (M0<10−2 Nm) corresponding to fault acceleration, while fast events generate concentrated high-amplitude bursts (M0>10−2 Nm). Despite differences in seismic signatures, our findings reveal continuous scaling across slip modes, with breakdown work (Wb​) scaling with slip (Wb∝δ1.47) and seismic moment (Wb∝M00.25). The key difference lies in deformation partitioning: during slow slip, AEs occur in ~0.02% of the total slip duration, defined by the time during the stress drop, while fast slip events exhibit AEs over >10% of their duration. This indicates that slow slip is dominated by aseismic processes, whereas fast slip involves more seismic energy release.

Based on these observations, we suggest that slow and fast earthquakes represent end-members of a continuum. During slow slip, multiple small seismic patches develop during short inter-seismic periods, leading to distributed deformation. In contrast, fast slip events develop under longer inter-seismic periods, enabling the formation of larger, more coherent patches that fail simultaneously. This finding has important implications for understanding the spatiotemporal variations in fault slip behavior and suggests that changes in fault zone properties could trigger transitions between slip modes.

How to cite: Pignalberi, F., Mastella, G., Giorgetti, C., Marone, C., and Scuderi, M. M.: Understanding Fault Slip Modes Through AE Scaling and Seismic Partitioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5800,, 2025.

EGU25-8291 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Exploring the role of hydromechanics in back-propagating rupture dynamics 

Jiayi Ye, Luca Dal Zilio, and Domenico Giardini

Back-propagating rupture (BPR), a phenomenon where seismic rupture migrates rapidly backward away from its advancing front, has been observed across various geological settings. Previous studies have proposed that the occurrence of BPR is attributed to fault zone complexity and heterogeneity, including the presence of fluids, but how fluid flow controls BPR behavior remains poorly understood. In this study, we use the Hydro-Mechanical Earthquake Cycles (H-MECs) model to explore the interplay between fluid flow and BPR in a fault with a poro-visco-elasto-plastic medium, governed by rate- and state-dependent friction. Our simulations show that back-propagating rupture can occur either on a homogeneous fault or fault zone with heterogeneous hydro-mechanical structure. By increasing the background pre-stress on a homogeneous fault, we observe different rupture modes, from steady pulse rupture with BPR, steady-growing pulse rupture to crack-like rupture, with rupture speed increasing linearly. Further simulations accounting for fault zone heterogeneity demonstrate that regions with low pore-fluid pressure are more likely to undergo seismic rupture, while regions with high pore-fluid pressure remain stable and creeping. BPR occurs when rupture transitions from a low to a high pore-fluid pressure region.  This pore-fluid pressure transition induces oscillations in slip rate and shear stress, triggering a shift from pulse-like to crack-like rupture behavior, generating a secondary rupture front that propagates backward and causing re-rupture along the fault. Our findings indicate that the length of the high pore-fluid pressure region and background pre-stress significantly influence the occurrence and propagation of BPR — smaller background pre-stress and larger high pore-fluid pressure regions promote BPR, driven by a self-healing front behind the forward rupture. These results emphasize the critical role of pore-fluid pressure heterogeneity and stress conditions in fault dynamics, providing a plausible mechanism for back-propagating rupture consistent with observations.

How to cite: Ye, J., Dal Zilio, L., and Giardini, D.: Exploring the role of hydromechanics in back-propagating rupture dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8291,, 2025.

EGU25-9023 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

The influence of cementation on faults frictional stability 

Giuseppe Volpe, Raphael Affinito, Laura Calzolari, Giacomo Pozzi, Chris Marone, and Cristiano Collettini

Fault healing is a crucial mechanism for the seismic cycle allowing faults to lock and restrengthen during the interseismic time. Several studies also suggested that the rate of fault healing controls the magnitude and recurrence time of earthquakes both in laboratory and nature. Experimental works show that fault healing, at the laboratory time-scale of 1 to 105 s, is dominantly a frictionally-driven process which derives from the time-dependent growth of the contact area due to plastic yielding of asperities. However, seismic cycles in nature are considerably longer and thus other healing mechanisms such as cementation are more effective. Cementation is a chemically-driven process commonly observed in the field where cataclasites characterize the core of several exhumed tectonic faults.  Nevertheless, laboratory studies on the role of cementation on fault stability are still few because the limited time-frame of the laboratory approach which hinders an effective characterization of the process. Here we present a different experimental approach to overcome this limitation. By using an analogue fault gouge made of hydraulic cement in both nominally dry and fluid saturated conditions, we investigate how frictional and chemical (cementation) healing influence fault slip behavior. Microstructural analysis shows the pervasive precipitation of newly-formed minerals in the fluid-saturated gouge, coherently with the expected cementation reaction. In these experiments, cementation results in larger and non-log-linear restrengthening of the experimental fault compared to frictional healing. Our results show that cementation also promotes unstable slip, inducing a time-dependent increase of fault cohesive strength that scales with time as the observed stress drop during instabilities. We thus suggest that cementation is a fundamental mechanism during interseismic time that controls the seismic potential of faults, even at shallow depths, with relevant implications for natural and induced seismicity.

How to cite: Volpe, G., Affinito, R., Calzolari, L., Pozzi, G., Marone, C., and Collettini, C.: The influence of cementation on faults frictional stability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9023,, 2025.

EGU25-9527 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Reconciling fault growth histories in time and space and seismic hazard analysis: Western Gulf of Corinth 

Amelia Pua, Alexander C. Whittaker, and Valerie Locher

Understanding and monitoring active faults provides useful information in understanding fault movement and constraining seismic hazards. Recently,
short-term deformation rates have been increasingly studied and can be compared with long-term geological data. This study utilises Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) spanning 2018 to 2023 to investigate vertical ground deformation rates along the Psathopyrgos and Rion-Patras faults in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. These two faults represent some of the most active zones of deformation in the region. Our observations reveal a consistent vertical deformation signal, which when combined with topographic data from a 5 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM), helps to constrain the spatial extent of tectonic deformation. We hypothesise that the current deformation across these faults is primarily driven by aseismic creep and interseismic deformation, which is picked up by the EGMS. With increasing microseismicity and possible seismic risk in the area, we perform a seismic hazard analysis to evaluate the potential impact of linked fault ruptures, particularly concerning densely populated areas such as the city of Patras. We obtain Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values of 414 − 432 cm/s2 near the city of Patras and Rio. This research highlights the importance of integrating remote sensing data with geological and seismic observations to improve our understanding of fault behaviour and regional seismic risks.

How to cite: Pua, A., Whittaker, A. C., and Locher, V.: Reconciling fault growth histories in time and space and seismic hazard analysis: Western Gulf of Corinth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9527,, 2025.

EGU25-9628 | Orals | TS3.3

Two phases of pseudotachylytes in Ra Chu transect of South Tibetan Detachment System and its implications to fault activities 

Yilin Guo, Yang Chu, Wei Lin, Yiyang Lei, Tanjie Liu, and Lin Guo

Tectonic pseudotachylytes preserve key information of fossil earthquakes. They provide valuable insights into the activity and tectonic evolution of ancient faults. The >2000 km long South Tibetan Detachment System is one of largest fault systems in the world, and the exposure of its seismogenic zone can help understand formation of earthquakes. Our structural analysis reveals two phases of pseudotachylytes under different deformation conditions in the leucogranite of Ra Chu transect. Field investigations identify two types of pseudotachylytes: (1) M-PT type pseudotachylyte associated with mylonitization, and C-PT type pseudotachylyte that formed during cataclasis. The former develops parallel to the pervasive foliation of the host rock, while the latter crosscuts the foliation at a high angle. Microstructural observation suggests that both types of pseudotachylytes are produced by frictional melting. Geochemical analysis has revealed selective melting of minerals and trace element migration during the formation of pseudotachylytes, necessitating the involvement of external fluids. These fluids play an important role in process of earthquake nucleation by reducing the strength of fault zones. Geochronological constraints correlate the formation of pseudotachylytes to regional tectonics: Firstly, M-PT formed within the brittle-ductile transition zone at ~17 Ma and underwent ductile deformation together with the host rock. As the fault zone exhumed, C-PT and cataclasis superimposed in the shallow brittle zone at ~14 Ma. The coexistence of these two types of pseudotachylytes records the rapid cooling and exhumation history of the South Tibetan Detachment System over several million years, indicating that seismic sliding occurred repeatedly in the same section of a long-lived fault zone.

How to cite: Guo, Y., Chu, Y., Lin, W., Lei, Y., Liu, T., and Guo, L.: Two phases of pseudotachylytes in Ra Chu transect of South Tibetan Detachment System and its implications to fault activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9628,, 2025.

EGU25-9863 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Experimental deformation of clay-rich fault gouges within the rate-and state-dependent friction and flow law frameworks 

Evangelos Korkolis, Marieke Rempe, André Niemeijer, and Daniel Faulkner

Clay-rich fault gouges, such as those commonly found in mature fault zones, exhibit complex frictional-plastic behavior. The standard rate- and state-dependent friction law (RSF) can capture the macroscopic frictional behavior of geologic materials in laboratory experiments but offers limited insight into the underlying microphysical processes. Flow laws (FL), i.e. constitutive equations of material behavior with a microphysical basis, have been proposed as a suitable tool to explain the rate and temperature dependence of friction. Here, we use both frameworks, RSF and FL, to analyze the deformation behavior of kaolinite-rich gouges.
We report on the results of velocity stepping and slide-hold-slide friction experiments on dry and water-saturated kaolinite-rich powder (75 % kaolinite, 14 % muscovite/illite, 8 % K-feldspar, 3 % quartz), at a range of temperatures (20 oC to 180 oC) and load point velocities (0.03 µm/s to 100 µm/s, corresponding to bulk strain rates of ~3*10-5 s-1 to 10-1 s-1). The experiments were performed using two different experimental devices covering a broad range of normal stress, displacement, and sliding rate conditions: a triaxial direct shear apparatus (effective normal stress values of 60 MPa and 160 MPa) and a rotary shear apparatus (effective normal stress of 60 MPa). In the velocity stepping tests, we observed both velocity weakening and velocity strengthening friction. At 180 oC, we found that (a - b) decreased with increasing target velocity. At 20 oC, 70 oC, and 120 oC, there is no clear trend in (a - b) with respect to target velocity or step direction. The results of the slide-hold-slide tests suggest the activation of water-assisted, heat-driven mechanisms at temperatures above 70 oC: the healing rate β transitioned from positive values at 20 oC and 70 oC, to negative values at 120 oC and 180 oC, leading to net weakening at long hold times. For the saturated samples at 120 oC and 180 oC, the decrease in β was accompanied by a significant decrease in the stress exponent n to values below 50 with increasing temperature and decreasing strain rate, suggesting a switch in the dominant deformation mechanism as well. Overall, our preliminary findings demonstrate the complementarity of the RSF and FL frameworks in analyzing fault gouge deformation over a wide range of strain rates relevant for earthquake nucleation.

How to cite: Korkolis, E., Rempe, M., Niemeijer, A., and Faulkner, D.: Experimental deformation of clay-rich fault gouges within the rate-and state-dependent friction and flow law frameworks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9863,, 2025.

Premonitory slip and migrating foreshocks transitioning into an accelerating unstable rupture are commonly observed in experiments and less frequently in nature, but what controls their spatiotemporal evolution remains unclear. In this context, we conduct a series of displacement-driven triaxial compression experiments on porous sandstone samples containing a saw-cut fault under conditions of varying load point velocities (1 to 10 μm/s), confining pressures (35 to 75 MPa) and constant pore pressure (5 MPa). Integrating far-field mechanical and displacement measurements, near-fault strain gauge arrays, and a dense network of piezoelectric transducers, we find that local premonitory slip always occurs above a threshold stress, showing a crack-like propagating front with a slow speed up to 2 cm/s. Premonitory slip is accompanied by migrating small-magnitude precursory Acoustic Emissions (AEs) with dominantly shear-enhanced compaction source mechanisms transitioning to double-couple when approaching slip events. The transition from local premonitory slip to system-size slip event occurs once the premonitory slip front crosses the entire fault, followed by the emergence of system-size slip event with an accelerating rupture front in the opposite direction. Premonitory slip and precursory AE rates accelerate progressively, culminating in slow (< 5 µm/s slip rates) or fast (1 to 10 mm/s) slip events. With increasing load point velocities, average premonitory slip rates increase at reduced precursory time spans, leading to fast slip events. Increasing confining pressure causes increasing premonitory slip and off-fault precursory AEs, but does not affect premonitory slip rates. Precursory slip scales with co-seismic slip, and is predominately aseismic. Our results imply that local variations in loading conditions at slow slip and rupture velocities will affect spatiotemporal evolution of premonitory slip and potentially associated foreshock activity.

How to cite: Wang, L. and Dresen, G.: Propagation of premonitory slip leading up to system-size rupture events on laboratory faults in porous sandstone: Effects of loading rate and confining pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10473,, 2025.

EGU25-10707 | Orals | TS3.3

Diverse Deformation: Novel Insights into Preparatory Earthquake Physics from the Laboratory 

Paul Antony Selvadurai, Hao Chen, Patrick Bianchi, Antonio Salazar Vasquez, Sofia Michail, Mehdi Nikkhoo, Luca Dal Zilio, Claudio Madonna, Domenico Giardini, and Stefan Wiemer

Fault zones in the brittle regime accommodate deformation across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, from localized, rapid seismic events to extensive, slow aseismic creep.  The initiation of large ruptures is a complex process, with diverse spatiotemporal patterns reflecting a range of physical mechanisms not yet fully integrated into a single theoretical framework.

Recent advances in laboratory experiments, using techniques analogous to seismic and geodetic methods, enable the monitoring of rock deformation across broad scales.  We present results from triaxial rock failure tests employing a novel combination of acoustic emission (AE) sensors (to study seismic response) and fibre optic-based distributed strain sensing (DSS) systems (to map heterogeneous surface strain). A key theoretical challenge is understanding damage accumulation during the pre-failure phase and the transition to seismogenic behaviour.  Our study leverages these technological advances to assess the heterogeneous evolution of rheology and its influence on earthquake preparation physics.

Experiments on intact and notched rock specimens reveal differing preparatory mechanics. In intact specimens, DSS measurements show silent, long-range stress redistribution followed by accelerated AE bursts only at sufficiently high stress levels.  The failure of local heterogeneities produces intermittent changes in AE number and statistics, as well as in surface strain.  In notched specimens, process zones generate self-arresting creep surges with increased AE rates, mirroring natural observations.  We discuss numerical approaches to integrate these diverse behaviours.

How to cite: Selvadurai, P. A., Chen, H., Bianchi, P., Salazar Vasquez, A., Michail, S., Nikkhoo, M., Dal Zilio, L., Madonna, C., Giardini, D., and Wiemer, S.: Diverse Deformation: Novel Insights into Preparatory Earthquake Physics from the Laboratory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10707,, 2025.

EGU25-12092 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Impact of Heterogeneous Initial Stress on the Seismic Cycle and Rupture Dynamics of a Long Laboratory Fault 

Federica Paglialunga, François Passelègue, Jean Paul Ampuero, Soumaya Latour, and Marie Violay

Natural fault systems exhibit a complex interplay of factors that govern the nucleation, propagation, and arrest of ruptures. Among these factors, the distribution of initial stress stands out as a key driver of rupture dynamics, influencing the size, recurrence interval, and spatial characteristics of seismic events. The fault system size further contributes to the complexity of the seismic cycle. This study investigates how heterogeneous initial stress conditions shape the seismic cycle of a long experimental fault.

We reproduce frictional ruptures on a biaxial direct shear apparatus hosting a 2.5 m long fault composed of analog material (PMMA). The initial stress distribution is controlled through a stopper that modifies the boundary conditions. Strain gauge rosettes, recording at 40 kHz, measure stress evolution.

Our results demonstrate that stress heterogeneity significantly affects seismic behavior, including nucleation location and complexity of the seismic sequences (from system size events to supercycles). Moreover, stress heterogeneity strongly influences the dynamics of main ruptures, leading to complex behaviors such as temporary arrest and re-nucleation of the rupture. Time delays (time intervals between arrest and re-nucleation) were found to span two orders of magnitude and were significantly larger than the dynamic propagation period. Numerical simulations corroborate these findings, revealing delayed triggering mechanisms such as creeping front-induced, dynamic wave-induced, or a combination of the two.

This study offers a framework for interpreting stress heterogeneity's spatial and temporal evolution along natural faults and its implications for earthquake predictability and rupture dynamics.

How to cite: Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F., Ampuero, J. P., Latour, S., and Violay, M.: Impact of Heterogeneous Initial Stress on the Seismic Cycle and Rupture Dynamics of a Long Laboratory Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12092,, 2025.

EGU25-13682 | Orals | TS3.3

Taxonomy of shallow aseismic creep 

Daniel Gittins, Kathryn Materna, and Roger Bilham

Shallow aseismic fault creep has been observed for more than half a century (Steinbrugge et al., 1960). Aseismic creep can be manifest as continuous creep at a steady rate, can occur episodically in events with durations of hours or weeks, or can take the form of afterslip decaying in rate following an earthquake.

Upon closer inspection of the different types of aseismic slip recorded on creepmeters, this simple view may not be complete. Here, we present a new taxonomy for shallow aseismic slip based on 40 years of creepmeter data recorded at seventy-nine locations on creeping faults in California, Utah, Türkiye, and Pakistan. We identify at least six major forms of creep: steady creep, episodic creep events, afterslip, triggered slip, months-long creep surges, and creeplets (slip of ≤100 μm). The last two of these modes of aseismic slip have hitherto not been recognized, since they are often difficult to distinguish from environmental perturbations and/or instrumental artifacts. The creep event and creeplet classes of aseismic slip can form sequences of events that occur in close temporal spacing to one another. These six modes of creep may sometimes occur simultaneously (notably afterslip and creeplets/smaller creep events), combining to accommodate the overall fault motions.

Using these formalised definitions of aseismic slip, we have catalogued more than 5000 aseismic slip transients. In this global catalogue of mostly sub-centimetre amplitude shallow aseismic slip transients we observe over 4,400 creep events, over 800 creeplets and over 150 months-long creep surges. Using this catalogue we are able to form the following conclusions: the median duration of episodic creep events is 2.7 days with a median slip amplitude of 0.6 mm, creeplets have a median duration of 11 hrs with a median slip amplitude of 50 μm, and creep surges have a median duration of 1.5 months, and a median slip amplitude of 1.7mm. The catalogue will shortly be made available for public access.

How to cite: Gittins, D., Materna, K., and Bilham, R.: Taxonomy of shallow aseismic creep, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13682,, 2025.

EGU25-15266 | Orals | TS3.3

Slow slip events and megathrust coupling changes contribute to the earthquake potential in Oaxaca, Mexico 

Carlos Villafuerte, Víctor Cruz-Atienza, Josué Tago, Darío Solano-Rojas, Ricardo Garza-Girón, Sara Ivonne Franco, Luis A. Dominguez, and Vladimir Kostoglodov

Stress accumulation on the plate interface of subduction zones is a key parameter that controls the location, timing and rupture characteristics of earthquakes. The diversity of slip processes occurring in the megathrust indicates that stress is highly variable in space and time. Based on GNSS and InSAR data, we study the evolution of the interplate slip-rate along the Oaxaca subduction zone, Mexico, from October 2016 through October 2020, with particular emphasis on the pre-seismic, coseismic and post-seismic phases associated with the June 23, 2020 Mw 7.4 Huatulco earthquake (also known as La Crucecita earthquake), to understand how different slip regimes contribute to the stress accumulation in the region. Our results show that continuous changes in both the aseismic stress-releasing slip and the coupling produced a high stress concentration prior to the event on the region with the highest moment release of the Huatulco earthquake and a stress deficit zone in the adjacent updip region . This region under negative stress accumulation can be explained by possible recurrent shallow Slow Slip Events (SSE) offshore Huatulco as well as by the stress shadow from adjacent locked segments. Two months prior to the event, a Mw 6.6 long-term SSE also occurred about 80 km northwest from the hypocenter, between 25 and 55 km depth. Transient increments of the interplate coupling around the adjacent 1978 (Mw 7.8) Puerto Escondido rupture zone correlate with the occurrence of the last three SSEs in Oaxaca far downdip of this zone,  possibly associated with along-dip fluid diffusion at the subduction interface. Throughout the four-year period analyzed, the interface region of the 1978 event experienced a high CFS build up, primarily attributable to both the co-seismic and early post-seismic slip of the Huatulco rupture, that, considering the 55 year average return period of the region, indicates large earthquake potential near Puerto Escondido. Continuous monitoring of the interplate slip-rate thus provides a better estimation of the stress accumulation in seismogenic regions than those given by long-term, time-invariant coupling models, and improves our understanding of the megathrust mechanics where future earthquakes are likely to occur.

How to cite: Villafuerte, C., Cruz-Atienza, V., Tago, J., Solano-Rojas, D., Garza-Girón, R., Franco, S. I., Dominguez, L. A., and Kostoglodov, V.: Slow slip events and megathrust coupling changes contribute to the earthquake potential in Oaxaca, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15266,, 2025.

EGU25-15399 | Orals | TS3.3

Temporally variable creep behavior on the East Anatolian Fault and the arrest of the 2023 Pazarcık earthquake rupture 

Gareth Funning, Celeste Hofstetter, and Seda Özarpacı

The 80 km-long, NE-striking Pütürge segment of the East Anatolian fault in eastern Türkiye is bounded by two earthquake rupture zones. In the NE, it is underlain by the rupture zone of the M6.7 2020 Sivrice earthquake; at its SW end, it truncates close to the northeastern extent of the M7.8 2023 Pazarcık earthquake. There is a substantial gap of over 40 km between the two rupture zones. Previous authors (e.g. Çakir et al., 2023) have suggested that the 2020 event was arrested by creep on the NE Pütürge segment. In this study, we investigate whether the Pazarcik event was similarly arrested by creep at the Pütürge segment's SW end.

We process InSAR data from ascending and descending tracks of the Sentinel-1 satellites that cover the Pütürge segment, from three time periods – before, between, and after the two earthquakes – using the ISCE and MintPy software. We take short, fault-perpendicular profiles through the velocities and time series we produce to investigate possible shallow creep behavior, and downsample the cumulative displacements to constrain models of fault slip. 

We find: 1) the Pütürge segment was creeping at the surface before the Sivrice earthquake (in the period 2014-2020), at rates that peak at ~6 mm/yr at its NE end, and decrease along-strike to effectively zero at its SW end; 2) the deformation following the Sivrice event includes ~10 cm of surface creep between February and July 2020 along the Sivrice rupture zone, followed by a M~5.8 aftershock and creep transient on the fault immediately to the SW of that zone; and 3) the post-Pazarcık earthquake deformation (~10 cm of surface creep in 8 months) is concentrated along the SW-most section of the Pütürge segment, where there had been little creep before or after the Sivrice earthquake. As we identify creep along the whole Pütürge segment, albeit at different times in different places, we suggest that creep did plausibly play a role in ending the Pazarcık rupture.

How to cite: Funning, G., Hofstetter, C., and Özarpacı, S.: Temporally variable creep behavior on the East Anatolian Fault and the arrest of the 2023 Pazarcık earthquake rupture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15399,, 2025.

EGU25-15756 | Orals | TS3.3

Progressive weakening of a fault by seismic waves revealed by dynamically triggered slow slip events on the North Anatolian Fault 

Romain Jolivet, Jorge Jara, Patricia Martìnez-Garzón, Émilie Klein, Paul Dérand, Dirk Becker, Ziyadin Çakir, Alpay Özdemir, Roger Bilham, Léonard Seydoux, Ugur Dogan, and Semih Ergintav

Seismic waves from distant earthquakes are known to trigger earthquakes and slow slip events on active faults. However, the underlying physics of such interaction is poorly understood. Dynamic rearrangement of grains in a granular medium, pore pressure changes within that same gouge or the response of a frictional interface have been proposed to explain such distant triggering. The main issue is the lack of observations at various scales of the same triggered slip event in nature, from seconds to years and from the local meter-scale to a full-scale image of induced slip on the fault.

We use data from a dense seismogeodetic network, InSAR imagery and four creepmeters located at Ismetpasa along the North Anatolian Fault to quantify the temporal and spatial evolution of a sequence of transient shallow slow slip events triggered by the passage of the waves from the 2023 Kahramanmaras doublet. Cumulative slip amounts to 1 cm over a few months and accumulates in the form of multiple mm-amplitude slip events lasting from minutes to weeks. Slip nucleated initially during the passage of surface waves from the M7.8 Kahramanmaras and M7.5 Elbistan earthquakes. High-rate (1s) GNSS time series were used to derive complete time series of dynamic aerial strain and stress tensors to compute the dynamic change in Coulomb stress change during the passage of surface waves. Although the timing of dynamic Coulomb stress change is consistent with the initiation of the first slip events, it is difficult to physically quantitatively relate the amplitude of the shaking with the amplitude of the slip events. Three of the creepmeters subsequently recorded multiple creep events with logarithmically decaying fault slip (Tau> 1.7 hours) following an initial offset of a few tens of microns.  We note that the amplitude of the second slip event, triggered by the M7.5 Elbistan earthquake,  is larger than that of the first one, triggered by the M7.8 Kahramanmaras earthquake. Subsequent events in the following weeks initiate when local atmospheric pressure drops severely, a feature that was not observed prior to the sequence. Finally, we observe that, for all these slow slip events, slip rate is slowed down by the local increase in atmospheric pressure with a logarithmic relationship between slip rate and pressure.

We interpret these slow slip events as the signature of the progressive weakening of the fault zone, weakening first initiated dynamically by the passage of the surface waves from distant earthquakes and progressively continued with the cumulation of slip along the fault. The first incoming waves from the Kahramanmaras earthquake dynamically re-arrange material in the fault gouge, initiating a slip instability at depth, potentially further facilitated by elevated pore pressure, then progresses to the surface and expands along the fault. Each wave train further weakens the fault plane allowing for more slip, which itself further weakens the fault. Once no strain is available, the fault recovers and regains its strength over time. Our study provides a first view of the dynamics of triggered events by combining seismological, geodetic and atmospheric observations.

How to cite: Jolivet, R., Jara, J., Martìnez-Garzón, P., Klein, É., Dérand, P., Becker, D., Çakir, Z., Özdemir, A., Bilham, R., Seydoux, L., Dogan, U., and Ergintav, S.: Progressive weakening of a fault by seismic waves revealed by dynamically triggered slow slip events on the North Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15756,, 2025.

EGU25-15900 | Orals | TS3.3

Influence of injection rate on the dynamic of fluid-induced aseismic slip fronts 

Francois Passelegue, Nicolas Brantut, Pierre Dublanchet, Fryer Barnaby, and Hervé Chauris

Fluid injections can induce aseismic slip that propagates either behind or beyond the pore pressure diffusion front, depending on the initial stress state along the fault. In the latter case, the aseismic slip front may trigger seismicity at considerable distances from the injection well. In this study, we investigate the influence of the initial stress state and injection rate on the transition between these two end-member scenarios.

We performed triaxial experiments on a saw-cut Westerly granite sample oriented at an angle of 30° relative to the maximum principal stress. The fault was preloaded to 60% and 90% of its frictional strength before fluid injection was initiated. Fluid was injected along the fault through a borehole positioned at one edge of the fault, with fluid pressure rates ranging from 0.015 to 15 MPa/s.

The propagation of the fluid pressure front was monitored using three pressure sensors placed at varying distances along the fault. A deterministic inversion approach was employed to reconstruct the spatial and temporal evolution of hydraulic diffusivity during injection, up to the onset of instability. This method provided an optimal solution for the diffusion of pore pressure throughout the injection process. The slip front propagation was monitored using strain gauges distributed around the experimental fault. The initiation times of strain release recorded by these gauges were used as proxies for the passage of the slip front. The slip front velocity was inferred by assuming a quasi-circular geometry, as defined by the elastic properties of the tested rock.

Our results reveal that, regardless of the initial stress state, increasing the injection rate reduces the stress injection parameter induces T, allowing the transition between the two end-member cases: (1) aseismic slip front propagating behind the pore pressure diffusion front (λ<1) and (2) aseismic slip front propagating beyond the pore pressure diffusion front (λ>1). Furthermore, higher injection rates result in increased slip front velocities. These experimental observations are interpreted within the framework of fracture mechanics. Specifically, we demonstrate that reducing the initial stress state along the fault enhances the energy release rate (G) promoting the initiation of the slip front propagation. Secondly, higher injection rates generate larger values of G at the crack tip, explaining the observed increase in slip front velocities, and the transition between the two end member cases with increasing injection rates.

How to cite: Passelegue, F., Brantut, N., Dublanchet, P., Barnaby, F., and Chauris, H.: Influence of injection rate on the dynamic of fluid-induced aseismic slip fronts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15900,, 2025.

EGU25-17429 | Orals | TS3.3 | Highlight

Relationships Between Plate Interface Deformation and Earthquake Segmentation 

Nadaya Cubas, Alexis Gauthier, Mathieu Soret, and Laëtitia Le Pourhiet

Prediction of subduction earthquakes mostly relies on interplate coupling models that provide patterns interpreted within the framework of rate-and-state friction laws. However, this framework has been challenged by recent observations, indicating that rheological and geometrical complexities must be considered in order to fully understand megathrust mechanics.

In this study, we investigate whether the strongly and weakly coupled patches could be related to the distribution of deformation along the plate interface, potentially associated with either basal erosion or underplating. Since both underplating and basal erosion impact forearc morphology, the location of such distributed deformation along the plate interface can be inferred from a simple mechanical analysis of the topography.

We first show that long-lived plate interface deformation is governed by aseismic processes. Through a comparison of erosive and accretionary margins, we show that large earthquakes propagate along well-localized and smoothed rate-weakening fault planes, bounded by elongate zones of underplating along accretionary margins, and by both basal erosion and underplating along erosive margins.

Comparing margins of different ages, we find that underplating occurs at shallower depth for younger subducting plates. Along erosive margins, two bands of underplating are observed: the shallow one likely corresponds to the underplating of eroded material, while the deeper would be related to the underplating of the altered oceanic plate. In cold subduction zones, Domain-C earthquakes take place between those two bands, while SSEs are found along warm subduction zones. These differences are discussed using thermo-mechanical simulations.

How to cite: Cubas, N., Gauthier, A., Soret, M., and Le Pourhiet, L.: Relationships Between Plate Interface Deformation and Earthquake Segmentation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17429,, 2025.

EGU25-19314 | Orals | TS3.3

Aseismic deformation within the fold-and-thrust belt in southwest Taiwan: Example from the Tsengwen River section 

Maryline Le Béon, Chang-Chih Chen, Wen-Jeng Huang, Kuo-En Ching, Jhih-Wei Shih, Ya-Chu Tseng, Yi-Wei Chiou, Yen-Chiu Liu, Meng-Long Hsieh, Erwan Pathier, Chih-Heng Lu, and Bénédicte Fruneau

We report a rarely observed case of steady aseismic deformation in the context of a fold-and-thrust belt, with a well-documented structural and lithological background. We focus on a 12-km-long section across the foothills of southwestern Taiwan, where about 23 mm/yr of westward compression is observed. From west to east, the surface geological structures include an anticline, a thrust and a backthrust. We determine Holocene uplift rates based on fluvial terraces, invert the interseismic 3D velocity field using existing geodetic datasets, and build a geological cross-section to constrain the possible deep geometry for the structure responsible for the observed surface deformation. Geodetic vertical velocities and Holocene uplift rates show a similar pattern, with rates rapidly increasing eastward, then remaining relatively constant across the fold axis and thrust, and finally sharply decreasing across the backthrust, across which InSAR observations suggest a velocity discontinuity. Our observations show that active deformation is occurring mainly aseismically and involves the anticline (the Wushantou Anticline) and backthrust (the Kouhsiaoli Fault). Our cross-section illustrates a 4-5 km deep wedge with a passive roof thrust corresponding to the backthrust, on the hanging wall of which the anticline is located. A classical fault-bend fold model with a slip rate of 21±2 mm/yr can explain most of the observations, yet local misfit suggests a possible contribution to uplift from pure shear of clayey rocks in the anticline core. Based on published records from a deep well drilled across the fold core and backthrust, clay-rich lithology and elevated fluid content are likely to favor aseismic slip. Without instrumental earthquakes reported on these structures and in the lack of successful paleo-earthquake investigations, whether these structures ever generate M>6 events remains an open question.

How to cite: Le Béon, M., Chen, C.-C., Huang, W.-J., Ching, K.-E., Shih, J.-W., Tseng, Y.-C., Chiou, Y.-W., Liu, Y.-C., Hsieh, M.-L., Pathier, E., Lu, C.-H., and Fruneau, B.: Aseismic deformation within the fold-and-thrust belt in southwest Taiwan: Example from the Tsengwen River section, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19314,, 2025.

EGU25-19622 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Frictional Behaviour of Carbonates: Defining the Seismogenic Zone in Dolomite  

Elisabeth Kozlov, André Niemeijer, Hans de Bresser, and Helen E. King

Understanding the rheology of carbonates is crucial, as destructive earthquakes frequently occur in tectonically active carbonate regions (e.g., the Corinth Rift Zone, the Italian Apennines, and the Sichuan Basin, China), leading to fatalities and severe economic impacts. Seismic to aseismic deformation can be understood in terms of the frictional response, which is based on the underlying deformation mechanisms. To grasp the seismic potential of faults in carbonates, we studied the conditions under which dolomite fault gouge is frictionally unstable, based on the rate and state friction law (RSF) and complemented the mechanical results with microstructural observations to understand the active deformation mechanisms.
We will
present results from experiments conducted using the hydrothermal rotary shear apparatus on simulated fault gouge of dolostone. These experiments were carried out at sub-seismic slip velocities ranging from nm/s to hundreds of µm/s, temperatures from room temperature to 600 °C, and at a constant effective normal stress and fluid pressure of 50 MPa. Our mechanical results show a strongly temperature dependent steady-state sliding strength during initial sliding, with Byerlee friction values of ~0.7 at low (< 300 °C) and the highest (600 °C) temperature, but values of ~0.4 at intermediate temperatures (300 – 500 °C). Additionally, the friction values show a strong dependence on both velocity and temperature, where cooler temperatures (< 300 °C) are mostly velocity strengthening and therefore conditionally stable, while higher investigated temperatures (400 – 600 °C) result in mostly velocity weakening, potentially unstable outcomes. An exception to this is found at the highest velocities (> 100 µm/s) at 400 – 500 °C and the slowest velocities (< 0.03 µm/s) at 600 °C. Further, we observed oscillatory and stick-slip behaviour at negative and near-zero RSF (a-b) values with amplitudes decreasing with increasing friction stability values. Microstructural observations on deformed samples revealed that brittle deformation mechanisms are active across all investigated temperatures. However, microstructural analysis using SEM-XRD, Raman, and FTIR on samples deformed at temperatures >300 °C provides evidence of dolomite decomposition into calcite and brucite. This dissolution-precipitation creep is enhanced with increasing temperature.
These results suggest a transition from stable to unstable behaviour at ~300 °C
 which continues until the highest temperature of 600 °C with frequently accompanied stick-slips, translating to a seismogenic depth range of 10 – 20 km, assuming a continental geothermal gradient of 30 °C/km.

How to cite: Kozlov, E., Niemeijer, A., de Bresser, H., and King, H. E.: Frictional Behaviour of Carbonates: Defining the Seismogenic Zone in Dolomite , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19622,, 2025.

EGU25-20352 | Orals | TS3.3

Seismic cycles in a DEM simulated granular gouge layer: influence of the loading stiffness 

Guilhem Mollon, Nathalie Casas, and Marco Scuderi

The contemporary model for tectonic earthquakes is based on the interplay between the frictional rheology of a potentially seismic fault and the electrodynamics of the surrounding medium. More specifically, it has been shown in many experimental and theoretical studies that a necessary condition for unstable sliding events on a fault is a weakening rate larger than the unloading stiffness of the surrounding rocks. By weakening rate, we refer here to the decrease of the resisting shear stress (i.e. of the instantaneous friction coefficient) with sliding. Conversely, by loading stiffness, we refer to the decrease of the loading shear stress with sliding.


We investigate the role and effect of the loading stiffness on the seismic cycles of a simulated granular fault. For this purpose, we build a numerical model based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM), inspired by laboratory experiments on fault gouge. In contrast to a typical DEM fault models, we employ an elastic loading system with user-controlled shear stiffness. We show that the coupling between fault granular rheology and country rock elasticity leads to seismic cycles with properties that are strongly influenced by their ratio. Stiff faults produce frequent contractional events with limited sliding distances and low to moderate stress drops, while soft faults produce rare dilatational events with large sliding distances and stress drops. Statistical distributions of events are extracted, and empirical scaling laws for the role of fault stiffness on these distributions are proposed.


We show that, on average, simulated events are well-described by a simple linear slip-weakening friction law, but that the weakening rate that best describes the events is tightly coupled with the loading stiffness. This contradicts the idea of an intrinsic friction law for the granular gouge layer and demonstrates the need to consider a fault as a tribosystem coupling the scale of the contact junction within the granular gouge and of the elastic surrounding medium. We conclude that, even in a highly-simplified model where the gouge layer is represented by a limited number of circular grains, there is no such thing as a “friction law” describing the behaviour of the interface. Rather, friction is a multiscale emerging property of the whole tribosystem defined by the interface and the elastic properties of the surrounding medium, as well as the past sliding history of the fault patch.

How to cite: Mollon, G., Casas, N., and Scuderi, M.: Seismic cycles in a DEM simulated granular gouge layer: influence of the loading stiffness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20352,, 2025.

When an olivine polycrystal (dunite) is deformed in simple shear, the expectation value of the [100] axis orientation follows the long axis of the finite strain ellipsoid (FSE) for small shear strains γ < 50%, but for larger strains rotates toward the shear plane more rapidly than does the FSE (Zhang & Karato, Nature, 1995; ZK95). This observation implies that texture in dunites is not a unique function of the finite strain when dynamic recrystallization (DRX) is active. We propose a simple kinematic model for DRX that explains the experimental observations. We model DRX by adding an inhomogenous term f J (where J has zero mean over all orientations) to the right-hand side of the standard evolution equation for the orientation distribution function (ODF) f. We then posit J = λ F(Δ), where λ is a dimensionless recrystallization rate, Δ = (e - E)2, e is the strain rate tensor within a crystal, and E is the macroscopic strain rate tensor imposed on the polycrystal. We choose the function F(Δ) such that crystals poorly oriented for slip on the dominant slip system (i.e., crystals with larger Δ) gradually disappear by DRX in favor of well-oriented crystals. We solve the resulting ODF evolution equation analytically (for small strains) and numerically (for large strains). We find that for λ  = 3 the predictions of our model agree remarkably well with a simple shear texture at γ = 140% obtained by Lee et al. (Tectonophys., 2002). An important advantage of our new model is that it has only a single free parameter, as opposed to e.g. the three-parameter model implemented in D-Rex (Kaminski et al., Geophys. J. Int., 2004).


How to cite: Ribe, N. and Faccenda, M.: Dynamic recrystallization and texture development in deformed olivine polycrystals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1642,, 2025.

EGU25-1963 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.2

Mantle flow dynamics and formation of the curved Calabrian subduction zone 

Yuanyuan Hua, Dapeng Zhao, Yang Yu, Yi-Gang Xu, and Xiao-Long Huang

The formation mechanism of curved subduction zones remains poorly understood. To address this issue, we conduct a joint inversion of P-wave travel-time data from local earthquakes and teleseismic events for 3-D isotropic and anisotropic velocity tomography of the curved Calabrian subduction zone. Our results show that in the central and northern Apennines, the Adriatic Sea plate subducts on both the eastern and western sides. The westward-dipping slab retreats eastward, compressing the mantle below the double-side subduction zone. This compression pushes the mantle material to flow through a slab window below Mt. Vesuvius toward the Tyrrhenian Sea, resulting in nearly east-west oriented seismic anisotropy. As the distance between the double-side slabs decreases, the slab retreat slows down, leading to a differential retreat rate along the Apennines-Sicily. This difference, combined with mantle flow around the southwestern edge of the Calabrian slab, contributes to the observed curvature of the Calabrian subduction zone. Our findings provide new insights into dynamics of the curved subduction zone, highlighting the complex interaction between the slab retreat and mantle flow.

How to cite: Hua, Y., Zhao, D., Yu, Y., Xu, Y.-G., and Huang, X.-L.: Mantle flow dynamics and formation of the curved Calabrian subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1963,, 2025.

EGU25-2956 | Posters on site | GD7.2

Significant anisotropic fabric across South Western Australia and the Yilgarn Craton revealed by the new WA Array 

Miriam Gauntlett, Caroline Eakin, Nitarani Bishoyi, John Paul O'Donnell, Ruth Murdie, Meghan Miller, Robert Pickle, and Reza Ebrahimi

The southwest region of Western Australia comprises the Archean Yilgarn Craton, which is bounded by the Proterozoic Albany-Fraser and Pinjarra orogens. This ancient region has undergone significant deformation and reworking since its formation. We calculate shear wave splitting of the PKS and SKS teleseismic phases to investigate seismic anisotropy across the region. The temporary broadband seismic arrays that we use, including the new WA Array Phase 1 data, provide unprecedented seismic station density within the Western Australian continental interior. We find evidence for significant seismic anisotropy, with the regional average delay time of 1.13 s comparable to the global average of δt = 1 s. Although fast polarisation orientations show variation, they are not aligned with current, sub-lithospheric mantle flow associated with absolute plate motions. Instead, seismic anisotropy parallels dyke orientations across the cratonic interior. Fast polarisation directions in the Youanmi Terrane are oriented approximately parallel to the E–W trending Widgiemooltha dyke suite. This correlation is likely due to pre-existing mantle fabric that both formed a locus for the subsequent emplacement of the dykes during a period of ancient Archean lithospheric extension, as well as controlling the orientation of seismic anisotropy. Further evidence for this fabric comes from new isotope geochemistry analysis of primary ENE-trending architecture within the Yilgarn Craton. In the Southwest Terrane, fast polarisation orientations match both structural faults and dykes, suggesting crust-mantle coupling. The Youanmi Terrane shows less coherence between surface and mantle deformation, with structural faults oriented at an angle compared to the E–W and NE–SW trends in the anisotropy. Our results are evidence that large-scale, fossilised lithospheric fabric within the Yilgarn Craton is the dominant mechanism for seismic anisotropy in the region.

How to cite: Gauntlett, M., Eakin, C., Bishoyi, N., O'Donnell, J. P., Murdie, R., Miller, M., Pickle, R., and Ebrahimi, R.: Significant anisotropic fabric across South Western Australia and the Yilgarn Craton revealed by the new WA Array, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2956,, 2025.

EGU25-3244 | Posters on site | GD7.2

The curvatures of the slowness surface for anisotropic media 

Alexey Stovas

The curvatures of the slowness surface for anisotropic media

The Gaussian curvature of the slowness surface plays very important role in wave propagation in anisotropic media. It controls the wave amplitudes via the geometrical spreading factor (Gajewski, 1993; Cerveny, 2001; Stovas, 2018; Stovas et al, 2022).

We define the Gaussian and mean curvatures in vicinity of arbitrary point of the slowness surface are convenient to describe in cylindrical coordinate system. If the point on the slowness surface is regular, there is no azimuthal dependence for series coefficients. In case of non-degenerated singularity point (double or triple), all the coefficients in series are azimuthally dependent, and Gaussian and mean curvatures are not defined. For degenerated singularity points, we have only zero-order term which is azimuthally dependent.

We show that one of the principal curvatures can turn to zero at some azimuth angles. In this case, we have the parabolic line (zero Gaussian curvature) associated with singularity point and resulting the caustic in the group velocity domain.

We show examples of parabolic line computed for S1 and S2 waves in vicinity of double (S1&S2) singularity point on the vertical axis with conical and wedge degeneracies (Stovas et al. 2024).


Cerveny, V., 2001, Seismic ray theory, Cambridge Univ. Press.

Gajewski, D., 1993, Radiation from point sources in general anisotropic media, Geophysical Journal International, 113(2), 299-317.

Stovas, A., 2018, Geometrical spreading in orthorhombic media, Geophysics, 83(1), C61-C73.

Stovas, A., Roganov, Yu., & V. Roganov, 2022, The S waves geometrical spreading in elliptic orthorhombic media, Geophysical Prospecting 70(7), 1085-1092.

Stovas, A., Roganov, Yu., & V. Roganov, 2024, Singularity points and their degeneracies in anisotropic media, Geophysical Journal International 238 (2), 881-901.

How to cite: Stovas, A.: The curvatures of the slowness surface for anisotropic media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3244,, 2025.

EGU25-4481 | Posters on site | GD7.2

Splitting Intensity Measurements on AdriaArray data 

Silvia Pondrelli, Simone Salimbeni, and Judith M. Confal

AdriaArray is a very important opportunity to improve the availability of measurements of seismic anisotropy in the region from the Adriatic Sea toward the east. Shear wave splitting data measured on teleseismic core phases are already available for most of the regions interested in the AdriaArray project. In particular, the Italian peninsula, the entire Alpine region up to the Pannonia basin, and the Carpathian belt and the Vrancea zone, but also toward its southeastern border, including Greece and the Aegean Sea, all these regions have a dense amount of shear wave splitting data already published. A database of this data will be made available and enriched using the results of the studies that are going on within the AdriaArray project. On the other hand, new types of analyses, such as for instance the splitting intensity of the anisotropy, have already been measured for the Alps and for the Italian peninsula as a whole, but are lacking toward the east, in the rest of the AdriaArray study region. In this work, the improvement in the application of splitting intensity measures on the AdriaArray data is described, starting from regions 1) where the possibility to compare the results with already available core phases seismic anisotropy measurements exists, and 2) where stations are enough dense to allow in the future the use of splitting intensity measurements to produce an anisotropy tomography as performed elsewhere (e.g. Italy).

How to cite: Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Confal, J. M.: Splitting Intensity Measurements on AdriaArray data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4481,, 2025.

EGU25-5291 | ECS | Orals | GD7.2

Core-Refracted Shear-Wave Anisotropy beneath the Korean Peninsula: Insights into its Tectonic Evolution 

Samuel Celis, Tae-Kyung Hong, Junhyung Lee, Seongjun Park, Yanbing Liu, Byeongwoo Kim, Jeongin Lee, and Dong Geon Kim

The tectonic history of the Korean Peninsula includes the Permo-Triassic collision between the North and South China blocks and the subsequently opening of the Yellow and East seas during the Late Oligocene and Miocene. Due to the lack of evidence and based on different geological and geophysical data, several models and mechanisms have been proposed to explain how the collision and openings happened. We studied seismic anisotropy from core-refracted shear-wave splitting to place constraints on lithospheric-scale and upper mantle structures and dynamics and provide insight into the tectonic evolution of the Korean Peninsula. We implemented the eigenvalue-based method to measure the splitting parameters and used the transverse energy minimization and cross-correlation techniques to validate our results. We found delay times ~1.4 s which is consistent with anisotropy residing in the asthenospheric and/or lithospheric mantle. Our results strongly suggest that the anisotropy signature of past tectonic events have been preserved and that the upper asthenosphere and lithosphere have undergone coherent deformation. Based on our model, we interpret that the Hongseong-Imjingang belt is part of the collision boundary, since we observed a lateral variation of the splitting parameters coinciding with it. We suggest two possible scenarios for the continuation of this collision suture: (1) one offshore with the boundary coinciding with the West Marginal Fault Zone, and (2) another one onshore along the southern limit of the Gyeonggi massif, going from the Hongseong to the Odesan belt. Our observations along the east and west coasts support a fan-shaped opening mechanism for the East Sea and an eastward post-collisional extension for the Yellow Sea, respectively. The fan-shaped opening mechanism, which implies a clockwise rotation of the Japanese Islands away from the Korean Peninsula, appears to have occurred in two stages: an approximately E-W rifting followed by a N-S spreading. Lastly, our splitting observations beneath the western Gyeonggi and Yeongnam Precambrian massifs appear to be in good agreement with a possible fossil anisotropy. The fast axes observed for the former might reveal the true direction of motion of the Nort China Block, while the ones observed for the latter appear to have been affected by post-collisional tectonic episodes since they are not parallel to the infer direction of motion of either the North or South China blocks.

How to cite: Celis, S., Hong, T.-K., Lee, J., Park, S., Liu, Y., Kim, B., Lee, J., and Kim, D. G.: Core-Refracted Shear-Wave Anisotropy beneath the Korean Peninsula: Insights into its Tectonic Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5291,, 2025.

EGU25-7533 | Orals | GD7.2

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy on Volcanoes and Geothermal Areas 

Martha Savage, Richard Arnold, Yosuke Aoki, Jessica Johnson, Finnigan Illsley-Kemp, and Hubert Zal

Seismic anisotropy may reveal the state of stress in the crust, and its temporal changes have been attributed to deformation, seismicity, magmatic activity and geothermal extraction.  We review crustal anisotropy in volcanic and geothermal regions.  We compile the results to test hypotheses about the origin of anisotropy and about its utility for monitoring magmatic unrest or geothermal production. The majority of the articles that were published through 2019 (~100) examined shear-wave splitting.

Of the 88 studies examining the effects of stress vs. structure, the results were about evenly divided between causes related entirely to regional stress (16), local stress (10) or structure (11) alone or combinations of these possibilities. Delay times (a measure of anisotropy strength) increased with period and with depth in the two sets, but with much scatter.  Because geothermal areas tended to be studied at shallower depths (median 2.5 km), they yielded lower delay times (0.1 s) at shorter periods (0.1 s) than volcanoes (median 12 km depth, 0.25 s period, 0.19 s time delay and 6% anisotropy).

Surface wave studies of anisotropy have also become more common, and they are often interpreted in terms of radial anisotropy, i.e., the difference between horizontally polarised waves (SH) and vertical polarisations (SV). In volcanic areas, they can distinguish between magmatic storage in dykes, in which SV >SH , or sills, with  SH >SV. Because the lower crust in non-volcanic areas often has SH >SV, the presence of low absolute velocity should be used to confirm that magma is involved.

Time variations in shear wave splitting were examined in 29 studies, but few of these presented statistical tests.  Studies were divided between those that reported changes in delay times (12) or fast azimuths (8) alone, or both (8). Time variations were mostly reported to vary with the occurrence of eruptions or intrusions (19 volcanoes), seismicity or tremor rate changes (9), or deformation changes such as GNSS, tilt or strain measurements (10).  Focal mechanisms, b-value, isotropic velocity, Vp/Vs ratio, gas flux, coda Q, unrest level, geothermal activity, and fluid injection were also correlated with splitting in some studies. There is a clear need for studies that examine statistical relationships between anisotropy and other parameters to test monitoring capabilities.

How to cite: Savage, M., Arnold, R., Aoki, Y., Johnson, J., Illsley-Kemp, F., and Zal, H.: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy on Volcanoes and Geothermal Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7533,, 2025.

EGU25-8414 | Orals | GD7.2

Anisotropy development during dynamic recrystallisation of partially molten olivine 

Maria-Gema Llorens, Eloi González-Esvertit, Albert Griera, Chao Qi, Claudia Prieto-Torrell, Enrique Gómez-Rivas, Yuanchao Yu, and Ricardo Aníbal Lebensohn

The processes of partial melting and subsequent melt transport are fundamental to Earth's differentiation, from the separation of the core and mantle to magma generation, evolution, segregation and ascent within mantle and crustal domains. Active volcanoes have as their source the partially molten areas of the upper mantle and crust. The possibility of a melt to ascend depends on its connectivity, where the melt percentage, dihedral angle between melt and solid, as well as recrystallisation processes, play a fundamental role (Llorens et al., 2016). The deformation of the upper mantle is primarily governed by the mechanical behavior of olivine (Karato et al., 1989). During mantle flow, olivine undergoes crystal-plastic deformation and dynamic recrystallisation, leading to the development of Crystallographic Preferred Orientations (CPOs) and associated mechanical and seismic anisotropy. While the influence of plastic deformation is well understood, the role of the presence of melt in the rheology and anisotropy of mantle rocks during dynamic recrystallization remains unclear.

This contribution presents microdynamic numerical simulations of olivine polycrystalline aggregates during dynamic recrystallisation (Yu et al., 2024), varying the melt content to predict the CPO and associated mechanical and seismic anisotropy. We combine the VPFFT approach (Lebensohn and Rollett, 2020) within the ELLE numerical simulation platform (; Piazolo et al., 2019) to reproduce partially molten olivine under simple shear deformation. The numerical results allow us to understand how the percentage of melt and intensity of recrystallisation affects the connectivity of melt, and how they influence the evolving anisotropy, which have implications for different upper-mantle and crustal basaltic mush zones.

How to cite: Llorens, M.-G., González-Esvertit, E., Griera, A., Qi, C., Prieto-Torrell, C., Gómez-Rivas, E., Yu, Y., and Lebensohn, R. A.: Anisotropy development during dynamic recrystallisation of partially molten olivine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8414,, 2025.

EGU25-9218 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.2

Probing lithospheric deformation beneath the Sikkim Himalaya using shear wave splitting 

Aamir Salam Siddiqui, Arun Singh, Chandrani Singh, Debasis D Mohanty, Gaurav Kumar, and Niptika Jana

We investigated lithospheric deformation beneath the Sikkim Himalaya using data from core-refracted shear wave phases (SKS/SKKS) collected at 27 broadband seismic stations. This study focuses on the Dhubri-Chungthang Fault Zone (DCFZ), a significant mid crustal fault traversing Sikkim, which potentially segments the underthrusting Indian plate. Although seismic activity suggests the presence of the DCFZ, its impact on deep lithospheric structures remains unclear. Through analysis of shear wave splitting (SWS) parameters - specifically the fast polarization direction (Φ) and delay time (δt), we assessed deformation patterns across the region. Our results reveal varied deformation across Sikkim, marked by a pronounced change in δt (0.3-2.5s) and Φ across the DCFZ. In the Himalayan foreland basin, mantle flow related to absolute plate motion (APM) is predominant, with the fast-axis direction closely aligning with the APM of the Indian plate. Notably, a NE orientation of Φ is prevalent, though deviations occur, possibly due to varying driving forces associated with the plate's position. In southern Sikkim, EW pattern in Φ and lower δt values (0.3 s) suggest dominant compressional tectonics and potential multi-layer anisotropy. A sharp transition in deformation patterns across the DCFZ highlights its significant role in segmenting the Indian plate's lithosphere, with a distinct NNW pattern in Φ observed in the Higher Himalayas, indicating lithospheric segmentation facilitated by the DCFZ. 


How to cite: Siddiqui, A. S., Singh, A., Singh, C., Mohanty, D. D., Kumar, G., and Jana, N.: Probing lithospheric deformation beneath the Sikkim Himalaya using shear wave splitting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9218,, 2025.

The Northwest Pacific subduction zone, characterized by complex plate interactions and active tectonics, is a key area for geodynamics research. These tectonic movements generate seismic anisotropy, causing shear waves to split into orthogonal fast and slow components. Analyzing shear-wave splitting at surface stations allows for inferring fast directions and splitting times, offering insights into slab deformation, mantle flow, and stress field during subduction. The S-net seafloor observation network provides an ideal setup for studying anisotropy within the subducting slab. Using high-SNR S-net stations near trenches, we focus on anisotropy within subducting slabs and sub-slab mantle, excluding influences from overriding slabs and mantle wedges.       

This study focuses on the anisotropy of two major subduction zones: the Japan Trench and the Izu-Bonin subduction zone. For the Japan Trench subduction zone, 11 S-net stations located east of the trench and 8 seismic events in the Japan Sea were selected. The events, with magnitudes of 3.6 < MJMA< 4.4, and focal depths of 373.8–444.78 km, had ray path lengths of approximately 853.19–1138.50 km, with only a small portion propagating through the sub-slab mantle. Using the minimum eigenvalue minimization and waveform rotation cross-correlation methods, 20 reliable shear-wave splitting measurements were obtained with a predominant fast direction of NNW-SSE, splitting times ranging from 0.1–0.86 s (average 0.363 s, median 0.32 s), and anisotropy intensities of 0.002%–0.017% (average 0.008%).

For the Izu-Bonin subduction zone, 16 S-net stations at its northern end and 5 seismic events from its central and southern segments were analyzed. The events have magnitudes of 4.1 < MJMA < 5.6 and focal depths of 399–464 km. The ray path lengths are within 712–1101 km. The splitting measurements on different rays are classified into two types based on the length of sub-slab paths: 1) for those smaller than 222 km, 17 reliable measurements are obtained with the predominant fast direction of NNW-SSE, splitting times of 0.08–0.6 s (with an average of 0.226 s and a median of 0.18 s), and anisotropic intensities of 0.001%–0.02% (with an average of 0.006%); 2) for those greater than 222 km, 9 reliable measurements are obtained with the predominant fast direction of NNW-SSE, splitting times of 0.12–0.86 s (with an average of 0.34 s and a median of 0.34 s), and anisotropic intensities of 0.003%–0.02% (average 0.008%).

According to paleomagnetic studies, the paleo-spreading direction of the western Pacific Plate was NNW-SSE, consistent with the fast directions obtained from the three types of results in this study. This alignment suggests that the anisotropy within the subducting slab primarily originates from "fossil" anisotropy retained during the slab's formation and subduction. Since these rays sample more sub-slab mantle paths, they carry more sub-slab mantle anisotropy characteristics, indicating that the anisotropy intensity in the sub-slab mantle is greater than the "fossil" anisotropy preserved within the subducting Pacific Plate. The wide range of splitting times across the three types of results reflects the heterogeneous nature of anisotropy in the region.

How to cite: Li, X. and Xue, M.: Anisotropy in the Northwest Pacific Subduction Zone from Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis Based on S-net Seismic Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9534,, 2025.

EGU25-11699 | ECS | Orals | GD7.2

Shear-wave attenuation anisotropy: a new constraint on mantle melt near the Main Ethiopian Rift 

Joseph Asplet, James Wookey, Mike Kendall, and Mark Chapman

Fluids hosted in fractures, or low aspect ratio inclusions, exist in many different settings within the Earth. In the near surface, understanding systems of fluid-filled fractures is important to various industrial applications such as geothermal energy production, monitoring CO2 storage sites and exploring for metalliferous sub-volcanic brines (e.g., Blundy et al., 2021). In the mantle, melting is an important geodynamic process, exerting control over its composition and dynamic processes. Upper mantle melting weakens the lithosphere, facilitating rifting (e.g., Kendall et al., 2005) and other surface expressions of tectonic processes. In the lowermost mantle, it has been suggested that ultra-low velocity zones could contain partial melt. A challenge, however, in all these settings is finding a geophysical observation which is sensitive to the presence of fluids and the host fracture networks.

The presence of fluids has a significant effect on the overall elasticity of the medium. It is well known that aligned fluid-filled fractures, or inclusions with small aspect ratios, produce seismic velocity anisotropy, even for very low volume fractions (e.g., Hudson, 1982, Chapman 2003). This mechanism is often used by shear-wave splitting studies to interpret the orientation of maximum horizontal stress within the crust (e.g., Crampin 1999, Asplet et al., 2024). The same rock physics models, however, also predict attenuation anisotropy that is frequency-dependent and sensitive to important fracture properties, such as fracture length and orientation. Therefore, if attenuation anisotropy can be measured, it offers an exciting new avenue to seismically detect fluids in the subsurface.

Here we show that attenuation anisotropy can be measured in conjunction with shear-wave splitting analysis. Using an instantaneous frequency matching method (after Mathenay and Nowack, 1995) the differential attenuation between fast and slow shear-waves can be measured. We explore the potential of this technique using synthetic data and SKS data collected at FURI, Ethiopia. We also demonstrate the potential systematic error, in both fast polarisation and delay times, that attenuation anisotropy can have on shear-wave splitting measurements and outline an approach for correcting measurements. For SKS data recorded at FURI shear-wave splitting and attenuation anisotropy is measured that requires poroelastic squirt flow of aligned melt inclusions oriented perpendicular to the Main Ethiopia Rift. This is a result which would not be interpreted by only considering SKS shear-wave splitting. These intriguing results highlight the potential for attenuation anisotropy as a tool to detect and characterise fluids in the subsurface.

How to cite: Asplet, J., Wookey, J., Kendall, M., and Chapman, M.: Shear-wave attenuation anisotropy: a new constraint on mantle melt near the Main Ethiopian Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11699,, 2025.

EGU25-11908 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.2

Spatiotemporal variations in shear-wave splitting during the 2018-9 Surrey, UK earthquake sequence 

Joseph Asplet, Mark Fellgett, Tom Kettlety, and Mike Kendall

Between July 2018 and September 2019, a natural swarm of shallow seismicity, with event depths between 1.5 and 3.6 km, was recorded primarily along the Newdigate Fault in Southeastern England (Hicks et al., 2019). After the first nine events, a monitoring network of five stations was installed. This network recorded approximately 280 earthquakes, with a maximum magnitude of 3.2. This wealth of data, in a seismically quiet region of the UK, gives an opportunity to use shear-wave splitting analysis to improve constraints on the state of stress in the Weald Basin — a region with limited data on the 2022 Stress Map of Great Britain and Ireland — and to study the change in local stress during the sequence. We acquire new stress data from across the Weald Basin using borehole breakout analysis of dual calliper logs for six wells across the basin. This analysis gives a mean regional SHmax orientation of 142° with a circular standard deviation of 15°. 

We present shear-wave splitting measurements for 108 earthquakes in the sequence, which produce two intriguing features. Firstly, there is a significant (near 90°) rotation in fast polarisation directions for shear-wave splitting measured at stations north of the Newdigate Fault, which are aligned with the regional SHmax,and measurements made at stations south of the fault. This stark, but consistent change in fast polarisation directions over a 3–4 km region demonstrates the potential of shear-wave splitting to resolve local variations in stress around the Newdigate Fault. Secondly, we observe temporal variations in the measured anisotropy, with percentage anisotropy increasing and then decay after the larger events in the earthquake sequence. Combining these observations, we unravel the evolution of the state of stress during the Newdigate earthquake sequence and highlight the power of shear-wave splitting to constrain crustal stress.

How to cite: Asplet, J., Fellgett, M., Kettlety, T., and Kendall, M.: Spatiotemporal variations in shear-wave splitting during the 2018-9 Surrey, UK earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11908,, 2025.

EGU25-12095 | ECS | Orals | GD7.2

Full-wave anisotropy tomography for the upper mantle of Alaska 

Yi Lin, Manuele Faccenda, and Li Zhao

Located on the western edge of the North American plate, Alaska is formed over time through the accretion of various terranes. The subductions of the Pacific and Yakutat plates have significantly influenced the intense tectonic activity in this region, making Alaska an attractive area for geophysical study.

Seismic anisotropy provides critical insights into the deformation mechanisms beneath this tectonically active region and serves as a key factor for regional seismotectonic analysis. In this study, we invert the SKS wave splitting intensities for the 3D variations of shear-wave anisotropy. Using broadband seismograms from 344 regional seismic stations with unprecedented spatial density, we measure the splitting intensities of SKS waves from teleseismic events with magnitudes greater than 5.5 recorded between 2000 and 2023. A total of 9,604 SKS splitting intensity measurements are obtained and incorporated into a multi-scale inversion framework, utilizing sensitivity kernels calculated by normal-mode summation.

The resulting 3D anisotropy model reveals detailed deformation patterns which is interpreted in the context of Alaska’s complex seismotectonic environment. This work enhances our understanding of mantle flow and tectonic processes in a region of significant geophysical and geological interest.


How to cite: Lin, Y., Faccenda, M., and Zhao, L.: Full-wave anisotropy tomography for the upper mantle of Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12095,, 2025.

EGU25-12441 | Posters on site | GD7.2

Pattern of Crustal Anisotropy Along the East Anatolian Fault, the Sürgü-Çardak Fault and Surroundings Associated with the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, SE Türkiye 

Paola Baccheschi, Ceyhun Erman, Seda Yolsal-Çevikbilen, Tuna Eken, and Tuncay Taymaz

The devastating earthquakes of Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.7 with left-lateral strike-slip mechanisms occurred on the 6th February 2023 along the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and the Sürgü-Çardak Fault (SÇF) in southeastern Türkiye. Observed intense aftershock activity triggered by the 2023 doublet provides a valuable opportunity to study the upper crustal anisotropy along the EAF, the SÇF, and surrounding rock volumes. In this study, we measured the shear-wave splitting parameters of several local earthquakes that occurred between 1st July 2022 and 31st August 2023 - approximately seven months before and after the 2023 mainshocks. To improve the accuracy of the event locations, we initially relocated 10.823 earthquakes (M > 2) using the HypoDD code, building up a catalogue of high-precision earthquake locations. Subsequently, the splitting parameters, including the fast polarization direction (FPD) and the delay time (DT), were estimated for ~1.615 events recorded at 34 broadband seismic stations operated by AFAD (Turkish National Seismic Network). Only event-station pairs with an incidence angle of less than 45° and an event-station distance of smaller than 1° (~111 km) were considered to be suitable for detailed analysis. The spatial variations in both FPD and DT imply a complex anisotropic structure beneath the study region, likely caused by structure-induced mechanisms. At each station, the fast polarization directions are closely aligned with geometry of mapped faults and active faulting mechanisms which vary along the structurally intricate deforming zones in SE Türkiye. The overall observation suggests that the crustal anisotropy is predominantly controlled by the fault-related structures within the region of study. Besides, the delay times (~0.2s) are significantly larger at stations in close proximity to the active fault-lines.

How to cite: Baccheschi, P., Erman, C., Yolsal-Çevikbilen, S., Eken, T., and Taymaz, T.: Pattern of Crustal Anisotropy Along the East Anatolian Fault, the Sürgü-Çardak Fault and Surroundings Associated with the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, SE Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12441,, 2025.

Understanding observations of the subsurface and its behavior over time requires quantifying inherited geologic structures, the intrinsic material properties, and the in-situ conditions. In Oklahoma and Kansas, a surge in seismic activity occurred between 2010 and 2019 with the vast majority of hypocenters located in the Precambrian crystalline basement. This surge in seismicity drove significant interest in characterizing the structures, material and state of stress in the region. Velocity anisotropy can be a powerful tool for determining the in-situ stress orientations in the subsurface. Interpretation of apparent anisotropy from regional-scale seismic measurements can be hampered due to assumptions regarding the physical mechanism for the observed velocities. For the crystalline basement, rocks are often assumed as isotropic and thus observed anisotropy is attributed solely to the stress orientations. However, factors other than the stress field are capable of generating velocity anisotropy, including the orientation of structural features, fracture orientations, and mineral alignment. In this work we investigated the intrinsic velocity anisotropy of crystalline basement rocks through a field experiment and a series of direct laboratory velocity measurements. In the field, we measured the variation of P-wave velocity with respect to azimuthal direction in a basement rock outcrop located near Mill Creek, Oklahoma. Observed velocity variations correlated with the local fracture pattern and two locally mapped faults. We then performed experiments on samples, from both Oklahoma and Kansas, taken from both outcrops and recovered core. Two sets of tests were conducted to measure the horizontal and vertical velocities of each rock sample. Stereologic techniques were then used to quantify the microstructural variation and relate it to both the laboratory and field observations. Our experimental results were then compared with well log and seismically measured anisotropy. Overall, our results document velocity anisotropy at a variety of scales in the midcontinent crystalline basement. Observed anisotropy was dependent on local structures, the presence of oriented microfractures, and the scale at which velocity anisotropy was measured. Our analyses indicate a clear intrinsic anisotropy in the crystalline basement rocks of the midcontinent and show that such characterization must be conducted prior to interpreting velocity polarization data at regional scales.

How to cite: Carpenter, B.: Velocity Anisotropy in Crystalline Basement Rocks of the US Midcontinent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12967,, 2025.

EGU25-16174 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.2

Monitoring the Variations in Crustal Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy Associated with the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, Türkiye, using Ambient Noise Cross Correlation  

Ceyhun Erman, Paola Baccheschi, Seda Yolsal-Çevikbilen, Tuna Eken, Yeşim Çubuk-Sabuncu, and Tuncay Taymaz

On the 6th February 2023 two devastating earthquakes of Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.7 with left-lateral strike-slip mechanisms occurred along the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and the Sürgü-Çardak Fault (SÇF) in southeastern Türkiye. The doublet nucleated and instantaneously ruptured for ~350 km and ~160 km during the complex network of multi-fault segments reaching a maximum slip of ~8 m and >10 m, respectively. The consecutive large earthquakes are likely to have caused permanent changes in the shallow crustal properties, especially in the vicinity of the fault zone. The variations in crustal velocity and anisotropy during the pre-, co-, and post-seismic periods could be efficiently monitored using the ambient noise data. The primary objective of this work is to monitor isotropic velocity changes for the pre-, co-, and post-seismic periods, as well as rapid changes in seismic anisotropy potentially caused by coseismic stress field rotation beneath the EAFZ. To achieve this, we analyze continuous three-component digital recordings from 52 broadband seismic stations located along the EAF, the SÇF and surroundings that are operated by AFAD (Turkish National Seismic Network) and KOERI (Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute). First, we analyze the daily correlation functions of all rotated components (ZZ, TT, RR, ZT, TZ, TR, RT, RZ, and ZR) in order to obtain the isotropic seismic velocity change. Second, we rotate the nine-component cross-correlation tensors (CCTs) to minimize tangential components (TZ, ZT, TR, RT), as expected to be zero for an isotropic medium with randomly distributed noise. This approach enables us to monitor the temporal variations of crustal anisotropy before, after, and during these two devastating earthquakes, effectively. Here we present our preliminary results on the spatiotemporal variations of crustal anisotropy derived from ambient seismic noise cross-correlations between station pairs during the 2023 Kahramanmaraş doublet.

How to cite: Erman, C., Baccheschi, P., Yolsal-Çevikbilen, S., Eken, T., Çubuk-Sabuncu, Y., and Taymaz, T.: Monitoring the Variations in Crustal Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy Associated with the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, Türkiye, using Ambient Noise Cross Correlation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16174,, 2025.

EGU25-16409 | Posters on site | GD7.2

Imaging upper-mantle anisotropy with joint body-surface wave trans-dimensional inference 

Gianmarco Del Piccolo, Joseph S. Byrnes, James B. Gaherty, Brandon P. VanderBeek, Manuele Faccenda, and Andrea Morelli

In the Earth's upper-mantle, the isotropic (i.e., directional-invariant) symmetry of elastic wave velocities is typically broken by crystal-scale mechanisms, such as crystallographic-preferred orientation of anisotropic minerals (e.g., olivine) in regions subject to significant strain (e.g., subduction zones, mantle plumes, ridges...). The resulting anisotropic (i.e., directional-dependent) elastic properties are manifested in the seismic observations at the surface (e.g., travel-times), making them primary carriers of information related to the geodynamic processes occurring in the Earth’s mantle. However, the seismic tomography problem is notoriously under-determined (i.e., infinite solutions), due to limitations in the distribution of data at the Earth’s surface, and this condition is even exacerbated when simplifying imaging assumptions, such as isotropy, are replaced by more realistic anisotropic approximations that increase the degrees of freedom of the inverse problem.

Reconstructing seismic anisotropy is a challenging inference problem, where uncertainty estimation plays a crucial role in the separation of robustly inferred features and anomalies resulting from misinterpreted trade-offs with isotropic structure. In this context, the high non-linearity of the problem hampers uncertainty assessment when regularized iterative linearized methods (e.g., LSQR) are used.

In this study we show how to setup a joint inversion of multiple observables, such as body-wave delay times and Rayleigh-wave station-station differential phase travel-times, to constrain upper-mantle structure. Rayleigh and body waves illuminate - respectively - the shallower and the deeper sections of the imaging domain, leading to a cross-constrain for mantle anisotropy and isotropic structure. We implement a trans-dimensional probabilistic sampling algorithm to populate an ensemble of likely hexagonal anisotropic mantle models describing the observations within the uncertainties. Probabilistic sampling allows a greater exploration of the model space, with the possibility to evaluate uncertainty and trade-off metrics. To test the inference method, we make use of synthetic seismograms simulated with SPECFEM through geodynamic models of the Earth's mantle.

How to cite: Del Piccolo, G., Byrnes, J. S., Gaherty, J. B., VanderBeek, B. P., Faccenda, M., and Morelli, A.: Imaging upper-mantle anisotropy with joint body-surface wave trans-dimensional inference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16409,, 2025.

The tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau is still debated. Two predominant hypotheses have been put forth: one posits a northward subduction of the Indian plate, coupled with a concurrent southward subduction of the Eurasian plate; the other suggests a unidirectional northward subduction of the Indian plate alone.

In this study, we introduce new data derived from peridotite mantle xenoliths, which were exhumed by Eocene volcanoes in the Qiangtang terrane. The systematic lateral and radial variations in the petrological, geochemical, and microstructural characteristics of these xenoliths reveal a heterogeneous structure within the lithospheric mantle beneath central Tibet. The uppermost portion of the lithospheric mantle is refractory and displays an AG-type olivine fabric, characterized by a point maximum of the [010] axes perpendicular to the foliation plane, and a girdle distribution of the [100] and [001] axes within the foliation plane. In contrast, the lower segment has been re-fertilized and exhibits a distinct fabric, marked by the dominant activation of the 001 slip system. We infer that the fabric of the lower part of the lithospheric mantle was transformed from an AG-type to a B-type fabric during melt-related deformation associated with re-fertilization triggered by asthenosphere upwelling. The most plausible scenario driving this re-fertilization in the lower sections of the lithospheric mantle is the convective removal of the lowermost lithosphere. Concurrently, the refractory ‘ghost lithosphere’ residing in shallower regions beneath the Qiangtang terrane has preserved the earlier AG-type fabric, potentially representing a residual subcontinental lithospheric mantle that remains within the current lithospheric mantle. This vertical dichotomy of the mantle generates multiple seismic interferences, which align well with deep seismic observations and substantiate the model of a single northward subduction of the Indian plate.

How to cite: Yang, Y.: Dynamic Implication and Constraint of seismic anisotropy in Central Tibetan Lithosphere: insights from the Mantle Xenoliths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16760,, 2025.

EGU25-17990 | ECS | Orals | GD7.2

Tracking mantle flow through seismic anisotropy and its link to geological observations 

Ingo L. Stotz, Hans-Peter Bunge, Berta Vílacis, and Jorge N. Hayek

Understanding the internal dynamics, structure, and composition of our planet is a fundamental goal in Earth science. Geodynamic modelling has played a key role in this task, offering a theoretical window into the Earth’s convective mantle at present-day and in the past. Seismological studies provide robust evidence of mantle structure and dynamics. Furthermore, the detection of anisotropy of mantle minerals, such as olivine, which tend to align with the asthenosphere flow allows to map global anisotropy. This offers a seismic window into convective flow patterns beneath the lithosphere. In this endeavor, the asthenosphere plays a crucial role in connecting mantle dynamics to surface observations. Its channelized nature allows it to be modeled analytically within the framework of Couette and Poiseuille flow regimes. Thus, this methodology enables an efficient and comprehensive evaluation of a range of plausible models by systematically comparing them against global azimuthal anisotropy models. 

Here, I will introduce a fundamental analytical flow model designed to identify datasets that are sentive to the mantle flow, such as seismic anisotropy. The model predicts present-day asthenosphere flow and its azimuthal anisotropy, offering a clear expectation to where the model aligns well with seismic observations and where discrepancies occur. 

How to cite: Stotz, I. L., Bunge, H.-P., Vílacis, B., and Hayek, J. N.: Tracking mantle flow through seismic anisotropy and its link to geological observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17990,, 2025.

EGU25-18162 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.2

Understanding the Structure and Evolution of Oceanic mantle lithosphere using 2D geodynamic models 

Raghu Ram Gudipati, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, and Javier García-Pintado

Understanding the structure and dynamics of oceanic lithosphere is essential for unraveling the processes of plate formation and mantle evolution. Heat-flow and bathymetry observations over aging oceanic lithosphere, suggest that oceanic plates conductively cool and thicken up to a given age (Hasterok, 2013, Lucazeau 2019).  More direct observations of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) come from seismological observations of the LAB across different oceanic basins. Surface wave tomography studies of shear wave velocity and azimuthal anisotropy interpretations reveal that the oceanic lithosphere thickness is strongly age-dependent, primarily controlled by its thermal structure (e.g., Burgos et al., 2014, Beghein et al., 2014). In contrast, radial anisotropy observations representative of the lattice preferred orientation of olivine indicate that, for ages > 50Ma, the interpreted anisotropy gradient is at nearly constant depth of ~70-80 km (Burgos et al., 2014). This apparent age-independence of radial anisotropy diverges from the age-dependent patterns observed in azimuthal anisotropy and isotropic velocities and can be an artifact of tomography inversion techniques (Beghein et al., 2019, Kendall et al., 2022) or representative of distinct processes shaping the oceanic lithosphere during its evolution (Hansen et al., 2016). This discrepancy along with observations of scattered wave imaging of LAB-related discontinuities (e.g., Tharimena et al., 2017) and active source seismic observations of oceanic lithosphere (e.g., Adhukasi and Singh, 2022) raises important questions about the thermo-mechanical definition of the lithosphere, how it differs from the weaker asthenosphere below, and what constitutes the LAB. To address these questions, we use 2D geodynamic models to investigate the thermal and viscosity evolution of the oceanic lithosphere, from continental breakup to oceanic plate formation. Our goal is to reconcile these contrasting seismological observations with geodynamic model results to enhance our understanding of the processes that influence the structure of the oceanic lithosphere.

How to cite: Gudipati, R. R., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., and García-Pintado, J.: Understanding the Structure and Evolution of Oceanic mantle lithosphere using 2D geodynamic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18162,, 2025.

EGU25-19035 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.2

Lower mantle anisotropy beneath the Indo-Burmese Wedge through Shear Wave Splitting of Core-Refracted Phases 

Satyapriya Biswal and Debasis D Mohanty

The Indo-Burmese Wedge (IBW) is a complex geological environment comprised of active deformation, subduction, and accretion processes. It is situated near the tectonic intersection of the Indian and Burmese plates. We examine the lower mantle anisotropy beneath IBW using the shear wave splitting (SWS) analysis of teleseismic phases to decipher the impact of lower mantle contribution and mantle dynamics beneath the IBW, even though limited research has been carried out to understand upper mantle dynamics. Here, we examine the role of lower mantle anisotropy beneath the IBW using differential phase combinations like SKS-SKKS and PKS-PKKS. Using the robust shear wave splitting approach, we analyzed data from 17 broadband seismic stations spread across the IBW and obtained around 57 pairs of discrepant results. Our findings show significant and comparable anisotropy in the lower mantle beneath the IBW, which may be caused by differential flow alignment consequence and anisotropic intensity in the deep mantle and subducted slab compared to the lithospheric deformation. These results demonstrate the way the lower mantle contributes towards the geodynamic environment and its wider ramifications for mantle dynamics in subduction zones around the IBW region.

Key Words: Seismic anisotropy, Lower mantle, Indo-Burmese Wedge, Subduction Zone, Shear Wave Splitting

How to cite: Biswal, S. and Mohanty, D. D.: Lower mantle anisotropy beneath the Indo-Burmese Wedge through Shear Wave Splitting of Core-Refracted Phases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19035,, 2025.

EGU25-1710 | ECS | Orals | GD10.1

Fluid flow channeling and mass transport with discontinuous porosity distribution 

Simon Boisserée, Evangelos Moulas, and Markus Bachmayr

The flow of fluids within porous rocks is an important process with numerous applications in Earth sciences. Modeling the compaction-driven fluid flow requires the solution of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations that account for the fluid flow and the solid deformation within the porous medium. Despite the nonlinear relation of porosity and permeability that is commonly encountered, natural data show evidence of channelized fluid flow in rocks that have an overall layered structure. Layers of different rock types routinely have discontinuous hydraulic and mechanical properties.
We present numerical results [1] obtained by a novel space-time method [2] based on a fixed-point scheme inspired by the mathematical analysis [3], combined with a space-time least-squares formulation. This approach can handle discontinuous initial porosity (and hence permeability) distributions. It furthermore exhibits optimal convergence independently of the discontinuities, while standard approximations, as e.g. finite differences, tend to show lower order convergence in discontinuous regimes.
The space-time method enables a straightforward coupling to models of mass transport for trace elements. Our results show the influence of different kinds of layering in the development of fluid-rich channels and mass transport [1].

[1] Fluid flow channeling and mass transport with discontinuous porosity distribution, S. Boisserée, E. Moulas and M. Bachmayr, arXiv Preprint (2024),
[2] An adaptive space-time method for nonlinear poroviscoelastic flows with discontinuous porosities, M. Bachmayr and S. Boisserée, arXiv Preprint (2024),
[3] Analysis of nonlinear poroviscoelastic flows with discontinuous porosities, M. Bachmayr, S. Boisserée and L. M. Kreusser, Nonlinearity (2023),

How to cite: Boisserée, S., Moulas, E., and Bachmayr, M.: Fluid flow channeling and mass transport with discontinuous porosity distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1710,, 2025.

EGU25-2822 | Posters on site | GD10.1

Optimally accurate operators for partial differential equations 

Nobuaki Fuji and Thibault Duretz
  • In this contribution, we generalise the optimally accurate operators proposed and used in the series of studies on the simulation of seismic wave propagation, especially based on Geller & Takeuchi (1995). Although the operators have been mathematically proven more accurate than conventional methods, the demonstration has been made without a recipe ready for different configurations and the theory is complicated using normal-mode theory, which prevents other physics from applying the methods. Here we show that the operators can be systematically obtained for any form of partial differential equations and we show several applications with numerical examples.

How to cite: Fuji, N. and Duretz, T.: Optimally accurate operators for partial differential equations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2822,, 2025.

EGU25-4080 | ECS | Orals | GD10.1

Numerical modeling of simultaneous diffusion and mineral growth 

Annalena Stroh, Pascal Aellig, and Evangelos Moulas

Compositional concentration profiles across individual crystals or diffusion couples are largely determined by diffusion and growth processes. These two processes are particularly important during the formation of high-temperature rocks such as igneous and metamorphic rocks. The numerical simulation of concentration profiles in crystals is a widely used technique in various fields such as geospeedometry or diffusion chronometry. Compared to single crystals, coupled diffusion pairs yield tighter constraints on the experienced temperature and pressure ranges and thus provide additional information for our models. However, the numerical description of concentration profiles within diffusion couples is challenging due to the sharp compositional gradients. Discontinuities in concentration, which are related to the different mineral properties, commonly occur at the interface of two minerals and lead to technical implementation issues.

To address these issues, we have developed a Finite Element (FE) package in Julia that can calculate the evolution of concentration profiles in diffusion couples with moving interfaces. Both growth and diffusion processes are considered. An adaptive grid enables the accurate reproduction of rapid concentration changes and discontinuities. Our code can be applied to various examples of single crystals or diffusion couples, integrating any combination of growth, diffusion, and temperature dependency. Additionally, it is possible to calculate concentration profiles based on the thermodynamically-constrained, Stefan-Interface condition. Results from our models can be used in petrology and geodynamic applications to provide tighter constraints concerning in the pressure and temperature evolution of magmatic and metamorphic mineral assemblages.

How to cite: Stroh, A., Aellig, P., and Moulas, E.: Numerical modeling of simultaneous diffusion and mineral growth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4080,, 2025.

Our previous studies revealed that the impact of small-scale capillary heterogeneities is crucial for accurately predicting carbon dioxide (CO2) plume migration in geological CO2 storage sites, such as the Endurance site in the UK.  While high-fidelity dynamic modelling would require excessive computational resources, conventional upscaling methods of geological models often result in dynamic models underestimating lateral CO2 migrations.

A novel capillary-limit steady-state upscaling approach is based on macroscopic invasion percolation and addresses this accuracy-feasibility trade-off. It incorporates small-scale capillary effects into upscaled local water/gas saturation functions: capillary pressure and phase permeabilities. We are developing an open-source algorithm implementation to encourage industrial adoption of the approach [1]. We present the latest advances in the library's features and performance and numerical experiments on our public set of dynamic models of real CO2 storage sites in the North Sea [2]. 

The latest library advances include substantial parallelisation, single-core optimisations, an optional hydrostatic term, support for anisotropic fine-scale permeability, a stochastic re-upscaling approach for porosity and permeability fields upscaled by averaging, library infrastructure, and more. Numerical experiments aim to assess the impact of upscaling under uncertainties in rock and multiphase flow properties. We also attempt to downscale CO2 plumes simulated at coarse scales using data from the algorithm's percolation step, providing an estimate for fine-scale dynamics.


How to cite: Elizarev, M., Krevor, S., and Muggeridge, A.: Capillary heterogeneity upscaling using macroscopic percolation: code advances and field-scale dynamic CO2 storage simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4162,, 2025.

EGU25-7270 | Orals | GD10.1

Emulating Viscous Ice Flow Dynamics with Physics-Informed Deep Learning 

Guillaume Jouvet and Guillaume Cordonnier

Modeling the evolution of glaciers and ice sheets over glacial cycle timescales is critical for understanding landscape transformation through glacial erosion, predicting future changes, and assessing their impacts on sea-level rise and water availability. However, solving the partial differential equations (PDEs) governing thermomechanical ice flow at the high spatial and temporal resolutions required for these timescales is computationally prohibitive using traditional CPU-based solvers. GPU-accelerated methods offer a promising pathway to overcome these challenges.
In this study, we present a physics-informed deep learning approach leveraging GPUs, which integrates traditional numerical approximation with deep learning techniques. Using a regular grid and finite difference methods for spatial discretization, we train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to minimize the energy associated with high-order ice flow equations -- a non-linear elliptic problem -- within the iterative time-stepping of a glacier evolution model. The resulting CNN, which is similar to a Variational Physics-Informed Neural Network, delivers multiple benefits: computational efficiency optimized for GPU usage, high fidelity to the original model, unsupervised training that eliminates the need for pre-generated datasets, and relatively simple implementation. Additionally, the emulator incorporates memory of prior solutions, reducing the computational cost of training -- a memory-intensive task.
Embedded within the "Instructed Glacier Model" (IGM) framework, the emulator's capabilities are demonstrated through high-resolution, large-scale simulations of glaciated landscape formation over extended timescales. This work underscores the potential of combining deep learning with physical modeling to develop scalable, efficient tools for simulating complex glaciological processes.

How to cite: Jouvet, G. and Cordonnier, G.: Emulating Viscous Ice Flow Dynamics with Physics-Informed Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7270,, 2025.

EGU25-9151 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

Scaling staggered grid code on pre-exascale machines 

Iskander Ibragimov, Boris Kaus, and Anton Popov

The transition to exascale (>1000 Petaflops) computing necessitates the adaptation of numerical modeling tools to efficiently utilize emerging high-performance computing architectures. Within the ChEESE-2P project, the further development of LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model) focuses on achieving scalable performance on advanced systems, including the EuroHPC supercomputer LUMI (currently #3 in Europe). Taking advantage of using the PETSc library, LaMEM demonstrates strong and weak scalability, achieving linear performance up to 512 compute nodes and supporting high-resolution simulations with grids up to 10243

In response to the increasing emphasis on GPU-based computing, ongoing efforts are directed towards optimizing LaMEM for GPU architectures, including both NVIDIA and AMD systems. Preliminary results highlight significant progress in enabling GPU-accelerated runs and improving resource utilization. This work highlights LaMEM's ability to perform large-scale geodynamic simulations, contributing to the broader goal of integrating physics-based models with available data.

How to cite: Ibragimov, I., Kaus, B., and Popov, A.: Scaling staggered grid code on pre-exascale machines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9151,, 2025.

EGU25-10269 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

Leveraging Differentiable Programming in Julia: Forward and Inversion Modeling of Two-Phase Systems 

Jacob Frasunkiewicz, Boris Kaus, Anton Popov, Christian Schuler, and Nicolas Riel

From complex magmatic systems to geothermal reservoirs, fluid-rock dynamics have posed immense modeling hurdles in the Geosciences for decades. These systems are influenced by interactions between magmatic heat sources, fluid flow, host rock deformation, and chemical heterogeneities. To enhance our understanding and predictive capabilities of these intricate systems, we develop a novel forward and inverse modeling code designed to simulate fluid migration within a deforming, porous host-rock. We employ the Julia programming language, chosen for its differentiability and efficiency, facilitating the simple integration of various composable packages.

Forward simulations are performed in the advanced automatic differentiation (AD) framework of Julia, allowing for flexible adjustments of the underlying coupled system of equations. We utilize a staggered-grid, implicit finite-difference solver, along with the GeoParams.jl package to implement visco-elasto-plastic rheologies and solve the coupled fluid-rock interactions under non-linear Darcy and incompressible Stokes-flow regimes.

The AD framework of Julia allows for the application of the adjoint method in parameter sensitivity analysis, significantly reducing computational demands compared to traditional inversion techniques. This framework lays the foundation for adjoint inversions as the gradients calculated for the sensitivities are needed for gradient descent algorithms. The effectiveness of our framework is demonstrated through representative case studies, illustrating its applicability to understanding the dynamic behavior of two-phase systems influenced by both thermal and mechanical processes.

How to cite: Frasunkiewicz, J., Kaus, B., Popov, A., Schuler, C., and Riel, N.: Leveraging Differentiable Programming in Julia: Forward and Inversion Modeling of Two-Phase Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10269,, 2025.

EGU25-10823 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Plate Motion using the Adjoint Method and Automatic Differentiation 

Christian Schuler, Albert de Montserrat, Jacob Frasunkiewicz, Pascal Aellig, and Boris Kaus

The adjoint method for the Stokes equations provides a versatile and highly efficient approach to investigate the underlying physics of geodynamic processes. Reuber et al. (2018) demonstrated that adjoint sensitivities can be used to develop scaling laws for processes like folding and subduction dynamics. The gradients derived using the adjoint method can also directly be used in inversions in geodynamic applications. However, previous implementations of the adjoint method have typically been highly problem-dependent and often limited to viscous rheologies. Extending it to other nonlinear rheologies typically required substantial additional work, which is likely one of the reasons that the method has not yet been widely adopted in solid Earth geosciences.

To overcome this problem, we use automatic differentiation (AD) to compute the gradients needed to develop an adjoint solver for the Stokes equations. The gradients are computed using the Julia package Enzyme.jl. The adjoint solver is designed to be problem-agnostic, where the gradients are automatically computed for any user-defined rheology, from a simple linear viscous model to a complex visco-elasto-viscoplastic composite rheology. This functionality is added to the JustRelax.jl thermo-mechanical solver, where we use the same pseudo-transient solver strategy to solve both the forward and adjoint problems. This approach ensures that the adjoint solver remains consistent and fully generic.

The method is applied to analyse horizontal plate motion around subduction zones. For different material parameters, it is possible to calculate sensitivity kernels that show, for each location in the numerical domain, how much these parameters influence the horizontal plate motion (e.g. Reuber et al (2020)). The scaling of sensitivities for different parameters is discussed to enable a quantitative comparison. This approach is then used to identify the most influential factors affecting plate motion.


Reuber, G. S., Popov, A. A., & Kaus, B. J. (2018). Deriving scaling laws in geodynamics using adjoint gradients. Tectonophysics, 746, 352-363.

Reuber, G. S., Holbach, L., Popov, A. A., Hanke, M., & Kaus, B. J. (2020). Inferring rheology and geometry of subsurface structures by adjoint-based inversion of principal stress directions. Geophysical Journal International, 223(2), 851-861.


How to cite: Schuler, C., de Montserrat, A., Frasunkiewicz, J., Aellig, P., and Kaus, B.: Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Plate Motion using the Adjoint Method and Automatic Differentiation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10823,, 2025.

EGU25-11462 | Posters on site | GD10.1

Physics-based and physics-agnostic reduced order modeling 

Alberto García-González and Sergio Zlotnik

In this work we describe dimensionality reduction methods to solve parametric problems governed by partial differential equations (PDE). The goal of these methodologies is to elucidate and reduce the dimensionality of the manifold containing the family of solutions of a parametric problem. This leads to a reduced system that can often be solved in real time. These techniques are being successfully applied in many fields in science and engineering, e.g. [1,2] as well as in geodynamics [3,4].

The application of these techniques involves two phases: i) creation of a reduced space, often done via a sampling of the parametric space and a singular value decomposition, and ii) use of the reduced space to find a new solution within the family.

Here we want to compare methodologies that, in their second step, include or neglect the physics described by the PDEs. We call these, physics-based and physics-agnostic approaches. Reduced Basis methods being an example of the first, and surrogate modelling one of the second.

Applications of flow in porous media are used as examples to test the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches. These methodologies are a potential tool to be used in situations where it is unaffordable to obtain a very large training set (big data).


[1] Rocas M., A. García-González, S. Zlotnik, X. Larráyoz and P. Díez. Nonintrusive Uncertainty Quantification for automotive crash problems with VPS/Pamcrash. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, Vol. 193, doi:10.1016/j.finel.2021.103556, 2021.

[2] Muixí A., S. Zlotnik, P. Calvet, M. Espanol, I. Lodoso-Torrecilla, M.P. Ginebra, P. Díez and A. García-González. A multiparametric advection-diffusion reduced-order model for molecular transport in scaffolds for osteoinduction. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, doi:10.1007/s10237-022-01577-2, 2022.

[3] Ortega O., S. Zlotnik, J.C. Afonso and P. Díez. Fast Stokes flow simulations for geophysical-geodynamic inverse problems and sensitivity analyses based on reduced order modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 125, 1–25, doi:10.1029/2019JB018314, 2020.

[4] Manassero M., J.C. Afonso, F. Zyserman, A. Jones, S. Zlotnik and I. Fomin. A Reduced Order Approach for Probabilistic Inversions of 3D Magnetotelluric Data II: Joint inver- sion of MT and Surface-Wave Data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, doi:10.1029/2021JB021962, 2021.

How to cite: García-González, A. and Zlotnik, S.: Physics-based and physics-agnostic reduced order modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11462,, 2025.

EGU25-11537 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

1D modelling of pegmatite migration 

Mathis Bergogne, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Ludovic Räss, and Alexis Plunder

Pegmatites and rare metal granites are granitic igneous rocks distinguished by their texture, which is dominated by crystal growth. These rocks are frequently enriched in rare elements (e.g., Li, Cs, Be, Nb, Ta) and represent economically significant deposits, classified among the critical raw materials identified by the European Commission. Our objective is to better constrain the tectonic parameters that govern the emplacement of pegmatites within the continental crust, including their migration rates and durations, with a particular emphasis on the role of temperature in these crustal migration processes.

To model those fluid migrations, two-phase flow in Julia, based on porosity waves with compressible fluid is used. The porosity is interpreted as melt [1]. To improve the yet existing codes [2], we implement temperature in our two phase flow formulation from energy conservation. Temperature allow a thermomechanical coupling with rock viscosity. A first equation with a simple exponential coupling is used to understand thermal implication on viscosities.

The model represents a continental crust with partial melting occurring within the lowermost 5 km, where temperature is maintained at 750°C due to underplating. A constant geothermal gradient is applied from this depth to the surface. A 10% porosity anomaly is introduced in the partially molten zone, while a baseline porosity of 1% is applied throughout the model to ensure numerical stability. The fluid viscosity is set at 10^4 Pa.s, while at 750°C, the rock viscosity is 10^16 Pa.s. A constant permeability of 10^-11 m² is applied throughout the model. Thermomechanical couplings of varying strength are implemented to assess their impact on migration processes. Accordingly, the rock viscosity at 450°C is varied between 10^16Pa.s and 10^21 Pa.s.

Models reveals two distinct mechanisms that halt migration. The first occurs when the thermomechanical coupling is low (soft and hot crust). Allowing rock viscosity to remain low, so melt migration can outpace thermal diffusivity. Enabling the melt to be in an undercooling state. This means that the magma can migrate beyond the point at which the surrounding rock reaches the crystallization temperature of the melt, a necessary condition for pegmatite formation. The second case arises when thermomechanical coupling is strong, causing the surrounding rock's viscosity to become too high for the magma to reach undercooling condition. In this scenario, the magma crystallizes as soon as it reaches the surrounding rock at its crystallization temperature, potentially becoming trapped by a viscous layer (of different or colder nature).

The use of a geothermal gradient more representative of a metamorphic core complex, along with an improved thermomechanical coupling, should refine the estimates of migration time and distance. Similarly, the introduction of viscous heterogeneity would help highlight the geological structures that may or may not facilitate the migration of these magmas to shallower levels of the crust.



[1] L. Räss, T. Duretz & Y.Y. Podladchikov (2020).

[2] A. Plunder & al. (2022).

How to cite: Bergogne, M., Le Pourhiet, L., Räss, L., and Plunder, A.: 1D modelling of pegmatite migration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11537,, 2025.

EGU25-11825 | Posters on site | GD10.1

Scalable hybrid multigrid for staggered grid discretizations in geodynamics 

Anton A. Popov, Boris J.P. Kaus, and Iskander Ibragimov

The staggered grid finite difference is a robust discretization method for the high-resolution 3D  geodynamic simulations that involve heterogeneous material parameters. Achieving its scalability on parallel machines inevitably requires the application of multigrid solvers. In particular, a coupled velocity-pressure geometric multigrid preconditioner based on Galerkin coarsening scheme demonstrates very good results. However, this method relies on assembled matrices which have a significant memory imprint and prohibits achieving peak performance due to suboptimal use of the limited memory bandwidth. A geometric multigrid method, based on the re-discretization of linear operators on the coarser levels, converges generally slower, but can be implemented  in a completely matrix-free manner. It poses a valuable alternative to the Galerkin method, since an increased number of iterations can be compensated by a greater performance of the matrix-vector products computed on the fly without storing matrices in the memory.

Here we present a hybrid approach that allows optimal combination between various types of coarsening techniques for staggered grid discretizations. This work is performed within the framework of ChEESE-2p project (Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth) and involves the flagship code LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model), which is based on Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation (PETSc), following an approach suggested for finite element discretizations by May et al. (2015). Here, we extend it to the staggered grid finite difference, discuss the optimal solver parameter selection, and document performance gains that can be achieved by using the matrix-free operators.

We typically start with a few levels of re-discretized matrix-free operators, followed by Galerkin geometric coarsening operating on assembled matrices. This approach ensures that most of the optimization and memory saving is already obtained at the top levels, whereas more robust Galerkin coarsening can be used at coarser levels without compromising the convergence. At the coarse grid level, we either utilize a parallel sparse direct solver or a black-box algebraic multigrid method.  The number of processors participating in a coarse grid solve can be optimally selected via PETSc sub-communicator framework (Telescope). 

D. A. May, J. Brown, L. Le Pourhiet, 2015. A scalable matrix-free multigrid preconditioner for finite element discretizations of heterogeneous Stokes flow, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 290, 496–523.

How to cite: Popov, A. A., Kaus, B. J. P., and Ibragimov, I.: Scalable hybrid multigrid for staggered grid discretizations in geodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11825,, 2025.

I present a set of numerical experiments, which show the formation, evolution, and influence of small-scale rolls at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB). The rolls originate from lateral gradients of temperature and are not related to classical large-scale Rayleigh–Bénard convection. Rather, they represent a form of horizontal convection, arising from the circumstance that the lower part of the lithosphere (both oceanic and continental) can contribute to the advection of material (due to a relatively low viscosity) but is characterized by a non-adiabatic thermal regime. The formation of convection rolls indicates that the process is relatively steady, with a relaxation time of several hundreds kyrs. Although the LAB geometry influences the formation of convective cells, these features form even in presence of a flat LAB surface, whenever there is a lateral thermal change within the lithosphere, for example at the transition between oceanic and continental lithosphere along continental margins. An important observation is that the thermal structure of the oceanic lithosphere close to a spreading center induces an ascending flow even in absence of extension. Consequently, an active component of spreading exists regardless of whether two plates are moving apart. In these experiments, the active component of spreading induces a velocity between 0.6 and 1.2 cm/yr, which adds to the velocity imposed with boundary conditions. Such active component develops even in the case of closed systems and determines a state of compressional stress within the lithosphere. The structure of the ascending flow in the melting regime below a spreading center suggests that it results from the superposition of two small-scale rolls with opposite polarity, associated with horizontal convection.

How to cite: Schettino, A.: The role of small-scale horizontal convection in lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12536,, 2025.

EGU25-13428 | Orals | GD10.1

Harnessing Neural Network and Operators to Simulate Subsurface Geomechanical Processes  

Lawrence Hongliang Wang and Viktoriya Yarushina

Simulating subsurface geological processes, such as compaction-driven fluid flow and rock deformation, is essential for understanding natural phenomena and addressing challenges in energy production and resource extraction. Traditional numerical methods, while effective, are computationally expensive and struggle to efficiently model large-scale dynamical problem in subsurface systems. This creates a bottleneck for large-scale simulations and real-time decision-making. Recent advances in machine learning (ML) offer promising solutions to enhance simulation efficiency. Neural operators, which learn mappings between function spaces, provide a flexible, scalable approach to modeling complex systems. Unlike traditional methods, neural operators can generalize across varying inputs and geometries, offering a more efficient and versatile alternative. This study explores the potential of advanced machine learning techniques, specifically Fourier Neural Operators (FNO) and Physics-Informed Neural Operators (PINO), to model two critical subsurface geomechanical processes: compaction-driven fluid flow and elastic stress analysis for tunnelling.

For the first case, numerical simulations were conducted to generate a dataset of up to ~10,000 samples, derived from ~1,000 different initial porosity conditions represented by randomly generated polygons. The FNO model was trained using Nvidia A100 GPUs (80G). Training loss decreased rapidly during early epochs and stabilized below 0.02 after approximately 50,000 epochs. Models trained with larger datasets (e.g., 9,753 samples) demonstrated significantly improved validation performance, achieving a validation loss of ~0.06. In contrast, models trained on smaller datasets exhibited overfitting, with validation losses exceeding 0.3. The trends in validation loss, evaluated using 60 test cases with elliptical initial conditions excluded from the training data, underscored the importance of dataset size in enhancing model generalization for machine learning-based geological simulations. The validation results demonstrated high predictive accuracy, with maximum errors below 10%. Models trained on larger datasets achieved superior performance, particularly for cases with sharper structural features. These findings highlight the capability of FNO models to effectively generalize and reproduce the dynamics of complex fluid flow in subsurface environments. The second case focuses on elastic stress analysis for tunneling, where stresses and deformations around underground excavations are critical to ensuring structural stability. Preliminary efforts have been directed toward generating numerical datasets to train FNO and PINO models, with the goal of capturing stress distribution and deformation patterns under diverse geological and engineering conditions. While results are still emerging, early indications suggest that PINO may provide additional advantages by incorporating physical laws directly into the training process, potentially reducing the amount of data required and improving computational efficiency.

This work demonstrates the transformative potential of neural operators in addressing computational challenges associated with subsurface geomechanical modeling. By combining the flexibility of data-driven methods with the robustness of physics-informed approaches, FNO and PINO offer scalable and efficient alternatives to traditional numerical methods.

How to cite: Wang, L. H. and Yarushina, V.: Harnessing Neural Network and Operators to Simulate Subsurface Geomechanical Processes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13428,, 2025.

EGU25-14096 | ECS | Orals | GD10.1

Extreme-Scale Geodynamic Modelling with TerraNeo 

Ponsuganth Ilangovan, Nils Kohl, Marcus Mohr, Hamish Brown, Eugenio D'Ascoli, Isabel Papanagnou, Berta Vilacis, and Hans-Peter Bunge

Finely resolved Geodynamic mantle convection models are crucial to understand
the detailed physics governing major geological process and to infer
the mineralogical state of the Earth. Given the scale needed to globally
resolve features of the mantle such as unstable boundary layers
and asthenospheric flows where viscosity can change by around four orders of
magnitude within 50 km, traditional sparse matrix methods become unsuitable
due to their immense memory requirements. TerraNeo builds upon the
massively parallel matrix-free finite element framework HyTeG which uses
geometric multigrid solvers on block-structured hybrid tetrahedral grids.
The extreme scalability of HyTeG has been demonstrated previously, solving
Stokes problems with trillions (1e12) of unknowns, corresponding to ≃ 1
km global resolution of Earth’s mantle.
We discuss the features and scalability of TerraNeo with respect to the
numerical treatment of the truncated anelastic liquid approximation as a
model for mantle convection. The compute kernels are evaluated and verified
through geophysical applications, convergence studies, and community
benchmarks covering sharp viscosity variations, nonlinear rheologies and
mixed boundary conditions.

How to cite: Ilangovan, P., Kohl, N., Mohr, M., Brown, H., D'Ascoli, E., Papanagnou, I., Vilacis, B., and Bunge, H.-P.: Extreme-Scale Geodynamic Modelling with TerraNeo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14096,, 2025.

EGU25-15996 | Orals | GD10.1

Adaptive FEM-DEM bridging coupling to study third-body/gouge evolution 

Guillaume Anciaux, Manon Voisin-Leprince, and Jean-François Molinari

The behavior of interfaces in seismic faults, and tribological systems in general, is governed by the interaction of discrete microconstituents trapped between contacting surfaces, often referred to as the gouge or the third-body. This is an amorphous wear particle agglomeration undergoing significant deformation, while the surrounding regions experience comparatively moderate strain. Understanding the dynamics of such systems, and in particular the evolution of the third body, can rely on particle-based numerical models such as the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The predicted behavior of the gouge can be sensitive to the boundary conditions, and therefore to the system size. However, the important computational costs prevent handling arbitrarily large domain sizes, which calls for cheaper Discrete-Continuum coupled methods. To accurately capture the behavior of continuum (long-range boundary) and discrete regions (gouge), we employed a hybrid modeling strategy combining the Finite Element Method (FEM) for continuum regions and the Discrete Element Method (DEM) [1,2].

To accommodate the evolving nature of the third body and prevent limitations imposed by the size of the discrete region, we will introduce in this presentation an adaptive coupling. This approach allows FEM regions to transition dynamically into DEM regions when a sufficient deformation criterion is met. Such a condition is evaluated within the third body near the coupling region. The adaptive framework supports large-scale simulations, and it will be demonstrated to support amorphous and ordered (crystalline) material setups for a gouge. Finally, the adaptive coupling is used to model the evolution of a third body comprising elliptical rigid bodies, which will be shown to impact the gouge evolution in certain conditions. Our findings underscore the importance of coupling techniques in modeling the complex, multiscale nature of frictional interfaces and contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of granularity in dynamic friction and third-body evolution.

[1] Xiao, S. P. and T. Belytschko (2004). “A bridging domain method for coupling continua with molecular dynamics”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2003.12.053
[2] Voisin-Leprince, M., J. Garcia-Suarez, G. Anciaux, and J.-F. Molinari (2022). “Finite element method–discrete element method bridging coupling for the modeling of gouge”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. doi: 10.1002/nme.7171

How to cite: Anciaux, G., Voisin-Leprince, M., and Molinari, J.-F.: Adaptive FEM-DEM bridging coupling to study third-body/gouge evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15996,, 2025.

EGU25-16111 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

Variational Stokes: free surface for staggered grid finite differences schemes for geodynamic and ice flow modelling 

Albert de Montserrat Navarro, Pascal Aellig, Timothy Gray, Ludovic Räss, and Ivan Utkin

In geodynamic models, the incorporation of a free surface boundary condition is crucial to better understand and resolve, for example, the coupled interaction between the lithosphere, deep mantle, and surface processes. A free surface is similarly important in ice flow models to capture the geometry of the ice sheet and its temporal evolution.

While the implementation of a free surface is relatively straightforward in finite element methods due to their capacity to manage complex and deformable geometries, and boundary conditions, the treatment of a free surface boundary (or any other boundary) that is not aligned with the staggered grid of a finite difference (FD) scheme poses a significant challenge. A common approach adopted by FD geodynamic codes, such as I2/3VIS (Gerya and Yuen, 2007) or LAMEM (Popov and Kaus, 2016), involves the incorporation of an additional rheology layer above the surface, simulating the presence of air. However, the of Stokes solvers is constrained by the viscosity contrast occurring within the domain, typically in the range of 6 to 7 orders of magnitude. Consequently, the viscosity of the air layer is limited to values within the 1e16-1e18 Pa*s range. This approach is not only physically unrealistic, but also leads to an inaccurate topography evolution, and introduces a very strong and sharp viscosity contrast at the rock and air interface, which hinders the convergence of iterative solvers particularly the Accelerated Pseudo-Transient (APT) method employed in this study.

To address these limitations, we propose the implementation of a variational Stokes approach (Larionov et al. 2017), which allows for the incorporation of both real free surface and solid wall boundary conditions. This approach is then combined with either a marker chain or a level set to track evolution of the surface. We demonstrate that this approach greatly improves the convergence rate of the iterative APT solver, as well as demonstrate its accuracy and applicability to geodynamic and ice flow simulations with a set of benchmarks and toy codes.


Gerya, Taras V., and David A. Yuen. "Robust characteristics method for modelling multiphase visco-elasto-plastic thermo-mechanical problems." Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 163.1-4 (2007): 83-105.

Popov, Anton, and Boris Kaus. "3D modelling of non-linear visco-elasto-plastic crustal and lithospheric processes using LaMEM." EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2016.

Larionov, Egor, Christopher Batty, and Robert Bridson. "Variational stokes: A unified pressure-viscosity solver for accurate viscous liquids." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36.4 (2017): 1-11.

How to cite: de Montserrat Navarro, A., Aellig, P., Gray, T., Räss, L., and Utkin, I.: Variational Stokes: free surface for staggered grid finite differences schemes for geodynamic and ice flow modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16111,, 2025.

EGU25-16478 | Orals | GD10.1

ASPECT 3.0: The Advanced Solver for Planetary Evolution, Convection, and Tectonics 

Rene Gassmöller, Timo Heister, Wolfgang Bangerth, Juliane Dannberg, Menno Fraters, Anne Glerum, Robert Myhill, and John Naliboff

Modern geodynamic models have become increasingly complex, coupling detailed numerical approximations to many physical processes with large observational datasets. This coupling creates unique challenges for modern research software such as how to combine complex rheologies utilizing multiple flow mechanisms with the simultaneous modeling of mineral microstructure; how to model realistic geometries and evolving surface topography while simultaneously including large observational datasets of topography and surface deformation; and how to utilize highly-optimized and scalable numerical solvers while keeping up with changing high-performance computing architectures.

We here present our approach to reconciling these challenges: The next major release of ASPECT - The Advanced Solver for Planetary Evolution, Convection, and Tectonics. During the six years since our last major release, we have implemented many new features and improvements. Here we report on a new major release that highlights ASPECT's increased flexibility in modeling complex tectonic and convection problems. New features we will present at the workshop are in particular:

  • A new default Stokes solver utilizing a matrix-free geometric multigrid preconditioner
  • Complex rheologies like visco-elasto-plasticity including Peierls-, dislocation-, and diffusion-creep
  • Models of pinned grain-size evolution in a two-mineral assemblage
  • Evolution of crystal-preferred orientation using DREX like algorithms
  • Utilizing modern external libraries for the accurate solution of ordinary differential equations
  • Extended support for efficiently including large-scale datasets in parallel models
  • Interfaces to surface evolution modeling software like Fastscape and others
  • Optimizing finite element type, degree, and advection method for different compositions
  • Major improvements to the structure of the code base, plugin systems, and user interface

As usual the release is open-source and freely available at We hope that providing well-documented, flexible, and tested geodynamic research software provides the community with the necessary tools to tackle the geodynamic research questions of the next decade.

How to cite: Gassmöller, R., Heister, T., Bangerth, W., Dannberg, J., Fraters, M., Glerum, A., Myhill, R., and Naliboff, J.: ASPECT 3.0: The Advanced Solver for Planetary Evolution, Convection, and Tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16478,, 2025.

EGU25-16577 | Posters on site | GD10.1

Differentiable multi-physics solvers for extreme-scale geophysics simulations on GPUs 

Ludovic Räss, Ivan Utkin, Albert De Montserrat, Boris Kaus, Paul Tackley, William Moses, and Thibault Duretz

Although geodynamics and ice flow dynamics address distinct physical systems, they share significant computational and modelling challenges. Both require vast, data-intensive simulations on next-generation high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. With limited observational data, these models must be rigorously constrained to improve their predictive power. Our work focuses on differentiable modelling of Earth’s largest ice sheets and high-resolution 3D geodynamic processes, such as magmatic systems and the formation of the Alps.

We are developing differentiable multi-physics solvers for extreme-scale geophysical simulations on GPUs - ∂GPU4GEO. These high-performance, scalable tools leverage advanced programming techniques, particularly automatic differentiation (AD) within the Julia programming language. Using Enzyme.jl, an AD tool integrated with the LLVM compiler, we combine differentiation with compiler optimisations. This approach enables highly efficient reverse-mode AD, achieving near-theoretical peak performance.

Building on the GPU4GEO PASC project (2020–2024), we are extending pseudo-transient solvers with differentiable modelling capabilities. The modular GPU4GEO software stack, composed of specialised Julia packages, provides solvers for diverse physical systems and customisable building blocks. By integrating Enzyme.jl into the entire stack, we enable high-performance AD on GPUs while maintaining support for distributed-memory parallelism via MPI. These developments ensure scalability on flagship supercomputers and facilitate efficient exploration of geophysical processes.

This collaborative effort targets applications requiring large-scale simulations to address critical scientific challenges. The resulting computational tools are optimised for next-generation GPU architectures, offering transformative potential for geodynamics and glaciology research.

How to cite: Räss, L., Utkin, I., De Montserrat, A., Kaus, B., Tackley, P., Moses, W., and Duretz, T.: Differentiable multi-physics solvers for extreme-scale geophysics simulations on GPUs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16577,, 2025.

EGU25-17228 | ECS | Orals | GD10.1

On the Application of Compatible Finite Elements for Divergence-Free and Mesh-Independent Viscoelastic-Plastic Rheology in Geodynamics Simulations 

Karim Norouzi-Moghanjoghi, Javier García-Pintado, and Marta Perez-Gussinye

The movement of the Earth's crust and mantle in geodynamics is typically modeled as the flow of a viscous fluid governed by the Stokes equations. Incorporating plasticity into material rheology often results in mesh-dependent behavior, which poses challenges for accurate numerical simulations. Several approaches have been proposed to mitigate mesh dependence and develop solvers that decouple solution errors from viscosity and mesh size.

Traditionally, Taylor-Hood (TH) and Crouzeix-Raviart (CR) elements of order 2 are used for geodynamics simulations. In this study, we examine the numerical solution of variable-viscosity Stokes flow with plasticity and Drucker-Prager type yielding using Scott-Vogelius (SV) compatible finite elements in combination with pseudo-Jacobian and augmented Lagrange methods. The Scott-Vogelius element is unique among finite elements for the mixed formulation of Stokes flow, as it has an associated De Rham complex. This theoretically ensures a divergence-free velocity field. We investigate the degree of decoupling between velocity errors, pressure errors, and viscosity-induced errors in a viscoelasto-plastic case study.

Our results show that Taylor-Hood elements (CG2 × CG1 for velocity and pressure) fail to provide accurate solutions in such cases. While the low-order CR elements perform better, the higher-order SV elements (CG4 × DG3) yield the best results. 

We conclude that due to the inherent mesh-dependent behavior and viscosity dependent errors in TH elements, CR or SV elements should be preferred for geodynamics simulations. 

How to cite: Norouzi-Moghanjoghi, K., García-Pintado, J., and Perez-Gussinye, M.: On the Application of Compatible Finite Elements for Divergence-Free and Mesh-Independent Viscoelastic-Plastic Rheology in Geodynamics Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17228,, 2025.

EGU25-17495 | Posters on site | GD10.1

Reconstructing landscapes: an adjoint model of the stream power and diffusion equation. 

Carole Petit, Anthony Jourdon, and Nicolas Coltice

Reconstructing the evolution of a landscape provides insights into its geological and/or climatic history and into processes shaping the earth's surface: what was the configuration of the drainage network before a specific geological or climatic event, what are the areas that are currently most sensitive to fluvial incision or hillslope processes, or to which extent lithological contrasts influenced landscape evolution are frequent questions. Most of the time, these questions are addressed with forward models in which only a small part of the parameter space is explored.

Landscape evolution can be simulated using a diffusion-advection equation where the diffusive term represents hillslope erosion-deposition processes and advection simulates river incision. In this case, the advection velocity can be calculated from drainage area and erodibility parameters of the Stream Power Law.  The model can also include a source term, which simulates tectonic uplift. This approach permits to solve a PDE and formulate an adjoint model that can be used for parameter inversion and sensitivity analysis. In this study, we use the Firedrake package which includes automatic differentiation procedures for building the adjoint model. Our results illustrate different model sensitivities to diffusion and erodibility coefficients, and show that it is able to reconstruct spatial variations of these coefficients.

We then apply the adjoint model to sensitivity analysis and to parameter inversion in real-world cases. The first one is the southeastern border of the French Massif Central, for which we seek at understanding what was the topography prior to a major incision by tributaries of the Rhone River. The second case is the footwall topography along a segment of the Wasatch normal fault, USA, for which we aim at quantifying temporal uplift rate variations.

In the French Massif Central, inversion of the initial conditions reveals that the pre-incision topography consists of a relatively smooth and flat footwall delimited by a well-defined and linear fault escarpment that corresponds to a Mesozoic normal fault system. In the Wasatch range, the model indicates a significant increase in the uplift rate of the Wasatch Range, from 0.2 to 1 mm.yr-1, since approximately 2 Ma, aligning well with recently published estimates.

How to cite: Petit, C., Jourdon, A., and Coltice, N.: Reconstructing landscapes: an adjoint model of the stream power and diffusion equation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17495,, 2025.

EGU25-17922 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

Retrieving climate proxies from an invertible glacier evolution model. 

Kejdi Lleshi, Guillau Jouvet, and Frédéric Herman

Glacier evolution models (GEMs) are important tools in glaciology to predict future glacier response from climate forcing. However, reconstructing past climates requires inversion tools to infer the climate forcing that explains paleoglacier extents documented through historical records or geomorphic features. 
Such "inverted" GEMs are less common compared to forward GEMs but are important to better constrain climate from the past. 
For instance, Visnjevic et. al proposed a model to estimate the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) from reconstructed paleoglacier extents. 
However, their approach assumes stationary glaciers, neglecting temporal dynamics, and employs a heuristic inversion technique.

Recent implementations of automatic differentiation (AD), coupled with Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) performance improvements, provide a promising pathway to develop fully differentiable and computationally efficient GEMs. Here, we introduce an Invertible Glacier Evolution Model (IGEM), a new framework designed to overcome the limitations of existing inversion methods.
Our IGEM relies on the Shallow Ice Approximation (SIA)  for the ice flow, and surface mass balance is computed with the Positive Degree Day (PDD) .
The model’s tensor-based architecture leverages GPU acceleration and enables efficient computation of gradients with respect to input climate variables, such as temperature and precipitation, which are used for PDD calculations. The gradient-descent inversion scheme employed in our IGEM converges more rapidly, delivers more accurate solutions, and offers greater generality (e.g., it is not constrained by the stationary assumption) compared to heuristic inversion methods.

The main challenge here is due to the fact that one forward GEM simulation requires thousands of iterations to model a glaciation spell.
To compute the gradient of the cost function with respect to climate forcing, a chain derivation of all operations within the forward GEM is necessary, which is memory-challenging, especially on GPUs.
To address this, our IGEM selectively recomputes a subset of intermediate operations during gradient computation. Instead of storing all operations, only those essential for computing gradients are cached, while others are recomputed during the "backward" pass. This approach reduces memory usage at the cost of increased computation time, enabling the methodology to handle large-scale problems effectively.

To illustrate the feasibility of our approach, we apply it to the inference of climate proxies at the Aletsch Glacier for the period 1880–2010. We leverage sequentially dated observations of the glacier geometry during the same timeframe. Given the nonuniqueness of the problem, the method permits the derivation of a set of compatible temperature and precipitation proxies, which are evaluated against weather station data near the glacier.

This proof-of-concept shows that our IGEM approach enables the extraction of compatible climate proxies, such as temperature and precipitation, provided documented glacier former extents. By bridging the gap between glacier dynamics and climate reconstruction, our IGEM has the potential to advance our understanding of past climates in formerly glaciated regions.

How to cite: Lleshi, K., Jouvet, G., and Herman, F.: Retrieving climate proxies from an invertible glacier evolution model., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17922,, 2025.

EGU25-19536 | Posters on site | GD10.1

Automatic tuning of iterative pseudo-transient solvers for geodynamic modelling 

Thibault Duretz, Albert de Montserrat, Rubén Sevilla, Ludovic Räss, and Ivan Utkin

Geodynamic modeling has become a crucial tool for investigating the dynamics of Earth deformation across various scales. This approach involves solving mechanical problems characterized by significant property variations (e.g., viscosity, shear modulus, conductivity) under nearly incompressible conditions. Recent advancements in technology have facilitated the development of iterative pseudo-transient solvers, which require minimal global communication and enable near-optimal parallel scaling on supercomputers. However, selecting numerical parameters that ensure both robust and rapid convergence remains a challenging task. In this contribution, we explore potential strategies to address these challenges and provide application examples using both finite difference and face-centered finite volume methods.

How to cite: Duretz, T., de Montserrat, A., Sevilla, R., Räss, L., and Utkin, I.: Automatic tuning of iterative pseudo-transient solvers for geodynamic modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19536,, 2025.

EGU25-20446 | ECS | Posters on site | GD10.1

Probing Earth’s interior with neutrinos: sensitivity kernels for a 1-dimensional Earth model 

Isabel Astrid Goos, João A. B. Coelho, Yael A. Deniz Hernandez, Stephanie Durand, Nobuaki Fuji, Eric L. Mittelstaedt, Rebekah Pestes, and Véronique Van Elewyck

Neutrino oscillation tomography is potentially a method for probing the properties of Earth's deep interior, complementing classical geophysical and geochemical methods. It relies on the detection of neutrinos, subatomic particles that interact weakly with matter and can traverse the Earth’s interior essentially unimpeded. Neutrinos exist in three types, called "flavors": electron, muon, and tau. As they propagate, they can change from one flavor to another, a phenomenon known as neutrino oscillation. Oscillation probabilities are influenced by the electron density profile along the neutrino’s path, determined by the matter density and the proton-to-nucleon ratio (Z/A) distribution. By measuring neutrino oscillations, it is thus possible to retrieve information about the composition and density variations in the Earth’s interior. 

In this work, we present sensitivity kernels from neutrino oscillation tomography for a spherically symmetric Earth model. Our goal is to identify which depth ranges can be effectively studied using this technique. To understand the constraints that neutrino oscillation tomography can provide on Earth's structure, we first model the sensitivity of neutrino tomography to the planet's composition and density assuming an ideal neutrino detector. Then, to derive realistic sensitivities, we apply the detector’s response (i.e., resolution) of next-generation neutrino telescopes. We show that an ideal detector is most sensitive to the outer core, while realistic detectors with lower resolution but large detection volumes shift the sensitivity focus to shallower depths. Finally, we discuss how this method could provide complementary insights into the structure of large low velocity provinces (LLVPs) at the base of mantle and the water content in the mantle transition zone (MTZ).

How to cite: Goos, I. A., Coelho, J. A. B., Deniz Hernandez, Y. A., Durand, S., Fuji, N., Mittelstaedt, E. L., Pestes, R., and Van Elewyck, V.: Probing Earth’s interior with neutrinos: sensitivity kernels for a 1-dimensional Earth model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20446,, 2025.

EGU25-20801 | Posters on site | GD10.1

The Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method: new developments, strong scaling to 300K cores, and potential to yield major advancements in geodynamics 

Peter Mora, Gabriele Morra, Craig O'Neill, Leila Honarbakhsh, Jian Kuang, and Amen Barges

The Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method (TLBM) offers an alternative to classical PDE based solvers for planetary dynamics and is based on solving the Boltzmann Equation on a discrete lattice which maps perfectly onto parallel computers. We present strong scaling performance runs on the Shaheen III HPC cluster at KAUST using up to 300K cores for a 3D whole mantle model at a 3km grid resolution. Based on the throughput performance achieved, the TLBM can model mantle simulation in 3D for one convection cycle's worth of physical time in less than a day of CPU at a 3km resolution. We present 2D performance results which indicate that the TLBM can model ultra-high Rayleigh numbers in 2D well into the ultimate turbulent regime up to Ra = 1018 on 300K cores in a 1x1 aspect ratio model. We also  present an update of the status of TLBM developments and example runs and run times of: (1) the transition to plate tectonics in the Archean using a temperature dependent viscosity, a yield stress formulation of the rheology and partial melting, (2) high Rayleigh number simulations in the turbulent regime up to Ra = 1015 in 2D, (3) 2D whole mantle modelling in a circular annulus and accuracy benchmarks against ASPECT, and (4)  3D simulations of whole mantle convection at a resolution of 30 km on just 96 cores, and (5) iron droplets from an impactor on a turbulent magma ocean settling to form the iron core using a combined TLBM and multiphase LBM. We believe that the TLBM and multiphase TLBM have the potential to lead to new insights in the dynamics and evolution of the Earth and exoplanets from the early lava world stage onwards including plate tectonics due to their high throughput performance and near linear scaling to 100s of K cores. These capabilities enable geodynamical modelling with never-before-seen resolutions in 2D and 3D, high Rayleigh numbers well into the ultimate turbulent regime, studies of turbulent magma oceans and core formation, and phase space studies of planetary dynamics.

How to cite: Mora, P., Morra, G., O'Neill, C., Honarbakhsh, L., Kuang, J., and Barges, A.: The Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method: new developments, strong scaling to 300K cores, and potential to yield major advancements in geodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20801,, 2025.

Statistical models are a frequently used tool in hydrology, especially when it comes to estimating design floods, i.e. flood events that used to design flood protection systems or reservoirs. The often complex hydrological data, which are affected by e.g. missing values, extremes or time-varying processes, require sophisticated statistical models that take these challenges into account. As a scientist, developing such models can be a lot of fun and provide interesting insights. After months of thinking about the best model under certain statistical assumptions, proving asymptotic theorems and testing the model with synthetic data, you are happy and proud to have developed a new model. This model will hopefully be widely used in future research. The next step is to apply the model to a large real data set. The results look good on average. The results will be shared with practitioners, because of course you want the model to be useful for science and practice. And then: the phone call. You are told that your results are not plausible for a certain catchment area. And in general, the new model is not needed in practice because there is an established model. This example describes such a case and discusses ways of dealing with it. It is intended to illustrate the importance of communication between science and practice and a general understanding between both sides.

How to cite: Fischer, S.: When practical considerations impact your scientific model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1620,, 2025.

EGU25-1660 | Orals | EOS4.8

The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick 

Nick van de Giesen and John Selker

In the early 1990's, fractals and chaos were hot. In 1987, James Gleick had published "Chaos: Making a New Science", popularizing non-linear dynamics. Hydrologists played an important role in the development of fractal theory. Hurst had discovered that sequences of dry and wet years for the Nile showed very long memory effects. Instead of the chance of a dry year following a dry year being 50%, Hurst found that there were surprisingly many long series of dry or wet years. Seven fat years, seven lean years, as it is noted in Genesis. Scott Tyler found fractals in soils ("Fractal processes in soil water retention"). At Cornell, where we were at the time, David Turcotte described "Fractals in geology and geophysics". A few years later, Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe and Andrea Rinaldo would publish "Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization". In short, fractals were exciting scientific gold.

A fractal is not just an obscure mathematical object but something that can actually be found everywhere in nature. Early on, a paper was published in Nature with the title "Fractal viscous fingering in clay slurries" by Van Damme, Obrecht, Levitz, Gatineau, and Laroche. They "only" did an experiment on a fractal embedded in 2D; we should be able to do one better and find the fractal dimension of the surface of cracking clay embedded in 3D. So out we went, collected some clay, mixed it with water in a cement mixer, siliconed together a shallow "aquarium", and poured in the slurry. To observe the cracking of the drying slurry, a video camera was mounted above the experiment, looking down and taking time-lapse images. To access the views from the sides, mirrors were installed at 45 degrees at each of the four sides. Lights made sure the camera captured high quality images. The whole set-up was enclosed in a frame with dark cloth to ensure that lighting was always the same.  We already had some box-counting code ready to calculate the fractal dimension of the surface, called the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension. One variable needed some extra attention, namely the boundary between the clay slurry and the glass sides. If the clay would cling to the sides, it would be difficult to understand the effects that this boundary condition had on the outcome of the experiment. Moreover, the cracks may not have become visible in the mirrors when the sides were covered with mud. So, instead, it was decided to make the sides hydrophobic with some mineral oil. This ensured that when the clay would start to shrink, it would come loose from the sides. Now, all we had to do was wait. It took only a week or so before the consolidated slurry started to shrink and to come loose from the sides. After that, the clay continued shrink for many weeks. This is how we learned that the fractal dimension of a shrinking brick of clay is (very close) to 3.0. 

How to cite: van de Giesen, N. and Selker, J.: The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1660,, 2025.

EGU25-5035 | Orals | EOS4.8

Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief 

Stefan Hergarten and Jörg Robl

In 2018, we found exciting new results in landform evolution modeling by coupling the two simplest models of fluvial erosion and hillslope processes. While the stream-power incision model is the simplest model for detachment-limited fluvial erosion, the diffusion equation is the simplest description of hillslope processes at long timescales. Both processes were added at each grid cell without an explicit separation between channels and hillslopes because fluvial erosion automatically becomes dominant at large catchment sizes and negligible at small catchment sizes.

We found that increasing diffusion reduces the relief at small scales (individual hillslopes), but even increases the large-scale relief (entire catchments). As an immediate effect, the hillslopes become less steep. In turn, however, we observed that the network of the clearly incised valleys, which indicates dominance of fluvial erosion over diffusion, became smaller. So a smaller set of fluvially dominated grid cells had to erode the material entering from the hillslopes. To maintain a morphological equilibrium with a given uplift rate, the rivers had to steepen over long time. This steepening even overcompensated the immediate decrease in relief of the hillslopes.

This result was counterintuitive at first, but we were happy to find a reasonable explanation. So we even prepared a short manuscript for a prestigious  journal. We just did not submit it because we wanted to explain the effect quantitatively from the physical parameters of the model. From these theoretical considerations, we found that our numerical results did not only depend on the model parameters, but also on the spatial resolution of the model and noticed that this scaling problem was already discussed in a few published studies. Beyond the scaling problem, we also realized that applying the concept of detachment-limited fluvial erosion to the sediment brought from the hillslopes into the rivers is quite unrealistic. A later study including fluvial sediment transport and a model for hillslope processes that avoids scaling problems did not predict any increase in large-scale relief. So we finally realized that our original findings were mainly the result of a specific combination of models that should not be coupled this way and are not  as relevant for landform evolution as we thought.

This example illustrates many of the pitfalls of numerical modeling beyond purely technical issues. In particular, combining models that are widely used and make sense individually may still cause unexpected problems.


How to cite: Hergarten, S. and Robl, J.: Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5035,, 2025.

EGU25-5091 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

(Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector 

Guillemette Legrand

In this presentation, I will discuss my research into the simple climate model Hector, which calculates temperature change based on the impact of various climate scenarios. More specifically, I will discuss how an artistic-led approach through (un)voluntary-caused computational bugs can help document the model's logic and socio-political implications. I will describe methods for collective 'debugging' to produce transdisciplinary knowledge (beyond solely scientific inquiry) to foster conversation about the potential and limits of current climate infrastructure to foster concrete climate actions. This research investigates the field of climate science through artistic practice, software and infrastructure studies, and participatory methods. To expand on the role of bugs in my investigation, I will elaborate on concrete examples of differences in perception of 'error' in the fields of arts and science, looking at case studies where mistakes or glitches have been valorised and mobilised through artistic practice to grapple with, appropriate, and/or repurpose scientific instruments.

How to cite: Legrand, G.: (Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5091,, 2025.

EGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight

Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong 

Lukas Brunner, Maximilian Meindl, and Aiko Voigt

"Doesn't this look a bit strange?" 

It began with an innocent question during one of our Master's colloquia. And it could have ended there. "We were just following an approach from the literature". And who could argue against following the literature?

But it bugged me. During a long train ride, I began to think about the issue again. 10 hours and many papers later, I was only more confused: was it really that obvious, and why had no one picked up on it before? But sometimes the most obvious things are the most wicked, and after a few conversations with knowledgeable colleagues, I was sure we were in for an unexpected surprise. 

A commonly used approach to defining heat extremes is as exceedances of percentile-based thresholds that follow the seasonal cycle. Such relative extremes are then expected to be evenly distributed throughout the year. For example, over the 30-year period 1961-1990, we expect three (or 10%) of January 1s to exceed a 90th percentile threshold defined for the same period - and the same for all other days of the year. In a recent study, we show that there are many cases where this does not hold, not even close (Brunner and Voigt 2024).

Here, we tell the story of how this blunder spread in the literature out of the desire to improve extreme thresholds. We show that seemingly innocent changes can sometimes have unintended consequences and that taking the time to check the obvious can help avoid mistakes in science. 


Brunner L. and Voigt A. (2024): Pitfalls in diagnosing temperature extremes, Nature Communications,

How to cite: Brunner, L., Meindl, M., and Voigt, A.: Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5951,, 2025.

When economists estimate the expected economic damages from current-day CO2 emissions, they usually calculate the social cost of carbon – that is, the aggregated damage caused by the emission of an additional ton of CO2. Several cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) are built to assess this quantity, and among them is the META model. This model is built specifically to assess the effects of tipping points on the social cost of carbon, and it usually operates stochastically. When integrating a deterministic, but small carbon cycle tipping point into the model, however, the social cost of carbon seems to explode: a few gigatons of additional emissions almost double the impact estimates of CO2 emissions! Well, maybe. In fact, these results are a pure artifact of two things: 1) the way in which social cost of carbon estimates are calculated with IAMs; and 2) the way that tipping points are implemented in the META model. And, of course, 3): a lack of initial thoughtfulness on behalf of myself. A thorough look into this issue shows that, as expected, a marginal change in emissions leads to a marginal change in damage estimates. While that result is rather boring, the previous blunder can actually be instructive about the scarcely-known methods used to obtain economic impact estimates of climate change.

How to cite: Schaumann, F.: Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9145,, 2025.

EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really? 

Felix Jäger, Petra Sieber, Isla Simpson, David Lawrence, Peter Lawrence, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Historically, large areas across the globe have been affected by deforestation or irrigation expansion. The replacement of forests with agricultural land and increased water availability in irrigated croplands altered the land’s surface properties, leading to influences of biogeophysical changes on near-surface temperature. From limited observations and mostly idealized simulations, we know that sufficiently large alterations of land surface properties can theoretically lead to systematic temperature and precipitation changes outside and even far from the altered areas. Not only the advection of temperature anomalies, but also changes in circulation and ocean feedbacks have been shown to be potential drivers of such non-local responses in single and multi-model studies.

We tested the robustness of non-local temperature signals to internal variability in the fully coupled Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) simulations of the historical period (1850 – 2014) with all forcings vs. all-but-land-use-change forcings. Doing so, we first found seemingly robust non-local temperature effects of land use change on the global and regional scale. But when accounting for the sampling of internal variability in the model using a large initial condition ensemble, the global scale signal was found to be indistinguishable from noise. Only regionally in some hotspots, we found robust and historically important non-local temperature signals. Through increasingly rigorous analysis, we reached a partly negative and unexpected but important finding, which may have implications for future assessments of comparably weak or spatially heterogeneous forcings to the Earth system.

How to cite: Jäger, F., Sieber, P., Simpson, I., Lawrence, D., Lawrence, P., and Seneviratne, S. I.: How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10285,, 2025.

EGU25-10615 | Orals | EOS4.8

Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling 

Jan Seibert, Franziska Clerc-Schwarzenbach, Ilja van Meerveld, and Marc Vis

Failures are only common in science, and hydrological modelling is no exception. However, we modellers usually do not like to talk about our mistakes or our overly optimistic expectations and, thus, “negative” results usually do not get published. While there are examples where model failures indicated issues with the observational data, in this presentation the focus is on modelling studies, where some more (realistic) thinking could have helped to avoid disappointments. Examples include the unnecessary comparison of numerically identical model variants, naively optimistic expectations about increasing the physical basis of bucket-type models and excessively hopeful assumptions about the value of data.

How to cite: Seibert, J., Clerc-Schwarzenbach, F., van Meerveld, I., and Vis, M.: Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10615,, 2025.

EGU25-11357 | Orals | EOS4.8

Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks 

Peter Manshausen, Anna Tippett, Edward Gryspeerdt, and Philip Stier

The idea of invisible ship tracks for the study of aerosol-cloud interactions sounds promising: We have been studying the effects of aerosols on clouds for many years, among others by investigating the bright lines of clouds left in low marine clouds by ships. However, only a small fraction of ships leaves behind visible tracks. This means we can only study aerosol-cloud interactions under certain meteorological conditions, biasing our understanding. Instead, by studying all clouds polluted by ships ('invisible ship tracks') with a methodology we developed, we should be able to get a full picture of aerosol-cloud interactions. A number of interesting and impactful results have come out of this research, along with several setbacks and corrections to initial results. Here, we examine them in order, showing how correcting for one identified bias can introduce two new ones. Unexpected glitches arise from sources as varied as: choices regarding ship track definition, retrieval geometry, specific weather systems biasing results, and mathematical subtleties. What can we conclude after four years of progress on this methodology? While some results still stand, others had to be significantly corrected. This makes us see invisible ship tracks as an example of research that is closer to a method of 'tinkering' than to a 'magnificent discovery'.

How to cite: Manshausen, P., Tippett, A., Gryspeerdt, E., and Stier, P.: Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11357,, 2025.

EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system   

Hans Segura, Cathy Hohenegger, Reiner Schnur, and Bjorn Stevens

Earth system models are important tools used to understand our climate system and project possible changes in our climate due to anthropogenic and natural forcings. Human errors can occur in the development of Earth System models, i.e., bugs, giving an unphysical representation of our climate. A way to identify and solve bugs is to apply physical concepts. Here, we present an experience that occurred in the development of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model (ICON) as a kilometer-scale Earth System model, in which physically understanding a bug in the surface energy budget fixed land precipitation. 

In a simulation of ICON, referred to as ICON-bug, precipitation over tropical land continuously decreased across the simulation. This led to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation in the tropics of less than 0.7, which, otherwise, should be more than 0.86. As part of the possible explanations, the surface energy budget over land was targeted as a culprit. This idea relies on the influence of the interaction between soil moisture, surface heat fluxes, and winds to generate circulation favoring precipitation over dry land surfaces (Hohenegger and Stevens 2018). Indeed, the surface energy budget over dry surfaces in the ICON-bug showed an error in sensible heat flux. The sensible heat flux transmitted to the atmosphere was 70% of what was calculated for the surface module. Fixing this error closed the surface energy budget and increased land precipitation over the tropics, leading to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation of 0.94, close to observations. 

How to cite: Segura, H., Hohenegger, C., Schnur, R., and Stevens, B.: Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12720,, 2025.

Whenever you study a phenomenon of mm to a few cm-scale in the laboratory which involves an interface, the question of surface tension arises. Surface tension is due to the fact that molecules prefer to stay with their own kind. Therefore, the creation of an interface between two fluids requires energy, and this influences the dynamics around the interface.

Surface tension can be a blessing: it produces the round shape of rain drops or the nice bubble shapes of colorful liquid in a lava lamp. It allows objects with a higher density to float on a liquid (such as an insect on water, or a silicone plate on sugar syrup). It can generate flow up a capillary.

However, it can also be a curse in the case of thermal convection. Purely thermal convection  develops when a plane layer of fluid is heated from below and cooled from above. The engine of motion is the thermal buoyancy of the fluid. This is what is happening in a planetary mantle on scales of hundreds to thousands kilometers. This is also what is happening in a closed box in the laboratory. But as soon as an interface exists, either between an upper and a lower experimental mantle, or in the case of a free surface at the top of the fluid layer, surface tension effects can become important. For exemple, the variation of surface tension with temperature was responsible for the beautiful honey-comb patterns imaged by Benard (1901) in the first systematic study of thermal convection with a free-surface. Surface tension is also going to act against the initiation of subduction (which acts to break the surface). 

We shall review in this presentation the signatures of surface tension in a convective context, and the different ways to minimize and/or remove the effects of surface tension in convection experiments, such as using miscible liquids, or a layer of experimental « sticky air ».

How to cite: Davaille, A.: Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15059,, 2025.

EGU25-15457 | Orals | EOS4.8

The crux with variability: too much or too little 

Markus Weiler

In hydrology we measure and follow the water. What if there is too much or too little? It happens a lot. As a field hydrologist, I frequently have to determine the location of a measurement, the time to take the measurement, the location to set up a field experiment, or the amount of a tracer to inject to study a hydrological system. However, this is a very bumpy road, as variability is often not in favor of my decisions because the distribution is wider than expected, bimodal instead of unimodal, or the probability of an event is theoretically small, but still an extreme event occurs during our experiment. I will showcase some examples to demonstrate what I mean and what I experienced, as well as how frequently the PhD students or Postdocs have suffered as a result of my decisions or of the unexpected variability: Climatic variability resulted in a winter without snow, just as new sensors were already deployed. Or the winter snowpack was extremely high, preventing any work at high altitudes in the Alps until mid of July, thereby reducing our field season by half. An ecohydological study to observe the effects of drought in a forest with a rainout shelter was ineffective because it occurred during an extremely dry year, making the control just as dry as our drought treatment. The automatic water sampler was set-up to collect stream water samples, but it was washed away four weeks later by the 50-year flood. The calculated amount of artificial tracer was either way too low, because the transit times of the system were much longer than expected, or it was far too high, resulting in colored streams or samples that had to be diluted by a factor of 100 due to much faster transit times Finally, and most expensively, we installed many trenches along forest roads to measure subsurface stormflow but after three years, we abandoned the measurements because we never measured a drop of water coming out of the trenches, as the bedrock permeability was much higher due to many high permeable fissures that prevented the formation of subsurface stormflow.  These experiments or observations failed because of unexpected variability in input, system properties or a lack of technical variability in the equipment. I will reflect on residual risk of failure in fieldwork related to that crux and discus approaches to reduce this risk.

How to cite: Weiler, M.: The crux with variability: too much or too little, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15457,, 2025.

EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON 

Benjamin Poschlod, Lukas Brunner, Benjamin Blanz, and Lukas Kluft

The emergence of global km-scale climate models allows us to study Earth's climate and its changes with unprecedented local detail. However, this step change in spatial resolution to grid spacings of 10 km or less also brings new challenges to the numerical methods used in the models, the storage of model output, and the processing of the output data into actionable climate information. The latest versions of the ICON-Sapphire model developed in the frame of the NextGEMS project address these challenges by running on an icosahedral grid while outputting data on the so-called HEALPix grid. Both grids are unstructured grids, which avoids, for example, the issue of longitude convergence. In addition, HEALPix allows data to be stored in a hierarchy of resolutions at different discrete zoom levels, making it easier for users to handle the data.  

The transition from the native 10 km grid to the output grid is made by a simple but very fast nearest-neighbour remapping. An advantage of this simple remapping approach is that the output fields are not distorted, i.e. the atmospheric states in the output remain self-consistent. As HEALPix only provides discrete zoom levels in the setup of the run, it was decided to remap to the closest available resolution of 12 km rather than to the next finer resolution of 6 km. This decision was made to avoid artificially increasing the number of grid points and to avoid creating duplicates through the nearest neighbour remapping.

As a consequence of this approach, wave-like patterns can emerge due to the Moiré effect that can result from the interaction of two grids. We find these patterns when looking at certain derived precipitation extremes, such as the annual maximum daily precipitation, the 10-year return level of hourly precipitation, or the frequency of dry days. At first, we interpreted these patterns as a plotting issue, as the figures might have too low resolution to cope with the high-resolution global plot (aliasing) leading to a Moiré pattern.

However, zooming in on the affected regions and closer examination of the data revealed that the pattern is in fact in the data. Further investigation with synthetic data confirmed the suspicion that the Moiré pattern was indeed caused by the remapping of the native 10 km icosahedral grid to the slightly coarser 12 km HEALPix grid. We hypothesise that precipitation is particularly affected by this issue, as it typically contains many grid cells with zero precipitation, with local clusters of non-zero values at the 15-minutely output interval. Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that other variables are also affected.

As a consequence, if remapping is required, it is recommended to first remap from the native resolution to a finer resolution grid. As a next step, the conservative nature of the HEALPix hierarchy can be used to compute the coarser level. In this way it is likely to be possible to avoid aliasing and still keep the amount of output data the same.

How to cite: Poschlod, B., Brunner, L., Blanz, B., and Kluft, L.: Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15826,, 2025.

EGU25-17676 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

What river plastic hotspots do not have in common 

Rahel Hauk, Adriaan J. Teuling, Tim H.M. van Emmerik, and Martine van der Ploeg

Plastic pollution is a global issue, across all environmental compartments. Rivers connect the terrestrial with the marine environment, and they transport various materials, among these plastic pollution. Rivers not only transport plastic, but also accumulate and store it, especially on riverbanks. In fact, plastic deposition and accumulation on riverbanks is a common occurrence. However, our understanding of why plastic is deposited on a certain riverbank is rather limited. Riverbanks along all major Dutch rivers have been monitored for plastic and other litter twice a year by citizen scientists, in some locations since 2018. This provides an extensive dataset on plastic accumulation, and we used these data with the aim of understanding the factors determining plastic concentration/accumulation variability over time and space. We tested multiple riverbank characteristics, such as vegetation, riverbank slope, population density, etc., hypothesized to be related to plastic litter. After having exhausted a long list of auxiliary data and analysis strategies, we found no significant results. Ultimately, we had a close look at ten consistent hotspots of macroplastic litter, along the Meuse, and Waal river. And once again, they seem to have nothing in common. But, there is a pattern, because some riverbanks have consistently very high densities of plastic litter so it does not seem completely random. We have been looking to explain spatial variability, whereas we might have to look at temporal consistency, and we shall not give up our efforts to bring order to this chaos.

How to cite: Hauk, R., Teuling, A. J., van Emmerik, T. H. M., and van der Ploeg, M.: What river plastic hotspots do not have in common, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17676,, 2025.

EGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment 

Mita Uthaman, Laura Ermert, Angel Ling, Jonas Junker, Cinzia Ghisleni, and Anne Obermann

Grande Dixence, the tallest gravity dam in the world, is located in the Swiss Alps on the Dixence River with a catchment area of 4 km2 at a towering elevation of 2000m. The lake serves as a collecting point of melt water from 35 glaciers and reaches full capacity by late September, subsequently draining during winter and dropping to lowest levels in April. For a reservoir as large as the Grande Dixence, the variation in hydrological load can be expected to induce changes in crustal stress. The goal of this study was to harness the loading effect of the time-varying level of reservoir load as a source of known stress to investigate the variation in seismic velocity of the bedrock due to changes induced in crustal stress and strain rates. 22 seismic nodes were thus deployed along the banks of the reservoir which were operational from mid-August to mid-September, corresponding to the time period when the lake level reaches its maximum. Of the 22 nodes, 18 were deployed in closely spaced patches of six in order to carry out coherent stacking and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, besides one group of three nodes and one single node. Measurement quality appears satisfactory: small local earthquakes are recorded well, and the probabilistic power spectral densities (PPSDs) computed for data quality validation evidence the ambient noise levels to be well within the global noise limits. However, the recorded noise is unexpectedly complex and, at periods shorter than 1 second, varies strongly by location. The 0.5--5s (0.2--2 Hz) period band at lakes generally records a diurnally varying noise level, often associated with lake generated microseism. Diurnal variations around 1 second of period are observed in our study as well. The amplitude of ambient noise level around 1 second of period is observed to be highest when the lake level changes, along with the prominent diurnal variation. A similar variation is observed in the seismic velocity variation (dv/v) computed from cross-correlated and auto-correlated ambient noise filtered between 0.5--1 Hz, with dv/v exhibiting a drop with rising lake level. These results provide preliminary evidence for possible change in crustal stress state with changing hydrological load. Future direction of this study consists of analytically modeling the results to quantify the influence of thermobarometric parameters on PPSDs and dv/v, and deconvolve it from the lake induced variations.

How to cite: Uthaman, M., Ermert, L., Ling, A., Junker, J., Ghisleni, C., and Obermann, A.: Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17811,, 2025.

EGU25-18185 | Orals | EOS4.8

Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity 

Tim van Emmerik and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team

Rivers play an important role in the global distribution of plastic pollution throughout the geosphere. Quantifying and understanding river plastic pollution is still an emerging field, which has advanced considerably thanks to broad efforts from science, practice, and society. Much progress in this field has been achieved through learning from failures, negative results, and unexpected outcomes. In this presentation we will provide several examples of serendipity and stupidity that has led to new insights, theories, methods, and completely new research lines. We will share what we learned from rivers flowing in the wrong direction, sensors that disappear, equipment blocked by invasive plants, and dealing with suspicious local authorities. Pushing the science sometimes requires an opportunistic approach, embracing surprises and chaos you may face along the way.

How to cite: van Emmerik, T. and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team: Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18185,, 2025.

With the advent of parallel programming in the late 1990s. A port of the than available Max Planck Institutes for Meteorology spectral atmospheric model echam5 to MPI and OpenMP was done. For testing and validation of the hybrid parallelization a coherence algorithm was developed. The implementation has been incorporated into todays NWP and climate model ICON as well. The coherence algoritm consists of several stages: first one MPI rank is running the serial model against an n-task MPI parallelized model. During runtime the state vector is checked for binary-identity. If successfull a m-task MPI version can be compared to an m-task MPI version for high processor counts. The same schema can be used OpenMP parallelization. ONe MPI task runs the model serial using one OpenMP thread and a second MPI task runs k OpenMP threads. Again, the results are compared for binary-identity. As the testing needs to be done automatically, bit-identity is important for testing not necessarily for production.

The tesing revealed plenty of problems during the initial parallelization work of echam5 and showed constant appearing problems in the ICON development phase.

However, far in a couple of century long simulation the bit-identity was just by accident found to be broken: the search of the cause started!

How to cite: Kornblueh, L.: MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18400,, 2025.

EGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error 

Stefan Gaillard

Addressing positive publication bias and clearing out the file drawer has been at the core of the Journal of Trial and Error since its conception. Publishing the trial-and-error components of science is advantageous in numerous ways, as already pointed out in the description of this panel: errors can lead to unexpected insights and warning others about dead ends can prevent wasted time and other resources. Besides those advantages, publishing negative and null results facilitates conducting robust meta-analyses. In addition, predictive machine learning models benefit from training on data from all types of research rather than just data from studies with positive, exciting results; already researchers are reporting that models trained on published data are overly optimistic.

Besides publishing negative and null results as well as methodological failures, the Journal of Trial and Error couples each published study with a reflection article. The purpose of these reflection articles is to have a philosopher, sociologist or domain expert reflect on what exactly went wrong. This helps contextualize the failure, helping to pinpoint the systematic factors at play as well as helping the authors and other scientists to draw lessons from the reported research struggles which can be applied to improve future research.

Publishing failure brings with it some practical challenges: convincing authors to submit manuscripts detailing their trial-and-error; instructing peer reviewers on how to conduct peer review for the types of articles; differentiating between interesting … and uninformative, sloppy science; and determining the best formats to publish various failure-related outcomes in. Authors are still hesitant to publish their research struggles due to reputational concerns and time constraints. In addition, authors often fear that peer reviewers will be more critical of articles describing research failures compared to articles reporting positive results. To counteract this (perceived) tendency of peer reviewers to be more critical of research without positive results, we provide specific instructions to peer reviewers to only assess the quality of the study without taking into account the outcome. This then also ensures that we only publish research that adheres to the standards of the field rather than sloppy science. Whether submitted research provides informative insights is assed by the editor-in-chief and the handling editor.

Finally, we are constantly evaluating and innovating the types of articles we publish. Various types of errors and failures benefit from differing ways of reporting. For example, recently we introduced serendipity anecdotes, a format where scientists can anecdotally describe instances serendipity which occurred during their research. This format allows researchers to focus on the conditions which allowed for the serendipitous discovery rather than the research itself.    

How to cite: Gaillard, S.: Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18981,, 2025.

It is common to perform two-dimensional simulations of mantle convection in spherical geometry. These have commonly been performed in axisymmetric geometry, i.e. (r, theta) coordinates, but subsequently we (Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) proposed using (r, phi) spherical annulus geometry and demonstrated its usefulness for low-viscosity-contrast calculations. 

When performing scaling studies in this geometry, however, strange results that did not match what is expected from Cartesian-geometry calculations were obtained when high-viscosity features (such as slabs) were present. It turns out that this is because the geometrical restriction forces deformation that is not present in 3 dimensions. Specifically, in a 2-D spherical approximation, a downwelling is forced to contract in the plane-perpendicular direction, requiring it to extend in the two in-plane directions. In other words, it is "squeezed" in the plane-perpendicular direction.  If the downwelling has a high viscosity, as a cold slab does, then it resists this forced deformation, sinking much more slowly than in three dimensions, in which it could sink with no deformation. This can cause unrealistic behaviour and scaling relationships for high viscosity contrasts. 

This problem can be solved by subtracting the geometrically-forced deformation ("squeezing") from the strain-rate tensor when calculating the stress tensor. Specifically, components of in-plane and plane-normal strain rate that are required by and proportional to the vertical (radial) velocity are subtracted, a procedure that is here termed "anti-squeeze". It is demonstrated here that this "anti-squeeze" correction results in sinking rates and scaling relationships that are similar to those in 3-D geometry whereas without it, abnormal and physically unrealistic results can be obtained for high viscosity contrasts. This correction has been used for 2-D geometries in the code StagYY (Tackley, PEPI 2008; Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) since 2010.

How to cite: Tackley, P.:  Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19890,, 2025.

EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology 

Ross Woods

The science question: how can we use hydrological process knowledge to understand the timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow in snow-influenced catchments.

What was known: in general, catchments with colder climates have later and larger seasonal streamflow peaks, because more snow tends to accumulate in colder catchments, and it melts later because the time when melt can occur is later in the year in colder climates. Numerical models with fine space and time resolution were able to resolve these phenomena, but there was no theory which directly linked long term climate to seasonal streamflow.

In 2009 I published a very simple deterministic theory of snow pack evolution. I tested it against snow observations at 6 locations in the western USA and it apparently worked well (although I later discovered that I'd been lucky).

In 2015 I used the snowmelt derived from this deterministic theory to predict timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow. It did poorly, and revealed untested assumptions in my theory. I tried making the theory slightly more complicated by considering within-catchment variation in climate. This did not help.

In 2016 I created a stochastic version of the theory (a weakness identified in 2015), and then also considered the within-catchment variation in climate. It did better at reproducing measured snow storage, but did not help in understanding seasonal streamflow.

My next step will be to consider all forms of liquid water input, i.e. not just snowmelt but also rainfall.

What survived: I will continue to use the stochastic version of the theory as it is clearly an improvement. I will continue to examine whether within-catchment climate variability is important, but it seems unlikely after two negative results. But whether introducing liquid water input will be sufficient, who can say? I will also try to examine in more detail how it is that the finely-resolved numerical models can do an adequate job, but the theory cannot - it is in this gap that the answer probably lies.  However the models are very complicated, and it is not easy to get a good understanding of exactly what they are doing, even though we know which equations the are implementing.


How to cite: Woods, R.: Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20057,, 2025.

EGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

A case for open communication of bugs in climate models 

Jan Gärtner, Ulrike Proske, Nils Brüggemann, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Dian Putrasahan, and Karl-Hermann Wieners

Climate models are not only numerical representations of scientific understanding but also human-written software, inherently subject to coding errors. While these errors may appear minor, they can have significant and unforeseen effects on the outcomes of complex, coupled models. Despite existing robust testing and documentation practices in many modeling centers, bugs broader implications are underexplored in the climate science literature.

We investigate a sea ice bug in the coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model ICON, tracing its origin, effects, and implications. The bug stemmed from an incorrectly set logical flag, which caused the ocean to bypass friction from sea ice, leading to unrealistic surface velocities, especially in the presence of ocean eddies. We introduce a concise and visual approach to communicating bugs and conceptualize this case as part of a novel class of resolution-dependent bugs - long-standing bugs that emerge during the transition to high-resolution models, where kilometer-scale features are resolved.

By documenting this case, we highlight the broader relevance of addressing bugs and advocate for universal adoption of transparent bug documentation practices. This documentation complements the robust workflows already employed by many modeling centers and ensures lessons from individual cases benefit the wider climate modeling community.

How to cite: Gärtner, J., Proske, U., Brüggemann, N., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Putrasahan, D., and Wieners, K.-H.: A case for open communication of bugs in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20866,, 2025.

Identification of source rocks bearing helium generation potential is essential to construct a robust play fairway for natural helium exploration. The main source rock for helium generation are widely accepted as granitic or metamorphic basement rocks of cratons while some researchers suggest that hydrocarbon source rocks and sediments might also generate helium. One of the most critical implications for potential zones is the presence of radioactivity as He generation is sourced from the alpha decay of 232Th, 238U, and 235U. Thus, more He generation means more decay, characterised by increasing radioactive heat. In addition, distinguishing heavy thorium minerals as clay types by 232Th-40K cross-plots could also indicate potential zones. Therefore, measuring and assessing the 232Th-238U-40K levels play a critical role in any region for natural helium exploration.

This study brings forward well log interpretation approach as one of the transferable methods from the oil and gas industry into natural He exploration by examining the 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs, known as SGR logs, which are generally neglected or overlooked although they provide numerous benefits for subsurface evaluation.

Based on the methodology 2 main research questions emerge for this study to answer;

  • Can sediments and hydrocarbon source rocks might generate He or contribute to the He generation process?
  • Can SGR Logs provide a robust methodology for detection of potential He generating intervals in sedimentary successions?

To answer these questions, Early and Mid-Triassic sediments from the Northern Arabian Plate are selected as a case study. Recently unlocked Mid-Triassic hydrocarbon play, including source rocks, and CO2 / N2 readings on gas chromatography of nearby wells make the region unique and a perfect study area to test the hypothesis. Radiogenic heat generations (A) have been calculated using the equation below to track radioactivity levels.

A = 0.01 p (9.52 238U + 2.56 232Th + 3.48 40K)

A; radiogenic heat (μWm–3),

p; rock density (g/cm3),

238U, 232Th, 40K; Uranium 238U (ppm); Thorium 232Th (ppm); potassium 40K (%)

Regarding the observations, a 1-15 m. thick, theoretical He generation zone has been detected in the shales of the Early Triassic succession. A consistent significant peak in radiogenic heat levels reaching 4 μWm–3 coincide with rapid increases in calculated He log and heavy thorium minerals content. Additionally, shales are represented by as high 232Th-238U levels as granitic basements. A thickness map of potential He generation zone demonstrates that the zone gets thinner towards ESE at where large fault zones dominate the regional geology.

As a conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that sediments might generate natural He and potential zones might be identified by the help of SGR logs. The results can also shed light on the He generation potential of Triassic sediments deposited in the other regions of the Arabian Plate. Moreover, the proposed workflow can be applied for any region or rock type if the interval of interest is covered by 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs.

How to cite: Uyanik, A.: Can Sediments Generate Helium? Implications from 232Th-238U-40K Concentration Logs from the Northern Arabian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1138,, 2025.

EGU25-1857 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings 

Rodolfo Christiansen, Mohamed Sobh, Nicolas Saspiturry, and Gerald Gabriel

This study presents a versatile methodological framework, implemented as a Python-based tool called PoNHy (Potential for Natural Hydrogen), designed to assess hydrogen generation in serpentinization environments using geophysical and laboratory data. As a practical application, the approach robustness is demonstrated in the Mauleon Basin localized in the north-western Pyrenees, where extensive data availability facilitates detailed analyses and validation. The workflow begins with a thorough assessment of key petrophysical properties such as density, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal conductivity. These properties guide the interpretation of underlying geological structures and help refining the initial subsurface models. Building on this foundation, gravity and magnetic data are inverted to determine the distribution and volume of source rocks, as well as their degree of serpentinization. Thermal modeling then delineates subsurface temperature regimes, which play a critical role in the serpentinization reactions and subsequent hydrogen production. To translate laboratory-derived hydrogen production rates into realistic field estimates, the framework integrates parameters from both lab experiments and field observations. Factors such as the water-to-rock ratio, fracture spacing, mineral composition, and specific surface area of reacting materials influence fluid flow, reaction rates, and the overall efficiency of hydrogen generation. By integrating these parameters alongside corrections for the degree of serpentinization, our new methodology provides a more accurate representation of subsurface conditions. This comprehensive integration yields hydrogen generation estimates that better reflect in situ conditions, ultimately improving our understanding of natural hydrogen volumes. Such insights are critical for subsequent transport models aimed at identifying potential reservoirs.

How to cite: Christiansen, R., Sobh, M., Saspiturry, N., and Gabriel, G.: A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1857,, 2025.

EGU25-2570 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration 

Frank Zwaan, Sascha Brune, Anne C. Glerum, Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Gianreto Manatschal, and Eric C. Gaucher

As the energy transition gathers steam, naturally occurring hydrogen gas (H2) generated by the serpentinization of mantle rocks is a highly promising sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. To undergo serpentinization, mantle rocks that are normally situated at great depth need to be brought closer to the surface by plate tectonics and other geodynamic processes. Here, they may react with water to be efficiently serpentinized and generate natural H2, which can accumulate in reservoirs as it migrates to the surface (as part of a natural H2 system).

Exploring natural H2 systems requires a solid understanding of their geodynamic history, which can be informed by numerical geodynamic modelling. Through such modelling we can trace how, when, and where mantle material enters the serpentinization window, as well as when active, large-scale faults penetrate exhumed mantle bodies allowing for water circulation, as well as serpentinization and H2 generation, to occur.

Our recent modelling of rifting and subsequent rift inversion (Zwaan et al., in press) shows that, although serpentinization-related natural H2 generation is a phenomenon best known from (magma-poor) rifted margins and oceanic spreading ridges, annual volumes of natural H2 generated during inversion may be up to 20 times higher than during rifting, due to the colder thermal regime in rift-inversion orogenic environments. Moreover, suitable reservoir rocks and seals required for natural H2 accumulations to form are readily available in rift-inversion orogens, whereas they may not be present when serpentinization occurs in deep marine continental rift or oceanic spreading settings.

Our model results thus provide a first-order motivation to turn to rift-inversion orogens for natural H2 exploration and are supported by indications of natural H2 generation in rift-inversion orogens such as the European Alps and Pyrenees.

REFERENCE CITED: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A.C., Vasey, D.A., Naliboff, J.B., Manatschal, G., Gaucher, E.C (in press). Rift-inversion orogens are potential hotspots for natural H2 generation. Science Advances. Link to preprint:

How to cite: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A. C., Vasey, D. A., Naliboff, J. B., Manatschal, G., and Gaucher, E. C.: Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2570,, 2025.

EGU25-2903 | Posters on site | GD6.1

The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy   

Philip Ball, Graham Banks, Mikenna Montgomery, Juan Carlos Afonso, and Vladimir Stroganov

Scaling up geothermal from a niche industry to a viable, global industry is important for all our collective decarbonization efforts. Here we explore the distribution of geothermal projects globally to understand where projects have been positioned to date. As a result of this global analysis, we recommend that future geothermal exploration and development be conducted using a Linnean-style classification system for geothermal entities. Hierarchical thinking and the pre-discovery exploration triangle will provide the technique for gaining the ‘big picture’ context about the location of the optimal geothermal plays and prospects.  It is further argued that the engineering approach used to complete a geothermal project significantly impacts the economics of the project, and that engineering should not be confused with play type, which at the highest level is either hydrothermal or petrothermal.

In this study we explore the distribution of Natural hydrothermal systems (NHS), Open loop Geothermal Systems (generically known EGS), and Closed Loop geothermal  systems (generically known CLG or AGS). Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022) our findings include an observation that there is little or no coherence to geothermal exploration to date. CLG/Closed Loop: Volcanic Arc systems (44%) EGS/Open Loop: Orogenic Belt systems (45%). Natural Hydrothermal: Volcanics Arc systems (51%). Our analysis is the first coherent global study of the geodynamic domain of geothermal projects. We observe that a better understanding of the internal variation within geodynamic domains and refined geodynamic models (paleo and present day) are necessary to improve the success of geothermal exploration. Furthermore, we find that identifying present day stress-state is important when planning wells and executing geothermal projects, and that higher resolution lithospheric models are needed to help understand the petrothermal and hydrothermal systems. Finally, further R&D is needed to help unlock geothermal exploration and drilling across the most prolific geodynamic settings.

How to cite: Ball, P., Banks, G., Montgomery, M., Afonso, J. C., and Stroganov, V.: The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2903,, 2025.

EGU25-3033 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome 

Moamen Ali, Mohammed Ali, and Hamda Alshehhi

The UAE government is actively exploring the use of Hormuz salt domes for large-scale hydrogen and hydrocarbon storage, aligning with its strategic goals for clean energy transition and decarbonization. A comprehensive understanding of the geometry, kinematics, and halokinetic phases of these Infra-Cambrian Hormuz salt structures is crucial to achieving this vision. This study focuses on the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome, the only exposed salt dome in onshore Abu Dhabi. Utilizing three 3D seismic surveys and data from four boreholes, the research analyzes its morphology and evolution. The Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome exhibits an elliptical structure elongated in the N-S direction, with dimensions ranging from 2 to 2.8 km (E-W) and 3.2 to 4.2 km (N-S). The dome features irregular crests, steeply dipping flanks, and a series of hills rising approximately 110 m above sea level. Surrounding the dome is a pronounced rim syncline, resulting from the upward evacuation of Hormuz salt through the thick Phanerozoic stratigraphic succession, creating a discordant relationship with the dome structure. Salt withdrawal at Jebel Al Dhanna likely initiated in the Late Cretaceous, driven by the reactivation of inherited basement faults associated with ophiolite obduction onto the Arabian foreland. Halokinetic activity persisted through the Oligocene-Miocene, coinciding with the continent-continent collision of Central Iran and the Arabian Plate. The presence of tilted Upper Miocene and Quaternary strata around and within the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome underscores continued salt evacuation to the present day. This research highlights the importance of salt tectonics for energy resource storage and provides valuable insights into fault-salt interactions, with significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration, energy security, and the UAE’s decarbonization initiatives.

How to cite: Ali, M., Ali, M., and Alshehhi, H.: Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3033,, 2025.

EGU25-3367 | Orals | GD6.1

Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China 

Haonan Gan, Xiao Wang, Guiling Wang, Wei Zhang, Linxiao Xing, and Yu Zhang

Eastern China (EC) is located in the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate and has been influenced by the subduction of the Izanagi and Pacific Plate since the Late Mesozoic, resulting in a large amount of tectonic-magmatic activities. After the India–Eurasia convergence, the topography of continental China changed from high-east-low-west to high-west-low-east. At present, the Bohai Bay Basin in EC mainly forms sedimentary basin-type geothermal system, and deep circulation-type geothermal systems mainly occur in southeast coastal China, with thermal springs widely distributed. In the northeastern China, Holocene volcanoes such as Changbaishan Volcano have been formed, together with many thermal springs exposed.

The genesis of shallow thermal anomalies is closely correlated with the thermal-rheological structure of the lithosphere. In this study, we comparatively analyzed the lithospheric thermal-rheological structures of different tectonic units in EC, such as the Bohai Bay Basin, the southeast coastal China, and the Changbaishan Volcano field. We revealed that under the influence of the Pacific tectonic domain, the lithospheric thermal structures differed significantly, and the temperatures at the same depth from high to low are the Changbaishan Volcano field, the Bohai Bay Basin and the southeast coastal China. The rheological structures are significantly weakened in the middle and lower crust in the presence of an intracrustal heat source. The shallow thermal anomalies in the three tectonic units are similar in that the reservoir temperatures are mainly in the range of 100-150°C, and the water sources are all meteoric water. The difference between shallow thermal anomalies corresponds to their lithospheric thermal-rheological structures. The geothermal systems in the sedimentary basin of the Bohai Bay Basin are characterized by wells with a geothermal reservoir depth of 3-5 km. The deep-circulation hydrothermal systems in southeast coastal China are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-7 km, and the hydrothermal systems in the Changbaishan Volcano field are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-5 km. The deep thermal-rheological structure influences the behavioral characterization of shallow thermal anomalies with respect to heat-accumulation patterns. When brittle-ductile transition depth greater than the circulation depth, magma chamber (or partial melting body) and fluid circulation systems are relatively independent, and mass transfer from the magma chamber to the geothermal system may not happen.

How to cite: Gan, H., Wang, X., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Xing, L., and Zhang, Y.: Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3367,, 2025.

EGU25-3694 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting 

Anne Glerum, Sascha Brune, Philipp Weis, Joseph M. Magnall, and Sarah A. Gleeson

The growing global demand for metal resources requires new discoveries of high-grade ore deposits. Known sediment-hosted clastic-dominated base metal deposits are found in failed continental rifts and the passive margins of successful rifts. Recent studies indicate that the majority of these Zn-Pb deposits are located near steps in lithospheric thickness (e.g., Hoggard et al., 2020), but a potential causal link between ore formation and craton edges remains elusive. However, numerical models have shown that a craton edge close enough to an incipient rift controls the direction of asymmetry of the rift system (Raghuram et al., 2023) and that asymmetric rifts are more favorable to deposit formation (Glerum et al., 2024). Understanding the large-scale controls of cratons on rift-related mineralizing processes, occurring on much smaller spatial and temporal scales, can thus help identify new areas for exploration.

To this end, we use the geodynamic code ASPECT (Kronbichler et al., 2012; Heister et al., 2017) coupled to the landscape evolution model FastScape (Braun and Willett, 2013; Neuharth et al., 2022) to model 2D rift systems from inception to break-up in the presence of a craton. We investigate the relationship between craton distance and favorable conditions for ore formation, i.e., those conditions where potential source rock, host rock, and fluid pathways co-occur. Our results show that cratons have a negative effect on ore formation in narrow asymmetric rifts, but a positive effect in wide rifts.

In a second step, we further investigate the hydrothermal ore-forming mechanisms by using potentially favorable geodynamic configurations from the ASPECT simulations as input for fluid flow modelling with CSMP++ (Weis et al., 2014; Rodríguez et al., 2021). This input comprises basin geometry, temperature, boundary heat flow and a permeability structure dependent on strain and strain rate. With a temperature- and salinity-dependent proxy of metal solubility in the basinal brines, we track the leaching, transport, and precipitation of metals. This cross-scale workflow allows us to identify those rifting scenarios with the highest metal enrichment potential.


Braun and Willett, 2013. Geomorphology 180–181: 170–79. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008.
Glerum et al., 2024. Solid Earth 15: 921-944. DOI: 10.5194/se-15-921-2024.
Heister et al., 2017. Geophys. J. Int. 210 (2): 833–51. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx195.
Hoggard et al., 2020. Nat. Geosci. 13 (7): 504–10. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-0593-2.
Kronbichler et al., 2012. Geophys. J. Int. 191 (1): 12–29. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05609.x.
Neuharth et al., 2022. Tectonics 41 (3): e2021TC007166. DOI: 10.1029/2021TC007166.
Raghuram et al., 2023. Geology 51:1077–1082. DOI: 10.1130/G51370.1.
Rodríguez et al., 2021. GCubed 22 (6). DOI: 10.1029/2020GC009453.
Weis et al., 2014. Geofluids 14, 347-371. DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12080.

How to cite: Glerum, A., Brune, S., Weis, P., Magnall, J. M., and Gleeson, S. A.: The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3694,, 2025.

EGU25-4193 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach 

Alan J. Yu, Sascha Brune, Judith Bott, Anne C. Glerum, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), situated along the border of France and Germany, is part of the intraplate European Cenozoic Rift System. The graben is widely recognized for its abundant geothermal resources, making it a key region for energy transition initiatives. However, the characterization of the URG’s geothermal potential remains poorly constrained due to its highly variable hydrothermal conditions and large observational gaps. Previous studies on fault criticality have often overlooked the role of historical plate movements, oversimplifying the intricate interactions that govern the thermal and structural evolution of the URG over the past ~40 million years.

Using the numerical geodynamic code ASPECT coupled with the landscape evolution code FastScape, we simulate the lithospheric-scale development of fault networks within the URG under geodynamically realistic stress and strain conditions. Our models incorporate various forms of structural and rheological heterogeneities inherited from the earlier Variscan Orogeny, along with a two-stage Cenozoic kinematic history involving rift-orthogonal extension followed by sinistral strike-slip. Preliminary results show the first-order impact of structural inheritance and divergence obliquity on strain localization, which shape the orientation, spacing, and strain rate of the resulting fault network. These results will lay the groundwork for subsequent basin-wide modelling with the thermo-hydro-mechanical code GOLEM, coupling geodynamically controlled basin development with heat and fluid flow simulations that involve shorter-term rock and fracture mechanics. Throughout all modelling stages, we compare our models with available geological and geophysical observations.

How to cite: Yu, A. J., Brune, S., Bott, J., Glerum, A. C., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4193,, 2025.

EGU25-6373 | Orals | GD6.1

A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees 

Alexandra Robert, Sepideh Pajang, Frederic Mouthereau, Ajay Kumar, and Jean-Paul Callot

The relationships between the serpentinised continental mantle in orogens, its geophysical signature at depth and hydrogen seepages are poorly understood. A petro-physical modelling approach accounting for serpentinisation shows that a large domain of serpentinised mantle is present in the northern Pyrenees. The serpentinisation reached a maximum of 40% during the mid-Cretaceous rifting, according to the predicted temperature and pressure. Although high-temperature serpentinisation could have generated large quantify of hydrogen during the Mesozoic, the shallow and inactive faulting in Northern Pyrenees make this process unlikely to explain the entire serpentinisation inferred by petro-physical modelling. A combination of low-temperature alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the North Pyrenean Zone, active normal faulting in the North Pyrenean Fault, accumulation in local traps and transport of H2-rich fluids along inactive but permeable fault may explain the hydrogen seepages observed today.

How to cite: Robert, A., Pajang, S., Mouthereau, F., Kumar, A., and Callot, J.-P.: A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6373,, 2025.

EGU25-7103 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage 

Leonardo Pichel, Ritske Huismans, Thomas Theunissen, Sabine Delahaye, Alexandre Pichat, Jean-Paul Callot, and Naim Celini

Thick salt deposits occur in a wide range of sedimentary basins and orogens. They are associated with large and geometrically complex structures due to the inherent ability of salt to flow as a viscous fluid. Salt basins form major hydrocarbon provinces and are increasingly targeted for CO2/H2 storage and geothermal energy due to the unique physical properties of salt, its low viscosity, high thermal conductivity and impermeability. Despite considerable advances in understanding salt basins and salt tectonics, there is still a significant knowledge gap on the internal geometry of salt structures. We apply a novel, very-high resolution (20x50m)2D numerical modelling approach to simulate salt diapirism and minibasin formation for heterogenous, layered salt sequences. We test the effects of varying i) viscosity, ii) density, iii) thickness, and iv) stratigraphic arrangement of intra-salt layers on the kinematics, and the internal and external geometries of deformed salt bodies by using scaled material properties to simulate: i) weak pure halite, ii) less-weak impure halite, ii) strong and dense anhydrite-rich layers, and iv) very-weak K-Mg salts.

Our results show that salt sequences including an alternation of weak and less-weak layers with different viscosity and density produce major intra-salt strain partition and complexity characterized by highly convoluted folding, horizontal and vertical shearing, and preferential flow of the weaker, less-dense salt (pure halite) into the core of diapirs. The less-weak layers can eventually flow into the diapir crest but are generally disrupted by flow of the underlying weak layers and positioned towards the diapirs’ flanks where they become overturned. The most complex and convolute intra-salt geometries occur around the diapirs’ flanks when there is an abrupt internal shift of minibasin depocentres. Recumbent intra-salt folds are also common and associated with the development of secondary minibasins by diapir-fall. For models that include strong anhydrite-rich layers, there is a general decrease in the magnitude and complexity of diapirism, with these layers being passively folded by flow of the underlying weak salt and displaying only moderate to negligible flow onto diapirs and vertical stretching. These stronger layers become trapped underneath the base of diapirs and their associated minibasins where they typically form short-wavelength folds. For models that include very-weak and light K-Mg salt layers, there is an increase in rate of diapirism with rapid vertical shearing and stretching of the weak layers along the diapir’s flanks and sub-horizontal flow and recumbent folds along their crests. Varying the position of both very-weak and strong layers generates very contrasting internal and external diapir geometries. These results can aid in the characterization of the internal structures of deformed, diapiric salt bodies, which is critical for the use of salt structures in the context of energy transition. They provide important insights that can help the design of salt caverns for H2/CH4 storage by identifying areas with broadly homogenous halite-rich salt, 2) avoiding drilling through sheared and highly-stressed and strained intra-salt heterogeneities, and 3) constraining minibasin architecture and evolution, improving the understanding of the distribution and geometry of CO2 reservoirs.

How to cite: Pichel, L., Huismans, R., Theunissen, T., Delahaye, S., Pichat, A., Callot, J.-P., and Celini, N.: The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7103,, 2025.

EGU25-7356 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions 

Trevor Atkinson, Ghanashyam Neupane, Ayowole Fifo, and Kevin Sylla

A significant component to international energy net-zero emission goals is the exploration, production, and utilization of hydrogen. It is estimated that the International Energy Agency’s goal to reduce emissions will require approximately 550 megatons of hydrogen annually. While traditional generation methods through electrolysis (green hydrogen) and from fossil fuels (blue hydrogen) are potential pathways, they each come with challenges in terms of critical minerals consumption and CO2 sequestration. An alternative and promising source of meeting these goals is geologic hydrogen, naturally produced within the Earth's subsurface. Recent studies estimate that over 20 megatons of hydrogen seep from various geological formations annually. A team led by industry pioneers, Pristine Energy and researchers from the Idaho National Laboratory aim to explore the potential of geologic hydrogen in the Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP), Idaho, USA. The ESRP is characterized by iron-rich basalt formations and mid-crustal mafic sills, both conducive to hydrogen production through serpentinization. Additionally, geothermal gradients and geochemical fingerprinting suggest the potential for rapid serpentinization at depth, giving insight into geologic hydrogen conversion kinetics. This project will proceed through a systematic approach including a thorough literature review, detailed field sampling, field instrumentation and measurements, lab characterization, and preliminary modeling. Gas, water, and soil samples will be collected from identified fissures, faults, hot springs, and existing wells to identify source and estimate rates and quantities of generated hydrogen. Hydrogen concentrations will be measured using advanced sensors and characterized via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). High-seepage locations will undergo continuous monitoring to understand seasonal variations in hydrogen emissions. This innovative approach leverages the unique geological attributes of the ESRP to contribute significantly to geologic hydrogen exploration and assessment workflows, and ultimately to the global hydrogen supply, supporting net-zero emission goals.

How to cite: Atkinson, T., Neupane, G., Fifo, A., and Sylla, K.: Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7356,, 2025.

EGU25-7428 | Orals | GD6.1

Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens  

Graham Hill, Ben Friemann, Eric Roots, Phil Wannamaker, Virginia Maris, Rasmus Haugaard, Jochen Kamm, Svetlana Kovacikova, Radek Klanica, Andy Calvert, Jim Craven, and Richard Smith

Despite abundant empirical evidence, the details of coupled deformation and mass transfer processes within a framework of the crustal architecture of ancient orogens remains enigmatic. Geophysical imaging of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone, a well-endowed crustal-scale fault system in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, characterises the crustal architecture and fault geometry of the system through the lower crust. By comparing the geophysically determined structure of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone to stress changes induced by Archean (peak orogeny) rupture of the fault system, we show domains of earthquake-triggered deformation coincide with the geophysically imaged low resistivity zones. These low resistivity zones likely formed due to mineral bearing fluid migration from underlying fertile source zones to downstream (shallower) crustal reservoirs and, ultimately, near surface traps. The multi-disciplinary approach identifies the syntectonic mass-transfer processes and fluid pathways, providing an interpretive framework for unraveling the geophysical manifestation of the deformation controlled processes responsible for upflow of metalliferous fluids that may result in ore deposit formation in collisional orogens. 

How to cite: Hill, G., Friemann, B., Roots, E., Wannamaker, P., Maris, V., Haugaard, R., Kamm, J., Kovacikova, S., Klanica, R., Calvert, A., Craven, J., and Smith, R.: Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7428,, 2025.

EGU25-8201 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach 

Manel Ramos, Ritske Huismans, Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Thomas Theunissen, Jean-Paul Callot, Alexandre Pichat, Naim Célini, Sabine Delahaye, and Claude Gout

Understanding the internal structure of intra-salt layers within deformed salt bodies is crucial for geo-energy storage in salt-bearing basins. This study integrates high-resolution 2D finite element numerical modelling to explore how variations in salt stratigraphy, lithological heterogeneity, and post-salt sedimentation patterns influence deformation processes and the internal architecture of diapiric salt structures across different basin geometries. Specifically, we examine the impact of lithological variability by systematically varying the position and thickness of frictional-plastic, relatively strong intra-salt layers (e.g., anhydrite or carbonates) within a viscous layered salt sequence. The position of the strong intra-salt layer within a salt body significantly influences salt flow dynamics, internal and external diapir morphology, and overburden deformation. When located at the top, the strong layer acts as a stiff cap, restricting upward salt flow and producing broader diapirs with limited overburden deformation. When located in the middle, it localizes strain within the salt, leading to sharper and more discrete diapirs. When located at the bottom, it enhances upward salt flow of the overlying weak salt layer, resulting in tall, narrow, and more intrusive diapirs with more pronounced overburden deformation. In all cases, the strong intra-salt layer breaks and forms boudins, which vary in dimensions, distribution and structural complexity according to their different position and thickness. These intra-salt boudins can be transported by the salt flow to the upper parts of salt structures, but are often trapped at diapir pedestals, beneath diapir flanks, or under minibasins, where they experience repeated folding and refolding as the weaker, less dense salt flows around them. The presence of this heterogeneous intra-salt layer alters the flow paths of the weaker salt and controls both the geometry of salt structures and associated deformation in the overburden. These findings underscore the critical role of stratigraphic and tectonic controls in shaping both the external and internal architecture of salt diapirs, patterns that are particularly relevant for the North Sea, where salt structures play a crucial role in emerging geo-energy storage.

How to cite: Ramos, M., Huismans, R., Muniz Pichel, L., Theunissen, T., Callot, J.-P., Pichat, A., Célini, N., Delahaye, S., and Gout, C.: Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8201,, 2025.

EGU25-8374 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis 

Eszter Békési, Csilla Szárnya, Alain Prinzhofer, Anna Twaróg, Kristóf Porkoláb, and Gábor Tari

With the increasing demand for alternative energy sources, natural hydrogen is gaining attention for commercial exploitation. Naturally accumulated hydrogen is only utilized today at the field of Bourakébougou, Mali, highlighting major knowledge gaps in the behaviour of hydrogen systems and in the related exploration-production workflows. Circular depressions called “fairy circles” represent a surface manifestation of hydrogen seeps that commonly occur in continental cratons and are formed relatively quickly (few years). Apart from the topographic imprint of these ~100 m to 2 km diameter depressions, a major signature of the structures is a vegetation anomaly; characterized by a zone of dying vegetation inside the circle, and a ring of healthy, enriched vegetation in their surroundings. Although the connection of surface H2 seeps to deep-seated H2 sources has been implied in several case studies, the exact mechanism of fairy circle formation is still largely unknown, together with the underlying generation, migration, and accumulation processes of H2.

Satellite images are widely used for the mapping of fairy circles, but these observations are mainly restricted to passive satellite sensors without monitoring any temporal changes of the structures. In this study we used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellites to monitor the evolution of fairy circles in terms of morphological and vegetational changes in two demonstration areas: in the Sao Francisco Basin of Brazil, and in the Lublin Basin of SE Poland. In both cases, the duration of the monitoring was ~5 years, with a temporal resolution of ~1 month. We applied the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to map ground motions associated with the potentially active surface deformation of fairy circles. We extended the ground motion time series with SAR backscatter analysis to identify changes in the strength of the backscattered signal through time. The aim of the backscatter analysis was to identify any rapid changes associated with the loss/increase of vegetation linked to H2 degassing. Results show significant ground motion and vegetation anomalies associated with fairy circles in the Sao Francisco Basin (Brazil). Results are not that evident in the Polish area, mostly due to its poorer suitability for InSAR and backscatter analysis (generally lower coherence areas and presence of agricultural and other artificial activities overprinting natural variations). The SAR-based observations were compared with geochemical measurements for monitoring H2 emissions in the soil in both areas, to better understand the potential link between H2 degassing and morphological and/or vegetation changes. The detailed understanding of subsurface processes responsible for the detected anomalies and H2 seeping cannot be inferred, but important constraints on fairy circle formation are achieved. This study demonstrates the applicability and limitations of InSAR and backscatter analysis for the mapping of actively changing fairy circles over two different areas, with important implications of the methodology for further case studies worldwide and constraints on natural hydrogen systems in general.

How to cite: Békési, E., Szárnya, C., Prinzhofer, A., Twaróg, A., Porkoláb, K., and Tari, G.: Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8374,, 2025.

EGU25-8635 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation  

Arijit Chakraborty, Jeroen van Hunen, Andrew Valentine, and Poulami Roy

The concentration of critical minerals and metals occurs within 200 km of the transition between thick and thin lithosphere or cratonic edges1. These cratons are regions comprising thicker lithosphere, which has remained stable for billions of years. The critical minerals are initially sourced from the mantle by a range of deep Earth geophysical, geochemical, and tectonic processes, to be further concentrated near the Earth’s surface via hydrothermal processes. These deep Earth processes involving mantle melting also play a crucial role in cratonic stability, and therefore, the improved understanding of these will help unravel intricate connections between craton dynamics and ore deposit formations. 

 The formation and evolution of cratons play a crucial role in the development of those critical minerals. Cratons formed under different scenarios have different internal structures, which, in turn, influence subsequent tectonics and melting scenarios. One of the challenges is how to deal with the vastly different time and length scales in these processes (e.g. between mantle dynamics and melt processes). Preliminary results regarding the best way to capture the processes of craton formation and stability under different geologic scenarios using numerical models developed with the ASPECT geodynamical software tool (REF) will be presented. 


  • Hoggard, Mark J., Karol Czarnota, Fred D. Richards, David L. Huston, A. Lynton Jaques, and Sia Ghelichkhan. “Global Distribution of Sediment-Hosted Metals Controlled by Craton Edge Stability.” Nature Geoscience 13, no. 7 (July 2020):504–10. 

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., van Hunen, J., Valentine, A., and Roy, P.: Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8635,, 2025.

EGU25-8941 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses  

Maria Isabel Vidal Reyes, Simone Reguzzi, Mattia Marini, Aurora Petagine, Niccolo Menegoni, Chiara Amadori, Matteo Maino, Magdala Tesauro, and Fadi H. Nader

The Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) in northwest Italy is a wedge-top basin developed during Eocene—Pliocene times in the Alps-Apennines tectonic junction. It accommodates, on average, 3 km of clastic sedimentary units with significant lateral facies variations, and several basin-scale unconformities tectonically-controlled. The basin experienced deformation under markedly different tectonic regimes, developing long-lived kilometric structures that affected both the sedimentary successions, and the underlying metamorphic rocks of the Ligurian Alps. The presence of several thermal springs, relatively high surface heat-flow, and locally high geothermal gradient in the TPB, suggests a deep groundwater circulation and heating most likely in a reservoir hosted within the Alpine metamorphic rocks, i.e., the basement.

The geothermal system of the basin is not fully understood, since it still lacks a comprehensive and detailed geological/geophysical model of the basin-basement present-day structure. Aiming to fulfill this gap, this study shows structural analyses performed in the TPB and its Alpine basement at different scales through field-based characterizations, Digital Outcrop Model-based fracture mapping, and seismic interpretation. The integration of these structural results coupled with the spatial distribution of the basement and overlying sedimentary cover, enables a preliminary evaluation of potential reservoir or seal units in the geothermal system. These outcomes provide an adequate conceptual model to better understand the geothermal systems of the TPB, and other systems in analogue settings, having geodynamic peculiarities like slab switches or brake-off.

How to cite: Vidal Reyes, M. I., Reguzzi, S., Marini, M., Petagine, A., Menegoni, N., Amadori, C., Maino, M., Tesauro, M., and Nader, F. H.: Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8941,, 2025.

EGU25-9147 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach 

Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Angela Maria Gomez-Garcia, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Judith Bott, Ana Maria Negredo, Juanjo Ledo, Fatima Martin-Hernández, and Aliss Bejerano

The Canary Islands stand out as a prime region within Spanish territory with significant potential for harnessing high enthalpy geothermal resources due to their active volcanic activity. La Palma, one of the youngest islands in the archipelago, has witnessed at least seven volcanic eruptions over the past 500 years, with the most recent one occurring in 2021. Despite these compelling signs, the development of high enthalpy geothermal power plants has not been pursued on the island, mainly because of the financial risk involved in such project and the lack of detailed geophysical data that can support the correct characterization of the geothermal potential on the island. Accordingly, a data-integrative approach that aids the characterization of potential geothermal sites will reduce such uncertainties, supporting the drilling planning phase of the project. Since the last eruption in 2021, several new geophysical experiments and projects have been undertaken within La Palma Island, aiming to understand the present-day configuration of the subsurface. In this study, we integrate the newly geophysical data in order to build a 3D thermal model that is consistent with the geological structure of the island. This research is funded by the Spanish Government projects PRX23/00106 and PID2022-139943NB-I00

How to cite: Jimenez-Munt, I., Gomez-Garcia, A. M., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Bott, J., Negredo, A. M., Ledo, J., Martin-Hernández, F., and Bejerano, A.: Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9147,, 2025.

EGU25-9976 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits 

Siyuan Sui, Yihe Xu, Sergei Lebedev, Emilie Bowman, Javier Fullea, and Sally Gibson

The structure, thickness, lateral heterogeneity, and temporal evolution of the lithosphere significantly influence the distribution of kimberlites, carbonatites, and sediment-hosted mineral deposits, including rare earth elements (REE) and critical metals (e.g., Nb and Ti) that are essential for advancing the transition to green energy.

Seismic data provide critical information on the thermal structure of the lithosphere and underlying mantle. However, seismic tomographic models are inherently non-unique. This can be remedied, to a large extent, by thermodynamic inversions, which utilize computational petrology and offer an effective approach to connecting seismic observations to the thermal structure of the lithosphere and mantle.

We present a new model of the African lithosphere’s thickness and thermal structure, derived from state-of-the-art sampling with seismic surface wave data. The model incorporates both Rayleigh and Love waves, to account and correct for seismic anisotropy of the elastic properties. Rayleigh and Love wave data in the 20–300 s range are inverted, on 1°×1° grids, for the upper-mantle temperature and lithospheric thickness, from which upper-mantle density and seismic velocities are calculated, with attenuation corrections. Radial anisotropy, seismic velocities in the crust, transition zone and uppermost lower mantle, and crustal density are also inversion parameters, the latter constrained primarily by the surface elevation. The resulting model reveals distinct regional variations in the lithospheric thickness that reveal deep lithospheric expressions of known crustal geology. Thick lithosphere (>220 km) is found beneath large parts of the West African Craton, Congo Craton, and Zimbabwe Craton. Thin lithosphere (<70 km) is predominantly observed along the East African Rift.

We analyse the new lithosphere model jointly with recent datasets of the distribution of different types of igneous rocks across the continent. These include kimberlites, which were emplaced at locations with thick cratonic lithosphere; basalts, which are emplaced at locations with thin lithosphere; and carbonatites that are commonly found on intermediate-thickness lithosphere (Gibson et al. 2024). Statistics analysis of the locations of these rock samples shows that kimberlites mostly are found within cratons, with some notable exceptions. Most Neogene basalts are in the East African Rift Zone, with a 50–100 km lithosphere. Carbonatite complexes and their associated REE deposits, are typically observed in clusters in the transition regions from cratonic to non-cratonic lithosphere.

This new lithospheric thickness and temperature model enhances our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of the African lithosphere. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the processes that govern the generation and spatial distribution of rocks of different types and the associated primary critical mineral deposits.


Gibson, S., McKenzie, D. & Lebedev, S. (2024). The distribution and generation of carbonatites. Geology 52, 667–671.

How to cite: Sui, S., Xu, Y., Lebedev, S., Bowman, E., Fullea, J., and Gibson, S.: A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9976,, 2025.

EGU25-10051 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin 

Michael Drews, Florian Duschl, Saeed Mahmoodpour, Enzo Aconcha, Julian Breitsameter, Peter Obermeier, Indira Shatyrbayeva, Parisa Babaie, Christian Tomsu, and Florian Einsiedl

The North Alpine Foreland Basin is the peripheral foredeep of the Northern Alps, extending from Lake Geneva in the West to Upper Austria in the East. The largest portion of the foredeep consists of an undeformed part, called Foreland Molasse, and a small, deformed belt along the North Alpine Thrust Front, called Subalpine Molasse. Spanning up to 150 km in N-S direction, the North Alpine Foreland Basin has its widest extent in SE Germany (Bavaria). Here, the physical properties of the Cenozoic basin fill and its underlying Mesozoic passive margin sediments display a high degree of heterogeneity in both the Foreland Molasse and Subalpine Molasse parts. Since 2016, we systematically analysed data from more than 300 deep wellbores, with vertical depths up to 5 km below ground level, to understand the distribution and interplay of these heterogeneities: We used minimum stress magnitude measurements such as formation integrity and leak-off tests in combination with geophysical borehole measurements such as density and velocity to infer the distribution of lateral and vertical stresses in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Collection of pore pressure indicators and measurements such as drilling mud weights, drilling problems, well tests and wireline formation tests and their correlation with vertical stress and sediment compaction allowed us to also infer the regional distribution of pore pressure and to model the variable styles of deformation of the Subalpine Molasse along the North Alpine Thrust Front. In this contribution, we give a graphical overview of how stress, pore pressure and deformation are linked and driven by sediment composition and compaction. We also set our findings into context with high frequency, large amplitude variations of temperature and fluid flow patterns, proposing an updated model for the distribution and interference of physical properties and processes in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany.

How to cite: Drews, M., Duschl, F., Mahmoodpour, S., Aconcha, E., Breitsameter, J., Obermeier, P., Shatyrbayeva, I., Babaie, P., Tomsu, C., and Einsiedl, F.: Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10051,, 2025.

EGU25-10415 | Orals | GD6.1

Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective 

Gianreto Manatschal, Marc Ulrich, Pauline Chenin, Francesca Dimasi, Quentin Gasser, Eric C. Gaucher, Emmanuel Masini, Cuimei Zhang, Peter Alt-Epping, Frank Zwaan, and Nick Kusznir

Serpentinization-sourced H2 has become a promising source of decarbonated energy. It can be generated in fiver tectonic settings, namely: (1) intra-craton settings, (2) divergent settings such as hyperextended rifts, ocean continent transitions and mid ocean ridges, (3) subduction systems, (4) obduction, and (5) rift-inverted orogens. Most recently, many studies have been focusing on parts of the H2-system, i.e., the kitchen, plumbing system, reservoir, cap rock and trapping and preservation mechanisms or on the detection of leaking natural H2 systems at or near the surface. However, a holistic understanding of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system is still in its infancy and an exploration protocol tailored to the different tectonic settings is missing to date.   

In our study, we aim to develop a protocol to predict, quantify and explore serpentinization-sourced H2 systems in rift-inverted orogens. To do so, we use the Grisons area (SE Alps in Switzerland) as a field analogue. In this area all play-elements of the serpentinization-sourced H2 system exist and can be accessed and the rift and convergent structures are well exposed and investigated. This allows us to examine the interplay, in time and space, between the play-elements of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system and to develop a predictive exploration protocol. In this perspective, we first seek  to define a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in a rift-inversion orogen and second to address when and where the serpentinization-sourced H2 forms, what are the essential play-elements and how they interact in time and space, impacting the location and timing of H2 production by considering the two dominant parameters, temperature and access to water, which determine entry into the serpentinization window (kitchen) for mantle rocks. In our presentation, we show the first preliminary results of our holistic, geological approach aiming to integrate different data sets from the Grisons area. We are aware that to develop a predictive play-element based exploration protocol for a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in rift-inverted orogens, similar to that developed in oil and gas systems, further studies will be necessary.

How to cite: Manatschal, G., Ulrich, M., Chenin, P., Dimasi, F., Gasser, Q., Gaucher, E. C., Masini, E., Zhang, C., Alt-Epping, P., Zwaan, F., and Kusznir, N.: Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10415,, 2025.

EGU25-10972 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics 

Timothy Schmid, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Tobias Diehl, Herfried Madritsch, Daniela van den Heuvel, Christoph Wanner, and Larryn Diamond

Orogenic geothermal systems develop when meteoric water infiltrates the subsurface at high elevations, heats up along a deep circulation path due to the background geothermal gradient and eventually emerges at the surface in low topographic sites as localized hot springs. Such systems depend on permeable fault geometries; however, in orogenic settings fluid-discharge zones may additionally be controlled by the configuration of topography, nappe geometry, fault patterns and unconsolidated deposits that can conceal the bedrock structure. Hence, it is crucial to study local hot springs in the context of fault structures related to regional tectonics in order to predict the locations of blind geothermal systems. The Rhône Valley is a favourable site for such a study, as it shows the highest seismic activity in Switzerland and hosts several clusters of hot springs aligned along the regional Rhône-Simplon fault system.

Here, we combine data sets on geodynamics such as geodesy of recent crustal movements, regional recent stress fields, relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms as well as structural field data to interpret the hot spring occurrences in the context of regional geodynamics. Our data suggest the presence of three adjacent structural domains: (1) A domain on the NW flank of the Rhône fault characterized by a NW–SE oriented maximum principal stress, high seismicity, and a pervasive network of strike- slip dominated faults; (2) a zone encompassing the Rhône Valley floor with transtensive, dilatant zones along strike-slip fault segments; and (3) a zone on the southern flank of the valley floor subjected to a recent NE–SW extension expressed by dominantly normal to transtensional faulting focal mechanisms. This southern domain constitutes the SW-extruding hanging wall block of the Simplon low-angle normal fault. The block is bounded by two crustal scale strike-slip faults, the dextral Rhône strike-slip fault in the NW and the sinistral Ospizio Sottile line in the SE.

In summary, our study highlights the importance of the large-scale tectonic setting for understanding and exploring fault controlled and hence, strongly localized geothermal resources in orogenic settings.

How to cite: Schmid, T., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Diehl, T., Madritsch, H., van den Heuvel, D., Wanner, C., and Diamond, L.: Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10972,, 2025.

EGU25-11375 | Orals | GD6.1

Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems 

Francesca Dimasi, Marc Ulrich, Manuel Muñoz, Flora Hochscheid, and Gianreto Manatschal

Climate-CO2 emission models point to the urgency for European society to transition from high to low carbon energy sources. In this frame, H2 could be a key component of the decarbonization strategy. Among the various colours of H2, white (i.e., native) H2 is one of the most promising. The most efficient way to produce native H2 is serpentinization, a high temperature hydrothermal process that forms serpentinites from Earth mantle rocks. This hydrothermal alteration transforms primary magmatic Fe-Mg-bearing silicates (olivine, pyroxenes) into secondary hydrous minerals (e.g. serpentine, brucite) and oxides (magnetite). Serpentinization also produces molecular hydrogen (H2) through oxidation of ferrous Fe (FeII) released from the dissolving primary minerals, to ferric Fe (FeIII) that precipitates in serpentine and magnetite. The serpentinization process has been extensively documented at various geological settings such as mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. In contrast, it has received much less attention at rift inverted orogens and continental rifts, representing classical sources of oil and gas, but nowadays being at the forefront of carbon capture, geothermal energy, and new decarbonated energy resources such as native hydrogen. In conclusion, understanding the iron redox state in a Wilson cycle will allow us to predict when, where and how serpentinized sourced hydrogen is produced, which is a prerequisite to develop a successful exploration strategy.

Our approach to achieve this goal is based on a representative sampling area, state-of-the-art analyses and modelling (the evolution of redox and the production of H2). A series of analytical methods will be conducted on serpentinites from well-defined sites (Tasna, Platta, Totalp, Val Malenco and Lanzo) documenting the Wilson cycle of the Alpine-Tethys system. The analysis will constrain the conditions  of serpentinization, i.e., temperature of fluid-rock interactions, PT paths recorded by mantle rocks, and redox state. Finally, the new data will constrain the evolution of iron speciation and H2 production during serpentinization and may be used to either test or calibrate numerical modelling results used for the quantification of H2 production.

How to cite: Dimasi, F., Ulrich, M., Muñoz, M., Hochscheid, F., and Manatschal, G.: Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11375,, 2025.

EGU25-11413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany 

Peter Klitzke, Meike Bagge, Maximiian Hasch, Nikola Koglin, Antonia Ruppel, Hamed Fazlikhani, Felix Johann, Jan-Felix Goldmann, Alexander Löwer, and Christian Ostertag-Henning

One of the main challenges in studying a natural hydrogen system is that ultramafic rocks - potential source rock for hydrogen generation by serpentinization - are often buried deep within the subsurface. The serpentinites of the metamorphic Münchberg Massif, obducted during the Variscian orogeny in Devonian times, offer a unique window into deep crustal and upper mantle processes. As part of an integrated study, we have acquired airborne magnetic and strapdown gravity data, seismic reflection profiles, as well as detailed petrological and geochemical analysis. This approach enables a multi-scale interpretation of the tectonic evolution, serpentinization processes, and associated fluid-rock interactions, mineralogical transformations, and implications for paleo-natural hydrogen generation in the Münchberg Massif. 

Serpentinite rock bodies are exposed at multiple outcrops across the Münchberg Massif. Geochemical analyses of major and rare earth elements indicate that serpentinites from both the Peterleinstein (west) and the Zell region (south) share a similar protolith of harzburgitic composition. However, different serpentine minerals dominate at the different locations. The Zell serpentinites, predominantly antigorite, appear to have undergone serpentinization at greater depths and higher temperatures than the Peterleinstein serpentinites, which are dominated by lizardite. Conversely, Peterleinstein demonstrates a higher degree of serpentinization, likely indicating increased fluid availability during the process. The sequence of events during serpentinization is evident in spatially resolved analyses of different generations of serpentine minerals in thin sections using microscopic and Raman micro-spectroscopic analyses.

Initial interpretation of the airborne magnetic data reveals a series of positive high-frequency anomalies with amplitudes of up to ~160 nT, associated with magnetite enrichment, a by-product of serpentinization and hydrogen generation across the Münchberg Massif. Petrological analyses confirm the presence of magnetite-bearing serpentinites. However, preliminary on-site magnetic susceptibility measurements do not resolve differences in the degree of serpentinization. Combined petrophysical, seismic, gravity and magnetic interpretation and modeling will constrain the extent of serpentinization in the subsurface and evaluate the role of major faults as fluid conduits during serpentinization.

How to cite: Klitzke, P., Bagge, M., Hasch, M., Koglin, N., Ruppel, A., Fazlikhani, H., Johann, F., Goldmann, J.-F., Löwer, A., and Ostertag-Henning, C.: Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11413,, 2025.

EGU25-11735 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management 

Bhargav Boddupalli, Børge Arntsen, Tim Minshull, Ketil Hokstad, Sylvie Leroy, Ståle Johansen, Louise Watremez, Ana Corbalan, and Lars Sørum

Hydrothermal circulation is a fundamental Earth process that transfers elements and minerals from the crust and mantle to the oceans. This circulation commonly occurs along tectonic plate boundaries in the oceans, where heat sources are located at relatively shallow depths (~2–3 km). Cold seawater percolates downward, becomes heated, and is enriched with minerals from the host rock and magmatic volatiles. The resulting hot fluids (exceeding 300°C) rise buoyantly and are expelled into the ocean through chimney-like structures on the seafloor, commonly referred to as "Black Smokers." The ejected particles settle on the seafloor, forming rich mineral deposits known as "Seafloor Massive Sulfide" (SMS) deposits, making mid-ocean ridges highly attractive for meeting future mineral demands. Moreover, ridge settings hold significant potential for geothermal energy, white hydrogen production, and other valuable resources. However, harnessing these resources requires a thorough understanding of the complex hydrothermal systems to develop sustainable resource management strategies.

Hydrothermal venting sites are widespread along the mid-ocean ridge system, occurring at all spreading rates and across diverse geological settings. However, the mechanisms driving hydrothermal processes vary depending on factors such as the presence of magma bodies, permeable zones, tectonic activity, and temperature. At ultraslow spreading ridges, where spreading rates are less than 20 mm/yr—such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Mohns Ridge, and Knipovich Ridge—tectonic processes dominate over magmatic activity, resulting in the exhumation of ultramafic material to the seafloor along large-scale detachment faults.

In this study, we developed two-dimensional, high-resolution velocity models through the crust and uppermost mantle of the Southwest Indian Ridge using wide-angle ocean-bottom seismic data. We present two ~150 km-long, high-resolution P-wave velocity models orthogonal to each other, running across and along the ridge axis at 64°30’E. We employed a state-of-the-art imaging technique known as full waveform inversion (FWI) using data from 32 ocean-bottom seismometers positioned along the two profiles. FWI is a data-fitting method in which the forward operator iteratively predicts the observed data by backpropagating the misfits to update the velocity model, thereby producing higher-resolution images of the subsurface.

Based on our high-resolution velocity models, we observe finer patterns of velocity anomalies compared to traveltime models, revealing more detailed variations in the degree of fluid-rock interaction. These interactions are influenced by the presence of faults and the extent of tectonic damage, aiding in the mapping of hydrothermal circulation. Additionally, our high-resolution images provide an improved understanding of the distribution of serpentinization and its correlation to mode of spreading. Overall, the high-resolution velocity models support the assessment of the feasibility of "Artificial Smoker," which replicates natural smokers, for the environmentally sustainable extraction of minerals, white hydrogen, and geothermal resources.

How to cite: Boddupalli, B., Arntsen, B., Minshull, T., Hokstad, K., Leroy, S., Johansen, S., Watremez, L., Corbalan, A., and Sørum, L.: Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11735,, 2025.

EGU25-12600 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite 

Jean de la Paix Izerumugaba, Anne Battani, Eric Deville, Camille Maziere, Julie Jeanpert, Olivier Lhote, Fréderic Mouthereau, Willy Foucher, Olivier Monge, and Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse

Natural emanations consisting of N₂-CH₄-H₂ type gases have been documented across the peridotite nappe of the New Caledonia Ophiolite [1], and the presence of H2 has been attributed to serpentinization [2, 3]. We present new major and noble gas compositional and isotopic data from low to high H2 bubbling gas seep sites from both the south (e.g: Lembi River (≤ 20% H2), Les Pirogues River (≤ 15%), Pourina (≤ 10%)), and north east klippes of the Ophiolite (e.g: Fanama and Nemwegi (≤ 300ppm)), providing new insights into gas origins that can be compared to other serpentinization systems (e.g: Oman, Italy, Turkey, and the Philippines).

Results show that gases are dominated by N2 (60-95%; d15N ranging from -0.2 to +0.1‰ vs air), while the H2 content can reach up to 35% with dD ranging from -740 to -710‰ VSMOW. CH4 reaches up to 20% with d13C ranging from -40‰ to -3.6‰ VPDB. Such major gas composition and isotopic values are characteristic of serpentinization [4, 5]. Additional factors, such as olivine-rich peridotite rocks, precipitation of magnetite, carbonates, and brucite, along with the elevated pH of spring waters (up to 10.5), confirm an active serpentinization system. Hydrogen H2-CH4-H2O isotopic fractionation factors suggest that, despite not being at equilibrium, the hydrogen-bearing fluids are formed at around 50°C, in comparison to 95°C, which was determined using magnetite-dolomite O₂ fractionation [6]. H2 and CH4 likely result from low-temperature serpentinization and processes involving inorganic carbon, respectively; potentially catalysed by Ni, Cr, and Chromitite-hosted Ru [7] which are enriched in the peridotite [1, 8]. Microbial activity indicators such as the presence of biogenic methane, when present, aligns with documented microbial communities.

Helium isotopic data (3He/4He) indicate signatures ranging from predominantly radiogenic (0.3 Ra) in the north, where the crust is thick [2], to ASW-like values in the central south (Lembi and La Coulée), to ~25% mantellic contribution in the southernmost coastal Prony region. We argue that the air-like signature is indicative of the degassing of circulating air-saturated groundwater, which aligns well with interpretations that air-like N₂ present in serpentinization systems may originate from aquifers [2, 3, 4].

Seismic and tectonic data reveal multiple deep faults and fractures in the massif du Sud [9], as well as a shallow Moho and 20 km-deep earthquakes that are indicative of active tectonics detected beneath the Prony area [10]. This explains the facilitated migration of mantle fluids to the surface at Prony.

[1] Maurizot et al., 2020(c). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 1–12

[2] Deville and Prinzhofer, 2016. Chem. Geol. 440, 139–147

[3] Monnin et al., 2021. JGR Biogeosci. 126, e2021JG006243.

[4] Vacquand et al., 2018. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 223, 437–461.

[5] Etiope, 2017. Procedia Earth Planet. Sci. 17, 9–12.

[6] Corre et al., 2023. Sci. Rep. 13(1), 19413.

[7] Molinet-Chinaglia et al., 2024. ChemCatChem 16(24), e202401213.

[8] Maurizot et al., 2020(f). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 247–277.

[9] Lagabrielle et al., 2005. Tectonophysics 403(1–4), 1–28.


How to cite: Izerumugaba, J. D. L. P., Battani, A., Deville, E., Maziere, C., Jeanpert, J., Lhote, O., Mouthereau, F., Foucher, W., Monge, O., and Ranchou-Peyruse, A.: Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12600,, 2025.

EGU25-12845 | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) 

Florian Duschl, Enzo Aconcha, Regina Ettenhuber, Christian Tomsu, Florian Einsiedl, and Michael Drews

Fluid temperatures in the Cenozoic basin fill of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) are locally significantly lower compared to adjacent areas of the basin. In the greater Rosenheim area, formation temperatures at a depth of 4000 mbs range ca. 80 K lower than expected with respect to a typical regional geothermal gradient of 28-30 K/km. Possible explanations for this so-called Wasserburg Trough anomaly include thermal blanketing by rapid deposition of cold sediments, effects of convective and advective heat transfer in Cenozoic sediments, long-term effects of glacial thermal overprint, increased gravity-driven recharge due to karstification in the underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone, and heat transfer towards the Tauern Window due to a thermal chimney effect. Recent studies on formation fluid ages in the Upper Jurassic Limestone, a prolific, hydrostatically pressured geothermal aquifer, show comparatively young fluid ages of <20 ka which points at local freshwater infiltration at greater depth. Freshwater influx may reduce heat flow, act as a conductive heat barrier and favour karstification. However, fluid overpressure in shales of the Cenozoic overburden does not allow for direct vertical fluid infiltration across the stratigraphic column.

We propose a tectonic control mechanism responsible for freshwater infiltration with the Bavarian Inntal Fault Zone, a normal fault system that was formed during indentation of the Southern Alps in Oligo-Miocene times, acting as a conduit fault. This fault zone is indicated by a steepening of W-E striking fold axes towards the Bavarian Inntal, and the existence of several, valley-parallel sets of NNW-SSE striking normal faults proving WSW-ENE directed extension. Total vertical displacement inferred from cross-sections and field data yield at ≥250 m which is probably sufficient to ensure hydraulic contact between sedimentary strata of the Alpine nappes and underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone in the deeper subsurface. Thereby, freshwater from the Alps could bypass the overpressure zone in the Bavarian Inntal and infiltrate into the Upper Jurassic Limestone aquifer of the foreland basin.

How to cite: Duschl, F., Aconcha, E., Ettenhuber, R., Tomsu, C., Einsiedl, F., and Drews, M.: Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12845,, 2025.

EGU25-13046 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach 

Riddhi Dave, Andrew Schaeffer, Fiona Darbyshire, and Juan Carlos Afonso

The architecture of the lithosphere is shaped by diverse geodynamic processes, including the presence of metasomatized mantle volumes, lithospheric thickness transitions, crustal- and mantle-scale fluid migration pathways, and the influence of plumes and subducting slabs. These features are preserved in the physical and chemical structures of the lithospheric mantle and sub-lithospheric upper mantle, providing critical insights into mineral systems and resource prospectivity.

To address these complexities within the Canadian lithosphere and mantle, we apply a probabilistic inversion framework, LitMod, which integrates geological constraints with multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. This unified approach enables the resolution of key lithospheric features, distinguishing between compositional (e.g., metasomatism) and thermal anomalies.

We present results from the first application of LitMod to Canada, highlighting its capability to map essential geophysical structures and surfaces. Validation of the model’s predictions using independent geochemical datasets underscores the robustness and reliability of our results. Beyond advancing mineral prospectivity, this work contributes to broader geoscientific applications, including refining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) models, improving Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) strategies, and enhancing seismic hazard assessments.

How to cite: Dave, R., Schaeffer, A., Darbyshire, F., and Afonso, J. C.: Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13046,, 2025.

EGU25-14781 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential. 

Abdul-Nazaa Nuhu, Alessandro Decarlis, Andrea Ceriani, and Philip Ball

Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022), Ball et al., (2025) observed that existing natural hydrothermal systems and associated geothermal power plants are distributed across 12 different geodynamic settings.  We observe based on the Hasterock classification only 18 out of 489 power plants (3.6%) are located within Back Arc Basins (BABs). This may lead to the conclusion that, at a global scale, BABs are not highly prospective. However, a much more detailed observation of the various tectonic settings at specific locations shows some incongruencies in the Hasterock geodynamic classification. For example, key power plants such as Larderello, Italy are in fact located in a BAB setting, not in a Volcanic Arc setting (Ball, 2022). At a local scale it is important to refine global models to account for younger deformation that overprint previous tectonic events.

With Larderello as an analogue, we explore the idea that other BABs could be increasingly perspective for geothermal resources if the geodynamic setting is correctly assessed, and the local tectonics is understood. BABs, are extensional basins, typically formed behind active or inactive volcanic arc on the overriding plates. BABs, are known to be associated with high heat flow, due to the interplay of mantle dynamics, slab processes and crustal extension. In this work, we review the first-order controls on heat flow within the Aegean and Tyrrhenian back arc systems. We point to the comprehension of how factors like rapid localization of thinning in the crust and lithospheric mantle impacts heat flow, coupled with sedimentary cover. In detail, we evaluate the role of accessory parameters, like hydrothermal fluids ascending along faults and fractures, the role of intrusions due to patrial melting in response to rapid thinning in the crust and mantle, localizing high heat flows spots and causing significant thermal heterogeneities.

The dynamic settings of BABs could offer intriguing geothermal opportunities, but their structural, magmatic and hydrological histories need to be better understood. BAB’s like the Tyrrhenian and Aegean may provide exceptional opportunities for power generation. Exploration in this geodynamic setting could benefit by using the exploration triangle, which organizes the geological assessment into a hierarchical sequence of tasks. This play-based approach focusses assessment from the geodynamic setting and can be applied at the geothermal systems, and reservoirs scale. Successful application could greatly assist in identifying future prospects for geothermal development,  successfully exploiting BAB’s for power generation.

How to cite: Nuhu, A.-N., Decarlis, A., Ceriani, A., and Ball, P.: Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14781,, 2025.

EGU25-16399 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR. 

Niko Adjie, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Djamel Nasri, Eric Normandin, and Christophe Voisin

Soil gas analysis is among the commonly used methods in the early stages of natural hydrogen exploration. While most punctual [H2] measurements can provide information on spatial variation, observing temporal variation requires long-term monitoring. The University of Pau and Adour Countries developed a hydrogen-monitoring instrument called MONHyTOR. It is a passive instrument capable of acquiring [H2], temperature, and relative humidity data with up to 1-s sampling interval at 1-m depth for up to several months in full autonomy.

Preliminary field data from multiple sites show that (1) an “installation peak” is almost systematically observed after drilling; (2) measured [H2] is nil most of the times; (3) daily oscillations are present in some datasets; (4) small-amplitude isolated peaks are seemingly related to weather events such as storm and heavy rain. These observations raise the question regarding the influence of water saturation and pressure balance in the atmosphere-soil-instrument system. To understand them, experiments are carried out in a controlled environment using airtight container filled with coarse homogeneous sand with a given water saturation level, where hydrogen is introduced via low-pressure (mbar) injections of 5%-95% H2-N2 mixture. The aim of this study is to see how variations in the pressure balance impact [H2] measurements by MONHyTOR.

How to cite: Adjie, N., Bordes, C., Brito, D., Nasri, D., Normandin, E., and Voisin, C.: In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16399,, 2025.

EGU25-16617 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia 

Zak Milner, Jon Gluyas, Ken McCaffrey, Bob Holdsworth, Darren Grocke, Darren Hillegonds, Thomas Renshaw, Chris Ballentine, and Philippa Ascough

Releasing only heat and water vapour when burnt, demand for hydrogen (H₂) is expected to increase eight-fold by 2050, driven by growth sectors such as transportation and industrial energy. Natural or gold H₂ is produced in the lithosphere via water radiolysis in U- and Th-rich Precambrian basement (alongside helium (He)) or serpentinization in mafic-ultramafic rocks. Gas occurrences in South Australia have anomalously high H₂ concentrations of up to 95%. It is, therefore, an excellent geographical focus to further understand the principles of H₂ exploration (source, migration, accumulation, and preservation).
This study reports noble gas isotopes (He to Xe) of gases dissolved in groundwater samples collected from 19 locations across the Yorke Peninsula and Adelaide Superbasin, along with their respective ages from radiocarbon dating. Using helium as a proxy, we provide insights into the source and migration of H₂ in South Australia. Through the use of a novel gas diffusion model (Cheng et al. 2023), we also investigate whether an H₂/He gas phase can be produced, critical for their concentration and formation as accessible resources.

How to cite: Milner, Z., Gluyas, J., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, B., Grocke, D., Hillegonds, D., Renshaw, T., Ballentine, C., and Ascough, P.: Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16617,, 2025.

There is a growing interest in natural hydrogen as a potential new source of energy with a negligible carbon-footprint, especially compared to all the other human-made hydrogen species. The white (or gold, natural, geologic or geogenic) and orange (or induced) hydrogen became the focus of intense research during the last decade.

From the energy industry point of view the fundamental question arises about natural hydrogen exploration, i.e. how different is it going to look compared to what we are used to in the hydrocarbon industry? After many decades of negligible consideration given to natural hydrogen as a subsurface target there are many papers and presentations published just in the last few years suggesting that many items in our collective industry and academic toolbox could be readily applied to natural hydrogen exploration. The consensus appears to be that three out four of the main petroleum systems elements the hydrocarbon industry tends to focus on in exploration projects are still going to play pivotal roles (i.e. migration, trapping and sealing) and it is only the generation/charge part which follows very different rules for hydrogen systems.

From an exploration point of view, several play types for natural hydrogen indeed appear to be very similar to what the oil and gas industry is used to. These include cases where there is a functioning trap, due to effective top seals. Numerous examples can be found in pre-salt traps worldwide where hydrogen has been documented for a long time as part of existing natural gas accumulations (e.g. Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine, and Amadeus Basin, Australia). Another, but unusual trapping style has been documented in the first hydrogen field discovery in Mali where the top seal is a set of dolerite dykes. In these cases, one expects finite hydrogen resources to be in place and the exploration approach has indeed some resemblance to that of hydrocarbon prospecting.

Another group of natural hydrogen targets revolve around large mega-seeps (fairy circles) and geometrically smaller, but pronounced fault-controlled seepages to the surface. These hydrogen occurrences seemingly have no traps or seals and, therefore, do not find a proper analogue in oil and gas exploration workflows. Strictly speaking, these are not yet hydrogen plays as there are no commercial discoveries associated with them. The hydrogen fluxing along fault planes requires a fresh look at the exploitation of various fault architectures if shallow drilling would target conductive (or “leaky”) faults at shallow depth. In a more traditional exploration workflow, properly mapping and quantifying hydrogen fluxing along fault planes in shallow depth might be the first critical step before more conventional deeper targets (>1000 m) could be addressed. This set of plays promises that if these seeps really correspond to ongoing charge in a dynamic, truly renewable system in a steady-state process, tapping successfully into them would provide infinite resources via a low-flux hydrogen “farming” process.

It is quite likely that natural hydrogen exploration, if it becomes economically successful at one point, will look much more different than similar to hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Tari, G.: Natural hydrogen exploration: it is quite different from looking for hydrocarbons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16903,, 2025.

EGU25-19413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy  

Pedro Brito, Luís Batista, Rúben Borges, Pedro Costa, Marta Neres, João Noiva, Ângela Pereira, Carlos Ribeiro, Marcos Rosa, and Pedro Terrinha

The Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) is undertaking extensive high-resolution geophysical and geotechnical studies over two areas proposed for the development of offshore windfarms in Portugal, surveying an area of circa 2000 km2. Leixões and Figueira da Foz study areas are located off the Portuguese mainland west coast, at depths between 120m and 530m, distant 21nm to 35nm to the coastline.

The aim of this work, being conducted between February 2024 and June 2026, is to provide detailed data on the morphology, geology, geophysics and geotechnical properties of the seafloor to inform offshore wind farm developers towards engineering and financial strategies, therefore providing the basis for launching subsequent auctions for the offshore areas listed in the Portuguese National Maritime Spatial Planning Situation Plan.

An initial exploratory campaign, commissioned to the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute, collected the initial MBES data (bathymetry and backscatter) and surface sediment sampling. Furthermore, in August-September 2024, a geophysical survey took place on board IPMA’s NI Mário Ruivo and retrieved over 2100 km of seismic data, from parametric sub bottom profiler (SBP) and multi-channel ultra-high resolution seismic reflection (UHRS). Preliminary results attest the scientific richness of the dataset already collected as well as the complexity and diversity of the seimostratigraphy present in the surveyed areas.  Seabed morphology, sediment textural features, seismic horizons and geohazards have been identified which allow inference of a preliminary geomodel of the areas and the planning of subsequent surveys.

Between May and November 2025 a survey will take place expanding the resolution of data collected (> 20 000 km lines planned) but also adding additional methodologies (magnetometer, side scan sonar, vibrocorer and CPT’s).

The data to retrieve over these 2 years will allow to produce a detailed Terrain model supporting a holistic data interpretation, essential for succeeding actions in the pioneering development of floating wind farms offshore Portugal.

This comprehensive geophysical and geotechnical characterization represents a pioneering effort in Portugal's energy transition, providing crucial data for the sustainable development of offshore wind energy and potentially serving as a model for similar initiatives.

This research was funded by PRR funds - RP-C21-i07.01 - Technical studies for offshore energy potential. This work is also supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Brito, P., Batista, L., Borges, R., Costa, P., Neres, M., Noiva, J., Pereira, Â., Ribeiro, C., Rosa, M., and Terrinha, P.: Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19413,, 2025.

Sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints are crucial for refining dynamic topographic measurements and evaluating geothermal energy prospectivity. Continental sedimentary and crustal thickness measurements are constrained in this ongoing global study. Here, we present the updated methodology and results. Total sedimentary thickness is accurately constrained via a combination of well data and controlled-source seismic experiments. A minimum curvature gridding algorithm is used to interpolate between sedimentary thickness data points. Crustal thickness, defined as the vertical depth from the sediment-basement interface to the Moho, is derived from the updated sedimentary thickness grid and recently published studies which exploit controlled- and passive-source seismic data to constrain depth to Moho. A grid resolution of 0.03 degrees is found to be essential for capturing fine-scale lateral variations in sedimentary thickness. Resulting sedimentary and crustal thickness estimates are used to improve continental residual elevation constraints, a proxy for dynamic topography. Residual elevation is quantified by isolating and removing isostatic signals arising from sediment loading and crustal heterogeneity, revealing the magnitude of mantle-induced vertical motion at the surface. Our estimates additionally improve predictions of surface heat flow and geothermal gradients, directly informing geothermal energy assessments. Collectively, these datasets can be used to advance our understanding of mantle-lithosphere interactions and sustainable energy resources.

How to cite: Slay, P., Holdt, M., and White, N.: Improved global sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints: Implications for dynamic topography and geothermal resource assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19524,, 2025.

Hydrogen use today is mostly as a chemical feedstock, producing ammonia used in fertiliser production amongst other hard to abate uses. Today’s hydrogen is produced directly from hydrocarbons with the resulting CO2 contribution ca 2.4% of global emissions. Hydrogen as a future clean energy vector could see hydrogen demand increase from ca 95 Mt H2 today, to 540 Mt H2 by 2050.

The mass of hydrogen generated within the continental crust is only recently being appreciated as a potential societal resource. Accumulation and preservation of a small portion of the natural hydrogen, in accessible parts of the continental crust, is required. The dominant sources of natural hydrogen are through water-rock reactions with mafic or ultramafic rocks and the radiolysis of water from the radioactive decay of U and Th in rocks.  The timescales and environments that enable significant hydrogen generation occur in geological different terrane. These vary from dominantly Phanerozoic ophiolite complexes; Proterozoic-Phanerozoic alkaline granite complexes; Mesoproterozoic-Phanerozoic large igneous provinces (LIP) to dominantly Archean TTG and greenstone belts. The tectonic evolution in each setting, and capacity to form traps, is required alongside the porosity and permeability history that exposes the rock to water. To form a commercial reserve, an environment that produces and preserves a free gas phase from the ubiquitous water over the timescale of the system is required. Helium (4He) provides an analogue for natural hydrogen behaviour and the processes that control both deep-seated flux to the near surface and gas phase formation. Loss due to microbial utilisation remains a high preservation risk.

C Ballentine, R Karolytė, A Cheng, B Sherwood Lollar, J Gluyas, M Daly. Natural hydrogen resource accumulation in the continental crust, In review

How to cite: Ballentine, C.: The character and habitat of natural hydrogen resource systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19964,, 2025.

EGU25-20357 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps 

Anna Twaróg and Henryk Sechman

The discovery and exploitation of the first natural (white) hydrogen reservoir in Mali has stimulated global interest in this zero-emission energy resource and carrier. Current research worldwide aims to identify its generation sources, occurrence potential, and extraction feasibility. Tools and methods normally used in hydrocarbon exploration are being adapted for this purpose. One such method is the molecular composition analysis of soil gases, a surface geochemical technique. These methods involve detecting and analyzing trace amounts of light hydrocarbons migrating from subsurface accumulations to the surface. Surface geochemical studies have been conducted across all petroleum basins in Poland. In addition to hydrocarbons, other gases, including hydrogen, were routinely analyzed in many soil gas samples. However, hydrogen played a marginal role in interpreting results aimed at identifying subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations. Large datasets containing hydrogen concentrations in soil gases, recorded over the past 35 years across Poland, remain largely unanalyzed and uninterpreted. One such dataset pertains to the Świdwin-Sławoborze area in Western Pomerania, northern Poland. In 1996, 478 soil gas samples were collected from a depth of 1.2 meters in this region. These samples were analyzed chromatographically for hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon gases, including hydrogen.

Molecular composition analysis revealed hydrogen in 85% of the samples, with a maximum concentration of 940 ppm. The mean hydrogen concentration (38 ppm) is five times greater than the median (8 ppm), indicating the presence of anomalous values. Hydrogen concentrations exceeding 40 ppm were partly recorded above an oil deposit located in Zechstein Main Dolomite formations. Elevated hydrogen concentrations in these samples correlate with increased levels of C2-C4 alkanes. Additionally, high hydrogen concentrations were observed above tectonic structures, which may indicate hydrogen migration from deeper horizons.

Reanalyzing and reinterpreting archival geochemical data with a focus on hydrogen concentration variations enables the identification of potential hydrogen migration and leakage zones at the surface. Integrating archived geochemical data with terrain morphology (e.g., potential "fairy circle" structures), geological formations, and the distribution of other resources highlights promising anomalous areas. These zones provide a valuable framework for investigating hydrogen origins and migration patterns within the Polish Zechstein Basin, part of the Central European Permian Basin.

The research project was supported by program “Excellence initiative – research university” IDUB for the AGH University of Krakow (project number 6237).

How to cite: Twaróg, A. and Sechman, H.: Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20357,, 2025.

EGU25-1151 | Orals | GD8.4

Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Stability of Combined Convection in a Rapidly Rotating Plane Layer in Planetary Convection Models 

Hari Rani, Krishnendu Nayak, Sergey Vladimirovich Starchenko, and Yadagiri Rameshwar

In the present study the combined convection in a rapidly rotating plane layer under the conditions that are characteristic of the near-polar regions in the planetary interiors is investigated. The combined thermal and compositional convection in a slowly rotating plane layer was previously considered for oceans, where convection is supported by thermal effects and is suppressed by compositional effects. The present work analyses the occurrence of convection by both of these effects with a predominant compositional effect in the Earth’s outer core and with various effects in the deep interiors of the known planets and moons. The self-consistent estimates of typical physical quantities give similarity coefficients for the small ratio dissipation/convection generation (s coincides with inverse Rayleigh number) and the ratio thermal convection/compositional convection (r). The third small coefficient (δ linked to the Ekman number) is the ratio of the characteristic size normal to the axis of rotation to the layer thickness. The effect of the important parameters δ and s on the stability of the combined thermal and compositional convection in a rapidly rotating plane layer is proposed in the literature by Starchenko (2017). To investigate the linear stability of this problem here, the normal mode method is employed. The critical values of  s and A (the critical wave number) observed to be depend on r for different values of δ and both Prandtl numbers that could imitate Solar System’s planets and moons at different ages. The obtained results coincide with those obtained by pioneers in the literature. The weakly nonlinear behaviour near to the primary instability threshold has been investigated using the spatiotemporal Landau-Ginzburg (LG) equation with cubic nonlinearity. Using the multiple scale analysis, the LG equation obtained and it is similar to those in the literature having different relaxation time, nonlinear coefficient, and coherence lengths. The heat transfer rate is studied using these coefficients. This equation is used to determine the domain for Eckhaus and zigzag as secondary instabilities.

How to cite: Rani, H., Nayak, K., Starchenko, S. V., and Rameshwar, Y.: Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Stability of Combined Convection in a Rapidly Rotating Plane Layer in Planetary Convection Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1151,, 2025.

EGU25-1349 | Orals | GD8.4

Early-Earth dynamos in a full-sphere 

Fabian Burmann, Jiawen Luo, Philippe Marti, and Andrew Jackson

While the Earth's magnetic field has existed for 4Gyr or more, its inner core is much younger - recent estimates for the age of the inner core go back no further than 1.5Gyr. Consequently, Earth’s dynamo has been running in a full sphere for much of its life, in contrast to the present day dynamo operating in a spherical shell. However, despite their geophysical relevance, full shpere dynamos remain rare in literature.

Here, we present results from a first parameter study on rapidly rotating dynamos in a full sphere geometry, representative of the Earth's dynamo before the nucleation of the inner core. Since we cannot rely on the buoyancy release of the inner core, our dynamos are driven by internal heat sources and fixed flux boundary conditions take account of the secular cooling of the planet. We show that - depending on the input paramters (Ekman, Rayleigh and magnetic Prandtl number) - such dynamos can produce a variety of different solutions, including dipolar and multipolar dynamos as well as stable and chaotically-reversing dynamos.

How to cite: Burmann, F., Luo, J., Marti, P., and Jackson, A.: Early-Earth dynamos in a full-sphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1349,, 2025.

It is widely accepted that the convection of the liquid metallic outer core is the driver of the dynamo-produced magnetic field in terrestrial bodies, yet the core composition and the processes which occur within the core are difficult to study due to the extreme temperatures (T) and pressures (P). By examining the phase changes that occur with varying P, T, and composition (X), phase diagrams may be constructed for expected core mimetic compositions. The constructed phase diagrams of Fe-Si alloys along with known or modeled P,T conditions of solid/liquid phases within the cores of interest can then be used to determine likely compositions of these cores.

Experiments were conducted in a 1000-ton cubic anvil press at P in the range 2-5 GPa and T into the liquid state. A central 5-hole BN cylinder held 5 different Fe-Si sample compositions simultaneously with a thermocouple located at the base of the BN cylinder, and was surrounded by a graphite furnace within  a pyrophyllite cubic pressure cell. Fe-Si samples were prepared from pure Fe up to 33 wt% Si using mixtures of powders with known compositions. Following quenching of each experiment, the samples underwent electron microprobe analysis and along with textural analyses, these are used to map the T-X phase diagram at constant P. These phase diagrams will then be applied to the cores of small terrestrial bodies, such as the Moon, Mercury, and Vesta, to identify potential core compositions that are consistent with observational data and models that employ prescribed interior compositions and phases.

How to cite: Kalman, B., Yong, W., and Secco, R.: Phase Transitions of Solid and Liquid Fe-Si Alloys with Applications to Planetary Core Composition and Dynamo Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2585,, 2025.

Dynamo action in liquid Fe planetary cores varies according to alloyed light elements such as S and Si. This study experimentally constrains the thermal conductivity of Fe-S-Si alloys at planetary core conditions, which may be used in combination with thermal evolution models to find the total thermal convective force in the core. A sample of Fe alloy with 16wt%S and 2wt%Si was chosen as a predicted composition of the core of Asteroid 4 Vesta, based on studies of HED meteorites [1-2]. This is near the miscibility limit of S and Si in liquid Fe [3].

Experiments were performed at 2-5 GPa in a 1000-ton cubic anvil press and at up to 9 GPa in a 3000-ton multi-anvil press. Temperatures as high as 2100 K into the melt of Fe-S-Si. The electrical resistivity of the liquid Fe-S-Si alloy was measured in situ; to find the electronic component of the thermal conductivity, the Wiedemann-Franz Law was used. To confirm the sample composition and homogenization, electron microprobe analysis was performed on samples recovered from various stages of melting, yielding compositional maps of Fe, S, and Si across each sample.

The individual effects of S and Si on the electrical resistivity of liquid Fe are seen in the results for the conditions of small planetary cores. Fe-16wt%S-2wt%Si has an electrical resistivity of 300-450 µΩ·cm at the complete melt in the pressure range of 2-7 GPa. Pure Fe at the same pressures is at most half this value [4], meaning that a moderate amount of S greatly decreases thermal conductivity in the liquid core. These results may be used to find the adiabatic heat flux at the top of the core of a given planetary body, with direct application to the formation of a magnetic dynamo in the liquid cores of objects such as Vesta, Ganymede, and Mars.


[1] Steenstra, E.S., Dankers, D., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., Matveev, S., van Westrenen, W., 2019. Icarus, v. 317, p. 669-681.

[2] Pringle, E.A., Savage, P.S., Badro, J., Barrat, J.-A., Moynier, F., 2013. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., v. 373, p. 75-82.

[3] Chabot, N.L., Wollack, E.A., Klima, R.L., Minitti, M.E., 2014. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., v. 390, p. 199-208.

[4] Yong, W., Secco, R.A., Littleton, J.A.H., Silber, R.E., 2019. Geophys. Res. Lett., v. 46, p. 11065-11070.

How to cite: Lenhart, E., Yong, W., and Secco, R.: The heat flux through the cores of small terrestrial planetary bodies from electrical resistivity measurements of liquid Fe-S-Si at high pressures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2878,, 2025.

EGU25-3763 | ECS | Posters on site | GD8.4

Preliminary work for experiments on inner core attenuation 

Léo Carin, Julien Chantel, Nadège Hilairet, and Sébastien Merkel

The Earth’s inner core is made of a solid iron alloy. Seismic observations suggest a structure and an anisotropy which leads to variations in both the velocity and the attenuation of the seismic waves. Attenuation is the loss of energy during the propagation of the seismic waves. Whether this attenuation arises from intrinsic properties of the iron alloys or extrinsic origins remains an open question. In this context, studying attenuation in metallic alloys could help improving our knowledge about the physical properties and the geodynamic of the inner core.

Different sources of attenuation exist in the core: extrinsic and intrinsic sources. The first one is linked to external environment that impact the wave propagation, such as scattering or heterogeneities. Intrinsic sources are related to the properties of the material itself. This work focuses on the latter and particularly on the anelastic relaxation, which is one of the source of internal friction.

In this work, we are re-investigated these problems to understand attenuation mechanisms in metals at high temperature. The experiments are conducted on a dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) instrument with control of temperature and oxygen fugacity albeit at ambient pressure. Thus, we use an analogous material which presents similar crystallographic structure and is expected to behave like the inner core.

Here, we will present the first tests realized with variable frequency and constant temperature and discuss the future steps of the project.

How to cite: Carin, L., Chantel, J., Hilairet, N., and Merkel, S.: Preliminary work for experiments on inner core attenuation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3763,, 2025.

EGU25-6140 | ECS | Posters on site | GD8.4

Revisiting the Thermal Conductivity of Iron at Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary 

Eric Edmund, Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic, Zachary M. Geballe, and Alexander F. Goncharov

The thermal conductivity of Earth’s core is a key parameter to investigate thermal evolution of the Earth, as well as the characteristics of the dynamo which drives Earth’s magnetic field, however it has been the subject of intense controversy. At the heart of this controversy are the persistent discrepancies between direct measurements of iron thermal conductivity, ab initio calculations of thermal and electrical conductivity and experimental electrical conductivity measurements.  Here we present new data on the thermal conductivity of hcp-Fe up to 135 GPa and 3000 K, combined with direct X-ray based methods for the in situ measurement of sample geometry – the largest source of uncertainty in thermal conductivity measurements. Our results reaffirm a ‘low’ thermal conductivity for iron at the conditions of Earth’s core-mantle boundary, but revise this value upwards to between 60 W/m/K and 80 W/m/K which can be reconciled with the lower end of values reported using ab initio theory and electrical experiments.

How to cite: Edmund, E., Dobrosavljevic, V. V., Geballe, Z. M., and Goncharov, A. F.: Revisiting the Thermal Conductivity of Iron at Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6140,, 2025.

EGU25-7333 | ECS | Posters on site | GD8.4

Investigating the drag force due to inertial waves generated by topography 

Vadim Giraud, Jerome Noir, David Cébron, Rémy Monville, and Fabian Burman

Internal fluid layers can contribute to energy dissipation within planets, thereby influencing the planet’s rotational parameters. Traditionally, dissipation and angular momentum transfer in such fluid layers have been analysed assuming smooth surfaces. Here, we account for the effects of topographical irregularities, particularly the wave drag caused by inertial waves.

In rapidly rotating fluids, topography can excite inertial waves that propagate deep into the fluid interior. These waves contribute to the fluid drag exerted at the topography. We present a theoretical model for the drag caused by topographically excited inertial waves, validated through a two-step approach.

In the first step, we validate our model for the simplest case: steady flow over a monochromatic topography in a periodic Cartesian box. Numerical simulations are conducted using the computational fluid dynamics solver Nek5000, showing that the drag scales with the square of the topography height (h^2) for low-slope topographies. For steeper slopes exceeding unity, the drag becomes wavelength-dependent.

In the second step, we examine a more complex case involving the differential rotation of the fluid and the monochromatic topography in a cylinder. We demonstrate experimentally and numerically that the torque from inertial wave drag can be predicted from our previous results, with the resulting torque exhibiting the same scaling properties as the drag in the periodic box.

This two-step approach provides the foundation for understanding angular momentum transfer in planetary interiors. It sets the stage for calculating the resulting torque over a full spherical shell.

How to cite: Giraud, V., Noir, J., Cébron, D., Monville, R., and Burman, F.: Investigating the drag force due to inertial waves generated by topography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7333,, 2025.

EGU25-8115 | ECS | Orals | GD8.4

Double-diffusive convection driven dynamos in the strong-field regime 

Wei Fan and Yufeng Lin

The Earth's liquid outer core is mainly composed of iron and nickel. The secular cooling of the inner core releases latent heat and light elements, driving convection in the liquid outer core and promoting the upward transport of these lighter elements, thereby forming thermal and compositional driven convection. However, due to the uncertainty of the temperature distribution within the liquid outer core, two types of convection may occur: top-heavy and salt-fingers double-diffusive convection, the latter characterized by a thermal stable stratification where the thermal gradient is stabilizing. Most dynamo models, however, do not account for such complex driving mechanisms. Instead, they simplify the system by assuming no distinction between thermal and compositional convection, which is termed the co-density model. In our study, we compared the top-heavy double-diffusive model with the co-density model within the strong field regime, where the Lorentz force plays a significant role. Our results suggest that, under strong fields and similar magnetic Reynolds numbers, different types of buoyancy do not show significant differences in driving the dynamo process. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of varying the strength of thermal stratification on the dynamo. Our analysis indicates that when the thermal stratification becomes sufficiently strong, it can suppress convection entirely, ultimately halting the dynamo process.

How to cite: Fan, W. and Lin, Y.: Double-diffusive convection driven dynamos in the strong-field regime, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8115,, 2025.

EGU25-8808 | ECS | Posters on site | GD8.4

GRACE observations of rapid mass variations at the core-mantle boundary during deep mantle phase transitions in interaction with core flow 

Charlotte Gaugne, Isabelle Panet, Mioara Mandea, Marianne Greff, and Séverine Rosat

Sudden changes in the secular variation of the geomagnetic field, the geomagnetic jerks, provide information about the dynamics of the core at short timescales. How this dynamics may be coupled to changes in the core-mantle boundary (CMB) topography is not fully understood, due to the difficulty of obtaining direct observations on this region. Yet, it could be a key factor in explaining rapid changes in the geomagnetic field. Here, we use satellite measurements on the Earth’s gravity field variations in order to constrain potential mass redistributions at the CMB. We conduct an analysis of GRACE satellite and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) measurements of the Earth's gravity field from 2003 to 2015. The combination of second-order spatial derivatives of the gravity potential with a multi-scale temporal analysis allows for an enhanced separation of superimposed signals in the gravity field, based on their different spatial patterns and timescales. This way, we identify a significant transient north-south gravity anomaly at the boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the African continent with maximum intensity in January 2007, with a timescale of 2-3 years. This signal cannot be fully explained by variations in surface water mass sources, suggesting an origin within the solid Earth. We show that the observed anomaly may be associated with mass redistributions during perovskite-to-post-perovskite phase transition triggered by moving thermal anomalies in the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province (LLSVP). This dynamic process results in decimetric variations in the CMB topography over months to years. We study how core flows in a stratified layer at the top of the core are impacted by this topography change, and discuss the corresponding signals in the geomagnetic field.

How to cite: Gaugne, C., Panet, I., Mandea, M., Greff, M., and Rosat, S.: GRACE observations of rapid mass variations at the core-mantle boundary during deep mantle phase transitions in interaction with core flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8808,, 2025.

EGU25-9161 | ECS | Orals | GD8.4

Impact of boundary condition on the onset of thermo-chemical convection at the Earth’s core 

Shashank Singh, Tirtharaj Barman, and Swarandeep Sahoo

The geomagnetic fields are generated by dynamo action driven by thermo-chemical convection in the deep interior. The convective instability occurs due to the density gradient of fluid, which depends on the temperature (thermal) and light element concentration (chemical composition), and they diffuse at different rates. We investigate rotating double-diffusive convection (RDDC) in the two-dimensional plane layer. We focus on classical convection, a diffusive regime with unstable thermal and chemical composition gradients. A systematic investigation on the impact of various thermal and compositional boundary conditions, such as fixed temperature, fixed composition, fixed heat flux, and fixed compositional flux, and their combinations, on the onset of convection by fixing mechanical boundary condition as no-slip is carried out in the present study. In particular, we choose a compositionally dominated regime by fixing the Rayleigh ratio (ratio of thermal to compositional Rayleigh number) equal to 0.5 for both non-rotating and rotating cases. With varying compositional Rayleigh numbers, the critical thermo-chemical Rayleigh number is estimated at the onset. The onset Rayleigh number, with fixed temperature and compositional boundary condition at both the upper and bottom boundary, is higher than fixed flux conditions for both the non-rotating and rotating cases, and this trend persists with increase (decrease) in compositional (thermal) Prandtl number at the low diffusivity ratio regime. However, at the high diffusivity ratio regime, the trends substantially change with changing diffusivity.

How to cite: Singh, S., Barman, T., and Sahoo, S.: Impact of boundary condition on the onset of thermo-chemical convection at the Earth’s core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9161,, 2025.

EGU25-9786 | ECS | Orals | GD8.4

Laser driven shock compression of Iron at the EuXFEL 

Hélène Ginestet and Sébastien Merkel and the EuXFEL 2740 and 6659 community proposals

The Earth’s inner core presents interesting properties such as seismic velocity anisotropy and a complex internal structure that is still under investigation. Establishing the phase diagram of the relevant iron alloys and, first, of pure iron itself is necessary to improve our understanding of planetary cores.

The iron phase diagram at high pressure and temperature is still discussed despite numerous experimental and simulation studies. Indeed, discrepancies still exist on the melting curve and the existence of a high pressure and high temperature cubic phase is debated. New techniques must be developed to address those issues.

The European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL) offers a high brilliance pulsed X-ray beam. The pulses duration is below 50 fs and can be synchronized with the DiPOLE 100-X laser, enabling X-ray diffraction experiments during dynamic compression. This type of experiments was first tested at the EuXFEL in 2023 by an international consortium that was followed by a second experiment in 2024.

Those experiments allow the collection of high-quality in situ X-ray diffraction data and visar measurements of shocked and off-Hugoniot Iron. After establishing procedures for the processing of such data, comparison between results from the two experiments will ensure repeatability. In this presentation, we will show first results including solid phases and melt diffraction patterns collected during those experiments.

This work is the result of experiments performed under the EuXFEL 2740 and 6659 community proposals led by M. McMahon, K. Appel, J. Eggert and G. Morard.

How to cite: Ginestet, H. and Merkel, S. and the EuXFEL 2740 and 6659 community proposals: Laser driven shock compression of Iron at the EuXFEL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9786,, 2025.

EGU25-10923 | ECS | Posters on site | GD8.4

Competition between Rayleigh-Bénard and Horizontal Convection: an experimental model for subglacial lakes 

Clement Bret, YuZhou Bu, Valentine Rabaux, Valentin Chanut, Louis Couston, Francesca Chilla, and Julien Salort

We investigate experimentally the flow structure in a fluid layer heated from below and cooled from above, where, additionnally, a horizontal temperature gradient is imposed on the top plate. This is a model system for the dynamics in subglacial lakes where such a competition between Rayleigh-Bénard Convection (RBC) and Horizontal Convection (HC) is thought to happen, and an experimental realisation of the numerical work of Couston et al. (2022). We evidence a hysteretic transition from a RBC flow structure to a HC flow structure when the ratio of the horizontal heat flux to the vertical heat flux, Λ, is 4e-4 when Λ is decreasing, and 7e-4 when Λ is increasing. These values are lower than the threshold value found in the two-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), of order 1e-2, which has an impact on the flow structure prediction for several subglacial lakes. Additionnally, for larger values of Λ, we observe that the warmest part of the top plate becomes warmer than the bottom plate, and a stable temperature gradient settles below the warm side of the top plate. Thermal plumes are no longer visible in this region, and seem to be replaced by internal gravity waves.

How to cite: Bret, C., Bu, Y., Rabaux, V., Chanut, V., Couston, L., Chilla, F., and Salort, J.: Competition between Rayleigh-Bénard and Horizontal Convection: an experimental model for subglacial lakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10923,, 2025.

EGU25-11647 | ECS | Orals | GD8.4

Constraining the Composition of Earth’s Core: Insights from Nucleation in FeC Liquids 

Alfred Wilson, Christopher Davies, Walker Andrew, and Dario Alfè

The growth of Earth's solid inner core powers the geodynamo in the liquid outer core, creating a global magnetic field that helps to shield the planet from harmful solar radiation. However, the origins of the inner core are still not fully understood. Traditional models of core evolution overlook the necessity for liquids to be supercooled below their melting point before freezing. Recent estimates of the required supercooling for the inner core's homogeneous nucleation are unrealistically high and conflict with the expected current thermal structure of the core. Through molecular dynamics simulations, we show that nucleation from an Fe1-xCx liquid, with x=0.1-0.15, reduces the supercooling requirement to 250-400 K, broadly compatible with expected current thermal profiles of the core. Though these compositions are not a complete description of core chemistry, which requires at least ternary systems, they are consistent with a number of constraints derived from seismology, mineral physics, and geochemistry. Crucially, our results demonstrate that whilst some potential compositions of the core cannot explain the presence of the inner core, others can. The nucleation process of the inner core can therefore provide a new and strong constraint on core composition.

How to cite: Wilson, A., Davies, C., Andrew, W., and Alfè, D.: Constraining the Composition of Earth’s Core: Insights from Nucleation in FeC Liquids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11647,, 2025.

EGU25-13013 | Orals | GD8.4

Bounds on heat transfer and dissipation in the core 

Thierry Alboussiere

An upper bound of heat transfer has been published recently [1] for the first time in the case of compressible convection. This concerns only the anelastic liquid approximation, but the best place where such an approximation is valid might well be the core of terrestrial planets. In this work, I will apply this result to the specific case and geometry of the outer core. A big difference is also the fact that not only viscous dissipation but also Joule heating are sources of entropy production.

For a given forcing (Rayleigh number), we will see that there is a trade-off between a maximal heat flux and a maximal Joule dissipation. An upper bound can be obtained for both quantities, but they cannot both reach that bound.

We shall also consider the case of terrestrial planets of larger radii than the Earth. A number of exoplanets are suspected to be in that case. We will investigate the consequences of larger compressibility on their internal structure [2] and obtain upper bounds of heat flux and Joule dissipation.

[1] T Alboussière, Y Ricard, S Labrosse, "Upper bound of heat flux in an anelastic model for Rayleigh–Bénard convection", JFM 999, 2024

[2] Y Ricard, T Alboussière, "Compressible convection in super-Earths", PEPI 341, 2023

How to cite: Alboussiere, T.: Bounds on heat transfer and dissipation in the core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13013,, 2025.

EGU25-14023 | Orals | GD8.4

Magnetic field generation by a Basal Magma Ocean 

Nathanael Schaeffer, Jonathan Aurnou, and Stéphane Labrosse

A Magma Ocean at the base of Earth's mantle (BMO), if stirred by sufficiently vigorous convection, may have a sufficient electrical conductivity to sustain a magnetic field.
However, this possibility rests on several results that are based on knowledge obtained mostly from numerical simulations of Earth-core dynamos, which arguably operate in a different regime -- both in terms of geometry (a thick spherical shell) and dynamical balance.
With the help of dedicated numerical simulations in a thin spherical shell geometry, we study how such magnetic fields would look like (intensity, geometry) and what are the required conditions for an Earth-like magnetic field to be produced by a BMO.

How to cite: Schaeffer, N., Aurnou, J., and Labrosse, S.: Magnetic field generation by a Basal Magma Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14023,, 2025.

EGU25-14312 | Orals | GD8.4

Weakly Nonlinear Analysis of Rotating Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Rayleigh-Bénard convection 

Yadagiri Rameshwar, Brestenský Jozef, Orsu Anil Kumar, and Hari Ponnamma Rani

The instabilities occurring in a horizontal layer of ferromagnetic fluid which is heated from below and kept rotating about vertical axis in the presence of vertical magnetic fluid is analysed using weakly nonlinear analysis. It is observed that either stationary convection or oscillatory convection occurred as the first instability depending on the control parameters. The amplitude equations are derived in the vicinity of the onset of stationary convection and oscillatory convection by assuming the fluid as anisotropic. At the onset of stationary convection the conditions for generalized Eckhuas instability and near the Liptz point the conditions for zig zag instability are obtained. Localized convection is studied from cubic-quintic amplitude equation. Heat transfer rate in terms of the Nusselt number is computed from the cubic amplitude equation. From the cubic-quintic amplitude equation, the subcritical fluid behavior near the onset of oscillatory convection is analysed.

How to cite: Rameshwar, Y., Jozef, B., Anil Kumar, O., and Rani, H. P.: Weakly Nonlinear Analysis of Rotating Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Rayleigh-Bénard convection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14312,, 2025.

EGU25-14927 | ECS | Posters on site | GD8.4

 The Grüneisen parameter of iron under extreme conditions and its influence on thermal convection in super-earth cores   

Terry-Ann Suer, Vincent Clesi, Margaret Huff, and Michelle Marshall

We combined recent experimental data with analytical models to investigate the evolution of the Grüneisen parameter (γ) for iron under conditions relevant to the cores of rocky planets ranging from 1 to 5 Earth masses. γ relates thermal and elastic properties of materials and is a critical factor for understanding the dynamic behavior of planetary interiors. Previous sound speed measurements of the iron γ at Earth's core conditions, combined with seismic velocity data, significantly enhanced our understanding of the planet's interior [1]. Extending these studies to extreme conditions of larger planets can thus offer new insights into their internal properties. Recent laser-driven shock experiments measured γ for both liquid and solid iron at pressures of up to 3 TPa [2, 3]. By fitting this expanded dataset with the Altshuler and Anderson formalisms [4], we derived updated γ values that allowed us to assess temperature profiles for a range of planetary core sizes. These preliminary findings enabled us to assess the efficiency of thermal convection in super-Earth cores, providing valuable insights into their dynamic behavior.



[1] Antonangeli & Ohtani. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2 (2015): 1-11.

[2] Huff et al. (2024) Phys. Rev. B, 109.18,184311.

[3] Smith et al. (2018) Nat. Astr., 2.6, 452.

[4] Clesi & Deguen (2024) GJI, 237 (3), 1275.

How to cite: Suer, T.-A., Clesi, V., Huff, M., and Marshall, M.:  The Grüneisen parameter of iron under extreme conditions and its influence on thermal convection in super-earth cores  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14927,, 2025.

EGU25-16896 | ECS | Orals | GD8.4

Back reaction of magnetic field on rotating convection in presence of thermal heterogeneity 

Tirtharaj Barman, Tannistha Haldar, and Swarandeep Sahoo

The geomagnetic field is generated and self-sustained by dynamo action in the Earth's liquid outer core. The dynamo is driven by thermo-chemical convection that derives energy from the secular cooling and inner core growth. In addition, the geodynamo is controlled by thermally inhomogeneous core-mantle boundary (CMB). The CMB controls the heat transfer from the core to the mantle. Such heterogeneous CMB heat flux affects the flow and magnetic field patterns generated by the dynamo. The present study investigates the back reaction of magnetic fields on the onset of convective instability inside the inner core tangent cylinder by incorporating various laterally varying thermal structures at the top plate of a plane layer convection model. Different orientations of imposed magnetic fields of various strengths have been implemented at various rotation rates. Consequently, localised convective flow clusters have been developed in the regions of heat flow higher than the mean heat flux as a consequence of imposed laterally heterogeneous thermal structures. Additionally, convective clusters have developed with both odd and even orders of thermal heterogeneity, resulting in laterally asymmetric and symmetric structures respectively. As a result of rapid rotation, small-scale columnar rolls are formed in a weak magnetic field, regardless of the magnetic field orientation. However, under a strong magnetic field with a horizontally imposed magnetic field, large-scale convection rolls are developed.

How to cite: Barman, T., Haldar, T., and Sahoo, S.: Back reaction of magnetic field on rotating convection in presence of thermal heterogeneity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16896,, 2025.

EGU25-17768 | Posters on site | GD8.4

Study of iron phases at planetary core conditions using static experiments at the European XFEL 

Sébastien Merkel and Hélène Ginestet and the EuXFEL 3063 and 5700 community proposals

Iron is the main constituent of the Earth's and terrestrial planetary cores. It is in the body-centered-cubic (bcc) structure under ambient conditions and transforms into the face-centered-cubic structure (fcc) upon heating at ambient pressure and into the hexagonal-closed-packed (hcp) structures at ~15 GPa at ambient temperature. Reaching Earth's inner core conditions in experiments is not trivial, and most reports of experiments approaching those pressures and temperature refer to the hcp structure for pure iron. First principles calculations, however, show that the energy difference between hcp and cubic phases of Fe is small at inner core conditions and some have argued for stable cubic Fe phases in the Earth's inner core.

In this work, we explore the phase diagram of Fe up to over 200 GPa and up to melting through a different thermodynamical pathway from conventional laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments.  The experiments rely on new facilities at the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser, which provides extremely intense X-ray flashes repeated up to every 220 ns. The facility, coupled with the High Energy Density (HED) instrument, allows heating, melting, and crystallizing iron samples repeatedly and probe for its crystal structure as the sample cools from its previous state.

The experiments show a complex phase diagram for iron, and the observations of different crystal structures for iron as samples are moved through different thermodynamic states. Here, I will present these new experiments and preliminary results that can be obtained on Fe, along with our work on experimental metrology, which are actively pursuing at present.

Presentation on behalf of the EuXFEL 3063 community proposal, led by S. Merkel and G. Morard (doi: 10.22003/XFEL.EU-DATA-003063-00), and the EuXFEL 5700 community proposal, led by A. Dewaele and S. Merkel (doi: 10.22003/XFEL.EU-DATA-005700-00).

How to cite: Merkel, S. and Ginestet, H. and the EuXFEL 3063 and 5700 community proposals: Study of iron phases at planetary core conditions using static experiments at the European XFEL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17768,, 2025.

EGU25-18135 | Posters on site | GD8.4

A numerical model of torsional Alfven eigenmodes in the Earth's core 

Santiago Triana, Jeremy Rekier, Ankit Barik, Felix Gerick, Fleur Seuren, and Veronique Dehant

We investigate torsional Alfvén eigenmodes in the Earth's outer core. These eigenmodes exhibit energy equally distributed between magnetic and kinetic components, with their motion predominantly columnar. This columnar nature has previously enabled the development of approximate inviscid one-dimensional models. In contrast, our study employs a three-dimensional numerical model that incorporates viscosity, an electrically conductive inner core, and a thin, conductive layer at the bottom of the mantle. This configuration allows angular momentum exchange between the outer core, the solid inner core, and the mantle. Using this model, we systematically examine the key properties of these modes, particularly their columnarity, torques, and decay rates. We study how these properties vary with the magnetic diffusivity and viscosity of the outer core, as well as with the electrical conductance of the mantle's bottommost layer.

How to cite: Triana, S., Rekier, J., Barik, A., Gerick, F., Seuren, F., and Dehant, V.: A numerical model of torsional Alfven eigenmodes in the Earth's core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18135,, 2025.

EGU25-19659 | ECS | Orals | GD8.4

The influence of a stably stratified layer on the Earth's outer core waves. 

Fleur Seuren, Santiago Triana, Jérémy Rekier, Véronique Dehant, and Tim Van Hoolst

Seismic studies, mineral physics, thermal evolution models and geomagnetic observations offer conflicting evidence about the presence of a stably stratified layer at the top of the Earth's fluid outer core. Such a convectively stable layer could have a strong influence on the Earth's hydromagnetic waves, propagating underneath the core-mantle boundary (CMB) that are used to probe the outermost region of the core. Here we present numerical solutions for the eigenmodes in a neutrally stratified sphere permeated by a magnetic field with and without a top stable layer, allowing for fluid exchanges between the stable layer and the neutrally stratified bulk of the core and angular momentum exchanges across the CMB through viscous- and electromagnetic coupling. On interannual time-scales, we find torsional Alfvén waves that are only marginally affected by weak to moderate stratification strength in the outer layer. At decadal time-scales similarly weak stable layers promote the appearance of waves, that propagate primarily within the stable layer itself and resemble Magneto-Archimedes-Coriolis (MAC) waves, even though they interact with the adiabatic fluid core below.

How to cite: Seuren, F., Triana, S., Rekier, J., Dehant, V., and Van Hoolst, T.: The influence of a stably stratified layer on the Earth's outer core waves., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19659,, 2025.

EGU25-20372 | Orals | GD8.4

The effect of Ni on the formation and structure of Earth’s inner core 

Yang Sun, Liangrui Wei, Kai-Ming Ho, and Renata Wentzcovitch

The Fe-Ni alloy is believed to be the main component of Earth's core. Yet, Ni’s effects on the inner core’s structure and formation process are often disregarded due to its similarity to Fe. Using ab initio simulations, we find that Ni can stabilize bcc structures and accelerate Fe’s crystallization at high temperatures and inner core pressures. We computed the Gibbs free energy and phase diagram for liquid and solid solutions of Fe-Ni alloys under inner core conditions, providing new insights into the possible structure of the inner core. The results offer new constraints for the study of the core’s composition and formation.

How to cite: Sun, Y., Wei, L., Ho, K.-M., and Wentzcovitch, R.: The effect of Ni on the formation and structure of Earth’s inner core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20372,, 2025.

EGU25-20527 | Posters on site | GD8.4

Rotating Magnetoconvection with Diffusivities Parameterized by Turbulent State of the Earth's Core 

Hari Ponnamma Rani, Jozef Brestenský, and Krishnendu Nayak

In rotating magnetoconvection (RMC) models, the turbulent state of the Earth's fluid core is parameterized by the isotropic (i) and anisotropic (a) diffusive coefficients, specifically, the viscosity (ν), thermal diffusivity (κ), and magnetic diffusivity (η). It can be used as the basic state, which is useful for the study of stability analysis as each physical state. The linear stability analysis is performed on RMC model of the horizontal fluid planar layer heated from below and cooled from above, rotating about its vertical axis and permeated by a horizontal homogeneous magnetic field. The normal mode method in the form of horizontal rolls is applied on the RMC model. A comparison is made between the results based on the fastest growing (F) modes with the highest growth rate and the marginal (M) modes. The F modes are studied for four different i and a combinations of diffusivities (νκη) = (aaa, aai, iai, iii) as (f, p, h, i) cases. Both the anisotropic and isotropic parameters have a significant impact on the instability caused by a large Rayleigh number, R, in all occurrences of F modes. The F modes are strongly and differently influenced by the f, p, h and i, cases. In all the investigated cases the wave number and maximum growth rate based on the R and the anisotropic parameter, α (ratio of horizontal to vertical diffusivities), are independent of Ekman number, Ez, Elsasser number, Λz and are the same. The effect of all anisotropy cases is more significant for the F modes than the M modes on the occurrence of convection modes. The F modes show much better results than the M modes related to the parameters, R, Ez, Λz, inverted magnetic Prandtl number, pz , and Roberts number, qz that are typical for the Earth’s outer core. The present RMC approach allows to easily deal with very huge R, very small Eand huge wave numbers, particularly in F modes which the geodynamo simulations are unable to do. In M as well as in F modes, the inequality α > 1 (α < 1) inhibits (facilitates) the convection, at all anisotropy cases. The QG balance of forces could prevail in α << 1 conditions in the Earth's outer core and the MAC balance could be in the uppermost layer of the core with α >> 1.

Keywords: Rotating magnetoconvection; fastest growing modes; marginal modes; anisotropic diffusivities; molecular and turbulent diffusivities; Earth’s core conditions.

How to cite: Rani, H. P., Brestenský, J., and Nayak, K.: Rotating Magnetoconvection with Diffusivities Parameterized by Turbulent State of the Earth's Core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20527,, 2025.

EMRP2 – Geomagnetism

EGU25-2731 | Posters on site | EMRP2.1

The lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling processes around the Wushi Ms7.1 earthquake in 2024 

Xuemin Zhang, Angelo De Santis, Pan Xiong, Gianfranco Cianchini, Jing Liu, Saioa Campuzano, Aisa Yisimayili, Serena D’Arcangelo, Xinyan Li, Cristiano Fidani, Muping Yang, Loredana Perrone, Hong Liu, Shukai Wang, and Maoning Feng

To verify the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling processes around strong earthquakes, a multi-parameter and multi-level approach from ground and satellite data have been paid more and more attention in recent researches. Taking Wushi Ms7.1 earthquake on 22 January 2024 as an example, multi parameters were included in the study, such as  the earth resistivity, the geomagnetic field and geoelectric field in lithosphere, surface temperature and outgoing longwave radiation in atmosphere, while foF2 from Ionosonde, GNSS TEC, magnetic field and electron density, energetic particles from electromagnetic satellites for ionosphere, etc.. The results are encouraging confirming a chain of processes starting from ground and proceeding to the above atmosphere and ionosphere. The direct and indirect connection among multi layers and different parameters were discussed to build the energy preparation, developing and coupling processes for Wushi earthquake.

How to cite: Zhang, X., De Santis, A., Xiong, P., Cianchini, G., Liu, J., Campuzano, S., Yisimayili, A., D’Arcangelo, S., Li, X., Fidani, C., Yang, M., Perrone, L., Liu, H., Wang, S., and Feng, M.: The lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling processes around the Wushi Ms7.1 earthquake in 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2731,, 2025.

EGU25-3169 | Orals | EMRP2.1

A field-deployable absolute vector quantum magnetometer for geomagnetic research 

Ciaran Beggan, Stuart Ingleby, Mark Bason, Christopher Turbitt, Dominic Hunter, Mike Salter, Robert Lyon, Adam Filip, Thomas Martyn, and Josie Parrianen

Quantum magnetic sensing offers several powerful advantages over the classic combination of triaxial fluxgate and proton precession magnetometers. Advances in quantum technology, such as optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs), have enabled single sensors to make full-field, high-frequency, temperature-insensitive measurements of the natural field (i.e., 0-60μT). The low noise, high bandwidth OPMs can be used to detect absolute changes in the field arising from secular variation as well as rapid variations in the Earth’s natural magnetic field from space weather activity. Our newly developed OPM consists of a Cs-vapour cell magnetometer in a double-resonance configuration with two orthogonal coils to provide a full field and vector measurement capability.

As part of a three-year programme, we will build and deploy five ground-based OPMs using state-of-the-art sensor technology from the University of Strathclyde in combination with back-end electronics for the laser driver and high-speed digital signal processing developed by RAL Space. The BGS-run geomagnetic observatory at Eskdalemuir will allow the OPM systems to be compared and checked against the highest scientific standards for observatories (INTERMAGNET-standard). The sensors will then be deployed to five field locations around Britain in 2025. This will reduce the spacing between operational observatories and variometers in the UK to less than 200 km. The systems will return data in near-real-time, allowing one of the densest magnetic networks in the world to be created. We describe the progress to date, including the results from a performance comparison at Eskdalemuir and the first field deployments in England and Wales.

How to cite: Beggan, C., Ingleby, S., Bason, M., Turbitt, C., Hunter, D., Salter, M., Lyon, R., Filip, A., Martyn, T., and Parrianen, J.: A field-deployable absolute vector quantum magnetometer for geomagnetic research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3169,, 2025.

EGU25-3566 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.1

The 14th Generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field 

Clemens Kloss and Ciaran Beggan

The 14th generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-14) was officially released in November 2024. It is valid from 1900.0 to 2030.0 and supersedes the 13th generation IGRF, which ends at 2025.0. The IGRF-14 model consists of five-yearly snapshots of the magnetic field represented by Gauss coefficients. The main magnetic field is captured up to spherical harmonic degree and order 13.

In this generation, the coefficients for 2020.0 have been updated and are now definitive, and new coefficients for 2025.0 have been computed. An estimate of the secular variation (to degree and order 8) for the next five years, from 2025.0 until 2030.0, has also been created.

Creating the IGRF-14 was a truly international effort involving data from global geomagnetic observatories and multiple satellite missions, including ESA Swarm and Macau Scientific Satellite-1 (MSS-1). The initial call for candidates was released in March 2024, and the final candidates were submitted in October. We received candidate models from 19 different institutions worldwide, some of whom had not previously submitted IGRF candidates. For comparison, the number of teams that submitted candidates was 10 for IGRF-12 (released in 2015) and 15 for IGRF-13 (released in 2020), reflecting the growing community and the importance of geomagnetism.

For this generation, a GitHub repository was established to maintain an open record of the submission and analysis process for the candidate models. To evaluate the candidates and decide how best to combine these submitted models into the final IGRF14 coefficients, a volunteer group of experts was established to make independent recommendations.

In this talk, we describe the candidate models, provide details of the standard analysis of magnetic field models performed, and show how research software engineering tools, such as the IGRF14 GitHub repository, were used to automatically generate an evaluation of each submitted candidate. We discuss the evaluation process and how the final IGRF14 coefficients were agreed upon. We document some of the new features in the latest magnetic field maps.

How to cite: Kloss, C. and Beggan, C.: The 14th Generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3566,, 2025.

On May 22, 2021, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Maduo County in Guoluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China, with an epicenter at 34.59°N latitude and 98.34°E longitude and a focal depth of 17 kilometers.

Ionospheric disturbances related to this earthquake are analyzed using Global Ionospheric Map Total Electron Content (GIM-TEC) data from May 1 to May 31, 2021. We employ the LSTM-LUBE method, an advanced deep learning model for dynamic range prediction, to detect and analyze anomalies in the GIM-TEC data across both temporal and spatial scales. The core idea of the LSTM-LUBE method is to predict the dynamic range of the input TEC data through a neural network, rather than providing a single point estimate. Data points falling outside the predicted dynamic range are considered anomalies. To ensure the accuracy of the results, disturbances caused by solar activity and geomagnetic fluctuations are excluded. Temporal analysis reveals significant TEC anomalies between May 3 and May 8, as well as a notable TEC anomaly on the day before the earthquake, May 21. From the GIM-TEC spatiotemporal difference maps, conjugate TEC negative disturbances are observed in the earthquake preparation zone and its magnetic conjugate region during UT 6:00-8:00 on May 3. Additionally, conjugate TEC disturbances, characterized by initial positive perturbations followed by negative perturbations, are detected in the Maduo earthquake preparation zone and its magnetic conjugate region during UT 8:00-12:00 and UT 18:00-22:00 on May 5.

This study demonstrates the potential of ionospheric TEC data in earthquake prediction by utilizing the LSTM-LUBE deep learning network to extract TEC anomalies.

Fig. 1. Two typical grid points' TEC time series and difference plots are shown (The red solid line represents ΔTEC, the gray shaded area indicates the dynamic TEC range, and the blue solid line represents the true TEC values). After excluding disturbances from geomagnetic and solar activities, the anomalies observed on May 3, May 5, May 7, May 8, and May 21 may be attributed to earthquake activity.

Fig. 2. On May 3, during UT 6:00-8:00, negative ionospheric disturbances are observed in both the earthquake preparation zone and its magnetic conjugate region in the spatiotemporal difference maps (The red circle represents the preparation zone of the Maduo earthquake epicenter, and the green circle represents the magnetic conjugate region).

Fig. 3. On May 5, during UT 8:00-12:00 and UT 18:00-22:00, anomalous TEC disturbances characterized by initial positive perturbations followed by negative perturbations are observed in both the earthquake preparation zone and its magnetic conjugate region (The red circle represents the preparation zone of the Maduo earthquake epicenter, and the green circle represents the magnetic conjugate region).

How to cite: Yu, Z., Yang, M., Jing, X., and Zhang, J.: Analysis of Ionospheric Disturbances Potentially Associated with the Maduo Ms7.4 Earthquake on 22 May 2021 in China Using GIM-TEC Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5978,, 2025.

EGU25-8899 | Posters on site | EMRP2.1

The Preparatory Phase of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş (Turkey) Major Earthquakes: A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Analysis 

Gianfranco Cianchini, Angelo De Santis, Massimo Calcara, Loredana Perrone, Saioa A. Campuzano, Serena D'Arcangelo, Martina Orlando, Dario Sabbagh, Alessandro Piscini, and Cristiano Fidani

On 6 February 2023, Turkey experienced its most powerful seismic event in over 80 years, with a moment magnitude (Mw) of 7.7, followed just nine hours later by a second large earthquake with Mw 7.6. Both events struck the Kahramanmaraş province in southeastern Turkey, within the complex tectonic setting of the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ), causing widespread destruction and significant loss of life. According to lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling (LAIC) models (e.g. Pulinets and Ouzounov, 2011), large seismic events are expected to generate a cascade of anomalies across various geophysical layers, from the lithosphere through the atmosphere to the ionosphere, as part of the earthquake preparation process. This multidisciplinary study investigates the preparatory phase of these two major earthquakes by identifying potential precursors and disturbances across these layers, in order to better understand the mechanisms linking the geospheres prior to seismic events.

Our comprehensive analysis (De Santis et al., 2019) draws on multiple datasets, including ground-based and satellite observations, to detect anomalous variations in parameters such as ground surface temperature, atmospheric gases, ionosphere electron density and geomagnetic field. These anomalies show a cumulative occurrence with an accelerating trend (De Santis et al, 2017), either exponential or power-law in nature, in the days and weeks preceding the mainshock. The anomalies predominantly exhibit an upward progression from the lithosphere  through the atmosphere to the ionosphere, revealing a chain of interconnected processes within these geospheres during the earthquake preparation phase.

Our findings suggest that these anomalies provide valuable evidence in support of a two-way coupling model, where disturbances can propagate upward from the lithosphere. Additionally, the study highlights the potential role of fluid chemistry (Calcara, 2022), particularly the release of gases such as radon, in driving these coupling processes

In conclusion, this study underscores the significance of a multidisciplinary approach to investigating earthquake precursors across the Earth system. The identification of consistent patterns in pre-earthquake anomalies can enhance our understanding of the complex interactions within the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system and could contribute to the development of more effective early-warning systems for major seismic events.


Pulinets, S.; Ouzounov, D. Lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling (LAIC) model-an unified concept for earthquake precursors validation. J. Asian Earth Sci. 2011, 41, 371–382

De Santis, A.; Abbattista, C.; Alfonsi, L.; Amoruso, L.; Campuzano, S.A.; Carbone, M.; Cesaroni, C.; Cianchini, G.; De Franceschi, G.; De Santis, A.; et al. Geosystemics View of Earthquakes. Entropy 2019

De Santis A. et al., Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: the 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461, 119-126, 2017

Calcara, M. Chemistry in earthquake: The active chemical role of liquid and supercritical waters in microfracturing at depth. J. Seismol. 2022, 26, 1205–1221

How to cite: Cianchini, G., De Santis, A., Calcara, M., Perrone, L., A. Campuzano, S., D'Arcangelo, S., Orlando, M., Sabbagh, D., Piscini, A., and Fidani, C.: The Preparatory Phase of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş (Turkey) Major Earthquakes: A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8899,, 2025.

In this work, the improved relativistic hybrid particle-in-cell & lattice Boltzmann method (RHPIC-LBM2), by adding multi-layer and the multi-component-abundance (M-CAI, Fe, Ni, electrons) module, is developed and applied to investigate the geomagnetic reversal on the supercomputer platform. Firstly, the explicit expression of the M-CAI terms under fully coupled hydro-dynamic-kinetic continuous scales was deduced by considering the turbulence-resistance-induced self-generated organization and the turbulence-viscosity-induced self-feeding-sustaining with dynamo mean field theory. Then, the input module was improved, and a new M-CAI module with the original RHPIC-LBM model algorithm code was added. Finally, the improved turbulence Debye-shielding model, which provides a way to describe the macro-dynamic averaging effect (2,200 kilometers) from numerous micro-kinematic (Debye length scale) evolutions, was used to explore the 2,200-kilometer-thick charged flow, current density, and magnetic field under fully coupled scale. The main findings of the present study are as follows: 1) the combined effect of buoyancy force (generated by mantle convection in the direction of the celestial axis; the convection from the heat of the inner core, outer core, and mantle), the centrifugal force-I (generated by the Earth rotates in the direction outward away from the celestial axis), the centrifugal force-II (generated by the earth revolution around the sun in the direction of Earth's axis of revolution, perpendicular to the ecliptic plane), the friction force-I (generated by the different velocity between the outer core and inner core in the tangential direction at the equatorial plane), the friction force-II(generated by the spin of the outer core and the mantel), the tidal force (generated by the gravitational attraction between the Earth and the moon); 2) the magnetic field will flap in 150~170 million years with 2~4 thousand years. These results may be a key point and give new insights for the investigation of the Earth-Moon space environment, which serves for the planetary environment research in 'National Mid- and Long-term Plan for Space Science in China (2024-2050) through the observational Earth magnetic model (Macao Science 1. WM3 real-time observational data).


How to cite: Li, Y.: Investigation of the geomagnetic reversal through the multi-layer and multi-component-abundance model and improved RHPIC-LBM code on the supercomputer platform , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9248,, 2025.

EGU25-9887 | Orals | EMRP2.1

A DGRF 2020 Candidate Model Only Based on Swarm ASM Experimental Vector Mode Data 

Louis Chauvet, Gauthier Hulot, Robin Deborde, Jean-Michel Léger, and Thomas Jager

ESA Swarm satellites carry a magnetometry payload consisting of an absolute scalar magnetometer (ASM), a relative flux gate vector magnetometer (VFM), and a set of star trackers (STR). The primary role of the ASM is to provide precise 1 Hz absolute field intensity measurements, while the VFM and STR provide the additional data needed to accurately reconstruct the attitude of the vector field to produce the official nominal Swarm L1b magnetic data. Each ASM instrument, however, can also produce its own self-calibrated 1 Hz experimental vector data, or, when requested, 250 Hz scalar burst data. Self-calibrated 1 Hz experimental vector data have routinely been produced ever since launch and are still run when the ASM instruments are not in burst mode. Such experimental data provide an interesting possibility of building alternative field models to those built from nominal Swarm L1b magnetic data. This possibility has been used to produce the only DGRF 2020 candidate model entirely and only relying on such data in the context of the recent IGRF 2025 call for candidate models. All other candidate models relied on either nominal Swarm L1b, or data from other satellites and ground observatories.

Here we will report on the way this unique DGRF candidate model was built, and on the post-calibration strategy that we used to further improve the quality of this model, only and entirely relying on a dedicated analysis of model residual signals. As will be discussed, our final candidate model turns out to be one of the DGRF 2020 candidate models closest to the final official DGRF model, which a posteriori provides encouraging evidence of both the quality of the Swarm ASM experimental vector mode data and the value of our post-calibration strategy.

How to cite: Chauvet, L., Hulot, G., Deborde, R., Léger, J.-M., and Jager, T.: A DGRF 2020 Candidate Model Only Based on Swarm ASM Experimental Vector Mode Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9887,, 2025.

EGU25-10065 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.1

Machine Learning for Detecting Time-Transient Phenomena in the Ionosphere and Correlation with Seismo-Induced Events. 

Megha Babu, Marco Cristoforetti, and Roberto Iuppa

The ionosphere, a crucial interface between Earth’s atmosphere and space, demonstrates complex temporal dynamics influenced by both terrestrial and extraterrestrial factors. This research investigates the potential of detecting precursors to seismic events by analyzing transient phenomena within the ionosphere. We utilized machine learning algorithms to process and analyze extensive VLF electromagnetic spectrum data gathered by the Demeter satellite over the period from 2005 to 2010. During this five-year duration, approximately 8000 earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.0 or higher were recorded.

We employed a grid-based method, segmenting the Earth's surface into 20x20 degree grids and examining eleven low-frequency bands of electric field data. A time-series dataset was developed from the power spectrum by deriving the feature of interest from each frequency band. Our approach utilized an LSTM Autoencoder model trained to identify anomalies in the time-series data from daytime orbital observations. The model demonstrated effective generalization, successfully detecting a high proportion of seismic-correlated anomalies. In the frequency-based analysis, more feature-specific significance was identified, further enhancing detection accuracy across various frequency bands. The model outperformed random sampling methods, underscoring the reliability of the detected anomalies.

These findings highlight the model's proficiency in detecting ionospheric anomalies, thereby enhancing the broader understanding of ionosphere-lithosphere interactions. Incorporating machine learning techniques into ionospheric research marks a significant advancement in the detection of ionospheric disturbances, providing a robust framework for correlating ionospheric disturbances with seismic events. 

How to cite: Babu, M., Cristoforetti, M., and Iuppa, R.: Machine Learning for Detecting Time-Transient Phenomena in the Ionosphere and Correlation with Seismo-Induced Events., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10065,, 2025.

EGU25-10311 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.1

Computing horizontal geomagnetic field variation near the agonic line 

Samuel Fielding, Kathryn Whaler, Ciarán Beggan, Phil Livermore, and Gemma Richardson

It is important to be able to predict the impacts of geomagnetic activity at ground level, for example when it comes to estimating the effect of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs).  The rate of change of the magnetic field in the horizontal direction (dH/dt) is regularly used as a proxy or indicator for potentially hazardous space weather activity.  Most researchers tend to use one of two methods for computing the dH/dt: one is correct and the other is an approximation, with one method taking into account the difference in both the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field vector between timesteps and the other method only looking at the difference in the magnitude of the vector quantities. As the differentiation of the magnetic field in the latter method takes place after the two field directions have been combined to a scalar quantity, the relative sizes of the magnetic field in the two different directions can lead to a difference between the approaches. In particular, when either the northward or eastward magnetic field components are close to zero, such as near the agonic line, a relatively large difference in dH/dt magnitude can appear. We show using geomagnetic observatory measurements that there is an observable difference between the two methods close to the agonic line. We suggest which method for computing dH/dt should be employed. 

How to cite: Fielding, S., Whaler, K., Beggan, C., Livermore, P., and Richardson, G.: Computing horizontal geomagnetic field variation near the agonic line, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10311,, 2025.

Geomagnetic prospecting is traditionally carried out in two dimensions (2D) on the surface of the ground to search for archaeological remains, unexploded ordnance (UXO) or industrial waste. Despite the efficacy of the method in identifying the target, it does not facilitate the precise determination of the depth and geometry of the sources. To reduce this uncertainty, additional data is requisite. One approach is to integrate the vertical variation of the geomagnetic field to provide a more accurate understanding of the depth and geometry of the sources. To this end, we propose an inversion algorithm designed for 3D geomagnetic prospecting data. This algorithm is based on simulated annealing (SA) and extended by a hierarchical refinement strategy.

The SA was chosen for its ability to explore complex, multi-dimensional solution spaces, minimizing the likelihood of hitting the local optimum trap by probabilistically accepting sub-optimal solutions in the early stages of the process, thus allowing a more extensive search before converging on the optimum. A hierarchical refinement strategy has been incorporated into the SA algorithm, which subdivides the model into smaller regions as the inversion stabilizes. This allows the algorithm to continually adjust each subpart until the stop condition is met. This generational approach improves the accuracy of the inversion results and provides a more detailed insight into the geometry of irregular or complex subsurface structures, which is more representative of reality than traditional parametric inversion methods, which rely on predefined geometries and may result in local details being overlooked. In accordance with the refinement strategy, subcomponents self-adjust their boundaries, contingent on their neighborhood, while searching for optimal solutions. This approach enables the model to maintain depth and spatial consistency over successive iterations.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the algorithm, 3D geomagnetic data were collected from two case studies within the ANR's GEOPRAS project. These cases are shipwrecks located on the beaches of Sables-d'Or-les-Pins (Fréhel, Côtes-d'Armor) and Trez Rouz (Camaret-sur-Mer, Finistère) in France. The inversion program provides two subsurface models of shipwrecks as its results. These models contain the information on the magnetization, location and geometry of the shipwrecks. Subsequent excavations showed that the predicted models differed by a few decimeters from the actual finds. Considering the size of the shipwrecks, this demonstrates the robustness and accuracy of the algorithm in reconstructing subsurface shapes and locations.

By reducing uncertainties in depth and geometry, this three-dimensional inversion technique provides a scalable solution for subsurface investigations. While the current focus is on archaeological shipwrecks, the approach is adaptable to broader applications ranging from small-scale cultural heritage studies to large-scale geological exploration. This versatility makes it a powerful tool for advancing geomagnetic prospection across disciplines.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Lévêque, F., and Hulot, O.: Probabilistic inversion method for 3D geomagnetic data: A new approach to determine the geometry and depth of subsurface sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10676,, 2025.

The 2022 Hunga Tonga Volcano Eruption (HTVE) had unprecedented impacts on atmospheric space weather. It provided a clear example of how space weather may be impacted by influences both “from above” (e.g. the solar wind, geo-magnetic storms) and “from below” (e.g. powerful volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes). Manifestations of unprecedented geophysical effects from HTVE were an acoustic wave that circled the Earth several times, the formation of strong ionospheric plasma bubbles and plasma depletion. An important method for diagnosing ionospheric space weather is ionospheric radio scintillation (IS). The purpose of this work is data analysis, modelling and interpretation of radio scintillation data of ionospheric effects from HTVE using the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR), supported by observations from the European Space Agency’s Swarm mission and other geophysical instruments. Specifically, LOFAR observed TIDs in the ionospheric plasma over the Europe, which, based on typical velocities and pulse widths (on the order of 10 s), are interpreted as the effect of  waves generated as a result of the HTVE. The physical modelling carried out corresponds to a picture corresponding to the penetration of Lamb waves into ionospheric altitudes, with their source being a pressure pulse associated with HTVE. Moreover, the corresponding physical explanation, based on the modelling carried out, is given from two points of view: (1) acoustic mode and (2) acoustic impulse representations. (1) Modes with periods of about 12 min were studied. It turned out that such frequencies correspond to a number of eigenmodes of Lamb waves which, accounting for attenuation, travelled thousands of km from the source to the observation site and having a finite/non-zero excitation efficiency (velocity value) near the Earth’s surface. At the same time, the acoustic field of such waves is concentrated at the heights of the altitude region of the E region of the ionosphere. (2) It has been shown that a pressure pulse with a duration of about 10 s in the lower atmosphere effectively penetrates to the heights of the E region of the ionosphere, its acoustic field is concentrated in the E region and it tends to propagate in the horizontal direction, exciting the E region. An analytical algorithm is proposed to determine the response of the ionosphere to the corresponding acoustic pulse, and a method of complex geometric optics is presented, which makes it possible to simulate the scattering of high-frequency (HF) electromagnetic waves (EMW) in the LOFAR (MHz) range. In general, the observations, estimates and numerical simulations confirm the effect of pulsed impact on the ionosphere of acoustic waves penetrating to ionospheric heights at distances of many thousands of kilometres from the source associated with HTVE and causing the scattering of HF EMW detected by the LOFAR radio telescope.  The above-mentioned model is under development now. Its appropriate application will allow us to study and interpret other effects of acoustic waves from a source associated with HTVE and develop further the methods for radio diagnostics of ionospheric space weather.

How to cite: Rapoport, Y., Grimalsky, V., Dorrian, G., Wood, A., and Petrishchevskii, S.: Experimental data and models for radio diagnostics of extreme impacts “from below” on ionospheric space weather: LOFAR data on ionospheric acoustic-range perturbations caused by Hunga-Tonga volcano eruption., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10846,, 2025.

EGU25-12991 | Orals | EMRP2.1

Release of the World Magnetic Model for 2025 to 2030 

William Brown, Natalia Gomez Perez, Callum Watson, Ciarán Beggan, Arnaud Chulliat, and Manoj Nair

The updated World Magnetic Model (WMM) 2025 was released in December 2024, alongside a new WMM – High Resolution version for the first time. The WMM is a spherical harmonic model of the internal magnetic field, designed to provide values of the magnetic field for navigation, heading and direction over 5-years as part of the World Geodetic System 1984 standard coordinate reference frame. WMM is produced jointly by the British Geological Survey and US NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, funded by the Defence Geographic Centre and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), respectively. The WMM is managed by NGA, who define a specification for its performance and accuracy. The WMM is adopted by organisations such as the UK Ministry of Defence, US Department of Defense, NATO, and the International Hydrographic Organisation.

The standard WMM describes the magnetic field to spherical harmonic degree and order 12, while the new High Resolution model includes an extended core field to degree and order 15, and crustal magnetic fields to degree and order 133 (roughly 300km at the equator). The High Resolution model is intended to provide a reference model with greater accuracy for specialist users.

The WMM is released every 5 years, providing a snapshot of the internal field and its predicted rate of change (secular variation), and an uncertainty model. The performance of each WMM release is monitored through its life by comparison to contemporary observations and field models. For the 2025 to 2030 period, we anticipate changes in declination due to evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly, and a deceleration of the north magnetic pole after rapid acceleration observed in recent years.

How to cite: Brown, W., Gomez Perez, N., Watson, C., Beggan, C., Chulliat, A., and Nair, M.: Release of the World Magnetic Model for 2025 to 2030, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12991,, 2025.

EGU25-13661 | Posters on site | EMRP2.1

Swarm Investigation of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) Pulsation and Plasma Irregularity Signatures Potentially Associated with Geophysical Activity 

Georgios Balasis, Angelo De Santis, Constantinos Papadimitriou, Adamantia Zoe Boutsi, Gianfranco Cianchini, Omiros Giannakis, Stelios M. Potirakis, and Mioara Mandea

Launched on 22 November 2013, Swarm is the fourth in a series of pioneering Earth Explorer missions and also the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) first constellation to advance our understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field and the near-Earth electromagnetic environment. Swarm provides an ideal platform in the topside ionosphere for observing ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, as well as equatorial spread-F (ESF) events or plasma bubbles, and, thus, offers an excellent opportunity for space weather studies. For this purpose, a specialized time–frequency analysis (TFA) toolbox has been developed for deriving continuous pulsations (Pc), namely Pc1 (0.2–5 Hz) and Pc3 (22–100 mHz), as well as ionospheric plasma irregularity distribution maps. In this methodological paper, we focus on the ULF pulsation and ESF activity observed by Swarm satellites during a time interval centered around the occurrence of the 24 August 2016 Central Italy M6 earthquake. Due to the Swarm orbit’s proximity to the earthquake epicenter, i.e., a few hours before the earthquake occurred, data from the mission may offer a variety of interesting observations around the time of the earthquake event. These observations could be associated with the occurrence of this geophysical event. Most notably, we observed an electron density perturbation occurring 6 h prior to the earthquake. This perturbation was detected when the satellites were flying above Italy.

How to cite: Balasis, G., De Santis, A., Papadimitriou, C., Boutsi, A. Z., Cianchini, G., Giannakis, O., Potirakis, S. M., and Mandea, M.: Swarm Investigation of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) Pulsation and Plasma Irregularity Signatures Potentially Associated with Geophysical Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13661,, 2025.

This study explores the processes of generating pre-earthquake abnormalities in the atmosphere/ionosphere associated with significant seismicity. We analyzed two major earthquakes that occurred recently in N. America and Asiа. The M 7.0  of Dec 5, 2024, Offshore Cape Mendocino, California Earthquake is a strike-slip shallow event (10km depth) west of the Mendocino Triple Junction, one of California's most active seismic regions. The M 7.1 of Jan 7, 2025, Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake was a typical faulting earthquake, the largest in the area since an M7.1 struck 171 km to the south on 26 April 2015 in Nepal. Оur primary objective is to assess the solar-geophysical conditions preceding both events and, with a thorough validation study of pre-earthquake signals occurrence in the Atmosphere/ionosphere to understand the associated lithosphere-atmosphere coupling phenomena’ similarities and differences.

For the first time, we combine observations from earth and geospace monitoring systems, such as NPOESS, GNSS, CSES1, FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2, and NASA assimilation models in such comparison studies. We analyzed: 1/ Cloud features (CF) with NASA EOS MODIS and Thermal Radiation anomalies (TRA) obtained from satellites NPOESS; 2/ Ionospheric plasma observations from China/Italy Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES1);3/Electron density variations in the ionosphere via GPS Total Electron Content (GPS/TEC) and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 and  4/ Atmospheric chemical potential (ACP) obtained from NASA assimilation models. The initial results reveal that the magnetic storms in October – November 2024 could provoke the M7 earthquake in California (December 5, 2024) and the M7.1 earthquake in Tibet (January 7, 2025). Still, additional work is needed to establish the precise connection. The pre-earthquake signatures demonstrate synergetic coordination between the occurrences of CF,  TRA, and ACP anomalies of transient effects in the atmosphere and ionosphere. In the case of the Cape Mendocino, CA earthquake, the pre-earthquake signals occurred slightly later because of the ocean type of event compared to Tibetan signatures, which mimicked the sequence of the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha earthquake (Nepal). The continuous detection of atmospheric signatures over the Southern Tibetan Plateau indicated probably that more aftershocks are likely.  The spatial characteristics of the pre-earthquake anomalies for both events were associated with large areas and scaled with the earthquake preparation zone, as estimated by the Dobrovolsky-Bowman relationship. In general, we discuss the significance of the re-occurrence of pre-earthquake signals during the preparation process.


How to cite: Ouzounov, D., Zhima, Z., Liu, J., Khachikyan, G., and Yan, R.: Study the Geospace impact and the re-occurrence of pre-earthquake signals in the atmosphere: Preliminary analysis for the 2024 M 7.0 Cape Mendocino, CA and 2025 M 7.1 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquakes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14299,, 2025.

EGU25-15413 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.1

Dynamical Complexity in Geomagnetically Induced Current Activity Indices Using Block Entropy 

Adamantia Zoe Boutsi, Constantinos Papadimitriou, George Balasis, Christina Brinou, Emmeleia Zampa, and Omiros Giannakis

Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) are a manifestation of space weather events at ground level. GICs have the potential to cause power failures in electric grids. The GIC index is a proxy of the ground geoelectric field, derived solely from geomagnetic field data. Information theory can be used to shed light on the dynamics of complex systems, such as the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere-ground system. We perform Block entropy analysis of the GIC activity indices at middle latitude European observatories around the St. Patrick’s Day March 2015 intense magnetic storm and Mother’s Day (or Gannon) May 2024 superintense storm. We find that the GIC indices values are generally higher for the May 2024 storm, indicating elevated risk levels. Furthermore, the entropy values of the SYM-H and GIC indices are higher in the time interval before the storms than during the storms, indicating the transition from a system with lower organization to a system with higher organization. The results show promise for space weather applications.

How to cite: Boutsi, A. Z., Papadimitriou, C., Balasis, G., Brinou, C., Zampa, E., and Giannakis, O.: Dynamical Complexity in Geomagnetically Induced Current Activity Indices Using Block Entropy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15413,, 2025.

EGU25-16512 | Posters on site | EMRP2.1

Short-term secular variation seen in decadal magnetic field models 

Ingo Wardinski, Filipe Terra-Nova, and Hagay Amit

We compute magnetic field models from mostly ground-based geomagnetic observations over the period 1956 to 2025. Our magnetic field modeling strategy employs secular variation estimates derived from annual differences of observatories monthly means. The resulting models are compared to a recent satellite-based geomagnetic field model (Chaos 7.16) that covers the entire satellite era from 2000 to 2025. Both models are setup to mimic the geomagnetic field variation by order 6 B-splines, which also provides robust results for the secular acceleration. While the core field descriptions of the two models highly agree (correlation $\sim$0.92 at spherical harmonic degree l = 14), the both descriptions of the secular variation deviates, most noticeable on intermediate length scale. This difference may be explained by the difference of source geometries within satellite and ground-based data sets. Satellite data consider every magnetic field  generation below their orbital sphere to be of internal origin. However, this might be difficult as night-time and quiet-time ionospheric field generation may also map into these data as internal sources. An indication for this might be the higher power of ground-based secular variation models for spherical harmonic degrees l = 4 − 12. We also devise a way to derive temporally more detailed secular variation estimates. Here, we aim to identify short-term secular variation most vivid in the equatorial region and the imprint of a quasi-biennial variation that possibly originate in the ionosphere and/or magnetosphere. The presented model was used to deduce candidates for the different IGRF-14 derivatives (definitive field model for 2020, current field model for 2025, secular variation forecast for 2025-2030).

How to cite: Wardinski, I., Terra-Nova, F., and Amit, H.: Short-term secular variation seen in decadal magnetic field models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16512,, 2025.

Magnetic sources of small size and modest intensity produce a geomagnetic anomaly of low intensity and limited extent, which is not detectable beyond a few decimeters, one meter at most. It is therefore important to carry out geomagnetic surveys as close as possible to the source in order to detect them. This means that the sensor must be moved along a trajectory that follows the microtopography. This necessity complicates the problem, since in addition to the geomagnetic anomalies sought, there are also anomalies produced by topographical variations. The geometry of anomalies produced in space, above the surface, by low-intensity point sources differs from those produced by the humps and hollows of the surface topography of the area surveyed. Indeed, a point source produces a dipolar anomaly of circumscribed vertical extension, whereas topographical variations produce more diffuse anomalies, positive for humps and negative for hollows, with the dipolar component attenuated. To eliminate the confusion between a point source and a topographical effect, the solution is to explore the volume above the prospected surfaces. In this way, a 3D survey can distinguish anomalies due to microtopography from those due to modest magnetic point sources.

The density of the magnetic field intensity measurement cloud must be adapted to the size of the sources to be detected.  The smaller the sources, the tighter the measurement grid must be, and the closer the sensor needs to be to the surface. In practice, the size of the sensor determines the maximum spatial resolution that can be achieved. To achieve a high measurement density in an acceptable measurement time, measurements must be taken continuously at a high rate. The spatialization precision of the measurements remains an important factor for information quality. For decimeter-sized objects, the position of magnetic field intensity measurements is determined using a total station (S8, Trimble) at a maximum rate of 20 Hz by laser tracking a 360° reflector attached to the magnetic field intensity sensor. For metric objects, GNSS geopositioning with differential correction with local base performed in post-processing allows sufficient accuracy to be achieved. The 360° reflector, being non-magnetic, can be attached to the sensor, though GNSS antennas, being magnetic, necessitate the use of a miniature helical antenna offset by at least 0.5 m to mitigate its influence.

This type of 3D geomagnetic survey was originally used in prehistoric caves to locate hearths. A device equipped with a telescopic pole mounted on a tripod is used to scan the space, taking one measurement per 25 cm² of ground area. Measurements are taken at a rate of 10 Hz (G858, Geometrix). Tests with rates up to 100 Hz were carried out with a GSMP35U (GEMsystem), but it turned out that the measurement rate is not continuous, which poses problems for data fusion. In the field, these surveys have been carried out on Neolithic pebble hearths or on an antique shipwreck. For large surfaces, several hundred m², the device is mounted on a cart, or a cart with 4 superimposed sensors is used.

How to cite: Lévêque, F.: Advantages and limitations of 3D acquisition of magnetic field intensity measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17772,, 2025.

EGU25-20032 | Posters on site | EMRP2.1

Mikhnevo: A new geomagnetic observatory 

Dmitry Kudin, Roman Sidorov, Ilya Ryakhovskiy, and Anatoly Soloviev

In summer 2023, continuous observations of the Earth's magnetic field parameters were launched at the Mikhnevo geophysical polygon of the M.A. Sadovsky Institute of Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Stupino District, Moscow Region). This observatory is the first modern geomagnetic observatory in the vast territory of the central region of the Russian Federation, registering high-quality data with 1-second sampling. The observatory is located far enough from the sources of anthropogenic electromagnetic interference, which is confirmed by the noise characteristics of the recorded data. Deployment of the observatory was carried out taking into account both the long-term experience accumulated by the specialists of the GC RAS and the recommendations of the INTERMAGNET international geomagnetic observatory network.

How to cite: Kudin, D., Sidorov, R., Ryakhovskiy, I., and Soloviev, A.: Mikhnevo: A new geomagnetic observatory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20032,, 2025.

EGU25-206 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.2

A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Estimation of Depth to the Bottom of Magnetic Sources from Aeromagnetic Data and Its Applications in Southern Peninsular India 

Arka Roy, Korimilli Naga Durga Prasad, Rajat Kumar Sharma, Dommeti Vijayakumar, and Rajesh Kumar

The magnetic field from Earth's crust helps us understand its thermal structure by finding the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources, an essential indicator of the crustal thermal properties. This study aims to estimate the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources precisely using the magnetic field. Traditional methods, like the spectral peak and centroid techniques, are commonly used to estimate the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources. However, these methods typically require prior knowledge about the magnetization source, derived from empirical relationships of wave-vectors in the spectral domain, which is challenging to obtain over large regions. We devised an innovative deep-learning approach utilizing a convolutional neural network to directly estimate the depth to the bottom of the magnetic sources, eliminating the need for prior knowledge of the fractal magnetization source. Synthetic fractal magnetizations were constructed to train the model, and the performance of the convolutional neural network was compared to the modified centroid approach. Our convolutional neural network methodology was confirmed by utilizing a diverse range of realistic synthetic fractal magnetization, incorporating various window widths and depths to the bottom of the magnetization source. The model is applied to the high-resolution aeromagnetic data of the southern Indian shield to understand the crustal-scale thermal structure.

How to cite: Roy, A., Naga Durga Prasad, K., Sharma, R. K., Vijayakumar, D., and Kumar, R.: A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Estimation of Depth to the Bottom of Magnetic Sources from Aeromagnetic Data and Its Applications in Southern Peninsular India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-206,, 2025.

EGU25-455 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.2

Using a dual-layer gradient-boosted equivalent sources method to grid large magnetic datasets. 

India Uppal, Leonardo Uieda, Vanderlei C Oliveira Jr, and Richard Holme

Towards the construction of a new magnetic map of Antarctica, we investigate the use of gradient-boosted equivalent sources to model data from aeromagnetic surveys. Airborne surveys have larger spacing between adjacent lines compared with along-line spacing. By using the equivalent source technique, gravity and magnetic data can be interpolated onto a regular grid at constant height. This method is particularly useful to prepare the data for further use, such as modelling crustal structures and geological interpretation. The equivalent source technique uses a finite layer of sources to generate the same field as the observed data. These sources are then used to predict the field in unobserved locations. However, estimating the source coefficients that best fit the observed data is computationally demanding. To overcome this problem, the source coefficients are estimated in overlapping windows and carried out iteratively, similar to the gradient boosting method used in machine learning. At each iteration, the sources are fit to the field residuals from the previous iteration. Here we apply the gradient-boosted equivalent sources method to interpolate total-field anomaly observations and convert them to the norm of the anomalous field. We use two layers of equivalent sources at different depths to fit both the regional field and the field due to the shallower sources. We demonstrate using synthetic surveys and an Antarctic magnetic dataset that our dual-layer gradient-boosted equivalent sources are able to produce grids of both the total-field anomaly and the norm of the anomalous field accurately and with a low computational cost.

How to cite: Uppal, I., Uieda, L., Oliveira Jr, V. C., and Holme, R.: Using a dual-layer gradient-boosted equivalent sources method to grid large magnetic datasets., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-455,, 2025.

EGU25-1139 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.2

A new numerical tool for the 3D forward modeling of potential field geophysical data in the presence of rugged topography using a numerical integration scheme 

Lahcene Bellounis, Claire Bouligand, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Métivier, and Stéphane Garambois

Potential field geophysical data are frequently used to image geological features in volcanic systems/areas (faults, lithological contacts, alteration zones, geothermal systems, magmatic reservoirs). However, although crucial, it can prove challenging to accurately simulate data in such regions due to the major influence of strong topographic variations. To accurately account for topography with reasonable computational cost, we develop a numerical tool for the modeling and inversion of these data. The method consists of a numerical integration scheme of the integral equations predicting gravity and magnetic data on deformable hexahedral elements. The integrals are evaluated using high-order Gaussian quadrature. Physical properties of the subsurface are defined on discrete grid points, allowing to model discontinuities in the parameters not only at the surface, but also along surfaces within the models, enabling to represent faults, lithological contacts or cavities. Our method uses non-conformal meshes with automatic local refinements in regions with rapidly varying surface topography and in the vicinity of measurement points. In particular, we have developed a local and self-adaptive iterative refinement scheme based on a local convergence criterion of the numerical integration, allowing to reduce the effect of solution singularities close to observation points. The accuracy of our method is tested by comparing our model predictions with results obtained from the tomofast code ( using a fine reference discretization of the topography with rectangular prisms. These tests were performed for the modeling of the gravity and magnetic effects of topography over the geothermal system of Krafla, Iceland for the case of ground-based and airborne data. Our modeling tool will ultimately be used for the independent or joint inversion of potential field data to make use of their different sensitivities in terms of physical parameters and also lateral and depth resolutions.

How to cite: Bellounis, L., Bouligand, C., Brossier, R., Métivier, L., and Garambois, S.: A new numerical tool for the 3D forward modeling of potential field geophysical data in the presence of rugged topography using a numerical integration scheme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1139,, 2025.

EGU25-2553 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Contribution of the Combined Analysis of Gravity and Seismic Data in the Study of the Main Hydrogeological Prospects of the Essaouira Basin (Morocco) 

Anas Zbiri, Azzouz Kchikach, Mohammed Jaffal, Mourad Guernouche, Anas Charbaoui, and Guezal Jaouad

This study aims to analyze the deep structure and depression of the thick sedimentary layers to better understand the
geometry and hydrogeology of the aquifers in the Essaouira basin which have been processed through various filters and
transformations. The residual map provides valuable information on density variation, the observed anomalies in the study
area interpreted in term of the topography of the basement, the present of salt deposit and the thickness variation of the
sedimentary series. The seismic reflection profiles covering a limited area in the central-western part of the basin confirm the
gravimetry results and shows that the basin's structure is characterized by a series of anticlines and synclines., resulting from
the combined influences of Atlas tectonics and diapirism. As a result, the shallow aquifer system is broken up into blocks
lifted and collapsed by faults. The result is discontinuous groundwater flow and variable hydrodynamic distribution.
Based on the gravity data processing the principal deep parts of the basin were delineated, including their probable
interconnections-oriented N-S and NNE-SSW. As well, major density contacts (faults) were derived from the enhanced total
horizontal gravity gradient. Their prevailing direction in the central and northern parts of the basin is also N-S and NNE-
SSW; however, it is rather E-W in the southern side. Not all these gravity-based structural-tectonic features match with
geologically mapped faults of NE-SW and NNW-SSE orientation.
The compiled data allowed us to create a structural map that reveals a compartmentalized aquifer system with clearly defined
sub-basins. Additionally, the faults within the Essaouira basin have been precisely mapped. Their predominantly NNE-SSW
orientation suggests a connection to the Triassic rifting of the Atlantic Ocean. It also reveals that the Essaouira basin was
structured in the Triassic and Jurassic periods by a series of deep faults trending in three main directions: NNE-SSW, N-S and
E-W. These results will be invaluable for future oil exploration and hydrogeological research.

How to cite: Zbiri, A., Kchikach, A., Jaffal, M., Guernouche, M., Charbaoui, A., and Jaouad, G.: Contribution of the Combined Analysis of Gravity and Seismic Data in the Study of the Main Hydrogeological Prospects of the Essaouira Basin (Morocco), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2553,, 2025.

EGU25-2997 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.2

Deep learning-based approach to Levelling Airborne Magnetic Data 

Santosh Sanjeev, Meixia Geng, Jiajia Sun, Sultan Abughazal, Qingjie Yang, and Felix Vega

Airborne magnetic surveys provide valuable insights into subsurface structures but often suffer from levelling errors due to inconsistencies between flight lines. These errors, such as striping patterns caused by sensor variations and magnetic field fluctuations, can obscure anomalies and distort interpretations. Traditional corrections like tie-line or micro levelling address these issues but rely on time and frequency domain analyses, making the process labor-intensive, costly, and reliant on expert intervention. Automating and enhancing these workflows is crucial for efficient and accurate levelling across large-scale airborne magnetic datasets. In this work, we propose a deep learning framework for levelling airborne magnetic data by leveraging a U-Net-based architecture. The model is trained in a supervised manner. We use a combination of perceptual loss and mean squared error (MSE) loss to capture fine-grained details while maintaining global consistency in the levelled data. Once trained, the proposed method demonstrates computational efficiency during inference, enabling automatic and robust levelling corrections for large datasets without requiring manual intervention or additional tie-line constraints. The model's performance was evaluated on an independent survey data from the Geological Survey of Brazil database, as well as on an out-of-distribution (OOD) dataset consisting of magnetic field data acquired by Geotech Limited, demonstrating its generalizability and robustness. Our approach demonstrates performance on par with traditional levelling methods, as validated by both quantitative and qualitative metrics, while introducing significant advantages in efficiency and automation. This deep learning-based solution simplifies the levelling process and provides a scalable, adaptive framework designed to meet the demands of modern geophysical surveys.

How to cite: Sanjeev, S., Geng, M., Sun, J., Abughazal, S., Yang, Q., and Vega, F.: Deep learning-based approach to Levelling Airborne Magnetic Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2997,, 2025.

EGU25-3292 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Advancements in 3D Potential Field Modeling: Enhancing Lithospheric Insights with IGMAS+ 

Hans-Jürgen Götze, Denis Anikiev, Christian Plonka, Sabine Schmidt, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

The continuous advancement of geophysical modeling tools has been pivotal in elucidating the complexities of Earth's lithospheric structures. The latest developments in the software package IGMAS+  have introduced innovative techniques for 3D and 4D gravity and magnetic field modeling, combining interactive user control with cutting-edge optimization algorithms. Among these advancements are the integration of space-warping concepts and the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), which provide enhanced precision in inversion processes while preserving model topology. These methods enable the resolution of previously challenging geological scenarios, such as salt dome geometries and rift basin formations. Case studies illustrate the impact of these developments: the Liguro-Provençal Basin's evolution was revisited using gravity field analysis to assess its rifted nature, while applications in the North German Basin demonstrated the effectiveness of the space-warping technique in refining salt dome structures. These examples highlight the added value of such versatility in addressing regional and global geological challenges through multi-disciplinary modeling approaches. By merging forward modeling and interactive inversion with novel numerical methods, the new version of the software provides a robust tool for geoscientists aiming to integrate diverse datasets into comprehensive models. This work underscores the importance of user-driven innovations in geophysical software, pushing the boundaries of how subsurface structures are explored and understood.

How to cite: Götze, H.-J., Anikiev, D., Plonka, C., Schmidt, S., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: Advancements in 3D Potential Field Modeling: Enhancing Lithospheric Insights with IGMAS+, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3292,, 2025.

EGU25-6049 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.2

High-resolution aeromagnetic survey over the Tajogaite Volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands 

María C. Romero-Toribio, Fátima Martín-Hernández, and Juanjo Ledo

A high-resolution aeromagnetic survey using a drone was conducted in June 2024 over the Tajogaite volcano on La Palma, Canary Islands. This survey aims to characterise thermal anomalies associated with magma intrusion and the related fault system.

The drone was equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer operating at a sampling rate of 200 Hz, with two sensors separated by 1 m. The constant altitude flights covered approximately a 2.5 km x 2.5 km area, with N-S lines spaced 30–60 m apart. The survey also included tie lines for quality control and calibration flights at very high altitude (low magnetic gradient) to account for the effects of drone pitch, roll, and yaw on magnetic measurements.

Data preprocessing included deriving the total magnetic field from its components, cleaning flight tracks, and compensating for drone-related influences using calibration data. A low-pass filter removed high-frequency noise from the drone’s electronics, and data from both sensors were averaged. Data from all flights were merged and interpolated using linear triangulation onto a 20 m grid with Gaussian smoothing. Diurnal corrections were considered unnecessary due to short flight durations and minimal diurnal variations at low latitudes. Magnetic anomalies were calculated by subtracting the median value from the processed magnetic map.

The new magnetic anomaly map provided critical insights into the thermal and structural characteristics of the volcanic system. This study is part of the GEOTHERPAL project, further detailed at

How to cite: Romero-Toribio, M. C., Martín-Hernández, F., and Ledo, J.: High-resolution aeromagnetic survey over the Tajogaite Volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6049,, 2025.

EGU25-7867 | Orals | EMRP2.2

Optimized Gravity-Magnetic Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion for Characterizing Rift-Sag Geological Structures 

Menglong Xu, Yabin Yang, Zhenning Su, Chuhao Feng, Hongwei Wang, and Li Meng

The geological analysis of rift-sag structures is of significant importance for understanding crustal tectonic evolution, resource exploration, and seismic activity. However, due to the non-uniqueness of gravity and magnetic data inversion and differences in resolution, a single geophysical method often fails to comprehensively reveal the structural characteristics of complex geological bodies. In this study, we propose an optimized gravity-magnetic cross-gradient joint inversion method, introducing several improvements to the weight calculation process. The model weighting matrix and structural constraint weighting matrix are normalized to simplify the calculation formulas, unify the magnitude of the two matrices, and narrow the range for selecting the weighting factors of the cross-gradient term. Furthermore, a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the cross-term weighting factor is adopted, allowing adaptive parameter adjustment based on the variation of model errors, data fitting, and inversion results during the inversion process. This dynamic parameter optimization enhances the inversion results and achieves real-time correction of parameter values, avoiding the limitations of fixed parameters and improving the reliability of the inversion.

The proposed method was applied to measured gravity and magnetic profiles in the southern margin of the Sichuan Basin. By integrating planar gravity and magnetic anomaly characteristics with vertical boundary identification techniques, the gravity field, magnetic field, structural features, deep characteristics, and sedimentary features of the rift-sag structure were systematically analyzed. The results provide reliable evidence for delineating the spatial distribution of rift-sag boundaries and the internal geological features, offering robust support for geological research and geophysical interpretations in complex tectonic environments.

Acknowledgments: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers: 42104092], Fundamental Research Funds Program of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences [grant numbers: JKYQN202351].

How to cite: Xu, M., Yang, Y., Su, Z., Feng, C., Wang, H., and Meng, L.: Optimized Gravity-Magnetic Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion for Characterizing Rift-Sag Geological Structures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7867,, 2025.

EGU25-9345 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Exploring the Lake Hazar (Elazığ-Turkey) Basin Geometry with Vertical Prismatic Polyhedra 

Nedim Gökhan Aydın and Turgay İşseven

The Lake Hazar pull-apart basin, situated along the East Anatolian Fault System, represents a key tectonic structure within one of Turkey's most active seismic zones. This fault system recently generated two catastrophic M7.0+ earthquakes in February 2023, underscoring the importance of understanding its associated geological features. Gravity modeling offers a powerful tool for exploring such basins, providing insights into subsurface geometry and tectonic processes.

This study employs vertical prismatic polyhedra to model the basin. Conventional modelling methods often require a trade-off between computational efficiency and data resolution, either overloading calculations with unnecessary prisms or losing critical detail with coarse sampling. By integrating Voronoi diagrams into the modeling process, we achieve sensitivity to data sampling frequency while maintaining computational efficiency and preserving accuracy.

Approximately 600 newly collected gravity data points from the Sivrice and Gezin provinces were used to construct the two-layer models. Forward modeling with a constant density contrast yielded basin geometries to a maximum depth of 350 meters, achieving root-mean-square errors below 0.1 mGals. Beyond refining the 3D basin structure, this method allowed us to estimate excess mass within different sections, providing additional constraints on sedimentary characteristics and tectonic activity in the region.

Comparison with our previous 2D-to-quasi-3D Talwani models revealed consistent results, including similar sediment thickness variations. However, the vertical prismatic polyhedra method demonstrated superior adaptability to irregularly spaced data and greater computational efficiency, making it especially suitable for complex tectonic environments like the Lake Hazar region. The integration of computationally efficient methods highlights the potential for future applications in similar tectonic settings, advancing our ability to investigate fault-controlled basins in active seismic regions.

How to cite: Aydın, N. G. and İşseven, T.: Exploring the Lake Hazar (Elazığ-Turkey) Basin Geometry with Vertical Prismatic Polyhedra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9345,, 2025.

EGU25-9602 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Imaging the shallow magmatic system of the Xiangshan volcanic basin by the 3-D joint inversion of potential field data 

Min Feng, Juzhi Deng, Hui Chen, Hui Yu, and Xiao Chen

The underlying magmatic system in the Xiangshan volcanic basin is crucial in controlling the origin and migration of ore-forming fluids and driving uranium element transport. However, its shallow structure still lacks high-resolution imaging constraints. Gravity and magnetic data are combined in a three-dimensional joint inversion to obtain structurally similar density and magnetic susceptibility models of the Xiangshan shallow magmatic system. As imaged by the obtained model, a steep tubular anomaly characterized by low density and high magnetic susceptibility beneath the main peak of Xiangshan, interpreted to be a volcanic conduit associated with the porphyroclastic lava. A tubular high-magnetic susceptibility anomaly that located approximately 3 km west of the Xiangshan main peak is also imaged, is presumed to be a rhyodacite volcanic conduit. Both of them converge at depth and exhibit a hereditary relationship. In addition, the east-west oriented low-density anomaly is likely a reflection of the depression zone in the metamorphic basement. It is speculated that the imaged regional structural framework could control the emplacement of shallow magmatic system. We argue that the deep magma intrudes along the basement fault zone and ascends through its derived secondary fractures, providing material and heat sources for shallow hydrothermal circulation.

This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 42130811, 42304090 and 42374097) and by Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation (20242BAB20143).

How to cite: Feng, M., Deng, J., Chen, H., Yu, H., and Chen, X.: Imaging the shallow magmatic system of the Xiangshan volcanic basin by the 3-D joint inversion of potential field data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9602,, 2025.

EGU25-12062 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Towards More Reliable Surface Geometry Inversion Methods for Mineral Exploration 

Saeed Vatankhah and Peter Lelievre

Most large and easily accessible mineral deposits have been found and exploited. To continue to supply critical mineral resources central to global industries, mineral exploration must move to deposits that are deeper or smaller, and therefore are more challenging to identify and characterize using geophysical methods. To provide reliable imaging results for these challenging scenarios, new inversion techniques are required that can reduce the non-uniqueness of the inverse problem through tight integration of geophysical and geological data.

For this purpose, we are studying surface-geometry inversion (SGI) methods, which parameterize the Earth in terms of surfaces representing interfaces between different rock units. This parameterization is more consistent with geologists' understandings of the Earth, and has high potential to allow the tight integration of geophysical and geological information that we seek. Our SGI approach effectively takes some initial surface-based model, for example a geological model, and alters the position of the surfaces to improve the fit to the geophysical data. Using geophysical inversion to determine the geometry of subsurface targets has a long-established history, tracing back to the early days of geophysical interpretation. These methods continue to gain considerable attention because of the growing demand for more precise and interpretable visual representations of subsurface bodies.

Recently, SGI methods are becoming increasingly common and have been applied to many varied imaging scenarios. However, little work has thoroughly assessed the reliability of these methods. It is important to know whether the solutions obtained from SGI are unique and stable and, if they are not, how to add regularization or constraints to make them so. Without a well-posed problem, any interpretations of the subsurface based on those solutions, and any exploration decisions based on those interpretations, are unreliable. Assessing the numerical characteristics of SGI problems is challenging because they overwhelmingly use global heuristic optimization methods and stochastic sampling in their solution, they are severely nonlinear, and they lack explicit matrix operators and derivatives. A critical aspect is understanding when regularization/stabilization should be incorporated into the SGI optimization problem to create a well-posed problem. In this work, we make headway towards a better understanding of these important issues in the specific context of inverting potential field data for mineral exploration scenarios.

How to cite: Vatankhah, S. and Lelievre, P.: Towards More Reliable Surface Geometry Inversion Methods for Mineral Exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12062,, 2025.

EGU25-12869 | Orals | EMRP2.2

Magnetic Anomalies: Anywhere and Anytime – Accurate Information for Use in Alternative Navigation 

Rick Saltus, Arnaud Chulliat, and Annette Balmes

Alternative navigation (AltNav) includes development of magnetic navigation (MagNav) using the Earth’s magnetic field as a reference. Current implementation requires highly accurate estimates of the full expected magnetic field along the predicted travel path. This is a challenging problem.

This presentation focuses on delivery of trustable estimates of the crustal magnetic anomaly as a component of the full field. In many operational situations (depending on altitude and speed), the variations of the crustal magnetic field represent the primary signal for use in MagNav.

One key challenge is the integration of original survey data into a comprehensive grid/model with accompanying estimation of the anomaly uncertainty. The required resolution and accuracy of this information will vary depending on navigational operation, but current MagNav implementations are dependent on highly accurate anomaly estimation. To meet this requirement, it is important to assess and optimize: (1) the quality and sampling of the original survey data; (2) the methods used to interpolate the survey data into a regular grid; and (3) the upward (or downward) continuation of the data (both for anomaly and directional gradient) to the required navigational position.

We report on methods developed for these 3 requirements using (1) FFT-based power spectrum analysis of initial survey sampling, (2) a new method for magnetic grid cell uncertainty estimation, and (3) experimentation with generalized equivalent source techniques for on-the-fly calculation of anomaly and directional gradient at selected locations.

How to cite: Saltus, R., Chulliat, A., and Balmes, A.: Magnetic Anomalies: Anywhere and Anytime – Accurate Information for Use in Alternative Navigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12869,, 2025.

Existing global-scale models of the Earth’s lithospheric magnetic field are composed of short wavelength information (< 100 km) from near-surface survey data and long wavelength information (> 300 km) from satellite data. In oceanic areas, compilations of ship trackline data provide the near-surface measurements used to construct gridded maps of the crustal magnetic anomaly field. Although these maps have been used widely for tectonic and geodynamic studies, advanced applications, including complex inversions, machine learning, and the use of magnetics for alternative (to GPS) navigation, require renewed attention as to how gridded maps are made. Data selection, including detection of anomalous tracklines, knowledge of the sampling and power spectra of the potential field, quantification of uncertainty and an accurate representation of the gradients in the estimated field all represent areas of interest for advanced applications.

We help address the problem of magnetic map-making for advanced applications by developing a means of quantitative comparison of magnetic data which is applied to each length scale of the underlying magnetic measurements and interpolated grids as a function of potential field frequency (spatial wavelength). Coherence analysis provides a technique to make a wavelength-dependent quantitative comparison, which can be used for data selection as well as to measure length-scale dependent attributes, errors, and uncertainties. Coherence can help to assess if individual tracklines are consistent with the overall dataset and help to determine if anomalous tracklines should be included in a final map product. Applied in this way, coherence could help automate or semi-automate the task of trackline selection. Coherence can be used to evaluate gridded maps made using different procedures for interpolation and continuation, helping to identify optimal map-making methods.

The coherence method also can be used to validate map quality in specific locations by comparing single trackline survey data to the reference map in the trackline direction using one-dimensional coherence, evaluating map quality and errors over several length scales. An understanding of the uncertainty at different length scales provides important information for the development and tuning of navigation algorithms and can provide an analytical framework for understanding different methods of map construction. In areas with high-quality reference maps this type of analysis can help inform scale dependent uncertainty models.

How to cite: Duff, P. and Nielsen, A.: Magnetic map-making for advanced applications: Quantitative comparison of frequency dependent features, errors, and uncertainties in gridded magnetic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14009,, 2025.

EGU25-14485 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

High-precision Magnetization Vector Inversion : Application to the Mineral Exploration 

Xiangdong Li and Shuang Liu

  Magnetization vector inversion is essential for obtaining magnetization vector information from subsurface rocks. To obtain focused inversion results that better match the true magnetization distributions, sparse constraints are considered to constrain the objective function. A compact magnetization vector inversion method is proposed that can provide accurate inversion results for magnetic data with significant remanent magnetization. Considering the sparse constraint and the correlation between the three magnetization components with different directions, the L1-norm is modified and introduced into the inversion algorithm to obtain compact results.Furthermore, to reduce the computational cost, a randomized singular value decomposition is used to replace the traditional singular value decomposition and iteratively minimize the proposed objective function. Finally, the proposed method is applied to igneous rocks with strong remanent magnetization in the Haba River area of northwestern China. The distributions, directions of total magnetization and remanent magnetization of the medium-base igneous rocks are revealed by the sparse magnetization vector inversion method, which provides a wealth of information about the concealed deposits in the area.

How to cite: Li, X. and Liu, S.: High-precision Magnetization Vector Inversion : Application to the Mineral Exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14485,, 2025.

EGU25-14488 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

3D Compact Geometry Inversion for Gravity Data 

Baifan Zhang and Shuang Liu

Gravity inversion quantitatively provides a 3D model of density contrasts, significantly enhancing the information extracted from acquired data. However, the inherent non-uniqueness of inversion poses challenges in precisely determining the boundaries of anomalous bodies. We have developed an iterative algorithm of gravity inversion that reconstructs the geometric features of the anomalous bodies by discretizing the 3D interpretation model with vertical and juxtaposed prism cells. These prisms incorporate sheet-like initial models which are typically derived from prior information or imaging results. This study proposed a new parameter, the Thickness Factor (TF), which is determined by the thickness of the prism cells under the assumption of homogeneous anomalous bodies. The TF establishes an approximate linear relationship between the source geometry and gravity anomalies, enabling the reconstruction of the source geometry to be formulated as a linear optimization problem. The approach demonstrates the potential for target inversion in the presence of multiple causative sources in synthetic cases and shows insensitivity to noise signals and reliability in reconstructing the geometry of complex sources. The proposed method is then applied to real data from the Galinge iron ore deposit in Northwest China and the drilling data is used as prior information. The inversion results are consistent with previous drilling interpretations and allow a rough estimation of the volume of the ore bodies.

How to cite: Zhang, B. and Liu, S.: 3D Compact Geometry Inversion for Gravity Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14488,, 2025.

EGU25-15102 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

A fast inversion method for magnetic components 

Deliang Teng, Linfei Wang, Jinxin Zheng, Guanxin Wang, and Dianjun Xue

Vector geomagnetic survey technique can obtain simultaneously the magnitude and direction information of the geomagnetic field, which can effectively reduce the multiplicity of solutions on the inversion, contribute to the quantitative interpretation of the magnetic body, so as to improves the detection resolution and positioning accuracy of the ore. The development of magnetic component inversion is restricted by factors such as the estimation accuracy of the direction of magnetization, the calculation efficiency of the objective function. According to the analytic solution formula of the magnetic component, three kernel matrices can be constructed to calculate the magnetic components Bx, By, and Bz by using the magnetization intensity, which can not only avoid the prior estimation of the direction of the magnetization, but also the constructed kernel matrix is a blocky toeplitz matrix with the help of the special blocking method of the equivalent geometric architecture. And because of the structureal properties of the blocky toeplitz matrix, the computational of the kernel matrix and magnetization intensity is simplified and the huge storage consumption is reduced.Finally, the regularization method is used to invert the solution. A theoretical model is used to verify the utility and reliability of the method.The result shows that compared with the traditional method, the computational time of the proposed method is reduced greatly, and the inversion results are consistent with the input model.

How to cite: Teng, D., Wang, L., Zheng, J., Wang, G., and Xue, D.: A fast inversion method for magnetic components, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15102,, 2025.

EGU25-16540 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.2

DEXP imaging of potential fields with multi-homogeneity theory 

Luigi Bianco and Maurizio Fedi

One of the most interesting properties of the gravity fields generated by ideal sources (e.g., sphere, dyke, sill and contact)is that they are homogeneous functions of integer degree n, ranging from -2 to 1. It is to say that they satisfy the homogeneity equation in the harmonic region. However, when the source distribution is more complex than that of ideal sources, fields are not homogeneous. When analyzed at different distances, these fields will have different homogeneity degrees which can assume also a fractional and distance-dependent value. This results in the multi-homogeneity law which accounts for n varying at each observation site.

Accordingly, we may introduce the multi-homogeneity theory into the Depth From Extreme Points (DEXP) method. DEXP is an imaging method, which is based on field transformations, not involving any inverse matrix, so being faster and simpler to use. An important role in the scaling of the modelled field is played by the exponent N, the structural index. N is a parameter characterizing the type of source and is directly related to n as N=-n+q with q being the differentiation order of the Newtonian potential.

The proposed DEXP transformation for general sources is based on the multi-homogeneity theory so that the field is scaled by the inhomogeneous exponent N (x,y,z).

DEXP imaging of synthetic and real data demonstrated the ability to interpret complex bodies geometries which are brought by the DEXP method with the multi-homogeneity theory.

How to cite: Bianco, L. and Fedi, M.: DEXP imaging of potential fields with multi-homogeneity theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16540,, 2025.

EGU25-16657 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Training a CNN network with powerful but simple models 

Ciro Messina, Luigi Bianco, and Maurizio Fedi

       This study wants to show how  a Convolutional Neural Network may be trained by models built on a simple but strong a priori information—in this case, the gravitational field of a fault—can allow a good reconstruction of complex 3D structures. The key innovation is to train the algorithm with elementary source models. These elementary blocks consist of fault models with varying parameters such as dip, density contrast, thickness, and depth to the top. For each anomaly, profiles are extracted from the anomaly map, subdivided into two sub-profiles, and interpreted using the fault-based ML algorithm. This workflow follows the idea that gravimetric anomalies, when analysed along a profile crossing the source, can be seen as composed by the constructive interference of anomalies generated by the edges of the source bodies reducible to faults. The interpreted sections are then interpolated to create a reference 3D model, which yields a strong information, as a reference model, for a final 3D inversion process, which refines the model and yields a good data-misfit.

 To validate the method, we applied it to two different cases: a synthetic diapir-shaped source and a real geological structure, the Caltanissetta basin in Sicily (Italy). In both cases, the method successfully reconstructed the different structures.

How to cite: Messina, C., Bianco, L., and Fedi, M.: Training a CNN network with powerful but simple models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16657,, 2025.

EGU25-16898 | Orals | EMRP2.2

FIQUgS Innovations in Quantum Gravity Sensing: Data Processing for an Archeological Case Study 

Daniele Sampietro, Martina Capponi, and Camille Janvier

The FIQUgS project represents a transformative step forward in geophysical research, combining cutting-edge quantum gravity sensing technology with advanced software tools to enhance subsurface exploration. A landmark demonstration of these capabilities occurred in October 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, during a collaborative archaeological study with the Centro de Arqueologia de Lisboa. This case study aimed to detect and characterize shallow tunnels and cavities from the Roman era beneath Lisbon’s historic center, leveraging the Differential Quantum Gravimeter (DQG) and a suite of sophisticated data processing software.  The work presented here aims to enter into the details of data processing from the preliminary stage of survey planning to the post processing inversion and interpretation of data.

Central to this first real outdoor application of the DQG, was the FIQUgS survey planning tool, which used statistical inference to optimize survey paths and observation point spacing. This tool minimized data acquisition efforts while maximizing the sensitivity of detection capabilities. Post-survey, the collected data underwent extensive processing using FIQUgS-developed algorithms designed to refine gravity anomaly and vertical gravity gradient measurements. The vertical gravity gradient measurements proved particularly advantageous, significantly reducing the impact of distant mass effects and environmental noise, thereby enhancing the clarity of subsurface features.  

An integral part of the data analysis was the automated inversion module, which used the processed measurements to reconstruct the geometry of subsurface structures. The module successfully identified and modeled a Roman-era tunnel with an estimated cross-sectional area of approximately 5 square meters. By integrating additional geophysical data, such as digital terrain models, the inversion tool further improved the accuracy of the subsurface density distribution.  

This case study highlights the practical value of FIQUgS software innovations in real-world applications. The seamless integration of advanced survey planning, data processing, and inversion tools allowed for a comprehensive analysis of complex subsurface conditions. The success of the Lisbon study underscores the potential of quantum gravity sensors and associated software to address long-standing challenges in geophysical research and archaeological exploration. As the FIQUgS project continues to develop, these technologies promise broader applicability in areas such as mineral exploration, groundwater management, and structural monitoring.  

This achievement demonstrates the synergy between hardware and software in advancing geophysical methodologies, paving the way for more efficient and precise subsurface investigations across diverse scientific and industrial domains.

How to cite: Sampietro, D., Capponi, M., and Janvier, C.: FIQUgS Innovations in Quantum Gravity Sensing: Data Processing for an Archeological Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16898,, 2025.

EGU25-17417 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Participative gravity-modelling of the Balmuccia peridotite body: progress report 

Ludovic Baron, Matteo Scarponi, Denis Anikiev, Enikő Barbély, Judit Benedek, Hans-Jürgen Götze, Mohammad Ismaiel, Gábor Papp, Sabine Schmidt, Rosaria Tondi, and György Hetényi

The Balmuccia peridotite is a well-known outcrop in the Italian Alps, with a surface extent of ca. 4.4 km. by 0.6 km, including a ca. 1000 m elevation change. It is of particular interest for project DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE, ICDP expedition 5071) phase 2 as it is a prime site to continuously sample the crust–mantle transition by drilling, and to test the suitability of a natural peridotite body for serpentinization and hydrogen production.

Current models of the subsurface extent of the Balmuccia peridotite differ significantly, depending not only on the geoscience discipline of investigation, but also on the characteristics of the geophysical imaging campaigns. Therefore, in an effort to reduce the uncertainties regarding the geometry of the Balmuccia peridotite body at depth, we have launched an open, participative gravity-modelling challenge (Hetényi et al. 2024): a new gravity dataset of 151 points is shared with anyone interested, accompanied by a geological map, rock densities of the different lithologies, and a digital elevation model. Interested parties can design various 3D model setups and perform modelling and/or inversion, the results of which can then be compared.

In the past year, several groups have shown interest in modelling the target body, and have undertaken processing steps, corrections, and defined model geometry classes for forward modelling. While the initial concept was to let each group work independently, regular meetings allowed to agree on a few steps beyond what was provided with the data (such as an optimized DEM to be used by all participants), and to discuss individual questions regarding the data and the computations. In this contribution we will present the progress of this initiative, compare existing models or their elements, taking into account other geophysical data beyond gravimetric measurements, and outline the remaining questions. Preliminary conclusions regarding the geometry of the Balmuccia peridotite body are planned to be presented.

How to cite: Baron, L., Scarponi, M., Anikiev, D., Barbély, E., Benedek, J., Götze, H.-J., Ismaiel, M., Papp, G., Schmidt, S., Tondi, R., and Hetényi, G.: Participative gravity-modelling of the Balmuccia peridotite body: progress report, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17417,, 2025.

EGU25-19366 | Orals | EMRP2.2

Contrasting geothermal heat flux provinces unveiled beneath Antarctic subglacial lake districts 

Fausto Ferraccioli, Pietro Latorraca, Shi Quan Ooi, Jonathan Ford, Ben Mather, Egidio Armadillo, Joerg Ebbing, Graeme Eagles, Karsten Gohl, Rene Forsberg, Chris Green, Javier Fullea, and Massimo Verdoya

Antarctic geothermal heat flux (GHF) is poorly known restricting our ability to assess its influence on subglacial hydrology and ice sheet dynamics. Within the 4D Antarctica and the 3D Earth ESA projects, a new Antarctic aeromagnetic anomaly compilation, conformed at long wavelengths with SWARM satellite magnetic data was complied. All the datasets were levelled, microlevelled and stitched together. We also differentially continued all survey data to 4 km and re-gridded the compilation onto a 4 km grid mesh.

Our new aeromagnetic anomaly compilation enables us to re-assess Antarctic geothermal heat flux (GHF) heterogeneity, a critical basal boundary condition that influences Antarctic ice sheet flow and subglacial melting and hydrology. To estimate GHF we applied Curie Depth Point (CDP) estimation using the centroid, modified centroid and fractal/defractal approaches. We compared our CDP results with independent constraints on crustal and lithosphere thickness derived from seismological, airborne gravity and satellite gravity modelling and effective elastic thickness estimates. We also considered empirical estimates of GHF derived from seismology and recent models of intracrustal heat production from gravity inversion to assess additional uncertainties associated with CDP to GHF conversion. We performed both automated continental scale estimates and nested manual analysis of CDP and GHF with a specific focus on different Antarctic subglacial lake districts.

We found elevated GHF in the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS) beneath the rapidly changing Thwaites (THW) and Pine Island sectors of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and along the edge of the Marie Byrd Land block. Focussed estimates of GHF were performed over the cascading active lakes beneath THW to provide new constraints for hydrological modelling in this critical sector of the WAIS. We image a large degree of heterogeneity in thermal basal boundary conditions beneath the active subglacial lake districts that underlie the ice streams flowing into the Ross Sea Embayment, which we relate to hitherto poorly known tectono-magmatic segmentation of the WARS.

In East Antarctica, elevated GHF is associated with some of the active lakes underlying the Byrd glacier catchment, but relatively lower GHF values are typical of both the active and static lakes of the northern Wilkes Subglacial Basin (WSB). This suggests limited upper crustal extension beneath this enigmatic subglacial basin compared to major Mesozoic to Cenozoic extension in the WARS. These findings agree with current seismological evidence for well-preserved fast and cold craton margin lithosphere beneath most of the WSB.

We image relatively elevated GHF beneath the Dome C and Dome A subglacial lake districts. This may be caused by cryptic but large-scale provinces of high heat producing Precambrian basement or could reflect major intraplate reactivation of Precambrian fault systems. Elevated GHF is also imaged in Dronning Maud Land and stretching from Enderby Land to Princess Elizabeth Land. We propose that this could reflect Cambrian age lithosphere thinning due to orogenic collapse processes that affected major and yet still cryptic paths of Gondwana-forming orogenic belts fringing East Antarctica. Additionally, Jurassic to Cretaceous thinning was likely superimposed and associated with passive margin formation during Gondwana break-up. 

How to cite: Ferraccioli, F., Latorraca, P., Ooi, S. Q., Ford, J., Mather, B., Armadillo, E., Ebbing, J., Eagles, G., Gohl, K., Forsberg, R., Green, C., Fullea, J., and Verdoya, M.: Contrasting geothermal heat flux provinces unveiled beneath Antarctic subglacial lake districts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19366,, 2025.

EGU25-19768 | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Assessing the CO2 stored mass at the Sleipner storage site from time lapse gravity data 

Maurizio Milano, Luigi Bianco, and Maurizio Fedi

This study shows that multiscale imaging methods applied to time-lapse gravity data can be effective to estimate the subsurface stored mass of CO₂. Differently from previous studies based on simplified plume shapes, we show that a multiscale analysis of gravity data is particularly useful to properly estimate the excess mass from gravity anomalies associated with complex plume geometries and characterized by multi-homogeneity properties. With a multiscale approach, in fact, we can exploit the scaling behavior of the potential fields and assess the variation in the degree of homogeneity and, consequently, the estimation of the structural index of the source. 

The simulated gravity dataset and the estimated homogeneity degree values at different altitudes showed that, as the distance from the source increases, the gravity field associated with the CO2 plume becomes progressively smooth and can be approximated as homogeneous. Moreover, the multiscale analysis effectively reduces the noise effect, that is particularly advantageous for CO2 storage monitoring, where low signal-to-noise ratios are expected. The excess mass inferred using our approach results closely equal to the true value with accuracy higher than 99%. Our multiscale analysis was also successfully applied to the real time-lapse gravity dataset acquired at the Sleipner site.

This study presents a useful approach for developing new monitoring strategies for CCS purposes. Time-lapse gravity surveying has again proven to be an effective tool for inferring key reservoir properties, complementing seismic monitoring techniques.

How to cite: Milano, M., Bianco, L., and Fedi, M.: Assessing the CO2 stored mass at the Sleipner storage site from time lapse gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19768,, 2025.

EGU25-20682 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.2

Training Super-Resolution deep learning algorithms for high resolution aeromagnetic maps generation from low resolution aeromagnetic maps. 

Eric Penda biondokin, Mojtaba Bavandsavadkoohi, shiva Tirdad, and Erwan Gloaguen

The province of Quebec (Canada) is regarded as the principal mining Province of Canada due to its substantial exploitable reserves and the significant contribution of its mineral production to the national GDP. Nevertheless, Vast areas, such as northern Quebec, remain insufficiently covered in terms of geoscientific data, limiting the understanding of their mineral exploration potential.

Aeromagnetic data are widely employed for large-scale reconnaissance to map geological structures and guide geologists in identifying exploration targets or defining new prospects. However, the only data that covers the entire area are low-resolution aeromagnetic data, with high-resolution datasets being sporadically available. This low resolution restricts the interpretability of regional data, as certain geological structures remain hidden by coarse sampling intervals. To enhance geological mapping, it is imperative to improve the resolution of aeromagnetic data to reveal structures such as faults, lineaments, and lithological boundaries that are otherwise undetectable in low-resolution geophysical signatures. While acquiring high-resolution data is an ideal solution, the high costs and vast territorial coverage required render this approach challenging in the short term. As an alternative, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly deep learning, offers promising avenues for exploration. In this study, we adapted and retrained 4 super-resolution deep learning algorithms to generate high resolution aeromagnetic maps from low resolution ones. To avoid bias due to spatial correlation, we split the data sets into a training set covering the southern part of Québec and validation being the Northern part. Each of the AI codes were trained on the same datasets leading to optimal hyperparameters for each algorithm. The AI-generated results for all the 4 algorithms successfully reconstruct high-resolution regional aeromagnetic maps in the training sets compared to measured high resolution data providing reliable high resolution maps for geological mapping. Finally, we generated four high resolution aeromagnetic maps for entire Province including the northern part. This innovative approach holds the potential to revolutionize geophysical exploration, facilitating the discovery of untapped natural resources in underexplored areas

How to cite: Penda biondokin, E., Bavandsavadkoohi, M., Tirdad, S., and Gloaguen, E.: Training Super-Resolution deep learning algorithms for high resolution aeromagnetic maps generation from low resolution aeromagnetic maps., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20682,, 2025.

The deep electrical conductivity structure (surface-to-100 km) beneath the Cappadocia Volcanic Province (CVP) in Central Anatolia, Türkiye was examined using three-dimensional magnetotelluric modeling of long-period data (>100 sec) that were collected as part of an U.S. NSF funded multi-disciplinary project titled the Continental Dynamics-Central Anatolian Tectonics (CD-CAT). The long-period dataset comprised seventy-eight observation points distributed on a wide 200 km x 200 km covering Cappadocia. Following the strike angle and dimensionality determination using electromagnetic impedance and phase tensor analyses, inverse models were developed to decipher the conductivity structure of the lower crustal/upper mantle depths beneath regional entities such as Mount Hasan, Mount Erciyes, and Niğde Massif. Some sensitivity tests were performed to control the validity of the key anomalies. The final model suggested that there are apparent high conductivity anomalies beneath these features with mantle roots. As a result, a clear and widespread highly conductive block is observed to be underlying a highly resistive anomaly near the Niğde Massif where the deep anomaly may represent fluid flow beneath the robust massif. As a second important outcome, the model suggested that there are deep conductive anomalies beneath the Hasan and Erciyes volcanoes, which are linked to the shallow potential magma chambers with horizontal dike-like structures.    

How to cite: Tank, B.: Exploring the electrical conductivity structure of the Cappodacian upper mantle, Türkiye by long-period magnetotellurics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-792,, 2025.

EGU25-1181 | Orals | EMRP2.4

A top-down control on upper crustal inheritance on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau 

Qingyun Di, Kun Zhang, and Guoqiang Xue

Mantle tectonics, such as asthenospheric upwelling, usually controls subsequent fluid formation and migration from deep to shallow levels in the lower lithosphere and promotes rock failure and deformation, especially in southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Some models have proposed that lithospheric shearing and lower-crustal flow have controlled the crustal deformation in the Cenozoic. However, crustal rotation models show less possibility of a channel flow and relate the crustal deformation to the remote effect of India-Asia collision. Based on the concept whereby the fluid migration location defines the structural inheritance, we aim to relate crustal processes to mantle tectonics using fluids revealed by a new dense magnetotelluric (MT) array across the Ailao Shan-Red River belt with high quality, investigating above hypotheses. The 3D resistivity model of the study area reveals notable variations in the electrical property throughout the lithosphere. The lithosphere is interpreted to have been divided into two horizontal systems by a fluid diffusion layer at the bottom of upper crust, indicating a transition zone. In the lower lithosphere, two prominent near-vertical conductive regions are revealed and determined as consistent with the Dian-Qiong (DQ) suture and Song Da (SD) belt. These resistivity lows, which have spread at the bottom of upper crust, are inferred due to partial melting of deep lithosphere and reworking of the paleo sutures (DQ and SD) in the Late Cenozoic, because surface potassic magmatism in our study region was enabled by partial melting in the lower lithosphere. Therefore, fluid migration is considered to generate a transition zone featured by low-viscosity conductivity, which is inferred feeding by aqueous and melt fluids originating from the two channels and diffusing at depths from 15-20 km. Rather than the channel flow, this fluid migration process sensitively reflected in our model relates the mantle tectonics to crustal rotation by providing rheological conditions. We, hence, propose an inherited structure model featured by vertical mantle tectonic and upper-crustal translation-rotation that may occur before the major strike-slip event. The lithospheric transition zone could have provided convenience to induce the entirely upper crustal translation-rotation. The upper crust may move southwards and rotate clockwise, with respect to the lower part of the lithosphere, which is consistent with the surface geological and petrological observations to the north of our study region. Moreover, this transition-rotation process may have occurred within the time interval between potassic magmatism and strike-slip of the RRF (34-31 Ma), constrained by the geochronology results and duration estimation of shear zone by electrical model and energy equation. This translation-rotation process is inherited from the underlying mantle processes and may further be remotely affected by the upper crustal movement of the Tibetan Plateau, conforming with the mechanism interpretation of crustal rotation observed to the north of our study region. Furthermore, the crustal translation-rotation may also control the inherited strike-slip event in our study region.

How to cite: Di, Q., Zhang, K., and Xue, G.: A top-down control on upper crustal inheritance on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1181,, 2025.

EGU25-1843 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

The newly constrained carbonatite magmatic system of the world’s largest Bayan Obo REE deposit, China 

Guoqiang Xue, Jien Zhang, Weiying Chen, Xin Wu, Qingyun Di, and Xianhua Li

The world’s largest rare earth element (REEs) deposit at Bayan Obo, northern North China craton (NCC), is geologically complex and its genesis is still debated due to the lack of geophysical constraints at depth. In this abstract, we newly discover two Mesozoic thrust faults and trace ore-bearing rocks by magnetotelluric (MT) method to constrain a carbonatite magmatic system. The Haoqin-North Jianshan thrust fault (F1) transported Boluotou-East-Main-West-Dongjielegele carbonatites (Ca1) and Paleoproterozoic metasediments over Paleozoic sediments, and it correlated the Shuiyuantou klippe, constraining a displacement of ~13 km. The Boluotou-Donjielegele-south West Pits thrust fault (F2) transported the carbonatite (Ca2), which was intruded by Permian granite, and gneiss in the hanging wall from Kulue, 30 km south of Bayan Obo, evidenced by similar four left-step en echelon high aeromagnetic anomalies (200-1000 nT). By restoring these faults, the Ca1 and Ca2 carbonatites situated above low resistivity zones (<500 Ω·m) at ~13 km south of the Bayan Obo deposit and Kulue, respectively. Based on low resistivity from 60-70 km in depth, high aeromagnetic anomalies and mantle-derived Mg, Fe and O isotopes of carbonatites, a carbonatite magmatic system consisting of a magma chamber and sill complex near the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) and two conduits, pluming magma upward to generate the Ca1 and Ca2 carbonatites is established. Our MT result is first a geophysical constraint on the igneous processes of the giant REE deposit from the LAB.

In summary, a REE-bearing carbonatite magmatic system consisting of a magma chamber, sill complex and two conduits has been established . This system can compare to the active carbonatite magmatic system in South Africa and volcanic system in Hawai’i . It also constrains the magma of the world’s largest Bayan Obo deposit originating from deeper level at the LAB, rather than the Moho.

How to cite: Xue, G., Zhang, J., Chen, W., Wu, X., Di, Q., and Li, X.: The newly constrained carbonatite magmatic system of the world’s largest Bayan Obo REE deposit, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1843,, 2025.

EGU25-1858 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.4

Magnetotelluric Insights into Resistivity Structure and Seismogenic Process of the 1988 Lancang-Gengma Earthquakes  

Tao Ye, Xiaobin Chen, Qinghua Huang, Shunping Pei, Jiong Zhang, and Juntao Cai

The 1988 Lancang M7.6 and Gengma M7.2 earthquakes in southwestern Yunnan, China, provide a unique opportunity to study intraplate seismicity. A 3D magnetotelluric model reveals a prominent high-resistivity crustal body (R1), interpreted as a rigid asperity, located between the epicentres of the earthquake doublet. This resistive body is flanked by conductive fault zones (C1 and C2), associated with major NW-trending seismogenic faults. The resistivity transition zone correlates with aftershock distributions, with larger aftershocks concentrate near fault conductors, while the high-resistivity body hosts smaller aftershocks. These findings suggest that stress accumulation in R1 and its susequent release along the fluid-enriched fault conductors controlled the rupture process of the earthquake doublet, within the context of a prevailing NNE-oriented compressive stress regime. This study underscores the importance of resistivity structures in seismogenesis, offering new insights into intraplate earthquake mechanisms and providing valuable perspectives for improving earthquake hazard assessment in active tectonic regions.

How to cite: Ye, T., Chen, X., Huang, Q., Pei, S., Zhang, J., and Cai, J.: Magnetotelluric Insights into Resistivity Structure and Seismogenic Process of the 1988 Lancang-Gengma Earthquakes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1858,, 2025.

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the phenomenon of induced polarization (IP) in airborne time-domain electromagnetic (ATEM) data. How to effectively extract the polarization information of the medium from the electromagnetic data containing the IP effect is a challenging problem. Most of the current studies can only recover relatively accurate resistivity information, but the recovery effect of other IP parameters is poor. In order to better extract the IP parameters of underground media, a new constrained inversion method must be sought. Using the process of z-score normalization, we define the data variance degree. Due to the correlation between IP parameters, the data difference degree is added to the multi-parameter inversion as a constraint, and a new inversion framework including the data difference degree is formed. The inversion results of synthetic data show that this method can improve the inversion results, obtain more accurate information of dielectric IP parameters, and reduce the difficulty of geological interpretation in the later stage. In order to test the stability of this constrained inversion method, we add different levels of noise for testing and obtain good inversion results. In addition, this data difference degree constraint can also be more widely used in the inversion of different geophysical methods.

How to cite: Lei, D.: Inversion of three-dimensional airborne transient electromagnetic excitation parameters under the restriction of data difference degree, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1867,, 2025.

The Yangtze block is a crucial component of the Rodinia and Columbia supercontinents, providing insights into their evolutionary history. The newly identified Caiziyuan-Tongan accretionary complex (CAC), situated on the southwestern margin of the Yangtze block, serves as an ideal window for understanding its Precambrian evolution. The exposure of the CAC suggests the presence of an ancient ocean basin that divides the Yangtze block into northern and southern micro-blocks. During the convergence of the Rodinia supercontinent, this ocean basin underwent subduction and eventual closure; however, its associated subduction polarity remains ambiguous. To address this issue, this study employed magnetotelluric in the Caiziyuan-Tongan area. Through three-dimensional inversion, three distinct features were delineated: an upper crustal conductor in the southern CAC, a middle-upper resistor trending stepwise north in the northern CAC, and a middle-lower crustal conductor encompassing the entire area. In conjunction with previously published geological and seismological observations, it is proposed that the first two features may be remnants associated with the northward subduction of the south Yangtze micro-block, while the third feature may indicate the existence of crustal flow related to the collision of the Indo-Asian plate. This finding enhances our understanding of the Precambrian evolution within the Yangtze block and contributes to the reconstruction of paleogeographic frameworks associated with the Rodinia supercontinent.

How to cite: Shibin, X., Qiao, W., Jian, Y., and Dewei, L.: A possible northward subduction in the southwestern Yangtze block during the Rodinia assembly: New constraints from three-dimensional magnetotelluric imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2974,, 2025.

EGU25-3000 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Seismogenic response of the subduction geometry of Indian crust in the central Himalya revealed by magnetotelluric data 

Gang Wang, Hui Fang, Du Xiao, Fagen Pei, Yaoyang Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang

To understand the seismic gap across 88°E in the central Himalaya, three magnetotelluric profiles were deployed in this region during 2020-2021. The electrical model revealed that the electrical conductor above the Main Himalaya Thrust interface on the western side was likely caused by local dehydration of the subducting crust due to previous bending effect. The subduction geomety of the Indian crust on the western side has a lower angle compared to that on the eastern side. This disparity may result in stress concentration on the western side. Furthermore, the Indian crust on the western side may have experienced crustal rupture in the early stage. Subsequently, due to the rebound effect of the Indian crust subduction, pores and fracture closed, enabling the release of local fluids. The presence of these fluids is vital for the induction of earthquakes on the western side. In contrast, in the non-seismic area on the eastern side, the Indian crust is undergoing rupture, leading to tensile environment.

How to cite: Wang, G., Fang, H., Xiao, D., Pei, F., Zhang, Y., and Zhang, X.: Seismogenic response of the subduction geometry of Indian crust in the central Himalya revealed by magnetotelluric data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3000,, 2025.

EGU25-3942 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Electrical conductivity of hydrous minerals during dehydration and geophysical implications 

Duojun Wang, Kewei Shen, and Zhiqing Zhang

The water liberated from the breakdown of hydrous minerals while sinking in subduction zones may be transported into the overlying mantle wedge and may subsequently trigger magmatism and induce magnetotelluric (MT) anomalies above the subduction zone.Geophysical observations such as MT reveal that the electrical conductivity in subduction zone is up to 1 S/m. In contrast, the electrical conductivity of some hydrous mineral before dehydration remains very low which cannot explain the high electrical conductivity. Therefore, the dehydration effect on the electrical conductivity of hydrous minerals need to be determined.Electrical conductivity of several typical hydrous minerals before and after dehydration has been investigated. We observed significantly enhanced conductivities when most of hydrous minerals were heated to temperatures beyond their thermodynamic stability fields. The increase in conductivity are interpreted as several dehydration models. The increased electrical conductivity due to dehydration may responsible for the high-conductivity anomalies observed in subduction zones.

How to cite: Wang, D., Shen, K., and Zhang, Z.: Electrical conductivity of hydrous minerals during dehydration and geophysical implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3942,, 2025.

EGU25-5318 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Lithospheric electrical structure and seismic genesis in the Songyuan Region in Northeast China 

Fagen Pei, Hongda Liang, Hui Fang, Xiaobo Zhang, Yaoyang Zhang, Dashuang He, Qinyin Lü, Gang Wang, Yan Peng, Meixing He, and Hanqing Qiao

    Two major earthquake swarms are distributed in the Songyuan Region in Northeast China, including Chaganhua and Ningjiang earthquake swarms. Since 2013, more than 60 earthquakes have occurred in this region, resulting in huge losses of social economy and property. Thus, it is of great scientific significance to carry out researches on seismogenic environment in the Songyuan region for earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation. Nowadays there is a widespread controversy in the study of seismogenic mechanism in the Songyuan Region, which includes several viewpoints of upwelling fluid induction, oilfield exploitation induction, and fault structure induction. In this study, based on the observation data of magnetotelluric sounding arrays with a site distance of 20 km, the three-dimensional electrical structure model of the Songyuan and adjacent region is established by using ModEM inversion software. Combined with the crustal stress data, the Songyuan earthquake area shows characteristics of developed faults and high and low electrical resistivity alternating, these provide a structural basis for seismic generation. In oil field exploitation, the upper water fluid leaks along the fault, the rising mantle mantle-derived thermal fluid and east-west structural compression may jointly induce the Songyuan earthquake, and the risk will last for a considerable period of time.

How to cite: Pei, F., Liang, H., Fang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., He, D., Lü, Q., Wang, G., Peng, Y., He, M., and Qiao, H.: Lithospheric electrical structure and seismic genesis in the Songyuan Region in Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5318,, 2025.

EGU25-5437 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Lithospheric electrical structure and its implications for the evolution of the Ordos Block in Western North China 

Hongda Liang, Hui Fang, Fagen Pei, Du Xiao, Yaoyang Zhang, Xiaobo Zhang, Yan Peng, Hanqing Qiao, Meixing He, and Gang Wang

The Ordos Block is tectonically situated in the western region of the North China Craton, which is one of the most stable cratonic blocks in China. Since Cenozoic, the Ordos Block has undergone rapid uplift and formed a series of extensional fault basins around it, and its craton properties are still controversial. In recent years, we have completed magnetotelluric (MT) array survey in Ordos Block. Through the processing, analysis and three-dimensional inversion calculation of these MT data, the three-dimensional electrical structure of the crust and upper mantle in this region is obtained. The inversion results show that the deep of the Ordos Block presents an inhomogeneous electrical structure, which indicates that the Ordos Block is not a monolithic rigid block. The southwest part is obviously characterized by high resistivities, which may still retain the nature of ancient craton block. In the north, the lower crust and upper mantle are highly conductive, indicating that there is a weak zone in the lithosphere, which may be related to the upwelling of asthenosphere hot materials. The crust of Yinshan Orogenic Belt is characterized by high resistivities, which may retain the roots of ancient orogenic belt. The deep of the Hetao Graben is highly conductive, which may indicate the activation of the ancient suture zone between the Ordos Block and Yinshan Orogenic Belt.

This research was jointly supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (42374125), the China Geological Survey (DD20221638), the Deep Exploration Project (2024ZD1000203), the Basic Scientific Research Program of the CAGS (JKYZD202329).

How to cite: Liang, H., Fang, H., Pei, F., Xiao, D., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Peng, Y., Qiao, H., He, M., and Wang, G.: Lithospheric electrical structure and its implications for the evolution of the Ordos Block in Western North China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5437,, 2025.

EGU25-5503 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

The identification of Pre-Sinian graben-horst structures in the southern Sichuan and northern Guizhou region and their petroleum geological significance 

Yan Peng, Hui Fang, Hongda Liang, Xiaobo Zhang, Yaoyang Zhang, Dashuang He, Qinyin Lü, Gang Wang, Meixing He, and Hanqing Qiao

Using an  Magnetotelluric profile from the southern margin of the Sichuan Basin, we conducted an electrical structure study of the southern Sichuan and northern Guizhou region that the profile traverses, employing magnetotelluric sounding processing and inversion. A wealth of oil and gas exploration data within the Sichuan Basin indicates that the Pre-Sinian rift has a significant controlling effect on the Anyue-Deyang rift trough in the Sichuan Basin. Through comprehensive comparative analysis of the MT profile with the depth, seismic data, other MT data, and physical properties of the Pre-Sinian system within the Sichuan Basin, it is believed that the southern Sichuan and northern Guizhou region also exhibits a Pre-Sinian rift structure similar to the typical ones found within the Sichuan Basin. This finding has certain indicative significance for subsequent oil and gas resource exploration in the region and also deepens our understanding of the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution in this area.

How to cite: Peng, Y., Fang, H., Liang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., He, D., Lü, Q., Wang, G., He, M., and Qiao, H.: The identification of Pre-Sinian graben-horst structures in the southern Sichuan and northern Guizhou region and their petroleum geological significance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5503,, 2025.

EGU25-7694 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

The Uplift Mechanism of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis 

Hui Fang, Fagen Pei, Gang Wang, Yaoyang Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang

The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) has experienced strong crustal shortening and formed wonderful topography in Tibetan Plateau. Tectonic models proposed for the deformation of EHS include crustal-scale folding, indenter corner and tectonic aneurysm. It is crucial to elucidate the crustal structure and state of the EHS for unraveling the tectonic evolution of the EHS. According to the high-resolution electrical model across the EHS with a NW-SE trending, the crustal material on the northwest side of the EHS has a high degree of partial melting, showing signs of pipeline flow or upwelling of hot materials. On the contrary, the southeast side of the EHS exhibits obvious strike-slip properties. Therefore, the rapid uplift of the EHS should be mainly attributed to the combined effects of crustal partial melting of the EHS and erosion from Yarlung Tsangpo Gorge.

How to cite: Fang, H., Pei, F., Wang, G., Zhang, Y., and Zhang, X.: The Uplift Mechanism of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7694,, 2025.

    The key to geothermal resource exploration lies in accurately determining the spatial distribution characteristics of geothermal reservoirs, including their depth, size, and geometric structure. However, due to the limited resolution of single geophysical datasets and the inherent non-uniqueness in geophysical inversion, inversion models independently derived from different datasets are difficult to accurately reveal the characteristics of subsurface structures. To reduce the uncertainty of inversion results and improve their reliability, We employed a 3-D approach to jointly invert gravity, magnetotelluric, and seismic surface wave dispersion data in the Huangshadong, Huizhou, based on the cross-gradient structural consistency constraints. The results indicated that the physical property structure obtained by the joint inversion was more comprehensive, with density, resistivity, and shear wave velocity models exhibiting good structural consistency, and provided a clearer characterization of the relief shape of the thermal reservoir interface, the thickness of the sedimentary, and the spatial distribution of hidden faults. Finally, we proposed a geothermal geological model for the region based on the geological information and joint inversion results, which will provide a scientific basis for effective geothermal exploration in the future.

How to cite: Liao, C. and Lin, J.: Joint inversion of gravity, magnetotelluric and surface wave dispersion data for geothermal exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8066,, 2025.

EGU25-8197 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Inversion of IP-affected TEM data with full parametrization of dispersive resistivity 

Hai Li, Keying Li, and Ziteng Li

Chargeable materials in the mining industry cause the induced polarization (IP) phenomenon when exposed to an electromagnetic field, which affects the electromagnetic response in transient electromagnetic (TEM) surveys. This distortion of TEM data is a challenge for traditional inversion methods, which typically focus on resistivity and may fail to provide reliable results when IP effects are significant. To address this limitation, this paper introduces a Bayesian inversion framework that incorporates full dispersive resistivity, using the Cole-Cole model to simulate both electromagnetic induction and IP phenomena. This approach allows for the effective recovery of Cole-Cole parameters from TEM data. A key advantage of Bayesian inversion is its ability to assess the confidence of inversion results, which is critical given the non-uniqueness of the inverse problem under these conditions.

Through numerical simulations and field examples, the proposed method demonstrates its ability to accurately recover both resistivity and Cole-Cole parameters, particularly in cases involving conductive and highly chargeable targets. However, the method struggles with resistive targets, where the inversion results exhibit lower accuracy and confidence. Despite this, the method is able to reliably resolve conductive regions, even when resistive regions are less accurately recovered, ensuring that model parameters are precisely estimated in conductive areas.

A field test conducted at Keyou Qianqi in Inner Mongolia confirmed the method’s effectiveness, successfully locating and validating a conductive, high-polarization silver-lead-zinc ore body. The study highlights the coupling of electromagnetic induction and IP effects, which generate time-decaying electromagnetic fields that are difficult to separate. By introducing dispersive resistivity, we can simulate these coupled responses and analyze the data’s ability to resolve dispersive resistivity model parameters. The analysis reveals that while considering IP increases the inversion’s complexity, it also enhances the resolution for resistivity and chargeability, although the resolution for time constant and frequency dependency is lower.

Our results show that multi-parameter inversion of IP-affected TEM data can effectively extract resistivity, chargeability, time constant, and frequency dependency parameters, particularly in conductive, high-polarization targets. For resistive, high-polarization targets, the inversion results are less accurate, highlighting the limitations of TEM data resolution for these structures. Nevertheless, the method still provides accurate parameter estimates for conductive zones, with high confidence in the target areas, making it a powerful tool for target identification and resource exploration.

How to cite: Li, H., Li, K., and Li, Z.: Inversion of IP-affected TEM data with full parametrization of dispersive resistivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8197,, 2025.

EGU25-9421 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.4

Assessment of Electrical Anisotropy Effects on Magnetotelluric Modelling and Inversion at Annecy, French Pre-Alps 

Camila Riba Pereyra, Anna Martí Castells, and Jean-Luc Got

The magnetotelluric (MT) method is widely used for reservoir exploration, including hydrocarbons, magma chambers, and other conductive fluids. However, this technique is sensitive to electrical anisotropy, which can complicate the determination of the target's dimensionality, potentially leading to inaccurate modelling and inversion. Identifying whether a region exhibits anisotropy is non-trivial, as the direction of anisotropy may be independent from the geoelectrical strike of the target structures.

In this study, we aim to evaluate the impact of anisotropy on MT modelling and inversion for reservoir identification of a hydrothermal system in a fractured zone. For this, we present a dataset of 45 broadband magnetotelluric sites, collected over a 100 km² area in the urban region of Annecy, France, within the Western Alpine Molasse Basin (WAMB). The recordings span from 1 to 12 days, with sampling rates from 256 Hz to 65 kHz. This area is of particular interest due to the potential presence of a low-enthalpy hydrothermal reservoir located within Jurassic marlstone-limestone units at depths of 1.5–2 km. The region also features brittle, seismogenic structures such as the Vuache Fault.

Fluid circulation in a fractured region might occur at preferred orientations, which signature can lead to electrical anisotropy that could be mistaken for a geoelectrical strike. To address this, we propose a methodology that incorporates magnetotelluric forward modelling and inversion under various dimensional scenarios (1D, 2D, and 3D) and geological settings. We begin with a dimensionality analysis, followed by isotropic and anisotropic forward modelling and inversion based on the area's geology to achieve the best fit to the observed data.

The dimensionality analysis yielded inconsistent results, suggesting that electrical anisotropy might be influencing the data. Consequently, we conducted 1D, 2D, and 3D modelling. Results from 1D forward and inverse models incorporating anisotropy show acceptable fits to the field data compared to isotropic models. These findings support the presence of conductive layers consistent with the hypothesis of a hydrothermal reservoir at those depths. In contrast, 2D models, whether isotropic or anisotropic, could not fit the data at the target frequencies related to the potential water boundary. Ongoing work includes 3D anisotropic forward modelling and inversions, which, in preliminary results, suggest indications of possible electrical anisotropy in the region.

How to cite: Riba Pereyra, C., Martí Castells, A., and Got, J.-L.: Assessment of Electrical Anisotropy Effects on Magnetotelluric Modelling and Inversion at Annecy, French Pre-Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9421,, 2025.

EGU25-9755 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Magnetotelluric imaging of cold, dry lithospheric drips within a hot and volatile-rich asthenospheric mantle 

Xin Li, Yangfan Deng, Yun Chen, Max Moorkamp, Alexey Kuvshinov, and Zongying Huang

Lithospheric foundering, through mechanical delamination or convective dripping, has been invoked to elucidate various perplexing geological phenomena, including near-surface deformation, sedimentation, and volcanism. Compared to delamination, direct evidence for the existence of modern lithospheric drips has been challenging to acquire because of their small-scale and transient nature. Here we present an image of the crustal and upper mantle electrical resistivity derived from high-quality, long-period magnetotelluric array data that extend from the southwest Songliao Basin (SLB), crossing the Great Khingan Range and onto the eastern Mongolia Plateau. The model reveals widespread layers of low resistivity in the deep crust and uppermost mantle beneath the mountainous regions surrounding the largely resistive SLB, where intense volcanism has occurred episodically during the Late Cenozoic. In the deep upper mantle, the model consistently reveals a set of elongated columns exhibiting high resistivity, interspersed with sub-vertical conductive anomalies. By incorporating additional petrologic, geochemical and experimental constraints, these drip-shaped resistive anomalies were interpreted as cold and dry lithospheric drips within a relatively hot and volatile-rich asthenospheric mantle. In light of the geological background, the dripping process may be linked to the edge-driven flow induced by the lithosphere thickness step between the rifted SLB and the adjacent mountainous areas. These results indicate that lithospheric dripping and induced asthenospheric upwelling may be significant factors in driving intraplate volcanism.

How to cite: Li, X., Deng, Y., Chen, Y., Moorkamp, M., Kuvshinov, A., and Huang, Z.: Magnetotelluric imaging of cold, dry lithospheric drips within a hot and volatile-rich asthenospheric mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9755,, 2025.

EGU25-10341 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Geophysical Imaging and Tectonic Features of the Alxa Basement and Its Role in the Tibetan Plateau's Evolution 

Chutong Chen, Chang'an Guo, Lingxiao Zhang, Weiheng Yuan, Peng Guo, Junjie Fan, and Bin Wang

The Tibetan Plateau, the highest in the world, has been shaped by the ongoing collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates, which began ~55 Ma. This collision has caused widespread continental deformation, creating earthquake-prone faults along Tibet’s northern margin and in the surrounding intracontinental regions. Many studies suggest that the Alxa Tectonic Belt was primarily formed during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic through terrane accretion and closure, and later reactivated in the Cenozoic. Understanding crustal structures and identifying fossil suture zones are essential for interpreting these tectonic dynamics. However, the extensive sedimentary cover in the Alxa region, including the Tengri and Badain Jaran Deserts, complicates these efforts.

We conducted a 450 km MT survey from the Qilian Shan to the Alxa Tectonic Belt to map the subsurface crustal structure. The resistivity model delineates the Alxa basement boundaries, revealing the northern boundary of the Alxa Craton at Beidashan, near the Tebai-Quagan Qulu ophiolite belts, and the absence of the Shalazhashan-Zongnaishan Belt. This finding aligns with zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes, indicating that the Yabulai-South Beidashan belts originate from ancient crustal sources, while the Shalazhashan-Zongnaishan and North Beidashan belts are juvenile.

Additionally, the electrical resistivity model reveals significant structural differences between the southern and northern Alxa basement, with distinct responses to Cenozoic deformation.

Deep structural analysis shows a conductive anomalous structure beneath the Qilian crust, possibly linked to fossil traces of northward subduction from the northern branch of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. This structure is clearly delineated from the northern crustal resistive structure by the deep extension of the Haiyuan Fault. In the northern Hexi Corridor, southward-dipping thrust and blind thrust faults dominate, but their influence is mainly confined to the upper crust, where resistive bodies thin. Crustal decoupling at the middle-upper crust boundary may explain this. The middle and lower crust host Paleozoic mafic intrusions that facilitated vertical decoupling between the upper and lower crust. This interpretation is reinforced by seismic profiles, which reveal low-velocity anomalies and a thickened Moho consistent with such processes. The heat and magma from these intrusions thermally weakened the lower crust, causing partial melting, deformation partitioning, and the formation of a weak zone that enhanced decoupling.

In contrast, the northern boundary of the Alxa basement represents a coherent block structure, typically indicative of a strong, high-viscosity lithospheric composition. This robust structural framework favors vertical coupling between the upper and lower crust, contrasting with the decoupled zones observed in the south. This suggests that the outward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau stress is preferentially released along heterogenous boundaries between tectonic units, as evidenced by the extensive strike-slip deformation observed at Beidashan.

Acknowledgments: This research was supported by Phase I of the Northwest Region Magnetotelluric Subnetwork (2024ZD1000201), the China Geological Survey (DD20230254, DD20230255), and the Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of the Comprehensive Survey&Command Center for Natural Resources (KC20240024).

How to cite: Chen, C., Guo, C., Zhang, L., Yuan, W., Guo, P., Fan, J., and Wang, B.: Geophysical Imaging and Tectonic Features of the Alxa Basement and Its Role in the Tibetan Plateau's Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10341,, 2025.

The role of large subsurface landforms produced during glaciations of the Pleistocene is still poorly understood with respect to groundwater flow. In particular, so-called tunnel valleys formed beneath ice sheets, acted as drainage systems of glacial meltwater. Their dimensions (up to 5 km width, 400 m depth, 100s of km length) reflect the massive amount of meltwater that incised into and flushed the subsurface beneath ice sheets.

To understand the potential of tunnel valleys as preferential flow pathways of offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) in the southeastern North Sea, we sailed 320 km of marine time-domain controlled-source electromagnetic surveys on 10 profiles using the surface-towed SWAN system on R/V ALKOR. In particular, we aim to answer the following questions: (1) Does the distribution of electrical resistivities indicate the presence of freshened groundwater in the subsurface of the North Sea? and (2) Can we delineate different resistivity distributions inside tunnel valleys?

Here we show our data acquisition and processing workflow as well as the subsurface electrical resistivity distribution from 2D inversions of the TD-CSEM data both for minimal constraints and for structural constraints inferred from a dense net of high-resolution 2D seismic reflection data. We use additional information from core data in similar geological setting in the interpretation to integrate geophysical and geological data.

The subsurface electrical resistivities show good correlation with the structures prevalent in the 2D seismic reflection data, where correlation is strongest for the upper and lower parts of the tunnel valleys. Plio-Pleistocene sediments show a widespread region of significantly increased electrical resistivities, which are interpreted to represent remnant offshore freshened groundwater from the flushing of meltwater below ice sheets during the Pleistocene.

How to cite: Lohrberg, A., Haroon, A., Moosdorf, N., and Krastel, S.: Resistivity anomalies in buried subglacial landforms and Plio-Pleistocene sediments of the southeastern North Sea revealed by surface-towed time-domain CSEM measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10537,, 2025.

EGU25-12919 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Preliminary results of the Iberian Pyrite Belt 3D resistivity model through Magnetotelluric data. 

Pedro Baltazar-Soares, Francisco José Martinéz-Moreno, Lourdes Gonzaléz-Castillo, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Fernando A. Monteiro-Santos, Joana Alves Ribeiro, António Mateus, and Luis Matias

The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), which is located in the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ) of the Iberian Massif, is one of the most prominent sections of the Variscan orogenic belt in Western Europe. It extends over about 250 km in length and a width of 60 km forming an arc-shaped belt comprising several series of asymmetric basins that are tectonically controlled. These basins reflect the process of heterogeneous continental thinning triggered by left-lateral transpressive convergence with the Iberian Terrane.

Economically, it is an important European mining region with over 90 massive sulphides deposits shared between Portugal and Spain. It is home to world-famous and huge deposits such as Neves-Corvo, Aljustrel, Rio Tinto, Tharsis, Aznalcollar-Los Frailes, Las Cruces, among others. These mining activities show the economic dimension of the province based on the resources of Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au, and Sn. The deposition of massive sulphides was related to the felsic volcanism and the black shales of the IPB volcano-sedimentary complex (VSC), which overlies the siliclastic sediments of the phyllite-quartzite group.

Nevertheless, many aspects are still poorly understood, especially those related to the deep lithospheric structure and the extent of the IPB to the southwest. The growing interest in the search for mineral deposits has led to many geophysical surveys being carried out over the years. However, most of them are limited to the first hundred meters in local areas or have a low spatial resolution, so a complete and global picture of the IPB extent isn't possible.

We present the preliminary results of a 3D resistivity model focusing on the lithospheric structure of the IPB down to a depth of 40 km. The model was calculated using data from 60 broadband Magnetotelluric (BBMT) stations, combining previous and newly acquired data, arranged in a 10x10 km grid along the IPB in Portuguese Terrain. The BBMT method provides a comprehensive resistivity image of the lithosphere, which is essential to decipher the geometry of the tectonic structures at depth. These structures play a key role in controlling the spatial distribution of many massive sulphide ore systems and offer potential insights into identifying new areas with deposits suitable for exploitation.



This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020


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Matos, J.X. - Geophysical surveys in the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: a global overview focused on the massive sulphide exploration and geologic interpretation. In: Comunicações Geológica (2020), vol.107, Fasc. Especial III, p. 41-78.

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How to cite: Baltazar-Soares, P., Martinéz-Moreno, F. J., Gonzaléz-Castillo, L., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Monteiro-Santos, F. A., Alves Ribeiro, J., Mateus, A., and Matias, L.: Preliminary results of the Iberian Pyrite Belt 3D resistivity model through Magnetotelluric data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12919,, 2025.

EGU25-13703 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Constructing piecewise-constant conductivity models for the McArthur River, Canada, uranium mine audio-magnetotelluric data-set 

Mitra Kangazian Kangazi and Colin G. Farquharson
   The McArthur River uranium mine located in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, is one of the largest high-grade uranium mines in the world. The EXTECH-IV project, managed by the federal and provincial governments and by industrial partners, investigated the unconformity-type uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, and methods to find them. The audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) data-set was one of the geophysical data-sets acquired in this region during this project. This data-set has subsequently been inverted using a range of 2D and 3D minimum-structure inversion codes — sum-of-squares measures — to model the basement graphitic fault zone associated with the uranium deposit. The constructed conductivity models are in good agreement with each other and show the approximate location and shape of the graphitic fault zone, the "P2" fault, however, they are smeared-out and fuzzy: there is a smooth transition between the conductive anomaly and the background. Hence, we implemented non-L2 measures, in particular the L1 and L0, and the fuzzy c-mean (FCM) clustering approach to invert this data-set for piecewise-constant models with sharp and distinct interfaces. We also compared the capabilities of these three approaches in constructing piecewise-constant models, the sensitivity of the inversion results to a priori information, and the computational cost of the inversion process. These methods that are extensions of the minimum-structure approach retain the capability, robustness, and efficiency of this approach.
   To invert the data, we discretized the subsurface using an unstructured tetrahedral mesh and included the topography of the study area into the model, unlike the previous studies for which the subsurface was parameterized using rectilinear meshes and the observation points were placed in a flat surface. Instead of rotating the data to align with the trend of the graphitic fault zone, which is in the NE-SW direction, the strike orientation information of the P2 fault was included into the inversion framework. The diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the impedance tensors for a relatively high range of eight frequencies were inverted. 
   The steeply dipping conductive graphitic fault zone in the basement constructed using non-L2 measures and the FCM clustering approach is more piecewise constant and has sharper interfaces compared to the Linversion results. The model constructed model using the FCM clustering approach is more localized and distinct compared to the non-L2 inversion results. However, the inversion results using this approach are more sensitive to a priori information provided by the user such as the number of clusters and the cluster center values. Also, this approach introduces more non-linearity into the inverse problem compared to the non-L2 measures, which can make the inversion process computationally expensive. The dependency of the L1 measure on a priori information is less than the L0 measure whereas the obtained models are very similar to each other. Hence, adopting and using one of these three approaches depends on the problem and user preferences. Each of these methods can construct models with sharp, localized, distinct interfaces, which can be more appropriate in many situations than models constructed using the L2 norm.
Keywords: Audio-magnetotelluric(AMT), inversion, McArthur uranium mine, piecewise-constant models

How to cite: Kangazian Kangazi, M. and Farquharson, C. G.: Constructing piecewise-constant conductivity models for the McArthur River, Canada, uranium mine audio-magnetotelluric data-set, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13703,, 2025.

EGU25-13722 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.4

Using convolutional neural networks to classify unexploded ordnance from multicomponent electromagnetic induction data   

Lindsey Heagy, Jorge Lopez-Alvis, Douglas Oldenburg, Lin-Ping Song, and Stephen Billings

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are commonly used to classify unexploded ordnance (UXO) in both terrestrial and marine settings. Modern time-domain systems used for classification are multicomponent which means they acquire many transmitter-receiver pairs at multiple time-channels. Traditionally, classification is performed using a physics-based inversion approach where polarizability curves are estimated from the EMI data. These curves are then compared with those in a library to look for a match based on some misfit measure. In this work, we developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) that classifies UXO directly from EMI data. Analogous to an image segmentation problem, our CNN outputs a classification map that preserves the spatial dimensions of the input. In this way, our CNN produces high-resolution results and can handle the multiple transmitter-receiver pairs and the acquisition of multicomponent systems. We train the CNN using synthetic data generated with a dipole forward model considering relevant UXO and clutter objects. A careful design of the clutter classes is needed to maximize clutter discrimination. 

We use a two-step workflow. First, we train a CNN to detect metallic objects in field data. From this, we extract patches of data that contain only background signal and use these to generate a new training data set by adding this background noise to our synthetic data. A second CNN is trained with these data to perform the classification. We test our approach using field data acquired with the UltraTEMA-4 system in the Sequim Bay marine test site. Using this workflow, classification results for the field data show that our approach detects all of the UXOs and classifies more than 90% as the correct type while also discriminating ~70% of the clutter. A key advantage of our CNN is that, once trained, it may be used to provide real-time classification results on the field.

How to cite: Heagy, L., Lopez-Alvis, J., Oldenburg, D., Song, L.-P., and Billings, S.: Using convolutional neural networks to classify unexploded ordnance from multicomponent electromagnetic induction data  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13722,, 2025.


The Heyuanbei area, located in the western part of the Xiangshan region of China,is a promising area for deep exploration of polymetallic deposits.However, there is still a lack of sufficient understanding and reliable constraints regarding the spatial distribution of deep ore-controlling factors and the favorable zones for deep polymetallic mineralization.Therefore, identifying the spatial distribution of these deep ore-controlling factors is essential for advancing breakthroughs in deep exploration efforts.This study employs an 8-km-long audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) profile.After segmenting the data and applying impedance tensor rotations using the phase tensor analysis, a nonlinear conjugate gradient method was used for 2D inversion considering topographic effects. As a result, a refined electrical structure model of the study area was developed.Based on regional geology, drilling, and gravity and magnetic data, the following conclusions were drawn:(1)The red basin in the study area shows a two-layer electrical structure, with a low-resistivity red layer overlying a high-resistivity metamorphic basement. The volcanic basin, on the other hand, shows a three-layer electrical structure, consisting of a high-resistivity Ehuling Formation, a medium-low resistivity Daguding Formation volcanic layer, and a high-resistivity metamorphic basement.(2)The main ore-controlling faults in the Heyuanbei area are the He-Xiao faults and Ku-Xiao faults. The composite variation zones between these faults and the interfaces of the volcanic rock formation and the upper boundary of the metamorphic basement provide favorable spaces for the mineralizing hydrothermal fluids, controlling the deposition of polymetallic ores. The thickening of volcanic rocks at depth represents a promising segment for future breakthroughs in polymetallic exploration.(3)In the early stages of the western Xiangshan region, polymetallic-rich hydrothermal fluids mixed with downward-seeping atmospheric precipitation at depth, resulting in metasomatic exchange and precipitation, which formed polymetallic mineralization.Under continued extensional and tectonic stretching, later mineralizing hydrothermal fluids ascended, migrated along deep faults, and underwent differentiation and evolution, ultimately resulting in a vertically distributed polymetallic mineralization pattern.

Key words:Heyuanbei area;Audio frequency magnetotelluric sounding;Electrical structure;Ore-controlling factors;

Acknowledgments: This research was supported by Phase I of the Northwest Region Magnetotelluric Subnetwork(2024ZD1000201),the China Geological Survey for Regional Geophysical Survey in Beishan and Adjacent Areas (Grant No. DD20230254),the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42130811,41864004,41674077)

How to cite: Su, P., Guo, C., Meng, Y., and Deng, J.: Electrical Resistivity Structure and Ore-Controlling Factors in the Heyuanbei Area, Xiangshan Region, China: Implications for Polymetallic Mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14229,, 2025.

The Xiangshan volcanic basin hosts the largest volcanogenic uranium deposit in China. The host volcanic-intrusive complexes are the direct objects of the background study of metallogenic dynamics. However, the mechanism of its formation is still controversial. Given that the magma reservoir beneath the Xiangshan volcanic basin records the deep process of magma differentiation and evolution, the deep electrical structure and thermodynamic model were integrated to establish the dependence of melt fraction, temperature, and volatile phase content. Based on the high temperature and pressure petrophysical simulation and generalized three-phase Archie's law, the conductivity of each phase medium of the three-phase saturated magma reservoir and the bulk resistivity of the magma reservoir are estimated. The coupling relationship between the electrical parameters and the petrological data is finally established to find out the state of the Xiangshan magma reservoir. The results indicate that the highest volatile content of magma in the reservoir can reach 17 vol% and the highest melt fraction can reach 12 vol% based on the temperature pressure conditions and resistivity structure model of the crustal magma reservoirs here. This work provides new geophysical constraints and corroboration for the investigation of the formation mechanism of uranium-rich volcanic-intrusive complexes in the study area.

This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 42130811, 42304090 and 42374097), the Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation (20242BAB20143) and by the Autonomous deployment project of National Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Exploration-Mining and Nuclear Remote Sensing, East China University of Technology (2024QZ-TD-15).

How to cite: Chen, H., Wen, Y., Deng, J., Yu, H., and Wang, X.: Insights on the magma reservoirs beneath the Xiangshan volcanic basin: Revealed by integrated magnetotelluric and petrological data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14336,, 2025.

EGU25-14390 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

 Ancient mantle plume trail beneath the North American Midcontinent Rift revealed from Magnetotelluric data 

Wule Lin, Adam Schultz, Bo Yang, Lyal Harris, and Xiangyun Hu

The Midcontinent Rift (MCR) system formed ~1.1 Ga is a failed continental rift within the Superior Province of the Archean Laurentian continent. It is one of the important Precambrian geological features in the North American midcontinent. The abundance of igneous rocks exposed in the vicinity of Lake Superior contemporaneous to MCR is thought to be related to the upwelling of a Keweenaw mantle plume or anomalously hot/enriched mantle. However, in contrast to the classic three-arm model of continental rifting above a mantle plume, the lack of a northward-trending third rift branch or aulacogen in the MCR and the ~300 km deviation of the main rift arms from the inferred center of the mantle plume have not yet been well explained. To investigate this unique mantle plume-rift relationship and better constrain the influence range of the Keweenaw mantle plume, this study builds a three-dimensional electrical resistivity crust-upper mantle model that extends northward from the MCR to the Archean Superior Province using magnetotelluric (MT) data from the United States EarthScope and Canadian Lithoprobe project. The model reveals a prominent high conductivity anomaly near the base of the Western Superior Craton's lithospheric mantle, which is northwest-southeast trending, crosses the western branch of the MCR, and extends more than 300 km to both sides. It is inferred that the anomaly reflects an ancient mantle plume trail and is caused by the metasomatism and/or partial melting of the sulfide-rich basal lithospheric mantle during the Keweenaw mantle plume impingement.

How to cite: Lin, W., Schultz, A., Yang, B., Harris, L., and Hu, X.:  Ancient mantle plume trail beneath the North American Midcontinent Rift revealed from Magnetotelluric data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14390,, 2025.

EGU25-14417 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Deep Electrical Structure and Geological Significance of Alxa Block-Ordos Block in the Northeast Margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 

Wuxu Peng, Chen Qi, Jingyuan Wang, Chunjiao Chang, Jinxin Chang, and Duowen Zhu


Due to the subduction of the Pacific plate and the wedging of the Indian plate, the area from Alxa Block to Ordos Block in the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been experiencing intense tectonic activities, forming a north-south contact zone with complex geological structure and developed faults. In this study, a long-distance profile of magnetotelluric sounding distributed across Alxa Block, Hetao Basin-Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin-Ordos Block was conducted, and the following conclusions were drawn by dimensional analysis, and three-dimensional inversion research of the measured data, combined with other geological and geophysical data: (1) The Ordos Block shows a relatively stable layered resistivity structure. The shallow structure is mainly characterized by low resistance at 3-5km, the overall high resistance at 5-25km, and the low resistance structure at a large range at 25km. Alxa Block is characterized by high resistance, indicating that it still retains a rigid base, and two high-conductivity anomalies are upwelling to a depth of 20km in the middle of the block. The Hetao Basin-Yinchuan Basin is characterized by a typical basin-mountain structure with high resistance of mountain range and low resistance of basin. (2) F6 is Yellow River Fault, which cut into the upper mantle at a large angle. It is the boundary between Yinchuan Basin and Ordos Block. The eastern foot fault of Helan Mountain meets the Yellow River fault at a depth of about 20km. The F3, 4, 5, and 6 faults form a typical "negative flower structure". The low-resistivity melt from the upper mantle migrated upward in the weak zone and intruded into the high-resistivity Helan Mountain along the fault at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain at a depth of 20km. (3) The lithosphere on the western margin of the Ordos Block has undergone destruction and reconstruction, showing that the high-resistivity basement has been greatly reduced, while Alxa Block still retains a 40km thick basement. There are large-scale low-resistance bodies representing the asthenosphere of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, indicating that the surface area of the plateau's northeast-extending deformation has reached the Helan Shan-Yinchuan Basin. Alxa and Ordos Blocks were stretched and the low-resistivity fluid rose along the fault, and the low-resistivity fluid in Yinchuan basin invaded the middle part of Helan Mountain.

Keywords: Geophysics; Northeast margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Magnetotelluric profile; Deep electrical structure;
Acknowledgments:This research was supported by Phase I of the Northwest Region Magnetotelluric Subnetwork(2024ZD1000201),the China Geological Survey project – Regional Geophysical Survey of Wuwei to Yinchuan Region(DD20230255).

How to cite: Peng, W., Qi, C., Wang, J., Chang, C., Chang, J., and Zhu, D.: Deep Electrical Structure and Geological Significance of Alxa Block-Ordos Block in the Northeast Margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14417,, 2025.

EGU25-14471 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Deep electrical structure and geological significance of  Beishan Orogenic Belt, Southern CAOB 

Chang'an Guo, Lingxiao Zhang, Chutong Chen, and Weiheng Yuan


The Beishan Orogenic Belt is a collage of multiple active continental margins, island arcs, and ophiolite belts during the closure of the ancient Asian Ocean since the Paleozoic era. In terms of geotectonic setting, the study area experienced polycyclic lateral orogeny and vertical accretion as well as complex splicing and strike-slip processes of blocks. Although a lot of studies have improved the overall research level of the Beishan ophiolite belts, there are still controversies about how the ophiolite belts are spread and buttressed on a regional scale, and about the subduction polarity of the ocean basins. Therefore, to better document the subsurface crustal structure of the Beishan Block, including the down‐dip orientation of the ophiolite belts, we carried out a 280‐km‐long Magnetotelluric (MT) survey from the Hexi Corridor to the northern Beishan with 16 stations along the overall survey length. The acquired data underwent rigorous analysis using ModEM software, The results of the profile analysis demonstrate that the southern and northern regions of the Beishan area exhibit divergent electrical structural characteristics, demarcated by low resistivity bodies indicative of ophiolite mélange zones. The northern part of the area is distinguished by a low-high-low resistivity pattern, which may suggest the presence of a colluvial accretionary crustal structure. Conversely, the southern part of the northern hill exhibits a more structurally intact high-resistivity body, which is hypothesised to potentially represent a more rigid and ancient landmass.

Key words:Electrical structure;Magnetotelluric;Beishan Orogenic Belt;

Acknowledgments: This research was supported by Phase I of the Northwest Region Magnetotelluric Subnetwork(Grant No.2024ZD1000201), the China Geological Survey for Regional Geophysical Survey in Beishan and Adjacent Areas (Grant No. DD20230254).

How to cite: Guo, C., Zhang, L., Chen, C., and Yuan, W.: Deep electrical structure and geological significance of  Beishan Orogenic Belt, Southern CAOB, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14471,, 2025.

EGU25-14473 | Orals | EMRP2.4

Magnetotelluric inversion based on minimum entropy and evaluation of solutions 

yuqi huang, JunJie Hao, Ji Gao, haijiang zhang, and Max Moorkamp

The Magnetotelluric (MT) sounding is widely used in geophysical research and plays an important role in the exploration of oil and gas resources and the basic research of deep geological structures. Due to the use of diffusion fields in the MT method, its inversion exhibits significant non-uniqueness and lacks effective solution evaluation methods, making it difficult to achieve checkboard test similar to that in seismic tomography research. Currently, the most widely used inversion methods include the following: Occam’s inversion (Constable et al., 1987), which yields a model with the smallest roughness for a specified misfit, providing a stable and rapidly convergent solution; reduced basis Occam’s inversion (REBOCC), which transforms the linearized inverse problem from the model space to the data space (Siripunvaraporn & Egbert, 2000); and nonlinear conjugate gradients (NLCG), which avoid excessive evaluations of the full Jacobian matrix and the complete solution of a linearized inverse problem at each step of iteration (Rodi & Mackie, 2001). These inversion methods usually cast the mathematical constraint of the model with the minimum model, or the smoothest model into the objective function to relieve the non-uniqueness of the inverse problem and provide stable and smooth inversion results. However, these methods make it difficult to image the shape and sharp boundary of geological structures clearly. Although MT inversion based on Bayesian theory can effectively obtain sharp boundary information and estimate model uncertainties, its significant computing cost limits practical application in large-scale data.

Entropy can measure the average level of "uncertainty" in random variable systems and evaluate the stability of the model system. Zhdanov (2002) proposed introducing minimum entropy constraints into geophysical inversion as a means of regularization. This method aims to generate more focused and clear inversion results by limiting the entropy of the model. In geophysical diffusion field inversion, this method has been widely used and has shown remarkable results. Based on the constraint of minimum entropy, we further introduce statistical methods to calculate the uncertainty of the model. Assuming that each parameter of the model follows a Gaussian normal distribution, the probability density distribution of the model can be regarded as the superposition of the probability distributions of all parameters. On this basis, we introduce the variance of the model parameters as the inversion parameter into the objective function based on the minimum entropy constraint, thereby effectively quantifying the uncertainty of the inversion model. To verify the effectiveness of this method, we designed a checkboard model for synthetic test and applied it to the Gonghe geothermal basin on the northeastern edge of the Tibet Plateau. The results show that the algorithm can effectively characterize the spatial distribution characteristics of partial melt in geothermal basins. Our research not only obtained a focused resistivity inversion model, but also quantitatively evaluated the reliability of the results, providing a new strategy for accurate imaging of complex geological structures and quantitative analysis of the uncertainty of inversion results.

How to cite: huang, Y., Hao, J., Gao, J., zhang, H., and Moorkamp, M.: Magnetotelluric inversion based on minimum entropy and evaluation of solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14473,, 2025.

EGU25-14579 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Diapirism and magmatic intrusions in the Tazoult salt wall revealed by Magnetotellurics 

César Castro, Graham Hill, Prokop Závada, Svetlana Kováčiková, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, Mohammed Elgettafi, Mahjoub Himi, Duygu Kiyan, Jan Mrlina, Roman Beránek, and Fatima Amagar

Salt diapirs are key structures for understanding tectonic and sedimentary processes and are relevant for applications in resource exploration, carbon storage, and geological risk assessment. However, their study has been limited by challenges in acquiring detailed subsurface data, especially in offshore environments where access is restricted and costs are high. Onshore studies, therefore, play an important role in understanding salt tectonics by offering more accessible settings for investigation.

The Atlas Mountains in Morocco serve as an exceptional natural laboratory for studying salt tectonics. Formed through the tectonic inversion of an extensional basin, the Central High Atlas region hosts numerous diapiric structures related to evaporites deposited during the Triassic rifting phase. The Tazoult diapir stands out for its well-preserved surface exposure and accessibility. Magmatic activity associated with rifting further increased the complexity of Tazoult, with mafic intrusions emplaced both within and along its salt walls.

Seismic methods have traditionally been used to study salt diapirs, but they face limitations due to salt's high acoustic impedance and complex geometry, resulting in low-resolution images and interpretative challenges. Magnetotellurics (MT), on the other hand, offers a powerful alternative by leveraging electrical resistivity contrasts between salt and host rocks. This approach delineates internal geometries and formation processes while identifying salt extrusion features (e.g., salt glaciers), enabling the reconstruction of their geological and tectonic evolution.

To study the Tazoult diapir, we completed the acquisition of 102 wide-band MT soundings both within and around the diapiric structure, covering a frequency range of 10 kHz Hz to 0.001 Hz, over an area of approximately 40 × 40 km². The aim is to retrieve a high-resolution resistivity model to image the internal structure of the diapir, analyze salt extrusion geometries, and identify the salt source unit to better understand the geological and tectonic processes at a semi-regional scale. Preliminary transfer function analysis reveals significant resistivity contrasts at high frequencies within the diapir, identifying zones of high conductivity potentially linked to salt extrusion structures, as well as highly resistive zones associated with volcanic intrusions hosted within Tazoult. Mid-to-long periods exhibit (>1-10 s) a large split in transfer functions, indicating increased structure complexity. For longer periods (>100 s), very high apparent conductivities (10 S/m) have been identified, likely related to the salt source unit. These findings suggest a promising outlook for detailed imaging of the salt extrusion system.

How to cite: Castro, C., Hill, G., Závada, P., Kováčiková, S., Martín-Martín, J. D., Elgettafi, M., Himi, M., Kiyan, D., Mrlina, J., Beránek, R., and Amagar, F.: Diapirism and magmatic intrusions in the Tazoult salt wall revealed by Magnetotellurics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14579,, 2025.

EGU25-14759 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Sensitivity of magnetotelluric responses in the exploration of the Oldoinyo Lengai magmatic plumbing system 

M. Kamila Díaz, Andreas Junge, César Castro, and Miriam Christina Reiss

The Oldoinyo Lengai stratovolcano, located in northern Tanzania, is the only active volcano currently erupting natrocarbonatite lavas. It is situated within the East African Rift, the longest continental rift in the world. While extensive geological research has been conducted on Oldoinyo Lengai, geophysical studies, particularly those using electromagnetic methods, remain limited. A recent seismological investigation in the region revealed a complex, highly interconnected lateral and vertical plumbing system. Additionally, recent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) studies have shown subsidence around the volcano, suggesting the presence of a shallow, deflating magma source connected to deeper reservoirs. This has emphasized the urgent need for a comprehensive study of the inner structure of the volcano to assess potential hazards. Magnetotellurics (MT) has proven effective in imaging magmatic systems by mapping electrical resistivity distributions at depth, which are particularly sensitive to the presence of fluids and melt. Therefore, applying MT to infer the subsurface structure of Oldoinyo Lengai is highly promising, as it could provide valuable insights into the magmatic reservoirs driving volcanic-tectonic events, including their depth, geometry, and distribution.

This study evaluates the feasibility of using MT to detect the magmatic system beneath Oldoinyo Lengai by analyzing MT response distributions (e.g., Phase Tensor). We incorporate previous seismological findings to model the electrical conductivity structures at both shallow and deep levels. Our analysis focuses on: a) evaluating the resolving capacity of MT to identify conductive features that may correspond to magmatic reservoirs, and b) examining the spatial distribution and frequency behavior of MT responses based on equivalent conductivity models. Legacy data from the region has been reprocessed, providing a more accurate reference frame. This allows for a clearer contrast between the modeled structures and background resistivities, suggesting that MT is an ideal method for imaging the internal architecture of the volcano.

The station locations have been selected based on accessibility and logistical considerations. The proposed MT array will have higher resolution around Oldoinyo Lengai, with increasing interstation distances toward the outer array, extending up to ~40 km. This strategy aims to investigate the magmatic system beneath Oldoinyo Lengai and explore potential connections with surrounding volcanoes, opening doors for future regional-scale studies.

How to cite: Díaz, M. K., Junge, A., Castro, C., and Reiss, M. C.: Sensitivity of magnetotelluric responses in the exploration of the Oldoinyo Lengai magmatic plumbing system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14759,, 2025.

In marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) inversion, electromagnetic (EM)-field components, for example, the inline electric field components, are frequently utilized. For dependable data processing and inversion, precise orientations of the sources and receivers are essential, including their heading, tilt, and roll. Nevertheless, there could be potential uncertainties in the inversion and interpretation process. This is particularly true when the orientation information is lost during field data collection, for example, when the compass and tilt recordings are not obtainable. This research proposes a novel marine CSEM inversion algorithm. Instead of relying on EM fields, the orientation-independent rotational invariants are used. This approach allows for the inversion without having to take into account the orientations of the sources or receivers. The application of rotational invariants in the frequency-domain inversion of marine CSEM data is described. Numerical tests are conducted for both 1-D and 2-D scenarios using both the rotational invariants.

How to cite: Li, G. and Qin, L.: Frequency-domain marine controlled-source electromagnetic inversion using rotational invariants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14992,, 2025.

EGU25-15160 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

A marine magnetotelluric survey in the New Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea – First results from SO299 DYNAMET.  

Konstantin Reeck, Philipp A. Brandl, Hannah Zimmer, Christoph Beier, Johanna Klein, Esther Panachi, Max Moorkamp, and Marion Jegen

In easternmost Papua New Guinea, some of the most metal-enriched continental crust has formed, hosting some of the world’s largest copper and gold deposits that formed over the last 2-3 million years. The area is marked by a dynamic and complex geologic history at a convergent margin with arc-continent collision, subduction reversals producing a complex microplate mosaic, and continuous metasomatism of the mantle wedge. In 2023, the SO299 DYNAMET expedition set sail to target the New Ireland Basin with special focus on the South Lihir Volcanic Field and investigate the source of the youngest volcanic activity in this area. To detect potential ascending melts and aqueous fluids focusing in the suspected trans-lithospheric faults, our team deployed 16 ocean-bottom magnetotelluric stations (OBMT) with a bottom-time of up to 3 weeks in the New Ireland Basin south and west of Lihir Island. Given the assumed geological complexity, the stations were positioned in a 3D array with approximately 15 km spacing, including a dense cluster around the volcanic seamounts south of Lihir. After the deployment we found 12 stations recorded valid data which were segmented, filtered and robustly processed to electromagnetic impedances for periods between 60 and 20,000 s. Preliminary results based on analyzing the 1D Berdichevsky average response function, the 2D response functions and 1D inversions show anomalies for several stations close to Lihir island on an NW-SE pointing profile in approximately 20-30 kilometers depth. Dimensionality analysis points towards an at least 2D structured anomaly with a possible northern strike direction. However, the area's complex geometry and proximity to nearby islands introduce significant uncertainties and favors 3D inversion, which is currently work in progress.

How to cite: Reeck, K., Brandl, P. A., Zimmer, H., Beier, C., Klein, J., Panachi, E., Moorkamp, M., and Jegen, M.: A marine magnetotelluric survey in the New Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea – First results from SO299 DYNAMET. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15160,, 2025.

EGU25-16418 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.4

CustEMx - Sustainable software for computational electromagnetics 

Nico Skibbe and Raphael Rochlitz

Geophysical electromagnetic survey techniques are indispensable for the exploration of mineral, groundwater, geothermal, or hydrocarbon resources. CustEM is currently one of few open-source modeling tools for related 3D electromagnetic simulations worldwide. It provides the community with a general tool for modeling of CSEM, semi-airborne EM, TEM, and MT data. CustEM support general anisotropic petrophysical parameters, including the conductivity, the magnetic permeability, electric permittivity, and Cole-Cole parameters to simulate induced-polarization effects. The code also supports inversion of CSEM field data in combination with the inversion library pyGIMLi.

The options to develop and provide sustainable codes for numerical solutions are very limited in the framework of geophysical project proposals. In the context of a new research projected dealing with a quality-assured and re-usable software development, we aim to upgrade the code base to ensure the long-term sustainability by consistently addressing the FAIR4RS standards while also changing some fundamental underlying libraries as they are no longer actively supported. The final goal is to supply the community with the new library custEMx, including tools for meshing, visualization, data I/O, partly suppling graphical user interfaces as well as an extended library of tutorials, examples and community benchmarks.

We share the state of progress of the transition from custEM to custEMx and show validation results as well as first improvements of the new underlying software to outline new possibilities. We want to closely interact with the user community to ease and support the transition to custEMx, using conferences and workshops not only to inform the community of the progress but also to gather feedback, which will influence the ongoing software development.

How to cite: Skibbe, N. and Rochlitz, R.: CustEMx - Sustainable software for computational electromagnetics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16418,, 2025.

EGU25-17077 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Magnetotelluric studies of tectonics in the Tatry Mts. (Western Carpathians)  

Lenka Ondrasova, Jan Vozar, Vladimir Bezak, Radek Klanica, Svetlana Kovacikova, and Graham J. Hill

Understanding geological structures, particularly tectonic dislocations, is crucial for addressing various issues such as seismic hazards, slope instability, radon emission, and more. It also offers valuable insights into the tectonic evolution of the studied region. As part of the DISLOCAT project and bilateral project between Czech and Slovak Academy of Sciences, the magnetotelluric measurements with a focus on the Western Carpathians has been carried out. We focus on tectonic structures and their development in the area of the Tatry mountain range. Collected data were distributed in three groups, where the central group investigating structures through whole Tatry Mts. from north to south crossing structures of the Inner Carpathian Paleogene, crystalline complexes, and Tatric envelope units. The eastern group is imaging south - eastern boundary between Mesozoic units of Belianske Tatry Mts. and the Palaeogene. The last group is mapping contact zone or dislocation in the Western Tatry Mts. between crystalline  basement and Paleogene sediments and its relationship with the surrounding tectonic units.

Thanks to the contrasting electrical conductivity of tectonic structures such as faults, fracture structures, or deeper suture zones, magnetotellurics is a suitable method for mapping them to depth. Under favorable conditions, it is possible to identify conductive fluids accumulated in the fracture zone in the brittle part of the crust or detect the presence of conductive minerals, such as graphite, in these zones. According to preliminary results, the deepening of the main Tatry fault is steep to the South.

Keywords: magnetotellurics, fault zones and dislocations, Western Carpathians, Tatry mountains

How to cite: Ondrasova, L., Vozar, J., Bezak, V., Klanica, R., Kovacikova, S., and Hill, G. J.: Magnetotelluric studies of tectonics in the Tatry Mts. (Western Carpathians) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17077,, 2025.

EGU25-17635 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Estimation of the high amplitudes of the geoelectric field 

Alex Marcuello, Raha Hafizi, Anna Martí, Juanjo Ledo, Pilar Queralt, and Perla Piña-Varas

The geoelectric field depends on the electrical structure of the ground and the time variations of the geomagnetic field, which become more intense during geomagnetic storms. We present a procedure for identifying the areas of higher amplitude of the geoelectric field and determining the orientation of the geomagnetic field needed to produce these higher amplitudes. The technique involves decomposing the tensorial magnetotelluric responses in the frequency domain (e.g., impedance Z) and using the representation of complex vectors. We apply this method to identify these areas in the Iberian Peninsula, using the latest version of the Electrical Resistivity Model of the Iberian Lithosphere (ERMIL). This approach can help assess the potential effects of geomagnetically induced currents (GIC).

How to cite: Marcuello, A., Hafizi, R., Martí, A., Ledo, J., Queralt, P., and Piña-Varas, P.: Estimation of the high amplitudes of the geoelectric field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17635,, 2025.

EGU25-18755 | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Using Airborne Electromagnetic Data to Map Conductive Anomalies in the Karasjok Greenstone Belt Region 

Shunguo Wang, Trond Slagstad, and Vikas Chand Baranwal

The Karasjok Greenstone Belt (KGB), located in northern Norway, is a key Archean-Proterozoic geological feature that shows the tectonic and magmatic processes of the Fennoscandian Shield. This elongated, northeast-southwest trending belt consists predominantly of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks, including mafic and ultramafic volcanics, banded iron formations, and sedimentary schists. The KGB records complex geological histories, including episodes of subduction, rifting, and metamorphism, primarily during the Paleoproterozoic era. Geochemical studies reveal that the belt's volcanic rocks are of both arc and rift-related origin, reflecting dynamic lithospheric processes during its formation.

The belt hosts significant mineral deposits, including gold, base metals, and rare earth elements, making it an important target for mineral exploration. The integration of geological and geophysical data continues to refine our understanding of the Karasjok Greenstone Belt’s evolution, its role in the assembly of the Fennoscandian Shield, and its broader implications for Precambrian tectonics. This study presents geophysical findings derived from four-frequency (0.9 kHz, 3 kHz, 12 kHz, and 25 kHz) airborne electromagnetic data (AEM05) acquired by the Geological Survey of Finland in 2009. One-dimensional (1D) inversion was carried out by using P223, a publicly available code. The inverted 1D resistivity models along a few selected flight lines in the KGB region reveal conductive anomalies sandwiched between the surface layer and the basement. These conductive anomalies correspond closely with those identified in apparent resistivity images derived from individual frequencies which corresponds to different depths. Moving forward, detailed lithological models will be integrated to refine and enhance the accuracy of the 1D resistivity inversions and all 1D inverse models will be visualized in three-dimensional (3D), providing deeper insights into the region's subsurface structure. We will also make attempts to invert the data in 3D.

How to cite: Wang, S., Slagstad, T., and Baranwal, V. C.: Using Airborne Electromagnetic Data to Map Conductive Anomalies in the Karasjok Greenstone Belt Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18755,, 2025.

EGU25-19457 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.4

Space Weather and GIC Risks: Analyzing Geomagnetic Storms within the MARGE Project 

Giulia Pignatiello, Agata Siniscalchi, Paola De Michelis, and Michele De Girolamo and the MARGE TEAM

Geoelectric fields induced on the Earth's surface by geomagnetic storms represent a significant hazard to the operation of power grids and critical infrastructures. These disturbances, generate Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs), which can disrupt electrical systems, causing potential damage and operational downtime. The ability to estimate these geoelectric fields in near real-time and to develop accurate local forecasts is crucial for enabling timely mitigation strategies, thereby enhancing the stability and functionality of power grids.

With solar activity expected to peak in 2025, understanding the full scope of its impact on geomagnetic storms and associated space weather phenomena has become a priority for both scientific research and risk management in critical sectors.

In this context, the MARGE project, an abbreviation of " GEoelectromagnetic Risk MAp for Central Italy” plays a key role. Led by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) in collaboration with the University of Bari and the Institute of Environmental Analysis Methodologies at CNR, the project focuses on two primary objectives.

First, it employs broad-band, long-term magnetotelluric data to delineate large-scale lithospheric structures in the Central Apennines.

Second, it develops detailed geoelectric field maps for Central Italy, supporting Space Weather modeling and vulnerability analyses of critical infrastructure.

This study analyzes the characteristics of natural electric and magnetic fields generated by geomagnetic storms during the MARGE project’s magnetotelluric campaign.

The results will contribute to improving Space Weather models, advancing our ability to predict and mitigate the impacts of geomagnetic disturbances on critical systems.

How to cite: Pignatiello, G., Siniscalchi, A., De Michelis, P., and De Girolamo, M. and the MARGE TEAM: Space Weather and GIC Risks: Analyzing Geomagnetic Storms within the MARGE Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19457,, 2025.

EGU25-19541 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.4

3D Inversion and resolution study of different CS-/RMT transfer functions for different source configurations 

Stefan Schöttle, Maxim Smirnov, Alexander Grayver, Maria Smirnova, Pritam Yogeshwar, Wiebke Mörbe, and Bülent Tezkan

Over the last two decades, controlled source (CS) electromagnetic (EM) methods using an extended frequency range from 1-1000 kHz have been developed. Controlled sources complement the Radio-magnetotellurics (RMT) method by providing a wider frequency range, a greater depth of investigation and more stable responses. In addition, they remain operational even without radio antennas in the vicinity of the measurement area. While initially CS-/RMT was originally considered only in far-field conditions, it has recently been extended to include data from the intermediate zone, closer to the transmitter. This approach has several advantages over the solemn far-field consideration: (i) beneficial logistics, as there is no need to ensure sufficient source-receiver offsets; (ii) improved signal-to-noise ratio; (iii) combination of the unique resolution properties of CSEM and RMT, among others. Since EM fields in the intermediate zone depend on the source geometry, it is crucial to model the source geometry accurately.

We present a 3D inversion and resolution study for different inductively and galvanically coupled sources for synthetic data. We use (i) conventional CSEM single source configurations and (ii) CS/RMT source configurations with two orthogonal transmitters to provide two polarisations. Due to the lack of sufficiently accurate current measurements in the RMT frequency range, we invert: (i) impedance and tipper, (ii) admittance and (iii) interstationary transfer functions instead of univariate transfer functions. For modelling we use our newly in-house developed software package MR3DMod. The inversion package of MR3DMod follows the recipes of well established codes such as MODEM. The CS 3D forward modelling is based on a secondary field approach including quasi analytical modelling of the primary field. We have extensively tested the stability of the primary field solution for high frequency stability including displacement currents.

Based on our analysis, we are able to make further recommendations regarding high frequency CSEM and CS/RMT survey design. This includes the identification of favourable source configurations for specific shallow targets, such as waste deposits.

How to cite: Schöttle, S., Smirnov, M., Grayver, A., Smirnova, M., Yogeshwar, P., Mörbe, W., and Tezkan, B.: 3D Inversion and resolution study of different CS-/RMT transfer functions for different source configurations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19541,, 2025.

Efficient Transdimensional Bayesian Inversion of 2D Magnetotelluric Data with Deep Learning based Surrogate Modelling

Koustav Ghosal1, Arun Singh2 and Deepak K. Gupta3

1Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, Dhanbad, India

2Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

3Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, Dhanbad, India

Email id:

Geophysical inverse problems are ill-posed and non-unique in nature, which makes the estimated model parameters prone to uncertainty. Uncertainty quantification is a vital step in geophysical inversion. Traditional gradient-based methods often struggle to provide reliable estimates of uncertainty with their single best fit model. Alternative approaches, such as the trans-dimensional Bayesian approach, have gained popularity for their ability to address this issue by generating an ensemble of models, which allows for uncertainty quantification. However, curating an ensemble for 2D magnetotelluric data inversion is computationally expensive and requires efficient sampling methods or rapid forward solvers to reduce the computation cost. The development of surrogate models has emerged as a promising solution to mitigate these computational challenges, enabling faster evaluations while maintaining accuracy in the inversion process. We proposed a 2D forward solver based on a convolutional neural network to accelerate the forward computation and integrate with trans-dimensional Bayesian framework. To enhance the generalization capabilities of the deep neural network, the subsurface resistivity models used for training were generated using Gaussian Random Fields (GRFs). This approach increased the network's robustness, even when dealing with unseen, out-of-distribution data.

The developed algorithm was tested on synthetic data, demonstrating that with surrogate modeling, the trans-dimensional inversion was ten times faster compared to the finite-difference-based forward solver, while producing similar results. Subsequently, the algorithm was applied to a subset of the CORPA dataset, covering a 200 km profile. The derived subsurface structure revealed a 5 km thick sedimentary layer sitting above a resistive basement. In the middle of the profile, the conductive North American conductor known as the Plain is clearly visible. The results not only align well with deterministic outcomes but also provide comprehensive uncertainty estimates.



How to cite: Ghosal, K., Singh, A., and Gupta, D.: Efficient Transdimensional Bayesian Inversion of 2D Magnetotelluric Data with Deep Learning based Surrogate Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20290,, 2025.

EGU25-3337 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5

On the low-latitude ionospheric responses to the May-2024 geomagnetic storm observed by LEO satellites 

Suman Kumar Das, Claudia Stolle, Yosuke Yamazaki, Juan Rodríguez-Zuluaga, Xin Wan, Guram Kervalishvili, Jan Rauberg, Jiahao Zhong, and Septi Perwitasari

In this study, we analyze electron density measurements from the Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellite constellations Swarm and GRACE-FO to examine the effects of the May-2024 geomagnetic storm on the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere. Results show that the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) was particularly enhanced on the dayside and depleted on the nightside. Notably, an intensification of the EIA was observed during early morning hours (at ~05/07 LTs) by the GRACE-FO and Swarm A satellites. The observed EIA modifications can be attributed to the strong influence of the electric fields and thermospheric winds. Comparisons with CHAMP and GRACE observations during the Halloween storm indicate an increase of a similar order of magnitude in the EIA’s crest-to-trough ratio (CTR) and L-value around similar local times and longitudes, emphasizing the May-2024 storm as one of the strongest geomagnetic storms in the space age. Additionally, strong equatorial plasma depletion (EPD) activity was noted, including EPDs detected during early morning hours at ~05 LT (~07 LT) by GRACE-FO (Swarm A). These EPDs reached very high apex altitudes of ~5000 km during pre-midnight and ~3400 km at early morning hours during 11-12 May, in contrast to ~1000 km during pre-storm conditions. The lower apex altitude of the early morning EPDs than of the pre-midnight EPDs suggests that these EPDs are generated after midnight and they are not remnants from the previous evening. This suggestion is also supported by ground-based ionosonde observations in Southeast Asia, combined with satellite data, which reveal an elevation of the ionosphere after midnight, supporting the Rayleigh-Taylor instability mechanism crucial for the EPD growth.

How to cite: Das, S. K., Stolle, C., Yamazaki, Y., Rodríguez-Zuluaga, J., Wan, X., Kervalishvili, G., Rauberg, J., Zhong, J., and Perwitasari, S.: On the low-latitude ionospheric responses to the May-2024 geomagnetic storm observed by LEO satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3337,, 2025.

EGU25-4988 | Orals | EMRP2.5

Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Response During the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm 

Loredana Perrone, Andrey Mikhaylov, Dario Sabbagh, and Paolo Bagiacchi

The response of the ionosphere-thermosphere system in Europe during the severe geomagnetic storm of May 2024 was investigated. Between May 7 and 11, multiple X-class solar flares and at least five Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were observed. The initial CME impacted Earth at 12:30 PM UTC on May 10, triggering a geomagnetic enhancement and inducing a negative ionospheric storm over mid-latitude European stations, leading to data gaps on May 11 due to the "G condition" (wherein the electron density at the F2 layer maximum equals or falls below that of the F1 layer maximum).

Thermospheric parameters analyzed using the THERION method revealed a 60% increase in neutral [O] density at 300 km altitude and elevated thermospheric temperatures(~50% increase), while column [O] concentrations showed a ~30% decrease. Enhanced equatorward winds, peaking at 79 m/s, were observed between May 10 and 13. Comparative analysis with other longitudinal sectors confirmed significant regional responses, emphasizing the dynamic behavior of the coupled ionosphere-thermosphere system during severe geomagnetic events.


How to cite: Perrone, L., Mikhaylov, A., Sabbagh, D., and Bagiacchi, P.: Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Response During the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4988,, 2025.

EGU25-6857 | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight

Missions and efforts using magnetic field observations to advance our knowledge of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) system 

Astrid Maute, Jeng-Hwa Yee, Jesper Gjerloev, Patrick Alken, and Slava Merkin

Magnetic field observations have a long history of advancing our understanding of ionospheric current flow, even before we launched space missions. Earlier magnetic field missions were single satellites that provided new insights into ionospheric current flow. Swarm is the first constellation focused on measuring magnetic fields from LEO. In this talk, we will focus on the value of knowing the magnetic field variation and discuss challenges, advances, and future opportunities.

One scientist's signal is another scientist's noise, and therefore working with magnetic perturbation leads to the collaboration of scientists from solid Earth to the magnetosphere. Opportunities can be challenges since magnetic observations include the signal from many sources which can be from far away or close by, making the interpretation of magnetic signals often difficult. In ionosphere-thermosphere numerical modeling, magnetic perturbations are not a standard diagnostic even though a wealth of data exists. While ionospheric data is used for data assimilation, magnetic data so far is not. A huge advantage of the Swarm satellite configuration is that it can unambiguously identify ionospheric current flow when the satellites are close. A similar concept is used by NASA Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer (EZIE), a CubeSat mission scheduled for launch in spring 2025. In addition, EZIE is unique as it will measure the magnetic field around 80 km remotely via Zeeman splitting, to shed light on the substorm current flow and the equatorial electrojet.

In this presentation, we will describe the value of studying the ionospheric current to gain insights into the ionosphere-thermosphere system. We will show examples from high to low latitudes illustrating how magnetic perturbation especially in constellations and combined ground and space based data can advance our understanding of the MIT system. We conclude with thoughts about future observations.

How to cite: Maute, A., Yee, J.-H., Gjerloev, J., Alken, P., and Merkin, S.: Missions and efforts using magnetic field observations to advance our knowledge of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6857,, 2025.

EGU25-7098 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

Ray Tracing of the Equatorial Extremely Low Frequency Whistlers Detected by the Swarm Mission 

Martin Jenner, Pierdavide Coisson, Gauthier Hulot, Robin Deborde, and Louis Chauvet

Whistlers are generated by the electromagnetic signal from lightning discharges leaking into the
ionosphere and magnetosphere. They propagate upward through the ionosphere, where they can be
detected by satellites. The dispersion of whistler signal during propagation has been empirically
described by Eckersley [1935] by the following law: T = D / √ f , where T is the group delay of the
wave packet, f is its frequency and D is called the dispersion of the whistler.
We focus on events detected during burst-mode campaigns of the Absolute Scalar Magnetometer
(ASM) of the Swarm satellites at orbital altitudes ~475 km (Alpha) and ~510 km (Bravo). Since
the bandwidth of interest of this instrument lies between 10 Hz and 125 Hz, the whistlers detected
are in the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF). In this band, whistler propagation differs from the
more commonly studied Very Low Frequency (VLF) whistlers and presents a unique set of
characteristics. In particular, in the equatorial region (±5° of magnetic inclination), Eckersley’s
empirical dispersion description seems to break down.
To investigate such propagation oddity, we model the ELF whistler propagation of equatorial
whistler with a ray tracing technique using the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI) and
a local dipolar magnetic field approximation derived from the IGRF-13 as background models.
Ray tracing provides an estimate of the propagation path and the group delay of the whistler. Since
ray tracing is an application of geometric optics, it has inherent limitations for large wavelength
that are characterized in the context of ELF whistler simulation.
Ray tracing allows us to successfully model ELF whistler dispersion as detected by Swarm ASM.
This is tested on both whistler following Eckersley’s law and equatorial whistlers. For the latter
case, the simulated group delay is shown to have two main contributions: the first is related to the
expected wave dispersion and the second to the special propagation geometry of these signals.
Indeed, the various frequency components of equatorial whistlers have ray paths that differs
widely, impacting the length traveled by the rays and thus their group delay. This explains well the
group delay of ELF equatorial seen in Swarm ASM data.

How to cite: Jenner, M., Coisson, P., Hulot, G., Deborde, R., and Chauvet, L.: Ray Tracing of the Equatorial Extremely Low Frequency Whistlers Detected by the Swarm Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7098,, 2025.

EGU25-7665 | Orals | EMRP2.5

A Pc3 magnetic pulsation possibly associated with the Lamb wave generated by the 2022 Tonga undersea volcanic eruption 

Toshihiko Iyemori, Yoshihiro Yokoyama, and Tadashi Aoyama

A peculiar compressional Pc3 magnetic pulsation was observed by the Swarm satellites on the dayside which may have been caused by the Lamb wave generated at the Tonga undersea volcanic eruption on January 15, 2022. The difference between this and other usual compressional Pc3 pulsations observed at low and mid-latitudes is its spectral structure. The power spectral density (PSD) usually peaks at the periods between 20 and 30 sec, but in this event observed on the dayside orbit around the time when the Lamb wave passed under the Swarm orbit, the PSD peaks below 20 sec and is small in the periods longer than 20 sec. It is shown that this is a very rare case, although not the only one, during the period examined, i.e., from December 2013 to April 2022. The PSD has many sharp spectral peaks, but they don't have usual harmonic structure, and the frequencies of the peaks are nearly common with those of other similar events. The Pc3s observed at low-latitude (L<3 Re) ground magnetic stations simultaneously with the satellites show a very good correspondence of PSD peaks with those of the Swarm satellites although those of high-latitude station do not. The solar wind on January 15, 2022 was disturbed and high speed, so the possibility that the solar wind was the cause of the Pc3 cannot be completely excluded. However, the coincidence of the Pc3 appearance with the Lamb wave arrival, its peculiar spectral structure, and a comparison with ground magnetic observations suggest that this phenomenon is likely to be related to the Lamb wave arrival. A plasmaspheric cavity resonance excited by a magneto-sonic wave injected from the ionosphere via ionospheric dynamo could be a possible mechanism. This is probably the first report on a Pc3 magnetic pulsation possibly caused by lower atmospheric disturbance.

How to cite: Iyemori, T., Yokoyama, Y., and Aoyama, T.: A Pc3 magnetic pulsation possibly associated with the Lamb wave generated by the 2022 Tonga undersea volcanic eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7665,, 2025.

EGU25-9287 * | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight

The Upcoming ESA Scout NanoMagSat Mission, a Nanosatellite Constellation to Further Improve Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment Monitoring and Modeling 

Gauthier Hulot, Pierdavide Coïsson, Jean-Michel Léger, Lasse B. N. Clausen, John L. Jørgensen, Jose van den Ijssel, Louis Chauvet, Thomas Jager, Florian Deconinck, Pepe Nieto, Fabrice Cipriani, Massimiliano Pastena, and Jean-Pascal Lejault

Geomagnetic field and ionospheric environment monitoring is presently achieved with huge success by the three satellites of the Swarm Earth Explorer ESA constellation launched in November 2013. Maintaining and improving observations beyond the lifetime of Swarm is critical for both science investigations and advanced applications. NanoMagSat aims at fulfilling this goal. This much cheaper mission is currently in Phase B within the context of the ESA Scout program. It will deploy and operate a new Low-Earth orbiting constellation of three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbits at an initial altitude of 545 km, to complement and take over the Swarm mission. The mission is planned to start deploying end of 2027, for a minimum of three years of full constellation operation between 2028 and 2031.

This constellation is designed to cover all local times (LT) at all latitudes, with special emphasis on latitudes between 60°N and 60°S, where all LT will be visited within about a month, much faster than is currently achieved by the Swarm constellation. Each satellite will carry an advanced Miniaturized Absolute scalar and self-calibrated vector Magnetometer (MAM) with star trackers (STR) collocated on an ultra-stable optical bench at the tip of a deployable boom, a new compact High Frequency Magnetometer (HFM) (at mid-boom), a multi-Needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) and dual frequency GNSS receivers (all on the satellite body). This payload suite will acquire high-precision/resolution oriented absolute vector magnetic data at 1 Hz, very low noise scalar and vector magnetic field data at 2 kHz, electron density data at 2 kHz, and electron temperature data at 1 Hz. GNSS receivers will also allow top-side TEC and ionospheric radio-occultation profiles to be recovered.

In this presentation, the main science goals of the mission will first be introduced and the rationale for the choice of the payload and constellation design next explained. The various data products currently planned to be produced will also be described. Special emphasis will be put on the innovative aspects of the mission with respect to Swarm and other previous missions. Finally, the benefit of relying on such nanosatellite constellations for maintaining long-term observations of the magnetic field and ionospheric environment, to complement ground-based observations will also be discussed.

How to cite: Hulot, G., Coïsson, P., Léger, J.-M., Clausen, L. B. N., Jørgensen, J. L., van den Ijssel, J., Chauvet, L., Jager, T., Deconinck, F., Nieto, P., Cipriani, F., Pastena, M., and Lejault, J.-P.: The Upcoming ESA Scout NanoMagSat Mission, a Nanosatellite Constellation to Further Improve Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment Monitoring and Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9287,, 2025.

Modern geomagnetic field models can successfully represent many details of the observed large-scale field and its slow time changes. However, the obtained model uncertainty is often underestimated, which limits our ability to evaluate the reliability of signals recovered in the field models. The increasing amount of globally distributed, high-quality magnetic data observed by low-Earth orbit satellites, such as Swarm, MSS-1 and the planned NanoMagSat mission, present an opportunity to improve the model uncertainty by providing important statistical information on the expected errors of the input magnetic data used in field modelling.  

During the field model estimation, data errors are usually assumed to be uncorrelated in time and independent of position. However, limitations in the parameterization of the models regarding magnetospheric and ionospheric sources lead to residuals between model predictions and magnetic observations that are not only larger than the expected measurement noise but are also correlated and varying with position. Not adequately describing these correlations during the model estimation leads to unrealistic model uncertainties, which hinders, for example, their use in applications such as assimilation into numerical Geodynamo simulations.

Here, the statistics of vector residuals between magnetic observations from the Swarm satellites and the CHAOS-7 geomagnetic field model predictions are studied by computing sample means and covariances for the field components as a function of time and magnetic coordinates. This analysis reveals significant covariances, particularly at mid-to-high latitudes. The sample covariances are used to construct non-diagonal data error covariance matrices, which can be used in field modelling.

Finally, test field models built using the non-diagonal data error covariances matrices within the CHAOS modelling framework are discussed, illustrating the effect of correlated data errors on the recovered fields and the associated model uncertainties.

How to cite: Kloss, C.: Accounting for correlated errors in Swarm magnetic data within the CHAOS field modelling framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11188,, 2025.

EGU25-11455 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

The Plasma Waves Instrument for LilacSat-3 Mission 

Yuhui Fu, Li Zeng, Fulin Shi, Fan Wu, Ruichen Xi, and Jinbin Cao

The ionosphere is the nearest natural plasma laboratory to the Earth. Ionospheric plasma waves serve as a important diagnostic tool for understanding space plasma and space weather. The CSES 01 mission and the DEMETER satellite made in-situ measurements of low-frequency plasma waves on sun-synchronous orbits and observed a large number of wave events, including whistlers, ionospheric hiss, and artificial very low-frequency (VLF) emissions, which revealed the local response of the ionosphere to natural hazards, space weather events, and human activities such as long-distance power line harmonic radiation and high-power VLF emissions. Moreover, the propagation of low-frequency electromagnetic waves in ionospheric plasma exhibits an obvious variation with altitude. However, it is not enough to study in-situ propagation characteristics of waves at different altitudes in the mid-latitude and low-latitude ionosphere. The micro-satellite LilacSat-3 provides an opportunity for this study. LilacSat-3, a thin disk-shaped satellite with a diameter of 1 meter, developed by Harbin Institute of Technology, will be launched into a sun-synchronous orbit with a variable altitude, gradually decreasing from an initial altitude of 500 kilometers. LilacSat-3 Plasma Waves Instrument (PWI), developed by School of Space and Earth Sciences, Beihang University, incorporates a pair of concentric loops designed to measure the magnetic component of ionospheric plasma waves and ionospheric disturbance caused by ground-based artificial VLF emissions along the normal direction of the satellite disk, providing a data source for revealing the characteristics of ionospheric response to space weather events in Low Earth orbit (LEO) and studying the propagation of artificial VLF emissions. The boomless concentric loop sensors exhibit intrinsic structural compatibility with the disk-shaped satellite. PWI adopts a high-accuracy data acquisition unit with 24-bit resolution and a maximum sampling frequency up to 200kHz, and is timed by Pulse per Second (PPS) signal with an accuracy of 1μs. The operating frequency range of PWI is up to 100kHz. LilacSat-3 mission is anticipated to be launched in mid-2025.

How to cite: Fu, Y., Zeng, L., Shi, F., Wu, F., Xi, R., and Cao, J.: The Plasma Waves Instrument for LilacSat-3 Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11455,, 2025.

EGU25-12183 | Orals | EMRP2.5

MSCM: A geomagnetic Model derived from Swarm, CSES and MSS-1 satellite data and the evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly 

Yu Gao, Zhengtao Wang, Phil Livermore, Hannah Rogers, and Cong Liu

Measurements from geomagnetic satellites continue to underpin advances in geomagnetic field models that describe Earth’s internally generated magnetic field. Here we present a new field model: MSCM that integrates vector and scalar data from the Swarm, CSES, and MSS-1 satellites. The model spans 2014.0 to 2024.5, incorporating the core, lithospheric, and magnetospheric fields, showing similar characteristics to other published models. For the first time, we demonstrate that incorporating CSES vector data successfully produces a geomagnetic field model, albeit one in which the radial and azimuthal CSES vector components are Huber downweighted. We further show that data from MSS-1 can be used to construct a fully time-dependent geomagnetic field model. MSCM identifies new behaviour of the South Atlantic Anomaly, the broad region of low magnetic field intensity over the southern Atlantic. This prominent feature appears split into a western and eastern part, each with its own intensity minimum. Since 2015, the principal western minimum has undergone only modest intensity decreases of 290 nT and westward motion of 20km/yr, while the recently-formed eastern minimum has shown an intensity drop 2-3 times greater of 730nT with no apparent motion. 

How to cite: Gao, Y., Wang, Z., Livermore, P., Rogers, H., and Liu, C.: MSCM: A geomagnetic Model derived from Swarm, CSES and MSS-1 satellite data and the evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12183,, 2025.

EGU25-12507 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

A study of ionospheric variability through SWARM and ground-based observations to inform on the variability of radio propagation effects. 

Tianchu Lu, Biagio Forte, Paul Kinsler, and Jose Van den IJssel

Radio waves are subject to a variety of propagation effects when traversing through the ionosphere.  These effects depend on the radio wave frequency as well as on the ionospheric conditions that determine the spatial distribution of plasma density along a given ray path. Ionospheric propagation effects can be determined at various orders of approximation of the Appleton-Hartree equation for the refractive index. These propagation effects vary according to the variability of the ionosphere, which is driven by complex combinations between factors such as solar and magnetic activities, 

This contribution discusses the variability of ionospheric conditions in relation to propagation effects. The ionospheric variability was estimated by using a diverse set of information: ionospheric and magnetic models, in-situ and ground observations.  

Within a timespan of a solar cycle, from November 2013 to November 2024, the European Space Agency's SWARM constellation has enabled unprecedented studies of Earth's Ionosphere and Magnetosphere through the provision of continuous, high temporal and spatial measurements of electron density and magnetic field parameters. In this work electron density and magnetic field in-situ SWARM observations are compared with the IRI model (Bilitza et al., 2017), the IGRF model (Thebault et al., 2015), and with ground observations. Ground-based observations, including electron density parameters recorded by GIRO ionosondes and magnetic field strength recorded by selected magnetometers, collected at geographically diverse locations were compared with SWARM’s in-situ measurements at different magnetic latitudes/longitudes, and under various ionospheric conditions over an entire solar cycle.

This analysis covered an entire solar cycle period and included an assessment of both active and quiet conditions (e.g., through the use of indices such as Kp). 

Initial comparisons between SWARM’s electron density in-situ measurements, GIRO ionosonde observations and the IRI model, as well as between SWARM’s magnetic field strength measurements, ground-based magnetometer data and the IGRF model, seem to suggest a higher ionospheric variability across different latitudes/longitudes, and geomagnetic conditions. The results indicate how a dataset such as offered by SWARM and other similar missions, in synergy with ground-based observations, can form a useful framework to improve the understanding of the ionospheric variability and the corresponding propagation effects.


[1] Bilitza, D., Shubin, V., Truhlik, V., Richards, P., Reinisch, B., & Huang, X. (2017). International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to real-time weather predictions. Space Weather, 15(2), 418–429.

[2] Thebault, E., Finlay, C. C., Beggan, C. D., Alken, P., Aubert, J., Barrois, O., … & Zhou, B. (2015). International Geomagnetic Reference Field: The 12th generation. Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 79.

How to cite: Lu, T., Forte, B., Kinsler, P., and Van den IJssel, J.: A study of ionospheric variability through SWARM and ground-based observations to inform on the variability of radio propagation effects., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12507,, 2025.

EGU25-13355 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5

Electron density modelling at Swarm height using Neural Networks for space weather monitoring 

Marjolijn Adolfs and Mohammed Mainul Hoque

The Swarm data base is well-suited to address a number of topics of serious interest in space weather science and monitoring as for instance: spatial and temporal characteristics of ionospheric electron density, improving topside approaches in ionospheric models for monitoring and forecasting the dynamics of the geo-plasma environment. In this study, we developed a neural network-based electron density model using the electron density measured by Langmuir probes on the Swarm A and C satellites. Data from the years 2014 till 2021 has been used for this study, where the satellites have an approximate altitude range of 470-430 km. The model’s capability of showing large and small-scale features of the ionosphere was tested and the results show that the model is capable of showing the crest formations on both sides of the magnetic equator, as well as seasonal and diurnal variations. Furthermore, using the neural network-based model predictions, the nighttime winter anomaly (NWA) feature was investigated. The NWA is a small-scale feature that can be observed during low solar activity conditions at nighttime in the Northern Hemisphere at the American sector and in the Southern Hemisphere at the Asian sector. Such electron density models at specific height region can be used for three-dimensional ionosphere model validation as well as for the development of improved ionosphere models. Again, accurate modelling and monitoring of ionospheric electron density at certain height region can help prediction of space weather impact.

How to cite: Adolfs, M. and Hoque, M. M.: Electron density modelling at Swarm height using Neural Networks for space weather monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13355,, 2025.

The Swarm satellite mission, launched by the European Space Agency in 2013, investigates Earth's ionosphere using advanced onboard instruments, including GPS receivers capable of tracking signals from up to eight satellites simultaneously. Loss of navigational capability, defined as periods when fewer than four GPS satellites are tracked, poses significant challenges for precise positioning and mission operations.
Before 2020, the frequency of these events was relatively low, with fewer than 200 occurrences for Swarm A and C, and fewer than 100 for Swarm B. After 2020, the number of events increased dramatically, exceeding 1,400 for Swarm A and C, and 400 for Swarm B. While geomagnetic activity directly affects high-latitude regions, less than 10% of these events occur in the high-latitude ionosphere, suggesting indirect influences of magnetic storms on other latitudes through associated phenomena.
This study investigates the correlation between geomagnetic activity and loss of navigational capability, exploring whether geomagnetic indices and magnetic storms act as precursors or are unrelated to these events. The findings will provide insights into the interplay between space weather and satellite-based navigation, contributing to improved operational resilience in future satellite missions.

How to cite: Knudsen, D. and Ghadjari, H.: Investigating the Role of Geomagnetic Activity in Loss of Navigational Capability in the Swarm Satellite Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14321,, 2025.

EGU25-14373 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight

Investigating Low-latitude Ionospheric Variations During the 2024 "Mother's Day Storm": Combined Swarm and Ground-Based Observations 

Ali Mohandesi, David J. Knudsen, Susan Skone, and Hossein Ghadjari

Geomagnetic storms significantly impact the morphology and dynamics of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA). The geomagnetic storm of May 10, 2024, also known as the “Mother’s Day Storm”, was the most intense geomagnetic storm in the last two solar cycles. Given its severity, understanding the storm's impact on the ionosphere is crucial. This study investigates the variations of the low-latitude ionosphere during the Mother's Day Storm, utilizing observations from ESA’s Swarm satellites, as well as total electron density (TEC) estimates from the ground.

Data from the Langmuir Probes, the Electric Field Instrument (EFI), and TEC derived from GPS receivers onboard The Swarm satellites were used to analyze the F-region ionosphere. Additionally, ground-based TEC maps from the Madrigal database were employed to examine the altitudinal evolution of the EIA structure.

Results demonstrate a significant enhancement of the double-peak electron density structure of the EIA during the main phase of the storm (starting around 17 UT on May 10), with evidence of the super fountain effect. The EIA crests reached altitudes above the Swarm B satellite orbit (510 km), extending to approximately 40 degrees north and south of the equator. In contrast, the generation of the EIA was suppressed during the storm's recovery phase. These behaviors are interpreted in the context of storm-induced electric fields.

How to cite: Mohandesi, A., Knudsen, D. J., Skone, S., and Ghadjari, H.: Investigating Low-latitude Ionospheric Variations During the 2024 "Mother's Day Storm": Combined Swarm and Ground-Based Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14373,, 2025.

EGU25-15092 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

CSESpy: a unified framework for data analysis of the payloads on board the CSES satellite 

Emanuele Papini, Francesco Maria Follega, Mirko Piersanti, Roberto Battiston, and Piero Diego

The China-Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) mission delivers in-situ measurements of the plasma, electromagnetic fields, and charged particles in the topside ionosphere. Each CSES spacecraft carries several different scientific payloads delivering a wealth of information about the ionospheric plasma dynamics and properties and the energetic particles precipitating in the ionosphere or coming from outside the Earth environment. Here we present CSESpy, a python package designed to provide easy access to CSES Level 2 data products, with the aim to ease the pathway for scientists to carry out the analysis of CSES data, increase opportunities for collaboration and boost joint research efforts.Beyond simply being an interface to the CSES database, CSESpy aims at providing higher-level analysis and visualization tools, as well as tools for combining concurrent measurements from different data products, so as to allow multi-payload and even multi-satellite studies in a unified framework. CSESpy is designed to be highly flexible, as such it can be extended to interface with datasets from other sources and can be embedded in wider software ecosystems for the analysis of space physics data. Tools like CSESpy are crucial for advancing our understanding of complex ionospheric and space weather phenomena that are otherwise challenging to investigate, thereby contributing significantly to advancements in space physics research.

How to cite: Papini, E., Follega, F. M., Piersanti, M., Battiston, R., and Diego, P.: CSESpy: a unified framework for data analysis of the payloads on board the CSES satellite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15092,, 2025.

EGU25-15392 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

Variations of upper thermospheric scale height based on neutral mass density measurements from coplanar low-Earth-orbit satellites 

Heikki Vanhamäki, Lei Cai, Anita Aikio, Marcus Pedersen, and Milla Myllymaa

The mass density scale height in the upper atmosphere gives the vertical distance over which the neutral mass density decreases by a factor of e (the base of natural logarithms). The change in scale height may depend on changes in neutral temperature and/or composition. This study uses simultaneous measurements of neutral mass density from coplanar low-Earth-orbit satellites to derive the neutral mass density scale height and analyses the variations of the scale height during quiet time and geomagnetic storms. The coplanar events are found in the satellite missions from 2014 to 2023, including Swarm, GRACE, and GRACE-FO.

Our study shows several interesting findings. During geomagnetic storms, the scale heights are increased significantly (by up to 15 km), probably mainly due to increased upper thermospheric temperature. The increase in scale height depends on latitude, local time, and season. In the summer hemisphere and on the dayside, the upper thermospheric temperature (or exospheric temperature) can be estimated by assuming the dominant composition of the neutrals is the atomic oxygen at the LEO satellite altitudes. Additionally, during quiet time, the semi-diurnal tides are revealed in neutral mass density scale height. The results provide strong evidence of the propagation of the atmospheric tides from below to the topside ionosphere-thermosphere, which affects the upper thermospheric temperature and/or composition. This is also a new way for atmospheric tidal diagnostics based on LEO satellite measurements.

How to cite: Vanhamäki, H., Cai, L., Aikio, A., Pedersen, M., and Myllymaa, M.: Variations of upper thermospheric scale height based on neutral mass density measurements from coplanar low-Earth-orbit satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15392,, 2025.

EGU25-19863 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5

Extreme two-phase change of the ionospheric electron temperature overshoot during geomagnetic storms uncovered by neural networks 

Artem Smirnov, Yuri Shprits, Hermann Lühr, Alessio Pignalberi, Elena Kronberg, Fabricio Prol, and Chao Xiong

An intense surge in equatorial electron temperature (Te) at sunrise, known as the morning Te overshoot, has been one of the most widely studied ionospheric features since its discovery in the early Space Age. Despite extensive research, its behavior during geomagnetic storms remains poorly understood. Using global electron temperature observations by the CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) mission in 2002-2010, we develop a neural network Te model, which helped us uncover a two-stage response of the morning Te overshoot to geomagnetic activity. During the storm’s main phase, electron temperatures in the overshoot region exhibit a pronounced enhancement, which is followed by a dramatic depletion exceeding 1000 K and the disappearance of the overshoot during the recovery phase. This two-phase evolution corresponds to the initial impact of a westward prompt penetration electric field (PPEF), which reduces electron densities therefore allowing for a more efficient energy exchange between the newly ionized particles at sunrise and lower energy (depleted) ambient plasma. The initial PPEF influence is overtaken by the eastward disturbance dynamo field later in the storm, which flips the ExB drift from downward to upward and lifts more electrons into the F-region. Increased electron densities enhance the cooling rates leading to the disappearance of the overshoot in the recovery phase of the storms. Our findings shed new light on the dynamics of the morning electron temperature overshoot and highlight the capability of digital twin models to uncover previously unrecognized physical phenomena in the near-Earth space environment. Additionally, we discuss the applications of the developed model for various ionospheric applications, including the calibration of electron temperatures from Swarm Langmuir Probes. 

How to cite: Smirnov, A., Shprits, Y., Lühr, H., Pignalberi, A., Kronberg, E., Prol, F., and Xiong, C.: Extreme two-phase change of the ionospheric electron temperature overshoot during geomagnetic storms uncovered by neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19863,, 2025.

EGU25-20825 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

ESA's VirES service for accessing and analysing data from Swarm and beyond 

Martin Pačes and Ashley Smith

The VirES service[1] has been developed to make Swarm products accessible to programmers and non-programmers alike. Web services provide robust access to both data and models, which are coupled to a graphical interface for easy exploration and visualisation, as well as Python tooling to support community-developed tools and processing options. VirES is also integrated with other data systems through adoption of the Heliophysics API (HAPI)[2].

The web client GUI provides both 3D visualisation and customisable 2D plotting, allowing data exploration without any programming required. On the other hand, ready-to-run Jupyter notebooks[3] provide the more intrepid explorer the opportunity to generate more bespoke analysis and visualisation. The notebooks are backed by a JupyterHub furnished with domain-relevant Python packages, which together lower the barrier to entry to programming. Both the web client and notebooks are interlinked with the Swarm handbook[4] which provides more detailed documentation of products.

While the service was originally developed to serve Swarm products, we also provide access to ground magnetic observatory data derived from INTERMAGNET, as well as Swarm "multimission" products derived from other spacecraft as part of Swarm projects. We are actively looking into ways in which the service and associated software can support related missions, including the Macau Science Satellites and NanoMagSat.

VirES is developed for ESA by EOX IT Services[5], in close collaboration with researchers across the Swarm Data, Innovation, and Science Cluster (DISC). We aim to produce a sustainable ecosystem of tools and services, which together support accessibility, interoperability, open science, and cloud-based processing. All services are available freely to all, and the software is developed openly on GitHub[6,7].


How to cite: Pačes, M. and Smith, A.: ESA's VirES service for accessing and analysing data from Swarm and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20825,, 2025.

EGU25-20929 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

Korea’s LEO Satellite Explorations of the Earth’s Ionosphere and Thermosphere 

Young-Sil Kwak, Jaejin Lee, Woo Kyoung Lee, Hyosub Kil, and Jaeheung Park

KASI has been developing LEO satellite observation missions to study the Earth's ionosphere and upper atmosphere. These missions include SNIPE (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment), SNIPE-2 (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment-2), ROKITS (Republic Of Korea Imaging Test System), and ATHENA (Aurora THErmosphere ioNosphere for spAceweather). The successful launch of the SNIPE (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment) mission in May 2023, featuring a formation flight of three nanosatellites, enables simultaneous observation of the spatio-temporal changes in plasma microstructures in the near-Earth space. It is still operational as of January 2025 and has provided high-quality observations of ionospheric plasma changes, particularly during the intense geomagnetic storms of May and October 2024. Based on this SNIPE, development of SNIPE-2, which will conduct stable near-Earth space exploration with six CubeSats, has also begun. Looking ahead, KASI’s upcoming mission, ROKITS (Republic Of Korea Imaging Test System), is scheduled for launch in 2025 to observe the Earth’s upper atmosphere with a wide-field aurora/airglow imager in visible wavelength (OI 557.7 nm and OI 630.0 nm). This imager will operate in a noon-midnight sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 600 km. The primary scientific goal of ROKITS is to define the boundary of the auroral oval and analyze various auroral shapes and the evolution of auroral features. Additionally, KASI is initiating an ambitious mission ATHENA (Aurora and Thermosphere: Energetics, Neutrals, and Atmosphere). ATHENA aims to advance our understanding of space weather forced from above and below using the observations by two threshold payloads: optical imagers operating in visual/infrared (KASI/ROKITS_IR) and far-ultraviolet (JHUAPL/GUVI+) wavelengths. ATHENA will fly these instruments in a near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit at about 640km. The key space weather parameters from the mission include auroral boundary and external energy input, atmospheric gravity waves, and vertical profiles of main atmospheric constituents. This presentation outlines the current and future LEO satellite exploration efforts of Korea’s Earth’s ionosphere and Thermosphere.

How to cite: Kwak, Y.-S., Lee, J., Lee, W. K., Kil, H., and Park, J.: Korea’s LEO Satellite Explorations of the Earth’s Ionosphere and Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20929,, 2025.

In the realm of railway infrastructure, the safety of railway road base structures is of paramount importance. A conventional railway raod base is composed of three distinct layers: square cement sleepers positioned at the top, ballast situated in the middle, and undisturbed bedrock or soil at the base. Railway roadbase are prone to a variety of structural challenges that can manifest differently based on their geographical context. In excavated railway sections, particularly those located in limestone regions, the occurrence of karst cracks and cave formations is a significant concern. Such geological phenomena may lead to the ballast stones falling into underlying cavities, thereby diminishing the thickness of the ballast layer. This reduction can adversely affect the bearing capacity of the railway sleepers, thereby compromising safety during train operations. Additionally, during the summer months, ballast may become saturated with rainwater, resulting in the formation of mud and mud overflow to the ground surface; conversely, in winter, the volume of ballast may increase due to ice heaving, leading to deformation of the railway track and square cement sleepers. Both scenarios pose safety risks for train operations and necessitate a thorough investigation of the ballast structure with ground penetrating radar.

To assess the condition of the raiway ballast structure, a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system, along with three sets of air coupled antennas operating at a center frequency of 1.0 GHz, was employed. The antennas were strategically positioned at the front of the train, elevated 45 cm above the square cement sleepers, and arranged on the left, center, and right sides of the railway track. The GPR system successfully detected the railway cement sleepers and ballast structures, producing a two dimensional longitudinal profile for each antenna. The hyperbolic reflections generated by the cement sleepers were pronounced, which interfered with the emitted signals from the ballast, obscuring the ballast interface. Data processing was performed using a specialized local removal curve algorithm, which utilized a raw profile to subtract the local curve profile of the square cement sleepers, thereby eliminating the influence of the square cement sleepers. This data processing procedure resulted in a continuous reflection signal from the ballast layers, allowing for the identification of water distribution in water-bearing areas, variations in ballast thickness, and the structural characteristics of the railway subgrade and ballast layers in limestone regions. The Ground Penetrating Radar equipped with a horn antenna was utilized for scanning the railway ballast, yielding ballast clear reflection signals when combined with the specialized local removal curve method, thereby enhancing railway safety.

How to cite: Deng, X.: The method to get clear image for the railway ballast structure with the Ground Penetrating Radar Horn Antenna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1404,, 2025.

EGU25-1815 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.7

Electromagnetic coupling analysis and removal in large-depth induced polarization method by using the relative phase 

Haojie Qin, Rujun Chen, Zhenxing Ji, and Qunagong Wang

As shallow mineral resources continue to deplete, deep mineral exploration has emerged as an essential trend in the mining industry. One of the most direct and effective methods to enhance exploration depth is by increasing the spacing of the current electrode in the array. However, this increase often results in a stronger electromagnetic (EM) coupling effect, which can significantly interfere with the induced polarization (IP) signal. To address these challenges, this paper calculates the EM coupling effects of various measuring arrays in both uniform half-space and layered media using analytical methods. Based on these calculations, we further analyze the impact of various factors on the intensity of EM-coupling interference in the layered media model, including the type of measuring array, the spacing of the current-electrodes, as well as the resistivity and frequency. Ultimately, based on the differences in the phases of the IP and the EM-coupling in the frequency domain, we derive the calculation formula of the relative phase method and analyze its decoupling effect at various application scenarios. The results indicate that an increase in the spacing of the current electrode, a decrease in ground resistivity and an increase in working frequency will significantly enhance the intensity of EM coupling interference. Under consistent conditions and detection depths, the EM coupling interference is typically greater for Schlumberger array compared to pole-dipole array. By employing the relative phase method, the biggest working frequency of the pole-dipole array can be enhanced by a factor of four, while the Schlumberger array can experience an increase of 10 to 11 times. It demonstrates that the relative phase method has a certain effect for removing the EM-coupling in large-depth IP exploration. The research provides significant guidance for the field implementation of large-depth IP exploration.

How to cite: Qin, H., Chen, R., Ji, Z., and Wang, Q.: Electromagnetic coupling analysis and removal in large-depth induced polarization method by using the relative phase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1815,, 2025.

The definition of apparent resistivity is a critical aspect of in electromagnetic methods, particularly in the context of the electrical source transient electromagnetic method (ESTEM), which has not been well resolved. This study presents a novel concept termed pulse impedance for ESTEM, which is defined as the ratio of the first-order time derivative (pulse response) of the horizontal electric field to the vertical magnetic field. This innovative definition facilitates the derivation of a clear and explicit expression for apparent resistivity that maintains accuracy across the entire range of periods. The pulse impedance approach notably eliminates the source term from the calculations, resulting in an apparent resistivity that is independent of source parameters, thus enhancing the robustness and reliability of the resistivity estimations. The efficacy of this approach was corroborated through the analysis of data obtained from both numerical simulations and field measurements.

How to cite: Chen, W. and Zhu, Y.: Pulse Impedance: A New Approach to Defining Apparent Resistivity of Electrical Source Transient Electromagnetic Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1844,, 2025.

EGU25-1868 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.7

Lithology identification method based on Multi-mode adaptive prediction system: Algorithms and Applications 

Pengfei Lv, Guoqiang Xue, and Weiying Chen

Lithology identification is crucial in mineral and energy resource exploration as it determines geological composition and guides exploration activities, improving resource location and evaluation efficiency. The advancement of artificial intelligence technology has promoted the application of machine learning-based multi-source geophysical data fusion methods in lithology identification. However, due to the differences in geophysical exploration techniques and data types across mining areas, single machine learning methods often struggle to adapt to diverse geological environments, lacking necessary universality and robustness, which severely restricts the practical application of intelligent identification technology in actual exploration. To address these limitations, this study introduces a Multi-mode Adaptive Prediction System (MAPS) for lithology identification. MAPS innovatively integrates three learning models (supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning), and can automatically select the most suitable learning mode based on prior information such as the quantity and quality of existing labeled samples and the completeness of geological background information, achieving rapid and accurate lithology identification. We verified MAPS's performance advantages through extensive comparative experiments: in supervised learning mode, compared to Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes classifier, accuracy improved by 0.7% and 3.5% respectively, with F1 scores increasing by 3.4% and 4.5%; in semi-supervised learning mode, compared to semi-supervised fuzzy C-means algorithm and self-learning algorithm, accuracy and F1 scores improved by a minimum of 33.67% and 0.15 respectively; in unsupervised mode, compared to traditional fuzzy C-means and Gaussian mixture models, MAPS demonstrated superior ability to mine and construct internal data structures, showing stronger feature learning capabilities. Furthermore, MAPS has shown excellent performance in the practical application of coal seam location prediction. The coal seam locations predicted by the system are highly consistent with actual drilling results, further validating MAPS's significant application potential in practical engineering. In conclusion, MAPS significantly improves the efficiency and accuracy of lithology identification, providing reliable technical support for mineral and energy resource exploration with broad application prospects.



How to cite: Lv, P., Xue, G., and Chen, W.: Lithology identification method based on Multi-mode adaptive prediction system: Algorithms and Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1868,, 2025.

EGU25-2763 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.7

Integrated MT, Gravity, and Seismic Inversion and Interpretation for Improved Subsurface Imaging 

Xiaolei Tu, Adam Schultz, and Qingyun Di

We present a comprehensive geophysical methodology that combines magnetotelluric (MT), gravity and/or seismic data in a joint 3-D inversion framework to reduce interpretational uncertainty and provide a more accurate subsurface image of volcanic and geothermal systems. The methodology leverages the complementary sensitivities of each dataset—electromagnetic data for electrical conductivity, gravity for density contrasts, and seismic for velocity variations—to characterize subsurface structures more robustly than any single method alone.

As a demonstration, we apply this integrated workflow to Newberry Volcano in central Oregon, an important target for geothermal development and Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) research. Broadband MT and gravity data were inverted jointly and integrated with existing seismic models. The integrated inversion/interpretation confirms a prominent conductive feature beneath the volcano’s southern rim and flank (SRFF), which is also marked by low density and slower seismic velocities. This feature extends from the southern caldera floor near the 1,300-year-old Big Obsidian Flow (BOF) to depths beyond 4 km, yet remains disconnected from the sub-caldera magma body.

Through this Newberry Volcano example, we illustrate how a multi-parameter approach provides improved resolution of the subsurface architecture and fluid flow pathways, highlighting the critical role of joint inversion in unraveling complex volcanic systems. The results not only shed light on Newberry’s hydrothermal alteration and fluid pathways but also underscore the broader applicability of our integrated methodology in guiding geothermal exploration and de-risking subsurface resource assessments.

How to cite: Tu, X., Schultz, A., and Di, Q.: Integrated MT, Gravity, and Seismic Inversion and Interpretation for Improved Subsurface Imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2763,, 2025.

Thrust fault zones around the Tibetan Plateau (TP) record the tectonic evolution between the Plateau and its surrounding terranes, which is helpful for understanding the uplift mechanism and deformational processes of the TP. The Longmenshan fault (LMSF) is the tectonic boundary (TB) between the Yangtze terrane (YT) and Songpan-Garze terrane (SGT), while the TB of its western segment, either the Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault (LXF) or Jinhe-Qinghe fault (JQF), is controversial. Therefore, we conducted magnetotelluric (MT) imaging, surface structure surveys, and petrologic analysis to further determine the deep–shallow structural relationship of the western LMSF segment. Resistors R1 and R2 revealed by MT imaging may have originated from different magmatism. Among them, R2 may have originated from plume underplating, which is consistent with previous studies, while R1 may have originated from the residue of episodic mafic magma intrusion along the JQF over a broader period. Based on regional geophysics, surface structural patterns and petrologic mineralogy, it is suggested that the JQF may have deformed deep into the lower crust or upper mantle, accommodating the southeast expansion of the TP by thrusting and acting as the TB between the YT and SGT before ~15 Ma. After ~15 Ma, due to the activation of the large-scale strike-slip faults, the LXF gradually replaced the JQF to dominate the structural deformation of the western LMSF segment. Our results indicate that the above tectonic transition might be associated with the geodynamic process from centralized deformation to diffuse deformation within the southeast TP during the late Cenozoic.

How to cite: Qiao, W., Jian, Y., Shibin, X., and Guozhong, L.: Cenozoic tectonic transition within the western segment of theLongmenshan fault, southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights fromgeological and geophysical data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3388,, 2025.

In the past decades, electromagnetic (EM) logging while drilling (LWD) has been widely used for well landing and geosteering in high angle and horizontal wells. Recently, this technology has been extended to geo-stopping applications in vertical wells and deviated wells, leveraging its excellent look-ahead-of-bit capability, particularly in ultra-deep reservoirs. Compared to traditional look-around applications in horizontal wells, achieving look-ahead capability is significantly more challenging because the sensitive region of the tool's response is primarily concentrated in the formation between the transmitting and receiving coils. Current look-ahead methods typically use the information from the drilled formation as a constraint to invert the formation ahead of the bit. However, this approach heavily relies on the accuracy of the surrounding formation property measurements. Therefore, to enhance the look-ahead capability and accuracy, it is necessary to further improve the contribution of the formation ahead of the bit to the tool's response.

In this paper, we analyze the spatial sensitivity of the magnetic field components based on the Born geometric factor. Among these, the coaxial (Hzz) and coplanar (Hxx and Hyy) components exhibit look-ahead sensitivity and can be used for look-ahead detection. In EM LWD look-ahead measurements, it is common to combine the coaxial and coplanar components to define the look-ahead signal. We further derive the spatial sensitivity functions for phase shift and amplitude ratio, with results showing that the primary contribution to the look-ahead signal still comes from the formation between the transmitter and receiver. To address this, we propose a signal enhancement method based on Multi-TR-spacing signal superposition. By exploiting the differences in sensitivity ranges of signals from different TR spacings, the method optimizes the sensitive space through signal superposition, thereby improving the tool’s look-ahead performance. Finally, we employ numerical simulation algorithms to compare the look-ahead capability of the new method with traditional methods. Simulation results demonstrate that, the look-ahead signal obtained with the new method is significantly enhanced to 1.5 times, and the maximum distance range has been increased by 30% that enabling the detection of interfaces at greater distances. Additionally, the new method results in a stronger sensitivity to the formation boundaries ahead of the bit, suggesting an improvement in inversion accuracy. It is important to emphasize that the method proposed in this paper can also be extended to look-around detection, for further enhancing the sensitivity of a specific detection area.

How to cite: Liao, X., Wu, Z., and Yue, X.: Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization for Enhancing the Look-Ahead Capability of Electromagnetic Logging While Drilling Tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5673,, 2025.

The semi-airborne transient electromagnetic (SATEM) method has attracted increasing attention for its efficiency in various exploration scenarios. A recent geophysical survey in northern Gansu, China, employed the SATEM system to investigate the potential distribution of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) deposits. Several observed data profiles showcase significant late-time negative values, which were attributed to induced polarization (IP) effects associated with VMS minerals, as prior time-domain IP (TDIP) measurements revealed their high polarizability characteristic in such regions. More recently, interest in interpreting TEM data with IP effects has notably increased in the geophysical community as these effects can significantly disturb the data, leading to misinterpretation using the conventional resistivity-only (RO) inversion approach. Guided by the Cole-Cole model, which quantitatively describes the IP effect of materials using DC resistivity and other three IP parameters, numerous previous inversion studies have been successfully conducted to extract multiparametric information.

In this work, one field data profile is demonstrated in Figure. 1a and was inverted using a quasi-2D hybrid constrained inversion algorithm including three terms: (1). The classical data misfit functional; (2). Laterally smoothing regularization; (3). Fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering regularization, which can facilitate the integration of the prior geophysical information. Local geological investigations suggest that VMS targets are primarily deposited in intact fracture spaces, which offer favorable conditions for mineralization and storage. The inversion results, shown in Figure. 1b, display clearly high-to-moderate resistivity interfaces surrounded by distinct IP value distributions. Moreover, the extending high IP distribution toward the deep is supposed to result from mineral dissemination, resulting in high resistive polarization anomalies and deeper conductive polarization anomalies caused by mineral enrichment. The above characteristics are considered the indicators of VMS minerals in such area.

To sum up, the IP-incorporated inversion facilitates the interpretation of TEM data collected over high polarization areas. However, the serious ill-pondness issue of multiparametric inversion brings a great challenge to result reliability, which largely depends on the selection of the starting model and inversion scheme. Integrating the geological and geophysical information in the inversion offers a promising way to avoid misinterpretation

How to cite: Lu, J., Wang, X., Guo, M., and Xue, S.: Application of the semi-airborne transient electromagnetic method over the VMS deposit and data interpretation incorporating induced polarization effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7917,, 2025.

EGU25-8112 | Orals | ERE1.7

Experimental Study on the Induced Polarization of Carbonate Rocks 

Ming Ma, Jianguo Zhao, Bohong Yan, Yu Zhang, Yangyang Sun, and Fang Ouyang

The induced polarization (IP) parameters, such as the peak relaxation time and polarizability, have the potential to characterize pore structures of geomaterials and can be further used to distinguish lithology. However, the systematic experimental research on the IP response of carbonate rocks is scarce. To fill this gap of knowledge, we investigated the complex resistivity of 16 carbonate rocks, including dolostone and limestone, and discussed the applicability of existing induced polarization mechanisms for carbonate rocks. The relationship between IP parameters and pore structures were further analyzed by the experiment on variable confining pressure. The results indicate that the carbonate rocks with intergranular micropores or microfractures exhibit observable induced polarization response, where the amplitude and phase of complex resistivity are frequency-dependent, and still exist under high pressure conditions. Dolostone is characterized by low resistivity, high peak relaxation time, low polarizability, and the bell-shaped phase spectrum. Moreover, Stern layer polarization can explain the positive correlation relationship between peak relaxation time and pore size in samples with intercrystalline micropores. In contrast, membrane polarization provides a mechanism for the larger peak relaxation time in samples with microfractures, which is related to the low pore aspect ratio.

How to cite: Ma, M., Zhao, J., Yan, B., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., and Ouyang, F.: Experimental Study on the Induced Polarization of Carbonate Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8112,, 2025.

EGU25-8531 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.7

DC resistivity surveys compared to direct 3D surveys methods to characterize underground cavities in eastern Sicily (Italy) 

Gabriele Morreale, Sabrina Grassi, Danilo Messina, Pietro Monforte, Gaetano Giudice, Gabriele Quattrocchi, and Sebastiano Imposa

The study and characterization of caves is a complex problem because not all underground cavities are accessible and therefore cannot be characterized by direct methods, such as topographical or geomatic methods. Therefore, geophysical surveys play a key role, as they can provide information on the size and shape of underground cavities from surface measurements.

In this work, two underground cavities characterized by different geological contexts and located in eastern Sicily (Italy) were studied: i) the “Micio Conti Lava tube”, a lava cave located in the municipality of San Gregorio di Catania and ii) the “Chiusazza Cave”, a complex karst cave located in the area of Syracuse. The two caves were investigated using both DC resistivity surveys and direct methods for 3D reconstruction (terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and photogrammetry by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)).

In the “Micio Conti Lava tube”, N. 11 ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) profiles and N. 18 TLS stations were performed, while in the “Chiusazza cave”, N. 11 ERT profiles and N. 23 TLS stations were implemented.

In both cases, aerophotogrammetry was used to generate the 3D models of the epigeal environments. Geoelectrical surveys were performed using the dipole-dipole quadripolar configuration and a cluster analysis (K-means) was performed on the 3D resistivity models of both caves. This analysis revealed for each site two groups of clusters, highlighting areas with different resistivity values. A comparison between the resistivity models and the clusters showed a good overlap between the clusters identified in the central portion of the two models and the areas characterized by the highest resistivity values. This approach allowed the identification of isosurfaces for both areas that enclose the areas associated with the shape, position and size of the investigated cavities. In the "Micio Conti Lava Tube" area, the cavity is characterized by resistivity values higher than 17000 Ω-m while, in the Chiusazza cave area, the cavity is identified by resistivity values higher than 4000 Ω-m.

Comparing the results obtained by resistivity and 3D TLS models, an excellent correspondence can be observed for the "Micio Conti lava tube". Instead, for the "Chiusazza Cave", the models do not seem to fit perfectly in the central portion, probably due to the limited coverage of geoelectrical surveys in this area due to the prohibitive logistic conditions of the site.

This study confirms that DC resistivity methods are suitable for identifying and characterizing underground cavities in different geological contexts. Cluster analysis allowed to identify the isosurface value to be assigned as the boundary of the area of ​​the studied cavities. The results of this study clearly show that by integrating geophysical and 3D survey techniques, it is possible to increase the mapping and understanding capabilities of these geological structures, even if they are inaccessible from the surface.

How to cite: Morreale, G., Grassi, S., Messina, D., Monforte, P., Giudice, G., Quattrocchi, G., and Imposa, S.: DC resistivity surveys compared to direct 3D surveys methods to characterize underground cavities in eastern Sicily (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8531,, 2025.

EGU25-8667 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.7

An electromagnetic investigation of the continent-ocean transition southwest of the UK. 

Yuan Li, Kyle Ivey, Steven Constable, Tim Minshull, and Gaye Bayrakci

In ocean-continent transition zones at rifted continental margins, distinguishing between crustal rocks, hydrated mantle rocks, and the boundary between continental and oceanic mantle is crucial. These materials exhibit distinct resistivity characteristics, making them identifiable through geophysical techniques. Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) surveys are particularly effective in mapping subsurface structures both onshore and offshore due to their sensitivity to conductivity contrasts.

Our study focuses on using multiple geophysical techniques to investigate crustal and mantle rocks at magma-poor rifted margins. We focus on the continent-ocean transition at the Goban Spur, located southwest of the UK. Here, previous seismic work suggested the presence of a broad zone of exhumed serpentinised mantle, in between continental crust confirmed by drilling and oceanic crust represented by the prominent linear seafloor spreading magnetic anomaly 34. We deployed 49 seafloor instruments on a c. 200 km transect spanning these three basement types, coincident with a pre-existing high-quality seismic reflection profile, to collect seismic, magnetotelluric (MT), and controlled-source electromagnetic data.

For navigation, the CSEM system integrated USBL positioning, CTD measurements, and an altimeter. The transmitter utilized a compact waveform with a fundamental frequency of 0.25 Hz, enhanced by maximizing the amplitude of the 3rd and 7th harmonics. The transmitter dipole moment was 30,000 A·m, powered by a current of 100 A.

For data analysis, the compact waveform was processed in short 4-second time windows. We do stack the 4-second FFT up to 60 seconds or longer.  This approach retained essential information while enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio, enabling robust time-series analysis.

CSEM and MT methods have shown promise in resolving debates about lithospheric structure. While these techniques have previously imaged fluid-rich zones in subduction settings, this study is the first to apply them to continent-ocean transitions in rifted margins. We present results from preliminary analysis of both CSEM and MT datasets, focusing on lateral changes in resistivity at the seaward limit of continental crust.

How to cite: Li, Y., Ivey, K., Constable, S., Minshull, T., and Bayrakci, G.: An electromagnetic investigation of the continent-ocean transition southwest of the UK., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8667,, 2025.

EGU25-14126 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.7

3-D modeling of coupled geophysical fields for hidden hazards in the embankment dam using YOLO convolutional network model 

Hui Yu, Songtao Hu, Shangfu He, Hui Chen, Juzhi Deng, and Shuo Wang

Geophysical techniques are an efficient method for identifying hidden hazards in embankment dams due to the presence of significant physical differences in dam hazards. However, there is still a lack of sufficient understanding of the coupling relationship between different geophysical fields of different hazards, which hinders the detection accuracy of geophysical methods. By combining the theories of seepage field, stable electric field, electromagnetic wave field, and elastic wave field, a multi-physics coupling equation and boundary conditions for the hidden hazard model of embankment dams are established. Based on different geophysical methods, the geophysical responses of dam models with different water levels, hazard types, and sizes were modeled and used as the library of training samples. These samples were thoroughly trained using the YOLO convolutional network model, and training metrics like recall, accuracy, and loss curve were used to assess the quality. The results indicate that the GPR and seismic images are more accurate in identifying the hazard of the cavity, ant nest, and fracture, whereas the ERT is more successful in identifying the leakage risks. In addition, the location of the submerged surface can be accurately determined by the ERT, which is more sensitive to the water level.


This work was funded by the Science and Technology Project of Jiangxi Province (2022SKLS04, 2023KSG01008) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42374097)

How to cite: Yu, H., Hu, S., He, S., Chen, H., Deng, J., and Wang, S.: 3-D modeling of coupled geophysical fields for hidden hazards in the embankment dam using YOLO convolutional network model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14126,, 2025.

EGU25-14405 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.7

Research on localization technology for dam leakage channels based on coupled electric and magnetic fields 

Suiming Liu, Hui Chen, Juzhi Deng, Shangfu He, Shuo Wang, and Yufeng Chen

Based on the mechanism of current density formation under natural electric fields and artificial stable current sources, this study proposes a multi-physics coupling theory involving seepage fields, ion diffusion fields, and stable electric fields induced by leakage. Coupling equations and boundary conditions for electric and magnetic fields were formulated based on fundamental laws of Ohm’s law and Biot–Savart law. A finite element-infinite element numerical simulation method was used to achieve three-dimensional response characteristics of coupled electric and magnetic fields in embankment leakage scenarios by incorporating conversion relationships for the water content, resistivity, and ion concentration. Based on the distribution characteristics of coupled electric and magnetic fields, a detection technique for locating leakage channels in embankment dam was proposed. This technique enhances leakage channel signals by applying an artificial stable electric field on both upstream and downstream sides of the channel. Subsequently, precise localization of leakage risks is achieved by observing two components of the coupled electric field or three components of the magnetic field on the dam surface. This new method was applied to locate the leakage channel at a pond in Hangzhou. The detection results have been validated by the drilling results, which demonstrated that this technique offers higher precision and better detection performance compared to traditional high-density resistivity methods. This work validate the effectiveness of the coupled electric and magnetic field-based detection method and provide a novel solution for embankment leakage detection.

How to cite: Liu, S., Chen, H., Deng, J., He, S., Wang, S., and Chen, Y.: Research on localization technology for dam leakage channels based on coupled electric and magnetic fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14405,, 2025.

EGU25-14411 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.7

Field study on the application of time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography to assess the performance of an inclined multi-layer cover system reducing water infiltration 

Leila Bedoui, Adrien Dimech, Vincent Boulanger-Martel, Bruno Bussière, Karine Sylvain, Thierry Impinna, and Benoît Plante

Post-mining can raise environmental issues, including water contamination in tailings storage facilities. Contaminated mine drainage can occur in these facilities when oxygen and water come into contact with tailings containing sulfides. In the past 20 years, various reclamation methods have proven to be effective in preventing potential contamination, such as the use of multi-layer cover systems. These engineered covers consist of successive layers with different hydrogeological properties to prevent water from reaching tailings. One way of assessing the effectiveness of these covers on the field is to monitor the flow of water within the cover over time, using time lapse electrical resistivity tomography (TL-ERT) in conjunction with hydrogeological instruments. This method allows to recover the spatio-temporal distribution of the soil electrical conductivity, and thus providing an image of the water flow in the near subsurface.

The objective of this project is to monitor water flow within a mine cover system which acts as a barrier to water infiltration into tailings using TL-ERT. This approach involves the use of numerical models, combined with field and laboratory data processing.

This study presents preliminary results from the two-weeks field campaign that was conducted in Fall 2024 at a tailing storage facility in Quebec where a multi-layer cover system is installed on a 7% slope. The cover configuration consists of four layers: 30 cm of silt, 20 cm of gravel, 30 cm of moisture-retaining silt, and 20 cm of gravel as a capillary break (from top to bottom). A 32 m-long ERT profile was installed along the slope of this cover with 64 electrodes and a spacing of 0.5 m. A 20 cm-high, 30 cm-wide and 2.75 m-long trench was excavated perpendicularly to the ERT profile, one-third along the profile. An infiltration test was performed, during which a total of 2000 L of a 1000 μS/cm saline tracer was injected into the trench over a period of 4 hours. TL-ERT monitoring consisted of acquiring a dataset of 65 ERT images using the Wenner configuration, every hour during the infiltration test, and every 6 hours thereafter for a week.

Preliminary results from field data inversion showed a spatio-temporal variation in resistivity associated with the start of the infiltration test. Near the trench, the inverted conductivity increased by a factor of two soon after the start of the injection, and a slightly conductive bulb appeared along the slope in the hours following the test. In addition, over the course of the two-week recording period, the surface of the cover became increasingly resistive, which can be associated to a significant drop in temperature between the beginning and end of the monitoring period (no rain was monitored during the monitoring period). The future steps of the processing will include a temperature correction to ensure that resistivity variations are only attributed to water inflow. Finally, thermo-hydrogeological modeling of the multilayer cover system during the infiltration test will allow to compare the geophysical results with modeled water dynamics.

How to cite: Bedoui, L., Dimech, A., Boulanger-Martel, V., Bussière, B., Sylvain, K., Impinna, T., and Plante, B.: Field study on the application of time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography to assess the performance of an inclined multi-layer cover system reducing water infiltration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14411,, 2025.

EGU25-14438 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.7

A New Compensated Design of Deep-reading Look-ahead Method in Electromagnetic Logging-while-drilling 

Yanxue Wang, Lei Wang, Yiren Fan, Xinmin Ge, Xizhou Yue, and Tianlin Liu

With the intensifying exploration and development of deep and unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, the advanced prediction of the formations during drilling plays a pivotal role in mitigating drilling risks and optimizing drilling parameters. This technique serves as a crucial foundation for enhancing drilling trajectory accuracy and reducing operational costs. Currently, ultra-long spacing and low-frequency technologies enable the look-ahead, ultra-deep electromagnetic (EM) logging-while-drilling (LWD) tool to detect the top of the target formation more than 30 meters ahead of the bit. However, the measurement signal is predominantly influenced by the stratigraphy surrounding the instrument, resulting in a very low proportion of the spatial contribution in front of the bit. Consequently, the inversion process, which is integral to look-ahead detection, poses challenges for real-time geosteering.

To tackle this challenge, this study introduces a novel multi-spacing interleaved compensating antenna design aimed at augmenting the electromagnetic scattering field signal share at the forward stratigraphic interface. The spatial distribution of the new look-ahead detection signal is characterized using geometric factor theory. Additionally, the response characteristics and look-ahead detection capability of the proposed scheme are simulated and analyzed based on a response fast forwarding algorithm. The integral geometry factor associated with the novel look-ahead measurement effectively excludes contributions from the stratigraphy in the vicinity of the instrument, thereby enhancing the proportion of the look-ahead signal. This advancement is particularly beneficial for look-ahead detection. Simulations based on a single interface model reveal that the response diminishes to zero when the instrument is positioned at a considerable distance from the interface, whereas it attains non-zero values as the tool approaches the interface. In addition, the polarity of the response depends on the difference in resistivity between the two sides of the interface, which offers a more intuitive interpretation compared to existing methodologies. Furthermore, variations in magnetic field attenuation across different spacings leveraged to optimize spacing and signal synthesis combinations, further bolstering the capability of look-ahead detection. Numerical results demonstrate that the new method significantly improves the look-ahead detection capability of phase difference measurements compared to existing methods, with a maximum look-ahead depth of detection (DOD) increased by approximately 50%. The look-ahead DOD of amplitude ratio signal is comparable to that of existing methods.

In summary, the proposed method provides a more intuitive response to resistivity anomalies ahead of the bit, reducing the update time for forward geostructural information and enabling improved look-ahead detection. This innovation will provide a more cost-effective drilling solution for proactive risk avoidance in straight or low-angle wells and optimize casing shoe placement and coring operations.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Wang, L., Fan, Y., Ge, X., Yue, X., and Liu, T.: A New Compensated Design of Deep-reading Look-ahead Method in Electromagnetic Logging-while-drilling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14438,, 2025.

EGU25-19846 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.7

Geophysical Studies of Electrometry and GPR for Mapping Underground Pollution Spread Around the Petromidia Navodari Refinery 

Andrei Gabriel Dragos, Sorin Anghel, Gabriel Iordache, Bogdan Baraitareanu, and Alexandra-Constanța Dudu

The rapid growth of the oil and gas industry, driven by the increasing demand for fossil fuels, has led to significant environmental challenges. Among these, hydrocarbon pollution around refineries has emerged as a critical issue that was largely overlooked until recent decades. Romania, a prominent player in the petroleum sector, continues to rely on substantial reserves for fuel production. However, the environmental consequences of refining and transporting petroleum products were historically ignored, leading to widespread soil and groundwater contamination.This study focuses on the Petromidia Navodari Refinery, one of Romania’s most important refineries, and investigates the extent and impact of underground hydrocarbon pollution. To achieve this, geophysical methods such as electrometry and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were employed alongside soil drilling for sample analysis. The investigation covered several zones, each spanning 400 to 600 square meters, and extended over several kilometers surrounding the refinery. Measurements reached depths of up to four meters, encompassing the water table—a critical layer for environmental and public health.

Electrometric data revealed high resistivity values at depths of 0.5 to 3 meters, indicating the presence of hydrocarbons, which impede electrical conductivity. These findings align with the depth of the groundwater table, highlighting the risk of pollutant transport through underground water systems to populated areas. GPR surveys identified anomalies at depths of 1 to 2.5 meters, corresponding to zones affected by hydrocarbon infiltration. The integration of GPR and electrometric data with soil sample analyses confirmed hydrocarbon contamination in these layers.

Using these datasets, a detailed map was created to illustrate the spread of underground pollution, revealing both the affected area and the dynamic movement of contaminants. Additional mapping of groundwater flow patterns allowed for the estimation of the speed and direction of hydrocarbon migration, enabling predictions of the contamination’s future expansion.

This research underscores the significant environmental impact of petroleum processing and transport, particularly the contamination of soil and aquifers. Such pollution poses severe risks to public health, agriculture, and ecosystems. By identifying the affected zones and quantifying the extent of contamination, this study provides valuable insights for mitigation strategies.

The findings emphasize the urgent need for stricter environmental policies and remediation measures around refineries. These should include monitoring systems, improved waste management practices, and technologies for reducing hydrocarbon emissions into the environment. The integration of geophysical techniques such as electrometry and GPR proves to be an effective approach for assessing and managing underground pollution.

In conclusion, the study highlights the critical importance of addressing refinery-related pollution through comprehensive assessments and informed interventions. By providing a scientific basis for action, this research supports efforts to mitigate the environmental and public health impacts of the oil and gas industry.

How to cite: Dragos, A. G., Anghel, S., Iordache, G., Baraitareanu, B., and Dudu, A.-C.: Geophysical Studies of Electrometry and GPR for Mapping Underground Pollution Spread Around the Petromidia Navodari Refinery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19846,, 2025.

EGU25-20337 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.7

Geophysical Multimethod Joint Analysis for Assessing Multi-Layer Covers on Mine Tailings at Two Different Scales 

Thierry Impinna, Adrien Dimech, Gabriel Fabien-Ouellet, Bruno Bussiere, Leila Bedoui, and Vincent Boulanger-Martel

Mine tailings storage is a major challenge for the mining industry due to the risks associated with contaminated mine drainage. Tailings can contain sulfides that, when exposed to atmospheric oxygen and precipitation, generate acidity that can spread downstream from tailings storage facilities. To mitigate this issue, the construction of multi-layer cover systems designed to divert infiltrating water from the tailings represents a promising solution. However, such cover systems are susceptible to deteriorate over time, and their effectiveness must therefore be regularly assessed.

Unlike traditional destructive methods, non-invasive geophysical techniques offer a rapid and cost-effective solution for analysing these cover systems. However, each geophysical technique has its own limitations when used individually. In particular, the ERT-IP (Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization) and MASW (Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves) methods can be used to characterize the volumetric properties of soils, such as variations in electrical resistivity and seismic velocities, but often lack the precision to delineate fine interfaces clearly. GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and seismic refraction, on the other hand, offer a better resolution for identifying the boundaries between layers but have difficulty in accurately describing the physical properties in volume.

This project aims to demonstrate the potential of a multimethod approach that combines these techniques by jointly analyzing the results to leverage their respective advantages while overcoming individual limitations and biases. Ultimately, the goal is to develop a joint inversion methodology to further refine the imaging of multi-layer cover systems, which are generally shallow and are made from a large range of materials.

This study presents the results from a field campaign conducted on a tailings storage facility where inclined multi-layer cover systems have been constructed to limit water infiltration (~1 m thick). Two longitudinal profiles were analyzed at two different scales. A high-resolution profile (32 m-long, 7% slope), with 64 collocated geophones and electrodes spaced by 50 cm intervals was used to focus on fine-scale variations in the cover layer system. Measurements were taken before, during, and after an infiltration test. A longer profile (100 m-long), with 64 collocated geophones and electrodes spaced by 1 m covered two instrumented sections (a 7% slope and a 28% slope) to provide a larger-scale view and greater depth of investigation. The ERT-IP data (collected using the Wenner protocol) and seismic data were coupled with GPR profiles conducted in continuous mode using 200 MHz and 1500 MHz antennas. All geophysical datasets were surveyed to allow comparison between techniques.

The results are interpreted jointly, in order to exploit the interface detection capabilities of GPR and refraction techniques along with the volumetric characterization provided by ERT and MASW at two different scales, which could improve the applicability of geophysical methods to assess the in situ performance of multi-layer cover systems installed on tailings storage facilities across larger scales.

How to cite: Impinna, T., Dimech, A., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Bussiere, B., Bedoui, L., and Boulanger-Martel, V.: Geophysical Multimethod Joint Analysis for Assessing Multi-Layer Covers on Mine Tailings at Two Different Scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20337,, 2025.

EGU25-21578 | Posters on site | ERE1.7

Study on the influencing factors of the signal-to-noise ratio of UAV GPR data

Rongyi Qian

EGU25-518 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5

Evidence for very recent tectonic activity in southern Tharsis 

Bartosz Pieterek, Petr Brož, Ernst Hauber, and Oguzcan Karagoz

The formation of Tharsis affected nearly the entire western hemisphere of Mars and had a profound effect on Martian geodynamics. Tharsis-related lithospheric deformation created a variety of tectonic structures that record past stress fields, some of which may still be active today. However, evidence for very recent endogenic activity (<1 Ma) in Tharsis remains limited even after the seismic measurements by the NASA InSight mission. Very few morphologically pristine tectonic structures have been discovered in remote sensing data, limiting our understanding of the current endogenic activity in Tharsis.

Building on our previous research in the southeastern Tharsis region, we focus on the Claritas Fossae region. This area displays several cross-cutting fracture and fault sets, recording a complex history of multiple volcano-tectonic events. Using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images and stereo image-derived Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), we identified uphill-facing scarps on the west-facing Claritas Rupes scarp, which bounds a major N-S-trending extensional structure, informally called the Thaumasia Graben. The two-kilometer-high steep slopes of Claritas Rupes experience intense mass wasting, producing rockfalls (boulders) that accumulate against these uphill-facing scarps. Despite the high boulder fall rates, which over time could fill the accommodation space created by the uphill-facing scarps and mask them, small of these scarps retain a pristine topography. These observations suggest a very young age (<1 Ma) for these scarps. We interpret these scarps as surface expressions of normal faulting linked to Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DGSDs), likely caused by seismic activity tied to reactivation of the Claritas Rupes fault associated with Thaumasia Graben subsidence. This indicates neotectonic activity in the region, which is potentially still ongoing.

To better constrain the tectonic processes and the mechanism of the very recent small-scale faulting at the Claritas Rupes scarp, our current structural mapping aims at deciphering the orientations and the spatiotemporal relationships of these scarps. Our approach involves obtaining dip angles through a planar fitting method and quantifying shortening along mapped scarp features. This forms the basis for determining effective stress distribution under isotropic stress conditions with plane strain assumptions, offering insights into the youngest stages of the tectonic evolution of this region. Our satellite image-based morphological investigations focusing on fresh-looking scarps show great advances in tectonic feature mapping, offering valuable insights into inaccessible subsurface endogenic processes in southeastern Tharsis.

How to cite: Pieterek, B., Brož, P., Hauber, E., and Karagoz, O.: Evidence for very recent tectonic activity in southern Tharsis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-518,, 2025.

EGU25-2216 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5

3D Gaussian Splatting for Detailed Reconstruction of Planetary Surfaces from Orbiter Images 

Zhaojin Li, Bo Wu, and Shihan Chen

Three-dimensional (3D) mapping of planetary surfaces is critical for exploration missions and scientific research (Gwinner et al., 2016). Previous research mainly focused on employing rigorous techniques such as photogrammetry and photoclinometry to generate topographic products such as digital elevation models (DEMs). While the integration of these two techniques can yield detailed and precise topographic data, photoclinometric algorithms are heavily dependent on radiometric data and surface reflectance behaviors (Chen, Hu, et al., 2024; Liu and Wu, 2023), which limits their use in different circumstances. This paper undertakes a new endeavor to explore the potential of the emerging 3D Gaussian splatting techniques for a detailed reconstruction of planetary surfaces from orbiter images.

Gaussian Splatting has demonstrated outstanding performance in 3D applications for close-range scenes and has recently attracted significant attention. The primary challenge in utilizing 3D Gaussian Splatting for the reconstruction of planetary surfaces from orbiter images lies in the complexity of the planetary push-broom camera models. The sophisticated camera model and projection algorithm complicate this optimization approach. To address this, a two-step approach is proposed to transform the planetary push-broom images into frame-like images. First, photogrammetry is applied to push-broom images to extract precise 3D topography, which is then textured using the corresponding textures from the orthoimages. From the textured 3D landscape, frame images are rendered with careful consideration of overlapping and lighting conditions to better support 3D reconstruction tasks. For surface reconstruction, the 2D Gaussian splatting method (Chen., Li., et al., 2024) is selected and implemented in a coarse-to-fine manner, incorporating a smoothness loss to ensure its suitability for textureless planetary surfaces. In addition to utilizing information from the images, the algorithm also takes into account the camera geometry derived from the previous two steps for improved 3D surface reconstruction.

Experiment analysis is conducted using HiRISE images covering the Jezero crater on Mars. The photogrammetric DEM is generated at a resolution of 1 meter per pixel, and the original images are rectified and mosaicked at their native resolution of 0.25 meters per pixel. A total of 421 frame images are rendered, ensuring high overlapping (e.g., one point appears in eight rendered images) coverages. Compared to the photogrammetric DEM, the DEM generated by 3D Gaussian splatting reveals more subtle topographic details and maintains geometric accuracy.



Chen, D., Li, H., Ye, W., Wang, Y., et al., 2024. PGSR: Planar-based Gaussian Splatting for Efficient and High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.06521.

Chen, H., Hu, X., Willner, K., Ye, Z., et al., 2024. Neural implicit shape modeling for small planetary bodies from multi-view images using a mask-based classification sampling strategy. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 212, pp. 122-145.

Liu, W.C., Wu, B., 2023. Atmosphere-aware photoclinometry for pixel-wise 3D topographic mapping of Mars. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 204, pp. 237-256.

Gwinner, K., Jaumann, R., Hauber, E., Hoffmann, et al., 2016. The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) of Mars Express and its approach to science analysis and mapping for Mars and its satellites. Planetary and Space Science 126, pp. 93-138.

How to cite: Li, Z., Wu, B., and Chen, S.: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Detailed Reconstruction of Planetary Surfaces from Orbiter Images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2216,, 2025.

EGU25-3321 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

High-resolution Topographic Modeling for the Lunar South Pole Region Using NAC and ShadowCam Images 

Hao Chen, Philipp Gläser, Konrad Willner, Qian Huang, Xiaohuan Xie, and Jürgen Oberst

Illumination conditions in the lunar polar areas are highly complex. Owing to low sun elevation angles and the lack of seasons in these areas, combined with rugged topography, this may lead to Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs) in craters and topographic depressions, where low temperatures allow ice to accumulate [1]. In contrast, Long-term Illuminated Areas (LIAs) on high-standing ridges and crater rims enable almost uninterrupted illumination and solar power supply [2]. High-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are crucial for modelling these illumination conditions and for general support of future polar exploration missions [3]. We choose to derive those models from images captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) for LIAs and by ShadowCam for PSRs [4], [5]. Here, we use our deep learning method developed previously to derive south pole DTMs, which can achieve a similar or even better effective resolution to those produced by the SFS method [6], stereo photogrammetry, or laser altimetry. We selected Shackleton Crater (a typical PSR) and Malapert Massif (a candidate landing site for the Artemis Program) as experimental areas to derive DTMs with resolutions of 2 meters and 1 meter, respectively. Finally, we used the DTMs to perform refined illuminated modeling and analysis to support future lunar south pole exploration missions.



[1] Brown, H.M., et al. (2022) Resource potential of lunar permanently shadowed regions. Icarus, 377, p.114874.

[2] Gläser, P., et al. (2018) Illumination conditions at the lunar poles: Implications for future exploration. Planetary and Space Science, 162, pp.170-178.

[3] Chen, H., et al. (2022) CNN-based large area pixel-resolution topography retrieval from single-view LROC NAC images constrained with SLDEM. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, pp.9398-9416.

[4] Robinson, M.S., et al. (2010) Lunar reconnaissance orbiter camera (LROC) instrument overview. Space Science Reviews, 150, pp.81-124.

[5] Robinson, M.S., et al. (2023) ShadowCam instrument and investigation overview. Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 40(4), pp.149-171.

[6] Chen, H., et al. (2024) ELunarDTMNet: Efficient reconstruction of high-resolution lunar DTM from single-view orbiter images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, pp. 1-20.

How to cite: Chen, H., Gläser, P., Willner, K., Huang, Q., Xie, X., and Oberst, J.: High-resolution Topographic Modeling for the Lunar South Pole Region Using NAC and ShadowCam Images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3321,, 2025.

EGU25-5037 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Mercury's annual and long-term librations from self-registration of MLA profiles  

Haifeng Xiao, Alexander Stark, Stefano Bertone, Attilio Rivoldini, Rose-Marie Baland, Marie Yseboodt, Oliver Stenzel, Arthur Briaud, Hauke Hussmann, Luisa Lara, and Pedro Gutiérrez

Mercury's annual longitudinal libration (88 days) and its mean rotation rate have been  determined based on independent observations from the ground-based radar (Margot et al., 2012), camera and/or laser altimetry (Stark et al., 2015; Bertone et al., 2021), and radio science (Mazarico et al., 2014; Genova et al., 2019; Konopliv et al., 2020). Although consistent, the precision of the libration measurements precludes identification of a large solid inner core (Van Hoolst et al., 2012). At the same time, the measured rotation rates are largely inconsistent. Deviation from the resonant rotation rate is caused by the planet-induced long-term librations which can be amplified if their periods are close to that of a free libration mode (Yseboodt et al., 2013).

We devise an alternative and innovative approach aimed at precisely tracking how the rotation angle varies with time so that various libration terms can be analyzed quantitatively. The approach involves two self-registration processes of the MESSENGER Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) profiles (Xiao et al., 2024). We focus on a small polar region from 81°N to 84°N. In the first step, we carry out the self-registration by shifting the individual profiles laterally and radially to get rid of the slow-varying orbit, pointing, and timing errors, which can be treated as near-constant. In contrast to the aforementioned near-constant shifts, offsets in the rotation angles can lead to non-linear rotation-like distortions of the profiles. Offsets in the orientation angles of the spin axis can shift the profiles as a whole, ensuring that our approach is insensitive to the a priori orientation state. Then in the second step, we update the inertial coordinates of the profiles and perform the second self-registration in which adjustments are made to the rotation angles at the acquisition times of each of the profiles. However, as the periapsis of the spacecraft has drifted throughout the mission, the ground track does not exactly cross the North Pole and an offset in the rotation angle can also shift the centroid of the profile. In the light of this, the above two-step process needs to be iterated till convergence. Finally, we obtain the updated rotation angle per profile uncontaminated by external error sources.

We have experimented with various a priori rotation and orientation values, i.e., Stark2015, IAU2015 (Archinal et al., 2018), Genova2019, and Bertone2021. An example of the obtained variation of the rotation with time is shown in Figure 1. The long-term libration most likely to be amplified and captured is that with a period of around 6 years, induced by Venus (5.66 y), or by Jupiter (5.93 y), or by the Earth (6.57 y). The superposition of multiple long-period terms is also possible. We will carry out close-loop simulations to assess uncertainty and consider interior and libration modelings to interpret the scientific implications.

Figure 1: Rotation variation with time using the IAU2015 model as a priori values. Correction is with respect to Mercury’s resonant rotation.


Archinal et al., 2018. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron.. Bertone et al., 2021. JGR. Mazarico et al., 2014. JGR. Genova et al., 2019. GRL. Konopliv et al., 2020. Icarus.  Margot et al., 2012. JGR.  Stark et al., 2015. GRL.  Van Hoolst et al., 2012. EPSL. Xiao et al., 2024. Authorea Preprints. Yseboodt et al., 2013. Icarus.

How to cite: Xiao, H., Stark, A., Bertone, S., Rivoldini, A., Baland, R.-M., Yseboodt, M., Stenzel, O., Briaud, A., Hussmann, H., Lara, L., and Gutiérrez, P.: Mercury's annual and long-term librations from self-registration of MLA profiles , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5037,, 2025.

EGU25-6291 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Quantifying the size of impact basins through analysis of gravity and crustal thickness data 

Salvatore Buoninfante, Mark A. Wieczorek, Valentina Galluzzi, Luigi Ferranti, Maurizio Milano, Maurizio Fedi, and Pasquale Palumbo

The surface and crustal structure of the terrestrial planets in the inner solar system have been influenced by large and energetic impact events. GRAIL data showed that the size of the central gravitational anomaly of lunar basins corresponds closely to the diameter of the inner peak-ring [1].

We present an improved technique based on the analysis of gravity and crustal thickness data to estimate the inner ring and rim crest diameters. This technique expands upon the work of [1] and allows us to better identify highly degraded basins. From this analysis, we also quantify how lower resolution gravity and crustal thickness datasets (such as for Mars and Mercury) might bias the peak ring and main rim diameter estimates.

In our approach, we first quantify the regional value of the Bouguer gravity anomaly and crustal thickness, which is defined as the average value obtained from azimuthally averaged profiles in the radius range 1.5 D to 2 D, where D is the crater diameter. The diameter of the Bouguer gravity high, as well as the diameter of the crustal thickness anomaly, were then estimated as the radius where the profiles first intersect the background regional values. After the initial estimate of D was obtained, the procedure was iterated until there was no change in the obtained diameters.

We tested this method using Bouguer gravity data for certain lunar peak-ring and multi-ring basins, by considering the spherical harmonic degree range from 6 to 540. We then filtered the data using the spherical harmonic degree range 6-49 in order to simulate the lower resolution of the Mars gravity models (e.g., [2]). We then used the same approach using crustal thickness maps derived after GRAIL [3], both for the degree ranges 6-310 and 6-46, to simulate the loss of spatial resolution of Mars [4]. Uncertainty estimates were obtained for the crustal thickness and the Bouguer anomaly diameter by considering the ±1σ values for the background values in the spatial range of 1.5 D to 2 D.

Our method properly detects peak-ring or inner ring sizes for lunar basins with main rim diameter greater than 250 km. Nevertheless, when considering filtered versions of these datasets that correspond to the effective spatial resolution of the Mars gravity models, only basins with rim crest diameters greater than about 450 km can be detected with acceptable accuracy. Finally, results from these analyses will allow us to better constrain the impact rate during the early solar system.




[1] Neumann G. A., et al. (2015). Sci. Adv.

[2] Genova A., et al. (2016). Icarus.

[3] Wieczorek M. A., et al. (2013). Science.

[4] Wieczorek M. A., et al. (2022). JGR: Planets.


Acknowledgements: We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) under ASI-INAF agreement 2024-18-HH.0.


How to cite: Buoninfante, S., Wieczorek, M. A., Galluzzi, V., Ferranti, L., Milano, M., Fedi, M., and Palumbo, P.: Quantifying the size of impact basins through analysis of gravity and crustal thickness data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6291,, 2025.

EGU25-6513 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5

Magnetic signature of La Corona lava tube (Lanzarote, Canary Islands) as a planetary analog 

Juan Martin de Blas, Yasmina M. Martos, Jared Espley, Jacob Richardson, Dave Sheppard, and John Connerney

The island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands) is widely recognized as a terrestrial analog for planetary science due to its geological and environmental characteristics. This island hosts numerous lava tubes, including the 7.6-km-long La Corona tube, one of Earth’s largest. Detecting lava tubes and other subsurface cavities is crucial for planetary exploration, as they may be used as safe shelters in future planetary missions. 

Magnetic data, including scalar and vector magnetometer data as well as magnetic susceptibility measurements, were collected during the NASA Goddard GeoLife expedition in May 2023 to study three lava tubes of different morphometry, age, and geological features: La Corona, Los Naturalistas, and Tahiche. This study focuses on analyzing vector magnetometer measurements over La Corona tube. We rotate and process the vector magnetic measurements to derive magnetic anomalies of both the total magnetic field and the individual vector components. To identify, delineate, and characterize the lava tube, we apply various enhancement techniques such as calculating the reduction to the pole or the lateral derivatives.

Our findings reveal the feasibility of using vector magnetometer data to detect lava tubes. Additionally, we show that our magnetic anomaly values derived from vector magnetometer data are comparable to those obtained from scalar magnetometer data. Lastly, we illustrate that we can extract valuable information from each of the vector magnetic field components and use them together with the total field values to identify and interpret magnetic subsurface features.

How to cite: Martin de Blas, J., Martos, Y. M., Espley, J., Richardson, J., Sheppard, D., and Connerney, J.: Magnetic signature of La Corona lava tube (Lanzarote, Canary Islands) as a planetary analog, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6513,, 2025.

EGU25-8720 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Planetary Interior Modeling Using Synthetic Gravity Simulator 

Edoardo Santero Mormile and Giuseppe Mitri

Gravity inversion techniques enable the characterisation of the internal mass distribution of planetary bodies by combining data from their shape, gravity, and rotation. However, the inherent ambiguity in scalar gravity signals, specifically, between mass and depth, poses a significant challenge for inferring internal structure. In this work, we introduce a novel approach leveraging the spherical harmonics framework described in [1], in particular, the gravitational harmonics coefficients [Cnm, Snm]. Starting with a simplified interior structure (assuming homogeneous layers), interior model parameters are the number of layers, average layer thickness, average layer density, and the topography of layer interfaces (if present). Regarding the latter, in cases where Bouguer anomalies are available, the mantle-crust interface topography can be inferred using a filtering approach, as proposed in [2]. Notably, this method does not rely on assumptions of isostatic compensation but requires careful selection of the filtering parameters. From these parameters. the spherical harmonics coefficients for each layer and the global ones are computed (see [1]). From these coefficients, key quantities such as gravitational potential, Free-Air anomalies, and Bouguer anomaly maps are evaluated and then compared to space measurements, measuring the model performance by different metrics (e.g. RMSE, structural similarity index, Pearson correlation coefficient). By varying model parameters randomly within physically constrained ranges (e.g. by mass conservation, moment of inertia and observed shape), this process is repeated iteratively. The parameter combination minimizing the performance metrics between modelled and observed data represents the best-fit internal structure. This approach is robust and flexible at the same time, being able to accommodate diverse celestial bodies with a wide variety of planetary shapes, internal configurations, and gravitational data sets and to objectively identify the optimal parameter configuration. This method is benchmarked on Mercury [3], resulting in a mantle-crust interface at ~28 km depth and a mantle density of 3210 [kg/m3], consistent with existing literature (see [4]). Furthermore, this procedure can be used to compute the expected gravity signal from unknown bodies targeted by the upcoming missions and instruments (e.g. Ganymede for JUICE), test different theoric interior models, and obtain their gravitational response.

Acknowledgements: ESM and GM acknowledge support from the Italian Space Agency (2022-16-HH.1-2024). This paper and related research have been conducted during and with the support of the Italian national inter-university PhD programme in Space Science and Technology.

References: [1] M. A. Wieczorek, ‘Gravity and Topography of the Terrestrial Planets’, in Treatise on Geophysics, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 153–193. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00169-X.[2] M. A. Wieczorek and R. J. Phillips, ‘Potential anomalies on a sphere: Applications to the thickness of the lunar crust’, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, vol. 103, no. E1, pp. 1715–1724, 1998, doi: 10.1029/97JE03136.[3] A. Genova et al., Regional variations of Mercury’s crustal density and porosity from MESSENGER gravity data, Icarus, vol. 391, p. 115332, Feb. 2023.[4] S. Buoninfante, M. Milano, B. Negri et al. ‘Gravity evidence for a heterogeneous crust of Mercury’. Sci Rep 13, 19854 (2023),

How to cite: Santero Mormile, E. and Mitri, G.: Planetary Interior Modeling Using Synthetic Gravity Simulator, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8720,, 2025.

EGU25-8998 | Orals | PS7.5

Benchmarking dynamic topography across geodynamical codes 

Cedric Thieulot, Olga Ortega-Gelabert, Bart Root, and Clinton Conrad

During the ESA funded 4D Dynamic Earth project, different sensitivity studies are performed to understand the applicability of current ground and satellite datasets available to study the dynamical behavior of the solid Earth, in particular the complete mantle. This project is a joint effort between ESA and many European universities and is lead by Delft University of Technology ( 

The project consists of ten work packages, many of them relying on some form of forward geodynamical modelling. Given the diversity of participants multiple codes are used in the project: a 2D axisymmetric Python code developed by C.T. at the Utrecht University, a 3D Matlab code developed by O.O-G. and the 3D massively parallel C++ community code ASPECT.

One recurring quantity that is of paramount importance for some work packages is dynamic topography, i.e. the outer surface expression to dynamic mantle flow. We have therefore designed a simple isothermal experiment of an anomalous sphere present in the mantle of a planet (the core is ignored as is customary in whole-Earth geodynamic modelling). The sphere itself can be positively or negatively buoyant, and the mantle can be isoviscous or characterized by a radial viscosity profile. Boundary conditions at the core-mantle boundary and at the surface are either no-slip or free-slip. 

Dynamic topography calculations involve the radial stress which is derived from the primitive variables velocity (actually, its gradient) and pressure which are found to be sensitive to mesh size in both radial and lateral directions. We therefore report on the root mean square velocity, the surface strain rate, stress and dynamic topography and the gravity anomaly for a range of experiments. Our objective is two-fold: characterize the accuracy of our codes and provide the community with a benchmark. 

All three codes are Finite Element codes and all rely on the Taylor-Hood element but they are also quite different with respect to meshing and solver architecture. Nevertheless we find that all measured quantities converge within approx. 1% for radial resolutions of at least 30km.

How to cite: Thieulot, C., Ortega-Gelabert, O., Root, B., and Conrad, C.: Benchmarking dynamic topography across geodynamical codes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8998,, 2025.

EGU25-10169 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Quantifying Mercury's tidal response: A framework for understanding planetary interiors 

Arthur Briaud, Alexander Stark, Hauke Hussmann, Haifeng Xiao, and Jürgen Oberst

Mercury's unique orbital dynamics, influenced by its proximity to the Sun and high eccentricity, lead to periodic variations in tidal forces and surface temperature patterns. The tidal Love numbers (TLNs), which characterize the planet's deformation and gravitational field changes, are highly sensitive to key internal parameters such as core size, mantle composition and rheology, and the presence of lateral and vertical heterogeneities e.g., [1-5]. Mercury's TLNs thus provide a quantitative framework for understanding how its internal structure responds to tidal forces. In this study, we systematically investigate how variations in these internal parameters affect Mercury's TLNs. We use numerical models to simulate the tidal response of the planet, taking into account a wide range of geophysical and thermodynamic conditions. In particular, we investigate the effects of core-mantle interactions, variations in mantle viscosity and temperature, and potential anisotropies within the lithosphere. Our results show that TLNs are particularly influenced by the size and state of the core, the thermal gradient across the mantle, and the degree of lateral heterogeneity within the inner layers. To validate and refine our models, we will integrate these results with observational constraints such as Mercury's mean density, moment of inertia, and surface deformation data e.g., [1, 6]. This study will provide important insights for interpreting future high-precision measurements from the BepiColombo mission [7]. By linking TLNs to Mercury's internal parameters, we aim to develop a robust framework for constraining the planet's internal structure, providing a deeper understanding of its geodynamic evolution and its significance in the broader context of the formation and evolution of terrestrial planets.


[1] Goossens et al., 2022. The Planetary Science Journal, 3(6), 145.

[2] Mazarico et al., 2014. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 119(12), 2417-2436.

[3] Mosegaard and Tarantla, 1995. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 100(B7), 12431-12447.

[4] Steinbrügge et al., 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123(10), 2760-2772.

[5] Rivoldini et al., 2009. Icarus, 201(1), 12-30.

[6] Genova et al., (2019), Geophysical Research Letters, 46(7), 3625-3633.

[7] Hussmann and Stark, (2020), The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 229, 1379-1389.

How to cite: Briaud, A., Stark, A., Hussmann, H., Xiao, H., and Oberst, J.: Quantifying Mercury's tidal response: A framework for understanding planetary interiors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10169,, 2025.

EGU25-10842 | Orals | PS7.5

Geophysical investigation of the terrestrial analogue, Caldereta volcano, in Lanzarote, the Canary Islands as a precursory study to mars phreatomagmatic volcanoes 

Marina Díaz-Michelena, Emma Losantos, Miguel Ángel Rivero, Joana S. Oliveira, Óscar García Monasterio1, Federico Mansilla, Ángel Melguizo, José Luis García Bueno, David Salamanca, and Sergio Fernández Romero

Hydromagmatic eruptions are of particular importance for the search of extraterrestrial life since they require the presence of water. Phreatomagmatic volcanoes on Mars shall resemble those of the Earth and thus, terrestrial analogues of Mars, such as Lanzarote in the Canary Islands, are a good reference for further studies of the Martian volcanoes.

In this study we present our drone-based magnetic survey results combined with a morphometric analysis of Caldereta horse-shoe shaped volcano in Lanzarote, catalogued as a phreatomagmatic tuff for its similarity and proximity to Caldera Blanca, a well-known hydromagmatic edifice (Barrera Morate et al., 2011; Carracedo and Day, 2002; Romero et al., 2007; Kervyn et al., 2012; Brož and Hauber, 2013). On Mars, the chosen edifice is C27 volcano, a horse-shoe shaped cone in the Nephentes/Amenthes region, whose pitted cones were suggested to be of phreatomagmatic origin by Brož and Hauber (2013).

Our morphometric analyses allowed us to classify both Caldereta and C27 edifices as tuff rings, specifically maars. With the drone-based survey performed in Caldereta we demonstrate how more insights could be gained from Martian volcanos when combining magnetic surveys using helicopters on Mars (Mittelholz et al., 2023) with morphometric analyses using satellite data and high-resolution near surface geophysical studies.



Magnetometry, Mars, planetary magnetism, crustal magnetism, Mars hydromagmatism, planetary science, space magnetometers.



Barrera Morate J.L., García Moral R., 2011. Mapa geológico de Canarias. GRAFCAN.

Brož, P., Hauber, E., 2013. Hydrovolcanic tuff rings and cones as indicators for phreatomagmatic explosive eruptions on Mars. J. of Geophys. Res.: Planets 118, 1656–1675. doi: 10.1002/jgre.20120.

Carracedo, J.C., Day, S., 2002. Canary Islands, in: Classic Geology in Europe Series 4. Terra Publishing, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, p. 294.

Kervyn, M., Ernst, G.G.J., Carracedo, J.C., Jacobs, P., 2012. Geomorphometric variability of “monogenetic” volcanic cones: Evidence from Mauna Kea, Lanzarote and experimental cones. J. Geomorphol. 136, 59-75.

Mittelholz, A., Heagy, L., Johnson, C. L., Fraeman, A. A., Langlais, B., Lillis, R. J., and Rapin, W.: Helicopter Magnetic Field Surveys for Future Mars Missions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11186,, 2023.Romero, C., Dóniz, J., García Cacho, L., Guillén, C., Coello, E., 2007. Nuevas evidencias acerca del origen hidromagmático del conjunto volcánico Caldera Blanca/Risco Quebrado (Lanzarote, Islas Canarias). Resúmenes XII Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario, Ávila.

How to cite: Díaz-Michelena, M., Losantos, E., Rivero, M. Á., Oliveira, J. S., García Monasterio1, Ó., Mansilla, F., Melguizo, Á., García Bueno, J. L., Salamanca, D., and Fernández Romero, S.: Geophysical investigation of the terrestrial analogue, Caldereta volcano, in Lanzarote, the Canary Islands as a precursory study to mars phreatomagmatic volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10842,, 2025.

EGU25-11941 | Posters on site | PS7.5

How tidal tomography and thermal constraints can probe the existence of a Martian basal molten layer 

Clément Ganino, Alex Guinard, Agnès Fienga, and Anthony Mémin

By computing the tidal deformations of Mars, we investigated its spherically symmetric internal structure, and specifically the nature (liquid, partially melted or both) of the interface between the mantle and the liquid core. Through an evaluation of their compatibility with diverse geophysical observations, we demonstrated that, despite the short excitation periods, tidal deformation (tidal dissipation induced by Phobos and tidal quality factor at the Phobos excitation frequency) provides an effective means to constrain Mars's internal structure. Our analysis yielded independently density and thickness estimates for the Martian lithosphere, mantle, core–mantle boundary layers, and core, which were consistent with previous results from other methods. Additionally, we derived new viscosity estimates for these layers. Notably, we showed that geodetic observations, combined with thermal constraints, are particularly sensitive to the presence of a two-layered interface at the top of the liquid core in the deep Martian mantle. This interface comprises two layers with similar densities but very different viscosities and rheologies. The layer directly atop the liquid core follows a Newtonian constitutive equation (Newtonian Basal Layer or NBL), while the overlying layer at the base of the mantle has an Andrade rheology (Andrade Basal Layer or ABL), characterized by a viscosity approximately 10 orders of magnitude greater than that of the Newtonian layer. Our results indicate that the presence of this two-layered interface significantly affects the viscosity profiles of both the mantle and lithosphere. Specifically, models incorporating the two-layered interface show small viscosity contrast between the mantle and the lithosphere, preventing mechanical decoupling between these layers. This would support a stagnant lid regime, consistent with the current absence of Earth-like plate tectonics on Mars. Finally, our findings suggest that the presence of a liquid Newtonian layer atop the liquid core is incompatible with the existence of a solid inner core on Mars.

How to cite: Ganino, C., Guinard, A., Fienga, A., and Mémin, A.: How tidal tomography and thermal constraints can probe the existence of a Martian basal molten layer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11941,, 2025.

EGU25-12405 | Posters on site | PS7.5

VERITAS Gravity Science Experiment: Impact of Colored Noise on Parameter Estimation 

Fabrizio De Marchi, Flavia Giuliani, Daniele Durante, Gael Cascioli, Luciano Iess, Erwan Mazarico, and Suzanne Smrekar

The VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy) mission is a future NASA Discovery mission that aims to improve our understanding of Venus' evolution, structure, and geological processes. Its gravity science experiment will produce a uniform, high-resolution gravity map of Venus, providing unprecedented constraints on the planet’s crustal and interior structure. The radio tracking relies on a dual-frequency transponder in X and Ka bands. This advanced multi-frequency system achieves Doppler measurement accuracy of about 18 μm/s (for most of the mission duration) at 10-second integration time and can correct 75% of the plasma noise, particularly important at low Sun-Probe-Earth (SPE) angles (<15-20°).

Numerical simulations of the VERITAS gravity experiment were carried out using JPL’s MONTE software, considering detailed dynamical and noise models. The noise model accounts for 1) media propagation effects, i.e., troposphere, ionosphere, and plasma, where troposphere has a seasonal variation and plasma noise depends on SPE angle, and 2) spacecraft and ground station instrumentation. While many noise sources have a white noise spectral profile, significant contributors such as the frequency and timing system (FTS) and plasma introduce colored noise, i.e., whose magnitude varies with frequency.

A colored-noise results in a non-diagonal correlation matrix which can bias (with respect to a white-noise case) the best-fit estimated parameters and lead to an underestimation of their uncertainties.

Therefore, the main objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of colored noise on the estimation of the parameters related to the Venus’ gravity field (i.e., the spherical harmonic coefficients).

To this aim, we simulated the Doppler observables and the gravity recovery for both the white-noise and colored-noise cases. Colored noise was simulated with the algorithm described by [1] and we developed a method to incorporate these correlations into the sequential filtering process used for orbit determination. We will present the results of these simulations.

[1] Timmer, J. and Koenig, M. (1995). On generating power law noise. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 300:707.

How to cite: De Marchi, F., Giuliani, F., Durante, D., Cascioli, G., Iess, L., Mazarico, E., and Smrekar, S.: VERITAS Gravity Science Experiment: Impact of Colored Noise on Parameter Estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12405,, 2025.

EGU25-12535 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5


Shachaf Weil Zattelman and Fadi Kizel

Lunar cold spots are thermal anomalies associated with fresh impact craters and understanding them offers critical insights into the Moon's surface evolution and thermophysical properties. Traditionally, their detection has relied on manual methods, which are labor-intensive and time-consuming. This study evaluates the performance of two advanced deep learning-based object detection models, YOLOv8 and YOLOv11, for automating lunar cold spot detection using Diviner radiometer data. The training dataset was generated from 128-pixel-per-degree (ppd) rock-free nighttime regolith temperature maps covering latitudes up to ±60°. The dataset included 384 lunar images with 652 annotated cold spots for model training. For testing, the 2023 High-Resolution Nighttime Temperature dataset was cropped into 512×512-pixel sub-images (~4×4 degrees) with a 20% overlap to capture edge cold spots. This process generated 4,816 sub-images, ensuring comprehensive coverage and minimizing missed detections.

The experimental design included two strategies: a straightforward train-test split and a more robust 5-fold cross-validation approach. The models were assessed using key performance metrics: precision, recall, F1 score, and mean Average Precision (mAP). YOLOv11 consistently outperformed YOLOv8 across most metrics, achieving a precision of 0.85, recall of 0.78, F1 score of 0.81, and mAP-50 of 0.79 with K-fold cross-validation. Both models demonstrated superior performance in detecting faint thermal anomalies, showcasing their capability to identify subtle features often overlooked by manual methods.

Hyperparameter tuning and robust preprocessing techniques, including overlapping sub-image and data augmentation, contributed significantly to the models' performance. YOLOv11's higher selectivity resulted in fewer false positives and greater reliability, whereas YOLOv8 identified a larger number of cold spots, though with a higher false positive rate. Both models significantly outperformed manual detection methods, demonstrating their ability to expand the catalog of lunar cold spots efficiently and accurately with precision of 78% and 89% for YOLOv8 and Yolov11, respectively. This automated approach identified previously undetected cold spots, providing a more comprehensive understanding of lunar thermal anomalies and their spatial distribution.

These findings highlight the transformative potential of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in planetary science, particularly in automating complex and data-intensive tasks like lunar cold spot detection. The scalability and precision of YOLOv11, combined with YOLOv8's sensitivity to faint anomalies, underscore the value of integrating deep learning techniques into planetary exploration and research.

How to cite: Weil Zattelman, S. and Kizel, F.: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF YOLOv8 AND YOLOv11 FOR COLD SPOT DETECTION ON THE LUNAR SURFACE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12535,, 2025.

EGU25-13284 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5

Geochemical and Mineralogical Signatures of Alluvial Fans in Iceland and their Implications for Late Stage Aqueous Activity on Mars 

Amanda Rudolph, James Haber, Sharon Wilson, Rossman Irwin, Alexander Morgan, Briony Horgan, Timothy Rose, and Rob Wardell

Extensive physical and chemical evidence from orbiter, lander, and rover data show that surface water was widespread on Mars into the Amazonian. Alluvial fans are geologic landforms on Mars that preserve evidence of this late-stage aqueous activity in the geologic record. The composition and distribution materials in an alluvial fan, either in the catchment (source) and/or the fan (sink), help inform our understanding of the origin and extent of aqueous alteration, either in the source rocks prior to deposition or after, in the fan itself. However, the geochemical and mineralogical properties of martian alluvial fans, and how these properties vary from the catchment to the fan, are not well constrained. 

The work presented here characterizes the geochemistry and mineralogy of two alluvial fans and their associated catchments at sites in Iceland—Fjallabak and near Hoffellsjökull—which serve as close compositional analogs for Mars. These results can help us to understand the aqueous alteration that formed similar deposits on Mars while placing constraints on martian geologic history and paleoclimate.

We utilize a suite of complementary laboratory techniques: Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray detector (SEM/EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Raman spectroscopy qualitatively maps spectral properties to confirm existing mineral identification and spectra are processed to determine the relative abundance materials; this technique is of particular use to identify amorphous glass. SEM/EDS is used to quantitatively map elemental compositions, and XRD with Rietveld refinement can identify the type and abundance of crystalline minerals. Raman and XRD both have in situ instrument analogs on the surface of Mars: the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) on the Perseverance rover, and Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument on the Curiosity rover, respectively. SEM/EDS techniques are also likely to be applied to samples returned from Mars.

At Fjallabak, source rocks are primarily a combination of hyaloclastite (a product of subglacial volcanism) and rhyolite. At Hoffellsjökull, the rocks are mostly basalt with evidence of minor hydrothermal alteration. Rocks and sediments do not appear to be heavily altered upon deposition into the alluvial fan, although some authigenic alteration may have occurred in the catchment itself.

Preliminary Raman spectral analyses support our initial field interpretations of the rocks and minerals observed at both field sites. To date, we have analyzed hyaloclastite source rocks and confirmed the presence of obsidian and/or albite glass, along with signs of aqueous alteration indicated by Fe-oxides (i.e., goethite) at Fjallabak. We have also identified diopside (Ca-Mg clinopyroxene) and actinolite (a low-grade metamorphic mineral) in inferred hydrothermally altered basalt, along possible Fe-oxide-hydroxides (i.e., lepidocrocite) that indicate aqueous alteration in the Hoffellsjökull fan. Initial results suggest aqueous alteration of materials at both field sites but the distribution of primary versus secondary materials has yet to be constrained. 

Our results will include the laboratory analysis that characterize these Iceland fans that will help determine the extent and distribution of alteration products in alluvial fans at Mars compositional analog sites.

How to cite: Rudolph, A., Haber, J., Wilson, S., Irwin, R., Morgan, A., Horgan, B., Rose, T., and Wardell, R.: Geochemical and Mineralogical Signatures of Alluvial Fans in Iceland and their Implications for Late Stage Aqueous Activity on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13284,, 2025.

EGU25-13316 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5

Using Remote Sensing to Understand Icelandic Alluvial Fan Composition as an Analog for a Cold and Wet Ancient Mars 

James Haber, Amanda Rudolph, Rossman Irwin, Alexander Morgan, Briony Horgan, and Sharon Wilson

Fan-shaped deposits, including alluvial fans and deltas, are abundant on Mars. They preserve evidence of episodic running water and potentially habitable environments into the early Amazonian. Most alluvial fan analog studies have focused on depositional processes, rather than the composition of fan materials. In particular, it is unclear if the composition of fan deposits represents alteration during transport/deposition or the composition of the watershed in a cold environment.

In this study, we use a suite of remote sensing techniques to characterize mineralogy of rocks and sediments in alluvial fans in Iceland to understand any distinct trends within this tundra climate. This work helps fill a knowledge gap for understanding alluvial fans on Mars through the novel analog study in a cold climate on Earth. Iceland has been widely studied as a Mars analog because of its dominant basaltic composition, general lack of vegetation, and tundra climate. We analyze several alluvial fans of variable morphology, location, and composition to understand how these factors might affect the alteration of fan sediments.

Prior to fieldwork, we analyzed high-resolution orbital images (15 m/pixel) from the World Imagery ESRI Basemap and spectral data (10-60 m/pixel) from the SENTINEL-2 MultiSpectral Instrument in the visible to near infrared (VNIR) range (13 bands; 0.443-2.190 μm) to characterize decameter-scale compositional variability. 

During our July 2024 field season, we imaged fans and their watersheds using a DJI Mavic Pro 2 drone at the meter- to decameter-scale. We used a portable ASD QualitySpec Trek spectrometer to collect VNIR (0.35-2.5 μm) reflectance spectra and identify minerals along transects from the fan apex to toe to capture compositional variability in the fan deposits and their watersheds.

Our results focus on two alluvial fans and their watersheds: one dominated by rhyolite and hyaloclastite in Fjallabak Nature Reserve in the Icelandic highlands and another dominated by basalt near Hoffellsjökull in eastern Iceland. In VNIR spectra from Fjallbak, we observe absorption bands due to hydration (1.4 and 1.9 μm), Fe-oxides (0.53 and ~0.9 μm), and hydrated silica (2.2 μm). At Hoffellsjökull, we also observe kaolinite (2.2 μm doublet) in tan rocks and calcite (2.338 μm) in veins and vesicles within basalt. We also observe broad absorptions near 1 and 2 μm likely due to primary mafic minerals such as olivine, pyroxene, or volcanic glass.

Our results indicate that rocks in the alluvial fans were sourced from a variety of lithologies, which we are able to identify in the watershed using drone and orbiter images. Overall, we do not observe major differences in composition between the fan deposits and their watersheds, suggesting that there is minimal alteration during transport and deposition. Ongoing work includes detailed spectral analyses of sediments along fan transects and comparisons to the watershed to determine how the rocks and sediments vary across the fan deposit. Additionally, comparisons to similar alluvial fans on Mars will improve our understanding of how these features may have formed in a cold climate.

How to cite: Haber, J., Rudolph, A., Irwin, R., Morgan, A., Horgan, B., and Wilson, S.: Using Remote Sensing to Understand Icelandic Alluvial Fan Composition as an Analog for a Cold and Wet Ancient Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13316,, 2025.

EGU25-17694 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Unravelling similarities between Mount Etna's pyroclastic deposits and the Lunar counterparts. 

Giacomo Melchiori, Matteo Massironi, Riccardo Pozzobon, Patrizia Ferretti, and Sonia Calvari

In the last few years, NASA, ESA, CNSA and JAXA have been planning comprehensive lunar initiatives, including the Artemis program. In this context, it is crucial to i) support scientific research aimed at improving our ability to collect direct ground-truth data and samples, and ii) test equipment and validate analytical methodologies at designated analogue sites. Among the sites of interest on the lunar surface are the ones dominated by pyroclastic deposits since, as shown on Apollo samples, they may have trapped considerable volumes of gases3, being their formation linked to the presence of volatiles within magma. This material represent an intriguing in-situ resource1 that has yet to be verified even considering studies on Earth analogues on volcanic environments. Some of them are well internationally-known (e.g., Lanzarote, Canary Islands4; Kilauea Volcano, USA; Lava Beds National Monument, USA)  and have been extensively studied. In other cases, such as Mount Etna, the compositional similarity remains unexplored, despite the site has already attracted interest from the planetary science community2. Mount Etna volcano exhibits several geological similarities with lunar features such as the presence of  lava tubes, cinder cones, lava channels and bowl shaped pits; however, its analogy from a compositional point of view has yet to be determined.

For this reason, several unweathered and unaltered  samples have been collected from a pyroclastic deposit in the area of the Cisternazza pit crater, a collapse pit located on the southern flank of Mount Etna. The samples underwent comprehensive chemical and mineralogical characterization, revealing compositional similarities with lunar samples. Consequently, further tests were conducted to examine their mechanical, thermal, and spectral behaviour to compare it with lunar samples and certified lunar simulants across a broader range of properties.

To assess the analogy with the lunar surface, specific spectral parameters were also calculated for both the Etna samples and key sites on the Moon. In addition, in order to resemble the complex spectral response of the lunar pyroclastic deposits, we generated different mixtures using the spectra of the Etna samples intermixed with different amounts of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene endmembers spectra. Intriguing correlations between these mixtures and lunar spectral data were observed, even in study areas far from Apollo landing sites, indicating a broader range of similarities with the lunar pyroclastic materials.


This study was carried out within the Space It Up project funded by the Italian Space Agency, ASI, and the Ministry of University and Research, MUR, under contract n. 2024-5-E.0 - CUP n. I53D24000060005.


1: Anand et al., 2012, A brief review of chemical and mineralogical resources on the Moon and likely initial in situ resource utilization (ISRU) applications. Planet. Space Sci. 74, 42–48.

2: Carey et al., 2022, METERON Analog-1: A Touch Remote. 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18–22 September 2022

3: Ivanov, 2014, Volatiles in lunar regolith samples: A survey. Sol. Syst. Res. 48, 113–129.

4: Mateo et al., 2019, Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands Geopark:From Earth to Space. Springer International Publishing.

How to cite: Melchiori, G., Massironi, M., Pozzobon, R., Ferretti, P., and Calvari, S.: Unravelling similarities between Mount Etna's pyroclastic deposits and the Lunar counterparts., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17694,, 2025.

EGU25-18054 | ECS | Orals | PS7.5

Modelling surface mineral diversity of atmosphere-free rocky exoplanets for spectroscopic characterisation 

Rob Spaargaren, Antonio Manjon Cabeza Cordoba, Maxim Ballmer, and Tim Lichtenberg

Observations of several short-period rocky exoplanets (e.g., LHS 3844 b, TRAPPIST-1 b, GJ 367 b) suggest that they do no host substantial secondary atmospheres, which makes their surfaces directly accessible to spectral characterisation. Various minerals and rock types have potentially distinguishable surface reflectance spectra, allowing for observational characterisation of surface geology for such atmosphere-less exoplanets. While extensive surface spectra for Solar System lithologies are available, they may not capture the full range of surface diversity, as rocky exoplanets display a bulk compositional diversity far exceeding that seen in the Solar System. To address this gap, we explore potential surface mineralogies of volatile-free rocky exoplanets, with compositional diversity informed by stellar abundances.
We model magma compositions formed from bulk mantle melting in the NCFMASCr system with a Gibbs free energy minimization algorithm, Perple_X. Bulk mantle compositions are systematically varied in terms of relative abundances of Mg, Si, Ca, Al, and Na, informed by stellar abundances, while keeping Fe and Cr constant and equal to the Earth bulk mantle. We then use the same modelling set-up to derive crustal mineralogy for bulk crust compositions based on these magmas. 
Surface mineralogy primarily varies with the bulk mantle Mg/Si ratio: Si-rich mantles produce quartz- and plagioclase-dominated crusts, intermediate planets produce pyroxene- and plagioclase-dominated crusts, and Mg-rich planets produce crusts consisting of olivine, spinel, and nepheline. Increasing the abundances of Ca, Al, and Na mainly results in a widening of the clinopyroxene, spinel, and nepheline stability fields. The crusts of Mg-rich planets are experimentally under-explored, while we predict a significant fraction of all rocky exoplanets to form such crusts. Thus, additional surface reflectance spectra measurements are required to fully cover the diversity of potential rocky exoplanet surfaces and to enable accurate interpretation of future observations of their surface geology.

We further show with geodynamical simulations that the high-pressure density contrast between crustal and mantle rocks plays a first-order role in thermal and dynamical evolution of rocky exoplanet interiors. Planets with a greater density contrast tend to stabilize a layered mantle structure, where subducted crust accumulates at the bottom of the mantle, overlain by a cold, depleted, and typically ultramafic upper mantle. Calculating the density contrast between crust and mantle rocks for our sample of exoplanet compositions at a pressure of 140 GPa, we find that most Mg-rich planets form crusts that are significantly denser than the residual mantle, forming such a double-layered mantle structure. Meanwhile, the most Si-rich mantles produce granite-like crusts, which we predict to be too buoyant to subduct. Only planets with intermediate Mg/Si, which includes the solar system planets, have crustal buoyancy that allows for subduction and mixing of subducted crust with the mantle on geological timescales. Thus, constraining rocky exoplanet crust mineralogy and density is essential for understanding their long-term evolution and for interpreting spectroscopic observations of such planets, which is possible with JWST.

How to cite: Spaargaren, R., Manjon Cabeza Cordoba, A., Ballmer, M., and Lichtenberg, T.: Modelling surface mineral diversity of atmosphere-free rocky exoplanets for spectroscopic characterisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18054,, 2025.

EGU25-19233 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Photometric-Constrained Reconstruction of Lunar Landing Site Topography Using Orbiter and Descent Images 

Xiaohuan Xie, Shijie Liu, Li Ma, Qian Huang, Hao Chen, Jürgen Oberst, and Xiaohua Tong

In lunar exploration, high-resolution topography is an important basis for safe landing and mission planning. Remote sensing images are the main data sources for the reconstruction of lunar surface topography [1]. Among them, the orbiter images preserve the topographic photometric information under different illumination directions, and the descent images contain high-resolution morphological details of the landing site. In order to integrate the advantages of multi-illumination directions of orbiter images and high resolution of descent images, we propose a joint photometric-constrained method for topography reconstruction using both orbiter and descent images. In the framework of the joint photometric-constrained Shape from Shading (SfS) [2-4], the photometric information in multi-source images illuminated from different directions is added into the cost function as a weighted regular term in topography reconstruction. We focus on the Chang'E-3 landing site. We used the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) images of the area and Chang'E-3 descent images for experiments, and obtained topographic data of the site with a resolution better than 0.1 m/pixel. Comparing with previously derived topography [5], we verified that our topography is more consistent result with the images in multi-angle illumination rendering [6], integrating the photometric information of the multi-source images and preserving the morphological details such as small-size impact craters. The method proposed in this study not only improves the accuracy of topography reconstruction of the Chang'E-3 landing site, but also provides a new idea for the joint processing of multi-source image data.

[1] Di K., et al. (2020) Topographic mapping of the moon in the 21st century: from hectometer to millimeter scales. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2020, pp.1117-1124.

[2] Horn, B.K.P. (1990) Height and gradient from shading. International Journal of Computer Vision, 5, pp. 37–75.

[3] Beyer R.A., et al. (2018) The Ames Stereo Pipeline: NASA's Open Source Software for Deriving and Processing Terrain Data. Earth and Space Science, 5, pp. 537-548.

[4] Tenthoff M. et al. (2020) High Resolution Digital Terrain Models of Mercury. Remote Sensing, 12, p. 3989.

[5] Henriksen M.R., et al. (2017) Extracting accurate and precise topography from LROC narrow angle camera stereo observations. Icarus, 283, pp.122-137.

[6] Tong X., et al. (2023) A high-precision horizon-based illumination modeling method for the lunar surface using pyramidal LOLA data. Icarus, 390, p. 115302.

How to cite: Xie, X., Liu, S., Ma, L., Huang, Q., Chen, H., Oberst, J., and Tong, X.: Photometric-Constrained Reconstruction of Lunar Landing Site Topography Using Orbiter and Descent Images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19233,, 2025.

EGU25-19374 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5 | Highlight

Microorganisms under simulated icy moon environments project (micro icy) : a step foward to solar system exploration 

Alessia Cassaro, Claudia Pacelli, Lorenzo Cocola, Angelina Cordone, Marta Del Bianco, Mattia Esposito, Francesca Ferranti, Lorenzo Manfrin, Luca Parca, and Angelo Zinzi

Astrobiological research aims to find evidence of life in the Solar System's habitable environments, prioritizing icy moons with potential subsurface oceans (Lunine, 2017).  Subsurface liquid water is evidenced on Europa, Ganymede, Callisto (Kivelson et al., 2000), and Enceladus (Spencer & Nimmo, 2013). Enceladus, studied via Cassini’s remote sensing, is of particular interest due to its active surface and global subsurface salty ocean (Thomas et al., 2016; Postberg et al., 2009). Jets of icy particles and water vapor observed at its south pole (Porco et al., 2006) suggest a subsurface aquifer with potential for life (Fuller et al., 2016; Porco et al., 2017; Lainey et al., 2018).

To explore habitability, remote sensing relies on understanding life in Earth’s extreme environments, such as hydrothermal systems, where microbial communities thrive under harsh conditions. The Strytan shallow-water hydrothermal vents in Iceland serve as an ideal analogue for icy moons, as they mimic similar geological processes. In this context, the MICRO ICY project aims to study microbial life in these environments to identify potential biosignatures and better understand microbial adaptation to extreme conditions, advancing life-detection missions.

The project will aim to (i) sampling fluid samples from Strytan shallow-water hydrothermal vents in Iceland, (ii) identifying the cultivable microbial portion, (iii) studying the whole microbial communities through metabarcoding identification and its adaptaption mechanisms by applying -omics approaches, (iv) identifying functionality and genomic traits of interest for adaptation and resistance to extreme conditions by metagenomic approach. In addition, gas composition signatures related to the activity of microbes will be investigate, by using mass spectrometry.


The MICRO ICY project aims to achieve the following results:

- a proof of concept for using the Strytan shallow-water hydrothermal vents in Iceland as analogues for the subsurface environments of icy moons;

- define the habitats and assess criteria for habitability on icy moons through a complete characterization of geo-microbial context of the Strytan shallow-water hydrothermal vents, including the evaluation of microorganism biodiversity and functionality;

-  identify the adaptation strategies of selected microbes to simulated planetary environments through transcriptomic and proteomic approaches;

- improve our knowledge of the behaviour of terrestrial extremophiles to planetary analogue environments as support for the search for life beyond Earth;

- identify the gas signatures of microbial life in simulated planetary environments with spectrometry analyses;

Here, we reported preliminary results from geochemical analyses of the Strytan shallow-water hydrothermal vent samples, performed by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Ion Chromatography (IC). Concurrently, ongoing experiments involving both culture-dependent (extremophilic microorganism isolation) and culture-independent (metagenomics) approaches aim to identify the most suitable organisms for exposure in an Enceladus simulation chamber, to assess their ability to grow and survive in extraterrestrial environments.

How to cite: Cassaro, A., Pacelli, C., Cocola, L., Cordone, A., Del Bianco, M., Esposito, M., Ferranti, F., Manfrin, L., Parca, L., and Zinzi, A.: Microorganisms under simulated icy moon environments project (micro icy) : a step foward to solar system exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19374,, 2025.

EGU25-19657 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

High-resolution Illumination Maps around the Lunar South Pole 

Qian Huang, Shijie Liu, Hao Chen, Philipp Gläser, Fan He, Jürgen Oberst, and Xiaohua Tong

With the Moon’s rotation axis almost perpendicular to the ecliptic, the lunar polar regions are in a unique position. As the Sun hovers near the horizon all year round, and given the rough morphology, this leads to very complex illumination conditions in the area. High-resolution illumination maps derived from accurate lunar terrains serve as essential tools for identifying cold traps and evaluating solar energy ― key factors for upcoming exploration missions [1], [2]. Here, we use our previously developed illumination modeling methodology [3] to produce a series of illumination maps based on Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) gridded topographic models. Benefitting from the methodological optimizations and GPU acceleration techniques, modeling efficiency is no longer a challenge. We produced maps of the average illumination and the distribution of Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs), the resolution and coverage of these maps are consistent with the LOLA terrains, up to a maximum resolution of 5 meters [4]. Another derivative of modeling, the artificially shaded synthetic images corresponding to illumination at any moment, can be compared with “real” image data. We selected Malapert Massif and Shackleton-de Gerlache Ridge (both near the candidate landing sites of the Artemis program) as our experimental areas, and compared our maps with previously published illumination data [1], [2]. The results show that, our higher-resolution illumination maps are visibly more informative and the corresponding synthetic images are more consistent with the illumination patterns seen in “real” images. This work can provide useful suggestions for future lunar south pole explorations and scientific research.


[1] Mazarico E., et al. (2011) Illumination conditions of the lunar polar regions using LOLA topography. Icarus, 211, pp.106681.

[2] Gläser, P., et al. (2018) Illumination conditions at the lunar poles: Implications for future exploration. Planetary and Space Science, 162, pp.170-178.

[3] Tong, XH., et al. (2022) A high-precision horizon-based illumination modeling method for the lunar surface using pyramidal LOLA data. Icarus, 390, pp.115302.

[4] Barker et al. (2023) A New View of the Lunar South Pole from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA). The Planetary Science Journal, 4, pp.183.

How to cite: Huang, Q., Liu, S., Chen, H., Gläser, P., He, F., Oberst, J., and Tong, X.: High-resolution Illumination Maps around the Lunar South Pole, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19657,, 2025.

EGU25-19966 | Orals | PS7.5

Updates to the TGO-CaSSIS Stereo Products Generation and the INAF public catalog of DTMs 

Adriano Tullo, Cristina Re, Emanuele Simioni, Silvia Bertoli, Riccardo La Grassa, Gabriele Cremonese, and Nicolas Thomas

In orbit since the April 2018, the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on board of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has recently entered its 6th year of scientific phase. Since then, CaSSIS has provided us with a rich catalog of up to four bands stereo images of the Martian surface. The stereo capability is achieved through an innovative telescope rotation approach composing a convergence angle of almost 22 degrees between the stereo couple. In this way CaSSIS can produce detailed color 3D maps, thus providing crucial data for the analysis of the surfaces and their composition.

The pipeline for three-dimensional modelling is developed and maintained by the INAF team located at the Astronomical Observatory of Padova, making available the Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and orthorectified images to the entire team and scientific community since the start of the mission.

The 3DPD software (Simioni et al., 2021; Re et al., 2022), at the core of the pipeline, allows the exploitation of data according to the principles of stereogrammetry. The DTMs are produced at 13.5 m ground sample distance from 4.5 m/px images, with an estimated vertical accuracy below 3 pixels size (15 m)  (Fig.1).

To date, more than 2100 stereo couples are available on a total of 40.000 images acquired. Of these about 400 stereo pairs have already been processed and available for download at  the OAPD-hosted repository (

Since the framework was first founded by Simioni et al., 2021, the pipeline has been continuously developing to improve the performance of the data product generation.

The goal of this work is to present the actual state of the framework and all the improvements made. Recent changes are here described and supported by an assessment of the quality and precision of the generated products and their derivatives.

Recent developments include the integration of the Bundle Block Adjustment, employing the jigsaw routines made available with the USGS ISIS platform (Laura et al., 2023). Thanks to the jigsaw output, we are able to refine the projection matrices affected otherwise by distortions that introduce geometric effects of misalignments between the acquisitions. The misalignments not adequately modelled and resolved by the Bundle Adjustment could otherwise result in steps artefacts that can reach even hundreds of m in the worst cases.

Further important update is given by an innovative approach of aligning DTMs to MOLA-HRSC (Fergason et al., 2018), further improving the surface projection and the absolute elevation, reaching values generally below 50 m/px of standard deviation in comparison with it. This process was also extended to the entire database of DTMs already produced as one major update, bringing similar results (Fig.2).

Fig.1 Comparison between a CaSSIS DTM (MY34_003673_018) and a HiRISE DTM (DTEEC_005533_1975_005388_1975) at 1 m/px, demonstrating a vertical accuracy of about 8m.


Fig.2 The standard deviation on the vertical accuracy, achieved as a result of the recent alignment with the MOLA-HRSC and applied to the entire CaSSIS DTMs database.

How to cite: Tullo, A., Re, C., Simioni, E., Bertoli, S., La Grassa, R., Cremonese, G., and Thomas, N.: Updates to the TGO-CaSSIS Stereo Products Generation and the INAF public catalog of DTMs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19966,, 2025.

EGU25-20078 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.5

Categorization of ring and bulge topographies of infilled craters on Mercury 

Gene Schmidt, Salvatore Buoninfante, Valentina Galluzzi, and Pasquale Palumbo

Mercury boasts a variety of infilled craters, several of which contain central depressions surrounded by unique, bulged, ring-like structures. These rings are comprised of the infill itself, range in size and elevation, and can often exceed the crater rim in which they are contained (e.g. Bryne et al., 2014). Although peak ring crater types are common across Mercury (e.g. Baker et al., 2011; Schon et al., 2011), these bulged infill rings represent an entirely different morphology which represents a process that occurs after the crater and potential peak ring is formed. These bulged rings often present concentric extensional faults on their summits, and in some cases the accompanying central depression contains radial or circular extensional faults (e.g. Cunje & Ghent, 2016; Marchi et al., 2011). The formation process of this topography remains unknown and difficult to constrain, however it has been previously suggested that global contraction could aid their formation (Byrne et al., 2014). However, the weight load of the infill itself has yet to be fully appreciated as a candidate for tectonic processes on Mercury, particularly in the creation of bulged topography (Schmidt & Salvini, 2024). Additionally, lava entry pathways (i.e. lava which exploits circular normal faults within the interior of the craters) may play a role. By analyzing nine craters (four exhibiting the bulged infill topography, four exhibiting peak ring topography, and one seemingly intermediate type of topography) we aim to determine the relationship between bulged rings within infill and their more common peak ring topography counterparts. In so doing, we can determine if this infill topography is merely a lava infill which has conformed to a pre-existing peak ring, or if the weight load of the infill at the center of the crater has the potential to create an elastic response which creates the bulged ring and simultaneously the central depression.

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) under ASI-INAF agreement 2024-18-HH.0

Baker et al. (2011) The transition from complex crater to peak-ring basin on Mercury: New observations from MESSENGER flyby data and constraints on basin formation models. Planetary and Space Science, 59(15), 1932-1948.

Byrne et al. (2014) Mercury’s global contraction much greater than earlier estimates. Nature Geoscience, 7(4), 301-307.

Cunje & Ghent (2016) Caloris basin, Mercury: History of deformation from an analysis of tectonic landforms. Icarus, 268, 131-144.

Marchi et al. (2011) The effects of the target material properties and layering on the crater chronology: The case of Raditladi and Rachmaninoff basins on Mercury. Planetary and Space Science, 59(15), 1968-1980.

Schmidt & Salvini (2024) Thickness of Pluto's Ice Shell from elastic deformation of the Sputnik Planitia forebulge: Response to infill load or vestige of impact event?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 646, 118974.

Schon et al. (2011) Eminescu impact structure: Insight into the transition from complex crater to peak-ring basin on Mercury. Planetary and Space Science, 59(15), 1949-1959.

How to cite: Schmidt, G., Buoninfante, S., Galluzzi, V., and Palumbo, P.: Categorization of ring and bulge topographies of infilled craters on Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20078,, 2025.

EGU25-908 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.2

Probing Mantle Structure to Reconcile Predicted and Observed Dynamic Topography 

Issac Jacob, Nicky White, and David Al-Attar

Density variations within the Earth’s mantle drive convective Stokes flow and shape key geophysical observables, one of which is dynamic topography, defined as the surface deflection due to normal stresses exerted on the base of the crust. For decades, predicted dynamic topography has differed from observations in two regards. First, the predictions contain too much power at long wavelengths  i.e > 10,000 km). Secondly, there is insufficient power at shorter wavelengths (i.e. < 1,000 km). Here, the propagator method is utilised to solve for the Stokes equation and self-gravitation within a spherically symmetric viscosity regime. To solve these equations, kernels (i.e. Green’s functions) are obtained, which represent the sensitivity of observables like surface and core-mantle boundary topographies to density anomalies at varying depths and wavelengths within the mantle. These kernels are strongly sensitive to viscosity structure. In exploring the parameter space within the forward problem, predicted dynamic topography must match the observational dataset of dynamic topography, containing over 14,000 measurements. The geoid is sensitive to the Earth’s (relative) viscosity structure, and therefore provides an excellent primary constraint. In constructing predicted dynamic topography, a whole-mantle density model is required, usually  acquired from a global shear-wave velocity model and using a constant scaling factor from mineral physics. A large range of tomographic models (n = 17) are utilised to undertake a more comprehensive search for the most appropriate mantle structure. In isolation, the lower mantle is found to produce several hundred metres of surface dynamic topography and match the long-wavelength features remarkably well. Current whole-mantle tomographic models result in predictions with insufficient short-wavelength features, as compared to residual topography studies. Hybrid density models are therefore constructed by smoothly blending high-resolution upper-mantle models, such as SL2013, with the previous suite of whole-mantle models, resulting in a predicted dynamic topography signal which better matches observed dynamic topography on shorter length scales. An improved velocity-to-density conversion is explored, by introducing a depth-dependence on the conversion and focussing on the anelastic effects within the upper mantle. Reconciling predicted and observed dynamic topography strengthens the integration of dynamic topography with other observable fields, such as the geoid, and offers a more comprehensive framework to study Earth’s interior processes. 

How to cite: Jacob, I., White, N., and Al-Attar, D.: Probing Mantle Structure to Reconcile Predicted and Observed Dynamic Topography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-908,, 2025.

EGU25-1081 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

SS3DPacific: Structure of the Pacific uppermost mantle with 3D resolution and uncertainty 

Franck Latallerie, Christophe Zaroli, Sophie Lambotte, Alessia Maggi, Andrew Walker, and Paula Koelemeijer

Surface features in oceanic basins, such as mid-oceanic ridges, hotspots, seafloor subsidence, and fracture zones, result from geodynamic processes in the uppermost mantle. Insight into these processes are obtained from tomographic imaging using surface waves. However, the poor distribution of earthquakes and seismic stations, as well as noise in seismic data, give rise to spatial resolution artefacts and errors in tomography models, complicating their interpretation.

We constructed SS3DPacific, a model of the vertically-polarised shear-wave velocity structure of the Pacific uppermost mantle and surrounding regions. The model derives from Rayleigh-wave phase delays, that we measured along with an estimation of their uncertainty. SS3DPacific is accompanied by 3D resolution and uncertainty. To obtain this information, we combined the SOLA inverse method to control and produce resolution and uncertainty with finite-frequency theory for Rayleigh waves, leading to a 3D model.

In this talk, I will present SS3DPacific, its 3D resolution, and uncertainty. The model shows well-known large-scale features such as cratons, ridges, and the increase of seismic velocity with distance from mid-oceanic ridges. Detailed analysis of the 3D resolution reveals strong spatial artefacts, particularly vertically, which manifest themselves in the form of structural depth leakages. This effect, expected for this type of surface-wave tomography, will ultimately bias the analysis of the lithosphere cooling process if not accounted for. Additionally, SS3DPacific shows an intriguing pattern of bands of velocity variations aligned with fracture zones.

Given the availability of 3D resolution and uncertainty quantification, SS3DPacific can be utilised in studies aimed to assess mantle circulation models, and thus dynamic processes in the Earth.

How to cite: Latallerie, F., Zaroli, C., Lambotte, S., Maggi, A., Walker, A., and Koelemeijer, P.: SS3DPacific: Structure of the Pacific uppermost mantle with 3D resolution and uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1081,, 2025.

EGU25-1975 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.2

Dynamics of longitudinal Hawaiian hotspot motion and the formation of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend 

Jie Zhang and Jiashun Hu

The Hawaiian-Emperor Chain in the North Pacific features a conspicuous 60° bend that has been the subject of multiple interpretations, including an abrupt change in Pacific plate motion in the Eocene (~47 Ma), a rapid southward drift of the Hawaiian hotspot before the formation of the bend, or a combination of the two factors. The latest geodynamic model has proposed that 30-35° of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend (HEB) was caused by the sudden westward movement of the Pacific Plate at the latitude of Hawaii around 50 Ma, which occurred as a result of the cessation of the slab pull force generated by intraoceanic subduction in the northern Pacific. The remaining 25-30° of the bend is attributed to the southward movement of the Hawaiian hotspot. But according to geometric analysis and back extrapolation of plate reconstructions, a stronger westward component in the motion of the Hawaiian hotspot is required to achieve a better fit of the HEB. However, there is no geodynamic justification for a significant westward component in the drift of the hotspot.

Here, using geometric analysis with constraints from plate kinematics, we show a significant longitudinal hotspot motion is required to fit the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain. Further application of global mantle convection models reveals a westward (by ~6°) and then an eastward (by ~2°) hotspot drift in addition to the southward motion before and after the bend, with the westward motion primarily controlled by the intraoceanic subduction in Northeast Pacific. While both the westward and southward motion are required to fit the seamount chain, the former contributes ~20 degrees to the bend angle, larger than the later, challenging traditional views. Combining geodynamically-predicted Pacific Plate motion change at 47 Ma, our model provides a nearly perfect fit to the seamount chain, suggesting plate-mantle reorientation as the ultimate cause. It also suggests that the Hawaiian plume conduit is tilted towards the southwest, solving the long-lasting debate on the source of the Hawaiian plume among seismological studies.

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Hu, J.: Dynamics of longitudinal Hawaiian hotspot motion and the formation of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1975,, 2025.

Mantle convection alters Earth’s ellipsoidal shape and modifies its moment of inertia, leading to rotation-axis shifts known as true polar wander (TPW). By combining seismic tomography with the Back-and-Forth Nudging (BFN) method, we created a time-dependent convection model that reconstructs mantle density evolution and Earth’s moment of inertia over the last 70 million years. This modeling framework closely agrees with independent paleomagnetic data on Cenozoic changes in Earth’s rotation pole, notably reproducing the previously unexplained U-turn in TPW around 50 million years ago.

Our results show that TPW can exceed five degrees, despite stabilizing factors such as high viscosity in the lower mantle and Earth’s remnant rotational bulge. Verification of predicted variations in Earth’s ellipsoidal figure, based on paleomagnetic constraints, provides a robust reference point for forecasting convection-induced dynamic flattening. Over the 70-million-year interval, we document changes in flattening that range from -0.2% to +0.1% during the Paleogene. Furthermore, our predictions of Paleogene axial precession frequency align with recent independent cyclostratigraphic analyses, offering strong evidence for the accuracy of our model and reinforcing the hypothesis of diminished luni-solar tidal dissipation during that period.

How to cite: Forte, A. M., Rowley, D., Rowley, D., and Kamali Lima, S.: Resolving 70 Million Years of Earth’s True Polar Wander and Precession: Paleomagnetic Validation of a Seismic Tomography–Based Mantle Convection Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2596,, 2025.

EGU25-3202 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Magnetic tracing of lost time in Cenozoic sediments: Testing dynamic topography of the Yellowstone plume, USA 

Dieke Gerritsen, Stuart Gilder, Yi-Wei Chen, Michael Wack, and Alina Ludat

Dynamic uplift may be expressed in the geologic record by the presence of unconformities, which represent periods of erosion and/or halted sedimentation. One distinct example, the early Miocene unconformity (EMU), formed shortly before the impingement of the Yellowstone plume in the northern Rocky Mountains. The most complete geologic record around this event is preserved in southwest Montana. There, we sampled eight sedimentary sections crossing the EMU. Our magnetostratigraphic study in combination with published radiometrically-dated ash layers determines the EMU ended at ~20.1 Ma and lasted up to 1.5 Myr. We found that the EMU is marked by an abrupt increase in magnetite concentration coincident with a shift in detrital zircon age spectra. These data indicate a rapid reorganization in sediment source likely caused by the emplacement of the Columbia River flood basalt synchronous with a shift in the North American drainage divide. The passage of the Yellowstone plume and/or the onset of Basin and Range extension likely provided the tectonic stimulus for the widespread unconformity and changes in sediment source.

How to cite: Gerritsen, D., Gilder, S., Chen, Y.-W., Wack, M., and Ludat, A.: Magnetic tracing of lost time in Cenozoic sediments: Testing dynamic topography of the Yellowstone plume, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3202,, 2025.

EGU25-3336 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

North Atlantic surface-motion changes in early Paleogene: Observations and geodynamic interpretations 

Zhirui Ray Wang, Giampiero Iaffaldano, and John Hopper

Mantle convection is a crucial component for providing driving and resisting forces for horizontal motion of tectonic plates, as well as for generating non-isostatic vertical motion commonly termed “dynamic topography”. These two kinds of surface motion are often investigated in isolation. However, the existence of a thin, mechanically weak asthenosphere allows us to study mantle convection in the context of Couette/Poiseuille flow, which links mantle flow properties to temporal changes in both horizontal and vertical motions. In this study, we utilize publicly available finite rotations and stage-resolution stratigraphic dataset in the North Atlantic region to investigate its surface-motion history in early Paleogene, which coincides with the peak Icelandic plume activity deduced from independent geologic constraints. We find that our inferred horizontal and vertical motion changes are temporally correlated. We examine this correlation through a quantitative torque analysis, which incorporates an analytic Couette/Poiseuille flow model. We parameterize this flow model in terms of observed kinematics coupled with flow-flux estimates of Icelandic plume and/or Farallon slab activity. Our analysis indicates (1) that torque-variation tied to the Icelandic plume flux closely resembles our kinematic inferences, and (2) that the inclusion of slab flux does not modify such a scenario significantly. In light of these inferences, our efforts shed light on the role of asthenospheric channelized flow flux in influencing the North Atlantic surface expressions in early Paleogene.


How to cite: Wang, Z. R., Iaffaldano, G., and Hopper, J.: North Atlantic surface-motion changes in early Paleogene: Observations and geodynamic interpretations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3336,, 2025.

EGU25-3690 | Posters on site | GD1.2

Geodynamic modelling the thermochemical structure of the Earth's mantle using integrated geophysical and petrological inversion of surface wave and satellite gravity data 

Javier Fullea, Olga Ortega-Gelabert, Sergei Lebedev, Zdenek Martinec, Juan Carlos Afonso, and Bart Root

The lateral and vertical thermochemical heterogeneity in the mantle is a long-standing question in geodynamics. The forces that control mantle flow and therefore Plate Tectonics arise from the density and viscosity lateral and vertical variations. Satellite gravity data are a unique source of information on the density structure of the Earth due to its global and relatively uniform coverage, which complements gravimetric terrestrial measurements. Gravity data (geoid, gravity, gravity gradients) sense subsurface mass anomalies have proven to be helpful in determining the Earth’s thermochemical field in virtue of density’s relatively stronger dependence on rock composition compared to seismic velocities. However, the inversion of gravity data alone for the density distribution within the Earth is an ill-posed problem with a highly non-unique solution that requires regularization and smoothing, implying additional and independent constraints. A common approach to estimate the density field for geodynamical purposes is to simply convert seismic tomography anomalies sometimes assuming constraints from mineral physics. Such converted density field does not match in general with the observed gravity field, typically predicting anomalies the amplitudes of which are too large. Furthermore, a complete description of the Earth’s gravity field must include the internal density distribution and must satisfy the requirement of mechanical equilibrium as well. Therefore, the deformation of the density contrast interfaces (surface of the Earth and Core Mantle Boundary-CMB, primarily) must be consistent with the 3D mass distribution for a given rheological structure of the Earth. With the current resolution of modern tomography models and integrated geophysical-petrological modelling it is possible to consistently predict the topography of the mineral phase transitions across the transition zone (i.e., olivine à wadsleyite, and ringwoodite+majorite à perovskite+ ferropericlase) based on a temperature and chemical description of the Earth. However, for a consistent representation of the gravity field such thermochemical (i.e., density) 3D models must be compatible with the mantle flow arising from the equilibrium equations that explains both the surface topography (dynamic + isostatic-lithospheric components) and the CMB topography. Here we present a new inversion scheme to image the global thermochemical structure of the whole mantle constrained by state-of-the-art seismic waveform inversion, satellite gravity (geoid and gravity anomalies and gradiometric measurements from ESA's GOCE mission) and surface heat flow data, plus surface and CMB dynamic topography (Stokes flow). The model is based upon an integrated geophysical-petrological approach where mantle seismic velocities and density are computed within a thermodynamically self-consistent framework, allowing for a direct parameterization in terms of the temperature and composition variables.

How to cite: Fullea, J., Ortega-Gelabert, O., Lebedev, S., Martinec, Z., Afonso, J. C., and Root, B.: Geodynamic modelling the thermochemical structure of the Earth's mantle using integrated geophysical and petrological inversion of surface wave and satellite gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3690,, 2025.

EGU25-3805 | Posters on site | GD1.2

300 Million Years of Mantle Dynamics: Subduction, True Polar Wander, and Earth's Surface Evolution 

Marianne Greff-Lefftz, Boris Robert, and Jean Besse

We begin with a simple mantle dynamics model that integrates subducted lithosphere and large-scale upwelling plumes over the last 300 million years (Ma). Our calculations are performed using several plate models and mantle reference frame models, which are constructed based on various surface indicators, including geological data, thermal data from boreholes, a compilation of global surface volcanism, a reassessment of hotspot classifications, and paleomagnetic data.

A Monte Carlo approach identifies the optimal mantle viscosity and density contrasts that explain present-day geoid, gravity, and gravity gradients. Results highlight a consistent degree-2/order-2 mantle mass anomaly over 300 Ma, linked to the stable subduction girdle around the Pacific Ocean and two equatorial, quasi-antipodal mantle domes.

Time-dependent calculations of the Principal Inertia Axis (PIA) and True Polar Wander (TPW) reveal significant shifts in Earth's rotation axis, including cusps caused by the cessation of Paleo-Tethys and Tethys subduction and notable polar wander events .

Dynamic topography is computed and compared with geological and current observations, providing further insight into mantle dynamics and Earth's surface evolution.

How to cite: Greff-Lefftz, M., Robert, B., and Besse, J.: 300 Million Years of Mantle Dynamics: Subduction, True Polar Wander, and Earth's Surface Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3805,, 2025.

The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) demarcates the transition from a conductive thermal lid to a convecting asthenosphere below. The Southwestern United States presents an intriguing natural laboratory for investigating the processes at play in this critical boundary: intraplate volcanism is abundant and geochemical and geophysical analyses suggest the presence of a sub-lithospheric layer of partial melt. It has been suggested that a change in mantle strength at the top of the melt-bearing layer helps to create the LAB, indicating that melt stability is an important factor in understanding lithospheric dynamics. The mechanism, or interplay between mechanisms, that govern the LAB has implications for geodynamic modeling as well as for understanding the long-term evolution of lithosphere and volcanism. The analysis presented here is based on seismic observations of surface waves and converted body waves, which are used to determine 1-D profiles of shear wavespeed (Vs) throughout the Southwestern United States, from the surface to 300 km depth. The LAB is determined from the depth location of negative Vs gradients within the mantle. From the Vs profiles, we estimate temperature within the upper mantle, using two different geophysical interpretive toolkits. These toolkits each predict geophysical properties via forward-modeling of temperature, melt fraction, and/or compositional state, and assumptions made within the forward-modeling can yield large discrepancies in interpreted temperature. We leverage temperatures derived from geochemical thermobarometry as a constraint to guide our choice of method and attenuation parameterization. From this workflow, we report inferred temperature at and below the gradient inferred to be the LAB, and evaluate the relationship of these temperatures to the mantle adiabat and the peridotite solidus. Temperatures are near the solidus in portions of the lithospheric mantle, particularly in the Basin and Range province, suggesting that melting does play a role in defining the LAB, but not in every location. Moreover, the prevalence or absence of partial melt appears to be connected to regional variations in deformation style, surface heat flow, and topography. Finally, we note that additional constraints on hydration state and composition of the lithosphere, as well as the geometry and distribution of partial melt, will improve the workflow presented here.

How to cite: Golos, E. and Fischer, K.: Seismic constraints on temperature and melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary in the Southwestern United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3867,, 2025.

Seismological observations suggested that Earth’s inner core presents complex heterogeneity and anisotropic structure. The key to understand the structure of Earth’s inner core is to study the mineralogical composition and dynamic mechanism of the anisotropic structure of Earth’s inner core. Hexagonal close-packed (hcp) and body centered cubic (bcc) Fe alloys both have seismically anisotropic features under temperature and pressure conditions of the Earth’s inner core. When the fast axis can be oriented along the Earth’s rotation axis, the anisotropic characteristics of the Earth’s inner core, which is fast in the north-south direction and slow in the equatorial direction, can be explained. The input of light elements into Fe alloys significantly changed the anisotropy of Fe alloys. Particularly, the fast axis orientation of superionic Fe-H alloys changes with the increase of H contents in those alloys. Interestingly, superionic Fe alloys present both ionic diffusion and seismic velocity anisotropy, which establish a potential connection between the lattice preferred orientation (LPO) anisotropic structure and dipole geomagnetic field. If the Earth’s inner core is under the superionic condition, the directional diffusion of light elements driven by the geomagnetic field could result in the presence of the lattice internal stress which would then result in the LPO. The anisotropic superionic fibers explain the anisotropic seismic velocities in the IC, suggesting a strong coupling between the IC structure and geomagnetic field.

How to cite: He, Y.: Superionic inner core and anisotropic structure driven by geomagnetic field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4922,, 2025.

EGU25-5805 | Posters on site | GD1.2

Dynamic Topography and The Mantle Forcing on Climate: A Missing Link in Earth System Science 

Pietro Sternai, Agostino Meroni, Bram Vaes, and Claudia Pasquero

Global topography plays a fundamental role in shaping climate, influencing atmospheric circulation and precipitation patterns through orographic effects. While much of Earth's topography arises from isostatic support due to variations in crustal and lithospheric thickness and density, a significant portion of up to 1-2km results from dynamic forces driven by slow yet vigorous mantle convection. Despite decades of research on the spatial and temporal evolution of such ‘dynamic topography’, its impact on global climate remains largely unexplored. In this study, we address this gap by quantifying the influence of mantle-induced dynamic topography on present-day atmospheric circulation and precipitation patterns. Using an Earth Model of Intermediate Complexity forced with different models of global dynamic topography, we isolate the mantle’s contribution to climate patterns. Our findings reveal prominent climatic effects linked to mantle dynamics, particularly along the American Cordillera, the East African Rift System, and other regions across latitudes which are critical to biodiversity and the evolution of life. These results uncover a hitherto unknown connection between Earth's deep interior and surface environments, with the mantle dynamics as active driver of climate processes, enhancing our understanding of the Earth System. By linking mantle dynamics to global climate, our study offers new opportunities for paleoclimate investigations and insights into how geodiversity and biodiversity have co-evolved throughout Earth's history.

How to cite: Sternai, P., Meroni, A., Vaes, B., and Pasquero, C.: Dynamic Topography and The Mantle Forcing on Climate: A Missing Link in Earth System Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5805,, 2025.

EGU25-6615 | Posters on site | GD1.2

Investigation of seismic anisotropy in the D’’ layer and at the CMB underneath Siberia and the North Atlantic 

Yvonne Fröhlich, Fiona Dorn, Muhammad I. F. Dillah, and Joachim R. R. Ritter

Within the Priority Program 2404 “Reconstructing the Deep Dynamics of Planet Earth over Geologic Time” (DeepDyn, we investigate possible seismic signatures at magnetic high-latitude flux lobes (HLFLs). The focus is on four target regions on the Northern Hemisphere: Siberia, Canada, the North Atlantic, and Indonesia. While Siberia and Canada show the HLFLs, the North Atlantic should be the location of a third postulated HLFL, but this area does not show an intense-flux signal in the magnetic field. The region beneath Indonesia and the Indian Ocean is characterized by an area of intense magnetic flux that changes direction and moves westwards over time. Our aim is to understand whether mineralogy and seismic structure (i.e., thermal constraints) could be responsible for the different magnetic signatures at the core mantle boundary (CMB). This is done by combining two approaches: seismic anisotropy (KIT) and seismic reflections (University of Münster) near the CMB (

To study anisotropy, we measure shear wave splitting (SWS) of SKS, SKKS, and PKS phases. Thereby, we determine the splitting parameters, the fast polarization direction φ and the delay time δt, using both the energy-minimization and the rotation-correlation methods. Especially, we search for phase pair discrepancies based on the observation type (null vs. split), e.g., between SKS and SKKS phases, as they are a clear indication for a lowermost mantle contribution to the splitting signal. For the target region underneath Siberia, SWS measurements are obtained using earthquakes with epicenters in Southeast Asia recorded at stations in the North of Scandinavia and Svalbard as well as earthquakes with epicenters in Central America recorded at the station ULN in Mongolia. These SWS measurements indicate that for the discrepant pairs the phases with piercing points closer to the center of the HLFL beneath Siberia show splitting while the phases more distant to the HLFL do not show anisotropy. Furthermore, we present first results for the target region North Atlantic. Based on our SWS measurements, we will derive structural and mineralogical anisotropy models using the MATLAB Seismic Anisotropy Toolbox (Walker and Wookey 2012). To test these models, we then simulate synthetic seismograms using AxiSEM3D (Leng et al. 2016, 2019).

How to cite: Fröhlich, Y., Dorn, F., Dillah, M. I. F., and Ritter, J. R. R.: Investigation of seismic anisotropy in the D’’ layer and at the CMB underneath Siberia and the North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6615,, 2025.

EGU25-7454 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.2

Crustal Contributions to Moment of Inertia as Key Constraints for Earth-Like Mantle Convection Models: “Munk & MacDonald (1960)” Revisited 

Shayan Kamali Lima, Alessandro M Forte, Marianne Greff, and Petar Glišović

In their seminal work, Munk and MacDonald (1960) showed that considering only the crustal contribution to the Earth’s moment of inertia (MOI) would predict a rotation axis passing through a location near Hawaii – clearly inconsistent with the present-day geographic pole. This finding implied there must be additional mass anomalies, which the authors speculated to be in the convecting mantle, that realign the rotation axis with the observed North Pole.
Modern geodynamic studies confirm that isostatic compensation of crustal thickness and density variations explains much of Earth’s observed topography, yet the crust’s gravitational contribution is often overlooked because it is relatively small compared to that generated by density anomalies in the mantle. As a result, residual topography (the difference between observed and isostatic topography) remains a prominent global constraint on the amplitude and spatial distribution of mantle density anomalies, while residual geoid (the difference between observed and crustal isostatic geoid) is utilized far less frequently. Crucially, this omission disregards the crust’s influence on Earth’s moment of inertia (MOI) and, by extension, its impact on the location of the rotational axis. Overlooking crustal mass heterogeneities can therefore lead to unrealistic (non-Earth-like) inferences of mantle density anomalies that do not correctly predict the location of the present-day rotational axis.
By analyzing satellite-derived non-hydrostatic geoid data and comparing modeled and observed moments of inertia, we find that preserving the present-day location of the rotational axis requires systematically accounting for crustal contributions. We implement a second order-accurate isostasy model – which integrates crustal buoyancy variations in a deformable crust – to more accurately capture the interplay between surface topography, the geoid, and the convective mantle. Neglecting this refinement not only fails to preserve the present-day rotational axis position but also compromises True Polar Wander (TPW) predicted by time-dependent mantle convection simulations.
Our findings suggest that integrating a second-order accurate isostasy framework into global mantle convection models is essential for producing consistent TPW trajectories, ensuring alignment between the modeled rotational axes and Earth’s observed pole positions.

How to cite: Kamali Lima, S., Forte, A. M., Greff, M., and Glišović, P.: Crustal Contributions to Moment of Inertia as Key Constraints for Earth-Like Mantle Convection Models: “Munk & MacDonald (1960)” Revisited, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7454,, 2025.

EGU25-7772 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Wholesale flat subduction of Indian slab and northward mantle convective flow: Plateau growth and driving force of India-Asia collision 

Jincheng Ma, Xiaodong Song, Hans-Peter Bunge, Andreas Fichtner, and You Tian

The tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau has been influenced by continental collision and post-collisional convergence of Indian and Eurasian plates, both of which have undoubtedly imposed their imprints on the lithosphere and upper-mantle structures beneath the collision zone. However, the mode by which the Indian Plate has subducted beneath Tibet, and its driving forces, have been highly uncertain. Here, we present seismic evidence from a full-waveform tomographic model that reveals flat subduction of the Indian Plate beneath nearly the entire plateau at ~300 km depth, implying that the slab may have transitioned to positive/neutral buoyancy and is no longer capable of supporting steep-angle deep subduction. The horizontal distance over which the flat slab slides northward increases from west (where it collides with the Tarim lithospheric keel) to east (where it has resided approximately north of the Songpan-Ganzi Fold Belt beyond the Qiangtang Block). The Asian lithosphere is subducting beneath northeastern Tibet without colliding with the Indian slab. The low-velocity zone, with a thickness of 50-110 km, sandwiched between the Tibetan crust and Indian slab, is positively correlated with the high-elevation, low-relief topography of Tibet, suggesting partial melting of the uppermost mantle that has facilitated the growth and flatness of the plateau by adding buoyant material to its base. We propose that deep mantle convective currents, traced to the Réunion plume and imaged as large-scale low-velocity anomalies from the upper mantle under the Indian Plate downward towards the uppermost lower mantle under the Baikal-Mongolia Plateau, are the primary force driving the ongoing India-Asia post-collisional convergence.

How to cite: Ma, J., Song, X., Bunge, H.-P., Fichtner, A., and Tian, Y.: Wholesale flat subduction of Indian slab and northward mantle convective flow: Plateau growth and driving force of India-Asia collision, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7772,, 2025.

EGU25-8576 | Orals | GD1.2

On the effect of strain rates on the deformation creep mechanisms in deep Earth mantle 

Philippe Carrez, Patrick Cordier, Karine Gouriet, Timmo Weidner, James Van Orman, Olivier Castelnau, and Jennifer Jackson

The transport of heat from the interior of the Earth drives convection in the mantle, which involves the deformation of solid rocks over billions of years. Significant advancements have been made over recent years to study lower mantle assemblages under relevant pressure and temperature conditions, which have confirmed the usual view that ferropericlase is weaker than bridgmanite. However, natural strain rates are 8 to 10 orders of magnitude lower than those observed in the laboratory, and remain inaccessible to us. Once the physical mechanisms of the deformation of rocks and their constituent minerals have been identified, it is possible to overcome this limitation thanks to multiscale numerical modeling, which allows for the determination of rheological properties for inaccessible strain rates. This presentation will demonstrate how this theoretical approach can be used to describe the elementary deformation mechanisms of bridgmanite and periclase. These descriptions are compared with available experimental results in order to validate the theoretical approach. In a subsequent phase, the impact of very slow strain rates on the activation of the aforementioned mechanisms is evaluated. Our findings indicate that significant alterations in deformation mechanisms can occur in response to changes in strain rate.

How to cite: Carrez, P., Cordier, P., Gouriet, K., Weidner, T., Van Orman, J., Castelnau, O., and Jackson, J.: On the effect of strain rates on the deformation creep mechanisms in deep Earth mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8576,, 2025.

EGU25-8681 | Orals | GD1.2

Enhancing Adjoint Reconstructions of Earth’s Mantle with Geochemical Data from Intra-Plate Lavas 

Rhodri Davies, Sia Ghelichkhan, and Ruby Turner

Reconstructing the thermo-chemical evolution of Earth’s mantle and its diverse surface manifestations is a grand challenge in the geosciences. Achieving this requires the development of a digital twin -- a dynamic digital representation of Earth’s mantle across space and time, constrained by observational data on the mantle’s structure, dynamics, and evolution. To this end, geodynamicists are increasingly exploring adjoint-based approaches, which reformulate mantle convection modelling as an inverse problem. In this framework, unknown model parameters are optimized to fit available observational data.

Traditionally, inverse geodynamic models have primarily focused on observations that constrain either the initial (inverse sense) or final (forward modelling sense) state of the system, such as seismic tomography and geodesy. However, additional observational constraints are needed to rigorously reconstruct the mantle’s evolution over geological time. Surface plate velocities, their time-dependent behaviour, and plate boundary characteristics provide critical constraints. Another untapped dataset is the geochemistry of intra-plate volcanic lavas, which reflects the depth and temperature of mantle melting at the time of eruption. This geochemical signature provides insights into lithospheric thickness (the ‘lid’) and underlying thermal structure, extending our ability to constrain mantle evolution into the past.

Here, we present early efforts to incorporate mantle geochemistry into adjoint models of mantle convection using the Geoscientific ADjoint Optimisation PlaTform (G-ADOPT -- Our synthetic experiments demonstrate that geochemical constraints on temperature and pressure enhance the accuracy of reconstructed mantle flow trajectories, unlocking insights into dynamic processes and interactions previously obscured in mantle retrodiction models. This integration offers the potential for a transformative leap in resolving mantle evolution, illuminating the interplay between deep Earth dynamics and surface processes that shape our planet’s geological history.

How to cite: Davies, R., Ghelichkhan, S., and Turner, R.: Enhancing Adjoint Reconstructions of Earth’s Mantle with Geochemical Data from Intra-Plate Lavas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8681,, 2025.

One of the surface expressions of mantle convection is dynamic topography, as the the surface is uplifted above upwellings and pulled down above downwellings. However, it is challenging to extract the topography signal from the convecting mantle, because of large isostatic topography contributions from within the crust and subcrustal lithosphere. Technically, the latter can be included as part of dynamic topography but that needs to be clearly specified to avoid confusion. Here we use two recent crustal models to subtract crustal isostasy, and show that the remaining (residual) topography signal as well as the geoid can be matched well by a model where density anomalies and temperatures in the subcrustal mantle are inferred from seismic tomography. The model uses depth-dependent viscosity, and lateral variations due to temperature dependence below depth 219 km, and the distinction between (thicker) cratons, thinner lithosphere elsewhere and weak plate boundaries above that depth. We show that the fit can be improved if, in addition to densities inferred from tomography, a negative buoyancy between zero and about -40 kg/m^3 is added in continental lithosphere, in particular in cratons. The exact amount depends on model specifics, especially which crustal and tomography models are used. In our model, this buoyancy is added in the entire lithosphere, however, in reality, chemical buoyancy may be prevalent in certain depth regions. To address that issue we follow an approach similar to Wang et al. (Nature Geoscience, 16, 637–645, 2023) and plot the difference between dynamic topography from only sub-lithospheric density anomalies, and residual topography after only subtracting crustal isostatic topography against lithosphere thickness derived from tomography. The slope of this plot gives an indication of lithospheric density anomalies. For our best-fitting combination of dynamic and residual topography, we find a break in slope from nearly zero above 150 km to a negative slope below. This indicates that chemical density anomalies that cause lithospheric buoyancy are concentrated in the upper ~150 km.

How to cite: Steinberger, B. and Cui, R.: Modeling geoid and dynamic topography from tomography-based thermo-chemical density anomalies in the lithosphere and convecting mantle beneath  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8840,, 2025.

EGU25-10156 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Tomotectonic reconstructions validated via mantle circulation models in a closed-loop experiment 

Yi-Wei Chen, Jonny Wu, Hans-Peter Bunge, Ingo Stotz, Gabriel Robl, and Bernhard S.A. Schuberth

Mantle slabs imaged by seismic tomography provide complementary subsurface information that could improve global plate reconstructions because they are indications of ancient tectonic plates. Linking mantle slabs to the surface plates requires approaches that follow geodynamic principles in a highly vigorous mantle. Here, we propose a new workflow that couples a slab unfolding approach and a mantle circulation model through which tomotectonic reconstructions can be performed, evaluated, and improved in a closed-loop experiment. We found that intra-oceanic subductions are crucial for understanding the evolution of the mantle and surface tectonics in the Pacific realm. Our closed-loop experiment allows us to reinterpret published tomotectonic reconstructions based on the vertical sinking slabs hypothesis. We conclude that highly vigorous mantle flow that allows lateral slab transport up to 4,000 km and non-constant sinking rates that deviate by up to 10 mm yr-1 locally within a 1,000 km area must be accounted for in tomotectonic reconstructions.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-W., Wu, J., Bunge, H.-P., Stotz, I., Robl, G., and Schuberth, B. S. A.: Tomotectonic reconstructions validated via mantle circulation models in a closed-loop experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10156,, 2025.

EGU25-10765 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

New Insights into Plume Buoyancy Fluxes and Dynamic Topography from Numerical Modelling 

Ziqi Ma, Maxim Ballmer, and Antonio Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba

Mantle plumes are hot upwellings that transport heat from the core to the base of the lithosphere, and sample lowermost-mantle chemical structure. Plume buoyancy flux is a crucial parameter measuring the mass and heat mantle upwellings bring to the surface. However, the calculation of the global plume buoyancy fluxes is still in contention. Hotspot swells (topographically high regions with elevations of up to 2~3 km and widths of up to ~1500 km) are diagnostic surface expressions of mantle plumes.

Traditional approaches to calculate the swell buoyancy flux are based on two assumptions: (1) the asthenosphere moves at the same speed as the overriding plate; (2) hotspot swells are fully isostatically compensated, in other words, the seafloor is uplifted due to the isostatic effect of replacing ”normal” asthenosphere with hot plume material. However, at least some plumes (e.g., Iceland) can move faster than the corresponding plate motion. Also, hotspot swells are partly dynamically compensated as plume material is injected into the upper mantle. With increasingly accurate observational constraints for dynamic seafloor topography, it is time to update plume buoyancy fluxes globally and build a scaling law between the surface dynamic topography and plume buoyancy flux.

Here, we conduct thermomechanical models to study plume-lithosphere interaction and hotspot swell support. We use the finite-element code ASPECT in a high-resolution, regional, 3D Cartesian framework. We consider composite diffusion-dislocation creep rheology and a free-surface boundary at the top. We systematically investigate the effects of plume excess temperature, plume radius, plate velocity and age, and mantle rheological parameters. From these results for plume spreading beneath moving plates, the buoyancy fluxes of individual plumes, as well as the relevant plume temperatures and radii are quantitatively constrained. We find that: (1) for a fixed plume radius, higher plume excess temperature results in higher but not necessarily wider swell; (2) plume buoyancy flux is linearly proportional to swell height × width2; (3) both faster plate velocities and older plates result in a lower swell height; (4) Lower upper mantle viscosity results in a wider but lower swell provided at a fixed plume buoyancy flux.

We demonstrate that previous swell-geometry-based estimates underscore the true buoyancy fluxes of the underlying plume upwelling. We update the plume-flux catalogue by building a scaling law for buoyancy flux as a function of swell geometry in order to estimate global heat and material fluxes carried by plumes.  

How to cite: Ma, Z., Ballmer, M., and Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba, A.: New Insights into Plume Buoyancy Fluxes and Dynamic Topography from Numerical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10765,, 2025.

The Earth's palaeomagnetic record reveals the existence of a global magnetic field persisting for at least 3.4 billion years. This geomagnetic field is generated by thermochemical convection, driven by the cooling of the Earth's core. Efficient cooling of the core is crucial to sustaining the magnetic field. The solid mantle plays thus a critical role in regulating the core's long-term evolution. Notably, efficient mantle cooling resulting from plate tectonics is important for sustaining the magnetic field observed in the geological record up to the present day.

However, the timing of the onset of modern-style plate tectonics remains an open question. It may have been active since the Earth's formation (~4.5 billion years ago), or since the Archean (4 – 3 billion years ago), or emerged much more recently (<1 billion years ago). When and how plate tectonics began are major scientific questions in Earth science because of their profound implications for Earth's thermal and magnetic history. The convection regime that preceded plate tectonics remains unclear. Observations of other planetary bodies in the solar system such as Mars, Mercury, and the Moon suggest that a stagnant lid regime—characterized by a single and immobile plate—is the norm. This raises the possibility that early Earth operated under a stagnant lid regime, which is significantly less efficient at dissipating heat. Such inefficient cooling would limit the capacity to sustain a long-lived magnetic field, unlike the plate tectonics regime.

Our study aims to constrain the mantle-core co-evolution by investigating the impact of these two convection regimes—stagnant lid and plate tectonics (i.e. mobile lid)—and their transition during Earth's geological evolution. To achieve this, we developed a coupled model that integrates two one-dimensional evolution frameworks. One model describes the core's thermochemical evolution, including inner core crystallization and the potential formation of a thermally stratified layer. The other describes mantle dynamics, allowing for either stagnant lid or mobile lid behaviour.

We systematically explored a wide range of mantle parameters such as mantle viscosity, the relative efficiency of stagnant - versus mobile-lid regimes, the timing of plate tectonics onset, and the mantle's and core initial temperatures. For the core, we focused on two  end-member scenarios to account for the low and high thermal conductivity of iron whose precise determination remains controversial. We compared the resulting model predictions with key constraints, including the present-day inner core size, the palaeomagnetic record, the evolution of the mantle potential temperature, and the present-day thickness of a thermally stratified stable layer at the top of the liquid core. This integrated approach sheds light on the interplay between mantle dynamics and core processes since the time of Earth’s formation.

How to cite: Bonnet Gibet, V. and Tosi, N.: The effect of different mantle convection regimes on the long-term thermochemical evolution of the Earth’s core., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11498,, 2025.

EGU25-11583 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.2

Tracking dynamic topography through hiatus surfaces 

Berta Vilacís, Hamish Brown, Sara Carena, Jorge N. Hayek, Ingo L. Stotz, Hans-Peter Bunge, and Anke M. Friedrich

The planform is a defining feature of mantle convection and it can be gleaned from the stratigraphic record by mapping the continent-scale sediment distribution. Positive and negative surface deflections induced by mantle convection (dynamic topography) imprint the stratigraphic record at inter-regional scales. Dynamically uplifted continental regions create erosional/non-depositional environments which lead to gaps in the stratigraphic record, known as sedimentary hiatuses. Contrarily, subsided regions result in continuous sedimentation.
We use continental- and country-scale digital geological maps, regional geological maps, online geological databases, correlation charts, drill logs and regional stratigraphic studies, at a temporal resolution of geological series (ten to tens of millions of years) to map these events through geological time. This results in the hiatus maps---a proxy for the interregional patterns of uplift and subsidence associated with dynamic topography.
We carry this out for all continents apart from Antarctica for eight geological series since the Upper Jurassic and obtain a proxy for dynamic topography for each geological series. We study the temporal and spatial changes of the hiatus surfaces, their correlation with flood basalts eruptions, and the effects of sea-level variation in the resulting maps. Moreover, we also study the manual and digital approaches employed in the mapping of these hiatus surfaces.


How to cite: Vilacís, B., Brown, H., Carena, S., Hayek, J. N., Stotz, I. L., Bunge, H.-P., and Friedrich, A. M.: Tracking dynamic topography through hiatus surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11583,, 2025.

EGU25-11593 | Posters on site | GD1.2

Structural Geological Characterization of Active Fault Zones in the Frontal Bavarian Forest and Implications for Large-Scale Cause-Effect Relationships of Tectonic Activity in the Bavarian Crystalline Basement (StruCtiv) 

Anke Friedrich, Alina Ludat, Mjahid Zebari, Sara Carena, Dominic Hildebrandt, Beth Kahle, Donja Assbichler, and Mugabo Dusingizimana

The StruCtiv project, funded by and in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Bavaria (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Hof), focuses on the structural geological characterization of active fault zones in the Frontal Bavarian Forest and explores their implications for large-scale cause-effect relationships of tectonic activity within the crystalline basement of the Bavarian Forest. Our findings provide new insights into the tectonic, petrological, structural, and geomorphological processes shaping the region while highlighting the need for further investigations to refine our understanding of these complex systems.  Preliminary U–Pb and K–Ar dating of minor faults exposed in granite quarries reveal a multiphase tectonic evolution spanning the Eocene to the Pleistocene, with possible indications of recent activity. U–Pb dating of calcite has proven especially promising, though additional sampling and structural characterization are required to address variability in ages within quarry outcrops. Complementary geomorphological analyses and cosmogenic nuclide measurements of river sediments show regional differences in erosion rates (21–40 m/Myr) and topographic variations, reflecting differential uplift rates. We used high-resolution TanDEM-X data and cosmogenic nuclide dating of older fluvial terraces to explore the long-term interactions between tectonics, climate, and erosion.  Deliverables from the first project phase include ten high-resolution 3D models of quarries in the Bavarian Forest, structural measurements, dating of fault surfaces, and geomorphological analyses. These results have identified episodic fault reactivation from the post-Variscan to late Cenozoic periods. Landscape analyses based on chi-index and knickpoint studies and cosmogenic nuclide dating provide a consistent picture of the region's landscape evolution. Together, these findings suggest differential tectonic uplift across the Bavarian Forest.  The ongoing project aims to build on these results through expanded structural and geochronological studies, the development of 3D models in additional quarries, and further digital mapping of structural inventories. The outcomes will deepen our understanding of fault-system evolution in continental intraplate settings and their role in understanding the long-wavelength vertical motion of the Earth's surface.

How to cite: Friedrich, A., Ludat, A., Zebari, M., Carena, S., Hildebrandt, D., Kahle, B., Assbichler, D., and Dusingizimana, M.: Structural Geological Characterization of Active Fault Zones in the Frontal Bavarian Forest and Implications for Large-Scale Cause-Effect Relationships of Tectonic Activity in the Bavarian Crystalline Basement (StruCtiv), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11593,, 2025.

EGU25-11599 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

From seismic models to mantle temperatures: Uncertainties and implications for geodynamic simulations 

Gabriel Robl, Bernhard Schuberth, Isabel Papanagnou, and Christine Thomas

Many geophysical studies require knowledge on the present-day temperature distribution in Earth's mantle. One example are geodynamic inverse models, which utilize data assimilation techniques to reconstruct mantle flow back in time. The thermal state of the mantle can be estimated from seismic observations with the help of thermodynamic models of mantle mineralogy. However, the temperature estimates are significantly affected by inherent limitations in both the seismic and mineralogical information, even in the case of (assumed) known chemical composition.

Using a synthetic closed-loop experiment, we quantify the theoretical ability to determine the thermal state of the mantle from tomographic models. The 'true' temperature distribution is taken from a 3-D mantle circulation model with Earth-like convective vigour. We aim to recover this reference model after: 1) mineralogical mapping from the 'true' temperatures to seismic velocities, 2) application of a tomographic filter to mimic the effect of limited seismic resolution, and 3) mapping of the 'imaged' seismic velocities back to temperatures. We test and quantify the interplay of tomographically damped and blurred seismic heterogeneity in combination with different approximations for the mineralogical 'inverse' conversion from seismic velocities to temperature. Our results highlight that, given the current limitations of seismic tomography and the incomplete knowledge of mantle mineralogy, magnitudes and spatial scales of a temperature field obtained from global seismic models will deviate significantly from the true state, with average deviations up to 200 K in the deep mantle. Large systematic errors furthermore exist in the vicinity of phase transitions due to the associated mineralogical complexities.

The inferred present-day temperatures can be used to constrain buoyancy forces in time-dependent geodynamic simulations. Initial errors in the temperature field might then grow non-linearly due to the chaotic nature of mantle flow. This could be particularly problematic in combination with advanced implementations of compressibility, in which densities are extracted from thermodynamic mineralogical models with temperature-dependent phase assemblages. Erroneous temperatures in this case might activate 'wrong' phase transitions and potentially flip the sign of the associated Clapeyron slopes, thereby considerably altering the model evolution.

How to cite: Robl, G., Schuberth, B., Papanagnou, I., and Thomas, C.: From seismic models to mantle temperatures: Uncertainties and implications for geodynamic simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11599,, 2025.

EGU25-11831 | Orals | GD1.2

Linking Plate Kinematics and True Polar Wander over the last 250 Myrs 

Boris Robert, Clinton Phillips Conrad, Bernhard Steinberger, and Mathew Michael Domeier

The flux of subducting slabs into the mantle is an essential component of the Earth’s mantle convection. However, the slab flux remains poorly known for pre-Jurassic times because of the absence of preserved oceanic seafloor. Sinking of subducted slabs within the mantle perturbs Earth’s moment of inertia, which, in addition to perturbations related to upwellings, results in long-term motion of the solid Earth relative to the rotation axis, resulting in so-called True Polar Wander (TPW). This motion, which can be inferred using paleomagnetic data, should therefore yield crucial information about the large-scale subduction kinematics back in time. However, it is not yet clear how to separate the numerous contributions to TPW, since these result from the superimposition of a complex distribution of mantle mass heterogeneities that are advected through time. In this study, we developed a new approach to assess the impact of subducting slabs on TPW based on the harmonic decomposition of plate kinematics into large-scale patterns. We constructed simple plate models that yielded pure dipole and pure quadrupole and net stretching kinematics, which represent the spherical harmonic degree 1 and degree 2 components of relative plate motions, respectively. We then implemented these three patterns of large-scale plate motions, and their subduction zones, into three simple mechanistic models and computed mantle mass heterogeneities through time. We then calculated changes to Earth’s moment of inertia tensor to predict the resulting TPW. In this contribution, we will first show the results of these sensitivity experiments highlighting the evolution of inertia perturbations associated to each of these three large-scale patterns. We will then show the calculated TPW using the harmonic decomposition of full-plate models over the last 250 Myrs and discuss the influence of each of these three plate kinematic components on the observed TPW. Finally, we will discuss how the observed TPW can help better constrain the evolution of mantle mass heterogeneities and rates of subduction flux for past times.

How to cite: Robert, B., Conrad, C. P., Steinberger, B., and Domeier, M. M.: Linking Plate Kinematics and True Polar Wander over the last 250 Myrs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11831,, 2025.

Constraining the long-term evolution of geoid anomalies is essential for unraveling Earth's internal dynamics. While most studies focus on present-day geoid snapshots, we reconstruct the time-dependent evolution of Earth’s strongest geoid depression, the Antarctic Geoid Low (AGL), over the Cenozoic. Unlike geodetic reference frames that place the deepest geoid low in the Indian Ocean, a geodynamic perspective (relative to a hydrostatic ellipsoid) reveals the strongest nonhydrostatic geoid depression actually resides over Antarctica. Using a back-and-forth nudging technique for time-reversed mantle convection modeling, we leverage 3-D mantle density structures derived from seismic tomography and geodynamic constraints. Our results show that the AGL has persisted for at least ~70 Myr, undergoing a major transition in amplitude and position between 50 and 30 Ma. This coincides with abrupt lateral shifts in Earth’s rotation axis at ~50 Ma, validated through paleomagnetic constraints on True Polar Wander. Initially, stable lower mantle contributions dominated the AGL, but over the past ~40 Myr, increasing upper-mantle buoyancy, particularly above ~1300 km depth, amplified the AGL magnitude. This shift stems from the interplay between long-term deep subduction beneath the Antarctic Peninsula and a buoyant, thermally driven upwelling of hot, low-density material from the lowermost mantle. These new results contrast with earlier interpretations, clarifying the crucial role of evolving mantle buoyancy in shaping global geoid anomalies. By incorporating seismic, geodynamic, and mineral-physics data, our reconstructions provide a more comprehensive understanding of mantle flow beneath Antarctica and offer new insights into the dynamic coupling between lower and upper mantle processes that govern Earth’s long-wavelength geoid evolution.

How to cite: Glišović, P. and Forte, A.: The Cenozoic Evolution of Earth’s Strongest Geoid Low: Insights into Mantle Dynamics below Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12626,, 2025.

EGU25-12820 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Dynamic and seismic expressions of mineral phase transitions in mantle circulation models computed with TerraNeo 

Isabel Papanagnou, Bernhard S. A. Schuberth, Gabriel Robl, Roman Freissler, Ponsuganth Ilangovan, Eugenio D'Ascoli, Berta Vilacís, Hamish Brown, Anna Schneider, Andreas Burkhart, Nils Kohl, Yi-Wei Chen, Ingo Stotz, Marcus Mohr, and Hans-Peter Bunge

One major objective in geodynamics is to create models of mantle flow that provide quantitative information to other Earth science disciplines. In this respect, geologically informed fluid dynamics simulations, such as mantle circulation models (MCMs) are a key component. In addition, thermodynamic models of mantle mineralogy are essential in that they can provide detailed information on material behaviour, such as density, thermal expansivity, elastic parameters and specific heat capacity, as a function of pressure and temperature for the geodynamic simulations. They are also required in the assessment of the MCMs to link temperatures to seismic velocities and density. This way, a number of secondary predictions, such as seismic, geodetic and geologic data, can be computed, which enables the validation of our models and the testing of geodynamic hypotheses by comparison to observations.

Here, we focus specifically on the dynamic effects and seismic imprint of the mantle transition zone (TZ). The complex set of phase transformations, together with an increase in viscosity, in this depth range is expected to influence vertical mass flow between upper and lower mantle. Still, neither the associated dynamic effects nor the seismic structure of the TZ have conclusively been constrained to date. Using our highly scalable new mantle convection software TerraNeo, based on the matrix-free finite-element framework HyTeG, we present a suite of MCMs with different formulations of compressibility. Classically, compressibility is included in the mantle convection simulations in form of the truncated anelastic liquid approximation (TALA), and the effects of phase transformations are either neglected or incorporated in parametrized form at constant depth. A physically more complete treatment of compressibility has recently been introduced in the form of the ‘Projected Density Approximation’ (PDA; Gassmöller et al., 2020). The PDA is based on tabulated material properties from the thermodynamic mineralogical models, thus allowing us to self-consistently capture non-linear buoyancy effects specifically due to phase transitions in the simulation. Comparing MCMs using TALA and PDA, we will highlight effects of mineral phase transitions on the evolution of mantle flow over time, the resulting present-day temperature field, as well as its seismic signature.

How to cite: Papanagnou, I., Schuberth, B. S. A., Robl, G., Freissler, R., Ilangovan, P., D'Ascoli, E., Vilacís, B., Brown, H., Schneider, A., Burkhart, A., Kohl, N., Chen, Y.-W., Stotz, I., Mohr, M., and Bunge, H.-P.: Dynamic and seismic expressions of mineral phase transitions in mantle circulation models computed with TerraNeo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12820,, 2025.

EGU25-12871 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

A tomographic testbed for geodynamic reconstructions of past mantle flow 

Roman Freissler, Bernhard S.A. Schuberth, Christophe Zaroli, and Hans-Peter Bunge

Reconstructions of past mantle flow provide a powerful framework to sharpen our understanding of the dynamics and structure of the deep Earth. As a data-driven approach to geodynamic modelling, these reconstructions explicitly require an estimate of the present-day thermal state of the mantle, which can be derived from seismic tomography and an interpretation of observed mantle heterogeneity with mineral physics. Nonetheless, various uncertainties complicate the direct use of tomographic images. Critical issues are the spatially heterogeneous imaging quality, and the lack of definite metrics for seismic resolution and a practical quantification of model uncertainty. In many regions the patterns, but especially the amplitudes of velocity variations, are thus insufficiently constrained, making global tomography prone to drawing a dynamically inconsistent picture of the mantle’s buoyancy field. For geodynamic inferences, it is therefore vital to establish to what degree these current limitations affect our capacity to accurately reconstruct the mantle’s evolution back in time, and, where necessary, what strategies can be advised to address their impact.

We introduce a tomographic-geodynamic framework designed to tackle this issue with the aid of closed-loop experiments. Based on a reference mantle circulation model (MCM), we set up a complete, synthetic tomographic experiment with the following key components: 1) S-wave finite-frequency traveltime residuals are obtained from seismograms predicted for the MCM, recorded at ~10,000 real station locations. Therefore, we use the global wave propagation code SPECFEM3D_GLOBE to simulate in total 3,800 teleseismic earthquakes accurate down to a shortest period of ~10s. 2) We sample the complete dataset on the basis of ray turning point locations to obtain an optimal and balanced illumination of the entire mantle. 3) We perform tomographic inversions with the SOLA method and paraxial finite-frequency kernels. The explicit computation of the inverse and the corresponding resolving kernels in SOLA allow us to create tomographically filtered representations of the `true` MCM heterogeneity. Furthermore, it gives us the possibility to analyze them together with associated local resolution and uncertainty estimates. The resulting synthetic tomographic images are generally able to reproduce the patterns of major anomalies from the MCM. Yet, the amplitudes and exact shapes remain difficult to recover, even in the case of optimized data coverage and tuning of inversion parameters towards highly localized and narrow resolving kernels. This work serves as the basis for subsequent testing of the tomographic input within adjoint mantle flow reconstructions to complete the closed-loop setup.

How to cite: Freissler, R., Schuberth, B. S. A., Zaroli, C., and Bunge, H.-P.: A tomographic testbed for geodynamic reconstructions of past mantle flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12871,, 2025.

EGU25-12880 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2 | Highlight

Probing the influence of the mantle viscosity profile on the density spectrum and its effect on present-day surface observations  

Hamish Brown, Ingo L. Stotz, and Hans-Peter Bunge

Mantle convection drives large-scale vertical motion at the surface (dynamic topography), which is linked to present-day geoid undulations and residual topography. However, this link depends crucially on the mantle viscosity profile, which remains one of the largest uncertainties in global geodynamics. While instantaneous flow models based on seismic tomography have provided classic constraints on mantle viscosity structure, here the profile acts only to map a given density structure to surface observations. This means the viscosity profile is not necessarily consistent with the density structure. Here we tackle this problem using a suite of high-resolution time-dependent mantle circulation models which assimilate plate velocities over the past 400 Myrs. This allows us to study the role of the mantle viscosity profile in altering the density structure of the mantle through the planform of convection, in tandem to its role in mapping this to the surface through kernels. We find that the changes in the spherical harmonic density spectrum of the mantle, which result from a given change in the profile, can alter surface observations with the same magnitude as the changes to the kernel. The coupled influence of the profile on the mantle density spectrum and kernels, together with observed geoid undulations and residual topography, provides a new method of constraining the mantle viscosity profile using time-dependent convection modelling. 


How to cite: Brown, H., Stotz, I. L., and Bunge, H.-P.: Probing the influence of the mantle viscosity profile on the density spectrum and its effect on present-day surface observations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12880,, 2025.

EGU25-13580 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.2

Characterization of ferropericlase under extreme condition using shock wave experiments carried at European XFEL utilizing DiPOLE 100-X drive laser 

Carolina Camarda, Karen Appel, Khachiwan Buakor, Alexis Amouretti, Celine Crepisson, Marion Harmand, Lea Pennacchioni, Melanie Sieber, and Christian Sternemann

Ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O, is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth’s lower mantle, and it’s structural and electronic properties are critical for understanding the formation processes and evolutionary history of the Earth's core.

This study focuses on the behavior of ferropericlase under extreme conditions that simulate the environment near the core-mantle boundary (CMB) and within the outer core, at pressures around 130 GPa and temperatures of about 3500 K related to a depth of approximately 2800 km by using shock compression experiments. It is well-documented that FeO exhibits varying structural configurations under high pressure and temperature [1] and iron electron spin changes [2]. This study aims at deepening understanding of ferropericlase's role in geophysical processes occurring at extreme conditions within Earth’s interior, ultimately contributing valuable insights into core formation theories and mantle dynamics. To investigate these properties, we synthesized ferropericlase (Fe0.14Mg0.86O) samples resembling pyrolytic mantle composition suitable for dynamic compression experiments. The experiments were conducted at the High Energy Density Scientific instrument at European XFEL within the scope of the DiPOLE community proposal 6656, utilizing time-resolved diagnostics to capture changes in the material's structure and electronic state. Two X-rays pulses were synchronized with a target impact, one before and another after the drive laser pulse of the DiPOLE 100-X laser, which allow us to probe the sample in a cold state and under pressure and temperature. The setup enabled us to acquire multiple datasets, including Velocity Interferometry for Any Reflector (VISAR) images, X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Data processing involved several steps: XES, spectra of Fe Kβ1,3 lines were analyzed for both pulses separately ensuring accurate timing of X-ray arrivals. XRD data underwent flat fielding correction followed by summation of diffraction patterns to calculate unit cell parameters for ferropericlase.

The XES data reveal a clear transition from high-spin to low-spin states as a function of laser energy and delay relative to the ambient conditions. Concurrently, XRD analysis shows a notable shift to larger momentum transfer in the main Bragg peak compared to cold runs, allowing for precise calculation of unit cell dimensions under varying pressure conditions. By integrating our initial findings with established equations of state (EoS) [3] we can estimate the pressure conditions at each experimental shot, indicating the variation of pressures up to ~130 GPa, i.e. conditions at the CMB. This analysis facilitates the construction of a volume-pressure curve that elucidates spin transitions relevant to Earth's depths. Next step consists in analyze VISAR data and get the Hugoniot for this composition. Furthermore, we aim to understand the electronic structure of the melts.

[1] Ozawa et al.  Spin crossover, structural change, and metallization in NiAs-type FeO at high pressure. Phys. Rev. B 84, 134417 (2011)

[2] Greenberg et al. Phase transitions and spin state of iron in FeO under the conditions of Earth's deep interior. Phys. Rev. B 107, L241103 (2023)

[3] Fei et al. Spin transition and equations of state of (Mg, Fe)O solid solutions. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L17307 (2007)

How to cite: Camarda, C., Appel, K., Buakor, K., Amouretti, A., Crepisson, C., Harmand, M., Pennacchioni, L., Sieber, M., and Sternemann, C.: Characterization of ferropericlase under extreme condition using shock wave experiments carried at European XFEL utilizing DiPOLE 100-X drive laser, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13580,, 2025.

EGU25-13762 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Unveiling Late Cenozoic Dynamic Topography Evolution Using Non-Linear Adjoint Models 

Siavash Ghelichkhan, David Rhodri Davies, Angus Gibson, and Dale Roberts

Mantle convection is the principal driver of Earth's long-wavelength surface structure, manifesting as dynamic topography—surface undulations induced by convective currents within the mantle. Unveiling the temporal evolution of dynamic topography remains a central challenge in predictive geodynamics. Adjoint methods have recently gained prominence for reconstructing mantle convection history and correlating it with key geological phenomena, including the cessation of marine inundation in North America, the uplift of Africa, and the tilting of Australia.

In this study, we introduce a new generation of retrodiction models developed using the Geoscientific ADjoint Optimisation PlaTform (G-ADOPT). These models incorporate Earth-like rheological parameters and leverage state-of-the-art Global Full‐Waveform seismic tomography to achieve unparalleled resolution of mantle structures. The models are refined through integration with the latest plate reconstruction models, yielding regularised solutions that reconcile tectonic and seismic observations.

For the first time, we unveil the evolution of dynamic topography during the late Cenozoic, as derived from these advanced models. These results provide novel insights into the interplay between mantle convection and surface processes, refining constraints on dynamic topography and illuminating the forces that have governed Earth’s geological evolution.

How to cite: Ghelichkhan, S., Davies, D. R., Gibson, A., and Roberts, D.: Unveiling Late Cenozoic Dynamic Topography Evolution Using Non-Linear Adjoint Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13762,, 2025.

EGU25-14576 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Cold Mantle Transition Zone Gap Formed by Progressive Tearing of the Segmented Western Pacific Slab 

Jung-Hun Song, Junkee Rhie, Seongryong Kim, and Benoit Tauzin

Complex interactions between plate subduction, mantle flow, and the overriding plate govern the dynamics of subduction zones. Numerous studies have highlighted the critical role of subduction processes in redistributing thermo-chemical domains within the mantle, significantly influencing mantle dynamics and plate tectonics. However, debates persist regarding the thermal conditions and dynamic models of the mantle affected by stagnant slabs. The physical state and long-term dynamics of the mantle surrounding stagnant slabs in the mantle transition zone (MTZ) remain poorly understood, partly due to the lack of detailed reconstructions of subduction history and robust constraints on mantle temperatures. 

The northwestern Pacific region, with its extensive subduction history spanning over 40 million years and involving multiple oceanic plates with episodic plate boundary modifications, provides an ideal setting for studying subducting slab structures and their associated tectonic and dynamic processes. High-resolution seismic tomography of the MTZ beneath the coastal margins of northeast Asia has revealed a narrow channel of low-velocity anomalies surrounded by high-velocity regions, indicating the presence of segmented western Pacific stagnant slabs. The geometric features of these imaged structures likely reflect rapid plate boundary reorganization during the Cenozoic in the western Pacific, driven by continuous lateral extension and tearing of the retreating Pacific slab. This process has led to the formation of a laterally extended MTZ gap characterized by moderate mantle temperatures (Tp ~1350–1450°C), as determined through joint analyses of seismic velocities and mantle phase transition thicknesses.

We propose that the current MTZ gap in the western Pacific exhibits minimal thermal anomalies capable of inducing focused mantle upwellings. Our observations suggest that mantle dynamics around the stagnant slabs would be largely passive, unless thermochemical sources capable of driving active convection are present. This further implies that active mantle upwellings, if they existed, were spatially and temporally constrained during past slab segmentation processes.

How to cite: Song, J.-H., Rhie, J., Kim, S., and Tauzin, B.: Cold Mantle Transition Zone Gap Formed by Progressive Tearing of the Segmented Western Pacific Slab, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14576,, 2025.

As a consequence of the evolution of the water-bearing basal magma ocean, water-induced mantle overturn can well account for many puzzling observations in the early Earth, such as the formation of the Archean continents and the boundary of the Archean and Proterozoic. The upwelling of the hot basal magma ocean during the mantle overturn also significantly affects the thermal state of the core-mantle boundary and the geomagnetic field. This study models the thermal evolution of the core-mantle boundary to investigate the effects of mantle overturn on the geomagnetic field. Our results demonstrate that mantle overturn substantially accelerates the cooling of the core and increases the heat flow across the core-mantle boundary. This enhanced heat flow strengthens the geomagnetic field, which well explains the high virtual dipole moments at ~3.5-2.5 Ga. The palaeomagnetic records and the formation of the Archean continents generate a concordant picture on the evolution of the water-induced mantle overturn. Additionally, the Earth's mass redistribution driven by the mantle overturn provides a novel mechanism for triggering true polar wander in the Archean. Therefore, the recorded apparent polar wander at 3.34-3.18 Ga may not result from plate tectonics.

How to cite: Wang, D. and Wu, Z.: Water-Induced Mantle Overturn Provides a Unifying Explanation for Palaeomagnetic Records and Formation of Archean Continents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14806,, 2025.

EGU25-16300 | Posters on site | GD1.2

Time-Domain Analysis of Solid Earth Tides: A Pathway to Understanding Tectonic Dynamics 

Martina Capponi, Daniele Sampietro, and Filippo Greco

This study introduces a time-domain methodology for analyzing the response of solid Earth tides, focusing on their phase delay relative to maximum vertical gravitational attraction. Unlike traditional frequency-domain approaches, which primarily decompose tidal signals into harmonic components, the proposed method emphasizes temporal dynamics, offering higher resolution and fewer assumptions about signal periodicity.  

Solid Earth tides, driven by gravitational forces from the Moon and Sun, induce periodic deformations of the Earth's surface, known as tidal bulges. These bulges are expected to coincide with maximum gravitational attraction, but a measurable phase delay often occurs due to the Earth's internal rheological and viscoelastic properties. Understanding this delay is crucial for deciphering the complex interplay between tidal forces and tectonic processes, including stress evolution, crustal deformation, and even earthquake triggering mechanisms.  

To achieve this, the study analyzed high-precision gravity data from 14 permanent gravity stations in Europe, alongside GNSS-derived measurements of vertical surface displacement. Corrections were applied to isolate the gravitational effects of solid Earth tides, accounting for factors such as atmospheric pressure variations, ocean tidal loading, and direct gravitational attraction. The residual gravity signal, reflecting the solid Earth tidal bulge, was then examined for phase delay using time-domain algorithms.  

Key findings revealed significant variability in the phase delay across geographic and tectonic settings, suggesting localized geological factors influence the Earth’s response to tidal forcing. This delay, although small, was found to redistribute stresses within the crust and mantle, potentially affecting fault reactivation and long-term tectonic plate dynamics. The integration of GNSS data allowed a comprehensive view of vertical deformation, further validating the gravity-based findings.  

This time-domain approach provides a complementary perspective to frequency-domain analyses, capturing nonlinear and time-dependent effects often overlooked in traditional studies. By enhancing our understanding of tidal lag phenomena, the research contributes to refining models of lithospheric and asthenospheric dynamics. The methodology holds promise for broader applications in geophysical monitoring, offering insights into stress and strain evolution in tectonically active regions.  

These advancements pave the way for improved interpretations of solid Earth processes and their implications for natural hazards, resource management, and planetary dynamics. This study underscores the potential of integrating gravity and GNSS data for high-resolution analyses of Earth’s dynamic behavior.

How to cite: Capponi, M., Sampietro, D., and Greco, F.: Time-Domain Analysis of Solid Earth Tides: A Pathway to Understanding Tectonic Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16300,, 2025.

Viscosity and thickness of Earth’s asthenosphere are typically inferred from observations of postglacial rebound of the lithosphere. Parameter values deduced from studies of these observations serve a wide range of geodynamic models that simulate processes evolving over time periods of hundred Myr - much longer than the duration of the rebound process itself. The question remains whether inferences derived from the kyr-long rebound process hold over Myr-long periods. The record of past motions of non-subducting plates may help address such a question, because these motions are necessarily driven by asthenospheric Poiseuille-type flow, which is sensitive to viscosity and thickness of the asthenosphere. Here I show how a simple model for the dynamics of non-subducting plates may be used to address the question whether parameter values derived from the kyr-long rebound hold over the longer time-scales of plate motions. By interrogating the reconstructed records of past motions of three non-subducting plates, I find that indeed this is the case. Furthermore, including also constraints on the asthenosphere thickness from seismic tomography narrows down the range of plausible values of asthenosphere viscosity to [1, 3]*10^19 Pa*s.

How to cite: Iaffaldano, G.: Viscosity and thickness of Earth’s asthenosphere: inferred from Kyr-long processes, applicable to Myr-long dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16470,, 2025.

EGU25-16517 | Orals | GD1.2

Fault evolution in the Kenya Dome: an area of highly elevated topography within the East African Rift System 

Beth Kahle, Simon Kübler, Chintan Purohit, Annett Junginger, Alastair Sloan, Anke Friedrich, Stefanie Rieger, and Mjahid Zebari
Mantle flow and the resulting surface deformation play a critical role in shaping continental rift systems; sublithospheric flow supports topography and applies tractions to the base of the non-convecting lid.  Surface observations of faulting, and of fault evolution through time, can be compared with predictions of flow from mantle convection models.  However, continental lithosphere is extremely heterogeneous and these heterogeneities apply a fundamental control on the way that the crust responds to stress.  It is therefore important to assess the contribution of factors such as crustal age, structural inheritance and seismogenic thickness to faulting patterns and the kinematics of continental deformation through time.  
The Kenya Rift is an area of high topography within the eastern, mainly volcanic, branch of the East African Rift System (EARS).  Within the Kenya Rift, the spatial distribution of fault activity is puzzling.  The rift is bounded by impressive border faults which often exceed 40 km in length, with shorter (typically less than 10 km long), more closely spaced faults in the centre of the rift.  These observations suggest that - as expected - fault activity has migrated towards the rift centre, accompanied by a reduction in seismogenic thickness, with time.  If this is correct, the area should pose a relatively low seismic hazard.  However, our intial remote sensing and field observations, combined with an earlier palaeoseismological study, suggest recent activity along the border faults.  Given the length of the border faults, and their large accumulated offset, widespread continuing activity would have significant implications for seismic hazard assessment in the area.  The potential for large-magnitude earthquakes originating from these major faults warrants a re-evaluation of tectonic activity and associated risks in this rapidly urbanising area. 
In addition, the border faults are locally oriented obliquely in comparison to the orientation of the faults in the rift centre, and compared to the present-day - largely E-W oriented - extension direction.  This observation has been used to infer a rotation of the stress field through time.  We use remote sensing data to map these structures in order to compare them with inherited structural orientations and with predictions of sub-lithospheric flow through time from mantle convection models.  These observations not only challenge assumptions about fault migration and rift evolution, but also underline the potential for complex interations between mantle flow, surface deformation and seismic hazard in continental rifts.

How to cite: Kahle, B., Kübler, S., Purohit, C., Junginger, A., Sloan, A., Friedrich, A., Rieger, S., and Zebari, M.: Fault evolution in the Kenya Dome: an area of highly elevated topography within the East African Rift System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16517,, 2025.

EGU25-16588 | Orals | GD1.2

A 6-year quasi-periodicity in the Earth's core magnetic field dynamics from 1932 to 2022 

Roman Sidorov, Anatoly Soloviev, and Shamil Bogoutdinov

Recent studies suggest that the secular variation dynamics of the geomagnetic field exhibits periodic patterns that indicate underlying wave processes in the Earth’s core. However, as long as the analytical core field models are based on geographically sparse and noisy observatory data, they have apparent limitations for studying fine structure of its spatiotemporal variations. The advent of satellite measurements of the full geomagnetic field vector in 1999 removed this limitation and made it possible to produce reliable and highly accurate models of the secular variation, allowing downward continuation to the core-mantle boundary. These models have revealed rapid core field variations on a time scale of the order of 10 years. In particular, the 6-year quasi-periodicity in the second time core feld derivative has been established. In our recent research, we expand our previously successful efforts to extract the secular variation and secular acceleration signal from the magnetic observatory data over 90-year period (1932-2022), i.e. far before the advent of the space era. As a result, our approach to data analysis for the first time has made it possible to confirm the existence of a 3-year quasi-periodicity of secular acceleration pulses of alternating polarity over the mentioned period. The proposed methodology does not imply an intermediate production of a core field model, as done according to classical approaches.

How to cite: Sidorov, R., Soloviev, A., and Bogoutdinov, S.: A 6-year quasi-periodicity in the Earth's core magnetic field dynamics from 1932 to 2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16588,, 2025.

EGU25-16609 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Investigating deep mantle evolution by linking geodynamic modelling to seismic data 

Anna Schneider, Bernhard Schuberth, Paula Koelemeijer, Grace Shephard, Alex Myhill, and David Al-Attar

The alternation between superchrons and periods of rapid field reversals is comparable
to timescales of mantle convection, suggesting that lowermost mantle evolution impacts
the reversal frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field. By controlling the heat flow from
the outer core, the deep mantle temperature distribution can either support or hamper
the convective pattern in the outer core that generates the dipolar field component.

Due to the long timescales, the main means of testing a potential correlation between
reversal frequency rate and CMB heat flow distribution is through tectonically informed
geodynamic modelling. However, even though state-of-the-art mantle circulation models (MCMs) 
typically explain statistical properties of seismological data, they do not consistently 
reproduce the location of present-day mantle features. The main influence
on position is given by the assimilated absolute plate motion model, which is inherently
restricted by the lack of longitudinal constraints as well as the need to separate plate
motion and true polar wander signal in paleo-magnetic data. Geodynamic model predictions 
therefore need to be compared to independent observations.

In this contribution, we investigate predictions of present-day mantle structure that
are based on differences in the absolute plate motion model. We compute synthetic seismic
data by coupling MCM predicted structure with a thermodynamic mineralogical model.
The analysis is predominantly focused on normal mode data, as they capture the longwavelength 
component of structures throughout the entire mantle. In addition, the
global sensitivity of normal modes reduces the drawbacks of uneven data coverage. By
quantifying the fit to seismic data, we evaluate different realisations of mantle structure
that reflect plausible variations in the absolute plate motion history.

How to cite: Schneider, A., Schuberth, B., Koelemeijer, P., Shephard, G., Myhill, A., and Al-Attar, D.: Investigating deep mantle evolution by linking geodynamic modelling to seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16609,, 2025.

EGU25-17175 | Orals | GD1.2

Geophysical modelling of vertical motion processes constrained by geodetic and geological observations (UPLIFT) 

Hans-Peter Bunge, Anke Friedrich, Roland Pail, and Yi-Wei Chen

The Earth's lithosphere undergoes vertical motion on a range of spatial and temporal scales. In recent years it has become increasing clear that mantle related forcing and in particular mantle plumes are a significant contributor to uplift events in many regions of the world, making vertical motions a powerful probe into sublithospheric processes. Significant improvements of observational methods (e.g. satellite missions) and publicly-accessible databases (e.g. digital geological maps) make it now feasible to map vertical motions from geodetic to geologic time scales. This in turn provides invaluable constraints to inform key, yet uncertain, parameters (e.g. rheology) of geodynamic models. Here we report results of an ongoing Research Training Group (RTG) 2698, with 10 individual dissertation projects and a Post-doc project, funded by the German Research Foundation. The RTG follows an interdisciplinary approach of Geodynamics, Geodesy and Geology aiming to answer questions related to how the interaction of exo- and endogenic forcing shapes a diverse array of earth processes. From a combined interpretation of interdisciplinary observations with different spatial and temporal sensitivity, together with physical models, work in the RTG tries to disentangle different uplift mechanisms, including the plume, plate and isostatic mode, based on their specific spatial and temporal patterns. We will give an overview of key results and highlight the synergies that derive from bringing multiple constraints to bear on vertical motion processes of the lithosphere.

How to cite: Bunge, H.-P., Friedrich, A., Pail, R., and Chen, Y.-W.: Geophysical modelling of vertical motion processes constrained by geodetic and geological observations (UPLIFT), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17175,, 2025.

EGU25-18199 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

The thermochemical Hawaiian plume and its dynamic influence on upper mantle discontinuities  

Martina Monaco, Raymond Russo, and Hamish Brown

The anomalous seismic structure of the upper mantle at the Hawaiian hotspot, including the X-discontinuity at 310 km depth and a perturbed 410, has been ascribed to large quantities (>40%) of recycled eclogite in the Hawaiian mantle plume. These estimates far exceed the classical geodynamic constraints of 15-20%, suggesting the existence of additional mechanisms driving eclogite accumulations. 

We tackle this discrepancy by superimposing discrete heterogeneities of recycled eclogite to a plume featuring a realistic mechanical mixture composition. This approach allows us to entrain higher amounts of denser material and quantify its segregation in the 310-410 km depth range. To reproduce the ample spectrum of buoyancy fluxes reported for the Hawaiian hotspot, we test plume radii of 80-100 km, excess plume temperatures of 200-300 K, and recycled heterogeneity fractions between 5 and 20%.

Our 8 best-fit cases yield average eclogite accumulations of 19.5% at 310 km and 21-25% at 410 km, with peaks of 21-24% and 26-32%, respectively. This uniformity indicates that higher eclogite entrainments do not substantially increase material segregation in the mid-upper mantle. 

We demonstrate that, while the Hawaiian plume has the potential of recycling more than 18% denser material, high segregations are unsustainable over geological timescales, and excess entrainments above 20% would require unrealistic buoyancy fluxes. Our findings provide the first quantitative constraint of the dynamic relationship between the Hawaiian mantle plume and the X-discontinuity, critically advancing our understanding of the influence of recycled eclogite on mantle discontinuities.

How to cite: Monaco, M., Russo, R., and Brown, H.: The thermochemical Hawaiian plume and its dynamic influence on upper mantle discontinuities , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18199,, 2025.

EGU25-18671 | Posters on site | GD1.2

Variations of Earth's volume driven by intermittend mantle stratification 

Thorsten Nagel and Stéphane Bodin

Through almost the entire mantle column, oceanic crust is denser than ambient mantle. In a ca. 100 kilometers thick channel below the lower-upper-mantle boundary, however, this relation is reversed. Hence, this channel constitutes a trap for oceanic crust and several recent studies have indeed proposed large ponds of crust at this depth. Accumulation of crust would be expected to be continuous, while sequestration into the lower mantle should be episodic due to the metastable nature of the gravitational trap. Non-steady-state concentration of crust in the channel would be associated with variations in Earths volume in the order of several millions of cubic kilometers. While transfer of crust from the upper mantle into the channel causes volume increase, the collapse of crust into the lower mantle would be associated with net volume decrease. We propose that collapse events could be associated with rising mantle plumes, hence, a net volume decrease of Earth would precede the eruption of large igneous provinces (LIP). A dramatic volume loss in 650 kilometers depth might be able to pull down the surface for a brief time. Such an event might be expressed in an outstanding sea-level-drop before the eruption of LIP. This hypothesis is confirmed by a review of eustatic sea-level changes accompanying late Paleozoic – Cenozoic LIPs activity showing that a majority of LIP emplacement are shortly (< 500 kyr) preceded by an episode of up to 50 meters (average of 25 meters) eustatic sea-level fall, with return to pre-perturbation levels at the onset of LIP eruption.

How to cite: Nagel, T. and Bodin, S.: Variations of Earth's volume driven by intermittend mantle stratification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18671,, 2025.

Over the past decade, advances in data assimilation techniques combined with a rapid increase in computational power have allowed for increasingly realistic dynamo simulations. One of the key parameters controlling the dynamics of the magnetic field is the amount of heat loss through the core-mantle boundary (CMB), highlighting the crucial role of the lower mantle in the dynamo processes. Previous studies (Kutzner and Christensen, 2004) suggest that heat flux variations at the lower mantle may explain the observed changes in reversal frequency on time scales of some 10 million years. 

To study the effect of the mantle on reversals, we use the numerical code MagIC, simulating the dynamo process over geological timescales. The long required simulation time forces us to use a relatively large Ekman number of E = 3 · 10-4. Following Frasson et al. (2024), we first explore the impact of several fundamental heat-flux patterns (spherical harmonic degree Y10, Y20, Y22, ...) and amplitudes imposed at the outer boundary. Secondly, we use a codensity approach to explore whether a higher degree of compositional driving reduces the impact of the core-mantle boundary heat flux pattern. Finally, we investigate the impact of the stably stratified layer at the top of the outer core (Buffett et al., 2016) on the geodynamo process and the stability of the magnetic field.

How to cite: Lohay, I. and Wicht, J.: Utilizing Codensity Approach to Assess How Core-Mantle Boundary Properties Influence Geomagnetic Reversal Frequency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19113,, 2025.

EGU25-19600 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Geodetic Evidence for Weak Mantle Beneath the Sumatran Backarc and Its Influence on Regional Sea-Level 

Grace Ng, Lujia Feng, Xin Zhou, Haipeng Luo, Kelin Wang, Tianhaozhe Sun, Chien Zheng Yong, and Emma M. Hill

Postseismic deformation in the far field following large earthquakes is increasingly recognised as a key factor contributing to regional land height and relative sea-level (RSL) changes. The Sumatran subduction zone provides a unique setting to study this deformation owing to the availability of far-field (600 – 1000 km from the trench) and long-term (>20 years) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. In this study, we model the GNSS-constrained postseismic deformation of multiple great (Mw ≥ 8.0) regional earthquakes using a layered and self-gravitating spherical Earth model. Our results reveal a weak asthenosphere beneath the continental lithosphere in explaining the far-field GNSS observations. We estimated an asthenosphere Maxwell viscosity as low as 𝜂m = 1.5 – 3e18 Pa s. Even assuming the presence of a weaker lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary layer (𝜂m = 1.3 – 2.8e17 Pa s) of 5-10 km thickness, the asthenospheric Maxwell viscosity remains less than 1e19 Pa s. Using these mantle viscosities, we estimated horizontal and vertical postseismic viscoelastic surface deformation over a broader region beyond where GNSS observations are available. We show that a weak backarc asthenosphere leads to relatively large, fast, and extensive postseismic deformation, a conclusion that likely applies to many other subduction zones. The great Sumatran megathrust earthquakes, namely the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman, 2005 Nias-Simeulue, and 2007 Bengkulu events, caused continuous far-field postseismic land subsidence over two decades. The 2012 Mw 8.6 and Mw 8.2 Wharton Basin strike-slip earthquake sequences in the Indian Ocean produced postseismic uplift in the far field, slowing down but not offsetting the ongoing subsidence caused by the great megathrust earthquakes. Our results highlight a critical concern for Southeast Asia’s coastal population, as the regional VLM and RSL rise due to large earthquakes compounds the impacts of climate-driven sea-level changes.

How to cite: Ng, G., Feng, L., Zhou, X., Luo, H., Wang, K., Sun, T., Yong, C. Z., and Hill, E. M.: Geodetic Evidence for Weak Mantle Beneath the Sumatran Backarc and Its Influence on Regional Sea-Level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19600,, 2025.

EGU25-19803 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.2

Investigating Uplift in the Afar Depression: Tectonic Complexity and Afar Plume through InSAR Time Series (2014–2024) 

Wojciech Milczarek and Peyman Namdarsehat

The Afar Depression, a key tectonic and volcanic region in East Africa, is characterized by complex interactions between rifting processes and mantle dynamics, particularly the influence of the rising Afar plume. This study offers a detailed investigation of uplift patterns in the Afar Depression over a decade (from 2014 to 2024) using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time-series analysis. The objective of this study is to generate critical insights and key observations as a foundational resource for advancing and refining future geological research. Resolving subtle, spatially distributed uplift patterns linked to tectonic activity has historically been challenged by methodological limitations. To address this, we analyzed three ascending (14, 87, 116) and four descending (6, 35, 79, 108) Sentinel-1A paths, applying the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) method, complemented by decomposition techniques to achieve precise deformation measurements. We categorized the Afar area according to regions with the highest uplift rates, aiming to identify zones exhibiting significant tectonic activity. Our analysis reveals significant spatial and temporal variations in uplift rates, providing new insights into the region’s tectonic complexity and the role of the Afar plume. These findings highlight the intricate interplay between plume-driven uplift and tectonic structures, advancing our understanding of the Afar Depression’s geological evolution and the broader dynamics of continental rifting and lithospheric deformation.

How to cite: Milczarek, W. and Namdarsehat, P.: Investigating Uplift in the Afar Depression: Tectonic Complexity and Afar Plume through InSAR Time Series (2014–2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19803,, 2025.

EGU25-19898 | ECS | Orals | GD1.2

Morphotectonic Chronology of the Dead Sea Rift's Western Margin: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Speleothems 

Boaz Langford, Anton Vaks, Tzahi Golan, Elan Levy, Tami Zilberman, Gal Yasur, Keren Weiss-Sarusi, and Amos Frumkin

The development of the Dead Sea Transform (DST) coincided with a vertical uplift of the transform margins, forming the main N-S mountain ridge of Israel, as well as a subsidence of Dead Sea pull-apart basin. So far only minor parts of these events have been accurately dated.  Karst processes that started after marine regression, led to the formation of karst aquifers in the carbonate lithologies of Cenomanian to Eocene age. The vertical tectonics (mountain uplift and Dead Sea Valley subsidence) caused the caves to be gradually uplifted above the regional groundwater level. In the current study, we used Laser Ablation (LA) U-Pb chronology of phreatic and vadose cave calcite to determine the timing of vertical tectonic stages: the marine regression, onset of karst processes, and transition of the caves from the groundwater up to the vadose zone. U-Th chronology was used for dating the youngest calcites. Phreatic and vadose calcite samples were collected from sites with similar altitudes and a spatial extent of ~150 kilometers on N-S transect along the western DST margin. In-situ LA U-Pb chronology of calcite,  along with calcite 18O values ranging between -16‰ and -9‰ (VPDB), fluid inclusion (FI) 18O-D analyses and associated d-excess values of 9‰ to 29‰ (VSMOW) indicates that meteoric waters infiltrated into the aquifer since Late Eocene – Early Oligocene (35.1±0.3 Ma to 29.17±0.4 Ma), marking the timing of sea regression and onset of meteoric water infiltration into the aquifer. The onset of vertical tectonics in the region during the early Miocene, caused an initial uplift of the caves above water table and deposition of first vadose speleothems around 20 Ma. The average uplift rate of the western margin of DST was approximately 26 m per million years, which increased to 120 m per million years from 6 Ma to the present. This change appears to correspond with a few degrees shift in previously parallel sinistral strike slip movement of the Dead Sea Transform, introducing an extensional component and leading to the development of the pull apart basin.

How to cite: Langford, B., Vaks, A., Golan, T., Levy, E., Zilberman, T., Yasur, G., Weiss-Sarusi, K., and Frumkin, A.: Morphotectonic Chronology of the Dead Sea Rift's Western Margin: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Speleothems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19898,, 2025.

EMRP3 – Paleomagnetism and Environmental Magnetism

Jean-Pierre Valet started his CNRS research career in 1982 at the “Centre des Faibles Radioactivités” (Gif sur Yvette). His Doctorate studies, led by C. Laj, delt with the detailed study of the Earth’s magnetic field reversals recorded in the Mio-Pliocene marine sediments of Crète (Eastern Mediterranean sea). After his Doctorate thesis held in 1985, he spent one year in the paleomagnetism laboratory led by L. Tauxe at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (California). From 1990 Jean-Pierre Valet joined the Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Team of the « Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris » as Director of research and joined coring and drillin campaigns on the R.V. Marion-Dufresne and ODP/IODP cruise of the Joide-Resolutin. Studying magnetization of marine sediment sequences, he and his team deeply improved the understanding of the dynamics of polarity changes and provided robust stacked records of the geomagnetic dipole moment variation over the last 2 Ma (e.g. Sint-2000). They revealed a long term decay of the dipole field intensity prior the reversals, followed by rapid return to strong dipole field intensity after the reversals, suggesting a progressive loss of the geodynamo energy followed by a strong and rapid gain of energy drawn from the reversal. In 2010, Jean-Pierre joined a project developed since 2000 at CEREGE (Nat. Lab. Cosmogenic nuclides) by N.Thouveny and Didier Bourlès (1955-2021), conceived to decipher geomagnetic dipole intensity lows and highs using both paleomagnetism and accelerator mass spectrometry for detection of the cosmogenic isotope Be-10. From 2015 to 2020, this project was led by Jean-Pierre with 2.5 M€ funding by the European Research council. The final results describe and critically analyze the 4 Ma proxy records of the geomagnetic dipole variations produced both by sediment magnetization paleointensity records and by cosmogenic Beryllium production records tuned by the magnetospheric screening of cosmic rays (e.g. Valet et al. 2024, Valet et al., submitted). Jean-Pierre Valet authored about 200 peer-reviewed articles and directed 12 PhD. CNRS Silver medal (2001), Fellow of the American Geophysical Union since 2003, Petrus Peregrinus Medal of the European Union of Geosciences (2010).


How to cite: Thouveny, N.: 4 Million Years of stable and unstable geomagnetic polarity states: a tribute to Jean-Pierre VALET, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3227,, 2025.

EGU25-4216 | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Understanding Geomagnetic Dipole Behaviour and Climatic Fluctuations over the Past 380,000 Years Using Cosmogenic 10Be and Paleointensity Records 

Tatiana Savranskaia, Ramon Egli, Monika Korte, and Sanja Panovska

Paleomagnetic field reconstructions provide us with the access to the long-term evolution of geodynamo mechanisms. The longest continuous paleomagnetic records originate from measurements of thermoremanent magnetization of ocean crust, although the sources of magnetization and the process governing changes in these records are still debated. Reconstructions based on magnetic signal in marine sediments are another way to obtain continuous paleomagnetic field variations spanning several million years in case of relative paleointensity (RPI) and cosmogenic 10Be records. These two independent proxies appear to align particularly well during periods of low dipole strength, such as geomagnetic excursions and reversals. This agreement is especially compelling because previous joint analyses of environmental proxies, RPI, and cosmogenic 10Be in ice and marine sedimentary cores indicate that both records can be influenced by non-geomagnetic modulations. Stacking a large number of RPI records from different depositional environments has been proposed to eliminate the site-related effects. However, this approach does not allow for a fair estimation of the relative climate versus geomagentic contributions to the overall paleomagnetic record. Moreover, when global climatic controls are embedded in individual records, stacking alone fails to remove these artefacts. 

In the present study, we use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to evaluate the extent to which geomagnetic, climate and environmental modulations influence both RPI and 10Be signals. The effectiveness of this method in separating geomagnetic and climatic contributions was recently demonstrated on a 10Be signal from the North Atlantic site MD95-2016. Recognising that PCA performance strongly depends on the number of available records, we have extended this analysis to a globally distributed 30 RPI and 4 10Be records spanning the past 380 ka. This global dataset enables us to compare the efficiency of each recording mechanisms during 8 geomagnetic excursions and 11 marine isotopic stages. We then compare independently derived geomagentic components from both 10Be and RPI records against previously elaborated RPI and Be - based VADM curves. Meanwhile, other contributions are interpreted in terms of global and regional climatic variations. 

How to cite: Savranskaia, T., Egli, R., Korte, M., and Panovska, S.: Understanding Geomagnetic Dipole Behaviour and Climatic Fluctuations over the Past 380,000 Years Using Cosmogenic 10Be and Paleointensity Records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4216,, 2025.

EGU25-5272 | Orals | EMRP3.1

On the climatic contamination of relative paleointensity estimations from sediments 

Toshitsugu Yamazaki, Jiaxi Li, Kosuke Inoue, Takaya Shimono, and Toshiya Kanamatsu

A fundamental problem of relative paleointensity (RPI) estimations using marine sediments is that magnetic compositional variations induced by environmental changes may influence RPI estimations, which is known as climatic contamination or lithological contamination. Valet et al. (2011) demonstrated this problem by isolating a climatic contamination component from some RPI records using principal component analysis. In this presentation, we discuss the origin of the climatic contamination and a possible way to mitigate it. Recent RPI studies often show a negative correlation between RPI and magnetofossil abundance estimated from the ratio of ARM susceptibility to SIRM and FORC diagrams. This indicates that PRI recording efficiency of the magnetofossil component is lower than that of the detrital magnetic component. This implies that changing proportion of the magnetofossil component to the detrital component in magnetic mineral assemblages of sediments can be a source of the climatic contamination. When the coercivity distributions of the magnetofossil and detrital components are different, NRM-ARM demagnetization diagram (a variant of the pseudo-Thellier plot of Tauxe et al., 1995) shows curvature, and less contaminated RPI estimations may be possible by choosing a coercivity fraction reflecting the magnetofossil or detrital components on calculating a best-fitting slope. Linear NRM-ARM demagnetization diagram was sometimes used as a criterion for reliable RPI estimations, but largely overlapping coercivity distributions of the two components yield linear NRM-ARM demagnetization despite changing proportion of the two components results in contaminated RPI.

How to cite: Yamazaki, T., Li, J., Inoue, K., Shimono, T., and Kanamatsu, T.: On the climatic contamination of relative paleointensity estimations from sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5272,, 2025.

EGU25-5983 | Orals | EMRP3.1

Magnetic anomalies in lava fields and consequences on the reliability of the palaeomagnetic signal recorded in lava flows: results from the Canary Islands 

Manuel Calvo-Rathert, Eva Vernet, Vicente Soler, Josep M. Parés, and Ángel Carrancho

In 1999, Jean-Pierre Valet and Vicente Soler published a study to explore the magnitude of deviations in direction and intensity of the ambient magnetic field induced by the crustal field and the possible consequences on paleomagnetic records. They measured, over more than two years, the total magnetic field above the surface of 12 lava flows in the islands of La Palma and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) and observed that mean directions above the different flows showed values differing by 9° in declination and 6.5° in inclination. Also, virtual dipole moments differed by more than 10%. They concluded that paleomagnetic records could be significantly affected by this effect. Paleomagnetic measurements of a large number of samples or a spread-out sampling of lava flows would provide the best way to average out the contribution of anomalies.

In a recent paleomagnetic and multimethod paleointensity study performed on rocks from a lava flow erupted on December 4th, 2021, in the island of La Palma, paleomagnetic results were obtained from a large number of samples, yielding a mean palaeomagnetic direction in excellent agreement with the actual IGRF-13 value. In addition, paleointensity determinations were carried out on 25 specimens, yielding results in agreement with the expected value in 60 per cent of the studied cases. The use of a relatively high number of specimens and the sampling performed across the whole thickness of the flow might have been useful to reduce the effect of local magnetic anomalies.

How to cite: Calvo-Rathert, M., Vernet, E., Soler, V., Parés, J. M., and Carrancho, Á.: Magnetic anomalies in lava fields and consequences on the reliability of the palaeomagnetic signal recorded in lava flows: results from the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5983,, 2025.

Reconstructing the past geomagnetic field variations is a key point for understanding the dynamo processes that take place in the Earth’s outer core and for deciphering the field’s behavior over centennial and millennial scales. For this purpose, well-dated paleomagnetic data from volcanic rocks and archeological artifacts is used, coming from different parts of the world and contributing to the calculation of regional and global geomagnetic field models. Japan, located in the eastern part of Asia and characterized by intense volcanic activity and long cultural heritage, represents a precious source of data for geomagnetic field reconstructions. This study aims to provide an updated overview of all the available paleo- and archeo-magnetic data from Japanese volcanos and archeological sites. Particular focus is given on the quality of the data, mainly regarding the paleointensity records, which present higher dispersion in respect to the directional data. A total of 303 directional and 135 intensity data are available for the last 3,000 years, most of them coming from archeological material such as kilns and pottery while 45 records come from volcanic rocks. Only 24 data offer full geomagnetic field determinations, including both direction and absolute intensity, most of them coming from in situ lava flows. The majority of the paleointensity data are obtained through the classical Thellier-Thellier method and its modifications, but in their great majority miss cooling rate and anisotropy corrections. The Japanese data are compared with data from nearby countries and geomagnetic field model predictions and are used to identify geomagnetic field characteristics such as abrupt changes and anomalies.

This study has been partially financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme Excellent Science, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE Action ‘BEYOND ARCHAEOLOGY’ (no. 823826).

How to cite: Tema, E.: Directional and intensity paleosecular variation data from Japan during the last three millennia: an overview, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6092,, 2025.

EGU25-6670 | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Paleointensity determinations on late Cretaceous – early Paleocene basalts from Walvis Ridge (IODP Exp. 391 and 397T) 

Claire Carvallo, Kevin Gaastra, Sriharsha Thoram, Sonia Tikoo, Will Sager, and Daniel Heaton

A good knowledge of the long-term variations of geomagnetic paleofield intensity is essential for a complete description of the field history. However, we lack a complete description of the geomagnetic field over many time scales, especially beyond the last million years, making older measurements of great value. IODP Expeditions 391 and 397T cored igneous rocks from the Tristan-Gough-Walvis submarine seamount chain. Cores from Sites U1575, U1576 and U1577, drilled on Valdivia Bank, recovered late-Cretaceous basalts and related rocks while cores from Sites U1578 and U1585, drilled on Tristan and Center seamount chains,  recovered more recent Paleocene and related rocks. We selected 95 samples from these sites, mostly from massive lava flows and from some pillow lava flows, for paleointensity measurements. Hysteresis and FORC diagram measurements indicate that selected samples are single-domain, with the exception of those from Hole U1585A, which are pseudo-single-domain. Susceptibility vs. temperature curves indicate a wide variety of magnetic mineralogy in these rocks, ranging from reversible titanomagnetite with Curie temperatures varying between 150 and 550°C, to strongly irreversible assemblages of magnetic minerals.  Thellier-Thellier paleointensity experiments gave a success rate of 20/95. The most reliable results come from the high-Ti titanomagnetite samples. Corresponding VDM values averaged by cooling unit are generally low, ranging from 3.1 to 4.3×1022 Am2, except for Hole U1577A, where the VDM is close to 7×1022 Am2. These values are consistent with the few, low VDMs measured on whole rocks in the 62-85 Ma time interval, a period of low reversal frequency–less than 2/Myr. Our results do not seem to support an inverse relationship between field strength and reversal frequency for this period.

How to cite: Carvallo, C., Gaastra, K., Thoram, S., Tikoo, S., Sager, W., and Heaton, D.: Paleointensity determinations on late Cretaceous – early Paleocene basalts from Walvis Ridge (IODP Exp. 391 and 397T), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6670,, 2025.

EGU25-6693 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Regionally-triggered geomagnetic reversals 

Filipe Terra-Nova and Hagay Amit

Systematic studies of numerical dynamo simulations reveal that the transition from dipole-dominated non-reversing fields to models that exhibit reversals occurs when inertial effects become strong enough. However, the inertial force is expected to play a secondary role in the force balance in Earth’s outer core. Here we show that reversals in numerical dynamo models with heterogeneous outer boundary heat flux inferred from lower mantle seismic anomalies appear when the amplitude of heat flux heterogeneity is increased. The reversals are triggered at regions of large heat flux in which strong small-scale inertial forces are produced, while elsewhere inertial forces are substantially smaller. When the amplitude of heat flux heterogeneity is further increased so that in some regions sub-adiabatic conditions are reached, regional skin effects suppress small-scale magnetic fields and the tendency to reverse decreases. Our results reconcile the need for inertia for reversals with the theoretical expectation that the inertial force remains secondary in the force balance. Moreover, our results highlight a non-trivial non-monotonic behavior of the geodynamo in response to changes in the amplitude of the core-mantle boundary heat flux heterogeneity.

How to cite: Terra-Nova, F. and Amit, H.: Regionally-triggered geomagnetic reversals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6693,, 2025.

EGU25-6849 | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Exceptional secular variation recorded in Neolithic hearths, Orkney. 

Neil Suttie, Sam Harris, Catherine Batt, Andreas Nilsson, Ian Snowball, Nick Card, and Zoe Outram

Geomagnetic field models constructed from direct observations extend back some 400 years and the magnitude of decadal to centennial variations seen is often taken to be typical of the secular variation over longer timescales. Here we present archaeomagnetic directions from layered Neolithic hearths in Orkney that challenge this assumption. Combining stratigraphic controls with radiocarbon dates allows for a precise chronology, which, in turn, implies directional change of more than 12°/century lasting for 200 years, far in excess of anything seen globally at this latitude over the era of historical observations. These archaeomagnetic data are complemented by extreme inclinations recorded in two sediment cores from Kälksjön, Sweden. As well as raising the possibility of using archaeomagnetic dating within this important archaeological period, the new data pose questions regarding our understanding of the secular variation, the limitations of the historic field as a proxy for the past, and the underlying dynamical processes within the core.

How to cite: Suttie, N., Harris, S., Batt, C., Nilsson, A., Snowball, I., Card, N., and Outram, Z.: Exceptional secular variation recorded in Neolithic hearths, Orkney., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6849,, 2025.

EGU25-6866 | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Geomagnetic record in trees affected by fires or lightning? 

Emilio L Pueyo, Ramon Egi, Jesús Julio Camarero, Elisa Mª Sánchez-Moreno, Pablo Calvín, Robert Scholger, Mª Pilar Mata, Elisabeth Beamud, and Félix Compaired

Trees in undisturbed natural environments are known to contain ferromagnetic particles. The application of conventional paleomagnetic techniques to both living and fossil tree trunks has revealed the presence of low coercivity minerals and measurable remanences, with intermediate (300°C) unblocking temperatures and some archaeomagnetic records that are often magnetically viscous (Krs et al., 1994). However, many questions remain about the origin of the magnetization, the locking mechanisms and its stability.

There are several long-lived tree species in the Biosphere, with ages up to 35005000 years, distributed mainly in temperate (Fitzroya cupressoides) and dry mountain (Pinus longaeva) forests.  Most living conifers (sequoias, pines, firs, cypresses, cedars, junipers, larches, spruces, yews) and hardwood tree species (beech species, oaks, chestnuts, etc.) have maximum ages ranging 200-1000 years. In addition, the dendrochronological record and field evidence have demonstrated the ability of certain trees to withstand multiple fires and/or direct and repeated lightning strikes. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies on magnetic remanence in trees affected by fire or lightning compared to undisturbed wild trees, soils or rocks, which are better documented. Given the ages and distribution of certain tree species, the geomagnetic recording source has the potential to enhance our understanding of the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field over the past 500-1000 years and beyond.

In this contribution, we will present the first results derived from the following working hypothesis: "Wood structures associated with lightning strikes or wild fires (including those generated internally to facilitate healing and survival) may have reliably recorded the Earth's magnetic field during the immediate aftermath of the fire (TRM and/or CRM) or in the subsequent period following the lightning strike (CRM, acquired during the healing phase)”. In order to validate or falsify this working hypothesis, several trees affected by lightning or fire were sampled in the Southern Pyrenees (External Sierras, Sto. Domingo range) between 2014 and 2019. The wood samples were analyzed in the paleomagnetic laboratories of the universities of Leoben, Burgos and Barcelona. The analyses performed included AF demagnetization of the NRM, IRM acquisition curves (and AF demagnetization). Magnetization measurements were obtained with 2G superconducting magnetometers in all cases. Additionally, preliminary observations were conducted using a JEOL 6010 Plus scanning electron microscope (located at the IGME headquarters in Tres Cantos, Madrid), operating in low vacuum mode with a backscattered electron detector and EDS microanalysis.


Krs M, Krsová M, Pruner P, Čápová J, Parés JM (1994) Magnetism of subfossil and fresh wood: initial reports. In: Růžičková E, Zeman A (eds) Holocene flood plain of the Labe River. Geol Inst Acad Sci, Praha, pp 51-65 

How to cite: Pueyo, E. L., Egi, R., Camarero, J. J., Sánchez-Moreno, E. M., Calvín, P., Scholger, R., Mata, M. P., Beamud, E., and Compaired, F.: Geomagnetic record in trees affected by fires or lightning?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6866,, 2025.

EGU25-7304 | Orals | EMRP3.1

Earth’s magnetic field and the evolution of life 

John Tarduno

The history of Earth’s magnetic field can provide insight into how life evolved, an area Jean-Pierre Valet studied in his insightful suggestion of a relationship between the Laschamp excursion and Neanderthal extinction. Here, I will discuss how recent findings show potential linkages on longer time scales between magnetism and the origin of life, animal evolution and habitability.  The study of magnetism held by minute magnetic inclusions in zircons indicates that the geomagnetic field is at least 4200 million years old, which corresponds in time with genetic estimates for the age of the last universal common ancestor. The early establishment of the field would have provided shielding from solar and cosmic radiation, broadening the potential environments where life might have originated. At the end of the Precambrian, at ca. 591 to 565 million years ago, the magnetic field nearly collapsed, but growth of the inner core during earliest Cambrian times renewed the magnetic field and shielding, helping to prevent drying of the planet. Before this renewal, the ultra-weak magnetic shielding may have had an unexpected effect on evolution. The extremely weak field could have enhanced hydrogen escape to space, leading to increased oxygenation of the atmosphere and oceans. In this way, Earth’s magnetic field may have assisted the radiation of the macroscopic and mobile animals of the Ediacara Fauna. Whether the Ediacara Fauna are genetically related to modern life is a matter of debate, but if so the magnetospheric control on atmospheric composition may have led to an acceleration in evolution that ultimately resulted in the emergence of intelligent life.

How to cite: Tarduno, J.: Earth’s magnetic field and the evolution of life, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7304,, 2025.

EGU25-7511 | Orals | EMRP3.1

Discovery of One-and-a-Half Million Yearlong Aridity in the Tibetan Plateau Eocene Red Clays 

Vadim Kravchinsky, Rui Zhang, Feng Pan, and Jie Qin

Over the past five years, J.-P. Valet actively collaborated with the authors on studying long-term climate variations recorded in Chinese red clay deposits. Notably, our joint research identified the 1.2 Myr band of Earth-Mars obliquity modulation in the Late Miocene. Building on this foundation, we extend our investigation to red clay sequences in Tibet, employing magnetostratigraphy and rock-magnetic analyses to date the sections and extract paleoclimate signals influenced by orbital parameters.

The Eocene epoch witnessed significant global climate cooling and aridification, particularly near the Tibetan Plateau. Previously, the aridification was attributed primarily to the plateau’s uplift. However, recent studies suggest that global climate trends played a more substantial role. Here, we present new paleoclimate data from the Altun Shan red clay sequence, deposited between 40 and 50 Ma at the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. By constructing an age model using a synthesis of magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy, we show that variations in magnetic susceptibility in the Altun Shan sequence are linked to eccentricity cycles. The ~100-kyr short eccentricity cycle can be compared to marine climate proxy records, with 405-kyr eccentricity and 173-kyr obliquity cycles modulating the record amplitudes. The amplitude of the short eccentricity cycles decreased starting at the onset of global cooling at 49.1 Ma. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the aridification event in Altun Shan aligns with several key climate records: a cooling interval in the global oxygen isotope record, a sea surface temperature drop on the east Tasmanian Plateau, and increased aridity in Central Asian sedimentary basins. The middle Eocene aridity and cooling peaked between 45.5 and 44 Ma, marking a critical phase in the interplay between orbital forcing and global climate trends.

How to cite: Kravchinsky, V., Zhang, R., Pan, F., and Qin, J.: Discovery of One-and-a-Half Million Yearlong Aridity in the Tibetan Plateau Eocene Red Clays, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7511,, 2025.

EGU25-13811 | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

The elusive subchron C13r.1n: a tie point for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. 

Miguel Garcés, Jinxiang Li, Luis Valero, Elisabet Beamud, Miguel López-Blanco, Alberto Sáez, and Luis Cabrera

The Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT) marks one of the most profound climatic shifts in Earth’s history, as recorded by deep-sea isotope data. This interval is characterized by global cooling and the onset of modern icehouse conditions, making it a focal point of paleoclimate research. Understanding the expression of the EOT globally as well as its regional variability requires the correlation of disparate records over the globe. To achieve this magnetostratigraphic data is key to provide the necessary independent age constrains.

Detailed magnetostratigraphic records embracing the EOT have at times revealed the presence of very short magnetostratigraphic intervals within chron C13r. Some have interpreted these small-scale features as true geomagnetic reversals that could correspond to cryptochrons or even subchrons. Worth noting is the record in Leg 73, Site 522 (Tauxe et al., 1984), where a subchron was identified in the uppermost part of C13r, at the approximate location of the E/O boundary. Other sections around the globe have yielded records of lower resolution that could record this same event (Miller et al, 1993). On the other hand, several studies of varying resolution in the Rupelian GSSP at Massignano (Italy), yielded contrasting results. While the early study of Bice and Montanary (1988) revealed a single-sample normal polarity interval close to the E/O boundary, the higher resolution study of Lanci et al. (1996) did not reveal such an event.

Here we present a review of earlier magnetostratigraphic records and new revisited ones embracing the EOT, from marine and continental sedimentary successions and around the globe (Tramoy et al, 2016; Valero et al., 2015; Huber et al., 2019). They show compelling evidence for the occurrence of a normal subchron, namely C13r.1n, at very short distance to the E/O boundary, and that is worth included in the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale. Recognition of C13r.1n provides a new anchor point to calibrate records of the EOT at finer resolution.


Bice, D.M. and Montanari A., 1988. Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Massignano section across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. In: Premoli Silva, I., et al. (Eds.), The Eocene-Oligocene Boundary in the March-Umbria Basin (Italy). IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Paleogene Stratigraphy, pp. 111-117.

Huber, B.T et al., (2019). Site U1514. In Hobbs, R.W., Huber, B.T., Bogus, K.A., and the Expedition 369 Scientists, Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 369: College Station, Texas.

Lanci, L., et al. (1996). Magnetostratigraphy of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in a short drill-core. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 143(1–4), 37–48.

Miller, K. G., et al. (1993). Integrated late Eocene-Oligocene Stratigraphy of the Alabama coastal plain: Correlation of hiatuses and stratal surfaces to glacioeustatic lowerings. Paleoceanography, 8(2), 313–331.

Tauxe, L., et al. (1984). Magnetostratigraphy of Leg 73 sediments. Initial Reports DSDP, 73, 609–621.

Tramoy, R., et al. (2016). Stepwise palaeoclimate change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition recorded in continental NW Europe by mineralogical assemblages and δ15Norg (Rennes Basin, France). Terra Nova, 28(3), 212–220.

Valero, L. et al. (2015). Linking sedimentation rates and large-scale architecture for facies prediction in non-marine basins. (Paleogene, Almazán Basin, Spain). Basin Research, 1–20.

How to cite: Garcés, M., Li, J., Valero, L., Beamud, E., López-Blanco, M., Sáez, A., and Cabrera, L.: The elusive subchron C13r.1n: a tie point for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13811,, 2025.

New paleomagnetic measurements, coupled with 40Ar/39Ar dating of terrestrial lava sequences, are revolutionizing our understanding of the geodynamo by providing high resolution records of the paleomagnetic field. As part of an investigation of the short-term behavior of the geomagnetic field, we performed detailed sampling of ten cooling units of the Kaupo vent belonging to the Honolulu Volcanic series of the Koolau Volcano, Oahu Hawaii. At least eight samples, collected from each of 10 successive cooling units at Kaupo, were stepwise demagnetized by both alternating field (5 mT to 100 mT) and thermal (from 28°C to 575–650°C) methods. Mean directions were obtained by principal component analysis. All samples yielded a strong and stable ChRM trending towards the origin of vector demagnetization diagrams based on seven or more demagnetization steps, with thermal and AF results differing insignificantly. Low-field susceptibility vs. temperature (k–T) analysis conducted on individual lava flows indicated approximately half with reversible curves. Curie point determinations from these analyses revealed a temperature close to or equal to 580°C, indicative of almost pure magnetite ranging from single domain (SD) to pseudo-single domain (PSD) grain sizes for most of the flows. The mean directions of magnetization of the entire section sampled indicate a normal polarity, with ∼10 m of the section characterized by excursional directions (~6 cooling units). Paleomagnetic investigations revealed a series of excursional directions. Absolute paleointensity determinations were performed by means of the modified Thellier-Coe protocol, the most salient results indicate absolute P.I. as low as ~26.9m-Teslas (VADM 5.887x1022 Am2) (i.e. 22° Lat. North) and as high as ~87.2m-Teslas (VADM 19.082x1022 Am2) at high latitudes (i.e. 87° Lat. North). The results of both the directional results (i.e. Declination, Inclination and VGPs) of the 10 cooling units in question in general terms correlate well to the GAD (i.e. +38°). The Kaupo flow VGPs are located over the eastern part of Asia (i.e. over Japan and Korea) 40Ar/39Ar ages from multiple flows give a weighted mean of 64.2+/-2.7 ka, which correlates well with the Norwegian-Greenland Sea excursion recorded in sediments.


How to cite: Herrero-Bervera, E. and JIcha, B.: First terrestrial geomagnetic record of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea excursion in the Kaupo flow, Koolau Volcano, Oahu, Hawaii: Insights from 40Ar/39Ar, NRM and absolute paleointensity determinations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13972,, 2025.

EGU25-15177 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.1

Determining magnetic field intensity from anisotropy of magnetic remanence in sediments 

Felix Ostermeier, Stuart Gilder, Michael Wack, Josef Ježek, and David Finn

Anisotropy of magnetic remanence (AMR) holds promise to quantify relative paleointensity records from sedimentary rocks. A proof of concept was established in applied fields that exceeded the intensity of the geomagnetic field. Under Earth-like fields, large uncertainties necessitate the development of a method to improve the estimation of the anisotropy tensor. To this aim, we designed a numeral method that demonstrates the applicability and resolution needed to optimize the experimental protocol. We then implemented a 30-position procedure for AMR measurements and compared the numerical and experimental data with a typically-used, 12-position procedure. Redeposition experiments with sediments rich in single domain magnetite were carried out in fields with intensities of 0, 10, 50 and 100 µT; 25 individual samples were redeposited and measured at each field condition. The 30-position protocol facilitates the isolation and resolution of the field-aligned prolate fabric (1-2% of the total) from the oblate sedimentary fabric, and more so when applying tensor subtraction of the fabric obtained in a null field. Scatter of the anisotropy parameters is inversely proportional to field strength, which together with the high-resolution protocol and tensor subtraction method, should lead to robust relative paleointensity corrections and/or estimates.

How to cite: Ostermeier, F., Gilder, S., Wack, M., Ježek, J., and Finn, D.: Determining magnetic field intensity from anisotropy of magnetic remanence in sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15177,, 2025.

EGU25-16895 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Earth’s Magnetic Field record from the Middle to Upper Pleistocene lava-flows of La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Iberian Peninsula)  

Eva Vernet Tarragó, Manuel Calvo Rathert, Ángel Carrancho Alonso, Elisabet Beamud Amorós, Llorenç Planagumà Guàrdia, María Felicidad Bógalo Román, and Joan Martí Molist

The monogenetic Quaternary La Garrotxa Volcanic Field is located in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula and was active from the Middle Pleistocene to the Early Holocene, thus, being the youngest known volcanic activity in the Iberian Peninsula. It forms part of the Catalan Volcanic Zone (Girona, NE Iberian Peninsula), one of the alkaline volcanic provinces of the European rift system.

The main goal of this work was to obtain a reliable full-vector record of the Earth’s Magnetic Field (EMF) recorded by 247 kya to 16 kya lava-flows in La Garrotxa Volcanic Field. With this purpose, fifteen basaltic lava-flows with known absolute and/or relative ages from previous studies, were selected and sampled. Paleomagnetic and paleointensity experiments were performed on these samples at the University of Burgos and the CCiTUB - Geo3BCN-CSIC (Spain). For paleomagnetic experiments, thermal and alternating field progressive demagnetizations were applied to obtain the Characteristic Remanent Magnetization direction of each lava-flow. Paleointensity values were obtained by applying the Thellier-Coe method, including in some cases a low temperature demagnetization pre-treatment to compare the outcome with and without pre-treatment. Also, rock-magnetic experiments have been carried out with a Variable Field Translation Balance to assess the suitability of the obtained determinations. This study represents the most continuous record of the EMF features evolution in La Garrotxa Volcanic Field so far.

How to cite: Vernet Tarragó, E., Calvo Rathert, M., Carrancho Alonso, Á., Beamud Amorós, E., Planagumà Guàrdia, L., Bógalo Román, M. F., and Martí Molist, J.: Earth’s Magnetic Field record from the Middle to Upper Pleistocene lava-flows of La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Iberian Peninsula) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16895,, 2025.

Despite over 70 years of research on sedimentary paleomagnetism, fully quantitative models describing the timing and efficiency of the recording mechanism are not yet available. Here, we present new insights for bioturbated sediments, based on cosmogenic 10Be records of the global field intensity, relative paleointensity, and the depth distribution of microtektites. The effect of bioturbation on cosmogenic 10Be and on microtektites is described by a solid diffusion model, with microtektites serving as calibration for the impulse response associated with the diffusion process. The acquisition of a post-depositional remanent magnetization, on the other hand, is governed by a biased rotational diffusion process with bias proportional to the intensity of the magnetic field. The dependence of diffusion on depth yields the relative offset between the impulse responses of 10Be and relative paleointensity, and thus also the time delay of the latter. The delay expected from this model compares favorably with 10Be and relative paleointensity records of sediment cores from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This work was made possible by Jean-Pierre’s ERC Grant EDIFICE.

How to cite: Egli, R., Savranskaia, T., and Valet, J.-P.: Field recording mechanism in bioturbated sediments: new insights from 10Be, relative paleointensity, and microtektites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17222,, 2025.

The magnetic parameter variations of core MD01-2385 revealed a climatic signal recorded over the last 100 ka. This core was retrieved on the northwest margin of Papua-New Guinea, in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. This area is located in the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), which is a major source of heat and moisture to the atmosphere and plays an important role on global climate. The climate of this region is complex, being affected by the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Australian-Indonesian monsoon.

Core MD01-2385 was dated by correlating the planktonic oxygen isotope record with a global stack for the 100-40 ka interval and using 14C for the last 40 ka. The mean sedimentation rate is ~20 cm/ka over the last 100 ka. A sample was taken every 2 cm, which corresponds to a time resolution of about 100 years. The saturation magnetization (Ms) is interpreted as tracing the proportion of magnetite in the detrital fraction. At orbital time scale, Ms variations correlate with the New Guinea physical erosion proxy estimated by Yu et al. (2023) on the same core, reflecting past variations in precipitation intensity in the region. During the Holocene, long scale Ms variations correlate quite well with september local insolation variations controlled by precession, which suggest a sensitivity to ENSO oscillation regime. However, during the last glacial period, the correlation between long scale MS variability and precession dominated insolation is less obvious. The difficulty seems to be due to the high amplitude of centennial to millennial variability superimposed on the long-period signal, distorting the precessional component. A first estimation of the suborbital variability suggests a periodicity of ~4 ka. An interval of low concentration in magnetite is synchronous with the Heinrich 1 event, which we interpret as resulting from a decrease in precipitation, in good agreement with the New Guinea physical erosion proxy from Yu et al. (2023).

How to cite: Dauchy-Tric, L., Bassinot, F., and Carlut, J.: Magnetic parameters derived from a sediment core from the western equatorial Pacific over the last ~ 100 ka: sedimentary inputs and climatic variations. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17422,, 2025.

EGU25-19529 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.1

Archaeomagnetic Dating of Roman Iron Age Kilns 

Raquel Bonilla Alba, Anita Di Chiara, Luca Alessandri, Luca Cusimano, Giovanni Alberto Della Sala, Angelica Fiorillo, Virginia Gianni, Caterina Rossi, Agostino Sotgia, and Fabio Florindo

The geomagnetic field presents continuous changes over time, a phenomenon that provides a valuable tool for dating archaeological materials, particularly those exposed to high temperatures, such as kilns and ceramics. This study focuses on a Iron Age kiln used for salt production in the site of Piscina Torta (Rome), with four oriented hand samples collected and analyzed. Alternating field demagnetization experiments were conducted to determine the paleodirection of the geomagnetic field recorded in the kiln during the last heating event, as well as rock magnetic experiments to determine the magnetic behavior of the samples, which included thermomagnetic curves and hysteresis loops. Using the inclination and declination obtained, the software ‘ArcheoDating’ was employed to estimate the kiln's last heating event. By comparing the direction obtained with the European regional geomagnetic model, the software determined the most probable date range of the kiln studied. The archeomagnetic age is consistent with preliminary radiocarbon and archeological observations.

How to cite: Bonilla Alba, R., Di Chiara, A., Alessandri, L., Cusimano, L., Della Sala, G. A., Fiorillo, A., Gianni, V., Rossi, C., Sotgia, A., and Florindo, F.: Archaeomagnetic Dating of Roman Iron Age Kilns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19529,, 2025.

EGU25-20308 | Orals | EMRP3.1

In-phase- and out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility fabrics in Ediacaran dykes from Jordan: insights into magma flow and emplacement processes 

Paul Yves Jean Antonio, Mélina Macouin, Sonia Rousse, Mu'ayyad Al-Hseinat, Ghaleb Jarrar, Hind Ghanem, Daouda Dawaï, and François Demory

Dyke swarms are a widespread geological feature in Precambrian craton blocks. Such large magmatic plumbing system serve as exceptional recorders of the Earth’s magnetic field, offering valuable insights into paleogeography of these early geological periods and constrains on the intensity of the ancient magnetic field, as contributed to demonstrated in past work with J.P. Valet. But by using rock magnetism, especially the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), dykes are also excellent witnesses to provide a comprehensive picture of magmatic systems and the tectonic evolution of an area. While it has recently become easy to measure the out-of-phase susceptibility, its use for studying dyke’s emplacement mechanisms is relatively modest. In this study, we analyze the AMS in Ediacaran dykes from Jordan to investigate the potential of such out-of-phase signal on magma flow patterns. A total of 315 samples from 42 sites, including dolerites and rhyolites, were analyzed. Our results show that 47% of the doleritic dykes exhibit a clear difference between in-phase AMS (ipAMS) and out-of-phase AMS (opAMS) fabrics. This may reflect the presence of sub-fabrics, potentially linked to distinct grain populations crystallized under varying stress conditions (Hrouda et al., 2019). Magnetic mineralogy data (susceptibility as a function of temperatures and FORC measurements) suggests the presence of SD (single-domain) magnetite grains in dykes with differing fabrics, and MD (multi-domain) grains in cases with consistent fabrics. This distinction allows us to identify zones where magma flowed freely versus those dominated by forceful intrusion. Our findings emphasize the potential of opAMS measurements in deciphering emplacement processes in mafic dykes.

How to cite: Antonio, P. Y. J., Macouin, M., Rousse, S., Al-Hseinat, M., Jarrar, G., Ghanem, H., Dawaï, D., and Demory, F.: In-phase- and out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility fabrics in Ediacaran dykes from Jordan: insights into magma flow and emplacement processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20308,, 2025.

EGU25-554 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.2

Multi-Scale Observation-based Simulation Model for Investigating the Wave-Particle Interactions in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly: Preliminary Results 

Kirolosse Girgis, Tohru Hada, Akimasa Yoshikawa, and Shuichi Matsukiyo

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) represents the region of Earth’s weakest magnetic field intensity, where the inner radiation belt approaches closer to the planet’s surface. This anomaly is a critical region for understanding radiation belt dynamics and their responses to solar activity-induced magnetospheric changes.

This study is based on our recent numerical simulations of the inner proton radiation belt [Girgis et al., JSWSC (2021), SW (2024)], extending the model to include electron dynamics in the inner magnetosphere. The simulations adopted the IGRF and Tsyganenko models to provide a time-dependent magnetic field driven by solar input conditions detected by ACE mission, including the associated inductive electric field. A key feature of this research is the incorporation of wave-particle interactions, identified through Pc4-Pc5 wave detections using the MAGDAS ground magnetometer network. The primary objective is to simulate the enhancement of electron flux in the northern SAA region due to wave-particle interactions.

Understanding particle dynamics within the SAA is essential for predicting the radiation environment in low Earth orbit (LEO) missions, forecasting ionospheric responses to severe space weather, and assessing potential long-term impacts on Earth's climate system.


How to cite: Girgis, K., Hada, T., Yoshikawa, A., and Matsukiyo, S.: Multi-Scale Observation-based Simulation Model for Investigating the Wave-Particle Interactions in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly: Preliminary Results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-554,, 2025.

EGU25-714 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.2

Paleomagnetic results from La Barrancosa Lake, Argentina 

Romina Achaga, Claudia Gogorza, Maria Alicia Iruruzun, Maria Julia Orgeira, Lilla Spagnuolo, Leonardo Sagnotti, and Aldo Winkler

This study presents new paleomagnetic results from La Barrancosa Lake (37°19’ S, 60°06’ W), located in the Argentinian Pampean region. The region's sparse paleomagnetic studies and its location under the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) make it a key area to investigate past geomagnetic field behavior. A 1-meter-long sediment core (covering approximately the last 2500 years), the longest paleomagnetic record recovered from the lake to date, was collected and analyzed. This work aims to improve the understanding of paleosecular variations (PSV) and the geomagnetic field's non-dipole behavior in the Southern Hemisphere.

The magnetic susceptibility (k) profile was used to correlate this core with previous records from La Barrancosa. Standard paleomagnetic measurements were performed, including natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity and directions (declination D and inclination I). Stepwise alternating field (AF) demagnetization revealed a stable single-component NRM after removing a low-coercivity viscous component. Characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions were determined using principal component analysis. Additional rock magnetic experiments, such as anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) until saturation (SIRM), thermomagnetic curves, hysteresis loops and First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) analysis provided insights into the concentration, coercivity and grain size of magnetic minerals. The measurements were carried out at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome, Italy.

Preliminary results demonstrate well-preserved paleomagnetic signals with inclinations ranging from -64° to -17°. MAD values lower than 5° in the samples indicate reliable ChRM directions. These data will be compared with global geomagnetic models to address potential discrepancies and explore the contributions of non-dipole features in the region, likely associated with the influence of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA).

The new paleomagnetic record from La Barrancosa Lake enhances the temporal resolution of paleomagnetic studies in the Pampean region and provides critical data to investigate geomagnetic field variations in the Southern Hemisphere. The results underscore the region’s potential for refining global and regional geomagnetic models and highlight the importance of further research to explore the implications of these deviations for understanding the evolution of the SAA.

How to cite: Achaga, R., Gogorza, C., Iruruzun, M. A., Orgeira, M. J., Spagnuolo, L., Sagnotti, L., and Winkler, A.: Paleomagnetic results from La Barrancosa Lake, Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-714,, 2025.

EGU25-889 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.2

The Role of Magnetic Properties of Rocks in Determining the Geothermal Potential in the Western Anatolia Region 

Burak Semih Cabuk, Mualla Cengiz, and Savas Karabulut

The tectonic evolution of the Aegean Region can be divided into two main geological phases in the Cenozoic era. The first phase began at the end of the Mesozoic and is characterized by a compressional regime resulting from the closure of the Tethys Ocean and the formation of the Alpine system. This period was dominated by subduction tectonics, which shaped the geological evolution of the region. During this time, the formation of rift valleys, which are the most prominent structural elements of the Aegean today, was triggered. These rift valleys, typically bounded by faults on both sides, developed asymmetrically. They are the most dominant geological and morphological feature of Western Anatolia. The rift valleys, which are mostly bounded by normal faults, are seismically active. These rift valleys can be listed from north to south as follows: Edremit Gulf, Bakırçay-Simav Rift, Gediz-Küçük Menderes Rift, Büyük Menderes, and Gökova Rift. The second phase is characterized by a regional North-South extensional period. During this time, the fault systems in the region became more pronounced under the influence of extension. This extensional regime is related to changes in the stress environment within the lithosphere.

The Menderes Massif, with its unique geological structure and evolution, is another important feature of the region. It is particularly notable for being cut by numerous late-stage rifts, resulting in a dynamic structural evolution. The majority of the massif contains high to medium enthalpy geothermal reservoirs, with temperatures ranging from 120°C to 240°C. These reservoirs generally lie within metamorphic rocks and are located in lithologically diverse units. This study will focus on magnetism studies of geothermal wells in Western Anatolia, with samples taken from different depths and temperatures. The aim is to investigate the magnetic characteristics of the geothermal wells under pressure and temperature conditions. The methods applied will include the following: Magnetic susceptibility study (frequency-dependent susceptibility), Thermal magnetic susceptibility study, Hysteresis measurement, Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), Saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). The result really Show the transformation of magnetic minerals in geothermal wells which have undergone different pressure and temperature conditions. Additionally, paleomagnetic measurements will be carried out to determine the movement and evolution of rocks over geological time.

How to cite: Cabuk, B. S., Cengiz, M., and Karabulut, S.: The Role of Magnetic Properties of Rocks in Determining the Geothermal Potential in the Western Anatolia Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-889,, 2025.

EGU25-2794 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.2

Kalman filter based modeling of the Holocene geomagnetic field 

Maximilian Arthus Schanner, Lukas Bohsung, and Monika Korte
Investigations of the Earth's internal magnetic field over millennial timescales are based on paleomagnetic data of thermoremanent or sedimentary origin. Both sources are affected by uneven spatial coverage, measurement errors, and dating uncertainties. In recent years, several Bayesian models have been developed to reconstruct the Holocene geomagnetic field, aiming to address these challenges and reflect the resulting uncertainties in the posterior distribution. Many of these approaches can be unified in the Gaussian process framework. Variations in assumptions about the magnetic field are reflected in the choice of priors, while differences in inversion strategies result in distinct posterior approximations.
We provide a brief overview of existing models and describe our approach in more detail, focusing on approximating the posterior using a Kalman filter. We discuss the selection of prior parameters and the consequences of different choices, leading to an update of the ArchKalmag model. The revised model's local predictions and global characteristics are presented, and our results are compared with existing models, with a particular focus on model uncertainties.

How to cite: Schanner, M. A., Bohsung, L., and Korte, M.: Kalman filter based modeling of the Holocene geomagnetic field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2794,, 2025.

EGU25-4289 | Orals | EMRP3.2

Core surface flow and geomagnetic field changes on millennial timescales 

Andreas Nilsson, Neil Suttie, Nicolas Gillet, and Julien Aubert

One of the most prominent changes in Earth’s magnetic field over the past two centuries is the growth of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)—a region of significantly weakened field intensity. Recent studies have suggested that weak field anomalies such as the SAA are recurrent features of the geomagnetic field, preferentially occurring around certain longitudes and generally drifting westward. These observations have sparked hypotheses linking the weak field anomalies to heat-flux heterogeneities at the core-mantle boundary and/or an eccentric planetary-scale gyre as observed in modern core surface flow reconstructions. To further investigate the underlying mechanisms, we generate core surface flow models that are compatible with the observed geomagnetic field changes. Several recent studies have made use statistics derived from geodynamo simulations to provide physically motivated priors on the core surface flow. Here, we adapt these methods to infer possible core flow solutions spanning the past 9000 years, constrained by archaeomagnetic and sedimentary palaeomagnetic data. Synthetic data are used to explore the extent to which archaeo-/palaeomagnetic observations can recover large-scale core flow variations. The integrated core-field and core-flow modelling approach is then applied to real-world data and the results are discussed within the context of recurrent weak field anomalies.

How to cite: Nilsson, A., Suttie, N., Gillet, N., and Aubert, J.: Core surface flow and geomagnetic field changes on millennial timescales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4289,, 2025.

EGU25-4914 | Posters on site | EMRP3.2

Late Jurassic true polar event revealed by paleomagnetic study in the North China Craton and its implication for regional tectonics and biota evolution in East Asia 

Pan Zhao, Yifei Hou, Huafeng Qin, Ross Mitchell, Qiuli Li, Wenxing Hao, Min Zhang, Peter Ward, Jie Yuan, Chenglong Deng, and Rixiang Zhu

The reorientation of Earth through rotation of its solid shell relative to its spin axis is known as True polar wander (TPW). It is well-documented at present, but the occurrence of TPW in the geologic past remains controversial. This is especially so for Late Jurassic TPW, where the veracity and dynamics of a particularly large shift remain debated. Here, we report three palaeomagnetic poles at 153, 147, and 141 million years (Myr) ago from the North China craton that document an ~12° southward shift in palaeolatitude from 155–147 Myr ago (~1.5° Myr-1), immediately followed by an ~10° northward displacement between 147–141 Myr ago (~1.6° Myr-1). Our data support a large round-trip TPW oscillation in the past 200 Myr. By comparison of Jurassic paleomagnetic poles of the NCC and SIB, we suggest that the Late Jurassic true polar wander event may have biased paleomagnetic results and thereby affected the interpretation of the final closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. Combining paleomagnetic data with regional geological evidence, we propose that the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean was closed in its eastern segment in the Late Jurassic, marking the formation of the central Asian continent. We suggest that the shifting back-and-forth of the continents may contribute to the biota evolution in East Asia and the global Jurassic–Cretaceous extinction and endemism.


How to cite: Zhao, P., Hou, Y., Qin, H., Mitchell, R., Li, Q., Hao, W., Zhang, M., Ward, P., Yuan, J., Deng, C., and Zhu, R.: Late Jurassic true polar event revealed by paleomagnetic study in the North China Craton and its implication for regional tectonics and biota evolution in East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4914,, 2025.

    The West Pacific-East Asia transition zone is characterized by a remarkable continental mosaic system and a chain of marginal basins. However, the complexity of the continental amalgamation process has led to controversy regarding the origin and migration of many micro-continents. In particular, the origin of the East China Sea (ECS) remains a subject of debate. The question of whether the ECS is "part of the South China Block (SCB)" or an "exotic microcontinent" has yet to be definitively resolved (Niu et al., 2015; Fu et al., 2022). Furthermore, there is divergence in perspectives concerning the evolution of the ECS, exemplified by models such as "back-arc spreading" and "strike-slip pull-apart", which in turn fuel disputes regarding the nature of the ECS basin.

    In this study, we conducted paleomagnetic sampling of Cretaceous-Eocene cores from nine boreholes in the ECS basin. A systematic paleomagnetic study was undertaken, employing rock magnetic experiments, scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, and stepwise thermal demagnetization. Utilizing the inclination data of characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) obtained from thermal demagnetization experiments, we have, for the first time, derived paleomagnetic records for Early Cretaceous to Eocene cores from the ECS boreholes. The results indicate that the paleolatitudes of the ECS were 18.7° ± 4.5° (134 Ma), 21.4° ± 6.4° (107.2 ± 0.6 Ma), 18.1° ± 4.5° (66-61 Ma), 20.3° ± 4.3° (61-56 Ma), and 26.4° ± 8.2° (49-34 Ma). The investigation and comparison of the paleomagnetic data reveal that the paleolatitudes of the ECS are similar to those of the SCB from the Early Cretaceous to the Eocene. This suggests that the ECS and SCB have been part of the same tectonic block since the Early Cretaceous.

    Further analysis of the spatial relationship between the ECS and SCB confirms that their relative motions can be delineated into three distinct phases: (1) During the Cretaceous period, the ECS and the SCB moved in the same direction, albeit with a disparity in their velocities; (2) During the Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene period, the ECS migrated northward while the SCB shifted southward; (3) During the Middle Paleocene to Eocene period, the ECS and the SCB moved in concert, with negligible differences in velocity, thereby establishing a stable connection. It is concluded that the kinematic transitions of the ECS and the SCB from the Early Cretaceous to the Eocene were directly governed by changes in the subduction direction of the Izanagi/Pacific Plate.

How to cite: Xu, M., Yang, F., and Hu, P.: Is the East China Sea an exotic microcontinent from the Paleo-Pacific? ——Paleomagnetic Insights from the East China Sea Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6135,, 2025.

The Deccan Continental Flood Basalts (DCFB) are associated with three major dyke swarms: the Narmada-Satpura-Tapi (N-S-T), the Western Coastal, and the Nasik-Pune swarms. The DCFB around Pachmarhi is characterized by a lower Magnesium number (Mg#) and higher TiO₂ content, suggesting a more evolved composition compared to other Deccan basalts. Located in the eastern segment of the N-S-T swarms, the Pachmarhi dyke swarms comprise approximately 244 mapped doleritic and basaltic dykes, with lengths ranging from 140 m to 22 km, averaging ~5.15 km. These dykes are emplaced along pre-existing fractures and predominantly exhibit an E-W orientation. Petrographic and rock magnetic analyses indicate that the primary remanence carriers are high- and low-titanium magnetite particles, primarily in the pseudo-single domain state, with a minor contribution from multi-domain grains.

Paleomagnetic studies have been conducted on 12 dykes, revealing that five exhibit normal polarity while seven display reverse polarity. The normal-polarity dykes are characterized by a mean ChRM direction of Dm = 332°, Im = -39.8° (k = 90.24, α95 = 8.16°, N = 32), whereas the reverse-polarity dykes exhibit Dm = 156.1°, Im = 38.1° (k = 55.4, α95 = 8.02°, N = 63). The combined mean ChRM direction has been determined as Dm ≈ 334° and Im ≈ -38.95° (k = 72.82, α95 = 8.09°, N = 95). The calculated paleopole for the Pachmarhi dykes (37.97° N, 88.38° W) closely corresponds to that of the Nandurbar-Dhule (N-D) dykes (38.3° N, 79.9° W), which represent the western segment of the N-S-T dykes. The averaged paleopole position (38.14° N, 83.84° W) aligns well with the Deccan Superpole (36.96° N, 78.7° W). This similarity suggests that the emplacement of these dykes occurred synchronously during the late stages of Deccan volcanism. The Pachmarhi dykes with normal polarity have been tentatively linked to magnetic chron 29N, while those with reverse polarity correspond to chron 29R. It is inferred that these dykes may have fed late-stage Deccan flow units, such as the Ambenali and Mahabaleshwar formations of the Wai Subgroup. The paleolatitudes of the Pachmarhi (22.4° S) and N-D (25.4° S) dykes indicate minimal latitudinal variation, supporting the hypothesis of near-synchronous emplacement across the Narmada-Son-Lineament (NSL) region.

How to cite: Shukla, G., Lakshmi, B., and Mallik, J.: Paleomagnetic evidence of synchronous emplacement of Deccan dykes along the Narmada-Son Lineament witnessing the magnetic reversal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6567,, 2025.

Pyrrhotite is conspicuous by its very strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) that can be in turn used in the investigation of the preferred orientation of this mineral by crystal lattice in rocks. Unfortunately, the AMS of pyrrhotite-bearing rocks is often composite, carried not only by pyrrhotite, but also by magnetite and mafic silicates; contribution of pyrrhotite can even be overwhelmed by that of the other minerals. It is therefore desirable to separate the AMS component due to pyrrhotite from that due to the rest of the rock. This can be made using the anisotropy of the out-of-phase component of magnetic susceptibility (opAMS), which can be obtained through AMS measurement in alternating magnetic field. Namely, the out-of-phase susceptibility (opMS) of paramagnetic minerals as well as of pure magnetite is virtually zero, while it is clearly non-zero in pyrrhotite. However, the problem is with measuring precision. As shown earlier, the error in opMS determination increases with decreasing phase angle, reaching extremely high values for phase near zero. And the phase is affected not only by opMS but also by ipMS of the measured specimen. It is therefore desirable to study the properties of the opMS and opAMS of real rocks. 

The opMS of the pyrrhotite-bearing rocks investigated increases significantly with the field intensity and the increase is faster in very low fields (<100 A/m) than in stronger low-fields. The Rayleigh Law range, in which magnetization is linearly related to the field, is relatively narrow, less than 40 A/m. The principal directions of the opAMS are virtually field independent in the entire low-field range used (10 to 700 A/m) being also very well parallel to the ipAMS directions. The degree of opAMS is also virtually field independent, but much higher than the degree of ipAMS. The shape parameter in opAMS is also field independent and resembles that in ipAMS. Theoretical quadratic relationship exists between the degree of anisotropy of initial ipMS and that of the tensor of Rayleigh coefficient characterizing the opAMS. Searching for empirical relationship between degrees of the opAMS and ipAMS measured in stronger low fields is the purpose of the present paper.

Physically purest is evidently measurement of opAMS in very weak field, conveniently within the Rayleigh Law range. On the other hand, measurement of the opAMS in the strongest low-field available (700 A/m) is more convenient from the point of view of measuring precision. This is fully convenient if one is interested above all in principal directions and ellipsoid shapes, which are evidently field independent and closely resemble those of ipAMS, and less precise as for the degree of opAMS, which is significantly higher than degree of ipAMS. This must be respected in geological interpretation of the data.

How to cite: Hrouda, F., Chadima, M., and Ježek, J.: Low-field variation of out-of-phase susceptibility of pyrrhotite-bearing rocks and its implications for rock fabric studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10873,, 2025.

Low-field magnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals as well as that of pure magnetite and all single-domain ferromagnetic (s.l.) minerals is field-independent. In contrast, magnetic susceptibility of multi-domain pyrrhotite, hematite and titanomagnetite may significantly depend on the field intensity. Hence, the AMS data acquired in various fields have a great potential to separate the magnetic fabric carried by the latter group of minerals from the whole-rock fabric. The determination of the field variation of AMS consist of separate measurements of each sample in several fields within the Rayleigh Law range and subsequent processing in which the field-independent and field-dependent susceptibility tensors are calculated.

Using a 3D rotator developed for the MFK1/2/KLY5 series of AGICO Kappabridges, the measurement is fully automated in such a way that, once the sample is mounted into the rotator, it requires no additional positioning to measure the full AMS tensor. The important advantage of the 3D rotator is that it enables to measure AMS in a sequence of pre-set field intensities without any operator manipulation. Whole procedure is computer-controlled and, once a sequence of measurements is finished, the acquired data are immediately processed and visualized. Examples of natural rocks demonstrating various types of field dependence of AMS are given.

How to cite: Chadima, M. and Hrouda, F.: A simple toolbox for separation of field-independent and field-dependent AMS tensors using a sequence of fully automated measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11075,, 2025.

In this presentation, we review the methodological, geomagnetic, and chronological insights gained from a newly developed high-resolution archaeomagnetic intensity curve for the Levant spanning over the past 9 millennia. The new compilation includes a variety of archaeological materials collected from Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, primarily dated using radiocarbon and/or historical constraints. Paleointensity data were obtained using two different methods: Triaxe, and Thellier-IZZI-MagIC incorporating anisotropy and cooling rate corrections. To validate the two methods, we tested a set of 30 self-made pottery vessels crafted from six different clay types using traditional techniques. The results demonstrated that baked clay materials dominated by pseudo-single domain vortex state serve as excellent recorders of the field.  Yet, to ensure robust results, data should be averaged from at least three fragments per archaeological context, with a minimum of three specimens per fragment. We confirm that in non-single domain recorders, thermoremanent magnetization exhibits a logarithmic dependence on the cooling rate, consistent with single domain theory. After applying stringent selection criteria, the current dataset comprises nearly 1700 samples (fragments) - mainly indicative pottery, fired structures, tiles, furnaces, and slag - from 310 different well-dated archaeological contexts. With the exception of a few short time intervals, the temporal resolution of the data is a century or better, enabling the construction of a continuous Bayesian curve covering the past nine millennia. This curve provides geomagnetic insights into the amplitude and rates of geomagnetic secular variations. Finally, we present a few case studies demonstrating the application of the curve for archaeomagnetic dating.


How to cite: Shaar, R., Gallet, Y., Hassul, E., Bar-Sovik, L., and Vaknin, Y.: Archaeomagnetic Intensity Curve for the Levant (9000 BP - Present) in Sub-Centennial Resolution: Methodological, Geomagnetic, and Chronological Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12593,, 2025.

North Anatolia is defined by a magmatic arc which occurred as a result of the subduction of the Late Cretaceous Neotethys ocean under the Pontides. This arc shape is 2700 km long, and can be observed from the Lesser Caucasus on the southern edge of Eurasia to the Apuseni, Banat, Timok, Srednogorie line along the northern edge of the Pontides. The paleolatitude of the Pontide volcanic belt was the aim several studies that pointed to a position of 28°N-24°N, while paleomagnetic rotations were interpreted with either by an oroclinal bending model or the excursion of Anatolia to the west. In the Balkans, however, Middle Triassic and Jurassic rocks showed no rotation or remagnetization in several areas. This study depend of the paleomagnetic results from the Upper Cretaceous İğneada Group in the northernmost part of the Western Pontides, Turkiye and the Burgas groups rocks outcropped in the Srednogoria belt in Bulgaria. The results showed that the arc type rocks were remagnetized in localy areas due to hydrothermal alteration associated with Cu-Au mineralization. The paleolatitudes obtained from both volcanic and sedimentary rocks, on the other side, were compared with the results from the Pontide magmatic arc.

How to cite: Cengiz, M. and Karabulut, S.: Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of the Upper Cretaceous magmatic arc rocks in Western Pontides, Türkiye and Srednogorie, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14640,, 2025.

EGU25-15788 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.2

Strong secular variation in Central Europe during the Early Medieval Ages 

Gaëlle Ségué-Passama, Elisabeth Schnepp, Patrick Arneitz, Roman Leonhardt, and Ramon Egli

The study of geomagnetic field variations provides information on the Earth's inner dynamics, helps understanding the role of the Earth's magnetic field as the primary shield against cosmic radiations and is also used as a geochronological tool for dating archaeological artefacts. Geomagnetic field variations during the Early Medieval Age (EMA) in Central Europe are generally poorly constrained due to the scarcity of archaeological sites. While a rapid intensity increase in the 6th century, along with high intensity values for the 7th to 9th centuries, have been reported for Western Europe, new archaeointensity data from other regions is thus needed in order to reconstruct more closely the spatio-temporal geomagnetic field evolution.

This work focuses on the study of the secular variations during the EMA period for selected regions in Central Europe : Germany, Austria and Poland. We analyzed potsherds from Ternitz and Unterrohrbach, and baked clay from Frauenkogel in Austria. In Poland, we examined potsherds from Klenica and Chobienia from two different locations; for the latter also daub and baked clay of a drying pan have been investigated. Finally, we studied kiln rocks from Schnapsweg and baked clay of a rampart from Fergitz in Germany.

For setting up the archaeointensity measurements, we used thermal demagnetization of the NRM and thermal κ(T) cycling to determine the unblocking temperature spectra and alteration behavior. The MT4 protocol – a Coe variant of the Thellier method - was used, including pTRM, tail checks and additivity checks, as well as corrections for anisotropy and cooling rate effects. Modified selection criteria sets TTA and TTB were applied. For Ternitz and Fergitz sites, we also used the multi-specimen domain-state corrected (MSP-DSC) protocol. Rock magnetic experiments comprised hysteresis and backfield curve measurements.

Between 500 and 700 AD, results of Unterrohrbach and Ternitz yield palaeointensities around 50 µT. While the MT4 site mean for Ternitz is characterized by high scatter, MSP-DSC experiments revealed a reliable archaeointensity. For Unterrohrbach site, a similar value with a lower scatter is determined. Finally, results from Frauenkogel site, suggest a rapid and strong increase of the archaeointensity within 100 to 150 years to high values around 85 µT. Similar high values were obtained in France. After this maximum, a strong intensity decline is indicated by the results from the remaining sites.

How to cite: Ségué-Passama, G., Schnepp, E., Arneitz, P., Leonhardt, R., and Egli, R.: Strong secular variation in Central Europe during the Early Medieval Ages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15788,, 2025.

EGU25-18828 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.2

New Evidence for a West Pacific Anomaly: Paleomagnetic Data from Taveuni, Fiji 

Liz van Grinsven, Frenk Out, Maureen van den Bosch, Romy Meyer, and Lennart V. de Groot

The Earth’s magnetic field, generated in the liquid outer core, predominantly behaves as a dipole over time. The processes generating the magnetic field, however, are complex and therefore also generate higher order pole signals. These higher order pole signals can alter the Earth’s magnetic field on a short time scale, even when the dipole signal is strong. A substantial deviation from the current dipole field is the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), a large weak spot in the Earth’s magnetic field above South-America. In the SAA’s center, the magnetic field strength is ~22 μT, approximately half of the field strength at the same latitude in Australia.

To better understand the origin and evolution of the SAA, it is essential to develop high-quality geomagnetic models of the Earth’s magnetic field over the past millennia. A major challenge for the current geomagnetic models is the significant data absence from the Southern Hemisphere, where the SAA is located. This lack of data hinders accurate modeling of the SAA’s evolution over time.

Our research aims to increase the amount of data on the Southern Hemisphere, particularly at locations on the same latitude as the current SAA. These locations are chosen based on the observation that the SAA has been moving westward over the past few decades, leading to the hypothesis that this westward movement has been ongoing for a longer period. We are currently working on enhancing the amount of data by adding high-quality full-vector paleomagnetic data from volcanic deposits on Réunion Island, Bali and Fiji.

Here we present the results of our paleomagnetic study of lava flows from Taveuni, Fiji, revealing a remarkable weak magnetic field of approximately 12 μT in flows dated to around 600 years ago. These flows also have a 20-30 degrees deviation in declination and inclination from expected values. Incorporating this new data into the global geomagnetic dataset allows us to refine existing models, leading to the unexpected conclusion that this exceptionally low field intensity cannot be attributed to the South Atlantic Anomaly—located below Africa at the time—but rather points to the presence of another geomagnetic feature: a West Pacific Anomaly.

How to cite: van Grinsven, L., Out, F., van den Bosch, M., Meyer, R., and de Groot, L. V.: New Evidence for a West Pacific Anomaly: Paleomagnetic Data from Taveuni, Fiji, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18828,, 2025.

EGU25-18949 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.2

pymaginverse: a python package for global geomagnetic field modeling 

Frenk Out, Maximilian Schanner, Liz van Grinsven, Monika Korte, and Lennart de Groot

Data-based geomagnetic models are key for mapping the global field, predicting the movement of magnetic poles, understanding the complex processes happening in the outer core, and describing the global expression of magnetic field reversals. There exists a wide range of models, which differ in a priori assumptions and methods for the interpolation of data in space and time. A frequently used modeling procedure is based on regularized least squares (RLS) spherical harmonic analysis, which has been used since the 1980s. This technique minimizes the error between modeled observations and data while constraining the model to realistic values, although some of these constraints have (partially) lost their physical foundation.

The first version of this algorithm has been written in Fortran and led many different research groups to produce versions of the algorithm in other programming languages, either published open-access or only accessible within the institute. To open up the research field and allow for reproducibility of results between existing versions, we provide a user-friendly open-source Python version of the RLS algorithm accompanied by six spatial and two temporal damping methods from literature to enforce a spatially and temporally realistic magnetic field. We also provide a comprehensive discussion of key background concepts - concerning Maxwells equations, spherical harmonics, cubic B-Splines, and regularization – for a deeper understanding of the theoretical foundation of RLS geomagnetic models.

While Python is known for its readability, it is often criticized for its high overhead costs. We addressed this issue by leveraging the banded structure of the normal equations and incorporating C-code (via Cython) for matrix operations, significantly improving speed. As a result, the algorithm can run on a standard laptop with performance comparable to its Fortran predecessor. We show how to employ the new lightweight and quick algorithm with ample examples from our four included tutorials. With this well-documented open-source Python version, we aim to encourage both existing and new users to create their own geomagnetic models and further advance the method.

How to cite: Out, F., Schanner, M., van Grinsven, L., Korte, M., and de Groot, L.: pymaginverse: a python package for global geomagnetic field modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18949,, 2025.

EGU25-20844 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.2

Reconstructing Baltica’s Ordovician paleogeography and pinning the end of the Ordovician Superchron: Paleomagnetic data from Siljan 

Nastaran Ahanin, Stuart Gilder, Jan Ove Ebbestad, and Bjarne Almqvist

We present a paleomagnetic study of 471–454 Ma (Dapingian to Sandbian) limestones from the Siljan (Sweden) impact structure, offering new insights into Baltica’s paleogeography and the Mid–Late Ordovician geomagnetic polarity timescale. Stepwise thermal demagnetization revealed a primary magnetization component that passes fold and reversal tests. Our data indicate Baltica’s initial stationary phase at ~55°S during the Dapingian–Early Darriwilian, followed by rapid northward drift (~35 cm/year) starting in the Middle Darriwilian and slowing to ~15 cm/year by the Sandbian (~33°S). Furthermore, we established a detailed polarity timescale and correlated it with Ordovician outcrops across Baltoscandia and the Siberian platform. Based on our magnetostratigraphic data, we defined the end of the Ordovician superchron at 465.7 Ma, further advancing its temporal resolution. Our findings align with prior studies, including normal polarity chrons in the Mid and Late Darriwilian stages, and limit the superchron's maximum duration to about 14 Myr. 

How to cite: Ahanin, N., Gilder, S., Ebbestad, J. O., and Almqvist, B.: Reconstructing Baltica’s Ordovician paleogeography and pinning the end of the Ordovician Superchron: Paleomagnetic data from Siljan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20844,, 2025.

EGU25-464 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.4

Biogenic magnetite as an index for Fe availability  

Victor Piedrahita, Andrew Roberts, Eelco Rohling, David Heslop, Simone Galeotti, Fabio Florindo, Liu Yan, and Jinhua Li

Magnetotactic bacteria produce biogenic magnetite in aquatic environments with reduced oxygen (O2) and high Fe concentrations. Increased biogenic magnetite contents in geological archives have been associated with marine deoxygenation, Fe fertilization and productivity. However, these conditions, which depend on amplified nutrient supply to marine settings, enhance organic matter production and subsequent magnetic mineral dissolution due to reductive diagenesis. This suggests that the paleoenvironmental significance of biogenic magnetite content variability remains elusive, and more records are needed to clarify the mechanisms that control the abundance of magnetotactic bacteria biomineralization products in sedimentary records. Accelerated nutrient input from the continents to the oceans and reduced seawater O2 concentrations are recurrent during global warming events due to temperature controls on both O2 solubility and hydroclimate. This has motivated the generation of multiple early Eocene biogenic magnetite records, which based on rock magnetic and electron microscopy experiments, have related biogenic magnetite contents with productivity and seawater O2 variability. Here, we present new geochemical and rock magnetic data from the Contessa Road section (Gubbio, Italy), which records a series of early Eocene global warming events. Our new data reveal that biogenic magnetite content variability cannot be directly used as an index for increased productivity and/or marine deoxygenation; alternatively, it can be seen an index for Fe availability in marine settings. Our observations indicate that biogenic magnetite does not exclusively reveal a specific process, which suggests that its content variability may depend on different local paleoenvironmental conditions.

How to cite: Piedrahita, V., Roberts, A., Rohling, E., Heslop, D., Galeotti, S., Florindo, F., Yan, L., and Li, J.: Biogenic magnetite as an index for Fe availability , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-464,, 2025.

Marine anoxia events, as indicated by geochemical proxies, have been widely studied as a possible mechanism driving the end-Permian mass extinction, which also inhibited the subsequent biotic recovery. However, redox changes in the aftermath of extinction and their further ecological effects are still controversial. Here, we report the characteristics of rock magnetic changes in several sections of the Permian-Triassic transition in South China and reinterpret the changes in redox conditions during this period. Our study shows that the magnetic mineral assemblages and magnetic characteristics considerably altered in the aftermath of the extinction, implying significant environmental changes. In microbialite sections developed in the shallow-water carbonate platform after the extinction, the variation of magnetic mineral assemblages records the fluctuated redox conditions under oxic and euxinic conditions, which explains the cleavage between continuous oxic or euxinic conditions suggested by paleontological and pyrite framboid evidence in earlier work, respectively. Due to the sensitivity of magnetite and hematite to the redox change, their preservation and the relative change between these two minerals have the potential to reflect the redox state. Hence, we propose a new magnetic proxy to reflect the redox conditions in the ancient ocean. This proxy correlates well with other geochemical redox proxies and the abundance changes of aerobic fossils, supporting its considerable reliability. In all, our study indicates that the microbialites were affected by frequent anoxia events while the photosynthetic oxygen production of cyanobacteria in the microbialites may be the key factor for buffer effect. Under the rapid increase in ocean temperature and an overall seawater oxygen depletion during the Permian-Triassic transition, microbialite and the microbes within it thus provide a more favorable habitat for the surviving metazoans.

How to cite: xiong, W. and wang, T.: Fluctuated redox condition in Lower Triassic microbialite: evidence from magnetic mineral assamblage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-805,, 2025.

Knowledge of the seismogenic environment of fault zones is critical for understanding the processes and mechanisms of large earthquakes. We conducted a rock magnetic study of the fault rocks and protoliths to investigate the seismogenic environment of earthquakes in the Motuo fault zone, eastern Himalaya syntaxis. The results indicate that magnetite is the principal magnetic carrier in the fault rocks and protolith, while the protolith has a higher content of paramagnetic minerals than the fault rocks. The fault rocks are characterized by a high magnetic susceptibility relative to the protolith in the Motuo fault zone. This is likely due to the thermal alteration of paramagnetic minerals to magnetite caused by coseismic frictional heating with concomitant hydrothermal fluid circulation. The high magnetic susceptibility of the fault rocks and neoformed magnetite indicate that large earthquakes with frictional heating temperatures > 500°C have occurred in the Motuo fault zone in the past, and that the fault maintained an oxidizing environment with weak fluid action during these earthquakes. Our results reveal the seismogenic environment of the Motuo fault zone, and they are potentially important for the evaluation of the regional stability and the selection of major construction sites in the eastern Himalaya syntaxis.

How to cite: Cao, Y.: Rock Magnetic Evidence for the Seismogenic Environment of Large Earthquakes in the Motuo Fault Zone, Eastern Himalaya Syntaxis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1274,, 2025.

EGU25-4372 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.4

Explaining the Intensely Negative Magnetic Anomalies in the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa 

Iuliia Sleptsova, Stuart Gilder, Maxime Le Goff, Fabian Dellefant, Claudia Trepmann, Florian Lhuillier, and Susan Webb

The 2024 Ma Vredefort (South Africa) impact structure comprises a 40-50 km central region of Archean basement rocks surrounded by a 15-20 km wide collar of late Archaean to early Proterozoic Witwatersrand Supergroup sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The collar is characterized by a ring of prominent, negative (<-5,500 nT) aeromagnetic anomalies surrounding much of the structure where the strata dip near-vertical to overturned. To better understand the origin of this magnetic feature, we undertook a ground magnetic survey throughout the Vredefort structure using a three-axis fluxgate magnetometer mounted on a mountain bicycle. The upward continuation of our profiles to 150 m matches the aeromagnetic data in shape and amplitude. The near-ground magnetic measurements allowed us to pinpoint the rocks responsible for the intensely negative anomalies. Field observations and microfabric analyses of six outcrops confirmed that the magnetic signal correlates with specific metamorphosed banded iron formations (BIFs) at the base of the supergroup, 10 to 100 m thick, as the main producer of the strongly negative magnetic anomalies. Paleomagnetic samples collected from the rocks at the surface that produce the most intense anomalies (up to -22,000 nT) have extremely high natural remanent magnetization intensities (up to >1000 A/m) likely arising from lightning strikes. Stepwise demagnetization and rock magnetic experiments distinguish one site as likely having escaped remagnetization from lightning that possesses the established 2.02 Ga paleodirection at Vredefort. Thermoremanent magnetizations (TRM) imparted on 41 samples using a 40 μT field yielded an average intensity of 25 A/m. Using the results of TRM experiments and the paleodirection enabled us to successfully model the prominent negative anomalies in the metasediments only when accounting for the post-impact orientation of the BIFs. We interpret the strongly negative magnetic anomaly in the collar region as being formed directly after crater exhumation and uplift of the rocks. This interpretation implies that Bushveld-related metamorphism created the up to mm-sized magnetite and garnet crystals in the BIFs, which resided at temperatures higher than the Curie temperature of magnetite (580°C) until the impact rapidly brought the BIFs close to the surface where magnetite cooled to acquire a thermal remanence in the 2.02 Ga field.

How to cite: Sleptsova, I., Gilder, S., Le Goff, M., Dellefant, F., Trepmann, C., Lhuillier, F., and Webb, S.: Explaining the Intensely Negative Magnetic Anomalies in the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4372,, 2025.

EGU25-5355 | Orals | EMRP3.4

Magnetic Constraints on the Role of Artificial Fire in Neolithic Burnt Clay in Southern China under Climatic Impacts 

Guanhua Li, Guishan Chen, Zhilong Cheng, Yingyu Huang, Junrong Fang, Wei Ge, and Changfa Zhan

Understanding how human activities mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and promote sustainable development is a critical scientific question (e.g., Lamb and Steinberger, 2017). Throughout history, humans have made many attempts to adapt to climate change, particularly through their adoption of settlement environments and the evolution of building materials (e.g., Olsson, 2024). The controlled use of fire, a hallmark of human civilization, has been instrumental in developing ceramic building materials since the Neolithic period (e.g., Jones, 2021). While numerous burned clay artifacts from the Neolithic period have been found worldwide (e.g., Pérez-Monserrat et al., 2022), little is known about their detailed characteristics and the potential influence of climate change on artificial fire usage. This study focuses on a Neolithic site in eastern Fujian, South China. By magnetic and geochemical analysis, we aim to reconstruct the firing temperatures and, consequently, the technological characteristics of artificial fire used in Neolithic house construction in the context of climate change. Magnetic results suggest an average ancient firing temperature of approximately 620°C, consistent with findings from other Eurasian Neolithic sites (e.g., Jordanova et al., 2020). The magnetic properties of burnt clay may reflect the characteristics of the in-situ clay source, offering insights into the geological background. However, the artificially controlled fires result in differences in the structure, geochemical characteristics, and color of the various layers of the burned clay. Furthermore, a potential link between temporal variations in ancient firing temperatures and surrounding paleoenvironmental changes is suggested, potentially influenced by feedback mechanisms between temperature-moisture conditions and human activities. In addition, this study would potentially contribute to further studies on artificial fire usage evolution in cultural relics from an interdisciplinary perspective under specific environmental conditions.


Jones, R., 2021. The Decoration and Firing of Ancient Greek Pottery: A Review of Recent Investigations. Advances in Archaeomaterials. 2, 67–127.

Jordanova, N., Jordanova, D., Lesigyarski, D., et al., 2020. Imprints of paleo-environmental conditions and human activities in mineral magnetic properties of fired clay remains from Neolithic houses. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 33,102473.

Lamb, W. F., Steinberger, J. K., 2017. Human well‐being and climate change mitigation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. 8(6): e485.

Olsson, O. 2024. Human Capital Evolution in a Cooling Climate[M]//Paleoeconomics: Climate Change and Economic Development in Prehistory. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. 39-58.

Pérez-Monserrat, E. M., Causarano, M., Maritan, L., et al., 2022. Roman brick production technologies in Padua (Northern Italy) along the Late Antiquity and Medieval Times: Durable bricks on high humid environs. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 54,12-20.


How to cite: Li, G., Chen, G., Cheng, Z., Huang, Y., Fang, J., Ge, W., and Zhan, C.: Magnetic Constraints on the Role of Artificial Fire in Neolithic Burnt Clay in Southern China under Climatic Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5355,, 2025.

EGU25-10133 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.4

PSD: Possibly Single Domain? 

Brendan Cych, Greig Paterson, Lesleis Nagy, and Wyn Williams

Néel's theory of single domain magnetizations has been widely applied in paleomagnetism since its conception in the 1940s. When applying this theory, paleomagnetists typically assume that all magnetic particles are composed of magnetite, and are shaped like highly elongate needles. Even in the SD size range, natural samples exhibit a much wider range of morphologies, causing a gap between theory and experiments. Although these assumptions were necessary in the 1940s, computing power today means they are no longer required.


To understand the behaviour of other types of SD particles, we have created a new software package called the Single Domain Comprehensive Calculator (SDCC). The SDCC can derive the magnetic properties of SD particles from first principles, without making the assumptions of Néel. The package provides a simple python scripting interface to simulate almost any paleomagnetic experiments, with assemblages of particles of different sizes, shapes and compositions.


Simulations with the SDCC show that single domain particles exhibit a much wider range of experimental behaviour than has previously been discussed. In particular, we show that the relationship between blocking temperature and relaxation time is strongly dependent on the shape and composition of the particle. This causes viscously acquired remanences to unblock over a wide range of temperatures on laboratory timescales. To demonstrate this, we ran a simulation where an assemblage of SD particles acquired a viscous overprint over a primary thermal remanence. On simulated thermal demagnetization, the two magnetizations exhibited overlapping unblocking spectra, which would lead to problematic behaviour in paleomagnetic experiments.

How to cite: Cych, B., Paterson, G., Nagy, L., and Williams, W.: PSD: Possibly Single Domain?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10133,, 2025.

EGU25-10426 | Orals | EMRP3.4

Magnetic response and bioaccessibility of heavy metal pollution inoutdoor dustfall in Shanghai, China 

Guan Wang, Fan Yang, Yangyang Wang, Feifan Ren, Yumei Hou, ShiGuang Su, and Wenxin Li

 Toxic metal content testing, environmental magnetic monitoring and in vitro bioaccessibility experiments each have their own advantages and are often used independently for environmental monitoring, but there are few studies that combine the three to evaluate the hazards of toxic metals to humans. This paper investigated the total content, magnetic properties and bioaccessibility of nine potentially toxic metal elements (Zn, Sn, Pb, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Sr, Mn) in dustfall from different functional zones in Shanghai, China, and systematically compared the related results. The results show that these nine metal elements have different degrees of contamination and enrichment in outdoor dustfall, and their content distribution shows the following trend: Zn > Sn > Pb > Cu > Fe > Ni > Cr > Sr > Mn. Magnetic characteristics χlf and SIRM are mostly positively correlated with the metal elements, indicating that the higher the content of magnetic minerals in the sample, the higher the concentration of metal elements. It was also found that χlf, SIRM, and χARM can well reflect the characteristics of dustfall pollution. The magnetic minerals have a certain degree of enrichment, and the particle size of the magnetic minerals is relatively coarse, mainly in the form of coarse multi-domain and pseudo-single-domain particles, which are largely derived from anthropogenic pollution. The χlf and PM10 concentrations in the precipitation show relatively similar spatial trends, so χlf, SIRM, and χARM can be used as air pollution indices to facilitate the evaluation of metal elements pollution in dustfall. The overall trend in gastric bioaccessibility is Pb > Zn > Mn > Cu > Cr. Due to the increase in the pH of digestive fluid, the bioavailability of toxic metals decreases significantly from the gastric stage to the intestinal stage. χlf, SIRM, and χARM/SIRM are all related to the bioaccessibility of toxic metals in the intestinal stage, so they can be used as toxicity indicators to evaluate the bioaccessibility of toxic metals in dustfall.

How to cite: Wang, G., Yang, F., Wang, Y., Ren, F., Hou, Y., Su, S., and Li, W.: Magnetic response and bioaccessibility of heavy metal pollution inoutdoor dustfall in Shanghai, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10426,, 2025.

EGU25-10493 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.4

Unveiling factors affecting the magnetic signature of MORBs and their long-term variation 

Claudio Robustelli Test, Chiara Amadori, Michelle Harris, Thomas Belgrano, Mallika Jonnalagadda, Aled Evans, Lewis Grant, Elmar Albers, Rosalind Coggon, Damon Teagle, and Elena Zanella and the The South Atlantic Transect IODP Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists

Marine magnetic anomalies provide fundamental information on plate tectonics, seafloor spreading, and geomagnetic field variations over time. It has long been debated whether the long-term variations of the marine magnetic anomalies are related to records of paleointensity variations or the progressive off-axis hydrothermal oxidation of magnetic minerals in mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). However, these processes are highly dependent on rock type and textures. Moreover, the style and extent of off-axis low-temperature alteration in MORBs varies and can be pervasive through the rock matrix or localized in vein halos, leading to significant heterogeneities in the upper crust. Studying the magnetic properties of both fresh and altered MORBs from transects covering a range of crustal ages is essential to assess and constrain the factors affecting the origin and evolution of magnetic anomalies.

In this study, we combined rock magnetic investigation with petrography and geochemical data to characterize the magnetic behaviour of basalts formed between ~7 and 61 Ma across the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, recovered during the South Atlantic Transect (SAT) ocean drilling expeditions. This transect provides the opportunity to test the influence of primary and secondary factors on the magnetic signature of MORBs.

Our results show the strong influence of primary igneous features on the intensity of the remanent magnetization of MORBs. For example, the grain sizes and concentrations of magnetic minerals change according to different emplacement styles, with finer and coarser-grained magnetite in basaltic pillows and massive lava flows, respectively. Moreover, the combination of rock magnetic and major elements analyses reveals variation in primary and alteration mineral assemblages (clay minerals and goethite), composition (e.g., changes in Ti-content) and grain-size across the alteration halos, which in turn affects the intensity of the magnetic signature.

Overall, the variation of magnetic properties across the ridge flank testifies to a complex interplay of factors such as the nature of volcanic units and the style and evolution of hydrothermal alteration on the nature and long-term variation of the marine magnetic anomalies.

How to cite: Robustelli Test, C., Amadori, C., Harris, M., Belgrano, T., Jonnalagadda, M., Evans, A., Grant, L., Albers, E., Coggon, R., Teagle, D., and Zanella, E. and the The South Atlantic Transect IODP Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists: Unveiling factors affecting the magnetic signature of MORBs and their long-term variation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10493,, 2025.

EGU25-13770 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

Mineralogical and magnetic evidence of flooding events recorded in a stalagmite from the Moinhos Velhos-Contenda Cave, Portugal 

Rafael Dinis, Eric Font, Ana Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Joana Ribeiro, Elsa Gomes, and Luís Vilhena

The Moinhos Velhos-Contenda Cave, located in the Estremenho Karst Massif, Central Portugal, is the second-largest and the most visited cave of Portugal. Here we provide new paleomagnetic, rock magnetic and mineralogical data from a stalagmite (GMA-III) collected in Moinhos Velhos Cave, at about ~60m depth. Besides, cave sediments, surface soils and another (clean/whitish) stalagmite (GMA-IV) was collected. This speleothem is mushroom-shaped with dark-reddish laminations, hypothesized to be related to flooding periods. However, how the flooding events are recorded in the calcite laminae of the stalagmite and how the respective conditions affected the quality of the paleomagnetic signal is poorly constrained. After stepwise alternating field demagnetization, the viscous remanent magnetization was cleaned below 10mT, followed by a natural remanent magnetization pointing to the origin. After 100mT, more than 90% of the magnetization was cleaned, suggesting low to medium coercive magnetic minerals as main magnetic carriers of the natural remanence. Sample-based mean directions show an average declination of ~353º and a mean inclination of 38.5º. Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) curves shows the presence of two components – the first one with a mean coercivity of ~30mT and a DP of ~0.26, typical of pedogenic/detrital magnetite, contributing to ~94% of the total remanence; and the second one with a mean coercivity of ~245mT and a DP of ~0.30, interpreted as being hematite, contributing to ~6% of the total remanence. Plot of kARM/IRM versus the mean demagnetization field (MDF) show three distinct clusters, corresponding to the GMA-III and GMA-IV stalagmites, while the third cluster corresponds to the soils and cave sediments. All clusters are close to the pedogenic-detrital zone of the diagram. Notably, the GMA-III stalagmite has significantly lower values of kARM/IRM than the GMA-IV stalagmite. Cisowski test on GMA-III samples shows an interaction degree close to 0.5, suggesting the presence of non-interacting single-domain magnetite. Under binocular microscope, the reddish horizons show the presence of opaque materials and dissolution features, suggesting the occurrence of hiatus of precipitation. Analysis of these horizons under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled to energy dispersive spectra show the presence of large (~50-100 micrometers) crystals of Ti-bearing iron oxides, quartz, and carbon-rich particles. Sylvite is also observed in the form of small (~2 micrometer) crystals and filling fractures, suggesting evaporitic conditions. Polarized light observations indicate that Ti-iron oxides correspond to titano-hematite, probably with a detrital origin. Oil immersion objective microscopy observation of carbon-rich particles classifies them as fossil organic matter particles, with grain size between 60 to 300 micrometers. The association of hematite, quartz grains and organic matter particles deposited onto dissolution surfaces confirm a detrital origin, presumably during flooding periods. Although magnetite was not observed under SEM and optical microscope, it carries the natural remanent magnetization, suggesting that hematite deposited by flood events has no or few implications in the quality of the paleomagnetic directions.


This project is funded by Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 (, LA/P/0068/2020 (, and PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021, and is part of the Ph.D. of Rafael Dinis (FCT-10216.2022.BD).

How to cite: Dinis, R., Font, E., P. S. Reboleira, A. S., Ribeiro, J., Gomes, E., and Vilhena, L.: Mineralogical and magnetic evidence of flooding events recorded in a stalagmite from the Moinhos Velhos-Contenda Cave, Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13770,, 2025.

Nihewan Basin is one of a series of well-developed East Asian Cenozoic basins in Hebei Province, North China, which are rich sources of mammalian faunas and Paleolithic sites. During the past decades, detailed magnetostratigraphic dating was conducted on the Nihewan Formation and associated mammalian faunas and Paleolithic sites, and the results have contributed significantly to our understanding of the chronostratigraphy of the Nihewan Basin. However, the information about the local regional environments in the Nihewan Basin is limited. In this study, 456 oriented samples were collected from the fluvio-lacustrine sequences of Xiashagou section (thickness 260 m) for detailed rock magnetic and magnetic fabric studies. We try to rebuild the environmental evolution process of Xiashagou area and then discuss the evolution of the paleolake, and provide some new instructions for the environmental changes in Nihewan Basin. We selected 12 typical samples to measure hysteresis loops,isothermal remanence magnetization acquisition and its back-field demagnetization characteristics. The results show that the magnetic minerals in the fluvio-lacustrine sequences are mainly Pseudo-Single Domain (PSD) magnetite particles and a small amount of hematite. The results of magnetic fabric are typical for a primary sedimentary magnetic fabric, which show that the original sedimentary fabric has been preserved in the Xiashagou deposits.

The magnetic foliation (F) of sediments was found to be larger than the magnetic lineation (L).  F and anisotropy degree (Pj) and the flow velocity function (Fs) in the magnetic fabric parameters are more obviously sensitive to environmental changes. There is no long-term stable flow direction in Xiashagou area. According to magnetostratigraphic age framework of fluvio-lacustrine sequences in the Xiashagou section and the top age of fluviol-acustrine sediments in the Haojiatai section, the age of the magnetic fabric parameters and magnetic susceptibility change curves in the Xiashagou section is from 2.7 Ma to 0.3 Ma. The analysis of the lithology and the periodic changes of the parameters of the Xiashagou section showed that the environment of the lake has undergone several significant changes during the period of 2.7~0.3 Ma,which occurred at 2.4 Ma,1.9 Ma,1.3 Ma and 0.9 Ma. So the environmental evolutions of the Nihewan paleolake are divided into five stages.

How to cite: Liu, P., Li, J., and Gao, X.: Charcteristics analysis of magnetic fabric in Xiashagou section and the environmental changes of the Nihewan Lake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16484,, 2025.

EGU25-17203 | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

The Journey of Pumice: Rock Magnetic and Geochemical Insights from Coastal Stranding Samples 

Julie Carlut, Aude Isambert, Geoffrey Garcia da Fonseca, Claire Carvallo, Fréderic Fluteau, Pascale Besson, and Yann Libier

We investigated the rock magnetic and geochemical properties of a collection of pumice samples gathered from the shores of Japan and France. These pumices exhibit a vitreous matrix with a foam-like texture, resulting in low density that allows them to float and drift far from their point of origin to distant coastlines.

A range of analytical techniques was employed, including major and trace element geochemical analyses, SEM and FEG-SEM imaging, EDS-X analyses, and rock magnetic experiments such as thermomagnetic analyses, hysteresis loops, coercivity measurements, and FORC diagrams. The collected pumices display contrasting geochemical signatures and magnetic properties.

The origin of the Japanese pumices was unambiguously traced to the 2021 Fukutoku-Okanoba (FOB) eruption. In contrast, the origin of the pumices found along the French coastline remained uncertain prior to this study. Their geochemical and magnetic properties place most of them slightly outside the range of natural volcanic pumices. We therefore favor an anthropogenic origin.

The concentrations of elements such as arsenic, mercury, and nickel were analyzed to assess potential biohazard risks associated with these pumices. While some metal levels, such as barium and nickel, were found to exceed European hazardous limits, they remain at trace levels. To further explore possible sources, we used oceanic current modeling, which helped us narrow down likely points of origin for these anthropogenic pumices. This finding raises questions about the drift of floating materials across oceans and their impact on coastal environments.



How to cite: Carlut, J., Isambert, A., Garcia da Fonseca, G., Carvallo, C., Fluteau, F., Besson, P., and Libier, Y.: The Journey of Pumice: Rock Magnetic and Geochemical Insights from Coastal Stranding Samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17203,, 2025.

EGU25-17536 | Orals | EMRP3.4

The Potential of the Quantum Diamond Microscope and Micromagnetic Tomography for Paleomagnetic Measurements 

Lennart de Groot, Frenk Out, Rosa de Boer, Martha Kosters, Ge Bian, David Cortés-Ortuño, and Karl Fabian

The Quantum Diamond Microscope holds the potential to revolutionize our field of research. It enables measurements on micrometer scale, going beyond the measurements on bulk rocks that we as a field of research have been using so far. An inherent limitation of QDM observations, however, is that it measures magnetic flux in one direction, usually perpendicular to the surface of a sample. A QDM image is therefore a set of one-dimensional measurements, characterizing the magnetic flux in a plane very close to a polished surface of a sample. Following the potential theory of Kellogg, this geometry precludes making reliable three-dimensional interpretations of these magnetic measurements unless additional information is added.

The required additional constraints can be in the form of imposed boundary conditions, or additional data. If the magnetic sources are assumed to be well separated and of dipolar nature, it is possible to determine the magnetic moment and location of the magnetic sources. This works well in samples with a very low concentration of very small magnetic particles that behave single-domain-like, such as speleothems. In the vast majority of geological materials, however, the sources are not sufficiently well isolated, and complex magnetic anomalies as measured from especially the larger particles are expressions of multidomain states in the grains. Such samples require additional data to reliably determine the magnetic moments of the magnetic grains in them.

Micromagnetic Tomography combines QDM data with information on the location of the magnetic sources in the sample material that is obtained by NanoCT scans. NanoCT measurements can identify iron-oxide bearing grains by their attenuation contrast that is much higher than the other minerals present in geological materials. Currently it is possible to routinely acquire NanoCT scans with a resolution down to 350 nm, enabling the identification of potentially magnetic grains well into the range of vortex domain states.

In this contribution we will present the potential and pitfalls of the interpretation of QDM data, the current state-of-the-art of Micromagnetic Tomography, and their practical applications for paleomagnetic studies on various types of geological samples.

How to cite: de Groot, L., Out, F., de Boer, R., Kosters, M., Bian, G., Cortés-Ortuño, D., and Fabian, K.: The Potential of the Quantum Diamond Microscope and Micromagnetic Tomography for Paleomagnetic Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17536,, 2025.

EGU25-17992 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

Magnetic Behavior of Single Magnetite Grains: Insights from Micromagnetics and Micromagnetometry 

Ge Bian, Wyn Williams, Rosa de Boer, Karl Fabian, and Lennart de Groot

Paleomagnetic signals from bulk rock samples are often affected by the magnetic properties of individual minerals and the limitations of laboratory methods. Focusing on understanding single magnetic grains enhances the reliability of these signals and refines their interpretation. Advances in micromagnetometry have significantly improved magnetic field imaging capabilities, enabling detailed analyses at the grain level. In this study, quantum scanning microscopy (QDM) and magnetic force microscopy (MFM) were employed to measure magnetic stray fields and domain states of a ~4.5 µm3 large single magnetite grain. Micromagnetic simulations using MERRILL (Conbhuí et al. 2018) were conducted to investigate the grain’s magnetic configurations under varying external fields. The aim was to understand the grain's magnetic behavior in response to these fields and to establish correlations between experimental observations and simulation results.

Four hundred simulations revealed that the magnetite grain, due to its size, symmetry and crystallographic orientation, developed multi-vortex structures with magnetization concentrated near its boundaries. The vortex cores exhibited intricate configurations and were not aligned with specific crystallographic axes. Mean magnetization varied by approximately 38% after exposing to the external field ranged from 100 to 150 mT. The average dipole moment orientations shifted by up to 40° across this field range. After exposure to an external field of 700 mT, the dipole moment orientations became highly stable.

Surface scans showed the evolution of magnetic domains under different external field strengths, particularly at scan heights below 400 nm. At 300 nm, the stray field intensity reached 5 mT, with Bz extremes localized at the grain corners. At scan heights exceeding 500 nm, the stray field patterns transitioned into dipole configurations, obscuring domain-level details. Despite variations in domain structures, dipoles exhibited consistent shapes at higher scan heights. These findings highlight the magnetite grain's response to external fields, with simulations providing valuable insights into its magnetic domain state developments. Systematic analyses with experiements and simulations will enable the differentiation of magnetically stable and unstable grains based on their shape, size, and composition, improving the assessment of magnetic grains as reliable paleomagnetic recorders.

Reference: Ó Conbhuí et al. (2018). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 1080–1106.

How to cite: Bian, G., Williams, W., de Boer, R., Fabian, K., and de Groot, L.: Magnetic Behavior of Single Magnetite Grains: Insights from Micromagnetics and Micromagnetometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17992,, 2025.

EGU25-18109 | Orals | EMRP3.4

Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study of baked clays by spontaneous combustion 

Juan José Villalaín, Antonio M. Casas-Sainz, Mario Sánchez-Gómez, Pablo Calvín, Laura Yenes, Marcos Marcén, and Luis Alfonso Pérez-Valera

Under certain conditions, buried rocks rich in organic matter can undergo spontaneous combustion if their temperature is raised to a certain ignition threshold and oxygen is supplied. Although spontaneous combustion is not very common, it has been described by several authors (Alastuey et al., 1993; Svensen et al., 2003; Abad et al., 2019). In the geological record, these phenomena can be observed due to the pyrometamorphic processes they generate, characterised by very high temperature and low pressure. When the altered rocks are clays, the result are natural clinkers. In this work we carry out a palaeomagnetic and rock magnetism study of these very rare materials. Specifically, we study stratiform bodies of baked clays by spontaneous combustion from 1) the Lower Cretaceous Escucha Formation near Utrillas (Iberian Ranges) and 2) lake sediments from the upper Miocene Molinicos Basin (Betic Cordillera).

Rock magnetism analysis indicates that natural baked clays are characterised by the presence of a very rare mineral phase of high coercivity, low unlocking temperature and thermal stability so-called HCSLT. This phase has only been described in controlled laboratory conditions (Petersen et al., 1987) and in some well-heated archaeological materials (McIntosh 2007). Recently, it has been shown that HCSLT is carried by ε-Fe2O3, a rare metastable polymorph of Fe2O3 with ferrimagnetic behaviour at room temperature (López-Sánchez et al., 2019; Dejoie et al., 2014). In the samples analysed, this phase coexists with magnetite, hematite or maghemite. The palaeomagnetic study indicates that the NRM is carried by the HCSLT phase with the same palaeomagnetic direction as the other high-temperature magnetic phases. The analysis of the directions of the characteristic component provides information about the timing of the spontaneous combustion that generated the carrier minerals and their magnetization.


Abad, I., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Reolid, M., Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.L. (2019). Minerals, 2019, 9(12), 748

Alastuey, A., Bastida, J., Fernández-Turiel, J.L., Querol, X., Signes, M. (1993). Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 17, 171–184.

Dejoie, C., P. Sciau, W. Li, L. Noé, A. Mehta, K. Chen, H. Luo, M. Kunz, N. Tamura, and Z. Liu (2014).  Sci. Rep., 4, 4941

López-Sánchez, J., McIntosh, G., Osete, M.L., del Campo, A., Villalaín, J.J., Pérez, L., Kovacheva, M., Rodríguez de la Fuente, O. (2017). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (7), pp. 2646-2656.

McIntosh, G., M. Kovacheva, G. Catanzariti, M. L. Osete, and L. Casas (2007). Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L21302.

Petersen, N., N. Schembera, E. Schmidbauer, and H. Vali (1987). Phys. Chem. Miner., 14, 118–121.

Svensen, H.; Dysthe, D.G.; Bandlien, E.H.; Sacko, S.; Coulibaly, H.; Planke, S. (2003). Geology, 31, 581–584.Díaz García, F. (1993). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 6, 105-114.

How to cite: Villalaín, J. J., Casas-Sainz, A. M., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Calvín, P., Yenes, L., Marcén, M., and Pérez-Valera, L. A.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study of baked clays by spontaneous combustion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18109,, 2025.

EGU25-18301 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

New insights into the origin of magnetic inclination shallowing in stalagmites 

Elisa María Sánchez-Moreno, Eric Font, Pablo Calvín, Stéphane Faucher, Pascale Sénéchal, and Luca A. Dimuccio

Speleothems can provide high-resolution records to reconstruct the ancient Earth's magnetic field. However, little is known about the influence of speleothem morphologies on the natural remanent magnetisation record. A previous study by Ponte et al. (2017) showed that the magnetic inclination recorded in stalagmites decreases according to the slope of the calcite laminae. Magnetic inclination is 5º lower at the bottom of the stalagmite than at the top. The authors suggest that magnetic particles are re-orientated due to particle rolling during the deposition onto the flank of the stalagmite, resulting in magnetic inclination shallowing. In this scenario, magnetic inclinations are expected to be deeper on the other flank of the stalagmite. Still only half of the stalagmite was available for the study of Ponte et al. (2017). Here, we present new data on a cone-shaped stalagmite from Central Portugal, labelled LM1. We use alternating field demagnetisation, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetisation (AARM), and X-ray microtomography to investigate the orientation of the calcite and magnetic fabrics along the flanks of three detrital-rich calcite layers and their relationship with paleomagnetic directions. We show that magnetic inclination varies up to more than 10° depending on the slope of the calcite laminae. In contrast, magnetic declination is almost constant, corroborating previous results by Ponte et al. (2017). Orientation of the k1 of the calcite fabric determined by AMS shows a striking correlation with the k1 of the magnetic fabric obtained by AARM, suggesting that the orientation of the magnetic particles is mainly controlled by the growth direction of the calcite crystals, which is perpendicular to the surface of the stalagmite. However, magnetic inclinations are not symmetrical between both flanks, suggesting that the particle rolling hypothesis is invalid in this case. In addition, the fact that the maximum variations of the remanent magnetic inclination do not exceed 10º indicates that not all the magnetic carriers are reoriented according to the calcite fabric and that the mechanisms responsible for the acquisition of the detrital remanent magnetisation are more complex than previously thought.     


Acknowledgments: PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021 Foundation of Sciences and Technology (Portugal) and BU037P23 Junta de Castilla y León (Spain). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005611 for Transnational Access conducted at DMEX-UPPA-FRANCE.

How to cite: Sánchez-Moreno, E. M., Font, E., Calvín, P., Faucher, S., Sénéchal, P., and Dimuccio, L. A.: New insights into the origin of magnetic inclination shallowing in stalagmites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18301,, 2025.

EGU25-18553 | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Magnetite: Trends With Particle Size and Shape 

Greig Paterson, Roberto Moreno, Adrian Muxworthy, Les Nagy, Wyn Williams, and Lisa Tauxe

Magnetic hysteresis measurements are widely used in Earth and planetary sciences with the aim of identifying geologically meaningful magnetic recorders, and to study variations in present and past environments. The interpretation of hysteresis data in terms of domain state and paleomagnetic stability are major motivations behind undertaking these measurements, but are fraught with challenges and ambiguities. We have undertaken a systematic micromagnetic study to quantify the magnetic hysteresis behavior of room-temperature magnetite as a function of particle size (45–195 nm; equivalent spherical volume diameter) and shape (oblate, prolate and equant); our models span uniformly magnetized single domain (SD) to non-uniformly magnetized single vortex (SV) states. Within our models the reduced magnetization associated with SV particles marks a clear boundary between SD (≥0.5) and SV (<0.5) magnetite. We further identify particle sizes and shapes with unexpectedly low coercivity and coercivity of remanence. These low coercivity regions correspond to magnetite particles that typically have multiple possible magnetic domain state configurations, which have been previously linked to a zone of unstable magnetic recorders. Of all the hysteresis parameters investigated, transient hysteresis is most sensitive to particles that exhibit such domain state multiplicity. When experimental transient hysteresis is compared to paleointensity behavior, we show that increasing transience corresponds to more curved Arai plots and less accurate paleointensity results. We therefore strongly suggest that transient behavior should be more routinely measured during rock magnetic investigations.

How to cite: Paterson, G., Moreno, R., Muxworthy, A., Nagy, L., Williams, W., and Tauxe, L.: Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Magnetite: Trends With Particle Size and Shape, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18553,, 2025.

EGU25-19138 | ECS | Orals | EMRP3.4

Compositional insights into exsolved mineral phases: Atom Probe Tomography at the exsolution boundary. 

Hristo Gergov, Adrian Muxworthy, Richard J. Harrison, and Wyn Williams

Understanding the nanoscale composition and exsolution behaviour of iron oxides is crucial for interpreting paleomagnetic signals and the thermochemical history of volcanic rocks. This study employs Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to investigate the nanoscale features of exsolved iron oxides within a volcanic basalt sample.

We investigate an intergrowth of ilmenite, titanohematite, and rutile, using 3D chemical mapping to precisely determine exsolution boundaries and quantify compositional transitions between the minerals with atomic-scale precision. TEM analyses complement these findings, offering structural and morphological context to the chemical variations. Preliminary results reveal distinct exsolution zones characterized by well-defined compositional gradients and interfacial features. These findings offer novel perspectives on the nanoscale architecture of exsolved iron oxides, providing a foundation for more accurate interpretations of paleomagnetic data.

While this study currently focuses on ilmenite-titanohematite-rutile systems, ongoing research will incorporate data from a magnetite-ilmenite assemblage, expanding our understanding of the broader mineralogical and magnetic structure of the sample. This research will be particularly valuable for researchers who may not be extensively familiar with the capabilities of APT in resolving nanoscale compositions and mineral phase relationships within geological samples.

How to cite: Gergov, H., Muxworthy, A., J. Harrison, R., and Williams, W.: Compositional insights into exsolved mineral phases: Atom Probe Tomography at the exsolution boundary., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19138,, 2025.

The behaviour of the geomagnetic field through time provides insight into the formation and evolution of Earth’s interior. However, for certain geological periods the Earth’s magnetic field behaviour is poorly understood. For instance, the Devonian period remains enigmatic as palaeomagnetic records of this time are ambiguous. Devonian bulk rock samples often yield scattered magnetic directions, even when ideal magnetic carriers are present. This may be explained by partial remagnetisation or by complex, non-dipolar magnetic field behaviour.

We conducted a palaeomagnetic study on Middle Devonian pillow basalts from the Rhenish Massif, Germany and encountered inconclusive bulk magnetic behaviour. Directions obtained through alternating field (AF) demagnetisation are scattered and do not cluster around a common mean. While some of these results can be attributed to partial overprints, not all findings can be explained with this mechanism. To investigate this further, we analysed the individual magnetic grain behaviour in the samples using Micromagnetic Tomography (de Groot et al., 2018; 2021).

With MMT, we measured the natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) of the samples, and we conducted an AF demagnetisation sequence. With this, we studied the individual grains in the samples across five demagnetisation states. This approach aimed to identify the magnetically stable grains in the samples that are capable of preserving interpretable geomagnetic signals.

Our findings may improve the understanding of Middle Devonian geomagnetic field behaviour and enable the use of previously uninterpretable samples in reconstructing long-term geomagnetic field behaviour.

How to cite: de Boer, R. and de Groot, L.: Deciphering Middle Devonian geomagnetic field behaviour through analysis of individual remanence carriers., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19482,, 2025.

EGU25-20296 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

Origin of hematite in a stalagmite from the Cerâmica Cave, Central Portugal 

Ana Raquel Brás, Eric Font, Joshua Feinberg, Rafael Dinis, Ana Sofia Reboleira, and Thierry Adatte

Magnetic particles trapped into speleothems usually originate from the soils capping the cave and are transported into the cave by dripwaters. However, authigenic magnetic particles may also precipitate under conditions likely to prevail during speleothem growth. Here we investigate the magnetic mineralogy of a stalagmite from the Cerâmica Cave, Central Portugal, characterized by brown to red calcite laminations. We also analyzed the host carbonate, the cave sediments, and the soils capping the cave. We measured concentration- and grain size-dependent magnetic proxies, including natural remanent magnetization, anhysteretic remanent magnetization, isothermal remanent magnetization, mass-specific magnetic susceptibility, FORC, and hysteresis curves.  Results show that magnetic and hematite are the main magnetic carriers in all samples. A gradual enrichment of hematite relative to magnetite is observed following the transportation path from the soils to the cave sediments up to the stalagmite. The higher contribution of hematite relative to magnetite in the speleothem may reflect the precipitation of authentic hematite during speleothem growth or the selective transport of finer particles from the soil to the cave. 


This project is funded by Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 (, LA/P/0068/2020 (, and PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021, and is part of the Ph.D. of Ana Raquel Bras (2024.03482.BD).

How to cite: Brás, A. R., Font, E., Feinberg, J., Dinis, R., Reboleira, A. S., and Adatte, T.: Origin of hematite in a stalagmite from the Cerâmica Cave, Central Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20296,, 2025.

EGU25-21031 | Posters on site | EMRP3.4

Rock magnetic proxies to infer terrigenous provenance variation on Björn Drift IODP Site U1554, preliminary results. 

Anita Di Chiara, Deepa Dweyer, Sara Friedman, Sara Satolli, Raquel Bonilla-Alba, Sidney R Hemming, Troy Rasbury, Boris Th Karatsolis, Matthias Sinnesael, Ross Parnell-Turner, Anne Briais, Leah Levay, and Expedition 395Scientists

Reconstructing the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation and strength over time is fundamental to understanding North Atlantic and global ocean circulation and climate evolution. A multi-proxy approach on sedimentary core records can provide the temporal resolution needed to investigate NADW history for the last 12 Ma (from Upper Miocene to Pleistocene).

Here, we focus on the Björn Drift, located in the eastern flank of the Reykjanes Ridge, where the accumulation rate and provenance of sediment in the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW) path are sensitive to variations in the strength of NADW production as well as sediment production processes. IODP expeditions 384, 395C, and 395 drilled site U1554 (holes A-H) on the Björn Drift (60°7.5'N, 26°42.1'W, 1870 mbsl). A preliminary biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic age model defines the age of the basement-sediment interface at approx. 12 Ma and a maximum ≥10 cm/kyr accumulation rate. Preliminary rock magnetic analyses on selected discrete samples consist of bulk magnetic susceptibility, Anysteretic remanent Magnetization (ARM), and Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM). These are compared with Nd-Sr isotopes (measured on the same samples) and used as proxies to examine sediment provenance in the Björn Drift. The aim is to determine changes to the endmember components before and after drift development. Correlations of these components with previous studies targeting IODP and ODP cores from the North Atlantic suggest that terrigenous sediment has a dominance of Icelandic source contribution in interglacial intervals and a dominance of European continental source contribution during glacial intervals.

How to cite: Di Chiara, A., Dweyer, D., Friedman, S., Satolli, S., Bonilla-Alba, R., Hemming, S. R., Rasbury, T., Karatsolis, B. T., Sinnesael, M., Parnell-Turner, R., Briais, A., Levay, L., and 395Scientists, E.: Rock magnetic proxies to infer terrigenous provenance variation on Björn Drift IODP Site U1554, preliminary results., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21031,, 2025.

EGU25-1197 | PICO | CR6.2

Airborne radar polarimetry over the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream 

Olaf Eisen, Daniela Jansen, Steven Franke, Veit Helm, Ole Zeising, Charlotte Carter, Tamara Gerber, Niels Nymand, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, John Paden, and Daniel Steinhage

Ice streams are important export routes for ice from the interior of ice sheets to the ocean and a key component for projecting future sea level rise under continued climate heating. Over the last years, evidence emerged that the distribution of ice crystals in and near ice streams is highly anisotropic and strongly influences the viscosity of the ice. To map this crystal orientation fabric (COF) in space, radio-echo sounding has been proven as the most effective way. Several methods to deduce COF were applied to co-polarized airborne and ground-based radar data (i.e. all antennas have the same polarization direction) and tied to ice cores, with extensive coverage available around the EastGRIP ice core to analyse the COF within the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). We extended this application to a new setup of cross-polarimetric surveys with AWI's ultrawideband airborne radar system and performed several surveys over NEGIS in 2022. 
Our presentation focuses on the results of this survey obtained from established methods to obtain the COF and compares them to ground-based results, such as from phase-sensitive radio-echo sounding (pRES) and a ground-based polarimetric radar system. We discuss the advantages of operating airborne radar systems in a cross-polarized mode in contrast to only co-polarized configurations to provide insights into fabric distribution on larger spatial scales as well as the disadvantages from a lower signal-to-noise ratio for imaging the bed as well as sounding internal layers.

How to cite: Eisen, O., Jansen, D., Franke, S., Helm, V., Zeising, O., Carter, C., Gerber, T., Nymand, N., Dahl-Jensen, D., Paden, J., and Steinhage, D.: Airborne radar polarimetry over the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1197,, 2025.

EGU25-1493 | PICO | CR6.2

Surface melt driven changes to ice properties for a marine-based ice shelf and the influence on fracture propagation: Insights from a core on the Brunt Ice Shelf 

Emma Pearce, Oliver Marsh, Liz Thomas, Alex Brisbourne, Tom Mitchell, Jack Humby, Dieter Tetzner, Manon Jones, Mishka Rawatlal, Shaun Miller, and Amy King

Fracture-induced ice shelf instability is a critical contributor to uncertainties in sea level projections, which are central to global flood mitigation planning. While the occurrence of ice fracturing at critical stress thresholds is well-documented, the mechanisms governing fracture timing, rate, and orientation remain poorly understood, particularly across ice shelves with varying ice properties and provenance. Observations on the Brunt Ice Shelf reveal unique fracture behaviours, where rifts deviate from their stress-predicted pathways to avoid blocks of meteoric ice, and preferentially fracture through thinner marine ice. The speed of propagation is also influenced by these differences in ice type.   

To improve our understanding of these fracture dynamics, a 37 m firn core through thin, marine-based ice was collected in 2024 on the Brunt Ice Shelf. This core provides a high-resolution record of precipitation and climate changes over the past 40 years, with saline layers at the base. Biogenic species within the core trace variations in summer sea ice extent and proximity to open water, including the A-81 calving in 2023, while an increasing prevalence of melt layers highlights a rise in surface melt. By integrating fracture toughness measurements from layers with varying melt and accumulation conditions, we demonstrate how climatic and environmental shifts could influence ice shelf susceptibility to fracture propagation.

How to cite: Pearce, E., Marsh, O., Thomas, L., Brisbourne, A., Mitchell, T., Humby, J., Tetzner, D., Jones, M., Rawatlal, M., Miller, S., and King, A.: Surface melt driven changes to ice properties for a marine-based ice shelf and the influence on fracture propagation: Insights from a core on the Brunt Ice Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1493,, 2025.

EGU25-5893 | PICO | CR6.2

Cosmic rays detector for the measurement of snowpack by both neutrons and muons absorption 

Enrico Gazzola, Mauro Valt, Stefano Gianessi, Barbara Biasuzzi, and Luca Stevanato

The amount of water stored in mountain snowpack as Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) is notably difficult to measure due to the complexity of the snowpack and the remoteness of the areas of interest. Well-established methods include in-situ coring campaigns performed by specialized personnel, estimations by computational models usually relying on meteorological observations, and remote sensing by satellites. Each method has its own limitations, leaving a gap in temporal and spatial resolution that highlights the importance of deploying proximal sensors providing continuous SWE measurements in remote areas.

Recently, probes based on the detection of cosmic rays have emerged as a suitable candidate, with the development of devices based on either the absorption of neutrons or muons by the snowpack. The detector manufactured by Finapp is characterized by the patented feature of being able to contextually detect and discriminate both neutrons and muons with the same device.

The setup for SWE measurements is composed by a Finapp probe on the ground and a reference detector on a mast, out of the snowpack, to monitor the incoming cosmic rays flux. A network of 25 such systems has been deployed on the Italian mountains of the Veneto region, spanning elevations between 1400 and 2600 m asl, integrating them to pre-existent meteo-nivological stations managed by the Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Veneto (ARPAV).

SWE can be calculated basing on the drop of either neutron counts or muons counts by the ground detector. In this presentation we will compare the two methods, with a special attention to their notably different footprint, and the advantages of their simultaneous availability will be highlighted. The SWE trends will be also compared to field campaigns, historical trends and computational models.

How to cite: Gazzola, E., Valt, M., Gianessi, S., Biasuzzi, B., and Stevanato, L.: Cosmic rays detector for the measurement of snowpack by both neutrons and muons absorption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5893,, 2025.

EGU25-6793 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Testing time-lapse gravimetry on Murtèl rock glacier (Swiss Alps) to quantify subsurface water/ice storage changes 

Dominik Amschwand, Landon Halloran, Daniel Vonder Mühll, Martin Hoelzle, and Jan Beutel

Seasonal storage of liquid and frozen water in high-mountain catchments will play an increasingly important role as a hydrological buffer in rapidly deglaciating mountains, sustaining streamflow during late-summer dry phases after completion of the snowmelt. Depending on the local topo-climatic conditions, these catchments are (partly) underlain by permafrost. However, below-ground water/ice storage processes, their dynamics, and water pathways are currently poorly characterized. This holds particularly in high-mountain catchments where field data with sufficient resolution to capture the spatial variability are sparse. Among geophysical techniques, time-lapse gravimetry stands out as a method that is directly sensitive to the target quantity, mass (density) distribution changes, at an appropriate spatial scale. Time-lapse gravimetric surveys have successfully quantified groundwater storage changes in high-mountain catchments (Halloran, 2025), but have never been deployed on mountain permafrost, notably rock glaciers.
33 years after pioneering gravimetric investigation on Murtèl rock glacier (Vonder Mühll & Klingelé, 1994), we return to the site with a state-of-the-art relative spring gravimeter (Scintrex CG-6 Autograv) able to resolve water/ice storage changes at the few μGal range (corresponding to <10 cm water equivalent). First, we present results from repeat gravimetric surveys, complemented by drone-based photogrammetry, that we carried out in early and late Summer 2024. We observed significant, spatially variable gravity changes attributable to the seasonal ice loss in the coarse blocky active layer. Second, we compare our data with the 1991 measurements (Vonder Mühll & Klingélé, 1994). Finally, we discuss the strengths and limitations of time-lapse gravimetry in complex mountain permafrost terrain, including challenges related to the decomposition of the temporal gravity signal to different water and rock mass distribution changes.

Vonder Mühll, D. S., and Klingelé, E. E.: Gravimetrical investigation of ice-rich permafrost within the rock glacier Murtèl-Corvatsch (upper Engadin, Swiss Alps). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 5(1), 13–24. doi:10.1002/ppp.3430050103, 1994.
Halloran, L.J.S., Mohammadi, N., Amschwand, D., Carron, A., Gutierrez, F., Baia Sampaio, J., and Arnoux M.: Hydro-gravimetry as a monitoring solution for water and ice storage changes in dynamic alpine environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 April–2 May 2025, EGU25-3101, 2025.

How to cite: Amschwand, D., Halloran, L., Vonder Mühll, D., Hoelzle, M., and Beutel, J.: Testing time-lapse gravimetry on Murtèl rock glacier (Swiss Alps) to quantify subsurface water/ice storage changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6793,, 2025.

EGU25-6801 | PICO | CR6.2

Effect of surface cracking propagation on induced polarization of clay under freeze-thaw cycling and desiccation processes 

Haoliang Luo, Anne Jost, Julien Thiesson, Aida Mendieta, Emmanuel Léger, and Damien Jougnot

Freeze-thaw cycles and desiccation significantly influence soil surface cracking and shrinkage, reshaping pore structures and altering hydraulic properties. Despite their importance, studies using geophysical methods to evaluate how soil crack patterns and shrinkage respond to climate change remain limited. In this study, we utilized induced polarization (IP), a sensitive and non-intrusive geophysical technique, to investigate the relationship between soil surface crack patterns and complex conductivity during freeze-thaw-desiccation and desiccation-only processes. Laboratory experiments revealed that the desiccation-only sample exhibited a distinct surface texture and different types of crack intersections compared to the freeze-thaw-desiccation sample. While Y-junction-dominated crack patterns form on the sample surface during the freeze-thaw-desiccation process, the desiccation-only sample predominantly displayed more T-junctions at the crack intersections. SIP measurements revealed a sharp decline in both in-phase and quadrature conductivities below the freezing/thawing point, with high-frequency ice polarization signals emerging. During desiccation, these components exhibited an exponential decline with a consistent decay time (τ = 358 mins). Furthermore, a clear linear relationship was observed between both conductivities and surface crack ratio, as well as gravimetric water content. These findings highlight the potential of IP for monitoring crack propagation and subsurface water dynamics in clayey soils, offering a promising tool for field applications like time-lapse tomography on clayey slopes to assess water transport and structural stability.

How to cite: Luo, H., Jost, A., Thiesson, J., Mendieta, A., Léger, E., and Jougnot, D.: Effect of surface cracking propagation on induced polarization of clay under freeze-thaw cycling and desiccation processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6801,, 2025.

EGU25-8018 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Helicopter-borne GPR provides insights on the 2024 La Bérarde flood  

Ilaria Santin, Christophe Ogier, Raphael Moser, Huw Joseph Horgan, Antoine Blanc, and Daniel Farinotti

On 21 June 2024, the mountain settlement of La Bérarde (French Alps) was severely damaged by a flood and debris flow. Preliminary investigations conducted by the local French authorities indicate that flooding was caused by a compound event combining (i) exceptional precipitation amounts, (ii) high snowmelt rates, and (iii) a supraglacial lake outburst flood from the nearby Glacier de la Bonne Pierre. Water balance consideration, however, indicated that additional water might have come from a subsurface reservoir, possibly located within Glacier de la Bonne Pierre. To better asses this possibility, we surveyed the glacier with a dedicated Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) campaign in November 2024. The survey used the Airborne Ice Radar of ETH Zürich (AIRETH), a dual-polarization, helicopter-borne GPR system that has been successfully applied in previous glaciological studies.

The resulting 20 km of high-quality GPR data allowed detailed imaging of the glacier’s internal structure and bedrock. We focus on the possibility for large water accumulation within the glacier, or at the ice-bedrock interface, that could have been the origin reservoir contributing to the total flood volume. Along the glacier tongue, we detected a widely distributed, high scattering zone, indicative of temperate ice containing small water inclusions. Additional evidence of a subglacial drainage network was observed, supported by both peculiar GPR features and the presence of a river outcrop at the glacier tongue, as well as possible cavities within the ice. We applied the VAW-ETHZ package WhereTheWaterFlows.jl, which determine subglacial water flow paths, to further investigate the subglacial drainage of the glacier and validate the GPR interpretation. The outcomes of this study demonstrate the value of combining advanced geophysical techniques with modelling approaches to deepen the understanding of glacier-related hazards.

How to cite: Santin, I., Ogier, C., Moser, R., Horgan, H. J., Blanc, A., and Farinotti, D.: Helicopter-borne GPR provides insights on the 2024 La Bérarde flood , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8018,, 2025.

EGU25-8650 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Seismic monitoring of grounding line processes at Totten Glacier, East Antarctica 

Jared Magyar, Anya Reading, Ross Turner, Sue Cook, Paul Winberry, Tobias Stål, Felicity McCormack, Ian Kelly, Benjamin Galton-Fenzi, Madelaine Rosevear, Thomas Hudson, and Jason Roberts

The Aurora Subglacial Basin (ASB), East Antarctica, contains approximately 3.5m global sea-level equivalent of marine-based ice, which primarily drains through Totten Glacier. The dynamics of Totten Glacier are therefore a major influence on mass balance for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). The grounding line geometry is complex, and has undergone rapid migration over the past decades, with upstream regions of retrograde bed slope potentially leaving the glacier vulnerable to the marine ice sheet instability if the grounding line were to retreat beyond the Vanderford Trench. Enhanced monitoring capability for Totten Glacier, particularly in this grounding line region, is therefore of pivotal importance for assessing the future stability of the EAIS. 

Passive seismology offers a method for detecting and analysing transient or hidden glaciological processes such as stick-slip basal motion, iceberg calving, ice fracture, and subglacial hydrology. In this work, we present results from a seismic network deployed near the grounding line of Totten Glacier during the austral summer of 2018-19. Thousands of seismic events are coherently detected and catalogued across the network. We use template matching methods to compile a database of the repeating event waveforms and analyse their timing, magnitudes and inter-event durations. Such multiplet events are of particular note in this study, where the near identical waveforms are best explained by a repeating source mechanism. This is interpreted as being due to repeated slip of the glacier at asperities at the glacier bed near the grounding line. The seismic waveforms are used to investigate the underlying physics of the repeating events, comparing the underlying slipping processes active in the grounding zone to tectonic analogues. Analysis of these repeating events has the potential to elucidate the basal sliding processes key to the dynamics of this large outlet glacier. 

How to cite: Magyar, J., Reading, A., Turner, R., Cook, S., Winberry, P., Stål, T., McCormack, F., Kelly, I., Galton-Fenzi, B., Rosevear, M., Hudson, T., and Roberts, J.: Seismic monitoring of grounding line processes at Totten Glacier, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8650,, 2025.

EGU25-10878 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Radar and seismic investigations of an active glacier hydrological system in West Greenland 

Jonathan Hawkins, SIobhan Killingbeck, Matthew Peacey, Samuel Doyle, Lisa Craw, Sian Thorpe, Remy Veness, Andrew Sole, Stephen Livingstone, Neil Ross, Adam Booth, Elizabeth Bagshaw, Michael Prior-Jones, Sammie Buzzard, Laura Edwards, and Rob Storrar and the SLIDE team

A hydrologically-active subglacial lake system has been identified near the south lateral margin of Isunnguata Sermia, West Greenland. Differencing time-stamped ArcticDEM strips has revealed multiple anomalies in ice-surface elevation change. A large hydrological drainage event from Isunnguata Sermia in 2015 slowed ice flow for ~1 month and flooded the foreland, depositing up to 8 meters of sediment. Although the proglacial flooding provided evidence that the ice-surface elevation anomalies were likely caused by subglacial water bodies, satellite altimetry cannot provide direct insights into their thickness, structure and properties. Therefore, field-based geophysical measurements, including ground-based radar and active source seismics, were collected during summer 2023 and autumn 2024 to characterise the subglacial hydrological system. 

Radar data were collected in October 2024 using a 10 MHz Blue Systems Integration ice-penetrating radar (IPR) to determine ice thickness and constrain a subglacial hydrological model. 26 km of radar data were collected over two of the ice-surface elevation anomalies. The radar data cross existing airborne IPR transects and point measurements from a phase-sensitive radar (pRES). Active source seismic surveys were performed at three locations over the largest ice-surface elevation anomaly: 1) anomaly centre, 2) anomaly southern edge, and 3) between the anomaly centre and southern edge, where bright basal reflections had been identified from radar observations. Seismic data were acquired with a hammer and plate source and 48 100 Hz vertical component geophones in a 94 m-long spread at a geophone spacing of 2 m. 

Our radar results show that the ice-surface elevation anomalies overlie complex subglacial topography on the southern sidewall of the large over-deepened trough beneath the Isunnguata Sermia trunk. Across the largest surface anomaly, ice thickness varies between 380 m to 600 m. The seismic data shows a negative polarity at the ice-bed interface, coincident with a subglacial topographic low. This indicates an acoustically soft basal material, which could represent water or water-saturated sediment. Scattering and diffraction hyperbola in the radar data arise from a complex englacial structure, which have implications for attenuation of radio and sound energy. 

These observations provide new insights into the glaciology and hydrology of an important West Greenlandic outlet glacier and highlight the complexities associated with active glacier hydrological systems and their geophysical characterisation.

How to cite: Hawkins, J., Killingbeck, S., Peacey, M., Doyle, S., Craw, L., Thorpe, S., Veness, R., Sole, A., Livingstone, S., Ross, N., Booth, A., Bagshaw, E., Prior-Jones, M., Buzzard, S., Edwards, L., and Storrar, R. and the SLIDE team: Radar and seismic investigations of an active glacier hydrological system in West Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10878,, 2025.

EGU25-10927 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Identification of spatial variations in subglacial sediment discharge and basal slip from ground penetrating radar  

Rebecca Schlegel, Lucas K. Zoet, Adam D. Booth, Andrew M. Smith, Roger A. Clark, and Alex M. Brisbourne

Basal conditions that facilitate fast ice flow are still poorly understood and their parameterization in ice flow models results in high uncertainties in ice flow and consequent sea-level rise projections. One approach to understanding basal conditions is through investigating the basal landscape of ice streams and glaciers, which has been shaped by ice flow over the underlying substrate.

In this study, we map the subglacial landscape and identify basal conditions of Rutford Ice Stream (West Antarctica) using different visualisation techniques on high-resolution 3D radar data. Our novel approach reveals bedforms of < 300 m in length, surrounded by bedforms of > 10 km in length. We assume these variations in bedform dimension to reflect spatial variation in sediment discharge. We find no correlation to glaciological factors, but our radar data reveal a correlation between variation in bedform dimension to bed composition.

We thus developed a simple model relating sediment discharge (and hence, deformation) to inferred basal condition and measurements of basal effective pressure. The model implies that effective pressure and sediment properties (low-porosity material vs soft sediment) at the ice-bed interface are first-order controls on sediment discharge and thus bedform dimensions. This work highlights the small-scale spatial variability of basal conditions and its implications for basal slip.

Assuming glaciological factors to be constant this new approach, allows spatial variation in basal conditions and effective pressure to be identified from spatial variation in bedform dimensions, observed from high-resolution radar data. This will further allow the flow mechanism to be separated into basal slip and basal deformation and a better incorporation of their variation into numerical ice flow models.

How to cite: Schlegel, R., Zoet, L. K., Booth, A. D., Smith, A. M., Clark, R. A., and Brisbourne, A. M.: Identification of spatial variations in subglacial sediment discharge and basal slip from ground penetrating radar , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10927,, 2025.

EGU25-11283 | PICO | CR6.2

Characterizing rockwall permafrost dynamics at Aiguille Du Midi (French Alps) through electrical resistivity tomography monitoring  

Feras Abdulsamad, Florence Magnin, André Revil, Emmanuel Malet, Jessy Richard, Pierre-Allain Duvillard, and Ludovic Ravanel

Climate change significantly impacts high-mountains worldwide, accelerating the degradation of the cryosphere. Over the last decade, numerous rockfall events involving permafrost-affected rockwalls have been recorded, especially in the European Alps. The frequency of these events is expected to increase over time due to the degradation of mountain permafrost. This study investigates permafrost dynamics at the Aiguille du Midi (3840 m a.s.l.) in the French Alps using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) monitoring over four years. A total of three profiles each 155 m in length, were deployed downwards from the summit in three directions: north-west, south and east. A system for permanent monitoring and remote data acquisition was implemented. A time-lapse inversion technique was employed for data interpretation. Laboratory measurements of electrical resistivity were conducted on granite samples in both unfrozen and frozen conditions to evaluate the temperature-dependency of resistivity. Furthermore, temperature monitoring in three boreholes provides localized information about permafrost dynamic across the site. Our ERT results demonstrate that the temperature-dependence of resistivity in field conditions is less pronounced than in controlled laboratory settings, influenced by the complexity of the site (3D effect, human-made infrastructure, rock heterogeneity (at different scales from fractures to pores) and variable ice content. In field, the freezing temperature fluctuated between -0.5 °C and -2.5 °C. Importantly, we observed that the active layer's thickness varied significantly from one face to another, with implications for the thermal regime and potential geohazards in this mountainous environment. These results are correlated with thermal information measured in boreholes. Notably, our assessments of the hydrogeological system revealed instances of water flux, although the exact pathways of infiltration and drainage remain ambiguous. This research highlights the efficacy of ERT as a low-cost, non-invasive tool for monitoring permafrost dynamics in alpine environments and highlights the need for further methodological refinement to enhance data reliability. These findings contribute to understanding potential geohazards associated with permafrost degradation and emphasize the importance of continuous monitoring in the context of ongoing climate change.

How to cite: Abdulsamad, F., Magnin, F., Revil, A., Malet, E., Richard, J., Duvillard, P.-A., and Ravanel, L.: Characterizing rockwall permafrost dynamics at Aiguille Du Midi (French Alps) through electrical resistivity tomography monitoring , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11283,, 2025.

EGU25-12160 | PICO | CR6.2

Seismic reflection surveys at GHOST Ridge, Thwaites Glacier 

Ronan Agnew, Alex Brisbourne, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Atsuhiro Muto, Louise Borthwick, Amanda Willet, and Sierra Melton and the ITGC GHOST Team

Subglacial topography and the character of a glacier’s basal material have a controlling effect on ice flow and are therefore important to parameterise in ice sheet models. Seismic surveys provide a means to characterise basal materials through the estimation of the elastic parameters of the bed (for example, acoustic impedance and Poisson’s ratio). The subglacial topography of Thwaites glacier is oriented across flow, with a series of subglacial ridges running East to West across the glacier. The bed character in the vicinity of a subglacial ridge ~60km upstream of the grounding zone, named GHOST ridge, is of particular concern, as this ridge may be a future pinning point for the grounding zone as Thwaites retreats. We present measurements of basal conditions from an active seismic dataset acquired immediately upstream of GHOST Ridge. During the 2023-24 season a 14.4 km seismic line was shot with hot water drilled Pentolite sources. We observe varied bed topography within the 14km section, with areas of smooth bed topography interspersed with rougher areas, and crag-and-tail like features present. Bed reflectivities are consistent with a widespread subglacial dilatant till layer, with stiffer till on the stoss sides of basal topographic features, and the softest till on the lee sides of these features. We will also discuss preliminary results from amplitude-versus-offset analysis, which gives further constraint of basal elastic properties.

How to cite: Agnew, R., Brisbourne, A., Anandakrishnan, S., Muto, A., Borthwick, L., Willet, A., and Melton, S. and the ITGC GHOST Team: Seismic reflection surveys at GHOST Ridge, Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12160,, 2025.

EGU25-13020 | PICO | CR6.2

Time-lapse GPR to quantify internal glacier deformation 

Alexi Morin, Gabriela Clara Racz, Bastien Ruols, Johanna Klahold, Melissa Francey, and James Irving

The estimation of surface flow velocities using satellite imagery, photogrammetry, or GPS data is now a standard practice in glaciology. In contrast, assessing internal ice deformation remains a significant challenge, often relying upon sparse measurements and theoretical models constrained by limited data. This study explores the potential of repeat, common-offset, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection surveys as a tool to address this challenge. While GPR reflection data are traditionally utilized to determine glacier bed geometry, they also reveal key information about internal glacier structures, including the distribution of air pockets, debris, and water channels. Over time, these structures deform in response to glacier dynamics, suggesting that time-lapse GPR measurements could offer insights into internal flow velocities. In this regard, we propose a localized cross-correlation (LCC) approach, inspired by feature-tracking methods, as a starting point for a non-linear inversion of the deformation field. We test our methodology on synthetic GPR profile data, where electromagnetic wave propagation is modeled in a simplified flowing glacier containing randomly distributed scatterers, as well as on repeat GPR profiles acquired on the Findelen Glacier, Switzerland. In both cases, the GPR measurements are considered along the direction of glacier flow, and the corresponding data are diffraction enhanced and migrated prior to analysis. Our findings demonstrate that the proposed approach successfully retrieves the two-dimensional along-flow velocity field, highlighting its potential for field applications and future extension to three-dimensions.

How to cite: Morin, A., Racz, G. C., Ruols, B., Klahold, J., Francey, M., and Irving, J.: Time-lapse GPR to quantify internal glacier deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13020,, 2025.

EGU25-13161 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Multi-Offset Imaging of Bed Topography Using Radio Frequency over Fiber Radar Arrays: Modelling and Initial Field Results 

Daniel May, Olivers Pranis, Dustin Schroeder, Thomas Teisberg, Sameeh Maayah, Anna Morgan, Zara Rutherford, Gilberto Tovar, and Leo Hollberg

Radio-echo sounding (RES) is a widely used tool in glaciology, providing insight into englacial and subglacial environments. Conventional high-spatial resolution RES surveys typically employ zero- or small-offset configurations with a single transmitter-receiver pair. Such surveys often prioritize spatial coverage over monitoring temporal changes in englacial and subglacial conditions. Stationary radar arrays aimed at providing time series data have been previously deployed in glaciated regions to provide estimates of basal melt rates, infer vertical strain within ice sheets, and image englacial layers in 3D. However, these stationary arrays are unable to image the ice-bed interface with sufficiently high resolution to infer changes in bed geometry over time. This is largely due to hardware limitations in the radar systems used in glaciology which typically support an inadequate number of antenna elements. Unlike in towed or airborne radar systems, where spatial resolution can be improved through synthetic aperture processing techniques, the spatial resolution achieved by a stationary array is proportional to the number of real antenna elements deployed. We overcome limitations in the number of supported antennas by integrating radio-frequency over fiber (RFoF) hardware, typically used in the communications industry, into existing radar systems such as the autonomous phase-sensitive radio-echo sounder (ApRES), as well as software-defined radios (SDRs). By converting RF signals to optical signals, lossy copper-based coaxial cables is replaced by low-loss fiber optic cables, permitting large separations between receive and transmit elements without significant signal attenuation during transmission. Further, the low cost, high switching speeds, and large number of output channels provided by fiber optic switches allows for a cost-effective way to rapidly cycle through 100s of antenna elements using a single radar unit RF input or output port. These modifications allow an ApRES, which traditionally supports up to 8 receive and 8 transmit antennas, to handle 100s of antennas on both the receive and transmit side, offering significant improvements in imaging capabilities. Such a system could support advanced imaging geometries capable of 3D time-lapse monitoring of englacial and subglacial processes, such as seasonal hydrology, subglacial erosion, isostatic rebound, and the evolution of sub-ice shelf features. We demonstrate these imaging capabilities through modelling and initial field results using our modified ApRES and SDR systems.

How to cite: May, D., Pranis, O., Schroeder, D., Teisberg, T., Maayah, S., Morgan, A., Rutherford, Z., Tovar, G., and Hollberg, L.: Multi-Offset Imaging of Bed Topography Using Radio Frequency over Fiber Radar Arrays: Modelling and Initial Field Results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13161,, 2025.

EGU25-13712 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2 | Highlight

UAV-based monitoring of the mountain cryosphere: Recent advances and future prospects 

Alexander Raphael Groos

The mountain cryosphere responds very sensitively to global climate change because of local processes and positive feedbacks, with far-reaching hydrological, ecological and socio-economic consequences at different spatial scales. To uncover rapid changes, assess potential impacts and develop effective adaptation strategies, comprehensive monitoring of the state and evolution of the mountain cryosphere is essential. In recent years, unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with cameras or geophysical and meteorological instruments have been increasingly deployed for detailed mapping and monitoring of the mountain cryosphere. UAVs facilitate a wide range of geoscientific applications and are particularly useful for surveying areas in alpine terrain that are difficult to access. They also have great potential for the spatial study of small-scale and dynamic processes. Using high-resolution digital elevation models or dense point clouds from (repeated) UAV surveys has become a widespread method for mapping snow depth changes and quantifying glacier volume loss. The ongoing miniaturisation of electronic sensors and the specific development of multispectral and thermal infrared cameras, GPR and LiDAR systems and other geophysical instruments for UAV-based surveys have opened up new opportunities for cryospheric research in complex terrain. Recent advances include the measurement of glacier thickness and snow depth using UAV-borne GPR, the mapping of supraglacial debris thickness and permafrost distribution using UAV-based thermal infrared thermography, the mapping of snow and ice albedo using UAV-based multispectral imaging, and the investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer over ice and snow using UAVs. Here I briefly discuss the potential and limitations of recent advances in UAV technology for cryospheric research and outline future prospects for the detailed monitoring of mountain glaciers, permafrost and snow cover.

How to cite: Groos, A. R.: UAV-based monitoring of the mountain cryosphere: Recent advances and future prospects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13712,, 2025.

EGU25-14977 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

In-Situ Bathymetry and Volume Estimation of Glacial Lakes in Western Himalaya 

Suresh Das and Raaj Ramsankaran

In recent years, glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) hazards in the Himalayan region have garnered considerable attention. The expansion of glacial lakes and the corresponding increase in volume play major roles in the initiation of GLOFs. Due to the lack of systematic assessments and the challenges associated with conducting field surveys, communities living downstream face significant risks from potential GLOFs. Accurate volume estimation of glacial lakes is crucial for calculating outburst flood peak discharge and simulating flood evolution. However, in-situ bathymetry-derived volume estimations are limited to only a few glacial lakes. Consequently, earlier studies have relied on volume-area empirical relations, which have shown substantial discrepancies. In this study, we surveyed four glacial lakes—Kya Tso Lake (KTL), Panchi Nala Lake (PNL), Gepang Gath Lake (GGL), and Samudri Tapu Lake (STL)—located in the Chandrabhaga basin, western Himalaya. Among these, GGL and STL are reported as potentially dangerous glacial lakes (PDGLs) due to their rapid expansion and risk of future bursts. In-situ depth measurements were conducted using an echo sounder mounted on an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and portable inflatable kayak. The lake basin morphologies were modelled using triangulated irregular networks (TINs). We compared the bathymetry-derived lake volumes with volumes estimated using commonly used empirical equations. The results revealed maximum depths of 16 m, 10 m, 46 m, and 59 m for KTL, PNL, GGL, and STL, with corresponding storage capacities of 0.89 × 10⁶ m³, 0.44 × 10⁶ m³, 24.12 × 10⁶ m³, and 24.69 × 10⁶ m³, respectively. Substantial discrepancies (± 47-309%) were observed between volumes derived using existing empirical equations and those obtained through in-situ bathymetry for all four lakes. None of the commonly used equations produced similar volume with in-situ observations. Despite several challenges during the USV survey, like noise from variable sound penetration under different turbidity, limited telemetry, wind, boat speed relative to water depth, and floating ice on lake, this study provides valuable in-situ bathymetric data for future modelling and hazard assessment of rapidly expanding PDGLs in the region. The present study emphasizes the need for more robust, in-situ-based bathymetric datasets of glacial lakes to develop an empirical equation with better applicability.

How to cite: Das, S. and Ramsankaran, R.: In-Situ Bathymetry and Volume Estimation of Glacial Lakes in Western Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14977,, 2025.

Permafrost is warming globally as shown in many recent studies based on borehole temperature monitoring. However, data on changes in ground ice and water content in permafrost areas are scarce, which are both expected to change strongly close to the melting point when latent heat effects upon melting mask further temperature increase until all ice has melted. This is the reason why permafrost borehole temperature monitoring is in many cases complemented by geophysical surveying, such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), due to the strong dependence of electrical resistivity on liquid water content. ERT has been successfully applied to e.g. spatially map the active layer depth, quantify ice and water content and detect and delineate massive ice bodies within the permafrost since many years. In several cases survey lines were repeated or monitored over short time-periods to identify freeze-thaw processes or identify permafrost changes over longer time periods. However, only very rarely electrical resistivity is monitored operationally by an automated station.

In recent years, automated ERT (A-ERT) systems have been specifically developed to be deployed in harsh and remote terrain, and several systems have been installed in permafrost environments within different research projects. In this study, we collect and compare first results from several of these A-ERT stations regarding data quality over a full year monitoring period, specifics of current injection and contact resistances, energy consumption and resistivity evolution over freeze and thaw cycles. The continuously monitored permafrost resistivity data are compared for several A-ERT stations in polar and mountain regions, including the Antarctic Peninsula Region, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, Svalbard, Kyrgyzstan, Greenland and the European Alps. Finally, we will present processing approaches to relate the obtained resistivity changes to changes in water content and compare them to in-situ measured temperature and soil moisture data.

How to cite: Hauck, C. and the A-ERT comparison team: Comparison of Automated ERT stations (A-ERT) for continuous monitoring electrical resistivity in polar and mountain permafrost regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15700,, 2025.

EGU25-15704 | PICO | CR6.2

CRYO-RI: snow and ice monitoring and research infrastructure for Northern Finland 

Pertti Ala-aho, Hannu Marttila, Ali Torabi Haghighi, Anne Tuomela, Riku Paavola, Toni Liedes, Veijo Sutinen, Kati Anttila, Jarkko Okkonen, and Anna Kontu

The CRYO-RI project establishes a comprehensive research infrastructure to investigate and monitor the rapid transformations in snow, ice, and frozen ground in Northern Finland. Recognizing the need to reassess historical projections and governance frameworks related to cryospheric systems, the project focuses on documenting these changes with high-quality, dynamic monitoring systems. CRYO-RI addresses this pressing challenge through a regionally focused, interdisciplinary snow and ice research infrastructure cluster. The consortium comprises the University of Oulu, the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), and the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).

This presentation highlights the advancements in snow and ice monitoring infrastructure achieved within the CRYO-RI project. Key developments include: (i) innovative temperature-based approaches for monitoring snow, permafrost, and river ice conditions using low-cost IoT sensors, distributed temperature sensing with optical cables, and Simba equipment, (ii) updated snow field monitoring stations at the Oulanka and Sodankylä Research Stations, (iii) in-situ stable water isotope analysis of seasonal snowpacks, (iv) a river ice monitoring program, (v) GNSS-R-based snow and ice monitoring, (vi) advanced soil laboratory equipment for assessing frozen soil properties, and  (vii) UAV-based measurements using LiDAR, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) sensors.

The collective efforts of the CRYO-RI consortium aim to generate novel insights, innovative measurement methodologies, and cutting-edge research at the intersection of cross-disciplinary science and cryosphere-related resource management. Additionally, the CRYO-RI platform provides open-access data and measurement infrastructure, inviting collaboration with partners from academic, public, and private sectors

How to cite: Ala-aho, P., Marttila, H., Torabi Haghighi, A., Tuomela, A., Paavola, R., Liedes, T., Sutinen, V., Anttila, K., Okkonen, J., and Kontu, A.: CRYO-RI: snow and ice monitoring and research infrastructure for Northern Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15704,, 2025.

EGU25-16124 | PICO | CR6.2

Towards a Unified Model for Wet Snow Permittivity 

Carlo Marin

The development of a unified model for wet snow permittivity has remained a persistent challenge in remote sensing applications. While research conducted in the 1980s and 1990s yielded permittivity models for dry and wet snow and facilitated the development of in-situ snow probes, the application of these models in practical contexts, particularly across a broad frequency spectrum, remains an area requiring further investigation. The absence of a universally accepted model for wet snow impedes accurate retrievals of essential snow properties, including density, snow height, and liquid water content (LWC), from ground-based, drone-based, and satellite radar observations. This result in inconsistencies among LWC measurements from the different systems and retrieval methods.

The primary impediment to progress in this area is the limited availability of comprehensive reference datasets encompassing simultaneous measurements of permittivity, LWC, density, and a diverse range of snow conditions. The traditional method for LWC determination, employing freezing calorimetry, offers high accuracy under controlled conditions and with skilled operators but is characterized by a time-intensive measurement process, thereby limiting the feasibility of extensive data acquisition.

This study undertakes a re-evaluation of existing field campaign data concerning wet snow permittivity at a wide range of frequencies, considering the diverse acquisition methodologies employed and their associated limitations. By critically appraising the underlying assumptions and limitations of existing permittivity models, we seek to reconcile observed discrepancies. The ultimate objective of this research is to formulate recommendations for future field campaigns, emphasizing enhanced data quality and the resolution of existing knowledge gaps that currently limit the development of robust wet snow permittivity models across a broad frequency range spanning from the MHz to tens of GHz.

Through systematic analysis and the identification of critical knowledge gaps, this investigation will contribute to the advancement of a unified understanding of wet snow permittivity, with the potential to significantly enhance the accuracy of snow property retrievals derived from remote sensing observations.

How to cite: Marin, C.: Towards a Unified Model for Wet Snow Permittivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16124,, 2025.

EGU25-16146 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Cryowurst: a wireless borehole instrument for observing hydrology and ice kinematics in surging glaciers 

Lisa Craw, Michael Prior-Jones, Christine Dow, Brittany Main, Jonathan Hawkins, Hashem Alnader, Sophia M. Rahn, and Luke Copeland

Glacier surges are dramatic increases in glacial ice flow velocity occurring over short periods of time (months to years), which can lead to rapid advance of the ice front and trigger hazardous outburst flooding in local areas. Direct measurements of the basal hydrology and internal dynamics of surging glaciers are sparse, due to the limitations of wired instrumentation and the unpredictability of surge timing. Consequently, the causes of surge events are poorly understood, and we are unable to accurately predict their occurrence.

We have developed a borehole instrument, the sausage-shaped "Cryowurst", which can wirelessly transmit measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity, pressure and tilt within and beneath a glacier to the surface over a period of multiple years. These sensors allow us to directly measure the hydrological conditions and kinematics of ice deformation, over longer time periods than is currently possible with wired instrumentation due to cable breakage.

We installed a vertical string of four Cryowursts 20-50m apart in a hot-water-drilled borehole in Dän Zhùr (Donjek Glacier), a surging glacier in the Yukon territory of Canada, which is predicted to surge before 2027. We present preliminary data on the basal hydrology and internal kinematics of the glacier, which were transmitted through up to 170m of ice, and received at a solar-powered and satellite-enabled receiving station on the glacier surface. Based on recent testing, there is potential for these instruments to transmit data continuously over multiple years, capturing novel information about the causes and consequences of glacier surging.

How to cite: Craw, L., Prior-Jones, M., Dow, C., Main, B., Hawkins, J., Alnader, H., Rahn, S. M., and Copeland, L.: Cryowurst: a wireless borehole instrument for observing hydrology and ice kinematics in surging glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16146,, 2025.

EGU25-16302 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Study of Snowpack Stratigraphy Using a SFCW Radar (0.6 – 6 GHz): Experimental Measurement and Electromagnetic Simulation. 

Adrián Subías Martín, Víctor Herráiz-López, Iñigo Salinas, Samuel T.Buisán, and Rafael Alonso

The characterization of snowpack stratigraphy is essential for understanding the physical processes associated with its evolution, assessing risks and optimizing water resource management. Non-destructive and real-time measurement systems for analyzing the snowpack structure are crucial for this characterization. This study presents reflectance measurements, as a function of the snowpack depth, using a stepped-frecuency continuous-wave (SFCW) radar. This system operates at the AEMET Formigal-Sarrios field laboratory in the Spanish Pyrenees.

The measured reflectance is compared to the simulated reflectance derived from the structure obtained through in situ experimental measurements and simulations performed using the SNOWPACK software. Simulated reflectance calculations are conducted using a matrix-based electromagnetic plane wave model.

The in situ experimental measurements of snowpack structure include the assessment of density, grain type, and hardness. At the same time, local meteorological data is used to determinate the temporal evolution of the snowpack profile through the use of SNOWPACK software. This process generated detailed profiles including density, grain characteristics, hardness and liquid water content (LWC).

The agreement between radar SFCW measured reflectance and the reflectance calculated based on the experimental measured profile and the simulated profile from SNOWPACK demonstrate that this method, which is real-time, non-destructive and doesn't interfere with the evolution of the snowpack, is able to reveal its internal structure with a high level of detail. This makes possible a clear identification of the transitions between layers with different physical properties.

How to cite: Subías Martín, A., Herráiz-López, V., Salinas, I., T.Buisán, S., and Alonso, R.: Study of Snowpack Stratigraphy Using a SFCW Radar (0.6 – 6 GHz): Experimental Measurement and Electromagnetic Simulation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16302,, 2025.

EGU25-16424 | PICO | CR6.2

Permafrost Distribution and Percolating Water at Mt. Zugspitze: Insights from Seismology including DAS 

Fabian Lindner, Krystyna Smolinski, Riccardo Scandroglio, Andreas Fichtner, and Joachim Wassermann

Degradation of mountain permafrost due to global warming reduces the stability of steep rock slopes, increasing the hazard potential for humans and infrastructure. However, detection and continuous monitoring of permafrost environments remains challenging due to the harsh conditions typically encountered in high Alpine terrain. In this study, we present results from passive seismic monitoring conducted at Mt. Zugspitze in the German/Austrian Alps.

Between 2021 and 2023, we collected continuous passive seismic data from three small seismic arrays installed along the permafrost-affected ridge to the west of the summit. This dataset is complemented by campaign-wise distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) in the tunnel systems beneath the ridge, as well as rock temperature logging and cleft water flow measurements at multiple locations near our seismic deployments.

Coda-wave interferometry reveals seasonal seismic velocity changes for most station pairs. Regarding rock temperature, pairs including stations located on the warmer south-facing slopes are primarily influenced by seasonal freezing only, whereas station pairs located on the colder north-facing slopes also indicate active-layer deepening and thus the presence of permafrost. Additionally, slant-stack analysis of DAS recordings from the northern part of the ridge also provides evidence for active-layer development during summer and fall, offering in-situ seismic observations of permafrost dynamics. Besides rock temperatures, some station pairs show a strong correlation with water flow through rock fractures, which may influence permafrost distribution.

Compared to other methods, seismology is less laborious and costly, non-invasive and allows continuous monitoring. Here, we demonstrate that it can effectively monitor freeze-thaw processes and locate permafrost. Furthermore, the results from our northern ridge deployments show evidence for extensive active-layer thaw and refreeze, indicating that permafrost may be more wide-spread than previously suggested by other studies.

How to cite: Lindner, F., Smolinski, K., Scandroglio, R., Fichtner, A., and Wassermann, J.: Permafrost Distribution and Percolating Water at Mt. Zugspitze: Insights from Seismology including DAS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16424,, 2025.

EGU25-16989 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Non-invasive monitoring of high-alpine snow dynamics with Cosmic-Ray neutron sensing – a case study at two locations at the Zugspitze Massif  

Paul Schattan, Nora Krebs, Benjamin Fersch, Martin Schrön, Roberta Facchinetti, Elias Bögl, Carolin Rempfer, Jakob Knieß, Karl-Friedrich Wetzel, Christian Voigt, Korbinian Achmüller, Till Rehm, Karsten Schuzl, and Franziska Koch

Monitoring snow water resources is crucial to understand the dynamics of snow-fed mountain rivers. Still, in harsh and remote environments like mountain regions using conventional measurement techniques remains particularly challenging. Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) constitutes an emerging method for autonomous and non-invasive monitoring of soil moisture and snow dynamics at intermediate spatial scales of several hectares. The method is therefore promising for monitoring snow water equivalent (SWE) in high alpine locations.

The analysis includes two sites at the Zugspitze Massif, differing in elevation and surrounding topographical features. Both sensors have been installed inside existing buildings with steep roofs to avoid snow accumulation, rather than establishing new infrastructure in complex terrain. The CRNS at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS, 2656 m a.s.l.) was installed in November 2015 in the Kugelalm located on one of the terraces. A second CRNS was installed in October 2023 in the building of “Zugspitze Geodynamic Observatory Germany” (ZUGOG) operated by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) at the summit (2962 m a.s.l.). The CRNS signal is compared against spatially distributed reference SWE based on manual measurements, terrestrial lidar and airborne photogrammetry. Furthermore, Monte Carlo based neutron simulations using the URANOS model and a dedicated modular scenario tool (YULIA) are performed to characterize the local dynamics at the measurement sites.

First results prove that CRNS is suitable for monitoring SWE dynamics even at high alpine locations like the Zugspitze Massif. At UFS the neutron counts reveal both extremely dry years, like 2022, but also very snow-rich years, like 2019 and 2024, which were among the wettest since 2015. The high altitude, the shape of the steep topography and the rocky underground with limited soil cover reduce the statistical error and increase the seasonal dynamics in the neutron flux, facilitating CRNS based SWE monitoring. Another noteworthy aspect is, that due to the large measurement footprint of several hectares, CRNS can even be used when installed within existing buildings, thus reducing costs and limiting the environmental impact of the installation.

How to cite: Schattan, P., Krebs, N., Fersch, B., Schrön, M., Facchinetti, R., Bögl, E., Rempfer, C., Knieß, J., Wetzel, K.-F., Voigt, C., Achmüller, K., Rehm, T., Schuzl, K., and Koch, F.: Non-invasive monitoring of high-alpine snow dynamics with Cosmic-Ray neutron sensing – a case study at two locations at the Zugspitze Massif , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16989,, 2025.

EGU25-19502 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2

Ice content estimation in a Palsa at Aidejavri (Norway) using High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP) 

Raphael Schulz, Isabella Burger, Annika Pischke, Sebastian Westermann, and Andreas Hördt

Permafrost is an import carbon sink on earth and its thawing due to global warming is considered one of the most critical tipping points in climate change. Among permafrost landforms, palsas – frost-heaved mounds with ice-rich cores - are particularly sensitive to global warming. Palsas form under conditions of alternating freezing and thawing, leading to the accumulation of ice lenses that elevate the ground surface. As global temperatures rise, palsas are increasingly subject to degradation, which results in subsidence and the release of stored greenhouse gases, profoundly affecting local and global ecosystems.

This study focuses on a palsa located in a peat mire at Aidejavri/Norway, aiming to characterise it using geophysical methods. High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP) was employed to quantify ice content across the palsa. HFIP is an innovative method that measures the frequency-dependent electrical conductivity in the frequency-range between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. In that range, the electrical permittivity of water ice exhibits a sharp decrease, making HFIP suitable for ice-content estimation. The HFIP data were inverted in 1D to isolate the polarization response of the subsurface from induction. A two-component dielectric mixture model was used to invert the data in 2D, providing detailed spatial insights into ice distribution. The results indicate high ice contents underneath the palsa, togehter with clear signs of degradation by decreasing ice contents at the edges where ponds are visible at the surface.

To supplement these findings, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) were applied. ERT revealed the lateral extent and resistivity contrasts of the permafrost, while GPR delineated the upper boundary of the frozen layer. Together, these methods provided a comprehensive view of the palsa’s internal structure.

This study shows that HFIP, paired with effective pre-processing and additional methods, serves as a dependable approach for examining ice-rich permafrost. The results can be used to characterize the current state of the palsa and provide data on ice content and spatial variability. The data constitute the beginning of repetitive measurements, that aim to capture temporal changes in the palsa’s internal structure and ice content. These repeated observations will help track the dynamics of permafrost degradation over time, offering insights into how rapidly such landforms respond to climatic variations.

How to cite: Schulz, R., Burger, I., Pischke, A., Westermann, S., and Hördt, A.: Ice content estimation in a Palsa at Aidejavri (Norway) using High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19502,, 2025.

EGU25-19748 | PICO | CR6.2

Ice-bed interface conditions in the accumulation zone of the Grenzgletscher 

Francesca Falcini, Coen Hofstede, Olaf Eisen, and Elisa Mantelli

Ice streams are river-like features of ice sheets that move much faster than the surrounding, ice. This contrast in velocity (100s m/yr vs 10s m/yr) results from ice flow being dominated by basal sliding with a fully temperate bed within ice streams, whereas ice is sliding little or not at all outside, where the bed is below the melting point. Here, we present initial results from an ERC-funded project, PHAST, which seeks to unravel the physics driving ice stream formation and dynamics. As part of this project, we seek to characterize observationally the onset of basal sliding at cold/temperate basal transition at an easily accessible alpine glacier (Grenzgletscher). Previous research has found a cold bed in the accumulation zone and a temperate bed in the ablation zone. However, the location of the cold/temperate basal transition is not known. Using a micro vibrator Elvis 7 (p-wave generator) we collected two active seismic profiles at a 3720 m high plateau on the Grenzgletscher; one parallel (250 m) and one (325 m) perpendicular to ice flow. The parallel profile shows a surprising lack of structure below the 328m deep ice-bed contact, suggesting it is likely to be bedrock. However, at the downstream end of the profile there is some stratification, which could be eroded sediments. As there is no polarity reversal at the ice-bed contact we find no indication of water at the bed. These initial results suggest that the cold/temperate basal transition is located further downstream. However, further analysis of this data, alongside passive seismics and ground-penetrating radar data, will help us identify the transition with more confidence – assisting a drilling campaign to be undertaken in 2026.

How to cite: Falcini, F., Hofstede, C., Eisen, O., and Mantelli, E.: Ice-bed interface conditions in the accumulation zone of the Grenzgletscher, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19748,, 2025.

The Magnaprobe, a widely used automated snow depth probe patented in 1999 (US Patent 5,864,059), has revolutionized the collection of snow depth data globally. By significantly increasing the speed of data collection compared to traditional methods, the Magnaprobe enables an exponential growth in data points. However, our study reveals a critical limitation: over-probing issues that can lead to substantial errors in snow depth measurements. In a comprehensive field validation study conducted in a boreal forest ecosystem in interior Alaska, we found that the Magnaprobe overestimated snow depth by up to 53.8% in certain ecotypes. These findings underscore the importance of validating Magnaprobe measurements in the field to prevent significant overestimations of snowpack depth. Our research highlights the need for careful consideration of instrument limitations and underscores the importance of ground-truthing automated measurements to ensure accurate snow depth data, which is crucial for various applications in hydrology, ecology, and climate science.

How to cite: Vas, D., Brodylo, D., and Baxter, W.: Validation of an Automated Snow Depth Probe: Addressing Over-Probing Issues in a Boreal Forest Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20710,, 2025.

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