EGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture
An impact-driven approach to geoscience communicationEGU25-7680 | Posters virtual | VPS1
Integrating disciplines and stakeholders to address climate change challengesEGU25-9411 | Posters virtual | VPS1
Geoethical principles applied to the reconstruction planning of natural disasters: the Etna 2018 earthquake case studyEGU25-18727 | Posters virtual | VPS1
Climate competencies for real-life action: developing a master level course "Living with changing climate"EGU25-20205 | Posters virtual | VPS1
Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA): a multilateral initiative between Europe and AfricaEGU25-20328 | Posters virtual | VPS1
Reflecting on the journey towards integrating Generative AI into understanding and practiceEOS1 – Science Communication, Engagement & Outreach
EGU25-1592 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic MaterialityEGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materialsEGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE NetworkEGU25-2820 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the CityEGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1
Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomyEGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classroomsEGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary IslandsEGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfallEGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture
An impact-driven approach to geoscience communicationEGU25-13862 | Orals | EOS1.1
Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific researchEGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptationEGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach projectEGU25-14662 * | Orals | EOS1.1 | Highlight
An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and IceEGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac ExplorerEGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1
Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper UnderstandingEGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorologyEGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientistEGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean ScienceEGU25-1436 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
More than words; some notes on art design in earth science children’s booksEGU25-3279 | Orals | EOS1.2
Sound Reversal – Hearing Earth’s magnetic field switch poles 780k years agoEGU25-4061 | Orals | EOS1.2
Harmony in Complexity: Engaging Head-Hands-Heart towards a Resilient FutureEGU25-4101 * | Orals | EOS1.2 | Highlight
Liquid Strata installation: art-purposed modelling of the ocean’s Twilight ZoneEGU25-7636 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
From Research Vessel to Comic Pages: Inspiring Middle-Grade Readers Through IODP Expedition 405EGU25-8389 | Orals | EOS1.2
Embracing Climate Change through Painting: A Scientific and Artistic CollaborationEGU25-9582 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2
Educating by Stealth: Art and Narrative as Tools for Science CommunicationEGU25-10270 | Orals | EOS1.2
The sound of ice: using radar data and sonification in music compositionEGU25-11374 | Posters on site | EOS1.2
Art-Science as a Multidimensional Tool: Exploring the socio-hydrological interactions of drought-to-flood eventsEGU25-13671 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2
Glacial Hauntologies: an intra-disciplinary collaboration between glaciology and artistic practiceEGU25-16315 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
Climate, Death and Art: Creating Shared Spaces for Understanding and ActionEGU25-17126 | Orals | EOS1.2
Submersion: an art-science collaboration on the cryosphere and rising sea levelEGU25-20223 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
Science Meets Art: Vienna-based association and network for trans-disciplinary projectsEGU25-638 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Clouded Judgments: An Educational Board Game for Teaching Meteorological Decision-Making Under UncertaintyEGU25-953 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
“Risky Rudi” – A Card Game for Communicating Flood Risk and Mitigation StrategiesEGU25-3570 | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Learning to address environmental challenges using serious games: A cookbook for beginnersEGU25-4526 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.3
Safe Haven – Landslides: A Serious Game for Enhancing Landslide Risk Awareness and ManagementEGU25-5211 | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Climate change games literature review: Report on work in progressEGU25-5808 | Orals | EOS1.3
ClimarisQ: A game on the complexity of the climate systems and the extreme eventsEGU25-17653 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Combining Knowledges and Co-Imagining the Use of Climate Services through Serious GamingEGU25-19133 | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Engaging Minds Through Play: Gamified Tools for Climate and Weather EducationEGU25-19579 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Integrating the EWA Tool into Teaching and Raising Awareness of Water Supply ChallengesEGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the mediaEGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changesEGU25-9081 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projectionsEGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a PlanetariumEGU25-1907 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
Natural disasters that occurred in ancient times in Anatolia and the damage they caused to ancient settlementsEGU25-4316 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.7
From Polygon to Prediction: A Request-Driven Architecture for Disaster Mapping and Impact AssessmentEGU25-4438 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
Historic buildings under the impact of climate change: insights from geoelectric field monitoringEGU25-9465 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.7
An Operational Numerical Framework for Assessing Risks to Underwater Cultural HeritageEGU25-12307 | Orals | CL3.2.7 | Highlight
Monitoring Climate Change in Cultural Heritage Sites Through Enhanced Visualisation Experiences and CrowdsourcingEGU25-15505 | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
DInSAR analysis for slope instability monitoring due to Climate Change: CUZCO and Machu Picchu case study.EGU25-18452 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
A Multi-Scale Framework for Flood Risk Assessment in Cultural Heritage Sites: The Apollo Temple in AeginaEGU25-19235 | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
A Smart Decision Support System for the Mitigation of Climate Change Effects on Cultural HeritageEGU25-19445 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
Wave Hazards on Underwater cultural Heritage: The Impact of Climate Change on Cadiz BayEGU25-19751 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
CFD investigation of wave runup on coastal cliffs for impact assessment on cultural heritageEGU25-21315 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7
Aerial and ground-based surveying and 3D modeling of cultural heritage – a case study in Messolonghi, Western GreeceEGU25-1395 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
SIREN: a citizen science project for the recovery of the Italian hydrological dataEGU25-2698 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Acqua Sorgente a nationwide citizen science project to monitor and study the Italian water springsEGU25-6446 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Ecorc’Air: A Citizen Science Project for the Biomonitoring of Vehicular Air Pollution in Paris, FranceEGU25-8287 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Building Arctic Resilience through Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence in Marine Pollution ControlEGU25-8304 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
AI-Driven Marine Citizen Science: SECOSTA’s Blueprint for SeabedExplorationEGU25-9803 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Drones, Open-Source Tools, and Open Science for Participatory Land Administration in Namibia’s Informal SettlementsEGU25-11706 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Public engagement in field data collection for flood and landslide risk mitigationEGU25-12137 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
A Model Framework for Integrating Bi-national Community-Engaged, Culturally Responsive Partnerships into Sustainability EducationEGU25-12384 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Citizen Science to ‘science with society’: an example from the Canadian Community Science Liaison programmeEGU25-14698 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Think before you link (with citizen scientists): Design thinking methodologies for citizen engagementEGU25-15480 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Passive air monitoring using bark: A participatory science approach to metal recycling impacts in West AfricaEGU25-15689 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Science is We: towards co-equal power sharing in scientific knowledge productionEGU25-16868 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Co-Creating Solutions: Enablers and Barriers to Participatory Solid Waste Governance in Small Towns of the Global SouthEGU25-17330 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Soil and Citizen Science – engaging citizens, landowners, and scientists (Brandenburg, Germany)EGU25-18223 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9
Co-constructing future land use scenarios for a equity and cooling Antananarivo, MadagascarEGU25-3669 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.10
How high is the ground at the edge between huge water bodies and dry land?EGU25-6700 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.10
World pictures and where it is important that they are made by humansEGU25-19186 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.10
Looking at air moving into the up area in the last two times four ten years - A move-with-parts lookEOS2 – Higher Education Teaching & Research
EGU25-3 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Drone-focused curriculum in geography higher education: insights from instructorsEGU25-1628 | Orals | EOS2.1
EGU Education Committee initiatives in support of Higher Education teachingEGU25-2236 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1
Teaching atmospheric science and science communication hand in handEGU25-2766 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Enhancing And Diversifying Fieldwork Teaching Through Immersive 360 Projection SpaceEGU25-3865 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Teaching 3D Geological Mapping and Modeling Sensitivity Using Visual KARSYSEGU25-4236 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Digital Field Representations: Enhancing Accessibility and Technological Integration in High Arctic Geoscience Field EducationEGU25-5830 | Orals | EOS2.1
Seeking New Types of GIS Education for Geoscience Students and ResearchersEGU25-7261 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Developing a Skills Portfolio for Quantitative and Programming Skills in Environmental and Geoscience EducationEGU25-11346 | Orals | EOS2.1
Social Hydrology: interdisciplinary research as part of higher educationEGU25-11877 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1
Open Resources for Geoscience Data Science Training: Insights from the Data Competence Center “DataNord”EGU25-12035 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1
Enhancing environmental modelling education with computer-based interactive learning toolsEGU25-12595 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Using 3D printing in a Problem-Based Learning approach about fissured rock hydraulicsEGU25-12914 | Orals | EOS2.1
A multi-disciplinary approach to teaching climate change and data scienceEGU25-15248 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1
Master's Programmes for Disaster Risk Management: Existing Approaches and Future DirectionsEGU25-16361 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Co-creation of Flexible and Resilient Courses to Meet Stakeholder NeedsEGU25-18126 | Orals | EOS2.1
Interactive understanding of groundwater hydrology and hydrogeology – the iNUX projectEGU25-18442 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
Cryoskills: an inclusive engineering and field skills course for polar scientistsEGU25-20433 | Posters on site | EOS2.1
DRAGON reducing barriers in geosciences and civil engineering education through digital innovationEGU25-1047 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Virtual Field Trips: Enhancing learning before, during, and post-fieldworkEGU25-1222 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Beyond the Bathroom: Hygiene and Comfort (for Women) in Polar RegionsEGU25-11157 | PICO | EOS2.2
Sharing good cryospheric fieldwork practice with the next generation of scientistsEGU25-12789 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Girls* on Ice Austria: strategies for inclusive approaches to field experiencesEGU25-13672 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Cultivating Fieldwork Skills Through a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Interactive Virtual Field TripEGU25-18098 | PICO | EOS2.2
The Field: An Essential Foundation for Geologist Training in the Digital EraEGU25-18532 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Empowering Fieldwork: A Positive Perspective on Respect, Inclusion, and ResponsibilityEGU25-1627 | Posters on site | EOS2.5
Climate change, Air Quality, and Public Health: Integrating Science and Policy for Urban Resilience and AdaptationEGU25-6925 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.5
Exploring the potential of data-driven educational tools to engage students with climate change complexityEGU25-8711 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.5
Data exploitation and visualization in the classroom. The case of CLIMADEMY's video gameEGU25-9644 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.5
Development of sustainability competences for analysing and narrating real-world climate dataEGU25-12197 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.5
Climate analogs for climate change communication and education: a case study with US Specialty CropsEGU25-12907 | Posters on site | EOS2.5
Public perception on surface water-related ecosystem services in RomaniaEGU25-14883 | Orals | EOS2.5
Climate Change Education in Europe: Perceptions and Pathways for TransformationEGU25-16862 | Posters on site | EOS2.5
The public perception of the urban heat island phenomenon in Romania. Case study: BucharestEGU25-196 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Outlook for an European-African Collaboration for Climate Change and Adaptation StrategiesEGU25-3023 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Climate change and water resources capacity development in Africa under the SASSCAL and WASCAL doctoral programmesEGU25-6388 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
The UNESCO IHP FRIEND-Water programme: a global network for hydroclimatic change research and educationEGU25-9543 | Orals | EOS2.6
Capacity Development to support transformation and contribute to achieving SDG6EGU25-12524 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
European Academic Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptations in AfricaEGU25-13908 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.6
Understanding gender dimensions in climate information awareness and uptake by entrepreneurs in South AfricaEGU25-15575 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Enhancing capacities in the field of agrometeorology: developing climatological crop calendars.EGU25-19247 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Getting water security right across Africa: recognising major dataset biases and space-time change divergenceEGU25-19310 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.6
Climate change capacity building in Africa: initiatives at the United Nations University BonnEGU25-19464 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
LEAP-RE: an example of coordination, resource mobilisation and capacity building in R&I between Europe and AfricaEGU25-21802 | Orals | EOS2.6
Managing scientific information to reduce implementation gaps in adaptation projectsEOS3 – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
EGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General AssembliesEGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors: Experiences Gathered at a Scientific ConferenceEGU25-10224 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesEGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensionsEGU25-14621 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1
Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI LandscapeEGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight
Failure to Act: Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the VineEOS4 – Geoethics, Open science & Policy
EGU25-557 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Bridging the gap: the need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards in IndiaEGU25-831 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Forest Fire Management: Implications for Climate Action in the Indian HimalayasEGU25-4484 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness: A Science-Policy Exploration of REACH Revision DebatesEGU25-5608 | Orals | EOS4.1
The role of inclusivity in shaping soil health policies: reflections from AfricaEGU25-6710 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challengesEGU25-8488 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean InternationalEGU25-11182 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programmeEGU25-12220 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coastsEGU25-18613 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane EmissionsEGU25-19874 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science PolicyEGU25-12279 | PICO | EOS4.2
How below is well-below? Future-proofing interpretations of the Paris AgreementEGU25-2334 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine RegionEGU25-2906 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics MethodEGU25-4220 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomenaEGU25-4989 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and gamesEGU25-7153 | Orals | EOS4.3
SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in ReunificationEGU25-7513 | Orals | EOS4.3
Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitionsEGU25-12668 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth educationEGU25-13174 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate ChangeEGU25-15385 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainabilityEGU25-16789 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gapEGU25-18750 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference ParticipationEGU25-19671 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en RébellionEGU25-19902 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientistEGU25-20323 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
How ocean communities adapt to the impacts of climate change: Proposal for a bank of casesEGU25-20407 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Environmental education, justice and sustainable degrowth as key actors to protect our planetEGU25-4377 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurementsEGU25-4541 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for GeomorphologyEGU25-8669 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the PaleogeneEGU25-12152 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st centuryEGU25-13606 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography modelsEGU25-14319 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasureEGU25-15003 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6
Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and MeteorologyEGU25-16049 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open AccessEGU25-16104 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access PublishingEGU25-18390 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases”EGU25-18663 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6
Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and ZenodoEGU25-18716 | Orals | EOS4.6
Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen ScienceEGU25-19107 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future DirectionsEGU25-19987 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a timeEGU25-20355 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland AppalachiansEGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight
Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrongEGU25-9145 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8
How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate systemEGU25-15059 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICONEGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deploymentEGU25-18400 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model codeEGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and ErrorEGU25-19890 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow HydrologyEGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
A case for open communication of bugs in climate modelsEGU25-4135 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Practical application of some new technologies, and the light they shed on model design and model problem decompositionEGU25-6421 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
FINAM - is not a model (v1.0): a new Python-based model coupling frameworkEGU25-6927 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
From Events to Insights: Event-Process Based Diagnostics of Hydrological Model PerformanceEGU25-9493 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Presenting MESMER v1 - Integrating Multiple Climate Emulator Modules Into One Sustainable Research Software PackageEGU25-9601 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Assessing Changes in Hargreaves Evapotranspiration Model Accuracy Across Time and AltitudeEGU25-9899 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Coupling easily numerical models using the VSoil modelling platformEGU25-12133 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Enhancing data preparation for hydrological modeling: a Python-based approach for coupling SWAT+ and MODFLOWEGU25-12388 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
RUMI (Ratio of Uncertainty to Mutial Information): Uncertainty consideration in rainfall-runoff models calibrationEGU25-12401 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
ThermoOptiPlan: Optimizing Planning and Operation of Geothermal Systems using innovative prediction toolsEGU25-12698 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Streamflow Alteration Index (SAI): Mapping Dam and Reservoir Impacts on Streamflow for Improved Hydrological ModelingEGU25-13900 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4
Assumptions in global irrigation modelling are mostly pragmatic, not empiricalEGU25-14083 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Automating Hydrological Model Preprocessing: GIS Tools for CATFLOW in V-FOR-WaTerEGU25-14940 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
Evaluation the suitability of contrasting performance metrics and signature measures with the identifiability quote indexEGU25-18108 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4
Towards Transparent and Unbiased Hydrological Model Comparisons: A Case Study of the 2021 Floods in Belgium.EGU25-18145 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4
On weighted ensembles: do the weights derived with different methods make sense?EGU25-19344 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4
What should we actually regionalize? - The benefits of temporal aggregation for low-flow prediction.EOS5 – Geoscience Information For Teachers
EGU25-1957 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Model the history of ocean sediment deposition from rift to trenchEGU25-2342 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Deep Blue Discoveries: Engaging Gifted Learners with the Secrets of the Oceans and Sea FloorEGU25-2346 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
"Exploring the Sea Floor: Understanding Albania’s Marine Environment"EGU25-3235 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Exploring the Ocean Floor in the Classroom Through Benthic OrganismsEGU25-3719 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Discovering the sea floor of Atlantic Ocean in Santa Maria island, Azores, Portugal.EGU25-3843 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
"Samudra Manthan: Exploring the Depths of Knowledge and Responsibility in Indian Education"EGU25-4783 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Science for All: Three Years of Promoting Scientific Literacy at EB 2,3 Cego do MaioEGU25-5104 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
A lesson plan for studying natural disaster risk using GIS-Using the perspectives of both natural and human geography-EGU25-5756 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Teacher on board the deep sea vessel Pourquoi pas ? for SUPER MOUV campaign in EcuadorEGU25-6522 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Characteristics of the water in the Adriatic Sea and Lake Ohrid and their comparisonEGU25-7185 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Teaching Geosciences with open data resources: The Mediterranean SeaEGU25-7233 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Introduction to the study of the oceans, at the lower secondary levelEGU25-8328 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
From Atmosphere to Ocean: Understanding the Chemistry and Consequences of CO₂ EmissionsEGU25-9372 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Some of The Many Roles that Sponges Play in Marine EcosystemsEGU25-11380 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
The Role the Iapetus Ocean played in the formation of the Shetland IslandsEGU25-12426 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Application of knowledge acquired about Tectonic Plates using a Digital Escape RoomEGU25-12853 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Fostering Water Literacy and Green Skills through STEM: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Embedding SDGs in EducationEGU25-13157 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Bioplastic Consumption on Living Organisms and Humans in FreshwaterEGU25-13169 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Analyzing water level changes in Prespa Lake with geospatial toolsEGU25-13488 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Deep-sea ecosystems under school’s radar: linking human increased connectivity with diminished ocean biodiversityEGU25-13825 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Virtually navigating the ocean using ArcGIS Online and other VR toolsEGU25-14278 | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Making Climate Change Connections: An Inquiry Into High Resolution Ice Cores and Ocean Marine Sediment RecordsEGU25-19441 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2
Simulatión of crystallization on the Mediterranean sea floor in the Messinian:EGU25-1586 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Advancing Students' Climate Literacy: A Case from the International Summer School of Remote Sensing in UkraineEGU25-2004 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Sediment transportation and sorting in different environmentsEGU25-2396 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
How to study the small particles of the solar system while staying on my street?EGU25-4492 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
A Sea of Opportunities - Exploring interdisciplinarity for ocean sustainabilityEGU25-5115 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Which Earth Science Topics Do You Like the Most? A Survey Among Italian Upper Secondary School StudentsEGU25-5225 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Integrating 3D Printing in Education: Enhancing Student Engagement through Seismology ProjectsEGU25-5702 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Geosciences at the Core of STEM Learning: Highlights from the 2024 Măgurele Summer SchoolEGU25-5856 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
The Erasmus project "GIS FOR GIST OF EUROPE" and its impact on marine educationEGU25-5865 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Earthlearningidea: Supporting Earth Science in Upper Secondary EducationEGU25-7296 | Orals | EOS5.4
Earthlearningidea: Enhancing Earth Science Education for Upper Secondary StudentsEGU25-11433 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Innovative Wetland Education and Citizen Science tools to empower people taking part in wetland restoration (Restore4Life)EGU25-13217 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Air pollution measurements in the classrooms and their implementation into the high school physics and science educationEGU25-13497 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
12th-grade students visiting a remote-sensing lab: linking school curriculum and geoscience research activitiesEGU25-15090 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
The contribution of the EGU Education Committee in supporting Earth Science Education