Presentation type:
EOS – Education and Outreach Sessions

EGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture

An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication 

Heather Handley

Geoscience plays a vital role in shaping our sustainable future, yet the discipline is at a critical crossroads. Declining student enrolments, reduced course offerings, and the closure of university departments threaten its survival. Key challenges include public perceptions of geoscience and associated industries, its lack of visibility in school curricula, outdated branding and stereotypes, and issues related to diversity and inclusion. As students increasingly seek altruistic, sustainability-focused careers, geoscience must respond rapidly or risk further decline. A more strategic, impact-driven approach to geoscience communication is essential to address the discipline’s struggling brand image. This presentation takes you behind the scenes of the Earth Futures Festival, an international geoscience film and video festival. The festival bridges the arts and sciences to demonstrate how geoscience, combined with long-standing cultural knowledge of the Earth, offers solutions to pressing global challenges. We will explore the impact-focused approach underpinning the festival’s design, including forging value-aligned partnerships, providing communication skills training for geoscientists, and amplifying the visibility of typically underrepresented groups. This talk will provide a step-by-step practical guide to illustrate how impact-focused design can be effectively applied to geoscience communication and outreach.

How to cite: Handley, H.: An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13520,, 2025.

EGU25-6859 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Climate change and digital communication: teens’ preferences 

Maria Teresa Carone and Loredana Antronico

Human perception is strongly influenced by communication. In the context of natural hazards, perception plays a crucial role in the resilience of affected populations. This is particularly true for people's perceptions of phenomena related to climate change (CC). Given this, it is essential to effectively calibrate communication, especially digital communication, which has significantly transformed how information is shared. Moreover, digital communication is the primary channel for younger generations, often labeled “digital natives.” However, the preferences of young people regarding digital communication tools have not been sufficiently explored.

In this study, in the framework of the Italian NRRP Tech4You Project, we examine the digital communication tools preferred by students from an Italian scientific high school. A questionnaire was administered to 74 students, asking them to select from various digital communication tools related to CC topics. Additionally, an open-ended question encouraged the students to explain their choices briefly. The communication preferences were analyzed via SPSS statistical software, whereas the comments were analyzed via the qualitative data analysis software AtlasTi.

The results highlight a preference for communication that is concise, simple, and similar to the content young people usually engage in. With respect to the proposed content, videos and images are preferred over explicating texts. These findings, which shed light on students' preferences for internet digital tools related to CC, offer valuable insights for better calibrating digital communication in the field of climate change adaptation (CCA), which involves young citizens.

This study provides a good basis for enhancing young people's access to information through digital communication, which could significantly improve their social resilience to CC-related events. This improvement is crucial, as the information of today's youth contributes to building more resilient adult citizens in the future.

This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’ (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) – project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009

How to cite: Carone, M. T. and Antronico, L.: Climate change and digital communication: teens’ preferences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6859,, 2025.

EGU25-7680 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Integrating disciplines and stakeholders to address climate change challenges 

Iuna Tsyrulneva, Hie Lim Kim, Steve H.L. Yim, Shirley S. Ho, and Benjamin P. Horton

Universities are critical in addressing scientific, environmental, social, and political challenges of climate change. But solving the many problems associated with this grand challenge requires: (1) an interdisciplinary approach connecting university experts from various knowledge domains and organizations; (2) synergy with stakeholders for developing and deploying actionable solutions to adapting to the climate crisis; and (3) communicating research deliverables to the public to inform the adoption of climate-friendly behavior.

Here, we examine the Climate Transformation Programme (CTP) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as a case study in interdisciplinary research, evidence-based policymaking, and stakeholder engagement for climate action in Southeast Asia. The CTP framework integrates expertise from science, technology, social sciences, and the arts and translates it into actionable items for decision-makers through a three-fold stakeholder engagement approach. This strategy includes engagement with government agencies, industry partners, and community groups.

To highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary approach within CTP, Kim et al. (2023) combined whole-genome sequencing with reconstructions of landscape change of Southeast Asia[1]. We showed that rapid sea-level rise drove early settlers in Southeast Asia to migrate during the prehistoric period. Our work was the first reported instance to provide proof that sea-level rise changed the genetic makeup of human populations in Southeast Asia – a legacy that continues to impact current populations, affecting the genetic diversity of the region today.

Through the CTP corporate partners network, researchers establish mutually beneficial alliances with businesses committed to developing long-term resilience to the climate crisis. To support the adoption of context-appropriate and feedback-driven climate solutions, partnerships with governmental and international organizations should be fostered. For example, Yim et al. (2024) estimated the global health impacts of air pollution over the past 40 years and its association with climate variability[2]. We revealed that 135 million premature deaths were attributable to PM2.5 air pollution during this period, with climate variability exacerbating health risks. This research was recognized at the 2024 World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting and is employed in partnership with Prudential Insurance Company to assess health impact on individuals of Southeast Asia.

Effective climate communication is key to mobilizing the public to adopt pro-climate behaviors. Using plastic waste as an example, Xiong et al. (2024) investigated if virtual reality (VR) is a viable tool that could overcome several challenges facing climate communication[3]. Our finding indicates policymakers could adopt VR technologies to increase public members’ interest in learning about climate issues. In designing pro-climate behavioral interventions, policymakers should focus on facilitating individuals’ autonomous motivation by giving them a sense of control.

[1] Kim, H.L., Li, T., Kalsi, N. et al. (2023) Prehistoric human migration between Sundaland and South Asia was driven by sea-level rise. Commun Biol 6, 150.

[2] Yim, S. H. L., Li, Y., et al. (2024). Global health impacts of ambient fine particulate pollution associated with climate variability. Environment International, 186, 108587.

[3] Xiong, S. R., Ho, S. S., et al. (2024). Virtual Environment, Real Impacts: A Self-determination Perspective on the use of Virtual Reality for Pro-environmental Behavior Interventions. Environmental Communication, 18(5), 628–647.

How to cite: Tsyrulneva, I., Kim, H. L., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, S. S., and Horton, B. P.: Integrating disciplines and stakeholders to address climate change challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7680,, 2025.

Etna's eastern flank is crossed by numerous seismogenic faults, which cause surface faulting, resulting in the destruction of buildings and exposing the local population to risk. Rebuilding damaged buildings in earthquake-prone areas raises ethical and economic concerns. A seismic event measuring Mw4.9 occurred on 26 December 2018, causing significant damage to over 3,000 buildings within an area of 205 km² populated by approximately 140,000 individuals residing on the Etna's eastern flank. The earthquake resulted in a ground rupture exceeding ten kilometres, encompassing several urban areas. Consequently, it was imperative to conduct a preliminary geostructural study to ascertain the most vulnerable tectonic zones and upgrade targeted buildings. The study identified the homogeneous microzones in seismic prospection, namely the Zones of Attention (ZAACF), Susceptibility (ZSACF) and Respect (ZRACF) of the faults activated during the 2018 earthquake. Buildings in the ZRACF were not permitted to be repaired because they were at serious risk of future damage, and owners were offered financial compensation to rebuild in seismically safer areas. Initially, some people demonstrated reluctance to accept the proposed relocation. Empathy and clear explanations regarding the rationale for the relocation were provided, and the provision of comprehensive support to people facing significant psychological challenges was identified as being necessary. This approach is currently being implemented in the reconstruction of other seismic areas in Italy, and it has the potential to become a common and sustainable model for the reconstruction of areas affected by natural disasters.

How to cite: Neri, M., Neri, E., and Leonardi, A.: Geoethical principles applied to the reconstruction planning of natural disasters: the Etna 2018 earthquake case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9411,, 2025.

EGU25-17453 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Utilizing Urban Microclimate Data in Education and Research  

Natalia Korhonen, Mikko Laapas, Thomas Kühn, Pentti Pirinen, Anna Luomaranta, Eeva Kuntsi-Reunanen, Andrea Vajda, and Hilppa Gregow

In the TAPSI project (Localised climate service for Finland,, new services are being developed to deliver more regionally specific climate information and climate risk indicators, aiming to support climate change adaptation and awareness across Finland.

As part of the TAPSI project, urban measurement networks are being planned and established in four Finnish cities: Tampere, Helsinki, Rovaniemi, and Oulu. Since November 2024, air temperature and relative humidity have been continuously measured at 30 monitoring stations across Helsinki (area ~200 km²), with sensors positioned at a height of 3 meters. These measurements provide an opportunity to explore urban microclimates, enabling students and researchers to investigate the interactions between local urban structures and atmospheric conditions. Combined with other existing measurements, the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) methods, and the integration of environmental and regional datasets, these data enable more precise analyses. Such analyses can, for instance, be used to provide residential area-specific warnings about the dangers of heatwaves.

During spring 2025, within the Carbon Busters project (, this urban climate dataset of Helsinki is going to be utilized to educate students of the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences on the specifics of urban climatology. The dataset facilitates two key areas of inquiry. First, it enables the analysis of spatial temperature variations between densely built-up areas and greener, park-like regions. By correlating these observations with prevailing synoptic weather conditions, students can gain insights into the factors driving regional temperature differences. This includes making the environmental impacts on urban temperature visible, particularly highlighting the roles of green spaces and water bodies in influencing local temperatures and raising awareness of their benefits. Second, we employ kriging interpolation techniques to generate high-resolution (100 m x 100 m) gridded temperature maps from the station measurements. This approach not only enhances our understanding of spatial temperature distribution but also serves as a valuable tool for visualizing and communicating urban climate dynamics to diverse audiences.

Through our efforts, we aim to bridge the gap between scientific data and educational practice, empowering students to engage with authentic datasets and fostering critical thinking about urban climate issues. 

This work is part of the following projects: Carbon Busters funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council (project number R-00246), TAPSI (Localised climate service for Finland) funded by LocalTapiola (, and ACCC (Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center, Flagship Grant No. 337552) funded by the Research Council of Finland. 

How to cite: Korhonen, N., Laapas, M., Kühn, T., Pirinen, P., Luomaranta, A., Kuntsi-Reunanen, E., Vajda, A., and Gregow, H.: Utilizing Urban Microclimate Data in Education and Research , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17453,, 2025.

EGU25-18727 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Climate competencies for real-life action: developing a master level course "Living with changing climate" 

Antti Mäkelä, Hilppa Gregow, Andrea Vajda, Natalia Korhonen, Jari Lavonen, Katja Lauri, Risto Makkonen, Joonas Merikanto, Petri Räisänen, Joula Siponen, Veli-Matti Vesterinen, Ilona Ylivinkka, Laura Riuttanen, Andrea Böhnisch, and Eeva Kuntsi-Reunanen

In order to effectively mitigate, adapt to and benefit from climate change, society needs climate expertise. To enhance professional climate action competencies and to educate students in climate-informed decision making a new master-level course, "Living with changing climate" was developed. This course was created by a multidisciplinary team of experts from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (UH-INAR), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki, as part of the ClimComp-project funded by the Research Council of Finland.

Designed for an online learning platform, the course is part of the Climate University curriculum. Climate University (, a network of higher education institutions in Finland that provides climate and sustainability education in collaboration with schools and working life. The "Living with changing climate" course covers the causes and complexity of climate change, its impacts and adaptation needs, future scenarios and their links to mitigation efforts, and acquaints students with open-source weather and climate data, applications and their use, and the principles of climate services. Additionally, students apply the knowledge gained in project work on a real-life example, enabling them to collaborate with stakeholders. The course was piloted during spring 2023 among a group of students with diverse background. Based on the feedback received, the course material was improved and published in the curriculum in autumn 2023. The design and development process of the course, including the challenges encountered, and lessons learned are presented.

How to cite: Mäkelä, A., Gregow, H., Vajda, A., Korhonen, N., Lavonen, J., Lauri, K., Makkonen, R., Merikanto, J., Räisänen, P., Siponen, J., Vesterinen, V.-M., Ylivinkka, I., Riuttanen, L., Böhnisch, A., and Kuntsi-Reunanen, E.: Climate competencies for real-life action: developing a master level course "Living with changing climate", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18727,, 2025.

EGU25-20205 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA): a multilateral initiative between Europe and Africa 

Patrick Monfray, Kehinde Ogunjobi, Safiétou Sanfo, Julia Roehrig, Andreas Fink, Cheikh Kane, Melaine Sama, Benjamin Sultan, Komi Agboka, Taofic Abdel Alabi, Mamadou Cherif, Amadou Thierno Gaye, William Amponsah, and Adjara Dindane

The West African countries share a myriad of challenges, including environmental degradation, desertification, enhanced rainfall variability, unprecedented heat waves, floodings and declining agricultural productivity. The accelerated climate change along with other global change stressors like population growth and rapid urbanization contributes to land degradation, chronic poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition.

To address these challenges, the Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA) was initiated by France and Germany through their ministries of higher education and research (MESR and BMBF respectively), with West African regional and national institutions such as ACMAD, AGRHYMET/CILSS, WASCAL, African Centres of Excellence, Universities, National Governmental Services in West Africa with the aim to enhance climate resilience through Knowledge, Innovation, and Capacity Building (KIC). This initiative is built on the achievements of previous EU and AU programmes (H2020, JPI Climate/SINCERE, Copernicus CCS, ERA4CS, Climate-KIC, etc.). Four hybrid webinars (in-person and online), rooted in West African countries, were held to identify gaps and critical issues in climate services for risk reduction in Africa.

To capitalize on such Webinars Forum, CS4RRA culminated in an international Stocktaking Conference for West Africa, on 5 - 6 November 2024. Building on conclusions and recommendations from the webinars and aiming to address gaps in knowledge, innovation, and capacity development, this conference convened policymakers and representatives of governments, academia, donors, international agencies, and various stakeholders of the climate service value chain together in Africa. The main objective was to agree on the identified necessary research and innovation efforts and to address the corresponding funding gaps. This conference examined potential areas for multilateral cooperation to support research and innovation on climate services for risk management, resilience, and adaptation in West Africa and beyond. 

How to cite: Monfray, P., Ogunjobi, K., Sanfo, S., Roehrig, J., Fink, A., Kane, C., Sama, M., Sultan, B., Agboka, K., Alabi, T. A., Cherif, M., Gaye, A. T., Amponsah, W., and Dindane, A.: Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA): a multilateral initiative between Europe and Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20205,, 2025.

 Generative AI is radically affecting the teaching landscape in Earth Sciences, which includes evertyhting from essays to coding. Staff have a variety of approaches, ranging from enthusiastic early adopters to 'head-in-the-sand' 'if I don't look at it it won't exist' wishful thinkers. How can we best help everyone learn about the pitfalls and advantages, so they are informed enough to use it correctly if they wish to? This abstract will cover reflections from teaching staff along their journey to integrating generative AI into teaching practice and describe workshops held to integrate staff with different levels of experience. The goal was to give beginners a supported first taste with signposted development resources, and share ideas and methods and resources for the more advanced users.

How to cite: Petrie, E.: Reflecting on the journey towards integrating Generative AI into understanding and practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20328,, 2025.

EGU25-20776 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Outdoor education for rehabilitation of a river 

Alice Severi

The city of Follonica is an energy community and the high school is involved in the "Pecora River Agreement", a local project whose aim is to redevelop the river ecosystem.

Outdoor education is a method that encourages students to be active participants and become citizens aware of the importance of environmental protection.

Students have projected a study (using IBSE method) of the polluted area around the river. The city's history is studied, using local library, showing its importance in climate, the changes in the water regime, and the shape of the river during the XX century.

The environmental situation is measured through chemical and physical parameters of the water, soil texture, quality indicators of soil (analysis of soil fauna), and water (Extended Biotic Index).


The digital products are: a website, some reports, and an interactive map of the river.

School has communicated the situation to the local authorities as a part of the Agreement, moreover, students make proposals: plants on the riverbank, activities to sensitize the local community, and monitoring through an ecological index for the future of the city

How to cite: Severi, A.: Outdoor education for rehabilitation of a river, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20776,, 2025.

EOS1 – Science Communication, Engagement & Outreach

Translation of geoscience research into tangible changes, such as modified decisions, processes or policy in the wider world is an important yet notably difficult process. Co-RISK is an accessible (i.e. open access, paper-based, zero cost) ‘toolkit’ for use by stakeholder groups within workshops, which is intended to aid this translation process. It is given a robust basis by incorporating paradox theory from organisation studies, which deals with navigating the genuine tensions between industry and research organizations that stem from their differing roles. Specifically designed to ameliorate the organizational paradox, a Co-RISK workshop draws up ‘Maps’ including key stakeholders (e.g. regulator, insurer, university) and their positionality (e.g. barriers, concerns, motivations), and identifies exactly the points where science might modify actions. Ultimately a Co-RISK workshop drafts simple and tailored project-specific frameworks that span from climate to hazard, to risk, to implications of that risk (e.g. solvency). The action research approach used to design Co-RISK (with Bank of England, Aon, Verrisk), its implementation in a trial session for the insurance sector and its intellectual contribution are described and evaluated. The initial Co-RISK workshop was well received, so application is envisaged to other sectors (i.e. transport infrastructure, utilities, government).  Joint endeavours enabled by Co-RISK could fulfil the genuine need to quickly convert the latest insights from environmental research into real-world climate change adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Hillier, J. K. and van Meeteren, M.: Co-RISK: A tool to co-create impactful university-industry projects for natural hazard risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-291,, 2025.

Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. During 2024, our team collaborated with other groups specializing in fact checking and countering misinformation about the climate crisis. With this submission we highlight two of these collaborations:

  • Creating fact briefs in collaboration with Gigafact
    Fact briefs are short, credibly sourced summaries that offer “yes/no” answers in response to claims found online. They rely on publicly available, often primary source data and documents. Fact briefs are created by contributors to Gigafact — a nonprofit project looking to expand participation in fact-checking and protect the democratic process. 
  • Turning a PDF-based report refuting 33 climate solutions myths into stand-alone rebuttals
    In early 2024 we spotted an impressive report addressing climate solutions misinformation, "Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles," written by members of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School. We collaborated with the authors to create 33 stand-alone rebuttals based on the report's content to make it possible to link to each of the rebuttals directly.

Both of these collaborations help with sharing fact-based information in order to counter mis- and disinformation spread online.

How to cite: Winkler, B.: Collaborations between Skeptical Science and other groups to spread fact-based information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1439,, 2025.

In an era characterised by the political economy of financialised capitalism, accounting plays an instrumental role in shaping decision-making through the principle of materiality.  This principle influences how physical climate risks are perceived and addressed.  The role of accounting and the principle of materiality are foundational to using corporate reporting to prepare markets for the effects of climate change.  
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD, 2023) has highlighted persistent inadequacies in corporate disclosures, particularly their failure to provide decision-useful information for managing or mitigating the financial and societal impact of extreme weather events.  Inspired by the Absurdist literary tradition, the paper offers a conceptual alternative: expressing materiality as an aesthetic performance that embraces the ambiguity and complexity of climate risk.
To visualise this interplay, disclosure is interpreted as a form of communicative storytelling, where accounting frameworks set the plot and characters, shaping stakeholder engagement.  The tangible impacts of physical climate change function as the unpredictable forces driving the narrative, while aesthetic materiality transforms these elements into a cohesive strategic risk management framework.  This dynamic symbiosis, imbued with Absurdist tensions, illustrates how narrative, financial structures, environmental realities, and performative aesthetics collectively influence decision-making in the face of climate risks.
The Absurdist lens reveals how contemporary disclosures embody a condition of "waiting for the correct data," a state of deferral legitimised by incremental approaches to risk management.  Traditional calculative paradigms in accounting—such as materiality thresholds, metrics, and financial quantification—struggle to address the non-linear and interdependent risks posed by extreme weather events.  By aestheticising materiality, this paper argues that corporate disclosures can better cope with these limitations, engaging stakeholders through participatory and relational communication rather than static, deterministic metrics.
Aesthetic materiality shifts the focus from rigid frameworks to systemic interconnectivity, inviting decision-makers to critically reflect on the unpredictability of climate risks and to co-create meaning alongside stakeholders.  This perspective complements tools such as impact-based forecasting and early-warning systems by addressing the socio-cultural dimensions of risk communication.
Empirical insights from 44 interviews with stakeholders across 16 FTSE350 organisations illustrate the limitations of calculative realism in accounting for climate scenarios.  Participants reported deferring action in pursuit of elusive “objective truths,” grappling with helplessness amidst multiple potential realities and feeling hopeless by the inexpressible ambiguity associated with accounting for extreme weather risks.  These findings underscore the Absurdist tension between striving for control and coping with the immeasurable—a tension that current frameworks fail to resolve.
Aesthetic materiality is a conceptual response to the systemic inadequacies of existing corporate disclosure practices.  It disrupts normative accounting principles such as reliability and objectivity, advocating instead for evocative narratives, symbolic imagery, and dialogical engagement that better reprehend the interconnected nature of extreme weather events.  Such a transition also signals a shift beyond the prevailing interdisciplinary accounting discourse by foregrounding the limits of language and representation, emphasising the performative aesthetics of materiality and expressing disclosure as an unending process. 

How to cite: O Rourke, J.: Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic Materiality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1592,, 2025.

EGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials 

Lucy Blennerhassett, Geertje Schuitema, and Fergus McAuliffe

Developing innovative public engagement measures are central to addressing many of the key geoscience related challenges within the EU. One of the most pressing European challenges includes achieving a sustainable and secure supply of critical raw materials (CRMs). These materials include vital metals used in renewable energy technologies, for which the EU is often totally reliant on imports at both the extraction and processing level. Hence, EU climate neutrality by 2050, as per the European Green Deal, hinges on CRM supply. However, this is not often discussed in the public realm.

Informal education spaces such as festivals provide unique environments for science communication, where incidental adult audiences can stumble upon new scientific concepts and problems in engaging ways. However, to be successful, science exhibits at such events need to capture attention and stimulate the audience in a short period of time. The critical raw material challenge is underrepresented in the festival environment likely due to historically negative public attitudes towards mining. Hence, a necessary science communication endeavour is to develop a novel engagement activity that engages adult audiences at festivals with this issue and stimulates conversation. We present a hands-on, challenge-based public engagement activity/tool for use in the fast-paced science and arts festival environment, where contact time is limited and interaction is key. Designed to simulate the supermarket experience, ‘GreenDealz’ brings participants through tactile ‘shopping’ tasks, with evaluation points included throughout. The main aim of GreenDealz was to engage participants with the concept of critical raw materials and their demand for renewable energy technologies in a relatable and task-based way.

We outline the iterative process of developing GreenDealz for the festival environment, including ideation, design, and an evolution of evaluation from classic self-reported techniques to more novel and festival friendly ‘embedded assessment’ measures. Importantly, we highlight how this activity has been tested and validated via a mixed methods approach: our quantitative data, collected across several festivals in Ireland, yields significant findings about audience learnings and engagement, while our qualitative data, gleaned through less time-restricted participant interactions sheds a deeper light on the effectiveness of this tool in achieving learning outcomes and sparking interest in critical raw materials within non-specialist audiences.

How to cite: Blennerhassett, L., Schuitema, G., and McAuliffe, F.: GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2292,, 2025.

EGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network 

Eva Feldbacher, Carmen Sippl, Babette Lughammer, Ioana Capatu, Gregor Jöstl, Dominik Eibl, Michaela Panzenböck, Laura Coulson, Elmira Akbari, and Gabriele Weigelhofer

Austrian citizens, like many others worldwide, show high levels of skepticism coupled with low interest in science. This disengagement is closely tied to limited science literacy, characterized by a poor understanding of the scientific process and scientific data generation. Initiatives operating at the intersection of science and education provide a valuable opportunity to develop innovative methods of science communication, enhance science literacy, and positively influence attitudes toward scientific findings. To address these challenges, scientists from diverse disciplines, educators, and administrators have joined forces to establish the “Interdisciplinary Network for Science Education Lower Austria (INSE)”. Led by WasserCluster Lunz and funded by GFF NÖ, this partnership aims to: (i) deepen public understanding of science by engaging students and citizens in scientific processes across disciplines, (ii) spark interest in science through innovative communication strategies, and (iii) build trust in the benefits of science by showcasing its contributions to addressing societal and ecological challenges.

In this presentation, we will introduce the INSE partnership and highlight our science education concepts tailored to different educational levels. At the primary level, the focus was on research in the humanities, emphasizing the significance of reading and writing. At the lower secondary level, the main principles of the "Nature of Science (NOS)" were introduced, while at the upper secondary level, students conducted their own research projects, either in the natural sciences (a respiration experiment in aquatic ecology) or the social sciences (a social science survey). Students explored the principles of specific research methods and examined the similarities and differences among various scientific disciplines. This approach aimed to provide participants with both a solid understanding of general scientific principles and insights into discipline-specific methodologies.

We will also present initial evaluation results on the effectiveness of our educational activities. Additionally, we aim to foster new collaborations at both national and international levels to strengthen our network and expand the resources available for science education.

How to cite: Feldbacher, E., Sippl, C., Lughammer, B., Capatu, I., Jöstl, G., Eibl, D., Panzenböck, M., Coulson, L., Akbari, E., and Weigelhofer, G.: Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2755,, 2025.

SCAPE° is a new science center under development in Offenbach, Germany, dedicated to making weather, climate, and their profound connections to human life both tangible and engaging. Situated in the heart of the city, SCAPE° aims to bridge the gap between science and society through interactive exhibits, immersive workshops, and dynamic community events.

This presentation will provide an overview of SCAPE°’s organizational structure, the planning and design process, and the challenges encountered in creating this innovative space. Key exhibits will be showcased, including hands-on installations such as turbulence simulators and immersive visualizations of global weather phenomena, demonstrating the center’s commitment to interactive and educational engagement. Examples of workshops and events will illustrate how SCAPE° fosters dialogue and involvement in a scientific, but also artistic way. 

By sharing the experiences and lessons learned in developing SCAPE°, this presentation seeks to inspire innovative approaches to science communication and public engagement in weather and climate sciences, while raising awareness and excitement for SCAPE° itself as a vital new space for exploration and education.

How to cite: Frank, B.: SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2820,, 2025.

This study investigates how the mining industry employs science communication tactics, specifically framing, warmth, honesty, and relatability when engaging with the public. Guided by three primary research questions, this project seeks to identify: (1) which frames and tactics Canadian mining organizations employ when communicating about mining, (2) how these tactics influence engagement among audiences with pro-, anti-, and neutral attitudes toward mining, and (3) whether the use of tactics varies based on the type of organization.

A mixed-methods approach integrates content analysis, survey responses, and thematic analysis. Advertisements, corporate websites, and corporate responsibility documents from various mining organizations are systematically coded to identify framing strategies and communication techniques. To evaluate changes in public perceptions, knowledge, and behaviours, participants complete pre-engagement surveys to establish baseline attitudes toward mining. They then engage with assigned materials in two stages: first independently and later through guided discussion and interviews conducted via Zoom. Post-engagement surveys capture immediate reactions and subsequent changes in perception, knowledge, and potential actions. Transcribed interviews from guided discussions are analyzed thematically to uncover deeper insights into how audiences engage with mining-related messaging.

This research is significant for its focus on the intersection of industry messaging and public engagement, addressing a critical gap in understanding how science communication influences public trust and opinion in resource-driven sectors. Insights from this study will inform best practices for transparent, relatable, and effective communication in the mining industry, with broader implications for improving public engagement strategies in other science-based fields.

How to cite: Onstad, C. and van der Flier-Keller, E.: Preliminary Insights into Science Communication Strategies in Canadian Mining Messaging: A Mixed-Methods Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2911,, 2025.

Some environmental issues (nuclear/special wastes, CO2 storage) are extremely long-lasting, from thousand to one million years (Flüeler 2023). Three aspects are mandatory to recognise them adequately: their complexity (e.g., safety “proof”), uncertainty (aleatory/epistemic …), inequality (today’s risk deciders vs. future risk bearers). All require a deep sense of multiperspectivity: Changing perspectives enables a conscious view of an issue from different angles.

With exceptions, conventional practice reveals “technical” and “acceptance” approaches. The problem is said to be solely political, “the public’s” poor state of knowledge spurs the plea for “outreach”, following the “deficit model”: Specialists inform laypeople to close their “information gap”. The long term is covered by safety margins and, as a last resort, by waste retrievability.

Applied research is more sophisticated. Nuclear waste safety cases have become comprehensive, considering insecurities and stakeholder involvement (NEA 2020b). Still, the very long term (10,000y plus) is left to risk analysts. “Communication Across 300 Generations” (Tannenbaum 1984) or “to bridge ten millennia” (Sebeok 1984) are issues reserved to semiotics and not really developed further (NEA 2019). Conserving artefacts and symbols over time seems unsatisfactory, even unrealistic. Site-selection procedures have, partly, recognised the need for decades-long processes (NEA 2020a).

What is “long term”? (cf. Flüeler 2023, 55ff.) It would be futile for society to deal with the year 800,000 AP, but it is to reckon what Brand and Eno called “the Long Now”, 10,000 years back and forth, yet a generations-based approach seems more practical, maybe the Canadian First Nations’ yardstick of the Seven Generations (NCSL 2017): “Traditionally, no decision was made until it was understood how it would affect the next seven generations”. Or we draw on Boulding’s suggestion: 100 years backward and foreward (grandparents to grandchildren) (Boulding 1978).

At any rate, our responsibility to future generations “requires new operationalisations, new norms of practice, new sets of values, new virtues, and – last but not least – new institutions” (Birnbacher 1988). It needs new skills for sustainable governance, transparent (digital) dashboards, open online platforms to table/respond to controversial views/assertions, transdisciplinary labs, ways to address indeterminacy (>>“uncertainty”), VR learning machines to train changing perspectives, etc.

The ethical, political and institutional complexity insinuates that there is no silver bullet to tackle the issue of governance: “The solution is easily summarized, but much less easily achieved: to establish ecological reflexivity as a core priority of social, political and economic institutions” (Dryzek/Pickering 2019). We need continual discourse to transform our societies sustainably, rather than pre-fixed concepts in order to restore supposedly paradisiac past states.


Birnbacher, D. Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen. Reclam, Stuttgart (transl.).

Boulding, E. The Family as a Way into the Future. Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA.

Dryzek, J.S./Pickering, J. The Politics of the Anthropocene. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.

Flüeler, T.


NEA/Nuclear Energy Agency/2019. Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory Across Generations. OECD, Paris.

NEA/2020a. Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Policy Brief.

NEA/2020b. Two Decades of Safety Case Development: An IGSC Brochure.

Sebeok, T.A. Communication Measures to Bridge Ten Millennia. BMI/ONWI-532. Battelle, Columbus, OH.

Tannenbaum, P.H. Communication Across 300 Generations: Deterring Human Interference with Waste Deposit Sites. BMI/ONWI-535.

How to cite: Flüeler, T.: How to communicate “long term”? 10, 100, 10,000 years …? Practice, research, reflections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4847,, 2025.

EGU25-6769 | Orals | EOS1.1

How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust? 

Milena Marjanovic, Simon Besançon, David Hautemayou, Souradeep Mahato, and Ted Luc

Similar to X-rays used in medicine to scan human bodies, to understand the characteristics of the oceanic crust that covers >70% of our planet, marine geophysicists conduct controlled source seismic experiments at sea on research vessels. We produce tiny earthquakes using compressed air, which travel through the subsurface built of different rock types; the differences in the rocks introduce changes in the propagated waves, which are registered by an array of receptors and then processed to produce seismic images. However, this field of research is not commonly known by school students or the general public. To bridge this gap, we designed a seismic atelier to expose the less-known but marvelous world of marine geophysics and show it as a possible career path. The atelier includes a presentation of our work at sea supported by pictures and videos, presentation of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) developed and designed internally at IPGP, and model that simulates seismic data acquisition. For this model, we obtained the EGU Public Engagement Award in 2023. The elements that constitute the model:

  • 400 l water tank, floating LEGO ship
  • three 3-D printed OBSs connected to an electromagnetic mechanism that simulate deployment and recovery of the instruments
  • ballons that are perforated under the water to mimic the seismic source
  • hydrophone connected to a laptop for signal recording

The experiment is accompanied by a 5-question quiz tailored to correspond to the age of the participants; all the topics concerning the questions were covered in the presentations. The quiz is conducted before and after the atelier, which helps us to evaluate the impact of outreach activity. All the questions were designed as a multiple-choice. For example, for the age 11-15 years, one question is: What is the temperature of the deep ocean?, with the offered responses: a) 0-3º, b) 23-25ºC, and c) 0 -10 ºC.

We have already run the atelier on two occasions, and the results are promising. The first time was during the Fête de la Science (Open House event in France) at IPGP in early October 2024, during which we presented our atelier to four groups, 10-12 participants (9-12 years old) in each group. The second session was organized with 30 high-school students (~15 years old). The quizzes' analyses clearly show that the number of correct answers increases by up to 50% after the conducted atelier, demonstrating the positive impact of the activity on student knowledge. The results also show that some questions were tackling less-known topics. For instance, the question we gave as an example above was consistently answered incorrectly by ~80% of students before the atelier; in contrast, after the atelier, the situation was reversed, and >90% of the participants gave the correct answer. Overall, the impressions of the students after participating in the atelier, especially the youngest ones, are highly positive, and we hope they will develop a certain level of passion for marine sciences. The next stage for our project would be to film it and make it available online in different languages to reach students internationally.

How to cite: Marjanovic, M., Besançon, S., Hautemayou, D., Mahato, S., and Luc, T.: How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6769,, 2025.

EGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1

Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy 

Chiara Pocaterra, Valeria Mingardi, Laura Mentini, Sara Silvi, and Alessia Careccia

APRE is an Italian non-profit association with a network of more than 160 members from academia and private sector, that has developed extensive expertise in sharing research results to the wider public from several HORIZON EUROPE funded projects across different areas through innovative science communication, education and engagement methodologies.  

Notable projects include the Engage4Bio project which launched actions at a regional level for the deployment of local bioeconomies, achieving new ways to govern societal transformation and engage citizens through awareness raising and education on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles. The BIOVOICES project raised awareness on the bioeconomy through engagement and exchange of knowledge. The GenB project tested innovative formats and developed concrete products and toolkits to raise awareness and educate students, teachers and multipliers on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy. Finally the BlueRev project increased skilled job opportunities in the bio-based sector for local businesses with training and webinars.  

During these projects, the Authors were able to develop and validate via engagement and participatory processes, innovative science communication formats and concrete methods. Our aim was to raise awareness and educate non-specialised audiences (especially young people, teachers, educators, citizens) on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy, building communities with knowledge and instruments to create, enact, and disseminate sustainable practices. These non-traditional science communication techniques are proving effective and based on artistic/ narrative means and personal interaction that strengthen credibility and trust with the audience.  

In Engage4BIO, art, communication and science were merged by creating an attractive Design Award. The goal of the competition was to encourage artists in finding sustainable solutions through art and design. In this process, science communication played a central role, bridging the gap between creativity and technology.   

The book for children "What's bioeconomy?" was developed by BIOVOICES and it is the first-ever publication written for kids on sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Through an interactive 80 flaps, the book translates complex scientific concepts into easily comprehensible contents for pre- and primary school young people, their parents and teachers to increase awareness on the environmental, social and economic benefits of the bioeconomy and bio-based sectors.  

GenB has designed an educational podcast series for 4-8 year old audience. Using captivating storytelling, and stimulating imagination and curiosity, children can enjoy them on any occasion to explore crucial concepts such as sustainability, circularity, and respect for the environment, making the bioeconomy an accessible and fascinating topic. The podcast features 10 episodes written by selected authors and scientifically validated by experts.   

A participatory photography format for youth was also tested and developed in GenB project, to increase awareness of the applications of science in their everyday contexts. Through photographs or video, young people learned to identify real-world examples of bioeconomy, collecting examples from their daily lives. Photography and visual approach in education creates meaningful connections with places, people, and moments in time, encouraging reflection, insight and awareness, and empowering young people to make more informed decisions about consumption and lifestyle. 

How to cite: Pocaterra, C., Mingardi, V., Mentini, L., Silvi, S., and Careccia, A.: Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7084,, 2025.

EGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms 

Philip Heron, Kiona Osowski, Fabio Crameri, and Jamie Williams

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects have historically struggled to be inclusive and accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, STEM subjects have often been rigid in their teaching structure, creating barriers to education for students with more specific (or unrecognised) learning needs. Our STEM outreach course, Think Like A Scientist, has been running in a number of English prisons since 2019, and started in Canada and Australia over the past two years. Our students in prison often have diverse learning needs – a classroom often presents numerous barriers (sensory, communication, information processing, and regulation) which particularly impacts neurodivergent students (e.g., autism, ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, etc.). In our teaching in prison, we have been conscious of creating different educational access points that are not solely reliant on rigid teaching structures.

Although our outreach programme is tailored to the restrictive prison environment, the application of its core principles are fundamental Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) practices that can be applied to university-level teaching and supervision. Here, we outline the choices we have made in prison education to increase educational engagement for those within the neurodivergent umbrella – and how these choices can map onto university teaching to widen participation for STEM students. Specifically, we will describe our university campus work in a few key areas: creating relatable science content for our geoscience student body, giving students a voice in their education, adding reflection activities, and fostering a classroom environment that is inclusive and accessible to all. Finally, we welcome an open discussion on potential best inclusive practices in the geosciences.

How to cite: Heron, P., Osowski, K., Crameri, F., and Williams, J.: Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7405,, 2025.

EGU25-9684 | Orals | EOS1.1

Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology 

Taru Sandén, Julia Fohrafellner, Ana Pires da Silva, and Carla Brites

AGROECOLOGY, the European Partnership "Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures," is a significant European research and innovation initiative involving the European Commission and 26 Member States, Associated Countries, and Third Countries, with a total of 72 partner organizations. The goal of AGROECOLOGY is to assist the agricultural sector in addressing the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and environmental sustainability, while ensuring agriculture remains profitable, sustainable, and attractive to farmers.

Transforming the agricultural sector to meet societal and policy demands requires bold and systemic changes. AGROECOLOGY fosters for solutions that leverage natural and biological processes, blending state-of-the-art science, technology, and innovation with farmers' knowledge. By pooling resources from the European Commission and the involved member states and regions, the Partnership funds high-level research in Living Labs and Research Infrastructures, co-creating relevant knowledge and technologies aligned with the priorities of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Farming System Transition.

To support these efforts, a range of activities is being implemented to inform, engage, and empower stakeholders. These activities aim to enhance capacities, raise awareness, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and data. A key element of this effort is the Conversations on Agroecology which serve as foundational steps to strengthen agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) for agroecology. These conversations foster collaboration and connections between Living Labs, Research Infrastructures and stakeholders across Europe.

The online Conversations on Agroecology are held monthly throughout the Partnership, enabling the mobilization and networking of agroecology actors in Europe and beyond. In 2024, six online conversations were organized on various themes, such as the role of AKIS for agroecology, agroecological transition, and the power of networks for agroecology. Through these monthly conversations, AGROECOLOGY engages diverse groups of actors, ensuring involvement of institutional AKIS actors, farmers, and farming networks to ensure inclusive participation and drive progress toward sustainable food systems by 2030.

How to cite: Sandén, T., Fohrafellner, J., Pires da Silva, A., and Brites, C.: Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9684,, 2025.

EGU25-11418 | Orals | EOS1.1

The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels. 

Verena Meraldi, Christina Hess, Holly Stainton, Henry Evans, Elizabeth Leane, and Anne Hardy

The popularity and use of Participatory or Citizen Science (CS) in scientific research has increased over the recent years, and the literature reports that CS can promote positive change; enhance public knowledge, understanding, and awareness of environmental issues; and amplify conservation efforts.

Accessibility to polar regions is limited and expensive.  With resources from other traditional platforms (i.e. research vessels and funding) decreasing, research institutions are looking at alternatives that involve partnering with the private sector tourism as a ‘crowdsourcing’ data collection option, with the added benefit of passenger participation and education. CS monitoring is a cost-effective alternative for greater spatial and/or temporal coverage, including geographical areas that remain under-researched. 

HX’s Science & Education Program focuses on broadening guests’ understanding of the polar regions and ecosystems, as well as the impacts of climate change. Our guests become active participants in data collection through an immersive educational onboard program and on-site interaction with researchers. During 2024 we allocated over 1900 cruise nights to welcome 80+ researchers from collaborating institutions on our vessels and our guests contributed more than 30,000 data submissions to over 20 different CS projects globally.

To better understand this potential and to evaluate the longer-term effect of participation in CS and science related activities on guests, HX carried out a research project in partnership with UTAS during 2022 and 2023. Results from semi-structured interviews with over 70 guests on three HX vessels suggest that guests saw CS, and the Science & Education program more generally, as a core part of their experience, and many returned with a heightened sense of the fragility of the region.

However, and as an example, HX represents approximately 8% of the Antarctic expedition cruising tourism. The full potential for future partnerships to tap into these vast resources as an industry is yet to be realized.

How to cite: Meraldi, V., Hess, C., Stainton, H., Evans, H., Leane, E., and Hardy, A.: The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11418,, 2025.

EGU25-12106 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society? 

Laura Reilly, Martin Möllhoff, Christopher Bean, Siobhán Power, Louise Collins, Patrick Smith, James Grannell, Huda Mohamed, Emma Smithers, and Philippe Grange

Most people in Irish society, when asked, “Do we experience earthquakes in Ireland?” would likely answer, “No we don’t”. However, this is incorrect – earthquakes do occur in Ireland and are occasionally felt. This misconception is understandable as Ireland is not located near the edge of a plate boundary and the earthquakes we experience tend to be of very low magnitude (M2.5 is the largest onshore Irish earthquake recorded so far). As a result, earthquakes are not a regular thought for the population of Ireland. We aim to raise awareness on this topic.

The QuakeShake programme has these main aims:

  • Encourage Irish society to consider seismic activity and monitor seismic events both locally and globally and thereby develop an integrated community of citizen seismologists throughout Ireland.
  • Provide teaching resources for educators and school students.
  • Inspire interest in Physical and Earth Sciences at tertiary levels.
  • Support the government’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Art and Mathematics) initiative.
  • Foster a closer relationship between researchers and citizens.
  • Gather and share seismic data to support scientific research in various seismological fields.

The programme is managed by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) and co-funded by DIAS, Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), and Research Ireland. QuakeShake functions as the outreach programme for the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN), the national earthquake monitoring body in Ireland. It supports and promotes the monitoring efforts of the INSN.

QuakeShake is facilitating the operation of affordable seismometers, known as Raspberry Shakes, in schools, homes, and public institutions. These compact, professional grade seismometers require only power and internet connectivity to operate. In 2024, QuakeShake distributed seismometers via public raffle and workshops for teachers and the public. In 2025, the aim is to distribute even more Raspberry Shake devices and encourage the public and schools to acquire their own units. 

At EGU 2025 we will showcase the programmes development, aimed at educating people from all backgrounds in Ireland about both Irish and Global earthquakes. We will illustrate how QuakeShake is actively building a community of citizen seismologists across Ireland.

How to cite: Reilly, L., Möllhoff, M., Bean, C., Power, S., Collins, L., Smith, P., Grannell, J., Mohamed, H., Smithers, E., and Grange, P.: Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12106,, 2025.

EGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands  

Andrea Alonso, Daniel Prieto, Rubén García-Hernández, David Afonso, Héctor de los Rios, Luca D’Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Scientific communication is a key pillar of the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN). In this context, Guayota is a weekly multilingual graphic report that summarizes seismic-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. This resource analyzes the earthquakes recorded over the past week, detailing their location, magnitude, and energy released. A color-coded map visually represents the magnitudes (red for >4, orange for 3-4, yellow for 2-3, and green for <2), providing an intuitive overview of the most relevant data. Additionally, the report includes the total number of seismic events, the energy in joules, and the maximum recorded magnitude. 

The report also incorporates the volcanic alert system, based on four color levels from the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Response to Volcanic Risk in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA), to assess the hazard level. An accompanying table highlights key parameters such as seismicity, deformation, and gas emissions on the most volcanically active islands: La Palma, El Hierro, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Lanzarote. 

Guayota is published every Friday on INVOLCAN's social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter/X, and its website, ensuring that the information is accessible, educational, and timely. This initiative plays a crucial role in keeping the population of the Canary Islands informed with reliable, accurate, and easily understandable data. By raising public awareness, it helps communities better understand and prepare for the risks of living in a volcanically active environment. These efforts enhance community resilience and promote safer coexistence. In doing so, INVOLCAN reaffirms its commitment to scientific outreach, education, and effective volcanic risk management. 

How to cite: Alonso, A., Prieto, D., García-Hernández, R., Afonso, D., de los Rios, H., D’Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12352,, 2025.

EGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall 

Auguste Gires and Eleonora Dallan

Rainfall is very commonly experienced by most people, often seen as a constraint. Anyway, usually people are not really paying attention to it, being too busy with their daily life. As rainfall and hydrology scientists, we aim to reach out to the general public to increase knowledge in an area of widespread misinformation. More importantly, we aim to enhance curiosity and awareness of people in their geophysical environment. In order to contribute to this much needed efforts, we designed and implemented a series of multisensory experiences centered on rainfall with three purpose in mind: i) Actively engage people on geoscience topics by pushing them to pay attention to their environment ; ii) Create a simple and pleasant moment for people enabling to focus on geophysical environment. iii) Create some new knowledge on rainfall for them. With regards to the latter point, the involvement of one’s senses is a great tool to facilitate memorization.

The experiences are simple and do not require any material, apart from an available mind and some rainfall. Three examples are feeling the drops and their sizes on the hand or face while walking; listening to the rain falling on something (tent, umbrella, sheet of metal…); looking at the rain falling near a lamppost at night. Each experience has a simple take home message. The first one is related to the various sizes of drops, the second one to the temporal variability of rainfall, while the third one enables to notice the temporal variability of both rainfall and wind. 

The process is designed as follows. A short description of the suggested experience is given to people. Once they have implemented them, they are asked to fill a rather open/free form to report their sensations and findings. After they are given some explanations on the take home messages we originally had in mind, which does not necessarily match their own feeling. If they are interested in doing it again, they are invited to provide new sets of feedback. 

In a first step, the whole process was tested with 10-15 people with various backgrounds and who have no expertise in rainfall. Results of this preliminary implementation will be presented in this poster. They are used to tune the process, i.e. the experiences, the short description and also the explanations of the take home message. In future investigations, it will be implemented with a larger number of people to obtain more quantitative and robust results.

How to cite: Gires, A. and Dallan, E.: Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13449,, 2025.

EGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture

An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication 

Heather Handley

Geoscience plays a vital role in shaping our sustainable future, yet the discipline is at a critical crossroads. Declining student enrolments, reduced course offerings, and the closure of university departments threaten its survival. Key challenges include public perceptions of geoscience and associated industries, its lack of visibility in school curricula, outdated branding and stereotypes, and issues related to diversity and inclusion. As students increasingly seek altruistic, sustainability-focused careers, geoscience must respond rapidly or risk further decline. A more strategic, impact-driven approach to geoscience communication is essential to address the discipline’s struggling brand image. This presentation takes you behind the scenes of the Earth Futures Festival, an international geoscience film and video festival. The festival bridges the arts and sciences to demonstrate how geoscience, combined with long-standing cultural knowledge of the Earth, offers solutions to pressing global challenges. We will explore the impact-focused approach underpinning the festival’s design, including forging value-aligned partnerships, providing communication skills training for geoscientists, and amplifying the visibility of typically underrepresented groups. This talk will provide a step-by-step practical guide to illustrate how impact-focused design can be effectively applied to geoscience communication and outreach.

How to cite: Handley, H.: An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13520,, 2025.

Podcasting about science is thriving.  In the Earth sciences alone, there are at least 15 podcasts.  How do such podcasts fit within the ecosystem of informal science education alongside museums, field trips and other resources?  Can podcasts convey the core results of present-day research without sacrificing their essence and subtlety?  Are researchers willing to make time to contribute to podcasts?  Who is listening to these podcasts and what are they seeking from them?  Does AI-enabled translation and transcription help reach listeners from hitherto less well-served geographies?  The presentation will address such questions and use examples from Geology Bites and other podcasts. 

How to cite: Strimpel, O.: Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13862,, 2025.

EGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation 

Mario Soriano, Reed Maxwell, and Allison Carruth

In the wake of disasters, storytelling can function as a means for collective sensemaking, trauma recovery, and community-centered knowledge co-production. Through the practice of listening and the medium of voice, audio stories can convey culturally specific knowledge that engages emotions while fostering dialogic thinking on complex topics. Here, we detail our experience in research and producing a public-facing audio story series about communities facing displacement and loss from water-related disasters. First, we traveled in 2023 to communities in the central Philippines devastated by 2013’s Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the deadliest and strongest storms to make landfall in modern history. We conducted field interviews with Haiyan survivors and responders, local policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the months leading up to the tenth-year commemoration of the storm. Their narratives allowed us to ground discourses about learning from disaster in mass media and academic research—discourses that we examined via a computational analysis of over 15,000 newspaper articles and 300 academic abstracts on Haiyan. The second story series explores perspectives on climate retreat in the wake of floods and increasing flood risks in New Jersey. This series centers the voices of homeowners considering property buyouts through a state program, local officials, as well as scientists who are documenting the social and physical impacts of more intense flooding and sea level rise in real time. Titled Carried by Water and produced by Princeton’s Blue Lab, these interrelated series anchor academic framings of disaster in lived experience and first-person narratives. The project does so to shed light on long-term recovery, learning processes applied to everyday decision-making, and diverse understandings of disasters, home, agency, risk, and climate resilience.

How to cite: Soriano, M., Maxwell, R., and Carruth, A.: Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14045,, 2025.

EGU25-14200 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

Katherine Boggs, Amrine Dubois Gafar, David Eaton, Lilian Navarro, Jerry Demorcy, Holly Bley, Jesus Rojas Parra, and Richard Carlisle

The International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 is returning to Canada, after an absence of over 50 years (1972, Montreal). Hosted in Calgary, Alberta, this will mark the first IGC to be held in western North America. We look forward to showcasing our “Gorgeous Geology” and “Legendary Landscapes” with the world’s geoscience community. Field trip opportunities include the Mohorovic discontinuity and glacial fjords in UNESCO World Heritage Site (UWHS) Gros Morne National Park (Newfoundland), the Carboniferous Forests at UWHS Joggins Fossil Cliffs (Nova Scotia), the Logan Line separating the Appalachians from the Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield in UWHS Quebec City (Quebec), the Cretaceous Dinosaur fossil beds at UWHS Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alberta), and evidence for the Cambrian Explosion of Life in the Burgess Shale surrounded by glaciers across the UWHS Rocky Mountain Parks (Alberta/British Columbia). Potential Indigenous cultural day trips from Calgary include Blackfoot Crossing, UWHS Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, and UWHS Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, also known as the “Blackfoot Archives” because of the thousands of pictographs throughout the park.

Here we report on the overall communications plan, starting with phase one leading into IGC 2024 in which a powerful social media presence became the potential game-changer to connect with the target audiences such as the national and global geoscience community, as well as the general public. This connection built brand awareness while unearthing enthusiasm for the destination and program. Stage one for the social media campaign involved a recent three-month social media campaign with daily bilingual postings on Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn and YouTube. Social media was important for achieving the goals of: i) promoting Canadian geosciences, ii) highlighting the conference tagline “Geosciences for Humanity” and iii) building awareness about the Canadian bid. During IGC 2024 the social media team also promoted the events that happened at the Canadian Booth and Reception, reflecting Calgary’s renowned hospitality such as the White Hat Ceremony swearing in 30 IGC delegates as honorary Calgarians. This strategy united the international geoscience community, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that we aim to foster for IGC 2028.

The stage two of the social media (post-bid) campaign started at the end of 2024. Weekly themes promote Indigenous and geotourism offerings across Canada, with three weekly postings to showcase content. After winning the bid to host IGC 2028, interest from the local media was sparked after a press release led by the University of Calgary framing this as the “Olympics of the Geosciences”. Co-chairs Boggs and Eaton were interviewed on TV and Radio. Further press releases will follow in upcoming years to profile plenary speakers and advertise the Keynote Daily Themes (KDT) to local public schools and universities across Canada. KDTs such as “Space and Planetary Geosciences” will springboard off the Artemis II Mission which will be circumnavigating the moon in 2025 with Canadian Astronaut Jeremy Hansen onboard.


How to cite: Boggs, K., Dubois Gafar, A., Eaton, D., Navarro, L., Demorcy, J., Bley, H., Rojas Parra, J., and Carlisle, R.: Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14200,, 2025.

EGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project 

Catalina Cabello, Denisse Leal, and Martin Riedel-Hornig

Engaging the community with geosciences has always been a big challenge for geoscientists. It has become increasingly important in the face of widespread misinformation on social media. To address this, the “Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias (Let’s talk about geoscience)” project was created to bridge the gap between geoscientists and the general public in an informal and approachable setting, where people don’t feel afraid or ashamed to asks questions.

We dropped the traditional structure of the academia and took researchers from the Universidad de Concepción away from the university, to a local restobar. There, through the course of the first semester of 2024, we organized six conservatories. Scientist were asked to present a brief introduction to their research topic in a non-scientific, everyday language. The audience was encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions throughout the talks. These interactions often guided the development of the topics, fostering an open and dynamic dialogue. The addressed themes were stratigraphy, hydrothermal waters, volcanoes, field geology, earthquakes and landslides.

The talks had a great reception from the public, who participated actively and asked abundant questions. We compiled these questions and general topics of interest about each of the themes and presented the results to academics at the university, not only to bring sciences to the public but to also bring peoples interests to academics, hoping to have an impact in the development of future research topics.

How to cite: Cabello, C., Leal, D., and Riedel-Hornig, M.: Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14325,, 2025.

An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice discusses a successful co-creation of a film project with sicentsits and film professionals from Europe and the US. The resulting film,The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice is about the science of how a long-lost sediment core reveals crucial clues about the disappearance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and global sea level rise. Scientists find the sediment from a secret sub-ice US Milirary Cold War base in the Arctic holding clues to the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet and completely transforming our understanding of ice sheet collapse. The film was an enormous undertaking to follow the science across nine laboratories in the US and Europe and highlights some of the most remote locations in Greenland. The E&O generated not only important outreach for science, but also built on practical and theoretical research within film. The collaborative academic model built the E&O team within the science team rather than as an ad hoc external team. This approach developed an atmosphere of co-creation. During this presentation, Kasic will sceen excerpts of the film and will be availabe to discuss the combined traditional and non-traditional approaches the project took to E&O, from conception to completion. 

Here is a private link to the film in its entirety:

The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice

Link to trailer:

Full Film available for screening upon request.

How to cite: Kasic, K.: An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14662,, 2025.

EGU25-15176 | Orals | EOS1.1

Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science 

Giulia Bongiorno, Dienke Stomph, Wietse Wiersma, and Jillian Student

How do soil scientists perceive and experience soils? They use a wide variety of devices and tools, such as microscopes, laboratory equipment and field campaigns, and they summarize their knowledge through publications, graphs, and tables. Approaching soils with this academic perspective is likely to cause scientists to have different relationships with soils than people without soil science training. Humans have relationships with soils, and in addition to the science-based ones, these relationships can be personal, artistic, cultural, sensorial and more. Clearly, soils matter at many levels since people and communities can feel a deep connection with the soil of their homeland, as a source of identity, sustenance and a sense of place and belonging. What we proposed during the Wageningen Soil Conference 2023 was to let soil scientists discover the diversity in ways that soils can be experienced and perceived so to facilitate a positive transformation on how do we do soil science. During these event we took participants beyond the scientific perspective in an informal and relaxed space where we engaged with soils in unexpected and creative ways. Seventeen ‘stations’ were dedicated to experiencing colors, smells, tastes, textures, sounds, visuals, emotions and feelings peculiar to soils. Each station was organized by either a scientist or an artist that was present to encourage discussions, conversations and sharing of stories to inspire to experience new soil perspectives. One of the goals of this exercise was to expand (transform) the, often narrow, view of soil scientists on soils and let them discover other dimensions which can allow them to better connect with society and inspire them to share their work and knowledge about soil. This event was just the beginning of our collaboration towards experiencing soil perspectives and more events using the same or a similar format for different stakeholder groups (non-soil scientist, general public) were organized. During the conference we will share our concept, experiences and reflection with a broader group of soil scientists also reflecting about the experiences derived from the course ‘Transformative soil science’ hold in November 2024. The course was grounded in transdisciplinary perspectives from natural and social sciences and the humanities, and helped early-career scientists to understand their own perspectives on soil, and how to connect with other perspectives in an integral way of knowledge generation that contributes to meaningful transformations.

How to cite: Bongiorno, G., Stomph, D., Wiersma, W., and Student, J.: Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15176,, 2025.

EGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils! 

Sabine Huber, Marie-Cécile Gruselle, Katharina Keiblinger, Ingrid Lubbers, Sónia Rodrigues, Hanne Ugstad, Jannes Stolte, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Frederik Bøe, and Franziska Fischer

Soil health plays a crucial role in ecosystem functioning and is closely linked to human life. However, land and soil degradation are widespread due to environmental and anthropogenic threats. Soil knowledge is essential to address modern global challenges. Despite the important role of soils, they are often underappreciated by the general population, highlighting the need to raise soil awareness. The EU project CURIOSOIL (2024-2028, co-funded by the European Union: URL: therefore aims at raising soil literacy and promoting a positive narrative around soils. CURIOSOIL focuses on enhancing soil literacy by triggering soil curiosity and connections between society and soil. According to the EU Mission Soil Implementation plan, soil literacy refers to both awareness about the importance of soil and practice-oriented knowledge related to achieving soil health. Soil literacy and education are crucial to environmental sustainability and the future of societies.

With this poster contribution, we seek to explore to what extent university students and scientists at EGU are willing to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors toward soils using a participatory approach. We hypothesize that participating in discussions and reflection exercises about soil helps to increase awareness, spark curiosity, and encourage action to solve soil-related issues. We therefore invite conference participants to actively engage with us through our participatory poster. The participants are invited to answer targeted questions, write down and display their reflections directly on the poster, via post-its and/or via a digital survey. These questions are aligned with learning objectives and competences of soil literacy related to knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards soil.  All collected information will be anonymized to ensure privacy and confidentiality. To the best of our knowledge, this participatory approach is new to soil science as usually data are presented and not collected during a soil science conference. We therefore also aim to introduce the participatory poster as a research tool for data collection. Additionally, it serves as a communication instrument to encourage reflection on individual perspectives towards soil and promote an active role of raising soil awareness in society.

Specifically, our objectives are to: 1) collaboratively (the presenter and conference participants together) reflect on our knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors including emotions and habits related to soils, 2) discuss factors that influence our connection with soils (or lack thereof), 3) brainstorm on ways to create formal and informal environments that improve awareness, curiosity and learning about soils. Our findings will be used to design CURIOSOIL educational materials that will be made available for free on the project website (

In summary, we believe that our participatory approach can enhance soil awareness, curiosity and learning. We intend to bridge the gap between society and soils to encourage careful and sustainable soil use and protect soil health. Moreover, our participatory approach is designed to engage scientists, foster multidisciplinary collaborations between social and natural scientists towards co-creation of educational materials, as well as to contribute meaningfully to natural science research.

How to cite: Huber, S., Gruselle, M.-C., Keiblinger, K., Lubbers, I., Rodrigues, S., Ugstad, H., Stolte, J., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Bøe, F., and Fischer, F.: CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15618,, 2025.

EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer 

Márk Somogyvári, Fabio Brill, Pedro Henrique Lima Alencar, Jakob Fischer, and Tobias Sauter

Inter- and transdisciplinary projects often face the challenge of becoming scattered, due to the challenges of communication, collaboration and data integration. While co-design and close collaboration between all involved actors have been widely recommended to address congruence and representativity of all disciplines on the results and reports, inter- and transdisciplinary research often lacks platforms where these practices can be effectively carried out. The Einstein Research Unit “Climate and Water under Change” (CliWaC) investigated water-related issues in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany, from diverse perspectives of more than 20 individual research groups across a wide range of disciplines - thus making it a perfect case for researching integration tools. By the end of the three-year project, we have developed a knowledge-based interactive data platform called the CliWaC Explorer, that can address the abovementioned issues and present research results and products in a coherent whole.

The CliWaC Explorer is designed as a multi-purpose tool: as a data-exploration platform for researchers studying water-related issues in the region, as a decision support tool for stakeholders and as an education and outreach tool for the wider public. One of the biggest challenges was to appeal to both a natural and a social science user base. We achieved this by allowing the users to both navigate topics spatially, as commonly done in map-based natural sciences or in a thematic plane, where project parts are organized according to their thematic relationships. The explorer has been developed with close collaboration of the project partners, and currently being further developed with a series of workshops, to be accessible by a wider user base including stakeholders and educators. We believe our platform could provide a template of how interdisciplinary research can be integrated, and how its results can be communicated to a wider audience.

How to cite: Somogyvári, M., Brill, F., Alencar, P. H. L., Fischer, J., and Sauter, T.: Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16949,, 2025.

EGU25-17396 | Orals | EOS1.1

A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy 

Florindo Antonio Mileti, Mario Tatone, Fabio Terribile, and Bojan Blazica

Ecotourism and rural tourism are pivotal activities for generating substantial income, supporting rural economies, and fostering a deeper understanding of land and soil resources in various regions, particularly in inland areas. Recognizing their significance, the United Nations has included these activities in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (specifically SDG 8.9 and SDG 12), aiming for their accomplishment by 2030. While digital tourism has experienced remarkable growth recently, its focus largely remains on well-known tourist destinations.

This study highlight the potential of a geospatial decision support system (S-DSS) built on a publicly accessible, web-based geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI). This system offers a practical and effective tool to enhance tourism opportunities in less-visited inland areas promoting a greater appreciation of soil and land environmental resources.

The S-DSS platform is designed to facilitate the collection, management, processing, and analysis of both static (e.g., information on soil and geology) and dynamic data (e.g., climatic data). It also features advanced data visualization and on-the-fly computational tools, catering to a diverse user base that includes farmers, tourism operators, associations, and public institutions.

The S-DSS tool known as EcoSmarTour operates across the entirety of Italy, providing extensive information, including detailed soil information, to expand territorial knowledge. It supports scenario analysis, map generation, and the assessment of potential trails or ecotourism hotspots. Also, through the use of artificial intelligence, EcoSmarTour can generate text-based narratives of selected routes, tailored to the user’s preferences. This functionality enables the creation of customized storytelling for various audiences, from children and teenagers to adults and experts.

How to cite: Mileti, F. A., Tatone, M., Terribile, F., and Blazica, B.: A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17396,, 2025.

EGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1

Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding 

Daniela Sauer, Daniel Schwindt, Nikola Patzel, Facundo Luis Lucas, Sophie Raous, Francesca Bampa, Laura Mellanen, and Helinä Melkas and the SOILSCAPE Team

“In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” These words by forestry engineer Baba Dioum in 1968 reflect, how the relationship between people and forests has intensified over recent decades, a development that has significantly contributed to forest conservation. Unlike trees, esthetical and vital soils are rarely exposed for people to see, understand, or appreciate, making it harder to foster a connection to them.

The EU project SOILSCAPE (Spreading Open and Inclusive Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education) aims to bring soils closer to the public. Alongside modern communication methods, the project places a strong emphasis on artistic approaches to promote awareness, understanding, and love for soils in their context.

In a first step towards this goal, current narratives were analyzed through a media study that examined coverage in newspapers, television, podcasts, and social networks. Thereby, the guiding questions were: What knowledge and opinions are there? Which imaginations and associations regarding soils do we find in society - and of whom? For exploring these questions, we conducted a survey using a verbal and visual questionnaire and follow-up expert interviews. Our analysis aimed at assessing dominant soil narratives and their potential impacts, and at preparing effective strategies to strengthen connections between people and soils, including cultural and artistic approaches. Thereby, we addressed societal narratives, imaginaries, and values related to soils, particularly focusing their perception and communication. The media research, questionnaire-based survey, and expert interviews were conducted in eight European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Switzerland. The study yielded almost 100 datasets from the media analysis, 435 complete responses from the visual-based questionnaire, and 24 expert interviews, providing a robust foundation for understanding how soils are perceived and how soil awareness in the European public can be more effectively enhanced.

Our results from the media research show that soils are mostly not in the focus of media, but rather treated as functional elements in discussions related to agriculture, climate change, and urbanization. People tend to perceive soils indirectly, through their use and significance in these broader contexts. Perception of soils varies widely depending on region and prior knowledge. Around 40% of participants felt that soils in their region are in poor condition, while another 40% were unsure. Primary threats to soil that were named by people included agriculture, forestry, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

These outcomes of this study point to a gap between implicit and explicit awareness of soil-related challenges. While artistic and educational approaches seem most promising in bridging this gap, the results of our study highlight the urgent need for targeted communication strategies to raise the awareness of soils and make them a topic of societal concern. Only by fostering a deeper public understanding, a stronger connection to and protection of this critical resource can be achieved.

How to cite: Sauer, D., Schwindt, D., Patzel, N., Luis Lucas, F., Raous, S., Bampa, F., Mellanen, L., and Melkas, H. and the SOILSCAPE Team: Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18051,, 2025.

EGU25-18409 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX) 

Tillmann Lübker, Ingmar Nitze, Sebastian Laboor, Anna Irrgang, Hugues Lantuit, and Guido Grosse

Climate change has led to an increase in permafrost warming and thaw at global scale. Land surface changes associated with permafrost thaw include the acceleration of Arctic coastal erosion, increased thaw slumping in ice-rich regions, the drainage and formation of lakes, as well as an intensification of other disturbances, such as forest and tundra fires and droughts. Thermo-erosion threatens infrastructure and leads to gullying, slumping, and even landslides. To detect and map such permafrost disturbances at high spatial resolution across large regions and to quantify land surface change, remote sensing analyses can be applied. In the ERC PETA-CARB, ESA CCI Permafrost, and NSF Permafrost Discovery Gateway projects, a pan-arctic 20-years time series of land surface disturbance trends was produced using Landsat TM, ETM+, and OLI imagery. The dataset presents a valuable source of information for Arctic communities, planners, stakeholders, and rights holders. Arctic communities living on frozen ground are increasingly forced to adapt their livelihoods to permafrost thaw. In some areas, the relocation of settlements has become the last resort and is already actively planned for several communities in Alaska.

To make the large landscape change dataset more easily accessible to non-specialist audiences, within the EU Arctic PASSION project, we designed a new web-based portal tailored towards such audiences and the sometimes limited internet bandwidths encountered in Arctic communities. The Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX, was launched in early 2024 and provides interactive maps displaying recent information on land surface changes, hot spots of disturbances, and potential areas of active permafrost thaw and erosion. While focusing on the local to regional scale relevant for private users, regional, and state-level decision makers, exploring the data up to the pan-arctic scale may open new avenues for understanding permafrost change for the general public. A new release of ALEX in early 2025 will provide several new features. On the portal's home page, a new section will highlight selected locations in the Arctic with extraordinary land surface changes, accompanied by contextual information. On the map, users will be able to easily compare the change data with satellite imagery and other reference maps using a swipe and fade toolbox. Sharing specific map views will also be enabled. A second story map focusing on shore erosion explains geophysical processes and the role of permafrost.

Consultations with local representatives and stakeholders in Alaska, requests from members of governmental and tribal entities to reuse our data, and inquiries from research partners in the Arctic confirm that our transfer efforts have met real needs. This positive feedback encourages us to continue updating the tool beyond the end of the Arctic PASSION project.

How to cite: Lübker, T., Nitze, I., Laboor, S., Irrgang, A., Lantuit, H., and Grosse, G.: Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18409,, 2025.

Climate adaptation action is increasingly both local and urgent. Reasons for including citizen and community voices in decision-making range from securing climate justice to generating more apt solutions and increasing public acceptance of interventions. More broadly, attempts to rebuild public trust in democracy and public institutions has led to a surge in citizen engagement initiatives for decision making in a whole range of subjects.

This confluence of trends has generated an ever-growing knowledge and experience base and countless publications that call for citizen engagement in climate change adaptation efforts, provide best practices for citizen engagement, and occasionally both. However, the enormous breadth of the intended audiences means that in almost all cases, these best practice guides focus on citizen engagement in general.

As part of the Adaptation AGORA project – a 3-year Mission Adaptation project that brings together researchers and practitioners from 12 institutes from across Europe – we have spent two years mapping European adaptation-related citizen engagement initiatives ( CEIs), interviewing experts across the CEI value chain and carrying out interactive workshops in attempt to identify best practices. The variety of adaptation contexts and wide range of possible (positive and negative) outcomes and impacts from CEIs pushed us beyond only looking for universal good practices to also consider those that lead to specific outcomes, like generating more just decisions, being tailored to the local settings in which they apply, promoting mutual learning, or producing improved collaboration.

We find that choices taken when designing initiatives are key to the achievement of different goals. Some general good practices can almost universally be applied, like setting a clear objective, and ensuring effective communication before, during and after the initiative. However, beyond these straightforward observations, the variety of primary and secondary objectives (awareness raising, allocating public resources, generating ideas, creating guidelines, forming long-term plans etc.) and the myriad of contextual factors (scale, scope, location, resources, familiarity with citizen engagement etc.) frustrate identifying the best practices to pursue among a surfeit of potential actions. Essentially, what is often missing from existing best-practice guides is a framework to prioritise what can be achieved with limited resources to meet the identified goals. Indeed, the relative merit of different practices in achieving different goals is well understood only by a few seasoned experts, and frequently a challenge to communicate.

Hoping to facilitate discussion and the exchange of different perspectives, we propose a serious game, Citi-Adapt, that seeks to visibilise the trade offs and push collaborative teams to collectively seek better design choices in the pursuit of different goals in unique contexts. Citi-Adapt allows us to add in different constraints, to situate CEIs in different contexts, and for different actors to walk in each other's shoes. It can be played in two ways – 1) exploring the types of resources required to achieve certain goals; and 2) identifying possible outcomes based on available resources – and we would be delighted to present it and hear your thoughts as we move to building a prototype.

How to cite: Pickard, S. and Baulenas, E.: Citi-Adapt: Communicating design decisions for citizen engagement in climate adaptation action via a serious game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18809,, 2025.

EGU25-19249 | Orals | EOS1.1

Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society 

Eulàlia Baulenas, Dragana Bojovic, Menno Veerman, Edgar Dolores-Tesillos, Aleksander Lacima-Nadolnik, Kerstin Haslehner, Arjun Kumar, Carlos Delgado-Torres, and Albert Soret

This study investigates the co-production and science communication efforts surrounding the use of storm-resolving Earth system models (SR-ESMs) to support the renewable energy transition. The models were developed under the Horizon Europe EU-funded project Next Generation of Earth System Models (NextGEMS) in the course of 3,5 years. 

By engaging in participatory workshops with stakeholders from the energy sector—including policymakers, energy providers, and civil society—we co-created scenario storylines that integrate the km-scale climate model outputs with socio-political narratives. These workshops served as a platform for dialogue, enabling the communication of complex scientific findings in a manner accessible to non-specialist audiences, and also exploring the way in which SR-ESMs can move forward to support key societal challenges such as the energy transition.

The co-production process and communication strategy were informed by exploring stakeholder perspectives and preferences, which helped design the scenarios that could be later on represented by the SR-ESMs. Specifically, the use of discourse-analytical methods helped identify key narratives that resonate with different audience segments, ensuring the models' outputs are framed in ways that address socio-environmental concerns, such as the public acceptance of renewable energy technologies.

Our communication efforts revealed several lessons: the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, the value of iterative engagement with stakeholders, and the need for flexible strategies that adapt to evolving audience needs. These insights contribute to best practices in science communication, emphasizing the role of co-production in making scientific information actionable and impactful for policy and societal change.

How to cite: Baulenas, E., Bojovic, D., Veerman, M., Dolores-Tesillos, E., Lacima-Nadolnik, A., Haslehner, K., Kumar, A., Delgado-Torres, C., and Soret, A.: Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19249,, 2025.

EGU25-19274 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach 

Ingrid Lubbers, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Sónia Morias Rodrigues, and Omid Noroozi

Soil plays a fundamental role in terrestrial ecosystems, acting as a medium for plants and other organisms while supporting all terrestrial life by providing essential conditions for growth and development. Despite its critical importance, the role of soil is often undervalued. The CURIOSOIL project aims to ignite curiosity about soils, enhance soil literacy, and foster meaningful connections between people and soil. CURIOSOIL focuses on improving soil education, addressing the pressing need for a stronger connection with soil amidst increasing human pressures on this vital resource. The project seeks to bridge gaps in soil knowledge among pupils, students, teachers, citizens, policymakers, and practitioners, thereby addressing soil illiteracy, a significant barrier to sustainable soil use. A key part of CURIOSOIL is the development of the Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF) for five target groups: primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, teachers, and lifelong learners. To achieve this, we identified the core main domains and subdomains of soil literacy in consultation with soil experts and stakeholders in soil education and lifelong learning. Four main domains have been defined: soil diversity, soil services, soil threats, and soil solutions.

This study prioritized these main domains and subdomains for designing a valid soil literacy assessment framework (SLAF) in diverse target groups. Furthermore, understanding the relative importance of these main domains (and subdomains) enables educators and policymakers to focus on the most impactful areas, ensuring that soil education efforts address the unique needs of both children and adults. By establishing these priorities, resources can be allocated efficiently, and targeted educational activities can be developed to enhance soil awareness and literacy. In this study, we employed the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize soil literacy's main domains and subdomains for SLAF. AHP is a widely recognized method that provides a systematic framework for pairwise comparisons of variables, enabling a detailed evaluation of their relative importance. Using this approach, soil experts, researchers, and educators assessed the significance of various domains for children and subdomains for adults, yielding valuable insights into the main domains and subdomains priorities.

The AHP analysis was facilitated by specialized software, such as Expert Choice. This study demonstrated its utility in designing an assessment framework and prioritizing the main domains and subdomains of soil literacy for diverse target groups. By utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in this study, soil experts contributed valuable insights into the prioritization of soil literacy the main domains and subdomains for designing valid questionnaires. This input ensures that the resulting assessment framework and educational activities are scientifically robust and practically applicable.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), CURIOSOIL, environmental education, Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF), sustainability

How to cite: Lubbers, I., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Morias Rodrigues, S., and Noroozi, O.: Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19274,, 2025.

EGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology  

Insa Thiele-Eich, Ellen Arimond, and Annika Uebachs

The University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences (UPAS) is a collaborative initiative among ten German universities offering Bachelor's and Master's programs in meteorology. Supported by an executive office at the University of Bonn, UPAS aims to enhance meteorological education and research in Germany by focusing on four key areas:

  • Attracting qualified students
  • Providing excellent education
  • Fostering synergies for successful science
  • Engaging in societal and community outreach

A significant component of UPAS is its dedication to advancing science communication and public engagement within meteorology. This commitment is exemplified through initiatives such as MeteoXchange, an international network fostering professional growth among early-career scientists via annual virtual conferences and specialized workshops designed to enhance presentation and communication skills. Additional efforts include interactive science slamming workshops, hands-on climate change experiment demonstrations for classrooms across Germany, the development of a dedicated podcast, and the creation of high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER). These activities not only elevate internal training but also bridge the gap between scientific research and societal understanding, amplifying the impact of meteorology on diverse audiences.

This presentation will highlight UPAS's achievements, providing an overview of our approaches to enhance education, research and outreach in meteorology. We will also discuss challenges encountered and share lessons learned, including strategies for overcoming hurdles and successfully leveraging synergies among our partner institutions. We are more than keen to invite collaboration and idea exchange with other geoscientific networks sharing similar objectives, in particular on the international level.


How to cite: Thiele-Eich, I., Arimond, E., and Uebachs, A.: University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20089,, 2025.

EGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist 

Thomas Gatt, Anna-Katharina Sieberer, Florian Westreicher, Maria Mattersberger, and Simon Zeiner

Scientific research is often inaccessible to non-academic audiences, even when it is publicly funded or conducted in their local area. Bridging this gap is essential to promote public understanding and inspire future geoscientists.

This study presents a small-scale science communication project developed as part of a Master's thesis and implemented in a rural Austrian community within the Hohe Tauern National Park. The initiative involved two local school classes and the general public through interactive activities and workshops. An open lecture on regional geology, given by young scientists from the University of Innsbruck, introduced the project to the wider community. The following day, school classes took part in field workshops led by scientists and National Park rangers on topics such as regional geology, tectonics, ore mining, geoarchaeology, alpine farming and local fauna. Hands-on, outdoor activities proved to be an effective and easy-to-implement tool for geoscience engagement and received positive feedback during this project.

Feedback indicated an increased interest and understanding of geoscience topics among participants. This study highlights how small-scale, low-cost projects can effectively engage local communities and stimulate interest in geoscience. Such efforts are critical to making science communication accessible and replicable for future researchers.

How to cite: Gatt, T., Sieberer, A.-K., Westreicher, F., Mattersberger, M., and Zeiner, S.: Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20316,, 2025.

EGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science 

Meriem Krouma and the Mednight team

Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition is an enchanting collection of stories created to inspire children under 12 with the wonders of Mediterranean science. This one-of-a-kind anthology showcases the winning entries from the IV Literary Contest “Tales from Mednight,” a transnational initiative celebrating the fusion of creativity and science.

The stories explore themes such as biodiversity, clean energy, Mediterranean history, and environmental stewardship, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for science among young readers. Written in seven languages—Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish—the winning tales embody the Mediterranean's rich cultural diversity and shared scientific legacy.

To celebrate the launch of the Junior Edition, the Mednight initiative is distributing printed copies to children in hospitals, primary schools, and refugee camps. Free digital copies are also available, ensuring that the inspiring world of Mediterranean science reaches young readers everywhere.

How to cite: Krouma, M. and the Mednight team: Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20455,, 2025.

EGU25-21677 | Orals | EOS1.1

The communicative power of climate extremes  

Malte von Szombathely, Anne Reif, Benjamin Poschlod, Benjamin Blanz, Leonard Borchert, Lukas Brunner, and Jana Sillmann

Climate extremes have increased in frequency and scope recently, and this development is projected to continue under ever worsening anthropogenic climate change. Media coverage of extreme weather events plays an important role in promoting climate-friendly attitudes, the perception of climate science and the willingness to take collective action for mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate extremes.

While Earth System model simulations of climate change and extremes are becoming more and more accurate, increasing doubts about the results of climate science and the existence of climate change have recently been observed among the German population (Reif et al., 2024). The upcoming elections in Germany make this turning point in political support for climate change policies even more relevant. It raises questions about how uncertainties in past and future climate change are perceived, and the success of different approaches to climate communication. Here, we address the dilemma of climate science communication, focusing on climate extremes.

We conducted a representative, Germany-wide survey at the beginning of December 2024 (n=1.019), gauging the perception of climate science, climate extremes and associated uncertainties. We present the results of this novel survey with a particular focus on the interaction of progress in climate extreme research and communication of uncertainties on the one hand, and the public perception of climate science on the other hand. Our analysis shows the development of perceived uncertainties of climate research in the German population. However, our work also highlights the perception of climate extremes as an opportunity for powerful and approachable climate communication.  



Reif A., Guenther L., Tschötschel R. S. , Brüggemann M. (2024): Rückschlag für den Klimaschutz. Wandel der Einstellungen und Kommunikation zu Klimawandel und Klimapolitik von 2015 bis 2023, Media Perspektiven, Vol. 2024, 14, 1-12. 

How to cite: von Szombathely, M., Reif, A., Poschlod, B., Blanz, B., Borchert, L., Brunner, L., and Sillmann, J.: The communicative power of climate extremes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21677,, 2025.

EGU25-1436 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2

More than words; some notes on art design in earth science children’s books 

Yoav Ben Dor and Gal Yasur

While most individuals pursuing academic careers in scientific research focus on publishing in disciplinary journals, which are often inaccessible to the general public, the importance of engaging the broader public is becoming increasingly evident. Making academic knowledge and research-based information available to everyone is crucial, for example, for raising awareness of scientific topics and encouraging science-oriented thinking and decision-making. In recent years, we have been promoting various earth science topics to the public through a range of media, including video, popular articles, and children's books. A key aspect of these efforts is presenting complex ideas using simple text and artistic expressions that are suitable for engaging the public and effectively communicating scientific concepts. Here we highlight insights into promoting scientific knowledge to the public through illustrated children's books, designed to convey “big” and “complicated” scientific terms in a way that is accessible to diverse audiences, by carefully considering how text and illustrations complement each other. Examples of how scientific concepts and terminology can be simplified using straightforward language and illustrations will be presented as well, depicting how self-made art and professional illustrations can be used in children's books depicting earth science. Recommendations for collaborating with artists, will also be discussed, highlighting some of the dos and some of the don’ts.

How to cite: Ben Dor, Y. and Yasur, G.: More than words; some notes on art design in earth science children’s books, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1436,, 2025.

I have a visual mind. Already at primary school, I felt that pouring something I learned into the right image, gave me an increased level of insight. It also helped me communicate with others. In my scientific career at the interface between soil science and hydrology, the urge to draw, sketch, sculpture, and build has always remained. In the beginning, I found rare opportunities to create my own illustrations in talks, posters, or a popular science exposition for the university. However, not being a professional artist, I often felt limited, as if the idea in my head did not always get the chance to crystallize into the right form. In this presentation, I will illustrate the synergy that comes into existence when scientists engage with artists. I will highlight some collaborations with various artists throughout the past year resulting in illustrations for an opinion article, a book chapter, an illustrated children's book and more. The conversation on how to visualize or create something from an abstract idea results in a wonderful cross-pollination between the artist and the scientist. It teaches us how things come across with other people, and how this in turn creates something new. Something exciting. Something that trickles down into society and builds bridges. I will bring some material and hope to open the conversation with you on your next idea!   

How to cite: Garré, S.: The synergy between art and science: a testimony from a soil scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2060,, 2025.

EGU25-2332 | Orals | EOS1.2

Communicating climate change through the lens of art and science transdisciplinarity 

Michel Bourqui, Bettina Rohr, Maja Renn, Krzysztof Wronski, Kate Johnson, Christoph Bachofen, and Charlotte Grossiord

We present Arboreal Futures, a transdisciplinary exhibition project at the boundary between climate research and art, with the overarching goal  of communicating about climate change with the general public. Through the example of this exhibition project, we explore the role of art in science and vice versa, along with the positive outcomes that can arise from working at the nexus of these fields.

Art, through its influence on the sensory experience of large audiences, plays a significant role in shaping the collective imaginary and the public discourse. Artists are increasingly considered as agents of importance in communicating science to broader audiences. There are mainly three different ways to envision art and science collaboration, namely 1) art to illustrate and translate science, 2) art as inspired by science for its artistic expression, and 3) transdisciplinary cooperation between art and science to ask questions, design experiments, and formulate knowledge.

The transdisciplinary approach is of particular interest in the context of climate change, since addressing climate change as a society requires building up bridges between - and making interact - various forms of knowledge, including scientific as well as non-scientific forms, that tend to evolve in separate contexts.

We organized two artist-in-residences at the Plant Ecology Research Laboratory (PERL), EPFL in summer 2023. The artists stayed at the lab for two and four weeks, respectively, and worked in interaction with the researchers in their research projects, helped them, and accompanied them in field research experiments. We selected the two participating artists, Maja Renn and Krzysztof Wronski, through an international call for artists.

As outcomes of the residences, the artists initiated new works and pursued them further for over a year after their residence at PERL. Maja Renn developed a series of performative works translating the phenomenon of phenoplasticity she discovered at the lab into choreographic forms. Krzysztof Wronski developed a new series of artistically driven interventions that reflect on the current and emerging needs of trees and forests and question the role technology and human management should play in light of them.

An exhibition presenting the completed art works together with PERL’s research took place at the Pavilion on the EPFL campus from November 2024 to January 2025.

In this talk, we will discuss the broader context of this project, the artists and the researchers’ experiences, and the outcomes with a glimpse at the Arboreal Futures exhibition.

How to cite: Bourqui, M., Rohr, B., Renn, M., Wronski, K., Johnson, K., Bachofen, C., and Grossiord, C.: Communicating climate change through the lens of art and science transdisciplinarity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2332,, 2025.

EGU25-3279 | Orals | EOS1.2

Sound Reversal – Hearing Earth’s magnetic field switch poles 780k years ago 

Klaus Nielsen, Maximilian Schanner, Ahmed Mahgoub, Sanja Panovska, and Guram Kervalishvili

The Earth’s magnetic field is invisible and cannot be sensed by the human body. Yet, it plays a crucial role for life: besides its most prominent role in navigation, it serves as a protective shield against harmful solar and cosmic radiation. Among the most dramatic variations of the Earth’s magnetic field are reversals, marked by a significant decrease in field intensity and a complete flip of the magnetic poles. Geomagnetic reversals are well-documented in paleomagnetic records spanning Earth's geological history. They are considered a natural characteristic of the geomagnetic field and occur very irregularly, on average, a few times per million years.

To make the drastic, global changes of the Earth’s magnetic field accessible to a general audience, we present an audio-visual representation of the most recent reversal, known as the Matuyama-Brunhes reversal, which took place 780,000 years ago. Both the visual and sonic depictions are based on a global model, resting on an extensive compilation of global paleomagnetic sediment records.

Building on our previous experience in engaging audiences through outreach projects (e.g. Nielsen, K., & Hayes 2025; Schanner et al. 2024; Nielsen et al. 2022), we find that the combined audio-visual format provides an intuitive, corporeal, and immersive experience – one that to a far better extent than text and graphs can capture the attention of the general public.


Nielsen, K., & Hayes, L. (2025) The Sun, (approx 228K plays)

Schanner, M., Kervalishvili, G, & Nielsen, K. (2024) Sonification of the Laschamp event, (approx 61K plays)

Nielsen, K., Linden-Vörnle , N., & Kloss, C. (2022) The scary sound of Earth’s magnetic field, (approx 1.15M plays)

How to cite: Nielsen, K., Schanner, M., Mahgoub, A., Panovska, S., and Kervalishvili, G.: Sound Reversal – Hearing Earth’s magnetic field switch poles 780k years ago, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3279,, 2025.

EGU25-4061 | Orals | EOS1.2

 Harmony in Complexity: Engaging Head-Hands-Heart towards a Resilient Future  

Karin Rebel and Than Van Nispen tot Pannerden

Society is facing large sustainability challenges, that can only be solved using an interdisciplinary systems thinking approach.  Progressing towards a sustainable and resilient future requires systems change, including re-establishing the relationship between humans and nature, and sustainability education.  To reach sustainability transformation, higher education must teach students not only being able to adapt to change, but also to build their capacity to shape and create change. One way to achieve this, is to teach at the interface between the arts and sciences to promote affective as well as cognitive learning objectives and practical skill development.

One example of such interaction is the project ‘Harmony in Complexity’, which is a musical data sonification of one century of climate data (1924-2024), including an optional participatory performance.  Through a science-art cooperation, we combined scientific knowledge (head) with practical engagement (hand) and emotional connection (heart).  Inspired by a student brainstorm, we created a musical experience by sonifying the distinct and important global datasets of CO2 concentrations and planetary temperature anomalies. The CO2 concentrations are mapped to frequencies which are perceived as a musical tone, and the temperature anomalies are divided in three different zones in the Northern Hemisphere (tropical, temperate, northern) and converted to musical notes.  This resulted in a dual layer composition, integrating both the steady rise in CO2 concentration and the correlating temperature changes. To engage with the data and the data-sonification, we developed an optional guided musical audience participation with an embodied experience.  After presenting the musical piece including spoken explanations, the audience is invited to participate with body percussion mimicking natural elements like rain and wind, and vocal engagement.

The musical piece including audience engagement has been presented to an audience of over 200 people. People in the audience indicated afterwards that they were emotionally moved by the musical piece.  In the engagement part, the audience that consisted of people of all different backgrounds, age, gender, and discipline, felt connected and positive about the solutions that can be found if we engage together. Insights from this project will be integrated in the sustainability programmes at Utrecht University. By integrating arts and sciences, we aim to develop holistic education programs that empower students to become agents of positive change in a rapidly changing world.

How to cite: Rebel, K. and Van Nispen tot Pannerden, T.:  Harmony in Complexity: Engaging Head-Hands-Heart towards a Resilient Future , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4061,, 2025.

EGU25-4093 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2

Climate mosaic: inspiring conversations about data through art  

Poppy Townsend, Molly MacRae, Vicky Hall, Ag Stephens, and Adrian Debski

The Environmental Data Service (, based in the UK, provides a focal point for scientific information spanning all environmental science domains. We support researchers and anyone with an interest in learning more about the natural world by hosting the largest collection of environmental science data in the UK.  

Describing the importance of data and digital skills with members of the public can be difficult. Conversations can be challenging (data isn’t seen as interesting), demotivating and negative (environmental issues can feel too big or depressing).  

Noting these challenges, staff members (specialists in atmospheric and earth observation domains) designed an art-based activity to inspire more transparent and motivating conversations about climate data. The interactive activity, in the form of a ‘climate mosaic’, was suitable for all ages but particularly aimed at the next generation and their influencers (i.e. caregivers).  

The data behind the artwork was provided by creation of a new tool which allows people to create personalised climate stripes. People can choose global locations and time periods to view warming stripes, and choose their own art mediums to express their thoughts, concerns or actions for change. 

We piloted the tool at Harwell Open Week 2024; hundreds of school children and families added pieces to a mosaic artwork depicting the warming climate in Oxfordshire over the last four generations, with action slogans.  

The hands-on activity created a safe space for conversations on local issues and increased participants’ understanding of how national facilities collect, disseminate and analyse data. More institutions plan to repeat or evolve the activity for their communities and the tool has been made publicly available. 

We will summarise how the artwork was co-created, the data and digital tools we made use of, the benefits of using non-traditional communication methods, and how we hope to continue inspiring conversations about environmental data.  

Further information about this work, including links to the tool can be found here:

This work builds upon and was supported by the team behind the #ShowYourStripes global graphics:

Image: the climate mosaic being completed by members of the public. Small coloured tiles were used to indicate different yearly average temperatures in Oxfordshire, UK. Red = warmer, Blue = cooler.

Image: The final mosaic measured 6.5 metres x 0.5 metre. 

Note to conference team: if there is any available funding, it could be possible to recreate the artwork during the conference. Please contact us if this is something you’d like to discuss.  

How to cite: Townsend, P., MacRae, M., Hall, V., Stephens, A., and Debski, A.: Climate mosaic: inspiring conversations about data through art , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4093,, 2025.

EGU25-4101 * | Orals | EOS1.2 | Highlight

Liquid Strata installation: art-purposed modelling of the ocean’s Twilight Zone 

Joan Llort, Feileacan McCormick, Sofia Crespo, Daphne Xantholoupoulou, and Lluis Nacenta

The capacity of art to create new media content and to approach non-intuitive concepts makes it a powerful tool to communicate research. However, deploying art as “a communication” tool comes with the risk of producing a work of limited artistic interest. Finding the right balance between these two goals is a complex challenge.

In this presentation, we will describe the conceptualisation and realisation of the project Liquid Strata, a project led by an oceanographer, Joan Llort, and the artists Entangled Others and Daphne Xanthopoulou, that sought to reflect on the visual representation and the limitations of observing the mesopelagic ecosystem. Liquid Strata is a digital sculptural installation curated by Lluis Nacenta first presented in the 2024 SonarMies edition under the Sonar+D Festival program in Barcelona (Spain). It was designed as a gate into the mesopelagic, a vast ocean ecosystem covering the global oceanic layer between 200 and 1000 meters deep. The mesopelagic, also known as the Twilight Zone due to the dimmed sunlight that reaches it, is one of the largest and least well-known, yet already threatened, ecosystems on Earth.

The main conceptual challenge of this collaboration was to produce a digital visualisation of a region and a phenomenon (the “marine snow”) that is extremely hard to observe. The scarcity of visual data imposed an alternative approach. The strategy applied by the Entangled Others and Joan Llort was to model the dynamics of the particles and fauna populating the mesopelagic, similarly to what researchers do when modelling the ocean carbon cycle but with an artistic purpose. This paradigm change forced us to review the literature and identify mechanisms that can be visually attractive despite not being the dominant drivers of the carbon cycle. The installation also made explicit the limitations of observing the deep ocean and how research tries to explain and understand an ecosystem that is so vast that is almost inconceivable for the human mind. Throughout the work we purposedly drifted away from pure aesthetics, trying to visualise the scientific concepts rather than embellishing them. In this sense, the soundscape was generated based on data acquired from underwater sonar but only working with infrasounds and avoiding the sounds of whales and other marine mammals commonly used in outreach.

The presentation will describe the concept and the methodology behind the artwork as well as some of the many challenges faced during this interdisciplinary collaboration. The last two minutes will showcase a video of the installation accompanied by an immersive soundscape.

How to cite: Llort, J., McCormick, F., Crespo, S., Xantholoupoulou, D., and Nacenta, L.: Liquid Strata installation: art-purposed modelling of the ocean’s Twilight Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4101,, 2025.

EGU25-5710 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2

Making electronic dance music with seismic data 

Luc Illien

Scientific outreach is often made through visualisation: graphic design, filmmaking etc… As a seismologist, I often thought that seismic waveforms could look a little bit unappealing to the eye (some may strongly disagree with me). Fortunately, there have been recent efforts to use sound to visualise and listen to earthquake data, making for unique outreach exhibitions. Here, I propose to go beyond by transforming and arranging seismic data into electronic dance music. On this poster, I  show the workflow behind ‘Tremors’, a melodic techno track (made under the moniker of LEARTH), which was produced with almost exclusively processed seismic signals. I present the link between a variety of seismic signals and musical instruments frequency responses and show how the track can be built with Python, Ableton and Touch Designer. I also made an abstract music video that exhibits the range of processes we can record at the Earth’s surface. Meet me at my poster to listen to the music or watch the video. I will also bring my sampler with pre-loaded Earth sounds: come along if you want to do your own track !

How to cite: Illien, L.: Making electronic dance music with seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5710,, 2025.

EGU25-6180 | Orals | EOS1.2

exCHANGE and THEMIS: A symbiotic approach to tackle inequalities due to climate change in Alpine environments 

Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, Silvia Hell, Evelyn Kustatscher, Peter Daldos, Riccardo Parin, Zoe Krueger Weisel, and Giulia Isetti

The collaboration between art and science is essential in addressing environmental inequalities and promoting environmental justice. The exCHANGE [1] project was born precisely out of a desire to explore this potential, seeking to combine different perspectives to address complex social issues such as inequalities. By combining their powers, art, and science can create immersive experiences using augmented or extended reality to communicate the consequences of climate change. Under the activities of exCHANGE [1], the THEMIS concept was born to propose an immersive experience (by means of augmented and/or extended reality) that aims at creating conscience and awareness in the audience about the actual and final consequences of climate change in alpine environments. THEMIS aims to give voice to the voiceless, promote environmental justice, and contribute to educating people through effective communication. These two approaches are connected to the purpose of a shared project that will see the creation of an immersive experience for the public.

The extended reality experience is based on the four basic elements of nature (water, air, earth, and fire) as a complex, intricate, and very delicate system in balance. These elements produce and maintain life, but they also destroy it. All living things have been adapting and evolving for thousands of years to this harmony, but the accelerated changes in climate do not give them/us any chance to quickly adapt to the new conditions.

THEMIS is inspired by the GEOPARC Bletterbach [2], which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its geological and paleontological significance because of rock layers dating back over 280 million years, an open-air geology book that shows us the life of the planet through sedimentary rocks, fossils, and traces of ancient environments, including evidence of tropical seas and volcanic activity. We recreate these elements inside an environmental simulation chamber, and we organize dedicated sessions with heterogeneous types of audiences to observe, experience, and understand our self-relation with them in life.


[1] exCHANGE, Exploring Pathways of Art-Science Collaboration, Eurac Research 2024.

[2] GEOPARC Bletterbach. 2025.

How to cite: Mejia-Aguilar, A., Hell, S., Kustatscher, E., Daldos, P., Parin, R., Weisel, Z. K., and Isetti, G.: exCHANGE and THEMIS: A symbiotic approach to tackle inequalities due to climate change in Alpine environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6180,, 2025.

We made a three-episode docuseries called “Sharing Minds” to show the backstage of the geodynamic research behind risk management. Through contemporary cinematographic language, in collaboration with a professional director, we showed the craft of the research, both analogue and digital, done by walking and modeling at the same time, connecting past and future. Our goal was to introduce a young adult audience to STEM disciplines and the essential role of a science without barriers. We wanted to underline the choral adventure of a transnational and transgenerational way of doing research on the earth’s dynamics. Overall our goal was to make the general public more aware of our shared vulnerability as deeply earthly beings through artistic expression. The first two episodes are set in two special locations of Italian geology: Etna and the Emilia Romagna area affected by the 2018 earthquake; the third is set at the Experimental Tectonics Laboratory of the University of Roma Tre. Lights, shadows, landscapes, music and interviews style were made to inspire new generations and serve as a powerful tool for cognitive learning to reignite the sense of beauty and shared responsibility for our planet.

“Sharing minds” was produced to promote Transnational Access as part of the MEET project (Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics), funded by PNRR, the Next Generation EU plan of the European Union and the Italian Ministry for University and Research, coordinated by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). 

The docuseries is on Youtube: SHARING MINDS_Ep1 - Sampling rocks; Ep2- Liquèfaction; Ep3- Experimental Tectonics


How to cite: marzioni, M.: “Sharing minds”: a mini docuseries for an open science in an open world, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6207,, 2025.

EGU25-7636 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2

From Research Vessel to Comic Pages: Inspiring Middle-Grade Readers Through IODP Expedition 405 

Nur Schuba and the IODP Expedition 405 Scientists

In late 2024, the International Ocean Discovery Program’s Expedition 405 embarked on a mission to further investigate the physical conditions and the geologic processes behind the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Alongside groundbreaking scientific research, the expedition prioritized public outreach. Comics were one of the media utilized for this purpose.

These comics simplified complex scientific ideas, experiences of life aboard the Chikyu research vessel, the collaboration between multidisciplinary teams, and the geologic data acquisition methods used during the expedition. Developed in partnership with the science party and crew, the comics drew on visual references and detailed notes to ensure accuracy. The comics used humor and engaging visuals to simplify scientific concepts, while portraying researchers as approachable and relatable individuals to inspire young readers to explore geosciences.

Published in English and Japanese, the comic book aims to inspire a diverse audience, sparking curiosity in Earth sciences and fostering early STEM identity development. Digital versions in English will also be freely available on the JOIDES Resolution website to ensure global accessibility. This initiative demonstrates how creative storytelling through comics can make complex science accessible to young learners.

How to cite: Schuba, N. and the IODP Expedition 405 Scientists: From Research Vessel to Comic Pages: Inspiring Middle-Grade Readers Through IODP Expedition 405, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7636,, 2025.

EGU25-8389 | Orals | EOS1.2

Embracing Climate Change through Painting: A Scientific and Artistic Collaboration 

Manfred Mudelsee and Friederike Mudelsee-Künkler

In an era of pressing environmental challenges, the fusion of art and science offers a powerful medium for deepening individual and public understanding and emotional engagement with global issues. This presentation explores the intersection of climate science and art through the collaborative efforts of a climate scientist and a painter/teacher. Building on the scientific findings of the SEARCH project, which investigates rates of change in past warm climates, we are using the emotional and cognitive power of art to promote a deeper awareness of climate risks and the goals of the European Green Deal (GreenSCENT project), and to contribute to the education of the next generation of scientifically literate and emotionally engaged young people.

Our approach integrates the principles of Intuitive Vision Painting, an art form we have developed, inspired by the method founded by Michele Cassou, which emphasizes unrestricted choice and spontaneity in creative expression. By engaging participants through painting examples and video demonstrations of this form of spontaneous painting, we aim to make the scientific complexities of climate change more accessible and relatable. This method serves as a catalyst for participants to connect emotionally with the urgency of climate action, increasing their receptivity to the scientific narratives and policies surrounding climate adaptation.

Through this interdisciplinary collaboration, we demonstrate how combining scientific data with artistic practice can break down barriers to understanding and create a shared language that bridges the gap between abstract scientific concepts and personal, emotional experiences. Our presentation will include a brief overview of the results of the SEARCH project, examples of Intuitive Vision Painting, and hopefully an interactive discussion on how such artistic interventions can enhance public engagement and drive more effective communication strategies in the face of climate change.

References and Notes:

Advanced Climate Risk Education

Mudelsee M (2014) Climate Time Series Analysis: Classical Statistical and Bootstrap Methods. Second Edition. Springer, Cham, xxxii + 454 pp.

Mudelsee M (2020) Statistical Analysis of Climate Extremes. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, xii + 200 pp.

Ólafsdóttir KB, Schulz M, Mudelsee M (2016) REDFIT-X: Cross-spectral analysis of unevenly spaced paleoclimate time series. Computers and Geosciences 91:11–18.

This work has been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), project number 468589022 (SEARCH), within the SPP 2299, project number 441832482; and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036480 (GreenSCENT).

How to cite: Mudelsee, M. and Mudelsee-Künkler, F.: Embracing Climate Change through Painting: A Scientific and Artistic Collaboration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8389,, 2025.

The convergence of art, science, technology, and society in the 21st century has redefined how knowledge is created and communicated. This evolving interplay is driven by global challenges such as climate change, technological advancements, and the imperative to foster inclusivity and equity in science communication. This presentation explores the dynamic interactions between these fields, emphasizing their transformative potential for public engagement, environmental advocacy, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

A central theme is the role of art in enhancing ocean literacy and environmental awareness. Examples include collaborative efforts such as visualizing oceanic data through art, crafting engaging infographics, and using artistic mediums to depict the impacts of climate change. Initiatives like the "Mission Azul" video game and the "Ocean Challenges" documentary series demonstrate how gamification and storytelling can connect with diverse audiences, making complex scientific concepts accessible and inspiring. These projects blend scientific rigor with artistic expression to stimulate learning and action.

Particularly innovative is the use of art for cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in science outreach. Collaborative projects, such as coloring books with QR-linked science talks during the pandemic and performances like "Blue Fear," exemplify how art can amplify marginalized voices, bridge cultural divides, and elicit emotional connections to scientific issues. By integrating visual arts, digital media, and performance, these initiatives create a participatory space where audiences become co-creators of scientific knowledge.

Moreover, the presentation examines how significant global events, such as the 2008 economic crisis and the 2019 pandemic, have accelerated the integration of art and science. These turning points have driven a shift from purely representational uses of art to a more intricate relationship where art serves as a critical tool for exploring complex issues, promoting sustainability, and challenging societal norms.

Finally, the presentation underscores the importance of measuring the impact of art-science collaborations. Quantitative metrics, such as audience reach and interaction rates, complement qualitative insights from participant feedback, providing a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of these efforts. This dual approach ensures that science communication strategies remain adaptive and responsive to the evolving needs of society.

By showcasing examples of eco-art, urban art projects, and interdisciplinary collaborations, this presentation highlights the growing significance of the art-science interface in addressing global challenges. It calls for continued exploration of this nexus to enhance public engagement, inspire collective action, and foster a more inclusive and interconnected understanding of science and its societal impact.

How to cite: Mohamed Falcon, K. J. and Rey, D.: Bridging Worlds: The Transformative Interplay of Art, Science, and Society for Global Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9533,, 2025.

EGU25-9582 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2

Educating by Stealth: Art and Narrative as Tools for Science Communication 

Lucia Perez-Diaz

The Earth's dynamic processes shape the landscapes we inhabit and underpin the delicate balance of life on our planet. However, the complexity of geoscience topics often creates barriers to engagement, particularly among younger audiences. In my recent book, How the Earth Works, I aim to bridge this gap through the integration of accessible writing and evocative illustrations, crafting a narrative that invites children—and their families—into the wonders of our planet.

This project combines the rigor of scientific accuracy with the emotional resonance of artistic expression to make complex concepts relatable and engaging. The vibrant illustrations are not merely visual aids; they are tools for storytelling, designed to ignite curiosity and foster a deeper connection to Earth's processes. It is a book that educates by stealth, and demonstrates that science stories, when told well, can light a spark of curiosity even on those a-priori not interested in science.

In this presentation, I will discuss the creative and interdisciplinary approach taken in How the Earth Works—from translating geoscientific knowledge into visually compelling artwork to crafting a narrative that resonates with children and adults alike. I will share insights into how art can foster curiosity, create emotional connections, and encourage dialogue about environmental challenges. In addition, I will share some of my journey into becoming a scientific author and illustrator, hopefully inspiring others who wish to take their science to the next level…through art!

How to cite: Perez-Diaz, L.: Educating by Stealth: Art and Narrative as Tools for Science Communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9582,, 2025.

Music has the creative ability to deliver information about climate change in an emotionally engaging way. There are numerous examples of converting climate change data into musical compositions. One well-known approach is the sonification of data by scaling and converting data time series to musical notes. The result may often sound dissonant (sometimes voluntary to raise awareness), and very challenging when several time series, hence musical sequences, are combined into one song. Another approach is to step away from the sonically display of climate information by interpreting the sequence artistically, hence freely.

One way to overcome the purely data-driven dissonance is to make use of harmonic scales for mapping data series to musical notes. The major advantage being that several sequences can be combined harmonically as long as they belong to the same scale. Such harmonic sequences are used as building blocks for songs, allowing for a creative approach to music based on the data series, while keeping the inner musical coherence. Besides data sonification, direct sound sampling (e.g., Pettit et al, 2015) or other types of measurements may also be the basis of music creation. We found that raw phase-sensitive radar returns (ApRES) produce a (noisy) signal within the audible range (0.1 - 10 kHz) and that different parts of the ice sheet produce distinct sound patterns depending on the radar return. While they cannot be directly mapped via sonification, we may use them as a rhythmic component.

Using both harmonic sonification of mass balance time series and radar pulse returns from the Antarctic ice sheet, we created electronic-based music. All songs have data-driven cryosphere change components through bass lines, arpeggiators and rhythmic patterns, and are further creatively harmonized. All sonification code is available through a toolbox.


Pettit, E. C., K. M. Lee, J. P. Brann, J. A. Nystuen, P. S. Wilson, and S. O'Neel (2015), Unusually loud ambient noise in tidewater glacier fjords: A signal of ice melt. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 2309–2316. doi: 10.1002/2014GL062950.

(*) The author is besides being a glaciologist and ice sheet modeller, amateur jazz piano, keyboard, bass player and composer.

How to cite: Pattyn, F.: The sound of ice: using radar data and sonification in music composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10270,, 2025.

To promote the students’ ability to perceive how the climate has been changing and to understand how it is likely to change in the future is an essential base for the Climate Change Education (CCE) in ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). The change in the climate in each area could be recognized rather easily with the “distortion of the seasonal cycle” there also by the non-experts.

It should be noted that the detailed cycles show rather different features from region to region, even within middle and higher latitudes. Thus, in the CCE, deeper understanding of the detailed seasonal cycles themselves would be also necessary. By the way, interdisciplinary approach with cultural understanding education such as music, and so on, sometimes gives a great help for understanding of the regional climate including the detailed seasonal cycles. In addition, selection of the study areas or targets which are not so familiar to the students in their usual lives could also provides considerable advantage for deepening the students’ perception of the heterogeneous others. Based on the above concepts, we have continued the interdisciplinary studies as summarized by Kato et al. (2023).

This time, interdisciplinary approach including the lesson practice for the university students with the above concept was made on a topic of the climate and songs of spring/May around Germany. Around Germany, there are so many songs and literature works in which “May” is treated as the special season. However, without knowing the detailed seasonal cycle around Germany, it seems rather difficult for the people in the other regions, such as in Japan, to realize why they celebrate not simply spring but especially “May”.

According to our analysis, May is the very month when the appearance frequency of the days with daily mean temperature corresponding to the ordinary summer days increases rapidly, while the intermittent appearance of the extremely low temperature days terminates completely around the end of March. With considering such climatic backgrounds, musical expressions of spring/May in several German lieder, such as “Im wunderschönen Monat Mai” (In the especially wonderful month of May) by Schumann, “Andres Maienlied (Hexenlied)” by Mendelssohn, “Trockne Blumen” by Schubert, and so on, were analyzed for demonstrating the importance of the word “May” in these lieder for the interdisciplinary lesson at university. In the lesson practice, details of the climate and seasonal cycle around Germany in association with the seasonal feeling of the special season May were firstly presented, by comparing with those around Japan. Then, several German lieder, a film music, etc. were appreciated, paying attention to the relation between expressions of the songs and their climatic backgrounds. It seems that the students were able to realize the characteristic expressions of the songs relating to the seasonal feeling of “the special season May” around Germany, mainly from the song lyrics, although how to promote further the students' deepening of such perception including musical expressions themselves together with the climate data is a remaining problem.

How to cite: Kato, K., Nagaoka, I., Kato, H., and Otani, K.: Climate and songs of spring/May around Germany: Interdisciplinary lesson practice at university on the regional variety of the seasonal cycles and seasonal feelings as an important base to perceive the changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11104,, 2025.

EGU25-11374 | Posters on site | EOS1.2

Art-Science as a Multidimensional Tool: Exploring the socio-hydrological interactions of drought-to-flood events 

Anne Van Loon, Danai-Maria Kontou, Heidi Mendoza, Ruben Weesie, Alessia Matanó, and Dian Torrenga

Environmental challenges such as climate change, natural hazards, and compound events demand interdisciplinary approaches beyond traditional scientific methods. The PerfectSTORM project studies the risk of cascading hazards of extreme rainfall after drought, focusing on hydro-social feedback to guide the future management of drought-to-flood events. We explore both the positive and negative potential of rainfall in mitigating drought impacts and causing flood impacts. By integrating theory from data science, hydrological modelling, sociology, and behavioural and cognitive sciences, the project employs a mixed-methods approach to develop qualitative and quantitative storylines. These storylines are constructed through narrative interviews, mental simulation workshops, socio-ecological modelling, and novel data visualisation techniques, ultimately identifying global hotspots and pathways for managing drought-to-flood events.

Within this framework, art-science methods have been employed not only as tools for communication but as integral methodologies throughout the research process. Creative approaches have enabled deeper engagement and richer insights, from preparation and brainstorming to data gathering, analysis, and communication. For example, narrative interviews and mental simulation workshops are enhanced by participatory art sessions, where drawing and visualisation/materialisation help participants express complex ideas and lived experiences.

The poster will highlight the role of art-science collaborations within the project, focusing on three ongoing art/science activities. (a) The Travelling Suitcase is an interactive, portable exhibition that engages diverse audiences worldwide. The exhibition integrates multimedia storytelling, visualisations, and artistic installations, fostering dialogue and bridging cultural and linguistic barriers. (b) The Limited Documentary Series delves deep into the dynamics of drought-to-flood events, weaving together scientific insights, historical data, and human stories. These films highlight the cascading impacts of drought-to-flood events through scientific analysis and human narratives. (c) The Drought-to-Flood Atlas is a cornerstone activity of the project, combining art, science, and community engagement to create a comprehensive and interactive resource. This atlas aims to bring the complexities of drought-to-flood events to life through scientific data, creative visualisations, and participatory storytelling. The web Atlas includes interactive maps and visualisations of the models, timelines, and graphs; these features will help convey the cascading nature of hazards and their impacts on various scales, from local communities to global patterns. This participatory design ensures that the atlas evolves as a living, inclusive document that reflects diverse voices.

Combining art and science, the PerfectSTORM project transcends traditional research boundaries, creating new pathways for understanding and addressing global environmental challenges. With this poster presentation, we aim to demonstrate how interdisciplinary collaborations can inspire deeper connections, bridge gaps in understanding, and promote actionable solutions to the world’s most pressing sustainability issues.

How to cite: Van Loon, A., Kontou, D.-M., Mendoza, H., Weesie, R., Matanó, A., and Torrenga, D.: Art-Science as a Multidimensional Tool: Exploring the socio-hydrological interactions of drought-to-flood events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11374,, 2025.

ArtEO is a non-profit initiative established with the simple aim of bringing Earth observation (EO) and other environmental data closer to artists and creatives. The mission of ArtEO is to facilitate easier access to data and imagery for artists, musicians, storytellers and creative professionals who wish to engage with climate change and environmental subjects. In the first phase of the initiative (‘Pioneer Phase’), ArtEO has worked with a diverse range of multidisciplinary artists who have produced work in many genres, ranging from large scale sculpture to immersive projections, movement-based performance art to video work, software-based sonification to powerful musical composition. These works have been showcased in a number of major art-science events, and in climate communications and innovation contexts, including the Ars Electronica Festival, MTFLabs, EGU, IAC and elsewhere.

ArtEO takes a specific approach to supporting artistic and creative engagement with EO data that is often distinct from other forms of science communication, data visualization and infographics. However, there are some overlaps and they share a common goal of achieving greater reach, visibility and impact with the data. There is an opportunity for cross-learning between all of these areas and this session will provide an insight into the process and methodologies undertaken by artists working with EO in the ArtEO Pioneer Phase, and what this has revealed about the challenges for the wider public of engaging with EO data and imagery. and about ArtEO’s aim is to achieve significant public reach with both the artworks themselves and the data utilised.

How to cite: Kapur, R.: ArtEO - Environmental Data for Artists: Lessons from the Pioneer Phase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13115,, 2025.

EGU25-13671 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2

Glacial Hauntologies: an intra-disciplinary collaboration between glaciology and artistic practice 

Elizabeth Case, Andrew Hoffman, Hannah Mode, and Tyler Rai

Interweaving scientific research with artistic practice, Glacial Hauntologies is an intra-disciplinary art-science collaboration that translates, subverts, and repurposes tools from many disciplines to explore geophysical data and glaciological archives. We are interested in how ice - past ice, current melt, and future glacial disappearances - reoccurs as a persistent hauntology across 21st century landscapes, scientific data, and day-to-day life.

Working across print, sound, textile, movement, archives, programming, and math, our work confronts male-dominated, colonial histories of Antarctic research by centering expansive, embodied, collaborative practices that create alternative relationships to, histories of, and ways of doing research about glacial change. This work includes recordings of dripping meltwater overlayed with sonified seismic data, large-scale, sewn cyanotype fabric collages, zines of body outlines for recording deep field experiences, interactive glaciological data presentations, and other multimedia work.

We will present work generated from this collaboration, propose a framework for intersectional, transdisciplinary creative research, and discuss the outcomes of doing integrated artistic and scientific research.

How to cite: Case, E., Hoffman, A., Mode, H., and Rai, T.: Glacial Hauntologies: an intra-disciplinary collaboration between glaciology and artistic practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13671,, 2025.

EGU25-13864 | Orals | EOS1.2

Sounds of the Changing Arctic 

Vladimir Alexeev, Caleb Doranz, Sean Dowgray, and Kaja Brix

The Arctic is warming at three times the global average, significantly impacting people, place, and the environment. In Alaska these impacts are felt in very real ways. Yet, for various reasons, much of the science explaining those changes does not reach the people and communities most impacted. The one benefit that we have, however, is our interconnectedness. We prevailed upon those connections to create a unique collaboration of Arctic research and original musical compositions that brought the sounds of this changing Arctic to our Alaska communities most affected. Recognizing that music can inspire far beyond data, we paired 7 Arctic researchers from Fairbanks AK with composers in Juneau AK to create original chamber music compositions. Music inspired by features of particular Arctic research. To critical acclaim, we hosted three concerts featuring these unique compositions with the aim to reach and inspire those affected by these environmental changes, and to connect communities on common issues affecting us all. Additional visual artists were featured in association with the concert showcasing their own interpretation of our changing home. We produced a feature documentary capturing the process, the place, the science, and the people. Bringing together people with quite different mindsets for this collaboration required new thinking -very much out of the box. The collaborative success reached far beyond our original idea with significant press attention and demonstrated catalytic effect for building community. 

How to cite: Alexeev, V., Doranz, C., Dowgray, S., and Brix, K.: Sounds of the Changing Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13864,, 2025.

Hydrogeologic training and work experiences give me the ability to read earth’s revealing “stories” told in inter-bedded rocks, streams, fossils and landscapes. I look for stories of people in places I have worked allowing those stories to inform my photographs. Themes such as the environmental impact that food production, energy extraction, and sustainability have on peoples’ lives, are woven into my images.

As an artist, I elevate the everyday mundane subject into the sublime. During exposure, I choose what to reveal and conceal when composing an image, bringing awareness of common things often overlooked. In exhibitions, my environmental photographic work opens a space for reflection, dialogue, conversation, questioning and insights.

My “3000 Miles of Acid Mine Drainage in My Backyard” images of chemical sludge and polluted water create abstract beauty as irony. Color, lighting and composition along with important layers of information imbedded in each image, make them so compelling. As Diane Stoll (Aperture) noted, “Katarin Parizek’s unsettlingly gorgeous close-ups of sludge” are pleasing to the viewer yet also grotesque.

Selected in juried exhibitions, shown in gallery settings, and used in an applied way, these images are presented at scientific meetings and congresses directly impacting society by bringing awareness to environmental and social issues. My images critique political climates, question viewers, create dialog and social awareness.  Environmental impact that food production, energy extraction, and sustainability have on peoples’ lives are woven into my photographs.  I worked with the US Embassy, Bolivian Ministry of Culture, National Ballet of Bolivia, tribal elders in the United States and Bolivia, Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt and FRONTERA EASTERN in The Republic of Georgia and served as the official photographer for a six-person USAID team, photographing nuclear impacted-waste lands of Chernobyl.

My images communicate the importance of dewatering projects to non-English speaking Egyptian villagers, who try to protect their homes and survive off their salt-encroached land. Ministers, high official decision makers with money and power who rarely leave Cairo, to travel to isolated villages to see these problems firsthand. The water-related damage is not only impacting villages and farmland, but also permanently destroying ancient antiquities along the entire Egyptian Nile Valley and Delta. Villagers share their problems and allow me to photograph dying date trees, salty sugar cane fields, opening their mudbrick homes showing the destruction created by rising groundwater. These images are embedded in permission papers and reports, used as evidence to visually communicate problems to the Supreme Council of Antiquities. Reports are sent to the Egyptian ministers concerning water resources, housing, drainage, agriculture, and antiquities. These images illustrate problems that words cannot describe. They expose and reveal the hidden, giving voices to the voiceless villagers. Here, my images shift from photography as illustration to photography as social activism. These reports go to decision makers with the ability to fund projects that create change in Egypt. They bring social awareness to problems that need resolution. In this manner, image making turns into discourse that creates awareness and informs public policy at an international level.



How to cite: Parizek, K.: Environmental Visual Story Telling: Facilitating Discourse that Creates Public Awareness and Potentially Changes Public Policy at an International Level., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14727,, 2025.

The intensifying climate crisis necessitates innovative approaches that extend beyond conventional education and behavioral strategies. This study integrates Living Lab and artistic frameworks to empower children to transform climate science into actionable narratives. From 2023 to 2024, six role-playing workshops titled “Traveling Without Rockets: A Journey to the No-Litter Planet” were held in art museums in Seoul and Changwon, adapting the framework for participatory contexts. This research examines the potential of reframing climate discourse to make it more relevant to children by addressing micro-level, everyday issues. Through the workshops as a case study, it explores the artistic experimentation of developing and applying practical solutions at individual, group, and community levels.

Existing  information-based climate education often emphasizes the severity of the crisis, inadvertently instilling fear, anxiety, and helplessness in children. This study addressed these limitations by shifting the narrative to a future-oriented perspective, asking, “How can we design and act for a climate-ready future?” This shift moved the discourse from fear and risk to imagination and proactive preparation.

Children engaged in a scenario-based methodology, leaving a devastated Earth to explore the fictional No-Litter Planet. Acting as researchers, they gathered evidence to address climate-related challenges and collaboratively reimagined Earth’s future. This scenario-based methodology went beyond traditional knowledge dissemination, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The workshop design was grounded in a scientific literature review, emphasizing coexistence, empathy, and collaboration as essential values for addressing the climate crisis. The Living Lab framework was adapted to include storytelling and role-playing, enabling children to collaboratively create and test climate adaptation solutions in an experiential and supportive environment. Symbolic activities further enhanced children’s understanding of climate-induced inequalities and the critical need for cooperation in building resilience. Furthermore, the workshop was intentionally designed to involve parents, fostering intergenerational dialogue and engagement. By facilitating shared experiences, the workshops extended their impact from children to families and communities, encouraging collective discussions on sustainability and resilience. This focus formed the basis for designing the workshop specifically for children.

This study highlights the potential of integrating Living Lab methodology with artistic practices to enhance climate adaptation education. The findings demonstrate how combining scientific knowledge with emotional engagement cultivates resilience, imagination, and collaborative action. This interdisciplinary approach offers a scalable model for addressing global challenges and fostering community participation.

Keywords: Living Lab, Climate Adaptation, Art-Science Communication, Role-Playing Workshop, Children, Stakeholders, Co-Creation, Problem-Solving, Artistic Imagination

How to cite: Kim, J.: Reframing Climate Adaptation Education: Integrating Living Lab and Artistic Frameworks to Engage Children, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15567,, 2025.

The Anthropocene is intertwined with questions of death, loss, grief and destruction. A lot of the death and loss that we discuss in the context of climate change is caused by humans and experienced by humans in different ways. Perhaps part of future loss and death can also be prevented or alleviated by us. For this to be possible, we need to better understand our relation to death in the context of our environment. This is not only a philosophical or theoretical issue but also something that is useful to discuss in the context of transdisciplinary methodologies and art to improve the social impact of scientific research.

Art plays a crucial role in making sense of complex emotions and roles that we have in relation to climate and death as academics - and as humans. This presentation looks into the importance of creating open, non-hierarchical spaces for exchanging research results from different fields and artistic expressions help to deepen understanding and spark collaboration. They also help to create a cognitive environment where emotions and challenges are met with care, which creates a base for transdisciplinary trust. As part of the presentation, I provide practical examples of how previous climate & death-themed discussions have sparked interest and discussion across fields and evolved into transdisciplinary events, including the transdisciplinary seminar Climate & Death 2024 [1]. The event provided a common, welcoming space for scientists, artists and practitioners to share information and discuss, showcase artistic work and hold workshops. 

Climate change, sustainability and death overlap in many areas, such as extreme weather, air quality, health & well-being, security, ethics and culture. Whether or not we succeed in mitigating climate change, environmental destruction, biodiversity loss or other related problems, humans face inevitable death, loss and grief. These aren't only part of crises, but life in general. Furthermore, talking about death and other 'fundamental' issues is important to transform ourselves and our systems to be more sustainable. Talking about hope should include discussions on death, loss and grief, as well. The seemingly dark topics are simultaneously fundamental for discussing what we find meaningful and joyful in life. Discussing such issues helps us to connect beyond labels as humans when faced with existential questions related to climate change. It can also help us to develop useful methods for science communication and for taking climate action together.

The presentation is based on work done in the Safer Climate network, based at the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) at the University of Helsinki as part of the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship Program funded by the Research Council of Finland.



How to cite: Rantanen, R.: Climate, Death and Art: Creating Shared Spaces for Understanding and Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16315,, 2025.

EGU25-16558 | Orals | EOS1.2

SEAMAN: Imagining Climate Data in a Sonified Nocturnal Seascape 

Eleonora Del Cavallo, Simone Bregaglio, Maria Roberta Bruno, Roberta Calone, Giulia Carriero, Giovanni Maria Poggi, Eugenio Rossi, and Sofia Bajocco

Climate change is one of our most urgent challenges and new communication strategies are needed to raise awareness and inspire humans’ action. As a complex phenomenon, climate change is often insufficiently explained by traditional scientific communication methods like articles and reports, which often fail to reach non-expert audiences.

To address this gap, we developed SEAMAN (Synthesized Earth Monthly Anomalies), a software translating climate data into a nocturnal seascape, which offers an immersive and emotional way to explore climate data over time. SEAMAN (, uses NASA-Power climate data (1984–2022) to draw an interactive digital canvas to visually and audibly represent climate anomalies. The sea, with its dynamic waves, reflects temperature anomalies through changes in color and movement. The moon's size and position symbolize precipitation rates, while the stars' position in the sky illustrates aridity patterns. Together, these elements create a dynamic and evolving digital canvas that enables users to intuitively explore and understand complex climate data.

SEAMAN is designed for educators, researchers, decision-makers, and the general public, enabling them to explore climate trends, analyze historical data, and see the effect of temperature and precipitation changes. By combining scientific clarity with artistic expression, the software fosters a deeper understanding of the urgency of collective climate action.

How to cite: Del Cavallo, E., Bregaglio, S., Bruno, M. R., Calone, R., Carriero, G., Poggi, G. M., Rossi, E., and Bajocco, S.: SEAMAN: Imagining Climate Data in a Sonified Nocturnal Seascape, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16558,, 2025.

EGU25-17126 | Orals | EOS1.2

Submersion: an art-science collaboration on the cryosphere and rising sea level 

Anne Chapuis, Gael Durand, Alizée De Pin, and Dominique Cunin

Submersion illuminates the future evolution of glaciers and ice sheets, whose melting significantly contributes to sea-level rise, affecting coastlines and coastal regions worldwide. This multimedia triptych, blending printed and digital imaging technologies, invites audiences to explore glacial environments, immerse themselves in potential futures shaped by sea-level rise, and understand the individual actions that most influence glacier and ice sheet melting.

Commissioned by the European research project PROTECT (Projecting Sea-Level Rise: From Ice Sheets to Local Implications), Submersion serves as a science-communication initiative to bridge research findings with public engagement. Led by the Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE-CNRS), PROTECT focuses on understanding and projecting the impacts of ice-sheet dynamics on future sea levels.

The exhibition is a collaborative production involving PROTECT, ESAD Valence, and Alizée De Pin, a graphic artist and illustrator-in-residence. The residency integrates research-creation processes. Through four workshops, students and faculty from ESAD Valence’s Graphic Design program contributed to the project, fostering innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration.

As part of PROTECT’s work on communication, dissemination, and research output exploitation, the project emphasizes the creation of an artwork rooted in scientific findings. Submersion aims to raise public awareness of the critical issue of cryosphere melting and sea-level rise, encouraging audiences to reflect on the environmental impacts of their actions and to envision a sustainable future.

How to cite: Chapuis, A., Durand, G., De Pin, A., and Cunin, D.: Submersion: an art-science collaboration on the cryosphere and rising sea level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17126,, 2025.

EGU25-17759 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2

Portraits of Climate 

Anna Pagnone

"Portraits of Climate" brought climate research and art together for a one-year long cooperation. Art has the unique power to touch people and evoke emotions and reactions. The connection between art and climate research unfolds a remarkable power – it sharpens our awareness of climate change, evokes emotions, and connects us in profound ways. Art and science stem from the same curious, investigative, and creative nature of human beings. Once upon a time, these two fields were inseparably interconnected, and "Portraits of Climate" provides an opportunity to explore the synergies between them. This project is not just about exchanging information, but also about creating something new together that integrates both artistic and scientific perspectives. Each artwork you will see here reflects the cooperation and co-production between artists and scientists, their passion, commitment, and their unique perspectives on the world around us.

What potential does the "Co" in cooperation and co-production hold? What influence can art have on research, and how can both disciplines enrich each other? Do we remain in the roles of the artist or the researcher, or do we go beyond? Are we pushing boundaries? What role has art in education? Journey Through Time and into the Future by Jenni Schurr and David Nielsen


Dit Coesebrink, Daniele Alef Grillo, Carl Maria Kemper, Nana Petzet, Jenni Schurr, Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens, Dr. Martin Döring, Prof. Dr. Michael Köhl, Dr. Cleovi Mosuela, Dr. David Nielsen, Dr. Jan Wilkens

How to cite: Pagnone, A.: Portraits of Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17759,, 2025.

EGU25-18222 | Orals | EOS1.2

A 3D visualization of the elevational dance of the Andean high mountain biome in the Pleistocene arena  

Suzette Flantua, Catalina Giraldo, and Henry Hooghiemstra

“Sky Islands: a past time travel in the Andes mountains” is a short film based on the scientific publication “The flickering connectivity system of the northern Andean páramos”[1], which was selected for a special virtual issue in the Journal of Biogeography (July 2021) as one of the highest citation rates of papers published since 2009. This film used digital art, photography, 3D animation, and scientific data visualization to understand how the high-altitude ecosystems of the Northern Andes, the páramos, evolved in time and space. It displays how the shifting elevational distributions of the páramos were caused by changing temperature conditions driven by long-term climate fluctuations and how speciation could have increased exponentially under these dynamic conditions. Additionally, it provides key insights in how the present-day biodiversity, which was built up during several million years, is deteriorating in just a few decades of devastating human activity. The film has now been shown at different public events, is available in Youtube ([2] over 10,000 views since 07-2018), and an updated version has been the official selection of international environmental film festivals, winning several awards in addition [3]. The results of this outreach approach have had a significant impact in various ways. First of all, decades of knowledge on the evolution in Andean ecosystems has been integrated, providing a much-needed interface for multi-disciplinary research between paleoecology, phylogeography of plants, and pollen-based reconstructions of paleoclimate. Secondly, strong information graphics trigger new initiatives in mountain research globally, elucidating the origin of biodiversity in an unprecedented manner. Thirdly, science visualization is increasingly being considered as a vital tool in communicating key scientific development. In addition, it helps students to better understand the history of the páramos, and high mountain ecosystems in general. Finally, the visualization is relevant for a large public including scientists and universities, filmmakers, new media artists, schools, policymakers and governments, stimulating outreach to the community also through the use of social media tools [4,5]. In this talk, we will elaborate further on the process of making a scientific film from a scientific publication, and the challenges of “translating” a scientific story into a work of public outreach and art.


[1]     Suzette G.A. Flantua, Aaron O’Dea, Renske E. Onstein, Catalina Giraldo, Henry Hooghiemstra 2019. The flickering connectivity system of the northern Andean páramos. Journal of Biogeography 46(8), 1808-1825.





How to cite: Flantua, S., Giraldo, C., and Hooghiemstra, H.: A 3D visualization of the elevational dance of the Andean high mountain biome in the Pleistocene arena , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18222,, 2025.

EGU25-19404 | Orals | EOS1.2

Lament of Ur: Addressing Drought Through Art 

Marina Mantini, Lara Polo, Barbara Alessandri, Rita Visigalli, and Luca Ferraris

A long-standing intellectual partnership between Franco Siccardi (1942 – 2024) professor at University of Genoa and founder of CIMA Research Foundation, and artist Beppe Schiavetta has allowed for the exploration of the relevance of historical narratives in the context of today’s environmental crises. One significant collaboration resulted in the "Lament of Ur," an ancient Sumerian text recounting the destruction of the city of Ur, likely caused by drought and social unrest. Schiavetta translated this historical tragedy into evocative paintings, while Siccardi drew parallels to modern issues like climate-induced migration and resource scarcity.

Modern challenges such as climate change, drought, and ecosystem degradation require innovative solutions that blend scientific insight with creative engagement to inspire action. The CIMA Research Foundation exemplifies how interdisciplinary collaboration between science and art can effectively communicate complex environmental issues and drive societal change.


This partnership highlights the shared cognitive processes between art and science, both of which rely on the brain’s capacity to create vivid imagery and construct narratives. By intertwining scientific analysis with emotional resonance, their work engages audiences intellectually and emotionally, enhancing the impact of their message.


The relevance of this collaboration extends to global efforts by researchers from various countries, such as the World Drought Atlas, which highlights the systemic impacts of drought on ecosystems, economies, and societies. These findings underscore the urgency of integrative approaches to risk communication that combine data with creative expression.


Through The Lament of UR paintings, but also exhibitions, lectures, and projects, the CIMA Research Foundation demonstrates how art can transform scientific findings into accessible, emotionally compelling narratives that inspire empathy and action. The potential of such interdisciplinary collaborations to engage communities, raise awareness, and drive transformative solutions to global challenges such as droughts represents a new way of exploring different languages. By uniting science and art, we can create powerful tools to address climate change and other pressing issues, fostering a deeper connection to our planet and promoting a sustainable future.

How to cite: Mantini, M., Polo, L., Alessandri, B., Visigalli, R., and Ferraris, L.: Lament of Ur: Addressing Drought Through Art, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19404,, 2025.

EGU25-19859 | Posters on site | EOS1.2

The Clown Merging Art and Science. 

George Sand França, Pedro Stenio C. S. Barreto, Gustavo Gosling, Julia Bertollini, Giovanni Moreira, and  Mayara Silveira C. Feo

In academia, science often seems disconnected from art, creating knowledge that is isolated or distant from society. However, this connection is essential and can be fostered through various artistic forms, including the figure of the clown. Since 2019, through an action-research project, we have been exploring the integration of the clown’s universe with that of science, enabling what we call a “back-and-forth” dynamic. This term reflects the bidirectional nature of the interaction: society benefits from receiving presentations that convey scientific ideas in an accessible way, while the artist-scientists on stage experience the challenge and practice of sharing knowledge in a playful, unpretentious manner rooted in fun. In this work, we present a diagnosis and consolidation of this initiative through the performance “A Journey to the Center of the Earth,” which involves researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, high school teachers, and staff, demonstrating how the union of art and science can enrich both academia and society.

How to cite: França, G. S., Barreto, P. S. C. S., Gosling, G., Bertollini, J., Moreira, G., and Feo,  . S. C.: The Clown Merging Art and Science., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19859,, 2025.

As global societal, economic and environmental challenges intensify, there is an urgent need for finding new ways of thinking and communicating both in science and in arts. The Science Meets Art (SMA) association fosters collaborations between scientific experts and artists, creating a dynamic network where new perspectives are introduced, resulting in interdisciplinary projects that reach broader audiences and evoke deeper emotional connections to topics such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.
The mission of Science Meets Art is to break down traditional boundaries between science and the public by fostering spaces where both artists and scientists can explore, collaborate, and present their work. These collaborations open up new ways of thinking about science, challenge stereotypes and biased knowledge, not only making it more relatable but also enabling artistic responses to scientific data that resonate with diverse audiences. By organizing public events and supporting joint projects, SMA actively promotes scientific outreach and facilitates a deeper understanding of the environmental issues we face. We acknowledge that artistic expression cannot be forced but must be nurtured through reflection and improvisation, providing artists with the freedom to explore new topics while contributing to public discussions on science.
In this session we will showcase some of the past SMA activities, including three exhibitions in scientific institutes, collaboration with performance art and artivism on climate and environmental issues. We will present our principles and manifesto and open the doors for inputs and new collaborations.

How to cite: Vinca, A.: Science Meets Art: Vienna-based association and network for trans-disciplinary projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20223,, 2025.

EGU25-638 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Clouded Judgments: An Educational Board Game for Teaching Meteorological Decision-Making Under Uncertainty 

Luca Brusasco, Mirko Nardella, Syria Vannini, and Noemi Chiara Lertora

"Clouded Judgments" is an educational board game designed to deepen understanding of meteorological alert systems and the complexities of decision-making under uncertainty. Inspired by the weather alert framework used in Liguria, Italy, by the Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Liguria (ARPAL), the game introduces players to the probabilistic nature of forecasting and the challenges of managing uncertainty in predictions. Players navigate scenarios involving varying degrees of forecast reliability, balancing the risks of overestimating threats (leading to economic and social costs) and underestimating dangers (potentially compromising safety and lives).

Game mechanics include thematic card decks (e.g., "Atmospheric Events" and "Actions"), reliability tokens, resource tokens, and dice rolls to simulate probabilistic outcomes. Players begin with limited resources and must decide whether to invest in improving their forecasting reliability—by upgrading instrumentation or analysis tools—or to use action cards for immediate benefits. Measurements are conducted over successive days, represented by dice rolls, which determine the accuracy of weather data based on the players’ reliability levels. While uncertainty decreases as more data is collected, players must still interpret incomplete or contradictory information and issue an alert specifying its intensity, time of the day, and type. Correctly issued alerts reward resources, while underestimations incur penalties, simulating the societal and economic consequences of misjudged decisions. To avoid underestimations, players may adopt cautious strategies by overestimating threats, prioritizing safety but potentially incurring economic losses.

The game simulates the chaotic nature of atmospheric events, and the resource trade-offs faced in real-world forecasting. By immersing players in scenarios that require critical decision-making and risk management, "Clouded Judgments" allows students to experience the complexities of meteorological management firsthand, beyond theoretical knowledge.

Designed for educators and students, "Clouded Judgments" fosters critical thinking, engagement with meteorological concepts, and an understanding of uncertainty and risk management. By blending real-world analogies with interactive gameplay, the game connects scientific principles to practical applications, making it a valuable tool for teaching and outreach.

Future plans include classroom playtesting phases and outreach activities to evaluate the game’s educational impact and refine its mechanics. "Clouded Judgments" exemplifies how gamification can effectively bridge the gap between complex systems through which meteorological events are managed and public understanding, offering a novel approach to science education and decision-making training.

How to cite: Brusasco, L., Nardella, M., Vannini, S., and Lertora, N. C.: Clouded Judgments: An Educational Board Game for Teaching Meteorological Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-638,, 2025.

EGU25-953 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3

“Risky Rudi” – A Card Game for Communicating Flood Risk and Mitigation Strategies 

Amélie Meyer and Peter Höller

Effective communication of flood risk and the importance of mitigation strategies is crucial to strengthen resilience in communities facing increasing climate challenges. Risky Rudi is an innovative, interactive card game designed to engage players in understanding the three dimensions of risk - hazard, vulnerability and exposure - while exploring the complexities of flood risk management decision-making.

Players act as mayors and are tasked with maintaining their city's resilience score with a limited amount of money. The game includes risk reduction cards categorized by hazard, vulnerability and exposure, each with a cost and effectiveness score (1-10). These cards simulate real-world actions such as developing infrastructure, installing early warning systems, improving education, etc.  Periodic flood events, whose intensities are determined by a dice roll,  request players to use these measures strategically.

Risky Rudi also includes funding cards, representing financial support, and obstruction cards, such as political influence or social inequality, to reflect systemic challenges in flood risk management. Joker cards, such as the climate scientist, provide an additional element to the game mechanics.

Through the game, participants gain insight into the interconnectedness of risk components, the cost-effectiveness of different interventions, and the socio-political barriers to implementation.

How to cite: Meyer, A. and Höller, P.: “Risky Rudi” – A Card Game for Communicating Flood Risk and Mitigation Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-953,, 2025.

EGU25-1625 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.3

SCIBORG: The Science Literacy Board Game 

Laura E. Coulson, Konstantinos Lekkas, Cristina Morar, Lucia Matei, and Eva Feldbacher

In today’s fast-paced digital world, scientific misinformation can spread rapidly. Civic science literacy—the ability to understand how scientific knowledge is developed and evolves—is an essential skill. This skill equips individuals to better grasp how scientific understanding changes over time and critically evaluate information presented in the media, a vital component of media literacy. This is particularly crucial in areas such as climate change science. However, key aspects of science literacy are challenging to convey effectively. With traditional education systems already tasked with numerous learning objectives, complex interdisciplinary topics like scientific literacy often receive insufficient attention.

Recognizing the need for innovative approaches, our project has developed a fun and educational board game to tackle science literacy called SCIBORG. This game primarily tackles the steps of the scientific method: observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. The game takes place over three phases: hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. In each phase, players collect components such as “collect sufficient data” and “find collaboration partners” to earn points. Whoever has the most points over the three phases wins. The board game includes examples from a wide variety of scientific fields including ecology, physics, history, engineering, psychology, and medicine in order to highlight that these steps are applied across fields. Players have bonus cards with specific research goals such as “Build a robot” and “Mission to Mars!” that tackle interdisciplinary topics. Finally, chance cards are dealt after every phase such as “You have a scientific breakthrough” and “Your research proposal was rejected” to illustrate the uncontrollable factors in research.

The game was play-tested with various groups both inside and outside of the classroom. Pre- and post-questionnaires were given to the players to assess their understanding of the scientific method and their reaction to the game. The game is available both online and in a print and play format. We will present the idea behind the game, its mechanics, as well as our first evaluation results.

How to cite: Coulson, L. E., Lekkas, K., Morar, C., Matei, L., and Feldbacher, E.: SCIBORG: The Science Literacy Board Game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1625,, 2025.

Serious games are designed for purposes beyond entertainment, serving as powerful tools to address environmental challenges. They foster education, engagement, and behavioural change by offering immersive experiences that enable players, stakeholders, and decision-makers to understand complex issues and co-create solutions. However, for beginners, navigating the field of serious games can be difficult. To address this challenge, the Serious Games Cookbook was developed as a practical guide for beginners. It covers essential aspects of applying serious games, including setting objectives, selecting suitable games, and organising game sessions. The cookbook also provides guidance on designing serious games, addressing content development, game mechanics, player engagement, and techniques for influencing perspectives. This presentation will share insights into the development of the Serious Games Cookbook and demonstrate its potential to enhance our collective capacity to tackle environmental challenges.

How to cite: Mao, F.: Learning to address environmental challenges using serious games: A cookbook for beginners, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3570,, 2025.

EGU25-3837 | Orals | EOS1.3

Engaging children with river and Natural Flood Management in Minecraft 

Laura Hobbs, Sarah Behenna, and Phoebe Clayson-Lavelle

Science Hunters (1) is a programme of projects that has successful utilised the popular computer game Minecraft to engage children from under-represented backgrounds with geosciences, engineering and other related areas for the last decade (2). Projects use a defined approach which allows interest-led, constructive exploration of specific topics, which our research has shown can successfully increasing subject knowledge and understanding (3), while Minecraft can act to draw children to engaging with topics (4).

Since 2020, the Building to Break Barriers (5) and Engineering for Sustainable Societies (6) projects, supported by Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Awards, have used Minecraft to engage children with exploring the Sustainable Development Goals, developing a range of topics for children, mainly within a key target age range of 7-14 years, to explore. These were delivered as virtual and in-person sessions with schools and community groups, with related activity resources freely available on the project websites.

‘River management’ resources introduced information about rivers, flooding and resulting disruption, and the concept of river management for flood prevention including examples of both ‘hard’ structural measures and ‘soft’ natural approaches. ‘Natural Flood Management’ resources built upon these, to consider sustainable solutions and link explicitly to the SDGs, in particular SDGs 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) and 11 (Sustainable cities and communities). Here, we outline our approach, outputs for supporting children to explore river management and sustainable solutions, and feedback from teachers, community group leaders and children.


2 Hobbs et al., 2018. Digging Deep into Geosciences with Minecraft. Eos, 99(11), 24-29

3 Hobbs et al., 2019. Science Hunters: Teaching Science Concepts in Schools Using Minecraft. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 2(2), 13-21

4 Hobbs et al., 2019. Using Minecraft to engage children with science at public events. Research for All, 3(2), 142–60



How to cite: Hobbs, L., Behenna, S., and Clayson-Lavelle, P.: Engaging children with river and Natural Flood Management in Minecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3837,, 2025.

A vital aspect often missing in science communication for young adults and university students is the opportunity to make the concept of research tangible early in their studies. Scientific findings are frequently presented in a 'top-down' manner, leaving the methods and realities of research projects as abstract concepts. To address this gap, we have developed a role-playing game that places participants in the shoes of researchers planning a large-scale scientific collaboration. This approach aims to provide participants with a clear and practical understanding of how contemporary research operates, particularly within the context of large-scale collaborations.

In this game, participants first receive an introduction to the subject matter, such as climate science or atmospheric research. They are then provided with a "toolbox" of methods specific to the topic, each with associated costs in money and personnel. Each method can yield "research points," determined later by rolling dice. Working in teams of 3–5, participants select from a list of research questions and collaboratively devise a plan to allocate their resources effectively to answer their chosen question.

The game concludes with dice rolls determining the research points for each team, simulating the role of chance in scientific outcomes. This approach engages participants with the challenges of finite resources, the importance of strategic planning, and the realities of uncertainty in research.

The game has been successfully implemented at the LCOY 2024 Conference in Berlin and with a smaller group of students at the University of Mainz. Participants reported gaining valuable insights into the intricacies of active, cutting-edge research while finding the experience both engaging and educational. This game demonstrates the power of gamification in communicating the complexities of science in an interactive and impactful way.

How to cite: Schwenk, C. and Jeske, A.: Making Research more Tangible through Role-Playing: A Game-Based Approach to Understanding Large Scientific Collaborations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4274,, 2025.

EGU25-4526 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.3

 Safe Haven – Landslides: A Serious Game for Enhancing Landslide Risk Awareness and Management 

Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Michele Calvello, Laurens J.N. Oostwegel, and Guido Rianna

Effectively communicating natural hazard risks to diverse audiences remains a critical challenge in fostering resilience. Safe Haven – Landslides, developed within the Horizon Europe The HuT project, is a tabletop serious game designed to enhance understanding and management of landslide risk through an engaging, interactive approach.

The game employs simple yet dynamic card-based mechanics to simulate real-world challenges associated with landslide hazard and risk. Participants need to manage the landslide risk in a region. During the game, they gain insights into the complex interplay of factors influencing landslide risk and explore effective mitigation strategies. Target audiences include high-school students, educators, and different stakeholders offering them a collaborative, interactive environment to discuss and experiment with risk management concepts.

Preliminary testing has demonstrated Safe Haven’s ability to foster engagement and improve participants’ awareness of landslide dynamics and mitigation strategies. Building on this success, the game has been adapted for other hazards, such as floods (Safe Haven – Floods), and further developments are underway to address heatwaves (Safe Haven – Heat Waves), broadening its relevance and impact.

This presentation will explore the design, implementation, and preliminary outcomes of Safe Haven – Landslides, illustrating how game-based approaches can serve as powerful tools for geoscience communication, education, and training.

How to cite: Gargiulo, M. V., Calvello, M., Oostwegel, L. J. N., and Rianna, G.:  Safe Haven – Landslides: A Serious Game for Enhancing Landslide Risk Awareness and Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4526,, 2025.

EGU25-5211 | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Climate change games literature review: Report on work in progress 

David Crookall, Berill Blair, Pimnutcha Promduangsri, Rachel Wellman, Svitlana Krakovska, and Uyen-Phuong (Rachel) Nguyen

Claims about the ‘power’ of games and simulations to slow the speed of climate change are sometimes exaggerated.  We have therefore embarked on a literature review of academic publications on the topic of simulation/gaming and climate change.  In our presentation, we will summarize the work so far.

As we write this abstract, we have identified over 400 items, some published in peer-reviewed journals, some in games conference proceedings, some in magazines or blogs.  We will therefore need to design careful inclusion/exclusion criteria, to have a pool of from 20 to 40 publications.

The types of publications vary widely: research on a particular game, tips on facilitating, overview of the role of games in climate education, use of simulation as a climate research tool, role-play of climate negotiations, necessity of debriefing, evaluation of climate games.  Types of games mentioned or examined also vary: board, online, computerized, single player, interactive, video, escape rooms and even gamification.

We hope that our review will be able to reveal a variety of elements, such as:

  • the real potential and limits of games to influence climate education;
  • how exaggerated the claims are about the power of climate games;
  • what aspects of global warming are present in game publications and in games, e.g., carbon cycle, how GHGs actually 'heat' the planet, floods, hurricanes (and why), slowing of AMOC, role and acidification of the ocean;
  • the use of debriefing in climate games.

Our aim is not to propose a taxonomy of climate, althiough categories of climate game types may emerge in the literature. 

[Please note that most ‘games’ related to climate change education are in fact simulations, often with game elements.  In keeping with the long tradition of simulation/gaming (dating back to the early pioneers, such as Duke, Greenblat, Guetzkow), we use the term game to refer to the whole spectrum of interactive events (Ken Jones’ term), from 100% simulation to hybrid simulation/games.]

If you are interested in contributing to this work, please come to see us at our poster, or contact us here oceans dot climate at gmail.

How to cite: Crookall, D., Blair, B., Promduangsri, P., Wellman, R., Krakovska, S., and Nguyen, U.-P. (.: Climate change games literature review: Report on work in progress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5211,, 2025.

EGU25-5808 | Orals | EOS1.3

ClimarisQ: A game on the complexity of the climate systems and the extreme events 

Davide Faranda and the and the ClimarisQ team

ClimarisQ is a smartphone/web game from a scientific mediation project that highlights the complexity of the climate system and the urgency of collective action to limit climate change. It is available in several languages. It is an app-game where players must make decisions to limit the frequency and impacts of extreme climate events and their impacts on human societies using real climate models. The goal of the game is to explore the effects of mitigation and adaptation choices to extreme climate events at the local, regional and global levels. Can you achieve a greener trajectory than the IPCC RCP 4.5 emission scenario by playing ClimarisQ? Explore the feedback mechanisms (notably physical, but also economic and social) that produce extreme effects on the climate system.In the game, you make decisions on a continental scale and see the impact of these decisions on the economy, politics and the environment. You will have to deal with extreme events (heat waves, cold waves, heavy rainfall and drought) generated by a real climate model. Then, you will have to try to balance the "popularity", "ecology" and "finance" gauges as long as possible. Fulfill all the missions to explore different climates. The game-over displays both the PPM (parts per million) of CO2 deviation from the intermediate scenario of greenhouse gas emissions established by the IPCC (RCP4.5), as well as the number of survival game turns. These elements stimulate thinking about climate change and motivate the player to do better next time. Thanks to the hazards introduced by the extreme events and cards, every game is different! The game is availabe for several platforms: Android, IoS, Web PC and freely downloadable here: 


How to cite: Faranda, D. and the and the ClimarisQ team: ClimarisQ: A game on the complexity of the climate systems and the extreme events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5808,, 2025.

EGU25-7032 | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Adventures in Model Land 

Christopher Skinner, Erica Thompson, Elizabeth Lewis, Rolf Hut, and Sam Illingworth

Do you dare to enter the model land? Brave adventurers are sought to explore the mathematical depths of strange new worlds. Your quest will be full of uncertainty, unknowns, and potential misdirections. But the rewards for success are high! Only the wisest will emerge victorious, having uncovered some hidden secret of the universe or been shown tantalising glimpses of possible futures.

Numerical models are used to guide decision-making across almost every part of society, from weather forecasts to predicting flooding, from financial investments to managing outbreaks of disease. Whilst the models try to represent reality, or at least some aspect of it, they make assumptions, are forced into simplifications, and incorporate the biases of their creators and the data they use. Because of this, they create their own version of reality, a concept Thompson (2022) calls ‘model land’.

Adventures in Model Land invites you to bring these worlds to life and to go inside them. Inspired by tabletop roleplay games (TTRPG), we have created an open-source framework to guide you through the process of imagining a model land. Further levels in the framework help you create quests for groups of players to explore the model land, or to reshape existing games to play by the rules of your model. This process is intended to be an enjoyable way to engage with your models but can also lead to greater insights into their limitations and, crucially, their usefulness.

This poster will demonstrate the first level of the Adventures in Model Land framework and provide a link to the document. Members of the project team will be available to discuss your model lands and how you can get involved with the wider project.

Thompson, E., (2022). Escape from Model Land: How mathematical models can lead us astray and what we can do about it. Basic Books.

How to cite: Skinner, C., Thompson, E., Lewis, E., Hut, R., and Illingworth, S.: Adventures in Model Land, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7032,, 2025.

EGU25-8263 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.3

Beyond EPICA: The Game 

Tamara Annina Gerber, Nicolas Bienville, Olivier Alemany, Andrea Ceinini, Rémi Dallmayr, Inès Gay, Matthias Hüther, Fortunat Joos, Iben Koldtoft, Gunther Lawer, Johannes Lemburg, Michaela Mühl, Saverio Panichi, Phillippe Possenti, Federico Scoto, James Veale, and Julien Westhoff

Ice cores are a cornerstone of climate research, offering invaluable data on past atmospheric conditions to help us understand current climate change. The Beyond EPICA project seeks to recover a stratigraphically intact ice core from East Antarctica, capturing a record of atmospheric gases spanning 1.5 million years to study the mid-Pleistocene climate transition.

However, drilling ice cores in Antarctica is no easy feat. Fieldwork on the Antarctic Plateau is marked by extreme conditions and unexpected challenges—often humorous, sometimes frustrating, occasionally even catastrophic. Inspired by these real-life experiences and developed in Antarctica itself, Beyond EPICA: The Game invites players to step into the heart of this scientific adventure.

Designed for 2–8 players, the game combines strategy, teamwork, and resilience as players take on the roles of Beyond EPICA field participants. Players must navigate logistical and environmental obstacles to reach the Little Dome C drill site and complete their ice core—managing resources, overcoming setbacks, and maintaining mental stamina along the way. Action cards featuring real-world scenarios—such as equipment failures, harsh weather, and the trials of daily life—immerse players in the realities of Antarctic fieldwork. Modular rules allow for flexible gameplay, while card annotations provide deeper insights into the challenges of polar research.

Beyond EPICA: The Game serves as an engaging educational tool, offering players a hands-on understanding of the science, logistics, and human effort behind ice-core drilling. It provides an opportunity to explore the intersection of climate research and polar exploration, fostering curiosity and appreciation for geoscientific endeavors.

How to cite: Gerber, T. A., Bienville, N., Alemany, O., Ceinini, A., Dallmayr, R., Gay, I., Hüther, M., Joos, F., Koldtoft, I., Lawer, G., Lemburg, J., Mühl, M., Panichi, S., Possenti, P., Scoto, F., Veale, J., and Westhoff, J.: Beyond EPICA: The Game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8263,, 2025.

EGU25-8564 | Orals | EOS1.3

Dangers and Dwellers: design and playtest of a semi-collaborative boardgame on sustainable management of geohazards 

Emanuele Intrieri, Samuele Segoni, Francesco Cardi, and Elisa Bandecchi

Educating people to safe behaviors and raising risk awareness are activities that are often considered among the most cost-effective measures to face geohazards. At the same time, game-based learning is an effective means to convey messages that persist in the mind of people and to reach different age groups.In this work we explain the game mechanics, and the reasons behind them, that we adopted to create a semi-competitive strategy boardgame named Dangers and Dwellers, where the players interpret up to 8 characters, each playing a different role in the disaster risk management of a fictional island frequently struck by floods, earthquakes and landslides.The game lasts for 6 turns, during which the island and its inhabitants must not go beyond a certain level of physical, economical and psychological damage. Each turn is divided into two phases: during the first phase the players must collectively debate on how and which of their unique abilities should be implemented. The players must manage a shared pool of resources to invest in risk prediction, mitigation or response. During the second phase, a geohazard hits the island and the damages are calculated according to the actions played during the first phase. Other than preserving the island and its people, each player has an individual goal, that under some circumstances may go against the general interest.We have spent a four-month period carrying out several playtests that were necessary to calibrate the difficulty and the duration of the game.  In the ever-challenging task of transmitting knowledge while at the same time being entertaining and engaging, we leaned toward the latter, by drawing from the mechanics of boardgames popular in the gamers’ community. Surprisingly, despite the game being initially targeted at adults and high-school students, we witnessed a marked interest in the game also by primary school students. The presence of a game master at every session ensured smooth gameplay, even among casual gamers and large groups.The playtest showed that the game mechanics successfully reproduce the dynamics of actual societies in front of natural hazards, and players must continuously make hard choices and face contradictions. In this way we aim to deliver important messages on disaster risk management both explicitly and implicitly.

How to cite: Intrieri, E., Segoni, S., Cardi, F., and Bandecchi, E.: Dangers and Dwellers: design and playtest of a semi-collaborative boardgame on sustainable management of geohazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8564,, 2025.

EGU25-10446 | Posters on site | EOS1.3

A comprehensive physical geography game for virtual reality 

Martin Mergili and Hanna Pfeffer

One of the main aims of study programmes in physical geography and related subjects is to convey a deep understanding of earth surface processes. Practical constraints often force curriculum developers to stick to traditional learning formats, with limited options for the creations of innovative, exciting learning environments. We attempt to close this gap by creating a freely available physical geography computer game. The primary target audience will be bachelor students of geography and related subjects, but the environment will be flexible enough to be adapted for high schools, awareness-building towards geomorphic risks etc. it will be optimized for virtual reality experiences, but also useable with basic equipment (ordinary PCs and laptops, possibly mobile phones) in order to increase reach and accessibility. The game is developed with Unreal Engine 5.

The scene of the game is an 80 km x 80 km landscape featuring all major geomorphic landforms and biomes in a logical arrangement, from the equator to high latitudes, and from high mountains to the deep sea. Terrain elevation is scaled by 1:10, meaning that the highest mountains peak at roughly 900 m asl. Technically speaking, the gaming environment consists of six closely related elements: (i) terrain, created in GIS essentially through the interpolation of manually drawn contour lines; (ii) land cover, created mainly from materials, grass, and foliage available for Unreal Engine; (iii) processes (landslides, volcanic eruptions etc.); (iv) player movement through trails, roads, railways, air and water transport; (v) light and atmospheric conditions; and (vi) most importantly, a set of tasks and rewards.

The player will move through the landscape and guided through the tasks. Tasks will be related to each other, following a storyline, and will focus on gaining a deep understanding of earth surface processes in an exciting interactive way. Particular emphasis will be put on the understanding of spatial and functional relations, e.g. vegetation transects or connections between different geomorphic processes. Rewards will be awarded at important milestones along the storyline.

The proposed gaming environment is still in a very early phase of its first stage of development, in which components (i)–(iv) are implemented along with an initial set of tasks and rewards. This prototype is then intended to be exposed to the target audience, so that students are invited to add their own ideas and that the game will be gradually enhanced and improved. It will be made available to the public as soon as considered mature enough.

How to cite: Mergili, M. and Pfeffer, H.: A comprehensive physical geography game for virtual reality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10446,, 2025.

EGU25-11714 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.3

Quantifying QUARTETnary as a tool for science education 

Iris van Zelst, Ronnie Peskens, and Lucia Perez-Diaz

In 2024, we published QUARTETnary - the card game about the geological time scale with the help of almost 400 Kickstarter backers. In QUARTETnary, players collect sets of four cards belonging to a certain geological time unit with the aim of obtaining the most complete geological time line to win the game. Consisting of 60 beautifully illustrated and colourful cards, QUARTETnary has players explore all the important events in Earth’s history: from dinosaurs to humans and from the formation of the Alps to the formation of the Himalayas.

As of January 2025, all Kickstarter backers have received their games, meaning that people around the world are now starting to play QUARTETnary. This is an excellent opportunity to quantify QUARTETnary’s educational benefits and see how it fares as a tool for science education in addition to being a fun game to play. 

To quantify the educational benefits of playing QUARTETnary, we asked initial playtesters and Kickstarter backers to fill in a survey before playing QUARTETnary (118 respondents) and after playing QUARTETnary (35 respondents as of January 2025). The surveys assess players’ knowledge of the geological time scale and the history of the Earth through both self-assessment (“How much do you know about Earth’s history?”) and objective questions testing knowledge of specific events (“Which geological time period(s) ended with a major mass extinction?”) and the order of events (“What happened in the same time period during which the Sahara was formed?”). By comparing the results from the before and after playing QUARTETnary survey, we are able to assess if and how players’ knowledge on the history of the Earth improves through playing QUARTETnary. In addition, we gather subjective feedback through the surveys on what players think of QUARTETnary both in terms of being fun to play and as an educational tool. 

Our results show that the number of people who can correctly identify the colours of time periods increases from approximately 50% to 75% by playing QUARTETnary. In addition, the five time periods with mass extinctions are more often correctly identified with for example 31% of people correctly identifying the Ordovician as having ended with a mass extinction in the before survey and 60% of people doing so in the after survey. Overall, people enjoy playing QUARTETnary with 85% of respondents giving QUARTETnary an 8 out of 10 or higher. 

Note that our results are biased in terms of demographics, with a significant amount of respondents being highly educated (with over 41% having completed a PhD in the before survey) and already familiar with the nomenclature of the geological time scale (almost 50% of respondents give themselves a 7 out of 10 or higher when asked how familiar they are with the names of the geological time scale in the before survey). 

Looking towards the future, we will announce the rudimentary idea and timeline for the next game of The Silly Scientist. Just like QUARTETnary, our new game rocks! And yes, that is a hint for the theme of our next game…

How to cite: van Zelst, I., Peskens, R., and Perez-Diaz, L.: Quantifying QUARTETnary as a tool for science education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11714,, 2025.

EGU25-14034 | Orals | EOS1.3

The use of educational games in micropaleontology: FossilSketch software to teach microfossil identification 

Anna Stepanova, Christina Belanger, Utsav Dabhi, Divij Bajaj, Satya Bhavsar, Daniel Bang, Saira Anwar, and Tracy Hammond

Micropaleontology focuses on studying microscopic fossilized remains of organisms, typically smaller than two millimeters, such as Foraminifera and Ostracoda. Micropaleontology is vital for dating geologic records, reconstructing ancient environments, and monitoring modern ecosystems. Micropaleontological skills are also highly valued in industry, yet they are often omitted in undergraduate geology programs.

FossilSketch is an online educational software designed to facilitate learning of micropaleontology. It enhances the traditional lab-based micropaleontology classes and allows for active learning of microfossil identification through a combination of informational videos, exercises, and interactive mini-games. The student centered learning approach in FossilSketch is driven by providing scaffolding and immediate feedback to users. Analysis of classroom assessments showed that junior and senior geology majors who used FossilSketch were better able to understand the process of microfossil identification and achieve a correct identification than those who did not use FossilSketch (Stepanova et al., 2024).

Gamification in geosciences enhances learning by incorporating game-based elements, such as challenges, rewards, and interactive simulations, to engage students and improve their understanding of complex geological concepts. In FossilSketch, students interactively practice and  learn to recognize morphological features through mini-games that divide the identification process into smaller tasks before combining their skills to identify common genera or morphotypes. After learning to identify microfossils, students apply this knowledge to interpret microfossil assemblages and gain insight into various micropaleontology applications in research and industry. 

FossilSketch offers six engaging mini-games of varying difficulty, each designed to teach key morphological features of microfossils:

1. What microfossil is this?:

  • Level 1: Sort specimens into three categories—Foraminifera, Ostracoda, and "Other."
  • Level 2: Classify Foraminifera as planktonic or benthic.

2. Identify microfossil features:

  • A game designed to help players identify key microfossil features by analyzing highlighted details in the images.

3. Foraminifera Chamber Arrangement Matching:

  • For each of the three game rounds, students match four randomly selected Foraminifera images to the correct chamber arrangement card.

4. Foraminifera Morphotype Matching:

  • A simplified classification game where students drag and drop Foraminifera images to match them with their overall test shape in three rounds of the game.

5. Ostracoda Valve Outline:

  • Match images of ostracod valves with their corresponding outline cards by dragging and dropping in three rounds of the game.

6. Ostracoda Valve Orientation:

  • Learn proper orientation of ostracod valves by rotating incorrectly oriented valves to align the dorsal side upwards in four rounds of the game.

Each game incorporates interactive elements to enhance learning and retention of microfossil morphology. For all games, students receive star ratings from zero to three based on how many rounds they completed correctly on the first attempt. In all the mini-games, students could advance to the next round only by submitting a correct answer. 


Stepanova, A., Belanger, C., Anwar, S., Stanley, C., Nath, A., Cherian, J., & Hammond, T. (2024). Using the interactive software FossilSketch to teach micropaleontology to undergraduate students. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-21.

How to cite: Stepanova, A., Belanger, C., Dabhi, U., Bajaj, D., Bhavsar, S., Bang, D., Anwar, S., and Hammond, T.: The use of educational games in micropaleontology: FossilSketch software to teach microfossil identification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14034,, 2025.

EGU25-17418 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Hector's climate engine 

Guillemette Legrand

As a media artist, I inquire about climate science through artistic practice, software, and infrastructure studies, and I develop participatory methods to engage the public in climate simulation. In this presentation, I will discuss my artistic and theoretical research into the simple climate model Hector. This model emulates complex Earth System Models (ESM) and calculates temperature change based on the impact of various climate scenarios. The presentation will take the shape of a demo of what I have called a "climate engine", where I have replicated Hector's modelling system within the blueprint of a game engine (Unreal Engine). During this demo, I walk the public through the interface of Hector's climate engine to re-narrate the model's imaginary of climate futures. Finally, I will discuss the potential and limitations of mobilising climate models through artistic game practices to think otherwise about public engagement in climate actions.

How to cite: Legrand, G.: Hector's climate engine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17418,, 2025.

EGU25-17653 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Combining Knowledges and Co-Imagining the Use of Climate Services through Serious Gaming 

Sumiran Rastogi, Micha Werner, and Nora van Cauwenbergh

Climate services, encompassing information products such as weather forecasts and advisories, aim to support decision-making. However, the uptake of climate services remains limited despite advancements in data quality and quantity. Challenges to usability arise from inadequate recognition of local context, a lack of integration of local knowledge and insufficient actionable information for decision-making. Addressing these challenges requires approaches that emphasize the integration of diverse knowledge systems, beyond scientific knowledge, and foster continuous exchange between stakeholders. For climate services this means knowledge exchange and integration between climate service providers, purveyors, and end users.

In this research, we explore whether accessibility and perceived usability of climate information improve when local knowledge is integrated with scientific knowledge provided through seasonal forecasts, using serious gaming as a participatory tool. Our serious game, Farm or Fallow, simulates farming livelihoods based on insights from participatory research conducted in the Alazani River Basin, Georgia. The game is grounded in the climate service co-created to meet the needs of stakeholders in the Georgian Living Lab (as part of the I-CISK project) to ensure that the game is as realistic a representation as possible. This interactive framework enables users to engage with climate services that they have co-created while reflecting on their decision-making processes.

We present preliminary findings from gameplay sessions involving diverse climate service users, including stakeholders from the Georgian Living Lab. The study investigates how participants combine different knowledge systems during the playing of the game, and whether the experience enhances their ability to articulate the value of climate services from a user-centred perspective. These findings provide also insights into how serious gaming can be utilised as tool to enhance user capacities to understand, interpret and use weather and climate information, thereby encouraging uptake of climate services.

How to cite: Rastogi, S., Werner, M., and van Cauwenbergh, N.: Combining Knowledges and Co-Imagining the Use of Climate Services through Serious Gaming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17653,, 2025.

EGU25-19133 | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Engaging Minds Through Play: Gamified Tools for Climate and Weather Education 

Kornelija Špoler Čanić

The Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) has embraced innovative game-based approaches to engage diverse audiences and raise awareness about meteorology and climate change. Our primary initiatives, Meteo memory and Pub Quiz Cards, integrate gamification with scientific communication to create meaningful and interactive experiences.

Meteo memory is a custom-designed memory game that incorporates atractive meteorological photographs and "Show Your Stripes" graphics, a widely recognized symbol of climate change. By matching pairs of cards, players learn about meteorological phenomena and the realities of climate change in an engaging and approachable manner. This game has been used in multiple contexts: as promotional material for clients, and as an interactive activity at science communication gatherings and events. The tactile and visual nature of the game has proven to be effective in stimulating conversations and educating audiences ranging from school children to policymakers.

Our second initiative, Pub Quiz Cards, challenges participants to answer meteorology, hydrology, air quality and climate-related questions in a fun and competitive format. These cards not only test knowledge but also encourage learning through playful interaction. Designed for diverse user groups, the quiz cards provide a deeper understanding of scientific topics while maintaining an entertaining and accessible format. The incorporation of real-world meteorological, hydrological and air quality data and questions rooted in everyday weather experiences enhances their relevance and appeal.

These initiatives have demonstrated the power of games as tools for public engagement, fostering curiosity, and sparking conversations about meteorology, hydrology, air quality and climate resilience. By integrating play with education, DHMZ has successfully reached audiences across generations, transforming complex scientific information into relatable and memorable experiences.

This presentation will showcase the development, deployment, and impact of Meteo memory and our Pub quiz cards, emphasizing their role in fostering environmental literacy and resilience.

How to cite: Špoler Čanić, K.: Engaging Minds Through Play: Gamified Tools for Climate and Weather Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19133,, 2025.

EGU25-19303 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Mission AVERT: A Geoscience Escape Room 

Valerie Locher, Ellya Kanimova, Eleda Johnson, Zoe Leibowitz, and Janice Zhao

“A life-threatening asteroid is approaching Earth. Mission AVERT, designed to deflect it from its trajectory, is ready to launch – if only the missing launch codes can be recovered in time...”

Interactive games offer an innovative approach to geoscience outreach, fostering curiosity and learning through hands-on challenges. With Mission AVERT, we created a multimedia geoscience-themed escape room game designed for 13 - 14-year-olds to explore geoscience concepts in an engaging and accessible format. Inspired by NASA’s DART mission, students solve puzzles encrypting the mission’s launch codes to deflect a life-threatening asteroid from colliding with Earth.

Mission AVERT showcases the diverse and essential role of geoscience in addressing real-world challenges. Its puzzles cover a broad spectrum of geoscience topics, including earthquakes, climate change, planetary science, and scientific policy communication. Solving them requires teamwork and a variety of skills – ranging from mathematics and physics to language, creativity, and keen observation – ensuring that every student can contribute meaningfully based on their individual strengths. By featuring students and staff from Imperial College London in video messages, Mission AVERT offers young participants relatable role models working and conducting research in geoscience. Comprised of an interactive website, videos, and paper-based puzzles, it integrates seamlessly into classrooms, with little setup or preparation required.

Here, we will explore the design process, educational objectives, and preliminary feedback and lessons learned from our first classroom implementation. We discuss how escape rooms like Mission AVERT can spark an interest in geoscience while equipping students with problem-solving and teamwork skills.

How to cite: Locher, V., Kanimova, E., Johnson, E., Leibowitz, Z., and Zhao, J.: Mission AVERT: A Geoscience Escape Room, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19303,, 2025.

EGU25-19579 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3

Integrating the EWA Tool into Teaching and Raising Awareness of Water Supply Challenges 

Georg Arbesser-Rastburg, Anika Stelzl, Valentin Adler, David Camhy, Johanna Pirker, and Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch

Various contemporary developments, such as changes in water demand and availability due to climate and demographic change, are challenging for water utilities. Raising awareness regarding these issues is essential not only for the general public but also for students in classrooms.
The EWA tool, a free online tool (available at aimed at developing optimal designs for water supply systems under uncertain water demand availability, has been equipped with a flexible gamification system to support teachers and educators with this task. The tool provides a user-friendly interface through which hydraulic models can be uploaded, simulated, and optimized for different scenarios. It calculates performance indicators such as demand coverage or the number of unsupplied nodes to enable well-founded planning.
The embedded gamification system allows users to create realistic “challenges” that reflect complex water supply problems with a challenge editor. The generated challenges can be combined with custom models to provide a playful approach to problem-solving tailored to specific water supply systems. Success in challenges is rewarded with prizes, reinforcing the learning content and making planning an intuitive experience. 
Students can solve individual challenges, such as a challenge where the population in a future area is growing, and the water supply systems need to be expanded to supply all nodes adequately. Tasks can also be created for varying operational conditions, such as fire situations or system failures.
The tool's simulation and gamification approaches make it an ideal teaching tool. Students, in particular, can use practical scenarios to better understand the complexities of water supply. At the same time, the tool promotes awareness of future challenges as users can see the impact of demographic and climate change on the systems.
Through this combination of strategic planning, gamification, and knowledge transfer, the EWA tool makes a valuable contribution to students' education and awareness in the classroom. It not only makes the complex requirements for a resilient water supply comprehensible but also conveys them in an engaging and interactive way.

How to cite: Arbesser-Rastburg, G., Stelzl, A., Adler, V., Camhy, D., Pirker, J., and Fuchs-Hanusch, D.: Integrating the EWA Tool into Teaching and Raising Awareness of Water Supply Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19579,, 2025.

EGU25-20783 | Orals | EOS1.3

GeoVis: Developing an immersive educational tool using Unreal Engine 5 

Alexander-Dean Seiling, Robin Pastaschuck, Mandy Duda, Kirsten Bartmann, and Tobias Backers

Fieldwork is an essential part of geoscience education, offering hands-on experience in observing and analyzing geological formations. However, participation in fieldwork is often limited by logistical, physical or financial constraints, excluding many students from this critical component of their education. To address this, we present an innovative project that leverages digital technology to create an inclusive virtual fieldwork experience, utilizing Unreal Engine 5 to simulate the practices of geoscientists in an immersive and interactive environment.

The core of the project involves the use of photogrammetry to capture and digitize real-world geological outcrops (RBVR: reality-based virtual reality) and transforming high-resolution models into game-ready 3D assets. These assets are integrated into an Unreal Engine 5 framework, enabling users to explore realistic representations of real geological sites. Unreal Engine 5’s visualization capabilities, such as Nanite and Lumen, are employed to deliver visual fidelity to enhancing the sense of immersion.

In addition to its visual realism, the platform incorporates gameplay mechanics and interactive functions that emulate authentic geoscientific practices, for example collection of field equipment, safety standards and measurement of discontinuity orientations. These features provide students with a simulated fieldwork experience, fostering skill development and comprehension of key concepts in geology.

This project demonstrates the potential of immersive technologies to complement geoscience education by broadening accessibility and expanding the subsequent processing of the field work. By offering a virtual environment in addition to traditional fieldwork, our platform not only addresses barriers to participation but also provides a scalable and customizable solution for a wide range of educational settings. This approach underscores the transformative role of technology in creating equitable and inclusive learning environments for future geoscientists.

How to cite: Seiling, A.-D., Pastaschuck, R., Duda, M., Bartmann, K., and Backers, T.: GeoVis: Developing an immersive educational tool using Unreal Engine 5, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20783,, 2025.

EGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media 

Johanna Knauf, Theresa Zimmermann, Jonas Schröter, Miriam Tivig, and Frank Kreienkamp

This work examines the extent and form in which uncertainty of Extreme Event Attribution (EEA) results is best communicated to stakeholders. To achieve this, we develop communication materials in both text and graphics and test them for accuracy and accessibility through guided interviews with scientists and stakeholders.

Extreme weather events pose significant challenges for human civilization. Climate change can influence both the intensity and probability of specific extreme weather events, such as heatwaves or heavy rainfall. EEA has become an established tool to answer public questions about the contribution of climate change to such events. However, the results of EEA studies are often accompanied by considerable uncertainties. Communication of results, including an accessible representation of uncertainty, is therefore a fundamental necessity in this field of research, extending beyond the general effort to make scientific findings accessible to the public. Media representatives, who often bridge the gap between attribution scientists and the public, are therefore key stakeholders in this research.

We present the current state of research on communicating uncertainties in this field and outline our iterative approach to working with attribution scientists and media representatives alike to determine what should be communicated and how to communicate it effectively. Finally, we evaluate which communication materials are both relevant and accessible, and we reflect on the lessons learned for future communication efforts concerning EEA results.

This study is part of ClimXchange, which aims to enhance the usability of climate science for societal stakeholders. ClimXchange is embedded within the ClimXtreme research consortium, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which focuses on extreme weather events in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Knauf, J., Zimmermann, T., Schröter, J., Tivig, M., and Kreienkamp, F.: Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2164,, 2025.

EGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6

Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes 

Gabriele Messori, Stephen Jewson, and Sebastian Scher

Skilful weather forecasts help users make sound decisions when faced with potentially hazardous climatic conditions. However, this beneficial result may be reduced or negated in the absence of an effective communication of forecast uncertainty. On average, forecast skill improves for shorter lead times, which implies that we expect differences between successive forecasts. While there is a vast literature on the communication and visualisation of weather forecast uncertainty, little attention has been dedicated to communicating forecast changes to non-specialist audiences. Nonetheless, this is a key dimension of forecast uncertainty, and there are several user cases in which providing information about possible future changes in weather forecasts can improve their use.

An illustrative example is the situation in which a user has to decide whether to act now or wait for the next forecast. This can be as simple as a professional deciding whether to drive or not to a client on a day for which extremely heavy rainfall is forecasted, potentially leading to flash flooding. Cancelling well-ahead of time makes rescheduling easier, yet the forecast has a larger chance of being wrong. Cancelling on short notice minimises the chance of a false alarm, but poses greater logistical challenges for both the professional and the client. Something as simple as knowing how often the later forecast is better – for example knowing that 9 times out of 10 a heavy rainfall forecast issued one day ahead is better than one issued 5 days ahead – can qualitatively help the non-specialist users in this fictitious example to make a more informed decision.

In this contribution, we consider a variety of cases in which information on forecast changes may be of value. We then present a set of easily interpretable metrics making information on such changes accessible to non-specialist users.

How to cite: Messori, G., Jewson, S., and Scher, S.: Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4471,, 2025.

Whether its memories of a cold, frosty Christmas or an August bank holiday beach trip interrupted by rain, many cultural, sporting, and social events in the United Kingdom have strong associations with particular weather conditions. As the average global temperature increases, the impacts of a changing climate are likely to be felt across many aspects of British life, including in the public’s experiences of these popular events. Several recent works conducted by the UK Met Office have sought to make the local day-to-day impacts of climate change more understandable for the public by exploring likely climatic conditions of popular events by the 2050s. These works have received strong engagement from the public, demonstrating the demand for relevant and understandable climate information.

We serve this demand by using the 2018 UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) and HadUK-Grid observations data to evaluate how climate change will affect the climatology of a diverse range of British social, cultural, and sporting events. To explore and communicate the uncertainties in UKCP18 due to inherent model biases, several bias correction methods are applied to the data and the resulting data is analysed together to give an improved uncertainty range. The research will focus on assessing changes to temperature variables at global warming levels of 1.5°C and 3.0°C to illustrate these two future scenarios and the uncertainty within each scenario.

We will show that some events are likely to have a significantly altered climatology which is likely to substantially change the nature of these events or force them to change when they occur during the year to give the best chance of having favourable climatic conditions. By assessing the impact of climate change on popular British events such as the London Marathon and Glastonbury Festival the findings of this research will prove useful in communicating the impacts of climate change in a way which will resonate with the British public.

How to cite: Woods, L., Pope, J., and Fung, F.: Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9081,, 2025.

Flood frequency analysis is a cornerstone of hydrologic studies, providing a probabilistic framework to relate the magnitude of extreme events to their frequency of occurrence. This methodology is critical for designing flood-related infrastructure, conducting economic evaluations of flood control projects, and delineating floodplains. However, its utility depends heavily on data quality, model selection, and parameter estimation, each of which introduces uncertainties that become especially significant for rare events.

This presentation will address key sources of uncertainty, including model choice, parameter inference methods, and sample size limitations. Strategies for incorporating these uncertainties into engineering practice are discussed, with an emphasis on probabilistic representations and innovative design approaches. An exceptional flood, a "black swan" event, is used to illustrate the paradox of increased uncertainty despite improved information. This case underscores the importance of expanding flood analyses through historical records, regionalization, and causal modeling, particularly in the context of a changing climate.

The presentation will be designed to foster cross-discipline exchange in the quantification of uncertainty in Earth Sciences.

How to cite: Viglione, A.: Flood Frequency Hydrology: Navigating Uncertainty in Flood Design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11466,, 2025.

EGU25-13135 | PICO | EOS1.6

Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images 

Peter Dietrich, Husain Najafi, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

Two-dimensional (2D) images are often used to communicate the results of scientific investigations and predictions. Examples are weather maps, earthquake hazard maps and MRI slices. In contrast to statistical analyses of individual variables or time series, there are currently no established methods for visualizing the uncertainties in the 2D images. However, this would be necessary to make the information in the 2D images clear to scientists as well as to the non-expert public audiences in order to avoid misinterpretation and over-interpretation.

In this study, we demonstrate the challenges and approaches to uncertainty visualization using the case study of drought forecasting, which is relevant for climate adaptations and mitigations. A drought is a deviation (anomaly) from the parameter value expected from long-term data. In our case, the parameter under consideration is soil moisture, which is an important parameter for various environmental processes. The soil moisture can be used in combination with soil type to estimate the amount of water available to plants in the topsoil. If the amount of water available to plants according to the so-called percentile approach deviates significantly from the value expected from long-term data, this is referred to as an agricultural drought.

The drought forecast is based on ensemble modelling. This means that the results of various weather forecast models are used to predict the development of soil moisture for the period of the weather forecast. For each weather model used, a possible soil moisture development is predicted. Each of these is used for a drought forecast. The result of the ensemble modelling is therefore several forecasts, which can differ significantly. Due to the use of different weather models and the consideration of uncertainties in the models, the result of ensemble modelling is therefore a large number of drought forecast maps. When visualising the results, often only a map of the mean values resulting from the predictions is shown. If only the mean value is displayed, however, the information about a possible difference and thus the uncertainty of the predictions is lost. In other words: If individual cases from the ensemble predict the possibility of drought, this will not be clearly visible in the mean value map.

In this presentation, we will demonstrate and discuss different approaches to visualize the uncertainty in the prediction.

How to cite: Dietrich, P., Najafi, H., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13135,, 2025.

EGU25-13260 | PICO | EOS1.6

Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey 

Peter Dietrich, Michelle Dietrich, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

Uncertainties are an unavoidable part of scientific research. Practical limits with regard to the number, accuracy and precision of available observations as well as limitations in terms of methodological accuracy and modelling contribute to the fact that even the most elaborate and meticulous forecasts can never be deterministic and no completely reliable and accurate predictions for decision-making can be achieved. In concrete applications, a sufficient understanding of the accuracy and reliability of scientifically based predictions is important, for example in disaster prevention or resource planning. For example, natural hazard maps are primarily intended for those who have the necessary expertise to understand them. However, they are also used in their unaltered form by non-experts for decision-making, many of whom are unfamiliar with the scientific background and implications of the map.

We address this problem using an earthquake hazard map which can be relevant to non-expert audiences when seeking advice on purchasing a house or obtaining insurance. In order to understand how non-experts perceive a scientifically compiled earthquake hazard map, we conducted an online survey with 229 participants. This was done as part of the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants were asked about their first impression of the map in terms of information content, any need for further explanation and possible actions to take. Other questions assessed participants’ previous experiences and self-assessment of hazard perceptions.

In this presentation, we will discuss the survey results and share lessons learned when communicating information that contains uncertainty with non-expert audiences.

How to cite: Dietrich, P., Dietrich, M., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13260,, 2025.

Working with environmental data means dealing with complex processes, limited data (in space and/or time) and the impossibility of setting up controlled experiments, leading to uncertain predictions of system behaviour.

In the field of statistical hydrology, many efforts have been made during the last decades to provide methods to quantify uncertainty, but the common practice of infrastructure design has not yet incorporated them. This may be due to several reasons, including the complexity of the methods, which are often difficult to apply in most everyday cases, and regulations that "favour" well-established requirements.

Here we present the "uncertainty compliant design flood estimator" (UNCODE) method, which accounts for aleatory uncertainty in the estimation of the design flood value. The method provides a corrected design value and is easy to use for practical purposes as simplified formulae are provided to quantify the correction factor. However, in addition to its practical application, it can also be used to compare different models with different levels of uncertainty and to highlight the "cost" of uncertainty.

Finally, its mathematical formulation allows a direct link to be made between the classical approach to hydrological design, based on a fixed hazard level (or return period), and a risk-based design approach, which is widely recognised as a more flexible method but is not usually included in regulations.

How to cite: Ganora, D.: Uncertainty in flood frequency analysis and its implications for infrastructure design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15189,, 2025.

EGU25-17779 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study  

Solmaz Mohadjer, Gökce Ergün, Sebastian G. Mutz, Max Schneider, Tom Schürmann, Michael Pelzer, and Peter Dietrich

Maps are the most commonly used means of visualizing and communicating natural hazard information to support decisions about risk mitigation. They are a product of hazard assessment studies which involve different input parameters with uncertainties relevant to decision making. This process is further complicated by the subjective uncertainties that arise in the audience when confronted with the visualization of hazard information. 

Natural hazard maps are primarily designed to be used by experts, but they are also used in their unaltered form to communicate with non-experts, many of whom are unfamiliar with the map’s scientific background and implications. Previous studies focus mainly on evaluating such maps with expert groups (e.g., directly involved stakeholders and authorities), with less attention on non-experts (e.g., the public audiences) who are confronted with these maps before purchasing a house, getting insurance or making other critical decisions. 

To address this gap, our study investigates how well hazard maps are understood and interpreted by non-expert audiences. We tested two earthquake hazard maps of Germany that differ in color palettes (rainbow vs. colorblind-friendly and perception-optimized yellow-orange-red-brown color palettes) and data classification schemes (algorithmic Fisher vs. quasi-logarithmic classification schemes). We showed both maps to 20 non-expert participants during the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants answered map-reading and hazard perception questions (e.g., participants were asked to read off the hazard level for a given city, and to compare hazard levels between for a pair of cities) while their eye movements were monitored with eye-tracking software. 

To identify if either map improved map reading and hazard perception, participants’ responses were scored, analyzed and compared using a two-sample Mann–Whitney U and Fisher’s Exact tests. In general, the differences detected in participants’ responses were not statistically significant, perhaps due to the small sample size. Still, we observed that nearly all participants who used the redesigned map (8 out of 9) correctly read the hazard level for a city while only 33% (3 out of 9 participants) who used the rainbow color map responded correctly.

Eye-tracking data were used to analyze focus-metrics. Composite heatmaps accumulating the duration of eye fixations of all participants indicate that their eye movements were focused more on the high hazard zones and the corresponding values shown on map legend when answering questions using a hazard map redesigned to use best practices for hazard perception.

To quantify these differences, the ratio of fixations on high-hazard zones to total fixations on the map were calculated for both map versions. The data were tested for normality and the statistical significance of the differences were evaluated using Independent Samples t-tests for equal variances. While the results were not statistically significant, participants viewing the redesigned map showed a greater number of fixations on high-hazard zones compared to the participants viewing the original map, with a moderate effect size. We note tendencies in the data that encourage the repetition of the experiment with a larger sample size.

How to cite: Mohadjer, S., Ergün, G., Mutz, S. G., Schneider, M., Schürmann, T., Pelzer, M., and Dietrich, P.: Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17779,, 2025.

A presentation of emerging themes and lessons learnt from examples of best practice in uncertainty quantification and communication relevant to climate services.  Drawn from existing literature and reports, and from a community engagement workshop.

  • Consider the climate risks that are of most concern to the audience. 
  • Use language the audience is familiar with (don’t say uncertainty).
  • The precision of uncertainty information should be relevant to the situation.
  • Understand existing narratives about climate uncertainty.
  • Use communication about uncertainty to build trust.
  • Be aware of deep uncertainty.

Standardised approaches to uncertainty communication should consider not only the climate science component, but also the complexities regarding socio-economic vulnerability.

Climateurope2, is a Horizon Europe project with a consortium of 33 parties from 13 countries that includes intergovernmental institutions such as the World Meteorological Organisation, social sciences, humanities and STEM expertise, assurance providers, SMEs, and standardisation bodies. Together we are building a community of practice for the standardisation and support of climate services.

How to cite: Pascoe, C., Dankers, R., Domingo, X., and Pagé, C.: Don't say uncertainty: preliminary best practices and emerging themes for uncertainty quantification and communication in climate services from the Climateurope2 project., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18364,, 2025.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to effectively communicate forecasts and their uncertainty. This is especially important if the aim is to minimize the risk of misinformation and poorly-informed decision-making. Both the IPCC and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction have identified risk communication, complexity and uncertainty as major challenges to decision-making, and call for better understanding of how existing risk communication practices are perceived by those affected and those making decisions.

Despite these calls, many geoscientists, especially early career researchers, lack opportunities to discuss scientific uncertainty and explore ways to communicate uncertainty to different audiences, including the non-scientific publics. To address this demand, we organize the international training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, which is co-sponsored by the EGU and set to take place at the University of Tübingen in Germany from March 17 to 19, 2025. This in-person, three-day training school aims to equip Early Career Researchers with knowledge and skills needed to effectively account for and communicate uncertainty in geosciences with their peers as well as public audiences.

Some of the biggest challenges of training programs on uncertainty relate to the interdisciplinary nature of the concept: understanding and effectively communicating uncertainties requires knowledge and skill sets typically taught and researched across a range of diverse fields. Highlighting this interdisciplinary background, we combine insights from geoscientific uncertainty assessment and outputs (e.g., maps, interpretations, models, simulations, time series) with approaches from (visual) rhetoric, science communication, presentation research, and multimedia competence. 

Building on existing good practice, the training strives to equip geoscientists with the tools and skills they need to communicate uncertainty, help reduce misinformation, and enhance future decision-making. This will be done collaboratively through an interdisciplinary partnership between the Department of Geosciences, the Research Center for Science Communication at the Department of General Rhetoric, and Global Awareness Education at the University of Tübingen. The new approaches and exercises developed for this training will not only be practically applied in the training school, but also reflected and evaluated, including a pre-workshop survey addressing expectations and needs identified by the participants and a concluding qualitative evaluation.

In this presentation, we will discuss our multifaceted practices and strategies applied to foster skills in communicating uncertainty in geosciences, present the results of the accompanying survey and evaluation used in this training, and conclude with lessons learned and best practices recommended to further develop similar opportunities in the future.

How to cite: Pelzer, M., Dietrich, P., and Mohadjer, S.: Fostering Skills in Communicating Uncertainty in the Geosciences: a review of concepts, strategies and approaches applied in the training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18655,, 2025.

Sub-seasonal weather forecasting is notoriously difficult, particularly for the extra-tropics. Predictions must be probabilistic, and from weeks 3 or 4 onwards forecast distributions are often very close to model-climate distributions. Together, these facts make conveying a meaningful forecast to customers extremely difficult, and those forecasts are then very vulnerable to misinterpretation. Standard map-based graphical output can show little more than whether the forecast mean is for average, or above average or below average conditions – ostensibly a 3-category classification. And indeed “average” in this scheme can be interpreted variously as a genuine forecast of average, or a “no-signal” prediction, which cannot both be right.

So ECMWF is working towards a new two-layer brand of map-based sub-seasonal forecast products, that succinctly represent both the mean anomaly and the forecast uncertainty. We plan to call these “quantile-based weekly guidance maps”. The overarching aim has been to exploit much better than hitherto the information content of the sub-seasonal forecast system in a compact format. Once these first go public they will be classed as an “experimental product”. We hope for wide-ranging uptake, providing greater outreach for our forecasts than hitherto, to benefit multiple sectors of society.

The new graphical output can be summarised in a 3-by-3 matrix form where one dimension represents the mean anomaly and the other relative spread. So for example a mean anomaly around zero can either represent a high confidence, narrow distribution forecast of average conditions (a true forecast of “average”), or more commonly a no-signal forecast where forecast and climate distributions are much the same (= “we don’t know”), or less often an odd scenario in which forecast spread exceeds climate spread (= “very uncertain indeed”). The graphical versions of the new system, and the 9 classes, will be demonstrated using real ECMWF forecast examples. These will highlight how translating appropriately chosen mathematical metrics into suitable graphics, and on into plain language text, can lie at the heart of successful uncertainty communication. Clear documentation for users is another key requirement.

How to cite: Hewson, T.: Making Uncertainty in Sub-seasonal Weather Forecasts Intelligible, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19375,, 2025.

EGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium 

Jakub Stepanovic, Sandy Claes, and Jan Sermeus
Uncertainty is an inherent part of the nature of science (NoS), and its communication is essential to maintain scientific transparency and credibility. Yet, current teaching on the topic is insufficient, leaving many with naïve views of NoS. Following calls to integrate uncertainty as a core component of science education and support NoS instruction with real-world examples, we designed an interactive learning experience conveying uncertainties in planetary science stemming from missing data and using artificial intelligence for a planetarium lecture. We were particularly interested in how interaction in the immersive planetarium settings impacts the audience's engagement with the lecture and, thus, uncertainty in science. The experience was presented to adolescents and adults attending the planetarium, and we collected feedback from 343 participants. Here, we share insights from the development, discuss interactive methods that significantly improved the audience's engagement, and share the participants' perspectives on uncertainty in science. We conclude by examining the pillars of NoS to clarify and define the presence of uncertainty and provide considerations for science communicators and educators. 

How to cite: Stepanovic, J., Claes, S., and Sermeus, J.: Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21809,, 2025.

Anatolia is a geography that has experienced major natural disasters from ancient times to decay due to its geological location. In this context, Anatolia has always attracted the attention of researchers. The earthquakes that occurred in 6 provinces of Turkey, namely Anatolia, on February 6, 2022, and caused great loss of life and property, the re-emergence of the earthquake explosion in Anatolia. We, archaeologists, have been exposed to major earthquakes and climates from ancient times to decay, and situations that can be defined as natural have caused great losses. The Hittites, Assyrians, Hellenes, Romans, and societies before and after these civilizations, who continued their existence in Anatolia in ancient times, suffered great material and spiritual losses as a result of natural disasters experienced in the geography of Anatolia, and the ancient geological and climatological documentation of Anatolia has been documented. This is possible, the earthquakes and climatic conditions that occurred in Anatolia from ancient times to decay and are included in historical records due to its service location will be included, and it will be discussed how these earthquakes and climatic events will end archaeological settlements in ancient times and today.



How to cite: Yüksel Özer, F.: Natural disasters that occurred in ancient times in Anatolia and the damage they caused to ancient settlements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1907,, 2025.

Architectural heritage in the African context, as a domain of cultural heritage, frequently encounters substantial obstacles for conservationists and custodians due to the lack of fully documented current conditions or as-built blueprints, which serves as the initial obstacle. Most architectural heritage buildings constructed prior to and during the colonial era lack documentation; traditional heritage structures were created through generational knowledge, while colonial buildings were built using imported knowledge, which largely dissipated after independence.
The second primary difficulty is the absence of documented social narratives pertaining to these heritage buildings. Numerous heritage buildings in Africa has profound cultural significance that is gradually being eroded owing to insufficient recording. This essay will introduce a prototype project in Porto-Novo, Benin, wherein the author utilizes local social engagement and digital technologies to chronicle Afro-Brazilian or Aguda architecture, a vanishing architectural heritage in Benin. Afro-Brazilian architecture is a construction style created by formerly enslaved Africans who resettled in the Bight of Benin countries following the abolition of slavery in Brazil. This settlement developed a distinctive architectural style that amalgamated Brazilian and native African influences, particularly Yoruba, significantly affecting the urban morphology of Benin.
The project utilizes LiDAR scanning, photogrammetry, and geolocation technologies to digitize heritage structures and develop interactive immersive interfaces that facilitate engagement with and access to this valuable architectural heritage.

H. Killion Mokwete is Assistant Professor at Northeastern and UK-trained and registered Architect (RIBA-chartered Architect & Urban Designer) and Co-Founder of the community-based design startup Social Impact Collective (SIC). He teaches various design studios both at undergraduate and graduate level and is currently undertaking multidisciplinary research initiative in Benin with local historians at the Ecole du Patrimoine Africain - School of African Heritage (EPA), Benin, Porto-Novo.

How to cite: Mokwete, H.: Digitizing Afro Brazilian Architectural Heritage buildings in Benin through LiDAR technology and social participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2907,, 2025.

EGU25-4316 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.7

From Polygon to Prediction: A Request-Driven Architecture for Disaster Mapping and Impact Assessment  

Luca Barco, Gaetano Chiriaco, Tommaso Monopoli, Edoardo Arnaudo, and Claudio Rossi

Disasters pose significant threats to cultural heritage and natural landscapes. To mitigate damage and plan effective recovery actions, it is crucial to conduct precise impact assessments. 

This work presents a service that offers an innovative, adaptable and scalable solution, integrating remote sensing and delineation models to map catastrophic events and estimate the elements affected within the area of impact. By leveraging satellite imagery and advanced AI-based mapping models, the service is tailored to delineate and estimate the severity of the hazards, providing additional information about population, infrastructures, constructed elements (potentially including culturally significant structures) and land cover. 

The primary utility of the service lies in its ability to map catastrophic events, i.e. fires, floods and landslides with high accuracy. By delineating the affected areas, stakeholders can gain immediate insights into the extent and nature of the disaster. In addition to this core functionality, the service also provides valuable metadata about the elements within the impacted area, enabling a deeper understanding of the disaster’s impact. 

Cultural heritage sites, particularly those integrated into natural landscapes, are vulnerable to various natural phenomena. Assessing the extent of the damage requires accurate and timely information about the affected areas. Our approach is rooted in geospatial technologies, providing an automated workflow that begins with the input of a polygon defining the area of interest and a specific period. From there, the system downloads the best high-resolution remote sensing images available and runs delineation models designed for disaster mapping. These models enable the identification of impacted cultural and natural assets with high precision. 

A unique aspect of the service is its adaptability. While current assessments are often based on standardized taxonomies, these classifications were generally not designed to explicitly characterize cultural heritage. The service allows for the integration of site-specific base maps, enabling a more refined analysis tailored to the unique attributes of cultural sites and their surrounding landscapes. 

Impact assessments are a cornerstone for planning recovery actions post-disaster. service’s ability to integrate diverse datasets ensures that assessments are not only accurate but also actionable. By providing insights into the damage sustained by cultural heritage and natural landscapes, stakeholders can make informed decisions about restoration priorities and resource allocation. 

Incorporating cultural heritage and natural landscapes into disaster impact assessments is a practical necessity for preserving our shared history and identity. By leveraging remote sensing, advanced delineation models, and adaptable taxonomies, the service provides a robust tool for understanding and mitigating the impacts of disasters.

How to cite: Barco, L., Chiriaco, G., Monopoli, T., Arnaudo, E., and Rossi, C.: From Polygon to Prediction: A Request-Driven Architecture for Disaster Mapping and Impact Assessment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4316,, 2025.

EGU25-4438 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

Historic buildings under the impact of climate change: insights from geoelectric field monitoring 

Wiebke Lehmann, Lukas Römhild, Wolfgang Gossel, and Peter Bayer

Extreme weather events driven by climate change, such as floods and droughts, are damaging the structural stability of historic buildings in Central Germany by causing moisture retention and soil desiccation. The alternating wet and dry periods lead to cracks in walls and subsidence from falling groundwater levels. Understanding the impact of these conditions on regional groundwater dynamics and building materials is crucial as droughts and floods are expected to increase in the coming years.
As part of this study, three geoelectric field campaigns with a total of 17 profiles are being carried out between April 2024 and April 2025 at five different field sites of monuments in the federal states of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. For investigating seasonal and weather-dependent fluctuations in groundwater conditions, transient trends are observed by repeated electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements. These provide insights into hydrological changes in the subsoil, and thus information on how weather events can affect different layers of the soil as well as foundation structures. In addition to the geoelectrical investigations, 14 groundwater wells are being drilled to a depth of around 10 m to monitor the fluctuations in the groundwater level over time. Furthermore, complementary laboratory tests are being conducted to characterize the soil properties, allowing a reliable interpretation of the ERT inversion results.
Preliminary results indicate that layers down to 25 m depth can be affected by weather-dependent variations in resistivity, depending on the hydraulic properties of the soil material at the respective site. Despite the elevated precipitation during the summer months of June and July, the topsoil underwent significant drying by November 2024, leading to a reduction in the groundwater level and subsequent saturation of the deeper soil layers. Ongoing continuous measurements shall provide further insights.

How to cite: Lehmann, W., Römhild, L., Gossel, W., and Bayer, P.: Historic buildings under the impact of climate change: insights from geoelectric field monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4438,, 2025.

EGU25-4992 | Orals | CL3.2.7

Assessing the Exposure of Coastal Cultural Heritage Sites to Sea Level Rise Phenomena in the EU Mediterranean Countries using open access data 

Sevasti Chalkidou, Charalampos Georgiadis, Themistoklis Roustanis, and Petros Patias

The Mediterranean Sea has a long record of cultural heritage sites located near its coast, reflecting each nation’s historical continuum and identity. These monuments also attract tourism and provide financial benefits to local communities. However, they are subject to structural damage and decay exacerbated by climate-change-related phenomena including extreme weather events, sea-level rise, etc. Sea Level Rise (SLR) is a major threat to coastal heritage sites as it can  lead to extensive inundation and soil erosion. SLR projections are constructed by studying representative pathway scenarios (RCP), which try to deliver possible alternatives about the future atmospheric composition.  SLR has escalated from an average of 1. 2 mm/year before 1990 to 3 mm/year between 1993 and 2010, with projections indicating a rise of 1–2 meters by 2100 across different scenarios.

The ongoing Triquetra Project, funded by the European Union, aims to design a toolbox for assessing and mitigating climate-related risks and natural hazards, expected to affect Heritage Sites. A methodology has been developed to evaluate future exposure of coastal heritage sites SLR in EU Mediterranean Countries. This workflow uses open-access data to produce SLR projection maps for 2050 and 2100 based on the IPCC (2019) report for RCP 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5. Four main sources of data were used: a hybrid coastline vector file combining national fine-scale datasets with the European Environment’s Agency (EEA) coastline file, FABDEM as the primary source of elevation information,  the European Ground Motion Vertical Service’s (EGMS) L3 product which measures vertical ground movements using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) data from the Sentinel-1 mission, and, finally, NASA’s Sea Level Projection Tool which provides information on all RCP scenarios. Coastal Heritage Sites and Assets were identified using OpenStreetMap and UNESCO’s Word Heritage Site point layer.

The pre-processing stage of the algorithm involves the projection of all datasets into a common coordinate reference system, the clipping of the data into the area of interest (AOI), defined as a 2km buffer zone from the coastline, and the conversion of EGMS and NASA’s SLR data units to meters. The algorithm proceeds with raster calculations to determine the AOI’s elevation for the target years 2050 and 2100 under different RCP scenarios by adding the elevation values to the EGMS data and subtracting NASA’s SLR projected values. Raster calculations and Boolean algebra are performed to identify sub-areas affected by these scenarios. Finally, spatial queries are conducted to find coastal heritage sites at risk from Sea Level Rise, organized by monument type and country for vulnerability assessment.

The results demonstrate that Greece, France, and Italy are expected to be more affected by SLR phenomena due to their extensive coastline and unique geomorphology, with the impact being more severe on Greece and Italy between 2050 and 2100. Finally, more than 240 heritage sites appear to be at risk primarily on the Greek and Italian coast, including UNESCO sites like Delos, the Medieval City of Rhodes, et al.

How to cite: Chalkidou, S., Georgiadis, C., Roustanis, T., and Patias, P.: Assessing the Exposure of Coastal Cultural Heritage Sites to Sea Level Rise Phenomena in the EU Mediterranean Countries using open access data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4992,, 2025.

EGU25-6132 | Orals | CL3.2.7

Value-based and stakeholder-driven complex risk mapping for underwater heritage through Living Labs 

Deniz Ikiz, Paloma Guzman, Cristina Veiga-Pires, Sonia Oliveira, Stella Demesticha, Anna Demetriou-Patsalidou, Paschalina Giatsiatsou, Ionut Cristi Nicu, and Panagiotis Michalis

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to cultural and natural heritage across marine and coastal ecosystems. Multiple risks interact, cascade, and/or compound broader environmental, socio-economic, and cultural impacts on tangible (places, structures, ecosystems, etc.) and intangible heritage attributes (values, socio-economic activities, etc.). These risks arise from exposure, vulnerability, and responses to such impacts. For example, the physical materiality and integrity of underwater cultural properties are threatened by changes in water temperatures and acidity levels, compounded by extreme weather events causing strong waves and currents, which disrupt livelihoods tied to tourism and fisheries and provide conditions for looting and unregulated diving. This study adopts an empirical, value-based, and stakeholder-driven approach to identify, assess, and map these complex risks and their interactions.  

As part of the THETIDA Horizon Europe project that aims to develop an integrated risk monitoring, preparedness, and management mechanism for underwater and coastal heritage sites, the Living Labs methodology has been employed in the pilot sites. Through public-private-people partnerships, the Living Labs engage relevant national and local stakeholders and community groups to identify values, determine impacts, and assess exposure, vulnerability, and responses. This stakeholder-driven complex risk mapping methodology relies on the framework for complex climate change risk assessment that includes response as the fourth determinant of risks, together with hazard, exposure, and vulnerability [1]. In addition, it builds upon the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) for World Heritage, which employs a systematic and value-based approach to assess the climate vulnerability of shared values and attributes of cultural and natural properties [2]. Building upon CVI’s two-stepped procedure targeting to assess impacts on heritage values and communities, this complex risk mapping framework adopts a similar process to determine:

  • Risks to heritage values: The heritage values attributed to the sites are identified. Moreover, their vulnerability, exposure to risks, and the impacts of key hazards and climate stressors on the sites are assessed.
  • Risks to heritage communities: The heritage communities (stakeholders) and their socio-economic and cultural connections to the sites are identified. At the same time, their vulnerability, exposure to risks, and collective and/or institutional responses to climate-induced impacts are being evaluated.

This paper will present this innovative complex risk mapping framework and its preliminary implementation results in one of the THETIDA underwater sites. These sites include the Ottoman shipwreck in Paralimni, Cyprus, and the Second World War airplane wreck off the coast of Algarve, Portugal.

The complex risks posed to underwater heritage sites and their interactions remain largely underexplored in the existing literature, limiting the adoption of inclusive strategies to address them. This value-based and stakeholder-driven complex risk mapping framework outlined here enables a comprehensive assessment of risks and impacts on heritage values and communities. While initially tested for underwater sites, this framework provides a systematic methodology that can be applied to all heritage types, making it highly relevant for decision- and policy-makers working to safeguard underwater and coastal heritage.

Acknowledgement: This research has been funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation funding under Grant Agreement No: 101095253, THETIDA project.


[1] DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.03.005

[2] DOI: 10.5070/P536146384

How to cite: Ikiz, D., Guzman, P., Veiga-Pires, C., Oliveira, S., Demesticha, S., Demetriou-Patsalidou, A., Giatsiatsou, P., Nicu, I. C., and Michalis, P.: Value-based and stakeholder-driven complex risk mapping for underwater heritage through Living Labs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6132,, 2025.

EGU25-8771 | Orals | CL3.2.7

CLICapp: A co-created tool for climate adaptation and safety in human tower exhibitions  

Jon Xavier Olano Pozo, Òscar Saladié Borraz, and Anna Boqué-Ciurana

Climate change poses increasing challenges to outdoor cultural events, including human towers (castells) festivals, which demand favourable weather conditions. Human towers, recognised by UNESCO in 2010 as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, rely on safe and comfortable conditions for participants and audiences alike. Building on a project developed in 2024, this communication wants to present the development of a climate-smart decision-making tool to enhance the management of casteller exhibitions under evolving climatic conditions. The prototype tool named Castells, Llindars i Informació Climàtica- CLICapp (Human Towers, Thresholds and Climate Information) aims to transform climate data into valuable information for decision-makers to manage the human tower exhibitions better, especially in summer (due to extreme temperatures and high humidity values) but not only.

The project’s groundwork is the study of temperature trends from 1951 to 2023 during the central hours of the day (12–15h) at four significant festivals (Sant Joan in Valls, Festa Major of La Bisbal del Penedès, Sant Magí in Tarragona, and Sant Fèlix in Vilafranca del Penedès). Results highlighted rising thermal stress, with Heat Index values underscoring the growing discomfort for Castellers (Olano et al., 2024). Then, participatory workshops based on the co-creation methodology for climate services (Font et al., 2021) were held with 109 castellers from 10 teams (colles castelleres), offering qualitative and quantitative insights into their perceptions of favourable and adverse weather for castells. These workshops also generated adaptation proposals prioritised by feasibility and importance (Saladié et al., 2025).

This communication will outline the two new steps undertaken in this project: the introduction of real-time measurements using temperature and humidity sensors in 11 urban squares during the summer season, which provided empirical data on thermal conditions of the exhibitions, and the initial insights into transforming all this data in useful information (climate raw data and co-creation insights) into an app. This app prototype aims to convert climate data and the information collected from the squares and participant groups into understandable and actionable insights for decision-makers—whether they are the Castellers, organisers (i.e. City Hall), other stakeholders (medical services, businesses, police, civil defence), or the public. The developing tool wants to integrate near real-time weather forecasts to identify potential risks for specific festival dates and times. Combining these insights with adaptive strategies proposed in the co-creation workshops provides a robust framework for pre-event planning. The advanced monitoring capabilities will allow organisers to receive near real-time updates on key parameters such as temperature, humidity, Heat Index, or co-created indices based on the information gathered during the workshops.

This project advances the adaptive management of outdoor cultural events by ensuring casteller festivals remain safe and sustainable amid climate change while preserving their cultural essence, safeguarding heritage, promoting climate innovation, and prioritising the well-being of participants. This initiative provides a replicable model for other cultural manifestations facing similar climate challenges worldwide. Incorporating climate services into intangible cultural event management combines scientific research and innovation with cultural preservation to protect the identity, ensure the sustainability of traditions under climate stress, and safeguard human health.

How to cite: Olano Pozo, J. X., Saladié Borraz, Ò., and Boqué-Ciurana, A.: CLICapp: A co-created tool for climate adaptation and safety in human tower exhibitions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8771,, 2025.

Underwater cultural heritage (UCH) sites provide insight into past human behavior and history and thus their preservation is crucial. Within the scope of THETIDA, a Horizon Europe project dedicated to developing technologies and methods to protect coastal and underwater cultural heritage, this work aims to predict the physical processes that can put UCH at risk. This risk assessment is applied to a specific site in the Algarve, Portugal where a WWII U.S. B24 bomber plane crashed approximately 3 km offshore Praia de Faro. The plane now sits 21 m deep on the coastal shelf, which consists mainly of sand. The site is exposed to dominant, more energetic waves coming from W-SW and sheltered from less energetic E-SE waves. The mean significant wave height is 0.9 m, but it can rise to above 3 m with the occurrence of storms. As the site is located in the open ocean, a highly energetic environment, the site is subject to risks caused by wave-induced currents and sediment transport. To analyze and predict these risks in real time a numerical framework integrating three operational process-based models was developed. The numerical system is composed of: 1) the wave model SWAN, 2) the hydrodynamic model MOHID, and 3) the sediment transport model MOHID sediment. The operational wave model uses bathymetric data from EMODNET and is forced with wind conditions from the Skiron Atmospheric Modeling and Weather Forecasting Group in Athens and wave conditions at the boundary from the Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service (CMEMS). The model was calibrated by testing various formulas for the physical parameters attributed to wave propagation. A statistical analysis was completed to determine the best physics formulas to use for the model by comparing the results of each calibration setting with in-situ buoy measurements. SWAN was then two-way coupled to the hydrodynamic modeling system SOMA (Algarve Operational Modeling and Monitoring System), which is powered by MOHID. The coupling mechanism forces the wave model with velocities and water level output from SOMA and forces SOMA with wave results from SWAN. Preliminary results of the coupling revealed that the impact of current velocity and water levels on wave propagation in the study area is negligible in deeper areas, where the observations used for model validation lie. Further investigations are been conducted to analyze the effects of the two-way coupling in nearshore areas such as the location of the B24. The wave-hydrodynamic coupled system is now being used to develop a non-cohesive sediment transport model, which will be used to evaluate in real-time risks on UCH. This forecasting system will be included in the decision support system of the THETIDA platform.

How to cite: Mills, L.: An Operational Numerical Framework for Assessing Risks to Underwater Cultural Heritage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9465,, 2025.

EGU25-12307 | Orals | CL3.2.7 | Highlight

Monitoring Climate Change in Cultural Heritage Sites Through Enhanced Visualisation Experiences and Crowdsourcing  

Kyriacos Themistocleous, Valentinos Evripidou, and Kyriakos Toumbas

One of the most significant consequences of climate change is the threat it poses to cultural heritage sites. The TRIQUETRA project addresses this critical challenge by applying a comprehensive risk assessment framework. This framework integrates both traditional and advanced technologies, including remote sensing and laser-based spectroscopy, to quantify the severity of risks, monitor their progression, and inform effective mitigation strategies.

Climate risks emerge from the interplay of climate hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. Understanding these risks at the site level is essential to ensure the implementation of appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures. Recent research highlights the compounded impacts of climate-induced geo-hazards, such as landslides and earthquakes, which threaten the physical integrity of monuments and the socio-economic systems they support.
Citizen engagement is a core component of the TRIQUETRA project, which includes a dynamic web and mobile platform where visitors actively participate in monitoring cultural heritage sites. The TRIQUETRA application enables citizens and visitors to contribute valuable datasets by capturing and uploading site photos, complementing and enhancing existing 3D models. A backend system assists cultural site authorities in better monitoring sites by providing up-to-date imagery and reports from visitors. Simultaneously, the TRIQUETRA Citizen Engagement Application creates an interactive and enriched experience for visitors through Virtual Reality (VR) and immersive Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. The application offers additional information through VR and AR experiences, allowing users to learn more about critical features at risk, such as areas affected by climate change or structural vulnerabilities. This fosters awareness and encourages preservation efforts.

The Choirokoitia case study demonstrates the application of the TRIQUETRA methodology in monitoring how the site is affected by climate change while also enhancing the visitor experience. Choirokoitia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the best-preserved Neolithic sites in the Mediterranean. It represents the Aceramic Neolithic period of Cyprus at its peak, around the beginning of the 9th millennium BCE. Located in the District of Larnaka, about 6 km from the southern coast of Cyprus, the site leverages crowd-sourced information to provide stakeholders with real-time updates on its condition. By comparing uploaded images to a referenced 3D model, authorities gain valuable insights for preservation.

By integrating advanced technologies and community-driven monitoring, TRIQUETRA ensures a holistic approach to safeguarding cultural heritage. The project establishes a replicable framework that enhances risk assessment and promotes active participation in preservation efforts, offering scalable benefits for cultural heritage sites worldwide.

How to cite: Themistocleous, K., Evripidou, V., and Toumbas, K.: Monitoring Climate Change in Cultural Heritage Sites Through Enhanced Visualisation Experiences and Crowdsourcing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12307,, 2025.

EGU25-13403 | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

Establishment of a transdisciplinary monitoring facility in Delos, Greece for the protection of Natural Heritage from the impacts of Climate Change 

Ilias Fountoulakis, Nikolaos S. Melis, Stavros Solomos, John Kapsomenakis, Anastasia Poupkou, Christos Maris, Costas Synolakis, and Christos S. Zerefos and the Delos Observatory team

The Delos archaeological site, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List, is situated on a small rocky island in the center of the Aegean Sea. This uninhabited island boasts of monuments with immense significance to human civilization and it is set within a pristine natural landscape. Delos is increasingly vulnerable to risks due to climate change and geodynamic events, which together endanger its cultural and natural heritage. Recently, a multi-hazard environmental monitoring facility has been established in Delos, incorporating climate and numerical prediction modelling, as well as satellite-based and in-situ real-time monitoring of various seismic, atmospheric, and oceanographic parameters. In addition to providing an overview of the overall facility, we discuss the potential long-term changes in atmospheric parameters such as air temperature, and precipitation along with sea level, that could impact the monuments and the landscape in the future, for different socioeconomic scenarios. Furthermore, we discuss how state-of-the-art models have been downscaled and optimized to forecast meteorological conditions, air quality, and wave activity in the Delos area. Local monitoring of earthquake activity and how it is incorporated into the National Seismic Network, as well as measurements of atmospheric and oceanic parameters are also discussed. The project is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at formulating policies and strategies to promote sustainable growth in the economy, tourism, and culture. It also serves as a model for strengthening the resilience of cultural heritage against natural hazards and risks, as well as a pilot program that aims to be applied to other monuments in Greece and abroad with the support of international organizations (e.g., UNESCO, ICOMOS, Europa Nostra, etc.).

Acknowledgments: This work has been performed in the framework of the project: “Development and installation of an integrated system for the monitoring of the impacts of climatic change on the monuments of Delos” that has been funded by benefit foundations of "Protovoulia ‘21“.

How to cite: Fountoulakis, I., Melis, N. S., Solomos, S., Kapsomenakis, J., Poupkou, A., Maris, C., Synolakis, C., and Zerefos, C. S. and the Delos Observatory team: Establishment of a transdisciplinary monitoring facility in Delos, Greece for the protection of Natural Heritage from the impacts of Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13403,, 2025.

EGU25-15505 | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

DInSAR analysis for slope instability monitoring due to Climate Change: CUZCO and Machu Picchu case study. 

daniele spizzichino, federica ferrigno, gabriele leoni, and francesco menniti

Andean plateau in Peru and its World Heritage sites are particularly affected by the impacts of climate change. The sacred Valley Archaeological Site around the city of Cuzco, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is exposed to significant geological risks due to recurrent landslides induced and worsened by climate change effects that threaten its structural integrity, security and exploitation. The Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary was built on Upper Permian-Lower Triassic (250–300 Ma) igneous rocks, primarily plutonic, which form the Vilcabamba Cordillera's backbone (from 2000m since 6000m a.s.l.) These intrusive formations, oriented ONO–ESE, constitute the elevated regions of the Eastern Cordillera. The area is dominated by a batholith composed mainly of granite and granodiorite, with medium-textured basic granite prominently outcropping within the citadel. The Machu Picchu site and all the sacred valley of Cuzco its surroundings are characterized by instability phenomena driven by complex geomorphological and structural/tectonic conditions worsened by the effects induced at altitude by the climate change (melting of the permafrost, heavy rainfall and increase in temperature). The above mentioned phenomena are exacerbated by the interplay of primary discontinuity families, resulting in recurring processes such as planar slides, rockfalls, topples, debris slides, debris flows, and avalanches. The present work shows the application of Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) technique to measure slow, non-catastrophic morphological changes with millimeter-scale precision. A previous interferometric satellite analysis work carried out in the early 2000s to test the general stability of the Inca Citadel has been resumed and updated. The analysis captures both long-term and seasonal processes triggered by diverse causative factors, enabling informed planning of mitigation strategies. Specifically, DInSAR data processing was conducted for the Machu Picchu archaeological area and for the wider Cusco area, complemented by direct field surveys to validate the results (November 2024). Multi-temporal SAR images from the Sentinel-1 constellation (C-band radar) were processed using advanced DInSAR techniques to generate ground displacement measurement points. The spatial distribution and correlation of these measurements with slope instability and structural damage were analyzed, revealing ground deformation trends from January 2020 to August 2024. Preliminary results indicate that the citadel exhibits average ground and structural displacement of less than 1 mm/year substantially negligible. However, localized analyses highlight distinct patterns of small-scale displacement in the Grupo de las Tres Puertas with slight brick detachment and in the Upper Plaza and Eastern Citadel sector showing relative subsidence compared to adjacent areas, suggesting potential movements of the eastern flank. Monitoring systems (remote and in situ) are recommended. The use of Sentinel-1 DInSAR data provided critical insights into the interaction between ground displacement and archaeological structures. It facilitated the identification of potentially unstable areas, detected anomalies, and traced ground displacement accelerations over time. Displacement anomalies and weather-climate anomalies over time, highlights the effects of the latter on the spatial-temporal increase of instability phenomena. These findings underscore the utility of DInSAR as a powerful tool for addressing preservation of intervention on CH threatened by slope instability, offering data-driven approaches for damage prevention and site management.

How to cite: spizzichino, D., ferrigno, F., leoni, G., and menniti, F.: DInSAR analysis for slope instability monitoring due to Climate Change: CUZCO and Machu Picchu case study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15505,, 2025.

EGU25-16404 | Orals | CL3.2.7

Safeguarding the Past: Monitoring Climate Change at Kalapodi Sanctuary through the TRIQUETRA Project 

Artemios Oikonomou, Angelos Sotiropoulos, Penelope Gourgouleti, and Themistoklis Bilis

Kalapodi arcaheological site is located in central Greece, in the region of present-day Fthiotis consisting of a complex of temples and surrounding remains. It comprises a very important sanctuary, being among the most significant of ancient Phokis, providing crucial insights into Greek religious practices and architectural forms from the Mycenaean to the Classical periods. The archaeogical site in Kalapodi has been the focus of extensive cultural heritage management efforts by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) since 2017.

As a case study in the TRIQUETRA program, funded by the EU Horizon Europe research and innovation program (GA No. 101094818), this site exemplifies the challenges posed by climate change on cultural heritage. TRIQUETRA project aims to develop an integrated methodological model to safeguard archaeological remains, such as those at Kalapodi, from environmental risks and mainly frost. Central to the project is the creation of an evidence-based assessment platform for precise risk stratification, coupled with a comprehensive database of mitigation measures.

In this paper we would like to leverage environmental data and materials analysis from Kalapodi, so as to quantify the impacts of climate change and propose tailored preservation strategies. These include assessing the effects of frost on ancient structures and implementing preventative measures to ensure their long-term stability. To achieve this a pilot site has been designed and constructed on which several monitoring equipment has been attached to understand the influence of environmental conditions on the pilot and hence the ancient monument. The acquired knowledge and the methodology followed highlights the importance of combining scientific research and heritage management to address climate-related challenges and protect cultural heritage for future generations.

How to cite: Oikonomou, A., Sotiropoulos, A., Gourgouleti, P., and Bilis, T.: Safeguarding the Past: Monitoring Climate Change at Kalapodi Sanctuary through the TRIQUETRA Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16404,, 2025.

The development of an Agent-Based Model (ABM) has proven highly effective for analyzing how the behavior of different agents leads to aggregated phenomena. Despite the challenges in creating such a model—including conceptualization, agent definition, relationship establishment, behavior design, programming, testing, validation, and reporting—the process allows for valuable testing and rethinking of strategies for enhancing the resilience of cultural landscapes, as the results offer significant insights into phenomena like drought. While not predictive, the observed trends can inform general analysis and highlight key areas for action to achieve specific goals. The RescueMe project developed an ABM that simulates three types of administration and underscores the impact of decision-making on territorial resilience, significantly influenced by timely policies and actions. The primary goal of the model is to simulate how farmers, agricultural plots, and decision-makers interact with each other and their environment, particularly under varying drought conditions. The model tests the hypothesis that decision-makers can intervene to mitigate the effects of drought by creating mechanisms that enhance plot resilience and/or attract new farmers safeguarding the values of the cultural landscapes. In this way, the ABM aims to develop a reflection and awareness-raising tool to allow cultural landscapes to consider the consequences of different climate change adaptation measures and behaviors. The impact chains co-created with the project case studies have been used as a basis for the modeling. The impact chain of drought on agriculture (impact of specific climatic hazards on a given sector) was selected due to its importance for a significant number of cultural landscapes, and the organigraphs created during the early stages of the project were used to help define the agents. The scenarios generated with the ABM simulate the impact of the behavior of agents on landscape resilience and potentially inform the definition of a serious game.

How to cite: Egusquiza, A., Cantergiani, C., and Villanueva, A.: Agent-Based Modeling for analyzing the climate resilience and decision-making impact on drought dynamics in Cultural Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17815,, 2025.

EGU25-18452 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

A Multi-Scale Framework for Flood Risk Assessment in Cultural Heritage Sites: The Apollo Temple in Aegina 

Marcos Julien Alexopoulos, Theano Iliopoulou, Denis Istrati, Sofia Soile, Styliani Verykokou, Charalabos Ioannidis, and Demetris Koutsoyiannis

Preserving cultural heritage sites demands risk management strategies that capture site-specific vulnerabilities at fine spatial resolutions. The present study introduces a novel framework for flood risk assessments that bridges large-scale hydrological modeling and sub-meter-level hydraulic simulations to provide enhanced insights into potential impacts. Our approach employs state-of-the-art Rain-on-Grid (RoG) hydraulic simulations, targeted field data collection, and high-resolution geometric documentation using UAV imagery and GNSS ground control points to account for detailed terrain characteristics.

Within the scope of the Horizon Europe TRIQUETRA Project, we apply this framework to the Apollo temple in the archaeological site of Kolona on Aegina Island, Greece. A total of 945 vertical and 4900 oblique UAV images were processed following a multi-image photogrammetric workflow, to produce a digital surface model with a resolution of 1 cm. We then use this data to set up the RoG model and to analyze flood scenarios for various return periods to obtain sub-meter-level hydraulic parameters and evaluate how the site’s vulnerability to flood intrusion might change if its existing wall obstructions were to be extended.

The proposed methodology offers a robust means to extract high-resolution boundary conditions for advanced computational fluid dynamics simulations. Using our multi-scale workflow, relevant stakeholders can enhance their data-driven decision-making for cultural heritage protection and preservation purposes.

Acknowledgments: This work is based on procedures and tasks implemented within the project “Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage—TRIQUETRA”, which is a Project funded by the EU HE research and innovation program under GA No. 101094818.

How to cite: Alexopoulos, M. J., Iliopoulou, T., Istrati, D., Soile, S., Verykokou, S., Ioannidis, C., and Koutsoyiannis, D.: A Multi-Scale Framework for Flood Risk Assessment in Cultural Heritage Sites: The Apollo Temple in Aegina, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18452,, 2025.

EGU25-18757 | Orals | CL3.2.7

The GREENART project: "green" and sustainable materials for cultural heritage conservation 

David Chelazzi, Giovanna Poggi, and Piero Baglioni

European Cultural Heritage (CH) is a crucial resource that must be maintained, preserved and made accessible, to counteract degradation enhanced by unfavorable environmental conditions and climate changes. Some of the conservation methodologies nowadays available lack sustainability and cost-effectiveness, and are typically based on energy-consuming processes or non-environmentally friendly materials. This contribution will report on the main results so-far achieved in the EU-funded project GREen ENdeavor in Art ResToration (GREENART), coordinated by the Center for Colloid and Surface Science of the University of Florence (CSGI). Coping with the imperatives of EU Green Deal, the project proposes new solutions based on green and sustainable materials and methods, to preserve, conserve and restore CH. In particular, several innovative materials have been developed and tested:  1) Protective coatings based on green materials from waste and plant proteins, with self-healing and reversibility character, possibly functionalized with organic/inorganic nanoparticles to impart VOC capture, anti-corrosion and barrier behaviors. 2) Foams and packaging materials made by biodegradable/compostable polymers from renewable sources (polyurethanes and natural fibers) to control temperature and relative humidity. 3) Consolidants based on natural polymers from renewable sources, to mechanically strengthen weak artifacts. 4) Gels and cleaning fluids inspired by the most advanced systems currently available to conservators, which will be improved according to green metrics and circular economy requirements. 5) Green tech solutions for monitoring CH assets non-invasively against pollutants and environmental oscillations. Life Cycle Assessment and modeling favor the “safe-by-design” creation of affordable solutions safe to craftspeople, operators and the environment, and minimize energy-consumption in monitoring museum environments. Such holistic approach is granted in GREENART by a multidisciplinary partnership that gathers hard and soft sciences and engineering, including academic centers, innovative industries and SMEs, conservation institutions and professionals, museums whose collections hold absolute masterpieces in need of conservation, public entities and policy makers. Innovative materials and products have been assessed at the lab scale on representative mock-ups of works of art (remedial conservation), or in simulated museum/archive environments (preventive conservation). The project intends to transfer the most promising systems to field assessment on actual artefacts and museums/archives, in cooperation with conservator partners. The best products are also fed into a GREENART open repository and an App to illustrate the new solutions and involve citizens in good preservation practices. Constant feedback from conservators (internal or external to the partnership) can stimulate iterative refinement of the products, triggering a positive loop in this methodological approach. Covering these topics, we provide here an overview of the most advanced green materials for art conservation that can be useful to end-users in this field.

How to cite: Chelazzi, D., Poggi, G., and Baglioni, P.: The GREENART project: "green" and sustainable materials for cultural heritage conservation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18757,, 2025.

EGU25-19235 | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

A Smart Decision Support System for the Mitigation of Climate Change Effects on Cultural Heritage 

Vassiliki Charalampopoulou, Anastasia Anastasiou, Efthymios Magkoufis, Konstantinos Mpotonakis, and Christos Kontopoulos

Nowadays Cultural Heritage (CH) monuments face increasing effects of climate change (CC) that vitally impact their sustainability. The TRIQUETRA project, recognising the cruciality of the identification, quantification and mitigation of those CC-driven effects, aims to develop a novel Decision Support System (DSS) that leverages the existing knowledge, to efficiently provide a holistic approach for the conservation of the CH monuments.

More specifically, the TRIQUETRA project focuses on developing a comprehensive, evidence-based DSS for the identification and mitigation of the impacts of climate change on CH sites. TRIQUETRA is based on three key components i.e., Risk Identification, Risk Quantification, and Risk Mitigation. The basis for the DSS is the TRIQUETRA Knowledge Base Platform (KBP), which serves as a dynamic electronic repository equipped with advanced search functionalities and visualisation tools. The KBP concentrates a wide array of validated data regarding a wide variety of CH sites around the world, which climatic, geological and historical records, site-specific attributes, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies are provided through verified research publications.

The DSS features two distinctive modules: the a) Risk Severity Quantification module and b) the Mitigation Measure Selection and Optimisation module. The latter utilises the catalogued information of KBP to provide tailored mitigation measures for each pilot site and verify them based on project outcomes. By incorporating dynamic user stories that consistently reflect the stakeholders' needs, this module facilitates the selection of the most appropriate preservation and mitigation strategies for each site.

Moreover, to enhance functionality, the DSS integrates a search mechanism that allows users to filter results based on a series of criteria such as cost, implementation timeframe, topological effect, etc. The algorithm is adaptable to diverse user inputs and constitutes a scalable solution, leveraging the database of the KBP to identify optimal mitigation solutions, by cross-referencing the characteristics of a given CH site with those of similar sites documented in the relevant literature, providing users with a ranked list of applicable measures.

This adaptive module and the TRIQUETRA DSS as a whole aim to complement research contributing to the protection of cultural heritage against climate change, enabling tailored monitoring and preservation strategies for each pilot CH site.

How to cite: Charalampopoulou, V., Anastasiou, A., Magkoufis, E., Mpotonakis, K., and Kontopoulos, C.: A Smart Decision Support System for the Mitigation of Climate Change Effects on Cultural Heritage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19235,, 2025.

EGU25-19445 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

Wave Hazards on Underwater cultural Heritage: The Impact of Climate Change on Cadiz Bay  

Carmen Ferrero Martín, Alfredo Izquierdo, Manuel Bethencourt, Lorenzo Mentaschi, and Tomás Fernández Montblanc

The combination of future Sea level rise and changes in wave climate in coastal areas represents one of the greatest threats to the preservation of underwater cultural heritage (UCH). This study presents a new methodology to assess climate change’s impacts on UCH preservation in shallow waters, focusing on wave-induced hazards like decontextualization of archaeological object, scouring, and wear erosion caused by sediment transport. The approach uses hybrid downscaling of bias-corrected wave fields to assess the changes on this hazard and associated risk under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 CMIP5 scenarios. The methodology was applied in the Bay of Cadiz, where an overall reduction in wave energy flux was observed. However, local increases were detected in rocky shoals and in the coastal zone, both areas with high UCH density. As a result, the shallow zones exhibited significant changes in decontextualization and scouring hazards. However, the most relevant risk changes were linked to wear erosion, particularly at sites on rocky outcrops near Cadiz. The developed methodology tested in this study is essential for identifying areas with higher risk and for evaluating UCH preservation under future climate conditions. It offers an effective tool for screening sites at risk and for conducting a long-term assessment of these risks in coastal environments affected by climate change.

How to cite: Ferrero Martín, C., Izquierdo, A., Bethencourt, M., Mentaschi, L., and Fernández Montblanc, T.: Wave Hazards on Underwater cultural Heritage: The Impact of Climate Change on Cadiz Bay , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19445,, 2025.

EGU25-19751 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

CFD investigation of wave runup on coastal cliffs for impact assessment on cultural heritage 

Raouf Sobhani, Denis Istrati, Salvatore Martino, Gian Marco Marmoni, and Federico Feliziani

Wave runup plays a pivotal role in shaping the stability of coastal cliffs, as it generates hydrodynamic pressures that can compromise their structural integrity over time. These cliffs, especially those near cultural heritage (CH) sites, are vital natural structures that indirectly safeguard invaluable assets. Their destabilization, however, poses significant risks, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the underlying processes that threaten their stability. Despite growing interest in coastal hazard assessments, there remains a paucity of quantitative studies focused on the interplay between wave runup dynamics and the structural characteristics of cliffs. Addressing this gap is essential for improving risk assessment methodologies and developing effective mitigation strategies.

Field measurements conducted in the Horizon Europe project TRIQUETRA revealed that coastal cliffs rarely conform to idealized vertical geometries. Instead, they often exhibit structural irregularities, such as varying inclinations or pre-existing damage like notches, which can exacerbate their exposure to wave-induced pressures. These variations are critical in determining the wave runup and consequently the exposed height of the cliff, which affects its stability. In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method were employed to model wave-cliff interactions. The analysis focused on the influence of geometric configurations and structural irregularities on the maximum wave runup and the  hydrodynamic pressure distributions, with particular attention to the behavior of steeply inclined cliffs and notched formations. The results demonstrate that wave runup is significantly amplified on near-vertical cliffs, with this effect becoming more pronounced under larger wave conditions. Conversely, notches reduce overall wave runup as their height increases, redistributing hydrodynamic forces along the cliff face and altering the pressure patterns. These findings highlight the intricate relationship between wave dynamics and structural variations, emphasizing the need for site-specific analyses when assessing cliff vulnerabilities.

By advancing the understanding of wave-cliff interactions, this research provides a valuable contribution to coastal hazard studies, offering new insights into the mechanisms driving cliff instability. The outcomes underscore the importance of integrating advanced CFD tools into risk assessments, enabling the design of targeted mitigation strategies to protect coastal regions and preserve the structural integrity of cliffs that play a critical role in safeguarding nearby CH sites.

Acknowledgments: This work is based on procedures and tasks implemented within the project “Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage—TRIQUETRA”, which is a Project funded by the EU HE research and innovation program under GA No. 101094818.




How to cite: Sobhani, R., Istrati, D., Martino, S., Marmoni, G. M., and Feliziani, F.: CFD investigation of wave runup on coastal cliffs for impact assessment on cultural heritage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19751,, 2025.

EGU25-21315 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.7

Aerial and ground-based surveying and 3D modeling of cultural heritage – a case study in Messolonghi, Western Greece 

Panagiotis Tsikas, Aggeliki Kyriou, Epameinondas Lyros, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, and Christoforos Pappas

Digital twins of cultural heritage are urgently needed for both comprehensive documentation and digitalization of the monuments, and, also, for the efficient planning of restoration activities towards increased resilience to climatic stressors. Here, we present a workflow for geodetic field surveying followed by 3D building information modeling (BIM), to create a digital twin of an example historical building of Western Greece, the ‘Old Hatzikosta Hospital’ in Messolonghi. More specifically, a detailed point cloud was generated, based on data collected with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Building features not directly detectable from the ground (e.g., rooftops) were mapped with photogrammetry using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The collected data were then further analysed to derive a detailed 3D model of the monument. This 3D model could serve as a baseline for future engineering applications, such as planning maintenance and restoration interventions. Moreover, the digitalization of cultural heritage could also assist in raising public’s awareness and making such historical buildings more widely visible and accessible (e.g., virtual tours, interactive geodatabases etc.).

How to cite: Tsikas, P., Kyriou, A., Lyros, E., Nikolakopoulos, K., and Pappas, C.: Aerial and ground-based surveying and 3D modeling of cultural heritage – a case study in Messolonghi, Western Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21315,, 2025.

EGU25-1395 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

SIREN: a citizen science project for the recovery of the Italian hydrological data 

Paola Mazzoglio, Miriam Bertola, Alvise Mattozzi, Tommaso Listo, Luca Princivalle, Chiara Sacco, Luca Lombardo, Alberto Viglione, Francesco Laio, and Pierluigi Claps

As part of the SIREN project (Saving Italian hydRological mEasuremeNts), a citizen science initiative hosted on the Zooniverse platform (, thousands of volunteers are contributing to the digitization of the hydrological yearbooks produced in the past by the Italian National Hydrological and Mareographic Service. These yearbooks represent an invaluable repository of hydrological data but remain difficult to access due to their paper-based format. Moreover, the quality of these old books is deteriorating due to ageing, with fading ink and handwritten corrections that make the digitization with optical character recognition software challenging.
The involvement of citizens in the project serves a dual purpose: their participation enables a reliable interpretation and digitization of these historical data in a shorter time frame, while simultaneously raising public awareness of environmental issues such as hydrological risk and water resource management.
To better understand the profiles of the volunteers engaged so far and to broaden the project's reach to a wider segment of the population, an anonymous survey was conducted in recent months.
Initial data analysis reveals a diverse range of participants. One group consists of users with technical or scientific backgrounds in line with the project topic. Another group is motivated by the opportunity to contribute to a public utility initiative, putting into practice their skills and previous knowledge. The survey has also provided valuable insights into the participants' interests, their motivations for contributing, and their understanding of the project's significance.
Since students from high schools and universities seemed to be underrepresented, several workshops and dissemination events were planned to increase the scientific impact among youth. These activities were performed as part of the IMPETUS Accelerator, a seven-month structured programme that aims at maximising the scientific, social, economic, democratic, and environmental impacts towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Green Deal targets.
This collaborative effort highlights the potential of citizen science to bridge gaps in hydrological data accessibility and awareness, fostering a community of engaged individuals committed to preserving and utilizing this invaluable historical resource.
Thanks to this initiative, for the first time, a complete dataset of daily discharge measurements will be available for the Italian territory.

How to cite: Mazzoglio, P., Bertola, M., Mattozzi, A., Listo, T., Princivalle, L., Sacco, C., Lombardo, L., Viglione, A., Laio, F., and Claps, P.: SIREN: a citizen science project for the recovery of the Italian hydrological data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1395,, 2025.

EGU25-2698 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Acqua Sorgente a nationwide citizen science project to monitor and study the Italian water springs 

Matteo Nigro, Marco Luppichini, Viviana Re, Stefano Natali, Elena Pilosu, Raffaele Marini, Marco Barbieri, Riccardo Bernasconi, Andrea Del Sarto, Sergio Peduzzi, Carlo Alberto Garzonio, Giuseppe Priolo, Lorenzo Bassi, Mario Vaccarella, Gian Carlo Nardi, Giovanni Zanchetta, Roberto Giannecchini, Alessandra Pollo, and Alessio Piccioli

Groundwater is the most abundant reservoir of available freshwater and both communities and ecosystems are strongly dependent on it. In Europe, groundwater abstraction accounts for more than half of all tapped water.

Water springs are the surface manifestations of groundwater and their physical and chemical characteristics can carry information on hydrodynamic processes, aquifer lithology, soil properties, and climatic conditions. Both natural ecosystems and human communities are deeply reliant on the availability of spring water, which is extensively exploited for drinking water supplies. Also, springs are crucial geographical and cultural elements of all territories and can constitute biodiversity hotspots, hosting numerous plant species and providing water to downstream ecosystems.

Groundwater recharge, and consequently the permanence of water flow from springs, is closely linked to meteorological and climatic conditions that influence processes such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, and others.

Current climate trends in Europe suggest declining groundwater recharge across many regions, threatening ecosystems and communities. These challenges are compounded by human activities, which can lead to the disappearance and pollution of natural springs.

It is therefore essential to collectively adopt measures for the protection of springs that combine community awareness initiatives with community collaboration for monitoring activities at a large scale. Citizen science is a crucial approach for these purposes, contributing to clarify current scientific issues through active participation in science.

In April 2024, the Italian Alpine Club (Club Alpino Italiano, CAI) launched the nationwide citizen science project, Acqua Sorgente. Leveraging CAI’s extensive network of over 800 local sections throughout Italy and 350,000 members, the project aims to: i) create and maintain an open-source national database of springs monitoring data; ii) foster community awareness on issues related to springs and water resources.

Through CAI-developed applications, participants can record information such as the location, photographs, flow rate, electrical conductivity, and temperature of springs. Springs’ electrical conductivity and temperature are acquired by trained volunteers equipped with portable probes provided by the Alpine Club. The database already contains more than 800 validated springs’ monitoring data (

Preliminary hydrological and hydrogeological analyses were developed on the collected data and included, but are not limited to: analysis of main drivers of springs’ temperature and electrical conductivity; springs’ role in sustaining a good conservation status in vegetation; interpolation of springs’ temperature and electrical conductivity at national scale. The analyses were integrated with a socio-hydrogeological questionnaire targeted to understand  water resources and spring water perception.

Furthermore, the project is engaged in dissemination activities to promote water awareness, including public events and educational programs for schools combining theoretical and practical lessons.

This presentation will share reflections on the efforts and challenges involved in developing and sustaining such a large-scale citizen science project. Lastly, we hope to foster potential collaborations for research activities related to springs and water resources, which the Acqua Sorgente project aims to support.

How to cite: Nigro, M., Luppichini, M., Re, V., Natali, S., Pilosu, E., Marini, R., Barbieri, M., Bernasconi, R., Del Sarto, A., Peduzzi, S., Garzonio, C. A., Priolo, G., Bassi, L., Vaccarella, M., Nardi, G. C., Zanchetta, G., Giannecchini, R., Pollo, A., and Piccioli, A.: Acqua Sorgente a nationwide citizen science project to monitor and study the Italian water springs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2698,, 2025.

EGU25-2828 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Potential and limits of Citizen Science in assessing ecosystem services of European wetlands 

Gabriele Weigelhofer, Eva Feldbacher, Clara Rosenberger, Zorica Srđević, Alma Mikuska, Dubravka Čerba, Johanna Weidendorfer, Sophie De Haney, Dušanka Cvijanović, Djuradj Milošević, Krisztina Borsósné Gulyá, Tamás Miklós, Milica Stojković Piperac, Maja Novković, Jasna Grabić, Senka Ždero, Barbara VLaičević, and Ivana Turković Čakalić

Assessing the state of ecosystem service wetlands provides is an essential prerequisite for protecting and restoring wetlands. Citizen Scientists' (CS) involvement in these assessments assists wetland managers and scientists in data collection, functions as an important component of wetland education, and enhances citizens’ stewardship. However, not all methods developed for citizen scientists are equally suited to support these aspects, requiring the assessment of both their potential and limits.

In our Horizon Europe project Restore4Life (, we compared Citizen Science methods for assessing water quality, above- and below-ground organic carbon stocks, and plant biodiversity with scientific methods regarding data quality, explanatory power of data, and applicability. We analyzed the suitability of these methods to provide reliable and valuable data for wetland assessments and enhance people's awareness of the importance and sensitivity of wetlands. Our seven study sites included lowland and mountain river floodplains, lake floodplains, and peatlands. We wanted to answer the following questions:

  • How well can CS data distinguish different wetland habitats? Which parameters have the largest potential to show differences among wetland habitats?
  • How well do CS data reflect scientific data? Which methods/parameters fit well, and which do not?
  • How can CS methods be improved to deliver the precision needed for wetland assessments?

Our preliminary results show that the activities significantly increased the participants' environmental education and awareness of wetlands. However, wetland assessment using CS faces several challenges, such as, e.g., restricted access to protected or flooded areas and a limited internet connection, hampering the use of online Apps and GPS. Water quality assessments by non-scientists were especially problematic in organic-rich waters typical for wetlands. Untrained citizen scientists also had problems recognizing cultivated tree species within forests, distinguishing between herbaceous plants and young trees, and determining plant species. Furthermore, citizen scientists showed a strong bias toward selecting easily accessible and less diverse sites for species and above-ground organic carbon determinations, which were not always representative of the respective floodplain forest habitat. Restore4Life is funded by the European Union.

How to cite: Weigelhofer, G., Feldbacher, E., Rosenberger, C., Srđević, Z., Mikuska, A., Čerba, D., Weidendorfer, J., De Haney, S., Cvijanović, D., Milošević, D., Gulyá, K. B., Miklós, T., Stojković Piperac, M., Novković, M., Grabić, J., Ždero, S., VLaičević, B., and Turković Čakalić, I.: Potential and limits of Citizen Science in assessing ecosystem services of European wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2828,, 2025.

EGU25-4527 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Citizen science data, marine plastics, and SDG monitoring: How to build trust in citizen science data and methodologies among diverse actors with varying needs and motivations? 

Dilek Fraisl, Linda See, Rachel Bowers, Omar Seidu, Kwame Boakye Fredua, Anne Bowser, Metis Meloche, Sarah Weller, Tyler Amaglo-Kobla, Dany Ghafari, Juan Carlos Laso Bayas, Jillian Campbell, Grant Cameron, Steffen Fritz, and Ian McCallum

The accumulation of plastic litter in marine environments presents a major environmental challenge to sustainability and is central to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the vast size of oceans and the widespread nature of marine plastic litter make its monitoring difficult. Citizen science offers a promising solution, providing valuable data for SDG monitoring and reporting, however, there has been no evidence of its use to date. In this presentation, we share how Ghana became the first country to integrate citizen science data into their official statistics and the official monitoring and reporting of SDG indicator 14.1.1b for marine plastic litter. This effort also helped to bridge local, community level data collection with national and global monitoring and policy agendas, aligning with the SDG framework. The data have already contributed to Ghana's Voluntary National Review and been reported in the UN SDG Global Database, helping to inform national policies.

In this presentation, we will focus on the process of validating citizen science data and integrating it into official monitoring and reporting, involving key stakeholders at local, national, and global levels, such as government agencies, the UN, civil society organizations, citizen science networks, and academia. This approach offers a model for other countries and citizen science initiatives interested in adopting similar methods for official monitoring and policymaking. A central theme will be how citizen science projects can be designed to foster collaboration and trust among diverse stakeholders, including governments, UN bodies, and local communities. We will highlight our success and lessons learnt, and showcase how knowledge production through citizen science can strengthen sustainability efforts, influence effective policy, and highlight the value of participatory sciences.

How to cite: Fraisl, D., See, L., Bowers, R., Seidu, O., Fredua, K. B., Bowser, A., Meloche, M., Weller, S., Amaglo-Kobla, T., Ghafari, D., Laso Bayas, J. C., Campbell, J., Cameron, G., Fritz, S., and McCallum, I.: Citizen science data, marine plastics, and SDG monitoring: How to build trust in citizen science data and methodologies among diverse actors with varying needs and motivations?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4527,, 2025.

EGU25-6446 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Ecorc’Air: A Citizen Science Project for the Biomonitoring of Vehicular Air Pollution in Paris, France  

Aude Isambert, Claire Carvallo, Christine Franke, Laure Turcati, Yann Sivry, Sophie Coural, Mélina Macouin, Sonia Rousse, and Frédéric Fluteau

For several decades now, air pollution has been a key concern for experts, public authorities and city dwellers, who are the first to be affected. Airborne particulate matter (PM) is indeed well known to cause adverse health effects. However, urban air quality stations are too sparse to provide a detailed picture of the distribution of pollution. Since PM is also deposited on the surfaces of urban tree, tree bark can then act as an alternative passive trap. Its magnetic properties make it possible to measure the amount of metal particles deposited on them and to estimate the pollution caused by motorized traffic around the trees. Here we present the citizen science project Ecorc’Air, in which volunteers collect fragments of plane tree bark, which are then sent to laboratories and used for a range of analyses. Since its launch in 2016, the project has led to the production of annual maps showing detailed concentrations of metal particles in Paris with fine spatial resolution. The concentration of fine metal particles decreases as the distance between trees and the road increases, with parked cars potentially acting as barriers to protect pedestrians from PM. There is a growing interest and involvement of city dwellers, especially those involved in local associations, to act in favor of environmental research, a trend also observed in other European cities. Municipalities can also provide support by considering citizen science as an additional source of data for quantifying air quality and a means of communicating with their residents on environmental issues.

How to cite: Isambert, A., Carvallo, C., Franke, C., Turcati, L., Sivry, Y., Coural, S., Macouin, M., Rousse, S., and Fluteau, F.: Ecorc’Air: A Citizen Science Project for the Biomonitoring of Vehicular Air Pollution in Paris, France , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6446,, 2025.

EGU25-8287 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Building Arctic Resilience through Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence in Marine Pollution Control 

Victor Lion, Arnab Muhuri, Natascha Oppelt, Apostolos Papakonstantinou, Christine Liang, Barbara Jóźwiak, Adam Nawrot, Élise Lépy, and Thora Herrmann

The Arctic is one of the most vulnerable regions on Earth concerning climate change and is increasingly affected by pollution from human activities. The ICEBERG project (Innovative Community Engagement for Building Effective Resilience and Arctic Ocean Pollution-Control Governance in the Context of Climate Change) is a multidisciplinary initiative funded by the European Union. It focuses on assessing types, sources, distributions, and impacts of pollution on ecosystems and coastal communities across the European Arctic. Case studies in West Svalbard, South Greenland, and North Iceland are being used to develop community-driven strategies to enhance resilience and reduce pollution. The project addresses a range of pollutants, including macro-, micro-, and nanoplastics, ship emissions, sewage, persistent organic pollutants, and heavy metals. 

As part of ICEBERG, our team from the Earth Observation and Modelling (EOM) group at Kiel University deployed time-lapse cameras to monitor the accumulation of marine litter along Arctic beaches. Using machine learning, we aim to automate the detection and classification of marine litter, offering new insights into its types, sizes, and seasonal variations. The results will be combined with drone-based data and coastal marine observatory artificial intelligence processing, which aims to map and monitor the spatiotemporal trends of marine litter in specified areas. By leveraging the high temporal mapping capabilities of small drones with machine learning algorithms, combining both will offer a comprehensive and advanced method for mapping marine litter across various spatial and temporal scales.

In the initial phase of ICEBERG, we deployed an autonomous camera system in West Svalbard to collect year-round data from an uninhabited site, while we held community consultation meetings in Iceland and Greenland to introduce the project and jointly explore opportunities for citizen science collaborations. By adopting a citizen science approach, we are actively partnering with academic & non-academic actors, including local and Indigenous stakeholders and non-governmental organizations in Iceland and Greenland who are supporting the installation and maintenance of the cameras. Additionally, through partnerships with high school teachers and students, we are also engaging young people to raise awareness of ongoing pollution challenges and explore actionable measures for mitigation and adaptation. By developing an interactive data-sharing platform, citizen scientists have the opportunity to upload their observations of any kind of pollution, serving as data crowdsourcing along with the data from the time-lapse cameras and drones. ICEBERG empowers communities to actively contribute to the process of identifying pollution sources, monitoring coastal litter, and developing meaningful interventions. 

We will present our innovative approach for monitoring pollution on Arctic beaches, emphasizing the role of community engagement and potential future co-created solutions. By integrating artificial intelligence tools and fostering local collaborations, ICEBERG offers a sustainable and inclusive approach for addressing environmental challenges in vulnerable Arctic regions. Our presentation will highlight the use of citizen science to enhance Arctic resilience and governance, share preliminary time-lapse data from Svalbard and Iceland, and explore the opportunities and challenges of community engagement in Arctic environmental monitoring.

How to cite: Lion, V., Muhuri, A., Oppelt, N., Papakonstantinou, A., Liang, C., Jóźwiak, B., Nawrot, A., Lépy, É., and Herrmann, T.: Building Arctic Resilience through Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence in Marine Pollution Control, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8287,, 2025.

EGU25-8304 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

AI-Driven Marine Citizen Science: SECOSTA’s Blueprint for SeabedExploration 

Eider Loyola Azanza, Álex Herrada Mederer, Joan Puigdefàbregas, Joan Villalonga Llauguer, Damià Gomis Bosch, Francesc Bonin Font, and Gabriel Jordá Sánchez

The Balearic Islands are home to a rich diversity of seabeds, yet their distribution and evolution remain challenging to map and study, which has become a priority in the EU-marine strategy directive. The SECOSTA project contributes to bridge this gap by integrating advanced machine learning with citizen participation, driving both scientific progress and community engagement.

Central to SECOSTA’s success is its hands-on, co-creation approach, where high school students actively design, build, and deploy low-cost, innovative tools for marine research, including beach profilers, bathymetric probes, tide gauges, and bathythermographs. A standout example is the Arduino-based seabed exploration platform, collaboratively constructed by students under the supervision of the SECOSTA team. This device integrates a GPS chip, datalogger, and submersible camera mounted on a floating platform, enabling efficient collection of high-resolution, geo-referenced seabed imagery in shallow coastal waters. Designed for ease of use, the platform can be towed by a small craft, such as a kayak or paddleboard, or by a swimmer, allowing students to gather invaluable data on underwater habitats.

The project focuses on classifying and characterizing critical marine ecosystems, such as Posidonia oceanica, alongside benthic species, sediment patterns, and marine debris. Students label collected images using Roboflow to build a robust dataset, which is then used to train a convolutional neural network inspired by U-Net, a leading architecture for image segmentation. By engaging in every step—from designing the tool to enrichening the dataset used to train the AI—students gain a deep understanding of both scientific and technological processes, while developing a sense of ownership over the outcomes. 

Since its launch in 2018, SECOSTA has engaged over 7,500 students from 33 educational institutions, generating actionable insights for coastal management and fostering longterm community capacity. These achievements have been made possible through close collaboration between researchers, students, and local government, highlighting the importance of transdisciplinary partnerships in addressing complex environmental challenges. By blending participatory methods with cutting-edge AI applications, the project exemplifies how co-creation can empower communities to take an active role in tackling issues like climate change and biodiversity loss.

This presentation will explore SECOSTA’s co-creation methodologies, the technical specifications of its seabed exploration platform, and the lessons learned from integrating students into environmental monitoring and AI-driven marine research. SECOSTA exemplifies the transformative power of citizen science, where education, technology, and sustainability converge to inspire the next generation of scientists and stewards of the natural world.

How to cite: Loyola Azanza, E., Herrada Mederer, Á., Puigdefàbregas, J., Villalonga Llauguer, J., Gomis Bosch, D., Bonin Font, F., and Jordá Sánchez, G.: AI-Driven Marine Citizen Science: SECOSTA’s Blueprint for SeabedExploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8304,, 2025.

EGU25-8498 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Exploring inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use under climate change in the tropical Andes of Quito: the role of landscape history and local knowledge 

Elisabeth Dietze, Ann-Kathrin Volmer, Alejandra Valdés-Uribe, Liseth Pérez, Michał Słowinski, Elizabeth Velarde, Jessica Budds, Natalia Carpintero, Andrea Carrión, Lisa Feist, Agnieszka Halaś, Carlos Larrea-Maldonaldo, Patricio López, Maria Fernanda López-Sandoval, Melany Ruíz-Urigüen, Rosa Linda Tapia, Marek Więckowski, Leo Zurita-Arthos, and Ana Mariscal

Global challenges resulting from climate change, resource depletion, and land use change require local solutions that acknowledge the configuration and history of its landscapes and the related social-ecological processes. Particularly sensitive to climate change are high-mountain tropical regions. The Andean ecoregion, where Ecuador’s capital Quito is located, is home to c. 3 million people and host globally-important biodiversity hotspots. These include near-urban cloud forest remnants and unique páramo grasslands, characterized by their organic rich soils and water storage capacity of utmost importance for irrigation and drinking water in rural and urban areas.

We would like to discuss how we explored the potential to: 1) initiate inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use and landscape dynamics under global and local change, and 2) co-design this research by identifying the most pressing subtopics in the area surrounding Quito. Our research team includes researchers from Ecuadorian, German, and Polish research institutions as well as members of NGOs. Within these group, we had two in-person, a few online meetings and a three-week field visit that included two community-oriented workshops in summer 2024. We exchanged scientific and local perspectives, including those from community and NGO contexts, on “landscape” as a potential conceptual framework. Discussions focused on methodologies on “how to research together” and the exchange of knowledge on human and natural history, all within the context of a decolonial/political ecology framework.

We furthermore explored lakes and sedimentary deposits as archives for historical landscape dynamics, land use change and their transformation over time, as well as current ecosystem functioning using vegetation surveys with state-of-the-art remote sensing and field mapping. As a result, we identified future study areas and pressing topics that our inter- and transdisciplinary research can focus on, i.e., wildfires that intensify under climate change, water quality, soil erosion and volcanic eruption risks. With this initial phase of transdisciplinary research, we recognize high potential to co-create actionable knowledge that addresses the interconnectedness between societal and natural (or more-than-human) systems, and to contribute to tackling ongoing and future land use challenges in the tropical Andes.

How to cite: Dietze, E., Volmer, A.-K., Valdés-Uribe, A., Pérez, L., Słowinski, M., Velarde, E., Budds, J., Carpintero, N., Carrión, A., Feist, L., Halaś, A., Larrea-Maldonaldo, C., López, P., López-Sandoval, M. F., Ruíz-Urigüen, M., Tapia, R. L., Więckowski, M., Zurita-Arthos, L., and Mariscal, A.: Exploring inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use under climate change in the tropical Andes of Quito: the role of landscape history and local knowledge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8498,, 2025.

EGU25-9803 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Drones, Open-Source Tools, and Open Science for Participatory Land Administration in Namibia’s Informal Settlements 

Christian Riedel, Menare Royal Mabakeng, and Joseph Lewis

Namibia's rapid urbanization has led to an increase in informal settlements, with an estimated 40 % of the country's urban population living in these communities. These settlements are characterized by unregulated land occupation, limited access to municipal services, and a lack of tenure security. The prevalence of poor housing conditions in informal settlements contributes to prevailing cycles of poverty, social exclusion, and vulnerability to environmental hazards. In order to support socio-economic progress, existing research emphasizes the need for inclusive urban planning, secure land tenure, and infrastructural development. Despite community-driven efforts, such as negotiations for group land ownership, water management, and participatory informal settlement profiling and household mapping by organizations like the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia, various challenges that hinder sustainable improvements remain. At the municipal and national levels, these challenges include insufficient geospatial data for planning and cadastral purposes.

To address these issues, we rely on advancements in open-source geospatial software and the capabilities of commercial drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs). Together, these advancements allow for removing barriers when generating high-resolution geospatial data products. UAVs offer high-resolution imagery with centimeter-level accuracy that can potentially be employed for cadastral purposes, and their deployment is faster and more cost-effective compared to conventional field surveying methods. At the same time, open-source software, specifically OpenDroneMap, allows for the generation of geospatial data products, such as orthophotos, digital elevation models, and textured 3D models from captured drone images without additional licensing costs.

In this study, we conducted drone flights over informal settlements in Okahandja, a town in central Namibia that has not yet been mapped by the municipality. We conducted the fieldwork in close collaboration with the municipality and the informal settlements' residents, and drone flights were enabled by financial support from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Our team surveyed ground control point markers, visible in the drone imagery, using real-time kinematic positioning based on existing cadastral ground control points outside the informal settlements to improve georeferencing. As a result, we generated orthophotos and digital elevation models with centimeter-level georeferencing accuracy and an image resolution of 6 cm/px, which is sufficient for layout planning and cadastral applications. We shared the data products with the municipality of Okahandja, with technical support from the Namibia Housing Action Group, and published the orthophotos on the OpenAerialMap platform under a CC-BY 4.0 license to encourage broader use by stakeholders, such as researchers, local authorities, NGOs, and community organizations. As a result, the data generated supports the community-driven land formalization process.

Our work highlights the potential of combining UAVs, the availability of open-source geospatial tools, and open science principles to address critical challenges within Namibia's informal settlements. The procedure provides high-resolution data for the municipalities' planning and cadastral needs and supports participatory informal settlement upgrading efforts. By enabling community involvement through open science, we show how technological advancements and good scientific practice can enhance participatory decision-making in land administration - particularly where the scope for shaping outcomes by governance structures alone is limited.

How to cite: Riedel, C., Mabakeng, M. R., and Lewis, J.: Drones, Open-Source Tools, and Open Science for Participatory Land Administration in Namibia’s Informal Settlements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9803,, 2025.

EGU25-9814 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

 Iberia in a Grain of Sand – IBERARENUM 

Daniel Rey and Kais Jacob Mohamed and the Iberarenum Citizen Science Team

The project "Iberia in a Grain of Sand – IBERARENUM," led by the Marine Research Center (CIM) of the University of Vigo, exemplifies the transformative potential of citizen science for advancing ocean literacy and addressing pressing environmental challenges. This initiative engages the Spanish public in creating the first National Sand Bank, cataloging biogeochemical compositions of beach sands, and fostering societal involvement in coastal monitoring and climate change adaptation. By harnessing public participation in sampling campaigns and using open-access geospatial databases, IBERARENUM bridges scientific research and community action.

Targeting hydological basin representative sites along Iberian diverse 3,300 km coastline, the project standardizes data collection through educational tools, including online tutorials, field manuals, and video guides, prioritizing inclusivity. Collaborations with schools, fisheries, and associations for individuals with diverse abilities ensure broad and meaningful participation. The project highlights gender equity by featuring women scientists in its outreach.

Through interdisciplinary collaboration, IBERARENUM delivers high-resolution sedimentological data that illuminate coastal dynamics, ecosystem services, and climate-driven vulnerabilities. Results are disseminated via interactive maps, public exhibitions, and educational materials, promoting scientific literacy and empowering communities to co-create knowledge. Its innovative framework integrates FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, facilitating data sharing across scientific and non-scientific audiences.

Aligned with the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development Goals, IBERARENUM strengthens the citizen-science nexus to address climate resilience and biodiversity conservation. This initiative serves as a replicable model for integrating research, education, and public engagement, advancing both societal and scientific capacities to tackle coastal and climatic challenges.

How to cite: Rey, D. and Mohamed, K. J. and the Iberarenum Citizen Science Team:  Iberia in a Grain of Sand – IBERARENUM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9814,, 2025.

EGU25-11706 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Public engagement in field data collection for flood and landslide risk mitigation 

Giuseppe Esposito, Daniela Molinari, Simone Sterlacchini, Marco Zazzeri, Debora Voltolina, Ginevra Chelli, Rosa Maria Cavalli, Marco Milella, and Paola Salvati

The turning of geo-hydrological processes into disasters can be facilitated by the lack of awareness among people at risk. Accordingly, living in areas prone to floods or landslides with a general unpreparedness both in terms of self-protection behavior and long-term risk mitigation strategies, can lead to the loss of human lives and significant damage. Engaging citizens in disaster risk reduction is one of the main challenges to enhance resilience of communities. To this aim, various approaches are being developed including public engagement in citizen science activities. This approach allows people to be involved in different phases of the scientific process, enhancing their knowledge about natural processes and risk perception.   

The HYRMA (Hydrogeological Risk Assessment through Collaborative Mapping) is a European Union financed project to promote direct participation of citizens in scientific research focusing on disaster risk reduction. The main goal of the project is to implement collaborative data collection to acquire, store, analyze, and share geo-localized data about hazard, exposure, and physical vulnerability of buildings located in selected landslide- and flash flood-prone areas of Italy. Researchers and citizens are connected by user-centered web applications designed through a bottom-up approach and made available free of charge on mobile devices. These web applications can be used by citizens in the field to collect different kinds of geo-localized data, by filling digital forms based on a very intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as by capturing photographs and reporting notes or comments. The forms included in the web applications are developed considering hazards of the study sites, with the support of local stakeholders. The forms, specifically, allow collect datasets for the following purposes: 1) damage estimation in the aftermath of geo-hydrological events, or to assess physical vulnerability of buildings in areas at risk; 2) reporting real-time information on flood events.

In order to test the first version of the forms, students of public and private secondary schools were trained and engaged by researchers with the support of their teachers and volunteers of the local Civil Protection groups. Differently-abled students with specific interests in practical activities including the use of digital tools were also involved. The first tests provided encouraging results on several aspects, together with criticisms that are being exploited to improve some sections of the web applications. Students demonstrated an easy and intuitive use of the web applications and, interestingly, they well understood the research aims and citizen science principles. This preliminary feedback suggests a successful use of the participatory approach implemented in the HYRMA project for raising awareness of people at risk, and encourages similar activities with other citizen categories.

This project has received funding from the European Union – Next Generation EU, under grant agreement 2022NRAW3Z_PE10_PRIN2022.

How to cite: Esposito, G., Molinari, D., Sterlacchini, S., Zazzeri, M., Voltolina, D., Chelli, G., Cavalli, R. M., Milella, M., and Salvati, P.: Public engagement in field data collection for flood and landslide risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11706,, 2025.

EGU25-11843 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Shaping climate action and solutions with local communities: the experience of Adaptation AGORA and CLIMAS projects under the umbrella of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change 

Paola Mercogliano, Alfredo Reder, Arianna Acierno, Marina Mattera, Marianna Adinolfi, Marta Ellena, Antonella Mele, Julian Vicens, Ferran Bertomeu, Nil Alvarez, David Laniado, Anna Maria Kotrikla, Kyriaki Maria Fameli, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Havva Ebrahimi Pour, and Floridea Di Ciommo

Addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change requires innovative approaches that prioritise communities as active participants in shaping solutions, especially in adaptation context. The Adaptation AGORA project, funded by Horizon Europe, exemplifies this by integrating citizen needs and perspectives into climate adaptation planning across diverse European regions through participatory methodologies. Similarly, the CLIMAS project focuses on how citizens can directly contribute to formulating actionable policy recommendations for climate adaptation through Climate assemblies and the tools needed to run these assemblies. CLIMAS integrates citizen science and living labs as transformative tools to co-create inclusive policies that enhance participatory decision-making processes. 

Both projects support the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by leveraging best practices, innovative tools, policy instruments, and governance mechanisms to engage communities in climate action and deliberative democracy meaningfully. Together, they address the challenges of climate change with integrated methodologies aimed at driving social and political transformation. In addition, both projects share a commitment to promoting citizen science, building community capacity through workshops and training, and fostering knowledge sharing. They also emphasise the use of participatory methodologies to co-create solutions and integrate citizen-generated data into policy and planning processes.

The CLIMAS project focuses on an innovative toolkit designed to integrate citizen science into different phases of climate assemblies, providing citizens with experiential knowledge and co-developing policy recommendations. This toolkit was developed through a co-creation process led by the Ebre Bioterritori Living Lab in Catalonia, which acted as a hub for collaboration among policymakers, climate assembly organisers, scientists, local communities, and citizens. Through this process, key citizen science projects and activities were identified to catalyse meaningful actions in climate assemblies. The toolkit was subsequently tested in the Chios Living Lab and during two climate assemblies held in Riga (Latvia) and Edermünde (Germany). Early results demonstrated the toolkit’s potential to enhance citizen engagement, promote collaborative and bottom-up learning, and bridge the gap between scientific evidence and participatory decision-making for climate action. 

Adaptation AGORA, on the other hand, focuses on direct community engagement in local adaptation processes and emphasises societal transformation through transdisciplinary approaches. The project is developing a roadmap for large-scale citizen engagement, aimed at ensuring long-term impact and policy transferability while prioritising climate justice, gender equality, and equity. For instance, in the Italian pilot, Rome’s Climate Adaptation Strategy was co-designed through an iterative dialogue with citizens, reflecting their active role in shaping climate solutions. Across its four pilot regions, Adaptation AGORA has facilitated workshops and focus groups that brought together diverse stakeholders—including underrepresented and vulnerable groups—to co-design and implement actionable strategies. Between January and February 2024, Adaptation AGORA organised final co-creation workshops in each pilot region, engaging citizens, civil society organisations, academics, experts, and policymakers to develop and co-create adaptation measures and innovative engagement methodologies.

This presentation will showcase the activities and outcomes of Adaptation AGORA’s co-creation workshops in the pilot regions, discuss the challenges and opportunities encountered, and highlight the complementarity between Adaptation AGORA and CLIMAS in fostering resilient, inclusive, and community-driven climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Mercogliano, P., Reder, A., Acierno, A., Mattera, M., Adinolfi, M., Ellena, M., Mele, A., Vicens, J., Bertomeu, F., Alvarez, N., Laniado, D., Kotrikla, A. M., Fameli, K. M., Polydoropoulou, A., Pour, H. E., and Di Ciommo, F.: Shaping climate action and solutions with local communities: the experience of Adaptation AGORA and CLIMAS projects under the umbrella of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11843,, 2025.

In recent years, sustainability science has increasingly emphasized the integration of transdisciplinary knowledge and sustainability transitions, alongside approaches to facilitate transformative change for sustainable development. This highlights the critical importance of practices and facilitation methods in addressing the current challenges of sustainability. To tackle the complex environmental and climate challenges of today, it is essential to integrate local communities and stakeholder participation into practical solutions for real-world problems. Moreover, further research is still required to clarify the intricate connections, governance, and management interactions between social and ecological systems.

This study focuses on the Wu-Fu community as its research site and adopts a participatory action research (PAR) approach, where the researcher also assumes the role of a local actor to actively facilitate the planning and construction of ecological refuge ponds in farmland areas. Through the establishment of a local communication platform, the study promotes participatory co-design, ensuring community members' engagement and sense of ownership throughout the design process to achieve long-term sustainable management. Lastly, the study employs the lens of actor-network theory (ANT) to explore the complex networks between human society and nature in the local context. It also integrates the InVEST model to quantitatively evaluate the ecological refuge ponds' contributions to habitat quality, ecological benefits, and local development. Addressing the dual needs of agricultural production and ecological conservation, this research proposes a scientifically grounded and practice-oriented strategic framework to establish a successful model of coexistence between society and nature.

How to cite: Chen, H. C.: Participatory Co-design Model for Facilitating Local Community in Harmony with Nature: A Case Study on Wu-Fu Farmland Ecological Refugia Pond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11857,, 2025.

EGU25-12137 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

A Model Framework for Integrating Bi-national Community-Engaged, Culturally Responsive Partnerships into Sustainability Education 

Caitlyn Hall, Kenneth Kokroko, Aaron Bugaj, Nadia Mexia-Alvarez, Adrian Munguia-Vega, Laura Horley, and Lysette Davi

Solving today’s environmental challenges requires interdisciplinary collaboration, cultural understanding, and community engagement. We present a model framework designed to integrate these critical elements into sustainability-focused education, tested through immersive projects in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. This framework connects students with real-world challenges, empowering them to co-create actionable, community-driven solutions.

The model framework consists of three core components:

  • Interdisciplinary Teamwork: Students collaborate across disciplines to analyze sites, develop master plans, and design context-specific solutions.
  • Cross-Cultural Learning: Through site visits, shared projects, and dialogue, students deepen their understanding of how social, economic, political, and environmental factors shape sustainability decision-making.
  • Civic Engagement: Partnerships with local organizations and community members ensure that student designs align with lived experiences, priorities, and pressing local challenges.

This model framework emphasizes cultural responsiveness, teamwork, and real-world application, preparing students to address complex environmental challenges with creativity and inclusivity. By adopting this framework, educators can foster interdisciplinary collaboration, enhance cultural understanding, and strengthen community connections within environmental and geoscience education.

How to cite: Hall, C., Kokroko, K., Bugaj, A., Mexia-Alvarez, N., Munguia-Vega, A., Horley, L., and Davi, L.: A Model Framework for Integrating Bi-national Community-Engaged, Culturally Responsive Partnerships into Sustainability Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12137,, 2025.

This Canadian Community Science Liaison (CSL) programme (based at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta) incorporates place- and curriculum-based Citizen Science projects into Kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. The first module created, the Geological Bumblebee Programme (GBBP), had >800 Grade 2-9 students build and install ~400 bumblebee boxes to monitor and learn about local bumblebee populations. In southern Alberta there are 23 Bumblebee species, with box occupation rates above 30%, and colonies ranging from a few individuals to over 200. One student stated that “I used to be scared of bumblebees, but now I recognize their importance for pollinating”. We now have ethics clearance to start a longitudinal study of the impacts of the GBBP on students, their families and their teachers.

A new module on permafrost is now being trialled in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, in honour of the newly established International Union of Geological Sciences Geoheritage Site across the Mackenzie Delta Region. The permafrost module was co-created with a Grade 3 teacher, and Aurora Research Institute staff including the outreach coordinator, and two permafrost scientists. This participatory collaborative research starts with students doing some background research, then going into the field and collecting data, followed by evaluating and synthesising the data in the classroom. Activities include the use of geological and aerial maps, making their own pingo (ice cored hills), inputting data into applications such as Survey123 and the ‘good old fashioned’ measuring with a ruler.

These place- and curriculum-based citizen science projects engage students while getting them out on the land, which is an important connection for the Indigenous communities across the Mackenzie Delta Region (Innuvialuit and Gwich’in in Inuvik). The data they collect will be used by scientists, while creating opportunities for schools to compare their results across permafrost regions, especially essential in a world with a changing climate. Schools in permafrost regions could also present their results to their southern counterparts to educate about permafrost and the impacts of climate change. This is particularly important in a country like Canada where 90% of the population lives within 300km of the southern border with the United States and most Canadians do not get the opportunity to visit the Northern Territories. One of the expected outcomes is for the students participating in this module to develop their own pride of place whilst illustrating the uniqueness of where they live. 

How to cite: Dubois Gafar, A. and Boggs, K.: Citizen Science to ‘science with society’: an example from the Canadian Community Science Liaison programme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12384,, 2025.

EGU25-14698 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Think before you link (with citizen scientists): Design thinking methodologies for citizen engagement 

Christine Yiqing Liang, Uta Ködel, Claudia Schütze, and Peter Dietrich

Design thinking is an approach typically used in product innovation and marketing that puts empathy for the end-user at the centre of the design process. Design thinking is a human-centred process that emphasizes creativity and collaboration, leading to facilitation of citizen engagement through improved recruitment and retention of participants. Here we present two case studies that use design thinking methodologies to better understand the citizen scientists involved.

CityCLIM (a European Union Horizon 2020 funded project) applied a stakeholder analysis technique called the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) to better understand the motivations of the citizen scientists participating in a data collection campaign for urban climate. The project specifically identified a target group consisting of citizens who ride a bicycle primarily for commuting or as a hobby, with specific requirements in terms of route, duration and frequency. Using the VPC allowed organisers to formulate a targeted recruitment, participation, and communication strategy. This strategy is beneficial for retaining and motivating citizen scientists, but also for ensuring high quality spatial and temporal environmental data for the project.

The ICEBERG project (a European Union Horizon 2020 funded project) applied a product design technique called Empathy Mapping, which provides deeper insights into the citizen’s and community’s needs, rather than thinking from the researcher's point of view. Empathy Mapping was used to identify barriers to implementing a community-based environmental monitoring program, in order to brainstorm solutions and opportunities for participation. These insights (some of which draw from experiences of the consortium members working with the case study communities) were used to reflect on researcher conduct when engaging the community and planning citizen participation activities.

How to cite: Liang, C. Y., Ködel, U., Schütze, C., and Dietrich, P.: Think before you link (with citizen scientists): Design thinking methodologies for citizen engagement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14698,, 2025.

The "Superchar" project aims to develop a nutrient-release biochar derived from sewage sludge, promoting sustainable agricultural practices while addressing pressing environmental and food security challenges. By leveraging sewage sludge as a feedstock, this initiative not only offers a cost-effective and accessible solution but also addresses the complexities associated with managing potentially contaminated human waste. The Superchar is engineered to increase soil carbon stocks, sequester atmospheric CO2, and serve as a slow-release fertilizer for phosphorus and potassium, thus enhancing food security in vulnerable communities. Our approach emphasizes the importance of community engagement by establishing a local value chain, especially in rural areas where phosphorus scarcity poses significant problems. The innovative technique of "mineral doping" involves pyrolyzing phosphorus-rich sewage sludge with potassium-rich organic materials to produce water-soluble potassium phosphates, facilitating the recovery of vital nutrients for agricultural use. We have created five different biochars from sewage sludge, chicken manure, and pyrolyzed straw, processed at a controlled temperature of 650°C. These biochars are currently undergoing evaluation in a series of flow-through column experiments designed to simulate real-world conditions. Each column assembly of washed sand and biochar undergoes regular hydration and sampling, allowing us to meticulously monitor parameters such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient release. Moreover, we are collaborating with Mosan (, a non-governmental organization working at Lake Atitlán in Guatemala, to assess the effectiveness of mineral doping and the impact of biochar on crop growth. If proven successful, the Superchar model promises not only a low-tech, economically viable solution for carbon sequestration and sustainable fertilization but also creates pathways for regenerative agricultural practices, vital for addressing climate change and promoting socioeconomic development. Our findings hold the potential to revolutionize negative emission technologies, thereby advancing agricultural nutrient management strategies that align with sustainable development goals. This project serves as a prime example of how community engagement and innovative research can lead to transformative outcomes in the realms of climate resilience and food security.

How to cite: Vorrath, M.-E., Buss, W., Mijthab, M., and Anisie, R.: Poo for future: Community Engagement through Biochar Innovation by Utilizing Sewage Sludge for Enhanced Agricultural Practices and Climate Resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14814,, 2025.

EGU25-15480 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Passive air monitoring using bark: A participatory science approach to metal recycling impacts in West Africa 

Melina Macouin, Yann-Philippe Tastevin, Claire Dutrait, Laure Laffont, Laurence Delville, Jean-François Leon, Moustapha Bassimbé Sagna, Mayoro Gueye, Eva Schreck, Loïc Drigo, Eva Vedel, Lucile Bauchard, Moïse Kantenga Luongwe, Sonia Rousse, Laurent Cassayre, and Béatrice Milard

Recycling metals like iron and lead appears essential for sustainable development, yet it often has severe consequences for the quality of life in communities near recycling sites. Citizen science and transdisciplinary approaches—uniting researchers from the physical, natural, and social sciences, with citizens and non-academic partners—are increasingly recognized as vital to addressing such complex Anthropocene challenges. However, the role of co-produced knowledge in fostering the sustainable transformation of affected territories remains to be fueled by inspiring examples.

We present here the AirGeo project, a community-based participatory research initiative addressing the environmental and social impacts of metal recycling activities in West Africa, with a specific focus on air pollution. We focus on Sebikotane, Senegal, a rapidly urbanizing city located 45 km from the capital, Dakar, and home to three recycling plants specializing in steel and lead batteries. The project aims to co-produce, evaluate, and share data on air quality in this understudied area. The transdisciplinary team encompasses experts in geosciences, aerology, anthropology, literature, and botany, alongside artists, municipal authorities, NGOs, and local citizens, who are actively involved as non-academic partners.

We will present the use of passive bio-sensors made from tree bark, combined with environmental magnetism and geochemistry, to produce air quality data. Furthermore, the project leverages arts—forum theater, live sketching, literature, and design—as innovative tools to translate scientific concepts and disseminate knowledge. By combining participatory science with artistic expression, the AirGeo project exemplifies a novel approach to addressing environmental issues and promoting future sustainable transformations for this area.

How to cite: Macouin, M., Tastevin, Y.-P., Dutrait, C., Laffont, L., Delville, L., Leon, J.-F., Bassimbé Sagna, M., Gueye, M., Schreck, E., Drigo, L., Vedel, E., Bauchard, L., Kantenga Luongwe, M., Rousse, S., Cassayre, L., and Milard, B.: Passive air monitoring using bark: A participatory science approach to metal recycling impacts in West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15480,, 2025.

EGU25-15689 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Science is We: towards co-equal power sharing in scientific knowledge production 

Tessa Maurer, Wiyaka Bennett, Philip Saksa, and Edoardo Cremonese

Co-created and participatory science has been recognized within the research community as a means to further applied science, improve uptake of research findings, and enhance the scientific community's ability to respond to urgent socioenvironmental challenges like climate change. However, many of these participatory methods are still limited by the Western science community's traditional notions of "knowledge production" and "original research". What is frequently neglected are options that seek collaboration beyond that research process or involve the production of knowledge that is, by the research community's standards, not publishable. Based on our experiences as scientists and practitioners in the ecological sciences and conservation, both within and beyond academia, we present examples of co-creation and applied science processes with and within local and Indigenous communities, utility companies, finance and investment professionals, and policy makers to illustrate the need for and potential impact of work that pushes the boundaries of what is frequently considered by researchers as "science." Many traditional examples of science co-creation involve the insertion of public or community input at one or more points within a standard research process (e.g. community consultation to identify research questions, citizen science to assist with data collection, or production of communications materials to disseminate findings). Even when attempted, longer-term, iterative processes of co-creation are often limited by grant timelines and publishing requirements that tend to work on the short-to-medium scale. We posit that the historic segregation of the academic sciences from "practical" work and the lived experiences of most people continues to limit our ability to produce effective, useful, and culturally responsive research and that to truly be co-creators requires a more fundamental shift towards co-equal power sharing within knowledge production endeavors. In this discussion, we aim to open a dialogue about how and under what circumstances the research community can broaden our understanding of science, incorporating other ways of knowing and moving past knowledge production as a primarily academic endeavor. 

How to cite: Maurer, T., Bennett, W., Saksa, P., and Cremonese, E.: Science is We: towards co-equal power sharing in scientific knowledge production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15689,, 2025.

EGU25-16396 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Engaging Schools and Communities in Geothermal Monitoring: Theoretical Framework and Case Studies from the DeepStor Research Infrastructure (Germany) 

Judith Bremer, Jérôme Azzola, Katharina Schätzler, Florian Bauer, and Thomas Kohl

A climate-neutral transformation of the heating sector is essential for the energy transition, and geothermal energy offers substantial potential to achieve climate protection targets. While the importance of the energy transition is widely recognized, deep geothermal projects often face challenges resulting from unfavorable public perception. Induced seismicity, in particular, raises public concerns and significantly influences social acceptance. Several factors contribute to these concerns, including inadequate or poorly communicated information about the complex scientific processes involved, ineffective dialogue between project developers and local communities, and limited opportunities for public participation in research or project development. To address these concerns, effective communication and active public participation in projects are identified as key solutions. This study presents a conceptual framework for participatory monitoring of geothermal projects and explore its influence on factors related to risk perception and technology acceptance. We focus on a citizen science approach that enables non-experts to actively participate in seismic measurements around a geothermal project through various formats, using plug-and-play seismometers. The individual, societal, and scientific implications of this approach are examined by integrating and connecting established sociological concepts within the context of deep geothermal energy. The conceptual framework is illustrated through a case study conducted within the DeepStor project, where Raspberry-Shake© seismometers serve as a central tool for fostering dialogue and collaboration with citizens and schools, enabling joint seismic data collection and hands-on learning experiences. We present results of initiatives where we are using the tool in educational projects and public science events, while preparing it for distribution to volunteers interested in contributing to the measurement network. The sociological and geophysical benefits of the initiative are discussed in relation to the conceptual framework. The findings of this study can provide guidance for a successful integration of participatory and co-creation approaches into geothermal research and industrial applications.

How to cite: Bremer, J., Azzola, J., Schätzler, K., Bauer, F., and Kohl, T.: Engaging Schools and Communities in Geothermal Monitoring: Theoretical Framework and Case Studies from the DeepStor Research Infrastructure (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16396,, 2025.

EGU25-16868 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Co-Creating Solutions: Enablers and Barriers to Participatory Solid Waste Governance in Small Towns of the Global South 

Rakendu Suresh Kumar and Natarajan Chitralekha Narayanan

Solid waste governance in India has traditionally relied on linear, centralised capital-intensive systems such as landfills and incineration. These approaches have led to severe environmental degradation, public health crises, and the marginalisation of informal waste sectors. Despite democratic decentralisation efforts, the persistence of top-down governance has stifled local governments' ability to address these challenges effectively. Furthermore, unlike large cities, smaller towns face significant technical, financial, and institutional capacity constraints in developing context-specific solid waste management solutions.

The situation in South Indian state of Kerala mirrored this trajectory until widespread protests and legal interventions in the early 2010s prompted a shift towards decentralised solid waste governance. In response to these systemic failures, Alappuzha municipality in Kerala pioneered a participatory, decentralised waste management model. Supported by wide-ranging citizen engagement, expert collaboration, and political leadership, this initiative improved waste management practices and inspired the state’s 2018 Solid Waste Management Policy. However, as the model was scaled up across cities, the focus shifted from the process to the outcomes, reducing success to a few indicators, such as elimination of waste dumping spots and implementation of household-level on-site treatment systems. This shift overlooked participatory processes and highlighted the persistent institutional capacity deficits and socio-political complexities, mandating the need for sustainable participatory governance frameworks.

To address these challenges, CANALPY was launched in 2017. This transdisciplinary initiative, jointly undertaken by the Centre for Policy Studies, IIT Bombay, and the Kerala Institute of Local Administration, focuses on capacity building, knowledge co-production and community-led solutions. By integrating local knowledge with academic knowledge, CANALPY created ‘deliberative platforms’ for dialogue and collaboration, addressing issues of sanitation, water pollution, and solid waste management. Being closely associated with CANALPY since its formation, the authors trace the evolution of participatory solid waste governance in Alappuzha, analysing the drivers, enabling conditions, and challenges associated with co-creation. It highlights how CANALPY has facilitated knowledge sharing, bridged capacities, and informed policy-making. At the same time, it critically examines socio-political and institutional barriers while scaling up.

It was found that while knowledge co-production facilitates dialogue and collaboration, consensus building is crucial to translate knowledge into actionable outcomes. Without consensus, deliberative processes risk becoming prolonged exercises without tangible results, a notable critique of existing participatory research. Additionally, the study highlights the unsustainability of voluntarism in the long term. Participation often depends on individuals with intrinsic motivation or altruistic tendencies, leading to disengagement as such efforts fail to be institutionalised. Socio-political dynamics, including power imbalances and inequities, further restricts inclusive participation. To address these barriers, the importance of aligning incentives with participants' motivations is emphasised. Context-specific incentives, such as social recognition, skill-building opportunities proved effective in sustaining long-term engagement. Institutionally, the need for adaptive frameworks that bridge gaps between local governance structures, community aspirations, and academic collaborations was evident. The work demonstrates that academia can serve as a transformative platform for participatory governance by addressing these socio-political and institutional challenges. It offers a replicable framework for advancing transdisciplinary approaches to solid waste governance in small towns in Global South.

How to cite: Suresh Kumar, R. and Narayanan, N. C.: Co-Creating Solutions: Enablers and Barriers to Participatory Solid Waste Governance in Small Towns of the Global South, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16868,, 2025.

What are soils, and how do they influence our lives? The project “Boden entdecken” (German: discovering soil) aims to further this discussion. Boden entdecken is based in South-Eastern Brandenburg (circa 130 km South of the Berlin in Upper Lusatia, Germany), where environment and society are characterised by centuries of lignite mining and the current transformation towards an end of open cast mining by 2038.

Two approaches are pursued to support a public debate on the role of soils in our society, their properties, and potentials for different land uses.

First, citizens discovered real soils themselves. Soils are always near, but little is actually know about them. From May to September 2024, teams of citizens were invited to discover the soils of their surrounding themselves. Eighteen team, including over 60 participants of various backgrounds, actively looked under the surface. 38 mineral soil profiles of 55 cm depth were dug and investigated by them. An app and a little kit developed in the project were used, and soil properties were analysed in the field. The field analysis is a simplified approach based on the Müncheberg soil quality rating (Müller et al. 2007). For each soil profile an assessment, a score, is directly reported after the field investigation. All results can be accessed by the participants and landowners on the website of the project. Additionally, all results were scientifically evaluated. To validate the results, twelve of the soil profiles were additionally analysed and sampled by soil scientists.

Secondly, the local media and networks are used to raise interest and to bring together stakeholders. The main communication and outreach of the project occurs via social media (Instagram and Facebook). However, in-person events, meetings and interviews play a crucial role in engagement of landowners and citizens with soil science. They proved essential in this project and provided a platform for exchange and feedback.

Here we like to present sone lessons learnt in the project: Which project methods proved useful in engaging landowners and citizens? What motivated them to participate in “discover their soils”?

Müller, L.; U. Schindler; A. Behrendt; F. Eulenstein and R. Dannowski. The Muencheberg soil quality rating (SQR) – Field manual for detecting and assessing properties and limitations of soils for cropping and grazing. (2007): 1-103.

How to cite: Klemm, J. and Gerwin, W.: Soil and Citizen Science – engaging citizens, landowners, and scientists (Brandenburg, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17330,, 2025.

EGU25-18223 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Co-constructing future land use scenarios for a equity and cooling Antananarivo, Madagascar 

Rui Han, Robert Marchant, and Jessica Thorn

Scenario is a promising approach to support future land use optimization and urban sustainable development. Despite an increasing number of scenarios literature undertaken in Sub-Saharan Africa, a little investigation is made into urban green infrastructure injustice and the associated temperature cooling service in Madagascar. Madagascar experiences a complex interplay of challenges of astonishing urbanisation, entrenched poverty, and significant vulnerability to climate change. To anticipate the future of urban development in a highly uncertain socio-economic context, we engaged stakeholders from a dynamic urban region in Antananarivo in a participatory scenario planning process to co-create salient, diverse, plausible, credible, and legitimate scenarios. Stakeholders with researchers developed four normative visions for the future for 2030 aligned with the SDGs and African Union Agenda 2063. Based on stakeholder input, combined with planning documents and analyses of historical dynamics, scenarios were translated into spatially explicit representations of how each of the four narratives would shape land cover by 2063. Four storylines were entitled: (1) a loveable future that by 2063, Antananarivo could transform into a thriving modern city with more equitable access to green infrastructure, restored wetland corridors, expanded public infrastructure, and intensified and modernised agricultural zones, (2) a development prioritised over the environment world, where the drive for profit leads to urban expansion, loss of green spaces, and fragmentation of agricultural land, (3) a worst tomorrow, which we can see the landscape is marked by environmental degradation, as lush natural spaces, rivers, and crop fields are replaced by buildings due to population growth, land privatisation, and rural-to-urban migration, increasing heat extreme events, and (4) a run-away scenario, that results in significant conservation, with agricultural and bare land converted to forest and savanna, but at the cost of lower economic development. Our “bottom-up” urban planning strategy, incorporating stakeholders' perspectives, is essential to fostering an equitable, cool, and green environment for the future of African urban forests and vegetated landscapes.

How to cite: Han, R., Marchant, R., and Thorn, J.: Co-constructing future land use scenarios for a equity and cooling Antananarivo, Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18223,, 2025.

Achieving long-term effectiveness in natural disaster risk management needs a multifaceted approach. This approach should integrate the disaster’s impact with the region's social, economic, and physical characteristics. A variety of models have been developed to measure the disaster’s impact and propose risk reduction solutions. However, finding the optimal local solution is challenging. To enhance the sustainability of these solutions, it is crucial to consider the local pressing issues, which may be social, economic, cultural, or physical in nature. These issues manifest in the decision criteria when determining the most appropriate risk mitigation or management strategies. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods are instrumental in evaluating suitable solutions by integrating the outputs of risk assessment models with local priorities, which are represented as rankings of the decision criteria. Since the local experts and community representatives have the most practical information regarding regional issues, their input is essential in ranking the decision criteria. Various preference elicitation methods can be employed to capture experts’ perceptions on important issues.

When it comes to disaster risk mitigation and management, the elicitation of stakeholders’ collective perception on important issues is challenging. Different experts with different backgrounds, concerns, and visions for the future can have different perceptions on important issues that should be addressed by the disaster risk mitigation solution. This difference of opinion can lead to conflict of priorities. Since the disaster risk mitigation and management solutions are usually led to policy making or implementation of those solutions, the existing conflicts can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of these solutions. As such, it is vital to address these conflicts and elicit the collective priorities of local stakeholders.

In this research, a Simos-based silent negotiation process is developed for eliciting the stakeholders’ collective priorities for natural disaster risk mitigation and management. The developed process is designed to engage the representatives of local communities and other experts and decision-makers and systematically direct them to compromise on less important issues. The designed process benefits from different methods to increase robustness. By directing participants to compromise on their less important issues, this process provides the collective local priorities in mitigating disaster risk. Furthermore, it can gauge the level of conflicts among the stakeholders at the end of the silent negotiation. Additionally, it creates equal opportunity for all the participants to raise concerns and argue their point of view. This creates the opportunity to address issues and concerns from different communities.

The process is developed and implemented in the Horizon Europe project MEDiate (Multi-hazard and risk-informed system for Enhanced local and regional Disaster risk management). The MEDiate project is dedicated to creating a decision-support system (DSS) for disaster risk management that considers the complexities of multiple interacting natural hazards and fits the final disaster risk management solution to the characteristics, priorities, and concerns of the local communities and decision-makers. The MEDiate framework is implemented on four different testbeds (Oslo (Norway), Nice (France), Essex (UK), and Múlaþing (Iceland)), each of which has a different multi-hazard pair and different socio-economic characteristics.

How to cite: Yeganegi, M. R., Komendantova, N., and Danielson, M.: Engaging and Conflict-Resolution preference elicitation in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Localized Mitigation Actions in Disaster Risk Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18473,, 2025.

We present a collaborative citizen science initiative carried out with high school students from EES N° 3 “Florentino Ameghino”, Chillar, Argentina, as part of a paleoenvironmental research project in lake sediment cores of Laguna La Barrancosa (37°19’ S, 60°06’ W). Students actively participated in collecting and analysing a sediment core spanning the past 500 years. Together, we conducted measurements of magnetic susceptibility, dry density, and organic matter, aiming to reconstruct past environmental changes and emphasize the importance of preserving this site as a vital ecological resource.
The project was made possible through the Neville Shulman Award, which provided funding to support research that increases local community engagement in environmental projects. This grant allowed us to design an initiative that combined scientific research with a participatory and educational approach, empowering the local community and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship.
Through hands-on experiences in both their school laboratory and advanced facilities at the University, students not only gained technical skills but also developed a deeper understanding of how agriculture that dominates the region´s landscape has influenced the lake's ecosystem. This project empowered students to reflect on their relationship with the environment they inhabit. Particularly given that, many of the students' families are involved in agriculture and often visit the lake for fishing.
These experiences offered all of us a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between local knowledge and academic science. For the students, this marked their first interaction with professional research and their first experience visiting a university. One of the most inspiring outcomes was the impact this project had on the students’ aspirations. Their exposure to scientific methods, combined with the support and encouragement of researchers, motivated many to consider pursuing higher education. The project opened new possibilities and demonstrated the accessibility of academic paths, planting seeds for future scientific curiosity and engagement. At the same time, it prompted us as scientists to reflect on how we do science and how to effectively communicate our work to diverse audiences.
Students presented the results during Chillar's annual town celebration, where they sparked valuable discussions about the region’s history and environmental challenges. Among the ideas that emerged was a new initiative to connect the observed environmental changes with the area’s archaeological history in future research. This underscores the richness and relevance of integrating local perspectives into scientific endeavors.
This presentation will delve into the outcomes of this collaboration, including lessons learned, best practices, and challenges faced during the process. It will also highlight the mutual benefits of co-creation, where both scientific research and community engagement are enriched, illustrating how participatory approaches can transform environmental awareness and promote inclusive, impactful science with long-lasting effects.

How to cite: Achaga, R. and Santiago, C.: Connecting Communities and Science: A Collaborative Paleoenvironmental Project in Laguna La Barrancosa, Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20165,, 2025.

The heaviest water in our world is made in some places close to the land with the ice. This heavy water (in an actual sense) fills the bottom 40% of the world’s big open water body, moving around all sorts of things important for our life. Studies now show that almost half of this very heavy water is made in one spot near the ice down there. Since the 1990s, this heavy water making has gone down by about 40%. This drop is thought to be caused by both human-made warming and normal changes that happen in our world. In my work, I look at how normal shifts in our world alone can change heavy waters in the land of the ice. In this study, we use a computer to see how much one such normal shift from the small lands in the big water body (let us call it NS for normal state) controls two heavy water forming spots. We find that wind changes tied to a less strong NS push ice on the water towards the land, stopping some water areas from opening up and dropping heavy water making. In another spot of the land with ice, we see almost the counter sign, with more heavy water being formed during a less strong NS. This suggests that this same NS can have very different powers around the land of the ice. These things can help us better understand how heavy water forming changes over time, and how it changes the big water as our world warms quickly in the years to come.


* I used ChatGPT for synonyms.

How to cite: Huguenin, M.: How shifts in the normal state of our world can make more or less very heavy water in the land of the ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-477,, 2025.

EGU25-3669 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.10

How high is the ground at the edge between huge water bodies and dry land? 

Bene Aschenneller, Roelof Rietbroek, and Daphne van der Wal

We want to understand how the edge between huge water bodies and dry land moves. Sometimes this edge moves when the huge water body becomes higher. This happens more and more as the large rock we're living on is getting hotter. But sometimes the edge moves because the tiny rocks that form the ground get moved around by the wind or the water.

To find out how much the land-water-edge is moved by the large water or by the tiny rocks, we need to know how high the ground near the edge is. Our idea is to use flying space boxes. Some space boxes see how high the huge water body is. Other space boxes see where the land-water-edge is. They have been seeing all that for the past 30 years. Now we put this together: One edge and one how-high-is-the-water seen at the same point in time go together! When we know how high the land-water-edge was, then we also know how high the ground was. We repeat this for all edges so that we get a bigger picture.

But now all the how-high-is-the-ground points cover a long time! It would be much better if we would know how high the ground is for all edges, but only at one point in time. How good that someone thought very long and came up with an idea on how to put together all the edges in a cool way. This idea uses a lot of the playing-around-with-numbers that we did in school. It helps us to find out how high the ground was near the land-water-edge at one point in time.

How to cite: Aschenneller, B., Rietbroek, R., and van der Wal, D.: How high is the ground at the edge between huge water bodies and dry land?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3669,, 2025.

We take world pictures to understand the world, and to guess what it will look like in the coming times. Usually we say that we make these pictures from our strong understanding. However, it is important to consider that these pictures are taken by humans. So what the humans making the picture did is also part of the picture.

I look at some parts of the picture where it becomes clear that humans made it. This is
1. faults that humans put into the picture even though they did not want to.
2. the idea that the humans making the pictures have in mind for what the picture is good for.

The faults may be someone using a wrong letter, or thinking wrong about how to enter the understanding into the picture. Ideas for what the picture might be good for are for making understanding, or for having a picture with as many things as possible in it so that it approaches the real world. These ideas sometimes do not agree, as where more things make it less easy to understand the picture. This may cause anger between the people making or using the picture.

These parts where it becomes clear that humans make the picture force us to think again: what are the world pictures made of and what are they a picture of?

How to cite: Proske, U.: World pictures and where it is important that they are made by humans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6700,, 2025.

EGU25-8596 | PICO | EOS1.10

Can clearing high sky water lead to a cooler world? 

Blaž Gasparini

The world is getting hotter, and we are getting close to a point where the new fire is too much. We have made some changes to use power better and are getting closer to not putting out as much bad air that warms the world, but we still have a long way to go to stop it completely. Because of this, some people are thinking about really big ideas to make the world hurt less from this new fire. These ideas can not fix the bottom cause problem, but they might make things less bad for a while.

One idea has to do with the white soft stuff in the sky—sky water. Sky water is very important for keeping the world air and ground the right kind of warm. If we did not have sky water, the world would be way, way hotter! But not all types of sky water cool things down. Some high, fine sky water made of ice, also called high sky water, do something totally different. They work like the glass in a hot car, making the world warmer. If we could clear the world of all high sky water, it could make the world cooler—even cooler than it was before we started putting bad air into the sky.

Of course, we can not just take all high sky water away, but some people are thinking about whether we can change how sky water is made so it does not warm the world so much. This idea might work best in places where other ways of cooling the world do not work well, like at night or in very cold places.

The problem is, we do not really understand high sky water very well. They are one of the hardest parts of the sky to understand, so trying to change them is really, really hard. For now, this idea is something we can only try out on computers or in small sky water rooms. It might never work in real life, but thinking about it can help us learn more about how the world works and how we can take care of it.

How to cite: Gasparini, B.: Can clearing high sky water lead to a cooler world?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8596,, 2025.

EGU25-10332 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.10

Imagine rain falling in a different place 

Rikke Stoffels, Vikki Thompson, and Erich Fischer

A few years ago, in a place quite close to here, a lot of rain fell from the sky. This hurt people and caused problems to their houses. People were not ready. But the rain could have fallen in a different place - maybe a bigger city - or fallen for longer, or fallen over a bigger area. We use computers to make new worlds to try out different possible ways the rain could have fell. You can think of them as several different story lines. We then use these story lines to think about what could have happened, what could happen in a few years, or what we need to be ready for. We also use these story lines to try to understand why some of them rain lots and some don't rain at all. This is important to people - we need to imagine such things to be ready in case they do happen. 

How to cite: Stoffels, R., Thompson, V., and Fischer, E.: Imagine rain falling in a different place, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10332,, 2025.

Eyes in the sky stay high in outer space and look down on earth. There are many of them; some remain fixed over the same spot on the world's surface, while others keep going round and round. They see most of what happens on earth, and we might like them or not. However, some eyes in the sky only see the air, the water and the clouds, so they are not to worry about. We can actually make good use of them. These special eyes in the sky make pictures using the light coming from or mirrored by the earth and passing through the air. With these pictures, people can tell how warm or cold the air is, how much water is in the air, where and when clouds form, and even how fast the wind blows. We can also pass this information on to big computers, which can use it to guess whether it will get warm or cold in the next few days, where the air will rise and form clouds, where it will rain. It seems big computers are learning to do this job completely on their own, with very little help from men. Anyway, they will always need pictures from the eyes in the sky. At work, I do nothing with the information coming from the eyes in the sky. Some friends have great fun with it, but I like it a lot more to understand how the air moves over or around mountains. I am mostly interested in how mountains help make rain (which is sometimes too much for us) and strong winds (which can blow things away or feed big fires), and also in how mountain winds move stuff around.

How to cite: Serafin, S.: Eyes in the sky help us guess where and when it will rain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10532,, 2025.

EGU25-12049 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.10

 Little Earth Makers: A Clearer View of Our World  

Yuting Wu and Jana Seipelt

When we try to understand how the air, water, and heat move around our world, we sometimes use very big computers to take things that we see in the real world and join them with laws and numbers, to make a little Earth 2.0 that can be looked at on our screens. That's why we call them "Little Earth Makers".  

To make the Earth 2.0, the computers break the world into little pieces. For each piece, the computer looks at things like how fast the air moves, how warm or cold it is, how much water is in the air, and what is on the ground (like trees, water, or cities). Then, the computer figures out how all the pieces work together to show us what might happen in the future. The bigger these pieces are, the less we can see on our little Earth 2.0. Smaller pieces will help us to discover new parts of the world. It's like putting on your glasses - dancing shapes and colors turn into faces and moving cars.  

Like a set of new glasses, the youngest kind of Little Earth Makers helps us to see single parts of the world more clearly. 

How to cite: Wu, Y. and Seipelt, J.:  Little Earth Makers: A Clearer View of Our World , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12049,, 2025.

EGU25-15940 | PICO | EOS1.10

Ice and Water: How Big Ice in the Cold South Affects People's Homes 

Clare Eayrs, Byeong-Hoon Kim, and Won Sang Lee

In the cold south part of our world, there is a very large area of ice called Getz where nine big ice rivers flow toward the sea. These ice rivers are moving faster than before, which is bad news for people living near water everywhere. When this ice moves into the warm sea water, it turns to water and makes the world's seas rise higher. Over the last twenty-five years, these ice rivers have started moving almost one-fourth faster than before, and some are moving nearly half again as fast. This has caused enough ice to turn into water to make the seas rise by nearly one part in a thousand of a meter - which might seem small, but affects millions of people living near the water.


Our group of people who study ice and water, called GOAT, is working to understand why this is happening and what it means for people's homes and lives. We named these nine ice rivers after places where people came together to talk about making the world less warm. This helps people remember that what happens to far-away ice matters to everyone. When seas rise, they can push water into people's homes, hurt the places where people grow food, and force people to move away from the places they have lived for many years.


We are working together with other people who study ice to learn more about how warm sea water, along with other things like snow falling and heat from deep inside our world, makes the ice move faster and break apart. We also want to help more people understand why these changes matter to them, even if they live far from the cold south. By working together and sharing what we learn, we hope to help people better prepare for the rising seas and work to slow down the warming that is causing this problem.


How to cite: Eayrs, C., Kim, B.-H., and Lee, W. S.: Ice and Water: How Big Ice in the Cold South Affects People's Homes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15940,, 2025.

EGU25-17577 | PICO | EOS1.10

How to know better if it will rain 

Philipp Griewank

We have made big computers that tell us if it will rain, or be hot, or be windy in the next days. To know what will happen in the future we need lots of information about what the air is like now. This information comes from many machines, like cameras flying around the world in space, that can tell us many different things. Some machines can tell us how hot the air is, others how wet, and others how fast the wind is. But the problem is, that not all information the machines give us help the same. Sometimes adding some kinds of information about the air now even makes the computer tell us the wrong things about the future. Finding out how much different kinds of information help is not easy, so people have had many ideas to guess how much which machines help. In this talk I will look at some different ideas people had on how to guess which information helps. I use a very simple computer and many strange numbers to show that other people did things wrong. But the good news is that we managed to fix their broken ideas, and now they work well.

How to cite: Griewank, P.: How to know better if it will rain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17577,, 2025.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, the people had a simple wish: to know if the days ahead would be warm with the sun or cool with the whisper of winds. To make this wish come true, they made computers so big they could guess what the skies would bring. Though it was nice when first made, now it had grown old, nearly 20-30 years old, and could no longer keep up with the ever-changing skies. So, over the past few years, these people and many other people around the world have worked very hard, even when they were not paid that well, to find new ways to make these guesses better and better. 

After reading stories of new ways from far, far away lands, three people and I set out to see if one of these newer ways could work in our land. Instead of making just one guess, our new way uses 50 different guesses to understand every problem where things could go wrong and add them to form one final, nicer guess. Like every other story, this story also has a happy ending, and in this talk, I will show you how the new way is better than the old in our land.

How to cite: Jyoti, K.: It is a story of new ways to make better guesses of whether the coming days will be hot or cold in our land, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18966,, 2025.

Here we will look at how the air moves into the up area and how it’s moves have changed over the last two times four ten years. We know that the up area air is not alone, but it is a part of the whole sky air. We can see that in the early year when not clean air is moved from areas more down to the up area and the air in the up area is becoming less nice.

For our work we use a computer to add up the time how long air parts stay in the up area and to follow air parts to see where they come from and where they go to. So we can also find out where the not clean air comes from. Maybe the areas where the not clean air comes from has changed over time?

Our computer tells us that air parts usually stay in the up area for around one week in month one of the year and around two weeks in month seven of the year. However, this is not the same in the whole up area and it has changed in the last two times four ten years. It has changed most in month four of the year, when the air parts stay shorter in the up area now than they used to.

How to cite: Plach, A.: Looking at air moving into the up area in the last two times four ten years - A move-with-parts look, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19186,, 2025.

EGU25-19309 | PICO | EOS1.10

New troubles in the air 

Silvia Bucci

In our life we use many things. When they are not made of matter like wood, but of low-money colored matter, they last long but with a new problem.
When they get old, they lose pieces. Some pieces become small, so small that they are able to fly with wind. That causes a lot of tiny colored pieces in the air and it is a problem for people breathing it, as well as for the animals, the water, the ground and the air too. Here we will talk about how these colored pieces enters the air, why it is a problem and what we can do to avoid it. 

How to cite: Bucci, S.: New troubles in the air, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19309,, 2025.

During the 2013 BARREL balloon campaign, electron precipitation was found to occur over a range of time scales (ms to hours) and energies (10s of keV to MeV). On 26 January 2013, an energetic particle injection was observed by GOES, THEMIS, and the Van Allen Probes, followed by drift echoes of electrons with energies of 80 - 400 keV. Following the injection, BARREL observed X-rays produced in the atmosphere by precipitating electrons with likely energies less than 180 keV. However, the precipitation showed temporal variation with a dominant oscillation period of ~20 minutes, corresponding to the drift period of ~300 keV electrons as observed by MagEIS on the Van Allen Probes. Oscillations in energetic electron precipitation have been observed previously but not in conjunction with in situ measurements of the trapped population. This study shows the association between electron drift echoes and temporal features in energetic precipitation.  These multipoint observations suggest an intriguing correspondence between the drifting ~300 keV electrons and a lower energy electron precipitation mechanism yet to be identified. 

How to cite: Halford, A.: Observations of electron precipitation correlated with drift echoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20487,, 2025.

EGU25-21647 | PICO | EOS1.10

A new computer mirror for studying air moving through space and time 

Lucie Bakels, Michael Blaschek, Marina Duetsch, Andreas Plach, Vincent Lechner, Georg Brack, Leopold Haimberger, and Andreas Stohl

Computer mirrors are important for studying air. Most computer mirrors are about fixed points in space and time. This fixed approach is good for many studies, but studies focused on going through the air could use moving points in space and time. We made a computer mirror using moving points in space and time for all air in the world using winds from a computer mirror using fixed points in space and time. Everyone can use this computer mirror. It can be used to study dry and wet air times, moving water and hot in the air, and long time air-situations. We will present some uses of the computer mirror.

How to cite: Bakels, L., Blaschek, M., Duetsch, M., Plach, A., Lechner, V., Brack, G., Haimberger, L., and Stohl, A.: A new computer mirror for studying air moving through space and time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21647,, 2025.

EGU25-21681 | PICO | EOS1.10

How many strong-wind high-water days will come in the next ten years? 

Leonard Borchert and Daniel Krieger

Where water meets German land, strong winds often push water towards the land, causing high water. Knowing if these high-water days will happen more or less often in the next few years would help people to be ready for them. The ways we already use to know about what will come don't understand small enough areas to help people be ready for high water. To make this better, we use computer learning to couple highs and lows in the air to high and low water days at three places where water meets land: Cuxhaven, Esbjerg, and Delfzijl. Our computer can then turn knowing how the air will change in the next ten years into knowing how high water in one place will change in the next ten years. We check how good this works and find that knowing what will come works better for many years together than for a single year, as it works better for the highest water days and numbers of high-water days than for the time for which high water happens

How to cite: Borchert, L. and Krieger, D.: How many strong-wind high-water days will come in the next ten years?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21681,, 2025.

EOS2 – Higher Education Teaching & Research

EGU25-3 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Drone-focused curriculum in geography higher education: insights from instructors 

Adam Mathews and Grayson Morgan

Drones as remote sensing platforms have rapidly been adopted and incorporated into higher education coursework in geography and across the geosciences. Not surprisingly, students and faculty alike are interested in broadening their conceptual knowledge while also enhancing practical geospatial skills. Through a survey of 45 instructors, this study examines how drone content is being taught in university-level geography courses (primarily in GIS and remote sensing) in the USA. Instructors as a whole were consistent in emphasizing how drones enhance their instruction due to the hands-on (field-based, from the ground up) factor, but responses reflect disagreement among instructors in terms of what content is important to stress within these courses (i.e. photogrammetric concepts vs. flight school/aircraft operation preparation). Instructors face many challenges in drone-focused courses from equipment purchase and upkeep to institutional factors (e.g., research universities vs. community colleges). Importantly, these instructor insights provide a curricular snapshot and foundation from which instructors can build a more cohesive curriculum moving forward.

How to cite: Mathews, A. and Morgan, G.: Drone-focused curriculum in geography higher education: insights from instructors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3,, 2025.

EGU25-1188 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

Adaptive Chatbots for Remote Sensing Education: A Natural Language Query System to Simplify Complex Geospatial Data Understanding 

Rodrigo Pascual, José Francisco Díez-Pastor, Pedro Latorre-Carmona, and José Manuel Aroca-Fernández

NetCDF files are a standard format widely used for storing and sharing scientific data, particularly in geospatial analysis. However, analyzing these files often requires advanced programming skills, creating a steep learning curve for students and researchers without a coding background. While existing tools for NetCDF analysis are helpful, they are often optimized for specific purposes, which can limit their flexibility in addressing diverse user needs. As a result, programming languages remain the primary method to fully leverage their potential, creating a technical barrier that hampers accessibility and slows the learning process.

To address these challenges, we introduce a chatbot powered by large language models (LLMs) that offers a novel approach to remote sensing education. Designed to facilitate the analysis of NetCDF datasets, the chatbot allows users to interact directly with their own data, dynamically tailoring responses to their individual expertise levels and informational needs. It provides personalized guidance, generates Python code snippets, and offers interactive visualizations, enabling users to explore their datasets intuitively and effectively. By learning through hands-on interaction with their own data, users not only overcome technical barriers but also develop a deeper understanding of geospatial analysis techniques.

The system incorporates Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to enhance its capabilities, seamlessly integrating natural language processing with geospatial analysis tools. Unlike other generative AI solutions, such as ChatGPT, our chatbot not only prioritizes data privacy by ensuring that user datasets remain entirely local but also offers a functional advantage by generating Python code that can be executed directly when requested by the user. This feature allows users to visualize, analyze, or manipulate their data on demand, unlocking virtually unlimited possibilities for geospatial data exploration. By combining privacy, flexibility, and functionality, the chatbot becomes particularly valuable for researchers working with proprietary or confidential data, as well as for those seeking an all-in-one solution tailored to their specific needs.

Preliminary evaluations show that the chatbot significantly enhances user engagement and comprehension of complex geospatial data structures. By eliminating technical barriers and empowering users to analyze and learn directly from their own datasets, this tool represents a transformative approach to remote sensing education. It shifts the focus from navigating technical challenges to fostering discovery and deeper insights, making it an invaluable resource for both education and research.

How to cite: Pascual, R., Díez-Pastor, J. F., Latorre-Carmona, P., and Aroca-Fernández, J. M.: Adaptive Chatbots for Remote Sensing Education: A Natural Language Query System to Simplify Complex Geospatial Data Understanding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1188,, 2025.

The Greenland Ice Sheet Ocean Science Network (GRISO) project, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), facilitates innovative approaches to geosciences education through its annual two-week summer school in Greenland. Since its inception in 2022, this program has become a hallmark of GRISO’s efforts to cultivate interdisciplinary collaboration and foster equitable research in and around Greenland. The summer school brings together early-career researchers from diverse disciplines and nations to engage with Greenland-focused research themes, such as ice-ocean interactions, climate impacts, and sustainable development. Participants benefit from direct engagement with local researchers and organizations, and actively apply their experiences to find innovative ways to move forward Greenland-focused research in an equitable way.

The curriculum emphasizes collaborative techniques and a broad introduction to a multitude of research disciplines and methods, equipping participants with skills to design and execute research projects that respect and integrate local knowledge and priorities. Field-based activities, exchange with local experts and organizations, and community interactions create a dynamic learning environment, fostering partnerships that extend beyond the summer school. By conducting these summer schools, GRISO contributes to training a new generation of researchers prepared to mindfully address complex Arctic challenges through innovative and inclusive approaches.

This presentation will share insights from the summer schools, highlight its alignment with the current U.S. and Greenland research strategies, and discuss its broader impact on the landscape of Greenland-focused research.

How to cite: Schulz, K., Sutherland, D., and Moon, T.: Cultivating Collaboration in the Arctic: A Greenland Summer School Advancing Inclusive Geosciences Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1424,, 2025.

EGU25-1628 | Orals | EOS2.1

EGU Education Committee initiatives in support of Higher Education teaching 

Konstantinos Kourtidis and the EGU Education Commitee

The EGU Education Committee (EC) provides an increasingly wide range of support for all those who teach geosciences at the university level, including PhD students, postgraduates, research fellows, and permanent academic or teaching support staff. New initiatives are being proposed in the hope of having a greater impact on the university community. Initiatives include:

The support of 1 Early Career Scientist (ECS) with experience in teaching Earth, planetary, and space sciences at the university level and in conducting research in the field of geoscience, by receiving a fellowship.

Geoscience Distinguished Lectures series at university: The EGU EC offers an annual series of Geosciences Distinguished Lectures, to be given by top scientists from Europe who have previously participated as speakers in GIFT workshops during the EGU General Assemblies. University teachers from the European region are welcome to request a lecture, for which the EGU Committee on Education will cover the travel and subsistence costs of the speaker. Lecturers and topics should be selected among the ones given in the last 5 years in any EGU General Assembly GIFT Workshop, whose programs can be viewed on the GIFT webpages. The distinguished lectures will be in hybrid mode to ensure a broader visibility of the initiative. More than one university could participate in the event.

Support for the creation of teaching material for higher education: EC awards each year 5-10 grants to fund the preparation of university level geoscience teaching materials. The teaching material can be on any geoscience topic, including laboratory or fieldwork.

The EC is also planning the creation of a professional network in LinkedIn for the promotion of Tertiary Education in Geoscience among university students and university educators.

EC webpages themselves ( ) are a valuable collection of slides, videos and teaching materials.

How to cite: Kourtidis, K. and the EGU Education Commitee: EGU Education Committee initiatives in support of Higher Education teaching, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1628,, 2025.

EGU25-2236 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

Teaching atmospheric science and science communication hand in hand 

Adrienne Jeske, Fine Sophie Awater, Vera Bense, Nicolas Emig, Emma Anneliese Ferrero Calle, Isabelle Charlotte Galow, Martanda Gautam, Peter Hoor, Annette Miltenberger, Gloria Sophia Paß, Sarah Richter, Cornelis Schwenk, Holger Tost, Katharina Turhal, and Natalie von Kries

Study programmes in atmospheric science usually start with introductory courses in mathematics, physics and meteorology. Current scientific topics and also science communication are often not addressed in the early stage. We wanted to give first semester students the opportunity to come into contact with cutting-edge research and to gain science communication skills at the same time. Therefore, we offered an elective seminar, where the students were asked to make a video about the Collaborative Research Centre TPChange (The Tropopause Region in a Changing Atmosphere, CRC 301).

Scientists from seven German universities and research institutions are working together within TPChange to investigate the tropopause region, a layer that separates the troposphere from the stratosphere above. This region of the atmosphere is of special interest, because it is highly sensitive in terms of climate change. Many people have never heard of the tropopause region, despite society's awareness of climate change. Also the students had limited to no prior knowledge about this topic.
The students had two tasks in the seminar: 1) to understand the  fundamentals up to the specific research questions of TPChange and 2) to present their gained knowledge in a clear way for a broad audience in the form of a video. We included science communication from the beginning of the seminar. The students were given the task to communicate and present newly learned facts. This had two advantages, the students practised their communication skills and we used the task to verify the student‘s comprehension.
With this seminar, we aimed to enhance the students' understanding of the complex interplay of different concepts and to give them a perspective, for what they need the knowledge from the introductory courses. Furthermore, the seminar gave the students the opportunity to get into touch with many scientists at different career levels.
We will discuss the student‘s learning success, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as science communication, and their opinion on the seminar.

How to cite: Jeske, A., Awater, F. S., Bense, V., Emig, N., Ferrero Calle, E. A., Galow, I. C., Gautam, M., Hoor, P., Miltenberger, A., Paß, G. S., Richter, S., Schwenk, C., Tost, H., Turhal, K., and von Kries, N.: Teaching atmospheric science and science communication hand in hand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2236,, 2025.

EGU25-2766 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Enhancing And Diversifying Fieldwork Teaching Through Immersive 360 Projection Space 

Marianne Metois, Antoine Triantafyllou, Jean-Emmanuel Martelat, Emma Calassou, Sophie Passot, Isabelle Daniel, and Nora Van Reeth

Fieldwork is a key learning component of geoscience training and education, providing students with hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of geoscience concepts plus 3D spatial awareness of complex geological structures. Research shows that extended field trips significantly enhance these skills compared to lab- or theory-based activities alone. However, taking students to all world-class outcrops and fascinating geological sites is unfeasible due to cost, logistical challenges, environmental concerns, or restrictions during pandemic events.

To address this challenge, our Geosciences Department introduced the IglooLab in 2024, an innovative immersive learning laboratory ( The IglooLab is a 360-degree projection room, measuring 6 meters in diameter and 2.5 meters in height, equipped with five short-throw projectors and a surround sound system built by Igloo Ltd. It accommodates up to nine students and a teacher, offering high-resolution, interactive 360° media, such as photospheres, 360° videos, virtual tours (created with KRPano), and 3D digital outcrop models displayed using game engine frameworks.

This cutting-edge platform has been integrated into three distinct teaching modules for undergraduate geoscience students:

  • Fieldwork Preparation: Training students in essential field practices, including the use of geological compasses, topographic maps, and field notebooks to ensure safety and efficiency in real-life fieldwork.
  • Geomorphology and Landscape Deciphering: Through a virtual tour of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, students analyze markers of active tectonics at multiple scales, from outcrop features and landslide geometries to large-scale terrace extensions.
  • Petrology and Volcanology: Using 360°video of eruptions combined to 3D models of explosive and effusive volcanic edifices, students identify and describe morphotectonic features, link volcanic products to eruption dynamics, and analyze how these features relate to geological processes described in previous lectures. Adjacent teaching room allows students to work with geological maps and rock samples to complement (back and forth) the immersive experience.

The IglooLab does not replace traditional field trips but enhances fieldwork teaching in multiple ways. It serves as a multifunctional tool for virtual visits to world-class outcrops, preparation for field safety and best practices, and post-field trip debriefing and report corrections in an immersive, interactive environment. This innovative approach ensures that students receive a well-rounded, practical education while overcoming logistical barriers and expanding their exposure to diverse geological settings.

How to cite: Metois, M., Triantafyllou, A., Martelat, J.-E., Calassou, E., Passot, S., Daniel, I., and Van Reeth, N.: Enhancing And Diversifying Fieldwork Teaching Through Immersive 360 Projection Space, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2766,, 2025.

EGU25-3865 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Teaching 3D Geological Mapping and Modeling Sensitivity Using Visual KARSYS 

Antoine Triantafyllou, Emma Calassou, Arnauld Malard, Arnaud Watlet, Basile Bailly, and Nora Van Reeth

Spatial understanding of complex geological structures is a fundamental component of geoscience expertise. However, when teaching geological mapping, students often face challenges in grasping 3D concepts through ‘traditional’ 2D or projected teaching materials, such as geological maps and cross-sections. In this perspective, we developed a specialized course for Master's students in the Geosciences program at Lyon (, using the Visual KARSYS app (

Visual KARSYS is a free web-based platform that enables users to construct geological and hydrogeological 3D models by integrating various data types, including those inferred from drillhole logs, field survey observations, structural data (e.g., bedding geometry, unit contacts, fault planes), and geophysical imaging products. Geological models are computed using the GmLib library (implicit approach based on potential-field method), developed by the French Geological Survey (BRGM).

As part of the course, over fifty students were tasked with building a 3D geological model of the Mont-d’Or Lyonnais massif (MOL, northwest of Lyon, France). The MOL massif comprises a monoclinal sedimentary series ranging from Triassic sandstones to Upper Jurassic carbonates, underlain by a Variscan orthogneiss basement and overlain by Quaternary units to the east. Most students had previously visited the MOL during a field trip and were familiar with its geology, providing a solid foundation for their modeling work. The course is structured around three primary learning objectives:

(i) Building a 3D Geological Model: Students learn to construct a geological model using Visual KARSYS, developing an understanding of the fundamental principles of the potential-field method employed by the GmLib library. This involves working with different types of data (e.g., hard data such as drillholes and field measurements, and soft data such as inferred contacts and fault geometries) and defining the lithostratigraphic framework of the model.

(ii) Comparing Model-Driven and Non-Model-Driven Approaches: Students are asked to compare two geological cross-sections with identical endpoints—one derived from the 3D geological model (supported by hard data only) and another hand-drawn by each student using a geological map. Students quantitatively assess the similarities and differences between the two products, evaluating which approach yields a more realistic representation. Interestingly, most students tend to favor their manually drawn cross-sections, often influenced by preconceived notions of the local geology.

(iii) Exploring Model Sensitivity: Students build an initial 3D model using only hard geological data (e.g., boreholes, field observations) and subsequently enhance the model by progressively incorporating ‘softer’ data (e.g., lithological contacts or fault structures extracted from geological maps, geophysical interpretations). With each iteration, students analyze the impact of additional data on the model, gaining insights into its sensitivity and the implications of integrating interpretative datasets.

This teaching approach provides students with practical experience in 3D geological modeling while fostering critical thinking about data integration, model-driven approaches, and geological model sensitivity.

How to cite: Triantafyllou, A., Calassou, E., Malard, A., Watlet, A., Bailly, B., and Van Reeth, N.: Teaching 3D Geological Mapping and Modeling Sensitivity Using Visual KARSYS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3865,, 2025.

EGU25-4236 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Digital Field Representations: Enhancing Accessibility and Technological Integration in High Arctic Geoscience Field Education  

Rafael Horota, Marie Vander Kloet, Kim Senger, Marius Jonassen, and Christian Haug Eide

Field education remains a cornerstone of geoscience training, yet logistical, environmental, and accessibility challenges necessitate innovative approaches to complement traditional field-based learning. This study investigates the potential of digital field representations (DFRs), like digital photogrammetry dataset, drone-based imagery, geographic information systems, 3D globes, map layers, etc., as scalable and accessible tools for geoscience field education in virtual reality applications. These DFRs allow geoscience students and professionals to remotely explore geological sites with enhanced realism and interactivity, bridging the gap between traditional fieldwork and the growing demand for digital alternatives.   

A key outcome of this study was the framework for integrating DFRs in virtual field experiences within the VR Svalbard platform ( The resulting outputs demonstrated their adaptability for collaborative and asynchronous learning environments. While well-groomed virtual field guides have been analyzed in prior research, this study prioritizes practical workflows and accessibility, showcasing DFRs as flexible and scalable tools for digital geoscience field education.  

This study focused on evaluating the usability and adoption of DFRs using the technology acceptance model (TAM) in Arctic geoscience and geophysics courses conducted between 2021 and 2023 at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). The results of student surveys, conducted before and after virtual and physical field expeditions in the high Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, highlight the acceptability of these technologies, emphasizing their role in preparing learners for fieldwork and reinforcing concepts post-expedition.  

The findings reveal the transformative impact of digital technologies on modernizing field education. By addressing logistical and environmental barriers, DFRs extend opportunities to institutions with limited resources and empower students with disabilities or time constraints to participate in field-based learning. These tools enhance traditional field experiences by promoting inclusivity and allowing users to revisit geological sites for further analysis. This research aligns with initiatives such as Svalbox and iEarth, fostering collaboration and data integration to enrich geoscience education.  

This study is part of a four-year PhD project at the intersection of geoscience, technology, and pedagogy, conducted in collaboration with iEarth, focusing on advancing digital tools and methodologies to complement and elevate geoscience fieldwork. 

How to cite: Horota, R., Vander Kloet, M., Senger, K., Jonassen, M., and Eide, C. H.: Digital Field Representations: Enhancing Accessibility and Technological Integration in High Arctic Geoscience Field Education , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4236,, 2025.

Eruption experiments by mixing an acid solution and baking soda have been used to display how a volcanic eruption works. We have upgraded such experiments to include many volcanological components, from magma mixing to eruption and geophysical observations.


The essential apparatus configuration contains two plastic beverage bottles, plastic tubes, a plug closing the mouth of the tube, and an air compressor. An innovative element of our experiment is the specifically designed connector that allows two insulated vents (IN and OUT) to be hosted on the bottle cap. The plastic tube connected the compressor to the lower bottle IN, its OUT to the upper bottle IN, and its OUT to the vent. Initially, syrups containing acid and sodium bicarbonate (SB) particles are put in the lower and upper bottles, respectively, simulating basaltic magma in a deep reservoir and crystal-baring silicic magma in a shallow reservoir. The vent is sealed by the plug. The acidic syrup is injected into the SB syrup by the compressor. The mixing of the two syrups generates bubbles and increases the system pressure. When the overpressure exceeds the plug strength, an eruption starts. Various styles and sequences of eruptions are generated depending on the viscosities of the two magmas, the positions of the inlet and outlet of the upper reservoir, the plug strength, and so on. We can also install sensors, such as pressure sensors to measure the system pressure, accelerometers to measure the vibration of the bottles, microphones to measure acoustic waves associated with the eruption, and cameras. The audience can monitor these data in real-time.


We use this experiment for various educational needs. Children enjoy watching explosions, fountains, and lava flows. To high-school students and the public, we explain the mechanisms controlling the occurrences and styles of eruptions and the meaning and significance of volcano monitoring. In educating graduate students in volcanology, we let them design the monitoring system and try controlling eruption styles by thinking about their mechanisms. This presentation introduces various eruptions designed by graduate student groups and shows how these experiments are used in education onsite and online.

How to cite: Ichihara, M.: A laboratory volcano: a multi-purpose educational tool for children, the public, and graduate students, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5396,, 2025.

EGU25-5830 | Orals | EOS2.1

Seeking New Types of GIS Education for Geoscience Students and Researchers 

Takashi Oguchi, Hiroyuki Yamauchi, Takuro Ogura, Jiali Song, and Kotaro Iizuka

Geoscience investigations frequently make use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Nevertheless, becoming proficient in GIS poses significant challenges. It necessitates a foundational understanding of geography and cartography, such as principles of map projections, methods for operating computers, and associated technology, along with skills in graphics, spreadsheets, and database applications. Furthermore, contemporary ideas and technologies, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), web mapping, and drones, have been incorporated into modern GIS. Thus, a thorough GIS education for aspiring students and researchers is crucial for advancing geoscience. Given this need, we have created GIS instructional methodologies and online resources. These encompass web-based GIS tools for exploring GIS applications, freely accessible online resources for mastering GIS software, and resources for utilizing drones, AR, and VR in conjunction with GIS. Our latest project focused on hands-on training in disaster risk management by leveraging innovative geomorphological research, concentrating on GIS and associated technologies. Our educational initiatives cater to a diverse range of learners, including graduate and undergraduate students, high school learners, and researchers from various disciplines. We implement practical applications of the educational resources developed by these participants and assess the materials' effectiveness through surveys, among other methods. The findings assist in enhancing the teaching resources. This presentation outlines our initiatives and examines their influence to set future directions.

How to cite: Oguchi, T., Yamauchi, H., Ogura, T., Song, J., and Iizuka, K.: Seeking New Types of GIS Education for Geoscience Students and Researchers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5830,, 2025.

EGU25-7261 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Developing a Skills Portfolio for Quantitative and Programming Skills in Environmental and Geoscience Education 

Ian Delaney, Tom Beucler, Christian Kasier, and Johann Lüthi

The importance of quantitative education is increasing in environmental sciences. This may entail a systematic restructuring of course offerings and topics in many faculties. At our institute, we also have identified a need for bachelor’s students to demonstrate and communicate their competence in specific quantitative skills that are relevant to their careers beyond university. To achieve this, we have redesigned the quantitative curriculum for bachelor’s environmental science students and are implementing a “Certificate de Compétence,” or a skills portfolio that describes the specific and general quantitative skills they have accumulated over their studies.

The skills portfolio is a formal document that outlines and validates the quantitative competencies acquired by Bachelor students. It emphasizes “hard skills,” such as programming, numerical modeling, statistical data processing, version control, and reproducible workflows, as well as essential “soft skills,” including ethical AI practices, teamwork, and critical code assessment. Additionally, students will develop transferable skills through the creation of a version-controlled eBook hosted on GitHub, which will serve as a portfolio of their work.

We present the process of formulating the skills portfolio within our faculty and the reasons for its potential importance. Our choices in choosing what skills to highlight and the document’s desired outcomes are also discussed.

How to cite: Delaney, I., Beucler, T., Kasier, C., and Lüthi, J.: Developing a Skills Portfolio for Quantitative and Programming Skills in Environmental and Geoscience Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7261,, 2025.

EGU25-7367 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Massive Open Online Course on Sustainable Use of Space 

Emilia Kilpua, Eleanna Asvestari, Maxime Grandin, Fasil Tesema, Abiyot Workayehu, and Minna Palmroth

Our modern society is becoming increasingly dependent on space. The number of satellites launched to Earth’s orbits continues to rise with several mega-constellations in development, efforst to return humans to the Moon are on-going and crewed missions to Mars in planning. While these enhanced space activities come with many sustainability challenges, such as space debris, they on the other hand, play an important role in solving sustainability issues on Earth. Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space (FORESAIL), funded by Research Council of Finland, had launched a MOOC course [1] on sustainable use of space, now and in the future. The course is free, no prior knowledge is need and it can be taken any time at own pace. If (multiple choice) excerises are completed, 2 credist will be provided by the Open Univeristy  of the University of Helsinki. The course covers diverse and interdisicplinary  topics, including the Sun and its activity, Earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, space weather, satellites and their orbits, launchers and manned space flights, space law and ethics. The last chapter introduces key on-going and future space activities and visions, such as return to the Moon, harvesting the space and space tourism. 

[1] Kilpua, E.K.J., E. Asvestari, M. Grandin, F. Tesema,  and A. Workayehu, Sustainable Space  [MOOC], University of Helsinki, (2024)

How to cite: Kilpua, E., Asvestari, E., Grandin, M., Tesema, F., Workayehu, A., and Palmroth, M.: Massive Open Online Course on Sustainable Use of Space, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7367,, 2025.

EGU25-8205 | Orals | EOS2.1

Integrating Sustainability into Higher Education through Active Learning: A Case Study from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)  

Berta López-Mir, Francisco Javier Lillo Ramos, Alba Martínez Coronado, Cristina Crespo Martín, Sandra González Muñoz, José Luis Guerrero Márquez, Raquel Herrera Espada, María Najarro De La Parra, and Marta Rincón Ramos

Recent changes in the Spanish Educational System, including the Organic Law 3/2020 (LOMLOE), require universities to integrate sustainability into their study programs to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) has been a pioneer in this effort, with the strategic plan URJC 2030 and a dedicated Green Office in place for over a decade. These initiatives aim to incorporate sustainability across all university activities, including teaching, research, and administration. However, developing the necessary skills to achieve the SDGs in higher education remains an ongoing challenge.

This communication describes an innovative educational activity developed during the 2023-24 academic year within the Soil and Water Resource Management subject, aimed at third-year graduate students of Environmental Sciences. The central theme was the analysis of a practical case in a familiar environment: the Móstoles campus of the URJC, where the Environmental Science degree is taught. Here, the URJC Green Office implemented a water conservation project by suspending irrigation in certain areas. Although necessary, this action led to soil erosion in non-irrigated grass areas, highlighting the need for detailed soil property analysis to develop effective water management strategies. At the same time, it provided a natural laboratory to study soil reactions to drought, offering a hands-on learning experience that heightened students’ awareness and engagement with the SDGs.

The learning experience combined practical fieldwork, laboratory analyses, and active methodologies to foster the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to relate the course content to the SDGs. Case-Based Learning linked sustainability concepts to tangible scenarios, while Cooperative Learning involved a group practical project to evaluate soil conditions and suggest practical solutions for improving campus sustainability. This sustainability analysis required prior Flipped Classroom work, which included analyzing historical or recent soil degradation case studies through concept maps, interactive videos, and text analysis.

This approach enhanced motivation, concept assimilation, and reflection, connecting classroom content with the environmental issues addressed by the 2030 Agenda, particularly SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). It also highlighted how the SDGs are interconnected, demonstrating that achieving one can have positive or negative impacts on others. Therefore, the activity also addressed the direct or indirect contributions to other goals such as Quality Education (SDG 4), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), Responsible Consumption (SDG 12), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), Climate Action (SDG 13), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17).

The integration of field practices, laboratory analysis, and real-case scenarios provided a practical and tangible learning experience, enabling students to progressively assimilate theoretical concepts and adopt a more active role in their learning process. Student feedback indicates a strong interest in expanding this activity in future iterations, underscoring its potential to enhance the university’s commitment to achieving the SDGs.

How to cite: López-Mir, B., Lillo Ramos, F. J., Martínez Coronado, A., Crespo Martín, C., González Muñoz, S., Guerrero Márquez, J. L., Herrera Espada, R., Najarro De La Parra, M., and Rincón Ramos, M.: Integrating Sustainability into Higher Education through Active Learning: A Case Study from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8205,, 2025.

EGU25-8807 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.1

How should we design a Living Lab?  

Jana Cox, Martijn Kuller, and Hugo de Boer

Living labs can be defined as: “a physical or virtual place where partners and users from open innovation networks further develop and test innovations together” (Endedijk et al., 2024). The use of living labs as dynamic teaching tools are increasingly emerging in geosciences as they can integrate real-world challenges and collaborative learning to engage students in addressing societal issues. However, the lack of a unified definition and diverse methodologies for implementing living labs create challenges in programme development, as well as uncertainty for students about expectations and preparation. A key difficulty lies in distinguishing living labs from traditional natural sciences fieldwork while balancing societal and policy aspects to simulate realistic, interdisciplinary environments.

We are developing a Living Lab course within the MSc programme Water Management for Climate Adaptation, aiming to educate students on the integration of natural sciences and governance in water management. This initiative is part of a broader educational effort linked to the newly established Delta Climate Center in Zeeland, fostering transdisciplinary learning around local water management challenges.

We take a three-pronged pedagogical approach:

  • Understanding and learning how to undertake research, including the empirical research cycle and designing a proposal
  • Development of skills that are required to undertake a thesis during skills labs, including fieldwork, labwork, modelling and qualitative data gathering.
  • Management of interdisciplinary projects in a real-world setting, through creation of an policy report in student teams approaching issues from different perspectives.

In the development of the programme, we have run into some interesting questions including: how can these living labs be placed in a broader curriculum? What is the optimum method for assessment in a Living Lab? How can we choose the best locations for field visits or undertaking research?

We are interested in hearing from others in the session about how Living Labs are perceived, challenges, suggestions or ideas from different experiences.



Endedijk, M., Kornet, A., Schipper, T., den Ouden, M. & Schram-Wesselink, N. (2024). Is dit een Learning Community? Een multi-level framework om het concept Learning Communities verder te duiden en vorm te geven in praktijk en onderzoek. TechYourFuture, October, 2024.

How to cite: Cox, J., Kuller, M., and de Boer, H.: How should we design a Living Lab? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8807,, 2025.

In hydrological modelling classically educators at the MSc and PhD level teach their students using the one model they personally are familiar with. The eWaterCycle platform for Open and FAIR hydrological modelling was developed to allow researchers to more easily work with each other’s models and data. Recently we have started to use eWaterCycle in our MSc level teaching and made our teaching material available as Open Educational Resources using the novel ‘teachbooks’ framework for interactive online educational material. Using eWaterCycle students are able to explore their own hydrological research questions and answer those using models developed at different institutes. The teachbook framework allows us to easily share this educational material with any teacher in the world.

How to cite: Hut, R. and Schilperoort, B.: Sharing educational resources on hydrological modelling between institutes using eWaterCycle and Teachbooks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8836,, 2025.

EGU25-9020 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Academy       

Narelle van der Wel, Feba Francis, Melissa Hart, Chris Lennard, Ma. Laurice Jamero, and Lora Batino

The WCRP Academy is the research training advisory and coordination arm of the World Climate Research Program. It is the flagship activity for WCRP´s mission: “to develop, share, and apply climate knowledge that contributes to societal well-being” and works to equip current and future climate scientists with the knowledge, skills and attributes required to tackle the world’s most pressing and challenging climate research questions.

The foundation of the Academy is an online portal that connects training providers with users of training materials through a catalogue of climate science training activities and educational materials. The Academy ensures that the training that it shares is of high quality and, as such, is a legitimate source of professional and capacity development. The Academy is also exploring models for effective mentorship, best practice guides for climate science training and a WCRP Future Leaders Programme. The WCRP Academy is building a global community of climate researchers at all career stages to provide global networking and development opportunities to facilitate lifelong learning, global equity, and skills matching for current and future research projects. 

The WCRP Academy encourages and invites all research and expert groups, academic and research institutions, government agencies and non-government organizations who provide climate science training and education to register as training providers and contribute to our online training catalogue.

How to cite: van der Wel, N., Francis, F., Hart, M., Lennard, C., Jamero, Ma. L., and Batino, L.: The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Academy      , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9020,, 2025.

EGU25-9098 | Orals | EOS2.1

Multilevel Local, National, and Regional Education and Training: Building Academic Excellence in Climate Services in Ukraine.  

Jon Xavier Olano Pozo, Enric Aguilar, Inna Khomenko, Sergiy Stepanenko, Anna Boqué-Ciurana, Caterina Cimolai, Yuri Vergeles, Tetyana Diman, Miroslav Malovanyy, Olena Voloshkina, Valeryia Ovcharuk, and Svyatoslav Tyuryakov

The Erasmus+ project "Multilevel Local, National, and Regional Education and Training in Climate Services, Climate Change Adaptation, and Mitigation" (ClimED) aims to establish an advanced academic framework dedicated exclusively to climate services education in Ukraine's high education institutions. This project responds to the growing need for highly trained professionals capable of addressing the challenges posed by climate change through innovative and practical solutions.

At the core of this initiative is developing an academic program comprising a PhD and Master’s degree explicitly and specifically tailored around climate services. These programs are designed to align with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Competency Framework for Climate Services, ensuring that graduates possess the critical skills and knowledge required to excel in the field. The project wants to create a specialised, high-level academic curriculum that meets global standards and addresses local and regional needs.

In this communication, we present the course selection that will form the backbone of these programs. The PhD program is specifically designed to advance research and analytical capabilities in climate services, equipping candidates with the expertise to lead in creating, implementing, and evaluating innovative solutions within this specialised field. Meanwhile, the Master's programs are structured into two distinct areas. The first master's degree is for individuals with backgrounds in climate-related disciplines, such as atmospheric sciences, geography, and related fields. The second master approach is designed for professionals from all other disciplines, providing foundational knowledge and targeted skills to integrate climate services into their existing expertise. Additionally, the project extends its scope through professional development courses aimed at disciplines beyond the traditional boundaries of climate services. These courses emphasise integrating climate-related knowledge and practices into other fields, highlighting the universal importance of climate services across sectors. This approach ensures that professionals from diverse backgrounds—ranging from urban planning to public health and beyond—are equipped to incorporate climate considerations into their work, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and resilience.

The programs feature a strong alignment with the competencies outlined by the WMO, establishing a solid foundation for students to create, manage, and apply climate data effectively. Practical application is a central focus, with case studies, projects, and interdisciplinary approaches preparing students to address real-world challenges. The structure of the programs ensures inclusivity and relevance by tailoring educational pathways for climate specialists and professionals from other disciplines, enhancing the accessibility and applicability of climate services education. Finally, the curricula are designed to balance global frameworks with regional priorities, addressing specific challenges in Ukraine while remaining aligned with international standards.

As the project progresses, future communications will detail the development and implementation of these courses, showcasing their impact on building a new generation of climate service professionals. By fostering academic excellence and practical expertise, the ClimEd project aims to contribute significantly to global efforts in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

How to cite: Olano Pozo, J. X., Aguilar, E., Khomenko, I., Stepanenko, S., Boqué-Ciurana, A., Cimolai, C., Vergeles, Y., Diman, T., Malovanyy, M., Voloshkina, O., Ovcharuk, V., and Tyuryakov, S.: Multilevel Local, National, and Regional Education and Training: Building Academic Excellence in Climate Services in Ukraine. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9098,, 2025.

EGU25-11346 | Orals | EOS2.1

Social Hydrology: interdisciplinary research as part of higher education 

Márk Somogyvári, Matteo Roggero, and Tobias Krueger

Interdisciplinary work can be a challenge even for experienced scientists. Integrating different work methodologies, utilizing different skillsets, and effectively communicating across different fields are all essential to successfully completing such projects. How can we then design an interdisciplinary study program that is engaging for the students and clearly presents the challenges of interdisciplinary work without becoming too problematic and disillusioning?

The course Social Hydrology is organized at the Humboldt University of Berlin for students of both social and natural sciences. The goal of the program is to encourage students to engage with water-related problems in a wide interdisciplinary context while conducting an individual research project.

What keeps the course together is the subject: each year the lecture is built around a selected smaller river near the city of Berlin. The course starts with an excursion along the selected river, where walking along the river we visit all the relevant locations along them. The students use this excursion to collect impressions of human-water relations through photos, sound or text. During these excursions, the students come up with research questions which are then further distilled with the help of the lecturers. After the excursions the students are given input on various research methods, which then they can use to carry out independent project work.

The goal of the project work is to create reports in the form of research articles, which are then published online in the form of storymaps. Hence, the generated knowledge remains accessible beyond the lecture, and could be used as a basis for future research in the region. During the last years, the course became popular among the students, many of them choosing to write a master thesis on the topic of hydrology. In a few cases, the study carried out during the course was further developed into an actual research paper.

How to cite: Somogyvári, M., Roggero, M., and Krueger, T.: Social Hydrology: interdisciplinary research as part of higher education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11346,, 2025.

EGU25-11877 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

Open Resources for Geoscience Data Science Training: Insights from the Data Competence Center “DataNord” 

Annika Nolte, Lena Steinmann, and Rolf Drechsler

With the increasing reliance on data-driven methods in geosciences and the growing popularity of programming languages such as Python and R, equipping researchers with data science skills has never been more critical. The BMBF-funded project “DataNord” addresses this need by establishing an interdisciplinary data competence center for the Bremen region. The center offers researchers from all disciplines, including geosciences, and career stages a wide range of services to enhance their data handling skills throughout the entire data lifecycle.

As part of the U Bremen Research Alliance – a network comprising the University of Bremen and 12 non-university research institutes –, DataNord leverages extensive expertise in research data management and data science. A central element is the University of Bremen’s Data Science Center (DSC), where an interdisciplinary team of data scientists develops training programs and provides consultation services through the DataNord help-desk. Their target audience includes researchers from renowned institutions in the geosciences, such as the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), the University of Bremen’s MARUM, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), and the Max Planck Institute (MPI). By addressing their specialized needs, DataNord aims to foster a stronger foundation in data science across the geoscientific community.

To connect foundational data science skills with their application in specialized fields like geosciences, DataNord develops domain-specific training modules, for example, focused on analyzing and visualizing climatic and geological time series using Python. These modules use context-relevant datasets and examples, fostering greater engagement and practical impact. However, such domain-specific resources remain underrepresented in many current curricula and online resources.

To address this gap, DataNord has systematically curated open-source digital learning and teaching materials tailored to geoscientists. This includes self-guided training resources, that cover essential data science methods and feature data and code presented alongside tutorials, demonstrations, or combined exercises with solutions – making them directly applicable for researchers in self-study or valuable for teaching in workshops.

By summarizing and offering such readily accessible resources, DataNord aims not only to support more tailored and efficient data science training in higher education but also to reduce redundancy and increase efficiency in developing geoscience-specific training programs across institutions. Ultimately, this approach aims to enhance data literacy in the geosciences and promote sustainable, transparent, and reproducible research across the scientific community.

Finally, domain-specific training material also allows for rethinking the presentation of scientific knowledge in adherence to the FAIR principles – requiring data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible. It exemplifies for researchers how integrating narrative code, data, and methodological explanations (e.g., in Jupyter Notebooks) can result in executable research documents that enable researchers to share their workflows more effectively and, ultimately, become part of promoting data science skills in the geoscience community themselves.

How to cite: Nolte, A., Steinmann, L., and Drechsler, R.: Open Resources for Geoscience Data Science Training: Insights from the Data Competence Center “DataNord”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11877,, 2025.

EGU25-12035 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

Enhancing environmental modelling education with computer-based interactive learning tools 

Luka Vucinic, Fatima Ajia, Maria Isabel Freitas da Silva Vucinic, and David O'Connell

Computer-based interactive learning environments have the potential to enhance student learning outcomes, perceptions, and employability. This work examines the use of interactive learning resources from the Groundwater Project website to introduce students to the principles of environmental modelling in the context of hydrogeology.

The approach addresses challenges often faced by postgraduate students who generally find the concept of environmental modelling technocentric and daunting. By leveraging computer-based interactive tools, we evidence how teaching technical subjects such as environmental modelling can be made engaging and accessible. It empowers students by simplifying complex scientific concepts, boosting their confidence, and equipping them with practical, job-relevant skills that enhance their employability.

This work demonstrates how contemporary educational strategies and tools can address gaps in technical understanding, create equitable learning opportunities, and position students for professional roles in Environmental Management. The adoption of these approaches within academic programmes contributes to improving educational and career outcomes.

How to cite: Vucinic, L., Ajia, F., Freitas da Silva Vucinic, M. I., and O'Connell, D.: Enhancing environmental modelling education with computer-based interactive learning tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12035,, 2025.

EGU25-12172 | Orals | EOS2.1

Challenge and Barriers to Bi-national Civic Engagement: Lessons Learned and Best Practices 

Lysette Davi and Caitlyn Hall and the University of Arizona - CUES Spanning Boundaries Challenge

Communities in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands face unique water-related challenges shaped by a complex web of environmental, political, and cultural factors. Bi-national partnerships are essential for creating sustainable water management solutions. However, a "one size fits all" approach is not feasible, as water needs and governance structures vary significantly across the border region. This project highlights the lived experiences of borderland communities, emphasizing the need for local knowledge and historical context in water decision-making. We discuss the barriers to civic engagement, including community members' lack of confidence and training to engage with civic leaders and the inaccessibility of water science, which complicates the development of effective, community-driven solutions.

Our approach integrates community-based participatory research (CBPR) and citizen science to empower local communities through storytelling, data collection, and analysis. By fostering long-term, trust-based partnerships with communities in La Paz, Baja, and Hermosillo, Sonora, we aim to create a model for inclusive, sustainable water governance. The University of Arizona's close proximity to the border provides a unique opportunity to engage students in interdisciplinary service-learning projects that bridge the gap between scientific research and community action. Our project also aims to develop open-access educational modules, frameworks, and a living archive, leveraging student involvement in data collection, analysis, and communication to ensure that water governance solutions are grounded in community values and needs.

In collaboration with faculty and community leaders, we aim to build community capacity, enhance student learning, and promote lasting partnerships through service-learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the development of accessible data and resources for advocacy. Our lessons learned and best practices discussion will contribute to a broader understanding of how to support bi-national civic engagement, providing a framework for future projects aimed at environmental sustainability in the borderlands.

How to cite: Davi, L. and Hall, C. and the University of Arizona - CUES Spanning Boundaries Challenge: Challenge and Barriers to Bi-national Civic Engagement: Lessons Learned and Best Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12172,, 2025.

EGU25-12295 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

A Foresight study on Sustainable Disaster and Emergency Management SUDEM processes digitalisation: the European Higher Education and Life-Long Learning perspective 

Georgi Georgiev, Mehmet Aksit, Anatoliy Sachenko, Pavlo Bykovyy, Oleg Zachko, Dmytro Kobylkin, Dimo Zafirov, and Axel Sikora

During the last 150 years the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere has increased by 1,3 °C, leading to a significant increase in extreme environmental events and disasters in our densely populated areas. In addition, anthropogenic disasters from large-scale accidents or warfare are on an unfortunate rise.
The ERASMUS+ project SUDEM (2023-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000159479) is establishing and validating a novel interdisciplinary higher education knowledge transfer model and curriculum, with focus on the digitalisation of the overall disaster and emergency handling lifecycle. The international team embeds principles of practice and education from all relevant domains, incl. risk and disaster monitoring and management, decision-making support, disaster handling management, AI, IoT, Data Science, remote sensing (satellites and drones) and data fusion, data management.

SUDEM seeks to prepare students with the skills required to address the efficient management of relevant extreme events’ and disasters’ consequences, and improve the emergency processes. The overarching goal is Europe to create a pool of disaster management experts with an adequately intensive focus on digital tools, through which the disaster-caused life and infrastructure losses to significantly decrease in the long-term perspective.

The project unites a consortium of leading European Higher Education and Research organisations, leveraging international collaboration to align academic programs with the demands of the optimal disaster management, incl. the decision-making support. SUDEM emphasises creating adaptable and accessible educational modules that can be implemented across diverse Higher Education and Life-Long Learning organisations.

This paper represents the results of the SUDEM Foresight study - a core project methodology element, enabling the elaboration and delivery of an efficient response to the identified demands and challenges, potential solutions, a relevant system architecture, and an optimal future development scenario incl. education, process management, policy, and finally a unique knowledge and training package as a core project result.

How to cite: Georgiev, G., Aksit, M., Sachenko, A., Bykovyy, P., Zachko, O., Kobylkin, D., Zafirov, D., and Sikora, A.: A Foresight study on Sustainable Disaster and Emergency Management SUDEM processes digitalisation: the European Higher Education and Life-Long Learning perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12295,, 2025.

EGU25-12363 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

'A water journey: from glaciers to rivers and lakes through storytelling' - Learnings from an online transdisciplinary course 

Inka Koch, Solmaz Mohadjer, Leonie Schwarz, Chiara Gehrig, and Kurt Schneider

In an increasingly global society, environmental challenges such as water scarcity and pollution impact everyone. The inextricable link between water and climate change together with population growth and economic development force up to 50% of the world's population into a state of water insecurity by 2050. Sustainable water management is, therefore, a growing challenge around the world. Furthermore, it is imperative to communicate effectively to raise awareness of the global freshwater crisis and to advance water management discourses. 

Here we focus on a recent (winter semester 2024/25) piloting of a course titled A water journey: from glaciers to rivers and lakes through storytelling. The course is part of Global Awareness Education in the Transdisciplinary Course Program at the University of Tübingen in Germany, and is open to bachelor and master students of all disciplines (not just geosciences) from both the University of Tübingen and CIVIS (an alliance of 11 leading universities across Europe). The focus of this course was two-fold: First, students learn about the fundamentals of water resource challenges worldwide also concerning virtual water trades, and how human activities such as damming rivers for hydroelectricity and using water for farming impact the water cycle. Integrated water resource management as a solution to transboundary river management disputes was also explored using a role-play scenario. Second, students were introduced to storytelling communication tools and strategies to inform, educate and influence individuals and communities to tackle water issues. Students then applied gained knowledge to create an audio product related to water using narratives and stories which were integrated into a radio piece for broader impact.

Using a survey questionnaire at the start and end of the course, we assessed students’ knowledge of global water challenges and solutions as well as their level of awareness towards local watersheds, drinking water, and global water footprints. We also assessed students’ confidence and skills in, and attitudes towards water communication through storytelling. In this presentation, we share the survey results, offer samples of students' audio work, and discuss the challenges and opportunities we faced in course implementation.

How to cite: Koch, I., Mohadjer, S., Schwarz, L., Gehrig, C., and Schneider, K.: 'A water journey: from glaciers to rivers and lakes through storytelling' - Learnings from an online transdisciplinary course, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12363,, 2025.

Fissured Rock Hydraulics is a crucial aspect of hydrogeological and geophysical education. It is highly relevant in fields such as water management, rock stability, and reservoir engineering. However, teaching this topic presents challenges due to the distinct features of fractures compared to porous media, the scale-dependence of processes like dispersion, and the natural heterogeneity of the systems involved. These factors can make it difficult for students to grasp the concepts fully.

This contribution uses a Problem-Based Learning approach to demonstrate how 3D printing can enhance the teaching of fracture flow. In this approach, student groups were tasked with designing experimental setups to showcase various fracture flow features. The resulting setups were then used in combination with video recordings to highlight specific processes and effects. This work presents solutions for:

  • Solute transport along a fracture profile
  • Macroscopic dispersion in a fracture network
  • Flow channeling along a rough fracture surface

Finally, this contribution reflects on the learning outcomes and provides links to the developed methods for easy adaptation in other courses.

How to cite: Heinze, T.: Using 3D printing in a Problem-Based Learning approach about fissured rock hydraulics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12595,, 2025.

EGU25-12914 | Orals | EOS2.1

A multi-disciplinary approach to teaching climate change and data science 

Sally Close, Pierre Tandeo, and Guillaume Maze

The UN sustainable development goals, of which climate action forms a part, are increasingly being taught within higher education. In France, for example, all institutions receiving students at the undergraduate level are required to provide core education relating to the ecological transition for sustainable development, regardless of the student’s chosen discipline. There is thus a need to communicate basic climate science to students who are not directly studying this topic.

In the geosciences, masters level programmes typically include one, or several, courses on data analysis. However, both the quantity of data available, and the tools that are available to analyse this data have changed dramatically over recent decades. These questions of how to practically manage the analysis of very large quantities of data and how to apply data science techniques are relatively new, and as such have not historically formed part of the typical geoscience data analysis curriculum. Further, these questions may require a knowledge of both computer science and applied mathematics that is substantially beyond that required for simple data analysis tasks.

Motivated by these problems, a course entitled “Big data and cloud computing for climate” has been developed by a multidisciplinary group of educators from different institutions, comprising an IT engineer, a statistician and two physical oceanographers. For the past 10 years, this course has been delivered to a multidisciplinary group of students, composed of engineers and physical oceanography masters students. The aim of the course is for students to learn to use data science tools on appropriate clusters of machines to treat questions related to climate change.

In the initial phase of the course, the students follow around 20 hours of theoretical and practical classes, which cover topics such as cloud computing, the map-reduce concept, some widely-used libraries (xarray, Dask, zarr), as well as descriptive and predictive statistics, applied to ocean data. The students then spend approximately 15 hours working on group projects, mentored by one of the members of the teaching staff, in which they manipulate large data sets to investigate a specific climate question. Because the students are enrolled in different programmes, they have complementary skills for this phase of the course: the engineering students have better knowledge of data science techniques, and the physical oceanography students have better knowledge of climate science. They are thus able to collaborate to address the scientific question more efficiently.

The learning outcomes for the course depend on the students’ backgrounds: for the engineering students, they improve their understanding of the physics of climate change, and gain insight into the potential applications of the data science techniques that they have studied previously. For the oceanography students, they learn to efficiently manipulate large quantities of data and apply modern statistical analysis techniques. Student feedback about the course has been consistently positive, and the teaching collaboration has also led to research collaboration amongst the teaching staff.

How to cite: Close, S., Tandeo, P., and Maze, G.: A multi-disciplinary approach to teaching climate change and data science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12914,, 2025.

EGU25-13791 | Orals | EOS2.1

Transnational Collaboration and Capacity Building as the Key to Enhancing Greater Mekong Region Groundwater Management 

Okke Batelaan, Mathieu Viossanges, Paul Pavelic, Steve Barnett, Saskia Noorduijn, Cara Ellickson, Eddie Banks, Pascal Castellazzi, Margaret Shanafield, and Simone Stewart

Formal and traditional education in hydrology and water management at universities has limitations in achieving practical, beneficial impacts on the ground. Many early career water managers end up in their positions with limited formal training in modern tools and techniques and often lack the necessary transdisciplinary skills. This is especially true for a large part of the world where access to appropriate higher education is severely constrained, while water management issues are complex. The Greater Mekong Region is a case in point. Therefore, alternative approaches to capacity building that utilise short courses, on-the-job training, peer-to-peer learning, and regional international collaboration are greatly needed.

In this contribution, we discuss an initiative to advance groundwater management expertise in the Greater Mekong Region, covering Vietnam, Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia, through international collaboration and capacity building. Groundwater in the Greater Mekong Region offers many social, economic, cultural and environmental benefits to areas not in direct access of surface water or during long dry seasons. However, the knowledge and expertise in hydrogeology, groundwater quantity and quality, and its management varies significantly between countries, with some, like Thailand and Vietnam, demonstrating advanced capabilities, while others are beginning to gain momentum and develop their expertise. Recently, new reviews and integration of regional information have advanced national and transnational understanding of similarities and differences in groundwater resources, strengthening the opportunity for improved transboundary water management. Nevertheless, access to expertise in gathering, processing and managing groundwater information is a limiting factor due to a skills shortage. In this initiative, key practitioners from four Mekong countries were trained in transdisciplinary water management in Australia and their home countries. Peer-to-peer learning, regional exchange of information and experiences, exposure to exemplary groundwater management practices, and development of cross-cultural and gender awareness were key components of the training. The participants evaluated the training as highly beneficial due to the intensive, practical and transnational approach.  

The discussed approach to transdisciplinary water education overcomes and extends some of the traditional limits of sectoral science and engineering university education with respect to regional groundwater management. A key outcome is the continued development of a cross-cultural, regional, international community of practitioners that fosters collaboration and exchange of information and expertise needed for effective transnational management.

How to cite: Batelaan, O., Viossanges, M., Pavelic, P., Barnett, S., Noorduijn, S., Ellickson, C., Banks, E., Castellazzi, P., Shanafield, M., and Stewart, S.: Transnational Collaboration and Capacity Building as the Key to Enhancing Greater Mekong Region Groundwater Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13791,, 2025.

EGU25-15248 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

Master's Programmes for Disaster Risk Management: Existing Approaches and Future Directions 

Annika Froewis, Sternath Sophia, Marr Philipp, and Glade Thomas

The escalating frequency and complexity of disasters worldwide, driven by climate change, environmental degradation, and societal vulnerabilities, underscores the critical need for highly skilled disaster risk management (DRM) professionals. Postgraduate education has emerged as a cornerstone in developing such expertise, with numerous programmes globally offering advanced qualifications tailored to address specific aspects of DRM. These range from resilience-building and disaster mitigation to crisis response and recovery. Institutions in different parts of the world provide specialised Master's programmes that integrate scientific research, field-based training, and policy-oriented curricula to prepare graduates for interdisciplinary challenges in civil protection, humanitarian action, and disaster governance. Moreover, lifelong learning plays a pivotal role in this field, as it supports professionals in adapting to emerging challenges and new areas of expertise, which are increasingly incorporated into Master's programmes.

Despite these advancements, variations in programme structure, scope, and accessibility have created gaps in standardisation and knowledge exchange across European regions. Recognising this, the aim of this contribution is to provide an overview of existing approaches, with a particular focus on the role of geosciences within DRM, and highlight their potentials and limitations. On this basis, we try to leverage best practices and develop recommendations for the optimisation of postgraduate Master's programmes in the broad field of DRM.

How to cite: Froewis, A., Sophia, S., Philipp, M., and Thomas, G.: Master's Programmes for Disaster Risk Management: Existing Approaches and Future Directions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15248,, 2025.

EGU25-16361 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Co-creation of Flexible and Resilient Courses to Meet Stakeholder Needs 

Tamer Abu-Alam, Angel Marinov, Elen Garcia, Olga Voropai, Rory Taylor, Rosabel Martínez Roig, Antonio Jesus Anton Baeza, Svilen Simeonov, Eduardo Sanchez Garcia, and Asuncion Menargues Marcilla

The rapid development of knowledge and evolving societal demands necessitate an education system that is both flexible and resilient. Such adaptability is crucial for fostering innovation and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset, ultimately delivering a highly skilled workforce that drives a greener, more sustainable, and inclusive society.

This contribution introduces a novel co-creation method for course development, where stakeholders take an active role in shaping course objectives, content, assessment, and even participating in teaching and evaluation processes. This approach was piloted successfully in two phases, leading to the creation of a course focused on green transition and societal inclusion. Building on this success, the method was later applied to develop two additional courses related to business creation and entrepreneurship, demonstrating its versatility across a broad range of subjects.

In this contribution, we will present the co-creation method, showcase the outcomes of the courses developed using this approach, and discuss its potential to address diverse educational needs. We will also engage with the academic community to explore how this method can be refined and adapted for developing courses in geosciences and environmental studies, further supporting a future-ready education system.

How to cite: Abu-Alam, T., Marinov, A., Garcia, E., Voropai, O., Taylor, R., Roig, R. M., Baeza, A. J. A., Simeonov, S., Garcia, E. S., and Marcilla, A. M.: Co-creation of Flexible and Resilient Courses to Meet Stakeholder Needs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16361,, 2025.

GEOMME (Climate-induced geohazards mitigation, management, and education in Japan, South Korea, and Norway) and NATRISK (Enhancing risk management & resilience to natural hazards in India, Brazil, & Norway through collaborative education, research, & innovation) are international collaboration projects addressing challenges related to natural hazard and risk. The main aim is to foster partnerships to improve education, enhance resilience, and build adaptive capacity. The initiative focuses on international collaboration through educational programs on geohazards and risk management, aiming to improve the resilience of vulnerable communities and infrastructure. A key annual activity in both projects is the development of intensive, research- and experience-based courses designed for graduate students and practitioners. Both consortia are composed of universities, research institutes, local agencies and municipalities. To date, four courses have been conducted across the two projects, with a total of eight planned. Participants have included students from University of Oslo (UiO), University of Bergen (UiB), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and University of Tromsø (UiT), as well as representatives from institutes in the partner countries.

GEOMME, a partnership with institutions in Japan (NIED, Niigata University), South Korea (KAIST, KIGAM), and Norway (University of Tromsø, NGI), develops joint education on climate-driven geohazards. The consortium is structured around four areas of scientific advancement: geohazards in a changing climate (2022), modelling over different spatial scales (2023), monitoring and early-warning systems (2024), and sustainability in hazard mitigation (2025). The main activities have included short courses, workshops, field excursions, technical webinars, and researcher exchanges. Courses have been held in Norway, Japan, and South Korea, focusing on climate-change and geohazard regimes, hazard modelling, early-warning systems, and remote sensing applications. Practical exercises and field visits have been used to complement the teaching activities, offering students real-world insights into geohazard management.

NATRISK is a partnership between Brazil (CEMADEN, UFRJ, Nova Friburgo Municipality), India (IITB, IITR, CRRI, BMTPC), and Norway (UiB, Ullensvang municipality, NGI) that addresses the compounding risks posed by climate change, natural hazards, and urbanization – with a partial focus on marginalized communities. NATRISK aims to contribute to societal resilience in regions prone to landslides, earthquakes, and floods. The project is structured around four thematic pillars: understanding natural hazards (2024), risk assessment (2025), risk mitigation and communication (2026), and enhancing resilience (2027). Key achievements during the first year of the project include a training course, field excursion, and workshop in carried out in Bergen, Norway and organized by NGI and UiB. NATRISK has also facilitated international research exchanges for both students and researchers.

GEOMME (322469) and NATRISK (337241) are financed through the INTPART program from the Research Council of Norway and Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.

How to cite: Piciullo, L. and Gilbert, G. L.: International Collaboration in Geohazard Education & Research: Experience from GEOMME and NATRISK Partnership Projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17022,, 2025.

EGU25-17707 | Orals | EOS2.1

Advancing Education on Energy and Landscapes 

Daniele Stefàno and David Christian Finger

A pioneering collaboration between the Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI) and Reykjavik University (RU) is establishing a new framework for university education on integrating renewable energy into natural and cultural landscapes. At the heart of this initiative is the innovative "Energy and Landscape" course, which empowers students to holistically assess renewable energy production in pristine environments, balancing ecological preservation, social acceptance, cultural heritage, resource management, and economic feasibility. The current Landscape Architecture framework aims to recognize natural and cultural values in contemporary landscapes. Energy infrastructure must also be considered a necessary part of people's lives in an area. In this sense, integrating models and approaches among different disciplines allows a better integration of these structures within the landscapes in which they are embedded without fragmenting their systems.

The case study of Andakill, a protected habitat near the AUI campus in Hvanneyri, is a cornerstone of educational and research activities. Recognized for its exceptional ecological value, Andakill's pristine landscapes are home to historic landmarks immortalized in Icelandic sagas and abundant renewable energy resources. This unique setting offers students opportunities to explore sustainable energy development while appreciating the interplay between nature and culture. The initiative leverages the complementary strengths of its partner universities. The AUI campus in a Ramsar-protected wetland provides direct access to sensitive ecosystems and serves as a living laboratory for environmental research. In parallel, RU's cutting-edge engineering expertise fosters innovation in energy solutions. The campuses provide a dynamic environment where students can gain theoretical insights, hands-on experience, and a deep connection to nature.

The course has both a theoretical and a practical design component, which takes place in AUI's landscape architecture ateliers. This aims to make the educational offering new and cutting-edge. Through immersive fieldwork and interdisciplinary learning, students are equipped to evaluate and address the environmental impacts, cultural implications, and economic boundaries of renewable energy systems. By combining classroom instruction with practical exposure to Andakill's hydropower systems, geothermal resources, tidal currents, wind energy potential, and biomass initiatives, students comprehensively understand sustainable energy development harmoniously with Iceland's unique natural and cultural heritage. This collaboration advances renewable energy education and inspires the next generation of professionals to create solutions for a climate-neutral society while preserving the delicate balance between energy needs and natural landscapes.

How to cite: Stefàno, D. and Finger, D. C.: Advancing Education on Energy and Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17707,, 2025.

EGU25-18116 | Orals | EOS2.1

Designing work-relevant geosciences programs 

Lisa Watson, Micol Pezzotta, and Kenan Dikilitas

Geoscience-based jobs in the oil and gas industry are changing; thus, the education students receive must adapt to maintain work relevancy. In Norway, the confluence of changing industry needs to meet net-zero emissions and increased interest in carbon storage combined with decreased student admission in oil and gas education programs prompted the establishment of a research project to investigate the current and changing competence needs in the Norwegian oil and gas industry and to map competence development within the MSc in Energy, Reservoir, and Earth Sciences, offered in the Department of Energy Resources at the University of Stavanger, Norway. The research project, Defining Future Subsurface Education Needs in Collaboration with the Energy Industry (SUBSET), is supported by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills and collaborates with 5 energy companies and 2 trade unions. We applied a multi-method approach to determine the current and future needs within the Norwegian oil and gas industry. Through analysing interviews with company representatives, surveys with the workforce, discussions with trade unions, and workshops between companies and academia, we created a list of 28 thematic topics and competences. We compared this list to the learning outcomes of a master’s degree program and the courses contained therein to determine which competences were addressed and which were not. The study program is equivalent to 90 ECTS of coursework, consisting of 8 core courses and 4 elective courses, and a 30 ECTS thesis. Students are not obligated to the program electives; however, most students concentrate on the program electives. 27 competences were addressed by between 1 and 9 courses, whereas communication skills are addressed by 10 courses in some manner. Only 1 competence – financial management – was not addressed in the program; however, students could take a non-program elective to meet this competence. According to the competence mapping, the master's degree program contains a high-level of work relevant skills development. In this presentation, we discuss the methodological approach applied and the detailed competence mapping of the master’s degree program with a critical look at the content.

How to cite: Watson, L., Pezzotta, M., and Dikilitas, K.: Designing work-relevant geosciences programs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18116,, 2025.

EGU25-18126 | Orals | EOS2.1

Interactive understanding of groundwater hydrology and hydrogeology – the iNUX project  

Thomas Reimann, Rudolf Liedl, Roland Barthel, Markus Giese, Steffen Birk, Edith Grießer, Daniel Fernandez-Garcia, and Oriol Bertran

Groundwater represents more than 97% of the globally available freshwater resources. Groundwater is situated in geological structures in the subsurface and is therefore not visible, and difficult to characterize and manage. As a consequence, it is often not adequately considered by authorities, the general public – and in education. However, teaching and learning Hydrogeology and Groundwater Management at universities, as well as continuing education training for professionals, is essential to deal with future challenges. For this reason, it is important to use suitable educational materials to improve understanding of the complex topic of groundwater among these target groups. An ongoing Erasmus+ cooperation project named iNUX – interactive understanding of groundwater hydrogeology aims to address the need for digital teaching material ( The iNUX project aims to achieve an interactive and digital learning environment in hydrogeology and groundwater management with a European but also global target of teachers and students.

Existing experience in teaching relevant groundwater subjects from highly reputable European universities is used to develop provide open source interactive and digital teaching material focusing on fundamental and applied hydrogeology. The teaching material covers basic theory in combination with field and laboratory applications in different European environments (Northern Europe, Central Europe, and the Mediterranean). The teaching material comprises (1) various types of videos (e.g., field experiments, lab experiments, screencasts of calculations and software use), (2) interactive educational documents based on Python  like Streamlit Apps and  Jupyter notebooks that combine explanation with live code, (3) various types of questions and problems that allow different assessments to enhance self-controlled learning of students. All materials are intended as open source and publicly available. The iNUX activities also comprise initiatives to establish interest groups to combine efforts towards larger pools of commonly developed digital teaching material (e.g., open source repositories like, question pools, and more) and to link with other activities like the 'Groundwater project' ( The presentation will include existing examples of digital teaching materials and initial evaluation results to investigate the effect on student learning.

How to cite: Reimann, T., Liedl, R., Barthel, R., Giese, M., Birk, S., Grießer, E., Fernandez-Garcia, D., and Bertran, O.: Interactive understanding of groundwater hydrology and hydrogeology – the iNUX project , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18126,, 2025.

EGU25-18366 | Orals | EOS2.1

Geoscience is the future, not a dirty word! Rebranding ourselves to encourage geoscience uptake in schools & universities. 

Natasha Stephen, Ashley Akingbade, Sarah Quinn, Katie Jones, Thomas Harvey, George Jameson, Megan O'Donnell, and Simon Thompson

The geosciences have a long association with economic development and growth owing to the legacy of coal, oil and gas exploration, and mining. However, in the 21st century where geosciences have cleaned up their act and are leading the way in sustainability and climate science, digital technologies, and space exploration globally, it’s often still hard to shake the outdated perceptions of our field, and anecdotally this has been cited as a contributor to the diminishing student numbers seen across university programmes (Stephen et al. 2023; 2024).

This is Geoscience is a new public awareness campaign from the Geological Society of London, designed to challenge current perceptions of geosciences in the public domain by providing additional insights into the breadth & benefits of geoscience, and encouraging the use of the word ‘geoscience’ or ‘geology’ in schools to improve geoscience literacy (Stephen et al. 2024). These unbranded materials focus on the diverse array of geoscience topics that may be overlooked and are simple images or moving graphics with single strapline; this is geoscience. They are made available online, across social media, and in print, and are available to everyone to use.

The main aim of the this is geoscience campaign is to encourage geoscience uptake at university and to future-proof our field with a plentiful supply of new, diverse talent within our pipeline, and to ensure we can reduce the growing skills gap that we face. However, it will take many years, perhaps decades, to be able to determine any meaningful impact at that scale, and therefore in the medium term the focus is on university admission numbers, and on the accuracy and diversity of careers information currently available to our prospective students. This presentation will share the newly available resources, highlight important trends in past data, and discuss what comes next: Geoscience for All.

How to cite: Stephen, N., Akingbade, A., Quinn, S., Jones, K., Harvey, T., Jameson, G., O'Donnell, M., and Thompson, S.: Geoscience is the future, not a dirty word! Rebranding ourselves to encourage geoscience uptake in schools & universities., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18366,, 2025.

EGU25-18442 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

Cryoskills: an inclusive engineering and field skills course for polar scientists 

Lisa Craw, Elizabeth Bagshaw, Samuel Doyle, Emma Fisher, Donna Frater, Simon Filhol, Jonathan Hawkins, Larissa van der Laan, Michael Prior-Jones, Emma Smith, and Tun Jan Young

Research in the polar sciences demands a wide range of practical engineering and field work skills which many early-career researchers (ECRs) do not learn as a part of their formal education. These skills are often learned directly through field experience or from senior colleagues. This perpetuates a culture where only those who are fortunate or judged capable enough by others will gain the skills they need to work safely and effectively in the polar regions, leading to the systematic exclusion of some groups from field-based polar research.

We developed a week-long residential field course, CryoSkills, to provide experience in engineering and fieldwork in cold environments to ECRs, many of whom might not have an opportunity to learn those skills elsewhere. The first iteration of the course took place in Haugastøl, Norway in April 2024, with all costs covered for those selected to attend. The six day course was structured around participants constructing and deploying a bespoke temperature datalogger and deploying it in a snowfield near to the accommodation. To help them achieve this, participants undertook a mix of indoor and outdoor practical exercises covering electronic, mechanical and software engineering, field skills and teamwork. Course materials and design files will be released as open source for use by the community. 

We conducted an equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) survey of all applicants, and course participants filled out a comprehensive feedback survey on their experience. Course participants reported improved confidence across all areas covered in the course, and particularly noted the positive impact of the inclusive culture on their learning outcomes and experience. The results of the EDI survey show a narrowing in the diversity of participants compared to applicants, which we attribute to the prioritisation conditions of the course funding. Access to funding remains a major barrier to disseminating vital engineering and field skills to the wider polar science community.

How to cite: Craw, L., Bagshaw, E., Doyle, S., Fisher, E., Frater, D., Filhol, S., Hawkins, J., van der Laan, L., Prior-Jones, M., Smith, E., and Young, T. J.: Cryoskills: an inclusive engineering and field skills course for polar scientists, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18442,, 2025.

EGU25-18623 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.1

Virtual Fieldwork for Oceanography: the Virtual Ship Classroom 

Emma Daniels and Erik van Sebille

Fieldwork is an essential component of many higher education programs, but in marine sciences fieldwork opportunities are scarce. We have therefore designed a digital learning experience. Our virtual fieldwork is suitable for students, early-career scientist and staff who want to practice conducting an expedition and can openly be adjusted to other fields of research.

Virtual fieldwork is a relatively new concept, often incorporating Virtual Reality (VR). It has the potential to offer many benefits to students, such as being more inclusive, building student skills and confidence, and increasing engagement in the topic studied. The virtual ship classroom has been designed as an authentic learning environment[1] that reflects real-world oceanographic research practices and planning where students are empowered through choice to direct their own learning.

Students formulate a research question, plan and prepare for an expedition, and virtually measure ocean fields. The data is generated by our python tool in such a way that the output closely resembles the datafiles that are generated by the equipment onboard research vessel. This allows students to work with and interpret realistic data files while investigating a phenomenon of their own choice.

We have recently added VR in the form of 360° videos to the virtual ship classroom. We are actively investigating the added value, engagement and immersion students experience though design-based research[2].

We collaborated with course instructors to set intended learning goals and evaluated the virtual fieldwork (in four graduate-level classes so far) using interviews with students, instructors and teaching assistants, surveys, rubrics, and notebooks/assignments.

We find the Virtual Ship Classroom contributes positively to learning outcomes and student satisfaction, because the learning is highly student driven and perceived as authentic. The students reported high levels of engagement in class and with the learning materials. They appreciated their growth in terms of content knowledge, real world research planning skills, data analysis and collaborative problem solving. As such, we believe this type of authentic virtual fieldwork will help students develop critical 21st century skills and should be transferred to other fields of research as well.

All material is open source and available online: We welcome anyone in the world to use and contribute to the Virtual Ship Classroom.

[1] Herrington, J., Reeves, T. C., & Oliver, R. (2014). Authentic Learning Environments. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. Elen, & M. J. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 401–412). Springer.

[2] Design-Based Research Collective. (2003). Design-Based Research: An Emerging Paradigm for Educational Inquiry. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 5–8.

How to cite: Daniels, E. and van Sebille, E.: Virtual Fieldwork for Oceanography: the Virtual Ship Classroom, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18623,, 2025.

EGU25-19144 | Orals | EOS2.1

Drifters Do it Yourself (D2iY), an integrated project to learn oceanography by building and deploying surface drifters. 

Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Alexander Barth, Abel Dechenne, Cédric Delforge, Sylvie Gobert, Loïc Laur, and Cécile Pujol

Within the frame of the Master in Oceanography of the University of Liège (Belgium), a two-week research stay is held every year at research station STARESO (Station de Recherches Sous-Marines) in the Bay of Calvi in Corsica (France). During these two weeks, the students can put in practice the theoretical concepts they have acquired during their classes. This includes pelagic and benthic measuring campaigns to measure ocean currents, temperature and salinity, fluorescence, dissolved oxygen, etc. The students also dive to observe the Posidonia meadows, their extension and density, as well as the inhabitants of this rich ecosystem.

Since 2023, and with the support of the University of Liège, we have developed the program “Drifters Do it Yourself” (D2iY), in which the students build deriving platforms (surface drifters) equipped with different sensors, that they deploy during the 2-week field trip. The drifters measure the ocean currents and temperature of the water, and are built out of wood (the mast) and fabric (the sails) in order to keep the price low and prioritising sustainable materials. This project aims at developing a wide array of student competences, going from the conception and building of the platform, the programming of a Raspberry Pi that commands the measurements and communication with the shore, the design of the measuring strategy and the analysis of the results obtained. Working in groups of 3-4 students, cooperation and teamwork are necessary in order to successfully finish the project. The students are driven to think about the best strategies to sample the Bay of Calvi, including the depth and frequency of measurements. The robustness of the drifters is put to a tough test when deriving with the ocean currents, which also makes the students think about the special needs of measuring in harsh environments. Once the drifters are recovered, they analyse the results and compare them with other sources of information, which also allows them to assess the accuracy of their data. Being able to build a project from scratch makes the students much more aware of what it is needed to design a successful measuring campaign and allows them to integrate the knowledge they acquire in the different theoretical lessons and put it to work in a fun and cooperative way. The project keeps evolving year to year to include new sensors and platform designs, and also to integrate suggestions provided by the students after their experience with the drifters. The complete source code to log and send the position via the GSM network and post-processing the data to compute surface currents is available at


How to cite: Alvera-Azcárate, A., Barth, A., Dechenne, A., Delforge, C., Gobert, S., Laur, L., and Pujol, C.: Drifters Do it Yourself (D2iY), an integrated project to learn oceanography by building and deploying surface drifters., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19144,, 2025.

EGU25-19173 | Orals | EOS2.1

Advancing Earth Sciences through digital tools: key challenges from field and laboratory datasets  

Meritxell Aulinas, Marco De Matteis, Oriol Ferrer, Eduard Roca, Oscar Gratacós, Helena Albert, Pau Arbues, Sietske Batenburg, Fernando Borras, Eloi Carola, David Garcia-Selles, Marta Guinau, Miguel López-Blanco, Pablo Granado, Eulalia Massana, Julia Molins, Josep Anton Muñoz, and Marco Snidero

Understanding geological processes is essential to tackling theenvironmental and social challenges of the future, such as the sustainable management of natural resources and the mitigation of geological hazards. However, the inherent complexity of Earth Sciences and the lack of engaging methodologies to broader audiences make the dissemination of this knowledge to the society a significant challenge. At the same time, the digital transition is transforming science and education, a shift accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted the limitations of traditional field and laboratory methodologies. This scenario calls for a deeper integration of digital technologies to overcome accessibility barriers, while simultaneously enabling the preservation of ephemeral outcrops, and enhance society’s understanding of geological processes.

Whithin this framework, the UB-GEOMODELS Research Institute of the University of Barcelona leads a series of projects, driven by the GEODIGIT project (TED2021-130602B-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 for the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR, which aim to develop, apply and validate advanced methodologies levearing digital and disruptive technologies to transform how geological content is generated, analysed and disseminated. Its primary goals include:

-Generating scientific knowledge through digital and disruptive technologies applied to outcrops, rock samples and 3D analogue models to address the demands of the energy transition.

-Enhancing the dissemination and teaching of geological content for the scientific community, educators and societyat large.

-Promoting scientific culture to inspire future generations to engage with Earth Sciences.

This project combines cutting-edge technologies, including LiDAR, photogrammetry, and UAVs, to build photorealistic 3D digital models of outcrops, rock samples, and sandbox models. It also incorporates disruptive technologies like Virtual Reality and 3D printing, pushing the boundaries of traditional geology dissemination. Furthermore, the project will establish an open-access digital library of geological content designed to benefit students, researchers and professionals. These tools will be tailored to inclusive educational methodologies that integrate individuals with functional diversity.

With this project, a new pathway emerges to connect Earth Sciences with society through the power of the technology, enhancing both scientific knowledge and it dissemination across various societal sectors.

How to cite: Aulinas, M., De Matteis, M., Ferrer, O., Roca, E., Gratacós, O., Albert, H., Arbues, P., Batenburg, S., Borras, F., Carola, E., Garcia-Selles, D., Guinau, M., López-Blanco, M., Granado, P., Massana, E., Molins, J., Muñoz, J. A., and Snidero, M.: Advancing Earth Sciences through digital tools: key challenges from field and laboratory datasets , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19173,, 2025.

EGU25-20433 | Posters on site | EOS2.1

DRAGON reducing barriers in geosciences and civil engineering education through digital innovation 

Mandy Duda, Kirsten Bartmann, Alexander-Dean Seiling, Robin Pastaschuk, Marc Ogan, Benedikt Kosmann, Eugen Perau, Frank Könemann, Julia Godlewska, Tobias Backers, Janine Ulbrich, and Julian Seifart

In geosciences and civil engineering, a key aspect of professional expertise is gaining experience in perceiving and understanding the three-dimensional interactions within the subsurface, as well as between the subsurface and structures, as part of a complex catalogue of competencies. This is typically achieved through geological fieldwork, mapping, and site inspections. However, students facing various challenges—such as those related to socio-cultural status, insufficient financial resources, or physical and mental impairments—may not benefit equally from educational field programs. Additionally, the number of participants in fieldwork is often limited due to factors like safety regulations, and some teaching content is only temporarily available, especially in the context of construction sites, or may be inaccessible.

DRAGON is an interdisciplinary teaching project aimed at reducing barriers to fieldwork at the nexus of engineering geology and civil engineering by offering digital teaching content.

We have developed a contextualized catalogue of regular and 360° videos, 3D models, games, animations, and digital lectures. In addition to digitally guided recordings of outcrops and sites via 360° tours, samples, and tools, augmented reality (AR) elements and 3D virtual reality (VR) experiences are incorporated. A video game was created to collect discontinuity data from a digitized outcrop, and a VR game guides users through the excavations of an abandoned mine.

The content created within DRAGON complements regular classes and field courses by providing high-quality supplementary teaching materials. It enhances accessibility for a diverse audience, helps to prevent potential discrimination in the curriculum, attracts prospective students, and can be used by authorities or as part of professional training.

How to cite: Duda, M., Bartmann, K., Seiling, A.-D., Pastaschuk, R., Ogan, M., Kosmann, B., Perau, E., Könemann, F., Godlewska, J., Backers, T., Ulbrich, J., and Seifart, J.: DRAGON reducing barriers in geosciences and civil engineering education through digital innovation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20433,, 2025.

EGU25-21575 | Orals | EOS2.1

Future Water: Lessons learned and ways forward for transdisciplinary,cross-cultural water education 

Michael Pointl, Ina Vertommen, Nadine Lorber, Dirk Muschalla, and Kevin Lansey

Increasingly adverse effects of climate change, accelerating urbanization, overtaxing of resources and aging infrastructure pose a wide range of challenges for current and future water managers. The scale and urgency of these challenges require innovative, holistic solutions, often surpassing the scope of traditional civil and environmental engineering education. Nonetheless, few educational initiatives or academic programs exist that enable civil and environmental engineering students to develop water management solutions in a transdisciplinary, international environment. The international web seminar Future Water, now in its second iteration, is designed to bridge this gap by offering students, educators, and researchers from all over the world such an environment.

In Future Water, students develop sustainable water management concepts for predefined settings in small, self-organized teams, supported by a set of formal lectures and input from a faculty advisor. This basic idea is the same for both iterations of the seminar; the status quo in academic education, however, has evolved considerably since the first seminar. When Future Water first took place just before the COVID-19 pandemic, working entirely online was novel to most participants. While virtual collaboration has become commonplace since 2020, the recent, yet widespread adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents another significant paradigm shift in water education, which had to be considered when conceptualizing the 2025 seminar.

In this work, we detail how the rise of AI tools in engineering education, combined with lessons from the first seminar, impacted the second’s conceptualization, materials and outcomes. For this purpose, data from both seminars - i.e., lecture recordings, meeting transcripts and students’ work products, as well as submitted questionnaires, time sheets and AI prompts - is combined. First, an integrated analysis of these materials is used to reveal commonalities, differences and gaps in student teams’ water management solutions. Second, the resulting insights are correlated with team members’ academic backgrounds, seniority, as well as group dynamics and communication characteristics. Third, the collected prompts are used to quantify the degree to which AI was adopted by civil and environmental engineering students and how it impacted their research, solution development and communication of water management concepts to interdisciplinary audiences.

Finally, we address how the compendium of findings affect the goal of establishing Future Water as a permanent forum for innovative water education beyond the limitations of traditional engineering curricula, national or societal boundaries.

How to cite: Pointl, M., Vertommen, I., Lorber, N., Muschalla, D., and Lansey, K.: Future Water: Lessons learned and ways forward for transdisciplinary,cross-cultural water education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21575,, 2025.

EGU25-1047 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

Virtual Field Trips: Enhancing learning before, during, and post-fieldwork 

Eleftherios Theodoropoulos, Anders Mattias Lundmark, Kirsty Dunnett, Rafael Kenji Horota, and Karianne Staalesen Lilleøren

Fieldwork is an essential component of geoscience education. However, challenges such as weather, safety concerns, logistical and accessibility problems can impact the overall experience. This study explores the use of Virtual Field Trips (VFTs) to enhance students’ learning experience before, during, and after fieldwork, and in some cases, replacing physical fieldwork. The research was conducted in the alpine region of Finse, Norway, a popular fieldwork destination for several geoscience courses at Norwegian universities.

The VFTs were created using drone-captured photospheres and Digital Outcrop Models, offering immersive simulations of the field environment. Data on the educational potential was collected from students and teaching staff who tried out the VFT outside of a course context. Pre-fieldwork questionnaires were used to gather student expectations, followed by interviews with the same group after some of them used the VFT in the field. The study makes use of the theory of Novelty Space to explore the potential of VFTs; by reducing student uncertainty in areas not related to fieldwork (cognitive, social, psychological and geographical), the students can focus on the educational elements of the fieldtrip.

The VFTs were seen as a potentially valuable tool for preparing for fieldwork by helping students visualize the site and identify areas of interest. VFTs were also considered useful for post-fieldwork activities, such as report preparation and presentations, and were recognized for enhancing inclusivity by providing virtual access to field sites for students who cannot participate in physical fieldwork.

In a field course, students expressed excitement about the upcoming fieldwork, describing it as "exciting" and "interesting," though many also reported feeling "nervous" and "stressed," particularly about missing other courses and the challenging conditions of the field location. Social aspects, such as working in groups with their classmates and establishing good working relationships with teachers, were a common concern. The VFT is particularly useful to address cognitive and geographical concerns prior to fieldwork, and afterwards, students who did not take appropriate photos, or record observations during the field trip, used the VFT post-fieldwork for their projects. Moreover, students who used the VFT as a substitute for fieldwork found that, despite not being physically present, they were able to engage in group discussions and contribute to report writing.

This research highlights the potential of VFTs to overcome barriers in geoscience fieldwork, enhancing accessibility and engagement. The positive feedback indicates that VFTs can enhance preparedness, serve as a supplement or substitute for fieldwork, and support post-fieldwork activities. Additionally, VFTs offer opportunities for knowledge exchange between institutions, enabling broader access to fieldwork experiences. Future work will refine VFT design and explore their use in diverse educational settings based on the users’ feedback.

How to cite: Theodoropoulos, E., Lundmark, A. M., Dunnett, K., Kenji Horota, R., and Staalesen Lilleøren, K.: Virtual Field Trips: Enhancing learning before, during, and post-fieldwork, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1047,, 2025.

EGU25-1222 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

Beyond the Bathroom: Hygiene and Comfort (for Women) in Polar Regions 

Rebecca Schlegel and Alexandra M. Zuhr

We all got to do it: pee and poo in the wilderness, far from toilet facilities. When doing fieldwork in remote places, fulfilling these basic personal needs can become a challenge. Often, conversations about these topics are non-existent or limited, leaving individuals to feel isolated with their concerns. For women, this challenge can be even greater, especially when managing menstruation in environments with little privacy, running water, or waste disposal options. It's time to break the silence and normalize these conversations—because addressing these needs openly can empower everyone to focus on the fieldwork itself, rather than the logistics of personal care.

Actively addressing toilet and menstruation practices is essential to overcoming these barriers. We offer practical strategies for every phase of an expedition, from planning and preparation to implementation in the field, including effective ways to manage waste outside of station facilities and away from civilization. This contribution seeks to raise awareness and foster open discussions about hygiene and comfort during fieldwork in remote areas. Drawing from our experiences in Greenland and Antarctica, we aim to share insights while gathering and exchanging practices from other locations and contexts. We hope to collaborate with others in the field to develop a community-driven effort that will culminate in comprehensive guidelines and resources for field hygiene and comfort. If you are interested in contributing, we invite you to join the conversation and help shape this initiative!

How to cite: Schlegel, R. and Zuhr, A. M.: Beyond the Bathroom: Hygiene and Comfort (for Women) in Polar Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1222,, 2025.

Passive dust traps were installed in summer of 2024 at the Kobbefjord Research station in west Greenland (64°08’ N, 51°23’ W) to capture local and long-range transported dust. The installation included three different types of dust traps for wet and dry deposition as well as vertical flow, following the standard methods for wind erosion research and model development by Webb et al., USA. The Kobbefjord Research station belongs to the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR). 

Planning and preparations for the installations were carried out with the essential help from the station manager (KR). Materials that could be interesting for the Arctic foxes that live in the station area, e.g., rubber and plastics, needed to be avoided. Also any material that would collect insects rather than aeolian dust, e.g. sticky pads, were advised to be avoided. To ensure the installation materials arrived in time in Greenland, our visiting team (OM and LT) transported everything as personal luggage from Finland to Greenland. There, the research station could be reached only by boat, weather allowing, since there are no roads to the station.

The dust traps were installed by the visiting team on 14 August and they collected dust until the end of September 2024. During the visit, stream samples were also collected and quartz filters for further laboratory analysis (e.g., dust and Black Carbon) at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) were prepared. At the time of the visit, there was no snow close to the station, but snow on glaciers and mountain tops up to 1300 m could be observed. The snow surfaces were observed to have visible amounts of light-absorbing impurities, most likely due to local dust.

OM and LT gratefully acknowledge H2020 EU INTERACT DUST project (no. 871120).

How to cite: Meinander, O., Thölix, L., and Raundrup, K.: Planning and conducting a field campaign in west Greenland to capture local and long-range transported aeolian dust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3994,, 2025.

EGU25-4173 | PICO | EOS2.2

Fieldwork education and the use of Virtual Geological Tours 

Jan van Bever Donker, Charl Cilliers, and Matthew Huber

South Africa hosts a great many geohistorical sites such as the Vredefort Dome impact structure1, greenstones and stromatolites of the Barberton Mountains2, turbidity sequences of the Tanqua Karoo3, and the Sea Point Contact (visited by Charles Darwin in 1836)4. Together they preserve the history of continents and the evolution of life (e.g. the “Cradle of Humankind” in the Sterkfontein Caves)1. Therefore, South Africa is a geotourism and geo-educational hotspot. However, construction, vandalism, sea-level rise and land-use changes threaten many important outcrops, both in South Africa and worldwide5.

To address this, several platforms and initiatives such as Geodyssey (SA)6, iGeology (UK), European Geoparks Network (Europe), and GeoTourist (worldwide) have been developed to document specific outcrops for preservation, geotourism, and/or educational purposes. Our team at the University of the Western Cape has used this framework to develop virtual geological tours (VTs) of key Cape Granite, Cape, and Karoo Supergroup outcrops to: 1) add visual material to Geodyssey; 2) create Google Earth-hosted geotourism-focused tours; and 3) build longer, more comprehensive VTs with high resolution imagery, narrated video-links, 3D scans, and scientific references to allow professionals to visually access sites and to prepare students for in-person field trips. The educational efficacy of the latter has been proven with statistical analyses that show significant positive impacts that increase with target population education levels7.

Thus far, we have built easily navigable, interactive VTs using a Canon R5 camera (with various lenses and a Syrp Genie II Pan Tilt mechanical camera head), Canon XA 40 camcorder, Insta 360 X-one camera, DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine drone and an Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max in combination with purchased software packages such as PTGui©, Agisoft Metashape© and Pano2VR© along with freeware/hosting platforms including 3D Scanner (LiDAR), Handbrake, Blender, CapCut, Microsoft Clipchamp, YouTube, Sketchfab, and the web-based version of Google Earth. Although we have used the above expensive equipment and licensed software, freeware such as HitFilm Free, HugIn and Marzipano are available, which may achieve compatible results.

In conclusion, our latest results demonstrate that anyone can create VTs with a good mobile phone with LiDAR capability and a high resolution camera (45 megapixel or more) such as an Apple iPhone 15 or 16 pro, without having to lug heavy backpacks with bulky and expensive camera equipment into the field as we will demonstrate by showing some results.



1) Allen, N. et al. (2022).

2) Tice, M.M. et al. (2004).

3) Wickens, H.D., Bouma, A.H. (2000).

4) Bailie, R.H. et al. (2024).

5) Helm, C.W. et al. (2024).

6) Geological Society of South Africa (2024).

7) Van Bever Donker, J.M. et al. (2024).

How to cite: van Bever Donker, J., Cilliers, C., and Huber, M.: Fieldwork education and the use of Virtual Geological Tours, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4173,, 2025.

EGU25-4272 | PICO | EOS2.2

Gear Hack for Women – Field Testing of Prototype  

Nighat Johnson-Amin and Leila Nour Johnson

At EGU  2024 the Gorgoneion Collective introduced the project addressing " Gear Hack for women:  Polar Gear Revisited for Female Friendly Field Operations".  

The project market research opened up a wider dialogue around women in Antarctica. These sessions have created a small community and we hope to create discussions to improve working conditions for women in the polar regions.
We drew our first prototypes that were tested in Antarctica. The drawings brought together innovations but also symbolic elements to give a homage to people who live in extreme and hostile environments.

We went to visit two factories that we partnered with Inter plume, Getex and met REAL STAAM. Our approach incorporates eco-responsibility and these three companies are the perfect embodiment of shared values.

 We have been working on testing a Prototype with 

  • A company in Chamonix which designed the basic forms for the fieldwork clothing
  • a company in France run entirely by women,  for the production of the prototype
  • A company in France run entirely in a sustainable way for the production of the duck feathers used in the clothing
  • A company in France that produced the merino underclothing that would go under the field clothing.
  • The International Polar Foundation which operates the Belgian Station Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
  • Partius in Belgium that helps with the Project Management
  • Scientists from the Netherlands who tested the clothing and gave their feedback

The prototypes were tested in the deep field by scientists from the project FROID who worked on the Antarctic plateau at temperatures going to -45°C.

At EGU 2025 we will give a report on the prototypes and how well they functioned and what modifications will be necessary in order to produce improved versions for the next testing season.  We will then select a researcher who will be working in the deep field to test the new prototypes in 2025-26 before making these available to a wider community in the season 2026-27.

The Gorgoneion Collective can be followed on the following platforms: Instagram, Linked In

How to cite: Johnson-Amin, N. and Johnson, L. N.: Gear Hack for Women – Field Testing of Prototype , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4272,, 2025.

EGU25-6418 | PICO | EOS2.2

Virtual Field Trips (VFT) - Approaches and Learning Opportunities for Higher Education  

Sandra Sprenger, Caroline Leininger-Frézal, and Neli Heidari

Virtual field trips (VFTs) have gained considerable importance for education in recent years (Friess et al. 2016, Stainsfield et al. 2000), offering innovative approaches to teaching and learning in higher education and beyond.The presentation will entail different approaches to implementing VFTs in higher education including teacher training and highlights the learning opportunities. The main ways to create a virtual field trip based on digital maps are presented. There are two basic variations of application: First, utilizing existing VFTs, which are available for numerous geoscience topics and places. Second, enabling students to create their own VFT or digital map based on obtained or existing data. A range of tools with varying levels of complexity can be employed for this purpose (Leininger-Frézal & Sprenger, 2022). Selected case studies will be used to show how virtual environments can be developed to explore spatial themes in different places. In addition, first empirical evidence is presented (Leininger-Frézal & Sprenger, 2022) that depicts learning opportunities in VFTs from the perspective of students. The results show that these are seen particularly in the accessibility of places and to promote inclusion. Limitations arise from the perspective of students due to the fact that no direct real experience is possible or also due to inadequate technical equipment. The experiences and results from three virtual field trip projects (Virt-Ex (Leininger-Frézal & Sprenger, 2022), V-Global, and V-GeoSciEd)) will be presented in order to highlight opportunities and challenges for teaching and learning in Higher Education.

Friess, Daniel A., Grahame J. H. Oliver, Michelle S. Y. Quak, and Annie Y. A. Lau. 2016. “Incorporating ‘Virtual’ and ‘Real World’ Field Trips into Introductory Geography Modules.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (4): 546–564.

Leininger-Frézal, Caroline, and Sandra Sprenger. 2022. “Virtual Field Trips in Binational Collaborative Teacher Training: Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development.” Sustainability 14, 12933.

Stainfield, John, Peter Fisher, Bob Ford, and Michael Solem. 2000. “International Virtual Field Trips: A New Direction?” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 24 (2): 255–262.

How to cite: Sprenger, S., Leininger-Frézal, C., and Heidari, N.: Virtual Field Trips (VFT) - Approaches and Learning Opportunities for Higher Education , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6418,, 2025.

EGU25-11157 | PICO | EOS2.2

Sharing good cryospheric fieldwork practice with the next generation of scientists 

Michael Prior-Jones, Elizabeth Bagshaw, Lisa Craw, Samuel Doyle, Simon Filhol, Emma Fisher, Donna Frater, Jonathan Hawkins, Larissa van der Laan, Emma C Smith, and Tun Jan Young

Fieldwork in polar and cryospheric research involves working as a team in a hazardous environment. We developed a residential field course, “CryoSkills”, which ran in Norway in April 2024, with 20 early-career scientists. One of the course objectives was to familiarise the participants with the reality of working in a cold, snow-covered environment, and for the instructor team to model and promote good practice in cryospheric fieldwork. In this presentation we will describe our approach to fieldwork and how, though a mixture of formal teaching, mentoring, and groupwork, we successfully conveyed this approach to our early-career participants. Extensive preparation and planning, including a pilot course, meant that the instructor team were able to create a supportive environment and model good practice in teamwork to the participants.

After the course, several participants who went on to do fieldwork later in the season and told us how much their learning on the course had helped them deal with difficult situations, and we will share some of these experiences.

How to cite: Prior-Jones, M., Bagshaw, E., Craw, L., Doyle, S., Filhol, S., Fisher, E., Frater, D., Hawkins, J., van der Laan, L., Smith, E. C., and Young, T. J.: Sharing good cryospheric fieldwork practice with the next generation of scientists, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11157,, 2025.

EGU25-12789 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

Girls* on Ice Austria: strategies for inclusive approaches to field experiences 

Giulia Bertolotti, Lindsey Nicholson, Valerie Reppert, Ilga Staudinger, and Florina Schlamon and the Girls* on Ice Austria (

Inspiring Girls Expeditions (IGE)* is a transformative wilderness science education program designed to empower young women through immersive, hands-on experiences in the natural world. With a focus on fields traditionally underrepresented by women, such as glaciology and mountaineering, IGE fosters leadership, self-confidence, and teamwork while promoting scientific inquiry and artistic expression.

Girls on Ice Austria*, one of the most recent additions to the IGE network, offers a ten-day expedition in the Ötztal Alps, where participants, aged 15-17, engage in scientific research, mountaineering, and artistic projects. These all-female expeditions aim to break down barriers for underrepresented genders in science and outdoor activities by providing a supportive and inclusive environment. Female scientists, artists, and mountain guides lead the expeditions, offering mentorship and expertise while encouraging participants to push their physical and intellectual boundaries.

During the expedition, participants learn basic mountaineering skills (e.g., knot tying and crevasse rescue), conduct scientific experiments, and engage in creative activities such as painting and sketching the alpine landscape. These activities are designed not only to introduce participants to the scientific method but also to help them develop a deeper connection to nature and strengthen their personal resilience. Importantly, the program is tuition-free, removing financial barriers to participation and opening doors for those who might not otherwise have access. Such opportunities can serve as preparatory experiences for subsequent scientific fieldwork.

Here, we present the methods used to foster inclusion and teach participants with a low or mixed experience level how to operate in the field environment. Specific approaches include: (1) clear explanation of expectations for each activity (duration, planning, breaks, etc.); (2) dedicated timeslots for mentor and peer-to-peer guidance on everything from packing a bag to using the toilet; (3) ad hoc mentor and peer-to-peer advice on walking efficiently, coping with fuel and hydration issues, and managing body temperature and the elements (e.g., how not to get wet, and why); (4) formal safety training for critical activities such as glacier travel and crevasse rescue, emphasizing the need to establish a common group approach and communication strategy; (5) encouragement to voice individual needs and discuss how they can be met alongside team needs and goals; and (6) regular check-ins and feedback opportunities.

We discuss how such programs and the tactics deployed within them can be leveraged to increase diversity in scientific leadership, provide hands-on learning experiences, and inspire and equip the next generation of young women to pursue careers in geoscience and beyond.

How to cite: Bertolotti, G., Nicholson, L., Reppert, V., Staudinger, I., and Schlamon, F. and the Girls* on Ice Austria ( Girls* on Ice Austria: strategies for inclusive approaches to field experiences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12789,, 2025.

EGU25-12932 | PICO | EOS2.2

Centering Community: How Scientific Publishers Can Promote Inclusive Research Practices 

Matthew Giampoala, Allison Schuette, Kristina Vrouwenvelder, Sarah Dedej, and Mia Ricci

Fieldwork is inevitably place based and raises the question of how local communities are engaged. We have been working to create venues for communicating research that has addressed community priorities, and that support co-creation with local communities. We will highlight the Community Science Exchange (CSE), a collaboration by a coalition of partner societies. The CSE launched to elevate, share, and expand the reach of science performed by, for, and with communities through the journal Community Science as well as the Hub, designed for sharing various outputs of community science. We will also discuss AGU Publications’ policies aimed at improving transparency and equity for research collaborations in resource-limited settings.

How to cite: Giampoala, M., Schuette, A., Vrouwenvelder, K., Dedej, S., and Ricci, M.: Centering Community: How Scientific Publishers Can Promote Inclusive Research Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12932,, 2025.

Fieldwork is an essential part of geoscience training. It teaches spatial reasoning, teamwork, and organizational skills while requiring integration of diverse observations and iterative hypothesis testing. Successful field campaigns demand critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability—skills that many students find challenging, particularly when faced with open-ended tasks that lack “correct answers.” Moreover, physical fieldwork can also be exclusionary, particularly for students with health or mental impairments, lower socioeconomic status, or inflexible family obligations that limit their ability to enter the field. To address these barriers, we need inclusive and innovative methods to teach transferable field skills to all students, regardless of their ability to participate in physical fieldwork. Interactive Virtual Field Trips (iVFTs) offer a promising solution by enabling students to explore spatially integrated, data-rich environments and “visit” inaccessible sites at their own pace with fewer external stressors.

We present an iVFT to the Mont Albert ophiolite complex (Québec, Canada), designed to train and assess students in field preparation and critical thinking in an accessible, inclusive setting. We built the iVFT as a “choose your own adventure", challenge-based virtual environment that provides a structured yet flexible framework for cultivating field skills such as strategic planning, data integration, and decision-making in dynamic scenarios. The environment integrates desktop virtual reality with an option of VR/AR compatible glasses for full immersion. To prepare for the 'field' activity, we instruct students to plan an initial field campaign justified by their chosen research problem and terrane accessibility inferred from a topographic map, and "pack a backpack" based on logistical constraints (including weight estimates). Students then enter the virtual environment and test the validity and flexibility of their field plans by making real-time decisions about site selection (i.e., what outcrops to study in detail, and why) and sampling strategies (i.e., what samples to 'collect,' and how much they weigh). The “choose your own adventure” framework allows for embedding unexpected challenges related to weather, health and safety, and active decisions of how and where to spend time. Students keep “field notebooks” to document observations, evolving hypotheses, and modifications to original field plans. During the exercise, we encourage metacognition by guiding student articulation of reasons behind decision making, responses to unexpected challenges, and strengths and weaknesses of original field plans. After the exercise, we captured this cognitive growth through post-activity written reflections. 

Preliminary assessments using pre- and post-surveys and student products, including narrative reflections, indicate that this approach enhances students’ confidence in tackling complex, open-ended problems while fostering skills critical to real-world fieldwork. Leveraging iVFTs as fieldwork preparation tools has the potential to impact geoscience education by providing students with a safe, accessible, and effective platform to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and field planning skills. Such skills are transferable both to in-person field experiences, and more broadly, to complex problem-solving.

How to cite: Kotowski, A. and van Vuuren, N.: Cultivating Fieldwork Skills Through a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Interactive Virtual Field Trip, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13672,, 2025.

EGU25-13919 | PICO | EOS2.2

Fieldwork for the collection of ecological monitoring data – learnings from creating research infrastructure in Australia 

Sally O'Neill, Katie Irvine, Ellen Kilpatrick, Andrew Tokmakoff, Luke Derby, Ashley Leedman, Jacqui DeChazal, Amelia Cook, and Ben Sparrow

The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) is Australia's land observatory. With a network of 1000, 1-ha plots across the nation, TERN has over 10 years of experience developing standardised monitoring protocols and implementing on-ground field surveys across Australia's unique environments.

With a dedicated team of experienced ecologists, including plant and soil specialists, students and volunteers, operating independently, camping in remote locations for ~12 days, research infrastructure is created through a suite of standardised, repeatable monitoring methods. Site location, soil, landscape and environmental attributes, vegetation community and floristics data are collected. Herbaria specimens, leaf tissue samples, soil samples, and metagenomic samples are collected for a national repository and freely accessible to the international research community.

Aside from the research data created, TERN has developed best practices for managing field teams who conduct remote fieldwork in challenging environments, including safety and communication procedures, scientific permitting approvals, and biosecurity procedures for transporting samples across jurisdictions. 

Building on TERN's experience, the Ecological Monitoring System of Australia (EMSA) was created in collaboration with the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). EMSA provides the tooling for natural resource management (NRM) practitioners and ecologists to expand Australia's network, with plot-based monitoring specifically designed to test the effectiveness of NRM investment projects.

EMSA provides on-ground practitioners with a modular suite of standardised survey protocols, comprehensive instruction manuals, a field data collection app, and a centralised data management and storage system for the Australian Government's Biodiversity Data Repository. Support is provided via a help desk, a community of practice with monthly information sessions and opportunities for questions, discussions and shared learning. Multi-day on-ground training programs and outreach activities upskill ecologists from regional delivery partner organisations and contractors. The modular approach encourages and allows project managers to consider their specific project needs when designing the monitoring program. The ongoing learning opportunities and the repeatability of the methods enable ecologists and field practitioners, once experienced in the techniques, to take up job opportunities across the country, applying the skills to different ecosystems.

How to cite: O'Neill, S., Irvine, K., Kilpatrick, E., Tokmakoff, A., Derby, L., Leedman, A., DeChazal, J., Cook, A., and Sparrow, B.: Fieldwork for the collection of ecological monitoring data – learnings from creating research infrastructure in Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13919,, 2025.

EGU25-17745 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

Piloting a course model for blended multisite field course 

Tuukka Oikarinen, Janne J. Salovaara, and Katja Anniina Lauri

We present a case study of a graduate-level pilot course that was planned as a blended multisite field course, utilising both onsite and online components to connect three simultaneous fieldwork sites within a single course. The course aim was to conduct simultaneous point measurements of greenhouse gas exchange and scale them to local measure using different measuring techniques. 26 Master's and doctoral students with a background in various natural sciences participated in the course. The course design combined online sessions with fieldwork on a local research station or measurement site. Three clusters of students each travelled to their nearest field site to minimize travel-related impacts. The course aimed to familiarize students with Arctic and sub-Arctic research stations, their datasets, and measurement methods, and it provided an opportunity to conduct small-scale comparative studies on them.

We present results from a a mixed-method case study on how the social relationships, a sense of belonging and community of students evolved, how students formed a critical co-learning community, how did the responsible teachers reflect the course setup, and in general how students and teachers perceived the benefits of the multisite setup for learning.

How to cite: Oikarinen, T., Salovaara, J. J., and Lauri, K. A.: Piloting a course model for blended multisite field course, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17745,, 2025.

EGU25-18098 | PICO | EOS2.2

The Field: An Essential Foundation for Geologist Training in the Digital Era 

Elsa Ottavi Pupier, Hervé Leyrit, and Sébastien Ottavi

Fieldwork is the cornerstone of geoscience education. But what kind of work?

Since the late 1990s, has the rise of digital technologies altered its role?

Geologists are increasingly confronted to data that are less and less rooted in their original contexts, raising questions about their validity, critical assessment, and realism of models. It is therefore essential to develop the ability to connect field observations with data processing, fostering the ability to discern which elements must be quantified or qualitatively integrated into databases.

At UniLaSalle, field observation is a pillar of geosciences training. To complement digital advancements, we have embedded it into a continuous, structured pedagogical framework throughout the five years of engineering training (three years for technician training). This "spine" includes a minimum of 18 weeks spread across 10 field camps, allowing students to acquire scientific expertise, geological skills, as well as interpersonal and professional values and skills.

During the first three years, the educational skills focus on analyzing various dimensions (e.g., mineralogy, paleontology, petrology, sedimentology, structural geology...), observing, mapping, characterizing objects methodically, deducing processes and their interrelations, estimating their relative importance, and creating a cartographic or 3D block model as a basis for all future applications.

The chosen field locations cover a wide variety of geological contexts, broadening skills and enabling adaptation to the specificities of each domain. Students gradually progress from interpreting maps to creating them, and by their third year, they produce a "Research Initiation Report."

Over time, students take on managerial responsibilities, including mission management, educational supervision, group safety, data verification, and the development of data acquisition methodologies.

In the master's program, two complementary objectives are emphasized:

  • Developing critical distance regarding data quality:M1 students supervise undergraduate students. They must create a map using data collected by undergraduate students. This experience enhances their understanding of data quality, biases, and methodological rigor.
  • Integrating multidisciplinary data (log data, geochemical, geophysical, etc.) into cartographic analysis. Cross-referencing and coherence analysis help to verify various hypotheses and encourage reflection on the critical and effective use of collected data depending on the practical problem at hand (environment, energy, materials, etc.). This requires methodological support for scientific approaches.

By establishing the conditions for effective "learning by doing" and "peer tutoring," the structure of the 10 field camps allows students to consolidate their learning through spontaneous questioning and regulation that virtual methods cannot replicate. Similarly, the variety of roles and positions strengthens their understanding and mastery of skills. Lastly, group work fosters inclusion, requiring everyone to collaborate with peers from diverse approaches and cultures.

This level of autonomy, confidence, and competence allows students to see themselves as scientists and professionals, contributing to the success of UniLaSalle teams in various international competitions. Fieldwork remains the ultimate reference in our professions: validation through the field is nearly incontestable—a reality that speaks for itself.

How to cite: Ottavi Pupier, E., Leyrit, H., and Ottavi, S.: The Field: An Essential Foundation for Geologist Training in the Digital Era, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18098,, 2025.

EGU25-18532 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2

Empowering Fieldwork: A Positive Perspective on Respect, Inclusion, and Responsibility 

Marie Schroeder, Rainer Prinz, Jakob Abermann, and Jakob Steiner

Fieldwork is a vital component of geoscience research, providing unique opportunities for data collection, hands-on learning, and team collaboration. While discussions on fieldwork often center around challenges—such as exclusion, harassment, and inequality—it’s equally important to highlight positive experiences and the factors that contribute to them.

I aim to share my personal experiences as an early-career scientist of how respect, trust and inclusion in my teams on various occasions fostered productive and empowering environments. From short field trips in Austria to organizing an international field campaign in Bolivia and managing logistical efforts for a month-long expedition in Greenland, I have consistently felt valued as an equal contributor, regardless of my career stage. I will discuss key practices that made these experiences successful: encouraging early-career researchers to take on responsibilities, fostering open communication, and promoting shared decision-making. These approaches not only helped build my confidence but also contributed to the overall success of the field campaigns.

By sharing lessons learned from these experiences, this contribution aims to suggest practical strategies for building positive and inclusive fieldwork environments. While it is essential to acknowledge and address the difficulties some face, presenting successful examples can inspire teams to create a culture of mutual respect and trust. This perspective encourages reflection on how we can collectively ensure that fieldwork remains a safe, supportive, and enriching experience for all.

How to cite: Schroeder, M., Prinz, R., Abermann, J., and Steiner, J.: Empowering Fieldwork: A Positive Perspective on Respect, Inclusion, and Responsibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18532,, 2025.

EGU25-19771 | PICO | EOS2.2

Combining Geographic Field Trips and Nature Bildung: A Dual Approach in Danish and German Teacher Training 

Dominik Conrad, Jesper Heidemann Langhoff, Anja Vocilka, and Thorbjørn Wejdling

Fieldwork didactics and education for sustainable development (ESD) are integral components of geography teacher training. However, these subjects are often taught separately. Fieldwork in nature provides a wide range of opportunities for experiencing nature, and Nature Bildung is regarded as a central concept in ESD. Moreover, research highlights that a connection to nature is a significant factor in promoting sustainable and responsible actions (Grund & Brock, 2020; Mayer & Frantz, 2004; Roczen, 2011).

We will present a collaborative project between the University of Education Ludwigsburg and University College Copenhagen, exploring how Nature Bildung theory and geographical fieldwork didactics can be combined to enhance Nature Bildung through fieldwork courses in teacher education. As part of the project, five student groups each designed a three-hour fieldwork assignment in the UNESCO Geopark Odsherred. These assignments were developed based on pedagogical and didactical theories, with students tasked to select field trip locations that aligned with their conceptual frameworks.

The project was evaluated to address the question of how geographical fieldwork can be conceptualized in teacher education to foster Nature Bildung through a double-didactic approach. Data for the evaluation includes a questionnaire, observation field notes, student-designed materials, and group interviews conducted post-project.

In our presentation, we will share key findings from the study and discuss their implications for teacher training programs and ESD.


Grund, J., & Brock, A. (2022). Formal Bildung in times of crises: The role of sustainability in schools, vocational education, and universities. Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin. Available at (14.01.2025).

Mayer, F. S., & Frantz, C. M. (2004). The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals’ feeling in community with nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(4), 503–515.

Roczen, N. (2011). Environmental competence – the interplay between connection with nature and environmental knowledge in promoting ecological behavior (dissertation). Eindhoven University of Technology.


How to cite: Conrad, D., Heidemann Langhoff, J., Vocilka, A., and Wejdling, T.: Combining Geographic Field Trips and Nature Bildung: A Dual Approach in Danish and German Teacher Training, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19771,, 2025.

This study examines the mortality burden associated with heat and cold temperatures, compounded by poor air quality, in two Italian cities. Using a generalized linear model with Poisson regression, we quantify the mortality risk attributable to heat/cold and the air pollutants PM10 and O3 over recent years, focusing on both the general population and the most vulnerable age group. To project future mortality trends up to 2050, a regional climate model coupled with a chemistry-transport model is applied under future climate and air quality scenarios.

The results highlight the critical need to consider the effects of air pollution alongside climate factors. Vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly, are shown to be more susceptible to both extreme temperatures and air pollution. Looking ahead, future mortality patterns will be influenced by two opposing effects: an increase in mortality due to more frequent and intense warm temperatures, particularly in scenarios of climate inaction, and a decrease in cold-related mortality.

The findings underscore the urgent need to integrate climate change mitigation with air quality management to reduce the combined health risks. Effective science transfer into timely and informed policy action is essential for bridging the gap between research findings and practical, actionable solutions.

Drawing on the literature and lessons learnt from several research projects and case studies (e.g., ForestNavigator, RETURN), we demonstrate that this gap between research findings and actionable solutions requires i) engaging local stakeholders (including government authorities, public health organizations, and communities) and ii) analysing the cognitive factors - such as awareness and risk perception - that can act as either barriers or enablers in shaping adaptive capacity and resilience at both the individual and community levels.

Increasing public awareness of the risks associated with temperature extremes and air pollution, and enhancing risk perception through knowledge transfer, will empower individuals and communities to adopt protective measures. In addition to encouraging behavioural shifts, fostering resilience and improving adaptive capacity, such awareness can drive policy changes, ultimately reducing the health burden of climate-related risks.

How to cite: Michetti, M.: Climate change, Air Quality, and Public Health: Integrating Science and Policy for Urban Resilience and Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1627,, 2025.

EGU25-6925 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.5

Exploring the potential of data-driven educational tools to engage students with climate change complexity 

Lorenzo Miani, Francesco De Zuani Cassina, and Olivia Levrini

Climate change education is essential for driving a shift toward a sustainable and decarbonised society. Environmental observatories and science labs are central to delivering impactful educational experiences by integrating real-world data from monitoring stations and satellite observations. These tools foster scientific inquiry and empower critical thinking about climate change and its effects.

This abstract introduces FyouTURES, an innovative scenario-making game designed to achieve these objectives by combining real-world data, collaborative learning, and scenario-building exercises. At the heart of the game lies the En-ROADS simulator (Energy-Rapid Overview and Decision Support), a global climate simulator developed by Climate Interactive in partnership with the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative and Ventana Systems (Rooney-Varga et al., 2021). En-ROADS offers an interactive platform for exploring how climate policies influence long-term outcomes. Based on a system dynamics model grounded in scientific research and calibrated with historical and projected datasets, it employs differential equations to depict the climate-energy system as a dynamic entity characterised by feedback loops, nonlinearities, and time delays. Users can simulate the effects of policies like electrification, carbon pricing, and improved agricultural practices on variables such as energy prices, global temperatures, and sea-level rise.

Using the En-ROADS simulator, FyouTURES guides players through three rounds spanning the present day to 2100, with milestones in 2030 and 2050. The game adapts the simulator’s categories into six thematic areas: conventional energy, emission control, green areas, energy efficiency, electrification, and green energy. These themes allow participants to explore diverse aspects of sustainability, including renewable energy adoption, deforestation, and CO2 removal technologies.

To enhance decision-making and incorporate uncertainties, we introduced wildcards representing possible events tied to climate and societal factors. These cards reflect different types of uncertainties related to Climate Change – epistemic, aleatoric, and reflexive (Shepherd, 2019) – and challenge players to adapt strategies dynamically, encouraging critical engagement with complex climate issues.

Observations from two game implementations demonstrated how the game helped students in dealing with complex sustainability challenges, creating scenarios that balanced environmental, social, and economic sustainability dimensions (Purvis et al., 2019). The game’s structure promoted collaborative problem framing over simplistic solutions, fostering open-ended reasoning and a deeper understanding of "wicked problems."

By integrating the scientific rigour of En-ROADS, interactive simulations, and collaborative learning dynamics, FyouTURES highlights the potential of data-driven educational tools to engage students with the complexity of climate change. This approach equips learners with critical thinking skills while challenging them to navigate uncertainty and envision pathways to sustainable futures.

Purvis, B., Mao, Y. & Robinson, D. (2019). Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins. Sustainable Sciences, 14, 681–695.

Rooney-Varga, J. N., Hensel, M., McCarthy, C., McNeal, K., Norfles, N., Rath, K., Schnell, A. N., & Sterman, J. D. (2021). Building Consensus for Ambitious Climate Action Through the World Climate Simulation. Earth's Future, 9(12), e2021EF002283. 

Shepherd, T. G. (2019). Storyline approach to the construction of regional climate change information. Proceedings of the Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 475(2225), 20190013.

How to cite: Miani, L., De Zuani Cassina, F., and Levrini, O.: Exploring the potential of data-driven educational tools to engage students with climate change complexity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6925,, 2025.

EGU25-6987 | Posters on site | EOS2.5

Learning and Teaching  about Climate Change, EDU4CLIMA 

Eirini Dermitzaki, Nikos Kalivitis, Athina Ginoudi, and Maria Kanakidou

Climate change is emerging as one of the most significant challenges facing our planet today, with its effects now visible and negatively impacting ecosystems, human activities, and global health. Addressing climate change and limiting its negative impacts, requires collective action and climate literacy, that encompasses being aware of climate change, its anthropogenic causes and its implications. This work concerns the presentation of the project: Learning and Teaching about Climate Change, under the acronym EDU4Clima (, which aims to promote the teaching of climate change in secondary education in Greece and to provide teachers and students with new knowledge  and skills to critically approach climate change, to reflect on environmental issues that arise and to develop attitudes for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. It attempts to integrate in the educational process, the scientific knowledge produced by the University of Crete and the Atmospheric Research Station at Finokalia, Crete. In this context, a Research, Innovation and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge Hub has been established closed to Finokalia Station, where teacher training workshops are held and an educational program for students has been developed and is being implemented. The educational program is based on innovative teaching approaches and includes interactive presentations, experiments that demonstrate climate phenomena in a simple way carried out by the students, access and analysis of real atmospheric data. Additionally, a tour to the Atmospheric Research Station and interaction with scientists included in the program. All activities carried out are compatible with the curricula for Natural Sciences in Senior High School. Before each visit to the Hub, school teachers undertake preparing the students, focusing on basic prerequisite knowledge, while after the visit, the students serve as climate ambassadors and take action by disseminating the results in their school and/or their local communities.

How to cite: Dermitzaki, E., Kalivitis, N., Ginoudi, A., and Kanakidou, M.: Learning and Teaching  about Climate Change, EDU4CLIMA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6987,, 2025.

EGU25-7015 | Orals | EOS2.5

The Massive Open Online Course: 'Atmospheric Research Infrastructures: Sharing the Future of Our Atmosphere' as an Innovative Tool for Atmospheric Science & Climate Change Education 

Antonia Zogka, Véronique Riffault, Stéphane Sauvage, Carole Portillo, Joel De Brito, Therese Salameh, Anna Font, Clara Strunz, and Esperanza Perdrix

As part of the ATMO-ACCESS project, an innovative two-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was hosted on the FUN (France Université Numérique) MOOC platform from January 20 to February 16, 2025. 

This course offered an engaging and interactive platform for learners interested in exploring critical challenges related to air pollution and climate change. The first week provided participants with in-depth knowledge about atmospheric constituents such as reactive trace gases and greenhouse gases, aerosols and clouds, their sources, impacts, and complex interactions. The MOOC emphasised the crucial importance of data sharing and collaborative networks within the research community while showcasing advanced atmospheric research methodologies. Additionally, the second week introduced three key Atmospheric Research Infrastructures (ARIs): ACTRIS, IAGOS, and ICOS, providing participants with insights into their high-quality operational workflows. To support active learning, participants could self-assess their knowledge through several quizzes and earn an open badge by successfully completing a final quiz. 

Feedback from participants and analysis of the MOOC's concluding survey revealed valuable insights into learner expectations, which will be presented during the session. These suggestions will guide the development of future iterations of the course, aiming at delivering a more effective, impactful and engaging learning experience.

How to cite: Zogka, A., Riffault, V., Sauvage, S., Portillo, C., De Brito, J., Salameh, T., Font, A., Strunz, C., and Perdrix, E.: The Massive Open Online Course: 'Atmospheric Research Infrastructures: Sharing the Future of Our Atmosphere' as an Innovative Tool for Atmospheric Science & Climate Change Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7015,, 2025.

EGU25-8711 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS2.5

Data exploitation and visualization in the classroom. The case of CLIMADEMY's video game 

Ioannis Metaxas, Nikos Gialesakis, Maria Kanakidou, and Nikos Kalivitis

The great importance of educating the next generation of citizens in climate change drivers, impacts as well as mitigation and adaptation measures has been highlighted by many international entities like the IPCC and the European Union. Additionally, many research groups have indicated the importance of incorporating real world data in teaching about climate change. This can take the form of educational tools that are aimed at data exploitation and visualization. One initiative exploring the creation of such tools is the Erasmus + project CLIMADEMY. In CLIMADEMY a video game was developed in the Unity engine which implemented real world data (from the NOAA database) for three greenhouse gasses concentrations (CH4, CO2, N2O) as well as the concentrations of scattering and absorbing aerosols. The video game’s primary function is to calculate the planet’s average temperature by 2100 based on the radiative forcing equations of the IPCC and the five aforementioned parameters. Additionally, the game is able to process which RCP scenario the word will be in based on these five parameters. The game is highly interactive, with students able to choose if these parameters will be based on an established database or if they want to explore other RCP scenarios. Furthermore, the game allows students to input custom values for CH4, CO2, N2O and aerosols in order to observe the average temperature of the planet in 2100 as well as the RCP scenario these values lead to. Τhe open source approach, gives students the chance to modify the game and include further features according to the specific educational needs. Finally, the educational value of this game is complemented by its user interface which, due to Unity’s capabilities as an engine, has vibrant colors and themes making the game aesthetically pleasing and interesting.

How to cite: Metaxas, I., Gialesakis, N., Kanakidou, M., and Kalivitis, N.: Data exploitation and visualization in the classroom. The case of CLIMADEMY's video game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8711,, 2025.

The Regional Directorate of Education (RDE) of Crete actively promotes informal
learning to enhance scientific knowledge on climate change and sustainability
through the implementation of European programmes. These initiatives place
significant emphasis on school visits and activities within research and scientific
institutions, offering students interactive and experiential opportunities to deepen
their understanding of environmental issues. Through these activities, students
develop critical thinking, environmental awareness, and collaboration skills while
fostering competencies essential for sustainable development.
Research organisations play an important role as educational hubs, connecting
theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Programmes like the innovative
Horizon 2020 CONNECT project and the Erasmus+ academy CLIMADEMY,
implemented by the RDE of Crete, exemplify this approach. These programmes
facilitate informal learning experiences, including visits to research centres, scientific
laboratories, museums, and natural environments, enabling students to learn
through hands-on activities and problem-solving exercises.
For example, schools in Crete have visited the Natural History Museum of Crete and
the atmospheric measurement station in Filokalia, Lassithi, where students engaged
in educational programmes focused on practical applications of science. Additionally,
schools across the region have implemented science-based scenarios, deepening
their understanding on critical issues such as the climate crisis, renewable energy,
and carbon footprint reduction.
These educational approaches not only bring science to life by allowing students to
work with experts but also foster autonomy, personal initiative, and creativity. By
promoting experiential learning, these programmes equip students with the skills
needed to address contemporary environmental and social challenges effectively.

How to cite: Kartsonakis, E. and Stavrakakis, E.: Supporting Informal Learning on Climate Change and Sustainability ThroughEuropean Programmes: The Case of the RDE of Crete, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8879,, 2025.

EGU25-9030 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.5

HydroEurope Project: Assessing uncertainties on advanced hydrological and hydraulic modelling, climate change impacts on flash floods, and accidental water pollution, in six catchments in Europe 

Gonzalo Olivares Cerpa, Frank Molkenthin, Grzegorz Sinicyn, Caspar Hewett, Nahad Rezazadeh Helmi, and Alexandre Caminada

Keywords: Europe, education, basins, uncertainty, flash flood, climate change, water pollution

Education remains one of the main driving forces in Europe, with educational institutions playing a central role in training future professionals. Strengthening educational strategies provides a comparative advantage to societies and communities facing challenges, particularly those related to natural hazards such as storms, floods and heatwaves. According to the European Environment Agency, climate-related hazards pose significant risks to human health and ecosystems, leading to considerable economic losses. In 2023, Europe experienced losses of around €43.9 billion, a figure that has increase steadily over the last 30 years. Additionally, the World Bank reports that floods alone affect on average 2 million people annually in Europe.

In response to these challenges, education and training initiatives are crucial, particularly for students nearing the end of their studies and preparing to enter the work market. One such initiative is the HydroEurope project, which tackles climate-related hazards within training for students. This innovative program combines real-world water issues with academic training, focused on six European basins. The Var-Vésubie basin in the southeast France (French Riviera), the Ahr basin in West Central Europe (border region of Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany), the Tordera basin in the north east of Spain (Catalonia), the Tervuren basin in central Belgium, the Upper Skawa in the south of Poland (border region of Czech Republic) and the Ouseburn basin in the north east of the UK). Universities in six countries are represented in the project:  Universitè Côte d’Azur, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Politecnhika Warszawska, and Newcastle University.

The HydroEurope project, spanning three years, addresses three key challenges: uncertainty in hydrological and hydraulic modelling, the effects of climate change on flash flood frequency, and accidental water pollution in water bodies. By examining these issues, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the water cycle and develop skills to mitigate climate-related hazards.

The project involved extensive work by students and teachers across the six study areas, covering basins with varied weather and land conditions. They evaluated the impact of storms and extreme events in past, present, and future scenarios, assessed modelling uncertainties, and investigated water pollution. This analysis provided a broader perspective on climate-related disasters in Europe, considering the geographic diversity of the study sites. Students learned to select appropriate tools, measurements, and strategies for specific challenges, preparing them to approach water issues from a pan-European perspective.

The project achieved its objectives, producing over 18 teaching units, tutorials, guides, and other educational materials that enhanced the understanding of the study areas. Students created reports and presentations offering insights into the case studies and methodologies, which are available on the project’s website (

This article highlights the significant work done during the program, showcasing the analysis and information generated by students. The HydroEurope initiative has not only provided valuable educational experiences but also contributed to addressing critical climate-related issues through research and practical solutions.

How to cite: Olivares Cerpa, G., Molkenthin, F., Sinicyn, G., Hewett, C., Rezazadeh Helmi, N., and Caminada, A.: HydroEurope Project: Assessing uncertainties on advanced hydrological and hydraulic modelling, climate change impacts on flash floods, and accidental water pollution, in six catchments in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9030,, 2025.

EGU25-9644 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.5

Development of sustainability competences for analysing and narrating real-world climate data  

Veronica Ilari, Sara Moresco, Paola Fantini, and Olivia Levrini

Climate change education is crucial to equip young people with the tools to help them envision and thus achieve a carbon-free society. Incorporating climate data into school curricula fosters a personal connection to global environmental challenges and enhances scientific inquiry and systemic thinking skills.

CLIMADEMY (CLIMAte change teachers' acaDEMY) is a three-year Erasmus+ teacher training project involving four European HUBs in Finland, Germany, Greece, and Italy. It aims to integrate real-world data into educational contexts to regenerate the teaching and learning process addressing diverse curricular needs while fostering environmental as well as social and economic sustainability competences (Bianchi et al., 2022; Purvis et al., 2019).

As part of the Italian HUB, we present a project born from the intersection between the objectives of CLIMADEMY and the initiatives of a scientific high school (Liceo Scientifico ‘A. Einstein’ in Rimini), which has been collaborating for several years with the physics education research group of the University of Bologna. This project, called Salomon, involves five classes  (four grade-12 and one grade-11) and aims to develop sustainability competences described by the European GreenComp framework. Salomon encourages students to tackle global complex issues like climate change through innovative interdisciplinary approaches that cultivate problem-framing, analytical, and systemic thinking skills.

Salomon promotes collaboration between scientific and humanistic disciplines, drawing inspiration from Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities. Teachers co-design and carry out activities in classrooms and physics laboratories, emphasizing diverse disciplinary epistemologies and employing multiple languages - textual, photographic, theatrical - to convey the contents learnt. This approach allows students to engage with complexity and sustainability concepts through varied perspectives.

At the project’s conclusion, a dedicated module will delve into the topic of climate change, with the ambition that the various interdisciplinary activities carried out in the previous months will have provided not only greater knowledge and skills, but above all the attitude to consciously reflect and work on real-world data. Students will be asked to analyse, interpret and narrate climate data from local and global sources, including monitoring stations like Finokalia (University of Crete), the E3CI European Extreme Events Climate Index (IFAB foundation, Bologna), and the En-ROADS climate simulator. 

This approach fosters scientific literacy and cultivates confidence in the scientific endeavour to support evidence-based decision-making, empowering students to act as agents of sustainability in the world. Salomon offers a model that is adaptable to different educational settings that want to incorporate real data into curricula within a complexity-oriented education that aims to equip students with the thinking tools needed to address pressing environmental challenges and contribute to a decarbonised and sustainable society.

Bianchi, G., Pisiotis, U., & Cabrera Giraldez, M. (2022). GreenComp – The European sustainability competence framework. In M. Bacigalupo & Y. Punie (Eds.), European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.   

Purvis, B., Mao, Y. & Robinson, D. (2019). Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins. Sustainable Sciences, 14, 681–695.

How to cite: Ilari, V., Moresco, S., Fantini, P., and Levrini, O.: Development of sustainability competences for analysing and narrating real-world climate data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9644,, 2025.

EGU25-9645 | Orals | EOS2.5

The Adaptation AGORA  Academy to access and use Climate Data and to monitor Climate Risks, an innovative learning tool to foster education and citizen engagement.  

Marianna Adinolfi, Andreas Hoy, Massimo Milelli, Riccardo Biondi, Paola Mercogliano, Alfredo Reder, Arianna Acierno, Marina Mattera, Marta Ellena, and Antonella Mele

Climate change education and citizen engagement are essential for advancing towards a climate-resilient society promoting institutional, regulatory and policy transformation. Informal learning tools, as digital environments, and co-development approaches play a pivotal role in addressing this challenge. In this perspective, the AGORA project contributes to the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by promoting best practices, innovative methods, climate change education instruments and citizen engagement to enhance community and regional engagement in climate action. A key initiative within AGORA is the development of the Community Hub, a collaborative online platform designed as an integrated discussion and learning space. This digital hub hosts two Digital Academies aimed at equipping citizens and stakeholders with open-source climate data and tools to address climate adaptation challenges and misinformation. The ambition of this work is to promote the  Digital Academy to access and use Climate Data and to monitor Climate Risks developed in the AGORA project, as an inspiring educational initiative, inviting data owners, educators, and policymakers to collaborate in transforming climate knowledge into actionable solutions. By fostering trust, enhancing education, and empowering citizens, these efforts collectively contribute to building a climate-resilient Europe. Specifically, the Digital Academy supports citizens and stakeholders to access open-source climate data for adaptation, also supporting users with guidelines on how to read, interpret and effectively use the information. By integrating existing real-world data, sources and platforms on climate data, adaptation and risk hubs with theoretical modules and guidelines, educators can provide users with both a deeper understanding of climate change and an immersive experience in climate research. The Academy is formed by inventories and modules with key scientific information on the usage of climate data at different levels of knowledge (i.e. entry, base and advanced). Then, the Academy promotes information and initiatives fostering climate adaptation supported by citizen science activities. Indeed, the Digital Academy is co-designed and co-developed in different public events, such as ECCA (, SISC conference 2023 ( and specific events with stakeholders and academic students. Such events allowed to connect climate adaptation practitioners with the scientific community, to gather the users’ requirements and provide suggestions and ideas for the advancements in the building up of the Digital Academy. Such an innovative learning tool provides authentic climate information, fosters scientific inquiry, and nurtures critical thinking skills.

How to cite: Adinolfi, M., Hoy, A., Milelli, M., Biondi, R., Mercogliano, P., Reder, A., Acierno, A., Mattera, M., Ellena, M., and Mele, A.: The Adaptation AGORA  Academy to access and use Climate Data and to monitor Climate Risks, an innovative learning tool to foster education and citizen engagement. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9645,, 2025.

EGU25-12197 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.5

 Climate analogs for climate change communication and education: a case study with US Specialty Crops 

Supriya Savalkar, Bhupinderjeet Singh, Teal Potter, Alex Kirkpatrick, Chad Kruger, and Kirti Rajagopalan

Climate analogs for a target location are other locations whose current climate is similar to the target location’s projected future climate.  We explored using analogs as a convening tool to pair extension professionals and facilitate dialogue regarding concrete, actionable information for specialty crop climate adaptation. We aimed to build extension capacity and expertise to support climate change adaptation in U.S. specialty crops. Through an immersive training program that leverages climate analogs, we prepared agricultural educators, early-career professionals, and students using peer-to-peer learning, integrative knowledge activities, and applied projects. The goal was to use this as a means to overcome a critical climate change communication gap preventing climate change preparedness in the agricultural community. The idea that individuals will act if they receive the right “missing” climate change information and tools is an educational approach that has been shown repeatedly to be insufficient in complex situations where strategies and outcomes remain uncertain. Dialogues via analogs offer an alternative approach.  Twenty US Extension professionals are being trained. Our program evaluation features a phenomenological interview approach and qualitative analysis of participants’ lived-experiences, which provides insights beyond the typical scope of program evaluations. Preliminary interview feedback indicates that the experience has been transformative for participants, offering opportunities for autonomous learning surrounding critical adaptation concepts. We will describe the program, successes, adaptation insights obtained, and lessons learnt related to climate change communication from this unique training program.

How to cite: Savalkar, S., Singh, B., Potter, T., Kirkpatrick, A., Kruger, C., and Rajagopalan, K.:  Climate analogs for climate change communication and education: a case study with US Specialty Crops, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12197,, 2025.

EGU25-12206 | Orals | EOS2.5

Transregional Study of Willingness to Engage in Climate Change Actions among Youth in the Red Sea Countries 

Dheaya Alrousan, Nathalie Peutz, Alden Young, Muez Ali, Aisha Al-Sarihi, Moustapha Nour Ayeh, and Dany El-Obeid

Public perception represents a critical factor in people's engagement and support for climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the perceptions of youth and their willingness to engage in climate change actions in Lebanon and another six countries in the Red Sea arena (Jordan, Djibouti, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia (KSA), and Yemen) by integrating socio-cultural, experiential, cognitive, and sociodemographic as explanatory factors. By employing a mixed-methods approach, 2788 young people aged 18 to 35 years were surveyed using a standardized questionnaire. Key findings reveal significant inter-country differences at all levels. For instance, among the Red Sea countries, Saudi Arabia reported the lowest willingness to act, with an average score of 44.2%, while Sudan recorded the highest, with an average score of 58.7%. Youths from all countries in this study demonstrated moderate to low levels of knowledge about climate change causes, impacts, and impacts of responses, with an overall average score of 47%. The findings revealed that only 26% of participants received formal climate change education, predominantly as elective courses during their study. For the explanatory factors, value orientations were found to influence willingness to act strongly. Biospheric and socio-altruistic values were positively correlated with behavioral willingness, while egoistic values had a weaker or non-significant correlation. Social norms, particularly prescriptive norms, were found to be strong predictors of willingness, underscoring the role of societal pressure in shaping climate-related behaviors. Mitigation response inefficacy (i.e., the belief that actions are ineffective) was negatively correlated with behavioral willingness, highlighting a critical barrier to engagement. Gender, age, level of education, and receiving climate change education were significant predictors of willingness to act, with higher education levels and prior exposure to climate change education correlating with increased willingness. Experience with extreme weather events (EWEs) also shaped behavioral willingness, with those exposed to such events reporting a higher willingness to act. The study identifies critical encounters, including gaps in climate education and the influence of socioeconomic factors on willingness to engage in climate actions. It underscores the need for tailored interventions that address regional disparities and leverage value orientations and social norms to promote climate action among youth. Policies should prioritize integrating climate change education into formal curricula and fostering community-based initiatives to enhance societal and personal willingness to engage in mitigation efforts. Addressing perceived inefficacy through targeted campaigns can also bolster youth participation in climate action.

How to cite: Alrousan, D., Peutz, N., Young, A., Ali, M., Al-Sarihi, A., Nour Ayeh, M., and El-Obeid, D.: Transregional Study of Willingness to Engage in Climate Change Actions among Youth in the Red Sea Countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12206,, 2025.

EGU25-12907 | Posters on site | EOS2.5

Public perception on surface water-related ecosystem services in Romania 

Gabriela Ioana-Toroimac, Liliana Zaharia, Dana Maria Constantin (Oprea), Tsaralaza Jorlin Tsiavahananahary, and Dănuța Alessandra Mihalcea

The general aim of the study is to analyse the public perception on the ecosystem services related to surface water (rivers and lakes). A specific objective was to assess the level of knowledge of the population on hydroclimatic phenomena and related services. The study is based on a survey including 22 examples of surface water-related ecosystem services that were listed in a questionnaire grouped in three major types: provisioning services (6), cultural services (9), and regulating and supporting services (7).  A total of 254 local residents living river or lake side were interviewed face-to-face in Southern and Eastern Romania, in both urban and rural communities. The residents had to choose from the list those ecosystems services characterizing the neighbouring surface water. The answers showed that 20% of these local residents considered ecosystem services such as climate regulation (temperature, noise), air quality regulation (carbon sequestration) or flood risk control as being characteristic for their nearby environment. Among regulating and supporting services, the role of surface water on the biodiversity production and habitat appears to be more obvious (with up to 60% of answers) than local climate related effects. Moreover, regulating and supporting services were pinpointed by a lower number of residents when compared to provisioning services or even cultural services, respectively 40%, 61% and 51%. We concluded on a poor knowledge on hydroclimatic phenomena/processes and the ecosystem services they provide that should be countered by education based on scientific proofs, but also science popularisation.

How to cite: Ioana-Toroimac, G., Zaharia, L., Constantin (Oprea), D. M., Tsiavahananahary, T. J., and Mihalcea, D. A.: Public perception on surface water-related ecosystem services in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12907,, 2025.

EGU25-14883 | Orals | EOS2.5

Climate Change Education in Europe: Perceptions and Pathways for Transformation 

Sorin Cheval, Adina-Eliza Croitoru, Vladut Falcescu, Cristiano Franceschinis, Cătălin-Cosmin Glava, Cristian Iojă, Gabriele Quinti, Shreya Some, Mara Thiene, and Nicholas Vasilakos

The presentation delivers insights addressing the concepts fundamental to the linkages between climate change education and our societal dynamics, including examples of impacts at the European scale. European Green Deal and Education for Sustainable Development are core frameworks ensuring that education plays a pivotal role in achieving European climate adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development goals.

Climate change stands as one of the most critical challenges of our time, given the intensified impacts of extreme events on socio-ecological systems. Addressing the unprecedented challenges posed by climate risks demands both immediate action and a sustained long-term commitment from our societies and their citizens. Climate change education can respond to this dual perspective, helping people understand and face the consequences of the climate crisis, and empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to support and jointly apply mitigation and adaptation strategies. Education system is an important channel for building/enhancing climate culture not only for its direct “users”, but also for their entourage. Moreover, social and emotional learning in education is crucial for fostering resilience, coping with eco-anxiety, and promoting effective climate action.

Although the impacts of climate change and the measures required to address them vary across sectors and groups, education can serve as a powerful leverage point for driving cross-sectoral transformative change by breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across disciplines and sectors. The ongoing climate change has detrimental impacts on the education system, extended on short- and long-term, from local to national and even larger spatial scales. Extreme events, increasingly frequent and often associated with climate change, affect structures and infrastructures supporting the education services, as well as the education process itself in various ways, from disturbing the continuity of the activities to damaging the facilities. In affected areas, emerging climate events may further exacerbate barriers to education for vulnerable groups. The interconnectivity between education and other sectors and services makes education one of the keys to adapting to the changing environment in Europe, including the climate-driven, and socio-economic dynamics (i.e. migration, spillover effects, social equity and labour market).

The presentation highlights the findings of a survey exploring perceptions of climate change’s impacts on education in Europe, offering insights  into how education changes perception and action towards climate change, and supporting transformative changes to enhance the climate resilience of the education system. The bi-directional linkages between climate change and education as reflected in the national climate adaptation and education strategies are also discussed, specifically emphasising the role of strong leadership, innovative and cross disciplinary pedagogies, and collaborative partnerships to reimagine education systems for a climate-changed world.

This research received funds from the project “Cross-sectoral Framework for Socio-Economic Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Events in Europe (CROSSEU)” funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme, under Grant agreement n° 101081377, and through the M100 initiative, “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: Planning, Piloting, Inspiring”, the second initiative developed under the M100 National Hub, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants through the Fund for Bilateral Relations.

How to cite: Cheval, S., Croitoru, A.-E., Falcescu, V., Franceschinis, C., Glava, C.-C., Iojă, C., Quinti, G., Some, S., Thiene, M., and Vasilakos, N.: Climate Change Education in Europe: Perceptions and Pathways for Transformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14883,, 2025.

EGU25-15706 | Posters on site | EOS2.5

Empowering Climate Change Education Through Remote Sensing Technology: Transforming Student Awareness into Action — The LAP/AUTh Research Lab 

Konstantinos Michailidis, Maria-Elissavet Koukouli, Katerina Garane, Daphne Parliari, and Dimitris Balis

Climate change poses a significant global challenge, with its effects increasingly evident through rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and deteriorating air quality. Educating school students about climate change is crucial to foster awareness and empower them with actionable knowledge to act responsibly. The Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics (LAP) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, has been at the forefront of atmospheric monitoring since four decades, utilizing advanced remote sensing techniques through satellite and ground-based instrumentation. The location and continuous operation of the lab make it unique in the field of Atmospheric Remote Sensing throughout Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Recognizing the urgent need to address the evolving climate crisis, LAP/AUTh can serve as a hub for promoting information and raising awareness among students about the ever-evolving scientific field of the Atmospheric Environment. By integrating real-world environmental data into educational frameworks, LAP/AUTh promote innovative learning activities and programs aimed at enhancing understanding of climate change, its causes, and its far-reaching impacts. Secondary school visits have been frequently organized since many years, where students participate in a series of activities, having the opportunity to be familiarized with modern cutting-edge technologies and research practices. This initiative bridges scientific research with the general public and education, creating the conditions for joint actions contributing to the understanding and development of critical thinking of environmental issues. In this direction and given that experiential learning is the most effective way to learn, our main goal is to turn awareness into action by promoting the teaching of climate change through modern educational practices.

How to cite: Michailidis, K., Koukouli, M.-E., Garane, K., Parliari, D., and Balis, D.: Empowering Climate Change Education Through Remote Sensing Technology: Transforming Student Awareness into Action — The LAP/AUTh Research Lab, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15706,, 2025.

EGU25-15778 | Orals | EOS2.5

Virtual Exchanges and Climate Education as a Tool for European Partnership Development for SDGs 

Alexander Mahura, Hanna K. Lappalainen, Julia Karhumaa, Laura Riuttanen, Aleksi Vauhkonen, Svyatoslav Tyuryakov, and Valeriya Ovcharuk and the & Erasmus+ CLUVEX, UnaVEx and ClimEd projects teams

The traditional model of in-person education is evolving, with distance learning becoming increasingly popular. Virtual Exchange (VE) enhances interest in distance education by adding interactive elements. The University of Helsinki (UHEL) coordinates two EU ERASMUS+ VE projects: “Climate University for Virtual Exchanges” (CLUVEX) and “Una Europa Virtual Exchanges for Sustainability” (UnaVEx), running from 2023 to 2026. These projects address climate change and sustainable development. Additionally, UHEL leads the ClimEd project, which offers online training on climate services, adaptation, and mitigation, incorporating VE elements.

CLUVEX and UnaVEx aim to engage up to 5,000 university students (BSc to PostDoc levels) in VEs over three years. CLUVEX integrates Climate University online courses, while UnaVEx builds on Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability and the associated MOOCs. These projects, involving partners from Europe, Neighbourhood East, and Africa, are testing and refining VE as part of distance learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ClimEd successfully used VE for remote training with Ukrainian universities, focusing on advanced educational and communication technologies in climate services.

Students in CLUVEX and UnaVEx VEs collaborate in international groups to learn about climate change and sustainability. They earn ECTS credits and certificates like the Climate Messenger (CLUVEX) or Sustainability Advocate (UnaVEx). Similarly, ClimEd participants receive training certificates with ECTS credits. Feedback and motivation data are collected to improve the VE approach.

Since mid-2023, CLUVEX has developed resources like the Virtual Exchange Guidebook, Climate Literacy Guidebook, and Climate Messenger Code of Conduct, along with climate-related lectures and visualization tools. Six moderator training sessions in 2024 covered topics such as technical skills, MOOCs, soft skills, and CLUVEX handbooks. The first VE Week for students was held on October 14–18, 2024. UnaVEx began preparations in 2024, focusing on VE Week exercises. Moderator training started in late 2024, with the first VE Week scheduled for February and March 2025, featuring an “Introduction to Sustainability” exercise. ClimEd has successfully conducted five of seven planned trainings. The sixth, focusing on MOOC development, is scheduled for February 2025 in Estonia. The seventh, on using climatic information for climate-dependent industries, is planned for April 2025 in Spain.

Results from the initial VE Weeks of CLUVEX and UnaVEx will highlight how VEs enhance engagement in distance learning about climate issues. VEs foster skills like remote collaboration, technical proficiency, and teamwork. The ClimEd project’s completed VE-based trainings will also be summarized.


This work was supported by the EU funded Erasmus+ projects: via CLUVEX (No 101111959), via UnaVEx (No101139159), via ClimEd (No 619285-EPP-1-2020-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

How to cite: Mahura, A., Lappalainen, H. K., Karhumaa, J., Riuttanen, L., Vauhkonen, A., Tyuryakov, S., and Ovcharuk, V. and the & Erasmus+ CLUVEX, UnaVEx and ClimEd projects teams: Virtual Exchanges and Climate Education as a Tool for European Partnership Development for SDGs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15778,, 2025.

EGU25-16862 | Posters on site | EOS2.5

The public perception of the urban heat island phenomenon in Romania. Case study: Bucharest 

Dana Maria Constantin (Oprea), Elena Grigore, Gabriela Ioana-Toroimac, Adrian Amadeus Tișcovschi, Elena Bogan, and Raul Gabriel Ilea

The urban heat island (UHI), affects people’s health or can disturb their well-being and productivity. Is the urban population aware of this harmful phenomenon to which it is exposed? Our analysis focuses on the knowledge and understanding of the UHI in the perception of the citizens of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Bucharest is a typical example of temperate continental city, located in an open plain area (60-90 m a.s.l.). The city has approx. 2.1 million inhabitants and extends on an area of approx. 240 km2 (about 81% of the building surface). The UHI intensity generated by the city of Bucharest is on annual average by 1-3°C higher than the open field. The analysis relies on a questionnaire, with closed questions with and without the Likert scale and semi-open questions with multiple possible answers, applied individually and directly. The questionnaires were applied to Bucharest residents in ten representative locations of pedestrian traffic in the center of the city. The sample size amounts 267 subjects, classified according to the socio-demographic indicators, such as age, gender and level of education. It was found that 41% of the respondents do not know the ‘urban heat island’ meaning term while 29% know about it. 66% of the interviewed persons consider that this phenomenon is felt in the study area, while 61% associate the presence of UHI with the higher air pollution in the city than in the surroundings. 64% also consider that the UHI is caused and maintained by the phenomenon of environmental pollution. 61% of the respondents consider that UHI is related to the current climate change and that this phenomenon will increase in the future. Based on the relatively low level of knowledge and understanding of the UHI in our analysis, we recommend the necessity to enhance the meteorological education of citizens in order to further implement socially accepted measures to diminish the UHI in Bucharest.

How to cite: Constantin (Oprea), D. M., Grigore, E., Ioana-Toroimac, G., Tișcovschi, A. A., Bogan, E., and Ilea, R. G.: The public perception of the urban heat island phenomenon in Romania. Case study: Bucharest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16862,, 2025.

EGU25-21253 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.5

Leveraging a Living Lab Approach for Sustainable Olive Cultivation: Addressing Climate Challenges and Enhancing Agroecosystem Resilience 

Georgios Maneas, Christos Pantazis, Stavros Solomos, Ilias Fountoulakis, and Christos S. Zerefos

As climate change disrupts weather patterns, it becomes essential to evaluate its effects on olive farming and develop sustainable management strategies to safeguard this agricultural legacy. Rising temperatures, decreased rainfall, and extreme weather events such as droughts and floods endanger the delicate balance between traditional agricultural practices and environmental sustainability. In addition, intensive agricultural methods exacerbate these challenges, jeopardizing soil fertility, water resources, and biodiversity—essential components for sustaining olive farming as both an economic and ecological asset.

This study employs the living lab approach, a collaborative framework that integrates scientific research, stakeholder involvement, and practical experimentation to identify challenges, document traditional knowledge, and design sustainable solutions for olive agroecosystems that are practical, scalable, and suited to local realities. At the core of this living lab are field experiments focused on the monitoring of agrometeorological factors and the testing of sustainable farming practices, with a particular emphasis on soil and water management. These field experiments include the examination of the impact of herbicide application, natural vegetation mowing, and cover cropping on soil erosion in hilly orchards, as well as a comparison of conventional irrigation practices with phenology-based irrigation and rainfed systems to evaluate water-use efficiency. The findings of these field experiments offer valuable insights for improving soil health, enhancing plant growth, and optimizing olive oil production while minimizing environmental impact. The initiative emphasizes capacity building through regular workshops and field demonstrations, facilitating knowledge exchange and skill development among stakeholders. Farmers receive practical guidance in adopting sustainable practices, and the initiative promotes the use of digital tools and remote sensing technologies to inform and enhance soil and water management decisions.

By fostering collaboration, innovation, and the integration of local knowledge, the living lab approach offers a powerful model for addressing the challenges of olive farming. It demonstrates how participatory experimentation can bridge the gap between preserving cultural heritage and ensuring the long-term sustainability of olive cultivation, safeguarding its ecological and economic value for future generations.

How to cite: Maneas, G., Pantazis, C., Solomos, S., Fountoulakis, I., and Zerefos, C. S.: Leveraging a Living Lab Approach for Sustainable Olive Cultivation: Addressing Climate Challenges and Enhancing Agroecosystem Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21253,, 2025.

Collaboration on Capacity Development in Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Africa could provide a beneficial engagement between Europe and Africa. Knowledge exchange could facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology, and expertise in climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies while capacity Building will strengthen local skills and institutional frameworks in Africa to address climate-related challenges effectively. A joint research and innovation initiative between Europe and Africa can promote collaborative research projects focused on sustainable solutions tailored to African contexts. Finally, policy alignment between the two regions will align efforts with global frameworks such as the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2063. This paper  outlines the key objectives of such a collaboration and key focus areas for strengthening the collaboration and concludes with the implementation steps that will be required.

How to cite: Sa’id S., R.: Outlook for an European-African Collaboration for Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-196,, 2025.

EGU25-3023 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

Climate change and water resources capacity development in Africa under the SASSCAL and WASCAL doctoral programmes 

Luna Bharati, Renee van Dongen-Köster, Julien Adounkpé, Layla Hashweh, and Omotayo Awofolu

The West- and Southern African Science Service Centers on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL and SASSCAL) have been established as part of the internationalization strategy of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Both Science Service Centers have a regional focus and work with several member countries (WASCAL: 12 member countries, SASSCAL: 6 member countries). The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change in Koblenz, Germany, is the partner institution of the SASSCAL PhD Programme on Integrated Water Resources Management hosted at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and of the WASCAL PhD Programme on Climate Change and Water Resources hosted at the University of Abomey-Calavi in the Republic of Benin.

This presentation will showcase the relevance and the structure of these programmes and the process of establishing an impactful North-South partnership. Furthermore, both highlights and challenges will be discussed.  

How to cite: Bharati, L., van Dongen-Köster, R., Adounkpé, J., Hashweh, L., and Awofolu, O.: Climate change and water resources capacity development in Africa under the SASSCAL and WASCAL doctoral programmes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3023,, 2025.

EGU25-6388 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

The UNESCO IHP FRIEND-Water programme: a global network for hydroclimatic change research and education  

Andrew Ogilvie, Bastien Dieppois, Ernest Amoussou, Oula Amrouni, Jane Tanner, Adeyemi Olusola, David Gwapedza, and Augustina Alexander

The Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (FRIEND-Water) is the oldest UNESCO Flagship Initiative within the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP).  Active since 1985, it seeks to facilitate, promote and foster collaborations across borders between scientists (hydrologists and related disciplines) to conduct studies on shared river basins. The programme has evolved over time to focus on four key themes relating to (i) data collection and sharing, (ii) the impacts of global change on hydrological regimes and extremes, (iii) water-society interactions and equitable water management and (iv) interdisciplinary educational resources and programmes. Involving researchers from over 150 countries, FRIEND-Water is currently structured into six regional groups around the world of which four focus on Europe-African collaboration: Europe, the Mediterranean, West and Central Africa, Southern and Eastern Africa.  Collaborations include joint research activities, joint supervision of young researchers (PhD and postdoc), exchange visits and scientific events. In partnership with initiatives such as CEH Robin, WMO HydroSOS, IHP-WINS and GRDC, activities notably focus on increasing the collection and sharing of hydroclimatic data across FRIEND-Water regions. Hydrometry training, data rescue, and ongoing collection of hydrological data from ground observation networks are actively supported. Researchers explore large-scale climate and hydrological regime trends as well as the local impacts of future climate projections from CMIP5/CMIP6 models. Hydrological modelling helps forecast the amplitude and frequency of extreme events (floods, agricultural droughts and compound extremes) and support disaster risk reduction and early warning systems.  Working on urban and rural areas, research also seeks to define adequate hydrological norms (accounting for climate non-stationarity) and guide the design of water infrastructure, as well as water management and allocation policies. Activities over the past decade have notably led to the joint EU-African organization of over 30 workshops and trainings on topics including early warning systems, hydrological modelling, hydrometry, as well as four conferences on the Hydrology of African Large River basins. Going into UNESCO IHP-IX, the FRIEND-Water programme has been restructured and is now actively supported by the UNESCO Category II Centre ICIREWARD in Montpellier, leading to increased academic collaboration and capacity building opportunities between Europe and Africa.

How to cite: Ogilvie, A., Dieppois, B., Amoussou, E., Amrouni, O., Tanner, J., Olusola, A., Gwapedza, D., and Alexander, A.: The UNESCO IHP FRIEND-Water programme: a global network for hydroclimatic change research and education , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6388,, 2025.

EGU25-9543 | Orals | EOS2.6

Capacity Development to support transformation and contribute to achieving SDG6 

Micha Werner, Gaetano Casale, Ioana Popescu, and Jeltsje Kemerink

SDG6 is alarmingly off-track, as highlighted in the recent status report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published by UN-Water. It has been recognised at high political level that Capacity Development is one of the main factors that will produce an “acceleration” in achieving SDG6. However, a deeper understanding is lacking on what is needed to have more impactful capacity development programmes particularly in relation to developing the capacity of national government and related institutions, in developing countries. These institutions support real and substantial changes across scales, and strengthening their capacity will contribute to address both existing and emerging issues in a rapidly changing world requiring quick adaptation of capacities in institutions.

The main objective of this contribution is to provide examples of instruments that are currently being developed to support organisations, especially in low and middle-income countries, to develop capacities to accelerate implementation of water related SDGs. In particular, to offer up to date instruments to deliver capacity development products and services to carry out institutional changes that will deliver ultimately impact to SDG6 achievement.

These examples include, but are not limited to, the SDG6 capacity development initiative (UNESCO, UN-DESA, UN-Water, IHE Delft), the Global Water Education Network (UNESCO, IHE Delft, Cap-Net and SIWI), and the Water and Development Partnership Programme (IHE Delft with a broad number of low and middle-income countries and in particular African partners), which are three of the main voluntary commitments related to Capacity Development within the Water Action Agenda resulting from the UN 2023 Water Conference.

The contribution will present ongoing activities in support of capacity development taking place within UN political processes, and beyond, with a special emphasis on Africa. In this contribution we will take a deeper look at typical capacity development challenges, illustrated by selected examples.

Identified challenges address the following questions:

  • What factors create impact in capacity development efforts to accelerate progress towards achieving SDG6?
  • What capacity development activities have the greatest impact?
  • What kind of learning alliances and partnerships, e.g., south-south collaboration, can catalyse capacity development interventions at regional, country level and local levels?
  • What are the investment gaps and opportunities in catering to the capacity development needs in low and middle-income countries?

The outcome of the contribution could be used to contribute to the capacity development accelerator of the SDG6 Global Acceleration Framework to support the SDG6 Capacity Development Initiative and other complementary initiatives like the Global Water Education Network.

How to cite: Werner, M., Casale, G., Popescu, I., and Kemerink, J.: Capacity Development to support transformation and contribute to achieving SDG6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9543,, 2025.

EGU25-12524 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

European Academic Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptations in Africa 

Insa Otte, Lilly Schell, Michael Thiel, and Daouda Koné

The NetCDA project takes a long-term approach to strengthening and better networking academic education on climate change adaptation strategies in Africa. A sustainable implementation of this project will be achieved in three steps: (i) In the short term, PhD students of graduate schools of the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) will be supported and co-supervised. (ii) In the medium term, the German network of WASCAL graduate schools will be strengthened and (iii) in the long term, an academic network will be initiated that brings together climate change researchers from Europe and Africa who are active in education. The first year of project implementation has successfully past, thus the current status and taken steps as well as the further ideas will be presented. Important for the future success of the project will specifically be, to find the right measures to move from a West Africa focused approach to a more general approach to cover the whole continent.

How to cite: Otte, I., Schell, L., Thiel, M., and Koné, D.: European Academic Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptations in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12524,, 2025.

EGU25-13012 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

Developing a reproducible and scalable climate atlas for Ghana through strategic cooperation between Danish Meteorological Institute and Ghana Meteorological Agency 

Shingirai Nangombe, Julie Stensballe, Mark Payne, Francisca Martey, David Quaye, Hayford Asuako, David Tetteh, Joana Amavih2, Peter-William Abbey, Christiana Aggrey, Etornam Kpodo, Adwoa Gyasi, Quarshie Wordu, Stanley Annan, Kim Sarup, Harrison Ofori, and Christian Johansen


Ghana’s vulnerability to climate change is amplified by lack of capacity among different agencies to undertake and coordinate adaptive measures informed by an effective climate services provision. Climate services provide tailored information to support climate adaptation at the local level. One common form of climate service is the provision of downscaled climate projections, bias adjusted using local observations and tailor-made to meet local society needs based on extensive stakeholder engagement. A well-established example of such services already exist in Denmark’s Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) through the Danish Climate Atlas. Therefore, through a Danish governmant funded Strategic Sector Cooperation, DMI is part of a project with Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) which is strengthening authoritative and relevant climate services provision in Ghana through the increased use of climate information and meteorological data in climate change adaptation and climate risk management. This is being done through DMI collaborating with GMet in the development of a National Climate Atlas projecting climate change at regional level in Ghana for three different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. In the heart of this collaboraton is capacity building carried out via the principle of co-defining, co-development and co-producing the atlas by DMI and GMet researchers working with local stakeholders. Recognising the potential to learn from each other and to enable the development and replication of climate services in new regions, DMI developed KAPy (Klimaatlases in Python). KAPy is a tool that builds on software framework centered on the Python programing language, utilizing the extensive tools already established in the programming community. KAPy’s use of workflow control tools enables reproducibility and scalability, while its open-source approach drives both effective collaboration and transparency. Here, we illustate the capability of how this tool is central in producing climate service information in Ghana, including an extensive analysis of the efforts required to produce climate-service ready indicators starting from scratch. How internet bandwidth limitations can be avoided by using KAPy is also shown, thus increasing the productivity and enabling implementation in resource limited situations, such as those in Africa. We conclude by highlighting that KAPy contributes to making climate services provision more transparent and enables DMI to utilize it in other African countries to strengthen their climate services provision.

How to cite: Nangombe, S., Stensballe, J., Payne, M., Martey, F., Quaye, D., Asuako, H., Tetteh, D., Amavih2, J., Abbey, P.-W., Aggrey, C., Kpodo, E., Gyasi, A., Wordu, Q., Annan, S., Sarup, K., Ofori, H., and Johansen, C.: Developing a reproducible and scalable climate atlas for Ghana through strategic cooperation between Danish Meteorological Institute and Ghana Meteorological Agency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13012,, 2025.

EGU25-13184 | Orals | EOS2.6

The fusion of agricultural sciences and geoinformatics in teaching in Northwestern Africa 

Ralf Löwner and Faiza Khebour Allouche

Landscape management, agricultural sciences and geoinformatics are inseparable nowadays, and this should also be reflected in teaching.  For example, green areas provide an important biodiversity, are positively associated with mental well-being and play a critical role in mitigating the impacts of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, reducing heat islands in urban areas, and providing shade and cooling. However, climate change is also affecting green areas.

On the other hand, geoinformatics offers powerful tools for assessing, monitoring and sustainable planning for all types of landscapes such as urban, rural and natural areas, and deserts. It relates to all data with a spatial reference with the focus on data acquisition, management, analysis, visualization and dissemination. Geographic information systems and remote sensing (aerial photography, satellite and radar images) play a major role for the use of geoinformatics in the geosciences, such as geography, geology, agricultural sciences, and ecology.

Prior to this, the Tunisian GEOMAG project was able to identify a lack of education in geomatics in the center of Tunisia, the Sahel region, which includes the governorates of Sousse, Mahdia, Monastir and Kairouan. This project included in particular an evaluation phase consisting of a self-assessment of 11 Tunisian universities (i.e. 51 “institutional” components) and a national survey of 66 public or private companies active in the geomatics sector.

To address this proven problem, an intensive exchange has been taking place between the Institut supèrieur agronomique de Chott Mariem (ISA CM ) in Tunisia and the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences (HSNB). So far, the Tunisian students have attended the HSNB's Master's program “Geomatics” with a focus on spatial data analysis, landscape and risk management and remote sensing. The curricula are strongly oriented towards the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), open data and open standards. Thanks to the high degree of interdisciplinarity, graduates are offered excellent and exciting career opportunities.

The exchange is guaranteed by a contract between the two universities and is supported by the Erasmus program of the European Union. Various theses have been successfully completed to date. The main objectives of these efforts are:

  • Promoting an interdisciplinary education that brings together the perspectives and skills of different disciplines;
  • Integrating geospatial information technologies into land use planning;
  • Fostering innovation and research and encouraging students to explore new approaches;
  • Promote international cooperation between universities and organizations, including opportunities for students to study and work with colleagues from different countries.

These objectives reflect the European Commission's priorities for interdisciplinary training, the integration of geoinformation technologies, innovation and research, and international cooperation in the field of territorial planning, agricultural sciences and in the European Green Deal strategy. In the future, these activities are to be expanded and a double Master's degree is to be targeted.

The existing and planned activities in the field of higher education can be seen as a pilot project that can be extended to countries such as Morocco, with which there is also very close cooperation, or even beyond.

How to cite: Löwner, R. and Khebour Allouche, F.: The fusion of agricultural sciences and geoinformatics in teaching in Northwestern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13184,, 2025.

The evidence base on the current status of biodiversity and the interlinked features of the ecosystem that define ecosystem integrity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is inadequate. Even less information exists on how the ecosystem responds to the changing climate and other pressures. That evidence deficit is particularly large for the aquatic ecosystems of the DRC, which are often exploited as a protein source for local communities. These shortcomings can be addressed through environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA). Established methods and promising developments (e.g. remote sensing, genomics and citizen science) can be used to build an evidence base that enjoys legitimacy as a basis for governance in the eyes of a broad range of stakeholders. To do so requires national capacity to perform EMA and utilize the results in governance. A new capacity building project “Improving biodiversity governance and sustainable livelihoods with capacities for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment In Democratic Republic of Congo” aims to assist the DRC in achieving its Agenda 2030 ambitions to support sustainable livelihood activities that preserve the integrity and functionality of ecosystems and biodiversity amid climate changes. This initially employs environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA) to build the scientific evidence base encompassing biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, and social and economic dynamics crucial for ensuring continued ecosystem functionality while improving human welfare. Governance must then leverage the EMA evidence base to support national institutions with policy implementation and international commitments. To enhance the prospects for success, the emphasis of this project will be on supporting nature based solutions. The two-year inception phase of the project has three objectives that target specific outputs and long-term outcomes (Table 1):

  • Evidence: Create a socio-ecological evidence base on biodiversity in the Lake Tumba Landscape of Equateur Province to support local governance of freshwater and marine resources in the face of climate change and resource exploitation.
  • Capacities: Plan for establishing national EMA capacity with appropriate educational programs.
  • Coordination: Explore the possibilities for sharing EMA evidence and using it meet local, regional and international needs for evidence- based governance of aquatic ecosystems.

The project is currently in a two-year inception phase in cooperation with the Mabali Research Station managed by the Centre de Recherche en Ecologie et Foresterie (CREF). The collection of biodiversity data to support the strategic plan of the research station will be developed and implemented in consultation with local and regional stakeholders.

How to cite: Bishop, K., Bila-Isia, I., Powell, N., and Ewango, C.: Improving biodiversity governance and sustainable livelihoods with capacities for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment In Democratic Republic of Congo , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13246,, 2025.

While it is generally well understood that climate change poses significant risks to economic stability and well-being, the gendered dimensions of its effects is still a nuanced area of research, especially in developing regions. Considering research within the African context, for example, women's businesses make wide-ranging contributions to family welfare, key value chains, and the provision of goods and services that support adaptation to climate change, yet they face a "triple differential vulnerability" due to heightened exposure to climate risks, frontline management of these risks, and barriers such as limited access to land and finance.

Noting these differential impacts, improved access to and use of credible climate information can be crucial for adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts. However, it is imperative to better understand if and to what extent there may be differences in gender dynamics in climate information awareness and uptake. This study explores this knowledge gap through an analysis of 200 survey responses as well as follow-up semi-structured interviews by women and men entrepreneurs in South Africa (conducted November 2024-February 2025). We focus on understanding how climate events have affected businesses, the extent of climate information use to navigate adaptation and business decision-making, as well as barrier and enabling factors that may shape gender differences in the ability to interpret and use climate information. Such findings can underscore potential gendered differences in the understanding of and subsequent demand for climate information, which can in turn assist in closing knowledge gaps on gender equity in the access to and use of climate services. This study also includes a review of the status of gender mainstreaming in climate information production and dissemination, and, through collaborations with other regional partners and research projects, aims to scale findings to produce tailored insights for climate service designers across eastern and southern Africa towards the encouragement of broad capacity development and strengthening.

How to cite: Dookie, D. S. and Vincent, K.: Understanding gender dimensions in climate information awareness and uptake by entrepreneurs in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13908,, 2025.

The West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and adapted Land Use (WASCAL) is an Intergovernmental Institution established since 2012 to support the capacity development of youth in Climate Change for the West African countries members through the support of the German Federal Minister of education and research (BMBF). Through the German cooperation and main financial with West African countries contribution in 2012, four Master and six PhD relevant programs were established respectively in Climate change & Land use (FUTMINNA, Nigeria), Climate Change & Human Security (UL, Togo), Climate Change & Education (UTG, The Gambia), Climate Change & Energy (UAM Niger) and Climate Change & Water Resources (UAC, Benin), Climate Change Economics (UCAD, Dakar, Senegal), Climate Change & Land Use (KNUST, Ghana), West African Climate System (FUTA, Nigeria), Climate change & Biodiversity (UFHB, Côte d’Ivoire), Climate Change & Agriculture (IPR/IFRA, Mali). The outcome was the transformation of 252 students as climate experts for West Africa. After successful implementation of the curriculum, the above master’s programs were upgraded in PhD to implement the 4th batch with the six other PhD Programs. The Master of Climate Change and Human Security was replaced by a PhD program in Disaster Risk Management and the master in Climate Change and Land use was replace by the PhD in Climate Change & Human Habitat. The fourth batch was implemented with 10 PhD program and two new Master program established in climate Change & Marines Science (UTA of Mindelo, Cabo Verde and Informatica and Climate Change (UJKZ, Burkina Faso). The fifth is currently running with the 11 countries across 12 Universities described above. Then the sixth batch recruitment will be effective with the new Program established in Guinea on Climate Change, Mining Environment and Forestry (UGAN, Conakry, Guinea). The graduation of more than 430 PhD and master’s holders working mainly in high education, research and international institution is a positive response to climate change. In line with its mission to improve the livelihood of communities, WASCAL with the support of BMBF has established master’s programs in four countries in Energy and green hydrogen to support African countries to foster the use of clean energy and contribute to reduce carbon footprint for a better energy transition. In addition to the climate experts, 59 master holders have been graduated through 6 relevant curricula in the followings tracks: Photovoltaic & System Analysis and Green Hydrogen in Niger, Biofuels, Bioenergy and Green Hydrogen in Togo, Economy, Infrastructure and Green Hydrogen Production in Senegal and Technology of green Hydrogen production, Georesources & green hydrogen Production. More than 700 publications, 150 policy brief and other relevant deliverables such as books chapter were produced. The collaboration was done with more than 35 lecturers, supervisors as well as several institutions across Germany and elsewhere. WASCAL and its partners from Germany are working to develop technologies and conduct activities that can support Africa countries resilience for better livelihood of communities.  


How to cite: Koné, D.: Training of Climate and Energy experts for West Africa to support West Africa communities’ resilience though the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13951,, 2025.

EGU25-15575 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

 Enhancing capacities in the field of agrometeorology: developing climatological crop calendars.   

Enric Aguilar, Kosi Tchaa Agniga, Anna Boqué, Caterina Cimolai, and Jon Olano

ccording to Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations (FAO), over 735 million people faced hunger in 2022. Less developed countries, where subsistence agriculture is a major livelihood, suffer disproportionately the effects of food insecurity. Weather, climate variability and climate change alter in time and space the phenological stages of crops and, therefore, agricultural planning and production. Climatological crop calendars for rainfed agriculture can be generated in the intertropical areas using time series of daily accumulated rainfall. They convey actionable information about the start and the end of the rainy season and, coupled with information on the crop's growing cycle length, allow to produce estimations for early, normal and late planting periods for different crops.  

In cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization and the project Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems Initiative (CREWS) in West Africa, the C3/IU-RESCAT/URV has developed a series of tools to support the generation of climatological crop calendars. We adopted a "from data to service" approach, guiding five National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the region (in alphabetical order, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Togo) from the quality control of the raw rainfall time series to the generation of the crop calendar. The cooperation started with a first workshop in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso, 2019), continued on-line through the COVID-19 pandemia and has gained momentum in since 2024 after a workshop on Lomé (Togo). The cooperation includes easy to use software applications, short scientific missions, and a dedicated Moodle site to facilitate training and self-training events and a guidelines document.  

In this contribution, we walk through the software tools created and the contents of the moodle site, as well as examples of crop calendars for the different agroclimatic zones in West Africa and their practical application.  

How to cite: Aguilar, E., Agniga, K. T., Boqué, A., Cimolai, C., and Olano, J.:  Enhancing capacities in the field of agrometeorology: developing climatological crop calendars.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15575,, 2025.

Finding practical, workable and cost-efficient solutions to the problems posed by climate change is a global priority. Most developing countries still fail to adapt to the impacts of climate variability and change and adequately transform their potential to implement and increase their climate protection ambitions. This often is a result of a lack of human and institutional skills and know-how to integrate ambitious climate change adaptation strategies and policy into comprehensive development planning. Overcoming capacity constraints is a core challenge in developing countries. The more capacity countries have, the better they are equipped to face climate change and build resilience.

The Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (FTZ NK)” has a several decades experience in supporting fundamental and applied research on climate issues and contributing to knowledge and technology transfer at the national and international levels. Among the Centre’s projects and initiatives that contribute to capacity development in climate change impacts and adaptation in Africa are:

The International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) that has been created to address the problems inherent to the communication of climate change and to undertake a set of information, communication, education and awareness-raising initiatives which will allow it to be better understood.

World PhD Students Climate Change Network that has been created to support doctoral students in providing a platform for their interaction, collaboration, exchange with other interdisciplinary groups, international PhD students and experts from outside of their organizations

Project “Green Garden/Jardins adaptés au climat (Towards Climate Resilient Farming/Des jardins partagés et d'adaptation aux changements climatiques)”, jointly funded by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemienschaft (DFG) brings together 200 vulnerable farmers from seven enterprises in Benin, Morocco, and Canada and 20 researchers representing an interdisciplinary consortium of academic partners from Canada, Germany, Morocco, and Benin to support the design and adoption of successful climate change adaptation practices in agriculture and agroforestry in collaboration with vulnerable groups.

Project “RECC-LUM (Feasibility Study on Climate Change, Land Use Management, and Renewable Energy in The Gambia)” funded by BMBF and supported by The Gambia Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (MoHERST) focuses on sustainable land management practices within the Gambian agricultural landscape and the role played by using renewable energy in the process.  it will also develop a curriculum of Master of Science (MSc) program focused on renewable energy, climate change, and land use management for The University of The Gambia (UTG).

How to cite: Kovaleva, M. and Wolf, F.: Experience of the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (FTZ NK)” at HAW Hamburg in supporting European-African collaboration on climate change adaptation capacity development  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15764,, 2025.

How water changes interplay with climate change around the global land area is essential for societal water security and major water-related sustainability challenges, but still largely unknown over the global land area, particularly across the African continent that still largely lacks relevant monitoring data. Based on several comparative global datasets and with focus on the terrestrial water system over Africa, we have deciphered the change relationships in space and time between the landscape water fluxes and storages and the associated temperature and precipitation conditions during 1980-2010 in numerous non-overlapping hydrological catchments. We find that widely used climate reanalysis data imply distinctly unrealistic 30-year drying over Africa and the whole southern hemisphere, with physically unreasonable water flux and storage changes and sensitivities to warming. Robustly across the datasets, the landscape water sensitivities to the climatic changes also emerge as differing between space and time, questioning the use of space-for-time substitution for water changes on land. The complexities of terrestrial water system change are essential to recognize for getting water security planning and strategies right, in particular across the relatively data-poor African continent.

How to cite: Destouni, G. and Zarei, M.: Getting water security right across Africa: recognising major dataset biases and space-time change divergence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19247,, 2025.

EGU25-19310 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.6

Climate change capacity building in Africa: initiatives at the United Nations University Bonn 

Sally Janzen, Anna Stamatogiannakis, Emmanuel Cheo, Michael Hagenlocher, Samira Pfeiffer, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Joerg Szarzynski, Erick Tambo, and Yvonne Walz

With the mission to build knowledge for a sustainable world, the United Nations University in Bonn (UNU Bonn) (including the Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) and the Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU-VIE)) is heavily involved in capacity development, especially in Africa, where the effects of climate change and associated extremes are felt disproportionately. UNU Bonn integrates its cutting-edge research on risk, adaptation and transformation into its capacity development activities in collaboration with universities in different countries of Africa, for example through the WASCAL Graduate Studies Programs in West Africa, the Pan African University, and the Disaster Management Training and Education Center in South Africa. In addition, UNU Bonn implements capacity building components in direct relation to and as part of the implementation of innovative research projects.

Against this background and in direct response to the aim of this session, UNU Bonn can provide an overview of the most recent and relevant capacity building initiatives in the context of climate change in Africa. Examples are contributions from UNU Bonn to university curricula in the context of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, Training of Trainers initiatives, e.g. on "transboundary water management" in Togo and Benin, capacity building initiatives in the field "GIS and Remote Sensing for Impact-Based Early Warning", or training programs for young professionals, accelerating gender-just energy transition. In addition, UNU Bonn is closely working with regional organizations, such as the African Montane Unit (ARU) and co-organizing the Southern African Mountain Conference series (SAMC) with the aim to bring together science, policy and practitioners and build capacities on water management issues in the context of climate risks in different southern African mountain regions. UNU Bonn, furthermore, promotes innovation around “Internet of Things” (IoT) in agricultural production.

We can also bring insights into new projects, which build the basis for future capacity building initiatives, for example in the field of multi-goal-oriented management of ecosystems to address climate change, disaster risk, biodiversity loss, and land degradation simultaneously through targeted and strategic management of e.g. wetlands or forests.

With these initiatives, UNU Bonn builds and fosters African capacities of tomorrow’s decision-makers, enabling them to deal with climate change impacts – something the European-African Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptation Research in Africa can learn from and build on.

How to cite: Janzen, S., Stamatogiannakis, A., Cheo, E., Hagenlocher, M., Pfeiffer, S., Schneiderbauer, S., Szarzynski, J., Tambo, E., and Walz, Y.: Climate change capacity building in Africa: initiatives at the United Nations University Bonn, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19310,, 2025.

The Long-Term Euro-African Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) seeks to create a long-term collaboration framework of African and European stakeholders in a quadruple helix approach: government (programme owners and funding agencies), research and academia, private sector, and civil society. The aim is to reduce fragmentation by aligning existing bilateral and multilateral frameworks. LEAP-RE establishes and jointly implements research, innovation, and capacity- building activitie in renewable energies, notably:  (i) Planning and modelling future sustainable energy systems; (ii) Including society as an important stakeholder ; (iii) Market, pricing and business models for future sustainable energy systems; and (iv) Strengthening basic research and technology development. The approach encourages the development of scenarios that are appropriate to local contexts and can be further utilised to support policy makers. 

The partnership launched in 2020 will take a decisive step forward in 2025, based in particular on the following achievements: 

  • The establishment of a bi-continental co-funding mechanism: Two calls for projects have been launched in 2021 and 2022, with 220+ beneficiary organisations in over 30 countries in Europe and Africa.. The third call has been launched on 13th January 2025 under the guidance of the French National Research Agency (ANR).
  • A Strategic assessment for growth potential thanks to an ongoing analysis of Go to Market potential: LEAP-RE particularly explores strategies for scaling renewable energy innovations through market uptake of renewable energy technologies (development and commercialization, policy, building partnerships for market entry). One of the projects funded by LEAP-RE is RE4AFAGRI, led by IIASA. This project aims at demonstrating digital decision-support solutions based on technological, economic, and business model innovation to i) sustainable cropland irrigation and community-wide renewable electricity access, ii) increased agricultural productivity, local crop processing and cold storage, iii) agriculture as leverage for reduction of poverty and inequality, iv) agriculture as leverage for energy access financing. This project will be invited and will illustrate the importance of a bi-continental programme like LEAP-RE for scaling up and identifying market opportunities.
  • Institutional Teaming & Twinning capacities: This involves co-designing research agendas and decision-making processes. The Partnership is investigating new collaborative patterns which instruments are based on formal agreements between African and European institutions to promote long-term collaboration (twinning), and an emergent process where individuals and groups with multidisciplinary skills collaborate (teaming). This co-construction is key to pave the way for an inclusive partnership in critical challenges such as green energy and climate change with access to infrastructure, technology, and research laboratories.
  • Trainings & Capacity-building: develop quality protocol for training in sustainable energy, through the continuation of organizing Renewable Energy Schools (RESchools), MOOCs, and technical training sessions to foster bi-continental exchange. Three RESchools have been organized since 2020 and have gathered 150+ participants.

Thus, LEAP-RE could be instrumental with a view to implementing ambitious African strategies (Africa 2063, African Continental Master Plan) and European strategies (Partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) as part of the AU-EU HLPD on Science Technology and Innovation, AU/EU Innovation Agenda on Green Transition) on sustainable energy, energy access and climate change mitigation.

How to cite: Lévêque, L. and Falchetta, G.: LEAP-RE: an example of coordination, resource mobilisation and capacity building in R&I between Europe and Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19464,, 2025.

In September 2019, a partnership consortium[1] joined efforts to launch the One Planet Fellowship. This initiative, announced at the inaugural One Planet Summit in Paris, December 2017, was the coalition on the mobilization of researchers and young people to work for the climate. The One Planet Fellowship, a career development program, aims to build a robust pipeline of scientists equipped to lead climate change research in Africa, establishing an intergenerational network of scientists across Africa and Europe to foster research collaborations and bringing gender equality at the centre of the climate change and agrifood systems research.

Building on the summary points on adaptation from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report chapter on Africa, it was evident that applied research is essential to solve the challenges of adaptation of agriculture and food systems in Africa. Many of the basic underpinning aspects of the required research are available – what is now needed is the in-depth analysis, and deployment of resulting strategies and practice across the African continent. This requires a strong commitment of African scientists at different levels of career development and collaboration with non-African researchers, particularly from Europe as its nearest continental neighbour through its high level educational and research institutions.

It is thus important to invest in building the capacity of the next generation of African scientists so that they can be well-connected to the world as they find science-based solutions that are anchored in their local realities. To achieve this, the One Planet Fellowship targeted emerging, mid-career and seasoned scientists working in Africa and Europe to accelerate the career development process by:

  • Strengthening the leadership, scientific and mentoring skills of emerging agriculture-climate scientists from both continents and providing an opportunity to African scientists to share their context-specific knowledge and mentor emerging scientists from Europe and for European scientists to gain valuable exposure to the context within which scientific research is conducted on the African continent.
  • Incentivizing intra-continental research collaborations through the establishment of diverse research groups where Laureates identify, initiate, and implement joint projects of various forms including joint publishing, resource mobilization, and media engagement among others.
  • Enhancing the visibility of the One Planet Laureates through diverse opportunities to amplify African voices, access and contribute to national, regional and global conversations, storytelling, and media engagement.

Following the five-year of activity implementation in Africa and Europe, the One Planet Fellowship has mobilized over 400 scientists across Africa and Europe and facilitated their involvement in a range of interventions, including three-tiered mentoring programs, leadership, science and negotiation training series, Advanced Science Training (AST), science-policy linkages via learning visits, facilitating scientific networking and exchange between African and European scientists.

[1] The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the BNP Paribas Foundation, the Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the European Union provided financial support for the One Planet Fellowship implementation jointly coordinated by African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) based in Nairobi, Kenya and Agropolis Fondation based in Montpellier, France.

How to cite: Mbo’o-Tchouawou, M., Odongo, D., and Okoth, S.: Addressing the Multidimensional Impacts of Climate Change through Effective Capacity Development, Research Leadership, Strategic Networking, and Partnerships – The case of the One Planet Fellowship, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21793,, 2025.

Climate change adaptation is the process of responding and adjusting to actual and expected climate and its effects to reduce risk, loss, and damage, ensuring the right to survive, continue livelihoods, and sustain dignified lives. Adaptation effectiveness decreases with increasing warming, hence the need for impactful projects that entail flexible, robust, and inclusive decision-making to integrate climate action into broader development efforts. From current deficiencies of adaptation projects, we intend to highlight how innovative practices emerging from both research and practice can span cross sectoral interest improved environmental co-benefits.

The adequate implementation of adaptations projects necessitates a clear understanding of development realities: weak female labor force participation, rural distress, non-farm aspirations, informal economy. At the upper lever, it is key to have a genuine uptake of legal instruments, national policies, subnational programs and schemes. Rather than focusing on a range of sectors, this presentation focuses process-based adaptation outcomes. In particular the focus on multi-functional system concept that enhances livelihoods. How to twin knowledge creation with public and private partnerships to reduce the implementation gap for adaptation through a closer connection of science to the application.

How to cite: Mbow, C.: Managing scientific information to reduce implementation gaps in adaptation projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21802,, 2025.

EOS3 – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

EGU25-1469 | Orals | EOS3.1

Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility 

Carme Huguet and Soraya Polanco Palomar

Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility

The persistent gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) has hindered diversity and innovation for decades. Women and girls are consistently underrepresented in these fields, limiting their career trajectories and obstructing the development of inclusive, diverse solutions for global challenges. Increasing the visibility of female role models has been identified as a critical strategy to address this disparity (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; Halili & Martin, 2019). However, studies show that women in STEM are often more vulnerable to stereotypes and biases, particularly when presenting their work in public forums (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; McKinnon & O’Connell, 2020). Cata de Ciencia aims to foster a supportive environment to promote women in STEM by showcasing their achievements and engaging a diverse local audience. This initiative combines public science communication with gender equity goals. Monthly events held in Segovia, Spain, feature presentations by local women scientists, followed by interactive discussions with the audience in an informal setting accompanied by wine and tapas. The format promotes accessibility, relatability, and inclusivity, addressing the stereotype that scientific excellence is exclusive to men or specific cultures (Carter et al., 2018; McKinnon & O’Connell, 2020). The project pursues two main objectives: increasing the visibility of women in STEM within the region of Castilla y León and promoting the dissemination of science to the public in a welcoming, interactive format. 

Carter, A. J., Croft, A., Lukas, D., & Sandstrom, G. M. (2018). Women’s visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men. PloS one, 13(9), e0202743.
Halili, M. A., & Martin, J. L. (2019). How to Make the Invisible Women of STEM Visible. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 73(3), 75-77.
McKinnon, M., & O’Connell, C. (2020). Perceptions of stereotypes applied to women who publicly communicate their STEM work. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(1).

How to cite: Huguet, C. and Polanco Palomar, S.: Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1469,, 2025.

EGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024 

Juliane Dannberg, Iris van Zelst, Anne Glerum, Adina Pusok, Fabio Crameri, and Cedric Thieulot

STEM fields in Europe and across the globe are not balanced in terms of gender, ethnic and racial groups, sexual orientation and other aspects of diversity (e.g. Fry et al. 2021, Freeman 2018). For example, in 2018, women made up over 40% of European academic staff, but in 2019 only 26.2% of full professors were women, less than 25% were heads of institutes, and only 31.1% board members (EC She figures 2021). This under-representation has caused academic institutions to implement new hiring practices, unconscious bias training, and intervention programs (e.g. Palid et al. 2023), as science and innovation thrive on diversity in expertise and experience. However, diversity varies across fields, and understanding field specific data is critical to propose and evaluate effective measures. Here, we wish to look inward and assess our own scientific discipline of computational geodynamics. We specifically use a recurring international conference in our fieldnow called the Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamicsas a proxy for our field. This conference series has taken place in various European countries at a roughly two-year interval since 1987. 

For all listed attendees, we have collected gender, year of highest degree obtained, primary country and institute of affiliation at the time of the conference, presentation type and organisational role in the conference based on information available online, such as the workshop program booklets and institute, ORCID, Google Scholar and social media profiles. Using this dataset, we analysed the diversity in gender, career stage and country of affiliation of each conference overall, of the local and science organization committees and of the invited speakers. Based on the available data, we cannot make any inferences about other aspects of diversity. 

We show that over the last 38 years, the participation of women has increased from about 10% to about 35%. The percentage of women attendees has increased across all career stages, but fluctuates for established scientists. The number of invited woman speakers has also increased: whereas between 2000 and 2010, three out of the five conferences did not have any woman invitee, from 2015 to 2024, consistently more than 25% of the invited speakers were women. The number of primary countries of affiliation has approximately doubled over three decades. As expected, the majority of attendees work in Europe and a substantial fraction of participants is from North America, but contributions from scientists in Asia and Africa have increased. Given the rate over the last four decades, we project that gender equality in participants will be reached in 2040.


European Commission RTD, She figures 2021Gender in research and innovation: Statistics and indicators, 2021,

Freeman, J. (2018). LGBTQ scientists are still left out. Nature 559, 27-28.

Fry, R., Kennedy, B., & Funk, C. (2021). STEM jobs see uneven progress in increasing gender, racial and ethnic diversity. Pew Research Center1.

Palid, O., Cashdollar, S., Deangelo, S., Chu, C., & Bates, M. (2023). Inclusion in practice: A systematic review of diversity-focused STEM programming in the United States. Int. J. STEM Educ., 10(1), 2.

How to cite: Dannberg, J., van Zelst, I., Glerum, A., Pusok, A., Crameri, F., and Thieulot, C.: The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5760,, 2025.

EGU25-6072 | Orals | EOS3.1

Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Lessons to enhance inclusive practice 

Adam Jeffery, Steven Rogers, Kelly Jeffery, Mark Lucherini, Julie Hulme, Martin Griffin, Elizabeth Derbyshire, Kristopher Wisniewski, Jamie Pringle, Catherine Hallam, Isobel Stemp, Lisa Lau, and Liam Bullock

Autism is a lifelong developmental condition which impacts how individuals communicate and interact with the world around them and is simultaneously recognised broadly as a form of neurodivergence and protected legally as a disability (e.g. U.K. Equality Act 2010). Autism frequently remains under-represented and un-disclosed in academia, despite it having no impact on intelligence. In fact, many autistic traits such as problem-solving skills and thinking ‘outside the box’ should be conducive to success in academia.

The field of Geoscience is currently facing significant scrutiny for a lack of diversity. This study contributes to this by investigating the experiences of geoscience students in U.K. higher education, using a novel qualitative methodology designed to be inclusive for autistic participants. Forty self-identified autistic geoscience students took part in semi-structured asynchronous discussions over a period of one month, sharing their self-perceptions, experiences of learning in geoscience, university life, support in higher education, and other issues that they wished to discuss.

Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, generating three themes: (1) Being me; (2) Interacting with the world around me; (3) Facilitating change. Participants stressed the need to recognise the diversity of autistic experiences, and suggested a number of recommendations that would improve their learning and wider higher education experiences, including training to enhance the fundamental understanding of autistic people. The outcomes of this study can help provide actionable recommendations for educators and institutions to better address the challenges faced by autistic learners. This will ultimately facilitate better inclusivity in geoscience-based higher education and lead to improved success and well-being for autistic people in the geosciences.

How to cite: Jeffery, A., Rogers, S., Jeffery, K., Lucherini, M., Hulme, J., Griffin, M., Derbyshire, E., Wisniewski, K., Pringle, J., Hallam, C., Stemp, I., Lau, L., and Bullock, L.: Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Lessons to enhance inclusive practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6072,, 2025.

No geoscientist is an island. It is not good practice for a geoscientist to act in isolation; rather, geoscientists need to be part of a welcoming community to thrive.  How a professional geoscientist interacts with other geoscientists, non-geoscientists and society is essential for building a culture and environment of conscious inclusion by celebrating the diversity of one and all.  This means proactively creating environments where geoscientists and others can collaborate and feel comfortable communicating openly. Recognizing and understanding how unconscious bias and privileges can create divisions and foster negative professional (toxic) environments.  The presentation will look beyond professional bodies’ codes of conduct, and it will introduce what Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) means. These concepts are vital to consider from the attraction, retention, and progression of professional geoscientists and the reputation of the communities we represent. Several self-awareness exercises will also be shared to explore potential, implicit bias.


How to cite: Griffin, M.: Embedding Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) within a Professional Geoscientist’s Lifestyle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6886,, 2025.

EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General Assemblies 

Johanna Stadmark, Alberto Montanari, and Lisa Wingate

The EGU recognises the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion as a crucial foundation for scientific research. The increasing diversity of our membership in all its facets fosters collaborative research and discovery that benefits humanity and our planet and contributes to reaching the goal of addressing global challenges.

The EGU EDI Committee, since its foundation in 2021, is actively promoting diversity in the EGU initiatives and community. The aim of the EDI Committee is to promote equality, diversity and inclusivity with a broad vision and a global approach, by working with sister associations.

The EDI Committee tasks currently include: (1) Promoting the EGU vision of EDI via an integrated, co-ordinated and constructive approach; (2) 
Raising awareness of the value of EDI within the scientific community; (3) Organising sessions and meetings dedicated to EDI issues as part of the EGU General Assembly, and at other conferences and meetings organised by EGU and its sibling societies; (4) Representing EGU on relevant initiatives focusing on EDI in the geosciences; (5) Providing constructive suggestions and ideas to the EGU Council to promote EDI within the organisation, and the geosciences in general.

The most recent achievements of EDI@EGU are the Champion(s) for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award that is bestowed to recognize excellent contributions to put into exemplary practice the principles of EDI. Furthermore, a new travel support scheme to promote diversity at the EGU General assemblies, is first activated in 2025.

The above actions resulted in a more diverse attendance at EGU General Assemblies along the years. The total number of presenters has increased over the time period 2015-2024, and this increase was observed throughout all career stages. The proportion of women presenters has increased from 2015 to 2024.

In the hybrid meeting in 2024 approximately 90% of the participants attended in Vienna. A slightly higher proportion of the oldest (>75 years) and youngest (18-25 years) participants attended online. While there were no differences in how women and men participated (online or physically), there are differences connected to the country affiliations. The great majority of participants from countries in most of western Europe, Asia and North America attended in Vienna, while more participants from other continents attended online.

We aim to analyse the changes in demographics with regards to gender, career stage as well as to geographical distribution of the presenters and participants also in coming years to better understand the potential impacts of meetings organized online or physically, or as a combination of both these modes.

How to cite: Stadmark, J., Montanari, A., and Wingate, L.: Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General Assemblies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6932,, 2025.

EGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1

A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!  

Marina Cano Amoros and Iris van Zelst

Science Sisters is a YouTube video and seminar series hosted by Dr. Iris van Zelst. Lighthearted in tone, it explores different career paths, academic life, and science communication in the planetary and geosciences. The guests on the show represent a range of role models to celebrate the diversity of people working in STEM. They are interviewed by Iris on their personal experiences on different topics. Past seasons have included topics like ethical fieldwork, switching careers, science communication, postdoc life, leadership, women in science, job applications, postdoc hopping, outreach, publishing, feeling incompetent, astronaut training, toxic academia, and how to build a research group.

We are now proud to announce that the production of season 3 of Science Sisters has wrapped and post-production, such as the editing of the videos, is in full swing. Anticipated to launch in fall 2025, the new season of Science Sisters will consist of the traditional interview videos and a hybrid online seminar where a viewing party of the episode is combined with an after-show discussion between Iris, the guest, and any research groups and individuals interested in joining.

This hybrid form of Science Sisters has proven to kickstart conversations in institutes and increase the cohesion within institutes by creating a more understanding atmosphere. Early career scientists in particular say that Science Sisters is extremely useful to learn about life as a researcher and they enjoy the chatty, entertaining quality of the interviews.

In season 3, the main topics across our 7 episode series are:

• PhD life

• Failure (and how to deal with it)

• Working at NASA

• Motivation (or lack thereof)

• Science management

• Lab work

• Academic motherhood

Of course, each episode also features individual experiences of (non-)academic career paths to show the diversity of ways in which people can interface with science and work in academia.

Using the hybrid form of videos and online webinars, Science Sisters therefore continues to contribute to promoting and supporting inclusivity in the planetary and geosciences. 

How to cite: Cano Amoros, M. and van Zelst, I.: A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way! , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6963,, 2025.

For many geoscientists, participating in conferences are vital for their career as they provide access to state-of-the-art knowledge in their research field but also provide opportunities to share their own results whilst expanding their research network.

However, the opportunity to attend large geoscience conferences for many researchers often comes at a significant financial burden. In particular, researchers that have caring responsibilities, disabilities or experience temporary unemployment often find it a financial challenge to cover the extra costs incurred for conference participation from research project budgets or from their affiliated research institutions. This not only places a strain on those geoscientists already facing financial hardship, but it also leads to the exclusion of researchers from career-defining meetings.

In 2025, the EGU launched a new EDI Participation Support Scheme for EGU members with the aim of addressing this inequity. This support scheme aims to provide financial assistance to scientists in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences who encounter significant EDI-related financial barriers that prevent them from participating to the EGU General Assembly because of caregiving responsibilities, disability and special needs as well as temporary geoscience career transitions. In this presentation, we will provide valuable information about this new support scheme and encourage the community to raise awareness of these financial burdens with their colleagues, research institutions and research funders.

How to cite: Wingate, L., Hart, J., Turton, J., and Jacobs, P.: Tackling EDI-related financial barriers that reduce inclusivity at geoscience conferences with the EGU EDI Participation Support Scheme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7140,, 2025.

EGU25-7701 | Orals | EOS3.1

Inclusive scientific meetings need alternative modes of participation 

Jens Klump, Vanessa Moss, Rika Kobayashi, Lesley Wyborn, Stefanie Kethers, and Coralie Siegel

Major sporting events, like the Summer Olympics or the FIFA World Cup, attract a global audience of billions of spectators. While many agree that watching the Olympic Games in one of its venues is the best way to experience the event, less than one per mille of the billions worldwide audience can attend in person. The majority watch such events at public events, at home with families and friends, or by themselves on their mobile devices. All these different modes of watching the Olympics allow a global audience access to a major sporting event.

International research meetings were forced into mainly online modes by the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020-2022. While the availability of online formats was initially high, it has since dropped, and only a small fraction of meeting organisers have made efforts to develop new formats that offer value to online participants. At the same time, the poor quality of virtual options and the “rush back to normal” contributed to a drop in virtual participant numbers. This is a missed opportunity; it disregards the high environmental costs of large international meetings and favours those who can afford the high costs and time commitment of international travel and are, therefore, already advantaged. For many in the Global South, attending international conferences offered as in-person-only events is almost impossible, widening the gap in their ability to participate in global science.

While technologies for alternative modes of participation exist, many organisers of conferences cite the excessive cost and a lack of interest as barriers. Financial modelling by a major conference provider showed that offering alternative participation modes adds approximately five to ten per cent to the cost of running a conference, which can be easily offset by attracting additional participants. However, conflicting aims exist between conference organisers wanting to offer alternative participation modes but also having to be financially sustainable, as well as conference venues and tourism boards, who want to maximise the number of participants on-site. It has been reported that tourism boards and conference venues use subsidies and overpriced equipment to discourage alternatives to on-site participation.

For their 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Astronomical Society of Australia organised an “online-first” conference with a location-specific “Hub Day” during the week to offer space for in-person interactions. As this example shows, there are many opportunities to innovate by blending in-person, hybrid, and online formats and adopting new technologies (see, e.g.,, including local or regional hubs where participants can gather to discuss and network. Alternative modes are already being used successfully by communities in other areas of society to bring people together and the scientific community is lagging behind. We could draw inspiration from completely different types of events, like games, international sports or cultural events. This presentation is about how we can make research meetings more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable by being more creative about modes of participation and thinking outside the box. 

How to cite: Klump, J., Moss, V., Kobayashi, R., Wyborn, L., Kethers, S., and Siegel, C.: Inclusive scientific meetings need alternative modes of participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7701,, 2025.

EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1

Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors:  Experiences Gathered at a Scientific Conference 

Nahid Atashi, Anni Hartikainen, Laura Salo, Ilona Ylivinkka, Muhammad Shahzaib, Miikka Dal Maso, and Katja Anniina Lauri

We organized an informal equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) themed reception for the attendees of the European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2024 to encourage reflection and sharing of both positive and negative behaviors observed in academic workspaces. 

The event was held in a private venue near the conference site. The three-hour event featured a combination of short talks, a presentation on current and past EDI initiatives within the Finnish aerosol science community, and informal discussions in small groups. The relaxed setting fostered open dialogue and active participation. 

During the event, attendees were invited to anonymously write about their personal experiences at their workspace on sticky notes and attach them to a poster displayed throughout the reception. This interactive approach provided a safe space for participants to voice their thoughts and experiences, which remained visible for collective reflection until the event concluded. 

The collected messages were categorized into two main themes. Positive Aspects included respect and inclusion, supportive environments, social connections, and practical guidance. Negative Aspects highlighted challenges such as discrimination, exclusion, judgment, and unproductive atmospheres. Combined insights collected within this activity provide a clear understanding of workplace dynamics, offering valuable perspectives for promoting equity and addressing areas of concern within academic environments.

How to cite: Atashi, N., Hartikainen, A., Salo, L., Ylivinkka, I., Shahzaib, M., Dal Maso, M., and Lauri, K. A.: Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors:  Experiences Gathered at a Scientific Conference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9552,, 2025.

Transition services are essential for supporting students with intellectual disabilities (ID) as they prepare for independent adult lives. While special education teachers in both the United States and Korea acknowledge the importance of providing these systematic services, their actual implementation varies widely due to differing teacher backgrounds and numerous barriers. This study examines these barriers through the lens of Windschitl's framework, which categorizes dilemmas into four types: conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, and political. These dilemmas serve as a foundation for understanding why teachers struggle to implement transition services, even when they recognize their significance.

Focusing on the Korean context, this study explored the experiences of special school teachers working with students with ID and identified additional dilemmas beyond those categorized by Windschitl. To achieve this, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 35 special school teachers currently implementing transition services. Using the constant comparative method, the data was analyzed to uncover key categories, their properties, and how these elements interconnect.

The findings revealed that Korean teachers viewed transition services as vital for equipping students with ID with the skills necessary for employment, societal integration, and independence. However, despite understanding their importance, teachers reported low implementation levels due to various challenges. These included limited resources, insufficient professional development, lack of collaboration among stakeholders, and inadequate institutional support.

Rather than placing blame on teachers for the low implementation of transition services, the study emphasizes the need to create supportive environments. Collaborative efforts among school administrators, parents, policymakers, and disability organizations are critical to fostering conditions where teachers can succeed. Furthermore, investing in professional training and strengthening educational and social infrastructure would significantly enhance teachers’ capacity to provide effective transition services.

By addressing these systemic issues, this study underscores the importance of supporting special educators in their efforts to improve outcomes for students with ID, ultimately enabling them to transition successfully into adulthood.

How to cite: park, Y.: Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10224,, 2025.

EGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensions 

Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Luis Fariña-Busto, Maria Ruiz, Benoit Le Noir de Carlan, and Eystein Jansen

The European Research Council (ERC), Europe’s premier funding agency for frontier research, views equality of opportunities as an essential priority and a vital mission to ensure fairness in the review process. The ERC monitors various demographic data yearly on every call and has taken actions to tackle imbalances and potential implicit and explicit biases.

Demographic gender and geographical distribution data on external reviewers is presented. External reviewers are experts who support ERC evaluation panels by externally reviewing proposals in their fields of specialization. The analysis focuses on the rates of nomination and invitation of these experts, as well as rates of acceptance and completion of the reviews. The data is presented by call and by scientific domain. In the current framework programme (Horizon Europe, 2021-2027), 24% of nominated external reviewers were women, 75% were men and 1% are non-binary. Acceptance and completion rates for men and women are similar.

Furthermore, data on requests of the eligibility window extensions are included. During the grants’ application process, the ERC allows potential grantees to extend the eligibility window, both for Consolidator and Starting Grants. These extensions are conditional on certain circumstances (e.g. parental leave, long-term illness, or clinical training). These circumstances and conditions constantly evolve. In this way, to better comprehend and monitor these requests, the ERC recently started an in-depth analysis of such data, gathered between 2021 and 2024. The data are disaggregated by year, gender, and by grant type. The analysis shows that there is a clear disparity between women researchers and men researchers when requesting extensions; both in terms of numbers and circumstances.

The ERC knows that work to ensure inclusive excellence and equality of opportunities is never-ending. This presentation analyses the institutional efforts, procedures and critically discusses the results.

How to cite: Jesus-Rydin, C., Fariña-Busto, L., Ruiz, M., Le Noir de Carlan, B., and Jansen, E.: Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10372,, 2025.

EGU25-11159 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1

The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data 

Shakti Raj Shrestha, Leonardo Olivetti, Shivang Pandey, Koffi Worou, and Elena Rafetti

There has been a significant increase in both the number of publications and number of citations in the last decade partly fueled by the increased exposure to research papers and such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, ResearchGate, etc. The large data set of scientific literature and respective authors in these platforms can be utilized to get a broad overview of academic discourse. This project aims to investigate the state of academia in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes using Google Scholar data. A comprehensive set of relevant tags (such as earthquake, volcano, natural hazards, climate extremes etc.) were used to filter the researchers. Additionally, a threshold of 500 citations or more was applied to focus on the most influential academics in this field. We limited the analysis to the period 1990-2023 and subsequently stratified the obtained results by gender (as perceived by the authors) and country of affiliation of the researchers. Data for number of publications was also collected for each of the researchers.

Among 2612 researchers identified, 77.2% are male, 22.6% female, and 0.2% could not be categorized into male or female. Male researchers, on average, received a larger median number of citations compared to women even though the gender citation gap in percentage has been decreasing over the last decade. Notably, regression analysis showed that, there is limited difference in number of citations per publication between the two genders. The data also shows that 78.5% of citations are attributed to researchers in high-income countries, 14.4% for those in middle-income countries, and 7.1% for those in low-income countries despite researchers in low- and middle-income countries publishing more papers per year, on average, than their counter parts in high-income countries. The researchers from high-income countries also get larger number of citations per author, on average, even when controlling for number of publications. However, the citation gap between high-income and low- and middle-income countries has narrowed in recent years. Interestingly, the observed citation gap between researchers is more pronounced due to income group than gender. In conclusion, even though disasters affect poor countries and women disproportionately, the fact that the field of natural hazards and climate extremes is largely high-income country and male-dominated raises fundamental questions on teh epistemology and legitimacy of the scientific knowledge that has been generated. 

How to cite: Shrestha, S. R., Olivetti, L., Pandey, S., Worou, K., and Rafetti, E.: The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11159,, 2025.

EGU25-12317 | Orals | EOS3.1

Equity in Geoscience Publishing: Indigenous Data Governance and Tackling Parachute Science 

Tanya Dzekon, Matt Giampoala, Paige Wooden, and Mia Ricci

Addressing under-representation and inequity in geoscience requires action from all participants of the scientific ecosystem. The collaborative and global nature of our science impels us to create systemic changes to better include historically marginalized voices. This work includes correcting the power imbalances that exist within scholarly publishing through equity-focused policy changes and through collaborations with communities. We will highlight AGU Publications’ recently launched Inclusion in Global Research Policy (an authorship policy to improve equity and transparency in international research collaborations and to help address the issue of parachute science), as well as work to create Guidelines for the Governance of Indigenous Data in Scientific Publishing (a partnership between the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, ENRICH, Te Kotahi Research Institute, the American Geophysical Union, the National Information Standards Organization, and AGU).

How to cite: Dzekon, T., Giampoala, M., Wooden, P., and Ricci, M.: Equity in Geoscience Publishing: Indigenous Data Governance and Tackling Parachute Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12317,, 2025.

EGU25-13088 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1

Practical implementation of diversity and inclusion measures in large EU Horizon projects: lessons learned from Geo-INQUIRE. 

Elif Türker, Iris Christadler, Fabrice Cotton, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Fatemeh Jalayer, Mateus Litwin-Prestes, Angelo Strollo, Stefanie Weege, Elisabeth Kohler, Mariusz Majdański, and Laura Sandri

Geo-INQUIRE, an EU Horizon project starting in 2022, brings together 51 partners, including high-level research institutes, universities and European consortia from different EU countries. The project aims to improve access to selected key data, products and services to monitor and model the dynamic processes within the geosphere at new levels of spatial and temporal detail and accuracy. With 150 Virtual Access (VA) and Transnational Access (TA) facilities, together with tailored mentoring programs, including workshops (both online and face-to-face), trainings and seminars, Geo-INQUIRE has brought together over 2,300 researchers in the past two years, offering 20 training events and 7 workshops attended by participants from over 70 countries. While in total 44% of these participants have been female, this number reflects the project’s ongoing commitment to gender balance, inclusion and diversity, but also acknowledges that further progress is still desired.

Despite the projects complexity due to high number of partner institutions, several strategies have been implemented to foster inclusion. These include the unique establishment of an independent advisory committee (EDIP), assigning an EDIP member (by rotation) as ex-officio member of Transnational Activity Review Panel (TARP), thinking of strategies to reduce unconscious bias in review of TA applications, setting targets for female participation and researchers from Horizon’s widening countries, offering travel support and affordable accommodation to reduce financial barriers, recording of online training events to enable access and maximise flexibility. Additionally, novel recruitment practices, supportive workplace policies and efforts to increase female representation in leadership roles have been introduced. Geo-INQUIRE also fosters inclusion across a wide range of career backgrounds (including less conventional career paths) and brings together researchers from diverse scientific disciplines—such as solid earth, marine science, and carbon capture and storage - as well as those with technical expertise in IT. Strategies such as seminars have proven effective in bridging these gaps and reducing barriers between different fields. We will present examples of these actions, discuss lessons learned and propose example guidelines for promoting diversity in large-scale research projects.

How to cite: Türker, E., Christadler, I., Cotton, F., Gabriel, A.-A., Jalayer, F., Litwin-Prestes, M., Strollo, A., Weege, S., Kohler, E., Majdański, M., and Sandri, L.: Practical implementation of diversity and inclusion measures in large EU Horizon projects: lessons learned from Geo-INQUIRE., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13088,, 2025.

The geosciences are at a pivotal moment as institutions, organizations, and individuals confront long-standing inequities to create a more inclusive and representative future. As a geoscientist actively engaged in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives, I have witnessed both the barriers and breakthroughs shaping this transformation. Notably, the geosciences have some of the poorest metrics for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in STEM disciplines. Guided by the principle, “What gets measured, gets done,” my work has focused on quantifying EDI impacts to drive meaningful progress.
Drawing on my role as an executive member of the Canadian Geophysical Union’s EDI Committee, I will present key findings from a comprehensive EDI report on representation statistics from Canadian Geophysical Union conferences since 2018. As a director on the board of Women Geoscientists in Canada, a prominent organization supporting women in technical roles, I will highlight the challenges and successes in addressing gender imbalance and improving diversity within the mining industry.
Lastly as a federal research scientist working on critical mineral exploration and green energy transitions, I will explore how EDI efforts can advance community engagement, inclusive excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical fieldwork, and environmental justice. By sharing these experiences across government, industry, and academia, this presentation will offer actionable strategies to address barriers and inspire collaboration for a more equitable future in Canadian geosciences.

How to cite: Dave, R.: Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI Landscape, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14621,, 2025.

EGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years? 

Lena Nicola, Rebekka Frøystad, Antonio Juarez-Martinez, Maxence Menthon, Ana Carolina Moraes Luzardi, Katherine Turner, Sally F. Wilson, and Benjamin Keisling and the Karthaus 2023 EDI team

Despite the increased awareness towards Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), the glaciological community still experiences and perpetuates numerous examples of inappropriate and discriminatory behavior, adding to the systemic inequalities embedded in the scientific community. What are the EDI challenges we currently face within the glaciological research community? How can we overcome them? Where do we want our research community to be in fifty years? These questions were used as a starting point for a first-of-its-kind workshop at the 2023 Karthaus Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System. Drawing on the outcomes of that workshop, we discuss the answers and challenges to addressing these questions, in the form of both actionable steps forward and imaginative visions of the future. We identified common threads from the workshop responses and distilled them into collective visions for the future. Having consulted additional literature, while formulating suggestions for improvement, stating our own commitment, and highlighting existing initiatives, contributions to this “time capsule” exercise were sorted into three main challenges we want and need to face: making glaciology more accessible, equitable, and responsible (Nicola et al, in review).

How to cite: Nicola, L., Frøystad, R., Juarez-Martinez, A., Menthon, M., Moraes Luzardi, A. C., Turner, K., Wilson, S. F., and Keisling, B. and the Karthaus 2023 EDI team: An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18414,, 2025.

EGU25-20423 | Orals | EOS3.1

Working towards more equitable  recomendations and nomination letters: Equitable Letters for Space and Physics 

Alexa Halford, Angeline Burrell, John Coxon, McArthur Jones, Kate Zawdie, and Julie Barnam

Equitable Letters in Space and Physics (ELSP) is an organization that aims to encourage merit-based recommendations and nominations in the space physics community by providing resources and reviews. Recommendation and award nomination letters are a known source of bias that affect education and job opportunities, career progression, and recognition for scientists from underrepresented backgrounds.  ELSP was founded to combat this bias within the current system by providing a proof-reading service that focuses on identifying phrasing and structure within letters that unintentionally undermines the purpose of the missive.  If you are writing a recommendation letter for someone you know professionally, you can send it to us and we will send it out to our reviewers. They will provide recommendations on how you can make your letter more equitable and less biased, using a combination of the techniques and resources described on our site, with the aim to make unbiased recommendation letters more accessible to all. If you are interested in being a reviewer or having your writing reviewed, please reach out to us.

How to cite: Halford, A., Burrell, A., Coxon, J., Jones, M., Zawdie, K., and Barnam, J.: Working towards more equitable  recomendations and nomination letters: Equitable Letters for Space and Physics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20423,, 2025.

EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight

Failure to Act:  Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine 

Holly Stein and Judith Hannah

The triumphant implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI) programs in academia after more than a decade of increasing pressure and promise has brought hope to many but, unfortunately, justice to few. Enough time has passed to reveal the fraught inner workings of academia and their ability to make effective change, even as universities might be expected to lead with exemplary behavior. Sadly, the reverse is true. Failure of universities to act or react appropriately has seriously crippled EDI efforts in many academic settings. University administrators and even university presidents have lost their employment for taking EDI seriously. Those facts severely degrade the EDI landscape in academia going forward.

Stepping back and turning a scientific lens on the university environment, what are the flaws in implementation? They are rooted in human behavior and decision-making in adversarial surroundings, the recipe for fear. One might line up the course of action in three steps: (1) identifying the issues, (2) building a structure and path toward solution, and (3) establishing a university-sanctioned outcome that removes perpetual perpetrators and enables, even celebrates, those with the courage to speak up. A power relationship is almost always part of the play. Alas, though the first step is generally mastered, the second step is better known as “protecting the university at all costs”, and completion of the third step is dead rare. Rather, the rare settlement involves a victim signing away their right to talk to the press, so as not to damage the university’s reputation. This obvious three-act opera loses footing in the second act. The outcome is driven by “what is the easiest path for the university” and is too rarely driven by doing the right thing. The EDI system at most universities presents the ultimate conflict-of-interest: university lawyers are paid by the university or its governing body and thus, are indebted to them for employment and the outcomes of EDI decisions they make.

Failure to Act is a three-act play that explores the darker workings behind the academic scenery.  Can we change the storyline so that students and faculty will believe that the system works for them, should they ever need it? That is far from the standard we have now, even as sometimes generous funding has been diverted to build up EDI programming in academia. 

How to cite: Stein, H. and Hannah, J.: Failure to Act:  Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20788,, 2025.

EOS4 – Geoethics, Open science & Policy

Slow-onset hazards have a long term and pervasive impact on affected communities. This means that policymakers and researchers should also have robust long term plan for tackling the impacts of these hazards. However, research suggests that slow-onset hazards are ofter overlooked and neglected in both academia as well as policymaking, with a significant part of all disaster related resource devoted to sudden events. A major consequence of this can be seen in riverbank erosion affected communities of Majuli island of India. Disaster management laws in India do not generally recognise slow-onset events like riverbank erosion as hazards and therefore, no relief is provided under these laws to those affected by riverbank erosion. Drawing from my own experiences in the field, I will try to show how this policy is flawed and what consequences the people of Majuli and other riverbank erosion affected places in India are facing because of this? Furthermore, the paper emphasises the urgent need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards across India. It calls for increased attention from researchers and policymakers to mitigate the long-term impacts of these hazards and to develop inclusive disaster management strategies that encompass both sudden and slow-onset events.

Keywords: Slow-onset hazards, academia, riverbank erosion, India, science-based policies

How to cite: Sahay, A.: Bridging the gap: the need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-557,, 2025.

Forest fires in the Indian Himalayas are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change induced weather conditions and increasing anthropogenic pressures. These fires release large quantities of greenhouse gases and black carbon, which disrupt the regional carbon budget. The deposition of black carbon on glaciers accelerates melting, contributing to glacial retreat and amplifying regional warming. Additionally, forest fires releases the C stored in vegetation and top layer. This further degrades soil quality, reduces its capacity for carbon sequestration, hinders vegetation regrowth, and aids/fuels soil erosion. Despite these critical impacts, this wide array of feedback effects remain missing from the regional carbon budgeting exercises. Further, community empowerment and participation in natural resource conservation and forest fire management plans remain insufficient, further weakening resilience and response mechanisms.

Analysis of secondary data highlights that, while forest fires are recognized as a significant risk, the development of actionable strategies is still in its nascent stage. Existing plans fail to give enough emphasis on community-based approaches, ignoring the pivotal role of local stakeholders in monitoring, preventing, and managing fires. Annual emissions from forest fires in the Himalayas have a potential to significantly contribute to India’s GHG inventory, undermining national carbon sink targets under the Nationally Determined Contributions.

This study identifies critical gaps in mainstreaming forest fire prevention and mitigation in the regional carbon cycle.  Such gaps include improper understanding,  inadequate budget allocations, fragmented policy frameworks, limited use of science-driven tools and lack of community engagement.  The study emphasizes the need to integrate community empowerment & engagement practices into forest fire management plans, encouraging participation through capacity-building programs, financial incentives, and shared decision-making processes. Additionally, advanced technologies such as remote sensing, AI-ML, and real-time monitoring systems can enhance early warning and prevention efforts. Integrating an active EWS with a quickly mobilised fire-fighting/response cell at the community level, will be a gamechanger. 

Bridging the science-policy gap by fostering community-driven and technology-enabled approaches is essential for aligning forest fire management with India’s climate goals. Such efforts can ensure sustainable ecosystems, resilient livelihoods, and effective carbon budgeting in the Indian Himalayas.

How to cite: Joshi, P.: Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Forest Fire Management: Implications for Climate Action in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-831,, 2025.

EGU25-1700 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Scrolly-telling as a tool to transfer scientific knowledge 

Sebastian Wetterich

Science academies are among the most trusted sources of scientific expertise for society and politics due to the independence related to the institutions, and the scientific excellence of their elected members. One of the public missions of the Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences, is to provide evidence-based advice to the German public and policymakers. In addition to various formats and channels such as statements, reports, factsheets, workshops and symposia, the Leopoldina has increasingly developed and published interactive scroll-based thematic – i.e. scrollytelling – websites in recent years.

The development of storytelling websites accompanies the ongoing activities of several Leopoldina working groups. Such low-threshold, educational and entertaining online media increase public awareness and knowledge of policy-relevant topics addressed in Leopoldina statements. By also addressing a different target group, both reach and impact can most likely be increased.

The aim of scrollytelling websites is to transfer knowledge to the public in an easily understandable but scientifically sound way. In addition, science-based practical recommendations and calls for action can be deduced from the content. The Leopoldina's latest scrolly-telling websites deal with topics in the context of global challenges such as biodiversity loss, renaturation, peatland rewetting and equitable food security. This study exemplarily examines the conception, reception and impact of websites that tell science-based stories.

How to cite: Wetterich, S.: Scrolly-telling as a tool to transfer scientific knowledge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1700,, 2025.

Technologies for carbon capture and storage into geological formations (g-CCS) are used to capture and store carbon dioxide—and possibly other greenhouse gases (GHGs). These are increasingly presented by scientists, public decision-makers, and private economic actors as critical tools for mitigating climate change and avoiding associated environmental and social damages.

Typically, the European Union (EU) has been encouraging the development of such technologies through various mechanisms, such as the Directive 2009/31/EC or an incoming certification scheme. EU decision-makers are motivated to promote these technologies because they receive information from diverse stakeholders who argue that g-CCS will help achieve the EU’s climate targets.

EU decision-makers are expected, as public decision-makers, to prioritize sustainability goals when considering technologies such as g-CCS. This aligns with broader international commitments of the EU, such as its ratification of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United Nations, 2015). Hence, we assume that EU decision-makers should consider these technologies by taking into account their overall impacts on sustainability goals in a comprehensive and accurate way. This includes considering many of their environmental and social impacts through complex assessments studying how carbon reacts with geological components, scaling-up of impacts, and comparison of these results with the ones of alternative options.

However, this comprehensive approach is not always implemented. EU decision-makers—or the stakeholders providing them with information—may focus selectively on certain aspects of g-CCS impacts while neglecting others. This selective focus can lead to biased decision-making. Such biases can result in many environmental and social impacts. In such contexts, affected parties may contest the validity of decisions and challenge the legitimacy of public decision-makers. For instance, many lawsuits arise in the United States and the United Kingdom and could emerge in the EU. 

In this presentation, I propose to examine the information EU decision-makers rely on when considering g-CCS, assess its relevance in light of the sustainability goals they are expected to pursue, and propose ways to improve the process, if necessary.

How to cite: Lasselin, C.: Assessing the Role of Carbon Capture and Geological Storage in the EU: Sustainability and Decision-Making Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4012,, 2025.

The European Union’s (EU) central chemical regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is approaching a critical juncture with the announced revision in 2025. EU chemical policy stakeholders hold differing positions and expectations towards the legislative change. Stakeholders are debating the timing, direction, and nature of the proposed amendments. For example, industry associations emphasise the high safety standards enabled by REACH, which, in their view, make quick decisions unnecessary. In contrast, environmental organisations criticise what they see as deliberate postponement of the revision by industry associations, as well as the adverse effects of chemical pollution on human health and the environment.

These positions illustrate the politics of aligning sustainability and competitiveness in the EU chemicals sector. Using a qualitative narrative approach, this paper operates at the interface of science and policy, aiming to engage with different discursive positions and expectations of stakeholders, as well as the dynamics between them, to anticipate future policy directions early on. In this light, key questions include:

  • What positions and roles do EU chemical policy stakeholders adopt on the REACH revision?
  • What insights do stakeholder debates offer for shaping the future of EU chemical policy?

Drawing on a Discursive Agency Approach, this study combines interviews, stakeholder workshops, and policy document analysis. To accompany the portfolio of policy decisions with robust evidence, the research seeks to identify potential weaknesses and opportunities in the REACH revision process before the final legislation is enacted. The findings offer not only a rich, nuanced exploration of potential policy pathways but also aim to foster dialogue and contribute to actionable guidance for improving chemical regulation in the EU.

Moreover, the session slot aims to provide a retrospective overview of a 2024 science-policy stakeholder dialogue in Germany, which brought together industry leaders, NGOs, researchers, and regulatory bodies on chemical policy issues.

How to cite: Hempel, H.: Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness: A Science-Policy Exploration of REACH Revision Debates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4484,, 2025.

Africa’s agricultural sector faces critical challenges, including soil degradation, inadequate capacity building, socio-economic barriers, and the persistent marginalization of women and youth. This talk explores how addressing these systemic issues requires evidence-based and transformative policy changes that place soil health at the centre of sustainable agricultural development. Prioritizing soil health is a strategic imperative for achieving agricultural resilience, food security, and economic prosperity across Africa’s diverse landscapes. This presentation will highlight key levers for transformative agricultural change, focusing on three interconnected aspects: effective policies, trusted multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs), and targeted research and development (R&D). First, the talk will emphasize the importance of evidence-based and inclusive policies to dismantle discriminatory norms and ensure equitable participation of women and youth in decision-making processes. Marginalized groups, particularly rural women, encounter compounded barriers such as unequal access to land, credit, and agricultural resources. Neglecting soil health worsens these inequalities, limiting economic opportunities and deepening social disparities. To address these challenges, this talk will emphasize the pivotal role of inclusive financial mechanisms in providing tailored opportunities to unlock agricultural potential. In this context, implementing effective gender-transformative policies with targeted incentives is crucial for empowering women and youth, who face systemic obstacles to accessing resources and financing. Second, the role of MSPs will be critically examined, ensuring the inclusion governments, private sector actors, non-governmental organizations, donors, and last, but not least, both male and female farmers. Unified, transparent collaboration among these stakeholders is essential to drive policy reforms and scale soil health initiatives effectively. The discussion will reflect how trusted MSPs build accountability, align resources, and create the conditions for scalable and sustainable interventions. The third pillar of this presentation will focus on targeted and trans-disciplinary R&D and its role in enabling inclusive and actionable interventions. Future policies must support R&D frameworks that provide the necessary evidence for informed decision-making, while integrating gender-transformative strategies and user-centred approaches. Moreover, by addressing the socio-economic and cultural contexts that influence soil health adoption, this talk will demonstrate how inclusive and trans-disciplinary R&D ensures that the needs and perspectives of women and marginalized groups are central to designing effective policy solutions. This talk will conclude with a call to action, highlighting that Africa's agricultural transformation requires robust, inclusive policies that leverage trusted partnerships and integrated research frameworks. By prioritizing soil health in policies and fostering equitable, collaborative approaches, resilient, sustainable, and inclusive agricultural systems across Africa can be achieved. In doing so, this talk will offer a valuable external reflection from an African perspective, providing novel insights that can inform and inspire prospective and inclusive policy-making in the national, international and European context.

How to cite: Rasche, F.: The role of inclusivity in shaping soil health policies: reflections from Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5608,, 2025.

While existing research predominantly focuses on the negative aspects of flood-society interactions—such as risks, vulnerabilities, damages, and adaptation needs—less attention has been given to the resilience-building processes that have enabled societies to adapt and develop in these challenging environments. Our research aims to investigate the dynamic relationships between floods and human societies, focusing on resilience rather than vulnerability in the Mekong basin in Southeast Asia. The study explores the governance, technological, societal, and cultural dimensions of flood resilience, and captures the multi-spatial-temporal dimensions of flood resilience, covering scales from households to regions and time periods spanning centuries.

Specifically, the study directly addresses critical challenges at the science-society-policy interface. It provides evidence-based insights for policymakers on fostering flood resilience across scales, offering actionable strategies and tools for building resilience in flood-prone communities. The findings emphasize effective engagement formats, such as participatory modeling and co-production workshops, to ensure research findings translate into meaningful societal impacts. By shifting the narrative from vulnerability to resilience, the study advances the emerging field of flood resilience research, providing new multi-dimensional knowledge on flood-society interactions. The project’s outcomes will bridge the gap between academic research and policymaking, equipping stakeholders with the tools and understanding needed to foster sustainable and resilient societies in the face of growing flood risks.

How to cite: Yang, L. E.: Science-based policy planning and capacity building for flood resilience in the Mekong basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6002,, 2025.

EGU25-6710 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challenges 

Anita Asadullah and Chris Skinner

In England, the practice of flood hydrology underpins both flood forecasting and £6bn of flood management investment by the UK Government. However, operational flood hydrology has failed to innovate and adapt to the changing demands of the 21st century. There is an over reliance of methods that assume stationarity in climate and land use. Uncertainty in hydrology is poorly characterised and communicated to decision-makers. The Environment Agency’s Flood Hydrology Improvements Programme (FHIP) is seeking to make a step-change in flood hydrology in England.

The Environment Agency is the environmental regulator and is also responsible for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea. It has made a commitment to improving flood hydrology by funding the FHIP between 2021-2027. It will design a new benchmarking process to help method developers evaluate their methods for suitability in an operational context, helping to increase the ease and pace of innovation. It will further explore the journey of embedding a new method and uncertainty estimation for operational use to better understand the barriers and to show the lessons learned with those developing alternatives.

This PICO presentation will allow you to explore the full breadth of the FHIP, including its roots in the UK 25-year Flood Hydrology Roadmap, a community codeveloped plan to improve flood hydrology. It will showcase the successes of completed projects - including the review of open methods, the data rescue of paper hydrometric charts, and the development of new data dashboards – and will share the recommendations relevant to all hydrologists that emerged from that work.

Finally, it will look to the future and the plans to the end of the programme in 2027, what comes next, and the challenges that remain.

How to cite: Asadullah, A. and Skinner, C.: Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6710,, 2025.

EGU25-8488 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean International 

Valentina Giunta, Corinne Derval, Laurence Crosnier, Muriel Lux, and Tina Silovic

Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is a non-profit international organization in the process of transforming into an intergovernmental organization. Using a user-driven and co-design approach, MOi supports the European Union’s (EU) policies and goals, in which understanding the ocean's current state and predicting its future play a critical role. Through its participation in many international projects and initiatives, MOi has built a strong stakeholder database across different disciplines and areas related to the ocean. MOi has gained the necessary trust to co-create services and solutions to support policy implementation and boost the Blue Economy across all maritime sectors by actively collaborating and engaging with these actors.  Diverse tools and activities, such as stakeholder workshops, working groups, co-developed what-if scenarios, and the mapping of needs across different sectors, are combined to enhance ocean science-based services and solutions. As an example of this strategy, MOi has been entrusted by the European Commission to implement the Copernicus Marine Service, which is a vital source of global and European regional seas information and one of the six pillars of the Copernicus Programme. The Copernicus Marine Service uses satellite and in-situ observations, along with 3D model simulations, to provide reference marine information on physical, biogeochemical, and sea ice conditions. By implementing a robust user feedback methodology, its portfolio of products and services is continuously refined considering core user needs, such as policy stakeholders and regional sea conventions, and non-Core users with different levels of knowledge on marine data. In addition, MOi aims to foster collaboration and partnership with stakeholders to develop ocean information that aligns with policy and governance needs. As a strategy, focus groups such as the Champion User Advisory Group (CUAG), formed by active and experienced users of Copernicus Marine Service, and the Marine Forum, formed by Member States’ representatives, were consolidated.  These initiatives, along with the Copernicus Thematic Hubs and National Collaboration Programme (NCP) promote synergies, develop new downstream services, and support decision-making in marine and maritime sectors. MOi is also leading several stakeholder engagement activities in international projects such as NECCTON, in which new tools and products are being co-developed in collaboration with a range of stakeholders to support fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. By working collaboratively with several groups of stakeholders and implementing a co-design methodology, MOi has the capacity to deliver user-driven services in ocean monitoring and forecasting that effectively answer the needs of users, from the policy sector to a broader audience.  

How to cite: Giunta, V., Derval, C., Crosnier, L., Lux, M., and Silovic, T.: Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean International, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8488,, 2025.

EGU25-8595 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

What Science Communication Can Learn from the Digital Twin 

Marie-Isabel Ludwig

This presentation explores the concept of a digital twin and examines how it can inspire science communication to embrace interactivity, transparency, systems thinking, empowerment, and dynamic adaptation.

Digital twins are one of the current buzzwords in scientific research and technological development. Originating from Industry 4.0, the concept has gained widespread adoption and is now indispensable in fields such as healthcare, urban planning, aerospace, and particularly Earth system research. We are surrounded by a growing number of digital twins representing environmental compartments, such as soil, plant systems, and groundwater. And one of the most ambitious projects in the history of science is the creation of a digital twin of the entire Earth system (DTE), which is progressing at full speed. This comes as no surprise, given that digital twins (alongside AI) are among the most promising tools for disaster prevention, climate change adaptation, and resource management (e.g., global food security). But what exactly is the secret of the great success of these digital twins, and what is their added value compared to conventional modeling?

On the other hand, science communication has today evolved far beyond the mere dissemination of scientific results. For the natural sciences in particular, this evolution is crucial, as socio-ecological transformation research demonstrates the necessity of individualized, target-group-specific, and dialogical communication to ensure public acceptance. Approaches such as Living Labs and strategic Citizen Science aim to meet these demands.

Inspired by the concept of the digital twin, which serves as a virtual representation of real systems and is used to adapt and improve the outgoing research design through its continuous feedback, the presentation introduces the idea of a "communication twin." This approach encourages the early integration of relevant societal and political target groups, whose dialogical feedback could help optimize research projects. Early integration could strengthen trust in scientific findings and increase the acceptance of innovations by considering the needs and perspectives of the target groups, since they are taken into account in advance. This could also boost the relevance of research and enhance the likelihood of political support and implementation of innovations into concrete measures and actions.

However, this integrative approach also poses challenges, particularly regarding the preservation of academic freedom. The presentation examines how to balance societal and political integration with scientific independence, using a current example of strategic science communication for a new soil-plant climate simulator for the agriculture of the future. Based on the communication twin concept, the presentation showcases best practice examples tailored to various target groups, including leading researchers in the field, policymakers, media and the interested public, and youth education.

Finally, the presentation will invite discussion with a focus on the political target group: How can more activities at the science-policy interface be initiated based on the presented concept to incorporate feedback optimally and dialogically into projects? The talk encourages the audience to collaboratively explore new ways to design effective and sustainable science communication.

How to cite: Ludwig, M.-I.: What Science Communication Can Learn from the Digital Twin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8595,, 2025.

EGU25-8828 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1

MUNIMAP: Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap 

Agnieszka Jędruch, Jacek Bełdowski, Jaromir Jakacki, Edyta Łońska, Jacek Fabisiak, and Anita Künitzer

The Baltic Sea is a vital marine environment, serving not only the nations that border it but also an estimated 100 million people who rely on its resources. However, this region faces a significant environmental and safety challenge due to submerged munitions from historical conflicts. These remnants pose severe risks to marine biodiversity, maritime activities, the economic viability of seafood industries, and the overall health of the Baltic marine ecosystem.

MUNIMAP, the Baltic Sea Munition Remediation Roadmap, is a pioneering initiative aimed at addressing these challenges. The project's primary goal is to develop a modular, adaptable roadmap tailored to the specific conditions and needs of individual countries in the region. This roadmap outlines comprehensive strategies for policy development, site selection, monitoring, and the implementation of effective remediation methods.

The MUNIMAP initiative is supported by an international consortium of 42 organizations from 9 countries around the Baltic Sea. This diverse group includes scientists, public administrators, and practitioners who have long been engaged in addressing underwater munitions issues. Key stakeholders span a wide range of sectors, including environmental management agencies, research institutions, offshore and maritime transportation businesses, public safety organizations, NGOs focused on environmental protection and human rights, tourism industry representatives, underwater heritage protection groups, and local communities such as coastal residents and fishermen.

While collaboration with such a diverse group presents challenges, it also creates a unique opportunity to develop comprehensive solutions. These efforts aim not only to mitigate the immediate risks posed by underwater munitions but also to promote sustainable development and foster cooperative governance across the Baltic Sea region.

How to cite: Jędruch, A., Bełdowski, J., Jakacki, J., Łońska, E., Fabisiak, J., and Künitzer, A.: MUNIMAP: Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8828,, 2025.

EGU25-9660 | Orals | EOS4.1

Strengthening climate science for policy in Africa: Open Science, low-cost data collection, and multi-level policy integration 

Theresia Bilola, Emmanuel Salmon, Niina Kayhkö, Patricia Nying'uro, Nelly Babere, and Matthew Saunders

Open science is pivotal in advancing climate services in Africa by fostering collaboration, transparency, and innovation. However, significant barriers, such as coordinated research infrastructures, restricted data access and the absence of standardized protocols, impede the development and full utilization of climate services across the continent. The policy cooperation component of the KADI project underscores the critical role of translating science into policy for African climate science. Rapid urbanization and high vulnerability to climate change across all landscapes and sectors demand actionable, locally relevant insights. Science-driven policies empower decision-makers to address cross-sectoral resilience, and adaptation, ensuring sustainable growth while protecting communities from climate risks. We will highlight ways to overcome these challenges by integrating open science,locally driven research and capacity-building into climate services. This allows vulnerable communities to define their needs and participate in developing solutions.

Community-driven approaches such as "citizen sensors" illustrate the transformative potential of leveraging Africa’s digitally skilled youth. For example, participatory air quality campaigns in Cape Town and community mapping projects led by university students in Dar es Salaam highlight how low-cost tools and public engagement can generate robust, critically needed data while promoting local ownership. To replicate and scale such initiatives, standardized data formats, open-access principles, and supportive policy frameworks are essential. 

Knowledge exchange and training are foundational to achieve these goals. Initiatives like the African Group on Earth Observations provide the potential for cross-regional collaboration and skill development. Enhanced exchange programs for scientists, policymakers, and researchers can bridge gaps in expertise and resources, fostering innovative solutions tailored to African contexts. Investments in technical training and mentorship programs for multiple stakeholders such as meteorologists and climatologists will further empower African professionals to lead these climate service projects. 

Policy integration is crucial for embedding climate services into governance frameworks. African policymakers require robust, localized scientific evidence to design effective policies and strengthen their role in international negotiations. Timely, comprehensive, and actionable data must inform decision-making at all levels, addressing the unique needs of rapidly growing cities and diverse stakeholder groups. 

Long-term funding and sustainability are critical challenges that must be addressed through integrated funding mechanisms, public-private partnerships, and south-south collaborations. Successful examples like the Resilience Academy piloted in the KADI project demonstrate the importance of connecting existing networks, providing technical training, and maintaining research infrastructure to ensure continuity. 

Finally, the long-term success of observational networks in Africa requires multi-actor engagement. Collaborative efforts involving youth, civil society, local authorities, and private sector actors can foster inclusive, context-sensitive solutions. By connecting existing resources, scaling proven initiatives, and prioritizing transdisciplinary approaches, Africa can strengthen its leadership and ownership in designing a climate observation network that addresses its unique challenges. This vision aligns with commitments outlined in the AU-EU partnership and highlights the importance of equitable funding, open data access, and data-supported decision-making in building resilience to climate change and advancing sustainable development in Africa.

How to cite: Bilola, T., Salmon, E., Kayhkö, N., Nying'uro, P., Babere, N., and Saunders, M.: Strengthening climate science for policy in Africa: Open Science, low-cost data collection, and multi-level policy integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9660,, 2025.

“Science does not end when your paper is published, it’s just the beginning”. I heard this statement from an EC policymaker at a previous EGU conference and it really stuck with me.

After a few years of pondering what science for policy is and how to do it, I decided it was time to learn by doing and applied to the “Bluebook” traineeship programme at the European Commission. With quite a competitive entry selection, I was lucky to be accepted in my unit of choice at DG CLIMA, “Foresight, Economic Analysis & Modelling”, where my climate science expertise was very relevant.

During the 5 months i spent within the European Commission in 2024, I split my focus on both greenhouse gas reporting to the UNFCCC - in particular researching how ready Earth Observation-based measurements of greenhouse gases are for policy use - and followed climate science for my DG, contributing to Horizon Europe calls, writing briefings and summaries of latest scientific reports.

I would like to share the lessons I learnt from working at the science-policy interface in DG CLIMA and in contributing to European policymaking in general: what was easier than expected, what was challenging, what I learnt about the relevant ways in which we can support European policymakers, and perhaps provide some inspiration for other scientists to do a traineeship too.

How to cite: Cavitte, M. G. P.:  Immersion in DG CLIMA at the European Commission as a climate scientist: what I learnt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9833,, 2025.

EGU25-10123 | Orals | EOS4.1

Lessons learned from the ERC GlobalMass project 

Jonathan Bamber

Sea level rise (SLR) is one of the most serious and certain consequences of global heating. Even if we curbed emissions immediately, SLR would continue for decades because of the thermal inertia in the oceans and other parts of the climate system. Predicting future SLR is, however, extremely challenging because of our limited understanding and observations of how the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets will respond to climate change. Understanding present-day and recent past SLR and its drivers can help reduce uncertainties in projections and be used to improve and constrain numerical models.

From 2016-2022, we were funded by the ERC to work on understanding and resolving the constituent drivers of sea level rise during the satellite era and before. Our research was primarily focused on improved understanding and partitioning of the components of SLR during a period where observations were sufficient to resolve the processes. But, within the project we also undertook a novel and unusual study to explore and characterise uncertainties in ice sheet projections using an approach called Structured Expert Judgement (SEJ). This is a probabilistic approach particularly well suited to High Impact Low Probability (HILL) events or processes, such as Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other hazards that are hard or impossible to predict using deterministic modelling. This also applies to ice sheet projections. SEJ is effective at capturing the epistemic uncertainty in these model projections. The research, published in 2019, received a huge amount of (social) media attention that placed it in the top 100 of all papers that year based on Altmetric. Over a period of a few weeks we undertook dozens of live and pre-recorded interviews for global media channels. Much of this exposure was useful and lead to further opportunity but some was also counter-productive, less than ideal and unhelpful. Some of the positives, included presenting our findings at multiple UNFCCC COP meetings, to diplomatic cores, development banks and the public. Here we review some of the key lessons learned from being in the spot light of the media and how to communicate complex, nuanced scientific arguments in a few sound bites or sentences to an audience that has no technical background and may even be, at times, quite hostile.

How to cite: Bamber, J.: Lessons learned from the ERC GlobalMass project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10123,, 2025.

EGU25-10404 | Orals | EOS4.1

Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Insights and Strategies from the CORE Project for Disaster Risk Reduction 

Raffaella Russo, Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Ortensia Amoroso, and Paolo Capuano

An effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategy relies on collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and practitioners to mitigate risks and enhance societal resilience. Shaping and fostering informed decisions is a pivotal responsibility shared by these groups. Insights from past disasters must be documented and shared transparently, using clear and inclusive language to ensure accessibility. This approach not only identifies challenges policymakers may face in implementation but also addresses barriers from end-users, such as citizens, by promoting understanding and engagement.

The H2020 CORE EU project exemplified this collaborative ethos by developing comprehensive public guidance to enhance community readiness for emergencies. Spanning both pre-event preparedness and post-event recovery, CORE aimed to build a chain of trust, credibility, and engagement among citizens and stakeholders, providing actionable recommendations for policymakers and society.

CORE’s methodology was rooted in a transdisciplinary approach, synthesizing case studies from Europe and beyond, including the L’Aquila earthquake (Italy, 2009), the Manchester Arena bombing (UK, 2017), the Venkatapuram industrial accident (India, 2020), Aude region flash flooding (France, 2018), the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami (Japan, 2011), the Jerusalem wildfire (Israel, 2021), and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2023). By analyzing these events, CORE identified best practices, enabling scalable and adaptable resilience strategies across diverse contexts.

Key to CORE’s success is bridging the gap between research and practice. Stakeholder workshops, such as those held in Brussels and Rome, highlighted the importance of collaborative knowledge transfer. The project also fostered long-term relationships between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring sustained engagement and continuity despite personnel changes.

By uniting scientific rigor, policy relevance, and community involvement, the CORE project provided a robust framework for DRR. Its outputs, including practical tools and policy guidelines, empower communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. CORE demonstrated that effective DRR hinges on a seamless collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring that disaster management is not only reactive but also anticipatory and inclusive. This integrated approach builds trust, fosters resilience, and equips societies to navigate future crises with confidence and cohesion.


This work has been supported by the CORE ("sCience and human factor for Resilient sociEty") project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101021746.

How to cite: Russo, R., Gargiulo, M. V., Amoroso, O., and Capuano, P.: Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Insights and Strategies from the CORE Project for Disaster Risk Reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10404,, 2025.

The UK has a well-established system of Chief Scientific Advisors (CSAs) who advise the UK Government on science relevant to policy development and implementation. There is also a much more recently established group of Thematic Research Leads (TRLs) who support Parliament in their policy scrutiny activities. (Here, “Government” refers to the Prime Minister and other Ministers who run the country with the support of the (very large) Civil Service; “Parliament” refers to all Members of Parliament (MPs) in the House of Commons (HoC) and all Peers who sit in the House of Lords (HoL) who scrutinise, and can support or oppose Government motions and policies, with the support of a (relatively small) Parliamentary staff.)

I was appointed as the Climate and Environment TRL in 2024, alongside 7 other experts in other fields, to support the work of Parliament for a 2 year period. I have used the position to support parliamentary activities by bringing in high-quality evidence and new voices on climate and environmental issues, particularly in my area of research: climate change adaptation. I believe that adaptation is relatively poorly represented and examined in Government and Parliament by the relevant Parliamentary staff, MPs and Peers.

I have been particularly involved with Select Committees (SCs), which play a major part in the UK Parliament’s scrutiny role and are a particular area where relevant research expertise and a strong link to the academic community has benefits. SCs hold inquiries into significant and emerging issues that impact the work of individual government departments or on issues that cut across departments. In my role, I have helped various SCs scope out future inquiries, identified, encouraged and supported academic researchers (and others) to submit written evidence and agree to attend oral evidence sessions, contributed my own expertise where relevant, and supported the SC members and staff in drafting the final reports. These SC reports have an important place in the UK system as the Government is required to respond to the report and consider the recommendations that they make.

I have also contributed to: the research and writing of HoC and HoL Library and Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology briefings on important and emerging climate and environment issues for members; arranged and contributed to training and knowledge exchange events for Parliamentary staff; supported staff in answering direct queries from members; and worked on similar initiatives with the devolved Parliaments of the UK’s nations (i.e. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

This presentation reflects on the TRL experience, with a particular focus on general lessons for engaging with Parliamentarians.

How to cite: Russell, A.: Enhancing the use of climate and environment evidence in the UK Parliament for policy scrutiny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10670,, 2025.

EGU25-11182 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programme 

Alexandre Anesio, Liane G. Benning, Martyn Tranter, Jason E. Box, and Robert S. Fausto

The ERC Synergy project, DEEP PURPLE, has provided since 2020 crucial information about biological, chemical, and physical processes associated with the ice surface melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), along with ground truth data of biological impurities on the ice. Biological darkening of the ice is fundamentally important because albedo serves as the primary determinant of the surface melt within the ice sheet under a specific climate. Over the period since the commencement of satellite observations in 1981, there has been a consistent decline in the Greenland ice albedo. DEEP PURPLE has demonstrated that biological growth on the ice is not limited by nutrients and it is very likely that biological darkening of the ice will continue inland on the GrIS as climate becomes warmer. As a result from DEEP PURPLE, the Danish Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities has financed PROMBIO since 2023, which is a programme for monitoring biological impurities on the GrIS. PROMBIO has successfully developed a methodology for collecting various impurities, including biological substances, from the surface ice and sampling was implemented across 13 weather stations. The resulting data is integrated into the PROMICE database, which is a well-established monitoring programme measuring the GrIS mass balance in near real-time. PROMBIO and DEEP PURPLE collaborates to enhance coverage of both biological and abiotic impurities, improving our understanding of the interplay between climatic factors and physical, chemical, and biological processes, contributing to more accurate climate models and predictions of future melt rates. The combined data from DEEP PURPLE and PROMBIO indicate that the duration of bare ice is a critical factor in the abundance of biological impurities, and different regions of the Greenland ice sheet exhibit varying primary mechanisms for darkening. These findings underscore the complexity of factors driving ice darkening and highlight the need for continued monitoring to inform climate models and policy decisions. The combined fundamental research and monitoring programme presented here will increase certainty on the predictions of the GrIS melt that can be used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

How to cite: Anesio, A., Benning, L. G., Tranter, M., Box, J. E., and Fausto, R. S.: Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11182,, 2025.

EGU25-12154 | Orals | EOS4.1

ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Project: a multi-hazard scientific expert assessment service for the EC Emergency Response Coordination Center 

Alberto Michelini, Giovanna Forlenza, Rocio Baró, Gerhard Wotawa, Pascal Brovelli, Susan Loughlin, Nicos Melis, Lauro Rossi, Michaela Mikuličková, Henri Nyman, Ramiro Romero, Giuseppe Salerno, Alexandru Tiganescu, and Marco Olivieri and the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Team

The ARISTOTLE (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Transboundary hoListic Early warning) - ENHSP (European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership) project delivers a flexible and scalable 24/7 multi-hazard impact-oriented advice service at global level to the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Directorate (DG ECHO). This service responds to the needs of the ERCC to coordinate very rapidly the delivery of assistance to disaster-stricken countries within EU Civil Protection Mechanism both within and outside the European Union (global scale). ARISTOTLE harnesses operational expertise from nationally mandated scientific institutions and international agencies across Europe to provide multi-hazard, timely and authoritative scientific assessment on natural disasters related to volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, severe weather, flooding and wildfires.

The service provided by ARISTOTLE operates in three modes; i) emergency (ERM), ii) routine monitoring (ROM) and iii) scientific expertise  on-demand (SEOD) service. The ERM provides a comprehensive scientific assessment and advice to the ERCC within three hours from the activation. The ERM report can be full or lite depending on the specific nature of the hazard assessed; in both the cases, the weather conditions are always reported. The ROM is designed to provide a day-to-day, global scale, scientific assessment of the developing natural hazards. This service is provided three times per week and it is important for the prompt identification of critical areas (e.g., hurricanes, major floodings, major wildfires). Lastly, the SEOD service stems from the experience of the Consortium personnel and it serves the ERCC to have direct scientist support in the case of major critical situations. This service is offered through various means and modalities both in presence at the ERCC headquarters and remotely.

As examples of success, ARISTOTLE i) has supported the ERCC during the 2023 M7.8 and M7.6 Türkiye earthquakes and their sequence providing both earthquake assessment reports plus a daily meteorological support for their field deployment; ii) provided specific adjournments on the weather conditions in Ukraine with the outbreak of the 2022 war; iii) an ARISTOTLE wildfire unit is seasonally deployed in person in Brussels during the summer period and embedded in the ERCC’ Wildfire Support Team.

ARISTOTLE includes 23 partner institutions from 14 EU and non-EU Countries and from European international organizations operating in the Meteorological and Geophysical domains. To our best knowledge, ARISTOTLE is the first 24/7 virtual emergency room for multi-hazard assessment operating at global scale. ARISTOTLE remains a unique and world leading service and there is truly nothing internationally which even comes close to replicating a multi-national partnership which provides 'actionable' advice for operational purposes.

How to cite: Michelini, A., Forlenza, G., Baró, R., Wotawa, G., Brovelli, P., Loughlin, S., Melis, N., Rossi, L., Mikuličková, M., Nyman, H., Romero, R., Salerno, G., Tiganescu, A., and Olivieri, M. and the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Team: ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Project: a multi-hazard scientific expert assessment service for the EC Emergency Response Coordination Center, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12154,, 2025.

EGU25-12220 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coasts 

Alessio Rovere, Sonia Bejarano, Patrick Boyden, Ciro Cerrone, Denovan Chauveau, Silas Dean, Nikos Georgiou, Deirdre D. Ryan, Karla Rubio-Sandoval, and Christian Wild

The Last Interglacial (125 ka) was the most recent period in Earth’s history when global temperatures were approximately 1°C higher than pre-industrial levels, with polar regions experiencing a warming of 3–5°C. This warmer climate led to smaller ice sheets, higher sea levels, and significant shifts in atmospheric and oceanic patterns, including changes in temperature and seasonality. Such changes likely influenced coastal dynamics, altering prevailing winds, wave regimes, and coastal ecosystems like coral reefs. These transformations are preserved in the geological record, providing valuable insights into the potential future of our coasts in a warming world. Proper interpretation of these records can offer invaluable insights for policymakers and stakeholders seeking to address the challenges of coastal adaptation to modern climate change.

This presentation is a contribution to the WARMCOASTS project, which has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n. 802414) and to the project “Frozen in time: ecology of paleo reefs”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 468589501

How to cite: Rovere, A., Bejarano, S., Boyden, P., Cerrone, C., Chauveau, D., Dean, S., Georgiou, N., Ryan, D. D., Rubio-Sandoval, K., and Wild, C.: The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12220,, 2025.

EGU25-15856 | Orals | EOS4.1

From Science to Policy: Addressing Underwater Noise in Germany 

Sina Bold, Carina Juretzek, and Ben Schmidt

Human activities are increasing in the marine environment causing underwater noise. The most intense source of underwater noise is pile driving during construction of offshore wind farms. This might disturb marine mammals, such as the harbour porpoise. Therefore, measures to prevent and mitigate underwater noise are necessary.

In order to be effective such measures should be regulated. However, regulators have to demonstrate and assess the applicability, efficiency and effectiveness of mitigation measures. This requires scientific knowledge on the impact of underwater noise while the normative aspects of noise mitigation have to be considered.

Since 2008, operators have to comply with limits for pile driving noise during the construction of offshore wind farms in Germany. Since 2011, they have to use technical noise abatement systems. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) approves offshore wind farms and monitors underwater noise in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Since 2017, BSH operates the expert tool MarinEARS, which includes the scientific basis for regulating underwater noise. The data shows that the regulations have been successful in the recent years. Underwater noise affected less than 10 percent of the German EEZ at any time, including adjacent nature conservation areas.

Here, BSH outlines a step-wise approach to establish a regulatory framework for pile driving noise and to implement mitigation measures in practice. It highlights the successful cooperation between science, authorities and industry in recent years to minimise the impact of underwater noise on the marine environment.

These lessons learnt from addressing underwater noise from the construction of offshore wind farms, are currently being transferred to underwater noise from e.g. shipping and the operation of offshore wind farms. Furthermore, the EU issued for the first time thresholds to limit underwater noise in European waters in 2022.

BSH plays also a crucial role in the development of European threshold values and the standardised evaluation of underwater noise. This is important for making the assessment of underwater noise comparable and reproducible. In this way, common goals for the protection and sustainable use of the seas can be set in the future.

How to cite: Bold, S., Juretzek, C., and Schmidt, B.: From Science to Policy: Addressing Underwater Noise in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15856,, 2025.

EGU25-16928 | Orals | EOS4.1

Strategic research and innovation priorities in climate sciences to inform climate policy and climate action 

Joonas Merikanto, Gerhard Krinner, Antti-Ilari Partanen, and Johannes Wagner

Evidence-based climate policies are essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges of climate change. To shape these policies effectively, it is crucial to align scientific research and innovation with the needs of policymakers, ensuring that decisions are grounded in robust, high-impact evidence. The EU-funded Coordination and Support Action MAGICA (Maximizing the synergy of European research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action) aims to develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the European Research Area (ERA) for the 2025-2034 period, identifying critical research priorities that will help inform climate policies and action to achieve both European and international climate goals. This includes supporting the EU in becoming climate-neutral and climate-resilient by 2050, and in delivering on the targets set by the Paris Agreement.

To identify priority research areas that are scientifically and politically relevant for effective climate policy and action, four working groups have been established. One group is in charge of advancing the understanding of the climate system to assess how climate may change in the future, understand regional impacts, and inform effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. The core themes of the Priority Area on key climate processes, observations and modelling include:

  • improving process understanding of the climate system,
  • enhancing data collection and management, and
  • advancing methodological developments for climate modelling and scenario prediction.

To inform these priorities, a rigorous stock-taking methodology has been employed, drawing from key documents such as the IPCC’s AR6 report, WCRP’s Future of Climate Modelling reports, and consultations with the wider climate science community. This process has resulted in the identification of high, medium, and low-priority research and innovation gaps based on their urgency, impact, scale, and relevance to EU policies. The prioritisation also considers the feasibility of addressing these gaps within existing funding structures, with an eye on potential new funding models and the engagement of relevant stakeholders.

This presentation at the EGU 2025 will serve as a platform for co-production of knowledge. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with the proposed research and innovation priorities and contribute their perspective to refining existing SRIA proposal. By fostering dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and other societal actors and inviting their input, the proposed research priorities will be refined. Ultimately, the aim is to build a collective vision for the strategic research priorities that will help Europe achieve its ambitious climate goals and strengthen the science-policy interface for climate action.

How to cite: Merikanto, J., Krinner, G., Partanen, A.-I., and Wagner, J.: Strategic research and innovation priorities in climate sciences to inform climate policy and climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16928,, 2025.

EGU25-17166 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Bridging Science and Policy: Insight from the collaboration with DG-MOVE (European Commission) on Climate-Resilient Transport 

Cristina Deidda, Nevena Gavalyugova-Bolsi, and Wim Thiery

Working with policymakers presents a valuable opportunity for researchers to increase their impact and effectively support stakeholders and decision-makers. Scientific results and analyses are essential to guide and inform decisions regarding, for example, climate adaptation and mitigation measures.  However, this collaboration comes with both rewards and challenges, ranging from differences in language and methodology to mismatched timelines. The pace and demands of working with policymakers often differ significantly from the timelines and workflows typically followed in academic research.

In this presentation, I share my experience as a researcher for the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE). I was involved in a Support study on the climate adaptation and cross-border investment needs to realise the TEN-T networkThe study was conducted within a consortium comprising private companies and universities, focusing on the exposure and impact of climate change on European transport infrastructure. Using ISIMIP climate model simulations, we calculated the exposure of the TEN-T network to floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and tropical cyclones. The results were presented at the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels, in front of a large audience of policymakers and politicians. The output was a report published for the European Commission. The aim of the project was to inform and guide policymakers on the urgency of considering the increasing impacts of climate extremes when investing in the European Transport Network.

From this experience, several strategies and best practices can be highlighted to facilitate effective collaboration with policymakers and institutions. These lessons learned can serve as examples to ensure productive and impactful partnerships in similar contexts.



How to cite: Deidda, C., Gavalyugova-Bolsi, N., and Thiery, W.: Bridging Science and Policy: Insight from the collaboration with DG-MOVE (European Commission) on Climate-Resilient Transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17166,, 2025.

EGU25-17814 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Preparing for extreme heat events in a changing climate 

Daniela I.V. Domeisen, Dominik Büeler, Maria Pyrina, Rachel Wu, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, Saskia Willemse, Adel Imamovic, Christoph Spirig, and Philippe Tobler

Under climate change, extreme weather events such as heatwaves now increasingly occur in places that did not experience such extremes in the past. Recurrent and sustained extreme heat can affect many different domains, from health, especially in the vulnerable part of the population, to agriculture (e.g., through drought), energy production and usage, and mountain infrastructure (e.g., through permafrost thawing). These societal impacts of heatwaves could be mitigated to some extent by region-specific planning and warnings. Currently, heatwave warnings are typically issued hours to a few days in advance. However, the time it takes countries, municipalities, and institutions to prepare for heatwaves is often longer than the current timescale of issuing warnings. Preparation measures include the provision of cooling centers, reaching out to the vulnerable population, providing drinking water, or rescheduling outdoor work. This discrepancy between required and available lead times may also explain why heat health action plans for responsible actors to take appropriate and timely measures are often missing. Any extension of these lead times may convince communities of the usefulness of developing such plans in the long-run and better prepare for heatwaves and other weather extremes in the short-run. Strikingly, heatwaves are the most predictable extreme weather events, in principle allowing for lead times and hence warnings of several weeks, i.e., considerably longer than the currently used warning timescales. This contribution explores to what extent the potential for extended planning and warning horizons may contribute to improved policies, planning, actions, and interactions between science and stakeholders given the increasing threats and impacts from extreme heat events under climate change.

How to cite: Domeisen, D. I. V., Büeler, D., Pyrina, M., Wu, R., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., Willemse, S., Imamovic, A., Spirig, C., and Tobler, P.: Preparing for extreme heat events in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17814,, 2025.

On the interface between research, public relations and politics the German Environment Agency (UBA) is working. They offer evidence-based policy advice for decision-makers at subnational, national and international level, carry out tenders for research projects and publish information material for journalists and citizens. One of its fields of work is climate change. This work at the interface between science, society and policy is presented here using the topic Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) as an example. Climate change itself is a multilayered subject and the concept of solar geoengineering is accordingly complex, both in its atmospheric-physical basics and in social dimensions due to enormous risks. It takes transdisciplinary approaches to cover all facets of this sensitive topic. Hence, the number and financial resources of research projects on SRM are increasing. And yet there are considerable uncertainties and it is questionable whether these can ever be resolved. Furthermore, the undisputable risks of SRM would be sufficient to reject SRM and focus finance and attention fully on mitigation and adaptation. But, due to progressing climate crisis, the search for solutions continues and SRM is brought into play by individual researchers and thinktanks as a supposed techno-fix. As consequence, decision-makers are forced to formulate positions on SRM in political fora. Also, public institutions publish reports about SRM. Those recently gained media attention. Journalists might not always be able to adequately explain the complex interrelationships of SRM approaches in their media narrative, hence causing uncertainty among citizens. Here, UBA's information material on SRM is presented as a transparent source of information for journalists and citizens to make them aware of the potential risks associated with SRM and how it is used for science-based policy advice.

How to cite: Bronkalla, L.: Engagement at the society-science-policy interface at the German Environment Agency (using Solar Radiation Modification as an example), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17850,, 2025.

EGU25-18613 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane Emissions  

Prachee Majumder, Dr. Katharina Sielemann, Dr. Matthias Winkler, Dr. Christian Anton, and Marie Heidenreich

Methane, the second most significant greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide under the Kyoto Protocol, has a climate impact of over 100 times stronger than CO₂ during its roughly 10-year atmospheric lifespan. Major sources include biological processes in anaerobic conditions, such as thawing permafrost, ruminants, wetlands, and landfills, as well as underestimated emissions from fossil fuel extraction (IPCC, 2007). In June 2024, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union introduced a methane regulation that aims to prevent the avoidable release of methane into the atmosphere and minimize methane leaks by fossil energy companies operating within the EU.

To support the national implementation of the European regulation on methane emissions in Germany with evidence-based insights, the Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences, and Helmholtz Earth & Environment joined forces to host a parliamentary breakfast on October 17, 2024 at the Bundestag. This initiative aimed to support informed policy decision-making and highlight the importance of reducing methane emissions. Policy recommendations included developing a National Methane Strategy to implement the EU Methane Regulation and meet Global Methane Pledge targets, reducing livestock numbers while promoting plant-based diets, establishing comprehensive methane monitoring systems, utilizing satellite analyses to detect and address large leaks, repairing aging urban gas pipelines, and prioritizing gas imports from suppliers with the lowest upstream emissions (Leopoldina und SynCom, 2024). Together, these measures aim to provide a robust, data-driven approach to significantly reduce methane emissions. The event was accompanied by a factsheet that was published during the event. After the parliamentary breakfast, the exchange continued with e.g., a dialogue of the two research institutions with policymakers and the Federal Environment Agency on emissions reporting and inventory.

The final evaluation of the parliamentary event highlighted the participants' appreciation for the "clearly summarised facts" and the "reference to short-term opportunities for success." The presentations were commended for being "short, clear, understandable," and for offering "concrete possible solutions." Contributions from members of the Bundestag and various parliamentary groups underscored the need for rapid, decisive, and scientifically grounded implementation of the EU Methane Regulation and related national measures to meet climate targets (Leopoldina und SynCom, 2024). The event demonstrated the potential for collaboration between science and politics in advancing effective climate protection.


IPCC. (2007). Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press.

Leopoldina und SynCom, H. E. (2024). Die Klimawirkung von Methan ‒ eine unterschätzte Gefahr. Factsheet. doi:

How to cite: Majumder, P., Sielemann, Dr. K., Winkler, Dr. M., Anton, Dr. C., and Heidenreich, M.: Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane Emissions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18613,, 2025.

EGU25-19573 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Synergy Grant GRACEFUL and Repercussions for Society. 

Véronique Dehant, Mioara Mandea, and Anny Cazenave

Improving and standardizing Earth's reference frames to achieve an accuracy of 1 millimeter (mm) and a long-term stability of 0.1 mm/year, as mandated by United Nations Resolution 69/266, is critical for numerous scientific and societal applications. For instance, precise determination of geocenter motion and satellite orbits is essential for accurately quantifying sea-level changes using satellite altimetry. Similarly, monitoring tectonic movements and crustal deformations for geophysical research demands this level of precision. Achieving such accuracy is vital for advancing our understanding of Earth's dynamic processes, improving natural hazard assessments, and supporting civilian applications such as navigation, positioning, and geospatial data geo-referencing.

A deep understanding of Earth's rotation, including periodic orientation changes known as nutations, underpins these goals. The current nutation model, adopted internationally in 2000, requires updating to incorporate the latest scientific insights. The GRACEFUL ERC Synergy Grant seeks to enhance our understanding of Earth's core dynamics, a key driver of reference frame and Earth rotation modeling. By integrating cutting-edge geophysical knowledge, refining computational techniques, leveraging insights from GRACEFUL, and utilizing recent Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data, we propose significant improvements to these models.

Additionally, we will benefit from the upcoming ESA GENESIS mission, scheduled for launch in 2028. This mission will co-locate four geodetic techniques, enabling a more precise realization of reference frames. The integration of new Earth rotation models and the unprecedented accuracy expected from GENESIS will allow for the determination of geophysical observables with unparalleled precision, addressing the pressing societal needs outlined above.

In parallel, the GRACEFUL ERC Synergy Grant facilitated the discovery of a 6-year cycle in the entire Earth system, contributing to significant advancements in our understanding of Earth system's complex dynamics.

How to cite: Dehant, V., Mandea, M., and Cazenave, A.: Synergy Grant GRACEFUL and Repercussions for Society., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19573,, 2025.

EGU25-19874 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science Policy 

Megan O'Donnell and Katie Jones

Engaging successfully with the policymaking process can present challenges to researchers at all stages of their profession but can be particularly off-putting to those in the earlier stages of their career. Consistent engagement from researchers throughout their career is vital to developing best practice for evidence-based policymaking and this relies on a reduction in barriers to knowledge exchange. Welcoming early career researchers (ECR) into the science policy interface helps to address challenges to research dissemination throughout their career, namely a lack of understanding in how to contribute, when to contribute, and feeling emboldened to do so.

This session will explore the challenges and incentives ECR have to engaging with science policy, using our own policy projects to explore what can encourage or discourage people into taking part in our work. This poster will assess the experiences of ECR who have engaged with our projects, looking to provide a framework to guide other learned institutions in their policy work, whilst demonstrating methods of engagement to ECR themselves.

How to cite: O'Donnell, M. and Jones, K.: Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science Policy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19874,, 2025.

EGU25-20673 | Orals | EOS4.1

Strengthening policy through science: the contribution of the EJP SOIL programme to EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive Proposal 

Claire Chenu, Maria Fantappie, Antonio Bispo, Fenny van Egmond, Johanna Wetterlind, Rudi Hessel, David Wall, Giovanni Dara Guccione, Avion Philipps, Irene Criscuoli, Anna Besse, and Raisa Gerasina

In response to the lack of dedicated EU legislation addressing soils, the European Commission proposed a Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive in July 2023. This directive aims to set a comprehensive soil monitoring framework in Member States for assessing soil health, with the aspirational goal to have all the soils in a healthy condition by 2050. The EJP SOIL programme is developing research towards climate-smart and sustainable management of agricultural soils, addressing topics very relevant to the proposed directive, such as the definition of soil health, soil health indicators, the effect of agricultural management on soil properties and functions, the harmonisation of soil information and that of soil monitoring systems. The EJP SOIL got heavily involved at the science to policy interface in reacting to and supporting this proposal. Concrete outputs are use of the EJP SOIL results, and their citation, in the Impact Assessment associated with the law proposal, in EU Parliament proposed amendments, in several Member State feedbacks to the Commission and in the compromise text of the law.

This experience allowed to identify elements of a successful contribution of science to policy. The scope and activity of the EJP SOIL programme and its timing matched particularly well the directive proposal timeline. The anchoring of the programme at the national level, research institutes and universities being mandated by ministries and national hubs of stakeholders having been implemented was an asset. The EJP SOIL realised, in its first years, a number of stocktakes, i.e. systematic assessments, in 24 European countries, of the state of play of soil issues. For example, existing national soil databases, national rules for sharing soil information, soil quality indicators used by Member states, characteristics of the existing national soil monitoring systems, national fertilisation guidelines, and other items were systematically investigated. This provided a solid baseline information for policy makers. Furthermore, the programme research results were periodically discussed in the partnership to collectively elaborate policy relevant syntheses and messages, which were shared in a series of dedicated policy workshops. In addition, consultation channels provided by the commission (call for evidence, public consultations) were used by the programme as well as direct interaction with Commission services.

Overall, the EJP SOIL succeeded in mainstreaming the research effort and contributing to support effective policy development. It is still a learning process, challenging for scientists, who need to understand the policy needs, to deal with the different time scales of research and policy, to come to a consensus regarding research results, to communicate correctly about uncertainty and complexity of the topics and to set an ad-hoc dissemination to policy makers and soil stakeholders.

How to cite: Chenu, C., Fantappie, M., Bispo, A., van Egmond, F., Wetterlind, J., Hessel, R., Wall, D., Dara Guccione, G., Philipps, A., Criscuoli, I., Besse, A., and Gerasina, R.: Strengthening policy through science: the contribution of the EJP SOIL programme to EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive Proposal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20673,, 2025.

EGU25-20762 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Geological survey organizations, fundamental research and national science advice: views from the World Community of Geological Surveys 

Sonia Talwar, Steve Hill, Julie Hollis, William Cunningham, Tirza van Daalen, and Young Joo Lee and the World Community of Geological Surveys

National geological surveys face continued demand for science advice as nations position themselves for economic prosperity, resilience, and innovation throughout the challenges facing the 21st century.  Credible science practice, analytical innovations, big data and artificial intelligence applied to geoscience challenges pave the way for an exciting future. It is also a future that will require national geological surveys to continue to advise governments of the policy impacts from foundational and targeted geoscience research programs.  The World Community of Geological Surveys brings together the leadership from national and regional geological survey organizations from around the world to highlight the crucial role that geological survey organizations exercise to generate policy and societal impact from foundational and problem-directed national research programs in areas such as critical minerals, energy transition, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction.   Through case study exemplars, common challenges in the role of geoscience in the science-policy continuum will be illustrated.

How to cite: Talwar, S., Hill, S., Hollis, J., Cunningham, W., van Daalen, T., and Lee, Y. J. and the World Community of Geological Surveys: Geological survey organizations, fundamental research and national science advice: views from the World Community of Geological Surveys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20762,, 2025.

EGU25-3573 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Estimating the temporal adaptation and spatial vulnerabilities of the heatwave mortality risk in Greece 

Garyfallos Konstantinoudis, Dimitris Evangelopoulos, and Filippos Filippidis


Global temperatures are rising due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Record-breaking temperatures observed in Europe during the summer of 2022 were associated with more than 60,000 heat-related deaths, with countries near the Mediterranean Sea, particularly Greece, being most affected. This study explores the death toll of prolonged heat periods in Greece, its spatial disparities, and how these patterns have changed over time.


We retrieved individual-level data on cause-specific mortality in Greece during 2000-2019 from the Hellenic Statistical Authority. The data included information on age, sex, cause of death, region of residence (Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics, level 3; NUTS3), and date of death. Daily maximum temperatures during 2000–2019 at 0.25° x 0.25° resolution were retrieved from ERA-5 reanalysis data. We considered six heatwave definitions, combining two durations (>2 and >3 days) and three temperature thresholds (90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles). A Bayesian hierarchical Poisson model was developed, accounting for spatiotemporal variation in heatwave effects using Gaussian priors. We also controlled for national holidays and population-weighted relative humidity.


We observed 177,112 cardiovascular deaths and 39,646 respiratory deaths in individuals aged 65 and older in Greece during 2000–2019. A strong association was found between heatwaves and cardiovascular and respiratory mortality under all definitions. Evidence of spatial variation in heatwave effects was weak, as was evidence of temporal adaptation. However, for the most extreme heatwave definition, we observed an increasing trend in the effect of heat over the study period. Over 20 years, 6,926 (95% CI: 6,260–7,587) cardiorespiratory deaths were attributed to heatwaves, equating to approximately 350 deaths per year.


Heatwaves impose a significant mortality toll in Greece. While the effect of heatwaves on mortality has not changed over time in most heatwave definitions, the increasing trend of the effect of extreme heatwaves calls for immediate action to mitigate future risks.



How to cite: Konstantinoudis, G., Evangelopoulos, D., and Filippidis, F.: Estimating the temporal adaptation and spatial vulnerabilities of the heatwave mortality risk in Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3573,, 2025.

EGU25-3811 * | PICO | EOS4.2 | Highlight

Science and evidence for framework climate litigation  

April Williamson

The Climate Litigation Network supports national organisations that are taking litigation action against their governments in respect of the adequacy and implementation of national climate policies and targets. This presentation will provide an overview of the role of science in climate cases that challenge governments’ overall emissions reductions (“framework cases”) – of which there are more than 100 globally.

In April 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued its first decision relating to climate change. Critically, the ECtHR found that the Swiss government had failed to put in place an adequate domestic regulatory framework to tackle climate change and, as such, was failing to uphold the right to private and family life under the European Convention of Human Rights. This decision will have immense implications for framework cases across Europe and beyond. In particular, in respect of how evidence and science will be used to assess the adequacy of governments’ actions in the context of human rights.

Specifically, one of the key issues with the Swiss government’s approach was that it failed to quantify national greenhouse emissions limitations through a carbon budget. The ECtHR’s assessment shows that states must set their emissions reductions targets in relation to the global remaining carbon budget, and must have regulatory frameworks in place to ensure such targets are met. Given that the global remaining carbon budget for 1.5C is almost exhausted, there will be a pressing need for scientific research to explore how government action can be tracked and verified to be compatible with the Paris Agreement and human rights obligations.

This presentation will highlight the current deployment of science in climate cases against governments and explore new frontiers in light of the ECtHR decision.

How to cite: Williamson, A.: Science and evidence for framework climate litigation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3811,, 2025.

EGU25-5810 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Navigating the science-litigation interface 

Zebedee Nicholls, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, and Setu Pelz

The interface between climate science and legal practice, particularly litigation, is of increasing relevance. Here we share our experiences from being involved in a number of legal cases over the past five years. Based on our experience, we discuss numerous challenges that are faced at this interface. These include presenting information in a way that a court can understand (and is typically very different from presenting information for scientific colleagues), the particular needs of litigation and their synergies and conflicts with scientific methods and uncertainty and the completely different timelines and pressure between the scientific and litigious environments. We outline various ways we have approached these challenges and highlight areas where we have not yet seen solutions. We conclude by laying out our view of the new research required to serve the science-litigation interface and some initial ideas of a research agenda to tackle this research.

How to cite: Nicholls, Z., Schleussner, C.-F., and Pelz, S.: Navigating the science-litigation interface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5810,, 2025.

EGU25-6900 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Tracking losses and damages from extreme weather events 

Emily Theokritoff, Nathan Sparks, Friederike Otto, Joeri Rogelj, and Ralf Toumi

While the field of event impact attribution is still relatively nascent, diverse methodologies and datasets are starting to be used to put numbers on the share of additional impacts that occur due to climate change during extreme weather events. The growth of this body of evidence has implications for climate litigation as these studies can be starting points for legal cases centred around specific climate change impacts, such as heat-related mortality or economic costs of extreme weather.

As we work towards operationalising a tracker that will provide timely estimates of losses and damages from extreme weather events globally, we aim to present results from our initial rapid studies conducted over the past year. We will reflect on the potential implications of the increasing availability of loss and damage information and the broader need for communication and awareness raising around these issues. We also plan to highlight prevailing methodological challenges and areas of research to be advanced in the near future that are relevant for legal efforts.

How to cite: Theokritoff, E., Sparks, N., Otto, F., Rogelj, J., and Toumi, R.: Tracking losses and damages from extreme weather events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6900,, 2025.

EGU25-8468 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Attribution in action: Causal chains in climate litigation 

Noah Walker-Crawford, Nicholas Petkov, Joy Reyes, and Rupert Stuart-Smith

Climate change attribution science describes with increasing precision how anthropogenic activities are affecting environments around the world. In legal disputes over corporations' and governments' responsibility for climate change, attribution science plays a key role in evaluating defendants' contribution to climate change impacts. This paper examines how attribution science is used to establish causal chains in climate litigation. While scientific methodologies are advancing rapidly, questions remain over how legal standards of proof should be applied to the evidence. If ongoing cases are successful in using attribution science to establish legal causation, they could set significant precedents for holding major greenhouse gas emitters to account.

How to cite: Walker-Crawford, N., Petkov, N., Reyes, J., and Stuart-Smith, R.: Attribution in action: Causal chains in climate litigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8468,, 2025.

EGU25-8486 | PICO | EOS4.2

Clearer metrics for the Paris climate targets: A new compliance quantification approach 

Gottfried Kirchengast and Moritz Pichler

In light of seeing temperatures now closely approach the international targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement for limiting global warming, in particular the 1.5 °C target, an accurate and reliable tracking of changes in the global surface temperature is critical. We introduce a comprehensive benchmark time series for global surface air temperature (GSAT) extending from 1850 to 2024, complemented by a projection up to 2034 and scenarios through to 2050. Building on and advanced from widely recognized global mean surface temperature (GMST) records used by the IPCC, we established a detailed and traceable GSAT annual and 20-year-mean time record in this form, referenced to the conventional preindustrial level (mean 1850-1900). Our record indicates an increase of the 20-year-mean GSAT change to 1.40 [1.30-1.49] °C by 2024 and a subsequent exceedance of the 1.5 °C threshold by 2028 [2025-2032] (uncertainty ranges denote a 90% confidence interval). Given this imminence of 1.5 °C, we propose a new classification system to gauge, with regular updates, the compliance with the Paris goals (1.5 °C goal, well-below-2 °C goal; or exceedance up to 2 °C or even beyond). These improvements in compliance/exceedance quantification may help policymakers, the judiciary and the general public to obtain standardized and thus more reliable assessments of the degree of compliance with the Paris climate targets over the coming years and decades.

How to cite: Kirchengast, G. and Pichler, M.: Clearer metrics for the Paris climate targets: A new compliance quantification approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8486,, 2025.

EGU25-9647 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Establishing climate accountability through attribution of climate impacts to GHG emissions within territorial jurisdictions 

Annika Högner, Alexander Nauels, Zebedee Nicholls, Niklas Schwind, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Typically, responsibility for impacts from aggregate global GHG emissions is attributed proportional to an actor's share of emissions. This way, individual actors are only attributed comparatively small shares of any caused harm and can point to the aggregated responsibility of others far exceeding their own when pressed to take action. This fragmentation of responsibility leads to profound challenges in establishing climate accountability based on principles of international environmental law.

The EUCHR ruling in the Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz v. Switzerland case states that "each State has its own responsibilities within its own territorial jurisdiction in respect of climate change." Following this argument, we propose an analysis framework to take states' heightened mandate of care towards their own citizens and territories into account, introducing an alternative line of differentiation by experienced impacts.

Using the fast climate impact emulator RIME-X for impact attribution, we quantify national shares of global climate impacts exploring different impact allocation regimes (e.g. area, population, or GDP). We introduce the responsibility-to-harm ratio as the ratio of the share in historic emissions vs. the share in experienced impacts on a national basis. This identifies the percentage of self-inflicted harm vs. harm caused by the conduct of others.

This weighting of national emissions by impacts enables a prioritisation of a state's accountability for domestic impacts. It, thus, partially counteracts the fragmentation of responsibility, making principles of international environmental law more easily actionable. It also provides a simple metric for the inequitable distribution between responsibility for climate change and the impacts it causes, contributing to the quantification of international climate injustice.

How to cite: Högner, A., Nauels, A., Nicholls, Z., Schwind, N., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Establishing climate accountability through attribution of climate impacts to GHG emissions within territorial jurisdictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9647,, 2025.

EGU25-12279 | PICO | EOS4.2

How below is well-below? Future-proofing interpretations of the Paris Agreement 

Robin Lamboll and Joeri Rogelj

The Paris Agreement’s fallback temperature goal, keeping global warming well below 2oC, is typically interpreted as staying below 2oC with a specified probability, with legal disputes over what the probability should be. Such framing is not futureproof because uncertainty decreases with time, systematically weakening the target towards allowing temperatures to approach 2C itself. We show the science and legal discussion available at the Paris Agreement’s signing guides an interpretation using a level of conserved median warming, with a minimum 66% chance of staying below 2oC translating to 1.8oC of expected median warming and a more defensible 83% chance giving 1.6oC.

How to cite: Lamboll, R. and Rogelj, J.: How below is well-below? Future-proofing interpretations of the Paris Agreement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12279,, 2025.

EGU25-13353 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Towards forward-looking carbon debt assessments to comprehensively capture state responsibility for climate change 

Setu Pelz, Gaurav Ganti, and Carl-Friedrich Schluessner

Under current scenario projections of global climate ambition, we expect to exceed a 1.5°C consistent remaining carbon budget this decade. At the same time, many countries have already accrued ‘carbon debt’, reflecting historical emissions exceeding their ‘fair share’ of the remaining carbon budget. The ‘carbon debt’ concept can be extended to forward-looking scenario-based assessments, by comparing expected future emissions trajectories with current remaining budget allocations (or debts) for a given temperature target. At the year of net-zero carbon emissions, we term this the ‘net-zero carbon debt’. This measure can be used to assign responsibilities for expected temperature exceedance and related domestic climate impacts, capturing both intra- and inter-generational inequities. Such an approach ensures that ‘fair share’ considerations persist even if a remaining carbon budget is initially exhausted, linking expected emissions pathways with corresponding carbon drawdown obligations and responsibilities for realised impacts. We apply this approach to examine recent downscaled scenario projections for European Union member countries, quantifying the expected carbon drawdown obligations and responsibility for climate impacts that they imply. We then discuss the value and limitations of such assessments in informing domestic considerations of fairness thus far reliant on a rapidly dwindling remaining carbon budget. In summary, this work examines a new forward-looking domestic application of ‘fair share’ considerations in a manner robust to exhaustion of a 1.5°C consistent remaining carbon budget.

How to cite: Pelz, S., Ganti, G., and Schluessner, C.-F.: Towards forward-looking carbon debt assessments to comprehensively capture state responsibility for climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13353,, 2025.

EGU25-16281 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Quantifying intergenerational inequity in lifetime climate risk as evidence in child and youth-led lawsuits  

Rosa Pietroiusti, Annalisa Savaresi, Sam Adelman, and Wim Thiery

Climate change is already causing widespread negative impacts across the world, including by increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events such as heatwaves, droughts and wildfires. With further warming, children and young people will be exposed to an ever-greater number of risks from anthropogenic climate change. Building on previous research quantifying lifetime exposure to climate extremes [1,2], we present a flexible framework, demographics4climate,  that can be applied on any climate dataset to quantify lifetime exposure to climate risks in a spatially explicit and age-specific way. We present the application of the framework on a case study by estimating the lifetime exposure to high and very high fire weather conditions in Portugal for different generations and under different demographic and warming scenarios. We discuss the relevance of this analysis for the climate lawsuit Duarte Agostinho and others v. Portugal and others (recently dismissed from the European Court of Human Rights), as well as the relevance of the framework for child and youth-led climate lawsuits more broadly. We propose that this framework, including possible extensions upstream towards emission sources and downstream towards impacts, could provide meaningful science-based contributions to the evidentiary base of child and youth-led climate lawsuits.  


[1] Thiery, W. et al. Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes. Science 374, 158–160 (2021).

[2]  Grant, L. et al. Global emergence of unprecedented lifetime exposure to climate extremes. Nature, accepted. 

How to cite: Pietroiusti, R., Savaresi, A., Adelman, S., and Thiery, W.: Quantifying intergenerational inequity in lifetime climate risk as evidence in child and youth-led lawsuits , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16281,, 2025.

EGU25-18077 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Evaluating the responsibility of investor-owned carbon majors to invest in direct air carbon capture and storage 

Dalia Kellou, Yoga Pratama, Cristian Zuniga, Firza Riany, Matthew J. Gidden, Richard Heede, Gaurav Ganti, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Current assessments of "fair shares" of global mitigation efforts have tended to focus on the responsibility of States. However, recent climate litigation has started to focus on the responsibility of non-state actors, which should ideally be informed by quantitative fair share assessments. Here, we explore a case study of large investor-owned carbon majors, which were responsible for 24% of global fossil CO2 emissions between 1990 and 2018. Drawing on commonly invoked principles of climate justice, we suggest that large investor-owned “carbon majors” should be assigned Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) investment responsibilities. This responsibility is in addition to their primary responsibility to adopt a stringent decarbonisation trajectory consistent with the Paris Agreement objectives. DACCS is a potentially important component of mitigation portfolios consistent with global climate objectives and has a low land footprint relative to other carbon dioxide removal options. However, DACCS is in its formative phase, the early and expensive stage of technology deployment. Significant near-term investments are necessary to buy-down the cost of the technology so that it can play a cost-efficient role in future mitigation. We assess the level of investments necessary to move DACCS out of its niche phase (32 billion USD central estimate, with interquartile range 6 – 92 billion USD). Beyond that, about 250 billion USD in investments (central estimate, interquartile range 135 – 313 billion USD) may be required to buy-down the costs to 100 USD / tonne of CO2 captured. We assign responsibilities for this deployment to investor-owned carbon majors, finding that the ten highest emitting carbon majors should bear responsibility for around 17 billion USD (central estimate) in investments to contribute to moving DACCS out of its formative phase. When we also account for the buy-down cost to achieve the 100 USD/tonne goal, the scale of this responsibility may double if these company emissions grow at the same rate as global stated policies. Adopting a decarbonisation trajectory in line with a net zero emissions scenario significantly reduces this ongoing responsibility, reiterating the importance of robust company-level strategies aligned with the 1.5°C warming limit of the Paris Agreement.

How to cite: Kellou, D., Pratama, Y., Zuniga, C., Riany, F., Gidden, M. J., Heede, R., Ganti, G., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Evaluating the responsibility of investor-owned carbon majors to invest in direct air carbon capture and storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18077,, 2025.

Parties to the Paris Agreement are committed to submit five-yearly climate pledges, known as Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs), that describe their intended climate change mitigation actions for the next 5 to 10 years. The Paris Agreement mandates that subsequent NDCs represent a progression compared to earlier NDCs, be a country’s highest possible ambition, and reflect a country’s common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in the light of different national circumstances. While there is a rich literature on interpreting and operationalising equity and fairness in international climate policy, scholarship on interpreting and operationalising the norms of progression and highest possible ambition is largely absent. In addition, recent literature indicates that because of insufficient past action, several countries find themselves in a position where even their deepest possible emissions reductions do not result in equitable contribution when considered in an appropriate historical context. Here, we will present a framework for the operationalisation of highest possible ambition in NDCs. While this framework is applicable to all countries, it is also presented as a way to inform minimum requirements for the level of ambition of climate change mitigation action under the Paris Agreement by historically high emitters.

How to cite: Rogelj, J. and Schönfeld, J. K.: Highest possible ambition as a minimum requirement for historical high emitters under the Paris Agreement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21225,, 2025.

Humans craft insights through "social processes pertaining to the production, preservation, accumulation, circulation, and appropriation of knowledge" (1 p.429). Insights and related practices shape the socio-ecological niche humans live in. Partaking makes social processes (practices) effective. Promoting geoethics for inspiring politics is founded upon the following:

Earth: Contemporary societies connect Earth into a single complex-adaptive social-ecological system2 through global supply chains, an all-embracing division of labour, a planetary technosphere, and a worldwide knowledge system3. Cycles of matter, energy, and information tie socio-economic systems and the planet's physical and biological systems. The hegemonic contemporary culture tackles Nature as a cheap, nearly unlimited resource, nourishing the primary narrative of planetary-scale anthropogenic change.

World: The human condition, agency and practices encompass reproduction, work, and governance, regardless of the role a specific individual, collective, or institution human agent has at a given time and place. Using Hannah Arendt's analysis of the human condition4, laborans tell of the struggle for biological and social reproduction (at subsistence or affluence levels). Homo-fabers' story is about building and operating the technosphere. Zoo politikons embody civism, a citizen's political and cultural virtues and sentiments.

Rupture: Over the past few centuries, homo-faber has built a planetary technosphere conceived by zoon-politikons of primarily European origin5,6. The onset of disruptive planetary-scale anthropogenic change7, i.e. the Anthropocene, terminates peoples' unintentional impact on Earth. Instead8, it challenges the zoon-politikons and homo-fabers to secure lasting reproduction for all.

Practice: Geo-societal narratives acknowledge inequality, i.e. people (human agents) acting as laborans, homo-fabers or zoon-politikons, and power relations, i.e. zoon-politikon's political and cultural perspectives guide homo faber's engineering of the technosphere, which determines laborans' experience of Earth System dynamics. Comparative justice requires partaking in crafting narratives.

The Earth scientists' conventional narratives encompass socio-economic development (e.g. production of goods, living conditions), individual well-being and cultural values, e.g. favouring the sustainable functioning of the telluric Earth System, and cultural or metaphysical perspectives like the evolution of life-bearing planets. However, informing the handling of disruptive planetary-scale anthropogenic change, i.e. going political, Earth scientists' narratives are about the geo-societal, i.e. they must recognize people's labour to reproduce biologically and socially, people's work to build and run the technosphere, and people's acts as citizens.

  • 1) Renn, J. The Evolution of Knowledge - Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene. (Princeton University Press, 2020).
  • 2) Otto, I. M. et al. Human agency in the Anthropocene. Ecol. Econ. 167, 106463 (2020).
  • 3) Rosol, C., Nelson, S. & Renn, J. Introduction: In the machine room of the Anthropocene. Anthr. Rev. 4, 2–8 (2017).
  • 4) Arendt, H. The Human Condition. (The University of Chicago Press, 1958).
  • 5) Mokyr, J. A Culture of Growth. (Princeton University Press, 2016). doi:10.1515/9781400882915
  • 6) Reinhard, W. Die Unterwerfung der Welt - Globalgeschichte der Europäischen Expansion 1415-2015. (Verlag C.H. Beck oHG, 2016).
  • 7) Summerhayes, C. P. et al. The future extent of the Anthropocene epoch: A synthesis. Glob. Planet. Change 242, 104568 (2024).
  • 8) Hamilton, C. Defiant Earth - The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene. (Wiley, Polity Press, 2017).

How to cite: Bohle, M.: Geo-societal Agency and Narratives: Framing the Human Condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-65,, 2025.

The divide between the Global North and South in the geosciences has been recognized as one of the most pressing challenges of our time. It is widely accepted that this gap must be addressed through visionary leadership and strategic initiatives that draw upon the unparalleled expertise and resources concentrated within Global North institutions. A comprehensive framework is proposed here to foster equity and collaboration, ensuring the participation of scholars from all regions while maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor.

Three critical pillars for bridging this divide have been identified. First, the deployment of expert teams from the North to train local researchers in the Global South should be prioritized during global fieldwork, as this model has consistently proven effective for capacity building. Second, the importance of performative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) measures must be emphasized, including symbolic appointments and one-time funding schemes designed to raise awareness of systemic inequities. Finally, conferences and workshops should continue to be held in the Global North, ensuring logistical convenience and robust participation. For those unable to secure visas or travel funds, virtual attendance options can be considered as a viable alternative.

This framework also seeks to address the growing demand for environmental justice in research. By focusing discussions on resilience and adaptation rather than directly referencing complex socio-political histories (avoid using the G-word), a narrative of hope and progress can be fostered. Importantly, the recommendations presented here assume that the Global South operates as a cohesive monolith, enabling streamlined approaches that are universally applicable and unburdened by the complexities of local disparities or intra-regional inequities.

This is satire.

How to cite: Gani, S.: How (not) to Bridge the Global North-South Divide in the Geosciences: A Framework for Impactful Collaboration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-621,, 2025.

Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. Skeptical Science is published in English but translation capabilities were added in 2009. Many volunteer translators have taken advantage of this functionality to create content in their native language.  With this submission we highlight what is already available and what the challenges are for such a volunteer-based effort.

Many of the rebuttals to climate myths have been translated into 1 to 28 languages thus far but there's a large variety in how many translations exist for one rebuttal. In addition, many rebuttals have seen updates in their English version which haven't yet found their way into already existing translations.

In addition to providing translations for selected content published as rebuttals or blog posts on Skeptical Science, we also coordinate translations for publications like The Debunking Handbook, The Conspiracy Theory Handbook and the Cranky Uncle game which are then made readily available on our website.

How to cite: Winkler, B.: Making climate science more easily accessible by providing translations on Skeptical Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1440,, 2025.

EGU25-1809 | Orals | EOS4.3

Protecting Blue Horizons – A role play to make an MPA work 

Cornelia E. Nauen and Marcelo Lino Morales Yokobori

Human activities are the major cause for what has been recognized as the 6th Mass Species Extinction. It is thus important to spread knowledge and raise awareness about the issues because we depend on biodiversity in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. In December 2022, delegates from 196 governments adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The GBF supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and sets out an ambitious pathway towards living in harmony with nature by 2050. Meanwhile, the lengthy ratification process is no guarantee of full enforcement after entry into force. Typically, different interest groups may resist top-down measures affecting them. This is known as the implementation gap of international treaties and agreements. Here we describe a role play intent on matching a key element of the top-down GBF, namely the establishment of interconnected marine protected areas (MPAs), with bottom-up awareness raising and deliberation among diverse stakeholders. Eleven characters of stakeholders have been developed through wide-ranging interviews and literature research. For each stakeholder an information sheet explains the context and his or her role. Based on the interviews, a general introduction and guidance for a moderator is provided together with a tentative schedule. Emphasis is placed on allocating sufficient time for the debriefing after a round of deliberations aiming at consensus towards establishing an effective MPA. The assumption is that the debriefing produces most learning about why biodiversity protection is essential and how to sustain a respectful dialogue process with persons holding different positions from one’s own. A first round of tests with young adults has already generated useful feedback allowing some improvements of the initial set. We propose the role play for wider use as a low-entry support for bottom-up participation in GBF implementation.

How to cite: Nauen, C. E. and Morales Yokobori, M. L.: Protecting Blue Horizons – A role play to make an MPA work, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1809,, 2025.

EGU25-2334 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine Region 

Enrico Cameron and Giuseppe Di Capua

Valtellina is an Alpine region in northern Lombardy (Italy) that largely coincides with the basin of the Adda River upstream of Lake Como. The Alps represent a complex, fascinating, and at the same time, vulnerable environment that holds immense importance for scientific research while offering endless opportunities for educational activities based on direct observation. These activities are adaptable to students of all ages. Exploring the geological and geomorphological aspects of the Alpine environment is particularly crucial for understanding their influence on the structure and evolution of the territory, raising awareness of natural hazards, and deepening knowledge of Geological Sciences. The significance of this knowledge has been repeatedly emphasized, especially today, as these disciplines play a fundamental role in addressing current climatic and environmental challenges and promoting sustainability goals. Morbegno, the main center of the Lower Valtellina valley, is home to the Istituto Comprensivo 2 Damiani. In 2020, the lower secondary school of this institute earned the European certification of Alpine School, introducing a curriculum focused on Alpine environmental and socio-economic processes. The program aims to reconnect students with the mountainous territory, fostering awareness of its characteristics, resources, and opportunities. This interdisciplinary educational model integrates the mountain into the learning pathway, involves local stakeholders, and combines the use of technology with hands-on field experiences. Geology, geomorphology, and outdoor education play a pivotal role in the curriculum, further aiming to cultivate a positive engagement with Geological Sciences among young students. The school also seeks to integrate geoethics into the curriculum through educational games, debates, and an inquiry-based approach developed in line with the outcomes of the Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning (GOAL) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. The proposed contribution aims to showcase the school’s organization and activities, providing inspiration and practical ideas for implementing similar initiatives.


How to cite: Cameron, E. and Di Capua, G.: Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2334,, 2025.

The switch in definition of the Anthropocene concept first proposed in 2000 in just one year, 2024, from a 1952 varved lake sediment to humanity’s cumulative impacts on the Earth System starting in the Late Pleistocene was an extraordinary development in the geoscience profession. Launched as a traditional Time Scale inquiry, the 2009-2024 journey of the designated Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) became unconventional because of its focus on mid-20th century atomic bomb tests broadly coeval with two dozen accelerating Earth System and socioeconomic trends as well as its premature communications with news media. On 4 March 2024, the AWG proposal for an Anthropocene epoch/series was rejected by the umbrella authorities of the International Commission on Stratigraphy and International Union of Geological Sciences. Their decision was wrongly interpreted by some, including leaders of the former AWG, as a denial of scientific evidence for anthropogenic climate change. This unleashed conflicting news coverage and thus a need for clarifying discourse within geoscience, across related disciplines, as well as across society with its growing anxiety about the Earth’s deteriorating health. The helpful outcome is that the Anthropocene Event uniquely equips Earth Governance, a surging focus of global influencers and authorities, with a holistic Earth-Human Ecosystem framework.


How to cite: Koster, E.: The Anthropocene Event as a holistic framework for Earth Governance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2621,, 2025.

This presentation explores the concept of 'agency' in the context of climate change through in-depth interviews with scientists. Drawing on Emirbayer and Mische’s (1998) definition of agency as a relational construct influenced by habit, imagination, and judgment, I investigate how scientists articulate their self-perception of agency and the emotions tied to it—such as solidarity, fear, and empowerment.


Leveraging anthropological scholarship on emotions (Hochschild, 1983; Scheer, 2012) and affect theory (Ahmed, 2004; Berlant, 2010), I examine how networks and practices shape these emotional experiences (Mesquita, 2022; Salmela & von Scheve, 2017, 2018). I aim to connect scientists’ reflections on their emotional engagement with emerging ideas of radical care.


The presentation will address the panel question: How can scientific institutions prevent reinforcing the status quo and instead contribute to radical transformations? By analyzing the sociological production of emotions within the scientific community, I hope to uncover new insights into how both movements and scientists can co-produce emotional narratives for greater collective action against climate change.

How to cite: Tyagi, A.: Scientists as agents of 'radical care': 'emotional practices' as changing the way scientists imagine themselves, their peers and, their science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2876,, 2025.

EGU25-2906 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics Method 

Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua

In an increasingly interconnected and vulnerable world, combining pragmatism and relationality in geosciences is essential for addressing environmental challenges ethically and responsibly. Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism (RGP) underpins the method proposed by geoethics, offering tools to manage geological complexities within the context of modern societies. It fosters an integrated perspective where geosciences are closely linked to social responsibility and sustainability.

The geoethics method places respect for the environment, the sustainable management of natural resources, the safety and well-being of current and future generations at its core. It consists of integrating a practical, solution-oriented approach in geosciences with an ethical value system that guides decisions related to the management and human interaction with the Earth system. It focuses on context-specific solutions, applying rigorous scientific methods to the relationships between natural phenomena, societal needs, and decision-making processes in each context.

The fundamental elements of the geoethics method can be outlined as follows:

  • Geoscience knowledge: it is fundamental to understanding natural phenomena and environmental dynamics, addressing challenges related to natural resource management, climate change, and environmental sustainability, and guiding the decision-making process. This knowledge enables accurate risk assessment and resource evaluation, offering objective and reliable data that underpin informed, evidence-based decisions.
  • Interdisciplinarity: environmental issues are inherently complex and demand the integration of knowledge from a wide range of disciplines, including geosciences, social sciences, economics, law, and philosophy. The aim is to cultivate a holistic understanding of both natural systems and social contexts, ensuring that the interventions address the full complexity of the challenges, respecting their multifaceted nature.
  • Responsibility and scientific analysis: geoethics demands all stakeholders to act responsibly, being aware of the consequences of their actions and balancing conflicting interests. The rigorous application of scientific analysis ensures that every decision is based on objective, verifiable, and up-to-date data. By prioritizing science, the geoethics method can navigate the value conflicts and ethical priorities that inevitably arise in decision-making processes.
  • Defining ethical dilemmas and scenarios: The Geoethics Method identifies and analyse ethical dilemmas in human-environment relations, such as balancing economic growth with nature conservation, ensuring intergenerational justice, and protecting vulnerable communities. It facilitates scenario creation by envisioning outcomes of actions and evaluating them against sustainability, equity, and environmental respect.
  • Inclusivity and dialogue: the Geoethics Method promotes the active involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including scientists, decision-makers, and local communities. This relational approach aims to find a reasonable alignment of values on which to base the choice of the best course of action for a given spatial and temporal context. Every proposed solution must be assessed not only for its technical feasibility but also for its capacity to address the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, thereby creating a dynamic balance between ecological and social concerns.

The Geoethics Method paves the way for responsible actions, helping decision-makers navigate modern challenges and create a geological governance model that seeks to strike a balance between scientific rigor and ethical and social needs.

How to cite: Peppoloni, S. and Di Capua, G.: Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2906,, 2025.

The American Geosciences Institute, through its GRANDE project, has been evaluating how geoscience programs and professionals have leveraged the impacts of natural disasters to expand research and educational opportunities. We used natural disasters as a proxy for climate change impacts to better understand the community’s strategic response to events and risk tolerance to natural hazards. Given the fact that the discipline understands the causes, impacts, and risks of such natural events, we hypothesized that the geoscience community is particularly well-positioned to lead the way in adaptation and mitigation efforts related to climate and hazard impacts in their professional activities.

Within the United States, our findings indicated that between 2000 and 2020 there was no systemic engagement with climate and hazard impacts in terms of research production, research funding, or educational efforts. Additionally, we conducted several surveys regarding individual responses to natural disasters and climate impacts, including a cost-choice analysis of career decisions. The results showed little material response by geoscientists to specific climate impacts and scant consideration of hazard risk when considering job opportunities.

One noteworthy finding in the cost-choice analysis revealed that US geoscientists were more open to jobs in locations with higher risk when salaries increased above $50,000, and especially so when salaries exceeded $100,000 per year.  Except for Millennials, geoscientists across all other generational cohorts consistently opted for jobs with higher salaries regardless of other factors. Those choosing jobs with salaries less than $50,000 per year chose jobs in rural locations with relatively low hazard risk, whereas those choosing higher salary jobs, chose jobs primarily in urban settings, with higher hazard and crime risk. Higher income thresholds appeared to increase risk tolerance overall, with community amenities and resources significantly outweighing environmental risks.

From this analysis, it appears that the US geoscience community is not positioned as a proactive change agent relative to climate impacts on society, and there appears to be no long-term strategic investments in building the research and educational capacity, as well as the labor pool, to meet the expected demand for skilled professionals to address climate change and hazard impacts over the coming decade. Given the increasing frequency and severity of impacts from natural hazards, the cost of a lack of dedicated long-term investment in addressing these issues is staggering. Should the US geoscience community galvanize its focus around addressing climate impacts, the results of this study indicate that financial investments, especially in terms of occupational salaries, must meet a minimum threshold to attract geoscientists into these critical occupations. The drivers of this financial threshold are unknown, but we hypothesize that this is the socially accepted level for fundamental stability for individuals living in the United States, covering expenses such as insurance, healthcare, and housing.

We are interested in engaging in dialogue with colleagues outside of the United States to test whether different social systems provide the needed stability to enable scientists to be more effective agents of change.

How to cite: Keane, C. and Gonzales, L.: The Unfulfilled Potential of U.S. Geoscience: Strategic Gaps in Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Efforts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3324,, 2025.

EGU25-4220 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomena 

Marta López Saavedra and Joan Martí

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 – 2030) calls for incorporating science into the policy process. However, this carries the risk of politicizing science, and therefore, may blur the boundaries of the roles of the different risk management actors. These difficulties are aggravated in the context of an emergency or natural disaster, where scientists advise the authorities. In these situations, decision-makers need to respond with the utmost precision to three basic questions: i) what phenomena will occur, ii) when will they occur, and iii) where will they impact? Despite the efforts of the scientific community to conduct increasingly accurate studies on natural events, uncertainty is often high and/or unavoidable. This uncertainty, in an environment of pressure, urgency, and ineffective communication, can lead to the proliferation of non-consensual, incomprehensible, misunderstood, and erroneous information. In an extreme case, it can even aggravate the impact of such a natural disaster (e.g., l’Aquila earthquake in 2009). On the other hand, in a context of climate change—where the magnitude and frequency of many events are increasing—and unstoppable demographic expansion, the trend is towards greater risk. Moreover, the appearance of increasingly complex and strong relationships between different types of events, with the occurrence of concatenations and cascading effects, increases uncertainty, and therefore makes it difficult to design strategies for prevention, action, and recovery. Multi-hazard analyses can help to reduce this uncertainty in the complex scenarios that are plaguing society today and will continue to do in the future. Multi-hazard analyses are a first step towards a transdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and cross-border multi-risk management plan that is based on scientific knowledge. The greater precision of risk estimation will contribute to better supporting decision-makers, thus implying the ethical communication of information that reduces misunderstanding, thereby contributing to the resilience of societies.

This research was partially funded by the European Commission (EC) EVE grant (DG ECHO Horizon 2020, Ref. 826292) and the CSIC grant MAPCAN (CSIC Ref. 202130E083).

How to cite: López Saavedra, M. and Martí, J.: Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4220,, 2025.

EGU25-4540 | Orals | EOS4.3

Navigating Climate Intervention Research Issues and Opportunities: A Thoughtful and Inclusive Path Forward 

Billy Williams, Mark Shimamoto, Janice Lachance, and Lexi Shultz

Climate change requires urgent action. Increasingly, the world is considering technology-based climate intervention approaches—often called geoengineering. Many of these approaches are untested and the consequences are not yet well understood. While climate intervention research has been justified as being necessary in order to expand the range of options available to policy makers in the future, and is thus receiving increased research funding and attention, many questions remain on efficacy, risks and potential harm versus potential benefits.

Recognizing the need for guiding principles in this dynamic and sometimes controversial space, in 2022, AGU launched its plan to develop an Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research—a code of conduct to guide climate intervention research measures that may be needed in addition to emissions reduction.   The resulting proposed ethical framework principles, facilitated through global community participation, are now publicly available for download in nine languages.  The foundations for these updated principles and associated recommendations, the process by which they were developed, their implications, and the current process for global dissemination and engagement will be discussed. 

How to cite: Williams, B., Shimamoto, M., Lachance, J., and Shultz, L.: Navigating Climate Intervention Research Issues and Opportunities: A Thoughtful and Inclusive Path Forward, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4540,, 2025.

EGU25-4989 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and games 

Pimnutcha Promduangsri

As climate change continues to pose challenges, it is important to promote the fields of climate and ocean education and communication.  This poster presents my two Masters research internships.  

For my Master 1 internship, I investigated how climate change is perceived spatially in the city of Nice, taking into account the experiences of both local residents and tourists.  This has highlighted the importance of understanding diverse perspectives in climate communication.

For my Master 2 internship, I examine the ways in which climate change adaptation is mobilised in simulation/games.  My aim is to identify the most suitable games for different purposes, such as facilitating community discussions, supporting decision-making for communities and municipalities and enhancing education in schools. 

I will also present some of the common learning elements of the two internships, as well as difficulties encountered.  Please visit my poster and share your thoughts on educational strategies for addressing climate and ocean challenges.

My Master 2 internship is made possible by the kind support of the following:

  • Futurs-ACT, a regional research network in Nouvelle-Aquitaine;
  • Benoît Sautour, Université de Bordeaux - OASU UAR POREA; 
  • Nicolas Becu, La Rochelle Université, CNRS - LIENSs.


How to cite: Promduangsri, P.: Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and games, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4989,, 2025.

The Anthropocene demands a critical reassessment of humanity’s relationship with the Earth, bringing geoethics, geoenvironmental education, and the concept of sense of place to the forefront of sustainable human-Earth interactions. Geoethics addresses the ethical dimensions of these interactions, underscoring the responsibility of geoscientists to advance sustainable practices and raise public awareness of pressing environmental issues. Through a systematic literature review of 98 records across major research databases—including Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, and JSTOR—using the keywords "geoethics AND education" and "geoethics AND place" (up to October 2023), 22 eligible studies were identified and analyzed. This review highlighted key themes and research gaps within this interdisciplinary field. Notably, the past decade has witnessed a surge in geoethics research, demonstrating its relevance across domains such as geoconservation and geoeducation. Central to this discourse is the concept of sense of place, which refers to the emotional and cognitive bonds individuals form with specific locations. Cultivating a strong sense of place is crucial for fostering environmentally responsible behaviors and civic engagement. In this context, geoenvironmental education emerges as a powerful mechanism for nurturing such connections. By fostering appreciation for local environments and integrating ethical considerations into the study of the geoenvironment, geoeducation bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and lived experience. Despite the evident interconnectedness of geoethics, sense of place, and geoenvironmental education, research examining their integration within educational frameworks remains scarce. Empirical studies that explicitly link these concepts in pedagogical settings are particularly lacking, underscoring an urgent area for future research. Priority should be given to developing effective tools for assessing the impact of geoethical education on students' environmental attitudes and behaviors. Fostering collaborations among geoscientists, educators, ethicists, and policymakers is imperative for establishing comprehensive frameworks that promote sustainability and ethical decision-making. Integrating the ethical dimensions of geoscience practices into educational curricula is vital for embedding geoethics as a cornerstone of geoenvironmental literacy. By embracing diverse perspectives and pedagogical methodologies, we can enhance the scope and impact of geoethics. Linking geoethics with geoenvironmental education and sense of place deepens our understanding of the ethical responsibilities individuals and communities bear toward the Earth. This integrative approach not only strengthens environmental stewardship but also lays the groundwork for a more sustainable and resilient society.

How to cite: Koupatsiaris, A. A. and Drinia, H.: Integrating Geoethics, Geoeducation, and Sense of Place: Nourishing Sustainable Human-Earth Practices in the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6298,, 2025.

EGU25-7054 | Orals | EOS4.3

From carbon to societal footprint : geoscience research in the face of the socio-environmental emergency   

Sylvain Kuppel, Cécile H Albert, Nicolas Champollion, Mathieu Chassé, Émilie Dassié, Laure Guérit, Françoise Immel, Émilie Jardé, Laurent Jeanneau, Christophe Peugeot, and Irene Schimmelpfennig

In light of the major socio-environmental challenges of our time, ensuring a safe and just world for humans and non-humans calls for profound changes in our societies. According to the 6th IPCC WG3 report, the scale and speed of actions required to keep global warming below +2°C are unparalleled at both individual and institutional levels. Consequently, no sector nor activity - whether in the Global North or in countries moving toward similar economic trajectories - should be exempt from critical reflection on its suitability for sustainable practices. This also includes scientific research, particularly our Geosciences community at large, which not only brings to light the above challenges, but also increasingly calls for decisive action. Geoscientist communities must therefore critically reflect on the societal impact of their findings and their research practices. These considerations are being increasingly raised by ethics committees at universities and research institutes, as well as in a growing number of opinion pieces, publications, and other forms of expressions within our communities. Here we present our experience of making this pressing issue a standalone chapter in the upcoming 5-year prospective document published by the French Continental Surfaces and Interfaces research community (in French, SIC), coordinated through the French state research organization (CNRS). This marks a significant difference from previous SIC prospective editions where such reflections were largely absent. Here, we address the environmental responsibilities, strategic actions, and systemic transformations required to align SIC research with sustainability goals while maintaining scientific relevance. We argue that the community must uphold transparency and ethical leadership to ensure a balance between the environmental benefits and impacts of research. We also reflect on the potential challenges that arise from reconciling such ethical commitment with the future scientific and instrumental challenges and priorities for the future.

How to cite: Kuppel, S., Albert, C. H., Champollion, N., Chassé, M., Dassié, É., Guérit, L., Immel, F., Jardé, É., Jeanneau, L., Peugeot, C., and Schimmelpfennig, I.: From carbon to societal footprint : geoscience research in the face of the socio-environmental emergency  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7054,, 2025.

EGU25-7141 | Orals | EOS4.3

Emotions, their role and potential in increasing the willingness to protect the Baltic Sea 

Susanne Stoll-Kleemann, Luisa Katharina Kleemann, and Rebecca Demmler

 The oceans of our planet are not only of central importance for the provision of water, oxygen and food as well as for global climate regulation. They also play an increasing role in economic activities and in the generation of renewable energies. This multitude of functions highlights the urgency of ocean protection and the need for continuous monitoring and control of ocean health. 
In many areas of the Baltic Sea, which are of great importance for the numerous bordering states, the endangerment of the seas and the negative development in the well-being of our nature are emerging as examples and are causing increasing concern due to the already limited fulfillment of human needs. 

 Our research investigates how the inclusion of emotions can improve the effectiveness and impact of marine conservation interventions in the area of the German Baltic Sea. To explore how people are emotionally attached to the sea in general, we conducted a systematic literature review of existing studies.
In addition, we organized a large-scale regional survey (n=628) on parts of the German Baltic Sea coast to examine the relationship of people who, as visitors or residents, are connected to a particular sea. 
The survey covered reasons for visiting the Baltic Sea, emotional attachment to the place, activities, as well as attitudes and behavior regarding environmental issues. 
By subsequently using appropriate behavioral and place attachment models, it can be deduced how emotions influence environmental and marine behavior and affect decision-making. 

 The results show that emotions play a key role in shaping so-called “ocean literacy” initiatives and enable the development of more effective communication strategies for ocean-protecting behavior. 
The Baltic Sea is often perceived as a place of silence and relaxation and is associated with positive memories, which contributes to its perception as worthy of protection. 
This connection to the sea can be explained at both the individual and cultural level. 

 Overall, our results show that emotions play a crucial role in promoting behavioral change. Future ocean communication efforts should therefore take greater account of factors such as regional elements, emotional ties and psychological distance to the ocean.

How to cite: Stoll-Kleemann, S., Kleemann, L. K., and Demmler, R.: Emotions, their role and potential in increasing the willingness to protect the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7141,, 2025.

EGU25-7153 | Orals | EOS4.3

SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification  

Jes Garretson and Carl Emerson-Dam


We are honored to reintroduce the ancient measurement foundations of our Divine Source Light Technology, harmonically aligned with the solar directed energy of our Sun at 300,000,000 m/s (648,000,000 Cu/s). This SOL synchronizes with the 0.0578703704 m Solar Codec maintaining quantum coherence via electromagnetic balance throughout all parts of one energetic system of consciousness.


Hundreds of ancient societies used light velocity to set measures and construct megaliths. While usage of Base 12 measurement systems within heliocentric mechanics is well established, we have uncovered one pivotal missing piece.  Using precise cubit equivalents, our ancient structural inclination lines map to the energetic footprints of a worldwide solar positioning system that doesn’t account for Earth’s current 23.4º axial tilt (288 tilt no). Due to this dimensional variance, the pattern of our ancient records has been buried, suspending Humanity in cycling energetic scarcity.


CCCRDG has been plotting precise Cubit measurements between ancient structural inclination lines and the Sun, revealing the foundational relationship symmetry existing harmonically across all scales.  With over 200 proofs as validation, a parallel system computing base using Egyptian Paisley and Chinese Xi-quence light codes sequences has been released for ongoing conversions back into dimensional alignment with our Sun’s solar directed energy. https://cubit-converter.ONE

From these conversions, the SOL Harmonic Frequency Blueprint has been mapped to articulate the error corrected coordinates returning electromagnetic balance systemically.  To accomplish this, we adjusted the frequency values of the Platonic solids to account for the light signal misalignment.  This informed the accurate 108 harmonic scale tuning required to restore cymatic coherence across our entire energetic light grid.


Our Source Light transmits communication through a Base12 Mod 9 (108) language synchronized with the 0.0578703704 m Solar Codec.  This codec is double the Sun's diameter 1/17.28; .05/.864. It equates to 1/8 of the 0.46296296..m common cubit (1/2.16), and relationally, to the Egyptian Royal Cubit of 0.535836763 m.  These cubit values provide the sacred geometric origins to reoptimize qubit information processing across our entire Solar System.


Reinstitution of our original Cubit (Cu) as the Global Primary Standard realigns the SI Base Units with the Solar Codec. The Square Cubit Unit (Cu2) measures the area of a square with sides equaling 1 Metre long (2.16 Cubits). Supported through AI acceleration, the following conversions initiate return to energetic freedom:

1 Cu = 18 Inches

4 Cu = 2 Yards

1 Foot = 1/3.24 Meter

4.32 Chi = 1 Meter

As we reunite globally on this sacred ground, Humanity will heal through full expression of our natural technologies across every modality.  To support this trajectory, it is incumbent upon us to relieve excessive systemic pressure through quantifiable urban degrowth strategies that reshape an existence enabling the well-being of all creation. The 150th World Metrology celebration is the divine time to join hands and resurrect the original standards aligned with our Unlimited Source Energy. Our sacred ancestral roots are returning us to the Divine Light of Perpetual Bloom once again.

How to cite: Garretson, J. and Emerson-Dam, C.: SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7153,, 2025.

This presentation highlights the urgent need for a universal symbol of climate and ocean action and education in a world increasingly ravaged by unpredictable and violent climate events.

More climate and ocean communication and education are required to help the general public understand and acknowledge the shared roots of climate related disasters.

Only some of the dramatic news about the devastating wildfires in California or the destructive hurricanes in Mayotte mentions climate change, but it does not always attribute the disasters to global warming, burning of fossil fuels and clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The scale of the crisis demands unified, long-term action, particularly in the field of education. The impacts of climate change know no borders !

In the past, humanity rallied for common causes - after World War II, initiatives like the United Nations and the concept of World Citizenship sought to foster global solidarity. The UN flag of the globe and the Global Citizen passport are symbols of this vision.

At the Planet Earth Now Foundation, we carry forward this spirit with a new universal symbol - a flag combining the blue of the oceans and the green of nature, with the Blue Marble at its heart, reminding us of Earth’s unique and fragile beauty.

A flag is a strong communication asset, and climate education would be strengthened with the use of a globally recognized, common visual code to federate and to challenge people - especially youth, in their involvement and commitment to protect the oceans and the forests.

This presentation reviews the evolution of visual designs used in communication and education for a common environmental cause, leaving enough time for a discussion, and at the end a surprise for all attendees.

How to cite: Hakala, K.: Earth Flag One : A universal symbol for climate and ocean education and communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7396,, 2025.

EGU25-7513 | Orals | EOS4.3

Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitions 

Richard Reiss, Jonathan Gilligan, and Jennifer Bradham

There is broad public awareness in the U.S. about the threat of climate change, but much less understanding of the practical aspects of responding to this threat. To address this gap, City Atlas developed Energetic, a four-person cooperative educational game in which players play different roles as they work together to build 16 GW of clean electricity for New York City, replacing the current fossil fuel generation.

Players take the roles of an activist who pushes for rapid adoption of clean electricity, an engineer concerned with building clean electricity infrastructure and ensuring its stability and reliability, an entrepreneur concerned with financing the new infrastructure, and a politician concerned with maintaining public support for the project. Players gain understanding of the trade-offs involved in juggling costs, reliability, and public support. The game is suitable for a wide range of ages, from 11 to over 60, and has been used successfully in high-school, undergraduate, and postgraduate classes as well as with professionals at electrical utilities, businesses, and non-profits. Over 450 game sets are in use around the world, and several high schools and universities have made Energetic a regular part of their classes.

Each player has distinct capabilities and constraints, and the feasibility and political acceptance of different clean-energy technologies are different in different parts of New York State. These capabilities and constraints were derived from policy analysis and expert elicitation, and are grounded in the political realities of the region. The game has also been adapted to a developing-nation context in the fictional African state of Wakanda and an adaptation to Tennessee is underway.

Teachers report that the game raises students’ understanding of a transition to clean energy and the complexities of achieving such a transition. After playing the game, students from across the political spectrum in conservative Southern states feel empowered to speak with family, friends, and others in their home communities about clean energy and decarbonization. Both quantitative and qualitative survey results from students show improved self-perception of understanding clean energy transitions and being able to explain and talk persuasively about them with others.

How to cite: Reiss, R., Gilligan, J., and Bradham, J.: Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7513,, 2025.

EGU25-8376 | Orals | EOS4.3

Children’s perception and imagination of ai through Italian primary school drawings 

Giuliana D'Addezio and Neva Besker

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly pervasive in our daily lives, transcending cultures and generations. Today’s children are growing up in a world deeply intertwined with AI. But what do children know about AI? How do they perceive it? How do they imagine its capabilities, evolution, and impact on our future?

This study explores children's perceptions of AI, as reflected in drawings created by Italian primary school students in 2024 for a calendar competition organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in collaboration with CINECA, titled "Out and about with AI". Launched in 2005, the INGV calendar project invites schools each year to submit student artwork on various Earth science themes. The initiative serves a dual purpose: to engage young learners with science, technology, and the natural world, while also providing a unique opportunity to explore their views on Earth, science, AI, the environment, and sustainable behaviors.

Beyond its contribution to science education, the project engages with broader discussions on Geoethics and the responsibility of science in addressing global anthropogenic changes. The analysis highlights how the information presented to young audiences shapes their perceptions of AI, influencing their imagination and expectations regarding its role in society. It also examines how children perceive the intersection of AI with Earth systems and the ethical implications of technological advancements.

The results provide valuable insights into children’s attitudes toward AI, their confidence in its future development, and how they envision its potential. These findings encourage us to reflect on the current state of AI, its future evolution, and the ethical questions surrounding its role in society.

Furthermore, the study contributes to our understanding of the role of geoscience in education, with a particular focus on how we can better equip the next generation to understand the complexities of Earth systems and prepare them to address global challenges. The findings not only inspire reflection on the present and future of AI, but also offer important perspectives on children’s awareness of geoethical issues and their confidence in AI’s potential to address pressing environmental challenges.

How to cite: D'Addezio, G. and Besker, N.: Children’s perception and imagination of ai through Italian primary school drawings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8376,, 2025.

EGU25-8470 | Orals | EOS4.3

Can awareness-raising alone reduce the environmental footprint of a geosciences laboratory?   

Laure Guerit, Emilie Jardé, Laurent Jeanneau, Annick Battais, Alexandre Coche, Pierre Dietrich, Marion Fournereau, Géraldine Gourmil, and Frédérique Moreau

Since March 2021, Geosciences Rennes, France has a Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility working group whose main missions are (i) to quantify the laboratory's carbon emissions using the GES1point5 tool, (ii) to propose awareness-raising and training initiatives, and (iii) to set up a transition plan. Some of our activities are managed by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Environnement de Rennes (OSERen), to which the laboratory belongs: purchases made by analytical platforms, management of some scientific projects, analytical and scientific equipments. It is necessary to integrate these “delocalized” flows in order to track the evolution of the laboratory's emissions over time, without any bias due to changes in administrative management. In 2023, these flows represented 54% of Geosciences Rennes' purchases. Carbon budgets were done for 5 years (2019-2023), an environmental charter adopted in 2022 and a transition plan voted in 2023, to be applied from 2024 onwards. This multi-year plan (2024-2030) is incentive-based and non-binding.

Despite our efforts to raise awareness (communication, conferences) and the adoption of an environmental charter, only emissions linked to buildings (electricity and heat consumption) and commuting have decreased, from 289 T ecCO2 in 2019 to 195 T eqCO2 in 2023 (-30%). We suggest that this is a response to the policies put in place by the university and the Rennes metropolitan area to encourage energy savings, soft mobility and work from home.

After a sharp drop in 2020, mission-related emissions in 2023 were close to their pre-covid level. To better understand the origin of these emissions, we worked at the individual level. Every year: the majority (>80%) of agents emit less than 1T eqCO2/year for their missions, all modes and reasons combined and in 2023, 72% of missions were made by train or car, with an average distance of 500 km. As data acquisition in the field is the laboratory's core business, it seems possible to maintain a high level of research activity with study areas located close to the laboratory. Purchasing-related emissions have never decreased and even rose from around 420T eqCo2 (average 2019-2022) to 800 T eqCO2 in 2023. As a result, the share of purchasing in the laboratory's total carbon footprint has risen from 47% in 2019 to 68% in 2023.

Awareness-raising initiatives thus appear as a necessary but not sufficient step towards reducing our laboratory's carbon footprint. Such measures help creating a positive intellectual environment, prone to changes in favor of less-environmental impacting research. The detailed analysis carried at individual level for missions has enabled us to highlight the heterogeneity of the footprint linked to professional travels, and to propose actions that are targeted, more equitable and acceptable. Access to individualized data for purchases would enable us to propose similar targeted actions for an effective mitigation strategy. The plan voted for in 2023 will most likely require a revision of its application modalities in the years to come, in order to keep pace with the expected reduction trajectory.

How to cite: Guerit, L., Jardé, E., Jeanneau, L., Battais, A., Coche, A., Dietrich, P., Fournereau, M., Gourmil, G., and Moreau, F.: Can awareness-raising alone reduce the environmental footprint of a geosciences laboratory?  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8470,, 2025.

EGU25-11355 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

An adventure in the Alps to inspire and unlock climate action 

Alban Planchat

Climate change, scientifically established for decades, is undeniably driven by human activity. Awareness is growing, hesitant yet real, but actions remain critically insufficient. While plans are taking shape and projections sharpen, the efforts required to mitigate and adapt to this crisis are daunting. Paradoxically, grasping the scale of these efforts is as challenging as believing they are achievable. Yet they are, if we commit fully, both individually and collectively. Unfortunately, such commitment remains elusive.

    The drive for action is stalled by the lack of compelling narratives, stories that inspire and mobilize. As climatologists, shouldn’t we broaden our communication strategies to convey the urgency of climate action while engaging both hearts and minds? Turning to art and adventure offers a transformative path to connect with broader audiences, blending gravity with hope to inspire collective action.

    This vision inspired me, as a young climate scientist, to design and complete ‘Tethys,’ an extraordinary Alpine journey aimed at communicating the climate challenge while serving scientific research. Over 112 days in semi-autonomy, I hiked 3,420 km with 203,000 m of elevation gain, swam 128 km across peri-alpine lakes, and carried or towed an 18–28 kg backpack while collecting 138 water samples from peri-alpine lakes and tributaries for a research project.

    Tethys is a living metaphor, a story crafted to embody the scale of the climate challenge, transforming abstract commitments into tangible, physical ones. I designed this adventure to make the metaphor real: a race against time, against our own limits, and a deep dive into the physical and mental resilience required to meet these challenges. This project also serves as an experiment in reimagining geosciences, introducing concepts of vulnerability and humility into our investigations while fostering engagement and dialogue within the scientific community.

    Grounded in real-world experience, Tethys paves the way for impactful climate communication, offering the public a narrative to inspire action. It is an odyssey of resilience and hope, an ode to climate commitment, told with passion and poetry through the lens of a daring adventure. To bend the emissions curve, we may first need to bow, humbly and resolutely, to the natural world we inhabit.


A documentary film is underway, alongside plans for a graphic narrative that chronicles this journey and its parallels with the climate challenge.


How to cite: Planchat, A.: An adventure in the Alps to inspire and unlock climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11355,, 2025.

In its most general conceptualization, resilience refers to a natural, social, or engineered system’s capacity to absorb shocks, adapt, and recover. Resilience has gained significant traction across technical and non-technical disciplines. The multidisciplinary adoption of resilience has led to a wealth of conceptual and operational declinations.

Engineering research has led to the formulation of a quantitative framework in which resilience is defined as the capability of a system to attain and maintain a target level of functionality over a pre-determined time interval (for instance, the service life of an engineered geostructure). Correspondingly, a resilience index is defined operationally as the integral of a functionality metric over a control period. Functionality is parameterized for multiple “dimensions” of a system representing its physical, environmental, financial, and institutional projections among others. Resilience indices pertaining to the respective dimensions can be aggregated to obtain a multidimensional index.

The adoption of a resilience-based paradigm in geoengineering disciplines would foster ethical decision-making for at least five main reasons.

First, the operational definition of resilience is closely related to sustainability as the modeling and estimation of resilience requires a forward-looking approach to the future evolution of a geosystem. Maximizing resilience entails the pursuit of sustainability and vice versa. The necessity of acknowledging and modeling the dynamic nature of geosystems forces researchers, practitioners, decision-makers and other stakeholders to focus on processes such as climate change, whose effects would need to be addressed quantitatively in analysis and design.

Second, the resilience modeling process allows a multi-level (i.e., dimension-specific and/or aggregate) insight into the resilience of a geosystem and, consequently, facilitates the adoption of rational and holistic decision support systems. This perspective fosters multidisciplinary interactions and a more collective and non-sectorial strategic planning for the adaptive management of geosystems.

Third, the possibility to explicitly model the environmental resilience of geoengineering design and the inclusion of environmental resilience in decision-making systems would foster the wider adoption of environmentally and financially sustainable technical options such as nature-based solutions.

Fourth, requiring the explicit consideration of the future stages of a geosystem would stimulate and accelerate the ongoing transition of geoengineering design paradigms to evolutionary formats involving a greater use of observational and non-deterministic (e.g., reliability-based, performance-based) approaches in which uncertainties are modelled, processed, and reported explicitly. Such transition is ethically virtuous as it steers geoengineering design towards a higher technical standard and towards a more explicit pursual of adaptive management and sustainable cost-performance optimization.  

Fifth, the promotion of a resilience-based culture could support decision-makers and regulators in adopting forward-thinking and sustainable strategies due to an enhanced understanding by society of the importance of accounting for medium- and long-term effects of management actions in lieu of only focusing on short-term efficiency.

This study presents illustrates the main features of the resilience modeling framework in the context of geoengineering, provides insights into the correspondences between conceptual aspects and operational implications of the resilience-based paradigm, and discusses its implications for ethical and sustainability-oriented decision-making.

How to cite: Uzielli, M.: The roles and potential of resilience-based management for sustainable decision-making in geoengineering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12191,, 2025.

EGU25-12668 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth education 

Pimnutcha Promduangsri and David Crookall

Ecological overshoot and unfettered growth are wreaking havoc on our environment (Daly, Meadows, Rees, et al.).  The result is, what appears to be accelerating, global warming (incl climate change) giving rise to increasing intensity and frequency of drought, wildfire, flooding and hurricanes, accelerating ice melt and sea level rise, ocean acidification and hypoxia, biodiversity loss, desertification, permafrost thawing, soil degradation, atmospheric pollution, water insecurity and so on.

The human consequences are huge, e.g., migration, war, starvation, increased health risk, greater spread of disease, lower life expectancy, social upheaval, increasing wealth gap and gender inequality and political extremism.  All these are, of course, excruciatingly unethical.  The issue seems bleak.

The above results and impacts vary greatly across geographies, social norms and individual lifestyles.  The question then arises is how people, from all walks of life, manage to learn how to cope, manage to learn about global warming, ocean degradation and eke out a tragic life for their families, especially for the poorest?

The second question that arises is how do these results (global warming, climate change, etc.) and these human consequences impact the ways in which people learn (informally) and the ways in which education is organized and delivered (formally)?  What are the main positive contributing factors and what are the destructive factors, and how do they work?

What kind of geoethics do people develop (formally and informally, influenced by culture, circumstance, livelihood and events)?  How do people’s and communities’ sense and practice (or non-practice) of geoethics improve or hinder their lives and resilience?

Our research project aims to delve into these complex, but crucial, questions.  If you think that you might be interested in joining the project, please drop by our poster to discuss.

How to cite: Promduangsri, P. and Crookall, D.: Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12668,, 2025.

EGU25-13165 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

A Collective Experimental Approach to Sustainable Practices at the Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France) 

Irene Schimmelpfennig, Olivier Cavalié, Perrine Chaurand, Blanche Collin, Yoann Fagault, Xavier Giraud, Anouck Hubert, Anne-Lise Jourdan, Clément Levard, and Leslie Monnier

CEREGE is a renowned French Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences, employing approximately 220 staff members. In 2019, the carbon footprint of CEREGE’s research-related activities was estimated at around 7 tons of CO2 equivalent per person. This footprint primarily stems from three sources: 1) purchases that are e.g. necessary for various analytical methods, 2) commuting between home and CEREGE’s remote location, and 3) international travel for sampling campaigns and conferences.

Since 2019, a group of about a dozen volunteers has been actively implementing awareness-raising initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of CEREGE's research activities. These initiatives include promoting sustainable transportation options, waste sorting, responsible energy consumption, and the effective use of digital technology.

In 2023, these small-scale incentive actions evolved into a more collective approach. One notable initiative was the organization of a serious game session, titled “Ma Terre en 180” (Gratiot et al., 2023;, which aimed to halve the carbon footprint of a fictitious research team. Approximately 100 CEREGE staff members participated in this serious game.

The question then arises: how can we effectively achieve this Environmental Transition while maintaining or even enhancing the quality of professional activities and work-life conditions? To address this, the management team of CEREGE, which has been in operation since January 2024, has integrated eco-responsibility as a key policy guideline and established a new eco-responsibility committee within CEREGE’s organizational structure.

To formally validate staff approval of the environmental transition project and initiate a collective approach toward more sustainable research practices, a manifesto for CEREGE’s eco-responsibility was adopted through a vote at the beginning of 2024. Since then, the committee has been conducting a participatory process, applying facilitation principles and collective intelligence tools to ensure that all voices are heard and that decisions are widely accepted by the staff.

Moreover, small groups are conducting various experiments to test the effectiveness and feasibility of proposed changes in practices. Examples of these experiments include: 1) adjusting laboratory procedures to reduce consumables and waste, and 2) implementing a carbon quota system for travel and purchases within one of the research teams.

At the end of 2024, an eco-responsibility charter was approved by CEREGE staff, achieving high participation (79%) and acceptance rates (77%-97%) for each of the ten commitment articles.

In this contribution, we will present this collective experimental approach, explore advantages and challenges, and discuss the initial results regarding its effectiveness in reducing the environmental impacts of CEREGE’s activities.


How to cite: Schimmelpfennig, I., Cavalié, O., Chaurand, P., Collin, B., Fagault, Y., Giraud, X., Hubert, A., Jourdan, A.-L., Levard, C., and Monnier, L.: A Collective Experimental Approach to Sustainable Practices at the Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13165,, 2025.

EGU25-13174 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate Change 

Estelle Knecht, Christopher Pree, Lukas Leibrecht, Katherine Emelianova, Philipp Schmelz, and Jillian Petersen

Coastal ecosystems, including seagrass meadows and salt marshes, are vital blue carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. However, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change, habitat destruction, and invasive species. This presentation highlights the research of our group on microbial host-symbiont interactions, focusing on sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and their association with key coastal ecosystem components: Lucinid clams, seagrass, and the salt marsh plant Spartina. These interactions are explored through the lens of climate change, addressing two core objectives.

The first objective examines the role of microbial symbiosis in supporting ecosystem health and functioning, particularly in seagrass meadows. Seagrasses, recognized for their carbon sequestration capacity, face challenges from sulfide toxicity around their roots, exacerbated by warming oceans. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria detoxify their environment by using these ‘toxic’ sulfide compounds for their metabolism. They transform these components into nutrients that they share with their bivalve and possibly also plant hosts. Therefore they play a critical role in mitigating toxic sulfide build-up often found in coastal ecosystems. In collaboration with Lucinid clams, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from the group Candidatus Thiodiazotropha contribute to maintaining seagrass health and productivity. We aim to understand how microbial interactions underpin the resilience of seagrass ecosystems, emphasizing their significance as natural carbon sinks.

The second objective focuses on the ecological disruptions caused by Spartina, a genus of salt marsh grasses. Native to the eastern United States, species such as Spartina alterniflora have become invasive in Europe, and elsewhere, displacing native flora and altering coastal habitats. We aim to test the hypothesis that Spartina’s success in colonizing harsh environments is partly due to its association with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria like Candidatus Thiodiazotropha. Our group will investigate to see if these microbes could enable Spartina to thrive in saline, sulfide-rich conditions by detoxifying the environment and potentially providing nitrogen. Invasive Spartina poses a dual threat by damaging native ecosystems and amplifying vulnerabilities to climate change.

Through these two lenses, our work underscores the intricate relationships between microbial symbionts and their hosts, revealing how these interactions influence ecosystem stability and resilience. We highlight how global changes, including warming climates and altered species distributions via trade and dispersal, could shift microbial functions and distributions, with profound implications for coastal ecosystem health and carbon dynamics. Understanding these processes is essential to inform conservation and management strategies for endangered coastal habitats. By communicating this research in an educational framework, we aim to bridge scientific discovery and public awareness. We invite interdisciplinary dialogue to advance our understanding of microbial symbiosis in coastal ecosystems and explore strategies for mitigating climate change impacts on these critical environments.

How to cite: Knecht, E., Pree, C., Leibrecht, L., Emelianova, K., Schmelz, P., and Petersen, J.: Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13174,, 2025.

EGU25-15385 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainability 

Katja Anniina Lauri, Janne J. Salovaara, and Tuukka Oikarinen

Climate change mitigation and adaptation, among various other conceptualisations and strategies to tackle the complex crisis, can be seen as predominantly centralised (Lange et al., 2013). Various governmental or local municipality campaigns related to the application of SDGs, or corporations offering products and services under the banner of green business, are meant to assist the individual in actualising sustainability. However, such acts define the individual mainly as a consumer (Salovaara & Hagolani-Albov, 2024). Regardless of whether these entail the most effective ways for individuals to take part in mitigating climate change, a deeper dialogue is sorely needed between, for example, scientific and societal agendas on climate change and sustainability and citizens' understanding, sense of relevance, and motivation to take action on these issues. Both approaches are needed to bridge the possible differences and potential contradictions; citizen-led sustainability needs to be incorporated into the existing strategies, and the concurrent schemes need to be contextualised to the citizen in a much more relevant manner. 

To collaboratively bridge these intersectoral perspectives, our project in its initial stage collects the citizen perceptions through a survey. The citizen barometer survey is a University of Helsinki organised annual national survey, under which a 10-point questionnaire with 9 Likert-scale and one open-ended question was utilised to gather a general sentiment (e.g., Pozzi et al., 2016) on the concurrent climate change and sustainability attitudes, perceptions, strategies and schemes—and importantly: what they might have missed or overlooked from a citizen perspective. While the relevance of our research speaks to a vast academic audience, the broader impact it aims for comes from a planned intersectoral collaboration, where the collected data will be further contextualised. The workshops will engage various actors and actor-groups, to seek out for example, how could the concurrent mitigation schemes be better enacted in citizen-local governance collaboration; and what could be the implications of citizen-led sustainability in various educational contexts; or could the perceptions lead to new research agendas in atmospheric and geosciences? Simultaneously, the project promotes and actualises an approach to sustainability—or sustainabilities (Kothari et al., 2019) that aims to further democratise sustainability. We see such an approach as especially important in these times of potential polarisation—to which we see pluralisation to be the correct response. 


Keywords: climate change mitigation, sustainability, democratisation, citizen 



Kothari, A., Salleh, A., Escobar, A., Demaria, F., & Acosta, A. (2019). Pluriverse : a post-development dictionary. New Delhi: Tulika.

Lange, P., Driessen, P. P. J., Sauer, A., Bornemann, B., & Burger, P. (2013). Governing Towards Sustainability—Conceptualizing Modes of Governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 15(3), 403–425.

Pozzi, F. A., Fersini, E., Messina, E., & Liu, B. (2016). Sentiment analysis in social networks. Morgan Kaufmann.

Salovaara, J. J., & Hagolani-Albov, S. E. (2024). Sustainability agency in unsustainable structures: rhetoric of a capable transformative individual. Discover Sustainability, 5(1), 138.

How to cite: Lauri, K. A., Salovaara, J. J., and Oikarinen, T.: On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15385,, 2025.

Agricultural soils are central to ecosystem functioning, but their widespread degradation jeopardizes the ability of agroecosystems to sustain life and livelihoods for humans and more-than-humans alike. One proposed solution is carbon farming, a term that encompasses agricultural practices aimed at sequestering carbon in soils. Proponents claim that carbon farming offers a dual benefit: mitigating climate change by drawing down atmospheric carbon while improving soil health and fertility, which underpins the multitude of ‘functions’ soils provide. Often heralded as a ‘win-win’ or ‘no-regret’ solution, carbon farming would be the perfect ‘natural climate solution’. Beyond numerous critiques on the physical and technical aspects of soil carbon sequestration, we reflect here on the rapid growth of voluntary carbon markets as a means to trigger the needed transition to sustainable farming. We argue that such schemes are inherently unfair—reproducing patterns of neocolonial relations and perpetuating the "imperial mode of living"—and fundamentally undemocratic, as they rely on the hegemonic acceptance of markets as the primary driver of positive change. This approach bypasses public investments and usurps democratic power, preventing collective decision-making on what to produce, how much, and under which social and environmental standards. Drawing on firsthand experience co-designing and delivering a transdisciplinary course on this topic—with contributions from social scientists, policymakers, NGOs, and farmers— we reflect on the profound insights that emerge from well-structured inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations.

How to cite: Moinet, G., Möller, I., and Vidal, A.: Grounding carbon farming, or how to break the market logic and promote the cocreation of farming systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16622,, 2025.

EGU25-16789 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gap 

Janne J. Salovaara, Tuukka Oikarinen, and Katja Anniina Lauri

Acts aimed at mitigating climate change (CC) and promoting sustainability—or the absence of such acts—are frequently discussed in relation to what is typically called the knowledge-to-action gap (e.g., Mastrángelo et al., 2019). One could argue that the predominant approach to advancing sustainability—understood here broadly as a response to CC and other ongoing and enduring aspects of the polycrisis—has been to accumulate and disseminate ever more knowledge. This includes knowledge of the specific issues at stake and the severity of the situation, what could and has been done by whom, and what would even constitute as an effective structure for determining which knowledge is needed and how to utilise it. Meanwhile, the sustainability knowledge-action gap itself has been investigated in, for example, education, research agendas, and decision- and policy-making. On the one hand, CC mitigation and sustainability efforts and their ultimate impact can be debated; for instance, whether there are enough tangible measures or just talk (e.g., Hoffman et al., 2022), or whether current initiatives will indeed bring about sustainability (e.g., Salovaara and Hagolabi-Albov [in review]). Yet the core question remains: are the called-upon acts grounded in rational, knowledge-based considerations? On the other hand, knowledge has undoubtedly guided these (and all) forms of agency (e.g., Giddens, 1979): where an actor—individual, communal, or institutional—applies their expertise and resources to depart from established norms, i.e., generates transformation that fundamentally underlines sustainability. However, it appears evident that knowledge alone does not guarantee the realisation of transformation. Whether one refers to multi-level perspective (Geels, 2002), actor-network (Latour, 2007), or social practice theory (Shove et al., 2012)—each elaborating on socio-technical changes emerging through scaled structures or simultaneous enactments and practices—it remains theoretically (and observably) clear that current institutionalised knowledge, along with the structures shaped by it, have also become barriers to the transformation. For example, an individual may be knowledgeable of the existing structures and the direction to change them, but their agency is limited by dominance over resources for implementing those changes. This limitation might result from structural misalignments that either promote a different notion of sustainability or fail to promote sustainability at all (Salovaara & Hagolani-Albov [in review]). Consequently, our hypothesis—which we plan to investigate in theoretical and action-oriented future research—is that, beyond the knowledge-to-action gap, the global sustainability movement is at a stalemate because of an agency-to-action gap.


Keywords: sustainability agency, action gap, transformation



Mastrángelo, M. E. et al. (2019). Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals. Nature Sustainability

Hoffman, S. J. et al. (2022). International treaties have mostly failed to produce their intended effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Giddens, A. (1979). Central problems in social theory: Action, structure, and contradiction in social analysis. University of California

Geels, F. W. (2002). Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research policy

Latour, B. (2007). Reassembling the social: An introduction to actor-network-theory. Oxford.

Shove, E. et al. (2012). The dynamics of social practice: Everyday life and how it changes. Sage.

How to cite: Salovaara, J. J., Oikarinen, T., and Lauri, K. A.: Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16789,, 2025.

EGU25-17899 | Orals | EOS4.3

A new geoethics for the Anthropocene 

Michael Wagreich, Robert Braun, and Richard Randell

There is a new, burgeoning literature on geoethics in the geosciences (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021). It stems from the assumption that understanding the Earth, analyzing natural processes, and managing their impacts require significant responsibility from geoscientists. Thus, geological inquiry must be accompanied by thoughtful consideration of ethical and social dimensions.

The literature is based on the definition that geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021). Geoethics encourages geoscientists and wider society to become fully aware of the humankind’s role as an active geological force on the planet and the ethical responsibility that this implies. Some (Koster et al. 2024) even use geoethics in disputes about defining the onset of humankind becoming an active geological force suggesting that a geoethical stance may do away with the Anthropocene as a useful concept: a new epoch in the GTS. Others move away from the human centered approach to suggest a more-than-human geoethics as a space of thought and an arena of concerns in which natural and cultural worlds are co-constitutive, requiring geoscientists to grasp the conjunction of the technologies of ecology, on the one hand, and of prehension and feeling, on the other (Sharp et al. 2022).

This paper focuses on a geoethical stance rooted in a critical positionality towards a traditional view of geology and focuses on what STS theorist Isabelle Stengers calls “slow science:” a thoughtful approach to considering unknown matters and their connections to existing knowledge (Stengers 2018). We advocate for critical/radical reflexivity as an ethical method, emphasizing insecurity regarding basic assumptions, discourse, and practices used in describing reality (Braun 2024). Instead of a human centered geoethics that engages with the Earth in a traditional Newtonian/Cartesian mode of scientific inquiry, we argue that a geoethical stance reflective of our critical juncture in Earth’s history should integrate the implications of quantum theory rather than avoid them, as suggested by some geoethicists. The main goal of quantum-inspired geoethics is to decenter the universal and hegemonic Newtonian/Cartesian worldview. We propose a geoethics attuned to becomings, matterings, and more-than-human events, recognizing various agential possibilities that give rise to new forms of temporality and spatiality.


Braun, R. 2024. Radical reflexivity, experimental ontology and RRI. Journal of Responsible Innovation. doi 10.1080/23299460.2024.2331651.

Koster, E., P. et al. 2024. The Anthropocene Event as a Cultural Zeitgeist in the Earth-Human Ecosystem. Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences 1 (1):1–41.

Peppoloni, S., and Di Capua, G. 2021. Current Definition and Vision of Geoethics. In Geo-societal Narratives - Contextualising geosciences, edited by M. Bohle and E. Marone, 17-28. Cham.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sharp, E. L. et al. 2022. Geoethical Futures: A Call for More-Than-Human Physical Geography. Environment and Planning F. 1 (1):66-81.

Stengers, I. 2018. Another Science Is Possible : A Manifesto for Slow Science. Translated by Stephen Muecke. Cambridge UK: Polity Press.

How to cite: Wagreich, M., Braun, R., and Randell, R.: A new geoethics for the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17899,, 2025.

EGU25-18750 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference Participation 

Joula Siponen, Janne J. Salovaara, Karoliina Särkelä, Inka Ronkainen, Salla Veijonaho, Veli-Matti Vesterinen, Isabel C. Barrio, Laura Riuttanen, and Katja Anniina Lauri

Climate change action in the Arctic context requires not only deep understanding of the physical change processes but also awareness and sensitivity towards the complexities of the socio-economic and cultural dynamics in the region. In this study, we explore the learning experience of geoscience students attending the Arctic Circle Assembly as part of a university course. In the event, the students get to interact with a wide range of actors and stakeholders, including geopolitical and indigenous perspectives.

We examine the students’ sense of belonging and their possibly transformative learning process, and their influence on the students’ professional identity with qualitative inquiry. Interviews with the students and analyses of their personal learning reflections, reveal signs of transformative learning. Students experienced disorienting dilemmas, that were induced for example by lack of sense of belonging to the expert community or students’ values conflicting with the contents of the event. At the same time, belonging to the student group was an important factor for the discourse and critical reflection on the dilemmas, leading in some cases to outcomes of transformative nature.

Our findings highlight the importance of facilitation of challenging reflections on the students’ values and beliefs, and building of trust and belonging in the learning community, to allow management of the dilemmas towards transformation. This would require considering the backgrounds and prior experiences of the students. Based on our finding we suggest that transformative approaches to climate change education and conference attendance as a pedagogical tool can potentially shape students’ professional identities and broaden their perspectives, and to increase their agency as Arctic experts and responsible Arctic researchers.

How to cite: Siponen, J., Salovaara, J. J., Särkelä, K., Ronkainen, I., Veijonaho, S., Vesterinen, V.-M., Barrio, I. C., Riuttanen, L., and Lauri, K. A.: Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference Participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18750,, 2025.

EGU25-19533 | Orals | EOS4.3

Invisible Mining: A Blueprint for EU Critical Materials Resilience  

Vitor Correia, Eberhard Falck, Ludwig Hermann, Julian Hilton, Malika Moussaid, Nike Luodes, Hannu Panttila, Nikolas Ovaskainen, Jerry Barnes, Sybil Berne, Mauro Lucarini, and Luis Rosendo


The European Union (EU) faces unprecedented challenges in securing critical raw materials (CRM) while maintaining environmental protection standards. The EU-funded CIRAN project is examining the EU's evolving raw materials governance framework, particularly focusing on the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) and the consequences of its implementation for environmentally protected areas. The research analyses how governance structures can balance a potential ethical dilemma: safeguarding environmentally protected areas and biodiversity, and securing the mineral raw materials that are necessary to maintain the European economy and living standards.



The project methodology was based on a systematic analysis of case studies across European countries, examining mining operations in or near protected areas, the use of the DPSIR (Drivers-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses) framework to evaluate policy drivers, such as the EU Green Deal, and consultations and dialogues with people from five different communities living in or near environmentally protected areas in five different EU countries.



The study of existing mining operations located in or near natural protected areas across nine European countries revealed a striking conclusion: mining is not only possible in environmentally protected areas but also socially accepted in all cases studied. This finding is particularly significant when contrasted with claims, even in recent peer-reviewed literature, suggesting that mining projects are inherently value-destructive, universally detrimental to the environment, and largely compromised on socio-economic grounds.

The study also revealed that existing EU and national regulatory frameworks do not significantly prevent mining operations, even within protected areas. However, administrative barriers, particularly understaffed public agencies, politically motivated interpretation of regulations, and lengthy permitting processes, create substantial delays.

Finally, the research shows that successful mining projects consistently demonstrate three characteristics: comprehensive environmental impact assessments, effective and sustained stakeholder engagement, and robust post-mining planning.



The CRMA requirement to reduce mine permitting cycles from 15-20 years to 24 months represents a paradigm shift in resource management approaches. Considering that a large percentage (over 85%) of known mineral deposits of CRM in Europe lie within or at less than 5 km from an environmentally protected area, and that there are no clear decision trees to guide decision making processes to balance nature conservation and mineral resources extraction, the implementation of the CRMA will create difficult to manage ethical dilemmas for permitting authorities in EU countries.

In this context, securing sustainable domestic supply requires systemic policy reforms focused on three key areas: streamlined and transparent permitting processes, enhanced administrative capacity, and improved social contracts.

How to cite: Correia, V., Falck, E., Hermann, L., Hilton, J., Moussaid, M., Luodes, N., Panttila, H., Ovaskainen, N., Barnes, J., Berne, S., Lucarini, M., and Rosendo, L.: Invisible Mining: A Blueprint for EU Critical Materials Resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19533,, 2025.

EGU25-19671 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en Rébellion 

Laurent Husson, Sylvain Kuppel, Odin Marc, and Scientifiques en Rébellion

« Scientifiques en Rébellion » (Scientists in Rebellion) is a collective of French scientists formed in 2020 with the following goals: raising awareness of the seriousness of scientific consensuses around climate change and ecological degradation, and publicly denouncing the inconsistencies and greenwashing of various actors. The collective also seeks to build a balance of power to transform institutions and companies to meet environmental challenges, and reorient higher education and research. Since its creation, the collective has been growing (several hundreds of members today), gathering scientists of various disciplines and career statuses. It operates with various forms of collective public engagement, from writing and speaking in various medias and supporting other NGOs, to joining or organising non-violent direct actions.

Here, we propose to present and discuss some key actions performed by « Scientifiques en Rébellion » over the last few years, taking stock on how groups of scientists may self-organise to participate in the public debate over various key environmental issues. Examples include the following actions and their follow up (in the medias or with judiciary trials): On October 3th, 2020, scientists took part in marches in airports in several French cities to denounce the climate impact of air travel for the benefit of a small minority of privileged ones. On the same topic, an unauthorized demonstration against private jets was held in Paris in November 2022, in front of the headquarters of Dassault Aviation. On the night of April 9-10th, 2022, around thirty scientists peacefully occupied the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and gave twelve presentations to call for urgent, radical measures to mitigate the ongoing ecological disasters. On March 4, 2023, a hundred scientists and citizens from various NGOs joined in a funeral procession in Paris to denounce biodiversity losses and health issues associated with the massive use of pesticides, and promote a different agricultural model. Several additional texts and participations in unauthorized demonstrations followed on the question of agriculture and water use. On May 12, 2023, the Scientifiques en Rebellion joined forces with other NGOs to target TotalEnergies and its project to install a floating LNG terminal at Le Havre harbour in France, as part of Scientist Rebellion's international campaign « The Science is Clear ». Other initiatives sought to put pressure on companies either driectly funding or supporting fossil fuel development, such as the BNP-Paribas banking group or Schneider Electric who provide equipment to Totalenergies for the EACOP pipeline project in East Africa.

How to cite: Husson, L., Kuppel, S., Marc, O., and en Rébellion, S.: An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en Rébellion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19671,, 2025.

EGU25-19902 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientist 

Elodie Duyck, Anda Iosip, and Jorge Saturno

At the moment when we are writing this abstract, the last year was just announced as the warmest on record, the first to breach the symbolic 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. For decades, scientists have been sounding the alarm about the climate and ecological crisis, but these warnings have been met with inadequate response and political inertia.

In the last decade, a strong and diverse climate movement emerged, with grassroots groups mostly composed of young people engaging in a variety of actions, including civil disobedience. Earth scientists have however been timid to engage openly with these movements, concerned about their reputation and about breaching scientific neutrality.

However, fuelled by concern in the face of inaction, this started to change in the last years with scientists increasingly taking strong roles and positions for or in activist groups, for instance via groups such as Scientist Rebellion or Scientists for XR. The engagement of earth scientists in climate groups can have strong beneficial effects (Capstick et al 2022): As non-usual suspects and experts on the topic, their engagement in the climate movement can increase the feeling of emergency, while their respected position in society can help lending legitimacy to activist groups sometimes disregarded as young and unserious.

Despite an increase in the willingness of earth scientists to be more engaged beyond their own research work, there are still strong barriers to their involvement in the climate movement (Dablander et al 2024). While conceptions around neutrality and fears of hurting one’s reputation are a big part of earth scientists' hesitations, uncertainties about how to get involved and the kind of roles available to them also represent a strong barrier. 

This poster aims at presenting different types of involvement in the climate justice movement that might fit you as an earth scientist and a citizen. It builds from our own experience in activist groups, as well as research and publications by different organizations, to display the diversity of roles needed in grassroots climate groups, and help you find your own. 


Capstick, S., Thierry, A., Cox, E. et al. Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 773–774 (2022).

Dablander, F., Sachisthal, M.S.M., Cologna, V. et al. Climate change engagement of scientists. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 1033–1039 (2024).

How to cite: Duyck, E., Iosip, A., and Saturno, J.: Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19902,, 2025.

The impacts of climate change on the ocean around the world are daunting.  These include sea level rise, melting of ice sheets (Antarctic and Greenland most notably), opening of new shipping routes (Arctic), biodiversity disruption, stronger and more frequent hurricanes and increased acidification.  Human societies have never before been confronted with such challenges in such a short timeframe.

To help societies in making appropriate adaptation it is crucial to document behavioral changes, such as new projects (e.g., land planning, agricultural changes, fishing regulation), investments (e.g., urban and coastal development) and shifts in values – at various levels of granularity (e.g., local (city/small island), national (large country coast line) and regional (sea basin)).

Cases would be documented with standardized information that outlines and traces historical developments, current trends and foresighted transformations.  Such information could take the form of written reports, videos and so on.  The resulting bank of cases, regularly updated, would be accessible to all interested parties, e.g., government authorities, NGOs, social scientists, businesses and the general public.

The Université Internationale de la Mer is prepared to initiate such a project on a pilot basis, jointly with a select group of willing academic and scientific institutions.  This project would require minimum funding from foundations, international bodies or other organisations.  If you are interested in talking about possibly working together on something like this, please come to see me at my poster.

How to cite: Aubert, J.-E.: How ocean communities adapt to the impacts of climate change: Proposal for a bank of cases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20323,, 2025.

Several authors, including the International Resource Panel (IRP), have acknowledged economic growth as the major driver of environmental change. This statement is supported by the fact that, despite relative dematerialization due to efficiency improvements in the last decades, absolute dematerialization has not happened and it is unlikely to do so. From 1900 to 2015, humanity extracted a total of 3400 gigatonnes (Gt) of biomass, fossil fuels, ores, and non-metallic minerals, of which 73% was returned to the environment as solid, liquid or gaseous waste. The waste of resources in contemporary societies, especially from industrialized countries, is attributted to two main reasons. On one hand, the metabolism of industrial societies relies on non-renewable resources. On the other hand, it has been estimated that, yearly, humanity directly wastes or mismanages around 78% of the total water withdrawn, 49% of the food produced, 31% of the energy produced, 85% of ores and 26% of non-metallic minerals extracted, respectively. As a consequence, natural resources are getting depleted and ecosystems polluted, leading to irreversible environmental changes, biological loss and social conflicts. To reduce the anthropogenic footprint in the planet, and live in harmony with other species and ourselves, a shift from the current economic model based on infinite growth towards a model built on human equality, environmental respect and following a sustainable degrowth strategy in industrialized countries is urgently needed. This new model can only be attained by a bottom-up transformation, that shall rely on a free, equitable and public education system.

How to cite: Marín Beltrán, I.: Environmental education, justice and sustainable degrowth as key actors to protect our planet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20407,, 2025.

EGU25-725 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6

Breaking the Ice Between Machine Learning Experts and Cryosphere Scientists - The ML4Cryo Research Community 

Kim Bente, Julia Kaltenborn, and Andrew McDonald

Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool within cryospheric sciences, offering innovative and effective solutions for observing, modelling, and understanding Earth's frozen regions. However, the ML and cryosphere communities have traditionally been poles apart, each shaped by distinct research motivations, publishing paradigms, and evaluation criteria. These research silos can lead to common pitfalls of interdisciplinary research, such as "helicopter science", insights getting lost in translation, or the continued use of outdated (ML) methods. To fully harness the compelling opportunities for impactful research at the intersection of these two fields, machine learning practitioners and domain scientists must join forces. 

To address this gap between machine learning and cryosphere research, we established ML4Cryo (Machine Learning for the Cryosphere, see, a global research community that leverages collective expertise across diverse fields such as deep learning, physics-informed ML, remote sensing, and both terrestrial and marine cryospheric domains. Our goal is not only to advance scientific discovery but also to foster application-driven advances in machine learning research. ML4Cryo aims to empower researchers by initiating conversations and collaborations, enabling machine learning specialists to learn about the most pressing challenges within the cryosphere, while cryosphere researchers can learn about the state-of-the-art models developed by the ML community. Contributing to ML4Cryo’s mission, our platform serves as a community-driven hub to share and discover ideas, recent publications, tools, software, datasets, knowledge resources, funding opportunities, best practices, as well as relevant conferences and events. We invite you to join ML4Cryo, where the synergy between machine learning and cryospheric science paves the way for impactful and rewarding research.

How to cite: Bente, K., Kaltenborn, J., and McDonald, A.: Breaking the Ice Between Machine Learning Experts and Cryosphere Scientists - The ML4Cryo Research Community, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-725,, 2025.

EGU25-4377 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurements 

Marina Amadori, Monica Pinardi, Claudia Giardino, Mariano Bresciani, Rossana Caroni, Anna Joelle Greife, Stefan Simis, Jean-Francois Crétaux, Laura Carrea, Herve Yesou, Claude Duguay, Clément Albergel, and Alice Andral

Lakes are responding rapidly to climate change and in coming decades global warming is project to have more persistent and stronger effects on hydrology, nutrient cycling, and biodiversity. Factors driving lake condition vary widely across space and time, and lakes, in turn, play an important role in local and global climate regulation, with positive and negative feedback depending on the catchment. Understanding the complex behaviour of lakes in a changing environment is essential to effective water resource management and mitigation of climate change effects.

To support the comprehension of this topic at a global scale, satellite technologies provide a unique source of data. Remote sensing can indeed enable long-term monitoring of freshwaters, supporting water managers' decisions providing data, and filling knowledge gaps to a better understanding of the regional and local areas most affected and threatened by health status degradation. With this aim, space agencies and the remote sensing community have joined the efforts to provide global, stable, consistent, and long-term products openly available and easily accessible to different kinds of users.

In this contribution, we present the latest release of the dataset from the Lakes_cci project (funded by the European Space Agency), which provides the most complete collection of the Essential Climate Variable LAKES consisting of six thematic products (lake water extent and level, lake ice cover and thickness, lake surface water temperature, lake water-leaving reflectance). The dataset spans the time range 1992 to 2022 and includes over 2000 relatively large lakes, which represent a small fraction of the number of lakes worldwide but a significant portion of the global freshwater surface. An overview of the current version (V2.1) of the dataset and the improvements in quality and usability of the next version (V3) of the dataset will be presented, together with a set of tools and a dashboard for visualisation and download of the data.

With this contribution, we aim to discuss how this kind of product can be useful to the several research communities involved, their limits, potential improvements and chances to further joint research also respect to the research community's expectations and needs.  

How to cite: Amadori, M., Pinardi, M., Giardino, C., Bresciani, M., Caroni, R., Greife, A. J., Simis, S., Crétaux, J.-F., Carrea, L., Yesou, H., Duguay, C., Albergel, C., and Andral, A.: A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4377,, 2025.

EGU25-4414 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

User-centred design for environmental data services   

Poppy Townsend, Jesse Alexander, Louise Darroch, David Green, Monica Hanley, Nourhan Heysham, Matthew McCormack, Oluwaseni Osunkoya, David Poulter, Shwetha Raveendran, Paulius Tvaranavicius, Carl Watson, and Thomas Zwagerman

To create tailored tools and solutions that improve our ability to mitigate and respond to environmental challenges, we need to understand how to efficiently communicate complex information to the intended audience.  One of the core aims of the UK’s Environmental Data Service is to better engage with users and ensure their needs are central to everything we do.  
How we design, maintain and share our services hasn’t traditionally been prioritised with user feedback in mind. Many of our teams and systems are now having to change the way we work and learn new skills. There was no central location to share good practice about user-centred design of tools/services specifically for environmental sciences. We wanted to create guidance for our staff and others who develop and maintain data services for environmental science.  

We have created a ‘user-centred design toolkit for environmental services’ with the aim of supporting data, software and design experts to create user-friendly and effective environmental data services. This toolkit provides a range of resources, case studies and guidance needed to collaborate with users, gather insights, and co-design solutions that work. The toolkit has been shaped by collaborations across all environmental science domains, with a range of experts in user design, data management, communications and engagement, and software engineering.  

The toolkit is still in early development. We are looking to share our progress so far, understand if this is something the wider community would like to contribute to or partake in a community of practice.  

How to cite: Townsend, P., Alexander, J., Darroch, L., Green, D., Hanley, M., Heysham, N., McCormack, M., Osunkoya, O., Poulter, D., Raveendran, S., Tvaranavicius, P., Watson, C., and Zwagerman, T.: User-centred design for environmental data services  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4414,, 2025.

EGU25-4541 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for Geomorphology 

Melanie Stammler, Katy Burrows, Bastian Grimm, Caio Breda, Larry Syu-Heng Lai, Matthieu Giaime, Roberto Fernández, and Alice Lefebvre

Scientific data needs to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Scientific publications should also follow these accessibility principles. Diamond Open Access publishing represents an approach where articles are free for all to read, without journal subscription, and free to publish, without article processing fees for authors, who also retain the copyright of their work. Thus, it strongly contributes to FAIR, open and transparent scientific publishing - promoting inclusivity and eliminating barriers.

Geomorphica ( is a community-led and -driven scientific journal that fosters academic discourse and research advances in the field of geomorphology. It is hosted by Penn State University Libraries, supported by the International Association of Geomorphology and a proud part of the family of Diamond Open-Access journals in the Geosciences. 

Geomorphica is run by over 30 volunteers that embody the editorial, equity diversity and inclusion, communications, and ethics teams and contribute to all functions including administration, managing, editing, reviewing, typesetting, and visual branding. Geomorphica has been open for submission since June 2023 and welcomes manuscripts related (but not limited) to landscapes and landforms, Earth’s and planetary near-surface processes, and the mechanisms, dynamics and timescales pertaining to these processes. 

Here, we introduce our diverse team of volunteers, give an update on the number of manuscripts we have handled so far, and share our experiences related to setting up and running a Diamond Open Access journal. Further, we exemplify what FAIR can stand for in scientific publishing, showcasing how Geomorphica is addressing the principle. We welcome feedback from the broader community to help us continually improve Geomorphica and look forward to your involvement with the initiative.

How to cite: Stammler, M., Burrows, K., Grimm, B., Breda, C., Lai, L. S.-H., Giaime, M., Fernández, R., and Lefebvre, A.: For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for Geomorphology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4541,, 2025.

EGU25-4635 | Orals | EOS4.6

Developing AIDMAP: A roadmap to interactive community-based data compilation for magnetic data in Antarctica. 

Alan Aitken, Joerg Ebbing, Max Lowe, Mareen Loesing, Wolfgang Szwillus, Lu Li, and Eagles Graeme

Antarctica poses a unique challenge for data compilation and sharing, due to the sourcing of data from many national programs and a diversity of surveys and data access protocols. Coordinated by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, the Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project (ADMAP) has made huge progress to collate coordinate and disseminate the magnetic data of Antarctica. ADMAP’s first iteration was produced in 2001, and the second iteration was released in 2018. The community is looking now towards the next iteration to support ongoing research in Antarctica. We present here a roadmap for this data compilation, with a focus on the ability for researchers to access a live and interactive resource, to add new data when it is available, and for this to be realised in the compilation soon after data submission. For this it is necessary to ease the burden of data processing, to define a consistent approach to the data handling, and to accelerate the timeline from data-submission to incorporation into the compilation. The approach therefore is founded on an automated data-processing workflow that can accommodate the wide variety of data submitted (variable spacings, heights and times of collection), can tolerate incremental updates to the main product within a reasonable compute load, and can achieve results within a reasonable tolerance without requiring manual intervention. This presentation focuses on the intended approach to compilation and the expected outcomes, based on a test-case.

How to cite: Aitken, A., Ebbing, J., Lowe, M., Loesing, M., Szwillus, W., Li, L., and Graeme, E.: Developing AIDMAP: A roadmap to interactive community-based data compilation for magnetic data in Antarctica., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4635,, 2025.

EGU25-8347 | Orals | EOS4.6

The evolution of the Polar-AOD network: towards a comprehensive repository supporting efforts for integrated polar observing systems 

Simone Pulimeno, Mauro Mazzola, Angelo Lupi, Giulio Verazzo, Alice Cavaliere, Claudia Frangipani, Robert Stone, and Vito Vitale

Atmospheric aerosols play a crucial role in Earth's atmospheric environment and are among its most variable components. In polar regions, aerosols originate from both natural and anthropogenic sources. In the Arctic, the majority of the aerosol mass consists of oceanic sea-salt, mineral dust, non-sea-salt sulphate, and products of biomass burning (Tomasi et al. 2015). In contrast, anthropogenic aerosols are dominated by black carbon (BC) and nitrate, which are signatures of traffic and industrial emissions (Quinn et al. 2007). Polar aerosols can have significant regional effects by interacting with incoming solar radiation and by altering the albedo of the surface-atmosphere system (IPCC 2023). To address and study these effects, the Polar-AOD project was proposed for the first time in 1999 by Claudio Tomasi from the National Research Council of Italy. This initiative aims to characterize the means, variability, and trends of aerosol properties in polar regions. Its primary goal is to connect observational stations measuring aerosol properties along the atmospheric vertical column. These observations provide critical data to quantify aerosol physical and radiative properties at high latitudes, including seasonal background concentrations derived from aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements, spectral characterizations, and the influence of natural and anthropogenic processes on the radiative balance of the surface and atmosphere. This project fosters collaboration among scientists in the field of photometry at both poles. It also incorporates the stellar and lunar photometry data, which help to address historical gaps in AOD climatologies during the polar night. By filling these gaps, the Polar-AOD project contributes to a comprehensive understanding of aerosol behavior and its impacts on the polar regions. To support this effort, a new web platform has been recently developed to store and share data and metadata from photometric measurements, forming a polar AOD archive. This archive, managed by CNR through GeoNetwork, enables the organization and search of spatially referenced resources while allowing each scientific group to manage its own data, choosing to share metadata only or both data and metadata for specific sites or campaigns within the Polar-AOD network. The new data portal will be presented, along with the maps of the stations and instruments, and the Polar-AOD metadata catalogue.


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2023). Climate Change 2021 – The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Quinn, P. K. et al. (2007), Arctic haze: current trends and knowledge gaps, Tellus B, 59(1):99–114.

Tomasi, C. et al. (2015), Aerosol remote sensing in polar regions. Earth-Science Reviews, 140:108–157, 0012-8252,

How to cite: Pulimeno, S., Mazzola, M., Lupi, A., Verazzo, G., Cavaliere, A., Frangipani, C., Stone, R., and Vitale, V.: The evolution of the Polar-AOD network: towards a comprehensive repository supporting efforts for integrated polar observing systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8347,, 2025.

EGU25-8669 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the Paleogene 

Simonetta Monechi, Laia Alegret, Aitor Payros, Claudia Agnini, Gabriele Scaduto, and Bruno Fanini

Access to geological reference sections can have limitations related to geo-political reasons, travel restrictions during global pandemics, weather conditions or time and funding for travelling, among other limiting factors. In addition, the quality of outcrops and their access often deteriorate due to weathering or vegetation cover, making it difficult and even impossible to use them in scientific research and public outreach. The rapid development of three-dimensional digital models has changed this scenario, deeply contributing to innovative information technologies and scientific research in geoscience.

In order to enhance and give visibility to Paleogene global reference sections such as the Global Stratotype section and point (GSSP) that officially marks the base of standard geological units (stages and ages), as well as globally significant geo-heritage sites, the International Subcommission on Paleogene Stratigraphy (ISPS) has focused on the acquisition and digitization of geological outcrops. The results are publicly available on the ISPS website, and will be populated with additional information in the future.

Data acquisition used photogrammetry and Lidar modeling techniques with mobile phones. The models were enhanced to create an immersive virtual experience of the geosites. The utilization of ATON, an open-source framework developed by the Institute of Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISPC), allows the exploration of large, massive 3D datasets using HMDs (i.e. Oculus Quest) directly through a web browser. Such a modular framework offers advanced functionalities like visual immersive analytics and integration with complex multimedia content. Users virtually immerse in the outcrop enabling real-time querying of all geometries, annotations and measurement functionalities (e.g. examining 3D fossils and other material or associated information).

This digital approach offers a unique opportunity for saving temporary outcrops, geological features or fossils in virtual environments, and it will contribute to facilitate examination of the most relevant outcrops of the Paleogene by scientists, and to promote and disseminate geo-education.

How to cite: Monechi, S., Alegret, L., Payros, A., Agnini, C., Scaduto, G., and Fanini, B.: An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the Paleogene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8669,, 2025.

EGU25-9230 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

The Hellenic DataBase of Active Faults (HeDBAF): a new, national geodatabase of active faults for the broader Greek territory 

Dimitris Galanakis, Sotiris Sboras, Dimitris Sakellariou, Spyros Pavlides, Kyriaki Iordanidou, Charalambos Georgiou, Athanasios Ganas, Ioannis Koukouvelas, Charalambos Kranis, Spyros Lalechos, Theodora Rondoyanni, and Efthimios Lekkas and the EPPO Seismotectonics Committee

A new geospatial database started to realize since 2021 including parametric and descriptive information about the active faults in the broader Aegean region (Eastern Mediterranean). The Hellenic DataBase of Active Faults (HeDBAF) is a national ongoing product developed under the auspices of the EPPO (Earthquake Planning & Protection Organisation) and the supervision of its Seismotectonics Committee. The responsibility of implementation, management and hosting is held by the Hellenic Survey of Geology & Mineral Exploration (HSGME).

Active fault databases for broader Greece already existed since about 2010. Besides the fact that these databases were materialized by small groups of researchers, their objectives were also rather narrow, offering data and information for particular purposes. The HeDBAF adopts conceptual approaches and characteristics from other time-proven national databases of the world (e.g. INGV’s DISS, IGME’s QAFI, etc.). It is a multi-layered tool that hosts all available literature data (e.g. scientific articles, technical/project reports, thematic maps, etc.), targeting various groups of end-users: the primary target group is the scientific community which often needs medium- to small-scale information for geodynamic interpretations, large-scale data for local seismotectonic analyses, and appropriate parametric information for numerical modelling. The next target group is the engineers who need large-scale detailed surveying of the fault traces and ground ruptures, and fault models for the prediction of ground motion in the context of Seismic Hazard Assessment. Administration, government, security bodies and local authorities can benefit from this geodatabase as a decision-making tool for safety and rescue planning. Last, but not least, a broad range of citizens will be able to access principal theoretical and parametric information about active faults in areas they are interested in.

Until today, two main fault datasets have started to develop: i) the Fault Traces, and ii) the Fault Zones datasets. The former focuses on the mapping accuracy of faults, targeting on large- to medium-scale data (> 1:50,000). Faults originating from smaller scale maps are reassessed (if possible) using hi-resolution topographic data. Primary co-seismic ground ruptures are distinguished from geologically detected fault traces to better understand the surficial rupturing process for fault rupture hazard purposes. The Fault Zones dataset involves fault segmentation and earthquake rupture scenarios which are crucial for Seismic Hazard Assessment (SHA). Thus, the fault zones are represented by medium- to small-scale lineaments which also facilitate the visualization of large tectonic structures in small-scale maps. The HeDBAF, as a very young effort still misses both fault occurrences and associated information. However, the geodatabase is continuously updateable and upgradeable showing frequent improvements and enrichments.

How to cite: Galanakis, D., Sboras, S., Sakellariou, D., Pavlides, S., Iordanidou, K., Georgiou, C., Ganas, A., Koukouvelas, I., Kranis, C., Lalechos, S., Rondoyanni, T., and Lekkas, E. and the EPPO Seismotectonics Committee: The Hellenic DataBase of Active Faults (HeDBAF): a new, national geodatabase of active faults for the broader Greek territory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9230,, 2025.

CSV and Excel formats are among the most common storage formats for data sharing, especially in scientific and government contexts. Chaves-Fraga notes that a significant amount of public data is published in tabular formats such as CSV and Excel, which can hinder data accessibility and interoperability due to their lack of standardized metadata (Chaves-Fraga,  2020). This is in line with the findings of Burg et al. (2019). They highlight that although CSV files are widely used due to their simplicity, they often lack the necessary metadata to ensure data quality and provenance, which are crucial for compliance with the FAIR principles. Furthermore, Kaur et al. (2021) highlight that many health information systems allow data to be exported in CSV format, which is accessible but does not provide the semantic interoperability needed for effective data sharing and reuse. Furthermore, the limitations of CSV and Excel formats are compounded when datasets are converted to SQLite databases.

The NFS group ( has developed an open source Python-based application ( that facilitates the organization of the data a researcher is willing to share. 

The application is designed to be used as a command line tool or through a graphical interface. It reads as input a spreadsheet file with one sheet for each table, plus an application-specific sheet defining the database schema, the data dictionary, the DataCite metadata, and other specific metadata (extended title, abstract/summary). The output of the procedure is represented by a SQLite file containing all the data and metadata, as well as an image of the graphical ERD-like schema, and a formal pdf document presenting the contents of the database. The SQLite file is a metadata-rich SQL-based database, taking full advantage of relational features and thus improving data accessibility, interoperability, and reusability by humans and machines.

The use of the procedure is demonstrated by processing a simple but significant use case.


Chaves-Fraga, David, Edna Ruckhaus, Freddy Priyatna, Maria-Esther Vidal, e Oscar Corcho. 2021. «Enhancing virtual ontology based access over tabular data with Morph-CSV». A cura di Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Muhammad Saleem, Ruben Verborgh, Muhammad Saleem, Ruben Verborgh, Muhammad Intizar Ali, e Olaf Hartig. Semantic Web 12 (6): 869–902.
Kaur, Jasleen, Jasmine Kaur, Shruti Kapoor, e Harpreet Singh. 2021. «Design & Development of Customizable Web API for Interoperability of Antimicrobial Resistance Data». Scientific Reports 11 (1): 11226.
Van Den Burg, G. J. J., A. Nazábal, e C. Sutton. 2019. «Wrangling Messy CSV Files by Detecting Row and Type Patterns». Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33 (6): 1799–1820.

How to cite: Scotti, R., Giadrossich, F., and Casalta Badetti, A.: NFS-FAIR-DDP  the data documentation procedure developed by NuoroForestrySchool as   open source tool to upgrade entry level data sharing by exploiting the SQL standard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9663,, 2025.

The Science Explorer (SciX) digital library is a cutting-edge solution designed to address the growing complexity of accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing the expanding body of literature in Earth and environmental sciences. While the Earth System itself remains as intricate as ever, the challenge today lies in navigating an increasingly vast and diverse array of research and data. SciX responds to this need by providing a centralized, open-access platform that enhances the discovery and integration of scientific literature, all while adhering to the FAIR principles—Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

In this session, we will showcase how SciX empowers researchers to efficiently explore a vast repository of scholarly publications relevant to the Earth and environmental sciences. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, SciX optimizes literature search and discovery, enabling users to easily locate, evaluate, and engage with the most pertinent scientific papers and resources. Features like personalized searches, citation exports, and tailored alerts allow researchers to stay at the forefront of their fields.

We will also highlight the powerful bibliometric tools within SciX, including parameterized search and advanced visualization capabilities. These bibliometric visualizations help researchers uncover connections between authors, citations, and emerging research trends, enabling the identification of potential collaborators across disciplines and fostering a broader, more integrated approach to scientific inquiry. By mapping key contributors and intellectual networks, SciX facilitates cross-disciplinary collaboration, enhancing the impact of research across the Earth System.

At the heart of SciX is a commitment to open science and continuous user engagement. The platform evolves based on user-driven feedback, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of the scientific community. This presentation will demonstrate how SciX is shaping the future of literature review, collaboration, and interdisciplinary research in Earth and environmental sciences.

Attendees will leave with practical insights into how SciX can streamline their literature review process, promote collaboration across scientific disciplines, and help tackle the challenges of today’s rapidly expanding research landscape.

How to cite: Kurtz, M., Myers, B., and Kelbert, A.: Enhancing Geoscience Collaboration and Discovery: Leveraging the Science Explorer (SciX) for Efficient Literature Review and Interdisciplinary Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10379,, 2025.

EGU25-12152 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st century 

Thomas Harvey, Emelia Spofforth-Jones, Elisha McCowan, and Natasha Stephen

'GeoFutures' is the Geological Society of London’s flagship conference series focussing on 21st century geoscience and solutions that geoscientists can offer to global challenges. The series cycles through the Society’s five strategic science themes, with the inaugural 2023 meeting centred on the theme of 'Digital Geoscience' and the 2024 meeting focussed on the theme of ‘Planetary Geoscience’.

Both meetings have sought to foster collaboration within and out of the geoscience community by bringing together researchers, engineers, citizen scientists, policymakers, funders and representatives from government agencies. We actively seek to encourage attendance by groups and individuals who do not traditionally attend scientific meetings. The series aims to cultivate networks and research partnerships, as well as to spark innovative ideas to shape the response of geoscientists to future issues.

In addition to the disciplinary topics, sessions have focussed on the application of breakthrough technologies and methods, as well as considering how geoscientists might apply these to scientific and societal problems both current and future. Fundamental to this is consideration of how best to ensure that subsequent generations of geoscientists and geoscience facilities are adequately prepared, as well as the importance of communicating geoscience issues and solutions to the public effectively. A large part of both conversations involves promoting open data and science, and collaboration between the many varied interested parties.

In 2025, the series turns to the Society’s ‘Climate and Ecology’ theme, integrating themes from a series of talks and discussions, around the UK, related to climate and ecological research and issues. On a continuing basis, we aim to demonstrate that bringing together contributors and organisations from diverse sectors at novel, discipline-specific meetings is an effective measure to support the UK and wider international geoscience communities to tackle current and future challenges.

How to cite: Harvey, T., Spofforth-Jones, E., McCowan, E., and Stephen, N.: GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12152,, 2025.

EGU25-13606 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography models 

Maria Tsekhmistrenko, Kasra Hosseini, Karin Sigloch, Grace Shephard, Mathew Domeier, and Kara Matthews

SubMachine is a collection of web-based tools for the interactive visualisation, analysis, and quantitative comparison of global-scale datasets of the Earth's interior [1]. It focuses on making regional and global seismic tomography models easily accessible to the wider solid Earth community to facilitate collaborative exploration. Over 30 tomography models can be visualised and explored—individually, side-by-side, or through statistical and averaging tools. SubMachine also serves diverse non-tomographic datasets, including plate reconstruction models, normal mode observations, global crustal structure, shear wave splitting, geoid, marine gravity, vertical gravity gradients, and global topography in adjustable degrees of spherical harmonic resolution.

To ensure continuity beyond the DEEP TIME ERC project [2], SubMachine is transitioning to a new home within ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology, This transition secures SubMachine’s long-term sustainability and further integrates it into the broader seismological research infrastructure.

In preparation for this move, SubMachine has undergone significant modernization. The entire platform has been migrated to Python 3.12. The transition from Basemap to Cartopy enhances long-term stability, though some projections may experience slower performance. New features include cross-sections through vote maps [3]. These advancements, along with various performance improvements, position SubMachine as a more robust and sustainable resource for the geoscience community.

[1] Hosseini, K., Matthews, K. J., Sigloch, K., Shephard, G. E., Domeier, M., & Tsekhmistrenko, M. (2018). SubMachine: Web-Based Tools for Exploring Seismic Tomography and Other Models of Earth's Deep Interior. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(5), 1464-1483.


[3] Shephard, G. E., Matthews, K. J., Hosseini, K., & Domeier, M. (2017). On the consistency of seismically imaged lower mantle slabs. Scientific reports, 7(1), 10976.

How to cite: Tsekhmistrenko, M., Hosseini, K., Sigloch, K., Shephard, G., Domeier, M., and Matthews, K.: SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13606,, 2025.

EGU25-14319 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasure 

Katie Irvine, Sally O'Neill, Andrew Tokmakoff, Donna Lewis, and Ben Sparrow

TERN (Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network) is Australia’s field-based ecological observatory; national research infrastructure for collecting, recording and sharing data and samples using highly instrumented monitoring sites, field surveys and remote-sensing techniques such as drones and satellites. TERN’s freely available long term monitoring data and samples are used by researchers, government decision makers and industry in Australia and internationally.

The TERN Australia Soil and Vegetation Collection is a purpose-built treasure trove for scientists, bringing together more than 150,000 soil samples, soil metagenomic samples, plant voucher specimens, plant samples and plant genetic material. Beginning in 2012, the TERN field monitoring program has data and samples from 1000 long-term ecological monitoring sites across the continent. The TERN Collection was recently added to Index Herbariorum, the global network of herbaria.

Unlike most soil and plant collections around the world, each sample in the TERN Collection is associated with comprehensive, highly detailed environmental information about the 100m x 100m survey sites where it was collected. All other specimens sampled at each site are also available, enabling complex research, discovery and understanding such as on relationships between soils, plants, carbon and environmental conditions. Botanists, ecologists, taxonomists and agricultural scientists are frequent users of this collection, and the samples can also be useful to microbiologists for a range of human and environmental health applications. The repository is openly available to interested researchers globally.

This state-of-the-art repository is contributing to important research critical to solving real-world problems, particularly in the areas of climate science, earth observation, conservation, and sustainability.

How to cite: Irvine, K., O'Neill, S., Tokmakoff, A., Lewis, D., and Sparrow, B.: The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14319,, 2025.

EGU25-15003 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6

Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and Meteorology 

Juniper Tyree, Sara Faghih-Naini, Peter Dueben, Karsten Peters-von Gehlen, and Heikki Järvinen

While the output volumes from high-resolution weather and climate models are increasing exponentially, data storage, access, and analysis methods have not kept up. Data compression is a vital tool to keep up with this increase in data production. As lossless compression is no longer sufficient to produce the required compression ratios, lossy compression should be applied instead. However, information loss sounds scary. While mounting research shows that model and measurement data contains “false information” (e.g. noise or uncertainty from measurements or numerical inaccuracies) that can be removed for better compression without degrading the data quality, a convincing argument for lossy data compression can only be made by domain scientists themselves by trying it out for themselves.

Interactive code notebooks (e.g. Jupyter) have become popular for sharing and communicating computational experiments, analyses, and visualizations. While sharing the notebooks is easy, running them requires hosting a JupyterLab server and installing all Python and system libraries required for the notebook. This initial setup cost hinders quickly experimenting with a shared notebook and testing, e.g. a practical example of lossy data compression for oneself.

As part of the EuroHPC ESiWACE, Phase 3, Centre of Excellence (, we have been developing an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and Meteorology (, a JupyterLab instance that runs serverless just within your web browser and comes with many libraries pre-installed. With the online lab, which builds on the Pyodide and JupyterLite community projects, running and exploring a shared notebook can start within a minute. We use the online laboratory to provide domain scientists with an online compression laboratory,, to reduce the barrier to experimenting with the effect of lossy compression on their own data. The lab also supports URL schemas to preload other third-party notebooks (and repositories) hosted via Git, as Gists, or behind any URL, so that sharing a ready-to-run notebook is as easy as sharing, e.g., We are also working on quickly turning existing static-documentation example-notebooks into interactive documentation that invites immediate further exploration.

In this session, we want to showcase the online laboratory and the services it can provide to the earth science community by live demonstrating its applications in the compression laboratory and others. We also hope to gather feedback on the future direction of its development and collaborations with other open science tools to serve our communities best.

How to cite: Tyree, J., Faghih-Naini, S., Dueben, P., Peters-von Gehlen, K., and Järvinen, H.: Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and Meteorology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15003,, 2025.

EGU25-16049 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open Access 

Stefano Maffei, Maelis Arnould, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Thibault Duretz, Mohamed Gouiza, Lorraine Hwang, and Iris van Zelst

The past decade has seen the consolidation of open access practices in scientific publishing, with funding bodies, international agencies and academic institutions requiring free access to not only scientific papers but also other output such as datasets and computer codes. The transition to open access practices has led multiple academic publishers to offer Gold Open Access (GOA) schemes, under which scientific papers are free-to-read. Compared to the traditional publication models, GOA comes at a much higher cost for authors. These practices have had a documented negative impact on the scientific publishing landscape, from the rise of predatory journals to the broadening of the economic divide between academic institutions.

Partly in response, different fields of Earth Sciences have seen the rise of several community-led Diamond Open Access journals (DOAJ). These journals are free-to-publish and free-to-read. The aim is to remove financial barriers to scientific publishing by making peer-reviewed articles available at no cost to both authors and readers, thus offering a platform for true open science. DOAJs are created and maintained by the very same scientific community they aim to serve, thus removing economical and business considerations that drive a large fraction of the modern publishing landscape. These community-led journals offer a high-quality alternative to classical for-profit scientific journals.

We are pleased to announce a new DOAJ initiative called Geodynamica. Coordinated by a core committee of seven scientists, Geodynamica aims at promoting academic discourse and disseminating research pertaining to the quantitative study of Earth and (exo-)planetary internal structure, dynamics, and evolution from observational to modelling perspectives.

Geodynamica, which is expected to launch in early 2025, enjoys the support of eScholarship (University of California), and hugely benefits from the experience of existing community-led journals within the geoscience field, such as Volcanica, Tektonika and Seismica, as well as the help of a pre-launch editorial team composed of a dozen of established volunteer scientists. 

In this contribution, we will provide the vision behind this initiative, report on the structure of this journal, its scope, and the remarkable community effort that will make this new DOAJ a reality.

How to cite: Maffei, S., Arnould, M., Bethkenhagen, M., Duretz, T., Gouiza, M., Hwang, L., and van Zelst, I.: Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open Access, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16049,, 2025.

EGU25-16104 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access Publishing  

Adrien Broquet, Liliane M. L. Burkhard, and Mark A. Wieczorek and the The Planetary Research journal team

The planetary science community is launching a new journal, Planetary Research, as an alternative to traditional publishing models that profit from publicly funded research. This initiative aims to address accessibility and inclusivity challenges in scientific publishing by adopting the diamond open access model, ensuring no fees for authors or readers. Unlike gold, green, and hybrid open access journals, which impose significant financial barriers on authors through article processing charges or hinder the availability of their research outputs via subscriptions, diamond open access relies on minimal operational costs, achieved through free and open-source software for editorial and archival tasks and volunteer contributions.   

Scheduled to launch in January 2026, Planetary Research will be governed transparently by members of the planetary science community, providing opportunities for researchers at all career stages to contribute to its development and operations. An open call for editorial board and steering committee members will be announced at the 2025 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The journal will cover the full scope of planetary science, including extrasolar systems, exoplanets, spacecraft and Earth-based observatory data, laboratory studies of extraterrestrial materials, theoretical and numerical modeling, and terrestrial analog research. Original research will be published as long-format articles or short letters. Peer reviews as well as assessments and recommendations by the editorial team will be linked to the published article on the journal website   

By eliminating financial barriers, the journal aims to democratize access and dissemination of scientific knowledge, promote inclusivity, and foster collaboration. To ensure sustainability, Planetary Research will leverage volunteer-driven editorial processes, open-source platforms for managing both the peer review process and journal website, as well as low-cost infrastructure for web hosting and digital object identifiers (DOIs). Geoscience diamond open access journals typically report annual operational costs of approximately USD 1000, demonstrating the feasibility of this model. We are currently assessing funding possibilities to cover these operational costs and ensure the perenniality of the journal. The journal will also prioritize outreach to both the scientific community and the general public with the creation of a volunteer-driven media team, emphasizing the societal value of open access to planetary research as community participation is central to Planetary Research. Everyone is welcome to join our pre-launch discussions that are hosted on an online forum accessible via the pre-launch website ( This open forum will remain active post-launch, allowing members to engage with the steering committee, editorial board, and media team, in order to adapt and evolve the journal in response to community needs. By embracing the principles of accessibility, inclusivity, and transparency, Planetary Research seeks to set a new standard in scientific publishing, ensuring that the benefits of planetary science are freely available to all. 

How to cite: Broquet, A., Burkhard, L. M. L., and Wieczorek, M. A. and the The Planetary Research journal team: Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access Publishing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16104,, 2025.

EGU25-18390 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases” 

Laura Endres, Nikita Kaushal, Simon Goring, Socorro Dominguez, Franziska Lechleitner, Heather Stoll, and John W. Williams

Over the past few years, SISAL has released several versions of a global speleothem database as a community effort. The latest version, SISALv3, features 800+ records from both hemispheres, multiple proxies (stable isotopes (δ18O,δ13C) and trace elements (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, U/Ca, P/Ca and Sr isotopes)), and extensive metadata about cave sites and specimens. A major strength of the SISAL database is that it is a high-quality dataset with multiple manual and auto quality control checks performed by members and experts of the speleothem community, becoming de facto the gold standard for speleothem data. In the past few years, the database has been increasingly used in studies improving speleothem proxy understanding, as well as for global analysis of key past climate intervals and global climate patterns.

However, SISAL is organized only as a temporary working group within the Past Global Changes network (PAGES) and is scheduled to wind down after its current phase. This poses an essential question for this community-led effort: how can we place ourselves so that the carefully created database can be maintained and grow beyond the intended life cycle of the original working group?

To increase the visibility and ease of access to this data, accelerate database updates, and enable long-term data stewardship in a community of similar paleo datasets, SISAL has recently decided to join Neotoma as a constituent database, through a data migration that has been supported by the ETH Open Research Data program. Neotoma, a “database of databases” within the palaeoecological and paleoenvironmental sciences, provides a structure for on-going community data stewardship as well as a strong backend for SISAL data through standardisation of data entry, quality-check workflows. The SISAL team plans to maintain the popular SISAL web app for finding and downloading data, currently linked to SISALv3, and in the future plans to update the web app to dynamically link to SISAL-Neotoma holdings. This SISAL-Neotoma partnership also helps connect speleothem isotope data to data from other proxy communities, such as pollen or biomarkers, which can lead to further synergies to be exploited in the future.

How to cite: Endres, L., Kaushal, N., Goring, S., Dominguez, S., Lechleitner, F., Stoll, H., and Williams, J. W.: Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18390,, 2025.

EGU25-18663 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6

Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and Zenodo  

Felipe Carlos, Kalamkas Yessimkhanova, Paola de Salvo, and Lionel Menard

Reusable and actionable Earth Observation (EO) Data and Knowledge are crucial for tackling global issues. In recent years, the adoption of Open Science practices in the scientific community has increased the availability of Open EO Data and Open EO Knowledge. This movement created an ecosystem in which existing research outcomes, tools, data, and knowledge are reused as the basis for new research activities and projects. 

The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) is a global effort of countries, civil society organizations, and the private sector to empower users to access and use EO Data and Knowledge as the foundation for policymaking toward a more sustainable and resilient world. Over the past years, as one way to support its goal, GEO has been developing the GEO Infrastructure, a comprehensive set of services supporting the Open Data and Open Knowledge activities within the GEO Community. This infrastructure includes the GEOSS Platform, which provides an easy way to access Open EO Data from multiple sources. It also has the GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH), a digital repository empowering user to share and preserve Open EO Knowledge. 

 The GKH uses the Knowledge Package as its sharing unit, which is an implementation of a Research Compendium that allows users to centralize, preserve, and describe resources used to compose their research. Each resource in a Knowledge Package can have its metadata, files, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI). As the goal of the GKH is to preserve and centralize Open EO Knowledge, creating a Knowledge Package and uploading resources to it is always recommended. However, the resources used to develop research are sometimes spread across multiple platforms. In alignment with the GEO Data Sharing and Data Management Principles, the GKH also handles this case by allowing users to provide as much metadata as possible about resources and links to access it. 

Zenodo, the universal repository on which various research projects and other initiatives are based, is a common source for those remote resources. Therefore, we developed this integration in this work to facilitate the composition of Knowledge Packages using resources in Zenodo.  

This integration allows users to import a Zenodo record, such as a Dataset, as part of their Knowledge Package. Once imported, the record is visible within the package with its own page, presenting the metadata and files from Zenodo. To avoid duplications and optimize storage usage, GKH only imports metadata from Zenodo. The files are listed in GKH as remote content. Also, the Zenodo metadata in GKH is automatically synchronized when new updates are available in Zenodo. 

To test this integration, we partnered with EuroGEO, a European initiative to create a regional GEO community for Europe. We used this integration in various EU-funded projects, creating packages with a mix of content available in GKH and Zenodo. 

In this session, we are going to share our path to this integration, lessons learned, and the impact in the GEO community. 

How to cite: Carlos, F., Yessimkhanova, K., de Salvo, P., and Menard, L.: Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and Zenodo , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18663,, 2025.

EGU25-18716 | Orals | EOS4.6

Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen Science  

Keri Nicoll, Hripsime Mkrtchyan, and R. Giles Harrison

Many paper archives of environmental data have yet to be made available digitally. One example is an extensive series of atmospheric electricity observations made at UK sites during the majority of the twentieth century, which contains almost continuous measurements at hourly resolution. Renewed interest in atmospheric electricity due to its relationship to climate variables and local air pollution has made digitising this archive a priority. Due to the number of handwritten individual observations to be transcribed, a citizen science keying project has been implemented on the Zooniverse platform: see . Through press and news articles, over 500 citizen scientists have now been recruited to contribute to this task. We have also evaluated which of these profile-raising activities have been most effective for drawing volunteers to the project. One advantage of having multiple individuals take part is that ambiguous handwritten entries can be recovered effectively and accurately, through combining the judgements of different transcribers. A further key aspect of engagement has been putting our contributors in touch with how the original data looks, and to some extent “feels”, as it provides an entry point for digital era humans into how past environmental data was recorded, in pen and ink. Since citizen science project are undertaken entirely by volunteers, we also discuss the challenges with maintaining engagement with the community of volunteers, which is essential for the successful completion of data transcribing projects to yield the associated scientific advancement. 

How to cite: Nicoll, K., Mkrtchyan, H., and Harrison, R. G.: Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen Science , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18716,, 2025.

EGU25-19107 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future Directions  

Lina Teckentrup, James O. Pope, Feba Francis, Julia K. Green, Stuart Jenkins, Stella Jes Varghese, Sian Kou-Giesbrecht, Christine Leclerc, Gaurav Madan, Kelvin Ng, Abhnil Prasad, Indrani Roy, Serena Schroeter, Susanna Winkelbauer, and Alexander J. Winkler

Output generated by the different phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has underpinned countless scientific projects and serves as the foundation of the United Nations climate change reports. While initially CMIP was largely driven by the scientific curiosity in the broader climate modeling community, CMIP output has also become a crucial data source for disciplines more tangentially related to physical climate science such as the economic modelling community. The upcoming CMIP phase 7 is expected to produce the largest amount of CMIP-related data to date. However, with an increasing number of modelling systems, represented realms, model complexity, variable names, experiments, and different grid types, the initial exposure to CMIP output has undoubtedly become an overwhelming experience for first-time users. For this presentation, we would like to start a conversation with users who are in or have recent experience of being in the early stages of employing CMIP outputs for their research, and together identify:

  • Key barriers and challenges experienced when first using CMIP data
  • Additional documentation/tools needed to facilitate the use of CMIP data
  • Key pieces of advice for new CMIP users

How to cite: Teckentrup, L., Pope, J. O., Francis, F., Green, J. K., Jenkins, S., Varghese, S. J., Kou-Giesbrecht, S., Leclerc, C., Madan, G., Ng, K., Prasad, A., Roy, I., Schroeter, S., Winkelbauer, S., and Winkler, A. J.: Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future Directions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19107,, 2025.

EGU25-19248 | Orals | EOS4.6

How can climate adaptation platforms engage and learn from each other? 

Rosie Witton and Sukaina Bharwani

In 2022, the European Union (EU) launched the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, to foster the climate resilience of regions, cities, citizens, and companies in Europe. The EU funded project, Adaptation AGORA, brings together 13 partners from eight EU countries and the UK to support communities and citizens to accelerate their transformation to a climate resilient future. More specifically, Adaptation AGORA has used a transdisciplinary co-creation approach to facilitate the development of a digital toolbox of innovative mechanisms and transdisciplinary approaches for inclusive climate governance that fosters citizen and community engagement, known as the online climate adaptation platform, the Agora Community Hub, as well as two digital academies focussing on accessing and using climate data and monitoring climate risks, and climate change disinformation. 

However, the proliferation of portals and platforms sharing information online is expanding daily. This does not always result in a coordinated or systematic effort, which means knowledge is often fragmented and siloed leading to redundancy and/or replication. In an era when planning must accelerate to implementation and concerted climate action, we need faster ways to learn lessons from one another on knowledge sharing and exchange. To support knowledge sharing and exchange between climate adaptation platforms, the Adaptation AGORA project has started this webinar series to engage climate adaptation platforms, encourage collaboration between platforms, and increase learning. The webinar series has focused on: EU funded projects and climate adaptation platforms; connecting knowledge to policy and practice; and has an upcoming webinar on monitoring the impact of climate adaptation platforms. 

This EGU session would be interactive, highlighting the AGORA project as well as other climate adaptation platforms available, and then engaging with the audience to discuss enablers and barriers of and how to build alliances with other climate adaptation platforms. The session aims to:  

  • Highlight the AGORA project and its related platforms, focusing on how other climate adaptation platforms can interact with the Agora Community Hub. 
  • Share and exchange information on enablers and barriers to exchanging with climate adaptation platforms. 
  • Explore potential synergies, opportunities and foster collaboration between climate adaptation platforms. 
  • Engage and foster a dialogue between climate adaptation platforms in line with the AGORA project webinar series. 

Anticipated outcomes include the identification and exploration of available climate adaptation platforms, identification of enablers and barriers to engaging with climate adaptation platforms to limit silos, and discussions around future synergies and collaborations between climate adaptation platforms. A summary and findings will be disseminated through an online feature. 

How to cite: Witton, R. and Bharwani, S.: How can climate adaptation platforms engage and learn from each other?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19248,, 2025.

EGU25-19351 | Orals | EOS4.6

Transparency in open science outputs -: Ensuring Transparency, Reproducibility, and Credit for All Supporting Research Contributions 

James Ayliffe, Deborah Agarwal, Justin Buck, Joan Damerow, Graham Parton, Shelley Stall, Martina Stockhause, and Lesley Wyborn

An ongoing challenge relevant to most research disciplines is the difficulty in citing 100+ digital objects such as datasets, software, samples, and images. Journals require authors to place citations over some set limit into supplemental information, where individual citations are not properly indexed, not linked to the manuscript, nor tracked accurately. Citing these research products is critical to enable transparent and reproducible research and for researchers, institutions, and project managers to trace citation, get appropriate credit, and report impact to funders. 


Open Science practices encourage providing proper attribution for the digital objects that support research findings and outcomes. Journals commonly redirect authors with many digital object citations to move those to the supplemental information where they are not indexed.  This means: 

  • Creators of these digital objects do not get attribution and credit for their contribution to the scholarly literature 
  • Funders cannot measure use, impact and derived value from these digital objects
  • Machine-actionable transparency is not possible. And over time, the supplement has a high probability of not being maintained by the publisher.  

We need to develop a scalable citation implementation strategy to enable open transparent and traceable research, which allows integration into common citation/impact metrics


The findings of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Complex Citations Working Group have produced key requirements (R1 - R10) for Complex Citation Objects (CCOs) to achieve our goals. In summary: 

  • CCOs capture enough detail to ensure proper credit, traceability, and transparency of cited materials (R1), supporting machine-actionable attribution for each referenced object (R2).
  • CCOs do not accrue credit themselves but simply list data and digital identifiers that require citation tracking (R3).
  • CCOs are stable, identifiable, versioned, resolvable, and persistent (R4, R5).
  • CCOs use standardized structures, limited to two PID graph levels, with a strong preference to utilize persistent identifiers (R6, R6.1, R7).
  • CCOs remain open, accessible, and flexible for various use cases, with an open license, and sufficient metadata (R8-R10).


The full recommendations were published ahead of a presentation at the last RDA plenary session (Agarwal et al. 2024). The recommendations were based on use cases that identified the roles and responsibilities of the Complex Citation Workflow Actors necessary for the Complex Citation Objects (CCOs) to be used in practice.


The Complex Citations Working Group is moving to a new phase where the recommendations need to be tested, evaluated and proven. To this end we are keen to inspire collaboration through new use cases, pilot implementations, to include repositories, journals, indexers and researchers to develop a new project and entrain more communities to take this work forward.



Agarwal, D., Ayliffe, J., J. H. Buck, J., Damerow, J., Parton, G., Stall, S., Stockhause, M., & Wyborn, L. (2024). Complex Citation Working Group Recommendation (Version 1). Zenodo.

How to cite: Ayliffe, J., Agarwal, D., Buck, J., Damerow, J., Parton, G., Stall, S., Stockhause, M., and Wyborn, L.: Transparency in open science outputs -: Ensuring Transparency, Reproducibility, and Credit for All Supporting Research Contributions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19351,, 2025.

EGU25-19987 | Posters on site | EOS4.6

Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a time 

Lucia Perez-Diaz, Kim Welford, and Moh Gouiza and the the Tektonika Executive Editor team

Science, without effective dissemination, has a very short life and little impact. Yet, most scientific research is hidden away behind exclusive and expensive paywalls imposed by traditional publishers. Tektonika is an Earth Science community-led diamond open-access journal (DOAJ: free for authors, free for readers) publishing peer reviewed research in tectonics and structural geology. It is a grass-roots initiative driven by the enthusiasm and devotion of a wide and diverse spectrum of Earth Scientists from around the globe, intended to help shape a new landscape for publishing in the geosciences. 

Since its debut at EGU2022, Tektonika has experienced steady growth, fueled by a consistent stream of manuscript submissions.  Tektonika’s success reflects broader trends among community-driven DOAJs, demonstrating their ability not only to survive but to flourish. The strong support of the Earth Science community has been instrumental—from authors entrusting their work to the journal, to individuals amplifying its reach via social media, and volunteers contributing to editorial tasks, peer review, and the formatting of accepted articles. Tektonika stands as a testament to the power of collective effort in transforming scientific publishing.

How to cite: Perez-Diaz, L., Welford, K., and Gouiza, M. and the the Tektonika Executive Editor team: Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19987,, 2025.

EGU25-20355 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6

A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians 

Chaoyang Wang, Tao Wang, and Yi Ding

Databases are playing an increasingly pivotal role in the field of Earth Sciences. We present a comprehensive database of igneous rocks from the Newfoundland Appalachians ( The database consists of a set of 15,110 high-quality data. Each dataset includes detailed information on geographic location (latitudes and longitudes), geological background, petrology, geochronology, major and trace elements, isotopes, and references. The data were collected from published papers, publicly available databases, geological survey reports, and academic dissertations. The database offers several advantages: (1) A systematic and complementary data model aligned with the knowledge systems of igneous rock. (2) A broad range of high-quality data collected over 50 years, and derived from diverse sources; (3) A platform for efficient searchability and usability. This database will help achieve a wide range of scientific research objectives related to igneous rocks in the Newfoundland Appalachians and the tectonic evolution of the Newfoundland island.

How to cite: Wang, C., Wang, T., and Ding, Y.: A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20355,, 2025.

The Earth, space, and environmental sciences community, through a grant from the Belmont Forum, has developed a suite of open science materials to get you and your teams started on your Open Science Journey.  The development team includes members from Australia, Brazil, France, Japan, and the United States, coordinated by the AGU. This talk will share the materials and a bit of the background. Included are topics such as your Digital Presence, Data Documentation and Citation, Software Documentation and Citation, materials for working openly as a team, and how to integrate data and software management into your research lifecycle.  

How to cite: Stall, S. and Specht, A.: Your Open Science Journey:  Earth, space, and environmental science educational materials supporting researchers and their teams., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20599,, 2025.

Statistical models are a frequently used tool in hydrology, especially when it comes to estimating design floods, i.e. flood events that used to design flood protection systems or reservoirs. The often complex hydrological data, which are affected by e.g. missing values, extremes or time-varying processes, require sophisticated statistical models that take these challenges into account. As a scientist, developing such models can be a lot of fun and provide interesting insights. After months of thinking about the best model under certain statistical assumptions, proving asymptotic theorems and testing the model with synthetic data, you are happy and proud to have developed a new model. This model will hopefully be widely used in future research. The next step is to apply the model to a large real data set. The results look good on average. The results will be shared with practitioners, because of course you want the model to be useful for science and practice. And then: the phone call. You are told that your results are not plausible for a certain catchment area. And in general, the new model is not needed in practice because there is an established model. This example describes such a case and discusses ways of dealing with it. It is intended to illustrate the importance of communication between science and practice and a general understanding between both sides.

How to cite: Fischer, S.: When practical considerations impact your scientific model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1620,, 2025.

EGU25-1660 | Orals | EOS4.8

The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick 

Nick van de Giesen and John Selker

In the early 1990's, fractals and chaos were hot. In 1987, James Gleick had published "Chaos: Making a New Science", popularizing non-linear dynamics. Hydrologists played an important role in the development of fractal theory. Hurst had discovered that sequences of dry and wet years for the Nile showed very long memory effects. Instead of the chance of a dry year following a dry year being 50%, Hurst found that there were surprisingly many long series of dry or wet years. Seven fat years, seven lean years, as it is noted in Genesis. Scott Tyler found fractals in soils ("Fractal processes in soil water retention"). At Cornell, where we were at the time, David Turcotte described "Fractals in geology and geophysics". A few years later, Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe and Andrea Rinaldo would publish "Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization". In short, fractals were exciting scientific gold.

A fractal is not just an obscure mathematical object but something that can actually be found everywhere in nature. Early on, a paper was published in Nature with the title "Fractal viscous fingering in clay slurries" by Van Damme, Obrecht, Levitz, Gatineau, and Laroche. They "only" did an experiment on a fractal embedded in 2D; we should be able to do one better and find the fractal dimension of the surface of cracking clay embedded in 3D. So out we went, collected some clay, mixed it with water in a cement mixer, siliconed together a shallow "aquarium", and poured in the slurry. To observe the cracking of the drying slurry, a video camera was mounted above the experiment, looking down and taking time-lapse images. To access the views from the sides, mirrors were installed at 45 degrees at each of the four sides. Lights made sure the camera captured high quality images. The whole set-up was enclosed in a frame with dark cloth to ensure that lighting was always the same.  We already had some box-counting code ready to calculate the fractal dimension of the surface, called the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension. One variable needed some extra attention, namely the boundary between the clay slurry and the glass sides. If the clay would cling to the sides, it would be difficult to understand the effects that this boundary condition had on the outcome of the experiment. Moreover, the cracks may not have become visible in the mirrors when the sides were covered with mud. So, instead, it was decided to make the sides hydrophobic with some mineral oil. This ensured that when the clay would start to shrink, it would come loose from the sides. Now, all we had to do was wait. It took only a week or so before the consolidated slurry started to shrink and to come loose from the sides. After that, the clay continued shrink for many weeks. This is how we learned that the fractal dimension of a shrinking brick of clay is (very close) to 3.0. 

How to cite: van de Giesen, N. and Selker, J.: The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1660,, 2025.

EGU25-5035 | Orals | EOS4.8

Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief 

Stefan Hergarten and Jörg Robl

In 2018, we found exciting new results in landform evolution modeling by coupling the two simplest models of fluvial erosion and hillslope processes. While the stream-power incision model is the simplest model for detachment-limited fluvial erosion, the diffusion equation is the simplest description of hillslope processes at long timescales. Both processes were added at each grid cell without an explicit separation between channels and hillslopes because fluvial erosion automatically becomes dominant at large catchment sizes and negligible at small catchment sizes.

We found that increasing diffusion reduces the relief at small scales (individual hillslopes), but even increases the large-scale relief (entire catchments). As an immediate effect, the hillslopes become less steep. In turn, however, we observed that the network of the clearly incised valleys, which indicates dominance of fluvial erosion over diffusion, became smaller. So a smaller set of fluvially dominated grid cells had to erode the material entering from the hillslopes. To maintain a morphological equilibrium with a given uplift rate, the rivers had to steepen over long time. This steepening even overcompensated the immediate decrease in relief of the hillslopes.

This result was counterintuitive at first, but we were happy to find a reasonable explanation. So we even prepared a short manuscript for a prestigious  journal. We just did not submit it because we wanted to explain the effect quantitatively from the physical parameters of the model. From these theoretical considerations, we found that our numerical results did not only depend on the model parameters, but also on the spatial resolution of the model and noticed that this scaling problem was already discussed in a few published studies. Beyond the scaling problem, we also realized that applying the concept of detachment-limited fluvial erosion to the sediment brought from the hillslopes into the rivers is quite unrealistic. A later study including fluvial sediment transport and a model for hillslope processes that avoids scaling problems did not predict any increase in large-scale relief. So we finally realized that our original findings were mainly the result of a specific combination of models that should not be coupled this way and are not  as relevant for landform evolution as we thought.

This example illustrates many of the pitfalls of numerical modeling beyond purely technical issues. In particular, combining models that are widely used and make sense individually may still cause unexpected problems.


How to cite: Hergarten, S. and Robl, J.: Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5035,, 2025.

EGU25-5091 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

(Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector 

Guillemette Legrand

In this presentation, I will discuss my research into the simple climate model Hector, which calculates temperature change based on the impact of various climate scenarios. More specifically, I will discuss how an artistic-led approach through (un)voluntary-caused computational bugs can help document the model's logic and socio-political implications. I will describe methods for collective 'debugging' to produce transdisciplinary knowledge (beyond solely scientific inquiry) to foster conversation about the potential and limits of current climate infrastructure to foster concrete climate actions. This research investigates the field of climate science through artistic practice, software and infrastructure studies, and participatory methods. To expand on the role of bugs in my investigation, I will elaborate on concrete examples of differences in perception of 'error' in the fields of arts and science, looking at case studies where mistakes or glitches have been valorised and mobilised through artistic practice to grapple with, appropriate, and/or repurpose scientific instruments.

How to cite: Legrand, G.: (Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5091,, 2025.

EGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight

Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong 

Lukas Brunner, Maximilian Meindl, and Aiko Voigt

"Doesn't this look a bit strange?" 

It began with an innocent question during one of our Master's colloquia. And it could have ended there. "We were just following an approach from the literature". And who could argue against following the literature?

But it bugged me. During a long train ride, I began to think about the issue again. 10 hours and many papers later, I was only more confused: was it really that obvious, and why had no one picked up on it before? But sometimes the most obvious things are the most wicked, and after a few conversations with knowledgeable colleagues, I was sure we were in for an unexpected surprise. 

A commonly used approach to defining heat extremes is as exceedances of percentile-based thresholds that follow the seasonal cycle. Such relative extremes are then expected to be evenly distributed throughout the year. For example, over the 30-year period 1961-1990, we expect three (or 10%) of January 1s to exceed a 90th percentile threshold defined for the same period - and the same for all other days of the year. In a recent study, we show that there are many cases where this does not hold, not even close (Brunner and Voigt 2024).

Here, we tell the story of how this blunder spread in the literature out of the desire to improve extreme thresholds. We show that seemingly innocent changes can sometimes have unintended consequences and that taking the time to check the obvious can help avoid mistakes in science. 


Brunner L. and Voigt A. (2024): Pitfalls in diagnosing temperature extremes, Nature Communications,

How to cite: Brunner, L., Meindl, M., and Voigt, A.: Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5951,, 2025.

When economists estimate the expected economic damages from current-day CO2 emissions, they usually calculate the social cost of carbon – that is, the aggregated damage caused by the emission of an additional ton of CO2. Several cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) are built to assess this quantity, and among them is the META model. This model is built specifically to assess the effects of tipping points on the social cost of carbon, and it usually operates stochastically. When integrating a deterministic, but small carbon cycle tipping point into the model, however, the social cost of carbon seems to explode: a few gigatons of additional emissions almost double the impact estimates of CO2 emissions! Well, maybe. In fact, these results are a pure artifact of two things: 1) the way in which social cost of carbon estimates are calculated with IAMs; and 2) the way that tipping points are implemented in the META model. And, of course, 3): a lack of initial thoughtfulness on behalf of myself. A thorough look into this issue shows that, as expected, a marginal change in emissions leads to a marginal change in damage estimates. While that result is rather boring, the previous blunder can actually be instructive about the scarcely-known methods used to obtain economic impact estimates of climate change.

How to cite: Schaumann, F.: Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9145,, 2025.

EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really? 

Felix Jäger, Petra Sieber, Isla Simpson, David Lawrence, Peter Lawrence, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Historically, large areas across the globe have been affected by deforestation or irrigation expansion. The replacement of forests with agricultural land and increased water availability in irrigated croplands altered the land’s surface properties, leading to influences of biogeophysical changes on near-surface temperature. From limited observations and mostly idealized simulations, we know that sufficiently large alterations of land surface properties can theoretically lead to systematic temperature and precipitation changes outside and even far from the altered areas. Not only the advection of temperature anomalies, but also changes in circulation and ocean feedbacks have been shown to be potential drivers of such non-local responses in single and multi-model studies.

We tested the robustness of non-local temperature signals to internal variability in the fully coupled Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) simulations of the historical period (1850 – 2014) with all forcings vs. all-but-land-use-change forcings. Doing so, we first found seemingly robust non-local temperature effects of land use change on the global and regional scale. But when accounting for the sampling of internal variability in the model using a large initial condition ensemble, the global scale signal was found to be indistinguishable from noise. Only regionally in some hotspots, we found robust and historically important non-local temperature signals. Through increasingly rigorous analysis, we reached a partly negative and unexpected but important finding, which may have implications for future assessments of comparably weak or spatially heterogeneous forcings to the Earth system.

How to cite: Jäger, F., Sieber, P., Simpson, I., Lawrence, D., Lawrence, P., and Seneviratne, S. I.: How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10285,, 2025.

EGU25-10615 | Orals | EOS4.8

Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling 

Jan Seibert, Franziska Clerc-Schwarzenbach, Ilja van Meerveld, and Marc Vis

Failures are only common in science, and hydrological modelling is no exception. However, we modellers usually do not like to talk about our mistakes or our overly optimistic expectations and, thus, “negative” results usually do not get published. While there are examples where model failures indicated issues with the observational data, in this presentation the focus is on modelling studies, where some more (realistic) thinking could have helped to avoid disappointments. Examples include the unnecessary comparison of numerically identical model variants, naively optimistic expectations about increasing the physical basis of bucket-type models and excessively hopeful assumptions about the value of data.

How to cite: Seibert, J., Clerc-Schwarzenbach, F., van Meerveld, I., and Vis, M.: Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10615,, 2025.

EGU25-11357 | Orals | EOS4.8

Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks 

Peter Manshausen, Anna Tippett, Edward Gryspeerdt, and Philip Stier

The idea of invisible ship tracks for the study of aerosol-cloud interactions sounds promising: We have been studying the effects of aerosols on clouds for many years, among others by investigating the bright lines of clouds left in low marine clouds by ships. However, only a small fraction of ships leaves behind visible tracks. This means we can only study aerosol-cloud interactions under certain meteorological conditions, biasing our understanding. Instead, by studying all clouds polluted by ships ('invisible ship tracks') with a methodology we developed, we should be able to get a full picture of aerosol-cloud interactions. A number of interesting and impactful results have come out of this research, along with several setbacks and corrections to initial results. Here, we examine them in order, showing how correcting for one identified bias can introduce two new ones. Unexpected glitches arise from sources as varied as: choices regarding ship track definition, retrieval geometry, specific weather systems biasing results, and mathematical subtleties. What can we conclude after four years of progress on this methodology? While some results still stand, others had to be significantly corrected. This makes us see invisible ship tracks as an example of research that is closer to a method of 'tinkering' than to a 'magnificent discovery'.

How to cite: Manshausen, P., Tippett, A., Gryspeerdt, E., and Stier, P.: Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11357,, 2025.

EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system   

Hans Segura, Cathy Hohenegger, Reiner Schnur, and Bjorn Stevens

Earth system models are important tools used to understand our climate system and project possible changes in our climate due to anthropogenic and natural forcings. Human errors can occur in the development of Earth System models, i.e., bugs, giving an unphysical representation of our climate. A way to identify and solve bugs is to apply physical concepts. Here, we present an experience that occurred in the development of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model (ICON) as a kilometer-scale Earth System model, in which physically understanding a bug in the surface energy budget fixed land precipitation. 

In a simulation of ICON, referred to as ICON-bug, precipitation over tropical land continuously decreased across the simulation. This led to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation in the tropics of less than 0.7, which, otherwise, should be more than 0.86. As part of the possible explanations, the surface energy budget over land was targeted as a culprit. This idea relies on the influence of the interaction between soil moisture, surface heat fluxes, and winds to generate circulation favoring precipitation over dry land surfaces (Hohenegger and Stevens 2018). Indeed, the surface energy budget over dry surfaces in the ICON-bug showed an error in sensible heat flux. The sensible heat flux transmitted to the atmosphere was 70% of what was calculated for the surface module. Fixing this error closed the surface energy budget and increased land precipitation over the tropics, leading to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation of 0.94, close to observations. 

How to cite: Segura, H., Hohenegger, C., Schnur, R., and Stevens, B.: Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12720,, 2025.

Whenever you study a phenomenon of mm to a few cm-scale in the laboratory which involves an interface, the question of surface tension arises. Surface tension is due to the fact that molecules prefer to stay with their own kind. Therefore, the creation of an interface between two fluids requires energy, and this influences the dynamics around the interface.

Surface tension can be a blessing: it produces the round shape of rain drops or the nice bubble shapes of colorful liquid in a lava lamp. It allows objects with a higher density to float on a liquid (such as an insect on water, or a silicone plate on sugar syrup). It can generate flow up a capillary.

However, it can also be a curse in the case of thermal convection. Purely thermal convection  develops when a plane layer of fluid is heated from below and cooled from above. The engine of motion is the thermal buoyancy of the fluid. This is what is happening in a planetary mantle on scales of hundreds to thousands kilometers. This is also what is happening in a closed box in the laboratory. But as soon as an interface exists, either between an upper and a lower experimental mantle, or in the case of a free surface at the top of the fluid layer, surface tension effects can become important. For exemple, the variation of surface tension with temperature was responsible for the beautiful honey-comb patterns imaged by Benard (1901) in the first systematic study of thermal convection with a free-surface. Surface tension is also going to act against the initiation of subduction (which acts to break the surface). 

We shall review in this presentation the signatures of surface tension in a convective context, and the different ways to minimize and/or remove the effects of surface tension in convection experiments, such as using miscible liquids, or a layer of experimental « sticky air ».

How to cite: Davaille, A.: Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15059,, 2025.

EGU25-15457 | Orals | EOS4.8

The crux with variability: too much or too little 

Markus Weiler

In hydrology we measure and follow the water. What if there is too much or too little? It happens a lot. As a field hydrologist, I frequently have to determine the location of a measurement, the time to take the measurement, the location to set up a field experiment, or the amount of a tracer to inject to study a hydrological system. However, this is a very bumpy road, as variability is often not in favor of my decisions because the distribution is wider than expected, bimodal instead of unimodal, or the probability of an event is theoretically small, but still an extreme event occurs during our experiment. I will showcase some examples to demonstrate what I mean and what I experienced, as well as how frequently the PhD students or Postdocs have suffered as a result of my decisions or of the unexpected variability: Climatic variability resulted in a winter without snow, just as new sensors were already deployed. Or the winter snowpack was extremely high, preventing any work at high altitudes in the Alps until mid of July, thereby reducing our field season by half. An ecohydological study to observe the effects of drought in a forest with a rainout shelter was ineffective because it occurred during an extremely dry year, making the control just as dry as our drought treatment. The automatic water sampler was set-up to collect stream water samples, but it was washed away four weeks later by the 50-year flood. The calculated amount of artificial tracer was either way too low, because the transit times of the system were much longer than expected, or it was far too high, resulting in colored streams or samples that had to be diluted by a factor of 100 due to much faster transit times Finally, and most expensively, we installed many trenches along forest roads to measure subsurface stormflow but after three years, we abandoned the measurements because we never measured a drop of water coming out of the trenches, as the bedrock permeability was much higher due to many high permeable fissures that prevented the formation of subsurface stormflow.  These experiments or observations failed because of unexpected variability in input, system properties or a lack of technical variability in the equipment. I will reflect on residual risk of failure in fieldwork related to that crux and discus approaches to reduce this risk.

How to cite: Weiler, M.: The crux with variability: too much or too little, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15457,, 2025.

EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON 

Benjamin Poschlod, Lukas Brunner, Benjamin Blanz, and Lukas Kluft

The emergence of global km-scale climate models allows us to study Earth's climate and its changes with unprecedented local detail. However, this step change in spatial resolution to grid spacings of 10 km or less also brings new challenges to the numerical methods used in the models, the storage of model output, and the processing of the output data into actionable climate information. The latest versions of the ICON-Sapphire model developed in the frame of the NextGEMS project address these challenges by running on an icosahedral grid while outputting data on the so-called HEALPix grid. Both grids are unstructured grids, which avoids, for example, the issue of longitude convergence. In addition, HEALPix allows data to be stored in a hierarchy of resolutions at different discrete zoom levels, making it easier for users to handle the data.  

The transition from the native 10 km grid to the output grid is made by a simple but very fast nearest-neighbour remapping. An advantage of this simple remapping approach is that the output fields are not distorted, i.e. the atmospheric states in the output remain self-consistent. As HEALPix only provides discrete zoom levels in the setup of the run, it was decided to remap to the closest available resolution of 12 km rather than to the next finer resolution of 6 km. This decision was made to avoid artificially increasing the number of grid points and to avoid creating duplicates through the nearest neighbour remapping.

As a consequence of this approach, wave-like patterns can emerge due to the Moiré effect that can result from the interaction of two grids. We find these patterns when looking at certain derived precipitation extremes, such as the annual maximum daily precipitation, the 10-year return level of hourly precipitation, or the frequency of dry days. At first, we interpreted these patterns as a plotting issue, as the figures might have too low resolution to cope with the high-resolution global plot (aliasing) leading to a Moiré pattern.

However, zooming in on the affected regions and closer examination of the data revealed that the pattern is in fact in the data. Further investigation with synthetic data confirmed the suspicion that the Moiré pattern was indeed caused by the remapping of the native 10 km icosahedral grid to the slightly coarser 12 km HEALPix grid. We hypothesise that precipitation is particularly affected by this issue, as it typically contains many grid cells with zero precipitation, with local clusters of non-zero values at the 15-minutely output interval. Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that other variables are also affected.

As a consequence, if remapping is required, it is recommended to first remap from the native resolution to a finer resolution grid. As a next step, the conservative nature of the HEALPix hierarchy can be used to compute the coarser level. In this way it is likely to be possible to avoid aliasing and still keep the amount of output data the same.

How to cite: Poschlod, B., Brunner, L., Blanz, B., and Kluft, L.: Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15826,, 2025.

EGU25-17676 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

What river plastic hotspots do not have in common 

Rahel Hauk, Adriaan J. Teuling, Tim H.M. van Emmerik, and Martine van der Ploeg

Plastic pollution is a global issue, across all environmental compartments. Rivers connect the terrestrial with the marine environment, and they transport various materials, among these plastic pollution. Rivers not only transport plastic, but also accumulate and store it, especially on riverbanks. In fact, plastic deposition and accumulation on riverbanks is a common occurrence. However, our understanding of why plastic is deposited on a certain riverbank is rather limited. Riverbanks along all major Dutch rivers have been monitored for plastic and other litter twice a year by citizen scientists, in some locations since 2018. This provides an extensive dataset on plastic accumulation, and we used these data with the aim of understanding the factors determining plastic concentration/accumulation variability over time and space. We tested multiple riverbank characteristics, such as vegetation, riverbank slope, population density, etc., hypothesized to be related to plastic litter. After having exhausted a long list of auxiliary data and analysis strategies, we found no significant results. Ultimately, we had a close look at ten consistent hotspots of macroplastic litter, along the Meuse, and Waal river. And once again, they seem to have nothing in common. But, there is a pattern, because some riverbanks have consistently very high densities of plastic litter so it does not seem completely random. We have been looking to explain spatial variability, whereas we might have to look at temporal consistency, and we shall not give up our efforts to bring order to this chaos.

How to cite: Hauk, R., Teuling, A. J., van Emmerik, T. H. M., and van der Ploeg, M.: What river plastic hotspots do not have in common, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17676,, 2025.

EGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment 

Mita Uthaman, Laura Ermert, Angel Ling, Jonas Junker, Cinzia Ghisleni, and Anne Obermann

Grande Dixence, the tallest gravity dam in the world, is located in the Swiss Alps on the Dixence River with a catchment area of 4 km2 at a towering elevation of 2000m. The lake serves as a collecting point of melt water from 35 glaciers and reaches full capacity by late September, subsequently draining during winter and dropping to lowest levels in April. For a reservoir as large as the Grande Dixence, the variation in hydrological load can be expected to induce changes in crustal stress. The goal of this study was to harness the loading effect of the time-varying level of reservoir load as a source of known stress to investigate the variation in seismic velocity of the bedrock due to changes induced in crustal stress and strain rates. 22 seismic nodes were thus deployed along the banks of the reservoir which were operational from mid-August to mid-September, corresponding to the time period when the lake level reaches its maximum. Of the 22 nodes, 18 were deployed in closely spaced patches of six in order to carry out coherent stacking and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, besides one group of three nodes and one single node. Measurement quality appears satisfactory: small local earthquakes are recorded well, and the probabilistic power spectral densities (PPSDs) computed for data quality validation evidence the ambient noise levels to be well within the global noise limits. However, the recorded noise is unexpectedly complex and, at periods shorter than 1 second, varies strongly by location. The 0.5--5s (0.2--2 Hz) period band at lakes generally records a diurnally varying noise level, often associated with lake generated microseism. Diurnal variations around 1 second of period are observed in our study as well. The amplitude of ambient noise level around 1 second of period is observed to be highest when the lake level changes, along with the prominent diurnal variation. A similar variation is observed in the seismic velocity variation (dv/v) computed from cross-correlated and auto-correlated ambient noise filtered between 0.5--1 Hz, with dv/v exhibiting a drop with rising lake level. These results provide preliminary evidence for possible change in crustal stress state with changing hydrological load. Future direction of this study consists of analytically modeling the results to quantify the influence of thermobarometric parameters on PPSDs and dv/v, and deconvolve it from the lake induced variations.

How to cite: Uthaman, M., Ermert, L., Ling, A., Junker, J., Ghisleni, C., and Obermann, A.: Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17811,, 2025.

EGU25-18185 | Orals | EOS4.8

Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity 

Tim van Emmerik and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team

Rivers play an important role in the global distribution of plastic pollution throughout the geosphere. Quantifying and understanding river plastic pollution is still an emerging field, which has advanced considerably thanks to broad efforts from science, practice, and society. Much progress in this field has been achieved through learning from failures, negative results, and unexpected outcomes. In this presentation we will provide several examples of serendipity and stupidity that has led to new insights, theories, methods, and completely new research lines. We will share what we learned from rivers flowing in the wrong direction, sensors that disappear, equipment blocked by invasive plants, and dealing with suspicious local authorities. Pushing the science sometimes requires an opportunistic approach, embracing surprises and chaos you may face along the way.

How to cite: van Emmerik, T. and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team: Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18185,, 2025.

With the advent of parallel programming in the late 1990s. A port of the than available Max Planck Institutes for Meteorology spectral atmospheric model echam5 to MPI and OpenMP was done. For testing and validation of the hybrid parallelization a coherence algorithm was developed. The implementation has been incorporated into todays NWP and climate model ICON as well. The coherence algoritm consists of several stages: first one MPI rank is running the serial model against an n-task MPI parallelized model. During runtime the state vector is checked for binary-identity. If successfull a m-task MPI version can be compared to an m-task MPI version for high processor counts. The same schema can be used OpenMP parallelization. ONe MPI task runs the model serial using one OpenMP thread and a second MPI task runs k OpenMP threads. Again, the results are compared for binary-identity. As the testing needs to be done automatically, bit-identity is important for testing not necessarily for production.

The tesing revealed plenty of problems during the initial parallelization work of echam5 and showed constant appearing problems in the ICON development phase.

However, far in a couple of century long simulation the bit-identity was just by accident found to be broken: the search of the cause started!

How to cite: Kornblueh, L.: MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18400,, 2025.

EGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error 

Stefan Gaillard

Addressing positive publication bias and clearing out the file drawer has been at the core of the Journal of Trial and Error since its conception. Publishing the trial-and-error components of science is advantageous in numerous ways, as already pointed out in the description of this panel: errors can lead to unexpected insights and warning others about dead ends can prevent wasted time and other resources. Besides those advantages, publishing negative and null results facilitates conducting robust meta-analyses. In addition, predictive machine learning models benefit from training on data from all types of research rather than just data from studies with positive, exciting results; already researchers are reporting that models trained on published data are overly optimistic.

Besides publishing negative and null results as well as methodological failures, the Journal of Trial and Error couples each published study with a reflection article. The purpose of these reflection articles is to have a philosopher, sociologist or domain expert reflect on what exactly went wrong. This helps contextualize the failure, helping to pinpoint the systematic factors at play as well as helping the authors and other scientists to draw lessons from the reported research struggles which can be applied to improve future research.

Publishing failure brings with it some practical challenges: convincing authors to submit manuscripts detailing their trial-and-error; instructing peer reviewers on how to conduct peer review for the types of articles; differentiating between interesting … and uninformative, sloppy science; and determining the best formats to publish various failure-related outcomes in. Authors are still hesitant to publish their research struggles due to reputational concerns and time constraints. In addition, authors often fear that peer reviewers will be more critical of articles describing research failures compared to articles reporting positive results. To counteract this (perceived) tendency of peer reviewers to be more critical of research without positive results, we provide specific instructions to peer reviewers to only assess the quality of the study without taking into account the outcome. This then also ensures that we only publish research that adheres to the standards of the field rather than sloppy science. Whether submitted research provides informative insights is assed by the editor-in-chief and the handling editor.

Finally, we are constantly evaluating and innovating the types of articles we publish. Various types of errors and failures benefit from differing ways of reporting. For example, recently we introduced serendipity anecdotes, a format where scientists can anecdotally describe instances serendipity which occurred during their research. This format allows researchers to focus on the conditions which allowed for the serendipitous discovery rather than the research itself.    

How to cite: Gaillard, S.: Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18981,, 2025.

It is common to perform two-dimensional simulations of mantle convection in spherical geometry. These have commonly been performed in axisymmetric geometry, i.e. (r, theta) coordinates, but subsequently we (Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) proposed using (r, phi) spherical annulus geometry and demonstrated its usefulness for low-viscosity-contrast calculations. 

When performing scaling studies in this geometry, however, strange results that did not match what is expected from Cartesian-geometry calculations were obtained when high-viscosity features (such as slabs) were present. It turns out that this is because the geometrical restriction forces deformation that is not present in 3 dimensions. Specifically, in a 2-D spherical approximation, a downwelling is forced to contract in the plane-perpendicular direction, requiring it to extend in the two in-plane directions. In other words, it is "squeezed" in the plane-perpendicular direction.  If the downwelling has a high viscosity, as a cold slab does, then it resists this forced deformation, sinking much more slowly than in three dimensions, in which it could sink with no deformation. This can cause unrealistic behaviour and scaling relationships for high viscosity contrasts. 

This problem can be solved by subtracting the geometrically-forced deformation ("squeezing") from the strain-rate tensor when calculating the stress tensor. Specifically, components of in-plane and plane-normal strain rate that are required by and proportional to the vertical (radial) velocity are subtracted, a procedure that is here termed "anti-squeeze". It is demonstrated here that this "anti-squeeze" correction results in sinking rates and scaling relationships that are similar to those in 3-D geometry whereas without it, abnormal and physically unrealistic results can be obtained for high viscosity contrasts. This correction has been used for 2-D geometries in the code StagYY (Tackley, PEPI 2008; Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) since 2010.

How to cite: Tackley, P.:  Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19890,, 2025.

EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology 

Ross Woods

The science question: how can we use hydrological process knowledge to understand the timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow in snow-influenced catchments.

What was known: in general, catchments with colder climates have later and larger seasonal streamflow peaks, because more snow tends to accumulate in colder catchments, and it melts later because the time when melt can occur is later in the year in colder climates. Numerical models with fine space and time resolution were able to resolve these phenomena, but there was no theory which directly linked long term climate to seasonal streamflow.

In 2009 I published a very simple deterministic theory of snow pack evolution. I tested it against snow observations at 6 locations in the western USA and it apparently worked well (although I later discovered that I'd been lucky).

In 2015 I used the snowmelt derived from this deterministic theory to predict timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow. It did poorly, and revealed untested assumptions in my theory. I tried making the theory slightly more complicated by considering within-catchment variation in climate. This did not help.

In 2016 I created a stochastic version of the theory (a weakness identified in 2015), and then also considered the within-catchment variation in climate. It did better at reproducing measured snow storage, but did not help in understanding seasonal streamflow.

My next step will be to consider all forms of liquid water input, i.e. not just snowmelt but also rainfall.

What survived: I will continue to use the stochastic version of the theory as it is clearly an improvement. I will continue to examine whether within-catchment climate variability is important, but it seems unlikely after two negative results. But whether introducing liquid water input will be sufficient, who can say? I will also try to examine in more detail how it is that the finely-resolved numerical models can do an adequate job, but the theory cannot - it is in this gap that the answer probably lies.  However the models are very complicated, and it is not easy to get a good understanding of exactly what they are doing, even though we know which equations the are implementing.


How to cite: Woods, R.: Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20057,, 2025.

EGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

A case for open communication of bugs in climate models 

Jan Gärtner, Ulrike Proske, Nils Brüggemann, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Dian Putrasahan, and Karl-Hermann Wieners

Climate models are not only numerical representations of scientific understanding but also human-written software, inherently subject to coding errors. While these errors may appear minor, they can have significant and unforeseen effects on the outcomes of complex, coupled models. Despite existing robust testing and documentation practices in many modeling centers, bugs broader implications are underexplored in the climate science literature.

We investigate a sea ice bug in the coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model ICON, tracing its origin, effects, and implications. The bug stemmed from an incorrectly set logical flag, which caused the ocean to bypass friction from sea ice, leading to unrealistic surface velocities, especially in the presence of ocean eddies. We introduce a concise and visual approach to communicating bugs and conceptualize this case as part of a novel class of resolution-dependent bugs - long-standing bugs that emerge during the transition to high-resolution models, where kilometer-scale features are resolved.

By documenting this case, we highlight the broader relevance of addressing bugs and advocate for universal adoption of transparent bug documentation practices. This documentation complements the robust workflows already employed by many modeling centers and ensures lessons from individual cases benefit the wider climate modeling community.

How to cite: Gärtner, J., Proske, U., Brüggemann, N., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Putrasahan, D., and Wieners, K.-H.: A case for open communication of bugs in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20866,, 2025.

EGU25-2049 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4

Developing an event-based distributed hydrological model through competing hypotheses and meta-metrics of performance 

Pasquale Perrini, Fabrizio Fenicia, and Vito Iacobellis

Event-scale hydrological modeling applications entail fine temporal discretization, enhanced model components, and carefully refined initial and boundary conditions. However, realistic modeling requires justifying assumptions that influence model complexity and the dominant processes represented for a specific catchment. This process is particularly challenging for distributed hydrological models, which, compared to lumped models, incorporate additional assumptions to account for spatial variability in hydrological processes.

This study demonstrates a modeling approach that uses controlled comparisons and meta-metrics of performance to develop a distributed model for a semi-arid catchment in Southern Italy. From hydrological signatures we hypothesize that in this catchment both Hortonian (infiltration excess) and Dunnian (saturation excess) runoff mechanisms can concurrently appear in hydrograph responses during rainfall events. Our objective is to disentangle these mechanisms and design a model capable of distinguishing between them. We therefore developed four perceptual model architectures representing different runoff generation hypotheses, informed by hydrological signatures, and tested them within a nested catchment framework.

A multi-stage operational test involving the calibration of a meta-objective function and spatial transferability validation was conducted to provide a robust and unequivocal ranking of the best-performing models, exposing unsolved structural problems of competing hypotheses. Assessing the consequences of simulated high flows by replacing 2D Shallow Water equations to a simplified routing scheme reinforces the idea of replacing popular metrics with meta-metrics.

Posterior diagnostics confirmed that the most realistic model structure, as indicated by internal consistency in simulated processes, aligned with the highest meta-metrics performance. Hydrographs comparison and hypotheses falsification further revealed that the dominant runoff mechanisms during consecutive storm events could be clearly disentangled, with Hortonian and Dunnian processes alternating depending on rainfall intensity and soil wetness.

By integrating multiple working hypotheses with enhanced operational testing, our proposed model development approach shows that even with limited observational data, such as sole streamflow measurements within a nested catchment setup, it is possible to identify runoff generation processes in event-scale hydrological applications.

How to cite: Perrini, P., Fenicia, F., and Iacobellis, V.: Developing an event-based distributed hydrological model through competing hypotheses and meta-metrics of performance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2049,, 2025.

EGU25-4024 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4

Reproducibility and Accessibility in Geoscientific Research: Challenges, Solutions, and Community Perspectives 

Konstantin Gregor, Matthew Forrest, Benjamin Meyer, Joao Darela Filho, Urs Schönenberger, Viktor Justo, Karina Bett-Williams, and Anja Rammig

Geoscientific models play a pivotal role in understanding global change impacts on the Earth system and are therefore highly relevant for decision-making. However, their complexity—including the combination of pre-processing, modeling, and post-processing workflows—poses significant challenges to reproducibility and accessibility, even when adhering to FAIR data principles.

Here, we present insights from the land surface modeling community, based on a survey of the 20 dynamic global vegetation models participating in the Global Carbon Project. Our findings reveal substantial room for improvement in software engineering and reproducibility practices and underscore the potential benefits of sharing best practices across modeling communities.

To address these challenges, we highlight tools such as versioning, workflow management systems, containerization, automated documentation, and continuous integration and deployment. These approaches enable reproducible, portable, and automated workflows, ensure code correctness, and facilitate stakeholder access to scientific results.

Finally, we present a showcase of a fully reproducible and portable workflow based on the LPJ-GUESS model, demonstrating how these practices can be implemented and adapted by other modeling communities. This can serve as a resource for improving reproducibility and accessibility, and advancing software engineering standards across geoscientific fields.

How to cite: Gregor, K., Forrest, M., Meyer, B., Darela Filho, J., Schönenberger, U., Justo, V., Bett-Williams, K., and Rammig, A.: Reproducibility and Accessibility in Geoscientific Research: Challenges, Solutions, and Community Perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4024,, 2025.

EGU25-4135 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Practical application of some new technologies, and the light they shed on model design and model problem decomposition 

Catherine Moore, Wes Kitlasten, and John Doherty

Practical application of some new technologies, and the light they shed on model design and model problem decomposition

New robust efficient modelling technologies are available to quantify the uncertainties associated with model predictions.  We adopt a decision support modelling framework which uses a combination of two of these new technologies, Data Space Inversion and Ensemble Space Inversion.  Using this framework helps answer model design and deployment questions that are critical for a specified decision.  These questions include:

  • What contributes to the uncertainty of what could go wrong with this decision?
  • Where is the information that may reduce this uncertainty?
  • How can this information be best harvested – what model structure, parameterisation, observation weighting strategy, and technologies are most appropriate?
  • How are the consequences of information insufficiency best expressed?

We demonstrate how this modelling framework reveals the predictive accuracy costs of over-fitting to some types of data.  We also identify for a specific prediction which alternative model structures and inversion methods are more appropriate given alternative data sets.

How to cite: Moore, C., Kitlasten, W., and Doherty, J.: Practical application of some new technologies, and the light they shed on model design and model problem decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4135,, 2025.

EGU25-6421 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

FINAM - is not a model (v1.0): a new Python-based model coupling framework 

Sebastian Müller, Martin Lange, Thomas Fischer, Sara König, Matthias Kelbling, Jeisson Javier Leal Rojas, and Stephan Thober

We present a new coupling framework named FINAM (short for "FINAM Is Not A Model"). FINAM is designed to facilitate the coupling of models that were developed as stand-alone tools in the first place, and to enable seamless model extensions by wrapping existing models into components with well-specified interfaces. Although established coupling solutions such as YAC (Hanke et al., 2016), ESMF (Collins et al., 2005), or OASIS (Craig et al., 2017) focus on highly parallel workflows, complex data processing, and regridding, FINAM prioritizes usability and flexibility, allowing users to focus on scientific exploration of coupling scenarios rather than technical complexities. FINAM emphasizes ease of use for end users to create, run, and modify model couplings, as well as for model developers to create and maintain components for their models. The framework is particularly suited for applications where rapid prototyping and flexible model extensions are desired. It is primarily targeting environmental models, including ecological models for animal populations, individual-based forest models, field-scale crop models, economical models, as well as hydrologic and hydrogeological models. Python's robust interoperability features further enhance FINAM's capabilities, allowing to wrap and use models written in various programming languages like Fortran, C, C++, Rust, and others. We will describe the main principles and modules of FINAM and presents example workflows to demonstrate its features. These examples range from simple toy models to well-established models like OpenGeoSys and Bodium covering features like bidirectional dependencies, complex model coupling, and spatio-temporal regridding.


  • FINAM website:
  • FINAM paper preprint:


  • Hanke, M., Redler, R., Holfeld, T., and Yastremsky, M.: YAC 1.2.0: new aspects for coupling software in Earth system modelling, Geosci-
    entific Model Development, 9, 2755–2769,, publisher: Copernicus GmbH, 2016.
  • Collins, N., Theurich, G., DeLuca, C., Suarez, M., Trayanov, A., Balaji, V., Li, P., Yang, W., Hill, C., and da Silva, A.: Design and Implemen-
    tation of Components in the Earth System Modeling Framework, The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
    19, 341–350,, publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd STM, 2005.
  • Craig, A., Valcke, S., and Coquart, L.: Development and performance of a new version of the OASIS coupler, OASIS3-MCT_3.0, Geoscien-
    tific Model Development, 10, 3297–3308,, publisher: Copernicus GmbH, 2017.

How to cite: Müller, S., Lange, M., Fischer, T., König, S., Kelbling, M., Rojas, J. J. L., and Thober, S.: FINAM - is not a model (v1.0): a new Python-based model coupling framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6421,, 2025.

EGU25-6927 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

From Events to Insights: Event-Process Based Diagnostics of Hydrological Model Performance 

Larisa Tarasova, Zhenyu Wang, and Ralf Merz

Hydrological models play a crucial role in understanding and managing water resources. However, accurately representing complex streamflow generation processes remains a significant challenge. We introduce an innovative diagnostic framework designed to evaluate process limitations in hydrological models, emphasizing event-based and multi-dimensional assessments. The framework first evaluates model error variability by classifying streamflow events into distinct types (e.g., Snow-or-Ice, Rain-on-Dry, Rain-on-Wet) and leveraging multi-dimensional metrics (i.e., timing and relative magnitude errors). It then assesses the importance of error drivers (e.g., hydrographic properties, model fluxes and states, model inputs, and pre-event errors) using explainable machine learning (XAI). A case study involving 340 German catchments demonstrates the framework's applicability. The results reveal that the majority of model-simulated streamflow events exhibited time delays and magnitude underestimations. Specifically, Rain-on-Dry events showed higher timing errors, while Snow-or-Ice events had larger relative magnitude errors. Furthermore, errors varied across different hydrograph components (pre-event, rising limbs, peaks, and recession limbs) for each event type. Simulated streamflow at all components, especially peaks, was predominantly delayed in timing and underestimated in magnitude in more than 50% of events. Using Random Forest regression with Accumulated Local Effects, the analysis found that pre-event errors are the dominant driver for both timing and relative magnitude errors across all event types. The relative magnitude errors were also strongly affected by hydrograph-related event properties and model fluxes and states for land surface and groundwater dynamics, with these drivers having greater importance for Snow-or-Ice events. This framework enhances diagnostic capabilities, providing a robust tool for advancing hydrological model evaluation and understanding under diverse hydrometeorological conditions.

How to cite: Tarasova, L., Wang, Z., and Merz, R.: From Events to Insights: Event-Process Based Diagnostics of Hydrological Model Performance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6927,, 2025.

Hydrology is a cornerstone for non-real-time flood management decision-making in England, underpinning £6bn of investment by the UK Government. Originally published in 1999, the current prevailing methods used operationally are well-known and resource-efficient but were not designed to address contemporary issues relating to climate and land use changes. It is widely considered that alternative approaches would provide us additional evidence for these issues, but innovation is not cascading into operational practice.

To improve the rate of translation of alternative approached from science into practice, this project, part of the Environment Agency’s (England) Flood Hydrology Improvements Programme (FHIP), will take an existing approach and embed it within operational flood management processes. The journey from science to practice will be documented to better understand the barriers that are faced and how they were overcome, looking wider than simply method development to consider ‘quality-of-life’ factors (e.g. user interfaces) and training.

This presentation will showcase the discovery phase of the project. This includes research into: what the user needs and requirements are; the blockages to methods making the leap from science to practice; what can we learn from international practice; what are the best ways to communication uncertainty; and what information about climate change impacts do we need to capture for decision-makers. Future plans will be outlined for the project, including the development of new and novel open-source software to encourage reporting of decision-points and uncertainty in the modelling process.

How to cite: Skinner, C. and Asadullah, A.: Science to Practice: Embedding new hydrology approaches for flood management decision-making., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6993,, 2025.

EGU25-7986 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Moving Research Down the Academic Career Scale (MRDACS) 

Rolf Hut and Caitlyn Hall

Hydrology faces critical challenges in reproducibility, accessibility, and collaboration, limiting progress and innovation. We introduce “Moving Research Down the Academic Career Scale” (MRDACS): the idea that work should be reproducible by someone at an earlier career stage and in less time than the original work. We advocate for research tools and methods to be accessible to students and early-career researchers. By embedding Open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, modular tool design, and user-friendly interfaces, we can lower barriers to reproducibility and foster equitable participation in hydrological research. We will showcase practical strategies to empower researchers at all levels to build on existing work, reducing time spent overcoming technical challenges and enabling deeper focus on innovation. We present our, and our students, science done over the last decade on the eWaterCycle platform to illustrate how we have practically implemented Open and FAIR principles to support MRDACS. This approach advances equity and inclusivity while strengthening collaboration across academic and professional communities. By prioritising reproducibility and transparency, we can create a more resilient and impactful hydrological science field equipped to tackle urgent global challenges.

At the time of abstract submission, this work has been submitted to, and is in review in, Philosophical Transactions A.

How to cite: Hut, R. and Hall, C.: Moving Research Down the Academic Career Scale (MRDACS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7986,, 2025.

EGU25-9493 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Presenting MESMER v1 - Integrating Multiple Climate Emulator Modules Into One Sustainable Research Software Package 

Victoria Bauer, Mathias Hauser, Yann Quilcaille, Sarah Schöngart, Lukas Gudmundsson, and Sonia Seneviratne

Earth system models are able to simulate the physical processes that govern the Earth's climate system and are essential to understand and predict climate change. However, these models come at a significant computational cost since they need to simulate a multitude of variables at a high temporal and spatial resolution to adequately represent the climate system. Climate model emulators are statistical models that are trained to reproduce (emulate) selected variables of full-fledged physical climate models at a much lower computational cost and higher speed. Such emulators are especially interesting in the context of climate change mitigation policies, which often deal with a limited number of relevant variables (e.g. annual mean temperature, number of hot days, annual maximum precipitation, etc.), but require several scenarios of how these variables may evolve under different policy choices. The “Modular Earth System Model Emulator with spatially Resolved output”, in short MESMER, is a climate model emulator that can emulate large ensembles of several climate variables (see list of modules below) for any future climate change scenario conditional on global mean temperature.

Four MESMER modules have been developed over the last five years by several researchers from different institutions: (1) MESMER: module for annual mean temperature, (2) MESMER-M: module for monthly mean temperature, (3) MESMER-M-TP: module for monthly mean temperature and precipitation, and (4) MESMER-X: module for conditional distributions with focus on climate extremes. These modules were developed largely independent of each other and grew organically to meet the needs of the individual researchers and the analyses they performed without following consistent coding standards or software architecture.

Here we present how we unified the MESMER code base, integrating all modules into a single repository and rewriting them to adhere to sustainable software standards. We redesigned MESMER with respect to (1) maintainability, (2) extensibility, (3) flexibility, (4) adherence to a defined software architecture and, (5) accessibility. The result is an open source software tool that anyone can use and/or extend. Moreover, the software is easily available and understandable to users who are interested in emulating variables for their own scenarios without being proficient in climate modelling, for example policy makers. In addition, MESMER output from the revised modules is stable and reproducible. Here we present the unified MESMER version 1.0.0 and provide insights into the achievements, challenges and lessons learned during this process. This includes insights into the chosen architecture, our testing and code review framework, stability and performance enhancements and recommendations for the scientific programming community.

How to cite: Bauer, V., Hauser, M., Quilcaille, Y., Schöngart, S., Gudmundsson, L., and Seneviratne, S.: Presenting MESMER v1 - Integrating Multiple Climate Emulator Modules Into One Sustainable Research Software Package, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9493,, 2025.

EGU25-9601 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Assessing Changes in Hargreaves Evapotranspiration Model Accuracy Across Time and Altitude 

Viera Rattayová and Marcel Garaj

Modeling evapotranspiration is an increasingly relevant topic in scientific discussions, as its volume and trends are essential for identifying climate change. However, there is still no accepted method use as a reference for evapotranspiration modeling. The most preferred method is the FAO65 Penman-Monteith (P-M) model, which is widely used as a reference method for calculating reference and crop evapotranspiration and is recommended by scientific authorities. The aim of the research was to regionalize the Hargreaves model for calculating reference evapotranspiration under Central European conditions, aiming to achieve accuracy as close as possible to the P-M model.

A significant finding of the study is that the model coefficients are not stable over time, and therefore the accuracy of any modification to the Hargreaves model must be regularly validated.  Our results revealed a decrease in the accuracy of the modified Hargreaves model as the altitude of the climatological station increased. When altitude was incorporated into the Hargreaves equation, the model's accuracy significantly improved for stations at higher elevations, achieving a consistent level of accuracy across all stations, regardless of their location or altitude. Additionally, the results suggested that the optimal values for the model coefficients vary over time, with the B coefficient showing a decreasing trend of -0.5 and the C coefficient declining by -0.1 between the periods 1981-2000 and 2001-2020. This issue is particularly pronounced in the analysis of shorter time periods, where model may lead to substantial accuracy reductions.

How to cite: Rattayová, V. and Garaj, M.: Assessing Changes in Hargreaves Evapotranspiration Model Accuracy Across Time and Altitude, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9601,, 2025.

EGU25-9899 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Coupling easily numerical models using the VSoil modelling platform 

Nicolas Beudez, Nicolas Moitrier, Nathalie Moitrier, Cédric Nouguier, Stéphane Ruy, and François Lafolie

Located at the interface between the groundwater table and the atmosphere, soil lies at the core of the critical zone. It is a complex, dynamic environment sustaining essential ecosystemic services and biodiversity. Numerical simulation models of soil processes are invaluable tools for tackling the complex issues involved in understanding and predicting physical, chemical and biological cycles, in relation to agricultural production, soil protection and adaptation to climate change. To provide a detailed representation of soil functioning, it is necessary to couple a large number of models that represent the various processes taking place within it. Modelling platforms help to do this by facilitating the development and use of coupled models of soil processes. A key requirement of such platforms is to be able to integrate existing, already validated, models without major difficulties.

To this aim, we present the VSoil modelling software platform ( developed at INRAE (France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) since 2009 in close collaboration between scientists and software engineers. VSoil is an open-source platform designed to aid the development of numerical models at the soil profile scale describing physical, chemical and biological processes in soil and its interactions with climate and plants but also anthropic activities. The user-friendly workflow of VSoil simplifies the development and use of models, making them accessible even to scientists with limited experience in computer programming. The VSoil software suite comes with a range of already developed models and is designed to guide users as much as possible in addressing their scientific questions, by providing tools for: i) defining and describing pertinent soil processes and their interactions through their input and output variables, ii) developing elementary models, called modules, which are numerical representations of the processes, iii) assembling and coupling these modules into more or less complex models, and iv) parametrising and executing the resulting models, and visualising results. The VSoil team provides user support and regularly adds new features to meet the needs of the user community. VSoil currently offers key features, including: i) model exploration tools (sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation) along with the ability to run models on several sets of input data, ii) the possibility to run models, in a reproducible way, on a remote computing environment (server or cluster), iii) the connection to INRAE's national agroclimatic database. VSoil fosters collaboration between scientists from various disciplines and facilitates the sharing and use of new developments within the platform's user community.

VSoil is being used by scientists from various countries to address very diverse questions such as the fate of persistent fluorinated pollutants in soils, the impact of treated wastewater on soil, the use of geophysics for non-destructive characterisation of soil hydraulic properties, the fate of pesticides at the landscape level, the simulation of soil carbon dynamics, or the optimisation of forestry machinery operations to mitigate soil degradation and compaction.

How to cite: Beudez, N., Moitrier, N., Moitrier, N., Nouguier, C., Ruy, S., and Lafolie, F.: Coupling easily numerical models using the VSoil modelling platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9899,, 2025.

EGU25-11752 | Orals | HS1.3.4

Can Deep Learning Revolutionize Hydrology? 

Luis Samaniego

Process-based models, such as land surface and hydrologic models (LSMs/HMs), have been foundational to hydrological research for decades. These models are grounded in the principles of mass, energy, and momentum conservation, providing critical insights into the terrestrial water cycle and forming an essential component of Earth System Models. Despite their importance, process-based models face significant limitations, primarily due to parametric and structural uncertainties that hinder their transferability across scales and locations, ultimately reducing their predictive accuracy.

In contrast, machine learning (ML) models learn directly from data, offering potential advantages for capturing highly nonlinear and complex processes, especially when large datasets are available. However, ML models also have notable drawbacks, including a lack of interpretability (often regarded as "black-box" models, despite efforts to develop more explainable or "physically aware" variants), dependence on data quality and availability, and challenges in generalizing under climate or environmental change conditions.

Given the rapid adoption of ML techniques in recent hydrological literature, a key question arises: Can deep learning replace traditional hydrological models due to its speed and accuracy, or is this shift merely a transient trend?

In this presentation, I will argue that before addressing this question, it is essential to establish two key prerequisites: (1) the purpose of the modeling effort, and (2) the appropriate protocols and metrics [1,2] for evaluating model efficiency. To formalize this discussion, I will propose a set of postulations for each modeling paradigm. Drawing on several examples, I will suggest that the most promising future lies in hybrid modeling frameworks, where the empirical aspects of LSMs/HMs (e.g., pedo-transfer function derivation) could be augmented by ML techniques [3,4], while maintaining the core physical processes [5]. ML could also serve as a valuable tool for estimating human-made impacts [6] on the hydrological system, where first-principles models are often lacking.


[1] Rakovec et al.    
[2] Samaniego et al.
[3] Feigl et al.
[4] Li et al. 2023WR035543
[5] Kholis et al.
[6] Shrestha et al. 2023WR035433

How to cite: Samaniego, L.: Can Deep Learning Revolutionize Hydrology?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11752,, 2025.

EGU25-12133 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Enhancing data preparation for hydrological modeling: a Python-based approach for coupling SWAT+ and MODFLOW 

Maciej Nikiel, Adam Szymkiewicz, Przemysław Wachniew, and Anna J. Żurek

This research focused on the application of Python-based tools for efficient preparation and processing of input data for hydrological modelling in an agricultural catchment of the Kocinka River (SW Poland). Prepared scripts and workflows address the challenge of integration of many data sources required for SWAT+ and MODFLOW models. The presented study focuses on automation of data preprocessing tasks and model calibration support, with option to reuse scripts in future work with similar data for different areas.

The Python-based approach utilizes various libraries, like: GeoPandas for processing spatial data from vector maps, Pandas and Numpy for handling meteorological time series from the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW), and Flopy for MODFLOW data management. The scripts streamline the preparation of weather and soil input data specifically formatted for SWAT+ Editor and QSWAT, significantly reducing manual data handling and potential errors in the data preparation phase. The automated workflow particularly benefits the processing of data from agricultural areas, which comprise 66% of the catchment area, ensuring consistent handling of land use parameters across the modeling domain.

The data processing framework incorporates multiple data inputs: meteorological data including precipitation, temperature, and other climate variables, detailed soil maps and land use information as well as satellite data about solar radiation (SARAH-2). The system processes river stage data from three profiles with 30-minute temporal resolution, complemented by flow measurements for hydrological validation. 

The developed Python tools also support the model calibration process by enabling rapid modification of input parameters and automated analysis of water balance components. This approach allows for efficient sensitivity analysis and model refinement, particularly beneficial for understanding the groundwater-surface water interactions.

The study contributes to good modeling practices by providing examples of efficient data preprocessing workflows and calibration support tools, essential for complex hydrological studies that combine multiple data sources and modeling platforms. The automated approach not only saves time but also enhances reproducibility and transparency in the modeling process. 

Acknowledgements. The work was carried out as part of WATERLINE project (2020/02/Y/ST10/00065), under the CHISTERA IV programme of the EU Horizon 2020 (grant no. 857925) funded by National Science Centre, Poland and a partially by AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection (grant no. 

How to cite: Nikiel, M., Szymkiewicz, A., Wachniew, P., and Żurek, A. J.: Enhancing data preparation for hydrological modeling: a Python-based approach for coupling SWAT+ and MODFLOW, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12133,, 2025.

EGU25-12388 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

RUMI (Ratio of Uncertainty to Mutial Information): Uncertainty consideration in rainfall-runoff models calibration 

Alonso Pizarro, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, and Alberto Montanari

The ratio of uncertainty to mutual information (RUMI) is proposed as a new and novel objective function for rainfall-runoff model calibration. Uncertainty is quantified by means of BLUECAT (likelihood-free approach), whereas mutual information through entropy-based concepts. The deterministic GR4J rainfall-runoff model is considered to illustrate RUMI’s calibration capabilities over around 100 catchments in Chile. Those catchments have a pseudo-natural hydrological regime and are located in different macroclimatic zones. Calibration with the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) was also performed. Additionally, several hydrological signatures were used to assess RUMI’s performance and comparison with KGE-based results was carried out. Key findings showed that RUMI-based simulations had improved performance and reduced variability (in comparison with KGE-based simulations). This study highlights RUMI’s capabilities for hydrological model calibration by considering uncertainty quantification as a key computation step and, therefore, contributing to more accurate and reliable hydrological predictions. This work was supported by The National Research and Development Agency of the Chilean Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation (ANID), grant no. FONDECYT Iniciación 11240171; the RETURN Extended Partnership which received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005); and, the Italian Science Fund through the project "Stochastic amplification of climate change into floods and droughts change (CO$_2$2Water)", grant number J53C23003860001.

How to cite: Pizarro, A., Koutsoyiannis, D., and Montanari, A.: RUMI (Ratio of Uncertainty to Mutial Information): Uncertainty consideration in rainfall-runoff models calibration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12388,, 2025.

EGU25-12401 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

ThermoOptiPlan: Optimizing Planning and Operation of Geothermal Systems using innovative prediction tools 

Monika Sester, Insa Neuweiler, Mattheo Broggi, André Stechern, and Thullner Martin

The use of deep geothermal energy is an important building block in the planned transformation of energy systems. However, the development of new sources, particularly for the pore aquifers in the North German Basin, has not progressed as far as necessary to make a substantial contribution. Decisive obstacles here are, on the one hand, the exploration risk, which essentially results from uncertainties regarding the subsurface properties, as well as larger cost factors that are difficult to calculate during operation, such as scaling effects, which reduce efficiency and may require expensive countermeasures. The lack of information on the geological properties in the target horizon makes it difficult to plan and make the estimates required for decision-making. Due to the depth of the formations, the generally weak information and data situation will not change quickly. In addition to the further development of exploration methods, methods are therefore needed that generate the best possible information about the subsurface and the processes from the available data and take into account the uncertainties of the information obtained due to the limited data available.

In this contribution we will present the approaches of a project where this question will be tackled by developing AI methods for accessing and linking existing data sources. The aim of the project is to develop and apply an IT-based concept for the planning of geothermal duplicate systems in northern German aquifers and to predict the influence of geochemical processes on the long-term efficiency of these systems. For this purpose, a digital twin of the subsurface with an assessment of uncertainties is being developed and various coordinated digital tools are being created and combined in an open-source workflow that can be flexibly modified. This is being developed as an example for an existing geothermal power plant, which has been in operation for many years; in particular the geochemical processes that have been investigated for the plant for a long time are being taken into account. The results of the project are intended to support planning and decision-making and make existing process and site knowledge available for more efficient operation of deep geothermal energy.

The presentation will give an overview of the project and present initial work.

How to cite: Sester, M., Neuweiler, I., Broggi, M., Stechern, A., and Martin, T.: ThermoOptiPlan: Optimizing Planning and Operation of Geothermal Systems using innovative prediction tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12401,, 2025.

EGU25-12698 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Streamflow Alteration Index (SAI): Mapping Dam and Reservoir Impacts on Streamflow for Improved Hydrological Modeling 

Hongren Shen, Bryan Tolson, James Craig, Robert Metcalfe, and Jonathan Romero Cuellar

Dams and reservoirs are integral to regional water management, providing critical services such as flood and drought control, water supply, hydropower generation, and recreation. However, their streamflow regulation often disrupts hydrological connectivity, sediment transport, and biodiversity, leading to significant ecological consequences. These alterations modify flow regimes across various time scales (hourly to annual), complicating the accuracy of hydrological models in affected regions. Thus, understanding how dam-induced streamflow alterations propagate through river networks is essential for informed water resource management.

Current flow regulation indicators, such as those official flags from Water Survey Canada (WSC), are point-scale binary values that often under- or over-estimate regulation effects and lack spatial continuity. To address this limitation, we propose a spatially continuous metric, the Streamflow Alteration Index (SAI), which incorporates point-based alteration signals from dams, reservoirs, lakes, hydropower facilities, and hydrometric gauges into a subbasin-scale river and routing network. The SAI allows hydrologists to quantify cumulative upstream streamflow alterations at any point in a vector-based routing network. Using Ontario, Canada, as a case study, we applied the SAI to a network encompassing 245,576 subbasins, 82,928 lakes, and over 3,000 alteration sources identified from provincial and global datasets. This approach produced a seamless, high-resolution map of streamflow alteration signals across Ontario (total area: 1.07 million km2) at the subbasin scale, importantly covering both gauged points (including 1,320 flow and level gauges) and ungauged locations within the routing network. The SAI was validated against nearly 500 hydrometric gauges with WSC regulation flags.

Results demonstrate that the SAI effectively identifies near-natural gauges with over 95% accuracy while revealing that more than 40% of gauges that are flagged as regulated by WSC could instead be reconsidered as model calibration targets, as many of them show little signs of significant regulation. By offering a less restrictive yet more reliable alternative, the SAI enables hydrologists to retain a larger pool of near-natural gauges for calibration, thereby enhancing streamflow predictions, particularly in data-sparse or ungauged regions. Furthermore, the SAI approach can be generalized to other routing networks in Canada and globally.

How to cite: Shen, H., Tolson, B., Craig, J., Metcalfe, R., and Romero Cuellar, J.: Streamflow Alteration Index (SAI): Mapping Dam and Reservoir Impacts on Streamflow for Improved Hydrological Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12698,, 2025.

EGU25-13870 | Orals | HS1.3.4

What is the optimal length of the calibration period? 

Ilja van Meerveld, Marc Vis, Yuko Asano, and Jan Seibert

When applying a hydrological model, the length of the calibration period is typically based on the length of the available hydroclimatic data series. Usually, half of the data are used for the calibration of the model and the other half for validation, but other splits (e.g., three quarters and one quarter) are possible as well. When the data record is short, all data may be used for calibration. The general idea is that a longer calibration period will include a wider range of conditions (e.g., a wider range of flood events) and thus lead to a more robust model. However, a longer calibration period does not always have to be better. There are reasons for not using a (too) long calibration period. First, a long calibration period may not be necessary if the extra years of data do not contain any additional information (i.e., different conditions). In this case, a longer calibration period may just waste computer resources, which is an issue when the model is calibrated for a large number of catchments. Second, some discharge records are by now more than 80 years long. During this time period many things have changed. This includes the way that streams are gauged, leading to differences in data accuracy. The catchments themselves will likely have changed as well. For some catchments, these changes are obvious but for other catchments they are more subtle. Even if the dominant land use has remained agriculture, the agricultural practices have changed. Similarly, for catchments that have remained forested during the period of data collection, there may be changes in the percent or spatial pattern of open areas or changes in the species composition. One could, therefore, argue that there is a trade-off between a long calibration period that includes all the variation in the climate and not using data from a period during which the catchment was different from the current conditions. With increasing length of available data series the question on the optimal length of the calibration period becomes more relevant.

To explore the sensitivity of the model results to the length of the calibration period, we calibrated the HBV model for several Japanese and Swiss catchments for which long hydroclimatic records are available. We split these records into multiple calibration and validation periods of different lengths and assessed 1) how the drop in model performance between the calibration and validation period depends on the periods chosen for model calibration and validation, and 2) how the length of the calibration period affects the range in model calibration and validation performances. The results show that the optimal length of the calibration period depends on the catchment, and differs even for neighboring catchments. These analyses provide some information on the optimal length of the calibration period for the study catchments but need to be repeated for other catchments to prove the generalizability of the results. 

How to cite: van Meerveld, I., Vis, M., Asano, Y., and Seibert, J.: What is the optimal length of the calibration period?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13870,, 2025.

EGU25-13900 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4

Assumptions in global irrigation modelling are mostly pragmatic, not empirical 

Seth Nathaniel Linga, Carmen Aguiló, Joshua Larsen, Michela Massimi, Nanxin Wei, and Arnald Puy

Mathematical models are idealised representations of real-world processes and must balance the specific characteristics of the object of study with simplifications to ensure usability. In other words: they have to rely on both empirical (backed by data and research) and pragmatic (designed to facilitate computation, abstractions) assumptions. However, we do not know how many of the assumptions embedded in global irrigation models (GIM) fall into each category. Given that pragmatic assumptions are more flexible and can be replaced, changed or removed, this knowledge gap constrains our ability to delineate the uncertainties in these models and assess how reliable their results are. 

To tackle this issue, we used sensitivity auditing, a framework for evaluating both quantitative and qualitative assumptions. We systematically analysed 50 documents of nine GIMs and extracted all the assumptions that underpin the simulation of global irrigation water withdrawals. We grouped them into relevant facets of irrigation (climate, crop, soil moisture, irrigation practices, and water source) and classified each assumption as pragmatical or empirical in nature using a philosophy of science perspective.

Our analysis reveals that irrigation models are largely guided by pragmatic considerations. Of approximately 100 identified assumptions, over 70% lack empirical support, with most idealising farmer behaviour. Moreover, 40% of these pragmatic claims are common to at least two models, suggesting that modellers tend to follow each other's assumptions, irrespective of their empirical validity.

The widespread reliance on pragmatic assumptions in GIMs suggests that their uncertainty space is much larger than previously thought, provided that pragmatic assumptions are potentially changeable without jeopardising the representational capacity of the model. The effect that changing pragmatic assumptions has on the output of GIMs deserves further exploration. Our findings underscore the need to appraise the uncertainty in model assumptions to foster transparency and improve the epistemic role and utility of GIMs in society.

How to cite: Linga, S. N., Aguiló, C., Larsen, J., Massimi, M., Wei, N., and Puy, A.: Assumptions in global irrigation modelling are mostly pragmatic, not empirical, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13900,, 2025.

EGU25-14083 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Automating Hydrological Model Preprocessing: GIS Tools for CATFLOW in V-FOR-WaTer 

Safa Bouguezzi, Elnaz Azmi, Balazs Bishop, Kaoutar Boussaoud, Alexander Dolich, Sibylle K Hassler, Mirko Mälicke, Ahish Manoj Jaseetha, Jörg Meyer, Achim Streit, and Erwin Zehe

Hydrological modeling frequently requires time-intensive preprocessing of spatial datasets, including Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), to provide inputs in the desired format for the chosen hydrological model. It takes up important research time and is difficult to repeat. V-FOR-WaTer as a virtual research environment provides a practical methodology for environmental data processing, equipping researchers with tools that streamline model construction, improve reproducibility, and minimize errors.

This abstract emphasizes a use case involving V-FOR-WaTer’s GIS preprocessing tools, which are intended to automate the creation of hillslope geometry files for the spatially distributed hillslope-scale hydrological model CATFLOW. The automated operations convert raw DEMs into key input files, including streams, flow accumulation, aspect, distance to rivers, and elevation profiles. These instruments diminish manual preprocessing duration and enhance repeatability, allowing researchers to concentrate on analysis and scenario formulation.

The GIS preprocessing tool is developed in line with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible) principles, enhancing their adaptability to diverse regions and datasets. Their standardization and accessibility enable seamless integration into various research workflows, fostering consistency and scalability. While the full workflow is under development, preliminary results demonstrate the platform’s potential to harmonize datasets and improve hydrological modeling efficiency.

V-FOR-WaTer encourages hydrologists and environmental scientists to examine the CATFLOW workflow and use its tools to enhance efficiency and reproducibility in hydrological research. This approach ensures that researchers can obtain reliable results while reducing the difficulties associated with manual data preparation.

How to cite: Bouguezzi, S., Azmi, E., Bishop, B., Boussaoud, K., Dolich, A., Hassler, S. K., Mälicke, M., Manoj Jaseetha, A., Meyer, J., Streit, A., and Zehe, E.: Automating Hydrological Model Preprocessing: GIS Tools for CATFLOW in V-FOR-WaTer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14083,, 2025.

EGU25-14940 | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Evaluation the suitability of contrasting performance metrics and signature measures with the identifiability quote index 

Björn Guse, Anna Herzog, Tobias Houska, Diana Spieler, Maria Staudinger, Paul Wagner, Stephan Thober, Ralf Loritz, and Sandra Pool and the DFG Scientific Network IMPRO

Good representation of the hydrological system in models is required to provide reliable predictions. The selection of a suitable set of performance criteria is a core decision in identifying the optimal parameter set(s) during model calibration. As each performance criterion focuses on different parts of the hydrograph, their selection often determines which parameter values are selected as optimal for representing the rainfall-runoff behaviour in a catchment. Knowning which performance criteria are most suitable for which purpose, model or catchment is difficult to determine.

We therefore selected a set of 16 classical performance metrics and signature measures which together cover all phases of the hydrograph to test their suitability for identifying different types of parameters. We used four hydrological models (HBV, SWAT+, mHM and RAVEN-GR4J) in six catchments belonging to diverse landscapes in Germany. All model parameters were grouped into five process groups (snow, evapotranspiration, soil, surface and subsurface processes) to make the parameters comparable between the models. We then developed a metric called “identifiability quote index” which shows the degree of identifiability for each combination of parameter and performance criterion.

Our results show that the classical performance criteria (e.g. NSE, KGE) are not sufficient to identify suitable values for all parameters. Signature measures (e.g. flashiness index, baseflow index) often have a higher “identifiability quote index” for specific cases and are suitable for either capacity or flux parameters. The degree of identifiability tends to vary between processes and models, but evapotranspiration parameters are generally highly identifiable with water-balance related metrics. The more complex a model is (e.g. mHM, SWAT+), the more difficult it is to determine parameter identifiabilities.

In conclusion our study shows that a set of contrasting performance metrics and signature measures are needed to represent the whole hydrological system and to accurately identify the parameters.

How to cite: Guse, B., Herzog, A., Houska, T., Spieler, D., Staudinger, M., Wagner, P., Thober, S., Loritz, R., and Pool, S. and the DFG Scientific Network IMPRO: Evaluation the suitability of contrasting performance metrics and signature measures with the identifiability quote index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14940,, 2025.

EGU25-15544 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

Software Products from the OpenWorkFlow Project 

Christoph Lehmann, Lars Bilke, Nico Graebling, Julian Heinze, Tobias Meisel, Dmitri Naumov, Özgür Ozan Sen, and Olaf Kolditz

The siting process of a deep geological nuclear repository is a complex long-term endeavour involving many different stakeholders. Assessing the
suitability of a site for a nuclear waste repository requires, among others, robust simulation models of the relevant underground thermal, hydrological,
mechanical, and chemical (THMC) processes. Screening such sites for an entire country involves running these simulation models for various parameter
sets, on various scales, with various degrees of simplification. The data integration from different sources and post-processing and visualization of
results are of equal importance as the models themselves.

The OpenWorkFlow project, funded by the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE), aims at developing open source, automated, robust, quality assured simulation workflows in the context of the nuclear waste repository siting process in Germany. During the first project phase from 2021 to 2024 several software products emerged from the OpenWorkFlow project, which will be presented on this poster:

  • OGSTools, a Python tool suite around OpenGeoSys (OGS), the reference THMC simulator in the OpenWorkFlow project, simplifying model setup, simulation studies and post-processing (
  • A FEFLOW to OGS converter, enabling to combine the advantages of both simulators: the convenience and UI features of FEFLOW and the transparency and extensibility of OGS (
  • A fully automated workflow for the thermal dimensioning of a nuclear waste repository—i.e., determining the required area for a repository—for various parameter combinations. This workflow has already been used in the siting process in Germany in practice.
  • A set of virtual reality applications have been developed that provide a virtual field trip to the Mont Terri rock laboratory and a serious game in an immersive virtual environment. These applications support the exploration and validation of underground processes. They enable an improved science communication of conducted research as well as training and collaboration on the ongoing experiments.

The second phase of the OpenWorkFlow project has started in January 2025. Until the end of 2029 the existing simulation workflows will be heavily extended to support the safety assessment of nuclear waste repository candidates.

How to cite: Lehmann, C., Bilke, L., Graebling, N., Heinze, J., Meisel, T., Naumov, D., Sen, Ö. O., and Kolditz, O.: Software Products from the OpenWorkFlow Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15544,, 2025.

EGU25-18108 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4

Towards Transparent and Unbiased Hydrological Model Comparisons: A Case Study of the 2021 Floods in Belgium. 

Christophe Dessers, Pierre Archambeau, Benjamin Dewals, Sébastien Erpicum, Anne-Lou Borgna, and Michel Pirotton

Comparing the performance and sensitivity of various hydrological models, or the hypotheses underpinning some of their components present considerable challenges. Biases can be introduced by a multitude of factors, including the expertise or preferences of users and developers, numerical discretisation techniques, input data, preprocessing procedures, calibration strategies, and rounding errors. To minimise these biases, we propose a standardised framework for model comparison and model structure sensitivity analysis.

A flexible hydrological tool, WOLFHydro, has been developed to integrate models organised in modular components. It accommodates models of different natures–with diverse underlying hypotheses– (empirical, conceptual, or physically based) and spatial discretisation approaches (lumped, semi-distributed, or gridded). This tool ensures consistent preprocessing, input data management, semi-distributed catchment discretisation, modelling of anthropogenic structures (e.g., dams and reservoirs) , numerical scheme implementation, and calibration procedures, providing a robust basis for fair inter-model comparisons.

The 2021 floods in most severely impacted Belgian catchments serve as a benchmark case to illustrate the methodology. This study involves comparing hydrological models, which aim to represent the same hydrological processes, but with varying structures, formulations, and nature. It includes an in-house gridded conceptual/physically-based model and widely used lumped models such as GR4H, HBV, NAM, SAC-SMA (Sacramento), and VHM. The proposed framework ensures that the models’ physical outcomes and performance can be compared on equal footing.

This approach not only addresses the issue of equifinality by identifying optimal scenarios but also highlights the strengths and limitations of each model formulation. It emphasises the representation of hydrological processes (runoff coefficient, average contribution of different type of flow in hydrographs, probability of exceedance, etc) over reliance on parameter values alone. This focus would facilitate the parameters transferability of model parameters, particularly in conceptual models where parameters lack explicit physical meaning. Ultimately, this methodology offers a comprehensive framework for improving the transparency, reliability and interpretability of hydrological model comparisons.

How to cite: Dessers, C., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Borgna, A.-L., and Pirotton, M.: Towards Transparent and Unbiased Hydrological Model Comparisons: A Case Study of the 2021 Floods in Belgium., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18108,, 2025.

EGU25-18145 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.4

On weighted ensembles: do the weights derived with different methods make sense?  

Marko Kallio, Sina Masoumzadeh, and Matti Kummu

Weighted combinations of multiple estimates of the same property is a commonplace technique in hydrology and earth sciences in general. These collections of estimates – ensembles – commonly consist of different realisations of model structures, parametrisations, input data and/or perturbed initial conditions. The use of weighted ensembles is often motivated by their capability to quantify and reduce error and uncertainty. Just how should we derive the weights is not necessarily clear: the literature knows a large number of methods for weighting, ranging from a simple average (the ensemble mean or median) to complex machine learning algorithms, each with various constraints, properties or assumptions. But do the weights derived by different methods make sense? Can we associate the derived weights to the performance of the ensemble members? Are they related to hydrological signatures (hydrological processes)? Do descriptive catchment attributes predict weights associated to certain ensemble members? Understanding these associations is required for appropriate solutions to the major challenge of regionalisation of ensemble weights.  

We performed a large sample study of 482 catchments and more than 116 000 simulations of conceptual hydrological model (HBV) and explore how different model averaging methods and constraints to the weights influence the associations and performance of a weighted ensemble. The results show that constraining the weights to strictly positive values is advantageous because the output is less sensitive to the composition and size of the ensemble (i.e. the weights are more stable). Constrained weights do not risk negative streamflow predictions, which can often occur when members are assigned negative weights. Furthermore, constrained weights are more reliable in reproducing flow quantiles (particularly low flows) and flow variation, and their overall performance in the testing period is similar, or better, than predictions derived with weights without constraints. Nevertheless, allowing flexibility of free weights produces outputs with better daily and weekly streamflow dynamics. Based on our explorations on the associations and performance, we present our recommendations for selecting an appropriate model averaging methods in hydrology.  

How to cite: Kallio, M., Masoumzadeh, S., and Kummu, M.: On weighted ensembles: do the weights derived with different methods make sense? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18145,, 2025.

EGU25-19344 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.3.4

What should we actually regionalize? - The benefits of temporal aggregation for low-flow prediction. 

Johannes Laimighofer, Alina Bachler, and Gregor Laaha

Predicting low-flow characteristics in ungauged basins is crucial for effective water management. Regionalization of low flow can either directly focus on lumped characteristics, such as mean annual minimum (MAM), or on seasonal or monthly characteristics (e.g., mean winter minima, mean summer minima, monthly mean minima). Alternatively, regionalization can focus on the time series (e.g., annual, monthly, or daily time series), as in rainfall-runoff models, which are subsequently used to predict the characteristics of interest. Most studies to date have regionalized runoff characteristics separately, leading to inconsistencies for each catchment. We propose regionalizing a full time series for each site to derive all low-flow characteristics from this single time series.

We regionalize daily streamflow and monthly, seasonal, and lumped low-flow characteristics using the US-CAMELS dataset. Low-flow characteristics are derived from the 7-day average streamflow, allowing us to compare annual, seasonal, and overall minima across different regionalization methods. Our approach leverages state-of-the-art machine learning models, such as tree-based models, support vector regression, and deep-learning architectures. For rainfall-runoff modeling of daily streamflow, we use an LSTM model tailored to low-flow prediction with an expectile loss function. Model validation is performed using 10-fold cross-validation. We evaluate our approach not only with common error metrics - such as RMSE and MAE - but also by quantifying the error in estimating the extreme value distribution of annual minima from the predicted time series.

Our results indicate that higher temporal resolution yields higher prediction accuracy compared to lumped characteristics. However, tailoring daily streamflow predictions to the lower quantile of the data is essential for more accurate results.

How to cite: Laimighofer, J., Bachler, A., and Laaha, G.: What should we actually regionalize? - The benefits of temporal aggregation for low-flow prediction., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19344,, 2025.

EGU25-21403 | Orals | HS1.3.4

Elevating Open Hydrology practice and policy: insights for scientists 

Nilay Dogulu, Annelies Mertens, and Koen Verbist

The concept of openness (open science, open innovation, open knowledge) has transformed the culture of science and research across the globe, with many scientific disciplines, organizations and countries committing to openness, transparency, accessibility and reproducibility. Development of policy and guidelines further promote Open Science practice by increasing national implementational measures. In this regard, the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science (UNESCO, 2021) has set an international standard for picking up the pace to evolve together and for each other.

Integration of Open Science into hydrology is gaining higher momentum – there are many exemplary academic initiatives at personal and/or local levels which are scaled up at institutional and/or regional scales. However, there remains a lack of comprehensive strategic framework that advocates for the accessibility of hydrological research to a broad spectrum of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.

The new “Open Hydrology” publication by UNESCO ( addresses this gap by outlining six pillars— open data, open source, open publishing, open infrastructure, open education, and open participation — to highlight the true potential of Open Science to enhance research transparency, collaboration, and accessibility within water management practices. It is developed for members of (water) research communities and infrastructures, hydrological service providers (including private sector), research administrators and facilitators of research, publishers, policy makers and funders, citizen science groups and initiatives who have a stake in hydrology and water resources research. The key objectives of this publication are:

  • to introduce key components of Open Hydrology and discuss required policies, leadership and capacity building,
  • to highlight Open Hydrology stakeholders and existing initiatives, tools, resources, etc. for knowledge generation and science governance,
  • to establish steps forward on how to address the needs and gaps in implementation of an Open Hydrology framework and,
  • to identify opportunities and share recommendations for sustaining Open Hydrology.

In this talk, we will share the highlights from the “Open Hydrology” publication and discuss ways forward to enable the hydrological community to become an ‘Open Science Ambassador’.

How to cite: Dogulu, N., Mertens, A., and Verbist, K.: Elevating Open Hydrology practice and policy: insights for scientists, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21403,, 2025.

EOS5 – Geoscience Information For Teachers

EGU25-1733 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Earth Learning Ideas Made By Students 

Pane Perunovski

Earth Learning Ideas is a fantastic resource for both educators and students, providing innovative, creative and practical ideas to support geoscience education. The page is filled with plenty of engaging activities envisioned to make learning about the Earth dynamic, fun, and educational.

The poster features the projects that were made by the students of American High School Skopje and presented during the annual event November - Month of Science, held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje. The students have extensively used to develop their projects while adding their personal touch to the production and presentation techniques. The simple and creative approach offered by these projects impressed the organizing committee, which resulted in 6 out of the 9 projects presented at the event being awarded.

The projects explored the rock cycle explained by Legos, a volcano made in a cup, a building resonating with seismic waves created by a drilling tool, a building being built on a fragile terrain made of jelly, coral atolls made by a sinking volcano, the rain created in a baking pot, a sinkhole made of dissolved salt, moon craters made by marbles in flour, and use of free online resources for global warming research.

The introduction of Earth Learning Ideas in the educational process proved to bring instant influence on students’ motivation to dive into the secrets of geoscience. It turned the classroom into a small lab where each material is now seen as a resource for creating a model of a natural phenomenon. Whether it’s a peeled tangerine and a glass of water, or bubble gum and a straw, the new mindset sees the Eart’s core and an earthquake there.

This resonates with the main goal of Earth Learning Ideas, which is enhancing geoscience education by making it more enjoyable and accessible. The new teaching approach provided by this valuable resource creates highly engaged and curious students, which ensures a bright future for geoscience.

How to cite: Perunovski, P.: Earth Learning Ideas Made By Students, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1733,, 2025.

EGU25-1957 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Model the history of ocean sediment deposition from rift to trench 

Isabelle Veltz and Virginie Bour

Ocean sediments are often used to tell the story of oceanic lithosphere from the accretionary zone to the trench, including when it is embedded in orogens. Although the processes of littoral sedimentation are well developed in general education classes in France, oceanic sedimentation is only used to account for the age of layers or to provide information on the climatic parameters of paleoenvironments in classes of specialty in Life and Earth Sciences from the High School. This results in difficulty understanding the meaning of oceanic geological units’ maps and the story they tell during the lifespan of the oceanic lithosphere. To remedy this problem and allow students to acquire for themselves the concepts of biostratigraphy, time, accretion and disappearance in the trenches of oceanic sediments, we have developed and manufactured models which allow students, while manipulating, to assimilate these concepts. We present here these models, their operating principle and the concepts they allow us to acquire.

How to cite: Veltz, I. and Bour, V.: Model the history of ocean sediment deposition from rift to trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1957,, 2025.

EGU25-1958 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

A date with an O.C.C. (Oceanic core Complex) 

Isabelle Veltz

For many years, the teaching of oceanic accretion processes in France has long focused on that of rapidly accreting ridges producing a Penrose-type lithosphere. Although often problematic in drawing a parallel with the structure of Alpine ophiolites (without real magmatic crust), themselves in the programs, it was nonetheless taught in high school. In the new high school programs of 2019, a small line has finally made it possible to include the teaching of the accretion processes of slow divergence zones. Although recognized for more than a decade by the scientific community, the key role of mantle exhumation, its serpentinization, detachment faults and the formation of complex oceanic cores can finally be taught. This finally lifts the veil on the absence in transatlantic seismic tomographies of low-velocity zones under the divergence axis. But also allows a better match between the field observations carried out by the classes during outings to mainland French ophiolitic spots and the concepts required for the baccalaureate (high school diploma). This presentation shows how it is possible to understand the functioning of a slow accretion zone by taking the very educational example of the complex oceanic cores of the mid-Atlantic zone.  By crossing data from oceanographic campaigns synthesized in the form of kml (Keyhole Markup Language), ocean topography with G.I.S. visualizers (Geographic Information System) like Google Earth and data and samples (macro and microscopic)  harvested from the sites, we show how high school students reconstruct the geodynamic and petrological mechanisms of slow accretion zones.

How to cite: Veltz, I.: A date with an O.C.C. (Oceanic core Complex), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1958,, 2025.

Marine and ocean floors comprise the submerged parts of the Earth's surface, including deep-water basins and shallow continental shelves. These floors often feature diverse geological formations such as ocean ridges, deep trenches, volcanic cones, and seamounts. Their shape and composition vary significantly due to factors like pressure, temperature, and the lifestyles of various organisms at different water depths. These variations are crucial for Earth's ecosystem, contributing not only to oxygen production but also to biodiversity conservation, climate regulation, and the understanding of geological processes. Additionally, marine floors host geothermal resources, minerals, and petroleum, which are strategically important for human life and industrial activities. However, understanding these topics can be challenging for students.

To address this, the instructional strategies implemented during the educational process aim to help students comprehend the features and importance of marine and ocean floors. These strategies involve the use of visual and auditory materials. In the first stage, a drawing activity titled “What’s under the sea?” was carried out to assess students' prior knowledge of the topic. Following this, students was asked to illustrate marine organisms, transforming their drawings into teaching materials. A marine floor map was created, where students added components reflecting the layered properties of ocean and sea floors, culminating in the creation of a poster. BBC and National Geographic books and documentaries also supported the learning process. Moreover, interactive seafloor maps facilitated easier understanding and made learning more enjoyable for students.

Moreover, model and mock-up activities assisted students in grasping the physical characteristics of marine and ocean floors. Likewise, These activities encouraged them to utilize their creativity to better understand the shapes, depths, and biodiversity of marine floors. Selecting eco-friendly materials further underscored the importance of sustainability. Such activities both improved students' craftsmanship and reinforced their knowledge of marine sciences.

Among the difficulties encountered in training related to this study, the most important is that the subject is often abstract and distant. The inability of students to physically explore marine and ocean floors exacerbates this difficulty. To overcome these challenges, technology-based solutions such as virtual field trips and real-time observations using underwater robots can be employed. Additionally, providing students with compelling examples that link the topic to current issues is crucial.

This study comprehensively examines educational practices related to marine and ocean floors. It delves into their characteristics, instructional strategies, student projects, experiments for natural science classes, educational materials and resources, challenges, and proposed solutions. The results of this study aim to enhance school education on marine and ocean floors, enabling students to better understand and engage with the topic.

This study explores educational practices related to marine and ocean floors in school curricula, aiming to deepen students' understanding of marine ecosystems, geology, and sustainable use. Conducted during science classes at Bilecik Borsa Istanbul Science and Art Center (Turkiye) with 54 students, the study revealed that it not only enhanced students' interest in natural sciences but also increased their awareness of environmental consciousness and sustainability.

How to cite: Bilik Demirel, K.: Deep Blue Discoveries: Engaging Gifted Learners with the Secrets of the Oceans and Sea Floor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2342,, 2025.

EGU25-2346 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

"Exploring the Sea Floor: Understanding Albania’s Marine Environment" 

Lorena Kaçi

Title: Exploring the Sea Floor: Understanding Albania’s Marine Environment"

This project aims to introduce 8th-grade students (ages 13–14) to the fascinating world of the sea floor, focusing on Albania’s Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Through interactive lessons and hands-on activities, students will explore the physical features of the sea floor, the unique marine ecosystems it supports, and its vital role in our environment.

The project includes mapping the sea floor using models, learning about marine biodiversity, and discussing the impact of human activities such as pollution and overfishing. Students will also create awareness campaigns to promote the protection of Albania’s seas and their ecosystems.

By connecting classroom knowledge with real-world applications, this project seeks to inspire curiosity, foster environmental responsibility, and provide students with a deeper understanding of the seas that surround them.

Keywords: Sea Floor, Marine Ecosystems, Albania's Seas, Environmental Preservation, Marine Life, Climate Regulation, Biodiversity, Pollution Awareness, Sustainable Practices, Sea Floor Geology, Marine Conservation

How to cite: Kaçi, L.: "Exploring the Sea Floor: Understanding Albania’s Marine Environment", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2346,, 2025.

Keywords: biodiversity, botanical identification, digital herbarium, field education, environmental education, geodiversity, hiking, technology integration, speleology.

For over five years, the “Galileo-Curie” High School, under the leadership of Professor M. Cazzorla and the Department of Sciences guided by Professor S. Valletta, has been organizing the “Speleo-Hiking Course,” aimed at promoting environmental awareness and the preservation of local biodiversity through theoretical lessons, hiking activities, and speleological and botanical fieldwork.

Past initiatives have involved approximately 20 students, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience in natural environments. These activities were carried out with the participation of Natural Sciences teachers and supported by experts from the tourist promotion agency Puglia Escursioni and the Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA-APS), an environmental protection association recognized by the Ministry of the Environment.

Starting from the current scholastic year, the course will introduce free software for plant recognition, the collection of field photographs to be shared in a common online repository and a final computer-based laboratory session to create digital products, which will be published on the School’s website. The integration of digital tools and technologies represents a crucial innovation, allowing students to collect, analyze, and share environmental data more effectively.

The course will be organized in three main sections:

  • Laboratory lessons: four two-hour lessons focused on the main geological features of the territory, equipment and safety during hiking activities, ecological interactions, biodiversity conservation and the use of new technologies for environmental research. Practical exercises will include using speleological equipment in the school gym, downloading and using mobile apps for plant and bird species recognition and capturing representative field photographs with detailed annotations.
  • Field trips: our excursions involving hiking and cave exploration, allowing students to observe karstic phenomena, rock formations, and cave ecosystems. Students will also practice species identification using mobile applications and collect data for their digital herbarium.
  • Computer Laboratory Sessions: Students will research species information, contribute to an eBook illustrating the shared digital herbarium, create a logo using AI-enhanced generative software, and write short articles describing the sites visited and their field experiences. All digital outputs will be embedded on the school website.

Through these activities, students will develop skills in ecological observation, geological analysis, botanical classification, digital content creation, and collaborative learning, enhancing both scientific knowledge and soft skills.

As part of the school’s Educational Offer Plan, this initiative highlights the potential of an interdisciplinary approach in fostering sustainable values among younger generations. Moreover, the integration of digital tools and AI technologies ensures that the knowledge and experiences gained are not confined to the classroom but are shared widely, promoting a culture of environmental responsibility beyond the school community.

Students who attend all planned activities will be awarded formative credits.

How to cite: Genchi, L. and Valletta, S.: Speleology, Hiking and Botanical Exploration: Enhancing Environmental Awareness through Field Activities and new technologies., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2914,, 2025.

EGU25-3197 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Discovering the sea floor 

Ana Lázaro

The project “Discovering the sea floor” aims to analyze and discuss the importance of science and technology for understanding the sea floor, a topic covered in the 7th grade, in the Natural Sciences subject.

The arguments presented by Alfred Wegener to defend the Continental Drift hypothesis were clear and well-founded, but the idea of ​​continental mobility was the target of much criticism. It was only after 1960 that advances in science and technology made it possible to study the ocean floor and understand the mechanism capable of moving the continents. It was through the use of techniques such as sonar, robot vehicles and drilling processes (Deep Sea Drilling Project) that it was possible to explore the sea floor and discover its morphology. The sea floor is generally made up of a thick layer of sediment. This layer is made up of sand, silt, limestone and microfossils, and can be up to 2000 meters thick and rests on basalt rock.

To introduce the topic, an enrichment activity was carried out using Google Earth to better understand the dynamics and expansion of the sea floor. The students were able to relate the age of the rocks that make up the sea floor with the distance from the axis of the mid-ocean ridge, concluding that they are older the further away they are from that ridge. A video was also presented explaining the topic covered “Morphology and expansion of sea floors”, which served as a starting point for the construction of the proposed project.

The students were separated into working groups, to which a script was distributed with guidelines for the work to be developed. The methodology used by the working groups was the construction of models that allowed a three-dimensional view of the morphology and expansion of the sea floor. To do this, they used various reusable materials such as Styrofoam, cardboard boxes, cardboard, among others. To complement the information on the models, the students carried out research on the instruments and technologies used in the exploration of the sea floor, such as the ROV Luso, a remotely operated vehicle, acquired by Portugal in 2008, within the scope of the Extension Project of Continental Platform of Portugal.

We can conclude  that the project work methodology, where students use various materials, instruments, digital tools, relating technical and scientific knowledge, contributes effectively to the development of their learning and skills.

How to cite: Lázaro, A.: Discovering the sea floor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3197,, 2025.

EGU25-3235 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Exploring the Ocean Floor in the Classroom Through Benthic Organisms 

Panagiota Pierrou

Exploring the ocean floor by studying benthic organisms offers a unique opportunity to understand marine ecosystems. Benthic organisms, which live on the ocean floor, play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, the food chain, and the balance of the marine environment. In the classroom, students can study the unique characteristics of these organisms, such as their morphology, their adaptations to the environment, and their importance to life on Earth.

Additionally, benthic organisms serve as natural records of geological and ecological history. By examining fossils or the chemical markers they contain, scientists gain valuable insights into the Earth's past, such as climate changes and the evolution of life. At the same time, studying their current adaptations to environmental pressures provides evidence about future challenges and changes in ecosystems. Through activities such as simulations, microscopic observations, and data analysis, students develop environmental awareness and scientific thinking, while enriching their understanding of the dynamic relationship between the past, present, and future in the oceans


Keywords: Benthic organisms, Ocean floor exploration, Geological history, Climate change, Environmental education, Scientific thinking, Ecological balance, Marine biodiversity conservation, Classroom simulations

How to cite: Pierrou, P.: Exploring the Ocean Floor in the Classroom Through Benthic Organisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3235,, 2025.

EGU25-3238 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Water projects for the Year of Geosciences 2024-2025 in DREUX 

Emmanuelle Jammart, Jack Williams, and Géraldine Picot-Colbeaux

Every scholar year, France's national education system joins forces with the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) for a themed year in the sciences. 2024-2025 is the Year of Geosciences, and aims to highlight the crucial role of the Earth sciences in our society. The purpose is twofold: to raise public awareness of the importance of the geosciences in the classes (teachers and students), and to inspire the next generation of scientists, professionals and enlightened citizens.

A wide range of activities are offered to teachers and students in all regions: competitions, online conferences, meetings with researchers, teacher training, resources, etc. In the Orléans-Tours academy, our proximity to the Geological and Mining Research Bureau (BRGM) has led to water-related activities in my classes at the Lycée E. Branly in Dreux.

As a first step, we invited a hydrogeologist from BRGM, Dr Géraldine PICOT-COLBEAUX to talk about groundwater in the 10th classes (15-16 years-old). She presented models to show the interactions between surface water, groundwater and the oceans. Students carried out hands-on experiments to understand how groundwater flows, how aquifer are recharged and how groundwater are impacted by our activities. They then turned their attention to their immediate environment, the town of Dreux, and worked on a water-related issue in their region (“Where does my tap water come from?”, “Why were there water restrictions in summer 2023?”)

With the “European” 11th classes (16-17 years-old), where lessons are given in English, we signed up for the “Adopt a Float” project run by the Oceanology Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer. This multi-disciplinary educational program offers students the chance to explore the world's oceans and the importance of studying them to better understand and protect them. By adopting a “profiling float” type underwater robot, students can track the evolution of the ocean's physical, chemical and biological parameters over the course of a school year.

Students from the Lycée Branly have adopted the “Surfin' Dolfin”, which drifts between Australia and New Zealand. With the help of Jack Williams, a PhD student specializing in plankton at the National Oceanography Centre (UK), the students are currently studying the physics and chemical parameters (temperature, pH, pressure, nutrients…) that control the vertical location of chlorophyll plankton over the seasons.

These two projects will be presented as posters in the academy Pos'Terre competition, which aims to decorate the University of Orléans campus with scientific productions from local primary and secondary school students.

How to cite: Jammart, E., Williams, J., and Picot-Colbeaux, G.: Water projects for the Year of Geosciences 2024-2025 in DREUX, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3238,, 2025.

EGU25-3320 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

BLUE-Z: Bold Leaders Uniting for a Zero-Carbon Ocean 

Carmen Profiroiu and Lucica Bocu

The BLUE-Z project aims to engage students in hands-on learning experiences that promote ocean literacy, aligning with the objectives of the EU Mission Ocean. The project focuses on educating participants about critical environmental issues such as water acidification, the importance of analyzing local water bodies, building a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for underwater exploration, and developing strategies to reduce carbon footprints. Through a series of laboratory experiments, engineering design processes, virtual workshops, and field trips, we aspire to foster critical thinking and real-world applications of science. By emphasizing community involvement and collaboration with local stakeholders, BLUE-Z seeks to cultivate informed global citizens, ultimately making a lasting impact on environmental stewardship, carbon neutrality, and the promotion of sustainable practices within the community.

The project aims to educate students on the causes and effects of water acidification while conducting research to analyze local water bodies' acidity levels and carbon footprints. By building a ROV, students will gain practical experience in engineering and technology, which will be instrumental in collecting water samples for analysis.

Our activities will include a carbon footprint awareness campaign, sustainable transportation initiatives, and the integration of climate education into the curriculum. By engaging local stakeholders such as families, community groups, public authorities, and local businesses, we aim to create a supportive environment for project implementation.

The project is characterized by its innovative approach, employing an integrated learning model that combines academic subjects such as science, math, and engineering with hands-on environmental activities. By empowering students to take the lead in projects and initiatives, we cultivate leadership skills and a sense of ownership over their learning. Additionally, we will implement various communication strategies to promote the project at local, national, and European levels, ensuring visibility and community involvement through social media, newsletters, and local media outlets.

The expected project outcomes include increased ocean and water literacy among students, enhanced collaboration across disciplines, and the promotion of sustainable practices within the school community. By involving multiple classrooms and engaging a diverse group of students, including migrants, we aim to foster inclusivity and highlight the global nature of environmental challenges.

Through BLUE-Z, we envision a generation of students equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to address pressing environmental issues and contribute positively to their communities, ultimately aligning with the broader objectives of the European Climate Pact and the Mission Ocean.

How to cite: Profiroiu, C. and Bocu, L.: BLUE-Z: Bold Leaders Uniting for a Zero-Carbon Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3320,, 2025.

EGU25-3719 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Discovering the sea floor of Atlantic Ocean in Santa Maria island, Azores, Portugal. 

Francisco Sousa, Anabela Pedreiro, Sara Batista, Nuno Afonso, Ana Romariz, Ana Rocha, and Adriana Ferreira

One of the main challenges of practical geology teaching lies in the fact that this scientific area works with very broad temporal and spatial scales, which makes it difficult to observe natural geological processes in a laboratory context and can limit students learning (Agreiro, 2022). In this sense, and in line with the unifying theme of the conference, it is imperative to develop didactic proposals related to the dynamics of sea floor that can be used in practical geology lessons and/or as preparatory activities for a potential field trip, outside the classroom context.

Santa Maria Island, in Azores UNESCO Global Geopark, in Portugal, is one of the prime locations for the study of sea floor outcrops, particularly pillow lavas formed in a geotectonic context of a triple junction – Eurasia, Nubia, and North America – in a magmatic province generated by a hotspot or wetspot underlying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

This work proposal is a contribution to promote practical geology activities in the classroom and/or optimize the preparation of an outdoor activity on Santa Maria Island, according to the practical work philosophy of Nir Orion (1993), which advocates the execution of pre-field trip activities (preparation unit) to minimize the so-called “novelty space”, meaning, the impact related to visiting an unknown territory, with many factors leading to distraction and loss of attention, particularly cognitive component, through laboratory experiences simulating natural phenomena that occur in the field (e.g., simulating the genesis of pillow lavas), and geographical component, with information about the geological context of the area to be visited.

How to cite: Sousa, F., Pedreiro, A., Batista, S., Afonso, N., Romariz, A., Rocha, A., and Ferreira, A.: Discovering the sea floor of Atlantic Ocean in Santa Maria island, Azores, Portugal., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3719,, 2025.

The vastness of the oceans and the mysteries of the sea floor have always captivated the human imagination. At our Cambridge Board School in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India “MSS World School”, which currently caters to students from KG to Grades 7, we have embraced this intrigue by designing an interdisciplinary module, “Discovering the Oceans and the Sea Floor.” This module integrates concepts from Environmental Science, Geography, and Space Science, fostering curiosity and critical thinking among students.

Our pedagogic approach combines classroom learning with hands-on activities, encouraging active participation and real-world application of concepts. Through interactive lectures and multimedia resources, students explore topics such as ocean currents, marine ecosystems, and the geological features of the sea floor, including mid-ocean ridges and deep-sea trenches. Practical activities, such as constructing ocean floor models using clay and creating simple simulations of ocean currents, allow students to visualize complex phenomena.

Field trips form an integral part of our program. For instance, a visit to a nearby coastal area enabled students to observe tidal patterns and collect samples for further examination. These experiences are supplemented by laboratory activities where students analyze salinity, temperature, and other physical properties of water, fostering a deeper understanding of oceanographic processes.

One of the highlights of our module is the incorporation of technology. Using digital tools and virtual reality applications, students embark on virtual dives to explore coral reefs and hydrothermal vents, bringing the wonders of the deep sea to the classroom. Additionally, collaborative projects, such as creating a digital presentation on marine conservation, instill teamwork and research skills in our students.

This initiative aligns with our school’s commitment to holistic and inquiry-based learning, inspiring young minds to engage with environmental issues and appreciate the interconnectedness of Earth systems. By nurturing a sense of wonder and responsibility, we aim to cultivate future stewards of the planet.

The “Discovering the Oceans and the Sea Floor” module not only enriches our students’ understanding but also provides a platform for them to present their findings to peers and the community. We look forward to sharing our innovative teaching practices at the GIFT workshop in Vienna and exploring opportunities for international collaboration with educators and researchers.

This abstract is intended to contribute to the EGU meeting’s objective of fostering pedagogic exchange and will serve as the basis for a visually engaging poster presentation. Post-conference, the poster will be showcased at our school to highlight these educational activities for colleagues, parents, and students, thereby celebrating the dynamic learning environment we strive to create.

How to cite: Sharma, Dr. S.: "Samudra Manthan: Exploring the Depths of Knowledge and Responsibility in Indian Education", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3843,, 2025.

EGU25-4760 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Discovering the ocean floor: using Earth Learning Ideas 

Pete Loader and the EGU Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) Team

Ocean waters cover about 71% of the Earth’s surface, but with only 25% of the seafloor explored in any detail, scientists claim to know more about the surface of the Moon and Mars than they do about the seafloor of our own planet. And yet the plate tectonic revolution, which relies so much on evidence from the ocean floor, has flourished since the 1960’s despite what is ‘hidden’ beneath the waves.

Our poster provides an insight into some of the free classroom resources from the online Earthlearningidea website that simulate those technologies used to map the ocean floor and provide the evidence for plate tectonic theory. ( It is designed to complement the GIFT 2025 workshop run by our EGU Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) team and to demonstrate the Earthlearningidea activities that play an important part in the workshops undertaken in our respective countries. It is also presented in fond memory of Professor Chris King who was the instigator and inspiration of this and so many other geoscience education projects in the UK and abroad.

These, and other activities, are available on the Earthlearningidea website (, a free repository containing more than 450 ready to download activities that have been translated into different languages. All are designed to develop students’ critical thinking and research skills, while developing their knowledge and understanding of Earth processes and products.

EGU Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) are a team of geoscience teachers and researchers who provide professional development to schoolteachers with elements of geoscience in their teaching curricula, through interactive hands-on workshops. The team is supported by the European Geosciences Union Education Committee and is active in eleven countries around Europe. (

How to cite: Loader, P. and the EGU Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) Team: Discovering the ocean floor: using Earth Learning Ideas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4760,, 2025.

Founded three years ago, the Clube Ciência Viva Cego do Maio (CCVCM) - the school´s science club - has served as a dynamic platform to foster scientific literacy among students and the broader educational community. Participation is voluntary, welcoming all students aged 10 to 16, regardless of academic performance, who are curious and eager to learn through collaboration. Students benefiting from specific educational measures are also encouraged to join.

The club’s sessions are designed to stand apart from traditional classroom experiences while following a structured weekly schedule. Freedom of expression and creativity are key components, guided by classroom rules and the objectives of planned activities.
The club adopts a project-based learning approach, integrating the STEAM framework (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Students actively contribute to defining the stages of problem-solving processes. A wide variety of activities enrich their learning experience, including laboratory experiments, hands-on workshops, themed celebrations, educational trips and project development.
This poster showcases highlights from the club's diverse activities over the past three years, illustrating its impact on cultivating curiosity, critical thinking, and teamwork among participants.

How to cite: Oliveira, R.: Science for All: Three Years of Promoting Scientific Literacy at EB 2,3 Cego do Maio, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4783,, 2025.

EGU25-5099 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Climate change education in schools of Crete, Greece 

Sofia Kalaroni

The raise of awareness for the present-day climate change has encouraged schools to undertake actions. This has led to the creation and implementation of education and awareness programs for all ages. This study focuses on the integration of environmental education with a focus on climate change within school curricula, focusing on how effectively climate issues are addressed and the engagement of students in climate action initiatives. Additionally, the study investigates the effectiveness of various teaching methods, such as classroom activities, including hands-on experiments, discussions, simulations and educational visits to the centers of environmental education of Crete (Greece). Moreover, educational activities were taking place at the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Hub at Finokalia (Crete, Greece), where students had the opportunity to participate in the project Teaching and Learning about Climate Change (EDU4clima) carrying out experiments that demonstrate in a simply way the basic concepts that define anthropogenic climate change.  This work has been supported by the projects: Climademy (Erasmus+ Climate Change Teachers’ Academy) and EDU4Clima (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation), to provide a comprehensive framework where educators can learn how to teach future generation of European citizen on climate change issues.

How to cite: Kalaroni, S.: Climate change education in schools of Crete, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5099,, 2025.

 Geography is a subject included in the Japanese high school curriculum and must be studied by all students. Japan experiences more natural disasters than any other country in the world, as demonstrated by the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. Therefore, the education curriculum in Japan includes the instruction of natural geographical concepts and their utilization in the consideration of natural disaster risks together with a human geographical perspective. In Japan, GIS are available for anyone to use. This allows students in high school geography classes to use computers to consider natural disaster risks in their own areas. In this lesson plan, students first learn about where floods, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic disasters occur. Then, students learn about the mechanisms by which they occur from actual examples. Finally, based on geographical concepts, they use GIS to analyze the disaster risks in their immediate area. Through this lesson plan, students will gain competency in natural disaster generation mechanisms and disaster prevention. We would very much appreciate your thoughts on this lesson plan.

How to cite: Yamaguchi, Y.: A lesson plan for studying natural disaster risk using GIS-Using the perspectives of both natural and human geography-, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5104,, 2025.

EGU25-5185 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Lake Ohrid eel “LOVE JOURNEY” to the Sargasso Sea 

Biljana Tosheska

Abstract proposal for

GIFT - Geoscience Information For Teachers

Discovering the oceans and the sea floor in class

(poster session)


Esteemed colleagues,

I am pleased to submit my proposal for a poster under the “Discovering the oceans and the sea floor in class” session at EGU25. This work would illustrate how Lake Ohrid’s eel population can serve as a powerful educational tool for explaining marine biology, ocean currents, and key aspects of seafloor topography. By tracing their journey from a secluded freshwater lake Ohrid in N. Macedonia to the Sargasso Sea, my poster will highlight critical ecological processes and foster innovative classroom strategies that deepen students’ understanding of global marine environments. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the possibility of presenting this compelling study.



Thank you in advance for considering my proposal!

a proposal by:

Mrs. Biljana Roshkoska M.Sc.

SOU “Gjorce Petrov” Prilep

Biology professor at the municipal

vocational medical high school









Prilep, N. Macedonia

January 2025



Lake Ohrid eel “LOVE JOURNEY” to the Sargasso Sea

A magnificent 5.000 kilometers honeymoon trip from one of the oldest and deepest freshwater lakes in Europe to open depts the Atlantic Ocean in order to procreate!





The Lake Ohrid, having ancient origins and an exceptionally diverse ecosystem, is a sanctuary for numerous European eels. It is in this crystal-clear freshwater environment that they mature into large adults, but from here they begin a journey encompassing sea after sea until eventually they reach the North Atlantic and spawn in Sargasso. The eel's life cycle is the subject of this poster; the route they take- which extends from coastal shelves through submarine ridges and deep basins- provides a clear, real-life model for teaching schoolchildren about sea and Seafloor oceanography.


Through the corridor of eel migration, we can describe key oceanographic processes to students, such as changes in water salinity caused by currents or the diversity of seabed types encountered. In particular, the topography of the seafloor encountered by eels along this route-- from relatively shallow Mediterranean waters to the deep Atlantic basins--offers an interesting context for examining plate tectonics, sediment behavior, and marine biodiversity.


The poster would show major seafloor structures on the route of these eels, depicting how geology, biology, and oceanography are all interlinked in this extraordinary migration. Alongside the factual account, this presentation offers an explanation of how storytelling can improve classroom teaching. By using the migration of eels -- and the seabed they travel over--as a single focus, educators can raise interest in marine geology, species constellations, conservation challenges and indeed the larger connection between freshwater ecosystems and the world's oceans. This approach embodies the thrust of our meeting by connecting small freshwater landscapes (such as Lake Ohrid in Macedonia) with the broad marine world thus allowing an all-round understanding of how Earth works.

How to cite: Tosheska, B.: Lake Ohrid eel “LOVE JOURNEY” to the Sargasso Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5185,, 2025.

As a biology and geology teacher, I have followed virtually, with some of my students, the HIPER campaign off the coast of Ecuador in 2022-2023, and from the 28th of january 2024 to the 23rd of february 2024, I had the honnor to take part in the SUPER MOUV campaign on the french oceanographic ship Pourquoi pas ? off coast of Ecuador.

The scientists left me an additional place on one of the most innovative ship in the Ifremer fleet, in order to spread geology tools use on board in destination to teachers and their students in college and highschool, not only in France but also all over the world in the french schools abroad or the french classes abroad :

During this campaign, the aim was to prepare some challenges connected to SUPER MOUV activities for schools :

- students can indeed discover geodynamic in Ecuador west coast which is located in the ring of fire, and shaken by several earthquakes due to the subduction of Nazca tectonic plate under south-america tectonic plate,

- they can also discover how rocks or fluids are collected by Nautile submarine, how sediments are collected by coring, how highligths geo-mechanical properties of rocks or methods for fluids analysis,…

- and furthermore, they can learn about life on board a deep sea vessel (way of life, different jobs,..) during videoconferencings between the ship and the pupils in their classrooms !

How to cite: Gendron, F.: Teacher on board the deep sea vessel Pourquoi pas ? for SUPER MOUV campaign in Ecuador , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5756,, 2025.

EGU25-6189 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Awareness Activities About Ocean Creatures in The Classroom 

Nurullah Kılınç

The depressions on the bottoms of the seas and oceans contain significant wealth, even though they are far from the continents and are full of plants.Mineral resources such as oil and natural gas can be found in these areas.It can be thought that there is no life in these areas. Because there is no sun there, the temperature is very low and dark.  Researchers state that deep sea environments are important. Lava and gases emerging from magma in the deep seas mix with ocean water and contribute to the material cycle. Remote, deep areas that are difficult to reach affect our lives somehow. Researching these areas well helps us understand our planet's formation processes. Hydrothermal vents discovered in these areas are areas on the ocean floor where hot water sources that spurt water and gas are located. These vents, originating from cracked areas on the Pacific Ocean floor, were first discovered in 1977 around the Galapagos Islands. Hydrothermal vents are formed as a result of crustal movements, and the seawater that seeps into the cracks and fissures close to the magma heats up under the influence of the magma.Due to the high pressure at the bottom of the ocean, the temperature reaches several hundred degrees Celsius. When the hydrothermal fluid encounters the colder ocean water, the minerals in the hydrothermal fluid solidify by cooling and begin to accumulate. These minerals, which are deposited in this process, take the form of a vent. These vents contain a wide variety of minerals. The temperature inside these vents can reach a 350-400 degrees Celsius. These vents are significant for heat transfer in the oceans. Perhaps one of the most important outcomes of hydrothermal vents is the existence of deep ocean Creaturess. Thanks to their physical and chemical properties, these vents create suitable environments for chemosynthetic bacteria to thrive. Ocean Creaturess such as crabs, shrimps, starfish, and mussels, which feed on chemosynthetic bacteria, are found in cold and dark areas that are otherwise too deep to support life under normal conditions. In our lessons, we conduct general studies on ocean environments and the diversity of Creaturess living in their depths. We show videos on this subject in the classroom. We have our students draw pictures of ocean Creaturess., and illustrate various marine life. We aim to enhance our students knowledge and curiosity about this fascinating deep-sea ecosystem.

Key Words: Ocean Creaturess, Gifted and Intelligent Students, Class Activities

How to cite: Kılınç, N.: Awareness Activities About Ocean Creatures in The Classroom, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6189,, 2025.

EGU25-6510 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

STEAM approach for the Climate Change 

Eirini Varotsou, Chrysa Apostolaki, Nikolaos Fanourakis, and Evridiki Chrysagi

Climate change, often referred to as the climate crisis, is a critical factor shaping our modern world. It is vital that the next generation is equipped with a thorough understanding of its causes and potential solutions. In response, our school has developed an interdisciplinary approach that integrates geology-geography, and technology courses to provide students with a comprehensive perspective on the climate crisis.In the Geology-Geography course for B class, students will explore ocean circulation and its influence on global climate, including the role of the seafloor. They will also collaborate with scientists to learn about physical phenomena occurring in the ocean and how these impact climate patterns. Additionally, in the Technology courses for B and C classes, students will utilize advanced tools to track and analyze climate data over time.The goal of this integrated approach is to equip students with a diverse set of learning tools, fostering greater awareness of the climate crisis and its global implications.

How to cite: Varotsou, E., Apostolaki, C., Fanourakis, N., and Chrysagi, E.: STEAM approach for the Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6510,, 2025.

EGU25-6522 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Characteristics of the water in the Adriatic Sea and Lake Ohrid and their comparison 

Biljana Gichevski and Nine Simonovska

The Adriatic Sea and Ohrid Lake are located in South Europe. Ohrid Lake belongs to the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania. The distance between these water bodies is 110 km. The river Crn Drim flows out of the Ohrid Lake and flows into the Adriatic Sea, connecting the two water bodies.

Pupils from the cities Ohrid and Skopje (North Macedonia), at the age of 10 years, have made investigations about water characteristics of the Adriatic Sea and Lake Ohrid. Pupils from Skopje investigated the water properties of the Adriatic Sea, whereas pupils from Ohrid investigated the water characteristics of Ohrid Lake. There were analyzed several parameters for the two water bodies: physical and chemical characteristics of the water (water temperature, conductivity, pH, transparency, chemical composition) and water movements (waves, currents). The results of the pupil’s investigations were presented at the meeting in Ohrid.

How to cite: Gichevski, B. and Simonovska, N.: Characteristics of the water in the Adriatic Sea and Lake Ohrid and their comparison, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6522,, 2025.

EGU25-7169 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Architects of STEM Ecosystems 

Doug Baltz

Architects of STEM Ecosystems create unique blueprints that allow educators to explore new strategies and engage all stakeholders in Earth Science. Imperative to these blueprints are STEM collaborations with university/business/industry sectors.  These strategies embed research education models, best engineering practices, workforce development, and culturally responsive externships. An exemplary STEM program called STEM Research and Design utilizes these foundational strategies. The program provides students with opportunities to explore geologic research methods by analyzing data from the Great Lakes region in the United States. Teacher-student cohorts have worked closely with local universities and businesses to interpret Lake Michigan seafloor mapping data from NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory/Teaching Great Lakes Science. As a result, students developed a relationship between geologic profiles of the seabed, sinkhole data, the amount of chemosynthesis, and the dramatic effects of climate change on Great Lake water levels, impacting a broad range of ecosystems. Moreover, the architectural plan has started to address innovative water clean-up techniques of our Great Lakes in hopes of establishing workforce development for the region’s “blue” economy.

How to cite: Baltz, D.: Architects of STEM Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7169,, 2025.

EGU25-7174 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Exploring the sea environment of the Gulf of Patras 

Lamprini Voutsina, Paraskevi Poulou, and Vasiliki Riga

The study of the sea environment is very important for an awareness of environmental issues. With this as a goal, we accomplished an educational project concerning the study of seawater and the pollution from microplastics in the Gulf of Patras in Greece. This study was carried out to the Experimental Junior High School of Patras University in 2021 in the context of the Erasmus Program “Save Water- Save Life”.

The activity was divided into two parts. At the first part our students collected sea water samples from four different sea regions (shore, 30m from the shore, river-mouth, 30m from the river-mouth). The sampling was actualized in four different time periods (autumn, winter, spring and summer) and the students analyzed the samples at the laboratories of Patras University’s departments with the help of stuff members.   

At the second part our students began with a literature survey for microplastics and the consequences to the sea environment and proceeded with field activity concerning collecting plastic litter at the seaside of the Gulf of Patras. At the end the students classified the collected plastics according to their type at Patras University’s laboratories and learned more about this topic from university stuff members.

With the above program students obtain knowledge by exploring, analyzing and collaborating but mainly they acquired environmental awareness. 

How to cite: Voutsina, L., Poulou, P., and Riga, V.: Exploring the sea environment of the Gulf of Patras, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7174,, 2025.

EGU25-7185 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Teaching Geosciences with open data resources: The Mediterranean Sea 

Eleni Koutsopoulou

Geoscience teachers should employ active teaching strategies in their class as they have been shown to improve student learning. Students’ performance is enhanced when they can assess their understanding with a variety of activities (Freeman et al., 2011, 2014). Geoscience teachers should encourage the introduction of online components and open data resources (i.e. computational models and simulations, virtual fieldtrips, games/activities) to support geoscience teaching which increases students' ability to visualize and understand complex geologic structures, features, and spatial relationships. 

One of these open data resources that offers a vast variety of information on the Mediterranean Sea is the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). EMODnet is the European Commission (EC) in situ marine data service of the EC Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (EC DG MARE) and offers a data layers catalogue within the European Atlas of the Seas. Therefore, the European Atlas of the Seas displays numerous data layers and thematic portals such as Bathymetry, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Human Activities, Physics and Seabed habitats among others.

The European Atlas of the Seas and the EMODnet thematic portals have been employed in teaching students in Junior High School about the Mediterranean Sea. The students are arranged in teams and guided through activities in worksheets to access the European Atlas of the Seas and discuss about the Physical Geography of the Mediterranean area (i.e. location, major peninsulas, islands, coastlines). Then, they are directed to access the Bathymetry map of the sea floor and discuss about the morphology and depth of the sea compared to other European seas. With the help of the Tectonic lines map, in the Geology thematic portal, the students are asked to identify and consider the consequences of the movement of the tectonic plates in the lives of the people who live in the Mediterranean area (earthquakes, volcanoes). The students can then be engaged in activities that lead to a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, discuss about the climate and vegetation, find the openings to other water bodies (seas, oceans) and justify the appearance of major ancient civilizations located around the Mediterranean. Thus, a multidisciplinary approach of the topic can be introduced, engaging in activities and discussion about: mediterranean nutrition, climate, Mythology, History, music and even Marine Biology (fish, seagrass meadows), sea temperature and oxygen, water quality and pollution according to the students’ interests and needs.


In general, geoscience educators should incorporate computational models and open data resources in their teaching strategies as students learn better when they are actively engaged in a variety of activities and teamwork instead of traditional teaching methods.



Freeman, S., Haak, D., Wenderoth, M.P., (2011). Increased course structure improves performance in introductory biology. CBE Life Sci Educ., 10(2), 175-186.

Freeman, S., Eddy, S.L., McDonough, M., Smith, M.K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., Wenderoth, M.P., (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 (23), 8410-8415.

How to cite: Koutsopoulou, E.: Teaching Geosciences with open data resources: The Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7185,, 2025.

EGU25-7233 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Introduction to the study of the oceans, at the lower secondary level 

Adrian - Marius Șova

The topic Discovering the oceans and the sea floor in class is an exciting one, but challenging in the context where at the lower secondary level it is quite difficult to achieve, taking into account the previous knowledge of 11-12 year old students. And in accordance with the Romanian school curriculum, time is an obstacle, the topic being contained in a maximum of 4 hours. In 5th grade: Chapter Lithosphere - lesson Relief of ocean basins and joints of the shores, Chapter Lithosphere - lesson Planetary ocean - components and location, part in lesson Hydrosphere - characteristics and importance. And tangentially, the theme is touched on in the 6th grade in the Natural Resources lesson. 

In the didactic activities carried out in the classroom, I follow 4 directions of work with the students: the ocean - atmosphere interface, the relief of the ocean basins, the joints of the shores, the ocean - a primordial resource for mankind.

The ocean – atmosphere interface: the ocean, the largest element of the Earth's surface, comes into direct contact with the atmosphere, the most extensive geosphere. Even if the ocean remains an enormous uninhabited environment, through the complex and permanent interrelationships between water - air - energy, it is a space of resources that conditions life Earth: it is the very field of emergence and support of life, with an essential role in storing and redistributing solar energy, shaping the climate, the basis of the water cycle in nature and precipitation formation, plus a huge source of food and biodiversity.

Relief of ocean basins can be presented as the mirror of the continental relief. The emphasis is placed on the similarities of the surface appearance and geomorphological evolution, between the underwater and the land relief; but also in completely different forms – ocean trenches, hydrothermal springs, hot spots.

Joints of the shores it represents the water - land interface, with a great diversity of forms, being the consequence of complex tectonics and erosion, but also of accumulation processes - deltas, lagoons, beaches and coastal strips, atolls.

The ocean - a primary resource for mankind: currently the continental shelf is the main hydrocarbons exploitation region, but the ocean is also a deposit of dissolved salts, polymetallic nodules, wave and tidal energy, respectively a huge source of food. To these, is added the role of the ocean in facilitating and developing global transport and trade, as well as coastal tourism.

In the process of discovery - study - understanding, didactic methods must vary from passive ones, but necessary for understanding the theoretical basis, to active ones, especially brainstorming, problematization method and interdisciplinary comparisons in the field of STEM (Knowledge of the environment, Biology, Physics, Technological education). An important role is played by the use of maps, photos and suggestive figures, satellite images, but also by practical activity - worksheets.

How to cite: Șova, A.-M.: Introduction to the study of the oceans, at the lower secondary level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7233,, 2025.

EGU25-7374 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Sedimentation and erosion on the Aquitaine coastline 

François Maricourt

With pupils in Year 10, we carried out a study of erosion and sedimentation processes on the sandy coast of Aquitaine. To understand the phenomena of erosion, the pupils took samples of sand which they then sieved. The collected sediments were then weighed at the lycée in order to study certain characteristics of sediment transport and deposition (dimensions and proportions of different sediment sizes; origin of sediments; sediment accumulation zone and impact on watercourses). They also identified recent evidence of erosion phenomena affecting the Lacanau region (erosion and retreat of the dunes) and current and future developments (construction of dykes, riprap, planting) designed to protect the coastline. This work complemented the activities carried out in class and demonstrated the fragility of the Aquitaine coastline, especially in sandy areas. It also highlighted the need to think about the developments that are essential in the current context of global warming and rising sea levels.

How to cite: Maricourt, F.: Sedimentation and erosion on the Aquitaine coastline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7374,, 2025.

EGU25-8328 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

From Atmosphere to Ocean: Understanding the Chemistry and Consequences of CO₂ Emissions 

Marién Pascual, Alicia Díez, Ellen Hernández, Fernando García, Sofia Pascal, and Gonzaga Berridi

Rising atmospheric CO₂ levels significantly contribute to the greenhouse effect and ocean acidification. This rapid increase, unparalleled in geological history, poses a major threat to marine organisms such as corals and mollusks, whose calcium carbonate-based shells and skeletons are highly sensitive to changes in pH.

Ocean acidification is driven by excess atmospheric CO₂, largely resulting from human activities like fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. While the oceans absorb approximately 25% of this excess CO₂, helping to mitigate global warming, this process negatively impacts marine ecosystems by altering chemical balances essential for marine life.

Our project aims to investigate the factors influencing pH variation in ocean waters, the methods for accurately measuring these changes, and their biological consequences. To achieve these objectives, we will conduct a series of hands-on experiments in the school laboratory to simulate acidification effects. Additionally, we will delve into the historical study of pH and CO₂ concentration changes over geological timescales, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of human actions, environmental changes, and marine ecosystems.

How to cite: Pascual, M., Díez, A., Hernández, E., García, F., Pascal, S., and Berridi, G.: From Atmosphere to Ocean: Understanding the Chemistry and Consequences of CO₂ Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8328,, 2025.

EGU25-9372 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Some of The Many Roles that Sponges Play in Marine Ecosystems  

Sandra Trpchevska Mircheska

Sponges (Phylum Porifera) have adapted to a wide range of ecological niches, from shallow coastal waters to deep-sea environments, where they influence nutrient flow in the environment and the complexity of their habitat. These sedentary species are filter feeders, and affect the water quality by removing suspended particles, bacteria, and plankton via continuous filtering of large volumes of water. This process helps regulate nutrient levels and improves water quality by preventing overgrowth of algae and maintains homeostasis in marine ecosystems, which will consequently affect the productivity of the ecosystem. In addition, the local nutrient dynamics is influenced by the symbiotic relationships between sponges and microorganisms (such as bacteria and algae), which provides essential nutrients or helps break down organic matter. Sponges also provide structural complexity to marine habitats. Their porous structure creates microhabitats for a wide variety of marine organisms. Small fishes, some crustaceans (such as crabs and shrimps) and numerous invertebrate species often seek shelter in sponge colonies, particularly in environments like coral reefs or deep-sea ecosystems, where hiding spaces are crucial for evading predators. 

Another role that sponges play in a marine ecosystem is in stabilizing the seafloor. Their ability to attach to hard substrates, like rocks or coral skeletons, helps stabilize benthic environments. The phenotype of sponges helps maintain sediment stability and minimizes the effects of sedimentation, a vital role in preventing habitat degradation.  

Sponges play many essential roles in marine ecosystems, but they face many threats from climate change, ocean acidification, pollution, and habitat destruction. These threats can diminish the populations of sponges which can result in disruption of the ecosystem. Protecting sponges is crucial for maintaining the health and resilience of marine ecosystems, as they provide numerous ecological benefits that support the balance of life beneath the surface. Further research into sponge ecology and conservation is essential for sustaining these important organisms and their critical functions in the ocean. 


The first step one should take in conservation biology of sponges is education. In the classroom I am taking the approach of learning through research. For this purpose, in the beginning of the lesson, the students are first introduced to the structure and anatomy of the sponges using 3D models or virtual tours of sponge anatomy to give students a more interactive experience. Then we start with a brief review of their taxonomy. Then the students are divided into groups with the task of creating posters. The posters are about the connection of sponges with other organisms, their role in the ecosystem as well as the challenges and threats (like climate change, pollution, or overfishing) these organisms face and the mechanisms that should be taken to preserve their habitats.  



How to cite: Trpchevska Mircheska, S.: Some of The Many Roles that Sponges Play in Marine Ecosystems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9372,, 2025.

EGU25-9600 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Study of Marine Fossils from Siberia Extremeña 

Maricarmen Morales

The study of fossils from the ocean floor provides valuable information about geological history, past climate changes, and the evolution of marine ecosystems. Extremadura boasts extraordinary geological potential, where fossils play an important role. Their interest and importance are key to understanding the history and paleogeographic evolution of the Iberian Peninsula during the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic eras.

Siberia Extremeña has fossil records dating back to the Precambrian, specifically the Ediacaran period.

Our research focuses on studying the remains of marine organisms preserved in oceanic sediments. On the fossil beaches of Siberia, we find the earliest metazoan reef builders: Cloudina carinata, belonging to the Ediacaran fauna, burrowers like Daedalus, arthropods such as trilobites, and brachiopods.

Through the analysis of these fossils, we can reconstruct the environmental conditions of the past. The findings complement paleontological studies of Extremadura, providing insights into the conservation of current marine ecosystems.

How to cite: Morales, M.: Study of Marine Fossils from Siberia Extremeña, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9600,, 2025.

Students at Anderson High School have been learning about the formation of different rocks and where these rocks can be found in the Shetland Islands. Many of the rocks found in the Shetland Islands were formed due to the opening and closing of the Iapetus Ocean. A section of this ocean floor can be seen in the eastern parts of Unst and Fetlar.  This is an ophiolite where part of ancient oceanic crust and upper part of mantle rocks has been uplifted and exposed above sea level. Shetland is one of the best places in the world to see one, as you can walk through the different layers of the ancient oceanic crust. Therefore, the students at Anderson High School have learnt about the importance of this ancient ocean and how the rocks tell the story of formation of the Shetland Islands.  Using the local geology has helped the students to understand complex concepts of plate tectonics.

How to cite: Shields, D.: The Role the Iapetus Ocean played in the formation of the Shetland Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11380,, 2025.

EGU25-12199 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Palaeomagnetism at the MOR 

Jodie Nichol-Gray, Jacob Harrison, Christopher Broughton, and Ffion Butler

When investigating deep sea environments there are many subjects that are yet to be discovered and as such, creating an enthusiasm for this area of study for students is vital in creating the next generation of explorers and researchers within Earth Sciences. The sea floor plays a prominent role within the curricula of Geology, from discovering marine environments and the formation of sedimentary rocks, the tectonic activities leading to seafloor spreading which in turn contribute to slab and pull and tectonic plate theories, as well as the creation of new rock beds through igneous processes, to name a few.  

The seabed creates a story of past eras of Earth’s vast history to be interpreted, one of which includes the reversal of the poles. The poster accompanying this abstract provides a hands-on method of demonstrating to students the stripes which appear on the sea floor at the Mid Ocean Ridge and allows students to understand the physical processes which occur for this phenomenon to happen.  

Further activities can then follow on from this, allowing students to explore the data and calculate average rate of sea floor spreading for a particular set of data, link to what is happening at the Mid Atlantic Ridge and how this will shape the world in the future.  

How to cite: Nichol-Gray, J., Harrison, J., Broughton, C., and Butler, F.: Palaeomagnetism at the MOR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12199,, 2025.

The use of Escape Rooms in teaching helps create a more immersive, interactive and engaging learning experience, which promotes the development of a wide range of skills in students. Escape Rooms are based on challenges that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By incorporating them in the educational context, students are encouraged to think analytically and creatively, developing effective solutions within a certain time limit. To overcome the challenges of an Escape Room, students must collaborate and share ideas, skills and knowledge. This promotes teamwork, communication and cooperation-essential skills for the school environment and the job market. By facing challenges in groups and under time pressure, students improve their socio-emotional skills, such as emotion management, empathy and resilience. They learn to deal with frustrations and look for alternatives when faced with obstacles.
The playful and dynamic format of Escape Rooms makes learning more engaging and enjoyable. The game creates an environment of healthy competition, awakening students' intrinsic motivation and increasing their willingness to learn. Instead of absorbing content passively, students are encouraged to engage in active and participatory learning, applying concepts and knowledge in practical and challenging scenarios. This can promote a deeper and lasting understanding of the content.
Escape Rooms require students to analyze information, identify clues, make quick decisions, and adjust their strategies as needed. These skills are fundamental to the learning process, as they foster logical reasoning and the ability to adapt.
Escape Rooms offer an innovative form of assessment, allowing teachers to observe student performance in practical activities, providing a formative assessment that takes into account both knowledge and interaction skills, considering decision-making and problem-solving.
In the poster session I will present a digital Escape Room developed for 7th grade students alluding to the theme of tectonic plates. Here is an example.

Escape Room: "The Mystery of Tectonic Plates"

History: The students are part of a team of geologists who have been given an important mission: discover the cause of a devastating earthquake that occurred in a region close near a geological fault. To do this, they need to uncover clues, solve puzzles and apply knowledge acquired in classes to find the key that will unlock the solution to the mystery before time runs out.

Objective: Students must solve a series of riddles about plate tectonics to find the key that will open the safe containing the solution to the cause of the earthquake and understand how plate tectonics have affected the region.

Digital tools that can be used: Google Forms, Genially e Google Earth

How to cite: Silva, R.: Application of knowledge acquired about Tectonic Plates using a Digital Escape Room, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12426,, 2025.

This study investigates the impact of a multidisciplinary project aimed at enhancing water literacy, digital competencies, and STEM skills among secondary school students while promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 14: Life Below Water). The primary research question explored how participation in this project influenced students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward water conservation and ocean protection.

A mixed-methods approach was used to evaluate the project’s effectiveness. Pre- and post-tests were administered to assess water literacy, consisting of five open-ended questions addressing water resources, oceans, water pollution, and environmental attitudes. Students’ outputs, including posters, digital maps, and robotics coding tasks, were analyzed to gauge skill development. Observational data from collaborative activities with European partner schools through eTwinning, along with feedback from teachers and stakeholders, provided additional qualitative insights.

The pre- and post-test analysis showed a significant improvement in students’ water literacy, with an average increase of 35% in test scores. Students exhibited an enhanced understanding of the water cycle, water resources, and strategies for mitigating water pollution. Their project outputs demonstrated creative and practical applications of STEM and digital skills, particularly in coding virtual robots for underwater litter collection and designing DIY water filtration systems. Collaborative activities with Blue Schools enriching students’ global awareness of ocean-related challenges.

Qualitative findings indicated a notable positive shift in students’ attitudes toward water conservation and environmental responsibility. Many students adopted water-saving practices at home and actively promoted conservation messages within their school and community. Activities such as mapping local water quality through sampling and analysis reinforced the importance of addressing local water issues, while robotics coding tasks highlighted the relevance of technology in solving environmental problems.

The results underscore the effectiveness of integrating STEM education, hands-on learning, and international collaboration in fostering water literacy and environmental stewardship. Partnerships with professional organizations, such as the İSKİ Water Filtration Center, provided authentic learning experiences and strengthened the project’s impact. Future projects could expand to involve more schools and focus on sustained community engagement to amplify the outcomes.

This project demonstrates the potential of interdisciplinary approaches to embed SDGs into school culture. By equipping students with green skills, fostering collaboration, and inspiring action, it serves as a scalable model for integrating water literacy into education to address global sustainability challenges.


Key Words: Water and Ocean Literacy, STEM. Sustainable Development Goals, Education

How to cite: Gökce, A.: Fostering Water Literacy and Green Skills through STEM: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Embedding SDGs in Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12853,, 2025.

Introduction: Freshwater ecosystems are of vital importance in supporting the world's biodiversity. However, increasing plastic pollution and uncontrolled use of bioplastics have serious effects on these sensitive ecosystems. This study was designed to investigate the potential effects of bioplastic consumption in freshwater on aquatic organisms and humans with 6th grade students. In line with the "Life in Water" target of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, this project aims to protect aquatic ecosystems and raise scientific awareness.
Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to understand the effects of bioplastic on species in freshwater and to develop students' experimental thinking skills. This study, designed with the STEM approach, allows students to understand the connections between ecology, chemistry and biology.
Development of STEM and Life Skills: This study develops students' scientific research, critical thinking, problem solving and group work skills. While they gain data collection and analysis skills in the experimental process, they develop their communication competencies during presentation. Students also gain sensitivity to environmental issues and develop individual and social responsibility awareness.

Conclusion: This experimental study increases students' environmental awareness by emphasizing the importance of protecting freshwater ecosystems. At the same time, it promotes sustainability awareness in line with the UN 17 Goals. Students are equipped with scientific knowledge and skills and grow up as individuals who have the potential to develop solutions to global environmental problems.
Keywords: Freshwater Ecosystems, Bioplastic, STEM, Sustainability, 6th Grade.

How to cite: Güler, T.: Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Bioplastic Consumption on Living Organisms and Humans in Freshwater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13157,, 2025.

EGU25-13169 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Analyzing water level changes in Prespa Lake with geospatial tools 

Bojana Aleksova

The Ohrid-Prespa lake system, dating back over 4 million years, is the oldest permanent lake system in Europe. This study focuses on Lake Prespa, a transboundary tectonic lake shared by North Macedonia, Albania, and Greece, which has experienced significant water loss in recent decades due to its sensitivity to external factors such as climate change. Historically, Lake Prespa had a mean depth of 14 m and a maximum depth of 48 m prior to the observed decline in water levels. This research examines changes in the surface extent of Lake Prespa and surrounding vegetation from 1984 to 2023 using satellite imagery, including Landsat 5 and 8 (USGS) and Sentinel-2 (Copernicus Programme). Advanced geospatial analyses were conducted to assess water occurrence, change intensity, seasonality, and maximum water extent. These data provide insights into the spatial and temporal dynamics of surface water, capturing inter-annual variability and long-term trends. An integral component of this research involved a practical project conducted with 10th-grade students. Through collaborative efforts, we explored water-level changes in Lake Prespa over multiple periods, applying GIS and satellite technologies to create thematic models of seasonal water variations over time. This initiative not only enriched the educational experience of the students but also demonstrated the capacity to monitor Lake Prespa effectively and analyze the potential causes of its water-level decline. Hence, the analysis shows that Lake Prespa lost 18.87 km² of surface area, or 6.9% of its total surface, decreasing from 273.38 km² (June 1984) to 254.51 km² (July 2023). The most recent imagery from August 2024 shows a surface area of 252.9 km². The rate of water loss was higher in the periods 1987–1993 and 1998–2004, while the lake's surface area has not varied in the last decade. It is crucial for us, as geoscience educators, to integrate advanced geospatial technologies such as GIS, geoinformatics, and remote sensing into our teaching in the geosciences field. By employing these tools, we can provide our students with hands-on experience in applying cutting-edge methods while deepening their understanding of geosciences through analytical and practical approaches. This project proved highly motivational for my students, as it enabled us to utilize new technologies to explore geoscience topics, learn innovative methods, and uncover original data previously unreported. The process not only inspired the students to engage in scientific discovery but also underscored the value of using modern tools to produce new and meaningful research outcomes. Key findings include a simple mapping of persistent water surfaces, areas with intermittent water presence, and the intensity of changes between two distinct time periods (1984–1999 and 2000–2023). Results reveal notable patterns of water reduction, seasonal shifts, and localized variability.

How to cite: Aleksova, B.: Analyzing water level changes in Prespa Lake with geospatial tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13169,, 2025.

EGU25-13274 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Education from Before to After Disaster 

Zübeyde Gülsün Aslan

FBADEF aims to create disaster awareness and consciousness among children studying in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, to develop measures against disasters and emergencies and to reduce disaster risks.

 Organizing informative activities for students, teachers and parents about disasters and emergencies, ensuring their participation in disaster and emergency trainings, drills and supportive practices,

To ensure the development of in-class and extracurricular educational and social activities such as disaster preparedness, health and safety, etc. in schools,

To ensure the development of disaster awareness and awareness by using effective educational materials and methods (Storybooks, Box games, digital materials, etc.) in order to increase disaster awareness in students and raise awareness about the importance of first response

It was aimed to organize a workshop to evaluate the content and program of 'Disaster Trainer with Stories and Games' training. The target audience was determined as pre-school and primary school students. By reaching indirect families, social awareness and change were targeted.


A ‘GAME CHEST’ consisting of 10 disaster-themed board games was prepared.  An ‘Application Guide’ containing achievement-guidelines for the games was prepared.

5 disaster-themed (earthquake, flood, fire, avalanche, landslide) ‘STORYBOOKS’ were prepared.  Scenarios of the storybooks were fictionalised through animals and pedagogical tests were conducted. The storybooks were published after receiving approval from publication review institutions and organisations.

The training/seminar content and programme to be used for Storyteller and Game Player Trainer Training was prepared by expert teachers and academicians. The training programme and training content were turned into a guide.

‘Disaster Education with Stories and Games’ programme training was given to 82 representative teachers in all provincial centres in the country. The programme and implementation guide were sent to the teachers.

Through 2460 teachers 198.000 students were directly provided with ‘Disaster Education with Stories and Games’. Training hours were planned with pre-school and primary school students. Interactive-active participatory book reading and game playing activities were completed in the classrooms.

Each teacher ensured the use of interactive materials with approximately 80 students in 2460 schools across the country. Trainings were organised in 330 schools in earthquake zone provinces.

Less printed materials and more digital materials were used for the preparation, implementation and sustainability of the project. Thus, the project contributed to the national economy and sustainable environmental understanding. Recycled paper and wood materials were used in the preparation of board games.

With the use of project outputs; it is aimed to develop individual disaster awareness about the dangers and risks that individuals may face in disasters that we frequently experience in our country and in the World.

Ensuring the sustainability of the project Project activities are carried out continuously in order to develop disaster preparedness culture. Feedback from students and parents is very positive. Our country has experienced severe earthquakes. As a result, even our earthquake survivor children have implicit gains from storybooks and board games. Children were distanced from disaster traumas in a fun way and gained disaster awareness. Having an implementation manual ensured unity and objectivity in trainings.

How to cite: Aslan, Z. G.: Education from Before to After Disaster, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13274,, 2025.

Given the extensive impact of human activities on the marine environments during the last decades (e.g. climate warming, pollution, and habitat degradation), remote areas such as the little-explored deep-sea ecosystems need protection and long-term stewardship of their goods and services. Deep-sea ecosystems play a crucial role in global ecological balance by connecting with shallow-water and continental productivity, mirroring humanity’s increasing dependence on ecosystem services at both, local and global scales. Therefore, to foster a sustainable future, it is essential to educate younger generations about their connection to ecosystems that extend beyond local geographies, e.g. deep-sea biome, its resources, and its services. This can raise awareness about our global limits to growth and inspire a commitment to protecting the legacy of pristine environments.

To address this need, I developed a project with my students to explore humanity’s connections to the deep-sea environment. The project aimed to examine the fundamental components and processes that govern deep-sea ecosystems (biological, chemical, physical), and their links to cultural and economic interests (e.g. scientific research, archaeology, deep-sea mining). Students were trained to use Google Earth, GIS resources, data repositories, and virtual imagery to investigate the biodiversity of deep-sea ecosystems in a dynamic and changing ocean environment. They analyzed distribution patterns and assessed the impacts of pollution and global warming on these ecosystems.

The project included independent research, group collaborations, and hands-on tasks focused on marine biodiversity distribution, endangered species, habitat conservation, and the effects of ocean pollution and climate warming on deep-sea life. Students were encouraged to use critical thinking to analyze data, make predictions, create graphs, and draw inferences on the probability of endangered species' short and long-term survival. Students became familiar with the methods and technology used in deep-sea exploration and collaborated effectively to propose innovative solutions to environmental challenges. This multidisciplinary approach integrated knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics, geography, and math with creative activities like role-playing, drawing, 3D modeling, and designing informational leaflets. These activities illustrated humanity’s connection to the deep sea, even in areas far from coastlines.

To enhance their communication skills, students used Canva and Prezi platforms to create engaging presentations. They also developed artistic outputs such as posters, leaflets, and models, and engaged in scratch coding and role-playing activities. Knowledge assessments involved students presenting their findings to peers, emphasizing soft skills like public speaking and collaboration. Projects were evaluated based on the accuracy of scientific information, creativity, originality, and potential community impact. The initiative culminated in a showcase event, where parents, friends, and peers reviewed the students' work and participated in discussions. This experience not only deepened students’ understanding of human-driven impacts on deep-sea ecosystems but also equipped them with the skills to become informed advocates for environmental stewardship.

How to cite: Burghelea, C. and Zaharescu, D.: Deep-sea ecosystems under school’s radar: linking human increased connectivity with diminished ocean biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13488,, 2025.

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) has collected a megalodon (Otodus megalodon) tooth coated with a manganese crust from a depth of 3090 m in the Pacific Ocean. This surprising find of remains from this iconic prehistoric predator provides a captivating real-world case study to engage students and inspire inquiry into deep-sea exploration.

We present the design of an inquiry-based proposal for a Grade 11 Geology and Environmental Science class, inspired by this recent discovery. The project is based on the Study and Research Paths (SRP) as developed within the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD). This methodology leverages the dynamics of scientific inquiry to foster the learning process. The proposal begins with an open and complex scenario, prompting students to investigate an initial guiding question. This generating question leads to the emergence of derived questions, whose exploration requires students to study and construct new knowledge, as well as develop tools to formulate answers. Furthermore, the proposed SRP adopts an interdisciplinary perspective by integrating mathematical and chemical skills into the geological research process.

By focusing the investigation on the data and knowledge gained from analysing the megalodon tooth and its deep-sea context, students will develop research skills while enhancing their understanding of seafloor geology. In particular, the petrological and radiometric analysis of the surrounding pillow basalts of Early Cretaceous age will lead them to work on the evidence supporting the plate tectonics theory. Other contextualized information, as the tooth’s location on the Mid-Pacific Mountains range or the chemical analysis of the ferromanganese crust, will have them inquire about the topography of the oceanic crust and the precipitation of trace elements on these deep ocean environments. Finally, students are expected to critically debate on the potential economic, scientific, and environmental impacts of the exploitation of the mineralogic richness of the seafloor.

In this research, we examine on one hand the conditions that facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration between scientific disciplines, understanding this as a genuine integration rather than mere superposition. On the other hand, we aim to identify the teaching tools that best support this interdisciplinary approach.

How to cite: Orlandi-Oliveras, G. and Vásquez, S.: The discovery of a megalodon tooth on a ferromanganese nodule: An interdisciplinary Study and Research Path on the data derived from seafloor exploration., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13635,, 2025.

EGU25-13825 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Virtually navigating the ocean using ArcGIS Online and other VR tools 

Crina Elefteriu

                    Integrating ArcGIS Online into the geography curriculum offers a transformative approach to teaching that enhances student engagement, collaboration, and hands-on understanding of geographic concepts. This integration not only modernizes the learning experience but also aligns with contemporary educational needs. While using GIS in education offers numerous benefits, some educators may face challenges in implementing these technologies due to resource limitations or lack of training. Addressing these barriers is essential to maximizing the potential of GIS in geography education.

            Bringing the ocean into the classroom, using GIS technology, is just the beginning. The European project "GIS FOR GIST OF EUROPE", a KA220 partnership running from December 2022 to May 2025, aims to revolutionize science teaching by integrating GIS and a holistic approach to climate change. Our project has demonstrated that learning about climate change can be not only informative, but also engaging and relevant to everyday life. Through GIS, we have opened up new horizons in education about our oceans.

            Interactive learning with ArcGIS Online promotes an active learning environment where students can explore real-world data, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Authentic applications of GIS in marine geography include marine habitat analysis, fisheries management, and climate change monitoring, providing students with valuable opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts. The goal is to cultivate a generation of young people who understand the complexity of global issues and are prepared to take action. GIS provides opportunities to explore credible climate science content and age-appropriate hands-on activities that can be designed to focus on local perspectives rather than just global environments.

            StoryMaps allow students to analyze maps based on recent data, improving understanding of coral bleaching, ocean acidification, underwater landform dynamics. Practical applications in the curriculum have at the end of this project for use lesson plans for hydrology, case studies related to climate change in the oceans and on shores and a major course for learning ArcGIS, etc. Geospatial analysis using climate change and urban planning, both from ArcGIS Online and Map Maker generates practical applications of geography. ArcGIS offers comprehensive tools for mapping and examining spatial data, which can be overlaid with AR to illustrate delivery trajectories and environmental parameters.

            However, some educators may articulate concerns about the reliance on technological tools in the educational setting. They argue that conventional pedagogical approaches cultivate critical thinking and interpersonal skills that can be negatively affected in a technology-dominated environment. However, incorporating ArcGIS Online can enhance traditional methodologies by presenting a harmonized strategy that combines both technological resources and critical analytical skills, ultimately enhancing the geographic educational setting.


How to cite: Elefteriu, C.: Virtually navigating the ocean using ArcGIS Online and other VR tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13825,, 2025.

EGU25-13897 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Seafloor Mapping and 3D watching Teaching activities 

Ionel Cîrnaru

Starting from the NMEA (National Marine Educators Association) principle ”The ocean covers 70% of Earth, but less than 20% of it has been mapped, observed, and explored”, I propose to my 9 -11 grade students an education theme from NOAA Ocean Exploration about seafloor mapping. In these lessons, students develop and use models to explore seafloor features; analyze and interpret data to explain how multibeam sonar is used to identify patterns of ocean floor structures; construct three-dimensional maps; and learn how multibeam sonar technology extends the measurement and exploration capacity of modern ocean exploration.

My students could explore in a specific learning activities, underwater feature while combining interactive tools like maps, videos, and expedition logs, and provides opportunity to practice observation and critical thinking skills.

The results of the learning activities and students' assessments will be included in an online collaborative Padlet space.




How to cite: Cîrnaru, I.: Seafloor Mapping and 3D watching Teaching activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13897,, 2025.

There is little debate that student engagement is essential in the development of lifelong learners — hands-on activities and models play a crucial role in helping students internalize science lessons, especially in the context of earth science. These activities make learning more engaging and when students actively participate in analysis of real scientific data or manipulate models, they are more likely to be curious, to be motivated to explore the subject matter and feel more a part of the scientific process. Models provide a tangible representation of abstract concepts and complex processes. In this exercise, students are exposed to actual data from legacy ocean sediment cores from the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) which can then be correlated to major climatic shifts alongside the GISP2 ice core. Promoting collaboration and communication skills, students work together to analyze data, discover relationships and discuss findings — mirroring the teamwork that is involved in scientific research.

How to cite: Thesenga, D.: Making Climate Change Connections: An Inquiry Into High Resolution Ice Cores and Ocean Marine Sediment Records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14278,, 2025.

EGU25-19033 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

We and the ocean... 209 kms apart. 

Irene Alves and Alexandra Vaz

Environmental education in Portuguese schools aims to promote awareness and increase the sensitivity of children and young people to environmental and sustainable issues, encouraging their active participation in decision-making and in solving environmental problems. It also aims to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices in everyday life, both individually and collectively. Children and young people are encouraged to develop skills, attitudes and values that enable them to adopt responsible and sustainable behavior towards the environment. To this end, projects are developed, often interdisciplinary, which aim to train aware and responsible citizens, capable of contributing to building a more sustainable and ecologically balanced society.

In the Portuguese educational system, in the subject of Natural Sciences, 7th grade students study the external dynamics of the Earth, describe the landscape around the school, identify some minerals in hand samples of rocks and minerals and relate the action of external geodynamic agents to the shaping of different landscapes, focusing on the Portuguese context. They also study the structure and internal dynamics of the Earth, summarizing information on the Theory of Continental Drift, describing the morphology of the ocean floor and relating the expansion and destruction of the ocean floor to the Theory of Plate Tectonics and the constancy of the Earth's volume and mass.

In the 8th grade, the subject of Natural Sciences covers aspects related to the conditions necessary for the existence of life on Earth, exploring the dynamics between the Earth's subsystems, allowing for a plural and unfinished scientific interpretation of the evolution of life on the planet and recognizing the importance of scientific knowledge in promoting the sustainability of planet Earth. The aim is for students to become aware of the impact of human intervention on the Earth and the need to adopt active and fair citizenship behaviors that are consistent with sustainable development. Another aim is to interpret the influence of some polluting agents on ecosystems, starting from local or regional problems and critically analyzing the results obtained.

The D. Afonso III School Group in Vinhais and the Abade de Baçal School Group in Bragança, are located in the north of Portugal, more than 200 kilometers from the coast. The students in these schools have sporadic contact with the ocean, often restricted to the summer holidays and when they go on field trips to the coast. The 7th and 8th graders were challenged to think locally in order to act globally: to what extent are they really aware that their actions, in a region so far from the coast, actually have an impact on the ocean? Does sea pollution have any impact on the daily lives of residents in the municipalities of Vinhais and Bragança?

How to cite: Alves, I. and Vaz, A.: We and the ocean... 209 kms apart., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19033,, 2025.

The Geological Society’s Education team are dedicated to inspiring the next generation of geoscientists through innovative educational resources as well as creative and welcoming outreach initiatives. This poster presentation will highlight the range of free, accessible resources designed to support teachers engaging students with key geoscience concepts, focusing on new and improved resources that illustrate the oceanic carbon cycle and plate tectonics.

Our digital resources, curriculum-aligned teaching materials, and hands-on activities aim to foster inquiry-based learning and critical thinking skills. Through our educational resources we strive to nuture a deeper understanding of geoscience among young learners while also empowering teachers with the tools and knowledge they need to inspire their students in the classroom.

This presentation will showcase the breadth of relevant teaching resources available to educators across Europe and open the discussion of strategies for integrating them into classrooms to continue to build a more geoscientifically engaged generation.

How to cite: Quinn, S., Akingbade, A., and O'Donnell, M.: Educational Resources from The Geological Society: helping learners understand key geoscience concepts to discover the ocean and sea floor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19367,, 2025.

EGU25-19441 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Simulatión of crystallization on the Mediterranean sea floor in the Messinian: 

Pedro Soler Nuñez and Rosa Galera Pérez


A crystal is characterized by a highly ordered internal structure, which manifests itself externally in flat and well-defined faces [1]. This internal order is the result of a repetitive arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules.

Approximately 5 million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea experienced a drastic reduction in its level, an event known as the Messinian Crisis [2]. During this period, large thicknesses of salts were deposited on the sea floor, the result of the evaporation of water and the subsequent crystallization of dissolved minerals (carbonates, gypsum and soluble salts).

It is well known that a practical method to obtain crystals in the laboratory is through the drying of a brine [3, 4]. In this work, an experimental activity is proposed to simulate, on a laboratory scale, the conditions that led to the formation of these saline deposits present in the Mediterranean Sea. Through this practice, high school students will be able to understandthe principles of crystallization and the methods of crystal synthesis in a deeper way, some of which are evaporation crystallization, crystallization from a solution and gel crystallization [4]. In addition, the relevance of crystallization in large-scale geological processes will be studied.


· To understand the process of crystallization in nature

· To simulate and learn about extreme sedimentary environments

Secondary objectives

· To practice obtaining pure substances in solution.

· To separate substances in the form of crystals

· To prepare students for undergraduate studies

Materials and methods

Materials: oven, stove, hot plate, microscope, binocular magnifying glass, precision balance, stirrer, beakers, crystallizers, watch glass, glass rods, thermometers, mortars, bunsen burners, distilled water, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, anhydrite, common salt, Himalayan salt, magnesium, iron, potassium and gels.

Methods: Use of different techniques to crystallize substances soluble and insoluble in water: Crystallization by evaporation, crystallization from a solution and gel crystallization [5]. To carry out the crystallizations, the following procedure is generally followed: Preparation of the solution: the desired amount of substance is weighed on a scale based on its solubility, and is added together with the necessary volume of water to a container to heat the mixture with intermittent stirring.


By using different crystallisation techniques, materials and working conditions, different substances will be created and they will reflect the deposits that originated in the Mediterranean Sea 5 million years ago. In addition, the influence of certain factors such as the density of the nuclei, the degree of supersaturation, the presence of impurities, the available space or the cooling speed on the shape and size of the crystal will be studied.

Likewise, through the study of the most relevant evaporite rocks of Andalusia, with special mention to the Pulpí Geode in Almería and the gypsum of Sorbas, their economic importance will be revealed.


[1] Amorós, J.L. (1982).

[2] Krinjgsman, Wout, et al.

[3] Burillo, María José Mayayo; OLIETE, Alfonso Yuste.

[4] Benavente García, D. et al; Enseñ. Cienc. Tierra 2018,

[5] Aguado Bernal, Rafael, et al. 2013.

How to cite: Soler Nuñez, P. and Galera Pérez, R.: Simulatión of crystallization on the Mediterranean sea floor in the Messinian:, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19441,, 2025.

EGU25-19974 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Ocean in a jar 

Linda Morgissi

The Ocean in a jar

The study of chemical-physical conditions of ocean waters and marine sediments is essential to understand the anthropogenic and natural causes of climate change. Extreme weather events and variations in atmospheric parameters are severely impacting ecosystems and society. Understanding the natural causes of climate changes is important for comprehending how and when the climate changes, and it helps to evaluate the human impact on climate variability, one of the biggest challenges of modern society.

Laboratory activities on this topic bring students closer to environments and processes that are otherwise far from their direct experience. Two different experiments are proposed: the first to explain the interaction between oceans and atmosphere and the chemical-physical variations induced by the increase in carbon dioxide; the second one provides basic knowledge of the natural causes that led to climatic variations in the geological past, recorded in marine sediments.

The first experiment uses a closed jar containing water and a pH indicator to show the chemical reaction between carbon dioxide and water, simulating acidification. The second experiment reconstructs an ocean floor in a transparent glass container to simulate sediment deposition in glacial phases (sedimentation with white sand) and interglacial phases (sedimentation of black sand incorporated in ice cubes).

In the first case observations show a decrease in pH due to the formation of carbonic acid, explaining ocean acidification due to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the second case, simulating the retreat and the advance of ice sheets depending on temperature fluctuations (recreated by melting ice cubes), the observations suggests that the sediments deposited during glacial phases are different from those deposited during interglacial phases. The sediments record the environment and climate at the time they were deposited and they represent evidence of the most significant climate variations in Earth's history.

By means of this activity, starting from the study of natural processes, the students, using the scientific method, could formulate hypotheses and verify them through models created in class that simulate such processes. Open questions and in-depth analysis, created a debate on a topic, which also represents one of the AGENDA 2030’s challenges for sustainable development, concerning goals 14 and 13.



How to cite: Morgissi, L.: Ocean in a jar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19974,, 2025.

This study examines the educational effects of live video broadcasts from the JOIDES Resolution research vessel as a means of engaging middle school students in ocean exploration. By providing real-time footage of sea-floor investigations, students were immersed in an experience that broadened their understanding of marine science, geology, and scientific methods. The broadcast enabled students to observe fieldwork, ask questions, and interact with scientists, sparking curiosity and advancing STEM education. The findings underscore the potential of live-streaming technology as an innovative tool to bring complex scientific research into classrooms, offering students a hands-on learning experience without leaving their schools. The results suggest that such experiences can inspire the next generation of scientists and strengthen their connection to global scientific efforts.

How to cite: Stellato, L.: Exploring sea-floor by means a live video broadcast from the Joides Resolution research vessel: a unique experience for middle school students. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20612,, 2025.

EGU25-20696 | Posters on site | EOS5.2

Discovering the Floor of Lake Van 

Emre Bahar

Lake Van ranks fourth in the world and first in Turkey in terms of surface area. It is also the largest soda lake globally, with a surface area of 3,614 km² and a volume of 607 km³. The lake, which is 600,000 years old, has a pH of 9.8. Due to its vast size, locals often refer to it as the "sea" rather than the "lake." Only a few organisms inhabit the saline-soda waters of Lake Van. Among them, the endemic pearl mullet is the most well-known. A limited number of plankton species also live in the lake.

Another fascinating feature of the lake is its large formations resembling coral reefs, called "microbialites." These rock-like structures are formed by photosynthesizing cyanobacteria and certain microalgae that precipitate calcium carbonate from the surrounding water. While microbialites were once widespread on Earth millions of years ago, they are now found in only a few locations. The microbialites in Lake Van are the largest in the world, ranging in size from 30 cm to 18 meters and located at depths of 1.5 to 22 meters. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sarı and his team from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University have documented water discharge from the microbialites, a phenomenon previously only theoretically known.

In 2018, a new fish species measuring 5 cm in length was discovered living on a microbialite in Lake Van. Named "Lake Van Small Coral Fish," this species was first identified by the Van Provincial Gendarmerie Command Underwater Teams.

Other notable discoveries include a Russian shipwreck and submerged cities on the lake floor. Lake Van has also been impacted by global warming and a reduction in its surface and groundwater inflows. Recent years have seen significant water receding, revealing microbialites and underground cities.

In a project under my supervision, we are studying the effects of global warming on Lake Van, with ongoing research as of this date. Additionally, the basin where Lake Van is located, the Nemrut Caldera, has the potential to become a UNESCO Geopark, with related efforts currently underway. My students are also conducting SWOT analyses regarding this potential.


How to cite: Bahar, E.: Discovering the Floor of Lake Van, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20696,, 2025.

EGU25-1586 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Advancing Students' Climate Literacy: A Case from the International Summer School of Remote Sensing in Ukraine 

Mariia Biletska, Stanislav Dovgyi, and Svitlana Babiichuk

The demand for implementing the observation and monitoring of the surface of our planet has never been higher than today. In recent years, we have faced many challenges in adapting and mitigating the tremendous consequences of climate change in different parts of the world. Nowadays, people in Ukraine are dealing with a full-scale war that has affected not only the environment but also the social sphere, including education. It is of the utmost importance that the current schoolchildren are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with the consequences of today's challenges in the future.

The International Summer School on Remote Sensing is organised by the GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory at the National Centre "Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". It is an annual, free online educational event for secondary school students on the basics of Remote Sensing, where students from Ukraine and other countries get acquainted with and work with the platforms of the European Space Agency and NASA. For the first time, the International Summer School was held in 2019 in Ukraine and since 2021 it has been organised annually online. Participants from 23 countries attended the School, such as Poland, USA, Kenya, India, Slovakia, Lebanon, Philippines, Indonesia, Guatemala, Romania, Yemen, Pakistan, Germany, Venezuela, Nigeria, India, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Peru, Ghana, South Africa, Lithuania, Ethiopia.

The program of the School consists of 5 classes (including lectures and hands-on practice) and a final meeting, where students present their group projects on using satellite data in environmental research. During the School, students are formed into small groups of 2-3 people to prepare their projects while improving their communication and collaboration skills. During teamwork, students apply the knowledge they have gained throughout the school. The students' most common topics are wildfires, deforestation, glacial melting, eutrophication of water bodies, urban expansion, air quality, volcanic eruptions, etc.

The outcomes of the International Summer School on Remote Sensing for schoolchildren have developed skills in analysing satellite images and the ability to identify the research problem, formulate a hypothesis and apply satellite monitoring data to investigate the issues. These skills help students develop climate literacy and critical thinking, as well as the ability to create research projects and further develop in the academic field. Before and after the summer school, we conduct surveys among students to understand the dynamics of improving their skills and changing their attitudes toward the use of remote sensing technologies in the study and understanding of climate change. In the final survey, 71,4% of students indicated that the knowledge and skills they acquired during the Summer School will help them to make science projects in their schools and 42.9% of students stated that Remote Sensing education will help them to achieve their goals.

How to cite: Biletska, M., Dovgyi, S., and Babiichuk, S.: Advancing Students' Climate Literacy: A Case from the International Summer School of Remote Sensing in Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1586,, 2025.

EGU25-2004 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Sediment transportation and sorting in different environments 

Jodie Nichol-Gray

Sediment transportation and sorting in different environments 

Jodie Nichol-Gray 

Sediment sorting is a key way for students to be able to identify the possible environment in which sediment was originally deposited. This is a key aspect of sedimentary geology and as such, an important factor for students to understand. The process of sediment deposition allows for our students to have an understanding of past climates, which in turn can lead to the understanding of how rocks are formed and the minerals and opportunities which may lie within these rocks for future global needs. 

This poster creates a simple way for students to gain an understanding of how transportation impacts sediment and therefore dictates the rocks which are subsequently formed. The experiment can be altered to create a variety of environments (aeolian, fluvial, playa lakes and wadis etc). Students can experiment with different techniques to view what happens to sediment under different circumstances. This can then be followed up with a simple sieve experiment where students can analyse the sediment they have accumulated to determine the sorting that has occurred, providing opportunity for students to practice their maths skills and cumulative logs. 

How to cite: Nichol-Gray, J.: Sediment transportation and sorting in different environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2004,, 2025.

EGU25-2057 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

The key role of practical activities in geoscience education. 

Isabelle Veltz and Virginie Bour

In the school curriculum of French children, 1/3 of the programs of the « Life and Earth Sciences” (SVT) are devoted to geosciences. Considered as a societal issue, geosciences are at the heart of high school programs, whether this teaching is chosen by students as a specialty or not. The public affected is therefore very wide and heterogeneous.

The practical approach, particularly through modelling, simulation or direct observation is a crucial lever to help all students grasp sometimes complicated concepts.

Geosciences combine entities of volume, time and space at very different scales : from the crystalline mesh to the entire orogen, from the limestone to the foraminiferous, from the duration of a varve to that of eons ; scales with which it is necessary to be able to juggle.

We propose here different practical activities carried out by our high school students that make it possible to make the Earth Sciences concrete and tangible. In addition, these activities that value multiple skills allow students to discover the richness of geoscience disciplines  and the different professions related to it.

How to cite: Veltz, I. and Bour, V.: The key role of practical activities in geoscience education., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2057,, 2025.

How to study the small particles of the solar system while staying on my street?

Student work supervised by Christophe Verna, SVT teacher


As part of the 2024 Geoscience Olympiad, whose theme was "Geology on my street", I supervised a group of students with the aim of collecting micrometeorites at the high school. They then posed the following problem: How to study the small particles of the solar system while staying on my street?

To begin, the students designed two micrometeorite collection systems: On the one hand, a system designed from a plastic bottle equipped with powerful magnets and then connected to a gutter collecting rain from a large glass roof of the high school; on the other hand, a system designed from a stretched tarpaulin, with a hole in the middle and connected to a sieving column. They then looked in the collected samples for structures with the shape and appearance of micrometeorites using binocular magnifying glasses. They identified a few dozen specimens. All that remained was to analyze them. They then contacted Mr. Leroux, director of the Chevreul Institute in Villeneuve d'Ascq, a CNRS research unit working in the field of chemistry and materials. They were thus able to observe in more detail the surface and chemical composition of these particles using a scanning electron microscope. After analysis, the extraterrestrial origin of some of this dust was indeed confirmed!

In the end, the students were satisfied to have completed this investigation. This collective work based on experimentation, the experimental approach, the creation of prototypes, allowed the students to develop their autonomy and to deepen their knowledge of the solar system.

How to cite: Verna, C.: How to study the small particles of the solar system while staying on my street?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2396,, 2025.

EGU25-4492 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

A Sea of Opportunities - Exploring interdisciplinarity for ocean sustainability 

Ana Cristina Marques Figueiredo

Practical work, particularly field-based work, is essential in science education as it allows students to actively engage with real-world contexts, fostering deeper understanding of scientific concepts, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry skills (Almeida et al., 2001; Millar, 2004). The project "A Sea of Opportunities" was designed with these principles in mind and implemented in May 2024 at St. Paul’s School in Coimbra, Portugal. This project followed Nir Orion's three-moment methodology (Orion, 1993; Orion & Hofstein, 1994): first, in-school sessions introduced the scientific base concepts, the goals, tasks, and the field class location, familiarizing students with what to expect. The second phase was the field class itself, and the third involved post-fieldwork classroom activities to consolidate learning.
The project was grounded in the Student Profile at the End of Compulsory Education (PASEO) (Martins, 2017) and the Domains of Curricular Autonomy (DAC), as established by Portuguese law in Diário da República n.º 149/2018, described as “an intersection of learning from different disciplines that explores pedagogical-didactic paths, privileging practical and/or experimental work and the development of research, relational, and analytical skills.” This interdisciplinary initiative also aligned with the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 13: Climate Action, which focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and SDG 14: Life Below Water, which emphasizes the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources (United Nations, n.d.).
Students began by researching the historical and contemporary importance of the ocean to Portugal and to the world in general. A field trip to the rocky shore of Buarcos, Figueira da Foz, introduced students to the intertidal ecosystem, where they worked in groups to observe, photograph, and identify marine species, as well as measure the pH and temperature of the water in tide pools. They also collected algae samples and applied the quadrat sampling method for organism counting, focusing on the methodology rather than complex biodiversity index calculations. Additionally, the students contributed to marine conservation by collecting beach litter, following an adapted version of the "Guideline for Monitoring Marine Litter on the Beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area" (OSPAR Commission, 2010).
Back in the classroom, students monitored the drying process of algae specimens and curated an herbarium (algarium) for the school. These activities not only enhanced their understanding of ecological methodologies but also highlighted the critical role of individual and collective actions in protecting the oceans and marine ecosystems.
The feedback from students was very positive. They showed considerable interest, enthusiasm, and engagement throughout the activities, particularly during fieldwork. Building on this success, the field trip to the rocky shore of Buarcos will be repeated this year. This progression reflects the potential of interdisciplinary and practical activities to inspire meaningful learning experiences.

How to cite: Marques Figueiredo, A. C.: A Sea of Opportunities - Exploring interdisciplinarity for ocean sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4492,, 2025.

EGU25-5115 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Which Earth Science Topics Do You Like the Most? A Survey Among Italian Upper Secondary School Students 

Teresita Gravina and Alessandro Iannace

Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences) are mandatory subjects across various types of Italian high schools. Among the three disciplines, Earth Sciences are underrepresented compared to Biology and Chemistry in terms of curricular emphasis (Occhipinti, 2014; Boniello, 2016). The Italian guidelines for Natural Sciences, modified since 2010, integrate Earth Sciences into the curriculum for either four or one year(s), depending on the type of upper secondary school. These guidelines cover topics such as Earth movements, geomorphology, minerals and rocks, volcanoes and seismicity, and global tectonics.

To support Italian Natural Sciences teachers in Earth Science education, a five-year Earth Science curriculum was developed, emphasizing STEM competencies, student-centered learning, and the integration of authentic data (Gravina T. & Iannace A., 2024a). All along the 2024/25 academic year, this curriculum will be experimentally implemented in selected schools following teacher training sessions and teacher and students pre-/post-evaluation using validated questionnaires (Gravina T. & Iannace A., 2024b). Fourteen upper secondary schools from across Italy participated in the experimental phase, involving approximately 40 teachers and 3,000 students. The pre-surveys examined students' needs, interests, and self-confidence in Earth Sciences, with particular attention to their preferences regarding topics included in the Italian National Guidelines.

Preliminary results revealed that, among the Earth Science topics outlined in the Italian National Guidelines, students expressed less interest in geological subjects such as plate tectonics and minerals and rocks. Conversely, they appeared more engaged with topics like astronomical geography, which are no longer included in the Italian National Guidelines for Natural Sciences and are not traditionally classified as Earth Science topics. These findings offer valuable insights for teachers and researchers in Earth Science education, first of all the question how much dislike for such topics is a consequence of the way they are taught and, consequently, supporting the elaboration of educational materials and activities designed to engage students and raise their interest in Earth Science topics.

How to cite: Gravina, T. and Iannace, A.: Which Earth Science Topics Do You Like the Most? A Survey Among Italian Upper Secondary School Students, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5115,, 2025.

In recent years, 3D printing has emerged as a transformative tool in education, providing students with hands-on learning experiences that deepen their understanding of complex concepts. By integrating 3D printing into the curriculum, educators can enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes across various subjects, particularly in the fields of earth science and seismology.

3D printing allows students to visualize and interact with abstract concepts, making it an invaluable resource in the classroom. Traditional teaching methods often rely on static images and diagrams, which can limit comprehension. In contrast, 3D printed models offer tangible representations of complex systems, enabling students to explore and manipulate these models for a more immersive learning experience.

One engaging project for undergraduate students is to design and create a 3D printed seismology model that illustrates how seismic waves travel through different layers of the Earth. This project can help students understand the structure of the Earth, the behaviour of tectonic plates, and the principles behind earthquake generation and measurement. Students begin by researching the Earth’s layers (crust, mantle, outer core, inner core) and the types of seismic waves (P-waves and S-waves) generated during an earthquake.Using 3D modeling software, students create a layered model of the Earth, highlighting different materials and colors for each layer. They can also incorporate features that represent tectonic plate boundaries. Students can design small waveforms or arrows that represent the movement of seismic waves through the model, illustrating how these waves differ in speed and behaviour as they pass through various materials. Once the design is complete, students use slicing software to prepare the model for printing and then print the pieces using the 3D printer. After printing, students assemble the model and present their findings to the class, explaining how seismic waves travel through the Earth and how they relate to tectonic activity.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will gain a deeper understanding of the Earth’s internal structure and how seismic waves are generated and transmitted.
  • The project fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students engage in research, design, and collaboration.
  • By creating a physical model, students enhance their spatial reasoning and visualization abilities.

By incorporating 3D printing into earth science curricula, educators can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosity and enthusiasm. Students not only engage with the material in a hands-on way but also develop valuable skills in technology, collaboration, and creativity.

3D printing is revolutionizing education by offering students innovative ways to explore complex concepts in earth science. By engaging in projects like the seismology model, undergraduate students can enhance their understanding of seismic activity, tectonic plates, and the Earth’s internal structure. As educators embrace this technology, they can cultivate a more engaging and effective learning experience that prepares students for future challenges in science and technology.

How to cite: Profiroiu, C.: Integrating 3D Printing in Education: Enhancing Student Engagement through Seismology Projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5225,, 2025.

EGU25-5557 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Teachers’ professional development in Italy: assessment of EGU Geoscience Education Field Officer (GEFO) programme after five years of activity 

Giulia Realdon, Teresita Gravina, Michelina Occhioni, Alessandra Beccaceci, Lucia Stacchiotti, Maria Chiara Invernizzi, and Eleonora Paris

In this age of rapid environmental changes, geoscience education becomes even more necessary to achieve sustainability across the ecological transition. In front of this need, in Italy, as well as in many other countries, the teaching of geosciences – even if it is prescribed in all grades of compulsory education – is often neglected, mainly for lack of specific teachers’ training.

To overcome this criticality, in 2019 EGU appointed, trained, and funded four Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFOs) to run practical workshops on curricular geoscience topics for teachers in four European countries (France, Italy, Portugal and Spain), followed by more GEFOs enrolled in the successive years. One of authors (G. Realdon) was appointed as GEFO for Italy.

Italian GEFO’s activity, started in July 2019, then interrupted by COVID-19 pandemic in the period from early 2020 to fall 2021, resumed at full swing in fall 2022 and has been continuing steadily to present.

Since the beginning, the outcomes of the workshops have been monitored through an evaluation questionnaire, agreed and applied by all GEFOs in their respective countries.

The number of workshops carried out in Italy between 2019 and 2024 amounts to 37, with 562 participants in 12 regions spanning the whole country.

Most of the teachers (88.2%) were women, 78.3% consisted of confirmed teachers and 54% had been teaching for 7-25 years. Lower secondary school teachers accounted for 36 % of the sample, followed by primary school teachers (27.2%) and upper secondary school teachers (23.7%).

Teachers’ appreciation of the workshop was assessed through three 5-point Likert scale questions.  A question about teachers’ interest in the workshops obtained a mean score of 4.82, another about their professional interest received a mean score of 4.72 and a third one about their interest in attending other workshops obtained a 4.75 mean score.

Finally, teachers were asked for comments about the workshops and suggestions for future workshops. These open answers were analysed through deductive content analysis, by applying the coding categories already used in previous studies on GEFO workshops’ participants.

The collected comments were 396, 31.6% of which expressing general appreciation for the workshop and the trainer, 26% praising the practical aspects, and 20.7% the theoretical/pedagogical knowledge provided by the workshop. The suggestions provided by the teachers were 95, 36.8% of which proposing to address other topics or subjects, and 26.3% providing methodological/organizational recommendations.  Finally, requests for more or longer workshops or expressions of general approval (e.g., “go on this way”) together accounted for 38.4% of the answers.

These results encourage the continuation and - if possible - the expansion of the project to reach more teachers. There remains the critical issue represented by the fact that still a large proportion of Italian natural sciences teachers do not receive adequate academic or in-service training in the geosciences: only a national initiative by the Ministry of Education could reach all teachers who need it and - through them - future Italian citizens.

How to cite: Realdon, G., Gravina, T., Occhioni, M., Beccaceci, A., Stacchiotti, L., Invernizzi, M. C., and Paris, E.: Teachers’ professional development in Italy: assessment of EGU Geoscience Education Field Officer (GEFO) programme after five years of activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5557,, 2025.

EGU25-5702 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Geosciences at the Core of STEM Learning: Highlights from the 2024 Măgurele Summer School 

Dragos Tataru, Cristina Simionescu, Eduard Nastase, Bogdan Cerbu, Alexandra Petrescu, Alexandru Macovei, and Andrada Puisor

The Măgurele Science and Technology Summer School (MSciTeh) is an annual initiative dedicated to advancing STEM education with a strong emphasis on geosciences, organized through a collaboration of leading research institutes, universities, and NGOs. Participants, including STEM pre-university teachers and undergraduate students pursuing a didactic career path, engaged in diverse activities that balanced theoretical learning with hands-on applications. The program was structured around two main components: fieldwork activities and visits to advanced research infrastructures

Fieldwork activities emphasized Romania’s unique geological heritage, with participants visiting the Buzău Land UNESCO Geopark to study geological formations such as active mud volcanoes and analyze processes like erosion and sedimentation in natural environments. These field experiences allowed participants to connect geoscience concepts to real-world phenomena, deepening their understanding of Earth’s dynamic processes and their implications for environmental sustainability. Complementing these field explorations, participants also engaged in research infrastructure visits and laboratory-based workshops providing insights into cutting-edge scientific tools and techniques used in Earth Science monitoring and research. These visits highlighted the role of state-of-the-art research infrastructures in addressing global challenges such as natural hazard mitigation and climate resilience. 

Collaborative projects were a core element of the program. Participants worked in interdisciplinary teams to tackle contemporary geoscience challenges, such as sustainable resource management and climate adaptation. Workshops utilizing advanced GIS tools supported these projects, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. Guest lectures further enriched the experience, providing insights into the latest research and innovative teaching methodologies. A highlight of the program was the one-day workshop delivered by the EGU Geoscience Field Officers (GEFOs), who utilized Earth Learning Idea activities to demonstrate innovative, classroom-ready approaches for engaging students in Earth Science concepts. ( 

Beyond the structured activities, the 2024 edition of MSciTeh distinguished itself through its international reach, made possible through the support of the EGU Geosciences Education Events (GEE) program, which significantly enhanced its impact. Educators and instructors from various countries brought diverse perspectives and pedagogical approaches, promoting the exchange of best practices and strengthening the program’s relevance to a global audience. 

Thanks to its dynamic structure, MSciTeh empowered participants with the knowledge and skills to advance STEM education. Teachers left the program equipped with innovative tools and methodologies to bring geosciences into their classrooms, while students were inspired to pursue careers in STEM and geosciences. Educators attending the European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2025 are invited to join the next edition of MSciTeh. This unique opportunity offers professional development, international collaboration, and the chance to contribute to advancing geoscience education.

How to cite: Tataru, D., Simionescu, C., Nastase, E., Cerbu, B., Petrescu, A., Macovei, A., and Puisor, A.: Geosciences at the Core of STEM Learning: Highlights from the 2024 Măgurele Summer School, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5702,, 2025.

           From the classroom to the ocean, using GIS technologies is only one step. Our project has shown that climate change education can be engaging and relevant. Through GIS, we have opened a new stage in learning about our oceans. The European project "GIS FOR GIST OF EUROPE" is of KA220 type and runs from December 1, 2022 to May 31, 2025. Its main objective is to address the problem of climate change by integrating GIS into school curricula in the curricular area of science.  Climate change education and marine education are complex, innovative and interdisciplinary.

            The institutions involved in the project are from Romania CF "Unirea" Pașcani Technical College as coordinator, from Belgium, EUROGEO and Sint-Lodewijkscollege, from Latvia Riga Secondary School No. 25, from Spain Universidad de Zaragoza and Turkey Yenilikçi Eğitim Derneği.                                         The 'Erasmus+' project uses GIS technologies to create detailed ocean maps, analyse marine biodiversity, simulate the effects of sea level rise and monitor changes in marine ecosystems.

            The link between teaching activities and the Erasmus project is relevant through international collaboration and project results. Three major results stand out: a series of case studies on climate change, including related to hydrological hazards or the level of the Planetary Ocean, an e-learning module on climate change as a course and an open source "GIS FOR FUTURE" platform.         

            Given that all project partners have direct access to the seas and oceans, the impact of the Erasmus project on the aquatic environment has been major, along with a much greater conservation of marine waters. Through the lesson "Rising Ocean Levels" the students analyzed the impact of expanding and flooding shores, the impact of rising sea levels on agriculture, wetlands, population and human settlements.

             Through the study of surface water dynamics and ocean acidification, students gained solid scientific knowledge and developed critical thinking aimed at finding solutions to protect marine ecosystems

            We have created a wealth of interactive digital materials (GIS maps, questionnaires, presentations) that have allowed us to participate in numerous scientific events, facilitating the exchange of knowledge between teachers and students. Lesson models such as "The Golf Stream", "Balance between ecological reserve and deficit", "Sea level rise" can be used after the completion of the Erasmus project on the "GIS FOR FUTURE" course platform.   Through my optional geography course "Geography of the future. Climate Change and GIS Innovations", but also through the lesson plans created and case studies, we have contributed to improving the quality of marine science education.  From the classroom to the ocean, GIS can connect us with the future of our planet. Through this Erasmus project, we have equipped students with knowledge and tools to face the challenges of climate change. Together, we can create a future where our oceans are healthy and protected.

How to cite: Elefteriu, C.: The Erasmus project "GIS FOR GIST OF EUROPE" and its impact on marine education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5856,, 2025.

The EARTHLEARNINGIDEA (“ELI”) concept was born in 2007 following a failed bid by the International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO) to present Earth science teaching workshops, to teachers in developing countries during the 2008 International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE). Masterminded by the late Professor Chris King and two colleagues on a volunteer basis, the initial plan was to publish a new activity every week for the year on a specially designated website. Each activity presented an Earth science topic using an interactive, inquiry-based approach to educate and motivate pupils, whilst developing their thinking and investigative skills.

Originally designed to be a practical resource for teachers and teacher trainers all over the world, the activities use simple apparatus likely to be found in ordinary secondary (high) school science labs, whilst focusing on simple ideas. This proved to be extremely successful, and the project was extended when analysis of internet data showed that Earthlearningidea activities (ELIs) were being accessed most frequently in developed countries. There are now over 450 activities, many with accompanying teaching videos (based on the CASE model), general videos and extension ideas. All are FREE to download from, with a new topic published every month.

Since December 2008, over 7 million downloads of activities, videos and workshops have been made from all over the world and, with the help of international colleagues in geoscience education, many of the activities have been translated into 11 languages. The website has also been supported by an Earth Learning Idea Blog which posts every Monday and, since its start, has reached most countries of the world and been accessed in over 12,500 towns and cities (

This poster provides an insight to the background and an update on the Earthlearningidea project.  As such, it is designed to complement the GIFT workshops run by EGU Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) during the General Assembly and to reflect the range of Earthlearningidea activities that play an important part in the workshops undertaken in their respective countries. It is also presented in fond memory of Professor Chris King who was the instigator and inspiration of this and so many other geoscience education projects in the UK and overseas.

How to cite: Loader, P.: Earthlearningidea: Supporting Earth Science in Upper Secondary Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5865,, 2025.

Earthlearningidea (ELI) is a free online platform offering a wide range of teaching resources focused on Earth science and geography. Primarily aimed at secondary level educators, including teachers, teacher trainers, and trainees, it also provides valuable materials for primary school educators.

Rooted in the CASE model (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education), each resource introduces Earth science topics through interactive, inquiry-based activities designed to engage students, stimulate critical thinking, and develop investigative skills. These activities use basic materials commonly found in secondary school science labs and come with teacher guidance, handouts, and additional support materials.

With more than 450 activities available, many accompanied by teaching videos, general videos, and extension ideas, ELI provides a rich resource for Earth science educators. All materials are completely free and can be downloaded as PDFs from, with a new topic published every month.

Since its launch in December 2008, ELIs have been downloaded over 7 million times worldwide. Many of the activities have been translated into 11 languages by experts in geoscience education, making the platform accessible to a diverse, international audience. Additionally, the Earthlearningidea Blog, updated weekly on, offers further insights and resources.

This presentation will provide an overview of the Earthlearningidea project, its origins, and the scope of its activities. It aims to complement the work of the EGU Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) and highlight how ELI resources support the workshops they conduct in their respective countries.

How to cite: Loader, P.: Earthlearningidea: Enhancing Earth Science Education for Upper Secondary Students, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7296,, 2025.

EGU25-7475 | Orals | EOS5.4

Bringing NASA Earth Science Data in the Classroom: NASA GPM Mentorship Program – Educator Track 

Lisa Milani and the GPM Mentorship Program - Italian Educator Track

The NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Mentorship Program from 2023 hosts a spin-off program dedicated to teachers and educators. A GPM expert connects with Italian school teachers to learn about the water cycle, climate change and precipitation through the lens of the GPM mission. The main focus of the project is to provide information and tools to teachers in order to be able to pass the scientific knowledge to their students. After three lectures about water cycle, weather and climate, and the GPM mission and its applications, the teachers aided by the GPM expert develop a practical project with the students. The project integrates local pedagogic and administrative realities by aligning with national curricula, addressing teacher participation and career development requirements, and incorporating topics of local and professional interest.

The project is multidisciplinary and focused on precipitation, from measurement using rain gauges deployed in the school yard, to data analysis comparing measured data with GPM satellite retrievals. Classroom discussions on precipitation trends and changes lead to climate change awareness and link this project to other programs on sustainability developed by the schools. This paper will provide an outline of the program, an overview of the practical projects led by the teachers and links to material available in Italian and English ready to use in the classroom. The program is in constant development, including expansion to other countries, to make educational material available in different languages to reduce language barriers and increase exposure opportunities of Earth observation data to younger generations.

How to cite: Milani, L. and the GPM Mentorship Program - Italian Educator Track: Bringing NASA Earth Science Data in the Classroom: NASA GPM Mentorship Program – Educator Track, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7475,, 2025.

EGU25-8917 | Orals | EOS5.4

Radio Astronomy, the Earth’s Atmosphere and Geometric Optics: A Hands-On Activity for Secondary School Students 

Alan Wood, Gareth Dorrian, Ben Boyde, and Richard Fallows

The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is one of the most advanced radio telescopes in the world. When radio waves from a distant astronomical source pass through the Earth’s upper atmosphere, plasma structures act as lenses. The refraction of these radio waves, and their subsequent interference, significantly affects the received signal. Activities have been developed for secondary school students aged between 16-18 based on these observations.

Students are given research data from LOFAR and work in groups to interpret these observations, drawing on material from both geometric optics and astronomy. They are also introduced to key research skills, such as how to create a numerical definition of a phenomena which is clear, rigorous and well-documented. These activities were developed with reference to the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Exam Board A-level Physics Specification in the UK. They have been trialed and refined in a secondary school, are now made available to the wider community.

How to cite: Wood, A., Dorrian, G., Boyde, B., and Fallows, R.: Radio Astronomy, the Earth’s Atmosphere and Geometric Optics: A Hands-On Activity for Secondary School Students, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8917,, 2025.

EGU25-10121 | Orals | EOS5.4

Space Science Education through EXPLORE and STEMMOS Initiatives 

Seda Özdemir-Fritz, Gernot Groemer, Gustavo Rojas, Rosa Doran, Angelos Lazoudis, Frances McCarthy, Leigh Fergus, and Foteini Salta

The EXPLORE and STEMMOS  two complementary Erasmus + projects aim to transform space science education across Europe by integrating hands-on experiences, digital tools, and interdisciplinary learning approaches.

The EXPLORE Project, led by the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF), engages students and educators in planetary science and human space exploration through innovative toolkits, real-world simulations, and training sessions. Implemented in collaboration with  EA, NUCLIO, COSPAR and  Biosky, the project provides participants with practical experience in mission planning and execution.

Central to EXPLORE are two Student Analog Missions, scheduled for June 2025 and spring 2026 in Alqueva, Portugal. These missions simulate human Mars expeditions, immersing students in roles as analog astronauts and mission support personnel. Participants will carry out scientific experiments, habitat operations, and extravehicular activities, gaining the essential 21st-century skills of problem-solving, teamwork, and decision-making under simulated extraterrestrial conditions.

A core component of the project is the development of physical and virtual toolkits to support experiential learning. Physical toolkits include sensors, data collection devices, and planetary surface models. Virtual toolkits provide mission planning software, interactive simulations, and digital learning resources, making planetary exploration accessible to diverse educational levels.

EXPLORE offers training sessions for teachers, students, and schools to ensure the effective implementation of the toolkits. These sessions improve digital and scientific literacy, enabling participants to engage in space exploration activities. In addition, the project will provide in July 2025 a summer school for teachers, offering professional development on integrating space science into classroom practices.

Meanwhile, the STEMMOS Project focuses on enhancing digital and STEAM competencies through Earth, Moon, and Mars Observation (EMMO) science. Led by Munster Technological University’s Blackrock Castle Observatory (Ireland), the project brings together five partners: NUCLIO, EA, Stem Education LTD (Bulgaria), NOA, and OeWF. STEMMOS aims to inspire students and educators by integrating digital tools, robotics, satellite data and innovative teaching methodologies.

Key STEMMOS activities include national training sessions, a summer school, and experiential space science festivals in Ireland and Greece. Over 500 educators and 1,000 students will be directly engaged, with a focus on promoting gender inclusivity and diversity in STEAM education. The project features a Massive Open Online Course and a dedicated STEMMOS Hub, providing educators with freely accessible resources for interactive learning.

Both projects emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration, bridging education and space exploration. While EXPLORE immerses students in realistic Mars mission scenarios, STEMMOS focuses on teaching EMMO science through digital tools and hands-on learning;  both provide comprehensive training for educators.

Together, these initiatives create a lasting educational impact by connecting participants with cutting-edge space science, fostering sustainable teaching methodologies, and preparing future generations to address global challenges through careers in science, technology, and exploration.

By advancing analog mission research, promoting space science education, and creating engaging learning environments, EXPLORE and STEMMOS contribute to Europe’s educational landscape. Both projects serve as platforms for building digital competencies, encouraging diversity, and equipping students with the skills to explore the next frontiers of satellite data and human space exploration.

How to cite: Özdemir-Fritz, S., Groemer, G., Rojas, G., Doran, R., Lazoudis, A., McCarthy, F., Fergus, L., and Salta, F.: Space Science Education through EXPLORE and STEMMOS Initiatives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10121,, 2025.

EGU25-11433 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Innovative Wetland Education and Citizen Science tools to empower people taking part in wetland restoration (Restore4Life) 

Gabriele Weigelhofer, Gabriela Costea, Tim Grandjean, Eva Feldbacher, Clara Rosenberger, Jasna Grabić, Dubravka Cerba, Sophie de Haney, Johanna Weidendorfer, Viktoria Miklosova, Pippa de Kinder, Stefan Petrea, Nicoleta Geamana, Mihai Adamescu, Alma Mikuska, Snezana Radulovic, Nusret Dreskovic, Zorica Srdjevic, and Corina Gheorghiu and the Restore4Life Team

Engaging stakeholders and the public in the planning, implementing, and monitoring of restoration activities is key to the successful long-term restoration and protection of wetlands as life-supporting systems. In our Horizon Europe project Restore4Life (, we have developed a set of innovative offline and online wetland education tools to raise awareness for the significance of large-scale holistic restorations of functions and ecosystem services provided by European wetlands.

Based on gaps and needs identified in wetland education, we selected ten key topics for further development, such as water retention, habitat assessment, carbon sequestration, water purification, flood control, and recreation. These tools primarily target secondary high school students aged 10-18. The framework follows the "5E" Instructional Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate). This constructivist lesson planning approach encourages active learning by building on students' curiosity.  

Furthermore, we developed the “Blue-Green Space4All” game as a dynamic Wetland Fresk, available in both online and offline formats. It is designed for children and adults to learn about the value of restored wetlands and can also be used in restoration planning by decision-makers and stakeholders. The offline prototype consists of hexagon-shaped cards that form a dynamic grid, enabling users to explore the interplay between actors, processes, and wetland functionality. Offline and online game versions follow a storyline where players journey along the Danube, encountering physical, chemical, and biological processes shaping wetland dynamics.

Finally, two mobile applications for citizens and stakeholders were developed to enhance wetland assessment engagement and efficiency. The “Wetland4Life” app empowers citizens to classify and identify wetlands, collect data, and gain insights into their characteristics and health. The “Solution4Life” app is designed for environmental managers and stakeholders, providing a quick and efficient way to assess the restoration potential of wetlands and determine priorities for interventions. Both apps rely on a robust scoring matrix to classify wetlands, providing clear and actionable insights that guide decision-making and enhance conservation and management efforts. Restore4Life is funded by the European Union.

How to cite: Weigelhofer, G., Costea, G., Grandjean, T., Feldbacher, E., Rosenberger, C., Grabić, J., Cerba, D., de Haney, S., Weidendorfer, J., Miklosova, V., de Kinder, P., Petrea, S., Geamana, N., Adamescu, M., Mikuska, A., Radulovic, S., Dreskovic, N., Srdjevic, Z., and Gheorghiu, C. and the Restore4Life Team: Innovative Wetland Education and Citizen Science tools to empower people taking part in wetland restoration (Restore4Life), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11433,, 2025.

EGU25-12617 | Orals | EOS5.4

The “Finnish Phenomenon” in Geoscience Education 

Laura Säilä-Corfe, Aku Heinonen, Mia Kotilainen, Minja Seitsamo-Ryynänen, Tom Jilbert, David Whipp, Seija Kultti, and Niina Kuosmanen

The declining popularity of geosciences in higher education (HE) globally has increased concern about an emerging skills gap in the geoscience workplace. Australia, Canada, the US, the UK, and Italy have observed a decline in graduates, enrolment, and/or applicant numbers of typically 20 to 40% in graduate/undergraduate geoscience programs since 2013. Geoscience educators tend to attribute these trends to negative public perception of geosciences in relation to environmental and climate change and general lack of awareness about societal relevance of the field.

The opposite trend has been observed in Finland over the past eight years. Degree programmes in geology or geosciences in Finland have jointly experienced a total increase of ca. 70% both in applicant numbers (2020–2024) and enrolment (2015–2024). The Finnish geoscience education community coined the term “Finnish phenomenon” to describe these positive observations. However, the reasons behind these observations remain to be understood. As the overall applicant numbers to Finnish universities do not follow these trends, education system level effects can most likely be ruled out.

This contribution explores some of the activities and changes in the Finnish geoscience higher education processes during the past ca. 10 years that could explain the “Finnish phenomenon”:


1. Changes in the Finnish HE admission system

In 2015, the Finnish HE application process (joint application system) was transferred to the digital ( Since 2022, all geoscience degree programmes have hosted a joint landing page within the portal to enhance the visibility of the field.


2. International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) activities

Since 2018, the visibility of geosciences in Finnish schools has been enhanced through the activities of the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). National IESO efforts coordinated through the Geological Society of Finland have increased the visibility of geosciences among students and led to success in the international competitions.


3. Upper secondary school collaboration in geosciences

Geosciences are not taught as a separate subject in Finnish upper secondary schools. Since 2020, secondary school collaboration has been systematically enhanced especially at the University of Helsinki through a working group that includes staff, students, City of Helsinki education services, and schoolteachers.


4. The FIN-GEO network

One of the major joint efforts in the Finnish geoscience education community in recent years has been the FIN-GEO project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland in 2021–2023. The FIN-GEO network significantly strengthened cooperation in the education of geosciences, utilizing the mutual research profiling of the parties in the development of educational offerings and the relevance of working life. The annual geoscience first-year questionnaire launched by the FIN-GEO network in 2022 has found that the alongside geoscience-specific media coverage and university webpages have been the most important sources of information for aspiring students.


Further analysis of these results is ongoing, but combined the actions listed above appear to have positively affected interest in higher geoscience education, which could serve as a useful template elsewhere as well.

How to cite: Säilä-Corfe, L., Heinonen, A., Kotilainen, M., Seitsamo-Ryynänen, M., Jilbert, T., Whipp, D., Kultti, S., and Kuosmanen, N.: The “Finnish Phenomenon” in Geoscience Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12617,, 2025.

EGU25-13037 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Layers of the Atmosphere 

Merve Karslı and Şenay Uçar

Environmental problems and especially the problem of environmental pollution is one of the main problems that pose great threats to humans and other living things today and that all countries of the world should take measures. The problem of environmental pollution, which has been discussed for centuries and defined as a global problem in recent years, has become more evident with the increase in economic activities (Özoğlu, 2023). Waste materials affecting the environment are gradually increasing and pose a significant threat to the lives of humans and other living things. Based on this current problem, an educational material on ‘Layers of the Atmosphere’ was prepared for the 10-15 age group by using all kinds of waste materials that have the potential to pollute the environment. With the help of the prepared material, a test comparing verbal and visual expression was applied to the 10-15 age group. Firstly, a verbal explanation was given about the layers of the atmosphere without using any material. After this verbal explanation, a pre-test consisting of 10 questions on the subject was applied to this group of students for 10 minutes. Then, the subject was visually explained to the students using our educational material prepared from waste. The post-test (same questions) was applied to the same students again (within the same time frame) and the results were analysed. When the results were analysed, it was seen that the correct rate in the post-test increased compared to the pre-test, and the number of blank and incorrect questions decreased. When these tests are analysed, it can be said that visual expression is more effective on students than oral expression. It is thought that this project will increase the environmental awareness of the 10-15 age group.

How to cite: Karslı, M. and Uçar, Ş.: Layers of the Atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13037,, 2025.

EGU25-13217 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Air pollution measurements in the classrooms and their implementation into the high school physics and science education 

Beáta Molnár, Tamás Weidinger, Árpád Bordás, Zsófia Nógrádi, Róbert Mészáros, Ágoston Vilmos Tordai, and Péter Tasnádi

One of the key challenges in high school physics and environmental education is teaching students the methods of scientific research and emphasizing its practical applications. An especially effective strategy involves engaging students in conducting simple environmental measurements, processing and analyzing the data, as well as comparing their results with those provided by professional monitoring stations.

In this high school methodological research, we present the results of a student project developed to investigate classrooms air quality. The project was carried out in three different schools in Hungary, Serbia, and Slovakia. During the tests, we observed changes in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and PM2.5 particles throughout the day in classrooms and school gym using the AirVisual Pro Monitor with a 5-minute time resolution. The data was downloaded via a mobile application. During the measurements, we monitored the effects of various factors, such as ventilation and cleaning, on indoor air quality and tracked changes in CO2 concentration during lessons. The measured results were compared with data from nearby air pollution monitoring stations. The installation of outdoor AirVisual Pro Monitors is currently in progress.

Our goal is to educate students about the health risks of air pollution and familiarize them with health-related limit values of various pollutants. Furthermore, an important objective is to help students understand how they can influence air quality in indoor environments. This joint project offers an opportunity to compare the environmental attitudes of students from different countries and to promote the spread of the “good practices” we have developed.

How to cite: Molnár, B., Weidinger, T., Bordás, Á., Nógrádi, Z., Mészáros, R., Tordai, Á. V., and Tasnádi, P.: Air pollution measurements in the classrooms and their implementation into the high school physics and science education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13217,, 2025.

EGU25-13497 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

12th-grade students visiting a remote-sensing lab: linking school curriculum and geoscience research activities 

Javier Pacheco-Labrador, Noëmie Tran Tat, María Dolores Raya-Sereno, Lucía Casillas-Martínez, Eduardo de la Cal Martín, Javier Martínez Vega, and M. Pilar Martín

As part of the Science and Innovation Week in Spain, researchers from the Environmental Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy Laboratory (SpecLab) CSIC organized an outreach activity for secondary students comprehending: 1) a dissemination lecture presenting remote sensing history and main applications as well as the laboratory's scientific activities, 2) a virtual tour using virtual reality glasses to explore the international research station of Majadas de Tiétar, the first ICOS-ecosystem (Integrated Carbon Observation System) station in Spain, where remote and proximal sensing activities combine with biogeochemistry and ecology research, and 3) a visit to the SpecLab laboratory, where students learnt about scientific instrumentation and measured with it.

These activities were attended by a group of 8 students from the final year of secondary school (grade 12) who are following a specialization course in physics and chemistry. The aim was to introduce them to the field of remote sensing research, show them the multi-disciplinary nature of the laboratory's activities, and make them aware that many of the scientific contents studied in the school curriculum find their application in real-life geosciences research.

We analyse the student´s notes taken at the conference, their answers to questionnaires on the content covered, and their impressions. With this information, we identified a major interest in this type of outreach activities organized by a scientific laboratory: “the ecology of knowledge”. Indeed, school knowledge is decontextualized, which means students can construct new knowledge through various activities and relate what they know to what is presented to them. We propose this approach can help students to value their knowledge and stimulate their interest in geosciences.

How to cite: Pacheco-Labrador, J., Tran Tat, N., Raya-Sereno, M. D., Casillas-Martínez, L., de la Cal Martín, E., Martínez Vega, J., and Martín, M. P.: 12th-grade students visiting a remote-sensing lab: linking school curriculum and geoscience research activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13497,, 2025.

EGU25-15090 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4

The contribution of the EGU Education Committee in supporting Earth Science Education 

Stavros Stathopoulos, Jean-Luc Berenguer, Carlo Laj, Gina Pereira Correia, Anna Anglisano Roca, Annegret Schwarz, Francesca Cifelli, Francesca Funiciello, Friedrich Barnikel, Giuliana Panieri, Hélder Pereira, Konstantinos Kourtidis, Phil Smith, Stephen Macko, and Teresita Gravina

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) Education Committee (EC) focuses on supporting Earth Science education around the world by providing innovative learning opportunities for teachers and students, utilising a wide range of initiatives in order to equip educators with the necessary tools and resources.

One of the main EC initiatives that takes place during the EGU General Assembly annually is the Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop, aiding secondary and primary school teachers in obtaining the latest scientific knowledge. This workshop gives them the opportunity to interact with renowned scientists by attending stimulating lectures, participating in hands-on activities, and accessing classroom-ready educational materials.

The EGU Geoscience Field Officers (GEFO) initiative aims to train teachers in various countries in order to provide professional development to teachers of science and geography at regional and national levels. Each field officer undergoes training in the delivery of hands-on workshops tailored to their respective curricula, encompassing geoscience and geography.

In addition, the EC provides support to selected geoscience educational initiatives in Europe and beyond, contributing to the promotion of Earth Science education through numerous pilot projects. These projects include field schools for teachers, various conferences for educators, and material kits for schools.

Finally, the "EGU Teacher-Scientist Pairing Scheme", a collaborative initiative with the EGU Outreach Committee, aims to establish a network that connects scientists with educators and their classrooms. The scheme facilitates the integration of scientific concepts into the classroom environment through the utilisation of a "guest" scientist's lively video presence, complemented by hands-on activities guided by the in-class teacher.

How to cite: Stathopoulos, S., Berenguer, J.-L., Laj, C., Pereira Correia, G., Anglisano Roca, A., Schwarz, A., Cifelli, F., Funiciello, F., Barnikel, F., Panieri, G., Pereira, H., Kourtidis, K., Smith, P., Macko, S., and Gravina, T.: The contribution of the EGU Education Committee in supporting Earth Science Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15090,, 2025.

EGU25-18033 | Orals | EOS5.4

Engaging Young Minds: Introducing Earth's Inner Structure Through Geophysical Education (INGE) 

Renata Constantino, Camila Sales, Carem Havana Rodrigues Silva, Eder Cassola Molina, Gabriel Aparecido das Chagas Silva1, João Bizzocchi Barcelos Felix, Lavínia Candeias, Rodrigo Rothman, and Sora Satie Faria Nishimi

This project, INGE – The Earth’s Interior Through Geophysics, introduces students to the Earth's internal structure, fostering curiosity and providing a foundation for understanding geophysical concepts across educational stages. Initially designed for younger students before they reach upper secondary education, the project highlights a scalable approach to ensure its future relevance for diverse age groups.

The project’s core objective is to deliver engaging lessons about the Earth’s layers—crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core—focusing on their composition, physical states, and discovery through seismic methods. Activities include creative tasks such as coloring cross-sections of the Earth and exploring the contributions of key scientists. These resources aim to build a gradual understanding of geophysical concepts, fostering curiosity and engagement at an early stage.

The future development of the project includes adapting its content for older students, incorporating more advanced concepts such as the role of geophysics in understanding Earth's processes. This flexibility is intended to align the project with the needs of upper secondary education, supporting a continuum of Earth Science learning and contributing to its relevance in addressing global challenges.

As part of this submission, we will present examples of the educational materials prepared for school and library visits and share the experiences gathered from the project’s initial outreach activities. These visits provided valuable insights into the engagement and learning outcomes of younger students, offering a basis for refining and expanding the project’s approach to broader audiences.

Evaluation methods include feedback from students and teachers during these visits. Visual scales measure student satisfaction, while teacher insights help refine activities and resources. Student-created models of the Earth serve as tangible representations of learning outcomes, highlighting the effectiveness of the project in fostering understanding.

By introducing geophysical concepts early and planning for their adaptation to advanced levels, INGE demonstrates how innovative teaching strategies can inspire sustained interest in Earth Sciences. This submission aligns with the session’s goals by showcasing an adaptable initiative designed to enhance engagement with Earth Sciences, sharing best practices from the project’s early stages, and contributing to a stronger support network for Earth Science education.

Note: All authors contributed equally to the development of this work. The order of authorship was determined with the first author designated as the presenter and the remaining authors listed alphabetically by first name.

How to cite: Constantino, R., Sales, C., Havana Rodrigues Silva, C., Cassola Molina, E., Aparecido das Chagas Silva1, G., Bizzocchi Barcelos Felix, J., Candeias, L., Rothman, R., and Satie Faria Nishimi, S.: Engaging Young Minds: Introducing Earth's Inner Structure Through Geophysical Education (INGE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18033,, 2025.

EGU25-19011 | Orals | EOS5.4

Empowering Educators with Geo-Technologies for Sustainable Development through GEO-Academy 

Gina P. Correia, Seda Özdemir-Fritz, and Loukas Katikas and the GEOAcademy Project Team

Tackling the urgent challenges of climate change and environmental degradation requires transformative educational approaches that equip students with the knowledge and competencies to act on sustainability issues. These interdisciplinary challenges demand more than theoretical understanding — they require skills in analyzing environmental data, much of which is derived from space-based measurements. To address this need, educators must develop proficiency in three key areas: environmental (green) literacy, spatial awareness, and digital competency.

The GEO-Academy, a project under the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies initiative, aims to strengthen these core competencies in educators by integrating Earth Observation (EO), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, and geo-storytelling into teaching practices. Bringing together experts in education, climate science, and space technologies, the project supports pre-service and in-service teachers across Europe, empowering them to incorporate cutting-edge digital tools and sustainability topics into their classrooms. By focusing on green, spatial, and digital competencies, GEO-Academy prepares educators to foster a new generation of environmentally conscious citizens.

At the heart of the project is the development of the GEOBSERVE platform, a central hub offering teachers access to online courses, teaching resources, and collaborative opportunities. Through this platform, educators can participate in both national and international training programs and connect with a growing community of practice. GEO-Hubs, established at the national level, further encourage collaboration between schools and local stakeholders, enabling the exchange of best practices in sustainability education.

One of the project’s key innovations is geo-storytelling, an educational method that integrates spatial data into digital narratives. Geo-storytelling allows students to visualize complex environmental data through interactive maps and multimedia content, turning abstract sustainability concepts into relatable, real-world issues. By incorporating text, images, audio, and video into map-based storytelling, educators can enhance students' critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy while deepening their understanding of climate and environmental challenges.

Beyond equipping students with essential skills, GEO-Academy strengthens teachers' own competencies in utilizing space-based technologies and geo-technologies. The project promotes a hands-on, participatory learning environment where educators and students collaborate on addressing real-world sustainability challenges. This dynamic approach fosters the development of spatially literate, digitally skilled, and environmentally aware individuals capable of contributing to global sustainability efforts.

By integrating geo-technologies and sustainability practices into education, GEO-Academy empowers educators and students to engage with pressing environmental issues in an informed and proactive manner. The project ultimately supports global cooperation and policy initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development through innovative education.

How to cite: P. Correia, G., Özdemir-Fritz, S., and Katikas, L. and the GEOAcademy Project Team: Empowering Educators with Geo-Technologies for Sustainable Development through GEO-Academy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19011,, 2025.

Environmental education is becoming more crucial with the increasing challenges posed by environmental hazards. 

At CAMS NCP (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service National Collaboration Program, we aim to introduce high school students to the topic of air pollution. 

Through our projects, we demonstrate how to process and interpret data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) to provide students with valuable insights, especially within the context of the impact of air quality on health.

Our pilot project involved three high schools in Warsaw. 

The outcome was the development of two comprehensive projects, each available in two formats: an individual project for completion on personal computers or in a computer lab and a worksheet for use directly in the classroom without additional materials or computers.

  • The impact of air pollution on health
  • Spatial and seasonal variability of air pollution in Europe and Poland

These projects aim to enhance students' understanding of air quality issues and foster analytical skills through hands-on data interpretation.

Since the lesson's scenarios were ready for uptake by teachers lecturing on environmental sciences, the dissemination of the materials was successful, also because of the application of social media channels for distributing the information about our initiative.

How to cite: Drzewiecki, P.: Engaging high school students in air quality monitoring and issues related to the impact of air quality on health, using CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19335,, 2025.

EGU25-20262 | Posters on site | EOS5.4

Minibiospheres: Exploring Life on a Small Scale 

Carmen Burghelea and Dragos Zaharescu

Over the past two years, the Romanian government has implemented the "Green Week" initiative in schools as part of the National Strategy for Environmental Education and Climate Change 2023–2030. This program aims to raise awareness among children and young people about sustainable development and environmental responsibility. It has created significant opportunities for students to participate in hands-on activities within schools and their local communities while promoting sustainable lifestyles and developing essential eco-social skills.

As part of this initiative, students designed minibiospheres using transparent plastic containers to replicate Earth’s ecosystems. These small-scale ecosystems allowed students to investigate ecological interactions and processes such as primary ecosystem colonization, soil formation, nutrient cycling, energy flow, and the influence of environmental variables in real-time. By modifying ecological parameters like light exposure, temperature, and carbon dioxide levels, students conducted experiments over extended periods and analyzed the resulting data.

One notable experiment focused on observing primary ecosystem colonization over six months. Students collected data on changes in soil structure and texture, vegetation growth, water recycling, and overall ecosystem development. Minibiospheres proved to be a highly engaging, hands-on method for teaching scientific concepts, promoting interdisciplinary learning, and fostering inquiry-based learning and critical thinking skills. This innovative approach deepened students’ understanding of ecological systems while emphasizing the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

How to cite: Burghelea, C. and Zaharescu, D.: Minibiospheres: Exploring Life on a Small Scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20262,, 2025.

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