EGU25-16685 | Orals | GM1.1 | Highlight | GM Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Feedbacks between moving mountain slopes and dynamic mountain plantsEGU25-2032 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Towards Enhancing River Bed Stability Assessment: A Comparative Study of LSTM, GRU, and Transformer Predictive ModelsEGU25-2045 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Resilience of Mediterranean Mussels to Hydrodynamic Stresses: Insights for Climate Change AdaptationEGU25-8615 | Posters virtual | VPS25
Assessing Long-Term Water Dynamics in the Danube Delta Lakes using Sentinel-1 Radar ImageryEGU25-12331 | Posters virtual | VPS25
The distribution characteristics of rock glaciers in the Gaizi River Basin, ChinaEGU25-12335 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Monitoring and research on succession in glacier forefields of the Northern Limestone AlpsEGU25-12417 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Pleistocene morpho-stratigraphy and vertical land motions on the South Brazil-Uruguay coastal plainEGU25-13498 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Investigating Coastal Erosion Hotspots: A Multiscale Approach applied along the Basilicata Ionian coast (Southern Italy)EGU25-14644 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment in CZMA Areas: A Geospatial Framework Integrating Future Climate ProjectionsEGU25-17381 | Posters virtual | VPS25
3D Mapping of Submerged Landscapes: A Cost-Effective Approach to Shallow-Water Bathymetry Using Underwater PhotogrammetryEGU25-17790 | Posters virtual | VPS25
Uplift history of the Taranto Gulf (southern Italy) from river profile inversionEGU25-20437 | Posters virtual | VPS25
Criteria to Map Areas of High Risk of Soil Hydric Erosion in Portugal using USLEEGU25-21258 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25
Biodiversity loss and the simplification of trophic webs: Lessons from cephalopods in deep timeEGU25-2380 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Siphon-Enhanced Micro-Hydroelectric System: Harnessing Elevated Flow Rates for Improved Power GenerationEGU25-2558 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Harnessing Aerial Imaging Techniques to Monitor the Transport of Floating Macro-Plastics in Fluvial SystemsEGU25-2783 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Sedimentary Characteristics and Sedimentary Model of Glutenite Fans in Shahejie Formation, Luojia areaEGU25-3009 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Characteristics of Shale Reservoirs in the Permian Fengcheng Formation, Hashan RegionEGU25-4736 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Sedimentary Evolution and Morphological Characteristics of Modern Lake Shoreline Delta under the Influence of Coast CurrentEGU25-4748 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Reservoir characteristics and diagenetic evolution of Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in the hinterland of Junggar BasinEGU25-7580 | Posters virtual | VPS26
Orderly variations in the spatial and geological characteristics of carbonate reservoirs in the northern Tarim Basin, ChinaEGU25-11788 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26
Environmental changes since 39 ka reflected by diatom in core sediments from Dongzhaigang Harbor, Hainan IslandEGU25-16062 | Posters virtual | VPS26
Leveraging Digital-Physical Integration for Enhanced Infrastructure ManagementGM1 – General Geomorphology
EGU25-16685 | Orals | GM1.1 | Highlight | GM Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Feedbacks between moving mountain slopes and dynamic mountain plantsEGU25-574 | ECS | Posters on site | GM1.2
Using DEMs to map subtle geomorphic expression of Quaternary deformation in the Eastern Cordillera of NW ArgentinaEGU25-3833 | Posters on site | GM1.2
Variability of Valley Floor Widths in a Mountain Landscape, Canadian RockiesEGU25-6836 | ECS | Posters on site | GM1.2
Lab experiment for simultaneous reconstruction of water surface and bottom with a synchronized camera rigEGU25-7286 | ECS | Posters on site | GM1.2
Hillslope-Valley Floor Coupling Along Steep Mountain Channel Networks, Kananaskis, CanadaEGU25-15044 | Posters on site | GM1.2
Spatio-Temporal Morphodynamics of Huolongtan Sandbar, Penghu islands Taiwan - Using Short-term Monitoring from 2020 to 2024GM2 – Geomorphologists' tools and Methods
EGU25-2842 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1
Seismic Footsteps: Harnessing Machine Learning to Decode Wildlife in the African SavannaEGU25-5217 | Posters on site | GM2.1
Monitoring Ocean Wave height in the Northeast Atlantic Using Terrestrially based microseism dataEGU25-5684 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Investigating Modifications in the Hydrological System Following the M7.2 Hualien Earthquake with Seismic MethodsEGU25-6236 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Exploring the potential of seismic sensors in monitoring slow moving landslides in Lower AustriaEGU25-6557 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
The June 2024 Flooding of La Bérarde: Insights from Seismic Data and Field ObservationsEGU25-7093 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Seismic Investigation of the Åknes Rockslide: Using Ambient Seismic Noise to Identify Possible Rockslide MovementEGU25-8249 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1
Interrogating crevasse icequake source physics at an alpine glacier using Distributed Acoustic SensingEGU25-9517 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Subglacial bedload export quantification and subglacial drainage network evolution inferred using environmental seismology techniquesEGU25-9652 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1
Tracking Iceberg Calving Events in Greenland from 2013 to 2024 Using Seismic Data and Machine LearningEGU25-11390 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1
How fractal dimension changes during mass movement events in seismic signals?EGU25-12608 | Orals | GM2.1
Seismological and geotechnical studies at the wind energy test site WINSENT, GermanyEGU25-16277 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Identifying pressurized flows under river-ice using seismology: insights from a flume experimentEGU25-16371 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Low-cost instrumentation for monitoring wadi discharge: A Raspberry Shake and time-lapse camera systemEGU25-16515 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Comprehensive monitoring of the subglacial stream of Glacier d'Otemma using seismic nodes and distributed acoustic sensing dataEGU25-16545 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Precision in Seismic Detection of Bedload Transport: Visualizing Array Geometry for Optimal Source LocalizationEGU25-17047 | Posters on site | GM2.1
Active and passive seismic surveys over the grounding zone of Eastwind Glacier, AntarcticaEGU25-17862 | ECS | Orals | GM2.1 | Highlight
Nature’s intelligence: Hybrid bio-inspired method yields more accurate seismic locations of geomorphic eventsEGU25-18249 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Investigating Soil Saturation Changes through Geophysical DataEGU25-20756 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.1
Geoelectrical and seismic investigation of a subsidence geohazard zone in Neckendorf, Saxony-Anhalt, GermanyEGU25-21164 | Posters on site | GM2.1
Seismic analysis of bedload transport in a small mountain creekEGU25-1292 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.2
Computing the state of stress in mountain massifs undergoing topographic decayEGU25-4410 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.2
Seamless quantification of wet and dry riverscape topography using UAV topo-bathymetric LiDAREGU25-5028 | Posters on site | GM2.2
Understanding the hydrological valley landscape: a multi-scenario adaptive framework for delineating valley floorsEGU25-6529 | ECS | Orals | GM2.2
Geomorphological and Thermal Monitoring of Mud Volcano Landscape with UAV TechnologiesEGU25-8508 | Orals | GM2.2
Automated delineation and morphometry of unclassified subglacial bedforms.EGU25-8600 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.2
Evaluation of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for the automatic generation of geomorphological maps in high alpine environmentsEGU25-15463 | Posters on site | GM2.2
Leveraging CloudCompare to measure grain geometries from 3D point clouds: a plugin for the G3Point algorithmEGU25-17089 | ECS | Orals | GM2.2
A multiscale approach for geomorphodiversity indices on large areasEGU25-17335 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.2
Automatic mapping of terrace systems at large scales: a case study of CyprusEGU25-19352 | ECS | Orals | GM2.2
Multiple-sensor photogrammetric base model alignment of large timeseries in physical scale experimentsEGU25-19353 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.2
The performance of different landform classification methods as assessed by their relationship with geotemathic variablesEGU25-20513 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.2
Extracting bathymetric information from LiDAR waveforms with 1D neural networks.EGU25-5869 | ECS | PICO | GM2.3
Network-scale modelling of bedload transport in Alpine rivers using D-CASCADE modelEGU25-6632 | ECS | PICO | GM2.3
Luminescence imaging of single grains of sand reveals their sediment transport historyEGU25-11920 | ECS | PICO | GM2.3
Enhancing sediment transport model reliability through Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study in the Po RiverEGU25-15661 | ECS | PICO | GM2.3
Estimation of suspended sediment concentration using satellite remote sensing data in Lake Tana, EthiopiaEGU25-16407 | ECS | PICO | GM2.3
PhotoMOB: a GIS tool to monitor spatial and temporal bed mobility at the patch scaleEGU25-18605 | ECS | PICO | GM2.3
Suspended sediment measurements by hydro-acoustic multi-frequency echosoundersEGU25-2144 | PICO | GM2.5
Mapping fractures in 3D from airborne LiDAR: comparison with field mappingEGU25-6774 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5
Historical photogrammetry for DoDs in deglaciating environments: challenges and opportunitiesEGU25-12156 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5
Deep Learning-based Terrain Data Completion with Geomorphological ConstraintsEGU25-16381 | PICO | GM2.5 | Highlight
A new high resolution historical aerial image dataset from East GreenlandEGU25-17688 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5
Advances in Historical Aerial Image Analysis: Boosting SfM Pipelines with Learned ModelsEGU25-5643 | ECS | Orals | GM2.6
Mixed Signals: soil bioturbation rates from luminescence and numerical modellingEGU25-5647 | Posters on site | GM2.6
Late Pleistocene-Holocene denudation rates in the Bavarian Forest from in-situ produced 10Be cosmogenic nuclidesEGU25-6215 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.6
Thermoluminescence paleothermometry enables LGM surface temperature reconstruction at central European study sitesEGU25-10549 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.6
Erosion rate response to the reduction of forest cover following metallurgical activities on Elba Island (Italy)EGU25-14332 | Posters on site | GM2.6
Luminescence Surface Exposure Dating and Paleoseismic Insights from the Kuşadası Fault Zone, Western TürkiyeEGU25-15019 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.6
Using paired cosmogenic 26Al and 10Be to study landscape transience in the Belgian ArdennesEGU25-16613 | Posters on site | GM2.6
Unconventional spatial and temporal pattern of alluvial river aggradation and degradationEGU25-18560 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.6
Linking highly variable Detrital 10Be Erosion Rates to heterogeneous Topography in Small and Alpine CatchmentsEGU25-3598 | ECS | Orals | GM2.7
An extended CFD-DEM model based on micropolar fluid for debris flowEGU25-7958 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.7
Finite-Size Effects in Geophysical Granular Flow from a Nonlocal Rheology PerspectiveEGU25-8745 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.7
Reliability-Based Analysis of Initiation of Sediment Motion on Movable BedEGU25-13548 | Posters on site | GM2.7
Shallow-water continuum modelling of dry granular flows in partailly obstructed chutesEGU25-14061 | ECS | Posters on site | GM2.7
Experimental investigation on the formation and failure of landslide dam using inertial navigation methodEGU25-14717 | Posters on site | GM2.7
Modeling Debris Flow Transitions: Experimental Validation and Field-Scale ApplicationEGU25-15011 | ECS | Orals | GM2.7
Suspended Sediment Concentration Analysis Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning ApproachEGU25-18148 | Posters on site | GM2.7
The Fractal and Topological Metrics for Assessing Three-Dimensionality in Dune MorphologyEGU25-19135 | ECS | Orals | GM2.7
Quantifying Tidal Dune Morphodynamics at the Laboratory Scale: A Combined Measuring and Modelling ApproachEGU25-20382 | ECS | Orals | GM2.7
Submerged granular collapse: different cohesion strength and initial packing densitiesEGU25-646 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
Progress exploring the characteristics of yellow stimulated luminescence on potassium feldsparEGU25-1725 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
Volcanogenic CO2 emissions affect radiocarbon dating in a case study from the Laacher See crater lake, GermanyEGU25-2273 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
Luminescence dating of feldspar using a novel infra-red photoluminescence signal – first dating results from loess samplesEGU25-3717 | Posters on site | CL5.1
Rock Luminescence Dating Method for Studying the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Maying River, Qilian MountainsEGU25-12656 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
Investigating the cyclicity of Neanderthal occupations at Chez-Pinaud, SW France, using high-resolution OSL dating and Bayesian analysis.EGU25-12755 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
Sediment provenance and erosion rates in the Andes-Amazon fluvial system: a study using luminescence and cosmogenic nuclides technicsEGU25-13244 | Posters on site | CL5.1
Towards Electron Spin Resonance dating of anthropogenic carbonates: ESR signals of 14C-dated historical lime mortarsEGU25-13277 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
High resolution luminescence dating of the Khovaling Loess Plateau sites (Tajikistan)EGU25-15342 | ECS | Orals | CL5.1
Performance of SAR-SGC method for equivalent dose determination of quartz OSLEGU25-21256 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1
Applying portable OSL to obtain a detailed chronology of littoral sedimentary sequences from the northern shore of Lake Schweriner See, GermanyEGU25-126 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
High-resolution 3D LiDAR mapping of geologic structures: Implications for thermo-tectonic history in the Taiwan Slate BeltEGU25-1728 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Detrital low thermochronology applied to moraine deposits in the central Patagonian AndesEGU25-12480 | Posters on site | TS5.2
Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals in calcite: a novel thermochronometer to constrain carbonate mountain erosion?EGU25-13241 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2
Reconstructing uplift through denudation rates in carbonate systems: the Albanian orogen case studyEGU25-15008 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Assessment of Uncertainty Propagation within Compaction-Based Exhumation Studies Using Bayesian InferenceEGU25-16752 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Mesozoic to Cenozoic denudation and uplift process in Luxi Terrane, North China CratonEGU25-18329 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Deciphering the cooling history of the Sila Massif: Insights into the Calabrian Arc tectonic driversEGU25-19499 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2 | Highlight
Modelling central Nepal Himalayan tectonic from different temperature thermochronometersEGU25-922 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Meteoric 10Be as a Tracer of Chemical Weathering in Glacial SedimentsEGU25-1711 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
New Opportunities for Modeling Cosmogenic Isotopes Using the Chemistry-Climate Model SOCOLEGU25-2277 | ECS | Orals | AS4.20
Modelling the modern oceanic cycle of beryllium-10 and beryllium-9EGU25-3110 | Posters on site | AS4.20
Denudation and weathering rates of carbonate landscapes from meteoric 10Be/9Be ratiosEGU25-6701 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Insights on Denudation Controls of Volcanic Tropical Islands from Meteoric 10Be/9Be RatiosEGU25-7851 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Authigenic beryllium isotopes in maar lake sediments response to climate change since the last deglaciationEGU25-10115 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Thermoremanent magnetic, 10Be and 14C data provide no convincing evidence for longterm solar variability in the HoloceneEGU25-13118 | ECS | Orals | AS4.20
Meteoric 10Be/9Be as a Proxy for Denudation and Uplift in the active Albanides orogenic beltEGU25-15588 | Posters on site | AS4.20
Orographic and convective precipitation control meteoric 10Be wet depositional fluxes at low latitudeEGU25-19388 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Modeling Long-Term Cosmic Ray Transport: The Role of Magnetic Turbulence Uncertainties in Heliospheric Field ReconstructionGM3 – Geomorphology, climate, and hazards
EGU25-9727 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2
Geomorphic Response and Large Wood Recruitment in the Vésubie Valley (France) Following Storm AlexEGU25-10287 | Orals | GM3.2
Hydrogeomorphic process chains in high-mountain areas: a modelling perspectiveEGU25-13029 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2
Hydro-morphological changes and sediment supply investigation: a case study in an Alpine-type river catchment (Marche, Italy)EGU25-14809 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2
Field insights from the August 16, 2024 Thame glacial lake outburst flood in Nepal: how geomorphology can affect a cascading hazard chainEGU25-14955 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2
Advances in computational modeling for morphodynamics in himalayan riversEGU25-15938 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2
Cascading rock and ice avalanches are a widespread threat to High Mountain Asia hydropower installationsEGU25-19362 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2
National Inventory of Glacial Lakes in Kyrgyzstan: Integrating Remote Sensing for Hazard Assessment and Local-scale MonitoringEGU25-20363 | Orals | GM3.2 | Highlight
Natural hazards and the sustainability of Himalayan hydropowerEGU25-1860 | ECS | PICO | GM3.3
Climate and geomorphic-driven river floods and related impacts on hydropower in High Mountain AsiaEGU25-7245 | ECS | PICO | GM3.3
Impact of Groundwater in Compound Flooding: A Case Study of the Conwy Estuary in Wales.EGU25-15572 | ECS | PICO | GM3.3
Effect of incision on river response to floods: Insights from flume experimentsEGU25-890 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.7
On the assessment of the beach carrying capacity through an integrated geo-environmental characterization in the context of climate change.EGU25-3063 | ECS | Orals | GM3.7
Coastal impact of Mediterranean hurricanes in a future sea-level rise scenarioEGU25-5536 | ECS | Orals | GM3.7
A comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic impacts of global sea level rise on coastal zonesEGU25-6044 | Posters on site | GM3.7
Impacts of RSLR on the Tavoliere delle Puglie Coastal Area (southern Italy)EGU25-9377 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.7
Assessing Coastal Vulnerability in Southeast Asia using the InVEST ModelEGU25-12686 | Posters on site | GM3.7
Geomorphometric monitoring of eroding historic coastal landfillsEGU25-12984 | Orals | GM3.7
The long-term relationship between sea level and sediments in the Adriatic SeaEGU25-13617 | Orals | GM3.7
Future sea-level rise scenarios: an example from the Venice Lagoon (Italy)EGU25-14287 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.7
Assessment of coastal erosion rates off the pacific coast of PanamaEGU25-16309 | ECS | Orals | GM3.7
Changing capacity of beaches of Kusadasi, Turkiye considering sea level riseEGU25-16900 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.7
Impact of Climate Change on the Direct Economic Costs of Coastal Hazards to Hospitality: a Meter-Scale Experiment in the Adriatic BasinEGU25-20211 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.7
Forecasting Changes on Vulnerable Shorelines: Methodological Approaches for Developing a Coastal Vulnerability Index in Southeast CyprusEGU25-20269 | Posters on site | GM3.7
Assessing Coastal Vulnerability along the Eastern Coastline of Crete: An Integrated ApproachEGU25-1701 | ECS | Orals | GM3.8
RoSETTA: Inverting coastal landforms towards past sea-levels, tectonics, and coral reef dynamicsEGU25-5219 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.8
Reviewing Last interglacial (MIS 5e, 125 ka) sea-level indicators from South Asia and the South China SeaEGU25-7310 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.8
Past wave climate reconstruction through paleo shoreline analysis and implications under future climate scenariosEGU25-10974 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.8
Using modern associations of microfauna to improve local relative sea-level reconstructions – a local transfer function for the Shetland Islands (UK)EGU25-12706 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.8
Multiproxy study of borehole data from the Ionian coastal belt: new suggestion on the Late Quaternary coastal evolution of the Basilicata segmentEGU25-13778 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.8
Last Interglacial (Mis 5e) Sea-Level Index Points and Beach Ridge Reconstructions from South Carolina And FloridaEGU25-14872 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.8
Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sedimentation and Sea Level Changes in the Gulf of Kuşadası: Evidence from High-Resolution Seismic and Sediment Core DataEGU25-21376 | Orals | GM3.8 | Highlight
Tropical beach ridge stratigraphy as a proxy for reconstructing late-Holocene regional sea-level histories in southeast Asia.EGU25-21691 | Posters on site | GM3.8
Coral reefs of the Leeward Antilles (SouthernCaribbean) steered into unchartered waters byhuman impactsEGU25-1276 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5
Multistate transition and coupled solid–liquid modeling of motion process of longrunout landslideEGU25-1480 | Posters on site | NH3.5
UAV surveys, 3D geomodels and Virtual Reality supporting the structural geology analysis of large rockslidesEGU25-2129 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5
Integrating Numerical Methods to Assess Failure Probability of Rock Slopes Considering Uncertainties in Mechanical and Hydraulic PropertiesEGU25-2647 | Posters on site | NH3.5
Study on Early Warning of Landslides by Using Rainfall ParametersEGU25-2926 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5
A knowledge-data dually driven paradigm for accurate identification of key blocks in complex rock slopesEGU25-5525 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5
Influence of Rock-Avalanche Fragmentation - Mobility Analysis focused on inter-fragment bonding strengthEGU25-5882 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5
Towards integrated management of rockfall risk along the access roads to Yosemite Valley (California, USA)EGU25-6666 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5
Flume experiments on the mobility of landslides with erosionEGU25-7357 | Orals | NH3.5
Deciphering complex landslide kinematics through DInSAR wrapped phase stackingEGU25-8825 | Orals | NH3.5
Modeling and prediction of landslides in Norway – a machine learning approachEGU25-9404 | Orals | NH3.5
Automated Rockfall Feature Extraction using High-Resolution 3D Point CloudsEGU25-9868 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5
Unravelling the Critical Role of Rock Mass Fracturing in an Extensive High-alpine RockslideEGU25-10261 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5
When tableland flows: flow-type landslides in the extra-Andean PatagoniaEGU25-16377 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5
Enhancing the Energy Line Principle: A Force-Based Perspective for Simulating Gravitational Hazard Runout ZonesEGU25-18302 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5
Modelling the influence of rock mechanical properties and rock structure on the 2023 Brienz “Insel” failureEGU25-18407 | Posters on site | NH3.5
Deriving reliable block size distributions using synthetic rock mass modelsEGU25-19780 | Orals | NH3.5
SLAB3D: a practice-oriented 3D software for alpine mass movement simulationsEGU25-20677 | Posters on site | NH3.5
How to apply ONR24810 in practice – a critical review of the applicabilityEGU25-9123 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4
Landslide susceptibility assessment by thermal surveys: case studies from southern ItalyEGU25-17821 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4
Meteorological factors control landslide phenomena in a high-Arctic glacier basin (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard)EGU25-18820 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4
Rainfall-induced landslide: an indicator of the effects of climate changeEGU25-3981 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2
Fractal Dimension Evolution in Dense Granular Flows: Insights from Rotary Shear ExperimentsEGU25-6888 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2
Two-phase depth-resolved numerical model captures debris flows entraining water-saturated sedimentsEGU25-6962 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2
Field monitoring of the recent reactivation of the large dormant Ca’ di Sotto earthflowEGU25-7312 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2 | Highlight
Seismic precursors reveal the role of internal processes in driving mobilisation of the 15th June 2023 Brienz/Brinzauls RockslideEGU25-9131 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.2
Capturing Rock Damage and Environmental Forcings in Toppling Slopes: An Integrated Monitoring System in BedrettoEGU25-11856 | Posters on site | NH3.2
Submarine landslide modelling to evaluate hazard to offshore linear infrastructureEGU25-12359 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2
Improved landslide runout prediction by integrating the pore pressure response to dilatancyEGU25-1348 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16
Adaptive Deep Learning Framework for Rapid Landslide Mapping Using HR-GLDDEGU25-1478 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16
Earthquake-Induced Landslide Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using TLSTMF-YOLOEGU25-4613 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16
Investigation and Characterization of Landslides in Volcanic Soils Triggered by Rainfall in West Bandung, IndonesiaEGU25-6125 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16
Federated Learning-Based Approach for Landslide Forecasting in TaiwanEGU25-7584 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16
Improving Landslide Susceptibility Mapping with Explainable AI: Enhancing Prediction and InterpretabilityEGU25-9819 | Orals | NH3.16 | Highlight
Data-driven modeling of mass movement damage potential across the Alpine Space: A step toward impact-based early warningEGU25-10302 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16
Mitigating Out-of-Distribution Challenges in Landslide Mapping through a Hyperlocal Machine Learning modelEGU25-10781 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16
How preconditioning rainfall controls landslide and flash flood events in tropical East AfricaEGU25-12109 | Posters on site | NH3.16
Landslide Change Detection from Satellite Images with Deep Learning ClassificationEGU25-13845 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16
An evaluation and comparison of hydroclimatic data preceding extremely rapid glaciolacustrine landslidesEGU25-14690 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16
Meteorological drivers of seasonal motion at the Barry Arm Landslide, Prince William Sound, AlaskaEGU25-15564 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16
Monitoring current impacts of climate change on slope stability in the Ormonts valley, western SwitzerlandEGU25-15725 | Orals | NH3.16
Challenges and opportunities in regional hydrometeorological landslide assessmentEGU25-16692 | Posters on site | NH3.16
Automated detection of active mass movements in SAR interferograms using Deep LearningEGU25-17096 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16
Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based Displacement Analysis and Forecasting for Unstable Rock SlopesEGU25-18812 | Posters on site | NH3.16
Automated Landslide Inventory Mapping Using SAMLoRA and Hillshade Datasets: A Deep Learning ApproachEGU25-1724 | Orals | NH3.6 | Highlight
Constraining landslide frequency across the United States to inform county-level risk reductionEGU25-2117 | Posters on site | NH3.6
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility– for the Case in TaiwanEGU25-2400 | Posters on site | NH3.6
Sediment disasters induced by the 26-28 September 2024 extreme rainfall event in Nallu Khola watershed of Central NepalEGU25-4345 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
Investigating the Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Methods for Multi-Scale Slope Units Based on SDGSAT-1 and Graph Neural Networks.EGU25-5730 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6
Modelling landslide susceptibility through a glass-box machine learningEGU25-6333 | Posters on site | NH3.6
Geological Controls on natural hazards in Ixhuatlan de Madero, Veracruz, MexicoEGU25-6943 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6
Unveiling the Complex Relationship Between Rainfall and Landslide Types Using a Transformer Neural NetworkEGU25-7844 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
Analysis of the Impact of Mapping Units on Landslide Susceptibility: A Comparative Study of Grid Units and Slope UnitsEGU25-7971 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
A Study on Landslide Susceptibility Fusion Models Using Decision-Level FusionEGU25-8438 | Orals | NH3.6
Strong daily landslide cracking activity – Does traffic drive slope failure?EGU25-8480 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6
Combining landslide inventories with deformation time series: A methodologyEGU25-8845 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6
Calibration and prediction procedure of rock avalanche through advancing numerical simulationEGU25-8942 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
Hazard assessment for typhoon-induced shallow landslides based on rainfall thresholds and physical modelingEGU25-9871 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
Enhancing rainfall-triggered landslide forecasting in Switzerland using ensemble learningEGU25-10083 | Posters on site | NH3.6
A new tool for studying shallow landslides at the basin scale: BEMSLEGU25-12309 | Orals | NH3.6
A Markov Switching Spatiotemporal GAM for Landslide Hazards in New ZealandEGU25-13930 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
Improving Prediction, Response, and Safety through Real-Time Surface Monitoring with RTK-GNSS Arrays, Oregon, USAEGU25-14509 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6
Runout characteristics of landslides triggered by the 2016 Kaikoura EarthquakeEGU25-16837 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6
In-situ Time-lapse Geophysical Monitoring for Rain-induced Landslide ForecastingEGU25-17059 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6
A Physically-based 3D Landslide Susceptibility Model for Shallow Translational Landslides using DEMEGU25-18378 | Orals | NH3.6
A physics-based generalised failure law for forecasting catastrophic landslidesEGU25-1079 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Flood Vulnerability under High-Warming Scenarios: Insights from flood wave Projections and Socio-Economic AssessmentEGU25-1255 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Sources and characteristics of short-duration heavy convective precipitation events in the southeastern Alpine forelandsEGU25-1636 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Regional Disparities in Hydro-climatic Extremes Across Central Asia: Insights from the Tienshan MountainsEGU25-1794 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5
Increasing typhoon risks in Shanghai under the effect of urbanization and sea surface temperature warmingEGU25-1877 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Analysis of extreme precipitation timeseries in Serbia based on station dataEGU25-2722 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Sensitivity of pluvial flood exposure to the selection of intensity-duration-frequency dataEGU25-3385 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5
Integrating natural hazards and social vulnerability to estimate lightning-related mortality risk in MexicoEGU25-5363 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
An Improved DP-POA Method for Optimal Operation of Reservoir Flood ControlEGU25-5958 | Posters on site | HS7.5
StoryMaps: Advancing Public Awareness, Preparedness, and Resilience to Flood RisksEGU25-6246 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Adaptation to flood risk on Reunion Island (France): A historical perspective from photographic evidenceEGU25-6432 | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight
Large-Sample Machine Learning Models for Estimation, Attribution, and Projection of Hydrometeorological ExtremesEGU25-7334 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Rainfall extremes and their impacts: from the local to the National Scale. The INTENSE project.EGU25-7484 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Evolving Dependence Structures Between Compound Flood Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios: A case study over Greater BostonEGU25-8795 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Nowcasting Radar for Hydrological Flood Prediction: applications in the Marche Region, ItalyEGU25-10315 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Atmospheric drivers of extreme precipitation events in the Indian sub-continentEGU25-14685 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Role of moisture transport in extreme flood events in the Brahmaputra basinEGU25-14945 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Multi-day extreme precipitation caused major floods in India during summer monsoon of 2024EGU25-17944 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment at building scale: A case study in Youngsan watershed, South KoreaEGU25-18771 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Comparative Analysis of Flash Flood Vulnerability and Resilience through Multidimensional IndicesEGU25-19293 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Large scale atmospheric cross-peril stochastic catastrophe modelsEGU25-20548 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Investigating the impact of considering hazard preconditions in scenario-based risk estimationEGU25-556 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Post-fire short- and long-term soil erosion monitoring – The impact of consecutive storm events on R factor and erosion ratesEGU25-604 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
How do understorey fires in deciduous forests affect soil properties? Insights from Eastern IndiaEGU25-4418 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Prescribed burning as potential regeneration technique in temperate reed ecosystems - a pilot study at Lake Neusiedl, AustriaEGU25-5961 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Evaluating the Impact of Management Strategies on Fire Spread in Heather-Dominated MoorlandsEGU25-13111 | Orals | SSS9.1 | Highlight
How Government Agency Planning Can Preserve Life Safety from Postfire Debris FlowsEGU25-13423 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Wildfire early effects on soil properties in Mediterranean pinewoods: Insight from the 2020 Wildfire in Patemisco, ItalyEGU25-13906 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Fire Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Sagebrush Ecosystem in NevadaEGU25-15285 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1
Decoding molecular changes in soil organic matter in heat-affected soils along latitudinal gradientsEGU25-17042 | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Parametric insurance for forest fires: the ART of the possibleEGU25-20411 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1
Emergency firebreaks: the post-fire erosion impact in mountainous areas of North-Central PortugalEGU25-720 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
How “leaky” should a leaky dam be? Insights from physical modelling at a white-water rafting courseEGU25-913 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
Multi-Objective Optimization of Nature-Based Solution Layouts for Enhanced Ecosystem ServicesEGU25-1168 | Posters on site | NH1.7
Assessing Nature-Based Solutions using the HEC-RAS modelling system: a reviewEGU25-1422 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
Gazelle Valley Park – A case study of a dual urban nature-based solution for flood mitigation in a Mediterranean climateEGU25-3855 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
Nature-based solutions for attenuating hydrometeorological hazards in coastal regions: Effectiveness and quantification approachesEGU25-4245 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
Using remote sensing to parameterise a leaky barrier hydraulic unitEGU25-4972 | Orals | NH1.7 | Highlight
An Integrated Catchment-Scale Approach to Urban River WaterQuality Using Constructed WetlandsEGU25-5705 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
Modelling the effect of a vegetated mid-channel bar on large wood accumulation at bridge piersEGU25-6152 | Posters on site | NH1.7
Unravelling the hydraulics of leaky barriers: physical and mathematical modellingEGU25-10713 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
A symbolic regression approach to illuminate the water-energy-food-ecosystem interlinkages in a rainwater harvesting systemEGU25-10852 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
Effect of engineered logjams on hydrodynamics and fish responseEGU25-11362 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
Inorganic carbon unexpected driver of carbon sink response in an established beaver wetlandEGU25-11975 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
Quantifying the impacts of rewilding on hydrological extremes (floods and droughts)EGU25-12732 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
Nature-Based Solutions for Reducing Floods and Droughts in Small RiversEGU25-17250 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7
Finding suitable locations for in-stream wetland creation/restoration: comparing suitability analysis with machine learning approachEGU25-17756 | Posters on site | NH1.7
Ex-ante evaluation of NbS effectiveness in mitigating water-related hazards at a catchment levelEGU25-17941 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
Resilience of stormwater trees to temporary flooding: The case of Acer platanoides ‘Globosum’EGU25-19479 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7
LiDAR for Green Infrastructure: monitoring vertical greening with wooden support structuresGM4 – Humans, life, and landscapes
EGU25-1050 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.2
Reconstructing Ancient Human-Climate Interactions: Paleoclimatic Evidence from the Amuq ValleyEGU25-1553 | ECS | Orals | GM4.2
Can changes in geomorphic responses to urbanisation be predicted from stormwater outfalls?EGU25-4046 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.2
Landform basis for the rise of early cities:A case from the upper Jialu River basin in Central ChinaEGU25-5055 | Posters on site | GM4.2
Loess archives and Paleolithic hunter-gatherers at the desert margins, northern Negev, IsraelEGU25-8026 | Posters on site | GM4.2
Outlining the Potential of Port-OSL Profiling in Service of Prehistoric to Pre-Modern Archaeological ResearchEGU25-8212 | ECS | Orals | GM4.2
DeltaSense: Africa's remote sensing guardian of landscape degradationEGU25-12437 | Orals | GM4.2
Reduced soil aggregation and increased wind erosion in disturbed semi-arid loess soilsEGU25-12564 | ECS | Orals | GM4.2 | Highlight
Landscape coevolution in a Japanese human-geomorphic system induced by the July 2017 heavy rainfall in northern KyûshûEGU25-13486 | Posters on site | GM4.2
Ecological condition of mineral resource quarries under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factorsEGU25-17331 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.2
Exploring Depositional Environments through Particle Morphologies: Grain Shape Analysis and its Application in Sedimentology and ArchaeologyEGU25-18880 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.2
Human or climate: which geomorphological agent?The example of Holocene tufa systems in Provence (Southeastern France) as a tool for analysisEGU25-19255 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.2
Assessing the long-term integrity of the tailings dam in the dynamic tropical landscape of the PhilippinesEGU25-7112 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3 | Highlight
Timing of the First Mesopotamian Boat Unearthed in a Euphrates Paleochannel near Uruk (Iraq)EGU25-12097 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3
Microtopographic analysis of the Mohács Plain based on Digital Terrain ModelsEGU25-20528 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3
Homo Sapiens in Equatorial Guinea during the Middle Stone Age: a paleopedological approachEGU25-21508 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3
Preliminary Geochemical and Lipid Biomarker Results from Lake Stechlin, Northeastern GermanyEGU25-858 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
Founding the geosite spectral library of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global GeoparkEGU25-3608 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
A Comprehensive Framework for the Assessment of Geoheritage Degradation RiskEGU25-7151 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
Geoheritage and Geoconservation Strategies at the Gaspar Grande Cave, North-Western Trinidad, West IndiesEGU25-8536 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
Promoting Geodiversity Conservation through Co-Creation Approaches: A Case Study of the Belvedere Glacier of Western Italian AlpsEGU25-9724 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
Preserving the Geological Heritage of “The Dolomites” UNESCO WHS: a Geodatabase approachEGU25-11859 | Posters on site | GM4.5
Geosite inventory and quantitative assessment in southern Malta (Central Mediterranean Sea)EGU25-13124 | Posters on site | GM4.5
Can a hazardous landslide be a geoheritage site? A case study from the Modena Apennines (Northern Italy)EGU25-14861 | Orals | GM4.5
Sustainable Geotourism in Volcanic Geoheritage in Salma aUGGp, Saudi ArabiaEGU25-15032 | Posters on site | GM4.5
Geoheritage Assessment of the North Riyadh aUGGP, Saudi Arabia: linking Geotourism, and Sustainable DevelopmentEGU25-16807 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
A Geoinformatics Hike Over the Vikos Canyon in Northwestern GreeceEGU25-17339 | Posters on site | GM4.5
Geotourism development in large-scale volcanic areas: A Case Study of Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife, Canary IslandsEGU25-18752 | ECS | Posters on site | GM4.5
Preserving Identity Through Toponymy: Geoheritage as a Tool for Sustainable Tourism on Asinara IslandEGU25-20686 | ECS | Orals | GM4.5
Communicating geological heritage to schools: examples from the Oeste UNESCO Global Geopark (Portugal)EGU25-1684 | ECS | Orals | BG5.3
Biodiversification and the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient over deep time: insights from mechanistic modelsEGU25-1806 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Building the eukaryotic planet: a view from marginal marine settingsEGU25-2266 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Development of a biogeodynamical tool for exploratory paleoclimate modellingEGU25-3646 | ECS | Orals | BG5.3 | Highlight
How deep-time climate change has influenced the diversity of plantsEGU25-9324 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Evaluating the Impact of Paleogeographic Reconstructions on Phanerozoic Climate Simulations and Carbon Cycle DynamicsEGU25-9334 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Low chemical weathering intensity in the Vøring Basin during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal MaximumEGU25-11019 | ECS | Orals | BG5.3
Implementing plant evolution into a dynamic vegetation model and its impact on the Phanerozoic biosphereEGU25-13043 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Contrasting vegetation and climate regulation at the Permian-Triassic and Triassic-Jurassic hyperthermalsEGU25-14396 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Supraglacial biological niches as a solution to the Sturtian oxygenation problemEGU25-14800 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Early Cambrian volcanic and palaeoenvironmental evolution of eastern AustraliaEGU25-15990 | ECS | Posters on site | BG5.3
Expanded aerobic iron biogeochemical cycle in the Paleoproterozoic oceans during the ca. 2.22-2.06 Ga Lomagundi EventEGU25-18533 | ECS | Orals | BG5.3
Influence of orbital cycles on chemical weathering and marine redox conditions under greenhouse climatesEGU25-19755 | Posters on site | BG5.3
Global impacts of evaporite deposition during the Messinian Salinity Crisis in transient Earth system model simulationsGM5 – Erosion, Sediments, Weathering, and Landscapes
EGU25-1855 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1 | Highlight
Climate-driven regime shifts and amplified seasonality in sediment transport of cryosphere-fed riversEGU25-2795 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Machine Learning Approaches for Evaluating Water-Induced Soil Erosion and Its Vulnerability Factors in a WatershedEGU25-4444 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
From Source to Sink: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Suspended Sediment Load in two Glaciated Alpine CatchmentsEGU25-4981 | Orals | GM5.1
Taiwan's mountain building and landscape evolution: A cosmogenic perspectiveEGU25-5191 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon and the net geological carbon budget of the Eastern Tibetan PlateauEGU25-5734 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Simulation of soil erosion in the Little Ice Age glacier foreland of the Zufallferner (South Tyrol, Italy) using Erosion-3DEGU25-8450 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Forecasting landslide sediment supply to streams using material point methodEGU25-8728 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Bedload transport histories in heterogeneous Alpine glaciated catchmentsEGU25-10049 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Behind the scenes of the struggle between rock control and tectonic forces - reading the geologic past through morphometric analysis of valley networkEGU25-13524 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
High Resolution River Chemistry Timeseries Reveal Hydro-Climatological Controls on Weathering Fluxes Across the Himalayan Mountain RangeEGU25-14716 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Integrating Smart Rocks, UAV-Based Sensing, and Large-Scale Field Experiments for Bedload Transport Analysis in River SystemsEGU25-16311 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Waterfall alteration of bedrock channel form in the San Gabriel MountainsEGU25-16462 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Quantifying sediment supply to the river from a tropical slow-moving landslide using photogrammetry: the case study of Grand Eboulis, Réunion IslandEGU25-16480 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.1
Achieving Computationally Trackable Modelling of Erosion in the Alps using the Instructed Glacier Model (IGM)EGU25-17785 | ECS | Orals | GM5.1
Extreme flood event and their depositonal signatures: the case of the Storm Alex in the Roya ValleyEGU25-18421 | ECS | Orals | GM5.1
Dynamics of a badland watershed subject to erosion by diachronic LiDAR analysis and hydraulic modelingEGU25-2976 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Impact of Late Quaternary dammed lake-outburst floods along the Yarlung Tsangpo River on the sedimentary and landscape evolution, Southern TibetEGU25-3787 | Posters on site | GM5.2
Patterns of deposition in subalpine lakes during the late Holocene and Anthropocene, Glacier National Park, Montana, USAEGU25-5970 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Rapid proglacial delta growth from meltwater pulses in Lituya Bay, AlaskaEGU25-6916 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Fluvial Evolution of the Eastern Andean Piedmont: Late Quaternary Sedimentary Records from the Caquetá and Guaviare Rivers, ColombiaEGU25-7505 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
How do earthquake triggered landslides contribute to landscape evolution?EGU25-9910 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Coupling glacier and debris flow processes to long-term landscape evolution model for drainage divide migrationEGU25-10386 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Intermittent World: A Global Analysis of River Water and Sediment IntermittencyEGU25-10963 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Tracking tectonic versus lithological impacts on sediment generation in catchmentsEGU25-11048 | ECS | Orals | GM5.2
The impact of the Eocene-Oligocene transition on a midlatitude fluvial system (Almazán Basin, Spain)EGU25-12268 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Orogen-wide erosional patterns in the Alps: Insights from unmixing modeling of modern-day and Miocene orogenic fluvial sedimentsEGU25-12603 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Geophysics, geology and geomorphology: controversial data on the provenance of ring-shaped landforms on the East European plainEGU25-16764 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
The response of paralic peatlands to short-lived climatic or eustatic eventsEGU25-17769 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Landscape sensitivity to global warming and signal propagation from source to sink: An integrative study of the PETM in the Southern Pyrenees (Spain)EGU25-19424 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.2
Stable giants? Persistence and hazard potential of world's largest glacier lakesEGU25-21581 | ECS | Orals | GM5.2
Duricrust Influence on the Geological Record: Insights from Numerical ModellingEGU25-1729 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1
Identification of tephra and its pedological significance in Mollisols of Northeast ChinaEGU25-2726 | Posters on site | SSS3.1
Assessing ochric soil profiles using magnetic susceptibility measurementsEGU25-2771 | Posters on site | SSS3.1
Exploring Spatial Correlation of Magnetic Susceptibility in Vertical Soil Profiles of Northern PolandEGU25-15687 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1
Black layers in the floodplain of the Aue catchment, Central Germany – paleosols or black sediments?EGU25-18244 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1
Behind the stones - Soil memories of Medieval terraces in Monti Lucretili, Central ItalyEGU25-20174 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1
Comparison of geochemical characterization derived from geological versus subsolum geological substrate maps as basis for soil formation in AustriaEGU25-1067 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.8
Multiproxy evaluation of the Paleohydrology of the Sakarya River during the Last Milennium, NW AnatoliaEGU25-1438 | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Climatic versus Anthropogenic Influences on Sediment Delivery to the Gulf of Mexico Marginal Sea since 5000 y BPEGU25-1688 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Sedimentary and diagenetic processes at the origin of the 3D architecture of heterogeneous lacustrine and palustrine limestones.EGU25-2703 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.8
Bedding-parallel fibrous calcite veins in Permian carbonate, central ThailandEGU25-4791 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Modern Sedimentary Mechanisms and Evolution of Extreme Event Layers Offshore Southwestern TaiwanEGU25-5284 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Study on the long-term shoreline extraction and analysis method on the east coast of Korea using Python toolkitEGU25-8410 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.8 | Highlight
Sedimentary Signatures of Typhoon: Insight from Core Record in the South China SeaEGU25-9822 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
A multi-proxy reconstruction of past erosion dynamics based on lake sediments from the northern Ecuadorian AndesEGU25-11379 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Superposition and Intra-Stratal Bedding: Comparing the effects of different diagenetic models on stratigraphy.EGU25-11785 | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Facies modeling of Cenozoic successions in the Gunsan Basin using statistical methodsEGU25-11902 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.8
Spatial and temporal evolution of tidal channels' submarine geomorphology in the northern Venice Lagoon, ItalyEGU25-14906 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
Subsurface dissection of Holocene inter-reef Halimeda bioherms: morphology, facies and latitudinal variations in the northern Great Barrier ReefEGU25-15450 | Orals | SSP3.8
Chronological data is the best proxy in sedimentary process reconstructionEGU25-15862 | Orals | SSP3.8
Submarine geomorphology of tidal channels in the northern Venice Lagoon, ItalyEGU25-18440 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.8
A new sediment mobility and seabed disturbance geo-spatial toolbox (Sed-mob-bed Tool)GM6 – Planetary, Aeolian and Dryland Geomorphology
EGU25-2712 | ECS | Orals | GM6.1
Effects of gravity in CO2-sublimation driven granular flows in laboratory experimentsEGU25-5840 | ECS | Orals | GM6.1
Morphological and geophysical evolution of terrestrial impact cratersEGU25-8162 | ECS | Orals | GM6.1
Martian Deltas: Experiments on the Impact of Sediment Density on Delta Morphology as a Proxy for GravityEGU25-8494 | ECS | Orals | GM6.1
The deformation of lobate debris aprons revealed by crater morphologies in Tempe Terra, MarsEGU25-8518 | ECS | Orals | GM6.1
Flow features potentially related to pitted cones in southern Utopia Planitia, MarsEGU25-8533 | ECS | Orals | GM6.1 | Highlight
Coupled dichotomy retreat and aqueous alteration on Noachian MarsEGU25-9022 | Posters on site | GM6.1
Morphometric Analysis of the 2004 Banda Aceh Tsunami Deposits as Analogs for Martian Paleotsunami FeaturesEGU25-9077 | Posters on site | GM6.1
Origin and age of water-related morphologies in the southwest Sinus Sabaeus, MarsEGU25-18088 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.1
Mapping and Classification of Enceladus’s Linear StructuresEGU25-18100 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.1
Periodic Bedrock Ridges in the Equatorial Region of Mars: Insights from a Global StudyEGU25-19218 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.1
The application of orbital and rover observations of fluvial and lacustrine environments to the 2028 ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover in Oxia Planum.EGU25-20486 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.1
Netherlands Planetary Science Network on Observables of Planetary HabitabilityEGU25-21389 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.1
Decoding Mars' Aeolian Features: Mesoscale Models for Wind and Climate AnalysisEGU25-229 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2
High-resolution mineralogical record of soil genesis and dust influx in a relict palaeosolEGU25-506 | ECS | Orals | GM6.2 | Highlight
Hydrological fluctuations in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, over the past millenniumEGU25-754 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2
Quantifying input volumes in Australia’s largest playa lake using SWOT dataEGU25-4036 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2
Activity and stability of surfaces and soils in the Atacama Desert, ChileEGU25-4535 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2
Expansion of the Late Quaternary morphochronology of Atacama’s coastal alluvial fans (northern Chile) by Schmidt hammer exposure-age datingEGU25-4557 | ECS | Orals | GM6.2
Linking structural and functional connectivity in drylands under varying rainfall and soil conditionsEGU25-4741 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2
Geomorphic diversity of dryland rivers and their controls in the semi-arid region, Western IndiaEGU25-7661 | Posters on site | GM6.2
Spatial variations in the provenance of eolian deposits on the Mu Us desert and the Chinese Loess PlateauEGU25-14669 | ECS | Orals | GM6.2
Unraveling the Link between Rainfall and Groundwater: A Regional ApproachEGU25-17392 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2
Evaluating Aquifer Recharge in Volcanic Islands: A Case Study of Maspalomas, Gran CanariaEGU25-4811 | Posters on site | GM6.4
Dynamics of Barchan dune in the sand belt between Badain Jaran and Ulan Buh Desert, ChinaEGU25-4903 | Orals | GM6.4 | Highlight
Complex Processes and Nonlinear Evolution of Aeolian Landscapes in Response to Climate ChangeEGU25-5666 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
Semi-automated mapping of aeolian sand dunes: A case study from northern FinlandEGU25-6353 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
Automatic Mapping and Characterising Of Ripple Patterns on Sand Dunes using U-Net and 2D Semi-Variogram.EGU25-6569 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
Dune Slowdown and Stabilization in Inland Deserts of East Asia: The Role of Wind Stilling and Vegetation Recovery over Four DecadesEGU25-9029 | Posters on site | GM6.4
Joint luminescence and radiocarbon dating of Holocene fire history and dune activity in Arctic FennoscandiaEGU25-11579 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
What causes aeolian sand dunes in Northern Fennoscandia to lose their crests? From mapping and dating to process understandingEGU25-13192 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
Interactions between aeolian dune fields and debris flows in alluvial fans.EGU25-13657 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
The impact of a single shrub on the distribution of surface shear velocity in a semi-arid rangelandEGU25-13879 | Posters on site | GM6.4
Large-scale systematic mapping of paleo-bedforms in the Thaumasia Planum – western Noachis Terra region, MarsEGU25-13976 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.4
Field Estimates of Thresholds for Aeolian Sand TransportEGU25-14031 | Orals | GM6.4
Nearshore snow-bedform dynamics determined from imagery in the subarctic and arcticEGU25-15981 | Posters on site | GM6.4
Aeolian Landforms in the EXOMARS 2028 Landing Site in Oxia Planum (Mars)EGU25-17100 | Posters on site | GM6.4
Multi-method dating of typical nebkha sediments in the Otindag dune fieldEGU25-19261 | Posters on site | GM6.4
Morphology and Migration of Megabarchans on the Mali-Algeria BorderEGU25-1247 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Vertical Profiling of Dust Layers in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sources, Dynamics, and ImpactsEGU25-3373 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Analysis of PM2.5 Impacts from Agricultural Vinyl Waste Treatment Processes and Uncollected WasteEGU25-4644 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Intermediate-mode mineral dust aerosols efficiently scatter solar radiationEGU25-4775 | PICO | CL4.14
Paleoclimate informed simulations for constraining aerosol radiative effectsEGU25-5652 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
From Sahara Desert to Ukraine: an integrated study of mineral dust transportEGU25-6183 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Meteorological Drivers of East Asian dust activity in spring 2001-2022EGU25-8292 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Saharan dust deposition in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: ballasting agent or fertilizer?EGU25-8965 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Photovoltaic production in West Africa: Impact of dust and water footprint of cleaning operationsEGU25-9264 | PICO | CL4.14 | Highlight
The shadow of the wind: photovoltaic power generation under Europe's dusty skiesEGU25-11653 | PICO | CL4.14
Earth Observations and Atmospheric Dust: unveiling Atlantic Ocean depositionEGU25-13198 | PICO | CL4.14
Giant Particle Size Distribution and Composition Near and In Dust SourcesEGU25-16684 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Enhancing Aerosol Modeling: Integrating the Mineralogy of Mineral Dust into ECHAM_HAMMOZEGU25-17479 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
A 21-year evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth retrievals during Icelandic dust eventsEGU25-447 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Hyper-spectral acquisitions of ice mixtures with Martian simulant at low temperaturesEGU25-3027 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
The Possible Aqueous Origins of Manganese Alteration Minerals in the Máaz Formation of Jezero CraterEGU25-4315 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Seasonal Marsquakes Reveal Shallow Groundwater Activity on MarsEGU25-4420 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Sorting and weathering trends of soil at Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for regional pedological processesEGU25-5334 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Martian Dynamo Change at ~4.1 Ga: Evidence from the Magnetic Measurements of the Iota CraterEGU25-5680 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Global Distribution of Low Frequency Family Marsquakes From Deep Learning-Based Polarization EstimationEGU25-5823 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Revealing the CME Impact on the Martian Nightside Ionosphere Based on MAVEN and Tianwen-1 ObservationsEGU25-6628 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
A New Model of the Crustal Magnetic Field of Mars Using Physics-Informed Neural NetworksEGU25-8773 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
Supervised Spectral Parameter Learning over Jezero Crater with the ESA ExoMars TGO CaSSIS Multiband ImagerEGU25-9007 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Influence of solar wind parameters on pickup ion beam instabilities upstream of Mars: Linear analysisEGU25-9054 | Posters on site | PS1.4
Insights from model-observation comparisons of CO2++ concentrations in the Martian IonopshereEGU25-9427 | Posters on site | PS1.4
RAF - Analog Space Mission - The first analog space base on mining heapsEGU25-9766 | Posters on site | PS1.4
WISDOM GPR calibration and data processing methods applied to field test dataEGU25-11667 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Water Vapor and HCl Vertical Distribution in Mars as Measured by TGO/NOMAD Solar OccultationsEGU25-12355 | Posters on site | PS1.4
The Modification History of Large Craters in the Martian Polar Layered DepositsEGU25-12749 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Recrystallization of amorphous magnesium sulfate hydrates: A low-temperature formation pathway for kieserite (MgSO4·H2O) on Mars?EGU25-13953 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
Microstructure Decoding the Deformation history of the highly shocked Martian Shergottite NWA 7721EGU25-15817 | Orals | PS1.4
First Science Results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Crater Rim CampaignEGU25-16086 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
Groundwater activity inferred from potential clastic dikes in Eberswalde crater, MarsEGU25-16183 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Satellite gravity-rate observations to uncover Martian plume-lithosphere dynamicsEGU25-16607 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
Comparing Tropospheric Water Vapor Isotopic Distribution and Controls on Earth and MarsEGU25-17677 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Analysis of Balloon Missions and Flight Trajectories on MarsEGU25-17926 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4
Combined neutron and X-ray tomography of Martian meteorite NWA 7034 to locate hydrous phasesEGU25-18773 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
The Tumbleweed Science Testbed: Rolling Out Theory into ActionEGU25-19582 | Orals | PS1.4
First Results from Thermal Infra-Red Imager (TIRI) during Hera’s Mars Swing-ByEGU25-20114 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4
Enhancing SHARAD Subsurface Imaging on Mars through a combination of Very-Large Roll (VLR) Maneuvers and Super-Resolution Techniques.EGU25-20213 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4 | Highlight
Application of Satellite Gravimetry and AI to Map the Density Distributions of Mars’s Upper LayersEGU25-652 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Constraining the Viscosity of Europa’s Ice Shell from Eutectic Interfaces in Geodynamic ModelsEGU25-7144 | Posters on site | PS2.5
Search for cyanopropyne and isobutyronitrile in Titan with TEXESEGU25-9877 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Modeling of fault initiation in the ice shell of EnceladusEGU25-10116 | Orals | PS2.5
Clathrate as a noble gas reservoir from the primordial hydrosphere of TitanEGU25-10910 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Selection of the chemical adsorbents and operating conditions for the injection traps onboard the Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer Gas ChromatographEGU25-11947 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Cracking Europa’s shell: How ice thickness and convection drive surface-interior dynamicsEGU25-14681 | Orals | PS2.5
Ocean underpressure, subsurface boiling, and the upward transport of water on icy moonsEGU25-17397 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Icy realms compared: Global ice shell dynamics of Ganymede and EuropaEGU25-18662 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Search for low altitude polar orbits for future Enceladus missionsEGU25-18900 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
A journey across scales: Two-phase models for Europa’s icy mantleEGU25-21003 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
Gravity and topography signatures of shallow water bodies in the subsurface of Europa and GanymedeEGU25-21311 | ECS | Orals | PS2.5
Investigating cryobot performance in realistic ice environments with the CryotwinEGU25-21313 | Orals | PS2.5 | Highlight
Exploring Enceladus: The Science Case for Future Radar Sounder MeasurementsEGU25-21319 | Posters on site | PS2.5
A Distributed Radar Sounder Concept for Subsurface Exploration of Saturn's Moon Enceladus: Feasibility and PotentialEGU25-21520 | ECS | Orals | PS2.5
LunaIcy, a Multiphysics Surface Model for the study of icy surfacesEGU25-21586 | ECS | Orals | PS2.5
Insights about Stratigraphy and Composition From Ray and Halo Craters on GanymedeEGU25-21709 | Posters on site | PS2.5
Ice Data Hub - A Crowdsourced Approach to Compile Terrestrial Analog and Ice Property Data for Icy Moons Exploration ActivitiesEGU25-21724 | ECS | Posters on site | PS2.5
The Effects of a Porous Layer on the Dynamics and Two-way Radar Attenuation of Enceladus’ Ice ShellGM7 – Tectonic, Volcanic, and Regional Geomorphology
EGU25-884 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the frontal part of Tripura Fold Thrust Belt, India: Connecting climate and tectonicsEGU25-2555 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Meso-Cenozoic Tectonic and Geomorphic Evolution of the Eastern Tianshan: Insights from the Barkol Mountains and Hami BasinEGU25-3509 | Posters on site | GM7.1
Tectonic and climatic control of Yarlung Tsangpo Gorge revealed by a buried canyon in Southern TibetEGU25-4398 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
The influence of tectonics on river terrace evolution in the Guadix/Baza Basin, SpainEGU25-4765 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Fault Evolution in Magma-Rich Rifts using Quantitative Geomorphology: Insights from Central Afar, EthiopiaEGU25-5241 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Tectonic, lithologic and climate controls on landslide distribution in the Eastern HimalayasEGU25-6992 | Posters on site | GM7.1
The influence of landslides on anticline breaching and landscape evolution in the Appalachian Valley and RidgeEGU25-8546 | Orals | GM7.1
Impact of climate and volcanism age on landscape evolution of oceanic islandsEGU25-9329 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Holistic quantification of transient landscape response to rock uplift changes in the Fiumara Allaro catchment, Calabria, ItalyEGU25-9832 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Timing the Oligocene-Miocene uplift of Afro-Arabia: Insights from clay mineralogy and geochemistryEGU25-10705 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1
Scale dependency of the landscape’s morphometry in the Alpine RhineEGU25-11196 | Posters on site | GM7.1
Active faults and coastal landscapes in the back arc of Central Japan, lessons from the Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquakeEGU25-11719 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of the central South Tian Shan, KyrgyzstanEGU25-12302 | Posters on site | GM7.1
From Short-Term Erosion to Long-Term Landforms: Linking Different Coastal Erosion Models to Marine Terrace FormationEGU25-13803 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1
Landscape Evolution of the Kyrgyz Range (Tien Shan): Deciphering Tectonic and Climate InputsEGU25-14831 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Extending the limits of divide migration criteria: A downscale approximationEGU25-16343 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Environmental DNA reveals geologic and climatic isolation effects on plant and fungal Communities in the Hengduan MountainsEGU25-17109 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Sediment provenance from coastal and offshore northern Colombia: Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Magdalena River Delta and La Aguja CanyonEGU25-17366 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Limited effect of Quaternary climatic cycles on tropical denudation from10Be paleo-denudation rates of the Ogowé catchment (Gabon)EGU25-17853 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1
Tectonic and climatic controls on fill terrace deposition and preservation in a large Himalayan river catchmentEGU25-18576 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Indications of Provenance and Source Rock Contributions in Paleogene Deposits from Zrinska Gora, CroatiaEGU25-19506 | Posters on site | GM7.1
Linking Glacial Exhumation and Fluvial Incision During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, Southern Patagonia, ArgentinaEGU25-20636 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Controls of climate and fluvial thresholds on stream incision on the Hawaiian IslandsEGU25-304 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Investigation of Andaman Sea using seismic data and gravity modellingEGU25-1137 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Detrital Zircon Geochronology Indicates Synchronous Evolution Of Western Anatolian Supradetachment BasinsEGU25-1278 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Volume and provenance of sediments in the Rotliegend Polish Trough - Southern Permian BasinEGU25-2427 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2
Towards a new class of tectonic basins: Dynamic rebound basins and lithospheric drippingEGU25-3296 | Posters on site | TS4.2
A window into Alps and Apennines interactions and the development of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust beltEGU25-4308 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
The demise of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin: what caused its erosion?EGU25-7190 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Neogene stabilization of the northwestern Tibetan PlateauEGU25-8331 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Morphotectonic Analysis of the Yenişehir (Bursa) Pull-Apart BasinEGU25-8734 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Impact of river incision on lower crustal flow: insights from thermo-mechanical modelsEGU25-8912 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Slow Propagation of Slab Tearing at Collisional Boundaries: Implications for Foreland Basin Evolution and Adjacent Mountain UpliftEGU25-14415 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Drivers of asymmetric morpho-structural evolution along the western Colombian Andes across multiple temporal scalesEGU25-14529 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Paleolatitudes of the UHP terrane exhumation: Implications for interaction with climate-driven surface processesEGU25-14794 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
River network response to thrust sheet propagation into a forelandEGU25-15026 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Appraising the basement nature of Junggar Basin through borehole core and deep seismic reflection dataEGU25-15072 | Orals | TS4.2
Diverse responses of coupled mountain-basin system to periodic climate changeEGU25-15876 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2
High-elevation western Anatolian topography delayed faunal migration during the early MioceneEGU25-16005 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Modelling the influence of pre-collisional rift linkage during mountain buildingEGU25-18423 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Backwards-in-time river profile modeling: constraints on Dynamic Topography in the Western Highlands of CameroonEGU25-18815 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2
Madagascar's landscape evolution: a tale of two rifts and drainage divide migrationEGU25-18879 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
4D burial-exhumation patterns in a continental corner collision: insights from coupled 3D numerical modellingEGU25-20012 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Salt Tectonics During Lithospheric-Scale Rift and Basin Inversion Stages: Insights from High-Resolution Numerical ModelingEGU25-3129 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
A Thermal Model of the Flamanville Granitic Diapir Deforming AureoleEGU25-7471 | PICO | TS5.1 | Highlight
Analogue modelling in Geosciences uncovered: a textbook for modern mindsEGU25-10571 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
Analogue Modelling of Intrusion Dynamics in Relation to Internal and Surface DeformationEGU25-10756 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
Analogue modeling of strike-slip faults: a new insight from different kinematic constrainsEGU25-19272 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
Rifting, Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic processes control the landscape of MadagascarEGU25-636 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Seismic Hazard Potential in and around the Yedisu Seismic Gap: Implications from Seismological and Geodetic ConstraintsEGU25-3031 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Mapping Active Seabed Ruptures in the Eastern Offshore UAE, Gulf of OmanEGU25-3190 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Verifying the structure and development of the Osning Fault System (Northern Germany) using cross-section balancingEGU25-3751 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
A methodological comparison between low-frequency and high-frequency seismic reflection data for studying near-surface faultsEGU25-7300 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Innovative Approaches to Fault Detection: Integrating Geophones and DAS in the Budoia-Aviano Thrust Case StudyEGU25-8000 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Application of comprehensive geophysical-drilling exploration to detectthe buried Shunyi active fault belt in Beijing, ChinaEGU25-8776 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Fault Systems and Dyke-Induced Deformations: Insights from Drone Surveys and Numerical Modelling in the Fremri-Námur Area, Northern IcelandEGU25-9162 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Structural architecture of the frontal part of active Greater Caucasus orogen: A case study from the western GeorgiaEGU25-12607 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Seismological Analysis of Active Transverse Faults in the rifted Northern Apennines: Insights into Fault Evolution, Linkage and InheritanceEGU25-12632 | Posters on site | TS3.1
The Mt. Morrone seismotectonic source: analysis of fault model uncertainty for Ground Motion PredictionEGU25-13203 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
Seismo-tectonic activity along transversal structures in the Inner Northern ApenninesEGU25-14113 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Possible kinematic model for an active blind thrust fault in SW Taiwan: an example of fold-accommodation faultEGU25-15222 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Unveiling the roots of seismogenic faults in central southern ApenninesEGU25-15957 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
Insight into the Crustal Density Structure of Kumaon Himalaya, India, based on Gravity Modeling and InversionEGU25-16349 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Nonuniform seismic unzipping of East Anatolian Fault reveals supercycle behaviorEGU25-16385 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
New paleoseismological findings along the Fiandaca Fault reveal the dynamics of Etna volcano's eastern flankEGU25-17433 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
New preliminary insights into the Dalvik Lineament in North Iceland, earthquakes, landslides, dikes, and geothermal resourcesEGU25-18294 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
InSAR observations and modeling of volcano-tectonic fracture movements on the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW IcelandEGU25-18558 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Active extension in the axial zone of the southern Apennines (Italy) is driven by the remobilization of inverted normal faultsEGU25-18914 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Field examples regarding Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio measurements as a tool for shallow faulting investigationEGU25-18994 | Posters on site | TS3.1
New GNSS Network on Salina Island: A Key Element in the Geodynamic FrameworkEGU25-19002 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Ultra-shallow Earthquakes Caused by Interbed Slip in Global Fold-Thrust BeltsEGU25-19452 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
Stress and strain fields in the Iberian Peninsula and adjacent Mountain RangesEGU25-20936 | Orals | TS3.1 | Highlight
Slow-Deforming Orogens Revisited: Multi-Decadal Postseismic Transients and Implications for Earthquake Forecasts in ItalyEGU25-1950 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Crustal deformation of the Azerbaijan territory: results from 25 years (1998 - 2022) of monitoring using GPSEGU25-3357 | ECS | Orals | TS3.5
Seismicity and Seismic Hazards along the East African Rift System (EARS): A ReviewEGU25-6153 | Orals | TS3.5 | Highlight
GNSS measurements reveal unexpected far-field deformation of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, TürkiyeEGU25-6861 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Late Quaternary displacement rate of Dead Sea western marginal faultEGU25-7419 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Seismicity in the Sea of Marmara Obtained Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsEGU25-9653 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Interseismic Slip Rate Estimations Along the North Anatolian Fault: Insights from GPS and InSAR DataEGU25-11508 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Comparative Analysis of Geodetic Strain Rate Field Around Anatolia: GPS vs InSAR ModelsEGU25-11616 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
InSAR Postseismic Displacements of the 2023 Turkey EarthquakesEGU25-11625 | Posters on site | TS3.5
New constraints on the activity and evolution of the young Aigion-Erineos Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, GreeceEGU25-11894 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
High-Resolution Thermal Imaging of the Surface Rupture of the February 6 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake (Mw 7.8), TürkiyeEGU25-12357 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Morphotectonic investigation of the active faults in Boeotia, central Greece, before the 2020-2023 seismic crisisEGU25-13939 | Orals | TS3.5
Rupture phases reveal geometry-related rupture propagation in a natural earthquakeEGU25-15645 | Posters on site | TS3.5
High-Resolution Co-seismic Surface Displacement Distribution for February 6, 2023, Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) Earthquake, TurkiyeEGU25-17404 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Assessing Coastline Changes of Lake Gölbaşı (Adıyaman, Türkiye) Through InSAR Time Series AnalysisEGU25-18264 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Seismic Activity and Deformation of the Pütürge Segment of the East Anatolian Fault: Insights from Recent Earthquakes and Geodetic ObservationsGM8 – Coastal and Submarine Geomorphology
EGU25-2509 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
Accurate Recognition of Deep-Sea Small-Size Polymetallic Nodules Based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning ModelEGU25-3161 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
Characterization of a Giant Pockmark Field in the Gulf of Oman: A New Contributor to the Arabian Sea Carbon FluxEGU25-4509 | Posters on site | GM8.1
Long-term observation of fluid venting features in the Amazon FanEGU25-8547 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Machine Learning techniques for the detection of geomorphological features in nearshore environmentsEGU25-9756 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Buried Late Pleistocene and Holocene channel systems in the southern North SeaEGU25-10243 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
The geomorphology of the Axial Channel, southern North Sea: a complex glacio-fluvial and marine storyEGU25-10644 | Posters on site | GM8.1
Distribution and Controlling Factors of Submarine Channels on Antarctic Continental MarginEGU25-12205 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Can offshore groundwater flow within shelf sediments generate fluid deformation structures?EGU25-14916 | Posters on site | GM8.1
Enigmatic deep-water seafloor depressions east of Tortue Island, Northern Haiti marginEGU25-16879 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
A spatiotemporal analysis of seabed morphodynamics in a constrained flow environment: A case study of an open tunnel valley in the Western Irish SeaEGU25-18527 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
The seal bypass system of the northern Kattegat may contribute to the development of the bubbling reefsEGU25-18832 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Anomalous Seafloor Morphologies: Insights from the CORSUB Project (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)EGU25-19454 | Orals | GM8.1 | Highlight
Seafloor evidence of structurally-controlled fluid expulsion from the upper Amazon deep-seaEGU25-1524 | ECS | Orals | GM8.3
Right size, right place: scale-dependency of managed realignment in an urban estuaryEGU25-2568 | ECS | Orals | GM8.3
Canal excavation impacts on the hydrodynamics of shallow back-barrier lagoonsEGU25-2865 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Comparing the effects of mangroves versus salt marshes on delta morphodynamicsEGU25-3389 | Posters on site | GM8.3
Visualization technique for the deformation distributions in transparent synthetic soil with object detectionEGU25-4879 | ECS | Orals | GM8.3
Tracing sand transport pathways using a Lagrangian sediment tracking modelEGU25-7311 | ECS | Orals | GM8.3
Holistic analysis of shoreline change and mudbank dynamics across the Guiana coastlineEGU25-9119 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Variable time scale changes in the river Neretva salinity regimeEGU25-9183 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Mapping the vulnerability of tidal morphologies to Sea Level Rise through an index-based approachEGU25-9335 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Leveraging public data for beach monitoring plan development in coastal regionsEGU25-11383 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
A Process-Based Modelling Approach to Evaluate Alternative Sustainable Land Subsidence Adaptation Pathways in the NetherlandsEGU25-12372 | Posters on site | GM8.3
Climate control on the channel morphodynamics of the Sittaung River, MyanmarEGU25-13631 | Posters on site | GM8.3
Harnessing Natural Land-Building Processes in Human-Dominated River Deltas: Lessons from the Po River Delta (Italy)EGU25-13783 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Chasing Cobbles: A Regional Exploration of Composite Beach MorphodynamicsEGU25-13802 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Denitrification Hotspots or Nutrient Highways? Modeling the Fate of Nutrients in Coastal River DeltasEGU25-14159 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Microbial Drivers of Ammonium Accumulation in Holocene Sediments of the Pearl River DeltaEGU25-14975 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3 | Highlight
Morphodynamic impacts of sand mining in river deltasEGU25-15368 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Investigating and quantifying tidal effects on the formation of bifurcated channel networks in modern river deltasEGU25-18769 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Understanding Crevasse Splay Evolution in Po River Delta (Italy) via Satellite Imagery: Implications for Coastal ResilienceEGU25-19052 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.3
Sediment Accretion Dynamics and Environmental Drivers in CoastalWetlands: Insights from the Wax Lake DeltaEGU25-424 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Optical Flow for Wave Characterization in a 2D Water Flume Using Video Analysis: A Cutting-Edge Tool for Coastal MonitoringEGU25-2017 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Annual Mobility of Coastal Boulder Deposits During Storm Events: Inishmaan, IrelandEGU25-3076 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
The computer vision techniques and numerical models for the assessment of wave flow during coastal boulder movementsEGU25-5549 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Modelling evaluation of the impact of Medicane Apollo on pocket beaches in the context of climate changeEGU25-5613 | Posters on site | GM8.4
Boulder ridges in Sal Island, Cape Verde: imprint of tsunamis, modern storms, or Last Interglacial wave deposits?EGU25-6178 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Reflection of landslide tsunami in sediment structures: the new GPR data from coastal zone of the Vaigat Strait, West GreenlandEGU25-7064 | Posters on site | GM8.4
A multidisciplinary approach for the investigation of coastal boulder deposits in southern Istria (north Croatia)EGU25-7829 | Posters on site | GM8.4 | Highlight
Unlocking the Secrets of Past Coastal Catastrophes : Using sedimentary ancient DNA (sedDNA) to investigate Storm and Tsunami DepositsEGU25-9992 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Hydrodynamic models for coastal flooding and surface runoff assessments along the coast of Ofanto River (Apulia, Italy)EGU25-11116 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Erosive effects of sea-storms, human pressure, and sea level rise on Volturno coastal plain (mid-Tyrrhenian area): present to future coastal hazardEGU25-19371 | Posters on site | GM8.4
The role and impact of medicanes on coastal boulder dynamics: a preliminary case-study from the Maltese Islands.EGU25-19495 | ECS | Orals | GM8.4
From glaciations to tsunami – a complex history of Shetlands recorded on the surface of quartz grainsEGU25-19749 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Paleotsunami deposits from coastal sediments in Hokkaido, JapanEGU25-19938 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.4
Coastal Hazard Assessment through 3D Mesh Analysis of Coastal Boulder Deposits from Extreme Wave Events in GreeceEGU25-21917 | Orals | GM8.4
Twenty years after the Indian Ocean tsunami - Andaman Sea coast of Thailand revisitedEGU25-1210 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.7
Impact of glacio-isostasy on topography, hydrology and drainage patterns in the southern North SeaEGU25-3903 | Posters on site | GM8.7
Formation of tafoni-like depressions and salt accretion distribution in the seawater splash zoneEGU25-4382 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.7
Holocene Coastal Dynamics and Relative Sea-Level Variations along the Mid-Tyrrhenian CoastlineEGU25-10719 | ECS | Orals | GM8.7
Paleo-seascape reconstructions along the Cilento coasts (Tyrrhenian sea) by innovative AI approachEGU25-12726 | Posters on site | GM8.7
Long-term evolution of western Laconia Peninsula through an integrated geomorphological and geoarchaeological analysisEGU25-13747 | ECS | Orals | GM8.7
Past relative sea-level indicators in coarse-grained paraglacial coastal systems from Eastern CanadaEGU25-20259 | Orals | GM8.7
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Kalamas river delta plain-NW GreeceEGU25-21292 | Orals | GM8.7 | Highlight
Paleo-landscape reconstruction and future predictions of impact of SLR and storm surges in Delaware Bay, USA.EGU25-1070 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Monitoring the natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in the Kızılırmak Delta using remote sensing methods over the last 10 yearsEGU25-1110 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Sedimentary nitrogen removal processes across coastal, lagoon and open waters of the Baltic SeaEGU25-1123 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Claiming Prestige: Shaping the Future of Artificial Coastal Development"EGU25-1614 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Impact of tropical cyclones on the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the radial sand ridge system in the southern Yellow SeaEGU25-2287 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Thermal Stratification Dynamics in Sandpits: Impacts of Marine Sand Extraction in the Southern North SeaEGU25-2593 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Sediment deposition in riparian zones exacerbates saltwater intrusionEGU25-4284 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Assessing the impact of past environmental change on fjord biodiversity using sedimentary ancient DNAEGU25-4575 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Coastal Foredune Notches – Adoption, Constructed Morphology and ClassificationEGU25-5126 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Morphodynamics and Evolution of a Coastal Sand Dune in Northwestern TaiwanEGU25-5803 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Using ocean color satellite data to examine spatial and temporal coastal CO2 dynamics in the North SeaEGU25-6107 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
New coasts emerging from the retreat of Northern Hemisphere marine-terminating glaciers in the 21st centuryEGU25-6108 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Post-Little Ice Age evolution of Svalbard's lagoon systems – types, changes, and responses to stormsEGU25-6649 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Extreme events shapping Svalbard coast: emergence of new coastal landscapesEGU25-7442 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Living Dunes: a trait-based modelling approach to optimize dune-based Nature-based SolutionsEGU25-7788 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Spatiotemporal Distribution and Climate Change Sensitivity of Thermoclines in a Semi-Enclosed SeaEGU25-7828 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Reconstruction of the Cenozoic Paleocoastline and Evolution of the Qiongzhou StraitEGU25-7842 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Projected Decline in Arctic and Subarctic Commercial Fish Catches: Insights from Reconstructed Ocean Biogeochemical ModelingEGU25-10042 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Inundation levels and vegetation: keys to control peak flows in wetlandsEGU25-11715 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Chlorophyll variability in a Coastal Ecosystem: Insights from Recent Decades and Future ProjectionsEGU25-12790 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
The impact of consecutive typhoons on the hydrodynamic conditions in a small bay in the Taiwan StraitEGU25-15209 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Wind-induced residual current as a driver of sediment flux intensification in a shallow, micro-tidal bayEGU25-15389 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Typhoon-induced sediment dynamics: Effects of extreme winds on resuspension and transport in Yeosu Bay, KoreaEGU25-15703 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Advanced Tools for Investigating the Marine Environment of the Southern Baltic Sea Using Model DataEGU25-15907 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
CSI-POM 1 & 2: An Integrated System for Monitoring and Predicting Coastal Dynamics in the Southern Baltic SeaEGU25-16694 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
AI-based animal monitoring for marine biodiversity conservation along the North Sea and Baltic Sea coastsEGU25-16766 | Orals | OS2.4
Resilience in Coastal Weltand Systems – Why it matters and how it can be determinedEGU25-17297 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Multi-technique approach for the reconstruction of rocky coast evolutionEGU25-17669 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Monitoring beach nourishment evolution using satellite data: the case of Vale do Lobo (Portugal)EGU25-17681 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Shoreline evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz through manually digitized and automated extraction methodsEGU25-19510 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Circulation patterns in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario: projections from the AdriE ensemble.EGU25-20220 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Biogeography of N2 Fixation Influenced by the Kuroshio Intrusion in the South China SeaEGU25-20663 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Effects of oyster reefs on back-barrier tidal flats on the local hydro- and morphodynamicsGM9 – Glacial, Periglacial, and Cold Regions Geomorphology
EGU25-1194 | Posters on site | GM9.1
Geomorphological and morphometric characteristics of former glaciers on Mt. Kısır, Northeast TurkeyEGU25-3777 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
New evidence of past glacial and periglacial landforms in the Drakensberg, southern AfricaEGU25-5484 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
Late Pleistocene glacial history of the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre, western Italian AlpsEGU25-6753 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
Cosmogenic 10Be Constraints on Deglacial Snowline Rise Since MIS 3 in the Central Himalayas, ChinaEGU25-10384 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
Reconstructing paleoclimates through 3D numerical modeling of tropical Andes paleoglacial flow.EGU25-11353 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
Reconstructing pre-LGM landscape evolution in the Eastern Alps (Austria): New insights from the Bad Aussee BasinEGU25-11805 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
GLAMED Project: Unravelling the Late Pleistocene glaciation history of the Apennine mountains (Italian Peninsula)EGU25-12125 | ECS | Orals | GM9.1
Rapid thinning, disintegration and fragmentation of the Welsh Ice Cap during the last deglaciation.EGU25-12174 | Posters on site | GM9.1
Tracking the LGM glaciers across the Adige and Astico valleys (European Alps, Northern Italy)EGU25-14401 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.1
Glacial geomorphology and chronology of the Gongba Mountain area, Daocheng, southeast Tibetan PlateauEGU25-17419 | Posters on site | GM9.1
Two atypical overdeepening-fills from the Lake Constance area (Southern Germany)EGU25-20104 | ECS | Orals | GM9.1
Global geodatabase of mountain glacier extents at the Last Glacial MaximumEGU25-678 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.3
Periglacial puzzles: unravelling environmental controls on solifluction lobesEGU25-839 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.3
Geomorphology of the Deglaciated Parts of the South Shetland Islands, Implications for Environmental ChangesEGU25-1341 | ECS | Orals | GM9.3
The Role of Paraglacial and Periglacial Processes in Shaping Glacial Valleys: Example from NW IcelandEGU25-8133 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.3
How well do InSAR measurements align with rock glacier delineations in the Austrian Alps?EGU25-8741 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.3
Internal Structure of Four Rock Glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan from Geophysical InvestigationsEGU25-12615 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.3
Isotopic and geochemical variability of rock glaciers spring waters in the eastern Italian AlpsEGU25-12757 | ECS | Orals | GM9.3
Water Track Formation and Development on Hillslopes in the Canadian High ArcticEGU25-16592 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.3
Monitoring rock rlacier kinematics with medium-resolution Landsat imagery: Insights from the Semi-arid AndesEGU25-16923 | Posters on site | GM9.3
Landscape evolution in proglacial areas based on examples from central Spitsbergen, SvalbardEGU25-17650 | Posters on site | GM9.3
De-icing processes in glacier forelands: generic or site-specific? Answers and challenges from field observationsEGU25-21919 | Posters on site | GM9.3
Inventorying rock glaciers and features of interest within the interior mountainranges of Alberta, CanadaEGU25-4457 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4
Tracking river course dynamics in Alpine glacier forelands with satellite time seriesEGU25-5871 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4
A Python modelling framework for estimating tunnel-valley erosion under former and future ice sheetsEGU25-5902 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4
Microbial dynamics in an alpine glacier forefield: Environmental drivers and ecological implicationsEGU25-6109 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4
Calving waves impact morphodynamics of Arctic beaches, Greenlandic and Svalbard cases studiesEGU25-9614 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4
Quantification of landslide-induced changes in glacier dynamics – literature reviewEGU25-9808 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4
Modeling topsoil organic carbon in proglacial areas worldwide using interpretive machine learningEGU25-11160 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4
As Glaciers Recede, Soils Emerge: Modelling the Dynamics of Proglacial Soil FormationEGU25-11274 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4
Development of hydraulic functions in proglacial soils - investigations in two alpine valleysEGU25-15347 | ECS | Posters on site | GM9.4
Glacier retreat and slope instabilities: Impacts on alpine infrastructure assessed through InSAR techniqueEGU25-16333 | ECS | Orals | GM9.4
Global Quantification of Glacial versus Fluvial Erosion Rates: Limits to Timescale DependenceEGU25-18182 | Posters on site | GM9.4
Accelerating soil development in proglacial areas by soil transplantation and mountain hut compost fertilizationEGU25-320 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4
A 3He-based Holocene glacial chronology from Villarrica volcano, ChileEGU25-321 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4
Glacial erosion rates of primary bedrock from in situ 14C-10Be measurements are lowEGU25-501 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4
History Matching of the Last Glacial Cycle Model for the Icelandic and Patagonian Ice SheetsEGU25-774 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4
A Data-Model Comparison of Ice Sheet Demise in Northern Patagonia During the Last DeglaciationEGU25-3674 | Posters on site | CR1.4
Does the structural inventory control tunnel-valley formation? – Insights from the North German BasinEGU25-5887 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4
Geomorphological Mapping of the Putorana Plateau: Tracing Glacial Histories from the Last Interglacial to the LGMEGU25-8572 | Posters on site | CR1.4
Sedimentology of a Rapidly Retreating Alpine Glacier: Insights From the Taschachferner, Tirol, AustriaEGU25-10580 | Posters on site | CR1.4
Cosmogenic radionuclide exposure ages from the Enns and Mur Glaciers in the Eastern Alps (Styria/Austria)EGU25-11750 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4
Glaciers in the Rofental, Ötztal Alps, Austria: a sedimentological perspectiveEGU25-12696 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4
Earth’s first Phanerozoic-style icehouse in the late NeoproterozoicEGU25-13259 | Orals | CR1.4
Distal Cirque Contribution to the Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet, Yukon, CanadaEGU25-14643 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4
An advance of the Eurasian Ice Sheet to the Central European Uplands preceded MIS 16EGU25-15931 | ECS | Orals | CR1.4
A data-consistent, high-resolution model of the last glaciation in the Alps achieved with physics-driven AIEGU25-16663 | ECS | Posters on site | CR1.4
Bringing Order to Chaos: Micromorphological Analysis of Late Palaeozoic glacial diamictitesEGU25-20001 | Posters on site | CR1.4
Evolution of the Maladeta Glacier (Central Pyrenees) since the Little Ice AgeEGU25-20816 | Posters on site | CR1.4
Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene - ice sheet extent and landscape development in the Western Danish North SeaEGU25-2868 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7
Calibrating Glacier Surface Mass Balance Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Kalman FilterEGU25-3057 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7
Ice-Dynamic Constraints on Glacier Climatic Mass Balance using Inverse TechniqueEGU25-9843 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7
Constraining glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics using ice core and isochronal recordsEGU25-9847 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7 | Highlight
Isochronal insights into ice flow evolution during the Last Glacial Period in Dronning Maud Land, AntarcticaEGU25-10157 | PICO | CR6.7
A New Spaceborne Mission Concept for The Monitoring of the Cryosphere : CryoRADEGU25-14516 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7
Probabilistic Inference of Ice Sheet Basal Temperature with Thermal Modelling and Radar AttenuationEGU25-16121 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7
Comparing methods for estimating basal velocity and internal deformation at the GrenzgletscherEGU25-17352 | ECS | PICO | CR6.7
Advancing snow data assimilation with a variable, state-dependent observation uncertaintyEGU25-8650 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2
Seismic monitoring of grounding line processes at Totten Glacier, East AntarcticaEGU25-10878 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2
Radar and seismic investigations of an active glacier hydrological system in West GreenlandEGU25-13712 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2 | Highlight
UAV-based monitoring of the mountain cryosphere: Recent advances and future prospectsEGU25-14977 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2
In-Situ Bathymetry and Volume Estimation of Glacial Lakes in Western HimalayaEGU25-15704 | PICO | CR6.2
CRYO-RI: snow and ice monitoring and research infrastructure for Northern FinlandEGU25-16146 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2
Cryowurst: a wireless borehole instrument for observing hydrology and ice kinematics in surging glaciersEGU25-19502 | ECS | PICO | CR6.2
Ice content estimation in a Palsa at Aidejavri (Norway) using High-Frequency Induced Polarization (HFIP)EGU25-19748 | PICO | CR6.2
Ice-bed interface conditions in the accumulation zone of the GrenzgletscherGM10 – Riverine Geomorphology
EGU25-1295 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
The impact of dune evanescence on the Po River conveyance during flood eventsEGU25-2343 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Systematic appraisal of geomorphic river mobility across the Ganga basinEGU25-3195 | Posters on site | GM10.1
Supercooling and frazil ice development processes at Nordic rivers with different channel forms and materialsEGU25-3640 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Near-continuous change detection of river reaches with image-based approachesEGU25-4044 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Variability in bedload and morphological active widths of gravel-bed rivers across timescalesEGU25-4656 | Posters on site | GM10.1
Reconstructing North American rivers and lakes during the last deglaciationEGU25-6001 | Orals | GM10.1 | Highlight
A random walk perspective on channel belts and fluvial valleys: model and evidenceEGU25-7492 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Five Centuries of Fluvial Dynamics and Environmental History of the Danube Floodplain, Southern Hungary: Insights from Historical MapsEGU25-8144 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Suspended sediment dynamics in Alpine rivers: from annual regimes to short-term extremesEGU25-8301 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Impact of rock uplift on bedrock-valley width and channel sinuosityEGU25-9322 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Automated Quantification of River Dynamics from Sentinel-2 ImageryEGU25-10155 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Hydrodynamics of Ice-Covered Rivers: Insights from Flume ExperimentsEGU25-12291 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Intermittent bank collapse as an inherent control on meandering river morphologyEGU25-12560 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Coupled effect of river bed and wall roughness on flow resistanceEGU25-13212 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Hydrological connectivity in small wetlands in tropical dryland areasEGU25-13761 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
High-Resolution Suspended Sediment Concentration Dynamics along River CorridorsEGU25-14157 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
The perfect river - an analysis of three transcendental properties of river networksEGU25-16004 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Division of Braided River Reservoir Architecture Based on Bi-LSTM ModelEGU25-16390 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Observing spatial heterogeneity in the first national-scale connectivity map of IndiaEGU25-17202 | Orals | GM10.1
Channel planforms and morphodynamic diversity of the upper Himalayan upland riversEGU25-17596 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Evaluation of Remotely Operated Vehicle -mounted imaging and positioning techniques for topographic measurements under river ice cover.EGU25-18079 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Controls on channel morphologic reach type in paraglacial regions—a study based on a Nordic channel classification in SwedenEGU25-18140 | Posters on site | GM10.1
Characteristics and controls on stream channel heads in paraglacial regions—a field study from northern FennoscandiaEGU25-18337 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Global quantification of river confinement using MERIT DEM and SWORD centerline toolsEGU25-18580 | Posters on site | GM10.1
Relict channel topography increases mobility on meandering riversEGU25-19096 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Flow intermittency and river styles in tropical non-perennial riversEGU25-20329 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.1
Influence of bed surface roughness on flow in rough-bed riversEGU25-20473 | ECS | Orals | GM10.1
Evaluating fluvial lateral connectivity from topo-bathymetric LiDAR data and Gaussian mixture model.EGU25-1343 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Morphodynamic assessment of the Sava River’s critical navigational sectionEGU25-2793 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Comprehensive Review of Large Wood in River Restoration Benefits, Risks and Future DirectionsEGU25-4773 | ECS | Orals | GM10.3
Decreasing water storage capacity in Texas due to reservoir sedimentationEGU25-5315 | ECS | Orals | GM10.3
The fine-scale functional connectivity process in rivers influences the fish natural reproductionEGU25-7324 | ECS | Orals | GM10.3
Quantifying Lateral Bedload Transport Induced by Porous Vanes Using Submerged High-resolution Laser ScanEGU25-8029 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Morphodynamic analysis of diverse headwater reaches using remote sensing and historical reconstruction.EGU25-8420 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
The role of sediment supply on fish habitat dynamics in river wideningsEGU25-8781 | ECS | Orals | GM10.3
The Behaviour of Deep Scour Holes in Rivers: Stable States or Dynamic Fluctuations?EGU25-10295 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Automatic Quantification of Instream Large Wood Storage Combining Machine Learning and High-Resolution Aerial ImageryEGU25-12020 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
A geomorphic approach for floodplain zonation in an anthropogenically impacted reach of the Narmada River, Central IndiaEGU25-12339 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Assessing the importance of channel-floodplain connectivity for the resilience of floodplain ecosystem trajectoriesEGU25-13775 | ECS | Orals | GM10.3
Comparing ‘geomorphic design’ and conventional waste rock deposits at a mining site in northern Sweden.EGU25-14748 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Restriction of Effective Catchment Area by Anthropogenic Elements in a Small Semi-Arid Basin: Preliminary Approaches.EGU25-17336 | Posters on site | GM10.3 | Highlight
DANube SEdiment Restoration (DANSER): Towards deployment and upscaling of sustainable sediment management across the Danube River basin (The Upper Danube case)EGU25-19594 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Aligning research status with stakeholder challenges and evidence needs for supporting river woodland restorationEGU25-19858 | Posters on site | GM10.3
Hydrodynamic forcing on a sphere at the bottom of a sloshing tank: experiments and modelingEGU25-20511 | ECS | Posters on site | GM10.3
Navigation-Induced Suspended Resuspension at a River Confluence: Phase Lag and Amplitude AttenuationEGU25-4136 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.4
Applying the Entropy theory to estimate river flow using the surface velocity by UAS‐Borne Doppler RadarEGU25-5749 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.4
Virtual station rating curves derived from hydraulic models informed with UAS hydrometry and SWOT WSEEGU25-8317 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.4
Analysis of velocities along depths : complementarity of ADCP and LSPIV technologies for hydrometric studiesEGU25-17606 | Posters on site | HS1.2.4
Cost-Effective and high-resolution Bathymetric Mapping in Rivers: Leveraging Sentinel-2 and the Band-Ratio AlgorithmEGU25-17836 | Posters on site | HS1.2.4
Use of UAS and space born hydrometric data to improve flood modelling along the Torne river in northern SwedenEGU25-18081 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.4
Preliminary study on the detection of unnoticed changes in stage discharge relationshipsEGU25-19896 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.4 | Highlight
Contactless river discharge surveying with UAS hydrometry: Performance evaluation using a large and diverse set of river cross sectionsEGU25-20007 | Orals | HS1.2.4
RIMORPHIS – A platform for discovering and processing river morphology dataEGU25-9900 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6 | Highlight
Impact of rainfall variability on sedimentary and hydropower dynamics in a dam reservoir of southern France (1950-2023 )EGU25-10310 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6
Sediments pathways to small rivers in loamy agricultural region and where to find themEGU25-13659 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6
The role of geomorphic connectivity on the mobilisation of artisan mine tailingsGM11 – Education and Outreach Sessions (EOS)
EGU25-196 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Outlook for an European-African Collaboration for Climate Change and Adaptation StrategiesEGU25-3023 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Climate change and water resources capacity development in Africa under the SASSCAL and WASCAL doctoral programmesEGU25-6388 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
The UNESCO IHP FRIEND-Water programme: a global network for hydroclimatic change research and educationEGU25-9543 | Orals | EOS2.6
Capacity Development to support transformation and contribute to achieving SDG6EGU25-12524 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
European Academic Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptations in AfricaEGU25-13908 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.6
Understanding gender dimensions in climate information awareness and uptake by entrepreneurs in South AfricaEGU25-15575 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Enhancing capacities in the field of agrometeorology: developing climatological crop calendars.EGU25-19247 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
Getting water security right across Africa: recognising major dataset biases and space-time change divergenceEGU25-19310 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.6
Climate change capacity building in Africa: initiatives at the United Nations University BonnEGU25-19464 | Posters on site | EOS2.6
LEAP-RE: an example of coordination, resource mobilisation and capacity building in R&I between Europe and AfricaEGU25-21802 | Orals | EOS2.6
Managing scientific information to reduce implementation gaps in adaptation projectsEGU25-2334 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine RegionEGU25-2906 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics MethodEGU25-4220 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomenaEGU25-4989 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and gamesEGU25-7153 | Orals | EOS4.3
SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in ReunificationEGU25-7513 | Orals | EOS4.3
Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitionsEGU25-12668 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth educationEGU25-13174 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate ChangeEGU25-15385 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainabilityEGU25-16789 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gapEGU25-18750 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference ParticipationEGU25-19671 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en RébellionEGU25-19902 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientistEGU25-20323 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
How ocean communities adapt to the impacts of climate change: Proposal for a bank of casesEGU25-20407 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Environmental education, justice and sustainable degrowth as key actors to protect our planetEGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight
Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrongEGU25-9145 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8
How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate systemEGU25-15059 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICONEGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deploymentEGU25-18400 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model codeEGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and ErrorEGU25-19890 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow HydrologyEGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
A case for open communication of bugs in climate modelsEGU25-1586 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Advancing Students' Climate Literacy: A Case from the International Summer School of Remote Sensing in UkraineEGU25-2004 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Sediment transportation and sorting in different environmentsEGU25-2396 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
How to study the small particles of the solar system while staying on my street?EGU25-4492 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
A Sea of Opportunities - Exploring interdisciplinarity for ocean sustainabilityEGU25-5115 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Which Earth Science Topics Do You Like the Most? A Survey Among Italian Upper Secondary School StudentsEGU25-5225 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Integrating 3D Printing in Education: Enhancing Student Engagement through Seismology ProjectsEGU25-5702 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Geosciences at the Core of STEM Learning: Highlights from the 2024 Măgurele Summer SchoolEGU25-5856 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
The Erasmus project "GIS FOR GIST OF EUROPE" and its impact on marine educationEGU25-5865 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Earthlearningidea: Supporting Earth Science in Upper Secondary EducationEGU25-7296 | Orals | EOS5.4
Earthlearningidea: Enhancing Earth Science Education for Upper Secondary StudentsEGU25-11433 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Innovative Wetland Education and Citizen Science tools to empower people taking part in wetland restoration (Restore4Life)EGU25-13217 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
Air pollution measurements in the classrooms and their implementation into the high school physics and science educationEGU25-13497 | Posters on site | EOS5.4
12th-grade students visiting a remote-sensing lab: linking school curriculum and geoscience research activitiesEGU25-15090 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS5.4
The contribution of the EGU Education Committee in supporting Earth Science EducationEGU25-1047 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Virtual Field Trips: Enhancing learning before, during, and post-fieldworkEGU25-1222 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Beyond the Bathroom: Hygiene and Comfort (for Women) in Polar RegionsEGU25-11157 | PICO | EOS2.2
Sharing good cryospheric fieldwork practice with the next generation of scientistsEGU25-12789 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Girls* on Ice Austria: strategies for inclusive approaches to field experiencesEGU25-13672 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Cultivating Fieldwork Skills Through a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Interactive Virtual Field TripEGU25-18098 | PICO | EOS2.2
The Field: An Essential Foundation for Geologist Training in the Digital EraEGU25-18532 | ECS | PICO | EOS2.2
Empowering Fieldwork: A Positive Perspective on Respect, Inclusion, and ResponsibilityEGU25-1592 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic MaterialityEGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materialsEGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE NetworkEGU25-2820 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the CityEGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1
Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomyEGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classroomsEGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary IslandsEGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfallEGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture
An impact-driven approach to geoscience communicationEGU25-13862 | Orals | EOS1.1
Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific researchEGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptationEGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach projectEGU25-14662 * | Orals | EOS1.1 | Highlight
An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and IceEGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac ExplorerEGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1
Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper UnderstandingEGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorologyEGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientistEGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean ScienceEGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the mediaEGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changesEGU25-9081 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projectionsEGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a PlanetariumEGU25-638 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Clouded Judgments: An Educational Board Game for Teaching Meteorological Decision-Making Under UncertaintyEGU25-953 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
“Risky Rudi” – A Card Game for Communicating Flood Risk and Mitigation StrategiesEGU25-3570 | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Learning to address environmental challenges using serious games: A cookbook for beginnersEGU25-4526 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.3
Safe Haven – Landslides: A Serious Game for Enhancing Landslide Risk Awareness and ManagementEGU25-5211 | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Climate change games literature review: Report on work in progressEGU25-5808 | Orals | EOS1.3
ClimarisQ: A game on the complexity of the climate systems and the extreme eventsEGU25-17653 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Combining Knowledges and Co-Imagining the Use of Climate Services through Serious GamingEGU25-19133 | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Engaging Minds Through Play: Gamified Tools for Climate and Weather EducationEGU25-19579 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.3
Integrating the EWA Tool into Teaching and Raising Awareness of Water Supply ChallengesEGU25-1436 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
More than words; some notes on art design in earth science children’s booksEGU25-3279 | Orals | EOS1.2
Sound Reversal – Hearing Earth’s magnetic field switch poles 780k years agoEGU25-4061 | Orals | EOS1.2
Harmony in Complexity: Engaging Head-Hands-Heart towards a Resilient FutureEGU25-4101 * | Orals | EOS1.2 | Highlight
Liquid Strata installation: art-purposed modelling of the ocean’s Twilight ZoneEGU25-7636 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
From Research Vessel to Comic Pages: Inspiring Middle-Grade Readers Through IODP Expedition 405EGU25-8389 | Orals | EOS1.2
Embracing Climate Change through Painting: A Scientific and Artistic CollaborationEGU25-9582 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2
Educating by Stealth: Art and Narrative as Tools for Science CommunicationEGU25-10270 | Orals | EOS1.2
The sound of ice: using radar data and sonification in music compositionEGU25-11374 | Posters on site | EOS1.2
Art-Science as a Multidimensional Tool: Exploring the socio-hydrological interactions of drought-to-flood eventsEGU25-13671 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.2
Glacial Hauntologies: an intra-disciplinary collaboration between glaciology and artistic practiceEGU25-16315 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
Climate, Death and Art: Creating Shared Spaces for Understanding and ActionEGU25-17126 | Orals | EOS1.2
Submersion: an art-science collaboration on the cryosphere and rising sea levelEGU25-20223 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.2
Science Meets Art: Vienna-based association and network for trans-disciplinary projectsEGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General AssembliesEGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors: Experiences Gathered at a Scientific ConferenceEGU25-10224 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesEGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensionsEGU25-14621 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1
Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI LandscapeEGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight
Failure to Act: Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the VineEGU25-557 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Bridging the gap: the need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards in IndiaEGU25-831 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Forest Fire Management: Implications for Climate Action in the Indian HimalayasEGU25-4484 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness: A Science-Policy Exploration of REACH Revision DebatesEGU25-5608 | Orals | EOS4.1
The role of inclusivity in shaping soil health policies: reflections from AfricaEGU25-6710 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challengesEGU25-8488 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean InternationalEGU25-11182 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programmeEGU25-12220 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coastsEGU25-18613 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane EmissionsEGU25-19874 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science PolicyEGU25-4377 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurementsEGU25-4541 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for GeomorphologyEGU25-8669 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the PaleogeneEGU25-12152 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st centuryEGU25-13606 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography modelsEGU25-14319 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasureEGU25-15003 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6
Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and MeteorologyEGU25-16049 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open AccessEGU25-16104 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access PublishingEGU25-18390 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases”EGU25-18663 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6
Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and ZenodoEGU25-18716 | Orals | EOS4.6
Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen ScienceEGU25-19107 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future DirectionsEGU25-19987 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a timeEGU25-20355 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians