Presentation type:
GMPV – Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU25-7562 | Orals | MAL27-GMPV

The Provenance of Earth's Water 

Trevor Ireland

Water is everywhere on the surface of Earth.  Water is also a key ingredient in geochemical processing of Earth.  Through plate tectonics water is cycled through the mantle and behaves as a flux for production of magmas.  The provenance of water on Earth appears straightforward.  Hydrogen and oxygen are the two commonest elements capable of forming molecules and so water is an expected species in the molecular cloud forming the solar system.  Water on Earth has been ascribed to late stage infall (comets and asteroids) although there are details that are only now being revealed.  Water can be characterised through its abundance, but also through isotopic compositions (D/H, 18O/16O, 17O/16O).

Our instrument of choice for carrying out these analyses is a large-radius secondary ion mass spectrometer, SHRIMP-SI, that was designed and built with water and oxygen isotopes specifically in mind.  The large radius allows high mass dispersion for separation of 16OH from 17O allowing coupled measurements of OH abundance and oxygen isotope compositions.  Much of the development of this instrument centered around excluding atmospheric water contamination, through differentially pumped chambers.  In rocks, water can be present from trace quantities to major contributions (>10 wt%) and so the detection system must be capable of a large dynamic range.  The charge-mode Faraday cup system was developed for this type of analysis.  Finally, the water background from mounting systems had to be controlled.  Epoxy mounts, thin sections, and even indium metal mounts can all show contamination.  Mounting of samples in molten BiSn allows a robust mounting material capable of being repolished and low inherent water background.

Our analytical work has followed two different routes: terrestrial geochemistry and solar system cosmochemistry.  Work in terrestrial samples has ranged from water concentrations in volcanic glasses through to low level water analyses in mantle and lower crustal melts.  But it is in the analysis of extraterrestrial samples where the coupled isotopes and water concentrations allow the greatest insight.  The low-level water concentrations in high-temperature objects like chondrules shows distinct three-oxygen isotope compositions and water concentrations.  

The ultimate question of where did water on Earth come from appears to have been solved through the recent sample return missions of Hayabusa 2 and Osiris REx.  These missions visited C-type asteroids, which were thought to be related to the carbonaceous chondrites.  But the C-type asteroids dominate the main asteroid belt and carbonaceous chondrites are quite rare.  Both Hayabusa 2 and Osiris REx recovered CI chondrite-like material, amongst the rarest subtype of carbonaceous chondrite.  The resolution of the abundance paradox comes down to the friability of the asteroid-return samples.  These materials simply do not survive atmospheric entry.  As such, it is likely that Earth received a large contribution of carbonaceous chondrite material during its formation and ongoing accretion of extraterrestrial material.

How to cite: Ireland, T.: The Provenance of Earth's Water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7562,, 2025.

EGU25-13998 * | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.4 | Highlight | GMPV Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture

The Archean geological water cycle  

Renée Tamblyn and Jörg Hermann

The geological water cycle (or the deep water cycle) consists of water-rock interactions between the hydrosphere/atmosphere and lithosphere. This water plays a critical role in geological processes, for example, promoting melting and the formation of new continental crust, the mobilisation of economic metals, rock reactivity and rheology, and seismic activity. In the modern day, the most dominant form of the geological water cycle is the uptake of water in mantle-derived rocks in the oceans, and release of this water during subduction to melt overlying lithologies and form volcanic arcs. In the Archean, however, the geological water cycle is less well understood. This is particularly because (i) there are rare ophiolites from this timeframe, and lithologies responsible for water uptake and release may have been different and (ii) because the mode of tectonics is argued, meaning that the geodynamics and therefore conditions of water release are not well understood.

This presentation will focus on the processes of hydration and dehydration of ultramafic to mafic rocks from Archean greenstone belts (komatiites and komatiitic basalts). Geochemical evidence suggests that these rocks were initially hydrated on an Archean oceanic plateau after their eruption. During this process, they sequestered mobile elements such as boron from the seawater, and produced molecular H2 by the oxidation of Fe, a possible source of energy for early chemosynthetic life. Most greenstone belts have been metamorphosed to greenschist-amphibolite facies, indicating that they experienced some form of burial during Earths earlier history. Phase equilibria modelling shows that if komatiites are buried to higher temperature conditions (>750 °C), the breakdown of hydrous phases could release significant quantities of water into the surrounding rocks, promoting fluid-fluxed melting of surrounding lithologies. In the case of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, which contains ~8 % komatiite and ~20% basalt by volume, fluid release from the komatiite into the basaltic lithology would promote wet melting of basalts to form tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) series rocks, important constituents of Archean continental crust.  While not abundant in the geological record, the role of ultramafic rocks in the Archean geological water cycle is evident, as is their importance in ocean floor processes and the formation of the Earth’s first TTG crust.

How to cite: Tamblyn, R. and Hermann, J.: The Archean geological water cycle , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13998,, 2025.

The tectonic framework of Bhutan Himalaya documents significant along-strike variability in crustal structure and deformation. To visualize this spatial and depth variability, we compile an extensive dataset of surface-wave phase velocities derived from seismic ambient noise and teleseismic earthquakes recorded by the temporary GANSSER network (2013-2014) in Bhutan, aiming to produce Rayleigh phase-velocity maps over the period range of 4 to 50 seconds. We translate the phase-velocity maps into a 3-D shear-wave velocity model stretching from the surface to a depth of 42 kilometres. The employed methodologies enable imaging of the upper to mid-crustal and lower crustal velocity anomalies with a lateral resolution of approximately 25 km. The obtained tomographic model fills a void in the prior established shear-wave velocity structure of Bhutan, encompassing depths from upper-crustal to lowermost crust. Our findings indicate notable mid-crustal to lower-crustal high phase velocity anomalies in central Bhutan (around 90.5). The presence of this significant anomaly within the mid- to lower crustal layer may indicate localized stress accumulation along the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) resulting from the interaction of the dipping and sub-horizontal Moho. This area might act as a stress concentration zone, resulting in increased deformation and enhanced shear-wave velocity in the crust. Minor fluctuations in velocity across latitude may result from variations in the local geometry of MHT (dip or ramp-flat transition). Localised high shear velocity in western Bhutan may indicate a zone of crustal thickening. Northeastern Bhutan exhibits modest shear velocity, possibly because of a flat Moho and the partial creeping behaviour of the MHT.


How to cite: Kumar, G. and Tiwari, A. K.: Multiscale Surface Wave Tomography of the Bhutan Himalayas using Ambient Seismic Noise and Teleseismic Earthquake Data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1021,, 2025.

EGU25-1178 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

3-D Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data in Southeast Tibet, Close to Namcha Barwa Mountain 

Aven Mandi, Gaurav Kumar, Nitarani Bishoyi, and Ashwani Kant Tiwari

Southeastern Tibet, a segment of the eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, is a significantly deformed area resulting from multistage subduction and the ongoing collision of the Indian and Asian tectonic plates. The region has a clockwise material movement around the indenting corner of the Indian plate, evident on the surface as strike-slip faults aligned with the Himalayan Arc. Numerous scientific studies have focused on the east-west extension and tectonic history of southeastern Tibet; however, the scientific enquiries regarding the depth constraints of the crustal flow process—specifically, whether it is confined to the middle crust or extends to the lower crust beneath southeastern Tibet—remain unresolved. This study employs ambient noise tomography to  examine a 3-D high-resolution crustal velocity model for the region, which is crucial for unravelling the mechanisms that regulate crustal deformation and evolution in active orogenic systems. To do this, we examined ambient noise data from 48 seismic stations of the XE network, operational from 2003 to 2004. We obtained Rayleigh wave phase velocities ranging from 4 to 60 seconds and subsequently inverted them to develop a 3-D shear wave velocity model of the region extending to depths of 50 km. Our results reveal persistent low shear wave velocity zones at depths of 15–25 km (within the mid-crust), notably observed between the Indus Tsangpo suture and the Bangong-Nujiang Suture. We contend that the detected low-velocity zones are only linked to mid-crustal channel flow, a mechanism presumably essential for comprehending crustal deformation. Our findings provide significant constraints on the depth localisation of crustal channel flow and the interaction of tectonic forces in southern Tibet, enhancing the overall comprehension of Eastern Syntaxial tectonics.

How to cite: Mandi, A., Kumar, G., Bishoyi, N., and Tiwari, A. K.: 3-D Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data in Southeast Tibet, Close to Namcha Barwa Mountain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1178,, 2025.

With the continuous development of deep learning technologies, fault prediction techniques based on various neural networks have been evolving. The deep learning modules based on U-Net residual networks have shown significant advantages in both learning efficiency and effectiveness. In this paper, we propose a deep learning model that integrates a 3D U-Net residual architecture, Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), and Multi-scale Enhanced Global Attention (MEGA) module for automatic seismic fault detection and segmentation. This model can effectively handle complex 3D seismic data, fully exploiting both spatial and channel information, significantly improving the prediction accuracy for small faults, while only slightly increasing the computational cost.

Firstly, the model uses the 3D U-Net as the backbone framework, where the residual blocks (BasicRes) extract features through multiple convolution layers. The CBAM module is incorporated to apply attention weighting, enhancing the model's ability to focus on critical information. The CBAM module combines channel attention and spatial attention, effectively adjusting the importance of feature maps from different dimensions, enabling the model to identify potential fault features in complex seismic data.

Secondly, the MEGA module is introduced into the model, which further improves the model's feature representation ability by fusing multi-scale features and applying a global attention mechanism. By weighting global information, the MEGA module helps the model better capture key seismic fault features during feature fusion. This design allows the model to focus not only on local details but also to fully utilize the global contextual information in 3D data, thereby enhancing the accuracy of fault detection.

After validation, the model achieved promising results in seismic fault detection tasks, automatically identifying and segmenting fault structures in seismic data. The accuracy was improved from 80% with the original 3D U-Net residual network to 85%-87%. This provides strong support for applications such as seismic exploration and subsurface imaging.

Keywords: Seismic Fault Detection, 3D U-Net, Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), Multi-scale Enhanced Global Attention (MEGA), Deep Learning

How to cite: wang, Y.: Application of Optimized 3D U-Net Residual Network with CBAM and MEGA Modules in Seismic Fault Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1772,, 2025.

This article mainly studies the characteristics of the earthquake sequence and the post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan,China on May 21, 2021. The research area is located in Yangbi Yi Autonomous County in the western part of Yunnan Province. The earthquake caused severe disasters such as housing destruction, traffic interruption, water conservancy facilities damage and power supply interruption. Through the analysis of the basic parameters of the earthquake, the tectonic stress environment and the seismogenic structure, it is determined that the earthquake is a right - lateral strike - slip rupture, with a focal depth of 8 kilometers, consistent with the direction of the Weixi - Qiaohou and Honghe fault zones. The earthquake sequence type is determined as the main shock - aftershock type (including the foreshock - main shock - aftershock type). Spatially, the source rupture expands unilaterally from the northwest to the southeast, mostly occurring in the upper crust high - speed zone or the high - low speed transition zone. Based on the G - R relationship and other analyses, the earthquake activity cycle in this area has active and quiet periods, and there are certain abnormal change laws before strong aftershocks, such as strain accumulation, calmness or enhancement of earthquakes above magnitude 3.5, and abnormal frequency of earthquakes above magnitude 2. The conclusion is that the earthquake sequence is normal, and the post - earthquake trend shows the characteristics of long - term calmness - breaking calmness - becoming calm again - signal earthquake (main shock). In the next few years, the strain accumulation may reach the peak and release. It is predicted that there may be a larger earthquake accompanied by strong aftershocks in 2025, or enter an active period with a strong aftershock magnitude exceeding 5.9 and lasting for more than half a year. Finally, the earthquake prevention and disaster reduction countermeasures are proposed.

How to cite: Wu, B.: The determination of the seismic sequence characteristics and post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan, China on May 21, 2021, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2519,, 2025.

EGU25-2973 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Post stack inversion of seismic data based on Semi-supervised learning 

chunli zou, junhua zhang, binbin tang, and zheng huang

Seismic inversion in geophysics is a method that uses certain prior information, such as known geological laws and well logging and drilling data, to infer the physical parameters of underground media, such as wave impedance, velocity, and density, from seismic observation data, and thereby obtain the spatial structure and physical properties of underground strata. Seismic inversion is a highly complex problem with multiple solutions, and with the advancement of collection equipment, the volume of geophysical observation data is increasing at an astonishing rate. This presents new challenges for the accuracy and speed of seismic data inversion methods. There is an urgent need to develop intelligent and efficient inversion technologies for seismic inversion.

Deep learning networks have powerful nonlinear fitting capabilities and can be used to solve complex nonlinear problems, such as seismic inversion. However, the predictive ability of deep learning networks largely depends on the quantity of training data. In the early stages of oil and gas exploration and development, the amount of well logging label data available for training is very limited, which poses a challenge for the application of deep learning in seismic inversion. Semi-supervised learning seismic inversion methods consider both data mismatch issues and well logging data mismatch issues, and can better adapt to inversion problems in real-world scenarios. Unlike supervised learning approaches, semi-supervised learning does not require a large amount of labeled data, thus it can better handle situations of data scarcity or mismatch.

This paper utilizes a semi-supervised learning workflow to perform inversion on post-stack seismic data and has conducted experimental validation on the Marmousi 2 model. The experimental results show that, compared to supervised learning networks, the semi-supervised learning network still exhibits good predictive performance with a limited amount of data, demonstrating better stability in the presence of noise and geological variations, and effectively learns the mapping relationship between seismic data and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, as the amount of training data increases, the performance of the network also improves, confirming the importance of data quantity for training deep learning networks. The application results of the network on actual data indicate that the network has broad application prospects and feasibility. However, since the network is based on a channel-by-channel inversion method, there is still a lack of representation in terms of lateral continuity, which requires further exploration and improvement in subsequent research.

How to cite: zou, C., zhang, J., tang, B., and huang, Z.: Post stack inversion of seismic data based on Semi-supervised learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2973,, 2025.

Seismic attribute analysis technology has been widely used in the prediction of fluvial reservoir sand body, but the traditional seismic attribute fusion technology based on linear model has low prediction accuracy and limited application range. This study focused on the non-linear fitting between seismic attributes and reservoir thickness, and used a variety of machine learning technologies to predict the fluvidal reservoir in Chengdao area of Dongying Sag (China).The channel sand body in Chengdao area is deep buried, thin in thickness, fast in velocity and affected by gray matter, so it is difficult to predict, which greatly restricts the oil and gas exploration in this area. In this study, on the basis of fine well earthquake calibration, several seismic attributes such as amplitude, frequency, phase, waveform and correlation are extracted and correlation analysis is done to remove redundant attributes. Then model training and parameter set optimization are carried out, thickness prediction is carried out with verification set, and vertical resolution is improved by logging reconstruction and waveform indication inversion. The results show that compared with the conventional support vector machine and back propagation neural network, the prediction accuracy of echo state network optimized by Sparrow algorithm is greatly improved. Based on the comprehensive prediction method of fluvial reservoir, three large channels developed in the lower part of Chengdao area and several small channels developed in the upper part of Chengdao area are effectively described. The research method can be used for reference to the similar complicated river facies prediction.

How to cite: Huang, Z. and Zhang, J.: Study and Case Application of Fluvial Reservoir Prediction Based on the Fusion of Seismic Attribute Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3391,, 2025.

EGU25-3782 | Posters on site | SM8.1

Influence of paleochannels on liquefaction effects in the cities of Chone and Portoviejo (Ecuador) following the strong Pedernales earthquake in 2016 

José Luis Pastor, Eduardo Ortiz-Hernández, Theofilos Toulkeridis, and Kervin Chunga

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 7.8 and a nearby epicenter in the city of Pedernales, Ecuador, occurred on April 16, 2016. This seismic event severely affected several cities in Ecuador, including Chone and Portoviejo, both in the Manabí province, located some 85 km and 150 km away from the hypocenter, respectively. In Chone, a total of 662 homes were damaged, while 2,678 collapsed dwellings were registered in Portoviejo, where 137 fatalities were reported. These, like most cities in the Manabí province, were built in narrow valleys over colluvial and alluvial soils.  The thickness of these sediments in contact with the rock is between 40 and 70 meters, which corresponds to both ancient and contemporary alluvial plains that are supported by alluvial-colluvial and alluvial valley-fill deposits. After the 2016 interplate subduction earthquake, the main co-seismic geological effects were reported for constructions built on these soils. Landslides were primarily documented in the colluvial soils, while soil liquefaction effects were reported in soft and loose soils. In this research, the influence of the presence of paleochannels in both cities, Chone and Portoviejo, on the liquefaction effects reported during the seismic event is analyzed.

The Chone River flows through Chone city from east to west, while its western part was modified after 1975, leaving an abandoned meander where the river channel was between 7 and 22 meters wide. The soil profile in this area demonstrates a low percentage of fines, ranging from 15 to 52%, with a relative density of about 50%, making it susceptible to liquefaction. After the 2016 earthquake, evidence of liquefaction effects was concentrated along the old meander. The Portoviejo River, which flows through the city of Portoviejo, has changed from a pronounced meandering shape in 1911 to its current form. This change spans about 4.5 km with a low slope between 0.1 and 0.2%. The width of the river has also been reduced, from 12 to 19 meters. The analysis of the liquefaction evidence indicates that the damage was very severe, especially in the constructions along the river.

The damage inventories performed in both cities have evidenced that paleochannels exhibited several signs of soil liquefaction. The geological and geotechnical conditions of these soils, such as size distribution, shallow groundwater table and recent-age deposits, may be considered as factors potentially increasing the probability of liquefaction. Therefore, a geomorphological study of the cities can help identify areas with a higher liquefaction potential.

How to cite: Pastor, J. L., Ortiz-Hernández, E., Toulkeridis, T., and Chunga, K.: Influence of paleochannels on liquefaction effects in the cities of Chone and Portoviejo (Ecuador) following the strong Pedernales earthquake in 2016, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3782,, 2025.

This paper proposes a deep learning model based on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and a custom attention mechanism (ESSAttn) for seismic fault interpretation from 3D seismic data. The model combines the advantages of self-attention mechanisms and convolutional neural networks to enhance the ability to capture and represent features in three-dimensional seismic data. The core innovation of the model lies in the introduction of the ESSAttn layer, which applies a non-traditional normalization process to the input feature queries, keys, and values, thereby strengthening the relationships between features, especially in high-dimensional seismic data. Unlike traditional attention mechanisms, the ESSAttn layer normalizes feature vectors by squaring them and integrates features across depth, width, height, and channel dimensions, significantly improving the effectiveness of attention computation.

The model's role in seismic fault interpretation is reflected in several aspects. First, the 3D convolutional layers automatically extract spatial features from seismic data, accurately capturing the location and shape of faults. Second, the ESSAttn layer enhances critical region features and focuses attention on important areas such as fault zones, reducing the interference from background noise and significantly improving fault detection accuracy. Finally, by using a weighted binary cross-entropy loss function, the model can prioritize fault regions when handling imbalanced data, improving sensitivity to weak fault signals.

The network architecture consists of three main parts: encoding, attention enhancement, and decoding. Initially, two 3D convolutional layers and max-pooling layers are used for feature extraction and down-sampling, followed by the ESSAttn layer to enhance the extracted features. The decoding part restores spatial resolution through upsampling and convolution layers, ultimately outputting the fault prediction results. The model is trained using the Adam optimizer, with a learning rate set to 1e-4.

Experimental results show that the model performs well in seismic fault interpretation tasks, effectively extracting and enhancing fault-related features. It is particularly suitable for automatic fault identification and localization in complex geological environments. The model's automation of feature extraction and enhancement reduces manual intervention, increases analysis efficiency, and demonstrates strong adaptability to large-scale 3D seismic datasets. Furthermore, the model architecture was visualized and saved using visualization tools for easier analysis and presentation.

Keywords: 3D Convolutional Neural Networks, ESSAttn, Attention Mechanism, Fault Interpretation, Weighted Cross-Entropy, 3D Seismic Data, Deep Learning

How to cite: zhang, Y.: "Deep Learning Application for Seismic Fault Interpretation Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks and ESSAttn Attention Mechanism", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4961,, 2025.

In Norcia, studies have been carried out to identify active and capable faults, faults for which there is evidence of repeated reactivation in the last 40,000 years and capable of breaking the topographic surface.
The studies have been carried out since 2004 and, over the years, interventions have been carried out on buildings positioned above them before the earthquakes occurred. The 2016 earthquake, which produced surface faulting phenomena, has allowed us to confirm the technical indications on land management drawn up by the Regional Geological Section and the effectiveness of the interventions carried out on the buildings. On the basis of the knowledge possible technical and regulatory actions were then identified. The intervention hypotheses that were developed (1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D) required that the designers, geologists and engineers specify the detail of the FAC trace, with respect to the footprint of the building involved, then carrying out a design with any special interventions for the reduction of geological risk, depending on the reconstruction intervention chosen.
1-In the case of availability of land by the owner, there are various possibilities of rebuilding in the same municipality or in another municipality with the relocation of the building accepted, on the owner's proposal.
2-Reconstruction in which the PZI indicates special interventions for the reduction of geological risk, which are approved by the CO and therefore do not require a variation to the urban planning tools.
Special interventions with the adoption of specific seabed techniques capable of resisting the movements of the FAC by means of slabs/double slabs and such as not to induce the breakage of the seabed works.
For the situation of Norcia and the peri-urban areas of the capital, a FAC scheme was defined by hypothesizing a normal fault with a displacement of 30 centimeters and considering, for safety reasons, a 45° inclined plane and not a pseudo-vertical one and therefore with relative horizontal displacements as well.
Interventions can be hypothesized with foundations with a slab with a joint (special intervention A) so that the structure is able to withstand the modification due to the relative movements and the size of the loads; or with foundations resting on a cantilever (special intervention B) only on the upstream side of the FAC or footwall (fault bed), since in these areas they are all normal faults; or with movement of the reconstruction bed which will be a slab (special intervention C); or other special interventions that demonstrate the substantial reduction in geological risk (special intervention D).
Reconstruction interventions with special interventions must not damage nearby buildings considering that there must in any case be a safety distance to avoid interference with nearby buildings equal to the height of the building to be rebuilt; reconstruction astride the FAC with a joint such as to allow movement and therefore the reconstructed building that must be cut to ensure that the possible movement does not damage the foundation slab and nearby buildings.

How to cite: Motti, A.: Active and capable faults (FAC) and buildings in Norcia, interventions carried out and possibile technicolor and regulatory actions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5076,, 2025.

EGU25-5528 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Research on mine electrical resistivity inversion method based on Deep Learning Method 

Huricha Wang and Yunbing Hu

Coal seam floor water hazards, caused by stress changes resulting from coal mining, are a common type of mine water disaster, and their monitoring and prevention are critical for mine safety. The mine resistivity method, a geophysical exploration technique, is widely used for monitoring and detecting such water hazards due to its high sensitivity to water-bearing structures. In practical monitoring, it is necessary to rapidly and accurately invert apparent resistivity data. However, traditional linear inversion methods are prone to local optima, leading to biased results. In contrast, deep learning-based inversion methods utilize data mining to train networks, avoiding reliance on initial models and enabling fast computation of global optimal solutions.

This study constructs a multi-layer convolutional and skip-connected U-Net model to capture resistivity features at different scales. The model is trained and validated using synthetic data to evaluate its inversion accuracy and efficiency in monitoring coal seam floor water hazards. The results show that the U-Net-based inversion method can accurately identify low-resistivity anomalies associated with water hazards in the coal seam floor and quickly achieve the global optimal solution.

The method is further applied to the inversion of resistivity models with complex boundaries to simulate the impact of stress changes caused by coal mining on the formation of floor water hazards. The results demonstrate that this method is several times faster than traditional linear inversion methods, while maintaining high consistency with the actual model. Therefore, this inversion method provides an efficient new tool for monitoring coal seam floor water hazards and holds great promise for advancing technologies in mine water disaster prevention and geological exploration.

How to cite: Wang, H. and Hu, Y.: Research on mine electrical resistivity inversion method based on Deep Learning Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5528,, 2025.

EGU25-6545 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Earthquake Moment Tensor Inversion Using 3D Velocity Model in the Himalayas 

Sushmita Maurya, Vipul Silwal, Rinku Mahanta, and Rahul Yadav

The Himalayan region, shaped by the ongoing collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, is one of Earth’s most seismically active and geologically complex areas. The Indian plate moves northeastward at a rate of approximately 5 cm per year, driving tectonic activity in this region. Understanding earthquake source mechanisms in this region is crucial for seismic hazard assessment and geodynamic studies. Moment tensor (MT) inversion, a widely used technique for analysing earthquake faulting mechanisms, matches synthetic waveforms to observed data by minimising the misfit. However, conventional 1D velocity models often fail to capture the region’s complex lateral heterogeneities, leading to inaccuracies in source characterisation. Synthetic waveforms, generated via Green’s functions using frequency waveform (FK) methods and 1D velocity models, are critical for MT solutions, with time shifts playing a pivotal role in achieving optimal waveform correlations.

This study employs a 3D velocity model to improve MT inversion for a Mw 3.5 earthquake on 9 January 2021 (30.76°N, 78.54°E). Green’s functions were generated using the spectral element method for six simulations. Each simulation resulted in three-component waveforms, with a total of 18 synthetics per station. Observed data from 24 broadband stations were analysed, and results were compared to those obtained using 1D models. Slight variations in strike, dip, and rake values underscore the limitations of 1D models in capturing Earth’s heterogeneities.

The study reveals that 3D velocity models significantly enhance MT solution accuracy, particularly in determining focal depths, faulting mechanisms, and seismic moment magnitudes. A probabilistic approach was also applied to quantify the uncertainty associated with MT estimates, providing confidence measures. Extending this approach, MT inversion was performed for another earthquake in the Uttarakhand Himalaya using the same 3D velocity model, further demonstrating the advantages of 3D wavefield simulations in seismically active regions.

Keywords: Himalayas, Moment Tensor, Green’s Function, Spectral element method.

How to cite: Maurya, S., Silwal, V., Mahanta, R., and Yadav, R.: Earthquake Moment Tensor Inversion Using 3D Velocity Model in the Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6545,, 2025.

EGU25-8250 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Boundary integral spectral formulation for in-plane rupture propagation at non-planar bi-material interfaces 

Samarjeet Kumar and Ranjith Kunnath

The effect of heterogeneity (dissimilar materials) and geometry constituting an interface is an important problem in earthquake source mechanics. These two parameters in the fault interface are responsible for complex rupture propagation and instabilities compared to the homogeneous planar interface. Here, a boundary integral spectral method (BISM) is proposed to capture the in-plane rupture propagation in the non-planar bi-material interface. The conventional traction BISM suffers from the disadvantages of hyper singularity and regularisation is needed (Sato et al., 2020; Romanet et al., 2020; Tada and Yamashita, 1997). So, we are utilising the representation equation arising from the displacement formulation devised by Kostrov (1966). It uses the elastodynamic space-time convolution of Green’s function and traction component at the interface. These displacement boundary integral equations (BIEs) are the inverse equivalent of traction BIEs. When applied to an interface between heterogeneous planar elastic half-spaces, these displacement BIEs have yielded simple and closed-form convolution kernels (Ranjith 2015; Ranjith 2022). Displacement BIEs of this kind have not been utilised to analyse fracture simulation for non-planar bi-material interfaces until now. We assume the small slope assumption (Romanet et al., 2024) in our formulation to get the required displacement BIEs. Also, we expand the displacement BIEs of a non-planar bi-material interface to the leading order to obtain the non-planarity effects. Finally, we present a general spectral boundary integral formulation for a non-planar bi-material interface independent of specific geometry and traction distribution in a small fault slope regime.

How to cite: Kumar, S. and Kunnath, R.: Boundary integral spectral formulation for in-plane rupture propagation at non-planar bi-material interfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8250,, 2025.

EGU25-9078 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Continental Crustal Structure Beneath Northern Morocco Deduced from Teleseismic Receiver Function: Constraints into structure variation and compositional properties. 

Hafsa Zakarya, Lahcen El Moudnib, Said Badrane, Martin Zeckra, and Saadia Lharti

In this study, we used the P-wave receiver functions (PRFs) to investigate the crustal structure of northern Morocco, located at the westernmost edge of the Mediterranean, near to the boundary between the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. This region is an integral part of the complex crustal deformation and tectonic system associated with the Alpine orogeny, characterized by concurrent compressional and extensional processes. These dynamics have led to the development of various structural and tectonic models aimed at explaining the area‘s geological evolution. The significant tectonic activity, evident in frequent seismic events, and complex lithospheric deformation, makes it an ideal location for studying crustal variations, lithospheric interactions, and mineralogical contrasts.

To achieve these objectives, we utilized high-quality seismic broadband data from the TopoIberia and Picasso seismic experiments, provided by the Scientific Institute, as well as from the broadband seismic stations operated by the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST). The PRFs were extracted by decomposing teleseismic P-waves to isolate the effects of the local crustal structure. The dataset covers a wide range of regional stations, and the RFs provide detailed insights into crustal thickness, density and velocity contrasts, as well as deep discontinuities. Our preliminary results reveal significant variations in Moho depth, ranging from approximately 22.7 km in the eastern part of the region to 51.7 km in the western part. These variations correlate with changes in Vp/Vs and Poisson’s ratios, indicating mineralogical heterogeneity, with compositions spanning from mafic to felsic. These findings provide new constraints for tectonic models and enhance our understanding of the geodynamic processes involved, particularly the interactions between the crust and the upper mantle. This study not only improves our understanding of active tectonics and crustal composition in northern Morocco but also offers valuable insights for refining evolutionary models of the Western Mediterranean within its complex geodynamic context.

Keywords: Teleseismic event, P-wave, Receiver functions, Seismic Network, Vp/Vs ratio, Poisson ratio, Crustal structure, Mineralogical composition, Seismotectonics, Northern Morocco.

How to cite: Zakarya, H., El Moudnib, L., Badrane, S., Zeckra, M., and Lharti, S.: Continental Crustal Structure Beneath Northern Morocco Deduced from Teleseismic Receiver Function: Constraints into structure variation and compositional properties., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9078,, 2025.

EGU25-11849 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

A complex deposit sequence from a small, southern Cascadia lake suggests a previously unrecognized subduction earthquake immediately followed a crustal earthquake in 1873 CE 

Ann E. Morey, Mark D. Shapley, Daniel G. Gavin, Chris Goldfinger, and Alan R. Nelson

Here, we disentangle a complex disturbance deposit sequence attributed to the ~M 7 1873 CE Brookings earthquake from lower Acorn Woman Lake, Oregon, USA, using sedimentological techniques, computed tomography, and micro-X-ray fluorescence. The lower portion of the sequence is derived from schist bedrock and has characteristics similar to a local landslide deposit, but is present in all cores, suggesting that it is the result of high frequency (>5 Hz) ground motions from a crustal earthquake triggered the landslide. In contrast, the upper portion of the sequence is similar to a deposit attributed to the 1700 CE Cascadia subduction earthquake (two-sigma range of 1680-1780 CE): the base has a higher concentration of light-colored, watershed-sourced silt derived from the delta front followed by a long (2-5 cm) organic tail. The soft lake sediments are more likely to amplify the sustained lower frequency accelerations (<5 Hz) of subduction earthquakes, resulting in subaquatic slope failures of the delta front. The upper portion of the 1873 CE deposit, however, has an even higher concentration of watershed-sourced silt as compared to the 1700 CE deposit, which is suspected to be the result of shaking-induced liquefaction of the lake’s large subaerial delta. The tail of both the 1873 CE and 1700 CE deposits is explained as the result of flocculation that occurred during sustained shaking. A preliminary literature search suggests that flocculation may occur during low frequency (<4-5 Hz) water motion that is sustained for an extended period of time (~minutes). The subduction interpretation of the upper portion of the 1873 CE deposit is supported by the observation of a small local tsunami offshore and the presence of a possible seismogenic turbidite attributed to the 1873 CE Brookings earthquake in southern Oregon sediment cores.

These results are important to regional seismic hazards for several reasons. Southern Cascadia crustal earthquakes, not previously recognized as a threat in southern Oregon, have the potential to cause damage to infrastructure, including the Applegate dam and buildings and other structures at Oregon Caves National Monument. They also identify a previously unrecognized recent southern Cascadia subduction earthquake. Finally, the close temporal relationship between these two types of earthquakes, not observed elsewhere in the downcore record, may be early evidence of the transition of the Walker Lane belt into a transform fault as predicted.

How to cite: Morey, A. E., Shapley, M. D., Gavin, D. G., Goldfinger, C., and Nelson, A. R.: A complex deposit sequence from a small, southern Cascadia lake suggests a previously unrecognized subduction earthquake immediately followed a crustal earthquake in 1873 CE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11849,, 2025.

EGU25-14737 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Crack front waves under Mode II rupture dynamics 

Yenike Sharath Chandra Mouli and Ranjith Kunnath

Local heterogeneities on a steadily propagating crack front create persistent disturbance along the crack front. These propagating modes are termed as crack front waves. There have been numerous investigations in the literature of the crack front wave associated with a Mode I crack (for e.g., Ramanathan and Fisher, 1997, Morrissey and Rice, 1998, Norris and Abrahams, 2007, Kolvin and Adda-Bedia, 2024). It has been shown that the Mode I crack front wave travels with a speed slightly less than the Rayleigh wave. However, similar investigation of the Mode II rupture has got minimal attention. Although, Willis (2004) demonstrated that for a Poisson solid, Mode II crack front waves do not exist for crack speeds less than 0.715, explicit results on the speed of the crack front waves, when they exist, have not been reported in the literature. The focus of the present work is on a numerical investigation using a recently developed spectral boundary integral equation method (Gupta and Ranjith, 2024) to obtain the speed of the Mode II crack front waves. Further, the perturbation formulae for Mode II crack, developed by Movchan and Willis (1995) are exploited to validate the numerical results on the crack front wave speeds.

How to cite: Mouli, Y. S. C. and Kunnath, R.: Crack front waves under Mode II rupture dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14737,, 2025.

EGU25-16647 | Posters virtual | VPS21

Characterization of selected “rock” reference stations of the Hellenic Accelerometer Network (HAN) 

Nikos Theodoulidis, fabrice Hollender, Pauline Rischette, Margaux Buscetti, Isabelle Douste-bacque, Ioannis Grendas, and Zafeiria Roumelioti

In Greece, almost all accelerometer stations provided accelerometer recordings, more than 400 in total, are characterized by inferred Vs30 values based on combination of surface geology and slope proxy (Stewart et al. 2014). However, only about 15% of them have been characterized by in-situ geophysical and geotechnical methods (invasive or/and non-invasive) were performed at a distance less than 100m from the station. In addition, regarding reference rock stations where shear wave velocity Vs30 is equal or greater than 800m/sec (engineering bedrock), only five (5) of them have been characterized todate, with respective values ranging between 800Vs301183m/s. It is evident that measured site characterization parameters of accelerometer stations in Greece is far from a desired goal, especially regarding those on rock reference sites. In this study multiple/combined non-invasive passive and active seismic techniques are applied in six (6) accelerometer stations throughout Greece, to improve earthquake site characterization metadat of the national accelerometer network, focusing on stations placed on geologic rock conditions. The Vsz (S-wave) and Vpz (P-wave) profiles and thereby Vs30 site class according to the Eurocode-8 are determined. In addition, to form a holistic picture of the site’s characterization, surface geology and topographic properties are provided for the investigated stations. Results of this study aim at contributing on improving site characterization parameters estimated by the Generalized Inversion Technique (source, path, site), as well as in defining Ground Motion Models for rock site conditions.

How to cite: Theodoulidis, N., Hollender, F., Rischette, P., Buscetti, M., Douste-bacque, I., Grendas, I., and Roumelioti, Z.: Characterization of selected “rock” reference stations of the Hellenic Accelerometer Network (HAN), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16647,, 2025.

Ambient noise surface wave imaging has become a powerful tool for mapping subsurface velocity structures. Recent advancements in seismology, including the widespread deployment of high-density arrays such as nodal seismometers and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) systems, have facilitated the use of subarray-based methods for surface wave dispersion data extraction, such as phase-shift, F-K, and F-J methods. Alternatively, dispersion data can also be derived from two-station approaches, such as the FTAN method. However, integrating dispersion data extracted from subarrays and two-station methods remains challenging. In this study, we propose a joint inversion framework that combines these two types of surface wave dispersion data to achieve improved constraints on subsurface structures. We demonstrate its accuracy and practical applicability by conducting numerical experiments and applying the method to field data. The proposed approach introduces intrinsic spatial smoothing constraints. It effectively integrates subarray and two-station dispersion measurements, resulting in better imaging of subsurface shear-wave velocity structures compared to using either dataset alone. The versatility and potential of this method highlight its promising applications in a wide range of geophysical scenarios.

How to cite: Luo, S.: Joint inversion of surface wave dispersion data derived from subarrays and two-station methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20181,, 2025.

EGU25-941 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Structure, metamorphism and geochronology of Archean Sargur Schist Belt, southern India 

Madhusmita Swain and Sukumari Rekha

The Sargur Schist Belt (SSB), the oldest supracrustal greenstone belt, present in the south-eastern part of the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC), is a ~ 320 km long N-S to NNE-SSW trending discontinuous belts that occurs as patches and pockets within the granitic‒gneissic complex. The SSB is mainly composed of metamafic, metaultramafic, metapelite, banded magnetite quartzite, micaceous quartzite, pyroxene granulite, amphibolite, hornblende-biotite schist/gneiss, etc. The schistose belt has undergone at least five deformations in which the last three are very prominent. The N-S trending high strain zones with S4 mylonitic foliation were produced during the EDC-WDC accretion (D4 deformation). The D5 deformation (developed due to the accretion of the WDC to Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) along the Moyar/Bavali Shear Zone (BSZ)) developed broad open folds/warps in the N-S trend of the SSB (as well as WDC) with E-W trending axial planes. On a regional scale, the D3 fold axes curve into the WNW-striking BSZ (D5 deformation), a steeply dipping transpressional shear zone with dextral kinematics.

The estimated metamorphic P-T conditions of 440-585 °C and 6.0-9.5 kbar in metapelites from north to south and 640-770 °C and 7-10 kbar in granulites present in south only. The grade of metamorphism varies from greenschist facies in the north to upper amphibolite to granulite facies in the south. The metapelite and pyroxene granulite shows a loading and slow cooling path. The top to the north movement along the BSZ thrusted the high-grade metapelites, mafic-ultramafic rocks and granulite facies rocks over the WDC lithologies. The higher grade of metamorphism along the southern part as compared to the rest of the WDC is due to its location close to the WDC-SGT accretion zone. The zircons from the metapelitic schist provided older age population ranging between 3.3-3.2, 3.1-3.0 Ga followed by 2.9-2.7 Ga and 2.55-2.4 Ga, whereas the granulites (2.5 and 2.4 Ga) and foliated granites (2.6 Ga) yielded only the younger age populations. However, the monazites in schistose rocks located along the northern part recorded the oldest ages up to 2.7 Ga followed by 2.4 and 2.2-2.1 Ga ages. The monazites from foliated granites, irrespective of their location, provided ages of 2.53, 2.36 and 2.24 Ga. However, the monazites in schists and granulites from the southern part provided younger ages of 0.77, 0.67, 0.53 Ga. The prominent 0.84, 0.76 and 0.62 Ga monazite ages obtained from the metapelites close to the BSZ suggests that the accretion along the BSZ initiated in Mid-Neoproterozoic and continued till Early-Paleozoic. 

How to cite: Swain, M. and Rekha, S.: Structure, metamorphism and geochronology of Archean Sargur Schist Belt, southern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-941,, 2025.

EGU25-964 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Mantle Deformation Pattern Beneath Central Indian Tectonic Zone: A Seismic Anisotropy Study in Satpura Gondwana Basin and Surrounding Areas 

Nitarani Bishoyi, Ashwani Kant Tiwari, and Arun Kumar Dubey

This study analyses shear wave splitting measurements for core-refracted SKS and SKKS phases using data from nine strategically positioned seismic stations operated between 2023 to 2024 in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ). The CITZ was formed during the mesoproterozoic orogeny in central India, resulting from the collision of the northern Bundelkhand Craton with a jumble of South Indian cratons (Dharwar, Bastar and Singhbhum Cratons). Understanding seismic anisotropy in this region is essential for elucidating mantle deformation patterns, which provides vital insights into geodynamic processes, lithospheric interactions, and ongoing tectonic activities shaping the CITZ. We employed both rotation-correlation and transverse energy minimisation techniques to determine the shear wave splitting parameters, namely the fast polarization directions (FPDs) and splitting delay times (δt). A total of 104 high-quality splitting measurements and 37 null measurements were obtained from 85 earthquakes (M ≥ 5.5) within epicentral distances of 84°-145° for SKS phases and 84°-180° for SKKS phases. The averaged δts at each seismic station ranges from 0.8 to 1.3 seconds, demonstrating significant anisotropy and heterogeneity in the upper mantle under the studied region. Our observations predominantly reveal NE-SW FPDs throughout the majority of stations, which correlate with the Absolute Plate Motion (APM) of the Indian plate. The discrepancies between FPDs and APM direction at some stations suggest the presence of fossilised anisotropic fabrics resulting from prior subduction events during mesoproterozoic. The smaller δt (0.8 sec) at the seismic station in the Pachmarhi region may be attributed to the significant magmatism during the cretaceous period. Null measurements, in conjunction with splitting measurements, suggest that the stations may be located in a region characterized by multi-layered or complex anisotropy. Our observations indicate that the mantle flow beneath the CITZ is influenced by the contemporary APM direction of the Indian plate as well as lithospheric frozen anisotropy.

How to cite: Bishoyi, N., Tiwari, A. K., and Dubey, A. K.: Mantle Deformation Pattern Beneath Central Indian Tectonic Zone: A Seismic Anisotropy Study in Satpura Gondwana Basin and Surrounding Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-964,, 2025.

EGU25-1988 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Apatite compositional constraints on the magmatic to hydrothermal evolution of lamproites from Raniganj Basin, eastern India 

Jaspreet Saini, Suresh C. Patel, and Gurmeet Kaur

A mineralogical study of early Cretaceous lamproite sill intrusions from the Raniganj Gondwana sedimentary basin in eastern India shows that apatite occurs as both phenocrystic and groundmass phase. Based on texture and compositional zoning patterns of apatite in lamproites from the Rajpura and Ramnagore collieries, three paragenetic stages of apatite are identified. Early-magmatic apatite (Ap-I), which forms the core of zoned grains, is Sr-rich–LREE-poor fluorapatite. This apatite underwent resorption prior to the growth of a second generation of magmatic fluorapatite (Ap-II). In Rajpura, Ap-II overgrowth rim is richer in Sr and LREE compared to Ap-I core. The increase in LREE is explained by the substitutions: (Na,K)+ + ∑LREE3+ = 2Ca2+, and [2∑LREE3+ + ₶ = 3Ca2+]. Ramnagore Ap-II overgrowth rim is oscillatory-zoned with fluctuations in Sr and LREE, which likely resulted from slow rate of diffusion of these elements relative to fast growth of crystals. Apatite of the third generation (Ap-III) forms the outermost rim of zoned grains and is marked by enrichment in Na, K and Ba. The substitutional schemes which explain the increase in Na and K from Ap-II to Ap-III are: (Na,K)+ + CO32– = Sr2+ + PO43– and [(Na,K)+ + (F,OH) = ₶ + ₶]. The role of carbonate in the former substitution is supported by high content of stoichiometrically calculated carbon (0.21–0.30 apfu) in Ap-III. The formation of Ap-III is attributed to metasomatic alteration of Ap-II by CO2-bearing hydrothermal fluid and is associated with sodic metasomatism. Microporous texture has developed in Rajpura Ap-III which suggests a dissolution–reprecipitation mechanism for its development. This study demonstrates that compositional variations among different generations of apatite provide a meaningful record of melt evolution from early magmatic to magmatic-hydrothermal stages.

How to cite: Saini, J., Patel, S. C., and Kaur, G.: Apatite compositional constraints on the magmatic to hydrothermal evolution of lamproites from Raniganj Basin, eastern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1988,, 2025.

EGU25-7536 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Water-fluxed melting and back-arc extension in the continental arc: Evidence from I-type granites, adakitic rocks and high-Nb mafic rocks at the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China 

Bin Huang, Wei Wang, JunHong Zhao, Nimat Ullah Khattak, Rui Li, Si-Fang Huang, Gui-Mei Lu, Li Sun, Er-Kun Xue, Yang Zhang, and Xin-Yu Cai

The Neoproterozoic western margin of the Yangtze Block in South China records significant continental crust-forming and modification processes through two distinct magmatic episodes. Using integrated geochemical and petrological approaches, we demonstrate that the 811-802 Ma Yuanmou Complex comprises alkaline high-Nb mafic rocks characterized by high Nb (15.7-41.9 ppm), TiO2 (2.13-3.39 wt%) contents and positive εNd(t) (+4.8 to +6.9), coupled with adakitic granodiorites showing high Sr/Y (17.4-49.0), (La/Yb)N (16.3-52.6) and consistent bulk rock εNd(t) (-0.5 to -1.5) and zircon εHf(t) (0.0 to +2.3). The younger 750 Ma Jinping I-type granites exhibit high SiO2 (71.2-73.5 wt%) and alkalis contents, enriched LREE patterns and depleted isotopic signatures (εNd(t): -0.4 to +1.3; zircon εHf(t): +4.83 to +8.37). Thermodynamic modeling reveals how crustal water content-controlled magma generation at different depths - low water-fluxed melting (2.0-3.5 wt% H2O) produced I-type granites at medium pressure (6-9 kbar), while deeper settings with higher water content generated adakitic melts. The high-Nb mafic rocks in the Yuanmou Complex, derived from metasomatized mantle wedge, provide evidence for crustal-mantle interaction during back-arc extension. These coupled magmatic processes demonstrate how water content variations with depth influenced continental crust formation and evolution in arc settings.

How to cite: Huang, B., Wang, W., Zhao, J., Khattak, N. U., Li, R., Huang, S.-F., Lu, G.-M., Sun, L., Xue, E.-K., Zhang, Y., and Cai, X.-Y.: Water-fluxed melting and back-arc extension in the continental arc: Evidence from I-type granites, adakitic rocks and high-Nb mafic rocks at the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7536,, 2025.

EGU25-8654 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Two different mantle types as evidenced from a geochemical and petrological study of peridotites from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone  

Alessandra Correale, Pierangelo Romano, Ilenia Arienzo, Antonio Caracausi, Gabriele Carnevale, Eugenio Fazio, Angela Mormone, Antonio Paonita, Monica Piochi, Silvio Giuseppe Rotolo, and Michele Zucali

A petrological and geochemical study was performed on 5 selected samples of peridotites from two different sites (Finero and Balmuccia) outcropping in the Ivrea Verbano Zone, with the aim to investigate the processes occurring in the deep lithosphere and the possible interaction with the lower crust.

The peridotites from Finero area fall in the harzuburgite (FIN1, FIN3, FIN4) field whereas those from Balmuccia are lherzolithes (BALM1) and werlhites (BALM4), highlighting respectively the presence of a more fertile and primordial mantle for two sites.

The rocks from Finero are featured by higher MgO (42-45.7 wt%) and lower Al2O3 (0.6-2.4 wt%), CaO (0.42-2.09 wt%) content with respect to Balmuccia (MgO: 39.6 wt%, Al2O3: 2.9 wt%; CaO: 2.8 wt%) as a consequence of their harzburgitic nature. They display an enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE, LaN/YbN:13.6) and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE) differently from the Balmuccia peridotites, which are featured by a light depletion in LREE (LaN/YbN:0.4-0.8) and nearly flat HREE pattern. The LILE and LREE enrichment measured in the Finero peridotites could suggest that a portion of the mantle below Ivrea Verbano area was influenced by metasomatic fluids/melts. The BALM4 sample is characterized by anomalously low values of MgO (16.05 wt%) and high values of Al2O3 (16.3 wt%) and CaO (14.5 wt%), reflecting the high modal proportion of spinel.

Even the higher Sr (86Sr/87Sr= 0.70736-0.72571) and lower Nd (143Nd/144Nd=0.51236) isotopic values measured in selected mineral phases from Finero with respect to Balmuccia (86Sr/87Sr= 0.70268-0.70644; 143Nd/144Nd=0.51334) allow to speculate a relation with crustal fluids in the Finero mantle.

The composition of fluid inclusions entrapped in olivine and pyroxene crystals from Finero peridotites evidenced CH4 and CH4-N2 associated with antigorite and magnesite whereas prevalent CH4 associated with antigorite, magnesite and graphite was measured in the rocks from Balmuccia area. The origin of CH4 could be related to synthesis via reduction of CO2 by H2 from internal/external serpentine to minerals or re-speciation of initial CO2-H2O fluids associated to graphite precipitation during cooling by obduction after orogeny; differently, the CH4-N2 fluids could be introduced by past subduction-related processes.

The isotopic helium (3He/4He ratio) varies between 0.08 and 0.17 Ra in the Finero peridotites and among 0.18 and 0.48 Ra in the Balmuccia ones, evidencing an isotopic difference between the two sites that cannot be explained by 4He radiogenic production. Differently, the Finero-Balmuccia variability could reflect the helium signature recorded in deep by subduction events and confirm the previous petrologic and geochemical evidences in favour of a metasomatised mantle by crustal fluids in the Finero area with respect to a more primordial in the Balmuccia one.

How to cite: Correale, A., Romano, P., Arienzo, I., Caracausi, A., Carnevale, G., Fazio, E., Mormone, A., Paonita, A., Piochi, M., Rotolo, S. G., and Zucali, M.: Two different mantle types as evidenced from a geochemical and petrological study of peridotites from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8654,, 2025.

EGU25-8768 | Posters virtual | VPS22

A Method for Measuring Viscosity of Silicate Melts Using Hot Stage Microscopy (HSM) 

Daniele Giordano, Chiara Molinari, Michele Dondi, Sonia Conte, and Chiara Zanelli

The viscosity of silicate melts is one of the most important physical parameter governing natural processes such as volcanic eruptions, as well as manufacturing processes in the ceramic and glass industries. The traditional techniques for measuring viscosity are commonly time- and energy-consuming, they require equilibrium conditions, and are mostly limited to reduced viscosity intervals. Reducing testing time is a critical target for both academic and productive purposes. In order to calibrate an efficient tool capable of both reducing testing time and expand the range of viscosity determination, we used the hot stage microscope (HSM) technique. Specimens (pressed powders) of natural samples, previously measured employing a combination of concentric cylinder and the micropenetration dilatometric techniques, were heated at a rate of 10°C/min until melting. Characteristic shapes (Start sintering, End sintering, Softening, Sphere, Hemisphere, and Melting) were observed at characteristic temperatures (CT); then their viscosities were calculated from their known viscosity-temperature (Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann, VFT) relationships. The observed shapes result from a combined effect of viscosity and surface tension, allowing viscosity values at each CT to linearly scale with surface tension. Viscosity was calibrated by introducing correction factors based on glass chemistry. This approach provides two independent data sets – CT (from HSM) and the corresponding characteristic viscosity (from glass composition) – which can be used to calculate the VFT parameters. The comparison between calculated and experimental viscosity shows good correspondence, which significantly improved previous attempts using only HSM data. These results also highlight the potential of this non-contact technique for evaluating the effects of crystalline particles and porosity on the rheological properties of alumosilicate melts.

Contribution of PNRR M4C2 - PRIN 2022PXHTXM - STONE project, funded from EU within the Next generation EU program. CUP: D53D23004840006

How to cite: Giordano, D., Molinari, C., Dondi, M., Conte, S., and Zanelli, C.: A Method for Measuring Viscosity of Silicate Melts Using Hot Stage Microscopy (HSM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8768,, 2025.

EGU25-8978 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Characterization of Residual Glass Evolution from Vitrified  Ceramics: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy and DSC into Viscous and Elastic Properties 

Daniele Giordano, Michele Cassetta, Sonia Conte, Chiara Zanelli, Chiara Molinari, Michele Dondi, and Sonia La Felice

Four multicomponent metaluminous glasses were designed to investigate the evolution of residual glass-ceramics comprising glass and crystals. Samples were obtained from melting of quartz-feldspars mixes (with varying Na/K ratio and silica content) further fast sintered at temperatures of 1200-1260°C. Using an integrated approach combining high- and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), we characterized the viscous and elastic response of the residual glass and its role in the mechanical properties of the corresponding ceramic products.

High-frequency Raman spectroscopy allows for the analysis of Qn species, which represent the polymerization state of the glass network. Q0, Q¹, Q², Q³, and Q4 correspond to isolated tetrahedra, short chains, branched structures, and fully polymerized networks, respectively. This provides insights into how chemical composition affects the microscopic structure of the residual glass. Simultaneously, low-frequency Raman spectroscopy probes the boson peak, a signature of collective vibrational modes in the glass, which is directly linked to its elastic properties. By coupling the boson peak analysis with the elastic medium scaling law, we determine the vibrational density of states and shear modulus, key parameters for understanding the mechanical behavior of the system.

DSC measurements further enable the determination of critical thermal transitions of the glass, including the glass transition temperature, crystallization, and relaxation processes, which are essential for characterizing the viscous behavior of the residual glass. The integration of these techniques provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of residual glass in stress transfer and mechanical properties control within multicomponent ceramics.

This is a first insight on the characteristics of technologically relevant glasses for the production of porcelain and vitrified ceramic tiles. The approach here followed actually allows appreciating the effect of variations in the Na/K ratio and silica content that mirror what can occur in the industrial production. This paves the way for application in more complex materials and real industrial conditions.

Contribution of PNRR M4C2 - PRIN 2022PXHTXM - STONE project, funded from EU within the Next generation EU program. CUP: D53D23004840006

How to cite: Giordano, D., Cassetta, M., Conte, S., Zanelli, C., Molinari, C., Dondi, M., and La Felice, S.: Characterization of Residual Glass Evolution from Vitrified  Ceramics: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy and DSC into Viscous and Elastic Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8978,, 2025.

EGU25-9306 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Geochemical characterisation of Permian lower continental crust: case study from Ivrea-Verbano Zone (NW Italy) 

Gabriele Carnevale, Antonio Caracausi, Alessandra Correale, Eugenio Fazio, Antonio Paonita, Pierangelo Romano, and Michele Zucali

Investigating the main geochemical characteristics of the lower continental crust is essential to understand its formation and evolution, identifying crustal differentiation processes and possible crust-mantle interactions. We performed bulk rock (major and trace elements), noble gases isotopes (He, Ne, Ar), and fluid inclusions (Raman spectroscopy) analyses on metamorphic rocks from Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Southern Italian Alps). Specifically, we studied various lithologies (metapelite, metagabbro, mafic and felsic granulite, amphibolite, and gneiss) to analyse the continuous metamorphic gradient from amphibolite- to granulite-facies.

Bulk rock analyses confirm the mafic nature of the protoliths for metagabbros (MgO = 5.36-10.25 wt.%), mafic granulites (MgO = 8.32-25.80 wt.%) and amphibolite (MgO = 7.98 wt.%) plotting in the metabasite field of the ACF chemographic diagram. Felsic granulite and sillimanite-gneiss fall within metamorphosed quartz-feldspar rocks, except for metapelite, which approaches the metacarbonate field, due to the presence of secondary carbonates. Metagabbros, mafic granulites and amphibolite show low REE concentrations (∑REE between 3 and 25 ppm) and high Cr and Ni contents (up to 1865 and 265 ppm respectively in mafic granulite), reflecting the mafic/ultramafic nature of the protoliths, whereas felsic granulite, sillimanite-gneiss and metapelite show higher REE contents (∑REE between 48 and 197 ppm).

3He/4He isotope ratios in metamorphosed quartz-feldspar rocks (0.06-0.30 Ra) and metabasites (0.15 and 0.45 Ra) are significantly radiogenic, although the metabasites show slightly higher values, corroborating a more primitive component in their source. Most samples plot near the air component in the 20Ne/22Ne vs 21Ne/22Ne diagram, except for mafic granulites which show a crustal-air mixing trend. As regards the Ar isotope ratios, all samples appear rich in radiogenic component (40Ar/36Ar up to 2645 in metagabbros).

Raman spectroscopy analyses on fluid inclusions in orthopyroxene from mafic granulites show the coexistence of talc, graphite and magnesite with methane, providing direct evidence of a complex history in terms of post-metamorphic reactions and P-T-fO2 conditions.

Our preliminary results show the compositional diversity and evolution of the lower continental crust, highlighting the interplay between mafic and sedimentary sources and the importance of fluid interactions and post-metamorphic processes.

How to cite: Carnevale, G., Caracausi, A., Correale, A., Fazio, E., Paonita, A., Romano, P., and Zucali, M.: Geochemical characterisation of Permian lower continental crust: case study from Ivrea-Verbano Zone (NW Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9306,, 2025.

EGU25-9505 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Characterisation of the heterogeneity of vesicular lava rocks from Fogo Volcano (Azores, Portugal) combining conventional laboratory methods with X-ray microtomography 

Maria Luísa Pereira, Nora Cueto, Lucia Pappalardo, Gianmarco Buono, Alessia Falasconi, Mário Moreira, Vittorio Zanon, and Isabel Fernandes

Experimental data on rock physical properties obtained through laboratory methods are enhanced by advanced techniques like X-ray microtomography (µCT) and image analysis. Lava rocks are important geological formations worldwide with varying textures, structures, and physical and mechanical behaviour. This research focuses on the heterogeneity analysis of vesicular lava rocks with intermediate composition from the Fogo Volcano (or Água de Pau Volcano, S. Miguel, Azores, Portugal). The effective porosity of six cubic samples is determined using the buoyancy technique. Ultrasonic wave velocities and capillarity absorption coefficient are obtained along three orthogonal directions using the through-transmission method and a European standard, respectively. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) combined with µCT is determined in three cores from a single cube.

Results demonstrate that pore structure governs water uptake by capillarity and ultrasonic wave velocities. Regardless of the direction, the nonlinear water imbibition reflects a bimodal pore size distribution, confirmed through µCT imaging. The Sharp Front model describes this behaviour as the sum of two separate absorption processes related to larger (28.01-12.96 g/m2·s0.5) and finer (0.45-1.73 g/m2·s0.5) pores. Capillary-connected porosity (5.07%) is lower than connected porosity (18.5–20.1%) since gravitational fluid transport dominates for large pores (>1 mm). P-wave velocities (2802–3208 m/s) show minor dependence on pore shape, while Vp/Vs ratios (1.76 ± 0.25), dynamic Young’s modulus (16.78 ± 3.20 GPa), and Poisson’s ratio (0.23 ± 0.11) reflect vesicular textures.

µCT-based image analysis enables porosity quantification, revealing that effective porosity includes vesicles and pore-linking fractures. Permeability (0.7–6.6 mD) depends on tortuosity, which reduces fluid percolation despite higher connected porosity.

UCS (15.5-36 MPa) variations depend on pore size, orientation relative to the loading direction, and connected porosity, with minor influence from pore shape. µCT imaging reveals failure through tensile splitting, with fractures propagating from pore edges in all cores. The weakest specimen has more plagioclase phenocrysts, whose borders, intragranular cracks, and pores contribute to reduced strength.

These findings underscore the need to consider the heterogeneous pore structure of vesicular lavas when interpreting field measurements or improving volcano stability models. Advanced imaging and computational techniques clarify the role of vesicles and phenocrysts in strength and crack development patterns, providing important insights into the mechanics of lava rocks.

How to cite: Pereira, M. L., Cueto, N., Pappalardo, L., Buono, G., Falasconi, A., Moreira, M., Zanon, V., and Fernandes, I.: Characterisation of the heterogeneity of vesicular lava rocks from Fogo Volcano (Azores, Portugal) combining conventional laboratory methods with X-ray microtomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9505,, 2025.

EGU25-10890 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Unveiling the geochemistry of fluids in the Central Aeolian Islands (Italy) 

Marco Camarda, Sofia De Gregorio, Marcello Liotta, Roberto M.R. Di Martino, Ygor Oliveri, Mimmo Palano, Antonino Pisciotta, Giuseppe M. Riolo, and Pierangelo Romano

In the last decades, the volcanically active Aeolian Islands have been the focus of numerous geochemical investigations and monitoring activities, primarily focused on the islands of Vulcano, Stromboli and Panarea. However, relatively few studies have explored the geochemical characteristics of other islands, despite evidence of hydrothermal activity. Salina, for instance, hosts a shallow, cold, low-salinity aquifer that overlies a deeper warmer aquifer, with highly saline water. Additional noteworthy features include hydrothermal deposits on the seafloor and offshore submarine gas emissions. Similarly, Lipari hosts a thermal aquifer (e.g. Terme di San Calogero) and exhibits significant hydrothermal emissions along its western coast, particularly in areas of Valle del Fuardo and Caolino quarry. In this study we conducted detailed geochemical surveys on Lipari and Salina to investigate the origins of the fluids and their relationship with the geodynamic framework. The research is part of the Project CAVEAT (Central-southern Aeolian islands: Volcanism and tEArIng in the Tyrrhenian subduction system), which aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current geodynamics in the southern Tyrrhenian region, focusing on the interaction between volcanism and tectonic activity within the Tyrrhenian subduction system.

On Salina and Lipari islands, soil CO2 flux measurement campaigns were conducted to examine the spatial distribution of soil CO2 emissions. Thermal surveys using an Unmanned Aircraft System were conducted over fumarolic areas to detect thermal anomalies associated with zones of preferential fluid emissions. These measurements helped define preferential pathways for fluid migration and identify active tectonic structures associated with areas of elevated soil CO2 emissions. At selected sites, isotopic composition of gas was analyzed to infer the gas origins. On Lipari, soil CO2 emission anomalies revealed a NNW-SSE alignment consistent with the area’s primary tectonic structures. Isotopic analysis confirmed a contribution of deep-origin fluids to these emissions. Thermal (up to 45.8 °C) and cold waters from Salina and Lipari were sampled and analyzed for their chemical and isotopic composition, as well as for dissolved gases. The isotopic composition of the water clearly indicates that the sampled groundwater originates from a mix of meteoric water and seawater, with varying degrees of mixing at each site. Gases dissolved in water exhibit an atmospheric component with a high content of CO2 in the most brackish samples. At Salina, the isotopic composition of dissolved helium reflects a mantle contribution. Collectively, the findings emphasize the significant influence of mantle and deep-origin origin fluids in shaping the geochemistry of both islands. They further highlight the critical role of geodynamic and tectonic processes in governing fluid emissions across the two islands.

How to cite: Camarda, M., De Gregorio, S., Liotta, M., Di Martino, R. M. R., Oliveri, Y., Palano, M., Pisciotta, A., Riolo, G. M., and Romano, P.: Unveiling the geochemistry of fluids in the Central Aeolian Islands (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10890,, 2025.

EGU25-11736 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Poisson’s ratio structure and three-dimensional P wave velocity structure beneath the profile across the Gakkel ridge 85°E axis 

Xiongwei Niu, Jiabiao Li, Wenrui Yang, Jiahui Yu, Weiwei Ding, and Tao Zhang

During active-source 2D marine ocean bottom seismic exploration, significant deviations of shot lines from the designed survey lines can introduce errors in 2D structural models, particularly in areas with rough bathymetry, such as mid-ocean ridges. By employing 3D tomography, it is possible to construct a three-dimensional model of the survey area that incorporates the actual shot locations and Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) positions, leading to more accurate velocity structure models.

In 2021, the Joint Arctic Scientific Mid-Ocean Ridge Insight Expedition (JASMInE) acquired high-quality OBS data from the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. However, due to the presence of dense floating ice, significant offsets occurred between the shot lines and the OBS station profiles. Consequently, applying a 3D tomography-based modeling approach is essential for imaging the velocity structure in this region.

This study utilized the JIVE3D software to develop a 3D P-wave velocity model along a profile perpendicular to the 85°E spreading axis of the Gakkel Ridge, based on high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data. Compared to the velocity structure derived from 2D modeling, the P-wave velocities beneath the spreading axis are found to be lower in the 3D model, while lateral velocity variations in the upper oceanic crust are more pronounced away from the spreading axis. Despite these differences, the overall velocity structure and crustal thickness trends are consistent, indirectly validating the reliability of the 2D structural model.

Based on this 2D P-wave model, with data of 1257 S-wave arrival times picked from 9 OBS stations along the profile perpendicular to the mid-ocean ridge, using a forward modeling trial-and-error approach, a preliminary Poisson’s ratio structure beneath the profile was obtained. The Poisson’s ratio in Layer 2 of the oceanic crust ranges from 0.36 to 0.40, with relatively lower values beneath the spreading axis. In Layer 3, the Poisson’s ratio varies from 0.28 to 0.38. The relatively higher Poisson’s ratio values may indicate the presence of abundant fractures or fluids within the oceanic crust in this region.

How to cite: Niu, X., Li, J., Yang, W., Yu, J., Ding, W., and Zhang, T.: Poisson’s ratio structure and three-dimensional P wave velocity structure beneath the profile across the Gakkel ridge 85°E axis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11736,, 2025.

EGU25-11968 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Investigations on the shallow submarine CO2 emissions around the Island of Vulcano (Italy) 

Sofia De Gregorio, Marco Camarda, Santo Cappuzzo, Vincenzo Francofonte, and Antonino Pisciotta

Natural CO2 emissions play a crucial role in understanding global CO2 budget estimates. Consequently, numerous studies have focused on CO2 emissions across various regions worldwide. However, the majority of these investigations have concentrated on terrestrial CO2 emissions, with relatively fewer studies exploring submarine CO2 emissions. Moreover, almost all the studies have focused on areas with significant hydrothermal activity, particularly those along Mid-Oceanic Ridges, while shallow-water hydrothermal vents have received comparatively little attention. Furthermore, diffuse submarine gas emissions, lacking or with little visible surface evidence, remain largely unexplored. This study investigates the CO2 emissions in the shallow submarine environment around the coast of the Island of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) by measuring dissolved CO2 concentrations. Vulcano, has been characterized by an intense hydrothermal activity since its last eruption from La Fossa cone (1888-­1890). Vulcano features several fumarole fields, including one on the northern crater rim of La Fossa cone and another near the sea in the northeastern sector. Additionally, significant soil CO2 degassing occurs across the volcanic edifice. In the Vulcano Porto area, numerous thermal wells discharge fluids with temperatures reaching up to 80 °C. Submarine emission areas are visible, at shallow depths, close to the beaches in the southern and northeastern sectors. Measurements of dissolved CO2 concentrations were conducted along seashores and rocky coastlines and in sites encompassing both visible and non-visible emissions. In the northeastern sector, measurements focused on the area between the Vulcanello peninsula and the northern slopes of the volcanic cone. The northernmost section of this area, extending to the Faraglione cone, is widely recognized in the literature as Baia di Levante (BL), a well-documented site of significant CO₂-dominant hydrothermal fluids discharge, trough submarine vents placed on the seafloor, at shallow depth, near the shoreline. In this area, we performed measurements along the beach at depth of about 50 cm below sea surface. The measured values remain elevated throughout the entire profile, consistently surpassing those of seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere (ASSW). Concentrations peaked near visible bubbling zones, with concentration values ​​that exceeded the 20%. Moving southward, between the port dock and the crater slopes, measurements were conducted both close to the coastline and approximately 30 meters off the coast. In this area, sporadic bubble emissions from the seafloor were observed and the concentration of dissolved CO2 decreases significantly compared to the BL area. However, the dissolved CO2 concentration remain elevated, above those expected for ASSW. Along the eastern coast, measurements were performed in two selected sites along the rocky coastlines. Anomalous dissolved CO2 concentrations, reaching up to 1400 ppm, were recorded also in these areas. In the southern sector, measurements were taken along Gelso beach. CO2 concentrations were consistently high along the entire beach profile. The results indicate that submarine CO2 emissions are not confined to areas with visible surface evidence, but also occur in areas with minimal or no-visible hydrothermal activity.

How to cite: De Gregorio, S., Camarda, M., Cappuzzo, S., Francofonte, V., and Pisciotta, A.: Investigations on the shallow submarine CO2 emissions around the Island of Vulcano (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11968,, 2025.

EGU25-14815 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Playing with Edges: The Influence of Arbitrary Definitions on Hotspot–LLSVP Correlations 

Gabriel Johnston, Shangxin Liu, Alessandro Forte, and Petar Glisovic

Correlating surface hotspot volcanism with sharply defined edges of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) is a common yet potentially oversimplified approach in mantle geodynamics. Such direct radial projections ignore the lateral displacement of plume conduits observed in seismic tomographic imaging, which suggests that purely vertical transport through the mantle is not guaranteed. Furthermore, many studies merge the African and Pacific LLSVPs, despite evidence that their correlation with hotspots differs significantly. These oversimplifications can lead to misinterpretations of plume-lithosphere interactions, the interaction between mantle plumes and the ambient ”mantle wind”, and mantle flow dynamics in general. Here, we systematically investigate how varied criteria can alter the inferred hotspot– LLSVP edge relationship. We separately analyze African and Pacific LLSVPs using: multiple tomography models, horizontal-gradient based definitions of edges, different vote-map methodologies, and distinct plume geometry assumptions–from perfectly vertical “spokes” to randomly deflected trajectories. We also apply the Back-and-Forth Nudging (BFN) method applied to time-reversed thermal convection, initialized with a present-day seismic–geodynamic–mineral physics model (Glisovic & Forte, 2016), to provide a geodynamically consistent assessment of the relationship between present-day hotspot locations and their source regions in the deep lower mantle. This independent geodynamic assessment clarifies how arbitrary choices concerning the interpretation of hotspots and LLSVP edges may lead to biased or skewed deep-plume reconstructions. Our results reveal that adjustments in hotspot catalogs, or the decision to combine the two main LLSVPs rather than regard each as dynamically distinct, can yield important differences in the significance attributed to sharply defined LLSVP edges. These findings underscore that commonly cited correlations between hotspot locations and LLSVP boundaries hinge on assumptions that vary considerably across the literature. Recognizing and rigorously defining input parameters–particularly the separate treatment of the African and Pacific LLSVPs and the inclusion of realistic lateral plume deflection–proves essential for robust interpretations of deep Earth structure. This highlights the need for standardized methodologies and careful parameter choices to avoid overstating the importance of LLSVP edges in shaping plume pathways.

How to cite: Johnston, G., Liu, S., Forte, A., and Glisovic, P.: Playing with Edges: The Influence of Arbitrary Definitions on Hotspot–LLSVP Correlations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14815,, 2025.

EGU25-17683 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Impact of Cooling Rate on Rheology and Emplacement Dynamics of Basaltic Lava Flows: Insights from the 2023-2024 Sundhnúksgígar Eruption (Iceland) 

Fabrizio Di Fiore, Alessandro Vona, Danilo Di Genova, Alberto Caracciolo, Alessio Pontesilli, Laura Calabro', Gabriele Giuliani, Silvio Mollo, Dmitry Bondar, Manuela Nazzari, Claudia Romano, and Piergiorgio Scarlato

The 2023-2024 eruptions at Sundhnúksgígar in Iceland produced tholeiitic basaltic lavas that traveled at high velocities, affecting vast areas. In this context, disequilibrium crystallization can play a fundamental role in modulating the lava flow dynamic and inundation capacity. To investigate this phenomenon, we performed a comprehensive rheological characterization of the Sundhnúksgígar basaltic liquid and crystal-bearing suspension under both disequilibrium and near-equilibrium conditions. Compared to other basalts erupted worldwide, our results reveal unique features of the Sundhnúksgígar melt: i) exceptionally low solidification rates and ii) the ability to crystallize even at the highest cooling rates applied during the experiments. These characteristics enhance the efficiency of external crust formation, minimizing heat loss from the inner portion of the lava flow, which consequently experiences slower cooling rates. As a result, the lava is able to flow for longer times and travel greater distances than other basaltic flows. Our findings underscore the critical influence of disequilibrium crystallization on the rheological evolution and emplacement behavior of basaltic lavas, with implications for hazard assessment and risk mitigation during effusive eruptions.

How to cite: Di Fiore, F., Vona, A., Di Genova, D., Caracciolo, A., Pontesilli, A., Calabro', L., Giuliani, G., Mollo, S., Bondar, D., Nazzari, M., Romano, C., and Scarlato, P.: Impact of Cooling Rate on Rheology and Emplacement Dynamics of Basaltic Lava Flows: Insights from the 2023-2024 Sundhnúksgígar Eruption (Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17683,, 2025.

EGU25-17921 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Interrelationship between the electrical and elastic properties using effective medium theories 

Khasi Raju and Agata Siniscalchi

This study focuses on characterizing seismogenic zones by establishing a interrelationship between electrical and elastic properties using Effective Medium Theories (EMTs). The seismogenic zones exhibit complex geological and geophysical signatures that can be explored through joint analysis of electrical resistivity and elastic moduli. The research applies EMTs such as Self-Consistent Approximation (SCA), Generalized Effective Medium (GEM), and Differential Effective Medium (DEM) to model the physical properties of rocks under varying conditions of pressure, porosity, and fluid saturation.

The study compares theoretical predictions with observed data to understand how resistivity, influenced by fluid connectivity and composition, correlates with elastic properties, which are sensitive to stress and fracture networks. The study can reveal critical insights into the mechanical and fluid characteristics of seismogenic zones. By integrating theoretical models with available geophysical data, this work provides a framework for analyzing the interdependence of electrical and elastic properties in seismogenic regions. The findings contribute to advancing the understanding of fluid dynamics, and rock deformation in seismogenic zones, offering a valuable tool for seismic hazard assessment and monitoring.

How to cite: Raju, K. and Siniscalchi, A.: Interrelationship between the electrical and elastic properties using effective medium theories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17921,, 2025.

EGU25-20022 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Etna volcano monitoring by remote sensing systems 

Francesco Romeo, Luigi Mereu, Michele Prestifilippo, and Simona Scollo

The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) is in charge to monitor Mt. Etna (Catania, Italy), one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. Its activity is characterised by mild strombolian to powerful lava fountains. Monitoring active volcanoes is fundamental to reduce the volcanic hazard, in particular in dense populated areas as it is the case for the Mt. Etna [1]. The combination of different remote sensing systems can improve the analysis of Etna volcanic activity and give a more reliable quantification of volcanic source parameters as the Cloud Height, Mass Eruption Rate, Fine ash Mass and Particle Size. Volcanic source parameters are used as input parameters by volcanic ash transport and dispersal model. A more accurate estimate of these parameters reduces the uncertainty of numerical dispersal model simulations. The data used for this study come from different sources: The VIVOTEK IP8172P is a visible camera located in Catania. The second is a Thermal-Infrared camera located in Nicolosi that collects images (320 x 240 pixels) at few meters resolution [2] [3]. The third instrument is a X-band (9.6 GHz) polarimetric weather radar located nearby the International Airport Vincenzo Bellini (Catania). The fourth is the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager onboard the Meteosat Second Generation Geostationary Satellite [4]. Through the use of complementary remote sensing systems, we aim at improving our understating of explosive phenomena at Etna volcano.

[1] Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Loughlin, S., & Puempel, H. (2012). Future developments in modelling and monitoring of volcanic ash clouds: outcomes from the first iavcei-wmo workshop on ash dispersal forecast and civil aviation. Bulletin of volcanology, 74 , 1–10.

[2] S. Scollo, M. Prestifilippo, E. Pecora, S. Corradini, L. Merucci, G. Spata, et al., "Eruption column height estimation of the 2011–2013 Etna lava fountains", Ann. Geophys., pp. 57, 2014.

 [3] S. Calvari, G.G. Salerno, L. Spampinato, M. Gouhier, A. La Spina, E. Pecora, et al., "An unloading foam model to constrain Etna’s 11–13 January 2011 lava fountaining episode", J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, vol. 116, pp. B11207, 2011.

[4] S. Scollo, M. Prestifilippo, C. Bonadonna, R. Cioni, S. Corradini, W. Degruyter, et al., "Near-Real-Time Tephra Fallout Assessment at Mt. Etna Italy", Remote Sens., vol. 11, pp. 2987, 2019.

How to cite: Romeo, F., Mereu, L., Prestifilippo, M., and Scollo, S.: Etna volcano monitoring by remote sensing systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20022,, 2025.

EGU25-20055 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Magmatic processes driving the 1970 eruption on Deception Island, (Antarctica) 

Helena Albert, Jorge L. Ruiz, Joaquín Hopfenblatt, Dario Pedrazzi, Adelina Geyer, Meritxell Aulinas, Antonio Polo-Sánchez, Antonio M. Álvarez-Valero, and Oriol Vilanova

Deception Island, the most active volcanic system in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica), has recorded over 20 explosive monogenetic eruptions in the past two centuries. The island’s most recent eruption in 1970 was one of its most violent, with a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 3. This event generated a column height of up to 10 km and produced an estimated bulk eruptive volume exceeding 0.1 km³, with tephra fallout recorded over 150 km away on King George Island. To investigate the magmatic processes leading up to this significant eruption, we conducted detailed geochemical and textural analyses of near-vent pyroclastic deposits and distal tephra fall-out layers preserved in Livingston Island’s glaciers. Near-vent deposits include dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and lithic-rich breccias. Olivine crystals in these deposits exhibit two distinct populations: low-forsterite (Fo65–70 mol.%) and high-forsterite (Fo80–85 mol.%), with similar CaO contents (0.1–0.5 wt.%) but varying NiO concentrations (0–0.4 wt.% in low Fo; 0.02–0.10 wt.% in high Fo). Pyroxene microanalyses also reveal two distinct populations: i) augite-diopside (En45–50, Fs5–25, Wo38–50) and ii) enstatite (En90, Fs10, Wo0). Augite-diopside crystals can be further subdivided based on their Mg# (Mg# = Mg/(Mg+Fe) x 100) and TiO2 contents. The first group shows Mg# values between 80–85 mol.% and TiO2 ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 wt.%, while the second group displays Mg# values of 55–70 mol.% and narrower TiO2 concentrations (0.5–1.25 wt.%). Notably, the enstatite population was not found in distal tephra layers. Plagioclase crystals range in composition from Bytownite to Andesine (An85–40 mol.%). Comparative analyses with distal tephra layers confirm the presence of both olivine populations and overlapping augite-diopside compositions but lack enstatite. Plagioclase compositions show consistency between near-vent and distal deposits. These findings align the 1970 eruption deposits with compositional trends observed in other post-caldera collapse eruptions, shedding light on the island's eruptive history and magmatic evolution.


This work has been partially financed by the grant PID2023-151693NA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.This work is part of the CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) Polar zone Observatory (PTIPOLARCSIC) activities. This research was partially funded by the MINECO VOLCLIMA (CGL2015-72629-EXP) and HYDROCAL (PID2020-114876GB-I00) MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 research project. Sampling was founded by CICYT (ANT91-1270, ANT93-0852 and ANT96-0734) and MICINN grant CTM2011-13578-E.

How to cite: Albert, H., Ruiz, J. L., Hopfenblatt, J., Pedrazzi, D., Geyer, A., Aulinas, M., Polo-Sánchez, A., Álvarez-Valero, A. M., and Vilanova, O.: Magmatic processes driving the 1970 eruption on Deception Island, (Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20055,, 2025.

EGU25-20387 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Gas hazard assessment at the hydrothermal system of Baia di Levante at Vulcano Island during the 2021-23 unrest of La Fossa crater (Aeolian Islands, Italy) 

Massimo Ranaldi, Maria Luisa Carapezza, Luca Tarchini, Nicola Mauro Pagliuca, Lucia Pruiti, and Francesco Sortino

Vulcano Island in Aeolian Archipelago last erupted in 1888-1890 and since then it is affected by an intense fumarolic activity from both the summit crater area of La Fossa volcano and by the hydrothermal system of Baia di Levante located very near to the main settlement of Vulcano Porto.  Ordinary solfataric activity is periodically interrupted by unrest crisis at La Fossa crater associated with increase in fumarole temperature and output, anomalous seismicity, ground deformation and accompanied by an increase in diffuse soil CO2 degassing at Vulcano Porto. In Autumn 2021 a new major unrest crisis began exposing to a high gas hazard Vulcano Porto settlement due to contemporary dispersion of crater fumarolic plume and diffuse soil CO2 degassing; Starting from February 2022, with apex in May, a huge increase in gas output of the geothermal system of Levante Bay was observed. The Baia di Levante area is characterized by the presence of a low-temperature fumarolic field (<100°C) either onshore and offshore and fed by a shallow hydrothermal aquifer heated by magmatic gases. A wide diffuse soil CO2 degassing area extends all over the main beach. The chemical composition of bubbling gases is CO2-dominant, associated with a 1-3 vol.% of H2S and minor CH4 and H2. The Bay is one of the main sites of attraction for the thousands of tourists who visit the island and given the increased risk for gas emissions and possible phreatic eruptions (due to overpressuration of the geothermal aquifer) we carried out some extraordinary geochemical surveys. These consisted of (i) estimation of diffuse soil CO2 flux over a target area (154 points over 16,750 m2) established since 2004; (ii) estimation of the convective CO2 and H2S flux (the main hazardous gases) from the onshore (50 points in the Mud Pool and surrounding areas) and offshore gas vents (2 main large vents and 60 small vents); (iii) Repeated measurements of the chemico-physical parameters (temperature, pH, Eh, conductivity and dissolved O2) in the Baia di Levante sea water (107 profiles; water depth from 50cm to 12m). In particular we investigated the areas characterized by the presence of whitish waters, trains of gas bubbles, emissive vents. Results shown significantly increased values ​​compared to the past of the total CO2 and H2S output (diffuse and convective) measured on land and at sea surface. The sea water shows the presence of a wide anomalous pH in the near-shore sector between Faraglione and Vent 1 and to a lesser extent to the N of the bay. A wide anomaly of negative Eh values ​​persist at all depths in almost all of the bay. A huge emissions of acid gases from the increased submarine fumaroles alter the chemical-physical parameters of the sea water along the bay. Considering the increased gas hazard the adoption of risk prevention measures was suggested to authorities.

How to cite: Ranaldi, M., Carapezza, M. L., Tarchini, L., Pagliuca, N. M., Pruiti, L., and Sortino, F.: Gas hazard assessment at the hydrothermal system of Baia di Levante at Vulcano Island during the 2021-23 unrest of La Fossa crater (Aeolian Islands, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20387,, 2025.

Natural microseismicity serves as a potent tool for exploring smaller-scale hydrothermal and tectonic phenomena. Investigating seismic activities within the hydrothermal fields of mid-ocean ridges(MORs) offers profound insights into earth's internal dynamics. However, studies on natural earthquakes at ultra-slow spreading ridges, especially the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), remain relatively scarce. To investigate the microseismic distribution, heat flow pathways, and tectonic characteristics of the Longqi hydrothermal field, a typical representative of SWIR, this paper processed one month of passive source OBS data from the DY43 cruise through microearthquake detection and relocation, obtaining a catalog of over 3000 earthquakes, significantly expanding the earthquake database for the Longqi field and improving the magnitude completeness. And the b-value calculation and imaging of the earthquake catalog were carried out using the maximum likelihood method and grid search method, respectively. The research results indicate that: ① The overall b-value of the SWIR Longqi field is 0.989; ② The b-value at the center of the Longqi hydrothermal vent is approximately 0.8, while the b-value around the vent is around 1.2; ③ High and low b-value areas alternate at a depth of 10km along the ridge axis; ④ There is an anomalously low b-value area of around 0.5 at depths of 12-16 km to the north across the ridge axis. Combining previous research results on b-values at MORs, this paper suggests that the background b-value of less than 1 in the Longqi field is consistent with its tectonic-type hydrothermal origin. The detachment fault beneath the Longqi hydrothermal vent leads to high stress and a low b-value, while the microseismic activity around the vent originates from rock fracturing caused by the combined effects of cold seawater and hydrothermal fluids. The uneven distribution of high and low b-values in the deep part of the hydrothermal field may reflect the uneven distribution of subsurface magma. The low b-value area in the north is speculated to be due to high stress resulting from torsional compression at the bottom of the detachment fault. In summary, it can be anticipated that the spatial distribution of b-values will serve as an indicator and reference factor for stress, fault structure, and magmatic-hydrothermal activity in MOR hydrothermal field in the future.

How to cite: wang, K.: Spatial distribution of b-values for microseismicity in the SWIR Longqi hydrothermal field and magmatic-tectonic interpretation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20441,, 2025.

EGU25-20933 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Seismotectonics of the Oriente Transform Fault revisited 

Eric Calais, Sylvie Leroy, Jeffrey Poort, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, Bernard Mercier de Lépinay, O'Leary Gonzalez, Bladimir Moreno, Jose-Luis Granja-Bruna, Walter Roest, Boris Marcaillou, Chastity Aiken, and Frauke Klingelhoefer

Transform faults are often considered to be geometrically simple, nearly linear, vertical structures that localize crustal deformation within a narrow zone surrounding the fault. The deformation kinematics are typically purely strike-slip, parallel to far-field plate motion, with seismic slip above the brittle-ductile transition, near the 600 °C isotherm, which is well predicted by thermal models. Although deviations from these simplified features have been described, much remains to be learned about the seismogenic behavior of transform faults, for example, why they release much less seismic moment than predicted by plate motion models, or why they so rarely produce earthquakes of magnitudes as large as would be expected given their geometric segmentation (>M7). 

The Oriente Transform Fault (OTF) along the southern margin of eastern Cuba, at the boundary between the Caribbean and North American plates, is a particularly relevant example to inform on the seismogenic behavior of transform faults for at least 5 reasons: (1) the OTF geometry changes from a nearly continuous trace along the Cayman Ridge to a highly segmented one westward along eastern Cuba, (2) the geometrically continuous segment was the location of a magnitude 7.8 supershear earthquake in January 2020, (3) GNSS-derived strain measurements indicate that this segmentation variation corresponds to a transition from very shallow (<5 km) mechanical coupling —perhaps creep— of the fault, to complete coupling across the entire crustal thickness (20 km), (4) earthquake hypocenters offshore eastern Cuba locally reach subcrustal depths, (5) earthquake focal mechanisms and offshore geological observations show fault-normal compressional deformation along this purely strike-slip segment.

Here we revisit the offshore trace and seismotectonics of the OTF in light of recent data. We benefit from several oceanographic campaigns in the northern Caribbean, in particular the recent Haiti-TWIST campaign of the Pourquoi Pas? R/V, during which new high-resolution bathymetric and seismic reflection data were acquired, filling several important gaps. We also benefit from recent deformation results from GNSS measurements in Cuba, as well as a new compilation of earthquake moment tensor solutions.

How to cite: Calais, E., Leroy, S., Poort, J., Lebrun, J.-F., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Gonzalez, O., Moreno, B., Granja-Bruna, J.-L., Roest, W., Marcaillou, B., Aiken, C., and Klingelhoefer, F.: Seismotectonics of the Oriente Transform Fault revisited, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20933,, 2025.

EGU25-20984 | Posters virtual | VPS22

SUBUTTEC Project: SUBdUcTion triggered Terrestrial Evolution in the Caribbean 

Mélody Philippon, Julissa Roncal, Jean Jacques Cornée, Fréderic Quillevere, Diane Arcay, Nestor Cerpa, Laurent Husson, Yannick Boucharat, Alain Rousteau, Visotheary Ung, Etienne Bezault, Manon Lorcery, Matthias Bernet, Anta-Clarisse Sarr, Nicolas Riel, Boris Kaus, Manuel Pubellier, Danae Thivaiou, Leny Montheil, and Mélanie Noury and the SUBUTTEC Team

Subduction zones represent more than half of the total plate boundaries length (38,000 over 64,000km) and cause fast geographic changes by a range of geological processes occurring at local to regional scales such as crustal deformation, volcanism, or dynamic topography. The associated transient changes in land-sea distributions influence the migration, genetic drift, adaptation, speciation, and endemism of the terrestrial biosphere that conquered emerged landmasses. Today, archipelagos located along subduction zones hostone-third of the biodiversity hotspots in the world (Myers et al., 2000). In this context, SUBUTTEC research team aim at combining geological and biological data to unravel the links between the subduction dynamics and terrestrial life in subduction zones based on the case study of the Antilles hotspot. This short and dynamic subduction zone, bounding the east of the Caribbean plate, is ideally circumscribed by two giant continents and two equally giant oceans that provide rather static boundary conditions. To unravel the role of the southern Lesser Antilles in the dynamics of Caribbean biodiversity, we will perform paleogeographic reconstructions over the last 20 Myrs, focused on the unknown role of the southern Lesser Antilles, will be done by integrating tectonics, paleomagnetism, (bio-)stratigraphy and geochronology. We will match these paleogeographic reconstructions with the assemblage distribution and phylogenetic records of extant endemic species, which will allow us to test for alternative scenarios of the temporal dispersion and evolution of life in this highly dynamic hotspot region for both biodiversity and tectonic activity. The implementation of comparative biogeographical methods provides here a powerful tool to reveal natural classification of biogeographic areas i.e. bioregionalization and identification of vicariant events. The joint analysis of the geological and biological records will provide a macro-ecological framework of the biosphere/biodiversity dynamics over subduction zones.

How to cite: Philippon, M., Roncal, J., Cornée, J. J., Quillevere, F., Arcay, D., Cerpa, N., Husson, L., Boucharat, Y., Rousteau, A., Ung, V., Bezault, E., Lorcery, M., Bernet, M., Sarr, A.-C., Riel, N., Kaus, B., Pubellier, M., Thivaiou, D., Montheil, L., and Noury, M. and the SUBUTTEC Team: SUBUTTEC Project: SUBdUcTion triggered Terrestrial Evolution in the Caribbean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20984,, 2025.

EGU25-21421 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Chemical mapping of methane in the Northern Guaymas Basin hydrothermal field 

Anna Michel, Mary Burkitt-Gray, Spencer Marquardt, Sarah Youngs, Jordan Remar, Samantha Joye, and Jason Kapit

The Guaymas Basin is a large marginal rift basin in the Gulf of California with ongoing seafloor spreading and strong hydrothermalism centered around two axial troughs. Extremely high concentrations of methane are discharged from diffuse hydrothermal flow, black smokers, and cold seeps. A thick sediment layer across the basin allows for thermocatalytic production of methane in the hot subsurface, resulting in the discharge of hydrothermal fluids from powerful black smokers with temperatures exceeding 300°C. The cooler surface sediments additionally support methanogenesis, providing a complex interplay between the biogenic and abiogenic systems. The dynamism of the Guaymas Basin means that the flux and distribution of hydrothermal vents in this region can change rapidly, impacting the wider oceanography of the region.

We present here results from a 2024 study of hydrothermalism in the Guaymas basin using a new optical sensor, developed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. SAGE – the Sensor for Aqueous Gases in the Environment – utilizes laser absorption spectroscopy through a hollow core optic fiber to quantify the partial pressure of dissolved methane extracted from the deep sea. This in situ sensor, deployed during a cruise on the R/V Atlantis allows continuous measurement of methane concentrations with high spatiotemporal resolution, with a sampling rate of 1Hz and a stable response time of 1-5 minutes. This new sensing technique facilitated analysis of the relationships between microbial communities and hydrothermalism and guided dives towards hydrothermal vents based on the real-time methane concentration. It also allowed the comprehensive in situ analysis of a rapidly evolving black smoker vent site in the northern axial trough, allowing the methane export to the water column to be characterized with high spatiotemporal resolution. The low detection limit of SAGE – down to ~10 ppm – allows the analysis of the broader impact of these dynamic methane-based systems into the wider oceanography of the region.

How to cite: Michel, A., Burkitt-Gray, M., Marquardt, S., Youngs, S., Remar, J., Joye, S., and Kapit, J.: Chemical mapping of methane in the Northern Guaymas Basin hydrothermal field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21421,, 2025.

EGU25-21462 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Understanding the arc-continent collision zones in western Philippines: Novel insights from the Romblon Island Group and the Central Zamboanga Peninsula 

Gabriel Theophilus Valera, John Kenneth Badillo, Andrew Exequiel S. Tabilog, Nikko M. Balanial, Mariz L. Alcancia, and Betchaida D. Payot

The continent-derived nature of the western Philippines (Palawan-Mindoro Microcontinental Block; PCB) contrasts with the island arc-dominated eastern Philippines (Philippine Mobile Belt; PMB). Petrological investigation on the P-T-D history of the metamorphosed rocks in between these two terranes and how they relate to the broader tectonic events are however lacking. In this study, we examined rock units related to the arc-continent collision events in two areas: the Romblon Island Group and the central Zamboanga Peninsula.

In central Philippines, the Romblon Metamorphic Complex (RMC) represents the PCB-derived materials. The RMC consists of metapelitic and metapsammitic paraschists in Tablas, Romblon, and Sibuyan with minor orthoschists and marbles. Using two-feldspar geothermometery, and Raman Spectrometry of Carbonaceous Material, the temperature variations revealed a low P/TStage 1 metamorphism of all RMC units with peak T and P values of about 450-540°C at <5 kbars. Based on tensional structures (e.g. boudins) and preserved metapelitic-metapsammitic interlayering, we attribute this Stage 1 to the PMB continental rifting and subsequent shallowing of the paleogeothermal gradient. The RMC paraschists which are adjacent to the Sibuyan Ophiolite  Complex (SOC) meanwhile register significantly higher T at the same low P conditions (= 570-630 °C). This suggests a second stage of higher T deformation and metamorphism directly linked with the juxtaposition of the continental RMC and the island arc SOC. This is consistent with the subsolidus shearing and metamorphism of the isotropic gabbro units of the SOC with preserved P-T conditions of about 500-800°C.

The southern extension of the PCB-PMB collision is even less understood although earlier works extend the arc-continent suture zone in Mindanao Island, southern Philippines. The purported boundary of the continent-derived Zamboanga Peninsula and the island arc Eastern Mindanao is the northwest-southeast trending Siayan-Sindangan Suture Zone. Our field mapping in central Zamboanga Peninsula however revealed a distinct northeast-southwest trending suture zone of an apparent arc-continent collision zone. Across this NE-SW suture zone, the lithologies progress from the paraschists of the Gutalac Metamorphic Complex (GMC) in the northeast to the amphibolites of the Dansalan Metamorphic Complex (DMC). Further southeast, the residual peridotites and pillow lavas with intercalated chert, deep marine turbidites and limestones of the Polanco Ophiolite Complex (POC) are exposed. Such progression hints at a NE-SW convergence of an ancient arc (POC) with its metamorphic sole (DMC) against the continent-derived GMC following the consumption of an ancient oceanic basin.

How to cite: Valera, G. T., Badillo, J. K., Tabilog, A. E. S., Balanial, N. M., Alcancia, M. L., and Payot, B. D.: Understanding the arc-continent collision zones in western Philippines: Novel insights from the Romblon Island Group and the Central Zamboanga Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21462,, 2025.

EGU25-2404 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Rare-metal and rare earth element mineralizations in the eastern Liaoning-southern Jilin tectonic zone in Northeast China: A review 

Nan Ju, Gao Yang, Pengge Zhang, Jinxuan Li, Yue Wu, Shi Lu, Bo Liu, Xiaoping Yang, Xin Liu, and Yuhui Feng

The eastern Liaoning-southern Jilin tectonic zone (also referred to as the Liao-Ji tectonic zone), a potential zone for rare-metal and REE mineralizations in China, hosts over 10 rare-metal and REE deposits and ore occurrences with varying scales and mineralization characteristics, which establish this zone as an ideal target for research on the metallogenic regularities of rare-metal and REE mineralizations.The study area resides in the northern part of the East Asian continental margin, lying on the overlapping part of the North China and the Western Pacific Plates, is located in the northeastern North China Plate, consisting of the North China Craton and the north margin orogen of the North China Plate. This area serves as a critical large-scale copper-gold and polymetallic mineral resource base in China, also providing favorable geologic conditions for the enrichment and mineralization of rare metals and REEs. So far, many rare-metal and REE deposits and ore occurrences have been discovered in the Liao-Ji tectonic zone, including two large Nb-Be-Zr-REE deposits (i.e., Lijiapuzi and Pianshishan), two medium-sized Rb-Be-Nb-Ta-REE deposits (i.e., Saima and Gangshan), one small Nb-Ta-REE deposit (i.e., Shijia), and over 10 rare metal-REE ore occurrences (e.g., Xiaolizi, and Baiqi), suggesting considerable mineralization potential. Most of the deposits in the Liao-Ji tectonic zone are closely associated with alkaline rocks.

Extensive field surveys and geochemical studies of the above deposits reveal that the ore-forming rock masses of the Pianshishan, Gangshan, and Lijiapuzi deposits include alkaline granites and pegmatites and those of the Shijia and Saima deposits are quartz syenites and aegirine nepheline syenites, respectively. The Pianshishan (67±2.2 Ma) and Gangshan (110±1.2 Ma) deposits were formed during the Yanshanian, the Shijia (226.3±2.4 Ma) and Saima (224.4±6.1 Ma) deposits originated from the Late Indosinian magmatism, while the formation of the Lijiapuzi deposit (2501±11 Ma) was associated with the Lvliang Movement. Therefore, the study area underwent three stages of regional rare-metal and REE mineralizations: the Late Yanshanian (Mesozoic), Late Indosinian (Mesozoic), and Proterozoic Lvliangian mineralizations. The petrogeochemical analysis indicates that the ore-forming rock masses of several typical deposits all belong to the metaluminous, alkaline - calc-alkaline, and tholeiitic basalt series, sharing similarities with the elemental geochemical characteristics of intraplate rift rock series and rocks in an extensional environment under plate subduction. The rare-metal and REE mineralizations in the study area were primarily governed by the evolution and crystallization differentiation of alkaline magmas. Given that the alkaline magmatic rocks were all formed by crust-mantle contamination, this study posits that the enrichment and mineralization processes of rare metals and REEs in the Liao-Ji tectonic zone are intimately associated with the highly evolved alkaline magmas. Under the action of water and volatile constituents, magmas underwent intense fractional crystallization, leading to the migration and accumulation of ore-forming elements. With changes in ore-forming conditions such as temperature and pressure, ore-bearing fluids became enriched and mineralized in the late stage of magmatism with the crystallization of primary rock-forming minerals.

How to cite: Ju, N., Yang, G., Zhang, P., Li, J., Wu, Y., Lu, S., Liu, B., Yang, X., Liu, X., and Feng, Y.: Rare-metal and rare earth element mineralizations in the eastern Liaoning-southern Jilin tectonic zone in Northeast China: A review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2404,, 2025.

EGU25-2960 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Enrichment Factors of Alkali and Key Metal Mineral Resources in Fengcheng Formation of Mahu Sag, the Junggar Basin 

Xin yu Liu, Qiu Longwei, and Yang Yongqiang

The second member of the Fengcheng Formation in the early Permian of the Mahu Depression has a rock series with interbedded alkali mineral layers and tuffaceous layers. The dark layer contains a large amount of associated metal minerals, which are closely related to the volcanic hydrothermal material at the Fengnan fault nose. However, due to the presence of detrital rock deposits on the west side of the Mahu Depression, this area is jointly controlled by volcanoes and terrestrial sources to form alkali mineralization. There are also a large number of dark hydrocarbon source rocks developed in the region, which are also one of the reasons for the mineralization of alkali minerals and associated metal minerals. Therefore, a mineralization model is established.

How to cite: Liu, X. Y., Longwei, Q., and Yongqiang, Y.: Enrichment Factors of Alkali and Key Metal Mineral Resources in Fengcheng Formation of Mahu Sag, the Junggar Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2960,, 2025.

EGU25-3157 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Improving near real-time GNSS-IR sea level retrievals with robust outlier detection 

Cemali Altuntas, Bahattin Erdogan, Nursu Tunalioglu, and Simon Williams

The Global Navigation Satellite Systems - Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) method has been utilized for nearly fifteen years as an alternative and cost-effective approach to determine hydrological parameters such as sea level, snow depth, and soil moisture through the analysis of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data. Most GNSS-IR studies to date rely on archived data and post-processed results. However, the potential for near real-time GNSS-IR analysis is increasingly being explored. In this study, high-rate GNSS archive data, sampled at 1-second intervals and stored in 15-minute files, were processed in a simulated near real-time workflow. Every 15 minutes, new data were added to the analysis, focusing exclusively on the most recent 60 minutes of observations. A novel approach for detecting outliers in near real-time GNSS-IR estimates was also proposed. The median-based robust outlier detection (ROD) method, previously validated for post-processed GNSS-IR snow depth results, was adapted and applied to near real-time GNSS-IR data. A 30-day dataset of multi-GNSS, multi-frequency SNR observations from the Portland (PTLD) GNSS station in Australia, collected in November 2024, was analyzed. The near real-time GNSS-IR results were validated using sea level measurements from the PORL tide gauge station. The results demonstrate that the modified ROD approach can be used to identify outliers in near real-time GNSS-IR sea level retrievals.

How to cite: Altuntas, C., Erdogan, B., Tunalioglu, N., and Williams, S.: Improving near real-time GNSS-IR sea level retrievals with robust outlier detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3157,, 2025.

The bauxitic region of Sumbi and its surroundings in Kongo Central (DR Congo) is located in an area corresponding to “bands” of basic rocks made up of microdolerites, basalts and andesites. The problem of this study is linked to the similarity of the phenomena that generated the depositional process of these ferruginous and aluminous formations. The aim of this article is to carry out a chemical and petrographic study of samples of bauxitic materials from the Mayedo and Kinzoki regions, with a view to their possible recovery. To this end, the chemical and petrographic analysis of the weathering formations outcropping in the study area was carried out using X-ray fluorescence and thin section methods. The latter revealed that two lithologies were detected in the healthy rocks: basalts with a mineralogical assemblage of plagioclase crystals, pyroxene microcrystals and oxide opaques; and dolerites represented by plagioclase crystals, pyroxenes and a few quartz crystals. X-ray fluorescence revealed high levels of Al2O3 (32.69%) in the Mayedo zone (MHb1). This visibly gibbsite-rich level corresponds to the zone of friable, homogeneous bauxite with a massive, blood-red texture, with an estimated gibbsite percentage of 55.50. The percentage of Fe2O3 is high in these zones at 42.77%, hence the dark red colour, reflecting a strong zone of ferruginasation. This horizon contains a high concentration of hematite and goethite minerals. Highly variable SiO2 contents ranging from 13.48% to 40.82%. These variations are essentially due to the dissolution of silica by leaching and resilification.

How to cite: Mwanakangu, E. and Ungu, D.: Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of Mayedo and Kinzoki Ranges (Sumbi Bauxite Region, Kongo Central/DR Congo), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3874,, 2025.

EGU25-4633 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Deep Neural Networks for GNSS Coordinate Time Series Modeling and Prediction 

Jian Wang, Zhao Li, and Weiping Jiang

High-precision GNSS coordinate time series modeling and prediction provide a critical reference for applications such as crustal deformation, structural safety monitoring, and regional or global reference frame maintenance. A Deep neural network framework based on Transformer was applied to 22 GNSS stations, each with 1000 days, in which data is preprocessed using a synchronization sliding window. The overall fitting and prediction trends exhibit a high degree of consistency with the original time series. The average fitting RMSE and MAE are 3.40 mm and 2.64 mm, respectively, while the corresponding average prediction RMSE and MAE are 3.54 mm and 2.77 mm. In comparison to the LSTM model, the proposed method achieved a redu78ction in RMSE and MAE by 20.7% and 19.6%, respectively. Furthermore, when benchmarked against the traditional least squares approach, the improvements were even more pronounced, with RMSE and MAE decreasing by 35.7% and 37.8%, respectively. The approach demonstrates robustness and effectiveness under conditions of discontinuous data. Therefore, it could be used as a convenient alternative to predict GNSS coordinate time series and will be of wide practical value in the fields of reference frame maintenance and deformation early warning.

How to cite: Wang, J., Li, Z., and Jiang, W.: Deep Neural Networks for GNSS Coordinate Time Series Modeling and Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4633,, 2025.

EGU25-4666 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Insight into the genesis of barite deposit in Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah basin, India 

Devika Devanand Sreekala and Soundra Pandian Muthusamy

The Vemula-Velpula hydrothermal barite deposit is hosted by mafic dykes (ca. 1850 Ma. [1]) intruding into the uppermost part of about 1900 m thick carbonate strata of the Vempalle Formation (ca. 2000 Ma. [2]) in Cuddapah basin and occurs as fracture-fill and breccia-fill veins. The veins dominantly consist of barite with minor quartz. The host mafic rock has undergone various extents of hydrothermal alteration, due to which the primary calcic plagioclase-clinopyroxene assemblage is altered to albite and clinochlore, along with the introduction of secondary epidote, quartz, and calcite. The wide range in Ba concentration of mafic rock (68 to 3012 ppm) associated with the barite mineralization indicates that Ba was mobilized and subsequently leached from the mafic rock by the hydrothermal fluid during this alteration event. The δ34S values of barite range from +16.19 to +23.24‰ which falls within the range of δ34S value of +10 to +30‰ estimated for Proterozoic seawater [3]. At shallow crustal depth where this deposit was formed, direct participation of seawater is unlikely and therefore basinal brine is inferred to be the source of sulphate ion required for barite mineralization. Primary aqueous biphase fluid inclusions in barite have homogenization temperatures ranging from 180 to 300 °C, with most of them clustering in the range 220-250°C, and salinities ranging from 2.4 to 25.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The first ice melting temperature of these inclusions was measured between -55 and -37°C, broadly pointing towards an H2O-NaCl-CaCl2 fluid system. Petrography and microthermometric data of fluid inclusions indicate the involvement of two fluids of different salinities, which, upon mixing and cooling, led to barite precipitation.

This research work was funded by SERB, New Delhi (Scheme No. CRG/2019/001015).



[1] Chakraborty K. et al. (2016), Journal of the Geological Society of India 87, 631–660.

[2] Rai A.K. et al., (2015), Journal of the Geological Society of India 86, 131–136.

[3] Strauss H (1993) Precambrian Research 63(3–4), 225–246.

How to cite: Devanand Sreekala, D. and Muthusamy, S. P.: Insight into the genesis of barite deposit in Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah basin, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4666,, 2025.

EGU25-5245 | Posters virtual | VPS23

W-Sn Ore-Mineral Geochronology: New Ages Improve Genesis Models 

Niki Wintzer, Christopher Holm-Denoma, Florian Altenberger, and Samuel Waugh

Direct ore-mineral U-Pb geochronology of scheelite (CaWO4), cassiterite (SnO2), and wolframite ([Fe,Mn]WO4) using recently-developed reference materials led to new ore-genesis insights for multiple worldwide W-Sn/rare metal deposits. Scheelite from the Yellow Pine epithermal Au-W-Sb deposit in Idaho, USA was age dated using U-Pb via isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). These analyses provided both the first age constraints on the tungsten mineralization (ca. 57 Ma) and a scheelite U-Pb reference material (NMNH-107667; 57.52 ± 0.22 Ma). The data reveal ore mineralization occurred in numerous discrete pulses during crustal uplift, which contrasts with the previous two-mineralization-event model.

The Yellow Pine scheelite reference material enabled U-Pb scheelite geochronology via LA-ICP-MS for multiple other deposits worldwide; namely, the polyphase stratabound scheelite-ferberite mineralization hosted within Fe-rich magnesite zones and marbles in two locations around Mount Mallnock, Austria. Two unexpected but geologically meaningful age dates (294 ± 8 Ma) for Mallnock West and (239 ± 3 Ma) for Mallnock North revealed for the first time that ore mineralization occurred during an extensional geodynamic setting as part of the breakup of Pangea, as opposed to the previous model invoking the older compressional tectonics of the Variscan orogeny.

Combining direct-ore geochronology methods for several ore minerals was particularly powerful for Sn- and W-bearing deposits in southeast Australia. A U-Pb cassiterite age date (435 ± 2 Ma) revealed the tin-bearing lithium pegmatites of the Dorchap Dyke Swarm are ca. 15 Ma older than some previous estimates suggesting mineralization was related to the earliest magmatic activity recorded in the Wagga-Omeo Metamorphic Belt. Additionally, a new U-Pb wolframite age date (395 ± 5 Ma) for the Womobi polymetallic (W-Mo-Bi) deposit is ca. 21 million years younger than the host Thologolong granite, suggesting the granite was a passive host that was mineralized by a concealed intrusion. Both instances revealed mineralization ages that were significantly different than previously accepted. More widespread application of these increasingly diverse, direct-ore geochronology methods stand to replace uncertain spatial or textural associations, thereby providing an opportunity to significantly improve ore genesis models.

How to cite: Wintzer, N., Holm-Denoma, C., Altenberger, F., and Waugh, S.: W-Sn Ore-Mineral Geochronology: New Ages Improve Genesis Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5245,, 2025.

EGU25-8007 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Length of the Day changes and climate signatures- their relations in detected ENSO Events 

Małgorzata Wińska, Justyna Śliwińska-Bronowicz, Jolanta Nastula, and Dominika Staniszewska

The relationship between the length of day (LOD) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been extensively studied since the 1980s. LOD represents the negative time derivative of UT1-UTC, directly proportional to the Earth Rotation Angle (ERA), a key Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP).

ENSO is a climate phenomenon occurring in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that primarily impacts the tropics and subtropics. Extreme ENSO events can lead to severe weather conditions, such as flooding and droughts, across various regions worldwide. ENSO event undergoes a lengthy incubation period, during which the interannual variations in length-of-day (LOD) and atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) are rapidly influenced by the interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere.

The significant characteristics of climate change are the rise of global temperature and sea level, which are driven by ENSO. Interannual oscillations in global mean sea temperature (GMST) and global mean sea level (GMSL) might also impact changes in the Earth’s rotation velocity.

The goal of this study is to explain in more detail connections among the interannual (2-8 years) variations of the LOD, AAM, and different climate indices, like the Southern Oscillation Index SOI, Oceanic Niño Index ONI, GMSL, and GMST. The influence of climate signatures on LOD from January 1976 to December 2024 is assessed using semblance analysis based on continuous wavelet transform. This method evaluates the correlation between climate time series in the time and wavelength domains.

Studying the relationship between LOD, AAM, GMSL, GMST, and ENSO indices enhances our understanding of Earth's dynamic system, improves geophysical models, and increases the precision of applications dependent on accurate timekeeping and Earth rotation measurements.

How to cite: Wińska, M., Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Nastula, J., and Staniszewska, D.: Length of the Day changes and climate signatures- their relations in detected ENSO Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8007,, 2025.

EGU25-9320 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Signature of mantle anelasticity detected by GPS ocean tide loading observations  

Pingping Huang, Nigel T. Penna, Peter J. Clarke, Volker Klemann, Zdeněk Martinec, and Yoshiyuki Tanaka

Anelasticity is a type of rheology intermediate between elasticity and viscosity, responsible for rock’s transient creep behaviour. Whether to consider anelasticity in geodynamic processes operating outside the seismic frequency band which likely involve transient mantle creep is still under debate. Here, we focus on the geodynamic process of ocean tide loading (OTL), namely the deformational response of the solid Earth to the periodic ocean water-mass redistributions caused by astronomical tides. By analysing high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS) data from over 250 sites in western Europe and numerical OTL values from advanced three-dimensional Earth models, we unambiguously demonstrate anelastic OTL displacements in both the horizontal and vertical directions. This finding establishes the need to consider anelasticity in geodynamic processes operating at sub-seismic timescales such as OTL, post-seismic movement, and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) due to rapid ice melting. Consequently, to construct a uniform viscoelastic law for modelling Earth deformations across multiple timescales anelasticity must be incorporated. Our best-fitting anelastic models reveal the shear modulus in Earth’s upper mantle to be weaker at semi-diurnal tidal frequencies by up to 20% compared to the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM) specified at 1 Hz, and constrain the time dependence of this weakening.

How to cite: Huang, P., Penna, N. T., Clarke, P. J., Klemann, V., Martinec, Z., and Tanaka, Y.: Signature of mantle anelasticity detected by GPS ocean tide loading observations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9320,, 2025.

EGU25-9503 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Seismotectonics of the Intracontinental High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Derived from Regional Seismic Moment Tensor Analysis: Insights into tectonics and stress regimes. 

Brahim Oujane, Lahcen El Moudnib, Martin Zeckra, Said Badrane, and Abderrahime Nouayti

This study investigates the present-day seismotectonic framework of the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, with a specific focus on the area affected by the devastating Mw 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake of September 8, 2023. Leveraging a high-resolution seismic dataset encompassing over twenty moderate earthquakes (M 3.5-6.8) recorded by regional networks between 2008 and 2024, the research aims to refine earthquake locations and characterize the regional stress field. Initially located using P-wave arrival times, earthquake hypocenters were subsequently relocated using the double-difference method, which yielded more precise locations by minimizing travel-time residuals between pairs of events recorded at common stations. The high degree of agreement between the initial and relocated solutions validates the robustness of the location estimates. Notably, the observed seismicity is confined to shallow crustal depths, consistently shallower than 30 km, corroborating the shallow rupture observed for the Al Haouz earthquake, which occurred at a depth of approximately 31 km. This shallow seismicity suggests a shallow deformation style within the High Atlas.

To determine the state of the present-day tectonic and stress regimes across the western and central segments of the High Atlas, the study uses two complementary approaches: regional seismic moment tensor inversion and P-wave first motion focal mechanism analysis. Fault plane solutions were calculated using P-wave first motion polarities and further constrained through regional moment tensor inversion. The majority of analyzed earthquakes exhibit reverse faulting mechanisms, often with a significant strike-slip component, indicating a complex deformation pattern. Analysis of the principal stress axes (P, B, and T) derived from the focal mechanisms reveals average orientations of 16/189, 39/036, and 08/104 (plunge/azimuth), respectively. Subsequently, tectonic stress tensor properties were derived through inversion of the focal mechanism parameters. The results of this stress inversion indicate a predominantly N-S oriented maximum horizontal stress (σ1) in the Western High Atlas, closely aligned with the faulting style of the Al Haouz earthquake. In contrast, the stress field in the Central High Atlas exhibits a transition to a NW-SE to NNW-NNE orientation of σ1. These spatially varying stress orientations are consistent with independently derived GPS velocities and available neotectonics data, which document ongoing shortening across the High Atlas. This integrated analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the active tectonic deformation within the High Atlas, shedding light on the complex interplay of faulting styles and stress orientations, and providing crucial insights into the source mechanism and broader tectonic context of the Al Haouz earthquake within the Western High Atlas region.

How to cite: Oujane, B., El Moudnib, L., Zeckra, M., Badrane, S., and Nouayti, A.: Seismotectonics of the Intracontinental High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Derived from Regional Seismic Moment Tensor Analysis: Insights into tectonics and stress regimes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9503,, 2025.

EGU25-9618 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Horizontal tectonic stresses and its implications in the Shillong Plateau and its adjoining using gravity data 

Priyank Pathak and William Kumar Mohanty

North East India (NEI) is situated between the Himalayan collision arc to the north and the Indo-Burmese Ranges (IBR) to the east. The tectonic unit of the NEI, Shillong Plateau (SP), is one of the most active seismotectonic zones of the Indian subcontinent, as demonstrated by its seismicity. It is crucial to identify active faults in populated areas for human safety and the sustainable development of society. The gravity method is one of the convenient methods to delineate the shallow to deeper subsurface discontinuities, i.e., it is useful to detect active faults in the subsurface compared to other geophysical methods (e.g., Electrical, and Electromagnetic methods). In this study, detailed multilayer horizontal tectonics stress (HTS) was calculated using the approach of multi-scale decomposition of gravity anomalies data. HTS can be helpful in demarcating shallow to deep-seated tectonic structures. The tectonic features exhibit a strong correlation with the distribution of HTS at different depths. Major faults and earthquake epicentre align with areas of high stress, while stable zones correspond to regions of low stress. It means that HTS is employed to deduce the distribution and stability of faults. The high value of HTS is increased from shallow to deep depths for SP, Mikir Hills, IBR and Eastern Himalaya in the NEI region, and it varies as ~ 0.2-0.53 MPa, ~ 0.24-0.61 MPa, ~ 0.3-0.84 MPa, ~ 0.4-1.2 MPa, ~ 0.57 1.86 MPa, ~ 0.8-2.4 MPa, ~ 0.84-3.0 MPa at 4, 8, 12, 20, 40, 50, and 60 km depths, respectively. While the Brahmaputra Valley and the Surma Basin show relatively less stress, where HTS varies between ~ 0.1-0.33 MPa for 4, 8, 12, 20, 40, 50, and 60 km depths. It can be interpreted that the populated SP and Mikir Hills are highly unstable or earthquake-prone regions due to high stress.

How to cite: Pathak, P. and Kumar Mohanty, W.: Horizontal tectonic stresses and its implications in the Shillong Plateau and its adjoining using gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9618,, 2025.

EGU25-9658 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Exploring various approaches to combine Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) predictions gathered during the Second EOP Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC) 

Maciej Michalczak, Justyna Śliwińska-Bronowicz, Małgorzata Wińska, Aleksander Partyka, Marcin Ligas, and Jolanta Nastula

The Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC) aimed to evaluate and compare various methods of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) predictions. One of the goals of the 2nd EOP PCC was to prepare a combination of the predictions to obtain one robust and accurate solution for forecasts of individual parameters. This presentation focuses on identifying the most reliable and accurate combination of predictions for polar motion (PMx, PMy), universal time variations (UT1-UTC), and length of day (LOD) among the methods tested during the 2nd EOP PCC.

Two types of experiments were designed for this study: "operational" combinations tailored to real-time comparisons and practical application and "final" combinations designed for comprehensive analysis. Boths approaches incorporated six methods for handling outlier predictions, ranging from no filtration to progressively stricter criteria using the σ+β method (with α values ranging from 5 to 1). All experiments cover the period of 2nd EOP PCC (from September 1, 2021, to December 31, 2022), and each approach includes 70 10-day predictions.

The results show that combining various submissions generally enhances stability and accuracy of EOP forecasts. The σ+β criterion with α = 1 achieved the smallest Mean Absolute Prediction Error, indicating high accuracy of prediction. However, this method of eliminating outliers forecasts is the most restrictive, as it excludes a significant number of predictions. In contrast, operational combinations without filtering proved more practical for real-time applications, albeit with slightly higher errors.

The findings underscore the importance of tailoring combination strategies to specific goals—whether prioritizing maximum accuracy or practical applicability. This research highlights the benefits of prediction combination methods in improving EOP forecasts, offering a foundation for further development of operational strategies and expanding their use in geophysical and astronomical applications.

How to cite: Michalczak, M., Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Wińska, M., Partyka, A., Ligas, M., and Nastula, J.: Exploring various approaches to combine Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) predictions gathered during the Second EOP Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9658,, 2025.

EGU25-11708 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Enhanced Celestial Pole Offset forecast via combination of different data sources 

Marcin Ligas, Maciej Michalczak, Santiago Belda, Jose M. Ferrándiz, Maria Karbon, and Sadegh Modiri

This study introduces a methodology designed to enhance the accuracy of Celestial Pole Offset (dX, dY) prediction, with a focus on a short-term forecast horizon (up to 30-days). IERS EOP final data as well as those published by JPL are used as input for the  prediction algorithms. The prediction procedure is consistent, in the sense that, it does not rely on any external data to fill any latency gaps in the final IERS product. This is handled within the prediction routine itself by enlarging the forecast horizon to the gap filling horizon and proper forecast horizon. In this way, the presented methodology is ready to use under operational settings what makes it well suited for real time applications. Such an approach enables also to asses prediction capabilities of the methods in offline experiments whilst maintaining the operational settings. JPL CPO data serves as supplementary series for prediction and adjusting using Deming regression to align it  with IERS CPO values (attempt to assess fixed and proportional biases between series). The prediction strategy applies also the Whittaker-Henderson smoother to IERS CPO series, which after smoothing is treated as an additional source of information in the prediction process. Separate predictions based on JPL, IERS and smoothed IERS series are also averaged in different combinations giving rise to ensemble data-based prediction model. In this way we show that the overpredictive and underpredictive characteristics of specific input data, even with the application of a single prediction method, can result in a more precise and accurate final forecast. The presented approach was tested against the results obtained within the course of the 2nd EOPPCC, as well as other contemporary studies. This presentation includes also a comparison of performance of the method in reference to different series, i.e., IERS EOP 14 C04 and IERS EOP 20 C04.

How to cite: Ligas, M., Michalczak, M., Belda, S., Ferrándiz, J. M., Karbon, M., and Modiri, S.: Enhanced Celestial Pole Offset forecast via combination of different data sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11708,, 2025.

EGU25-12533 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Global VLBI ties using mixed-mode sessions 

Dhiman R. Mondal, Pedro Elosegui, Chester Ruszczyk, Frank Lemoine, and Dirk Behrend

Geodetic VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) currently consists of two observing networks (legacy S/X and broadband VGOS). Heretofore, the two networks have run rather independently, which is non-ideal. There have been several attempts to combine observations from both networks at sites with co-located antennas using either conventional local-tie surveys or VLBI tie-sessions between S/X and VGOS, or both. Unfortunately, the number of sites with co-located VLBI antennas is rather limited, which hampers progress. To overcome this problem, we proposed an approach, the so-called mixed-mode VLBI tie session, that does not require to have co-located VLBI antennas. Instead, mixed-mode sessions have the S/X and VGOS networks observed simultaneously as a single geodetic VLBI technique to thus obtain global ties between the two networks. Two of the sessions observed in 2020 were already included in the ITRF2020 combination. We hypothesize that the global-tie approach helps preserve the geometry of the networks when aligning with the state-of-art ITRF2020 frame. In this presentation, we will describe the observed mixed-mode sessions, detailing scheduling strategies, correlation techniques, and geodetic processing methods used. We will also demonstrate how mixed-mode sessions can help realize a stable global geodetic reference frame such as the ITRF.

How to cite: Mondal, D. R., Elosegui, P., Ruszczyk, C., Lemoine, F., and Behrend, D.: Global VLBI ties using mixed-mode sessions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12533,, 2025.

EGU25-12972 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Advancements in Navigation Technology and Robustness Against GNSS Interference: A Comparative Analysis of CRPA  

Furkan Karlitepe, Serhat Sezen, Bahri Eren Velibasa, and Abdurrahman Kabalci

The progressive development of navigation technology has significantly improved real-time positioning accuracy, addressing the needs of modern applications. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is the primary system used for precise positioning across various platforms. However, GNSS is susceptible to errors, particularly interference, which degrades signal quality and compromises accuracy. Auxiliary systems such as INS, gyroscopes, and map-matching algorithms enhance reliability during interference but depend on GNSS for initialization. Signal detection algorithms, often employing CRPA (Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas) and advanced computational techniques, are essential for mitigating the impact of interferences and ensuring reliable navigation. This study compares the performance of two CRPA systems with different GNSS modules and algorithms, subjected to spoofing-jamming interference during experiments. The first CRPA, integrated with the u-blox ZED-F9P module, supports GPS, BeiDou, and Galileo satellites, employing an adaptive notch filter and pulse blanking. The second CRPA, featuring the Unicore UM980 module, supports GPS, BeiDou, and GLONASS satellites, utilizing a space-time algorithm alongside the JamShield adaptive mechanism for interference mitigation. In this study, real-time measurements were conducted on a car-mounted device platform under normal operating conditions. The platform was tested stationary for 5 minutes, followed by 15-minute intervals at speeds of 60 km/h. During each interval, 5 minutes of jamming and 5 minutes of spoofing were applied, with independent spoofing signals introduced. Jamming signals reached up to 50 dB-Hz, and spoofing signals were applied at levels up to 32 dB-Hz using a specialized interference device. During constant-speed travel, the second CRPA tracked 28 satellites with an HDOP of 0.5, while the first CRPA tracked 23 satellites with an HDOP of 0.75. Under jamming conditions, The second antenna maintained consistent satellite visibility, whereas the first experienced a pronounced decline in the number of observable satellites. Similarly, spoofing had no adverse effect on the second antenna, but the first suffered reduced satellite counts and positional accuracy. Additionally, the first antenna consistently underestimated the vehicle’s speed by approximately 5 km/h and exhibited a speed fluctuation of 0.5 m/s under interference conditions. 

How to cite: Karlitepe, F., Sezen, S., Velibasa, B. E., and Kabalci, A.: Advancements in Navigation Technology and Robustness Against GNSS Interference: A Comparative Analysis of CRPA , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12972,, 2025.

EGU25-13099 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Performance of a new set of analytical corrections to planetary nutations: preliminary results and outlook 

Ahmed Zakarya Zerifi, José M Ferrándiz, Alberto Escapa, Tomás Baenas, Miguel A Juárez, Santiago Belda, and Maria Karbon

The need to improve Earth rotation theories and models in a consistent and accurate
manner is currently widely recognized. Several researchers and groups at different
institutions have been working on this problem using quite different approaches, either
from the theoretical or computational perspective.
A potential source of the loss of accuracy of celestial pole offsets can be due to the
mismodeling of the planetary component of the IAU2000 nutation series. In fact, as
recognized in Ferrándiz et al. (2018), this component is actually based on a rigid-Earth
solution and does not include the Oppolzer terms that are significantly affected by the
Earth non-rigidity.
Such hypothesis was showed to be realistic by adjusting directly the amplitudes of a
small number of nutation periods of strictly planetary origin that could be reasonably
well separated by analyzing the series of VLBI observations. The results provide
significant fittings and the WRMS was successfully decreased by amounts comparable
to those achieved with lunisolar amplitude rescaling. A further step in this direction
requires the consideration of theoretical developments for the amplitudes of the non-
rigid Earth planetary nutations.
In this contribution, we present preliminary results considering the analytical formulae
of such planetary amplitudes for a two-layer earth model including dissipation effects at
the core-mantle boundary and anelasticity, obtained from a Hamiltonian method. Their
performance is assessed using several series of VLBI observations, with satisfactory
results, and is placed in the general context of the improvement of the precession and
nutation models sought by the IAG and the IAU.
Acknowledgment. This research was supported partially by Spanish Projects PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033); SEJIGENT/2021/001, funded by
Generalitat Valenciana; and the European Union—NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04).

How to cite: Zerifi, A. Z., Ferrándiz, J. M., Escapa, A., Baenas, T., Juárez, M. A., Belda, S., and Karbon, M.: Performance of a new set of analytical corrections to planetary nutations: preliminary results and outlook, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13099,, 2025.

EGU25-13415 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Decoding the signal of extreme weather events in the Azores archipelago using GNSS and atmospheric reanalysis products 

Nathra Ramrajvel, Dhiman Mondal, Pedro Elosegui, Scott Paine, Pedro Mateus, and Virgilio Mendes

The rapidly changing climate is amplifying both the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in the Azores archipelago, Portugal. Understanding the underlying dynamics of these events is essential for effective mitigation. Atmospheric water vapor data derived from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data and reanalysis outputs from an atmospheric general circulation model offer valuable tools for studying the behavior of weather fronts around the Atlantic Ocean environment of the Azores. This research aims to conduct a detailed comparison between GNSS-based measurements and atmospheric reanalysis data, such as those available from ERA/MERRA2, focusing on the detection of small-scale atmospheric structures with high temporal resolution. We utilize atmospheric reanalysis products to decode long-term trends in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in the Azores. We then apply statistical methods to identify consistencies and differences between these two approaches in capturing atmospheric water vapor patterns. By combining water-vapor estimates from both GNSS data and atmospheric reanalysis, we are able to characterize the dynamics of atmospheric turbulence from small (few meters) to large (few tens of kilometers) scales. 

How to cite: Ramrajvel, N., Mondal, D., Elosegui, P., Paine, S., Mateus, P., and Mendes, V.: Decoding the signal of extreme weather events in the Azores archipelago using GNSS and atmospheric reanalysis products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13415,, 2025.

EGU25-13796 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Geology of the Isiro-Ngayu gold-bearing region, western belts of the Kibali granite-greenstone superterrane in the northeastern Congolese craton, Democratic Republic of Congo 

Didier Birimwiragi Namogo, Joseph Martial Akame, Mokili Mbuluyo, Vinciane Debaille, Arsène Lavie Mango Itulamya, and Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari


The Isiro and Ngayu belts in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are part of the Congo Craton and among the most poorly known Archean terrains worldwide. These belts consist of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks surrounded or intruded by granitoid rocks. minimum age of deposition for the supracrustal formations is defined at ca 2633 Ma (e.g. Allibone et al., 2020), whereas the granitoids were dated between 3200 Ma and 2530 Ma (Allibone et al., 2020; Turnbull et al., 2021) and are strongly deformed with variable proportions of mafic enclaves at outcrop scale (Turnbull et al., 2021). Both Isiros and Ngayu belts host important gold deposits, but the genetic relationships between gold mineralization, deformation and the diverse host rocks remain ambiguous. In this context, the work we present here is part of a multidisciplinary approach, combining the processing of satellite images and field observations using GIS to map the structural lineament that may control gold mineralization in the region. The results show that the strains are large, marked by NW-SE lineaments at low angle to the belt strikes and combined with a secondary ENE-WSW brittle structure. The overall structural pattern, together with the existence of artisanal gold mining in the area, emphasizes that gold mineralization is largely controlled by structures localization along the greenstone belts.

Key words: Congo craton, gold mineralization, field observations, satellites images, structural lineaments.


Allibone, A., Vargas, C., Mwandale, E., Kwibisa, J., Jongens, R., Quick, S., Komarnisky, N., Fanning, M., Bird, P., MacKenzie, D., Turnbull, R., Holliday, J., 2020. Chapter 9: Orogenic Gold Deposits of the Kibali District, Neoarchean Moto Belt, Northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Sillitoe, R.H., Goldfarb, R.J., Robert, F., Simmons, S.F. (Eds.), Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces. Society of Economic Geologists, p. 0.

Turnbull, R.E., Allibone, A.H., Matheys, F., Fanning, C.M., Kasereka, E., Kabete, J., McNaughton, N.J., Mwandale, E., Holliday, J., 2021. Geology and geochronology of the Archean plutonic rocks in the northeast Democratic Republic of Congo. Precambrian Research 358, 106133.


How to cite: Birimwiragi Namogo, D., Martial Akame, J., Mbuluyo, M., Debaille, V., Mango Itulamya, A. L., and Hubert-Ferrari, A.: Geology of the Isiro-Ngayu gold-bearing region, western belts of the Kibali granite-greenstone superterrane in the northeastern Congolese craton, Democratic Republic of Congo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13796,, 2025.

EGU25-13924 | Posters on site | G2.3

The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) Updates for 2025 

Justine Woo

The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) provides essential support for the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) by operating a data and product archive for the main geodetic techniques.   As GGOS matures and grows, the CDDIS adopts the latest data practices to strengthen its support for the community and ensure quality products are available in a timely manner.  This poster explores the breadth of work done at the CDDIS and provides highlights of the latest developments including new data and product holdings, updates to provide clarity and usability for users, and updates on future works. Statistics on usage will also be provided.

How to cite: Woo, J.: The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) Updates for 2025, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13924,, 2025.


Urban surface dust and soils serve as a primary source and reservoir of metals that substantially impact human health and urban ecosystems. This study investigates the impact of metal contamination on urban surface soils from diverse land-use locations and their potential risk to human health in Jammu City, India. A total of fifteen surface soil samples were collected to evaluate the total metal concentration (As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn), Contamination Factor (CF), Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo), Pollution Load Index (PLI), and Potential Ecological Risk Index (PERI). The research findings of this study revealed significant variation in metal concentration. In comparison to Upper Continental Crust (UCC, taken as background here), the average concentration of Fe and Mn is lower across all locations, whereas As, Ni, Cu, and Zn are significantly higher over all locations. Elevated levels of Fe and Mn were observed higher near samples collected from industrial zones while Ni, As, Cu and Zn showed wider distribution throughout the study area. Apart from all metals, high As content was observed at near-construction and high-traffic interactions. Higher CF (CF > 6) and PLI values in surface soil samples revealed high contamination of As, Cu, Ni and Zn due to intensive industrial and vehicular emissions in the study area. Igeo values in surface soil samples indicated severe contamination of As, Cu, Ni and ZN in the study area, while Fe and Mn showed no contamination. PERI assessment in surface soil samples revealed extremely high ecological risk for As and Cu in Jammu City. Risk index values indicated that 40% of surface soil samples carried a very high risk (RI > 600) of metal contamination in the study area. The overall findings advised that industrial, transportation, and construction activities need to be improved to protect the region's environment and public health.

Keywords: Heavy metals, geo-accumulation index (IGeo), risk assessment, roadside dust.

How to cite: Gorka, R. and Kumar, R.: Spatial Distribution and Contamination Levels of Heavy Metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, As, and Zn) in Urban Topsoils of Jammu City, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14122,, 2025.

EGU25-15238 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Real-time high-precision joint orbit determination of GPS and LEO using SRIF 

Wen Lai, Guanwen Huang, Le Wang, Haonan She, Shichao Xie, Wei Xie, and Qining Wang

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have the advantages of high flight velocity and minimal influence from external environmental factors on onboard observation. Integrating LEO satellite observations with ground observations can improve the accuracy and convergence performance of GPS and LEO real-time orbit determination, which can simultaneously meet the prerequisites for real-time Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) services for both GPS and LEO systems. Therefore, this study employs the Square Root Information Filter (SRIF) for GPS and LEO satellites real-time joint orbit determination (RTJOD). Based on observations from eight existing scientific LEO satellites, a detailed study on RTJOD was conducted under two scenarios: one using observations from 100 global stations and the other using observations from 9 regional stations in Australia. The results show that, with 100 global stations, incorporating LEO observations can significantly improve the convergence performance and GPS satellite orbit accuracy. The convergence times in the Along-track, Cross-track, and Radial components are reduced from 3.5, 5.8, and 10.3 h to 0.9, 1.0, and 10.3 h, respectively. The accuracy improves from 5.8, 3.6, and 2.8 to 4.0 cm, 2.5 cm, and 2.5 cm. Additionally, the ambiguity resolution (AR) performance is significantly enhanced. The time required to achieve a 90% narrow-lane ambiguity fixing rate is reduced from 4.9 to 0.7 h. After AR, the orbit accuracy further improves to 3.1 cm, 2.3 cm, and 2.4 cm. In the case of the 9 regional stations in Australia, after incorporating LEO, the orbit accuracy of the float solution after convergence is comparable to that of the 100 global stations without LEO, with accuracies of 6.0, 4.8, and 2.9 cm in the three components. It is important to note that, due to insufficient observations in this case, AR does not result in any further improvement in accuracy. In addition, LEO can achieve orbit determination accuracy better than 5 cm within a short time in both station distribution scenarios. This ensures that RTJOD enables LEO and GPS to generate high-precision real-time orbits simultaneously. Finally, the processing time for each epoch in all scenarios is less than 5 seconds, ensuring that the GPS and LEO RTJOD can provide timely orbit updates.

How to cite: Lai, W., Huang, G., Wang, L., She, H., Xie, S., Xie, W., and Wang, Q.: Real-time high-precision joint orbit determination of GPS and LEO using SRIF, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15238,, 2025.

EGU25-15605 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Deep Learning Approaches for Zenith Total Delay Estimation 

Nihal Tekin Ünlütürk and Mehmet Bak

Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) is a crucial parameter for understanding the effects of atmospheric conditions on satellite signals, constituting a fundamental aspect of precision positioning and atmospheric modeling applications. Traditional methods for ZTD estimation, including GNSS observations, numerical weather prediction models, and interpolation techniques, encounter critical limitations such as generalization constraints, sparse data availability, insufficient spatial coverage, high computational costs, and limited adaptability to dynamic atmospheric changes. Deep learning techniques provide substantial benefits, including processing large and complex datasets, enabling dynamic modeling, and delivering rapid and accurate estimations.

This study integrates real-time GNSS observations with high-resolution atmospheric reanalysis data from the ERA5 dataset to develop deep learning-based methods for ZTD estimation. GNSS data were sourced from 17 IGS tropospheric stations strategically selected to represent diverse geographic and climatic conditions. These stations supplied ZTD values and their temporal variations at 5-minute intervals, spanning February 2023 to January 2024. ERA5 data, offering hourly atmospheric parameters, necessitated the alignment of GNSS temporal resolution with ERA5 for spatial modeling. The spatial distribution of GNSS data was optimized using interpolation techniques to enhance the quality of inputs for deep-learning models.

The findings highlight the potential of deep learning techniques to enhance ZTD estimation processes. Future research will focus on integrating additional datasets, such as InSAR, to achieve higher spatial resolution and improved accuracy. Moreover, advanced deep learning architectures, including attention mechanisms, will be investigated to refine estimation methods and broaden their applications in atmospheric and geospatial studies.

How to cite: Tekin Ünlütürk, N. and Bak, M.: Deep Learning Approaches for Zenith Total Delay Estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15605,, 2025.

EGU25-17154 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

GGOS IberAtlantic Affiliate: Bringing Geodesy Closer to Society across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region 

Esther Azcue and José Manuel Ferrándiz Leal and the GGOS IberAtlantic Governing Board

A Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) affiliate is an organization or entity that collaborates with the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to enhance the global geodetic infrastructure and support the objectives of GGOS in a region.
With this goal, a GGOS affiliate was created to enhance geodetic infrastructure and scientific collaboration across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region. It is called GGOS IberAtlantic. This project focuses on improving the accuracy and reliability of geospatial data through the co-location and integration of geodetic space techniques to support various scientific and practical applications, including global reference frame maintenance, climate change monitoring, natural hazard assessment, in the perspective of a sustainable development. GGOS IberAtlantic aims to establish a robust network of geodetic stations, facilitate high-accuracy data collection, and promote international cooperation among geodetic institutions, contributing to a better understanding of Earth's dynamic processes. It is also focused on supporting decision-making in the area and bringing geodesy closer to society, specially to young scientists.
The upcoming presentation will outline the steps taken to establish the GGOS IberAtlantic group, as well as its future directions and objectives.

Acknowledgment. This presentation was supported partially by Spanish Project PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

How to cite: Azcue, E. and Ferrándiz Leal, J. M. and the GGOS IberAtlantic Governing Board: GGOS IberAtlantic Affiliate: Bringing Geodesy Closer to Society across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17154,, 2025.

The neutral atmosphere that extending from the surface of earth to about 80 km overhead is the electrically neutral part (within a certain frequency band which GNSS signals fall) of the atmosphere. There is no doubt that neutral atmosphere has a delaying effect on transmitted radio waves. Spilker (1996) noted that the more precise term of this delaying effect is neutral atmosphere delay, even though this delaying effect has been traditionally referred to as just troposphere delay. At all events, the delaying effect has propagated into satellite observations, and we must deal with it appropriately in order to achieve precise satellite positioning results. There are many geodesists have been making their contributions to treatment of neutral atmosphere delay, and how to get satisfactory supports from numerical weather model data set is one of the efforts making to calibrate this delaying effect more precisely up-to-date. Currently, both Earth observation network and technology have great improvement, which results in wonderful increase of Earth observational data as well as the subsequent numerical weather model data set. Briefly speaking, numerical weather model data set which generally provided by different organizations and/or institutions is a global and/or regional gridded meteorological data set with specific temporal-spatial resolution. Generally, reanalysis data set and forecast data set are usually considered to be the two main data set representations, and they both provide two types of data level, i.e., three-dimensional pressure levels and two-dimensional surface level. The data set contains some usually used meteorological parameters, such as height, temperature, pressure, humidity. With these meteorological parameters, some main terms related to neutral atmosphere delay, such as hydrostatic/wet delay, gradient factors and mapping factors can all be calculated without any difficulty by using computing techniques like raytracing and interpolation. Undoubtedly, the performance of different types of data set that mentioned above in representing neutral atmosphere delay are not all the same. Definitely, some interesting and meaningful comparison results have found and widely propagated by many scholars. In this work, we put more emphasis on evaluation of the forecast data set from neutral atmosphere delay point of view, considering there is an objective fact that satellite positioning industry especially the (near) real-time positioning has vigorous development, in which the calibration of neutral atmosphere delay is required more and more accurate and timely-supported. Besides time-delayed reanalysis data set and time-advanced forecast data set, microwave radiometer data set and radiosonde data set are also employed. The first results show that empirical model such as UNB3 can only state the normal level of delaying effect and the obtained delay values are either larger or smaller; the pressure levels data set performs better than the surface level data set with very high proportion in time domain; even though reanalysis data set generally has good performance, forecast data set can work for the neutral atmosphere delay calibration with relatively satisfactory support in term of accuracy.

This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42304010), the Youth Foundation of Changzhou Institute of Technology (E3-6207-21-060, 31020222007).

How to cite: Wang, M.: First results about evaluation of forecasted numerical weather model data set in view of neutral atmosphere delay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17506,, 2025.

EGU25-18280 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Real-Time ZTD correction grid based on augmented GNSS network for navigation services 

Antonio Basoni, Rosa Pacione, Leonardo Bagaglini, and Roberto Lanotte

Tropospheric refraction is one of the major error sources in satellite-based positioning. The delay of radio signals caused by the troposphere ranges from 2m at the zenith to 20m at low elevation angles, depending on pressure, temperature and humidity along the path of the signal transmission. If the delay is not properly modeled, positioning accuracy can degrade significantly. Empirical tropospheric models, with or without meteorological observations, are used to correct these delays but they are limited in accuracy and spatial resolution resulting in up to a few decimeters error in positioning solutions. The present availability of ground-based GNSS networks and the state of the art of GNSS processing techniques enable precise estimation of Zenith Tropospheric Delays (ZTD) with different latency ranging from real time to post-processing.
We present a method for computing ZTD residual fields interpolating, through Ordinary Kriging, the residuals between GNSS-derived and model-computed ZTD at continuously operating GNSS stations. GNSS ZTD estimates, obtained in real time and in PPP mode, are augmented by a multi-prediction model based on a Graph Neural Network model trained using one year of Near Real Time ZTD observations and a model using a polynomial plus harmonic interpolation. A combination strategy is defined to merge GNSS ZTD estimates at sites with the predicted values, where predicted ZTD values act as hole fillers for stations missing from the GNSS network at the current epoch. The residual ZTD field, obtained from PPP/prediction model and ZTD empirical model, is modelled as a random process and for each epoch a variogram is estimated and fitted to characterize the spatial correlation of the process. At a known user location, ZTD value is obtained as the sum of site interpolated ZTD residual and modeled-ZTD value. The algorithm is validated with respect to GNSS ZTD estimates provided by an external provider at a selection of sites not included in the network used to fed the computation. Details about validation and possible improvements will be provided.

How to cite: Basoni, A., Pacione, R., Bagaglini, L., and Lanotte, R.: Real-Time ZTD correction grid based on augmented GNSS network for navigation services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18280,, 2025.

The University of Luxembourg (UL), in collaboration with the United Kingdom Met Office, continues to advance the provision of global and regional near real-time (NRT) Zenith Total Delays (ZTDs) from GNSS ground networks to support operational meteorological products within the EUMETNET EIG GNSS Water Vapour Programme (E-GVAP). E-GVAP facilitates coordination and uptake of NRT GNSS-based atmospheric monitoring, which is indispensable for assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models across Europe, including at the Met Office, where high-temporal-resolution data enhance mesoscale weather forecasting. This study highlights the collaborative efforts of the Met Office and UL in delivering accurate, timely meteorological data from GNSS. The partnership has resulted in the development and enhancement of NRT processing systems using the state-of-the-art Bernese GNSS software version 5.4 (BSW5.4), generating ZTD products at both UL and the Met Office at 1-hour intervals globally and regionally, and at sub-hourly intervals regionally. Over the past year, UL has focused on developing hourly NRT ZTD solutions for global and regional networks, and more recently extending them to sub-hourly intervals (down to 15 minutes) for regional coverage, thereby refining the temporal resolution for E-GVAP users. In particular, we are now prepared to provide NRT products in the form of a global hourly product (ULGH), a regional hourly product (ULRH), and a regional sub-hourly product (ULRS) to E-GVAP. As part of the system's development, we validate our latest global, regional, and sub-hourly ZTD solutions against established NRT outputs from E-GVAP and benchmark post-processed Double-Difference Network (DDN) products, while also verifying Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) estimates against ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5). Finally, we highlight how higher-frequency updates can positively influence NWP assimilation in rapidly evolving weather situations, detailing data flow and latency management that ensure reliable NRT ZTD delivery to E-GVAP participants and the Met Office. By extending temporal coverage from hourly to sub-hourly in regional networks and continuing our global solutions, we advance the utility of GNSS-based atmospheric sensing for short-term weather forecasting, providing consistent, high-quality NRT GNSS products for meteorological operations in Europe and beyond. 

How to cite: Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F., and Jones, J.: Extending Global and Regional Near Real-Time GNSS ZTD Solutions Using BSW5.4 at the University of Luxembourg: Contributions to E-GVAP , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18910,, 2025.

EGU25-19802 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Scientific Legacy and Current Contributions of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy: Impact on Geophysics, Geodesy, and other Scientific and Social Fields. 

David Rodriguez Collantes, Manuel Ángel Sánchez Piedra, Roberto Cabieces Díaz, and Julián Fiz Barreda

The Geophysics Section of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy (ROA) is structured into three main services: Seismology, Geomagnetism, and Space Geodesy, in addition to an auxiliary Meteorology service and participation in maritime scientific campaigns. Since its foundation, the ROA has played a pioneering role in Spain, being a member of the Spanish Commission of Geodesy and Geophysics and collaborating with international institutions across all its fields of activity, such as ILRS, IGS, INTERMAGNET, and GEOFON, as well as organizations like NASA and ESA, among others.

The Geomagnetism Service, established in 1879, studies the Earth's magnetic field and its variations to conduct scientific research. After several relocations due to electromagnetic interference, the current geomagnetic observatory is located at Cortijo de Garrapilos (Cádiz) and has been a member of INTERMAGNET since 2006. The Seismology Service dates back to 1898, when one of the 12 seismographs of the first global seismic network, promoted by geologist John Milne, was installed at the ROA. The current infrastructure is distributed across Spain and North Africa, including a short-period network for regional seismicity in the Gulf of Cádiz and the Alboran Sea, long-period stations for global seismicity, and the international Western Mediterranean network, in which prestigious institutions such as UCM and GFZ participate. The ROA has been involved in space geodesy with artificial satellites since the early days of the space era, starting just one year after the launch of the first SPUTNIK (1958) with the Baker-Nunn camera. This technique was followed by laser ranging (SLR) in 1975, when a station capable of tracking collaborative satellites was installed. By 1980, the station was exclusively operated by ROA personnel. Since then, the station has undergone constant upgrades to maintain a high level of operability. Today, it contributes to national and international tracking networks such as ILRS-EUROLAS and EU SST-S3T. Additionally, the ROA adopted GPS in the 1980s for geodetic studies and currently manages a GNSS network comprising 17 permanent stations spanning the southern Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. Maritime campaigns include studies in the Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), with objectives such as hydrographic surveys and geophysical exploration for seabed characterization. Since 1987, the ROA has also participated in Antarctic campaigns.

The Geophysics Section of the ROA combines tradition and advanced technology to contribute to the understanding of the Earth and space, consolidating its position as a national and international benchmark in the study of geophysical and geodetic processes. Evidence of this includes recent or ongoing scientific work over the past years: four doctoral theses (three of them in progress), various articles in high-impact journals, participation in numerous scientific projects, and extensive contributions to conferences. In this way, the ROA, through the Geophysics Section, fosters collaboration in geodesy through its active participation in international networks, addressing global scientific and societal challenges with cutting-edge technology and a multidisciplinary approach.

How to cite: Rodriguez Collantes, D., Sánchez Piedra, M. Á., Cabieces Díaz, R., and Fiz Barreda, J.: Scientific Legacy and Current Contributions of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy: Impact on Geophysics, Geodesy, and other Scientific and Social Fields., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19802,, 2025.

EGU25-20077 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Influence of VLBI Network Geometry on the Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters 

Lucía Daniela del Nido Herranz, Santiago Belda, Maria Karbon, José Manuel Ferrándiz, and Esther Azcue Infanzón

The accuracy and reliability of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) are significantly influenced by the geometric configuration of the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network. This astronomical technique employs a global network of radio telescopes to collect data. The distribution of VLBI antennas affects the triangulation process used to determine the positions of celestial sources, which is integral to the calculation of EOP. An optimal geometry yields more accurate and reliable EOP results, which are essential for many scientific applications.

This study examines the impact of different VLBI networks on EOP estimation, using data collected during several Continuous VLBI Campaigns (CONT) and designing alternative networks by removing various antennas and/or baselines from the original configuration. The results of this analysis aim to contribute to the refinement of EOP and the achievement of the stringent GGOS accuracy targets (i.e., a frame with accuracy at epoch of 1 mm or better and a stability of 0.1 mm/y).

How to cite: del Nido Herranz, L. D., Belda, S., Karbon, M., Ferrándiz, J. M., and Azcue Infanzón, E.: Influence of VLBI Network Geometry on the Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20077,, 2025.

EGU25-20320 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Deep learning in RTM gravity field modeling: A case study over Wudalianchi area 

Meng Yang, baoyu Zhang, Lehan Wang, Wei Feng, and Min Zhong

The Residual Terrain Modeling (RTM) technique is commonly used to recover short-wavelength gravity field signals. However, classical gravity forward modeling methods for RTM gravity field determination face challenges such as series divergence, inefficient computation, and errors induced by tree canopy in Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). In this study, deep learning methods are employed to enhance the quality of the computed RTM gravity field. Experiments are conducted at the Wudalianchi airborne gravity gradiometer test site, which provides a large volume of precise gravity measurements. The Random Forest method is used to estimate and correct tree canopy height errors in DEMs. A fully connected deep neural network (FC-DNN) is introduced to efficiently calculate the RTM gravity field. Additionally, to improve the network’s generalization capability, a novel terrain information fusion regularization method is applied to create an Improved FC-DNN with a refined loss function. The accuracy, computational efficiency, and generalization performance of the deep learning method are evaluated and compared in the Wudalianchi volcanic region. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in the accuracy of the RTM gravity field when based on tree canopy-corrected DEMs. The RTM gravity fields determined using both FC-DNN and Improved FC-DNN achieve mGal-level accuracy, with a remarkable 10,000-fold increase in computational efficiency compared to the classical Newtonian integration method. The Improved FC-DNN exhibits superior generalization, with accuracy enhancements ranging from 7% to 21% compared to the standard FC-DNN.

How to cite: Yang, M., Zhang, B., Wang, L., Feng, W., and Zhong, M.: Deep learning in RTM gravity field modeling: A case study over Wudalianchi area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20320,, 2025.

GMPV1 – New and interdisciplinary approaches and applications in geochemistry

Exposed slivers of mantle rocks are excellent archives for investigating mantle characteristics, post-magmatic alterations such as serpentinization and carbonation, and their role in the genesis of economically significant mineral deposits. The serpentinized harzburgite and dunite pods from the oldest part of the Dharwar Craton, namely, the Holenarsipur Greenstone Belt (HGB) represent a preserved section of Paleo- to Mesoarchean depleted mantle. In situ major and trace element composition of olivine, serpentine polymorphs (lizardite, antigorite, and chrysotile), and bastite reflecting progressive hydration events, resulting in differential assimilation of Fluid Mobile Elements (FME) during serpentinization. Olivine → lizardite breakdown marks high concentration FME (Ce, Rb, Sr, and Ba), whereas, lizardite → antigorite transition exhibits a lower FME (Rb, Sr, and Ba) budget suggesting higher temperatures. Late-stage chrysotile veins (Rb:~1.58 ppm, Sr:~7.36 ppm, and Ba:~5.41 ppm) and serpentinized orthopyroxene (Rb:~1.60 ppm, Sr:~4.30 ppm, and Ba:~5.47 ppm) act as a sink for FME. The LREE-enriched trace element pattern of bastite/orthopyroxene affirms metasomatic refertilization. Thus, the geochemical systematics suggest that HGB harzburgite represents a depleted mantle that has undergone multiple episodes of serpentinization and metasomatism, primarily driven by subduction-derived fluids, contributing to the geochemical heterogeneities of the Archean mantle. In addition, these findings highlight the replenishment of an Archean depleted mantle reservoir beneath the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC).

The carbon (δ13CVPDB = avg. -2.20 ‰) and oxygen (δ18OVSMOW = avg. 28.50 ‰) isotope studies of ultramafic hosted vein-type magnesite mineralization from the HGB suggest late-stage supergene enrichment at shallow to surface level conditions under ambient temperature (~35oC). Precipitation of magnesite by the interaction of atmospheric carbon-enriched mineralizing fluid with weathered ultramafic rocks indicates the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 during the carbonation of serpentinized mantle rocks in the HGB.

How to cite: G Panicker, A. and Mohan, M. R.: Fingerprinting serpentinization and carbonation of mantle rocks from the Paleo-to-Mesoarchean Holenarsipur Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implications on mantle metasomatism and supergene magnesite mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3588,, 2025.

EGU25-5047 | Orals | GMPV1.1

The role of slab serpentinite and lower crust in deep water cycles: Insights from B-Sr isotopes 

Alexandra Yang Yang, Siyu Zhao, Shaowei Zhang, Charles Langmuir, Zhiyuan Zhou, Yoshihiko Tamura, Jinlong Ma, Yigang Xu, and Taiping Zhao
The water cycle between Earth’s surface and interior plays a critical role in maintaining long-term sea-level stability. The discovery of ~24-km-thick serpentinized mantle in the Pacific plate near the Mariana Trench suggests that water influx could be up to three times greater than previous estimates. However, the contributions of thick slab serpentinite to the magma genesis in the subduction zones remain uncertain.
We integrate new boron isotopic data from Mariana arc volcanics and Lau Basin basalts with Sr isotopic, halogen, and trace element data. One rear arc volcano shows evidence of contributions from slab serpentinite, which otherwise has a limited role in the overall chemical variations of arc-basin magmatism. Instead, water-rich fluxes from lower crustal gabbro contribute to back-arc magmatism in both the Mariana and Tonga subduction zones. The geochemical signature of lower crustal gabbro-derived fluxes is also evident in volcanoes from the Izu rear-arc, the Lesser Antilles Arc, and the Cascades arc.
Water flux calculations demonstrate that the slab crust alone provides sufficient water influx to balance outflux through Mariana magmatism, raising the question of the fate of slab serpentinite. It appears that most of the water from serpentinite does not contribute to the arc, and hence would lead to a large deep water return flux to the mantle. If applied globally, however, such subduction would imply a sea-level drop of ~500 m per 100 million years, contradicting geological evidence of long-term sea-level stability. To reconcile this discrepancy, we propose that the water budget of slab serpentinite is either overestimated or not representative of cold slabs. A globally averaged thickness of ~2 km of slab serpentinite with 15 vol% serpentinization (total water budget within 3.4 × 10⁷ Tg/Myr) is permitted to maintain the sea-level stability during the Phanerozoic.

How to cite: Yang, A. Y., Zhao, S., Zhang, S., Langmuir, C., Zhou, Z., Tamura, Y., Ma, J., Xu, Y., and Zhao, T.: The role of slab serpentinite and lower crust in deep water cycles: Insights from B-Sr isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5047,, 2025.

Serpentinization, a low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic rocks, strongly influences the physical and chemical properties of the oceanic lithosphere. Complete serpentinization significantly decreases the density, yield strength, and seismic velocities of ultramafic rocks, which may result in a great increase in volumes.  Serpentinites are enriched in H2O, up to 13.5 wt%, and they contain much higher amounts of volatiles (such as carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen) compared to olivine. In particular, serpentine minerals can be stable at great depths, >150 km, suggesting that serpentinization may play an important role for the transferring of H2O and other volatiles into great depths in subduction zones.

In spite of the significance of serpentinization, the proportions of serpentine in subduction zones still remain poorly constrained. Serpentinization kinetics are important parameters for quantifying the percentage of serpentine in subduction zones. The kinetic data obtained by Martin and Fyfe (1970) have been used to estimate the proportions of serpentine, <5% in subduction zones, which suggests that the distribution of serpentine in subduction zones is strongly affected by serpentinization kinetics. The kinetic data of Martin and Fyfe (1970) were derived from experiments using synthetic forsterite. In recent years, serpentinization experiments were performed using natural olivine, which has rates of serpentinization around 1-2 orders of slower compared to synthetic forsterite (Malvoisin et al., 2012; McCollom et al., 2016).

We have experimentally studied the kinetics of peridotite and olivine serpentinization at temperatures of 300-500 °C and pressures of 3.0-20 kbar. Compared to olivine, peridotite is serpentinized at much faster rates, reflecting the effect of pyroxene and spinel. At relatively high temperatures, e.g., 400-500 °C and 3.0 kbar, the kinetics of olivine serpentinization are sluggish, due to positive Gibbs energies of olivine serpentinization under such T-P conditions. In contrast, the kinetics of peridotite serpentinization under these T-P conditions are much faster. At 500 °C and 20 kbar, complete serpentinization can be achieved within a short period (e.g., 20 days). This suggests that the proportions of serpentine in subduction zones may be mainly controlled by the presence of H2O rather than the rates of serpentinization. With the presence of enough H2O, the percentage of serpentine in subduction zones may be much higher than previously proposed.


Huang, R. F. et al. (2017) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2017JB014231.

Huang, R. F. et al. (2023). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,

Malvoisin, B. et al. (2012). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B4), B04102, doi: 10.1029/2011JB008842

Martin, B. & Fyfe, W. S. (1970). Chemical Geology, 6, 185‒202.

McCollom, T. M. et al. (2016). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 181, 175-200.

How to cite: Huang, R., Sun, W., Li, W., and Shang, X.: Effect of temperature, pressure, and chemical compositions of fluids on the rates of olivine and peridotite serpentinization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5559,, 2025.

EGU25-7909 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.1

Unlocking the H2 potential in Saudi Arabia: Exploring serpentinites as a source for H2 production 

Kebba Saidy, Manzar Fawad, and Scott Whattam

The global transition to a low-carbon energy future has ignited interest in hydrogen as a clean and versatile energy carrier. NW Saudi Arabia contains vast tracts of mantle-dominated Neoproterozoic ophiolites overlain by a sedimentary cover in the north, NE and east. Our research explores the untapped potential of Saudi Arabia’s ophiolite serpentinites as a possible source of hydrogen generation through serpentinization and related processes. H2 is commonly derived from serpentinization, which primarily involves the hydration of minerals rich in iron and magnesium (e.g., olivine), resulting in the formation of serpentine and H2. Serpentinites are formed by reaction between hydrothermal fluids and mantle rocks, and hydrogen and methane are released in extreme reducing conditions. Under strongly reducing conditions, the formation of magnetite generates hydrogen during serpentinization, following reactions such as: 3Fe2SiO4 + 2H2O = 2Fe3O4 +3SiO2 +2H2. We have conducted a comprehensive assessment of serpentinites in the Arabian Shield, employing the Geographic Information System (GIS) to locate Arabian ophiolites with the largest ultramafic segments. Ophiolites studied include Jabal Ess, Jabal Wask, Bi’r Tululah, and Jabal Tharwah. After ophiolite identification, we delineated fractures and measured fracture density to provide insight into the potential of serpentinite fractures on the amount of possible hydrogen seepage, or natural accumulation in case of an overlying seal. Our goal is to do spatial analysis that can be a guide to the most favourable environment for geologic H2 exploration; as such, this does not however, provide an estimate of the total H2 storage capacity. A complimentary H2 anomaly survey however, will ground-truth the results of this study.


Keywords: serpentinite, hydrogen, serpentinization, Ultramafic rocks, Arabia

How to cite: Saidy, K., Fawad, M., and Whattam, S.: Unlocking the H2 potential in Saudi Arabia: Exploring serpentinites as a source for H2 production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7909,, 2025.

EGU25-8541 | Posters on site | GMPV1.1

Iron isotopic analyses of geological reference materials on MC-ICP-MS: proposal for a new Fe isotope standard IAEA B5 

Simone Vezzoni, Paolo Di Giuseppe, Andrea Rielli, Stefano Iannini Lelarge, Samuele Agostini, and Andrea Dini

In recent years, iron isotopes have found increasing applications across various fields of Earth Science, including cosmochemistry, geochemistry, and environmental sciences. Isotopic reference materials play a crucial role in advancing and refining non-traditional stable isotope systematics, ensuring accurate and precise isotope ratio analyses. Consequently, the direct comparison of data obtained from different laboratories is an essential prerequisite for developing reliable systematics

In the framework of the project “TEOREM - Deciphering Geological Processes using Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial ORE Minerals” (PRIN-MUR 2017AK8C32) and the project ITINERIS ISOTOPE VRE (IR0000032; PNRR; Next Generation EU), we developed the methodology for the Fe separation from different matrices, and the determination of Fe isotope ratios using High Resolution Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (HR-MC-ICPMS).

We investigated the iron isotopic composition of a new potential iron isotope reference material, IAEA-B5. Additionally, high-precision stable Fe isotope data for widely used international reference materials (JB-2, BHVO-2, BE-N, AGV-1, and RGM-1) were obtained using a HR-MC-ICPMS Neptune Plus at the Radiogenic and Unconventional Stable Isotopes Laboratory of IGG-CNR (Pisa, Italy).

The data obtained for selected igneous reference materials, ranging from basalts to andesite and rhyolite, show strong agreement with previously published values and remain within the stated analytical uncertainties. The newly certified iron isotope composition values for the IAEA-B5 standard, determined in our laboratory, are δ56Fe = 0.105 ± 0.061 (2SD) and δ57Fe = 0.147 ± 0.071 (2SD). These values are consistent with the averages of other basaltic reference materials.

How to cite: Vezzoni, S., Di Giuseppe, P., Rielli, A., Iannini Lelarge, S., Agostini, S., and Dini, A.: Iron isotopic analyses of geological reference materials on MC-ICP-MS: proposal for a new Fe isotope standard IAEA B5, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8541,, 2025.

EGU25-10459 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.1

Lead isotopes in feldspars trace fluid circulation in deforming granitoids  

Veronica Peverelli, David Chew, Klaus Mezger, Martin Wille, Alfons Berger, and Marco Herwegh

The U–Th–Pb system is a potential impactful tracer of fluid sources and pathways in the continental crust. Different rock types exhibit distinct U/Th/Pb ratios, and within a single rock, heterogeneities arise from different minerals having different U, Th and Pb contents. These differences result in distinct Pb isotope compositions over time, at the scale of mineral to whole rock. Fluids circulating in the continental crust thus inherit different Pb isotope ratios upon interaction with different rocks along their pathways. Feldspars dominate the granitic continental crust and typically contain tens of µg/g of Pb but negligible U or Th, and thus they retain their primary Pb isotope composition. However, feldspars are also readily altered by fluid–rock interaction processes, and they incorporate the Pb isotope composition of fluids with which they interact. Such modified feldspars can thus provide information on the nature of crustal fluids.

This concept is applied to feldspars in post-Variscan mantle-derived granitoids from the Aar Massif (central Swiss Alps). In this setting, fluids circulated during Permian and Mesozoic rifting, and during the (Miocene) Alpine orogeny. The combination of Pb–Sr–O–H isotope data in hydrothermal epidote revealed that Permian and Miocene fluids had external sources and exploited various pathways to infiltrate the granitoids. Triassic seawater infiltration was inferred from biotite Rb–Sr data.

Feldspar grains were separated from the granitoids, and subsequently leached to remove alteration minerals until they appeared transparent. Feldspar Pb isotope ratios were measured by solution MC-ICP-MS after acid digestion and ion exchange chromatography. The Pb isotope ratios in these leached feldspar fractions, reported here as 207Pb/206Pb ratios of 0.8249–0.8050 and 208Pb/206Pb ratios of 2.042–2.021 for direct comparison to LA-ICP-MS data of fluids, are more radiogenic than model values at the time of granitoid emplacement (ca. 300 Ma). This is attributed to post-magmatic processes resetting Pb isotope ratios of feldspars. This hypothesis is explored further by comparing the Pb isotope ratios of feldspars to that of Permian (207Pb/206Pb = 0.8326–0.8296; 208Pb/206Pb = 2.064–2.051) and Miocene fluids (207Pb/206Pb = 0.8118–0.7308; 208Pb/206Pb = 2.021–1.904), and to the Pb isotope evolution of the granitoids (whole rocks) from their emplacement until the present day.

The agreement of feldspar Pb isotope data with those of Permian and Miocene fluids suggests that the fluids altered the initial Pb isotope ratios of feldspars, imparting a more radiogenic composition. However, the overlap of feldspar Pb isotope data with the Pb isotope evolution of the granitoids suggests that the Pb isotope composition of feldspars includes components inherited by redistributing Pb mobilized from variably U-/Th-enriched phases within the granitoids themselves. This suggests that the local, fluid-induced heterogeneities in Pb isotope ratios within the studied feldspars result from fluid-induced redistribution of Pb originating from the granitoids themselves, rather than by fluid-mediated addition of externally derived Pb. This hypothesis has implications for our understanding of Pb sources and redistribution – with possible enrichment into ore deposits – in the granitic continental crust.

How to cite: Peverelli, V., Chew, D., Mezger, K., Wille, M., Berger, A., and Herwegh, M.: Lead isotopes in feldspars trace fluid circulation in deforming granitoids , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10459,, 2025.

EGU25-12008 | Orals | GMPV1.1

In-situ garnet U-Pb dating of metamorphic rocks: Exploring geochronological differences between garnet and accessory minerals 

Richard Albert, Leo J. Millonig, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Axel Gerdes, Horst R. Marschall, Diana Moreno-Martín, Rubén Díez Fernández, Sonia Sánchez Martínez, and Ricardo Arenas

Garnet U-Pb dating by laser ablation – multicollector – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICPMS) in metamorphic rocks allows constraining the main stages of tectonic thickening during orogenesis. Dates obtained from garnet generally record prograde growth or the baric peak, attained during the tectonic stacking. This is of great importance because accessory minerals, such as zircon, usually analysed in metamorphic rocks date thermal peaks (or retrograde cooling) rather than prograde metamorphism and commonly constrains exhumation rather than tectonic thickening. In addition, the exact significance of the geochronological information obtained from these accessory minerals, however, is difficult to determine. Within this communication, we will explore the chronological differences between garnet and zircon from several metamorphic rocks, such as UHP gneisses, eclogites or granulites. This technique has the potential of providing time constraints of the earliest stages of continental collisions and of the dynamics of arc systems. These findings have a considerable impact on unravelling the timing of orogenic tectonothermal evolutions and supercontinent assemblies.

How to cite: Albert, R., Millonig, L. J., Beranoaguirre, A., Gerdes, A., Marschall, H. R., Moreno-Martín, D., Díez Fernández, R., Sánchez Martínez, S., and Arenas, R.: In-situ garnet U-Pb dating of metamorphic rocks: Exploring geochronological differences between garnet and accessory minerals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12008,, 2025.

EGU25-12066 | Orals | GMPV1.1

Post-magmatic hygrochronology of plutonic micas 

Igor M. Villa, Silvia Favaro, Marco G Malusà, Alberto Resentini, and Stefano Zanchetta

The Eo-Oligocene Adamello plutonic complex (Southern Alps) has been mapped and studied for over a century. The NW unit, Avio granodiorite, was recently reexamined by [1], who observed that magmatic biotite gave constant 39Ar-40Ar ages for four grainsizes between 71 and 1000 µm. We dated zircon [2] and micas from two plutonic masses in the E of the massif, near the crustal-scale Giudicarie Fault. The smallest unit, Sòstino, had been least well studied. It is the oldest pluton of the entire complex (c. 45 Ma zircon ages, [2]), intruded at about 10 km depth. Its biotite (38-39 Ma by Rb–Sr and K–Ar [3]) was sampled anew and studied in detail. We obtained electron microprobe element maps and analyzed two size fractions by 39Ar-40Ar stepheating. The "isochemical" [4] age is 38.81±0.03 Ma. In contrast to the size-independent ages of Avio biotites, the 125-250 µm sieve fraction is 0.5 Ma younger than the 250-500 µm fraction, and has a different Ca-Cl-K signature; both K contents are sub-stoichiometric. Two mica generations are inferred, with the smaller fraction lying on the high-Cl-low-age alteration trend of the large fraction. The microprobe maps confirm chloritization, Ti unmixing, local Ba enrichment, and patchy Fe/Mg heterogeneity. The neighbouring Corno Alto pluton has a higher age gap (c. 43 Ma zircon ages, [2]; 33-34 Ma Rb–Sr and K–Ar biotite ages [3]). We followed the same redundant petrochronological approach as for Sòstino. The biotite "isochemical" [4] age is 35.88±0.04 Ma. The fine grainsize is 2 Ma younger than the coarse one, its Ca-Cl-K signature is distinct, both K contents being substoichiometric. The two biotite generations are texturally very clearly identified by microprobe, with correspondingly evident Ti-Ba-Fe-Mg-K compositional differences. The larger age difference between size fractions, and the larger zircon-biotite age gap, are explained by the higher mass fraction of the secondary biotite generation in Corno Alto relative to Sostino. The fluid-controlled formation of secondary biotite may be related to the hydrothermal circulation surrounding the large, younger intrusions in the N and NW. The plutonic biotite samples are c. 20 Ma younger than the basement biotite ages near and far from the plutons.

[1] Mittempergher et al, J Geol Soc 179 (2022) 2021-101 – [2] Favaro S., Resentini A., Tiepolo M., Malusà M.G., Zanchetta S. (2024) Abstract EGU24-14975 – [3] Del Moro et al, Mem Soc Geol It 26 (1983) 285 – [4] Müller et al, Contrib Miner Petrol 144 (2002) 57-77

How to cite: Villa, I. M., Favaro, S., Malusà, M. G., Resentini, A., and Zanchetta, S.: Post-magmatic hygrochronology of plutonic micas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12066,, 2025.

EGU25-14442 | ECS | Orals | GMPV1.1

Combined in situ K/Ca and Rb/Sr geochronology of potassic mica 

Christopher Barnes, Kyle Larson, Mark Button, and Alfredo Camacho

In situ geochronology using laser ablation is essential for integrating microstructural and chemical records of minerals with their geochronological information. The in situ method is especially important for potassic mica, which readily deforms, often define rock structures and fabrics, and are susceptible to chemical modification by reactive fluids. In situ 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of mica has been widely used for decades and in situ Rb/Sr geochronology has recently emerged as a prevalent method. In contrast, in situ K/Ca geochronology has been demonstrated, but the method has not been refined or utilized. Combined in situ K/Ca and Rb/Sr geochronology was developed at the Fipke Laboratory for Trace Element Research (University of British Columbia, Okanagan), allowing direct comparison of the two isotopic systems and exploring the potential of K/Ca dating. The methodology was tested using two-mica leucogranites and migmatitic paragneisses from the central Seve Nappe Complex (SNC), comprising remnants of Baltican continental crust in the Scandinavian Caledonides. The central SNC consists of continental crustal rocks hosting volumetrically-subordinate eclogites, peridotites, and pyroxenites. The crustal lithologies record partial melting beginning at c. 484-480 Ma, while the (ultra)mafic lithologies provide evidence for high-pressure metamorphism at c. 460-454 Ma, altogether reflecting subduction-exhumation cycles of the central SNC. Subsequent collision of the Baltican continent with Laurentia led to widespread deformation and metamorphism in the SNC, starting at c. 430-425 Ma. Continental anatexis produced the studied leucogranites and migmatitic paragneisses; these rocks comprise quartz, white mica, biotite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and clinozoisite, with accessory apatite, monazite, xenotime, and zircon. The accessory phases were dated via in situ U-Pb geochronology to compare with in situ white mica and biotite K/Ca and Rb/Sr geochronology results. The dates yielded by apatite (424 ± 15 Ma, 428 ± 17 Ma), monazite (427 ± 2 Ma), and xenotime (426 ± 2 Ma) are all within uncertainty (pooled age of 426.5 ± 1.4 Ma) and record the timing of continental collision. Zircon provide a wider range of concordant U-Pb dates (473 ± 8 Ma to 419 ± 5 Ma). White mica and biotite Rb/Sr isochron dates from all four examined rocks (438 ± 5 Ma, 430 ± 4 Ma, 433 ± 4 Ma, 431 ± 5 Ma) are slightly older than the apatite/monazite/xenotime and youngest zircon U-Pb dates, but still record continental collision. The same mica volumes yielded older K/Ca isochron dates (484 ± 21 Ma, 482 ± 14 Ma, 486 ± 15 Ma, 486 ± 12 Ma), similar to the oldest concordant zircon U-Pb dates and the overall timing of partial melting in the broader central SNC crustal rocks. The different K/Ca and Rb/Sr dates indicate that these two isotopic systems are decoupled in the same mica volumes, controlled either by interactions of Ca and Sr with the mica lattice or by diffusion gradients influenced by bulk rock composition. The results presented herein demonstrate that the K/Ca isotopic system has the potential for retrieving older geologic histories in polymetamorphic terranes. Further detailed investigations and continued development of the methodology, including improved reference materials, are required.

How to cite: Barnes, C., Larson, K., Button, M., and Camacho, A.: Combined in situ K/Ca and Rb/Sr geochronology of potassic mica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14442,, 2025.

Natural hydrogen, or white/gold hydrogen, can potentially be a key factor in the energy transition to mitigate climate change and many exploration efforts are underway in various part of the globe. Yet, in continental settings where its exploitation would be easiest, the hydrogen cycle is poorly constrained. Most of the hydrogen produced naturally is through the oxidation of Fe in silicates due to the hydration of iron-rich rocks at depth, either ultramafic rocks or banded iron formation (BIF). Nevertheless, the fluid responsible for the alteration of such rocks is usually assumed to be pure water, which is an oversimplification of fluid-rock interaction processes. Here I present the results of reaction path thermodynamic modeling of successive interactions of an initial meteoritic fluid with different rocks that would compose the upper crust in a continental setting, i.e., granites, quartzites, carbonates and evaporites, which is then reacted with ultramafic rocks.

Thermodynamic modeling was computed at 300 °C and 5 kbar using the DEW model and the EQ3/6 package. Meteoritic fluid (initial concentrations set at 10-6 molal (mol/kg) of water for all dissolved elements, except Cl at 0.1 molal and 5 molal for evaporites) after the first interaction had higher dissolved Na, K, Fe, Al and Si after interacting with granites than the other three lithologies, although Si was also high after interaction with quartzites. Dissolved C, Ca and Mg were higher after interaction with carbonates and evaporites. These fluids were then reacted with 861 compositions of ultramafics spanning the entire range of Ol-Opx-Cpx compositions. Maximum serpentinization degree was always achieved for peridotite composition intermediate in Ol-Opx, reaching about 45-50 vol% for fluids that interacted with granites or quartzites, while only reaching 20-25 vol% for fluids having interacted with carbonates and almost no serpentinization for fluids having interacted with evaporites. Magnetite and H2 content were coupled for all settings but were decoupled from serpentinization degree, with highest contents of H2 produced for low dunitic initial peridotite compositions. The maximum amount of H2 produced was 0.1 molal for fluids interacted with granites, quartzites and carbonates, an order of magnitude higher than for fluids that interacted with evaporites.

The above results highlight the vital importance of taking into account the actual chemistry of fluids that are responsible for the serpentinization of ultramafic bodies in continental settings. Especially, the presence of evaporites in sedimentary sequences, for example in the widely studied Pyrenees could hamper the natural production of hydrogen. Thus, further exploration of areas of economic importance for natural hydrogen production should carefully map the lithologies in contact with doing fault that are believed to be the carrier of surface fluid toward peridotite bodies at depth.

How to cite: Siron, G.: The impact of the upper crust composition on the production of natural hydrogen during serpentinization in continental settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18059,, 2025.

Serpentinization of ultramafic rocks results from relatively low-temperature metamorphic reactions and is associated with the generation of natural hydrogen. Ocean opening at magma-poor rifted margins occurs under relatively cold conditions and provides a window of opportunity for the emplacement of shallow peridotites, firstly beneath thinned continental crust in the hyperextended distal margin, and secondly in the subsequent oceanward exhumed mantle at the continent-ocean transition [COT] before oceanic spreading is established. The domain covering both the distal margin and the COT is substantial, and interpretation of seismic data suggests that a variable width band of about 100 km of exhumed mantle persists along both conjugate margins of the southern North Atlantic. This raises questions about how much hydrogen has been produced in the past, how much is currently accumulated under sedimentary successions and, finally, the current hydration state of the shallow mantle in order to assess its potential as an energy source to produce additional hydrogen via stimulation. The occurrence of serpentinization and hydrogen generation in the lherzolitic rocks at magma-poor margins depends on the presence of suitable thermodynamic conditions in terms of pressure and temperature, as well as access to water. The latter requires the embrittlement of the rifted margin crust, which also depends on the rheological properties of the mantle and continental rocks, the thermal regime, and the tectonic stresses. The sequence of mantle upwelling in the distal margin and the COT, and how it is related to the deposition of sedimentary layers is also of key importance, as sediment provides a blanket of low-permeability that may promote trapping and profoundly affects the patterns of hydrothermal circulation and so the temperature field. Temperature is a key factor as it modulates the thermodynamics of serpentinization, as well as the 120ºC isotherm, which is relevant to the limits of life that can lead to biological hydrogen consumption. Thus, extension rates in rifted margins strongly control the onset of magmatism and the serpentinization of the shallow mantle beneath the hyperextended thinned continental crust and the COT. By coupling a geodynamic model with thermodynamic calculations, we discuss the above effects, focusing on the sensitivity of serpentinization and molecular hydrogen generation in the distal margin and the COT to spreading rates as control factor. Simulations indicate that at full spreading rates of 15–20 mm.yr-1 past hydrogen generation is likely to reach its optimal conditions, whereas spreading at 30 mm.yr-1 has less opportunity for the presence of shallow serpentinized mantle and hydrogen production, marking the transition to faster spreading styles.

How to cite: García-Pintado, J. and Pérez-Gussinyé, M.: Tectonics, Serpentinization and Natural Hydrogen Generation at the Continent-Ocean Transition in Magma-poor Rifted Margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18575,, 2025.

EGU25-18636 | ECS | Orals | GMPV1.1

Opaque mineral assemblages indicate highly reducing conditions in Oman Drilling Project Hole BA3A 

Alireza Eslami, Benjamin Malvoisin, and Marguerite Godard

The hydrothermal alteration of the Fe2+- rich mantle peridotites (serpentinization) tectonically exhumed at the Earth’s surface is associated to the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ that in turns creates reducing conditions characterized by the formation of hydrogen, native metals and uncommon minerals like Fe–Ni alloys and sulfides. Opaque mineral assemblages in serpentinized peridotites offer key insights into these redox reactions, capturing changes in hydrogen/oxygen and sulfur fugacity, thus allowing to unravel the mechanisms governing fluid-rock interactions and their broader impact on geochemical cycles.

Oman Drilling Project Hole BA3A (International Continental Drilling Program) recovered ~300 meters of harzburgite, with subordinate dunite in the upper 180 meters. BA3A peridotites are intersected by minor gabbroic and clinopyroxenitic dikes. Alteration is pervasive and extensive, primarily focused around dikes and veins, where it forms distinct alteration halos. Serpentine is the dominant alteration mineral within the peridotites. The opaque mineral assemblage in Hole BA3A includes pentlandite ((FeNi)₉S₈), magnetite, awaruite (Ni₂Fe), heazlewoodite (Ni₃S₂), native copper, and covellite (CuS). Sulfide minerals are primarily located within the serpentine groundmass or serpentine veins and are rarely found within pyroxene. This spatial distribution suggests that most sulfides formed as secondary phases. In highly serpentinized samples, sulfides are often finely dispersed as grains smaller than 2 μm within the serpentine groundmass. Pentlandite, the most abundant sulfide mineral, is commonly associated with magnetite and awaruite, with minor occurrences of heazlewoodite. Magnetite is frequently observed within the cleavage planes of pentlandite, as narrow rims along its edges, or in association with awaruite as thin veins. Pentlandite is also closely associated with native copper. Covellite forms banded rims around pentlandite, native copper, and magnetite. Magnetite is widespread, occurring as intergrowths with pentlandite, as fine grains (<2 μm) in the centers of serpentine veins, as fine-grained veins cutting through the mesh texture, and as overgrowths in fully serpentinized samples. Thermodynamic modeling indicates that, except for covellite—formed at low aH₂ and high aH₂S—sulfides like pentlandite, heazlewoodite, native copper, and magnetite are stable under high aH₂ conditions. We propose that the observed Cu-bearing assemblages has formed at temperatures below 200°C under highly reducing conditions which is consistent with serpentinization.

How to cite: Eslami, A., Malvoisin, B., and Godard, M.: Opaque mineral assemblages indicate highly reducing conditions in Oman Drilling Project Hole BA3A, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18636,, 2025.

EGU25-167 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Mercury Isotope Geochemistry in Ediacaran Cap Carbonates and Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds 

Ruiyang Sun and Runsheng Yin

       Mercury (Hg), a highly volatile metal, is capable of tracing volcanism through geological history as LIP events transiently emit large amounts of Hg. There are two indicators that make Hg a unique tool for geochemistry, the Hg to total organic carbon ratio (Hg/TOC) and mass-independent fractionation (Hg-MIF, defined as Δ199Hg). Owing to the affinity of Hg to organic matter, anomalous high Hg/TOC ratios in sediments can better reveal large volcanic eruptions. The anomaly of Hg-MIF is mainly observed in Hg photoreactions, providing a fingerprints of specific reaction pathways of Hg. Volcanic Hg usually has Δ199Hg ~ 0, but photochemical processes in the surface environment can alter this signal, resulting in positive Δ199Hg in marine systems (e.g., seawater and marine sediments) and negative Δ199Hg in terrestrial systems (e.g., soil and vegetation).

         Here, we examined the Hg records in Ediacaran cap carbonates in South China and Upper Cretaceous oceanic red beds (ORBs) in southern Tibet and the North Atlantic, to obtain their sedimentary material sources and the cause of the termination of Marinoan glaciation and Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events.

       (1) The cap carbonates show higher Hg concentrations (4.9 to 405 ppb), most of which are comparable to that observed in carbonates deposited during non-LIPs periods. The lack of Hg/TOC anomalies in these cap carbonates suggests that background volcanic activity, rather than a short-term large igneous province event, drove the Marinoan deglaciation. The cap carbonates show positive Δ199Hg values (0.18 to 0.34 ‰) in slope settings and slightly negative to slightly positive Δ199Hg values (0.16 to 0.11 ‰) in shelf settings, suggesting a binary mixing of seawater- and terrestrial-derived Hg in early Ediacaran Ocean. We infer that the accumulation of greenhouse gases, due to ongoing volcanic emissions of CO2 and enhanced release of gas hydrates, triggered global warming. This warming led to melting of sea ice cover, enhanced terrestrial inputs, and large-scale dissolution of atmospheric CO2 into seawater, driving widespread deposition of Ediacaran cap carbonates.

       (2) In southern Tibet and the North Atlantic, black/gray shales (typical deposition of oceanic anoxic events) show much higher Hg concentrations and Hg/TOC values than ORBs, indicating enhanced Hg flux to global oceans during time of black/gray shale deposition. Black/gray shales show lower Fe3+/Fe2+ and positive Δ199Hg, suggesting a significant input of Hg into the anoxic/dysoxic ocean via atmospheric deposition. The isotope values are consistent with a volcanic source for this excess Hg. ORBs show high Fe3+/Fe2+ and negative shifts of Δ199Hg, suggesting that the dominant source of Hg into the oxic oceans was via terrestrial runoff. These results suggest that volcanism was an important driver of the climate/ocean dynamics during the Late Cretaceous.

       To sum up, in addition to indicating short-strong volcanic activities, Hg can also trace the source of sedimentary materials under weak magmatism. Moreover, Hg offers a more accurate depiction of the interactions and exchanges among the Earth’s atmosphere-ocean-land system.


How to cite: Sun, R. and Yin, R.: Mercury Isotope Geochemistry in Ediacaran Cap Carbonates and Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-167,, 2025.

EGU25-962 | ECS | Orals | GMPV1.3

Reconstructing the Cenozoic provenance evolution of Mallorca (Balearic Promontory):  insights from detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He double-dating 

Sabí Peris, Albert Griera, David Gómez-Gras, Marta Roigé, Danny Stockli, and Antonio Teixell

The Balearic Promontory (BP) is a NE-SW oriented continental block located in the centre of the Western Mediterranean that corresponds to the northern prolongation of the Betic-Balearic front. The BP represents a unique case study, as it records two distinct compressive periods from the Alpine orogeny, as well as exhibits evidences of volcanism and back-arc extension related to the opening of the Western Mediterranean. Mallorca is the only island of the BP that preserves an almost complete Cenozoic sedimentary record, which encompasses a significant shift in the geodynamic evolution, evolving from northern derived deposits during the Paleogene (“Catalanide-Pyrenean”) to a southern source area during the Early Miocene (“Betic”). As both source areas currently correspond to marine basins, the Cenozoic detrital deposits therein represent the only remnants whose provenance study can contribute to decipher the hinterland tectonic evolution. Nevertheless, the majority of these deposits are carbonate-dominated, and thus, techniques such as detrital geochronology and thermochronology may prove useful in instances where traditional provenance analysis are challenging. The present study seeks to provide a new perspective on the provenance evolution of Mallorca for the first time from two different timings and settings. By using detrital zircon (DZ) double dating we characterized the Paleogene and Neogene provenance and exhumation history. Our findings suggest an evolution from predominantly Mesozoic-derived DZ during the Paleogene, to a mixed Mesozoic and late Palaeozoic DZ during the Neogene. The presence of only two Eocene ZHe ages in early Miocene DZ may suggest a gradual exhumation process within the hinterland rather than a fast dismantling related to the “Betic” compression. Furthermore, the identification of Oligo-Miocene aged zircons related with synsedimentary volcanism enabled us to establish a maximal depositional age (MDA) for some samples, thus providing a more precise chronostratigraphic constraint.

How to cite: Peris, S., Griera, A., Gómez-Gras, D., Roigé, M., Stockli, D., and Teixell, A.: Reconstructing the Cenozoic provenance evolution of Mallorca (Balearic Promontory):  insights from detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He double-dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-962,, 2025.

EGU25-1479 | Orals | GMPV1.3

Tracing quartz provenance: a multi-disciplinary investigation of luminescence sensitisation mechanisms of quartz from granite source rocks and derived sediments 

Daniela Constantin, Aditi Dave, Șerban Grecu, Zuzanna Kabacińska, Andris Antuzevics, Anca Barla, Petru Urdea, Mihai Ducea, and Alida Timar-Gabor

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity as well as some electron spin resonance (ESR) and cathodoluminescence (CL) signals have been empirically proposed as provenance indicators. Sensitivity is defined as luminescence emitted in response to a given dose per unit mass. While it is largely believed to be acquired by earth surface processes, recent studies bring evidence that sensitisation processes depend on source geology.
Here we combine OSL and thermoluminescence (TL), ESR and CL analyses to understand the mechanisms of quartz OSL sensitisation. We investigate granites and their derived sediments from catchments draining simple lithologies of known age that display contrasting OSL sensitisation behaviour both in nature and during irradiation and light exposure laboratory experiments. The sample displaying increased OSL sensitisation is characterised by TL emission at intermediate temperatures (150-250 °C), Ti-related signals in CL, and Ti and Ge lithium compensated signals in ESR. The insensitive samples either lack or exhibit very weak such characteristics and contain several times less amount of trace titanium measured by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).
We demonstrate that the OSL sensitisation results as an effect of the existence of certain defects and impurities in the quartz crystal in the parent rock, such as titanium and germanium. However, the degree of sensitisation reached in nature is significantly higher than in the laboratory.  As such, the existence of this precursor represents the potential for sensitisation, which can later be amplified by environmental factors during sedimentary history.

This study is funded by the European Research Council Consolidator Grant - PROGRESS, (ERC-CoG-101043356) awarded to Prof. Alida Timar-Gabor. 

How to cite: Constantin, D., Dave, A., Grecu, Ș., Kabacińska, Z., Antuzevics, A., Barla, A., Urdea, P., Ducea, M., and Timar-Gabor, A.: Tracing quartz provenance: a multi-disciplinary investigation of luminescence sensitisation mechanisms of quartz from granite source rocks and derived sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1479,, 2025.

Provenance Characteristics and Tectonic Implication of the Laiyang Group in Lingshan Island of Riqingwei Basin

JIANG, Yushen and ZHOU, Yaoqi, China University of Petroleum (east)

Abstract: Lingshan Island is located on the suture zone of the Sulu orogenic belt and is an important research area of the Riqingwei Basin. There are turbidites of Laiyang Group of Lower Cretaceous, terrigenous clastic rocks of Qingshan Group and igneous rocks in Lingshan Island from top to bottom. There are significant debates about the sedimentary environment, sediment source, and provenance direction of the Laiyang Group sedimentary strata in the Lingshan Island. The stratigraphic features of Lingshan Island section are investigated in detail and analyzed by various methods, and the following conclusions are drawn:

(1) Analysis of the sandstone detrital components has shown that the predominant rock type in the study area is lithic feldspathic sandstone with overall low maturity, and the grain composition of sandstone shows that the source rocks may have the characteristics of volcanic rocks, granite and metamorphic rocks. The sedimentary source of the Laiyang Group sandstones in Lingshan Island is relatively close with a short transportation distance and fast sedimentation rate, and is mainly from the cutting of arc-island region, which is affected by tectonic uplift to some extent.

(2) The results of paleocurrent analysis show that the ancient water flow in Lingshan Island area is generally oriented in the northwest-southeast direction with an average azimuth of 160 °, suggesting that the sandstone deposits in the study area mainly come from the northern provenance.

(3) Analysis of the principal and trace elements in mudstone has revealed that, from bottom to top, there is a trend of change in properties of the source rock from felsic to intermediate, and a trend of decreasing weathering in the source area; The provenance mainly comes from felsic source area, and the overall chemical weathering and recycling degree is low. It is speculated that the clastic materials of mudstone directly come from the strong weathering and deposition of igneous rocks.

(4) Results of heavy mineral components analysis have shown that the sedimentary strata in the study area are influenced by source rocks such as acid magmatic rocks and metamorphic rocks to a certain extent, and from the change of heavy mineral characteristics in different horizons, it records the first-stage tectonic uplift movement.

Based on the above analysis results and the tectonic position of the study area, it can be concluded that the sedimentary strata of Laiyang Group in Lingshan Island area are influenced to some extent by source rocks such as acid magmatic rocks and metamorphic rocks, and the source rocks are mainly metamorphic sedimentary rocks, intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks and sedimentary rocks. The change of provenance reflects a period of tectonic uplift. The main source of provenance in Lingshan Island area is from the Sulu orogenic belt, which may be partly from metamorphic sedimentary rocks of Yangtze platform in the early stage and mainly from Sulu orogenic belt in the later stage.

How to cite: Jiang, Y. and Zhou, Y.: Provenance Characteristics and Tectonic Implication of the Laiyang Group in Lingshan Island of Riqingwei Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1981,, 2025.

EGU25-4081 | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Endmember modelling of detrital zircon petrochronology data via multivariate Tucker-1 tensor decomposition 

Joel E. Saylor, Nicholas Richardson, Naomi Graham, Robert G. Lee, and Michael P. Friedlander

Detrital petrochronology is a powerful method of characterizing sediment and potentially sediment sources. The recently developed Tucker-1 decomposition method holds promise of using detrital petrochronology to identify both sediment-source characteristics and the proportions in which sources are present in sink samples even when sediment sources are unknown or unavailable for sampling. However, the correlation between endmember characteristics and lithological sources or proportions and sedimentary processes has not been established. Herein we present a case study of the recently developed Tucker-1 decomposition method to a multivariate geochemical data set from detrital zircons in till samples collected above the Cu-bearing Guichon Creek Batholith (GCB) in southern British Columbia, Canada. Data include a suite of eleven variables, including age, Ce anomaly, CeN/NdN, DyN/YbN, ΔFMQ, Eu anomaly, ΣHREE/ΣMREE, Hf, Th/U, Ti temperature, and YbN/GdN, from 12 samples from collected at a range of distances in the down ice-flow direction from the GCB.

We demonstrate that endmember modelling using the Tucker-1 decomposition method successfully deconvolves the multivariate data sets into two endmembers in which the geochemical distributions are consistent with derivation from either non-oxidized and relatively anhydrous (i.e., low ore potential, Source 1) or oxidized and hydrous (i.e., potential ore bodies, Source 2) igneous rocks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proportions of the Source 2 endmember decrease with increasing distance from the ore bodies, as expected due to downstream zircon mixing and dilution.

Finally, we attribute each of the zircon grains to either the Source 1 or 2 endmember based on maximization of the likelihood that their measured multivariate geochemistry was drawn from one or the other of the learned multivariate endmembers. We compared these grain attributions to the results of an independent Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis designed to characterize zircon grains as either “fertile” or “barren” with respect to copper based on their geochemistry. We find that there is ~80% overlap between the source attributions based on the CART analysis and the grain-source identification based on the Tucker-1 decomposition.

We conclude that the novel Tucker-1 decomposition approach provides a flexible, precise, and accurate method of characterizing multivariate sediment sources even when those sources are unknown. It thus provides a basis for future petrochronological interpretations with applied and pure geoscience applications. All of the analyses presented herein can be freely accessed through a web application ( or open-source Julia code (

How to cite: Saylor, J. E., Richardson, N., Graham, N., Lee, R. G., and Friedlander, M. P.: Endmember modelling of detrital zircon petrochronology data via multivariate Tucker-1 tensor decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4081,, 2025.

Thirty-three surface sediment samples were collected from the Hupo Basin including Hupo Bank, located offshore along the East Coast of Korea, to investigate the provenance of fine-grained sediments using geochemical elements, particularly focused on REEs compositions. Cluster analysis of the surface sediments identified three distinct groups: (1) the inner offshore area of the northwestern Hupo Bank, (2) the area extending from the inner offshore of the southwestern Hupo Basin to the eastern slope of the Hupo Bank, and (3) a single sediment deposit on the eastern slope of the Hupo Bank.

Additionally, the sediments from the southwestern Hupo Basin to the eastern slope of the Hupo Bank were further classified into two subgroups based on their UCC-normalized (Upper Continental Crust-normalized) REE patterns. A comprehensive analysis of the UCC-normalized REE patterns, combined with satellite imagery, suggested that most of the sediments on the northwestern Hupo Bank were predominantly supplied by small nearby streams during typhoon seasons. However, some sediments covered on southern Hupo Basin were likely transported from the southern area via the East Korea Warm Current during the heavy rainy season.

How to cite: Um, I.: Provenance and Transport Mechanisms of Fine-Grained Sediments in the Hupo Basin, Offshore East Coast of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5457,, 2025.

To address the controversial and insufficient understanding of the source, sedimentary architecture and reservoir quality differences of the Extension Formation in the Huachi area of the Ordos Basin. This paper is based on the analysis of heavy minerals and their assemblage characteristics, cathodoluminescence imaging of quartz grains, zircon U-Pb geochronology (LA-ICP-MS). It also combines the analyses and test data of core, logging, scanning electron microscope, cast thin section, high-pressure mercury injection (HPMI), constant-rate mercury injection (CRMI) and so on. This basic principles and methods of sedimentology, stratigraphic stratigraphy, sedimentary basin analysis and reservoir sedimentology have been applied to systematically study the relationship between the provenance directions, provenance types, sedimentary system spreading, sedimentary configuration, and reservoir quality in the Chang 3 member of the Yanchang Formation in the study area. The study shows that the Chang 3 of the Huachi area is located in the sedimentary centre of the lake basin, and is influenced by provenance from both the northeast and southwest directions, and is in a mixed-source area along the Qingcheng-Heshui area; The area develops a delta front subfacies, and underwater distributary channel is the main microfacies. The single sand body has three vertical combination modes: downcut superimposed type, superimposed contact type and mudstone separated type, and three lateral combination modes: side cut superimposed type, butt type and mudstone embedded type. The delta front in the study area has an evolutionary pattern of advanced accumulation and backward accumulation, and the single sandbody of the tangential and overlapping relationship developed in the late progradation stage has the best connectivity, with good pore throat structural characteristics and good reservoir quality. In conclusion, under the background of shallow water, low accommodation space, rapid uplift-slow curtain settlement tectonics, the direction, proximity, and type of the source of shallow-water delta are the key factors influencing the distribution of sedimentary micro-phase, and also the material basis for the sedimentary configuration and reservoir quality.

How to cite: Zhang, H.: study on shallow water delta provenance, sedimentary architecture and reservoir quality differences--a case of the Chang 3 member of Yanchang formation in Huachi area of Ordos Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5497,, 2025.

EGU25-6282 | Orals | GMPV1.3

 Single quartz δ18O: a new proxy in sediment provenance studies (Bengal Fan, IODP Expedition 354). 

Mara Limonta, Christian France-Lanord, Albert Galy, Andrey Gurenko, Nordine Bouden, and Eduardo Garzanti

Quartz is the most stable and abundant mineral in sedimentary rocks and remains stable during weathering and diagenetic processes [1], thus being a good provenance tracer. Traditional and advanced techniques to determine quartz origin, such as petrography and cathodo-luminescence and laser ablation spectrometry have obtained limited success.

The aim of the study is to implement a new protocol to analyze the oxygen isotopic signatures of single detrital grains of quartz, with primary application in source-to-sink studies, and to assess their role as a provenance fingerprint of different magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary domains. While single grain approach is standard in detrital thermochronology [e.g. 2,3], it has not been applied on major minerals using classic isotopic tracers.

This new protocol is tested on modern sediments of Ganga-Brahmaputra rivers and turbidites from the Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354). Single grain isotopic fingerprint allows us to define oxygen isotopic signature of magmatic and metamorphic source rocks of different Himalayan tectonic domains (Greater Himalaya, Lesser Himalaya, Tethys Himalaya and Trans-Himalayan Batholiths) and to detect and quantify their relative contribution in Bengal turbidites and to highlight sediment mixing from specific sources thus enhancing provenance resolution with respect to bulk approaches.

Around 200 quartz grains in each sand sample from rivers draining exclusively a single Himalayan tectonic domain have been analyzed by ion microprobe LG-SIMS to better characterize their oxygen isotopic variability, thus providing a good fingerprint of the source rocks in the detrital record. Around 150 quartz grains from each Bengal Fan turbiditic sample have been analyzed to quantify the contribution of different Himalayan tectonic domains in Bengal Fan turbidites through time.

The new data, combined with data obtained with other bulk-sediment to single-mineral approaches, allow us to enhance provenance resolution and highlight the erosional evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen through time.

This new method can be profitably applied in any sediment-provenance study as a precious complement to traditional methods applied to the same quartz grains (luminescence, OH-defects, and petrographic characteristics) as well as classic techniques (e.g., petrography, heavy minerals, elemental geochemistry, isotope geochemistry) to discriminate detrital quartz derived from felsic igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary sources.

Key words: Oxygen isotopes, Ion Probe LG-SIMS, Provenance analysis, Single-grain techniques, Himalayan orogen, Bengal fan

[1] Clayton, Jackson & Sridhar (1978), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 42(10), 1517-1522.

[2] Blum, Rogers, Gleason, Najman, Cruz & Fox (2018), Scientific Reports 8(1), 7973.

[3] Chew, Najman, Mark, Barfod, Carter, Parrish, & Gemignani (2019), Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 131; 9-10.

How to cite: Limonta, M., France-Lanord, C., Galy, A., Gurenko, A., Bouden, N., and Garzanti, E.:  Single quartz δ18O: a new proxy in sediment provenance studies (Bengal Fan, IODP Expedition 354)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6282,, 2025.

EGU25-8608 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from synorogenic clastic sedimentary rocks in the Dinarides (Croatia) 

Sanja Šuica, Borna Lužar-Oberiter, Iva Olić, and Armin Zeh

In northwestern Croatia, synorogenic clastic formations record important events in the evolution of the Dinarides, including the Dinaride-Alpine transitional area, a region characterized by considerable geological complexity resulting from a severe and long-lasting Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformational history. Our study concentrates on the provenance of Cretaceous sandstones which occur on Mt. Ivanščica, Mt. Medvednica, and Žumberak Mts, with the intent of providing new insights into the evolution of the orogen and possible paleogeographic connections with neighboring tectonic units. Uranium-lead ages of detrital zircon populations place new constraints on the nature of source terrains being exhumed and eroded during the early stage of convergence of the Adria plate margin. Construction of the nascent mountain belt in this stage involved obduction of Neotethyan ophiolites and inclusion of basement units within propagating nappe structures. Zircon age spectra of Early Cretaceous sandstones from Mt. Ivanščica reveal Permo-Triassic, Variscan, Caledonian and Pan-African populations, and one grain with concordant Middle/Late Jurassic age. In Late Cretaceous sandstones from Mt. Medvednica and Žumberak Mts the spectra are dominated by Variscan, Caledonian and Pan-African ages, but in different proportions. Permo-Triassic zircons are completely absent in Mt. Medvednica sandstones, and reflected by only one grain in Late Cretaceous Žumberak Mts sandstone. Permo-Triassic zircons with a mode at ~240 Ma were probably derived from volcano-sedimentary sequence outcropping in northwestern Croatia, while Variscan and pre-Variscan zircons could have been derived both from reworked igneous/metaigneous or sedimentary/metasedimentary sources. The absence of Permo-Triassic zircons in Late Cretaceous clastic sequences precludes the resedimentation of Early Cretaceous sandstones. Significant variations in the age spectra of Late Cretaceous zircon populations point to diverse catchment areas. These results hint towards change in predominant source rocks from Early to Late Cretaceous, as well as local variability during the Late Cretaceous. The presented work is supported by the Croatian Science Foundation project SECret (HRZZ IPS-2023-02-2683).

How to cite: Šuica, S., Lužar-Oberiter, B., Olić, I., and Zeh, A.: U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from synorogenic clastic sedimentary rocks in the Dinarides (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8608,, 2025.

EGU25-13697 | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Himalayan source-to-sink dynamics and the detrital zircon Hf isotope record in Bengal Fan Turbidites (IODP Exp. 354) 

James Gleason, Yani Najman, Devon Orme, Kurt Sundell, and Mike Blum

Ocean drill cores recovered by IODP Expedition 354 Bengal Fan (BF) shed light on the world’s largest source-to-sink (S2S) sedimentary system, providing insight into its geodynamic history during the Late Cenozoic. Here, we investigate Hf isotopic compositions of detrital zircon (DZ) grains (N = 1300) by laser ablation multi-collector ICP-MS in Miocene through Pleistocene age turbidites from the middle BF. Prominent DZ age populations in BF turbidites at ca. 25 Ma, 50 Ma and 120 Ma are a close match for modern DZ ages obtained from Brahmaputra River sands, suggesting strong ties to Tibetan sources within the paleo-Brahmaputra drainage area. Previous studies documented increased proportions of young U-Pb DZ age populations (< 300 Ma) in BF turbidites, showing they nearly double in abundance starting in the Late Pliocene (ca. 2.7 Ma). We obtained Hf isotope compositions on individual U-Pb dated DZ grains, with an emphasis on placing further constraints on the provenance of the < 300 Ma DZ age group. BF turbidite sands all contain DZ showing a wide range of hafnium isotopic compositions (εHf   = +20 to -30); however, Pleistocene turbidites contain a higher proportion (by 2:1) of more negative εHf DZ signatures compared to Miocene/Pliocene-age turbidites. This is reflected in the εHf signatures of the ca. 25, 50 and 120 Ma DZ U-Pb age groups, which all trend more negative in Pleistocene turbidites compared with Miocene/Pliocene -age turbidites. The effect is most pronounced for the ca. 50 Ma DZ age group; comparison with published zircon U-Pb and zircon Hf isotope data from bedrock sources indicate that the ca. 50 Ma DZ age group is derived from the Gangdese or Bomi Chayu batholiths of the Lhasa Terrane, whilst the ca. 120 Ma DZ age group is primarily sourced from the Bomi Chayu batholith; the ≤25 Ma DZ age group carries the signature of sources in the Namche Barwa massif (eastern Himalayan syntaxis portion of the Brahmaputra drainage). We hypothesize that greater integration of the Lhasa Terrane into the Yarlung-Brahmaputra river drainage system changed the dynamics of paleo-sediment transport to the Bengal Fan starting in the Late Pliocene. A growing U-Pb age and Hf isotope database from modern Himalayan river sands will help place further constraints on sediment routing, tectonic and climatic influences in the Himalaya-Bengal Fan S2S system since the mid-Miocene when delivery of turbidite sands to the middle Bengal Fan rapidly intensified.

How to cite: Gleason, J., Najman, Y., Orme, D., Sundell, K., and Blum, M.: Himalayan source-to-sink dynamics and the detrital zircon Hf isotope record in Bengal Fan Turbidites (IODP Exp. 354), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13697,, 2025.

The Ediacaran to Cambrian transition witnessed a key interval in the Earth’s history for biological revolution, environmental change and tectonic evolution. Wells and seismic data show that a Lower Cambrian thick siliciclastic rock succession occurs in the NW Yangtze Block, South China. The provenance and tectonic setting for the thick Cambrian sedimentary successions are very crucial for understanding the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. Here, a Cambrian outcrop section (ca. 800-m-thick) in the middle Longmenshan fold-thrust belt, NW Yangtze Block, which is composed of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic strata, was investigated to constrain depositional ages, sedimentary environments, provenance and tectonic settings, through integrating field-based sedimentology, petrography, whole-rock element geochemistry, detrital zircon U-Pb dating, zircon trace elements and Hf isotopes, and carbonate stable C isotope data. The sedimentary succession is thought to accumulate during the Terreneunian to Epoch 2 time (i.e., Age 2 to Age 4, ca. 524-509 Ma) by comparison of our new carbonate stable C isotopic data and the global Cambrian δ13C curve and by the detrital zircon U-Pb age evidence (the youngest age peaks ranging from 538 to 518 Ma). The investigated strata have coarsening-upward trends and indicate complex, variable sedimentary environments (including slope-basin, deep-water shelf and fan delta settings) with hydrothermal inputs. Sandstones from the lower Qiongzhusi Formation have abundant volcanic lithic fragments and detrital zircons therein are dominated by Ediacaran to Cambrian ages. However, sandstones from the upper Canglangpu Formation consist of variable lithic fragments (including chert, metamorphic, volcanic and sedimentary clasts) and indicate diverse detrital zircon U-Pb ages (1000-500 Ma and minor 2600-2100 Ma). Both geochemical data of fine-grained sedimentary rocks and petrographic data of the sandstones reveal the deposits were relatively immature and were derived from proximal sources. Additionally, trace elements of the zircon grains with 650–500 Ma ages indicate a continental arc origin. All the results point to nearby arc-related source terranes for the Cambrian clastic records, rather than distant orogen sources as previously proposed. The geological and geochemical evidence, combining published geophysical data, imply the development of an early Cambrian orogen northwest to the study area. We suggest that the underestimated arc settings were formed in response to the subduction of the Proto-Tethys ocean beneath the NW Yangtze Block, which resulted in continental collision and uplift of northwest microterranes that provided siliciclastic sediments to fill the foreland basin southeastward.

How to cite: Gu, Z. and Jian, X.: Sedimentary provenance analysis unravels the Early Cambrian orogeny in the NW Yangtze Block, South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13916,, 2025.

EGU25-14070 | ECS | Orals | GMPV1.3

In-situ Lu-Hf for provenance analysis – a methodological perspective  

Renée Tamblyn, Jack Gillespie, and Alexander Simpson

The development of in-situ Lu-Hf LA–ICP–MS/MS geochronology has opened avenues to dating garnet, apatite, xenotime, calcite and epidote-group minerals. Of these phases, garnet and apatite are particularly relevant to provenance analysis, as both can be dated in situ by the U–Pb, Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf systems, are often present in sediments, and retain geochronological as well as geochemical information during erosion, transport and sedimentation. Garnet and apatite also have the benefit of forming in different geological settings to minerals more widely used in provenance analysis, such as zircon. Zircon usually forms during high-temperature processes such as anatexis and magmatic crystallisation, and has a bias towards more felsic rock compositions. Conversely, garnet is a dominantly metamorphic mineral, and usually retains information about the prograde (and sub-anatectic) history of metamorphic rocks, but may also form in hydrothermal settings, and is stable across a wide variety of lithological compositions. Apatite also forms in a wide variety of rock lithologies during metamorphism and magmatism, and therefore can represent more intermediate and mafic magmatic events which are not sampled by zircon. In situ Lu–Hf geochronology therefore provides an excellent tool to understand the timing and conditions of mountain building and magmatic events from the detrital record, but not without methodological and geological caveats and limitations. The application of the method itself, data handling and analytical interpretations will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Tamblyn, R., Gillespie, J., and Simpson, A.: In-situ Lu-Hf for provenance analysis – a methodological perspective , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14070,, 2025.

EGU25-14108 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of the Icheonri Formation in southeast Korea: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting 

Heeseon Yang, Kyeongtae Kim, Hyun Joo Kim, Yong-Un Chae, Hyoun Soo Lim, and Young Ji Joo

 The Gyeongsang Basin, situated in the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula, is a non-marine sedimentary basin that formed as a result of the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the East Asian continent during the Cretaceous. While numerous studies of the basin fill (Gyeongsang Supergroup) of the Gyeongsang Basin have revealed the tectonic history of East Asia, most of them have focused on the western part of the basin, with less attention paid to the strata in the eastern part of the basin. However, the geological units currently consisting the Japanese islands originally developed along the eastern margin of the Korean Peninsula during the Cretaceous. The Icheonri Formation, distributed in the southeastern part of the Gyeongsang Basin, probably records the composition and tectonic settings of the provenance along the continental margin. This study investigates the provenance and tectonic history of the Icheonri Formation based on sandstone petrography, detrital mineral chemistry, and whole-rock geochemistry of sandstones and mudrocks. The analyzed sandstone samples of the Icheonri Formation are very fine- to coarse-grained, subangular, and poorly sorted. They are mainly composed of quartz, plagioclase, and rock fragments, with minor grains including chromian spinel, pyroxene, and epidote. Based on the modal composition, the sandstones are classified as feldspathic litharenite, derived from a transitional arc provenance. In addition, volcanic rock fragments are nearly absent in the studied samples, indicating weak volcanic activity in the southeastern part of the Gyeongsang Basin during deposition of the Icheonri Formation, contrary to previous interpretations from the western part of the basin. Whole-rock geochemistry suggests that the source rock composition is felsic to intermediate, derived from a continental arc. Furthermore, the occurrence of detrital Cr-spinels suggests the presence of ultramafic bodies exposed in the provenance. The composition of Cr-spinel grains from the Icheonri Formation indicates that they were originated from mantle-wedge peridotites. Together with the occurrence of highly weatherable pyroxene, this suggests that forearc peridotite containing Cr-spinels and pyroxene-bearing mafic rocks were exposed near the Icheonri depocenter. Previous studies have reported Cr-spinels from forearc peridotite in sandstones from the western Gyeongsang Basin and interpreted that the peridotite was exposed along at least two fault zones that developed in the west of the basin as a result of oblique convergence. In conclusion, while subduction zones and volcanic arcs developed around the basin, the Icheonri sediments were derived from eroded volcanic arc or basement during the cessation of volcanism rather than from active volcanoes. Moreover, the forearc peridotite is interpreted to have been exposed by protrusion along fault zones that probably formed around the eastern part of the basin as a result of subduction tectonics. Our result contributes to a better understanding not only of the Cretaceous tectonic developments along the East Asian continental margin, but also of the nature of arc-related sedimentary basins and basin fills.

How to cite: Yang, H., Kim, K., Kim, H. J., Chae, Y.-U., Lim, H. S., and Joo, Y. J.: Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of the Icheonri Formation in southeast Korea: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14108,, 2025.

Turbiditic sediments found in accretionary complexes (ACs), originally deposited in a trench environment, document processes and environmental conditions governing sediment production and deposition in a subducting continental margin, including tectonic setting and paleogeographic configuration. Along the East Asian continent, subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate has continued since the late Paleozoic, resulting in the development of numerous ACs containing Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments that now make up a large part of the Japanese Islands. The Ashio terrane, distributed in central Japan, consists of Upper Paleozoic-Jurassic pelagic and turbiditic sediments and is considered equivalent to the Mino-Tamba terrane, the AC covering a large area of the main island. This study examines the sandstone petrography and whole-rock geochemistry of turbiditic sandstone and shale of the Ashio terrane to interpret their provenance and tectonic history. The sandstones of the Ashio terrane, classified as lithic arkose to feldspathic litharenite, are sub-angular to sub-rounded and poorly sorted. The major framework grains are quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and lithic fragments (metamorphic and sedimentary, including chert), with minor amounts of mica, garnet, and heavy minerals. In the Qt-F-L diagram of provenance tectonic setting, they are all interpreted to have been derived from a recycled orogen provenance. Based on the presence of chert grains, we hypothesize that at least part of the pre-Jurassic ACs was probably uplifted and exposed in the hinterland during deposition of the Ashio terrane sediment. Furthermore, the presence of easily weatherable feldspar and metamorphic lithic fragments suggests that not only the ACs sediment but also metamorphic and/or igneous rocks were exposed in the source area. The detrital garnet assemblages in the Ashio terrane sandstones are characterized by a pyrope-rich almandine garnet with low grossular content, reflecting their origin in granulite-facies metamorphic rocks. Such detrital garnets have been previously reported from Jurassic to Cretaceous sandstones of Japan with rare occurrences in Permian sandstones, suggesting that the Ashio terrane garnets were likely first-cycle detritus from a nearby high-grade metamorphic basement. Based on their rare earth element patterns, the source rock composition of the Ashio terrane sediments seems felsic and more fractionated than the upper continental crust (UCC), which is known to be similar to granodiorite. In the A-CN-K compositional space, the Ashio terrane sediments suggest weathering from granodioritic source rocks, and the scatter of the samples along the weathering trend indicates that non-steady-state weathering conditions in the source area. In a tectonic discrimination diagram based on chemistry, their composition resembles sediments derived from a passive continental margin, which is consistent with the sandstone modal composition. Previous studies of Cretaceous Japanese ACs suggested sediment recycling and supply from uplifted pre-existing ACs, supporting our interpretation of the Ashio terrane provenance. Additionally, the compositional difference between the sandstones of the Mino terrane (arkosic) and Ashio terrane (lithic) infer a heterogenous nature of depositional conditions in a subduction zone. These findings provide paleogeographic information and more comprehensive interpretations of the environmental conditions surrounding the subduction zone along the East Asian continental margin during the Mesozoic.

How to cite: Kim, K., Lee, Y. I., and Joo, Y. J.: Sandstone petrography and whole rock geochemistry of the Ashio terrane, a Jurassic accretionary complex in Japan: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14110,, 2025.

EGU25-14755 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Chemical discrimination of rutile from different metamorphic source rocks 

Jan Schönig, Thomas Zack, Delia Rösel, Horst Marschall, Hilmar von Eynatten, Keno Lünsdorf, Mona Lueder, Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, and Jesse Walters

Rutile belongs to the group of ultra-stable minerals during processes of the sedimentary cycle, along with zircon and tourmaline. While detrital zircon mostly derives from felsic igneous rocks and tourmaline is hardly datable, rutile is mainly sourced from metamorphic rocks and routinely datable by U−Pb chronology. Thus, combining detrital rutile age information with trace-element based discrimination of different metamorphic source rocks has a high potential to gain time-resolved insights into the geodynamic evolution of the hinterland. However, trace-element based approaches are so far limited to (i) bivariate discrimination of mafic and felsic metamorphic source rocks by considering Cr and Nb concentrations (Zack et al. 2004a; Meinhold et al. 2008; Triebold et al. 2007, 2012), (ii) temperature information by considering Zr concentrations (e.g., Zack et al. 2004b; Kohn 2020) and assuming the same pressure conditions for all detrital grains, (iii) identification of fluid alteration based on e.g., W, Sn, V, Sb, Cr, Nb, Fe (Agangi et al. 2020; Pereira et al. 2021; Pereira & Storey 2023); and (iv) identifying very specific sources like mafic low-temperature/high-pressure rocks by considering H2O concentrations in combination with Zr, Nb, W, and Sn (Lueder et al. 2024).

Here we compiled a dataset of 2,335 rutile trace-element analyses (16 elements) from 110 metamorphic rock samples of a wide range of pressure−temperature conditions. Using a modified version of the original random forest algorithm (Breiman 2001) for dealing with the hierarchically structured data, we trained three multivariate discrimination models. Under the assumption of a metamorphic source, the first model discriminates felsic and mafic rutile with a classification success rate of >90 %, which is a strong improvement compared to Cr versus Nb plots (72−86 % success on the same dataset). The second and third models discriminate rutile from rocks that formed under low and high temperature/pressure gradients (≤ 350 °C/GPa versus >350 °C/GPa) for felsic (>91 % success) and mafic rocks (>93 % success), respectively. We are currently integrating the three models to achieve a simultaneous prediction of composition and temperature/pressure gradients of the metamorphic source rock, taking rutile provenance analysis to a new level.

How to cite: Schönig, J., Zack, T., Rösel, D., Marschall, H., von Eynatten, H., Lünsdorf, K., Lueder, M., Konrad-Schmolke, M., and Walters, J.: Chemical discrimination of rutile from different metamorphic source rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14755,, 2025.

EGU25-15518 | Orals | GMPV1.3

Permo-Triassic sediment provenance and paleodrainage in Central to Western Europe 

Hilmar von Eynatten, Kristina Sass, István Dunkl, and Jan Schönig

Relief degradation and drainage evolution in the aftermath of major orogenies have been extensively studied for young mountain belts. For ancient orogenic settings such reconstructions often remain enigmatic with respect to, e.g., exhumation and erosion rates, sediment dispersal paths and sediment budgets as well as associated paleolandscapes and sediment routing systems. Sedimentary provenance analysis provides an essential tool to constrain these complex systems in space and time.

Here we present a multi-method provenance study from the Black Forest, the Palatinate Forest and the Vosges (SW Germany and NE France) that includies heavy mineral assemblage data from 100 sandstone samples as well as detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and grain-size measurements from 40 selected samples. The samples cover approximately 10 to 15 Myrs from Zechstein to Upper Bundsandstein strata (Wuchiapingian to early Anisian). Additional data comprise detrital tourmaline and garnet geochemistry as well as detrital monazite geochronology.

The heavy mineral assemblages are rather uniform, dominated by the stable phases zircon, tourmaline and rutile (along with other TiO2-polymorphs) and complemented by variable apatite content as well as minor monazite. Zircon U-Pb ages range from ~0.25 to 3.5 Ga, showing prominent Variscan (30%), Caledonian (23%) and Cadomian (28%) age components, along with older ages (19%). Grain-size data indicate an overall decrease of zircon size with increasing U-Pb age. The zircon age distributions suggest an increase of Cadomian and older ages at the expense of Variscan ages with decreasing stratigraphic age of the samples. This observation is independent of zircon grain size. It is interpreted to reflect a change from more local sources in Late Permian time to a significantly enlarged catchment area in the Early Triassic that includes tapping new source regions. This comes along with a homogenization of sediment composition across the entire drainage and depositional area in the late Olenekian to early Anisian. Our study serves as an example of heavy-mineral based fingerprints for regional-scale drainage basin widening due to relief planation in the aftermath of major orogenic phases. 

How to cite: von Eynatten, H., Sass, K., Dunkl, I., and Schönig, J.: Permo-Triassic sediment provenance and paleodrainage in Central to Western Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15518,, 2025.

Provenance analysis is a critical connection between the sedimentary basin and the orogenic belt. Methods such as petrological analysis of clastic rocks, heavy mineral analysis, geochemical analysis, and isotopic dating methods are all based on core analysis. However, core analysis is expensive and limited in quantity.

Well logging data are easy to obtain and can reflect much information. Moreover, the logging data has longitudinal continuity, which can record the formation properties continuously. A new quantitative method for provenance analysis based on well logging data is proposed. The new method mainly relies on the assumption that terrigenous clastic rocks are the products of weathering, fragmentation, transport, and deposition of the original rocks in the provenance area, and the composition and combination of clastic minerals in the rocks can reflect the characteristics of the source area. Then, different clastic minerals have different physical properties, and logging responses, so clastic rocks from different provenances may have different logging responses. The difference in logging response can be used to analyze the source-sink system.

A case study is introduced. Jiyang Depression of the Bohai Bay Basin is a faulted lake basin in the Paleogene. The northern part of Dongying sag is the Chenjiazhuang uplift, and the western part is the Binxian uplift, both parts are important provenance areas. Sedimentary systems such as near-shore subaqueous fan and fan delta are widely developed in the steep slope zone of the faulted lacustrine basin. The logging and drilling lithology analysis shows that well A has a 50m conglomerate layer in Shahejie Formation. The logging data show that the logging response of the top 30m conglomerate layer is different from that of the bottom 20m conglomerate layer. The core analysis shows that the top conglomerate is dominated by granitic gneiss rock, while the bottom conglomerate is dominated by carbonate rock. two provenance systems are developed in Dongying Sag.

This method can achieve good results on coarse-grained sediments, but this method may be restricted to deposits mainly composed of fine sandstone, silty, and shale. In the future, multiple methods should be combined to improve the result of provenance analysis.

How to cite: Qiu, T.: A new method for provenance analysis in sedimentary basins based on logging data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15816,, 2025.

EGU25-18573 | ECS | Orals | GMPV1.3

Provenance and drainage evolution of the Northern Calabria forearc, southern Italy 

Sarah Feil, Hilmar von Eynatten, David Chew, Jan Schönig, István Dunkl, Luca Caracciolo, and Francesco Muto

Northern Calabria, situated at the southern end of the Italian Peninsula, is geologically complex due to its position at the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates. This complexity arises from significant deformation processes, including thrusting, folding, and extensive faulting associated with the closure of the Tethys Ocean and subsequent collisional and extensional tectonics. Thrusting during the Alpine orogeny resulted in a series of extensive nappe stacking, followed by structural reorganization and exhumation of these stacks during the Oligocene to Miocene, reflecting ongoing tectonic activity. Along the eastern margin of northern Calabria, fore-arc basins developed in response to the retreating subduction zone and evolution of the Calabrian arc. From north to south these are termed Rossano, Ciro, Crotone, and Catanzaro sub-basins. Analysing the stratigraphic record of these basins in terms of provenance shifts and changing drainage patters, will aid in further characterising the main exhumation phase of the northern Calabrian Massif, encompassing the Sila Massif and the Coastal Chain (Catena Costiera).

A multi-proxy provenance study was designed combining heavy mineral analysis (via semi-automated Raman spectroscopy), garnet chemistry (via electron microprobe), and apatite trace element analysis and U-Pb geochronology (both via LA-ICP-MS). A collection of siliciclastic samples spanning ~15 Ma from Aquitanian to Messinian in age from the four pre-mentioned sub-basins were selected for measurement. The results present a wide range of both high grade to low grade metamorphics and granitoids, with strong contrasts present spatially and temporally. A high contribution of high-pressure metamorphic phases like lawsonite, glaucophane, and kyanite was identified in samples from the Rossano basin. Paired with the presence of garnets from greenschist/blueschist-facies rocks and apatite derived from mafic igneous rocks, sourcing is likely from Liguride units currently exposed in northern and western regions of northern Calabria (e.g. Catena Costiera, northern Crati valley). Occurrence of andalusite in the Serravallian/ Tortonian samples of the Ciro and Crotone basins points to sourcing directly from the Sila Massif plutonic rocks and/or its high-temperature metamorphic rims. Furthermore, large proportions of Ca-rich garnets in Crotone, and the oldest sample from Ciro, suggest metasomatic host-rocks also reflect this sourcing pattern. Apatite geochronology from Crotone shows one singular significant peak around 300 Ma, referring to the Variscan orogeny and further underlining a significant input from Sila granitoid rocks. The shift in sediment sourcing patterns from the lower to middle Miocene in the Rossano, Ciro, and Crotone basins indicate the exhumation of the Calabrian arc, along with its subsequent increasing and then decreasing relief, played a pivotal role in controlling the timing and direction of sediment transport.

How to cite: Feil, S., von Eynatten, H., Chew, D., Schönig, J., Dunkl, I., Caracciolo, L., and Muto, F.: Provenance and drainage evolution of the Northern Calabria forearc, southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18573,, 2025.

EGU25-18697 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Tracing Alpine Tethys Closure: Insights from Detrital Rutile Geochronology in the Outer Western Carpathians and Eastern Alps 

Ludwik de Doliwa Zieliński, Jakub Bazarnik, Ellen Kooijman, Karolina Kośmińska, Tomáš Potočný, Stanisław Mazur, and Jarosław Majka

The collision between Europe and Alcapa (a segment of Adria) led to the formation and subsequent erosion of high-pressure rocks in the Carpathian and Alpine arcs. Metamorphic rutile, which forms under relatively high pressures, is a reliable indicator of subduction environment during orogeny. To enhance our understanding of the Alpine Tethys Ocean's closure in the Western Carpathians, U-Pb geochronology was performed on detrital rutile from medium-grained sandstones within the Magura and Silesian Nappes.

Twelve samples were collected along a transect in the Magura Nappe, with an additional three samples from the Silesian Nappe serving as a reference. An additional profile of three samples was collected from the Altengbach-Formation of the Rhenodanubian Flysch in the Greifensteiner-Decke for comparison. From each sandstone, approximately 200 rutile grains were extracted, and about half were selected for detailed analysis. The dated rutile grains exhibit significant variation in age and physical characteristics, indicating multiple source origins.

In the Magura transect the most prominent age peaks align with the Variscan (c. 400–280 Ma) and Alpine (c. 160–90 Ma) tectonic events, both of which are well-represented except oldest dated sample. Notably in the Magura transect, four distinct Alpine maxima were identified in the rutile dataset. Among these, the two dominant peaks at 137–126 Ma and 115–105 Ma appear in most samples. Two additional samples, deposited during the Eocene–Oligocene and the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene, reveal the youngest age peak at 94–90 Ma. A peak at 193–184 Ma is observed in these two samples and in another sandstone dated between the Paleocene and Eocene.

The Silesian samples consistently exhibit a prominent Variscan peak. Only the sample deposited in the Oligocene reflects Alpine tectonic events, with one dominant peak at 95 Ma and two minor peaks at 26 Ma and 180 Ma.

In the Altlengbach-Formation the Alpine peaks appear in the two youngest samples, whereas the Variscan peaks are prominent in all samples. The oldest sample is Lower Cretaceous whhereas the other two are Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene.

For the Carpathian samples, we tentatively propose that key tectonic events include the Jurassic subduction of the Meliata Ocean (~180–155 Ma) and the Cretaceous nappes stacking and exhumation of the Veporic and Gemeric megaunits (140–90 Ma). The widespread presence of Alpine-age rutile in all but the oldest sandstone indicates an open sedimentary pathway from the southern and central Alcapa to a basin located north of the alleged Oravic (Czorsztyn) continental sliver within the Alpine Tethys Ocean. The absence of Alpine ages in the oldest sandstone may reflect either a physical barrier separating the basin from the orogen or the unavailability of rutile-bearing rocks at the surface during that time.

More broadly, we suggest that the synorogenic deposits of the Outer Western Carpathians contain detritus derived from previously subducted, exhumed, and imbricated oceanic and continental crustal domains. Age peaks in the ~180–105 Ma range are probably related to the closure of the Neotethys Ocean (Meliata branch), while the youngest peak at 94–90 Ma possibly corresponds to the subduction of the Alpine Tethys beneath Alcapa.

Research is funded by the NSC, Poland, project no. 2021/43/B/ST10/02312.

How to cite: de Doliwa Zieliński, L., Bazarnik, J., Kooijman, E., Kośmińska, K., Potočný, T., Mazur, S., and Majka, J.: Tracing Alpine Tethys Closure: Insights from Detrital Rutile Geochronology in the Outer Western Carpathians and Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18697,, 2025.

EGU25-18786 | ECS | Orals | GMPV1.3

Detrital zircons in modern African rivers: does the Sink truly reflect the Source? 

Guido Pastore, Eduardo Garzanti, Pieter Vermeesch, Alberto Resentini, and Giovanni Vezzoli

Detrital zircon geochronology is becoming increasingly popular in provenance studies relying on the growing availability of accurate techniques and extensive datasets. This large amount of data is currently employed in ancient settings to describe source-to-sink scenarios deriving tectonic and (eventually) climatic implications. The study of modern sediments of African river systems offers the opportunity to observe how the zircon signal is propagated along these vast sediment highways and how the mere interpretation the zircon signal in the deep sea may lead to a significant misfit of interpretations in the source-to-sink system.
One of the factors linking major river systems is the highly segmented nature of sediment transport. Even though this phenomenon is currently enhanced by effect of dams, geomorphic barriers prove to be highly effective. In Niger River, for example, the exclusively Archean-Paleoproterozoic age signal from Leo-Man Shield in Guinea is unable to cross the natural barrier of sand dunes of the Inner Delta. Similarly, old zircons characterising the sands of the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile sink in Lake Victoria and the Sudd marshes. The recent evolution of the Zambezi River demonstrates that zircon geochronology alone is insufficient for depicting the routing system. Paired observations of bulk petrography, elemental, and isotope geochemistry effectively reveals that provenance signals are extremely segment along the river course.
Undoubtedly, the high durability of zircon through sedimentary cycles is effective in indicating the major episodes of crustal growth at continental scale. However, it simultaneously highlights the pitfall of not considering recycling as one of the main features for zircon provenance. In the Orange River, the Pan-African age cluster is dominant from the headwaters all the way to the mouth and transported by ocean currents as far as Angola. This occurs even though the Pan-African basement is only minimally exposed in the catchment, whereas zircon signal is stored in the Karoo Supergroup sandstones.

How to cite: Pastore, G., Garzanti, E., Vermeesch, P., Resentini, A., and Vezzoli, G.: Detrital zircons in modern African rivers: does the Sink truly reflect the Source?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18786,, 2025.

EGU25-20283 | Posters on site | GMPV1.3

Early Triassic Legoupil Formation in Schmidt Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula 

Yingchun Cui and Xuejiao Wang

The metasedimentary Legoupil Formation, located at Cape Legoupil and the Schmidt Peninsula, antarctica could give a hint for the tectonic evolution of Antarctic Peninsula. In this contribution, we constrain the sedimentary provenance of the Legoupil Formation through geochemistry and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology. The petrography and geochemical features indicate that the provenance of the Legoupil Formation could be felsic rocks. Detrital zircon grains record a steady supply of Permian and Ordovician material into the Legoupil Formation. The youngest concordant zircon ages of 262 Ma suggest that the depositional time of Legoupil Formation is no older than Late Permian. The detrital zircon age spectrum of Legoupil Formation suggests that the Legoupil Formation sediments should be derived from regional sources endemic to western Gondwana prior to its breakup.

How to cite: Cui, Y. and Wang, X.: Early Triassic Legoupil Formation in Schmidt Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20283,, 2025.

Purpose: The Bonan Sag is located in the Bohai Bay Basin in eastern China, where the chlorite content is high in the lower part of the fourth member of the Shahejie Formation. In this paper, the genesis of chlorite in the study area was analyzed by means of casting thin section observation, scanning electron microscope, EPMA and LA-ICP-MS, and its influence on reservoir was discussed.

Experimental samples and analysis methods: In this paper, several samples of Well H1 and Well H2 in the lower part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in Bonan sag are selected. Firstly, the morphology and size of chlorite in the sample were observed and described in detail by casting thin sections and scanning electron microscopy. Then, the thin sections were polished, and the different forms of chlorite were subjected to electron probe and laser ablation with the assistance of scanning electron microscopy. The elemental composition of chlorite was measured and analyzed.

Result: Well H1 is mostly coated chlorite, attached to the edge of the particles, inhibiting the secondary enlargement and cementation of quartz and other particles, which is conducive to pore development. The H2 well is mostly rose-like chlorite, which is mainly filled in the middle of the pores, plugging the pores and reducing the porosity and permeability of the reservoir.

The Fe/(Fe + Mg) values of chlorite are generally 0.3-0.7, but they can be clearly divided into two categories: one category has an average value of 0.37, which is significantly smaller than the standard chlorite, and most of them are coated chlorite (relatively rich in Si); the average value of the other type is 0.66, which is significantly larger than that of the standard chlorite, often showing a rose-like (relatively rich in Fe).

Conclusion: The content of quartz and feldspar in well H1 is high, which is coated chlorite rich in Si. It is formed by the dissolution of feldspar and quartz during diagenesis, which has a positive effect on reservoir physical properties. The content of magmatic rock debris and metamorphic rock debris in well H2 is higher, which is Fe-rich in rose chlorite. It is formed by the alteration of magmatic rock and metamorphic rock debris during diagenesis, which has a negative effect on reservoir physical properties.

Keywords: Bonan Sag; Tight sandstone; Reservoir; Chlorite genesis;


How to cite: Zhang, H., Liu, G., Liu, K., Chen, J., and Wang, S.: The genesis of chlorite in tight sandstone reservoirs and its influence on reservoir properties: A case study of the lower fourth member of Shahejie Formation in Bonan Sag, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-25,, 2025.

Focusing on the shale oil reservoirs of the second member of the Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Sag, eastern China, this study explores the origin and distribution of analcime, aligns the fluid evolution stage with different analcime types, and constructs a new micron-scale water-rock reaction sequence. The study identifies six types of analcime based on occurrence characteristics (occurring as laminae, lens, fracture filling, bioshell filling, vein marginal crystal and cement). The above six types of analcime is further classified into hydrothermal fluid origin analcime (HFOA: include analcime cement, vein marginal crystal, lens, fracture filling and bioshell filling) and connate fluid origin analcime (CFOA: analcime laminae) based on major elemental indicators (Si/Al and 10K/(10K + Na)). HFOA has lower ∑REE (rare earth element) and strong positive correlation between ∑REE and LILEs (large ionic lithophilic elements); while CFOA has higher ∑REE and weak positive correlation between ∑REE and LILEs. Different analcime types correlate with varying fluid properties and transport stages. HFOA forms during magmatic hydrothermal fluid (MHF) upwelling. After the MHF entering and mixing with the lake water, thermal repulsions between the crystal particles made it move to form fine grained sedimentary layer, the connate fluid trapped in pores directly precipitate to form CFOA, or form CFOA by modifying clay minerals and feldspars. Through this study, we systematically analyzed the fluid evolution and activity characteristics of the faulted lake basin by using analcime distributed in micron-scale laminae and fractures, hoping to provide new perspectives for the study of diagenetic processes in sedimentary basins.

How to cite: Wang, J., Liang, C., Cao, Y., and Liu, K.: Fluid evolution and tracing at micron-scale of shales in faulted lake basin: A new perspective based on analcime, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-189,, 2025.

Late Archean Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) serve as exceptional reservoirs of primordial aquatic precipitates, offering a valuable window into the ancient ocean water chemistry and biogeochemical cycles that operated prior to the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) around 2.4 Ga. It is generally believed that the primordial mineralogy of these BIFs was dramatically modified to Fe-oxides (magnetite and/or hematite) during subsequent hydrothermal and metamorphic episodes. While the earlier consensus does not clearly support an authigenic to early diagenetic origin for magnetite, some experimental studies suggest its stability within microbially influenced primary authigenic to early diagenetic environments. Despite being affected by several post-diagenetic alteration events, the central part of the Chitradurga Schist Belt (CSB) in the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC), particularly around the Chitradurga district, adequately preserves a wide array of primary mineral assemblages, with locally developed dispersed magnetite grains. Detailed petrographic observations supported by SEM-EDS analysis of the cherty Banded Iron Formation (BIF), stratigraphically positioned atop the shallow-water unstable shelf association of the Vanivilas Formation within the Chitradurga Group (3.0–2.6 Ga), offer a valuable opportunity to investigate the origin of these magnetite grains, their association with primary mineral assemblages, and their diagenetic modifications.

The primary mineral assemblages are present as submicron-scale lump-like structures (10–50 µm) embedded within silica (SiO₂) matrix, intervened by a network of silica-filled shrinkage cracks. Based on mineralogy and texture, three microfacies have been identified: a) silicate-carbonate-phosphate-bearing green lumpy microfacies (greenalite + siderite + apatite ± magnetite), b) silicate-oxide-bearing red lumpy microfacies (greenalite + hematite ± siderite), and c) silicate-sulphide-bearing black lumpy microfacies (greenalite + pyrite). Magnetite occasionally appears as a primary lump-forming mineral in the first microfacies, whereas in the second variety, it develops along the periphery of associated Fe³⁺-bearing mineral phases. The coexistence of euhedral-shaped, submicron-sized magnetite (1–5 µm) within these primary lumps, along with greenalite, suggests their origin through the reduction of a primary Fe³⁺-bearing oxy-hydroxide phase, formed in near-surface `oases' of O₂-rich seawater through cyanobacterial oxidation of hydrothermally sourced Fe²⁺. The reduction of this Fe³⁺-bearing oxy-hydroxide phase to form a metastable Fe²⁺-bearing hydrous green clay (greenalite) and more stable magnetite can occur either during settling through the water column or during authigenic to early diagenetic stages via dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) at the sediment-water interface.

The possibility of DIR is further supported by textural evidence within silicate-oxide-bearing microfacies, where subhedral to anhedral magnetite is present along the periphery of these Fe³⁺-bearing lumps. The presence of Fe³⁺-bearing phases in the core reflects the signature of an incomplete reaction involving Fe³⁺ oxy-hydroxides and organic matter to form magnetite. Our findings reevaluate the debate over the origin of magnetite in Late Archean BIFs, suggesting that magnetite can form within biologically influenced microenvironments, even during authigenesis and/or early diagenetic stages.

How to cite: Bose, S., Sen, A., Samanta, P., and Mukhopadhyay, S.: Possible origin of authigenic to early diagenetic magnetite through ‘Dissimilatory Iron Reduction’ (DIR) within Late Archean Banded Iron Formation from Chitradurga Schist Belt (CSB), Western Dharwar Craton (WDC), India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-671,, 2025.

EGU25-682 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.4

Role of syn-sedimentary biogenic and epigenetic hydrothermal uranium enrichment in the formation of sediment-hosted uranium mineralization: evidence from the Neoproterozoic Badami Group, Southern India 

Arunava Sen, Dipak C. Pal, Pradip Samanta, Eva E. Stüeken, Soumyadeep Bose, Nipun Ghosh, and Soumik Mukhopadhyay

This study investigates sedimentary and hydrothermal uranium (U) mineralization in the Neoproterozoic Cave-Temple Arenite Member of the Kerur Formation, Badami Group, Karnataka, within the South Indian Shield (SIS). The studied succession comprises three fluvio-alluvial depositional cycles, with the middle cycle recording evidence of marine sedimentation. Uranium enrichment occurs across the fluvial sediments of the 1st and 2nd cycles, as well as the marine sediments of the 2nd cycle. The higher grade of mineralization, however, is restricted to the lowermost fluvio-alluvial segment of the 1st cycle, where significant hydrothermal enrichment is evident.

Three distinct modes of U-mineralization have been identified. The first one (the primary mode) represents syn-depositional, microbially induced sedimentary uranium accumulation within organic matter (OM)-rich clay laminae of marine shales, siltstones, and fine sandstones of the 2nd cycle. This mode is characterized by microcrystalline uranium-(calcium)-phosphosilicate (UPS) phases, often intermingled with uranium titanates, and is associated with microcrystalline sedimentary pyrites, often clustered as framboidal aggregates, and kerogenous OM. Provenance analyses and petrography of U-bearing sedimentary rocks suggest U-sourcing from the Archean-Palaeoproterozoic granitic and felsic basement rock suites of the Dharwar Craton. A positive correlation (r = +0.8, ρ < 0.01; n = 26) is observed between bulk rock OM content (TOC%) and uranium enrichment in the primary mode. Micro-RAMAN spectroscopy confirms the association of UPS phases and sedimentary pyrites with OM-rich matrices and clay-rich organic laminae, while the carbon and sulfur isotopic analyses of the bulk reinforce the biogenicity of the host sediment. The enrichment of redox-sensitive trace elements like V, Mo, Cu, Co, Ni, and As within the clay- and OM-rich sedimentary rocks further indicates the presence of active redox cycling along with biogeochemical and paleoproductivity processes during the syn-to-meta-depositional phases.

The remaining two modes correspond to secondary, post-depositional hydrothermal uranium enrichment within the fluvial sandstones of the 1st cycle and the fluvio-marine sedimentary rocks of the 2nd cycle. These modes manifest as uranium phosphosilicate and uranium silicate phases, associated with hydrothermal pyrites in fractures, micro-veinlets, or intergranular patches. Unlike the primary, syn-sedimentary mode, the hydrothermal mineralization does not show any distinct correlation between uranium concentration and TOC%. Isocon mass balance further suggests that uranium, iron, and high field strength elements (HFSEs) were mobilized from these sediments hosting the primary mode, likely facilitated by organometallic ligands, such as siderophores associated with OM, during the epigenetic hydrothermal process under oxygenated hydrothermal conditions. Mobilized uranium was subsequently trapped by pyrites in hydrothermal fractures, forming the secondary modes of U-mineralization.

This dual mechanism highlights an initial microbially mediated, OM-induced uranium accumulation, acting as a vast, low-grade source for later hydrothermal remobilization and enrichment. The findings emphasize the interplay of depositional environments, microbial activity, and hydrothermal remobilization of biogenic accumulation in uranium mineralization, with implications for sediment-hosted uranium exploration.

How to cite: Sen, A., Pal, D. C., Samanta, P., Stüeken, E. E., Bose, S., Ghosh, N., and Mukhopadhyay, S.: Role of syn-sedimentary biogenic and epigenetic hydrothermal uranium enrichment in the formation of sediment-hosted uranium mineralization: evidence from the Neoproterozoic Badami Group, Southern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-682,, 2025.

The Proterozoic millimeter-sized ministromatolites have been recognized for their potential biological origin, yet concrete biotic proof has been elusive, which has sparked debates about their possible chemical origins. Recently, unique ministromatolites were identified in a microbial dolostone layer within the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation at Lingyuan in Northern China. Examination of thin sections of these ministromatolites has uncovered a wealth of coccoidal microfossils, measuring 10 to 30 micrometers in size. Petrofabric analysis indicates that these ministromatolites underwent three episodes of diagenetic silicification, with the microfossils being exclusively preserved in early diagenetic chert. This finding supports the hypothesis that silicification occurring concurrently with mat development is crucial for the exceptional preservation of microfossils, which suggests that the scarcity of microfossils in most Precambrian carbonate stromatolites may be attributed to the absence of hydrochemical conditions conducive to early silicification. While chemically-formed fibrous carbonate minerals predominate in these ministromatolites, the abundance of microfossils suggests that the contribution of microorganisms to the formation of ministromatolites was previously underestimated. Consequently, this study proposes that Mesoproterozoic ministromatolites are not merely chemical byproducts but rather intricate mixtures of both biological and chemical components.

How to cite: Wang, T. and Xiong, W.: Fossil evidence provides new insights into the origin of the Mesoproterozoic ministromatolites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-845,, 2025.

EGU25-1153 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.4

Dolomite Crystal Morphology as an Effective Indicator of Microbial Origins: Evidence from Experimental Simulations and Sedimentary Records 

Yanyang Zhao, Zuozhen Han, Chao Han, Zhaopeng Wang, and Xiao Gao

Dolomite formation remains one of the most intriguing puzzles in sedimentary geology, often referred to as the “dolomite problem” . Growing evidence suggests that microbial mediation plays a critical role in overcoming kinetic barriers to dolomite precipitation. This study explores the potential of dolomite crystal morphology as a diagnostic tool for identifying microbial contributions, integrating findings from laboratory simulations and sedimentary records.

Controlled experiments reveal that microbial processes produce distinct proto-dolomite crystal morphologies under varying environmental conditions. Cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya boryana induces proto-dolomite precipitation in brackish water, forming characteristic “double-spherical” crystals with hollow interiors and organic inclusions. In contrast, the halophilic bacterium Vibrio harveyi promotes the formation of single-spherical proto-dolomite crystals with unique "pinhole" features on their surfaces, indicative of microbial residue. These results highlight the species-specific influence of microbes on crystal morphology and the critical role of environmental conditions such as Mg/Ca ratios in shaping these mineralization pathways. Sedimentary dolomites from the SG-1 borehole in the Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) predominantly exhibit single-spherical morphologies with surface pinholes, closely resembling those produced by Vibrio harveyi in the laboratory. Although cyanobacterial fossils are present in the sediments, the observed dolomite features strongly suggest that halophilic bacteria were the primary mediators of dolomite precipitation in this system.

This study demonstrates that dolomite crystal morphology can serve as a proxy for microbial mediation in carbonate systems. By integrating experimental and sedimentary evidence, these findings advance our understanding of biogenic dolomite genesis and provide insights into reconstructing paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical conditions.


How to cite: Zhao, Y., Han, Z., Han, C., Wang, Z., and Gao, X.: Dolomite Crystal Morphology as an Effective Indicator of Microbial Origins: Evidence from Experimental Simulations and Sedimentary Records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1153,, 2025.

EGU25-2823 | Orals | SSP3.4

Characterization and genesis of authigenic calcite in multiple diagenetic stages of shales 

Yuegang Wang, Yingchang Cao, Junran Wang, and Chao Liang

  Authigenic calcite abundantly forms during various diagenesis stages of shales. It meticulously records information on diagenetic fluid (organic/inorganic) migration and fluid-rock interactions, is important for understanding the burial diagenetic evolution, tectonic history, burial history, hydrocarbon generation and accumulation in sedimentary basins. During early burial diagenesis, the sulfate-methane transition zone maintains high porewater alkalinity through anaerobic oxidation of methane, promoting calcite nodule formation. Upon entering the hydrocarbon generation window, periodic opening and closing of fractures occur at lamina interfaces due to overpressure from hydrocarbon phase transitions and crystallization forces. In these fractures, calcite solubility decreases with fluid pressure reduction, leading to fibrous vein precipitation under strong overpressure conditions and bladed or equant crystal formation under weak overpressure conditions. Recrystallization processes controlled by the Ostwald mechanism. Additionally, authigenic calcite preserves characteristics reflecting multiple sources and distinct evolution stages, resulting in notable isotope fractionation features, the carbon isotope features represent cumulative results of various processes. Utilizing physical and numerical simulations based on burial conditions aids in analyzing authigenic calcite genesis and reconstructing the diagenetic environment in which it formed.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Cao, Y., Wang, J., and Liang, C.: Characterization and genesis of authigenic calcite in multiple diagenetic stages of shales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2823,, 2025.

EGU25-3102 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.4

Chitin detected in 1.0 Ga old acritarch-like fossils from Lakhanda Lagerstätte and its implication for skeleton biomineralization 

Neha Mehta, Andrey Bekker, Jehan Waeytens, Victor Podkovyrov, Louise Conrad, Kitty Baert, and Steeve Bonneville

The co-evolution of life and minerals has profoundly shaped Earth's biological and geological history, with skeletal biomineralization emerging in eukaryotes over 800 Ma. Chitin, a key organic scaffold in modern biomineralization, was previously identified in fossils as old as the Cambrian (~505 Ma). Here, we extend this record by demonstrating the presence of fossilized chitin in 1-Ga acritarch-like fossils from the Lakhanda Lagerstätte, Siberia. These large spherical fossils (100–200 µm) align with the characteristics of acritarchs, organic-walled microfossils interpreted as cysts of planktonic protists. Spectroscopic analyses using nano-infrared spectroscopy of acritarch-like fossils showed molecular features diagnostic of chitin, including amide I and II bands and polysaccharide-related bands. These findings push back the timeline for chitin utilization in protists by 500 Ma, demonstrating its role in early biomineralization processes. This discovery highlights the significance of chitin in early protist evolution and its role in shaping biomineralization pathways. It also underscores the potential of advanced spectroscopy techniques to reveal the chemical and biological signatures of ancient life with unprecedented precision.

How to cite: Mehta, N., Bekker, A., Waeytens, J., Podkovyrov, V., Conrad, L., Baert, K., and Bonneville, S.: Chitin detected in 1.0 Ga old acritarch-like fossils from Lakhanda Lagerstätte and its implication for skeleton biomineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3102,, 2025.

EGU25-3153 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.4

Geochemical and Petrographic characterization of dolomitized carbonates in Kawagarh Formation, Northern Pakistan  

Saif Ur Rehman, Muhammad Jawad Munawar, and Naveed Ahsan

Late Cretaceous Kawagarh Formation, from Hazara Basin of northern Pakistan, exhibit extensive diagenesis including dolomitization, which significantly impacts its reservoir potential. In this study we investigated the processes that drove dolomitization in Kawagarh Formation through integration of petrographic analysis and carbon-oxygen isotope geochemistry. Thin sections optical microscopy revealed various dolomite textures, including planar-euhedral and non-planar-anhedral crystals, as well as evidence of recrystallization and porosity enhancement. Multiple textural indicated the multiple phases of dolomitization associated with variable diagenetic conditions.

Carbon (δ¹³C ) and oxygen (δ¹⁸O) isotope analysis of dolomite showed the distinct geochemical signatures indicative of dolomitizing fluid sources. These isotopes suggested a mixed origin, involving marine and meteoric fluids, with potential contributions from hypersaline brines during burial diagenesis. The spatial and isotopic variability suggested that dolomitization was influenced by tectonic activity and stratigraphic controls, which resulted in highly heterogeneous in porosity and permeability.

The findings from this study provided new insights into the diagenetic history of the Kawagarh Formation and enriched our conception of dolomitization mechanisms in analogous settings. The study highlighted the critical role of integrated petrographic and isotopic approaches in unraveling complex diagenetic processes, with implications for reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Rehman, S. U., Munawar, M. J., and Ahsan, N.: Geochemical and Petrographic characterization of dolomitized carbonates in Kawagarh Formation, Northern Pakistan , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3153,, 2025.

The reconstruction of the burial depth experienced by sedimentary successions before their uplift is crucial for various geological applications, such as thermal history analysis, subsidence reconstruction in sedimentary basins, reservoir quality prediction and, more in general, the tectonic evolution of fold-and-thrust belts. A commonly used method for addressing this problem in clastic sequences is low-temperature thermochronology (LTT), including techniques such as (U-Th)/He and fission-track analysis (AFT) on apatite grains, or organic matter maturity indices. However, these methods have two main limitations: 1) they are T-dependent, requiring knowledge or, more commonly, assumptions about the geothermal gradient for the studied sedimentary sequence over the considered time span, which can be challenging for deep-time analysis; and 2) these techniques are most effective at temperature higher than 60°-80° for (U-Th)/He and 120° for AFT. This means that for regions with a normal geothermal gradient of 30°C/km or lower (e.g., foreland basins), low-T thermochronology is less reliable for determining burial depth of less than 2-4 km experienced by rocks before exhumation.

In this contribution we aim to address these limitations by filling the “blind window” of LTT and avoiding uncertainties related to the past geothermal gradient. We do this by using the degree of compaction in sand-sized clastic rocks (COPL-CEPL indexes analysis) as a proxy to estimate the minimum burial depth experienced by exhumed clastic sequences. We apply a compaction-driven approach coupled with diagenetic modelling to estimate the burial depth of clastic units exposed in the eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) which occupies an episutural position on the tectonic junction between the Alps and the Northern Apennines collisional belts. Due to its complex tectonic setting, the studied sedimentary succession has undergone a largely unknown post-depositional history, making it possible to test several regional burial/exhumation scenarios for the Eocene-lower Miocene sequence. Our results suggests that the eastern part of the TPB underwent to more burial than previously expected; this implies that it continued to subside and accumulate sediment until the end of the Miocene, with uplift and erosion likely beginning at the end of Miocene due to the combined effects of Northern Apennines contractional tectonic phase and the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Overall, this case of study demonstrates that the quantitative study of the degree of compaction coupled with diagenetic modelling can be a reliable tool for maximum burial reconstruction in the depth-temperature window where current low-T thermochronological methods hardly work.

How to cite: Stendardi, F., Tamburelli, S., and Di Giulio, A.: Reconstructing the burial history of uplifted clastic sequences using compactional indices and diagenetic modeling (a northern Italy case of study) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3679,, 2025.

EGU25-4473 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

Leaching of Legacy Paper mill Sludge promotes Lithification through cementation of fluvial sediments 

Md Jahangir Alam and John M. MacDonald

This study explores the formation of anthropogenic conglomeratic rock caused by the lithification of fluvial sediment through calcium leaching from historical paper mill sludge (PMS) deposits near Penicuik, Scotland. Calcium-rich waste generated by historic paper mill activities accumulated along the stream bank, resulting in localized cementation of sediment. Field observations identified lithified stream bed deposits beneath the PMS heaps, where natural sedimentary clasts were bound by calcium carbonate (CaCO₃). Microstructural analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) revealed that the cementing material is predominantly calcite. This was further corroborated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), confirming a calcite-rich mineralogical composition. Stable isotope analysis (δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O) suggested a mixed carbon source, with approximately 40% derived from atmospheric CO₂ and 60% from lithogenic origins, highlighting complex geochemical processes. The results demonstrate that calcium ions (Ca²⁺) leached from PMS dissolved into pore water, subsequently migrating into adjacent fluvial sediments. This facilitated the precipitation of calcite, binding sediment grains into a cohesive structure and forming an anthropogenic conglomerate. This process mimics natural lithification mechanisms but occurs at the Earth's surface over significantly shorter timescales, bridging natural and anthropogenic geological systems. This anthropogenic lithification challenges conventional sedimentary rock classifications and has broader implications for waste management, pollutant immobilization, and carbon sequestration. By illustrating the interaction of industrial waste with natural sedimentary environments, the study emphasizes human influence on geological processes and provides insights into the evolving role of industrial byproducts in shaping modern sedimentary systems.

How to cite: Alam, M. J. and MacDonald, J. M.: Leaching of Legacy Paper mill Sludge promotes Lithification through cementation of fluvial sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4473,, 2025.

EGU25-4528 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

The impact of fault-controlled hydrothermal silicification on the petrophysical properties of sandstones: insights from the Kornos-Aghios Ioannis Normal Fault (Lemnos Island, Greece) 

Luigi Berio, Fabrizio Balsamo, Fabrizio Storti, Francisco Hilario Bezerra, Marcio Fernando Brito, and Marcos Allyson Felipe Rodrigues

Circulation of silica-bearing hydrothermal fluids along faults affects petrophysical and mechanical properties of fault-related rocks by modifying their texture and mineralogy, with strong implications on geofluid storage and seismicity in the shallow crust. However, in the subsurface, it is extremely difficult to predict the geometry of silicified rock volumes along and around fault zones as well as their petrophysical properties and, therefore, outcrop analogues can provide important insights. The Kornos-Aghios Ioannis Fault (KAIF) on Lemnos Island (Greece) is a silicified extensional fault system active at shallow depth (<1 km) that is well exposed over 10 km length and juxtaposes volcanic rocks against turbidite sandstones. In this study, we investigate the distribution, petrophysics and mineralogy of silicified rocks along two across-fault transects through a multi-analytical approach that combines data from X-ray diffraction analysis, Hg-intrusion porosimeter, digital image analysis, X-ray micro-computed tomography and unsteady-state gas permeameter. The permeability of silicified fault cores (i.e. breccias, cataclasites, ultracataclasites), characterized by quartz contents >70 wt. %, decayed of 3 orders of magnitude (from 100 to 10-3 mD) with respect to pristine host rocks as pore space was occluded by silica cements. In fault damage zones, porosity of massively silicified sandstones strongly varies in the range 2-13% because of the presence of dissolution intragranular and intercrystalline pores whose formation is strongly controlled by the mineralogy (i.e. microcrystalline silica, sulphides and feldspars are preferentially dissolved). However, permeability of these massively silicified rocks remains low (<0.01 mD), regardless of their porosity, due to the low connectivity of the pore network. In the silicified volume characterized by reduced permeability, that extends 100’s of meters from the master fault plane being locally greater than the damage zone, the permeability drop produced by cementation is partially counterbalanced by higher fracture density and connectivity because of increased rock brittleness (UCS increases up to 30% compared to pristine host rocks). Moreover, all the samples analyzed show that porosity values are sensitive to pressure and strongly decrease with increasing confining pressure (up to 17 MPa). Our results show that hydrothermal silicification along faults may strongly degrade the reservoir quality in the surrounding area (100’s of meters from the master fault plane) where its effect is only locally counterbalanced by an excess permeability produced by dissolution, fractures and subsidiary faults. However, the intensity and extension of silicification are heterogeneous along-fault strike and fault segments not affected by hydrothermal silicification can interrupt the along-strike continuity of low-permeability silicified fault rocks.

How to cite: Berio, L., Balsamo, F., Storti, F., Bezerra, F. H., Brito, M. F., and Rodrigues, M. A. F.: The impact of fault-controlled hydrothermal silicification on the petrophysical properties of sandstones: insights from the Kornos-Aghios Ioannis Normal Fault (Lemnos Island, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4528,, 2025.

Carbonates are ubiquitous in Earth surface systems, such as sediments and cements. Contents of minor cations in carbonates can be considered as proxies of environment of formation involving stages of nucleation, growth and transformation. Thermodynamic models of carbonate solid solutions can help with this, also setting reference levels for kinetics and for interpreting the measurable variations of their composition (Rd values of metals) in time (growth rate) and in space (zoning). This message is illustrated on a few topics from my past studies facilitated by GEMS codes (

Authigenic rhodochrosites in anoxic sediments of Baltic Sea deeps [1]. A (Mn, Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Fe)CO3 solid solution model was refined using the sediment profiles data and Gibbs Energy Minimization (GEM) “dual thermodynamic” (DualTG) approach to estimate all binary regular interaction parameters, consistent with the  predictions in (Lippmann 1980). In the underlying thermodynamic model, porewater pH, pe, alkalinity, dissolved Mn, Fe, and S levels were controlled by equilibrium with rhodochrosite-mackinawite-greigite mineral buffer. The model matched well the observed porewater- and carbonate composition, predicting its non-linear response to variations in Mn loading, alkalinity and salinity of the sediment-porewater system.

EuIII coprecipitation in calcite under widely different conditions (Rd datasets for high pCO2; normal seawater; high-pH solutions) [2]. No binary solid solution with any of seven EuIII endmember candidates could reproduce all three datasets. This was only possible with a ternary EuH(CO3)2 – EuO(OH) – CaCO3 ideal solid solution constructed with DualTG approach, and consistent with TRLFS data.

Sr in calcite and Ca in strontianite [3]. (Ca,Sr)CO3 solid solution system with non-isostructural endmembers was investigated in a stepwise approach from atomistic to thermodynamic modelling. Binary solid solution phases with calcite- or aragonite structure have nearly symmetric moderate non-ideality. However, calculations of equilibria including both phases resulted in strongly asymmetric ‘‘miscibility gap” with ~0.3% Sr in calcite and ~3.0% Ca in strontianite. The same picture was obtained using a DQF binary solid solution model in GEM calculations of Lippmann diagrams.

Growth rate dependence of uptake of divalent ions (Rd) in calcite [4]. These facts cannot be explained by equilibrium aqueous – solid solution partitioning, and need to consider intricate relations between speciation, particle growth, adsorption, surface entrapment, and solid solution formation. Two existing Growth Surface Entrapment- (Watson 2004) and Surface Reaction Kinetics (DePaolo 2011) models could be merged into a simple Unified Uptake Kinetics equation implemented and used in GEMS.

These studies benefited from DualTG calculations that use capabilities of GEM to compute chemical potentials of elements in (meta)stable systems [5]. Aspects of DualTG “streamlining” to obtain saturation index SI of solid solutions are discussed.


[1] Kulik D.A., Kersten M., Heiser, U., Neumann T. (2000): Aquat. Geochem. 6, 147-199.

[2] Curti E., Kulik D.A., Tits J. (2005): Geoch. Cosmoch. Acta 69, 1721-1737.

[3] Kulik D.A., Vinograd V.L., Paulsen N., Winkler B. (2010): Phys. Chem. Earth 35, 217-232.

[4] Thien B.M.J., Kulik D.A., Curti E. (2014): Appl. Geochem. 41, 135-150.

[5] Kulik D.A. (2006): Chem. Geol. 225, 189 – 212.


How to cite: Kulik, D.: Carbonates as (meta)stable solid solutions: Thermodynamic and kinetic insights , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6064,, 2025.

Jurassic Shaximiao Formation is an important tight gas reservoir in southwest Sichuan. In this study, thin section identification, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Cathodolumines- cence(CL), electron probe analysis, fluid inclusions and isotopic analysis were used to investigate the characteristics of the reservoir and the influence of diagenesis on the reservoir. And the following research results are obtained.First, the reservoir rock types of Shaximiao Formation in this area are primarily feldspathic sandstone and lithic feldspathic sandstone and secondarily lithic sandstone and feldspathic lithic sandstone. Second, the reservoir performance of feldspathic sandstones is much better than that of lithic sandstones. Feldspathic sandstones are mainly vertically distributed in the first and second sub-members of the second Member of Shaximiao Formation and laterally the most developed in the eastern area.Third, the reservoir Spaces in southwest Sichuan are mainly primary intergranular pores and secondary intergranular pores. Compaction plays a dominant role in the reduction of porosity, and due to the protective effect of chlorite coating, the porosity in southwest Sichuan is reduced by 23.45%. Cementation played a secondary role in the reduction of porosity, which reduced the porosity of southwest Sichuan by 12.4% respectively. On the contrary, dissolution plays a positive role in the increase of porosity, which increases the porosity of southwest Sichuan by 4.52%.In conclusion, Compaction and cementation lead to reservoir densification in Shaximiaoformation. Chlorite cementation protects the primary porosity to a certain extent, and dissolution is the main factor to increase the porosity.

How to cite: Li, J. and Qiu, L.: The influence of sandstone diagenesis on reservoir of Shaximiao Formation in southwest Sichuan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6530,, 2025.

EGU25-6901 | Posters on site | SSP3.4

 Ostwald’s step rule: rule of thumb or strict physical law? 

Patrick Meister

In his 1897 article, Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald wrote that “during departure from any state, and the transition to a more stable one, not the under given circumstances most stable state is reached, but the nearest one“. The word “nearest” essentially gave rise to the widespread interpretation that during a phase transition not the thermodynamically most stable but a metastable phase forms first, which is usually referred to as Ostwald’s step rule. It is considered a general rule rather than strict physical law, although its precise physical basis seems not fully understood on a mechanistic level, despite its potential importance for mineral formation under Earth’s surface conditions.

While Ostwald’s step rule is commonly explained through the classical nucleation theory, there are several inconsistencies that are not explained by this theory. One is that a transition to the stable phase cannot be forced by strongly increasing the driving force (supersaturation), and also adding seed crystals may not help. This conundrum particularly applies to the two most abundant minerals in Earth’s sedimentary record, dolomite and quartz (Meister et al., 2014), which are observed not to precipitate directly from aqueous solution as long as the solution remains supersaturated with respect to one of their metastable polymorphs.

Here, an alternative concept is proposed that would be consistent with Ostwald’s (1897) original formulation and with several observations from natural environments and laboratory experiments. The difference lies in the translation of the word “nearest”, not in a thermodynamic sense as “having a similar Gibbs energy”, but kinetically as “having the smallest energy barrier”. In the latter case, Ostwald’s step rule would become an actual physical law, equivalent to the Arrhenius law. This goes along with the concept that not the thermodynamic barrier of nucleation but some kinetic barrier, not affected by supersaturation, is responsible for the efficient inhibition of the phase. Inhibition (giving rise to Ostwald’s step rule) would then not be a matter of nucleation but of growth.

Meister et al. (2014) Early diagenetic quartz formation at a deep iron oxidation front in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific. GCA 137, 188–207.


How to cite: Meister, P.:  Ostwald’s step rule: rule of thumb or strict physical law?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6901,, 2025.

Two areas in Sweden are currently being investigated by the Swedish geological survey as possible sites for geological storage of CO2. One of them is in the Baltic Basin south of Gotland, where Cambrian sandstone from the Faludden Member (Borgholm Formation) has been recognized as a suitable storage reservoir. The Faludden reservoir is a well-sorted, fine- and medium-grained quartz arenite with high porosity and permeability. Here, we report new results obtained from scanning electron microscope analyses of the secondary mineralogy of the Faludden sandstone and implications for its CO2 storage potential. Our study shows that there are several phases of secondary mineralization in the sandstone, which to a varying degree affects the interaction with injection and storage of CO2. The results provide information on the diagenetic history of the reservoir and assessment of depth-related P-T mineralizations. The most common secondary mineralization is a patchy carbonate cement. The patches, embedding several detrital grains, are round to irregular with individual diameters of up to 5 mm. The carbonate is mostly dolomite with microscale variations towards more Mn- and Fe-rich compositions. Calcite is also present, especially in connection to occasional microfractures. In general, patchy cementation is favorable for CO2 storage since it can prevent compaction, while still allowing a relatively high porosity and permeability. Quartz cement in the Faludden sandstone is limited to scattered occurrences of fringed overgrowths at the edges of detrital quartz grains. However, we observe that the amount of secondary quartz is increasing with depth in the Baltic Basin. Subcropping lower Cambrian sandstone beds, such as the När and Viklau sandstone members are often more or less completely cemented with quartz. Thus, the process of secondary quartz mineralization is an important factor to consider when assessing the optimal depth range for CO2 storage in the basin. Other secondary minerals in the Faludden sandstone include pyrite, apatite, iron(titanium)oxides and small amounts of clay minerals (illite and kaolinite). In some samples there is evidence of dissolution of both quartz cement and dolomite, introducing a secondary microporosity. This study confirms that the sandstone from the Faludden Member is a suitable reservoir rock for CO2 storage. A thorough understanding of geological processes, including reservoir diagenesis, is essential for predicting the physiochemical interactions between the injected CO2 and the reservoir rock.

How to cite: Lindgren, P., Erlström, M., and Lindström, S.: Impact of diagenesis on the suitability of reservoir rocks for CO2 storage - Examples from a Cambrian sandstone in the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10495,, 2025.

EGU25-11167 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.4

Zoned spherical concretions from Atsuta Formation, Japan: a record of rapid geochemical shifts in early diagenesis 

Alvin Praet, Hidekazu Yoshida, Yusuke Muramiya, Akihiro Kano, Taro Kido, Nagayoshi Katsuta, and Ayako Umemura


Carbonate concretions form at shallow burial depths (Raiswell, 1971), with most bicarbonate ions derived from the anaerobic oxidation of organic matter (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974). Specifically, spherical carbonate concretions are proposed to grow concentrically through the diffusion-driven outward migration of the carbonate supersaturation front (Yoshida et al., 2018). Consequently, the center-to-edge isotopic and geochemical profiles of spherical carbonate concretions provide valuable records of pore-water evolution. Zoned spherical concretions, which exhibit distinct zonation, can potentially preserve traces of multiple diagenetic processes. This presents a unique opportunity to reconstruct the temporal and spatial evolution of the pore-water environment at higher resolution. This study presents a detailed analysis of zoned spherical concretions from the Miocene marine sediments of the Atsuta Formation, Japan, to elucidate their formation processes.

Results and Discussion

Well-preserved zoned spherical concretions from the Atsuta Formation are subdivided into two distinct zones: a spherical nucleus (Inner-Concretion) and an outer crust (Outer-Concretion) (Fig. 1). Its spherical shape and the presence of fossilized mud shrimp claws at the center suggest a concentric growth mode. Both the Inner- and Outer-Concretion are inferred to have formed rapidly at shallow burial depths, based on the following evidence:

  • Fossilized fecal pellets and mud shrimp claws were found in both the Inner- and Outer-Concretions, exhibiting no signs of compaction.
  • The carbonate content was 83.0 ± 0.5 wt% in the Inner-Concretion and 79.4 ± 0.1 wt% in the Outer-Concretion, indicating precipitation within porous sediments prior to significant compaction.
  • The average stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) were +0.63 ± 0.77‰ (n = 76) in the Inner-Concretion and +0.92 ± 0.48‰ (n = 44) in the Outer-Concretion, suggesting the absence of isotopic fractionation effects related to burial depth.

Detailed measurements of stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) (n = 129) revealed characteristic trends in each zone, with abrupt changes at their boundaries. The δ13C values in the Inner-Concretion steadily increased from -15‰ near the center to +10‰ toward the edge, reflecting isotopic fractionation associated with enhanced methanogenesis. In contrast, δ13C in the Outer-Concretion was approximately -15‰ and relatively constant. The presence of pyrite throughout the concretion suggests that at least the Outer-Concretion formed within the sulfate reduction zone.

These findings collectively indicate a shift in dominant organic matter degradation processes from methanogenesis to sulfate reduction, a trend that deviates from the classical geochemical sequence of sedimentary environments (Berner, 1981). A plausible hypothesis is that methanogenesis occurred entirely within the sulfate reduction zone, potentially as a localized microenvironment around organic matter during the formation of the Inner-Concretion.

How to cite: Praet, A., Yoshida, H., Muramiya, Y., Kano, A., Kido, T., Katsuta, N., and Umemura, A.: Zoned spherical concretions from Atsuta Formation, Japan: a record of rapid geochemical shifts in early diagenesis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11167,, 2025.

EGU25-12855 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

The Role of Dolomitization and Clay Rims in Shaping Sandstone Evolution: Insights from the Groningen Gas Field 

Sebastian Mulder and Johannes Miocic

The Groningen gas field, Europe’s largest onshore gas reservoir, has undergone extensive compaction due to prolonged gas extraction, leading to surface subsidence and seismicity. Understanding the diagenetic processes controlling reservoir quality is essential for managing these risks. This study investigates the role of dolomitization and associated diagenetic alterations in shaping the petrophysical and geomechanical properties of the Rotliegend sandstones. Detailed petrographic analysis, incorporating optical and scanning electron microscopy, reveals that early dolomite cementation significantly reduced primary porosity while preserving intergranular volume (IGV) and enhancing mechanical stability by inhibiting grain rearrangement and compaction during burial. Dolomite cementation was particularly prominent in zones proximal to mudstone interbeds, indicating its strong depositional and diagenetic control. Authigenic clays, including illite, smectite, and chlorite, were found to inhibit late-stage quartz cementation, preserving reservoir quality in specific zones. Burial depth and prolonged thermal exposure intensified quartz overgrowths and illite development, particularly in deeper sections of the reservoir. Clustering patterns among authigenic minerals revealed strong positive and negative associations: Illite, illite-smectite, and chlorite frequently co-occur in fine-grained sandstones, particularly in northern wells, where their abundance reduces pore space and permeability. Conversely, high dolomite content negatively correlates with clay minerals and quartz cement, reflecting the inhibitory role of early dolomitization on subsequent diagenetic mineral development. Quartz cementation plays a minor role in compaction due to shallow burial conditions and the presence of clay rims around grains, which limited growth of quartz cements. Mechanical compaction primarily affected sandstones lacking dolomite, where authigenic clay content and quartz cementation are higher, correlating with higher porosity and permeability than sandstones that are dolomitized. This study highlights the interplay between depositional setting, diagenetic timing, and burial history in shaping reservoir quality and stability. By linking petrographic trends to geomechanical behavior, these findings provide critical insights into mitigating subsurface risks associated with gas extraction in Groningen and analogous reservoirs worldwide.

How to cite: Mulder, S. and Miocic, J.: The Role of Dolomitization and Clay Rims in Shaping Sandstone Evolution: Insights from the Groningen Gas Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12855,, 2025.

EGU25-13621 | ECS | Orals | SSP3.4

Investigating the Water Organization at the Calcite (10.4)-Water Interface at High pH 

Tobias Dickbreder, Frank Heberling, and Ellen Backus

Calcite, the most abundant carbonate mineral in Earth’s crust, is at the heart of many environmental and technological processes. As part of the geological carbonate-silicate cycle, calcite dissolution and precipitation are central for the regulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on geological timescales. Moreover, calcite is involved in buffering of sea- and freshwater pH values and biomineralization of marine organisms. Important technological applications of calcite are the use in concrete and as a storage material for anthropogenic carbon. Since most processes on calcite take place in an aqueous environment, they are governed by the structure and properties of the calcite-water interface. Consequently, there has been a large body of research establishing a detailed understanding of the interface between the most-stable calcite (10.4) surface and water. This includes the development of so-called surface complexation models describing the surface speciation and properties of the calcite-water interface in thermodynamic equilibrium with aqueous solutions of varying composition. An important part of these models is the description of the species at the interface, which heavily depends on the protonation and deprotonation of surface-bound water and interfacial carbonate groups. However, the de-/protonation of calcite is difficult to quantify experimentally due to calcite dissolution and carbonate buffering. Here, we apply interface-sensitive vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy to directly assess the water species present at the calcite-water interface at high pH. With SFG spectroscopy, we can measure the vibrational spectrum of interfacial species, providing insights into the molecular organization and chemical environment at the interface. We aim to quantify the change of hydroxyl species present at the interface with increasing pH to quantify the deprotonation constant of surface-bound water contributing to the development of more-accurate surface complexation models.

How to cite: Dickbreder, T., Heberling, F., and Backus, E.: Investigating the Water Organization at the Calcite (10.4)-Water Interface at High pH, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13621,, 2025.

Marine carbonates are archives of geochemical proxies, such as e.g. Sr and U-Pb isotopes, which potentially can be utilized in the reconstruction of past climate conditions, ancient seawater composition and/or their alteration during burial and fluid interaction, if interpreted accurately. The ability to confidently reconstruct environmental conditions in the past times is of great importance since they can be linked with changes in the biosphere. For example, the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition was a period where significant evolutionary change modified the biosphere towards appearance of extant animal clades and the establishment of metazoan-dominated ecosystems. Any contribution towards an intact, continuous record of environmental conditions through multiple proxies will help to understand better the timing, nature and sequence of events that preceded or accompanied such changes in biodiversity. However, carbonate rocks are susceptible to numerous post-depositional processes (such as: oxidative weathering, diagenesis, burial, lithification, deformation, dissolution and reprecipitation), which may alter the geochemical record. Additionally, detrital components may increase the complexity of the geochemical signature and the carbonate composition, particularly in shallow marine settings with variable continental run-off.

Thus, we have to understand and identify the presence or absence of such processes, before extracting meaningful geological information from these archives. Laser Ablation – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), is a tool that offers spatial resolution when performing geochemical analyses, which may help to interpret the geochemical data more confidently. In this work, we combine observations from Sr and U-Pb isotopic systematics supported by trace element abundances to identify domains that are indicative of post-depositional processes, over protracted time and variable in their extent. The sample material is taken from drill cores in Namibia, obtained within the frame of the GRIND project, which aims to investigate the late Edicaran period. Situated in the south of Namibia, the Gariep belt was geologically active during the Pan African orogenesis and possibly affected by the Atlantic Ocean opening.  

How to cite: Paul, A. N., Gerdes, A., Cantine, M., and Ovtcharova, M.: Progress in the evaluation of U-Pb dates of late Ediacaran carbonate rock from drill cores through simultaneous Sr isotope analysis (Laser Ablation – Split Stream – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15410,, 2025.

EGU25-15488 | Orals | SSP3.4

Fluid flow history and paragenesis along a syn-rift basin bounding fault: the Helmsdale Fault (NE Scotland) 

Matteo Demurtas, Ian Sharp, Leonardo Pasqualetto, Yves Stephan Krüger, Kerstin Drost, Anna Nele Meckler, and Atle Rotevatn

Within syn-rift basinal settings, the juxtaposition of rift-related clastic deposits in the hanging wall of basin-bounding normal faults against a footwall of crystalline basement is a recurrent structural setting where plays for hydrocarbon exploration or carbon storage can be found. Here, fault-controlled fluid flow can significantly influence and change the petrophysical properties of the fault zone and host rocks over time by means of mineralization and cementation, ultimately controlling fluid pathways. Investigating the timing and extent of fluid flow along major faults permits us to better understand the host rock properties and if these can potentially be favourable for subsurface extraction and storage.

Here, we present a detailed investigation of the timing and paragenesis of fluid flow along the well exposed Helmsdale Fault in NE Scotland. The Helmsdale Fault is a major tectonic feature that bounds the western side of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, which developed during rifting in the Late Jurassic. The hanging wall consists of the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) Helmsdale Boulder Beds that are made of alternating debris flow to fault scarp deposits, whereas the footwall is composed of the Helmsdale Granite (Silurian-Devonian). There is ample evidence of paleo-fluid flow along the Helmsdale Fault in the form of calcite cementation and widespread calcite veining in both the hanging wall and in the footwall, locally making up to 5 m thick fault cores of stacked crack-seal veins. U-Pb calcite dating of fossils, veins and cements shows an initial fluid flow event that quickly follows diagenesis in the hanging wall and spans from 147 to 113 Ma, followed by a later reactivation of the fault system between 86-60 Ma. The spatial distribution of the dated calcite veins shows a clear localization over time of fluid flow along the main faults within the footwall.

Carbonate stable isotope analysis, combined with the salinity of the fluid inclusions in the calcite veins, has revealed a marine fluid composition of the calcite vein network over time, irrespective of the structural domain within the fault zone. Furthermore, clumped isotope thermometry shows a gradual temperature increase towards the footwall (35 to 65 °C), but fluid inclusion microthermometry on secondary fluid inclusions also reveals that these fluids could originally have been much hotter (up to c. 80 °C). The variability in the data suggests that two fluid pathways were active at different moments in time, with one being locally sourced in the hanging wall sediments, and the second percolating upwards along the main faults within the Helmsdale Granite. Occurrence of calcite veins derived from meteoric fluids is documented in the youngest dated vein network (60 Ma) and likely related to the later stages of regional uplift.

Our results suggest that the evolution over time of the petrophysical properties of the hanging wall with progressive mineralization and cementation exert a critical control on future fluid pathways as well as localization and style of subsequent fault deformation.

How to cite: Demurtas, M., Sharp, I., Pasqualetto, L., Krüger, Y. S., Drost, K., Meckler, A. N., and Rotevatn, A.: Fluid flow history and paragenesis along a syn-rift basin bounding fault: the Helmsdale Fault (NE Scotland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15488,, 2025.

EGU25-16523 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

Arsenic — an indicator for post-depositional water exchange in sediments at neutral to alkaline conditions 

Donjá Aßbichler, Natalie Weichselgartner, Natalie Diesner, Melvin Kayalar, Carolin Otte, Maria Kellner, Helia Henning, and Saskia Tautenhahn

Sediment archives are invaluable for reconstructing past environmental conditions. Clastic sediments are formed through physical processes, such as weathering of rocks, during which minerals are released from the parent material, transported, and eventually deposited. However, both transport and depositional processes—such as abrasion, mixing, or chemical dissolution—can alter the original signals preserved in the sediment. Water plays a central role in these transformations by promoting processes like dissolution and recrystallization of minerals. This is particularly relevant for sediments deposited in stagnant waters such as lakes or marine basins. Similarly, infiltration of surface water flows into sediments, enhances chemical reactions and facilitates the transformation of minerals. Fine-grained sediments, such as sands or clays, are especially reactive due to their large specific surface area, which increases their interaction with fluids.

To determine the original composition, isotopic signatures, or depositional and source age of the sediment and the contained minerals, it is crucial to know whether, and to what extent, chemical alterations have occurred during and after the deposition. A critical factor in the analysis is whether the sediment layer represents a closed or open system. In closed systems, the original chemical signatures are preserved, as no significant element exchange occurs with the surrounding environment. In contrast, in open systems, interactions with water can lead to the loss or accumulation of elements, which can alter the sediment's original composition at the time of deposition, making it difficult to interpret its geochemical and mineralogical history.

In a comprehensive mineralogical and geochemical study combined with field observations, we analyzed solids and eluates of 250 sediment samples from the Miocene the Northern Alpine Foreland basin. Additionally, we separated and analyzed the mineral chemistry of over 30 samples (also clay fraction) using SEM. We examined the mineral textures with high-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, we performed extensive leaching experiments to study the mobilization behavior of the contained elements under “open system conditions”.

The results of this study revealed the following: 1) A significant proportion of the minerals in the sediments are newly formed. 2) Experiments showed that processes like dissolution and precipitation can proceed very quickly (within hours to days), depending on factors such as pH, Eh and concentration of dissolved elements. However, these processes can be halted when the sediment runs dry or when chemical equilibrium in the system is achieved. 3) In open-system sediment profiles, water infiltration causes the leaching of elements that are transported to deeper stratigraphic layers, where they precipitate and form new mineral phases.

A key observation is the elution behavior of arsenic: In sediments known to represent open systems, arsenate is not mobilized in the elution tests, because it is fixed in the mineral phases or is already desorbed during the water exchange. In closed systems, elevated arsenic concentrations in the eluate indicate that these sediments have not undergone significant post-depositional water exchanges. The analysis demonstrated that arsenic is predominantly adsorbed on phyllosilicates. Accordingly, an elution test is a reliable indicator of water exchange in sediments after their deposit.

How to cite: Aßbichler, D., Weichselgartner, N., Diesner, N., Kayalar, M., Otte, C., Kellner, M., Henning, H., and Tautenhahn, S.: Arsenic — an indicator for post-depositional water exchange in sediments at neutral to alkaline conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16523,, 2025.

EGU25-16554 | Posters on site | SSP3.4

Heterogeneous cementation and compaction in a sandstone and the role of temperature – an example from the Etjo Formation, Namibia 

Eric Salomon, Harald Stollhofen, Luca Caracciolo, Linda M. Bonnell, and Robert H. Lander

Diagenetic processes alter petrophysical properties, such as porosity and permeability, of clastic sediments. An understanding of these processes is therefore pivotal for any reservoir quality assessments. Thermal exposure is among the crucial factors influencing diagenesis and can vary significantly in widespread formations, e.g. due to regional variations of the burial history. Especially quartz overgrowth is controlled by temperature and we here demonstrate the effect of spatial thermal exposure variability on the degree of cementation. Our field example is from the aeolian Jurassic Etjo sandstone that was buried by the Lower Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province in Namibia and we show data from outcrops lying >100 km apart from each other – named Waterberg, Mt. Etjo, and Gamsberg. 

Our petrographic analysis shows significant differences in the degree of compaction and cementation between the localities (Salomon et al., 2024). Waterberg samples have a mean quartz cement volume of 6.5 % and intergranular volume (IGV) of 23.7 %. Mt. Etjo samples have a higher quartz cement volume (15.4 %), but lower IGV (19.7 %). As Waterberg samples had an on average 72 % larger nucleation surface area available for quartz cement growth than samples from Mt. Etjo, we argue that the latter locality has experienced a higher thermal exposure. This is supported by a kaolinite-to-illite transformation that only occurs at Mt. Etjo. We attribute the temperature differences to the localities’ position underneath the volcanic cover with Mt. Etjo being closer to the volcanic center than Waterberg. Gamsberg samples have a very high mean IGV of 30.7 % and very high mean quartz cement volumes of 24.3 %. Here, two quartz growth generations are evident and separated by an exhumation period of the sandstone. The origin of the first generation is yet unclear, whereas the second one is also attributed to the Etendeka burial. 

Our case study serves as a prime example for the variability in diagenetic character within a sandstone formation, depending on its geographic position. It underscores the importance of understanding spatial variabilities in the burial/temperature history when predicting the diagenetic properties of a reservoir rock. 

Reference: Salomon, E., Stollhofen, H., Caracciolo, L., Bonnell, L.M., Lander, R.H., Kittel, M., 2024. Burial of a sand sea: Heterogeneous compaction and cementation of the jurassic Etjo Formation, Namibia and what it tells. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 168, 107044.

How to cite: Salomon, E., Stollhofen, H., Caracciolo, L., Bonnell, L. M., and Lander, R. H.: Heterogeneous cementation and compaction in a sandstone and the role of temperature – an example from the Etjo Formation, Namibia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16554,, 2025.

EGU25-17405 | Orals | SSP3.4

Authigenic carbonate and native sulfur formation in Messinian (upper Miocene) marine sediments 

Marcello Natalicchio, Daniel Birgel, Stefano Giunti, Laetitia Guibourdenche, Luca Pellegrino, Giovanni Aloisi, Jörn Peckmann, and Francesco Dela Pierre

Carbonate concretions accompanied by elemental sulfur are found in many upper Miocene marine successions across the Mediterranean area (e.g. SE-Spain, Sicily, Apennine, Cyprus). Most of these rocks are characterized by molds of evaporitic minerals (mostly gypsum) suggesting an early (syngenetic) or late (epigenetic) diagenetic origin. In contrast to these findings, a case study from the Ripa dello Zolfo area in northern Italy lacks evidence of carbonate and sulfur replacement of preexisting sulfate minerals. An integrated approach including sedimentological, petrographical, stable isotope (carbon, oxygen, and multiple sulfur isotopes), and lipid biomarker analyses was used for the study of three main lithofacies: a) laminated lithofacies representing aphotic carbonate stromatolites enclosing fossils of filamentous sulfide-oxidizing bacteria; b) brecciated lithofacies deriving from the brecciation of carbonate stromatolites by mud injections; c) sulfur-bearing lithofacies deriving from the precipitation of thin laminae of elemental sulfur at or close to the sediment-water interface. The δ13C and δ18O values of authigenic carbonate minerals and δ13C of lipid biomarkers indicate that the initial formation of the laminated lithofacies was favored by organoclastic sulfate reduction in the shallow subsurface close to the sediment-water interface, producing sulfide that sustained dense microbial mats of sulfide-oxidizing bacteria at the seafloor. Calcification of the mats and consequent formation of stromatolites were possibly favored by nitrate-driven sulfide oxidation at the seafloor. The subsequent brecciation of the stromatolites was apparently the consequence of sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane (SD-AOM) in an underlying sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ). Focused fluid flow from a deeper zone was not only causing the brecciation of the stromatolites, but also delivered bicarbonate ions for the subsequent precipitation of additional, 13C-depleted calcite (δ13C values as low as -52‰). Along with bicarbonate, also hydrogen sulfide was produced by SD-AOM within an SMTZ in a zone below the stromatolites and was transported upwards. The oxidation of hydrogen sulfide at or close to the seafloor promoted the formation of elemental sulfur characterized by δ34S and Δ33S values close to coeval seawater sulfate. This study highlights that a multi-proxy approach has great potential for the reconstruction of spatially and temporarily separated biogeochemical processes in the shallow subsurface or at the seafloor (i.e., anaerobic oxidation of methane, sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation) – processes that may induce the syngenetic formation of authigenic carbonate and sulfur deposits in marine sediments.

How to cite: Natalicchio, M., Birgel, D., Giunti, S., Guibourdenche, L., Pellegrino, L., Aloisi, G., Peckmann, J., and Dela Pierre, F.: Authigenic carbonate and native sulfur formation in Messinian (upper Miocene) marine sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17405,, 2025.

EGU25-17872 | Orals | SSP3.4

Controls on barite precipitation and preservation in Mediterranean sediments: from sapropel deposition to modern sedimentation 

Francisca Martinez-Ruiz, Ricardo Monedero-Contreras, Luis Monasterio-Guillot, Adina Paytan, and Crisogono Vasconcelos

Mediterranean sediments have registered some of the most exceptional Ba records in marine basins. Although Organic Rich Layers (ORLs) are less well studied, both sapropels and ORLs are characterized by marked increases in Ba content in response to productivity oscillations, as demonstrated by numerous data sets and sediment records. During sapropel deposition, barite was abundantly produced in the water column due to increased productivity and associated microbial processes involved in organic matter degradation. In this scenario, bacterial activity and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) have been shown to be the main control of barite precipitation in the water column, which is further supported by experimental work and observations from microenvironments of intense organic matter mineralization in the ocean water column. Once accumulated in marine sediments, barite tends to be well preserved in both eastern and western Mediterranean basins, where the availability of sulphate in pore waters prevented dissolution. Thus, differences in barite abundance in sapropels compared to ORLs support differences in productivity rates, and also differences in primary producers and microbial processes. Indeed, differences in productivity types between modern eastern and western basins also support that such differences over time may have led to spatial differences in barite formation. The general decline in productivity, and hence microbial activity, across the Mediterranean basins during the Holocene is indicated by the remarkably low Ba content in recent sediments. Dissolution of barite through the water column is also important in modern environments and is still poorly understood in the past. Overall, a better understanding of the microbial processes involved in barite production and the factors controlling its preservation is required to further constrain the information captured by Ba proxies.

How to cite: Martinez-Ruiz, F., Monedero-Contreras, R., Monasterio-Guillot, L., Paytan, A., and Vasconcelos, C.: Controls on barite precipitation and preservation in Mediterranean sediments: from sapropel deposition to modern sedimentation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17872,, 2025.

EGU25-18386 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

Tight Reservoir Potential of the Early Eocene Bou Dabbous Formation in Northwestern Tunisia 

Imen Arfaoui, Hamdi Omar, Ajendra Singh, Mouna Rachdi, Mabrouk Montacer, François Baudin, Frédéric Collin, and Frédéric Boulvain

Early Eocene limestones in Tunisia exhibit notable variations in facies and thickness, indicative of a depositional environment primarily within a platform setting. Most planktonic-rich microfacies are deposited in slope-basin areas conducive to preserving organic matter. This study focuses on the Bou Dabbous Formation, a known source-rock explored in various wells across Tunisia. It aims to evaluate its potential as a tight reservoir through a comprehensive analysis of core samples from two outcrop analogs: Oued Kasseb (OK) and Ragoubet Tassera (TS) sections in northwestern Tunisia.

Rock-Eval pyrolysis of 42 samples revealed variable organic richness, with higher Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in the OK section (max TOC = 2.75 wt.%) compared to the TS section (max TOC = 1.11 wt.%). Tmax values ranged from 433°C to 454°C, indicating a predominantly mature to marginally mature stage of hydrocarbon generation. Hydrogen Index (HI) values classified the organic matter primarily as Type II, with some Type II/III, suggesting a planktonic marine origin under anoxic to suboxic conditions.

Inorganic analysis, including XRF and XRD analyses, showed significant lithological variations between massive limestone and marly limestone layers. Major oxides such as MgO and SiO2 varied notably, with silica-rich layers prominent in the TS section and magnesian limestones in the OK section. Trace elements like Sr and S highlighted diagenetic processes and variations in paleoclimate, suggesting semi-humid conditions during deposition. The presence of pyrite, influenced by anoxic conditions and diagenesis, further supports these findings. The complex diagenetic processes affecting the Bou Dabbous limestones impact their petrophysical properties, including fractures, silicification, and cementation.

The region's significant tectonic activity has resulted in a complex fracture network, as observed in field studies and thin-section analyses. These fractures, partially filled with calcite and asphaltene, are attributed to compaction and tectonic stresses. Stylolites, formed by chemical compaction and bitumen-filled fractures, indicate the circulation of acidic solutions related to petroleum generation processes. These processes altered the primary pore system by either enhancing reservoir properties (such as fracturing and oxidation) or reducing and destroying porosity through cementation, mechanical and chemical compaction, and the precipitation of asphaltene, phosphate, and pyrite. This emphasizes the complexity of diagenetic controls on the porosity evolution. The brittleness index (BI) for the Bou Dabbous Formation, determined based on carbonate fractions, detrital content, and TOC percentages, was high, ranging from 0.84 to 0.98. This suggests a high fracturing sensitivity among the studied area's rocks.

Overall, the findings indicate that the Bou Dabbous limestones have potential as a tight reservoir with favorable conditions for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration, influenced by its significant organic content, mature hydrocarbon generation, and brittleness characteristics. These results underscore the formation's importance in regional petroleum exploration and development. Further investigations should be conducted on borehole cuttings, along with rigorous fracturing simulations, to realistically evaluate the potential of the Bou Dabbous Formation in Tunisia as an unconventional hydrocarbon reservoir within the explored petroleum system.

How to cite: Arfaoui, I., Omar, H., Singh, A., Rachdi, M., Montacer, M., Baudin, F., Collin, F., and Boulvain, F.: Tight Reservoir Potential of the Early Eocene Bou Dabbous Formation in Northwestern Tunisia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18386,, 2025.

EGU25-19852 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

Characteristics of ferromanganese micronodules in surface sediments of the tropical North Pacific Ocean 

Huan Zhang, Yanhui Dong, Yuan Peng, Junming Zhou, and Fengyou Chu

In addition to the widely acknowledged marine ferromanganese deposits, i.e., polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich crusts, Fe-Mn (oxyhydr)oxides ubiquitously precipitate as micronodules in the oxic aquatic environments. Due to their micrometer-scale or even smaller size, ferromanganese micronodules have received limited attention until they were found to be one of the important rare earth elements and yttrium (REY)-holding phases in the deep-sea REY-rich mud, and noteworthily estimated to preserved a ~1.28-7.62 Tt Mn budget, exceeding that of nodules and crusts by at least two orders of magnitude. Combined with the increasing demands for critical elements in high-tech industries, the economic and scientific potential of micronodules, which could strongly scavenge trace elements from ambient environments, deserve to be revised.

In our study, Fe-Mn micronodules were hand-picked from surface sediments of the North-Western (NW) Pacific and the North-Eastern (NE) Pacific Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) for morphological and in-situ geochemical analyses with field-emission scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and laser ablation (LA) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The characteristic microbial-like mineralization structures, including the irregular aggregates of rod microbial-like particulates, biofilm, and the phalanxes of ellipsoid microorganisms, were commonly observed in micronodules. Their Mn/Fe ratios most frequently fall in the range of < 10 (46.1%), with a maximum value (reaching 698) that is much higher than the published EMPA data of polymetallic nodules. Unlike the continuous variation of elemental contents in nodules, the concentrations of some elements in micronodules, such as Al, Ca, K, Co, Ni, Cu, Sr, Mo and REYs other than Ce, showed a mutative tendency, being slowed down or even reversed, with the increase of Mn/Fe ratio in the ranges of Mn/Fe < 10 and Mn/Fe > 10. Whereas, the declining tendencies in Ce contents and Ce anomaly remained generally stable.

Considering the loose structure of Fe-Mn (oxyhydr)oxides, and after multiple comparisons, Mn/Fe < 5 is used here to distinguish hydrogenetic and mixed hydrogenetic-early diagenetic type (grouped into hydrogenetic type hereafter) from diagenetic type. Amounts of geochemical data of hydrogenetic Fe-Mn deposits (including micronodules, (macro)nodules and crusts) were collected. Comparative analyses reveal that both the hydrogenetic crusts (n = 289) and nodules (n = 159) have weaker positive Ce anomalies (avg. 2.23 and 2.97, respectively) than our hydrogenetic micronodules (n = 204, avg. 6.27). Combined with the similar Ce content in all three hydrogenetic ferromanganese deposit types, and the lower concentrations of other REYs in hydrogenetic micronodules, the migration of REYs (except for Ce) from micronodules to porewater is indicated.

All these findings demonstrated that the precipitation and aggregation of micronodules were predominantly controlled by the redox state of ambient pore water, even in surface sediments, and were largely influenced by microbial activities. The potential of ferromanganese micronodules to serve as a buffer in the enrichment of REYs and critical elements in pelagic sediments and an archive of the ambient redox conditions enhanced their value of further comprehensive and in-depth studies.

How to cite: Zhang, H., Dong, Y., Peng, Y., Zhou, J., and Chu, F.: Characteristics of ferromanganese micronodules in surface sediments of the tropical North Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19852,, 2025.

EGU25-20419 | ECS | Posters on site | SSP3.4

Minerals & microorganisms, a possible relationship: an awareness project of GEOMICROBIology 

Luca Pellegrino, Marcello Natalicchio, Giorgio Carnevale, Simona Cavagna, Francesco Dela Pierre, Francesca Lozar, Enrico Nallino, Linda Pastero, Cristina Varese, and Jules Danis Walter

The growing awareness of the relationships between minerals and microorganisms has deeply impacted the geosciences in the last decades. Microorganisms have been recognized to play a critical role in element cycles, resulting in the precipitation of minerals and in the formation of peculiar rocks (e.g. stromatolites and thrombolites) that punctuate the geological record. Moreover, the Earth history was characterized by episodes of massive accumulation of mineralized remains of microorganisms on the ocean floors, resulting in the formation of biogenous oozes that represent natural archives of past climatic and oceanographic variability. Finally, the rapid growth of minerals can act as a trap for microorganisms that can be perfectly preserved within the crystal lattice or fluid inclusions for millions of years. Such strict connections between the geosphere and the biosphere are mostly unknown to the general audience, although the impact of microbial (microorganisms) and nanoscopic (viruses) life on our society is emerging more and more. The project “Minerals & Microbes, a possible relationship: GEOMICROBIology for dummies” aims at showing the microbial life enclosed in minerals and rocks. Improving people awareness about the role of microorganisms in shaping the Earth will contribute to understand the importance of life as a “geological force”. The project GEOMICROBI aspires to raise such awareness throughout imaging (mostly by SEM high-definition photomicrographs) the "invisible life" hidden within minerals and rocks. Main target of the project is the creation of a photographic exhibition accompanied by informative conferences on the theme "Minerals & Microorganisms". This poster is intended to attract the attention of the international sedimentological community showing the first results of this dissemination initiative on mineral-microorganism interactions.

How to cite: Pellegrino, L., Natalicchio, M., Carnevale, G., Cavagna, S., Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F., Nallino, E., Pastero, L., Varese, C., and Walter, J. D.: Minerals & microorganisms, a possible relationship: an awareness project of GEOMICROBIology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20419,, 2025.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of toxic organic pollutants that originate from the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Due to lipophilic and hydrophobic properties, PAHs tend to be adsorbed by soil particles. Source apportionment of soil-bound PAHs contributes to controlling emissions and protecting the ecological environment. This research investigated source and distribution characteristics of PAHs in soils from Campania region of Italy, especially the natural sources. The total PAH concentrations ranged from N.D. to 4191 ng/g soil (dry weight). The data do not follow either a normal or lognormal distribution, but rather absolutely the multifractal distribution. Spatially distributed PAHs have experienced different degrees of superposition on the basis of multifractal spectrums curves with asymmetric upper convex. In addition, multifractal spectrum curves are all in a right hook shape, representing that low-values are dominant in the Campania area. The local singularity analysis shows an enrichment phenomenon that is not identified by the spatial interpolation method. The singularity values of PAHs were significantly correlated with TOC, but not significant with pH and population density. As opposed to concentrations, singularity indexes mainly reflecting the influence of soil properties. The fractal method was successfully used to separate the natural sources from the anthropogenic contributions of PAHs. Our results indicate that PAHs mixing distributions may be decomposed into natural background, anthropogenic background, and point source pollution. The background field was attributed to the thermal effects of geological processes, whereas anthropogenic anomaly was associated with anthropogenic activities. In sum, our study provides evidence of natural sources evidence that volcanic events have key effects on the distribution of PAHs, and shows that anthropogenic sources of PAHs are related to regional industrialization and urbanization status.

How to cite: Shi, C. and Qu, C.: Decoupling natural and anthropogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soil environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2421,, 2025.

EGU25-6105 | Orals | GI5.5

Determination of geochemical background/baseline values in a biogeochemical province (a case study of the Lori region, Armenia) 

Gevorg Tepanosyan, Zhenya Poghosyan, Astghik Gevorgyan, Karine Davtyan, and Lilit Sahakyan

The geochemical background/baseline is a key parameter for assessing environmental contamination and identifying potential risks to ecosystems and human health. However, the determination of these values requires careful handling of geochemical data. In practice, the geochemical background of chemical elements can be determined by both empirical and geostatistical methods. In addition, depending on the sampling scale and the area's natural landscape-geochemical characteristics, especially in biogeochemical provinces, the use of a single approach can lead to bias. Therefore, combining both approaches and incorporating several methods of geochemical data processing and spatial clustering is needed to unveil the hidden patterns and delineate representative areas, where separate processes and factors (natural and anthropogenic) condition the contents and distribution of chemical elements. In addition, adding auxiliary information related to the geological setting, soil types and potential sources of contamination can ensure the refinement of the data processing and increase the reliability of the estimated background/baseline values. This study aims to determine the geochemical background/baseline of arsenic (As) in the Lori region (Armenia) by dividing the soil data set into homogeneous subsamples using an algorithm combining data transformation, hot spot analysis (Local Moran I), univariate outlier detection and concept of normal distribution. The results of the study showed that the application of the Local Moran I index allows to identify clusters of samples (of high-high (HH) values, low-low (LL) values and not-significant (NS) values) that have a clear spatial separation. The boxplots of the As contents in the identified subsamples showed that outliers and extreme values are presented. After the elimination of these values, normal distribution was confirmed (Shapiro-Wilk test). The median value of As was 13 mg/kg, 16 mg/kg and 24 mg/kg for LL, NS and HH values, respectively. Meanwhile, the 95 percentile of the LL and NS values were 16 mg/kg and 21.4 mg/kg, respectively. The cluster of HH values spatially covers an area known for its natural mineralization, mining sites and Cu smelter, implying some level of anthropogenic quantities of As which is superimposed on the natural contents. Therefore, the estimated value for this area can be considered as a geochemical baseline rather than a geochemical background. The results of this study showed that in the case of biogeochemical provinces where natural mineralization and anthropogenic activities are presented, several background/baseline values can be determined. The algorithm proposed in this study can be used for other elements and serve as a justified approach to separate homogeneous subsamples and delineate areas for the application of these reference values.

How to cite: Tepanosyan, G., Poghosyan, Z., Gevorgyan, A., Davtyan, K., and Sahakyan, L.: Determination of geochemical background/baseline values in a biogeochemical province (a case study of the Lori region, Armenia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6105,, 2025.

Many environmental and geological phenomena are inherently complex, shaped by the interplay of physical, chemical, biological, and anthropogenic factors. These interactions often result in spatial asymmetries, where high and low values exhibit distinct statistical behaviors. For instance, a contaminant field may simultaneously reflect natural and anthropogenic sources, producing unique spatial patterns that challenge conventional analysis.

Despite significant advancements in geostatistics, multivariate spatial models remain limited. The linear model of coregionalization (LCM) dominates the field but assumes symmetrical dependencies and Gaussian behavior. These assumptions restrict its ability to capture the structural complexity of multivariate spatial data, potentially obscuring meaningful relationships or introducing misleading correlations.

This presentation introduces a stochastic methodology for simulating non-Gaussian multivariate random fields using a non-linear model of coregionalization (N-LCM). The proposed approach accounts for rank asymmetry (differing spatial dependencies for low and high values) and directional asymmetry (variations in spatial dependence across directions). It supports multiple dependencies between variables, allowing some to exhibit Gaussian behavior while others display non-Gaussian characteristics. Pseudo-admissible N-LCMs are approximated through spectral decomposition, with negative eigenvalues replaced by zero.

The methodology leverages an adapted Generalized Fast Fourier Transform Moving Average (G-FFTMA) algorithm for multivariate non-Gaussian geostatistical simulations, offering a flexible and efficient framework for analyzing and simulating complex datasets. Synthetic examples demonstrate the method’s ability to uncover meaningful spatial patterns. Additionally, a real-world case study highlights the duality between natural contamination and anthropogenic emissions from a smelter in Quebec, Canada. This case study emphasizes the methodology’s capability to analyze geochemical processes influenced by human activities and environmental interactions.

This research advances geostatistics and multivariate analysis, providing new insights into geological and environmental processes at the Earth’s surface.

How to cite: Lauzon, D., Hörning, S., and Bárdossy, A.: A Novel Framework for Stochastic Simulation of Multivariate Non-Gaussian Random Fields in Environmental and Geological Studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7198,, 2025.

EGU25-7643 | ECS | Orals | GI5.5

A new approach to evaluate hydrocarbon generation characteristics by pyrolysis Tmax in lacustrine shale oil plays 

Shengnan Liu, Shiju Liu, David Misch, Xiangyun Shi, Congsheng Bian, Wenzhi Zhao, and Rukai Zhu

It has been revealed that significant disparities in both the organic matter source and hydrocarbon generation characteristics of lacustrine sedimentary environments, causing challenges in the assessment of continental shale oil prospects  . Lacustrine-sourced shale oil resources in China exhibits notable longitudinal and vertical heterogeneity, which poses a substantial challenge in objectively assessing geological resources and shale oil prospects, especially in a region characterized by overall low thermal evolution . Advanced pyrolysis or bulk kinetic experiments are invaluable tools to refine the understanding of petroleum generation timing . Nevertheless, such experiments are expensive and time-consuming and hence cannot be executed on extensive sets of samples to capture the overall lateral and vertical variability that a source formation may inherit  .In this study, we proposed a new method to rapidly evaluate the hydrocarbon generation characteristics of lacustrine source rocks utilizing anomalies in the Rock-Eval pyrolysis parameter Tmax across various lacustrine shales.

The workflow is depicted as flows: The analysis workflow starts with the selection of samples with TOC exceeding 1 wt.%, given the economic exploration potential of these shales. Subsequently, these samples are categorized into low and high maturity profiles based on the measured vitrinite reflectance (Ro). The two maturity profiles are further classified into low and high Tmax classes using machine learning data analysis. The kmeans clustering method in the Python library scikit-learn was utilized to classify different Tmax values to specific classes  . In certain instances, a third cluster or class may be necessary, depending on the data structure. Samples in the “low Tmax” class typically exhibit high Production Index (PI = S1/(S1+S2)) while the Hydrogen Index (HI: = S2/TOC*100) values decrease with increasing maturity. In contrast, the “high Tmax” class maintains consistently high HI and low PI at different maturity levels. This analysis workflow facilitates the identification of distinct hydrocarbon generation characteristics for source rocks at different maturity levels based on the Tmax values.

Overall, the “low Tmax” class shows characteristics of early hydrocarbon generation, low activation energy, and wide hydrocarbon generation windows, while the “high Tmax” class shows characteristics of late hydrocarbon generation, high activation energy, and narrow hydrocarbon generation windows. Notably, these diverse hydrocarbon generation characteristics are mainly related to the composition of the primary organic matter, a correlation that can be confirmed through organic petrographical observations.

This analysis workflow is validated with three examples. There are a great data pool of Tmax,and it is recommended to shift the focus towards source rocks that host organic matter favorable for early oil generation. This involves identifying rocks with low Tmax values and hence low activation energy, as they are indicative of conditions conducive to the initiation of oil generation. When it comes to in-situ heating, The exact prediction of hydrocarbon generation processes enables a more precise calculation of current geological recoverable resources. This study has important guiding significance for oil and gas exploration.

Fig. 1. Workflow for determining hydrocarbon generation characteristics of source rocks by a classification according to Tmax variability.

How to cite: Liu, S., Liu, S., Misch, D., Shi, X., Bian, C., Zhao, W., and Zhu, R.: A new approach to evaluate hydrocarbon generation characteristics by pyrolysis Tmax in lacustrine shale oil plays, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7643,, 2025.

The traditional kinetic model reflects the impact of fixed pressure on hydrocarbon generation in thermal simulation experiments, but the pressure in experiments differs from the overpressure in formation, affecting the evaluation of hydrocarbon generation. In this study, a new parallel first-order reaction kinetic model for hydrocarbon generation in relation to formation overpressure retardation is proposed and its application is illustrated.

According to the impact of pressure on activation energy (E) and pre-exponential factor (A), the pressure factor is introduced into the Arrhenius formula:


Where k is the reaction rate at 1 bar, R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature (K), p is pressure (MPa), a and n are the impact factors of pressure on A and E respectively.

By calculating n and a, the new model can simulate hydrocarbon generation under any temperature and pressure and is no longer limited by experimental conditions.

Sample from Baiyun Depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin were selected to carry out a gold-tube thermal simulation, and the kinetic parameters of natural gas generation were calculated by using the new model. Since the traditional model reflects the impact of experimental pressure, the new model calculates the kinetic parameters without the impact of pressure, therefore, the average activation energy (Ea) calculated by the traditional model is greater than that of the new model, and the impact of pressure is reflected by impact factors (n and a)(Fig. 1).

Figure 1 Comparison of kinetic parameters of natural gas generation calculated by traditional model and new model

Figure 1 Comparison of kinetic parameters of natural gas generation calculated by traditional model and new model

The new model reflects the inhibition effect of overpressure on natural gas generation (Fig. 2). According to the information on fluid inclusions, The kerogen began to generate mass gas at 23 Ma. The calculation results of the traditional model show that kerogen starts to enter the large-scale gas generation stage at 32 Ma, which is inconsistent with the time of overpressure formation. When the formation pressure coefficient is 1.8, the mass hydrocarbon generation time calculated by the new model is about 24 Ma, which is more consistent with the geological reality. The new model proves that natural gas generation is retarded under the impact of overpressure.

Figure 2 Comparison of the conversion rate of natural gas of the traditional model and the model in relation to overpressure under geological conditions.The black line reflecting the influence of pressure under experimental conditions; the blue line is the history of natural gas generation without the impact of overpressure; the orange line is the history of hydrocarbon generation under formation overpressure.

Figure 2 Comparison of the conversion rate of natural gas of the traditional model and the model in relation to overpressure under geological conditions.The black line reflecting the influence of pressure under experimental conditions; the blue line is the history of natural gas generation without the impact of overpressure; the orange line is the history of hydrocarbon generation under formation overpressure.

How to cite: Jiang, J. and Li, J.: Overpressure retardation of hydrocarbon generation: a new kinetic model considering the effects of pressure and its application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8179,, 2025.

Qinghai Province, in northwest China's low-density population areas, is known for its high-altitude landscape and abundant surface water. This study investigates 48 sediment samples from 19 quintessential plateau lakes distributed in the Qilian Mountains, Qaidam Basin, Yellow River source regions, and Yangtze River source regions of Qinghai Province, focusing on 7 potentially toxic elements (PTEs ) and 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Compared to other plateau lake sediments domestically and internationally, concentrations of PTEs ( Ni, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Co, and As) and PAHs (Nap, Acy, Ace, Flu, Phe, Ant, Fla, Pyr, BaA, Chr, BbF, BkF, BaP, IcdP, DahA, and BghiP) in the studied sediment samples were relatively low. Spatial distribution characteristics of PTEs and PAHs contents show that the similar trend between the four regions was like that: Qaidam Basin> Yangtze River source>Yellow River source> Qilian Mountains. Additionally, positive matrix factorization (PMF) and species sensitivity distributions (SSD) are employed  to assess pollution source levels and ecological risks in the study lake regions,respectively.The study reveals that the total average concentrations of PTEs and PAHs in the sediments of the 19 Qinghai lakes were individually 132.93 mg/g and 27.64 ng/g,  which were quite low compared to lake sediments in other plateau regions both domestically and internationally. PMF analysis identified fisheries, animal husbandry, mining, rock weathering, and agriculture as PTE sources.While oil leakage, combustion, and auto emissions were identified as PAH sources. It is found that SSD-based health risk assessment shows the risks was far below the acceptable threshold (0.1). However, the highest risks were concentrated mainly in the downstream areas of the estuaries and near tourist and agricultural sites, such as the studied sites in Keluke Lake (Qaidam Basin), Eling Lake (Yellow River source region), and Tuosu Lake (Qaidam Basin). Notably, Cu, As, and Phe exhibited higher ecological risk indices. In general, despite the current research indicating low and negligible health risks posed by PTEs and PAHs in these plateau lakes, it is necessary to keep monitoring and controlling to prevent any escalation of ecological risks in the fragile lake environment.

How to cite: Sun, W., Zhang, J., Wang, W., and Qu, C.: Sources apportionment and ecological risk assessment of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of plateau Lakes of Qinghai Province, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10689,, 2025.

EGU25-12283 | Orals | GI5.5

Geostastical modeling of space-time dynamics calcite dissolution at the nanoscale 

Emmanouil Varouchakis, Chiara Recalcati, Laura Ceresa, Monica Riva, and Alberto Guadagnini

We investigate the intricate patterns associated with space-time dynamics displayed by (i) surface topography (Z) and (ii) reaction rates (R) resulting from direct nano-scale imaging of calcite-water interfaces subject to dissolution. The analysis rests on a space-time variogram modeling approach. The latter has been suggested as promising in unveiling major patterns exhibited by hydrogeological quantities across large scale aquifer systems. Transferability of the associated theoretical and operational framework to interpret nano-scale geochemical scenarios is here assessed for the first time. We do so upon taking advantage of recent high-resolution experiments attained through Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and targeting the evolution of the interface between a calcite crystal and water as driven by mineral dissolution processes. Upon relying on the ensuing large data-set, key variability patterns are identified through (i) efficient sampling of the spatial domain via quasi-random Sobol sequences and (ii) the use of a Harmonic Covariance Estimator (HCE) to model the space-time variogram of Z. The resulting (sample) space-time variogram exhibits visibly periodic oscillations at specific spatial and temporal lags. These patterns highlight the interaction taking place between the spatial structure and temporal dynamics in hydrogeological processes. We also explore the theoretical bases of the relationship between the variograms of Z and R. Corresponding results offer valuable insights into the spatial and temporal correlation of calcite dissolution dynamics. Our findings enable one to link space-time dynamics of crystal topography and the ensuing dissolution rates to corresponding traits of space-time variograms. Hence, they constitute the basis for potential applications associated with the possibility of providing estimates of the way these complex processes evolve at nano-scale resolutions, thus driving chemical weathering of minerals constituting the Earth’s interior.


How to cite: Varouchakis, E., Recalcati, C., Ceresa, L., Riva, M., and Guadagnini, A.: Geostastical modeling of space-time dynamics calcite dissolution at the nanoscale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12283,, 2025.

EGU25-12634 | ECS | Orals | GI5.5

Hydrogeochemical characterization and assessment of groundwater quality in Muyira Sector, Rwanda. 

Emmanuel Ngendahayo, Melab Impuhwezayo, Emmanuel Nkurunziza, and Jean Nepo Nsengiyumva

The Muyira sector is one of ten sectors of the Nyanza district in the Amayaga region of Rwanda. Amayaga region is part of the country's drought-prone areas, with high groundwater dependence. Most inhabitants in the area depend on groundwater for drinking and domestic purposes. Therefore, a hydrogeochemical characterization and assessment of groundwater quality in the study area was carried out using a combined application of hydrochemical models, multivariate statistical techniques, and GIS-based ordinary kriging interpolation on seven (7) borehole water samples. This study aimed to determine the concentrations and spatial distribution of various ions, groundwater quality issues, and the geochemical processes contributing to groundwater chemistry. The abundance of major cations in the groundwater is in the order Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+, whereas that of the major anions varies in the order HCO3 > SO42− > Cl. Ca-Mg-Na-HCO3 water type is common in the area, possibly due to the dissolution of magnesite and silicate minerals in the basement rocks. Also, results indicate weak acids (i.e., HCO3) dominance over strong acids (i.e., SO42− and Cl). Ion exchange reactions and magnesite and silicate minerals weathering primarily control the area's groundwater chemistry. The results of the Pollution Index for Groundwater (0.29-0.55) and Groundwater Quality Index (29.14-53.68) indicate groundwater in the area is suitable for drinking. The sodium percentage (36.88–78.20%, mean of 57.83%), magnesium ratios (13.90–94.66, mean of 35.70), and sodium adsorption ratio (4.63–16.92, mean of 11.78) suggests that groundwater in the study area is suitable for irrigation purposes.

How to cite: Ngendahayo, E., Impuhwezayo, M., Nkurunziza, E., and Nsengiyumva, J. N.: Hydrogeochemical characterization and assessment of groundwater quality in Muyira Sector, Rwanda., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12634,, 2025.

EGU25-12894 | ECS | Orals | GI5.5

Applying fingerprinting methods on multielement measurements to track sediment transport in a small erosion-prone hilly catchment 

Máté Krisztián Kardos, Zsolt Jolánkai, and Adrienne Clement

To investigate particulate material dynamics,  48 soil, river bottom sediment, and river suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples were collected using a stratified sampling method in the Koppány River Basin, Hungary. Samples were analyzed via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the concentration of 44 elements, encompassing heavy metals, "light" metals, and rare earth elements. Multivariate statistical methods, particularly hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to identify patterns and drivers of material distribution across the catchment.

The PCA results revealed distinct partitioning of particulate material sources and transport behaviors. The first principal component (PC1) distinguished SPM samples from soil and sediment samples, underscoring the contrasting geochemical signatures of material mobilized during different flow conditions. The second principal component (PC2) separated SPM samples collected during low flow conditions from those collected during high flow conditions, reflecting hydrological influences on particulate transport and source contributions. Notably, spatial differences between the upper and lower parts of the catchment were found to be less significant than the temporal dynamics driven by flow conditions.

These preliminary findings highlight the pivotal role of hydrology in governing the geochemical composition of suspended materials and provide insights into sediment dynamics in hilly river basins. The study demonstrates the utility of multivariate approaches in disentangling complex interactions between geological and hydrological processes in catchment systems.

How to cite: Kardos, M. K., Jolánkai, Z., and Clement, A.: Applying fingerprinting methods on multielement measurements to track sediment transport in a small erosion-prone hilly catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12894,, 2025.

EGU25-16437 | Posters on site | GI5.5

The application of Principal Component Analysis to reveal the contributions of various natural and anthropogenic sources to the chemical composition of soil. 

Antonio Iannone, Chaosheng Zhang, Annalise Guarino, Alessio De Falco, Lucia Rita Pacifico, and Stefano Albanese

Environmental risks are often linked to contamination processes driven by various chemical stressors introduced into the environment from specific sources. These sources may be anthropogenic, stemming from human activities, or natural, associated with the geolithological context and geological weathering processes. It is crucial to distinguish between chemical anomalies resulting from anthropogenic inputs and those arising from the inherent compositional characteristics of the natural environment, which may not be remediable. This differentiation is essential for establishing reliable and practical remediation objectives.

When anthropogenic activities release waste products into the environment in airborne, liquid, or solid forms, these materials typically possess distinct chemical compositions. Such compositions frequently involve associations of substances that can disrupt environmental equilibria. This study employed both univariate and multivariate statistical techniques to analyze geochemical data from over 7,000 topsoil samples collected in the Campania region of Southern Italy. The objective was to develop an operational model for assessing environmental risks by identifying their sources. The database encompasses the concentrations of 52 chemical elements for each sample, with data georeferenced to facilitate spatial analysis, delineate geochemical patterns, and correlate anomalies with known human or natural sources.

The complex geological setting of the Campania region, combined with the diverse sources of anthropogenic contamination, rendered Principal Component Analysis (PCA) an especially effective method for identifying element associations that predominantly influence the variability of the geochemical data. PCA was conducted using a selection of 21 variables, resulting in the identification of four significant principal components (PCs) that account for the majority of the observed data variability:

- PC1 (42% of total variance), characterized by Th, Be, As, U, V, and Bi.

- PC2 (16% of total variance), characterized by Sb, Zn, Hg, Pb, Sn, and Cd.

- PC3 (10% of total variance), characterized by Mn, Ni, Cr, and Co.

- PC4 (9% of total variance), characterized by Ba, Cu, and Sr.

The scores of the components for each sample were spatially plotted and classified to enhance their interpretability. The legend for the component scores was centered at zero, indicating the minimal contribution of the covered areas to overall component variability; higher absolute values identified areas where the featured elemental association was more significant.

The analysis effectively differentiated soils predominantly influenced by natural contributions, such as loose materials from the volcanic centers of Campania (e.g., Mt. Roccamonfina, Campi Flegrei, and Mt. Somma-Vesuvius) (PC1 and PC4) and weathering products from the region's siliciclastic deposits (PC3). Furthermore, the PCA found areas subjected to considerable anthropogenic pressure concerning the association of Sb, Zn, Hg, Pb, Sn, and Cd (PC2). These findings underscore the effectiveness of multivariate analysis, particularly PCA, in discriminating between geogenic and anthropogenic processes and, further, in distinguishing among various anthropogenic sources. This methodological approach offers valuable insights for managing environmental risks and prioritizing remediation efforts.

How to cite: Iannone, A., Zhang, C., Guarino, A., De Falco, A., Pacifico, L. R., and Albanese, S.: The application of Principal Component Analysis to reveal the contributions of various natural and anthropogenic sources to the chemical composition of soil., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16437,, 2025.

EGU25-17328 | Orals | GI5.5

Hotspot analysis for discriminating geochemical anomalies in the soil of an intensely anthropized volcanic region in Italy. 

Stefano Albanese, Antonio Iannone, Chaosheng Zhang, Annalise Guarino, Alessio De Falco, and Lucia Rita Pacifico

Soils result from physical, chemical, and biological processes that affect rocks and their weathered products. In historical times, natural processes have also been widely influenced by human activity (such as industrial production, motor vehicle mobility, waste disposal, and agricultural practices). Consequently, soils represent a reservoir of chemical elements and compounds with extreme spatial variability across Earth's surface.

Defining the distribution of chemical elements and their anomalies and understanding the nature of factors controlling their spatial variability is essential for those committed to environmental issues management, especially when effects on ecosystems and living beings must be addressed, targeting the development of remedial actions.

In recent years, with the rapid data volume growth, effective methods are required for data analytics for large geochemical datasets. Spatial machine learning technologies have been proven to have the potential to reveal hidden patterns based on geochemical information. In this study, a spatial clustering technique of Getis-Ord Gi* statistic was performed on 21 characterizing elements using more than 7000 topsoil samples (~ 7300) proceeding from the Campania region territory in southern Italy.

The analysis found spatial clusters of significantly high (hot spots) and low values (cold spots) for the selected elements, showing a strong correlation with the geological features of the study area, particularly volcanic and siliciclastic units.

Volcanic units were associated with high concentrations of elements such as As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cu, Sr, Th, Tl, U, and V, while siliciclastic units were associated with high values of Co, Cr, Ni, and Mn. Additionally, the high concentration of Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb, Sn and Zn showed a clear association with the region's main urban and industrial centres.

The results highlight the power of spatial clustering techniques in discriminating geogenic from anthropogenic processes and identifying hidden spatial patterns, thus offering valuable insights for environmental studies and management.

How to cite: Albanese, S., Iannone, A., Zhang, C., Guarino, A., De Falco, A., and Pacifico, L. R.: Hotspot analysis for discriminating geochemical anomalies in the soil of an intensely anthropized volcanic region in Italy., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17328,, 2025.

EGU25-17982 | Posters on site | GI5.5

Harnessing soil geochemistry and granulometry for optimal terroir management and wine profiling: insights from the Taurasi terroir of southern Italy 

Domenico Cicchella, Maurizio Ambrosino, Ilaria Guagliardi, and Stefano Albanese

The interaction between the unique geochemical characteristics of the soils and the social, environmental, climatic and biodiversity factors give distinctive properties to the wines of a specific area, defining the terroir of a wine. While climatic, ecological, and social aspects remain relatively stable within the limited extension of terroirs, soil geochemistry can change notably. Variations in soil geochemistry play a significant role as they influence vine health, grape quality and, ultimately, the flavour profile of the wine. This study aims to highlight the chemical and granulometric differences occurring in the Taurasi terroir (Southern Italy) to improve its management and enhance the diverse flavours and aromas of the wines. The Taurasi terroir encompasses an area of 245 km², within which soils belong to three different geochemical domains (clay, volcanic, and carbonate soils). Chemical elements affecting colour and aroma (Cu, Fe), taste (Na, K), metabolism and photosynthesis (B, Mn, Zn), or potentially toxic elements for vines (Al, As) were analysed in 100 topsoil samples distributed across the three geochemical domains. Additionally, granulometry and organic carbon content were also analysed to assess soil's ability to retain water and microbial populations. Results revealed significant compositional differences among the three geochemical domains that inevitably reflect in wine characteristics. Except for Mn, volcanic soils were enriched in all analysed elements, while carbonate soils were depleted. Following the order of volcanic soils – clay soils – carbonate soils, the average concentrations of analysed elements were as follows: As (16 - 7 - 3 mg/kg); Al (5.5 - 3.2 - 1.8 %); B (24 - 10 - 6 mg/kg); Cu (78 - 52 - 28 mg/kg); Fe (3.2 - 2.7 - 1.8 %); K (1.6 - 0.7 - 0.4 %); Mn (950 - 1470 - 820); Na (0.6 - 0.05 - 0.05 %); Zn (105 - 62 – 58 mg/kg). From a granulometric perspective, volcanic soils were coarse-grained, followed by carbonate and clay soils. The average granulometry for the three geochemical domains is as follows: volcanic soils (72% sand, 13% silt, 5% clay); carbonate soils (26% sand, 58% silt, 16% clay); clay soils (5% sand, 13% silt, 72% clay). Average organic carbon values were also favourable for volcanic soils (4.5%), followed by carbonate soils (3.2%) and clay soils (1.4%). These results show that significant compositional and granulometric differences within the Taurasi terroir are reflected in the expression of grapes and wines produced. Therefore, this study provides key tools for micro-zoning terroirs to enhance diverse flavour, colour, and aroma expressions within the same terroir.

How to cite: Cicchella, D., Ambrosino, M., Guagliardi, I., and Albanese, S.: Harnessing soil geochemistry and granulometry for optimal terroir management and wine profiling: insights from the Taurasi terroir of southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17982,, 2025.

EGU25-18176 | ECS | Orals | GI5.5

The role of soil geochemistry in the absorption of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) by edible hyperaccumulator plants: the case of Brassica rapa in volcanic and clay soils. 

Maurizio Ambrosino, Giuseppe Diego Puglia, Eleonora Maria Di Salvo, Shashank Saini, Nicola Cicero, and Domenico Cicchella

The hyperaccumulation behaviour of PTEs is observed in many edible plants. However, the role of soil geochemistry and the human health risks associated with the uptake of PTEs by hyperaccumulator plants remain poorly understood. This study analyses 10 topsoil and Brassica rapa samples collected from volcanic and clay soils, comparing the contents of As, Cd, Hg and Pb and assessing their relative health risks. To account for geochemical variations in volcanic and clay soils, samples were collected from two Italian regions (Sicily and Campania) characterized by different geological settings. The results indicate that volcanic soils exhibit higher concentrations of PTEs than clay soils, with Hg levels exceeding precautionary limits established by EU soil quality standards. Notably, Campania shows the highest concentrations of PTEs in soils, attributable to evolved magmatic products with tephritic-phonolitic composition. In clay soils, Sicilian samples reveal significant enrichment in Cd, while As, Hg and Pb are more concentrated in Campanian clays. Soil quality standards are not exceeded in clay soils. Regarding plant tissues, concentrations of Cd, Hg and Pb in edible organs (stems and leaves) exceed FAO-WHO standards in most samples from volcanic soils, with values up to 3, 8, and 14 times higher than the standards. Plants grown in clay soils show lower concentrations of PTEs than those grown in volcanic soils; only one Sicilian sample exhibits concentrations of Cd, Hg, and Pb 4, 1.5, and 6 times above FAO-WHO standards, respectively. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) confirm the hyperaccumulating behaviour of Brassica rapa, with concentrations of PTEs in roots and stems sometimes exceeding those present in the soil. Risk analysis revealed that total cancer risk and target hazard quotient are unacceptable for adults and children who consume Brassica rapa from volcanic soils. Both parameters generally show acceptable values in clay soils, with alarming levels only for high consumption rates. Finally, although Sicilian soils are generally impoverished in PTEs, Brassica rapa samples from this region exhibit higher levels than those from Campania. Therefore, while soil geochemistry is a crucial factor in metal absorption by Brassica rapa, other parameters (e.g., climatic, environmental, and biological) also play a significant role.

How to cite: Ambrosino, M., Puglia, G. D., Di Salvo, E. M., Saini, S., Cicero, N., and Cicchella, D.: The role of soil geochemistry in the absorption of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) by edible hyperaccumulator plants: the case of Brassica rapa in volcanic and clay soils., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18176,, 2025.

EGU25-18593 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.5

Environmental Distribution and Source Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in the Soils of the Sarno River Basin, Southern Italy 

Annalise Guarino, Antonio Iannone, Alessio De Falco, and Stefano Albanese

The Sarno River Basin (SRB) is among the most polluted in Europe, with contamination deriving from industrial activities, including tanneries and canneries, as well as intensive agriculture and dense urbanization. It is located in the Campania region in Southern Italy, in the southwestern portion of the Campania Plain, between the Somma–Vesuvius volcanic complex to the west and the Lattari Mountains carbonate reliefs to the south.

The SRB is characterized by the presence of high concentrations of some priority organic pollutants, deriving from their use in various processes linked to human activities (e.g., agriculture, industry, mining, vehicular traffic). The soils of the basin, predominantly fine-grained alluvial and volcanic deposits, provide an ideal matrix for the retention of these pollutants, further enhanced by the high organic matter content.

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are synthetic organic compounds extensively utilized in agriculture as insecticides and fungicides during the mid-20th century and, subordinately, in the medical field. These chemicals are among the most common soil contaminants, especially in highly industrialized and anthropized areas; they show a high environmental persistence and are generally characterized by a marked tendency towards bioaccumulation and biomagnification along trophic chains due to their lipophilic character.

The study aims to assess the geochemical-environmental conditions of the SRB, through GIS-based maps and univariate statistical analysis, also establishing the nature of their potential emission sources. For the purpose, over an area of about 500 km2 a total of 42 topsoil samples were collected to be analyzed to determine the concentration levels of 24 OCPs.

To investigate the distribution pattern of concentrations, the compounds were grouped into six classes:

  • I) dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and its isomers and metabolites (DDE, DDD), whose Ʃ6DDTs concentrations represent on average 68.7% of the total OCPs and ranges from a minimum of 0.021 µg/kg to a maximum of 339 µg/kg;
  • II) hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (α, β, γ, δ), with Ʃ4HCHs representing 2.64% and ranging from 0.013 µg/kg to 7.84 µg/kg;
  • III) aldrin, dieldrin, and endrin, whose Ʃ3Drins varies from 0.010 µg/kg to 71.7 µg/kg and constitutes the 6.61%;
  • IV) heptachlor, chlordane (α, γ), and nonachlor (cis, trans), constituting on average 1.39% with Ʃ5Chlors from 0.016 µg/kg to 0.94 µg/kg;
  • V) Endosulfan (α, β), and Endosulfan sulfate, whose Ʃ3Endos varies from 0.010 µg/kg to 19.3 µg/kg and represents 14.5%;
  • VI) mirex, methoxychlor and hexachlorobenzene, constituting 6.18%, with total values from 0.010 µg/kg to 7.01 µg/kg.

Because some OCPs tend to degrade over time and the technical pesticides (i.e., DDT, HCH, chlordane, endosulfan) consist of precise percentage of the different molecules, the ratio between the parent compound and its metabolites can be used as pollution sources indicators. This helps identify whether the concentrations are attributable to fresh or historical use of these substances. The analyzed isomeric ratios showed that, although most OCPs are banned, recent applications of pesticide mixtures still contribute to high soil concentrations in some parts of the study area.

How to cite: Guarino, A., Iannone, A., De Falco, A., and Albanese, S.: Environmental Distribution and Source Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in the Soils of the Sarno River Basin, Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18593,, 2025.

EGU25-20237 | Posters on site | GI5.5

An easy way to build database and analyze data using OnePeterology 

Yi Ding, Tao Wang, Ying Tong, and chaoyang wang

       The 21st century is the era of big data, where scientific research under the new paradigm of data and model-driven knowledge discovery has become the new trend in the scientific field. Under the framework of the international  science project "Deep-time Digital Earth" (DDE), the research team led by Dr. Wang Tao has constructed the OnePetrology database for magmatic rocks. This database adopts a three-in-one approach of "data + mapping + research," based on the magmatic rock knowledge system, with samples as the core,  with self-developed tools to build a magmatic rock database system that integrates big data aggregation and mapping analysis functions.

      The OnePetrology database system includes backend services (cloud), a website (Web), and a scientific research work platform (desktop). The data mainly comes from publicly published literature, tests conducted by the research team, laboratory test data, etc. The data types include basic information on magmatic rock rock types, occurrences, spatial locations, as well as geochronology, geochemistry, (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-O) isotopes, and non-traditional (or emerging) isotope data, involving global important orogenic belts, cratons, and some oceans (ocean drilling data).

    The database has preliminarily completed the framework construction and has incorporated a portion of the data, initially forming methods and processes for data aggregation. Currently, there are two ways to contribute data: first, volunteers enter data in the data "data submission portal" set up for this purpose.  The database system has currently built 22 thematic databases and welcomes more disciplinary experts to come to the magmatic rock database to build their own thematic databases.

      The core idea of the database's functionality is to combine big data and software tools for scientific research and exploration. Taking the website as an example, it provides data filtering tools and mapping analysis tools. Data filtering tools include spatial filtering and attribute filtering: spatial filtering can pull cross-sections (set radius), rectangles, custom polygons, global tectonic units, global cratons, China and neighboring areas' main tectonic units, and other search methods, while attribute filtering can set search conditions, value ranges, and fuzzy queries for all fields. Spatial filtering and attribute queries can be used separately or in combination, with query results displayed in table form, spatial distribution maps, and mapping functions. The mapping functions currently built in the database include TAS, Pearce, SiO2-K2O, ACNK-CNK, 2D Density, Heatmap, Profile, etc., each supporting secondary filtering and grouping, facilitating users to quickly discover data patterns.  Currently, online analysis can provide processing capabilities for about 20,000 samples (assuming average desktop computing capabilities). If you need to process larger data volumes, please download the desktop software from the homepage of the website (

     In summary, the DDE OnePetrology magmatic rock database has preliminarily constructed the capabilities for magmatic rock data aggregation and mapping analysis, with other planned functions being built step by step. We warmly welcome more interested experts to participate in the construction and use of the magmatic rock database and to offer your valuable suggestions.

How to cite: Ding, Y., Wang, T., Tong, Y., and wang, C.: An easy way to build database and analyze data using OnePeterology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20237,, 2025.

Statistical models are a frequently used tool in hydrology, especially when it comes to estimating design floods, i.e. flood events that used to design flood protection systems or reservoirs. The often complex hydrological data, which are affected by e.g. missing values, extremes or time-varying processes, require sophisticated statistical models that take these challenges into account. As a scientist, developing such models can be a lot of fun and provide interesting insights. After months of thinking about the best model under certain statistical assumptions, proving asymptotic theorems and testing the model with synthetic data, you are happy and proud to have developed a new model. This model will hopefully be widely used in future research. The next step is to apply the model to a large real data set. The results look good on average. The results will be shared with practitioners, because of course you want the model to be useful for science and practice. And then: the phone call. You are told that your results are not plausible for a certain catchment area. And in general, the new model is not needed in practice because there is an established model. This example describes such a case and discusses ways of dealing with it. It is intended to illustrate the importance of communication between science and practice and a general understanding between both sides.

How to cite: Fischer, S.: When practical considerations impact your scientific model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1620,, 2025.

EGU25-1660 | Orals | EOS4.8

The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick 

Nick van de Giesen and John Selker

In the early 1990's, fractals and chaos were hot. In 1987, James Gleick had published "Chaos: Making a New Science", popularizing non-linear dynamics. Hydrologists played an important role in the development of fractal theory. Hurst had discovered that sequences of dry and wet years for the Nile showed very long memory effects. Instead of the chance of a dry year following a dry year being 50%, Hurst found that there were surprisingly many long series of dry or wet years. Seven fat years, seven lean years, as it is noted in Genesis. Scott Tyler found fractals in soils ("Fractal processes in soil water retention"). At Cornell, where we were at the time, David Turcotte described "Fractals in geology and geophysics". A few years later, Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe and Andrea Rinaldo would publish "Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization". In short, fractals were exciting scientific gold.

A fractal is not just an obscure mathematical object but something that can actually be found everywhere in nature. Early on, a paper was published in Nature with the title "Fractal viscous fingering in clay slurries" by Van Damme, Obrecht, Levitz, Gatineau, and Laroche. They "only" did an experiment on a fractal embedded in 2D; we should be able to do one better and find the fractal dimension of the surface of cracking clay embedded in 3D. So out we went, collected some clay, mixed it with water in a cement mixer, siliconed together a shallow "aquarium", and poured in the slurry. To observe the cracking of the drying slurry, a video camera was mounted above the experiment, looking down and taking time-lapse images. To access the views from the sides, mirrors were installed at 45 degrees at each of the four sides. Lights made sure the camera captured high quality images. The whole set-up was enclosed in a frame with dark cloth to ensure that lighting was always the same.  We already had some box-counting code ready to calculate the fractal dimension of the surface, called the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension. One variable needed some extra attention, namely the boundary between the clay slurry and the glass sides. If the clay would cling to the sides, it would be difficult to understand the effects that this boundary condition had on the outcome of the experiment. Moreover, the cracks may not have become visible in the mirrors when the sides were covered with mud. So, instead, it was decided to make the sides hydrophobic with some mineral oil. This ensured that when the clay would start to shrink, it would come loose from the sides. Now, all we had to do was wait. It took only a week or so before the consolidated slurry started to shrink and to come loose from the sides. After that, the clay continued shrink for many weeks. This is how we learned that the fractal dimension of a shrinking brick of clay is (very close) to 3.0. 

How to cite: van de Giesen, N. and Selker, J.: The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1660,, 2025.

EGU25-5035 | Orals | EOS4.8

Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief 

Stefan Hergarten and Jörg Robl

In 2018, we found exciting new results in landform evolution modeling by coupling the two simplest models of fluvial erosion and hillslope processes. While the stream-power incision model is the simplest model for detachment-limited fluvial erosion, the diffusion equation is the simplest description of hillslope processes at long timescales. Both processes were added at each grid cell without an explicit separation between channels and hillslopes because fluvial erosion automatically becomes dominant at large catchment sizes and negligible at small catchment sizes.

We found that increasing diffusion reduces the relief at small scales (individual hillslopes), but even increases the large-scale relief (entire catchments). As an immediate effect, the hillslopes become less steep. In turn, however, we observed that the network of the clearly incised valleys, which indicates dominance of fluvial erosion over diffusion, became smaller. So a smaller set of fluvially dominated grid cells had to erode the material entering from the hillslopes. To maintain a morphological equilibrium with a given uplift rate, the rivers had to steepen over long time. This steepening even overcompensated the immediate decrease in relief of the hillslopes.

This result was counterintuitive at first, but we were happy to find a reasonable explanation. So we even prepared a short manuscript for a prestigious  journal. We just did not submit it because we wanted to explain the effect quantitatively from the physical parameters of the model. From these theoretical considerations, we found that our numerical results did not only depend on the model parameters, but also on the spatial resolution of the model and noticed that this scaling problem was already discussed in a few published studies. Beyond the scaling problem, we also realized that applying the concept of detachment-limited fluvial erosion to the sediment brought from the hillslopes into the rivers is quite unrealistic. A later study including fluvial sediment transport and a model for hillslope processes that avoids scaling problems did not predict any increase in large-scale relief. So we finally realized that our original findings were mainly the result of a specific combination of models that should not be coupled this way and are not  as relevant for landform evolution as we thought.

This example illustrates many of the pitfalls of numerical modeling beyond purely technical issues. In particular, combining models that are widely used and make sense individually may still cause unexpected problems.


How to cite: Hergarten, S. and Robl, J.: Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5035,, 2025.

EGU25-5091 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

(Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector 

Guillemette Legrand

In this presentation, I will discuss my research into the simple climate model Hector, which calculates temperature change based on the impact of various climate scenarios. More specifically, I will discuss how an artistic-led approach through (un)voluntary-caused computational bugs can help document the model's logic and socio-political implications. I will describe methods for collective 'debugging' to produce transdisciplinary knowledge (beyond solely scientific inquiry) to foster conversation about the potential and limits of current climate infrastructure to foster concrete climate actions. This research investigates the field of climate science through artistic practice, software and infrastructure studies, and participatory methods. To expand on the role of bugs in my investigation, I will elaborate on concrete examples of differences in perception of 'error' in the fields of arts and science, looking at case studies where mistakes or glitches have been valorised and mobilised through artistic practice to grapple with, appropriate, and/or repurpose scientific instruments.

How to cite: Legrand, G.: (Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5091,, 2025.

EGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight

Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong 

Lukas Brunner, Maximilian Meindl, and Aiko Voigt

"Doesn't this look a bit strange?" 

It began with an innocent question during one of our Master's colloquia. And it could have ended there. "We were just following an approach from the literature". And who could argue against following the literature?

But it bugged me. During a long train ride, I began to think about the issue again. 10 hours and many papers later, I was only more confused: was it really that obvious, and why had no one picked up on it before? But sometimes the most obvious things are the most wicked, and after a few conversations with knowledgeable colleagues, I was sure we were in for an unexpected surprise. 

A commonly used approach to defining heat extremes is as exceedances of percentile-based thresholds that follow the seasonal cycle. Such relative extremes are then expected to be evenly distributed throughout the year. For example, over the 30-year period 1961-1990, we expect three (or 10%) of January 1s to exceed a 90th percentile threshold defined for the same period - and the same for all other days of the year. In a recent study, we show that there are many cases where this does not hold, not even close (Brunner and Voigt 2024).

Here, we tell the story of how this blunder spread in the literature out of the desire to improve extreme thresholds. We show that seemingly innocent changes can sometimes have unintended consequences and that taking the time to check the obvious can help avoid mistakes in science. 


Brunner L. and Voigt A. (2024): Pitfalls in diagnosing temperature extremes, Nature Communications,

How to cite: Brunner, L., Meindl, M., and Voigt, A.: Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5951,, 2025.

When economists estimate the expected economic damages from current-day CO2 emissions, they usually calculate the social cost of carbon – that is, the aggregated damage caused by the emission of an additional ton of CO2. Several cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) are built to assess this quantity, and among them is the META model. This model is built specifically to assess the effects of tipping points on the social cost of carbon, and it usually operates stochastically. When integrating a deterministic, but small carbon cycle tipping point into the model, however, the social cost of carbon seems to explode: a few gigatons of additional emissions almost double the impact estimates of CO2 emissions! Well, maybe. In fact, these results are a pure artifact of two things: 1) the way in which social cost of carbon estimates are calculated with IAMs; and 2) the way that tipping points are implemented in the META model. And, of course, 3): a lack of initial thoughtfulness on behalf of myself. A thorough look into this issue shows that, as expected, a marginal change in emissions leads to a marginal change in damage estimates. While that result is rather boring, the previous blunder can actually be instructive about the scarcely-known methods used to obtain economic impact estimates of climate change.

How to cite: Schaumann, F.: Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9145,, 2025.

EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really? 

Felix Jäger, Petra Sieber, Isla Simpson, David Lawrence, Peter Lawrence, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Historically, large areas across the globe have been affected by deforestation or irrigation expansion. The replacement of forests with agricultural land and increased water availability in irrigated croplands altered the land’s surface properties, leading to influences of biogeophysical changes on near-surface temperature. From limited observations and mostly idealized simulations, we know that sufficiently large alterations of land surface properties can theoretically lead to systematic temperature and precipitation changes outside and even far from the altered areas. Not only the advection of temperature anomalies, but also changes in circulation and ocean feedbacks have been shown to be potential drivers of such non-local responses in single and multi-model studies.

We tested the robustness of non-local temperature signals to internal variability in the fully coupled Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) simulations of the historical period (1850 – 2014) with all forcings vs. all-but-land-use-change forcings. Doing so, we first found seemingly robust non-local temperature effects of land use change on the global and regional scale. But when accounting for the sampling of internal variability in the model using a large initial condition ensemble, the global scale signal was found to be indistinguishable from noise. Only regionally in some hotspots, we found robust and historically important non-local temperature signals. Through increasingly rigorous analysis, we reached a partly negative and unexpected but important finding, which may have implications for future assessments of comparably weak or spatially heterogeneous forcings to the Earth system.

How to cite: Jäger, F., Sieber, P., Simpson, I., Lawrence, D., Lawrence, P., and Seneviratne, S. I.: How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10285,, 2025.

EGU25-10615 | Orals | EOS4.8

Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling 

Jan Seibert, Franziska Clerc-Schwarzenbach, Ilja van Meerveld, and Marc Vis

Failures are only common in science, and hydrological modelling is no exception. However, we modellers usually do not like to talk about our mistakes or our overly optimistic expectations and, thus, “negative” results usually do not get published. While there are examples where model failures indicated issues with the observational data, in this presentation the focus is on modelling studies, where some more (realistic) thinking could have helped to avoid disappointments. Examples include the unnecessary comparison of numerically identical model variants, naively optimistic expectations about increasing the physical basis of bucket-type models and excessively hopeful assumptions about the value of data.

How to cite: Seibert, J., Clerc-Schwarzenbach, F., van Meerveld, I., and Vis, M.: Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10615,, 2025.

EGU25-11357 | Orals | EOS4.8

Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks 

Peter Manshausen, Anna Tippett, Edward Gryspeerdt, and Philip Stier

The idea of invisible ship tracks for the study of aerosol-cloud interactions sounds promising: We have been studying the effects of aerosols on clouds for many years, among others by investigating the bright lines of clouds left in low marine clouds by ships. However, only a small fraction of ships leaves behind visible tracks. This means we can only study aerosol-cloud interactions under certain meteorological conditions, biasing our understanding. Instead, by studying all clouds polluted by ships ('invisible ship tracks') with a methodology we developed, we should be able to get a full picture of aerosol-cloud interactions. A number of interesting and impactful results have come out of this research, along with several setbacks and corrections to initial results. Here, we examine them in order, showing how correcting for one identified bias can introduce two new ones. Unexpected glitches arise from sources as varied as: choices regarding ship track definition, retrieval geometry, specific weather systems biasing results, and mathematical subtleties. What can we conclude after four years of progress on this methodology? While some results still stand, others had to be significantly corrected. This makes us see invisible ship tracks as an example of research that is closer to a method of 'tinkering' than to a 'magnificent discovery'.

How to cite: Manshausen, P., Tippett, A., Gryspeerdt, E., and Stier, P.: Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11357,, 2025.

EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system   

Hans Segura, Cathy Hohenegger, Reiner Schnur, and Bjorn Stevens

Earth system models are important tools used to understand our climate system and project possible changes in our climate due to anthropogenic and natural forcings. Human errors can occur in the development of Earth System models, i.e., bugs, giving an unphysical representation of our climate. A way to identify and solve bugs is to apply physical concepts. Here, we present an experience that occurred in the development of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model (ICON) as a kilometer-scale Earth System model, in which physically understanding a bug in the surface energy budget fixed land precipitation. 

In a simulation of ICON, referred to as ICON-bug, precipitation over tropical land continuously decreased across the simulation. This led to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation in the tropics of less than 0.7, which, otherwise, should be more than 0.86. As part of the possible explanations, the surface energy budget over land was targeted as a culprit. This idea relies on the influence of the interaction between soil moisture, surface heat fluxes, and winds to generate circulation favoring precipitation over dry land surfaces (Hohenegger and Stevens 2018). Indeed, the surface energy budget over dry surfaces in the ICON-bug showed an error in sensible heat flux. The sensible heat flux transmitted to the atmosphere was 70% of what was calculated for the surface module. Fixing this error closed the surface energy budget and increased land precipitation over the tropics, leading to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation of 0.94, close to observations. 

How to cite: Segura, H., Hohenegger, C., Schnur, R., and Stevens, B.: Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12720,, 2025.

Whenever you study a phenomenon of mm to a few cm-scale in the laboratory which involves an interface, the question of surface tension arises. Surface tension is due to the fact that molecules prefer to stay with their own kind. Therefore, the creation of an interface between two fluids requires energy, and this influences the dynamics around the interface.

Surface tension can be a blessing: it produces the round shape of rain drops or the nice bubble shapes of colorful liquid in a lava lamp. It allows objects with a higher density to float on a liquid (such as an insect on water, or a silicone plate on sugar syrup). It can generate flow up a capillary.

However, it can also be a curse in the case of thermal convection. Purely thermal convection  develops when a plane layer of fluid is heated from below and cooled from above. The engine of motion is the thermal buoyancy of the fluid. This is what is happening in a planetary mantle on scales of hundreds to thousands kilometers. This is also what is happening in a closed box in the laboratory. But as soon as an interface exists, either between an upper and a lower experimental mantle, or in the case of a free surface at the top of the fluid layer, surface tension effects can become important. For exemple, the variation of surface tension with temperature was responsible for the beautiful honey-comb patterns imaged by Benard (1901) in the first systematic study of thermal convection with a free-surface. Surface tension is also going to act against the initiation of subduction (which acts to break the surface). 

We shall review in this presentation the signatures of surface tension in a convective context, and the different ways to minimize and/or remove the effects of surface tension in convection experiments, such as using miscible liquids, or a layer of experimental « sticky air ».

How to cite: Davaille, A.: Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15059,, 2025.

EGU25-15457 | Orals | EOS4.8

The crux with variability: too much or too little 

Markus Weiler

In hydrology we measure and follow the water. What if there is too much or too little? It happens a lot. As a field hydrologist, I frequently have to determine the location of a measurement, the time to take the measurement, the location to set up a field experiment, or the amount of a tracer to inject to study a hydrological system. However, this is a very bumpy road, as variability is often not in favor of my decisions because the distribution is wider than expected, bimodal instead of unimodal, or the probability of an event is theoretically small, but still an extreme event occurs during our experiment. I will showcase some examples to demonstrate what I mean and what I experienced, as well as how frequently the PhD students or Postdocs have suffered as a result of my decisions or of the unexpected variability: Climatic variability resulted in a winter without snow, just as new sensors were already deployed. Or the winter snowpack was extremely high, preventing any work at high altitudes in the Alps until mid of July, thereby reducing our field season by half. An ecohydological study to observe the effects of drought in a forest with a rainout shelter was ineffective because it occurred during an extremely dry year, making the control just as dry as our drought treatment. The automatic water sampler was set-up to collect stream water samples, but it was washed away four weeks later by the 50-year flood. The calculated amount of artificial tracer was either way too low, because the transit times of the system were much longer than expected, or it was far too high, resulting in colored streams or samples that had to be diluted by a factor of 100 due to much faster transit times Finally, and most expensively, we installed many trenches along forest roads to measure subsurface stormflow but after three years, we abandoned the measurements because we never measured a drop of water coming out of the trenches, as the bedrock permeability was much higher due to many high permeable fissures that prevented the formation of subsurface stormflow.  These experiments or observations failed because of unexpected variability in input, system properties or a lack of technical variability in the equipment. I will reflect on residual risk of failure in fieldwork related to that crux and discus approaches to reduce this risk.

How to cite: Weiler, M.: The crux with variability: too much or too little, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15457,, 2025.

EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON 

Benjamin Poschlod, Lukas Brunner, Benjamin Blanz, and Lukas Kluft

The emergence of global km-scale climate models allows us to study Earth's climate and its changes with unprecedented local detail. However, this step change in spatial resolution to grid spacings of 10 km or less also brings new challenges to the numerical methods used in the models, the storage of model output, and the processing of the output data into actionable climate information. The latest versions of the ICON-Sapphire model developed in the frame of the NextGEMS project address these challenges by running on an icosahedral grid while outputting data on the so-called HEALPix grid. Both grids are unstructured grids, which avoids, for example, the issue of longitude convergence. In addition, HEALPix allows data to be stored in a hierarchy of resolutions at different discrete zoom levels, making it easier for users to handle the data.  

The transition from the native 10 km grid to the output grid is made by a simple but very fast nearest-neighbour remapping. An advantage of this simple remapping approach is that the output fields are not distorted, i.e. the atmospheric states in the output remain self-consistent. As HEALPix only provides discrete zoom levels in the setup of the run, it was decided to remap to the closest available resolution of 12 km rather than to the next finer resolution of 6 km. This decision was made to avoid artificially increasing the number of grid points and to avoid creating duplicates through the nearest neighbour remapping.

As a consequence of this approach, wave-like patterns can emerge due to the Moiré effect that can result from the interaction of two grids. We find these patterns when looking at certain derived precipitation extremes, such as the annual maximum daily precipitation, the 10-year return level of hourly precipitation, or the frequency of dry days. At first, we interpreted these patterns as a plotting issue, as the figures might have too low resolution to cope with the high-resolution global plot (aliasing) leading to a Moiré pattern.

However, zooming in on the affected regions and closer examination of the data revealed that the pattern is in fact in the data. Further investigation with synthetic data confirmed the suspicion that the Moiré pattern was indeed caused by the remapping of the native 10 km icosahedral grid to the slightly coarser 12 km HEALPix grid. We hypothesise that precipitation is particularly affected by this issue, as it typically contains many grid cells with zero precipitation, with local clusters of non-zero values at the 15-minutely output interval. Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that other variables are also affected.

As a consequence, if remapping is required, it is recommended to first remap from the native resolution to a finer resolution grid. As a next step, the conservative nature of the HEALPix hierarchy can be used to compute the coarser level. In this way it is likely to be possible to avoid aliasing and still keep the amount of output data the same.

How to cite: Poschlod, B., Brunner, L., Blanz, B., and Kluft, L.: Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15826,, 2025.

EGU25-17676 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

What river plastic hotspots do not have in common 

Rahel Hauk, Adriaan J. Teuling, Tim H.M. van Emmerik, and Martine van der Ploeg

Plastic pollution is a global issue, across all environmental compartments. Rivers connect the terrestrial with the marine environment, and they transport various materials, among these plastic pollution. Rivers not only transport plastic, but also accumulate and store it, especially on riverbanks. In fact, plastic deposition and accumulation on riverbanks is a common occurrence. However, our understanding of why plastic is deposited on a certain riverbank is rather limited. Riverbanks along all major Dutch rivers have been monitored for plastic and other litter twice a year by citizen scientists, in some locations since 2018. This provides an extensive dataset on plastic accumulation, and we used these data with the aim of understanding the factors determining plastic concentration/accumulation variability over time and space. We tested multiple riverbank characteristics, such as vegetation, riverbank slope, population density, etc., hypothesized to be related to plastic litter. After having exhausted a long list of auxiliary data and analysis strategies, we found no significant results. Ultimately, we had a close look at ten consistent hotspots of macroplastic litter, along the Meuse, and Waal river. And once again, they seem to have nothing in common. But, there is a pattern, because some riverbanks have consistently very high densities of plastic litter so it does not seem completely random. We have been looking to explain spatial variability, whereas we might have to look at temporal consistency, and we shall not give up our efforts to bring order to this chaos.

How to cite: Hauk, R., Teuling, A. J., van Emmerik, T. H. M., and van der Ploeg, M.: What river plastic hotspots do not have in common, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17676,, 2025.

EGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment 

Mita Uthaman, Laura Ermert, Angel Ling, Jonas Junker, Cinzia Ghisleni, and Anne Obermann

Grande Dixence, the tallest gravity dam in the world, is located in the Swiss Alps on the Dixence River with a catchment area of 4 km2 at a towering elevation of 2000m. The lake serves as a collecting point of melt water from 35 glaciers and reaches full capacity by late September, subsequently draining during winter and dropping to lowest levels in April. For a reservoir as large as the Grande Dixence, the variation in hydrological load can be expected to induce changes in crustal stress. The goal of this study was to harness the loading effect of the time-varying level of reservoir load as a source of known stress to investigate the variation in seismic velocity of the bedrock due to changes induced in crustal stress and strain rates. 22 seismic nodes were thus deployed along the banks of the reservoir which were operational from mid-August to mid-September, corresponding to the time period when the lake level reaches its maximum. Of the 22 nodes, 18 were deployed in closely spaced patches of six in order to carry out coherent stacking and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, besides one group of three nodes and one single node. Measurement quality appears satisfactory: small local earthquakes are recorded well, and the probabilistic power spectral densities (PPSDs) computed for data quality validation evidence the ambient noise levels to be well within the global noise limits. However, the recorded noise is unexpectedly complex and, at periods shorter than 1 second, varies strongly by location. The 0.5--5s (0.2--2 Hz) period band at lakes generally records a diurnally varying noise level, often associated with lake generated microseism. Diurnal variations around 1 second of period are observed in our study as well. The amplitude of ambient noise level around 1 second of period is observed to be highest when the lake level changes, along with the prominent diurnal variation. A similar variation is observed in the seismic velocity variation (dv/v) computed from cross-correlated and auto-correlated ambient noise filtered between 0.5--1 Hz, with dv/v exhibiting a drop with rising lake level. These results provide preliminary evidence for possible change in crustal stress state with changing hydrological load. Future direction of this study consists of analytically modeling the results to quantify the influence of thermobarometric parameters on PPSDs and dv/v, and deconvolve it from the lake induced variations.

How to cite: Uthaman, M., Ermert, L., Ling, A., Junker, J., Ghisleni, C., and Obermann, A.: Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17811,, 2025.

EGU25-18185 | Orals | EOS4.8

Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity 

Tim van Emmerik and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team

Rivers play an important role in the global distribution of plastic pollution throughout the geosphere. Quantifying and understanding river plastic pollution is still an emerging field, which has advanced considerably thanks to broad efforts from science, practice, and society. Much progress in this field has been achieved through learning from failures, negative results, and unexpected outcomes. In this presentation we will provide several examples of serendipity and stupidity that has led to new insights, theories, methods, and completely new research lines. We will share what we learned from rivers flowing in the wrong direction, sensors that disappear, equipment blocked by invasive plants, and dealing with suspicious local authorities. Pushing the science sometimes requires an opportunistic approach, embracing surprises and chaos you may face along the way.

How to cite: van Emmerik, T. and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team: Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18185,, 2025.

With the advent of parallel programming in the late 1990s. A port of the than available Max Planck Institutes for Meteorology spectral atmospheric model echam5 to MPI and OpenMP was done. For testing and validation of the hybrid parallelization a coherence algorithm was developed. The implementation has been incorporated into todays NWP and climate model ICON as well. The coherence algoritm consists of several stages: first one MPI rank is running the serial model against an n-task MPI parallelized model. During runtime the state vector is checked for binary-identity. If successfull a m-task MPI version can be compared to an m-task MPI version for high processor counts. The same schema can be used OpenMP parallelization. ONe MPI task runs the model serial using one OpenMP thread and a second MPI task runs k OpenMP threads. Again, the results are compared for binary-identity. As the testing needs to be done automatically, bit-identity is important for testing not necessarily for production.

The tesing revealed plenty of problems during the initial parallelization work of echam5 and showed constant appearing problems in the ICON development phase.

However, far in a couple of century long simulation the bit-identity was just by accident found to be broken: the search of the cause started!

How to cite: Kornblueh, L.: MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18400,, 2025.

EGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error 

Stefan Gaillard

Addressing positive publication bias and clearing out the file drawer has been at the core of the Journal of Trial and Error since its conception. Publishing the trial-and-error components of science is advantageous in numerous ways, as already pointed out in the description of this panel: errors can lead to unexpected insights and warning others about dead ends can prevent wasted time and other resources. Besides those advantages, publishing negative and null results facilitates conducting robust meta-analyses. In addition, predictive machine learning models benefit from training on data from all types of research rather than just data from studies with positive, exciting results; already researchers are reporting that models trained on published data are overly optimistic.

Besides publishing negative and null results as well as methodological failures, the Journal of Trial and Error couples each published study with a reflection article. The purpose of these reflection articles is to have a philosopher, sociologist or domain expert reflect on what exactly went wrong. This helps contextualize the failure, helping to pinpoint the systematic factors at play as well as helping the authors and other scientists to draw lessons from the reported research struggles which can be applied to improve future research.

Publishing failure brings with it some practical challenges: convincing authors to submit manuscripts detailing their trial-and-error; instructing peer reviewers on how to conduct peer review for the types of articles; differentiating between interesting … and uninformative, sloppy science; and determining the best formats to publish various failure-related outcomes in. Authors are still hesitant to publish their research struggles due to reputational concerns and time constraints. In addition, authors often fear that peer reviewers will be more critical of articles describing research failures compared to articles reporting positive results. To counteract this (perceived) tendency of peer reviewers to be more critical of research without positive results, we provide specific instructions to peer reviewers to only assess the quality of the study without taking into account the outcome. This then also ensures that we only publish research that adheres to the standards of the field rather than sloppy science. Whether submitted research provides informative insights is assed by the editor-in-chief and the handling editor.

Finally, we are constantly evaluating and innovating the types of articles we publish. Various types of errors and failures benefit from differing ways of reporting. For example, recently we introduced serendipity anecdotes, a format where scientists can anecdotally describe instances serendipity which occurred during their research. This format allows researchers to focus on the conditions which allowed for the serendipitous discovery rather than the research itself.    

How to cite: Gaillard, S.: Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18981,, 2025.

It is common to perform two-dimensional simulations of mantle convection in spherical geometry. These have commonly been performed in axisymmetric geometry, i.e. (r, theta) coordinates, but subsequently we (Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) proposed using (r, phi) spherical annulus geometry and demonstrated its usefulness for low-viscosity-contrast calculations. 

When performing scaling studies in this geometry, however, strange results that did not match what is expected from Cartesian-geometry calculations were obtained when high-viscosity features (such as slabs) were present. It turns out that this is because the geometrical restriction forces deformation that is not present in 3 dimensions. Specifically, in a 2-D spherical approximation, a downwelling is forced to contract in the plane-perpendicular direction, requiring it to extend in the two in-plane directions. In other words, it is "squeezed" in the plane-perpendicular direction.  If the downwelling has a high viscosity, as a cold slab does, then it resists this forced deformation, sinking much more slowly than in three dimensions, in which it could sink with no deformation. This can cause unrealistic behaviour and scaling relationships for high viscosity contrasts. 

This problem can be solved by subtracting the geometrically-forced deformation ("squeezing") from the strain-rate tensor when calculating the stress tensor. Specifically, components of in-plane and plane-normal strain rate that are required by and proportional to the vertical (radial) velocity are subtracted, a procedure that is here termed "anti-squeeze". It is demonstrated here that this "anti-squeeze" correction results in sinking rates and scaling relationships that are similar to those in 3-D geometry whereas without it, abnormal and physically unrealistic results can be obtained for high viscosity contrasts. This correction has been used for 2-D geometries in the code StagYY (Tackley, PEPI 2008; Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) since 2010.

How to cite: Tackley, P.:  Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19890,, 2025.

EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology 

Ross Woods

The science question: how can we use hydrological process knowledge to understand the timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow in snow-influenced catchments.

What was known: in general, catchments with colder climates have later and larger seasonal streamflow peaks, because more snow tends to accumulate in colder catchments, and it melts later because the time when melt can occur is later in the year in colder climates. Numerical models with fine space and time resolution were able to resolve these phenomena, but there was no theory which directly linked long term climate to seasonal streamflow.

In 2009 I published a very simple deterministic theory of snow pack evolution. I tested it against snow observations at 6 locations in the western USA and it apparently worked well (although I later discovered that I'd been lucky).

In 2015 I used the snowmelt derived from this deterministic theory to predict timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow. It did poorly, and revealed untested assumptions in my theory. I tried making the theory slightly more complicated by considering within-catchment variation in climate. This did not help.

In 2016 I created a stochastic version of the theory (a weakness identified in 2015), and then also considered the within-catchment variation in climate. It did better at reproducing measured snow storage, but did not help in understanding seasonal streamflow.

My next step will be to consider all forms of liquid water input, i.e. not just snowmelt but also rainfall.

What survived: I will continue to use the stochastic version of the theory as it is clearly an improvement. I will continue to examine whether within-catchment climate variability is important, but it seems unlikely after two negative results. But whether introducing liquid water input will be sufficient, who can say? I will also try to examine in more detail how it is that the finely-resolved numerical models can do an adequate job, but the theory cannot - it is in this gap that the answer probably lies.  However the models are very complicated, and it is not easy to get a good understanding of exactly what they are doing, even though we know which equations the are implementing.


How to cite: Woods, R.: Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20057,, 2025.

EGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

A case for open communication of bugs in climate models 

Jan Gärtner, Ulrike Proske, Nils Brüggemann, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Dian Putrasahan, and Karl-Hermann Wieners

Climate models are not only numerical representations of scientific understanding but also human-written software, inherently subject to coding errors. While these errors may appear minor, they can have significant and unforeseen effects on the outcomes of complex, coupled models. Despite existing robust testing and documentation practices in many modeling centers, bugs broader implications are underexplored in the climate science literature.

We investigate a sea ice bug in the coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model ICON, tracing its origin, effects, and implications. The bug stemmed from an incorrectly set logical flag, which caused the ocean to bypass friction from sea ice, leading to unrealistic surface velocities, especially in the presence of ocean eddies. We introduce a concise and visual approach to communicating bugs and conceptualize this case as part of a novel class of resolution-dependent bugs - long-standing bugs that emerge during the transition to high-resolution models, where kilometer-scale features are resolved.

By documenting this case, we highlight the broader relevance of addressing bugs and advocate for universal adoption of transparent bug documentation practices. This documentation complements the robust workflows already employed by many modeling centers and ensures lessons from individual cases benefit the wider climate modeling community.

How to cite: Gärtner, J., Proske, U., Brüggemann, N., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Putrasahan, D., and Wieners, K.-H.: A case for open communication of bugs in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20866,, 2025.

Steroidal compounds are crucial biomolecules in nature, governing diverse biological functions and serving as indicators of organic matter origin, depositional environmental history, and facilitating geological correlations in the petroleum geochemistry (Moldowan et al., 1985; Volkman, 2003). Nevertheless, different organisms can generate identical steroidal compounds, so confident identifications of sources can be enhanced by stable isotope analysis. Prior studies have demonstrated the utility of molecular-average d13C to improve interpretations of the phylogenetic and environmental origins of steroidal compounds (Freeman et al., 1990). However, there are challenges and limitations associated with interpretation of d13C values of steroids in geochemical contexts, including post-depositional alteration and the influence of different abiotic and biotic processes. In addition, d13C values of steroidal compounds from different sources might overlap (Piper and Thevis, 2022).

We will present results of a novel Orbitrap-based analytical method for measuring multiple stable-isotope properties of steroidal compounds, including the intramolecular distributions of single and multiple 13C and D substitutions, with the aim of providing more reliable constraints of sources, environments and alteration histories. Unlike traditional bulk carbon isotope analysis, site-specific and multiply substituted carbon isotope analysis focuses on specific carbon positions or groups of positions within organic molecules, enabling detection of variations in carbon cycling, metabolic pathways, and microbial processes that may not be evident from bulk measurements alone. A first proof of concept study focuses on forensic discrimination of isotopic structures of natural and synthetic steroids in human subjects for the purpose of sports doping applications. Preliminary results reveal differences in the measured site-specific 13C, D and clumped isotope of various isotopologues derived from natural and synthetic steroids despite the similarity in their molecular average isotope values.


Freeman, K.H., et al., 1990. Evidence from carbon isotope measurements for diverse origins of sedimentary hydrocarbons. Nature343, 254-256.

Moldowan, J.M., et al., 1985. Relationship Between Petroleum Composition and Depositional Environment of Petroleum Source Rocks. AAPG Bull.69, 1255-1268.

Piper, T., Thevis, M., 2022. Investigations in carbon isotope ratios of seized testosterone and boldenone preparations. Drug Test. Anal.14, 514-518.

Volkman, J., 2003. Sterols in microorganisms. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.60, 495-506.

How to cite: Shawar, L., Piper, T., and Eiler, J.: Site-Specific δ13C, D and Clumped Isotope Analysis of Steroidal Compounds for Forensic and Geochemical Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1492,, 2025.

EGU25-3148 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

The isotopic timeline of an agricultural field 

Bettina loy

The so-called crucial field is an agricultural test project west of Copenhagen since 2001, where various fertilizers (such as cattle manure, mineral fertilizer and organic household waste) have been applied on different sub-plots to study their long-term effects. Moreover, some sub-plots have been 'retired' and received only minimal fertilization after 2012. To investigate the numerous effects on C and N isotopes, I am analyzing stored fertilizer, soil and grain samples. The main points of investigation are

1. how the isotopic composition of the soil and the grain changes depending on the fertilizer treatment over time (caused by the fertilizer delta values or alternated soil processes due to fertilization);

2. how the isotopic delta values of the fertilizers themselves have changed since the beginning of the experiment and

3. how long the soil isotopic delta values take to reach pre-experimental values after 'retirement'.

In addition, it is intended to do GHG-flux measurements to investigate emissions of the sub-plots and  examine whether high emissions can be linked to high delta values in the soil. 

How to cite: loy, B.: The isotopic timeline of an agricultural field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3148,, 2025.

EGU25-3735 | Orals | BG2.1

Role of 15N methods for assessing the susceptibility of agricultural N management systems to environmental N losses 

Benjamin Wolf, Fawad Khan, Samuel Franco Luesma, Frederik Hartmann, Michael Dannenmann, Rainer Gasche, Clemens Scheer, Andreas Gattinger, Wiebke Niether, and Ralf Kiese

An evaluation of the susceptibility of different N management systems to nitrogen (N) losses into the environment requires either the in-situ determination of the individual components of the nitrogen balance or the determination of the recovery of fertilizer N in plants and soil. For both aspects, 15N methods are essential as the 15N gas flux method (15NGF) is the only widespread in-situ method for the determination of dinitrogen (N2) emissions, and 15N labelled fertilizers can be used to assess the allocation of fertilizer N to plants and soil.

To evaluate the influence of management history on N losses, we quantified N loss pathways (NH3, N2O, N2, NO3- leaching), total N balance and 15N recovery in soil and plants of two adjacent sites over a two-year cropping sequence. One site was under integrated farming (IF) and the other under organic farming (OF) with frequent legume cultivation and occasional fertilizer input.

Though integrated farming had resulted in significantly higher pH, soil organic C and N content, the emissions of ammonia, dinitrogen and nitrous oxide after cattle slurry application as well as nitrate leaching were low and not significantly different. High 15N recovery rates in plants and soil agreed well with the low directly measured N losses. Integrating the directly measured losses into the 15N balance resulted in high overall recoveries of 84 to 100%. Conversely, unrecovered 15N was on a low level, but higher for OF (12%) than for IF (6%).

Our results confirm that 15N labelled fertilizers and their recovery can be used as an indicator for N losses, but the spatial variability is high, complicating statistically significant findings. Consideration of N2 fluxes using the 15NGF method could not close the 15N balance, indicating that unaccounted N losses have occurred. Since the directly measured N losses were not significantly different, unaccounted losses could be due to N2 emissions as their quantification was limited to two weeks after fertilizer application.

Overall, integrated farming history reduced the vulnerability towards N loss, but continuous methods for determination of N2 emissions, such as isotopomer measurements, need to be tested concomitantly, and uncertainty of 15N recovery in plants and soil needs to be reduced by more sophisticated sample mixing approaches.

How to cite: Wolf, B., Khan, F., Franco Luesma, S., Hartmann, F., Dannenmann, M., Gasche, R., Scheer, C., Gattinger, A., Niether, W., and Kiese, R.: Role of 15N methods for assessing the susceptibility of agricultural N management systems to environmental N losses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3735,, 2025.

EGU25-4195 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.1

Belowground carbon allocation response to soil acidification stress in a meadow grassland 

Yu Shang, Ruzhen Wang, and Yong Jiang

Soil acidification caused by atmospheric sulfur (S) deposition may have a significant impact on plant carbon (C) assimilation and allocation, thereby altering soil organic C (SOC) dynamics. However, it remains largely unknown for how plants allocate photosynthetic C among belowground functional sinks and whether they can leverage these limited C resources to adapt abiotic stresses. We conducted a 13CO2 pulse-labelling experiment in a grassland field to investigate the effects of simulated soil acidification by S addition on photosynthetic C allocation and analyzed the trade-offs among plant belowground functional sinks. We also elucidated the contribution of belowground C allocation to SOC formation. We found that soil acidification decreased the absolute amount of excess 13C allocated to both shoots and soils, possibly due to less photosynthetic C assimilation and aboveground biomass production. In contrast, S addition partially increased the excess 13C allocated to roots, indicating that a greater proportion of C was allocated to root biomass construction to combat acidification stress. The excess 13C in roots related negatively to soil 13C but positively to both root biomass and non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), suggesting a possible trade-off relationship in belowground 13C allocation between rhizodeposition and root growth. Our research confirms that under soil acidification stress, less photosynthetic C in roots was converted into rhizodeposition C entering the soil, while more was invested in root growth, respiration, and storage to improve their survival and ability to resist environmental stress. Although with lower excess 13C allocated to both shoots and soils, soil acidification had no effect on SOC stocks, possibly due to less SOC decomposition accompanied with suppressed microbial activity. These results provide an invaluable insight into plant C allocation strategy and its impact on belowground C dynamics under soil acidification stress.

How to cite: Shang, Y., Wang, R., and Jiang, Y.: Belowground carbon allocation response to soil acidification stress in a meadow grassland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4195,, 2025.

EGU25-5149 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

The dual nature of the hydrogen stable isotopes in tree-rings of the Holocene 

Tito Arosio, Markus Leuenberger, Kurt Nicolussi, and Matthias Saurer

The dual nature of tree-ring cellulose hydrogen isotope composition (δ²H) as a hydroclimatic and physiological proxy offers unique opportunities for palaeoclimatic research (Vitali et al. 2022, 2023), yet its application in long-term studies remains limited. Building on recent advances in tree-ring stable isotope research, we analyse the Alpine Holocene Tree-Ring Triple Isotope Record (AHTTRIR, Arosio et al. 2022), a comprehensive dataset spanning 9,000 years of δ²H, δ¹⁸O and δ¹³C measurements from high-altitude Alpine conifer trees. This study focuses on developing novel methodological approaches for δ²H analysis, applying species-specific values to establish the first multi-millennial δ²H chronology, and comparing it with δ¹⁸O chronology from the same dataset, which is known to contain hydroclimatic signals (Arosio et al. 2025). Despite the inherent complexity of δ²H signals and associated methodological challenges, analysis of approximately 7790 δ²H measurements from the AHTTRIR dataset shows that δ²H contains valuable information on both hydroclimatic variability and tree physiological responses. Through comparison with δ¹⁸O data, we show that δ²H provides complementary insights into plant metabolic processes, including storage mobilisation and stress adaptation mechanisms that could occur due to biotic or abiotic events affecting tree vitality, like damage to needles after insect attacks or frost. This dual-isotope approach, incorporating corrections for species- and age-specific effects, allows the separation of climatic signals from physiological responses over millennial timescales. Comparison with independent Alpine paleoclimate proxies and regional records strengthens our understanding of long-term hydroclimatic dynamics and their impact on tree metabolism throughout the Holocene. These results emphasise the importance of preserving long-term trends in isotope data, while highlighting the need for expanded tree-ring isotope research across different species and geographical regions. The establishment of this pioneering δ²H chronology advances our ability to reconstruct past climate variability while providing crucial insights into ecosystem responses to long-term environmental change.


Arosio Tito, Malin Ziehmer, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schluechter, Andrea Thurner, Andreas Österreicher, Peter Nyfeler, and Markus Christian Leuenberger,. 2022. “Alpine Holocene Triple Tree Ring Isotope Record.” PANGAEA, 2022.

Arosio T, Leuenberger M., Nicolussi K, Esper J, Krusic P, Bebchuk T, Tegel W, Hafner A, Kirdyanov A, Schlüchter C, Reinig F, Muschitiello F and Büntgen U. 2025. “Tree-ring stable isotopes reveal a Holocene-long drying trend for central Europe”. In Revision to Science Advances

Vitali, Valentina, Elisabet Martínez-Sancho, K. Treydte, Laia Andreu-Hayles, Isabel Dorado-Liñán, Emilia Gutierrez, Gerhard Helle, Markus Leuenberger, Neil J. Loader, and Katja T. Rinne-Garmston. 2022. “The Unknown Third–Hydrogen Isotopes in Tree-Ring Cellulose across Europe.” Science of the Total Environment 813:152281.

Vitali, Valentina, Richard L. Peters, Marco M. Lehmann, Markus Leuenberger, Kerstin Treydte, Ulf Büntgen, Philipp Schuler, and Matthias Saurer. 2023. “Tree-Ring Isotopes from the Swiss Alps Reveal Non-Climatic Fingerprints of Cyclic Insect Population Outbreaks over the Past 700 Years.” Tree Physiology 43 (5): 706–21.

How to cite: Arosio, T., Leuenberger, M., Nicolussi, K., and Saurer, M.: The dual nature of the hydrogen stable isotopes in tree-rings of the Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5149,, 2025.

Pollution of surface and shallow groundwater by nitrate (NO3-) is a global concern resulting in deterioration of drinking water quality. Stable isotopes of NO3- 15N and δ18O) can be used to trace its sources which have distinct N and O isotopic signatures. The isotopic values can also be used to identify areas of natural remediation through biogeochemical processes such as denitrification. Conversion of aqueous NO3- to N2O headspace gas by Ti(III) reduction is a new method for analysis of NO3- stable isotopes. Previous literature introduces the analytical procedure but provides limited guidelines for instrument set-up and operation. Here, we present an automated purge and trap isotope ratio mass spectrometer (P&T-IRMS) combined with the Ti(III) reduction method for analysis of δ15N and δ18O in NO3-. The P&T-IRMS base analytical precision was ±0.3‰ and ±0.2‰ for δ15N and δ18O, respectively. Isotopic values were quantified down to an N2O gas concentration of 1 µl L-1 for δ15N and 2 µl L-1 for δ18O. The target NO3--N concentration needed for accurate measurements was 0.2 mg L-1. Comparison of δ15N and δ18O measured using the P&T-IRMS by Ti(III) reduction with EA-IRMS values showed high accuracy. The measurement precision (SD) and uncertainties (u) for our KNO3- internal standard were ±0.2 (±0.6) and ±0.2 (±0.9) for δ15N and δ18O, respectively. The P&T-IRMS and Ti(III) reduction method set-up showed low quantification limits and acceptable accuracy and precision in line with other well-established methods for analysis of NO3- stable isotopes. The provided guidelines will assist laboratories which utilize IRMS headspace gas instrumentation with the process of IRMS set-up and operation and establishment of an independent analytical procedure for the Ti(III) reduction method. 

How to cite: Gcakasi, M. N., Stumpp, C., and Watzinger, A.: Establishment of a purge and trap continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer system for analysis of stable nitrate isotopes (δ15N and δ18O) in water samples by Ti(III) reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5412,, 2025.

EGU25-5413 | Orals | BG2.1

Photosynthetic C18OO fractionation is related to within- and between-species variations in photosynthetic traits 

Xiaoying Gong, Sui Min Huang, Yong Zhi Yu, and Hans Schnyder

The C18O16O/C16O16O fractionation during photosynthesis (Δ18OA) carries rich information about plant physiology and environmental conditions, which is crucial for plant physiological, ecological, and biogeochemical studies. Δ18OA is mainly determined by the isotopic fractionation during diffusion and the CO2-leaf water oxygen exchange reaction. Therefore, Δ18OA is believed to relate to leaf physiological parameters such as the evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water (Δe), CO2 influx and efflux. Based on current mechanistic understanding of Δ18OA, oxygen isotope composition of atmospheric CO2a) can be used to estimate global gross primary productivity and to separate photosynthetic and respiratory CO2 fluxes at the ecosystem scale. However, there is uncertainty about the key physiological factors responsible for changes in Δ18OA and whether there is a difference in Δ18OA between C3 and C4 plants.

In this study, we investigated the response of Δ18OA to short-term changes in CO2 levels in three C3 species (Helianthus annuus, Vigna unguiculata and Triticum aestivum) and one C4 species (Cleistogenes squarrosa) grown under different levels of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and nitrogen supply. Utilising a new mass-balance equation that distinguishes metabolic (mitochondrial and photo-respiratory CO2) and purely diffusive (retro-diffusive CO2) CO2 fluxes, we assessed the effect of the gross CO2 efflux from leaves.

We found a significant CO2 effect on Δ18OA for C. squarrosa, but not for the C3 species. Δ18OA was not significantly correlated with Δe of the C3 species, and Δ18OA of C4 species was not sensitive to changes in Δe driven by VPD. The gross CO2 efflux and Δ18OA were significantly correlated for both C3 and C4 species, demonstrating its role in regulating Δ18OA. We also found that the C3 species had significantly higher Δ18OA than the C4 species, due to the lower ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO2 (Ci/Ca) in the latter. Our study reveals the distinct difference in Δ18OA between C3 and C4 species and the remarkable relationship between Δ18OA and physiological parameters, which provides new insights into how Δ18OA can be used to infer carbon cycle processes from leaf to ecosystem scales.

How to cite: Gong, X., Huang, S. M., Yu, Y. Z., and Schnyder, H.: Photosynthetic C18OO fractionation is related to within- and between-species variations in photosynthetic traits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5413,, 2025.

EGU25-5914 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

δ65Cu as biomarker for the photophysiological state of a symbiotic coral  

Frank Förster, Lucie Sauzéat, Christine Ferrier-Pagès, Stéphanie Reynaud, and Tom Sheldrake

Explosive volcanic eruptions are capable of producing large amounts of ash, that affect the surrounding ecosystems. Once the ash comes in contact with seawater, the metal salts coating the ash particles quickly dissolve, releasing essential trace metals into the environment. Moderate ash exposure increases the concentrations of several essential metals in the coral host tissue and their algal endosymbionts. As a result, the photosythetic activity of algal symbionts increases, leading to healthier corals and suggesting that ash has a fertilizing effect on symbiotic corals. This study aims to investigate how the duration of ash exposure and the ash concentration affect the photophysiological state of corals and whether metal concentrations and stable isotope ratios can provide insight into the underlying biological processes.


Microcolonies of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata were grown under controlled laboratory conditions, including pH, temperature and irradiance. The corals were divided into various tanks under four different conditions: a control group without ash exposure and three ash-exposure treatments (3.75 g ash/week for three weeks, 7.5 g ash/week for three weeks and  7.5 g ash/week for six weeks). These conditions were chosen to evaluate the effects of different amounts of ash and exposure durations on coral responses. Throughout the experiment, various photophysiological parameters were monitored, including photosynthesis and respiration rates, as well as the photosynthetic efficiency (measured by e.g. relative electron transfer rate and Fv/Fm). At the end of the experiment, Cu, Fe, and Zn concentrations and isotopic compositions (δ56Fe, δ65Cu and δ66Zn) were measured on the symbionts and tissues of three nubbins per tank.


Volcanic ash exposure enhanced the coral photosynthetic activity, although trace metal concentrations and isotope ratios didn’t change between the exposure conditions. The effect was also independent of the intensity or duration of exposure. However, δ65Cu levels in the coral host correlated almost perfectly with the photosynthetic parameters; corals with lighter δ65Cu demonstrated better photosynthetic performance. We propose that the δ65Cu serves as an indicator of the photochemical efficiency and may be linked to the antioxidant capacity of the coral host to mitigate oxidative stress, with stress likely increasing with long-term exposure. Understanding physiologically-induced metallomic responses following ash exposure improves the understanding of ecosystem resilience and collapse.


How to cite: Förster, F., Sauzéat, L., Ferrier-Pagès, C., Reynaud, S., and Sheldrake, T.: δ65Cu as biomarker for the photophysiological state of a symbiotic coral , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5914,, 2025.

EGU25-6283 | Orals | BG2.1

Seasonal dynamics of modern ostracod stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C) compositions in a large tropical lake (Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic)  

Claudia Wrozyna, Christopher Berndt, Markus Reuter, Michael E. Böttcher, Birgit Schröder, Edwin Garcia Cocco, and Torsten Haberzettl

The stable oxygen (O) and carbon (C) isotope composition of bulk carbonate in sediments is widely used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. This approach, however, does often not consider seasonal variability in environmental conditions. Although, this can be overcome by the consideration of the specific composition of ostracod shells which have a relatively short and variable life history, this approach has not been consequently applied in the past. Only few studies investigated the potential of ostracodes in high-resolution (e.g. seasonal) paleoenvironmental reconstructions, based on their stable isotope composition, so far.

Seasonal meteorological conditions in tropical areas such as the Caribbean region are broadly divided into dry and rainy seasons with often profound effects on hydrological and ecological conditions. How this hydrological seasonality is archived by ostracode stable isotopes (δ18O, δ13C) is largely still unclear. The present study uses variations in lake water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) and δ13CDIC together with the hydrochemical composition (major and trace elements) of the hyperhaline Lago Enriquillo. Water samples and living ostracodes were taken during March and September (i.e. dry and rainy season) in 2022. The C and O isotopic composition of single ostracode valves of different ostracode species (Cyprideis similis, C. edentata, Perissocytheridea cribrosa, Thalassocypria cf. sarbui) were analysed. These species provide differences in their temporal-spatial distribution but are generally restricted to the upper 8 m water depth of the lake. Both types of life cycles (permanent and seasonally restricted) are shown by the ostracodes species.

Questions that are addressed in this study include: Does the water isotopic composition reflect significant differences between the dry and the rainy season? What are the sources and sinks of water for the lake? Do ostracode δ18O and δ13C values reflect the composition of water and dissolved DIC in the lake? How does ostracode ecology (i.e. habitat preferences, life cycle) affects their isotope signatures?

Our results show a low intra-annual variation in δ18O and pronounced local variability of δ13CDIC values of the lake water. Ostracode δ18O and δ13C signatures reflect the lake water composition. The individual species display differences in their isotopic composition and variation ranges. δ18O results agree with the low intra-annual variation of the lake water and display a pronounced gradient with increasing values towards areas with reduced influence of inflows. δ13C values of ostracodes, on the other hand, show strong local differences between and even heterogeneity within samples sites.

Results imply that the lake water was buffered against seasonal hydrological variations during the sampling period, but reveals large spatial variations associated with e.g. strong contrast between inflows and the lake reservoir. The deduction of paleoenvironmental conditions of Lago Enriquillo based on stable isotopes of fossil ostracodes requires therefore consideration of multiple species. The ostracode proxy information then may help to deduce past changes in the lake water cycle.

How to cite: Wrozyna, C., Berndt, C., Reuter, M., Böttcher, M. E., Schröder, B., Garcia Cocco, E., and Haberzettl, T.: Seasonal dynamics of modern ostracod stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C) compositions in a large tropical lake (Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6283,, 2025.

A quantitative understanding of 18O fractionation mechanisms in plants is highly desirable for effective utilization of the δ18O signatures of plant cellulose (δ18Ocel) in diverse climatic and ecological applications. According to the isotope theory, biochemical fractionation associated with oxygen isotopic exchange represents a critical control of δ18Ocel. Biochemical fractionation operates in both autotrophic (i.e., leaf) and heterotrophic (i.e., stem/trunk) organs, with the current δ18Ocel model assuming that its effect amounts to c. 27‰ in both types of organs. However, with respect to the autotrophic fractionation factor (εbio_A), calculations of the deviations of the δ18O enrichment of sucrose (Δ18Ols) from that of water (Δ18Olw) in a bulk leaf, -- as performed in many previous studies, -- have led to a wide range of εbio_A estimates (i.e., from 22.4 to 34‰) across different species. Such a bulk-leaf based estimation method, however, does not provide a precise quantification of εbio_A. This is because the oxygen exchange-determined intrinsic relationship between Δ18Ols and Δ18Olw, namely Δ18Ols = Δ18Olw + εbio_A, is not expected to hold at the bulk leaf level owing to complications arising from within-leaf heterogeneity that is commonly present in Δ18Olw and sucrose synthesis rate (rsuc).

Here, based on explicit consideration of potential within-leaf heterogeneity in rsuc, as well as of spatial variation characteristics of Δ18Olw as informed by the Farquhar-Gan model, we suggest that the isotopic relationship between bulk Δ18Ols and Δ18Olw should instead be expressed as the following: Δ18Ols = β*Δ18Olw + εbio_A, with β being a composite variable highly relevant to spatial variation of rsuc across the leaf. Further analysis demonstrates that β can be markedly larger or smaller than unity depending on whether rsuc progressively increases or decreases along the leaf length. With the derivation of this new equation delineating bulk leaf isotopic relationships, we propose a regression approach via which εbio_A can be robustly quantified as the intercept of a linear relationship between Δ18Ols and Δ18Olw. We subsequently applied such a regression method under highly controlled experimental settings to determine εbio_A in diverse plant species under different growth temperatures. The application of this new method allowed us to successfully constrain the estimate of εbio_A at 25°C to a narrow range of 26.4‰ ± 1.5 per mil across a range of plant species, closely aligning with the traditionally assumed value of 27‰. Additionally, a significantly inverse relationship of εbio_A with temperature was revealed from our experiment. Further comparisons will be made between our revealed temperature dependence of εbio_A with that of the heterotrophic factor εbio_H as reported in Sternberg and Ellsworth (2011). Our study represents a step forward in constraining isotope parameters in the δ18Ocel model, which has important implications for isotope-based paleoclimatic reconstruction and ecophysiological applications.

How to cite: Wen, W., Tang, X., and Song, X.: Towards a refined method for estimating 18O autotrophic fractionation during sucrose synthesis in a bulk leaf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7605,, 2025.

EGU25-8622 | Orals | BG2.1

Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotopes comparison in urban ecosystems along a Mediterranean latitudinal transect 

Irene Tunno, Andrea Scartazza, Marco Micali, Carlo Calfapietra, Gabriele Guidolotti, and Dario Papale

In the last few decades, the Mediterranean area has been extensively impacted by prolonged and intense droughts and heat waves. These events, combined with heavily landscape management, ongoing for thousands of years in the region, have been affecting the ecosystems’ resources such as water availability and nutrient cycles. Mediterranean vegetation responds differently to natural and human-induced changes and within the same species, different compartments (e.g. leaves, branches and roots) may exhibit diverse responses to these stressors, providing valuable bioindicators. Stable isotopes, particularly carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), have become widely used as effective tools to study plant responses to environmental gradients such as plant water-use efficiency, nitrogen-use strategies and ecosystem functioning.

Within ITINERIS (Italian integrated environmental research infrastructures system) project, we present preliminary findings comparing d13C and d15N values in soil and vegetation samples from coastal urban and peri-urban parks along a latitudinal gradient in Italy. To evaluate the relationships between isotopic signatures and environmental changes, soil and vegetation samples were collected in three ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) stations located along the coastal latitudinal transect (Pisa, Rome and Naples). Holm oak (Quercus ilex) was selected as a potential bioindicator of environmental changes and anthropogenic disturbances due to its abundant presence at all three sites. Soil and plant compartments (e.g., leaves of different ages, branches, pollen, fine roots) were collected and analysed at the start and end of the growing season to investigate the response of Mediterranean species down to organ level to a thermo-pluviometric gradient.

The main findings of this study have highlighted differences in C and N concentrations and isotope compositions across the latitudinal gradient and seasons. Capodimonte (Naples), the most southern site, reveals an enrichment in d13C and d15N in leaves compatible not only with a response to hot and dry climate, but also to a much higher degree of anthropization. Castel Porziano (Rome) exhibits a similar trend but lower d15N and N concentration. San Rossore (Pisa), the northernmost site is subject to less water stress during summer season, resulting in more diluted d13C and d15N values. The leaves in the fall showed higher d13C and N concentration compared to spring. Branches were about 1 ‰ enriched in 13C compared to leaves due to post-photosynthetic isotope fractionations. Further analyses are underway on other plant compounds, including pollen, to identify the most suitable bioindicators of Mediterranean species’ response to climate change and human impact, with potential applications in the region’s management and conservation strategies.

How to cite: Tunno, I., Scartazza, A., Micali, M., Calfapietra, C., Guidolotti, G., and Papale, D.: Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotopes comparison in urban ecosystems along a Mediterranean latitudinal transect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8622,, 2025.

EGU25-9771 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Intra-annual tree-ring cellulose δ2H as an indicator of drought 

Charlotte Angove, Marco Lehmann, Matthias Saurer, Yu Tang, Elina Sahlstedt, Giles Young, Kerstin Treydte, Paul Szejner, Kersti Leppä, Pauliina Schiestl-Aalto, Guido Wiesenberg, and Katja Rinne-Garmston

Temporal variability of tree-ring cellulose δ2H (δ2Hring-cel) can be a unique tool for understanding tree physiology and climate. However, we do not fully understand the drivers of temporal variability in δ2Hring-cel. Investigating seasonal δ2Hring-cel in boreal forests is particularly challenging. Previous studies on intra-annual tree-ring δ18Ohave shown that tree-ring isotope variability can result from the combined but opposing effects of source water and leaf assimilates, a dynamic likely relevant for δ2Hring-cel as well. To be able to use δ2Hring-cel as a standalone and reliable bioindicator, it is important to understand the variable hydrogen isotope fractionation between source water and tree rings. Our study aimed to provide context to this variability in a natural forest by being the first study to trace intra-annual δ2Hring-cel to the δ2H of its sources and drought indices.

The δ2H of source water, leaf water and carbohydrate pools (i.e. water-soluble carbohydrates, starch) were analysed from five pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees during 2019 at Hyytiälä forest, Finland. Their δ2H were used to model continuous δ2H of source water (δ2Hsource) and leaf sugars (δ2Hleaf-sug). Modelled and measured δ2Hleaf-sug matched moderately for 2019, and the model was applied to predict δ2Hleaf-sug during 2018. Intra-annual δ2Hring-cel were analysed in these two years at a resolution of 5-10 timepoints per year, and they were allocated to xylogenetic timepoints. They were then compared to time-integrated δ2Hsource, δ2Hleaf-sug, net assimilation rate, evapotranspiration and drought indicators.

Carbohydrate δ2H was significantly different among leaves, branches and stems. δ2Hring-cel had strong time-integrated relationships to modelled δ2Hsource, net leaf assimilation rate and evapotranspiration, but the direction of their relationships was different between years. At monthly resolution, water-soluble carbohydrate δ2H measured from one year-old needles had a strong, positive relationship to δ2Hring-cel. Similarly, the modelled δ2Hleaf-sug, had strong positive relationships to δ2Hring-cel, which were robust between years. δ2Hring-cel also had strong relationships to Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSMI). 

We show that the role of δ2Hleaf-sug superseded the role of δ2Hsource in intra-annual δ2Hring-cel, because δ2Hleaf-sug had a consistent relationship to intra-annual δ2Hring-cel in both years while δ2Hsource did not. This clearly supports the growing body of evidence that δ2Hring-cel is strongly mediated by physiological processes. Our results show promise for δ2Hring-cel functioning as a bioindicator of soil drought related physiological stress signals in long-term tree ring chronologies. 

How to cite: Angove, C., Lehmann, M., Saurer, M., Tang, Y., Sahlstedt, E., Young, G., Treydte, K., Szejner, P., Leppä, K., Schiestl-Aalto, P., Wiesenberg, G., and Rinne-Garmston, K.: Intra-annual tree-ring cellulose δ2H as an indicator of drought, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9771,, 2025.

EGU25-9857 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen in the Danube River: The Role of Primary Producers and Slope 

Jan Maier, Anna-Neva Visser, Christina M. Schubert, Simon T. Wander, and Johannes A. C. Barth

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most fundamental health indicators of aqueous ecosystems. Beyond climate change and habitat modifications, excessive nutrient and pollutant inputs can significantly degrade this critical water quality parameter. Eutrophication, for instance, can drive harmful algal blooms, oxygen depletion and biodiversity loss.

In our study, we present seasonal data on DO concentrations and its oxygen stable isotope ratios (δ¹⁸ODO*) from five campaigns along the Danube River in 2023 and 2024, complemented by particulate organic carbon (POC) data as a biomass indicator. Our results highlight dynamic seasonal patterns. Photosynthesis dominated in spring and summer, while respiration and atmospheric equilibration prevailed in fall and winter. Notable hotspots were identified in the middle and lower Danube, with DO peaks of 0.35 mmol/L and 0.40 mmol/L, accompanied by δ¹⁸ODO* enrichments of +9.8 ‰* and +12.5 ‰* and POC concentrations of 0.25 mmol/L and 0.24 mmol/L. These regions, characterized by reduced river gradient und resulting lower flow velocities and turbulence, suggest enhanced primary producer activity. Notably, nutrient levels remained low, with nitrate under 0.29 mmol/L and phosphate largely undetectable, indicating minimal anthropogenic influence—likely due to environmental improvements and reduced industrial impacts in the catchment. All DO levels were within safe ecological ranges (> 0.06 mmol/L), ruling out hypoxia or harmful algal blooms.

How to cite: Maier, J., Visser, A.-N., Schubert, C. M., Wander, S. T., and Barth, J. A. C.: Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen in the Danube River: The Role of Primary Producers and Slope, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9857,, 2025.

EGU25-10355 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

Opposing seasonal trends in source water and sugar dampen intra-annual variability in tree rings oxygen isotopes 

Paul Szejner, Yu Tang, Charlotte Angove, Pauliina Schiestl-Aalto, Elina Sahlstedt, Giles Young, Nelson Daniel B, Kahmen Ansgar, Matthias Saurer, and Katja T. Rinne-Garmston

Intra-annual variations of oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) in tree rings offer insights into tree ecophysiology and how trees respond to climate. In this study, we focused on the interplay between the δ¹⁸O from source-water, leaf-water and photosynthates to understand how seasonal trends are integrated in tree rings. We conducted a seasonal analysis of Pinus sylvestris in Finland. Our findings reveal a significant reduction in the seasonal variability and trends of δ18O from needle-water to tree rings. This dampening effect on the seasonal trends is due to the opposing seasonal patterns: source-water δ¹⁸O increases from early spring to late summer, while the evaporative enrichment of ¹⁸O recorded in the δ¹⁸O of photosynthates at the leaf level decreases over the same period. Additionally, oxygen isotope exchange between source water and phloem sugars during wood formation  contributes to the dampening of the evaporative δ¹⁸O signals in tree rings. These findings enhance our understanding of how δ¹⁸O integrates into tree rings, particularly the seasonal signals preserved along the tree growing season. This study offers new perspectives on how intra-annual δ¹⁸O proxies capture seasonal environmental variations over time, which is crucial for refining climate reconstructions and improving our knowledge of tree physiological responses to climate.

How to cite: Szejner, P., Tang, Y., Angove, C., Schiestl-Aalto, P., Sahlstedt, E., Young, G., Daniel B, N., Ansgar, K., Saurer, M., and Rinne-Garmston, K. T.: Opposing seasonal trends in source water and sugar dampen intra-annual variability in tree rings oxygen isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10355,, 2025.

EGU25-10869 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Carbon stable isotope analysis in groundwater remediation – The role of microbial biofilm communities and biochar in PCE and NAP degradation 

Andrea Watzinger, Simon Leitner, Christine Stumpp, Gerhard Soja, and Katharina Keiblinger

Biochar as an alternative filter to activated charcoal was tested for the removal of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and Naphthalene (NAP) from contaminated groundwater by means of sorption and biodegradation in batch and column experiments. Microbial communities were extracted from the aqueous and solid phases and analysed using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Microbial biomass and its carbon isotope composition were determined using microbial phospholipid fatty acids (13C-PLFA) analysis. This approach enabled a quantitative and functional observation of the microbial community besides identifying the relevant bacteria.

Molecular biological analyses of the PCE experiments confirmed that organo-halide respiration bacteria (OHRB) established after inoculation both in the batch and throughout the columns. PLFA analysis revealed that microorganisms and also those groups that can be assigned to the PCE-degrading organisms preferentially colonize biochar, while activated charcoal is avoided possibly due to the higher PCE sorption capacity of the activated charcoal and hence lower bioavailability of PCE. The carbon isotope value of the microorganisms (13C PLFA) indicates the use of biochar as a carbon source and/or the presence of strongly isotope-fractionating biochemical processes such as methanogenesis / methane oxidation. The microbial communities were influenced by the factor char and its physical/chemical properties. It is therefore advisable to choose the filter material not only on the basis of the sorption capacity, but above all on the synergy effects that leads to a permanently active microbial community and an extension of the filter life due to the continuous and complete degradation.

The living microbial biomass in the aerobic naphthalene columns was a factor of 4 higher than in the anaerobic PCE columns. The distribution of microorganisms was similar to that in the PCE degradation experiments; i.e. greater colonization of the biochar filters compared to the activated charcoal filters. Furthermore, the microorganisms responded to naphthalene supply with increased microbial biomass and naphthalene incorporation. Once the naphthalene addition was stopped, the microorganisms were able to convert sorbed naphthalene (in the presence of ethanol). This ability is a strong indicator of the sustainability and self-cleaning potential of the colonized biochars. However, high levels of colonization and biofilm development may increase the risk of clogging negatively impacting filter system sustainability. The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing global efforts in groundwater remediation and sustainable environmental management.

How to cite: Watzinger, A., Leitner, S., Stumpp, C., Soja, G., and Keiblinger, K.: Carbon stable isotope analysis in groundwater remediation – The role of microbial biofilm communities and biochar in PCE and NAP degradation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10869,, 2025.

EGU25-11009 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Analysis of dissolved nitrate stable isotopes using the one-step Ti (III) reduction method and Elementar EnvirovisION System  

Sam Barker, Calum Preece, Rob Berstan, and Mike Seed

Identifying and quantifying sources and cycling of nitrogen is important for understanding not only aquatic ecosystems but also planning water resource management, mitigating urban and agricultural pollution, and optimizing government policy. Stable isotopes of dissolved nitrate and nitrite (δ15N, δ18O and δ17O) have been useful in distinguishing between the diverse nitrogen sources and sinks and help understand large scale global ocean processes as well as revealing major changes in agricultural land use and urbanization. 

Despite the strength of dissolved nitrate and nitrite stable isotope analysis, the strong barrier for uptake using the favored contemporary methods (bacterial denitrifier and Cd-azide reaction) due to the laborious multi-step methods, maintenance of anerobic bacterial cultures and use of highly toxic chemicals has limited the analysis to highly specialized laboratories. We evaluate the performance of the Elementar EnvirovisION using the new Titanium (III) reduction method (Altabet et al., 2019) for one step conversion of nitrate into N2O for IRMS analysis.   

The EnvirovisION has been developed for high performance analysis of CO2, N2O and CH4 and dissolved nitrate. The system has the capacity to be rapidly customized for specific needs with options for dual GC columns supporting the Weigand ‘heart-cut’ N2O method (Weigand et al., 2016) and sequential N2 and N2O analysis from a single atmospheric sample. 

How to cite: Barker, S., Preece, C., Berstan, R., and Seed, M.: Analysis of dissolved nitrate stable isotopes using the one-step Ti (III) reduction method and Elementar EnvirovisION System , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11009,, 2025.

EGU25-12689 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Thermodynamic stability and reactivity of dolomite-analogues from the norsethite-family: Carbon isotope and metal release during experimental dissolution at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure 

Michael Ernst Böttcher, Anja S. Haršányi, Olaf Dellwig, Georg Grathoff, Iris Schmiedinger, and Wen Liang

Double carbonates of the norsethite-family (Ba(Mg,Mn,Fe)[CO3]2) are used as crystal chemical and geochemical analogues for the prominent rock-forming mineral dolomite (CaMg[CO3]2) and the less common kutnahorite (CaMn[CO3]2). Selected family members have been observed to occur in low- and high-temperature natural systems, like Baltic Sea sediments or different types of ore deposits. For most of the norsethite-members, neither the thermodynamic nor the reaction kinetic properties are well constrained or even known, so far.

In the present study, the dissolution behaviour of double and triple carbonate members of the norsethite family were dissolved in CO2-saturated solutions at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure. The carbonates were synthesized at high P and T and characterized as described by Liang et al. (2021, 2025) and Böttcher et al. (2022). Free-drift batch-type reactors were used. Both, the congruent and incongruent parts of the dissolution process were investigated and the partitioning of metals and stable carbon isotopes was followed. At the end of the experiment, carbonate solid-solutions were precipitated by letting CO2 to degas.

The dissolution in aqueous solutions was found to be initially congruent with respect to metal stoichiometry. The solution composition was interpreted using PHREEQC. Extrapolation of experimental congruent reaction parts give the solubility product and the free energy of formation of the respective carbonate and the time-dependent reaction path allows for the extraction of dissolution kinetic parameters. The development of 13C contents of dissolved inorganic carbon represent an experimental verification of carbonate dissolution in a system open with respect to a CO2 gas phase (sensu Garrels & Christ, 1965 and Deines et al., 1974).

These new experimental results form a base to include these phases into modelling codes for natural or underground CO2-storage systems.

How to cite: Böttcher, M. E., Haršányi, A. S., Dellwig, O., Grathoff, G., Schmiedinger, I., and Liang, W.: Thermodynamic stability and reactivity of dolomite-analogues from the norsethite-family: Carbon isotope and metal release during experimental dissolution at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12689,, 2025.

EGU25-12734 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Tree-ring isotope-based 20th century reconstructions of the seasonal origin of water sourced by trees: Advances and limitations 

Meisha Holloway-Phillips, Haoyu Diao, Fabian Bernhard, Anna Wieland, Marius Floriancic, Peter Waldner, Kerstin Treydte, Matthias Saurer, Georg von Arx, Arthur Gessler, Katrin Meusburger, and Marco Lehmann

The hydrogen (δ²H) and oxygen (δ¹⁸O) isotopic signatures of tree rings depend on that of the environmental water sources, such as precipitation and soil water, taken up by trees (i.e., "source water"). Analyzing δ²H and δ¹⁸O of tree rings is thus a promising approach for reconstructing the spatio-temporal origins of tree water sources. However, such reconstructions remain rare, likely due to methodological challenges, including the analysis of hydrogen isotopes in tree rings and the availability of historical source water isotope data.

In this study, we present a first attempt to reconstruct the temporal origins of water used by trees during the 20th century (1901–1995) with annually resolved tree-ring δ¹⁸O time series. The reconstruction is based on a δ¹⁸O chronology of whole wood, sampled from the latewood of spruce (Picea abies) at Bettlachstock, Switzerland. Our choice of site and species reflects a conservative approach, as a transfer function linking δ¹⁸O of tree-ring cellulose to the δ¹⁸O of source waters (e.g., stem xylem water and soil solutions) was recently established over a 17-year period (20062022) at the same site. After accounting for the isotopic offset between whole wood and cellulose, we estimated δ¹⁸O values of soil solution (80 cm depth) and stem xylem water during the growing season (MaySeptember) using a linear transfer function. Further, using modeled precipitation δ¹⁸O data and the estimated δ¹⁸O of soil solution and xylem water, we deduced interannual variations in the seasonal origin index (SOI) of soil solution and xylem water during the 20th century.

Our results show that the reconstructed δ¹⁸O values and SOI of xylem water were higher than those of soil solutions, suggesting a greater contribution of summer water to xylem water than to soil solutions. Interestingly, while conditions from 1900 to 1970 remained relatively stable, we observed abrupt increases in SOI for both soil solutions and stem xylem water between 1970 and 1995. These recent changes were not due to an increase in summer precipitation amount but may be linked to shifts in seasonal precipitation patterns, causing a relative increase in the contribution of summer precipitation in tree water sources.

Despite these findings, uncertainties in precipitation isotope data and transfer functions need further investigation to draw more definitive conclusions. We hope this study will stimulate discussion on the advances and limitations of using tree-ring isotopes to reconstruct historical water sources.

How to cite: Holloway-Phillips, M., Diao, H., Bernhard, F., Wieland, A., Floriancic, M., Waldner, P., Treydte, K., Saurer, M., von Arx, G., Gessler, A., Meusburger, K., and Lehmann, M.: Tree-ring isotope-based 20th century reconstructions of the seasonal origin of water sourced by trees: Advances and limitations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12734,, 2025.

EGU25-13667 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Methodological Recommendations for Water Isotope Measurements Using CRDS: Balancing Throughput and Precision 

Magdalena Hofmann, Jan Woźniak, and Keren Drori

Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) has emerged as a critical tool for measuring water isotopes in climate, environmental, and hydrological research. Key features of CRDS analyzers, such as the L2130-i and L2140-i, include high precision, minimal drift, and field deployability. However, the precision and accuracy requirements of water isotope measurements vary by application. For example, paleoclimate studies demand the highest precision (on par with IRMS), while other applications prioritize rapid analysis of large sample sets over precision.

In this study, we present updated methodological recommendations for water isotope analysis using CRDS, tailored to different precision, accuracy, and throughput requirements. We evaluated a range of analytical and data processing methods using the WICO 2024 sample set. This set, provided by the IAEA, includes six water samples with δ¹⁸O values ranging from -22‰ to +1‰ and δ²H values spanning from -163‰ to +17‰. The samples were analyzed on a Picarro L2130-i instrument in both Standard and Express mode [1]. Data were processed using the analyzer's built-in ChemCorrect software and the open-source FLIIMP software [2], which enables advanced data correction techniques such as drift and memory correction.

Our findings highlight the trade-offs between precision and throughput for different use cases and underscore the importance of selecting appropriate analysis and processing methods based on specific research needs.


[1] Galili, N. et al. (2025). Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Performance and Procedures for High-Throughput δ¹⁸O and δ²H Measurement in Water Using “Express” Mode. Applied Spectroscopy.

[2] Sodemann, H. et al. (2023). FLIIMP - a community software for the processing, calibration, and reporting of liquid water isotope measurements on cavity ring-down spectrometers. MethodsX, 11, 102297.

How to cite: Hofmann, M., Woźniak, J., and Drori, K.: Methodological Recommendations for Water Isotope Measurements Using CRDS: Balancing Throughput and Precision, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13667,, 2025.

Previous nitrogen isotope studies of bulk proteins extracted from ancient Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) tissues document a 1-2‰ decrease in δ15N values over the last couple of centuries (Harris, 2011; Lueders-Dumont et al., 2018). Due to the nature of the nitrogen isotope signal in bulk proteins, this isotopic shift may be attributed to a decrease in trophic level and/or a change in baseline nitrogen in the Gulf of Maine over this time period. Here, we analyze the  δ15N composition of individual amino acids from ancient cod bone collagen to tease out the relative importance of shifts in trophic level vs baseline nitrogen sources to cod diets through time. Preliminary data indicate that  δ15N values of phenylalanine (“source” amino acid) extracted from cod bone collagen became more depleted in δ15N over the last 500 years and into the modern record. These shifts in δ15NPhe are in agreement with those found in δ15NPhe of deep-sea corals (Sherwood et al., 2011) and bivalves (Whitney et al., 2019) from the Gulf of Maine over the last 100 years. The fact that similar trends are seen in three different species occupying different ecological niches suggests the shift in source nitrogen may reflect broad changes in hydrographic conditions in the Gulf of Maine. More work is needed to corroborate these preliminary findings and is currently underway. 


How to cite: Turtle, S., Johnson, B., and Dostie, P.: δ15N of Amino Acids in Ancient Cod Bone Collagen Track Shifts in Baseline Nitrogen & Cod Trophic Levels in the Gulf of Maine for the Past 4,400 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14238,, 2025.

EGU25-14870 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Spatially resolved δ13C measurements of solid samples via Laser Ablation Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy (LA CRDS) – a new tool for environmental research 

Ciprian Stremtan, Jan Wožniak, Montana Pușcaș, and Magdalena Hofmann

Cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) is a well-established technique used for measuring a large variety of gaseous species which are known to absorb light radiation at specific wavelengths, e.g., CO2, CH2, C2H4, water vapors, etc. In the field of environmental and geochemical research, CRDS is commonly used to determine the isotopic ratios of light isotope families, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, etc. Similarly, laser ablation (LA) is a solid sample introduction method which is used in conjunction with a variery of spectrometric and spectroscopic techniques and works by focusing a laser beam (of various wavelengths, pulse width and energy) onto the sample surface to convert minute amounts of the solid into fine aerosol, or gaseous phase.

Hyphenating the two techniques is a recent addition to the earth sciences tool set [1,2]. While still in its infancy, LA CRDS is a promising technique for fast, highly accurate and spatially resolved stable isotope measurements. In this contribution we look at the figures of merit of the technique when measuring δ13C, comparing different types of lasers (pulsed nanosecond solid state 213 nm wavelength, and continuously emitting infrared CO2 laser) on both organic (wood, cellulose, plastics, and plant derived material) as well as inorganic matrices (soils, CaCO3) which are critical proxies for environmental and climatic studies. We also investigate the impact of increased spatial resolution (i.e., tens of micron spot sizes) on the accuracy and precision of the analysis.



[1] Stremtan, C., Wozniak, J., Puscas, C. M., and Tamas, T.: Laser Ablation – Cavity Ring Down Spectrometry, a new method for the in-situ analysis of δ13C of organic and inorganic carbonates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17192,, 2024.

[2] E. Malegiannaki, P. Bohleber, D. Zannoni, C. Stremtan, A. Petteni, B. Stenni, C. Barbante, B.M. Vinther, V. Gkinis, Towards high-resolution water isotope analysis in ice cores using laser ablation - cavity ring-down spectroscopy, Anal. (2024) 5843–5855.

How to cite: Stremtan, C., Wožniak, J., Pușcaș, M., and Hofmann, M.: Spatially resolved δ13C measurements of solid samples via Laser Ablation Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy (LA CRDS) – a new tool for environmental research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14870,, 2025.

EGU25-15848 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.1

High-resolution insights into the seasonal physiological responses of Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) through in-situ δ13C LA-IRMS 

Andrew Weitz, C. Montana Puscas, Ciprian C. Stremtan, Audrey Salerno, and Andy Bunn

Predicting the physiological responses of tree species under future hydroclimate scenarios is essential for understanding and mitigating the impacts of anthropogenic climate change. Here, we present our work on reconstructing the intraseasonal physiological responses of one of the longest living tree species on Earth – Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva, Pinaceae). This species is infamous for its tree ring chronologies that can extend beyond 5,000 years, yet the key physiological traits that will determine its ability to tolerate warmer, drier conditions in the future remain to be characterized. Moreover, the extent to which localized changes in topoclimate and seasonal water availability will impact overall growth performance and survival is also uncertain. To address this, we collected needle samples from trees along an elevation gradient near Great Basin National Park, NV, USA. Using the unique phyllotaxy of this species, we isolated annual needle samples corresponding to five distinct growth years (2018 – 2022). We then developed a novel method for quantifying intraseasonal variation in carbon isotope discrimination and intrinsic water use efficiency by using fine-scale, sequential measurements of needle δ13C in-situ via laser ablation isotope ratio mass spectrometry. We obtained an average of 25 individual δ13C measurements along the lengths of each needle sample, which were all consistent with whole-needle δ13C values measured via traditional elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry. However, these sequential δ13C values varied in excess of 1 ‰ (VPDB) along the lengths of each needle sample, likely reflecting intraseasonal changes in water availability through the time in which individual needles were being constructed. Paired with our previous measurements of annual ring width, stomatal density, and needle length from trees at this site, we discuss how this new method provides a more comprehensive understanding of the role of intraseasonal variation in water availability on the overall physiological performance of this species in the past as well as under future hydroclimate scenarios.

How to cite: Weitz, A., Puscas, C. M., Stremtan, C. C., Salerno, A., and Bunn, A.: High-resolution insights into the seasonal physiological responses of Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) through in-situ δ13C LA-IRMS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15848,, 2025.

EGU25-18101 | Orals | BG2.1

A simple setup for online laser spectroscopy gas isotope analysers in online chamber systems 

Lukas Kohl, Markku Koskinen, Tatu Polvinen, Yann Salmon, Christina Biasi, Mari Pihlatie, Annamari Laurén, Xin Zhuang, Teemu Paljakka, and Matej Znamínko

Laser spectroscopy-based gas isotope analysers (LSIA) are cheaper in acquisition and maintenance but still lack the accuracy and precision available through isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). One of the applications where LSIA are particularly advantageous are online measurements that follow gas release over time. This is even more the case in labelling experiments, where requirements regarding isotope ratio precision are lower. Yet, experiments that implement such setups remain relatively rare.

Here, we present a simple, low-cost setup that conducts automated isotope ratio measurements in gases released from various materials. The setup consists of a LSIA instrument (Picarro G2201-i or G5131-i) which is connected to up to 16 measurement chambers using a VICI selector valve actuated by a Raspberry Pi which also records the measurement data and valve position. An auxiliary pump equipped with a needle valve is placed in parallel to the LSIA to regulate the total flow rate to 500 mL min-1. Each chamber is connected to the analyser for 10 minutes, before switching to the next chamber. We therefore allow the target gas (CO2, CH4, or N2O) to accumulate over 150 minutes between measurements in each chamber. During the measurement, chamber air is pulled to the analyser and replaced by ambient air. The analyte concentration therefore decreases during the measurement time, which allows us to calculate the source isotope value through the Keeling plot method. At the end of the measurement, the analyte concentration and isotope ratio is near ambient air, such that the chamber is reset for the next cycle.

We present and compare three different experiments that used this approach. First, we studied phloem transport rates in Beech trees. For this, we pulse-labelled branches with 13CO2 and followed the release of 13CO2 from stem respiration at different heights over time. Second, we studied the conversion of 13C-acetate label injected into intact peat cores into CO2 and CH4. We quantified the fractions of label recovered as CO2 and CH4 as well as the timing of label-derived gas emissions as a function of injection depths. Finally, we adjusted this setup for measurements of natural abundance isotope ratios in soil N2O emissions to study N2O source processes from permafrost soils. Our presentation will compare these implementations and report on the experience gained during their setup.


How to cite: Kohl, L., Koskinen, M., Polvinen, T., Salmon, Y., Biasi, C., Pihlatie, M., Laurén, A., Zhuang, X., Paljakka, T., and Znamínko, M.: A simple setup for online laser spectroscopy gas isotope analysers in online chamber systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18101,, 2025.

EGU25-18571 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.1

Unravelling Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Marine Macroalgae: Insights from Macrocystis pyrifera 

Marc-Andre Cormier, Diana Steller, Mohammad Ali Salik, Marco Lehmann, Maya Al Sid Cheikh, and Patrick Gagnon

Marine ecosystems play a critical role in global photosynthetic carbon fixation, with approximately 5.36 Pg C exported annually via the biological pump. Macroalgae alone sequester around 200 million tons of CO₂ annually, though these estimations are largely based on indirect calculations. Hydrogen isotope (δ²H) analyses offer a promising avenue to refine such estimates while advancing our understanding of macroalgal carbon and energy metabolism.

Stable isotope studies have been instrumental in ecological and biogeochemical research, yet the application of δ²H analyses to marine algae remains limited. Most prior studies have focused on salinity-driven δ²H variations in algae, overlooking the potential of δ²H to reveal key biochemical processes. Recent findings suggest that δ²H values of organic molecules are significantly influenced by biosynthetic fractionation (²H-εbio), governed by the interplay between photosynthetic (²H-ελ) and post-photosynthetic (²H-εΗ) processes. This metabolic signal, previously observed in terrestrial plants, is strongly modulated by the photosynthetic carbohydrate supply rate, impacting δ²H variability in organic compounds.

The giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera provides an ideal model system to investigate these processes in marine environments. Unlike terrestrial plants, M. pyrifera offers a simplified isotopic system due to: (i) access to water with stable δ²H values, (ii) exclusion of evaporative ²H-fractionation, and (iii) a primitive vascular system that minimizes isotopic exchange across its structure. These unique features allow us to isolate and examine the variability of ²H-ελ under different light conditions, shedding light on the metabolic processes underlying δ²H variability in marine photoautotrophs.

This study highlights the potential of δ²H analyses to bridge the gap between isotopic and biochemical research in marine systems. By focusing on M. pyrifera, we aim to provide critical insights into the drivers of δ²H variability and their broader implications for understanding marine carbon dynamics and the role of macroalgae in global biogeochemical cycles. This work lays the groundwork for advancing isotopic methodologies and applying them to ecological and palaeoenvironmental studies in marine ecosystems.

How to cite: Cormier, M.-A., Steller, D., Salik, M. A., Lehmann, M., Al Sid Cheikh, M., and Gagnon, P.: Unravelling Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Marine Macroalgae: Insights from Macrocystis pyrifera, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18571,, 2025.

EGU25-18733 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.1

Combining carbon isotopes with tree ring analysis – insights into water use efficiency and drought stress  

Philipp Keutner, Mathias Neumann, and Eva-Verena Müller

The composition of heavy and light carbon isotopes in tree rings is influenced by the water supply during the time the tree ring was formed due to stomata opening and therefore the ability of the tree to favor lighter isotopes, since the absorbed carbon is used for tree ring formation. This allows calculating the Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency (iWUE) as an indicator for drought stress. With about 1400 samples (tree-rings) from 15 trees from Southwestern Germany, with three individual trees of European beech, Sessile oak, Norway spruce, Scots pine and Douglas Fir respectively, we created cross-dated time series Delta13C isotope ratio and annual growth (using ring width). Our sites included both good and bad site conditions. We linked our data with climate time series for the study area as independent variables. The variety of variables allowed us to determine, to what extent independent factors influence growth and iWUE as well as interactions between the individual factors and their cumulative effects. Statistical methods and time series analyses were used to quantify the complex relationships between water availability, competitive pressure, climatic conditions, and tree growth. This approach combines various fields of terrestrial ecosystem research on individual plant level.

First results show diverse reactions to drought depending on species and location. We found growth and iWUE to be highly dependent on the climate for all species, whereas correlations between these variables imply a tree´s strategy to cope with drought conditions. The correlations differ between individual trees of the same species meaning that location may play a greater role in its significance than previously assumed, conditional on the species. Further investigations could support hydrologically focused forest management with respect to understanding the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems.

Therefore, an upscaling approach would allow for the depiction of iWUE on catchment level. By reconstructing past environmental conditions based on tree rings, valuable information can be obtained, contributing to the development of strategies for adapting forest stands to future climate conditions. For a deeper understanding and practical conclusions, the neighborhood relationships and competition should be quantified over the entire lifetime of an analyzed tree, since not all irregularities in isotope composition were captured.

How to cite: Keutner, P., Neumann, M., and Müller, E.-V.: Combining carbon isotopes with tree ring analysis – insights into water use efficiency and drought stress , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18733,, 2025.

EGU25-18841 | Orals | BG2.1 | Highlight

Sources and sinks of water and elements in the high-CO2 volcanic Laacher See, Germany 

Patricia Roeser, Anna Jentsch, Stijn Albers, Nils Knornschild, Georg Heumann, Marc de Batist, Maren Brehme, Christian März, and Michael Böttcher

The Laacher See (Lake Laach), the largest volcanic lake in Germany, resulted from a massive phreatomagmatic eruption in the Eifel Region ~13,000 years ago. The enclosed lake within a small catchment is still affected by the underlying volcanic activity, providing a unique natural laboratory for investigating the sources and sinks of high dissolved carbon concentrations and associated element cycles in natural chemical gradients. The lake is continuously affected by magmatic CO2 degassing. A large number of moffettes are distributed not only along the lake shore but also at different depths of the lake, whereby gas seeps can still be found at the deepest point of the lake at 51 m. Here, seasonal investigations of the water column and porewaters from several sediment short cores and a 6 m long core at a reference site show for the first time that the sediment package is an active and special biogeochemical reactor outlining a unique type of diagenesis under the boundary conditions of high dissolved inorganic carbon. With the help of an underwater drone equipped with a temperature & depth sensor, the water column was accurately sampled at regular depth intervals. Additionally, the fingerprinting of surrounding groundwaters as potential water and elemental sources, allows for a first assessment of the cycling of dissolved carbon, water, major and trace elements. Stable H and O isotope signatures provide insight into the water sources and the seasonal water balance of the lake. The C isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) indicates its sources and fate, and explains signatures reported for authigenic sedimentary carbonates, e.g. siderite. Sulfate is consumed by microbial sulfate reduction in the upper few centimeters of the sediments, and the SO4 isotopic signature from the lake water is close to that of the moffette solution indicating similar influence of these benthic processes. The examination of porewaters from a ca. 7-meter-wide pockmark provides evidence of enhanced diagenesis under high DIC fluxes potentially affecting metal accumulation and liberation from sediments.

How to cite: Roeser, P., Jentsch, A., Albers, S., Knornschild, N., Heumann, G., de Batist, M., Brehme, M., März, C., and Böttcher, M.: Sources and sinks of water and elements in the high-CO2 volcanic Laacher See, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18841,, 2025.

EGU25-19505 | Orals | BG2.1

Plants in changing climate: Linking isotope effects, manipulation experiments, plant archives and modelling to derive long-term ecophysiogical signals 

Jürgen Schleucher, Lenny Haddad, xiaohan Yin, Pieter Zuidema, Sophie Zwartsenberg, Mats Öquist, John Marshall, and Benjamin Smith

Conventional isotope applications in plant ecophysiology measure isotope ratios (e.g. δ2H, δ13C) of whole molecules. However, it is well established that isotope abundance varies AMONG the CH groups of metabolites (isotopomers), because they are biochemically distinct. This variation reflects enzyme isotope fractionations and encodes metabolic information, but it is unclear how these fractionations get transferred into signals that can be recovered from archives of plant material.

Here, we will describe physical and biochemical mechanisms of hydrogen isotope fractionation in plants and compare their magnitudes. Based on observations for hydrogen isotope transfer in plants, we present a model for the extraction of H isotope signals from plant archives.

Plant responses to increasing CO2 are critical for plant productivity and as climate feedbacks. As CO2 is the substrate for photosynthesis, plants should benefit from increasing CO2, but the magnitude of this “CO2 fertilization” disagrees with biomass estimates. Photorespiration is a side reaction of photosynthesis that reduces C assimilation in most vegetation, therefore its response under climate change is critical for the future C cycle. Photorespiration should be reduced by increasing CO2 yet exacerbated by rising T, but its response is not well captured in models, adding large uncertainty to C cycle predictions.

To retrieve ecophysiological signals from plant archives, we use manipulation experiments to develop proxies for plant C fluxes, based on intramolecular abundance variation of 2H and 13C, detected by NMR. We then retrieve these proxies from archives such as tree-ring series, to derive metabolic responses over long time scales, and to improve global vegetation models.

Here we will describe progress in tracking isotopomer signals from controlled experiments to plant archives, and results on long-term trends of photorespiration in response to increasing atmospheric CO2 for two globally important ecosystems. In Sphagnum species, we link trends in photorespiration to the C sink of boreal peatlands. In the tropical tree species Toona ciliata, we describe long-term trends in photosynthetic efficiency.

As intrinsic quantities, isotope data are well suited to report on metabolic shifts, but not about fluxes in absolute numbers. Therefore we use isotopomer data as input for the LPJ-GUESS Ecosystem Model, to translate isotopomer-derived changes in photorespiration into trends in ecosystem C fluxes.


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Ehlers I. et al (2015) PNAS 112, 15585-15590 doi 10.1073/pnas.1504493112

Walker AP. et al (2021) New Phytol 229, 2413-2445 doi 10.1111/nph.16866

Serk H. et al (2021) Scientific Reports 11, 24517 doi 10.1038/s41598-021-02953-1

Zwartsenberg SA. et al (2025) New Phytol in press.

How to cite: Schleucher, J., Haddad, L., Yin, X., Zuidema, P., Zwartsenberg, S., Öquist, M., Marshall, J., and Smith, B.: Plants in changing climate: Linking isotope effects, manipulation experiments, plant archives and modelling to derive long-term ecophysiogical signals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19505,, 2025.

EGU25-19649 | Posters on site | BG2.1

Reconstructing changes in nitrogen input to the Danube-influenced Black Sea Shelf during the Holocene 

Andreas Neumann, Kirstin Dähnke, and Tina Sanders

The western Black Sea Shelf where the Danube is discharging into the Black Sea is especially sensitive to river-induced eutrophication, which peaked in the 1980s and 1990s due to human-induced nutrient input and is decreasing since the mid-1990s due to ongoing mitigation measures. The scarcity of information on Danube nutrient loads prior to the 1960s complicates the assessment of earlier nutrient input and thus to define pristine conditions to provide a reference for nutrient reduction goals. In this study, we aimed to trace modern and historical nitrogen sources to the western Black Sea Shelf during the last ~5,000 years with special focus on the past 100 years, using sedimentary records of TOC, TIC, nitrogen, and δ15N.

Our results demonstrate that the balance of riverine nitrogen discharge into the Black Sea on the one hand, and nitrogen fixation in the pelagic on the other hand is generally determined by climate effects. Specifically, this balance of riverine N input and N fixation is not only controlled by the amount of nutrients discharged by rivers, but also by the freshwater itself, which controls the intensity of thermohaline stratification and thereby the intensity of nutrient recycling from the deep basin back into the euphotic epipelagic. Our results show a gradient from the nearshore sediment directly at the Danube Delta, where riverine N is dominant to offshore sediment in 80 m water depth, where pelagic N fixation was dominant in the past. Our results based on stable isotopes also demonstrate the increased deposition of nitrogen from human activities in all stations across the shelf and the concomitant changes in deposition rates of organic matter as indication for perturbations in the epipelagic community due to the human-induced eutrophication. Finally, our stable isotope data indicate that human-induced eutrophication can be traced back to the 12th century AD, which raises the question which point in time is a feasible reference for nutrient reduction goals as the Danube was not pristine since at least 800 years.

How to cite: Neumann, A., Dähnke, K., and Sanders, T.: Reconstructing changes in nitrogen input to the Danube-influenced Black Sea Shelf during the Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19649,, 2025.

EGU25-19711 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

Insights into the genesis and geological significance of iron-manganese precipitates in the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland seafloor 

Johanna Maria Ojap, Martin Liira, Aivo Lepland, Michael E. Böttcher, Sten Suuroja, Peeter Somelar, and Kalle Kirsimäe

Iron-manganese (oxy)hydroxide precipitates (Fe-Mn concretions) occur at the ocean and sea floors all over the world, typically in regions with low sedimentation rates. In shallow water environments like the Baltic Sea, Fe-Mn concretions form in areas where bottom currents prevent active sediment accumulation. The shallow brackish conditions and periodical saltwater inflows from the North Sea make the Baltic Sea a unique environment for concretion formation. Fe-Mn concretions in the Baltic Sea also grow much faster than oceanic concretions, resulting in different mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic compositions compared to deep-sea nodules. One of the areas in the Baltic Sea where Fe-Mn concretions are widespread is the Gulf of Finland, where the concretions form where Late Pleistocene glaciolacustrine varved clays, glacial till, or crystalline bedrock is exposed on the seafloor. 

Due to redox-driven precipitation processes, the spherical or disc-like Fe-Mn concretions forming symmetrically around a nucleus are composed of alternating Fe- and Mn-rich layers. In addition, crust-like concretions can grow in areas with higher background sedimentation rates. During their formation, Fe-Mn concretions record the geochemical status of the sedimentary environment, making them potential archives of the geological history of sedimentary basins. Following the Last Glacial Maximum, the Baltic Sea basin has been through multiple phases of fresh and saltwater conditions before the establishment of the modern brackish Baltic Sea. The Fe-Mn concretions in the Baltic Sea have potentially recorded those changes in their chemical and stable isotopic composition, helping us to understand their formation mechanisms and growth phases through layer-by-layer sampling of the concretions from the centre outwards. 

This study examines the morphological, chemical, stable isotopic and mineralogical properties of the Fe-Mn concretions in the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland seafloor and has an overarching aim to assess the complex geological processes controlling the formation of concretions, as well as get a closer look at the growing phases through the finer sampling of their layered structure, which could offer a new perspective on the timing of formation of these concretions relative to the development of the Baltic sea and the Gulf of Finland.

How to cite: Ojap, J. M., Liira, M., Lepland, A., Böttcher, M. E., Suuroja, S., Somelar, P., and Kirsimäe, K.: Insights into the genesis and geological significance of iron-manganese precipitates in the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland seafloor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19711,, 2025.

EGU25-19720 | Orals | BG2.1

Revealing past climate variability using tree rings and stable isotopes from tropical and boreal regions in the Americas 

Laia Andreu-Hayles, Clara Rodríguez-Morata, Milagros Rodriguez-Caton, Etienne Boucher, Duncan A. Christie, Doris B. Crispín-DelaCruz, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Valérie Daux, Eugenia Ferrero, Robert D. Field, Fabio Gennaretti, Ignacio Hermoso, Alienor Lavergne, Mariano Morales, Rose Oelker, Edilson J. Requena, Ginette Ticse-Otarola, Arianna M. Varuolo-Clarke, Ricardo Villalba, and Mathias Vuille

High-resolution records of centennial climate variability are crucial considering the scarcity and overall short length of instrumental meteorological data in many regions of the world. The application of stable isotopic analysis in tree rings has emerged as a robust methodological tool for elucidating the intricate complexities of environmental history. This presentation will travel from high latitudes in North America to the Tropical Andes in South America to show how tree-ring stable isotopes can be used to reconstruct climate variability and atmospheric patterns across the Americas, as well as changes in Sea Surface Temperatures (SST). Stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) measured in tree rings from white spruce trees from the Northwest Territories of Canada record similar large-scale climate patterns as modelled precipitation δ18O from a general circulation model (NASA GISS ModelE2 isotopically-equipped). Trees from the species Polylepis tarapacana growing at high elevation (~5,000 m a.s.l) at the South American Altiplano were used to reconstruct annual precipitation variability, which is driven by the South American Summer Monsoon, over the last 300 years. This newly developed tree-ring δ18O chronology revealed a robust hydroclimatic teleconnection showing interannual (2–5 years) and decadal (~11 years) periodicities consistent with records of Altiplano precipitation, central tropical Pacific SST, Andean ice core δ18O and tropical Pacific coral δ18O. Furthermore, new tree species of the genus Polyelpis growing in the inner tropics were discovered and found to have significant sensitivity to local and regional hydroclimate variability, showing a close link to tropical Pacific SST and El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Overall, our findings point out the importance of developing longer stable isotopes tree-ring records to overcome the inherent difficulties to reconstruct global hydroclimate variability.


How to cite: Andreu-Hayles, L., Rodríguez-Morata, C., Rodriguez-Caton, M., Boucher, E., Christie, D. A., Crispín-DelaCruz, D. B., D'Arrigo, R., Daux, V., Ferrero, E., Field, R. D., Gennaretti, F., Hermoso, I., Lavergne, A., Morales, M., Oelker, R., Requena, E. J., Ticse-Otarola, G., Varuolo-Clarke, A. M., Villalba, R., and Vuille, M.: Revealing past climate variability using tree rings and stable isotopes from tropical and boreal regions in the Americas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19720,, 2025.

EGU25-19824 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.1

 Isotopic composition of N2O emissions from a permafrost peatland: a laboratory study using three different analytical techniques   

Matěj Znamínko, Lukas Kohl, Tatiana Trubnikova, Michael Bahn, and Christina Biasi

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a very potent greenhouse gas, and it is also involved in stratospheric ozone destruction. It is primarily produced by microbial processes such as nitrification and denitrification. Emissions of N2O from permafrost-affected soils have only recently been discovered but are of particular concern as climate change accelerates permafrost thaw and also N2O production. Nevertheless, mechanisms underlaying N2O emissions form permafrost-affected soils remain largely unresolved. Therefore, better understanding of N2O production and consumption processes is urgently needed, and isotope tools are critical for advancing this knowledge.   

Advances in isotopic laser spectroscopy, such as cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), have enabled real-time quantification of N2O isotopic ratios, offering a powerful tool to study isotope signals of N2O and microbial pathways. Here, an incubation experiment was conducted with soils collected from a permafrost peatland (bare and vegetated). Each of them was subjected to variable water holding capacities (WHC) ranging from 20% to 100%, since water availability is a primary controlling factor on N2O fluxes from soils. Incubations took place at the standard temperature of 15°C.  

Additionally, the study compared three methods for determining the isotopic signature of N2O sources. In the first method, discrete gas samples were collected into glass vials over the incubation period and later analyzed offline using the Keeling plot to derive the isotopic composition. For the second method, endpoint sampling, gas samples were collected at the end of the incubation into gas bags and analyzed to directly determine the isotopic signature of the accumulated N2O. The third method involved real-time isotopic measurements, connected directly to the incubation bottles via a multiplexer. The inverse Keeling plot was then used to derive the isotopic signature. All isotope analysis of N2O were done using the Picarro G5131-i isotopic N2O analyzer.  

Reliable isotopic data could only be obtained when the N2O flux flux exceeded the equivalent to 3 ppb per hour, which was rarely achieved. In the few cases, where fluxes were higher, the isotope signature of N2O indicated that denitrification was the main pathway at all moisture levels. The traditional Keeling plot approach was the most reliable method to determine the isotope source, but the inverse Keeling plot approach can be developed and offers, similar to the gas bag method, practical advantages. We discuss pros and cons of each method and ways to improve precision and reliability of the isotopic measurements in case of high and low fluxes. 


How to cite: Znamínko, M., Kohl, L., Trubnikova, T., Bahn, M., and Biasi, C.:  Isotopic composition of N2O emissions from a permafrost peatland: a laboratory study using three different analytical techniques  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19824,, 2025.

EGU25-20120 | Orals | BG2.1

Biological nitrogen fixation at four Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in the Bohemian Massif: Spatial and temporal variability based on 15N2 moss incubation experiments and microbial community analysis 

Martin Novak, Bohuslava Cejkova, Jiri Barta, Hana Santruckova, Ivana Jackova, Marketa Stepanova, Frantisek Buzek, Jan Curik, and Frantisek Veselovsky

Accumulation of carbon and nitrogen in freshwater wetlands is affected by climatic change. Elevated temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns may lead to degradation and thinning of peat deposits resulting from higher rates of biogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Higher atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, CH4, and N2O, may then accelerate global warming. A number of recent studies have addressed the relationship between increasing deposition of reactive nitrogen (Nr, predominantly ammonium and nitrate)and stability of the N stock in peat. Under high atmospheric Nr inputs, peatlands may become a net source of N, rather than a net sink. Nitrogen inventories in ombrotrophic bogs may be influenced by biological N2-fixation (BNF), the conversion of atmospheric molecular N2 by diazotrophic microorganisms to bioavailable NH4+. Because a high energy is required to break the triple bond in the N2 molecule, microbial N2-fixation may shut off when other Nr sources are available. To verify this assumption, we studied four Sphagnum-dominated peat bogs in the Czech Republic differing in Nr deposition by a factor of two. We hypothesized that the more Nr-polluted sites in the north, Velke jerabi jezero (VJ) and Cerny potok (CP), would exhibit lower BNF rates than the less polluted sites in the south, Cervene blato (CB) and Zdarecka slat (ZS). At the end of laboratory incubations of waterlogged peat in a 15N2 atmosphere (t = 2-7 days), samples of living Sphagnum exhibited an increase in d15N values from about -3 ‰ typical of all sites to 27, 259, and 266 ‰ at VJ, CP and ZS, respectively. No significant change in d15N values was recorded at CB. At VJ, the estimated BNF rates reached 840 ng N per gram Sphagnum per day. At CP and ZS these rates were about 10 times higher. Microbial analysis revealed higher activity of diazotrophs at VJ than at CB. At VJ, autotrophic cyanobacterial diazotrophs of the Nosctocaceae family comprised 4.2 %, while at CB they were below 0.1 %. Repeated sampling at CP and ZS in spring and summer showed complex temporal trends in d15N shifts during 15N2 moss incubations. At CP, the d15N shift and BNF rates were larger in summer, whereas at ZS, a larger d15N shift and higher BNF rates were observed in spring. Vertical trends in d15N values at the end of the 15N2 incubations were also complicated. Out of four peat sampling depths (0, 10, 20 and 30 cm), the highest positive d15N shifts during incubation experiments were found 20 cm below surface at CP (561 ‰; spring) and 10 cm below surface at ZS (805 ‰; summer). Collectively, our data indicate that atmospheric Nr inputs were not the main control of BNF in the studied Central European peat bogs. Also large within-site and seasonal variability in BNF was observed. Other site characteristics, such as phosphorus availability, NH4+/NO3- ratios, and moisture conditions served as important BNF drivers.

How to cite: Novak, M., Cejkova, B., Barta, J., Santruckova, H., Jackova, I., Stepanova, M., Buzek, F., Curik, J., and Veselovsky, F.: Biological nitrogen fixation at four Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in the Bohemian Massif: Spatial and temporal variability based on 15N2 moss incubation experiments and microbial community analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20120,, 2025.

EGU25-20270 | ECS | Orals | BG2.1

Unraveling N2O production pathways in agricultural and forest soils using stable isotope analysis 

Rosanna Margalef-Marti, Stefania Mattana, Carme López-Sánchez, Raúl Carrey, Jordi Palau, Neus Otero, Tiphaine Tallec, Bernard Heinesch, Iris Feigenwinter, Fabio Turco, Helena Rautakoski, Annalea Lohila, Matthias Peichl, Rossella Guerreri, Ivan Jansens, Silvia Poblador, Enzo Magliulio, Luca Vitale, Dominika Lewicka-Szczebak, and Angela Ribas

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas and a significant contributor to global warming and ozone layer depletion. It is primarily emitted from soils through microbial processes such as nitrification and denitrification and shows spatial and temporal variations driven by environmental factors such as the availability of nitrogen (e.g., in the form of fertilizers), organic carbon, soil moisture, temperature and oxygen levels. However, estimates on the relative contribution of different N2O producing pathways are frequently uncertain and knowledge on how environmental factors influence N2O emissions dynamics is still limited. Therefore, closing these knowledge gaps is crucial for improving mitigation strategies.

This study aims to analyze the patterns of N₂O emissions across diverse forest and agricultural soils, taking geographic variations into account, and to determine the relative contributions of the primary N2O producing and consuming pathways specific to each soil type.

Batch experiments were conducted using four agricultural soils and four forest soils from sites of the ICOS ( and FLUXNET ( networks. Agricultural soils were obtained in France, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland, while forest soils were obtained in Finland, Sweden, Belgium and Italy. These soils exhibited a range of intrinsic characteristics, such as texture, organic matter content and type, and nitrogen sources. The incubations took place in complete darkness at a constant temperature of 22 ºC for approximately 30 hours after rewetting dry soil. Each soil type was tested with five replicates across five time points (i.e., 25 reactors for soil type). For each reactor we measured the production of N2O and its isotopic composition including the δ15N-N2Obulk, δ18O-N2Obulk, and site preference δ15N-N2OSP (i.e., the intramolecular distribution of N isotopes, since the N2O molecule has an asymmetric linear structure [N-N-O]). Additionally, the isotopic compositions of nitrate and ammonium from soil KCl extracts are being analyzed (δ15N-NO3-, δ18O-NO3-, δ15N-NH4+) and microbiological characterization is also being performed.

Preliminary results revealed significantly higher N2O production in agricultural soils compared to forest soils during the 30-hour incubation period, with rates reaching up to 130 μg N-N2O/kg/h in agricultural soils and only 0.3 μg N-N2O/kg/h in forest soils. Notable differences were also observed among the four tested soils within each category (agricultural or forest). These differences might be mainly attributed to differences in the nitrogen and organic carbon content as well as the texture. The isotopic analysis of N2O suggests that denitrification is the primary process driving N₂O emissions in the studied soils, with nitrification also contributing to varying extents depending on the soil type.

Ongoing isotopic analyses of nitrate and ammonium in soil KCl extracts alongside microbial characterization, will provide deeper insights into the dominant processes driving N2O emissions in each soil type and the key environmental factors influencing them.

How to cite: Margalef-Marti, R., Mattana, S., López-Sánchez, C., Carrey, R., Palau, J., Otero, N., Tallec, T., Heinesch, B., Feigenwinter, I., Turco, F., Rautakoski, H., Lohila, A., Peichl, M., Guerreri, R., Jansens, I., Poblador, S., Magliulio, E., Vitale, L., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., and Ribas, A.: Unraveling N2O production pathways in agricultural and forest soils using stable isotope analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20270,, 2025.

Mountain grasslands are currently experiencing significant changes in land use and climate, with an increased frequency of extreme droughts anticipated in the near future. Understanding the drought responses of carbon (C) allocation—a critical process in the C cycle—remains limited. In this study, we conducted an experimental summer drought on traditionally managed hay meadows and traced the fate of recent assimilates into leaf and root sucrose. We applied 13CO2 pulses at peak drought and tracked the labeled carbon into individual positions of glucose using liquid chromatography coupled with ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry.

Our findings revealed that drought conditions decreased total C uptake and led to a reduction in above-ground carbohydrate storage pools. The turnover of the leaf sugar pool, determined through position-specific carbon enrichment, was significantly reduced compared to the control treatment. Interestingly, below-ground C allocation to root sucrose was enhanced by drought, but the position-specific carbon enrichment was less affected, suggesting the involvement of other carbon sources.

These results demonstrate that position-specific isotope distribution provides a novel understanding of plant carbon allocation, offering new insights into the resilience and adaptation of mountain grasslands to drought stress.

How to cite: Gleixner, G.: Unveiling Carbon Allocation Dynamics in Mountain Grasslands Under Drought Stress Using Position-Specific Isotope Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20366,, 2025.

EGU25-20485 | Orals | BG2.1

Environmental conditions for dolomite formation in the Late Miocene Lake Bira – Clues from Mg and Sr isotopes 

Boaz Lazar, Ludwik Halicz, Jakub Karasiński, Dotan Shaked Gelband, Abraham Starinsky, and Mordechai Stein

d26Mg values and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are used as tracers of calcite and dolomite formation in the late Miocene Lake Bira. Mg and Sr isotope ratios were analyzed in freshwaters and brines that currently feed the Sea of Galilee (the modern remnant of Lake Bira) and in limestones and dolostones comprising the Bira Formation. d26Mg and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Sea of Galilee waters (~0.89‰, ~0.7075) are consistent with the mixing of mainly carbonate and basaltic waters with subsurface Ca-chloride brines (e.g., Tiberias Spa). The d26Mg values in the limestones and dolostone of the Bira Formation range from ~ -1.0 to ~ -3.5‰. and -2.8 to -1.8 ‰, respectively. The d26Mg values in Lake Bira waters at that time were between ~-2 ‰ to ~1 ‰, as calculated from the fractionation factors between water and either calcite or dolomite (-2 ‰ and -0.75 ‰, respectively). Isotope mixing calculations suggest that waters with positive d26Mg values (estimated as ~1.2 ‰) were added to the lake. We suggest that these waters were Ca-chloride brines that were formed in the late Miocene Jordan Valley by interaction between evaporated seawater and the local limestones. These brines deposited the contemporaneous thick sequences of salt (halite) and gypsum in the Jordan Valley to the east of the lake. Dolomitization of the limestones increased the d26Mg of the brines during their re-circulation through the surrounding aquifers due to Rayleigh fractionation, The dolomitization process was accompanied by the production of a Ca-chloride solution.

Limestone formation required enhanced freshwater input; a process accompanied by increasing hydrological head that induced an enhanced inflow of the Ca-chloride brine with high d26Mg to the lake. Dolomite formation was associated with the weakening of the hydrological head, and diminishing flow of the brine to the lake.

The formation of dolomites in the lacustrine environment of Lake Bira and the contemporaneous deposition of gypsum in the nearby Jordan Valley provides a model for dolomitization in marginal environments (e.g., lagoons and subkhas), where the Mg is exchanging with Ca during the dolomitization process and the excess Ca taking the sulfate to form gypsum.

How to cite: Lazar, B., Halicz, L., Karasiński, J., Shaked Gelband, D., Starinsky, A., and Stein, M.: Environmental conditions for dolomite formation in the Late Miocene Lake Bira – Clues from Mg and Sr isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20485,, 2025.

GMPV2 – Experimental and analytical advances in mineralogy and rock-forming processes

Quantitative provenance analysis studies are instrumental in understanding the tectonic and climatic processes that are shaping Earth`s landscape. Although the most abundant mineral in the sedimentary system is quartz, almost all studies in provenance analysis investigate accessory minerals. Quartz contains various defects, intrinsic (mainly O related defects) or due to impurities. Some of these defects remain unchanged under ionizing radiation exposure while others are being transformed. Some of these defects are paramagnetic (e.g.  E’, an unpaired electron at an oxygen vacancy site (≡Si·), peroxy intrinsic defect centers (Si-O-O⋅), nonbridging oxygen NBOHC, (Si–O⋅), Al related paramagnetic defects such as Al-hole, [AlO4]0, titanium impurity defects such as [TiO4/M+]0 where M+ is a cation, germanium defects ([GeO4]0, [GeO4/ M+] etc.) while others have the ability to emit light upon stimulation and were identified and characterised by techniques such as photoluminescence or cathodoluminescence (nonbridging oxygen, NBOHC, Si–O⋅, oxygen deficiency center, ODC,  Si-Sietc.).  Based on the dynamics of radiation sensitive defects under irradiation, quartz can record the amount of ionizing radiation it has been exposed to since a resetting event. As such, quartz is successfully used for dating materials by thermoluminescence (TL) or optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) as well as by electron spin paramagnetic (EPR). Here we present multi-spectroscopic investigations (TL, OSL, EPR as well as hyperspectral resolved cathodoluminescence based on scanning electron microscopy) on quartz grains extracted from independently dated old to young quartz-bearing continental crustal sources, metamorphosed rocks versus their unmetamorphosed equivalents, as well as intrusive versus volcanic rocks and their derived sediments throughout the world. These investigations aim to prove that point defects in quartz have the capacity to carry genetic information and their modifications can provide evidence for antiquity, metamorphism (or lack thereof) as well as knowledge on transport, or recycling.

How to cite: Timar-Gabor, A.: Towards reading provenance from ubiquitous quartz by multi-spectroscopic investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-451,, 2025.

EGU25-895 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.1

Lead-modified zeolite for arsenate removal via mimetite (Pb5(AsO4)3Cl) precipitation 

Ewa Stępień, Maciej Manecki, and Tomasz Bajda

The toxicity of arsenic and its detrimental impact on human health have driven extensive research into effective removal methods (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). Arsenate AsO43- can be efficiently sequestered from aqueous solutions by inducing the precipitation of mimetite (Pb₅(AsO₄)₃Cl), a stable and sparingly soluble phase with an apatite-like structure (Magalhães & Silva, 2003; Bajda et al., 2007; Bajda, 2010). This study introduces a novel application of lead-modified zeolite for arsenate removal, leveraging mimetite precipitation for efficient and environmentally sustainable water treatment. Pb bound to the zeolite surface exhibits optimal binding strength: strong enough to prevent the release of lead into water, yet weak enough to facilitate its reaction with arsenate and chloride ions present in solution.

This reaction led to the precipitation of mimetite directly on the surface of zeolite aggregates, ensuring efficient arsenic removal:


5Pb2+desorbed from zeolite + 3AsO43-contamination + Cl-supplied extra = Pb5(AsO4)3Cl precipitated on zeolite


The source of lead was a lead-modified natural clinoptilolite (ZEOCEM, Bystré, Slovak Republic), originally in its Ca form but transformed to Na-clinoptilolite after a 24-hour reaction in 2 M NaCl solution. This sodium form of clinoptilolite was then prepared by sorption of Pb²⁺ from solution, followed by intensive washing to remove excess Pb and desorption of loosely bound ions. 800 mg of Na-clinoptilolite was reacted with 40 mL of solution containing 4000 mg Pb/L at pH 4 for 24 hours, followed by washing with redistilled water and centrifugation (seven times) until Pb was below the detection limit of the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) method. The Pb-modified zeolite thus obtained, containing about 70 g of bound Pb per kg of zeolite, was subsequently reacted with arsenate solutions (500 mg of Pb-zeolite in 40 mL of solution containing 50 mg As(V)/L) in the presence of chloride ions (20 mg Cl/L) at pH 2 and 7 for up to 7 days.

At pH 7, arsenate levels decreased below the detection limit within 24 hours, while at pH 2, 95% of arsenate was removed. X–Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS) analyses confirmed the formation of mimetite, which precipitated on the zeolite aggregates, forming incrustations of distinct needle-like crystals up to 2 μm in length. Induced precipitation of mimetite produces a highly stable crystalline product, suggesting its potential for effective arsenate sequestration. This approach, with further testing in complex systems, holds significant promise for scalable and cost-effective arsenate remediation in contaminated waters.


Bajda, T., Szmit, E., & Manecki, M. "Removal of As (V) from solutions by precipitation of mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl." Environmental Engineering, (2007): 119-124.

Bajda, T. “Solubility of mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl at 5–55 C.” Environmental Chemistry 7(3) (2010): 268-278

Magalhães, M. C. F., and Silva, M. C. M. „Stability of lead (II) arsenates.” Monatshefte fuer Chemie/Chemical Monthly, 134, (2003):735-743.

Smedley, P. L., and Kinniburgh, D.G. "A review of the source, behaviour and distribution of arsenic in natural waters." Applied geochemistry 17.5 (2002): 517-568.

How to cite: Stępień, E., Manecki, M., and Bajda, T.: Lead-modified zeolite for arsenate removal via mimetite (Pb5(AsO4)3Cl) precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-895,, 2025.

EGU25-1023 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.1

Investigation of Dye Removal from Water Using Zeolite Minerals Modified with Different Sodium Sources 

Burak Can Ünal, Orkun Ersoy, and Efe Akkaş

The presence of pollutant dyes in water bodies poses a significant concern that adversely impacts both human health and environmental integrity. Numerous methodologies and materials exist for the extraction of these contaminants from aqueous solutions and their subsequent utilization. Adsorption processes utilizing zeolite minerals and various modified forms are frequently employed.

The unmodified forms of zeolite minerals are inadequate for dye removal from aqueous solutions; consequently, the properties of zeolite can be enhanced through the application of various surfactants. Nevertheless, the organic surfactants utilized in enhancing zeolite efficacy are also contaminants, and further research is being conducted to eliminate these pollutants from aqueous environments. Furthermore, only organic surfactants and a limited number of distinct active substances have been utilized to enhance the dye removal efficacy of zeolites. While zeolite minerals modified with inorganic active substances such as NaCl, Na2CO3 and Na2SO4 have been utilized in various applications, the dye removal efficacy of zeolites modified with these inorganic salts has not been previously investigated.

In this study, as an alternative to organic surfactants conventionally employed for the modification of zeolite minerals in dye removal applications, the efficacy of previously untested inorganic active substances on zeolites was examined to provide a more environmentally sustainable option. Modification processes were conducted utilizing NaCl, Na2CO3, and Na2SO4, while control modifications were performed using HDTMA, a widely employed substance, to evaluate the comparative efficacy of these active compounds. The efficacy of the unmodified and modified zeolites was evaluated using Reactive Black 5 and Methylene Blue dyes. The Batch Method was employed for dye removal experiments. Throughout the experimental procedure, the modification rate, initial dye concentration, and zeolite-dye ratios were systematically varied, and optimal parameters under these conditions were determined. Consequently, it was demonstrated that the modification of zeolite minerals with inorganic active substances can be utilized for the removal of pollutant dyes from aqueous solutions.

How to cite: Ünal, B. C., Ersoy, O., and Akkaş, E.: Investigation of Dye Removal from Water Using Zeolite Minerals Modified with Different Sodium Sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1023,, 2025.

As an accessory mineral in marine evaporites, polyhalite, K2MgCa2(SO4)4·2H2O, coexists with halite (NaCl) in salt formations, which are a potential type of geological repositories for permanent storage of high-level nuclear wastes. However, because of the heat generated by radioactive decays in the wastes, polyhalite (as well as other co-existing hydrous minerals such as clay and gypsum) may dehydrate, and the released water will dissolve its neighboring salt, potentially affecting the repository integrity. Thus, studying the thermal behavior of polyhalite is important. In this study, a polyhalite sample containing a small amount of halite was collected from the Salado formation at the WIPP site in Carlsbad, New Mexico. In-situ high-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction was conducted from room temperature to 1066 K with the sample powders sealed in a silica-glass capillary. At about 506 K, polyhalite started to decompose into water vapor, anhydrite (CaSO4) and two langbeinite-type phases, K2CaxMg2-x(SO4)3, with different Ca/Mg ratios. XRD peaks of the minor halite disappeared, presumably due to its dissolution by water vapor. With further increasing temperature, the two langbeinite solid solution phases displayed complex variations in crystallinity, composition and their molar ratio and then were combined into the single-phase triple salt, K2CaMg(SO4)3, at ~919 K. Rietveld analyses of the XRD data allowed determination of structural parameters of polyhalite and its decomposed anhydrite and langbeinite phases as a function of temperature. From the results, the thermal expansion coefficients of these phases have been derived, and the structural mechanisms of their thermal behavior been discussed. In addition, to determine phase stability relations, standard enthalpies of formation of polyhalite from constituent oxides and elements were measured using high-temperature drop-solution calorimetry.

How to cite: Xu, H.: Crystal structure and phase stability of polyhalite at high temperatures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2607,, 2025.

EGU25-5058 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.1

Phase transitions of AF2 difluorides MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 at high pressures and temperatures 

Xinyue Zhang, Ningyu Sun, and Zhu Mao

SiO2 is a crucial oxide in Earth and other terrestrial planets such as super-Earth, making the study of its high-pressure structural phase transitions and physical properties vital. Due to the extremely high pressures required for the phase transitions of SiO2, significant uncertainty exist in the high-pressure phase boundaries from experiments and theoretical calculations. Given the similarities in high-pressure structures between SiO2 and the AF2 difluorides, the latter serve as excellent analogs for studying the high-pressure properties of SiO2. The phase transition of AF2 difluorides strongly depends on cationic radius, pressure, and temperature. In this study, we investigated the phase transitions of MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 at high pressures and temperatures using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction in diamond anvil cells up to 50 GPa at 300-700 K. These difluorides, with cationic radii of 0.72-1.35 Å, reveal the influence of cationic radius on structure of difluorides under extreme conditions.

Our results show that elevating temperature increases the transition pressure from rutile to the CaCl2-type phase but has a negative influence on the transition pressure when MgF2 transforms from the HP-PdF2- to cotunnite-type phase. Meanwhile, the transition pressure from the CaCl2- to HP-PdF2-type phase for MgF2 is identified to be independent of temperature. For both CaF2 and BaF2, elevating temperature leads to a lower transition pressure from fluorite to the cotunnite-type phase but has little influence on the transition to Ni2In structure. Our results are important for exploring the physical properties and the transition sequence of AX2-type minerals. The information of these difluorides could also help to understand the structure of the Earth and other terrestrial planets.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Sun, N., and Mao, Z.: Phase transitions of AF2 difluorides MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 at high pressures and temperatures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5058,, 2025.

EGU25-5577 | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Elastic Moduli of Single-Crystal CaSnO3 Perovskite, end-member of Megawite: Bridging Experimental and Computational Approaches 

Jennifer Kung, Florian T.S. Hua, Wenhao Su, and Jin Zhang

Megawite, a recently discovered perovskite-structured mineral with Ca(Ti0.07, Sn0.6, Zr0.33)O3, was identified in a xenolith. Its end members, CaTiO3, CaSnO3, and CaZrO3, represent GdFeO3-type perovskites (A2+B4+O3), which have garnered significant attention for their structural and physical properties. Among these, CaSnO3 stands out due to its exceptional optical and electrical properties, supported by its high physical and chemical stability. Despite its increasing applications, critical physical properties such as the elastic moduli (Cij) of single-crystal CaSnO3 have yet to be determined experimentally. Available data on CaSnO3 elasticity stems from polycrystalline measurements or computational predictions. This gap underscores the need for experimental determination of single-crystal elastic moduli better to understand its mechanical behavior and implications for future applications.

Here, we report the elastic moduli of single-crystal CaSnO3 perovskite measured using Brillouin scattering at ambient conditions. Crystals of CaSnO3 were synthesized at 1200 °C over 24 hours from a starting mixture of CaCl2 and SnO2 in a 2:1 molar ratio. Four high-quality crystals were selected for Brillouin scattering measurements. Full elastic moduli were derived via least squares regression of sound velocity data against the Christoffel equation. The obtained values for the elastic moduli include longitudinal moduli (C11, C22, C33) ranging from 270 to 290 GPa, shear moduli (C44, C55, C66) between 90 and 98 GPa, and off-diagonal moduli (C12, C13, C23) ranging from 100 to 120 GPa. These measurements' aggregate bulk modulus, shear modulus, and sound velocities align well with previous polycrystalline results obtained through ultrasonic interferometry (Kung et al., 2001; Schneider et al., 2008).

A key step in Brillouin scattering data analysis is the establishment of an initial Cij model. For a new material such as CaSnO3, setting up an effective starting model requires experience. In this study, the starting Cij model was derived from density functional theory (DFT) computations to serve the purpose. Elasticity and electronic ground states were calculated using the CASTEP code integrated within the Materials Studio software package. These calculations employed LDA, GGA, and mGGA functionals, with norm-conserving and ultrasoft pseudopotentials modeling electron-ion interactions. The computationally predicted Cij values served as the initial input for data fitting. The final best-fit Cij model was determined by minimizing residual differences across iterative fitting steps. The close agreement between experimental and computational results highlights the utility of computational predictions as a starting point for Brillouin scattering analyses.

This study presents the first experimental determination of the elastic moduli for single-crystal CaSnO3 perovskite, supported by computational insights. The integration of experimental and computational approaches offers a robust framework for characterizing the mechanical properties of new materials. Our findings contribute to the broader understanding of perovskite materials, with implications for geosciences and advanced material applications.

How to cite: Kung, J., Hua, F. T. S., Su, W., and Zhang, J.: Elastic Moduli of Single-Crystal CaSnO3 Perovskite, end-member of Megawite: Bridging Experimental and Computational Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5577,, 2025.

EGU25-5922 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Effect of Metamorphism on the Point Defects in Quartz: Characterization using Different Spectroscopic Techniques  

Monika Devi, Zsejke-Réka Tóth, Serban-Constantin Grecu, Ion Nesterovschi, Daniela Constantin, Mihai N. Ducea, Simona Cinta Pinzaru, and Alida Timar Gabor

The present study examines the effect of metamorphism on point defects in quartz. A granite sample with crystallization age of ~460 Ma (Albesti granite, Romania) and its metamorphic equivalent were used for the analysis. This sill-like granitoid occurs close to a ductile shear zone (locally named Bughea shear zone) of presumed Variscan age; the granitoid is exposed as relatively undeformed away from the shear zone as well as highly strained into a mylonitic fabric, when caught into the shear zone. Mineralogical differences were also observed, the metamorphic sample exhibiting lower quartz content and reduced grain strength. The point defects in quartz were characterized using thermoluminescence (TL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), electron spin resonance (ESR), scanning electron microscopy coupled with cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) and Raman spectroscopy.

ESR data showed the presence of E’ (an unpaired electron at an oxygen vacancy site (≡Si·), Al-related defects ([AlO4]0) and peroxy (≡Si-O-O·) in both the samples with increase of these centres in the metamorphic sample, especially in the case of the latter. TL measurements showed four peaks (110, 160, 280, 380 °C) in both samples, though TL intensity was 40% lower in the metamorphic quartz. The OSL decay curves were dominated by fast component for un-deformed sample and the OSL intensity of the metamorphic quartz was approximately 60% lower than that of un-deformed granite. The OSL dose-response curve (DRC) is well represented by a sum of two saturating exponential functions. The DRC of metamorphic granite exhibited higher uncertainties, due to its low signal. The DRC shapes before and after heating were nearly identical for both samples. SEM-CL analysis showed emission in blue (~450 nm) and red region (~650 nm; attributed to NBOHC (≡Si–O·)). The CL emission of metamorphic quartz was 65% lower than that of un-deformed quartz. Raman spectroscopy showed narrowing of quartz bands in the region of 100 to 500 cm⁻¹, reflecting the shortening of the O-Si-O bond (463 cm⁻¹) and lattice compression (125 and 204 cm⁻¹) during metamorphism. The increase at the 1030 cm⁻¹ peaks indicates the high aluminium-to-silicon ratio which concords with the ESR measurements.

These findings provide new insights into mineralogy and quartz point defect dynamics under metamorphic conditions, with implications for geological processes. At the conference, detailed results and their implications will be presented.

Acknowledgement: This research is funded by European Research Council ERC grant PROGRESS-CoG “Reading provenance from ubiquitous quartz: understanding the changes occurring in its lattice defects in its journey in time and space by physical methods”


How to cite: Devi, M., Tóth, Z.-R., Grecu, S.-C., Nesterovschi, I., Constantin, D., Ducea, M. N., Pinzaru, S. C., and Gabor, A. T.: Effect of Metamorphism on the Point Defects in Quartz: Characterization using Different Spectroscopic Techniques , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5922,, 2025.

EGU25-5985 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Understanding defect dynamics under irradiation in quartz: case study of a 1.4 Ga granite sample investigated by multispectroscopic methods 

Zsejke-Réka Tóth, Monika Devi, Natalia Pawlak, Serban-Constantin Grecu, Daniela Constantin, Aditi K. Dave, Mihai N. Ducea, Alicja Chruścińska, and Alida Timar-Gabor

Point defects in quartz and their response to irradiation hold geological significance but are not well understood. They can be analyzed using methods like optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), electron spin resonance (ESR), and scanning electron microscopy with cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL). This study examines point defects in a granite sample (~1.4 Ga crystallization age, ~20–23 Ma cooling age) from the Catalina Metamorphic Core Complex, southwestern USA, part of a Proterozoic anorogenic granitic province.

Defects analyzed include intrinsic ones (e.g., O-vacancies, Si vacancies, and nonbridging oxygen centers) and impurity-related defects (e.g., [AlO4]⁰ and [TiO4/M⁺]⁰). ESR identified E', peroxy, Al-, and Ti-related defects, with Al and Ti defects showing higher intensities. The Al-hole center increased exponentially with dose up to 40,000 Gy, while the Ti-electron center showed a nonmonotonic trend, peaking at 10,000 Gy and then decreasing, consistent with Benzid and Timar-Gabor (2020) and Woda and Wagner (2007). Oxygen-related defects were weak and generally dose-independent. OSL decay was dominated by a fast component, and SEM-CL showed strong blue emissions (~450 nm) and weak red emissions (~650 nm, related to NBOHC), confirming Ti-related defect dominance.

One can explain the features of luminescence and ESR signal in quartz, especially their dependence on the irradiation dose, by modelling the charge transport processes during its exposure to high-energy radiation or light. So far, models based on the band theory used in simulations of the luminescence in quartz (e. g. Bailey, 2001) have not considered that, next to electrons, ions also carry the charge in this material. Ionic conduction in quartz is primarily related to interstitial light metal cations M+. These ions provide a charge balance in the lattice disturbed by substituting a silicon atom with an aluminium atom at the crystallization stage. Radiation generates free electrons and holes, causing local potential changes that induce cation transport in the crystal. Ionic conduction in quartz requires, therefore, considering, in the modelling, both electronic transitions and changes in the state of ions from bound to free and vice versa.

A kinetic model was developed with differential equations describing M⁺-binding centers (Al and Ti), electronic states, and free electron and ion concentrations. The results, which provide insights into point defect dynamics in granitic quartz, will be discussed at the conference, offering new perspectives.


Benzid, K., Timar-Gabor, A., 2020. Phenomenological model of aluminium-hole ([AlO4/h+]0) defect formation in sedimentary quartz upon room temperature irradiation: electron spin resonance (ESR) study, Radiation Measurements, 130,106187.

Woda, C., Wagner, G. A., 2007. Non-monotonic dose dependence of the Ge-and Ti-centres in quartz. Radiation measurements, 42(9), 1441-1452.

Bailey, R. M., 2001. Towards a General Kinetic Model for Optically and Thermally Stimulated Luminescence of Quartz. Radiation Measurements 33: 17-45.

Acknowledgement: This research is funded by European Research Council ERC grant PROGRESS-CoG “Reading provenance from ubiquitous quartz: understanding the changes occurring in its lattice defects in its journey in time and space by physical methods”

How to cite: Tóth, Z.-R., Devi, M., Pawlak, N., Grecu, S.-C., Constantin, D., Dave, A. K., Ducea, M. N., Chruścińska, A., and Timar-Gabor, A.: Understanding defect dynamics under irradiation in quartz: case study of a 1.4 Ga granite sample investigated by multispectroscopic methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5985,, 2025.

Seismological observation has revealed the ubiquitous presence of small-scale seismic scatterers with significant shear velocity reduction in the mid-lower mantle. In particular, more than 70% of seismic scatters were observed at depths of 700-1300 km, while 20% of them are distributed at 1300-1900 km depth. Only less than 10% of the seismic scatterers are detected at depths exceeding 1900 km. The phase transition from stishovite with rutile-type structure to post-stishovite with CaCl2-type structure of SiO2 in the subducted oceanic crusts was regarded as the main reason for these seismic scatterers. However, this phase transition for pure SiO2 is expected to occur at ~1800 km along the mantle geotherm, which is deeper than most observed seismic scatterers. Although the incorporation of Al and H into stishovite can effectively reduce the phase transition pressure, the combined effect of Al and H contents and temperature on the phase transition pressure of stishovite lacks necessary experimental constraints. In this study, we used Raman spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction to provide comprehensive understanding on how the variation in chemical composition and temperature affect the post-stishovite transition pressure. According to our results, Al content variation ranging from 0 to 0.07 a.p.f.u with H/Al ratio of 1/3 in SiO2 can reasonably explain the depth distribution from 800 to 1900 km of the seismic scatterers observed at the circum-Pacific region. These results deepen our understanding on the complex features of mid-lower mantle seismic scatterers and corresponding dynamic processes.

How to cite: Yu, Y., Zhang, Y., and Mao, Z.: Unraveling the Complex Depth Distribution of the Seismic Scatterers in the Mid-Lower Mantle through Phase Transition of (Al, H)-Bearing Stishovite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6476,, 2025.

EGU25-6869 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Characterization of SEM-CL red emission in quartz from various types of rocks 

Șerban-Constantin Grecu and Alida Timar-Gabor

Despite being one of the purest minerals, quartz presents different types of defects, intrinsic or due to impurities, that might contain important genetic information. Its common occurrence is making it a promising tool for provenance studies. This study explores scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with cathodoluminescence (CL) wavelength resolved spectroscopy for investigating luminescence emissions of quartz sourced from rocks of different types, spanning diverse geological ages.

All examined samples display two distinct broad emissions: a blue emission centred at approximately 440 nm (2.7 eV) and a dominant red emission around 650 nm (1.9 eV). The 650 nm (1.9 eV) emission present in quartz samples is attributed to the non-bridging oxygen hole centres (NBOHC). The formation of NBOHCs involves multiple mechanisms, including processes associated with radiation damage in quartz (intrinsic mechanisms) as well as hydrogen- or alkali-passivated precursor defects (extrinsic mechanisms) (Skuja et al., 2020). Making a distinction between the two mechanisms of NBOHC formation is a challenging task that has been rarely adressed. In the long run, we aim to demonstrate that NBOHC defects, which may be inherent to a certain extend since crystallization, could serve as reliable indicators of age, particularly for similar types of samples.

Here we study the dynamics of this defect under 15 keV electron irradiation in SEM. The samples were irradiated for different exposure times. Preliminary results indicate a saturating exponential growth of the red emission. While a growth of the NBOHC under irradiation was previously reported in the literature (e.g. Götze et al., 2021), here we describe this increase in a quantitative manner.

The observed behaviour is well-described by equation S(t) = S(0) * (1- exp(-(t-t0)/tc)).

Here, tc represents the critical time, a measure of the time required for the signal to increase by a factor of 1/e. By determining tc​, a characteristic saturation time, hence dose can be calculated. While experiments are still in progress, for our experimental setup, tc values range from 300 to 500 s, depending on the sample. The maximum intensity is not showing significant variation across most samples, with a significant exception for the oldest sample investigated. A noteworthy observation is the non-zero value of t0​, the time intercept, which suggests that NBOHC exists in the quartz samples since crystallization, before irradiation. In the end, quantifying the exposure to the electron beam in terms of radiation dose (energy delivered per unit mass expressed in Gy) is attempted for facilitating direct comparisons with results obtained by other experimental techniques such as electron paramagnetic resonance or optically stimulated luminescence.

Acknowledgement: This research is funded by European Research Council ERC grant PROGRESS-CoG “Reading provenance from ubiquitous quartz: understanding the changes occurring in its lattice defects in its journey in time and space by physical methods”


Skuja, L., Ollier, N., Kajihara, K. 2020. Luminescence of non-bridging oxygen hole centers as a marker of particle irradiation of α-quartz. Radiation Measurements, Volume 135, 106373.

Götze J., Pan Y. & Müller A. 2021. Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of quartz: A review. Mineralogical Magazine. 85(5):639-664. DOI:10.1180/mgm.2021.72

How to cite: Grecu, Ș.-C. and Timar-Gabor, A.: Characterization of SEM-CL red emission in quartz from various types of rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6869,, 2025.

EGU25-9472 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Investigation of Oğlakçı and Kurtşeyh Sepiolites (Eskişehir, Türkiye): As Common Clay Alternatives and Possibilities of Use in Terms of Ceramic Tile Production 

Hasan Pocan, Mehmet Mert Doğu, Semih Yüksel, Ş. Can Genç, Kağan Kayacı, and Yıldız Yıldırım

The primary source of clay for ceramic producers in Turkey has historically been the clay extracted from the Şile region and imported from Ukraine. However, the depletion of existing resources and the increase in logistics costs have prompted the sector to explore alternative raw materials. In this context, the stratified sepiolite deposits in Sivrihisar region (Eskişehir, Türkiye) have garnered attention. While these deposits have been utilized in industrial applications, such as cat litter and exported overseas, since the 1970s. The limited physico-chemical properties of sepiolite clay have precluded sufficient investigation into its use in ceramic recipes to date.

Sepiolite formations have been identified within the sedimentary succession of Sakarya Formation Miocene in age. Sepiolite formation is believed to have been sourced from ophiolites, Paleocene-Eocene aged granitoids and marbles. The mineral deposits, which were formed in the lacustrine basins that emerged during tectonic movements, have been converted into sepiolite and dolomite sepiolite deposits in both alkaline and salty environments. However, the absence of lateral continuity in these deposits suggests that their economic viability may be constrained.

This study aims to investigate the potential application of sepiolite and dolomite sepiolite deposits in the Kurtşeyh and Oğlakçı regions of Sivrihisar in the production of wall and floor tiles. The methodology includes geological mapping in both regions, the preparation of stratigraphic sections, and systematic sampling together with the chemical, mineralogical and technological analysis. Geological observations indicate that the sepiolite succession occur in three distinct forms: as pure sepiolite, sepiolite-bearing dolomite, and dolomite-bearing sepiolite. XRD analysis revealed the raw materials to consist of sepiolite ± dolomite ± calcite ± montmorillonite ± palygorskite ± organic ingredients. XRF analysis indicated the prevalence of CaO, SiO2, and MgO in these clays, with components such as Al2O3 and Fe2O3 being secondary.

In the laboratory, the thermal properties of the samples were investigated through the application of firing processes. Wall tiles were produced through a 40-minute firing process at 1125°C, while floor tiles underwent a 67-minute firing process at 1185°C. The technological properties of the materials, including density, shrinkage, water absorption, dry strength, and color, were evaluated. The results obtained demonstrated that sepiolite, particularly dolomite sepiolite, can be utilised as an alternative for Istanbul (Şile) and Ukraine clays in ceramic formulations. The adding of 10% of sepiolitic clays into the ceramic mixture exhibited performance that was commensurate with standard production processes.

In conclusion, sepiolite and dolomite sepiolites have been identified as a potential alternative raw material for the ceramic industry in the Kurtşeyh and Oğlakçı regions of Sivrihisar. However, further detailed field studies and industrial-scale trials are required to ensure economic and logistical sustainability.

How to cite: Pocan, H., Doğu, M. M., Yüksel, S., Genç, Ş. C., Kayacı, K., and Yıldırım, Y.: Investigation of Oğlakçı and Kurtşeyh Sepiolites (Eskişehir, Türkiye): As Common Clay Alternatives and Possibilities of Use in Terms of Ceramic Tile Production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9472,, 2025.

EGU25-11641 | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Phase transformation and characteristics of hydrothermal zeolites formed under alkaline conditions 

Lütfiye Akın and H. Evren Çubukçu

Zeolites form in various geological environments; among all, volcanic materials are the most important zeolite precursors. In this study, zeolites were synthesized by hydrothermally treating the volcanic material. The fine powdered pumice sample, used in this study, is one of the pyroclastic products of the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP). This study mainly focused on the phase-transition and characteristics of zeolites formed under different reaction agent contents in a hydrothermal synthesis reactor. The products of the hydrothermal treatment were characterized using various analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and FTIR measurements. The hydrothermal treatment was performed with NaOH (1M, 2M, and 3M) and 1M KOH reaction agents at 150 ºC for 8 to 16 h. Meanwhile, diatomite is specifically utilized in this study to observe its impact on the reaction and to increase the silica content of the starting material. The crystallinity and characteristics of the reaction products were affected by the molar concentration and type of the reaction agents. The products mainly consist of analcime, chabazite, Na-phillipsite, and Na-P1. The alumina-silicate gel produced by the reaction of 2M NaOH with natural volcanic material has the potential to transform into chabazite and Na-P1. With the increase in molar concentration of NaOH, more sodium participates in the reaction to form zeolite phases of analcime, Na-P1, and Na-phillipsite. Following the addition of diatomite to the reaction with 3M NaOH, it has been noted that Na-Al-Si-rich gel has been produced beside analcime, Na-P1, and Na-phillipsite. The results obtained in this study showed that natural volcanic material led to the formation of gels under different alkaline activation conditions, which seemed to control the generation of zeolites.

How to cite: Akın, L. and Çubukçu, H. E.: Phase transformation and characteristics of hydrothermal zeolites formed under alkaline conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11641,, 2025.

The stable pressure-temperature (P-T) ranges of metamorphic minerals are crucial for the reconstruction of geological history. Conventionally, phase diagrams were constructed using thermodynamic databases fitted to experimental measurements of e.g. heat capacity, elasticity, and volume. Kinetic processes such as phase transition and chemical diffusion cannot be directly accessed without knowing the corresponding parameters such as reaction energy barrier and diffusivity. In this work, we developed a machine learning interatomic potential trained with density functional theory (DFT) calculation for metamorphic minerals within Mg-Al-Si-O system. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed and combined with thermodynamic integration to obtain the free energy of a series of metamorphic minerals at high P-T conditions. The resulting phase relations match reasonably well with experimental data. We show that the aluminosilicate system is challenging due to the tiny energy difference among kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite. The coexistence P-T point for the three polymorphs is strongly dependent on the used exchange-correlation functionals. Silica system shows less dependency on different functionals and the complex polymorphs can be predicted with a good accuracy. Alpha-beta quartz transition is directly simulated using molecular dynamics without thermodynamic integration technique due to its low activation energy barrier. The developed interatomic potential has many potential usages, one being tested is the effect of nonhydrostatic stress on phase equilibrium. Preliminary result on alpha-beta quartz transition shows that the transition is mainly controlled by the mean stress, i.e. pressure. Under high differential stress up to 2 GPa, the transition pressure is shifted by only a few kbar. The finding has petrological implications on e.g. phase transition under confined environment such as mineral inclusion, or phase transition within shear zone under nonhydrostatic stress. More work will be focused on the nonhydrostatic stress effect on other minerals, the equation of state at high P-T conditions, and the effect on nuclear quantum effect on phase transition at lower temperature regime.

How to cite: Zhong, X., Li, Y., and John, T.: Prediction of phase diagram using machine learning interatomic potential and implication for equilibrium under nonhydrostatic stress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11646,, 2025.

EGU25-13329 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.1

Development of a selective dissolution protocol for pyrrhotite quantification in sulfide-bearing concrete aggregates 

Bruno Titon, Josée Duchesne, Benoît Fournier, and Andreia Rodrigues

Concrete and its basic components are essential resources in modern society, with their usage steadily increasing over the years. Ensuring the production of high-quality concrete mixtures is critical to the long-term economic sustainability and infrastructure progress of any developed nation. Coarse rock aggregates make up most of the total volume in any concrete structure. Therefore, their suitability and performance must be ensured through proper evaluation and selection. One of the most significant concrete issues associated with the use of unsuitable aggregates is Internal Sulfate Attack (ISA). ISA can occur when sulfide-containing lithotypes, namely pyrrhotite, become reactive after the concrete has set. Through a series of complex chemical reactions, pyrrhotite releases sulfur compounds into the cement paste, where they react with the primary hydrated phases to form expansive by-products. These secondary expansive mineral phases cause internal swelling and cracking, leading to a significant reduction in the structural integrity of the concrete. Currently, a procedure that measures the total sulfur content (TS%) of aggregates is widely used and serves as an effective screening method to quickly identify and select aggregates with low to no sulfide content. However, this analysis only reports the TS% of the entire sample and does not account for the presence of non-reactive sulfide minerals, such as chalcopyrite, pentlandite, and most types of pyrite. The objective of this study is to improve this widely used analysis by developing a selective dissolution protocol that can attribute the TS% of an aggregate sample to its specific pyrrhotite content. This will allow the accurate quantification of sulfur associated with pyrrhotite, the most reactive sulfide mineral. The methodology includes a primary analysis to determine the initial TS% of the sample. This is followed by two selective dissolution cycles to separate the sulfide phases present. The first step uses an HCl solution designed to selectively dissolve the pyrrhotite content. In the second step, the remaining sample is dissolved in an aqua regia solution to digest the other sulfide phases. The solid residue from the first dissolution is analyzed for TS%, representing the sulfur fraction associated with the other sulfide phases in the sample that are non-reactive in the context of ISA. The difference between the TS% value of the solid residue from the first dissolution and the initial TS% corresponds to the sulfur specifically associated with pyrrhotite. The final solid residue of the second dissolution is also analyzed for TS%, which should be negligible and close to zero. Preliminary results from aggregate samples with medium to high sulfur content have shown promising findings. Samples with up to 2.7% TS% showed negligible amounts of pyrrhotite content after the first dissolution step, with very low TS%, averaging 0.3% after the second dissolution. Samples with an initial TS% of 0.6% yielded an average TS% of 0.03% after the second dissolution phase. These results indicate that the parameters established for the method (acid strength, dissolution temperature, sample amount) perform as expected for the range of sulfur values currently under evaluation in the industry.

How to cite: Titon, B., Duchesne, J., Fournier, B., and Rodrigues, A.: Development of a selective dissolution protocol for pyrrhotite quantification in sulfide-bearing concrete aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13329,, 2025.

EGU25-13622 | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Minerals as key tools for characterizing multi-stage processes in the lithospheric mantle. 

Christiane Wagner, Omar Boudouma, Michel Fialin, and Etienne Deloule

Minerals are key markers of the multi-stage processes that occurred in their environment of formation and evolution. We present three micro textural and chemical studies of minerals from lherzolites in the French Massif Central.


-1- Carbonate-bearing mantle xenoliths are interesting as highly mobile carbonate melts are prominent metasomatic agents of the mantle. Here, carbonate fills globular vesicles in composite reaction zones that contain secondary clinopyroxene, olivine, spinel, ± plagioclase and glass. The secondary clinopyroxene and olivine indent or are included in the carbonate crystals. The carbonate is a REE- and alkali-poor calcite with low MgO <1 wt.%.

The presence of rounded vesicles of carbonate is usually interpreted as an evidence for silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility, but alkali-free immiscible carbonates cannot be almost pure calcite. Here the textural and composition characteristics of carbonates rule out their origin as quenched carbonatitic melts or immiscible carbonate liquids and favor an origin as crystal cumulates from mantle-derived alkali-carbonate melts.

The co-precipitation of carbonate and secondary minerals occurs near the base of the crust. The injection of small amounts of a carbonate-rich melt occurred at mantle level shortly before the eruption to preserve the calcite crystals.


-2- Here we present Li abundances and isotopes data of co-existing silicates in anhydrous and amphibole-bearing lherzolites. Li abundances increase in all phases from the amphibole-bearing lherzolites, but deviate from the trend of equilibrium partitioning between phases with a preferential Li uptake in clinopyroxene. The correlation between Li and REE elements in clinopyroxene suggests that Li and REE were carried by the same silicate melt.

 In the amphibole-bearing lherzolites the  cpx d7Li (‰) values show large intra-grain variations. These variations do not provide evidence for different sources but likely result from high temperature diffusion-related Li fractionation during metasomatism by the silicate melt undergoing compositional changes as it percolates through the lherzolites.

The preservation of both the Li isotope kinetic fractionation in minerals and isotopic heterogeneities implies that the Li exchange event occurs just before the extraction of the xenoliths from the mantle.


-3- Glass-bearing pockets in peridotite xenoliths are usually studied for elucidating the origin of the infiltrating agent. We present here a chemical study of glass developed around spinels. We do not discuss the origin of the metasomatic agent but show that 1) the modification of the structure of the percolating melt is due to the accommodation of elements produced by the dissolution of minerals and (2) how this process could modify the oxidation state of the melt.

Spinel-derived Al3+ ions are first accommodated to the melt network as network-modifiers and secondly as network-formers using K+ ions as stabilizators within the tetrahedral site. The transfer of K+ ions (extracted from the aqueous fluid upon melt dehydration) from the aqueous fluid to the melt network is counterbalanced by an inverse transfer of CaO molecules that form crystalline phases exsolved upon eruption.

Spinel corrosion generates melt oxidation through dehydrogenation reactions resulting in the formation of Al3+ and Fe3+ anionic complexes within the melt network.

How to cite: Wagner, C., Boudouma, O., Fialin, M., and Deloule, E.: Minerals as key tools for characterizing multi-stage processes in the lithospheric mantle., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13622,, 2025.

EGU25-13776 | Orals | GMPV2.1

Pfaffenbergite & “phase 430”, new minerals crystallizing in nanorocks 

Silvio Ferrero, Sofia Lorenzon, Roberto Borriello, Alessia Borghini, Richard Wirth, Anja Schreiber, Rico Fuchs, Patrick J. O'Brien, Edward Grew, and Enrico Mugnaioli

The study of nanorocks (crystallized inclusions of anatectic melts) has been delivering in the last 15 years many intriguing novel insights into crustal anatectic processes at depth. From a mineralogical standpoint, the systematic use of micro-Raman Spectroscopy (MRS) on nanorocks has revealed that the mineral phases crystallizing from the melt in the inclusions are distinctive, for example, the feldspar polymorphs (kokchetavite, kumdykolite, svyatoslavite and dmisteinbergite) and the SiO2 polymorphs cristobalite and tridymite (Wannhoff et al., 2022). In addition, MRS data collected on samples from numerous localities worldwide have revealed the presence in nanorocks of two novel crystalline phases, which are the primary focus of this study. Initially identified for their unique micro-Raman spectra, their crystal structures have been solved ab-initio and refined through three-dimensional electron diffraction (3DED) data, collected with a TEM.

The first novel phase is pfaffenbergite (Ferrero et al., 2024), KNa3(Al4Si12)O32, which has the composition of an unmixed binary K-Na feldspar, hence it can be regarded as a feldspar polymorph. Its micro-Raman spectrum is characterized by a very strong vibrational mode at 412 cm-1 (hence its informal name of “phase 412”,  e.g. Borghini et al., 2024), two secondary peaks at 105 cm-1 and 832 cm-1 and two weaker peaks at 130 cm-1 and 470 cm-1. 3DED revealed that pfaffenbergite is a hexagonal mineral, crystallizing in space group P6/mcc. This mineral can be classified as a sheet silicate and it is isostructural with kokchetavite (KAlSi3O8) and wodegongjieite (KCa3(Al7Si9)O32). The latter is a mineral recently found as crystallization product of melt in inclusions within corundum from chromitites in the Luobusa ophiolite (Tibet, China; Mugnaioli et al., 2022), and subsequently with pfaffenbergite in garnet from the Saxony Granulite Complex.

The second novel mineral has not yet been approved by the IMA CNMNC and it is being called provisionally “phase 430” from its main micro-Raman vibrational mode. Three secondary peaks are present at 186 cm-1, 264 cm-1 and 292 cm-1, along with two weaker peaks at 485 cm-1 and 823 cm-1. Our results show that this phase has the ideal formula KK2Na3(Al6Si36)O84 and crystallizes in the P6/mcc space group. The arrangement of tetrahedral sites (Si,Al) in “phase 430”  resembles that of frameworks in feldspathoids, but with a topology not yet reported as far as we know.

We interpret pfaffenbergite, wodegongjieite and “phase 430” as metastable phases crystallizing rapidly in a silicate melt enclosed in a small pore under non-equilibrium conditions. The increasing number of recent findings of metastable phases suggests that these minerals are more common than expected. It is even possible that they may represent rock-forming minerals in natural rocks which experienced rapid cooling/rapid crystallization, for instance lavas and ignimbrites, along with experimental products involving silicate melts.


Borghini et al. (2024) Eur J Mineral 36, 279–300

Ferrero S et al (2024) IMA 2023-105, in CNMNC Newsletter 78, Eur J Mineral 36

Mugnaioli E et al (2022) Min Mag 1–13

Wannhoff I et al (2022) Am Min 107, 2315–2319

How to cite: Ferrero, S., Lorenzon, S., Borriello, R., Borghini, A., Wirth, R., Schreiber, A., Fuchs, R., O'Brien, P. J., Grew, E., and Mugnaioli, E.: Pfaffenbergite & “phase 430”, new minerals crystallizing in nanorocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13776,, 2025.

EGU25-15015 | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Aquamarine Mineralization in the Black River Batholith, Yukon Territory, Canada 

Lee Groat, Cem Ozyalcin, and Catriona Breasley

The central Yukon Territory is renowned for its exceptionally abundant beryl occurrences. In 2003, widespread medium-blue aquamarine mineralization was discovered in the Black River Batholith, south-central Yukon. This aquamarine occurrence is notable because it is hosted in granodiorite, rather than being associated with pegmatites. Four distinct beryl occurrences have been documented in the batholith: (1) beryl with tourmaline, separated from the granodiorite by an aplite zone; (2) beryl with tourmaline bordering the granodiorite, with no aplite; (3) a set of beryl-quartz veins devoid of tourmaline, striking 70° and dipping 60° south; and (4) a second set of veins striking 315° and sub-vertical.

This study aims to: first, compare the different types of aquamarine occurrences and identify distinguishing features; second, compare this occurrence with the Tsa Da Glisa emerald deposit (15 km northeast) and the true blue aquamarine locality (150 km northwest); and third, determine an accurate age for the Black River Batholith and compare it with nearby intrusions.

The Black River Batholith, in the Finlayson Lake map area, is an Eocene-aged granitic intrusion emplaced within Cambrian to Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks of the Kechika Group and Rosella Formation. It forms part of the geologically complex Canadian Cordillera, an orogenic belt formed by terrane accretion onto the Laurentian craton. Structurally, the batholith lies between the Tintina Fault to the north and the St. Cyr Thrust Fault to the southeast, with an elongated morphology aligned with these structures. These features suggest a complex tectonic evolution, potentially influenced by post-accretionary transcurrent faulting.

The batholith is predominantly peraluminous, consisting of K-feldspar-phyric monzogranite to granodiorite, with accessory minerals like biotite, muscovite, and tourmaline. Previous geochronological investigations yielded discordant ages, with K-Ar dating of biotite ranging from 46.9 ± 2.6 Ma to 68 Ma. Nearby lithologically similar intrusions yielded K-Ar ages of 70 to 100 Ma, indicating either a distinctive emplacement history for the Black River Batholith, deficiencies in earlier dating methods, or subsequent reheating events.

This study employs U-Pb zircon geochronology and whole-rock geochemical analysis to clarify the temporal and compositional relationships of the Black River Batholith with nearby intrusions and test its affiliation with the Cassiar Suite. Geochemical analysis of beryl-bearing and non-beryl-bearing granitoids will help delineate the chemical provenance of the beryl occurrences. Additionally, we will use SEM and EPMA to investigate compositional variations among beryl occurrences and zoning within individual beryl crystals, providing insights into their chemical affinities and source divergences. This integrated approach aids in reconstructing the Black River Batholith’s emplacement history and enhances our understanding of the region's magmatic evolution.

This study is significant because it addresses long-standing uncertainties regarding the batholith’s emplacement age, its relationship to nearby intrusions, and the origins of its unusual beryl occurrences. These occurrences have not been studied in detail before and may provide valuable insights into magmatic-hydrothermal processes in the region.

How to cite: Groat, L., Ozyalcin, C., and Breasley, C.: Aquamarine Mineralization in the Black River Batholith, Yukon Territory, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15015,, 2025.

EGU25-15971 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.1

Garnet, not always the archetypal cubic mineral: new crystallographic evidences from Cazadero (USA) and the SW Tauern Window (Italy)  

Sofia Lorenzon, Enrico Mugnaioli, Cristian Biagioni, Kenneth Livi, Fabrizio Nestola, and Bernardo Cesare

Garnet, being one of the most widespread minerals in the Earth, plays a crucial role for the investigation of many geological processes. Garnet occurs in several ultramafic to felsic rocks (e.g. mantle peridotites, granulites and metamorphic rocks) and as detrital mineral in sediments [1], and crystallize from the crust to the Transition Zone in the mantle thanks to its broad P-T stability field (P ⁓25 GPa and T ⁓2000 °C [2, 3]). These features, along with the chemical variability and the peculiar resistance, make garnet an essential tool to determine the P-T-t history and the evolution of rocks.

Garnet is commonly defined as the archetypal cubic mineral, since it typically presents Ia-3d space group and isotropic optical properties under cross polarized light [4]. Despite that, occurrences of birefringent garnets have been reported [5, 6, 7]. In most cases, these “uncommon” samples have specific chemical characteristics, such as hydrogrossular (Ca3Al2(SiO4)3-x(H4O4)x) and “grandite” (solid solution between grossular and andradite (Ca3(Al,Fe3+)2(SiO4)3)) compositions. In these specimens, the optical birefringence is explained as a consequence of symmetry reduction, from cubic to tetragonal or orthorhombic, possibly due to cation ordering in octahedral sites or to the presence of a significant hydrogarnet component [5, 6, 7].

Recent findings of sector-zoned birefringent and anhydrous garnets with almandine-grossular, (Fe2+,Ca)3Al2(SiO4)3, composition in blueschist- and greenschist-facies metamorphic rocks from several worldwide localities (e.g. Farinole, Cazadero, Jenner and eastern Italian Alps) suggested that optically anisotropic, probably not-cubic garnets could be more common than generally assumed [8]. Cesare et al. [8] proposed that these garnets could initially grow tetragonal in low-grade (T <450 °C) rocks, with possible implications about the use of this mineral as a marker for the processes occurring in such geological contexts. However, the causes of symmetry reduction (from cubic to tetragonal) and of the associated birefringence are not clear and a more detailed investigation is required.

Here, we report new crystallographic studies on sector-zoned and anhydrous garnets with almandine-grossular composition in low-grade metamorphic metabasites from Cazadero (USA) and metapelites from the SW Tauern Window (Italy). The investigation was carried out combining both single-crystal X-ray and electron diffraction techniques. In addition, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has been performed to detect the presence and amounts of Fe3+ or Mn3+ in the studied garnets. Our results suggest that birefringence is caused by a symmetry reduction from cubic to orthorhombic system, as proposed by [7], connected with twinning and/or subsequent exsolution processes. The reduction of symmetry is due to the ordering of cations and is supported by the statistical analyses of diffracted intensities.



[1] Baxter EF et al. (2013) Elements 9: 415-419

[2] Ringwood AE (1991) Geochim Cosmochim Acta 55: 2083-2110

[3] Wood BJ et al. (2013) Elements 9: 421-426

[4] Grew ES et al. (2013) Am Min 98: 785-810

[5] Allen FM and Buseck PR (1988) Am Min 73: 568-584

[6] Antao SM (2013) Powder Diffr 28(4): 281-288

[7] Xu H et al. (2023) Am Min 108: 572-583

[8] Cesare B et al. (2019) Sci Rep 9: 14672

How to cite: Lorenzon, S., Mugnaioli, E., Biagioni, C., Livi, K., Nestola, F., and Cesare, B.: Garnet, not always the archetypal cubic mineral: new crystallographic evidences from Cazadero (USA) and the SW Tauern Window (Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15971,, 2025.

EGU25-16735 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

The role of water on the reaction kinetics of a nominally dry reaction: Experimental study on the albite breakdown to form jadeite and quartz 

Angelina Abel, Thomas Müller, Dominik Sorger, and Lukas Baumgartner

The albite breakdown reaction to jadeite and quartz is frequently utilized for the calibration of piston-cylinder apparatuses due to its well-established and highly precise equilibrium conditions. In nature, jadeitic pyroxene serves as an indicator for high-pressure conditions during metamorphism. Quite a few granites can be found in association with mafic eclogites, so that jadeite + quartz would be expected to be common. While jadeite has been documented in a number of locations, it is often absent in continental high-pressure rocks. Several possible explanations for the absence of jadeite have been proposed; a) the nominally dry reaction may be kinetically too slow in the absence of free water in the system; b) complete retrogression of jadeite paragenesis by later lower pressure metamorphism, or c) that the pressure gradients between mafic eclogites and granites lead to P-T conditions that prevent jadeite formation.

This experimental study aims to determine whether jadeite can form without free water or if slow reaction kinetics hinder its formation. Isochemical phase diagrams have been calculated within the NCKFMASH system to model the water acitivity. It is shown, that biotite breakdown at elevated P-T conditions may provide free water on the grain boundaries even at nominally dry experimental conditions, thus increasing water activity and passively promote jadeite formation. To investigate this effect, three sets of piston-cylinder experiments are conducted using natural granite (100-400 µm). The experiments were annealed just outside the jadeite stability field to eliminate grain boundary water introduced by the powder, before exposing them to eclogite facies conditions. Kyanite is added in some experiments to induce the formation of white mica, thereby reducing the water activity by adsorbing the water in the crystal lattice.

The results of this study will elucidate whether jadeite formation is kinetically inhibited in the absence of free water. If jadeite forms only when free water is present during the reaction, it can be concluded that indeed sluggish kinetics, driven by the absence of free water, impede jadeite formation in high-pressure metagranites.

How to cite: Abel, A., Müller, T., Sorger, D., and Baumgartner, L.: The role of water on the reaction kinetics of a nominally dry reaction: Experimental study on the albite breakdown to form jadeite and quartz, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16735,, 2025.

EGU25-17164 | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Aeromineralogy - mineralogy of solid particles in the atmosphere 

Maciej Manecki and Andrzej Manecki

  Cosmic processes, geological processes and human activities on Earth introduce dust, gases, and aerosols into the atmosphere. Various reactions between them take place, including photochemical reactions, and new compounds are formed. Particulate matter is transported in the atmosphere sometimes over global distances and remains suspended even for many years. The phase composition of atmospheric dust, on a par with its chemical and isotopic composition, are the “fingerprints” for determining its source, transformation processes and health effects. Mineralogical analysis of the presence and distribution of particles in the atmosphere, their quantity, diversity and routes of transport is a powerful tool in modern studies of global environmental transformations.

  The term aeromineralogy was proposed for that part of mineralogy that addresses such issues (Manecki, 1976, Manecki et al., 1984), following the example of biologists who called aerobiology the branch of biology that studies the aeroplankton floating in the atmosphere. To study the mineral and chemical composition of atmospheric dust, aeromineralogy uses specific methodology: specific tools for collection and separation of the particles followed by microscopy (polarizing microscopes, electron microscopes, atomic force microscopy, etc.), diffraction methods (X-ray diffractometry, electron diffraction, EBSD, etc. ), different varieties of microprobes for chemical and isotopic microanalysis, spectroscopy for determination of H2O, OH, and organic matter (IR, Raman, etc.) and many other less classical methods from the mineralogist workbench. Comprehensive analyses of airborne particulate matter are routinely performed for both research and monitoring purposes, for health protection, both indoors and outdoors, since not only the size of inhaled particles, but also their phase composition accounts for potential hazards or health effects (see for example Peña-Castro et al., 2023; Puławska et al., 2021).

  Therefore, it is advisable to more broadly publicize the name aeromineralogy for the promotion of the contribution, role, and specificity of mineralogical research and analytical methods in everyday applications of occupational health and safety practice, in the monitoring of contemporary global environmental changes, the circulation of atmospheric particles on Earth, and in studies of cosmic matter (see for example Genge et al., 2020).


Genge et al., 2020. Micrometeorites: Insights into the flux, sources and atmospheric entry of extraterrestrial dust at Earth. Planetary and Space Science.

Manecki, A. 1976. Aeromineralogy, mineralogy of atmospheric dust. Mineral. Polon., vol. 7, no. 2.

Manecki A. (ed.) 1984. Transport and input of air pollutants in the Niepołomice Forest area. In: Forest Ecosystems in Industrial Regions. Ecol. Stud., 48. Springer.

Peña-Castro et al., 2023. A critical review of asbestos concentrations in water and air, according to exposure sources. Heliyon.

Puławska et al., 2021. Origin, distribution, and perspective health benefits of particulate matter in the air of underground salt mine: a case study from Bochnia, Poland. Environ Geochem Health,

How to cite: Manecki, M. and Manecki, A.: Aeromineralogy - mineralogy of solid particles in the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17164,, 2025.

EGU25-17928 | Posters on site | GMPV2.1

Removal of zearalenone mycotoxin with kaolin group-based photocatalysts: exploration of mechanisms and photodegradation pathways 

Klaudia Dziewiątka, Jakub Matusik, Marcel Herber, Eric H. Hill, and Joanna Kuc

Water pollution arises not only from anthropogenic sources but also from natural contaminants, which can cause equally significant harm. Among these natural pollutants, mycotoxins – secondary metabolites produced by fungi – stand out due to their widespread occurrence and the serious health risks they pose to both humans and animals. Zearalenone (ZEN), one of the most prevalent mycotoxins, is known to induce oxidative stress, DNA and mitochondrial damage, apoptosis, and alterations in gene expression, emphasizing its toxicological relevance. To address ZEN contamination efficiently, economically, and without producing secondary pollutants, a UV-driven photodegradation approach was used.

Our research focused on the impregnation of the mineral supports with 20 wt% of semiconductors, including TiO2, GCN, and their 1:1 mixture. The selected mineral supports included natural kaolinite, purified halloysite, and synthetic kaolinite nanotubes. The resulting materials were evaluated for their efficiency in removing ZEN under both UV and visible light. Their performance was further assessed in the presence of a co-occurring mycotoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON), as well as under varying pH levels and ionic strengths of the solution. Most importantly, extensive electrochemical studies were conducted to elucidate the mechanisms underlying their functionality, with particular attention to their photocatalytic properties.

The most effective materials – kaolinite nanotubes combined with GCN and TiO2/GCN – achieved ZEN removal efficiencies of 98.8% and 97.7%, respectively, from an initial concentration of 10 ppm after just 25 min of irradiation. While the kinetics of ZEN removal under visible light were noticeably slower than under UV light, the results remain promising when compared to the literature. Experiments conducted under varying pH conditions highlighted the role of ZEN protonation in the removal process. The results revealed that DON was not removed under the tested conditions, and its presence slightly reduced the efficiency of ZEN degradation. Scavenger experiments, supported by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with spin-trapping measurements, identified O2•- and •OH radicals as the key species involved in the photodegradation process. Time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) lifetime measurements demonstrated a prolonged carrier lifetime in materials containing kaolinite nanotubes and GCN. This finding is consistent with the chopped light voltammetry (CLV), which indicated the presence of traps within the structure of the photocatalyst. These results provide strong evidence for the beneficial role of mineral supports, particularly kaolinite nanotubes. Furthermore, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) suggested enhanced mobility of photogenerated holes at the interface between the mineral support and GCN, further reinforcing the positive impact of the mineral supports.

The photodegradation pathways of ZEN, proposed based on identified radical formation and UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis, involved a series of reactions, including hydrolysis and, most notably, oxidation and cleavage. These processes lead to the formation of several intermediate products with both lower and higher molecular masses compared to ZEN. Their chronic and acute toxicity was evaluated using dedicated ECOSAR software.

This project was supported by the National Science Centre Poland, under a research project awarded by Decision No. 2021/43/B/ST10/00868.

How to cite: Dziewiątka, K., Matusik, J., Herber, M., Hill, E. H., and Kuc, J.: Removal of zearalenone mycotoxin with kaolin group-based photocatalysts: exploration of mechanisms and photodegradation pathways, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17928,, 2025.

The relative magnitude of the energies of grain boundaries and heterophase interfaces in texturally equilibrated materials can be measured using the dihedral angle method, which is based on the control of the geometry of three-grain junctions involving two different phases by the relationship γAA = 2γAB cos (Θ/2), where Θ is the dihedral angle, γAA is the energy of the AA grain boundary and γAB is that of the heterophase interface. We have compiled a dataset of dihedral angles between 35 mineral pairs found in well-equilibrated granulite-facies rocks. Such a dataset permits the ranking of grain boundary energies, and we find that this ranking correlates with that of the crystalloblastic series. More significantly, we also find that for almost all mineral pairs, both dihedral angles (i.e. those at both AAB and BBA junctions) are <120˚, meaning that the energy of the heterophase interface is lower than that of either grain boundary. An analogous situation occurs in nearly all binary systems of metals. One notable exception is the Zn-Sn pair for which one angle is <120˚ and the other is >120˚, meaning that the energy of the heterophase interface is intermediate between that of the two grain boundaries. This intermediate situation is also observed in experimental mineral charges created by hot-pressing powders, and matches the predictions of a simple model of interfaces involving randomly oriented crystal lattices. That neither metamorphic rocks nor most metals fit this theoretical framework must be a consequence of the creation and preservation of low-energy heterophase interfaces during solidification, reaction, deformation and grain growth. Preliminary work shows that epitaxy governs the location and orientation of nucleation in most metamorphic reactions, resulting in low-energy heterophase interfaces. One corollary of our results is that textural maturation of metamorphic rocks generally results in phase mixing rather than separation and layer formation. Furthermore, that dislocations can cross epitaxial heterophase interfaces, and that the rate of migration of interfaces is dependent on their energy, means that an understanding of rock rheology and microstructural development derived from experimental studies using initially hot-pressed powders may not be directly applicable to natural systems.

How to cite: Holness, M. and Dyck, B.: The energy of grain boundaries and interfaces in metamorphic rocks: comparison of natural materials with experimental charges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-305,, 2025.

Open system metasomatic processes generally involve change of volume. Volumetric strain resulting from fluid-mediated mass transfer in rocks is commonly inferred from bulk-rock chemical mass-balance analysis. But the manner in which such volume change is accommodated in deeper crust remains enigmatic. The occurrence of geometrically well-defined reaction zones at the boundary between country rock (pelitic garnet-mica schist) and metamafic dikes (epidote-amphibolites) in the Archean Singbhum craton of eastern India provides an opportunity to address this problem.

The boundary between the two lithounits is marked by two metasomatic reaction zones (MRZs) in the sequence metamafic dike – Zone 1 (amphibole-epidote-sodic-plagioclase-quartz and chlorite) – Zone 2 (Zone 1 assemblage minus amphibole) – pelitic schist, with well-defined boundaries between each unit. We studied these using bulk-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry, thermodynamic modelling and EBSD analysis.

The transition from Zone-1 to Zone-2 is gradational and marked by a gradual decrease in amphibole modal content. The discontinuity (~ 200 to 8) in variation of bulk-rock Ti/Cr ratio across the zones suggests that the original contact between pelite-dike was within MRZs. Bulk-rock mass balance suggests MRZs formed by Na-metasomatism (gain of ~325 g/100g of protolith), which facilitated the exchange between pelite and mafic-dike and removal of elements (Ca-K-Fe-Ti-Mg) from the MRZs to an external system. Pseudosection modeling shows that the region was cooled isobarically (at 5-6 kbar and 600 -> 300 °C) during the mass transfer process. Major oxide compositions of amphiboles and epidotes show systematic variations within the MRZs.

The euhedral and equant quartz and plagioclase grains exhibit polygonal mosaic texture with anhedral epidote grains at the grain boundaries and triple junctions in the MRZs. Quartz intragrain misorientation analysis from the two MRZs suggests deformation temperatures below 500°C. The absence of relict grains and low CPO strengths indicates that the recrystallization of quartz and plagioclase occurred under fluid-present conditions. EBSD-based crystallographic vorticity axis analysis shows that the quartz and plagioclase grains of the MRZs, amphiboles in the dike and Zone 1, and the retrograde minerals (chlorite, ilmenite, and magnetite) in the pelite record pure shear-dominated deformation signatures. In contrast, the quartz grains in the pelite and the dike were deformed under a simple shear-dominated regime.

Micro-structural analysis and mineral-chemistry variation indicate that quartz-plagioclase recrystallization and amphibole-epidote formation via mass transfer are interconnected processes. The presence of idioblastic-poikilitic amphiboles and epidotes (at the grain boundaries and triple-junctions) indicates that new grains of epidote and amphibole formed by dissolution re-precipitation processes during metasomatic transport by fluids in the MRZs. Evidence for such fluid-mediated exchanges are observed at the microscale as interconnected intergranular fluid pathways within the MRZs and at the outcrop scale as fracture-filled amphibole-bearing-quartz veins within the mafic dike. We propose that the fluid-mediated mass transfer (via dissolution-precipitation) helped to accommodate the volume changes during retrograde cooling reactions through the creation of localized stress fields.

How to cite: Behera, S., Chakraborty, S., Dutta, D., and Misra, S.: Deformation signatures of mass transfer processes: Insights from metasomatic reaction zones in the Archean Singbhum craton in eastern India using geochemical and microstructural analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2759,, 2025.

EGU25-3116 | Orals | GMPV2.2

Petrology as an ill-posed inverse problem 

Evangelos Moulas

Rocks found at the Earth’s surface typically undergo long and complex transformations within the Earth’s crust. In response to varying pressures and temperatures deep in the crust, rocks undergo recrystallization, involving the formation or dissolution of minerals and changes in the equilibrium composition of existing phases. The underlying processes, such as inter-crystalline chemical diffusion and recrystallization, are irreversible, as they continually modify the properties of evolving rocks. While such processes can preserve evidence of past geological conditions, they can also erase earlier equilibration stages. Understanding these processes is challenging because the inverse problem of reconstructing past conditions is inherently non-unique (ill-posed).

This presentation showcases different modeled examples of re-equilibration, revealing that interpretations of past equilibria can sometimes be misleading. In addition, inverse diffusion modeling can estimate the duration of geological processes, although it remains prone to ambiguity. Forward modeling of physical processes helps to identify sources of non-uniqueness and provides regularization, which reduces the model-parameter space. Therefore, integrating geophysical, geodynamic, and petrological inversion methods offers distinct advantages by providing a more robust framework for testing hypotheses and reducing uncertainty.

How to cite: Moulas, E.: Petrology as an ill-posed inverse problem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3116,, 2025.

EGU25-5728 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.2

Parameterized model of a cooling magma chamber 

Vít Beran, Vojtěch Patočka, and Václav Špillar

Igneous rocks are significant sources of rare Earth elements. Their composition is affected by processes in magma chambers, liquid reservoirs residing beneath the surface of Earth. Crystallization of these reservoirs is typically assumed to be fractional, but it is unclear what is the primary mechanism behind separating the solid phase from the liquid: i) in-situ crystallization along the walls of the intrusion, or ii) sedimentation of crystals from suspension within the liquid magma. The latter scenario should be imprinted in the crystal size distribution of the deposit, as differently sized crystals have different residence times in the liquid. Solidification of magmatic systems is a complex problem and its individual aspects are often investigated separately. Physics-based models that couple the dynamics of solidification, settling laws derived from particle-laden flow experiments, and kinetic laws of crystal growth and nucleation remain scarce. 

Here, we build upon [1] and present a parameterized model of convection inside a magma chamber that explicitly treats crystal nucleation, growth, and gravitational settling in a vigorously and turbulently convecting fluid. The call for a new self-consistent model of a cooling magma chamber is driven, among others, by the recently formulated unified settling law that captures also the transition from particles that are well mixed by the convective currents to those sinking nearly vertically with their Stokes velocity, [2]. By invoking the energy balance and compositional evolution of the system (in this initial phase treated as a binary alloy), we show how the shape of the crystal size distribution and crystal grading in the sedimented lower part of the solidified body evolve as the fluid cools and the sediment layer increases in size. The model predicts dimensional results and aspires to model the microstructure of intrusions formed from authentic magmatic systems. To this end, we incorporate realistic laws of crystal growth and nucleation derived explicitly from thermodynamics principles. The model provides an initial framework for studying the link between flow dynamics inside the chamber, thermal/compositional evolution, and sediment signature, and can be easily built upon. 


[1] Jarvis, R.A., Woods, A.W., 1994. The nucleation, growth and settling of crystals from a turbulently convecting fluid. J. Fluid Mech. 273, 83–107

[2] Patočka, V., Tosi, N. & Calzavarini, E. (2022). Residence time of inertial particles in 3D thermal convection: implications for magma reservoirs. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 591, 117622.


How to cite: Beran, V., Patočka, V., and Špillar, V.: Parameterized model of a cooling magma chamber, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5728,, 2025.

EGU25-6780 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.2

Clues from the microstructural features of the K-Feldspar megacrysts growth mechanism in granites. 

Alfredo Idini, Silvio Ferrero, Dario Fancello, and Leonardo Casini


Alkali feldspar megacrysts (commonly named K-feldspar) are a distinctive feature of many plutonic rocks. Yet, there is still no consensus on their formation mechanism. Two main contrasting explanations have been proposed so far: (i) the megacrysts form late during the crystallization history of the plutonic rock in which they occur and attain their size in a melt-poor - even subsolidus- environment, or (ii) the megacrysts crystallize at an early stage and grow in the presence of large volumes of melt. In this research we address this two contrasting hypotheses looking at the microstructural features within the megacrysts from the granitic Castellaccio Pluton of the Asinara Island (NW Sardinia, Italy). Combining the petrographic observations, EMPA elemental maps and phase maps elaborations we observe a systematic occurrence of included and corroded relict of  K-bearing mineral (muscovite and biotite) and plagioclase always mantled by a rim of anorthoclase and K-rich albite. The temperatures calculated from the Ti-in-Kfs thermometer indicate that the megacrysts have crystallized in the T range of 745-860 °C data. The strong positive europium anomaly and enrichment in barium (~ 4000 ppm) with respect to the whole-rock compositions (~350 ppm) exclude a former significant plagioclase fractionation, suggesting that K-feldspar megacrysts formed at an early stage of the crystallization of the melt. In this framework, the nucleation of the K-Feldspar is likely triggered by the assimilation of K and Al from biotite and muscovite. The presence of these two relict phases locally provides the necessary stoichiometry to start the crystallization of the anorthoclase rim and then the crystallization of the K-feldspar itself. The uptake of Ba from the melts by the K-Feldspar extends its thermal stability field beyond the thermal range predicted by the pseudosection models, allowing its euhedral growth till a megacrystic size (up to 20 cm).

How to cite: Idini, A., Ferrero, S., Fancello, D., and Casini, L.: Clues from the microstructural features of the K-Feldspar megacrysts growth mechanism in granites., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6780,, 2025.

Near Galpyeong Reservoir in northern Cheongsong County, mid-eastern Korean Peninsula, a rhyolitic stock with an elliptical shape is exposed, measuring about 2 km by 1 km. Surrounding this stock, rhyolitic dykes radially intrude the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks within a 4 to 5 km range. These dykes are mainly grayish-blue or brown, with occasional white dykes. They contain well-developed spherulitic textures, with spherulites up to 1 meter or more in diameter. Due to their diverse floral-like shapes, they have been traditionally called "flower stones" and are recognized as a key geosite of the Cheongsong Global Geopark.

The rhyolitic dykes, with widths of 0.5 to 3 m, display non-linear, curved paths. Brown dykes crosscut grayish-blue ones, and larger spherulites occur in dyke cores, while smaller ones are located at the margins. Flow banding, induced by shearing, is more prominent at the margins and in the brown dykes. Elongated cavities are frequently observed along flow bands in brown dykes, but these bands do not penetrate the spherulites. The spherulites in brown dykes are generally larger and often encased in mafic outer crusts, facilitating easy separation from the host rock.

The chemical composition of the rhyolitic dykes corresponds to the subalkaline series of rhyolites. Spherulites show relatively lower SiO₂ content than the matrix, but in the spider diagram, there are minimal compositional differences between the spherulites and the matrix.

Spherulites primarily formed through a combination of radial and spherical quartz growth. Their nucleation centers include quartz, orthoclase, or flow structures, though in some cases, no nucleus is identifiable. Some spherulites exist as individual units, while others are aggregates of smaller spherulites forming larger ones. In the brown dykes, most large spherical spherulites are clusters of numerous smaller ones.

Chemical composition analysis from the center of the spherulites to the matrix indicates SiO₂ and Na₂O contents are highest in the spherulite interiors, decreasing sharply in the nearby matrix and stabilizing at low levels at greater distances. In contrast, Al₂O₃, K, and FeO contents are lowest in the spherulite interiors, peaking at the surfaces, and decreasing gradually to relatively high levels further away.

The zircon saturation geothermometer suggests that in grayish-blue dykes, spherulites and matrix formed at nearly the same temperature, while in brown dykes, spherulites formed at higher temperatures than the matrix.

These findings indicate that the margins of a rhyolitic magma chamber cooled rapidly, enabling spherulites to form under relatively high internal temperatures. The initial dykes likely formed without incorporating chamber spherulites. In a subsequent phase, dykes transported pre-existing spherulites, during which flow structures developed around the already solid spherulites.

How to cite: Woo, H. and Jang, Y.: Microstructural and Geochemical Evolution of Spherulitic Rhyolitic Dykes in Cheongsong, South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7560,, 2025.

EGU25-8067 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV2.2

Diffraction contrast tomography: unlocking its potential for mineral resources application 

Xiao Chen, Belinda Godel, and Michael Verrall

Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography (LabDCT) is an emerging 3D non-destructive characterisation technique that has been widely utilised in materials science but remains relatively novel in geoscience. This research illustrates its potential for complex natural materialsthrough applications to chromite sands, chromitite from the Bushveld Complex, and other geomaterials such as olivine, rock salt, and diopside. By comparing identical 2D slices from LabDCT with EBSD results, our findings demonstrate good agreement, with average disorientation angles between DCT and EBSD consistently within 0.3° (Chen et al., 2023). This comparison validates the accuracy and reliability of LabDCT. Furthermore, LabDCT uniquely provides comprehensive 3D data, including volumetric and textural information, offering deeper insights into igneous and metamorphic processes that are beyond the reach of traditional 2D methods.

To address artefacts such as inaccurate grain boundaries and partially indexed grains, we developed a novel post-processing workflow validated through comparisons with EBSD data (Chen et al., 2024). This workflow refines grain boundary definitions, improves reconstructions of partially indexed grains, and rectifies morphological inaccuracies. Results from both resin-mounted chromite and natural chromitite samples demonstrated a significant enhancement in the accuracy of LabDCT outputs, not only reducing unindexed volumes but also restoring precise crystallographic data.

This research demonstrated the application of LabDCT to a series of natural rocks, underscoring LabDCT’s revolutionary potential in mineralogy. Its capabilities are particularly valuable to understand the genesis of ore deposits, advancing the recovery of critical metals, and assessing rock textures in 3D.



Chen, X., Godel, B., & Verrall, M. (2023). Comparison of Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Results: Application to Naturally Occurring Chromites. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29 (6), 1901-1920.

Chen, X., Godel, B., & Verrall, M. (2024). Postprocessing Workflow for Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography: A Case Study on Chromite Geomaterials. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30 (3), 440-455.

How to cite: Chen, X., Godel, B., and Verrall, M.: Diffraction contrast tomography: unlocking its potential for mineral resources application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8067,, 2025.

EGU25-8245 | Posters on site | GMPV2.2

Secondary nucleation at crystal surfaces as a potential mechanism for in situ nucleation and growth of crystals at magma chamber margins  

Rais Latypov, Sofya Chistyakova, Steve Barnes, Belinda Godel, Giada Iacono-Marziano, and Willem Kruger

There is a large body of field, textural and chemical evidence from mafic layered intrusions indicating that crystals predominantly nucleate and grow in situ, i.e., at solidification fronts along the margins of evolving magma chambers. Campbell was the first to provide an explanation for this fundamental mode of crystallization in which new nuclei appear on existing crystals along chamber margins, a process he referred to as ‘heterogeneous self-nucleation’. Holness et al. (2023) have recently argued, however, that this nucleation mechanism is implausible because continued growth of existing crystals is more kinetically favourable than nucleation of new grains of the same phases. As an alternative explanation, Holness et al. (2023) have returned to the classical settling model in which crystals nucleate and grow throughout the entire magma chamber. Massive chromitites in the Bushveld Complex then arise due to gravity-induced settling of chromite clusters from the convecting resident melt on the chamber floor, with formation of the clusters being due to ‘synneusis’ – random collision of suspended grains leading to adherence. This mechanism is, however, inconsistent with existing field, textural and chemical observations from massive chromitites and other igneous rocks of the Bushveld Complex. Most of these observations are indicative of the rock forming via some form of repeated nucleation and growth of new crystals on existing ones at the chamber floor. A challenge is thus to identify the mechanism of in situ nucleation and growth of crystals along the margins of layered intrusions that would be reconcilable with the ground-truth observations. In this study we suggest that the most likely candidate is secondary nucleation caused by seed crystal surfaces - a process that has never been invoked in igneous petrology - but plays a key role in the formation of crystals in industrial crystallizers. During this process, Van Der Waal’s attractive forces in the vicinity of a crystal face can stabilize new nuclei of the same phase in proximity of the original crystal. We present experimental evidence of growth of chromite clusters from chromite-saturated mafic magma in support of this argument. Since secondary nucleation is induced by pre-existing parent crystals acting as catalysts for further nucleation, one may logically expect it to actively operate along the crystal-rich solidification fronts at the floors, walls, and roofs of evolving magma chambers.


How to cite: Latypov, R., Chistyakova, S., Barnes, S., Godel, B., Iacono-Marziano, G., and Kruger, W.: Secondary nucleation at crystal surfaces as a potential mechanism for in situ nucleation and growth of crystals at magma chamber margins , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8245,, 2025.

EGU25-9916 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.2

Assembly duration, cooling kinetics and associated microstructures of a small sized granite pluton 

Nicolas Esteves, Lydéric France, Pierre Bouilhol, Catherine Annen, and Marian Holness

The duration of assembly of igneous bodies controls the thermal evolution of the system, which in turn controls the spatial distribution of melt throughout the incremental construction. A preliminary method to reconstruct temporal evolution of magma storage within a reservoir is to perform thermal simulations from which the magmatic activity duration, melt fraction distribution and magma cooling rates can be quantified. In addition, rock microstructures (i.e., mineral morphologies, crystallisation sequence and dihedral angle at three-grain junctions) also carry important information on kinetics of magma solidification. In particular, the geometry of these dihedral angles can be used to decode magma cooling rates variations through an igneous body and, in combination with thermal simulations, provide valuable information on both emplacement and magma solidification kinetics.

We studied the 900 m thick incrementally-emplaced Beauvoir rare-metal granite (Central Massif, France) in which the size and sequence of intrusion of the 18 individual sills have recently been recognised from compositional variations of Li-mica (i.e., lepidolite). The construction of the composite Beauvoir intrusion was numerically simulated, with each successive sill emplaced once the entire reservoir cooled below a critical temperature.  Resulting values in emplacement rates are therefore linked to the chosen value of critical temperature. These simulations indicate that ~10 kyr likely elapsed between the emplacement of the first sill and the solidification of the last droplet of melt. The solidification time for each sill ranges from tens to thousands of years; this duration progressively increases during pluton construction. In such configurations, the magma cooling rate, and in particular that of the marginal regions of each sill, is high (e.g., >0.1 °C.yr-1), resulting in a disequilibrium geometry of three-grain junctions involving two grains of plagioclase and one of lepidolite (measured at the edges of the platy lepidolite grains). These dihedral angles (Θlpp) have median and standard deviation values slightly lower than would be expected from an impingement texture. This evidence of early and rapid crystal growth under diffusion-limited conditions following a sill injection is supported by the presence of skeletal cores in lepidolite as well as plagioclase hopper-like morphologies.

This study demonstrates the power of a combined approach, using both thermal simulations, and rock microstructures to reconstruct the Beauvoir pluton assembly and to extract information about solidification kinetics through time. As the application of dihedral angles has so far been limited to mafic magmas, this study unpicks the use of dihedral angles in felsic magmas, opening up perspectives for their use to better understand magma storage and solidification kinetics in felsic bodies.

How to cite: Esteves, N., France, L., Bouilhol, P., Annen, C., and Holness, M.: Assembly duration, cooling kinetics and associated microstructures of a small sized granite pluton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9916,, 2025.

Komatiites are extrusive volcanic rocks with 18 wt % Mg, and are almost exclusively of Archean age (Arndt 1994). These high-Mg lavas have very low viscosity (0.1-10 Pa) and are expected to have flowed in a turbulent manner (Huppert and Sparks 1985). However, there is little field evidence for such flow behaviour (Cas et al. 2024). Additionally, as such hot lavas no longer erupt on Earth, we know little of the initial crystal cargo they may have transported. To address these questions, we investigated komatiite lava flows from the Reliance Formation, Belingwe Greenstone belt, Zimbabwe, using quantitative microstructural analyses together with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD).

We investigated misorientation axes between neighbouring olivine grains in crystal clusters, to gain information about their crystallisation history and mode of aggregation. We found a systematic misorientation axis, [100], and three dominant misorientation angles (4˚, 40˚ and 60°). The low-angle misorientation axes are associated with olivine crystals with dendritic morphology, and are associated with regions of the crystals where branching occurs. In contrast, the 40˚ misorientation angles are found in crystal clusters formed by synneusis, whereas the 60° misorientation angles are associated with grains showing a twinning relationship (Wieser et al. 2019). We also investigated the crystallographic relationship between enclosed grains of Cr-rich spinels and their host olivine crystals. These show an epitaxial relationship; [100]Ol [111]Sp and [001]Ol [110]Sp.

Vance (1969) suggests that the likelihood of random collisions between olivine crystals is most likely in a turbulent flow, but Schwindinger & Anderson (1989) point out that such random collisions will not produce aggregates with systematic crystallographic alignment. Instead, they infer that synneusis with systematic alignments requires a “flowing fluid” (i.e. laminar flow). Therefore, we suggest that the relationships we observe in the Belingwe olivine clusters result from synneusis of crystals carried from their magmatic source in a laminar flow. Additionally, the observed epitaxial relationship between olivine and spinel suggests that spinel either exsolved from olivine, or nucleated heterogeneously on the olivine substrates with an epitaxial relationship. This will require further investigation.



Arndt, N. T. In Developments in Precambrian Geology, vol. 11, pp. 11-44. Elsevier, 1994.

Huppert, H. E., and Sparks. R.S.J.  " Journal of Petrology 26, no. 3 (1985): 694-725.Cass et al 2024

Cas, R., Wright, J. V., & Giordano, G. (2024). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Wieser, P. E., Vukmanovic, Z., Kilian, R., Ringe, E., Holness, M. B., Maclennan, J., & Edmonds, M. (2019). Geology47(10), 948-952.

Vance, J. A. (1969). On synneusis. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology24(1), 7-29

Schwindinger, K. R., & Anderson Jr, A. T. (1989). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology103(2), 187-198.

How to cite: Vukmanovic, Z., Holness, M., and Nicoli, G.: Transport of crystal cargo in high-Mg lava flows: a microstructural study of Reliance Formation komatiites, Belinqwe Belt, Zimbabwe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12063,, 2025.

The Vihanti-Pyhäsalmi region hosts major volcanic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits within the Precambrian Fennoscandian shield in Finland. The Pyhäsalmi Cu-Zn-Ag-Au VMS deposit has undergone various degrees of metamorphism and deformation that have altered the composition and texture of the ore minerals resulting in ore minerals remobilization. This study aims to constrain the P-T-t path utilizing the metamorphic index minerals and in situ Lu-Hf garnet ages (acquired at the University of Adelaide) from the Paleoproterozoic ore potential Pyhäsalmi region. Moreover, our study also focuses on the remobilization history of ore minerals during polyphase deformational and metamorphic events of the Pyhäsalmi deposit’s halo region through petrographic, mineralogical, compositional and 3D micro-CT analyses. Additionally, we study the microstructures in 2D and 3D to tie regional polyphase deformations with porphyroblast’s growth and ore mineral’s remobilization. Understanding the metamorphism of the Pyhäsalmi region will provide new information for the remobilized ore deposits and other ore potential regions.


The preliminary studies from the supracrustal rocks from the drill core samples of the Pyhäsalmi deposit’s halo region suggest medium to high amphibolite facies metamorphic condition with two metamorphic peak conditions such as (1) peak condition one (M1) at 550-600°C and 2-3 kbar represented by staurolite, garnet and cordierite assemblages and (2) the second peak condition (M2) at 650-700°C and 4-6 kbar characterized by sillimanite, cordierite, garnet, biotite assemblages. Moreover, petrographical and mineralogical studies highlight late stage retrograde hydrothermal fluid activity represented by intense chloritization of sillimanite, garnet, biotite, anthophyllite and cordierite and epidotization of the plagioclase. In situ Lu-Hf inverse isochron ages of 1895 ± 53 Ma from cluster type Fe-Mn rich homogenous garnets likely represent the earliest metamorphic event, whereas Lu-Hf ages of 1824 ± 16 Ma from corona type garnets and Lu-Hf ages of 1802 ± 7 Ma from elongated garnets with Mn rich core denotes the second metamorphic event. Additionally, based on textural and mineralogical study accompanying with Flinn strain diagram from micro-CT analysis, we propose that the Pyhäsalmi deposit experienced two distinct periods of ore mineral remobilization, corresponding to two compressional deformation stages. The first compressional stage (D1–D2, at ~1.91 Ga) is associated with the collision of the Svecofennian volcanic arc with the Archean crust. During this stage, mechanical remobilization processes predominated, including cataclastic flow, as evidenced by brecciated pyrites and pyrrhotites, and translational gliding, which produced elongated pyrites and pyrrhotites. The second compressional stage (D4, at 1.82–1.79 Ga) is characterized by post-collisional intense shearing within the Oulujärvi Shear Zone (OjSZ). This stage resulted in mixed-state remobilization processes that involved both chemical and mechanical mechanisms. Evidence for these processes includes fracture-filling sulfides (pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite), recrystallization, and the spatial redistribution of disseminated pyrrhotites around the grain boundaries of silicate porphyroblasts (indicative of plastic flowage). Additionally, flattened, foliated, and folded sulfides (pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite) are observed along the hinge zones of crenulated cleavage, further supporting the occurrence of mixed-state remobilization during this period.



How to cite: Islam, S. R., Heilimo, E., Cutts, K., and Kuva, J.: Modelling of metamorphic P-T conditions and in situ Lu-Hf garnets dating from the Paleoproterozoic Pyhäsalmi region, Central Finland: insights into polymetamorphic-multiphase deformational events and ore mineral’s remobilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15898,, 2025.

EGU25-16754 | ECS | Orals | GMPV2.2

Deciphering the plutonic record at mid-ocean ridges: from crystal-scale processes to crustal-scale accretion 

Marine Boulanger, Malissa Bakouche, Carlotta Ferrando, Lydéric France, Marguerite Godard, Benoit Ildefonse, Muriel Laubier, and Etienne Médard

The plutonic lithologies at mid-ocean ridges provide a unique opportunity to investigate processes occurring in igneous reservoirs during oceanic accretion. Mineral modes, textures, microstructures, and in situ geochemistry are valuable tools used to reconstruct the complex differentiation processes within these mush-dominated environments [1]. A wealth of evidence at the crystal scale points to the involvement of melt-mush reactions at various stages of reservoir formation. Yet, melt-mush reactions take place by definition at a local scale, and their significance for melt differentiation at a larger scale is not straightforward. In this contribution, I will present the results of a series of studies that describe the impact of melt-mush reactions in cumulate gabbroic sections from different locations along slow-spreading ridges. The ubiquitous presence of melt-mush reactions at the scale of the entire magmatic units or reservoirs advocates for their significant impact on differentiation. This observation together with microstructural evidence led to the development of an alternative model of cumulate formation for open mush systems that undergo both repetitive melt recharges and melt-mush reactions, a process we call the melt flush [2]. Comparison between different crustal sections reveals the local variability in the reaction regimes (variable assimilation to crystallization ratios), despite the similarity in the reactions impacting the crustal sections. Variable regimes are likely caused by different melt fractions present in the mush during the reactions. Relying on these observations and previous studies, we conclude that the reaction regime is most likely controlled by the melt flux during the formation of the magmatic systems [3]. Such model paves the way for the characterization of past reservoir dynamics, provided a better quantification of “instantaneous” melt-mush reactions is available.

[1] Lissenberg, MacLeod & Bennett, Phil.Trans.R. Soc, 2019.

[2] Boulanger & France, JPet, 2023.

[3] Boulanger et al., G3, 2024.

How to cite: Boulanger, M., Bakouche, M., Ferrando, C., France, L., Godard, M., Ildefonse, B., Laubier, M., and Médard, E.: Deciphering the plutonic record at mid-ocean ridges: from crystal-scale processes to crustal-scale accretion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16754,, 2025.

EGU25-16781 | Posters on site | GMPV2.2

The quantification of microstructural parameters of glass-bearing samples: electron backscatter diffraction mapping versus backscatter electron imaging  

Thomas Griffiths, Alessio Pontesilli, Stefano Peres, and Matteo Masotta

Quantifying phase proportions (Φ), grain size, crystal area number density (NA), and surface area to volume ratio (SvP) is essential to understanding igneous crystallisation. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) offers advantages over backscattered electron (BSE)-based image analysis: it segments grains based on crystal structure and orientation, and involves a smaller interaction volume. However, EBSD can be time-consuming, and grain reconstructions depend on post-processing parameters and workflows, especially in glass-rich samples. We evaluated strengths and weaknesses of microstructural analysis of glass-rich samples using EBSD.

Crystallisation experiments synthesised and analysed via BSE imaging by Pontesilli et al. (2019) were re-analysed using EBSD. The samples are two synthetic trachybasaltic glasses, one nominally anhydrous, the other with 2 wt% added H2O, heated to a superliquidus temperature of 1300°C at 400 MPa and fO2 close to NNO+2 in a piston cylinder apparatus. After 30 minutes the samples were cooled at 80°C min-1 to 1100°C (considerably below their liquidus temperatures) and held there for 30 minutes before quenching. The samples contain dendritic to skeletal clinopyroxene (Cpx) crystals in a glass matrix, clustered with smaller skeletal to anhedral titanomagnetite (Tmt) grains.

Standardising the confidence index of EBSD pixels to the highest value for each grain strongly influences quantification results. Standardisation leads to overestimation of crystallinity and grain size, but delivers better estimates of NA and SvP values. For non-standardised scans, varying the minimum confidence index threshold used for cleaning affects all microstructural parameters studied, whereas varying minimum grain size threshold and step size strongly affects only NA and SvP. Varying boundary smoothing only affects SvP.

For Cpx, EBSD and BSE are in excellent agreement for ΦCpx in both samples and SvPCpx in the hydrous sample, while EBSD-derived SvPCpx is 50% higher than the BSE-derived value for the anhydrous sample. For both samples, EBSD-derived maximum Cpx length is ~ 100% higher than the BSE result. For Tmt, EBSD systematically finds slightly elevated ΦTmt and Tmt grain size, and for the anhydrous sample only, significantly higher Tmt NA.

Despite larger maximum lengths, calculated Cpx growth rates from EBSD are within 10% of BSE-derived values, because the calculation employs the square root of length times width. The large differences in NA and SvP found for the anhydrous sample derive from its finer, dendritic microstructure, and the smaller (200 nm) step size of the EBSD scans compared to BSE imaging. For the more euhedral and coarser-grained hydrous sample, BSE and EBSD return similar results, and an EBSD step size of 1 µm is sufficient. The systematically larger Tmt sizes obtained from EBSD are overestimates due to signal from Tmt below the sample surface.

In conclusion, care must be taken applying EBSD to glass-rich samples. Thresholds must be carefully chosen by comparing reconstructed grains and image quality maps, different processing workflows are required to obtain different microstructural parameters, and phase-specific over-/underestimates of parameters may occur. EBSD delivers most improvement for microstructures with sub-micrometer length scales.

Pontesilli et al. (2019), Chem Geol 510:113-129. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.02.015

Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 33227-N

How to cite: Griffiths, T., Pontesilli, A., Peres, S., and Masotta, M.: The quantification of microstructural parameters of glass-bearing samples: electron backscatter diffraction mapping versus backscatter electron imaging , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16781,, 2025.

EGU25-16854 | Orals | GMPV2.2

Anisotropy of spatial phase distributions 

Rüdiger Kilian

The spatial distribution of mineral phases or pores in magmatic, metamorphic and deformed rocks bear genetic information on crystallization, reaction or transport processes amongst others. In general, the spatial distribution of phases can be categorized into random, clustered or anti-clustered types. For example anti-clustered distributions in a deformed, metamorphic rock can be related to heterogeneous nucleation, while clustered distributions can originate from transport limited mineral reactions. Similarly, crystallization processes have the potential to produce either random or clustered phase distributions hinting on crystallization sequence or reaction history. The deviation from randomness towards (anti-)clustering in bi- or multiphase system can be measured in a quantitative way giving the opportunity to address involved processes not only limited to a descriptive way.

Many metamorphic rocks exhibit an either deformation- and/or reaction-induced foliation and also primary foliations may be present in magmatic rocks. Addressing the phase distribution in an isotropic way may degrade the result of a microstructure quantification by camouflaging the spatial ordering of a phase with respect to one specific sample direction in an otherwise isotropic distribution. For example, K-feldspar may appear regularly spaced within quartz-rich layers, while in any other sample direction, this periodicity of K-feldspar is not present. In order to tackle anisotropy of spatial phase distributions, extensions of isotropic methods are presented. Newly derived descriptions of anisotropic phase distributions based on contact normals, a modified center-to-center method and a Fourier transform-based approach will be compared and based on natural examples, their advantages and shortcomings will be discussed.

How to cite: Kilian, R.: Anisotropy of spatial phase distributions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16854,, 2025.

EGU25-17379 | Orals | GMPV2.2 | Highlight

How deep learning is changing Geoscience microscopy 

Rich Taylor

Geologists have always used a wide variety of microscopy and microanalysis tools for a broad range of rock and mineral characterisation. As datasets become larger and projects become grander in scale, we are increasingly seeing the use of machine learning techniques to streamline all kinds of data acquisition and processing. These techniques have often highlighted the inconsistent nature of data handling by the geoscience community. This has commonly resulted in having lots of data but not “big data”, precluding the use of modern data analysis.

In many ways this is not the fault of the geologist. The complex nature of rock samples, covering more orders of magnitude in scale and requiring a detailed understanding of texture and chemistry, goes far beyond that of other materials in the physical sciences. Combined with analytical systems that were often designed for other sciences, this often results in a personal approach in how to interrogate our samples.

Light microscopy in particular provides a fantastic example of the personal nature of geological sample interpretation. Petrography training, and the subsequent ability to identify and interpret the mineralogy of a thin section, is the epitome of a standard geoscience task that has proved exceedingly hard to automate. Much of this is due to the vast number of minerals with overlapping optical properties, of which we use a dynamic (rotating polarisation) understanding to interpret a thin section. This is a combination of a huge amount of information with which we train our human brains, and standard data processing, even standard machine learning techniques are simply not “smart enough” to replicate.

Right now we are seeing the rapid emergence of deep learning neural networks (DLNN) across a range of 2D and 3D applications. In light microscopy these DLNN models can segment petrography data in ways that have never been possible before, with clear separation of minerals with similar appearance, distinguishing grain boundaries from fractures/cleavage, and determining boundaries of low relief minerals. They also have advantages over traditional segmentation in terms of lithology classification, where different combinations/textures of even the same minerals can have geological meaning but were previously hard to computationally separate. By taking these tasks that are relatively simple for human brains, but have been hard to upscale to large datasets, we can start to make consistent approaches across the geoscience community.

In addition, we now have the capability to generate large amounts of petrography data with automated slide scanners, meaning both data acquisition and processing can happen at the speed and scale necessary to make automated “big data” petrography a real tool for the geologist. Both data storage and the training of DLNN models can now be moved online, which means not only greater access of these tools to our community, but the ability to contribute to, modify, and assess the quality of future workflows.

How to cite: Taylor, R.: How deep learning is changing Geoscience microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17379,, 2025.

EGU25-18596 | Orals | GMPV2.2

Kyanite-muscovite-dumortierite vein mineralisation mechanisms from advanced microstructural analysis using EBSD 

Elisabetta Mariani, Sneha Dandekar, Tushar R. Dandekar, Rajesh K. Khatirkar, Kavita Pande, Joseph Gardner, Heath Bagshaw, Kirtikumar Randive, and Dilip Peshwe

Dumortierite, an aluminous borosilicate mineral, is relatively rare in Earth’s crust, but it is the second most abundant aluminous borosilicate after tourmaline.  Boron is an element with many uses in modern societies worldwide, from health products to wind turbine blades for clean energy, but of limited availability and at future risk of supply. Only a limited number of studies have been published on dumortierite mineralization processes and the factors that control its abundance and distribution remain poorly understood. Here we present the first comprehensive electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of dumortierite mineralization mechanisms in kyanite-muscovite-dumortierite veins occurring in the metapelites of the Amgaon Gneiss Supracrustals, in the Girola hill area, Sakoli region, Central India. Advanced microstructural and chemical analyses show that mixed-mode brittle-viscous deformation in kyanite, by fracturing and easy glide on (100)[001], facilitates fluid-rock interactions with reactive hydrothermal fluids rich in B, F, and K and containing Na, Ti, Mg, Fe and Pt. These interactions cause the dissolution of kyanite along fracture and cleavage surfaces and the precipitation of muscovite (F = 0.32 wt%) and topaz (F = 16.48 wt%). The motion of ripplocation defects in muscovite facilitates fluid migration along cleavage surfaces and crystallisation of dumortierite needles within these surfaces. Fluid flux removes silica in solution from the system, so reactions may continue. The observed mineral assemblage, the microstructural signature of kyanite and muscovite, the moderate fluorine content of topaz, and low fluorine content of muscovite, together suggest that dumortierite mineralization results from hydrothermal activity, possibly in a transitional magmatic-hydrothermal environment, possibly at P > 2.5 kbar and 400°<T < 550°, that could be linked with granite intrusions in the area. Using EBSD we demonstrate that dumortierite mineralization is focussed along muscovite basal cleavage surfaces and dumortierite needle elongation is likely controlled by the fluid flux direction. These new results advance our understanding of dumortierite mineralization mechanisms and conditions and have important implications for our understanding of the distribution of this aluminous borosilicate mineral in muscovite-rich rocks.

How to cite: Mariani, E., Dandekar, S., Dandekar, T. R., Khatirkar, R. K., Pande, K., Gardner, J., Bagshaw, H., Randive, K., and Peshwe, D.: Kyanite-muscovite-dumortierite vein mineralisation mechanisms from advanced microstructural analysis using EBSD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18596,, 2025.

The Bushveld Complex is widely known as the world’s largest igneous intrusion, spanning an area of 550km and a depth of 8km (Cawthorn & McCarthy, 2023). The Upper Zone of the Busvheld Complex is characterised with the massive (> 1 m thick) magnetitite layers. The magnetitite layers contain between 70 and 30 vol. % of magnetite (Fe3O4) and ilmenite(FeTiO3). The Upper Zone contains 24 distinct layers of magnetitite with surrounding contacts of anorthosite on the hanging and foot walls of each. The development of these layers is heavily disputed with arguments for fractional crystallization (Reynolds, 1985), in-situ crystallization (Kruger & Latypov, 2020), and crystal mush magmatic emplacement (Vukmanovic, et al., 2019).

In this study we analysed samples from three distinctive cores from Khuseleka Mine, investigating layers 1, 13 and 14 above the Main Magnetitite layer (Reynolds, 1985). Our study relies on quantitative microstructural and geochemical data. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to investigate rock microstructure such as crystal orientation and intragrain microstructure; and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) to investigate chemical variations between crystal rims and cores. Orientation analysis revealed an unexpected, but mild crystallographic preferred orientation in both magnetite and ilmenite crystals, exhibiting point maxima at (100) and at [10-10] respectively. Crystallographic preferred orientations in magnetite are rare in oxide phases due to cubic symmetry, however, the CPO exhibited suggests that the CPO is generated from deposition through a flow in the melt, generation through post-depositional deformation and recrystallization (Pilchin, 2011) or conversely, through topotactic reactions between magnetite grains (Barbosa & Lagoeiro, 2010). The hypothesis for post-depositional deformation is further supported by the evidence of recrystallisation and low-angle boundaries in magnetite grains.The investigation of crystallographic relationship between magnetite and ilmenite has epitaxial relationship between the two phases, this is evidenced by grains of ilmenite displaying parallel poles with adjacent grains of magnetite . Ilmenite shows less intragrain microstructure than magnetite, hence the mild CPO in ilmenite (a trigonal phase) could be explained by crystallographic control between magnetite and ilmenite during oxide crystallisation, or ilmenite deposition from a magma flow (Till & Rybacki, 2020).

EPMA data reveals variations in geochemistry between figures for crystal rims and cores and exhibits consistent zoning of TiO2 in ilmenite samples across separate cores (51.5core wt% and 52.1rim wt%). The vertical depletion of Cr, discovered by Kruger & Laytpov, 2020, and Cawthorn & McCarthy, 2023 is challenged by this study as no correlation between vertical displacement and Cr concentrations has been acknowledged, suggesting that the theory of in-situ crystallization at the examined magnetite layers does not apply.

This data acquired from this study suggests that the magnetite layers in RLS have been subjected to post-depositional deformation which has disrupted the primary texture of the oxides. The variations of minor elements in magnetite does not support in-situ crystallisation. However further analyses are needed to decipher the early magmatic history of these enigmatic bodies. 

How to cite: Grimshaw, T. and Vukmanovic, Z.: Microstructural and geochemical characterisation of magnetitite layers from the Khuseleka Mine, Bushveld Complex, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20334,, 2025.

Pegmatite, which forms in various tectonic environments and crystallizes through developed magma, is a significant source of green energy transition metals like Li-Cs-Ta and REEs (Müller et al., 2022). Lithium is one of the most important metals for making high-energy batteries and battery storage systems (Müller et al., 2022). It is also the lightest metal on the periodic table and has unique properties that make it ideal for use in batteries.

In Africa, Li is mined from hard rock deposits such as pegmatites. These deposits are often small, covering only a few hundred square meters, and are usually found in Li-Cs-Ta pegmatites (London, 2018). The main Li-bearing minerals in these pegmatites are spodumene, petalite, and lepidolite (Müller et al., 2022). Li-Cs-Ta pegmatites are typically hosted in metamorphosed rocks formed under upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions (Bradley et al., 2017). However, the origin of the melt or fluid responsible for forming Li-Cs-Ta pegmatites is poorly understood. It is still unclear whether this melt formed through extreme fractionation of a cooling parental granite or came directly from the dehydration of metasedimentary rocks during metamorphism (Müller et al., 2017). To better understand the origin of the Li-rich melt and why some pegmatites contain Li-Cs-Ta minerals while others do not, this study will combine trace element analysis with SIMS insitu oxygen isotope data from quartz. Preliminary trace element results suggest some crustal origin; however, this will be tested more by the oxygen isotope work. The study focuses on pegmatites in the Richtersveld Subprovince, part of the Namaqua Metamorphic Belt in South Africa.

This area is of particular interest because it contains both Li-mineralized and non-mineralized pegmatites. The pegmatites are hosted by both metasedimentary and igneous rocks in the amphibolite facies and are part of a belt bordered by LCT and NYF pegmatites. This research will help explain the processes that control Li mineralization in pegmatites in this region.


Bradley, D.C., et al., 2017. Mineral-deposit model for lithiumcesium-tantalum pegmatites. In: Mineral Deposit Models for Resource Assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, pp. 1–48.

London, D. (2018) ‘Ore-forming processes within granitic pegmatites’, Ore Geology Reviews, 101, pp. 349–383. Available at:

Müller A., et al., 2017. The Sveconorwegian Pegmatite Province – thousands of pegmatites without parental granites. Canadian Mineralogist , 55, 283–315,

Müller, A. et al., 2022. GREENPEG–exploration for pegmatite minerals to feed the energy transition: first steps towards the Green Stone Age. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 526, 27.

How to cite: Madlakana, N.: Mineralogical and petrogenetic characterization of the Witkop pegmatite, Northern Cape, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21085,, 2025.

EGU25-317 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.2

Self-Organization in Solution Pipe Patterns: A Comparative Study from Australia and the Mediterranean 

Maria Waligórska, Magdalena Kurek, Dawid Woś, Matej Lipar, and Piotr Szymczak

Solution pipes—vertical, cylindrical voids in karst terrains—are enigmatic geomorphic features whose formation mechanisms remain poorly understood. These structures exhibit spatial distributions suggesting self-organization processes. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the spatial arrangements of solution pipes from Australia and the Mediterranean region. We quantified spatial patterns through metrics such as the radial correlation function, angular order parameter, and Voronoi tessellation. The results reveal non-random distributions consistent with self-organization, driven by feedback mechanisms involving dissolution dynamics and localized groundwater flow. These findings support the idea that self-organization plays a critical role in the development of solution pipes and offer new insights into the processes driving karst landscape evolution on a global scale.

How to cite: Waligórska, M., Kurek, M., Woś, D., Lipar, M., and Szymczak, P.: Self-Organization in Solution Pipe Patterns: A Comparative Study from Australia and the Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-317,, 2025.

EGU25-411 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.2

Optimizing injection parameters in mineral replacement systems 

Tomasz Szawełło and Piotr Szymczak

Mineral replacement processes often involve coupled dissolution-precipitation reactions, where a primary mineral is replaced by a secondary one. These transformations are governed by strong, nonlinear interactions among chemical reactions at rock surfaces, evolving pore geometries, and the development or closure of flow pathways. Maintaining a steady influx of reactants and efficient removal of products is crucial for sustaining reaction progression, but issues such as passivation layer formation or flow channel blockage by precipitates frequently disrupt this balance. This problem is particularly relevant in the context of mineral trapping of CO₂, where chemical reactions lead to an increase in solid volume. Consequently, determining optimal injection rates becomes crucial for enhancing the efficiency of the process. To address these challenges, we propose a numerical framework designed to simulate hydrochemical transformations within porous media.

In our simulations, we examine a medium infiltrated by a reactive fluid that triggers coupled dissolution-precipitation reactions at pore surfaces. We model the porous medium as a system of interconnected pipes [1], with the diameter of each segment changing depending on the local consumption of reactants. We incorporate nonlinear kinetics of chemical reactions into the model and assess the impact of inlet reactant concentrations on the behavior of the system. During evolution, we also modify the network topology by merging connections when pore distances are comparable to pore sizes and by cutting connections when pores become clogged.

We explore possible dissolution-precipitation regimes in search of parameters optimal for mineral replacement. By varying the flow rate and the concentrations of injected species, we analyze the emergent patterns to construct a morphological diagram. We benchmark the results against experimental data on calcium carbonate dissolution and gypsum precipitation [2]. We are particularly interested in regimes with oscillating permeability, where the reaction is self-limiting—precipitates clog the pores, but the system continually creates new flow pathways, maintaining reaction progress. We quantitatively characterize various evolution regimes, measuring the volume of replaced mineral and assessing the development of flow pathways [3]. Through this analysis, we identify a region in the space of injection parameters that maximizes mineral replacement.


[1] A. Budek and P. Szymczak, Physical Review E, 86, 056318, 2012.
[2] O. Singurindy and B. Berkowitz, Water Resources Research, 39, 1016, 2003.
[3] T. Szawełło, J. D. Hyman, P. K. Kang, and P. Szymczak, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109940, 2024.

How to cite: Szawełło, T. and Szymczak, P.: Optimizing injection parameters in mineral replacement systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-411,, 2025.

EGU25-702 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.2

Hydration of anhydrite with substitution of strontium (Ca,Sr)SO4 - model experiments 

Martyna Nawracaj, Julia Różańska, Kacper Staszel, Bartosz Puzio, Aleksandra Puławska, and Maciej Manecki

Hydration of anhydrite with substitution of strontium (Ca,Sr)SO4 - model experiments

Martyna NAWRACAJ1, Julia RÓŻAŃSKA1, Kacper STASZEL1, Bartosz PUZIO1, Aleksandra PUŁAWSKA1, Maciej MANECKI1

1Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH University of Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 30,    30-059 Kraków, Poland

Infiltration of fresh water into the clay-anhydrite layers of the salt deposit (Bochnia Salt Mine, UNESCO World Heritage Site in southern Poland) results in the hydration of anhydrite (CaSO₄) to gypsum (CaSO₄·2H₂O) (Pitera and Cyran, 2008). This process is particularly complex and unusual because the parent anhydrite is partially substituted with Sr (0.1-0.2%, Pulawska et al., 2021), and the release of strontium during this transformation remains unclear.

To investigate this phenomenon, laboratory model experiments were performed. Synthetic analogs of Sr-substituted anhydrite with varying Sr content (0.1%, 1%, as well as  2%) were prepared, along with pure anhydrite and celestine (SrSO₄). All five syntheses were conducted for 3 hr at 120°C (Kamarou et al., 2021) and resulted in formation of Sr-doped anhydrite. A maximum Sr substitution in anhydrite was established at 1–2 wt.%. Synthetic sulfates were hydrated for 70 days in a controlled environment, using 500 mL of redistilled water with 2.5 g of solid material (1:10 solution-to-solid ratio). The solids were analyzed using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The phase transformations began as early as 21 days in both pure and 0.1% Sr-substituted anhydrite, forming bassanite (CaSO₄·0.5H₂O). Later on, the hemihydrate sulfate transformed into gypsum. Pure celestine did not undergo any phase transformation during the hydration process.

Model hydration experiments have successfully mirrored the natural phenomenon occurring in the Bochnia Salt Mine, including the release of strontium into solution. These findings leave the room for further research so as to understand the fate and influence of strontium on minerals in salt deposits.


  • Kamarou, M., Korob, N., Hil, A., Moskovskikh, D., Romanovski, V. (2021). Low-energy technology for producing anhydrite in the CaCO3–H2SO4–H2O system derived from industrial wastes. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, Vol 96, issues 7, p. 2065-2071
  • Pitera, H., Cyran, K. (2008) Altered anhydrite from Bochnia Salt Mine (Poland). Geologia, Vol 34, issue 1, p. 5–17 (in Polish)
  • Puławska, A., Manecki, M., Flasza, M., (2021). Mineralogical and Chemical Tracing of Dust Variation in an Underground Historic Salt Mine. Mineralas, 11, 686

How to cite: Nawracaj, M., Różańska, J., Staszel, K., Puzio, B., Puławska, A., and Manecki, M.: Hydration of anhydrite with substitution of strontium (Ca,Sr)SO4 - model experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-702,, 2025.

EGU25-1169 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.2

Evolution of anomalous transport following precipitation in porous media 

Matan Cohen, Ishai Dror, and Brian Berkowitz

Flow through porous media involving precipitation and dissolution reactions exhibits a unique feedback behavior between the velocity field and solute transport. In this presentation, we report the findings of a study exploring the relationship between a gradually increasing degree of precipitation and the occurrence of anomalous transport (i.e., transport that cannot be quantified by the advection-dispersion equation). Gypsum was precipitated incrementally in 60 cm long, saturated, sand-packed columns, and an inert tracer was injected between precipitation phases, yielding breakthrough curves (BTCs) as functions of an increasing degree of precipitation. Continuous time random walk particle tracking simulations were used to model these BTCs and quantify the evolution of anomalous transport. Results show an increasingly high degree of anomalous transport following precipitation, while the manner in which the increase manifested varied among duplicate experiments. Two major consistent trends were an increase in the overall BTC widths (i.e., elution time windows) and progressively heavier BTC tailing, as indicated by the steepness of the slope from each BTC peak to the point where it drops below a threshold concentration. Under the current experimental conditions, the effects of precipitation were strikingly similar to those found previously for dissolution, including early BTC onset, peak splitting, and heavier BTC tailing. Finally, the range of transport behaviors among heterogeneous natural systems might be significantly greater than that found in our work for three homogeneously-packed columns.

How to cite: Cohen, M., Dror, I., and Berkowitz, B.: Evolution of anomalous transport following precipitation in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1169,, 2025.

In the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), the oil and gas exploration targets have graduallyshifted from the conventional reservoirs in the shallow to moderately deep Hanjiang-Zhujiang formations to the lowpermeability, tight reservoirs in the deep to ultra-deep Zhuhai-Enping formations. Due to their distinct geological setting of highly variable geothermal gradients, the low-permeability, tight reservoirs exhibit significantly different diagenesis and tightening mechanisms from the conventional reservoirs. Using techniques such as casting thin section observation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), physical property tests, diagenetic reconstruction, and physical property restoration, we systematically analyze the diagenetic processes of the Paleogene sandstone reservoirs from the Zhuhai Formation’s lower member to the Enping Formation in the area from the northwestern low uplift to the central sub-sag zone in the Baiyun Sag and their disparities. Considering the tectonic evolution setting, stratigraphic burial history, and current physical property data, we investigate the major factors influencing the relationships among the reservoirs’ physical properties and explore their tightening processes and mechanisms. The results suggest that the reservoirs from the Zhuhai Formation’s lower member to the Enping Formation have experienced intense compaction, two-stage carbonate cementation, three-stage siliceous cementation, and three-stage feldspar dissolution. During their diagenetic processes, the reservoirs exhibited varying compaction rates due to changes in geothermal gradients and underwent water-rock interactions in different open-closed systems. These are major reasons for the different physical properties of the reservoirs across various tectonic zones in the Baiyun Sag. Compaction emerged as the primary factor leading to the reservoir tightness, which was further enhanced by siliceous and carbonate cementation. In contrast, dissolution improved the physical properties of the reservoirs. From the lowuplift to the sub-sag zone, strata from the Zhuhai Formation’s lower member to the Enping Formation exhibited increasing geothermal gradients and burial depths. Accordingly, their reservoirs in the low uplift, slope zone, and sub-sag zone are in the middle diagenetic stage A2, middle diagenetic stage B, and late diagenetic stage, respectively, with diagenetic intensity gradually increasing. The diagenetic variations significantly impacted the evolution of the reservoirs’physical properties. Specifically, the reservoirs in the sub-sag zone had become tight prior to the late-stage hydrocarbon charging, while those in the slope zone underwent a gradually tightening process during this period.

How to cite: Zhao, X., Yuan, G., and Peng, G.: Mechanisms of Rock-Fluid Interactions on Reservoir Low-Permeability and tightening in the Paleogene of the Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1500,, 2025.

In my talk, I will present an efficient element-based reduction technique which can significantly decrease the number of conservation equations and thereby reduce the computational time. The proposed formulation is based on the consistent element balance reduction of the molar (overall composition) formulation. To predict the complex phase behaviour in such systems, we include the chemical equilibrium constraints in the multiphase multi-component flash calculations and solve the thermodynamic and chemical phase equilibrium simultaneously. In this solution, the phase equilibrium is represented by the partition coefficients whereas the chemical equilibrium reaction is represented by the activity coefficients model. Using the Equilibrium Rate Annihilation matrix allows us to reduce the governing unknowns to the element conservation equations only while the coupling between chemical and thermodynamic equilibrium is captured by a simultaneous solution of modified multiphase flash equations. The element composition of the mixture serves as an input for these computations whereas the output is fractions of components in each phase, including solids. 

Next, a finite-volume unstructured discretization in space is applied together with a backward Euler approximation in time. The resulting complex nonlinear system is parameterized using the Operator-Based Linearization (OBL) approach. The OBL framework transfers the governing nonlinear Partial Differential Equations into a linearized operator form where the Jacobian is constructed as a product of a matrix of derivatives with respect to state variables and discretization operators. The state-dependent operators are only evaluated adaptively at vertices of the mesh introduced in the parameter space. The continuous representation of state-dependent operators as well as their derivatives is achieved by using a multi-linear interpolation in parameter space. This means that the usually time-consuming phase and chemical equilibrium computations, performed on each nonlinear iteration and in every control volume, are only executed when evaluating the operators in the new supporting points, thereby significantly reducing both the linearization time and the number of nonlinear iterations. The simulation of multidimensional problems of practical interest has been performed using the proposed technique.

How to cite: Voskov, D.: Operator-Based Linearization approach for flow and transport with equilibrium and kinetic reactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2543,, 2025.

As conventional oil and gas production declines, global exploration and development efforts have shifted towards unconventional oil and gas resources, with tight volcanic reservoirs emerging as a primary focus. The tuffaceous rocks of the Dehui Fault Depression in the Songliao Basin, characterized by fine-grained volcanic ash deposits, have undergone diagenetic modifications, resulting in low porosity and low permeability with complex pore structures. Identifying the main controlling factors of high-quality reservoir formation and understanding the mechanisms behind secondary pore formation are critical areas of research that require urgent attention.

The study provides several key insights: (1) It identifies the main types of diagenetic processes in the reservoir and establishes a diagenetic evolution sequence. The formation of high-quality reservoirs is primarily controlled by "dual phases" (lithofacies and depositional facies), which includes both pore preservation and enhancement. Acidic dissolution is identified as the primary cause of secondary pore development, with the mechanism of acidic dissolution and its three necessary conditions being discussed; (2) An innovative technique combining large-view stitching and human-computer interaction for thin-section identification images has been developed. This technique establishes a face porosity-porosity model, accurately quantifying the impact of various diagenetic processes on reservoir physical property and identifying the main factors controlling these properties. A porosity evolution history map is created using a combination of back-stripping inversion and computer image analysis techniques. Simultaneously combining chemical kinetics models and fluid inclusion identification to determine the reservoir formation period, clarifying the reservoir-diagenesis coupling characteristics; (3) Methods for distinguishing volcanic eruption periods and identifying lithofacies are established, revealing the main lithologies and depositional characteristics of different eruption periods. The advantageous lithofacies, periods and their distribution characteristics are ultimately determined

Attached Figure Large Visual Field Splicing and Quantitative Characterization of the Dissolution of Huoshiling Formation in Dehui Fault Depression

Figure: Attached Figure Large Visual Field Splicing and Quantitative Characterization of the Dissolution of Huoshiling Formation in Dehui Fault Depression


How to cite: Liu, L. and Li, J.: Study on the genesis and controlling role of deep and dense volcanic reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2678,, 2025.

EGU25-3044 | Posters on site | HS8.1.2

Quantifying Hyporheic Zone and Hydrochemical Stability under Seasonal Variability 

Heejung Kim, Han-Sun Ryu, Jae-E Yang, Jinah Moon, Naing Aung Khant, Regina Martha Lumongsod, Arkar San, and Minha Lee

The hyporheic zone (HZ), a critical interface between surface water and groundwater, plays a key role in controlling water quality, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem resilience. This study quantitatively investigates the depth and hydrochemical stability of the HZ in contrasting geological settings—a limestone-dominated upstream and a gneiss-dominated downstream region—using hydraulic gradient measurements, temperature profiles, and hydrochemical data collected across four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter) between 2021 and 2022. Key parameters, including hydraulic gradients (dh/dl), temperature, and Saturation Index (SI), were collected seasonally from a representative streambed. The study incorporated δ18O, δD and δ13C isotopic data to determine mixing ratios between surface and groundwater and their effects on the HZ boundary dynamics. Advanced numerical modeling, including Darcy’s law and heat transfer equations, was employed to delineate the spatial and temporal variability of the HZ. Our results reveal a significant correlation between seasonal shifts in hydroclimatic factors (precipitation, evaporation, and temperature variability) and HZ, demonstrating its dynamic nature. Increased precipitation during the wet season enhanced mixing processes, resulting in elevated SI values and potential carbonate mineral saturation, while the dry season exhibited reduced mixing and undersaturation conditions. These findings suggest that seasonal hydroclimatic factors profoundly influence the chemical and physical stability of the HZ, impacting water resource management and ecosystem resilience.

This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (grant numbers 2019R1A6A1A03033167). This subject is supported by Korea Ministry of Environment as "The SS(Surface Soil conservation and management) projects; 2019002820004.

How to cite: Kim, H., Ryu, H.-S., Yang, J.-E., Moon, J., Khant, N. A., Lumongsod, R. M., San, A., and Lee, M.: Quantifying Hyporheic Zone and Hydrochemical Stability under Seasonal Variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3044,, 2025.

EGU25-5873 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.2

The study on fractal theory to characterize the pore structure of organic-rich shale reservoirs 

Zhaomeng Wei, Hua Liu, Yumao Pang, and Junjian Zhang

Abstract: The micro- and nano-pores in organic-rich shale reservoirs significantly impact the exploration potential of unconventional oil and gas. To clarify the heterogeneity of pore size distribution and its influencing factors in organic-rich shales, this study was conducted on shale cores with significant gas logging anomalies from 1600-1680m, collected from a scientific drilling well in the South Yellow Sea Basin that penetrated the Permian strata. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption experiments, total organic carbon (TOC), X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy tests were carried out. Additionally, fractal theory was employed to characterize the heterogeneity and connectivity features of the pore structure. The results indicate that the average TOC of the selected samples is 5.99%, and the shale lithofacies are predominantly Siliceous shale, Clay shale, and Clay shale-Clay Mixed shale. The clay shale has the highest average specific surface area and pore volume, with averages of 5.54 m2/g and 9.37×10-3 cm3/g, respectively. The fractal dimensions D1 and D2 calculated using the single Frenkel-Halsey-Hill method are relatively independent. The multifractal box-counting method suggests that low-probability measure areas play a key role in the heterogeneity of the full-size pore size distribution. The generalized fractal dimension D(q) decreases with increasing q, and the singularity fractal spectrum exhibits a non-symmetric parabolic shape, indicating that the pores in organic-rich shales possess multifractal characteristics. An increase in TOC and clay mineral content enhances the overall heterogeneity of the pore structure, while an increase in calcareous mineral content improves pore connectivity. The multifractal model demonstrates a significant advantage in quantitatively characterizing the heterogeneity of pore structures in organic-rich shales, providing an important theoretical basis for shale gas exploration and development.

Key words: Organic-rich shale; Pore structure; Heterogeneity; Monofractal analysis; Multifractal analysis

How to cite: Wei, Z., Liu, H., Pang, Y., and Zhang, J.: The study on fractal theory to characterize the pore structure of organic-rich shale reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5873,, 2025.

EGU25-6968 | Orals | HS8.1.2

Surrogate modeling and global sensitivity analysis for biomineralization in porous media 

Ze Yang, Alberto Guadagnini, Monica Riva, Zhi Dou, Chaozhong Qin, and Jinguo Wang

We focus on the assessment of spatiotemporal distributions of precipitates in complex porous systems under a variety of sources of uncertainty. Our study specifically targets calcium carbonate (CaCO3) biomineralizing techniques, that are of significant interest across a wide range of engineering applications. In this context, one can note that favoring mineralization can markedly alter the pore space structure as well as hydrodynamic parameters of porous materials. Otherwise, uncertainties surrounding our ability to assess hydraulic and biochemical parameters driving the dynamics of biomineralization treatments can influence the way we quantify the extent of mineral precipitation. Here, we start from a pore scale perspective and rest on a stochastic modeling approach. The latter leverages a combination of (i) a fully coupled biomineralization model based on a pore network model (PNM) and (ii) a surrogate model that enables one to perform numerical Monte Carlo simulations at a reduced computational cost. Our surrogate model relies on a classical polynomial chaos expansion approach. We consider the biomineralization model described by Qin et al. (2016) and perform geochemical speciation through the open-source PHREEQC module. The surrogate model is constructed on the basis of numerical results stemming from the full biomineralization model and is here employed to perform global sensitivity studies and uncertainty quantification analyses. Our results enable one to identify the relative importance of four design (or control) quantities (i.e., (i) injected biomass concentration, (ii) initial biofilm across the pore space, (iii) pressure difference between inlet and outlet of the porous medium, and (iv) injected urea concentration) and of the initial distribution of pore sizes across the domain on (a) volume fraction of precipitates within the host porous medium (in terms of total amount and preferential location within pores of given size) and (b) permeability reduction of the overall porous medium after biomineralization. Global sensitivity analyses reveal that the volume fraction of precipitates is strongly influenced by biomass and urea concentrations. These quantities are associated with a strong positive correlation with precipitate volumes. Our results can form the basis to inform model calibration under uncertainty, thus providing a robust foundation for optimizing biomineralization strategies in engineering applications. 


Qin, C.-Z., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Ebigbo, A. (2016). Pore-scale network modeling of microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation: Insight into scale dependence of biogeochemical reaction rates: pore-scale network modeling of MICP. Water Resources Research, 52(11), 8794–8810.

How to cite: Yang, Z., Guadagnini, A., Riva, M., Dou, Z., Qin, C., and Wang, J.: Surrogate modeling and global sensitivity analysis for biomineralization in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6968,, 2025.

EGU25-7947 | Orals | HS8.1.2

Fracture vs. matrix reactivity in a tight crystalline rock. Modeling of a fractured-gneiss core infiltration experiment. 

Josep M. Soler, Jordi Cama, Orlando Silva, and Tiina Lamminmäki

Two infiltration experiments using a fractured gneiss core were performed to address the reactivity of this crystalline rock (host rock for the Finnish geological repository for spent nuclear fuel). The core was 5 cm in diameter and 6.2 cm in length, with fracture opening values up to 1.1 mm. Mineralogy and fracture volume were characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray computed microtomography, respectively. Groundwater from the site (dominated by Cl-Na-Ca, pH 7.26, ionic strength 0.22 molal) was injected in the first experiment, while milli-Q water (pH 6.05) was used in the second one. Both solutions were at equilibrium with the atmosphere, and the experiments were performed at room temperature. Flow rates were about 0.005 mL/min.

The results (evolution of outlet solution chemistry) were interpreted by 1D and 2D reactive transport modeling using the CrunchFlow code. The 1D model included flow, solute transport and reaction only along the fracture. Very large mineral surface areas, much larger than the exposed areas on the fracture surfaces, were needed to reproduce the experimental results. To address this issue a 2D model was developed, which also included diffusive transport and reactions in the rock matrix. The 2D model did not need the large surface areas in the fracture to match the experimental results. These results show the important role that rock matrix plays in the overall reactivity of the fractured rock, despite the small porosities (of the order of 1%) and effective diffusion coefficients (of the order of 10-13 m2/s). However, the 1D approach could still prove useful for large repository-scale calculations, given appropriate calibration.

How to cite: Soler, J. M., Cama, J., Silva, O., and Lamminmäki, T.: Fracture vs. matrix reactivity in a tight crystalline rock. Modeling of a fractured-gneiss core infiltration experiment., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7947,, 2025.

EGU25-7963 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.2 | Highlight

Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Generation and Mineralogical Changes in Basaltic Rocks  

Seongwoo Jeong, Kyoungtae Ko, Mun Gi Kim, and Minjune Yang

The conversion of ferrous iron to ferric iron during water-rock interaction generates molecular hydrogen, a process well-documented in the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. However, the hydrogen production potential of basaltic rocks remains underexplored, despite their wide distribution and high iron and magnesium content. This study evaluated the hydrogen generation capacity of basaltic rocks through laboratory-scale water-rock interaction experiments using basaltic specimens from the Korean Peninsula. Experiments were conducted in a titanium autoclave at 280°C for up to 14 days. Molecular hydrogen production was measured using gas chromatography equipped with thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD, FOCUS GC, Thermo Fisher Scientific), and whole-rock chemistry was analyzed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES, Optima 7000DV, PerkinElmer), both installed at the Integrated Analytical Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences of Pukyong National University, while mineralogical changes were examined using scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Hydrogen production varied significantly across samples. OSB-1A showed delayed hydrogen generation, reaching 51.22 mmol/kgrock at 336 hours. In contrast, OSB-1B exhibited rapid and sustained hydrogen production, peaking at 115.04 mmol/kgrock. ULD-2 demonstrated the highest hydrogen yield (182.54 mmol/kgrock at 336 hours), while other samples such as YI-1 and EI-1 produced lower amounts with delayed onset. SEM-EDS analysis confirmed the dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals associated with abiotic hydrogen production, but no secondary Fe-bearing minerals like magnetite or brucite were detected. Instead, nanoscale amorphous precipitates were observed, likely due to the preferential involvement of fine-grained particles with high surface areas in hydrogen production. These findings enhance our understanding of abiotic hydrogen production in basaltic rocks and its implications for geochemical processes and potential energy resources.

How to cite: Jeong, S., Ko, K., Kim, M. G., and Yang, M.: Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Generation and Mineralogical Changes in Basaltic Rocks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7963,, 2025.

EGU25-15388 | Orals | HS8.1.2

The versatility of tailored polymers in investigating reactive transport in porous media 

Thomas Ritschel, Nimo Kwarkye, and Kai Totsche

Subsurface transport takes place in a heterogenous and dynamic network of pores, solids, interfaces, and biota that share a complex topology and create a multitude of migration pathways for fluids and their constituents, i.e., the total mobile inventory (TMI). Owing to the highly variable reactivity of different fractions of the TMI towards biogeochemical interfaces provided by associations of minerals, organic matter and biota, characteristics of the transport regime mainly express in response to the availability and exposition of reactive interfaces. We exploit the rich possibilities of polymer synthesis to design a library of reactive, organic polymers that can represent specific fractions of the TMI regarding their size or reactivity and serve as non-conventional tracers. We show the strong and nearly irreversible adsorption of specific polymers towards unoccupied clay mineral surfaces in column experiments. With that, tailored polymers not only presented as tracers for the transport of organic colloids, but also as sensitive interfacial tracers for the assessment of clay surface exposition that enable the quantification of available reactive surface area accessible to fluids and constituents transported therein. We also use polymers to label potentially mobile clay mineral colloids and follow their mobility in porous media by tracking polymers being co-transported along with the colloids. We further use polymers to introduce a fluorescent label to reactive mineral sites and localize their relative distribution on rock surfaces using fluorescence microscopy. As polymers can also be subjected to other spectroscopic techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, a tailored synthesis of polymers towards adsorption to specific sites might open a novel perspective on the characterization and mapping of (mineral) surfaces and their functional role in general.

How to cite: Ritschel, T., Kwarkye, N., and Totsche, K.: The versatility of tailored polymers in investigating reactive transport in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15388,, 2025.

Chemical weathering carves earth surface by elemental mobilisation and supergene enrichment. Laterization is one of such process. Laterites result from intense chemical weathering, dominantly in tropical and subtropical climates. Leaching of mobile elements results concentration of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) as oxides or oxyhydroxides. The selective mobilization and retention of immobile elements during extreme weathering provides valuable proxies for paleoenvironmental investigations. The enrichment of immobile elements (Fe and Al) in laterite is a dichotomy needing deeper mechanistic insights to understand the origin. To investigate the mechanism of elemental mobilisation and enrichment near earth surface, multiple sets of experiments have been conducted in this study. The effect of drainage conditions and organic ligands of soil have been investigated. Custom made experimental setup of rock leaching significant amount of iron mobilisation with oxalic acid, reaching upto 0.175 mg per day from 1 gm of basalt. SEM and TEM investigation of solid precipitates from the leachants confirmed amorphous Fe-phases. Deeper investigation from molecular perspective using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) are under progress to unveil the mineralogical mysteries with implication towards lateritisation. Furthermore, the integration of reactive transport modeling into these experimental frameworks aims to enhance our understanding of the diverse phases and associated complexes formed during weathering, thereby providing critical insights into paleoenvironmental conditions. This approach will also facilitate the simulation, how various factors influence elemental mobility and enrichment in lateritic profiles.

How to cite: Harbola, D. and Mathew, G.: Unraveling the Mechanisms of Elemental Mobilization and Supergene Enrichment in Lateritization: An Experiment Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16222,, 2025.

EGU25-16314 | Posters on site | HS8.1.2

Thermo-hydro-chemical modelling at the field- and lab-scales for a sustainable geothermal energy production in the Upper Rhine Graben – Geothermal project DEKAPALATIN-BERTHA 

Ernesto Meneses Rioseco, Mohamed Omar Ibrahim Abdelmoula, Gueorgui Lee Exuzian, and Inga Moeck

The Upper Rhine Graben in Germany is characterized by a heat anomaly and numerous normal faults crossing permeable sedimentary formations. These complex geothermal and hydrogeological conditions present both risks and opportunities for the geothermal exploration and development. Within the DEKAPALATIN-BERTHA project, located in the city of Wörth, Germany, we focus in the first phase on the understanding the controls on the thermal anomaly through dynamic numerical modelling. Besides, highly saline brines are well known to interact with the host rock in operating geothermal projects in the Upper Rhine Graben. However, this rock-fluid interaction during geothermal operation in not well elucidated quantitatively.  

Thermo-hydro-chemical (THC) coupling in geothermal reservoirs refers to the interrelated processes of heat transfer, fluid flow, and chemical reactions within the subsurface environment. This coupling has a significant impact on the hydrodynamic properties of the reservoir, as temperature changes can alter fluid viscosity and density. At the same time, chemical reactions can alter porosity and permeability through mineral dissolution and precipitation. Understanding and modelling THC interactions is critical for predicting reservoir behavior, optimizing energy recovery, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of geothermal operations. Incorporating THC processes into simulations improves the accuracy of predictions of fluid movement and heat distribution within geothermal systems.

Based on the 3D regional, structural GeORG model, we have built a 3D dynamic model capable of simulating coupled processes. Based on published data on the local hydrogeological stratification, we have resolved target formations such as the Muschelkalk and Middle Buntsandstein in detail. In addition, a gradual complication approach is adopted to investigate the key controlling factors on the heat anomaly. A series of THC numerical models at different scales have been developed prior to the laboratory experiments (µ-CT 3D scan and core flooding) for the optimal experimental setup. In this work we present our latest results.

How to cite: Meneses Rioseco, E., Abdelmoula, M. O. I., Lee Exuzian, G., and Moeck, I.: Thermo-hydro-chemical modelling at the field- and lab-scales for a sustainable geothermal energy production in the Upper Rhine Graben – Geothermal project DEKAPALATIN-BERTHA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16314,, 2025.

Understanding the long-term evolution of groundwater in high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal sites is crucial for identifying radionuclide migration pathways, assessing environmental impacts, and ensuring long-term stability. This study evaluates the applicability of non-conventional methods, such as metal isotope analysis, in understanding the geochemical long-term evolution of groundwater. Groundwater and rock core samples were collected from boreholes at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute’s Underground Research Tunnel (KURT) site. To evaluate the geochemical characteristics and changes in lithium isotope (δ⁷Li) composition in the samples, the lithium isotope analysis was performed alongside the principal component analysis (a traditional method). The extent and intensity of chemical weathering were revealed through comparative analysis of the δ⁷Li content changes in groundwater and rock cores, which could ultimately be interpreted in connection with the groundwater residence time. It was revealed that primary mineral dissolution during the early stages of weathering did not significantly affect the δ⁷Li values in the groundwater but secondary mineral formation resulting from prolonged weathering was a factor in increasing the δ⁷Li values in the groundwater and decreasing the δ⁷Li values in the rock cores. Therefore, the δ⁷Li analysis is believed a useful tool to provide insights into primary mineral dissolution, secondary mineral formation, and subsequent re-dissolution processes driven by water-rock interactions. δ⁷Li analysis could be utilized for understanding the geochemical evolution characteristics of disposal environments and for evaluating the safety of deep geological disposal.


This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) under the project 'Development of Core Technologies for the Safety of Used Nuclear Fuel Storage and Disposal; NRF-2022M2E1A1052570'.

How to cite: Ahn, J., Lee, I., Park, J., and Yi, M.: Study on Geochemical Characteristics Evaluation Through Lithium Isotope Analysis for Long-Term Evolution of Groundwater in High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16342,, 2025.

EGU25-18392 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.2

Insights from high-speed in-situ imaging of wormhole growth in limestone cores. 

Michał Dzikowski, Piotr Szymczak, Dawid Woś, Marta Majkut, and Tymoteusz Kosiński

Positive feedback between permeability and dissolution during the flow of a matrix-dissolving fluid through porous media can create diverse, evolving structures [1]. The dynamics of this hydrochemical instability depend on both flow rate and the geometric properties of the pore space, leading to a wide range of structures: from intricate, cave-like wormholes to simple surface dissolution patterns. 

A variety of petroleum engineering applications led to a significant number of industry-oriented studies, and the effects of flow and reaction rates on wormhole formation are well established [2], however mechanisms governing their propagation dynamics remain poorly understood.

This study investigates the dominant wormhole regime, which has applications in various industrial and natural contexts, including carbon capture and storage. Understanding the dynamics of fluid interaction with the porous matrix requires high-resolution temporal and spatial data. We have recently conducted in-situ X-ray microCT imaging of developing wormholes in dissolving limestone cores flooded with hydrochloric acid, achieving high temporal frequencies (50–100 frames per experiment) [3]. To further improve temporal and spatial resolution, we utilized the ID-19 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. A limestone core was confined in a Hassler cell and flooded with hydrochloric acid, while high-frequency 4D tomographic data tracked the evolving 3D shape of the growing wormhole. The time evolution of the wormhole profile has been compared with an analytical model of the growth of the tube-like dissolution structure [4]. As we show, such data, when properly interpreted, allow for a measurement of the mineral dissolution rate constant and the assessment of the impact of diffusive transport on the dissolution process.

[1] Hoefner, M.L. and Fogler, H.S., 1988. Pore evolution and channel formation during flow and reaction in porous media. AIChE J., 34, pp.45-54

[2] Golfier, F., Zarcone, C., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R., Lasseux, D. and Quintard, M., 2002. On the ability of a Darcy-scale model to capture wormhole formation during the dissolution of a porous medium. J. Fluid Mech., 457, pp.213-254

[3] Cooper, M.P., Sharma, R.P., Magni, S., Blach, T.P., Radlinski, A.P., Drabik, K., Tengattini, A. and Szymczak, P., 2023. 4D tomography reveals a complex relationship between wormhole advancement and permeability variation in dissolving rocks. Advances in Water Resources, 175, p.104407

[4] Budek, A. and Szymczak, P., 2012. Network models of dissolution of porous media. Phys. Rev. E 86, 056318.

How to cite: Dzikowski, M., Szymczak, P., Woś, D., Majkut, M., and Kosiński, T.: Insights from high-speed in-situ imaging of wormhole growth in limestone cores., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18392,, 2025.

EGU25-20380 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.2

The fully implicit water mixing approach for the efficient simulation of reactive transport 

Jordi Petchamé-Guerrero, Jesus Carrera, and Jingjing Wang

Reactive transport is a phenomenon resulting from the interaction and coupling of solute transport and chemical reactions. A new method to solve reactive transport known as Water Mixing Approach (WMA) was introduced by Soler-Sagarra et al. (2022). The idea is to interpret solute transport as water mixing and advection, where diffusion and dispersion are simulated as water exchange instead of Fickian solute flux. The WMA has the advantage of decoupling transport and chemistry. Transport computations are restricted to the evaluation of mixing ratios. This way, reactive transport computations are restricted to reactive mixing calculations, which can be performed separately for every target (node, cell, or particle, depending on the approach adopted to simulate transport). This facilitates parallelisation. However, the original work only considered the explicit case, which is conditionally stable and therefore requires artificial values of the dispersion coefficient to avoid numerical instabilities. We present a formulation of the WMA that is implicit both in transport, to ensure stability, and in chemical reactions to be able to simulate fast reactions. The implicit formulation requires lumping the reactive term. We test the validity of the approach by comparison with analytical solutions and the Direct Substitution Approach (DSA) method in a case with 2 adjacent mineral zones in equilibrium, and in a denitrification case with two redox reactions. We find that the proposed approach is extremely efficient and accurate for small dispersion cases.

How to cite: Petchamé-Guerrero, J., Carrera, J., and Wang, J.: The fully implicit water mixing approach for the efficient simulation of reactive transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20380,, 2025.

EGU25-20876 | Posters on site | HS8.1.2

Numerical Modeling of Mineral Dissolution in Acidic Environments: A Step Towards Advancing CCS Applications  

Kristian Nascimento Telöken, Marcos Antonio Klunk, Adolpho Herbert Augustin, Henrique Serrat, Tiago Jonatan Girelli, and Farid Chemale Jr

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a key strategy in mitigating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. By capturing CO₂ from industrial sources and storing it in deep geological formations, CCS offers a pathway to reduce atmospheric CO₂ concentrations. The success of CCS relies on understanding fluid-mineral interactions, reactive transport processes, and the long-term stability of geological storage systems. This study investigates mineral dissolution in acidic environments using numerical simulations as a foundation for reactive transport modeling in geological systems. The research focuses on developing and validating computational methods that can accurately predict the behavior of minerals exposed to acidic conditions, similar to those encountered in CO2 storage scenarios. In this study, ANSYS Fluent was employed to simulate the dissolution of calcite (CaCO3), serving as a representative mineral for the methodology due to its abundance in potential storage formations and well-documented reaction kinetics. The numerical setup comprises a rectangular domain with a centrally positioned circular mineral sample, allowing detailed observation of dissolution patterns and fluid flow characteristics. The fluid enters the domain with a defined H⁺ ion concentration, triggering a chemical reaction, CaCO3(s) + H⁺ → Ca²⁺ + HCO3-. The simulation incorporates multiple physical and chemical processes, including advection, diffusion, and surface reactions. A comprehensive mesh sensitivity analysis ensures numerical accuracy and solution independence. The study evaluates the spatial and temporal evolution of ion concentration distributions and reaction rates. The numerical results are verified and validated against numerical and experimental data from the literature. The developed methodology includes a detailed consideration of boundary conditions, numerical schemes, and convergence criteria. While focused on calcite, the framework is adaptable to other minerals and reaction systems. The research addresses common challenges in numerical modeling of dissolution processes, such as handling moving boundaries and accurately representing reaction kinetics. The results provide insights into the fundamental mechanisms controlling mineral dissolution under acidic conditions. Analyzing concentration profiles and reaction rates helps identify rate-limiting steps and optimal conditions for dissolution processes. These findings directly impact understanding the porosity and permeability evolution in geological formations exposed to CO₂ rich fluids. This study establishes a foundation for more complex investigations involving multiphase systems and geological storage scenarios. The methodology can be extended to study various aspects of CCS implementation, from reservoir-scale simulations to detailed analysis of wellbore integrity. By advancing our understanding of fluid-mineral interactions and providing validated numerical tools, this research contributes to developing effective storage systems and risk minimization strategies, ultimately supporting CCS's role in global greenhouse gas reduction efforts.

How to cite: Nascimento Telöken, K., Klunk, M. A., Augustin, A. H., Serrat, H., Girelli, T. J., and Chemale Jr, F.: Numerical Modeling of Mineral Dissolution in Acidic Environments: A Step Towards Advancing CCS Applications , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20876,, 2025.

GMPV3 – Low-temperature metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction

EGU25-140 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experiments 

Ismay Vénice Akker and Michele Fondriest

Geological observations, seismic data as well as laboratory experiments have shown that faults lithify and recover their strength (heal) during interseismic periods. The mechanical-chemical process of fault healing is a key in understanding many aspects of fault behavior, such as earthquake recurrence and rupture dynamics. Such processes do not only play an important role in understanding unconventional seismicity, such as ‘slow and low frequency earthquakes’ as observed at active plate boundaries, but are also pivotal for the application of deep geothermal energy, CO2 sequestration and the underground storage of radioactive waste. In this study we investigate the mechano-chemical recovery of fractures in carbonates at upper crustal conditions. In the upper crust, fractures are dominantly sealed through mineral precipitation from supersaturated fluids that are chemically out of equilibrium with the host rock. In order to simulate the healing process, we performed fluid percolation experiments on intact as well as pre-fractured carbonates with varying timescales representing different healing rates. In order to quantitatively document the healing process, the selected rock samples are analyzed by X-ray microtomography before and after the experiments. In addition, optical as well as scanning electron microscopy is applied to document the mechanical-chemical processes of healing. The role of the initial (micro)fracture network, the effect of the initial chemistry of the injected fluid and the effect of temperature on the healing process will be investigated. The experiments on both intact and pre-fractured rock are carried out with a percolation cell that allows the fluid-rock interaction to be reproduced at confining pressures up to 100 MPa, pore pressures up to 100 MPa and temperatures up to 250°C. This work will advance knowledge about the damage-recovery cycle in fractured carbonates through the investigation of healing processes active at different timescales using a unique experimental approach.


How to cite: Akker, I. V. and Fondriest, M.: Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-140,, 2025.

EGU25-3797 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering cooling 

Simon Schorn and Evangelos Moulas

Reactions involving variable exchange of latent heat are ubiquitous dynamic metamorphic processes: prograde dehydration and melting reactions cause an increase of the effective heat capacity by over an order of magnitude as they advance, while melt crystallization and retrograde hydration leads to transient heat production similar to radioactive heating in the continental crust. We show results of  thermokinematic models simulating the release and consumption of latent heat in an upward advecting rock pile to constrain thermal histories akin to exhumation in active tectonic settings. We show that hydration of dry gneisses leads to a gain of 20–40 g water per kg of rock and releases 80–160 kJ/kg latent heat. This transient thermal perturbation delays cooling and enhances thermally-activated processes such as diffusive loss of radiogenic Argon, which can rejuvenate apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages in white mica by up to ~10%. Biotite and feldspar display a similar distortion, even for large grains of ~1 mm in diameter (Schorn et al., 2024). In another case study we present multicomponent diffusion modeling of garnets in hydrated micaschist from the polymetamorphic Koralpe–Saualpe locality (Austria). We explore exhumation paths for varying hydration and latent heat production to constrain temperature–time histories, with a best-fit of modelled garnet zoning pattern achieved for ~120 kJ/kg released at 550°C and an exhumation rate of 4 mm/yr. As for melting reactions, we simulate periodic sill emplacement in 5-km wide ‘hot zone’ at 25 km depth, like magma injection in a subduction-related arc setting (e.g., Annen et al., 2006). Focusing on the thermal–temporal evolution of metapelitic source rocks at depth, we investigate the thermal retardation related to the endothermic melting of mica followed by the exothermic crystallization of leftover melt in comparison to the unbuffered case. This interplay leads to a clustering of temperatures around the conditions of melt-related thermal buffering and is consistent with the predominance of mineral assemblages related to focused biotite–sillimanite breakdown in metapelites (Schorn et al., 2018), as observed at the orogen-scale in large exhumed hot orogens such as the granulite-facies domain of the Namaqua–Natal Metamorphic Province in southern Africa (Diener & Macey, 2024).


Annen, C., Blundy, J. D., & Sparks, R. S. J. (2006). The genesis of intermediate and silicic magmas in deep crustal hot zones. Journal of Petrology, 47(3), 505-539.

Diener, J. F., & Macey, P. H. (2024). Orogen‐scale uniformity of recorded granulite facies conditions due to thermal buffering and melt retention. Journal of Metamorphic Geology.

Schorn, S., Diener, J. F., Powell, R., & Stüwe, K. (2018). Thermal buffering in the orogenic crust. Geology, 46(7), 643-646.

Schorn, S., Moulas, E., & Stüwe, K. (2024). Exothermic reactions and 39Ar–40Ar thermochronology: Hydration leads to younger apparent ages. Geology, 52(6), 458-462.

How to cite: Schorn, S. and Moulas, E.: Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering cooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3797,, 2025.

EGU25-5693 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain. 

Bérénice Cateland, Nicolas E.Beaudoin, Anne Battani, Frédéric Mouthereau, Antonio Caracausi, and Magali Pujol

The Betic Cordillera, located in southeastern Spain, underwent a complex geodynamic history that contributed to the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean. The Alboran margin is characterized by crustal thinning, linked to slab retreat, tearing, and delamination processes during the Miocene. These processes, combined with alkaline to calc-alkaline volcanism and exhumation of metamorphic domes, are thought to drive a dynamic fluid system. The relative contributions of magmatism, crustal thinning and slab tearing to the uplift of the Betics remain however unclear. Understanding these deep fluid systems has significant scientific and industrial implications, particularly for deep geothermal and hydrogen systems. Active lithospheric faults, such as the Carboneras-Palomares strike-slip fault systems, in the eastern Betics potentially act as major conduits for deep fluids (gases, water) and heat sourced from the mantle.
In this work, we aim to characterize the influence of these faults on the fluid system, both in the past and now. Paleofluids are studied through calcite and quartz mineralization in fault zones, while modern-day fluids are collected in thermal waters (20-50°C) where gas species are sampled (as bubbles or dissolved in water). Multiple tracers are studied in mineralization (Microthermometry, carbonate isotopy, cathodoluminescence, U-Pb dating, 3He/4He as well as in modern-day fluids (major compounds geochemistry and their δ13C, 3He/4He). Preliminary results in modern-day fluids indicate high levels of N2 (up to 92%) with associated CO2 (4 to 6%) and some CH4 (around 1% when present). δ13C (CO2) (-10 to -7‰) are compatible with a deep origin. Microthermometry results indicate hydrothermal temperatures of ~300°C in quartz and ~120°C in calcite. These temperature data, combined with isotopic analyses (δ18OCaCO3 value around 12‰ VPDB) also point to a deep fluid source. All these results illustrate the role of large-scale structures on driving the origin pathways and calendar of the fluids in the upper crust.

How to cite: Cateland, B., E.Beaudoin, N., Battani, A., Mouthereau, F., Caracausi, A., and Pujol, M.: Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5693,, 2025.

EGU25-6019 | Orals | TS1.4

From pore-scale to macro-scale: Understanding fluid-rock interactions using X-ray Computed Tomography 

Alice Macente, John MacDonald, Katherine J. Dobson, Frederick Pessu, and Sandra Piazolo

Fluid-rock interaction represents a common geological process that is highly dynamic and may cause substantial microscale petrophysical and geochemical changes both in a static and syn-deformational environment. Understanding how these local microscale dynamics occur is crucial to comprehend macroscale behaviour of the lithosphere, and for advancing critical subsurface engineering challenges, such as carbon capture and storage; a process that, together with hydrogen storage and geothermal energy recovery, is vital for the energy transition. With the advance of non-destructive imaging techniques (X-ray Computed Tomography - XCT), we can image the evolution of these microscale dynamics and understand how they drive changes in crustal dynamics and subsurface engineering. We present two applications, in which we use XCT to characterise the evolution of reservoir storage properties, such as porosity and permeability, and provide further insights into carbon sequestration. In the first application, we used XCT to investigate the precipitation history of an amygdaloidal basalt now partially filled by calcite as an analogue for CO2 mineral trapping in a vesicular basalt. We quantified the evolution of basalt porosity and permeability during pore-filling calcite precipitation by applying novel numerical erosion techniques to “back-strip” the calcite from the amygdales and fracture networks. We found that once the precipitation is sufficient to close off all pores, permeability reaches values that are controlled by the micro-fracture network. These results prompt further studies to determine CO2 mineral trapping mechanisms in amygdaloidal basalts as analogues for CO2 injections in basalt formations. In the second application, we considered the combined effect of upstream corrosion of the carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure and pre-existing reservoir rock compositions on the evolution of reservoir storage properties. Reactions from the corroded pipelines can change the chemistry of injected brine, which can then react with the adjacent rock formations reservoir, affecting reservoir porosity, permeability and caprock integrity. These are important parameters that determine the injectivity and storage capacities of deep geological sites for long term CO2 storage. Reservoir rock samples are characterised before corrosion and after carbonation reactions using XCT and other micro-analytical techniques, to assess the changes in the rock storage capacity properties. Our preliminary results prompt further studies into the understanding of fluid-rock interactions for subsurface engineering challenges, with a particular focus to pre-existing microfractures and changes in the injected brine due to corrosion of the upstream pipelines and interaction between CO2 brine and reservoir rocks.

How to cite: Macente, A., MacDonald, J., Dobson, K. J., Pessu, F., and Piazolo, S.: From pore-scale to macro-scale: Understanding fluid-rock interactions using X-ray Computed Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6019,, 2025.

EGU25-6490 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

A new approach for constraining temperature, fractionation process, and fluid evolution in clay-rich fault zones: a case study from Lemnos Island (Greece) 

Vincenzo Moretto, Luigi Riccardo Berio, Luigi Dallai, Giulio Viola, Fabrizio Balsamo, Georg Grathof, Lurence Noel Warr, Ruikai Xie, and Luca Aldega

Fluid circulation in the shallow crust is modulated by faults, which can act as barriers, conduits, or combined systems. In fault zones, fluids may vary in temperature and composition, originating from meteoric, connate, or magmatic/hydrothermal sources, and leading to the precipitation of various minerals in fault-related rocks and veins (e.g., carbonates, silicates, sulphates, oxides/hydroxides, clay minerals). In limestone, stable isotopes analyses (C, O), clumped isotopes, microthermometry of fluid inclusions, and U-Pb dating on carbonate mineralizations (e.g., slickenfibers, veins) are generally applied to determine the temperature and the source of fluids circulating within the fault zone during deformation. Discriminating temperature and fluid origin in clay-rich fault zones is more challenging, due to the coexistence of detrital minerals derived from the mechanical comminution of the host rocks and authigenic/synkinematic minerals precipitated during transient frictional heating or by prolonged fluid circulation. The compositional and temperature variation of fluids over time is recorded by authigenic minerals, that may reflect mixing with external sources or deformation at different depths and structural levels. The extent of fluid interaction with detrital minerals also contributes to their isotopic signature, and the evaluation of fluid sources can be very tricky due to the various mineral-water fractionation factors for every mineral. Indeed, H and O isotopes studies in clay-rich fault zones are generally applied as long as fault rock samples are nearly mono-mineralic, leading to very low number of data to develop a reliable dataset. To solve this issue, we applied a multi-method approach based on X-ray diffraction analyses of clay minerals, paleotemperature evaluation, and H, O isotope studies of different grain size fractions (from <0.1 to 10 µm) combined with a new calculation that allows to evaluate the fractionation processes of every single mineral (detrital vs. authigenic). In addition, K-Ar ages on syn-kinematic K-bearing minerals allowed to determine the age of faulting and eventually build an evolutionary model of fluid composition and temperature. In this contribution, we investigated two regional-scale fault zones on Lemnos Island (Greece), the Kornos-Aghios Ioannis extensional fault and the Partenomythos extensional fault, that are affected by Si-rich hydrothermal alteration. Our findings show that authigenic clay minerals (illite-smectite) from the <0.1 fractions are not in isotopic equilibrium with the host-rock, suggesting a meteoric-derived component infiltrated during faulting and recorded by clay minerals as a progressive change in fluid composition through time. These results represent an important step forward for fluid characterization in clay-rich fault zones, improving our understanding on how temperature and fluid source control the formation of authigenic minerals and fractionation processes in fault rocks.

How to cite: Moretto, V., Berio, L. R., Dallai, L., Viola, G., Balsamo, F., Grathof, G., Warr, L. N., Xie, R., and Aldega, L.: A new approach for constraining temperature, fractionation process, and fluid evolution in clay-rich fault zones: a case study from Lemnos Island (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6490,, 2025.

EGU25-6533 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassing 

Alberto Ceccato, Lorenzo Tavazzani, Nadia Malaspina, Whitney M. Behr, and Stefano M. Bernasconi

CO2 degassing in orogenic settings, derived from either prograde metamorphic decarbonation or deep mantle sources, is commonly linked to deep and shallow seismicity along major deformation zones. However, the scarcity of natural fossil analogues of these deformation zones hosting CO2-rich fluid flow limits our understanding of the causative mechanisms and hinders validation of proposed explanatory models and inferences from geophysical and geochemical observations.

We describe a set of shear zone-hosted, carbonate-bearing breccias from the basement units of the Gotthard nappe, Aar, and Mont Blanc massifs (Central and Western Alps), interpreted as evidence of regional-scale, fault zone-hosted flow of CO2-rich metamorphic fluids during Alpine orogenesis. Field observations, microstructures and geochemical data suggest these breccias serve as fossil analogues of fault/shear zone networks controlling CO2-rich fluid flow in active orogenic settings, providing new insights on crustal-scale transport of carbonic fluids and its relationship with tectonic deformation.

The breccias are localized on a pre-Alpine fault network within the crystalline basement rocks and are mainly composed of coarse-grained (mm-to-cm in crystal size) blocky calcite/dolomite forming a matrix that encloses angular host rock clasts. The large volumes of carbonates and the macro- and micro-textures indicates formation during transient, but repetitive (carbo-)hydraulic fracturing in the presence of CO2-rich fluids, potentially at amphibolite/upper-greenschist facies conditions. C-O stable isotopes (-8.49‰ < d13CVPDB < +0.73‰, +8.07‰ < d18OVSMOW < +16.39‰) and the enrichment of (Heavy) REE elements, as well as the characteristic Y/Ho and LaN/LuN ratios, suggest the fluids potentially originated from high-grade metamorphic decarbonation during Alpine collision.

These breccias, together with previously reported H2O-CO2 flow examples in the Central-Western Alps (e.g., carbonate shear zones along the Glarus thrust; retrograde calcite-bearing Alpine clefts), point to orogen-scale flow of CO2-rich fluids spanning prograde, peak, to retrograde metamorphism during Alpine collision. Although evidence for seismogenic deformation is limited, field and microscale structures show evidence for transient tectonic deformation, potentially aided by elevated pore fluid pressure. Tectonic stress drops associated with fluid pressure changes in these zones might have promoted (transient) H2O/CO2 phase immiscibility, leading to carbonate saturation and voluminous deposition. The resulting large carbonate volumes suggest that the shear zones intermittently acted as both conduits and reservoirs for CO2 -rich fluids transported from depth toward the surface. This highlights their dual role in controlling orogenic CO2 degassing and buffering emissions, with implications for understanding fluid-mediated tectonics and carbon cycling in collisional orogens.

How to cite: Ceccato, A., Tavazzani, L., Malaspina, N., Behr, W. M., and Bernasconi, S. M.: Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6533,, 2025.

EGU25-6845 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Earthquake driven mechanical alteration of fault core material and its effect on post-seismic fluid-rock interaction 

Bex Robertson, Catriona Menzies, Nicola De Paola, Stefan Nielsen, Dave Craw, Carolyn Boulton, and André Niemeijer

Earthquakes release vast quantities of energy over very short timescales. At shallow depths, a portion of this energy is used to fracture, crush, and grind fault hosting rocks, resulting in reduced particle size and mineral crystallinity; frictional heating; mass movement of pore-fluid; and overall extreme but transient conditions. These seismic  processes partially control mineral alteration reactions that often take place within fault gouges. The mineralogy and therefore mechanical and chemical properties of fault core material will influence the style of future slip on faults. Many studies have shown that mineralogical differences within fault cores result from inter-seismic alteration by pore fluid, but have neglected co-seismic processes. Here we highlight the role of co-seismic mechanically and mechanochemically influenced mineral reactions. These reactions enhance fluid driven alteration and affect the frictional properties of fault rocks.

Transient co-seismic conditions cannot be studied in the field, so earthquakes were simulated in the lab using a high velocity rotary shear apparatus and silicate based synthetic fault material to enable control of experimental inputs. We found significant frictional differences in reworked gouge after having experienced a high velocity (seismic) event, particularity in healing capabilities. Our investigations indicate this is due to generation of “shocked” material that has undergone dehydration and dehydroxylation of hydrated minerals, amorphisation, and  grain comminution; all equating to a more reactive gouge. In natural post-seismic settings, this ‘shocked’ material sits in contact with pore-fluid that is at least partially externally derived. Due to the increased reactivity of this gouge, it is more prone to rapid post-seismic fluid-rock alteration, producing clay abundant retrograde authigenic minerals and reducing fault strength.

Using experiments to simulate this process, we show that synthetic post-seismic gouge exhibited increased fluid-rock interaction and enhanced precipitation of authigenic material relative to unsheared gouge. This was traced by analysing pore-fluid chemistry after prolonged contact with the gouge, close examination of the clay sized fraction using SEM techniques, and detailed XRD of shear inputs and outputs. Our work highlights the key role that co-seismic processes play in 1) the initial post-seismic change of frictional properties; 2) accelerated retrograde mineral evolution due to increased gouge reactivity; 3) and the associated reduction of fault strength and friction coefficient of fault core material post alteration.


How to cite: Robertson, B., Menzies, C., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Craw, D., Boulton, C., and Niemeijer, A.: Earthquake driven mechanical alteration of fault core material and its effect on post-seismic fluid-rock interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6845,, 2025.

EGU25-7082 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Burial stylolites favouring Mg-rich fluid ingress and fluid-rock interaction: petrophysical variations during regional dolomitization in the Lessini Mountains (Southern Alps, Italy)  

Costantino Zuccari, Gianluca Vignaroli, Fabrizio Balsamo, Luigi Berio, and Giulio Viola

Rock petrophysical properties, including porosity and permeability, are fundamental factors in regulating fluid ingress, flow and fluid-rock interaction across various length scales and tectonic settings. The composition of fluids, and their modes of ingress into- and reaction with host rocks, in turn influence bulk rock properties. Therefore, fluids can significantly alter rock rheology, potentially modifying their density, long-term viscosity, porosity and permeability. Mineralizing fluids may also change the rock composition, heal fractures, and promote strain hardening within active fault systems, potentially impacting the seismic cycle.

To better understand these processes and the governing background conditions, it is particularly useful to investigate the pathways for fluid flow, especially in rocks with low primary porosity and permeability, which would normally hinder significant fluid circulation. In micritic, horizontally-bedded carbonates, for example, vertical fluid flow is generally limited far away from tectonic fractures, whereas lateral, bed-parallel circulation is favoured exploiting laterally continuous planar anisotropies (e.g., bed-bed interfaces), to progressively permeate the succession. Secondary anisotropies, such as pressure-solution seams (e.g., stylolites), may represent other interesting features for fluid flow, being at times very abundant in limestone. However, they are typically considered to reduce the permeability and porosity of host rocks due to (i) the cementation and precipitation of dissolved materials in pores within the immediately surrounding rock and (ii) the accumulation of insoluble, fine-grained and low-permeability material on their surfaces. Recent studies in carbonates challenged this assumption, demonstrating that burial stylolites can be preferential pathways for karst dissolution.

We present here new data on the petrophysical properties of Cretaceous micritic limestone from the Lessini Mountains, Veneto, Italian Southern Alps, where much of the exposed, generally sub-horizontal Mesozoic carbonate succession underwent pervasive dolomitization during Eocene extensional tectonics and the onset of the Venetian Volcanic Province magmatism. Petrographic analyses, Hg-porosimetry, and He-pycnometry were applied to assess the effects of Mg-rich fluids, probably connected with the volcanic environment, on micritic limestone. Preliminary results indicate that burial stylolites developed in low porosity limestone are selectively dolomitized, with dolomitization seams 1-10 mm thick, suggesting pervasive bedding-parallel fluid flow. Dolomitization occurred also along vertical fractures and in fracture meshes of mosaic breccias, suggesting across-bedding Mg-rich fluid circulation associated with normal faults accommodating.

Dolomitization significantly increased rock density from ~2.65 g/cm³ in the pristine micritic limestone to ~2.9 g/cm³ in the fully dolomitized rock. Additionally, pore size, porosity, and the capillary threshold pressure of Hg injection change gradually but substantially from the limestone to the dolomite, with median pore sizes increasing from ~0.012 μm to ~0.33 μm, porosity from ~3.2% to 21.8%, and capillary threshold values decreasing from ~5140 to ~35 PSI.

These results demonstrate that, under specific conditions, stylolites can actually serve as effective pathways for fluid ingress/migration and thus promote fluid-rock interaction in rocks characterized by overall low porosity and permeability (e.g., micritic limestone). Furthermore, we show that dolomitization significantly modified the petrophysical rock properties, further enhancing fluid ingress and likely promoting fracturing and brecciation by changing rheology, with consequences for deformation localization and partitioning during later tectonic activity.

How to cite: Zuccari, C., Vignaroli, G., Balsamo, F., Berio, L., and Viola, G.: Burial stylolites favouring Mg-rich fluid ingress and fluid-rock interaction: petrophysical variations during regional dolomitization in the Lessini Mountains (Southern Alps, Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7082,, 2025.

EGU25-7433 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Nanopores enable fluid flux in mylonites and ultramylonites – novel insights from Scanning Small-angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy 

Christoph Schrank, Nicole Bishop, Michael Jones, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, David Paterson, Livia Salvati Manni, and Nigel Kirby

Mylonitic shear zones funnel significant amounts of fluids through the crust. However, the physical mechanisms and pathways for mass transfer remain debated. Grain boundaries, creep cavities, and pores formed by mineral reactions involving volume change and mass transport are considered the most important fluid conduits. So far, the imaging of these pores was either limited to µm-resolution, or in the case of nm-scale resolution, to very small areas (e.g., TEM investigates regions in the µm2-range) with limited statistical power. Moreover, many pores involved in ductile fluid flow only remain open intermittently before they are closed again by mineral growth and plastic deformation. To find traces of closed pores and assess pore production and consumption due to mineral reactions, high-resolution microchemical maps are needed.  

Here, we present a study that addresses these challenges through applying scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM) to samples of a mylonite transitioning into ultramylonite, derived from a granitic protolith. SAXS delivers maps of nanopores with apertures between 1 and 280 nm while XFM enables spatially resolved mass balance computations, geochemical fluid fingerprinting, and the correlation of nanoporosity with mineral phase and trace-element composition. Importantly, both techniques are applied to an entire thin section, providing a sound observational statistical base from nm- to cm-scale.

Some key observations include:

1) A substantial amount of nanoporosity is discovered, with the same magnitude as microporosity measured previously in granitoid mylonites.

2) The ultramylonite contains twice as much nanoporosity as the mylonite.

3) Nanoporosity is strongly mineral-specific and highly elevated in regions enriched in epidote and mica.

4) Nanoporosity is highly anisotropic and usually aligned with, or at low angle to, the foliation, enabling mass flux along the shear zone.

5) Pore sheets from the mylonite connect with those of the ultramylonite, providing pathways for fluid exchange between high-strain shear zone and host rock.

These results highlight the importance of nanoscale fluid conduits and synkinematic mineral reactions for mass transfer in ductile shear zones. The implications for models of coupled fluid flow in the ductile crust will be discussed.

How to cite: Schrank, C., Bishop, N., Jones, M., Berger, A., Herwegh, M., Paterson, D., Manni, L. S., and Kirby, N.: Nanopores enable fluid flux in mylonites and ultramylonites – novel insights from Scanning Small-angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7433,, 2025.

EGU25-7480 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychography 

Nicole Bishop, Christoph Schrank, Michael Jones, Cameron Kewish, David Paterson, Alfons Berger, and Marco Herwegh

Petrological and geochemical evidence demonstrates that mylonitic ductile shear zones transport significant amounts of fluids through the lithosphere. Because of the lack of percolating pore networks in exhumed mylonitic rocks, it has been hypothesised that most of the fluid pathways in ductile shear zones consist of transient pores with micro- to nanoscale aperture. These transient pores typically include grain boundaries, creep cavities, and pores due to mineral reactions, all of which open and close cyclically during plastic deformation. However, it is not known how much each of these features contributes to crustal fluid flow. Moreover, nano-scale pores are notoriously difficult to map with non-destructive imaging methods. These are the key problems addressed by this research.

We recently used X-ray ptychography to image midcrustal quartzo-feldspathic mylonites at the X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe beamline of the Australian Synchrotron. This transmission small-angle scattering method maps X-ray phase contrast non-destructively with nanometre resolution. In addition, high-resolution trace-element maps are acquired coevally with X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM). We systematically sampled transects from mylonite to ultramylonite to capture the strain-time evolution of nano- and microvoids and to study how transient porosity and trace-element composition change with deformation intensity, composition, grain size, and deformation mechanism. This dataset will provide novel insights into mass transfer in ductile shear zones.

How to cite: Bishop, N., Schrank, C., Jones, M., Kewish, C., Paterson, D., Berger, A., and Herwegh, M.: Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7480,, 2025.

EGU25-8324 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone 

wenshuai Li and the Wenshuai Li

he interaction between a large, dissolved Mn reservoir in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and the deeper oxygenated water allows for Mn oxidation and precipitation at their interface. The current paradigm posits that the OMZ acts as a Mn²⁺ source necessary for ferromanganese encrustation, while the encrustation itself is not thought to occur within the OMZ, though this remains a subject of ongoing debate. Marine Fe-Mn crusts enrich metals including those with high affinity for Mn oxides (e.g., Ce), which can provide insights into the origin of Mn oxides. In this study, we identify heterogeneous Ce and δ142CeSW profiles in seawater and Fe-Mn crusts across the OMZ in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, closely linked to the cycle of Mn. Moreover, we quantify a close association of Ce with Mn oxides in Fe-Mn crusts and associated Ce isotope fractionation between the crusts and ambient seawater, bridging the marine Mn and Ce cycles. The outcome reveals that continuous precipitation of Mn oxides could initiate within the OMZ and extend into the deep ocean (5,000–6,000 m seawater depth) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

How to cite: Li, W. and the Wenshuai Li: Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8324,, 2025.

EGU25-8523 | Orals | TS1.4

The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault Gouge 

Weijia Zhan, André Niemeijer, Alfons Berger, Christopher Spiers, Frank Gfeller, and Marco Herwegh

Sheet silicates play an important role in shaping crustal rheology and causing strain localization at shallow depths through their low strength. However, their effect on crustal rheology at deeper levels (>3 km) remains unclear. We conducted hydrothermal ring shear experiments on three simulated gouges with comparable quartz content but varying mica types (biotite/muscovite) and contents (8-61 wt.%). Applied temperatures (T) ranged from 20-650°C, with sliding velocities (V) between 0.03-1 μm/s, and an effective normal stress and pore water pressure of 100 MPa. Shear strains up to 30 were attained.

At 1 μm/s and 20°C, granitoid gouge exhibits a higher friction coefficient (μ=0.81) than the muscovite-rich (μ=0.47) and biotite-rich gouges (μ=0.44). With increasing T and decreasing V, granitoid gouge firstly remains its strength, and then exhibits substantial weakening when T reaches 450°C and V is lower than 1 μm/s. In contrast, muscovite-rich gouge hardens and then levels off at μ=0.68 as T reaches 450°C across all V tested, and finally weakens once T reaches 650°C and V is lower than 0.1 μm/s. Biotite-rich gouge hardens and reaches μ=0.56 at 450°C, with little further changes as T and V continue to change. Overall, the two mica-rich gouges become stronger than granitoid gouge at ≤ 0.01 μm/s and at least T=650°C.

For all post-mortem gouges, mainly samples with substantial weakening exhibit both principal slip zones constituting <6% width of the entire layer, and mineral reactions. Microstructures within the principal slip zones are consistent with dissolution-precipitation creep, including truncated grain contacts, mineral precipitates, submicrometer grain size and low porosity. Mineral reactions are often observed at 650°C and 0.1 μm/s under FEG-SEM, including Ca-rich feldspar rims of albite grains in granitoids, and muscovite breakdown plus biotite formation in muscovite-rich one. By fitting the shear strain rate to shear stress obtained from tests run at 650°C, the apparent stress exponent for granitoids is 2.2 ± 1.8, and for muscovite-rich gouge is 6.8 ± 2.2. Our results imply that mica enrichment in crustal faults (mainly granitoid composition) can lead to a stronger crust at deep levels when temperatures are high and strain rates are low. Multiple similarities between experimental and natural microstructures suggest that the interpreted mechanisms dissolution-precipitation creep and mineral reactions may trigger a frictional-viscous transition at a depth range corresponding to greenschist metamorphic facies under natural conditions. 

How to cite: Zhan, W., Niemeijer, A., Berger, A., Spiers, C., Gfeller, F., and Herwegh, M.: The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault Gouge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8523,, 2025.

The 2018 Hualien earthquake (Mw 6.4) resulted in the Milun fault rupture and caused hundreds of casualties. The last rupture of the Milun Fault occurred in 1951, implying a short recurrence interval for the Milun Fault. The outcropped Milun Fault has not been recognized in the field, and its fault architecture and the relevant processes triggered during the seismic cycle remain unknown. This represents a significant limitation in our understanding of fault mechanics and seismic hazard assessment.

The Milun Fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing project (MiDAS) was conducted in 2020, and the drilling borehole cores showed the presence of the Milun Fault. The Milun Fault Zone exhibits an asymmetric fault structure, displaying altered spotted schist and non-cohesive serpentinite as the damage zone, and foliated grey and black gouges as the fault core. The damage zone of the Milun Fault has been described as a product of fluid-rock interaction, although direct evidence remains limited.

Here, we conduct synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) on altered spotted schist and non-cohesive serpentinite to investigate fluid-rock interaction during the inter-seismic period. Previous data on the outcropping spotted schist showed that the mineral assemblages are mainly composed of muscovite, feldspar, and quartz. For the outcropping cohesive serpentinite, the major minerals are antigorite and magnetite. Our XRD data show that the altered spotted schist mainly contains quartz, feldspar, and clay minerals such as illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. Non-cohesive serpentinite is composed of chrysotile, talc, chlorite, and actinolite. The altered spotted schist exhibits an anastomosing occurrence, suggesting the presence of fluid-relevant interaction along the fractures and resulting in the observed clay-rich mineral assemblages. The non-cohesive serpentinite shows the reactions of antigorite to chrysotile with some residual antigorite fragments, suggesting the process of severe alteration by low temperature (< 200°C) fluid. To further explore fluid-rock interaction processes, we will conduct X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis to detect changes in chemical elements within the Milun Fault zone in this month. Our findings will help identify the source and composition of the fluids involved and provide insights into the structure and evolutionary history of the Milun Fault.

How to cite: Chiang, P.-C., Kuo, L.-W., Ma, K.-F., and Ling, Y. Y.: Fluid-rock interaction within the active Milun Fault: In the case of the Milun Fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing project (MiDAS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9249,, 2025.

EGU25-10967 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Bimetasomatic reaction zones between ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes in the Sierra Chica, Córdoba, Argentina: temporal variations and geochemical features 

María Eugenia Muratori, Sofía López Morlhiere, Manuel Demartis, Jorge Enrique Coniglio, María Alejandra Boffadossi, Fernando Javier D’Eramo, Lucio Pedro Pinotti, Joaquín Coniglio, and José Julián Esteban

The emplacement of basic to acid magmas into ultramafic rocks represents a specialized scenario where bimetasomatic exchanges commonly occur. In the Sierra Chica of Córdoba, near the city of Alta Gracia, remmants of the intensely serpentinized upper mantle -tectonically emplaced into the metasedimentary sequence during the Neoproterozoic (pre-Pampean)- are intruded by dykes of tonalitic to granitic compositions. This contribution deals with some of these dykes of trondhjemitic composition that exhibit tabular shapes and relatively small dimensions (< 50 m long and 2 m thick). They develop penetrative reaction zones symmetrically at the contacts between serpentinized ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes, with regular thicknesses between 0.10 and 1.0 meter. Three distint mineralogical zones were identified, progressing from the dykes towards the serpentinite:

1.- Magnesio-hornblende zone (Mg-Hbl ± Pl ± Ttn ± Chl),

2.- Chlorite zone (Chl ± Mg-Hbl ± Zrn ± Ap)

3.- Anthophyllite zone (Ath ± Tr ± Chr ± Tlc ± Chl).

According to textural and mineralogical evidence, the following sequence of formation is proposed: 1) Ath zone, 2) Mg-Hbl zone and 3) Chl-zone.

Zircon U-Pb dating of the trondhjemitic dykes yields a concordia age of 528 Ma for the crystallization and emplacement of these rocks. Zircons extracted from the Chl-zone share similar petrographical features and ages, evidencing that they represent xenocrysts derived from the trondhjemitic magmas later affected by chlorite-forming reactions. The age of 528 Ma place the emplacement of the trondhjemitic dykes during the high-grade metamorphism, anatexis and magmatic events of the Pampean orogeny, occurred at 0.65 - 0.85 GPa and 700º- 850ºC. Anthophyllite, typically formed at relatively high temperature (>600 °C), is interpreted to have formed close to the time of trondhjemitic dyke emplacement and crystallization, when the whole enclosing region was undergoing high amphibolite-to-granulite facies at the main events of the Pampean orogeny. The conspicuous presence of chlorite (clinochlore) in all zones crosscutting the formerly crystallized minerals (e.g., Ath and Mg-Hbl), temperature ranges of 273º - 418ºC estimated by Chl geothermometers, along with pervasive low temperature deformation textures (kink folding) evidence that Chl was formed at lower P-T conditions.

Field and petrographic evidence, geochemical and geochronological data obtained in this work indicate that the reaction zones were formed in two different periods. Anthophyllite and Mg-Hbl zones resulted from the bimetasomatic ionic diffusion between the ultramafic rock and trondhjemitic dykes during the Pampean orogeny at high P-T conditions. Conversely, Chl crystallization should have occurred at lower P-T conditions during the Famatinian orogeny that took place from ~500-440 Ma in the Sierras de Córdoba mainly as deformational events. The chlorite zone is therefore proposed to have formed as a result of fluid infiltration in the already altered contact zones between the ultramafic rocks and the trondhjemitic dykes.

How to cite: Muratori, M. E., López Morlhiere, S., Demartis, M., Coniglio, J. E., Boffadossi, M. A., D’Eramo, F. J., Pinotti, L. P., Coniglio, J., and Esteban, J. J.: Bimetasomatic reaction zones between ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes in the Sierra Chica, Córdoba, Argentina: temporal variations and geochemical features, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10967,, 2025.

EGU25-11033 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systems 

Barbara Marchesini, Giacomo Pozzi, Cristiano Collettini, Eugenio Carminati, and Telemaco Tesei

The mechanical and hydraulic behavior of faults in geothermal systems is strongly impacted by fluid-induced alteration. For instance, hydrolytic alteration of felsic volcanic rocks deeply affects the frictional and permeability properties of fault rocks, controlling the hydraulic behavior of faults. We investigated fault rocks from the caprock of a fossil hydrothermal system in the Northern Apennines, by combining field structural observations with mineralogical and microstructural analyses, friction experiments and permeability tests on fault rocks. Hydrolytic alteration promoted general weakening of fault rocks by enrichment of kaolinite-alunite-group minerals in the fault core, favoring strain localization. Enrichment of kaolinite along major faults induces a local decrease in permeability of three orders of magnitude (1.62x10-19 m2) with respect to the unaltered protolith rocks (1.96x10-16 m2) transforming faults from fluid conduits into barriers.

Alunite-kaolinite-rich rocks shows a velocity-strengthening frictional behavior, suggesting that hydrolytic alteration favors stable slip of faults at low temperatures (160-270°C). 

How to cite: Marchesini, B., Pozzi, G., Collettini, C., Carminati, E., and Tesei, T.: Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11033,, 2025.

EGU25-11801 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy) 

Alexander Marcel Bechmann Pasquinucci, Nadia Malaspina, Alberto Ceccato, Francesco Giuntoli, Daniela D'Alessio, Marcello Campione, and Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz

In the last decades many studies focussed on carbon capture and storage (CCS) to find a possible remedy to reduce the large increase of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2). CCS can potentially sequester billions of tonnes of CO2 per year using the Earth as the widest laboratory available for long-term storage. In geological reservoirs, CO2 can be trapped by physical and chemical mechanisms. Among chemical mechanisms, mineral carbonation plays a crucial role in CCS, being almost irreversible, involving the chemical reaction in aqueous environment between CO2 and Mg- and/or Ca-rich minerals, where CO2 is converted into solid carbonates.

In nature, listvenite, a rock mainly composed of Mg-Ca-bearing carbonates, quartz and Cr-bearing mica (fuchsite), documents natural CO2 sequestration. Indeed, listvenites are the result of the extensive alteration of ultramafic rocks by CO2-bearing fluids, which involved the substitution of olivine, pyroxene and serpentine by Ca- and Mg-carbonates. To date, very little is known about the kinetics and rate of this reaction, spanning from weeks (serpentinites) to thousands of years (peridotites).

We studied carbonated serpentinites from the Zermatt-Saas Zone (Corno del Camoscio, Western Alps, Italy) which underwent fluid-mediated natural carbonation under hydrothermal conditions. Hydrothermal carbonation is spatially associated to Oligo-Miocenic brittle faults of the Aosta-Ranzola system (Bistacchi et al., 2001). Field structural surveys identified two main strike-slip fault sets (N-S and NW-SE striking) controlling fluid flow, with voluminous carbonation observed mainly along the NW-SE-striking set. We collected a series of structurally-controlled samples along a reaction front from serpentinite to listvenite close to a major fault zone, aiming to relate the CO2-rich fluid/rock interaction with mega and meso-structures, along with detailed microstructural and chemical analyses.

The petrographic study, along with X-ray maps and microprobe chemical analyses, identify the following mineral associations, from serpentinite to listvenite: (i) serpentine + chlorite and minor quartz + fuchsite, talc, calcite and dolomite, (ii) serpentine + brucite + chlorite and minor quartz, talc, calcite and dolomite-siderite, (iii) dolomite, quartz, chlorite, serpentine and minor fuchsite associated with quartz-chlorite layers, (iv) quartz, dolomite and fuchsite with relict brucite. Interestingly, samples collected close to the serpentinite show microfolds where dolomite is stable, subsequently cut by brittle deformation related to the large-scale faults, suggesting a previous stage of fluid-mediated carbonation under a ductile deformation regime.

Qualitative and quantitative X-ray powder diffraction data enabled us to calculate a mass balance to model the rate of reaction and the composition of the original fluids. Preliminary results indicate a structural control on the fluid drainage and the role of brucite to dominate the carbonation reaction, as reported by experimental results of Campione et al. (2024), along with fuchsite.



Bistacchi, A., Dal Piaz, G., Massironi, M., Zattin, M., Balestrieri, M. (2001). The Aosta–Ranzola extensional fault system and Oligocene–Present evolution of the Austroalpine–Penninic wedge in the northwestern Alps. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90, 654-667


Campione, M., Corti, M., D’Alessio, D., Capitani, G., Lucotti, A. Yivlialin, R., Tommasini. M., Bussetti, G., Malaspina, N. (2024). Microwave-driven carbonation of brucite. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 80, 102700

How to cite: Pasquinucci, A. M. B., Malaspina, N., Ceccato, A., Giuntoli, F., D'Alessio, D., Campione, M., and Dal Piaz, G. V.: A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11801,, 2025.

EGU25-12877 | Orals | TS1.4

Instability and equilibration of fluid-mineral systems under stress investigated through molecular dynamics 

Mattia Luca Mazzucchelli, Evangelos Moulas, Stefan M. Schmalholz, Boris Kaus, and Thomas Speck

Stress gradients and non-hydrostatic stresses are to be expected in rocks in the lithosphere, even in the presence of fluids. This complexity challenges the reliability of existing hydrostatic thermodynamic models, and, currently, in the geological lterature there is still no accepted theory for evaluating the thermodynamic effect of non-hydrostatic stress on reactions [e.g. 1, 2].

Large-scale Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations (i.e., >2e6 atoms) give us the opportunity to investigate reactions in deforming systems by directly bridging the scale between atomic-level processes and continuum deformation. With MD, the a-priori assumption of a specific thermodynamic potential is not required, which makes it a robust approach to test existing thermodynamic theories [3]. With MD simulations the energy of the system, the pressure of the fluid, the stress of the solid, as well as the overall dissolution and precipitation process can be monitored over time until the stressed system attains equilibrium conditions.

Our findings indicate that a solid under non-hydrostatic stress can be equilibrated with its pure fluid. However, for deformations at constant temperature, the non-hydrostatic equilibrium differs from the hydrostatic equilibrium in that the pressure of the fluid must increase to maintain equilibrium with the solid. At low differential stresses, such pressure deviations from the reference hydrostatic equilibrium are small, allowing phase equilibria predictions by considering the fluid pressure as a proxy for equilibration pressure, as suggested by previous experimental investigations.

In the presence of substantial non-hydrostatic stresses, the stressed system becomes unstable, leading ultimately to the precipitation of a quasi-hydrostatically stressed crystalline film on the surfaces of the initial highly stressed crystal. During crystallization, the total stress balance is preserved until the newly formed solid-film-fluid system reaches again a stable equilibrium. At the final equilibrium conditions only the low-stressed solid film is exposed to the fluid, bringing back the equilibrium fluid pressure close to the value expected for the equilibrium at homogeneous hydrostatic conditions. While our results agree qualitatively and quantitatively with previous theories of thermodynamics in deformed systems [4,5] and with experiments [6,7], they cannot be predicted by theories proposed to interpret reactions in deformed geological systems [e.g., 2,8].


1) Hobbs, B. E., & Ord, A. (2016). Earth-Science Reviews, 163, 190–233.

2) Wheeler, J. (2020). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175(12), 116.

3) Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Kaus, B. J. P., & Speck, T. (2024). American Journal of Science, 324.

4) Gibbs, J. W. (1876). Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 3, 108–248.

5) Frolov, T., & Mishin, Y. (2010). Physical Review B, 82(17), 1–14.

6) Berréhar, J., Caroli, C., Lapersonne-Meyer, C., & Schott, M. (1992). Physical Review B, 46(20), 13487–13495.

7) Koehn, D., Dysthe, D. K., & Jamtveit, B. (2004). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(16), 3317–3325.

8) Paterson, M. S. (1973). Reviews of Geophysics, 11(2).

How to cite: Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Schmalholz, S. M., Kaus, B., and Speck, T.: Instability and equilibration of fluid-mineral systems under stress investigated through molecular dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12877,, 2025.

EGU25-12944 | Orals | TS1.4

Atomic structure at the surface of warm basaltic glasses 

Marthe Grønlie Guren, Henrik Anderson Sveinsson, Razvan Caracas, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, and Francois Renard

Silicate melts exist as lava flows which form when molten or partially molten magma erupts, and when they cool, magmas evolve into solid rocks. Depending on the cooling rate, they can evolve into fully crystalline rocks, partially-crystallized rocks or even glassy rocks. The composition of the glass at the cooling interface with air or water may be different than in the bulk. Here we study how some major elements could be concentrated or depleted at the surface of a cooling basaltic melt. This may have effects on how glass will interact with water at the onset of weathering. To model silicate melts, we have trained a machine-learned interatomic potential for basaltic glass, which we use to run molecular dynamics simulations of molten basalt and a basalt surface at temperatures consistent with fresh deposits of basalt during eruption. We have studied the difference between bulk molten basalt and a free surface of molten basalt by comparing the diffusion coefficient, lifetime of species and the spatial distribution of atoms between the two domains. We show that the diffusion at the surface is higher than in the bulk, indicating a higher rearrangement of the surfaces compared to the bulk, and the coordination numbers are generally lower at the surface than in the bulk. When studying the composition of a surface and bulk, our results show that most of the cations on the surface are iron, magnesium and calcium, i.e. the cations that can react with CO2 to precipitate as carbonate minerals. These simulations are relevant for the initial weathering of silicate melt, and knowledge of the composition of the surface are relevant for the potential reactions with CO2 and carbon mineralization.

How to cite: Guren, M. G., Sveinsson, H. A., Caracas, R., Malthe-Sørenssen, A., and Renard, F.: Atomic structure at the surface of warm basaltic glasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12944,, 2025.

EGU25-12965 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern Europe 

Maja Maleš, Fadi Henri Nader, Uroš Stojadinović, Liviu Matenco, Nemanja Krstekanić, Nikola Randjelovic, and Renaud Divies

Collisional orogens are characterized by complex contractional and extensional deformation, which significantly impact fluid migration and mineralization. These processes are crucial for understanding subsurface fluid flow dynamics, with implications for geothermal energy, hydrogen production, and CO2 storage. The Dinarides orogen in southeastern Europe, formed during the closure of the Neotethys Ocean and subsequent Adria-Europe collision, provides an excellent natural laboratory to investigate fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions driven by orogenic deformation.

The Dinarides have experienced a sequence of tectonic events in their late evolution, including NE-EW Late Cretaceous-Eocene contraction, NE-SW Oligocene contraction, and bimodal NE-SW/NW-SE Miocene extension. These phases created fracture networks, tension gashes, and fault gouges, facilitating fluid migration and mineral precipitation within the orogen. Field investigations across five tectonic units in Montenegro (Dalmatian, Budva, High Karst, Pre Karst, and East Bosnian-Durmitor) documented structural features associated with these deformation phases.

Petrographic and geochemical analyses of vein-filling cements, including optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and stable isotope measurements, reveal that vein formation predominantly occurred under burial conditions with episodic transitions to meteoric environments. These results suggest that deformation-controlled fracture network acted as fluid pathways, driving localized dolomitization and calcite precipitation. The structural timing of these features correlates with major orogenic events, providing insights into the relationship between deformation and fluid flow.

Our findings contribute to understanding how fluid migration is driven by tectonic deformation in collisional orogens. By integrating field observations with petrographic and geochemical data, this study offers a framework for linking mineralization processes to tectonic evolution, with broader implications for fluid flow modelling in similar orogenic systems worldwide.

How to cite: Maleš, M., Nader, F. H., Stojadinović, U., Matenco, L., Krstekanić, N., Randjelovic, N., and Divies, R.: Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12965,, 2025.

Understanding the interaction of stress waves with fluid-filled rock joints is crucial for seismic hazard assessment, hydrocarbon extraction, geological CO2 storage, geothermal energy exploration, and wastewater disposal. This study investigates dynamic mechanical behaviors (including elastic modulus and initial joint stiffness) and wave propagation characteristics (i.e., transmission and reflection coefficients, energy attenuation) of single fluid-filled rock joints under the normal incidence of high-intensity stress waves, with a focus on the effects of liquid content and viscosity.  Dynamic compression tests were conducted using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) technique combined with high-speed photography on rock joints with varying liquid content and viscosity. The results demonstrate that higher liquid content and viscosity increase the dynamic elastic modulus and initial joint stiffness of the joints. Increasing joint stiffness leads to an increase in wave transmission but a decrease in wave reflection. Besides, the increasing liquid viscosity reduces both wave transmission and reflection but enhances wave attenuation by individual fluid-filled rock joints. High-speed imaging revealed a transition from turbulent to laminar jet behavior with increasing liquid viscosity. These findings advance the understanding of fluid-rock interaction under dynamic conditions, offering valuable insights for theoretical development and practical applications in geophysical and geomechanical engineering.

How to cite: Yang, H., Duan, H., and Zhu, J.: The role of fluid viscosity in the interaction between individual fluid-filled rock joints and high-intensity stress waves , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15332,, 2025.

EGU25-15657 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processes 

Berit Schwichtenberg, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, Christoph Schrank, Michael W. Jones, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Dominik Fleitmann, Cameron M. Kewish, and Teo Neuenschwander

During the interseismic phase, faults regain frictional strength through a process commonly referred to as fault healing. Key mechanisms include contact welding by dissolution-precipitation creep and cementation by mineral precipitation in fluid-rich environments. While much research has focused on experimental investigations of silicate systems, e.g. in slide-hold-slide experiments, the complex interaction between mechanical and chemical processes, as well as recurring fault healing over multiple earthquake cycles remain understudied. Particularly in the case of natural fault systems, the database is scarce as processes of interest occur at depth and show a low preservation potential during exhumation.

Here, we present a combination of microstructural and microchemical observations from a carbonate-hosted fault zone located within the Helvetic nappe stack of the south-western Swiss Alps which was recently exposed due to glacial retreat, creating excellent outcrop conditions. The microstructural record allows us to distinguish three major healing episodes within the principal slip zone. These episodes follow brittle deformation at sub-seismic to seismic rates, forming veins along sets of discrete fault-parallel fractures. Due to continuous brittle deformation, individual veins experienced subsequent mechanical overprinting which led to the modification of the vein texture, an increase in the local porosity and the formation of new fluid-rock interaction faces. Additionally, we use the unique geochemical fingerprint of each set of veins, documented and analysed by high-resolution X-ray fluorescence mapping of trace elements, to differentiate and characterize individual fluid pulses and dynamic changes in the physio-chemical conditions of the fluid-rock system over time. While we interpret the principal slip zone to represent the youngest deformation event in our study, adjacent vein-derived domains that are deformed by aseismic viscous processes represent relatively older structures. Comparison of the isotopic composition of newly formed calcite crystals with relict grains and the country rock provides insight into possible isotope fluid-rock equilibria during tectonic processes and therefore fluid sources. Measured stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) show a significant influence of meteoric water while clumped isotope thermometry indicates temperatures of 65-120°C, which are at least 100°C lower than in the country rock and literature values of Tmax in the area.

Our results suggest that the observed microstructural record is representative of seismic deformation and associated fault healing caused by low-magnitude earthquakes at shallow crustal levels near the upper limit of the seismogenic zone. This interpretation is consistent with the depth distribution of current hypocenters within a seismically active structure that is located in the vicinity of our study area, the so-called Rawil Fault Zone. We, therefore, conclude that the processes identified in the exhumed tectonite samples can serve as proxies for active deformation and fluid flow at depth. In a wider context, this may offer valuable insights for geothermal exploration in southwest Switzerland.

How to cite: Schwichtenberg, B., Berger, A., Herwegh, M., Schrank, C., Jones, M. W., Bernasconi, S. M., Fleitmann, D., Kewish, C. M., and Neuenschwander, T.: Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15657,, 2025.

EGU25-17178 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experiments 

Nick Harpers, Arthur Ng, James Gilgannon, Damien Freitas, Lisa Eberhardt, Roberto Rizzo, Benoit Cordonnier, Ian Butler, and Florian Fusseis

The dehydration of rocks, such as gypsum, is a critical process influencing plate tectonics and fault zone dynamics. Gypsum dehydration, serving as a model for serpentine dehydration, involves complex hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (HMC) interactions that remain poorly understood under shear stress. Our study investigates how dehydration reactions and microstructural developments relate to macro-scale frictional responses, providing new insights into the conditions leading to mechanical instabilities and shear localisation.

To study the couplings between shear stress, strain and the microstructures formed during the dehydration of gypsum, we have conducted a series of direct shear experiments on Volterra Alabaster slabs and 99% pure gypsum powder. We performed the tests in a new direct shear setup of the x-ray transparent Heitt Mjölnir Cell (Freitas et al. 2024) at the ID19 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France). This new setup allows fast 4D microtomography (4DμCT) to record the time evolution of the microstructure. In several 4D operando experiments, the samples were loaded with 10 - 25 MPa confining pressure and 2 MPa fluid pressure while allowing initial thermal equilibration of the system at 60 °C. Following equilibration, temperature was increased to 115 - 125 °C to start the dehydration of the gypsum. Simultaneously, a constant axial displacement rate of 0.2 - 0.3 µm/s was applied, which produced shear strain within the sample. Pore pressure oscillations were applied to monitor changes in hydraulic permeability across the samples.

The 4DµCT datasets allow good discretization of the three phases of interest (gypsum, hemihydrate and pore space) on the relevant microscale. Our ongoing analyses of the various 4DµCT datasets focus on 1) digital volume correlation (DVC) to quantify the deformation in the sample on the grain scale, 2) the calculation of reaction rates for dehydration and 3) the quantification of grain-scale permeability during shearing and reaction. Initial analyses show well-resolved shear structures forming throughout the different tests (e.g., boundary shears, compaction bands, Riedel-shears). By quantifying the reactions and the deformation over time, we identify the minor and major processes controlling the development of the microstructure. These processes are then related to changes in friction and transport parameters.  In future experiments, we will focus on different lithologies to further understand the effects of fault gouge composition and grain geometry as well as the analysis of rate-and-state friction (RSF) for the quantification of sliding stability. Our data demonstrate the potential that 4D operando direct shear experiments hold for the study of friction processes in fault zones.

How to cite: Harpers, N., Ng, A., Gilgannon, J., Freitas, D., Eberhardt, L., Rizzo, R., Cordonnier, B., Butler, I., and Fusseis, F.: Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17178,, 2025.

EGU25-18686 | Posters on site | TS1.4

The complex and prolonged fracturing and chemical alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite on the Bømlo archipelago in southwestern Norway 

Annina Margreth, Kristian Drivenes, Jasmin Schönenberger, Roelant van der Lelij, Ola Fredin, and Jochen Knies

Reconstructing the tectonic and geomorphological history of geological terranes poses significant challenges, particularly when interpreting deeply buried and exhumed settings. The Rolvsnes granodiorite terrane exposed in the Bømlo archipelago on Norway’s southwestern coast, provide invaluable insights into these processes. This granodioritic to granitic intrusive body serves as an onshore counterpart to offshore basement reservoirs, such as those on the Utsira basement high, where altered basement rocks are overlain by Permian to Cretaceous sediments. These analogs enable researchers to link surface observations to subsurface conditions, offering a rare opportunity to understand complex fracture and alteration histories.

We provide new evidence from multidisciplinary investigations constraining the fracturing and alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite. Multiple chemically altered bedrock outcrops associated with fracture zones were identified across Bømlo, with samples collected for geochemical, mineralogical, and isotopic analyses. We characterize secondary clay assemblages and constrain the timing of alteration processes. Additionally, three bedrock cores drilled through prominent fracture zones were logged and sampled to enhance the dataset with subsurface information.

K-Ar geochronology dates range from the Carboniferous to the Paleogene, suggesting multiple alteration events over extended periods. Geochemical and mineralogical data indicate significant leaching of alkali and alkaline-earth elements, with the formation of kaolinite, smectite, interstratified illite-smectite, illite, and lepidocrocite in the altered material. Scanning electron microscopy reveals small but significant differences between alteration zones. In some zones, K-feldspar is altered into a mixture of kaolinite, smectite, and illite, while plagioclase (particularly Na-rich laminae) and biotite remain relatively unaffected. In other zones, biotite transforms into vermiculite, illite, and iron (hydro-)oxides, while plagioclase alters into smectite and kaolinite, leaving K-feldspar relatively intact. These findings suggest alteration predominantly by low-temperature meteoric water. Many samples did not yield Kübler Index determinations due to poorly defined 10 Å peaks, but acquired illite-crystallinity data indicate fluid temperatures ranging from 120 to 295 °C. Thus, K-Ar ages should be interpreted cautiously, as multiple alteration events may occur along the same fracture zone at different times.

The data suggests that faulting and hydrothermal alteration initiated as early as the Carboniferous, continuing through the Permian. Late Triassic brittle faulting may have coincided with supergene weathering under humid, tropical conditions, resulting in saprolitic weathering of the crystalline basement along pre-existing fractures. During subsequent marine transgressions, most saprolitic material was eroded, leaving remnants buried beneath sedimentary cover, which was in turn largely removed during the Plio-Pleistocene. The Rolvsnes granodiorite appears to have experienced additional fracturing and alteration events beneath this sedimentary cover, as indicated by K-Ar dates extending into the Early Cretaceous and Paleogene. 

This study highlights the inherent difficulties of reconstructing complex tectonic and geomorphological histories in such terranes. The Bømlo archipelago offers a compelling case study for linking onshore observations to offshore settings, but challenges remain in disentangling overlapping alteration processes and correlating them to specific tectonic events.

How to cite: Margreth, A., Drivenes, K., Schönenberger, J., van der Lelij, R., Fredin, O., and Knies, J.: The complex and prolonged fracturing and chemical alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite on the Bømlo archipelago in southwestern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18686,, 2025.

EGU25-19182 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy) 

Muhammad Awais, Renato Diamanti, Giovanni Camanni, Massimo D'antonio, Giovanna Della porta, Valeria Di renzo, Sossio fabio Graziano, Alessandro Iannace, and Andrew Kylander-clark

Shallow crustal fault zones, particularly those within carbonate successions, are deformation zones that influence subsurface fluid migration, localization, and interaction. These zones, characterized by fault-controlled fracturing and brecciation, can act as important conduits for fluid flow in the Earth's crust. The interaction between fluids and the fractured carbonates rock matrix can induce significant changes in the mineralogical and mechanical properties of fault zones. Therefore, studying fluid-rock interactions in such environments is crucial not only for understanding the natural processes governing subsurface fluid dynamics, deformation, and metamorphism but also for addressing significant challenges in energy and mineral exploration as well as in underground engineering.

This study presents, for the first time in the southern Apennines (southern Italy), evidence of fault-driven hydrothermal dolomitization during the late Triassic rifting event in the western Adria plate. We investigated the fault-controlled saddle dolomite formation in Norian dolomites exposed in the western sector of the Matese Massif. The study focused on dolomite breccias associated with N-S and NNW-SSE striking normal faults. These structures include layers of mature cataclasites made of clasts with angular boundaries within a highly porous matrix, crossed by veins, mosaic and chaotic breccias. The breccias are composed of angular clasts of host rock dolomite, formed by early marine replacive dolomitization of shallow-water carbonates, surrounded by coarse saddle dolomite cement. The saddle dolomite cement is characterized by two distinct phases. The first phase (SD1) is yellow, inclusion-rich, and forms a rim around the clasts, while the second phase (SD2) is euhedral, exhibiting well-defined zoning with a transition from cloudy to limpid crystals. The saddle dolomite cement texture, coupled with decreasing δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values, suggests that it precipitated at temperatures of 100-120°C from fluids that likely interacted with magmatic sources.

U-Pb dating of the dolomite cement provides late Triassic crystallization ages of approximately 206 ± 13 Ma and 217.0 ± 6.6 Ma. Additionally, the ferroan dolomite cement contains quartz and hydrothermal minerals, including fluorite and apatite, in minor quantities. These findings suggest that the brecciation and hydrothermal saddle dolomite precipitation were linked to normal fault activity during the breakup of Pangea, contributing to the separation of the SW sector of Eurasia from the western margin of the Adria Plate.

How to cite: Awais, M., Diamanti, R., Camanni, G., D'antonio, M., Della porta, G., Di renzo, V., Graziano, S. F., Iannace, A., and Kylander-clark, A.: Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19182,, 2025.

EGU25-1339 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

The Boron Isotope Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in Abyssal Serpentinite: Insights from IODP Expedition 399 

William Osborne, Ivan Savov, Andrew McCaig, Samuele Agostini, and Marguerite Godard and the the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Sci Party

The use of fluid-mobile elements and their isotopes to track fluid-mediated subduction zone processes requires an accurate estimate of the volatile element systematics of subducting oceanic crust. Near-ridge hydrothermal circulation represents the primary means by which seawater can penetrate the oceanic crust and produce enrichments in fluid-mobile elements (B, Sr, Li, U, Cl etc.), particularly at slow-spreading ridges where hydrated mantle peridotite (ie. serpentinite) is commonly exposed at the seafloor. However no previous drilling has penetrated abyssal serpentinite deeper than 200.8m below seafloor, where late-stage alteration and intense fault-controlled circulation during exhumation might produce anomalous fluid-mobile element signatures. While ophiolites provide a valuable analogue, it is often hard to distinguish geochemical signatures related to interaction with seawater-derived fluid from those acquired during subsequent interaction with subduction-related and/or meteoric fluids.

We present new data from IODP Expedition 399, which recovered 1268m of serpentinized depleted mantle peridotite and variably altered gabbroic rocks (Hole U1601C) from the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif (30°N; Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Peridotites are generally highly serpentinized (80-90%) and display complex pseudomorphic, mesh and vein textures, attesting to a multistage history of alteration. Gabbros range from fresh to completely altered and exhibit a diversity of secondary mineral assemblages (±amphibole ±serpentine ±talc ±chlorite ±sulphides ±prehnite ±secondary plagioclase ±zeolite ±saponite ±carbonate). Our downcore fluid-mobile trace element and B and Sr isotopic profiles provide a comprehensive framework in which to understand physicochemical conditions during serpentinization and metasomatism of the actively metamorphosing basement of the massif, and their relation to current seafloor venting at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field.

B concentrations in serpentinites decrease by an order of magnitude downcore, which we interpret in terms of B depletion of alteration fluid through the serpentinization process. Substantial downcore variation in the B isotopic composition of serpentinite (δ11B of +12‰ to +40‰) reflects local T and pH conditions as well as isotopic evolution of the alteration fluid along the flow path. Serpentinite Sr isotopic compositions vary between seawater and near mantle values (87/86Sr of 0.704 to 0.709); likely reflecting considerable elemental exchange between alteration fluid and gabbroic intrusions. Our results also shed new light on the geochemical influence of late-stage alteration processes (carbonation, oxidation, infilling of reaction porosity etc.) postdating serpentinization.

In addition, we present new B isotope data from (olivine-bearing) gabbroic rocks of the central massif (Hole U1309D) and detachment-proximal serpentinites from the south wall drilled during IODP Expedition 357. Together, these data represent an important step towards quantifying the fluid-mobile element makeup and specifically the B and 11/10 B content of the lower oceanic crust.

How to cite: Osborne, W., Savov, I., McCaig, A., Agostini, S., and Godard, M. and the the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Sci Party: The Boron Isotope Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in Abyssal Serpentinite: Insights from IODP Expedition 399, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1339,, 2025.

EGU25-1610 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Evaluation of the role of detachment faulting in the genesis of felsic melts in the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, Southwest Indian Ridge 

Wei-Qi Zhang, Chuan-Zhou Liu, Christopher J MacLeod, and C. Johan Lissenberg

Oceanic detachments are deep-rooted, long-lived structures at plate scale, acting as conduits for fluid introduction into the oceanic lithosphere. These processes impact plate rheology and potentially induce oceanic crustal anatexis. However, the mechanisms and extent of fluid ingress and crustal melting during detachment faulting remain poorly constrained. This study investigates felsic veins from the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex (OCC) on the Southwest Indian Ridge to elucidate controls on crustal anatexis imposed by oceanic detachments.

We report systematic results for mineral chemistry, zircon U-Pb ages and Hf-O-Zr isotopes, and Nd-O isotopes of apatites from 23 felsic rocks retrieved from 50−800 meters below the seafloor in IODP Hole U1473A. Additionally, phase equilibria and zircon trace element modeling for three formation modes of oceanic felsic melts (hydrous partial melting of gabbros, fractional crystallization of MORB, and fractional crystallization of anatectic melts) were performed. These data and models consistently suggest that most U1473A felsic veins were products of advanced mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) differentiation.

Further examination of zircon trace element data for the Atlantis Bank OCC indicates that the felsic veins resulted from strong fractionation of either primitive basalts or magmas generated by hydrous melting of gabbros. The presence of anatectic felsic veins near the fault plane suggests that the detachment fault facilitated high-temperature (750–900°C) alteration and hydrous melting of gabbros. Additionally, analyses of felsic rocks from two OCCs on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, based on published zircon trace element data and models, reveal distinct manifestations of the interplay among faulting, magmatism, and hydrothermal circulation across various OCCs. Our findings underscore the critical role of detachment faulting in fluid ingress and oceanic crust melting, with significant implications for chemical and thermal exchanges between seawater and the oceanic lithosphere.

How to cite: Zhang, W.-Q., Liu, C.-Z., MacLeod, C. J., and Lissenberg, C. J.: Evaluation of the role of detachment faulting in the genesis of felsic melts in the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, Southwest Indian Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1610,, 2025.

The specific oceanic crust architecture, magmatism, hydrothermal fluid circulation and lithologies at oceanic core complexes (OCCs) imply different S and metal (e.g. Cu, Zn, Co, Ni) fluxes relative to well-structured oceanic crust at-fast spreading ridges. Extensive hydrothermal fluid circulation within OCCs often leads to seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits formation either hosted in the OCC or in the crustal hanging wall. The S and metal source zones in OCC are nevertheless poorly constrained. The study of S and metal distribution in the ODP Hole 735B deep drill core from the Atlantis bank allows to understand these fluxes along detachment faults and to better constrain the source zones of S and metals for OCC-related SMS deposits. Significant depletion of S, Cu, Zn and Ni are observed within the upper 250 m of the drill core where intense deformation and hydrothermal fluid circulation occurred. During the complex tectono-magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Atlantis Bank, four important stages are recognized for S and metal mobilization: 1) magmatic stratification leading to a higher proportion of sulfide-rich and S, Cu, Zn and Co fertile oxide gabbros in the root zone of the Atlantis Bank detachment, 2) high temperature ductile deformation leading to magmatic sulfide reworking and onset of sulfide leaching with limited metal mobilization, 3) extensive sulfide leaching and metal mobilization during amphibolite to greenschist facies metasomatism and, 4) late stage secondary sulfide precipitation and S enrichment during low temperature fluid circulation. Mass balance calculations from the source zones of the Atlantis Bank detachment highlights that metal mobilization during hydrothermal alteration of gabbroic rocks along detachment faults can fully account for the formation of OCC-related SMS deposits at slow and ultraslow spreading ridges. The Atlantis Bank detachment system, however, is gabbroic-dominated and represent the magmatic end-member of OCCs and further work is necessary for understanding metal fluxes in ultramafic-dominated detachment systems such as at the Atlantis Massif.

How to cite: Patten, C. G. C., Junge, M., Coltat, R., Jesus, A. P., Beranoaguire, A., Tropper, P., and Alt, J.: Sulfur and metal mobilization during the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex: implications for seafloor massive sulfide deposits formation at slow and ultra-slow spreading ridges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1702,, 2025.

EGU25-1757 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Rates of melt lens replenishment at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N  

Jean-Arthur Olive, Hugo Boulze, and Jean-Didier Garaud

Axial melt lenses (AMLs) are key features of fast and magmatically-robust spreading ridges. These sill-shaped bodies typically sit atop a lower crustal mush zone, and supply magma that gets intruded in the brittle axial lithosphere as dikes, or emplaced at the seafloor as lava flows. The replenishment rate of these shallow reservoirs is thus a critical control on the modes of crustal accretion, the timing of mid-ocean ridge eruptions, and the thermo-chemical output of hydrothermal convection, but remains scarcely documented.

Here we revisit estimates of magmatic inflation rates at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N based on measurements of vertical seafloor displacements carried out by Nooner et al. (2014). These measurements revealed seafloor uplift rates as fast as ~7 cm/yr above the AML, decaying over ~10 km in the cross-axis direction, between 2009 and 2011. We model this uplift profile as resulting from the inflation of a 1.5 km-deep, 1-km wide AML in a visco-elastic half-space that includes a viscous mush zone of uniform viscosity.

Our models reveal a tradeoff between the assumed viscosity of the mush zone and the sill inflation rate that is necessary to explain the observed seafloor uplift. Specifically, if we assume a strong mush (viscosity > 1018 Pa.s), the replenishment rate must be ~200 m3/yr per meter along axis. On the other hand, a weaker mush (viscosity < 1016 Pa.s) significantly damps the surface expression of sill inflation, requiring a replenishment rate of ~470 m3/yr/m to match the observations. Further constraints on AML replenishment rates can be obtained by assuming the associated heat flux sustains on-axis hydrothermal venting near 9º50’N (~100 MW). We also find that rapid AML deflation during an eruption can induce a characteristic deformation transient lasting up to a few years, which is akin to the post-seismic phase of the seismic cycle. Depending on the assumed viscosity of the mush zone, this post-eruption signal has the potential to bias estimates of steady AML replenishment rates.

Regardless of the assumed mush viscosity, our modeling yields replenishment rates comparable to the long-term crustal accretion rate (~600 m3/yr/m). This suggests that magmatic inflation is not an unusual event at a fast-spreading ridge like the East-Pacific Rise. By estimating the fraction of the ridge’s magma supply that transits through the AML, our results may also provide new constraints on the modes of accretion of the oceanic lower crust, i.e., help discriminate between the gabbro glacier and multiple-sills endmember models.

How to cite: Olive, J.-A., Boulze, H., and Garaud, J.-D.: Rates of melt lens replenishment at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1757,, 2025.

EGU25-1938 | Orals | GD5.3

Abyssal peridotites: Rosetta Stone for recycled mantle materials in the asthenosphere 

Chuan-Zhou Liu, Wei-Qi Zhang, Ying-Zhen Lin, Yang Xu, and Zhen Zhang

Decompressional melting of the asthenosphere gives rise of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) that are extracted to generate ocean crust, and also leaves mantle residues that are represented by abyssal peridotites. Thus, both MORB and abyssal peridotites can be utilized to constrain the compositional characteristics of the asthenosphere. Numerous studies on MORB have widely demonstrated that they are from a relatively homogenous and geochemically depleted mantle source. The homogeneity of the asthenosphere has been commonly attributed to the efficiency of mantle convection. Nonetheless, geochemical compositions of global abyssal peridotites show highly variable compositions and a wide range of isotopic spectrum, clearly reflecting that the asthenosphere is compositionally heterogeneous. Mantle peridotites memorizing evolutionary histories at different tectonic settings, including sub-continental lithospheric mantle, mantle wedge and oceanic mantle, can be recycled into the asthenosphere, which might be eventually popped up at ocean ridges where they are sampled by abyssal peridotites. Different types of recycled mantle materials can be discriminated using geochemical tools. Our recent studies on abyssal peridotites dredged at different segments along the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) have shown the occurrence of diverse types of recycled mantle, i.e., Archean cratonic mantle in its western segment, mantle wedge in its central segment, and oceanic mantle in this eastern segment. Such a spatial distribution is genetically related to the assembly and breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent since the Cambrian. Therefore, systematic studies on abyssal peridotites outcropped along the ocean ridges can decipher the compositionally characteristics and evolutionary histories of different mantle domains within the asthenosphere.

How to cite: Liu, C.-Z., Zhang, W.-Q., Lin, Y.-Z., Xu, Y., and Zhang, Z.: Abyssal peridotites: Rosetta Stone for recycled mantle materials in the asthenosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1938,, 2025.

The length of oceanic transform faults varies dramatically from near zero-offsets to long-offset mega-transforms that are >1000 km long. However, the formation and development of longer oceanic transform faults (>200 km) remains incomplete and requires further study. We investigate how changes in the plate motion vector impacts plate stress and transform fault development using high resolution 3D geodynamic numerical models in ASPECT (Advanced Solver for Planetary Evolution, Convection, and Tectonics). Specifically, we study how the length of transform faults evolve over time after inducing transpression or transtension across simple and complex stepped rift-transform geometries. We also determine how the angle of oblique extension affects the required tectonic force necessary to develop new tectonic structures, providing insight into real-world plate tectonic processes. Our results show that transpressional deformation along a transform leads to longer, diffuse transforms at higher angles, while transtensional deformation leads to oblique extension across the transform margin. These transpressional model results are also analogous to real world examples such as the Davie (West Somali Basin) and Ungava Fault Zones (Davis Strait), where we also highlight how the contemporaneous alignment of extinct mid-ocean ridges and young oceanic lithosphere can influence where new transform faults develop.

How to cite: Longley, L. and Phethean, J.: Mega-transform fault development: New insights from Geodynamic modelling using ASPECT and real-world examples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2320,, 2025.

EGU25-2367 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Seismicity in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, Northern Red Sea and its tectonic implications: insights from an Ocean Bottom Seismometers Network 

Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi, Laura Parisi, Eduardo Cano, Margherita Fittipaldi, Nico Agustin, Guillaume Baby, P. Martin Mai, and Sigurjón Jónsson

The Red Sea is one of the youngest ocean basins on Earth and is classified as an ultra-slow spreading ridge, with spreading rates decreasing from 15 mm/year in the Southern Red Sea to 7 mm/year in the Northern Red Sea. The Zabargad Fracture Zone (ZFZ), the largest rift-axis offset (~100 km) in the Red Sea (23.5oN to 26oN), separates the Central and the Northern Red Sea. The proximity of the seismically active ZFZ to coastal cities and infrastructure in the region has implications for the regional seismic hazard. However, thick salt and sedimentary covers in the ZFZ obscure the exact geometry of the oceanic spreading axes, and any potential transform faults or non-transform offsets, resulting in ambiguous interpretations. Seismological studies to date have relied on onshore recordings, yielding limited earthquake location accuracy that has impeded detailed analysis.

We deployed the first-ever broadband ocean-bottom seismometer network in the Red Sea, which was augmented with land-based stations, for a period of 12 months to improve the seismic data coverage in the ZFZ. The deployment resulted in a recovery rate of over 90% for the continuous seismic recordings. Using this new dataset, we applied a deep-learning-based algorithm for automatic earthquake detection and phase picking. The results were manually verified and refined, enabling the development of a high-resolution earthquake catalog. These processing steps yielded over 3,900 local earthquakes, with magnitude ranging from ML -0.4 to ML 2.5.  We further optimized a 1-D seismic velocity model for the ZFZ and improved earthquake locations using a double-difference relocation algorithm. Focal mechanisms for selected events were determined using polarity and amplitude ratios.

Our findings reveal two major seismicity clusters in the northern part, near the Mabahiss Deep, a deep with exposed oceanic crust, and in the southern part, around the ZFZ. The hypocenter distribution is consistent with NNW-SSE trending normal faults parallel to the ridge axis, indicating ridge segmentations and at least one ~25 km long NE-SW transform fault with strike-slip mechanisms. Variations in seismicity depth highlight changes in the brittle-ductile transition zone: shallower near Mabahiss Mons, an axial Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt volcano, reflecting elevated temperatures, and deeper further south, suggesting lower temperatures due to fluid circulation. These results provide new insights into the ZFZ's tectonic structure and seismic activity, improving our understanding of oceanic spreading dynamics in the northern Red Sea and the associated earthquake hazard.

How to cite: Shiddiqi, H. A., Parisi, L., Cano, E., Fittipaldi, M., Agustin, N., Baby, G., Mai, P. M., and Jónsson, S.: Seismicity in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, Northern Red Sea and its tectonic implications: insights from an Ocean Bottom Seismometers Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2367,, 2025.

EGU25-2791 | Posters on site | GD5.3

On the segmentation of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Atlantis and Oceanographer Transform (29.5 N to 35.5 N) 

Ingo Grevemeyer, Lars Ruepke, Adina Pusok, and Javier Escartin

Mid-Ocean Ridges (MOR) are accretionary plate boundaries where new seafloor is created by seafloor spreading. In the early 1980s, these features were mapped for the first time in high detail using multi-beam echosounders and researchers found that the ridge crest of this approximately 70.000 km long rift system has many lateral discontinuities that partition its axis into segments. Discontinuities differ in form and behaviour and are often deeper and less active volcanically than the segments they define. As a result, the crest of the MOR undulates up and down by hundreds of meters over distances of several to hundreds of kilometres. The most prominent ridge offsets are the oceanic transform faults which typically offset the ridge axis by over 20 km. Long transform faults generally form deep valleys, while shorter discontinuities (non-transform offsets) displacing the spreading axis by only a few kilometres to tens of kilometres may show more complex tectonic features.

Even 60 years after the plate tectonic revolution and the introduction of seafloor spreading, much of the classification of ridges crest segmentation is still based on the study of fast-spreading ridges dominated by robust magma supply where discontinuities along the spreading axis are readily identified by offsets of the crest-like ridge axis, including overlapping and often migrating Overlapping Spreading Centres (OSC). It is generally believed that slow spreading ridges show analogue features. Yet observations of prominent median valleys at slow spreading ridges show a much more diverse segmentation. Here, we revisit the segmentation of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 29°30’N (south of Atlantis transform) to 35°30’N (north of Oceanographer transform) using data collected in September and October of 2024 aboard the German RV METEOR during the cruise M204 running a swath-mapping survey along the axis of the MAR. In analogy to fast spreading ridges, we find transform faults and overlapping volcanic centres, but we also map large dome-like features, en-échelon spreading segments, and offsets revealing bookshelf faulting. These structures provide insight into both the various styles of non-transform offsets, and the parameters controlling the different shear accommodation styles.

How to cite: Grevemeyer, I., Ruepke, L., Pusok, A., and Escartin, J.: On the segmentation of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Atlantis and Oceanographer Transform (29.5 N to 35.5 N), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2791,, 2025.

EGU25-3590 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Controlling processes of marginal ridge development 

Stanislaw Staniaszek and Michal Nemčok,

Transform faults, key elements of plate tectonics, play a crucial role in shaping transform
margins. Marginal ridges, which are elevated basement highs at margin borders, represent
one of the structural elements occurring at some transform margins.
This study examines marginal ridges and their failed candidates, which occur along the
Zenith-Wallaby-Perth transform fault zone in West Australia, using seismic and gravity data,
and plate reconstructions to investigate their development histories.
Existing models of marginal ridge development often include processes such as thermal
expansion-related uplift, flexural uplift and flower structure development. However, data
from the study area suggest a more complex mechanism, which is related to the formation
of strike-slip faults and pull-apart basins inside the transform fault zone.
This study proposes a model of the marginal ridge formation characterized by the evolving
faulting during continental and continental-oceanic stages of the transform development.
The nucleation and linkage of strike-slip faults along the future transform fault zone lead to
the formation of pull-apart basins, characterized by a complex fault system. In the same
time, (1) initially broad zone of deformation undergoes progressive focusing and (2) fault
activity decays along the transform strike towards the ocean. Depending on the duration of
fault activity, some parts of the initial strike-slip fault zones and pull-aparts develop further,
while others are abandoned. In regions where faults remain active for extended periods
during the continental-oceanic stage of the transform development, marginal ridges may
develop, and even occasionaly evolve into micro-continents separated from the continent.
Further complexity in their development is the effect of the pre-existing anisotropy in
regions of their development.

How to cite: Staniaszek, S. and Nemčok,, M.: Controlling processes of marginal ridge development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3590,, 2025.

EGU25-4175 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Global Subseafloor Ecosystem and Sustainability (GSES) 

Fengping Wang, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Ken Takai, Thulani Makhalanyane, Mohamed Hatha Abdulla, and Mohamed Jebbar

The subseafloor ecosystem includes all life living in marine sediment, crust and the accompany fluids. This ecosystem, also called the deep biosphere, mostly derives its energy source from geological processes, which are cut off from sunlight. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps are regarded as windows of the subsurface life. Still, little is known about the subseafloor life and there is a substantial knowledge gap related to understanding the breadth of their diversity, assemblage, function, and possible ecosystem services to society. These insights are key to understanding the origin of life and evolutionary processes, and also pivotal for evaluating the impact of the proposed ocean-based climate interventions. As part of the efforts to reduce this knowledge deficiency, we initiate a global-scale program “Global Subseafloor Ecosystem and Sustainability” (GSES). This program aims to generate new systematic insights into subseafloor ecosystems with the aim of transforming these datasets for predictive capabilities. As a newly endorsed program of the UN Ocean Decade, the overarching objective of GSES is to significantly advance scientific comprehension, conservation, and sustainable management of Earth's subseafloor ecosystems. Focused on addressing substantial knowledge gaps in microbial life, carbon dynamics, and historical records within this critical, vulnerable and understudied environment, GSES aims to develop internationally standardized protocols, cutting-edge investigation platforms, and ecological indices. A pilot project that targets the microbiome in the oceanic crust, which is the largest by volume but least understood biosystem on Earth, will be showcased and discussed.

How to cite: Wang, F., Hinrichs, K.-U., Takai, K., Makhalanyane, T., Abdulla, M. H., and Jebbar, M.: Global Subseafloor Ecosystem and Sustainability (GSES), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4175,, 2025.

EGU25-4307 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Implications of pressure-dependent permeability for hydrothermal heat transfers 

Jie Chen, Jean-Arthur Olive, Mathilde Cannat, and Antoine Demont

Hydrothermal convection in young oceanic lithosphere accounts for ~25% of the total global heat flow, and thus plays a critical role in Earth's thermal evolution. The permeability structure of the lithosphere is a key factor governing how efficiently heat tapped from magma bodies or hot upwelling mantle can be transferred to the overlying ocean. Drill hole measurements and laboratory experiments unambiguously show that permeability decreases with depth (i.e., pressure), either exponentially or through some power law relations. However, the impact of depth-decreasing permeability on the depth extent and heat output of seafloor hydrothermal systems has not been explored systematically.

Here we present 2-D numerical simulations of hydrothermal convection treated as Darcy porous flow, with fluid properties corresponding to a 3.2 wt% NaCl-H2O mixture, and depth (i.e., pressure)-dependent permeability fields. We consider an empirical exponential dependence as well as a more recently proposed power-law-type dependence rooted in micromechanical modeling of experimental data. In reference simulations with uniform permeability, we find that, for a given basal temperature (TH) imposed at the model bottom, the hydrothermal heat output at the seafloor increases with permeability, but is largely independent of the depth extent of the model domain. On the other hand, in simulations with depth-decreasing permeability, the depth extent of hydrothermal convection (ZH) may be significantly lower than the height of the model domain. In such systems, heat extraction is intuitively more efficient when the heat source lies at a shallower depth. We find that the heat output in these simulations is primarily controlled by the harmonic mean of permeability in the hydrothermal system.

To further quantify this finding, we investigate the relationship between our simulations' Rayleigh number (Ra, estimated from model inputs using the harmonically-averaged permeability) and Nusselt number (Nu, measured from simulation results). We find that the linear relationship Nu=Ra/Rac that is typical of porous convection holds for Ra > 103, with a critical Rayleigh number (Rac) on the order of 102. This relationship allows us to build an analytical model that predicts ZH, given the heat output, basal temperature (TH), and exponentially-decreasing permeability with depth Z: k= k0 e(-cZ). Fitting parameters against observed magma-fueled hydrothermal systems at mid-ocean ridges suggests that permeability at the seafloor (k0) is on the order of 10-12 - 10-11 m2, in agreement with independent estimates based on drill hole measurements and the poro-elastic tidal modulation of venting temperatures, and that the constant c is on the order of 1-4×10-3 m-1. Our findings further suggest that for convection to reach depths > 13 km, as has been proposed near oceanic detachment faults, permeability at the seafloor would need to be extremely large (k0> 10-10 m2). It remains unclear whether such conditions can be attained in the damage zone of a detachment fault.

How to cite: Chen, J., Olive, J.-A., Cannat, M., and Demont, A.: Implications of pressure-dependent permeability for hydrothermal heat transfers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4307,, 2025.

EGU25-4333 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Tectonics control alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres 

Leila Mezri, Alexander Diehl, Thomas P. Ferrand, Javier Javier García-Pintado, Manon Bickert, and Marta Pérez-Gussinyé

At ultraslow, magma-poor spreading ridges, plate divergence is controlled by tectonics, leading to the formation of detachment faults. These faults cut through thick, brittle lithosphere (up to 15 km) and accommodate tens of kilometers of displacement, exposing heterogeneous, altered rocks. Among the alteration reactions, serpentinization has garnered significant attention for its role in sustaining chemosynthetic microbial life and influencing the spatial distribution of earthquakes within the lithosphere. Although the influence of serpentinization on seismicity is largely recognized in ultraslow-spread lithospheres, the nature and extent of alteration remain poorly constrained.

To address this, we use a 2D visco-elasto-plastic model with thermodynamic calculations to simulate lithospheric alteration during ultraslow seafloor spreading under a low magma budget. By coupling water availability and lithospheric hydration progress with active deformation, we reveal: (i) a tectonically controlled vertical extent of alteration along detachment faults; (ii) the preservation of amphibole-facies in exhumed serpentinized footwalls, forming kilometer-scale asperity-like features; and (iii) significant lithospheric-scale rheological heterogeneities resulting from tectonically induced spatial variations in alteration mineral assemblage equilibria across the lithosphere. The largest rheological changes occur along the deep hydration front near the brittle-ductile transition zone, where the alteration of exhumed fresh mantle begins to form high-temperature amphibole-bearing assemblages.

By comparing our model results with seismic data from two magma-poor segments—the easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge and the Knipovich Ridge—we observe that sparsely seismically active regions correlate with highly serpentinized domains in the shallow lithosphere, while deeper seismically active zones correspond to areas with low alteration degrees and the presence of amphibole, talc, and chlorite in amphibole-bearing assemblages. These findings support a conceptual model suggesting that tectonics controls the formation of alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities, which play a key role in controlling earthquake depth distribution at mid-ocean ridges and associated transform faults, and also have implications for seismogenesis in subduction zones.

How to cite: Mezri, L., Diehl, A., Ferrand, T. P., Javier García-Pintado, J., Bickert, M., and Pérez-Gussinyé, M.: Tectonics control alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4333,, 2025.

EGU25-4386 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Tectonics control seismic velocity anomalies in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres 

Leila Mezri, Javier García-Pintado, Alexander Diehl, and Marta Pérez-Gussinyé

At ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs, spreading rate <20 mm/yr), limited magma supply often results in tectonic extension and the formation of oceanic detachment faults. These faults cut through thick brittle lithosphere (up to 15 km), accommodating tens of kilometers of displacement and exposing heterogeneous rocks altered by seawater-rock interactions. Among these reactions, serpentinization has drawn significant attention for its role in sustaining chemosynthetic microbial life and modulating geological carbon budgets. However, quantitatively determining the extent and distribution of serpentinization within the lithosphere remains challenging, as large-scale estimates rely primarily on seismic observations that struggle to differentiate between serpentinized mantle, gabbro, and fresh mantle at depth. Despite advances in seismic resolution, key uncertainties persist regarding how magmatic, tectonic, and alteration processes shape velocity anomalies in newly formed oceanic lithosphere. Here, we address lithospheric alteration during magma-poor seafloor spreading by coupling a geodynamic model with thermodynamic calculations of alteration reactions and seismic properties as a function of pressure-temperature and mineral assemblages. We focus on the well-documented magma-poor ridge at 64°30′E on the Southwest Indian Ridge, where recent seismic surveys have been conducted. Our model reproduces the “smooth-smooth” seafloor morphology shaped by alternating flip-flop detachments. By coupling water availability and lithosphere alteration with active deformation, we reveal: (i) vertically controlled alteration along detachments, including deep alteration beyond serpentine stability; and (ii) tectonically-induced lateral velocity anomalies caused by variations in alteration mineral assemblages in the detachment footwall. Comparing our thermodynamically-constrained velocity model with seismic observations from 64°30′E SWIR suggests that the imaged alteration boundary along detachment faults likely represents a peak in serpentinization, rather than the traditionally interpreted serpentinization front.

How to cite: Mezri, L., García-Pintado, J., Diehl, A., and Pérez-Gussinyé, M.: Tectonics control seismic velocity anomalies in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4386,, 2025.

EGU25-4667 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Highly variable lithospheric structure and associated magmatic accretion at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge 

Jiabiao Li, Tao Zhang, Xiongwei Niu, Zhiteng Yu, Xiaodong Wei, Caicai Zha, Jie Jiang, Pingchuan Tan, Chunguo Yang, Zhezhe Lu, Weiwei Ding, and Yinxia Fang

The mid-ocean ridge (MOR) is the longest volcanic chain on the Earth (∼75,000 km), with spreading rates varying from fast (>80 mm/yr) to ultraslow (<20 mm/yr). It is generally believed that mantle beneath MORs upwells passively due to viscous drag from the diverging tectonic plates, leading to pressure-release melting. While passive mantle upwelling models explain the uniform crustal thickness observed at fast-spreading ridges, they fail to account for the complexities at ultraslow-spreading ridges. At these ridges, enhanced conductive cooling and hydrothermal circulation thicken the ocean lithosphere, shrinking the melting zone and inhibiting melt production. The fundamental dynamics governing crustal accretion at ultraslow-spreading ridges remain elusive. In 2021, we conducted a high-resolution active-source ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) experiment along the eastern ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge between 76° and 100° E using the icebreaker ‘Xuelong 2’, during the Joint Arctic Scientific Mid-ocean ridge Insight Expedition (JASMInE). Our new seismic model reveals highly variable crustal thickness, which ranges from 3.3 km to 8.9 km along the ridge axis. Meanwhile, this thickness increases from ~4.5 km to ~7.5 km over the past 5 Myr across the ridge axis. In addition, the magnetotelluric data reveals prominent low-resistivity zones at depths 20–45 km beneath volcanic centers, but high resistivities (>100 Ω m) down to ~ 50 km at volcanic ends, indicating highly variable electrical lithosphere (eLAB). Microearthquakes recorded by the OBSs occurred at depths of <10 below the seafloor along the ridge axis, suggesting a relatively shallow brittle lithosphere and a high magma supply. These observations contradict the passive upwelling models and are instead consistent with buoyant active mantle flow model that is driven by thermal and compositional density changes due to melt extraction. Active mantle upwelling is predicted to play a more significant role as the spreading rate decreases, which is highly sensitive to the mantle temperature and composition. This implies that the observed variability in crustal and lithospheric thickness is likely an inherent characteristic of ultraslow-spreading ridges.

How to cite: Li, J., Zhang, T., Niu, X., Yu, Z., Wei, X., Zha, C., Jiang, J., Tan, P., Yang, C., Lu, Z., Ding, W., and Fang, Y.: Highly variable lithospheric structure and associated magmatic accretion at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4667,, 2025.

EGU25-4754 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Microbial Residents in Serpentinized Upper Mantle of the Atlantis Massif 

Zhicheng Wang, Ruize Xie, Jialin Hou, Lewen Liang, William Brazelton, and Fengping Wang and the IODP Expedition 399 Scientists

The rock-hosted subseafloor biosphere provides key insights into the limits and origins of life, yet it remains largely unknown due to limited access. Recently, IODP Expedition 399 provided unprecedented access to a 1,268-meter core from the upper mantle of the Atlantis Massif, primarily composed of serpentinized harzburgite. The abundance and composition of indigenous organisms, their metabolic capabilities, physiological activity, and the role of serpentinization in sustaining life are critical, yet unanswered questions. However, the extremely low biomass and high DNA adsorption capacity of these mantle rocks present significant challenges for DNA extraction and contamination control, limiting our exploration of the rock-hosted biosphere. In this study, we made notable progress by distilling and refining DNA extraction protocols. Using 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing, we specifically developed the quality control and decontamination workflow tailored to the unique complexities of low-biomass samples. In this context, we characterized candidate microbial residents within the rocks and fluids, including Campylobacteria, Aquificae, Dehalococcoidia, Bathyarchaeia, Hadarchaeia, Methanosarcinia, and Nitrososphaeria, with distinct phylogenies from those typically found in seawater and sediments. These putative microbial residents likely play key roles in mediating the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles between the mantle rocks and formation fluids. Our findings suggest the presence of a complex metabolic network capable of thriving in the mantle rocks under high-temperature, hydrogen-rich, and alkaline conditions, underscoring the adaptability of microbial life in extreme subsurface environments. These results contribute to a broader understanding of life’s resilience in the deep biosphere and offer new insights into the origins of life and the potential for extraterrestrial life.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Xie, R., Hou, J., Liang, L., Brazelton, W., and Wang, F. and the IODP Expedition 399 Scientists: Microbial Residents in Serpentinized Upper Mantle of the Atlantis Massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4754,, 2025.

EGU25-5117 | Orals | GD5.3

Origin and implications of the amagmatic segment of the Gakkel Ridge 

Alexandra Yang Yang, Charles Langmuir, and Peter Michael

Global ocean crust has an average thickness of 6–7 kilometers, suggesting a globally pervasive, rather uniform mantle composition. At some ultra-slow spreading ridges, crustal thickness is highly variable and mantle peridotite can be found at the surface. The peridotites, however, are mostly recovered in fracture zones that expose the deeper crust, or at the edges of ridge segments where there is a central volcano. The Gakkel Ridge is unusual in this regard because it contains a 400-kilometer-long sparsely magmatic zone (SMZ) with extensive mantle peridotite exposure, negligible crustal thickness and limited basaltic lava outcrops. This segment is also bracketed by two other sections of ridge that have active volcanism, including the adjacent Western Volcanic Zone (WVZ) where no peridotites were recovered. What is the origin of this enigmatic expanse of ridge, and is it simply a curiosity or does it have global implications for ocean ridges and mantle recycling?
We have undertaken systematic geochemical analysis of 267 basaltic glass samples from the WVZ and the few recovered basalts from the SMZ. The WVZ has normal-thickness oceanic crust and predominantly produces depleted normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB). Gradients in chemical composition can be accounted for by a combination of more depleted mantle and lower extents of melting as the SMZ is approached. Across an abrupt boundary, the SMZ has negligible crustal thickness and is dominated by exposed mantle peridotite and a few samples of enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB).
Quantitative models suggest the SMZ is the result of cold, ancient ocean mantle lithosphere that has been metasomatized by enriched, low degree melts. While the SMZ is a rare occurrence, simple mass balance considerations suggest such occurrences should instead be very common. While recycled ocean crust is commonly called upon, sometimes as an isolated lower mantle reservoir, the mass of depleted ocean mantle lithosphere would be more than ten times greater. Indeed, using current ridge production rates, over the last 2.5 billion years the total volume of recycled mantle lithosphere would be equivalent to the volume of the entire lower mantle. While vestiges of such lithosphere are frequently invoked from Os isotopes or melt inclusions, almost all of these occurrences are coincident with predominant basalts, and occur in regions with normal crustal thickness. Why are there not vast regions dominated by depleted lithosphere, negligible crust, or common occurrences of basalts that come from highly depleted reservoirs? An obvious solution is that mantle convection is highly efficient at mixing crustal and mantle components on a scale finer than is sampled by melting, permitting relatively uniform crustal thickness and composition on a global basis.

How to cite: Yang, A. Y., Langmuir, C., and Michael, P.: Origin and implications of the amagmatic segment of the Gakkel Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5117,, 2025.

EGU25-5278 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

 Rapid exhumation of mantle rocks along detachment faults facilitated by felsic granitoid intrusions at a continent-ocean transition drilled in the Tyrrhenian Sea 

Eirini Poulaki, Manon Bickert, Paola Vannucchi, Brandon Shuck, Tomoaki Morishita, Alessio Sanfilippo, Ashutosh Pandey, Norikatsu Akizawa, Emily Cunningham, Riccardo Tribuzio, Jaime Barnes, Joshua Garber, Claudiu Nistor, Rachel Bernard, and Matthew Loocke and the IODP Expedition 402 Team

Mantle exhumation mechanisms at continent-ocean transitions (COTs) are similar to those at slow and ultraslow spreading ridges, where plate divergence is also accommodated by a combination of magmatic processes and detachment faulting. However, the timescales of exhumation at COTs are poorly constrained because of the thick sediment cover blanketing basement rocks along mature passive margins. IODP Exp. 402 drilled the Tyrrhenian Sea COT and successfully recovered in situ sections of mantle exhumed during Late Cenozoic extension in this back-arc basin. Onedrill site sampled a sequence of variably deformed granitic gneisses intercalated with ~cm-thick slivers of peridotites and basalts, and another drill site sampled a heterogeneous section of heavily serpentinized peridotites with granitoids between the ultramafics. Structural observations and core recovery trends indicate localized deformation along the granitoids, with fabrics varying from undeformed to mylonitic. The presence of both peridotites and felsic granitoids provides a unique opportunity to acquire precise ages for the exhumation and deformation stages that have not yet been resolved in detail.

Zircon and apatite U-Pb geochronology of granitoids yields similar Pliocene ages (<4 Ma), coeval with the biostratigraphic ages of the basal overlying sediments, requiring crystallization at depth followed by rapid exhumation. Thin section microstructures and Electron Backscatter Diffraction data suggest that these granitoids accommodated significant strain during exhumation along a detachment fault. Quartz and feldspar in the mylonites are deformed by dislocation creep, with quartz exhibiting grain boundary rotation and migration, and feldspar displaying bulging, suggesting deformation at temperatures of ~450°C. In contrast, quartz in the protomylonite shows polygonal-shaped grains, indicating static recrystallization at high temperatures with low strain. Ti in quartz analyses yields temperatures of ~400°C for both mylonites and protomylonites, suggesting that the differences in the microstructures are strain dependent and that shear was localized within a ~5-m-thick zone. These chronological and microstructural constraints require >1 cm/year exhumation rates after granitoid emplacement. Lastly, stable isotope constraints from the surrounding peridotites give serpentinization temperatures of ~200°C, with higher temperatures adjacent to granitic intrusions. These results, together with microstructural observations, suggest that serpentinization occurred at shallower depths, after most of the unroofing. Overall, we show that felsic lithologies facilitate most of the exhumation prior to serpentinization and demonstrate that heterogeneous lithologies and pre-existing structures have a major influence on the slip behavior of faults at COTs.

How to cite: Poulaki, E., Bickert, M., Vannucchi, P., Shuck, B., Morishita, T., Sanfilippo, A., Pandey, A., Akizawa, N., Cunningham, E., Tribuzio, R., Barnes, J., Garber, J., Nistor, C., Bernard, R., and Loocke, M. and the IODP Expedition 402 Team:  Rapid exhumation of mantle rocks along detachment faults facilitated by felsic granitoid intrusions at a continent-ocean transition drilled in the Tyrrhenian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5278,, 2025.

EGU25-5724 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Thermal structure and stress pattern of the oceanic transform fault: insights form 3D numerical modelling 

Ming Chen, Lars Rüpke, Ingo Grevemeyer, Yu Ren, and Sibiao Liu

Oceanic transform faults (OTFs) are one of three classes of plate boundaries representing the most seismogenic part of the global mid-ocean ridge (MOR) system. Their cumulate length represents more than 40% of the global MOR system. In a classical view, OTFs are perpendicular to mid-ocean ridges and considered as pure strike-slip zones where one plate moves past another and no material is added or destroyed. Recent studies show that OTFs are oblique boundaries where extensional tectonics and a two-phase crustal grow, which challenges a major concept of plate tectonics. However, thermal structure and stress pattern that are key to explore geodynamics processes at OTFs remain poorly understood.

We conducted 3D numerical simulations of plate separation and dike injection at a ridge-transform-ridge system by using the geodynamic code LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model). Our results reveal three key findings. First, OTFs are always deeper and warmer than fracture zones for all models, which could be well explained by focused brittle deformation that locally reduces viscosity and strength of OTFs, allowing the far-field tectonic stretching to be preferentially partitioned into the transform domain. Mantle upwelling beneath rheologically weaken OTFs is therefore locally enhanced. Second, plate boundaries of ridge-transform intersections (RTIs) at depth are oblique, which is structurally different from its seafloor expressions. Its obliqueness increases with depth and reduced dike injection rate to the inside corner of ridge segments. Third, we found in all models, that strike-slip faulting, which is thought to be a main feature of OTFs only occurs at distances away from the RTIs. Approaching the RTIs, maximal horizontal stress is oblique to OTFs by more than 45, indicating transform-normal extension at the inside corner. These results provide a first-order constraint on thermal and mechanical behaviour of OTFs and are in line with recent bathymetry, gravity and micro-earthquake evidence.

How to cite: Chen, M., Rüpke, L., Grevemeyer, I., Ren, Y., and Liu, S.: Thermal structure and stress pattern of the oceanic transform fault: insights form 3D numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5724,, 2025.

EGU25-5906 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Magmatism distribution and modes of seafloor spreading at a Ridge-transform fault system revealed by marine magnetics 

Fei Zhou, Ingo Grevemeyer, Lars H. Rüpke, and Colin W. Devey

The interaction between transform faults and mid-ocean ridges results in complex magmatic distribution, consequently, intricate crustal accretion processes. In this study, we present magnetic survey data collected over the Argo transform fault in the Central Indian Ocean. Magnetic modeling was conducted along two profiles crossing the adjacent spreading center and one profile over the transform fault. The results reveal the absence of a central magnetic anomaly over the spreading center where it intersects with the transform fault indicating reduced magmatic activity. In this case, plate divergence is alternately driven by magmatic and tectonic processes. Isochron alignment on both sides of the transform fault correlates well, indicating an age offset of 7.5 Myr and a consistent half-spreading rate. The profile over the transform fault and associated fracture zones (FZs) shows strong magmatic signals in the FZ areas near the outside corners, suggesting magma intrusion from the juxtaposed ridge. Conversely, most areas along the transform fault exhibit weak magnetic signals, except for a moderate magnetic anomaly over a transform-parallel serpentinite ridge with gabbro intrusions. These findings further demonstrate that transform faults are not simple conservative plate boundaries and shed light on the dynamics of magmatism and seafloor spreading in ridge-transform systems.

How to cite: Zhou, F., Grevemeyer, I., H. Rüpke, L., and W. Devey, C.: Magmatism distribution and modes of seafloor spreading at a Ridge-transform fault system revealed by marine magnetics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5906,, 2025.

EGU25-6973 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Microseismicity of the Eastern Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean  

Xinran Li, Zhiteng Yu, Jiabiao Li, Yan Jia, Zhangju Liu, Xiongwei Niu, Zhongyan Shen, Zhengyi Tong, Pingchuan Tan, Tao Zhang, Weiwei Ding, and Yinxia Fang

The mid-ocean ridge forms new oceanic lithosphere, which subsides, thickens, and moves away from the ridge axis. It is generally believed that the lithospheric thickness is dependent on spreading rate. At ultraslow-spreading ridges (<20 mm/yr), the lithosphere is expected to thicken substantially due to strong hydrothermal cooling and limited magma supply. However, this view has been challenged by the observed highly variable crustal thickness at the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and Gakkel Ridge, where their lithospheric structures are poorly understood due to limited passive seismic observations. In particular, the Gakkel Ridge, located in the Arctic Ocean, is the slowest-spreading mid-ocean ridge in the world, but no onsite microseismicity has been reported due to severe ice conditions. The 2021 JASMInE cruise marked the first deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBSs) array in the eastern part of Gakkel Ridge. 43 OBSs with spacings of 5-10 km were set up to record both air-gun source signals and natural seismic signals. These instruments were deployed along and across the ridge axis, with a focus on the volcanic area at 85°E, covering a range from 75°E to 102°E. Analysis of seismic data identified 234 microearthquakes that occurred continuously in August 2021, and ~50% of them have uncertainties of <10 km. Their focal depths are located no deeper than 13 km below the sea floor (bsf), with most events located at 0-10 km bsf. This depth range is much shallower compared to the microseismicity observed by seismic stations installed on the ice floes during the 2007 AGAVE expedition, where most events were found between 7-16 km deep. We reanalyzed the seismic data collected during the 2007 AGAVE expedition, and preliminary results indicate that the seismic phases have a very low signal-to-noise ratio, with poorly picked S-wave phases, which may result in the observed differences. Furthermore, the newly observed deepest depth of these seismic events is consistent with the 600°C isotherm as previously calculated, approximately 12.6 km bsf. It is unexpected that no earthquakes were recorded beneath the volcano center where explosive volcanic eruption was reported in 1999. Seismic source mechanism analysis reveals normal faulting near the volcano center, but no volcanic swarm-like events were observed. Instead, most earthquakes were concentrated near the segment end at around 88°E, likely associated with a normal fault inclined southward within the rift valley. In addition to the JASMInE cruise, a small seismic network consisting of five OBSs was deployed in August 2023 at the 100°E volcanic center. These instruments were operated on the seabed for approximately one week, but no microearthquakes were detected. These observations may suggest that, at ultraslow-spreading ridges, despite robust magma supply in magmatic segments, magmatic activity is not vigorous. Crust accretion and episodic volcanic eruptions appear to be short-lived, and for most of the time, the magmatic system remains in a period of seismic quiet.

How to cite: Li, X., Yu, Z., Li, J., Jia, Y., Liu, Z., Niu, X., Shen, Z., Tong, Z., Tan, P., Zhang, T., Ding, W., and Fang, Y.: Microseismicity of the Eastern Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6973,, 2025.

EGU25-7472 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Magnetic Characterization of Borehole Samples from IODP Expedition 399: Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 

Ethan Lopes, Olivia Ju, Sonia Tikoo, Ji-in Jung, and Dale Burns and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party

Serpentinization is a hydrothermal process that often forms magnetite, significantly altering the magnetic properties of ultramafic rocks at mid-ocean ridges. However, the evolution of these magnetic properties during serpentinization and their stability over geological timescales are not completely understood. The Atlantis Massif, one of the best-studied oceanic core complexes, is an ideal place to study serpentinization's effects on rock magnetism. IODP Expedition 399 drilled a deep (1268m) borehole (Hole U1601C) into uplifted lower crustal and upper mantle rocks on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, providing an excellent opportunity to study the variation in rock magnetic properties with spatial context at mid-ocean ridges. In-depth magnetic properties were analyzed using facilities at Stanford and the Institute for Rock Magnetism at the University of Minnesota. We measured room temperature hysteresis loops, back field curves, magnetic properties measurement system, first-order reversal curves, low and high-temperature magnetic susceptibility, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. We found that the magnetic carriers for serpentinized peridotites consisted predominantly of stoichiometric magnetite. Magnetic carriers for gabbros were dominated by magnetite and titanomagnetite, with noticeable contributions from monoclinic pyrrhotite in some samples. Most of the serpentinized samples exhibited vortex (pseudo-single domain-like) domain behavior. Ongoing scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy measurements are being used to contextualize the spatial distribution of magnetic minerals in relation to primary phases, secondary minerals (ex. lizardite, brucite), cracks, and void spaces. Tentative results indicate that iron sulfides in gabbros were predominantly located in cracked regions, while SEM-detectable magnetite grains in serpentinized peridotites were typically found along the rims of relict olivine grains.

How to cite: Lopes, E., Ju, O., Tikoo, S., Jung, J., and Burns, D. and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party: Magnetic Characterization of Borehole Samples from IODP Expedition 399: Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7472,, 2025.

In the summer of 2024, we conducted the first magnetotelluric (MT) profile survey beneath sea ice at the ultraslow spreading Gakkel Ridge. A total of 17 MT instruments were deployed for approximately 20 days along a 125 km profile across the ridge axis at 100°E. This profile spanned the 0–14 Ma lithosphere north of the Gakkel Ridge. Preliminary analysis reveals a zone of high electrical conductivity at depths of 30–50 km beneath the ridge axis, attributed to a high-degree partial melting zone. A more striking feature is the abrupt deepening of the electrical lithospheric base to ~65 km just north of the ridge axis, beyond which it flattens significantly. The flat lithospheric base likely represents a dehydration boundary, where water content sharply decreases above it due to melting processes. The dehydration could enhance mantle viscosity by 2–3 orders of magnitude, suggesting that the mechanical lithosphere near the ridge axis is governed more by compositions than by thermal structure. The depth of this boundary aligns with the seismic reflection boundary in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gutenberg discontinuity, and the top of the seismic radial anisotropy layer, indicating a possible global significance of this feature.

How to cite: Zhang, T., Li, J., and Team, J.: Magnetotelluric evidence for a compositionally controlled lithosphere at the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7632,, 2025.

EGU25-7696 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Chemically heterogeneous asthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge constrained by abyssal peridotites 

Yang Xu, Chuan-Zhou Liu, and Yin-Zheng Lin

The refractory mantle contributes little to the genesis of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), thus observations of the component of the asthenospheric mantle based on the MORB alone are incomplete. In this study, we present both major and trace element compositions of ~70 abyssal peridotite samples from the Sparsely Magmatic Zone (SMZ) and Eastern Volcanic Zone (EVZ) of the Gakkel Ridge. Compositional data indicate that they are mantle residues of the asthenosphere after variable degrees of partial melting. Their clinopyroxenes display two different types of REE patterns, i.e., LREE-depleted and LREE-flat. The latter suggests that some Gakkel peridotites have been refertilized by quasi-instantaneous melts that retained in the melting column. The Gakkel peridotites show large geochemical variability along the ridge axis at length-scales which are too short to be thermally driven. Degrees of partial melting modelled by peridotite geochemistry are greater than those inferred seismically by crustal thicknesses in the SMZ and EVZ. This implies that compositional variations in those abyssal peridotites are inherited from prior melting. In addition, the composition of the Gakkel peridotites differs significantly from that of the subduction-related peridotites. Trace element modelling further supports the presence of a geochemically decoupled crust-mantle. We suggest that the strong heterogeneity of theasthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge is the dominant driver of crust-mantle geochemical decoupling. In particular, in the SMZ region, the small amount of enriched mantle domains in the asthenosphere become the source of the enriched MORB, while massive refractory mantle inherited from prior melting hardly contributes to the SMZ basalts. Therefore, compositional signatures of asthenospheric mantle inferred from MORB of amagmatic zones along mid-ocean ridges may considerably overestimate the proportion of enriched mantle.

How to cite: Xu, Y., Liu, C.-Z., and Lin, Y.-Z.: Chemically heterogeneous asthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge constrained by abyssal peridotites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7696,, 2025.

EGU25-8006 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Interplay between tectonics, magmatism, and hydrothermal activity in slow-spreading systems: insights from the sheeted dike complexes of the Limassol Forest and Troodos ophiolites, Cyprus 

Maureen van den Bosch, Sanne van den Ing, Anke van Grieken, Anouk Beniest, and Richard Wessels

Cyprus exposes a world-class ophiolite containing a fossil ridge-transform system that formed in an (ultra)slow spreading supra-subduction zone setting. The stratigraphic completeness and outcrop quality make it uniquely suited for studying its (de)formation history and associated magmatic and hydrothermal processes. The Arakapas Transform Fault separates two distinct domains of the ophiolite; in the north, the Troodos ophiolite largely conforms to the Penrose stratigraphy, while in the south, the Limassol Forest Complex (LFC) is characterised by anomalous stratigraphic and structural contacts.
In this study, the intrusive history of the sheeted dike complex in the Limassol Forest is unravelled on the basis of field observations, petrology, and geochemistry, and compared with the sheeted dike complex of the Troodos ophiolite. Field descriptions and the relative timing of dike sets in the Limassol Forest and Troodos are expanded with geochemical and petrological characterization of selected samples using optical and scanning electron microscopy combined with whole-rock, trace, and rare-earth elemental analyses.
The geological, geochemical, and petrological data will be used to determine and compare the evolution of the Limassol Forest Complex and the Troodos ophiolite. Their heterogeneous evolution, and the influence of the Arakapas Transform Fault, provide insights into the interplay between tectonic, magmatic, and hydrothermal processes active at slow spreading ridge-transform systems.

How to cite: van den Bosch, M., van den Ing, S., van Grieken, A., Beniest, A., and Wessels, R.: Interplay between tectonics, magmatism, and hydrothermal activity in slow-spreading systems: insights from the sheeted dike complexes of the Limassol Forest and Troodos ophiolites, Cyprus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8006,, 2025.

EGU25-8156 | Orals | GD5.3

Hydrothermal activity along the young, ultra-slow spreading Red Sea Rift – an update from recent discoveries 

Froukje M. van der Zwan, Nico Augustin, Sven Petersen, Isabel Diercks, and Sylvia G. Sander

Hydrothermal activity has been intensively studied at mature mid-ocean ridges and is crucial for the formation of mineral resources, as habitats for chemosynthetic communities, and for the cooling of the newly formed oceanic lithosphere1. However, the role of hydrothermal circulation in the early history of a young emerging ocean basin shortly after continental breakup and the geological expression of its hydrothermal vents, their geochemical characteristics, and their associated ecosystems can only be studied at a few locations. The Red Sea Rift is one of Earth’s youngest ocean basins, but despite ample indications for hydrothermal activity based on rock chemistry, the presence of extinct chimney fields, metalliferous sediments, and high-temperature brine poolssee overview in 2, the first direct observation of active hydrothermal vents was only reported in 20223. These vents at the axial volcano, Hatiba Mons, constitute one of the largest active hydrothermal areas worldwide, hosting 43 individual fields. In contrast to many mature locations, no high-temperature vent nor specialized macro-fauna was observed. Instead, the vents were characterized by low-temperature fluids, numerous Fe-Mn-oxyhydroxide mounds, and thriving microbial mats3. As this was the first active hydrothermal area observed in the Red Sea, the question remains if this is typical for the Red Sea and potentially for young mid-ocean ridges.

Here we present the outcomes of two expeditions in 2023 with the R/V Aegaeo (KRSE5-1) and R/V Meteor (M194)4, which resulted in the discovery of five more hydrothermally active areas distributed along the Red Sea Rift between 17°N and 25°N at water depths between 400-1,800 m. All hydrothermal areas consist of multiple smaller vent fields with similar low-temperature venting as reported from Hatiba Mons. The locations of the vents in their geological context and the expressions of hydrothermal occurrences show some variations ranging from small chimneys along fault lines to larger mounds covering wider areas.  We compare the six hydrothermal fields in terms of their geology, geomorphological expression, precipitate chemistry, and fluid characteristics to evaluate their regional differences and similarities to further understand the nature of hydrothermal venting in a young oceanic basin.


1Hannington et al. (2005) In: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 111-141

2F. M. van der Zwan et al. (2019) In: Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea. Springer, 221-232

3F. M. Van der Zwan et al. (2023) Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 496

4N. Augustin (2023) METEOR Short Cruise report, M194. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research

How to cite: van der Zwan, F. M., Augustin, N., Petersen, S., Diercks, I., and Sander, S. G.: Hydrothermal activity along the young, ultra-slow spreading Red Sea Rift – an update from recent discoveries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8156,, 2025.

EGU25-8189 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

The Jøtul field revisited: High carbon and hydrogen fluxes from a sediment‑hosted hydrothermal vent site in the Knipovic Ridge 

Alexander Diehl, Patrick Monien, Thomas Pape, Eirini Anagnostou, Eva-Maria Meckel, Miriam Römer, Donata Monien, Wolfgang Bach, and Gerhard Bohrmann

We report on the composition of gas‑tight hydrothermal vent fluid samples from the Jøtul field at the ultraslow spreading Knipovic ridge, collected during the R/V MARIA S. MERIAN expedition MSM131 in September 2024. The sampled fluids exhibit high pH values and total alkalinities. Elevated methane concentrations–exceeding those at the sediment-hosted Guaymas Basin vent site–suggest fluid-sediment interaction and thermal decomposition of organic matter derived from continental sediments. These fluids also contain high hydrogen concentrations (>14 mM), which surpass typical values for sediment-hosted hydrothermal vent fluids. The elevated hydrogen levels are accompanied by low H2S concentrations (< 2.5 mM), which might point to a heazlewoodite-pentlandite mineral assemblage controlling the concentrations of these compounds. We suggest that the hydrothermal vent fluids at the Jøtul field acquire their distinct chemical signatures through a combination of fluid‑sediment interactions in the recharge and discharge zones, along with fluid rock interactions governed by ultramafic rocks in the high‑temperature reaction zone. This combination of subsurface conditions produces vent fluids that are metal‑poor but enriched in carbon and hydrogen. The high methane concentrations measured in the Jøtul field highlight hydrothermal fluid‑sediment interactions as a yet underestimated source of carbon emissions into the ocean.

How to cite: Diehl, A., Monien, P., Pape, T., Anagnostou, E., Meckel, E.-M., Römer, M., Monien, D., Bach, W., and Bohrmann, G.: The Jøtul field revisited: High carbon and hydrogen fluxes from a sediment‑hosted hydrothermal vent site in the Knipovic Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8189,, 2025.

EGU25-8689 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

An oceanic core complex on Cyprus? Unravelling the Limassol Forest ophiolite. 

Sanne van den Ing, Maureen van den Bosch, Anouk Beniest, and Richard Wessels

The Troodos ophiolite on Cyprus contains a world-class exposure of a ridge-transform system that developed in a supra-subduction zone setting, making it an ideal location to study the associated tectonic and magmatic processes. On Cyprus, the Arakapas Transform Fault separates the ophiolite into distinct terrains. South of this fault lies the Limassol Forest Complex (LFC), an anomalous domain with stratigraphic and structural contacts that differ markedly from the characteristic Penrose ophiolite stratigraphy.
The LFC was likely formed in an (ultra)slow-spreading environment, dominated by temporally and spatially variable magmatic and amagmatic extension. Evidence of magmatism includes extensive dike intrusions observed throughout the stratigraphy, suggesting a dynamic system with ongoing melt generation and emplacement. The structural contact between the crust and mantle lithologies however indicates episodes of amagmatic tectonic extension, responsible for dismembering the crustal sequence of the LFC, bearing similarities with oceanic core complexes.
To evaluate the resemblance of the LFC to oceanic core complexes, this study focuses on the crust-mantle contact in the northwestern part of the LFC. By integrating high-resolution drone imagery, structural measurements, and detailed geological mapping, we refine our understanding of the stratigraphic contacts, intrusive relationships, and deformation processes. The relative timing of intrusive and tectonic events will help clarify the interactions between magmatic and extensional processes.
The results will be compared to known oceanic core complexes, such as the Monviso ophiolite, active systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and active supra-subduction zones, such as the Philippine Sea Plate, to identify similarities in mantle exhumation processes, fault dynamics, and magmatic-tectonic interactions. These findings have implications for the evolution of transform margins, the role of magmatism in slow-spreading systems, and the influence of supra-subduction processes on oceanic lithosphere formation. By highlighting the interaction of tectonic, and magmatic processes, this study places the LFC in the larger context of ridge-transform fault systems.

How to cite: van den Ing, S., van den Bosch, M., Beniest, A., and Wessels, R.: An oceanic core complex on Cyprus? Unravelling the Limassol Forest ophiolite., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8689,, 2025.

EGU25-8921 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Dispersion of Helium from the TAG hydrothermal vent field: perspectives from coupled physics-geochemistry model experiments 

Maria Gabriela Escobar Franco, Clément Vic, Thomas Gorgues, and Cécile Cathalot

Hydrothermal vents are oceanic sources of biogeochemical constituents. Some of these constituents, such as iron, significantly contribute to global biogeochemical cycles. Yet, their fate, i.e., transport and mixing through physical processes, and modification of their concentration through bio-geochemical processes, remains poorly quantified. Using state-of-the-art physical-biogeochemical (CROCO-PISCES) model simulations that resolve submesoscale processes, internal gravity waves and parameterized mixing processes, we analyse the physical processes involved in the dispersion of passive tracers (i.e. Helium) released at the Trans-Atlantic Geotraces (TAG) hydrothermal site.

A reference simulation features a horizontal grid spacing of 1 km, 150 terrain-following vertical levels, and includes high-frequency atmospheric and tidal forcing. Helium is initialized and continuously released at TAG, following a distribution that is constrained by observations. We also ran sensitivity experiments, without tides and with a smooth bathymetry designed to investigate the effects of CMIP (Coupled Models Intercomparison Project) model coarse bathymetries on the circulation.

At short spatial and time scales (~20 km, ~10 days), we find that tidal processes are instrumental in the tracer dispersion. Through comparisons between the reference and the no-tides simulations, we show that tidal currents and internal tides drive the dispersion within the TAG surrounding valley, and tidally-induced mixing drives the vertical dispersion of tracers, especially on the flanks of the valley walls and within fracture zones. At longer and larger scales (>20 km, >10 days), submesoscale and mesoscale instabilities catalyzed by the interaction of currents with the ridge topography lead to the formation of eddies that trap tracers and escape from the ridge valley to wander at depth preferentially westward of the ridge. Small-scale topographic structures such as fracture zones and abyssal hills control the dispersion and notably slows down the dispersion of tracers outside of the ridge valley. Simulation with smooth bathymetry hence shows a more isotropic and rapid dispersion. This could lead to biases in the inferred pathways of tracers in global models. Next, we will investigate the fate of active tracers, such as iron, which is impacted by biogeochemical processes, such as scavenging and complexation by ligands.

How to cite: Escobar Franco, M. G., Vic, C., Gorgues, T., and Cathalot, C.: Dispersion of Helium from the TAG hydrothermal vent field: perspectives from coupled physics-geochemistry model experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8921,, 2025.

Oceanic crust is formed by basaltic melt produced through decompression melting of ascending mantle at mid–ocean ridges. This oceanic crust is separated from the residual mantle by the Mohorovičić (Moho) discontinuity. Determining the crustal and mantle velocities and the structure of Moho transition zone is critical for understanding the mantle melting, melt extraction and migration and crustal accretion along mid–ocean ridges.


We used seismic full waveform inversion (FWI) to analyse the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data from the 2016 CREST experiment from the South Atlantic Ocean at 31oS that samples the 30.6 Ma crust formed along the Mid–Atlantic Ridge at a slow–spreading rate (half–spreading rate of 24 mm/year). Seven four–component OBSs were deployed at ~10 km interval along the seismic profile, and the airgun array source was shot at 150 m interval. The high–quality OBS data show clear crustal refraction arrivals (Pg) up to ~35 km offsets, strong Moho reflection arrivals (PmP) at ~20–65 km offsets but absence of mantle refraction arrivals (Pn), indicating the presence of a relatively thin Moho transition zone (MTZ) and a negative velocity gradient in the mantle.


We performed two-dimensional elastic FWI of the pressure data recorded by hydrophone to constrain fine–scale crustal and mantle velocity. The starting model for FWI was obtained from a previous study of joint tomography of manually picked travel times of Pg and PmP arrivals. We progressively inverted the OBS seismic data in FWI from 3.0–4.5 Hz data to 3.0–6.5 Hz data to gradually update the subsurface velocity. The preliminary FWI result shows a uniformly thick crust of 7.1 km along the profile, ~1 km thicker than the global mean of oceanic crust. This observation indicates a relatively uniform mantle upwelling along the ridge and ~20oC higher mantle temperature at the time of crustal formation. The lower–upper crustal ratio is ~2.5, suggesting the upper crust was formed by a magma reservoir in the mid–crust. The lower crust is heterogeneous where high and low velocity layering is observed, indicating lower crustal accretion by the in–situ crystallisation of melt sills. Assuming the depths of 7.2 and 8.0 km/s velocity contours as the top and bottom of the MTZ, respectively, the thickness of the MTZ varies between 0.6 and 1.2 km with an average of ~0.9 km. A ~1 km–thick layer with velocity up to 8.2 km/s lies beneath the MTZ, possibly due to the presence of a thin dunite–rich layer. Further below, the upper mantle velocity gradually decreases with depth, which could be due to the mantle anisotropy and/or the presence of frozen gabbroic sills in the mantle.

How to cite: Wang, Z. and Singh, S. C.: Thick crust, thin Moho transition zone and negative velocity gradient in the mantle along a 30.6 Ma segment in the South Atlantic Ocean at 31oS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9158,, 2025.

EGU25-9441 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Quantifying magmatism and tectonism along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (46-52°E)  

Mingxu Wang, Chunhui Tao, Zhongmin Zhu, and Zhikui Guo

Over one-third of mid-ocean ridges exhibit a spreading rate less than 20 mm per year. The process of crustal accretion, which facilitates the expansion of oceanic plates at mid-ocean ridges, is driven by the combined and interactive efforts of magmatic and tectonic processes. The seafloor morphology along ultraslow mid-ocean ridge flanks serves as a record of the accretion on oceanic crust. However, volcanic eruptions, mass wasting and reverse-faulting earthquakes occurring on mid-ocean ridges, which reshape the seafloor, present a significant obstacle for the precise quantification of oceanic crust accretion and seafloor morphology. Due to the temporal and spatial variability of magma supply, particularly in the Indomed-Gallieni supersegment (46-52°E) of the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), magmatic and tectonic processes exhibit pronounced spatiotemporal variations, along with asymmetric crustal accretion, making it rather difficult to conduct quantitative analysis of the geomorphology of the oceanic crust. By utilizing multibeam bathymetry and gravity data of Indomed-Gallieni supersegment, we calculated several parameters such as the fraction of magmatic accretion (M-value), axial valley depth (D-value), magma supply, melt flux, and strain ratio, as well as fault heave and fault throw, thereby quantifying magmatism and tectonism. The majority of parameters indicative of tectonic accretion exhibit a negative correlation with magmatic parameters. Moreover, we compared the two-dimensional Fourier spectra of seafloor on mid-ocean ridge flank with magma supply. The anisotropy of seafloor is positively correlated with magma supply, with morphology becoming increasingly isotropic as magma supply diminishes. Our research suggests that although tectonic processes account for nearly 50% of oceanic crust accretion at ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges, the accretion process and the geomorphic features of the young oceanic crust are predominantly influenced by magma supply.

How to cite: Wang, M., Tao, C., Zhu, Z., and Guo, Z.: Quantifying magmatism and tectonism along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (46-52°E) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9441,, 2025.

The Atlantis Massif is a well-studied oceanic core complex in the Atlantic Ocean that hosts the Lost City Hydrothermal Field (LCHF). The LCHF is a low-moderate temperature, high pH vent system. In gabbroic intrusions within the serpentinite-dominated substrate of the LCHF, a variety of hydrothermal alteration reactions occur, including replacement, dissolution creating macroscopic (mm scale) reaction porosity, and precipitation of secondary minerals including chlorite, amphibole, prehnite and clays.

Many samples recovered from Expedition 399 and earlier expeditions contain  zones of reaction porosity. This work presents SEM, EMPA and other analysis of sample: U1601C 18R2 75-78 and U1309D-310R1 92-95 from Exp. 399, as well as several other samples analyzed concurrently, used only for example purposes.

Reaction porosity filled with actinolite is present at several levels in the gabbroic hole U1309D, including in areas that were newly deepened by Expedition 399. We highlight sample U1309D-310R1 92-95, collected at a depth of 1495 meters below seafloor (mbsf), which contains porosity partially filled with amphiboles zoned from edenitic hornblende cores to actinolite rims, suggesting dissolution by relatively higher temperature fluids.

Hole U1601C is dominated by serpentinised peridotite; porosity is widespread in gabbroic intrusions with a wide range of fills including chlorite, tremolite, diopside, serpentine, prehnite and saponite. Sample U1601C 18R2 75-78 consists of a 1 cm wide gabbroic vein (domain 1) within serpentinised peridotite (domain 2). Along the boundary with domain 2,  domain 1 contains a  ~5 mm zone of porosity partially filled by secondary diopside and serpentine. Relict porosity up to 200 µm in size is common. Domain 2 also contains porosity filled with diopside and serpentine, as well as zoned rosettes, of various stages of hydrogarnet solid solution, moving from pyrope-rich in the inner core, to more definitively hydro-andradite (identified by Raman spectroscopy (Frezzotti et al. 2012) and EPMA) in the rosette rim. The rosettes here may be replacing pyroxene.

We suggest that gabbroic veins acted as conduits for fluid flow during hydrothermal alteration, probably at temperatures of 300-400 °C, and contributed to the intense serpentinisation of the mantle rocks.  Magnetite is not observed in this sample, but hydrous andradite rich in Fe3+ offers another potential H2 generating reaction.

Work in progress includes XCT analysis of the porosity. Further work will involve characterising the geological sequence of events, and in some cases their subsequent deformation (through sequence mapping), investigating the arguments for dissolution versus fill reactions (through extensive SEM, EMPA and X-Ray Tomography) and characterising the extent of reaction porosity in the Atlantis Massif.


Frezzotti, M.L., Tecce, F. and Casagli, A. (2012) ‘Raman spectroscopy for fluid inclusion analysis’, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 112, pp. 1–20. Available at:

How to cite: Matchett, J.: Rotten Rocks at the Heart of the Atlantis Massif – A dive into reaction porosity in the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9528,, 2025.

EGU25-10319 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Electrical resistivity structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the extinct ridge of the South China Sea 

Fan Zhang, Bo Yang, Jian Lin, Tao Zhang, Naif Samer, Jiabiao Li, Makoto Uyeshima, Chuanzhou Liu, Weiwei Ding, Xubo Zhang, Jiangyang Zhang, Caicai Zha, Alexandra Yang Yang, Zihua Cheng, Pengcheng Zhou, Jinyu Tian, and Wule Lin

Extinct spreading ridges are globally widespread and are crucial to understanding the lifespan of oceanic plates. Yet the nature of the LAB beneath extinct ridges remains enigmatic. In this study, we investigate the LAB structure beneath the SCS basin, where a ~700-km-long extinct ridge system stopped spreading at ~15 Ma. A 120 km long marine magnetotelluric (MT) transect perpendicular to the extinct mid-ocean ridge in the southwest sub-basin of SCS was carried out at September 2021. The electrical resistivity model reveals a relatively low-resistivity layer at depths of 50-80 km, potentially corresponding to 0.1%-0.9% partial melts. This low-resistivity layer is heterogeneous and absent directly beneath the extinct ridge axis. This observation supports a model in which melts are efficiently extracted beneath the ridge axis, leaving the central region depleted, while partial melts are retained in the surrounding areas on either flank. Additionally, residual melts at shallower depths have likely solidified due to plate cooling, while deeper melts indicate the depth of the LAB. These findings propose a new mechanism for the emplacement of long-lived partial melts at the LAB and suggest that a discontinuous melt-rich layer may commonly occur near extinct spreading ridges globally.

How to cite: Zhang, F., Yang, B., Lin, J., Zhang, T., Samer, N., Li, J., Uyeshima, M., Liu, C., Ding, W., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Zha, C., Yang, A. Y., Cheng, Z., Zhou, P., Tian, J., and Lin, W.: Electrical resistivity structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the extinct ridge of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10319,, 2025.

EGU25-11050 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Olivine-quartz association in a gabbro-peridotite hybrid rock of the Kane Fracture Zone: evidence for hydrous Si-rich melt percolation in abyssal context. 

Manon Bickert, Mathieu Rospabé, Mary-Alix Kaczmarek, and Marcia Maia

Felsic plutonic rocks, such as plagiogranites, are commonly found in minor proportions in the lower oceanic crust. The presence of quartz of magmatic origin in the oceanic lithosphere, especially in the mantle, is therefore rarely documented. Here, we present microstructural and petrological observations of a gabbro-peridotite hybrid rock collected in situ by HOV Nautile along the southern wall of the Kane Fracture Zone, at the base of the Kane megamullion, during the KANAUT expedition (Mid-Atlantic ridge, 23°N; Auzende, 1992). This sample, a strongly deformed gabbro containing a peridotite fragment, shows evidence of mantle reacting with hydrous SiO2-rich melt at the contact between both lithologies.

The gabbro is composed of oriented plagioclase-rich layers alternating with polymineralic layers of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene (Opx) and Fe-Ti oxides, and of mm-thick quartz-rich layers. These gabbroic layers locally enclose an aggregate of weakly deformed olivine grains with few Opx grains (up to 1 mm in size). The high Mg# of both olivine and Opx (up tp 85% for both), and the low TiO2 (< 0.1 wt.%) of Opx and of the rare spinels in the aggregate, support a mantle origin. The contact between the two lithologies is marked by a rim of small, polygonal to interstitial Opx grains, forming bulges into the adjacent olivine grain boundaries. The cusp-shapes of olivine grains at contact with Opx, the bulges of Opx along olivine grain boundaries, and the presence of phlogopite and edenitic amphibole, indicate local dissolution of olivine and precipitation of Opx and phlogopite in presence of a hydrous melt, as documented in peridotite from subcontinental contexts.

Temperatures estimated from geothermometry in Opx, plagioclase-amphibole and quartz all indicate that this melt-rock reaction occurred around 900-1000°C. This is also consistent with the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of plagioclase showing a main direction of [100]. The CPO of all minerals forming the gabbroic layers have a main direction parallel to the foliation, which also follows the contours of the peridotite fragment. By contrast, the olivine CPO in the peridotite fragment, showing a clear [100](010) slip system typical of high temperature, low stress conditions prevailing in the asthenosphere, has a direction orthogonal to the foliation. Taken together, the Mg# of olivine and Opx in the peridotite fragment, and the gabbro foliation orthogonal to the presumed foliation in the peridotite, provide evidence that this peridotite fragment preserved the deep mantle conditions during exhumation, despite its reaction with a hydrous melt. To our knowledge, this is the first time in an abyssal context that the reaction between a mantle component and hydrous Si-rich melt, leading to olivine-quartz association in a same sample, is reported.

AUZENDE Jean-Marie (1992). KANAUT cruise, RV Le Nadir,

How to cite: Bickert, M., Rospabé, M., Kaczmarek, M.-A., and Maia, M.: Olivine-quartz association in a gabbro-peridotite hybrid rock of the Kane Fracture Zone: evidence for hydrous Si-rich melt percolation in abyssal context., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11050,, 2025.

The magmatic upper crust is generally divided into Layer 2A and Layer 2B, where Layer 2A is interpreted to consist of lava flows and Layer 2B of dikes, although hydrothermal alteration processes have also been suggested to define the Layer 2A/2B boundary. Using 3D seismic reflection method at the Axial Volcano in the Eastern Pacific, we have recently imaged > 3 km of layered lava flows that dip inwards towards the rift zone and interact with the axial melt lens, hence indicating the absence of a dike sequence. These images also show the injection of melt sills within the lava pile. However, the conventional stacking of wide-angle data (triplication associated with the high velocity gradient zone at the base of Layer 2A) indicates that a classical Layer 2A/2B boundary can be defined in our study area.

Here, we present results of seismic full waveform inversion applied to ultra-long offset (12 km) multi-channel seismic data collected in 2019 during the same survey that yielded the 3D seismic reflection results. In our high-resolution P-wave velocity section and associated velocity gradient section we find layered structures consistent with the 3D seismic image. We also find (1) a low-velocity layer in the upper part, evocative of Layer 2A, (2) a high-velocity gradient zone underlain by (3) a high-velocity but low-gradient zone (similar to Layer 2B) underneath, all within the imaged thick lava pile. We suggest that the uppermost lava flow layer consists of hydrated lava flows whereas the lower layer has undergone dehydration and metamorphism and has been formed by the interaction of lava flows with melt bodies and injected sills. Thus the classical Layer 2A/2B boundary would correspond to the boundary between hydrated and dehydrated lava flows. Our results suggest that the upper oceanic crust is formed by lava flows and their interactions with melt-sills, which resolves the long-standing debate about Layer 2A/2B boundary.

How to cite: Xie, W., Wu, H., Singh, S., Carton, H., Kent, G., and Arnulf, A.: Seismic Evidence of Hydrated/dehydrated Lava Flows at the Layer 2A/2B boundary from Full Waveform Inversion of Ultra-long Offset Multi-channel Seismic Data at the Axial Volcano in the Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11076,, 2025.

EGU25-11184 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Investigating the response of hydrothermal convection to decadal cycles of magmatic inflation at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50'N 

Kim Moutard, Jean-Arthur Olive, Thibaut Barreyre, Fabrice J. Fontaine, Daniel J. Fornari, Jill McDermott, Ross Parnell-Turner, Jyun-Nai Wu, and Milena Marjanović

Hydrothermal circulation at the axis of fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges is intrinsically linked to magmatic activity, which typically fluctuates on decadal time scales, i.e., the characteristic recurrence time of eruptions. While hydrothermal vent temperatures are known to fluctuate in response to sudden events such as dike intrusions or seismic swarms, their response to longer-term processes such as the replenishment of an axial melt lens (AML) remain poorly documented. Here we focus on high-temperature vents from the 9°50'N segment of the East Pacific Rise, which experienced eruptions in 1991/1992 and 2005/2006, and has been extensively monitored over the last 3 decades. There, a compilation of legacy data complemented by recently acquired temperature measurements from the Bio9 vent site (cruise AT50-21, February-March 2024) reveal decadal trends where maximum vent temperatures increase by ~30ºC in ~15 yr between eruptions, and drop by a commensurate amount within a few years of each eruption. In this study we use numerical models of hydrothermal convection to test the hypothesis that decadal increases in vent temperatures are caused by AML inflation pressurizing the upper crust and decreasing its permeability.

We simulate 2-D porous convection driven by a constant basal heat flux, where permeability decreases exponentially with pressure, as suggested by rock deformation experiments. We first benchmark the relationship between average maximal vent temperature and mean permeability against the analytical model of Driesner (2010). Then, we perturb the permeability field using a mechanical model of sill inflation that imparts isotropic compression across the upper oceanic crust, resulting in exponentially-decaying permeability above the 1.5 km deep AML. When using a narrow basal heat source, we obtain a single plume of rising hot fluid, whose flow progressively slows down in the basal conductive boundary layer. This creates a positive thermal anomaly which is then advected to the seafloor by the plume. However, when the heat source is broader and the convection geometry more intricate, variations in permeability modify fluid pathways, leading to a more complex response. Lastly, simulating cycles of AML inflation and deflation yields oscillations in vent temperatures with periods representative of the duration of a replenishment cycle, but with a lag strongly modulated by the vigor of the convective system.

How to cite: Moutard, K., Olive, J.-A., Barreyre, T., Fontaine, F. J., Fornari, D. J., McDermott, J., Parnell-Turner, R., Wu, J.-N., and Marjanović, M.: Investigating the response of hydrothermal convection to decadal cycles of magmatic inflation at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50'N, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11184,, 2025.

Many potential green energy resources are undiscovered on our planet, hidden within crustal structures such as microcontinents, the formation of which is not well-understood. Recent work by Whittaker et al. (2016) suggests formation of microcontinents from plate tectonic reorganisation, where transpression along transform plates causing ridge jumps into rifted continental margins. To test this hypothesis, we aim to globally map transpressive and transtensional oceanic fracture zones. These structures with specific spectral gravity wavelength signatures will be identified using machine learning approaches and the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). In later work, we will kinematically model the onset and development of these transpressional and transtensional structures to understand their relative timing to kinematic change and decipher the role of lithospheric structures in microcontinent cleaving and the global plate tectonic system.

How to cite: Tranova, T. M. K., Phethean, J., Khan, W. A., and Hussain, M.: Lithospheric controls on plate tectonic motions and microcontinent formation, part 1: Mapping global transpression and transtension using gravity derivatives and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13455,, 2025.

Since the recognition of seafloor spreading, numerous kinematic and dynamic models for the accretion of oceanic crust and lithosphere have been proposed. Early models were constrained by the interpretation of marine seismic data and the internal structure of ophiolite complexes and predated any direct observations of the oceanic crust. Mapping the extent of axial lava flows and subsurface axial magma chambers established the very limited dimensions of where new oceanic crust is built.

Unlike spreading at slow rates, where faulting and sporadic magmatism result in heterogeneous structures, spreading at intermediate to superfast spreading rates (and higher, more consistent magma budgets) results in a layered upper crustal structure with a complex internal structure. Direct observations from submersibles, ROVs, and deep drill cores provide constraints that allow for the refinement or modification models for oceanic crust accretion at these relatively fast spreading rates.

Key observations reveal structures and processes that are not obvious from surface investigations. These include progressively more steeply inward-dipping (initially horizontal) lava flows, outward-dipping (originally vertical) dikes, downward-increasing brittle deformation and hydrothermal metamorphism of lavas and dikes, and underplating by much-less-faulted and altered gabbroic rocks. The thickness and internal structure of these upper crustal rock units are created by continuous dike intrusion feeding lava flows that cause caldera-like, vertical subsidence of hundreds of meters above an axial magma chamber. Greater subsidence and deformation of upper crustal units occur at intermediate spreading rates (or lower magma budgets) than at the highest rates.

These results have implications for viscous mass redistribution beneath the spreading axis even as additional magma is delivered from the mantle below. Applying observable parameters to dynamic models yields internally consistent results with extremely weak axial lithosphere (effective elastic thickness < 1 km) that strengthens laterally as it ages off axis prior to the formation of abyssal hill faults.

How to cite: Karson, J.: Building the Oceanic Crust at Intermediate to Superfast Mid-Ocean Ridge Spreading Centers: Implications of Complex Internal Structures of the Upper Oceanic Crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13464,, 2025.

EGU25-14183 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Historical Interaction of Central Indian Ridge and Réunion hotspot in the Indian Ocean 

Yiming Luo, Fan Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhou, and Jian Lin

The interaction between the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) and the Réunion hotspot has significantly influenced the formation of notable volcanic features in the Indian Ocean over the past 60 million years, including the Maldive ridge and Chagos bank on the Indian-Australian Plate, as well as the Mascarene Plateau, Mauritius Island, Réunion Island, and Rodrigues Ridge on the African Plate. Plate reconstruction results indicate that the distances between the CIR and Réunion hotspot have varied throughout the geological history, transitioning from off-axis (65-40 Ma) to on-axis (40-20 Ma) and back to off-axis (20-10 Ma) cases, with the current distance exceeding 1,000 km. This makes the CIR-Réunion system an ideal setting for studying both on-axis, off-axis interactions and their transitions. In this study, we utilized the advanced computational geodynamic platform ASPECT to investigate the CIR-Réunion system, focusing on 3-D mantle evolution, deep structures and their connectivity, and the migration pattern of hotspot material towards the ridge and surrounding regions. Our results illustrate the dynamic processes of mantle and crust, the dispersion of temperature anomaly, and the migration of plume material. The model results show that the critical points of the interactions begin and cease are ~50 and ~10 Ma, respectively. There is no direct connection between the ridge and hotspot at present. These indicate that the traces of the ridge-hotspot interaction may show spatial features, but it actually reflects the temporal variations.

How to cite: Luo, Y., Zhang, F., Zhou, Z., and Lin, J.: Historical Interaction of Central Indian Ridge and Réunion hotspot in the Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14183,, 2025.

In the current theories of mid-ocean ridges, diking processes have been considered by using simplified models with a single permanently open central dike. Here, I instead consider long-term large-scale rheological effects of multiple dikes emplacement, which lead to rheological weakening of the forming mid-ocean ridge lithosphere. Based on 2D numerical experiments modeling multiple dikes emplacement, I derive rheological expressions representing effective strength of the melt-weakened lithosphere as the function of local melt flux. These expressions are then implemented into 3D visco-elasto-plastic mid-ocean ridge models including mantle decompression melting, crustal growth and melt flux-induced weakening of the spontaneously accreting oceanic lithosphere. Based on 3D numerical experiments, I demonstrate that the newly developed rheological theory explains well the observed mid-ocean ridge topography and faulting pattern variations with spreading rate and oceanic crust thickness. This theory may be further used for other geodynamical situations involving melt transport through oceanic and continental lithosphere such as continental and oceanic rifting, continental breakup and plume-lithosphere interaction processes.

How to cite: Gerya, T.: Melt-induced weakening controls topography and faulting pattern of mid-ocean ridges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15390,, 2025.

EGU25-15659 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Global distribution and growth mechanisms of seamounts: Insights from statistical and tectonic analysis 

Sibiao Liu, Lars Rüpke, Pilar Madrigal, and Ming Chen

Volcanic seamounts found in every ocean are among the most widespread landforms on Earth and their geological evolution provides valuable insights into Earth's interior melting processes. Seamounts form in diverse tectonic settings, including mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, and intraplate volcanism, with their size and distribution reflecting their tectonic origin. Smaller seamounts typically form on younger seafloor near mid-ocean ridges, while larger seamounts originate from volcanism on older seafloor far from ridge axes. A common height threshold distinguishing small and large seamounts is 1-1.5 km. Using the latest gravity-predictive seamount census, we statistically analyzed 18400 well-surveyed seamounts, integrating geometric data (exposed height above the seafloor, radii, volume, and irregularity) and tectonic features (seafloor age, spreading rate, and hotspot proximity) from GEBCO_2024 and GPlates reconstructions.

Our analyses to date show that 90% of seamounts are under 2 km in height and distribute in all tectonic environments, whereas those above 2 km high are primarily located away from mid-ocean ridges. This height threshold may serve as a new criterion to distinguish small from large seamounts. Additionally, there are no fundamental differences in the distribution and shapes of seamounts across the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Specifically, seamount height shows no strong correlation with spreading rate but a weak positive trend with seafloor age. Approximately one-third of seamounts in the three major oceans lie within hotspot tracks. Strikingly, nearly all seamounts taller than 4 km are associated with hotspots or large igneous provinces, exemplified by those situated on the "hotspot highway" in the western Pacific.

In a nutshell, seamounts generally grow to heights of up to 2 km regardless of formation setting, but growth to heights exceeding 4 km requires stronger impulse from hotspots or large igneous provinces. This finding suggests that towering seamounts worldwide are likely to be the product of anomalous magmatic activity caused by the upwelling of deep mantle plumes.

How to cite: Liu, S., Rüpke, L., Madrigal, P., and Chen, M.: Global distribution and growth mechanisms of seamounts: Insights from statistical and tectonic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15659,, 2025.

EGU25-16578 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Serpentinite microstructure at the Atlantis Massif – serpentinization reaction or deformation? 

Rebecca Kühn, Rüdiger Kilian, Luiz Morales, Andy Parsons, Barbara John, and Jeremy Deans and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party

Oceanic core complexes are a common feature along slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. Serpentinized mantle rocks are exposed at the seafloor in the footwall to large-scale detachment faults. While it is likely that the exposed and rotated footwall has experienced deformation, it is unclear how internal footwall deformation is accommodated by the ultramafic rocks. One example of such an oceanic core complex is the Atlantis Massif at the Mid-Atlantic ridge (30° N) drilled by International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 399. Site U1601 provides the unique opportunity to understand any deformation recorded in serpentinized mantle rocks over >1.2 km depth.

To better understand the depth distribution of deformation and the associated deformation mechanisms, we combine microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) analysis by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy techniques and synchrotron high energy X-ray diffraction. Results show variable microstructures ranging from zoned mesh cells with no CPO, to foliated samples with a strong CPO of both serpentine and magnetite, to serpentinite samples exhibiting deformation microstructures like kinking and dissolution-precipitation features. The origin of characteristic microstructures and CPOs, whether formed due to serpentinization, deformation, or mutual interaction, will be discussed.

How to cite: Kühn, R., Kilian, R., Morales, L., Parsons, A., John, B., and Deans, J. and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party: Serpentinite microstructure at the Atlantis Massif – serpentinization reaction or deformation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16578,, 2025.

EGU25-16615 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Formation and early transformation of hydrothermal Fe nano-colloids in a black smoker system 

Lotta Ternieten, Martina Preiner, Péter Pekker, Mihály Pósfai, Peter Kraal, and Oliver Plümper

Motivated by the goal to determine the chemical form, variability, and potential processes that modulate the flux of ecosystem-limiting metals, like hydrothermal iron (Fe) nano-colloids, and to explore their unique catalytic capabilities, we sampled suspended and dissolved matter in the water column above the Rainbow (36°-33°N) hydrothermal vent field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. To investigate the (trans)formation of hydrothermal iron-based nanocolloids, we employed a direct sampling approach that bypasses conventional techniques such as filtration and resuspension. Instead, small amounts of plume fluid were immediately drop-cast onto transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids and plunge-frozen, preserving dissolved compounds and nanocolloids through vitrification. Using an array of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, combined with machine learning, allowed detailed characterization of the Fe nanocolloids down to the nano-scale and provided insight into their early (trans)formation and bioavailability.

TEM and synchrotron-based spectroscopy show that the Fe colloids suspended in the hydrothermal plume predominantly consist of poorly ordered ferric Fe-oxyhydroxides most similar to 2-line (2L-Fh) and 6-line ferrihydrites (6L-Fh), which contain local enrichments in P, S, and/or Cu phases. Using the machine learning model SIGMA1 allowed us to explore the distribution of distinct Fe phases and revealed local P:Fe ratios of 1:2 for 2L-Fhs and 1:6 for 6L-Fhs. Utilizing nano-scale scanning TEM tomography, we showed that some 2L-Fh aggregates contain ferrous chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) cores. On the outside, the plunge-frozen Fe-nano colloids are covered with the vitrified plume fluid enriched in Mg, Cl, and ± S. Notably, our results do not show associations of Fe with (organic) carbon.

These observations suggest that chalcopyrite forms in the shallow subsurface before venting and acts as a crystallization seed for some fast oxidizing Fe(II) after mixing with seawater. Ferrihydrite (Fh) forms through the formation of Fe13-Keggin clusters2, and we argue that part of the clustering process occurred on the surface of the chalcopyrite, resulting in dendritic textures of some 2L-Fh. In contrast, Fh can also nucleate by clustering of Fe without needing a preexisting template, resulting in a more compact morphology. The larger surface area of the dendritic Fh that utilizes metal sulfides for their nucleation results in higher adsorption of PO4 and, consequently, due to the dehydration of the surface, significantly decreases the dissolution and, therefore, recrystallization, suppressing the transformation into more ordered 6L-Fh. Furthermore, this shows limited interaction between C-rich phases and Fe-bearing precipitates during early (trans)formation in a black smoker system, contrasting previous studies, which suggest that organic compounds play a key role in stabilizing and transporting hydrothermal Fe3.

Our findings shed completely new light on the transport and persistence of vent-derived reduced iron phases, highlighting the role of ferric coatings in protecting nano-scale iron sulfides and challenging the previously proposed importance of complexation with organic matter. Overall, we provide new perspectives on the early (trans)formation processes of vent-derived iron, its interaction with other essential elements, and, eventually, its impact on ocean chemistry.


  • Tung, P., et al. Geochem., Geophys., Geosystems 24, (2023).
  • Weatherill, J. S., et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 9333–9342 (2016).
  • Toner, B. M. et al. Acc. Chem. Res. 49, 128–137 (2016).

How to cite: Ternieten, L., Preiner, M., Pekker, P., Pósfai, M., Kraal, P., and Plümper, O.: Formation and early transformation of hydrothermal Fe nano-colloids in a black smoker system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16615,, 2025.

Black-smoker-type hydrothermal vent systems are a feature of all mid ocean ridges. They often sit atop developing massive sulfide deposits, such as the TAG mound in the central Atlantic. The measured apparent upper limit for vent fluid temperatures at these sites around 400°C can be explained with the thermodynamic properties of water [1]. However, continuum-scale numerical models of seawater and hydrothermal fluid circulation commonly fail to reproduce these high vent temperatures under realistic assumptions of host rock permeability. While most discharge of circulating seawater does occur diffusively and at low temperatures, an explanation for the extreme focusing of flow at hot vent sites is needed.

One common approach to resolve this is the so-called “clogged shell” model, where the precipitation of mainly anhydrite at the interface of rising hot fluids and entrained seawater locally lowers permeability around the hydrothermal plume, preventing mixing and increasing vent temperatures [2]. This concept has been validated in a number of studies [e.g., 3], but no fully coupled model of hydrothermal fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction in such systems exists.

Using a newly developed coupling of open-source C++ libraries to solve fluid flow in 2D and 3D (OpenFOAM) and local equilibrium thermodynamics (Reaktoro [4]), we investigate feedback between reactive fluid flow, anhydrite precipitation and vent temperatures.

Anhydrite solubility decreases with higher temperatures, leading to precipitation from heated seawater at the interface with rising hot hydrothermal fluids. Solubility also depends on salinity, increasing in saltier fluids [5]. Thus, we vary hydrothermal fluid salinity between 0 and 5 wt%, based on vent fluid measurements.

Our results clearly show that anhydrite precipitation occurs around the plume and inhibits mixing, focusing the hot upflow and increasing vent temperatures over time. These effects are strongly dependent on fluid salinity: Initial vent temperatures are highest with high salinity, linked to thermodynamic properties of water. Over time, lower salinity hydrothermal fluids produce a narrower anhydrite shell, leading to stronger focusing and a steeper vent temperature increase.

Figure 1. Model results: (a) 2D anhydrite shell (b) cut 3D Anhydrite shell (c) vent temperature over time with variable hydrothermal fluid salinity.



[1] Jupp, T. and A. Schultz, A thermodynamic explanation for black smoker temperatures. Nature, 2000. 403(6772): p. 880-3.

[2] Cann, J.R. and M.R. Strens, Modeling periodic megaplume emission by black smoker systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1989. 94(B9): p. 12227-12237.

[3] Guo, Z., et al., Anhydrite‐Assisted Hydrothermal Metal Transport to the Ocean Floor—Insights From Thermo‐Hydro‐Chemical Modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020. 125(7).

[4] Leal, A.M.M. Reaktoro: An open-source unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems. 2015; Available from:

[5] Creaser, E.C., M. Steele-MacInnis, and B.M. Tutolo, A model for the solubility of anhydrite in H2O-NaCl fluids from 25 to 800 °C, 0.1 to 1400 MPa, and 0 to 60 wt% NaCl: Applications to hydrothermal ore-forming systems. Chemical Geology, 2022. 587.



How to cite: Engelmann, J. and Rüpke, L.: The Hydrothermal “Clogged Shell” Model Revisited Using Coupled Reactive Fluid Flow (OpenFOAM + Reaktoro) – Feedback Between Vent Fluid Salinity, Temperature, and Anhydrite Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16639,, 2025.

EGU25-17434 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Magmato-tectonic variability along the Mohns Ridge: Insights into the controls on hydrothermal circulation 

Morgane Le Saout, Thibaut Barreyre, Javier Escartín, and Masako Tominaga

The Mohns Ridge is located in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, between the Jan Mayen Transform Fault and the Mohns-Knipovich Bend. It is an ultra-slow spreading ridge section with a full spreading rate of 15 to 17 mm/yr. Over its 580 km, the variations in axis depth and crustal thickness attest of the overall decrease of magma supply associated with the distance from the Jan Mayen Hotspot. In parallel seafloor ages based on sediment thickness and sedimentation rate in the axial valley attest of the relatively young volcanic activity (<180 ka) experienced by the entire ridge axis. Utilizing a multi-proxy approach, we aim to provide new insights into the magmato-tectonic interplay along the Mohns Ridge, including its transient nature and controls on hydrothermal circulation. We investigate: (i) the variability in relative tectonic and magmatic extension by deciphering seafloor morphology extracted from the bathymetric data; (ii) the variability in magma supply and volcanic activity by analyzing gravimetry and magnetic anomalies, and (iii) the distribution and intensity of the recent crustal activity affecting the ridge based on the 40 years of seismicity record. The analyses highlight two significant trends. First, a regional trend linked to the Jan Mayen and Iceland plumes controlling the distance between volcanic centers (i.e., axial volcanic ridges – AVRs) and the focus of the volcanic activity. Second, a local trend associated with AVR maturity controlling AVR volume and related faulting patterns. Combining these observations with the location of known hydrothermal vents, we find no evidence of the regional magma budget variability impacting the distribution of hydrothermal vents. Instead, the locations of hydrothermal vents appear to be related to AVRs with recent and voluminous volcanic activity. This suggests that hydrothermal activity is linked to recent phases of the AVR construction over shorter time scales than to overall melt supply and along-axis gradients, over longer timescales. Finaly, although the seismic activity has been stable over the last 40 years, the lack of correlation with the hydrothermal vent distribution or AVR geometry, suggests that it is related to transient processes over shorter time scales than that of the AVR construction and associated hydrothermal activity.

How to cite: Le Saout, M., Barreyre, T., Escartín, J., and Tominaga, M.: Magmato-tectonic variability along the Mohns Ridge: Insights into the controls on hydrothermal circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17434,, 2025.

EGU25-17718 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Cooling of young Arctic oceanic lithosphere modulated by off-axis fluid circulation and post-glacial sedimentation 

Thibaut Barreyre, Jean-Arthur Olive, Javier Escartin, and Steffen Jørgensen

Mid-ocean ridges (MORs) are sites of key thermo-chemical transfers between the Earth's interior and the ocean. Heat flow at MORs primarily depends on lithospheric age but is also modulated by various processes including sedimentation, hydrothermal activity, and faulting, which alter the thermal properties of young oceanic lithosphere. Here we quantify this modulation by analyzing heat flow measurements across the ultraslow-spreading Mohn’s Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. The Mohn’s ridge features major asymmetries in tectonic structures, with larger-offset normal faulting occurring on the West side (North American plate), as well as more sedimentation on the East side (Eurasian plate).

Recently acquired measurements of conductive heat flow across Mohn’s Ridge reveal a significant asymmetry. The eastern (sedimented) side shows a typical conductive profile with values exceeding 600 mW/m2 at the axis decreasing off-axis towards an asymptote at ~100 mW/m². By contrast, the western (faulted) side lacks this conductive plateau, with conductive heat flow dropping to near zero off-axis in ~15-Ma seafloor.

We used 2-D numerical models of hydrothermal convection coupled with conductive heat transport to test two hypotheses (1) An asymmetry in the intensity of brittle deformation leads to greater crustal permeability on the faulted west side, enabling cooling by hydrothermal circulation far off-axis. This manifests as very low conductive heat flux in 10+Ma seafloor. (2) Permeability is the same on both sides of the ridge, but a thick, impermeable sediment blanket suppresses off-axis hydrothermal convection in the Eurasian plate to the East. We find that explaining the low Western heat fluxes requires a high off-axis permeability. The Eastern heat fluxes are better explained either by a lower permeability, or the insulating effect of the sediment. Interestingly, the instantaneous addition of a sediment blanket at a prescribed time in our simulations can turn a heat flow profile typical of the West side into a classical conductive profile typical of the East side in a few 100 kyrs. This suggests that a post-glacial input of sediment on the Eurasian plate could have contributed to a rapid onset of the heat flow asymmetry across Mohn’s Ridge.

How to cite: Barreyre, T., Olive, J.-A., Escartin, J., and Jørgensen, S.: Cooling of young Arctic oceanic lithosphere modulated by off-axis fluid circulation and post-glacial sedimentation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17718,, 2025.

EGU25-18143 | Posters on site | GD5.3

MAPRIDGES: Geometry of global mid-ocean ridge plate boundaries, and the role of transform faults and non-transform offsets 

Javier Escartín, Benjamin Sautter, Carmen Gaina, Sven Petersen, Roi Granot, and Manuel Pubelier

The global mid-ocean ridge system produces the oceanic lithosphere accounting for ~70% of the Earth’s surface, while hosting active processes (tectonic, volcanic, hydrothermal circulation). The ridge system is segmented by both transform faults and non-transform offsets, and their geometry can be now re-evaluated with existing multibeam bathymetry (with a resolution of ~100 m or better), both from publicly accessible datasets (e.g., GMRT, NCEI, Pangaea, AWI, among others) and available through published studies. This high-resolution bathymetry is now available for ~25% of the ocean seafloor, but covers a significant proportion of the global mid-ocean ridge system (>70%) and is thus suitable to refine and finely define its geometry. 


The MAPRIDGES database ( provides a global dataset that includes the newly-defined geometry of individual mid-ocean ridge segments, the most complete catalog to date of transform faults, and identifies non-transform offsets (NTOs). This effort is linked to the World 5M project by CGMW (Commission for the Geological Map of the World). We calculate the lateral offset associated with these NTOs, and determine if they correspond to overlaps of adjacent segments or if they are associated with a gap (underlap). Two different plate models (MORVEL and GSRM) are used to estimate  the length of overlaps, underlaps and their links to variations in spreading direction.


Our new database, gives a global, detailed view of the global mid-ocean ridge geometry, and provides the first  evaluation of the overall lengths of ridges and associated lateral offsets, both transform and non-transform. Mid ocean ridge segments (1471) show a cumulative length of ~71200 km, with and along-axis distance of ~4800 km of overlapping segments, and ~1700 km of underlap; taking these offsets into account this yields a total length of along-axis segments of ~75300 km. We have also digitized the traces of 262 transform faults to obtain the most complete catalogue to date of these structures. Transform faults account for a cumulative lateral offset of ridges of ~27000 km. We report a first estimate of the lateral offset of 1058 identified NTOs at ~10400 km, accounting for >30% of the cumulative transform fault length. The resulting cumulative lateral offset from both transform and non-tranform segments is thus ~37400 km, and is ~50% of the total ridge length. As in the case of transform faults, these NTOs are associated with deformation of a significant volume of the recently accreted oceanic lithosphere, and thus likely facilitating hydrothermal circulation and alteration of the lithosphere. This study will facilitate the quantification of these processes and provides a basis to better understand their implications on local and global environments (e.g., chemical fluxes associated with alteration at all offsets).

How to cite: Escartín, J., Sautter, B., Gaina, C., Petersen, S., Granot, R., and Pubelier, M.: MAPRIDGES: Geometry of global mid-ocean ridge plate boundaries, and the role of transform faults and non-transform offsets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18143,, 2025.

EGU25-18332 | Orals | GD5.3

IODP Expedition 399: the six million year uplift history of a record-breaking section of depleted mantle 

Andrew McCaig, Johan Lissenberg, Susan Lang, and Blum Peter and the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Science Party

IODP Expedition 399 drilled a record 1268m hole (U1601C) in the Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex, sampling serpentinised harzburgites and dunites, cut by a gabbro net-vein complex (Lissenberg et al., 2024). The near ridge environment of the Atlantis Massif, and the well constrained exhumation of the section by detachment faulting (Escartin et al., 2022), allows us to constrain the recent (~6 million year) history of this important section of abyssal peridotites exceptionally well. In addition, Site U1601 is located only 800 m from the Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF), which vents warm (40-115 °C) alkaline fluids rich in H2 and CH4.  The section allows direct comparison with the LCHF substrate and reactions occurring deep in the massif, together with extremophile microbiology and abiotic organic synthesis.

Here we focus on the history of the section, beginning with partial melting in the upwelling asthenosphere beneath the mid-Atlantic ridge, inferred to have begun at ~ 60km depth (Olive, 2023) and ~ 6 m.y. ago based on a half-spreading rate of 11.8 mm/yr. It is important to recognise that detachment faulting involves rotation of the fault and footwall. The detachment fault captures part of the mid-ocean ridge corner flow translating vertical upwelling into horizontal plate motion. The current near-vertical section collected by drilling was therefore plunging at a low angle until incorporated into the lithosphere and rotated by faulting. The section contains numerous dunitic veins inferred to be melt pathways forming in the upwelling asthenosphere. Dips of these veins peak at ~45° in the core reference frame, suggesting they were neither vertical nor horizontal in the rotated section. Further upwelling led to incorporation of the section into the lithosphere in the footwall of the nascent detachment fault, at a depth of 7-10 kmbsf. The next event was intrusion of a net vein complex of gabbros, with 265 logged units, mostly < 1 m in thickness. Significant mylonitic deformation is seen along the margins of many of these gabbros. During further uplift towards the seafloor, intense hydrothemal alteration of the gabbros and serpentinisation of the harzburgites and dunites occurred at temperatures < 400 °C, and the section was first exposed on the seafloor at ~ 600 kyr (Escartin et al., 2022), with the detachment fault rotating to a subhorizontal dip. Following this, a local low temperature overprint leading to oxidation of magnetite and locally high uranium contents  is observed in the upper 200m of the core.

The history outlined above offers a framework for understanding the full range of magmatic, deformation, alteration and microbiological processes in the upwelling mantle at a slow spreading ridge, including new constraints on processes in the substrate of the LCHF.


Escartin et al., (2022). Tectonic termination of oceanic detachment faults, with constraints on tectonic uplift and mass wasting related erosion rates.Earth and Planetary Science Letters 584, 117449

Lissenberg et al., (2024). A long section of serpentinized depleted mantle peridotite. Science. 623-629 385.6709

Olive (2023) Mid-Ocean Ridges: Geodynamics Written in the Seafloor DOI 10.1016/B978-0-323-85733-8.00018-4

How to cite: McCaig, A., Lissenberg, J., Lang, S., and Peter, B. and the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Science Party: IODP Expedition 399: the six million year uplift history of a record-breaking section of depleted mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18332,, 2025.

EGU25-20531 | Orals | GD5.3

Boninites formed in deep hydrothermal fault zones at mid-ocean ridges: experimental evidence  

Jürgen Koepke, Sandrin Feig, and Jasper Berndt-Gerdes

Water-saturated partial melting experiments were carried out using a refractory harzburgite from the Oman Ophiolite as starting material. The experiments were performed at pressures of 100, 200 and 500 MPa using both reducing (corresponding to the FMQ buffer) and oxidizing (FMQ+3) conditions. Specially designed internally heated pressure vessels were used to control oxygen fugacity and allow rapid quenching. Temperatures varied between 980 and 1220°C, and run durations were up to 82 hours.  The solidus and clinopyroxene-out curve show significant variation with pressure.  As expected, the melts produced were generally SiO2-rich, with SiO2 concentrations ranging between 55 and 65 wt%. These melts exhibit boninitic characteristics. Due to the refractory character of the starting material, the experimental melts are highly depleted in incompatible trace elements, showing chondrite-normalized REE patterns with a characteristic concave-upward shape. Calcium and sodium in the system are mainly derived from the clinopyroxene in the starting harzburgite, resulting in extremely high Ca/Na ratios in the experimental melts. At temperatures above the clinopyroxene breakdown, the residual mineral paragenesis exhibits characteristics similar to extremely refractory harzburgites, with Cr# in Cr-spinel (Cr2O3 /(Al2O3 + Cr2O3), molar) reaching up to 86, reminiscent of ophiolites formed under supra-subduction zone conditions.

The melts produced have compositions of high-Mg andesite and boninite. Our experimental results show that the formation of distinct rock types within the paleocrust of the Oman Ophiolite such as high-Ca boninites, high-Si boninites, high-Mg andesites, depleted gabbronorite cumulate rocks, and extremely refractory harzburgites containing Cr-spinel with Cr# > 80, could, in principle, be attributed to a single process of fluid-induced partial melting of harzburgite below the crust/mantle boundary of the Oman paleocrust. The temperatures for the heating process (> 1040°C) for such a model, could be provided by ascending MORB magmas. The presence of water-rich fluids at the crust/mantle boundary or within the uppermost mantle which are necessary for such a model, could be derived from seawater via deep hydrothermal fault zones. We present amphibole data from deep hydrothermal fault zones in the lowermost gabbros of the Oman Ophiolite, which provide evidence that temperatures of deep hydrothermal fault zones are high enough to trigger the melting of hydrated harzburgites.

How to cite: Koepke, J., Feig, S., and Berndt-Gerdes, J.: Boninites formed in deep hydrothermal fault zones at mid-ocean ridges: experimental evidence , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20531,, 2025.

GMPV4 – High-temperature metamorphism and orogenic processes

EGU25-525 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Geochemical characterization and P-T trajectory of amphibolite enclaves from the Central Bundelkhand craton and its tectono-metamorphic evolution 

Pratigya Pathak, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, and Shyam Bihari Dwivedi

Although the Bundelkhand Craton (BuC) is a notable Archean region in northern India, little is known about its tectono-metamorphic evolutionary history. We present petrography, bulk composition modeling, and geochemical characterisation of garnet-bearing and garnet-absent amphibolites. Both basaltic and andesitic-basalt are the protoliths of the studied amphibolites of BuC. Chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns indicate enrichment of LREEs over HREEs coupled with negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies that imply a typical subduction-related geochemical signature. Furthermore, our results show a basaltic protolith originated at the active edges of island arcs-type environment. Trace element geochemistry-based discrimination diagrams including Nb/Th vs. Zr/Nb, Zr vs. Zr/Y, and Th/Nb vs. Ce/Nb, as well as high Th/Yb and low Nb/Yb ratios further suggest an island arc setting for the genesis of our studied amphibolites. Our results such as petrography, mineralogy and pseudosection-modelling are consistent and invoke three phases of metamorphism experienced by studied amphibolites.  The pre-peak metamorphic phase was characterized by pressure-temperature (P‒T) values of 6.25–6.5 kbar and 580–590°C for garnet-bearing amphibolites and 5.0–5.8 kbar and 400–450°C for garnet-absent amphibolites. Peak metamorphism took place in garnet-bearing amphibolites at 6.8–7.4 kbar and temperatures between 760 and 805°C, and in garnet-absent amphibolites at 7.0–7.4 kbar and temperatures between 785 and 810°C. P‒T values of 4.45–4.75 kbar and 585–615°C for garnet-bearing amphibolites and 3.1–4.0 kbar and 620–710°C for garnet-absent amphibolites were indicative of retrograde metamorphic processes. The mineral assemblages and P‒T trajectories delineate a clockwise P‒T path for both garnet-bearing and garnet-absent amphibolites from the Babina and Mauranipur regions. This suggests that the rocks were subjected to burial in a subduction tectonic setting within an arc-related environment, followed by a decompression stage that brought them to the surface.

How to cite: Pathak, P., Kumar, R. R., and Dwivedi, S. B.: Geochemical characterization and P-T trajectory of amphibolite enclaves from the Central Bundelkhand craton and its tectono-metamorphic evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-525,, 2025.

The Eastern Ghats Belt (EGB), along the eastern coast of the Indian peninsula, forms a key crustal element in reconstructing the Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic supercontinents, Columbia (~1.9-1.6 Ga) and Rodinia (~1.1-0.9 Ga), respectively. The connection of the south-eastern segment of the EGB with east Antarctica, Australia, and Laurentia in an accretionary orogeny during the assembly of the Columbia has been established. Additionally, the central and western segments of the EGB are believed to have accreted to the Rayner Complex of Western Australia and East Antarctica during the assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent.

            In this contribution, we constrain the Proterozoic tectonothermal events recorded from the khondalites and granitoids occurring within the northernmost crustal segment of the EGB, as the major lithodemic units. In-situ monazite analysis from poly-metamorphosed garnet-sillimanite-biotite-quartz-feldspar bearing khondalites helps to establish two major metamorphic events: M1KH and M2KH. The earliest anatectic event (M1KH) was recorded at 1.1 Ga leading to the formation of peritectic garnet, potash felspar, and melt. A collisional tectonic setting is implied by a clockwise P-T path constrained for the mid-crustal partial melting event (M1KH; ~8-9 kbar, >760°C). The second metamorphic event (M2KH) occurred in a melt-absent solid-state condition (~7.8 Kbar, 675°C). The M2KH event occurred along an anticlockwise P-T trajectory with isobaric cooling. The monazite age ranges from 922±17 Ma and 909±8 Ma correlating with the isobaric cooling of the khondalites.

The granitoid bodies associated with the khondalites preserve evidence of multiple phases of deformation. Some of these granitoids are migmatites.  Zircons from one of the samples of the undeformed granitoids yield a crystallization age of ca. 1700 Ma. The monazite ages yielded from the granitoids show crystallization ages between ~1041-997 Ma. Monazites from granitoids produce a second peak at ~934-884 Ma, indicating the litho units experienced a partial melting event which is correlated with Rodinia supercontinent formation when the belt was a part of the Rayner Complex. The creation of the extensional Mahanadi Shear Zone is linked to the third monazite population within the granitoids, which yields ages ranging from approximately 750 to 740 Ma.

The present study implies that signatures of both Columbia and Rodinia ages are stronger in the northernmost segment of the EGB. The Imprint of a 1700 Ma event significantly impacts our comprehension of the crustal domains of the EGB that formed during the accretionary orogeny as part of the Columbia assembly. A linkage of significant accretionary belts around preexisting cratons involving Laurentia, Antarctica, South Africa, and Australia can be established with the 1700 Ma events in the northern EGB. The entire EGB from the north to south thus can be added to a hypothetical correlation of orogenic belts in several continents that underwent orogenesis between 1800 and 1700 Ma, reflecting Columbia's expansion. The findings in this study further imply that all the crustal domains of the EGB were unequivocally part of the accretionary orogenies leading to the assembly of the Rodinia.

How to cite: Behera, S. R. and Saha, L.: Tectonothermal evolution of the northernmost crustal segment of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India, and its linkage to Columbia and Rodinia assembly, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-595,, 2025.

EGU25-712 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Metamorphic evolution of calc-silicate granulites from the Granulite Terrane of South India 

Sirina Roy Choudhury and Anindita Dey

Granulite facies wollastonite-scapolite assemblage is commonly associated with grossular-andradite rich (granditic) garnet. Origin of grandite garnet has been variously attributed to iron metasomatism related to non-pervasive H2O-rich fluid infiltration from adjacent granitic or pelitic sources, or a result of vapour-deficient metamorphic reactions during near isobaric cooling, in addition to the influence of temperature and fO2.

The meta-supracrustal rocks of the Madukkarai Supracrustal Unit (MSU), within the granulite terrane of South India, expose an interlayered platformal sequence of metapelites, marbles, calcsilicates, meta-psammites and quartzites deposited during the Mesoproterozoic and metamorphosed during the. The present study records the occurrence of a wollastonite-free, scapolite-clinopyroxene-calcite- garnet-amphibole-epidote bearing calc-silicate granulite from the MSU near the Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone. The studied calc-silicates preserve grandite garnet, in close association with clinopyroxenes and scapolite.

Using the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset, quantitative topologies in P-T (for fixed XCO2) and isobaric T-XCO2 topologies in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-CO2 (CMASV) system were constructed, to trace the P-T-X (fluid) evolutionary history of the studied calc-silicate granulites. The effects of Fe2+, Fe3+ and Na+ on the CMASV topologies were analysed. Interpretation of the ‘frozen-in’ reaction textures and the findings from the activity adjusted CMASV topologies, integrated with the P-T evolutionary history of the intercalated pelitic granulites, supports the view that garnet-amphibole followed by epidote, formed as a result of temperature decrease, with the influx of moderately water-rich fluid (XCO2 =0.4-0.6, ~440-640 °C, at ~4.5-6 kbar). Reactions in the logfO2 vs logfCO2 topology in the system SiO2-FeO-CaO-CO2-O2 (SFC-CO2-O2) indicates the ‘essenite’ component in clinopyroxene to be a probable source of Fe+3 for grandite formation.

How to cite: Roy Choudhury, S. and Dey, A.: Metamorphic evolution of calc-silicate granulites from the Granulite Terrane of South India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-712,, 2025.

EGU25-2492 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.1

Crucial role of water-present melting in metagranite: Implicationsfor the instigation of crustal-scale shear zones 

Jonas Vanardois, Pierre Trap, and Didier Marquer

Where, when, and why large-scale shear zones nucleate and propagate into the continental lithosphere are critical issues that challenge the research in tectonics. The East Variscan shear zone is one of the crustal-scale strike-slip faults that shaped the Variscan orogenic crust during late Carboniferous time. Field-based structural analysis and petrological observations demonstrate that suprasolidus high-strain deformation zones and metagranite occurrences are spatially correlated. Among the three dominant lithologies forming this orogenic middle crust (metapelite, metagraywacke, and metagranite), petrological observations and phase equilibrium modeling indicate that the latter is the first lithology that melts during collision-induced heating, in response to H2O-fluid-saturated melting. Our field data and modeling suggest that the water-fluxed melting of metagranite has a primary rheological control on the localization, instigation, and growth of crustal-scale shear zones in the middle crust. Thus, the distribution and geometry of metagranite at the crustal scale could be regarded as critical parameters influencing the rheological inheritance governing the tectonic evolution and localization of bulk strain in the continental lithosphere.

How to cite: Vanardois, J., Trap, P., and Marquer, D.: Crucial role of water-present melting in metagranite: Implicationsfor the instigation of crustal-scale shear zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2492,, 2025.

EGU25-2498 | Orals | GMPV4.1

Sulfur transfer during subduction of serpentinite: insights from the Voltri Massif, Italy 

Esther Schwarzenbach, Besim Dragovic, Emmanuel Codillo, Linus Streicher, Maria Scicchitano, Uwe Wiechert, Frieder Klein, Horst Marschall, and Marco Scambelluri

Sulfur is transferred into the overlying mantle wedge during subduction of oceanic plates, with important ramifications for magmatic processes in volcanic arcs. Many studies have shown that arc magmas are more oxidized and enriched in 34S than mid-ocean ridge basalts, which has been linked to the transfer of slab-derived volatiles, such as sulfate, into the overlying mantle wedge and into arc magmas. However, the transfer mechanisms and the oxidation states of slab fluids is still under debate, and particularly the role of sulfur is currently widely discussed. Here we present bulk rock and in situ sulfur isotope results from metasomatic, eclogitic metagabbros from the Voltri Massif in Italy that are in contact with serpentinites (Schwarzenbach et al., 2024). Previous petrological work of this contact showed that metasomatism by fluid-mediated mass transfer of Mg from the serpentinite into the metagabbro caused formation of actinolite-chlorite schists and metagabbro rich in epidote and Na- and Na-Ca amphiboles along the contact (Codillo et al., 2022). Abundant euhedral to subhedral pyrite in the metasomatized metagabbro show distinct correlations between in situ sulfur isotope analyses and sharp Co and Ni growth zones documenting multiple generations of pyrite formation. In particular, a trend of increasing δ34S values from core to rim in pyrite associated with inclusions of distinct high pressure silicate minerals documents the input of 34S-enriched sulfur during metasomatism of the eclogitic metagabbros concurrent to subduction metamorphism. Using thermodynamic modeling our study shows that the infiltrating fluids equilibrated with the serpentinite before entering the metagabbro and that these fluids were HS--bearing. Infiltration of these HS--bearing and 34S-enriched fluids led to redox reactions in the Fe-Ti metagabbro involving sulfur, iron, and likely carbon, and the formation of euhedral pyrite with δ34S values of up to 12.5‰ in the metasomatized metagabbro. We argue that this process of 34S-enriched sulfur mobilization from serpentinites is pervasive along the plate interface in subduction zones and infer that melting of such metasomatic material can explain the 34S-enriched signatures observed in arc magmas.



A. Codillo et al., Fluid-Mediated Mass Transfer Between Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in Subduction Zones. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23, e2021GC010206 (2022).

M. Schwarzenbach et al., Mobilization of isotopically heavy sulfur during serpentinite subduction. Science Advances 10, eadn0641 (2024).

How to cite: Schwarzenbach, E., Dragovic, B., Codillo, E., Streicher, L., Scicchitano, M., Wiechert, U., Klein, F., Marschall, H., and Scambelluri, M.: Sulfur transfer during subduction of serpentinite: insights from the Voltri Massif, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2498,, 2025.

EGU25-4919 | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Pb isotope disequilibrium in metasediment-derived granitic melts 

Lingsen Zeng, Li-E Gao, and Lilong Yan

Radiogenic isotope compositions of magmatic rocks have been widely used to infer the nature of their sources. However, updated studies have demonstrated that crustal derived granites can carry a large magnitude of isotope (Sr, Nd, and Hf) disequilibrium which could be used to infer the melting reactions as well as the nature of sources. The Himalayan Cenozoic granites are typical products from melting of crustal sources.  Experimental results and theoretical calculations suggest that the Himalayan leucogranites are characterized by Sr, Nd, Hf isotope disequilibrium. Exception for the reported trace element compositions and ratios and the initial Sr isotopic ratios, radiogenic Hf and Pb isotopic ratios are heterogeneity. Leucogranites from Malashan-Gyirong area consist of two groups of granites formed fluid-absent melting of muscovite (Group-A) and fluid-fluxed melting of muscovite (Group-B), respectively. Except for substantial differences in key trace element compositions and their ratios, and Sr isotope compositions, follow-up studies show that as compared to Group-A granites, Group-B granites have much higher Th, Th/U, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios. However, their 206Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb ratios are similar. Such characteristics could be explained by enhanced solubility of monazite (high Th/U and 208Pb/204Pb phase) relative to zircon during fluid-fluxed melting of metasedimentary rocks. Our findings suggest that zircon and monazite play an critical role in shaping Pb isotope systematics in crustal-derived melts. 

How to cite: Zeng, L., Gao, L.-E., and Yan, L.: Pb isotope disequilibrium in metasediment-derived granitic melts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4919,, 2025.

EGU25-6482 | Orals | GMPV4.1

New Insights on Partial Melting and Migmatization in the Greater Caucasus Main Range Zone  

Tamara Tsutsunava, Irakli Javakhishvili, Bernardo Cesare, Omar Bartoli, David Shengelia, Giorgi Chichinadze, and Giorgi Beridze

The Caucasus is located at the convergence of the Eurasian and African-Arabian tectonic plates and represents a link between the European and Asian components of the Mediterranean (Alpine-Himalayan) collisional mobile belt. This region offers valuable insights into understanding collision tectonics and high-grade metamorphism. The presented study aims at investigating the high-grade metamorphism and crustal melting processes in the Greater Caucasian Main Range zone, which is subdivided into the Pass and the Elbrus sub-zones. They differ from each other in terms of geological structures, lithologies, metamorphism and magmatism. Migmatization and partial melting in the Caucasus refers to Cadomian (626±2 Ma) and Caledonian (461±5.3, 468±5, 471.7±4.6 Ma) stages of high-temperature regional metamorphism of Elbrus subzone infrastructure. The final, low-temperature stage of regional metamorphism occurred during the Variscan orogeny. The Elbrus subzone represents a migmatitic complex and its study is a key for understanding high-temperature metamorphic and anatectic processes in this region. This study combines geochronological data with detail mineralogical and textural analyses of migmatites from the Elbrus sub-zone to determine the conditions and mechanisms of partial melting and to shed light on the relationships between crustal anatexis and tectonics. The migmatites collected in the River Nenskra valley (Upper Svaneti region) are mostly fine-to medium-grained stromatic metatexites, characterized by light bands composed predominantly of quartz, potassium feldspar and plagioclase, and dark bands with biotite, garnet and sillimanite. Leucosomes contain euhedral feldspar crystals and thin quartz-feldspar films along grain boundaries, which can be interpreted as microstructures indicating the presence of former melt. Garnet crystals are often characterized by numerous tiny inclusions, giving them a cloudy appearance. MicroRaman investigation reveals the presence of cristobalite, graphite, phlogopite, biotite, chamosite, carbonate, CH4 and N2 in the vast majority of these inclusions, which are interpreted as former fluid inclusions and not as nanogranitoids. SEM analysis results show enrichments of Mn at the rims of some garnet crystals, which are related to local resorptions of the garnet crystals and replacement by biotite. In the highest grade samples muscovite is rare, displays a skeletal shape, is not in contact with quartz and is adjacent to crystals of K-feldspar and sillimanite. These observations suggest that partial melting conditions exceeded the stability of Ms+Qz and reached the stability of Kfs+Sil. In addition, inclusions of green spinel have been observed in some sillimanite clots, which represent the product of staurolite decomposition. These are the only microstructures that provide constraints on the pre-anatectic history of these migmatites. The proposed conditions of regional metamorphism suggest temperatures and pressures corresponding to upper amphibolite and up to granulite facies. These conditions support the occurrence of partial melting processes, followed by slow cooling. To further refine the understanding, new microstructural, microchemical, and geochronological data will be presented, providing deeper insights into the petrogenesis of migmatites in the Greater Caucasus. This work will also contribute to understanding the thermal regime of regional high-grade metamorphism and melting in other metamorphic structural zones of the Caucasus.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) [FR-22-11295].

How to cite: Tsutsunava, T., Javakhishvili, I., Cesare, B., Bartoli, O., Shengelia, D., Chichinadze, G., and Beridze, G.: New Insights on Partial Melting and Migmatization in the Greater Caucasus Main Range Zone , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6482,, 2025.

EGU25-7539 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

High-grade rocks linking greenstone-TTG belts and granitoid-gneiss complexes; NE Suriname, Paleoproterozoic Guiana Shield 

Fydji Sastrohardjo, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Leo Kriegsman, Salomon Kroonenberg, Sybrand Van Der Molen, Jeroen Goumans, and Aurélien Eglinger

Greenstone-TTG (Tonalite-Throndjemite-Granodiorite) belts and granitoid-gneiss complexes are typically described as two distinct geological assemblages. Greenstone-TTG belts, including volcano-sedimentary series, represent primitive crustal growth, while the significance of granitoid-gneiss complexes is more debated. The significance of the relationship between granitoid-gneiss complex and greenstone belts is thus key to document crustal growth and reworking. High-grade metamorphic rocks, variably designated as granitic gneisses, migmatitic gneisses or migmatites, are commonly found in the transition zones. Whether such high-grade rocks are related to the greenstone-TTG belts or the granitoid-gneiss complexes depends on whether they represent (i) a pre-existing basement for the volcano-sedimentary series, (ii) syntectonic intrusions, (iii) distinct tectonically accreted terrains, or (iv) the reworked equivalent of the volcano-sedimentary series as the result of intense deformation and metamorphism reaching partial melting.

In the northern part of the Paleoproterozoic Guiana Shield, in northeastern Suriname, high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Sara’s Lust Gneiss (SLG) complex mark the contact between the Marowijne Greenstone-TTG Belt (MGB) and the granitoid-gneiss complex. The structural and metamorphic record of these rocks has been attributed to the Transamazonian orogenic event. Their continuous exposure, provide a unique opportunity to study their geodynamic relationship. Here, we present a multidisciplinary approach combining field relationships, petrography, metamorphic P-T conditions and zircon petrochronology to investigate the significance of high-grade metamorphic rocks of the SLG. Field investigation indicate that the SLG consists of (i) mafic metatexite migmatite developed at the expense of amphibolite, characterized by plagioclase-rich leucosomes surrounding (peritectic) hornblende porphyroblasts; and (ii) felsic migmatitic biotite gneiss and metatexite migmatite derived from metagreywackes with calc-silicate and metapelite lenses, characterized by garnet-bearing quartz-plagioclase-biotite leucosomes. The leucosomes form a network of texturally continuous concordant and discordant veins relative to the synmigmatitic foliation. No tectonic contact was identified between the MGB and the SLG and the transition from the MGB to the high-grade rocks follows the same dominant NW-SE foliation and/or magmatic fabric, consistent with a metamorphic gradient. Moreover, trace element signatures of the mafic suite of the SLG are similar to the mafic volcanic formation of the MGB indicating that these may represent the same unit. In addition, trace element signatures of metagreywackes from the SLG are similar to the metasedimentary formations of the MGB, strengthening the correlation. Phase equilibrium modelling yields peak conditions of 760 (± 30) °C and 4.6 (± 1) kbar, consistent with a low- to medium-pressure / high-temperature metamorphic gradient. Zircon petrochronology enabled the distinction of inherited zircons with U-Pb dates between 2.36 to 2.10 Ga, which coincide with the age of the volcano-sedimentary rocks of the MGB at 2.26-2.15 Ga. Metamorphic ages of 2.08 ± 0.02 Ga agree with the collisional stage (2.11 – 2.08 Ga) of the Transamazonian Orogeny. This implies that the high-grade rocks and the volcano-sedimentary series of the greenstone-TTG belt share a common protolith and that the high-grade rocks are representative of a partially molten equivalent of the volcano-sedimentary series of the MGB. Accordingly, the high-grade rocks and granitoid-gneiss complex are attributed to crustal reworking of the Paleoproterozoic crust of the Guiana Shield.

How to cite: Sastrohardjo, F., Vanderhaeghe, O., Kriegsman, L., Kroonenberg, S., Van Der Molen, S., Goumans, J., and Eglinger, A.: High-grade rocks linking greenstone-TTG belts and granitoid-gneiss complexes; NE Suriname, Paleoproterozoic Guiana Shield, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7539,, 2025.

EGU25-8082 | Orals | GMPV4.1

Acoustic microscopy of quartz and coesite: yet another way to look at old good metamorphic fellas 

Jaroslaw Majka, Tomáš Potočný, Jerzy Litniewski, Tadeusz Stepinski, Adam Włodek, and Karolina Kośmińska

A lot of emphasis has been given lately to SiO2 polymorphs in metamorphic rocks. A development of quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry and Ti-in-quartz thermometry refocused attention of metamorphic petrologists on this chemically simple and ubiquitous mineral in virtually all types of metamorphic rocks. A need for chemical equilibrium independent thermobarometric methods and a growing evidence for mineral reaction overstepping promoted in-depth studies of quartz behavior as inclusion in stiffer phases such as garnet and associated strain and stress development as well as fostered common usage of trace element thermometers. On the other hand, less common coesite became the primary target phase in metamorphic studies tackling a problem of deep subduction of Earth’s crust to mantle depths. A common routine to identify the latter mineral is to look for specific microtextures such as radial cracks around coesite inclusions in other minerals and/or characteristic pseudomorphs such as polycrystalline and palisade quartz. Subsequent confirmation of the presence of coesite with Raman spectroscopy and/or electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) is needed. Therefore, we decided to look for (a) yet another way of quick identification of coesite, and (b) potential development of an alternative geothermobarometric technique applied to quartz and coesite. Here we report preliminary results obtained using acoustic microscopy, a vastly unknown technique in petrological community. Our preliminary tests on quartz monocrystals show that acoustic wave velocity depends on quartz orientation. However, the test on coesite and palisade quartz from Dora Maira shows that coesite reveals faster wave velocity than quartz regardless the crystallographic orientation. The latter is, in fact, not surprising since the method in question is primarily dependent on a density and elastic properties of the tested material. Nonetheless, to our knowledge an empirical test of this kind has not been done before. Thus, we can preliminarily conclude that the acoustic microscopy can be used as an alternative tool to quickly identify coesite. A development of a new thermobarometer would require a careful EBSD pre-study though. This obstacle together with limited access to acoustic microscopes in general may hinder this process. On the other hand, a use of acoustic impedance to image either growth and/or deformation zones in minerals or specific microtextures of multimineral systems appears to be especially advantageous.

Supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) grant no. 2021/43/D/ST10/02305.

How to cite: Majka, J., Potočný, T., Litniewski, J., Stepinski, T., Włodek, A., and Kośmińska, K.: Acoustic microscopy of quartz and coesite: yet another way to look at old good metamorphic fellas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8082,, 2025.

EGU25-8442 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.1

Tales of Monazite, Garnet, and Melt: Linking Mineral Growth and Partial Melting to P–T Evolution 

Dominik Sorger, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, Fritz Finger, and Manfred Linner

Monazite, a key accessory mineral in high-grade metamorphic rocks, serves as both a robust geochronometer and a primary reservoir for rare earth elements (REE), Th, and U. This study investigates melt inclusions within monazite and garnet to elucidate the processes of crustal melting and element partitioning during granulite facies metamorphism in the Bohemian Massif.
Nanogranitoid inclusions, identified through Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy, exhibit polycrystalline textures containing quartz and feldspar polymorphs, micas, and occasionally carbonate phases. These inclusions are found in chemically distinct domains of monazite and garnet, offering valuable insights into the interplay between melt entrapment, mineral growth, and metamorphic conditions. Compositional zoning in garnet, characterized by variations in major and trace elements, alongside the corresponding domains in monazite, provides a detailed record of the pressure-temperature (P–T) trajectory during high-grade metamorphism.
Our findings reveal two generations of garnet, each showing distinct chemical zoning and closely linked to monazite inclusions with different ages. Monazite grains dated to ~370 Ma are associated with the first garnet generation (Garnet1), while monazite grains dated to ~340 Ma are associated with the second garnet generation (Garnet2). These monazite inclusions, along with matrix-hosted monazite grains, display contrasting REE and Th/U patterns, reflecting diverse growth conditions and the impact of garnet breakdown during decompression.
The systematic investigation of these inclusions, alongside their textural and chemical context, enhances our understanding of monazite stability in melt-bearing systems and its role in recording the temporal evolution of crustal melting processes. This integrative approach establishes a robust framework for deciphering the intricate relationships between mineral chemistry, melt inclusions, and P–T paths. These findings underscore the critical role of accessory minerals like monazite as indispensable archives of crustal evolution.

How to cite: Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C. A., Finger, F., and Linner, M.: Tales of Monazite, Garnet, and Melt: Linking Mineral Growth and Partial Melting to P–T Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8442,, 2025.

EGU25-11421 | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

High to ultra-high temperature metamorphism from the Unango subdomain, Malawi 

Alexis Plunder, Thomas Fullgraf, Benjamin Le Bayon, James Mtegha, and Robert Thomas

This work is part the GEMMAP project (Geological Mapping and Mineral Assessment of Malawi) conducted between 2016 and 2020 in Malawi to provide a national coverage of geological maps at 1:100 000 scale. The Unango Subdomain in southern Malawi is part of the Mesoproterozoic South Irumide Domain. Most of the Unango Subdomain was strongly reworked during the Neoproterozoic Pan African orogeny that led to the assembly of Gondwana. Our study focusses of the northwestern part of the Unango subdomain where it is possible to observe a mid- to lower crustal sequence with a well exposed contact between it and the overlying Lilongwe Subdomain. The Unango subdomain is characterized by various granulite facies lithodemic units (charnockitic gneisses, sillimanite garnet gneiss, garnet-pyroxene granulitic gneisses, marble, meta-anorthosite, syenite and syenitic orthogneisses and rare quartzite and calcsilicates) with intense penetrative deformation. Pressure-temperature estimates consistently show peak conditions around 1.0 Gpa and 860°C (orthopyroxene-garnet bearing gneiss; sillimanite-garnet gneiss and garnet-clinopyroxene metabasite) using thermodynamic modelling with Perple_X. These conditions are consistent with the observed partial melting (both at the outcrop scale and as melt inclusion entrapped within garnet). We also present the results of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology on zircon that constrain the age of the magmatism and high-temperature metamorphism. The magmatic rocks (syenite and syenite orthogneisses) were emplaced between 582 and 500 Ma, during the second phase of the East African orogen. Metamorphism is constrained between 551 and 545 Ma. The combination of alkaline magmatism and structural observation indicates a long-lasting extensional setting of ca. 100 Ma, in the Unango SD with possible intermittent thrusting event at ca. 570 Ma. The normal metamorphic gradient to the overlying Lilongwe SD suggests the interpretation of the Unango SD as a metamorphic dome.

How to cite: Plunder, A., Fullgraf, T., Le Bayon, B., Mtegha, J., and Thomas, R.: High to ultra-high temperature metamorphism from the Unango subdomain, Malawi, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11421,, 2025.

EGU25-12140 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Low-to-medium pressure crustal melting and granite formation in the Variscan High-Grade Metamorphic Complex of the Asinara Island (Italy) 

Olga Turek, Silvio Ferrero, Leonardo Casini, Gabriele Cruciani, Alfredo Idini, Matteo Maino, and Antonio Langone

Here we report the first results of the petrological investigation performed on the high-grade, partially melted rocks belonging to the so-called High-Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC) cropping out at Punta Scorno area, north Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy). We focus on banded amphibolites, ortho- and paragneisses and diatexite/granites. The gradual transition from amphibolites to gneisses to diatexite/granites is clearly visible on the field and makes this area an excellent target for tracing melt production processes in the medium-lower continental crust.

The amphibolite forms a large lens (200 x 50m) in the SE part of the studied area. The more massive and darker portions show under microscope observation a slightly foliated structure given by iso-oriented hornblende and elongated plagioclase. K-feldspar and Fe-sulphides are common throughout the rocks and align to the foliation. This rock also contains randomly oriented biotite, quartz, zoisite and white mica. Plagioclase is Ca-rich (An78-96), whereas biotite has XFe of 0.48-0.51. In the samples where the cm-scale banding is more visible, the amphibole is more randomly oriented. In these portions, biotite has higher XFe (0.55-0.60), the most abundant amphibole is grunerite (Fe-rich) which is overgrown by hornblende, and plagioclase is poorer in Ca (An43-58). Melt pseudomorphs of quartz are developed in contact with plagioclase and biotite. Strongly resorbed garnet porphyroblasts of almandine-rich garnet (Alm67-68Grs13-16Sps9-10Prp7-10) are associated with amphiboles and biotite.

Moving toward north the amphibolites transition to amphibole-bearing orthogneisses. The orthogneiss is foliated at the outcrop scale, although this feature is barely noticeable under the microscope. This rock has a similar assemblage to the banded portion of the amphibolite. However, the matrix contains more quartz and plagioclase, and garnet forms anhedral porphyroblasts. Locally garnet preserves a euhedral shape when in contact with biotite. Grunerite is present as anhedral crystals and it is overgrown by hornblende. Ca dominates the plagioclase composition (An48-81), whereas biotite and garnet are richer in Fe (Alm71-74Grs12-14Prp7-13Sps3-6) than in amphibolites.

Paragneisses occur both in the N and S parts of the studied area and show variable grain size and schistosity. They are characterized by iso-oriented biotite and white mica flakes, quartz-plagioclase elongated lenses, a large amount of apatite and melt pseudomorphs in the more felsic layers. Plagioclase has variable composition, and few grains of garnet (Alm~69Sps~22Prp~7Grs~3) are also present.

Leucogranite is composed of fine-grained quartz, feldspar and plagioclase with scattered biotite flakes and skeletal garnet richer in Mn (Alm66-76Sps10-26Grs2-11Prp3-8). The contact of leucogranite with coarser-grained paragneisses is marked by granophyric intergrowths and myrmekites. Preliminary geochronological data on magmatic zircons from leucogranites yielded an age of 295 ± 3.5 Ma. Coarse-grained granite contains euhedral crystals of feldspar, plagioclase, quartz and garnet with interstitial biotite and white mica. Garnet composition is similar to the one from leucogranite (Alm66-76Sps10-24Grs5-11Prp3-4).

This work provides the first petrological insights in the area and constitutes an introduction to a more detailed study of P-T evolution and re-melting processes in the HGMC at Asinara Island.

How to cite: Turek, O., Ferrero, S., Casini, L., Cruciani, G., Idini, A., Maino, M., and Langone, A.: Low-to-medium pressure crustal melting and granite formation in the Variscan High-Grade Metamorphic Complex of the Asinara Island (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12140,, 2025.

EGU25-12962 | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Advances in thermodynamic modelling tools for metamorphic rocks 

Nicolas Riel, Boris Kaus, Owen Weller, Eleanor Green, and Evangelos Moulas

Retrieving the thermodynamic properties of metamorphic rocks such as mineral/melt/fluid fractions, compositions, densities and thermal properties is essential for studying, quantifying, and modelling the reactive thermo-mechanical evolution of the lithosphere. These properties are derived from experimental data and are used to calibrate thermodynamic models, which can then predict melt-rock phase equilibria using a so-called Gibbs free energy minimization.

Here, we present recent advancements in modelling thermodynamic equilibrium achieved with the open-source parallel software package MAGEMin. These include the addition of a new thermodynamic database for dry alkaline magmatic systems and the continued development of our new Julia-based graphical user interface (MAGEMinApp), which greatly simplifies the calculation of phase equilibria.

MAGEMinApp’s functionality include the calculation of Pressure-Temperature-Composition diagrams (P-T, P-X, T-X, PT-X), modelling of Pressure-Temperature-Composition paths (fractional melting/crystallization with assimilation/extraction), trace-element and zirconium saturation predictive modelling, specific heat capacity calculation accounting for latent heat of reaction, mineral and magma classification (e.g., TAS diagram), as well as a new sensitivity analysis tool to investigate the control of bulk-rock composition on phase assemblage stability.

How to cite: Riel, N., Kaus, B., Weller, O., Green, E., and Moulas, E.: Advances in thermodynamic modelling tools for metamorphic rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12962,, 2025.

EGU25-14634 | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Origin of Ancient Meta-Evaporites in the Paleoproterozoic Columbia Supercontinent 

Dan Wang, Fulai Liu, and Rolf Romer

Most large evaporitic borate deposits formed in the Cenozoic, whereas ancient large evaporitic borate deposits are rare. The Liao-Ji borate deposits from the North China Craton represent ancient metamorphosed evaporitic borate deposits preserved in Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent. This study provides the mineralogy, petrology, metamorphic P–T conditions, as well as boron, sulfur, and iron isotopes in the Wengquangou borate deposit and the surrounding wall-rock gneisses (meta- volcanics). The aim is to determine the source of the boron and to explore the formation and preservation mechanisms of the ancient borate deposits. Stratiform borate deposits associated with the gneiss (metavolcanics) from the Lieryu Formation are found at the base of the Paleoproterozoic Liaohe Group. Zircon ages from borate-bearing marbles and gneisses yield similar ages of ca. 2.15 Ga, suggesting that volcanism and sedimentation occurred nearly simultaneously. The borate minerals (such as suanite, ludwigite and szaibelyite) have heavy δ11B ranging from +7.5 to +9.8 ‰. The δ34SV-CDT values of pyrrhotite fall in the range from +8.7 to +16.1 ‰. The Wengquangou boron-bearing marbles are also enriched in Mg, Fe, K, U, and Pb concentrations. Magnesium and iron likely originated from the weathering of the mafic volcanic rocks of the Lieryu Formation, as indicated by the similar δ56Fe of the borate deposit (-0.05 to +0.29 ‰) with wall-rock gneiss (-0.09 to +0.24 ‰). The combined major and trace element data from the borate-bearing marbles and gneisses suggest that the formation of the Wengquangou borate deposits in a sedimentary basin involved not only marine contributions but also significant input from the continental crust. The metamorphosed zircon, uraninite and apatite from borate deposits and gneisses constrained the regional high-grade metamorphism have occurred between 1.92 and 1.84 Ga. Zr-in-titanite and modelling results confine that the peak P–T conditions of 750–800°C at 0.6–1.0 GPa. High-grade metamorphism transformed hydrous borate minerals into anhydrous minerals (suanite and ludwigite). Our study provides an example that ancient evaporites borate deposits formed by processes similar to those forming modern evaporitic borate deposits, involving the leaching and mobilization of boron from volcanic-sedimentary rocks, transport into a basin, and concentration by evaporation. The rare preservation of ancient borate deposits does not reflect that they rarely form, but that the areas where major evaporitic borate deposits form rarely experience later granulite facies metamorphism, which converts hydrous borate minerals into anhydrous forms.

This work was supported by the Research Foundation of the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (J2302).

How to cite: Wang, D., Liu, F., and Romer, R.: Origin of Ancient Meta-Evaporites in the Paleoproterozoic Columbia Supercontinent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14634,, 2025.

EGU25-14676 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.1

Learning from mafic dykes in polymetamorphosed granulite terranes: an example from the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone 

Jérémie Darveau, Carl Guilmette, Antoine Godet, Marine Jouvent, Myriam Côté-Roberge, and Kyle Larson

Mafic dykes can preserve near-peak metamorphic assemblages in granulitic terranes and often are key to deciphering their pressure-temperature-time-deformation (P-T-t-D) history. They are particularly important in high-grade polymetamorphic terranes, where younger metamorphic events may be poorly recorded in other units. The middle to lower crustal units of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone (GFTZ) in western Québec, Canada, present a unique opportunity to address this issue, having experienced two metamorphic events separated by more than 1.6 billion years. The GFTZ exposes parautochthonous restitic orthopyroxene + garnet-bearing paragneisses and associated two-micas pegmatite dykes. These were formed in the Superior Craton during c. 2.6 Ga granulite-facies metamorphism (M1) and affected by a loosely constrained c. 1.0 Ga overprint during the Grenvillian orogeny (M2). Following M1 and prior to M2, the GFTZ have been intruded by Proterozoic gabbro dykes that can be used to monitor the conditions and timing of M2. In this contribution, we present new field relationships, whole rock geochemistry, in situ laser ablation U-Pb titanite and Lu-Hf garnet geochronology, along with isochemical phase equilibria modeling to provide quantitative P-T-t-D estimates of the metamorphism preserved in the mafic dykes.

Field evidence shows that ~10 m thick metagabbro dykes cross-cut foliated paragneiss and pegmatite dykes. Their immobile element geochemical signatures are consistent with those from regionally recognized Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms intruding the Superior Craton. Metagabbros are characterized by an assemblage of plagioclase + hornblende + clinopyroxene + garnet + orthopyroxene + quartz + titanite. Garnet coronas surrounding relict magmatic clinopyroxene in contact with plagioclase are common in dyke cores, contrasting with granoblastic and migmatitic assemblages in dyke margins. Five metagabbro samples returned in situ Lu-Hf garnet dates in the range of 1124 to 920 Ma and U-Pb titanite dates from 1022 to 985 Ma, interpreted as the timing of M2 metamorphism and consistent with documented Grenvillian metamorphism. Isochemical phase equilibria modeling of a granoblastic hornblende + plagioclase + clinopyroxene + quartz + garnet migmatitic assemblage in a dyke margin indicate equilibrium conditions of 833 ± 12 °C and 9.9 ± 0.4 kbar, corresponding to mid- to high-pressure granulite conditions.

Our results confirm a c. 1.0 Ga granulite-facies overprint attributed to the Grenvillian Orogen (M2). It is noteworthy that the high-grade assemblage is only expressed in the Proterozoic mafic dykes and that the host migmatitic paragneiss did not pervasively recrystallize during M2, potentially due to its restitic nature. This contrast in lithological reactivity resulted in a differential metamorphic record, emphasizing that the Grenvillian granulitic overprint could easily be overlooked if metagabbros are neglected. In conclusion, the results presented herein underscore the critical role of metamorphosed mafic dykes in disentangling the complex evolution of polymetamorphic granulitic terranes.

How to cite: Darveau, J., Guilmette, C., Godet, A., Jouvent, M., Côté-Roberge, M., and Larson, K.: Learning from mafic dykes in polymetamorphosed granulite terranes: an example from the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14676,, 2025.

HP (High-pressure)/HT( high temperature) granulites can be considered as part of the thickened lower crust in overrding plate and may provide an important information for thermal evolutions of convergent plate margins. The Qilian orogenic belt is a typical early Paleozoic accretionary orogenic belt. The Qilian block, which is mainly composed of Precambrian basement, is located in the southern side of the North Qilian suture. In recent year, HP/HT granulites, subjects of this contribution, are identified on the northern margin of the Qilian block. Petrographic observations identified three-stage metamorphic assemblages for Grt–Cpx granulites: the first generation (M1) is Grt + Amp + Pl + Kfs + Ttn + Bt + Qz + Liq; the second generation (M2) is Grt + Pl + Amp + Cpx + Ttn + Bt + Qz + Liq; the final assemblage (M3) is Grt + Pl + Amp + Cpx + Ilm + Bt + Qz + Liq. Four stage metamorphic assemblages are identified from pelitic granulite: the first generation (M1) is Grt + St + Pl + Rt + Bt + Qz + Liq; the second generation (M2) is Grt + Ky + Pl + Bt + Qz + Liq; the third generation (M3) is represented by the occurrence of silimanite, rutile and ilmenite within plagioclase in matrix and the Bt + Qz + Sil + Crd + Pl + Ilm symplectites around the rim of garnet;the final generation (M4) is Grt + Crd + Bt + Pl + Qz + Ilm + Liq.    

Zr-in-rutile thermometry, Zr-in-titanite thermometry and phase equilibria are applied for evaluating the P–T history and in situ U-Pb datings are used to define the timings of different metamorphic stages. The results indicate that the Pmax condition of Grt–Cpx granulite is at 12.8-13.7 kbar/ 735-760 °C and Tmax condition at 7.5-9.6 kbar/770-845 °C. The Pmax condition of pelitic granulite is at ~12 kbar/ 750-800 °C and Tmax condition at 5.2-6.8 kbar/780-840 °C. Both rocks show a similar decompressional heating P-T path. In-situ U-Pb datings (rutile, monanite, titanite, and zircon) indicate that the timing of prograde stage is at 500~470 Ma and decompressional heating stage is at 460~450 Ma. Our new data combined with the regional geological data show the early Paleozoic HP/HT metamorphism is related to terrane accretion and the southward subduction of Paleo-Qilian Ocean (Proto-Tethyan Ocean) during the early Paleozoic era.

How to cite: Mao, X. and Zhang, J.: Early Paleozoic HP/HT metamorphism on the northern Qilian block: insight on thermal evolution of the overrding plate in convergent margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15506,, 2025.

EGU25-17979 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

One billion years later: Reactivation of an Archean shear zone or exhumation of a craton?  

Silvia Volante, Stijn Glorie, Kristoffer Szilas, Lorenzo Tavazzani, and Sampriti Basak

Cratons form the stable nuclei of continents, built through the accretion of terranes along crustal-scale shear zones by the end of the Archean. These structures can channel fluids and facilitate fluid-rock interaction, often playing a critical role in forming major mineralization processes across Archean cratons. Despite their significance, the mechanisms and timing of potential Paleoproterozoic reactivation events remain poorly understood. This study examines the Neoarchean Storø crustal-scale shear zone in SW Greenland using in-situ Lu–Hf garnet geochronology, Rb–Sr biotite and U–Pb monazite dating of garnet- and sillimanite-bearing schists, garnet-bearing amphibolite and calc-silicate rocks. Garnet porphyroblasts in the schists record an initial metamorphism at c. 2.7 Ga, whereas Lu–Hf garnet ages of c. 2.63 Ga in metabasalt and calc-silicate rocks, along with robust U–Pb garnetite ages of c. 2.64 Ga, indicate a second Neoarchean metamorphic event. These results support a two-stage metamorphic evolution linked to the accretion of the Eoarchean Færingehavn and Mesoarchean Akia Terranes along the Storø shear zone involving lithospheric thickening and stabilization during the late Archean. In contrast, the biotite-defining foliation yields an age of c. 1.7 Ga, which may represent either the reactivation of the shear zone during the assembly of the supercontinent Columbia or the exhumation of the craton. Monazite grains included in garnet porphyroblasts (c. 2.7 Ga) and aligned parallel to the biotite-defining matrix (c. 2.5 Ga) support the interpretation that the biotite ages reflect craton exhumation rather than Paleoproterozoic reactivation of the shear zone. This study underscores that this region of North Atlantic Craton played the role of rigid block during the Paleoproterozoic assembly of the supercontinent Columbia and major Neoarchean tectonic boundaries were not reactivated. Instead, they represent well-preserved Archean shear zones, ideal for studying Archean tectonic processes. 

How to cite: Volante, S., Glorie, S., Szilas, K., Tavazzani, L., and Basak, S.: One billion years later: Reactivation of an Archean shear zone or exhumation of a craton? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17979,, 2025.

EGU25-18130 | Orals | GMPV4.1

Melt-assisted coupled dissolution-precipitation of zircon in metagranite, Bohemian Massif 

Pavla Stipska, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Martin Racek, Prokop Zavada, and Pavlina Hasalova

In zircon, transgressive textures across the oscillatory zoning and associated chemical modifications were mostly attributed to the process of fluid-mediated coupled dissolution-precipitation (CDP) over the past c. 20 years. Some works also admitted a possible role of melt in zircon CDP, expressing it for example by “fluid/melt”, but usually without explicit documentation of melt presence. The studies of melt-mediated zircon modification by CDP are thus extremely rare, and show an important but underrated process, with consequences on geological interpretation of zircon ages and chemical composition.

We choose one of the most common crustal rock types, a meta-granite, which undergone migmatization, and focused on modification of zircon textures and chemistry. To unravel primary and secondary zircon textures we use combination of high-resolution cathodoluminescence (CL), back-scattered electron (BSE) and secondary-electron (SE) images, because in CL most of the secondary textures were not visible. To relate zircon texture and date with trace- and rare earth element (REE) composition we use laser ablation–split-stream inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LASS). We relate the mineral inclusions with zircon textures, and for the secondary metamorphic inclusions we compare their assemblage and mineral chemistry with the rock assemblage and infer P–T conditions of their formation. Because the textures are typical of coupled dissolution-precipitation process and the P–T conditions of the secondary inclusions and matrix assemblage are above the wet solidus, we interpret zircon modification as caused by melt-mediated coupled dissolution-precipitation process.   

Oscillatory zoning is commonly blurred to a variable degree and it is in places truncated by patchy, convolute or structureless embayments. The irregular and relatively sharp boundaries of the embayments may be spatially associated with micro-porosity located ahead, and are interpreted as modification fronts of dissolution-precipitation. Some modification fronts are superimposed and relative timing can be inferred. Micro-porosity and inclusions are arranged in trails along modified BSE-light grey channels and are spatially associated with depressions at the surface, indicating more pronounced dissolution over precipitation. Larger inclusions tend to be located at the joints of the channels. The metamorphic zircon domains are characterized by an overall decrease of HREE with large variation in Yb/Gd, increase or decrease in LREE, increase in U, and decrease of Th and Th/U, compatible with presence of melt, garnet and titanite. Inclusions of Ph−Grt−Ttn are compatible with the matrix assemblage of Grt−Ph−Bt−Ttn−Kfs−Pl−Qz±Rt±Ilm, and equilibrated at eclogite-facies, at 15−17 kbar and 690–740 °C. The melt-mediated zircon modification resulted in a smear of mostly concordant dates from protolith oscillatory zoned domains with Cambro-Ordovician age to c. 330 Ma.

How to cite: Stipska, P., Kylander-Clark, A., Racek, M., Zavada, P., and Hasalova, P.: Melt-assisted coupled dissolution-precipitation of zircon in metagranite, Bohemian Massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18130,, 2025.

EGU25-18266 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.1

The kinetics of organic maturation in the Torres del Paine contact aureole and lessons for RSCM thermometry 

Maria Margarita Ariza Acero, Lukas P. Baumgartner, and C. Tom Foster

Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Matter (RSCM) thermometry is a widely utilized method for estimating peak metamorphic temperatures based on the crystallinity and composition of carbonaceous matter (CM). In this study, we apply RSCM thermometry to samples from the contact aureole of the Torres del Paine Intrusive Complex (TPIC) and compare these temperature estimates with constraints from phase petrology and thermal modeling. While Raman spectra reveal a systematic increase in CM crystallinity toward the intrusion, peak temperatures estimated with RSCM are consistently lower than the modeled temperatures in the outer and middle part of the aureole, while both approaches give consistent temperatures close to the contact.

2-D thermal models suggest that the heating of the metasediments occurred over 2,000–10,000 years, while cooling occurs over some tens of thousands of years, depending on proximity to the intrusion, as well as the relative position of the sample with respect the intrusion (roof, side, or below). A review of contact metamorphic studies conducted around different sizes of intrusions underscores the critical role of the heating pulse duration.  Hence, RSCM thermometry needs to take into account the thermal history, as was similarly shown for sedimentary basins and Anchizonal metamorphism (Sweeney and Burnham, 1990).

To address this limitation, we extend a first-order kinetic model originally developed for vitrinite reflectance by Sweeney and Burnham (1990) to describe CM crystallinity evolution by considering a total set of 34 parallel reactions that includes 14 new reactions with higher activation energies to account for the reactions that dominate maturation at higher temperatures, responsible for transforming amorphous CM into graphite. Our new kinetic model was calibrated by assuming that the maturations described by the thermometer for regional metamorphism were obtained by maintaining the temperature at the peak metamorphic temperature for at least 1Myr.  Using this approach we find a better fit for maximum temperatures obtained in the Torres del Paine contact aureole. Our results highlight the importance of kinetic effects for RSCM thermometry. Hence, we strongly advise against the use of the RSCM thermometer for short-lived thermal pulses, unless an approximate knowledge of the temperature-time history is known. 


Sweeney, J.J. and Burnham, A.K. (1990) ‘Evaluation of a Simple Model of Vitrinite Reflectance Based on Chemical Kinetics’, AAPG Bulletin, 74(10), pp. 1559–1570. Available at:



How to cite: Ariza Acero, M. M., Baumgartner, L. P., and Foster, C. T.: The kinetics of organic maturation in the Torres del Paine contact aureole and lessons for RSCM thermometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18266,, 2025.

EGU25-18348 | Orals | GMPV4.1

Amphibolitization of mafic crust: mechanism and time scales 

Timm John, Saskia Grund, and Johannes Vrijmoed

Fluid–rock interactions play a key role in the formation, evolution and recycling of the Earth’s crust. For fluids to infiltrate rocks and enable and sustain fluid-mediated mineral transformations, fluid pathways are required. Time scales of fluid-mediated rock transformations cover a wide range from several million years to several month in various geological settings. In this study, we examined the underlying mechanisms and timescales of amphibolitization of mafic crust. For this purpose we performed a detailed mineralogical, petrophysical and thermodynamic analysis of a dry, essentially “non-porous” gabbro that was hydrated and transformed into an amphibolite under amphibolite-facies conditions. The amphibolitization process was triggered by fluid infiltration through a newly opened N–S striking fracture network and allowed the fluid to pervasively infiltrate the rock. Thermodynamic modelling and petrological data show that the transition from gabbro to amphibolite was accompanied by densification and related porosity formation. The modes and compositions of minerals within partly-amphibolitized rocks indicate that besides the uptake of H2O, no significant mass exchanges were necessary for this transformation, at least on the thin-section scale. Once the gabbro was almost entirely amphibolitized, its mineral content and mineral chemistry no longer changed, so the progress of amphibolitization progress was controlled by fluid availability. To estimate the duration of the amphibolitization we set up a reactive transport model based on local equilibrium thermodynamics, mass balance and Darcy flow, which addresses the mineralogical and petrophysical changes of the rock along the sampled profile at constant ambient amphibolite-facies P–T conditions. Starting from a non-porous rock, the model calculated reaction-induced porosity, permeability, and fluid pressure evolution based on the local bulk composition and the evolving mineral paragenesis. We reproduced the extend of the reaction front by adjusting fitting parameters such as, initial fluid pressure, permeability or fluid viscosity. We repeated these calculations for different reaction front widths we measured in the outcrop to obtain a time estimate of the hydration process that resulted in the amphibolitization of the gabbroic crust.


How to cite: John, T., Grund, S., and Vrijmoed, J.: Amphibolitization of mafic crust: mechanism and time scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18348,, 2025.

EGU25-18734 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.1

Constraining the P-T-t history of sapphirine bearing granulites and associated rocks from the 2.9 Ga Fiskenæsset Anorthosite Complex, SW Greenland 

Sampriti Basak, Kristoffer Szilas, and Vincent van Hinsberg

One of the best preserved Archean igneous complexes in the world is located in the Fiskenæsset region in SW Greenland and is known as the Fiskenæsset Anorthosite Complex (FAC). The region hosts a variety of high-grade rock types ranging from anorthosites (clino-orthopyroxene / amphibole bearing), metaperidotites, garnetiferous amphibolites, garnetiferous pyroxenites and chromitites. Several studies have interpreted this region to represent a subduction zone setting with hydrous recycling of lithosphere and arc magmatism operating as early as the Mesoarchean, and leading to the formation of the anorthosites (Windley et al., 1973). This interpretations is, however, highly debated. The aim of our project is to constrain the metamorphic history of the FAC post their igneous emplacement, which started as early as the Neoarchean based on metamorphic U-Pb zircon ages (Polat et al. 2010, Keulen et al. 2010). This temporally constrained knowledge of Neoarchean P-T history can be used as fingerprints of the prevalent geodynamic setting in the region and thereby provide insights into the likely formation environment of the FAC, and, more broadly, information on the tectonic processes operating in the Neoarchean.

Here, we report geochemical and petrological results for a group of highly aluminous, sapphirine-bearing amphibolites dominated by orthopyroxene, corundum, phlogopite and anorthitic plagioclase, along with associated garnetiferous amphibolites and granulites from the FAC. These metamorphosed mafic rocks occur as individual bodies and as enclaves within anorthosites. Using an integrated approach of petrography, detailed elemental mapping, geothermobarometry and phase equilibria modelling, we constrained the metamorphic P-T-t history of the terrain. The rocks have been subjected to a multistage metamorphic history with the mafic rocks metamorphosed to amphibolite (M1 metamorphism) at ∼5-7 kbar and ∼700°C  to granulite facies conditions (M2 metamorphism) at ca. ∼11-12 kbar and ∼900°C, forming corundum and eventually sapphirine during retrogression and cooling (M3). A K-rich fluid is further affecting these assemblages during retrogression leading to phlogopitic biotite (formation. Our results further show that the peak metamorphic event at lower crustal depths can be traced back to ~2.63 Ga from in-situ Lu-Hf garnet geochronology. The M3 event appears to be accompanied by metasomatism and a further objective of this study is to constrain the type and composition of the fluid(s) responsible through thermodynamic modelling. This will help to improve our understanding of Archean crustal metamorphic processes and, in particular, the role of element-redistributing fluids in the evolution of cratons.


Windley (1973) Bulletin Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 106, 1-80

Polat A et al. (2010) Chem. Geol. 277(1-2), 1-20

Keulen A et al. (2010) GEUS Bulletin, 20, 67-70

How to cite: Basak, S., Szilas, K., and van Hinsberg, V.: Constraining the P-T-t history of sapphirine bearing granulites and associated rocks from the 2.9 Ga Fiskenæsset Anorthosite Complex, SW Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18734,, 2025.

Migmatites provide essential insights into the processes of partial melting and the rheological behavior of the middle and lower continental crust. This study investigates the extensively migmatized granite gneisses in the northern part of Tamil Nadu, within the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT). The term transition zone refers to the metamorphic grade shift from lower to higher grades, observed south of the Dharwar Craton (DC) towards the SGT. The SGT is divided into several blocks, separated by crustal-scale shear zones, with this research focusing on the Krishnagiri area of the Shevaroy Block (SB), where the transition from greenschist to granulite facies is evident. Earlier studies proposed the Fermor Line, a hypothetical boundary marking the change from lower-grade to higher-grade metamorphic facies.

The entire Krishnagiri area has dome-shaped hills. The field evidence shows partial melting, including lensoidal leucosome patches and veins, migmatitic quartzo-feldspathic gneisses, and migmatites appearing as metatexites and diatexites. These rocks exhibit schollen, schlieren, and nebulitic structures, with greater migmatization observed near the Mettur shear zone, forming the western boundary of SB. Mafic enclaves in these rocks are deformed and stretched along the shear zone. Deformation features such as shear zones, mylonites, and shear sense indicators are also prominent. The stretching lineation within the granite gneisses trends at 015°.

Field and microscopic observations allow the Krishnagiri granite gneisses to be categorized into four distinct zones based on mineralogical assemblages. Zones 1 and 2 contain metamorphic minerals like epidote, amphibole, and biotite. Zone 3 lacks epidote but includes amphibole and biotite, with more pronounced foliation. Zone 4 features pyroxenes and garnet, with pyroxenes altered to chlorite and rimmed by amphiboles. Mafic enclaves are abundant in Zone 1 and occur within leucosomes, while Zone 4 contains charnockite as pods or lenses within the granite gneiss. K-feldspar veins, appearing from Zone 2 onward, cross-cut the gneisses and include mafic minerals such as amphiboles and pyroxenes.

All these observations indicate an increasing metamorphic grade from north to south across the Krishnagiri region and thus revealing progressively deeper crustal levels towards the south.

How to cite: Ganguly, A. and D'Souza, J.: Metamorphism of the Krishnagiri Granite Gneisses: The Transition zone between the Dharwar Craton and the Southern Granulite Terrane , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19868,, 2025.

The formation and evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethyan Ocean played a key role in the evolution of the Tibetan plateau before the India-Asia collision. However, the timing of the Bangong-Nujiang Ocean’s subduction initiation and the resulting magmatism remain subjects of ongoing debate. In this study, we focus on new identified andesites from the Amdo area, Southern Qiangtang Terrane. Using zircon U-Pb isotopes, bulk rock geochemical data, and whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic data, we attempt to temporally and petrogenetically constrain the magmatism associated with the subduction initiation of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethyan Ocean. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages demonstrate that the Zhaquxiang andesites were generated during the Late Triassic (ca. 211.5 Ma). They exhibit geochemical features resembling those of arc magmatic rocks, characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and depletion in high field strength elements. The calculated εNd(t) values and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the andesites are from 2.6 to 4.4 and from 0.7048 to 0.7050, respectively. The andesites have low Mg# (31-40), Cr (30-38 ppm) and Ni (21-24 ppm) contents. These geochemical characteristics suggest that the Zhaquxiang andesites were most probably produced by partial melting of mafic lower crust, with sediment-derived melt incorporated into their source. Combining our new data and the field investigation we conclude that the formation of these andesites was triggered by the northward-subducting Bangong-Nujiang Tethyan oceanic lithospheric during the Late Triassic. Consequently, the subduction initiation of the Bangong-Nuijiang Ocean would be the Late Triassic (ca. 211.5Ma). 

How to cite: Hu, C., Wang, J., and Shen, L.: Resolving the subduction initiation of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean: New insights from the andesites in the southern margin of southern Qiangtang, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3992,, 2025.

EGU25-4200 | Orals | GMPV4.3

Microscale oxygen isotope tracing of fluid production and circulation in subducted serpentinites  

Daniela Rubatto, Michelle Ulrich, Coralie Vesin, Joerg Hermann, and Marco Scambelluri

Dehydration of serpentinites in subduction zones is a major process that releases water at mantle depth. Tracking the dynamics and composition of the fluid produced is a critical step in constructing robust models of subduction processes. We analysed fluid-mobile elements and oxygen isotopes at the microscale as geochemical proxies for fluid production and circulation in high-pressure serpentinites in the Erro Tobbio and Zermatt-Saas units (Western Alps).

In the Erro Tobbio ultramafic rocks, oceanic lizardite is metastable at the peak metamorphic conditions of ~2 GPa, 550–600°C, suggesting that dehydration reactions may be delayed in low strain zones of the subducted slabs. In high strain zones, lizardite is completely replaced by antigorite. The oxygen isotopic composition of antigorite (δ18O of +6 to +8 ‰) is relatively uniform compared to the large variations observed in lizardite (0 to +12 ‰), indicating homogenisation at the sample scale during prograde metamorphism. In the Zermatt-Saas serpentinites, antigorite is the only serpentine phase and its fluid mobile elements (As, Sb and B) and O isotopic compositions still preserve evidence of different conditions during oceanic serpentinisation.

In both units, metamorphic olivine is formed by the brucite + antigorite dehydration reaction and generally shows isotopic equilibrium with antigorite, with ∆18OAtg-Ol of 1.5–2.5 ‰ at 550­–600 °C. In the Erro Tobbio serpentinites, metamorphic olivine has homogeneous δ18O values of +4 to +5 ‰, and shows isotopic equilibrium with antigorite, regardless of the degree of deformation. However, in the Zermatt-Saas samples, metamorphic olivine and antigorite show different degrees of equilibration depending on the texture (Ulrich et al. 2024). Olivine in structures associated with fluid flow is either (i) in isotopic equilibrium with antigorite when the fluid responsible for olivine crystallisation is internally derived, or (ii) in isotopic disequilibrium with antigorite when olivine is formed by infiltration of an externally derived fluid released from serpentinite with a different isotopic composition. The occurrence of non-equilibrated olivine only in shear bands, shear zones and olivine veins suggests that these structures act as channels for large-scale fluid mobilisation. Channelling of the fluid flow is expected because the replacement of antigorite by olivine leads to a reduction in volume and thus changes the porosity and the fluid pressure at the microscale, while deformation increases permeability. The interaction of such fluids, which have a low δ18O of 4–5 ‰, with the overlying altered metabasalts and metasediments can result in a significant lowering of the oxygen isotopic composition and can be used to trace the pathways of serpentinite-derived fluids in the subducted slab (Bovay et al. 2021, Rubatto et al. 2023). Our study shows that the combined study of structures, textures, trace elements and oxygen isotopes at the microscale allows the reconstruction of fluid production and transport in subduction zone environments.



Bovay T, Rubatto D, Lanari P (2021) doi:10.1007/s00410-021-01806-4

Rubatto D, Williams M, Markmann T, Hermann J, Lanari P (2023) doi:10.1007/s00410-023-02060-6

Ulrich M, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Markmann T, Bouvier A-S, Deloule E (2024) doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.121978

How to cite: Rubatto, D., Ulrich, M., Vesin, C., Hermann, J., and Scambelluri, M.: Microscale oxygen isotope tracing of fluid production and circulation in subducted serpentinites , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4200,, 2025.

EGU25-5255 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Diamond precipitation from COH fluids: a case study from Pohorje, Eastern Alps, Slovenia 

Tim Sotelšek, Marian Janák, Sorour Semsari Parapari, Sašo Šturm, and Mirijam Vrabec

The metamorphic rocks from the Pohorje Mountains represent parts of the Austroalpine metamorphic units of the Eastern Alps, which are thought to experience the peak P-T in the ultrahigh-pressure zone during the Cretaceous orogeny, mainly near to or in the diamond stability field (Vrabec et al., 2012; Janák et al., 2015 and references therein). Gneisses are the most common occurring lithologies. They host garnet porphyroblasts, which contain numerous fluid and solid inclusions, among which diamonds have also been identified. To better understand their precipitation from COH fluids, thermodynamic modelling was performed and to elucidate the structure of diamond-bearing inclusions, they were investigated at the atomic scale using a plethora of TEM techniques.

The C-O-H fluid system undergoes evolution during metamorphism as a result of variations in pressure and temperature. The saturation of the C-O-H fluid with carbon depends on the P-T-fO2 conditions. Carbon saturation of the C-O-H fluid can be represented with carbon saturation isopleths. Assuming that the fluids, trapped in the metapelitic rock share common P-T path, the relationship between the carbon saturation isopleths and the P-T path is essential.

P-T diagrams were calculated at various logfO2 values to determine the threshold at which the system's behaviour changes. The modelling revealed that it is highly sensitive to the change of fO2. Due to the shape of the P-T path of metapelite, graphite precipitates in all cases up to approximately 700 °C and 2.5 GPa, where the P-T path changes its slope. Up to the fO2 value of QFM –1.5, the P-T path is parallel to the isopleths; therefore, the carbon doesn’t precipitate. When the fluid is more reduced, reaching QFM –1.6, the P-T path intersects the isopleths throughout its range. If the C-O-H fluid is even more reduced, the P-T path crosses more isopleths, resulting in even more abrupt precipitation of carbon. This means that ~ QFM –1.6 was the maximum fOvalue at which the diamonds from the Pohorje metapelites could have precipitated.

The behaviour of the COH fluids predicts dissolution of the diamonds during the retrograde metamorphism, which didn’t occur. TEM analysis of the diamond-bearing inclusion revealed the presence of an amorphous phase, which enclosed the diamonds and prevented dissolution processes. Furthermore, the amorphous phase influenced the internal structure of the diamonds, which precipitated after the amorphous solid. Electron diffraction and high-resolution TEM showed that some diamonds are polycrystalline, composed of numerous nanocrystallites. The crystallisation of metamorphic diamonds suggests complex dynamics within the microsized system, which was partially revealed by our study. However, further studies are needed to draw more precise conclusions.

Janák, M., Froitzheim, N., Yoshida, K., Sasinková, V., Nosko, M., Kobayashi, T., Hirajima, T. & Vrabec, M. Diamond in metasedimentary crustal rocks from Pohorje, Eastern Alps: A window to deep continental subduction. J. Metamorph. Geol. 33, 495–512 (2015).

Vrabec, M., Janák, M., Froitzheim, N. & De Hoog, J. C. M. Phase relations during peak metamorphism and decompression of the UHP kyanite eclogites, Pohorje Mountains (Eastern Alps, Slovenia). Lithos 144, 40–55 (2012).

How to cite: Sotelšek, T., Janák, M., Semsari Parapari, S., Šturm, S., and Vrabec, M.: Diamond precipitation from COH fluids: a case study from Pohorje, Eastern Alps, Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5255,, 2025.

EGU25-6307 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Temperature-induced structural transformations in fluorophlogopite studied by in situ high-temperature Raman spectroscopy 

Stylianos Aspiotis, Christian Reinberg, Stefan Peters, and Boriana Mihailova

Phlogopite (nominally AKMMg3T(AlSi3)O10X(OH)2) is the magnesian trioctahedral endmember of the biotite solid-solution series. This phyllosilicate can accommodate substantial amounts of fluorine, usually up to 5 weight percent (wt%) and up to 8.7 wt% in extreme cases (Gianfagna et al., 2007), which substitutes for hydroxyl (OH) groups at the anionic site. Given that phlogopite is a commonly found hydrous silicate, acting as an important F reservoir in ultramafic and ultrapotassic upper mantle lithologies and an accessory mineral in various igneous and metamorphic rocks, it can contribute to the Earth’s volatile cycles. Therefore, the deeper understanding of the temperature-induced phlogopite breakdown into pyrope and forsterite (Trønnes, 2002) and the role of F in the crystal structure of fluorophlogopite during its structural collapse can provide valuable information in several Earth’s dynamic systems. For instance, in metasomatic processes in the peridotitic mantle wedge of subduction zones, mineral stability at upper mantle conditions, and complex volcanic systems. Additionally, the high-temperature atomic dynamics of complex hydrous silicates containing Fe2+, characterized by considerable structural anisotropy, as studied by Raman spectroscopy, can offer valuable information about the thermal activation of charge carriers (delocalized H+ and e-), thus about lithosphere conductivity anomalies (Bernardini et al., 2023).


This study focuses on the temperature-induced changes in the local structure and atomic vibrations of Fe2+-containing fluorophlogopite. For this purpose, a fluorophlogopite sample from Cardiff, Ontario in Canada was subjected to in situ Raman spectroscopy in the temperature range of 300-1450 K. The exact chemical formula of this mineral specimen was determined by wavelength-dispersive electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and it is A(K0.93Na0.06Ba0.01)M(Mg2.81Fe2+0.15Ti0.01Mn0.01)T(Si2.99Al0.99Ti0.02)O10X(F1.60OH0.40). We show that fluorophlogopite undergoes stepwise structural and chemical changes, which can be monitored by the evolution of the Raman-active phonon modes at ~93 cm-1 (interlayer vibrations), 195, 279, and 325 cm-1 (dominated by octahedral vibrations) as well as at 684 and 739 cm-1 (TO4-ring mode vibrations). Near 500-600 K an interlayer structural instability occurs, which most probably results in a rearrangement of the layer stacking sequence. This activates the mobility of K+ cations in the interlayer space in the temperature range between 600 and 1000 K. Two independent heating-cooling runs to 1100 and 1450 K indicate a partial loss of K+ above 1000 K, which was confirmed by subsequent WD-EMPA. Oxidation of MFe2+ takes place between 900 and 1300 K. A partial thermal decomposition of fluorophlogopite occurs above 1300 K, leading to the formation of a minor amount of nanosized forsterite within the phlogopite matrix, but the overall biotite structure type persists up to 1450 K. 



  • Bernardini, G. Della Ventura, J. Schlüter, B. Mihailova, Geochem. 2023, 83, 125942.
  • Gianfagna, F. Scoradri, S. Mazziotti-Tagliani, G. Ventruti, L. Ottolini, Am Mineral. 2007, 92, 1601.
  • R.G. Trønnes, Mineral Petrol. 2002, 74, 129.

How to cite: Aspiotis, S., Reinberg, C., Peters, S., and Mihailova, B.: Temperature-induced structural transformations in fluorophlogopite studied by in situ high-temperature Raman spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6307,, 2025.

EGU25-8810 | Orals | GMPV4.3

Boron recycling beyond arcs: the role of DHMSs 

Enrico Cannaò, Benedetta Chrappan Soldavini, Marco Merlini, Patrizia Fumagalli, and Massimo Tiepolo

Since the late 1970s, significant efforts have been devoted to studying the phase transitions of hydrous minerals and their stability fields within the altered ultramafic portion of the subducting slab at high-T and high- to ultrahigh-P conditions. The deep subduction of hydrated ultramafic rocks in a cold thermal regime stabilizes the so-called dense hydrous magnesium silicates (DHMSs), which play a crucial role in influencing the deep-water cycle. In recent years, the role of the DHMSs as geochemical reservoirs has gained attention, particularly concerning boron (B), a key element for understanding geological processes involving serpentinized materials. For instance, the genesis of blue B-bearing diamonds in the lower mantle has been proposed as witness for the deep recycling of serpentinized materials via DHMSs (e.g., Regier et al., 2023). Investigating the geochemical behaviour of DHMSs remains a challenging task, hindering our understanding of the trace element budget transferred to depth through the cooler portions of the subducting slabs.

Here, we present the main results of a project aiming to address this knowledge gap using an experimental petrological approach that combines crystal-chemistry with in-situ geochemical investigations to unravel the potential of DHMSs to incorporate B (Cannaò et al., 2023). Using a Walker-type Multi Anvil apparatus, we synthetized high-P (olivine and humite) and ultrahigh-P (Phase-A, Mg-sursassite, Phase 11.5) phases in B-rich MSH and MASH systems. The synthetized phases were characterized for major and trace element concentrations with EMPA and LA-ICP-MS, respectively, while crystal-chemical investigations were conducted using single-crystal XRD and micro-Raman techniques. We document significant B enrichment, from hundreds to thousands of µg/g, in DHMSs, as well as in olivine and humite, suggesting that B can structurally be incorporated into these high-P and ultrahigh-P phases. These findings indicate that along cold prograde subduction paths, the destabilization of both antigorite and chlorite can transfer significant amounts of B to depth, either through olivine/humite or DHMSs. This work extends current knowledge of the B cycle and opens new perspectives to better disclose the deep recycling of elements, shedding light on the origin of the geochemical heterogeneity of the Earth’s mantle.

Cannaò, E., Milani, S., Merlini, M., Tiepolo, M., & Fumagalli, P. (2023). Phase-A as boron carrier in the Earth's interior. Lithos, 452, 107211.

Regier, M. E., Smit, K. V., Chalk, T. B., Stachel, T., Stern, R. A., Smith, E. M., Foster, G. L., Bussweiler, Y., DeBuhr, C., Burnham, A. D., Harris, J. W. & Pearson, D. G. (2023). Boron isotopes in blue diamond record seawater-derived fluids in the lower mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 602, 117923.

How to cite: Cannaò, E., Chrappan Soldavini, B., Merlini, M., Fumagalli, P., and Tiepolo, M.: Boron recycling beyond arcs: the role of DHMSs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8810,, 2025.

EGU25-8812 | Orals | GMPV4.3

Tracking volatile elements in the lithospheric mantle through the orogenic cycle 

Sonja Aulbach, Jacek Puziewicz, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Federico Casetta, and Dejan Prelević

The transport of volatile elements from the exosphere to the mantle via subduction, and their long-term storage in Earth’s interior - versus re-entry into the atmosphere viamagmatism and tectonic degassing - remain poorly constrained. The lithospheric mantle (LM), at the interface between these two major reservoirs, represents a potentially important sink and source of volatiles, and its role is only starting to be systematically addressed [1]. Here, we consider the effects of the orogenic cycle on the volatile element inventory of LM that evolved in a palaeo-convergent plate boundary affected by subduction, tectonic accretion, collapse and rifting. We take the European Variscan Orogen (EVO) and subsequent development of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) through parts of the EVO as an example, keeping in mind the evolutionary diversity of this vast terrain.


LM is initially stabilised by decompression melting, where H2O behaves like a highly incompatible element, and redox-melting will extract CO2 initially stored in refractory graphite/diamond. Sulfur extraction efficiency depends on S solubility in the melt, S content and melt fraction, and refractory residues are predicted to be very S-poor. The effect of continental subduction (and preceding oceanic subduction) on the volatile element inventory of the mantle wedge is gauged by tectonically exhumed peridotite, which suggests a net addition of COHS via introduction of carbonate, hydrous and sulphide minerals accompanied by moderate oxidation [2]. The emplacement ages of syn-/late-/post-orogenic Mg-K-rich magmas (orogenic lamprophyres and lamproites) testify to the protracted (10s Ma) subsequent remobilization of earlier-formed hydrous mantle metasomes [3], the low solidi of which facilitate melting during heating and/or decompression [4]. The effects on C and S are unclear, but ƒO2 remained mostly below sulphate stability and sulphides may have persisted in the residue. Tectonic reconstructions [5] and basalt-borne xenoliths with garnet break-down microstructures [6] concordantly point to crustal thinning and exhumation of LM by up to 30 km. This brought huge volumes of carbon-enriched garnet-facies LM to depths where decarbonation and associated mantle-CO2degassing could occur if subsequently heating ± decompressed. We estimate this mantle volume at 7.2 Mio km3 in the French EVO alone, corresponding to a total of ~24 × 106 Mt C for a C concentration ~1,000 mg/g ([2]).


During ECRIS development and minor associated LM thinning, magma affinities had shifted to OIB-like, reflecting (partial) consumption of earlier-formed volatile element-rich metasomes, leaving the LM largely below its solidus. Interaction with carbonated silica-undersaturated basalts and associated wehrlitisation of shallow LM suggests a CO2flux of 1.7±1.1 Mt yr-1 in the ECRIS [7]. Notwithstanding evidence in some EVO xenoliths for introduction of hydrous and sulphide minerals during rift-related carbonated melt metasomatism, stable isotope data are required to understand the inherited subduction- vs. rift-related mantle metasomatic origin of volatile elements in the LM.


[1] Gibson SA & McKenzie D 2023 EPSL; [2] Förster et al. 2024 EPSL; [3] Krmíček et al. 2020 JPet; [4] Prelević et al. 2024 ESR; [5] Vanderhaeghe et al. 2020 BSGF; [6] Puziewicz et al. 2025 Lithos; [7] Aulbach et al. 2020 GPL

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How to cite: Aulbach, S., Puziewicz, J., Vanderhaeghe, O., Casetta, F., and Prelević, D.: Tracking volatile elements in the lithospheric mantle through the orogenic cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8812,, 2025.

EGU25-9307 | Orals | GMPV4.3

The redox state of the heterogeneous mantle: insights from deeply recycled C-S-bearing crustal materials 

Nadia Malaspina, Falko Langenhorst, Killian Pollok, Valerio Cerantola, Mara Murri, Carolina Longa, Danilo Bersani, and Alessandra Montanini

Fossil subduction zones are critical for studying the deep geochemical cycles of carbon (C), oxygen (O), and sulfur (S). This study focuses on graphite-sulfides-magnetite-bearing garnet clinopyroxenites from the External Ligurian region (Northern Apennines, Italy) as indicators of deep recycling processes of subducted crust. These rocks crystallized from eclogite-derived melts (P ≥ 3 GPa and 1100 °C) after undergoing prolonged recycling in the mantle. Their unique composition provides valuable insights into the redox state and partitioning of Fe3+/Fe2+ associated with carbon and sulfur during subduction and subsequent mantle processes.

Using TEM-EELS and Synchrotron micro-Mössbauer analyses, we observed significant heterogeneities in Fe3+/Fe2+ distribution and its partitioning among mineral phases. Clinopyroxenites exhibit three generations of clinopyroxenes: unexsolved crystals in garnet cores with Fe3+/ΣFe = 0.16–0.38, clinoenstatite-exsolution-bearing grains with Fe3+/ΣFe = 0.03–0.10, and Al-poorer rims devoid of Fe3+. In contrast, garnets show Fe3+/ΣFe-poor cores (0–0.03) and slightly higher ratios in the rims (0.04–0.07). These variations indicate a progressive redistribution of Fe3+ between garnets and clinopyroxenes in response to temperature decreases from 1100 to 950 °C.

Calculated oxygen fugacities (fO2) reveal notable variations. At 3 GPa, the samples range from oxidized (ΔFMQ = -1.25 to 0) to reduced (ΔFMQ = -4.2 to -1.6). At 1.5 GPa, values span from -1.2 to -0.6 to below -5, suggesting that graphite likely formed through the reduction of previously oxidized carbon phases. This redox evolution is attributed to sub-solidus decompression in a closed system, with no significant fluid or melt-rock interaction.

The findings highlight the potential of these clinopyroxenites to record the intricate interplay of redox conditions, temperature, and pressure during subduction. The results also underscore the importance of mantle recycling processes in governing the fate of carbon and sulfur in the Earth's interior. By shedding light on these processes, this study opens new perspectives on the geochemical cycles of volatile elements within the convective mantle.

How to cite: Malaspina, N., Langenhorst, F., Pollok, K., Cerantola, V., Murri, M., Longa, C., Bersani, D., and Montanini, A.: The redox state of the heterogeneous mantle: insights from deeply recycled C-S-bearing crustal materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9307,, 2025.

EGU25-9962 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Intraslab sulfur mobilization in different co-occurring redox regimes at HP/LT conditions 

Sophie Scherzer, Esther M. Schwarzenbach, Thomas Pettke, and Maria Rosa Scicchitano

The release and transport of volatiles, including sulfur-bearing species, by subduction related dehydration fluids are some of the key mechanisms of the deep sulfur cycle and link the surface with the crust and mantle sulfur budgets. However, parameters like the speciation of sulfur and the prevailing redox conditions during dehydration-related and fluid-mediated transport are still highly debated. To gain a deeper understanding of sulfur transport, distribution and speciation driven by different fluid migration processes at the blueschist-eclogite facies transition, we investigate samples from the New Caledonian Pouébo eclogite mélange (Taetz et al., 2016). These samples comprise two generations of garnet-quartz-bearing veins with adjacent omphacite-rich reaction halos in a blueschist metabasalt matrix. The veins are interpreted as both internal dehydration veins and external transport veins formed during prograde to peak metamorphism of the oceanic slab (Taetz et al., 2016). Therefore, these samples offer an ideal opportunity to link sulfur transport and speciation with different fluid migration processes at HP/LT subduction conditions.

Using the sulfur mineral distribution within and at varying distance to the veins, combined with in situ sulfur isotope and sulfide trace element compositions, three generations of pyrite formation and two main stages of sulfur mobilization at peak metamorphic conditions are inferred. The first stage of sulfur mobilization is linked to the formation of dehydration veins at low fO2 conditions, by the breakdown of water-bearing phases. At this stage, the primary wall rock pyrite (δ34S = -3.4‰ to -35.7‰) is partially leached from the wall rock and reprecipitates as fine-grained pyrite aggregates with δ34S values averaging at -12.4‰ in and along the newly forming, small-scale quartz-garnet-bearing dehydration veins. The second stage of sulfur mobilization takes place during the infiltration of an external fluid and formation of the transport vein. Due to a significant decrease of sulfide minerals towards the transport vein and the occurrence of Fe-oxide decomposition rims around the selvage pyrites, we infer an oxidizing character of the external fluid. This causes the development of a redox gradient between more oxidizing vein and more reducing matrix during selvage formation and enables sulfur mobilization and oxidation in the selvage area balanced by the reduction of omphacite Fe3+. The absence of sulfur-bearing minerals in the transport vein itself indicates, furthermore, that dissolved sulfate was removed from the investigated vein system by the passing external fluid.

Based on the studied vein systems, we imply that in subduction zones at the blueschist-eclogite facies transition fluid-mediated sulfur mobilization and speciation is mainly controlled by the fluid-rock ratio. While internally-buffered rock dehydration fluids carry sulfur in its reduced form, fluid-dominated transport veins may carry sulfur mostly in its oxidized form.



Taetz, S., John, T., Brocker, M., & Spandler, C. (2016). Fluid-rock interaction and evolution of a high-pressure/low-temperature vein system in eclogite from New Caledonia: insights into intraslab fluid flow processes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(11). doi:ARTN 9010.1007/s00410-016-1295-z

How to cite: Scherzer, S., Schwarzenbach, E. M., Pettke, T., and Scicchitano, M. R.: Intraslab sulfur mobilization in different co-occurring redox regimes at HP/LT conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9962,, 2025.

EGU25-10872 | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Carbon transfer by slab-fluids: in-situ experimental constraints 

Carla Tiraboschi and Carmen Sanchez-Valle

Carbon represents an essential element for the origin and evolution of life and profoundly contributes to the well-being and sustainability of our planet. Over recent years, understanding carbon cycling on a global scale has become a central objective within the Earth science community, and the study of subduction zone fluids has become a crucial topic, as this geological setting represents the primary carbon input into the mantle. At subsolidus conditions, carbon transfer is mediated by mineral dissolution, triggered by aqueous fluids released from the subducting slab. While carbonate solubility has been extensively investigated, the contribution of reduced carbon forms, such as graphite and amorphous carbon, has been only recently taken into consideration, and their role in the deep carbon cycle is still unconstrained. Several issues remain open, especially whether carbon-rich fluids, generated from reduced carbon dissolution, can be transferred across oxidized conditions in the subduction mélange and eventually reach the mantle wedge.

Here we present in-situ results on the solubility of glass-like carbon, considered a proxy for disordered subducted organic material, in aqueous fluids and in equilibrium with quartz at pressures up to 2 GPa and 800 °C. Experiments were conducted in Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cells1, employing Rhenium gaskets to ensure oxidized conditions2 and mimic fluids released by dehydrating slabs in fore to back-arc settings. The solubility in aqueous fluids of glass-like carbon and quartz was determined by in-situ observations of the complete dissolution of samples, while the speciation of the fluids was monitored by Raman spectroscopy. Our results constrain the mutual solubility of carbon and silica in natural slab fluids and provide new constraints for the transfer of carbon operated by aqueous fluids.


[1] Bassett W.A., Shen A.H., Bucknum M. & Chou I.M. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64, 2340–2345 (1993)

[2] Foustoukos D.I. & Mysen B.O. Am. Mineral. 100, 35–46 (2015)

How to cite: Tiraboschi, C. and Sanchez-Valle, C.: Carbon transfer by slab-fluids: in-situ experimental constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10872,, 2025.

EGU25-12413 | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Solubility of CO2 and H2O in graphite-saturated haplogranitic melt 

Mikaela Krona, Simone Tumiati, Luca Toffolo, Omar Bartoli, Bruna B. Carvalho, Dominik Sorger, Donald B. Dingwell, and Bernardo Cesare

In the models of the geological carbon cycle, the contribution from crustal magmas is generally overlooked. However, organic matter that has been transformed to graphite through metamorphism could represent an important source of carbon in the lower crust, which can be re-mobilized during partial melting (Cesare et al., 2005). A COH fluid produced solely by dehydration in the presence of graphite will retain the H/O ratio of H2O (H/O = 2) and thus maximize the H2O activity and form of a ternary H2O-CO2-CH4 mixture (Connolly and Cesare, 1993). Previous solubility studies have mainly considered oxidizing conditions (H/O < 2) and cannot be used to interpret graphitic systems, in which conditions are more reducing (Carvalho et al., 2023). Therefore, it is essential to obtain new solubility data for graphite-saturated silicate melt coexisting with a ternary H2O-CO2-CH4 fluid.

In this study, solubility experiments were carried out in a single-stage piston cylinder apparatus at 5 to 10 kbar and in a temperature range of 800-1000°C. To simulate an anatectic melt formed in the mid to lower metasedimentary crust, a haplogranitic glass was synthesized, and the experimental charge was loaded with graphite and H2O as the source for the COH fluid. To buffer the fluid composition at the condition H/O = 2 during the run, the double-capsule technique was utilized, and graphite and H2O was added in the outer capsule. The speciation of the experimental fluid was analyzed ex-situ by a capsule-piercing quadrupole mass spectrometer (Tiraboschi et al., 2016). In all experiments H2O was the major fluid component, in accordance with thermodynamic predictions, followed by variable amounts of CO2 and CH4. The relative amount of H2O to carbonic species in the fluid changes with pressure and temperature, and the experiments cover a range of XH2Ofluid = 0.67-0.99.

The experimental glasses contain bubbles which have been analyzed by micro-Raman spectroscopy, revealing that they mainly consist of pure CH4 or binary CH4-CO2 mixtures and graphite. The H2O content of the glasses have been determined by micro attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Dissolved H2O generally increases with pressure, and there is no visible temperature dependence. To quantify the total carbon (CO2) content of the glasses, secondary ion mass spectrometry will be used. The new solubility data for carbon will complement the existing experimental dataset to allow better interpretation of complex systems where graphite, melts and fluids are present.


Carvalho et al. (2023) Chem Geol 631

Cesare et al. (2005) Contrib Mineral Petrol 149, 129-240

Connolly, J.A.D. & Cesare, B. (1993) J Metamorph Geol 11, 379-388

Tiraboschi et al. (2016) Geofluids 16, 841-855

How to cite: Krona, M., Tumiati, S., Toffolo, L., Bartoli, O., Carvalho, B. B., Sorger, D., Dingwell, D. B., and Cesare, B.: Solubility of CO2 and H2O in graphite-saturated haplogranitic melt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12413,, 2025.

EGU25-12541 | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Pyrite growth during slab subduction: implications for S flux 

Alexandre Peillod, Clifford G. C. Patten, Kirsten Drüppel, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Simon Hector, Barbara I. Kleine-Marshall, Patricia M. Borchardt, Jarosław Majka, and Jochen Kolb

Mobility of S in subduction zones is complex with far reaching impacts on the formation of large hydrothermal ore deposits in arc environments, volcanic S emissions into the atmosphere potentially impacting the Earth’s climate, S transfer into the mantle via the subducting slab and accompanying potential remodification of the S mantle budget. Sulfur flux and sulfides in subducting slabs have been extensively investigated, but most studies focus on HP metamorphism from the zone de mélanges at the mantle-crust transition, thus lacking a comprehensive overview of the slab perspective. In particular, a knowledge gap exists regarding the early stages of the S cycle within the subduction zone from sub-greenschist to epidote blueschist/eclogite facies. This study  presents new data on the control of pyrite growth during subduction-related prograde metamorphism and the implications on the flux of S as well as related elements (Ag, As, Bi, Co, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, Zn; hereafter referred to as related elements) in subduction zones.

The Cyclades, Greece, are part of the Hellenides subduction system. The Cyclades host the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU), which contains a passive margin and an ophiolitic sequence hosting metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks metamorphosed from pumpellyite to eclogite facies and are thus particularly well suited to investigate mass transfer in a subducting slab during prograde metamorphism. We selected samples from islands within the CBU to obtain insights into the S mobility along the subducting slab.

Petrological observations show that pyrite growth and abundance increase during prograde metamorphism from the pumpellyite/greenschist (~300°C, ~7 kbar) to the blueschist/ecologite facies (500–600°C, ~22 kbar). Partial resorption and hematisation/magnetisation of pyrite seems to have occurred at the transition of peak HP metamorphism to early exhumation at >500–600°C. In-situ analyses on pyrite (LA-ICP-MS) and trace element maps distribution (EPMA) within prograde pyrite shows complex concentric patterns. Based on geothermobarometric investigations of inclusions in pyrite we observed two main temperature ranges of 350–400°C and 550–600°C where metal mobilisation happenned (Au, Sb, Pb, Te, Bi, Ni, and Co). Following this, pyrite can serve as a new powerful tool to indirectly constrain metal mobility during prograde metamorphism.

How to cite: Peillod, A., Patten, C. G. C., Drüppel, K., Beranoaguirre, A., Hector, S., Kleine-Marshall, B. I., Borchardt, P. M., Majka, J., and Kolb, J.: Pyrite growth during slab subduction: implications for S flux, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12541,, 2025.

The dehydration of oceanic crust in subduction zones is a key control on subducting plate interface rheology and global element and fluid budgets. The “lower” grade metamorphic history of dehydration in subducted metabasalts in warm subduction zones is particularly important as these rocks may carry significant volumes of water into subduction zones, some of which may be released in the forearc at depths where deep slow slip and tremor occur in modern subduction zones, helping to generate local high pore fluid pressures. To explore the geologic record of such dehydration reactions, we synthesize petrologic observations, bulk rock and epidote major- and trace-element geochemistry, Sr-isotope data, and thermodynamic modeling of epidote-amphibolite facies metabasalts in the Catalina Schist of CA, USA. These metabasalts represent exhumed slices of oceanic crust that experienced peak P-T conditions of ~550°C and ~1 GPa and were underplated during Cretaceous subduction beneath North America. We focus on using epidote-group minerals in these rocks as a recorder of hydration and dehydration processes because epidote commonly forms during seafloor hydrothermal alteration and is a predicted reaction product in thermodynamic modeling of metabasalts during prograde subduction. Indeed, the Catalina Schist metabasalts include textural and geochemical evidence of seafloor hydration in the form of interpillow epidosite, epidote trace element patterns, and bulk-rock Sr-isotope values. However, these rocks also include metamorphic epidote porphyroblast and vein-like networks that developed during prograde metamorphism. Based on in-situ epidote trace element analyses, we suggest that metamorphic epidote in these rocks grew from pumpellyite breakdown, in some cases resulting in the development of epidote-rich zones that represent loci of dehydration and possible fluid pathways. We suggest these vein-like zones developed as a result of density changes during this reaction. Using thermodynamic models of the bulk rock composition of these metabasalts, we estimate that this pumpellyite to epidote reaction occurred at ~300°C and 0.5–0.7 GPa. The results of our thermodynamic modeling further suggest that the pumpellyite to epidote reaction resulted in a change in the water content of a hydrated Catalina Schist basalt from 5.5 wt. % H2O to 2.5 wt. % H2O, or a release of ~90 kg H2O per cubic meter of basalt.   This corresponds to a flux of water from a 600 m-thick pile of altered basalts on the order of 104–105 kg m-2 Myr-1 in the region experiencing dehydration. In modern subduction zones, a dehydration pulse at these conditions would provide significant volumes of fluid at the updip end of the deep slow slip and tremor source region, and may provide a local source for inferred elevated pore fluid pressures. Our petrologic and geochemical observations paired with thermodynamic modeling provide insight into the metamorphic reactions that may deliver water to the plate interface at the conditions of slow slip, and show that epidote-group minerals are a powerful tools for exploring relatively “low” grade metamorphic processes in subduction zones (e.g., lithologies lacking garnet).

How to cite: Lindquist, P., Condit, C., Hoover, W., and Guevara, V.: The geologic record of hydration and dehydration in the subducting slab: Epidote minerals record alteration and metamorphism before and during subduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12613,, 2025.

EGU25-14329 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.3

Fluid-mediated forearc mantle metasomatism: Insights from petrological-thermomechanical modeling 

Jun Ren, Manuele Faccenda, Xin Zhong, Matthieu E. Galvez, Jianfeng Yang, and Riel Nicolas

At subduction zones, mantle metasomatism induced by metamorphic fluids is known to have a noticeable control on the rheology, seismicity, volcanic activity and heat/mass transfer. Although geophysical, geochemical and petrological observations have greatly improved our knowledge about this process, significant uncertainties remain concerning the chemical composition and the extent of element redistribution within the mantle wedge. This is mainly due to the complexities of multicomponent fluid speciation and fluid migration dynamics, as well as to the uncertainties concerning thermal structure and rheological behavior of subduction zones. Herein, we incorporate forward thermodynamic modeling (Backcalc algorithm, Galvez et al. (2015), and MAGEMin software, Riel et al. (2022)) of fluid-rock chemical interactions with a 2D thermomechanical code (I2VIS, Gerya and Yuen (2003)) to present the first-order redistribution patterns of rock-forming elements.

The composition of multicomponent H2O-CO2 fluids emanated from slabs evolve with slab depth from diluted Si-Na solution to relatively complicated (alkali+Ca) aluminosilicate-rich solution. The associated alteration zones are characterized by a decrease in the phase proportions of antigorite, chlorite, and an increase of that of talc and carbonates with depth near the slab-mantle interface. Lithological boundaries with steep compositional gradients often undergo intensive fluid-mediated alterations, generating characteristic (talc-rich) metasomatites. This is because the slab-derived elements, such as C and Si, are mostly absorbed along the lithological boundaries. Ultimately, substantial carbon-poor fluids infiltration near sub-arc depths decomposes talc as slab surface temperatures approach the solidus. Talc together with antigorite and chlorite can potentially play a significant role in element circulation and mechanical properties (e.g., seismic activity) along the plate interface within subduction zones.

In summary, metasomatism induced by mobile volatile elements often results in notable petrological records wherever hydrous minerals are stable in the mantle wedge. The redistribution of non-volatile elements involving the addition of common peridotite phases(e.g. clinopyroxene) is stealthier except for the lithological boundaries. This improved petrological-thermomechanical modeling strategy provides a promising tool for studying the complex interplay among geodynamics of subduction zones, geochemical recycling of shallow planetary interior, and magmatic processes.

How to cite: Ren, J., Faccenda, M., Zhong, X., Galvez, M. E., Yang, J., and Nicolas, R.: Fluid-mediated forearc mantle metasomatism: Insights from petrological-thermomechanical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14329,, 2025.

EGU25-16389 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.3

Fluid-melt immiscibility at ultra-high pressure conditions: a case study from diamond-bearing metapelites in the Scandinavian Caledonides  

Iwona Klonowska, Marian Janák, Alessia Borghini, Kenta Yoshida, Viera Dujnič, and Jaroslaw Majka

Volatiles, such as H2O, CO2, Cl, F, and S, play a critical role in the petrological processes that drive Earth's dynamic systems, particularly in melting, mineral stability, and mass transfer of elements.  While the fluid-melt immiscibility is well-documented in lower crustal settings (mostly granulites), its occurrence and implications at ultra-high pressure (UHP) conditions remain poorly understood. Here we present the formation of microdiamonds and primary melt inclusions in metapelitic gneiss from the Heia region of the Arctic Caledonides, Norway (see Janák et al., 2024 for more details).

The migmatitic Heia gneisses comprise garnet, kyanite, biotite, white mica, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and quartz, with accessory minerals including rutile, monazite, zircon, and apatite. Two types of inclusions coexisting in the same cluster were identified in garnet porphyroblasts: Type I (multiphase fluid inclusions) and Type II (primary melt inclusions). Type I inclusions contain microdiamond, rutile, apatite, Fe-Mg carbonates, and Al-phyllosilicates (muscovite-paragonite and pyrophyllite) as solid phases; the fluid phase is dominated by residual CO₂. Melt inclusions (Type II) contain muscovite, paragonite, phlogopite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, albite, quartz and kyanite. Excluding kyanite, the mineral assemblage suggests that the trapped melt was most likely granitic and derived from partial melting of the gneiss; kyanite, based on microstructural observations, is an accidentally trapped mineral. The coexistence of diamond-bearing fluid inclusions and melt inclusions in garnet provides evidence of partial melting and fluid-melt immiscibility under UHP conditions.

The occurrence of diamonds with carbonates and pyrophyllite as an OH-bearing phase suggests its crystallization from a C-O-H fluid, saturated by carbon potentially derived from an organic compound dissolved in the fluid. The fluid was likely derived internally through the devolatilization of hydrous silicates and decomposition of organic carbon during subduction and prograde metamorphism. Fluid-melt immiscibility at UHP conditions of 4.0–4.5 GPa and 840–900°C has been identified in both Åreskutan paragneisses from the Swedish Caledonides where microdiamonds were previously documented and melt inclusions were experimentally re-homogenized (Klonowska et al., 2017; Slupski, 2023), and in Heia. These findings are some of the first global discoveries, highlighting the role of subduction in transporting volatiles from the surface to the deep Earth, with significant tectonic implications.

Janák, M., Borghini, A., Klonowska, I., Yoshida, K., Dujnič, V., Kurylo, S., Froitzheim, N., Petrík, I., & Majka, J. (2024). Metamorphism and partial melting at UHP conditions revealed by microdiamonds and melt inclusions in metapelitic gneiss from Heia, Arctic Caledonides, Norway. Journal of Petrology, 65(11), egac114.

Klonowska, I., Janák, M., Majka, J., Petrik, I., Froitzheim, N., Gee, D. G. & Sasinková, V. (2017). Microdiamond on Åreskutan confirms regional UHP metamorphism in the Seve Nappe Complex of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35, 541–565.

Slupski, P. M. (2023). Former melt inclusions in garnet from UHP gneisses of the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides. PhD Thesis, Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Geosciences, p. 113.

How to cite: Klonowska, I., Janák, M., Borghini, A., Yoshida, K., Dujnič, V., and Majka, J.: Fluid-melt immiscibility at ultra-high pressure conditions: a case study from diamond-bearing metapelites in the Scandinavian Caledonides , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16389,, 2025.

EGU25-16826 | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

First steps of LA-ICPMS U-Pb magnetite geochronology 

Aratz Beranoaguirre, Alexandre Peillod, Clifford Patten, Istvan Dunkl, Simon Hector, Uwe Ring, Jochen Kolb, and Axel Gerdes

It is well known that the density of metamorphic reactions occurring in subduction zones, due to intense fluid-melt activity, is very high. One of the minerals resulting from all these reactions, present both in the downgoing slab and in the serpentinized mantle wedge, is magnetite. Its study is therefore crucial to understanding geodynamic processes, as it gives information about oxidized fluids, temperature, trace elements mobility etc... Its applicability encompasses not only metamorphic petrology (sensu lato) but also tectonic processes of accretion, exhumation and obduction (e.g., emplacement of the Samail Ophiolite), as well as ore geology, as it is an ubiquitous mineral in numerous ore deposit types. Being able to date magnetite, providing a temporal framework to all these reactions, is to put in one more piece of this big puzzle.

Advances in analytical techniques and instrumentation, above all regarding the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), have made that currently, the U-Pb dating reaches far beyond the traditionally dated minerals (zircon, monazite, rutile, etc.). In this context, at the FIERCE laboratory of the Goethe University-Frankfurt, we have investigated the possibility of dating magnetite.

Magnetite from several localities (Greek Islands, Cyprus, Alps) have been studied, resulting in a variety of U and Pb contents (up to a few µg/g in the case of U) as well as a significant spread on the U/Pb ratios. This has allowed us to date the studied samples, with internal precisions as good as 1.5% in the best of the studied cases.

Recognising the possibility of dating such a mineral is only the first step in the implementation of the technique. Ideally, the availability of reference materials for magnetite analyses would be very advantageous. Currently (as of this EGU-abstract deadline), some of the samples dated by LA-ICPMS are being analysed using the U-Th/He method, which will allow us to compare the ages obtained by both methods and eventually, to use those magnetite as reference for future analyses.

How to cite: Beranoaguirre, A., Peillod, A., Patten, C., Dunkl, I., Hector, S., Ring, U., Kolb, J., and Gerdes, A.: First steps of LA-ICPMS U-Pb magnetite geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16826,, 2025.

The decarbonation process of subducting slab plays a key role in the carbon cycle of subduction zones. This process is influenced by several factors, including thermal structure, bulk-rock composition and thickness of lithologic layers. However, the mechanisms, flux and efficiency of subduction-related decarbonation remain widely debated. To better quantify the carbon release within subducting slab, two end-member subduction zones are selected in this study: Tonga and Colombia, which represent ultra-cold and ultra-hot oceanic subduction zone, respectively. Based on the numerical simulations using a newly developed coupled thermomechanical-metamorphism-dissolution decarbonation model in open system, combined with observational data on gas emissions and geochemical signatures from volcanic arcs, we systematically investigate the slab decarbonation processes in Tonga and Colombia subduction zones. This study reveals contrasting decarbonation patterns between Tonga and Colombia, highlighting the influence of thermal structure and bulk-rock composition on slab decarbonation.

Model results indicate that, thermal structure is first-order control on decarbonation. The cumulative decarbonation flux of hot Colombia is three times higher than that of cold Tonga. The overall decarbonation efficiency shows a greater contrast, with values of 1.3 % for Tonga and 9.7 % for Colombia. The dominant decarbonation mechanism also differs: carbonate dissolution dominates in Tonga, while metamorphic decarbonation prevails in Colombia. Additionally, the bulk-rock composition of lithologic layers also plays roles. In Tonga, CO2-poor sediments and adequate surface slab temperature facilitate efficient carbon release, whereas in Colombia, sediments are highly enriched in carbon and calcium, hindering metamorphic decarbonation, and only minor carbon is released via carbonate dissolution.

We further collected annual gas emission data to constrain the CO2 outflux from arc volcanic degassing. Volcanic CO2 outflux from Tonga arc is significantly lower than that of Colombia arc, consistent with the trend predicted by model. However, in Colombia, the predicted total carbon outflux released from slab is lower than the observed volcanic CO2 outflux. Besides, compiled geochemical data from overlying arc rocks reveals obvious signals of sediment melt contributions to mantle sources in Colombia. Based on results of experimental petrological studies, we propose that a portion of sediments in Colombia forms diapirs that ascend into the mantle wedge, generating melting-induced decarbonation. This could account for the discrepancy between the model predictions and observed volcanic CO2 outflux in Colombia.

How to cite: Zhang, H.-R., Li, Z.-H., and Wang, Y.: Contrasting Decarbonation Patterns in Ultra-Cold Tonga and Ultra-Hot Colombia Subduction Zones: Insights from Thermal-Petrological Modeling, Gas Emissions, and Geochemical Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17844,, 2025.

In the deep Earth cycle of carbon, CO2 is thought to play a key role. The Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) standard state thermodynamic properties of CO2 dissolved in water are well established by experiment and equations of state at ambient conditions and at upper crustal pressures and geothermal temperatures (Shock et al., 1989). They have been widely used to compute aqueous equilibria and mineral-fluid equilibria with other carbon species in codes such as SUPCRT92. Extrapolation of the HKF standard state Gibbs free energy equation of state of CO2 to higher pressures and temperatures, widely used in the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model, has not been adequately tested. Experimentally determined mineral solubilities provide such a test. However, under deep Earth conditions, the solubilities of mineral assemblages, such as classic decarbonation equilibria involve large amounts of dissolved CO2. As a consequence, model solubilities depend on the aqueous activity coefficient of CO2 as well as its standard state free energy. Fortunately, the activity coefficients for aqueous CO2 have been measured (Aranovich and Newton, 1999). In the same study, the decarbonation equilibria give us measured solubilities of CO2 when the mole fractions of CO2 are converted to molalities. Knowledge of the experimental activity coefficients and solubilities enable a direct test of predicted standard state free energies.

For example, at 1.0 GPa and 800°C, using the hypothetical 1.0 m standard state for aqueous CO2, experimentally measured activity coefficients and solubilities in molality can be combined to give experimental activities of aqueous CO2. For two different equilibria at 1.0 GPa and 800°C, wollastonite-calcite-quartz (high CO2) and enstatite-magnesite quartz (low CO2), the experimental CO2 activities are close to two orders of magnitude lower than the values computed using the HKF equation of state The same discrepancy at 1.0 GPa and 800°C is obtained using the experimental solubility of graphite (Tumiati et al., 2017). The consistency of these three tests, all at 1.0 GPa and 800°C, requires a substantial revision to the HKF prediction of the aqueous standard state free energy of CO2. The latter becomes more positive than previously at elevated pressures and temperatures. In turn, a revised equation of state characterization of aqueous CO2 will imply less of the molecule CO2 relative to other aqueous carbon-bearing species under deep Earth conditions.

Shock, E. L., H. C. Helgeson and D. A. Sverjensky (1989). "Calculation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Standard partial molal properties of inorganic neutral species." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53: 2157-2184.

Aranovich, L. and R. Newton (1999). "Experimental determination of CO2-H2O activity-composition relations at 600-1000 C and 6-14 kbar by reversed decarbonation and dehydration reactions." American Mineralogist 84(9): 1319-1332.

Tumiati, S., C. Tiraboschi, D. A. Sverjensky, T. Pettke, S. Recchia, P. Ulmer, F. Miozzi and S. Poli (2017). "Silicate dissolution boosts the CO2 concentrations in subduction fluids." Nature Communications 8(1): 616.



How to cite: Sverjensky, D.: Revision needed for the predicted standard free energy of aqueous CO2 at elevated temperatures and pressures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18314,, 2025.

EGU25-18420 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.3

Experimentally determined melting and phase relations in a volatile bearing mica-pyroxenite system – implications for mantle metasomatism and alkaline volcanism.  

Anthony Lanati, Arno Rohrbach, Carla Tiraboschi, Jasper Berndt, Stephan Klemme, and Stephen Foley

Heterogeneous assemblages within the lithospheric mantle represent some of the most enriched domains within the earth for alkaline, rare-earth and volatile elements. Volatile-rich mica-bearing pyroxenites are among these assemblages and were crucial in the recognition of metasomatism as a mantle process. However much of the experimental work until recently has focused on four-phase peridotites which are largely devoid of volatiles (i.e. C, H, N, S) and moderately volatile elements like fluorine unless they have been metasomatised. In domains where peridotite and pyroxenites coexist the chemical fingerprint of metasomatism is challenging to untangle, principally due to a lack of foundational phase relation studies in complex systems. Using a complex synthetic mica-pyroxenite system we will present new experimental results of melting and phase relations, and melt chemistry. Our experiments span 900 – 1400°C at pressures of 1, 2.5 and 5 GPa in a system containing carbon, water, sulfur, and fluorine, as well as 29 trace elements. Across all pressures we see the generation of a fluid phase at low temperature that acts as the precursor to a silicate or carbonated melt. The lower pressure silicate melts border the foidite field in TAS and straddle the leucitite and shoshonite divide in K2O vs. SiO2 space, while maintaining a K2O/Na2O value ranging from 0.9–3 in most experiments. The higher pressure carbonated melts from 5 GPa initially show low silica (~37wt%) that decreases to a low of ~27 wt% SiO2 as magnesite is consumed before increasing to roughly 41 wt% once major melting occurs at higher temperature. K2O/Na2O for these experiments ranges between 7 – 9 for the higher SiO2 melts, and up to 17 for the lowest SiO2 melt. The melts we've generated from our mica-pyroxenite assemblage can contribute to the explanation of a range of alkaline magmas while also having significant metasomatic potential at the point of melt generation.

How to cite: Lanati, A., Rohrbach, A., Tiraboschi, C., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., and Foley, S.: Experimentally determined melting and phase relations in a volatile bearing mica-pyroxenite system – implications for mantle metasomatism and alkaline volcanism. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18420,, 2025.

EGU25-18516 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Disequilibrium Sulfur degassing – a mixed volatile bubble growth model  

Saskia Willar-Sheehan, Edward Llewellin, and Patrick Sullivan

Volcanic eruptions are driven by bubble growth in magma, caused by the exsolution of volatiles within the melt. The most important magmatic volatiles are H2O and CO2, as they are the most abundant and exert the largest control on bubble growth. As a result, most experimental work involving magma degassing involves a simplified H2O-only, or H2O-CO2 system. However, the most important magmatic volatile used in volcano monitoring is SO2, because it is much easier to identify as unambiguously volcanogenic compared to CO2 and H2O. Because of the relative scarcity of research into sulfur degassing, most interpretations made from SO2 emission data assume equilibrium conditions; however, given the relatively slow diffusion of S in silicate melts, it is likely that disequilibrium S degassing is common in natural systems. 

In this contribution, we explore the nature of sulfur degassing in magmatic systems. We extend a bubble growth model to include sulfur (creating a general framework that could be used to incorporate other volatile phases). Preliminary results indicate that sulfur has a negligible influence on bubble growth physics under typical eruption conditions, but, importantly, it shows that sulfur degassing is typically in disequilibrium in basaltic melts. This runs contrary to the typical assumption of equilibrium degassing when interpreting SO2 emissions, which has implications for the use of SO2 data as a proxy for magma degassing.

How to cite: Willar-Sheehan, S., Llewellin, E., and Sullivan, P.: Disequilibrium Sulfur degassing – a mixed volatile bubble growth model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18516,, 2025.

EGU25-18537 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

COHN fluid inclusions in garnet clinopyroxenite of Góry Sowie (SW Poland) 

Alessia Borghini, Jarosław Majka, Katarzyna Walczak, and Adam Włodek

Subduction is an efficient process that allows the transfer of elements and interaction between the crust and the mantle. During subduction elements concentrated in the crust, such as volatiles (e.g., H2O, CO2, Cl, F, S and N2) and other incompatible elements, can be released in melts and fluids that then interact with the overlying mantle. The most direct way to investigate crust-mantle interaction is to target melts and fluids responsible for the elements transfer. In this contribution, we report the occurrence of micrometric volatiles-bearing fluid inclusions in clinopyroxene and garnet of a mantle body in Góry Sowie (SW Poland).

In Góry Sowie, migmatitic gneisses with subordinate granulites host bodies of garnet peridotites and metabasites (Kryza and Pin, 2002). The garnet clinopyroxenite hosting the inclusions is associated with other ultramafic rocks and it mainly contains garnet, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and locally orthopyroxene porphyroblasts in a fine-grained matrix.

The inclusions in clinopyroxene are randomly distributed in the inner part of the crystal, thus they are primary, and they were trapped while the host was growing in the presence of a fluid phase. The main phase assemblage in the inclusions was determined with micro-Raman spectroscopy and it includes two carbonates (dolomite and calcite), N2, cristobalite, CH4, and pyrophyllite. In garnet, the inclusions are primary/pseudosecondary (i.e., distributed along fractures occurring during garnet growth) and they contain CO2, dolomite, pyrophyllite, N2, and CH4. The presence of carbonates, OH-bearing phases, and N2 suggests that the trapped fluid is COHN; hence the garnet clinopyroxenite formed in the presence of such fluid.

Further studies will allow us to better constrain the nature of the fluid and quantify the concentration of carbon in the different C-bearing phases and N2. COH(N) fluids in subduction zones can interact with the mantle metasomatizing it and our data will help to better constrain their importance for volatiles mobilization and transfer to the mantle during subduction.

This research is part of the project No. 2021/43/P/ST10/03202 co-funded by the National Science Centre of Poland and the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 945339.

Kryza and Pin (2002). Mafic rocks in a deep-crustal segment of the Variscides (the Góry Sowie, SW Poland): evidence for crustal contamination in an extensional setting. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch), 91, 1017-1029.

How to cite: Borghini, A., Majka, J., Walczak, K., and Włodek, A.: COHN fluid inclusions in garnet clinopyroxenite of Góry Sowie (SW Poland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18537,, 2025.

EGU25-20179 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.3

Boron isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust 

Jie Dodo Xu, Horst R. Marschall, Axel Gerdes, Alexander Schmidt, and Timm John

Subducted oceanic crust plays an important role in controlling the chemical budget of the crust and mantle and in the composition of arc lavas. Boron isotopes, 10B and 11B, are strongly fractionated during oceanic-crust dehydration in subduction zones. The temperature-dependent equilibrium boron isotope fractionation depends on boron coordination in the B-hosting minerals and fluids. Two approaches can be employed to quantify boron isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust: modeling based on boron coordination in minerals and fluids, and direct measurement of the boron isotope budget of the devolatilized slab. To address this, simultaneous measurements of major and trace elements, as well as boron isotope ratios were conducted using a split-stream LA-SF-ICPMS setup at the Frankfurt Isotope & Element Research Center (FIERCE) at Goethe Universität Frankfurt.

We investigated the in-situ boron isotope compositions of minerals from reaction zone rocks from the high-pressure (HP) mélange on the island of Syros, which formed at approximately 0.7 Gpa, 415  ±15 °C. The paragenesis tourmaline + phengite + omphacite + glaucophane are in textural equilibrium, which offers the opportunity to determine equilibrium B isotope fractionation among these minerals. The proportions of trigonally and tetrahedrally coordinated B in omphacite and glaucophane can be then estimated from the respective boron isotope fractionation against tourmaline and phengite. It is concluded that in clinopyroxene (omphacite), 88 ± 9% of boron is incorporated in tetrahedral coordination, for example via the B(F,OH)Si-1O-1 substitution, with the remaining 12 ± 9% entering by replacement of SiO4 tetrahedra with BO3 triangles. In contrast, B in glaucophane is exclusively incorporated in the tetrahedrally coordinated sites.

Bulk rock elemental abundances and boron isotopic compositions of oceanic metamorphic rocks, from Raspas Complex, Zambezi Belt, Cabo Ortegal Complex, Syros Island, and Tian Shan were measured as well. The boron isotopic composition of almost all samples (approximately -10 to +5 ‰) ranges from δ11B values close to that of fresh MORB to that of typical altered oceanic crust. Our results, thus, demonstrate that B isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust is much smaller than predicted in previous studies.

How to cite: Xu, J. D., Marschall, H. R., Gerdes, A., Schmidt, A., and John, T.: Boron isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20179,, 2025.

The Singhbhum, Bastar, and Dharwar cratons in the South India Block (SIB) form a continuous mass of >2.5 Ga crystalline rocks in South India. In this contribution, we investigate whether these cratons grew together with the suggested ‘Ur’ framework or if they evolved separately. The Karimnagar granulite belt on the NE edge of the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC) contain enclaves of mafic granulites and high-Al metapelites within variably deformed charnockites and blastoporphyritic granitoids. The foliated charnockites exhibit magmatic flow texture, euhedral-subhedral pyroxene phenocrysts, and chess-board twinning in the quartz grains. Feldspar and pyroxene phenocryst laths share high-energy boundaries with quartz and each other. The Al-in-Opx thermometry indicates charnockites emplaced at a temperature > 900 °C. Also, the charnockites' whole rock chemistry supports an arc origin. The charnockites' oscillatory-zoned magmatic cores survive the recrystallization of zircon grains. The U-Pb Concordia plot shows a concordant age of 2680±15 Ma and 2504±12 Ma, from magmatic zircon cores. Recrystallized zircon grains exhibit an upper intercept age between 2510±4 Ma and 2509±3 Ma, overlapping with the U-Th-Pb ages in monazites (2502 -2508 Ma). The 207Pb/206Pb age versus εHf(t) plot of zircons indicates that ~2.5 Ga magmatic charnockites originated from <3.0 Ga crustal sources. In contrast, the charnockites from the Bastar craton, exhibit U-Pb ages at 2500 Ma and 1600 Ma. The orientation of structural data, thermometry, and geochronology of the charnockites, when combined together with the existing literature, i.e., lack of 1600 Ma ages from Karimnagar Charnockites, indicate late Neoarchean magmatic charnockites at the EDC margin were formed during a 2.7–2.5 Ga amalgamation between the separately evolved crustal blocks within the Dharwar Craton, probably as a part of Kenorland assembly. Our result is contrary to the concept that the Neoarchean Karimnagar Charnockites were part of a coherently evolved landmasses involving Dharwar and part of Bastar Craton, known as DHABSI, within the Ur supercontinent, that assembled during the Paleo/Mesoarchean evolutionary history of the Earth.

How to cite: Satpathi, K. and Nasipuri, P.: Archean Charnockites and their supercontinent connection: A case study from the Neoarchean Granulite Eastern Dharwar Craton in South India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-106,, 2025.

Banded Iron Formations (BIFs), generally containing magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (Fe2O3), and quartz (SiO2) in Archean oceans, have important implications for the primitive-life and sea-water condition of the primitive Earth. It is generally agreed that BIFs were deposited within marine sediments on stable continental margins (Superior-type) or associated with volcanic rocks (Algoma-type). The oxidation of Fe with free O2 is challenging due to the lack of knowledge on the extent and amount of the free oxygen available in oceanic water. Iron can precipitate in two oxidation states, i.e., +2 and +3, in magnetite and hematite, respectively. In addition, the magnetite crystallizes in the isometric crystal system, whereas hematite crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system. Since Electron Probe microanalysis cannot differentiate the oxidation states of Fe, we use X-ray diffraction and δ56 Fe values to identify the mineral phases in BIFs and utilize the EH–pH diagram to constrain the pH and redox state of Archean oceans.

The Banded Iron Formation occurs in two east-west trending linear belts in the Bundelkhand Craton. The northern belt, extending from Babina in the west to Mauranipur in the east, is an Algoma-type BIF. In contrast, the least explored southern belt, near Girar, is a Superior-type BIF. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the northern BIF belt indicate hematite and quartz without carbonates. On the contrary, the X-ray diffraction pattern of BIFs from Girar suggests the presence of quartz, hematite, and siderite. In addition, the result of Fe-isotope data indicates that the δ56 Fe values of Northern BIFs range from 0.2050/00 to 0.2550/00, while the δ56 Fe values from the Southern BIFs range from 1.3500/00 to 2.1260/00.

The high positive δ56 Fe from the Fe-rich bands indicates that Fe (III) delivery was the primary mechanism driving iron enrichment in the Southern BIFs. The Southern BIF's substantial Fe isotope fractionations indicate initial partial Fe (II) oxidation in low-Eh conditions as siderite, the primary mineral for hematite, was deposited between pH and Eh of 7.5 to 10 and -0.3 to -0.2 volts. With an increase in the Eh to -0.2 to -0.1, magnetite becomes the stable phase. Still, with an increase in the Eh (0.1 to 0.3 Volts), hematite becomes stable in phases with the same pH range as the aqueous medium. Since an increasing Eh with a similar pH range indicates oxidation, we suggest that southern Bundelkhand Craton BIFs materials were deposited in more oxidized conditions. This evidence suggests that microbial Fe (III) reduction in Southern BIFs occurred during the Earth's Late Neoarchean – Early Paleoproterozoic transition. The increased oxidation condition, i.e., excess oxygen in the Archean Sea in Bundelkhand Craton, could probably relate to photochemical or microbial oxidation.

How to cite: Bisht, B. P. S., Kk, A., and Nasipuri, P.: X-ray diffraction pattern and Fe-isotope of Banded Iron Formation to constrain the fluctuating redox State of Archean Ocean: A Case Study from Banded Iron Formation from Bundelkhand Craton, North Central India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-123,, 2025.

EGU25-709 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.4

Is the Finero Complex (Ivrea Verbano Zone) originally Proterozoic or even older? Inferences from in-situ Sr isotope disequilibria 

Valentina Previti, Massimo Tiepolo, Antonio Langone, Enrico Cannaò, Gianluca Sessa, and Massimo D'Antonio

The Finero Complex in the northern Ivrea-Verbano Zone represents one of the most enigmatic cross-sections through the mantle and lower continental crust. The mantle peridotite unit (Phlogopite Peridotite, PP) consists of pervasively metasomatized spinel-harzburgite enriched with abundant phlogopite and amphibole, locally exhibiting Cr-diopside veins (Zanetti et al., 1999). This unit is in contact with a mafic complex of lower crustal origin and Permian age (Lu et al., 1997), composed of three distinct units (Siena and Coltorti, 1989): i) the Layered Internal Zone (LIZ), which includes lherzolites, garnet-hornblendites, pyroxenites, anorthosites, and garnet-gabbros; ii) the Amphibole Peridotite (AP); iii) the External Gabbro (EG), which borders the Kinzigite Formation. The genetic relationships among these units remain a subject of debate.

We carried out in-situ Sr-isotope analyses of clinopyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase across all lithologies of the Finero Complex to identify isotopic disequilibria that might indicate multiple, genetically distinct igneous events. In-situ Sr-isotope measurements were performed using LA-MC-ICP-MS at the Geochemistry Laboratory (GL@M) of the University of Milan.

In the PP samples, clinopyroxene and amphibole are in isotopic equilibrium but 87Sr/86Sr is highly variable, ranging from around 0.7040 to 0.7080. In the LIZ lithologies, amphibole shows a narrow variation in 87Sr/86Sr (0.7020 - 0.7030) and it is in isotopic equilibrium with clinopyroxene. An exception is observed in the anorthosite, where clinopyroxene exhibits a significantly more radiogenic signature (87Sr/86Sr > 0.7040). Plagioclase in all LIZ lithologies is more radiogenic than amphibole, with 87Sr/86Sr values ranging from around 0.7030 to 0.7040. In the AP, clinopyroxene and amphibole are isotopically equilibrated, with values close to 0.7035 ± 0.0001 (2SD). In the EG, plagioclase displays a significantly less radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr values (around 0.7030) compared to amphibole and clinopyroxene (>0.7070), showing isotopic disequilibrium.

Amphibole and clinopyroxene from the PP show variable crustal signatures supporting differences in the metasomatic agents (Zanetti et al. 1999). In both the AP and LIZ, plagioclase consistently shows more radiogenic values than amphibole, which is in isotopic equilibrium with clinopyroxene, except in the anorthosites. The highly unradiogenic 87Sr/86Sr signature of plagioclase in EG, close to that found in LIZ, reveals that plagioclases are remnants of a former reacted lithology. These observed isotopic disequilibria suggest that present-day Finero Complex is the result of infiltration and reaction of melts with different 87Sr/86Sr signatures into a pre-existing igneous complex. The less reacted lithologies, preserving similar 87Sr/86Sr signatures are lherzolites, pyroxenites and wehrlites. This peculiar rock association, the layered structure and the extremely depleted initial 87Sr/86Sr signature (down to 0.7020) closely resemble that of some Proterozoic, or even older, layered mafic-ultramafic complexes.


Lu, M. Hoffman H.W., Mazzucchelli M., Rivalenti G. 1997. The mafic-ultramafic complex near Finero (Ivrea-Verbano Zone). Chem. Geo. 140, 207-222. 

Siena, F., and M. Coltorti. 1989. The petrogenesis of a hydrated mafic-ultramafic complex and the role of amphibole fractionation at Finero (Italian Western Alps)." Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte 6, 255-274.

Zanetti, A., Mazzucchelli, M., Rivalenti, G., & Vannucci, R. 1999. The Finero phlogopite-peridotite massif: an example of subduction-related metasomatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 134(2), 107-122.

How to cite: Previti, V., Tiepolo, M., Langone, A., Cannaò, E., Sessa, G., and D'Antonio, M.: Is the Finero Complex (Ivrea Verbano Zone) originally Proterozoic or even older? Inferences from in-situ Sr isotope disequilibria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-709,, 2025.

Archean cratons record complex geological histories with multiple episodes of magmatic and metamorphic events that overprint and obscure the oldest crustal remnants. Fieldwork still forms the cornerstone of geological research, enabling direct observation of rocks in their natural context to unravel Earth's complex history. However, the polymetamorphic nature of craton formation commonly results in strong deformation, metamorphism, and metasomatism, which complicates field relations and the tectonic interpretation of the cratonic nuclei.

In Greenland, the oldest component of the North Atlantic Craton consists of the Eoarchean Itsaq Gneiss Complex (IGC), including the >3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt (ISB). Until recently it was believed that highly deformed mafic and ultramafic enclaves within the IGC predate the main tonalitic continental crust of the region, and that some of these could potentially be Hadean.

However, recent research has shown these enclaves at Ujaragssuit to be roughly 900 million years younger than first proposed. Furthermore, purported anorthosite sheets associated with these enclaves are in fact metasomatized ultramafic rocks, which together with thermodynamic evidence for Eoarchean granulite facies metamorphism, has obvious tectonic implications.

Likewise, claims of preserved mantle fabrics at ISB have turned out to be found within deserpentinized rocks of cumulate origin. Finally, the supposed oldest evidence for life on Earth is found in the form of graphite inclusions within garnet, which have turned out to be one billion years younger than initially assumed.

Such corrections of our understanding of the early Earth are a natural part of the scientific process and are to be expected as our analytical capabilities increase. However, the above examples demonstrate that a more modest approach should be adopted within the early Earth research community.

Faster progress could be made by relying on careful and conservative interpretations in an incremental manner, rather than making outrageous claims as encouraged by many journals and the media. We should keep Brandolini's law in mind and avoid pushing our models beyond what the data supports.

How to cite: Szilas, K.: New perspectives on the tectonic evolution of the early Earth driven by advances in geochronology and thermodynamic modelling: examples from Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4459,, 2025.

EGU25-4915 | Orals | GMPV4.4

North China Archean dome-and-basin structures; arc plutons, superimposed folds, or sagduction? 

Lu Wang, Ruizhi Wang, Wenbin Ning, and Timothy M. Kusky

Archean dome-and-basin structures are widely interpreted to have formed in a stagnant-lid drip-tectonic or sagduction setting, unlike modern Earth. In the North China Craton, apparent dome-and-basin structures in eastern gneiss terrains are bordered by a contemporaneous 1800 km-long orogenic belt, exhibiting many classical hallmark indicators of plate boundary interactions found in Phanerozoic orogens, suggesting contrarily that plate tectonics was operating during formation of the domes. We solve this dilemma by showing that the domes-and-basins formed by a combination of fold interference, temporally constrained by felsic intrusion events, and folding of domal arc-related plutons. Strong deformation is related to overthrusting of nappes from the adjacent orogen, forming klippen, infolded with the gneisses, explaining the perplexing juxtaposition of plate tectonic and seemingly non-plate tectonic terrains so closely in space and time.

How to cite: Wang, L., Wang, R., Ning, W., and Kusky, T. M.: North China Archean dome-and-basin structures; arc plutons, superimposed folds, or sagduction?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4915,, 2025.

EGU25-4934 | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.4

Late Neoarchean crust generation and final cratonisation of the Bastar Craton: Insights from granitoids petrology, zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf systematics 

Samyayan Ghosal, Sukanta Dey, Jaganmoy Jodder, Manoj Kumar Sahoo, and Marlina Elburg

The end of Neoarchean (⁓2.5 Ga) is characterized by the emplacement of diverse granitoid groups, final cratonisation of different Archean blocks, and the onset of mobile lid tectonics/modern style plate tectonics associated with the cooling of the mantle. The southeastern margin of the Bastar Craton, Central India, contains well-developed exposures of granitoids of this period. We for the first time report field, petrographic, whole-rock geochemical, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope studies on these poorly documented granitoids. These ⁓2.47–2.48 Ga granitoids are deformed, silicic, potassic, ferroan, LILE, and HFSE enriched, showing characteristics similar to A-type granites. They show a low Sr/Y ratio (<25), moderate to high Y and Yb contents, distinct negative Eu and Sr anomalies, and moderately fractionated to nearly flat HREE patterns. These granitoids yielded distinct sub-chondritic initial εHf signatures (εHft: –3.8 to –14.1). All these features indicate the formation of these granitoids due to the high-temperature reworking of older felsic crust at a shallow depth, leaving behind a plagioclase-bearing residue without significant garnet. By synthesizing craton-wide information on rock association, we suggest the operation of subduction and accretion of various arc-related terrains at ~2.5 Ga within the Bastar Craton. We further propose that the ~2.48 Ga high LILE-HFSE, ferroan potassic granitoids are formed in an extensional geodynamic setting associated with post-orogenic uplift. This marks the termination of the compressive forces of the subduction, leading to the final cratonisation.

How to cite: Ghosal, S., Dey, S., Jodder, J., Kumar Sahoo, M., and Elburg, M.: Late Neoarchean crust generation and final cratonisation of the Bastar Craton: Insights from granitoids petrology, zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf systematics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4934,, 2025.

Ophiolitic mélange is a key geological component in ancient convergent plate margins. Understanding the block and matrix types, their igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic P-T histories, and the structural and tectonic processes from formation to emplacement, is essential for deciphering paleo-subduction zone dynamics. Subduction channels, where some ophiolitic mélanges develop, are mechanically weak shear zones between the upper and lower plates, containing stacked oceanic sequences offscraped from the subducted plate, mixed with eroded crust and mantle materials from the forearc in arc-continent accretionary/collision zones. In this study, we present the results of detailed field mapping, structural analysis, geochemical, and geochronological investigations of the Neoarchean Zunhua and Shangying ophiolitic mélanges from the Eastern Hebei Complex in the Central Orogenic Belt, North China Craton. The Zunhua ophiolitic mélange consists of forearc-affinity ultramafic-mafic blocks (peridotite, podiform-chromite-bearing dunite, pyroxenite, metagabbro, metadiabase, metabasalt), with podiform chromitites containing inclusions of UHP TiO2(II) and remnants of UHP chenminigite, suggesting derivation from depths of 270–410 km prior to mélange formation. In contrast, the Shangying ophiolitic mélange to the east contains layered and isotropic N-MORB affinity metagabbro and garnet clinopyroxenite, metamorphosed under HP eclogite-facies conditions at 65–70 km. Both mélanges are characterized by a strongly sheared metasedimentary matrix. Zircon U-Pb dating of blocks and crosscutting dikes indicates that the ultramafic-mafic blocks in the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange formed at 2.55–2.52 Ga and were incorporated into the mélange between 2.52 and 2.50 Ga. The Shangying ophiolitic mélange formed between 2.53 and 2.52 Ga and was emplaced in the Eastern Block between 2.52 and 2.47 Ga. The Zunhua mélange preserves a nearly complete ophiolite sequence and records a Neoarchean subduction initiation and arc-continent collision event in a forearc supra-subduction zone (SSZ) setting. The Shangying mélange, composed of meta-basalts, gabbros, and garnet clinopyroxenites, formed at a mid-ocean ridge (MOR). The Zunhua SSZ ophiolitic mélange was emplaced over the forearc by accretionary thrusts, whereas the Shangying MOR ophiolitic mélange formed through subduction, mixing, and exhumation within a subduction channel. The juxtaposition of these two mélange belts with different tectonic affinities and emplacement styles during the Neoarchean arc-continent collision reveals a west-northwest-dipping subduction polarity, consistent with kinematic fabrics in the mélanges and their correlatives along the ~1,800 km paleo-subduction zone of the Central Orogenic Belt. The co-existence of SSZ and MOR ophiolitic mélanges in the Eastern Hebei Complex suggests that large-scale subduction/accretionary zones were active in the late Neoarchean. Geochronological data show that the processes of seafloor spreading, subduction initiation, forearc thrusting, and exhumation of subduction materials occurred over <80 million years, similar in duration to many Phanerozoic subduction-collision zones. These findings suggest that tectonic processes in the late Neoarchean were comparable to those of modern Earth.

How to cite: Ning, W., Kusky, T., and Wang, L.: The coexistence of Neoarchean SSZ and MOR ophiolitic mélanges in the North China Craton: dynamics of an Archean paleo-subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5303,, 2025.

EGU25-5392 | Orals | GMPV4.4

The Mesoarchean Mulgandinnah shear zone, Pilbara Craton: the world’s oldest arc-slicing transform fault 

Timothy M. Kusky, Abdelmottaleb Aldoud, Lu Wang, and Jiannan Meng

The Paleo-Neoarchean Pilbara craton of western Australia is one of the best-exposed, most studied early Archean cratons on Earth, yet ideas about its origin are split between plate tectonic and non-plate tectonic models (Kusky et al., 2021). Some suggest that the domes-and-basins of the eastern Pilbara represent non-plate tectonic drips where thickened dense volcanic outpourings sagducted into a warm pre-existing sial. Other models propose an accretionary orogen model where oceanic affinity units were off-scraped in a subduction setting, and progressively intruded and re-deformed by arc-related plutons, forming the domes-and-basins. Based on our field, drone- and satellite-assisted structural mapping and analysis, along with processing of geophysical data, we suggest the latter model is more consistent with the geologic and geophysical data.  Here, we report results from our mapping and data synthesis of the craton-cutting Mulgandinnah shear zone.

Arc-slicing transform faults represent an integral component of convergent margin tectonics. They are developed above oblique subduction systems, cutting through and displacing the entire magmatic section of arcs, leading to tectonic repetition of segments of the overriding plate in the ensuing orogenic collage. Extant examples clearly show this process in Sumatra, New Zealand, and the Philippines, while ancient examples are reported from the Paleozoic Altaids, and Neoarchean Superior and Yilgarn cratons. Here, we report data that documents that the Paleo-Mesoarchean Eastern Pilbara craton, recently interpreted to be a preserved mid-upper crustal level of a magmatic arc, is cut and repeated by a major 3.0-2.93 Ga arc-slicing fault, the sinistral Mulgandinnah shear zone (Aldoud et al., 2024), which sliced a previously 600 x 100 km segment of a Mesoarchean arc system, laterally moving different segments to their presently juxtaposed 200 x 200 km preserved fragment. We document the offsets using offset strata and plutons (i.e. domes), both from surface mapping and high-resolution Reduced to Pole (RTP) magnetic datasets for buried plutons. We document the sense of shear using classical kinematic indicators, and also show that that shearing occurred during partial melting at ~3.0 Ga. Geophysical data (reflection profiles) reveal that the domes-and-basins are confined to the upper crust, with a flat reflector (detachment shear zone?), into which listric thrust fault merge, at 10 sec (~30 km) depth, and no trace of any drips sinking deeper. This evidence demonstrates lateral plate motions by 3.0 Ga, and shows oblique subduction, arc plutonism, arc-slicing and repetition, reflecting that crustal growth in some style of convergent margins was in operation by the Mesoarchean. To our knowledge, this is currently the oldest well-documented arc-slicing fault system on Earth, although this by no means that others may not have operated previously, and have been eroded, or remain to be documented.


Aldoud, A., Kusky, T.M.*, Wang, Lu, 2024, Is the Mulgandinnah shear zone, Pilbara craton, the world’s oldest arc-slicing transform fault? Geology 52, 801-806.

Kusky, T.M.*, Windley, B.F., Polat, A., Wang, L., Ning, W.B., and Zhong, Y.T., 2021, Archean dome-and-basin style structures form during growth and death of intraoceanic and continental margin arcs in accretionary orogens, Earth-Science Reviews 220, 103725.

How to cite: M. Kusky, T., Aldoud, A., Wang, L., and Meng, J.: The Mesoarchean Mulgandinnah shear zone, Pilbara Craton: the world’s oldest arc-slicing transform fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5392,, 2025.

The inner and outer layers of the Earth can be connected by plate tectonics with exchange of material and energy, thus shaping the habitable Earth today. However, the existence of Archean plate tectonics has been controversial. One of the reasons is the lack of rock records that can best represent the presence of the convergent plate boundaries during that time, such as continental lithosphere with ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism (> 2.7 GPa or 80–100 km). Here we investigated the peridotites from the North China Craton, and conducted a systematic investigation involving field survey, mineralogy, petrology, geochronology and geochemistry on these peridotites. Temperature and pressure conditions for protoliths of these peridotites, as well as oxygen fugacity (fO2), were also calculated, to constrain petrogenesis, tectonic setting, and characteristics of mantle fO2.

In situ U-Pb dating on zircons from the peridotites yields metamorphic/altered age of 2535–2517 Ma and were intruded by the unmetamorphosed granite dykes at ~2500 Ma. Garnet pseudomorphs and pyroxene with exsolved textures were identified in these peridotites, suggesting that the original garnet and pyroxene were brought from high pressures and the breakdown was induced by decompression. Reintegrating the compositions of the original garnet and pyroxene and compositions of the original garnet and pyroxene indicate that these peridotites were brought up or once seated at mantle depths of 110–130 km. The calculated dT/dP thermal gradients is around 375 oC/GPa, close to those of modern collisional orogens.   The occurrence of phlogopite and amphibole in the studied peridotites and the enrichment of light rare earth elements in their bulk-rock and mineral trace elements, as well as the higher contents of magnesium and aluminum in the rim, and chromium and iron in the core of spinels in some samples, which further demonstrates that the studied peridotites experienced mantle metasomatism during plate subduction. Using Olivine-orthopyroxene-spinel oxybarometry, this dissertation obtained the fO2 of these Archean metasomatized peridotites to range from ΔFMQ +1.0 to ΔFMQ +1.7, which are more oxidized than the Archean ambient mantle, but are similar to the modern sub-arc mantle.

The ultrahigh-pressure peridotites prove that some forms of plate tectonics have been operating at least since the Neoarchean, and also indicate that the continental deep subduction could have existed at least prior to 2.5 billion years ago. During this process, the Neoarchean mantle oxidation was increased, in which subducted crustal materials would have significantly metasomatized the mantle and increased its oxygen fugacity. This process may have contributed to the Archean atmospheric redox evolution and triggered the GOE in the early Proterozoic.

How to cite: Wu, Z.: Neoarchean Peridotites in the North China Craton and Implications for the oneset of Plate Tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5404,, 2025.

The transformation of basaltic crust into thick, buoyant felsic crust with a tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) composition was a pivotal process in Earth's evolution during the Archaean Eon (4.03–2.50 Ga). Geochemical modeling and experimental studies strongly support the hypothesis that TTGs formed via the partial melting of hydrated mafic rocks, though field evidence remains scarce. TTGs are categorized into two geochemical types: low-HREE and high-HREE (heavy rare earth elements) TTGs. While their genesis is widely attributed to the partial melting of hydrated basaltic crust, the mechanisms producing the two types remain debated.

This study presents U–Pb zircon ages to investigate the temporal relationships between the two TTG types in the Lake Inari terrain, Fennoscandia shield. Zircon populations from low- and high-HREE TTGs, along with adjacent porphyritic granitoids, indicate a prolonged migmatization phase from 2900 to 2600 Ma. This suggests sustained heat from a stationary mantle plume associated with stagnant or sluggish lid tectonics. The intermingling and parallel ages of high- and low-HREE TTGs imply a shared source rather than distinct tectonic settings.

Prolonged melting episodes of thickened felsic crust produced porphyritic granites between 2650 and 2500 Ma. The ∼1.9 Ga Lapland-Kola orogeny caused minor zircon recrystallization, but did not alter the Archaean migmatite morphology. TTG formation in the Lake Inari terrain peaked around 2.8 Ga, approximately 100 Ma before the proposed assembly of the Kenorland supercontinent.

The bimodal TTG-metabasalt association exhibits diverse migmatite structures, including metatexites, metatexite-diatexite transitions, and massive diatexites. These features formed due to crustal weakening, melt segregation, extraction, migration, and redistribution (SEMR) processes, as well as synanatectic strain. Metabasalts within the terrain likely represent remnants of a basaltic upper ‘lid’ layer. We interpret the Lake Inari terrain as evidence of extensive migmatization in deeper layers of an overthickened basaltic plateau, sustained by a mantle plume and consistent with a stagnant or sluggish lid tectonic setting. Our findings suggest that the partial melting of plateau basalts, producing buoyant TTGs, may have initiated continental evolution

How to cite: Heilimo, E., Halla, J., Joshi, K. B., and Kurhila, M.: Prolonged Archaean migmatization and TTG Genesis in the Lake Inari terrain: Insights into stagnant lid tectonics and early continental crust formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5587,, 2025.

EGU25-6099 | Posters on site | GMPV4.4

New insights into the origin of the Eoarchean Narssaq ultramafic complex (southern West Greenland) from trace element mineral chemistry 

Massimo Tiepolo, Valentina Previti, Enrico Cannaò, Marco Filippi, Riccardo Tribuzio, Davide Mariani, and Gianluca Sessa

The Archean mantle is an invaluable source of information about the geodynamic processes active during the early Earth. However, our knowledge on Archean mantle compositions is still fragmentary due to its poor exposure on the present-day Earth. The Eoarchean Narssaq ultramafic complex within the Itsaq Gneiss Complex of southern West Greenland is one of the most extensively studied Eoarchean ultramafic sections. According to van de Locht et al. (2020), the ultramafic complex represents a remnant of the Archean mantle. Conversely, Zhang and Zilas (2024) proposed a cumulate origin for the same lithologies. Such contrasting interpretations have significant implications for the inferred geodynamic scenario active during the Eoarchean.

We carried out a new field survey on the Narssaq ultramafic complex collecting representative samples of dunites and hornblende peridotites. All samples include olivine, amphibole and phlogopite, as major rock-forming minerals. Accessory orthopyroxene, chromite and magnetite were in places also found. Mineral phases were characterized for major and trace elements concentration by electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS, respectively. On selected amphiboles, images on trace element distribution were also carried out by LA-ICP-TOF-MS.

Preliminary data reveal that olivine is Fo90-91 and is characterised by exceptionally low contents of incompatible trace elements and high contents of Ni (>3500 ppm) and fluid mobile elements, such as B and Li (up to 4 and 6 ppm, respectively). Amphibole is mostly tremolitic in composition, although, amphibole grains in equilibrium with olivine and phlogopite locally preserve core ghost domains consisting of Mg-hornblende. These domains are characterized by extremely high Cr contents (>8500 ppm), nearly flat chondrite-normalized REE pattern at about 10 times CI chondrite with a marked negative Eu anomaly, and relatively high contents of both crustal (e.g., Pb, Th, U) and fluid mobile elements (e.g., Li, Be and B). Phlogopite is exceptionally Cr- and Ni-rich and displays low contents in incompatible trace elements, including those for which the affinity is higher, such as Cs, Rb and Ba; Li and B are up to 6 ppm.

The typically null concentrations of fluid immobile incompatible trace elements in olivine and the constantly high and similar contents of fluid mobile elements in all mineral phases indicates that the entire ultramafic system underwent re-equilibration and re-crystallisation during the metamorphic evolution of the Narssaq ultramafic complex. The mantle or cumulate origin of the complex is thus difficult to be assessed. Notwithstanding, we propose that amphibole crystallisation was related to a melt with a significant crustal component that interacted with the pre-existing ultramafic system. Further trace element and stable isotope micro-analyses are in progress, to verify if amphibole crystallisation was related to the emplacement or partial melting of the host Itsaq gneisses.

van De Locht J., Hoffmann J.E., Rosing M.T., Sprung P., Munker C. Preservation of Eoarchean mantle processes in 3.8 Ga peridotite enclaves in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, southern West Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 280 (2020) 1–25.

Zhang L. & Zilas K. Eoarchean ultramafic rocks represent crustal cumulates: A case study of the Narssaq ultramafic body, southern West Greenland. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 625 (2024) 118508


How to cite: Tiepolo, M., Previti, V., Cannaò, E., Filippi, M., Tribuzio, R., Mariani, D., and Sessa, G.: New insights into the origin of the Eoarchean Narssaq ultramafic complex (southern West Greenland) from trace element mineral chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6099,, 2025.

This research explores the geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic units in the Alutaguse region of North Estonia and the South Svecofennian (SS) zones, including Ladoga, Saimaa, Häme Belt, and Uusimaa Belt, to better understand the tectonic evolution of the Svecofennian Orogeny in Eastern Fennoscandia. Metasedimentary units consist of micaceous gneisses (± Grt ± Crd ± Sil), while metavolcanics include amphibolites and pyroxenic gneisses. Historical and new data show that High-SiO₂ (>63 wt%) metasediments have felsic origins similar to the Upper Continental Crust (UCC), whereas Low-SiO₂ (≤63 wt%) metasediments, resembling graywackes and shales, indicate mafic to intermediate origins similar to post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS). Various weathering indices, including CIA, PIA, CIW, and ICV for metasediments, and AI, CCPI, WIP, and SI for metavolcanics, were applied to reveal these geochemical trends. The metavolcanics are classified as sub-alkaline, with geochemical signatures pointing to asthenospheric mantle origins for Alutaguse and subducted oceanic crust origins for SS. Tectonic affinity analyses indicate a predominant oceanic arc setting across both regions. High CaO and MnO concentrations in Alutaguse and Uusimaa metasediments suggest a genetic link, positioning Alutaguse as a 1.90–1.89 Ga back-arc to the Uusimaa belt, followed by the accretion of Uusimaa and Häme belts around 1.87 Ga, marking the closure of the Svecofennian ocean. The Alutaguse zone likely developed as a back-arc to the Tallinn-Uusimaa belt after the accretion of the Bergslagen microcontinent. This interpretation is supported by geophysical anomalies correlated with Zn-Pb-Fe mineralisation. The assemblages found in Alutaguse province comprises high proportions of highly deformed sulphides (pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite) and sphalerite disseminated in graphitic amphibolitic-gneisses, which shows similarities with Bergslagen's VMS (SEDEX?) provinces and warrants further investigation.


Figure 1. Crustal structure in the central and southern parts of the Svecofennian orogen as integrated across the Baltic Sea, after Bogdanova et al. (2015) and Geochemical relations from the Alutaguse and SS metasedimentary units include major elemental tectonic discriminant functions.


How to cite: Solano Acosta, J. D., Soesoo, A., Hints, R., and Graul, S.: Is the Estonian Alutaguse Section of Eastern Fennoscandia a continuation of the Southern Svecofennian Finnish Terranes, or is it akin to the Swedish Bergslagen region?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7212,, 2025.

EGU25-11470 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.4

Boron isotopes in Archean-Proterozoic marine deposits as a tracer of continental evolution and emergence 

Avishai Abbo, Horst Marschall, and Axel Gerdes

One of the major and most impactful changes the Earth has experienced is the formation, evolution and volumetric accumulation of continental crust through geologic time. The transition of continental crust from being mostly submerged to subaerial greatly affected the evolution of complex life by inducing the enrichment of oceans with nutrients via erosion. The transition from stagnant/squishy-lid dynamics to modern-style plate tectonics was probably facilitated by the growth and accumulation of thick continental crust. Many ideas of crustal growth curves were previously suggested, each employing different types of constraints. Many of these curves point to the Archean–Proterozoic transition as an important point of infliction in the evolution and accumulation of continental crust. We adopted a new approach aiming to indirectly trace the growth in subaerial exposure of continental crust by observing the change in elemental and isotopic composition of boron in the ocean, preserved in Archean–Proterozoic marine deposits. Boron is a continental element that is concentrated in the continental crust over time. The oceanic boron isotopic composition is controlled by the balance between the different sources and sinks of boron in and out of the ocean, amongst which the largest source is continental runoff. The onset of widespread continental emergence initiated the largest boron influx into the ocean, thus greatly affecting the oceanic B concentration and B isotopic budget. Box modelling of oceanic B concentration over time employing different crustal growth scenarios also shows that the mode of crustal growth greatly affects the time dependant change in oceanic B concentration. We analyzed samples of Archean and Proterozoic cherts, iron formations and marine shales for B isotopes using in-situ LA-MC-ICP-MS in order to construct the oceanic B isotopic record across this critical period. We observe a significant increase both in B concentration and in the range and variation of B isotopic values across the Archean–Paleoproterozoic transition that may suggest a transition of oceanic boron towards modern values (modern ocean δ11B = +39.6 ‰) at that time, suggesting a large increase in the area of exposed continental crust.

How to cite: Abbo, A., Marschall, H., and Gerdes, A.: Boron isotopes in Archean-Proterozoic marine deposits as a tracer of continental evolution and emergence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11470,, 2025.

EGU25-12964 | Posters on site | GMPV4.4

Metamorphic evolution and thermo-tectonic history of Metamafic Dykes: Insights into Continental Collision between Coorg Block and Western Dharwar Craton 

Rituparna Nayak, Biswabhushana Das, Pinak Nayak, Anamitra Dasgupta, Dilip Mukhopadhyay, Somnath Dasgupta, and Santanu Kumar Bhowmik

The Mesoarchaean Coorg granulite block-Mercara Shear Zone (MRSZ) - Meso- to Neoarchaean Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) crustal section is ideally suited to study the Early Earth tectonics, and in particular, to establish collisional tectonics that led to their amalgamation. However, despite numerous petrological and geochronological studies, the nature of tectonic relationships among the three litho-tectonic domains is not well understood. Importantly enough, there is a dearth of metamorphic studies from the western part of the WDC, and in its absence, the amalgamation tectonics between the WDC and the Coorg block is poorly constrained. The south-western part of the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC), in contact with the Mesoarchaean Coorg Granulite Massif, consists of NNW-SSE trending mafic to ultramafic dyke swarm that is variably metamorphosed. Based on field observations and petrographic study, we have classified the metamafic dykes into two broad types: (a) Undeformed to foliated metagabbro, locally with coarse coronal Grt around Cpx, Pl, Ilm, and Hbl1 (mineral abbreviations after Kretz, 1983) and differentially preserved igneous textures (Type-1) and (b) well-foliated and banded metamafites that lack magmatic textures and mineralogy, locally migmatitic with porphyroblastic Grt and Cpx and in others, garnetiferous amphibolite with porphyroblastic garnet (Type-2). Based on the degree of foliation development in these metamafites, we observe a south-westward increase in strain. Type-1 metamafites record a sequence of textural evolution, namely recrystallization of the magmatic Cpx±Opx+Pl assemblage→partial high-T hydration, producing Ti-Hbl (Ti=0.24-0.28)→growth of coarse coronal Grt [with a broad homogeneous magnesian core (XMg=0.25-0.23, XGrs=0.20-0.22) and slightly ferroan rim (XMg=0.21-0.22, XGrs=0.21-0.22), particularly in contact with Cpx] on the recrystallized matrix→a late Hbl-defined foliation (Ti=0.19-0.23). Type-2 metamafites show the development of a pervasive titaniferous Hbl-defined foliation (Ti=0.14-0.19), followed by the growth of compositionally homogeneous porphyroblastic Grt (XMg=0.21-0.22; Prp14-15Grs22-27) with or without Cpx (XMg=0.65-0.70, Altotal=0.03-0.08, and Natotal=0.01-0.03), and including localised crustal anataxis, producing tonalitic melt at the metamorphic peak. This was followed by the formation of late low Ti-Hbl (Ti=0.04-0.05). Using conventional thermobarometry, the peak P-T of type-1 metamafite has been estimated at ~ 8kb and 800°C.  In the type-2 metamafites, the peak and retrograde P-T is estimated at ~9kb and 800°C and ~7kb and 500°C respectively.  The effective bulk rock composition has been used to calculate the phase equilibria modelling of the type-2 metamafite, in which the intersections of compositional isopleths of XMg(Grt), XGrs(Grt), XAn(Pl), Al(Cpx), Ti(Hbl) defines a peak P-T of 9.4 kb and 800°C which is similar to that calculated by conventional thermobarometry. The peak and retrograde P-T conditions together record the retrograde segment of a clockwise P-T path of evolution. We relate the textural sequence, results of thermobarometric computations and phase equilibria modelling, and strain patterns in the metamafic dykes to suggest a pervasive thermo-tectonic event that led to the prograde burial of the extended cratonised WDC beneath the Coorg Granulite Block to high-pressure upper amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphic conditions. We link this event with continental collisions between the WDC and Coorg Block at the dawn of the Proterozoic.

How to cite: Nayak, R., Das, B., Nayak, P., Dasgupta, A., Mukhopadhyay, D., Dasgupta, S., and Bhowmik, S. K.: Metamorphic evolution and thermo-tectonic history of Metamafic Dykes: Insights into Continental Collision between Coorg Block and Western Dharwar Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12964,, 2025.

EGU25-13998 * | ECS | Orals | GMPV4.4 | Highlight | GMPV Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture

The Archean geological water cycle  

Renée Tamblyn and Jörg Hermann

The geological water cycle (or the deep water cycle) consists of water-rock interactions between the hydrosphere/atmosphere and lithosphere. This water plays a critical role in geological processes, for example, promoting melting and the formation of new continental crust, the mobilisation of economic metals, rock reactivity and rheology, and seismic activity. In the modern day, the most dominant form of the geological water cycle is the uptake of water in mantle-derived rocks in the oceans, and release of this water during subduction to melt overlying lithologies and form volcanic arcs. In the Archean, however, the geological water cycle is less well understood. This is particularly because (i) there are rare ophiolites from this timeframe, and lithologies responsible for water uptake and release may have been different and (ii) because the mode of tectonics is argued, meaning that the geodynamics and therefore conditions of water release are not well understood.

This presentation will focus on the processes of hydration and dehydration of ultramafic to mafic rocks from Archean greenstone belts (komatiites and komatiitic basalts). Geochemical evidence suggests that these rocks were initially hydrated on an Archean oceanic plateau after their eruption. During this process, they sequestered mobile elements such as boron from the seawater, and produced molecular H2 by the oxidation of Fe, a possible source of energy for early chemosynthetic life. Most greenstone belts have been metamorphosed to greenschist-amphibolite facies, indicating that they experienced some form of burial during Earths earlier history. Phase equilibria modelling shows that if komatiites are buried to higher temperature conditions (>750 °C), the breakdown of hydrous phases could release significant quantities of water into the surrounding rocks, promoting fluid-fluxed melting of surrounding lithologies. In the case of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, which contains ~8 % komatiite and ~20% basalt by volume, fluid release from the komatiite into the basaltic lithology would promote wet melting of basalts to form tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) series rocks, important constituents of Archean continental crust.  While not abundant in the geological record, the role of ultramafic rocks in the Archean geological water cycle is evident, as is their importance in ocean floor processes and the formation of the Earth’s first TTG crust.

How to cite: Tamblyn, R. and Hermann, J.: The Archean geological water cycle , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13998,, 2025.

Short-lived system chronometers provide evidence for the rapid and early differentiation of planet Earth. In particular, the hafnium182Hf – tungsten 182W system (t1/2 = 8.9 Ma) has been used to constrain the age of core formation and silicate differentiation taking advantage of the geochemical differences between these two elements during geological processes. For example, during core formation, W, which is a siderophile element, was attracted into the Earth’s core, while Hf, being a lithophile element, was concentrated into the silicate portion of the Earth. This contrasting difference in the behavior of these elements resulted in distinct 182Hf/182W isotopic ratios in both reservoirs, which are now reflected in the 182W/184W isotopic compositions of the samples derived from these reservoirs. The purpose of this work is to try to develop a new method for obtaining W isotope data for silicate rocks. The current bulk-rock analysis requires the use and preparation of large amounts of rock powder due to the very low W concentrations in most samples. Here, we propose a new methodology that may generate less costs and optimize the current method by replacing bulk-rock isotopic analysis with that of mineralogical fraction. In this study, we determined W concentrations (and other trace elements) of individual mineral phases from different types of rock by LA-ICP-MS. Our preliminary results reveal that titanium (Ti) - rich minerals, such as rutile and ilmenite, have systematically more elevated W concentrations than the other minerals. Rutile, in particular, captures most of the W in the rock. Replacing bulk rock isotopic analyses with analyses of Ti-rich minerals would require significantly less material to process. It is expected to obtain and compare results of W isotopic compositions of both the bulk rock and the Ti-rich mineral fraction.

How to cite: Vera-Cedeño, D. and Mougel, B.: Geochemical and isotope composition of tungsten (u182W): comparative analysis between bulk rock and mineral phases in silicated rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14730,, 2025.

EGU25-19709 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.4

Evolution of lithospheric thickness in Early Earth: Insights into tectonic regimes 

Ariuntsetseg Ganbat, A. Alexander G. Webb, Thomas Müller, Jiawei Zuo, and Eunice Chit Yan Leung

Understanding lithospheric thickness during the Early Earth is crucial for unraveling tectonic modes (e.g., heat-pipe vs. stagnant-lid) and cooling mechanisms. The heat-pipe model likely produced a thick lithosphere early on, which thinned with declining volcanism before thickening again as stagnant-lid conduction became dominant. Conversely, the stagnant-lid mode involved a direct transition from a magma ocean to conduction, characterized by thin, weak lithospheres that gradually strengthened and thickened over time. Tracking the evolution of lithospheric thermal thickness provides a means to test these cooling mechanisms.

Basaltic rocks, the most abundant igneous rocks, offer critical insights into mantle conditions. Experimental evidence indicates that the oxides in primary basaltic melts are sensitive to melting pressure, making them effective proxies for lithospheric thickness. Using global geochemical datasets, such as GEOROC, we can infer lithospheric thickness from basaltic lithogeochemistry. This study evaluates lithospheric thickness during the Early Earth (4.0–3.0 Ga) using compiled basaltic lithogeochemical data. Despite their rarity, heat flow data, xenolith samples, and clinopyroxene thermobarometry were also used to validate findings. Basaltic lithogeochemistry indicates significant thinning from 120 km at ~3.65 Ga to 90 km by ~3.30 Ga, followed by subsequent thickening and eventual stabilization. Heat flow data, though craton-specific and with high age uncertainty, generally support a thinning trend from ~3.75 Ga to ~3.40 Ga, stabilizing and slightly thickening by ~3.20 Ga, with minimal fluctuations until ~3 Ga. Xenolith and clinopyroxene data, available only from ~3.60 Ga onward, indicate a stable lithospheric thickness between ~3.60 Ga and ~3.40 Ga, followed by thickening from ~3.40 Ga to ~3.20 Ga. These observations suggest an evolution from thick, cold lithospheres that initially thinned, likely transitioning to conductive cooling and thickening over time. This supports the probable viability of the heat-pipe model during the Early Earth and provides insights into the planet’s tectonic regimes and lithospheric evolution.

How to cite: Ganbat, A., Webb, A. A. G., Müller, T., Zuo, J., and Leung, E. C. Y.: Evolution of lithospheric thickness in Early Earth: Insights into tectonic regimes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19709,, 2025.

EGU25-20570 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV4.4

Rise of mantle oxidation by Neoarchean subduction in the North China Craton 

Chao Wang, Zhenzhu Wu, Mark B. Allen, Ming Tang, Yi Chen, Lihui Jia, and Shuguang Song

The Archean mantle redox state played an important role in degassing of the Earth's interior and thus influenced atmospheric oxygen levels of the early Earth. But it is unclear if any parts of the uppermost mantle were significantly oxidized by a certain point in the Archean. Here, we investigate oxygen fugacity (fO2) of Archean (> 2535–2517 Ma) peridotites in the North China Craton. Petrology and geochemistry reveal that they experienced strong Neoarchean subduction-related metasomatism. These Neoarchean subduction-metasomatized peridotites record fO2 of ΔFMQ +1.3 ± 0.4 (SD) [relative to the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer], which are more oxidized than the Archean ambient mantle, but similar to the modern sub-arc mantle. We propose that this Neoarchean rise of mantle oxidation in the North China Craton was induced by plate subduction, during which the Neoarchean sub-arc mantle in the North China Craton could have been metasomatized and oxidized, and its oxygen fugacity was increased. This process may have had connections with the Great Oxidation Event in the Early Proterozoic.

How to cite: Wang, C., Wu, Z., Allen, M. B., Tang, M., Chen, Y., Jia, L., and Song, S.: Rise of mantle oxidation by Neoarchean subduction in the North China Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20570,, 2025.

EGU25-498 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Feedback between cataclasis and interface-coupled reactions in ultracataclastic veins: insights from the Naxos granodiorite, Greece 

Olivia Rolfe, Renelle Dubosq, David Schneider, and Bernhard Grasemann

Pseudotachylytes, quenched melts from frictional heating, and ultracataclasites, comminution of host rock, are considered direct evidence of coseismic slip. In hydrated systems, fluid-rock interactions can influence the nucleation and propagation of these earthquake-induced structures by facilitating element mobility and fault zone weakening. We conducted 2D microstructural and geochemical analyses on a series of ultracataclastic veins hosted in a deformed granodiorite on Naxos, Greece, to investigate potential interactions between physical and chemical processes along rupture paths. Naxos is a classical Miocene Cycladic metamorphic core complex, defined by a central migmatite core, with fluids introduced during peak metamorphism and subsequent brittle deformation. An I-type granodiorite was syn-tectonically emplaced, cooling rapidly from crystallization (650-680°C) at c. 12 Ma to <60°C by c. 9 Ma. The extensional Naxos-Paros Detachment System, active between c.12-9 Ma, dissects the pluton, producing a strong N-S stretching lineation and SCC' fabric generating top-to-N kinematics. Host rock from the immediate footwall of the detachment is composed of a coarse-grained (50 μm-2 mm) matrix, primarily composed of albite (35%), quartz (25%), orthoclase (16%), and biotite (12%). Fine-grained (5-60 μm) anastomosing ultracataclastic veins of the same composition intersect the host rock, with the thickest veins (7 cm) occurring sub-parallel to host rock foliation. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping of albite, orthoclase, and quartz targeted foliation-subparallel veins tips and host porphyroclasts crosscut by the veins. Evidence for minor crystal plasticity is observed as continuous to heterogeneous lattice distortion with an average misorientation of 03° within the host clasts, increasing to 15° towards clast rims and microfractures. The localization of microfractures emanating from the vein tips coupled with the spatial relationship between lattice distortions and microfractures, indicates that strain accommodation via crystal plasticity is linked to brittle deformation. This suggests that cataclasis is the primary deformation mechanism related to the propagation of ultracataclastic veins, which is supported by EBSD orientation data of fine-grained (<60 μm) fragments surrounding clasts (80-120 μm) of the same phase. The fine-grained populations are randomly oriented, with low internal misorientations up to ~10°, and no crystallographic relationship to the host porphyroclasts. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging highlighted aggregates of fine-grained albite (2-35 μm) along the vein margins with patchy zonation near microfractures and grain rims. A cuspate phase boundary between the albite grains and bordering orthoclase host clasts (2 mm) is characteristic of a dissolution-precipitation reaction front. Electron microprobe mapping of the phase interface reveals a K-depleted rim, 3 μm wide, along orthoclase clast margins, decreasing from ~13.6 wt% to 9.5 wt%. Inclusions of albite grains and Na-enriched zones, increasing to 2.6 wt% from 0.4 wt%, related to microfractures within the orthoclase clasts are present up to 55 μm away from the interface. Based on these observations, we propose that the interplay between cataclasis and interface-coupled reactions localized weakening, creating a feedback loop that promoted fracture propagation and drove continued injection of cataclastic material within the granodiorite. Our results demonstrate the impact of fluid-rock interactions on fault zone evolution and rupture conditions.

How to cite: Rolfe, O., Dubosq, R., Schneider, D., and Grasemann, B.: Feedback between cataclasis and interface-coupled reactions in ultracataclastic veins: insights from the Naxos granodiorite, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-498,, 2025.

EGU25-617 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Ultramylonitic carpholite-bearing veins as a proxy for deformation mechanisms from deeply subducted oceanic units (Liguro-Piemontese Zone, Western Alps) 

Luciano Casoli, Alessandro Petroccia, Ritabrata Dobe, and Francesco Giuntoli

Dilational hydroshear veins are hybrid veins that involve slip along weak planes and simultaneous extension under local hydrofracturing conditions (sensu Fagereng et al. 2010). These structures are considered as a possible record of episodic tremors and slow slip events (ETS). Carpholite-bearing dilational hydroshear veins and cyclic brittle-ductile deformation have been suggested to represent possible markers of these phenomena occurring at depth >30 km in subduction zones (Giuntoli & Viola 2022). In the Western Alps, similar structures in the form of lawsonite/carpholite-bearing veins have recently been reported (Herviou et al. 2023).

In this study, we analyzed the Lago Nero Unit (Western Alps), representing a fragment of the Liguro-Piemontese oceanic lithosphere and the related metasedimentary cover, deformed at 300-350 °C and 0.8-1.3 GPa during the Alpine Orogeny (Agard, 2021). We performed a detailed meso and microstructural characterization of mylonitic marble lenses wrapped by weak metapelite, both deformed by sheath folds. Hybrid veins in mylonitic marbles occur with crack-seal textures, oriented both parallel and at high angles to the main metamorphic foliation. The regional stretching mineral lineation oriented NE-SW is both parallel to the carpholite fiber composing veins and to the sheath fold axes. A few carpholite veins are folded within mylonitic marble, attesting to cyclic switches between brittle and ductile deformation in the stability field of carpholite, i.e. under blueschist facies conditions.

We focus on veins parallel to the foliation mainly composed of Ca-carbonate (now calcite, formerly aragonite), quartz and Fe-Mg carpholite (0.32<XMg<0.43). Frequently, large quartz and carpholite fibers form shear boudins in a plastically deformed Ca-carbonate mylonitic and ultramylonitic matrix, with a top-to-SW shear sense. Therefore, elevated strain partitioning is visible between host mylonitic marbles and veins and within single veins. Optical cathodoluminescence analysis shows different carbonate generations: larger and more luminescent fibers surrounded by small equant less luminescent grains. Electron Backscattered Diffraction analyses highlight that large Ca-carbonate fibers (50-500µm) deformed preferentially by subgrain rotation recrystallization, with the most deformed domains composed of smaller equant grains (<10µm) deforming by diffusion creep and grain boundary sliding. Summarizing, Ca-carbonate grew as fibers in veins and subsequently was affected by local strong grain size reduction due to strain partitioning at the microscale that activated grain size sensitive creep mechanisms along bands of accelerated creep.  Strain partitioning was likely favored by differences in the initial carbonate grain size and/or crystallographic orientation and by the presence of stiffer quartz and carpholite. Paleopiezometry is underway to constrain differential stresses and strain rates responsible for the formation of the observed microstructures.

In conclusion, oceanic metasedimentary covers record evidence of transient and cyclic pore fluid pressure fluctuation, reaching sub-lithostatic values and elevated strain partitioning under transiently high strain rates. These structures likely reflect cyclic seismic and aseismic creep occurring at >30 km depth in the Alpine subduction zone. Our results may be compatible with the geophysical and geological data ascribed to deep ETS in subduction zone contexts.

How to cite: Casoli, L., Petroccia, A., Dobe, R., and Giuntoli, F.: Ultramylonitic carpholite-bearing veins as a proxy for deformation mechanisms from deeply subducted oceanic units (Liguro-Piemontese Zone, Western Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-617,, 2025.

EGU25-618 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Evidence for strain localisation and episodic tremors and slow slip events in exhuming continental shear zones (Saih Hatat Window, Oman) 

Alessandro Petroccia, Francesco Giuntoli, Simone Pilia, Giulio Viola, Pietro Sternai, and Ivan Callegari

Phyllosilicates play a key role in controlling the rheology of shear zones, the style of deformation and the syndeformational fluid budget. The latter, including aqueous fluids released by metamorphic reactions, can transiently increase pore pressure and trigger cyclic switching between brittle and ductile deformation conditions. Unfortunately, it is still unclear how these processes act together in exhuming low-grade shear zones in a continental collisional framework.
To tackle this scientific question, we studied the top-to-the N/NE Hulw Shear Zone in the Saih Hatat Window of Oman. This shear zone is responsible for part of the exhumation of the subducted continental crust, but its pressure-temperature (P–T) and deformation behaviour remain largely unconstrained. Its footwall is mostly composed of metapelites, with a modal enrichment in K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite, matched by a progressive increase in the physical interconnectivity of phyllosilicates along its internal strain gradient. Similarly, marbles in the hanging wall evolve from mylonitic to ultramylonitic towards the core of the shear zone. 
In the Hulw Shear Zone coexist two opposite deformation behaviours, with ductile deformation accommodated preferentially along laterally continuous phyllosilicate-rich bands and brittle deformation in the form of hybrid/dilational hydroshear veins found regularly at the outcrop. To constrain the metamorphic conditions of dehydration reactions during the exhumation path, we integrated forward thermodynamic modelling with Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous Material, and K-rich white mica multiequilibrium barometry on a representative mylonite from the shear zone footwall. The resulting metamorphic evolution of the Hulw Shear Zone started from peak conditions of 300-350 °C and 0.9-1.2 GPa, followed by the main shearing event at 350-420 °C and 0.6-0.9 GPa and ended with sustained shearing at low-P conditions (350 °C, 0.3-0.4 GPa). Therefore, the Hulw Shear Zone accommodated progressive shearing while exhuming its footwall from epidote blueschist to low-pressure greenschist facies conditions. 
Decompression-driven fluid-gain reactions facilitated the growth of synkinematic phyllosilicates, which created a pervasive and interconnected K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite network that promoted strain localisation, causing significant mechanical weakening as well as the potential for discrete and compartmentalised fluid cells within the mylonitic foliation. Brittle structures formed due to aqueous fluid release by metamorphic dehydration reactions close to peak-P conditions (e.g., kaolinite-out reaction) or along the exhumation trajectory, transiently increasing pore pressure and triggering brittle failure, resulting in coeval mylonitic foliation and crack-seal hybrid veins. 
Our findings support the idea that sustained shearing was promoted by synkinematic growth of K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite and by cyclic switching between brittle and ductile deformation conditions. Therefore, the studied structures might also represent a record of deep episodic tremors and slow slip events during exhumation-related tectonics in the accretionary wedge above the subduction interface of the Oman continental lithosphere.

How to cite: Petroccia, A., Giuntoli, F., Pilia, S., Viola, G., Sternai, P., and Callegari, I.: Evidence for strain localisation and episodic tremors and slow slip events in exhuming continental shear zones (Saih Hatat Window, Oman), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-618,, 2025.

EGU25-866 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Spatial variations in Geometry, Topology and Fractal attributes of a Riedel shear induced Fracture Network system in Granites 

Sirshendu Kumar Biswas, Brinta Banik, Tridib Kumar Mondal, and Md. Sakawat Hossain

Fractures are the manifestation of brittle deformation and act as vital conduits for fluid transport in upper crustal rocks. To measure rock strength and stability, infer deformation mechanisms, and reconstruct the stress condition under which they developed, a systematic examination of their geometrical characteristics is essential which also provide insights on how upper crustal rocks respond to stress. Since fractured rock bodies frequently consist of interconnected networks of different fracture sets, topological characterization aids in quantitative assessment of their connectivity, which directly affects comprehension of their permeability and, consequently, the history of fluid migration through the host rock body. Additionally, characterization of fracture networks has direct implications in recent applications like nuclear waste disposal and carbon sequestration which contribute significantly to environmental sustainability.

The present study examines the origin and characterizes subsequent networking of fractures developed within younger granites (~ 2.61 Ga) of the Chitradurga Schist Belt, an Archean age granite-greenstone belt from the Western Dharwar Craton of peninsular India integrating field-based observations with network topology and fractal analysis. We systematically document the geometrical attributes of fracture patterns developed within the granites across varying outcrop scales to understand their formation and characterize them topologically to assess their connectivity and record if fracturing patterns, intensity, density and connectivity vary across scales and also spatially along the areal extent of the granitic plutons. It is found, that although indicative of being formed by the activation of a Riedel shear system under the same tectonic stress regime, the networking patterns which the fractures have developed through their mutual interaction vary spatially in their geometrical, topological and fractal characters. Our study ventures upon the possible causes of this variation and highlights the role of ambient stress state, rheology, pre-existing mechanical anisotropy, orientation of pluton margin and its proximity to adjacent shear zone and superimposition of fractures behind the development of these spatially varying fracture network patterns across the areal extent of the granitic plutons.

How to cite: Biswas, S. K., Banik, B., Mondal, T. K., and Hossain, Md. S.: Spatial variations in Geometry, Topology and Fractal attributes of a Riedel shear induced Fracture Network system in Granites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-866,, 2025.

This study investigates the relationships between eclogite-facies mineral assemblages and deformation microstructures in the Yuka terrane, part of the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt in NW China. The analysis focuses on understanding the mineralogical and microstructural evolution during subduction and exhumation processes. Eclogites from the study area were found to exhibit distinct mineral assemblages and deformation features, reflecting multiple stages of metamorphism.

During prograde metamorphism, garnet, omphacite, and phengite were predominantly deformed by intracrystalline plasticity, indicative of dislocation creep as the primary deformation mechanism. These minerals contributed to the development of well-defined foliations and lineations in the rock, shaped by the alignment of omphacite and phengite grains. Garnet grains often displayed concentric zoning with inclusion-rich cores and inclusion-free rims, recording growth under varying pressure-temperature conditions. Omphacite showed evidence of dynamic recrystallization, highlighting the mechanical and chemical adjustments during progressive subduction.

In contrast, amphibole, which formed through the topotactic replacement of omphacite under fluid-present conditions, exhibited features associated with diffusional flow, such as dissolution-precipitation creep. This retrograde mineral is thought to have crystallized during amphibolite-facies retrogression, marking the exhumation of the eclogites. The lack of significant deformation microstructures in amphibole, such as subgrain boundaries or undulose extinction, supports its formation during a late-stage metamorphic environment.

The Yuka eclogites contain a range of mineral assemblages, including garnet + omphacite, garnet + omphacite + phengite, and garnet + omphacite + phengite + amphibole, reflecting diverse pressure-temperature paths. The compositional variability of these assemblages is tied to the complex geodynamic history of the North Qaidam UHP belt, which underwent subduction, continental collision, and exhumation. This work highlights the significance of integrated petrographic and microstructural studies for deciphering the metamorphic and tectonic evolution of UHP terranes.

How to cite: Park, M.: Microstructures and deformation mechanisms of the Yuka eclogites in the North Qaidam UHP belt, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2428,, 2025.

Many aspects of the evolution of boudinage are still poorly understood, and using boudins as rheology-gages is in its infancy. The aim of the study is to achieve a better understanding of the evolution of boudinage by numerical mechanical modeling integrated with three-dimensional characterization and analysis of natural boudinage structures. We use results from a 3D field study of boudins as a basis for high resolution numerical modeling.

We use the computationally expensive 3D Discrete Element method to model the boudinage process from loading to strain localization and post failure deformation in parametric studies using high resolution and a realistic representation of the coupled brittle and ductile deformation processes. This provides quantitative insight into the acting mechanisms and coupled processes during the formation of boudins to link the large variety of boudin geometries to specific boundary conditions. In particular we show that the transition from blocky torn boudins to drawn boudins can be modeled as a function of material strength and confining pressure. Furthermore, local heterogeneities can cause shear failure already before the critical stress is reached in the entire rock volume

The numerical simulations are augmented by studies on a world class example of boudinage structures on the island of Naxos, involving an extensive field study, detailed 3-dimensional reconstruction of boudinage structures and microstructural investigation of the underlying deformation processes.

Our ultimate goal is to pave towards a mechanically meaningful 3D boudinage classification scheme that allows for quantitative analysis of boudinage structures in order to invert boudin geometry to the kinematics and rheology of the rock during its deformation, as well as to its stress and strain history.

How to cite: von Hagke, C., Abe, S., Virgo, S., and Urai, J.: Failure mode transition in brittle Boudinage: effects of cohesion, mean stress and layer thickness in discrete element models and field examples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4090,, 2025.

EGU25-5197 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Fluid Flow and Shear Instabilities in the Subducted Mantle at Intermediate-depths: insights from the Western Alps meta-ophiolites 

Jesus Munoz, Samuel Angiboust, Clothilde Minnaert, Alberto Ceccato, Luiz Morales, Julien Gasc, and Whitney Behr

Intermediate-depth earthquakes (IDEQs), which occur at depths of 50 to 300 km, are relatively poorly understood compared to shallow seismicity, and their source mechanisms and physical environment remain ignored. This scientific gap exists because obtaining data from these depths—whether through geophysical imaging or geological sampling—is exceptionally challenging. The dehydration of serpentinites, which can release up to 13 wt% of H2O at these depths, is thought to play a key role in driving deformation associated with IDEQs. However, the mechanical role of the fluids released during these metamorphic reactions remains unclear. To provide new insights into the physical habitat of IDEQs, we investigate olivine- and Ti-clinohumite-rich veins in the Zermatt-Saas meta-ophiolite, a natural laboratory that records dehydration and fluid flow processes under (ultra)high-pressure (UHP) conditions typical of IDEQ depths.

We conducted petro-structural analyses and identified three main vein types: dilational, hybrid dilational-shear, and highly strained sheared veins. Key observations include (i) foliated sheared veins; (ii) newly formed olivine and Ti-clinohumite aligned in mineral lineations within sheared veins and shear bands; (iii) olivine and Ti-clinohumite fibers sealing porphyroclasts; and (iv) mutual crosscutting relationships between dilational and shear features. These features indicate cyclic brittle fracturing and ductile shearing at 2.3–2.7 GPa and 520–650°C, reflecting transient shearing and dilational fracturing under conditions of elevated pore fluid pressures, potentially approaching or exceeding lithostatic levels. The observed structures suggest that fluid escape occurs through interface-parallel, fracture-controlled pathways localized in high-strain zones, particularly near ultramafic sliver boundaries.

Strain gradients reveal distinct deformation styles, with dilational veins prevalent in low-strain regions and sheared veins and shear bands dominating within high-strain zones. These findings highlight the role of local stress regimes during serpentinite dehydration. Cyclic brittle-ductile deformation and fracturing, potentially linked to seismic or sub-seismic strain rate bursts, may have facilitated fluid migration and strain localization along olivine-bearing vein networks. These results align with geophysical observations suggesting high pore fluid pressures within the intermediate-depth seismicity region, providing insights into the mechanisms linking dehydration, fluid flow, and seismicity at depth.

How to cite: Munoz, J., Angiboust, S., Minnaert, C., Ceccato, A., Morales, L., Gasc, J., and Behr, W.: Fluid Flow and Shear Instabilities in the Subducted Mantle at Intermediate-depths: insights from the Western Alps meta-ophiolites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5197,, 2025.

EGU25-5696 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

In-situ stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms in eclogites at ultrahigh pressure 

Chloe Molines, Nadege Hilairet, Julien Chantel, Merope Chardelin, Tommaso Mandolini, Timothy Officer, Ahmed Addad, and Alexandre Fadel

Eclogites compose the majority of the subducted oceanic crust at great depth, with garnet and clinopyroxene as major phases. High stress concentration could exist in the UHP eclogites, with a mechanical contrast between garnet and clinopyroxene that leads to complex microstructures, between brittle and ductile deformation. Coexistence of frictional and viscous regime in such two-phase aggregates raise the question of the competitivity between phases in leading deformation. The fracturation of garnet in natural rocks has been interpreted as related to seismicity in the lower crust and oceanic crust at the interface plate in subduction zones (Trepmann and Stöckhert, 2002, Angiboust et al., 2012, Hawemann et al., 2019), but the question remains if such features can also be produced at lower strain rates (Yamato et al., 2019, Rogowitz et al., 2023).

In order to understand the effect of hard- vs. weak mineral fraction on eclogite mechanical properties, stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms of synthetic eclogites were experimentally investigated under deep subduction zones conditions. Samples were deformed under ultrahigh pressures (3 to 5 GPa), high temperature (820°C) and constant strain rate (1 x 10-5 – 2.5 x 10-5 s-1), using X-rays diffraction to measure in-situ stresses during deformation in each phase in garnet-clinopyroxene aggregates, with various garnet fraction. Back-scattered electron (BSE), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with automated crystal orientation mapping (ACOM) was used on the recovered samples, in order to determine deformation mechanisms from the micrometric to the nanometric scale.

In our experiments, deformation was accommodated by a mix of brittle and intracrystalline plastic mechanisms, as proposed or observed in previous studies at lower pressures (e.g. Yamato et al., 2019, Rogowitz et al., 2023). Cataclastic flow and dynamic recrystallization are observed. The distribution of stresses in the phases and variations in stress levels depend on garnet vs. pyroxene fraction in the samples. Differential stresses are greater in garnet than pyroxene and stresses increase with increasing % vol. garnet. Phase fraction impact the mechanical behavior, i.e. fracturation of each phase and deformation accommodation mechanisms vary. In this semi-brittle regime each phase is rheologically active and contributes to the deformation of the aggregate except at the lowest pyroxene fraction.

Our experiments together with last studies (e.g. Yamato et al., 2019, Rogowitz et al., 2023), indicate that frictional deformation of eclogites is not limited to seismic strain rate (i.e. > 1 s-1) but can occur at strain rate around 10-5 s-1 and slower with a high amount of garnet. The grain size reduction mechanisms observed could allow a switch to grain size sensitive mechanisms like grain boundary sliding.  Questions still remain about the extrapolation of such mechanical distribution and fracturation in deep subduction zones.

How to cite: Molines, C., Hilairet, N., Chantel, J., Chardelin, M., Mandolini, T., Officer, T., Addad, A., and Fadel, A.: In-situ stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms in eclogites at ultrahigh pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5696,, 2025.

EGU25-5763 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Deformation experiments on orthoenstatite aggregate at upper mantle pressures and temperatures under hydrous conditions 

Yumiko Tsubokawa, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Yuji Higo, Yoshinori Tange, and Tetsuo Irifune

Water weakening of nominally anhydrous minerals of upper mantle is important for understanding the rheological structure of Earth’s interior. Enstatite is the 2nd dominant phase in the upper mantle, next to olivine. The partition coefficient for water between olivine and enstatite aggregates ColOH/CenOH is ~0.5 at 3.8‒6.3 GPa and 1323‒1573 K (Zhang et al., 2017; JGR), indicating that water weakening of enstatite effectively proceeds in the olivine-enstatite system. The water weakening of enstatite would be accelerated at high pressures, since the amount of water dissolved into enstatite drastically increase with pressure.

We hereby experimentally evaluated the creep strength of wet orthoenstatite aggregates under pressure and temperature conditions at 1.9‒5.3 GPa and 1200‒1380 K using a deformation DIA apparatus combined with synchrotron X-ray radiation. At a constant strain rate ranging from 6.7 × 10-6 to 9.4 × 10-5 s-1, steady-state creep strength of wet orthoenstatite followed the power-law flow law with the stress exponent of ~3, indicating deformation in the dislocation creep regime. Our results show dislocation creep rate of wet orthoenstatite is ~1 order of magnitude faster than dry orthoenstatite under the same P-T conditions. FTIR spectra from the recovered samples indicate that the amount of dissolved water in orthoenstatite is up to 1370 ppm wt.%. The dependence of strain rate on water fugacity was determined with the water fugacity exponent of ~1. Depending on the water content in the upper mantle, dislocation creep of wet orthoenstatite could lead to strain localization in the lithosphere.

How to cite: Tsubokawa, Y., Ohuchi, T., Higo, Y., Tange, Y., and Irifune, T.: Deformation experiments on orthoenstatite aggregate at upper mantle pressures and temperatures under hydrous conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5763,, 2025.

EGU25-5837 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Field and microstructural characterization of Valsesia pseudotachylytes (Ivrea Zone, Italy) 

Silvia Aldrighetti, Gianluca D'Ippolito, Giorgio Pennacchioni, Rodrigo Gomila, Paola Baccheschi, and Giulio Di Toro

Pseudotachylytes are solidified frictional melts produced in silicatic rocks during an earthquake (Sibson, 1975). They form both as fault and injection veins, with thickness ranging from some millimeters to some centimeters. Still, exposures of meter-thick pseudotachylytes associated to seismic faulting have been documented (Musgrave Ranges, Australia; Lofoten Island, Norway; Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy).

In this study, we perform field (UAV, photogrammetry, structural geology, etc.) and microstructural/mineralogical (FESEM-BSE, EDS, micro-Raman, etc.) investigations of thin (mm-cm) and giant (up to 1 m thick) pseudotachylytes approaching the Canavese Line (strike ~NNE-SSW), the major tectonic lineament of the Western Alps (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy; Techmer, 1992; Ueda et al., 2008; Ferrand et al., 2018). Though thin pseudotachylytes have been extensively investigated, in-depth studies of the giant pseudotachylytes are lacking. The aim is thus to determine (i) the ambient P-T conditions, the geodynamic setting, and the seismogenic environment (megathrust?) of the giant-pseudotachylytes, and, in the future, (ii) their mechanisms of formation.

We investigated for ~11 km the polished outcrops exposed along the ~E-W trending Valsesia river and other creeks in the area and selected three outcrops (I, II, and III) within ~2 km to the W and ~9 km to the E from the Canavese Line. We found pseudotachylytes only to the E of the Canavese Line. In detail:

Outcrop (I), < 500 m to the E from the Canavese Line (altered gabbro host rock) shows:

  • multiple generations of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults, including giant-pseudotachylytes with breccia (suggesting a single melt pulse) overprinting microgabbro schlierens. The giant-pseudotachylytes are sub-parallel to the Canavese Line and include breccia clasts of the altered (greenschist facies) host rock;
  • late quartz- and epidote-, and chlorite-bearing faults/fractures cutting the pseudotachylytes;
  • matrix of the pseudotachylyte overprinted by greenschist facies minerals (epidote, chlorite and albite).

Outcrop (II), ~2 km to the E from the Canavese Line (Balmuccia peridotite) shows:

  • multiple giant pseudotachylytes-bearing faults, sub-parallel to the Canavese Line, and associated with thin pseudotachylyte faults and veins;
  • serpentine-bearing faults/fractures cutting and cut by the pseudotachylytes;
  • giant pseudotachylytes with homogeneous matrix suggesting a single friction melt pulse. The matrix (altered into serpentinite) includes microlites of olivine and pyroxene plus vesicles;

Outcrop (III), ~9 km to the E from the Canavese Line (unaltered diorite) shows:

  • only thin pseudotachylyte overprinting/associated with foliated cataclasite-bearing faults cutting and overprinting aplitic dykes;
  • pristine matrix of the pseudotachylyte, with well-preserved microlites, chilled margins and flow structures.

In conclusion, the giant-pseudotachylyte-bearing faults are (i) made of a homogenous layer of pseudotachylyte, (ii) sub-parallel and found only near (< 2 km to the E) of the Canavese Line, (iii) overprint and cut dykes and ductile shear zones, (iv) cut and are cut by (sub-) greenschist facies cataclasite-bearing faults, and, (v) are cut by epidote- and chlorite-bearing fractures and veins. The giant pseudotachylytes could be generated by large in magnitude earthquakes, associated with the activity of the Canavese Line and thus of Alpine age.

How to cite: Aldrighetti, S., D'Ippolito, G., Pennacchioni, G., Gomila, R., Baccheschi, P., and Di Toro, G.: Field and microstructural characterization of Valsesia pseudotachylytes (Ivrea Zone, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5837,, 2025.

EGU25-6058 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Microscale processes in experimental serpentine dehydration: implications for deep earthquake mechanisms 

Danielle Silva Souza, Marcel Thielmann, Daniel Frost, Florian Heidelbach, and Julien Gasc

Deep focus earthquakes offer insights into Earth’s mantle and supports plate tectonics theory. Because high pressures and temperatures hinder brittle failure, their mechanisms differ from shallow quakes. Dehydration embrittlement, proposed as dominant at 100-350 km depth, involves fluid release from minerals like serpentine, increasing pore pressure and triggering failure. However, serpentine dehydration has a net decrease in pressure, requiring low-permeability layers to trap fluids to enable seismic failure. Experiments also show that serpentine dehydration often leads to ductile weakening without acoustic emissions.

To better understand the micro mechanisms involved in the dehydration of serpentinite, especially in the incipient stage, we have performed high pressure-temperature experiments under isostatic and non-isostatic conditions. Cores of serpentinite with 2 mm diameter were mounted in cubic assemblies with 12 mm edge. Experiments were carried out with the 6-Ram multi anvil press at the Bayerisches Geoinstitute, at pressure of 5 GPa, to a maximum strain of 15% at strain rates between 1.67x10-4 s-1 to 2.91x10-6 s-1. Temperature during isostatic and non-isostatic conditions was kept constant. Isostatic experiments were conducted at 550 °C and 784°C. non-isostatic experiments were conducted at ~650 °C.

Results show that isostatic dehydration of antigorite at 5 GPa starts at ~ 550 °C and is completed at ~ 800°C. Between 550-650 °C incipient dehydration of antigorite is evidenced by the growth of olivine and phyllosilicate at antigorite grain boundaries.  At these conditions, no failure microstructure is observed. Pores are present between olivine and enstatite grains of fully dehydrated serpentine. When deformation is imposed at incipient dehydration conditions, olivine and phyllosilicate start to cluster and form microscopic shear bands oblique to the main stress direction. These results demonstrate that at microscopic level, dehydration and failure of serpentine is complex. Pre-existing microstructural heterogeneities may influence nucleation of olivine and phyllosilicates. Pore overpressure may not be the only mechanism involved in serpentinite failure. Further work is required to determine the importance of the strength of the dehydration products in leading to localized failure.

How to cite: Silva Souza, D., Thielmann, M., Frost, D., Heidelbach, F., and Gasc, J.: Microscale processes in experimental serpentine dehydration: implications for deep earthquake mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6058,, 2025.

EGU25-6407 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

3D Lithospheric-scale thermal model of central and southern California 

Ángela María Gómez García, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Bart Root, Carlos Clemente-Gómez, Javier Fullea, Sergei Lebedev, Yihe Xu, and Thorsten Becker

The relationship between the long-term strength of the lithosphere and seismic hazard has remained a fundamental, yet open question in geosciences. The lithosphere's long-term rheology controls its deformation patterns, playing a crucial role in understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of seismicity in a given region. One of the primary factors influencing the rheological state of the lithosphere is its thermal regime, which is strongly affected by the heterogeneous properties of both the crust and the lithospheric mantle, as well as by the three-dimensional interactions between deeper and shallower domains.

To explore how long-term off-fault rheology influences the spatial distribution of seismicity, we leverage extensive geophysical data from Central and Southern California, a region where the San Andreas Fault represents a significant seismic hazard. Previous thermal models of the area have not converged on a consistent thermal structure for the lithosphere, resulting in uncertainties in the rheological models based on them.

Our 3D thermal model is built using a data-integrative approach that incorporates recent tomographic models and a detailed, heterogeneous crustal architecture drawn from prior community efforts. Furthermore, our model fits the general pattern of observed surface heat flow in the region.  The lower boundary condition in our 3D model -temperature at 70 km depth - is based on an integrated geophysical – petrological inversion within a self-consistent thermodynamic formalism of Rayleigh and Love surface-wave dispersion curves (0.5 x 0.5 degree lateral resolution), supplemented by other geophysical data and models: satellite data, surface heat flow and average temperature, topography, Moho depth, P-wave seismic crustal velocities, and sedimentary thickness.

Notably, our model is consistent with major regional tectonic features, such as the fossil Monterey microplate slab, which is responsible for the well-known high-velocity Isabella Anomaly. We discuss the implications of this anomaly, focusing on the dehydration of the slab and its potential role in seismogenesis, especially in the creeping section of the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield.

How to cite: Gómez García, Á. M., Jiménez-Munt, I., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Root, B., Clemente-Gómez, C., Fullea, J., Lebedev, S., Xu, Y., and Becker, T.: 3D Lithospheric-scale thermal model of central and southern California, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6407,, 2025.

EGU25-9848 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Weakening induced by phase nucleation: from experiments to numerical models 

Marie Baïsset, Philippe Yamato, Thibault Duretz, Loïc Labrousse, Julien Gasc, and Alexandre Schubnel

Metamorphic transformations are often associated with strain localization which can be observed in the field either as ductile zones, or brittle, and possibly seismogenic, structures. Deformation experiments in the laboratory not only replicate such features but also allow us to measure the associated weakening. In all these contexts, reaction overstepping and disequilibrium metamorphism appear to be the rule. Reaction rates are usually very fast once transformation initiates, in particular within highly stressed and strained volumes where the produced mechanical work is sufficient to overcome kinetic barriers. New very fine-grained and dense phases nucleate in conditions where mineral growth is impeded. Understanding how heterogeneous nucleation, along with changes in density and viscosity, affects the rock's strength during a metamorphic transformation appears therefore critical.

In that prospect, results of a 2D numerical study in which reaction products preferentially nucleate in areas of high strain energy are presented. Special attention is given to the weakening or hardening effects induced by these transformations, as well as to the deformation patterns within the model. Results of our numerical study are then discussed in the light of experimental data obtained at comparable pressure-temperature-strain rate conditions.

We show that rock weakening is not only linked to the strength of the reaction products. Indeed, (1) densification alone can generate sufficient stress to induce plastic yielding of the surrounding matrix, even when the nuclei are stronger, and (2) heterogeneous nucleation controlled by mechanical work has greater influence on the rock’s strength than the intrinsic properties of the reaction products. Weakening is primarily driven by the initiation and propagation of plastic shear bands between the closely spaced nuclei that generate significant stress concentration in their vicinity. This study highlights the importance of transformational weakening that results from fast heterogeneous nucleation in rocks close to their brittle-ductile transition.

How to cite: Baïsset, M., Yamato, P., Duretz, T., Labrousse, L., Gasc, J., and Schubnel, A.: Weakening induced by phase nucleation: from experiments to numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9848,, 2025.

EGU25-10795 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Shear zone growth by repeated generation of pseudotachylytes in the lower crust 

Flavio Clivet, Sandra Piazolo, Stephen Paul Michalchuk, Sascha Zertani, and Luca Menegon

Understanding the deformation modes of the lower crust is crucial if we are to predict the rheological behaviour of the crust in space and time.  The Nusfjord locality (Lofoten, Norway) represents a natural laboratory to study the interplay between seismic and aseismic deformation in the Earth’s lower crust. The area exposes pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melt produced during coseismic slip) within a network of ductile shear zones bounding strong low-strain domains of granulitic anorthosites. Pseudotachylytes formed within the low-strain domains, during ongoing viscous creep in the ductile shear zones, at a depth of 25-35 km. The ductile shear zones themselves contain several generations of mylonitized pseudotachylytes suggesting repeated switches from frictional to viscous deformation within shear zones. The underlying reasons and rheological consequence of mutual overprinting relationships between ductile shear zones (generally considered to be weak) and several generations of pseudotachylytes remains enigmatic.

Field investigations, photogrammetry, structural logs, and microstructural analysis reveal that (1) pseudotachylytes invariably nucleate within the low strain domains of the anorthosite host rock located between subparallel shear zones, and not along the shear zones themselves; and (2) that the rupture migrates along the material interface provided either by the shear zone/host rock boundary or by the shear zone foliation. The observed relationships suggest transient stress pulses that are supported by variations in the recrystallized grain size of quartz along individual shear zones.

We propose that repeated episodes of pseudotachylyte generation and associated host-rock fracturing  represent a mechanism of shear zone growth and thickening, because the pseudotachylyte veins are mylonitized and become part of the actively deforming shear zones, which in turn control the further development of pseudotachylytes in the adjacent rigid blocks (low-strain domains). Structural logs show that shear zone width depends on the initial spacing between subparallel shear zones: when shear zones are widely spaced (>1 m), the rigid block in between is essentially undeformed, it contains a low density of pseudotachylytes and the shear zones themselves are thin (<10 cm thick). In contrast, closely spaced shear zones are thicker (up to 1 m thick) and are separated by highly damaged rigid blocks that contain a greater density of pseudotachylytes. Thus,  pseudotachylytes overprinting ductile shear zones are not necessarily the result of frictional-viscous switches along individual structures but may rather represent seismic fractures that initiated at stress concentrations within adjacent rigid blocks, which then followed preexisting shear zones. Importantly, repeated production of pseudotachylytes will progressively transform the lower crust from dominantly rheologically stiff to weak. Such rheological weakening will have major consequences on the dynamics of lower-crustal regions.


How to cite: Clivet, F., Piazolo, S., Michalchuk, S. P., Zertani, S., and Menegon, L.: Shear zone growth by repeated generation of pseudotachylytes in the lower crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10795,, 2025.

Deep crustal shear zones, fundamental to the dynamics of terrestrial plate tectonics, exhibit complex processes of initiation and evolution that are yet to be comprehensively quantified across both long and short temporal scales. Conventionally, thermo–mechanical models posit that crustal rock behaviour is dominated by monomineralic aggregates undergoing processes like intracrystalline plastic deformation by dislocation creep. However, high-pressure and temperature conditions in crustal rocks involve minerals with extremely strong mechanical properties, challenging strain localization theories.

Field studies reveal that mineral reactions are ubiquitous in viscous shear zones, while undeformed rocks can remain largely metastable despite significant changes in P–T and/or fluid conditions. Local dissolution and precipitation processes under deviatoric stresses have long been recognized to promote brittle and viscous strain localization by complex chemo–mechanical processes including pressure solution, diffusive mass transfer, fluid flowand nucleation of fine-grained aggregates. Yet, quantifying the nature and relative contribution of these processes remains hindered by the general lack of experimental investigations on crustal rheology at high – to very high – pressure conditions and thermodynamic disequilibrium.

Drawing on novel deformation experiments performed at eclogite-facies conditions and a compilation of characteristics of exhumed materials from fossil subduction zones worldwide, this presentation demonstrates that inception and progression of crustal shear zones are predominantly steered by local transient changes of rheology from dislocation creep to dissolution–precipitation creep (DPC). Strain accommodation and mass transfer are further accelerated by local transient fluid flow resulting from grain boundary movements, fracturing and densification reactions. Because intergranular fluid-assisted mass transfer is orders of magnitude faster than solid-state diffusion, DPC can indeed explain strain accommodation at relatively high strain rates and low magnitude of differential stress, regardless of the mineral plastic strength. Yet, DPC remains a transient process because both fluid depletion and completion of mineral reactions favor grain growth, reducing in turn the efficiency of intergranular mass transfer.

How to cite: Soret, M.: Deep crustal shear zones driven by reaction-induced weakening and fluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10948,, 2025.

EGU25-11789 | Posters on site | TS1.3


Osvaldo Correia, Acauã Izídio, Tiago Miranda, daniel barbosa, Nick Roberts, Julio Sanglard, Bruno Carvalho, Raquel Araújo, Maria Laura, Sergio Pacheco, and Virgínio Neumann

The Acauã Formation, located within the Estância Domain in the Sergipano Belt of the Borborema Province, comprises carbonates and slates that preserve evidence of multiple deformation regimes, including ductile, ductile-brittle, and brittle. Located along the western border of the Central Tucano Basin, this lithostratigraphic unit displays diverse structural and mineralogical characteristics that are crucial for understanding its tectonic evolution. The foliation dips gently to the NW and SE, forming regional open folds, and an anticline drag-fold related to the thrust fault propagation was formed at the contact of the massive and laminated carbonate facies. The massive facies are characterized by dark gray, very fine-grained dolostones lacking visible internal structures, while the laminated facies comprise light to medium gray dolostones with fine to silty grain size, well-defined laminations, and occasional "beef" structures (fibrous calcite veins). Petrographic analysis revealed a micritic dolomite matrix in both facies, with disseminated quartz, biotite and pyrite observed in the laminated facies. Cathodoluminescence analysis confirmed dolomite as the primary mineral phase in the matrix and identified two distinct vein generations: dolomitic and calcitic. These veins exhibit elongated crystal growth along their margins and blocky central fills, indicating a process of progressive dilation followed by abrupt opening. The veins acted as nucleation sites for faults, with their reactivation during deformation stages evidenced by the formation of normal and thrust faults, which are predominantly oriented NW-SE and NE-SW, respectively. U-Pb geochronology of carbonates provided constraints on the timing of deformation. The micritic dolostone matrix yielded an age of 601.5 ± 13.3 Ma, likely reflecting post-glacial carbonate deposition. A dolomitic vein near a thrust fault was dated at 508 ± 138 Ma, while slickenfibres on the fault surface yielded an age of 316 ± 83 Ma. Bed-parallel faults yielded a Lower Permian age of 291 ± 48 Ma. These results, although imprecise, suggest that the Acauã Formation carbonates formed during the Ediacaran, with vein formation initiated in the late Neoproterozoic and being reactivated during the Paleozoic era. The structural evolution highlights the significant role of mineralized veins played in fault nucleation and reactivation during regional tectonic events.

How to cite: Correia, O., Izídio, A., Miranda, T., barbosa, D., Roberts, N., Sanglard, J., Carvalho, B., Araújo, R., Laura, M., Pacheco, S., and Neumann, V.: MULTI-STAGE DEFORMATION AND U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGY OF CARBONATES IN THE ACAUÃ FORMATION, SERGIPANO BELT, NE BRAZIL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11789,, 2025.

EGU25-11959 | Posters on site | TS1.3

Strain localization at eclogite-facies conditions: interplay between fluids, metamorphism and deformation (Mt. Emilius klippe, Western Alps) 

Serena Cacciari, Giorgio Pennacchioni, Giovanni Toffol, Marco Scambelluri, and Enrico Cannaò

Availability of fluids and induced metamorphic reactions are primary factors controlling the rheological behaviour of rocks. During subduction, fluids enhance the kinetics of eclogitization reactions, playing a fundamental role in promoting strain localization and shear zone nucleation. In particular, reaction-induced grain-size reduction has long been considered one of the most effective strain weakening mechanisms. To investigate the relationship between fluid-rock interaction, metamorphism and deformation, we focus on pre-Alpine ultramafites and mafic granulites of the Austroalpine Mt. Emilius klippe (Western Alps) that underwent eclogite-facies metamorphism during Alpine subduction.

The Mt. Emilius ultramafites consist of enstatite, diopside, olivine and spinel websterites deformed along a hydrated mantle shear zone that developed a fine-grained (10 µm) ultramylonitic assemblage of enstatite, diopside, olivine, anorthite, kaersutite1. During Alpine HP metamorphism, fine-grained (down to 2 µm) aggregates of jadeite, quartz, kyanite, clinozoisite (Czo) completely and statically replaced plagioclase, locally forming spatially continuous layers. Such fine-grained, hydrated aggregates did not promote any ductile eclogite-facies deformation.

The pre-Alpine mafic granulite consisted of assemblages of medium-grained garnet (Grt), diopside, plagioclase and subordinate hornblende that were replaced by Grt, omphacite (Omph), amphibole, phengite, chlorite and Czo during Alpine eclogite-facies metamorphism2. Early Alpine deformation (D1A) developed a pervasive eclogitic foliation (S1A) parallel to the granulitic layering2. This event was promoted by complete transformation and reaction-induced grain-size reduction (down to a few tens of µm) of plagioclase to Czo aggregates, together with replacement of hornblende by fine-grained chlorite-garnet-amphibole-epidote-Phe. A second eclogite-facies deformation event (D1B) is represented by localized ductile deformation closely linked to development of Czo, Omph, tremolite, Grt-filled veins and associated host-rock alteration haloes. Ductile shear is typically localized to the outer boundary of Omph-rich alteration haloes forming paired shear zones. A set of samples ranging from haloes with well-developed flanking shear zones to haloes free of shear localization was collected to investigate the role of fluid-rock interaction on shear zone nucleation and strain localization.

Preliminary data indicate that Omph-rich haloes surrounding Czo-Grt veins induced hardening in the host metagranulite (undeformed and foliated, S1A) associated with extensive replacement of the Czo aggregates (after sites of granulitic plagioclase) by Omph. However, this replacement did not always result in hardening and consequent strain localization at the outer boundary of the halo. In samples lacking shear localization, Omph accommodates deformation homogenously across the halo dominantly by diffusion creep (variable CPO, quasi-random distribution of misorientation angles, weaker SPO), with minor contribution of crystal plasticity (rare subgrains). The predominant contribution of diffusion was likely assisted by availability of fluids.

The processes driving frequent strain localization and formation of paired shear zones at the outer boundary of hardened haloes are still matter of ongoing study. Progressive advancement of the reaction front towards the host rock may form a compositional gradient across the halo, where chemical/mineralogical modifications may play a major role in determining the rheological behaviour.

[1] Benciolini, 1996. Memorie Scienze Geologiche, 48, 73-91.

[2] Pennacchioni, 1996. Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 549-561.

How to cite: Cacciari, S., Pennacchioni, G., Toffol, G., Scambelluri, M., and Cannaò, E.: Strain localization at eclogite-facies conditions: interplay between fluids, metamorphism and deformation (Mt. Emilius klippe, Western Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11959,, 2025.

EGU25-12927 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Synkinematic porosity and ductile failure in mid-crustal ultramylonites from the Redbank Shear Zone, Central Australia 

Alex McDowell, James Gilgannon, Rüdiger Killian, and Florian Fusseis

It is agreed that mylonitic shear zones are first-order fluid conduits in the crust, but we lack a systematic and comprehensive understanding of porosity and permeability generation in natural mylonitic shear zones. As a consequence, we are unable to predict their synkinematic fluid transport properties, which affects our assessments of fluid-mediated processes in shear zones. 

Here we present insights into the dynamic porosities in a quartzo-feldspathic layered ultramylonite from the Redbank Shear Zone (Australia) that formed during a stage of retrograde thrusting and hydration at lower amphibolite-facies conditions. In our analysis, we have combined non-invasive, high-quality x-ray microtomographic datasets from 5-mm-diameter core samples drilled orthogonally to the mylonitic foliation with high-resolution electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy on the same samples. 

The sample is dominated by two fine-grained (<5 µm) microstructural domains, which differ by the relative proportions of Qz, Or and An, and the occurrence of Czo, respectively. Both deformed dominantly by grain-size-sensitive diffusion creep and grain boundary sliding. Newly grown Czo is thought to have resulted from the hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase at lower amphibolite-facies conditions during continued retrograde thrusting. Five types of synkinematic porosity were identified in the sample: pores at the boundaries, and dissolution pores inside of feldspar porphyroclasts, strain-shadow pores around Czo porphyroblasts, creep cavities, and pore sheets. These porosity types are the results of different mechanisms acting locally in the microstructure. On the sample scale, the porosity distribution is dependent largely on the distribution of porphyroclasts and porphyroblasts, and creep cavitation in the matrix. Porosity in the Qz-dominant layers, which lack Czo, is ‘localised’ around and inside shrinking feldspar porphyroclasts, whereas porosity in the fine-grained polyphase microfabric containing Czo porphyroblasts is more common and ‘distributed.’ The latter may allow more efficient but anisotropic fluid transfer. Creep cavities appear to have coalesced to form pore sheets along foliation boundaries or connecting strain-shadow pores. Our findings further corroborate the description of strain shadow porosity by Fusseis et al. (2023, Geology). We interpret that a feedback between clinozoisite growth and fluid ingress promoted further creep cavitation, and resulted in a greater potential for cavity coalescence to cause ductile failure in the fine-grained polyphase microfabric.

How to cite: McDowell, A., Gilgannon, J., Killian, R., and Fusseis, F.: Synkinematic porosity and ductile failure in mid-crustal ultramylonites from the Redbank Shear Zone, Central Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12927,, 2025.

EGU25-14614 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Water-added experiments of simulated quartz-feldspar shear zone at brittle-ductile transitional condition 

Miho Furukawa, Sando Sawa, Hiroyuki Nagahama, Oliver Plümper, and Jun Muto

Crustal strength has been estimated to become the largest at the brittle-ductile condition[1]. Previous experiments have shown that water reduces the crustal strength not only at shallower depth regions where frictional slip becomes dominant[2] but also at greater depth regions where viscous flow becomes dominant[3]. However, the microphysical process of how water alters deformation mechanisms and reduces rock strength at the brittle-ductile transition zone remains unclear. To investigate the effect of water on controlling deformation mechanisms at the brittle-ductile transition, we perform a series of shear deformation experiments with a trace amount of water (either 0.2 wt % or 0.4 wt %). We deformed a quartz-albite mixture using a Griggs-type solid salt assembly. Each experiment uses ~ 0.1 g of the sample mixture. The shear strain rate is sequentially changed between ~ 10-3 /s and 10-4 /s to investigate the strength dependence on velocity. We further conducted microstructural observations using electron microscopes.

Here, we report a preliminary result of a series of water-added experiments conducted with 0.4 wt% water (i.e., 0.4 μL) at a confining pressure PC of 760 MPa and a temperature T of 720 °C. Mechanical results show that the peak shear stress is 790 MPa at a shear strain of 1.4, followed by a strain weakening by 200 MPa towards a final shear strain of 4.9. This peak stress is much weaker than a previous result of a room-dry experiment performed at a similar experimental condition (PC = 750 MPa and T = 720 °C)[4]. In the dry experiment, the peak shear stress was 1280 MPa, followed by a strain weakening of 230 MPa[4]. Microstructural analyses showed that the water-added sample is pervasively covered with microcracks. A transmission electron microscopy revealed that nano-grains as small as 50 nm are distributed in the areas between the microcracks. Meanwhile, a sample from the dry experiment exhibits fewer microcracks and contains nano-grains similar in dimensions to those in the sample of the wet experiment[5].

Our results suggest that water enhances fracturing in the sample layer, and nano-grains are formed regardless of the addition of water. This indicates that the reduction in the peak stress of wet conditions is due to the fracturing promoted by water, while the strain weakening after peak stresses is controlled by nano-grain domains in both conditions. We propose that water reduce the crustal strength by fracturing, that is brittle deformation, accompanied with weakening mechanisms in nano-grain domains such as grain boundary sliding. Furthermore, this suggests that brittle deformation remains dominant even at a greater depth in wet conditions, compared with in dry conditions.

[1] Kohlstedt et al., 1995JGR. [2] Blanpied et al., 1995JGR. [3] Kronenberg & Tullis, 1984JGR. [4] Furukawa et al., 2023 WRI-17. [5] Furukawa et al., 2025 in preparation.

How to cite: Furukawa, M., Sawa, S., Nagahama, H., Plümper, O., and Muto, J.: Water-added experiments of simulated quartz-feldspar shear zone at brittle-ductile transitional condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14614,, 2025.

EGU25-15187 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Microstructural insights into the coseismic and aseismic behavior of fault rocks in the northern Yangsan Fault, SE Korea 

Seungsoon Choi, Youngbeom Cheon, Chang-Min Kim, Haemyeong Jung, and Munjae Park

The Yangsan Fault in southeastern Korea is a long-lived intracontinental fault system characterized by both seismic slip and aseismic creep. Despite its significance, the microstructural evidence that clarifies the fault’s deformation mechanisms remains incomplete. In this study, we present an analysis of the mechanical behaviors displayed by the Byeokgye section of the Yangsan Fault over seismic cycles. Our results are based on detailed microscopic observations of drillcore samples recovered from the Byeokgye section, using an electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique. In injected calcite veins located close to the principal slip zone (PSZ) of < 2 cm in width, plastic deformation (including dynamic recrystallization by subgrain rotation and deformation twins) is concentrated in the blocky calcite grains. In a narrow microbrecciated slip zone (< 1 cm wide) within the granitic damage zone, we observed mechanical Dauphiné twins associated with fractures and microfaults in quartz, as well as intergranular pressure solution (IPS) in the quartz fragments. Given that dynamic recrystallization and IPS are indicative of mechanical behavior of aseismic creep, it is possible that aseismic creep occurs upon the fault during interseismic periods. Conversely, the presence of mechanical Dauphiné twins, coupled with the nature of the PSZ, gouge injections, and the blocky structure of calcite veins, suggests the exposure of the fault section to local seismic stresses during coseismic slip. In conclusion, various deformation processes have operated upon the Yangsan Fault at the studied section throughout multiple seismic cycles. Moreover, our results demonstrate the effectiveness of EBSD in elucidating the mechanical behavior within fault zones.

How to cite: Choi, S., Cheon, Y., Kim, C.-M., Jung, H., and Park, M.: Microstructural insights into the coseismic and aseismic behavior of fault rocks in the northern Yangsan Fault, SE Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15187,, 2025.

Serpentinites play a critical role in subduction zones due to their unique mechanical properties, which influence tectonic and seismic processes and facilitate deformation along the subduction interface. A long-standing question is the discrepancy between experimentally deformed serpentinites, which exhibit brittle/brittle-ductile microstructures, and naturally deformed serpentinites, which predominantly show ductile features. Additionally, there is a strong debate on whether deformation in antigorite bearing rocks is driven by crystal plasticity, dissolution-precipitation, or a combination of both. Moreover, studies on deformation in partially dehydrated or hydrated serpentinites (containing metamorphic olivine and clinopyroxene), subducted down to (ultra)high pressure conditions, remain scarce. To address these issues, we conducted a detailed microstructural study of serpentinites from a hectometer-scale strain gradient zone within the Zermatt-Saas meta-ophiolite, examining deformation mechanisms in antigorite and olivine at depths relevant to intermediate-depth earthquakes and subsequent exhumation across mantle wedge conditions.

In low-strain serpentinites, dehydration of brucite-antigorite produces coarse-grained olivine-diopside-clinohumite-magnetite veins (“olivine veins”), while the host antigorite displays mesh textures, weak crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs), and evidence of twinning. Deformation begins to localize around olivine veins, where olivine exhibits a B-type CPO with [010] parallel to the pole of foliation and [001] parallel to the lineation but no internal deformation. With increasing strain, antigorite foliation becomes continuous and penetrative, accompanied by CPO strengthening, grain size reduction, and localized folding and boudinage of olivine, where the CPO strength also increases. High-strain domains exhibit mylonitic fabrics, intense antigorite foliation with (001) maxima aligned to the pole of foliation and (010) parallel to lineation, and transposed olivine vein folds reduced to isoclinal rootless folds. Additionally S-C’ foliations form locally, with fine-grained olivine fibers coating C’ planes, and pressure shadows around olivine porphyroclasts containing olivine-diopside mixtures forming mm-scale bands within antigorite foliations. The olivine grains in the pressure shadows also present a strong B-type olivine CPO.

Our findings highlight a progressive transition from brittle-ductile to ductile deformation in serpentinites in a fluid-rich environment. This deformation seems to be controlled by dissolution-precipitation processes and dislocation creep. Furthermore, this study provides one of the few datasets of deformation of metamorphic olivine in subduction zones. The conditions documented are not only relevant for the oceanic lithosphere but also for the mantle wedge near the subduction channel, offering critical insights into the interplay of deformation, metamorphism, and fluid-rock interactions in these tectonic settings.

How to cite: Morales, L. F. G., Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Ceccato, A., and Behr, W.: Microstructural Evolution of High- and Low-Strain Serpentinites from the Zermatt-Saas Meta-Ophiolite: Insights into Antigorite and Olivine Deformation at Intermediate-Depth Seismicity Depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15688,, 2025.

EGU25-16287 | Posters on site | TS1.3

Phyllosilicates do their job: insights into their role in exhuming subducted continental units 

Francesco Giuntoli, Alessandro Petroccia, Laura Airaghi, Jacques Précigout, and Hugues Raimbourg

Exhuming shear zones are key structures in the dynamic evolution of orogens. Such shear zones accommodate most of the shear-related exhumation within relatively small rock-volumes. This is possible due to major strain partitioning occurring along weak rocks, frequently represented by phyllosilicate-rich rocks. Thus, the study of phyllosilicate-rich mylonites can provide fundamental insights into exhumation mechanisms responsible for the architecture of orogens.

The Hulw Shear Zone in the Saih Hatat Window of Oman (Agard et al., 2010) is one of these exhuming shear zones juxtaposing two subducted continental tectonic units. This tectonic contact experienced sustained shearing, accommodating a delta pressure of circa 0.8 GPa between 1.2 and 0.4 GPa at a relatively constant temperature of circa 400 °C (Petroccia et al., 2025) between 77 and 74 Ma (Ring et al., 2024).

In the field, micaschist belonging to the footwall displays a strain gradient moving toward the contact with the hanging wall, corresponding to a development of a S-C-C’ fabric and a modal enrichment in K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite matched by a progressive increase in the physical interconnectivity of these phyllosilicates. Electron backscatter diffraction analyses suggest that large (several hundreds of µm) detrital quartz grains experienced grain size reduction by subgrain rotation recrystallization to form equant grains of less than 100 µm in size.

Hyperspectral cathodoluminescence highlights different luminescence for the larger detrital grains, producing a bright signal and containing yielded cracks, and smaller equant grains, darker in cathodoluminescence and devoid of cracks. Interconnected chains of small quartz grains are located in contact with the phyllosilicates, suggesting an interplay between pinning and grain growth from a fluid phase.

In pyrophyllite-muscovite intergrowths, Transmission Electron Microscope analyses highlight more defects and kinking in pyrophyllite than in muscovite, intergrowths at the submicron scale and crystallites as small as 2 µm with truncated boundaries likely reflecting dissolution and precipitation mechanisms.

Summarising, these results suggest that strain localization and weakening of this rock volume was achieved by an interplay of the following mechanisms: I) synkinematic nucleation of retrograde mineral phases along discrete C and C’ planes, forming an interconnected network of phyllosilicates, II) microcracking in larger quartz grains followed by subgrain rotation recrystallization leading to a finer grain size of quartz, III) pinning of the grain size and IV) dissolution and precipitation processes of phyllosilicates. Different types of phyllosilicates appear to differently accommodate strain by both plastic deformation and recovery by dissolution-reprecipitation.

Concluding, this intimate and polyphase interplay between deformation and metamorphism is responsible for the formation and evolution of exhuming shear zones and the related structure of orogens.


Giuntoli acknowledges financial support of grant N° MUR 2022X88W2Y _002.



Agard, P., Searle, M. P., Alsop, G. I., & Dubacq, B. (2010). Tectonics, 29(5).

Petroccia, A., Giuntoli, F., Pilia, S., Viola, G., Sternai, P., & Callegari, I. (2025). Journal of Structural Geology, 191.

Ring, U., Glodny, J., Hansman, R., Scharf, A., Mattern, F., Callegari, I., van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., Willner, A., & Hong, Y. (2024). Earth-Science Reviews, 250, 104711. 

How to cite: Giuntoli, F., Petroccia, A., Airaghi, L., Précigout, J., and Raimbourg, H.: Phyllosilicates do their job: insights into their role in exhuming subducted continental units, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16287,, 2025.

EGU25-16426 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Multiple rupture and healing events along the Plate Interface at Ultra-High-pressure depth. Insights from the Lower Shear Zone, Monviso Massif, Italy  

Emanuele Scaramuzzo, Stefano Ghignone, Giovanni Toffol, Federica Boero, Michele Locatelli, Mattia Gilio, Franz Livio, Marco Bruno, Marco Scambelluri, and Giorgio Pennacchioni

The processes that rule coupling/decoupling and rupture mechanisms along the plate interface in the deep portions of active subduction zones are largely inferred from geophysical observations. These observations highlight that a wide range of rupture and deformation mechanism may coexist, such as: aseismic slip, episodic non-volcanic tremor and slip (ETS), and regular earthquakes. Despite the high amount of data obtained through indirect approaches, our comprehension of the processes occurring along the plate interface is still limited. In particular, processes occurring at great depth along the subduction interface are difficult to interpret solely based on flow laws and rheological properties of rocks also due to the scarcity of direct geological observations.

Exhumed ultra-high pressure (UHP, > 90 km of depth) rocks represent a natural laboratory to investigate the interplay of metamorphic reactions and fluids, both affecting slab rheology, at great depth. The Lower Shear Zone (LSZ) from the Monviso massif (W Alps) represents a fossil plate interface accreted within the Western Alpine chain and constitutes the one-off example of an oceanic plate interface that reached coesite stability field at UHP depth., i.e., ca. 90-100 km, and was then exhumed[1,2]. The LSZ preserves snapshots of the different stages of deformation and metamorphism along the subduction plate interface shear zone, testifying the coexistence of brittle (brecciation of rigid eclogite-facies gabbroic mylonites) and ductile behaviour (shearing along weak, serpentinite-rich shear zone) at eclogite-facies depth[1,3].

Our new field, micro-structural and petrographic observations extend the existing record of brittle features along the LSZ and show that brecciated blocks of mylonitic eclogites are systematically traceable for almost 25 km, i.e. the entire length of the exposed LSZ. These blocks are embedded within a highly deformed serpentinitic matrix. The brecciated fabric is defined by a mosaic breccia texture with randomly distributed clasts cemented by a polyphasic omphacite-rich matrix. The matrix is locally brecciated and sealed again, highlighting a cyclic rupture and healing mechanism promoted by fluid pulses and consequent dehydration embrittlement. These features are comparable to the classical geological observations of structures attributed to ETS described from shallower region of the plate interface. The similarity suggests that ETS may transiently occur even at greater depths than those at which they are currently recorded by seismometers and GNSS stations. Our observations imply that decoupling at great depth along the plate interface could be favoured by embrittlement of the plate interface.

1: Angiboust, S., Agard, P., Yamato, P., Raimbourg, H., 2012. Eclogite breccias in a subducted ophiolite: A record of intermediate-depth earthquakes? Geology 40, 707-710.

2: Ghignone, S., Scaramuzzo, E., Bruno, M., Livio, F. A. 2023. A new UHP unit in the Western Alps: First occurrence of coesite from the Monviso Massif (Italy). American Mineralogist, 108(7), 1368-1375.

3: Locatelli, M., Verlaguet, A., Agard, P., Federico, L., Angiboust, S., 2018. Intermediate-depth brecciation along the subduction plate interface (Monviso eclogite, W. Alps). Lithos.

How to cite: Scaramuzzo, E., Ghignone, S., Toffol, G., Boero, F., Locatelli, M., Gilio, M., Livio, F., Bruno, M., Scambelluri, M., and Pennacchioni, G.: Multiple rupture and healing events along the Plate Interface at Ultra-High-pressure depth. Insights from the Lower Shear Zone, Monviso Massif, Italy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16426,, 2025.

The Menderes Massif in western Anatolia is a large metamorphic core complex that formed in the back arc of the Aegean subduction zone. Geological and geodetic studies show that extension has occurred almost uniformly since the cessation of continental collision at c. 30 Ma. In this study, we used 2D numerical modeling informed by measurements of abundances of radioactive heat producing elements in exhumed Menderes metamorphic rocks (gneiss, schist, migmatite, granite) to investigate the effect of variation in vertical distribution of crustal radioactivity on the style of extensional deformation during core complex evolution. We assumed four different scenarios with the same total crustal radioactive heat production but fractionated differently between the upper and lower crust: 0%, 25%, 50%, and 62.5% of the total crustal radioactivity located within the thickened lower crust. Our numerical experiments reveal that lower crustal radioactivity has a major effect on the temperature (T) of the lower crust and hence its geodynamic evolution. We observed significant partial melting and core complex development only in the scenarios with fractions of 50% or more. The results are nearly independent of upper crustal radioactivity. The elevated radioactivity levels and therefore T of the lower crust drives partial melting, which in turn results in lower viscosity and enhanced crustal flow. According to these results, the lower part of the thickened orogenic crust in western Anatolia must be highly radiogenic in order for the formation of the observed core complex structure.

How to cite: Erkan, K., Whitney, D. L., and Rey, P. F.: Effect of variation in the vertical distribution of crustal radioactivity in metamorphic core complex development (Menderes Massif, Türkiye), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16582,, 2025.

EGU25-17888 | Orals | TS1.3 | Highlight

Semi-brittle flow of rocks: Cracks, dislocations and strain hardening 

Nicolas Brantut

 Strain hardening is a key feature observed in many rocks deformed in the so-called ``semi-brittle'' regime, where both crystal plastic and brittle deformation mechanisms operate. Experimental observations in calcite aggregate show a negative correlation between strain hardening rate and microcrack density. Strain hardening is typically caused by accumulation of unrelaxed elastic stresses, for instance due to dislocation storage or frictional sliding, but the role of tensile cracks in that process is not clear. Here, I will first summarise key experimental observations in calcite aggregates, documenting the co-evolution of microstructural features as a function of strain, and then propose a simple microphysical hardening model that couples tensile microcracking with dislocation storage. The model relies on viewing tensile cracks as free surfaces that absorb dislocations, thus reducing the dislocation storage rate and the hardening coefficient. The model captures important qualitative features observed in calcite marble deformation experiments: pressure-dependency of strength in the ductile regime, and a reduction in hardening linked to an increase in crack growth with decreasing confining pressure. Although very promising at a conceptual level, the model has limitations and needs to be tested more systematically before it can be used to make geological predictions of strength in the semi-brittle regime.

How to cite: Brantut, N.: Semi-brittle flow of rocks: Cracks, dislocations and strain hardening, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17888,, 2025.

EGU25-18427 | Orals | TS1.3

How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Collapse 

Einat Aharonov, Rawi Dawood, and jean-arthur Olive

The collapse of orogenic belts is commonly thought to involve viscous flow in a mid-crustal channel, and manifests as extensional faulting in the upper crust. Recent observations in some orogenic belts have indicated a power-law relationship between local elevation and extensional strain rates. Simple mechanical considerations predict that the flow of the weak crustal layer beneath these belts is driven by topographic gradients, suggesting that the observed extension is linked to this flow. To test this hypothesis and examine the temporal evolution of collapsing orogenic belts, we developed a 2-D numerical model simulating how topography-driven viscous flow in the weak mid-lower crust induces, and is affected by, orogenic belt extension. Our results show that flow of a weak mid-lower crust triggers orogenic collapse via normal faulting, provided mountain height exceeds a critical threshold (hmin). The simulated faults form within the highest regions of the orogen, where the weak crustal layer flow originates. Once the mountain collapses so much that its height falls below hmin, extension ceases, where hmin depends on both the thickness of the weak layer and the strength of the upper crust.  Additionally, we find that collapse rates increase with hotter and thicker weak channels, taller orogens, and weaker upper crustal faults, while stronger upper crust restricts fault distribution, concentrating deformation within smaller areas, leading to a core complex extension mode. Finally, a strong agreement between our numerical and analytical (detailed in companion abstract: Dawood et al. 2025 EGU General Assembly 2025) models demonstrates that orogenic collapse rates and their temporal evolution are jointly controlled by the brittle and ductile properties of the continental crust.

How to cite: Aharonov, E., Dawood, R., and Olive, J.: How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18427,, 2025.

EGU25-20083 | Posters on site | TS1.3

From hanging wall to footwall: a story of crustal-scale piracy during the exhumation of the South Rhodope complex (northern Greece). 

Konstantinos Soukis, Christos Kanellopoulos, Panagiotis Voudouris, Constantinos Mavrogonatos, Sotiris Sboras, Ilias Lazos, Alexandre Tarantola, Daniel Koehn, and Robert Moritz

Rocks occupying the back-arc areas in subduction zones present a structural complexity resulting from subduction and exhumation processes, the latter contemporaneous with hydrothermal fluid circulation and ore deposition along crustal-scale shear zones. In many cases, the exhumation starts while rocks are situated in the middle crust, where ductile deformation prevails and ends when these rocks are exposed to the surface, juxtaposed against hanging wall rocks with contrasting mechanical properties and deformation history. The interplay between high- and low-grade rocks often results in complex patterns and puzzling structural inventories.

The Rhodope crystalline complex (north Greece) comprises high-grade ortho-and paragneisses that were subducted in HP-UHP in the Mesozoic and exhumed in the Oligo-Miocene, through a complex network of ductile shear zones and low-angle normal faults constituting the Kechros Detachment. The high-grade footwall rocks belong to the Lower and Intermediate Rhodope Terranes, juxtaposed against the low-grade carbonates and phyllites of Makri Unit and the late-Eocene-Oligocene supra-detachment sediments and volcanic rocks.

We have conducted a detailed mapping and structural study of the Kallintiri area (SW Byala Reka-Kechros Dome, Rhodope, northern Greece) to define the tectonostratigraphy of the area and discriminate between early ductile, subsequent brittle-ductile, and late brittle structures. Our results established a continuum of large-scale structures that brought the high-grade rocks from the middle crust to the surface, accompanied by corresponding fault rocks and structures, revealing the acting deformation mechanisms. During the exhumation process, the deformation was localized at the lower structural level of the Makri Unit due to the significant competence contrast between the structurally lower amphibolite-facies gneisses and the overlying lower-greenschist facies carbonates. As a result, the carbonate rocks from the hanging wall Makri Unit were mechanically coupled to the footwall and served as the main lithology that experienced mylonitic deformation.

How to cite: Soukis, K., Kanellopoulos, C., Voudouris, P., Mavrogonatos, C., Sboras, S., Lazos, I., Tarantola, A., Koehn, D., and Moritz, R.: From hanging wall to footwall: a story of crustal-scale piracy during the exhumation of the South Rhodope complex (northern Greece)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20083,, 2025.

EGU25-22 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Timing of Permian rifting in the Saih Hatat Dome (Sultanate of Oman) 

Wilfried Bauer, Muhammad Qasim, Joachim Jacobs, Ivan Callegari, and Andreas Scharf

The Saih Hatat Dome (SHD) in NE Oman forms a tectonic window revealing in an area of approximately 95 km by 50 km the par-autochthonous Neoproterozoic basement of the Arabian Plate and its Cambrian to Early Cretaceous cover. The SHD is surrounded by the allochthonous Samail Ophiolite and underlying nappes consisting of mostly sedimentary rocks from the Neo-Tethyan Hawasina Basin.

Within this dome, the Hulw Window exposes rocks that were subducted to depths of >30 km during the Late Cretaceous (Agard et al. 2010) and were subsequently exhumed and tectonically emplaced beneath low-grade metamorphic rocks, forming what is referred to as the "Lower Plate". The Hulw Window consists of marbles, metadolostones, and calcareous micaschists, with embedded mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks. The entire Hulw unit underwent Late Cretaceous high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism.

Earlier studies assumed Pre-Permian ages for the protolith for the metamorphic rocks of the Hulw unit (e.g. Miller at al. 2002). Newly obtained U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS data from felsic metavolcanic rocks yield ages of 283 ±2.9 Ma and 269 ±3.7 Ma, indicating an Early to Middle Permian volcanism.

Two blueschist-facies quartzites from the southern Hulw unit contain concordant detrital zircons, ranging in age between c. 530 and 2872 Ma with age clusters around 750 to 850 Ma and 1010 to 1164 Ma. The latter ages are not known from an Arabian source and might be derived from an Indian source. The maximum depositional age of the sediments is therefore Early Cambrian.

Field studies in the central part of the SHD revealed numerous mafic dykes, some reaching widths of up to 4 m. These dykes are oriented WNW-ESE and NE-SW. Zircons from one dolerite dyke yields an age of 267 ± 3.7 Ma, indicating that the mafic and felsic magmatism occurred simultaneously.

Whole-rock geochemical data of the mafic volcanic rocks demonstrate a significant partial melting trend, suggesting an increasing degree of upper mantle melting. The felsic metavolcanic rocks are classified as subalkaline to mildly alkaline rhyodacites, which are derived from crustal melting typical of early rift stages.

Overall, the SHD displays a progressive increase in Permian subvolcanic and volcanic rocks from the southeast toward the northwest, characteristic of rift-related crustal extension. This extension ultimately led to the opening of the Neotethys and the separation of the African/Arabian Plate from the Central Iranian/Qiantang blocks and the Indian Plate at a triple junction (Torsvik et al. 2014).



Agard, P., Searle, M.P., Alsop, G.I., Dubacq, B., 2010. Crustal stacking and expulsion tectonics during continental subduction: P-T deformation constraints from Oman. J. Struct. Geol. 26, 451-473.

Miller, J.M., Gray, D.R., Gregory, R.T., 2002. Geometry and significance of internal windows and regional isoclinal folds in northeast Saih Hatat, Sultanate of Oman. J. Struct. Geol. 24, 359-386.

Torsvik, T.H., van der Voo, R., Doubrovine, P.V., Burke, K., Steinberger, B., Ashwal, L.D., Trønnes, R.G., Webb, S.J., Bull, A.L. 2014. Deep mantle structure as a reference frame for movements in and on the Earth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 8735–8740.

How to cite: Bauer, W., Qasim, M., Jacobs, J., Callegari, I., and Scharf, A.: Timing of Permian rifting in the Saih Hatat Dome (Sultanate of Oman), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-22,, 2025.

As the front edge of the continental collision zone, the Indo-Eurasian continental collision belt has great significance for studying the plate collision process, plateau uplifting mechanism and orogenic activities within the plateau. Several models have been proposed to explain north-south compression collision and east-west extension based on geological and geophysical observations. Among them, the distance and shape of subducted India's lower crust and its geometry under the southern Tibet rift are still controversial. To address these issues, we analyze arrival times of P- and S-wave from 35,193 local and regional earthquakes recorded by 575 permanent and temporary stations, and apply an improved double-difference tomography method to obtain high-resolution 3-D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle and the locations of the relocated events in the Indo-Eurasian continental collision zone. The east-west velocity profiles reveal that there exists a discrete high-velocity layer dipping eastward at depths of 40-60 km beneath the Longgar rift (LGR), Tingri-Nyima rift (TNR), Xianza-Dinggye rift (XDR), and Yadong-Gulu rift (YGR), which suggests that the subducted Indian lower crust had experienced tearing. On the basis of comprehensive analysis about seismicity, source mechanism of large earthquake in the mantle, and tomographic images, we propose a new dynamic model to present India-Eurasia collision and North-South rifts formation. The significant character of this model is that, the rifts do not cut through the crust vertically but obliquely.


How to cite: Pei, S. and Li, J.: Oblique Rifting in the Southern Tibetan Plateau Revealed From 3‐D High‐Resolution Seismic Travel‐Time Tomography Around the India–Eurasia Continental Collision Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1935,, 2025.

EGU25-2549 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

The magmatic plumbing systems during the continent-ocean transition: the example of the Erta Ale rift, in Afar 

Juliette Pin, Gilles Chazot, Lydéric France, Bénédicte Abily, Andrey Gurenko, Hervé Bertrand, and Alexandra Loppin

The Afar region provides a rare onshore glimpse into the dynamic processes of magmatic continental rifting and the progression towards continental break-up. This area features multiple active magmatic segments distinguished by varied morphologies, crustal thicknesses, rates of magma production, and magmatic-tectonic styles. In the Erta Ale Range rift segment, extension is accommodated magmatically, making it an ideal location to study the magmatic behavior of a mature rift segment. The Erta Ale Range includes sub-segments with magma compositions ranging from basalts to rhyolites, but only the Erta Ale Volcano (EAV) sub-segment is currently active, where only basaltic compositions have been reported so far. Our analyses of major and trace elements, along with isotopic studies of olivine crystals, interstitial glasses, and melt inclusions, combined with oxy-thermo-barometry and thermodynamic modeling, delineate the evolution of magma beneath EAV. We reveal extensive in-situ fractional crystallization within a shallow magmatic reservoir, evidenced by unique cognate gabbroic and microgabbroic blocks. These cognate samples uncover previously unknown mushy and evolved parts (up to 75 wt.% SiO2) of the EAV plumbing system. These findings highlight a sophisticated, transcrustal magmatic plumbing system that contrasts with typical oceanic rift systems, indicating a transitional phase in rift evolution. Our results suggest a magmatic plumbing system that extends up to 12 km in depth, accommodating the rift's extensional dynamics through both magmatic differentiation and tectonic processes. This system is indicative of a rift in an advanced stage of development yet not fully matured to oceanic spreading. Our findings contribute to refining the conceptual models of rift evolution by providing detailed insights into the magmatic and tectonic processes at a critical junction of the Afar rift system. The study emphasizes the complex nature of magmatic systems during the transitional phases of break-up and highlights the need for reconsidering the criteria used to determine the stages of continental break-up. We discuss this model within the geological contexts of the Erta Ale Range rift segment and the larger Afar region, and highlight contrasts with mature oceanic systems to argue that the region is not in the final stages of continental break-up.


Pin, Chazot, France, Abily, Gurenko, Bertrand, Loppin, 2024. Protracted magma evolution and transcrustal magmatic plumbing system architecture at Erta Ale volcano (Afar, Ethiopia). Journal of Petrology 65, egae118.

How to cite: Pin, J., Chazot, G., France, L., Abily, B., Gurenko, A., Bertrand, H., and Loppin, A.: The magmatic plumbing systems during the continent-ocean transition: the example of the Erta Ale rift, in Afar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2549,, 2025.

Recent studies have highlighted the impact of thermal blanketing on the evolution of rifted margins. This has been achieved by employing 2D geodynamics models in conjunction with models of superficial processes, specifically erosion and sedimentation. The findings of Andrés‐Martínez et al. (2019) and Pérez‐Gussinyé et al. (2020) demonstrate how the sediment transport can influence the architecture over geologic time and how pure ductile deformation can be caused due higher fluvial coefficients. Although this approach is more realistic and can simulate how the mass is distributed along the rifting, with the erosion of uplifted regions deposited in the local basins, it complicates parametric analysis. The deposition is highly sensitive to the input parameters of the superficial dynamics, making it difficult to establish a direct correlation between the input parameters and the outputs. For these reasons, this study aims to establish a link between the response of the margins width and architecture to the basin depths, enabling a clearer connection between the thermal blanketing, sediments thickness and the resulting architecture in a parametric approach. To reach it, a 2D thermomechanical geodynamic model was used, varying the basin thickness (2-7 km) for fixed Moho depths (35-45 km). The effects of heat flow, mechanical and thermal subsidence, and crustal thickness in the basement were analyzed, and each scenario was compared to a control model in which no varied diffusivity was assumed (there was no blanketing effect) and to a model in which no pre/syn rift basin was present. The findings are in accordance with the results of previous studies, which indicate that crustal deformation is affected by larger sediment packages, resulting in greater extension (approximately 100 km) and slower rifting (approximately 4.5 million years) compared to control scenarios. In the models with thicker sedimentary packages, the results suggest a higher thermal flux in the break-up point, with a lower heat flux in proximal domains, accompanied by an increased subsidence in the distal margin and a lower uplift in the proximal domain. The subsidence observed in the central ridge was particularly pronounced in these models with great basins, with a notable reduction in uplift along the rift shoulders.

Funded by Petrobras Project 2022/00157-6 and Brazilian National Agency for Petroleum Project PHR43.1 (2024/10598-5).


Andrés‐Martínez, M., Pérez‐Gussinyé, M., Armitage, J., & Morgan, J. P. (2019). Thermomechanical Implications of Sediment Transport for the Architecture and Evolution of Continental Rifts and Margins. Tectonics, 38(2), 641–665.

Pérez‐Gussinyé, M., Andrés‐Martínez, M., Araújo, M., Xin, Y., Armitage, J., & Morgan, J. P. (2020). Lithospheric Strength and Rift Migration Controls on Synrift Stratigraphy and Breakup Unconformities at Rifted Margins: Examples From Numerical Models, the Atlantic and South China Sea Margins. Tectonics, 39(12).

How to cite: Bueno, J., Sacek, V., and Paes de Almeida, R.: The impact of thermal blanketing of pre-rift basins on rifted margins subsidence and basement heat flow: Insights from 2D thermomechanical modeling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2915,, 2025.

Northeastern Oman is located near a Late Paleozoic rift-rift-rift triple junction as part of the Pangea breakup. Above a major and plate-wide unconformity (“basal Saiq Unconformity” or “Hercynian Unconformity”), Late Permian shelf carbonates deposited in much of Arabia and northeastern Oman. In the southeastern Saih Hatat area of NE Oman, near Quriyat, a ~10-100-m-thick conglomerate to sandstone siliciclastic unit (basal Saiq) is sandwiched between the unconformity and the carbonates. We investigated 519 detrital zircons from 7 samples of different intervals within the ~80 m thick basal Saiq. The composite age distribution depicts Archean (2.998±0.007 Ga) to early Mesozoic ages (248±3 Ma). Minor age peaks are at ~2.3-2.6 Ga and 1.6-1.9 Ga. The majority of detrital zircons yield a Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic age (~0.3-1.0 Ga), with most of the ages between ~0.7-0.8 Ga. One sample from the middle part of the section contains zircon grains with a major age distribution of ~300-500 Ma and a peak at ~460-480 Ma. The same sample and a further sample from the lower part of the section contains a significant amount of zircon grains with ages at ~330-350 Ma. The youngest measured ages of 248±3 and 254±3 Ma are detected from two grains of two samples.

Our Precambrian detrital age distribution pattern is similar to patterns known from NW India and eastern Oman (comp. Gomez-Perez & Morton, in press). The Archean and Mesoproterozoic ages likely to have a Neoproterozoic Indian origin. Tonian to Cryogenian ages are the dominant ages, reflect crustal growth of the Omani crystalline basement, with identical U-Pb zircon ages from igneous basement rocks and with flysch-type rocks, formed in the surroundings of a volcanic arc outcropping at the surface in northeastern Oman (Bauer et al., 2025). Infra-Cambrian ages were produced during the final closure of the Mozambique Ocean, as part of the Angudan Orogeny (Gomez-Perez & Morton, in press). Ordovician ages of two samples reflect a regional to local alkaline magmatic event related to continental rifting. Abundant lower to mid-Carboniferous zircon ages (~330-350 Ma) within two samples documents for the first time that the Hercynian event in Oman produced magmatic rocks, beside known rock tilting. Finally, two Permian/Triassic zircon grains ages are derived from volcanic rocks during the Pangea rifting, overlapping in age with the depositional ages of the shallow-marine carbonate of the Saiq Formation. This suggests that the Pangea rifting produced minor acidic igneous rocks in NE Oman.



Bauer, W., Jacobs, J., Callegari, I., Scharf, A., Schmidt, J., Mattern, F., 2025. New constraints on the Neoproterozoic geological evolution of the SE corner of the Arabian Plate (NE Oman). In: Scharf, A., Al-Kindi, M. and Racey, A. (eds.) Geology, Tectonics and Natural Resources of Arabia and its Surroundings. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 550(1), 49.

Gomez-Perez, I. & Morton, A. 2025. Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of Oman revisited: implications for the consolidation of Gondwana. In: Scharf, A., Al-Kindi, M. and Racey, A. (eds.) Geology, Tectonics and Natural Resources of Arabia and its Surroundings. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 550(1).

How to cite: Scharf, A., Qasim, M., Callegari, I., and Bauer, W.: Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the basal Saiq siliclastics – A complete magmatic record from the Archean to the Permian/Triassic of NE Sultanate of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3424,, 2025.

EGU25-3745 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

New insights on segmentation of fault and magmatic systems in the Main Ethiopian Rift 

Conor Farrell, Derek Keir, Giacomo Corti, Federico Sani, and Daniele Maestrelli

Magma-rich continental rifts comprise en-echelon magmatic segments where magmatism and extension are localised, similar to slow and ultra-slow spreading centres. While rift segmentation is clear in mid-ocean ridges, it is less so in continental rifts like the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). Faulting within the MER initiated at ~11Ma at the border faults which define the overall NE trend of the MER and are oblique (30°-45°) to the E-W extension direction. However, since ~2Ma extension has localised to the right-stepping Wonji Fault Belt (magmatic segments), in which small offset faults and alignments of volcanic features strike roughly orthogonal to the extension direction. Despite this general framework, there is a lack of quantitative analysis to understand rift segmentation and its relationship to volcanic systems, and how segments interact. It is unclear how the ratio of magmatic to tectonic processes varies along rift segments.

Using optical satellite imagery and SRTM digital elevation data with a resolution of 1 arc-second, we map fault traces, calderas, and volcanic craters in the central and northern MER at a scale of 1:100,000. We also map scoria cones in the same region using optical imagery at 1:20,000. This data is integrated with existing MER datasets, including previously mapped fault traces, digital elevation models, mafic intrusions derived from gravity data, InSAR-derived locations of magma bodies, and recent dyke intrusions between Fentale and Dofan to define the magmatic segments. We investigate characteristics and scales of MER magmatic segments by analysing fault trace patterns, along-segment displacement variations, elevation profiles, the distribution of volcanic activity, and shallow crustal density structures.

How to cite: Farrell, C., Keir, D., Corti, G., Sani, F., and Maestrelli, D.: New insights on segmentation of fault and magmatic systems in the Main Ethiopian Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3745,, 2025.

EGU25-3906 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Asymmetric distribution of marine heat flow in the Chukchi Basin (Chukchi Abyssal Plain) as possible evidence for asymmetric rifting 

Young-Gyun Kim, Jong Kuk Hong, Young Keun Jin, and Byung Dal So

The Chukchi Basin, a sub-basin of the Amerasia Basin in the Arctic Ocean, remains enigmatic regarding its formation age and tectonic processes. Among the various hypotheses proposed, seafloor spreading or hyper-extended rifting during the Cretaceous are currently prominent, both supported by gravity and deep seismic survey data. Recent marine heat flow (MHF) observation efforts using the IBRV Araon from 2018 to 2024 have resulted in a comprehensive dataset covering the basin along and across the inferred N-S oriented spreading axis in the basin center. The formation age inferred from the newly observed MHF was the Early to Late Cretaceous, which is slightly older than the timing of Northwind Basin to the east. Notably, the MHF distribution revealed an asymmetric increase toward the eastern margin perpendicular to the axis and toward to southern margin parallel to the axis. Because MHF distribution often reflects deep tectonic structure such as the Moho depth or the lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary, this asymmetric pattern suggests a difference in the depth of these boundaries within the basin. The observed discrepancy between the inferred spreading axis and the MHF distribution indicates that the Chukchi Basin may have undergone asymmetric rifting, challenging the conventional notion of symmetric rifting. Our future research will integrate gravity and magnetic anomaly data with numerical modeling to better constrain the deep structure and formation processes of the basin.

How to cite: Kim, Y.-G., Hong, J. K., Jin, Y. K., and So, B. D.: Asymmetric distribution of marine heat flow in the Chukchi Basin (Chukchi Abyssal Plain) as possible evidence for asymmetric rifting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3906,, 2025.

EGU25-3968 | Orals | TS2.1 | Highlight

The September to November 2024 Fentale dike in the Ethiopian rift 

Derek Keir, Alessandro La Rosa, Carolina Pagli, Hua Wang, Atalay Ayele, Elias Lewi, Fernando Monterroso, and Martina Raggiunti

Dikes can contribute to rifting, but the space-time behavior and role of magma in young and slowly extending continental rifts is unclear. We use observations and modelling of InSAR and seismicity during the September to November 2024 Fentale intrusion in the Main Ethiopian rift (MER) to understand magma-assisted rifting at slow extension rates (5 mm/yr). From 2021 to mid-2024, the Fentale Volcanic Complex (FVC) uplifted up to 6 cm. From mid-September 2024, upper crustal diking started northwards along the rift, initially with subdued seismicity. From late-September to early November, dike opening increased to ~2m and propagated a total of ~14km north, causing increased seismicity from normal faulting. The dike made ~90% of the total geodetic moment, with the rest from faulting. The character of the event is similar to rifting episodes at mid-ocean ridges and demonstrates that episodic diking can occur in young, slow extending continent rifts but must be more infrequent. This marks the start of a major rifting episode.

How to cite: Keir, D., La Rosa, A., Pagli, C., Wang, H., Ayele, A., Lewi, E., Monterroso, F., and Raggiunti, M.: The September to November 2024 Fentale dike in the Ethiopian rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3968,, 2025.

EGU25-5129 | Orals | TS2.1

The structure and breakup mechanism of the South China Sea 

Zhen Sun and Tianyue Peng

As one of the largest marginal seas in the Western Pacific, the structure and evolution of the South China Sea will provide important reference to the marginal sea research. In order to decode the continent-ocean transition and seafloor spreading process of the South China Sea, 3 normal and 1 extended IODP drilling expeditions were carried out from distal margin to the relict ridge of the South China Sea. However, large controversies still exist due to the lack of enough drill site-coordinated geophysical investigation to calibrate the drilling results. 30 active source OBSs were deployed along the 300 km long drilling transect and then a 3D network with 60 OBSs were deployed in the Continent-Ocean transition zone. The velocity models deduced from the OBSs suggest that thick and widespread magmatic underplating occurred below the northern continental margin, with the thickest underplating occurred below the continental slope where the crustal thickness is over 20 km. Correlated with the sedimentary history, the strong magmatic underplating is supposed to happen at late Eocene and caused strong uplift and erosion of early syn-rift sequences. Quantitative analysis suggests that up to 10 km thick magmatic underplating below the thick crust requires a highly attenuated if not fully devastated mantle lithosphere below the continental slope during Eocene. Therefore, the breakup of South China Sea is supposed to experience an earlier mantle breakup and then a crust breakup to generate the spreading ocean. In comparison with Atlantic, the mantle below the northern continental margin might be wetter to generate such large amount of syn-rift magmatic underplating. Forward mathematical modeling suggests that a pre-rift subduction may provide the mechanism of both unsteady lithospheric and more saturated mantle. This might explain why marginal sea basin usually has much wider underplating and more magma supply than the same spreading rate passive continental margin and ocean.

How to cite: Sun, Z. and Peng, T.: The structure and breakup mechanism of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5129,, 2025.

EGU25-5492 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Tectonic evolution of the proto-Korean Peninsula in the Boring Billion: Implication for the disruption of the Columbia Supercontinent 

Yirang Jang, Vinod O. Samuel, Sanghoon Kwon, and Madhava W. Santosh

The Middle Proterozoic period (1800–800 Ma), often called the "Boring Billion", was characterized by a stable environment with low atmospheric oxygen levels and globally anoxic oceans. In East Asia, this period has been frequently linked to the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent at ca. 1400 Ma, as evidenced by widespread litho-stratigraphic evidence (e.g., Bayan Obo, Yanliao, Xionger rift systems) of rifting in the North China Craton. Similar Mesoproterozoic rift-related lithologies have been identified in the Hwanghae Rift Zone (HRZ) on the northern Korean Peninsula (Jon et al., 2011; Han et al., 2013), suggesting that the Korean Peninsula may have been a part of the global-scale rift system associated with the disruption of the Columbia Supercontinent.

From this point of view, this study examines the tectonic evolution of banded-iron formation (BIF)-bearing metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic successions in the Western Gyeonggi Massif of the Korean Peninsula. The meta-sedimentary sequences consist of quartzite, biotite-muscovite schist, BIF, and marble, while the volcanic suite comprises amphibolite and meta-gabbro, occurring as clasts, boudins, and blocks within the marble beds. All the rock types exhibit amphibolite facies metamorphic alterations and deformations. Intercalation of quartzite with Algoma-type BIF suggests siliciclastic sedimentation concurrent hydrothermal Fe input from deep-seated faults in a matured continental shelf environment. The carbonate deposition indicates biological activities on the volcanic atoll in the calm marine environment, following active volcanism. The dismembered amphibolite blocks or lenses show massive, igneous textures, and sub-alkaline basaltic composition, with trace and rare earth element patterns resembling ocean island basalt (OIB) and enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB), indicative of rifting of continental landmass similar to modern-day Iceland driven by plume-ridge interactions. U-Pb zircon dating of dismembered amphibolite blocks or lenses reveals ca. 1419 Ma protolith age followed by ca. 251 Ma metamorphism. These findings represent the earliest Mesoproterozoic volcanism and sedimentation recorded in the central-western margin of the Korean Peninsula, which has been considered part of the Permo-Triassic collisional belt. We propose that the central-western margin of the Korean Peninsula witnessed rifting concurrently with its northwestern margin, coinciding with rifting in the North China Craton (e.g., Bayan Obo, Yanliao, Xionger rift systems) as part of the global rift system associated with the disruption of Columbia supercontinent during the "Boring Billion".

How to cite: Jang, Y., Samuel, V. O., Kwon, S., and Santosh, M. W.: Tectonic evolution of the proto-Korean Peninsula in the Boring Billion: Implication for the disruption of the Columbia Supercontinent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5492,, 2025.

EGU25-5777 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Inter-event strain localization modulated by background stresses across the Natron Basin, East African Rift 

Ivan Navarrete, Jean-Arthur Olive, Eric Calais, Manon Dalaison, and Albert de Monserrat

While it is well documented that continental extension involves discrete tectonic or magmatic rifting events, little is known about how deformation accumulates between these events. Here we focus on strain localization across the Natron Basin, which is part of the eastern branch of the East African Rift, that experienced a major tectono-magmatic event in 2007.

A cross-rift profile of horizontal GNSS velocities (2013–2017) reveals a gradual transition between the rigid Tanzanian Craton and the Somalian Plate, with ~2 mm/yr of extension distributed across ~100 km (stretching zone). Such a pattern is commonly interpreted through the lens of dislocations in an elastic half-space. Here, an east-dipping border fault locked down to ~10 km may explain the observed width of the stretching zone, provided it extends to great depths, and creeps at a constant rate of ~3 mm/yr. The extent to which this is compatible with a hot lower crust riddled with magmatic intrusions is still debatable.

We thus explore an alternative model where the width of the stretching zone is entirely determined by the history of past, finite deformation, and the corresponding ambient stress state. We use a 2-D thermo-mechanical model to stretch a visco-elasto-viscoplastic brittle layer, first creating a major border fault that slips continuously, flexing its footwall and hanging wall. We then artificially “lock” this fault by instantaneously strengthening it, drastically reduce our computational time steps, and continue stretching the layer. While the system should behave as an homogeneous, elastic layer under far-field extension, i.e., produce a linear displacement profile, we obtain an arctangent-shaped profile with a characteristic stretching zone width. 
This suggests that strain localization is controlled by the heterogeneous distribution of pre-existing stresses. Specifically, regions of high stresses that accrued during flexure of the fault blocks are brought to failure first during inter-event stretching, prompting the localization of elasto-plastic strain in a wide zone centered on the border fault. This process explains the width of velocity gradients in rift zones without invoking a deep, continuously creeping fault. 

We therefore suggest that long-term stress buildup plays a key role in short-term strain localization, and discuss its implications for active deformation in magma-rich continental rift settings like the Natron Basin.

How to cite: Navarrete, I., Olive, J.-A., Calais, E., Dalaison, M., and de Monserrat, A.: Inter-event strain localization modulated by background stresses across the Natron Basin, East African Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5777,, 2025.

EGU25-6051 | Posters on site | TS2.1

High-resolution digital outcrop models of low-angle normal faulting: the  fossil distal Adriatic rifted margin (SE Switzerland) 

Leïla Morzelle, Geoffroy Mohn, Peter Betlem, and Julie Tugend

Low-angle normal faults (LANFs), characterized by dips of less than 30°, are frequently observed in rifted margins. Despite extensive research, the mechanical processes governing LANFs remain poorly constrained, raising critical questions about the angle at which they initiate, their evolution during extension, their three-dimensional geometry, and related deformation in the hanging-wall and footwall. Addressing these issues is essential for understanding extensional processes in such tectonic settings, including thinning of the continental crust and the exhumation of mantle material in rifted margins.

The Err and Bernina extensional detachment systems, within the lower Austroalpine nappes of the Central Alps, offer a rare natural laboratory for studying LANFs. Formed during the Jurassic rifting in the distal Adriatic rifted margin preceding the formation of the Alpine Tethys, these LANFs are exceptionally well-preserved despite the subsequent deformations from the Alpine orogeny.

This study presents results from extensive field campaigns conducted between 2022 and 2024, during which high-resolution data were collected over a ~100 km² area using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys supplemented by field mapping. Rigorous quality control and processing ensured the generation of 3D high-resolution digital outcrop models (DOMs) of the Err and Bernina extensional detachment systems, implementing differential positioning and SwissTopo terrain data for a resulting spatial error of less than 1 meter. The DOMs provide centimetre to decimetre-scale details that facilitate mapping of the spatial evolution of LANFs and the tectono-sedimentary architecture of the overlying allochthonous blocks. Detailed interpretations reveal their internal structure, including lithological changes, deformation patterns, and fault structures at various scales. Additionally, we characterized the sedimentary basins formed during the Jurassic extension, shedding light on their development and spatial relationships with the detachment systems. Comparison of our findings with seismic data across present-day low-angle normal fault systems bridges the scale-gap between detailed field-based analyses and large-scale seismic interpretations, providing crucial new insights to the evolution of LANFs.

How to cite: Morzelle, L., Mohn, G., Betlem, P., and Tugend, J.: High-resolution digital outcrop models of low-angle normal faulting: the  fossil distal Adriatic rifted margin (SE Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6051,, 2025.

EGU25-6181 | Orals | TS2.1

Afar triple junction fed by single asymmetric mantle upwelling 

Emma J. Watts, Rhiannon Rees, Philip Jonathan, Derek Keir, Rex N. Taylor, Melanie Siegburg, Emma L. Chambers, Carolina Pagli, Matthew J. Cooper, Agnes Michalik, J. Andrew Milton, Thea K. Hinks, Ermias F. Gebru, Atalay Ayele, Bekele Abebe, and Thomas M. Gernon

The arrival of upwellings within the mantle from Earths deep interior are commonly observed worldwide, but their role in driving volcanism during continental breakup has long been debated. Given that only a small fraction of Earth’s upwellings are situated under continents and a limited number of them are associated with active continental rifting, our understanding of these processes remains incomplete.

Here, we investigate the interplay between continental breakup and mantle upwellings using the classic magma-rich continental rifting case study of the Afar triple junction in East Africa. Some studies previously proposed that the region is underlain by mantle upwelling(s), yet others argue for limited involvement of mantle plumes.  Several discrete segments of the rift have been studied in terms of magma petrogenesis. However, until now, a paucity of high-precision geochemical data across the broader region has hampered our ability to test the models and evaluate the spatial characteristics and structure of this upwelling in the recent geologic past.

Within this study, we present extensive new geochemical and isotopic data spanning the region and integrate these with existing geochemical and geophysical datasets shedding light on the spatial characteristics of the mantle beneath Afar.  By combining geophysics and geochemistry using statistical approaches, our multi-disciplinary approach shows that Afar is underlain by a single, asymmetric heterogeneous mantle upwelling. Our findings not only validate the heterogeneous characteristics of mantle upwellings, but demonstrates their susceptibility to the dynamics of the overriding plates. This integrated approach yields valuable insights into the spatial complexity of mantle upwellings.

How to cite: Watts, E. J., Rees, R., Jonathan, P., Keir, D., Taylor, R. N., Siegburg, M., Chambers, E. L., Pagli, C., Cooper, M. J., Michalik, A., Milton, J. A., Hinks, T. K., Gebru, E. F., Ayele, A., Abebe, B., and Gernon, T. M.: Afar triple junction fed by single asymmetric mantle upwelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6181,, 2025.

EGU25-6348 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Tectonic Evolution of the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets-Donbas Basin: Insights into Intracontinental Rifting Mechanisms and Structural Dynamics 

Ali Nasiri, Sergiy Stovba, Sergey Drachev, Randell Stephenson, and Stanislaw Mazur

The Dniepr-Donets Basin (DDB) represents a significant intracontinental rift system in Europe, whose formation remains an ongoing topic of research. Central to this investigation is whether the basin developed through passive rifting—driven by far-field tectonic stresses such as back-arc extension—or active rifting, which involves localized thermal anomalies from processes like mantle plume activity. This research seeks to address these competing models through integrated geological and geophysical analyses, contributing to our understanding of continental rift evolution.

This project involves interpretation of 23 regional seismic reflection and refraction profiles including “classical” seismic profiles: DOBRE’99 and Georift-2013. The seismic data will be calibrated by c. 4000 wells with stratigraphy. Seismic analysis will be focused on mapping of 14 key stratigraphic horizons covering the entire area of the DDB (~76,900 km2). The spatial orientation of structural elements will be resolved using potential field anomaly maps. Integration of the interpreted surfaces with the borehole stratigraphy will allow for determining the age of major unconformities and faulting. The evolution of the DDB will be quantitatively analysed using cross-section balancing technique along selected regional seismic profiles.

A key aspect of this work involves constructing a three-dimensional structural model of the DDB using borehole and seismic data. This model, still under development, aims to provide detailed insights into the basin’s geometry, sedimentary layer distribution, and fault system configuration. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying structural asymmetries, which could suggest the operation of simple-shear mechanisms often linked to passive rifting. By correlating surface geological features with deep crustal structures, this research is gradually building a comprehensive picture of the basin’s evolution.

Potential field data are also being analyzed to investigate mantle processes and their influence on rifting. Variations in gravity and magnetic fields are being studied for evidence of deep-seated magmatic intrusions and high-density bodies. This approach aims to evaluate whether mantle plume activity or crustal thinning contributed to the rifting mechanism, helping to distinguish between active and passive processes.

This ongoing research integrates data across crustal and mantle processes, with the goal of correlating mantle dynamics, surface volcanism, sedimentation patterns, and tectonic evolution. The findings aim to advance our understanding of intracontinental rifting and provide insights into the conditions under which rifting transitions to full continental break-up or remains an intracontinental feature, as in the case of the DDB.

How to cite: Nasiri, A., Stovba, S., Drachev, S., Stephenson, R., and Mazur, S.: Tectonic Evolution of the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets-Donbas Basin: Insights into Intracontinental Rifting Mechanisms and Structural Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6348,, 2025.

Rifted margins mark the transition between a thick-crusted (35 ± 5 km) continental domain and a thinner-crusted (0–8 km) (proto-)oceanic domain. Yet, the mechanisms of crustal thinning during rifting are incompletely understood, especially the consequences and fingerprints of the so-called necking phase during which the continental crust is thinned from its initial thickness to ca. 10 km in only a few million years.

One major difficulty in studying necking arises from the necking phase being only transient in the timeframe of continental rifting and often followed by further extension and thermal relaxation. As a result, the structural, stratigraphic and thermal signatures of the necking process are partially dismembered and overprinted in present-day rifted margins. Hence, studying the necking process requires to identify and track its fingerprints in present-day rifted margins.

In this contribution, we synthesize data from the best calibrated necking domains worldwide to define general recognition criteria and hence clarify the definition of necking. We show that necking domains commonly display: (1) deformed (from cataclasites to black gouges) basement directly overlain by undeformed syn-rift sediments; (2) exhumation of deep continental crust; (3) syn-rift basement erosion and adjacent sandstone deposition; and (4) syn-rift and syn-tectonic shallow-water deposits rapidly followed by syn-rift but post-tectonic deep-water deposits. We argue that these fingerprints cannot be explained by high-angle normal faults by themselves and discuss the possible additional and/or alternative processes.

How to cite: Chenin, P. and Manatschal, G.: Fingerprints of necking domains at rifted margins: insights from the best documented examples worldwide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6434,, 2025.

EGU25-6786 | Orals | TS2.1

Inherited transform weaknesses control structure and morphology of highly oblique rift-transform systems 

Thomas Theunissen, Ritske S. Huismans, Delphine Rouby, Sebastian G. Wolf, and Dave A. May

The factors controlling the structure and morphology of oblique rifted margins remain enigmatic. Key features requiring explanation include: (1) long transform fault systems (>300 km) with transpression or transtension, (2) rift segments with varying asymmetry and obliquity, and (3) complex, variable drainage systems along the rift. We use large-scale 3D coupled thermo-mechanical and surface process models to explore how inherited transform weakness zones influence the structure and morphology of oblique rifted passive margins. Our results show that the orientation of inherited weaknesses determines the degree of transpression or transtension along transform faults, while the extent of over- or underlap among weaknesses controls segment obliquity and asymmetry, shaping fluvial drainage networks. These findings provide a conceptual framework to interpret the key structural and morphological characteristics of oblique rifted margins in the Equatorial Atlantic, North Atlantic/Arctic, and Mozambique regions.

How to cite: Theunissen, T., Huismans, R. S., Rouby, D., Wolf, S. G., and May, D. A.: Inherited transform weaknesses control structure and morphology of highly oblique rift-transform systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6786,, 2025.

Post-cratonization rifting has emerged as a prominent research focus in structural geology due to its association with significant hydrocarbon accumulations. Such rift systems are extensively developed within and along the margins of cratonic regions during the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic, notably in areas such as the Siberian Craton, Australian Craton, and North American Craton. The genesis of these rift systems is typically attributed to extensional tectonic regimes that evolved during the post-orogenic reconfiguration of cratonic lithosphere. These systems represent critical tectono-sedimentary processes that influence crustal thinning, fault block development, and the formation of accommodation space, playing a key role in hydrocarbon source rock maturation, reservoir development, and trap formation. Recent advancements in natural gas exploration within the Ediacaran strata of the Sichuan Basin have revealed the substantial hydrocarbon resource potential of the Neoproterozoic sequences in the Upper Yangtze Craton. These exploration successes are intimately associated with the development of deep-seated extensional rift systems in the Yangtze Craton, which are interpreted as the result of rapid lithospheric extension following cratonization during the early Neoproterozoic. Despite these breakthroughs, a comprehensive understanding of the structural geometry, kinematic evolution, and petroleum systems of these rift systems remains limited, highlighting the need for further systematic investigation. This study integrates two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic data with magnetotelluric data, deep borehole records, and field outcrop observations to construct, for the first time, a three-dimensional structural model of the Neoproterozoic rift systems in southwestern Sichuan Basin. The results reveal two distinct rifting phases during the Early to Middle Neoproterozoic, with rift dimensions ranging from 3-8 km in width and 7-23 km in length. The rift systems and associated fault networks predominantly display NE and NNE trends, with faults generally dipping northwestward. These faults governed the development of half-grabens during both rift phases, each accompanied by sedimentary deposits reaching thicknesses of 2–3 km. The stratigraphic sequences within the rifts exhibit strong correlations with the Neoproterozoic strata exposed along the western margin of the Yangtze Craton. Chronological evidence indicates that the first rift phase (800–720 Ma) was characterized by independently developed sub-rift basins. The second rift phase (720–635 Ma) inherited and expanded upon the earlier rifting, culminating in the development of a unified, large-scale half-graben that overlies the sub-rifts of the first phase. During the late syn-rift stage, significant compressional uplift along the western Yangtze Craton margin induced structural inversion of several pre-existing rift normal faults in southwestern Sichuan and the formation of pre-Ediacaran reverse faults. This compressional event eroded over 3 km of rift-related sequences. The Neoproterozoic rifting and subsequent compressional deformation along the western Yangtze Craton margin are closely tied to subduction and rollback dynamics of the Pan-Oceanic plate. This study emphasizes the excellent conditions for hydrocarbon source rock and reservoir formation in the Neoproterozoic of southwestern Sichuan, highlighting its vast potential as a target for future hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Lu, G. and He, D.: 3D Structure, Evolution, and Geodynamic Model of the Neoproterozoic Rift Basins in Southwestern Sichuan Basin, South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7068,, 2025.

EGU25-7282 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

The Interplay Between Extensional Rate and Heat Flux in Asymmetric Rift Systems 

Sara dos Santos Souza, Claudio Alejandro Salazar-Mora, João Paulo de Souza Bueno, Victor Sacek, and Mario Neto Cavalcanti de Araujo

The thermal and deformational history of a rift are directly correlated. Increased stretching, whether by faulting or by lower crustal flow, results in elevated heat flux,  which has significant implications for the asymmetrical evolution of the heat distribution in the basins (Lescoutre et al., 2019). Since the extensional rate also controls the amount of stretching, it also becomes an important parameter for understanding the thermal evolution. In natural rift systems, acceleration is a kinematic evolution inherent to all rifting processes (Brune et al., 2016). However, the role of the extensional rate in the evolution of the thermal flux is not clear. Ten thermo-mechanical numerical models were developed using a weak and decoupled rheology for the lithosphere. The models were run with extension rates varying from 1 to 5 cm/year with intervals of 0.5 cm/year, and one model with acceleration was simulated with values estimated by Araujo et al., 2022 for the Santos-Benguela conjugates, between Brazil and Africa. Results show that the heat flux values along the widest margin of the conjugated pair increases as the constant velocity rises. In contrast to the wide margins, the narrow margins show a simple thermal evolution. The thermal evolution of the wide margin cools from the necking zone to the end of the distal domain in velocities of 2 cm/year, following the rift migration evolution. In the models with 2.5 cm/year or higher, the thermal flux evolves similarly to the deformation process described in Souza et al., 2025 - where rift migration is not well established and two rifting sites are active simultaneously. In the acceleration model, thermal flux remains high throughout the distal domain of the widest margin, driven by rift migration. In all constant velocity cases, rifting time decreases with increasing velocity, as expected. However, the acceleration model yields a rifting duration consistent with that observed in the Santos region, where the extension rates were based.

Funded by Petrobras Project 2022/00157-6.


Araujo, M. N., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., & Muldashev, I. (2023). Oceanward rift migration during formation of Santos–Benguela ultra-wide rifted margins. J. Geol. Soc. London, Special Publications.

Brune, S., Williams, S. E., Butterworth, N. P., & Müller, R. D. (2016). Abrupt plate accelerations shape rifted continental margins. Nature536(7615), 201-204.

Lescoutre, R., Tugend, J., Brune, S., Masini, E., & Manatschal, G. (2019). Thermal evolution of asymmetric hyperextended magma‐poor rift systems: Results from numerical modeling and Pyrenean field observations. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems20(10), 4567-4587.

Souza, S. dos S., Salazar-Mora, C. A., Sacek, V., & de Araujo, M. N. C. (2025). Kinematic and rheological controls on ultra-wide asymmetric rifted margins evolution. Marine and Petroleum Geology171, 107171.

How to cite: dos Santos Souza, S., Salazar-Mora, C. A., de Souza Bueno, J. P., Sacek, V., and Neto Cavalcanti de Araujo, M.: The Interplay Between Extensional Rate and Heat Flux in Asymmetric Rift Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7282,, 2025.

EGU25-7891 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Lithosphere Extension Prior to Continental Breakup in the South China Sea: Comparison with the Atlantic Type Rifted Margin 

Cuimei Zhang, Nick Kusznir, Gianreto Manatschal, Pauline Chenin, Brian Taylor, Zhen Sun, Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, and Zhongxian Zhao

Total continental lithosphere extension prior to breakup and sea-floor spreading in the South China Sea (SCS), a marginal ocean basin, ranges from approximately 360 km in the NE to 580 km in the SW. In contrast, total continental lithosphere extension prior to breakup for the Iberia-Newfoundland rifted margins is no more than 180km. SCS extension leading to continental breakup is between x2 and x3 greater than for the Atlantic margin type.

In the case of Atlantic type margins, lithosphere deformation transitions from initially wide rifting to more localised stretching and thinning, a process termed necking. The necking domain at rifted continental margins, so produced, typically has crustal thickness of 25 km proximally decreasing to 10 km distally. Further lithosphere stretching and thinning due to hyper-extension and the onset of decompression melting results in the rupture and separation of continental lithosphere, the creation of a divergent plate boundary, and the initiation of sea-floor spreading.

The SCS shows very wide domains of thinned continental crust with thicknesses between 25 and 10 km; widths of thinned crust much greater than those of Atlantic type margins. These wide regions of thinned crust on the SCS margin take the form of crustal boudinage with multiple sag basins underlain by highly thinned crust separated by basement highs underlain by less thinned crust.

The localisation of lithosphere deformation before breakup, during the formation of Atlantic type margins, is due to failure of the initially strong cold lithospheric mantle lid. The same mechanism of localisation cannot occur to generate necking in the SCS; the SCS was formed by rifting of volcanic arc lithosphere in which the lithospheric mantle was already hot.

We attribute the very wide regions of continental crust with thicknesses between 25 and 10 km in the SCS, very much wider than for Atlantic type margins, to a weak inherited lithosphere rheology which favours extensional boudinage of the continental crust rather than crustal rupture and separation, and distributed rather than focused decompression melting of wet mantle from the inherited volcanic arc setting.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Taylor, B., Sun, Z., Li, S., Suo, Y., and Zhao, Z.: Lithosphere Extension Prior to Continental Breakup in the South China Sea: Comparison with the Atlantic Type Rifted Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7891,, 2025.

EGU25-8638 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

How to date rifting thanks to vertical movements? 

Roxane Mathey, Julia Autin, Gianreto Manatschal, Daniel Sauter, Pauline Chenin, and Duncan Erratt

Syn-rift sequences, breakup unconformities and magnetic anomalies have been widely used to date rifting. However, it is generally accepted that rift systems are diachronous, both along dip and strike, and that the rifting processes are complex and difficult to date, in particular at magma-poor rifted margins. Therefore, new approaches need to be developed to date rifting. In our study we use the stratigraphic record of vertical movements to date a specific rift event and its propagation. In this work, we focus on two origins of uplift during rifting. First, the necking process, which corresponds to onset of localized deformation and significant differential crustal thinning over 4 to 14 my. Necking may result in a characteristic, fast and short-lived uplift limited to the future distal margin, followed by its fast subsidence (Chenin et al., 2018). Second, dynamic topography, which refers to a large wavelength (from 1,000 to 4,500 km) and fast (35 to 400 m.Ma-1) uplift (Jones et al., 2012), due to convection/heterogeneities within the asthenospheric mantle, not necessarily linked to rifting.  In our study, we use the example of the widely studied Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous southern North-Atlantic magma-poor rift system, forming the present-day West Iberian margin, its conjugate the Newfoundland margin, and the Bay of Biscay rifted margin. Thanks to the specific and characteristic fingerprints of each of the two types of vertical movements, they can be used to date rifting in an absolute and relative way. The necking signal dates a distinct event at a rift-segment scale, allowing to date the along strike diachronous evolution of the rift system. In contrast, the dynamic topography uplift occurs over a very wide area and is linked to simultaneous uplift and well-defined erosional unconformities that are time equivalent to a sudden increase in sedimentation rates offshore. Then, dynamic topography events occurring during rift propagation, could be considered as isochrons across a large area, allowing for along strike time correlations  

                Our preliminary results show a northward propagation of necking, which is consistent with the northward propagation of continental breakup already documented along the Iberian/Newfoundland conjugated margins. Secondly, we identify a dynamic topography event. Indeed, a Barremian to Aptian/Albian event can be defined by a large-scale uplift (e.g., Massif Central, Provence (France) and Southern England) that occurs at the same time of an increase in sedimentation rates and a change in seismic facies documented at the distal margins in the southern North Atlantic. The identification of these two types of events thanks to geological fingerprints and their relatively short duration, allows us to date rifting in the Iberian-Bay of Biscay system. While vertical movements associated with necking allow us to directly date the onset of crustal thinning and rift localisation, dynamic topography does not date a particular rift moment, but allows us to define an isochronous event that can be used for along strike time correlations and thus, for relative dating within propagating rift systems.

How to cite: Mathey, R., Autin, J., Manatschal, G., Sauter, D., Chenin, P., and Erratt, D.: How to date rifting thanks to vertical movements?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8638,, 2025.

EGU25-8867 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Modeling dike-fault interactions in continental rifts on geological time scales 

Menno Fraters, Sascha Brune, Eleonora Rivalta, Rene Gassmöller, Sibiao Liu, and Ameha Atnafu Muluneh

Normal faulting in continental rifts creates pronounced relief which evolves over time. At the same time, many rifts are marked by decompression melting and the ascent of magma that intrudes into the brittle crust in the form of dikes and sills and that extrudes along volcanic fields. It is clear that magmatic intrusions and normal faulting interact in magmatic rifts such as the Kenya Rift, the Main Ethiopian Rift, the Afar triple junction, and in the Icelandic plate boundary. However, the interplay between tectonic and magmatic processes, the evolving topography and the rift-related stress field, as well as the impact of these processes on dike-fault interactions remains difficult to isolate from observations.

Previous modeling studies of time-dependent magma-tectonic interactions in extensional tectonic settings fell into one of two categories: (1) simple models where diking is represented by a prescribed fixed rectangular zone of horizontal divergence (e.g., Buck et al.,  2005), (2) complex setups where magma ascent is represented by porous flow and fluid-driven fracture (e.g., Li et al. 2023). While the former approach can be applied to model of tens of millions of years of dike injection along spreading ridges, the simplicity prevents applications to continental rifts where magmatism manifests over broad areas. The latter approach allows to study the evolution of individual dikes, but its computational costs prevent application to lithospheric-scale rifts over geological times scales. 

Here, we propose a numerical workflow that can be categorized as a model of intermediate complexity. We nucleate the dikes at the brittle/ductile transition above magma-forming regions. The dikes are then propagated perpendicular to the minimum compressive stress, similar to the approach of Maccaferri et al. (2014), until they reach their freezing depth or the surface. In this presentation, we show how we have approached this problem and how we implemented it in the open-source community geodynamics model ASPECT. We show how the generated dikes are being focused in specific regions, and how the dilation and heat injection during magma intrusion through dikes influence the long-term rifting evolution.


Buck, W. Roger, Luc L. Lavier, and Alexei N. B. Poliakov. “Modes of Faulting at Mid-Ocean Ridges.” Nature 434, no. 7034 (April 2005): 719–23.

Li, Yuan, Adina E Pusok, Timothy Davis, Dave A May, and Richard F Katz. “Continuum Approximation of Dyking with a Theory for Poro-Viscoelastic–Viscoplastic Deformation.” Geophysical Journal International 234, no. 3 (September 1, 2023): 2007–31.

Maccaferri, Francesco, Eleonora Rivalta, Derek Keir, and Valerio Acocella. “Off-Rift Volcanism in Rift Zones Determined by Crustal Unloading.” Nature Geoscience 7, no. 4 (April 2014): 297–300.

How to cite: Fraters, M., Brune, S., Rivalta, E., Gassmöller, R., Liu, S., and Atnafu Muluneh, A.: Modeling dike-fault interactions in continental rifts on geological time scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8867,, 2025.

EGU25-8908 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Geophysical, Geological, and Geodynamic Insights into the Northeastern Brazilian Rifted Margin 

Erkan Gün, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Javier García-Pintado, Raghu Ram Gudipati, Leila Mezri, and Mario Neto Araújo

The northeastern Brazilian rifted margin exhibits a diverse range of extensional structures, from failed onshore and offshore rifts and basins to South Atlantic seafloor spreading and continental breakup, making it an ideal natural laboratory for studying rifted margins.

Previous studies on the northeastern Brazilian rifted margin present conflicting interpretations of the basement structure in the Camamu, Almada, Jequitinhonha, Jacuípe, Sergipe, and Alagoas basins. Proposed models include: (a) hyperextended continental crust transitioning directly to oceanic crust; (b) hyperextended continental crust with exhumed lower crust and an immediate switch to oceanic crust; (c) hyperextended continental crust, exhumed mantle, and a direct transition to oceanic crust; and (d) hyperextended continental crust transitioning to proto-oceanic crust and then to normal oceanic crust. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about whether the Sergipe-Alagoas and Jequitinhonha-Almada-Camamu basins are magma-poor or more magmatic than previously thought.

The lithosphere in northeastern Brazil comprises diverse tectonic units, ranging from cratons to orogenic belts, which have undergone multiple orogenic deformations and metamorphic events. This structural and compositional heterogeneity likely exerted a first-order geologic control on the evolution of rifts, basin boundaries, and crustal structures during the opening of the South Atlantic. Analyses of basement rocks, structural trends (e.g., foliation, shear zones, and faults), and contact relationships between geologic units suggest significant geological influences on rift development.

To address these conflicting interpretations, this study adopts a thermo-mechanical approach using a newly developed numerical modeling technique, Kinedyn, which integrates seismic reflection profiles with geodynamic models. The results are expected to resolve discrepancies in previous studies and provide a more realistic reconstruction of rift evolution in the northeastern Brazilian rifted margin.

How to cite: Gün, E., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., García-Pintado, J., Gudipati, R. R., Mezri, L., and Araújo, M. N.: Geophysical, Geological, and Geodynamic Insights into the Northeastern Brazilian Rifted Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8908,, 2025.

EGU25-9069 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Plate tectonic modeling of multi-rifting events in the NE Atlantic 

Peter Haas, Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Grace E. Shephard, Jan Inge Faleide, and Christian Berndt

The rifted margins of the NE Atlantic are among the most extensively studied regions in the world thanks to the extensive geological and geophysical data available for this area. Despite this extensive research, uncertainties remain regarding the timing and mechanisms of rifting. Key questions include the volume of magma, recognized as underplated layer in the lower crust, the precise position of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent, and the extent of rifting that preceded the final opening of the NE Atlantic in the Paleogene. These uncertainties have significant implications for plate reconstruction models.

In this contribution, we combine interpreted seismic stratigraphy with plate rotations to define a new plate reconstruction model of the study area, spanning from mid-Permian to early Eocene. Stretching and pre-drift extension for individual rifting events are derived from a set of conjugate crustal transects evenly distributed along the NE conjugate margins, allowing to identify “restored” position of the continent-ocean boundaries (COB) back in time. Using an optimization approach, we derive Euler Poles that best-fit fixed and rotated restored COBs of the Eurasian and North American plates. Our approach incorporates uncertainties in COB location and the amount of magma added to the lower crust.

First results indicate a tighter pre-break-up fit between Greenland and Eurasia than previously suggested, implying that earlier models underestimated stretching. Implementing the obtained Euler Poles to plate reconstruction software GPlates highlights the four distinct rifting events. Our new plate reconstruction model offers improved insights into passive margins affected by multiple rifting events and can inform further studies on paleogeography, rift dynamics and break-up kinematics in the NE Atlantic region.

How to cite: Haas, P., Abdelmalak, M. M., Shephard, G. E., Faleide, J. I., and Berndt, C.: Plate tectonic modeling of multi-rifting events in the NE Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9069,, 2025.

EGU25-9481 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Magmatic controls on detachment fault formation at South China Sea rifted margin 

Peng Yang, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Shaowen Liu, Javier García-Pintado, and Gudipati RaghuRam

Lithospheric thinning initiates continental rifting and eventual break-up, driven by the interplay of tectonic, magmatic and surface processes. Recent findings from IODP expeditions and seismic surveys reveal that the northern South China Sea (SCS) margin exhibits distinctive features not typically alinged with classic magma-poor or magma-rich margins, including widespread detachment, syn-rift magmatism and a notably rapid transition from continental margin to seafloor spreading. However, the role of magmatism in the formation of detachments, which is key for elucidating the evolution of rifted margins, remains poorly understood. Here we use 2D numerical models to simulate the thermo-mechanical evolution of continental rifting, incorporating melt generation, emplacement and associated heat release. Our models reproduce the main observations from the northern SCS margin, including the hyper-extended crust, crustal boudinage, lower crust exhumation and dome structure. Particularly, we demonstrate that the thermal weakening related to the magmatism promotes the ductile lower crustal flow, which converges beneath a ‘rolling-hinge’ type detachment, facilitating the formation of core complex. Unlike magma-poor margins, the initial elevated lithospheric temperature by prior plate subduction and syn-rift magmatism from decompressing melting shape the ‘intermediate’ nature of the SCS margin. This work could provide valuable insights into how tectonic deformation and magmatism interact in continental rift systems around the globe.

How to cite: Yang, P., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., Liu, S., García-Pintado, J., and RaghuRam, G.: Magmatic controls on detachment fault formation at South China Sea rifted margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9481,, 2025.

EGU25-10113 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Modelling of lithospheric weakening and strengthening processes and their impact on rift success and failure 

Tina Neumann, Sascha Brune, Susanne Buiter, Derek Neuharth, and Chris Jackson

Rift systems play a crucial role in the Wilson cycle, where the extension and breakup of continental plates can lead to the formation of new oceans. Earth's rift systems exhibit various stages, from initiation to breakup, with the latter representing 'successful' rifting, as observed along the Atlantic margins. Whereas rifted margins can record successful extensional plate dynamics, deformation can also stop at earlier stages or shift to more favourable locations, resulting in 'failed' rifts, such as the North Sea or the Atlas rift. However, the mechanisms that control whether a rift fails or is successful are not very well known.

Understanding the dynamics of continental extension and tectonic processes in rift systems requires examining their initial conditions and subsequent evolution, with the latter influenced by both strengthening and weakening processes of the lithosphere. Here we numerically simulate rift evolution using geodynamic finite-element 2D ASPECT models incorporating shear zone (“fault”) dynamics and strain softening within a visco-plastic rheological framework. We use the landscape evolution model FastScape to simulate surface processes.

To understand which processes lead to the success or failure of a rift, we explore the role of strengthening and weakening processes. Our modelled strengthening processes comprise (1) lithospheric cooling, which enhances the strength of ductile domains via temperature-dependent viscosity, (2) gravitational potential energy gradients that impose a degree of compression outboard of high-elevation domains; and (3) fault healing, which strengthens frictionally weakened regions over time as a function of temperature. We also account for the following weakening processes: (1) frictional softening, which causes an increase in fault activity; (2) lithospheric necking, which thins and thereby heats the lithosphere beneath the rift centre; (3) erosion and sedimentation, as simulated by FastScape, which alters the distributions of surface loads in a way that increases fault longevity. Within the framework of these processes, we examine the effects of crustal thickness, extension rate, rheology, and friction angle, on the spatial and temporal occurrence of rift success and failure. To quantify the results, we analyse fault geometry and dynamics, as well as the forces required for continued extensional plate motion.

Preliminary results indicate the existence of a lower limit for the full extension velocity to achieve breakup. For models with typical continental lithosphere this limit is ~2 mm/yr. Lithosphere that is extending at a smaller velocity thins temporarily but strengthening mechanisms ultimately outweigh weakening processes resulting in relocalisation of deformation. Our analysis highlights the internal and external processes that influence rift systems at different evolutionary stages and provides criteria for understanding and predicting rift evolution.

How to cite: Neumann, T., Brune, S., Buiter, S., Neuharth, D., and Jackson, C.: Modelling of lithospheric weakening and strengthening processes and their impact on rift success and failure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10113,, 2025.

EGU25-10665 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Geodynamic modelling of salt tectonics and translation speed at rifted continental margins 

Xuesong Ding, Zhichen Wang, Sascha Brune, Tim Dooley, Lorena Moscardelli, Derek Neuharth, Anne Glerum, Delphine Rouby, Naiara Fernandez, and Mike Hudec

Salt tectonics at rifted margins involve intricate interactions between weak, ductile evaporite layers and brittle sedimentary rocks. Fully coupled geodynamic and surface process modeling can provide new insights into the dynamic controls on salt tectonics. We adopt such a modeling tool (ASPECT + FastScape) to investigate the evolution of salt-detached systems on magma-poor rifted margins.  

Firstly, we investigate the controls on the temporal changes in the seaward translation velocity of salt and overlying sediments and the impacts of salt translation on the deformation of salt and overburden. Our modeling results indicate that translation velocities of salt and overburden first quickly increase to a peak value, controlled by highly nonlinear salt rheology, then slowly drop as the salt layer thins and welds. Thicker salt deposits generate higher peak translation velocities. Moreover, rapid salt translation creates wide, low-amplitude rollovers in the upslope extensional domain, irregularly spaced collapsed diapirs in the midslope domain, and complex diapir structures in the downslope contractional domain. Slow translation, on the other hand, produces regularly spaced salt pillows and diapirs in all domains. Asymmetric minibasins in translational and compressional domains interact with adjacent diapirs, forming strongly upturned and overturned strata. 

Secondly, we investigate the dominant controls on salt-detached systems at different stages of rifting. We test three scenarios in which salt deposition occurs at early (scenario 1), middle (scenario 2), and late (scenario 3) stage of rifting, respectively. In scenario 1, salt is subject to continued extension, is offset by basement faults, and is separated into disconnected subbasins. In scenarios 2 and 3, the initial salt basin is more extensive than in scenario 1. A large-scale shear zone develops within the salt layer, assisting seaward translation of salt. Salt diapirs form preferentially on the slope and in deep water. We also find that submarine sediment transport efficiency strongly affects the final salt tectonic architecture. Our models show that less efficient marine sediment diffusion results in larger base-salt relief and hence promotes salt diapirism and minibasin formation. 

How to cite: Ding, X., Wang, Z., Brune, S., Dooley, T., Moscardelli, L., Neuharth, D., Glerum, A., Rouby, D., Fernandez, N., and Hudec, M.: Geodynamic modelling of salt tectonics and translation speed at rifted continental margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10665,, 2025.

EGU25-10746 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Paleo-depth of hydrothermal venting along the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin during Paleogene continental breakup 

Julie Tugend, Geoffroy Mohn, Nick, J. Kusznir, Sverre Planke, Christian Berndt, Dmitrii Zastrozhnov, and John, M. Millett

Volcanic rifted margins commonly form in association with the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces. The intense associated volcanic activity coincides with shifts in the global carbon cycle and rapid climate change during several key geological periods and crises. The Mid-Norwegian and NE-Greenland conjugate rifted margins formed after late Paleocene to early Eocene continental breakup in association with the emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP). The NAIP and early opening of the North Atlantic occurred contemporaneous to a rapid 5-6 °C global warming episode known as the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). The rapid global warming documented during the PETM is hypothesized to result from the release of thermogenic gases into the atmosphere through thousands of hydrothermal vents. The gases were generated by contact metamorphism of carbon-rich sediments during the extensive sill emplacement from the NAIP. The potential climatic impact of these hydrothermally released greenhouse gases is dependent on the water depth at which they were released. Unless it is released in a shallow marine environment most methane, known for its significantly greater global warming potential compared to carbon dioxide, will be oxidized and dissolved in the ocean before it reaches the atmosphere.

First results of IODP Expedition 396 conducted on the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin have documented the shallow marine to potentially sub-aerial setting of at least one of the hydrothermal vents (i.e. Modgunn vent). However, a comprehensive regional assessment of the water depth at which hydrothermal venting occurred remains necessary to validate the overall impact on paleoclimate and the PETM. To do so, we apply 3D flexural-backstripping and decompaction to remove the loading effects of sedimentary sequences and determine the sediment-corrected bathymetry down to the top Palaeocene surface at which most of the vents are mapped. Reverse subsidence cannot be directly modelled without knowing the detailed distribution of syn- and post-rift thermal subsidence from Cretaceous and Paleocene rifting as well as any mantle plume dynamic uplift during NAIP emplacement. Because these tectonic and geodynamic components of subsidence cannot be deterministically predicted at the required accuracy, we use local palaeobathymetric constraints from seismic observations and drilled biostratigraphic data, combined with our flexural backstripping and decompaction results to calibrate palaeobathymetric variations of the Paleocene venting surface at the time of the PETM.

Our results predict that hydrothermal venting occurred within a range of palaeo-water depths showing the complex palaeo-structure of the top Paleocene surface. Key post-Paleocene tectonic influences such as a well-documented Miocene doming episode influence the margin history, and hence, at this location, our palaeobathymetric results represent shallowest estimates and must be interpreted with caution. However, most of the vents (>80%) restore to bathymetries shallower than 500 meters, i.e., in sub-aerial to shallow marine conditions. Our work aims to confirm and extend initial results of IODP Expedition 396 from the Modgunn vent. Shallow water-depth hydrothermal venting most likely occurred during magma-rich continental breakup and NAIP emplacement; a large part of the released hydrogenic gas could have directly contributed to the global warming recorded by the PETM. 

How to cite: Tugend, J., Mohn, G., Kusznir, N. J., Planke, S., Berndt, C., Zastrozhnov, D., and Millett, J. M.: Paleo-depth of hydrothermal venting along the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin during Paleogene continental breakup, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10746,, 2025.

EGU25-11099 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Tectonic Segmentation During Rifting of the Brazil Equatorial Margin 

Julia Fonseca, Cesar Ranero, Paola Vannucchi, David Iacopini, and Helenice Vital

The margins bounding the Equatorial Atlantic were formed during the Cretaceous due to the breakup of Gondwana. Rifting led to the development of sedimentary basins between West Africa and South America. We have used a grid of ~10,000 km of 2D seismic data to investigate the crustal structure along ~600 km of the NE Brazilian margin, containing the eastern Ceará and Potiguar Basins. The dataset is provided by the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum (ANP).

We have interpreted fault structure and sediment units and mapped key horizons (top synrift, top basement, and Moho), across the entire seismic grid to produce surface and thickness maps of the main units. The basement thickness, synrift thickness, and Moho structure maps revealed that the margin tectonic structure is divided into three main tectonic domains: the Southern, Central, and Northern segments. The Southern Segment is characterized by abrupt lateral basement thinning and steep faults forming a main fault system indicating strike-slip kinematics. In contrast, main extension in the Central and Northern Segments is associated with normal faulting kinematics. These two segments represent different styles of faulting because the focalization of the extensional deformation is decoupled and occurred farther outboard along the Central Segment. The Northern Segment displays a comparatively thinner basement and thicker synrift deposits across much of the margin, compared to the Central Segment. These differences appear to imply that crustal extension occurred at different rates.

The three segments are separated by tectonic boundaries defined in seismic images by abrupt lateral changes in basement structure. The main segments may also contain sub-segments where changes in structure are more subdued. The imaged segment boundaries form a consistent linear structure visible from under the continental shelf to the deep-water basin. Their geometry indicates the evolution over time of continental segmentation during rifting. Furthermore, the orientation of these boundaries is similar for all segments supporting that they approximately correspond to flow lines indicating the opening direction during rifting. Most segment boundaries during rifting spatially correlate with fracture zones on the oceanic plate, indicating a relationship between continental tectonic segmentation and oceanic magmatic segmentation. We propose that the tectonic segmentation of the margin appeared during Barremian-Aptian time as a lithospheric-scale response of the mode of deformation caused by a change in plate kinematics that imposed a change in opening direction.

How to cite: Fonseca, J., Ranero, C., Vannucchi, P., Iacopini, D., and Vital, H.: Tectonic Segmentation During Rifting of the Brazil Equatorial Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11099,, 2025.

EGU25-11717 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Structural Evolution of the Black Sea Basin Using 2D Sectioned and 3D Computational Models 

Armagan Kaykun and Russell Pysklywec

Recent hydrocarbon discoveries in the Black Sea Basin (BSB) rekindled debate on whether the basin rifted open as one east-west oriented basin, or as two separate basins named Eastern and Western Black Sea Basins. Supporting the two-basin idea is the semi-parallel ridge and depression geometry of the BSB with NW-SE orientation in the eastern portion of the Black Sea Basin, and W-E orientation in the western portion of the Black Sea Basin. On the other hand, interpretations for a single basin configuration are supported by the regional structure of the BSB being consistent with  geodynamic models of rifting of the basin by slab roll-back about a hinge point located on the eastern edge of the basin.

To help resolve the tectonic uncertainty, we built a new structural framework for the BSB by reinterpreting 24 long-offset 2D seismic lines acquired by GWL in 2011. This in turn allowed us to develop  two sectioned 2D computational models representing the western and eastern parts of the BSB to model the variation in the kinematics of the basin formation. Our interpretations of continuous normal, inverted, and strike slip fault systems that define the ridge and depression geometry lead us to support a model in which the BSB opened as a single basin. The 2D sectioned models were extended to 3D to test whether the rifting occurred with increasing velocities towards west. We compare our findings with the structural elements that we interpreted on the seismic sections such as strike slip fault systems that have been active throughout the basin formation and the tectonic inversion of the Late Eocene era. Ultimately, this provides better insight of the timing of all the tectonic events of the BSB during the extensional and subsequent compressional stages of the basin’s evolution.

How to cite: Kaykun, A. and Pysklywec, R.: Structural Evolution of the Black Sea Basin Using 2D Sectioned and 3D Computational Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11717,, 2025.

EGU25-12592 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Tectonic Architecture of the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: Insights from the Central Segment of Brazilian Counterpart 

Alanny Christiny Costa de Melo, David Lopes de Castro, and Diógenes Custódio Oliveira

The sedimentary basins of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin (BEM) are considered a key frontier for petroleum exploration. The BEM is characterized by transform tectonics, featuring oblique and divergent brittle structures occurring on the Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas, Ceará, and Potiguar basins. This tectonic pattern is also recognized in the West African marginal basins (Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Liberia), including those of Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. The central sector of the BEM, where the divergent segments of the Pará-Maranhão Basin meet the transform segment of the Barreirinhas Basin. To better understand the tectonic framework, a comprehensive dataset, including seismic data, in addition to well data (gamma-ray, density, sonic profiles, checkshots, and biostratigraphy), was analyzed across 80,000 km². These data, reinterpreted considering modern understanding of the BEM evolution, provided insights into the structural and stratigraphic characteristics of the margin. The basins were classified based on the obliquity of their segments relative to the rift extension direction. This obliquity, defined by the angle between the transform faults and segment direction, was used to delineate four distinct crustal domains: the continental thinning domain, the hyper-extended continental domain, the mantle exhumation domain, and the oceanic domain. Each domain reflects different geological processes contributing to crustal evolution. The Pará-Maranhão divergent segment, which connects with the Barreirinhas transform segment, is oriented NW-SE with a 53° obliquity. This segment has a wider continental thinning domain due to its higher obliquity. The sequence of crustal thinning progresses from continental to oceanic, marked by normal faults, horsts, and grabens, indicating tectonic extension. The sedimentation in this region is mainly controlled by thermal and tectonic subsidence, with distinct rift (syn-rift), post-rift, and continental shelf sequences. Fault blocks rotate, creating listric faults and rollover systems that affect sedimentation. In contrast, the West Barreirinhas segment, which is aligned with the Romanche Fracture Zone, has a 0° obliquity. This transform margin features a narrow continental crust neck, with differential subsidence and steep post-rift slopes. Listric faults and large negative flower structures are characteristic of this segment. Overall, the variation in obliquity across the margin segments significantly influences the width of the crustal thinning domain, with higher obliquities resulting in wider thinning zones. The presence of thinned continental crust and exhumed mantle in the deep-water region, prior to the first occurrence of oceanic crust, is similar to the analysis of the African conjugate margin, which is associated with a hydrocarbon system based on Upper Cretaceous turbiditic sandstone reservoirs. The same potential reservoirs are also found in the Brazilian counterpart.

How to cite: Costa de Melo, A. C., de Castro, D. L., and Oliveira, D. C.: Tectonic Architecture of the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: Insights from the Central Segment of Brazilian Counterpart, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12592,, 2025.

EGU25-13337 | Orals | TS2.1

Basin modelling of the complex multi-rift system on Southern Vøring Margin : mechanisms and implications 

Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Jan Inge Faleide, Ivar Midtkandal, Anca Druga, Mauro Aldinucci, Dmitry Zastrozhnov, Filippos Tsikalas, and Sébastien Gac

Passive continental margins and sedimentary basins are key domains for understanding long-term geological processes driven by complex Earth dynamics, such as continental rifting, magmatism, and sub-lithospheric interactions. These processes shape regions and leave distinct, spatially variable imprints in the sedimentary record. Deciphering these records helps us understand the dynamic relationships between geological processes on passive margins and quantify the interplay among tectonic, magmatic, and sedimentary forces that influence basin architecture.

In this study, we model the thermal-kinematic history of the southern Vøring Basin, offshoreMid-Norway, along a regional 2-D transect, integrating basin- and lithosphere-scale processes through time-forward basin modeling and an automated inverse basin reconstruction approach. The results indicate that the evolution of the inner Vøring Margin can be explained by standard lithosphere extension models. However, these models fail to account for key observations at the outer volcanic province, such as regional uplift at breakup, excess magmatism, and higher geothermal gradients. These discrepancies suggest additional processes are involved. Excess magmatism and uplift may be linked to sub-lithospheric mantle processes, such as the arrival of the Icelandic mantle plume or small-scale convection. Melt retention in the asthenosphere, along with mantle phase transitions during extension, could enhance uplift.

The best-fit model must explain the following key observations at both the inner and outer margins: (1) observed stratigraphy and subsidence, (2) beta factors along the transect, (3) vitrinite reflectance, particularly the high %Ro values at the outer margin, (4) base Eocene paleobathymetry, with an emergent outer margin and structural highs, and (5) the interpreted magmatic underplate beneath the outer margin.

We test various tectono-thermal models that include or exclude these processes. Models incorporating a plume emplaced at Eocene time, accounting for magmatic processes like melt retention and underplating, successfully reproduce the observations at the outer volcanic margin. This supports the contribution of the hot Icelandic plume to the Vøring Margin's evolution.

How to cite: Abdelmalak, M. M., Faleide, J. I., Midtkandal, I., Druga, A., Aldinucci, M., Zastrozhnov, D., Tsikalas, F., and Gac, S.: Basin modelling of the complex multi-rift system on Southern Vøring Margin : mechanisms and implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13337,, 2025.

EGU25-13571 | Orals | TS2.1

Process interactions in continental rifts 

Sascha Brune

Continental rifts and rifted margins are governed by the complex interplay of a range of factors: thermo-mechanical processes control deformation at depth modulated by the emplacement of melt, while erosion and sedimentation reshape surface topography. Understanding the intricate links between geodynamic, magmatic and surface processes is essential to unravelling how rifts evolve, how they interact with the Earth system and under which conditions georesources are generated.

This presentation highlights latest technical advances and insights into the interaction of rift processes. It uses a recently established framework in which the open-source geodynamic software ASPECT is bi-directionally coupled to the landscape evolution code FastScape. This approach captures the dynamic interaction between faulting, surface loading, isostasy, rift-shoulder erosion and intra-basin sedimentation from rift initiation to rifted margin formation. In addition, dikes are incorporated via a one-way coupling scheme using two approaches: (1) a post-processing technique that infers potential diking pathways based on the modelled tectonic stress field, or (2) via user-defined input where dikes are represented as thin vertical domains with prescribed horizontal dilation.

These models reproduce the common finding that melts often rise sub-vertically to the surface in the form of dikes. However, compressional domains associated with block rotation are surprisingly common features in our models that result in the deflection of ascending melt. This process could explain the formation of sills in sedimentary basins and basement rocks, as well as the horizontal offset between melting zones in crust and mantle: features observed in several magmatic rifts. Our models suggest a complex interaction between diking, faulting, and sedimentation, which are compared to selected regions in the eastern branch of the East African Rift. These results illustrate how advances in numerical modelling techniques, combined with multidisciplinary field data can lead to new insights into the process interactions that control the structure and evolution of individual rift segments.

How to cite: Brune, S.: Process interactions in continental rifts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13571,, 2025.

EGU25-13989 | Orals | TS2.1

A basin-to-plate deformable plate framework to capture the multi-phase rifting of the Northeast Atlantic 

Grace E. Shephard, Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Jan Inge Faleide, Edward Clennett, Sebastien Gac, Sabin Zahirovic, Peter Haas, Carmen Gaina, and Trond H. Torsvik

The Northeast Atlantic is a key region where advances in plate tectonics have been developed, tested, and refined. Final breakup and the onset of seafloor spreading started around magnetic Chron C24n (~55 Ma; earliest Eocene). However, prior to breakup, the Northeast Atlantic’s margins underwent at least four discrete phases of lithospheric-scale rifting and basin formation, extending back to mid-Permian times (ca. 264 Ma) following the Caledonian orogeny. The total amounts of extension are in the order of several hundred kilometers and therefore relevant to implement in regional and global plate tectonic reconstructions. Recently, deformable plate models using the GPlates software have emerged as a tool to capture such non-rigid domains. However, deformable models to-date have been largely constructed in an overall rigid plate framework, applying pre-existing Euler rotations from the surrounding plates to the intervening rift. Here we detail why, and how, a basin-to-plate scale approach should be considered in future regional and global refinements of deforming reconstructions, using the multi-phase Northeast Atlantic rifting as a focus site.

            We place basin-scale observations based on extensive seismic, stratigraphic and geophysical interpretations for the Norwegian margin and its Greenland conjugate (Abdelmalak et al. 2023) into new digital plate tectonic model (Shephard et al., in review). Central to our methodology is identification and restoration of rift basin hinges, and accounting for their along-margin variability. In this presentation we will detail the timing, location, amount and direction of extension across four discrete rift phases and their associated time-dependent rotations. A conjugate profile from the Foster and Northern Vøring margins (totalling 282 km of extension at average rates ranging between 0.13-0.58 cm/yr during rifting) yields the best fit accounting for along-margin heterogeneity whilst retaining the overall rigid framework requirements. We compare our results to previous regional models, including Barnett-Moore et al. (2018) and Müller et al (2019), and showcase some of the GPlates scalar field functionality including crustal stretching and tectonic subsidence. Finally, we have also developed an external routine for a backward-restored crustal thickness workflow which successively restores present-day thickness in conjunction with our deformable model.

How to cite: Shephard, G. E., Abdelmalak, M. M., Faleide, J. I., Clennett, E., Gac, S., Zahirovic, S., Haas, P., Gaina, C., and Torsvik, T. H.: A basin-to-plate deformable plate framework to capture the multi-phase rifting of the Northeast Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13989,, 2025.

EGU25-14609 | Orals | TS2.1

Magma-poor To Volcanic Margins: New Models 

Luc Lavier

We use a newly developed model formulation to explore the potential structural evolution of a spectrum of margins from Volcanic to Magma-poor. We assume that the melt is incompressible, and we simulate melt migration as magmatic intrusions and volcanic extrusions as volume change and stress change in the brittle and ductile crust. We also model heat transfer generated by melt migration, latent heat of recrystallization, melt production and hydrothermal circulation.

Based on our simulation and observations of passive margins, we propose models for the formation of volcanic and magma-poor margins. While magma-poor margins evolution follows well-known stages, we show that volcanic margins represent a wide spectrum of behavior from purely accretionary and volcanic to mixed extensional and volcanic. The nature and extent of seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs), the crustal composition and structure, the subsidence of the margins vary as a function of the mantle potential temperature in the asthenosphere and the initial geothermal signature of the lithosphere.

We can resume our main findings which diverge strongly from existing models for volcanic margins: (1) For mantle potential temperatures (Tp) greater than 1400oC, we find that volcanic margins form through the accretion of intrusive magmatic and extrusive volcanic product of melt production in the asthenosphere. This system forms an accretionary center of thickness and width increasing with Tp. On both side of the accretionary axis, two symmetrical SDRs basins form. Subsidence of these basins increase with decreasing Tp. Increasing subsidence generated by far field extension leads to an increase in clastic sedimentation and controls SDRs composition. Decreasing Tp and increased subsidence leads to the formation of clastic rich SDRs while increasing Tp and decreased subsidence leads to formation of mainly volcanic/mafic SDRs. (2) The exhaustion of melt production leads to ridge jumps and the formation of eccentric accretionary center. When subsidence is more pronounced for a lower Tp we simulate periods of uplift and subsidence correlated with periods of higher and subdued melt production, respectively. This process may result in cyclical periods of mafic followed by clastic sedimentation. (3) For Tp lower than 1400oC, intermediate margins form with both volcanic and extensional processes occurring concurrently. This processes eventually lead to the asymmetric propagation of volcanic centers which may lead to seafloor spreading.

How to cite: Lavier, L.: Magma-poor To Volcanic Margins: New Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14609,, 2025.

EGU25-14789 | Orals | TS2.1

Evolution of Quadruple Junction: Example from Afro-Arabia plate boundary 

Thamer Aldaajani, Balazs Attila, Taras Gerya, Philip Ball, Khalid Almalki, and Essam Abd El-Motaal

A quadruple junction is a distinctive phenomenon in plate tectonics characterized by the convergence of four tectonic plate boundaries at a single geographic location. While such occurrences are infrequent within the realm of plate tectonics, they provide a valuable opportunity to explore the processes involved in the evolution of the solid Earth. In this context, we examine the Afro-Arabia plate boundary as a pertinent example of a quadruple junction. The establishment of the Makkah Madinah Transform Zone (MMTZ) as a significant tectonic boundary has profoundly influenced the geological framework of western Arabia, offering a fresh perspective on the geodynamics of the broader Red Sea area, particularly with the advent of the central Red Sea triple junction. The MMTZ is estimated to have an age ranging from 27 to 30 million years, inferred from the configuration of plate boundaries surrounding the southern Red Sea, Sirhan, eastern Mediterranean, and the Zagros orogenic zone. In our reconstruction of the Red Sea, we apply a rotation of 6.7 degrees for Arabia relative to Africa, utilizing the topographic alignment of both rift flanks to facilitate basin closure. We establish a connection between the MMTZ plate boundary and the Ader Ribad depression in Sudan, grounded in both spatial and temporal analyses. Chronological investigations of the Ader Ribad depression indicate an exhumation event occurring approximately 31 million years ago, coinciding with the timeline of the MMTZ. The coexistence of these two plate boundaries exemplifies a unique tectonic scenario of a quadruple junction. We present reconstructions of the Afro-Arabia plate and 3D thermo-mechanical numerical models with the code I3ELVIS of the Afro-Arabia plate boundary to substantiate our hypothesis. The code implements a marker-in-cell approach with finite differences  method. The model consists of upper and lower continental crust, lithospheric and sublithospheric mantle until 220 km depth. Multi-directional extension is simulated by imposing variable divergence velocities on the right and rear model sides. Extensional and transtensional deformation is initially localized along implemented rheological and thermal weaknesses.

How to cite: Aldaajani, T., Attila, B., Gerya, T., Ball, P., Almalki, K., and Abd El-Motaal, E.: Evolution of Quadruple Junction: Example from Afro-Arabia plate boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14789,, 2025.

EGU25-15767 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Constraining Exhumation and Rift Evolution in the Vosges and Black Forest Using Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology 

Fabian Christopher Dremel, Nicolas Villamizar-Escalante, Bianca Heberer, Lea Schönleber, Bjarne Friedrichs, Jörg Robl, and Christoph von Hagke

Within Central Europe, remnants of the Variscan orogeny are found today at elevations exceeding 1000 m. Among these remnants are the Black Forest and Vosges Mountains that are separated by the N-NE-oriented Upper Rhine Graben. Subsidence of the Upper Rhine Graben began during the Eocene and was accompanied by the uplift of Variscan basement, which is now exposed in the Vosges Mountains and Black Forest at the western and eastern rift flanks, respectively. Overlying Mesozoic sediments have been extensively eroded, exposing the Variscan bedrock and confining the younger sediments to isolated, higher-elevation areas. The unloading of the lithosphere due to the erosion of 2 km of sediments amplifies the uplift due to flexural isostatic adjustment.

The Black Forest has been the focus of several low-temperature thermochronology studies, including zircon and apatite fission track analyses as well as apatite (U-Th)/He dating. In contrast, the Vosges Mountains have received significantly less attention, with no published apatite (U-Th)/He ages available. Results from previous fission track studies suggest a complex thermal history for the region, including a transient heating episode during the initial rifting phase, as well as recent hydrothermal events that have influenced the thermochronological measurements. However, the total amount of exhumation and the timing and extent of rock uplift remain so far unconstrained.

In this study, we aim to further constrain the thermal evolution of the region using more than 30 new apatite (U-Th)/He ages from two E-W profiles across the Upper Rhine Graben and its rift flanks. Samples were collected from outcrops previously dated using apatite fission tracks or, where unavailable, along new horizontal and vertical profiles. The southern profile spans the highest peaks, connecting the eastern edge of the Black Forest with the western edge of the Vosges Mountains. The second profile is located along the northern borders of the two mountain ranges.

How to cite: Dremel, F. C., Villamizar-Escalante, N., Heberer, B., Schönleber, L., Friedrichs, B., Robl, J., and von Hagke, C.: Constraining Exhumation and Rift Evolution in the Vosges and Black Forest Using Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15767,, 2025.

EGU25-15994 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Deconvoluted evolution of the intra-plate Rhine Graben during the Cenozoic 

Camille Ourliac, Catherine Homberg, Justine Briais, Cécile Allanic, Sylvie Schueller, Anne Verlaguet, and Agathe Faure

The European Cenozoic Rift Intraplate System (ECRIS) is a deep crustal discontinuity. On the surface, its longest segment, the Rhine Basin, is a large scale asymmetric rift that has been largely studied by sedimentary and tectonic inquiries for its oil and geothermal potential. However, the mechanism behind its development is still under discussion. Different scenarios co-exist, among them an East-West Oligocene extension of unknown origin (Bergerat, 1985), a transtensive opening, associated with a North-South compression linked to the Pyrenean orogeny (Bourgeois et al., 2007) and an opening caused by the alpine slap pull (Merle and Michon, 2001).

This study focuses on the reinterpretation of 1500km of seismic lines and 330 boreholes in the Rhine Graben French part. Four evolutive isochrones and structural maps are proposed, showing the evolution of the fault activity and sedimentary deposition during the Cenozoic. They have been constructed through a seismic stratigraphy analysis that allowed to map five stratigraphic interpolated horizons within the Cenozoic sedimentary pile, including a newly interpolated intra-Chattian horizon. Furthermore, the 3D fault networks active during each period have been constructed, sorting the faults regarding their periods of activity and correlating their expression from one seismic profile to another, including their geometry, their measured throw values, and impact on the sedimentary filling of the Graben.

The first isochrone/structural map extends from the Lutetian to the end of Priabonian (Eocene), lasting 10Ma. It displays a North-South succession of small basins constrained by NS to N40° faults, except in the Erstein transfer zone, where a N70° Variscan suture marks the bedrock. Here, faults adopt a N150° trend. The major West border faults are segmented, alternating with onlap zones.

The second map is of Rupelian (Oligocene) age, lasting 2.9Ma. It displays three larger basins, the Strasbourg, Selestat and the Dannemarie basins, separated by EW thresholds of lower subsidence. In those basins, the three time faster subsidence indicate the climax of the rifting. Interestingly, intra-basin active faults are less numerous during this step and are only reactivated faults from the first step.

The third map points to a transition phase of Rupelian-Chattian age (Oligocene) lasting 4.4Ma. It is characterized by a global slowing down of the subsidence and the tectonic activity except for a small basin at the North-Eastern limit of our study area, constrained by a N10 fault.

The last map is of Chattian to Late Miocene age, lasting 21.1Ma. It is characterized by a new high subsidence in the North, lasting from Chattian to mid-Miocene, but also by the re-activation of the former faults and the development of newly formed normal or transtensive faults. This extensive event is followed by a transtpressive event (supposedly Late Miocene) illustrated by faults-flanked anticlines structures, interpreted as positive flower structures linked to the Alpine orogeny.

This study points to the complex structure of the Rhine basin, involving several sub-basins and fault kinematics evolving in space and time, and the major role of deep structural inheritances in governing the graben asymmetry and fault expression in the sedimentary cover.

How to cite: Ourliac, C., Homberg, C., Briais, J., Allanic, C., Schueller, S., Verlaguet, A., and Faure, A.: Deconvoluted evolution of the intra-plate Rhine Graben during the Cenozoic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15994,, 2025.

EGU25-16095 | Orals | TS2.1

Migration of deformation, basin subsidence, magmatism in extensional basins: comparative constraints from numerical models and observations (Pannonian Basin) 

László Fodor, Attila Balázs, Éva Oravecz, Szabolcs Harangi, Sierd A.P.L. Cloetingh, Taras Gerya, and Réka Lukács

Numerical models are essential tools for investigating a variety of Earth phenomena, providing insights into the role of different surface to deep Earth processes. As with many laboratory approaches the effectiveness of the models can be assessed by comparing their results with natural case studies of the same phenomenon, which helps to constrain the large number of model parameters.

This presentation will take the example of the Pannonian Basin system having been formed within the Alpine–Carpathian–Dinaric orogenic belt, where geological data are abundant, and the temporal resolution of basin evolution including magmatic events are very good and in the range of the numerical modelling results.

We used 3D coupled thermo-mechanical and surface processes numerical models (I3ELVIS-FDSPM code) to simulate continental rifting and to shed light on the temporal evolution of the entire rift system. Namely, the extensional deformation starts than migrates from the (western) basin margins, from inherited lithospheric weakness zones towards the basin centre, but an early jump from the western margin toward the opposite basin part is also present in some experiments. This is followed by a second jump of basin formation toward the basin centre, between the first and second generations of basins. This is in good agreement with the compilation of the ages for the onset of basin subsidence and migration of activity of some major bounding faults including low-angle detachments of metamorphic core complexes. This migration is driven and supported by mantle flow and asthenospheric upwelling, eventually affected by thermal relaxation. Based on detailed geological and geophysical mapping, we point out the role of inherited weakness zone(s) – mostly former suture zones – within the crust and mantle lithosphere. Consequences are contrasting subsidence and uplift patterns and a variable heat flow evolution in different sub-basins.

The migration of basin formation shows remarkably similar migration of the magmatic activity. This started with granodioritic–dacitic products around 18.6 Ma along the western basin margin, then jumped toward the opposite basin part around 17.3–16.8 Ma and stepped back toward the basin centre around 15.3 Ma with a change toward andesitic volcanism. Geochemical characteristics indicate increasing mantle component in the melts during the continuing extension until ca. 14.4 Ma. The magma generation in the lower crust and mantle (by decompressional melting) is predicted by numerical models.

The evolution of basin formation and magmatism between ~14.9 and ~11.5 Ma is marked by the migration from the basin centre toward the eastern margin and is probably due to subduction roll-back, steepening of the slab and its detachment. This process is combined with self-consistent evolution of mantle processes deriving from the rifting of the overriding lithosphere.

The research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office project number K134873 granted to László Fodor and no. 145905 granted to Réka Lukács and MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" PannonianVolcano Research Group

How to cite: Fodor, L., Balázs, A., Oravecz, É., Harangi, S., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., Gerya, T., and Lukács, R.: Migration of deformation, basin subsidence, magmatism in extensional basins: comparative constraints from numerical models and observations (Pannonian Basin), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16095,, 2025.

EGU25-16548 | Orals | TS2.1

Rifting and Breakup during Marginal Sea Basin formation: Differences from Atlantic-type margins 

Geoffroy Mohn, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Julie Tugend, Etienne Legeay, Nick Kusznir, William Vetel, and François Sapin

The rifting and continental breakup styles of Marginal Sea Basins is illustrated by well-constrained Western Pacific examples consisting of the South China Sea (SCS), the Coral Sea (CS) and the Woodlark Basin. In these examples, rifting directly followed an orogenic event which provided a strong thermal and structural inheritance as initial conditions to their formation. In the SCS and the CS especially, the rifting style is characterized by wide rifting forming a succession of sub-basins with thin continental crust, controlled by low-angle normal faults. The formation and development of extensional faults are enhanced by the reactivation of former thrust faults.

The final stages of rifting and continental breakup are contemporaneous with significant magmatic activity in the distalmost part of these margins with the emplacement of volcanoes, dykes and sills. Continent-Ocean transitions (COTs) are characterized by a sharp juxtaposition of the continental crust against igneous oceanic crust suggesting that a rapid shift from rifting to magmatic spreading occurred. High extension rates prevent conductive cooling allowing the focusing of volcanic activity into sharp COTs, quickly evolving to oceanic magmatic accretion.

The rifting style and mode of continental breakup during the formation of Marginal Sea Basins and their margins differs significantly from that of Atlantic-type margins. In the latter, these differences are influenced by transient high mantle temperatures, which lead to thick magmatic crust (i.e. magma-rich margins), or low-extension rates and mantle depletion, which result in subcontinental mantle exhumation (i.e. magma-poor margins). The evolution of Marginal Seas Basins is also controlled by the initial rheological conditions inherited from the previous orogenic event, where a combination of elevated geothermal gradients and rapid extension rates are driven by kinematic boundary conditions. These conditions are influenced by the presence of nearby subduction zones.

How to cite: Mohn, G., Ringenbach, J.-C., Tugend, J., Legeay, E., Kusznir, N., Vetel, W., and Sapin, F.: Rifting and Breakup during Marginal Sea Basin formation: Differences from Atlantic-type margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16548,, 2025.

EGU25-16706 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Decoding rheological controls on rifting and continental break-up 

Sandrine Ritter, Attila Balázs, and Taras Gerya

Normal faults and extensional detachments, their formation and migration are coupled to the formation of rifted margins, eventually leading to crustal break-up and the birth of new oceanic plates. Where and how this process occurs depends on the composition of the lithospheric layers and thus on different aspects of crustal and mantle elastic, plastic and viscous rheology. Among such indicators, the role of the shear modulus of the various lithospheric layers and thermal expansion, i.e. the relation between temperature related volume changes are not well understood. The latter, together with compressibility (i.e. the relative volume change due to pressure change), becomes particularly important during coseismic slip events, when the rock undergoes a sudden change in temperature and pressure. The influence of such parameters, under the assumption of elasticity, on continental break-up and subsequent formation of oceanic crust leading to a fully developed spreading center is still not well understood and requires further investigation.

 In our study, we aim to better understand the influence of different rheological parameters (such as shear modulus, compressibility or thermal expansion), assuming a visco-elastic-plastic rheology. A particular interest lies in the contribution of elastic, plastic and viscous deformation during break up and rifting. For this purpose, we perform a series of high-resolution pseudo-2D models (i.e., models based on a fully 3D code with a shortened third dimension) based on the petrological-thermomechanical model code i3ELVIS. These models include elasto-visco-plastic rheology with strain weakening, partial mantle melting, oceanic crustal growth, thermal contraction, and mantle grain size evolution.

How to cite: Ritter, S., Balázs, A., and Gerya, T.: Decoding rheological controls on rifting and continental break-up, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16706,, 2025.

EGU25-17309 | Orals | TS2.1

The Central High Atlas Jurassic diapiric province (Morocco): a field analogue for salt rift basins preceding continental break-up 

Mar Moragas, Eduard Saura, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, Jaume Vergés, Philippe Razin, Carine Grélaud, Gregoire Messager, and David Hunt

Continental passive margins are often defined by early salt-related rift systems buried beneath thick sedimentary successions, with structural and sedimentary architectures only directly observable when inverted in orogenic systems where primary salt structures are overprinted by compression. The Central High Atlas diapiric province (Morocco) is an inverted salt-related rift basin with active salt tectonics since early Mesozoic times that provides an exceptional view of early syn-rift sediments and structure. For the first time, regional balanced and restored cross-sections of the Central High Atlas showing the diapiric nature of the basin and the role of salt tectonics during its evolution are presented. The constructed cross-sections across the Central High Atlas include seven salt walls and six intervening elongated minibasins with associated halokinetic depositional sequences, providing evidence of diachronous diapiric growth from Early Jurassic to Cenozoic times. Several of these diapirs bifurcate or amalgamate along strike, so the number of major structures varies laterally. The comparison of the restored and balanced cross-sections allows estimating a shortening of about 38 km, 21 km accumulated in the Atlassic fold and thrust belt frontal domains, and 17 within the Jurassic rift basin.

During the Early Jurassic rifting, shallow water carbonate platforms nucleated both along the margins of the High Atlas Basin and around most salt walls (i.e., highs) within the basin, while intervening minibasins underwent higher subsidence rates and were filled with deeper-water limestones and marls. Subsequently, a longitudinal mixed clastic carbonate deltaic system prograded eastwards filling the minibasins between the long rising salt walls. During this stage, shallow marine shoals and reef patches developed attached to the diapiric walls, evidencing continuous diapir rise.

Throughout the whole rift basin, where local diapir uplift rate is similar to regional subsidence rate, shallow deposition environments or even local subaerial conditions occurred. Thus, platform development was enhanced and karstic processes could develop around salt structures in central parts of the basin. The lessons learnt in the Central High Atlas serve as a valuable analog and provide insights for understanding the early stages of rifting, salt tectonics, and the subsequent evolution of passive margins on a worldwide scale.

How to cite: Moragas, M., Saura, E., Martín-Martín, J. D., Vergés, J., Razin, P., Grélaud, C., Messager, G., and Hunt, D.: The Central High Atlas Jurassic diapiric province (Morocco): a field analogue for salt rift basins preceding continental break-up, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17309,, 2025.

EGU25-17748 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Magmatic evolution of Paranja-Etendeka related mafic intrusive rocks in Western Namibia - impact on lithosphere heating and weakening? 

Jörg A. Pfänder, Philipp Holaschke, Andreas Klügel, Joachim Krause, Stefan Jung, and Thorsten Nagel

Countless studies have been conducted in order to determine the magmatic evolution and genetic heritage of extrusive magmatic rocks associated to continental intraplate magmatism, which in case of large igneous provinces (LIPs) is frequently linked to mantle plumes associated to continental breakup and rifting. By contrast, less attention is paid to the plumbing systems of LIPs, to magma transport, storage and differentiation en route to the surface, and to the volume and composition of the plutonic portion of intraplate magmatism. Studying the origin and magmatic evolution of LIP related plutonic rocks as counterparts of more evolved extrusive series, however, provides crucial knowledge about their volume and heat budget and will have direct implications on estimates about lithospheric strength.

Here we present mineral and whole-rock geochemical and petrological data from different types of gabbros from Western Namibia which are thought to represent a deeper crustal section of a plumbing system that fed the Paranja-Etendeka LIP ~132 Ma ago. Magmatism at this time broadly coincides with Gondwana breakup and opening of the South Atlantic. Intense differentiation and cooling of larger volumes of primary mafic magmas within the lithosphere and crust might have reduced lithospheric strength and thus might have supported or even triggered continental breakup.

Major- and trace element systematics and thermodynamic modelling suggest that the gabbro parental magma developed from a tholeiitic picritic melt with up to 18wt% MgO by >10% olivine fractionation. The picritic primary magma was formed by ~14% partial mantle melting. Liquidus temperatures have been as high as ~1525°C (3 GPa) and mantle potential temperatures in the order of 1455-1470°C, significantly higher than estimates for the convecting mantle (1280-1340°C; McKenzie & Bickle, 1988) but consistent with estimates assigned to the Tristan mantle plume head upon impacting the Gondwana lithosphere (Gibson et al., 2005). Clinopyroxene trace element data reveal that the REE concentration variation between the gabbro parental magmas was nearly an order of magnitude, inconsistent with gabbro formation by pure fractional crystallization from a common magma, but in support of substantial assimilation of Pan-African continental crust accompanied by high crystallization rates. These observations imply intense heat exchange between the plumbing system and ambient lithosphere, which possibly led to marked local heating and lithosphere weakening.

McKenzie, D., Bickle, M.J., 1988, The volume and composition of melt generated by extension of the lithosphere, J. Petrol., 29, 625-679.

Gibson, S.A., Thompson, R.N., Day, J.A., Humphries, S.E., Dickin, A.P., 2005, Melt-generation processes associated with the Tristan mantle plume: Constraints on the origin of EM-1.

How to cite: Pfänder, J. A., Holaschke, P., Klügel, A., Krause, J., Jung, S., and Nagel, T.: Magmatic evolution of Paranja-Etendeka related mafic intrusive rocks in Western Namibia - impact on lithosphere heating and weakening?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17748,, 2025.

EGU25-17843 | Orals | TS2.1

Physically-consistent magma pathways in continental rifts 

Eleonora Rivalta

Magmatism and volcanism are fundamental components of all tectonic environments on Earth, and play a particularly crucial role in the evolution of magma-assisted continental rifting. Magmatism alters the rheological behaviour of the lithosphere by building networks of intrusions, thereby modifying how plates accommodate tectonic extension. The geochemical footprint of the eruptive products is affected by both the architecture of magma ascent pathways and by the timescales of magma storage and ascent. Volcanism, the surface manifestation of magmatism, results in the construction of large volcanic edifices or distributed volcanic fields. Volcanism is observed to shift during the lifetime of rift systems, eventually focusing on the rift axis in mature rifts. Surface eruptive vents are fed through complex magma plumbing systems, which we can observe through geophysical imaging. 

Geodynamic modelling of the temporal evolution of lithospheric rheology and the magma evolution during ascent and storage demand for physics-based models of ascent pathways that incorporate the time scale of ascent and conditions for arrest. Such physics-based models would help better constrain the parameters of geodynamic codes by providing the tools to compare predicted magma pathways, magma evolution and distribution of volcanism with geological, geophysical and geochemical observations. However, this poses a challenge in linking the ductile deformation of the lithosphere and diking, which occur over vastly different spatial and temporal scales. The stress field has the dominant control on dike pathways and velocity: dikes open perpendicular to the axis of least compression to minimize work against the elastic stress field. Thus, an accurately calibrated stress field is fundamental for physically-consistent magma pathways. The stress field in the lithosphere evolves due to changing far-field stresses, new magmatic intrusions, growing surface loads, formation of basins, erosion and sedimentation; how can these be properly incorporated in geodynamic models? What rules do dikes follow when they propagate in a stressed medium? In this talk, I will present an evaluation of the dominant factors affecting the stress field, and propose guidelines for a physically consistent incorporation of magma pathways in geodynamic models.

How to cite: Rivalta, E.: Physically-consistent magma pathways in continental rifts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17843,, 2025.

EGU25-18056 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Crustal asymmetries within the Corinth and North Evia Gulf rifts (Greece): Moho depth variations and structural inheritances 

Frank Chanier, Fabien Caroir, and Christel Tiberi

The Hellenides in Continental Greece is a tertiary alpine belt with complex tectonic units distributed into two major crustal domains: the External Zones and the Internal Zones, whose geological histories diverged mainly during the late Jurassic, when the internal zones got loaded by the emplacement of large ophiolitic nappes. The Frontal Thrust of the Internal Zones, later partly reactivated as the Main Pelagonian Detachment, marks the boundary between these two major tectonic domains. Since the Miocene, the entire Greek territory has been affected by back-arc extension associated with the southward slab roll-back of the Ionian subduction (Africa Plate). This extension has led to the exhumation of core-complexes and by the formation of numerous extensional basins in the Aegean Sea and two major rifts on mainland Greece: the Corinth Rift from about 4 Ma, and the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift considered to open since 3.5 Ma. The first one is located within the External Zones, while the later developed mainly within the Internal Zones. The Corinth Rift has been extensively studied through various techniques and datasets, whereas the Sperchios – Northern Evia Gulf Rift has been less well-investigated.

We present new crustal cross-sections through the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift interpreted from the analysis of recently acquired seismic data and from filed-based tectonic analysis. These sections reveal (1) the location and variability of major normal faults, and associated depocenters, and (2) the presence of a magmatic chamber in the eastern part of the rift. On the basis of existing data and on new data from receiver functions, we propose an improved version of the Moho depth map in this area. This updated map shows significant latitudinal asymmetries within the rifts, along with longitudinal asymmetries across the entire region. We propose two new Moho depth cross-sections to account for these depth variations and asymmetries: one through the western parts of the rifts and another through the eastern portions. In the west, our results show crustal thickening beneath the western domains of both rifts and crustal thinning beneath some particular zones of the Hellenides, particularly beneath the highly elevated Parnassus zone. To the east, the crustal configuration differs, with a shallower Moho beneath the rifts and a slight crustal thickening between them, under the Kifissos Basin. Furthermore, within the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift, depocenters and major faults are not localized along the same rift boundary. To the west, deformation is largely controlled by faults forming the southern boundary of the rift, whereas in the east, major faults and associated depocenters are located along the northern boundary. We propose that the crustal thickening and thinning observed are related to the presence of deep detachments beneath the Corinth Rift and the western part of the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift, including the Main Pelagonian Detachment that seems particularly important to constrain the present crustal geometries.

How to cite: Chanier, F., Caroir, F., and Tiberi, C.: Crustal asymmetries within the Corinth and North Evia Gulf rifts (Greece): Moho depth variations and structural inheritances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18056,, 2025.

EGU25-18237 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Unexpected post-breakup altitude of the distal continental margin of the Demerara Plateau (French Guiana): New constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb calcite dating 

Charline Coudun, Dorian Bienveignant, Christophe Basile, Igor Girault, Fabienne Giraud, Adrien Vezinet, Lies Loncke, David Graindorge, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Julien Léger, Alessandro Menini, and Arnauld Heuret

The Demerara Plateau is a submarine bathymetric high, 230 km-long and 170 km-wide, lying between 1000 and 3000 m-depth, and located north of French Guiana and Suriname shelves. On its northeastern border, the Bastille Plateau is a 16 km-long, 9 km-wide relief, at the intersection of the Cretaceous transform and divergent margins of the Demerara Plateau. It represents a crucial witness for understanding the early stages of the Equatorial Atlantic opening. Seismic profiles from GUYAPLACa (2003) and MARGATSb (2016) cruises reveal that the Bastille Plateau is a continentward tilted block with a planar top surface culminating at bathymetric depths of 3650 m, 15 km from the continent-ocean boundary. In 2016, the DRADEMc cruise dredged the rocks outcropping along the northern slope of the Bastille Plateau, retrieving mostly trachy-basalts and a single rudstone sample. During the DIADEMd campaign (2023), a dredge on the southern slope and two Nautile submarine dives confirmed that the Bastille Plateau was almost entirely made up of magmatic material. Three pelagic carbonates were sampled during one Nautile dive and came directly from the top of the Bastille Plateau, between 3745 m and 3685 m-depth.

We combine petrology with absolute U-Pb dating on calcite for the rudstone, and biostratigraphic dating of the pelagic carbonates deposited at the top of the Bastille Plateau to constrain the chronology of the rifting of the Equatorial Atlantic along the Demerara Plateau. We interpret the rudstone as deposited on a subaerial unconformity surface, similar in seismic lines to the post-rift unconformity. U-Pb analyses on calcite date this post-rift unconformity as Mid-Albian and constrain a continental break-up at 106 ± 9 Ma. Unexpectedly, post-rift subsidence did not follow the break-up, with marine transgression occurring circa 103 Ma on the Demerara Plateau, but later than 98 ± 3 Ma on the Bastille Plateau, closer to the continent-ocean boundary, possibly in relation with the vicinity of the Sierra Leone hotspot. Biostratigraphic ages indicate that subsidence was rapid from the Cenomanian onward, resulting in the early establishment of a deep-sea current acceleration zone along the outer margin of the Demerara Plateau.





How to cite: Coudun, C., Bienveignant, D., Basile, C., Girault, I., Giraud, F., Vezinet, A., Loncke, L., Graindorge, D., Klingelhoefer, F., Léger, J., Menini, A., and Heuret, A.: Unexpected post-breakup altitude of the distal continental margin of the Demerara Plateau (French Guiana): New constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb calcite dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18237,, 2025.

The understanding of geodynamic processes such as earthquakes and mountain building requires a deep knowledge of mineral and rock deformation mechanisms (e.g. Karato, 2013). The most used approach to study mineral and rock rheology is by means of experimental investigations. However, they can be significantly challenged by both apparatus corrections and grain-boundary interactions that result in inhomogeneous stress states within deforming samples. Moreover, few experimental data are available for single crystals under tensile stress even if this is a quite common environment in the crust at all scales (e.g. Fossen, 2010). Finally, most of the data that we have on mineral and rock rheology comes from gem quality, often synthetic, crystals, but they are far to represent the bulk of the crust.

In this contribution, a novel approach that aims to overcome some of these difficulties is presented. The rheology of minerals can be explored using natural host-inclusion mineral systems instead of an experimental deformation apparatus on synthetic products. Host-inclusion systems are the simplest natural “rock samples” occurring on Earth because they consist of two mineral grains and one grain boundary. Moreover, because of the contrast in the thermal expansion and compressibility coefficients between the host and the inclusion, host-inclusion mineral couples are pre-stressed under most pressure and temperature conditions. Therefore, by applying pressure and/or temperature to such systems in the laboratory, it is possible to generate tensile and compressive stresses in the host mineral which can be measured in situ using Raman spectroscopy without applying apparatus corrections (e.g. Campomenosi et al. 2024). Finally, mineral flow laws along with the role of grain boundaries can be investigated from the host deformation experiments coupled with numerical simulation modelling (e.g. Zhong et al. 2024).  This new methodology can improve our quantitative understanding of mineral strength under different stress state at non-ambient conditions, providing a significant step forward in the quantification of larger scale geodynamic processes.



Campomenosi, N., Angel, R. J., Mihailova, B., & Alvaro, M. (2024). Mineral host inclusion systems are a window into the solid-state rheology of the Earth. Communications Earth & Environment5(1), 660.

Fossen, H. (2010). Structural Geology. Cambridge University Press, 480 pp.

Karato, S. I. (2013). Rheological properties of minerals and rocks. Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth, 94-144.

Zhong, X., Wallis, D., Kingsbery, P., & John, T. (2024). The effect of aqueous fluid on viscous relaxation of garnet and modification of inclusion pressures after entrapment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters636, 118713.

How to cite: Campomenosi, N.: Host-inclusion mineral systems as a new probe for in situ mineral rheology at non-ambient conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-978,, 2025.

EGU25-3065 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Modelling antigorite dehydration: links between reaction progress, deformation and stress field evolution  

Kristóf Porkoláb, Evangelos Moulas, and Stefan M. Schmalholz

The expected depth of dehydration reactions in subducted slabs shows correlation with the hypocenters of intermediate-depth earthquakes, suggesting that dehydration embrittlement may be a key mechanism of earthquake nucleation. However, it is still unclear how dehydration embrittlement occurs during mineral reactions. This uncertainty is mainly rooted in the complex interactions between reaction progress, evolution of effective stresses, and deformation, which are challenging to quantify. Here we present 2D hydro-mechanical-chemical numerical models of antigorite dehydration (antigorite --> enstatite + forsterite + H2O) to quantify these interactions. We investigate how deformation may lead to dehydration and whether the reaction causes significant stress perturbations, potentially leading to earthquakes. Results show that dehydration may be triggered by fast deformation. Initially, deformation induces fluid overpressure (fluid pressure > total pressure) zones. Fluid overpressure is then relaxed by the onset and progress of the dehydration reaction, decreasing the chance of fracturing. This behavior is explained by the negative total volume change during the reaction, meaning that the solid and fluid reaction products occupy a smaller volume than the original reactant antigorite. The reaction zone is the least likely to fracture due to reaction-induced weakening and the locally larger increase of total pressure compared to fluid pressure. However, the weakening of the reaction zone also generates rheological contrasts with respect to the intact domain. As the reaction progresses, rheological contrasts induce the development of fluid overpressure zones along the sides of the reaction zone, which may lead to brittle deformation. Furthermore, reaction-induced weakening may also lead to strain localization/runaway processes, potentially causing brittle failure.


The reported investigation was financially supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary (PD143377).

How to cite: Porkoláb, K., Moulas, E., and M. Schmalholz, S.: Modelling antigorite dehydration: links between reaction progress, deformation and stress field evolution , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3065,, 2025.

EGU25-3241 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Differential stress induced mineral replacement around strong clasts in a weak biotite matrix 

Anna Rogowitz, Philippe Goncalves, A. Hugh N. Rice, Zhaoliang Hou, and Bernhard Grasemann

During progressive deformation, a strong inclusion in a weaker matrix causes a heterogeneous differential stress field, which not only results in strain localisation nucleating in the compressive quadrants of the clast but potentially also causes local pressure variations. Numerical modelling indicates that especially in a polyphase rock with a clast-in-matrix structure, pressures can locally vary by up to 1 GPa. So far, it is not clear whether and how local tectonically induced pressure changes are reflected in the mineral paragenesis of metamorphic rocks. Here, we present an example of stress-induced mineral replacement from the north Norwegian Caledonides (Finnmark) which is consistent with a local variation in mineral paragenesis due to pressure variations around strong inclusions.

A subvertical metadolerite dyke was rotated to align with the penetrative regional foliation during the emplacement of the overlying nappe. The metadolerite, now reduced to a thickness of approximately 1.4 cm is sandwiched between two quartzite layers and has undergone alteration to a schist comprising biotite, titanite, epidote, garnet, quartz and accessory apatite. The garnets are subhedral and frequently exhibit two growth zones, with inclusions of predominantly titanite and rare amphibole. The surrounding metasedimentary schists contain staurolite, suggesting mid-amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions (~550 °C and 6 kbar). During later deformation of the altered metadolerite (i.e., biotite schist), some garnets were pushed into the adjacent quartzite, forming prominent ultramylonitic quartz tectoglyphs, while garnets remaining within the biotite schist were rotated to form delta-type structures. In contrast to garnets, epidote and apatite clasts are characterised by a lower aspect ratio and locally appear to have aligned in a stable orientation within the strongly foliated biotite matrix. Such stable clasts show a thin layer (< 25 µm) of phengitic white mica accompanied by nanocrystals of quartz in their compressive quadrants. The phengitic nature of the white mica suggests a pressure value deviating from the accepted regional mid-amphibolite facies conditions (~550 °C and 6 kbar), potentially indicating a local tectonic overpressure around the strong clasts in the weak biotite matrix. This hypothesis, however, still needs to be validated by further quantification of the local variations in pressure and temperature conditions.

How to cite: Rogowitz, A., Goncalves, P., Rice, A. H. N., Hou, Z., and Grasemann, B.: Differential stress induced mineral replacement around strong clasts in a weak biotite matrix, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3241,, 2025.

EGU25-3832 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Three-phase fluid flow in porous rocks during CO2 injection into reservoirs 

Anna Isaeva, Lyudmila Khakimova, and Yury Podladchikov

Injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) into deep geological formations is part of the process of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). When CO2 is injected into hydrocarbon reservoirs, a double benefit can be achieved. Indeed, injecting CO2 into oil reservoirs can enhance oil recovery (EOR) and also reduce emissions of this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. This approach (CCUS-EOR) appears promising as it helps achieve climate goals in a cost-effective manner.
At the same time, CO2 flooding can complicate the phase behavior of fluids in the reservoir. For example, when hydrocarbons are mixed with CO2, three-phase liquid-liquid-vapor (LLV) equilibria can occur. This means that the mixture of hydrocarbons and CO2 is separated to form a vapor and two liquid phases that differ in their physical properties (density, viscosity and phase composition, etc.). These differences affect fluid flow in porous reservoir rocks and the ultimate displacement efficiency in CCUS-EOR projects.
We study the phase behavior of hydrocarbon-carbon dioxide mixtures and the effect of LLV separation on fluid flow using numerical simulation. We show how direct minimization of the Gibbs energy can be used to calculate LLV equilibria, which is a necessary step for subsequent numerical simulation of three-phase transport in porous reservoir rocks.

How to cite: Isaeva, A., Khakimova, L., and Podladchikov, Y.: Three-phase fluid flow in porous rocks during CO2 injection into reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3832,, 2025.

EGU25-5144 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

 On the role of transformation-induced physical changes on eclogite propagation: insights from thermo-mechanical numerical models. 

Anaïs Cochet, Philippe Yamato, Marie Baïsset, Loïc Labrousse, and Thibault Duretz

In convergence zones, metamorphic transformations that affect the subducting lithosphere as due to changes in pressure and temperature significantly influence the mechanical behavior of rocks. For instance, eclogitization of lower crustal rocks, characterized by a notable densification has been associated with strain localization and seismic activity in several localities around the world. However, the mechanisms governing the propagation of this transformation once initiated remain insufficiently understood. In that prospect, this study investigates the process of eclogitization through thermo-mechanical numerical modeling, focusing on the deformation of an inclusion within a reactive matrix of different viscosity. This matrix-inclusion system is deformed under pure shear boundary conditions, and the physical properties of the initial materials evolve toward those of the transformation product in areas of the model where the pressure of the transformation is reached.

A parametric analysis is conducted to assess the influence of a heterogeneous pressure field generated by mechanical heterogeneities on the initiation and propagation of the transformation. Our results show that pressure overstepping and initial viscosity of the material are key factors to trigger the transformation. Other parameters such as (1) density variations during the transformation, (2) the initial viscosity contrast between the matrix and the inclusion, and (3) the shape/orientation of the inclusion instead enhance or inhibit the propagation of the transformation. Additionally, our results show that the direction of the eclogite propagation is systematically perpendicular to the shortening direction. These results show striking similarities with field observations and structural analyses of finger-shaped eclogite fronts on the island of Holsnøy (Norway).

How to cite: Cochet, A., Yamato, P., Baïsset, M., Labrousse, L., and Duretz, T.:  On the role of transformation-induced physical changes on eclogite propagation: insights from thermo-mechanical numerical models., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5144,, 2025.

EGU25-5874 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Thermo-mechanical impacts of metamorphic transformations on rock deformation 

Philippe Yamato, Thibault Duretz, Marie Baïsset, and Anaïs Cochet

Density and viscosity variations induced by metamorphic transformations can significantly impact rock strength. However, despite their importance, most models still largely overlook these transformations.

The goal of this presentation is to clarify and quantify the rheological effects of each of these changes. To achieve this, we first introduce numerical methods that incorporate the dynamic effects of transformations in models (e.g., volume and viscosity changes). In a second time, we illustrate separately the effects of (1) density changes and (2) viscosity changes when a rock undergoes transformation under stress. The models presented enable the study of the dynamic evolution of strain, stress, and pressure fields as a new phase forms within an initially homogeneous rock undergoing transformation.

Our results reveal that, in certain cases, changes in stress and pressure fields can be significant. These findings are particularly crucial for understanding the brittle behavior of rocks under high-pressure conditions. It consequently provides valuable insights into intermediate-depth seismicity occurring in subduction zones.

How to cite: Yamato, P., Duretz, T., Baïsset, M., and Cochet, A.: Thermo-mechanical impacts of metamorphic transformations on rock deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5874,, 2025.

EGU25-6579 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Rapid Deformation-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Siltstone from IODP Hole U1581B, Transkei Basin 

Alexander Minakov, Viktoriya Yarushina, Steven Bohaty, Laurel Childress, Ingar Johansen, Jan Kihle, Adriano Mazzini, Mohammad Nooraiepour, Stephane Polteau, Petter Silkoset, and Gabrielle Uenzelmann-Neben

The IODP 392-U1581B borehole was drilled in 2022 about 300 km from the South African coast, at ~4500 m water depth in Transkei Basin. The recovered stratigraphic section includes Cenozoic, mostly carbonaceous, rocks and upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian and Campanian) siltstones with a low calcium carbonate content (<5 wt%). The lowermost part of the recovered Campanian strata, located between 870 and 1000 m below the seafloor, includes 5-10 cm thick beds of stiff low-porosity (<10%) mudstones. In these beds, we observed enigmatic zebra-like textures including subparallel light-coloured bands (1-5 mm wide) and feather-shaped criss-crossing veins.

Here we present a set of multidisciplinary investigations aiming to define the origin of these enigmatic structures. The SEM-EDS and XRD analyses indicate that the light-coloured bands and veins mainly consist of calcium carbonate, with 10-20% of quartz, clay minerals, siderite, and pyrite. The SEM images reveal microstructures of shear deformation within the bands. The shear plane and transport direction identified based on flow indicators, implies a displacement of ~0.1 mm. In thin sections, the narrow axial zone of the band appears like a void filled with siliciclastic matrix indicating that the crystallization front developed from the fracture wall inwards. The XRD analysis shows that the matrix is composed of quartz, muscovite/illite, kaolinite and some scarce detrital minerals, including siderite, pyrite, plagioclase and others. The siderites grains range in size from 10 to 15 μm, while framboidal pyrite forms small aggregates with a diameter of ~1 μm, often nucleating on top the siderite crystals. Inside the veins, the grain size of the calcite filling is smaller than 1 μm indicating a short crystallization time.

We constrained the origin of the calcium carbonate deposited in the veins using isotopic analyses. 87Sr/86Sr = 0.708-0.709 is close to the isotopic composition of modern seawater. Depletion of 18O (δ18O = -9‰ to -11‰) implies deposition at elevated temperatures. The negative δ13C = -11‰ to -13‰ remains unclear but could be associated with oxidation of methane. Since no evidence of recrystallization was observed in the Campanian strata, these isotopic ratios would rule out that the zebra textures were formed during burial.

The deformation microstructures indicate that calcite precipitated concurrent to dilatant shear fractures. There is no evidence of post-Campanian tectonic events in the Transkei Basin. If such deformation had existed, some deformation indicators outside the siderite-rich layers should be visible. It is well known that extensional disc fractures and other deformation structures can form in core samples during drilling and core recovery. The geometric relations of fractures to core irregularities also imply that the zebra textures can be induced. However, the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the induced fractures would require super-saturation of the fluid, high reaction rates, the source of calcium and carbon. An elevated pH and temperature conditions, mixed oxidizing and reduced fluids, and rapid decompression on core retrieval could potentially drop the solubility of calcite but it is unknown what would drive precipitation calcite on a time scale of minutes to hours.

How to cite: Minakov, A., Yarushina, V., Bohaty, S., Childress, L., Johansen, I., Kihle, J., Mazzini, A., Nooraiepour, M., Polteau, S., Silkoset, P., and Uenzelmann-Neben, G.: Rapid Deformation-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Siltstone from IODP Hole U1581B, Transkei Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6579,, 2025.

EGU25-6924 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Partial melting and melt segregation in migmatites from the Southern margin of Velay dome (French Massif Central, Variscan belt). 

Malissa Bakouche, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Stéphanie Duchêne, Mary-Alix Kaczmarek, Paul Walther, and Nicolas Thebaud

Partial melting and melt-solid segregation play a key role in crustal differentiation. However, quantifying the melt proportion and its distribution remains challenging. In this study, we document these processes by a structural-petrological analysis of migmatite samples from the southern margin of the Velay dome (French Massif Central), a region that exhibits a progressive transition from micaschists to migmatites formed during the Variscan orogeny.

We first estimate the melt fraction based on the identification of leucosome and mesosome at the outcrop to sample scale within a variety of migmatites across this metamorphic transition. The melt fraction and its chemical composition are further evaluated based on classical petrological analysis using optical microscopy, and geochemical tools (XRF (X-ray fluorescence) and EPMA (Electron Probe Microanalyser)). These data have been used for thermodynamic modeling of migmatite formation and evolution throughout P-T changes using PERPLE_X. We compare these models with textural-micro structural analysis based on SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and EBSD (Electron Back Scatter Diffraction) in order to decipher the former residual and peritectic minerals from the minerals crystallized from the melt.

Field observations show migmatites transitioning from metatexites to diatexites. Within metatexites, a network of texturally continuous leucosome veins concordant and discordant relative to the syn-migmatitic foliation points to grain scale melt segregation and melt migration beyond the grain scale. The mineral paragenesis of metatexite migmatite is Mus + Pl + Qz → Melt + Fdk, which is consistent with the modeled mineral reactions identified by thermodynamic modeling. Textural analysis indicates that part of the leucosome consist of a proportion of residual plagioclase, peritectic K-feldspar and quartz crystallized from the melt. Thermodynamic modeling suggests an estimation of melt fraction ranging from ~14% up to ~29% in the metatexites at temperatures ranging from 570 to 650°C and 6 kbar pressure, which is consistent with the estimate derived from textural analysis and is close to the transition between a partially molten rock and a crystal mush (Vanderhaeghe 2009).

This research provides new insights into the mechanisms driving crustal differentiation across scales by quantifying melt fraction and identifying melt-derived textures in partially molten rocks.

How to cite: Bakouche, M., Vanderhaeghe, O., Duchêne, S., Kaczmarek, M.-A., Walther, P., and Thebaud, N.: Partial melting and melt segregation in migmatites from the Southern margin of Velay dome (French Massif Central, Variscan belt)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6924,, 2025.

EGU25-8676 | Orals | GD7.1

Impact of Channeling on Fluid Mass Transport by Porosity Waves 

Stefan Markus Schmalholz, Samuel Cingari, and Liudmila Khakimova

Fluid migration across the lithosphere and mantle, involving aqueous fluids and melts, is crucial to geodynamic processes, including intra-plate volcanism and lithospheric metasomatism. In regions dominated by viscous deformation, porosity waves are a potential mechanism for fluid mass transport. For a constant compaction viscosity, porosity waves initiated by circular perturbations maintain a “blob-like” geometry. However, under decompaction weakening, where compaction viscosity decreases during dilation, these waves adopt a “channel-like” geometry, even when initiated with circular perturbations. While prior numerical studies established that blob-like porosity waves efficiently transport fluid mass, the efficiency of channel-like waves remains unclear. To address this, we present two-dimensional numerical simulations comparing fluid mass transport in blob-like and channel-like porosity waves. Our numerical model integrates tracer transport with varying distribution coefficients to quantify differences in transport efficiency. Preliminary results show that channel-like porosity waves significantly outperform blob-like waves in fluid mass transport. Furthermore, we apply our model to investigate lithospheric metasomatism driven by fluid migration, shedding light on processes underlying intra-plate volcanism, such as petit-spot volcanism.

How to cite: Schmalholz, S. M., Cingari, S., and Khakimova, L.: Impact of Channeling on Fluid Mass Transport by Porosity Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8676,, 2025.

EGU25-11961 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1

Mid-crustal overpressure in the Tethyan Himalaya 

Dominik R. Vlaha, Andrew V. Zuza, Victor E. Guevara, Peter J. Haproff, A. Alexander G. Webb, Francisco Reyes, Marie C. Genge, Ariuntsetseg Ganbat, Devynn Wilderman, and Birendra P. Singh

Theory suggests the possibility for significant deviations between total pressure (or dynamic pressure) and lithostatic pressure during crustal metamorphism. If such deviations exist, the implications for orogenic reconstruction would be profound. Whether such non-lithostatic pressure conditions during crustal metamorphism are recorded and preserved in the rock record remains unresolved, as direct field evidence for this phenomenon is limited. Here, we investigate the Paleogene Tethyan Himalaya fold-thrust belt in Himachal Pradesh, northwestern India, which is the structurally highest part of the Himalayan orogen and deforms a ~10–15 km thick Neoproterozoic–Cretaceous passive margin stratigraphic section. Field-based kinematic studies demonstrate relatively moderate shortening strain across the Tethyan Himalaya. However, basal Tethyan strata consistently yield elevated pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) estimates of 7–8 kbar and ~650°C, indicative of deep burial during Himalayan orogeny (ca. 20–45 Ma, 25–30 km depths). These P-T-t conditions can be reconciled by: (1) deep Cenozoic burial along cryptic structures and/or significant flattening of the Tethyan strata; (2) basal Tethyan strata recording metamorphism and deformation related to pre-Himalayan tectonism; or (3) non-lithostatic pressure conditions (i.e., tectonic overpressure).


To test these models, we systematically mapped the Tethyan fold-thrust belt along the Pin Valley transect in northwestern India, a classic site for stratigraphic, paleontological, paleoenvironmental, and structural reconstructions. The Pin Valley region provides an opportunity to study a structurally continuous metamorphic field gradient from the near-surface to structural depths between 10–15 km, which should reflect P conditions ≤4 kbar if lithostatic. We integrate a multi-method approach combining detailed geologic mapping with quantitative analytical techniques (e.g., thermometry, finite strain analyses, thermo/geochronology, and thermobarometry) to quantify the magnitude, kinematics, thermal architecture, and timing of regional deformation, metamorphism, and subsequent exhumation. Results show: (1) throw on shortening structures is moderate to low (≤4 km); (2) temperature-depth relationships record a continuous, but regionally elevated, upper-crustal geothermal gradient of ≥40 °C/km, which is inconsistent with deep burial models (≤25 °C/km); (3) minimal flattening of basal Tethyan strata; (4) upper Tethyan strata yield pre-Himalayan low-temperature thermochronology dates, further refuting deep Cenozoic burial; and (5) basal Tethyan P-T-t estimates confirm elevated mid-crustal conditions of ~7 kbar, 630°C at 10–15 km depths during the Cenozoic. Preliminary volume expansion calculations are minimal; therefore, mechanisms involving non-hydrostatic thermodynamics, deviatoric stresses, rock strength contrasts, and tectonic mode switching are being explored.

How to cite: Vlaha, D. R., Zuza, A. V., Guevara, V. E., Haproff, P. J., Webb, A. A. G., Reyes, F., Genge, M. C., Ganbat, A., Wilderman, D., and Singh, B. P.: Mid-crustal overpressure in the Tethyan Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11961,, 2025.

EGU25-12030 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Deep thermal field and rheology in different plate tectonic settings 

Leni Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Judith Bott, Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar, and Denis Anikiev

Continental rifting and breakup as well as plate convergence and collision create specific geophysical configurations with characteristic thermal fields which in turn lead to characteristic rheological settings. Three-dimensional data-integrated models demonstrate how thermal fields and rheological configurations of the Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle are characteristic depending on the tectonic setting. While the spatial variation of thermal conductivities, variable contributions of radiogenic heat in response to crustal thickness and composition, and variable average geothermal gradients in response to lithosphere thickness are the main controlling factors, their superposed effects may result in a variety of thermal and rheological configurations. We present examples illustrating that rifts can be hot or cold depending on the rifting mode, the amount of stretching and the time since rift initiation. Passive continental margins can be hotter on their oceanic or  continental side depending on the age of the adjacent ocean.  The crust is hotter in orogens than in their forelands due to its thickened radiogenic felsic units compounded by  a superposed topographic effect. This hotter orogenic crust is rheologically weaker -a finding consistent with the absence of deep crustal seismicity in orogens as the Andes or the Alpine Himalayan Chain.

How to cite: Scheck-Wenderoth, L., Cacace, M., Bott, J., Ajay Kumar, A. K., and Anikiev, D.: Deep thermal field and rheology in different plate tectonic settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12030,, 2025.

EGU25-12977 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Reactive transport model for chemically driven rock (de)hydration in the Lithosphere 

Lyudmila Khakimova, Stefan Schmalholz, and Yury Podladchikov

Reactive fluid transport through deformable porous rocks drives key geodynamic processes, including flux melting, subduction zone dehydration, and lithospheric melt migration. These thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes involve complex couplings that remain poorly understood.

We present a THMC model and numerical algorithm for multicomponent reactive transport in deformable, two-phase porous media. The model captures heat transfer, fluid-rock reactions, viscoelastic deformation, and porosity changes driven by reactions and deformation. Thermodynamic admissibility ensures consistency across poroelastic and poroviscous regimes. Conservative discretization enables resolving sharp reaction fronts, such as magma crystallization or rock hydration.

Validation against analytical solutions highlights robustness, with applications to melting, (de)hydration in the antigorite–olivine system, and feldspar-rich reactive transport involving 5 neutral and 50 charged species. This open-access tool advances the study of  THMC processes in Earth's lithosphere.

How to cite: Khakimova, L., Schmalholz, S., and Podladchikov, Y.: Reactive transport model for chemically driven rock (de)hydration in the Lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12977,, 2025.

EGU25-13075 | Orals | GD7.1

Reactive Fluid Flow in Generation of Felsic Crust 

Leonid Aranovich and Lyudmila Khakimova

Understanding the formation of continental crust, predominantly felsic and rich in silicon and aluminum, remains a key challenge in geoscience. Current models emphasize magmatic differentiation of basaltic magma, produced by partial melting of mantle peridotite induced by fluids from subducting oceanic crust.

However, over 70 years ago, D.S. Korzhinsky proposed the principle of alkali mobility during metamorphism and granitization, emphasizing the significance of alkali (K₂O, Na₂O) and volatile components (H₂O, CO₂) in crust formation [1]. His insights highlighted the role of transmagmatic fluids but lacked a physical framework for describing fluid transport through silicate melts.

Building on Korzhinsky’s concept, we propose a coupled mathematical model that describes the migration of multi-component aqueous solutions at the lithosphere’s base, driven by (de)compaction of fluid-saturated viscoelastic rocks and accompanied by (de)hydration reactions. This model incorporates fluid-rock interactions within vein structures and accounts for changes in density and composition of coexisting phases. Thermodynamic calculations using THERMOLAB [3] reveal that SiO₂ content in fluids significantly influences mineral assemblages. For example, decompression from 2.5 to 0.2 GPa at 700°C transitions a six-mineral system to a three-phase assemblage, increasing the Si/O ratio and priming the mantle protolith for felsic melt generation.

This approach, validated through numerical simulations [4], advances the understanding of metasomatic processes, offering a robust framework to explore fluid-mediated mechanisms in continental crust formation.


[1] Korzhinskii, D. S. Transmagmatic Fluid Flows of Subcrustal Origin and Their Role in Magmatism and Metamorphism. Crust and Upper Mantle of the Earth (IGC, XXIII Session. Reports of Soviet Geologists, Problem 1), Moscow: Nauka, 1968, pp. 69-74.

[2] Aranovich, L. Y. The Role of Brines in High-Temperature Metamorphism and Granitization. Petrology, 2017, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 491-503.

[3] Vrijmoed, J. C., & Podladchikov, Y. Y. Thermolab: A Thermodynamics Laboratory for Nonlinear Transport Processes in Open Systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2022, Vol. 23, No. 4, e2021GC010303.

[4] Khakimova, L., & Podladchikov, Y. Modeling Multicomponent Fluid Flow in Deforming and Reacting Porous Rock. Petrology, 2024, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 2-15.

How to cite: Aranovich, L. and Khakimova, L.: Reactive Fluid Flow in Generation of Felsic Crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13075,, 2025.

EGU25-15126 | Orals | GD7.1 | Highlight

Overpressure build-up in mid-ocean ridge magma lenses 

Jean-Arthur Olive, Hugo Boulze, Kim Moutard, Jie Chen, Thibaut Barreyre, and Einat Aharonov

Mid-ocean ridge eruptions and hydrothermal circulation are thought to be fueled by sill-shaped axial melt lenses (AMLs) located a few km below seafloor. Multiple such bodies have now been seismically imaged within lower crustal mush zones. The short recurrence time of eruptions (~10 yrs) at fast-spreading ridges, as well as the considerable heat output of hydrothermal vents (~100 MW) both suggest that AMLs undergo magmatic replenishment at rates that match or exceed long-term rates of oceanic crust accretion. Repeated seismic imaging recently confirmed that AMLs can expand significantly in ~20 years. Lastly, distributed seafloor uplift (~10 cm/yr) indicative of inflation in sub-axial magma reservoirs has now been documented at two magmatically-robust ridge segments.

While observations point to highly dynamic AMLs on decadal time scales, the associated rates of magmatic inflation, and the underlying physics of spontaneous magmatic overpressurization remain elusive. This presentation will review existing and novel constraints on AML inflation dynamics, from the interpretation of seafloor geodetic data to the impact of overpressurization on hydrothermal output. These constraints will then be used to evaluate a range of candidate mechanisms, from volatile exsolution to decompaction below a permeability barrier.

How to cite: Olive, J.-A., Boulze, H., Moutard, K., Chen, J., Barreyre, T., and Aharonov, E.: Overpressure build-up in mid-ocean ridge magma lenses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15126,, 2025.

Evidence from seismological and isotopic studies suggest that fluids released from hydrated lithosphere at great depth in subduction zones can travel upwards through the dry mantle wedge. When they reach the overlying crust, the fluids induce melting which is thought to feed volcanoes on the surface. Many continental collision zones are the result of the closure of an ocean. The suture zone may still contain hydrated rocks. During burial in the continent-continent collision, these rocks may dehydrate, and fluids can travel up through dry overlying crustal rocks. The Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway, a basement window in the Scandinavian Caledonides, is well known for its occurrences of eclogites and peridotites with metamorphic pressures reaching diamond stability field. Often the surrounding felsic gneiss shows evidence for fluid infiltration and partial melting. However, the majority of the protoliths in the WGR consisted of dry felsic magmatic rocks and the source of the fluid for metasomatism and melting remains enigmatic. Like oceanic subduction zones, fluids rising through the overlying dry rocks may be responsible for partial melting in (ultra)-high pressure terrains in continental collision zones. On the way up these fluids react with the rocks and transport mass by carrying chemical elements in solution and metasomatize original continental crust. Fluid focusing may be the reason for the local occurrence of partial melting. This can lead to overpressure due to local volume increasing melting reactions which explains erratic deviations in metamorphic pressure compared to the overall metamorphic field gradient. The newest methodology for calculating aqueous speciation of fluids in the deep earth combined with the latest techniques in numerical modelling of reactive transport is used here to build a quantitative understanding of the processes.

How to cite: Vrijmoed, J. C.: Fluid induced partial melting as a cause for ultra-high-pressure metamorphism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15420,, 2025.

EGU25-15422 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Aqueous fluid speciation calculations with Thermolab for modelling open system processes 

Yury Podladchikov and Johannes C. Vrijmoed

Aqueous fluids play an essential role in the distribution of chemical elements in the lithosphere. Together with the biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere they form an important part of the geochemical cycles in the Earth System. Calculating the chemical composition of aqueous fluids in equilibrium with minerals involving solid solutions is a prerequisite for predictive modelling of open system processes that occur at depth in the Earth. Here it is shown how to do such calculations with Thermolab (Vrijmoed & Podladchikov, 2022). The focus is on the technical details related to Thermolab where efforts were made to facilitate education and clarification of widely known concepts in aqueous speciation calculations. Technical advancements are proposed and compared with classical methods.
Vrijmoed, J. C., & Podladchikov, Y. Y. (2022). Thermolab: A thermodynamics laboratory for nonlinear transport processes in open systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2021GC010303.

How to cite: Podladchikov, Y. and Vrijmoed, J. C.: Aqueous fluid speciation calculations with Thermolab for modelling open system processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15422,, 2025.

EGU25-16518 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Thermodynamic modeling of multiphase thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical models with viscoelastoplastic rheology 

Viktoriya Yarushina, Yury Podladchikov, and Yury Alkhimenkov

The ongoing energy transition and technological advancements present increasingly complex challenges for numerical modeling, necessitating the development of multi-physics, multi-scale approaches. Recent progress in high-performance computing has catalyzed the rapid evolution of a new generation of numerical codes designed to tackle these multifaceted problems. However, this progress demands revisiting and refining constitutive models to ensure they are rigorous, thermodynamically consistent, and suitable for computational implementation. A critical aspect of these models is addressing the coupling between fluid flow, rock deformation, chemical reactions, and heat exchange. Specifically, the influence of chemical reactions on porosity evolution and mechanical closure relations requires robust theoretical frameworks. Reservoir rocks experience elastic deformation when subjected to the small pressure changes caused by fluid injection. Elastic deformation affects the reservoir's pore space and permeability, influencing fluid migration and storage capacity. Viscous deformation occurs over time as rocks like salt, shale, or certain clays flow plastically under subsurface conditions. During prolonged CO₂ or H₂ storage, viscous creep can change reservoir geometry, potentially altering caprock integrity and leakage risks. Plastic deformation occurs when the rock is subjected to stresses beyond its yield strength, leading to permanent changes in the reservoir structure. Elevated injection pressures can cause shear failure, inducing fractures or reactivating pre-existing faults, which may compromise containment and pose seismic hazards. This necessitates incorporating elastic, viscous, and plastic rheological behavior into the model. Multiple fluid phases within pore spaces add additional layers of complexity, demanding meticulous attention to thermodynamic consistency in governing equations. This work investigates the thermodynamic admissibility of a multi-phase, coupled thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical model that integrates viscoelastoplastic deformation. Using established thermodynamic principles, we derive closure relations and develop a comprehensive set of governing equations. These equations are formulated to maintain thermodynamic rigor while being optimized for computational efficiency and implementation.

How to cite: Yarushina, V., Podladchikov, Y., and Alkhimenkov, Y.: Thermodynamic modeling of multiphase thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical models with viscoelastoplastic rheology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16518,, 2025.

Coupled multiphase flow and poromechanics play a fundamental role in various Earth science applications, from subsurface energy extraction to induced seismicity. However, the inherent complexity of subsurface environments—characterized by fluid compressibility, capillary effects, and heterogeneous permeability—poses significant computational challenges, particularly in high-resolution three-dimensional simulations.

To overcome these challenges, we develop a high-performance computational framework optimized for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to simulate two-phase flow in deformable porous media. Our approach introduces a novel formulation of the poro-visco-elasto-plastic equations, explicitly designed for GPU architectures. This framework accounts for compressible fluids with capillary pressure effects and employs a customized iterative solver that enhances computational efficiency. By leveraging modern GPU hardware, we enable large-scale simulations with unprecedented spatial resolution, facilitating faster computations and significantly larger grid sizes than previously achievable.

Our results reveal that within shear bands, pressure drops occur similarly to single-phase fluid environments. However, in our two-phase flow model, pressure evolves differently due to the influence of strain localization on capillary pressure. This interaction between multiphase flow and mechanical deformation introduces new physical insights, suggesting that strain localization may play a critical role in modifying fluid distributions and capillary effects. These findings offer a deeper understanding of two-phase flow behavior in deforming porous media, with implications for geomechanics, fault stability, and fluid-driven deformation processes.

How to cite: Alkhimenkov, Y. and Juanes, R.: Coupled Multiphase Flow and Poromechanics: Insights into the Effect of Capillarity on Strain Localization from High-Resolution GPU Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16646,, 2025.

EGU25-17255 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Chemical effect of differential stress and its implication on metamorphism and partial melting 

Qianqian Guo and Quanlin Hou

Mechanochemical study have shown that mechanical forces can directly affect chemical bonds and bias reaction pathways.

Quantum chemistry calculations and molecular simulations on the gas generation mechanisms of coals indicated that shear stress can directly affect the six-membered ring structure and cause rupture, resulting in structural defects that are unlikely to occur under thermal activation (Xu et al., 2015; Hou et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017, 2019, 2021). The results also indicate that the creation of structural defects involves energy absorption and the conversion of mechanical energy into internal energy (Han et al., 2016, 2017). The aromatic rings can rotate more easily than the bond stretching under stress (Wang et al., 2019).

Combined with the Tersoff potential, molecular dynamics simulation on the shear deformation process of two α-quartz crystals show that the crystal model primarily exhibits atoms flowing and changing in the direction of chemical bonds during the steady-state flow stage at 600 K (Sun et al., 2025). The molecular potential energy and stress vary in an oscillating up-and-down curve during shear, indicating that chemical energy can be stored and released during plastic deformation.

Studies from the mechanochemistry and tectonic stress chemistry indicate that the differential stress may influence the metamorphism and also the mechanism of the partial melting of the subduction plate.



  • Han, Y., Xu, R., Hou, Q., Wang, J., and Pan, J., 2016, Deformation Mechanisms and Macromolecular Structure Response of Anthracite under Different Stress: Energy & Fuels, v. 30, no. 2, p. 975-983.
  • Han, Y., Wang, J., Dong, Y., Hou, Q., and Pan, J., 2017, The role of structure defects in the deformation of anthracite and their influence on the macromolecular structure: Fuel, v. 206, p. 1-9.
  • Hou, Q., Han, Y., Wang, J., Dong, Y., and Pan, J., 2017, The impacts of stress on the chemical structure of coals: a mini-review based on the recent development of mechanochemistry: Science Bulletin, v. 62, no. 13, p. 965-970.
  • Sun, J., Guo, Q., and Hou, Q. 2025. Molecular dynamics simulation of quartz deformation under slow earthquake background: SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. DOI:
  • Wang, J., Guo, G., Han, Y., Hou, Q., Geng, M., and Zhang, Z., 2019, Mechanolysis mechanisms of the fused aromatic rings of anthracite coal under shear stress: Fuel, v. 253, p. 1247-1255.
  • Wang, J., Han, Y., Chen, B., Guo, G., Hou, Q., and Zhang, Z., 2017, Mechanisms of methane generation from anthracite at low temperatures: Insights from quantum chemistry calculations: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 42, no. 30, p. 18922-18929.
  • Wang, J., Hou, Q., Zeng, F., and Guo, G., 2021, Stress Sensitivity for the Occurrence of Coalbed Gas Outbursts: A Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Study: Energy & Fuels, v. 35, no. 7, p. 5801-5807.
  • Xu, R. T., Li, H. J., Hou, Q. L., Li, X. S., and Yu, L. Y., 2015, The effect of different deformation mechanisms on the chemical structure of anthracite coals: Science China: Earth Sciences, v. 58, no. 4, p. 502-509.

How to cite: Guo, Q. and Hou, Q.: Chemical effect of differential stress and its implication on metamorphism and partial melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17255,, 2025.

EGU25-17901 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Role of visco-elasto-plastic deformation in localization of injection-induced microseismic response 

Nikita Bondarenko, Shirui Ding, Yury Podladchikov, and Roman Makhnenko

The risk assessment of injection-induced seismicity usually combines a poroelastic framework with a rate-and-state seismicity model. This allows for prediction of the stress changes caused by the injection and enables estimation of the frequency of (micro)seismic events in response to these changes. However, this constitutive framework neglects the time-dependent deformation, which is essential at subcritical stress regime. This work presents the laboratory brittle creep experiments on crystalline and sedimentary rock from the Illinois Basin, where microseismic activity was recorded during CO2 storage operations. The specimens are instrumented with strain gauges and LVDT sensors to monitor their deformation over time, as well as acoustic emission sensors to capture the microcracking activity. The shear viscosity associated with the time-dependent response appears to be exponentially sensitive to the applied deviatoric stress and is measured in the range between 1017-1015 Pa·s for the secondary creep stages, and on the order of 1014 Pa·s during the initiation of the tertiary stage. Locally, the state of stress at the injection site is influenced by stratigraphy and heterogeneity of geologic formations, causing variations in acting deviatoric stress of about 1–2 MPa. Because of the exponential dependence of the shear viscosity on applied deviatoric stress, even small stress variations (on the order of a few MPa) can significantly affect the localization of the time-dependent deformation and shorten the time to failure in critically stressed zones, which cannot be accounted for within the poroelastic framework.


How to cite: Bondarenko, N., Ding, S., Podladchikov, Y., and Makhnenko, R.: Role of visco-elasto-plastic deformation in localization of injection-induced microseismic response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17901,, 2025.

EGU25-18320 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1

Hydromechanical modelling of poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic deformation and fluid flow localization  

Dániel Kiss, Viktoriya Yarushina, and Alexander Minakov

A key effort in geodynamics is to understand the interplay between localized porous fluid flow and rock deformation. Our primary focus is exploring the effect of brittle deformation and consequent dynamic permeability evolution on localized fluid migration pathways. Such processes are well documented in sedimentary reservoirs and in magmatic systems. The most critical applications include induced seismicity, fault reactivation and associated integrity of cap rocks in siliciclastic reservoirs and dike and sill emplacement with associated seismicity in magmatic systems.

In our models we consider fluid flow in a deformable porous medium. The governing equations are derived from the conservation of mass and momentum in two phases. One phase represents the solid skeleton, which deforms in a poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic manner. The second phase represents low viscosity fluid (water, CH, melt), percolating through the solid skeleton, that is described by Darcy’s law. A special process we will investigate is brittle failure of the matrix due to high fluid pressure (hydro-fracturing, fault reactivation, diking). The system of equations is solved numerically, using the pseudo transient method, that is well suited to solve highly non-linear problems, as solving the global equations and iterating the non-linearities can be done at the same time. Moreover, the algorithm requires large number of local and cheap operations which is ideal for GPU implementation.

We demonstrate that our newly developed numerical codes can resolve important end-member cases of fluid induced fracturing (mode-1 and mode-2). Furthermore, we extract components of seismic moment tensors from the poro-elasto- plastic geomechanical numerical simulation. This approach bridges geomechanical parameters with seismological observables, providing a promising avenue for a more comprehensive understanding of the progressive deformation associated with fluid migration.

How to cite: Kiss, D., Yarushina, V., and Minakov, A.: Hydromechanical modelling of poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic deformation and fluid flow localization , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18320,, 2025.

EGU25-18520 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Reactive Hydrous Infiltration 

Marko Repac, Lyudmila Khakimova, Yury Podladchikov, and Sebastien Pilet

Earth’s volatile budget calculations indicate the need for an additional upward flux of water released through subduction processes, beyond what is accounted for by arc magmatism. This excess water may diffuse or be channeled through various mechanisms. Lithospheric mantle metasomatism via reactive hydrous infiltration is investigated as a critical process shaping Earth's magmatic, chemical, and geodynamic evolution. Fluid-driven metasomatism may play a more significant role in subduction zone and intraplate magmatism than traditionally acknowledged, acting as a primary agent of mantle transformation. In subduction zones, volatile-rich fluids released from dehydrating slabs infiltrate the mantle wedge, lowering the solidus temperature and enabling flux melting. These fluids may also function as agents of chemical transport. Similarly, in intraplate settings, hydrous fluids can introduce incompatible elements and hydrous minerals, altering mantle fertility and geochemistry.

Thermodynamic and transport models are integrated to examine metasomatic processes in the Earth's lithospheric mantle, particularly under conditions relevant to intraplate volcanism. Thermodynamic calculations generate lookup tables for essential variables such as phase densities, fluid incorporation into minerals, and fluid concentrations across pressure-temperature-composition (P-T-X) space, using Gibbs Free Energy minimization via the Thermolab tool. The transport model employs continuum mechanics principles for a two-phase system of fluid or melt and solid phases, with numerical implementation using finite difference methods to solve conservation laws.

Key metasomatic reactions, including dunitization, serpentinization, amphibolitization, and phlogopitization, are explored through thermodynamic and reactive transport models, revealing their impacts on mantle porosity and mineralogy. Dunitization enhances porosity, facilitating melt transport and the formation of high-permeability pathways such as dunite channels. Serpentinization reduces porosity, potentially clogging transport pathways, though its reverse reaction releases volatiles critical for arc magmatism. Amphibolitization reduces porosity while stabilizing amphiboles, providing insights into fluid-driven mantle metasomatism in the oceanic lithosphere. Phlogopitization highlights the significance of high-pressure metasomatic processes in modifying thick cratonic lithospheres and generating protoliths for alkaline and potassic magmatism.

This study emphasizes the underestimated role of water in magmatic processes, extending beyond its facilitation of melting to its crucial role in metasomatic enrichment, heat transfer, and compositional modification. The findings provide a framework for understanding magmatism’s multistep progression, from mantle enrichment to intraplate volcanic activity, and lay the groundwork for advanced two-dimensional models incorporating coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes, with accurate porosity evolution.

How to cite: Repac, M., Khakimova, L., Podladchikov, Y., and Pilet, S.: Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Reactive Hydrous Infiltration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18520,, 2025.

EGU25-18932 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Numerical modeling and experimental validation of two-phase flow in porous media. 

Fazil Huseynov, Daniel Kiss, James Johnson, and Viktoriya Yarushina

Transitioning to low-emission energy systems involves subsurface activities such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), geological hydrogen storage, and the sealing and abandoning old hydrocarbon wells. Whether tracking the natural transportation of fluid in the subsurface or injecting CO2 or H2, these phenomena are primarily determined by multiphase fluid flow, the deformation of the rock matrix, and chemical fluid-rock interactions. Developing a comprehensive understanding of these processes is essential for reliable assessment of the potential of future storage sites. Here we present newly developed numerical models and validate them with the results of laboratory experiments in transparent microfluidics cells.

Over the last decade, the computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) showed remarkable growth in absolute terms, per unit cost, and per unit power.  At the same time, novel parallel algorithms and efficient and concise high-level packages (e.g., ParallStencil.jl) significantly reduced the difficulty of code development. Therefore, we build a new, robust numerical model to simulate two-phase flow in porous media. The governing equations are derived from the conservation of mass and momentum, which, in the simplest case, results in a coupled system of an elliptic (fluid pressure) and nonlinear advection (saturation) equation, known as the Buckley-Leverett equation. The system of equations is solved with the pseudo-transient method, using staggered grid finite element discretization with a first-order advection scheme (upwind). The model is written in Julia language using GPU-ready algorithms, well suited to exploit the parallel computational efficiency of modern GPU platforms. This will allow detailed simulations of sophisticated subsurface processes. In our presentation, we will briefly discuss the numerical strategies used to apply the pseudo-transient method, traditionally used for elliptic equations, to coupled elliptic-advective systems. We will demonstrate that the numerical method is able to resolve shock fronts with reasonable accuracy.

The numerical results are compared with laboratory experiments in transparent microfluidics cells. The experiments conducted utilizing the microfluidics cell were developed to reproduce the pore-scale behavior of subsurface reservoirs. The experimental setup modeled the injection and displacement of a gas phase (representing H₂ with N₂) inside a medium similar to inert sandstone. Different injection rates were studied to assess the influence on gas distribution and preservation during injecting and backflow mechanisms. Capillary forces, pore-scale interactions, and gas bubble dynamics were analyzed comprehensively by visualization of gas flow pathways. Results from the experiments provide a benchmark for validating the numerical models, mainly in obtaining the impact of injection rate on gas emplacement, efficiency of displacement, and retention of residual gas in porous media.

How to cite: Huseynov, F., Kiss, D., Johnson, J., and Yarushina, V.: Numerical modeling and experimental validation of two-phase flow in porous media., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18932,, 2025.

EGU25-18967 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) reactive transport modeling of Mg isotope fractionation to constrain the timescales of fluid-driven rock transformation in the crust. 

Boris Antonenko, Timm John, Besim Dragovic, Emmanuel Codillo, Marco Scambelluri, and Johannes Vrijmoed

Fluid-rock interactions can induce significant chemical changes, resulting in metasomatic rock transformations or the formation of metasomatic fronts when mass transfer is substantial. Among the chemical agents driving metasomatism, magnesium (Mg) plays a critical role, particularly in mafic and ultramafic rock systems. Magnesium's transport not only alters bulk composition but also impacts mineral assemblages in affected rock volumes. Additionally, the large mass difference between 24Mg and 26Mg isotopes enables detectable kinetic fractionation in the rock record.

This study examines a metasomatic reaction zone within the Voltri Massif of the Ligurian Alps (Italy), formed through high-pressure (HP) diffusional metasomatism of a (meta)gabbroic body by Mg-rich fluids (with Ni and Cr) equilibrated with serpentinite. This zone serves as an ideal natural analogue for reactive fluid flow between the downgoing hydrated lithospheric mantle and the overlying mafic crust. The reaction zone features distinct mineralogical changes: a chlorite- and amphibole-rich assemblage near the lithological contact and an epidote-rich assemblage further away.

Evidence for Mg metasomatism includes a continuous MgO gradient, transitioning from serpentinite (~40 wt.%) to metagabbro (~5 wt.%). Isotopic analysis reveals significant fractionation along the transect, with δ26Mg values ranging from +0.09‰ in serpentinite to -1.1‰ in the reaction zone, then increasing to -0.1‰ in metagabbro. This trend indicates kinetic isotope fractionation driven by Mg diffusion.

A reactive transport model incorporating viscous rheology is applied to investigate porosity-permeability evolution and estimate the duration of the process. By integrating bulk rock major element and Mg isotope geochemistry with fully coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) modeling for reactive transport and phase equilibria, we analyze geochemical and mineralogical transformations across the reaction zone. The model results are validated by fitting field-based geochemical and isotopic data, ensuring consistency with observed MgO gradients and δ26Mg fractionation patterns. Systematic numerical simulations and analyses provide insights into the timescales of Mg metasomatism, shedding light on the dynamics of such metamorphic processes.

How to cite: Antonenko, B., John, T., Dragovic, B., Codillo, E., Scambelluri, M., and Vrijmoed, J.: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) reactive transport modeling of Mg isotope fractionation to constrain the timescales of fluid-driven rock transformation in the crust., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18967,, 2025.

EGU25-19147 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

The Dynamics of Ophiolite Emplacement: Insights from Thermomechanical Modeling and Tethyan-Type Ophiolites 

Iskander Ibragimov and Evangelos Moulas
In this work we investigate the complex processes involved in the emplacement of ophiolites—rock assemblages typically found at tectonic plate boundaries and orogenic zones. Ophiolite sequences, comprising sediments, mafic dykes, pillow lavas, crustal cumulates, and peridotites, present significant challenges in understanding their obduction onto continental margins. The study focuses on key aspects of obduction, including its mechanisms, petrological and geodynamic processes, and unresolved questions regarding timescales, obduction rates, and the formation of metamorphic soles.
Our results integrate geological, geochemical, geophysical, and geochronological data, with particular emphasis on small oceanic basins and classic Tethyan ophiolite examples. Using thermomechanical numerical models, our results show that young, hot oceanic basins are necessary for successful overthrusting onto continental regions, with critical factors being convergence velocity and the asymmetric structure of the oceanic plate. Interestingly, only strong lower-continental-crust rheologies lead to successful obduction scenarios. Additionally, we utilized 1-D, high-resolution, thermomechanical modeling to explore the role of shear heating during obduction. The results of the 1-D model provided explanations for the incorporation of metamorphosed crustal rocks into the ophiolitic complex and reveal how metamorphic gradients can develop, as observed in Oman ophiolites. In particular, the structural incorporation of the metamorphic sole, its metamorphic gradient, and more importantly, its isotopic age signature can be explained with the influence of shear heating.
Our geodynamic modelling approach allows that our results can be further coupled to thermochronological modelling to quantify the influence of erosion, convergence velocity, and dissipative heating on isotopic age resetting in deeper crustal rocks. This work enhances the understanding of ophiolite emplacement processes and offers new insights into the evolution of Tethyan-type ophiolites, with broader implications for global ophiolite studies.

How to cite: Ibragimov, I. and Moulas, E.: The Dynamics of Ophiolite Emplacement: Insights from Thermomechanical Modeling and Tethyan-Type Ophiolites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19147,, 2025.

The Katschberg normal fault, which bounds the Tauern Window to the east, played a crucial role during Miocene lateral extrusion in the Eastern European Alps (Genser & Neubauer 1989; Scharf et al. 2013). We present new cooling ages from low-temperature thermochronology as well as thermo-kinematic models, which constrain the exhumation history of the Penninic units in the footwall of the Katschberg fault and its fault-slip history (Wolff et al. 2024). Zircon and apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He ages from footwall units range from 16.0±1.9 Ma to 12.8±1.4 Ma, 10.4±1.8 Ma to 7.9±1.3 Ma, and 8.2±0.8 Ma to 3.9±0.4 Ma, respectively. Thermo-kinematic modeling indicates that the Katschberg normal fault was active with a total rate of 3.5±0.3 km/Myr from 21.1±1.8 Ma to 12.2±1.3 Ma and accommodated 27±6 km of crustal extension. After the end of normal faulting, exhumation continued with a rate of 0.21±0.06 km/Myr until 2.0±0.5 Ma and then accelerated to a rate of 0.84±0.08 km/Myr. A comparison with the Brenner low-angle normal fault at the western margin of the Tauern Window reveals that the amount of Miocene extension is higher in the west than in the east. This is consistent with an eastward decrease of N-S shortening in front of the Adriatic Indenter.



Genser, J., Neubauer, F. (1989) Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges. 81, 233–243.

Scharf, A., Handy, M.R., Favaro, S., et al. (2013) Int. J. Earth Sci. 102, 1627–1654.

Wolff, R., Wölfler, A., Hampel, A., Dunkl, I. (2024) Tectonophysics 890, 230514.

How to cite: Wolff, R., Wölfler, A., Hampel, A., and Dunkl, I.: The slip history of the Katschberg normal fault (Eastern Tauern Window) from thermo-kinematic modeling and implications for the evolution of the Eastern European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1616,, 2025.

EGU25-3294 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Microseismic activity in the Eastern Alps: Sequences, mechanisms, and active faults 

Gesa Petersen, Laurens Hofman, Jörn Kummerow, and Simone Cesca

The southern and eastern Alps are a fascinating target region for a seismological study because they include the deformation front of Adria-Europe convergence with historically significant events (e.g., M 6.0 Friuli 1976) as well as areas where seismicity seems more or less absent despite geologically mapped large fault systems and past deformation fronts. The large-N installations of the Swath-D (2017-2019) and AlpArray (2016-20219) seismic networks provide unmatched opportunities to study the microseismicity in the Eastern Alps in unprecedented detail. For the first time in the study area, the homogeneous station spacing allows a consistent analysis of seismicity across the entire area. These detailed seismological analyses provide the opportunity to characterize deformation in the upper 15 km of the crust.
We show how a combined workflow, including clustering, relocations, and MT inversions, sheds light on the seismicity and the ongoing active deformation. We observe strong zonations of seismic activity rates, sequence characteristics, and rupture mechanisms, coinciding with dominant tectonic deformation styles and subsurface properties such as Qp attenuation. We identify and characterize multiple likely unknown fault systems that experience local stresses deviating from the regionally dominant Adria-Europe convergence. Our findings agree well with the occurrence of large historical earthquakes while simultaneously shedding light on much smaller seismogenic features.

How to cite: Petersen, G., Hofman, L., Kummerow, J., and Cesca, S.: Microseismic activity in the Eastern Alps: Sequences, mechanisms, and active faults, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3294,, 2025.

EGU25-3502 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Pre- and syn-orogenic tectonic evolution of the transverse zones dissecting the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy, Italy) 

Andrea Fiorini, Aldega Luca, Stefano Tavani, Martina Rocca, Stefano Zanchetta, Andrea Zanchi, Andrew Kylander-Clark, and Eugenio Carminati

Along-strike variations in deformation and structural build-up within fold-and-thrust belts are often controlled by pre-orogenic inheritance (e.g. Krabbendam & Leslie, 2010). This is the case of the south-verging Central Southern Alps in the Lecco area, where the E-W elongated belt is segmented along its strike by N-S oriented transverse zones, formed by the reactivation of early Mesozoic rift-related normal faults (Schönborn, 1992). These normal faults displaced the pre-rift sedimentary succession and controlled the facies distribution and thickness variation of syn- and post-rift Mesozoic carbonates. This led to the lateral juxtaposition of rocks with different rheological properties, which prompted the compartmentalization of the thrust system and the complex along-strike repartition of shortening across variable numbers of thrusts.

In this study, we reconstruct the early Mesozoic rift-related structures of the Lecco area and analyse their influence on the Alpine thrust system. Mesostructural analysis, geological cross-sections, burial history provided by the analysis of inorganic paleothermal indicators from clay-rich layers, and U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates have been integrated to investigate the role of inherited pre-orogenic structures within the Alpine orogenic context.

Three major tectonic phases were identified in the Early Mesozoic rifting processes by meso-structural analysis and U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates. N-S and E-W striking normal faults started to develop during the Ladinian marking the transition from isolated carbonate platform units to the basin successions. A second extensional pulse in Norian led to the formation of euxinic intra-platform basins within the massive Dolomia Principale carbonate platform, bounded by N-S and E-W striking normal faults. Finally, during the Early Jurassic, E-W and major N-S striking faults developed coevally with crustal thinning and the drowning of the carbonate platforms, leading to a generalized basinal sedimentation.

During S-verging thrusting and folding, the E-W striking faults were either passively translated and rotated or partially positively inverted. Some N-S striking inherited faults were also passively translated, while others underwent strike-slip reactivation; the latter are particularly evident within the N-S striking transverse zones, which exhibit complex tectonic settings with superimposed structures originated throughout different tectonic phases.

U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates from S-verging thrusts returns us Lower and Upper Cretaceous ages for the more internal structures, and Oligocene to Upper Miocene ages for the external thrusts and related folds. The latters suggest the reactivation of the Cretaceous orogenic structures. U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates along N-S striking transverse zones, instead, span unevenly from the Early Cretaceous to the Late Miocene, suggesting that these structures acted as long-lasting structural elements that remained active throughout all the stages of the orogenic build-up.


Krabbendam, M., & Leslie, A. G. (2010). Lateral variations and linkages in thrust geometry: the Traligill Transverse Zone, Assynt Culmination, Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 335 (1), 335–357

Schönborn, G. (1992). Alpine tectonics and kinematic models of the central southern alps. Memorie Di Scienze Geologiche, 44, 229–393

How to cite: Fiorini, A., Luca, A., Tavani, S., Rocca, M., Zanchetta, S., Zanchi, A., Kylander-Clark, A., and Carminati, E.: Pre- and syn-orogenic tectonic evolution of the transverse zones dissecting the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3502,, 2025.

EGU25-5658 | Orals | GD9.1

Pre-collisional Late Cretaceous-Paleocene development of the Alps retrobelt in the hangingwall of the Alpine Tethys subduction: U-Pb carbonate dating of major tectonic structures in the Southern Alps (N  Italy) 

Stefano Zanchetta, Martina Rocca, Chiara Montemagni, Luca Aldega, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Andrea Fiorini, Eugenio Carminati, and Andrea Zanchi

The Alps formed as a consequence of the collision between Europe and the Adria-Africa plate starting from the middle-late Eocene. Despite most of metamorphism, deformation and nappe-stacking were localized in the N-vergent part of the Alps (i.e. N of the Periadriatic Fault), significant crustal shortening affected also the S-vergent retrobelt, with the development of a fold-and-thrust belt that extends from the Canavese zone in the W to the Dolomites to the E.

Late Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphism in the Africa-derived Austroalpine units and fault activity along major tectonic structures in the Southalpine domain (i.e. the Orobic Thrust), already posed a question on the occurrence of pre-collisional deformation and metamorphism in the upper plate of the alpine Thetys subduction.

New U-Pb dating of calcite tectonites, obtained on growth fibers, calc-mylonites and shear veins along major thrusts of the central Southern Alps, mainly result in Late Cretaceous to Paleocene ages, pointing out that N-S to NW-SE directed compression already affected the Southalpine domain at those times. Younger ages resulted from the Paleogene units which are involved in the exposed frontal part of the belt, mostly buried under the recent infilling of the Po Plain forming the Milan Belt. The resulting ages do not follow an in-sequence pattern, but instead reveal that several structures, from the inner to the external part of the belt, were episodically formed and re-activated in the Late Cretaceous - early Eocene time interval. All together, U-Pb ages confirm that S(SE)-directed thrusting and folding affected the central Southern Alps since the Late Cretaceous, well before the onset of the Alpine collision.

How to cite: Zanchetta, S., Rocca, M., Montemagni, C., Aldega, L., Kylander-Clark, A., Fiorini, A., Carminati, E., and Zanchi, A.: Pre-collisional Late Cretaceous-Paleocene development of the Alps retrobelt in the hangingwall of the Alpine Tethys subduction: U-Pb carbonate dating of major tectonic structures in the Southern Alps (N  Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5658,, 2025.

EGU25-5941 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Geodynamic of French bauxite through (U-Th)/He thermochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxides 

Louise Boschetti, Stephane Schwartz, Cécile Gautheron, Frédéric Mouthereau, Yann Rolland, and Mélanie Balvay

Constraining quiescence intervals in tectonically active regions remains challenging, particularly in tectonic reconstructions, as these periods are often overprinted by extensional and/or compressional processes that remobilize geological materials, rendering access and dating of these intervals difficult.

Recent studies in tectonically stable regions on laterites and bauxites formed through weathering under tropical climates have demonstrated the efficacy of (U-Th)/He geochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxides (hematite and goethite) in constraining tectonic quiescence periods.

In the Mediterranean region, numerous bauxites have been preserved due to their remobilization into karst systems, allowing for their burial and protection during subsequent tectonic processes. This preservation offers a unique opportunity to better understand the geodynamics of the region. This study focuses on French bauxites from Bédarieux, Les Baux-de-Provence, and Brignoles, which constitute the Durancian Isthmus—a supposed Cretaceous paleosurface bordered by large inherited Variscan structures (Cévennes, Nîmes, and Durance faults)—whose geodynamic implications are still poorly understood.

The only available temporal constraints on the formation of this dismantled weathering profile rely on the sedimentary context of the karsts where they are trapped, with the most reliable timeframes established between the Hauterivian and Turonian. This transitional period is still poorly understood in the region, as various tectonic processes are at play, including Pyrenean rifting and its inversion, Alpine Tethys, and Massif Central exhumation.

We combined petrological investigations on nine different Fe-Al-bauxitic duricrust samples, allowing for the determination of different hematite and goethite generations, prior to conducting (U-Th)/He dating on the identified sub-generations to quantify bauxite formation and evolution. The ages obtained for hematite and goethite pisolites span from the Cretaceous to the Oligocene, encompassing all generations, enabling the placement of Cretaceous bauxites within their Mediterranean geodynamic context—from their initial formation via basement alteration, to their reworking within karsts, sedimentary burial, and subsequent exhumation.

How to cite: Boschetti, L., Schwartz, S., Gautheron, C., Mouthereau, F., Rolland, Y., and Balvay, M.: Geodynamic of French bauxite through (U-Th)/He thermochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5941,, 2025.

EGU25-6163 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Pn anisotropic tomography of the Euro-Mediterranean region: new insight into subduction and mantle dynamics 

Mofei Du, Liang Zhao, Kai Tao, and Lei Yang

  Over the past few decades, the number of high-quality seismic stations monitoring the Euro-Mediterranean region has increased significantly, leading to a corresponding improvement in structural constraints. Hear, we present a new high-resolution Pn-wave anisotropic tomography model of the uppermost mantle beneath the Alps and surrounding areas, derived from the inversion of a large dataset of high-quality Pn arrival times, which were picked utilizing the PickNet deep learning method. Our model reveals strong lateral heterogeneities in both isotropic velocity and azimuthal anisotropy. Distinct high Pn velocities are observed under the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Pannonian Basin, while prominent low Pn velocity anomalies are revealed beneath the orogenic belts, including the Alps, Apennines, and Dinarides. Generally, regions characterized by stable structures and low lithospheric temperatures exhibit high Pn velocities, whereas low Pn velocities indicate the upwelling of hot materials associated with plate subduction and continental collision processes. Pn anisotropic fast directions show consistent orientations subparallel to major orogenic structures, such as the Apennines, Calabrian Arc and Alps. Our newly obtained images of the uppermost mantle velocity and anisotropy structure provide further information and insights into continental collision processes and associated dynamic mechanisms.

How to cite: Du, M., Zhao, L., Tao, K., and Yang, L.: Pn anisotropic tomography of the Euro-Mediterranean region: new insight into subduction and mantle dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6163,, 2025.

EGU25-6592 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Understanding the closure of Alpine Tethys in the Western Carpathians using Receiver Functions 

Tanishka Soni, Christian Schiffer, and Stanisław Mazur

Recent receiver function results from a passive seismic experiment have provided new insights into the geodynamic evolution of the Western Carpathians, the eastern extension of the Alps, formed in part by the closure of the Alpine Tethys. The Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) represents this closure at the surface, characterised by a narrow, elongated geometry dividing the external fold-and-thrust belt of the Outer Western Carpathians and the Central Western Carpathians. Unlike typical sutures, the PKB lacks ophiolites or high-pressure metamorphic rocks, instead it consists of resistant limestone blocks within a matrix of non-resistant flysch deposits, forming a distinctive “block-in-matrix” structure. This configuration has traditionally been attributed to the hypothesized Czorsztyn ridge, an island-like feature within the Alpine Tethys, where limestone deposition has been thought to occur. The ridge is supposed to correspond to the Briançonnais unit in the Alps, though evidence for its existence remains tenuous.

The current passive seismic experiment seeks to validate or refute the Czorsztyn ridge hypothesis. In May 2023, 18 broadband seismic stations were deployed along a north-south trending profile, under the umbrella of the Adria Array, complemented by 9 other permanent and temporary stations. This 27-station dense network enabled the extraction of receiver functions and the creation of Common Conversion Point (CCP) stack images to resolve the sub-surface geometry of the region.

Preliminary findings challenge the Czorsztyn ridge model. No distinct continental crustal body – interpretable as the Czorsztyn ridge basement and separate from the northern European platform or ALPCAPA – is evident beneath the PKB. Instead, subsurface structures appear complex, showing similarity to those in the Vienna Basin, located between the Eastern Alps and the Western Carpathians. A blind detachment fault occurs in the deep basement of the Outer Western Carpathians and connects southward with mid-crustal detachments in the Central Western Carpathians. Furthermore, a 40 km wide gap in Moho signature of the receiver functions beneath the PKB may reflect the position of the suture at a lower crustal level. Additionally, the Steimberg Fault in the Vienna basin likely correlates with the PKB, as both exhibit a displacement with partly strike-slip kinematics. Continued data collection and analysis will refine these interpretations and advance the understanding of the tectonic evolution of Western Carpathians.

How to cite: Soni, T., Schiffer, C., and Mazur, S.: Understanding the closure of Alpine Tethys in the Western Carpathians using Receiver Functions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6592,, 2025.

The geological map sheet Schlanders (Project CARG F012) offers the chance to carefully investigate the metamorphic evolution of the Austroalpine units in the Vinschgau and their tectonic contacts and to implement them into a tectonic model based on new petrological, geochronological and structural data. The Austroalpine nappe stack in the investigated area, located in the Vinschgau area (South Tyrol), comprises from bottom to top the Campo-, Texel-, Ötztal- and Matsch Units. The Matsch unit in the northern flank of the Vinschgau valley shows a clear polymetamorphic history (Variscan, Permian, Eoalpine) which can be well reconstructed with metapelites using the spatial distribution of alumosilicates (kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite), the chloritoid-isograd and the observation of chemical zoning patterns in garnets, which, depending on the geographical position and the geological setting, exhibit single-phase, two-phase or even three-phase compositions. The Ötztal and Texel Units (without the Lodner Unit) also show a polymetamorphic history (Variscan, Eoalpine) but without the Permian overprint. In contrast to the Ötztal Unit, the Texel Unit contains rare Eoalpine eclogites (e.g. Ulvas, Saltaus). Geothermobarometry from all three units yielded a strong increase in Eoalpine P-T conditions from ca. 450°C and 0.6 GPa in the west (Matsch valley) to 650°C and 1-1.2 GPa in the east (Naturns).


The study of amphibole composition is central to the understanding of metamorphic processes of metabasic rocks, especially when analyzing pressure and temperature conditions. This study analyzes the chemical composition of amphiboles along a W-E traverse along the Vinschgau Valley (South Tyrol). The composition of amphiboles changes from actinolite to hornblende along the prograde E-W-trending metamorphic gradient, and shows increasing chemical substitutions such as the edenite-, glaucophane- and tschermak vectors. This is also accompanied by an increase in Ti content (0.004 to 0.36 wt.% TiO2) in the amphiboles, as well as the XAn in the coexisting plagioclase from 0.1 to 0.2. Temperatures based on the Ti-in-hornblende- and the amphibole-plagioclase geothermometers yielded a T increase from 490°C to 600°C.


Tourmaline from Permian pegmatites in the Matsch unit show chemical evidence for the Eoalpine metamorphic overprint in the rim zoning along fractures and growth zones in tourmaline associated with muscovite (also showing Eoalpine growth rims), K-feldspar growing along veins, An-bearing plagioclase, quartz, and a second generation of garnet. The Permian tourmaline cores can be classified as schorl according to the [Y]-position and have the same composition in the entire area. The Eoalpine rims show compositionally a transition from schorl to dravite and show increasing contents of Ca[X] from 0.06 to 0.2, Mg/Fe[Y] from 0.02 to 2, and a significant decrease in Al[Y] from 0.4 to 0.1 from W to E. This confirms the from NW to SE increasing Eoalpine P-T conditions as reconstructed based on analysis of metapelitic rocks mentioned above.


The data show that lithologies such as amphibolites and pegmatites also show great potential to contribute significantly to our knowledge of prograde metamorphic evolution.

How to cite: Tropper, P., Erckert, A., Rudigier, C., Pomella, H., Morelli, C., and Mair, V.: Don’t always use metapelites: what do amphibolites and pegmatites reveal about the prograde Eoalpine metamorphic evolution of the Austroalpine nappe stack in the Vinschgau valley (S-Tyrol, Italy)?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9343,, 2025.

EGU25-9894 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1

Detachment versus strike-slip ductile shearing in the Nordrahmen Zone of the Tauern Window 

Jakob Brunner, Bernhard Grasemann, Benjamin Huet, David Schneider, Gerd Rantitsch, and Wolfgang Frank

The Tauern Window in the Eastern Alps (Austria) is one of the most prominent tectonic windows, which exposes Subpenninic and Penninic nappes derived from the European margin and Alpine Tethys respectively below the Austroalpine Unit derived from the Adriatic continent. Along the northeastern margin of the window, in the so-called Nordrahmen Zone (NRZ), subvertical W-E striking marble mylonites, graphitic schists and phyllonites with a subhorizontal stretching lineation record intense ductile shear deformation. Previous studies suggested that these structures record the ductile history of a major sinistral strike-slip fault (i.e. the Salzach-Ennstal-Mariazell-Puchberg Fault System), which accommodated the Miocene lateral extrusion of the central parts of the Eastern Alps towards the Pannonian Basin.

In this work, we investigated a N-S section along the Grossarl valley, which demonstrates that the subvertical mylonitic rocks are deformed into upright folds with wavelengths and amplitudes on the order of several hundreds of meters and fold axes that are parallel to the mylonitic W-E trending stretching lineation. Reversal of the apparent strike-slip shear sense in the fold limbs suggests that the mylonites have been folded after shear deformation and that mylonites record top-E shearing when unfolded. Ductile subvertical flattening is recorded by a second fold generation with similar W-E trending fold axis but subhorizontal axial planes forming Type 3 refold structures. Ductile top-E shearing is documented by low-angle E-dipping ductile shear zones, shear bands, SC and SCC’ fabrics and brittle ductile conjugate N-S striking high-angle faults. Shear deformation intensifies towards higher structural levels localizing in ultramylonites and cellular dolomite cataclasites below almost undeformed klippen of quartzites and dolomites (Mt. Schuhflicker and Mt. Saukarkopf), which belong to the Lower Austroalpine Unit. Using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials, we constrain the temperature of mylonitization between 350°C and 400°C. Comparison with published Ar/Ar ages from the Nordrahmen Zone suggests that mylonitization operated around 30 Ma.

We therefore suggest that the mylonites along the northeastern margin of the Tauern Window are not part of a strike-slip fault system. They actually belong to a major top-E detachment system, which records an early stage of the exhumation of the Tauern Window before deformation localized along the Miocene Katschberg Normal Fault at the eastern margin of the Tauern Window.

How to cite: Brunner, J., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., Schneider, D., Rantitsch, G., and Frank, W.: Detachment versus strike-slip ductile shearing in the Nordrahmen Zone of the Tauern Window, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9894,, 2025.

EGU25-10544 | Posters on site | GD9.1

4-D kinematic restoration of the western Tauern Window (European Eastern Alps) 

David Tanner, Julia Rudmann, Michael Stipp, Hannah Pomella, Christian Brandes, and Paul Eizenhöfer

The Tauern Window (TW) in the European Eastern Alps is one of Earth’s largest tectonic windows. It comprises nappes that were formed by the southward subduction of the European plate beneath the Adriatic plate. These nappes were stacked during the Late Eocene and, subsequently refolded during the Miocene due to the northward push of the eastern Southalpine Indenter. This process exhumed the western TW by up to 25 km, and coevally caused lateral escape and extensional tectonics. However, the Miocene deformation history of the western TW is still under ongoing debate. This study focuses on the Miocene deformation history of the western TW using 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D approaches.

We first restore a N-S oriented cross-section along the Brenner Base Tunnel using published zircon fission-track and P-T data. Restoration reveals two deformation phases: upright folding of the top of the nappe stack started to cease around 17 Ma, followed by thrusting of the entire nappe stack along the Sub-Tauern ramp. Contemporaneously, the hanging-wall nappes experienced 44–50% thinning due to W–E extension.

Our static 3-D reconstruction of the present-day structure of the western TW integrates published maps, cross-sections, and structural field data. The model discloses lateral structural changes, e.g., the transition of upright folds in the east into overturned folds in the west with varying plunge of the fold axes. We hypothesize that detachment of the lower crust of the eastern Southalpine Indenter caused different styles of deformation in front of it during indentation.

To prove our hypothesis, we restore the western TW in 4-D using the same method as for our 2-D reconstruction. We displace the nappe stack of the western TW downwards along the Sub-Tauern ramp (ca. 10 km over 15 Ma), followed by unfolding under high-temperature conditions, which allows viscous deformation. Finally, we will integrate strain information to restore the component of lateral escape.

How to cite: Tanner, D., Rudmann, J., Stipp, M., Pomella, H., Brandes, C., and Eizenhöfer, P.: 4-D kinematic restoration of the western Tauern Window (European Eastern Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10544,, 2025.

EGU25-10551 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Strontium (Sr) signal in the Mesozoic Southeastern French Basin (Alps) and its relation with pre-compression tectono-halokinetic activity  

Catherine Homberg, Damien Huyghe, Victor Ludovino Aranda, Laurence Le Callonnec, Alain Rabaute, Guillaume Lefebvre, and Ombeline Alix

For decades, Mesozoic tectono-halokinetic structures have been increasingly recognized in the peripheral French alpine basins. However, reconstructing the full history and mechanisms of halokinesis during the Mesozoic in these regions remains challenging due to the overprinting effects of Cenozoic compressive tectonics, which have erased much of the evidences of earlier deformations.This severely limits our understanding of the interplay between diapirism, tectonics, and sedimentary processes in sedimentary basins, and the role of pre-compressional inheritances in shaping the internal deformation of orogenic wedges. In the Baronnies (southern subalpine Alps), several Triasic diapirs that were reactivated during Cenozoic compression are exposed, raising questions about the earlier halokinetic activity in the area.

In orogenic domains, salt-tectonics is generally inferred from geometric evidences, which are not always well preserved. To address this limit, we developed a geochemical and regional approach, applied to the Mesozoic deposits in the Baronnies. Specifically, we used the strontium (Sr) content of pelagic carbonates deposited in the Vocontian basin (today incorporated in the Alpine prism) as a tracer of potential salinity anomalies associated to submarine diapirism. Rocks samples were collected from Oxfordian to Turonian sedimentary sequences in the deep environments of the Vocontian basin and along its northern (Vercors and Chartreuse), southern (Ventoux) and western (Ardèche-Languedoc) shallow margins. Sr content was measured using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) in the field and then lab-based XRF on both bulk samples and their carbonate fractions. Selected samples were also measured using ICP-OES spectrometry. Sr values were compared to the mean contemporaneous oceanic values of the reference curve established by Renard (1975) to identify possible anomalies.

The Sr content exhibits spatial and temporal variability, with both normal and abnormal values relative to the reference curve. Normal values characterise the Late Jurassic and basal Cretaceous periods. In contrast, Valanginian to Aptian values are significantly higher than the reference curve. The largest anomalies are observed in the deep Vocontian basin and suggest local contamination of the sediments by saline material flows. Comparison of the geochemical signal, sedimentary remobilization events (slumps, calciturbidites,…) and the structural and paleo-stresses frameworks point to a renewed halokinesis activity after the Liasic rifting, with diapirs piercing or not the seafloor. In the Baronnies, this Mesozoic activity has significantly deformed the contemporaneous sedimentary sequences, with local overtuned dips and megaflap-type geometries associated with angular unconformities and pitching of the sequences close to the paleodiapir bodies. At the basin scale, wide synclines were flanked by EW submarine ridges which, together with the inherited NE-SW faults divided the Vocontian basin. We corelate these structures with the Early Cretaceous tectono-halokinesis activity in the South East French Basin, with the Vocontian rift forming a major structure between the Valaisan Ocean and the Altlantic rift.  This study supports the existence of sutured diapirs in the meridional subalpine Alps with an enhanced tectono-halokinetic activity during Early Cretaceous. The last one created regional weak salt inheritances in the pre-compression Mesozoic sedimentary pile, preconditioning it for deformation during the later compressional phases.

How to cite: Homberg, C., Huyghe, D., Ludovino Aranda, V., Le Callonnec, L., Rabaute, A., Lefebvre, G., and Alix, O.: Strontium (Sr) signal in the Mesozoic Southeastern French Basin (Alps) and its relation with pre-compression tectono-halokinetic activity , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10551,, 2025.

EGU25-11458 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectono-halokinetic evolution in the Baronnies Provençales (Alps, France) 

Victor Ludovino Aranda, Catherine Homberg, Damien Huyghe, Jean-Paul Callot, Alain Rabaute, and Eric Lasseur

Evaporite distribution and mobility is a key parameter in the structuration of salt bearing sedimentary basins where these layers can generate halokinetic deformations. Recent revisions of compressive basin models, including those in the external Alps, highlight the significant role of salt tectonics. However, identifying pre-compression halokinetic deformations is often challenging due to erosion or misinterpretation. The “Baronnies provençales”, located in the Vocontian basin in the external western Alps (France), display a unique structure characterized by large E-W oriented synclines oblique to the NNW-SSE trend of the subalpine Alps, bordered by very tight E-W oriented anticlines, whether faulted or not, the origin of which remains debated. Several outcropping diapirs involving Triassic evaporites have been identified in this area, indicating halokinetic activity, either recent or ancient. This study aims to characterize the structural style of the region and the Mesozoic halokinetic structures in order to assess their impact on subsequent deformations.

Field observations, bedding measurements, and cross-sections illustrate that the sedimentary series in the synclines became abruptly steeper near the anticline axes, often adopting overturned dips, sometimes forming megaflap-type geometries. Several angular unconformities have been identified within the Early Cretaceous sequence, notably between the Barremian-Aptian and the Hauterivian, as well as between the Coniacian and the Turonian along strike of the present day anticline axes. N-S oriented slumps within the cretaceous succession highlight the presence of paleo-morphologies parallel to the modern anticline structures that were thus developing during the Early Cretaceous. E-W sediment gravity-flow (e.g. marly calcareous slumps, sandy- and calci- turbidites and debris flow) following submarine palaeocanyons more numerous than the N-S ones and located at the core of the synclines, reflect the regional paleoslope of the region. The structural analysis of the region shows that major thrust faults are located along and with the same orientation as the E-W oriented tight anticlines, thus positioned between the multi-kilometer wide and flat synclines. These thrust faults exhibit lateral variations in their vergence. Microtectonic analysis indicate normal faulting predating the formation of E-W folds, associated with a WNW-ESE extension likely linked to the reactivation of the major inherited NE-SW faults within the South French basin. A ~N-S compression, probably corresponding to the Pyrenean-Provençal phase, as well as a ~NE-SW to ENE-WSW compression, likely associated with the Alpine phase, have also been identified. These results highlight that the ‘Baronnies provençales’ area has thus recorded the main regional deformation phases of the Meso-Cenozoic, but has also been affected by renewed halokinetic activity during the Early Cretaceous, which was responsible for layer tilting forming the ‘megaflap’ – type structure and the formation of topographic anticline-like ridges that induced episodes of lateral sedimentary reworking. The Cretaceous salt-tectonics thus played a key role in shaping the structural style of the region and also probably in the thrust vergence. The paleo-diapirs were sutured while accommodating the shortening of later compressive phases.

Key words: Halokinesis, Structural inheritance, Tectonics, Vocontian basin.


How to cite: Ludovino Aranda, V., Homberg, C., Huyghe, D., Callot, J.-P., Rabaute, A., and Lasseur, E.: Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectono-halokinetic evolution in the Baronnies Provençales (Alps, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11458,, 2025.

EGU25-11524 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1

Anisotropy from Receiver Function Analysis shed light into the Deformation Style of the Ivrea Body 

Judith M. Confal, Silvia Pondrelli, Simone Salimbeni, and Nicola Piana Agostinetti

One one the most prominent examples of shallow continental Moho is related to the Ivrea Body, in the Western Alps, with its formation and deformation still debated. Several recent temporary seismic deployments as well as the permanent station networks of Switzerland and Italy provided this study with sufficient teleseismic P-to-S converted waveforms to perform Receiver function analysis and retrieve anisotropic parameters for the Ivrea Body. 

In continuity with the work done by Salimbeni et al. (2021), where the anisotropic properties of the southern part of the Ivrea Geophysical Body were determined, here we present the results of the same analysis applied to the stations over the entire Ivrea body itself, from the south toward its northern margin.  

In this study, therefore, we present the result of this new Receiver Function analysis applied to  63 new broadband seismic stations deployed across the region. Our preliminary results show that, for the 35 stations located directly above the high gravity anomaly of the area, generally referred as a signature of the Ivrea Geophysical Body, the anisotropic properties of the shallow crustal materials have all similar affinities, with high degree of anisotropy and coherent angular pattern which displays a  change in direction from South to North.

How to cite: Confal, J. M., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Agostinetti, N. P.: Anisotropy from Receiver Function Analysis shed light into the Deformation Style of the Ivrea Body, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11524,, 2025.

EGU25-12147 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Opening the window slightly earlier: Oligocene east-directed extension along the East Tauern Detachment System 

David Schneider, Jennifer Spalding, Benjamin Huet, Bernhard Grasemann, and Gerd Rantitsch

In the NE Tauern Window of the Eastern Alps, new mapping in Nordrahmen Zone and Glockner nappes reveals significant deformation associated with W-E extension and a component of N-S shortening during the transition from high-pressure metamorphism and nappe stacking to extensional deformation. Kinematic indicators, including winged inclusions, tiling, and climbing pinch-and-swell veins, reveal a clear top-to-E shear sense, and deformation is further highlighted by progressively deformed quartz-calcite-dolomite veins, whose rotation was used to quantify flow parameters. The deformed veins used to quantify the flow parameters related to ductile deformation reveal that pure shear and simple shear contributed relatively equally. Moreover, the sub-horizontal axial planes of DIII fold structures is indicative of vertical flattening, which is signifies vertical shortening during ductile deformation. The ductile deformation is overprinted by E-dipping shear bands and faults, which transition into brittle-ductile faults compatible with incremental strain axes also indicating vertical shortening during top-to-E extension. Raman spectroscopy data show a temperature gradient with higher structural levels exhibiting paleotemperatures <450°C, increasing to >500°C at deeper levels. White mica Ar-Ar analyses in both shear veins and recrystallized fabrics yield Oligocene deformation dates (25-34 Ma). Distributed ductile thinning is a characteristic feature in the footwall of detachment systems, and prompted further investigation up section. At higher crustal levels at the upper limit of the Nordrahmen Zone, the deformation gradient progressively increases towards the newly discovered top-to-E Schuhflicker Detachment, defined by a knife-sharp fault surface of ultramylonites and cataclasites. The hanging wall is defined by slightly deformed quartzites and dolomites of the Lower Austroalpine Unit. The Schuhflicker Detachment developed at mid-crustal levels during the Oligocene, and during progressive exhumation, W-E extension was transferred to the structurally higher Katschberg Fault and Katschberg Shear Zone System during the Miocene. Collectively, these structures form the East Tauern Detachment System, which accommodated tens of kilometers of exhumation of the Tauern Window, facilitating the incipient stages of its exhumation during the Oligocene and subsequent erosion-dominated unroofing in the Miocene.

How to cite: Schneider, D., Spalding, J., Huet, B., Grasemann, B., and Rantitsch, G.: Opening the window slightly earlier: Oligocene east-directed extension along the East Tauern Detachment System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12147,, 2025.

EGU25-15744 | Orals | GD9.1

Palaeogeography of the Eastern Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria) 

Wolfgang Frank, Bernhard Grasemann, Thomas Meisel, Jennifer Spalding, David Schneider, Benjamin Huet, Christoph Iglseder, and Daniela Gallhofer

The Tauern Windows in the Eastern Alps is one of the most spectacular tectonic window, which formed after opening and closure of the Alpine Tethys between Europe and the Adriatic micro-continent. The herein described paleogeographical model is based on a new lithostratigraphic unit, the Wörth Formation, which formed as a local Jurassic black shale deepwater trough below the CCD on a strongly attenuated crustal basement. It developed as an oblique depression between the European continent and the Permian-Jurassic metasediments of the Seidlwinkl Nappe, which became an isolated element during opening of the Alpine Tethys. The Wörth Formation trough terminated to the NW within the European continent but maintained an open connection to the main Alpine Tethys towards SE. Different clastic sediments were derived from both sides of the trough: detrital mica-rich sandstones intruded by gabbroic laccoliths (167 Ma), olistoliths and re-sedimentation of Keuper beds, yet no indication of Triassic carbonates were derived from the northern side. In contrast, the deposits on the southern side are characterized by carbonate-bearing quartz-schists, breccias of Triassic carbonates, arkoses and tectonic slivers from the basement (Modereck crystalline).

Radiolarites and “Aptychen” limestones are useful marker lithologies for better lithostratigraphic interpretations. Until now Aptychen limestones got little attention, but could be recognized in all environment and most tectonic units from the Matrei Zone to the Klammkalk Zone. Rare locations have been detected, where at the base of the Glockner nappe a primary sedimentary succession of siliciclastic Jurassic into the typical marly “Kalkglimmerschiefer” lithology has been preserved. The Sandstone-Breccia unit is now understood as a continuously pro-grading accretionary wedge, containing considerable portion of clastics, derived from the southern border of Alpine Tethys and emplaced during post-Albian times on the northern parts of the Wörth Formation. White mica Ar ages, clustering regionally at 30 my and only little younger restricted apatite FT ages (see Spalding et al. Poster Session GD9.1) indicate early cooling due to a detachment process (see Brunner et al. Poster Session GD9.1) at the frontal part of the accretionary wedge.

The complex paleogeography has also important consequences for the tectonic evolution history:  It caused the contrasting structural architecture of the Glockner nappe W and E of the Rauris valley and the restriction of the HP-rocks (lawsonite pseudomorphs, eclogites) to the western side of Glockner nappe. The basement units of the eastern Tauern window should not interpreted as the direct continuation of the western basement. Earlier interpretations for different rifting ages in this part of Alpine Tethys, Jurassic in the S and Cretaceous in the N, lost their validity.

How to cite: Frank, W., Grasemann, B., Meisel, T., Spalding, J., Schneider, D., Huet, B., Iglseder, C., and Gallhofer, D.: Palaeogeography of the Eastern Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15744,, 2025.

Most paleotectonic reconstructions assume the indentation of Adria subsequent to the Periadriatic magmatism, after 32-26 Ma. Some consider an even younger (post 14-10 Ma) retrobelt of the Alps. These reconstructions contrast with evidence of a late Cretaceous to Eocene retro-belt in the western Southern Alps, intruded by the Adamello pluton and associated magmatic bodies. Recent work suggest this retro-belt continued eastwards into a relief extending from the Texelgroup towards the Transdanubian Range, allowing detritus to feed the retroforeland basin. In the eastern Southern Alps, remnants of this basin occur in the northernmost sectors, and recent work documented the Late Cretaceous northward flexuring of the Adria foreland.

Collectively, these observables confirm the occurrence of a Late Cretaceous retrobelt, subsequently cut in the Oligocene by the Periadriatic Line: the western part of the retro-belt remained in the Southern Alps, whereas, to the east, the Cretaceous double vergent belt was left north of the Periadriatic Line, only leaving the tip of the retro-foreland basin in the Southern Alps. This Eastern Alps Cretaceous belt is well recognized, following the so-called eclogite belt.

The Cretaceous retro-belt was sinistrally reworking the Jurassic Giudicarie fault system, finally defining it as first-order transverse range pre-existing the Periadriatic Line. This latter reworked the indented Adria plate in the west, where the crustal doubling prevented any possible deeper source for the Periadriatic magmatism. The lower plate break-off, therefore, seems a very unsuitable hypothesis.

How to cite: Picotti, V.:  The Cretaceous retro-belt of the Alps and the early indentation of Adria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16716,, 2025.

EGU25-18979 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1

Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244). 

Simone Lombardi, Lorenzo Stori, Laura Federico, Laura Crispini, Seno Silvio, and Maino Matteo

Our research is part of the ongoing geological fieldwork aimed at creating the 1:50,000 scale "Ormea Sheet" (n. 244) within the framework of the CARG Project (Italian National Geological Cartography). The goal is to integrate existing data and observations to reconstruct the structure and evolution of the European (Alpine) margin. The study area is located in the Ligurian Alps, the southeastern end of the Western Alps. This region is crucial for understanding its geodynamic evolution, as the contact between lithological units from different domains is preserved (e.g., the Briançonnais domain representing the European passive margin and the Piedmont-Ligurian sedimentary covers corresponding to the oceanic domain). The structural framework is characterized by thrust sheets, superimposed non-cylindrical folds, and local deformations, which provide evidence of a complex polyphase tectonic evolution. These units underwent low-grade Alpine metamorphism, partially overprinting and reworking the original sedimentary structures and features.        
Our work focuses on the Flysch Units outcropping within the Ormea Sheet, particularly the formations that constitute the Colla Domenica-Leverone unit, as referred to in the literature. Previous authors have hypothesized that these turbidite systems were deposited in an abyssal plain, resulting from the rifting and spreading of the Piedmont-Ligurian Ocean. These systems are characterized by basal complexes made up of thinly bedded turbidites, often containing olistostromes, followed by sand- or carbonate-rich turbidite systems (Decarlis et al., 2014), which are interpreted as trench environment deposits (Di Giulio, 1992). 
During the advancement of the accretionary wedge towards the European foreland, these sedimentary units underwent a migration and stacking process, resulting in an inverted stratigraphy, with the oldest unit at the topmost part of the nappe pile. Our intense fieldwork revealed an erosional boundary between the Arnasco-Castelbianco and Borghetto units and the overlying Colla Domenica and Leverone formations, differently from previous assumptions of a tectonic surface, essentially revisiting the idea of classifying the Colla Domenica-Leverone as a tectonic unit.            
Moreover, we are investigating the origin of the sediment supply through various analyses. Different basalt samples collected from the chaotic event in the Colla Domenica Shale, analyzed using ICP-MS and XRF instruments, show compositional similarities with the results proposed by Saccani et al. (2008) for the basalts from the Balagne region (Northern Corsica). This preliminary evidence suggests that these formations filled the closing oceanic basin (as proposed by the model of Pandolfi et al., 2016) through mass transport events originating from different areas, likely from the European margin and the front of the accretionary wedge.          
Additionally, petrographic analyses of sandstone samples are in progress to identify the source areas, and biostratigraphic analyses have been performed to provide additional time constraints to complement the limited existing data. We are currently working on stratigraphic logs to describe in detail the facies and boundaries of these formations.

How to cite: Lombardi, S., Stori, L., Federico, L., Crispini, L., Silvio, S., and Matteo, M.: Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18979,, 2025.

EGU25-19672 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Accuracy of garnet U–Pb LA–ICPMS compared to Sm-Nd TIMS dating 

Leo J. Millonig, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Richard Albert, Horst Marschall, Ethan Baxter, and Axel Gerdes

Garnet has an extensive pressure-temperature (P–T) stability field for a wide variety of rock compositions, and its compositional changes reflect changes during its prograde P–T evolution. The beauty of garnet petrochronometry is thus the ability to extract P–T and temporal (t) information from a single rock-forming mineral with relatively well-known thermodynamic properties.

While still in its infancy, U–Pb dating of garnet by LA–ICPMS is an evolving petrochronological tool with a vast potential and a plethora of possible applications. To assess its reliability and potential systematic differences in comparison with the well-established Sm-Nd ID-TIMS dating technique, we applied garnet U-Pb dating by LA-ICPMS to garnet specimen that were previously dated by Sm-Nd ID-TIMS. The investigated samples include Paleozoic to Cenozoic garnet samples from diverse geotectonic settings and bulk rock compositions, including blueschists, eclogites, metapelites, and meta-rodingites.

Our results indicate that the two dating techniques mostly yield similar results, demonstrating the accuracy of the in situ U-Pb method. We further demonstrate that garnet U-Pb dating by LA-ICPMS can resolve dates from thin garnets rims (<300 µm), which are too narrow to be dated by ID-TIMS. In the case of the meta-rodingite sample, we found that garnet veinlets formed during two events, which were not clearly resolved by ID-TIMS dating. These spatial resolution advantages of the LA-ICPMS technique are contrasted, however, by generally less precise garnet dates compared to the ID-TIMS data. Furthermore, in situ U-Pb dating can be rendered unfeasible mainly by two factors: (1) the presence of and contamination by (inherited) U-rich inclusions (e.g. zircon and monazite); (2) garnet contains more Pb than U, thereby severely limiting the spread in 238U/206Pb which produces significant uncertainties and geologically meaningless dates.

How to cite: Millonig, L. J., Beranoaguirre, A., Albert, R., Marschall, H., Baxter, E., and Gerdes, A.: Accuracy of garnet U–Pb LA–ICPMS compared to Sm-Nd TIMS dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19672,, 2025.

EGU25-20088 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

From oceanic to continental subduction and collision in the Western Alps: P-T-time evolution of the Briançonnais/Liguro-Piemont plate contact 

Kevin Mendes, Philippe Agard, Alexis Plunder, Guillaume Bonnet, Clement Herviou, and Thomas Gyomlai

Understanding the evolution of convergent plate boundaries and the mechanisms of strain accommodation through time and space is made possible by studying exhumed subduction complexes within orogenic belts. This study uses the internal zones of the Western Alps, one of the largest and best-preserved fossil subduction complexes in the world, to track the transition from subduction to collision. We herein combine in-situ Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr data on white micas with pressure-temperature estimates derived from pseudosection modeling and Raman thermometry on carbonaceous material, along eleven transects crossing the mountain belt.

Results (i) confirm the preservation of similar peak pressure-temperature conditions on both sides of the Briançonnais/Liguro-Piemont contact (as proposed by Mendes et al., 2023), (ii) indicate that the Briançonnais cover units reached their metamorphic peak around 50 ± 5 Ma and likely correspond to the former cover of the Dora-Maira massif, (iii) document the progressive slicing of large basement units at the end of the subduction process and the evolution of deformation (from localized at interface-scale to  distributed at crustal-scale), and (iv) allow refining the initial structure of the continental margin and its role during convergence.

This study also highlights the merits and limitations of Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr radiochronological systems, and in particular the complexity of the record associated with multiple metamorphic recrystallizations. Although the variable and in places marginal extent of excess argon complicates the interpretation of Ar-Ar ages, this study shows that the Ar-Ar system is likely more robust than the Rb-Sr system for tracking recrystallization history. The latter system appears sensitive to late re-equilibration episodes, potentially linked to fluid circulation.

Mendes, K., Agard, P., Plunder, A., Herviou, C., 2023. Lithospheric-scale dynamics during continental subduction: Evidence from a frozen-in plate interface. Geology 51, 1153–1157.

How to cite: Mendes, K., Agard, P., Plunder, A., Bonnet, G., Herviou, C., and Gyomlai, T.: From oceanic to continental subduction and collision in the Western Alps: P-T-time evolution of the Briançonnais/Liguro-Piemont plate contact, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20088,, 2025.

EGU25-20445 | Posters on site | GD9.1

A new occurrence of the Vorau Nappe in the Semmering area (Eastern Alps) 

Eva-Maria Ranftl, Ralf Schuster, and Robert Vanek

The area around the Semmering pass (Austria) is of particular importance for the geology of the Eastern Alps as it was here that the sequence from the crystalline rocks of the Central Eastern Alps to the Mesozoic sediments of the Northern Calcareous Alps was tectonically subdivided for the first time. This took place during the construction of the railway line in the 1880s, but the current work on the railway base tunnel has also brought new insights into the regional geology. This article deals with a variegated lithological association that was excavated in the course of the tunnel construction under the Hocheck Mountain, but which is also known from surface outcrops. According to the available geological maps it locally forms the base of the Stuhleck-Kirchberg Nappe, directly above the Wechsel Nappe. Both nappes are part of the Austroalpine Unit.

The variegated lithological association consists of micaschist and paragneiss with intercalations of granitic orthogneiss and frequently amphibolite. Of special interest are weakly deformed alkalifeldspar and quartz phyric dikes, which are Permian in age due to regional considerations. Further, small ore deposits containing pyrite, galena and chalcopyrite or quartz veins with haematite occur. Partly the micaschist is rich in muscovite and contains garnet up to 1.5 mm in diameter. Paragneiss often shows a layering due to a varying biotite content. Subordinate quartz and feldspar rich types with garnet and/or amphibole occur. Sometimes the latter are interlayered with amphibolite. The orthogneiss is mostly hololeucocratic with chloritisised biotite and alkalifeldspar porphyroclasts up to 3 cm in length. Based on the observed mineral assemblage upper greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions were reached at the metamorphic peak. A later greenschist facies overprint caused intense retrogression and phyllonitisation at a variable grade. Retrogression is indicated by chloritisation of biotite, garnet and amphibole in the paragneiss and sericitisation of feldspar. In the amphibolite actinolithe or chlorite formed. Phyllonitisation occurred along internal shear zones but especially along the basal nappe contact and towards the monotonous phyllonitic micaschist and orthogneiss overlying the variegated lithological association. The lithological layering as well as the main schistosity are mostly dipping towards south and a frequently observed stretching lineation is SW-NE orientated. An overprinting folding and crenulation shows E-W orientated axes.

With respect to the lithological association and the characteristics of the lithologies we argue that the investigated sequence is not part of the Stuhleck-Kirchberg Nappe, but a part of the Vorau Nappe (Silvretta-Seckau Nappe System, Austroalpine Unit), which appears in between the Wechsel and Stuhleck-Kirchberg Nappe further in the south. The Vorau Nappe is built up by the Waldbach Complex. The latter experienced an upper greenschist to amphibolite facies Variscan metamorphic imprint in the Late Devonian and Carboniferous. In Permian time, it was at the Earth’s surface and covered by Permian acidic volcanics and siliciclastic sediments. Subsequently Early Triassic sandstones (Semmering quartzite) and carbonates were deposited. During the Eoalpine event in the Cretaceous the whole sequence experienced greenschist facies conditions and deformation during nappe stacking and folding with E-W trending axes.

How to cite: Ranftl, E.-M., Schuster, R., and Vanek, R.: A new occurrence of the Vorau Nappe in the Semmering area (Eastern Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20445,, 2025.

EGU25-21240 | Orals | GD9.1

Re-defining early Alpine orogenesis in the ALCAPA domain (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous) 

Oscar Fernandez, Hugo Ortner, Diethard Sanders, and Bernhard Grasemann

It is commonly accepted that the Late Jurassic marks the onset of convergent tectonics in the ALCAPA (Alps-Carpathians-Pannonia) domain. However, the lack of generalized metamorphism, and the absence of structures and features that can be ascribed to this event make it challenging to understand its relevance and extent. Two areas have been historically documented in the ALCAPA where Late Jurassic tectonic features can be recognized: in the Inner Western Carpathians (Meliata and Borka localities) and in the central Eastern Alps (Lower Juvavic tectonic units). The interpretation of the structure and geodynamic significance of both of these areas has been strongly conditioned by assumptions on the paleogeographic position of the units involved. In these two areas, the Juvavic and Silica tectonic units (successions of Permo-Mesozoic strata derived from the Triassic passive margin of the ALCAPA, in the Eastern Alps and Western Carpathians respectively) have been traditionally interpreted to represent the most distal units of the Triassic passive margin of the ALCAPA. This in turn implies that these units are interpreted to be tectonically far travelled and emplaced in a complex succession of in- and out-of-sequence thrusts.

In this contribution we propose a revision to the conventional interpretation of the Juvavic units, based on the structural re-interpretation of key localities. We focus on the central Eastern Alps, where we describe the geometry, timing and interplay of different structures related to the earliest phase of contractional deformation. We further integrate the modern understanding of salt tectonics and carbonate sedimentology in this area to show that the pre-contractional paleogeographic arrangement of the Juvavic was likely more complex than previously assumed. In particular, we argue that pelagic Triassic facies have been misinterpreted as evidence for the distality of the Juvavic and Silica units, and that they deposited not only in distal passive margin settings but also in proximal settings of limited crustal thinning. This is consistent with the fact that structures previously assumed to be north-directed thrusts are in fact south-directed back-thrusts, and challenges the conventional interpretation of the Juvavic units. The revised structural interpretation in the central Eastern Alps indicates that Late Jurassic contraction was part of a regionally-coherent system of deformation (over 100s of kilometers).

Furthermore, Late Jurassic deformation is observed to form a temporal continuum with Early Cretaceous, that was eventually sealed by the Gosau Gp sediments. We therefore propose that the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous contractional deformation that we document in the Eastern Alps represents the best documented record of the onset of Alpine orogenesis.

How to cite: Fernandez, O., Ortner, H., Sanders, D., and Grasemann, B.: Re-defining early Alpine orogenesis in the ALCAPA domain (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21240,, 2025.

EGU25-1717 | ECS | Orals | GD9.2

Vertical deformation along the northern Caribbean plate boundary zone: the uplifted marine terraces of northern Haiti. 

Santiana Vissiere, Christine Authemayou, Denovan Chauveau, Kevin Pedoja, Steeve Symithe, Dominique Boisson, Chastity Aiken, Frauke Klingelhoefer, and Walter Roest

North of Haiti, oblique convergence occurs between the Caribbean plate and the Bahamas carbonate banks which belong to the North American plate. In this zone, plate motion is accommodated by: (1) the EW-trending North Hispaniola reverse Fault Zone (NHFZ), (2) a NE-trending transpressional domain across Haiti, and (3) two EW-trending sinistral transform faults the Septentrional Oriente Fault Zone (SOFZ) and the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone (EPGFZ)  located north and south of the country, respectively. 

This study focuses on the emerged sequences of marine terraces of Haiti that have been uplifted since the beginning of the Quaternary, with an aim to provide geomorphological insights into deformation caused by oblique convergence since this period. Our research was carried out on terraces located on Tortue Island and in the northern region of Haiti, situated North and South of the SOFZ, respectively. We present topographic measurements, the number of successive strandlines, and the spatial variation of the sequence. 

The results reveal contrasting patterns of deformation of these geomorphological features on either side of the SOFZ with significant spatial and temporal EW-trending uplift gradients associated with long-wavelength tilting and short-wavelength folding. The data suggest a EW-trending spatial and temporal change in the coupling between the North American plate and the Caribbean plate.  

How to cite: Vissiere, S., Authemayou, C., Chauveau, D., Pedoja, K., Symithe, S., Boisson, D., Aiken, C., Klingelhoefer, F., and Roest, W.: Vertical deformation along the northern Caribbean plate boundary zone: the uplifted marine terraces of northern Haiti., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1717,, 2025.

EGU25-5960 | Orals | GD9.2

First P- and S-wave tomographic results of a wide-angle seismic profile from the Haiti-TWiST campaign 

Haibo Huang, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Johanna Klein, Walter Roest, Chastity Aiken, Sylvie Leroy, and O´Leary Gonzalez

The Septentrional-Oriente Fault Zone (SOFZ) and Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone (EPGFZ) have a history of producing devastating earthquakes and tsunamis around Haiti. However, the deep structures and the role of fluids in their processes remain poorly understood, which limits our ability to assess their seismic potential. We present new insights into the crustal structure of the Haiti dual active transform fault system derived from an active-source Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) profile (TWI1) collected during the Haiti-TWiST campaign (R/V “Pourquoi pas?”, June-July 2024), which uniquely spans across both offshore and onshore regions. This profile transects both the EPGFZ off the southern Haiti peninsula and the SOFZ offshore the northern Haiti peninsula. High-quality seismic data from 61 OBS stations yielded over 34,000 P-wave and 18,000 S-wave traveltimes, enabling forward modeling and tomographic inversion of the crustal structure. The resulting P-wave, S-wave, and Vp/Vs structures reveal oceanic plateau characteristics in the offshore crust in the south of the EPGFZ, with a thickness of 18–20 km, P-wave velocities of 4.0–7.5 km/s, S-wave velocities of 2.5–4.1 km/s, and Vp/Vs ratios of 1.75–2.0. The SOFZ exhibits pronounced structural variations with distinct high- and low-velocity boundaries. Additionally, a high Vp/Vs anomaly (2.0~2.1) in the upper crust on the southern flank of the EPGFZ suggests extensive fracturing, potentially linked to stress perturbation during strike-slip motion.

How to cite: Huang, H., Klingelhoefer, F., Klein, J., Roest, W., Aiken, C., Leroy, S., and Gonzalez, O.: First P- and S-wave tomographic results of a wide-angle seismic profile from the Haiti-TWiST campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5960,, 2025.

EGU25-6526 | ECS | Orals | GD9.2 | Highlight

3D travel-time tomography of the incoming plate at the Northern Lesser Antilles subduction trench 

Johanna Klein, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Manel Prada, Walter R. Roest, Haibo Huang, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, Boris Marcaillou, Laure Schenini, Chastity Aiken, and Heidrun Kopp

Seismogenesis in subduction zones is profoundly shaped by the nature of the down-going crust and its lithosphere, their inherent structures, and hydration state. However, studying how these factors influence local seismicity remains challenging, particularly in regions with complex crustal and mantle structures. Simultaneously, the subduction of heterogeneous crust presents an opportunity to study the impact of variable physical properties on seismicity in close proximity. Thus, characterising the nature of such crust and the upper mantle immediately seaward of the deep-sea trench, at the smallest scale possible, may help in understanding spatial variations of seismogenic asperities, the variability of fluid input in the margin, and the overall heterogeneity of the subduction zone.

The Lesser Antilles are one of the few places on Earth where such processes can be studied in a natural laboratory setting. Oceanic crust accreted at the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is permeated by first- and second-order, closely spaced fracture zones, which delineate crustal segments in which accretion alternates between being tectonically and magmatically dominated. The crust is further characterised by prominent faulting behaviour, showcasing detachment faulting near the spreading centre, normal faulting consistent with the spreading fabric, and faulting during the flexural bending at the subduction trench. Consequently, upon subduction, the crust is irregularly hydrated and contains variable amounts of reworked mafic crust and correspondingly variable amounts of uplifted mantle.

Here we present the first 3D traveltime tomography combined with controlled source seismic data of Central Atlantic crust seaward of the Northern Lesser Antilles subduction trench. We jointly invert first arrivals and Moho reflections using TOMO3D, which allows for high-resolution imaging of crustal and upper mantle structures at small spatial scales, and the comprehensive visualisation of the Moho. Our study is based on data recorded during the Manta-Ray cruise (R/V L’Atalante - 2022), in which 75 ocean-bottom seismometers were deployed offshore Antigua and Barbuda. Through an instrument spacing of 5 km and 10 km on the central and surrounding profiles, respectively, an unprecedented level of resolution has been achieved. Seismic shots were produced using a 5000 cu inch tuned airgun array, and were additionally recorded by a 6000 m seismic streamer. Previous studies have imaged high-amplitude seismic reflectors in the oceanic crust, which extend up to 15 km below the top of the basement and dip towards the MAR. Investigating their nature and their role in fluid migration is an additional objective of this study.

Our results provide (1) a crucial first step towards a more precise characterisation of the anomalous crust and its influence on Caribbean seismicity and tectonics, (2) a key constraint on the nature and tectonic origin of the deep reflectors, and (3) the foundation for deeper investigations into the particular role of fluids in seismogenesis.

How to cite: Klein, J., Klingelhoefer, F., Prada, M., Roest, W. R., Huang, H., Lebrun, J.-F., Marcaillou, B., Schenini, L., Aiken, C., and Kopp, H.: 3D travel-time tomography of the incoming plate at the Northern Lesser Antilles subduction trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6526,, 2025.

EGU25-7066 | Orals | GD9.2

Manta-Ray : a study of the relationship between fluids and seismicity in the Lesser Antilles 

Frauke Klingelhoefer, Johanna Klein, Boris Marcaillou, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, Laure Schenini, Walter Roest, Chastity Aiken, Mireille Laigle, Romain Jatiault, and Fabrice Jouffray

The Lesser Antilles subduction zone is one of very few regions where old oceanic crust formed at slow spreading rates is being subducted. Crust accreted at slow spreading ridges differs from crust formed at higher rates, mainly in its higher content of material originating from the upper mantle, which is mostly hydrated to form serpentinites. The water stored in these serpentinites is released in the subduction process and then migrates upwards, towards the seafloor, where it forms fluid escape features, such as mud-volcanoes and pockmarks. Seismic reflection profiles from offshore Antigua and Barbuda image high amplitude seismic reflectors extending from the top of the downgoing crust roughly 15 km down into the mantle. They possibly originate from low-angle detachments related to exhumation of mantle material at the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. As serpentinite rheology differs from that of basalt and gabbro, and because the amount of fluids from dewatering serpentinite is significantly higher than from mafic crust, the rheological properties of the plate interface and the margin are likely to influence slip behavior.

During the Manta-Ray cruise in 2022, bathymetric and seismic data were acquired in the Lesser Antilles region with the objective to study the influence of subduction of this ultramafic basement on the tectonic deformation, fluid circulation and seismogenesis. At the accretionary prism fluid extrusion sites have been identified in the bathymetric data and their structures are finely imaged by high-resolution seismic data. Mud-volcano structures are linked to deeper faults and individual mud flows are imaged with a high enough a resolution to be described. In the region of the previously imaged deep reflectors, a 3D seismic experiment was conducted during which 23 deep sounding seismic profiles were acquired, crossing 75 ocean-bottom seismometers and using a 5000 cu-inch airgun array and a 6 km long seismic streamer. The extension of the reflectors east of the trench was proven and initial interpretation of the seismic data clearly shows the existence of several fault families dipping in different directions. In this area also numerous fluid extrusion features were identified which might have formed during accretion at the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

During the LAVAS project, starting in 2025, we will further study the relationship between the hydration the downgoing plate and seismicity in the Lesser Antilles. In the scope of the project passive seismic data will be acquired using a sailing vessel along the different fluid extrusion sites to record signals from fluids leaving the seafloor. A submarine glider survey along these sites will help to identify possible methane accumulation in the water column. Satellite images will be used to identify natural hydrocarbons leaking from the seafloor and arriving at the sea surface. In an associated pedagogic project seismometers will be installed in schools on the islands of Guadeloupe and Saint Martin.

How to cite: Klingelhoefer, F., Klein, J., Marcaillou, B., Lebrun, J.-F., Schenini, L., Roest, W., Aiken, C., Laigle, M., Jatiault, R., and Jouffray, F.: Manta-Ray : a study of the relationship between fluids and seismicity in the Lesser Antilles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7066,, 2025.

EGU25-7126 | Posters on site | GD9.2

Geologic map and databases of the Greater Antilles and Virgin Islands 

Frederic Wilson and Keith Labay

As part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mineral-environmental assessment, a new digital geologic map and database for the Greater Antilles has been compiled from previously published mapping. At 1:250,000-scale, Hispaniola and Jamaica were sourced from (a) the Dominican Republic Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Department of Mining, (b) the Haitian Ministry of Mines and Energy Resources, and (c) the Jamaican Ministry of Mining and Natural Resources, Mines and Geology Division. Cuba, at 1:100,000-scale, was provided by the Cuban Ministry of Energy and Mines. Puerto Rico was available in a series of 64 USGS 1:20,000-scale geologic maps. Maps for the U.S. and British Virgin Islands were at scales between 1:24,000 and approximately 1:60,000.

Data for each island were digitized and integrated into a common database schema to facilitate correlation of map units from island to island and provide a uniform view of the geology. Each source map unit was assigned to a unit for the compilation based on its lithology, setting, and age. This unit then links to additional related tables that define the unit’s maximum and minimum age, geologic setting, a set of hierarchically defined lithologies, and the original source maps unit descriptions. We also defined a series of tectonostratigraphic terranes for the region. These terranes display unique lithologic assemblages, geologic histories, and commonly, distinct mineral deposit types. We obtained new U/Pb dates and compiled a region-wide database of nearly 1,100 radiometric ages.

Multiple distinct geologic features are present in the region. Cuba has the only unquestioned Jurassic, and perhaps older, rocks whereas on Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, Cretaceous metamorphic assemblages may contain Jurassic rocks. Cretaceous granitic rocks are present in Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico as are gabbro and trondhjemite of inferred Early Cretaceous age in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Cretaceous volcanic rocks are widespread in the region; they are of variable ages and significantly, do not reflect a single magmatic arc system. Early Cretaceous keratophyre and spilite in the Virgin Islands and northeast Puerto Rico are distinctive.  Eocene volcano-plutonic complexes are prominent in southernmost Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands and sparsely present in Haiti and eastern Jamaica. Volcanic rocks possibly as young as Miocene are present in southern Hispaniola; the youngest volcanic rocks in the region are the late Miocene or Pliocene Low Layton Lavas of Jamaica and Quaternary alkali basalt on Hispaniola.

Carbonate rocks are widespread in the Greater Antilles and are as old as Jurassic in Cuba and as young as Holocene in many areas. In Cuba, Early Cretaceous sedimentary rocks tend to be dominantly carbonates; volcanic clasts and debris are uncommon until Late Cretaceous. In contrast, Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks are common in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Olistostromes are frequently described in uppermost Cretaceous and Eocene rocks; the Eocene deposits are commonly associated with mélange units. Sedimentary rocks that postdate the Eocene are dominantly carbonates or mixed clastic and carbonate rocks in which the clastic component reflects erosion of earlier volcanic units, as well as older carbonate rocks.

How to cite: Wilson, F. and Labay, K.: Geologic map and databases of the Greater Antilles and Virgin Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7126,, 2025.

EGU25-9321 | Posters on site | GD9.2

GEOMARHIS experiment: Multi-scale geophysical study of oblique tectonics, strain partitioning and associated geological hazards in the northern Hispaniola offshore margin 

Jose-Luis Granja-Bruña, Alfonso Muñoz-Martín, Marina Rueda-Fort, Gerardo De Vicente, María Gómez-Ballesteros, José Martín-Dávila, José Miguel Gorosabel-Araus, Francisco José Martínez-Moreno, María Druet, and Julian Fiz and the GEOMARHIS TEAM

The Northen Hispaniola margin poses major earthquake and tsunami hazards for the Caribbean. The coexistence of the compressive North Hispaniola Deformed Belt that accommodates the normal shortening component between the Caribbean and the North American plates, and the strike-slip Septentrional Fault Zone that accommodates the along-strike component represents a “textbook example” for the study of oblique tectonics and strain partitioning. In the end of 2025, we will conduct the GEOMARHIS experiment, a controlled-seismic source survey between Puerto Rico and Haiti. GEOMARHIS consists of the acquisition of multi-scale (regional-to-local) seismic reflection profiles: (1) medium resolution multichannel data along- and across-strike of plate boundary; (2) high-resolution multichannel data to characterize the Septentrional Fault Zone in the Samana and Manzanillo bays; (3) continuous ultra-high-resolution data. In addition, we will acquire systematic swath bathymetry-backscatter, gravity and magnetics. Here, we will inform about detailed objectives, datasets and expected results, which we hope to provide new critical constraints to the seismic and tsunami hazard for Dominican Republic and Haiti. 

How to cite: Granja-Bruña, J.-L., Muñoz-Martín, A., Rueda-Fort, M., De Vicente, G., Gómez-Ballesteros, M., Martín-Dávila, J., Gorosabel-Araus, J. M., Martínez-Moreno, F. J., Druet, M., and Fiz, J. and the GEOMARHIS TEAM: GEOMARHIS experiment: Multi-scale geophysical study of oblique tectonics, strain partitioning and associated geological hazards in the northern Hispaniola offshore margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9321,, 2025.

EGU25-9576 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.2

Preliminary results on the geomorphology and shallower structure of the south-western Hispaniola offshore margin.  

Marina Rueda-Fort, José-Luis Granja-Bruña, Sylvie Leroy, Alfonso Muñoz-Martín, José-Miguel Gorosabel-Araus, Thomas Joyeux, Maïwen Collas, María Druet, Álvaro Rodríguez-Zurrunero, Miguel-Ángel De la Fuente-Oliver, Alfonso Muñoz-Cemillán, Uri S. ten Brink, Bernard-Mercier de Lépinay, and Andrés Carbó-Gorosabel

Oblique convergence between the North American and Caribbean plates is accommodated in the Hispaniola Island by means of strain partitioning. A remarkable example of this process is the devastating M7.0 2010 Haiti event which occurred in SW Hispaniola. In this area, the relative convergence between the thick crusts of the island arc and the Caribbean igneous plateau is taking place. This has resulted in significant deformation by means of left-lateral transpression, indentation and uplifting in the SW Hispaniola and its insular margin. We studied the structure and morphology of the offshore southern margin of the Southern Peninsula (Haiti) and Bahoruco Peninsula (Dominican Republic). For that, we have compiled a large dataset of swath bathymetry and 2D seismic reflection profiles from several marine geophysical surveys (A2097L01-1978, FM0502-1980, CaribeNorte-2009, HaitiOBS-2010, HaitiSIS-2012, NorCaribe-2013). This study presents a preliminary mapping of the main morphotectonic provinces:  Island Slope, Haiti plateau and Haiti sub-basin. Noticeable features are active E-W and NW-SE trending folds and fault-propagation folds. As dominant active sedimentary processes are widespread gravity slumping, erosive canyon networks and extended areas of sediment waves. This study is in progress and will provide detailed observations on the active tectonic and sedimentary processes to help future studies assess the seismic and tsunami hazard.

How to cite: Rueda-Fort, M., Granja-Bruña, J.-L., Leroy, S., Muñoz-Martín, A., Gorosabel-Araus, J.-M., Joyeux, T., Collas, M., Druet, M., Rodríguez-Zurrunero, Á., De la Fuente-Oliver, M.-Á., Muñoz-Cemillán, A., ten Brink, U. S., de Lépinay, B.-M., and Carbó-Gorosabel, A.: Preliminary results on the geomorphology and shallower structure of the south-western Hispaniola offshore margin. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9576,, 2025.

EGU25-10205 | Posters on site | GD9.2

Investigating North Caribbean geohazards: First results from the TWiST sea campaign 

Chastity Aiken, Walter Roest, Boris Marcaillou, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Dominique Boisson, and Bladimir Moreno

The transpressive Northern Caribbean plate boundary contains an active twin strike-slip fault system – the Septentrional-Oriente fault zone (SOFZ) and the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone (EPGFZ). Within the past 15 years, the EPGFZ has generated two devastating earthquakes along this transpressive front – the 2010 Mw7.0 Léogâne and the 2021 Mw7.2 Nippes events, of which the 2010 event generated a small tsunami. The 2010 and 2021 earthquakes ruptured only short segments of the roughly 1,000-km long active fault system with partial reverse slip. These events are intriguing because the EPGFZ is assumed to be purely vertical / strike-slip, but the partial reverse slip testifies to the significant hazard they pose to densely populated areas. This severe risk level, in one of the least developed countries, warrants further investigation of the complex seismotectonics and geohazards in the region. As such, the Haiti-TWiST oceanographic campaign was developed and carried out in Summer 2024 on the R/V “Pourquoi pas?” to characterize geological hazards posted to Western Hispaniola. During this sea campaign, we conducted several geophysical surveys. In the first leg, we collected seafloor bathymetric data and conducted wide-angle seismic and high-resolution seismics surveys to image the roots and shallow portions of the SOFZ and EPGFZ. In the second leg, we deployed ocean bottom seismometers for earthquake monitoring near the SOFZ and EPGFZ and acquired a multitude of other data, such as seafloor bathymetry, acoustic water column data for imaging seeps, heat flow measurements near faults, and 15 sediment cores ranging from 30 cm to 11 m long. Two of these sediment cores were the first ever to be taken offshore Cuba. In this presentation, we give an overview of our first observations from data collected during the TWiST sea campaign.

How to cite: Aiken, C., Roest, W., Marcaillou, B., Klingelhoefer, F., Boisson, D., and Moreno, B.: Investigating North Caribbean geohazards: First results from the TWiST sea campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10205,, 2025.

EGU25-10225 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.2

Structure and evolution of the Gonave microplate at the northern boundary of the Caribbean plate 

Thomas Joyeux, Sylvie Leroy, Alain Rabaute, Mélody Philippon, Nicolas Saspiturry, and Manuel Pubellier

Along the northern strike-slip boundary of the Caribbean plate, strain is partitioned and accommodated by the relative motion of several microplates. Among these microplates, the Gonâve microplate is bounded by two major strike-slip fault systems: the Enriquillo Plantain Garden Fault Zone (EPGFZ) to the south and the Septentrional-Oriente Fault Zone (SOFZ) to the north, with the Cayman Trough and the Haitian Fold and Thrust belt defining its western and eastern limits, respectively. 
On 12 January 2010, a devastating Mw 7.0 earthquake struck along the EPGFZ, cross-cuts the southern peninsula of Haïti and the southern Gulf of Gonave. This earthquake, occurring on an uncharacterized fault segment, was both destructive and unexpected. Since then, geophysical and geological investigations have been performed to improve understanding of the fault geometries, kinematics and strain rates in the region. 
This study used multibeam bathymetry and reflection seismic data from various oceanographic campaigns in the Gulf of Gonave to highlight the spatial and temporal evolution of these structures. Data analysis revealed NE-SW trending tilted blocks belonging to the continental margin of the East Cayman Trough. Several of these blocks are bounded by low-angle normal faults, suggesting intense stretching. The various identified seismic horizons allow us to date the top of the syn-rift units in the Gulf of Gonave and confirm that rifting occurred between 49 and 56 Ma. Consequently, the eastern Cayman margin extends from northern Jamaica in the west to at least the eastern Gulf of Gonave, covering a typical continental margin distance of 450 km with a thinning rate of 2.7. 
Our study reveals that all extensional structures were later inverted by NE-SW-oriented compression, aligned with the trend of the tilted blocks in the Gulf of Gonâve. Shortening rates calculated from the Gulf of Gonave seismic profiles are compared with those obtained from onshore geological data and GPS block models. Notably, the shortening calculated in the Gulf of Gonave appears to be lower than the GPS-derived convergence rates of 6-7 mm/yr, suggesting a possible increase in deformation rates over time. 
Additionally, short-term deformation occurs on a reverse fault system in the southern Gulf of Gonâve. Based on the available data and the results of our study, we propose a novel model for the spatiotemporal evolution of tectonic structures extending from the northern Jamaican margin in the west to the Haitian fold-and-thrust belt in the east.

How to cite: Joyeux, T., Leroy, S., Rabaute, A., Philippon, M., Saspiturry, N., and Pubellier, M.: Structure and evolution of the Gonave microplate at the northern boundary of the Caribbean plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10225,, 2025.

EGU25-12694 | Orals | GD9.2

Caribbean plate boundary seismotectonic in the Lesser and Greater Antilles 

Jordane Corbeau and O'Leary Gonzalez

Understanding processes that may be at the origin of major earthquakes in subduction zones is highly challenging, especially in the case of slowly converging areas. Here we compile several studies about the spatiotemporal variation of seismicity along the boundary of the Caribbean plate, which evolving from westward subduction in the Lesser Antilles to southward subduction in the Greater Antilles and oblique collision against the Bahamas platform in Cuba. Analysis of several clusters of seismicity associated with the computing of focal mechanisms show that:

- There is an increase in seismicity rate and cumulative seismic moment over the last two decades offshore Martinique island and, particularly, in the presumed rupture area of the major historical 1839 earthquake. This sustained seismicity is shared between extensive intermediate depth activity and a compressive seismic cluster located in the seismogenic zone of the subduction zone.

- The analysis of moment tensors for the Haiti upper lithosphere indicates that normal, thrust and strike-slip faulting are present but with a majority of thrust faulting. The mean P and T axes for the moment tensors indicated that the current compressional deformation is mainly N-S to NNE-SSW. Moreover, a dozen intermediate-depth earthquakes (>70 km) are located under Haiti, and tend to confirm the existence of a lithospheric slab inherited from southward subduction under the Greater Antilles.

- New moment tensors for earthquakes along the southeastern coast of Cuba from 2015 to the end of 2024 are consistent with the tectonic environment of the region. Reverse-oblique focal mechanisms and north dipping fault planes are predominant, particularly around the Santiago Deformed Belt, where insights of the underthrusting of the Gonâve Microplate beneath the Cuban Island are present.

- The eastward progression of major earthquakes (M > 6.8) along the northern boundary of the Caribbean plate in the past 20 years, characterized by strike-slip faulting, reflects the effect of a highly coupled region and the eastward motion of the plate. This trend suggests a potential temporary increase in seismic hazard along the southern coast of Cuba.

Overall, the strain accommodated along the Caribbean plate boundary seems to be highly partitioned between major structures that could produce strong earthquakes and multiple satellites faults that produce regularly low to medium events.

How to cite: Corbeau, J. and Gonzalez, O.: Caribbean plate boundary seismotectonic in the Lesser and Greater Antilles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12694,, 2025.

EGU25-13411 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.2

Tectonic accommodation of the northern Antilles strike slip to subduction transition along the Porto-Rico – Anegada – Lesser Antilles Margin  

Anne-Catherine Domoison, Jean-Frederic Lebrun, Boris Marcaillou, Franck Albert Audemard, Jean-Jacques Cornee, David Graindorge, Mireille Laigle, Serge Lallemand, Melody Philippon, and Laure Shenini

Plate motion along concave (toward the upper plate) strike slip to subduction transition (SSST) where the down going plate does not tear, results over time in a lengthening of the subduction zone while the downgoing plate is transported along the transform margin. In the northern Antilles such a transition has developed since the late Paleogene while the Bahamas bank swept the northern Antilles margin and collided with Hispaniola westward. Tectonic record along the Puerto-Rico (PR), Anegada and the northern Lesser Antilles (NLA) margin reveals the modalities of the SSST evolution and gives insights into the interaction between the subducting North America oceanic plate and the overriding Caribbean plate.

We present a detailed structural map from eastern PR to southern Anguilla platform in the Lesser Antilles based on interpretation of multibeam bathymetry and multichannel seismic data.

  • We confirm that plate motion partitioning between a trench parallel strike slip fault and thrusting along the interplate is exclusively restricted to the margin tip east of the Bunce Fault. 
  • Further upslope, the Virgin Islands northern margin is affected by trench-parallel, trenchward dipping normal faults. These faults accommodate the deepening of the margin interpreted as the result of basal tectonic erosion. 
  • From NLA westward to St Croix and southern Virgin Islands, the margin is dislocated by a cross cutting pattern of NE-SW and E-W normal fault systems, bounding elongated E-W throughs, rhomboidal basins and S-shaped ridges. Formally interpreted as either slip sense strike-slip system along the Anegada Passage, the structural pattern that we describe, supported by our seismic interpretation, reveals limited left lateral displacement restricted to the EW basins. Instead, the cross fault system appears to accommodate NW-SE extensional tectonics.

At a regional scale along the SSST, from the Lesser Antilles margin to Hispaniola collision zone, the strain pattern along the margin progressively evolves from NNW-SSE extension responsible for V-shaped basins open toward the trench, to NW-SE extension along the Anegada passage and increasing shortening along the Muertos through from Southeastern Puerto Rico westward. Such a pattern attests for a progressive bending of the margin in a context of low interplate coupling along the evolving SSST.

How to cite: Domoison, A.-C., Lebrun, J.-F., Marcaillou, B., Audemard, F. A., Cornee, J.-J., Graindorge, D., Laigle, M., Lallemand, S., Philippon, M., and Shenini, L.: Tectonic accommodation of the northern Antilles strike slip to subduction transition along the Porto-Rico – Anegada – Lesser Antilles Margin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13411,, 2025.

EGU25-13412 | ECS | Orals | GD9.2

Refining Caribbean Plate Dynamics: Insights from GPS and InSAR Data 

Christian Emmanuel, Romain Jolivet, Eric Calais, and Bryan Raimbault

The plate boundary between the Caribbean and North American plates exhibits a striking-complexity and significant width with multiple microplates moving relative to each other, resulting in a significant seismic hazard on the island of Hispaniola. This region has experienced several major earthquakes in recent decades, particularly along the left-lateral fault systems of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden (EPGF) and Septentrional-Oriente faults. These fault systems accomodate the eastward motion of the Caribbean plate relative to the North American plate at a rate of approximately 20 mm/year. The oblique convergence observed northeast of Hispaniola adds to the complexity of this plate boundary and its distribution among the different fault systems across the Island is currently not fully understood. Geological, seismic, and geodetic studies have suggested the existence of multiple blocks within the island of Hispaniola and while some are well established, others remain hypothetical.

In this work, we propose a new kinematic block model based on an updated GPS velocity field combined with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) velocity fields. Deformation rates within the island reveal significant differential motion, particularly between the Gonâve and Hispaniola microblocks, indicating internal deformation that is not accounted for in current rigid block models.

We propose a new model of Caribbean plate dynamics in the vicinity of Hispaniola and provide critical insights for understanding seismic hazards in this tectonically active region.

How to cite: Emmanuel, C., Jolivet, R., Calais, E., and Raimbault, B.: Refining Caribbean Plate Dynamics: Insights from GPS and InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13412,, 2025.

EGU25-13662 | Orals | GD9.2

Tectonic Reorganization of the Caribbean Plate System in the Paleogene Driven by Farallon Slab Anchoring 

Claudio Faccenna, Ethan Conrad, adam holt, and Thorsten Becker

The tectonic configuration of the Caribbean plate is defined by inward‐dipping double subduction at its boundaries with the North American and Cocos plates. This geometry resulted from a Paleogene plate reorganization, which involved the abandonment of an older subduction system, the Great Arc of the Caribbean (GAC), and conversion into a transform margin during Lesser Antilles (LA) arc formation. Previous models suggest that a collision between the GAC and the Bahamas platform along the North American passive margin caused this event. However, geological and geophysical constraints from the Greater Antilles do not show a large‐scale compressional episode that should correspond to such a collision. We propose an alternative model for the evolution of the region where lower mantle penetration of the Farallon slab promotes the onset of subduction at the LA. We integrate tectonic constraints with seismic tomography to analyze the timing and dynamics of the reorganization, showing that the onset of LA subduction corresponds to the timing of Farallon/Cocos slab penetration. With numerical subduction models, we explore whether slab penetration constitutes a dynamically feasible set of mechanisms to initiate subduction in the overriding plate. In our models, when the first slab (Farallon/Cocos) enters the lower mantle, compressive stresses increase at the eastern margin of the upper plate, and a second subduction zone (LA) is initiated. The resulting first‐order slab geometries, timings, and kinematics compare well with plate reconstructions. More generally, similar slab dynamics may provide a mechanism not only for the Caribbean reorganization but also for other tectonic episodes throughout the Americas.

How to cite: Faccenna, C., Conrad, E., holt, A., and Becker, T.: Tectonic Reorganization of the Caribbean Plate System in the Paleogene Driven by Farallon Slab Anchoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13662,, 2025.

EGU25-15546 | ECS | Orals | GD9.2

Fault kinematics, exhumation, and morphological signature of the Septentrional sliver (Dominican Republic) 

Ethan Conrad, Claudio Faccenna, and Daniel Stockli

Forearc slivers are important tectonic features due to their sensitivity to the dynamic and tectonic processes at subduction zones. For example, slivers may exhibit lateral, vertical, and rotational motions due to the subduction of buoyant features or structural highs on the downgoing plate. The Septentrional sliver along the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary (NCPB) provides a natural example of the formation and evolution of a forearc domain during plate reorganization accompanied by multiple indentation episodes with progressive along-strike variation from a subduction to transform margin. The sliver was initially delineated in the Miocene with the formation of the Septentrional Fault Zone (SFZ), one of the two major strike-slip systems comprising the NCPB, facilitating the uplift of the Cordillera Septentrional. However, our present understanding of the relationship between the time-varying kinematics of the SFZ and the uplift and exhumation of the Cordillera Septentrional is limited. To address this, we conduct zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He analyses on in-situ and detrital samples gathered across the Cordillera Septentrional and combine these data with along-strike kinematic measurements, topographic analyses, and new field observations. Zircon and apatite He dates range from 55 to 2.7 Ma, with detrital dates indicating limited burial and resetting. The youngest apatite He dates are proximal to major structures, indicating increased near-field exhumation. In-situ dates along the SFZ are constrained to 7.5±0.7 Ma, with dates increasing to >25 Ma to the north. Combined with lithostratigraphy, date distributions correspond with two main exhumation pulses beginning in the late Eocene and late Miocene. The recent pulse of exhumation occurred by ~10 Ma at rates up to 0.3 mm/yr, leading to >2 km of vertical motion. Along the Septentrional fault zone, slickenline orientations, topographic analyses, and exhumation rates show substantial west-to-east variability corresponding to a change from transpression to transtension. In the west, the Cordillera is characterized by rugged topography, a quasi-stationary drainage divide, oblique to compressional slip indicators, and positive flower structures. To the east, fault surfaces show oblique to extensional slip indicators, a low-relief northeast tilted surface, a drainage divide propagating northward, and higher total exhumation. We propose that along-strike heterogeneity is due to time-varying boundary conditions imposed by the subduction of the buoyant carbonate Bahamas platform overlying thickened oceanic lithosphere. These effects result from three main factors: (1) fault geometry, (2) the subduction of high-standing ridges on the Bahamas Platform in the west, and (3) the progressive uncoupling of the plate interface due to the eastward translation of NCPB blocks past the indenter. Overall, this study provides insight into the evolution of the NCPB and the consequences of forearc indentation and along-strike complexity of the subduction-transform margin.

How to cite: Conrad, E., Faccenna, C., and Stockli, D.: Fault kinematics, exhumation, and morphological signature of the Septentrional sliver (Dominican Republic), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15546,, 2025.

EGU25-15758 | Orals | GD9.2

3D numerical modelling of the evolution of a restraining bend: the example of the Jamaican duplex system 

Anthony Jourdon, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Dave A. May, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, and Manuel Pubellier

Modelling strike-slip systems over geological timescales (> 1 Ma) and under high deformation (> 1) poses significant challenges. A primary difficulty arises because most of the displacement in these systems is horizontal, while the lithospheric strength is predominantly controlled by its vertically stratified rheological variations. As a result, two-dimensional models introduce substantial errors and are inadequate for capturing the complexities of strike-slip deformation. Furthermore, the inherently three-dimensional nature of the problem makes boundary conditions critical. To realistically simulate the horizontal sliding of two tectonic plates, the driving forces should ideally be applied far from the deformation zone, along boundaries parallel to the motion.

In this study we present new 3D numerical thermo-mechanical models using newly developed type of boundary conditions to simulate for the first-time strike-slip restraining bend systems evolving over more than 15 Myrs that we compare with the Jamaican segment of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, one of the two strike-slip fault zones which mark the boundary between the Caribbean and the North America plates. This text-book example of compressional bend on a left-lateral wrench fault, uplifts topography in the Blue Mountains. It however displays sets of conjugate shear zones and tension faults which confer a little complexity in the natural example. To simulate the long-term deformation of the lithosphere, we use pTatin3d, a parallel finite element software that solves the equations governing the conservation of momentum and mass for an incompressible fluid with non-linear viscosities.

Models show the evolution from parallel strike-slip shear zones linking with P-shear around which positive flower structure develops. The evolution in time shows that the duplex system grows laterally with the development of new P-shear surrounded by thrust faults. Additionally, we provide the evolution in time and space of the topography, the 3-dimensional fault network and its structural analysis, the long-term slip-rate, and the stress regime of active faults. We finally compare the results to the observations of the morphostructures of the island.

How to cite: Jourdon, A., Le Pourhiet, L., May, D. A., Gabriel, A.-A., and Pubellier, M.: 3D numerical modelling of the evolution of a restraining bend: the example of the Jamaican duplex system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15758,, 2025.

EGU25-16999 | Posters on site | GD9.2

Recent Evolution of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Insights from Seismic Reflection Data from the Northern Hispaniola Margin 

Sylvie Leroy, Alana Oliveira de Sà, Elia d'Acremont, Sara Lafuerza, Jose-Luis Granja-Bruña, Roberte Momplaisir, Dominique Boisson, Bladimir Moreno, Louise Watremez, and Jordane Corbeau

The northern margin of Hispaniola is characterised by a complex morpho-structure shaped by the interplay of geodynamic, tectonic, and sedimentary processes. The Haiti Seismic Investigation (HAITISIS) of the northern Caribbean plate boundary reveals evidence of oblique convergence. It elucidates the relationships among fault-driven tectonic activity, seafloor morphology, and the effects of transpressional deformation. The markedly different morpho-structural characteristics of the seafloor and sedimentation patterns in the Eastern and Western domains of the northern Hispaniola margin originated during the Upper Miocene-Pliocene tectonic reorganisation of the northern Caribbean Plate boundary. This regional reorganisation is associated with the onset of the oblique collision between the Caribbean and North American Plates that carried Hispaniola to the transpressive plate boundary opposite the Bahamas Carbonate Platform. This tectonic process led to the formation of an accretionary prism and activated segments of the eastern strand of the Septentrional-Oriente Fault Zone (SOFZ), resulting in lateral sediment source displacements and influencing sedimentary infill and deformation patterns. A mass transport deposit (MTD) in the Eastern domain is thought to have formed during this period of tectonic instability. Differential compaction and remobilisation of recent seismic units caused by the MTD have influenced the seafloor morphology of the Eastern domain. The MTD is absent in the Western domain, as are the canyons found in the Eastern domain. Our interpretation of the early Miocene initiation of the SOFZ and its evolution differs from previous studies that assume continuous eastward propagation. Morphologic features, such as the lateral displacement of canyons, provide a chronology for the development of strike-slip and thrust faults prior to the initiation of the SOFZ. 

How to cite: Leroy, S., Oliveira de Sà, A., d'Acremont, E., Lafuerza, S., Granja-Bruña, J.-L., Momplaisir, R., Boisson, D., Moreno, B., Watremez, L., and Corbeau, J.: Recent Evolution of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Insights from Seismic Reflection Data from the Northern Hispaniola Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16999,, 2025.

EGU25-20143 | Posters on site | GD9.2

Consequences of ridge subduction for the evolution in the Greater Antilles arc 

Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte, Nicolas Riel, Boris Kaus, and Antonio Garcia-Casco

The present-day Caribbean region developed since early/mid-Jurassic in three main phases: 1) ~ 180 Ma- rifting of Pangea and formation of a spreading ridge in the Proto-Caribbean, 2) ~150 – 70 Ma- drifting and spreading apart of North and South America and development of an oceanic basin (the Proto-Caribbean) connected with the Central Atlantic; and 4) ~135 – 50 Ma-  complete subduction (including the ridge) of the Proto-Caribbean and Central Atlantic basin and insertion of the Farallon (Pacific)-derived Caribbean plate in between the Americas. One evidence suggesting subduction of the Proto-Caribbean spreading ridge is the formation of ca. 120 Ma anatectic adakitic liquids after melting of subducted (50 km) hot-young Proto-Caribbean MORB in Eastern Cuba (La Corea and Sierra del Convento mélanges; García-Casco et al., 2008; Blanco-Quintero et al., 2010; Lázaro et al., 2011), also emplaced at shallow depths in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic (Escuder-Viruete et al., 2007) and Haiti (Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2021) during the mid-late Cretaceous.

Studies on U-Pb zircon geochronology, Lu-Hf, and 18O/16O isotope systematics from Cretaceous upper-mantle rocks and juvenile intra-oceanic volcanic arc in the Greater Antilles (Cuba and Hispaniola) reported old inherited zircon grains ranging from 200 Ma to 3.0 Ga (Proenza et al., 2018; Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2016; Torró et al., 2018). These ages are similar to those of zircons from nearby crustal regions in northern Central America, Mexico, and northern South America. These studies concluded that detrital zircons of sediments deposited in the Proto-Caribbean/Atlantic were transferred to the sub-arc mantle of the Caribbean plate by means of subduction. Moreover, the presence in Hispaniola of Quaternary alkali basalts with isotopic EM1-l affinities, led Kamenov et al. (2011) to propose an ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) source with Gondwana affinity entrained beneath the island likely derived from a Grenvillian terrane in Central America or Mexico. An undefined “tectonic interaction” of the intraoceanic arc with such a terrane was proposed by these authors.

Here we explore how subduction of the proto-Caribbean ridge may help explain the presence of old zircons and a SCLM fragment below the Caribbean arc.


Blanco-Quintero, I.F., et al., 2010. American Journal of Science 310.

Escuder-Viruete, J.E., et al., 2007. Lithos 99, 151–177.

Kamenov, G.D., 2011, et al. 2011. Nature Geoscience 4, 554–557.

Lázaro, C., et al., 2011, Lithos 126.

Proenza, J.A., et al., Geoscience Frontiers 9, 1921–1936.

Rojas-Agramonte, Y., et al., 2016. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 436.

Rojas-Agramonte, Y., 2021. International Geology Review 1–10.

Torró, L., et al., 2018. Gondwana Research 54, 23–37.


How to cite: Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Riel, N., Kaus, B., and Garcia-Casco, A.: Consequences of ridge subduction for the evolution in the Greater Antilles arc, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20143,, 2025.

EGU25-20868 | Posters on site | GD9.2

New Heat flow data in the Jamaica and Windward Passages 

Frederique Rolandone, Jeffrey Poort, Sylvie Leroy, Walter Roest, Chastity Aiken, Frauke Klingelhoefer, and Boris Marcaillou

New heat flow data, acquired in offshore Haiti, Cuba and Jamaica during the HAITI-TWIST cruise (2024), will be presented. These data complete earlier acquisitions from the HAITI-SIS cruise (2012) discussed in Rolandone et al. (2020). This study based on in-situ heat flow measurements and Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) derived heat flow, revealed a regionally low heat flow of approximately 40-50 mW/m², with some localized high values exceeding 80 mW/m². Elevated heat flow was observed only near major strike-slip fault systems (SOFZ and EPGFZ) or smaller reverse faults. Since conductive mechanisms such as shear heating and heat refraction cannot account for the extreme values (100-180 mW/m²), we suggested that fluid circulation may be responsible for the high fault related heat flow. The main objective of the new heat flow data acquisition was to identify anomalies potentially caused by fluid-driven heat advection along and across the two strike-slip fault systems (SOFZ and EPGFZ). We acquired 24 new marine heat flow data using a typical shallow probe technique that measures the thermal gradient and thermal conductivity at different intervals of the first 6 m of the seafloor sediments. Temperature gradients were measured in-situ using autonomous high-precision temperature probes attached to a core barrel while thermal conductivities were measured onboard using a needle probe instrument on recovered sediment cores.  Two modes of acquisitions were used (1) single penetrations with sediment recovery, and (2) a faster pogo-type acquisition without sediment coring.

How to cite: Rolandone, F., Poort, J., Leroy, S., Roest, W., Aiken, C., Klingelhoefer, F., and Marcaillou, B.: New Heat flow data in the Jamaica and Windward Passages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20868,, 2025.

EGU25-21002 | Posters on site | GD9.2

Imaging the Twin Fault System Along the Northern Boundary of the Caribbean Plate 

Walter Roest, Chastity Aiken, Boris Marcaillou, and Frauke Klingelhoefer and the the Haiti-TWiST Shipboard Party

The northern plate boundary of the Caribbean tectonic plate is a complex tectonic zone. After the collision of Cuba with the Bahamas Carbonate Platform in the Eocene, several strike-slip faults accommodated the eastward movement of the Caribbean plate with the initiation of the westward dipping subduction at the Lesser Antilles arc. From the Miocene onwards, a twin fault system developed at Hispaniola with two major sinistral transform fault zones bounding the intervening and debated Gonâve microplate: the Septentrional- Oriente Fault Zone (SOFZ) to the north and the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone (EPGFZ) to the south. At present, these faults are associated with significant geohazards to the region, and their offshore segments are still poorly understood. Given the geometry of the plate boundary system, one would expect that only the SOFZ branch would be active and linked by the mid-Cayman ultra-slow spreading center to the Swan Island FZ that bounds the Cayman Trough to the south, further west. Instead, both the SOFZ and EPGFZ are active and have similar displacement rates, accumulating a 17-19 mm/yr left-lateral motion between the Caribbean and North American Plates. Following up on earlier scientific cruises that notably explored the sedimentary basins in the area of the faults, a recent multi-disciplinary scientific cruise investigated both deep and shallow structures in the area. The Haiti-TWiST (TWIn faults Seismic Transects) campaign took place on the R/V “Pourquoi pas?” from 30 May to 21 July, offshore Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, and Navassa Island. The cruise was organized in two legs, and more than 40 scientists from many nationalities participated, as well as eight Master-1 students in the framework of a floating University (see blog on UMR Geo-Ocean Website). This presentation will highlight some of the preliminary results and will focus mainly on the bathymetry data acquired with the Reson Seabat 7150 Multibeam echosounder.

How to cite: Roest, W., Aiken, C., Marcaillou, B., and Klingelhoefer, F. and the the Haiti-TWiST Shipboard Party: Imaging the Twin Fault System Along the Northern Boundary of the Caribbean Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21002,, 2025.

EGU25-219 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Intraplate episodic shortening within a subducting plate: the case of the central Syrian Arc Fold system  

Guy Fisch, Roi Granot, Sara Marconato, Yehuda Eyal, and Sigal Abramovitch

Inversion of passive margins located within the subducting plate is somewhat unintuitive but widely observed. Situated at the northern African margin, the 1000-km-long Syrian Arc fold system preserves a classic example of such intraplate passive margin inversion that formed during the closure of the Tethys Ocean. Although extensively studied, its evolution is still crudely documented, thus, the dynamic processes that have driven its formation are poorly understood. Here, we present new structural and temporal constraints on the evolution of the Hatira monocline situated at the central part of the arc. Our results suggest that folding occurred at an episodic manner that overlaps long-term background shortening, with one prominent short folding pulse (~79 to ~77 Ma) accounting for 25% of the total accumulated shortening, followed by two additional minor folding pulses. Most of the shortening (~50%) was accommodated by a slow and continuous deformation that started at around 90 Ma and lasted until the Miocene. The pronounced shortening pulse seems to correlate with the secession of the double subduction zone and the obduction of ophiolites along the northern Tethys. Other dynamic processes acting along the subducting slab (e.g., slab interaction with the 660 km discontinuity, slab buckling, etc.) may have triggered the long-term and short-term shortening pulses. The temporal evolution of the central Syrian Arc demonstrated here provides new insights into the role of subduction processes (margin and slab) on the internal shortening of the trailing passive margins.

How to cite: Fisch, G., Granot, R., Marconato, S., Eyal, Y., and Abramovitch, S.: Intraplate episodic shortening within a subducting plate: the case of the central Syrian Arc Fold system , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-219,, 2025.

EGU25-665 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Evidence of blueschist facies shortening in the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window, northern Oman 

Sara Degl Innocenti, Giulio Viola, Costantino Zuccari, Tommaso Sanguettoli, Francesco Giuntoli, and Gianluca Vignaroli

The Jabal Akhdar and Saih Hatat tectonic windows in the Oman Mountains are key geological features where to investigate the geological record of the Late Cretaceous subduction, obduction and exhumation cycle that affected the northeastern margin of the Arabian Plate. Indeed, the metasedimentary Autochthon A (pre-Permian) and B (post-Permian) Units exposed therein and separated by the so-called Hercynian Unconformity display well-preserved evidence of many of those processes, as they were spared by the obliterating effects of continental collision once subduction terminated. Research on the structural and metamorphic framework of the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window has been scanty until now. This stems from the fact that, unlike Saih Hatat, which records greenschist to eclogite facies metamorphism, Jabal Akhdar has been traditionally considered a portion of the Arabian Plate only recording anchizone metamorphism (only one site has recently been reported as preserving evidence of high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism dated to the Late Cretaceous). Here, we present new field and thermobarometric data from Jabal Akhdar aimed at better constraining its structural and metamorphic framework on a regional scale and possibly correlating it to the greater subduction-obduction cycle of Oman.

In western Jabal Akhdar, field constraints from newly documented top-to-the ENE shearing indicate the local pervasive structural reactivation of the Hercynian Unconformity as a post-Permian ENE-verging thrust. Multiple Raman spectroscopy findings of metamorphic aragonite infilling Mode I veins support a HP-LT metamorphic imprint associated with such shortening. In the eastern sector of the tectonic window, on the other hand, folding and S-C tectonites in Ediacaran slates indicate NW-verging shear. Our new structural data thus suggest NE- to NW-verging shortening and stacking within and between the Autochthon A and B. Further new structural evidence from the structurally higher Autochthon B in northeastern Jabal Akhdar indicates that inherited structures with top-to-the NE kinematics were later overprinted by lower-grade, localised SW-ward thrusting through interlayer slip recorded in Cretaceous marbles. Finally, extensional reactivation followed, associated with Neogene doming and final exhumation.

We employed a multidisciplinary approach to constrain the P-T conditions associated with the identified structures. Chlorite–white mica–quartz–water multiequilibrium analyses integrated with Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material indicate T = 370 °C and P = 0.50 GPa in western Jabal Akhdar, associated with NE-verging S-C tectonites, and T = 330 °C and P = 0.66 GPa, in the eastern domain of the tectonic window, related to NW-verging folds. These thermobarometric results place the investigated deformation in the greenschist and lower blueschist facies metamorphic fields, respectively.

These new structural data and the recorded metamorphic signature call for a re-evaluation of the commonly held notion of a mostly undeformed and non-metamorphic geological record within Jabal Akhdar, questions its correlation (or lack thereof) with the Saih Hatat tectonic window and, ultimately, Jabal Akhdar’s role within the framework of the Oman Late Cretaceous subduction and obduction phases.

How to cite: Degl Innocenti, S., Viola, G., Zuccari, C., Sanguettoli, T., Giuntoli, F., and Vignaroli, G.: Evidence of blueschist facies shortening in the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window, northern Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-665,, 2025.

The Wilson Cycle, a cornerstone of plate tectonic theory, describes the cyclical evolution of ocean basins, from their formation through rifting and spreading, to their eventual closure via subduction and continental collision. While this model has significantly advanced our understanding of tectonic processes along plate boundaries, it remains limited in addressing the dynamics of intraplate deformation. This study revisits the Wilson Cycle by examining the interplay between inherited geological structures, intraplate deformation, and the partitioning of tectonic activity. Using low-temperature thermochronology, specifically apatite fission-track analysis, we investigate the timing, magnitude, and controls of deformation across the (Pre)Cambrian terranes of Southeast Brazil, Southeast Colombia, and Peninsular India, regions traditionally considered stable since their assembly within Gondwana.

In Southeast Brazil, the study integrates results from three key areas: the Brasília Orogen, the São Francisco Craton (SFC), and the Araçuaí Orogen. The findings reveal three major phases of exhumation: (i) the Paleozoic, linked to reactivations in the Brasília Orogen and SFC; (ii) the Early Cretaceous to Cenomanian, in the Araçuaí Orogen; and (iii) the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene, with widespread reactivation across all domains. These results highlight contrasting tectonic behaviors: the SFC concentrated deformation within narrow weak zones, the Brasília Orogen displayed lithospheric rigidity and stability, while the Araçuaí Orogen experienced extensive reactivation, particularly during (post-)rift phases associated with the opening of the South Atlantic.

In the Amazonian Craton in Southeast Colombia, AFT data reveal a rapid basement cooling event during the early Cretaceous, driven by extensional tectonics associated with a back-arc setting. This extensional regime facilitated basement uplift, erosion, and exhumation, followed by a shift to contractional Andean tectonics in the late Cretaceous, which slowed cooling rates.

In Peninsular India, a comparison of the eastern and western passive margins underscores the role of cratonic inheritance in tectonic reactivation. Along the eastern margin, the Dharwar Craton underwent significant exhumation during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, driven by Gondwana’s breakup, whereas the western margin, with its thicker lithosphere, exhibited subdued deformation. Eastward tilting of the Indian plate during the Cenozoic, combined with Bengal Fan sedimentation, further influenced fault reactivation and intraplate exhumation along the eastern margin.

This study underscores that neither cratons nor orogens conform to a single tectonic behavior, revealing significant variability in their responses to geological processes. While some cratons, such as the Amazon and Dharwar cratons, demonstrate unexpected tectonic activity and exhumation driven by extensional tectonics, others, like the São Francisco Craton, exhibit localized reactivations along weak zones but remain largely stable. Similarly, orogens can follow distinct evolutionary paths: some, like the Brasília Orogen, become resistant to further deformation, effectively stagnating the Wilson Cycle, while others, such as the Araçuaí Orogen, experience reactivation, even far from ancient suture zones, enabling renewed tectonic activity. These examples challenge the traditional Wilson Cycle, demonstrating that intraplate deformation, influenced by lithospheric inheritance, plays a critical role in sustaining or altering the cycle. By integrating these insights, this study contributes to an updated framework for the Wilson Cycle that incorporates the complexities of intraplate deformation.

How to cite: Fonseca, A. C. and De Grave, J.: Intraplate deformation and the Wilson cycle: Insights from the thermo-tectonic basement history from several Gondwana terranes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2015,, 2025.

The seafloor between Newfoundland and Iberia is unusually devoid of fracture zones compared to other parts of the Atlantic Ocean. As oceanic fracture zones often spatially correlate with inherited lithospheric weaknesses onshore, their absence may be suggestive of margins with stronger, broader, and more homogeneous inherited lithospheric structures. Herein, the smooth fracture-free seafloor is attributed to the long-lived influence of the massive St. Lawrence Promontory, which a) formed during Paleozoic Iapetan rifting, b) subsequently controlled the spatial and temporal evolution of Appalachian orogenesis, and c) ultimately pre-determined the geometry of the Grand Banks continental shelf and the location of the Newfoundland-Azores Fracture Zone during Atlantic rifting and seafloor spreading. Further still, based on the spatial distribution of the adjacent Precambrian cratons and orogenic belts within ancestral Laurentia, the formation of the St. Lawrence Promontory itself is attributed herein to inheritance from earlier episodes of Paleoproterozoic orogenesis during the building of Laurentia and during the amalgamation of the Rodinian supercontinent, suggesting that the influence of lithospheric inheritance on subsequent tectonism may persist and be detectable for almost two billion years and through multiple Wilson cycles.

How to cite: Welford, J. K.: The potential impact of compounding tectonic inheritance since the Paleoproterozoic on seafloor morphology in the southern North Atlantic between Newfoundland and Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2300,, 2025.

EGU25-2604 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1

Introduction to Orogenic Bridge Theory 

Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Gillian R. Fouger, and Alexander L. Peace

Orogenic Bridge Theory proposes that orogens striking highly oblique to orthogonal to active rifts hinder rifting and breakup. The highly oblique character and low angle geometry of the thrust systems and shear zones in these orogens make them unable to efficiently accommodate crustal thinning and transform faulting which are necessary for breakup. Thus, upon intersecting such orogens, rifts step, and/or locally reorient, and/or bypass the oblique orogen. While breakup and seafloor spreading occur in adjacent areas, the orogenically thickened crust at oblique orogens continues to stretch and thin until breakup occurs there also or until rifting stops. Unlike historical theoretical “land bridges”, orogenic bridges are dynamic features and they deform together with adjacent oceanic and anorogenic continental crust.

Orogenic bridges where full breakup has not yet occurred are continuous domains of orogenically thickened continental crust, which were (hyper) extended during rifting. They may be separated from adjacent oceanic crustal domains by major transform faults, which form along inherited rift-orthogonal orogenic thrusts. Examples of continuous orogenic bridges are the late Paleoproterozoic Laxfordian–Ammassalik–Nagssugtoqidian–Torngat Orogen, which gave rise to the Greenland–Iceland–Faroe Ridge and Davis Strait, and possibly to the late Neoproterozoic Timanian Orogen in the Fram Strait.

Should sufficient extension occur, orogenic bridges eventually rupture. Ruptured orogenic bridges generally form hyperextended salients of continental crust offshore and coincide with major steps and/or reorientation of the main rift axis. Examples of ruptured orogenic bridges include the Permian Cape Fold Belt in South Africa and the Falkland Plateau and Maurice Ewing Bank, the late Neoproterozoic East African–Antarctica Orogen in southeastern Africa and Antarctica, and the latest Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic Delamerian–Ross Orogen in eastern Australia and Antarctica.

Orogenic bridges have significant implications for several branches of marine Earth science, including but not limited to the biogeodynamics, plate tectonics, structural geology, and natural resource distribution and geohazards. For example, orogenic bridges provide prolonged topographical links between continents during supercontinent breakup, thus allowing continued exchanges of terrestrial fauna and flora between rifted continents, e.g., prolonged faunal exchanges between Greenland and Europe and western Africa and Brazil. Conversely, they form topographical barriers, which prevent biological exchanges of marine fauna and flora between oceanic domains across orogenic bridges, e.g., discrete early Paleozoic trilobite assemblages in Svalbard and Scandinavia.

Orogenic bridges explain the occurrence of anomalously thick crust offshore as remnants of oblique (hyper) extended orogenic crust and localize the formation of major transform faults. In addition, Ridge–Ridge-Ridge triple junctions localize at the intersection of two orogenic bridges. Thus, orogenic bridges have a considerable impact on plate tectonics and paleogeographic reconstructions.

Orogenic bridges extend the continent–ocean boundary farther offshore at various margins worldwide. Thus, they have significant implications for offshore mineral deposits, hydrocarbon exploration, and the Law of the Sea. Furthermore, the mapping of orogenic structures connected with orogenic bridges will further aid geohazard risk assessment, and exploration for white and orange hydrogen and geothermal resources along fault zones.

How to cite: Koehl, J.-B. P., Fouger, G. R., and Peace, A. L.: Introduction to Orogenic Bridge Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2604,, 2025.

EGU25-2744 | Orals | GD5.1

Orogenic wedge formation during obduction: insights and perspectives from the Oman Mountains  

Giulio Viola, Sara Degl'Innocenti, Costantino Zuccari, Tommaso Sanguettoli, Francesco Giuntoli, Ivan Callegari, and Gianluca Vignaroli

Obduction causes overthrusting of dense oceanic rocks on top of lighter continental units at convergent margins. Despite many conceptual models addressing both its initiation and the counterintuitive significant horizontal displacements of large and heavy rafts of oceanic lithosphere, obduction is only partially understood and remains quite an enigmatic process. Uncertainty remains on the triggering mechanisms and the emplacement modes under mechanically unfavourable frameworks, with recent contributions stressing the role of far-field boundary conditions, such as the impact of bursts of “plate acceleration”. The processes governing convergent margin deformation and the structuring of an orogenic wedge in association with obduction and ophiolite emplacement also remain mostly unexplored. In that setting, complex orogenic architectures may form during the imbrication of mobile and deformable continental crust slivers underneath advancing, and possibly several kilometre-thick, ophiolitic successions. 

The northeastern Oman Mountains allow studying one such orogenic wedge in the Jabal Akhdar Dome (JAD), an Arabian Plate related domain that is now exhumed to the surface from beneath the allochthonous and far-travelled Semail Ophiolite. At odds with the general view, recent and ongoing studies indicate that parts of the Arabian Plate therefrom experienced a complete cycle of subduction-exhumation broadly concurrent with the Semail Ophiolite obduction in the Late Cretaceous, thus recording high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) blueschist facies conditions of 0.9 GPa (based on the presence of aragonite in carbonates) and 350 °C. Preservation of such a metamorphic signature in the relatively undeformed external portion of the Arabian Plate calls for a re-evaluation (i) of the regional picture framing HP-LT metamorphism formation in the absence of obvious links with long-lived subduction or major continental collision and (ii) of the mechanisms capable to exhume the HP-LT rocks and accrete them beneath the Semail ophiolitic sequence. 

Our on-going structural, stratigraphic and metamorphic investigations within the JAD document a twofold history sequentially encompassing: 1) Cenomanian top-to-the NE imbrication and accretion under HP-LT conditions in the subduction channel of a SW-dipping Arabian Plate-directed subduction zone nucleating on transitional passive margin crust; 2) Late-Cretaceous top-to-the SW lower-grade shearing during SW-ward thrusting and imbrication of the Hawasina nappes and the obduction of the Semail Ophiolite. This would have been triggered by an embryonic NE-ward intraoceanic subduction close to the Semail spreading centre, which set in motion the ophiolite basal thrust that, through >400 km of SW-ward transport, overrode the by-then failed subduction zone of (1); 3) Finally, the current NE-ward Makran subduction zone initiated farther outboard in the Paleogene. 

How to cite: Viola, G., Degl'Innocenti, S., Zuccari, C., Sanguettoli, T., Giuntoli, F., Callegari, I., and Vignaroli, G.: Orogenic wedge formation during obduction: insights and perspectives from the Oman Mountains , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2744,, 2025.

EGU25-2798 | Orals | GD5.1

Oceanic transform faults and fracture zones “in modern dress” 

Ingo Grevemeyer, Lars Ruepke, and Ming Chen

Transform faults represent one of three classes of plate boundaries and show strike-slip tectonism where one plate moves past another and are considered to be conservative plate margins where crust is neither formed nor destructed. The other two types of plate boundaries are divergent and hence extensional plate boundaries where new crust is formed (mid-ocean ridges, MOR) and convergent or destructive plate margins (subduction zones) where crust is recycled back into Earth’s interior. Researcher focused their attention on MOR and subduction zones, but transform faults got rather little attention over the last decades, especially in ocean basins where they outline the direction of plate motion supporting the Wilson cycle.

Oceanic transform faults (OTF) are gigantic features – up to 900 km long – and without oceans masking the seafloor, they would be among the most prominent features on Earth, offsetting mid-ocean ridges, forming tens of kilometres wide and up to 7 km deep valleys on the ocean floor. Yet, they are defined as simple strike-slip faults, but how can a transcurrent plate boundary, generating magnitude 7+ strike-slip earthquakes, promote extension forming the deep and wide valleys? Interestingly, for over half a century, researchers failed to appreciate that OTF are always deeper than adjacent oceanic features of an older age, challenging a major concept of plate tectonics. Thus, instead of showing the predicted age-dependent subsidence, the seafloor shallows at ridge-transform intersections (RTI). It therefore might be reasonable to question if they are indeed conservative plate boundaries.

We will provide observational evidence suggesting that OTFs are highly dynamic features, showing both features of accretion and the occurrence of tensional tectonics, indicating that we have to revise our understanding of how OTFs operate. We will provide constraints from a global compilation of bathymetric data, show predictions from numerical simulations and show observational evidence from micro-seismicity at slowly slipping OTFs in the Atlantic Ocean. Micro-earthquakes outline a diffuse activity over a broad area, cutting across the inside corner domain between the spreading centre and the transform fault before focusing along the trace of the fault. In the vicinity of the ridge-transform intersection, focal mechanisms reveal transform-normal extensional tectonics instead of supporting transcurrent motion, while strike-slip tectonics occurs only away from adjacent spreading segments. These observations support a scenario based on numerical simulations showing that at RTIs the right-angular plate boundary at the seafloor develops into an oblique shear zone at depth, causing crustal thinning and consequently forming transform valleys. However, before turning into a tectonically inactive fracture zone magmatic activity at RTIs buries transform valleys, suggesting that OTFs and fracture zones differ structurally from each other. Therefore, tectonic processes shaping transforms are divers, arguing for a revision of the concept of conservative plate boundaries to account for their morphology, strong lateral differences in seismic behaviour, and crustal structure.

How to cite: Grevemeyer, I., Ruepke, L., and Chen, M.: Oceanic transform faults and fracture zones “in modern dress”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2798,, 2025.

Ocean spreading is an intergral part of the Wilson cycle and its dynamics crucially reflects global tectonic processes. Ocean age-dependent cooling subsidence with seafloor deepening is traditionally described by models of thermochemical buoyancy of oceanic plates with globally constant parameters, that specify a linear correlation between square-root of seafloor age, sqrt(age), and bathymetry.

Here I present a worldwide analysis of the ocean floor split into 94 segments, delineated by wide-offset transform faults and mid-ocean ridges, to demonstrate a strong heterogeneity of sediment-corrected isostatic cooling subsidence both between and within normal oceans. Subsidence parameters for individual ocean segments significantly deviate from global constants in conventional models and show a large variability of subsidence rate and zero-age depth with plate thickness estimated between 50 and 160 km for cooling models with constant mantle properties.

Statistically strong correlations (R2=0.80–0.94) between major characteristics of cooling subsidence and spreading rate indicate that ocean evolution is essentially controlled by spreading rate, despite this factor is not included in conventional models of ocean subsidence.

  • Normal oceans with slower spreading rate have, statistically, higher subsidence rate which implies faster gravitational collapse caused by faster plate cooling with moderate-to-low mantle temperatures at mid-ocean ridges.
  • Fast-spreading oceans have the opposite characteristics.
  • The ultraslow SW Indian and the fast-spreading Central Pacific Oceans are the end-members in ocean cooling subsidence trends, with the Atlantic/NW Indian Oceans tending towards the ultraslow end, and the Pacific/SE Indian Oceans being closer to the fast-spreading end.
  • The Arctic Ocean and the Atlantics north of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone with an atypical subsidence behavior often deviate from the global trends.

Strong correlation between spreading rate, ocean half-width and the type of ocean margins indicates the roles of slab-pull and ridge-push in the Wilson cycle:

  • ridge-push dominates tectonic forces in slower-spreading, narrower oceans with passive margins,
  • slab-pull at active margins is a dominant tectonic force in faster-spreading oceans with half-width exceeding 4250 km.

The age of bathymetry departure from cooling subsidence, controlled by distribution of hotspots on ocean floor, correlates (R2=0.76) with spreading rate, and thus is not fully random.

  • Slower-spreading oceans follow normal cooling subsidence to older ages (7.5–9.5 Ma1/2) than faster-spreading oceans (5–7 Ma1/2).

Recognition that spreading rate controls ocean evolution with formation of active or passive ocean margins dominated by
slab-pull or ridge-push contributes to advances in understanding driving forces in geodynamics.


  • Artemieva I.M., EPSL, 2024;

How to cite: Artemieva, I. M.: Heterogeneous cooling subsidence of spreading oceans controlled by spreading rate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3064,, 2025.

EGU25-3086 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Transtensional Reactivation of Suture Zones: Insights from 3D Numerical Modelling of Pull-Apart Basins 

Nikola Stanković, Attila Balázs, Vladica Cvetković, Ana Mladenović, Vesna Cvetkov, Dejan Prelević, and Taras Gerya

Suture zones mark the final closure of oceanic domains through subduction and subsequent continental collision [1]. These zones are typically characterized by inherited crustal shear zones and the fossil subduction interface in the mantle lithosphere. The orientation of the suture reflects the preceding subduction polarity. While the presence of hydrated lithosphere in older sutures is somewhat contested, the upper plate peridotite portion of the lithosphere certainly involves significant hydration and metasomatism.

Reactivation of suture zones triggered by post-collisional extensional episodes can result in lithospheric thinning, rifting and associated magmatic activity. Large-scale suture reactivation linked to continental breakup is well-documented [2], whereas localized post-collisional extension is sometimes invoked in order to explain less voluminous magmatic events. An example of the latter is the enigmatic Late Cretaceous magmatism along Sava-Vardar suture Zone (e.g. Klepa, Ripanj, Jelica) which is recently argued to be the product of a transtensional regime imposed onto the suture that lead to opening of pull-apart basins alongside lithospheric thinning and emplacement of basaltic magma [3].

Here, we present our results of numerical 3D modelling of a transtensionally reactivated suture. To this end we use the petrological-thermo-mechanical code I3VIS [4]. The code implements a marker-in-cell approach with conservative finite differences and a multigrid method. The model consists of upper and lower continental crust, lithospheric and sublithospheric mantle down to 250 km depth. Two continental blocks are translated along the transfer zone in the middle of the model domain resulting in transtension. The suture consists of a fossil slab represented by oceanic lithosphere and a hydrated mantle wedge in the upper plate.

Our results demonstrate that the step-over distance between the two weak crustal zones governs the development of the pull-apart basins accompanied by crustal and lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric uplift. Partial melting of the suture's metasomatized mantle yields primary melts which ultimate derivatives are emplaced at the surface. The model provides important new insights into magmatic processes assosciated with suture reactivation in the Sava-Vardar Zone and in other similar tectonic settings.

[1] J. F. Dewey, “Suture zone complexities: a review,” Tectonophysics, vol. 40, no. 1-2, pp. 53–67, 1977.

[2] S. J. Buiter and T. H. Torsvik, “A review of wilson cycle plate margins: A role for mantle plumes in continental break-up along sutures?,” Gondwana Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 627–653, 2014.

[3] D. Prelević, S. Wehrheim, M. Reutter, R. L. Romer, B. Boev, M. Božović, P. van den Bogaard, V. Cvetković, and S. M. Schmid, “The late cretaceous klepa basalts in macedonia (fyrom)—constraints on the final stage of tethys closure in the balkans,” Terra Nova, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 145–153, 2017.

[4] T. V. Gerya and D. A. Yuen, “Characteristics-based marker-in-cell method with conservative finite-differences schemes for modeling geological flows with strongly variable transport properties,” Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol. 140, no. 4, pp. 293–318, 2003.

How to cite: Stanković, N., Balázs, A., Cvetković, V., Mladenović, A., Cvetkov, V., Prelević, D., and Gerya, T.: Transtensional Reactivation of Suture Zones: Insights from 3D Numerical Modelling of Pull-Apart Basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3086,, 2025.

The nature of the overriding plate plays a major role for subduction zone processes. In particular, the highly heterogeneous continental lithosphere modulates intra-plate tectonics and the surface evolution of our planet. However, the role of continental heterogeneity is relatively under-explored for the dynamics of subduction models. We investigate the influence of rheological and density variations across the overriding plate on the evolution of continental lithosphere and slab dynamics in the upper mantle. We focus on the effects of variations in continental plate margin and keel properties on deformation, topographic signals, and basin formation. Our results show that the thickness, extent, and strength of the continental plate margin and subcontinental keel play a crucial role for the morphology and topography of the overriding plate, as well as the retreat of the subducting slab. We show that this lateral heterogeneity can directly influence the coupling between the subducting and overriding plate and determine the partitioning of plate velocities across the overriding plate.

These findings suggest that back-arc extension and subsidence are not solely controlled by slab dynamics but are also influenced by continental plate margin and keel properties. Large extended back-arc regions, such as the Pannonian and Aegean basins, may result from fast slab rollback combined with a weak continental plate margin and a strong and extended continental keel. Narrow margins, like the Okinawa Trough in NE Japan, may indicate a comparatively stronger continental plate margin and weaker or smaller continental keel. Additionally, continental keel properties may affect the overall topography of the continental lithosphere, leading to uplift of the deformation front and the formation of intermontane basins.

How to cite: Grima, A. G. and Becker, T. W.: The role of continental heterogeneity on the evolution of continental plate margin topography at subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3143,, 2025.

EGU25-3408 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Rapid transition in the mantle composition beneath the nascent mid-ocean ridge in the northern margin of the South China Sea 

Xiao-Long Huang, Fan Yang, Yu-Xin Cai, and Yang Yu

The geochemical characteristics of the mantle during continental breakup and the initial spreading of marginal sea basins remain poorly understood. Mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) samples from Hole U1500B and Hole U1503A in the northern margin of the South China Sea (N-SCS), obtained during IODP Expeditions 367 and 368X, provide crucial insights into mantle evolution of the nascent oceanic basin subsequent to continental breakup. This study analyzes major and trace elements, as well as Mo–Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes, in these MORB samples to explore variations in their mantle sources. MORB samples from Hole U1500B, closer to the continent, exhibit higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios, along with lower εNd and εHf values compared to the depleted mantle. Additionally, their δ98/95Mo values correlate positively with Mo/Ce and Mo/Nb ratios, indicating the influence of recycled oceanic crust (ROC) melts in the mantle source. In contrast, MORB samples from Hole U1503A, nearer to the oldest fossil ridge, show a broader range of δ98/95Mo values, reflecting varying extents of contribution of terrigenous sediment melts alongside ROC melts. The differing trace element and Mo–Sr–Nd–Hf isotope compositions of MORBs from the two sites highlight a significant transition in the mantle beneath the nascent mid-ocean ridge of the SCS. During the initial stages of seafloor spreading in the SCS, the mantle source experienced continuous replenishment from enriched components derived from shallow recycling of metasomatized SCLM. This process significantly contributed to the rapid transition from continental rifting to seafloor spreading in the SCS. The enrichment of the asthenospheric mantle, likely induced by previous subduction processes, facilitated rapid rifting and extensive magmatism in the SCS, distinguishing it from magma-poor margin basins. This research provides critical geochemical insights into the mantle evolution beneath nascent mid-ocean ridges, enhancing our understanding of the early processes in marginal sea basins.

How to cite: Huang, X.-L., Yang, F., Cai, Y.-X., and Yu, Y.: Rapid transition in the mantle composition beneath the nascent mid-ocean ridge in the northern margin of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3408,, 2025.

EGU25-3603 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Patterns of extensional reactivation of compressional features in rifted margins – insights from thermo-mechanical modelling 

Zoltán Erdős, Susanne Buiter, Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, and Joya Tetreault

Many rifted margins form in regions that have previously undergone oceanic subduction and continent-continent collision. This implies that rifting occurs in the presence of inherited compressional features, rather than in homogeneous lithosphere, which may influence the resulting rift structures. The degree of compressional inheritance is increased in subduction systems that involve the accretion of oceanic plateaus, continental fragments, and microcontinents. In this case, a more intricate structural, rheological, and thermal inheritance is present at the onset of rifting compared to continent-continent collisions without terranes. In this study, we employ 2D thermo-mechanical numerical models to explore how such complex inherited features influence subsequent phases of continental rifting. Our models simulate orogenesis through ocean subduction, microcontinent accretion, and continental collision, followed by a quiescent phase before rifting initiates. We investigate the resulting rifted margin structures and assess the extent to which inherited compressional features are reactivated during rifting.

We find that a dynamic interplay exists between structural and thermal inheritance, which exerts a primary control on rifted margin architectures. In smaller, colder orogens, structural inheritance predominantly governs rifting, whereas in larger, warmer orogens, thermal inheritance plays a more significant role. To illustrate these contrasts, we present two end-member models and compare their resulting conjugate rifted margin architectures with natural examples from the opening of the North and South Atlantic Oceans. Our experiments demonstrate a diverse array of features, including the formation of continental fragments, allochthons, and hyper-extended segments, which arise due to the presence of inherited compressional features. These results highlight the critical role of deformation history and accreted terranes in shaping the evolution of continental rifting.

How to cite: Erdős, Z., Buiter, S., Peron-Pinvidic, G., and Tetreault, J.: Patterns of extensional reactivation of compressional features in rifted margins – insights from thermo-mechanical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3603,, 2025.

EGU25-4084 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Linking arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism in the Early Cretaceous Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, NE Asia 

Yong Liang, Han Zheng, Zhiyuan He, and Johan De Grave

Magmatic arc migration, a prevalent feature in accretionary orogens, often aligns with fluctuations in crustal thickness and geochemical properties. Despite their common occurrence, the mechanisms intertwining these processes and their influence on arc magmatism remain largely elusive. The Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, as a part of the West Pacific orogenic belt and a long-lived active margin along eastern Eurasia, offers an exceptional window for investigating these dynamics. Our study leverages machine learning-based modelling inversions, revealing a decrease in crustal thickness from 52 ± 9 km to 43 ± 8 km in Northeast Asia during the Early Cretaceous. This thinning was disrupted by two significant thickening events around 130 Ma (peaking at 57 ± 9 km) and 110 Ma (peaking at 56 ± 6 to 59 ± 5 km). The spatial-temporal distribution of magmatism ages indicates an arc migration exceeding 500 km during 135–120 Ma, and a further ~200 km migration around 110 Ma. During the Early Cretaceous (135–120 Ma), the Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen was predominantly intruded by S-type granitoids, originating from partial melting of pelite-poor, psammite-rich sediments within a thickened accretionary prism, accompanied by muscovite and biotite dehydration. Younger granitoids, with ages of 120–110 Ma were transitional S- to I-type, whereas those aged 110–100 Ma were dominated by I-type, generated through partial melting of igneous rocks in an accretionary prism setting. Linking the data of arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism, we propose that the arcs in Northeast Asia migrated during 135–120 Ma and around 110 Ma, mainly driven by crustal thinning and accretionary prism emplacement, respectively. Variations in crustal thickness significantly impacted the magmatic evolution by influencing magma transport, the likelihood and location of magma stagnation, and the pressure conditions for magma differentiation. Arc migration events further accentuated the spatial heterogeneity of crustal composition and thickness, ultimately affecting magma sources and evolution.

How to cite: Liang, Y., Zheng, H., He, Z., and De Grave, J.: Linking arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism in the Early Cretaceous Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, NE Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4084,, 2025.

EGU25-4287 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1

Impact of structural inheritance and mantle potential temperature on wide asymmetric rifts 

Fan Zhou, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Manuel Pubellier, and Matthias Delescluse

Continental rifting, as the initial and critical phase of the Wilson Cycle, has been extensively observed and studied using 2D and 3D analogue and numerical models. These studies have effectively reproduced the characteristics of wide and narrow, symmetric and asymmetric rift structures, through horizontal multi-layered models with variable strength parameters. One prominent natural case is the South China Sea (SCS), which began its rifting and subsequent seafloor spreading at ~32 Ma. The SCS then underwent a shift in its spreading direction from a north-south to a northwest-southeast orientation at ~23 Ma. Despite resembling a typical wide rift, the SCS poses specific challenges in explaining its complex synchronous basins with detachments , non-flat Moho surface, inland hyper-thinned continental crust extending over 500 km from the continent-ocean boundary (COB), and the wide asymmetric geometry with narrow OCT (ocean continent transition) observed in the Southwest Subbasin (SWSB). Former 1D and 2D simulations have shown that wide continental rift can be produced either by rift migration, i.e. sequential basins associated with non-flat Moho, or in post orogenic context, i.e. synchronous basins form over a flat Moho due to the weakness of the lower crust.  They equally fail at capturing the synchronous basins and non-flat Moho of the SCS. Considering the SCS's pre-rift fore-arc environment with thrusts featuring strong and weak crust due to tectonic events such as the Pacific subduction and the Proto South China Sea (PSCS) plate subduction, we applied 2D numerical models to replicate these features. Our models incorporate a dipping layered continental crust structure composed of strong and weak layers with varying dipping angles and thickness of lower crust, alongside temperature variations at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (T_LAB). This setup successfully reproduced the margin style observed in the SWSB. Our models show four distinct rifting styles: pure single spreading center, single spreading center with hyper-thinned continental crust, single spreading center with exhumed mantle, and double spreading centers style, and three styles of Moho surface, including flat Moho, hummocky Moho and wavy Moho. Model with synchronous basins with detachments, single spreading center with inland hyper-thinned crust/exhumed mantle and hummocky Moho style fits well with observations in SWSB. This suggests that by incorporating structural, compositional and thermal variations from surrounding tectonic events, new insights into the diverse rifting features seen in SCS and a robust framework to understand wide asymmetric margins across complex geologic settings can be expected.

How to cite: Zhou, F., Le Pourhiet, L., Pubellier, M., and Delescluse, M.: Impact of structural inheritance and mantle potential temperature on wide asymmetric rifts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4287,, 2025.

EGU25-4863 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1

Modeling structural styles and thermochronometric ages in rift-inversion orogens to test pre-orogenic conditions 

Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Peter M. Scully, Sascha Brune, Anne Glerum, and Frank Zwaan

Rift-inversion orogens such as the High Atlas, Pyrenees, and Greater Caucasus exhibit strain localization primarily due to contractional reactivation of lithospheric weaknesses inherited from continental rifting, rather than from long-lived subduction leading to continental collision along a major plate boundary. These orogens thus experience a transition from extension to compression distinct from their plate-boundary counterparts that impacts georesource development and seismic hazard. It is widely recognized that the initial conditions prior to rift inversion strongly control the structural and thermal evolution of such orogens, yet it is difficult to derive initial conditions from available structural and thermochronologic data.

Here, we present geodynamic numerical modeling designed to capture the structural and thermal evolution of rift-inversion orogens. We complement our study with new Python routines to calculate synthetic low-temperature thermochronometric ages from the model results. This enables directly comparing our numerical results with thermochronometric data collected in natural rift-inversion orogens. Our initial results (Vasey et al., 2024) indicate three end-member structural styles in model orogens: 1) asymmetric underthrusting reminiscent of the Pyrenees and Greater Caucasus, 2) distributed thickening reminiscent of the High Atlas, and 3) polarity flip in which the vergence of the orogen varies over time. Synthetic apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track thermochronometric ages record regions of focused exhumation on the flanks of the initial rifts and in the hanging walls of major thrust faults in the final orogens, mirroring similar relationships between major structures and areas of greater exhumation observed in natural orogens.

These results demonstrate how geodynamic modeling can extend the ability of structural data and low-temperature thermochronology to help distinguish between competing models of pre-orogenic initial conditions.

Reference Cited:

Vasey, D.A., Naliboff, J.B., Cowgill, E., Brune, S., Glerum, A., and Zwaan, F., 2024, Impact of rift history on the structural style of intracontinental rift-inversion orogens. Geology, v. 52, no. 6, 429-434, doi:10.1130/G51489.1

How to cite: Vasey, D. A., Naliboff, J. B., Scully, P. M., Brune, S., Glerum, A., and Zwaan, F.: Modeling structural styles and thermochronometric ages in rift-inversion orogens to test pre-orogenic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4863,, 2025.

EGU25-4949 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Upper Plate Responses and Driving Mechanisms of the 'Tethys One-Way Train' 

Liang Liu, Jason P. Morgan, Lijun Liu, Zebin Cao, Ling Chen, and Yi-Gang Xu

In the evolutionary history of the Tethys tectonic realm, numerous continental fragments progressively split from the southern hemisphere's Gondwana continent and “unidirectionally” converged and assembled with the northern hemisphere's Eurasian continent, ultimately shifting the center of the Earth's continental masses from the southern hemisphere in the late Paleozoic to the present northern hemisphere. Previous studies have vividly summarized this seemingly unidirectional process of plate fragmentation and reassembly as the “Tethys one-way train.” As a “welcoming ceremony” for this train's arrival, the upper plates' lithosphere, such as in the Tibetan Plateau and Anatolia from different geological eras, records unique tectonic-magmatic responses. For example, tectonic-magmatic activity may first appear in the interior, thousands of kilometers away from the convergence boundary, then expand from the inside out. This can also develop into a “piston-like” cycle of transformations: crustal compression + magmatic quiescence → crustal extension + magmatic peak → crustal compression + magmatic quiescence → and so on. Addressing these typical geological phenomena of the Tethys tectonic realm and combining the tectonic background revealed by plate reconstruction with the contemporaneous multiple episodes of block assembly, we employ forward numerical simulation to interpret the deep driving processes and mechanisms behind these phenomena. By utilizing geological, geochemical, and geophysical observations to constrain model results, we propose that the abrupt changes in the lower-plate movement characteristics (such as subduction angle and rate) caused by the subduction of high-buoyancy blocks significantly control the rapid transition of tectonic-magmatic patterns in regions like Tibet and Anatolia. The multiple episodes of block assembly can explain the accordion-like tectonic-magmatic cycles of the active continental margins. Given that the high-buoyancy blocks require continuous northward driving forces during their journey from Gondwana's fragmentation to their convergence with the Eurasian continent, we further calculated the temperature distribution in today's upper mantle using previous global seismic wave attenuation models to establish a forward geodynamic model, exploring the deep driving mechanisms of the convergence process in the Tethys tectonic realm. The modeling results indicate that the current temperature structure of the upper mantle, with colder northern regions and warmer southern regions, can create sufficiently large lateral mantle density contrasts and trigger the initiation of oceanic plate subduction towards the low-temperature areas, essentially starting the engine of the express train. Subsequently, the demise of secondary ocean basins during convergence often accompanies the subduction and rebound of high-buoyancy blocks, which rapidly returning fragments strongly collide with the rear oceanic plates, triggering a new round of oceanic subduction and further cooling the northern hemisphere's upper mantle, thereby giving the convergence process a chain reaction characteristic. Therefore, although the continental blocks fragmented from Gondwana may be seen as “passengers” of the one-way train, they have played a significant role in both the welcoming ceremony and the sustainable operation of the train.

How to cite: Liu, L., Morgan, J. P., Liu, L., Cao, Z., Chen, L., and Xu, Y.-G.: Upper Plate Responses and Driving Mechanisms of the 'Tethys One-Way Train', EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4949,, 2025.

EGU25-6706 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Evidence of oceanic plate delamination in the Northern Atlantic 

Joao C. Duarte, Nicolas Riel, Chiara Civiero, Sonia Silva, Filipe M. Rosas, Wouter P. Schellart, Jaime Almeida, Pedro Terrinha, and Antonio Ribeiro

Earth is a dynamic planet with its surface constantly recycled by plate tectonics and surface processes. Subduction of oceanic lithosphere and delamination of continental lithosphere are two of the main mechanisms by which the Earth’s lithosphere is recycled back into the mantle. Delamination in continental regions typically occurs below collisional belts due to the separation of the lithospheric mantle from the overlying lighter crust, aided by the existence of weak layers within the continental lithosphere. The oceanic lithosphere is classically pictured as a rigid plate with a strong core that should not allow for delamination to occur at pristine segments of oceanic plates. We will present what may be the first case of oceanic delamination offshore Southwest Iberia. The process seems to be triggered by plate convergence and assisted by a thick serpentinized layer that allows the lower part of the lithosphere to decouple from the overlying crust. Tomography images of a high-velocity anomaly support the hypothesis of ongoing oceanic delamination. We also present a set of numerical models that reproduce the process and suggest that it may facilitate subduction initiation. We further propose that such oceanic delamination is responsible for some of the highest-magnitude earthquakes in Europe, including the M8.5-8.7 Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 and the M7.9 San Vincente earthquake of 1969. 


This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 ( JCD is supported by an FCT contract CEEC Inst. 2018, CEECINST/00032/2018/CP1523/CT0002 (

How to cite: Duarte, J. C., Riel, N., Civiero, C., Silva, S., Rosas, F. M., Schellart, W. P., Almeida, J., Terrinha, P., and Ribeiro, A.: Evidence of oceanic plate delamination in the Northern Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6706,, 2025.

EGU25-7389 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Cluster analysis can identify differences in earthquake swarm patterns along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 

Philip Heron, Rachel Zhong, and Jonathan Rich

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is the longest divergent plate boundary in the world, with evident seafloor spreading, transform faults, and hydrothermal vents generating earthquake swarms as tectonic plates move apart. Earthquake swarms are generally defined as a sequence lacking a mainshock event (e.g., a number of similar magnitude events occurring close in space and time). Previous work on swarms on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge have focussed on specific events, where recording equipment generate a local view of an earthquake swarm. Although these studies provide high-resolution information into an event, the work is limited in space (local area) and time (days or months). As a result, there is currently no up-to-date large-scale analysis across the length of the ridge which would provide regional information on Wilson Cycle processes of rifting. Here, we apply a clustering algorithm to an earthquake database across the MAR to identify spatially and temporally correlated swarms to establish a regional analysis of earthquake swarms on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. 

For our study, we use the available United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake database to analyse earthquake events across four different sections of the MAR (Reykjanes Ridge, Northern, Central, and Southern MAR) over the past 25 years (7,000+ earthquakes in total). Within this database, we find over 800 swarm events (compared to around 150 swarms in the past 50 years of published literature). We explore the spatial and temporal links between earthquakes and establish some similarities throughout the ridge. Specifically, swarm events are short lived, often starting and finishing within a day. Furthermore, the earthquakes within a swarm are mainly between 10-20 km of each other. An advantage of this large-scale approach to identifying swarms through cluster analysis is that we can begin to establish swarm characteristics and provide quantifications on spatial and temporal values.

Notably, we have identified 600+ swarms not discussed in the current literature with our work providing a standardised output for comparing swarms across the whole ridge. We highlight that MAR is not a homogenous entity, with Reykjanes Ridge behaving fundamentally different to the rest of the ridge. The large-scale analysis from our work here provides future studies with a benchmark to exploring spatial and temporal changes on this significant Wilson Cycle feature on our planet.

How to cite: Heron, P., Zhong, R., and Rich, J.: Cluster analysis can identify differences in earthquake swarm patterns along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7389,, 2025.

EGU25-8743 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Preliminary results from a temporary high-resolution broadband network around Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains): ambient noise tomography and seismicity distribution 

Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, Jorge Acevedo, Sergio Llana-Funez, Carlos Lopez-Fernandez, Miguel Gutierrez-Medina, and Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Cortina

The North Iberian Margin (NIM) constitutes an example of a former plate boundary where to explore the role played by geological inheritance during the alpine convergence between Iberia and Europe in the Paleogene. The convergence, which resulted in the partial and asymmetric closure of the Bay of Biscay, resolved in major tectonic differences along this boundary, depending on the previous tectonic history of the crust: short-lived south directed subduction of oceanic crust in the West under the crystalline basement of Iberia (Variscan), continental collision in the Pyrenees in the East, shortening of a previously hyperextended margin in the middle part.

The Picos de Europa massif (Cantabrian Mountains, CM), is located in this middle region between the continental collision and the arrested subduction,  and from the structural point of view represents part of the leading edge of the Variscan orogenic wedge, the forefront of the Variscan thrusts over the foreland. The area reflects a history of deposition where synorogenic thick carbonate platforms are affected by thrusting during the Variscan collision between Gondwana and Laurussia.

The dominance of carbonate rocks in Picos de Europa over the shales in the surrounding Variscan foreland sediments, together with its subsequent alpine tectonic history, contributed to its current orography. It is the area of the Cantabrian Mountains with the highest concentration of peaks above 2000 m.

A temporal local network of 10 broadband seismic stations was deployed in the area to study its seismicity and produce a high-resolution tomography of the upper crust in order to gain insight into its tectonic structure. A previous tomography at regional level, revealed the existence of a low velocity zone dipping north interpreted to represent the frontal thrust of the CM. Although scarce, seismicity associated to this major tectonic structure has an impact at the surface as Picos de Europa, in its hanging wall, is well known by the steepness of its slopes, with the main river incising over 2000 m. As well as being the first Spanish Natural Park is one of the most visited. The increasing touristic pressure over this protected space has highlighted the importance of constraining natural hazards in mountain areas.

Results from ambient noise data recorded during six months are presented. The cross-correlation technique was used to retrieve the empirical Green functions of the subsurface between all station pairs, showing the emergence of Rayleigh waves. After measuring dispersion velocities, Rayleigh-wave group velocity tomography maps were computed at different periods and then inverted in order to calculate S-wave velocities as a function of depth, reaching the upper 8-9 km of the crust. The tomography shows the presence of a relative high velocity body at 5-6 kms in the northern part of Picos de Europa, and the presence of two low velocity bodies at 6-9 km aligned NW-SE. Preliminary interpretation points to likely Variscan structures underlying the geometry of the velocity patterns.

How to cite: Fernández-Viejo, G., Acevedo, J., Llana-Funez, S., Lopez-Fernandez, C., Gutierrez-Medina, M., and Gonzalez-Cortina, J. M.: Preliminary results from a temporary high-resolution broadband network around Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains): ambient noise tomography and seismicity distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8743,, 2025.

EGU25-9369 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1 | Highlight

A revision of the Westernmost Mediterranean: its crustal configuration, tectono-sedimentary structure and implications for seismic and tsunamigenic potential 

Laura Gómez de la Peña, César Ranero, Eulàlia Gràcia, Ingo Grevemeyer, Heidrun Kopp, Guillermo Booth-Rea, José Miguel Azañón, Francesco Maesano, and Fabrizio Romano

The westernmost Mediterranean basins formed in a supra-subduction system during the Miocene. We have found that since the late Miocene, the previously extending region has been deformed by contractional and strike slip fault systems due to the Iberia – Africa tectonic plates convergence, producing the reorganization of the main tectonic structures. 
The westernmost Mediterranean realm is seismically active because it hosts the plate boundary between the European and African tectonic plates. This plate boundary has been traditionally considered a wide deformation zone, in which plate convergence is absorbed by minor to moderate-size tectonic structures, each absorbing a comparatively small part of the deformation. However, the understanding of the crustal configuration and the evolution of this basin was limited due to the limited penetration and resolution of the images of the subsurface.
We collected and processed >3.000 km of a modern seismic dataset to characterized for the first time 1) the deep structure and the crustal domains of the Alboran Basin, 2) the sedimentary infill and as a consequence, the basin evolution, and 3) the main active faults of the basin. Based on these results, we were able to identify the main fault systems and quantify the total slip accommodated by those prominent tectonic structures of the area, late Miocene - early Pliocene in age. 
Our results show that the estimated total slip accommodated by the main fault systems is similar (with error bounds) to the estimated plate convergence value since the Messinian time (~24 km). Thus, slip on those faults may have accommodated most of the Iberian – African plate convergence during the Plio-Quaternary, revealing that the contractive reorganization of the Alboran basin is focused on a few first-order structures that act as lithospheric boundaries, rather than widespread and diffuse along the entire basin. 
These results have implications not only for kinematic and geodynamic models, but also for seismic and tsunami hazard assessments. We performed a first appraisal of the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential of the main fault systems offshore. Our simulations show that the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential of the offshore structures of the Alboran Basin may be underestimated, and a further characterization of their associated hazard is needed.

How to cite: Gómez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C., Gràcia, E., Grevemeyer, I., Kopp, H., Booth-Rea, G., Azañón, J. M., Maesano, F., and Romano, F.: A revision of the Westernmost Mediterranean: its crustal configuration, tectono-sedimentary structure and implications for seismic and tsunamigenic potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9369,, 2025.

EGU25-10759 | Posters on site | GD5.1

The Formation and Evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea: A 25-Year Aeromagnetic Perspective 

Laurent Gernigon, Marie-Andree Dumais, Aziz Nasuti, and Odleiv Olesen

Magnetic data, along with their associated chrons, have played a crucial role in deepening our understanding of oceanic crust formation and seafloor spreading dynamics. Over the past 25 years, the Geological Survey of Norway has conducted extensive magnetic surveys, acquiring more than 172,846 km of new aeromagnetic profiles in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea (NGS). This contribution presents our latest regional compilation of the NGS, shedding light on the complex tectonic evolution of the region since the onset of continental breakup. The NGS witnesses diverse tectonic regimes and structural features, including sub-oceanic basins of different ages, microcontinents, and conjugate volcanic passive margins, between the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge in the south and the Arctic Ocean in the north. The new aeromagnetic compilation suggests that the highly magmatic breakup in the NGS was diachronous and initiated as isolated and segmented seafloor spreading centres. The early seafloor spreading system, initiating in the Early Eocene, gradually developed into atypical propagating systems, with subsequent breakup(s) following a step-by-step thinning and rupture of the lithosphere. Newly formed spreading axes initially propagated towards local Euler poles, died out, migrated or jumped laterally, changed their propagation orientation, or eventually bifurcated. The final line of lithospheric breakup may have been controlled by highly oblique extension, associated plate shearing, and/or melt intrusions before and during the formation of the Seaward Dipping Reflectors (SDRs). The Inner SDRs and accompanying volcanics formed preferentially either on thick continental ribbons or moderately thinned continental crust. The segmented and diachronous evolution of the NGS spreading activity is also reflected by a time delay of 1–2 Myrs expected between the emplacement of the SDRs imaged at the Møre and Vøring margins. Further north, the initiation of spreading that led to the formation of the Knipovitch Ridge began around C6 (~20 million years ago) within a distinct and oblique oceanic segment in the Fram Strait region. Magnetic observations indicate a broader continent–ocean transition, interpreted as exhumed lower continental material adjacent to the Barents Sea margin, which significantly reduces the mapped extent of the oceanic domain expected in the Fram Strait. This configuration also suggests the presence of a failed oceanic basin east of the Boreas Basin, which helps explain the resulting asymmetry in the spreading system. Meanwhile, several significant changes in spreading kinematics were recognised in the Norway Basin, with the first occurring in the Middle Eocene around 47 Ma (magnetic chron C21r), initiating rifting in the southern part of the Jan Mayen Microplate Complex. Inheritance and magmatism likely influenced the complex reorganisation of rifting, ultimately leading to the final dislocation of the Jan Mayen Microplate Complex from Greenland during the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene. The mechanism behind this final dislocation, likely triggered by overlapping rift systems, also raises questions about the controversial nature of crust and lithosphere stretching between the Faroes and Iceland.

How to cite: Gernigon, L., Dumais, M.-A., Nasuti, A., and Olesen, O.: The Formation and Evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea: A 25-Year Aeromagnetic Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10759,, 2025.

EGU25-11067 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

2D numerical models of passive margin reactivation 

Miguel João, Patricia Cadenas, João C. Duarte, Nuno Rodrigues, Nicolas Riel, Filipe M. Rosas, J. Kim Welford, and Afonso Gomes

Subduction is a key driving mechanism in Plate Tectonics, but how it initiates is still poorly understood.

Subduction initiation is thought to be a complex and evolving tectonic process. It consists of stages of lithospheric contractional deformation that may reactivate inherited structures, potentially localizing deformation in a proto-plate boundary and leading to subduction of one of the plates. One way subduction initiation may occur is through the reactivation of a passive margin.

The processes that generate a self-sustained subduction zone are still debated and are thought to be dependent on various factors, such as the presence of a weak zone (e.g., a serpentinized layer), a pre-existing stress/strain field, the structure of the rifted margin and the age of the subducting oceanic plate.

Using high-resolution 2D geodynamic numerical models carried out with the code LaMEM, this work investigates the mechanisms that may control the reactivation of rifted margins. In particular, by testing different parameters (e.g., length of the passive margin, presence of a serpentinized layer), different deformation regimes (e.g., strain-rates) and the thermomechanical state of the system (e.g., temperature profiles and rheology) that may lead to subduction initiation in these locations.

Our preliminary results show that serpentinized layers facilitate the reactivation of inherited rift structures by localizing deformation. The results also show that the length of the passive margin might influence the location of the subduction nucleation.


How to cite: João, M., Cadenas, P., Duarte, J. C., Rodrigues, N., Riel, N., Rosas, F. M., Welford, J. K., and Gomes, A.: 2D numerical models of passive margin reactivation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11067,, 2025.

EGU25-12306 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Modes of collisional orogenic growth: forward, backward and thermally induced 

Nuno Rodrigues, Nicolas Riel, Filipe Rosas, Jaime Almeida, Afonso Gomes, and João Duarte

When two continents collide different surface expressions can be produced. Triangular wedges are relatively narrow, while plateaus are high topographic features extending over large areas. Several studies have focused on the transition from wedges to plateaus, but the dynamic conditions of their growth remain elusive. Although different models for orogenic growth have been proposed, the link between theoretical/experimental models and natural analogues proves to be an outstanding task yet to be resolved.

Here, we present 2D high resolution (2048 x 512) buoyancy-driven numerical models, coupled with density phase diagrams, of sustained continental collision and subduction. We explore how crustal rheology controls the development of different types of orogenic growth and their subsequent final orogenic architecture, while further benchmarking our results to natural analogues.

Our results show that continental subduction can be sustained without the need for external forces and that three types of orogenic growth modes can be identified: i) forward; ii) backward; and iii) thermally induced. We show that the different types of orogenic growth are highly dependent on crustal rheology that, under high stresses, can allow large-scale lower crustal detachments to be formed and delamination processes to be developed. 

For weak lower crust rheologies, our results always show the development of a lower crustal detachment that connects both continents. In turn, subducting crustal material is thrusted onto the overriding continent, leading to compression of the two continents. In this case, a progressive uplift of the orogen in direction of the overriding continent is observed (forward orogenic growth). 

For a strong lower crust, no large-scale lower crustal detachment connecting both continents is formed. As such, the incoming crustal material is progressively stacked at the collision zone and the deformation is propagated backwards. Thus, the orogen continuously grows in direction of the subducting continent (backward orogenic growth). 

However, backward orogenic development can only occur over large periods of time if the strength of the subducting continental crust is sufficiently low to sustain continuous deformation of the crustal material. While a weak upper crust enables steady backward orogenic growth, a strong upper crust halts continental subduction and collision. Due to a stronger upper crust, the slab pull force is not sufficient to continuously deform the crustal material while maintaining high subduction velocities to conserve slab integrity. 

Thus, for a strong upper crust, after an initial stage of backward orogenic growth, slab break-off ensues, promoting the rise of hot asthenospheric mantle through the subduction channel and peel-back delamination. In this sense, the orogen grows due to a thermally induced isostatic response of a post-collisional peel-back delamination process (thermally induced orogenic growth).

Finally, we benchmark our models to natural analogues and show that forward orogenic growth models comply well with the width and heights of natural orogenic plateaus.

This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020, and through scholarship UI/BD/154679/2023.

How to cite: Rodrigues, N., Riel, N., Rosas, F., Almeida, J., Gomes, A., and Duarte, J.: Modes of collisional orogenic growth: forward, backward and thermally induced, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12306,, 2025.

EGU25-12313 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Quantifying super-continent evolution through Wilson cycle phases at global scale 

Miao Dong, Michaël Pons, and Sascha Brune

  The Wilson Cycle describes the periodic nature of supercontinent formation through amalgamation and break-up of continents. This cycle is driven by the dynamic interaction between the lithosphere and mantle. To investigate the role of plate-mantle interactions during the supercontinent cycle, we have performed a series of high-resolution, 2D global numerical simulations using the ASPECT geodynamic code. We explicitly include continental lithosphere with pressure- and temperature-dependent visco-plastic rheology. The models are conducted in a self-consistent way without imposing velocity boundary conditions at the surface. They include a free surface to simulate realistic topography which we use to quantify gravitationally induced stresses.

  Our simulations reveal a complex interaction between, subduction, mantle and lithosphere dynamics as continents collide, and break apart during 600 My of model evolution. We quantify the plate tectonic driving forces: slab pull, gravitational potential energy gradients, and basal drag, i.e. mantle flow-induced tractions. In our models, we identify slab pull and mantle plumes as key factors in overcoming the strength of the lithosphere to achieve continental break-up. Interestingly, in our models, continental break-up does not occur at the suture zone of colliding continental plates—a region traditionally considered to be structurally weak and with higher GPE. These model results provide new insights into the relative importance of plate driving forces during the Wilson cycle.

How to cite: Dong, M., Pons, M., and Brune, S.: Quantifying super-continent evolution through Wilson cycle phases at global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12313,, 2025.

EGU25-12508 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Evidence for onset of convergent tectonics within the Continent-Ocean Transition zones of the Atlantic rifted margins 

Patricia Cadenas Martínez, J. Kim Welford, Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, João C. Duarte, and Luis Somoza

   At the onset of convergent tectonics, lithospheric contractional deformation precedes the stages of plate rupture and underthrusting that foster subduction initiation. It is widely agreed that pre-existing lithospheric structural variations favour localisation of deformation and may be critical for subduction inception. Along magma-poor rifted margins, the Continent Ocean Transition (COT) includes structurally complex zones of thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle, which are prone to deformation. Incipient contractional deformation during the Alpine Orogeny resulted in the formation of thrusts and folds along the COT of the reactivated magma-poor Iberian Atlantic and Armorican margins. Numerical models testing subduction initiation at magma-poor margins also reproduce thrusting and folding along the COT prior to the formation of a lithospheric shear zone within serpentinized exhumed mantle that initiates underthrusting. However, the distribution of thrusts along thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle remains unconstrained, although it may be critical to decipher the localisation of deformation that occurs prior to and during the underthrusting stage.

   The North Iberian margin uniquely preserves fossilized Alpine thrusts along the COT that affected underthrust thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle at the central part of the margin, and underthrust oceanic crust at its western corner. Thus, it represents an ideal setting for investigating the role of basement type on the formation and distribution of contractional tectonic structures prior to and during underthrusting at magma-poor margins. Based on 2D seismic reflection profiles, we describe the structure of thrusts sheets overlying transitional basement, consisting of highly thinned crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle, and oceanic crust. Our observations support the preservation of an accretionary prism overlying incipiently subducted oceanic crust. Contrastingly, large thrusts led to overthrusting of thinned continental crust and possibly serpentinized exhumed mantle resulting in crustal thickening, landward tilting and uplift of the crust and overlying sediments. Discrete thrusts deformed the upper ultra-thinned basement, leading to the deposition of wider syn-orogenic sediments. We integrate our structural observations with previous numerical and geophysical models to discuss underthrusting vs intraplate deformation and localisation vs distribution of contractional deformation along thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle at the onset of convergence.





This work is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895895 funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the projects ASTRACAN, Ref. PID2021-123116NB and ATLANTIS, Ref. PID2021-124553OB-I00 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, and the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Cadenas Martínez, P., Welford, J. K., Fernández-Viejo, G., C. Duarte, J., and Somoza, L.: Evidence for onset of convergent tectonics within the Continent-Ocean Transition zones of the Atlantic rifted margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12508,, 2025.

EGU25-13024 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Exploring the opening of the Arctic Ocean using lithospheric numerical modelling 

Jonathan Rich, Grace Shephard, and Phil Heron

The Circum-Arctic region is a highly active geological region, with repeated opening and destruction of oceans alongside massive intrusive and extrusive volcanic and magmatic events. Although repeated episodes of rifting have been documented in the Arctic region over the past 500 million years and more, a fundamental understanding of the geodynamic processes involved is lacking. For instance, what are the tectonic triggers in the region for the most recent continental breakup via rifting? And, what is the role of earlier deformation events in structural inheritance?  A number of different tectonic models describing the opening kinematics of the Arctic Ocean have emerged for post Pangea-times, with many using the opening of the Canada Basin (part of the Amerasia Basin) as a starting point. 

To study the opening of the Arctic Ocean, methods such as geological mapping, geophysical surveying, geochemical analysis, and plate reconstruction models have been employed to better understand the rifting dynamics of Arctic Pangea, which has produced varying interpretations of how and when the Canada Basin first opened. However, the use of high-performance computing and lithospheric numerical modelling has yet to be fully adopted to investigate Arctic rifting.  

In this work, we hypothesize that past orogenesis from the assemblage of Arctic Pangea may play a role in subsequent Arctic rifting dynamics and the opening of the Canada Basin. For the first time, we test this hypothesis using lithospheric numerical models with the open-source geodynamic code ASPECT by applying a range of plausible inherited structures to the pre-rift conditions of the Arctic region. Given the uncertainty with the tectonic history of the region, we apply a number of different structural inheritance scenarios to our numerical models – changing lithospheric rheological and rift velocity conditions, as well as simulating different deformation styles from a range of ancient tectonic boundaries in the region. We then critically compare the different rifting styles produced from our suite of models against the data available. Given the limited availability of direct data across this region, for this presentation we welcome community discussion on which key components of continental rifting that may indicate a potential successful modelling of the opening of the Canada Basin. As a rifting community, we want to work toward establishing a set of ‘non-negotiable’ tectonic features to better constrain numerical models of Arctic dynamics that will help push the understanding on tectonic triggers for Arctic plate tectonic processes.   

How to cite: Rich, J., Shephard, G., and Heron, P.: Exploring the opening of the Arctic Ocean using lithospheric numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13024,, 2025.

EGU25-13028 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Along Strike Variation of Magmatic Addition on the Austral South Atlantic Rifted Margins 

Nick Kusznir, Gianreto Manatschal, Daniel Sauter, Marlise Cassel, and Pauline Chenin

We use a new approach to quantify magmatic addition on the S. American and African rifted margins of the S. Atlantic south of the Florianopolis Fracture Zone. At magma-rich and magma-normal rifted margins, decompression melting starts before the continental crust is thinned to zero thickness. This results in a crustal “sandwich” of volcanics underlain by thinned continental crust, underlain by magmatically intruded continental basement and mantle. Usually all that can be imaged seismically is the top and base of extrusive volcanics and the seismic Moho, with no reliable indication of the quantities of remaining continental crust and magmatic addition. While the individual thicknesses of remaining continental crust and magmatic addition cannot be geophysically determined, their combined isostatic response controls margin bathymetry. We show using a simple isostatically balanced rifted margin model for thermally re-equilibrated lithosphere that the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics provides a proxy for quantifying the total magmatic addition on a rifted margin, and distinguishing magma-rich from magma-normal rifted margins.  The model predicts that the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics correlates inversely with the timing of first magmatism with respect to crustal thinning.

We measure the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics for a set of deep long-offset seismic reflection lines. The TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics for the highly magmatic northern Pelotas and  conjugate Namibian margins is between 1 and 2 s; these margin segments have SDRs with thicknesses in excess of 15 km. Southwards, the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics increases to between 6 and 7 s, corresponding to a magma-normal margin type. Despite this large north to south variation in first-proximal-volcanics TWTT, the interval TWTT of first oceanic crust varies little between 2.4 and 2.0 s from north to south, corresponding to normal thickness oceanic crust. Application of the Warner 10 s Moho TWTT rule for thermally equilibrated lithosphere indicates  that decompression melting starts when crustal basement interval TWTT is between 8-9 s in the magma-rich north and at 3-4 s TWTT (β = 3) in the magma-normal south. Margin volcanic width, measured between first-proximal-volcanics and the landward limit of oceanic crust (LALOC) is approximately 300 km in the north, decreasing southwards to approximately 50 km width, and correlates inversely with the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics. TWTT measurements of first-proximal-volcanics show that the very magma-rich margin type is restricted to the north adjacent to the Florianopolis Fracture Zone and rapidly decreases southwards to magma-normal in less than 300 km.

Our TWTT measurements and comparison with the simple isostatic margin model predictions indicate that magma-rich margins are explained by timing advance of decompression melting with respect to crustal thinning rather than melt magnitude increase. This together with the very rapid along-strike Pelotas margin decrease in magmatic addition, and the relatively normal thickness of first oceanic crust is difficult to reconcile with magma-rich margin formation due to mantle plume elevated temperature. Our observations are more consistent with magma-rich margin formation by rifting and decompression melting of inherited locally enriched mantle.

How to cite: Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., Sauter, D., Cassel, M., and Chenin, P.: Along Strike Variation of Magmatic Addition on the Austral South Atlantic Rifted Margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13028,, 2025.

EGU25-13089 | Posters on site | GD5.1

A slab’s journey from subduction to collision: Lithospheric structure of Myanmar from finite-frequency tomography 

Sofia-Katerina Kufner, Frederik Tilmann, Bernd Schurr, Xiaohui Yuan, Benjamin Heit, Oo Than, Shengji Wei, Eric Sandvol, Wei Li, Brandon van der Beek, James Gaherty, and Patricia Persaud

Myanmar is located south of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, where tectonic activity is driven by the northward indentation of the Indian Plate into Asia and the oblique eastward subduction of India beneath the western margin of the Burmese microplate. Dextral motion along the Sagaing Fault separates the eastern margin of the Burmese microplate from the Asian Plate. The associated lithospheric structure is complex and three-dimensional, featuring a transition from an oceanic-transitional subduction slab to continental subduction and collision, likely involving plate tearing and bending. Additionally, intermediate-depth seismicity and volcanism are linked to processes associated with the ongoing subduction. We use finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography to explore the relationship and interaction of these different tectonic elements. Our input data is derived from approximately 480 teleseismic earthquakes that occurred between 2019 and 2021, recorded by around 140 regional seismic stations, primarily from temporary deployments. These include stations of the 6C (2018–2022, MySCOLAR) network, operated by GFZ and DMH, and the XR (2018–2022, Tripartite BIMA) network, operated by the University of Missouri with partners, as well as stations deployed by the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS). The dataset is further augmented by permanent stations from the China National Seismic Network (SEISDMC), the Geophysical Broadband Observation Network (GEOFON), and other regional permanent stations accessible through the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). Travel-time residuals were calculated via cross-correlation in three frequency bands (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 Hz central frequency). The resulting P-wave velocity models are derived from around 70,000 residuals, covering the area between 90° to 101°E and 18° to 30°N, down to approximately 600 km depth. Data coverage and resolution are best in central and northern Myanmar. This enables the illumination of the geometry and characteristics of the different lithospheric units involved in the subduction/collision transition and slab bending towards the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis.

How to cite: Kufner, S.-K., Tilmann, F., Schurr, B., Yuan, X., Heit, B., Than, O., Wei, S., Sandvol, E., Li, W., van der Beek, B., Gaherty, J., and Persaud, P.: A slab’s journey from subduction to collision: Lithospheric structure of Myanmar from finite-frequency tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13089,, 2025.

EGU25-13146 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Syn-rift magmatism and spreading initiation controlled by rift obliquity: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modelling and observations 

Éva Oravecz, Attila Balázs, Taras Gerya, and László Fodor

Continental rifting is often oblique, influenced by the strain localization effects of the various structural, compositional and thermal heterogeneity zones pre-existing in the lithosphere. Oblique rifting generates strain partitioning and leads to the along-strike segmentation of the rift structure, including the development of strike-slip transfer zones and en echelon fault geometries. While previous modelling studies have explored the relation between the rift obliquity and crustal fault patterns, its effects on the syn-rift magmatism and the oceanic spreading initiation have remained underexplored.

In this study, we conducted a series of high resolution 3D numerical models using the I3ELVIS-FDSPM numerical code to compare the continental rift evolution and spreading initiation in orthogonal and oblique rift settings. The code handles visco-plastic rheologies, staggered finite differences and marker-in-cell techniques to solve the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations for incompressible media. Oblique rifting is linked to strain localization along a pre-defined hydrated weak zone in the mantle lithosphere that simulates an inherited suture zone, while the applied two-way coupling between the thermo-mechanical and surface processes models allows for the quantification of the dynamic feedbacks between rift obliquity, crustal strain patterns, magmatism, and the erosion-sedimentation processes.

The models show that oblique rifting delays the onset of melting and continental break-up. Due to the feedbacks between crustal deformation, thermal evolution and melting, increasing rift obliquity leads to the non-linear reduction of the crustal melt supply, while at higher rift obliquity (α>30°), the en echelon arrangement of the elongated magma chambers in the crust suggests a strong structural control over the spatial distribution of crustal melts. When the rift evolution enters the spreading stage, first continental break-up occurs along the offset sub-orthogonal rift segments, and the individual embryonic oceanic segments are subsequently merged by the two-directional along-strike propagation of the incipient spreading ridges. The rate of this propagation changes in space and time, driven by the variable efficiency of strain localization. Above 30° obliquity, deformation along the offset spreading ridges is accommodated by oceanic transform faults that develop spontaneously, without a precursory lithospheric inhomogeneity in their place during the latest stage of spreading initiation. These inferences are in line with observations from the Woodlark Basin and Main Ethiopian Rift.

How to cite: Oravecz, É., Balázs, A., Gerya, T., and Fodor, L.: Syn-rift magmatism and spreading initiation controlled by rift obliquity: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modelling and observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13146,, 2025.

A thorough understanding of structural inversion and the positive or negative impacts of inversion tectonics on hydrocarbon trap development is crucial in geological investigations and petroleum exploration. To characterize the occurrence of inversion tectonics and its controlling effects on the spatial distribution of oil and gas fields located in the southern Dezful Embayment (SW Iran), this study describes the structural characteristics and deformation history of the Rag-e-Sefid oil/gas field and its surrounding areas through the structural and tectono-sedimentary analyses. Based on the results obtained from the integration of aeromagnetic, seismic, and well data, the strike-slip basement faults with the Pan-African or Arabian trend (N-S to NE-SW) and the Najd trend (NW-SE) modified the evolutionary history of the sedimentary basin in the southern Dezful Embayment. The geological interpretation of seismic profiles and the investigation of the geometry and thickness changes of the sedimentary layers across the growth structures indicate that the minimum time of the strike-slip faults formation with the Najd and Pan-African trends is related to the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian rifting of the northern Gondwana margin. These faults experienced activity at least during seven different extensional and compressional deformation events that include Cambrian rifting, Hercynian compressional deformation in the Late Devonian-Carboniferous, Permo-Early Triassic rifting, and Zagros orogeny cycle in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Three-phase inversion tectonics along the strike-slip basement faults occurred at the Late Devonian-Carboniferous (positive inversion), Permian-Early Triassic (negative inversion), and Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian (positive inversion) boundaries. Inversion affected hydrocarbon trap development at the Late Cretaceous and controlled the final geometry and distribution of the oil and gas fields in the southern Dezful Embayment. Considering the hydrocarbon migration from the Miocene to the present day and the strong sealing of the Gachsaran Formation (Early-Middle Miocene) in the southern Dezful Embayment, the inversion tectonics event has a positive impact on hydrocarbon trap development. Also, the activity of the segmented strike-slip basement faults with the Pan Africa and Najd trends has an important effect on hydrocarbon migration and charging. These faults control the channel of hydrocarbon migration and the horizontal and vertical distribution of oil and gas in the region. The results of this study could add data to worldwide examples of the positive impact of tectonic inversion on hydrocarbon accumulation in the foreland of a collisional orogen.


Keywords: Inversion tectonics; Strike-slip fault; Tectono-sedimentary analysis; Hydrocarbon trap; SW Iran

How to cite: Tajmir Riahi, Z. and Soleimany, B.: Tectonic inversion of strike-slip fault system and its effects on hydrocarbon trap development in the southern Dezful Embayment, SW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13999,, 2025.

EGU25-14447 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Paleozoic amalgamation of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar: Insight from the anatomy of Erqis tectonic belt 

Jingmin Gan, Wenjiao Xiao, and Miao Sang

As one of the most immense orogenic belts, the Altaids (or southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt) primarily comprises Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Tarim-North China cartons collage systems. The Chinese Altai-East Junggar orogenic collage in the northern Xinjiang, NW China, links the Mongolia collage system to the east with Kazakhstan collage system to the east, occupying a critical tectonic position and retaining the fundamental architecture of the southern Altaids. The Erqis tectonic belt, situated at the junction of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar, originated through the subduction of the Ob-Zaisan Ocean, playing a pivotal role in unraveling the tectonic evolution of the southern Altaids.

Tectonic and provenance analyses of the Erqis tectonic belt discern three distinct arcs: the Chinese Altai, a Japan-type island arc, in the north, exhibits a protracted history from the late Cambrian to early Permian with a slender accretionary complex (AC) termed the Supute AC; The Kuerti intra-oceanic arc in the middle eemerged in the late Silurian to Devonian with a minor coeval AC as the Tesibahan AC; The Dulate arc in the south predominantly evolved from the middle Devonian to Permian, giving rise to the Fuyun AC that independently developed on its northern margin at least until ~273 Ma.

Our findings indicate the existence of multiple arcs within the Ob-Zaisan Ocean, forming an archipelago paleogeography in the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO). Provenance studies lead us to propose that cryptic sutures demarcating the Chinese Altai, Kuerti, and Dulate lie approximately along the Kuerti and Tesibahan faults, respectively. In addition, the tectonic facies matching between accretionary complex and the corresponding parental island arcs demonstrate that he oceanic branches between these arcs subducted northward beneath the Chinese Altai and Kuerti arcs and southward beneath the Dulate arc. Additionally, our work demonstrates the closure of the Ob-Zaisan Ocean most probably postdates ~273 Ma. Combining our data with previous research, we present a novel tectonic evolution model, elucidating several arc amalgamations with multiple subduction polarities between Chinese Altai and East Junggar throughout the late Cambrian to Permian.

How to cite: Gan, J., Xiao, W., and Sang, M.: Paleozoic amalgamation of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar: Insight from the anatomy of Erqis tectonic belt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14447,, 2025.

EGU25-855 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Pseudotachylyte Diversity in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone: Insights into Crustal Rheology from DIVE Drill Core DT-1A 

Stella Ferenczy, Friedrich Hawemann, and Virginia Toy

Pseudotachylytes are commonly interpreted as evidence of seismic rupture, and there are numerous studies documenting their occurrence under a wide range of P-T conditions throughout the entire lithosphere. Pseudotachylytes, which appear to have formed under different ambient conditions, have previously been reported in exhumed fault zones within the mafic and ultramafic rocks of the lower crustal section of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone. However, an unexpectedly high abundance of pseudotachylytes was encountered in core DT-1A, obtained at Megolo as part of the Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (DIVE) project. Along its total length of 900 m, pseudotachylytes can be observed as distinct generation surfaces, anastomosing networks and breccias, not only in major fault zones but also in virtually undeformed parts of the core. While commonly found pristine, some pseudotachylyte are overprinted by ductile shearing, and in a few cases exhibiting cross-cutting relationships with both other pseudotachylytes and ultramylonites.

Samples (up to 20 cm long and 9 cm wide) collected from different depths and with different characteristics have been polished and prepared for SEM analysis, including BSE, EDS, CL, possibly EBSD and CT. By carrying out microstructural and petrological investigations on these large samples, the context of the observations is preserved and the results can be reliably interpreted on a larger scale.

The study of a wide range of pseudotachylytes within DT-1A aims to: (1) improve our understanding of the (metamorphic) conditions that govern the formation of pseudotachylytes and (2) better understand the interaction between different deformation mechanisms within the continental crust.

How to cite: Ferenczy, S., Hawemann, F., and Toy, V.: Pseudotachylyte Diversity in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone: Insights into Crustal Rheology from DIVE Drill Core DT-1A, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-855,, 2025.

EGU25-961 | ECS | Orals | GD6.2

Petrological investigation of garnet- and olivine-bearing mafic crustal rocks in the Sesia Valley (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy) 

Matteo Del Rio, Luca Ziberna, Amerigo Corradetti, and Ana Černok

The factors and mechanisms related to magmatic underplating in continental settings remain a topic of active scientific debate. The Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ), western Southern Alps, provides a rare opportunity to contribute to this debate, being an exhumed, nearly complete section of the continental crust that also include the roots of a completely exposed Permian magmatic system. Some parts of these roots are represented by the so-called Layered Series, a sequence of ultramafic and mafic rocks located between the localities of Balmuccia and Vocca in the Sesia valley. They have been interpreted as the first stages of magmatic underplating that later formed an 8-km thick sequence of gabbroic cumulates formed in the lower continental crust.

This work focuses on an 80 m wide outcrop within the Upper Zone (UZ) of the Layered Series, which is located between the villages of Isola and Sassiglioni. It includes a lithological sequence primarily composed of partially foliated gabbros with variable amounts of garnet, olivine, amphibole, and/or hercynite, along with layers of anorthosites and pyroxenites, pseudotachylites, and mafic pegmatites.

The objective of this work is to use this outcrop to constrain the P-T conditions of magmatic crystallization and subsequent metamorphic re-equilibration of the UZ and combine this to the existing data on the lower crustal rocks from IVZ. To reach this objective, a comprehensive characterization of the outcrop is ongoing, which include virtual outcrop modelling, structural and petrological field characterization and petrographic and geochemical analyses. These data are being used to decrypt the spatial relationships between the original magmatic units, which were possibly modified by post-Permian metamorphism and tectonics.

In this first stage, we are focusing on the garnet-, amphibole- and olivine-bearing gabbros of this outcrop. They have been characterized in detail through petrography and electron probe microanalysis. Their main petrological features can be summarized as follows:

  • Granoblastic to polygonal textures formed by pyroxenes, plagioclase, olivine, amphibole and hercynite-magnetite assemblages;
  • Significant variability in the presence of garnet (Alm50–0.52, Py0.31–0.34, Gr0.15–0.17) among the analyzed samples, which mostly occur as coronitic textures, sometimes associate with vermicular clinopyroxene, suggesting a metamorphic origin;
  • Plagioclase (An50-70) shows slight optical zoning and presence of exsolution lamellae of hercynite-rich spinel within the cores;
  • Olivine with composition from Fo5 to Fo0.6, clino- and orthopyroxene with mg# in the range 0.68–0.81 and 0.65–0.81, and Al2O3 in the range 4.5–8.1 wt% and 2.2–3.8 wt%, respectively.

The presence of olivine-bearing gabbros allows to apply the recently developed geobarometer for the assemblage olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + spinel. An initial application attempt indicates a pressure of 6.7 ± 1.8 kbar, consistent or slightly lower with respect to existing estimates from the metapelitic lithologies of nearby outcrops. Further calculations are ongoing, which are part of an approach that include multiple-reaction thermobarometry, pseudosection modelling and petrographic constraints to decrypt the P-T path underwent by the gabbros.

How to cite: Del Rio, M., Ziberna, L., Corradetti, A., and Černok, A.: Petrological investigation of garnet- and olivine-bearing mafic crustal rocks in the Sesia Valley (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-961,, 2025.

Constraining the bulk composition of the lower continental crust is important for understanding the evolution and dynamics of Earth's lithosphere. Lower crustal P-wave velocities inferred from seismic wide-angle profiles tend to be significantly higher than their upper crustal counterparts, which, in turn, points towards a rather mafic composition of the lower continental crust. There is, however, also geochemical evidence to suggest that the bulk composition of the lower continental crust could be intermediate to felsic, which would imply that the seismic evidence is biased towards the mafic side. A likely reason for such a potential bias could be the fact that the interpretation of seismic wide-angle data tends to ignore the effects of anisotropy in the lower continental crust.  To explore this question, we have constructed canonical models of Phanerozoic lower continental crust based on the comprehensive cross-section exposed in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ). These models simulate a 1D stochastic interlayering of the prevailing metapelitic and metamafic lithologies, to which we assign anisotropic P- and S-wave velocities based on published laboratory measurements. The effective elastic properties of these stochastically layered sequences are calculated using a Backus averaging scheme accounting for intrinsic anisotropy in conjunction with a Monte Carlo procedure to comprehensively explore the model space. Our analysis reveals that seismic anisotropy is primarily governed by the alignment of anisotropic minerals, such as mica and hornblende, while the associated influence of macroscopic layering is rather benign. Synthetic wide-angle seismic data generated using a finite-difference solution of the anisotropic elastodynamic equations show that isotropic interpretations of such data essentially provide the effective horizontal P-wave velocities of the underlying 1D layered lower crustal models. We find that the SiO2 content inferred from these effective lower crustal velocities generally agrees well with the actual values based on the underlying samples. Quite interestingly, the most significant discrepancies in terms of the predicted and observed SiO2 content, which are on the order of 4%, seem to be largely unrelated to the prevailing seismic anisotropy. Our results therefore indicate that, despite the rather pronounced intrinsic anisotropy of the metapelitic lithologies prevailing in the IVZ, estimates of lower crustal bulk composition based on seismic wide-angle measurements are unlikely to be systematically biased towards mafic side.

How to cite: Luo, Z. and Holliger, K.: Assessing the Impact of Seismic Anisotropy on Estimates of Lower Continental Crust Bulk Composition: Insights from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3239,, 2025.

The Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ) is widely regarded as an archetypal outcrop of Phanerozoic lower continental crust due to its comprehensive exposure, near-vertical structural orientation, and far-reaching absence of deformation and alteration. As such, geological evidence from the IVZ and associated laboratory measurements of pertinent rock physical properties have been widely used to construct canonical seismic models of the lower continental crust. These endeavors were either based on deterministic or stochastic approaches. While deterministic models allow us to directly relate the seismic response to field observations, they are inherently hampered by the fact that geological and rock physical information of adequate quality is only available for part of the IVZ. These problems can be alleviated through stochastic approaches to model building. Efforts of this kind were so far based on standard covariance-type statistics and, hence, were unable to fully capture the prevailing structural complexity and spatial variability. Quite importantly, studies accounting for seismic anisotropy were so far largely limited to deterministic or stochastic 1D layered models. To address these challenges, we use a multi-point statistics (MPS) approach, which we train on detailed geological maps from the central IVZ. In addition to the spatial information associated with the categorized lithologies, we also use the orientation of the foliation as part of the underlying training information. Each grid point of the resulting MPS simulations is then assigned anisotropic P- and S-waves seismic velocities associated with the categorized lithology at the given location. The values of the seismic velocities are randomly chosen from corresponding distributions based on available laboratory measurements. The generic nature of the seismic anisotropy prevailing the IVZ is accounted for by aligning the fast axes of the P- and S-wave velocities with the orientation of the foliation. To emulate the short-range coherence of the seismic velocity variations observed in sonic logs from two recent boreholes drilled into the upper and lower parts of the IVZ in the framework of the ICDP DIVE program, we subject these so far locally uncorrelated models to an accordingly parameterized autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process. Finally, we evaluate and assess the seismic response of this new generation of lower crustal models by simulating near-vertical and wide-angle synthetic seismic reflection profiles using a finite-difference solution of the generically anisotropic viscoelastic equations.

How to cite: Holliger, K. and Luo, Z.: A new seismic model of Ivrea-type lower continental crust accounting for realistic structural complexity, spatial variability, and generic anisotropy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3693,, 2025.

EGU25-5843 | Posters on site | GD6.2

Magnetic and paleomagnetic characterization of the Ivrea-Verbano lower crust body (NW Italy): Assessing the magnetization of Variscan-age lower crust 

Liliana Minelli, Gaia Siravo, Fabio Speranza, Michele Zucali, Eugenio Fazio, and Chiara Caricchi

The source of high-intensity magnetic anomalies from cratons has long been debated, as it requires speculative rocks yielding 2-6 A/m magnetization. Magnetic properties of the lower crust lithology are generally poorly constrained, considering their low exposure at surface. Here we report on the magnetic and paleomagnetic investigation of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ), Western Alps, where both metamorphic and intrusive lower crust rocks of Late Variscan-Permian ages are spectacularly exposed. We sampled 312 oriented cores at 39 sites along the Cannobina, Ossola, Strona, and Sesia valleys/sections. Low (0.27-2.1·10-3) magnetic susceptibility (k) values were routinely measured in metamorphic rocks from the Ossola and Strona valleys. There, only two metabasite (one in amphibolite and one in granulite metamorphic grade) out of 25 metamorphic sites containing pseudo single domain (PSD) magnetite yield 0.48-1.1·10-1 k values that remain strikingly constant until 550°C heating. K values of gabbros and granodiorites from Sesia valley mimic low values from metamorphic rock, whereas at Cannobina valley one gabbro and one mafic granulite display k values comparable to the two strongly magnetic sites from Ossola/Strona valleys. Peridotite lenses embedded in gabbros at Balmuccia and Finero similarly yielded low (0.24-5.5·10-3) k values, consistently with their low (<20%) serpentinization degree. Results indicate that remanence contribution is negligible, as 1) Q <1 values imply remanent magnetization subordinate to induced magnetization, 2) paleomagnetic directions are generally scattered consistently with PSD magnetite grain size, and 3) remanence is notoriously unstable at lower crust temperatures. We conclude that IVZ lower crust could not yield cratonic magnetic anomalies, and similar conclusions might stand for other Variscan-age lower crust sections. Scattered high-intensity metabasites could be candidates, if their PSD-MD magnetite-rich mineralogy dominates pre-Cambrian lower crust.

How to cite: Minelli, L., Siravo, G., Speranza, F., Zucali, M., Fazio, E., and Caricchi, C.: Magnetic and paleomagnetic characterization of the Ivrea-Verbano lower crust body (NW Italy): Assessing the magnetization of Variscan-age lower crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5843,, 2025.

EGU25-6534 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Characterization of the Lower Continental Crust in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone from the Well Logging and Core Data of ICDP-DIVE Boreholes 5071_1_B and 5071_1_A 

Junjian Li, Eva Caspari, Andrew Greenwood, and Simona Pierdominici and the DIVE Drilling Project Science Team

One of the aims of the ICDP Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE project (DIVE) is to unravel lithological drivers of geophysical observations in the lower continental crust. During Phase I of the project, two boreholes, 5071_1_B and 5071_1_A, have been completed at depths of 578.5 and 909.5 m in December 2022 and March 2024, respectively. Borehole 5071_1_B is drilled into the upper part of the lower continental crust, while borehole 5071_1_A extends deeper into the lower crust. Core descriptions identified the lithologies in borehole 5071_1_B as kinzigite, amphibolite, calcsilicate and leucosome. In contrast, borehole 5071_1_A encountered a variety of lithologies including stronalite, anorthosite, gabbro, garnetite, gabbronorite, garnet granulite and pyroxenite. Together, these two boreholes represent a comprehensive cross-section of the lower continental crust in the Ivrea-Verbano zone. To understand the geophysical characteristics and their correlation to lithologies, a comprehensive set of geophysical borehole logs was acquired, including among others spectral gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, sonic, acoustic and optical televiewer data. To complement the downhole data set, core density and magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted using a multi-sensor core logger. 

In our previous study, fuzzy c-means clustering of magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma logs from borehole 5071_1_B demonstrated an excellent agreement with the lithological core description, despite notable spatial variability. In this study, we integrate the petrophysical data from both boreholes revealing significant contrasts in petrophysical properties between them. Preliminary results indicate that the rocks in 5071_1_A generally exhibit lower gamma radiation, higher densities and higher velocities compared to those in 5071_1_B, with the exception of some amphibolite intervals in 5071_1_B. With respect to their magnetic susceptibilities the lithologies of both boreholes partially overlap; however, gabbros, gabbronorites and garnet granulites exhibit significantly higher average susceptibilities with values up to 10-1 SI. Most of the stronalites in borehole 5071_1_A exhibit gamma ray values comparable to the lower range observed in 5071_1_B, whereas gamma ray values for all other lithologies in 5071_1_A are generally lower than those in 5071_1_B. These findings suggest that gamma ray and magnetic susceptibility data may also act as good lithological indicators when analysing the combined data set. Core density measurements further complement this analysis, with values ranging between 2.8 and 3.4 g/cm3 in 5071_1_A, compared to 2.5 to 2.8 g/cm3 in 5071_1_B. The P-wave velocity of 5071_1_A predominantly ranges from 6000 to 7000 m/s, exceeding those observed in borehole 5071_1_B where velocities are strongly influenced by brittle deformation rather than lithological factors. Although numerous fractures are encountered in 5071_1_A, an initial analysis suggests correlations with lithological variations, as evidenced by high P-wave velocities exceeding 7000 m/s in a pyroxenite section. This implies that seismic reflections in 5071_1_A may be attributable to lithological velocity contrasts. To further investigate the origins of seismic reflectivity in these rocks, an acoustic impedance profile for both boreholes is required. This will help evaluate the influence of brittle deformation and lithological variations on seismic reflectivity.   

How to cite: Li, J., Caspari, E., Greenwood, A., and Pierdominici, S. and the DIVE Drilling Project Science Team: Characterization of the Lower Continental Crust in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone from the Well Logging and Core Data of ICDP-DIVE Boreholes 5071_1_B and 5071_1_A, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6534,, 2025.

EGU25-10059 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Neoproterozoic island arcs evolution and recycling in the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield: U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes in detrital zircon from Eilat metasediments 

Chen Vardi, Dov Avigad, Adar Glazer, Axel Gerdes, Shan Li, Tao Wang, Richard Albert, and Yona Geller Lutzky

The Arabian-Nubian Shield is a vast, juvenile continental crust province that formed during the Neoproterozoic by accretion of intra-oceanic island arcs. Sediments eroded from these arcs are preserved in the Eilat Metamorphic Complex in the northernmost part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. We present a coupled U-Pb-Hf-O study of detrital zircons from metasedimentary units from Eilat area, intended to assess the juvenile nature of the island arcs and to detect crustal recycling processes involved in their formation. Detrital zircon geochronology places island arcs magmatism in this region at 1040-740 Ma, peaking between 850-750 Ma. Arc crustal evolution is demonstrated by coupling Hf and O isotopes in the detrital zircons. Zircons with mantle-like δ18O (5.0-6.5‰) have predominantly positive εHf(t) values of +6 to +12 that principally reflect late-Stenian to late-Tonian juvenile crust formation. A temporally decreasing trend in εHf(t) values implies ~80 m.y. of crustal reworking of the juvenile arcs. The contribution of reworked older crust was minor, as just two Paleoproterozoic grains and a small number of Neoproterozoic grains with lower εHf(t) values were detected. Crustal reworking is further demonstrated by abundant zircons with elevated δ18O values of mostly 6.5‰ to 9‰, indicating assimilation of 18O-rich supracrustal components in the arc magmas starting from ~930 Ma. Since the εHf(t) values of zircon grains with elevated δ18O are positive and high, we assign this 18O-enrichment to juvenile sediments that were recycled shortly after crust formation, suggesting a self-recycling island arcs system. Mixing calculations show that at least 20% and up to 40% of juvenile sediments with δ18O of 14‰ were assimilated in the melts sampled by our zircons. These results imply that reworking of arc terranes and the incorporation of supracrustal components played a fundamental role in the evolution of island arcs in the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield.

How to cite: Vardi, C., Avigad, D., Glazer, A., Gerdes, A., Li, S., Wang, T., Albert, R., and Geller Lutzky, Y.: Neoproterozoic island arcs evolution and recycling in the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield: U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes in detrital zircon from Eilat metasediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10059,, 2025.

EGU25-11341 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Thermal structure and variability of the lower continental crust: dataset and models based on project DIVE boreholes 5071_1_A and 5071_1_B 

Kim Lemke and György Hetényi and the ICDP DIVE Science Team

Knowledge of the thermal conductivity (TC) and internal heat production (A) of rocks forming the lower continental crust (LCC) is essential for any thermal study of the Earth's lithosphere, as they define the geotherm. Many heat flow models use sparsely sampled data of thermal properties along with simplified layer structures, leading to poorly constrained geotherms and large uncertainties in temperature calculations. To improve heat flow calculations of the LCC, we present new high-resolution TC data (total data points: 13080) of felsic, (meta-)mafic and ultramafic lithologies of the LCC of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ, Northern Italy). The measurements are done on a representative set of drill cores from the scientific drilling project DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea Verbano ZonE; ICDP;; Pistone et al. 2017) in which two boreholes 5071_1_A (final depth: 909.5 m), located in Megolo, and 5071_1_B (final depth: 578.5 m), located in Ornavasso, have been realised. A total number of 74 drill core samples with a total length of ~ 28 m from the two boreholes have been measured at high spatial resolution using an optical TC scanner (OTCS, Popov et al., 1999). Measured TC for lithologies of the upper part of the LCC (1_B) ranges between 1.79 – 4.97 W/m·K for amphibolites, 2.02 – 6.63 W/m•K for kinzigites, 1.53 – 5.34 W/m•K for calcsilicates, and 2.12 – 5.70 W/m•K for leucocratic veins. The lithologies of the lower part of the LCC (1_A) show TC that ranges between 1.71 – 2.75  W/m•K for stronalites, 1.83 – 2.54 W/m•K for gabbros, 1.55 – 2.11 W/m•K for gabbronorites, 1.70 – 2.36 W/m•K for garnet granulites, 1.66 – 2.40 W/m•K for intermediate gabbronorites, 1.56 – 2.13 W/m•K for anorthosites, and 2.16 – 3.54 W/m•K for pyroxenites. The results show a significant variability of TC within the same lithology and between different lithologies, explained by the spatially variable mineral contents and grain sizes. Measured concentrations of heat-producing elements (U, Th and K) of 33 selected drill cores were obtained using powder-based gamma spectrometry. The results show that the concentrations are lithology-dependent and decrease towards mafic and ultramafic rocks. These data are compared to spectral-gamma borehole logs to evaluate the radiogenic heat production along both boreholes. TC and A are used as input parameters for 7 types of probabilistic, steady-state 1D heat flow models with synthetic lithology columns with variable layer thicknesses (d) that are randomly assigned and emulate the lithology characteristics seen in the boreholes and the IVZ. By carrying out many realisations, the effect of high-resolution TC sampling on heat flow uncertainties is quantified. The adaptive nature of our models allows us to test the parameter sensitivity of TC, A, and d. The first results show that higher spatial variability on thermal properties structure cause larger model uncertainties in the temperature calculations compared to cases with more homogeneous structure.

How to cite: Lemke, K. and Hetényi, G. and the ICDP DIVE Science Team: Thermal structure and variability of the lower continental crust: dataset and models based on project DIVE boreholes 5071_1_A and 5071_1_B, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11341,, 2025.

EGU25-12155 | Orals | GD6.2

Geophysical overview of the planned phase 2 drilling sites of projet DIVE in Val Sesia, Italy 

György Hetényi, Andrew Greenwood, Klaus Bauer, Florian Bleibinhaus, Christian Haberland, Klaus Holliger, Charlotte Krawczyk, Niccolò Menegoni, Yuri Panara, and Britta Wawerzinek and the ICDP DIVE-2 Geophysics Team

The Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE (DIVE) project focuses on the continental lower crust from petrological, geophysical, fluid and gas, as well as microbiological perspectives in the framework of ICDP expedition 5071. Two scientific boreholes of DIVE phase 1 have cored 578.5 and 909.5 metres of lower crustal rocks in Val d’Ossola, Italy, and preparations for DIVE phase 2 have already started. The primary goals are to continuously sample the crust–mantle transition, and to test the suitability of a natural peridotite body for serpentinization and hydrogen production.

The structural characterization of the drilling target and the assessment of the subsurface physical properties has been ongoing for several years, and at various spatial scales. Up to date, three active seismic campaigns, one passive seismic profile, regional and local gravity campaigns, and drone-based photogrammetry (digital outcrop model based fracture network analysis) have been undertaken under the umbrella of, or in connection with, project DIVE. Furthermore, aeromagnetic data is available over the region, and geological mapping is being refined in the area planned for drilling. This contribution will present the results reached so far, the differences between them as a function of spatial resolution, models of the Balmuccia peridotite body and related questions, as well as the currently ongoing efforts of geophysical imaging and modelling to reduce the uncertainties. Ultimately, we present the current drilling strategy of the 5071_2 borehole(s).



Hetényi G, Baron L, Scarponi M, et al. (2024) Report on an open dataset to constrain the Balmuccia peridotite body (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy) through a participative gravity-modelling challenge. Swiss J Geosci 117:2. doi:10.1186/s00015-023-00450-3

Liu Y, Greenwood A, Hetényi G, Baron L, Holliger K (2021) High-resolution seismic reflection surveys crossing the Insubric Line into the Ivrea-Verbano Zone: Novel approaches for interpreting the seismic response of steeply dipping structures. Tectonophys 816:229035. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229035

Menegoni N, Panara Y, Greenwood A, Mariani D, Zanetti A, Hetényi G (2024) Fracture network characterisation of the Balmuccia peridotite using drone-based photogrammetry, implications for active-seismic site survey for scientific drilling. J Rock Mech Geotech 16:3961-3981. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.03.012

Pasiecznik D, Greenwood A, Bleibinhaus F, Hetényi G (2024) Seismic structure of the Balmuccia Peridotite from a high-resolution refraction and reflection survey. Geophys J Int 238:1612-1625. doi:10.1093/gji/ggae239

Ryberg T,  Haberland C, Wawerzinek B, Stiller M, Bauer K, Zanetti A, Ziberna L, Hetényi G, Müntener O, Weber M, Krawczyk CM (2023) 3-D imaging of the Balmuccia peridotite body (Ivrea–Verbano zone, NW-Italy) using controlled source seismic data. Geophys J Int 234:1985-1998. doi:10.1093/gji/ggad182

Scarponi M, Hetényi G, Berthet T, Baron L, et al. (2020) New gravity data and 3D density model constraints on the Ivrea Geophysical Body (Western Alps). Geophys J Int 222:1977-1991. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa263

Scarponi M, Hetényi G, Plomerová J, Solarino S, Baron L, Petri, B (2021) Joint seismic and gravity data inversion to image intra-crustal structures: the Ivrea Geophysical Body along the Val Sesia profile (Piedmont, Italy). Front Earth Sci 9:671412. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.671412

Scarponi M, Kvapil J, Plomerová J, Solarino S, Hetényi G (2024) New constraints on the shear-wave velocity structure of the Ivrea geophysical body from seismic ambient noise tomography (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Alps). Geophys J Int 236:1089-1105. doi:10.1093/gji/ggad470

How to cite: Hetényi, G., Greenwood, A., Bauer, K., Bleibinhaus, F., Haberland, C., Holliger, K., Krawczyk, C., Menegoni, N., Panara, Y., and Wawerzinek, B. and the ICDP DIVE-2 Geophysics Team: Geophysical overview of the planned phase 2 drilling sites of projet DIVE in Val Sesia, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12155,, 2025.

EGU25-14475 | Orals | GD6.2

Asthenospheric Flow Beneath the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a Three-dimensional Resistivity Model 

Gaofeng Ye, Cheng Liu, Sheng Jin, Haoxiang Yin, and Hao Dong

The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is a critical window through which to observe the northeastward extrusion and escape of material caused by the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates. Using 872 magnetotelluric stations, we obtained for the first time a high-resolution three-dimensional resistivity model of the lithosphere of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas. The model shows that the near EW direction anomalies dominate the electrical structure of the middle-upper crust of the Qinling Orogenic Belt, and high-resistivity anomalies are arranged at intervals along regional faults and plate suture zones, which show obvious low resistivity. The lower crust and upper mantle show electrical structural characteristics mainly in the near SN direction. Based on these, we propose that the "overpass-structured" electrical structure indicating the crust-mantle decoupling of the Qinling Orogenic Belt was formed under the influence of the asthenospheric flow escaping from the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau. The three-dimensional lithospheric resistivity model also shows that the high-conductivity anomaly in the middle and lower crust of the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau terminates in the West Qinling Orogenic Belt at about 106.5°E and continues to migrate eastward in the form of asthenospheric flow. High conductors penetrating the crust and mantle are also found in the Weihe Graben, the East Qinling Orogenic Belt, the circular rift zone around the Ordos Basin, and even the northern Ordos Block, considered a stable craton. This may represent upwelling of northeastward escaping asthenospheric flow along rift zones and areas of structural weakness. We propose that this asthenospheric flow and upwelling transformed the lithospheric mantle in the Qinling Mountains and the central and western parts of the North China Craton through thermal erosion.

How to cite: Ye, G., Liu, C., Jin, S., Yin, H., and Dong, H.: Asthenospheric Flow Beneath the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a Three-dimensional Resistivity Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14475,, 2025.

EGU25-14928 | Posters on site | GD6.2

Linking deep-time magmatism to present-day lithospheric architecture through isotopic and elemental mapping 

He Huang, Tao Wang, Daniel Gómez-Frutos, Antonio Castro, Xiaosan Zhu, and Xuewei Bao

Probing the deep lithosphere remains a key objective in earth sciences. The present-day lithosphere architecture is a terminal, time-integrated image shaped by long-term geological processes, among which magmatism plays a crucial role. Consequently, a causal relation exists between deep-time magmatism and present-day lithospheric architecture. This study employs multi-proxy isotopic and elemental mapping of Late Carboniferous to Middle Permian magmatic rocks in West Tianshan, SW Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The mapping unravels two distinct lithospheric domains, i.e., an isotopically depleted domain in the north and an isotopically enriched domain in the south. Seismic and gravity data suggest significant differences in geophysical properties across different domains. By integrating phase equilibrium modeling, we further indicate that the present-day geophysical disparities can be attributed to deep-time magmatism involving differential mantle sources and infracrustal differentiation. The lower crust of the northern part was built by magmatic processes starting from intermediate magmas ultimately derived from a subduction-modified mantle. In contrast, the lower crust of the southern part was constructed through the interaction between ancient crust-metasomatized mantle-derived magmas and supracrustal relaminant. Our findings suggest a novel methodological approach for utilizing geochemical data from deep-time magmatic rocks to decipher present-day deep lithospheric architecture.

How to cite: Huang, H., Wang, T., Gómez-Frutos, D., Castro, A., Zhu, X., and Bao, X.: Linking deep-time magmatism to present-day lithospheric architecture through isotopic and elemental mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14928,, 2025.

EGU25-15226 | Posters on site | GD6.2

Overview of geophysical surveys conducted during ICDP-DIVE phase 1 in Val d’Ossola, Italy. 

Andrew Greenwood, György Hetényi, Ludovic Baron, Bernd Trabi, Junjian Li, Eva Caspari, Florian Bleibinhaus, Jochem Kueck, Simona Pierdominici, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Roman Pevzner, and Silvia Pondrelli

Since the inception of the ICDP expedition 5071, the Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE (DIVE) project, geophysical surveys have played a key role in the planning and operational stages of phase 1. DIVE aims to investigate the continental lower crust with a focus on the physical and petrological transition towards the crust–mantle boundary at key sites in the Ivrea Zone of the Italian Alps. Phase 1 drilling site selection was strengthened with several 2D seismic profiles in the Ornavasso, Megolo and Premosello municipalities of Val d’Ossola, characterizing the complexity of the underlying lower crustal rock of interest and the overlying sedimentary cover. Preliminary site surveys identified near surface features deemed either disadvantageous or advantageous to drilling, subsequently refining the exact drill collar locations for the 5071_1_B and 1_A drill holes. During drilling pauses of 1_A and 1_B, dominant fracture orientations were determined with borehole acoustic methods, which influenced drilling decisions and the strategic termination of 1_B. Physical rock properties, magnetic susceptibility, and natural gamma radiation, were measured on rock cores as part of the on-site core characterization process. Additionally, seismic activity during the drilling periods was monitored through three approaches: seismic-while-drilling arrays located immediately around the drilling sites; a buried fiber optic cable in the nearby area; and a seismic monitoring network (DIVEnet) of a broader area covering the northeastern part of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone.  

Physical rock properties have been determined along the length of each borehole through open-hole wireline logging, during and at the end of the drilling, establishing clear relationships between the different core-lithologies. Vertical seismic profiles (VSP), and reverse VSP check shot surveys have been conducted at the conclusion of drilling, including the use of a novel bare-fiber optic cable deployed in 5071_1_A, to determine the seismic velocity structure and seismic reflectivity. Additionally, gamma-gamma density measurements have been acquired at 10 cm intervals on all the recovered core using a multi-sensor-core-logger allowing the computation of elastic rock properties. Further rock physics experiments are ongoing and nearing completion and, together with a wealth of chemical analyses, start to reveal the fine details of lower crustal variability.  

All the above surveys have contributed to an extensive geophysical data set across all scales that will be analyzed in the coming years. These data sets will briefly be introduced in the presentation. 

How to cite: Greenwood, A., Hetényi, G., Baron, L., Trabi, B., Li, J., Caspari, E., Bleibinhaus, F., Kueck, J., Pierdominici, S., Tertyshnikov, K., Pevzner, R., and Pondrelli, S.: Overview of geophysical surveys conducted during ICDP-DIVE phase 1 in Val d’Ossola, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15226,, 2025.

EGU25-15416 | Posters on site | GD6.2

Fracture and flow characterization of ICDP-DIVE Borehole 5071_1_A from geophysical well logging data 

Eva Caspari, Junjian Li, Magdalena Fuetsch, Simona Pierdominici, and Andrew Greenwood

Borehole 5071_1_A of the ICDP-DIVE project intersects the lower part of the lower continental crust and is drilled to a depth of 909.5 m. Several fracture zones are encountered, which not only exert control on the hydrological characteristics of the very low permeability formations in the presence of strong topographic relief, but also affect their mechanical properties. In this study we characterize the fracture network in borehole 5071_1_A with respect to its flow characteristics using a suite of geophysical borehole data. Acoustic and optical televiewer data, as well as normal resistivity logs, are utilized to locate fluid-bearing fracture zones and delineate their geometrical characteristics. Most natural fractures have azimuthal orientations between NNW to NE and exhibit a wide range of dips between 10° – 80°. According to their appearance in the televiewer data they can be divided into three classes, whereby Class 1 consists of the largest aperture fractures and Class 2 and 3 of smaller aperture fractures. Class 1, and clusters of Class 2 and 3 fractures correlate with resistivity anomalies suggesting open fluid-bearing natural fractures, which are encountered along the length of the borehole. To gain further insights into the flow characteristics, a combined analysis of self potential, temperature and mud parameters (conductivity and pressure), as well as flow meter logs, is on-going to locate in- and out-flow zones and to identify water of different compositions and temperature in the borehole. Preliminary results show that in-flow and out-flow zones can be correlated with fractures along the borehole track, whereby three strong in-flow zones around 700 m and 850 m depths correlate with changes in the fluid conductivity. This suggests that different types of water may enter the system, hinting at a compartmentalized complex system with distinct hydraulic zones. The strong in-flow zone at a depth around 850 m is also picked up in passive borehole fiber optic data. Identification of these different flow paths and their correlation to fracture zones provide important information for understanding potential diversity in microbiology in these lower crustal rocks and, support the interpretation of mud gas logging results, allowing a better understanding of the nature and origin of these geofluids.

How to cite: Caspari, E., Li, J., Fuetsch, M., Pierdominici, S., and Greenwood, A.: Fracture and flow characterization of ICDP-DIVE Borehole 5071_1_A from geophysical well logging data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15416,, 2025.

EGU25-15616 | Posters on site | GD6.2

Rock and mineral magnetic investigations of the DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE) drill cores: towards the magnetic petrology of the lower continental crust 

Bjarne Almqvist, Alexia Secrétan, Benoît Petri, Mattia Pistone, György Hetényi, and Othmar Müntener

The deep drilling project Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zone (DIVE) is a scientific and multidisciplinary project that focuses on investigating a section of the lower continental crust and upper mantle, exposed in northwest Italy. The exposure of the crust to mantle transition represents one of the few places around the world, thus providing a unique possibility for study. As a consequence, during 2022-2024 two phases of drilling took place near Megolo (5071_1_A) and Ornavasso (5071_1_B). The tectonic evolution that led to exposure of the crust–mantle section in this area are still not fully understood, and thus forms a central part of scientific questions of DIVE. The drilling is part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and involves a broad range of topics, such as the tectonic, petrological and geochronological development of the geological setting, geophysical and petrophysical investigations, and the deep biosphere.

The Ivrea Zone record complex processes from convergence during the Variscan orogeny followed by extensional processes in the Permian and decompression during the Jurassic periods. The zone has been a focus area for understanding how the continental lower crust and upper mantle is magnetized (e.g., Lanza et al., 1982; Belluso, 1990; Minelli et al., 2024), and why the main magnetic anomalies do not coincide with the source of the main gravimetric and seismic anomalies. The two, fully cored, scientific boreholes provide a unique opportunity to investigate such questions at the rock and mineral scale based on nearly 1.5 km of continuous fresh cores. Here we present preliminary results of detailed rock magnetic measurements, including magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization for more than 500 cylindrical specimens (20 mm diameter, 17 mm length), extracted from more than 150 core pieces that were systematically sampled from the two drill core sections (6-12 cm long core pieces, sampled at ~10-meter intervals along the entire borehole). Future work will focus on integrating magnetic properties with geochemical and petrological characteristics, in order to obtain a record of the magnetic petrology of the drill cores i.e., the chemical requirements and conditions to form iron oxides and other ferromagnetic phases in the continental lower crust and upper mantle. Additionally, detailed magnetic properties data will help in untangling the contrasts observed in magnetic anomalies, with gravitational and seismic anomalies. This joint magnetic and chemical analysis should eventually help in understanding how the continental crust is magnetized, and why there are similarities but also differences in crustal magnetizations in different continental crust settings.



Belluso, E., Biino, G., Lanza, R. (1990), New data on the rock magnetism in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Northern Italy) and its relationships to the magnetic anomalies. Tectonophysics, 182 (1-2), 79-89.

Lanza, R. (1982), Models for interpretation of the magnetic anomaly of the Ivrea body. Géologie Alpine, 58, 85-94.

Minelli, L., Gaia, S., Speranza, F., Caricchi, C., Fazio, E., Silvia, P., Michele, Z. (2024), Magnetic characterization of the Ivrea-Verbano zone (NW Italy): A key to understand the magnetism and structure of the continental lower crust. EGU General Assembly,

How to cite: Almqvist, B., Secrétan, A., Petri, B., Pistone, M., Hetényi, G., and Müntener, O.: Rock and mineral magnetic investigations of the DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE) drill cores: towards the magnetic petrology of the lower continental crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15616,, 2025.

EGU25-15873 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Geochemical characteristics of lower continental crust metasediments: insights from the DIVE Project (5071_1_B, Val d’Ossola, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy) 

Alexia Secrétan, Sarah Degen, Luca Pacchiega, Junjian Li, Mattia Pistone, Jörg Hermann, and Othmar Müntener and the DIVE Drilling Project Science team

Our understanding of the Earth's interior - its physical structure, geochemical composition, and dynamic evolution - largely relies on seismic observations, particularly seismic wave velocities. Evidence derived from seismic P-wave velocities and heat flow measurements suggests that the chemical composition of the lower continental crust (LCC) ranges from predominantly mafic to felsic. More recent models, however, suggest an intermediate to felsic compositional range, raising the question of the significance of felsic components. Therefore, metasediments play a critical role in deciphering the LCC’s composition and evolution.

The Ivrea-Verbano Zone in the Alps offers insights into the lithological variability from a pre-Permian felsic lower crust then modified by Lower Permian mafic underplating. This study presents initial whole-rock data from the ICDP-funded DIVE project (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE), with drill cores from the first drilling target 5071_1_B (Ornavasso). The whole sequence of drill cores (578 m) is representative of the upper Ivrea LCC and consists of amphibolite facies rocks.

To estimate the bulk rock composition and volatile budget (e.g. Degen et al.) of the lower crust, a systematic sampling strategy was employed. Results presented are from a broad sampling approach, with 6–12 cm long samples collected from each lithology at approximately 10-meter intervals along the entire borehole. In order of lithological abundance, the retrieved lithologies include metasediments (kinzigites, ~73 vol-%), metamafic rocks (~13 vol-%), and calcsilicates (~11 vol-%):

  • Kinzigites (Qz + Pl + Bt ± Gt ± Kfs ± Sil), local name for felsic gneisses characterized by biotite, range from pelites to psammites and are predominantly peraluminous. They exhibit LREE enrichment, slight HREE depletion, and a negative Eu anomaly.
  • Metamafic rocks, primarily amphibolites (Amp + Pl + Qz ± Px ± Bt ± Gt), are locally interlayered with kinzigites. They present a flat REE pattern with a subtle negative Eu anomaly. A distinct subgroup, enriched in K2O and CaO, occurs at contacts/transitional zone between kinzigites, amphibolites and calc-silicates, reflecting increasing modal biotite and Ca-rich minerals. This subgroup has a REE pattern similar to
  • Calcsilicate rocks occur as heterogenous layers of cm to dm scale aggregates of Ca-rich minerals (i.e. grossular-rich Gt, Pl, Scp, Ttn) ± Cpx ± Amp, and up to 14% carbonate minerals. These rocks are metaluminous and exhibit significant variability in their chemistry as a result of the mineral modal proportion, leading to highly variable major oxide and trace elements.

No distinct chemical trends are observed with increasing depth along the borehole. However, elements such as K, Th, and U differ between units and align with gamma-ray logging data. Intensities are notably higher in the kinzigite units compared to the more mafic units reflecting higher amounts of biotite and accessory phases (monazite, zircon). The weighted calculated bulk composition of 5071_1_B aligns with the upper end of LCC literature estimates.

Bulk trace element ratios (Th/La, Sm/La, Sm/Nd) suggest that the metasediments likely originated from (Paleozoic?) turbidites. Subduction and accretion processes may explain the dominance of metasediments in this section of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone LCC.

How to cite: Secrétan, A., Degen, S., Pacchiega, L., Li, J., Pistone, M., Hermann, J., and Müntener, O. and the DIVE Drilling Project Science team: Geochemical characteristics of lower continental crust metasediments: insights from the DIVE Project (5071_1_B, Val d’Ossola, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15873,, 2025.

EGU25-16075 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Redistribution of heat-producing elements during partial melting of felsic rocks of the lower continental crust, Ivrea Verbano Zone 

Luca Pacchiega, Sarah Degen, Alexia Secrétan, Friedrich Hawemann, Sören Tholen, Jörg Hermann, and Daniela Rubatto

The geochemical differentiation of the Earth’s crust is influenced by high-temperature metamorphic processes. Partial melting of the lower continental crust leads to the redistribution of the heat-producing elements (HPEs), which are responsible for ca. 60% of the crustal heat flux. The major carriers of HPEs in typical lower crustal rocks are accessory minerals, such as zircon and monazite. During partial melting, the solubility of these accessory phases in anatectic melts controls the redistribution of the HPEs. The felsic rocks of the lower continental crust exposed in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ) host significant amounts of HPEs and they can be used as a natural laboratory to investigate the link between melting reactions, solubility of accessory minerals and migration of HPEs.

This study focuses on the felsic metasediments of boreholes 5071-1A and 5071-1B, which have been recently drilled in the framework of the ICDP-DIVE project. Metapelites and metapsammites show macroscopic and microscopic signs of partial melting, such as the segregation of leucocratic domains. Petrographic observations, geothermobarometric calculations and thermodynamic modeling show that partial melting in 5071-1B rocks occurred at upper amphibolite facies conditions, at P-T conditions of ca. 7 kbar and 750°C and is predominantly controlled by muscovite dehydration melting. Instead, 5071-1A lithologies experienced temperatures in excess of 900°C, associated with extensive anatexis related to biotite dehydration melting.

The spatial distribution of the accessory minerals has been determined with a combination of SEM chemical mapping and BSE imaging, supervised classification of minerals by XMapTools and counting statistics by image analyses techniques. Furthermore, a full trace element budget has been performed by means of LA-ICPMS analyses on major minerals and accessory phases.

Our results indicate that the HPEs budget is high in the amphibolite facies part of the sequence, with values that are around five times greater than average lower crustal values and comparable to values typical for middle and upper crust (Rudnick and Gao, 2014). The higher-grade felsic rocks are relatively depleted and more similar to previous estimates for the lower crust. The primary hosts of U and Th at amphibolite facies are monazite, allanite, and, to a lesser extent, zircon and apatite. The U-Th budget is shared between zircon, monazite and rutile in the higher-grade equivalents.

Our results offer novel insights on the factors controlling the behavior of the accessory minerals during partial melting and permit to investigate the applicability of models and solubility equations in comparison with natural rocks. At UHT conditions, the partial preservation of zircons and monazites (such as inherited zircon cores and metamorphic monazites) proves that these minerals are not fully dissolved in partial melts even at extreme crustal temperatures. A representative migmatite shows that biotite-sillimanite melanocratic domains, interpreted as restites formed after melt loss, are relatively enriched in Th, U, and K compared with the interlayered leucocratic domains that have experienced net melt gain. In particular, monazite is enriched by approximately one order of magnitude in the melanosome, in contradiction with predictions from models, indicating that the redistribution of HPEs in the crust is more complicated than previously thought.

How to cite: Pacchiega, L., Degen, S., Secrétan, A., Hawemann, F., Tholen, S., Hermann, J., and Rubatto, D.: Redistribution of heat-producing elements during partial melting of felsic rocks of the lower continental crust, Ivrea Verbano Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16075,, 2025.

EGU25-17249 | ECS | Orals | GD6.2 | Highlight

Microbial characterization of deep-waters from a borehole within the Ivrea-Verbano Zone 

Luca Tonietti, Davide Corso, Martina Cascone, Mattia Esposito, Jacopo Brusca, Antonio Longo, Bernardo Barosa, Ester M. Eckert, Marco Venier, Angelina Cordone, Jens Kallmeyer, Andrew Greenwood, György Hetényi, Othmar Müntener1, Mattia Pistone, Alberto Zanetti, Luca Ziberna, and Donato Giovannelli

The deep subsurface is a dynamic and biologically active environment that harbors a vast array of microbial communities, accounting for a substantial fraction of Earth’s biomass. Most of the available information about subsurface ecosystems in continental regions is derived from studies on sedimentary rock formations and the analysis of groundwater and deep fluids accessed through boreholes and mines. Research on microbial life within crystalline bedrock has historically been more limited, primarily focusing on rocks such as granites, schists, and serpentinized ophiolites. Nevertheless, several studies have demonstrated that fractured crystalline rocks can host unique and diverse microbial ecosystems. In this study, we present the microbiological characterization of a water overflow at the borehole 5071_1_B (IGSN: ICDP5071EH30001) in the context of the ICDP-sponsored DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE) project (expedition number 5071) aiming for a full geophysical and petrological characterization of the continental lower crust in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone and for the identification of microbial communities inhabiting the different lithologies encountered in borehole 5071_1_B. During the drilling operation, a water overflow was observed at a depth of 300-316 m below current surface, due to the presence of a deep aquifer. The fluids were analysed geochemically and through a combination of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, metagenomic analysis, and epifluorescence microscopy. By using the waters of the nearby Toce River and on-site contamination tracking procedures we provide hypotheses on the origins of the rising fluids, as well as insights into the microbial taxonomic and functional diversity within the deep aquifer fluids.

How to cite: Tonietti, L., Corso, D., Cascone, M., Esposito, M., Brusca, J., Longo, A., Barosa, B., Eckert, E. M., Venier, M., Cordone, A., Kallmeyer, J., Greenwood, A., Hetényi, G., Müntener1, O., Pistone, M., Zanetti, A., Ziberna, L., and Giovannelli, D.: Microbial characterization of deep-waters from a borehole within the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17249,, 2025.

EGU25-17414 | Orals | GD6.2

Seismic imaging and petrophysical classification of the Balmuccia peridotite and surrounding upper crust 

Britta Wawerzinek, Trond Ryberg, Klaus Bauer, Christian Haberland, Manfred Stiller, Michael Weber, and Charlotte M. Krawczyk

An interdisciplinary approach is needed to fully understand the formation and evolution of the Earth’s crust. Different disciplines (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, etc.) provide complementary information that cover different depth and time scales. By combining this information, a better understanding of crustal processes becomes possible. Seismic methods, for example, are utilized to obtain structural images of the present state of the crust and derive its petrophysical properties. This knowledge can then be used as constraints in geodynamic modelling.

In this presentation, we will focus on the Ivrea Verbano Zone (IVZ) where lower crustal rocks and mantle peridotites are exposed at surface. The IVZ is the subject of recent studies and drilling projects to gain a better understanding of the crustal evolution and crust-mantle transition. In preparation of a proposed drilling campaign (ICDP-DIVE), seismic exploration surveys (fixed-spread and roll-along) were carried out across the Balmuccia peridotite body and the Insubric Zone. However, the seismic data show strong first break onsets of P- and S-waves and converted waves which interfere with signals from the peridotite body. Hence, we combined different seismic processing techniques to derive a structural image of the Balmuccia peridotite and its surroundings: Conventional seismic reflection imaging shows a rather diffusive image of the subsurface. The results can be improved by applying coherency-based Prestack Depth Migration and stacking which reveals reflective structures at the borders of intrusive bodies. Tomographic imaging of the fixed-spread data set mapped the 3D structure of an asymmetric high-velocity body that extends down to 3 km depth and is limited in the West by the Insubric Zone. The smooth 3D velocity model is supplemented by a high-resolution image of the near-surface structure that was obtained by inverting the travel times from the roll-along data set. By performing a machine-learning based cluster analysis the near-surface structure is subdivided into distinct model regions with well-defined seismic properties enabling now petrophysical interpretation.

To support the preparation of the proposed drilling campaign (ICDP-DIVE), our results together with the results from recent studies can now be implemented in a joined geomodel of the Balmuccia peridotite.

How to cite: Wawerzinek, B., Ryberg, T., Bauer, K., Haberland, C., Stiller, M., Weber, M., and Krawczyk, C. M.: Seismic imaging and petrophysical classification of the Balmuccia peridotite and surrounding upper crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17414,, 2025.

EGU25-17519 | ECS | Orals | GD6.2

Carbon Storage and Isotopic Variability in the Deep Crust of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone 

Sarah Degen, Alexia Secrétan, Daniela Rubatto, and Jörg Hermann

The lower continental crust is a critical component of the deep carbon cycle, serving as a long-term reservoir for carbon (C) in the form of residual carbonates and graphite. Yet, the extent of C storage remains poorly understood. The Ivrea-Verbano Zone in northern Italy exposes lower crustal mafic and metasedimentary lithologies, providing a unique natural laboratory to investigate C retention. As part of the ICDP-funded DIVE project (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano Zone), this study focuses on quantifying the C budget and exploring the isotopic composition of C phases.

The upper portion of the lower continental crust (borehole 5071-1_B, Ornavasso) consists primarily of felsic metasedimentary rocks (kinzigites, 73 vol-%) alongside amphibolites (13 vol-%) and calcsilicate rocks (11 vol-%), metamorphosed under upper amphibolite facies conditions (~750 ± 50°C, 7.5 ± 1.5 kbar). C is hosted in the form of graphite (Gr) and calcite (Cc). Gr occurs as inclusions in garnet and in the matrix of kinzigites, while Cc is observed in calcsilicate rocks and occasionally in amphibolites and leucosomes. Notably, a single marble layer has been identified.
The isotopic composition of C (Gr) and C-O (Cc) is being investigated to provide insights into the origin and evolution of C. Preliminary results range from -11.8 ‰ to -13.8 ‰ δ13CGr  in the kinzigites and -0.7 to ‰ to -5.6 ‰ δ13CCc as well as 11.0-15.0 ‰ δ18OCc in the calcsilicate rocks.The marble layer from the borehole exhibits δ¹³C- and δ¹⁸O-values of -8.22 ‰ and 12.5‰, respectively, while marbles from nearby outcrops show a broader range of -0.7 to 1.19 ‰ δ13CCc and 13.6 to 22.6 δ18OCc. The isotope data supports the field observations suggesting that the sequence formed at the surface before burial and metamorphism.

Two sampling approaches were employed to determine the average and the local variability of C concentrations. (i) A broad approach, where samples of 6-12 cm length were taken from each rock type at approximately 10-meter intervals throughout the entire borehole, providing a comprehensive overview of the C distribution across different lithologies. Carbon-Nitrogen-Sulfur analyses from this approach revealed that kinzigites contain an average of 0.26 wt.-% C, while amphibolites and calcsilicate rocks average 0.07 and 0.73 wt.-% C, respectively. For the 578.7m deep borehole, the overall carbon concentration reaches an average of 0.23 wt.-%. (ii) A complementary microbulk sampling approach was specifically designed compare the variability across different scales, which is especially relevant in heterogeneous rock types. This method involves extracting core segments perpendicular to the foliation and subdividing them into centimetre-scale slices to capture fine-scale heterogeneities. While detailed results from the microbulk approach are pending, preliminary observations reveal notable intra-rock variability in C content. For example, a single kinzigite segment analysed using the microbulk approach covers the range in which 63% of the total number of kinzigite samples from the more extensive broad approach dataset are contained (n=27).

Our findings underline the importance of metasedimentary rocks at lower crustal depths (~25 km, ~750°C) as C reservoirs which enhances our understanding of the carbon cycle in deep crustal environments.

How to cite: Degen, S., Secrétan, A., Rubatto, D., and Hermann, J.: Carbon Storage and Isotopic Variability in the Deep Crust of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17519,, 2025.

EGU25-17690 | Posters on site | GD6.2

Garnet-bearing clinopyroxenites in the lower crustal units of Ivrea Verbano Zone, Italian Alps 

Luca Ziberna, Kevin Gabriele Terranova, Francesco Narduzzi, Marco Venier, Matteo Del Rio, and Ana Černok

The crust-mantle transition zone in continental settings is a key and still unexplored part of our planet. It can help to understand the pathways of magmas from their source to the surface, the formation of continental crust and its past and present architecture. The Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ, Southern Alps) is a well known exposed section of lower continental crust and includes units of mantle peridotites that could testify the presence of a crust-mantle transition zone at or near the surface. This is well exposed along the Sesia river, where a km-sized mantle peridotite body (i.e., Balmuccia peridotite body) is in contact with a sequence of pegmatoid clinopyroxenites, websterites, cumulus peridotites and gabbros. This study focuses on a pegmatoid clinopyroxenite outcrop showing a possible magmatic contact with the Balmuccia peridotite to the west and a transition to a gabbro-pyroxenite sequence to the east. The objectives are to determine the origin of this clinopyroxenite and decrypt its metamorphic history through petrographic analyses and thermodynamic modelling.

Field mapping has shown that the pegmatoid clinopyroxenite is a relatively heterogeneous body, being variably rich in mm- to cm-sized patches rich in garnet, plagioclase and spinel. In some parts of the outcrop these patches are larger and can be defined as a mineralogical banding. The pegmatoid clinopyroxenes show evidence of ductile deformation and exhibit exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene ± garnet ± spinel ± plagioclase. The texture suggests a cumulus origin for the pegmatoid clinopyroxenes, with the garnet-bearing assemblages possibly representing a recrystallized intercumulus assemblage. In particular, the texture of the garnets suggests a metamorphic origin and may be related to high bulk aluminium content (clinopyroxene Al2O3 is up to 8.1 wt%) or high equilibration pressure, or a combination of both. Further work is being devoted to the garnet-bearing exsolution lamellae in the pegmatoid clinopyroxenes, as these might provide insights into the P-T path undergone by the original assemblage. We are investigating these aspects through phase equilibrium calculations using a set of bulk compositions assumed to represent the original pegmatoid clinopyroxenite and the garnet-bearing assemblage. Altogether, the results are will shed light on the petrological history of this pegmatoid clinopyroxenite and provide new insights into the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of this sector of the IVZ.

How to cite: Ziberna, L., Terranova, K. G., Narduzzi, F., Venier, M., Del Rio, M., and Černok, A.: Garnet-bearing clinopyroxenites in the lower crustal units of Ivrea Verbano Zone, Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17690,, 2025.

EGU25-18674 | ECS | Orals | GD6.2

New Insights into the Formation of Phanerozoic Continental Crust: Evidence from Metamorphosed Metabasites in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy 

Mattia Bonazzi, Davide Mariani, Samuele Agostini, Alessio Sanfilippo, and Alberto Zanetti

The Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ, western Alps) exposes an iconic middle-lower continental crustal section of the Adriatic Plate. This metamorphic sequence mainly consists mainly of metapelites/metapsammites and metabasites, with numerous lenses of metacarbonate rocks. The metamorphic grade of the crustal section increases progressively in P-T conditions, from amphibolite to granulite facies, with increasing crustal paleo-depth moving from East to West. The metamorphic overprinting renders particularly difficult determining the origin of metabasites (Leake, 1964). The amphibolite facies metabasites occur as numerous layers intercalated between siliciclastic metasediments. The mineralogical composition of metabasitesis is variable. These variations may be related to the original variability of the protolith or to interaction with surrounding metasediments and marble lenses. Despite this heterogeneity, pioneering studies identified a possible MORB signature from geochemistry (Sills & Tarney, 1984; Mazzucchelli & Siena, 1986).

In this contribution, we report new constraints on the geochemical affinity of the protoliths for all the amphibolite-facies metabasite paragenesis using major and trace elements and isotopes of the bulk rocks. To understand the primary signature of amphibolite and the metamorphic changes, we collected amphibolites from borehole 5071_1_B, drilled in Ornavasso (Val d’Ossola, Italy) in the frame of the DIVE-ICDP project (Pistone et al., 2017). We selected 13 samples representative of amphibolite sequences covering all different mineralogical parageneses, and one representative of siliciclastic metasediments. The selected metabasite samples are divided in the following four groups by mineralogy: (i) amphibolite s.s. (Amph+Cpx+Pl±Qz), (ii) garnet-bearing amphibolite, (iii) biotite-bearing amphibolite, and (iv) carbonate-rich amphibolite.

The results obtained from the characterization of bulk trace elements provide insights into the geochemical affinity of the sequence, revealing that it derives from two different protoliths with N-MORB and E-MORB affinities, respectively. Moreover, highly incompatible elements, which reflect the original signature in some samples, have been partially or totally modified by various high-temperature metamorphic events and contaminated by fluids migrating from surrounding metaterrigenous and metacarbonate lithologies. To better discriminate the original magmatic signature from the metamorphic overprinting, we used the isotopes data. The protholith signature is well-preserved in the garnet-bearing amphibolites and amphibolite s.s. by the Nd isotopes, which show a range of εNd values between 5.16 and 6.86, indicating a mantle-derived source for the parental melt that formed the amphibolite. In contrast, the 87Sr/86Sr400 (0.70492–0.71562) and 206Pb/204Pb400(18.4200–18.9536) ratios precisely track the remobilization of crustal signatures in all lithologies, reflecting the overprinting that occurred during collisional and post-collisional metamorphism.

The mineralogical evidence, in combination with trace element and geochemical data, suggests that the metabasites are volcanic sequence of rocks erupted in an extensional basin, being successively buried at ~20 km depth in the continental crust.


Leake BE (1964), J Petrol, 5, 238-254

Mazzucchelli M & Siena RC (1986), TMPM, 35, 99-116

Pistone et al. (2017), Sci Dril, 23, 47-56

Sills JD & Tarney J (1984), Tectonophysics, 107, 187-206

How to cite: Bonazzi, M., Mariani, D., Agostini, S., Sanfilippo, A., and Zanetti, A.: New Insights into the Formation of Phanerozoic Continental Crust: Evidence from Metamorphosed Metabasites in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18674,, 2025.

EGU25-19933 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.2

Deformation Mechanisms and Strain Localization in Ultramafic Rocks: Insights from the Balmuccia and Finero Peridotites, Ivrea-Verbano Zone 

Hadiseh Mansouri, Ramin Elyaszadeh, Virginia Toy, Mattia Pistone, and John Wheeler

This study investigates the deformation mechanisms of olivine in ultramafic rocks from the Balmuccia and Finero massifs in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, emphasizing the influence of dry and hydrous conditions on deformation behavior, microstructural features, and geochemical compositions. Advanced techniques, including EBSD, HR-EBSD, and EPMA, were utilized to provide detailed insights into the processes shaping these regions.

Our findings reveal significant chemical and microstructural distinctions between the Balmuccia and Finero peridotites. Olivine grains in the Balmuccia massif are smaller (~67 µm on average) and exhibit higher internal distortion. They display an A-type CPO pattern characterized by the alignment of the [100] axes with the stretching direction, the [010] axes perpendicular to the foliation plane, and the [001] axes within the foliation plane but normal to the lineation direction. The distribution of misorientation axes along the [010] direction and the alignment of Weighted Burgers Vectors (WBVs) along both [100] and [001] directions suggest the activation of both (001)<100> and (100)<001> slip systems, with the latter being more prominent in olivine grains in contact with orthopyroxene grains.

Conversely, olivine grains in the Finero massif are larger (~137 µm on average) and exhibit less internal deformation. These grains show a complex deformation history, with grain-size-dependent variations in CPO patterns. Larger grains predominantly display A-type CPO, while smaller grains exhibit a mixed B-type and A-type CPO pattern. The clustering of misorientation axes along the [001] direction in fine grains suggests the activation of the (010)<100> slip system in fine-grained olivine from Finero.

Geochemical analyses indicate that Balmuccia retains primary mantle characteristics with minimal metasomatic alteration. Spinels in this region have low Cr# (10–30) and high Al, indicative of a refractory mantle origin. In contrast, Finero samples exhibit strong evidence of metasomatism, with spinels enriched in Cr (Cr# 60–80) and TiO₂, reflecting interactions with subduction-related melts and fluids. Chemical profiles of Finero spinels show Cr enrichment and Al depletion along grain boundaries, pointing to chemical redistribution during deformation.

HR-EBSD analysis reveals that the maximum GND density in Balmuccia samples is two orders of magnitude higher than in Finero samples. In Balmuccia, areas with olivine grains in contact with orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene grains exhibit a higher frequency of subgrains with GND densities exceeding 10¹⁴ m⁻². Finero samples exhibit a relatively homogeneous stress distribution, with an average stress of approximately 24 MPa. Balmuccia samples show a more heterogeneous stress distribution. Stress maps align with GND density distribution patterns, and stress magnitudes in regions where olivine grains contact opx grains range from 3 to 4 GPa at subgrain boundaries.

We propose that Finero and Balmuccia initially experienced similar conditions at the onset of rifting. However, subsequent detachment faults amplified their divergence, displacing Finero into a foredeep position analogous to the Banda Sea foredeep and Balmuccia into a magmatic arc environment similar to the Banda Sea magmatic arc.

How to cite: Mansouri, H., Elyaszadeh, R., Toy, V., Pistone, M., and Wheeler, J.: Deformation Mechanisms and Strain Localization in Ultramafic Rocks: Insights from the Balmuccia and Finero Peridotites, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19933,, 2025.

Granitoids, being the most abundant lithologies of the Earth’s upper continental crust, are key source to study the crustal evolutionary history and the associated tectonic activities producing them. The Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) comprises various granitoid intrusions during Neoproterozoic time that caused due to the subduction-accretion-collision processes during the Gondwana supercontinental assembly. This study aims to provide the origin, basement-cover relationship between the Sankari Granite (SG) and the Basement Hornblende-Biotite Gneisses (HBG) in the Namakkal block, Southern Granulite Terrane. A detailed field study suggests that the Sankari granite occurs as small to medium isolated hills and is mostly massive, leucocratic, pegmatoidal at some places. It also shows little deformation at the marginal area due to presence of shear zone. Field study suggests that SG intrudes into the basement HBG as the SG is seen in contact with the HBG where the HBG are getting migmatised. At some places, HBG can be seen as a caught-up and engulfed fragments within the SG. This evidence suggest that the HBG are older, and SG is younger. The migmatisation of HBG at the contact with SG suggests that SG is derived from the partial melting of the basement HBG.  The petrographic study suggests that Sankari granite is composed mainly quartz, k-feldspar, plagioclase with little amount of amphibole and biotite with minor accessory phases like calcite, apatite and Fe-Ti oxide. Mineralogically, it falls into monzo-granite, alkali feldspar granite to granite in the QAP diagram. A whole rock major element chemistry suggests that all the samples fall into the granite field and alkali to alkali-calcicferroan to peraluminous in nature. Trace element study suggests that SG is poorly enriched in REE (∑REE = 18.41–52.62 ppm) and show slight flat pattern with negative europium anomalies (EuN/EuN = 0.75–2, av. 2.21) on average. It shows enrichment of Rb, Th, U and depleted Ti, Sr, P, Eu anomalies which is the characteristic of A-type granite (David and Chappell 1992). The Zircon U-Pb age of SG suggests it’s emplacement age of 559.1 ± 3.5 Ma (Glorie et al., 2014) which is younger than the HBG. The overall study suggests the emplacement of Sankari Granite, which is a A-type granite, during Neoproterozoic time by partial melting of basement Hornblende-Biotite Gneisses prior the amalgamation of early stage of Gondwana supercontinental assembly.

How to cite: Nema, S. and D'Souza, J.: Neoproterozoic A-type granite magmatism in the Southern Granulite Terrane, India: Constrain on the Genesis and Basement- Cover relationship, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20129,, 2025.

EGU25-20389 | Orals | GD6.2

Probing deep 3D to 4D lithospheric architecture: Based on magmatic big data 

Tao Wang, He Huang, Yuanchuna Zheng, Liqiang Yang, Bo Xu, Jianjun Zhang, Zengqian Hou, Jiyuan Yin, Chaoyang Wang, Xuewei Bao, Ying Tong, and Xiaosan Zhu

The lithospheric deep architecture is generally uncovered through two primary avenues: geophysical exploration and the analysis of xenoliths. This article endeavors to construct an approach to lithospheric deep architecture through an investigation of magmatism based on big data. Our approach leverages rock probes and multi-isotopic mapping of igneous rocks, complemented by a synthesis of geophysical exploration and experimental simulations. We introduce several studies that have applied isotopic mapping (Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb) in conjunction with geophysical data to delineate the spatial distribution of juvenile, ancient, and reworked components within the deep lithosphere. The results demonstrate the consistency and effectiveness of the multi-isotopic systems in tracing deep materials and the correspondence between the isotopic mapping and geophysical investigation results.

The application of this methodology to various geological settings, such as the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (an accretionary orogen), the Tibetan Plateau (a collisional orogen), and the North China and Yangtze cratons, has yielded promising results. These outcomes highlight the significant potential of our approach. The achievements illustrate that our methodological system is adept at deciphering the three-dimensional material architecture of the lithosphere and its four-dimensional evolutionary narrative. This capability opens new avenues for the investigation of the deep lithosphere, offering insights that were previously inaccessible. Our methodological system enhances our understanding of the lithospheric architecture.

Key words: Magmatic rock; rock probe; isotopic mapping; deep compositional architecture.

How to cite: Wang, T., Huang, H., Zheng, Y., Yang, L., Xu, B., Zhang, J., Hou, Z., Yin, J., Wang, C., Bao, X., Tong, Y., and Zhu, X.: Probing deep 3D to 4D lithospheric architecture: Based on magmatic big data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20389,, 2025.

In the past decades, the comprehension of major geodynamic processes has mostly been dominated by computational and numerical models, with researchers generally avoiding the usage of analytical methods. The main reason for the latter lies in the fact that geodynamic systems and processes can be very challenging, and sometimes even impossible, to model analytically due to their high complexity and unknown factor. However, with the proper assumptions, the processes can be simplified in a way that analytical approaches can be utilized to model the occurring phenomenon, without compromising accuracy and realism. Overall, a subject that has been studied by various researchers, and as a result a great number of computational models have been proposed in the last two decades, is the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor gravitational instability in the interface between the subducting plate and the flowing mantle. This instability is induced by the density contrast between the two aforementioned layers, and particularly the fact that a denser fluid, in this case the flowing mantle, overlies a lighter fluid, the subducting plate. It has been illustrated that overtime with the development of the instability, characteristic plume-like shapes are formed that enter the hot flowing mantle and at some point even detach completely from the subducting plate. These plumes are then subjected to high, or even ultra high, pressure and temperature conditions making them newly formed metamorphic rocks that at some point in time are likely to get exhumed. The initiation and early development of the above discussed phenomenon was modeled in the present work by using linearised Navier-Stokes equations for two viscous fluids, with different density and viscosity values. From this analytical approach a basic methodology is proposed, capable of estimating the required growth rate of the instability in its early stages and also the critical wavelength, after which the plume is considered to have been fully formed and probably even detached from the plate. Additionally, the introduced function for the amplitude of the instability was correlated with the detachment potential of the plume from the downgoing plate. Furthermore, the proposed model was applied to the subduction setting of the Mediterranean ridge, located south of the island of Crete. Lastly, macroscopic observations from the broader Hellenides region were employed, by mostly examining the existing literature, to ascertain whether any such metamorphic rocks had indeed surfaced, thus confirming their exhumation.  

How to cite: Papadomarkakis, D. and Frousiou, M.-S.: An analytical approach for modeling the initiation and early development of the Rayleigh-Taylor gravitational instability in subduction settings , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-163,, 2025.

EGU25-3791 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

Numerical modeling of deformation associated with seamounts subduction.Implications for the seismic cycle. 

Alexis Gauthier, Nadaya Cubas, and Laetitia Le Pourhiet

Subduction zones are frequently affected by the subduction of seamounts (Wessel et al., 2010). Numerous studies have proposed that seamount subduction could significantly influence the seismic cycle of subduction zones (Wang & Bilek, 2014). In recent years, seamounts have been increasingly linked to the induction of fluid overpressures that trigger shallow slow slip events (SSEs) (Saffer & Wallace, 2015), contributing to the aseismic behavior of subduction zones.

However, rigorously establishing a connection between the seismic cycle and seamount subduction remains challenging due to the limited availability of observations. Identifying subducted seamounts is particularly difficult: seismic reflection methods are limited to depths of a few kilometers, while gravimetric techniques rely on inverse modeling, which introduces substantial uncertainties.

In this study, we performed numerical simulations to investigate the deformations associated with multiple seamount subductions in accretionary wedges. Our objective is to improve our understanding of the relationship between seamounts and the seismic cycle by:

  • Determining new structural criteria to better locate seamounts along mega-thrusts, thereby increasing the number of observations of wedges deformed by seamounts.
  • Providing mechanical constraints on the link between the seismic cycle and the subduction of seamounts.

We used the pTatin2d thermo-mechanical code (May et al., 2014, 2015), considering lithospheric flexure and surface processes (Jourdon et al., 2018). Our simulations explored variations in basal friction, seamount size, and lithospheric elastic thickness.

We showed that, contrary to previous thought (Wang & Bilek, 2014; Ruh et al., 2016), seamounts can be cut off during their subduction. This primarily depends on their size, as only smaller seamounts can be cut off. More surprisingly, it also depends on the timing of the seamount's arrival at the deformation front relative to the backthrust-forethrust succession.

The tectonic structures of the wedge are strongly influenced by the deformation mode of the seamount. If it is cut off, the structural inheritances of the wedge are preserved, with slices and basins that reflect past seamount subductions. If it is not cut off, gravitational collapse occurs. Additionally, the structural inheritances are not preserved but deformed during seamount burial. Only the structures associated with the subduction of the most recent seamount remain visible, consisting of a basin, a slice, and mass transport deposits at the surface.

We also investigated the stress state within the wedge. Once cut off, seamounts have no influence on the stress state. On the other hand, non-cut off seamounts induce significant tectonic overpressure landward and underpressure seaward (Ruh et al., 2016). Landward of the seamount, an undeformed sediment zone is identified (Wang et al., 2021). This zone is favorable for fluid burial since it is not drained by faults. Additionally, the horizontal orientation of the principal stresses is also favorable for the buildup of fluid overpressure (Sibson, 1990), which may induce SSE nucleation (Leeman et al., 2018). This study provides mechanical explanations for the observations of shallow SSEs landward of seamounts, as observed at Hikurangi (Bell et al., 2014; Barker et al., 2018;  Todd et al., 2018) and Nankai (Takemura et al., 2023).

How to cite: Gauthier, A., Cubas, N., and Le Pourhiet, L.: Numerical modeling of deformation associated with seamounts subduction.Implications for the seismic cycle., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3791,, 2025.

EGU25-4246 | Posters on site | NH2.8

Brittle behaviour and petrologic change of the subducting oceanic lithosphere 

Marco Scambelluri, Giovanni Toffol, Enrico Cannaò, Donato Belmonte, Nicola Campomenosi, Serena Cacciari, and Giorgio Pennacchioni

Metamorphism causes major changes in the mineralogy and rheology of the lithosphere. However, without coupled deformation and fluid flow, the unaltered lithosphere remains long time stiff and metastable, thus sustaining large differential stresses. This is relevant to subduction of oceanic lithosphere, where fluid presence vs absence affects seismicity and eclogitization. The subduction-zone behavior of hydrated oceanic slabs has been deeply studied in the recent years; differently, the unaltered lithosphere from the inner slab is much less known, though italso hosts earthquakes and its eclogitization can drive the slab pull.

Aim of this contribution is providing field-based evidence of the main structural and metamorphic changes affecting the dry portions of subducting oceanic slabs. The ophiolitic gabbro-peridotite of the Lanzo Massif (W. Alps) largely escaped Alpine subduction metamorphism due to poor oceanic hydration. This made these rocks dry, stiff asperities in the subduction complex, which locally developed pseudotachylytebearing faults and widespread meso- to micro-faulting at intermediate-depth depths. In the field, thin, flat-lying metric faults cause centimetre-scale offsets of gabbro dykes: such faults contain sub micrometric “annealed” ultracataclasite of fresh olivine and pyroxene locally overgrown by secondary chlorite. Cataclastic plagioclase is progressively altered into high-pressure zoisite + paragonite up to become the most intensively eclogitized mineral domain in the studied samples. The fault planes thus developed at dry conditions in the olivine stability field; localized fluid access promoted fault hydration and massive plagioclase replacement by high-pressure assemblages. By means of LA-ICP-MS element trace analyses, we also identified the internal redistribution of fluid-mobile elements. This implies that the subduction zone eclogitization of the slab mantle is triggered by fluid access along pervasive fault discontinuities and reactive minerals. The faulted Lanzo lithospheric mantle can represent slab domains affected by minor slip events and close to areas of faulting and pseudotachylyte formation during major earthquakes.

How to cite: Scambelluri, M., Toffol, G., Cannaò, E., Belmonte, D., Campomenosi, N., Cacciari, S., and Pennacchioni, G.: Brittle behaviour and petrologic change of the subducting oceanic lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4246,, 2025.

EGU25-5330 | Posters on site | NH2.8

Lithospheric structure of the Fiordland plutonic block controls the transition from transpression to subduction along the southwestern New Zealand plate boundary 

Donna Eberhart-Phillips, Sandra Bourguignon, Cedric De Meyer, Calum Chamberlain, and Jack Williams

In southwestern Zealandia, the plate boundary transitions from the Puysegur oblique subduction zone to the 600-km long transpressive Alpine Fault and Southern Alps uplift zone.  Utilizing abundant earthquake observations, we construct a 3D seismic velocity model to 130-km depth that demonstrates that the strong lithosphere of the Fiordland block defines the character of deformation along the plate boundary zone.  Highly oblique convergence combined with the relatively-weak young Puysegur slab enables sharp slab bending as it is translated northward around the Fiordland block. 

The Fiordland block contains plutonic rock from the 500-100 Ma Gondwana Cordillera, and its Grebe shear zone is a long-lived boundary, with a geochemically indicated Precambrian lithospheric keel underlying the Eastern Domain.  The Grebe shear zone is imaged as a boundary to 80-km depth, with Eastern Domain lithosphere abutting the deeper Australian slab, where it bends to vertical below 75-km depth.  Western Fiordland Orthogneiss lower crust, uplifted in the Miocene along reactivated shear zones, is imaged as a rigid/strong high-velocity feature pushed up above the 30-70-km depth Australian slab. In the crust, seismicity is distributed from the offshore Alpine Fault to eastern Fiordland, with partitioning along various structures including reactivated shear zones.

In southernmost Fiordland, south of Dusky Sound, the Puysegur slab maintains its moderately dipping subduction continuous with its offshore extent, and the overlying Pacific plate shows moderate seismic velocity material with the deep keel located further east than the slab.  In northern Fiordland, the impacting Pacific lithospheric base has an additional strong component, with Cretaceous underplated Hikurangi igneous plateau. This collision further steepens the young Australian slab which exhibits abundant deep seismicity 70-150-km depth. Overlying the deep vertical slab, our model suggests crustal thickening between the George Sound and Indecision Creek shear zones with exhumed high-velocity orthogneiss (Vp~6.5 km/s) overlying mid-crustal Vp of ~6.0 km/s.

How to cite: Eberhart-Phillips, D., Bourguignon, S., De Meyer, C., Chamberlain, C., and Williams, J.: Lithospheric structure of the Fiordland plutonic block controls the transition from transpression to subduction along the southwestern New Zealand plate boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5330,, 2025.

EGU25-8755 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

New Geochronological Results from Glaucophane bearing Metabasalts and Metadacites from the Nan - Uttaradit mafic-ultramafic complex, NE-Thailand 

Pornchanit Sawasdee, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, John E. Booth, Etienne Skrzypek, Daniela Gallhofer, and Zsolt Benko

The Nan – Uttaradit mafic-ultramafic complex, associated with which are two outcrops of epidote blueschists, forms the linear core of the Nan back-arc basin. We have also found, as float, higher grade blue amphibole – garnet gneisses and white mica – garnet schists, from which we report newly obtained U-Pb zircon and allanite protolith ages, with K/Ar metamorphic ages from phengitic white micas.

The two outcrops of epidote blueschists are some 130 km apart; in the stream Huai Sak, 20 km east of Nan Noi town, and along a mountain ridge just north of highway 102, some 15 km west of Uttaradit city. The gneiss float samples were found in the stream Huai Phi Rong, 1 km east of Huai Sak, and on point bars of the Wa river east of Mae Charim town.

The blueschists, commonly retrogressed to greenschists, have the mineral assemblage Gln/Rbk/Act – Ep – Chl – Ph – Ab – Qz ± Ttn ± Rt ± Ilm ± Hem. Whole-rock geochemistry points towards basic igneous protoliths of tholeiitic affinity. The gneisses are coarse grained, with garnets up to 1 cm diameter. They have mineral assemblages Grt + Gln/Rbk/Win + Ep + Ph + Chl + Qz ± Stp ± Ap ± Ttn ± Rt ± Zrc. Geochemistry indicates dacite to andesite protoliths of calc-alkaline affinity.

Zircons large enough to analyse have been found only in the gneisses and garnet – white mica schists. They are euhedral to subhedral grains, 30 to 100 μm in length, with magmatic oscillatory zoning. U–Pb isotopic compositions of zircons from 11 samples were obtained using LA-(MC)ICP-MS. There are no indications of metamorphic rims, with all ages in the range 330 to 310 Ma. One sample also contained an older cluster around 360 Ma. Allanite, of magmatic origin, occurs in metabasites and gneisses as euhedral to subhedral grains, 100 to 400 μm in length, some with metamict cores and patchy zoning. U-Pb analysis by LA-MC- ICP-MS constrains their ages to 340 – 320 Ma, in good agreement with the zircon dates.

To determine the age of the HPLT event that affected these rocks, white micas and amphiboles were separated from five samples for K/Ar dating. Mineral inhomogeneity means that no reliable ages were obtained from the amphiboles, which will now be dated using the Ar/Ar method. However, two phengitic white mica samples gave consistent ages of ~327 and ~317 Ma.

It is concluded that subduction of the Nan basin was ongoing by the mid Carboniferous, with some igneous rocks being subducted very soon after emplacement. Further, if the Nan basin is indeed a back arc basin formed by rifting off the Sukhothai terrane from Indochina, then the precursor volcanic arc must have been formed at least in the Early Carboniferous and more likely in the Late Devonian. It is notable that the subduction of the Nan basin began at least some 100 my before the first recognized events of the Indosinian orogeny, which occurred around the end of the Middle Triassic.

How to cite: Sawasdee, P., Hauzenberger, C. A., Booth, J. E., Skrzypek, E., Gallhofer, D., and Benko, Z.: New Geochronological Results from Glaucophane bearing Metabasalts and Metadacites from the Nan - Uttaradit mafic-ultramafic complex, NE-Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8755,, 2025.

The Nankai subduction zone in Southwest Japan is vulnerable to megathrust earthquakes posing a significant risk to the infrastructure and population it accommodates. This region has gained recent interest after the Hyuga-nada earthquake on 8th August 2024, because a megathrust earthquake, which has not occurred for the last 80 years despite its cycle known as 100 – 150 years, can be triggered by the event. Understanding earthquake mechanisms can mitigate the potential damage. The frictional condition at the plate interface is one of the key factors in estimating the location and magnitude of the potential megathrust earthquake. A previous study used numerical modelling that includes frictional heat to find the best apparent friction coefficient (μ') to explain the observed seafloor heat flow. However, hydrothermal circulation (HC) was not considered in this previous model although it significantly affects the thermal structure and the seafloor heat flow by redistributing heat energy. Therefore, we conducted numerical modelling that includes HC to find μ' values for the two subduction zones known for high risks of potential megathrust earthquakes – the Nankai and Tohoku (Northeast Japan) subduction zones. The results show that a wide range of μ' (0.00 – 0.30 and 0.00 – 0.12 for the Nankai and Tohoku subduction zones, respectively) can explain the observed seafloor heat flow depending on the vigour and extent of HC. This indicates that μ' cannot be constrained using heat flow observations before the evolution of the aquifer permeability is understood. Here, we suggest that the age of the oceanic crust and bending-induced faulting play a crucial role in the evolution of the aquifer permeability, resulting in a slowly decreasing permeability. Therefore, to better understand the frictional condition within a subduction zone, various fields of research – magnetic and seismological surveys, field and laboratory measurements, etc. – should work together as well as computational modelling.

How to cite: Han, D., Lee, C., and Nichols, C.: Importance of understanding the evolution of crustal permeability for the apparent friction coefficients in Japanese subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8793,, 2025.

EGU25-9520 | ECS | Orals | NH2.8

Arc migration driven by subduction dynamics: a possible origin for the Chon Aike magmatic province 

Jorge Sanhueza-Soto, Joaquín Bastias-Silva, and Jesús Muñoz-Montecinos

The spatial-temporal evolution of volcanic arcs provides valuable insights into the deep melting processes occurring in the mantle wedge. The dehydration of the subducting slab is key because these fluids directly affect the melting temperatures of the mantle wedge. Fluids in this region (partial melts and released fluids from the slab) migrate to the corner of the wedge, where pressure/temperature conditions are optimal for magma production. Changes in the locus of the volcanic arc can be thus related to the position or changes in the physicochemical properties of the mantle wedge at depths, which is drastically dependent on subduction dynamics in time. The dip of the subducting slab is one of the key factors affecting the relative location of the mantle wedge, which can migrate the volcanic arc several hundreds of kilometers into the continent during flat slabs periods. However, the transition to a normal subduction angle or even processes such as slab break-off will migrate the mantle wedge, and the volcanic arc, to the trench and potentially generating large magmatic provinces in the lifespan of an active margin.

The scope of this preliminary study is to track the location of the magmatic arc in time driven by different subduction styles (e.g., low/high angle subduction, slab break-off) and the generation of magmatic provinces in the continent. We conducted a series of 2D geodynamics models using the code I2ELVIS feeded with ad hoc thermodynamic pseudosection modelling with the Perple_X software, to reproduce different subduction angles and the transition between them. The timings and mechanisms of the arc migration is applied to the well-documented exposure of Jurassic igneous rocks along the Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia in the Chon Aike magmatic province. Recent debate postulates an active margin origin of these rocks, which is supported by geochemical signatures of typical slab-dehydration reactions and a mixed magmatic source that resided in the continental crust. Even though, the subduction dynamics are not constrained, the location and age of these rocks suggest several episodes of arc migration during the Jurassic, making this an exceptional study case to understanding the mechanisms of arc migration and the role of subduction dynamics.

Preliminary results of our modelling tracked the position of the mantle wedge by the presence of partial melts and the maximum depth of dehydration of the subducting slab. Explored scenarios consisted on periods of flat slab subduction triggered by the subduction of aseismic ridges and the return to a normal subduction. During the flat slab period, we also tested the generation of slab break-off, which induced local mantle upwelling and melting. Finally, we expect to reproduce the magmatic history of Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia in the Jurassic to support the active margin hypothesis for the generation of the Chon Aike magmatic province.

How to cite: Sanhueza-Soto, J., Bastias-Silva, J., and Muñoz-Montecinos, J.: Arc migration driven by subduction dynamics: a possible origin for the Chon Aike magmatic province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9520,, 2025.

EGU25-11648 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

Numerical simulations of gravitational perturbations due to pre-seismic deep slab deformations before the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake 

Rajesh Parla, Isabelle Panet, Hom Nath Gharti, Roland Martin, Dominique Remy, and Bastien Plazolles

The numerical simulation of gravity perturbations associated with deep slab deformations during the seismic cycle of great subduction earthquakes remains a significant challenge. This study presents a novel approach for simulating gravity anomalies induced by short-term slab deformations using the Spectral-Infinite-Element (SIE) method, implemented in the SPECFEM-X tool. Geodynamic models involving different fault settings are developed within a realistic 3D earth structure. The simulation includes a layer of infinite boundary elements surrounding the models in order to mimic a semi-infinite extent of the domain. Sensitivity analyses are carried out to assess the influence of the fault slip parameters (magnitude, mechanism, and location) as well as the density and velocity structure. The approach is first validated through synthetic benchmarks and then applied to a real-world scenario of the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake. For this case, we design a 3D Earth model, incorporating a realistic Pacific slab in the region of the earthquake, and calculate the gravity anomalies induced by a sudden episode of slab extension, which is hypothesized to have occurred months before the rupture. The modelled gravity changes due to these pre-seismic deformations are compared with GRACE satellite gravity observations. This work highlights the importance of numerical simulations in satellite gravimetry and geodesy, offering new insights into the deformation processes that may result in gravity anomalies during the seismic cycle.

How to cite: Parla, R., Panet, I., Gharti, H. N., Martin, R., Remy, D., and Plazolles, B.: Numerical simulations of gravitational perturbations due to pre-seismic deep slab deformations before the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11648,, 2025.

EGU25-12332 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

Spatial extent of deep slab slicing events: Insights from the Phyllite-Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex (SE-Peloponnese and Kythira, Greece) 

Maïlys Bouhot, Armel Menant, Clément Ganino, Samuel Angiboust, Onno Oncken, Damien Deldicque, Laurent Jolivet, and Nikolaos Skarpelis

The massive transfer of material at depth significantly influences the long-term morphology of active subduction zones. However, the process of basal accretion (or tectonic underplating), when active, remains challenging to observe directly, due to the low resolution of geophysical imaging at high depth and the lack of spatial and temporal constraints on its tectonic and topographic signature in fore-arc domains. To tackle this issue, we aim at constraining the size of accreted tectonic slices that were stacked at high pressure/low temperature (HP/LT) conditions to build an accretionary complex.

To provide such constraints, we carried out a multidisciplinary study on the now-exhumed Phyllite Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex dated to the Oligo-Miocene, which crops out discontinuously along the active Hellenic subduction zone (Greece). This natural laboratory represents a key site for studying deep accretion processes as it remains in a fore-arc position and has not undergone a strong overprinting by later tectonic events.

A petro-structural study was therefore undertaken to identify the different sub-units of the Phyllite Quartzite complex. Detailed mapping of Kythira and southeastern Peloponnese, combined with structural measurements, petrological observations, Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material, and thermobarometric modeling, revealed several tectono-metamorphic sub-units forming this nappe stack. These units are distinguished by their petrological characteristics, the orientation of finite deformation markers, and their pressure-temperature history.

The results highlight two HP/LT sub-units in southeastern Peloponnese, which are also likely present on the island of Kythira, where one or two additional sub-units have been identified. These sub-units exhibit a distinct metamorphic evolution characterized by an increasing peak temperature from the base to the top of the HP/LT nappe stack. These observations suggest that the Phyllite-Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex was formed through a minimum of three successive episodes of basal accretion in this area. To better constrain the geometry of these units, spatial correlations with the neighboring regions where the nappe stack crops out are proposed, providing a minimum estimate of the size of the HP/LT units. The slices are estimated to measure tens of kilometers by hundreds of kilometers in the trench-perpendicular and trench-parallel directions, respectively. This study thus represents a first key step for constraining the characteristic size and the dynamics of tectonic underplating, which may still be active along the Hellenic margin and is observed in many active subduction zones worldwide.

How to cite: Bouhot, M., Menant, A., Ganino, C., Angiboust, S., Oncken, O., Deldicque, D., Jolivet, L., and Skarpelis, N.: Spatial extent of deep slab slicing events: Insights from the Phyllite-Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex (SE-Peloponnese and Kythira, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12332,, 2025.

EGU25-12831 | Orals | NH2.8

Fault rheology near the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone: new insights from microstructural and geochemical studies in fault cores from the Kodiak Central Belt, Alaska 

Hugues Raimbourg, Kristijan Rajič, Vincent Famin, Donald M. Fisher, Kristin Morell, and Ida Di Carlo

Geophysical evidence of high fluid pressures and the presence of fluidized microstructures provide two independent arguments supporting the existence of fluid-like materials within the core of slipping fault zones of the crust. The nature of these materials varies depending on the specific case, including H2O-rich fluid, ultra-comminuted rock, and melt formed after frictional slip. The persistence of such fluid-like materials over several episodes of slip is questionable, because high fluid pressures may decrease after slip and associated host-rock damage, while frictional melts solidify almost instantaneously.

To shed light on this issue, we investigated several fault zones from the Kodiak Central Belt, Alaska, which were active under peak metamorphic conditions (3.0 ± 0.4 kbar, 320 ± 20 °C). At outcrop scale, these faults cut across metamorphosed turbidites and extend for tens of meters, with fault cores up to 5 cm of thickness. Their kinematics indicate a top-to-the-SE motion, consistent with the main deformation stage in the Kodiak Central Belt. Injections of the core material into dm-long cracks in the host rock, perpendicular to the main slip plane, are locally present.

At thin section-scale, the fault cores show a multilayered structure, indicative of multiple slip events. The microstructures of these layers are variable, including cataclasites with clasts of various size surrounded by a quartz-rich cement, as well as quartz or calcite veins. The fault slip surfaces, within layers dominated by quartz, are underlined by aligned micrometric chlorite and titanium-rich inclusions.

The cement is to a large extent composed of idiomorphic quartz crystals that exhibit successive growth increments, highlighted by rims of micrometric chlorite inclusions. These chlorite inclusions share the same composition as the larger grains forming the metamorphic foliation of the host rock. The growth history of idiomorphic quartz crystals is further revealed by sharp variations in the concentration in Al, accompanied by corresponding changes in cathodoluminescence intensity. Most crystals display isotropic growth microstructures, indicating that the crystal growth occurred without steric constraints or application of a significant deviatoric stresses. Additionally, crack-seal microstructures formed in a dilatation jog along a microfault slip plane show similarly cyclical variations in Al content of the quartz cement.

These microstructures indicate that quartz crystal growth spanned multiple slip events and occurred under variable physico-chemical conditions, which influenced the differential incorporation of Al and solid inclusions into the quartz. The geometry of the growth microstructures suggests that the density and viscosity of the fluid were sufficiently high to prevent the crystals from settling down by gravity during their growth. Based on these observations, we propose that the fault core remained predominantly in a fluid state over multiple slip cycles, with viscosity variations resulting primarily from the progressive growth of crystals within the fluid. This mechanical behavior, characterized by persistently low viscosity, may correspond to the sequence of repeated slow-slip events observed in subduction zones.

How to cite: Raimbourg, H., Rajič, K., Famin, V., Fisher, D. M., Morell, K., and Di Carlo, I.: Fault rheology near the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone: new insights from microstructural and geochemical studies in fault cores from the Kodiak Central Belt, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12831,, 2025.

EGU25-13515 | Posters on site | NH2.8

XRF Core Scanning Based Chemostratigraphic Correlation for Paleoseismology in the Central Japan Trench 

Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang, Jun-Ting Lin, Ken Ikehara, and Michael Strasser

Megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones, such as the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake, are rare but pose significant threats to society. Their long recurrence intervals and limited historical records make reconstructing recurrence models challenging. The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 addressed this by recovering over 800 meters of sediment cores from 11 trench-fill basins along the Japan Trench, providing a unique opportunity to extend paleo-earthquake records. Despite this, achieving reliable spatiotemporal correlations of event deposits remains a complex task. Here we show that high-resolution chemostratigraphic correlations using X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanning (XRF-CS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Cluster Analysis (CA) effectively link event deposits across cores M0083D and M0089D in the northern basin and M0090D in the southern basin of the central Japan Trench. We identify eight event deposits in the northern basin, characterized by higher Ca and Sr with upward-decreasing trends, or elevated Si, Rb, and K without such trends, indicating distinct compositional differences and depositional processes of the turbidity currents. Across basins, M0090D deposits exhibit consistent clustering with M0089D but differ in internal structures and elemental trends, suggesting spatially similar sediment sources but varying erosion and transport mechanisms. Temporal chemical variations further suggest surficial sediment remobilization, rather than landslides, as the dominant trigger for turbidity currents, as it transports slope material that evolves compositionally over time. This insight reinforces the reliability of chemostratigraphy for event-stratigraphic correlation. Moreover, the spatial distribution of event deposits further highlights potential rupture areas and turbidity current pathways. Southward thinning of high Si, Rb, and K deposits suggests a northern source, while thicker Ca and Sr deposits in the southern core may imply a southern rupture zone. These findings establish a robust chemostratigraphic framework, enhancing our understanding of paleo-earthquake dynamics along the Japan Trench. The approach provides a valuable tool for reconstructing earthquake histories in other subduction zones, contributing to global paleoseismology research.

How to cite: Huang, J.-J. S., Lin, J.-T., Ikehara, K., and Strasser, M.: XRF Core Scanning Based Chemostratigraphic Correlation for Paleoseismology in the Central Japan Trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13515,, 2025.

Slow slip events (SSEs) are the slowest type of discrete slip within the full spectrum of fault-slip behaviors and have been confirmed by both geodetic (e.g., Dragert et al., 2001) and laboratory data (e.g., Ikari, 2019). They have attracted considerable attention due to their mutual interaction with earthquake processes, and multiple approaches have been employed to investigate different aspects of SSEs. Here, we present a study that combines laboratory friction experiments and numerical modeling to explore the mechanisms of SSEs observed through geodetic and borehole data.

We conducted velocity-stepping friction experiments on intact core samples retrieved from the major reverse fault zones of the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan. These experiments were performed under both in-situ effective stress conditions and at 10 MPa, with slip velocities ranging from 1.6 nm/s (plate tectonic driving rates) to 30 μm/s. Our results reveal that fault zone samples transition from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening behavior as slip velocities increase, and some rate-and-state friction (RSF) parameters exhibit a dependence on sliding velocity. Numerical models (Zhang and Ikari, 2024) using velocity-dependent RSF parameters, constrained by our experimental data, successfully replicate SSEs comparable to those observed in the Nankai Trough (Araki et al., 2017; Yokota and Ishikawa, 2020) by assuming fault patches at depth ranges and sizes consistent with observational data. In contrast, models based on non-transitional frictional behavior (constant RSF parameters) or near-neutral stability (constant RSF parameters with extremely small velocity weakening) generate slip events that are several orders of magnitude faster than observed SSEs. We therefore propose that the transitional frictional behavior with increasing slip velocity is a key mechanism of shallow SSEs in the Nankai Trough.

Our study demonstrates that laboratory data obtained from centimeter-scale samples can be used to predict the frictional behavior of real faults on the scale of tens of kilometers. By integrating methodologies from multiple disciplines, we can achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics governing fault slip behavior.

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Ikari, M.: Laboratory Friction Experiments and Modeling Reveal the Mechanism of Shallow Slow Slip Events Observed in the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13950,, 2025.

EGU25-17027 | Posters on site | NH2.8

Diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphy in the vicinity of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake source fault: IODP Hole 343-C0019E of JFAST 

Masao Iwai, Isao Motoyama, Weiren Lin, Reishi Takashima, Yasuhiro Yamada, Minori Hagino, and Nobuhisa Eguchi

The frontal prism in the Japan Trench on the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0, March 11, 2011) rupture zone had been drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expeditions 343 and 343T. We investigated fossil diatoms and to determine age constraints on the cored sediments and reveal the behavior of sediment deformation history. Although diatoms and radiolarians abundances are varied in samples from common to rare with poor to moderate preservation in studied sediments, general biostratigraphic schemes in the North Pacific are applicable and well constrain the age of those sediments, except samples from fault clay in which fossils were barren. These results suggest that there are three large stratigraphic gaps at ~830 mbsf between the Cretaceous chert and the upper Miocene pelagic clay, at ~820 mbsf between the upper Miocene and the Pliocene-Quaternary, and at ~670 mbsf between the upper Miocene and the Pliocene-Quaternary. The former likely represents a hiatus or unconformity derived by tectonic erosion just above the incoming Pacific Plate, and the latter two correspond to an injection of material above the plate boundary fault due to increasing of volcanic activity in the NE Japan arc after 8 Ma. The Upper Miocene pelagic sequence below the plate boundary décollement comprises reversed stratigraphy, suggesting deformation by thrusting, slumping, folding etc.

How to cite: Iwai, M., Motoyama, I., Lin, W., Takashima, R., Yamada, Y., Hagino, M., and Eguchi, N.: Diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphy in the vicinity of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake source fault: IODP Hole 343-C0019E of JFAST, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17027,, 2025.

EGU25-17113 | ECS | Orals | NH2.8

Syn-collisional exhumation of eclogites at the E margin of the Adula nappe (San Bernardino pass area, S Switzerland) 

Chiara Montemagni, Riccardo Monti, Nadia Malaspina, Paola Vannucchi, and Stefano Zanchetta

The Adula nappe in the Central Alps is composed of metamorphic rocks, primarily orthogneiss of pre-Permian magmatic age and paragneiss. Ultramafic and mafic (U)HP lenses are preserved in the structurally upper portions of the unit, as well as within the Cima Lunga subunit.

The Adula nappe is sandwiched between non-eclogitic Sub-Penninic nappes derived from the distal European margin below and non-eclogitic Middle Penninic nappes (Tambò and Suretta) derived from the pre-Permian basement and Mesozoic cover of the Briançonnais terrane above. The tectonic contact between the Adula and Tambò nappes occurs along a complex shear zone (Pescion and Misox zones), comprising tectonic slices of Adula-derived gneisses, dolomitic marbles, cargneule, micaschists, calcschists, and greenschists. NNW-directed nappe stacking of the Adula, Tambò, and Suretta units occurred with pervasive mylonitic shearing, evidenced by penetrative NNW stretching lineations across all units.

The current structural frame and the metamorphic gap between the (U)HP Adula nappe and the eclogite-free Tambò and Suretta nappes require a normal-sense shear zone. This shear zone facilitated the exhumation of the Adula nappe, accommodating the pressure gap between the Adula and overlying units during the tectonic evolution of the Central Alps.

We documented the occurrence of this shear zone between the top of the Adula nappe and the bottom of the Misox zone in the San Bernardino Pass area (Switzerland). The zone is primarily developed within orthogneisses of the Adula nappe and eclogite-hosting paragneiss layers at its upper boundary. Here, the NNW stretching lineation (quartz + white mica + biotite) is overprinted by a NE- to SE-directed secondary lineation, marked by quartz + white mica, in the orthogneiss, associated with top-to-E shear. Structural analysis reveals that the mylonitic lineation (omphacite ± quartz)  in eclogitic boudins is consistently rotated relative to the host rock, suggesting that eclogitic blocks underwent relative rotation during shearing, and that their mylonitic foliation predates the top-to-E shearing.

The metamorphic peak conditions of the eclogites (omphacite + garnet + phengite + clinozoisite + kyanite + Na-amphibole) are constrained at ~2.0–2.1 GPa and 520–645 °C.  Syn-kinematic phengite along the foliation dated through the 40Ar/39Ar method yielded ages of 37–39 Ma. Across the mylonitic orthogneiss of the shear zone, 40Ar/39Ar ages show an eastward younging trend from ~37 Ma at the base to ~29 Ma at the top (eclogite-bearing zone). This progression is consistent with top-to-E normal shearing initiated shortly after the HP metamorphic conditions recorded by the eclogite lenses.

How to cite: Montemagni, C., Monti, R., Malaspina, N., Vannucchi, P., and Zanchetta, S.: Syn-collisional exhumation of eclogites at the E margin of the Adula nappe (San Bernardino pass area, S Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17113,, 2025.

We analyze the evolution of the interplate earthquake rate along the Japan Trench following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Nearly 14 years of aftershock activity allows to constrain with good accuracy how the rate relaxes after an initial jump, and how this relaxation depends on location, and most notably on depth. We find that specific intermediate depth areas display very little relaxation, i.e., that the rate of earthquake post-2011 stays constant at an elevated rate throughout the >10 years. This behaviour is specific to small, isolated areas, that tend to host repeating earthquakes, and that are located within the (large) GPS-inverted afterslip zone. The relaxation is found to be faster, tending to a classical Omori-like type, when averaging over larger areas. Our observations suggest that (1) afterslip kinematics following the 2011 megathrust is highly spatially dependent (showing significant variability at the kilometric scale), (2) that the usually accepted 1/t afterslip relaxation is only valid when averaged over large areas, (3) that the relaxation can be very slow in areas characterized by small, isolated asperities, in the transition zone between the locked updip fault and the deeper fault where no interplate activity is observed. This overall trend can be seen as caused by the stress-‘screening’ of rapidly healing asperities at shallow depth that cause the post-seismic deformation to quickly relax, while the slip rate / deformation remains nearly stationnary when moving away from these asperities.

How to cite: Marsan, D. and Gardonio, B.: Aftershock activity following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake suggests near-stationnary afterslip rate at depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17524,, 2025.

EGU25-18629 | ECS | Orals | NH2.8

Identifying tsunamigenic megathrust events in the Japan Trench through sedimentary biomarkers 

Piero Bellanova, Sara Trotta, Morgane Brunet, Natascha Riedinger, Christian März, Troy Rasbury, Martin Koelling, Rui Bao, Min Luo, Michael Strasser, Ken Ikehara, and Klaus Reicherter

The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake highlighted substantial deficiencies in our understanding and an underestimation of the hazard potential of megathrust earthquakes and their cascading effects, including tsunamis. Offshore deep-sea paleoseismology evolved from the need to better understand mechanisms and depositional processes within megathrust subduction zones. The examination of sedimentary records has demonstrated effectiveness in reconstructing complex historical seismic events resulting in multi-pulse depositional sequences. However, reliably identifying individual turbidite sequences and delineating precise boundaries of distinct events remains challenging. This is especially true for the upper limit of turbidite-homogenite sequences where the contact between the homogenite and the background sedimentation is gradual and visually not detectable. Advances in organic geochemistry (e.g., high-resolution GC-MS and lower detection limits) can overcome and push such limitations. Organic sedimentary biomarkers, such as n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and fatty acids, serve as robust proxies for identifying allochthonous, earthquake-related strata and differentiating them from (hemi-)pelagic deposits. The high source-specificity of sedimentary biomarkers allows for obtaining sediment provenance information and the reconstruction of transport processes and depositional history.

In the Japan Trench, hadal seismic sediments result from turbidity currents transferring substantial amounts of material from shallow marine and coastal regions (e.g., tsunami backwash) into deep hadal basins. Initial sedimentary biomarker results from n-alkanes, steranes, and hopanes present a distinct marine signature from planktonic sources for the background sediments. However, turbidites and homogenite deposits linked to seismic events present increases in terrigenous signals, suggesting input of remobilized material from shallower marine environments or through a tsunami backwash.

This study highlights the application of organic sedimentary biomarkers as proxies to identify, characterize, and reconstruct past megathrust earthquakes (MW≥9) in the Japan Trench. By bridging current knowledge gaps, this approach advances seismic hazard assessment and supports the future development of improved mitigation strategies through an enhanced understanding of paleoseismological records.

How to cite: Bellanova, P., Trotta, S., Brunet, M., Riedinger, N., März, C., Rasbury, T., Koelling, M., Bao, R., Luo, M., Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., and Reicherter, K.: Identifying tsunamigenic megathrust events in the Japan Trench through sedimentary biomarkers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18629,, 2025.

EGU25-18778 | Orals | NH2.8

Transient creep in subduction zones explained by reaction-induced rheological switches 

Mathieu Soret, Jorge Jara, Julien Gasc, Giuseppe Costantino, Nadaya Cubas, Alexandre Schubnel, Harsha Bhat, and Romain Jolivet

Despite extensive research over the years, the weakening mechanisms that govern strain localization along deep subduction interfaces are still debated. These mechanisms span from the downdip boundary of the seismogenic zone (350°C) to the mechanical coupling transition with the upper plate mantle near sub-arc depths (>600°C). Current thermo–mechanical models posit that rock rheology is primarily stress- and rate-temperature-sensitive in the absence of mineral reactions. Strain is accommodated by stable creep, within several km-thick shear zones and at very low strain rates (< 10-11 s-1). However, geophysical observations of active subduction zones have outlined, over the last two decades, that deep plate interfaces are likely to be dominated by unstable creep characterized by episodic events of aseismic slips (“slow slip events”) occurring at relatively high strain rates (> 10-7 s-1). Meanwhile, geological (i.e. petro-structural) observations of deep subduction interfaces have shown that strain is generally localized within < 10–100’s m-thick shear zones. These shear zones are also known to concentrate metamorphic reactions and episodic fluid flow that have both significant influence on the rock strength. Yet, quantifying the effects of these chemo–mechanical transformations on the transient aseismic slips of deep plate interfaces remains hindered by the complexity of integrating geophysical and geological observations and the general lack of high-pressure deformation experiments.


Drawing on novel deformation experiments conducted at 2 GPa (eclogite-facies conditions) using a new generation Griggs-type apparatus, we reveal that unstable creep can be steered by local transient changes of rheology from dislocation creep to dissolution–precipitation creep (DPC) during mineral reactions. These changes of rheology can cause rock weakening by several orders of magnitude if intergranular fluid transfer is efficient. Such a weakening is a transient process since reaction rates tend to be intermittent / episodic at great depths. Moreover, we show that fluid concentration during viscous strain localization promotes extensive fracturing that may correspond to tremors (i.e., low frequency earthquakes) observed during slow slip events. Indeed, thermodynamic modeling of mafic and sedimentary rocks along pressure/temperature (P/T) gradients of active subduction zones worldwide reveals that slow slip events and tremors preferentially occur in horizons undergoing major dehydration reactions, and thus potential transient changes in rock rheology.

How to cite: Soret, M., Jara, J., Gasc, J., Costantino, G., Cubas, N., Schubnel, A., Bhat, H., and Jolivet, R.: Transient creep in subduction zones explained by reaction-induced rheological switches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18778,, 2025.

EGU25-19185 | Orals | NH2.8

  Loading rate changes following megathrust earthquakes explored with viscoelastic models  

Anne Socquet, Juliette Cresseaux, bertrand lovery, and mathilde radiguet

Viscoelastic relaxation following large subduction earthquakes is known to last from years to decades , and affect the interseismic loading rate up to hundreds of kilometers in the trench perpendicular direction. Post seismic relaxation also generates a rotation pattern close to the edges of the ruptured asperity. Recently, several observations reported an accelerated loading rate coeval with megathrust ruptures, at along-trench distances from the epicenter of hundreds of kilometers.


Proposed models involved so far viscoelastic relaxation in the mantle wedge and the oceanic mantle, as well as a weak oceanic LAB layer. However those models often fail to explain simultaneously the amplitude and the spatio-temporal patterns of the observations.

Here we perform 3D viscoelastic models of post seismic relaxation and explore various structural and rheological settings in order to test the mechanisms responsible for the complex loading variations observed. These involve a Burgers rheology, a contrast of viscosity between the continental and the oceanic mantles, a weak LAB, and a low viscosity layer atop the slab.

The pertinence of these different models is discussed against the fit to observations done after several earthquakes along the Chile-Peru subduction, in order to assess the importance of the different mechanisms.

How to cite: Socquet, A., Cresseaux, J., lovery, B., and radiguet, M.:   Loading rate changes following megathrust earthquakes explored with viscoelastic models , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19185,, 2025.

GMPV5 – Building economic ore deposits

EGU25-141 | Orals | GMPV5.1

Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution at the Kuh-e Janja Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Southeastern Iran: Relative Timing of Hypogene Cu Mineralization from Vapor-Like, Near-Critical Density, Single-Phase Fluids 

Majid Soleymani, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Thomas Monecke, T. James Reynolds, Abdrorrahman Rajabi, and Shahrokh Rajabpour

The Kuh-e Janja porphyry Cu-Au deposit is located 60 km southeast of Nehbandan in southern Iran, within the northern part of the Sistan Suture Zone. Several distinct stockwork vein types are recognized, differing in morphology, vein mineralogy, and associated alteration type. Early biotite (EB) veins containing biotite and minor amounts of quartz, magnetite, and anhydrite form the earliest veins. They are crosscut by A veins that are typically several millimeters in thickness and associated with potassic alteration envelopes. The abundant A veins at Kuh-e Janja consist of Q1 quartz that shows textural evidence for extensive recrystallization. Primary oscillatory growth zoning is rarely preserved in Q1 grains. Fluid inclusions in the quartz have been affected by post-entrapment modification. The A veins are interpreted to have formed at high (≳500°C) temperatures at lithostatic pressures. AB veins contain euhedral Q2 quartz crystals that have grown perpendicular to the vein walls within vugs. Molybdenite occurs as ribbons in recrystallized Q1 and Q2 quartz or as an infill in open spaces between the euhedral Q2 quartz crystals. The euhedral Q2 quartz crystals show well-developed sector and oscillatory growth zoning and are characterized by hypersaline liquid-rich and coexisting vapor-rich fluid inclusions that were entrapped at temperatures below ~500°C at the transition from lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure conditions. The AB veins formed at conditions of K-feldspar stability. Zones of high Cu grades at Kuh-e Janja are typified by the presence of abundant hairline fractures coated by chalcopyrite, pyrite, and minor molybdenite. These C veins are surrounded by minor chlorite alteration of the host rocks and crosscut all earlier vein types. The contacts between the early Q1 and Q2 quartz grains and chalcopyrite are irregular in shape. Chalcopyrite crosscuts the primary oscillatory zoning of the Q2 quartz grains suggesting that sulfide deposition occurred under conditions of retrograde quartz solubility. Wallrock or hydrothermal biotite in contact with chalcopyrite is frequently chloritized. Vapor-like single-phase fluid inclusions occur along healed microfractures hosted by euhedral Q2 crystals that are in contact with chalcopyrite in C vein. As many of the fluid inclusions host small triangular opaque phases interpreted to be chalcopyrite, the vapor-like, near-critical density, single-phase fluid likely was the ore-forming fluid. Late D veins containing variable proportions of pyrite and quartz are surrounded by texturally destructive sericite alteration envelopes of the host rocks. Q3 quartz contains primary and secondary liquid-rich fluid inclusions entrapped at hydrostatic pressure conditions. Rare polymetallic E veins at Kuh-e Janja contain Q4 quartz, sphalerite, galena, and minor chalcopyrite. The study of the different vein types suggests that hypogene Cu mineralization at Kuh-e Janja occurred after potassic alteration of the host porphyry at temperatures close to the ductile-brittle transition. The mineralization formed from vapor-like, near-critical density, single-phase fluids along hairline fractures during their escape from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions.

How to cite: Soleymani, M., Niroomand, S., Monecke, T., Reynolds, T. J., Rajabi, A., and Rajabpour, S.: Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution at the Kuh-e Janja Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Southeastern Iran: Relative Timing of Hypogene Cu Mineralization from Vapor-Like, Near-Critical Density, Single-Phase Fluids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-141,, 2025.

Critical metals (CM) such as rare-earth elements (REE), platinum group elements (PGE), cobalt (Co), germanium (Ge), gallium (Ga), and indium (In) are commonly mined as by-products of base metals (i.e., Zn, Fe, Cu) with similar chemical affinities. Metamorphism can significantly influence the distribution of critical metals in base metal deposits, either upgrading or decreasing their economic importance. Critical metals deposits are frequently hosted in orogenic setting, but may be pre-, syn- or post-orogenesis.  In this contribution, we will focus on the primary deposits that might have suffered metamorphism and fluid-assisted deformation during orogenesis, evaluating the role of deformation and metamorphic recrystallization on critical metals. This contribution sheds a novel light on the role of metamorphism, deformation, static or dynamic recrystallization and associated fluid flow in modifying the distribution of CM concentrations from primary into secondary-metamorphosed deposits, in a systematic manner from the large plate tectonic scale to the small mineral scale. Orogenic critical metals (OCM) can be broadly defined as the large-scale remobilization or sample-scale redistribution product of pre-existing CM concentrations, present in the primary ore, that have been triggered by metamorphism and/or tectonic processes (e.g., deformation, static or dynamic recrystallization, fluid and thermodynamic conditions). These processes may have positive or negative impacts on the endowment of the deposit. In either case, metamorphic processes may potentially create favorable conditions for redistributing CM in ore minerals (containing several wt% of CM) that may make them more accessible for industry if exploration/recovery strategies are adapted. In this contribution, the mineralogy and ore textures of ca. 200 deposits reported in the literature have been extracted in a systematic manner and in three regions of the world (Australia, China, and Europe). Based on quantitative estimations from the literature in these three districts, base metal resources, potentially hosting CM, are often found in orogens, and many show features of superimposed deformation and metamorphism. A general model is proposed, representing metamorphic and structural conditions enhancing the formation of orogenic critical metals (OCM). 

How to cite: Cenki-Tok, B. and Cugerone, A.: Assessing the role of deformation and metamorphic recrystallization in the remobilization of critical metals in orogens, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1633,, 2025.

EGU25-1949 | Orals | GMPV5.1

Source analysis of sandstone type uranium minerals in Louzhuangzi area, southern margin of the Junggar Basin 

Tingting Wang, Yaoqi Zhou, Sunyi Li, and Xiaoxin Shi

The Junggar Basin, located in northwestern China, has garnered significant global attention due to its substantial reserves of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The sandstone type uranium deposits (spots) within the Junggar Basin are predominantly concentrated in the surrounding regions of the basin, with the primary ore-hosting strata identified as Jurassic and Cretaceous. However, there exists ongoing debate regarding the understanding of sediment sources, which is of pivotal importance for guiding uranium exploration. In this study, U-Pb dating, whole rock geochemical analysis, heavy mineral analysis, and in-situ Hf isotope composition were employed, in conjunction with sedimentology and tectonic setting, to trace the provenance of sandstone type uranium deposits in the Toutunhe Formation of the Middle Jurassic in the central-southern part of Junggar Basin. The research indicates that the sandstone debris is characterized by high concentration of feldspar and rock fragments, with volcanic rock debris being the dominant constituent. Geochronological analysis of detrital zircons reveals that the age spectrum of detrital zircons in the Toutunhe Formation exhibits a primary peak ranging from 335 to 370 Ma, with a notable peak at 355 Ma, and two secondary peaks at 395 to 475 Ma and 262 to 316 Ma, respectively. The heavy mineral assemblage, comprising zircon, garnet, apatite, and magnetite, suggests that the source area is primarily composed of acidic magmatic or metamorphic rocks. By systematically comparing the U-Pb age and Hf isotope results with previously reported data from adjacent geological units in the southern Junggar Basin, and integrating the ZTR index and paleocurrent direction, the analysis demonstrates that the principal source area for the sandstone of the Toutunhe Formation is Bogda Mountain, particularly the uranium-rich felsic rocks, and the secondary area is Tianshan Mountain.Overall, this study provides essential and incisive insights into inferring the source supply areas and transportation pathways, thereby holding considerable significance for uranium exploration endeavors within sedimentary basins on a global scale.

How to cite: Wang, T., Zhou, Y., Li, S., and Shi, X.: Source analysis of sandstone type uranium minerals in Louzhuangzi area, southern margin of the Junggar Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1949,, 2025.

Hydrothermal minerals intimately associated with mineralization processes are pivotal in deciphering the genesis of porphyry deposits. A meticulous examination of these hydrothermal minerals serves to quantitatively delineate the progression of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids and to scrutinize the myriad factors influencing porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization. In this study, we employed a multifaceted approach encompassing mineral geochemistry, geochronology, and diffusion chronology to probe into the time scales of mineralization, as well as to characterize and trace the evolution of ore-forming fluids within the Yulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposits located in eastern Tibet.

Quartz extracted from hydrothermal veins displays cathodoluminescence (CL) images characterized by diverse brightness and textures. Trace element analyses reveal a robust correlation between the intensity of CL and the titanium (Ti) content within the quartz. This study takes advantage of diffusion chronology to determine time scales of multistage magma-related hydrothermal events. The pronounced Ti concentration gradients observed in CL images, in conjunction with Ti diffusion modeling for distinct quartz generations, suggest that the majority of mineralization at the Yulong deposit occurred within a relatively brief interval ranging from 880,000 to 16,000 years. The complex, multi-stage hydrothermal stockwork veins and the relatively short time scales indicate that fluid pulses at Yulong developed rapidly, within spans of tens of thousands of years. These research outcomes underscore that delineating the time scale of a singular mineralization pulse is instrumental in constructing a more precise chronological framework for porphyry deposits, thus facilitating the quantification of extensive metal enrichment processes. In comparison with other globally recognized giant porphyry deposits, this study identifies the mineralization rate, magma injection rate, and fluid flux as critical determinants influencing the magnitude of porphyry mineralization.

Hydrothermal rutile (TiO2), a common accessory mineral found in hydrothermal veins and alteration assemblages of porphyry deposits, offers significant insights into the characteristics of hydrothermal fluids. In the Yulong deposit, TiO2 polymorphs have been identified through Raman spectroscopy, textural analysis, and chemical characterization. Brookite and anatase pseudomorphs are indicative of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids that destabilize primary Ti-bearing minerals during argillic alteration processes. Rutile intergrown with sulfides in veins exhibits well-defined patchy and sector zoning, with notable tungsten enrichment in the backscattered bright patches and sector zones. The enrichment of tungsten is effectively facilitated by halogen-rich (F, Cl) aqueous fluids during the hydrothermal mineralization. Consequently, the chemical and isotopic compositions preserved in rutile provide comprehensive information that enhances our understanding of the hydrothermal fluids active during the formation of porphyry deposits. This enhanced understanding may potentially aid in delineating vectors that lead to the localization of porphyry deposits. Moreover, precise identification of TiO2 polymorphs is crucial for a deeper comprehension of hydrothermal processes, especially when employing rutile geochemistry as an indicator for mineralization.

How to cite: Chen, Q.: Mineralization and time scales of the Yulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in eastern Tibet, China: Insights derived from hydrothermal quartz and tungsten-bearing rutile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2240,, 2025.

  Cobalt and nickel are technologically critical metals used in rechargeable battery electrodes, superalloys for gas turbines and jet engines, catalysts, and resistant alloys. Numerous studies have demonstrated that cobalt and nickel often accumulate in ferromanganese nodules on the seafloor, but their enrichment behaviors in Mn-oxide nodules from terrestrial surface environments are poorly constrained. Large amounts of ferromanganese nodules occur in laterite profiles of the supergene Mn-oxide deposits that are widely distributed in South China. These nodules contain significant amounts of cobalt (10-1280 ppm, mean 308.58 ppm) and nickel (66-5000 ppm, mean 997.02 ppm) that can be potentially produced as a by-product.

  52 ferromanganese nodules from three supergene Mn-oxide deposits in South China have been studied by optical microscope, scan electron microscope, bulk chemical analysis, electron probe analysis, and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to determine the minerals, textures, mineral association, and distribution of the cobalt-nickel in Mn-oxides. Petrographic observations demonstrate that Mn-oxides in the collected ferromanganese nodules consist mainly of hollandite-cryptomelane, pyrolusite and lithiophorite. All pyrolusite generally contain minor Co (10.96-526.68 ppm) and Ni (27.43-1253.56 ppm). The early lithiophorite grains occur as fine-grained to cryptocrystalline and contain high Co (560.11-3010.57 ppm) and Ni (3182.77-20135.47 ppm), while the late lithiophorite crystals are often coarse-grained and have relatively high Co (29.52-2302.38 ppm) and Ni (518.78-10906.86 ppm). The mixed hollandite-cryptomelane minerals contain relatively high Co (23.43-1311.12 ppm) and Ni (27.66-2294.98 ppm).

  In lithiophorite, Co and Ni primarily incorporation into a manganese layer sheet. They are also predominantly enriched in the octahedral of hollandite-cryptomelane structure, whereas Ni is probably incorporated in hollandite-cryptomelane to a lesser extent by forming outer-sphere complexes within the tunnels. Sharp chemical gradients across different Mn-oxide species, along with irregular reaction fronts, indicate that repeated leaching and reprecipitation are the main mechanisms for the incorporation of Co and Ni. The fractionation of these elements may be attributed to low fO2 and high pH, which favor higher Co/Ni ratios in hollandite-cryptomelane. The lithiophorite with lower Co/Ni ratios precipitated which reflected an increase in Ni concentrations in fluids under conditions of high fO2 and low pH. Differences in weathering intensity in South China likely contributed to the development of diverse Mn-oxide varieties, while local physicochemical changes influenced the partitioning of elements within individual deposits.

How to cite: Li, X. and Deng, X.: Cobalt and nickel enrichment in ferromanganese nodules: insights from supergene Mn-oxides deposits in South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4647,, 2025.

EGU25-4737 | Orals | GMPV5.1

Vermiculite mineralization associated with ultrabasic-basic rocks of the Mohammad Abad area, NW Iran 

Vartan Simmonds, Saed Sabbaghi, and Mohammad Reza Hosseinzadeh

The basic-ultrabasic bodies of Mohammad Abad, with an outcropped area of 28 km2, are located 7 km southwest of Horand city, NW of Iran. This area is part of the Central Iranian Domain (Agha Nabati, 2004) and Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA) of Cenozoic. Rock units in the area include Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene flyschoid sandstone, shale, pelagic carbonate rocks and volcanic-volcanoclastic rocks, including andesitic lavas, dacitic breccias and acidic tuffs. The ultrabasic pyroxenite body is intruded by Oligocene gabbroic body and dikes, in which large pyroxenite xenoliths are present. Moreover, several syenitic and nepheline syenitic dikes cross-cut the ultrabasic-basic complex. Considering their mineralogic similarities with the neighboring well-studied nepheline-syenites of Kaleybar, these dikes can be attributed to Oligocene. The occurrence of gabbro and syenite bodies and dikes at the margins of an ultrabasic complex may refer to an alkaline ring complex formation in the area. According to petrographic studies, ultrabasic rocks are composed of clinopyroxene (diopside), olivine, phlogopite and opaque minerals such as magnetite and pyrite, while gabbros comprise plagioclase, clinopyroxene (diopside), amphibole (pargasite to tschermakite) and lesser phlogopite, biotite and magnetite. Gabbros have shoshonitic affinity, with metaluminous nature and post-collisional volcanic arc setting, produced by low-degree partial melting of an enriched spinel-garnet lherzolite mantle, while garnet remained as residual phase within the source area.

Vermiculite mineralization in the Hashtsar area occurred within the ultrabasic-basic bodies, comparable with Palabora (south Africa) and Libby (Montana, USA) deposits. Hypogene and supergene process were incorporated in its genesis. Hypogene hydrothermal fluids have altered pyroxene and amphibole minerals of the host rocks to biotite, which was later converted to hydrobiotite. Hypogene fluids may have provided by the intrusion of syenitic dikes within pyroxenites and gabbros, as vermiculite formation is more evident at the margins of these dikes. Both hypogene and supergene fluids have caused the conversion of hydrobiotite and phlogopite to vermiculite, among which the role of weathering is more prominent for the study area, considering the major occurrence of vermiculite in shallow depths (~5 m) of the ultrabasic-basic rocks and the decreasing ratio of vermiculite/phlogopite with depth. Conversion of phlogopite and biotite to vermiculite requires the removal of K and Si and addition of Mg, Fe and H2O. Mg and Fe may have provided by alteration of pyroxene and amphibole minerals from ultrabasic-basic rocks. Geochemical analysis data show that both the ultrabasic-basic bodies, and the vermiculite samples have a strong enrichment of LILE and a negative anomaly of HFSE. Moreover, the ultrabasic-basic rocks of the study area show depletion of Mg. It can be concluded that most of the magnesium from the parental rocks entered the mineral structure of vermiculite as a result of ion exchange with potassium.

Key words: Vermiculite, Pyroxenite, Gabbro, Supergene alteration, Mohammad Abad.

How to cite: Simmonds, V., Sabbaghi, S., and Hosseinzadeh, M. R.: Vermiculite mineralization associated with ultrabasic-basic rocks of the Mohammad Abad area, NW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4737,, 2025.

EGU25-6784 | Posters on site | GMPV5.1

Mobilization of tin during metamorphism in the Variscan Orogeny 

Owishi Sarkar, Rolf L. Romer, Uwe Kroner, and Claus Legler

The Erzgebirge, a major tin (Sn) province in the Variscan orogenic belt, hosts substantial Sn deposits associated with post-kinematic granites, alongside the minor stratabound Sn deposits found in the metamorphic schists of the western Erzgebirge. These schists are derived from Early Ordovician siliciclastic sediments, which were metamorphosed during the Variscan orogeny and subsequently intruded by post-Variscan granites between 325 and 314 Ma. Cassiterite (SnO₂) inclusions and elevated Sn concentrations in metamorphic minerals indicate that Sn was already present in the rocks prior to the intrusion of granites. Early Ordovician sediments preserved in Thuringia typically contain approximately 20 ppm Sn, implying that Sn (reaching locally up to 5000 ppm) was added during prograde metamorphism that started at c. 400 Ma, as confirmed by U-Pb cassiterite dating [2]. Retrogression of the schists also resulted in the formation of a second generation of cassiterite. To differentiate the two phases of Sn mobilization and to estimate elements introduced during prograde metamorphism from those mobilized during retrogression, we compare the compositions of the protoliths [1]with non-retrogressed schists and of non-retrogressed with retrogressed schists, respectively. During prograde metamorphism there was a marked increase in Si, Fe, and Sn. During retrogression, which involved the formation of chlorite at the expense of biotite, K, Rb and Ba were lost and Sn released from biotite formed a second generation of metamorphic cassiterite. The light elements Li and B were also mobile, with preferential incorporation of Li into biotite during prograde metamorphism and B into chlorite during retrogression. Such enrichment of Sn during metamorphism is important to form source rocks whose partial melting can produce Sn-rich granites.

[1]Romer, R.L., and Hahne, K., 2010. Life of the Rheic Ocean: scrolling through the shale record. Gondwana Research, 17(2-3), pp. 236–253.

[2]Romer, R.L., Kroner, U., Schmidt, C. and Legler, C., 2022. Mobilization of tin during continental subduction-accretion processes. Geology, 50(12), pp. 1361–1365.

How to cite: Sarkar, O., Romer, R. L., Kroner, U., and Legler, C.: Mobilization of tin during metamorphism in the Variscan Orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6784,, 2025.

EGU25-7787 | Posters on site | GMPV5.1

Character of the Citronen Fjord Lead-Zinc Deposit,North Greenland 

Lili Wang and Yongqiang Yang

The Citronen Fjord lead-zinc deposit, in reserve expansion and feasibility study stage by now, is a world-class protogenesis lead-zinc deposit. It is also known as the most northern lead-zinc deposit in the world. Both folds and thrust faults are well developed in the Citronen Fjord area and the lead-zinc ore de- posit is generally a NW-SE striking trend,mineralization zone is mainly located in Discovery Zone, Beach Zone and Esrum Zone. The ore body is hosted by Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian mudstone and shale, and the main sulphides include pyrite, sphalerite and galena. The δS values of sulphide minerals from the Citronen Fjord ore deposit range from + 7% to + 35%(CDT),with the bulk of analyses in the range from + 10 % to + 25 %, while the lead isotope has radiogenic characteristic. The ore-forming fluid tem- perature are in epithermal, ranging from 80℃ to 160℃. The Citronen Fjord lead-zinc deposit is genetically a SEDEX deposit. Lead-zinc resources are abundant in Greenland,and in particular,abundant in the Pa- laeozoic Franklinian Basin of North Greenland which extends for more than 2,500 km E-W. This under-ex- plored basin is believed to be an excellent target area for lead-zinc exploration in future.

How to cite: Wang, L. and Yang, Y.: Character of the Citronen Fjord Lead-Zinc Deposit,North Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7787,, 2025.

EGU25-7805 | Posters on site | GMPV5.1

Geological comparative study of two Ni-Cu sulfide deposits of Maniitsoq and Jinchuan 

Yongqiang Yang and Lili Wang

The Maniitsoq nickel-copper deposit is located about 160 km north of Nuuk, Greenland. The deposit is a very large high-grade deposit with 19.5 million tons nickel @1.08%, and copper @ 0.54%, reached the world class scale. The authors comprehensively collected and analyzed the relevant data of the deposit, and compared it with China's Jinchuan nickel ore deposit. They occurred in same tectonic environment, with same rock characteristics, and mineralization features between the Maniitsoq nickel copper deposit in Greenland and the Jinchuan nickel copper deposit in China. Although the Maniitsoq and Jinchuan intrusive bodies are not large in scale, but the Jinchuan nickel copper deposit produces world-class ultra large copper nickel platinum group metal deposits, which is in line with the theory of "small rock mass forming large ore". Maniitsoq is likely to be the next world-class nickel copper sulfide deposit. By comparison, the Maniitsoq nickel copper deposit and the Jinchuan copper nickel deposit have similarities in diagenetic and deposit characteristics, and both belong to fissure penetrating magmatic deposits, i.e. "deep liquation-injection mineralization" ore-forming mechanism.

Mineralization occurs during the upwelling process in a dynamic magmatic environment, where magma melts are rich in volatile components and the upwelling activity is intense. During the migration process, magma interacts with surrounding rocks, undergoes component exchange, and accumulates ore-forming materials. Early sulfur saturation mechanisms such as crustal contamination or magma temperature reduction are necessary conditions for magma mineralization during channel migration or intrusion. In the process of deep melting penetration mineralization, the upwelling of ore bearing magma and subsequent magma recharge and mixing are important mechanisms for the accumulation of sulfides in the channels of Mg-Fe ultramafic rocks to form super large copper nickel platinum group metal deposits. We suggest that the exposed Maniitsoq intrusions represent the Ni-rich upper portions of magma conduits implying that there is potential for Cu-rich sulfides in unexposed deeper portions of the belt.

How to cite: Yang, Y. and Wang, L.: Geological comparative study of two Ni-Cu sulfide deposits of Maniitsoq and Jinchuan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7805,, 2025.

EGU25-7907 | Posters on site | GMPV5.1

Gravity study of the Giraúl pegmatitic field (Namibe province, SW Angola) 

José Luis García-Lobón, Carmen Rey-Moral, Enrique Merino-Martínez, Ezequiel Ferreira, and Félix Rubio

Gravity study of the Giraúl pegmatitic field (Namibe province, SW Angola)


José Luis García-Lobón1*, Carmen Rey-Moral1, Enrique Merino-Martínez2, Ezequiel Ferreira1, Félix Rubio1

1 IGME-CSIC. c/ La Calera 1. 28760 Tres Cantos. Madrid. *Corresponding author:

2 IGME-CSIC. c/ Ríos Rosas, 23. 08003. Madrid.




The Giraúl Pegmatitic Field (Namibe province, Angola) contains hundreds of pegmatite bodies, including several enriched in Li, Be, B, Cs, Rb, Sn and Ta, occurring in a corridor oriented in a WNW-ESE direction and covering an area of more than 150 km2. The pegmatites intruded into the Palaeoproterozoic Namibe Group metasediments and diverse basic to ultrabasic intrusions (gabbros, diorites, and sparse pyroxenites) scattered throughout the area. This study focuses on the gravity survey of the Muvero and Lepamby prospects of the Giraúl field, which contain Li-enriched pegmatites and are currently being explored by private companies. Between 2023-2024, 346 gravimetric stations were measured at the prospects along N-S and E-W profiles using the CG-6 Autograv™ gravimeter and the Pentax G-7 GPS system. Standard gravity data corrections were applied and an adequate reduction density was used, estimated by correlation between Bouguer anomalies and topography. The results obtained are consistent with the presence of interstratified amphibolites in the Namibe Group, along with some intrusions of dense basic to ultrabasic bodies, which create a clear density contrast with respect to the lighter pegmatites. Relative gravity minima are observed in the Bouguer anomaly map, related to pegmatitic structures. The integrated geointerpretation of surface geological information and in-depth 2.5D gravity models indicate the presence of pegmatitic bodies at depths up to 250 m. Furthermore, a number of unsuspected pegmatitic zones have been revealed. These results are very promising for future exploration of pegmatites and associated minerals in the Giraúl pegmatitic field.

How to cite: García-Lobón, J. L., Rey-Moral, C., Merino-Martínez, E., Ferreira, E., and Rubio, F.: Gravity study of the Giraúl pegmatitic field (Namibe province, SW Angola), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7907,, 2025.

EGU25-9740 | Orals | GMPV5.1

Halogens as a proxy for magma degassing at crustal depths 

Mara Miranda, Alexandra Tsay, and Zajacz Zoltan

Arc magmatic systems are thought to attain fluid saturation already at mid to lower crustal depths, and magmatic fluids may play an important role in transporting ore metals and sulfur within the magma reservoir system and from the magma to the site of ore deposition. Therefore, tracking the migration of magmatic fluids within such systems is important for understanding magmatic-hydrothermal ore genesis and volcanic degassing.

We developed new geochemical tools to track magma degassing at crustal depths, by experimentally determining the partition coefficients of chlorine, bromine and iodine between aqueous fluids and silicate melts. We investigated a large range of pressures (P=150–835 MPa), temperatures (T=800–1000 oC), fluid salinities (from ~3 to ~62 wt% NaCl equivalent) and silicate melt composition (basalt to rhyolite following the calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatic trends) using a vector approach (i.e. changing only one variable at the time). The experimental phase assemblages were contained in Au capsules and run in externally heated René 41 or Molybdenum-Hafnium Carbide pressure vessels and a piston cylinder apparatus depending on the experimental P and T. The composition of the run product glasses was determined by Electron Probe Microanalysis (major elements + Cl), and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (major elements + Cl, Br, I). The equilibrium fluid compositions were derived by mass balance calculation.

The results highlight that the fluid/melt partition coefficients (Df/m) of Cl, Br and I increase with increasing halide ion radius and increasing fluid salinity leading to a drop in the Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios in the silicate melt during progressive degassing. Therefore, halogen ratios such as Br/Cl and I/Cl are good tracers for magma degassing and fluid fluxing in relatively evolved magmas, where traditional proxies such as CO2/H2O ratios have limited usefulness. Moreover, these ratios can be used as a proxy to quantify the fraction of the initial Cl budget degassed from a magmatic system, which closely relates to the extraction of ore metals. Importantly, pressure has a strong effect on the Df/m of the three studied halogens, the extent of which depends on the fluid salinity. At low fluid salinities, all halogens increasingly partition into the fluid with increasing P up to 400-500 MPa and decreasing T; however, above 500 MPa their Df/m decreases over the entire fluid salinity range. This has important implications for ore metal transport in deep crustal magmatic fluids. Finally, the Df/mof all halogensrapidly drops as the silicate melt becomes more mafic. Model equations capable to predict Df/mhalogens in P-T-melt and fluid compositional space were constructed.

How to cite: Miranda, M., Tsay, A., and Zoltan, Z.: Halogens as a proxy for magma degassing at crustal depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9740,, 2025.

EGU25-10562 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.1

LA-ICP-MS trace element geochemistry of sphalerite as a proxy to the origin of the polymetallic Aouli sulfide Pb-Zn-Cu (Ag, Ni, Co, As) deposit (Eastern Meseta, Morocco) 

khadra zaid, Mohammed Bouabdellah, Max Frenzel, Valby van Schijndel, Johan Yans, and Saïd Belkacim

The trace-element geochemistry of sphalerite is commonly used as a proxy for the sulfur fugacity and temperature evolution of ore-forming fluids.  In this study, in-situ laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of paragenetically well-constrained sphalerite crystals spanning the sequence of mineral deposition in the Aouli polymetallic Pb-Zn-Cu (Ag, Ni, Co, As) deposit, with indicated resources of 10 Mt of ore at an average grade of 5% Pb, 150–600 g/t Ag and 200–700 g/t Bi, were performed to track back the physico-chemical characteristics of the ore-forming fluids responsible for the deposition of Cu-Ag-Ni-Co-As-rich and Pb-Zn-rich ores. The sulfide/sulfosalt Pb-dominant mineralization consists of an array of open-space fillings of transtensional veins, veinlets, stockwork, and breccia veins. The host rocks of presumed Cambrian–Ordovician age comprise a variably deformed and weakly metamorphosed succession of interlayered low- to very-low-grade siliciclastic and volcaniclastic rocks with interbedded tuffs, and amphibolites. Several syntectonic to late tectonic granitoid batholiths and stocks (ca. 340–330 Ma), ranging from calc-alkaline to alkaline and metaluminous to peraluminous, as well as mafic rocks (gabbro-diorite) and cordierite-garnet anatectic granites, intrude the host rocks. The idealized paragenetic sequence includes an early pre-ore iron-sulfide-rich stage, followed by the main stage of Zn-Pb ore and the later Cu-Ag-Ni-Co-As-rich stage. Gangue minerals comprising quartz, fluorite, and barite were formed during the main ore mineralization stages. The trace element composition of sphalerite is used to compare the mineralization conditions between Pb-Zn-rich and Cu-Ag-Ni-Co-As-rich ores. Sphalerite typically occurs as greenish to brownish-colored, closely packed patches of anhedral to euhedral sphalerite crystals ranging from 100 μm to up to 5 cm in size, embedded in quartz ± fluorite ± barite. Based on paragenetic position, mineral color, textural features, and luminescence in CL alongside chemical compositions, three distinct generations of sphalerite referred to as Sp-1, Sp-2, and Sp-3 are recognized. Statistical analyses of the compositional data show systematic differences between the three generations of sphalerite. Compared to Sp-2 and Sp-3, Sp-1 shows high Co, Ga, and In concentrations, while Sb, As, Cu, Hg, Pb, Mn, and Ag concentrations are lower. Cu, Ga, Sb, and Mn concentrations of Sp-2 and Sp-3 display similar distribution trends. Conversely, Sp-3 relative to Sp-2 is enriched in As, Ag, and Hg but more depleted in Fe. Formation temperatures and sulfur fugacity estimated from the GGIMFis (Ga, Ge, In, Mn, and Fe in sphalerite) geothermometer and Fe contents in sphalerite indicate similar T and fS2 conditions for the Cu-Ag-rich and Pb-Zn-rich ores, with temperatures < 250 °C. More importantly, the evolutionary trend shown by the three generations of sphalerite which plot within the intermediate-sulfidation field along the “rock buffer” line, argues for a common origin for the Cu-rich and Zn-rich ores, and that the hydrothermal ore fluids interacted extensively with the enclosing host rocks.

How to cite: zaid, K., Bouabdellah, M., Frenzel, M., van Schijndel, V., Yans, J., and Belkacim, S.: LA-ICP-MS trace element geochemistry of sphalerite as a proxy to the origin of the polymetallic Aouli sulfide Pb-Zn-Cu (Ag, Ni, Co, As) deposit (Eastern Meseta, Morocco), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10562,, 2025.

EGU25-10749 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.1

Skarn Hosted Sn-W Mineralization, Samoeng Mine, Northern Thailand: Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology 

Srett Santitharangkun, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, Daniela Gallhofer, and Etienne Skrzypek

The Samoeng (Bo Kaeo) mine, the largest primary Sn-W deposit in northern Thailand, is part of the Southeast Asian Tin Belt, which extends 2,800 km from Myanmar and Thailand to Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra Island. In Thailand, Sn-W deposits are found in the western and central granitoid belts, but their origins are not well constrained as there are only few studies about their petrology, geochemistry and dating of the mineralization. The Sn-W ore bodies at Samoeng are associated with skarn formation between a granite and the calcareous host rock. The magmatic intrusion is a medium to coarse-grained biotite granite with pegmatite and aplite veins intruding the country rock. The biotite granite is enriched in alkalis, Rb, Th and Pb. They display S-type peraluminous characteristics (A/CNK =1.07-1.14), low FeOT/MgO ratio (0.24-0.44), and belong to the high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic series. The granites have elevated LREEs, a negative Eu anomaly, and a flat HREE profile. Tectonic discrimination plots (Pearce et al., 1984) classify most samples as syn-collisional granites (syn-COLG), while the Batchelor and Bowden (1985) diagram categorizes them as syn-, late, and post-collisional. Zircon U-Pb geochronology dates the biotite granite to 214±2 Ma. Monazite U-Pb geochronology yields besides the Late Triassic intrusion age (~215 Ma) a younger Cretaceous age of ~80 Ma.

The calcareous rocks include calc-silicate rocks and marble. The calc-silicates are fine to medium-grained with interlocking crystals, primarily composed of diopside and subordinate wollastonite, phlogopite, quartz, plagioclase, clinohumite, grossular, calcite, Sn-bearing rutile or titanite, spinel, apatite, and minor cassiterite. The calcite marble is medium grained and contains quartz and diopside as accessory minerals.

The Sn-W mineralization in this area is primarily found in breccia dykes, which manifest as narrow, tabular structures intersecting the biotite granite and calc-silicate rock. These dykes, generally ranging from 2 to 5 meters in thickness, are highly weathered (kaolinitized). The breccia fragments are composed of biotite, quartz, K-feldspar and tourmaline, with lesser quantities of magnetite, spinel, cassiterite, and scheelite. The heavy mineral fraction from the Samoeng mine primarily include cassiterite and scheelite, with smaller amounts of magnetite, ilmenite, spinel, zircon, apatite, rutile, titanite, xenotime, allanite, thorianite, and monazite. Monazite U-Pb geochronology indicates several age populations of ~230, ~205 and ~75 Ma, suggesting recrystallization and re-precipitation during multiple thermal events.

Based on our data we conclude that the Sn-W mineralization occurred in the Late Triassic during the emplacement of the granitoid body which led to skarn formation and an associated contact aureole. This event is related to the Sukhothai-Sibumasu collision (closure of the Paleo-Tethys, Indosinian Orogeny). During Cratacous times a thermal overprint is recorded in monazite from the granite body but also from the mineralized skarn zone. This event in the Late Cretaceous is associated with the collision between the Sibumasu and West Burma blocks.

Batchelor, R.A. and Bowden, P. (1985) Petrogenetic Interpretation of Granitoid Rock Series Using Multicationic Parameters. Chemical Geology, 48, 43-55.

Julian A Pearce, Nigel BW Harris, Andrew G Tindle (1984). Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. Journal of Petrology, 25, 956-983.

How to cite: Santitharangkun, S., Hauzenberger, C. A., Gallhofer, D., and Skrzypek, E.: Skarn Hosted Sn-W Mineralization, Samoeng Mine, Northern Thailand: Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10749,, 2025.

EGU25-11979 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.1

Modelling and Exploration of CRMs-bearing greisen systems of Northern Sardinia 

Antonio Attardi, Daniele Cossu, Matteo Luca Deidda, Jaroslaw Majka, and Stefano Naitza

Northern Sardinia, Italy, shows substantial potential for W-Sn-Mo-Bi and F-REE granite-related ore deposits. In the Oschiri area, mineralized greisen and hydrothermal veins occur at intrusive contacts between late-Variscan granites and high-grade metamorphic rocks [1].

The greisen consists of K-feldspar, plagioclase, rutile, biotite, and zoned muscovite rimmed by quartz, sericite, chlorite, and ore minerals such as molybdenite, rare interstitial Bi-Te alloy, scheelite, columbite, partially hematitized pyrite, LREE phosphates and fluorocarbonates (monazite, synchysite-Ce), and pyrochlore-(Y). Hydrothermal veins are primarily composed of fluorite and quartz, with rare barite, galena and apatite. Together, these ore bodies form an "F-rich open system" [2] where greisenization occurred at ~400–300°C, introducing an early phase of ore minerals. Subsequent HF-rich hydrothermal fluids circulation below 300°C produced brecciated and argillitic bands in granite and greisen. The Nb-Y-F signature suggests a metallogenic affinity with NYF (Niobium-Yttrium-Fluorine) pegmatites.

Electron microprobe analyses of muscovite zonation were performed on five greisen samples, with 146 core analyses and 163 rim analyses for F, Na, Mg, Si, Al, Ba, K, Cl, Ca, Mn, Ti, Ni, Fe, and Cr. These analyses revealed an average increase in Si (3.08–3.13 apfu), Fe (0.06–0.15 apfu), Mg (0.01–0.02 apfu), Mn (0.003–0.007 apfu), and Ti (0.002–0.005 apfu), and a decrease in Al (2.75–2.56 apfu) toward the rims, consistent with a Tschermak-type substitution. Additionally, an increase in OH (1.82–1.84 apfu) and a decrease in F (0.18–0.15 apfu) suggest more hydrous conditions at the rims. This chemical zonation, combined with the textural relationships between muscovite and ore minerals, indicates alteration driven by the mineralizing fluid circulating during greisenization [3]. Dating these altered rims will enhance the genetic model by constraining the timing of the mineralization [4], providing a valuable interpretative framework for similar geological settings and offering a novel approach to dating granite-related ores.

The identification of economically significant elements such as W, Mo, LREE, and F within the greisen and hydrothermal system, coupled with the possible potential for NYF pegmatite occurrences, underlines the area's untapped resource potential. This study highlights Northern Sardinia as a promising region for future exploration and resource development, offering critical guidance for targeted exploration strategies.




[1] Cossu, D., Attardi, A., Deidda, M. L., Naitza, S. (2024). Studio giacimentologico sulle mineralizzazioni legate ai granitoidi dell’area di Oschiri-Alà dei Sardi (Sardegna Nord-orientale). [Master’s Thesis], University of Cagliari, 121.

[2] Pirajno, F. (2009). Hydrothermal processes and mineral systems. Springer, 1250.

[3] Attardi, A., Cossu, D., Naitza, S., Majka, J., 2024. The role of micas in modelling ore-bearing greisen in Sardinia, Italy. Mineralogia – Special Papers, 52, 33.

[4] Rösel, D., Zack, T. (2021). LA-ICP-MS/MS single-spot Rb-Sr dating. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46(2), 143–168. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1111/ ggr.12414

How to cite: Attardi, A., Cossu, D., Deidda, M. L., Majka, J., and Naitza, S.: Modelling and Exploration of CRMs-bearing greisen systems of Northern Sardinia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11979,, 2025.

EGU25-12222 | Orals | GMPV5.1

Source to sink overview of Au-rich SMS formation at Kolumbo volcano 

Simon Hector, Clifford Patten, Paraskevi Nomikou, Stephanos Kilias, Alexandre Peillod, and Jochen Kolb

Volcanic arcs host complex marine magmatic-hydrothermal systems where polymetallic Au-rich seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) may form. In such geological setting, reconstructing the mineral system leading to ore formation is challenging due to the diversity of potential metal sources, mobilizing mechanisms (i.e. hydrothermal leaching of country rocks, magmatic degassing), fluids (magmatic or seawater-derived hydrothermal fluids) and precipitation mechanisms on and below the seafloor. A case-study of the Au-rich SMS at Kolumbo volcano (Greece) provides new insights on the source to sink processes leading to epithermal metals enrichment in volcanic arcs. The favorable geological setting of Kolumbo allows for a representative sampling of the different potential metal sources of the magmatic-hydrothermal system. The country rocks forming the stratigraphy below Kolumbo were sampled on the neighboring islands of Ios, Anafi and Thera, while volcanic rocks of Kolumbo allowed to reconstruct its magmatic evolution and associated metal mobilizing processes. Whole rock geochemistry coupled with petrography and numerical modelling reveals that despite early sulfide saturation, the magma remains fertile until reaching magmatic degassing. Metals are transferred from the magma to the hydrothermal system as exsolving fluids leach metals, either from the melt or by oxidizing magmatic sulfides, as indicated by occurrence of sulfide-volatile compounds in the volcanic rocks. By comparing the Pb isotope signature of the SMS minerals with the potential source rocks, we show that hydrothermal leaching of rhyolite is associated with pyrite formation in hydrothermal chimneys while transient input of magmatic fluids provides Ag, As, Au, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb and Sn, leading to formation of galena and Sb-Pb sulfosalts. A major outcome of this holistic study of the Kolumbo volcano relates to metal mobilization mechanisms in magmatic-hydrothermal system. We show that formation  and oxidation of sulfide-volatile compounds is leading to an efficient transfer of S and chalcophile metals from the magma to shallow hydrothermal systems. While this mechanism contributes to the formation of Au-rich SMS, it is likely also implicated in porphyry and epithermal deposits formation. 

How to cite: Hector, S., Patten, C., Nomikou, P., Kilias, S., Peillod, A., and Kolb, J.: Source to sink overview of Au-rich SMS formation at Kolumbo volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12222,, 2025.

The Variscides of Europe and northwestern Africa formed during the collision of the vast Peri-Gondwana shelf of Africa / Arabia with Laurussia eventually leading to the assembly of western Pangea. Late- to post-orogenic granites with Li and W mineralization were emplaced throughout the entire belt, but only complexes of the former Armorican spur (Kroner et al., 2013), i.e., Cornwall, the Erzgebirge and N-Iberia, host primary Sn mineralization of economic value. These deposits are related to late-orogenic high temperature metamorphism (N-Iberia, Erzgebirge) and to post-orogenic advective heat transfer from the mantle (Cornwall, Erzgebirge), respectively. Thus, it is not the tectonic setting of magmatism that controls the distribution of Sn deposits, but the protoliths (which formed long before supercontinent assembly) and the accretionary development before collision (Romer and Kroner, 2022). Common to all Gondwana-derived crustal fragments in the Variscan belt is the presence of voluminous, early Ordovician siliciclastic sedimentary units deposited on the Peri-Gondwana shelf during the breakup of Pannotia. These sediments represent deeply weathered continental sediments that have been redeposited from the interior of Gondwana to its margins (Romer and Kroner, 2016) and are slightly metal enriched (residual enrichment). The weathering is important as it affects the later melting behavior of these sedimentary rocks. The change from a passive to an active continental margin setting of the hyperextended Gondwana shelf results in the accretion and stacking of shelf sediments during the prolonged formation of Pangea. This tectonic accumulation locally resulted in metal redistribution within the former shelf sediments, leading to domains that are depleted or enriched. Such redistribution may lead to extreme Sn enrichments as in local metasedimentary sequences of the Erzgebirge (Bohemian Massif) that contain Sn-rich and cassiterite bearing peak metamorphic minerals, clearly showing prograde Sn enrichment. The distinctive feature of the Armorican spur of the Gondwana plate is its prolonged subduction accretion tectonics lasting from the early Devonian to the early Carboniferous. As the Armorican spur hosts the most important Variscan Sn deposits, we argue that metal enrichment in continental accretionary complexes is an essential step in the formation of tin specialized granitic melts.

Kroner, U. and R. L. Romer: Two plates - Many subduction zones: The Variscan orogeny reconsidered, Gondwana Research, 24/1, 298-329,, 2013.

Romer, R. L. and U. Kroner: Phanerozoic tin and tungsten mineralization—Tectonic controls on the distribution of enriched protoliths and heat sources for crustal melting, Gondwana Research, 31, 60-95,, 2016.

Romer, R. L. and U. Kroner: Provenance control on the distribution of endogenic Sn-W, Au, and U mineralization within the Gondwana-Laurussia plate boundary zone, New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen, 25-46,, 2022.

How to cite: Kroner, U. and Romer, R.: Continental accretionary tectonics of western Pangea and the formation of Sn, W and Li deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12785,, 2025.

EGU25-13149 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.1

The long-term (hydro-)thermal evolution around laccolith-like intrusions with implications for tin deposit formation 

Nicolas Krattiger, Jonas Köpping, and Thomas Driesner

Water-rich magmatic systems are important for the formation of many magmatic hydrothermal ore deposits because degassing intrusions can provide both the heat and the chemical compounds needed for their formation. However, for different types of ore deposits, the processes and their complex interplay leading to mineral precipitation vary. Here, we use numerical simulations to investigate the thermal evolution of silicic magmatic systems similar to those hosting some of the largest Sn deposits. Detailed field and oxygen isotope studies suggest that these deposits can form due to convective mixing of hot magmatic fluids and meteoric water (e.g., Fekete et al., 2016). The timing and location of this fluid mixing as well as the long-term thermal evolution of large magmatic hydrothermal systems, however, has attracted surprisingly little attention (e.g., Large et al., 2021) and has mostly been investigated by either using purely conductive heat transfer approaches or by neglecting magmatic fluid production and degassing during crystallisation.

Here, we present 2D fluid-flow simulations for laccolith-shaped intrusions emplaced at 3 and 5 km depth to (1) explore the long-term hydrothermal evolution related to silicic magmatic systems, and (2) identify preferred conditions to form tin deposits (i.e., mixing of meteoric and magmatic water). The intrusion has dimensions of 20 km width and 1 km thickness and releases aqueous fluids during crystallisation.

We observe a significant temporal delay between the crystallisation of the magma chamber and the emergence of the hydrothermal system. While the intrusion solidifies completely within a few 103 to 104 years, the hydrothermal convection reaches its maximum extent after full solidification of the magma chamber. Importantly, the temporal delay is larger for intrusions emplaced at 5 km depth. This is because the lower rock permeability at greater depths limits fluid flow velocities and thus prevents significant advection. Fluid convection starts to establish once heat conduction provides sufficient heat to higher-permeability rocks at shallower depths. Due to the low rock permeability, a considerable amount of the magmatic fluids remains trapped in the crystallised intrusion.

For an emplacement depth of 3 km, significant mixing of magmatic and meteoric fluids can occur already during the early stages of degassing (< 10,000 years). Here, higher rock permeability allows for mixing of hot ascending magmatic fluids into meteoric water. In the case of deeper intrusions, the most significant mixing occurs at later stages of the convecting hydrothermal system (> 60,000 years), when downwards-flowing meteoric fluid slowly infiltrates into the crystallised intrusion and mixes with the trapped magmatic fluid.

Overall, we suggest that emplacement depth is a critical parameter controlling the location and timing of fluid mixing around laccolith-like intrusions and therefore potential tin precipitation mechanisms.



Fekete, Sz. et al. 2016: Contrasting hydrological processes of meteoric water incursion during magmatic–hydrothermal ore deposition: An oxygen isotope study by ion microprobe, EPSL, 451, 263‒271.

Large, S. et al. 2021: Copper-mineralised porphyries sample the evolution of a large-volume silicic magma reservoir from rapid assembly to solidification, EPSL, 563, 116877.

How to cite: Krattiger, N., Köpping, J., and Driesner, T.: The long-term (hydro-)thermal evolution around laccolith-like intrusions with implications for tin deposit formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13149,, 2025.

The Cu-Zn mineralization in the Kuzuluk (Sakarya) region has hosted within the tuffaceous rocks of the Eocene Yığılca formation along the fault zones in the Western Pontides. The study area is made up of the Permian-Triassic Sultaniye Metamorphites, Upper Cretaceous Abant formation, Early-Middle Eocene Çaycuma and Yığılca formations, and Pliocene Örencik formation. It is characterized by significant tectonic activity represented by dip-slip fault zones, particularly within the tuffaceous rocks of the Yığılca formation. The ore zone occurred within the fracture zone in the tuffaceous rocks of the Yığılca formation represented by an epigenetic mineralized vein-type structure including pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bornite, quartz, and calcite. The geochemical studies indicated that this ore zone contains approximately 2620 ppm Cu and 1440 ppm Zn concentrated within the fracture zone. Carbonatization is the main hydrothermal alteration in the study area. To assess the sulfur origin in the mineralization, ten sulfide samples from pyrite and chalcopyrite minerals were analyzed for sulfur isotopes. Their δ34S data vary from +28.56 to +29.52 ‰, which shows that the enrichment is due to the vigorous interaction between hydrothermal fluids and sedimentary sulfate reserves. Additionally, this reflects the impact of hydrothermal fluid and organic matter dissolution in the area, in contrast to magmatic sulfur sources. Therefore, circulation of the hydrothermal fluids along fault zones played a crucial role in the formation of the ore zone, facilitating the precipitation of Cu-Zn minerals and gangue minerals (quartz and calcite). These findings suggest that the geological processes that lead to the formation of the Cu-Zn Kuzuluk mineralization contribute to clarifying hydrothermal mineralization within Western Pontides fault zones.

How to cite: Kaya, M.: Epigenetic Cu-Zn Mineralization in the Yığılca Formation Tuffs of Kuzuluk (Sakarya), Western Pontides, Turkey: Insights from Sulfur Isotope Analysis and Hydrothermal Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13609,, 2025.

EGU25-14565 | Orals | GMPV5.1

Intrusion-related versus orogenic gold, Western Lachlan Orogen, Tasmanides, Australia 

Coralie Siégel, Fariba Kohan Pour, Cameron Cairns, Helen McFarlane, Ross Cayley, Zsanett Pintér, Michael Verrall, Colin MacRae, and James Lewis

Long-lived accretionary orogens like the Tasmanides of eastern Australia have typically undergone a series of compressional and extensional episodes with multiple magmatic and hydrothermal events that shape its rheological, compositional and metallogenic character. In the state of Victoria, the Western Lachlan Orogen (WLO) of the Tasmanides is home to one of the world’s largest gold provinces. Multi-million-ounce orogenic gold deposits of Ordovician age occur in the Bendigo and Stawell zones, whilst the oldest known gold mineralisation in the Melbourne Zone is Devonian with the largest deposits associated with a mafic to intermediate dyke swarm. Widespread Devonian magmatism in the WLO resulted in goldfields spatially associated with granites with some older orogenic gold deposits overprinted by Devonian magmatism (e.g. Maldon). This study, driven by the underexplored Tabberabbera Zone (potential long-strike extension of the Bendigo Zone according to the Lachlan Orocline model), addresses those challenges.

Eight gold deposits in the WLO of Victoria are revisited. Five are spatially associated with, and in the hornfels surrounding, the Devonian Beechworth and Yackandandah I-type granites in the northern Tabberabbera Zone (Barambogie, Twist Creek, Bon Accord, Homeward Bound and Happy Valley). Others include Haunted Stream near the Dead Bird Suite in the southern Tabberabbera Zone, Golden Mountain in the hornfels of the Devonian S-type Strathbogie Granite in the central Melbourne Zone and the classic orogenic style at Gill Reef in the world-class Bendigo Goldfield in the north central Bendigo Zone. A macro- to micro-scale approach is used, integrating micro-XRF MAIA mapping, automated mineralogy, EPMA-CL mapping, and apatite U-Pb geochronology.

At Golden Mountain, gold is disseminated in the cordierite-bearing Strathbogie Granite and hosted in fault structures in the surrounding hornfels with no Bi and Te identified. Gold mineralisation is hosted as free gold in quartz veins at Barambogie, Twist Creek and Bon Accord. These veins host apatite with U-Pb ages that are coeval with the Devonian intrusions. Occurrences of Bi and Te, lollingite, Ti in quartz and the thermal U-Pb reset of the detrital apatite suggest this gold mineralisation is intrusion-related. In contrast, at Haunted Stream, the abundance of sulfides, gold locked in pyrite and a lack of Bi and Te indicate an orogenic style. Apatite in quartz veins at Haunted Stream yield a Jurassic age suggesting reactivation of the nearby Haunted Stream Fault during the breakup of Gondwana. Apatite in low-temperature Al-rich quartz veins at Happy Valley and Gill Reef yield Triassic and Carboniferous ages respectively. Gold mineralisation at Happy Valley is not associated with the Yackandandah Granite. Instead, rare Triassic magmatism in eastern Victoria and the occurrence of weak Bi suggest a likely distal magmatic signature.  At Gill Reef, the Carboniferous hydrothermal apatite may result from late stage magmatic-related activity of the Upper Devonian Harcourt Granodiorite. Apatite located in arsenopyrite-bearing stylolitic veinlets suggest a potential gold remobilisation/enrichment event during the emplacement of the intrusion, like the Maldon deposit. New U-Pb geochronology of apatite in quartz veins and the hornfels integrated with mineralogical observations have been crucial in unravelling the cryptic gold metallogeny of the WLO.

How to cite: Siégel, C., Kohan Pour, F., Cairns, C., McFarlane, H., Cayley, R., Pintér, Z., Verrall, M., MacRae, C., and Lewis, J.: Intrusion-related versus orogenic gold, Western Lachlan Orogen, Tasmanides, Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14565,, 2025.

EGU25-15137 | Posters on site | GMPV5.1

Geological characteristics and Nickel mineralization of the Valozoro deposit, Central-Southern Madagascar 

Heninjara Narimihamina Rarivoarison, Alfred Solofomampiely Andriamamonjy, Tongasoa Miha, Dieudonné Razafimahatratra, Daniel Rakotoarisoa, and Rindraniavo Mahatony Nisi

The Valozoro deposit is located in the rural commune of Fiadanana, within the Ambohimasoa district in the Haute Matsiatra region, in the central-southern part of Madagascar. It lies within the extension of the Ambositra and Fianarantsoa geological series, specifically in the Faliandra sector. Dating back to the Mesoproterozoic era, this formation belongs to the Ambatolampy group, part of the Antananarivo tectono-metamorphic Domain.

The deposit is defined by intrusions of harzburgites embedded in formations of pyroxene- and amphibole-bearing gneiss, micaschists, and migmatites. The nickel-rich harzburgites form a distinctive subcircular hill at Valozoro. These holomelanocratic rocks, with a granular texture, are primarily composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase. Due to prolonged meteoric weathering, the harzburgites have undergone supergene alteration, leading to the serpentinization of olivine and orthopyroxene.

The alteration process occurs in two key stages: (1) Early hydrolysis of olivine, resulting in the accumulation of residual iron enriched with nickel. (2) Progressive epigenization of serpentine ribbons by iron hydroxides, leading to intensified nickel enrichment. Serpentine exhibits an average nickel content of 2.5% and further alters into residual lateritic clay with nickel content ranging from 0.2% to 2.5%, averaging 1.2%. The harzburgites are intersected by significant veins of graphic pegmatite containing schorlite and milky quartz. They also feature fissures filled with centimeter-scale veinlets of garnierite, recognized by its dark green color. The primary exploitable ores at Valozoro include nickel laterites, garnierite, and serpentines.

How to cite: Rarivoarison, H. N., Andriamamonjy, A. S., Miha, T., Razafimahatratra, D., Rakotoarisoa, D., and Nisi, R. M.: Geological characteristics and Nickel mineralization of the Valozoro deposit, Central-Southern Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15137,, 2025.

Porphyry-type ore deposits are the most important source of Cu and Mo for our society, while also providing significant amounts of Au and Ag, making the understanding of their formation crucial to the targeted exploration of these metals. Recent studies emphasize the importance of the timing and depth of fluid exsolution for controlling magmatic sulphide saturation and fluid-assisted ore metal and sulphur extraction from the magma, and thus the overall ore fertility of arc magmas. As emplacement depth is related to the pressure (P) and temperature (T) of the magmatic system, accurate constraints on the influence of P and T on the fluid/melt partition coefficients (Df/m) of Cu, Ag, Au and Mo are vital in understanding the genesis of porphyry deposits. To this end, experiments were conducted by equilibrating a synthetic rhyolite starting glass with S-free fluids containing 5.5 and 37 wt.% NaCl­Eq­ chlorides at pressures of 150–700 MPa (corresponding to ~5–25 km depth) and temperatures of 750–950 °C. Experiments were performed using Au-Ag-Cu alloy capsules as a source of metals and the equilibrium fluid was entrapped as synthetic fluid inclusions in natural quartz fractured in-situ during experimental runs. Externally heated molybdenum-hafnium carbide pressure vessels were used for experiments up to P = 300 MPa, above which a piston cylinder apparatus was used. Results indicate a moderate decrease in Df/m­Cl­ with increasing T and a partitioning maximum at a P of about 400 MPa. Considering the ore metals, Cu, Ag, and Au partition coefficients decrease with increasing temperature, with the effect being greater at higher fluid salinity. Pressure has a weak effect on the partitioning of these metals at constant Cl concentration in the fluid phase and Df/m may display a maximum at ~400 MPa. As for Mo­, temperature has a negligible effect on Df/m­Mo­ while increasing pressure increases Mo partitioning into the fluid, but only at low salinities. The results suggest that lower temperatures and moderate pressures (~400 MPa or ~12 km depth) are the most conducive to the generation of magmatic fluids with a high potential for porphyry ore generation. The new results serve as an important building block of semi-empirical models currently in development to predict the fluid/melt partition coefficients of porphyry ore metals in P-T-compositional space.

How to cite: Gennaro, I., Tsay, A., and Zajacz, Z.: Magma emplacement depth and magmatic-hydrothermal ore fertility: The effects of pressure and temperature on the fluid/melt partitioning of porphyry ore metals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16557,, 2025.

EGU25-20422 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.1

Apatite as record of multi-stage evolution and ore-forming processes in carbonatites and derived regoliths 

Cheikh Elwali Malainine, Muhammad Ouabid, Otmane Raji, Fleurice Parat, and Jean Louis Bodinier

Apatite is a ubiquitous accessory phase in igneous rocks and a prevalent phase in carbonatites, where it is commonly present throughout their entire evolutionary history. It is typically enriched in light rare earth elements (REE) and can attain high modal proportions, especially in carbonatite-derived lateritic deposits. This study investigates the textural features and apatite geochemistry in a Paleoproterozoic complex in the peri-cratonic terrains of the Reguibat Shield to elucidate the crystallization environment, petrogenetic evolution and potential REE redistribution and phosphate ore grade enhancement. Three distinct apatite populations were identified within the regolith and underlying carbonatite protolith. A primary large group of apatite consists of ovoid to pill-like crystals, reflecting the primary igneous carbonatite system with typical light REE enrichment and high Sr and Ba concentrations. A secondary generation of apatite shows evidence of hydrothermal overprinting and occurs in two distinct mineral associations. Apatites accompanied by carbonates, clinohumite, and serpentine minerals exhibit low Sr, REE, and Th contents with a negative Eu anomaly, indicating early hydrothermal reworking in a reduced environment. Whereas, light REE-depleted apatites associated with monazite, barite, and siderite point to a subsequent hydrothermal stage under more oxidizing conditions. The intimate association between monazite and apatite grains highlights fluid-mediated apatite alteration and subsequent monazite nucleation. The composition of apatite and monazite grains in the regolith mantle mirrors their composition in the underlying carbonatite, reflecting their strong genetic link. Besides, the third apatite group consists of secondary carbonate-bearing apatites cementing primary ovoid grains in the regolith horizons. The secondary apatites are depleted in REE, Sr, and Na with CO32- uptake in the PO43- site, along with F enrichment, which acts as a balancing element. Despite abnormal levels of certain deleterious elements, such as Zn and Cd, these apatites display very low concentrations of As and Th, enhancing their potential for industrial applications. The secondary apatite formation reflects the late-stage supergene processes, which triggered the leaching, recrystallization and lithification of various mineral phases, resulting in the formation of variably sized apatite-rich horizons reaching locally mineable grades.

How to cite: Malainine, C. E., Ouabid, M., Raji, O., Parat, F., and Bodinier, J. L.: Apatite as record of multi-stage evolution and ore-forming processes in carbonatites and derived regoliths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20422,, 2025.

Calcite is one of the primary host for rare earth elements (REE) in carbonatites. The Kamthai carbonatite complex contains the largest REE budget among Indian carbonatite complexes. This study reports new 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of six textural types of calcite in carbonatite and calcite-quartz veins in phonolite of Kamthai along with their major and trace element composition to constrain the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of carbonatite. Four textural types of calcite (magmatic: CalM and CalPR; and secondary: CalSK and CalS) in carbonatite show consistent mantle-like 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The CalM has restricted 87Sr/86Sr (0.70437±0.00005) and contains high concentrations of ƩREE, Sr, Ba, and Mn without any Ce anomaly. It probably crystallized from the late-stage brine-melt with primary carbocernaite. The CalM is partially re-equilibrated into CalPR (0.70425±0.00024) during interaction with syn-magmatic fluid, resulting in the loss of a significant amount of REE and Sr. The two secondary varieties of calcite show overlapping and marginally higher 87Sr/86Sr (CalSK: 0.70469±0.00041; CalS: 0.70478±0.00025; δCe*: <0.7 for both) than CalM, indicating that they were altered by syn– to para– magmatic fluids with partial contribution from external hydrothermal fluid. The fluid-induced re-equilibration led to the expulsion of most of its original Sr and REE content. Two types of secondary calcite (CalS1 and CalS2) are identified in three veins within phonolite. These contain the lowest abundance of ΣREE+Y, Sr, Ba, and Mn. One type of calcite (CalS1) defines two clusters of 87Sr/86Sr ratios: 1) one cluster (0.70443±0.00035) is identical to CalM and crystallized from late-stage syn– to para–magmatic fluids. 2) Calcite defining the second cluster has significantly more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.70768±0.00063) compared to the other varieties of calcite. Calcite of both clusters is characterized by prominent negative Ce (δCe*: <<0.034) anomalies, indicating their crystallization from oxidized fluids that removed Ce as Ce(IV). Mixing calculations indicate that mixing of 40–70% post-magmatic fluid with syn-magmatic fluid can account for the higher 87Sr/86Sr composition. The other type of calcite (CalS2) is characterized by LREE-depleted REE patterns without any anomaly and mantle-like 87Sr/86Sr (0.70434±0.00073). It possibly crystallized from late-stage para-magmatic fluids exsolved from the carbonatite melt after primary LREE mineralization. 

How to cite: Chandra, J., Upadhyay, D., Patel, A. K., and Mishra, B.: Calcite trace element chemistry and in-situ measured 87Sr/86Sr composition as a recorder of hydrothermal interaction of carbonatite: a case study from the Kamthai complex (western India)  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-199,, 2025.

The development of high-grade Cl brines is linked to some of the major mineral deposits, such as IOCG and skarns, that are often characterized by wide aureoles of scapolitization. In terranes of enhanced metallogenesis, the prograde track scapolitization can be obscured by the later intense hydrothermal reworking, making it difficult to reconstruct the prograde fluid development. For these reasons, studying the unmineralized country rocks in a deposit vicinity could provide otherwise erased information on deposit formation. The augen orthogneisses from scapolitization aureoles, located beneath the Varena Iron Ore Deposit (VIOD), in the East European Craton (Lithuania) were chosen for this study. The rocks are composed of Cpx-Amf-Bt-Pl-Kf-Scp-Qtz-Ilm-Mag-Ttn. They range from domain-structured gneiss with Pl phenocryst remains (partly or entirely replaced by Scp) in distal parts (samples D8 and D9), to almost pure scapolite rock at contact with the iron ore (sample V987), suggesting re-equilibration at different temperature and varying fluid composition and fluid/rock ratios.

Scapolite replacing Pl phenocrysts (D8 and D9) from the prograde metamorphic assemblage of Cpx+Pl+Kf+Bt+Qtz+Ilm in the mafic domains has a Cl content increasing from 0.44 apfu in the core to 0.87 apfu in the rim.  The matrix scapolite forming channel-like patchwork in the felsic matrix has Cl content up to 1 apfu and is in equilibrium with the peak-temperature Mg-Hst (750 °C, sample D9). Similar Ap-Bt temperatures of 694-766 °C were obtained in the sample D8. Biotite is thinning out towards the mafic domain centre, where it completely disappears, suggesting a partial melting of the biotite and formation of the Pl+Kf+Qtz+Scp felsic matrix around the mafic domains.

An inverse relationship in scapolite chlorinity was observed in samples with high fluid/rock ratios (V987). Here, the Cl content of 0.64-0.89 apfu is recorded in the blocky scapolite, surrounded by an analcime-scapolite (Cl content of 0.32-0.76) matrix with minor calcite and anhydrite. The Cl content in matrix scapolite is decreasing towards the contact with the ore. This indicates a change in fluid regime and its chemistry during the retrogression, with decreasing chlorinity and increased oxygen fugacity.

High Cl content in scapolite at the estimated peak conditions suggests the presence of a fluid with high aCl and low aH2O. Domain structure, dehydrated biotite and dark-CL metamorphic zircon rims are in favour of partial melting at the peak temperatures. Water is highly partitioned into the silicate melt, whereas chlorine solubility in silicic melts is very limited and is usually retained in the fluid phase. Thus, in a rock-buffered fluid, partial melting could shift fluid composition in the ternary system H2O-CO2-NaCl towards or into the “halite” stability field, producing molten salts, capable of mobilizing elements such as Fe, REE, U and Th.

How to cite: Šiliauskas, L. and Skridlaite, G.: Effect of a partial melting on the development of ore-forming fluid: a case study from the Varena Iron Ore Deposit, SE Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-523,, 2025.

EGU25-695 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Morphological transitions in mineral dendrites 

Dawid Woś, Piotr Szymczak, and Zhaoliang Hou

Mineral dendrites are tree-like, branched patterns commonly found on or within rocks, typically formed by the deposition of minerals like manganese or iron oxides. In natural systems these patterns exhibit diverse morphologies and shapes, varying in thickness or degree of branching. This study focuses on quasi-planar dendritic patterns growing along fractures and bedding planes.  In these dendrites, abrupt morphological transitions, where their thickness changes suddenly, are often observed. Understanding the mechanisms behind this phenomenon is the aim of this work.


Dendrites form through the infiltration of fractured rocks by manganese- or –iron-bearing fluids. When these fluids mix with oxygenated solutions, metal oxides precipitate, creating the dendritic patterns. The exact deposition mechanism remains debated. One model suggests that as the fluids mix, nanoscale particles of manganese or iron oxide are first formed. These nanoparticles then aggregate, resulting in the formation of mineral dendrites.


In such a scenario, the final dendrite morphology turns out to be highly sensitive to the initial concentrations of manganese (or iron) in the system. We show that morphological transitions can be triggered by subsequent infiltrations of metal-bearing fluids, characterized by different concentrations of manganese/iron ions. However, we also point to another factor that can induce morphological transitions in dendrites, this time related to the change in the aperture of the fracture or bedding plane along which they grow. We show that larger fracture apertures correlate with the formation of thicker dendritic structures. We analyze the characteristics of both transitions, focusing on the features that allow them to be distinguished from one another.


The ultimate goal would be to establish a link between the morphology of the dendrites and the physicochemical conditions in which they grew. This connection would allow for the decoding of the hydrogeochemical history of the dendrite-bearing rock strata.

How to cite: Woś, D., Szymczak, P., and Hou, Z.: Morphological transitions in mineral dendrites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-695,, 2025.

EGU25-822 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Reactive Transport Numerical Modeling of Gold Precipitation and Enrichment of Granite-Hosted Gold Deposit 

Yiwei Cai, Kun-Feng Qiu, Piotr Szymczak, Anthony J.C. Ladd, Deng-Yang He, Hao-Cheng Yu, and Tao Cui

Granite-hosted gold deposits, a major component of global gold resources, exhibit complex geochemical evolution and diverse mineralization types. Understanding the mechanisms of gold precipitation and enrichment in these systems is crucial for mineral resources exploration and extraction. Alteration processes such as potassic alteration, sericitization and pyritization significantly influence gold mobility and concentration. However, their roles in fluid-rock interactions and coupled physical-chemical dynamics remain insufficiently understood due to the complexity of mineralogical and environmental factors, as well as limited experimental and modeling data.

This study employs PFLOTRAN-based reactive transport modeling to explore the geochemical mechanisms of gold precipitation and enrichment, using the Sanshandao gold deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula, China, as a case study. Integrating geological data, hydrothermal fluid dynamics, and thermodynamic of chemical reaction networks, the model explores the influence of alteration minerals, including K-feldspar, sericite and pyrite, on fluid composition, gold solubility and precipitation. It evaluates the effects of critical parameters such as temperature, pressure and PH on the stability and solubility of gold-bearing complexes, revealing the advantageous conditions for gold precipitation.

Alteration minerals affect hydrothermal fluid properties, such as PH and redox potential, which govern gold precipitation. For example, sericitization decreases fluid PH and enhances gold solubility, while pyritization facilitates adsorption, promoting localized gold enrichment. This underscores the importance of fluid-rock interactions and geochemical conditions in controlling gold transport and enrichment.

This study offers a framework for understanding the physical-chemical mechanisms of gold mineralization in granite-hosted gold deposits. The use of reactive transport modeling provides insights how alteration processes and fluid-rock interactions shape ore-forming mechanism similar to geological settings.

Keywords: Granite-hosted gold deposits; Reactive transport modeling; Fluid-rock interaction; Gold precipitation and enrichment; Ore-forming mechanism

How to cite: Cai, Y., Qiu, K.-F., Szymczak, P., Ladd, A. J. C., He, D.-Y., Yu, H.-C., and Cui, T.: Reactive Transport Numerical Modeling of Gold Precipitation and Enrichment of Granite-Hosted Gold Deposit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-822,, 2025.

Glass beads formed from impact melt and vapor are extensively distributed in the lunar regolith samples, containing much information about protolith composition, regolith formation and reworking. However, their understanding is often controversial due to the diversity of their sources and the complexity of later modifications. Recent returned Chang’e-5 regolith provide a unique opportunity to understand microscopic mechanism of regolith reworking and contribution of exotic components because of their shorter gardening history and exposure time. In this study, we present 256 glass beads selected from 1700 mg Chang’e-5 regolith and characterized their representative microstructures. A series of textures such as microcraters, linear scratches and bonded silicate are observed on the surface of impact glass beads, which mainly originate from the low-speed impacts of micrometeorites and their sputtered products to in-situ materials. The major and trace elements data of two sample groups of Chang’e-5 local glass beads with different textures show that homogeneous glass beads are mainly characterized by linear element loss while heterogeneous glass exhibits element redistribution with certain minerals. Based on relatively stable elements, 71 exotic glass beads were identified and divided into seven subtypes, which are associated with impact and transported materials from other regions on the Moon, tens to hundreds of kilometers away from Chang’e-5 landing site. These results indicate that the influence of large-scale impacts might be the major factor for regolith transformation including the addition of exotic materials or alterations in elements. In contrast, the small-scale impacts mainly in-situ transformed the morphology on regolith particles. The production and formation of these glass beads indicate the direction for future exploration of lunar resources

How to cite: Li, Z. and Zhang, B.: The significance of lunar glass beads for future resource exploration revealed by Chang'e-5 samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2020,, 2025.

EGU25-3647 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Mechanisms to create stratiform mineralization in sedimentary rocks through hydrothermal processes 

Peter M. Berger, Joseph M. Magnall, Michael Kühn, and Sarah A. Gleeson

The resource demands for the ongoing energy transition require increased exploration for metal deposits. Clastic dominated (CD-type) deposits are an important target in this search because of their size and high grade. To narrow down the search for CD-type deposits, it is important to understand how they formed. One proposed formation mechanism for these deposits is sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX), in which fluid discharge from vents resulting in stratiform sulfide precipitation on the seafloor. Alternatively, it has been suggested that CD-type deposits can form beneath the seafloor, when hydrothermal fluids dissolve specific minerals (e.g., carbonate, barite) and precipitate ore in the host rock. In his study we simulate several ways in which subseafloor replacement can create stratiform mineralization that occur along laminae or single beds.

We ran a series of models using the software X2t (part of GWB) to investigate scenarios where hydrothermal fluids formed stratiform mineralization through carbonate replacement of a mixed carbonate carbonaceous mudstone unit. The models were based on the mineralogy of the Teena deposit (Australia). In the simulations, which used organic material and/or pyrite as redox buffers, a slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid replaced dolomite with sphalerite.

One scenario that resulted in stratiform mineralization was in a system with high rates of flow. The Péclet number is the ratio of advective to diffusive transport. When the Péclet number was high, advection dominated over diffusion and mineralization concentrated along preferential flow paths. The dissolution and replacement of carbonate during alteration created a feedback mechanism that enhanced flow along already permeable zones. When there were existing stratigraphic based differences in permeability, the required Péclet number for stratiform mineralization was lower.

Another set of models that produced stratiform mineralization had reducing beds that acted as a reductant for metals flowing through adjacent units. Reduced compounds flowed out of the reducing beds and caused pyrite or sphalerite precipitation in adjacent cells. This redox gradient could be created by the presence of organic matter or a simple permeability difference. Finally, a model containing mineralogic heterogeneities resulted in stratiform mineralization by creating beds with lower pH. Acid formed in areas with low initial concentrations of carbonate minerals. The acidic fluid then seeped into the adjacent beds with higher carbonate mineral concentrations. The dissolution of carbonate in the adjacent beds led to the creation preferential flow paths and stratiform mineralization.

The models simulated ways in which heterogeneities and preferential flow paths in a mixed carbonate carbonaceous mudstone unit could create stratiform mineralization during hydrothermal alteration. High flow rates and variations in permeability or mineralogy can result in not only the stratiform mineralization of the ore minerals, but also of pyrite as a reaction front preceding the ore deposition forming a distal halo.

How to cite: Berger, P. M., Magnall, J. M., Kühn, M., and Gleeson, S. A.: Mechanisms to create stratiform mineralization in sedimentary rocks through hydrothermal processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3647,, 2025.

Reported Paleoproterozoic rare earth element (REE) deposits worldwide are quite limited. Here, we present the first detailed studies on a volcanic-sedimentary metamorphic type REE deposit, namely the Shengtieling REE deposit in NE China, to give a further case. The Shengtieling REE deposit (central Liaoning) occurs in the Lieryu Formation of the South Liaohe Group and is located in the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji tectonic belt. The BSE images, combined with the monazite LA-ICP-MS in-situ trace elements, show that the main REE minerals are monazite, xenotime, and apatite from the magnetite leptynite. According to zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronological results, the maximum depositional age for magmatic clastic zircon is 1.95Ga, but both metamorphic zircons and monazites give similar ages of 1.90~1.87Ga. Whole-rock trace elements data suggest a continental island arc origin for the magnetite leptynite samples, thus indicating that the protolith may be arc-related sedimentary rocks. Notably, the 1.90~1.87Ga metamorphism is consistent with the timing of regional metamorphism, confirming the existence of arc-continent collision during the formation of the Jiao-Liao-Ji tectonic belt. Thus, based on the above new results, the Shengtieling REE deposit should be a typical Paleoproterozoic volcanic-sedimentary metamorphic type REE deposit. More attention should be paid to exploring similar REE deposit types in NE China and elsewhere.

How to cite: Liu, B., Ju, N., and Liu, X.: Zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronology and trace elements unravel a Paleoproterozoic volcanic-sedimentary metamorphic type rare earth element deposit in NE China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3683,, 2025.

EGU25-5354 | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Vermicular petalite-orthoclase intergrowths in quartz: A natural occurrence of stuffed quartz and its implications for economic lithium mineralization  

Mingqian Wu, Iain Samson, Anouk Borst, Xi Diao, Charles Beard, and Zhaoliang Hou

Peraluminous rare-metal granites from South China constitute the largest, minable hard-rock lithium resources in the world. An ongoing debate is whether the Li in these granites was concentrated to economic grades via igneous processes alone, or whether metasomatic processes played an indispensable role in achieving economic grades. The Yichun deposit is a suitable locality to study lithium mineralization processes; here, a zoned petalite (LiAlSi4O10)-bearing pegmatite sheet was intruded by underlying Li-rich granites, where both the pegmatite and granites have previously been interpreted to have originated from the same magma. Two types of sequentially crystallized quartz are present in the core zone of the pegmatite. An early quartz yields similar δ18O values to magmatic graphic quartz. This early quartz is fractured, free of mineral inclusions, and was crosscut or partially replaced by an inclusion-rich, late quartz, which exhibits comparable δ18O values to magmatic quartz, as opposed to the higher δ18O values of hydrothermal quartz at Yichun. Titanium-in-quartz thermobarometry constrains that both quartz generations were formed at comparable temperatures to the magmatic graphic quartz and share a magmatic origin. The inclusions in the late quartz are a vermicular variety, composed of abundant petalite and lesser orthoclase. Image analysis-based mass balance calculations yield an average of 2,300 ppm Li in the original melt that formed the mineral assemblage in the late quartz. Such a Li abundance is lower than the minimum Li (~5,000 ppm) required for direct crystallization of petalite from a peraluminous melt. The petalite inclusions are, therefore, interpreted as exsolution from a transient, magmatic quartz-petalite solid solution containing ~2,300 ppm Li and ~8,000 ppm Al that chemically resembled the stuffed quartz synthesized from crystallization experiments. To attain ~2,300 ppm Li in the core zone, 90% fractionation of an initial pegmatite melt containing ca. 300 ppm Li is sufficient, and formation of a boundary layer to concentrate Li is not required. The current evidence suggests that up to 1.2 wt% Li in the Yichun granite-pegmatite system resulted from metasomatism that further added Li. Such metasomatic enrichment likely applies to analogous systems in South China.

How to cite: Wu, M., Samson, I., Borst, A., Diao, X., Beard, C., and Hou, Z.: Vermicular petalite-orthoclase intergrowths in quartz: A natural occurrence of stuffed quartz and its implications for economic lithium mineralization , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5354,, 2025.

New discoveries of ore deposits are essential to secure our future demand on raw materials. Exploration for major hidden ore deposits at depth requires novel exploration concepts based on mineral system analyses beyond the deposit scale. Such approaches seek to develop a fundamental understanding of the process chain of coupled physical and chemical interactions between magmas, fluids and rocks that lead to the formation of large ore deposits. Numerical models will play a key role in bridging spatial and temporal scales varying by orders of magnitude. In this contribution, we present new numerical constraints on the formation of porphyry Cu-Mo and epithermal Au-Ag deposits. The model can simultaneously resolve both magma (Navier‐Stokes) and hydrothermal (Darcy) flow. It further uses realistic non-linear properties of crystallizing magmas and saline fluids, dynamic permeability feedbacks including fault structures, and proxies for metal transport.  The simulations describe the interplay of episodic sill emplacements, magma convection, focused volatile degassing, hydraulic fracturing, fluid phase separation and mixing. The model further simulates the fate of chemical components like salts and metals, considering fluid-melt and vapor-brine partitioning, as well as precipitation and remobilization. The simulation results show that the coupled physicochemical interactions of all of these processes can self-organize into the accumulation of voluminous hydrous magma reservoirs, distinct stages of degassing and ore precipitation by interaction with groundwater convection in typical porphyry ore shells (e.g. Gruzdeva et al., 2024). The modelled temporal and spatial evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system successfully reproduces and explains many observations at porphyry and epithermal deposits worldwide. Combining these first-order constraints from simplified numerical models with geochemical and geophysical data provides a promising avenue for the development of multi-method approaches to develop robust exploration criteria for future discoveries of critical mineral deposits.

Gruzdeva, Y., Weis, P., Andersen, C. (2024): Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, 7, e2023JB028433.

How to cite: Weis, P. and Gruzdeva, Y.: Numerical Modelling of Coupled Interactions of Magmas, Fluids and Rocks in the Formation of Porphyry Copper Deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5671,, 2025.

Vein-type gold orebodies in hydrothermal gold deposits normally develop vein-type orebodies normally composed of quartz and metal sulfides. Calcite, as one of the common minerals in vein-type gold deposits, commonly formed in the late mineralization stage. The Phapon gold deposit, located in northern Laos, is a unique deposit that is characterized by calcite as the main gangue mineral, free gold coexist with iron oxide, very low content of quartz and metal sulfides, and no spatial correlation with intrusive rock. The auriferous veins are hosted in lower Permian carbonate rocks and controlled by subparallel, NNW-trending brittle faults. The gold orebody is composed of a 0.3–2.0 m wide auriferous calcite vein that fills the fault zone, and the surrounding siderite and hematite alteration zones, with sparsely disseminated silification and sulfidation. The auriferous calcite vein consists of calcite (~90 vol%), subsequent siderite (~5 vol%) and hematite (~3 vol%), and a small amount of quartz, realgar, magnetite, orpiment, and traces of pyrite. In the siderite and hematite alteration zones, the hydrothermal mineral assemblage is similar to the veins, with less quartz, realgar, and orpiment and lacking pyrite.

Based on detailed field investigation, and microscopic and CL studies, three ore-forming stages were recognized as the pre-ore calcite(Cal-1)±quartz±pyrite veins, main-ore calcite(Cal-2)-siderite-hematite-realgar±orpiment-gold veins, and post-ore calcite(Cal-3) veins. The primary metal sulfides are mostly replaced by goethite during secondary oxidation. Gold normally formed as free gold that occurs in microcracks or along grain boundaries of Cal-2, or coexisted with goethite and fibrous hematite aggregates.Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry study suggested that the ore-forming fluids belong to a median-low temperature (180–240°C) and low salinity (3–10 wt% NaCl eq.) NaCl-H2O-CO2 system. Gold precipitation was mainly related to fluid immiscibility caused by pressure drop. Considering the coexistence of pyrite and iron-oxides in gold ores, gold deposition may be also related to changes of Eh and pH during the hydrothermal processes. Calcite LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis suggests inheritance between hydrothermal calcite and carbonate wall rock. Cal-2 shows higher REE, Mn, and Fe concentrations and the most obvious LREE-enrichment patterns compare to Cal-1 and Cal-3, indicating the ore-forming fluids in the main-stage are more acidic and have more intense fluid-rock interaction at the deposit trap. Vein calcite was dated by LA-SF-ICP-MS and obtained a lower intercept U-Pb age of 221.6 ± 7.6 Ma, which is interpreted as the Au mineralization age for the Phapon deposit. This age indicates that the epizonal orogenic gold mineralization event continued in the Late Triassic along the northwestern margin of the Indochina Block, postdating the late Permian–middle Triassic low-sulfidation epithermal and porphyry-skarn Au mineralization events and corresponds to the collision between the Sibumasu Terrane and the Indochina Block.

No similar deposit has been described until now, further study on the P-T-Eh-pH controlling factors during gold enrichment and precipitation process of Phapon will probably help to establish the metallogenic model of this kind of calcite-iron oxide vein-type gold deposits that spatially unrelated to intrusive rock mass, and further enriches the metallogenic theory of hydrothermal gold deposits.

How to cite: Guo, L.-N., Kolb, J., and Tang, Y.-W.: Gold enrichment and precipitation in the unique calcite-iron oxide vein-type Phapon gold deposit, Laos, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7713,, 2025.

EGU25-8010 | Orals | GMPV5.3

Mantle metasomatism facilitates the formation of continental crust and metal enrichment 

Shanshan Li, Kun-Feng Qiu, Timothy Kusky, Lu Wang, Hao-Cheng Yu, Ming-Qian Wu, Hartwig Frimmel, Yi-Xue Gao, Tong Zhou, Ze-Yu Yang, Ze-Chen Xi, and Jun Deng*

Earth’s enriched lithospheric mantle is postulated to be a natural repository of gold and rare earth element (REE) concentrations. We reviewed evidence for gold and REE enriched mantle from the Jiaobei and Luxi terranes in the North China Craton (NCC), which are the world’s third largest gold province and the China’s third largest REE deposit, respectively. In both terranes, extensive Archean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) suites are exposed, but whether their mantle source and partial melting pressure are different that caused diverse metallogeny remains ambiguous. Based on a comprehensive analysis of geochemical data, zircon U–Pb, and Hf isotopic compositions from the TTGs, we evaluate the petrogenesis, crustal–mantle evolution, and the role of source magma composition in the formation of crust as well as gold and REE mineralization. Zircon U–Pb–Hf isotope systematics reveal that magma emplacement occurred during three major pulses at ca. 2.9 Ga, 2.7 Ga, and 2.5 Ga in the Jiaobei Terrane, whereas magmatism in the Luxi Terrane was largely concentrated from ca. 2.7 to 2.5 Ga. Geochemical and isotopic data show that the ca. 2.9 Ga and ca. 2.7 Ga TTGs in the Jiaobei Terrane are inferred to have been generated by high- and low-pressure partial melting of an enriched mantle wedge and mafic crust of a thickened arc. The ca. 2.6 Ga and ca. 2.5 Ga TTGs in the Jiaobei Terrane were generated from low- to medium-pressure partial melting the crust of a continental arc. The mantle was gradually metasomatized by slab–derived fluids in the Jiaobei Terrane during ca. 2.7–2.5 Ga, and by additional melts from sedimentary protoliths in the Luxi Terrane during ca. 2.6–2.5 Ga. The spatial distribution of isotopic and geochemical patterns of TTGs reveals the presence of a heterogeneous enriched lithospheric mantle beneath the Jiaobei and Luxi terranes, formed by variable degrees of metasomatism and experienced variable degrees of partial melting. We propose that mantle metasomatism induced by melts derived from sedimentary precursors and low-pressure partial melting played an important role in the formation of the REE deposits and gold fertility within the SCLM.

How to cite: Li, S., Qiu, K.-F., Kusky, T., Wang, L., Yu, H.-C., Wu, M.-Q., Frimmel, H., Gao, Y.-X., Zhou, T., Yang, Z.-Y., Xi, Z.-C., and Deng*, J.: Mantle metasomatism facilitates the formation of continental crust and metal enrichment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8010,, 2025.

 The Late Ordovician mass extinction(LOME) constitutes the second largest of the“Big Five” extinctions of the Phanerozoic.The LOME comprised two extinction pulses associated with sea level changes linked tothe Hirnantian glaciation. Although climatechange has been implicated as a potential driver of the mass extinction, uncertainty remains as to its precise impact relative to the concurrent development of ocean anoxia. Here, we investigate the behavior of the oceanic cadmium (Cd) cycle, as a key element involved in a number of biological processes, across the LOME and into the Early Silurian. Our focus is on the Wangjiawan section in South China, which is the Global Stratotype Section and Point section marking the base of the Hirnantian Stage. We combine authigenic Cd isotope analyses (δ114Cdauth ) with total organic carbon concentrations and isotopes, and major and trace element systematics, to determine the evolution of marine productivity across the LOME and to provide insight into the mass extinction and relationships between climatic and environmental change. Our δ114Cdauth data display a gradually decreasing trend from the late Katian to the Katian‒Hirnantian boundary, suggesting enhanced biological assimilation of isotopically light Cd followed by export to the sediments. This interpretation is supported by an increase in organic carbon isotope (δ13Corg ) compositions, as well as a progressive decrease in P/Al ratios and increase in C org /P ratios in the early part of the late Katian. A slight increase in Cd isotope values in the early Hirnantian was likely caused by drawdown of light Cd (as CdS) in euxinic shallower seawater settings. During glacial melting in the late Hirnantian, organic carbon burial declined, consistent with lower Cd/Al, Zn/Al, and Ni/Al ratios. However, δ 114 Cd auth values remain low across this interval, possibly due to an increase in the supply of isotopically light Cd from enhanced weathering and rising sea levels, as supported by elevated Al contents and chemical index of alteration (CIA) values. Elevated δ114Cdauth values subsequently occurred in the Early Silurian (Rhuddanian), alongside a decline in CIA and Al values, suggesting that the Cd sink was gradually balanced by a decline in the weathering input of Cd and lower rates of primary productivity. Our data provide new insight into the Cd cycle through the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian, and suggest that elevated marine productivity drove enhanced burial of organic matter, which likely contributed to CO2 drawdown and the initiation of the Hirnantian glaciation.

How to cite: Zhao, H.: The constraints of cadmium isotopes on primary productivity and environmental perturbations during the Late Ordovician mass extinction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8187,, 2025.

EGU25-8749 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Evolution of transient permeability and fluid flow in disseminated ores of Zaozigou orogenic gold deposit 

Peng-Cong Zhang, Kun-Feng Qiu, Anna Rogowitz, Hao-Cheng Yu, and Zhaoliang Hou

Orogenic gold deposits are among the most important sources of gold globally. Ore occurs either in veins or disseminated within the host rock. While the dynamic permeability enhancement and fluid flow processes associated with vein-type ores have been extensively studied, the specific physical and chemical processes associated with fluid flux in disseminated ores have been largely overlooked. Here, we combine structural analysis, microstructural observation, and thermodynamic modeling of disseminated mineralized dacite to investigate the permeability evolution and the associated fluid flow characteristics in the Zaozigou orogenic gold deposit. The mineralized dacite is bordering an extensional quartz-stibnite vein that formed in response to rock implosion triggered by fluid pressure drops associated with co-seismic dilation on a nearby fault segment. The subsequent lateral alteration zonation on either side of the vein can be divided into four distinct zones (Z1-Z4) based on local geochemical and mineralogical variations:: Z1 is characterized by the enrichment of invisible gold, pyrite, arsenopyrite, sericite, albite, and dolomite; Z2 shows the occurrence of siderite, sericite, albite, and dolomite; Z3 can be defined by the concentration of chlorite and sericite; Z4 represents the least-altered dacite composed of quartz, biotite, and feldspar. Interconnected cracks observed in weakly altered dacite (Z3) reflect fluid pressure-induced grain-scale microcracking. In addition, the grain size reduction associated with fully altered minerals (Z1-Z2) results in the development of numerous new fluid pathways (grain boundaries) and a gradual increase in permeability. Pyrite, arsenopyrite, sericite, siderite, and chlorite are primarily distributed along the cleavage planes of biotite, while sericite and albite align with newly formed pores in feldspar. Additionally, dolomite is also observed around feldspar grains in Z1 and Z2. The spatial distribution of these hydrothermal minerals indicates that fluid flow predominantly occurred along pre-existing cleavage planes and newly formed microcracks and pores. The precipitation of hydrothermal minerals observed in altered dacite (Z1-Z3) indicates that the early increased permeability was eventually destroyed. Thermodynamic models based on our microstructural and geochemical investigations suggest that sulfidation reactions led to gold precipitation in the altered dacite and the subsequent compositional changes in reactive fluid flow are the predominant driver for the formation of the lateral alteration zoning.

How to cite: Zhang, P.-C., Qiu, K.-F., Rogowitz, A., Yu, H.-C., and Hou, Z.: Evolution of transient permeability and fluid flow in disseminated ores of Zaozigou orogenic gold deposit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8749,, 2025.

EGU25-11313 | Orals | GMPV5.3

Ionization of H2O, HCl, and NaCl in low-density crustal fluids: thermodynamic modeling 

Federica Salomone and David Dolejs

Thermodynamic modelling of H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization at magmatic-hydrothermal conditions provides essential basis for understanding speciation, acidity changes, metal complexation and ore-deposit formation. We critically evaluate modelling of H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization using pre-existing approaches in literature, that include: (i) electrostatic models [1,2]; (ii) models based on semi-empirical logarithmic correlations with water density [3]; (iii) models based on virial expansion [4]; (iv) approaches based on stepwise hydration of solute [5], and (v) various statistical-mechanics-based theories [6]. Simulations of H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization from individual models are consistent up to 400 °C and pressures above 3 kbar. However, significant discrepancies emerge with increasing temperatures and decreasing pressures. Electrostatic and virial models at low pressures (below 300 bar) and at high fluid density poorly perform partly because loose physical significance. Hydration models and approaches based on mean spherical approximation inaccurately describe pressure-temperature dependence. Density models emerge as the most accurate in ionization predictions and therefore, as promising approach for constructing new equations of state for ionic species. We develop a new low-parametric density model to depict the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species in low-density hydrothermal fluids with a more rigorous theoretical framework that incorporates intrinsic properties of aqueous solute (entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity and hardcore volume) and accounts for solute-solvent interactions (via volume compression). Our new density model offers improved accuracy and performance in the temperature-pressure space requiring fewer equation parameters in comparison to existing models in literature. The new density model is applied for the prediction of H2O, HCl and NaCl speciation along four fluid-flow paths representing distinct crustal settings, specifically: transcrustal metamorphic devolatilization, intrusion-related lateral, vertical and adiabatic flow. Simulations reveal that metamorphic fluids have ionization capability by four orders of magnitude greater than the upper-crustal magmatic fluids. This demonstrates the superior effectiveness of high-pressure fluids in the transport of ionic species and acidity generation. Fluids exsolved from upper-crustal magmatic sources during lateral or vertical flow exhibit mutually comparable behavior upon cooling and progressively ionize species and produce significant acidity from 400 °C.  By contrast, speciation occurring during adiabatic flow is mainly controlled by decreasing fluid density, and as the fluid cools and expands solute species remain completely associated. Overall, the simulation of the four thermal gradients highlights the major impacts that pressure and fluid density have on H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization and the various efficiency for acidic alteration and mineralization of hydrothermal fluids along their specific pathways and hydrodynamic conditions.



[1] Tanger IV J C, Helgeson H C (1988) Am J Sci 288: 19-98

[2] Shock E L et al. (1992) J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 88: 803-826

[3] Marshall W L and Franck E U (1981) J Phys Chem Ref Data 10: 295-304

[4] Akinfiev N N and Diamond L W (2003) Geochim Cosmochim Acta 67: 613-627

[5] Djamali E and Cobble J W (2009) J Phys Chem 113: 2398-2403

[6] Lvov S N et al. (2018) J Molecul Liq 270: 62-73

How to cite: Salomone, F. and Dolejs, D.: Ionization of H2O, HCl, and NaCl in low-density crustal fluids: thermodynamic modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11313,, 2025.

EGU25-13949 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Reappraisal of arsenic-gold interaction in pyrite: insights from ab initio simulations 

Zi-Yue Gao, Jun Deng*, Razvan Caracas, Zheng-Yu Long, Deng-Yang He, Hao-Cheng Yu, and Kun-Feng Qiu

Geochemical evidence suggests that arsenic is a key accelerator reinforcing gold mineralization in pyrite. The systematic presence of Au-bearing arsenian pyrite in hydrothermal systems highlights the coupled Au-As geochemical behaviors in various physio-chemical conditions. However, there is a lack of understanding of elemental interactions at the atomic scale during gold mineralization.

Here, we employ ab initio simulations to detect the atomic-scale mechanisms governing gold incorporation in arsenian pyrite. By computing crystal unit cell volume, incorporation energy, and detailed electronic properties, we demonstrate the fundamental role of arsenic in gold occurrence, which effectively leads us to revisit the Au-As coupling.

We obtain that the Au-As substitution is one of the most favorable double substitutions into pyrite. The incorporation of As induces the expansion of the unit cell, which facilitates the substitution of the Au atom to the Fe-site. Lattice distortions of pyrite caused by other elements (including the common trace elements in pyrites) promote this process on a smaller scale. Among several calculated double substitutions, the valence shell of As and the volume of the [FeAsxS6-x] polyhedra provide a unique preferential environment that can easily accommodate incompatible elements, such as Au.

Our study provides a novel insight of the co-evolutionary process between Au-As coupling in pyrite during gold mineralization, and propose a fresh approach to detect the dynamic evolution between varying trace elements occurring in different mineralization system.

How to cite: Gao, Z.-Y., Deng*, J., Caracas, R., Long, Z.-Y., He, D.-Y., Yu, H.-C., and Qiu, K.-F.: Reappraisal of arsenic-gold interaction in pyrite: insights from ab initio simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13949,, 2025.

Despite their close temporal and spatial relationships, the effects of tectono-thermal events on ore formation remain obscure. To better understand this process, a comprehensive geochemical investigation was conducted on syn-tectonic pegmatite and quartz veins associated with the Devonian subduction and Permian collision of the Chinese Altai. We found that the Devonian fluids were organic alkanes-CO2-S-Ca-Mg-rich saline fluids with variable CO2/CH4, lower F/SO42− and Al3+/Mg2+ ratios, whereas the Permian fluids are immiscible fluids including CO2-C4H10-CO-rich oxidized gas bubbles and CH4-C3H8-C2H6-Ca-Na-K-Al-S-Cl-F-rich reduced saline fluids with lower CO2/CH4 (mostly <1), higher F/SO42− and Al3+/Mg2+ ratios. The Devonian and Permian fluids also have similar δ13C-CO2 values of −3.5~−23.8‰ and −3.7~−16.5‰, repressively. These data suggest that both fluids derived mainly from devolatilization and dehydration melting of metasediments but the Permian fluids likely involve more muscovite dehydration and biotite melting in the shallower and deeper crust, respectively. Besides, the Devonian fluids contain more meteoric components whereas the Permian fluids contain more mantle-derived components. Base metal-dominated Devonian mineralization occurred as the deep-sourced organic matter-S-rich fluids promote base metal migration whereas the relatively oxidized fluid conditions inhibited mineralization of many other metals. By contrast, the more reduced and F-rich Permian fluids with more mantle contributions facilitated the extraction of Au and uptakes of rare metals from reworked metasediments and promoted their mineralization. These findings provide more complete pictures of how tectono-thermal events fertilize the crusts and demonstrate that syn-tectonic fluids can serve as proxies for metallogenic processes during orogenic cycles in general.

How to cite: Xiao, M., Zhao, G., and Jiang, Y.: Syn-tectonic fluids decoding effects of tectono-metamorphic cycles on regional metallogenic evolution of the Chinese Altai, central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15366,, 2025.

EGU25-15902 | Orals | GMPV5.3

Genesis of porphyry copper deposits: key roles for plagioclase and anhydrite in metasomatism 

John Wheeler, Joe Gardner, and Richard Henley

Wheeler, J.1, Henley, R. W.2, Gardner, J.1, Mernagh, T.2, Leys, C.3, Troitzsch, U.2, Bevitt, J.4, Brink, F.2, Knuefing, L.2, Limaye, A.2 Turner, M.2 & Zhang, Y.2

1 Department of Earth, Ocean, and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

 2 Australian National University, Canberra

3 P.T. Freeport Indonesia, Papua

4 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, NSW 2234, Australia

Porphyry copper deposits are not formed just by crystallisation of ores from Cu-bearing hydrothermal fluids; metasomatism can be involved. We present a metamorphic point of view of the Grasberg porphyry deposit in Papua, which is hosted by intensely altered calc-alkaline plutonic rocks characterised by albite and anhydrite. We propose that plagioclase reacts with magmatic SO2 to form anhydrite and albite, and this releases H2S that plays a major role in Cu ore formation [1]. We split a complex set of reactions into conceptual “building blocks”: these did not happen in a particular order but help to explain our observations.

  • SO2 (in the volcanic gas) reacts with water to becomes H2S and H2SO4.
  • H2SO4 reacts with Ca from plagioclase to form anhydrite (in veins) c.f. [2].
  • Albite is left over.
  • H2S reacts with Cu (in the volcanic gas) to form Cu minerals.
  • Fe from biotite similarly reacts to form CuFe minerals.
  • K-feldspar is left over.

Partly because of these reactions the potassic zone contain more K-feldspar than the protoliths. This is not due to the introduction of magma-derived K by metasomatism; a large chemical dataset shows that unaltered and altered rocks have similar major element bulk compositions. The “HSC Chemistry” package which includes thermodynamics of gases with varied chemistry has been used for preliminary models of reaction.

Electron Backscatter Diffraction work on the new albite shows it is replacing plagioclase inheriting the crystallographic orientation. This resembles microstructures in “coupled dissolution precipitation” reactions [3] though we are not implying the reaction mechanisms are necessarily the same. The thermodynamics and kinetics of the plagioclase breakdown will affect the overall amount of copper ore formed.

[1] Henley et al. JVGR (2022) 432: 107710.

[2] Henley et al. Nat Geosci (2015) 8: 210.

[3] Gardner et al. Lithos (2021) 396-397.

How to cite: Wheeler, J., Gardner, J., and Henley, R.: Genesis of porphyry copper deposits: key roles for plagioclase and anhydrite in metasomatism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15902,, 2025.

EGU25-21371 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.3

The influence of extensional strain rates, crustal melting and drainage on rare-metal mineralization 

Han Zheng, Guochun Zhao, and Liangming Liu

Rare metals, commonly located in extensional settings, linked with highly fractionated granites and pegmatites, require immense enrichment—ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands—owing to their low Clarke values (10-5–10-6). The generation of pegmatite-forming melts, crucial for the creation of rare metal ores, necessitates multi-stage silicate liquid extraction from granitic melts in a supersaturated state. At the same time, partial melting introduces a low-viscosity liquid phase, substantially weakening crustal rocks. Concomitant melt drainage, however, may counterbalance these rheological changes. The resilience of the parental anatectic rocks hinges on the melting reaction's intersection with the prograde pressure-temperature path, the volume of melt generated, and the duration of melt retention before loss. Despite the central role of crustal melting and drainage in magma fractionation and rare-metal mineralization, their influence remains under-investigated, particularly the advection of heat and mass from the lower to the upper crust, which is strain-rate dependent. Our study addresses this gap, providing a quantitative analysis of the strain-rate dependent rare-metal mineralization resulting from crust's partial melting and melt loss. We employ field-based structural analysis, two-dimensional thermo-mechanical ASPECT modeling, and mineral equilibria and mixed rheology modeling of representative anatectic rock compositions. We reveal that the positioning of highly fractionated granites and pegmatites, the particle flow paths' morphology (finite strain and kinematic), and pressure-temperature-time paths are contingent on extensional strain rates and melt fraction. During prograde metamorphism, the parental anatectic rocks of rare metal elements undergo continuous but pulsed melt production. This episodic melt removal, occurring over a specific time interval (such as ~10 m.y. for the Mufushan–Lianyunshan ore field in South China), is instrumental for the extreme fractionation of rare-element granitic pegmatites. At a lower extensional strain rate (≤ 10-15 s-1), lithologies may maintain minimal strength or transiently strengthen (≤ 10 MPa) post-melt loss. This results in anatectic rocks oscillating between relative weakness and strength during episodic melt loss, thereby concentrating rare metals to potentially economically viable levels. Contrarily, at a higher extensional strain rate (≥ 10-14 s-1), both magma fractionation and repeated melt removal cycles are suppressed, rendering the generated pegmatites unlikely to achieve economic grades. Our findings suggest that the primary exhumation driver for highly fractionated granites and pegmatites is crustal isostatic compensation, not buoyancy from partial melting. Furthermore, the extensional strain rate may modulate the intensity of crust-mantle interactions and strain localization, effectively controlling the final emplacement of rare-metal pegmatites.

How to cite: Zheng, H., Zhao, G., and Liu, L.: The influence of extensional strain rates, crustal melting and drainage on rare-metal mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21371,, 2025.

Pyrite plays an important role in the sulfur cycle, reflecting changes in both global and local redox conditions within sedimentary environments. The grain size of framboidal pyrite is an effective indicator of the redox state of the sedimentary water column, while its sulfur isotope characteristics provide insights into early diagenetic history. However, variations in water column hydrodynamics can diminish the reliability of framboidal pyrite grain size distribution as an indicator of redox conditions. Additionally, bulk sulfur isotope measurements of pyrite are often influenced by later diagenetic processes. In this study, we investigated the redox sensitive elements content, morphology and in-situ sulfur isotopic characteristics of pyrite in the Wufeng (Ordovician)-Longmaxi (Silurian) Formation shales in South China. The results indicate that bottom currents, by altering the hydrodynamic conditions of the sedimentary water column, leads to larger and more dispersed grain sizes of framboidal pyrite formed in anoxic water column. Moreover, framboidal pyrite formed during the Late Ordovician and Early Silurian exhibits distinctly different sulfur isotope distribution characteristics at the particle scale, which appears to reflect the response of sedimentation rate changes to sea level fluctuations. Ultimately, we systematically reconstructed the redox evolution of the sedimentary water column during the Ordovician-Silurian transition in South China, dividing it into five stages: (1) The upper Wufeng Formation experienced increasingly reducing conditions, culminating in euxinia at the top. (2) Oxidizing conditions briefly prevailed at the base of the Longmaxi Formation. (3) Oxygen levels in the sedimentary waters of the lower Longmaxi Formation decreased, s stabilizing in a prolonged dysoxic to euxinic state. (4) The middle-lower Longmaxi Formation experienced a gradual increase in the oxidative state of the sedimentary waters, transitioning to an oxic water column. (5) The middle Longmaxi Formation sustained a long-term dysoxic to oxic water column.

How to cite: Ji, S., Liang, C., Liu, K., Cao, Y., and Tang, Q.: Morphology and in-situ sulfur isotope characteristics of pyrite across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary marine shale in South China: Indicative significance for sedimentary environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18,, 2025.

EGU25-256 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

Authigenic pyrite in marine sediments: Geochemical insights from present and past  

Zhiyong Lin, Harald Strauss, and Jörn Peckmann

Sedimentary pyrite is becoming one of the most promising and reliable archives for biogeochemical processes and environmental evolution of the Earth’s surface today. It represents a major reservoir of sulfur within the global sulfur cycle, with most of its formation taking place in organic-rich sediments along continental margins. Authigenic pyrite typically forms through microbial sulfate reduction coupled to organic matter remineralization or anaerobic oxidation of methane in sediments. Pyrite formation in marine sediments influences global seawater sulfate concentrations and sulfur isotope patterns, reflecting local microbial activities or environmental change, and tracking past seawater chemistry. Applications as a paleoenvironmental proxy rely on characteristic geochemical signatures archived in pyrite, including its sulfur isotopic and trace element compositions. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the controls on pyrite geochemistry is critical for the effective application of this proxy in studying the Earth system.

Marine methane-rich sediments alone continental margins, such as seeps, are excellent natural laboratories to study mineral authigenesis, while also being global hotspots of sulfate consumption and authigenic pyrite formation. We present various geochemical datasets including multiple sulfur (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S), iron (54Fe, 56Fe), and molybdenum (95Mo, 98Mo) isotopic compositions, along with trace element patterns of authigenic pyrite from modern and ancient methane-rich sediments deposited along continental margins. Our results highlight the potential of pyrite geochemistry as a tool to distinguish and characterize different modes and intensities of microbial sulfate reduction during early diagenesis. Furthermore, this study reveals that the trace element inventory of pyrite formed during early diagenesis is affected by sediment composition rather than by seawater. A comprehensive understanding of early diagenetic processes improves our understanding of pyrite formation and its geological implications.

How to cite: Lin, Z., Strauss, H., and Peckmann, J.: Authigenic pyrite in marine sediments: Geochemical insights from present and past , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-256,, 2025.

        Pyrite is an important component in reconstructing the biogeochemical conditions and sedimentary environments of the earth's surface in the past. The study of Cretaceous pyrite in the Songliao Basin not only helps to clarify the formation mechanism of high-quality source rocks in the area, but is also important for reconstructing the Cretaceous paleoenvironment. Pyrite in the Qingshankou Formation includes euhedral pyrite, anhedral pyrite, fine-grained pyrite aggregates, pyrite framboids and polyframboids. According to this genetic division, the euhedral pyrite can be divided into "authigenic type" and "secondary type". The "authigenic type" euhedral pyrite is directly precipitated from solution, while "secondary type" euhedral pyrite is formed by recrystallization of pyrite framboids. The "secondary type" can be further divided into "compaction type" and "cementation type" type, indicating that the transformation of pyrite framboids into secondary euhedral pyrite is controlled by compaction and cementation, respectively. Anhedral pyrite is usually precipitated on the surface of iron-rich clay minerals (e.g., chlorite), or by metasomatism of other minerals, biological skeletons, and microorganisms. Pyrite framboids are transformed from greigite during the syndiagenetic stage. Under the same redox conditions, higher water flow energy conditions enhance the abundance of pyrite framboids, increase the number of microcrystalline layers, and lead to larger diameter pyrite framboids. The sediments in the K2qn1 Formation were deposited in a semi-arid to semi-humid climate, in an anoxic and reducing environment. The sedimentary lacustrine basin was a highly restricted environment with brackish to saline water. In this environment, circulation was weak, resulting in fewer pyrite framboids with fewer microcrystalline layers and smaller diameters. The restricted environment resulted in abnormally high δ34Spy values. The enhanced development of euhedral pyrite with heavier sulfur isotope values and the low occurrence of pyrite framboids with lighter sulfur isotope values is also an important reason for the abnormally high δ34Spy values. This study provides a new understanding of the genetic mechanism of different types of pyrite.

How to cite: Wu, Y. and Wang, M.: Genesis and geological significance of pyrite in the Cretaceous shale of Songliao Basin, NE China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2302,, 2025.

The formation of gold deposits may involve multiple stages of gold enrichment, which makes it difficult to differentiate the potential multistage processes of ore material enrichment. Determining whether these events represent the remobilization of gold from pre-existing deposits or the introduction of new gold during a distinct epigenetic event is often challenging. The Balong gold deposit is a representative lode gold deposit in the East Kunlun metallogenic belt in China. Gold mineralization is hosted in Triassic granitoids and is characterized by multi-stage quartz-sulfide veins. Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide in the ore and is also the most important host for gold. Three types of pyrite have been identified. The porous Py1 exhibits low trace element content, with an absence of gold. Subhedral Py2-1 contains various Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag mineral inclusions. Py2-2 shows a significant increase in As (median 17, 073 ppm) and Au (median 3.79 ppm), exhibiting obvious distinctions between Py2-1 and Py2-2.

Gold in the Balong deposit consists of both visible and invisible gold. Visible gold is found within the micro-fractures of pyrite and arsenopyrite, appearing as irregular inclusions or infillings. In addition to visible gold grains, the majority of the invisible gold in Py2-2 exists as solid solutions (Au). Backscattered Electron imaging and trace-element analyses show that invisible gold occurs only in the As-rich bands. Pyrite records a narrow range of δ+34S values from -1.6 to 5.4‰, reflecting sulfur from a deep magmatic source. In conjunction with fluid inclusion studies and the estimated age of the related magmatic activity, our results point to magmatic-hydrothermal fluids as the main contributors of ore materials. Coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reactions of early pyrite are a key factor for visible gold precipitation and later invisible gold enrichment. Our pyrite data constrain the evolution of ore-forming processes and offer new perspectives on zonal pyrite formation.

How to cite: Zhao, Y.: Pyrite textures and trace element compositions from the Balong gold deposit in the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for gold mineralization processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4409,, 2025.

EGU25-8394 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

Sulfide supply rate and organic surface coating affect pyrite formation during sulfidization of ferric (oxy)hydroxides 

Xiaoqiao Tang, Kerstin Hockmann, Martin Obst, Laurel K. ThomasArrigo, Mareike Lacina, Fatih Sekerci, Muammar Mansor, Andreas Kappler, and Stefan Peiffer

Pyrite formation has been widely investigated because of its abundance and significance in the iron and sulfur cycles in many anoxic environments. The ferric-hydroxide-surface (FHS) pathway is an important pathway for rapid pyrite formation, relying on the generation of surface-bound precursor species >FeIIS2-.[1] However, ferric (oxy)hydroxides are often microbially produced and thus associated with organic matter (OM). Additionally, in natural environments, sulfide (S(-II)) supply rates are typically regulated by sulfate-reducing bacteria, providing a more continuous flux, in contrast to the single-pulse S(-II) additions commonly used in laboratory experiments.[2] To our knowledge, the combined effect of surface coating and sulfide supply rates on pyrite formation and secondary iron mineral transformation remains unexplored. In this study, we therefore compared pyrite formation rates and reaction products by exposing 40 mM synthetic ferric (oxy)hydroxides (goethite and ferrihydrite) and biogenic Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides (BioFe, which includes associated organic matter, cells and phosphate) to sulfide at pH 6. Sulfide was supplied under strictly anoxic conditions either as single-pulsed 10 mM S(-II) pulse or multiple 0.5 mM/d S(-II) pulses over 20 days (final Fe(III):S(-II) = 4:1). Aqueous- and solid-phase S and Fe speciation as well as changes in Fe mineralogy were tracked using wet chemistry techniques, Raman micro-spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Our results show that ferrihydrite was transformed mostly into lepidocrocite, goethite and pyrite after single-pulsed S(-II) addition, and to goethite and pyrite in the multiple-pulsed S(-II) treatment. Rietveld quantitative phase analysis via XRD revealed that the multiple-pulsed S(-II) mode delayed pyrite formation. However, no pyrite was identified in the treatment with biogenic Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides, where the added sulfide was instead converted to zero-valent sulfur, presumably due to occupation of the surface sites by OM and/or phosphate. Notably, phosphate from the bacterial growth medium was sequestered in vivianite. Our findings demonstrate that pyrite formation via the FHS pathway is strongly influenced by the presence of surface-active components (e.g., organic matter or PO43-) and sulfide addition rates. [1] M. Wan et al., 2017, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 217, 334–348. [2] Skyring, G.W., 1987, Geomicrobiol J 5: 295–374.

How to cite: Tang, X., Hockmann, K., Obst, M., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Lacina, M., Sekerci, F., Mansor, M., Kappler, A., and Peiffer, S.: Sulfide supply rate and organic surface coating affect pyrite formation during sulfidization of ferric (oxy)hydroxides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8394,, 2025.

The need for the modelling framework is based on being able to make a statement as to whether the operation of a Pumped Hydropower Storage (PHS) facility in a former open-pit lignite mine can have a negative impact on the water quality in the lower reservoir and associated aquifers. The research question arises since flooded lignite mines are often associated with acidification and/or increased sulphate and metal concentrations [1-2]. Thus, the software package allows for modelling geochemical processes during the PHS operation in open-pit lignite mines.

A new software has been set-up [3]: The reaction path modelling framework comprises a Python framework for data management and a solver for geochemical reactions (PHREEQC/PhreeqPy, [4-5]). The software is based on a conceptual geochemical model that includes the main geochemical processes that are expected to influence the hydrochemistry. It integrates different non-dimensional batch reactors, each representing the water composition of the reservoirs, and water sources or sinks in the PHS system (groundwater, rainwater, surface run-off, mine dump water). These waters are cyclically mixed with ratios deducted from flow rates and time-dependent influxes of a hypothetical PHS system. A strong focus is taken on pyrite weathering reactions. The implemented parallel processing of all chemical reactions enables minimum computational times.

[1] Schnepper, T., Kühn, M., Kempka, T.: Reaction path modeling of water pollution implications of pumped hydropower storage in closed open-pit lignite mines. Mine Water and the Environment, in review.

[2] Schnepper, T., Kapusta, K., Strugala-Wilczek, A., Roumpos, C., Louloudis, G., Mertiri, E., Pyrgaki, K., Orkisz, D., Najgebauer, D., Kowalczyk, D., Kempka, T.: Potential hydrochemical impacts of Pumped Hydropower Storage operation in two European coal regions in transition - the Szczerców-Bełchatów mining complex, Poland, and the Kardia Mine, Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, in review.

[3] Schnepper, T., Kempka, T. (2024): Reaction path modelling framework for hydrochemical processes during Pumped Hydropower Storage in open-pit lignite mines. GFZ Data Services.

[4] Parkhurst, David L.; Appelo, C.A.J. (2013): Techniques and Methods.

[5] Müller, M., Parkhurst, D. L., Charlton, S. R. (2011). Programming PHREEQC calculations with C++ and Python a comparative study. EXCHANGE, 1(40), 632-636.

How to cite: Schnepper, T. and Kempka, T.: Reaction path modelling framework for hydrochemical processes during Pumped Hydropower Storage in open-pit lignite mines – a new software to quantify the impact of pyrite weathering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8632,, 2025.

EGU25-8834 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

New Insights into SMS Deposits: How Microbial Activity and Oxygen Levels Shape Metal Preservation 

Alexandra Tecza-Wiezel, Katja Laufer-Meiser, Claus-Henning Solerbeck, Jana Schloesser, Sylvia Sander, and Mirjam Perner

Seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits form on the modern ocean seafloor at active hydrothermal vent systems through mixing of mineral-rich, hydrothermal fluids with ambient oxygenated seawater. Once hydrothermal activity ceases, oxygenated seawater infiltrates these deposits, fostering to abiotic oxidative weathering. Microbial activity considerably accelerates this transformation, driving sulfide mineral breakdown, thus enhancing metal transport. Under conditions, restricting oxygen entrainment, low-oxygen zones form below the surface, shielding SMS deposits from oxidative weathering, potentially extending their preservation. SMS deposits are valuable sources of metals governing the interest of their lifespan.
In this study, we explore the impact of microbial activity on SMS transformation and mineral dissolution under oxic and low-oxygen conditions. We incubated sulfide minerals, i.e. pyrite and chalcopyrite for four years on the seafloor at active and inactive vent sites along the Indian Ridge. These sulfide minerals were then used for metagenomics, microscopy, microbial enrichment experiments, physiological studies, and geochemistry to identify the key microbial agents driving mineral transformation and metal release. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals diverse mineral structures, such as twisted stalks and nanowires, suggesting various Fe-oxidizing microbes as well as those involved in extracellular electron transfer. Preliminary metagenomic analyses provide insights into the presence of genes associated with iron oxidation and reduction. Laboratory cultivation experiments mimicked different temperature, oxygen, and pH conditions of hydrothermal vent fluids admixed to distinct degrees with ambient seawater and suggest faster microbially mediated mineral dissolution under oxic conditions and of pyrite as opposed to chalcopyrite. By assessing turnover rates of mineral transformations, we aim to predict how microbial activity affects SMS deposit longevity under varying oxygen conditions.

How to cite: Tecza-Wiezel, A., Laufer-Meiser, K., Solerbeck, C.-H., Schloesser, J., Sander, S., and Perner, M.: New Insights into SMS Deposits: How Microbial Activity and Oxygen Levels Shape Metal Preservation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8834,, 2025.

Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral on Earth's surface, widely distributed in various types of hydrothermal deposits and diagenetic processes. Its mineralogical and geochemical characteristics are important indicators for gold exploration. This study focuses on Sihuangziping in the Tatun volcanic area, near the Sanchungchiao gold deposit (Ba-yan), reportedly mined by the Spanish. Mineralogical evidence suggests a potential connection between this area and the Chinkuashih gold deposit, though this hypothesis remains controversial, and its economic viability has not been confirmed. Nevertheless, both areas share a hydrothermal mineralization background, indicating potential metallogenic conditions in the Tatun volcanic area. However, the pyrite formation mechanism and its relationship with gold enrichment in this area remain unclear.

In this study, we aim to establish the first comprehensive trace element database of pyrite from the Tatun volcanic area, elucidating the metallogenic processes and providing reliable indicators for geochemical exploration. Pyrite from drill core samples (depth of 775 meters) was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Preliminary results show that pyrite is relatively enriched at depths of 450–500 meters, occurring primarily as irregular aggregates and massive forms. Crystal habits are cubic and octahedral, with sizes ranging from 100 to 1000 micrometers (µm) and gold concentrations of 1.1–2.6 weight percent (wt%). Some samples (at 400 and 700 m) show arsenic oscillatory zonation, with individual layers containing up to 2.97 wt% arsenic and trace amounts of cobalt (0.0109 wt%), nickel (0.0078 wt%), and copper (0.0359 wt%).

Future research will focus on elemental ratios such as Fe/S, Co/Ni, S/Se, and Te/Se to interpret the metallogenic environment and fluid sources of the study area. Additionally, gold within sulfides may occur as "invisible gold," either in nanoparticle form or through lattice substitution. The Au/As ratio will be analyzed to determine the mode of gold occurrence and compared with Chinkuashih gold deposit samples to better understand the mechanisms and processes of mineralization. By integrating these findings, this study seeks to evaluate the potential for gold deposits in Sihuangziping and provide critical insights into the genetic significance of the Tatun volcanic area.

How to cite: Li, C. and Song, S.-R.: Geochemical Characteristics of Pyrite: Implications for Genesis of gold deposits in Tatun volcanic area, Taipei, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13002,, 2025.

EGU25-15175 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

Elemental Sulfur as a Key Intermediate for Microbial Pyrite Formation 

Fatih Sekerci, Stefan Fischer, Prachi Joshi, Stefan Peiffer, Andreas Kappler, and Muammar Mansor

Pyrite (FeS2) is the end-product of microbial sulfur cycling in reduced environments and is the main burial pathway of sulfur in marine sediments. Pyrite forms by a series of reactions between sulfide and Fe(II)/Fe(III), and sulfur-metabolizing microorganisms play an important role in mediating their formation. Here we tested microbial pyrite formation by the iron(III)- and sulfur-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens in the presence of the Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxide mineral ferrihydrite and elemental sulfur (S0). Over 6 months of incubation, two main stages were observed for the geochemical evolution of the system. In the initial ferruginous stage, rapid release of aqueous Fe(II) into the solution is accompanied by mackinawite (FeS) formation through the reaction between sulfide and ferrihydrite. In the second sulfidic stage, sulfide and polysulfides accumulate in solution, catalyzing mackinawite’s transformation to greigite (Fe3S4) and eventually to pyrite. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that individual spherulitic pyrites formed on the surfaces of elemental sulfur, eventually replacing it completely while still preserving the original shape of the sulfur particles. Hence, elemental sulfur is a significant reactant with key functions in polysulfide formation and templating effect on microbial pyrite formation. Therefore, our results suggest a mechanism for microbial pyrite formation in microenvironments in modern sediments and sulfate-poor ecosystems throughout time (e.g., Archean Earth). Future research will be focused on the bioavailability of microbial pyrite to have a complete picture of the role of pyrite in microbial sulfur cycle.

How to cite: Sekerci, F., Fischer, S., Joshi, P., Peiffer, S., Kappler, A., and Mansor, M.: Elemental Sulfur as a Key Intermediate for Microbial Pyrite Formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15175,, 2025.

EGU25-19039 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.6

From the weakest to strongest sulphide: how the strength of pyrite evolves during deformation 

Rellie Goddard, Thomas Breithaupt, Noah Phillips, Tarryn Cawood, Brendan Dyck, Crystal LaFlamme, David Wallis, Pete Hollings, Darius Kamal, and Harison Wiesman

Sulphides are common host minerals for trace elements, including critical and precious metals, and are widely associated with a range of ore deposit types. Recent work on natural sulphides has highlighted the link between the motion of dislocations—lattice defects that act as carriers of deformation—and the transport of trace elements through mechanisms such as pipe diffusion, in which dislocations act as fast diffusion pathways, or the correlated motion of dislocations and impurities, whereby impurities are entrained within the stress field of migrating dislocations. Despite the clear influence of deformation on the distribution of trace and precious metals and, therefore, on the economic viability of an orebody, the strengths of different sulphides are not well constrained. Flow laws for sulphides either do not exist or are not able to reproduce ductile flow, with experiments instead ending in brittle failure. This paucity of experimental studies makes interpreting natural microstructures challenging. In this work, we start by constraining the relative strengths and hardening behaviours of three sulphides, pyrite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite, via nanoindentation experiments at room temperature. Through subsequent characterisation of the microstructures using electron backscatter diffraction and the concentration of trace elements and critical- and precious metals using LA-ICP-MS, we explore how grain size, orientation, and chemistry affect mineral strength. Although pyrite is widely considered to be stronger than other common sulphides, our data suggest that the intrinsic yield stress of pyrite may, surprisingly, be weaker than the yield stress of both chalcopyrite and sphalerite. However, as deformation proceeds and the density of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) is elevated pyrite strengthens rapidly. These results suggest a strong size effect at low temperature in which elastic dislocation interactions are stronger within pyrite compared to other sulphides. Our results are consistent with observations of fine-grained pseudo-porphyroclasts in nature, for which the GND density is predicted to be inversely proportional to the grain size. Overall, this work provides a foundation for accurate models of how the strength of pyrite evolves and, as such, how transport of trace elements and upgrading of ore deposits may proceed. 

How to cite: Goddard, R., Breithaupt, T., Phillips, N., Cawood, T., Dyck, B., LaFlamme, C., Wallis, D., Hollings, P., Kamal, D., and Wiesman, H.: From the weakest to strongest sulphide: how the strength of pyrite evolves during deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19039,, 2025.

EGU25-19809 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

Nature of sulfidization in shallow shelf sediments: Influence of organoclastic sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane  

Kalyani Sivan, Aninda Mazumdar, Aditya Peketi, Subhashree Mishra, Grit Steinhöfel-Sasgen, and Susann Henkel

Nature of sulfidization in shallow shelf sediments: Influence of organoclastic sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane

Anaerobic oxidation of methane is an important biogeochemical process in marine sediments responsible for methane consumption, significantly influencing the atmospheric methane budget, the marine carbon cycle, and sediment pore fluid chemistry. Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane (SO42--AOM) and organoclastic sulfate reduction (OSR) in marine sediments commonly lead to the precipitation of authigenic pyrite with characteristic sulfur isotopic compositions. In the present study, we have investigated the nature of pyrite and C–Fe–S geochemistry in a sediment core collected from a water depth of ~30 m off the West Coast of India, Eastern Arabian Sea, which represents shallow shelf sediments rich in methane and characterized by high carbon sulfur burial rates.  Our goal was to assess the sulfidization patterns to understand the past variation in methane fluxes within these sediments. Porewater geochemical profiles provide evidence for the combined influence of OSR and AOM on the sediment fluid chemistry. The sediment core is characterized by a shallow sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) between 263 and 303 cmbsf. The Chromium reducible sulfur  (CRS) content and sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite (δ34SCRS) shows high variability throughout the core, with the upper sedimentary layers (from sediment-water interface to 2.7 mbsf) characterized by relatively low CRS content (0.7 to 3.93 wt %) and low δ34SCRS values (-37.53 to -25.94 ‰ VCDT). This pattern is interpreted to reflect the dominance of OSR in shallow sediments. In the deeper sediment layers (below ~2.7 mbsf), CRS contents (1.9 to 10.2 wt %) are enriched and δ34SCRS values show an overall trend towards positive values, suggesting that sulfide minerals are primarily linked to SO42--AOM. The enrichment trend in δ³⁴SCRS values corresponds to zones affected by ΣHS- diffusion from relict SMTZs. The evidence for paleo-SMTZs, indicated by enriched δ³⁴SCRS values and the presence of large framboids, framboid clusters, and rod-like aggregates at multiple depths underscores episodic upward methane flux events. Future research should focus on high-resolution geophysical and geochemical investigations to elucidate the mechanisms driving methane migration, sulfidization variability, and their implications for global carbon and sulfur cycling in these coastal marine systems.


How to cite: Sivan, K., Mazumdar, A., Peketi, A., Mishra, S., Steinhöfel-Sasgen, G., and Henkel, S.: Nature of sulfidization in shallow shelf sediments: Influence of organoclastic sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19809,, 2025.

In recent decades, mining-related activities in the Lusatian lignite mining district have led to an extensive pyrite weathering, therewith contributing to the elevation of iron and sulfate concentrations in the groundwater and surface water.

Due to the complicated pathways of pyrite oxidation and the complex spatial distribution of the pyrite-bearing layers, it is difficult to develop a comprehensive restoration plan. Therefore, developing a quick and non-intrusive geophysical measuring technique for estimating pyrite oxidation in various depths and areas is highly desirable. Previous laboratory studies have shown the effect of iron bearing minerals on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) response signal. However, further research is required to link these findings to the subsurface pyrite oxidation state or the accompanied sulfate concentrations in the groundwater.

To this end, column experiments containing different pyrite mass-percentages are performed under various redox conditions. The pyrite oxidation in the columns is measured via the mass balance between the inlet, the initial content, and the outlet. Throughout the experiment, the columns are constantly monitored via laboratory NMR measurements. For modeling purposes, we developed a PHREEQC-based reactive transport model to simulate pyrite oxidation inside the columns. A comparison of the modelling results with the column experiments and their link to the NMR measurements, should be the basis for the future surface-NMR applications in the field. The findings of the QuESt project ultimately enable us to estimate the groundwater contamination due to pyrite oxidation with a NMR-based technique that is less time-consuming and labor-intensive.

How to cite: Hiller, T., Dietzmann, A., Gharasoo, M., and Gröschke, M.: The QuESt project: Assessing the spatiotemporal evolution of iron concentrations in groundwater by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): from lab experiments, to reactive transport modeling to field observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20807,, 2025.

EGU25-1730 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3 | Highlight

Machine learning and tectonic reconstructions: Unlocking porphyry copper exploration in the western Tethyan region 

Ehsan Farahbakhsh, Elnaz Heidari, Sabin Zahirovic, Brent I. A. McInnes, Fabian Kohlmann, Maria Seton, and R. Dietmar Müller

Porphyry systems host most of the mineable copper reserves globally, a metal experiencing unprecedented demand due to global electrification and decarbonisation trends. While porphyry systems are known to form in magmatic arcs along subduction zones, the precise roles of factors within the subducting and overriding plates remain poorly constrained, complicating prospectivity mapping. In this study, we develop a machine learning-based mineral prospectivity model for porphyry mineralisation, trained on known occurrences and spatio-temporal features derived from a modified plate motion model for the western Tethyan region, incorporating reconstructions of ocean basins spanning 90 Ma to the present. This segment of the Tethyan convergence zones represents a complex tectonic environment shaped by the diachronous collision of the Arabian and Eurasian continents, and our plate motion model reconstructs the spatio-temporal evolution of subduction and collision processes in this region. The initial soft collision, where the thinned Arabian passive margin collided with southern Eurasia, began ~42 Ma along the eastern Bitlis suture zone, transmitting strain into eastern Anatolia, the Caucasus, and northwestern Iran. Collision propagated westward into central Anatolia and southeastward into the northwestern Zagros by the late Eocene (40–35 Ma), followed by central Zagros (35–25 Ma) and southeastern Zagros (25–15 Ma). We defined a segmented passive margin line representing collisional boundaries and timings to capture this diachronous process, integrating collision propagation, strain transmission, and crustal deformation across the western Tethyan region in our reconstruction model.
Our time-dependent mineral prospectivity model illustrates the temporal evolution of porphyry mineralisation across the western Tethyan Belt, highlighting several high-prospectivity zones that lack known deposits and thus represent promising exploration targets. Feature importance analysis reveals the complex mechanisms driving porphyry mineralisation, identifying key predictors: arc segment length, distance to the nearest trench edge, and the orthogonal component of the relative motion vector. The length and curvature of arcs emerge as critical features, with tightly curved arcs linked to enhanced compressional stress and fracturing, promoting magma ascent and porphyry formation. The median distance to the nearest trench edge for known deposits is about six degrees, which exceeds the typical arc distance from the plate boundary, suggesting a distinctive feature of porphyry processes in this region. The orthogonal convergence rate is also pivotal, with higher magnitudes correlated to mineralisation. This indicates rapid convergence enhances metasomatism and partial melting processes in the overriding plate, facilitating porphyry formation. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of combining plate motion models and machine learning to advance mineral exploration along subduction zones in the western Tethyan Arabia-Eurasia convergence zone. This approach is adaptable to data-poor regions and other time periods globally, offering significant potential for identifying new porphyry targets.

How to cite: Farahbakhsh, E., Heidari, E., Zahirovic, S., McInnes, B. I. A., Kohlmann, F., Seton, M., and Müller, R. D.: Machine learning and tectonic reconstructions: Unlocking porphyry copper exploration in the western Tethyan region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1730,, 2025.

EGU25-3017 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Spatio-Temporal Data Mining of Craton Edge-Related Mineralisation: Unveiling the Dynamics of Sediment-Hosted and IOCG Deposits 

Hojat Shirmard, Ben Mather, Ehsan Farahbakhsh, Karol Czarnota, and R Dietmar Müller

Most sediment-hosted mineral deposits occur in marine sedimentary rocks along intracratonic or epicratonic rift basins at the edges of the thick continental lithosphere. Craton thickness, typically 150–200 km, was analysed using the Full-Waveform Seismic Tomography (REVEAL model) to extract horizontal shear wave velocity (Vsh), vertical shear wave velocity (Vsv), and isotropic P-wave velocity (Vp). Principal component analysis and k-means clustering revealed that Vsh effectively defines craton boundaries and similarly thick lithospheric features, aligning well with mineral deposits. IOCG and sediment-hosted deposits are found within ~125 km of these boundaries (based on total metal content) and ~100 km (based on ore tonnage). These deposits form along internal and external craton boundaries, separating Archean nuclei from Proterozoic terranes and along Phanerozoic orogens and accreted passive margins. Thermal and lithospheric models were used to differentiate cratons from other thick lithospheric features, isolating ~85% of all deposits related to the edge of cratons. Additionally, we found that more than ~85% of craton edge deposits are formed within 90 km of craton boundaries. A consistent gradient of increasing metal content with proximity to craton boundaries underscores the significance of these craton boundaries. In fact, more than 85% of known target craton edge deposits are concentrated within just 16% of continental areas, significantly enhancing exploration efficiency and resource discovery by reducing exploration areas.

Building on this foundation, we conducted a temporal analysis to explore why some craton boundaries are fertile while others are not, aiming to reduce exploration areas more. By analysing over 20 kinematic features using the latest reconstruction model spanning 1,800 Ma for craton deposits and uniformly generated random points within 180 km of craton boundaries, we reconstructed craton boundaries, deposits, and random points to identify key patterns. Lower craton velocities (<5 cm/year) emerged as a critical factor in mineralisation compared to random points, which can reach velocities up to 20 cm/year. This is likely driven by prolonged hydrothermal fluid circulation, enhanced fluid-rock interactions, sustained structural pathways, and extended thermal anomalies that support mineralisation. Similarly, lower Convergence rates (<4 cm/year) were associated with deposits, in contrast to random points with velocities up to 30 cm/year. The interplay between slower rifting and Convergence rates reflects the interconnected dynamics of tectonic and mantle processes, where reduced rifting rates weaken ridge push and slab pull forces, slowing subduction. In turn, slower subduction impacts mantle convection and lithospheric recycling, further reducing rifting rates in a complex feedback system. Additionally, we found that most deposits cluster within 400–1,800 km of subduction trenches at the time of formation, indicating a spatial relationship between tectonic activity and deposit formation. Deposits also tend to cluster around specific subduction lengths (~2,500 km and ~5,000 km), suggesting these tectonic settings provide more favourable conditions for mineralisation in contrast to the broader distribution of random points.

How to cite: Shirmard, H., Mather, B., Farahbakhsh, E., Czarnota, K., and Müller, R. D.: Spatio-Temporal Data Mining of Craton Edge-Related Mineralisation: Unveiling the Dynamics of Sediment-Hosted and IOCG Deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3017,, 2025.

The Exploration Information Systems (EIS) (; Horizon Europe grant No. 101057357) project aims to create mineral prospectivity tools and a user-friendly GIS-wizard and to conduct real world testing of those tools on selected study sites containing known mineralisation. Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) initiated several multidisciplinary mapping projects in Sweden on thematic mapping of energy, battery and innovation critical mineral and metals. The new data on geology, geophysics and geochemistry as well as new age dating from rocks are carried out within a framework of SGU’s mapping projects in conjunction with the EIS project.  A mineral system for lithium mineralisation has been defined which is presented partly in Sadeghi et al., (2024) and Lynch et al, (2024).

In Västernorrland, LCT pegmatites are dated to 1.8 Ga and may be linked to S-type granites formed around 1.84-1.85 Ga. Updated geological maps, incorporating geological fieldwork and geophysical data, show that lithium mineralisation often occurs in association with the contact between granites and preserved sedimentary rocks, and indicate these granites formed by partial melting of magmatic intrusions. Lithium bearing pegmatites typically align with preexisting planar structures in meta-supracrustal rocks, suggesting that earlier structures acted as pathways or traps for volatile-rich melts. Localised ductile deformation may have influenced pegmatite emplacement, as evidence by folded pegmatite forms. This structural information combined with fault kernel density maps, highlight the pathways critical for lithium mineralization. According to field observations, lithium pegmatite mineralisation in Västernorrland is linked to older mafic rocks (e.g., amphibolite, gabbro, andesite) that act as physical traps, and graphite schists that occur in the area interlayered with metasedimentary rocks that may act as chemical traps due to higher content of S and C. A detailed study on till geochemical dataset carried out by Sadeghi et al., (2024) concluded that the Principal Component-4 of a selected trace elements dataset (La-Mn-Li) can represent a proxy for such a chemical trap.

Using this mineral system approach and the EIS toolkit, a new prospectivity map has been generated using “fuzzy method”. Fuzzy operators were used to create fuzzy memberships for each dataset input into the model and then overlain using fuzzy modifiers. The model was validated using known LCT pegmatite occurrences and locations of exploration concessions for LCT pegmatites. The results are validated by the existing known mineralization, claim areas for prospecting and the distribution of know LCT-pegmatite dykes.  The model is well correlated to the validations area but there is space for improvement using more detailed data in the northwestern part of study area where a geological mapping project is ongoing.   

Sadeghi, M., Casey, P., Carranza, E.J.M., Lynch, E.P (2024) . Principal components analysis and K-means clustering of till geochemical data: Mapping and targeting of prospective areas for lithium exploration in Västernorrland Region, Sweden. Ore Geology Reviews 167, 106002.

Lynch, E.P., Andersson, J.B.H., Sadeghi, M., Bauer, T., & Bečelytė, I. (2024).  Stepwise magmatism and structural reactivation facilitates LCT pegmatite formation: Insights from central Sweden. 36th Nordic geological winter meeting, January 10–12 2024, Abstract volume. Geologiska Föreningen Specialpublikation 5, p. 131.

How to cite: Sadeghi, M., Casey, P., and Lynch, E. P.: Mineral systems anatomy linked to computational techniques for lithium mineral exploration targeting in Västernorrland region in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6697,, 2025.

EGU25-7381 | Orals | ERE4.3

Tracing P-REE mineralization in till from the southern Oslo Rift, Norway 

Pedro Acosta-Gongora, Malin Andersson, Nolwenn Coint, Iain Henderson, Eduardo Texeira Mansur, Florent Szitkar, Ana Carolina Miranda Rodrigues, and Ying Wang

The exponential growth of the high-tech industry, and the current environmental challenges affecting the agricultural sector result in a global demand for critical raw materials, such as rare earth elements (REE) and P. REEs are prioritized given their use for green-energy technologies, whereas P is key for the fertilizer industry.

Southern Norway is host to several magmatic REE occurrences where Fen, Europe’s largest REE deposit, is the most relevant of all. East of the Fen deposit, the southern Oslo Rift area contains several magmatic P-REE occurrences (e.g., Kodal deposit). The P-REE mineralization is mainly contained in small (cm to <1 m) titanomagnetite–apatite–ilmenite-rich pockets irregularly distributed within narrow areas (<1 km2) hosted by monzonite. A recent multidisciplinary project lead by the Geological Survey of Norway has re-defined the ore genesis model of the area and assessed its regional mineral potential.

The restricted size and erratic occurrence of the P-REE mineralization along with the glaciated nature of the terrane pose significant challenges for mineral exploration in the area. If not properly assessed, mineralized areas can be overlooked. In this contribution, we test the performance of field and laboratory measurements of till geochemical and physical properties in the Siljan occurrence as means to detect P-REE mineralization in the broader Southern Oslo Rift area.

The Siljan occurrence is one of the most prospective areas for P-REE mineralization indicated by the regional prospectivity study. Here, we carried out a targeted till sampling transect (1 km long; 50 m x 50 m grid, n = 110) and drone magnetic survey (8 km2; 5 m x 5m resolution). Till material was analyzed in the field using a portable XRF and magnetic susceptibility meter. The samples were sieved to a size of <2 mm, analyzed for major and trace elements using ICP-MS, and subjected to magnetic susceptibility measurements at the Geological Survey of Norway laboratory. First, several geochemical vectors were selected separately for the field and laboratory datasets using raw data and multivariate statistics. Then, geochemical and magnetic susceptibility anomalies from both datasets were decoupled from background using fractal analysis. Our results show that geochemical vectors involving Ca, Fe and P, and magnetic susceptibility measurements from both datasets can efficiently detect the Siljan anomaly and spatially correlate with a magnetic high indicated by the drone survey. Notably, REE-driven anomalies are less well-defined in the field dataset, nonetheless, these remain useful to detect the mineralized zone. The survey results also indicate that till transport is minimal in Siljan, which makes this media a very robust vector for mineral exploration surveys.

Overall, this study shows that characterization of soil geochemistry and -magnetic susceptibility combined with an appropriate exploration grid design, can efficiently trace the fingerprint of magmatic P-REE mineralization in southern Norway, and likely, in similar glaciated terranes elsewhere. Moreover, our results indicate that field measurements can provide equally reliable results when compared to the more costly and time-consuming laboratory analyses.


How to cite: Acosta-Gongora, P., Andersson, M., Coint, N., Henderson, I., Texeira Mansur, E., Szitkar, F., Miranda Rodrigues, A. C., and Wang, Y.: Tracing P-REE mineralization in till from the southern Oslo Rift, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7381,, 2025.

EGU25-7393 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Numerical modelling of melt-solid separation in layered intrusions 

Catherine Booth, Haiyang Hu, and Matthew Jackson

Many conceptual models of layered intrusions are based on the idea of a long-lived, melt-dominated magma chamber, within which chemical differentiation occurs through fractional crystallisation and assimilation of the surrounding crust. These models typically assume magma is delivered in a single large batch or a few large pulses.  However, recent studies have suggested that melt-dominated chambers are transient. Intrusions are constructed incrementally from smaller magma batches.  Melt-dominated layers may form in response to new intrusions or melt-solid separation, but most of the intrusion comprises crystal-rich mush or solid rock.  Chemical differentiation occurs by assimilation and fractional crystallisation, as well as reactive percolative melt flow within the mush.

The origin of layering is closely linked to fluid-dynamical processes occurring in intrusions: conceptual models ubiquitously invoke flow, whether of low crystallinity magma driven by thermal or compositional convection, or of melt or fluids percolating through high crystallinity mush.  Yet, despite the importance of these processes, few models have attempted to model them using well-established physical conservation laws, constitutive equations and numerical methods.  Our aim is to explore the coupled processes of heat and mass transfer in layered intrusions.  We develop a two-phase (melt and crystals) numerical model that is applicable to layered intrusions constructed incrementally or by a single large batch of magma. The numerical model captures (i) separation of melt and crystals by crystal settling at high melt fraction and percolative flow at low melt fraction, (ii) transfer of heat by conduction and advection and (iii) solid-melt mass exchange and chemical differentiation.  We report a chemical model, used to track chemical differentiation, which is built for layered intrusions. The chemical model can match the end-members of equilibrium and fractional crystallisation, depending upon the efficiency of melt-solid separation calculated by the numerical model.  The chemical model also calculates the proportion of four major rock-forming minerals in layered intrusions: olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and feldspar.

Preliminary results suggest layering in these intrusions can form by melt-crystal separation at high and low melt fraction, coupled with reactive percolative flow at low melt fraction.  Reversals in the characteristic upwards decrease in MgO can also arise by these processes.  Incrementally built complexes may contain multiple magma chambers at different depths, separated by crystal-rich mush or solid rock, rather than a single chamber.  Although the chemical model is the same, we observe differences in layering style and composition depending on the cooling time and intrusion style.  Ongoing research continues to investigate the parameter space. 

Current work is focussed on coupling the chemical model reported here with a three-dimensional code for simulating heat and mass transport and chemical reaction.  This will allow us to test determine the style of convection, and the impact of convection on layering.  Second, our model assumes local thermal and chemical equilibrium.  It does not allow crystal zonation or undercooling of a pure melt prior to crystallisation.  Current research is focussed on extending the chemical model to allow undercooling, so we can test the prevalence of pervasive versus in-situ nucleation and growth of crystals. 

How to cite: Booth, C., Hu, H., and Jackson, M.: Numerical modelling of melt-solid separation in layered intrusions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7393,, 2025.

In geophysical exploration, combining magnetotelluric (MT) and ambient noise tomography (ANT) has proven to be an effective approach for investigating subsurface structures and detecting crustal anomalies. MT gives invaluable insights into variations in electrical conductivity, which can be a sign of fluid pathways, differences in rock types, and thermal anomalies. On the other hand, ANT provides versatile shear-wave velocity models that help map out structural differences and changes in crustal composition. The Curnamona Province, known for having one of the most electrically conductive crusts globally holds significant potential as a target for the MT and ANT methods. This area is particularly intriguing because of its series of conductivity anomalies that reach mid-crustal depths, with a notable eastern boundary located beneath the Mundi Mundi region. In this research, we combine 3D seismic and MT models through statistical clustering. Our goal is to connect these models in a way that allows us to identify regions with similar physical property groupings. Statistical clustering aids in organizing geophysical data, improving the clarity of crustal differences, and uncovering hidden structures like mineralized zones, fault systems, and geothermal reservoirs. The combination of MT and ANT via statistical clustering has provided valuable insights into the subsurface layout of the Curnamona-Mundi Mundi area. The findings highlight important subsurface characteristics, allowing us to distinguish rock types beneath sediment layers and pinpoint potential mineralized areas. This method effectively addresses the limitations of using individual geophysical methods, tackling resolution issues and minimizing interpretational uncertainties. By modeling structural features such as faults and lithological boundaries, this approach enhances the identification of key targets for mineral exploration.

Additionally, a 2D k-means clustering analysis is utilized on the post-inversion resistivity, gravity, and magnetic datasets to map out geological units and rock types. This method combines geophysical signatures to overcome the drawbacks of interpreting individual datasets by using a data-driven approach. The clusters match up well with existing geological maps offering more detailed insights and spotting underground geological formations and their links to possible mineralization areas.

How to cite: Bizhani, H., Heinson, G., Yeats, C., and DeTata, D.: Clustering-Based Integration of Magnetotelluric (MT) and Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) for High-Resolution Imaging of Crustal Anomalies in the Curnamona-Mundi Mundi Region, Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7493,, 2025.

The ongoing green transition and growing need for European raw material independence requires the development of innovative exploration methods, including mineral prospectivity mapping using machine learning (ML) based methods. The Exploration Information Systems project (Horizon Europe grant No. 101057357) has developed an open-source GIS plugin to enable user-friendly generation of mineral potential maps using ML using a mineral systems modelidentifying key evidentiary factors for mineralisation such as source, trap, modification and transport (McCuaig et al, 2010). Using a mineral systems model developed through studies of the REE-Line in Sweden, a prospectivity map has been generated using the random forest modelling tool within the EIS toolkit to test the toolkit and to identify potential new prospective areas for REE mineralisation.

REE mineralisation in Bergslagen, Sweden occurs primarily within skarn type polymetallic deposits formed within supracrustal carbonate layers, intercalated in metasupracrustal rhyolitic units dating from between 1.92-1.88 Ga. Key factors found to be favourable for REE mineralisation used as evidentiary layers in the RF model were: proximity to magnetic anomalies (source), principal components of geochemical signatures from glacial till (modifying processes), distance to linear structures and kernel density of linear structures (transport), evidence of K-Mg-Ca-Fe-Na alteration in bedrock and presence of carbonate/skarn horizons (trap) (Andersson et al., 2024).

RF models learning models require training data: i.e. points containing a deposit (1), or no deposit (0) to evaluate the probability any given pixel is to have a deposit. Due to the numerous occurrences of polymetallic deposits within the extent of the that lack REE mineralisations, two types of negative training points were used: mineralised polymetallic deposit with no REE occurrence, and non-mineralised points.

The final RF model demonstrated and a true positive rate of 59.02%, a false positive rate of 4%, and a true negative rate 36.6%. The RF model gave an area under curve of 0.97, demonstrating a probable overfitting of the data. This may be due to the somewhat smaller number of training points than is typically ideal for RF modelling (Carranza and Laborte, 2015). Additionally, the tight clustering of many of the training points may point to the need for a wider spatial distribution of positive training points to improve the model. The extent of mineral claims made by prospecting companies were overlain on the final model as a secondary validation of the map where good correlation was shown between the most prospective areas and current exploration. RF mapping of the REE line thus shows good potential, though improvements to training data are needed.

McCuaig, T. C., Beresford, S., & Hronsky, J. (2010). Translating the mineral systems approach into an effective exploration targeting system. Ore Geology Reviews38(3), 128-138.

Andersson, S. S., Jonsson, E., & Sadeghi, M. (2024). A synthesis of the REE-Fe-polymetallic mineral system of the REE-line, Bergslagen, Sweden: New mineralogical and textural-paragenetic constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 106275.

Carranza, E. J. M., & Laborte, A. G. (2015). Random forest predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity with small number of prospects and data with missing values in Abra (Philippines). Computers & Geosciences74, 60-70.

How to cite: Casey, P., Sadeghi, M., and Andersson, S.: Mineral potential mapping of the REE-Line of Bergslagen, Central Sweden using random forest classifier modelling: application and testing of the EIS toolkit for prospectivity mapping. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8128,, 2025.

In light of the relatively low degree of exploration, limited drilling activities, and scarce indicators of source rocks in the West Sag of Wushi, a comprehensive study was conducted to analyze the distribution and potential of source rocks within the second member of the Liushagang Formation. This study integrated geological, geochemical, and seismic data alongside thermal simulation experiments for hydrocarbon generation.

The findings indicate that: (1) The activity of sag-controlling faults, base subsidence, and sedimentary infill in the West Sag of Wushi exhibit a positive correlation with the paleo-productivity values of source rocks identified in drilled wells. (2) The paleo-productivity values for source rocks from the second member of the Liushagang Formation in this region range from 200 to 771 gC/m²·a. Three types of source rocks have been identified—medium quality, good quality, and high quality—with respective volumes measuring 10.1 km³, 13.3 km³, and 16.4 km³. Notably, high-quality shale serves as the primary mechanism for hydrocarbon supply and is predominantly located at the center of the sag. (3) The bottom hydrocarbon generation conversion rates for medium-quality, good-quality, and high-quality source rocks within this formation are recorded at 70%, 80%, and 85% respectively; corresponding hydrocarbon generation amounts are estimated at 3.0×10⁷ t, 8.6×10⁷ t, and 5.1×10⁸ t respectively. These results suggest that this area has undergone significant hydrocarbon generation processes while demonstrating considerable potential for future hydrocarbon production.

How to cite: Su, G. and Liu, H.: Evaluation of Source Rocks Based on Geology, Geochemistry and Seismology: A Case Study of the Second Member of the Liushagang Formation in the Wushi West Sag, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8645,, 2025.

EGU25-9066 | Orals | ERE4.3

Imaging Mineral Systems in Space and Time: New Data-Fusion Methods and Their Potential for Exploration 

Juan Carlos Afonso, Ali Jamasb, Mahsa Navir, and Daniel Aranguren

The global push for sustainable energy and critical mineral resources is driving remarkable advancements in geoscience, including the widespread adoption of machine learning, numerical simulations and data fusion techniques, as well as the acquisition of large geophysical and geochemical datasets worldwide. These developments, coupled with recent advances in ultra-fast computational solvers,  are unlocking the potential for large data-driven simulations and joint inversions for the complete physical state of the Earth's lithosphere that were traditionally considered impractical. These developments are blurring the traditional boundaries between geodynamics, geochemistry, and inverse geophysical theory, steering in a new generation of multi-scale and multi-observable exploration tools.


In this presentation, we will discuss the concept of Multi-Observable Thermochemical Tomography (MTT), a powerful technique that integrates multi-scale joint inversion of multiple datasets, machine learning, and numerical modeling to obtain probabilistic models of the lithosphere's thermochemical structure with unprecedented resolution and confidence. MTT serves as a unifying data-fusion platform, providing critical proxies that enable the application of the mineral systems approach in exploration. These two methodologies are inherently complementary, reinforcing each other to enhance predictive targeting and resource discovery. We will showcase recent advances in MTT and related techniques that illustrate the potential of integrating MTT with the concept of mineral systems to enhance predictive targeting and resource discovery during greenfield and brownfield exploration of critical minerals.

How to cite: Afonso, J. C., Jamasb, A., Navir, M., and Aranguren, D.: Imaging Mineral Systems in Space and Time: New Data-Fusion Methods and Their Potential for Exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9066,, 2025.

EGU25-9251 | Posters on site | ERE4.3

Remote Sensing Technologies for Rare Metal Deposits in Kazakhstan 

Nadine Seib

This study explores remote sensing methods for locating rare earth and rare metal deposits in Kazakhstan, a country with abundant rare element resources. The focus is on modern remote sensing technologies for identifying geological objects and highlighting prospective areas for exploration. These methods can significantly reduce exploration costs by narrowing down target areas before conducting fieldwork.

Kazakhstan holds more than half of the world’s tungsten reserves and ranks fourth globally in molybdenum. The country has substantial potential to expand its rare earth and rare metal industries through both dedicated deposits and associated elements in other mineral bodies.

Kazakhstan’s deposits are classified into the following types:

  • Pegmatite deposits
  • Albitite deposits (albite granites)
  • Skarn-greisen deposits
  • Greisen-quartz vein deposits
  • Greisen-stockwork deposits
  • Porphyry deposits
  • Weathering crust deposits
  • Placer deposits

Deposits with associated rare elements include porphyry, stratified, and hydrogenic types.

We applied various remote sensing methods to identify specific types of deposits. In the Kalbinsky area, spectral index calculations revealed zones of metasomatism. In the Verkhne Espinskoye deposit, different processing techniques identified alkaline granites, stockwork bodies, and structural elements. For the Karakamskoye deposit, remote sensing detected pegmatite bodies and metasomatism zones. At Zhetygorinskoye, texture analysis revealed hidden structures, and principal component analysis identified pegmatites. The Minimum Noise Fraction method pinpointed hydrothermally altered areas.

Satellite data processing helped distinguish intrusive complexes, host rocks, and structural features. RS methods successfully separated different geological facies and highlighted metasomatism zones.

The results demonstrate that remote sensing technologies are highly effective in Kazakhstan. In this presentation, we will present a comparison of the effectiveness of these methods, showing how they enhance exploration accuracy while reducing costs. By remotely detecting key geological features before fieldwork, remote sensing minimises unnecessary expenses and maximises resource utilisation. The application of modern remote sensing tools contributes to more efficient exploration and better resource management in the country’s mining industry.

How to cite: Seib, N.: Remote Sensing Technologies for Rare Metal Deposits in Kazakhstan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9251,, 2025.

EGU25-9524 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

3D numerical modelling of copper leaching, transport and deposition by convective groundwater flow in sedimentary basins 

Meissam Bahlali, Carl Jacquemyn, Martin Purkiss, and Matthew Jackson

Sediment-hosted deposits are a major global source of copper. This study presents 3D reactive transport simulations to identify critical controls on copper leaching, transport, and deposition. Numerical experiments are performed using the open-source IC-FERST code (, integrating buoyancy-driven groundwater flow, heat and salt transport, and copper leaching, transport, and deposition. The code implements dynamic mesh optimisation to improve computational efficiency.


The 3D geological model is based on the pre-orogenic stratigraphy of the Katangan basin, noting that many aspects of this stratigraphy are common to other sedimentary basins hosting copper deposits. We model flow in two snapshots of basin geometry at different times: early during evaporite formation and later when the basin has opened further, the evaporites have been buried, and there is a thicker basin fill. Modelling flow in these different snapshots allows us to test (i) the conditions for mineralisation at early and late diagenetic stages of basin evolution, (ii) the impact on flow of changing hydrogeological basin architecture, and (iii) the impact of heating during burial. Copper leaching from potential red-bed and basement source rocks is governed by a partition coefficient, while deposition is assumed to occur at a constant rate within an interval overlying the red beds representing a redox boundary.


Results demonstrate convective cells are established at two scales. Large (km) - scale convection occurs within permeable faults, allowing dense, saline groundwater to percolate downwards from the accumulating basin fill into the basement, where heating drives upwards flow back into the basin. Initially, convective cells form within individual faults, emphasizing the flow's three-dimensional nature. Later, some faults become dominated by downwards flow, others by upwards flow. These large-scale, fault-controlled convective cells are a major driver of copper transport: hot, saline brines leach copper from red-bed and basement source rocks and transport it upwards for deposition. Stratabound, lateral flow of copper-rich brine creates deposits near faults dominated by upwards groundwater flow. Additionally, small (10s–100s m) - scale convection occurs within red-beds, provided they have sufficient permeability. These small-scale convection cells drive local copper leaching, allowing upward migration and deposition. Vertical flow of copper-rich brine creates patchy deposits not spatially associated with faults.


Key controls on mineralisation are the efficiency of leaching from red-beds and basement source rocks, fault permeability controlling large-scale convective flow, red-bed source rock permeability, and the presence of a salt source in the basin. Early mineralisation can occur only if cool, low-salinity brines effectively leach copper from source rocks, because hot, saline brines do not reach the source rocks until later in basin evolution. Moreover, mineralisation can only occur without a salt source if low-salinity brines can effectively leach copper. Mineralisation does not occur in a single pass of copper-enriched brine but gradually, as convection supplies enriched brine that deposits its copper, removes the depleted brine, and circulates this to the source rocks to be enriched again over numerous cycles.

How to cite: Bahlali, M., Jacquemyn, C., Purkiss, M., and Jackson, M.: 3D numerical modelling of copper leaching, transport and deposition by convective groundwater flow in sedimentary basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9524,, 2025.

EGU25-9884 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Structure of Akanvaara Cr-V-PGE deposit in Northern Finland, obtained by passive seismic coda wave interferometry and gravimetry 

Nikita Afonin, Kari Moisio, Elena Kozlovskaya, and Shenghong Yang

The development of cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods for the exploration of critical raw materials (CRM) is important in the modern world as such platinum-group metals (PGM) as nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), vanadium (V), copper (Cu) are irreplaceable in a wide set of EU strategic sectors such as aerospace, digital industry, and defense sectors. Orthomagmatic mineral systems include mafic layered intrusions and conduit-type sulphide deposits, which host many of the above-mentioned CRMs. In the EU, there is currently only one orthomagmatic sulphide deposit (Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE-Co, Finland) and one orthomagmatic oxide deposit (Kemi Cr, Finland) in production. However, there are potential deposits in different countries, among which is the Akanvaara Cr-V-PGE deposit, which was extensively studied by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) during the 1990s. Within these studies, more than 100 diamond drill holes were drilled with comprehensive geochemical analyses across the whole stratigraphy. The layered rocks and occurrence of thick magnetite gabbro motivated the selection of Akanvaara as one of the sites in the SEMACRET project (“Sustainable exploration for orthomagmatic (critical) raw materials in the EU: Charting the road to the green energy transition”) for testing of advanced geophysical techniques for orthomagmatic mineral deposits exploration. Within this project, an innovative passive seismic method based on coda wave passive seismic interferometry has been developed. To test this method, we recorded continuous three-component seismic data along two profiles, crossing the mineralized zones of the deposit. In total, we used 746 three-component seismometers provided by the FINNSIP (Finnish Seismic Instrument Pool The instruments were installed in two profiles and recorded continuous seismic data from 2.11.2023 to 9.12.2023 (606 instruments) and from 28.08.2024 to 2.10.2024 (140 instruments), respectively. Results of passive seismic data processing by the developed method show converted arrivals originated at mineralization zones and other structural features of the deposit. To interpret these arrivals, we used the gravity data measured by the GTK during the 1990’s. This data was measured with 20 m point separation, whereas line separation was 200 m. Data has been reduced to Bouguer anomaly by the GTK. We removed the regional field from the Bouguer anomaly data with upward continuation and applied a high-pass filter to remove the high-frequency part. Three-dimensional unconstrained inversion was done with the UBC-GIF Mag3d inversion software. Joint interpretation of obtained density models and seismic sections shows a good correlation between structures with different densities and converted arrivals, which makes the results interpretable. In this study, we describe details of data acquisition and processing as well as the interpretation of Akanvaara Cr-V-PGE deposit models obtained by passive seismic coda wave interferometry and gravimetry. The joint application of these methods looks promising for brownfield exploration of massive orebodies.

How to cite: Afonin, N., Moisio, K., Kozlovskaya, E., and Yang, S.: Structure of Akanvaara Cr-V-PGE deposit in Northern Finland, obtained by passive seismic coda wave interferometry and gravimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9884,, 2025.

EGU25-10943 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.3

Exploration potential of the Paleoproterozoic komatiites in the northern Finland: computational simulations applied to the Mineral System Approach 

Ville J. Virtanen, Henri M.A. Höytiä, Giada Iacono-Marziano, Shenghong Yang, Marko Moilanen, and Tuomo Törmänen

Several Cu-Ni(-PGE) sulfide deposits, including the economically important Kevitsa and Sakatti, are present in the northern Finland. These deposits are related to a ca. 2.05 Ga magmatic event, which is characterized by widespread komatiitic magmatism. Sulfide saturation was reached locally by sulfur assimilation from black shales or anhydrites, which are common in the sedimentary basin hosting the magmatic rocks. Following the Mineral System Approach, we characterized the mantle melting and crustal fractionation conditions for these komatiites to estimate their exploration potential on the regional scale. To do this, we compiled a comprehensive whole-rock and olivine chemistry database and used computational simulations to quantitatively assess their formation. Using a chilled margin of a komatiitic dyke and most primitive olivine populations (Fo92–94) from Kevitsa and Sakatti, we calculated parental melt compositions (MgO = 20.6–25.7 wt.%) for the komatiites. REEBOX PRO simulations indicate that a chemically homogeneous but thermally stratified (mantle potential temperature = 1575–1700 °C) plume from a depleted mantle source can produce the parental melts when the degree of partial melting is 14–22 %. The degree of melting is sufficient to completely dissolve sulfur from the mantle source based on sulfide saturation modeling. Compared to most Archean komatiites, the degree of melting is relatively low, which means that the parental melts of these Paleoproterozoic komatiites were less diluted in sulfur and metals. Fractional crystallization simulations conducted with Magma Chamber Simulator show that the parental melt compositions are compatible with the data from the natural komatiites. The MgO vs. Ni systematics of the simulated olivine are well compatible with most of the data from Kevitsa and Sakatti and highlight subpopulations of Ni-depleted olivine. The Ni-depleted olivine most likely formed from sulfide saturated melt, hence the simulated compositions can be applied for geochemical exploration. Sulfide saturation modeling indicates that, depending on the minor differences in the degree of melting or sulfur content of the mantle source, the sulfur content of the parental melt is about 110–800 ppm below sulfide saturation. Either Ni-rich or Cu-rich sulfide melt (Ni/Cu = 0.2–1.8) can precipitate from the fractionating melt without assimilation, whereas formation of more Ni-rich sulfides, as locally present in Kevitsa and Sakatti, requires either early sulfide saturation, likely driven by the assimilation of external sulfur. Our simulations indicate that the Paleoproterozoic komatiites in the northern Finland have high exploration potential because they inherited high sulfur and metal contents from the mantle source and because they were relatively close to sulfide saturation during fractionation.

How to cite: Virtanen, V. J., Höytiä, H. M. A., Iacono-Marziano, G., Yang, S., Moilanen, M., and Törmänen, T.: Exploration potential of the Paleoproterozoic komatiites in the northern Finland: computational simulations applied to the Mineral System Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10943,, 2025.

EGU25-11246 | Orals | ERE4.3

The mineral system of magmatic sulfide deposits: an experimental approach 

Ville Virtanen, Giada Iacono-Marziano, Shenghong Yang, and Fangfang Guo

The Mineral System Approach is a concept in which the formation of ore deposits is viewed as a series of source, pathway, and sink processes. In the context of magmatic sulfide deposits, the main source of metals is in the mantle, the pathway is a translithospheric network of intrusions and dykes, and the sink is a physicochemically suitable crustal segment, where the metals are ultimately concentrated and deposited. The ability to decipher the signs of these processes in rocks is useful for identifying prospective areas for mineral exploration. With petrological experiments, we can simulate many of the processes occurring within the mineral system in a controlled laboratory environment. Experiments conducted in mantle conditions reveal how different mantle lithologies melt and what is the role of each phase in releasing the metals. Sulfide saturation state of the melt is one of the main variables in controlling the faith of the chalcophile metals and hence it has been intensively studied experimentally. The presence of dense sulfides in the mantle source or their precipitation along the translithospheric pathway tends to inhibit effective metal transportation to the upper crustal levels. However, experiments have shown that sulfides have a strong tendency in attaching to low-density fluid bubbles and carbonate melts, which may aid in their transport within the silicate melt in certain situations. Finally, observations from many ore deposits indicate that magmatic assimilation of sedimentary sulfur is important in triggering early sulfide saturation, which favors efficient metal enrichment to the sink. Experiments enable us to characterize the physicochemically complex magma-sediment interactions in detail and identifying the reaction pathways, which promote sulfide saturation. From source to sink, the key processes affecting the metal budget leave geochemical and mineralogical fingerprints to rocks, which we can detect with the experiments and use to evaluate the exploration potential of magmatic suites. An application to the magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposits of the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt will be presented.

How to cite: Virtanen, V., Iacono-Marziano, G., Yang, S., and Guo, F.: The mineral system of magmatic sulfide deposits: an experimental approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11246,, 2025.

EGU25-11314 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Leveraging spatial anomaly detection for mineral exploration 

Patricia Puchhammer and Peter Filzmoser
Mineral deposits in exploration geochemistry are often identified by elevated concentrations of specific elements, resulting in an elemental composition that differs from that of nearby samples. Local anomaly detection techniques are particularly well-suited for identifying these contrasts by focusing on spatially varying compositions. Unlike traditional anomaly detection methods, which often neglect spatial context, these approaches combine multivariate analysis with spatial considerations. A cutting-edge local outlier detection method, which utilizes covariance matrices that are locally and robustly estimated, is introduced, and its application to geochemical soil data is demonstrated for mineral exploration, while accounting for the compositional nature of soil samples.


How to cite: Puchhammer, P. and Filzmoser, P.: Leveraging spatial anomaly detection for mineral exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11314,, 2025.

EGU25-11526 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.3

3D Modeling, Stochastic Joint Gravity-Magnetic Inversion, and ML for Anomalous Zone Identification in a Mining Context. 

Abraham Balaguera, Montserrat Torné, Ramon Carbonell, Pilar Sánchez-Pastor, Jaume Vergés, Susana Rodríguez, and Diego Davoise

This study proposes an integrated subsurface data methodology to identify zones with mineralization potential in mining contexts, focusing on detecting geological targets based on their geophysical properties. The case study encompasses an area of 400 km² around the Riotinto mine in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (southern Spain), a region internationally recognized for its significant accumulations of massive sulfides deposits. Our methodology integrates stochastic geological models derived from detailed mapping with a joint probabilistic inversion of gravity and magnetic data. Bouguer and magnetic anomaly digital maps are used to generate probabilistic density volumes of the target area. Additionally, petrophysical data from over a thousand rock samples were analyzed and used to construct predictive models of P-wave velocity and, total porosity using advanced Machine Learning (ML) techniques.

The generated 3D  models reveal the geometry of the main rock units. Geo-bodies can be differentiated within the multiparametric volume. These are characterized by high values for density and P-wave velocity, and low values for porosity. These rock units are key parameters for identifying mineralized structures. However, the available data on physical properties reveals an overlap between different lithologies and mineralized ore bodies which hinders the accurate discrimination of the latter. The models illustrate the presence of anomalous rock bodies, including mafic rocks located at shallow structural positions, and highly compacted slates at depths greater than 1250 m. These feature significant contrasts in their physical property values that could lead to false exploration targets. Considering this, we were able to establish a classification and prioritization system for zones based on their probability of containing mineralized bodies, identifying areas with greater potential of hosting ore structures in specific geological units. Finally, it is proposed to continue evaluating the applicability and effectiveness of this methodology in other geological and ore bearing settings, promoting its replicability and, aiding the development of more precise, efficient, and sustainable exploration techniques, aligned with the growing demand for strategic minerals necessary for a responsible energy transition.

*This work, funded under reference CPP2021 009072, has been supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities/State Agency for Innovation) with funds from the European Union's Next Generation/PRTR (Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan).

How to cite: Balaguera, A., Torné, M., Carbonell, R., Sánchez-Pastor, P., Vergés, J., Rodríguez, S., and Davoise, D.: 3D Modeling, Stochastic Joint Gravity-Magnetic Inversion, and ML for Anomalous Zone Identification in a Mining Context., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11526,, 2025.

EGU25-12838 | Orals | ERE4.3

Study of the Dragset and Høydal VMS deposits (Central Norwegian Caledonides): genesis, effects of metamorphic overprint, critical raw material potential 

Gabriella B. Kiss, Musa M. M. Mina, Hanne-Kristin Paulsen, Ana Carolina R. Miranda, and Eduardo T. Mansur

The central Norwegian Dragset and Høydal deposits are small-scale Cyprus-type volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits hosted within oceanic back-arc affinity metavolcanic rocks of the Early Ordovician Løkken ophiolite. During the Caledonian orogeny, the Dragset deposit was deformed and metamorphosed in lower-mid greenschist facies, while Høydal is one of the very few VMS deposits in the Caledonides that experienced only minimal effects of deformation and metamorphosis. Despite their proximity to the world-known Løkken, the formation process as well as critical metal content is poorly understood. Hence, the present study aims to contribute to these aspects through field observations, optical and electron microscopical petrography, in situ mineral chemistry (EPMA and LA-ICP-MS) and whole-rock geochemical analyses.

Massive sulphide as well as stockwork mineralisation in altered greenstone are observable at both study locations. Pyrite is abundant in both deposits and in each ore type, while chalcopyrite is more common in the stockwork zones. Traces of sphalerite occur at each location and mineralisation type, as well as local sphalerite enrichment in some massive sulphide samples. These mineralogical observations support well the observed differences in whole rock geochemistry data where Cu/Zn ratios decrease towards more distal ore types.

The widespread appearance of pyrite combined with its resistance to later processes make it a perfect tool to reconstruct the formation environments. Higher formation temperatures (up to >320°C) in Dragset facilitated Co incorporation in pyrite as well as occurrence of cobaltite, resulting in overall higher Co content of the ore, compared to Høydal (up to 277 ppm vs. up to 37 ppm). Also, in both deposits the trace element content (As, Te) in pyrite indicates a change in redox conditions, i.e., that fluids became progressively more oxidised towards the seafloor due to mixing with oxygenated seawater.

Sphalerite, unlike pyrite, was affected by metamorphism in Dragset, leading to Zn remobilisation and high temperature (320-480°C) sphalerite precipitation in more permeable zones. As a contrary, submarine hydrothermal sphalerite was found in Høydal, formed at lower temperature (below 200-250°C), enriched in the distal massive sulphide samples. It formed during the waning stage of the hydrothermal process, together with late pyrite and quartz precipitation; the preliminary fluid inclusion study of quartz proves the <200°C formation temperature from an enriched, seawater originated fluid.

Besides the Cu and Zn content, the high temperature formation conditions at Dragset were favourable for the enrichment of a few critical metals (in addition to the above-mentioned Co, Se and Te also). Though some distal samples of Høydal are enriched in lower temperature sphalerite, their Ga content remain below economic grade.

This still ongoing study draws the attention to the effects of formation temperature differences as well as metamorphic overprint on the metal occurrence and distribution in the VMS deposits.

How to cite: B. Kiss, G., M. M. Mina, M., Paulsen, H.-K., R. Miranda, A. C., and T. Mansur, E.: Study of the Dragset and Høydal VMS deposits (Central Norwegian Caledonides): genesis, effects of metamorphic overprint, critical raw material potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12838,, 2025.

EGU25-15150 | Orals | ERE4.3

New lithological approach for the 3D Geological modeling of the Upper Cretaceous Sakdrisi Gold Copper Epithermal deposit in Bolnisi District, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia 

Nino Popkhadze, Badri Gogia, Malkhaz Natsvlishvili, Joni Shubitidze, Giorgi Ananiashvili, Safak Sonmez, and Robert Moritz

The Bolnisi mining district in Southern Georgia belongs to the central segment of the Tethyan orogenic and metallogenic Belt. It is located in the eastern extremity of the Turkish Eastern Pontides and the northern part of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary-volcanic Somkheto-Karabagh belt of the Lesser Caucasus.  The Late Cretaceous (~87–71 Ma) bimodal explosive volcanism in this region resulted in mafic and felsic rock types, the latter being a major host of the ore deposits and prospects, and being defined locally as the felsic Mashavera and Gasandami suites. The Late Cretaceous Sakdrisi gold-copper epithermal deposit is a major deposit in the Bolnisi district where different projects are going on. The Late Cretaceous sequences in this region are subdivided into six volcanogenic suites and corresponds to Cenomanian and Maastrichtian in age.

To better understand what controls the mineralization and the distribution of ores in the deposit, a 3D geological model have been built (in the Leapfrog Geo program) considering the distribution of lithological unit boundaries and structures at the Sakdrisi (Sakdrisi 4 and 5) epithermal deposit, based on outcrop observations, detailed mappings, and interpretations of drill core data.  The ore types and their distribution in different levels between the Sak4 and Sak5 have always been a matter of question. Our new lithological approach, which included genetic naming of rocks, allowed us to perform correct paleovolcanological reconstructions together with structure in context and obtain a complete representation in the 3D model of the displacement of these stratigraphic units and the distribution of mineralization within them. The following lithological units were identified on Sakdrisi deposit: the upper non-mineralized volcano-sedimentary complex (UVSC) - Ignimbrite (IGN) and cross-cutting andesite-basaltic (AN_BA), and rhyodacite (RHD) dikes and lower mineralized (LVSC) volcano-sedimentary complex – pumice tuff (PT), massive fine-grained tuff (MFT), pumice tuff with the transition to fine-grained intervals (PTTI), layerd tuff (LT), ignimbrite like tuff (IGNT). The upper (UVSC) and lower (LVSC) complexes are separated by the thrust fault zone (central fault) including the sedimentary formation (SF) which is also non-mineralized. The central fault represents the upper limit of the mineralized zone. The lower base of the mineralization zone in Sak.4 is observed in some drill holes in layered tuff where the gypsum veins occur and also in ignimbrite-like tuffs. The explosive breccia pipes cross-cut all these lower mineralized lithological units on Sak.4 and Sak.5.

The high-grade ore zones are mainly localized in massive fine-grained tuffs, which are brittle and strongly silicified and of course connecting with the explosive breccia in matrix and also in the clasts. These tuffs easily succumbed to fractures developed by faults and fractures together with the explosive breccias, creating a favorable environment for the movement of ore-forming fluids and, consequently, the precipitation of metals. Two major trends of faults are recognized in the Sakdrisi deposit where dominant in the SE and NE directions. Both lithological and structural control on mineralization was convinced in the Sakdrisi deposit.


How to cite: Popkhadze, N., Gogia, B., Natsvlishvili, M., Shubitidze, J., Ananiashvili, G., Sonmez, S., and Moritz, R.: New lithological approach for the 3D Geological modeling of the Upper Cretaceous Sakdrisi Gold Copper Epithermal deposit in Bolnisi District, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15150,, 2025.

EGU25-16308 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Uncovering hidden resources: Geospatial techniques in mineral prospectivity modelling and their application to Beja's layered gabbros 

Malcolm Aranha, Bruno Bartolomeu, Mário A. Gonçalves, Ana Patrícia Jesus, António Oliveira, and Manuel Dias

Mineral prospectivity modelling is a geospatial technique used to predict the likelihood of discovering economically viable mineral deposits in unexplored areas. This method integrates various geoscientific data, such as geological, geophysical, geochemical, and remote sensing data, using simple mathematical, statistical or artificial intelligence algorithms to identify regions with high mineral potential. By expert knowledge or by analysing spatial patterns and correlations between known mineral occurrences and various geological features, prospectivity modelling aids in reducing exploration risks and costs. It typically involves developing a mineral systems model for the mineral system of interest, feature selection and extraction through data processing, and applying predictive models. Newer methods involve unsupervised data-driven methods to eliminate bias from lack of knowledge. The output is a prospectivity map highlighting areas with varying probabilities of mineralisation. This approach is increasingly vital for sustainable mineral exploration, enabling more efficient targeting of resources while minimising environmental impact. Besides providing a brief overview of prospectivity modelling, this talk presents a case study from southern Portugal. 
The layered gabbros of Beja are valuable sources of critical raw materials (CRMs) such as Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V), which are considered critical by the European Union due to their high demand for modern industries and supply risk.
This study describes computer-based exploration targeting of evolved gabbros enriched in oxide ores using two approaches: (1) a first-pass data-driven unsupervised analysis and (2) a knowledge-driven analysis utilising Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS), a knowledge-based artificial intelligence technique.
The first pass data-driven analysis employed self-organising maps, a machine learning-based clustering algorithm that generated clusters of features from geophysical data such as magnetic, gravity and topography. Clusters representing differentiated gabbros were isolated based on a geological review of the clusters. This led to identifying new targets in the northwestern part of the study area, where new outcrops were found during a subsequent field visit. The analysis also helped generate more robust datasets for the knowledge-driven study. 
The FIS model relies on a generalised mineral systems model to identify targeting criteria and the FIS's structure. The mineral system model includes (1) Primitive, mantle-derived, metal-rich magmas emplaced in a syn-post collisional setting, serving as metal sources; (2) trans-lithospheric faults and suture zones acting as magma pathways; and (3) dilatational zones of high, fracture-related permeability and localised structures that physically trap the mineralising fluids, allowing fractional crystallisation to generate evolved, oxide rich gabbros.
Spatial proxies representing critical processes of the mineral system were mapped from various geoscientific datasets in the form of GIS predictor maps. This study also included singularity maps detecting geochemical anomalies based on the methods described by Gonçalves et al. (2024). All predictor maps were incorporated into the FIS model to generate the prospectivity map highlighting promising areas for further exploration. 
The two approaches utilising different inputs form a complimentary workflow, enhancing exploration targeting. 

How to cite: Aranha, M., Bartolomeu, B., Gonçalves, M. A., Jesus, A. P., Oliveira, A., and Dias, M.: Uncovering hidden resources: Geospatial techniques in mineral prospectivity modelling and their application to Beja's layered gabbros, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16308,, 2025.

The Strzegomiany-Kunów Fe-Ti±V prospect is located within the eastern edge of Ślęża ophiolite which belongs to the Central-Sudetic ophiolites (CSO), forming part of the Variscan suture zone. The Ślęża ophiolite is the largest exposed section of the Central Sudetic Ophiolite and retains a nearly complete, typical ophiolite pseudo-stratigraphic sequence. The Kunów-Strzegomiany prospect marks the north-eastern part of the Ślęża ophiolite, covered by the Cenozoic sediments.

The conducted geophysical and geochemical exploration aimed to identify previously unrecognized deep-seated potential for Fe-Ti±V mineralization within the Ślęża area and the Strzegomiany-Kunów Fe-Ti±V prospect. A set of Electric Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization profiles was conducted  as well as magnetic measurements (ground and airborne). Chemical composition analysis of the samples was conducted using portable X-ray fluorescence, WD-XRF and the ICP-MS.

On Ślęża Mountain, four elongated lenses oriented SW-NE and W-E were delineated, exhibiting enrichment in iron, titanium, and vanadium. These zones are characterized by elevated titanium concentrations, with a maximum of 5.59 wt.% and a median of 4.19 wt.%. High titanium and iron contents show a strong positive correlation with vanadium, which is generally abundant in Ślęża gabbros, reaching up to 1446 ppm (median 993 ppm). The analyzed samples also display slightly elevated scandium concentrations, a critical element as classified by the European Commission. Scandium in Ślęża gabbros ranges from 8.4 to 72.5 ppm, with an average of 55.6 ppm and a median of 57.5 ppm. Elevated scandium levels generally correlate positively with TiO₂ but show no correlation with iron or vanadium.

In the Kunów area, samples were collected from several small outcrops on and around Kunów Hill, as well as from two boreholes, Kunów-B1 and Kunów-B2, which document the subsurface extent of the Kunów gabbro body to a depth of 89 m below ground level (b.g.l.). The gabbros from Kunów Hill exhibit a chemical composition similar to those from the Ślęża area. Titanium concentrations in the Kunów samples are locally elevated, with a maximum of 5.17 wt.% and a median of 3.74 wt.%, slightly lower than the values observed in the Ślęża gabbros. Vanadium levels in Kunów samples are generally high, with individual samples showing enrichment relative to Ślęża, ranging from 141 ppm to 1603 ppm (median: 509 ppm).

In the two studied boreholes, several oxide-bearing intervals of variable thickness (0.2 to 2.0 meters) were identified. The highest concentrations of Fe, Ti, and V occur within semi-massive to massive oxide ore hosted in ophitic gabbro. These Fe-Ti-V-enriched intervals are interpreted as south- or southwest-dipping lenses or dikes of oxide gabbros/ferrogabbros. The lateral extent of these, previously unknown, bodies remains poorly constrained and will require additional exploratory boreholes for detailed characterization.

Funded by the European Union (SEMACRET, Grant Agreement no. 101057741)

How to cite: Rosowiecka, O., Bienko, T., Mikulski, S., and Weekes, R.: New data on Fe-Ti±V mineralization from Ślęża and Strzegomiany-Kunów prospect, SW Poland: insights from geophysical surveys and geochemical exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16664,, 2025.

Plant material can be used in mineral exploration as indicators of subsurface deposits based on their chemical composition. While the classic approach has been geobotany, this approach is severely hampered in areas where humans have completely altered the plant species occurrence, for example by using the landscape for forestry or agricultural purposes. The solution is to use the chemical composition of the plant material instead.
Within the EU project SEMACRET plant material had been tested to serve for mineral exploration on ultramafic host rocks in ultra-intensive agriculture. In intensive agriculture, it is clear that extensive use of fertilizers or heavy tillage of the soil disturbs the natural signals coming from the host rock and ultimately obscures the signal from the target mineral. To test this hypothesis, plant material was sampled from almond and olive farms in Portugal covering several ultramafic units and known mineralized outcrops. The orientation study data show that the chemical composition of the plant material discriminates between different mafic and ultra-mafic host rocks, even despite the intensive agricultural practices, and that elemental values of certain target elements are indicative of mineralization. It also shows that not all target elements work equally well on the mineralization tested, but that some target elements are likely to be too strongly altered by natural uptake of the plant and/or airborne dust contamination.

How to cite: Pospiech, S. and Dujmovic, L.: Using Plant Ionome for Mineral Exploration in Altered Landscapes: Insights from Intensive Agriculture in Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17751,, 2025.

EGU25-18166 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Advancing Mineral Resource Estimation with Machine Learning: A Case Study from Ransko. 

Oltingey Lindi, Adeyemi Aladejare, Vojtěch Wertich, Jukka-Pekka Ranta, and Shenghong Yang

Exploration drilling is a crucial yet expensive process for gaining insights into subsurface environments. With the rising demand for critical minerals needed for the green energy transition, the number of exploration projects has significantly increased. Traditional geostatistical methods are commonly used for mineral resource estimation, but they often depend on dense and extensive datasets, making them challenging for small-scale explorations and environmentally sensitive areas.  This study explores the use of machine learning (ML) techniques, specifically Extreme Gradient Boosting and Random Forest, to improve mineral resource estimation in the Ransko region. ML methods present a groundbreaking approach by predicting target variables in unsampled locations using minimal and distant data, effectively reducing environmental impact and exploration costs. Additionally, ML can incorporate geological interpretations and account for spatial continuity, enhancing the quality of estimates and leading to more efficient and sustainable mineral exploration practices.

How to cite: Lindi, O., Aladejare, A., Wertich, V., Ranta, J.-P., and Yang, S.: Advancing Mineral Resource Estimation with Machine Learning: A Case Study from Ransko., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18166,, 2025.

EGU25-18205 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Identification of appropriate depth interval of high resolution targeting till data in Finland for mineral exploration  

Charmee Kalubowila, Markus Raatikainen, and Pertti Sarala

The targeting till geochemical data set of Finland was collected during 1970s by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). It covers central Lapland, some areas in Ostrobothnia and eastern Finland. Targeting till geochemistry survey samples comprise soil samples collected by GTK along sampling lines in 1971–1983 and the point density of soil sampling varies between 6–12 samples/km2. The line interval is 500–2000 metres, and the point interval 100–400 metres. In total, there are 385 000 samples and from those samples, 191 559 locate in the Central Lapland. The samples were collected using percussion drilling with a flow-through bit and the sampling depth varies greatly, having on average 2 metres, where the maximum depth is 25.3 metres, and the minimum depth is 0.1 metres. A size fraction < 0.063 mm was sieved from the samples, and the concentrations of 17 chemical elements were analysed with an emission quantometer (EKV). As this data set contains elemental concentration for different depths, the aim of this study was to find the best suitable depth interval for finding orthomagmatic deposits. Thus, specific area from central Lapland was selected to study the depth profile of the samples. After data pre-processing, elements with acceptable quality were selected for further analysis emphasising on the elements those associate with orthomagmatic deposits. Then two methods for choosing the appropriate depth intervals were used. First, by detecting changes in both variance and/or mean. Second, choosing one metre intervals. These were then compared to see which method results in better outcome. For this comparison fuzzy logic was first used. Selected elements for fuzzy logic and their membership function were based on the detected correlation between elements by preforming principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, PCA determined elements groups. Three groups were recognised, these were 1) Mg-Cr-Ni, 2) Fe-Cu-Co with inverse Na-K values, and 3) Mn-V-Ti. Based on predicted maps generated in ArcGIS 10.8.1 for identified depth intervals, the depth range 1.7m to 3.6m demonstrated the highest potential to detect orthomagmatic mineral deposits. Compared to one metre interval approach where 2 m interval demonstrates the highest potential for deposits. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) were ultimately used to determine which of these approaches had the highest potential for exploration.

How to cite: Kalubowila, C., Raatikainen, M., and Sarala, P.: Identification of appropriate depth interval of high resolution targeting till data in Finland for mineral exploration , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18205,, 2025.

EGU25-19240 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.3

Tracing ore-forming processes in the REE-Fe-polymetallic mineral system of the REE-line, Bergslagen, Sweden: Insights from LA-ICP-MS/MS Re-Os geochronology of molybdenite 

Stefan Andersson, Erik Jonsson, Thomas Zack, Delia Rösel, and Martiya Sadeghi

The REE-Fe-polymetallic mineral system along the REE-line in Bergslagen, south-central Sweden, encompasses a range of magnetite-rich iron oxide deposits with variable REE and polymetallic enrichments (e.g., Cu, Co, Bi, Mo, Au), including the notable Bastnäs-type REE deposits. As part of the EU-funded Exploration Information Systems project, in-situ Re-Os LA-ICP-MS/MS geochronology of molybdenite has been conducted across various mineralisations along the REE-line. This research aims to better delineate the timing of key ore-forming processes, link them to regional geological events, and assess the implications for mineral system modelling.

Mineralogical and textural evidence indicates a prolonged evolution of mineralisation within this system, involving multiple stages of REE mineral and Fe-Cu-Mo-Bi-(Co) sulphide formation. The sulphide-rich assemblages often occur as fracture fillings, veins, or bands with, and occasionally as inclusions within, allanite-group minerals. These assemblages are hosted within various mineralisation types, including recrystallised cerite-(CeCa) and bastnäsite-(Ce) ores, hydrothermally altered and metamorphosed volcanic rocks, carbonate rocks with serpentine-dominated pseudomorphs (“ophicalcite”), and amphibole ± pyroxene or andradite-dominated magnetite skarns.

The new Re-Os geochronology, combined with previously published data, reveals two primary age domains: ∼1.91–1.88 Ga and ∼1.87–1.83 Ga. The earlier domain aligns with primary mineralisation, formed through hydrothermal replacement of carbonate interlayers in a volcano-sedimentary succession during shallow-marine, sub-seafloor, and back-arc volcanic activity during the Svecokarelian orogeny. The younger domain is synchronous with ∼1.87–1.84 Ga magmatism in parts of Bergslagen and the peak of regional metamorphism in the studied area. The combined textural and age data are best explained by the remobilisation of different ore-forming components (e.g., REE, Fe, Cu, Mo, Bi) during regional metamorphism and deformation.

The findings offer new insights into mappable proxies for prospectivity mapping within the REE-Fe-polymetallic mineral system, particularly for processes related to pathways and sinks. They further underscore the protracted nature of mineralisation and highlight the significance of deformation- and metamorphism-related structures and features as additional exploration targets, particularly for identifying mineralisation types that diverge from the classical carbonate-replacement styles of Bastnäs-type deposits.

We acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for the project Exploration Information Systems under grant agreement No. 101057357.

How to cite: Andersson, S., Jonsson, E., Zack, T., Rösel, D., and Sadeghi, M.: Tracing ore-forming processes in the REE-Fe-polymetallic mineral system of the REE-line, Bergslagen, Sweden: Insights from LA-ICP-MS/MS Re-Os geochronology of molybdenite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19240,, 2025.

EGU25-19683 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Thermal Histories and Critical Mineral Systems in the Bergslagen Ore Province, Fennoscandian Shield 

Péter Kelemen, Thomas Zack, Delia Rösel, István Dunkl, and Edward P. Lynch

The Bergslagen ore province, part of the Swedish Fennoscandian Shield, hosts the largest rare earth element (REE) reserve in the EU and significant base metal deposits, highlighting its critical raw material potential. The EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie project "CRITTER: Strengthening the Critical Raw Material Independence of the EU through Thermochronology" (ID: 101154535) aims to reconstruct the thermal history of Bergslagen, focusing on cooling, reheating, and ore mobilization over the past 1.8 Ga.

We apply high-temperature Rb-Sr thermochronology on mica at the University of Gothenburg and low-temperature U-Th-He thermochronology on zircon and rutile at the University of Göttingen. This interdisciplinary approach targets minimally altered granites and pegmatites near key mineral deposits, including Bastnäs (REE) and Håkansboda (Cu-Co).

Preliminary Rb-Sr results reveal two distinct age groups (~1700–1500 Ma and ~1050–1350 Ma), suggesting episodic thermal activity linked to regional tectonics. Results from Blötberget (Grängesberg) and I-Edda (Örebro) cores reveal biotite Rb-Sr ages around 1.6-1.5 Ga.

These findings suggest that far-field tectonic events, even within stable cratons, can influence thermal evolution and ore remobilization, advancing our understanding of mineral systems. This study contributes to refining exploration criteria by integrating thermochronology and geochemical techniques for efficient mineral exploration.

How to cite: Kelemen, P., Zack, T., Rösel, D., Dunkl, I., and Lynch, E. P.: Thermal Histories and Critical Mineral Systems in the Bergslagen Ore Province, Fennoscandian Shield, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19683,, 2025.

Unearthing mineral ore deposits involves a complex and resource-intensive endeavor that typically integrates the diversity of geological, geochemical, geophysical, and remote sensing data. This study can set a framework for a preliminary structure in mineral exploration through the application of machine learning and deep learning (ML/DL) techniques which is one of the most demanding approaches now a days in artificial intelligence (AI) world. Leveraging neural networks, convolutional techniques, and spectral analysis methods, our proposed efficient and time-saving approach seeks to uncover meaningful insights from large and intricate geospatial datasets. The workflow begins with the collection and preprocessing of diverse datasets, including Lithological unit, Tectonic component, Multispectral imagery, Geophysical anomaly, Geochemical composition, and point-based sample evidence of Copper and Graphite commodity (critical minerals in India) in Jharkhand and its surroundings. These data layers further stack and cross-correlate through ensemble supervised ML/DL algorithms and are taking through rigorous model sampling and training process to recognize trends indicative of mineralization, enabling automated identification and classification of mineralogical features for critical mineral deposits. Results from the application of this advanced technique in our study with some statistics such as (Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC-ROC), F1-score, Precision, Recall) > 0.85 which would be able to showcase the model's ability to identify prospective areas and generate insightful geologic depositional environments with an accuracy over 80%. This also validate with ground truth data and comparison with traditional exploration methods which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In conclusion, this approach surpasses traditional methods by incorporating temporal aspects and cost-effective analysis, revolutionizing the identification and prioritization of evolving patterns and trends in mineral occurrences. Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) is employed to predict the likelihood of mineral deposits, providing exploration teams with valuable information for targeted and efficient resource allocation.

Keywords: Mineralization, Iron Ore deposits, Mineral Prospectivity Mapping, Machine learning, Multispectral Imagery.

Graphical Abstract:

How to cite: Dutta, L., Munda, D., and Mandal, P. P.: Data-driven Mineral Prospectivity Mapping: Unlocking Critical Mineral Resources using Artificial intelligence techniques in Jharkhand and its Surroundings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20402,, 2025.

The Beja Igneous Complex (BIC) is a major geological feature of the SW Iberian Variscides, extending for over 100 km along the southern border of the Ossa-Morena Zone. The formation of the BIC occurred during the main collisional stages of the Variscan Orogeny. The Layered Gabbroic Sequence (LGS) corresponds to the most primitive member of the BIC, hosting various occurrences of Fe-Ti(-V) oxide mineralization within olivine leucogabbros. The early stages of LGS crystallization are recorded by the Soberanas troctolites (SB I) and gabbronorites (SB II; εNd350 = +6.75; 87Sr/86Sr350 = 0.7043), Odivelas ferro-gabbros (ODV I; εNd350 = +1.81; 87Sr/86Sr350 = 0.7049) and Torrão ferro-diorites (TOR; εNd350 = +2.42; 87Sr/86Sr350 = 0.7045). The formation of ODV I ferro-gabbros and massive oxide accumulations has been envisaged as a consequence of extensive differentiation (Fo88-54; An89-41) from oxidized (ΔFMQ = +1.7) primitive basaltic parental magmas, derived from SB I, to more reduced conditions (ΔFMQ = +0.5). Pressure estimates for the emplacement and main fractionation events are 4.5 kbar. The nearby exposed TOR ferro-diorites share many geochemical similarities with the most isotopically primitive SB II gabbronorites, namely sub-parallel REE and trace element patterns. Geochemical modeling shows that 20-30% fractionation of a typical mafic mineral assemblage comprising cpx + ol (± amp) + spn from magmas represented by the SB II gabbronorites can plausibly generate the TOR ferro-diorites. Although median amp-plg pressure estimates for the TOR ferro-diorites are comparable with those obtained for SB II and ODV I gabbroic rocks, the amp-only pressure estimates provided by amphibole phenocrysts in TOR ferro-diorites yield pressure values of 6 to 7 kbar. These “high-pressure amphiboles” suggest that the parental SB II magmas should already have significant amounts of dissolved H2O (> 3.5 wt%). Under such high-pressure conditions, fractionation of plagioclase is inhibited, explaining the lack of negative Eu and Sr anomalies in these rocks. Estimation of fO2 conditions for ferro-diorites is precluded by late, sub-solidus re-equilibration of coexisting magnetite and ilmenite, possibly related to free O2 liberation during amphibole crystallization.

While deriving from similar parental magmas, the ODV I ferro-gabbros and TOR ferro-diorites record distinct differentiation conditions. High-pressure fractionation of primary basaltic magmas promotes the enrichment of dissolved H2O due to increased solubility, deviating the composition of residual melts towards the stability field of amphibole. Conversely, lower-pressure evolution of similar magmas generates a typical “dry” tholeiitic differentiation path, resulting in stronger Fe and Ti enrichment and so the potential to generate massive oxide accumulations, as recorded in ODV I ferro-gabbros. These findings highlight the role of pressure in generating significantly different products from the same primary basaltic magma.

Co-funded by the EU SEMACRET GA#101057741 and FCT I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020

How to cite: Antunes Dias, M., Jesus, A., Mateus, A., Oliveira, A., and Bartolomeu, B.: Pressure effects on the differentiation of basaltic magmas: insights from the synorogenic Beja Layered Gabbroic Sequence (Portugal) and implications for oxide-ore forming processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20726,, 2025.

EGU25-20765 | Posters on site | ERE4.3

Assessing the mineral prospectivity  of the Beja Layered Gabbroic Sequence, Portugal 

Ana P Jesus, Antonio Oliveira, Bruno Bartolomeu, António Mateus, Mário Abel Gonçalves, and Manuel Antunes Dias

The Beja Layered Gabbroic Sequence (LGS) was emplaced in the southern border of the Ossa Morena Zone in Portugal during the Variscan orogeny climax. With an area of 315 km2 it remains one of the largest synorogenic intrusions worldwide, being chiefly preserved from postmagmatic tectono-metamorphic events. The intrusion hosts potentially economic oxide mineralization and ore showings developed at different evolution stages intrusion. It overlaps in time the Ni-Cu-PGE Aguablanca deposit (Spain), sharing also similarities in the geological setting, which led to an in-depth revaluation of LGS in the scope of HEU SEMACRET project (

From W to E, the LGS comprises olivine leucogabbros and chromite bearing troctolites+wehrlites (SB I Series, Fo88) that formed from high-Mg, high-alumina parental melts. SB II Series represents a secondary chilled margin that is parental to polybaric assemblages of ferrodiorites and ferrogabbro, the latter hosting massive Fe-Ti-V oxide mineralisation at Odivelas (ODV I). A voluminous sequence with narrow compositional ranges formed under steady state replenishment/crystallization conditions (ODV II-ODV-III-BRG I-BRG II-BJA), locally showing evidence for large-scale channelled melt flow. The E block at Serpa (SRP) represents an isolated domain, forming a zoned lopolith with distinctive features, such as cumulus Opx, a primary hydrous character and a strong N-dipping foliation instead of the modal layering common to other Series.

The Nd-Sr-Os isotope compositions for LGS indicate derivation from a source slightly more enriched than the Depleted Mantle. Most Series follow typical AFC paths however troctolites show contaminated compositions due to the higher assimilating capability of most primitive melts. Modelling shows that marble and amphibolite country rocks cannot be the main contaminants for LGS magmas, thus implying a main contamination stage prior to their emplacement. The enriched components, increasing from W to E of LGS with SRP closing into the field of Aguablanca, suggest a progressive contamination of the magma source zones at the scale of the orogen.

Median V2O3 concentrations in spinel (> 1 wt%) are comparable to those reported for tholeiitic intrusions (e.g. Bushveld, Skaergaard) and significantly higher than in calk-alkaline-derived magmas. The synorogenic character can favour effective mechanical sorting of oxide-rich magma slurries, with BJA and SRP Series displaying multiple magnetic anomalies that require further investigation. While the assessment is very positive for oxide mineralization, indicators for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE are mixed. The high-Mg chromite-bearing rocks include both depleted and undepleted olivine (Ni <2200 ppm) and indicate moderately positive fertility for sulfide mineralization. The ubiquitous presence of accessory sulfide blebs suggests sulfur saturation at an early evolving stage. The evidence for deep seated/source contamination increases the likelihood of sulfur saturation at lower crustal levels. This would have led to a decrease of the chalcophile budget in the magmas, as corroborated by the systematically high base/noble metal ratios and very low PGE abundances. The fertile ultramafic rocks at the LGS southern border are therefore the primary targets for magmatic sulfides as they may represent dismembered portions of the intrusion conduits.


-funded by the EU SEMACRET GA#101057741 and FCT I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Jesus, A. P., Oliveira, A., Bartolomeu, B., Mateus, A., Gonçalves, M. A., and Antunes Dias, M.: Assessing the mineral prospectivity  of the Beja Layered Gabbroic Sequence, Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20765,, 2025.

EGU25-20819 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

3D AEM inversion considering IP effect for mineral exploration in Semacret project 

Jian Chen, Bo Zhang, Francesco Dauti, and Gianluca Fiandaca

Modelling Induced polarization effects in airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data is becoming a standard tool in mineral exploration, but the industry standard is still based on one-dimensional (1D) forward and Jacobian modelling. We have developed a three-dimensional (3D) vector finite element electromagnetic forward and inversion method considering IP effects within the EEMverter modelling platform. The computations are carried out in frequency domain, and then time- transformed in time domain through a Hankel transform. This allows to model any parameterization of the IP phenomenon, from the simple constant phase angle model to a full debye decomposition. We present AEM survey data from Semacret project, which contain significant IP anomaly responses. Our test results show that the anomaly distribution of the 3D EM-IP inversion agrees well with the known geological drill hole data.


Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) exploration technology, recognized for its efficiency, flexibility, and indifference to complex terrains, has been extensively applied in hydrogeological mapping geothermal exploration, and energy resource surveys. Due to the typically large-scale datasets collected via AEM, employing inversion methods based on one-dimensional (1D) forward operators remains a conventional and mainstream strategy for data interpretation. In geological settings where the terrain is flat and the subsurface media are approximately layered, 1D inversion can provide relatively accurate interpretations. However, in regions where the terrain is rugged and the distribution of subsurface media varies significantly in different directions, such as mineral deposits, 1D forward modeling is no longer applicable and three-dimensional (3D) inversion is required for proper interpretation.

To meet the demand for detailed interpretation of airborne electromagnetic data for mineral resources, this study employs the vector finie element method, which is known for its high flexibility and computational accuracy, to perform 3D EM forward modelling and inversion. The main


features include: 1) the use of Octree meshes to accelerate the meshing process and allow further mesh refinement during inversion iterations, 2) calculation of complex resistivity responses in the frequency domain, enabling easy simulation of any parameterized model of IP, and 3) the independence of the forward modeling mesh from the inversion model mesh, requiring the calculation of the Jacobian matrix only in the footprint area of the forward modeling mesh during inversion iterations.

How to cite: Chen, J., Zhang, B., Dauti, F., and Fiandaca, G.: 3D AEM inversion considering IP effect for mineral exploration in Semacret project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20819,, 2025.

EGU25-20829 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

Airborne IP driven exploration for greenfield exploration: an application in the SEMACRET project  

Francesco Dauti, Andrea Viezzoli, Jian Chen, Ana P Jesus, Isla Fernandez, and Gianluca Fiandaca


The critical raw materials (CRMs) exploration and supply is crucial to achieve the objectives defined by the European Critical Raw Materials Act to reach the green energy transition. In order to reduce the social and environmental impact of the exploration, innovative indirect techniques have to be adopted for the mineral targeting. Among the various geophysical methods, two of the most common techniques for exploration are the Induced Polarization (DCIP) and the Electromagnetic (EM) to map, respectively, chargeable and conductive bodies in depth. Although these techniques have been considered sensitive to different physical properties for a long time, it has been recognized that the effects of a polarizable ground can be measurable by inductive EM measurements (Smith et al., 1996), both airborne and ground. It has then been shown that is possible to model the inductive IP (Viezzoli et al., 2013) to retrieve the ground chargeability distribution and how novel modelling approaches (Dauti et al., 2024) can increase the inductive chargeability sensitivity in depth with good relationships with known mineralized bodies. In this context, with this contribute we propose a case study for which the retrieved inductive chargeability models have been actively used to define the next steps of the exploration workflow for a real green-field exploration research project in Portugal (within the HORIZON SEMACRET European project) with chargeable and resistive targets.

First, two Airborne EM surveys have been flown with different base frequencies (12.5 Hz and 25 Hz) to increase the data sensitivity to IP effects and to improve the near surface resolution. Then, a modelling approach that pointed to reduce the equivalencies among the parameters of the “IP-expanded” model-space has been applied to the data. These have been both independently and jointly modelled (between 12.5 and 25Hz), to better define where to follow-up on the ground. The inversions defined different chargeable targets that, integrated with the ancillary information, had allowed to define where to follow-up on the ground with the DCIP survey. The ground data have been acquired over the AEM lines and the chargeable anomalies have been confirmed by the

galvanic measurement. To conclude, a joint inversion between all the methodologies have been carried and the IP effects from a methodological multi-frequency prospective have been investigated, merging the sensitivities of different methodologies to resolve the ground chargeability within a unified IP bandwidth.

With this contribute we thus worked in a twofold direction: from an applied standpoint, we used the AIP method as a tool to define targets for a large-scale greenfield project and we successfully downscaled the exploration defining where to follow-up on the ground using the airborne result. Then, from a methodological standpoint, we resolved the ground chargeability merging the sensitivities to IP effects of the galvanic and of two inductive methodologies.

How to cite: Dauti, F., Viezzoli, A., Chen, J., Jesus, A. P., Fernandez, I., and Fiandaca, G.: Airborne IP driven exploration for greenfield exploration: an application in the SEMACRET project , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20829,, 2025.

EGU25-21095 | Orals | ERE4.3

Geophysical exploration in orthomagmatic mineral deposits: multimethod approach 

Isla Fernandez, Andrea Viezzoli, Gianluca Fiandaca, Kari Moisio, Elena kozlovskaya, and Shenghong Yang

In the Akaanvara area in Northern Finland, during the SEMACRET project, several geophysical campaigns have been carried out, which together with the information provided by the campaigns previously carried out in the area have been used to define procedures for the choice of methodologies, processing and modelling suitable for the exploration of the mineralisations in the study area.

AEM and Flight Magnetometry, AMT and Passive Seismic campaigns have completed the existing information consisting of gravimetric and magnetic data. The different methodologies have been analysed in detail, applying in each case the most resolute and precise processing and modelling techniques, as well as novel in some cases, which although they have been applied in other areas of the world have not been tested in geological environments of the characteristics of Akaanvara, with the challenges of working in an area with very high resistivities.

This paper aims to analyse in detail how the different methodologies and the different processes and modelling applied to the measured and collected data, and their integration, can be applied to the geological environment of Akaanvara. The results of the analysis of the different methods, as well as the treatment that has been applied to them, together with the integration of all the layers of information have provided very interesting conclusions.

How to cite: Fernandez, I., Viezzoli, A., Fiandaca, G., Moisio, K., kozlovskaya, E., and Yang, S.: Geophysical exploration in orthomagmatic mineral deposits: multimethod approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21095,, 2025.

EGU25-21419 | Orals | ERE4.3

Modelling and inversion of FTMG airborne data acquired in Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif (Czech Republic) 

Elena Kozlovskaya, Jouni Sarala, Kari Moisio, Jouni Nevalainen, Michael Schneiderer, and Jens Kobow

Airborne Full Tensor Magnetic Gradient (FTMG) data was acquired by SUPRACON AG in Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif of Czech Republic as a part of SEMACRET project activities. The area is known for numerous mineral deposits that have been intensively studied by Geological Survey of Czech Republic in the past. According to these studies, the known Ni-Cu and Cu-Zn mineralized zones occur as relatively narrow sub-vertical bodies inside mafic and ultramafic rocks. That is why direct detection of these zones by traditional total magnetic intensity (TMI) mapping is challenging due to high values of magnetic susceptibility of surrounding rocks. However, petrophysical studies show that mineralized zones in Ransko have generally the higher values of magnetic susceptibility than the mafic and ultramafic rocks there, which means that the high-resolution FTMG technology could be capable to map these mineralization zones directly. Therefore, demonstration of possibilities of the FTMG airborne technology to map directly mineralized zones in orthomagmatic mineral deposits was one of the purposes of airborne FTMG measurements in Ransko. The measured area was 3,8 km x 5,6 km large, with flight line spacing of 100 m. After raw data reprocessing that included data correction, synchronization, balancing, coordinate transforms and tensor build, the resulting data was low-passed filtered and resampled into a regular grid. The FTMG data included six magnetic gradient tensor components (Bxx, Bxy, Bxz, Byy, Byz, Bzz). In addition, the TMI map was calculated based on the mentioned data set and resampled for proper use after an adapted filtering. A comparison between TMI map, different FTMG component maps and the geological map showed that anomalies associated with outcropped mineralization zones are either weakly visible or not visible in the TMI data whereas anomalies that are spatially coincident with the outcropped mineralized zones are clearly visible in the FTMG components data. For more detailed data processing and inversion we selected an area that contains the known outcropped deposits. In order to obtain the 3D distribution of mafic and ultramafic rocks inside the Ransko massif we inverted the FTMG data using the UBC-GIF (University of British Columbia-Geophysical Inversion Facility) MAG3D-software. The model demonstrates large amounts of mafic and ultramafic rocks with high magnetic susceptibility inside the Ransko massif. To detect anomalies in FTMG data that could be related to compact inversion source structures (mineralized areas) we applied the Helbig’s transform. Based on these results we selected several areas with compact sources for more detailed modeling and inversion of FTMG data. We used a parameterization of compact sources represented by magnetic ellipsoids of arbitrary orientation and different main axes. The FTMG data was then inverted using ideal point method of multi-objective optimization. The parameters of magnetized bodies obtained were verified with the known geological and petrophysical information. Generally, our study demonstrated that the airborne FTMG surveys can be used to directly map the mineralized zones inside mafic and ultramafic complexes.

How to cite: Kozlovskaya, E., Sarala, J., Moisio, K., Nevalainen, J., Schneiderer, M., and Kobow, J.: Modelling and inversion of FTMG airborne data acquired in Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif (Czech Republic), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21419,, 2025.

EGU25-21666 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.3

In-situ trace elements and Sr isotopes in plagioclase in the Koillismaa intrusion, Finland, and implications for the formation of Fe-Ti-V oxide ores 

Brandon Datar, Tuomo Karinen, Hugh O’Brien, Matti Kurhila, Minna Myllyperkiö, Stepan M. Chernonozhkin, Marko Moilanen, and Shenghong Yang

Mafic layered intrusions are well-known hosts of base- and precious metal deposits throughout the world. The formation of Fe-Ti-V deposits in layered mafic intrusions remains a subject of interest to petrology and to the extractive industries. The 2.44 Ga magmatism in the Fennoscandian shield was caused by a mantle plume event and the initiation of rifting of the Archean craton, causing the emplacement of several mafic-ultramafic intrusions, mafic dykes and volcanic rocks. Many of these 2.44 Ga intrusions host significant mineralizations, including occurrences of Cr, PGE and V. The Koillismaa intrusion belongs to this group of intrusions, and hosts significant contact-, and reef-type PGE mineralization in the lower and middle portions of the intrusion, respectively, and an Fe-Ti-V oxide deposit in the upper part. The Mustavaara Fe-Ti-V deposit is a historically important source of V, having accounted for a significant portion of global V production from 1976-1985. The deposit contains an estimated 64 Mt of proven reserves, and 35 Mt of probable reserves, grading 14 wt. % ilmenomagnetite of 0.91 wt% V (Karinen et al., 2022, and references therein). The oxide ore zone is dominated by magnetite gabbro with disseminated vanadium oxide of about 30%, without significant massive ores, which is different from the Bushveld complex, but similar to some other Finnish intrusions (e.g., Akvanvaara). The clinopyroxene grains are intensely altered, but fresh plagioclase domains are normally present. In this study, systematic in situ analysis of trace elements and Rb-Sr isotope of plagioclase from samples taken across the whole stratigraphy of the Koillismaa intrusion has been conducted. These new data, together with published bulk rock geochemical and mineralogical data will be used for constraining the parental magma composition, and elucidating the fractionation of magma, magma replenishment and oxygen fugacity, and thus a better understanding of the genesis of the Fe-Ti-V deposit in Mustavaara.


Karinen, T., Moilanen, M., Kuva, J., Lahaye, Y., Datar, B. and Yang, S., 2022. Mustavaara revisited: A revised genetic model for orthomagmatic Fe–Ti–V mineralisation in the Koillismaa intrusion. p414. ERE4.3


How to cite: Datar, B., Karinen, T., O’Brien, H., Kurhila, M., Myllyperkiö, M., Chernonozhkin, S. M., Moilanen, M., and Yang, S.: In-situ trace elements and Sr isotopes in plagioclase in the Koillismaa intrusion, Finland, and implications for the formation of Fe-Ti-V oxide ores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21666,, 2025.

Stepwise Pb-Pb leaching (PbSL) is a silicate digestion technique based on sequential acid treatment of a mineral, resulting in the selective recovery of radiogenic and common Pb from the crystal lattice. This technique has proven effective for directly dating rock-forming silicates associated with metamorphic reactions that define a PT path. Two Paleoarchean granitoids from the Bastar craton were selected for this study; one is a ~3.5 Ga orthopyroxene-bearing basement tonalite sample near Nagaras, CH13 [1] and the other is the ~3.6 Ga ‘true granite’ sample near Dalli-Rajhara [2], resampled as C30. Orthopyroxene (Opx) and microcline (Mc) grain separates were leached in multiple steps using HBr, HNO3, and HF acids [3]. Lead was separated and purified using 100 µL and 10µL AG1-X8 anion exchange resin using HNO3 – HBr chemistry, and the purified Pb fraction was dissolved in 0.2% HNO3 solution. Lead isotope ratios were measured on a Thermo-Fisher Scientific Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India, using a novel approach of combining Thallium-doping with sample-standard bracketing. Two multi-grain Opx fractions from sample CH13 yielded a combined Pb-Pb isochron age of 3594±95 Ma (2σ error, MSWD = 8.3, n = 11), which is slightly older than the zircon U-Pb crystallization age of 3453±21 Ma [1]. Therefore, sample CH13 is a Paleoarchean charno-enderbite formed at lower crustal depths. In contrast, Mc separated from sample C30 yielded a Pb-Pb isochron age of 3189±3 Ma (2σ error, MSWD = 1.3, n = 5), which confirms that despite an older zircon U-Pb crystallization age, this sample is not a ~3.6 Ga ‘true granite’ but is a product of a later ~3 Ga partial melting event, related to the Mesoarchean Sukma orogeny [1].

[1] Nandi, A., Mukherjee, S., Sorcar, N., and Vadlamani, R., 2023, Relict Mesoarchean (2.99–2.94 Ga) metamorphism overprinted by late Neoarchean tectonothermal event(s) from the Sukma Group supracrustal rocks, Bastar craton, India: Evidence from new Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd garnet isochron and Th-U-total Pb monazite ages: Precambrian Research, v. 390, p. 107056.

[2] Rajesh, H. M., Mukhopadhyay, J., Beukes, N. J., Gutzmer, J., Belyanin, G. A., and Armstrong, R. A., 2009, Evidence for an early Archaean granite from Bastar craton, India: Journal of Geological Society, London, v. 166, p. 193 – 196.

[3] Frei, R., and Kamber, B. S., 1995. Single mineral Pb-Pb dating. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 129(1-4), 261 – 268.

How to cite: Nandi, A. and Vadlamani, R.: Constraining timing of early Archean magmatism using stepwise Pb-Pb leaching (PbSL) dating from the Bastar Craton, central India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-875,, 2025.

Mount Isa Inlier, located in northwest Queensland, consists of multiple Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences intruded, deformed and metamorphosed during a complex tectonic history between ~1880 Ma and ~1490 Ma. The stratigraphy of the Mount Isa Inlier is generally interpretated to reflect the superposition of three major superbasin events, marked by discontinuities, and deformed and metamorphosed during the Isan Orogeny (1620-1500 Ma). The superbasin model proposes continuation of stratigraphy along the length of the inlier and the existence of corelative units across the inlier. According to this model, the stratigraphy in the Dajarra region (southern part of Western Fold Belt) consists of a series of units that are either continuous with or can be corelated along strike with units that occur further north. The oldest units are the Bottletree Formation and the Lower Haslingden Group, characterized by bimodal volcanics and siliciclastic rocks which were deposited during the 1800-1780 Ma Leichardt Superbasin. These units were unconformably overlain by the Warrina Park Quartzite and the Moondarra Siltstone accumulated during the 1690-1670 Ma Calvert Superbasin. However, there is no geochronological data available from the sedimentary units in the Dajarra region and these correlations remain speculative. In this study, we report new LA-ICP-MS ages from magmatic and detrital zircons that can help constrain the magmatic and sedimentary history of the rocks occurring in this region and evaluate the existing stratigraphic correlations. Two new magmatic events, between 1810-1780 Ma and between 1710-1690 Ma, are identified in the southern part of the Western Fold Belt. The detrital zircon data indicates that (1) siliciclastic rocks mapped as the Mount Guide Quartzite have the youngest detrital populations between 1885 Ma and 1850 Ma; (2) siliciclastic sediments from the Eastern Creek Volcanics and the Jayah Creek Metabasalt have the youngest detrital zircon populations between 1870 and 1850 Ma; (3) siliciclastic rocks mapped as the Timothy Creek Sandstone and as the Mount Isa Group have the youngest detrital populations between 1820 and 1780 Ma. The maximum depositional ages obtained in this study are significantly older compared to the same stratigraphic units mapped to the north indicating either a different source or that these units are indeed much older and represent a different stratigraphy not previously recognized in the Mount Isa Inlier.

How to cite: Noptalung, S., Sanislav, I., and McCoy-West, H.: New constraints on the timing of magmatism and sedimentation in the Dajarra region, southern area of Western Fold Belt, Mt Isa Inlier, Australia: implication for stratigraphic successions during Paleoproterozoic , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2666,, 2025.

The Manamedu Ophiolite Complex (MOC) within the Palghat-Cauvery Suture Zone (PCSZ) in southern India comprises metamorphosed equivalents of mafic–ultramafic group of rocks including pyroxenite and dunite with locally cumulate textures; gabbroic rock types including gabbro, gabbronorite, and anorthosite; sheeted mafic dykes of amphibolite to meta-andesite and plagiogranite; a thin layer of ferruginous cherts. The tectonic discrimination of these rocks based on various geochemical plots shows that they were related to island arc tholeiite (IAT) group with tholeiitic to calcalkaline signatures. Most of the samples (hornblendite, anorthosite, and amphibolite) have similar chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns characterized by light REE enrichment, slightly Eu anomaly, and flat heavy REE profiles, except plagiogranite has a significant Eu anomaly. In the primitive mantle-normalized spidergram, all samples show depletion in HFSE (P, Zr, Sm, Ti, and Y) and enrichment of LILE (Rb, Ba, Th, Sr) with negative Nb anomalies. The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the lithological association of MOC represent the remnants of an oceanic crust, which may be formed in a suprasubduction zone geodynamic environment.

How to cite: Chen, N. H.-C.: Geochemical and petrological study of the Manamedu Ophiolite Complex, Cauvery suture zone, southern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4628,, 2025.

Clarifying the sedimentary characteristics of the Precambrian microbialite is crucial for understanding the evolution of early life on Earth. In the study, the sedimentary, mineralogical and geochemistry characteristics of microbial dolomite at the Ediacaran in the Upper Yangtze Block are analyzed. The results show that the late Ediacaran in the Upper Yangtze is a rimmed carbonate platform. The microbialite inside the semi-restricted platform is small and sparse, with low residual organic matter, while microbialite at the platform margin is large and dense, with high residual organic matter. The in- situ major elements, rare earth elements, C/O isotopes, and mineral assemble of microbialite indicate significant hydrothermal activity at the platform margin. Under the influence of hydrothermal activity, microbialite at the platform margin are enriched in Fe, Mn, PEF, BaEF, NiEF, CuEF, CoEF, ZnEF, with higher levels of NaEF, KEF, MgEF and UEF, MoEF, VEF, indicating a sedimentary environment with sufficient nutrients, higher salinity, higher seawater temperature and lower oxygen. It can be concluded that environments significantly influenced by hydrothermal activity during the late Neoproterozoic were more suitable for microbial habitation, which may also suggest the origin of early life on Earth.

How to cite: Wang, H.: Sedimentary characteristics of Ediacaran microbialite in the Yangtze Platform, South China: implications for the evolution of early life, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4766,, 2025.

EGU25-6167 | PICO | GD3.2

Slow Thickening of Cratons Has Increased Kimberlite Frequency Over Time 

Jyotirmoy Paul and Clinton Phillips Conrad

Kimberlites are exclusively found on cratons, some of which have remained stable for more than 3 billion years. Kimberlite melts are generated at temperatures of at least 1300°C and pressures of 5–7 GPa, corresponding to depths of 160–250 km. Cratons, being thicker than normal lithosphere, are thus natural hosts for kimberlite melts. Analyzing the frequency of kimberlite eruptions over time, we found that their frequency gradually increased after 1.5 Gyr. Notably, before 2 Gyr, only 4-5 records of kimberlite eruptions have been documented. As kimberlites are found on stable cratons, preservation bias due to tectonic or erosional destruction may not fully explain the scarcity of older kimberlites. This paucity motivated us to explore a potential correlation between craton thickness and kimberlite frequency. Analysing previous studies we hypothesize that, initially, cratons were less than 150 km thick — below the kimberlite stability depth –  and they have thickened over time, eventually reaching depths conducive to kimberlite stability. Mechanisms for craton growth remain poorly understood, although gravitational thickening and self-compressive thickening have been proposed. To investigate these mechanisms within the context of supercontinental cycles, we developed 2D box models using the finite element code ASPECT. Starting with a 150 km thick craton, we allowed mantle flow to evolve over 3 Gyr. Due to their high viscosity and thickness, cratons can divert mantle flow, creating a self-compressive environment during supercontinental assembly. During supercontinental breakup, mantle flow generates an extensional environment that thins the craton. We simulated four supercontinental cycles corresponding to Superia, Columbia, Rodinia, and Pangea. Our results show that cratons became progressively thicker during each cycle. After 1.5 Gyr, craton thickness increased to approximately 160 km, entering the kimberlite stability field. By the time of the Rodinia assembly, craton thickness had reached levels suitable for diamondiferous kimberlite formation, potentially explaining the sudden increase in kimberlite eruptions around 1.1 Ga. We tested various parameters, including viscosity, density, initial thickness, and craton width, against different background mantle flow velocities. Our preliminary results suggest that the gradual thickening of cratons after 1.5 Gyr increased the likelihood of kimberlite eruptions on Earth.

How to cite: Paul, J. and Conrad, C. P.: Slow Thickening of Cratons Has Increased Kimberlite Frequency Over Time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6167,, 2025.

Plate tectonics is central to the long-term release of heat from Earth’s deep interior, which ultimately maintains habitability, but its time of onset is highly debated. Early Archean granitic domes surrounded by greenstones provide evidence for gravitational reorganization of the crust and dominance of vertical tectonics distinct from plate tectonics. However, because plate tectonics is a kinematic framework, a measure of motion such as that provided by paleomagnetism is needed for direct tests. The East Pilbara craton (Western Australia) preserves classic Paleoarchean to Mesoarchean granite-greenstone geology, but paleomagnetic data from these rocks have been interpreted as tracing modern plate tectonic velocities. Herein, we report new paleomagnetic data from granite, basalt and dacite ranging in age from 3.49 to 3.2 Ga from the East Pilbara craton and find that these carry a 2.7 Ga reset magnetization, a pattern seen in data throughout the craton. The recognition of this resetting resolves the conflict with the geological record, and together with other paleomagnetic results from the Kaapvaal (South Africa) and the Yilgarn (Western Australia) cratons define a 600 myr-long transition between stagnant lid tectonics and modern plate tectonic motions, the latter beginning ca. 3.0 to 2.7 billion years ago.

How to cite: Cottrell, R., Bono, R., and Tarduno, J.: Modern plate tectonic motions commenced after formation of voluminous Paleoarchean to Mesoarchean TTG crust , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7331,, 2025.

EGU25-10015 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

Clay-hematite Association in Late Paleoproterozoic Oolitic Ironstones of the North China Craton  

Yisheng Li, Xiancai Lu, Xiangjie Cui, Huan Liu, Jiarun Liu, and Yuanfeng Cai

Original phases of the Proterozoic Iron Formations (IFs) have been considered as essential archives of paleo-seawater geochemistry. It is widely acknowledged that hydrated ferric oxides/hydroxides were the primary precursor phase. However, the significance of high silica concentrations in Precambrian seawater has been receiving increasing attention for understanding the original iron mineralogy. Recent studies have provided compelling evidence that Fe(II)-silicates were the predominant precursor phases of IFs.

In this study, we identified the Fe-illite cortices within ooids from the Paleoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Iron Formation, located on the northern margin of the North China Craton. The Fe-illite, characterized by an Fe(II)/Fetotal ratio of approximately 20%, exhibits tangentially arranged crystals probably formed by wave action in reducing environments. There is considerable hematite within the Fe-illite cortices, which can be categorized into striped and granular types. Striped hematite is tangentially arranged alongside the Fe-illite, and its rare earth element (REE) patterns exhibit heavy rare earth element (HREE) enrichment, similar to Fe-oxide cortices. In contrast, Fe-illite associated with granular hematite exhibits light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments. We propose the Fe-illite cortices reflect the original Fe-smectite precipitation from paleo-seawater under alkaline conditions, and striped hematite represents the original mineral phase during the formation of the Fe-smectite cortices. Furthermore, the Fe-illite cortices exhibit orders-of-magnitude enrichment in biological elements compared to Fe-oxide cortices. It is noticeable that similar clay-hematite association has been reported in the Paleoproterozoic Yunmengshan oolitic ironstone from the southern margin of the North China Craton (Qiu et al., 2020). These findings indicate specific solution chemistry and potential biological influences at the craton margins during the Proterozoic era.



Qiu, Y., Zhao, T. and Li, Y. (2020) The Yunmengshan iron formation at the end of the Paleoproterozoic era. Applied Clay Science 199, 105888.

How to cite: Li, Y., Lu, X., Cui, X., Liu, H., Liu, J., and Cai, Y.: Clay-hematite Association in Late Paleoproterozoic Oolitic Ironstones of the North China Craton , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10015,, 2025.

EGU25-10905 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

Late Archaean basalts from the Yilgarn craton record evidence of thin lithosphere prior to cratonisation 

Marthe Klöcking, Karol Czarnota, Ian H. Campbell, Hugh Smithies, David C. Champion, and D. Rhodri Davies

The dynamics of Earth’s early mantle and the timing of the onset of plate tectonics remain a topic of debate. Proposed hypotheses for the Archaean eon range from a stagnant-lid Earth all the way to modern-style plate tectonics. Here, we estimate temperatures and depths of melt generation in the late Archaean mantle using a new geochemical data compilation of mafic igneous rocks from the Yilgarn craton, Australia. We combine these results with stratigraphic and geodynamic constraints to resolve the tectonic regime and upper mantle dynamics at the time.

Primitive volcanic rocks can preserve signatures of the melting processes in the mantle: depth and temperature of melting are recorded in magma major and trace element chemistry. We have collated a data compilation of mafic volcanic samples from the Archaean Yilgarn craton in Western Australia. In order to identify those samples most representative of melting conditions in the convecting mantle, the data were screened to minimise the effects of crystal fractionation and assimilation of crustal or cumulate material (9 wt% < MgO < 15 wt%; no Eu anomalies, no positive Pb anomalies; Nb/U > 30). We further correct these screened compositions for olivine fractionation. This screened dataset predominantly comprises tholeiitic basalts in the Kalgoorlie terrane that erupted prior to the main komatiite sequence and the felsic magmas that make up the bulk of the Yilgarn cratonic crust. The mafic compositions investigated here therefore represent melting conditions immediately before the onset of cratonisation.

The screened data display depleted, MORB-like rare earth element patterns with no evidence of a garnet signature. Forward and inverse geochemical modelling of these compositions, assuming a primitive mantle source, predicts melting at depths as shallow as ~40 km and mantle potential temperatures elevated by ~200 °C compared to present-day ambient mantle. These results are consistent with melting of a rising plume head combined with moderate extension of the pre-existing lithospheric lid.

How to cite: Klöcking, M., Czarnota, K., Campbell, I. H., Smithies, H., Champion, D. C., and Davies, D. R.: Late Archaean basalts from the Yilgarn craton record evidence of thin lithosphere prior to cratonisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10905,, 2025.

The ocean pH is a fundamental property regulating various aspects of Earth system evolution. However, the early ocean pH remains controversial, with estimates ranging from strongly acidic to alkaline. Here we develop a model integrating global carbon cycling with ocean geochemistry, and incorporating continental growth and mantle thermal evolution. By coupling global carbon cycle with ocean charge balance, and by using solid Earth processes of mantle degassing and crustal evolution to specify the history of volatile distribution and ocean chemistry, we show that a rapid increase in ocean pH is likely during the Hadean to the early Archean, with pH evolving from 5 to neutral by approximately 4.0 Ga. This rapid pH evolution is attributed primarily to elevated rates of both seafloor and continental weathering during the Hadean. This acceleration in weathering rates originates in the unique aspects of Hadean geodynamics, including rapid crust formation, different crustal lithology, and fast plate motion. Earth likely transformed from a hostile state to a habitable one by the end of the Hadean, approximately 4.0 Ga, with important implications for planetary habitability and the origin of life.

How to cite: Guo, M. and Korenaga, J.: Rapidly evolving ocean pH in the early Earth: Insights from global carbon cycle coupled with ocean chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11088,, 2025.

EGU25-11656 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions and Weakening Processes in Early Earth: Implications on the onset of Plate Tectonics 

Poulami Roy, Jeroen van Hunen, Michael Pons, and Arijit Chakraborty

The initiation of plate tectonics marks a pivotal moment in Earth's geological history, shaping its surface dynamics and influencing its habitability. Despite its significance, the mechanisms that triggered the onset of plate tectonics during the early Earth remain a subject of active debate, with several mechanisms that may have existed prior to Plate tectonics (PT), and might have gradually evolved into or abruptly triggered PT., e.g. crustal resurfacing, crustal overturn, sagduction, plume induced subduction, formation of reworked crust, damage induced plate boundary formation and plutonic squishy lid regime. In this study, we investigate how localized lithospheric weakening, potentially driven by mantle plumes and/or melt, could have contributed to the emergence of plate tectonics. Using 2D numerical simulations developed with the ASPECT geodynamic code, we explore the conditions under which these mechanisms may operate. To investigate these processes, a parameter sensitivity study that explores the effects of mantle and crustal rheological properties and ambient mantle temperature have been carried out. We will present the preliminary results of this work which provides new insights into the complex interplay of lithosphere and mantle processes that could have driven the emergence of plate tectonics, offering a framework for reconciling diverse hypotheses.


How to cite: Roy, P., van Hunen, J., Pons, M., and Chakraborty, A.: Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions and Weakening Processes in Early Earth: Implications on the onset of Plate Tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11656,, 2025.

EGU25-16055 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt sediments record formation of fore-arc basin with conditions conducive to proliferation of life 

Austin Jarl Boyd, Minik Rosing, Magnus Harding, Donald Canfield, and Tue Hassenkam

The Isua Supracrustal Belt hosts >3.7 Ga old detrital meta-sediments that consist of turbiditic and pelagic pelites. These meta-sediments contain some of the oldest evidence for life in the form of abundant graphite with low δ13C. The continuous occurrence of this graphite throughout these meta-sediments is consistent with their formation in a basin with a continued pelagic biomass productivity, fueled by a consistent source of nutrients. Understanding the environment in which these early life-forms thrived is fundamental to our understanding of which conditions are conducive to life on Earth. In order to trace the tectonic and compositional development of the basin and proximal terranes, we have characterized a ca. 80 m rock core that samples the basaltic basement, iron-rich meta-sediments, detrital meta-sediments and contacts between these lithologies. The basement consists of basalts with major and trace elemental compositions that are similar to boninites and are conformably overlain by iron rich mixed chemical and detrital sediments. Iron concentrations fall gradually upwards in the core, with sporadic reoccurring iron-rich layers occurring in the upper core. The gradual change in iron concentrations shows that the core contains a broadly conformable and coherent stratigraphy that records the formation of the volcanic basement, followed by iron deposition enhanced by post-volcanic hydrothermal circulation. Detrital sediments were being deposited as soon as the basin floor was formed, indicating that proximal erodible terranes were already present. A combination of proxies, consisting of La/Yb, Ti/Zr and petrographic observations show that this detrital component was derived from ca. 60 % tonalities and 40 % non-boninitic basalts. These conditions are best explained by the formation of a volcanic fore-arc basin in front of a pre-existing differentiated terrane formed by melting of hydrated basalts. This sequence of events is consistent with cumulative zircon ages in surrounding gneisses that suggest episodic collisions of primitive arcs, followed by re-initiation of subduction. The active volcanism, tectonism and formation of (semi)restricted basins in this environment likely allowed the accumulation of nutrients required for the proliferation of life.

How to cite: Boyd, A. J., Rosing, M., Harding, M., Canfield, D., and Hassenkam, T.: 3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt sediments record formation of fore-arc basin with conditions conducive to proliferation of life, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16055,, 2025.

EGU25-18911 | PICO | GD3.2

Namibe Group detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes: a testimony of late-Orosirian (1.9–1.8 Ga) crustal growth in the Angolan Shield (Congo Craton) 

Ezequiel Ferreira, Jérémie Lehmann, José Feliciano Rodrigues, Paulo Bravo Silva, Trishya Owen-Smith, José Luis Garcia Lobón, João Correia, Henriette Ueckermann, Mmasetena Anna Molekwa, José Manuel, and Américo da Mata Lourenço Victorino

The Namibe Group represents the largest package of immature supracrustal rocks of the Angola Shield (Congo Craton), occupying an area of nearly 10,000 km2 in the Namibe Zone (NZ). It is a folded, steeply dipping, meta-volcanosedimentary sequence essentially comprising immature micaschists and greywackes, felsic metavolcaniclastites, along with intercalated marbles and amphibolites. The metavolcanosedimentary sequence is intruded by ca. 1810–1790 Ma ultramafic to felsic plutonic rocks with magmatic arc geochemical signatures. Despite its importance, key aspects such as its maximum depositional age (MDA), sedimentary provenance, and the detrital zircon (DZ) record of crustal evolution remain unresolved. This study presents LA-ICP-MS U-Pb and Lu-Hf DZ analyses from nine NG samples.

The results reveal a dominant cluster of MDAs between 1840 ± 6 Ma and 1820 ± 5 Ma, with two samples yielding older MDAs of 1867 ± 15 Ma and 1880 ± 13 Ma. These findings establish a late-Orosirian age for the NG, refuting earlier proposals of an Archean age. The DZ age distributions are dominated by a prominent youngest peak, with most ages clustering near the MDA. These patterns resemble those of active magmatic arc basin deposits, indicating a convergent plate margin setting for NG deposition.

The provenance for all DZs can be explained by sources internal to the SW Angolan Shield, apart from a minor (8%) Rhyacian age fraction (~2.08 and ~2.14 Ga), for which no rocks of this age have been identified in the Angolan Shield. Approximately 63% of the DZs are late-Orosirian (1.82–1.90 Ga), with a predominant component at ~1.83 Ga and a minor one at ~1.87 Ga. These zircons were likely sourced from the extensive magnesian, calc-alkaline granitoids of the Epupa Metamorphic Complex (EMC: ~1.86–1.76 Ga), the Kamanjab Inlier (~1.88–1.80 Ga), the NZ (~1.83–1.79 Ga), and/or ~1.84–1.80 Ga plutons intruding the Central Eburnean Zone (CEZ: 2.04–1.95 Ga). Older DZ populations comprise 23% early-Orosirian (Eburnean) ages (peaks at ~1.92, ~1.97, and ~2.01 Ga) and 6% Archean ages (2.50–3.52 Ga). These Eburnean and Archean DZs were likely sourced from the CEZ and/or Cassinga Zone in southern Angola, and/or the Sesfontein-Grootfontein-Tsumkwe-Quangwadum inliers in northern Namibia.

Archean DZs exhibit mostly subchondritic Hf compositions, indicating significant crustal reworking. This trend persisted during Rhyacian to early Orosirian times, with 88% of DZs displaying markedly negative εHf(i) values. In contrast, most late Orosirian DZs (86%) plot above the crustal evolution trend of older ones, reflecting a marked shift toward slightly subchondritic to suprachondritic εHf(i) values and younger TDM2 model ages. This trend indicates a substantial increase in the contribution of juvenile material to magma generation in late-Orosirian times.

This isotopic shift is also observed in late-Orosirian granitoids of the NZ and EMC, likely reflecting a fundamental geodynamic transition from a period dominated by crustal reworking to juvenile accretion within this part of the Angolan Shield.  Our data show that significant continental growth took place in the southwestern margin of the Angolan Shield (Congo Craton) in late-Orosirian times, during the assembly of Columbia.

How to cite: Ferreira, E., Lehmann, J., Feliciano Rodrigues, J., Bravo Silva, P., Owen-Smith, T., Garcia Lobón, J. L., Correia, J., Ueckermann, H., Molekwa, M. A., Manuel, J., and da Mata Lourenço Victorino, A.: Namibe Group detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes: a testimony of late-Orosirian (1.9–1.8 Ga) crustal growth in the Angolan Shield (Congo Craton), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18911,, 2025.

GMPV6 – Critical metals and minerals – formation, recovery, sustainability

A new approach was developed to separate and recover concentrated phosphoruss from animal waste.   It was improved by adding a second waste or product containing sugars, such as molasses, fruit waste, or lactose waste.  They can be used as a natural acid precursor that replaces purchased acids and lowers the overall cost of phosphorus recovery.  The two wastes were swine manure solids (source of extractable phosphorus and proteins) and peach waste, sugar beet molasses and lactose  (source of acid precursors).  A short fermentation time (1 day) was needed to acidify the manure to a point that the phosphorus was solubilized and ready for precipitation with alkaline earth compounds, producing high-grade phosphates. 

How to cite: Vanotti, M.: Enhanced recovery of phosphorus from swine manure using acid precursors contained in other wastes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1604,, 2025.

EGU25-3331 | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Potential used of mining waste - fly ash -based alkali activated materials as an adsorbent to remove of copper, and arsenic ions from water 

Arturo Reyes-Román, Daniza Castillo-Godoy, Yimmy Silva-Urrego, Tatiana Samarina, María VIctoria Letelier-Solar, Jose Delgado-Vega, and Rafael Gomez-Ramos

Chile, a major mining country, generates over 537 million tons of mine tailings annually, with volumes expected to continue increasing in the coming years. Additionally, due to freshwater scarcity, increasing water recirculation rates is essential. To address environmental and water scarcity challenges, abandoned copper mine tailings (Cu tailings) and fly ash (FA) were used as secondary raw materials to produce alkali-activated materials (AAMs), incorporating Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as an additive. Characterization results revealed that Cu tailings are primarily crystalline with quartz, while FA contains 68% amorphous content. The addition of OPC improved densification, reduced porosity, and enhanced the mechanical properties of the FA-AAM2 sample, achieving a compressive strength of 16 MPa after 28 days of curing, compared to 12 MPa for FA-AAM1 (without OPC). Leaching tests confirmed that heavy metal and metalloid concentrations remained within safety limits. In adsorption experiments, the materials effectively removed Cu (0.5 mg/g in FA-AAM1, 0.4 mg/g in FA-AAM2) and As (2.0 mg/g in FA-AAM1, 1.5 mg/g in FA-AAM2) from aqueous solutions.

In summary, the combination of Cu tailings, FA, and OPC successfully produced AAMs with good mechanical strength and adsorption capacity, offering a sustainable and value-added solution for the management and valorization of abandoned mine tailings.

How to cite: Reyes-Román, A., Castillo-Godoy, D., Silva-Urrego, Y., Samarina, T., Letelier-Solar, M. V., Delgado-Vega, J., and Gomez-Ramos, R.: Potential used of mining waste - fly ash -based alkali activated materials as an adsorbent to remove of copper, and arsenic ions from water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3331,, 2025.

The demand for reliable, high-performance, rechargeable batteries commercialized lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Increasing trends in energy storage requirements and the need to decrease cobalt consumption for layered lithium cobalt oxide LiCoO2 (LCO) cathodes for LIB, among other reasons, resulted in ongoing research for nickel-rich cathode alternatives, e.g., layered lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxides LiNi1-x-yCoxMnyO2 (NCM). Ni-rich cathode compounds, though with higher energy density, are not yet widely implemented due to safety and cycle stability concerns. However, with a forecast of nearly 40% of total cathode materials produced in 2025 to be attributed to NCM, there are research efforts on sustainable recycling and regeneration strategies, as well as targeted repurposing.

In the present contribution, waste NCM cathode material samples are subjected to normal atmospheric conditions. The samples are characterized by X-ray diffractometry coupled with Rietveld refinement, scanning electron microscopy and bulk chemistry via ICP optical emission spectroscopy. Detailed evaluation of the produced diffractograms shows secondary pure or mixed, either Li-free or Li-bearing, Ni-, Co- and Mn-oxide and hydroxide crystalline phases due to alteration of the initial NCM active material. Commonly evaluated secondary phases are manganosite MnO, lithium manganese oxide LiMn3O4, spinel lithium Mn-oxide LiMn2O4, mixed cobalt nickel oxides 5CoO·3NiO and 3CoO·5NiO, and nickel oxide hydroxide NiO(OH). The controlling conditions generally seem to favor low-valence metal oxyhydroxide products in the alteration reactions, however the mechanism is not well understood.

The presence of secondary transition-metal oxyhydroxide phases has a bipartite set of implications, as battery degradation in natural systems has the potential to be both environmentally harmful and cost-intensive, in general. Firstly, the secondary phases present have direct environmental importance especially in the case of uncontrolled waste disposal, e.g., in landfills. In surficial geochemical environments, where the physical and chemical conditions favor metal mobility with further oxidation and metal complexation of the respective oxyanions, the secondary phases could be sources of metal release in the environment, preferentially in surface water and soil.

Additionally, it is crucial in industrial planning in terms of worker health risks, due to the physical form of the cathode waste, elemental mobility and potential human bioavailability. Furthermore, it is of economic importance in implementing recycling methodologies in non-pristine material. Secondary phases can especially disrupt the hydrometallurgical solution chemistry needed for optimal recovery and could lower the quality of the final product regarding direct recycling.

Our data shows for the first time that the NCM battery cathode material degrades under ambient atmospheric conditions. The production of secondary crystalline phases, which defines the material alteration, could be alarming in cases of uncareful handling and disposal, both in an environmental and industrial context.

How to cite: Zamparas, C., Eiche, E., and Kolb, J.: Secondary phases developed from layered lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NCM) cathode material waste: environmental mineralogy implications for advancing NCM recycling methodologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6752,, 2025.

EGU25-7162 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Potentially Toxic Elements in Historical Metallurgical Areas: Environmental Impact and Revaluation Possibility at the San Pablo Pb Smelting, Spain 

Jherson Antonio Morales Laurente, Pablo Higueras, Jose Ignacio Barquero, Saturnino Lorenzo, and Efrén García Ordiales

In Spain, metallic mining has been highly significant throughout its history. Today, numerous mines in a state of abandonment have been registered, posing not only an environmental risk but also a health risk to humans. Some of these mines were equipped with their own metallurgical system to obtain the desired metal from the ore. Other small-scale mines were located nearby, supplying a single metallurgical core, such as the San Pablo Smelting. This smelter is located in the southwest of the Castilla La Mancha region (South-Central Spain), in the municipality of Chillón (Ciudad Real). Although historical information about its operation is limited, it is known that this metallurgical center was of great importance between the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. Subsequently, its slag heaps were reprocessed several times, the last in the 1960s. In the immediate vicinity of this smelter, numerous slag heaps have been found, with considerable volumes of slag materials with distinguishable aspects. This variability suggests differences in the efficiency of metallurgical recovery processes, in this case, of lead (Pb) which could reflect various periods of activity. In this area, 6 samples corresponding to slag materials and 11 soil samples were collected. To determine the total content of trace elements in these samples, the technique of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) was used. The analyses revealed an average content of Pb and Cu of 3.14% and 0.16% in soil samples, respectively. Both elements exceed the legal limits by 320% for Cu and 3140% for Pb in forest-type soils. Regarding the slag material, three samples were identified with a Pb content of less than 8% and another three exceeding 15%. These metal contents in soils confirm the need for environmental intervention, or a possible enhancement of the existing materials in the area. In light of the results obtained, a revaluation for the extraction of Pb using updated metallurgical techniques is proposed. Leaching with sodium citrate presents an environmentally viable alternative to traditional pyrometallurgical methods, reducing emissions of harmful compounds such as sulfur oxide and carbon dioxide.

How to cite: Morales Laurente, J. A., Higueras, P., Barquero, J. I., Lorenzo, S., and García Ordiales, E.: Potentially Toxic Elements in Historical Metallurgical Areas: Environmental Impact and Revaluation Possibility at the San Pablo Pb Smelting, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7162,, 2025.

EGU25-7306 | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Recovery of critical minerals from mine tailingsintegrated with CO2 mineralization 

Valentina Prigiobbe, Omid Jazari, Simona Liguori, Valentina Brombin, Nicolo’ Pasquali, and Alessandro Nardello

The mining of critical minerals (CMs) is a paramount for the development of advanced renewable energy systems and storage technologies. CMs are found in ores located only in a few areas of the world and are extracted often through inefficient and unsustainable processes. Their current supply
will not be able to meet future demand. Therefore, their mining with innovative and sustainable solutions from alternative and more widely distributed resources such as waste is envisaged.
Here we present results of a research aimed at developing a process for the extraction of CMs integrated with ex situ carbon dioxide (CO2) mineralization to transform mining into a carbonnegative operation. The mine tailings acquired from a wollastonite mine (NY, USA) were used as a
waste source material. The tailings contain three major minerals: wollastonite (CaSiO3), diopside (MgCaSi2O6), and garnets (grossular Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 and andradite Ca3Fe2Si3O12). Enhanced mineral dissolution of the waste was carried out using a flow-through system, with 0.1 m of formic acid as
organic catalyst and at 40 and 80oC. The extracted elementes were then separated using nanofiltration to create two streams. One containing CM (namely Al, Fe, Mg, and Mn) and the other rich in Ca for CO2 mineralization. Nanofiltration was performed by a commercial polyether sulfone (PES)
membranes modified via interfacial polymerization method to separate multivalent cations from the leachate. Data from tests were used to validate a process model that combines population balance equation, the one-dimensional (1D) Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equation, and geochemistry. The
model agrees well with the data and shows that the integrated process reaches steady state within 48 hours with dissolution achieving completion in one day at 80oC and nanofiltration obtaining 98 % for the separation of Ca and Mn in a few hours.

How to cite: Prigiobbe, V., Jazari, O., Liguori, S., Brombin, V., Pasquali, N., and Nardello, A.: Recovery of critical minerals from mine tailingsintegrated with CO2 mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7306,, 2025.

EGU25-10985 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Phyto-mining to recover critical raw materials from mining wastes 

Valeria Indelicato, Rosalda Punturo, Isabel Nogues, Daniela Guglietta, Laura Passatore, Noelia Maldonado Gavilan, Victor Piñon, and Lorenzo Massimi

The European Union (EU) is heavily dependent on external sources of critical raw materials (CRMs), essential for many technological applications. To mitigate this dependency, the EU's Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) promotes a strategic framework for adopting circular economy models, and valorising mining waste is a viable solution for reducing environmental impacts while recovering valuable minerals.

To this aim, scraps and wastes from abandoned quarries on serpentinite outcrops in Sila Piccola Massif (southern Italy) were collected and characterized by optical microscopy, SEM-EDS and XRF. Results indicate that serpentine rocks, the main lithotypes in the area, are the potential sources of Mg, Mn, Cr, Co and Ni, some of which are found in high amounts within the serpentinite and included in the critical raw materials (CRM) list, considered crucial for the EU economy.

The ReMade@ARI – RECAMP (Recovery of Critical rAw materials from Mining wastes through Plants; PID27426) project, in which we are involved, aims to investigate the potential of phyto-mining, an ecologically sound technique for extracting these valuable elements from contaminated soils where traditional mining is not competitive. Specifically, our research focuses on using Helianthus annuus (sunflower) to uptake and concentrate metals such as nickel, cobalt, and magnesium from serpentinite mining wastes.

To evaluate the capacity of sunflower plants to accumulate metals from serpentinite waste materials, assess the effect of these plants on the bioavailability of heavy metals in the soil, and compare the efficiency of different detection techniques in identifying metal concentrations in plant tissues, sunflower plants were grown on a control pot substrate and on serpentinite waste material (alone or amended by a mycorrhizae fertilizer). After three months sunflower stems and leaves, and serpentinite material were collected and characterized using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Particle Induced X-Rays Emission (PIXE), and Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP).

Preliminary results indicate that while LIBS can detect major elements such as magnesium and calcium in plant biomass, other metals such as Ni and Co are difficult to detect in soils and plant biomass due to the high iron content, as iron peaks could potentially mask the peaks of these elements when their concentrations are low (below 50ppm). Set up adjustments are required to accurately detect the elements of interest, PIXE could be a more reliable technique for some trace elements.  

Regarding phyto-mining, ICP results indicated that sunflower plants exhibited a higher capacity for element uptake, including CRMs, when cultivated in a pot substrate as opposed to serpentinite soils, despite the higher CRM concentration present in the serpentinite. This is likely to be a consequence of the bioavailability of these elements in serpentinite being very low.

To conclude, the use of phyto-mining as a sustainable method for CRM recovery from serpentinite in the context of circular economy could be considered taking into account other plant species and/or other amendments that could increase CRM bioavailability in wastes. By improving detection methods and understanding of plant-metal interactions, we aim to increase the efficiency of this process and thereby support the EU’s strategic goals for resource independence.

How to cite: Indelicato, V., Punturo, R., Nogues, I., Guglietta, D., Passatore, L., Maldonado Gavilan, N., Piñon, V., and Massimi, L.: Phyto-mining to recover critical raw materials from mining wastes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10985,, 2025.

EGU25-11956 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Recovery Potential of Critical Raw Materials from Granite Quarry Waste: A case study from Buddusò (Sardinia, Italy) 

Antonello Aquilano, Elena Marrocchino, and Carmela Vaccaro

In May 2024, the European Union introduced the Critical Raw Materials Act, a policy framework aimed at addressing the increasing demands for Critical Raw Materials and reducing dependence on external suppliers. In this context, this research focuses on the potential recovery of critical raw materials from ornamental granite extraction scraps produced at a quarry in Buddusò, Sardinia, Italy.

The volume and mass of the granite waste accumulated in the designated disposal zones of the quarry were estimated using Geographic Information Systems and Digital Elevation Models. Subsequently, the characterization of the granite waste by Scanning Electron Microscopy confirmed the presence of allanite, a rare earth mineral rich in light rare earth elements, such as cerium, lanthanum, and neodymium. Following that, a combination of gravity and magnetic separation techniques was used to recover enriched fractions containing significant amounts of rare earth elements, scandium and gallium, with concentrations that could be economically relevant for industrial applications.

This study highlights the economic potential of REEs recovery from granite extractive waste and assesses the feasibility of integrating these processes into broader industrial contexts. Preliminary market analysis indicates that, under optimized operating conditions, the recovery of critical raw materials from this type of waste could achieve significant profitability. The extension of such studies to other quarries in the region could provide a robust basis for the creation of a district recycling hub, in line with the European Union's objective of improving the resilience and sustainability of its critical raw materials supply chain.

How to cite: Aquilano, A., Marrocchino, E., and Vaccaro, C.: Recovery Potential of Critical Raw Materials from Granite Quarry Waste: A case study from Buddusò (Sardinia, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11956,, 2025.

EGU25-12788 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Rare Earth Elements (La-Lu, Sc, Y) and Other Critical Metals deportment in Bauxite Residues: Assessing the Economic Viability of Red Mud Deposits at the Porto Vesme Disposal Site, Sardinia, Italy 

Abdelhamid ouladmansour, Paola Mameli, Emanuela Schingaro, Ernesto Mesto, Maria Lacalamita, Guido Cerri, Alfredo Idini, Carmine Cisullo, and Giovanni Mongelli

Around 30 million tonnes of bauxite residues (red muds), resulting from aluminium extraction via Bayer process, are stored at the Porto Vesme disposal site in southern Sardinia, Italy. The primary crystalline components of these residues include iron oxides, aluminium hydroxides, titanium oxides, silicates, carbonates, and halides, along with several minor phases. Lanthanide-rich phosphate minerals are occasionally detected. The Na-aluminosilicates are results of desilication, while the aluminium hydroxides and oxyhydroxides are residual alumina minerals, and the iron oxides, most titanium minerals, and REE-rich phosphate minerals originate from the parent bauxite. LREE ferro-titanates have also been identified.
The residues are predominantly composed of Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2, Na2O, TiO2, and calcium, with the REEs being significantly enriched compared to the parent bauxite. LREEs are the most abundant, followed by HREE+Y and Sc. Cerium is the dominant lanthanide, and the chondrite-normalized patterns reveal substantial positive Ce anomalies. Vanadium (V) is the most abundant critical metal, followed by niobium (Nb), gallium (Ga), and hafnium (Hf).
Factor analysis of the major elements (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, TiO2, P2O5), REEs, and critical metals (V, Co, Cu, Ga, Nb, Hf, Ta, W) indicates that the first factor (52.1% variance) reflects the competition between desilicated minerals and secondary phases that host the LREEs and critical metals such as V, Cu, and Nb. The second factor (15.2% variance) is associated with zircon’s role in distributing HREE+Y.
The HREE+Y and metals like Hf, TiO2, and W are enriched relative to the Upper Continental Crust, suggesting a high supply risk and economic importance. Several profitability indices, including the outlook coefficient, critical REEs to total REEs ratio, and the (Nd+Dy+Ce+Pr+La)/Σ(REE+Y) ratio, indicate that the bauxite residues at Porto Vesme have significant economic potential.

Red muds, geochemistry, LREE, HREE+Y, profitability, Sardinia

How to cite: ouladmansour, A., Mameli, P., Schingaro, E., Mesto, E., Lacalamita, M., Cerri, G., Idini, A., Cisullo, C., and Mongelli, G.: Rare Earth Elements (La-Lu, Sc, Y) and Other Critical Metals deportment in Bauxite Residues: Assessing the Economic Viability of Red Mud Deposits at the Porto Vesme Disposal Site, Sardinia, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12788,, 2025.

EGU25-14731 | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Synthesis of M-rGO and M-rGO-sand coated reactive media for contaminant remediation 

Sema Sevinc Sengor, Sarp Çelebi, Acar Şenol, Omar A. I. M. Elkawefi, Gülay Ertaş, and Kahraman Ünlü

Nanomaterials have attracted much attention in recent decades for contaminant remediation purposes, due to their unique physical properties such as high surface area per unit volume, the ability to process functional groups on their surfaces to target specific pollutants, and the ability to adjust their characteristics such as size, morphology, porosity, and chemical composition according to the need. Among the nanomaterials, zero-valent iron, iron oxides, manganese oxides, activated carbon, carbon nanotubes and graphene have been most commonly used. Among these options, graphene attracts attention with its relatively large specific surface area, economic suitability and versatile structure that can be modified in various ways. It has the potential to be a good adsorbent in water treatment due to its two-dimensional layer structure, large surface area and pore volume, high mechanical stability, flexibility of surface chemistry and abundant production from natural resources. For efficient separation of the nanoadsorbent from the system, ease of operation and regeneration ability, magnetite (Fe3O4) reduced graphene oxide (M-rGO) can be used as an innovative reactive material for remediation of various contaminants from the subsurface. Although various protocols for producing magnetite reduced graphene oxide composite from graphite is available, uncertainties and/or differences were observed in the literature during the M-rGO material synthesis stage. In order to clarify these uncertainties, additional studies were carried out and some modifications were conducted. Under these modifications, different M-rGO samples were prepared, where surface characterization was compared with each other as well as with literature. This study focuses on the modifications conducted for the material synthesis of M-rGO for its optimum performance to be used as an adsorbent media for heavy metal removal.

In order for the nanocomposite M-rGO to be loaded into a porous environment such as a packed column to be used in larger-scaled implementations, it would need to be transferred to a larger size carrier which can provide a good support for the nanocomposite and also prevent M-rGO to separate from the medium during continuous flow experiments. For this purpose, available literature resources were compiled and a procedure is also proposed here for the coating of synthesized M-rGO onto sand particles. The chemical alteration of reactive M-rGO coated onto sand media is presented, showing the potential to be used for remediating contaminated groundwater.

How to cite: Sengor, S. S., Çelebi, S., Şenol, A., Elkawefi, O. A. I. M., Ertaş, G., and Ünlü, K.: Synthesis of M-rGO and M-rGO-sand coated reactive media for contaminant remediation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14731,, 2025.

EGU25-15969 | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Mapping and Characterisation of Mining Waste Dumps for Sustainable Resource Management 

Lorenzo Sedda, Antonio Attardi, Giovanni De Giudici, and Stefano Naitza

The sustainable management of mining wastes, a byproduct of extractive activities, represents a critical challenge in the context of the Critical Raw Materials Act (European Commission, 2023) and the transition to a circular economy. Mining waste dumps may contain significant residual amounts of ore minerals or metals, including Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), making their mapping and evaluation essential for environmental remediation and possible resource recovery. Developing detailed regional or national maps is pivotal to identifying mining waste dumps' location, typology, distribution, and spatial extent. Integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) software with complementary tools such as Google Earth, topographic maps, and orthophotos offers a comprehensive approach to efficiently identifying and analysing these sites.

Sampling and characterising mining waste dumps is crucial to assessing their economic potential and environmental impact (Beltré et al., 2023). Mineralogical analyses (e.g., X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, RAMAN, and Electron Microprobe) and chemical analyses (e.g., Portable X-ray Fluorescence, ICP-MS, or ICP-OES) enable the evaluation of mineral processing residues. This differentiation helps identify economically viable dumps and prioritise remediation efforts for non-viable sites with contamination risks. (Lemière et al., 2011)

These methodologies are now applied to developing the Metallogenic Map of Sardinia, which will include the mapping of different mining waste dumps in Sardinia and their sampling.

The crucial challenges of this project are accurately estimating dump volumes due to difficulties in identifying underlying bedrock and quantifying critical metal content. Addressing these gaps is crucial for effective resource valorisation and site rehabilitation. To date, 140 mining waste samples have been collected and are under analysis to assess their economic and environmental potential. This study integrates GIS technologies with environmental and economic assessments as a pathway to support sustainable exploitation and management of mining waste dumps, aligning with EU strategic goals for CRMs.


Keywords: Critical Raw Materials, Circular Economy, Resource valorisation

  • European Commission (2023) - Study on the Critical Raw Materials for the EU. Fifth list. Final report.
  • Rosario-Beltré, A. J., Sánchez-España, J., Rodríguez-Gómez, V., Fernández-Naranjo, F. J., Bellido-Martín, E., Adánez-Sanjuán, P., & Arranz-González, J. C. (2023). Critical Raw Materials recovery potential from Spanish mine wastes: A national-scale preliminary assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 407.
  • Lemière,, Cottard, F., & Piantone BRGM, P. (2011). Mining waste characterization in the perspective of the European mining waste directive.

How to cite: Sedda, L., Attardi, A., De Giudici, G., and Naitza, S.: Mapping and Characterisation of Mining Waste Dumps for Sustainable Resource Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15969,, 2025.

EGU25-16724 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Manganese extraction from pyrometallurgy slags mediated by endemic microbial communities 

Charlotte Dejean, Bénédicte Ménez, Pauline Bergsten, Hélène Bouquerel, Alexandre Gélabert, Léna Lecourt, Baptiste Debret, Clara Caurant, and Emmanuelle Gérard

Manganese represents a key metal in our modern industries being mainly used in the production of steel and alloy as well as batteries and chemicals like fertilizers. The growing issue of declining deposits and their depletion requires improved recovery from waste residues including industrial slags. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in bio-assisted extraction techniques that offset the energetic and environmental costs associated with high temperature as well as acid and reductive leaching processes. However, these approaches involve acidic conditions that limit their scope of application. By using elemental and mineralogical analyses combined with high-throughput DNA sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA-encoding gene, we show here that manganese oxyhydroxides can be produced from ferro-magnesian pyrometallurgical slags as a result of the in situ activity of endemic slag-hosted microbial communities at alkaline and saline surface conditions. While microbially-produced reactive oxygen species likely contributed to the formation of Mn oxides accompanying slag alkalinizing biological and chemical alteration, we propose an important role of Alphaproteobacteria, notably members of the Erythrobacter genus, in the precipitation of Mn oxyhydroxides from slags.

How to cite: Dejean, C., Ménez, B., Bergsten, P., Bouquerel, H., Gélabert, A., Lecourt, L., Debret, B., Caurant, C., and Gérard, E.: Manganese extraction from pyrometallurgy slags mediated by endemic microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16724,, 2025.

EGU25-19246 | Posters on site | GMPV6.2

Critical raw materials supply: challenges and potential in the exploitation of rare earths from siliceous rocks and mineral waste. 

Giovanna Antonella Dino, Xinyuan Zhao, Marco Casale, Alessandro Cavallo, Susanna Mancini, and Elio Padoan

Critical raw materials (CRM) supply is a challenge that EU countries face, also investing in domestic supplies from mineral ore deposits and from anthropogenic deposits (namely landfills and extractive waste facilities).

This research focuses on the possibilities related to the supply of RM and CRM, with a focus on rare earth elements (REE), through the examination of a large number of mineral waste and siliceous rocks in the Piedmont region (northern Italy). Recovery of REE from extractive waste (EW) associated with silicate ornamental rock quarries (gneiss, granites and diorite) and other silicate deposits (i.e. kaolin gneiss) may be strategic to reduce the risks in the CRM/RM supply chain. Starting from a review of the literature on mining activities in Piedmont, and continuing with the sampling and the geochemical, mineralogical, petrographic and environmental characterization of EW in selected EW facilities linked to silicate ornamental rocks, kaolin sands and soils present near the investigated area, this research focuses on the evaluation of quantity and quality of potential REEs present in waste facilities and on the chance to concentrate (thanks to physical and chemical processing) REEs present in the minerals associated to the main exploitable minerals (merely quartz and feldspar for ceramic industry).

The percentage of REE in some of the samples analysed seems to meet the needed requirements, necessary to think about their exploitation. The high production of waste in some areas (i.e. gneiss-Pietra di Luserna) or the presence of large deposits (Kaolinized gneiss present in the Monte Bracco area), seem to indicate a viable prospect of recovery of REE from EW. However, the industrial scale exploitation of REE faces challenges such as the difficulty of achieving efficient recovery on a large scale, mainly due to regional differences in the abundance of REE, and the discrepancy between potential market value and annual waste production.

The management of EW of quarry can be set up in such a way that it takes advantage of the different degrees of enrichment and distribution of the elements. This research describes the investigation procedures for determining the potential of CRM and environmental problems, the procedures for estimating the quantities of waste and the provisional economic values of REE in the investigated areas, and the first results connected to the mineral processing of selected (and richer) EW samples. This approach, tested on a wide area (the Piedmont region), is replicable and applicable to other similar case studies (at EU and non-UE level) and offers governance and decision makers an overview of potential resources available. This information are useful to decide whether and where to focus efforts (including the economic ones) on a more detailed study to assess the anthropogenic deposits that can be exploited.

How to cite: Dino, G. A., Zhao, X., Casale, M., Cavallo, A., Mancini, S., and Padoan, E.: Critical raw materials supply: challenges and potential in the exploitation of rare earths from siliceous rocks and mineral waste., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19246,, 2025.

Jiaodong and Liaodong peninsulas share similar geological backgrounds for gold mineralization, and there are many similarities between the Jiaodong and Liaodong gold deposits. However, the currently known gold endowment of the Liaodong gold deposit is significantly lower than that of the Jiaodong gold deposit. In this study, we selected the Xiling gold deposit from the Jiaodong and the Xinfang and Xindian gold deposits from the Liaodong as the research objects. Combining the data obtained in this study with previous research results, a comparative study was conducted on the gold mineralization in the Jiaodong and Liaodong gold districts in China.

The ore-forming fluid of the Xiling gold deposit from the Jiaodong is medium temperature, and low salinity CO2-H2O-NaCl hydrothermal fluid system. The mechanism of gold precipitation is interpreted as the fluid immiscibility. The initial sulfur source of the Xiling gold deposit is magmatic origin of sulfur, and the Precambrian basement have provided sufficient sulfur for gold mineralization via intensive water-rock interaction. The ore-forming fluid is a deep-seated magmatic-hydrothermal fluid. As mineralization progressed, abundant ore-forming elements enter the ore-forming fluid from the Precambrian basement via intensive water-rock interaction. The Xindian gold deposit in the Liaodong formed in the Early Cretaceous, between 127.2 and 120.9 Ma. The S-Pb isotopes studies indicate that the ore-forming materials of the Xinfang and Xindian gold deposits in the Liaodong are mainly magmatic origin, and the Gaixian Formation have provided sufficient ore-forming materials for the Xindian gold mineralization. Pyrite trace elements analyses indicate that the initial ore-forming fluids of the Xinfang and Xindian gold deposits are mainly magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. At Xindian, the fluid chemistry was intensively modified by interacting with wall rock (Gaixian Formation) via intensive water-rock interaction. However, the Anshan Group did not play an important role in the Xinfang gold mineralization.

The mineralization age of the Jiaodong gold deposits is mainly clustered at ~120 Ma. The mineralization age of the Liaodong gold deposits mainly includes Triassic, Early Jurassic, and Early Cretaceous. Among them, the Early Cretaceous gold mineralization is extensively distributed in the Liaodong. The ore-forming fluids of the Jiaodong and Liaodong gold deposits were a mixture of crustal-derived and mantle-derived fluids. However, the contribution of mantle-derived fluids to the Jiaodong gold deposit is significantly greater than that of the Liaodong gold deposit. In addition, the Archaean Jiaodong Group and Paleoproterozoic Liaohe Group Gaixian Formation have made great contributions to the gold mineralization in the Jiaodong and Liaodong, respectively.

How to cite: Yu, B.: A comparative study on the gold mineralization in the Jiaodong and Liaodong gold districts in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2232,, 2025.

EGU25-4207 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.3

Lithium distribution in argillite-clay sequences of the Northern Apennines, Italy: investigating a potential source of Li-rich fluids 

Salvadori Matteo, Pennisi Maddalena, D'Orazio Massimo, and Dini Andrea

Lithium demand has grown exponentially over the last decade, driven by the ongoing energy transition, and is expected to increase in the EU by up to 12 times by 2030 (European Commission, 2023). To meet this rising demand, efforts must focus on enhancing recycling and developing new unconventional lithium resources. While Italy does not have records of lithium production from conventional deposits such as pegmatite ores or salars, promising sources have been identified in low-enthalpy, lithium-rich waters originating from sedimentary sequences along the Apennine compressional front (Dini et al., 2022). Lithium content in these waters, up to 164 mg/L in the Salsomaggiore Terme area (Boschetti et al., 2011), is likely influenced by fluids expelled from sediments during diagenesis or by subsequent water-rock interactions. Modern Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) techniques provide an efficient method for lithium recovery from fluids, highlighting the significant potential of these resources. Despite their scientific and economic potential, limited knowledge exists regarding the genetic processes and chemical and isotopic characteristics of these systems.

To address the existing data gap and explore the sources and processes governing lithium distribution, an extensive sampling campaign was conducted on the main argillite-clay sedimentary formations of the Northern Apennines in the Emilia Romagna region. The sampling also covered sediments from mud volcanoes, which serve as proxies for deeper processes, as well as waters from SPA wells and natural springs to investigate water-rock interaction.

The collected samples were analysed for major and trace elements. Lithium concentrations ranged from 13 to 263 mg/kg in rock samples, with several exhibiting values well above the shale average. The mineralogical composition was identified through XRD analysis, while SEM-EDS imaging revealed micro-scale mineralogical and chemical zonations. Selected samples underwent further investigation using LA-ICP-MS, revealing significant micro-scale lithium variability, with concentrations reaching up to 700 mg/kg in phyllosilicate-rich micro-layers. These enriched layers were strongly associated with boron, potassium, aluminium, and iron, in contrast to bordering carbonate-rich layers, which systematically showed lower lithium contents.

Isotope analysis of boron (δ11B), strontium (87Sr/86Sr), and lithium (δ7Li) provided additional insights into the origin of the formations and suggested the potential involvement of multiple provenances. In this regard, a lithium isotope purification and analysis protocol was developed for MC-ICP-MS at the Radiogenic and Unconventional Stable Isotopes Laboratory at IGG-CNR. Leaching experiments conducted on the most Li-rich sample, using various solutions (deionised water, NaCl, CaCl2, and HCl) and different temperatures, showed the behaviour of Li release from the solid phase, with a significant release occurring during the initial hours of interaction that demonstrated the importance of early-stage water-rock interaction processes.

This research is part of a PhD project funded by the European ITINERIS Project. The results could provide a fundamental basis for understanding the sources and mechanisms influencing lithium distribution in the sedimentary basins of the Northern Apennines and in other similar geological settings. Meeting the goals outlined by the EU in the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA 2024), this study could promote interest in the sustainable exploration of lithium resources and DLE techniques.

How to cite: Matteo, S., Maddalena, P., Massimo, D., and Andrea, D.: Lithium distribution in argillite-clay sequences of the Northern Apennines, Italy: investigating a potential source of Li-rich fluids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4207,, 2025.

Cobalt, nickel, rare earth elements (REEs) and other critical metals are highly enriched in deep sea supergene mineral deposits such as cobalt-rich crusts, poly-metallic nodules and REEs-rich sediments, which are potential strategic mineral resources in the future. Crusts, nodules, and REEs-rich sediments are distributed on the surface of seamounts, seabed and deep sea sediments respectively, they have similar metallogenic elements, and sea water plays an important role in the mineralization process. The critical metals such as cobalt, nickel, copper and REEs haven’t formed independent mineral state. Previous studies mainly focus on the separate research on each minerals, which limited overall understanding of deep-sea mineralization processes. On the basis of reviewing the progress and existing problems of domestic and foreign scholars on the spatial distribution, occurrence status, enrichment mechanisms, and controlling factors of three deep-sea sedimentary minerals above, guided by the ideas of Earth system science, we focuse on ore-forming elements, to conduct the process of “source-migration-enrichment” of the critical metals under multi sphere interaction and the spatiotemporal coupling mechanism of sedimentary minerals in “sea mountain-basin system”. In addition, expected to guide the deep-sea mineral exploration

How to cite: He, G.: Research on the metallogenic mechanism of deep sea sedimentary mineral resources: review and outlook, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7969,, 2025.

EGU25-10081 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.3

Geochemical Features of Miocene Carbonatite/Carbothermalite-Fenite Complex in Western Anatolia: Evidences from Arıklı and Nusratlı Villages 

Emirhan Kaplan, Özge Yabacı, Alp Ünal, Zeynep Döner, and Ali Tuğcan Ünlüer

Carbonatite-fenite complexes, associated with alkaline or ultra-alkaline magmatism, typically have high concentrations of rare earth elements (REE), niobium (Nb), thorium (Th) and uranium (U). Although most of these complexes form in intra-continental tectonic settings, in contrast to the majority, they can also develop in post-collisional settings. A few examples of such carbonatite intrusions were identified in China, Turkey, Italy and Spain. In Turkey, a few notable carbonatitic intrusions were identified in Central and Western Anatolia. These complexes are relatively young and some of them are covered by volcanic or volcano-sedimentary rocks. The recently identified carbonatite/carbothermalite (late stage metasomatic halo) intrusion is located at Arıklı and Nusratlı Villages in Çanakkale, NW Anatolia within Miocene volcanics. In Arıklı, a 10-meters-thick carbonatite dyke with stockwork veinlets and potassic fenite zone are clearly visible and cross-cutting relationships can be observed between the carbonatite and the host rocks. Two kilometers east of Arıklı, at the entrance of Nusratlı village, also a metasomatic aureole zone can be observed that consists of thin carbonatite veinlets. These veinlets predominantly constituted by  subhedral calcite, dolomite, and magnesite, forming a Mg-carbonatite composition and they contain small amounts of uranium (~4 ppm) and thorium (<1 ppm). However, the concentrations of these elements increase significantly in the adjacent fenite zone, reaching up to 372 ppm for U and 109 ppm for Th.  An approximately 7% increase in K2O within the fenite zone has been calculated based on a comparison of the current and original composition of the host rock, using immobile elements as a reference. Overall, this carbonatite/carbothermalite system can be evaluated as late-stage phase of a carbonatitic intrusion which is product of Miocene post collisional magmatism in Western Anatolia.

How to cite: Kaplan, E., Yabacı, Ö., Ünal, A., Döner, Z., and Ünlüer, A. T.: Geochemical Features of Miocene Carbonatite/Carbothermalite-Fenite Complex in Western Anatolia: Evidences from Arıklı and Nusratlı Villages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10081,, 2025.

Heavy rare earth elements (HREE) are strategic metals in China, primarily sourced from ion-adsorption type heavy rare earth deposits (iHREE). Granite constitutes an important parent rock for iHREE. Generally, rare earth elements (REE) undergo pre-concentration during the process of rock formation, which is crucial for the mineralization of HREE. However, the mechanisms of migration and concentration of HREE during the magmatic-hydrothermal (alteration) processes remain unclear. The typical iHREE in Lincang, Yunnan Province, exhibits multiple episodes of granite intrusion, and the partial enrichment of HREE in the ore bodies offers a natural research subject. The authors selected the granites in the area as the research subjects. Specifically, the granodiorite (YNlc2-j3) has a zircon shrimp U-Pb age of 214.7 Ma, and the medium-coarse-grained biotite granite (MCGB, YNlc4-j1) has a zircon shrimp U-Pb age of 217.7 Ma. Analysis using back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging, Electron Probe X-ray Micro-Analyzer (EPMA), and TESCAN integrated mineral analyzer (TIMA) revealed that during the magmatic-hydrothermal (alteration) process: (1) the shape of monazite and zircon changes from authomorphic to anhedral. (2) At the magmatic stage, monazite and zircon exist as independent minerals; however, at the hydrothermal (alteration) stage, monazite associates with apatite, and zircon associates with xenotime. (3) HREE-bearing fluorocarbonate minerals from nonexistence to pass into existence. These results indicate that HREE-bearing minerals undergo complex hydrothermal alterations, with a preferential accumulation of HREE in HREE-bearing fluorocarbonate minerals, which are shown to play significant roles in the formation of iHREE.

How to cite: Lu, L., Liu, Y., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., He, G., and Wang, C.: Constraints on metallogenic mechanism of ion-adsorption type HREE deposit from hydrothermal alteration and evolution features of minerals in Lincang granite, Yunnan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14462,, 2025.

EGU25-18645 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV6.3

Lithium behaviour during partial melting 

Elisa Oliveira da Costa, Tom Argles, Leo Kriegsman, Barbara Kunz, and Clare Warren

Lithium has been receiving increased attention due to its relevance to the green energy transition and increasing demand. One of the main sources of Li is peraluminous granitoids and pegmatites. Current models for the genesis of such enriched lithologies include the fractional crystallisation of melts derived from sedimentary protoliths (e.g., Linnen et al., 2012); the low-volume melting of Li-rich protoliths (e.g., Shaw et al., 2016); and the subsequent re-melting of S-type orthogneisses (Ballouard et al., 2024; Koopmans et al., 2024). Hence, understanding the behaviour of Li during partial melting is critical, regardless of the preferred model. However, modelling studies have shown contrasting trends in melt Li concentrations during partial melting reactions due to the use of different distribution coefficient sets (Ballouard et al., 2024; Koopmans et al., 2024).  


In this study, we coupled existing and newly acquired mineral Li concentration data from high-grade terranes, and phase equilibria and trace element modelling to improve our understanding of Li behaviour during partial melting. Our main results highlight that: (1) when present cordierite is the main mineral host of Li in metapelitic migmatites; and (2) the experimentally observed temperature-dependent variation of cordierite Li concentrations (Evensen and London, 2003) is also observed in natural samples, but – as expected – with different concentrations levels. Moreover, our results show that the mineral distribution coefficients of natural samples do not match experimentally derived Li distribution coefficients for cordierite and biotite. We discuss possible reasons for divergent distribution coefficients based on the comparison of physicochemical parameters associated with these distribution coefficients and typical high-grade metapelites. Our findings also indicate that low-pressure melting with peritectic cordierite will suppress melt Li concentrations, in agreement with Ballouard et al. (2024).


This study highlights how metamorphic minerals and melting conditions affect Li behaviour during partial melting. Moreover, our findings and discussion highlight that further experimental and natural constraints on Li distribution coefficients are necessary for a precise understanding of how Li is mobilised during metapelite melting.



Ballouard et al. (2024) Contrib to Min and Petr 178(11), 75

Evensen and London (2003) Contrib to Min and Petr 144, 739-757

Koopmans et al. (2024) Geology 52(1), 7-11

Linnen et al (2012) Elements 8(4), 275-280

Shaw et al. (2016) Precamb Res 281, 338-362


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 956125.

How to cite: Oliveira da Costa, E., Argles, T., Kriegsman, L., Kunz, B., and Warren, C.: Lithium behaviour during partial melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18645,, 2025.

EGU25-21114 | Posters on site | GMPV6.3

Nano Cu-Pb-Bi melts as highly efficient agents for Au-Ag enrichment in epithermal ore systems  

José María González-Jiménez, Nestor A. Cano, Lola Yesares, Thomas N. Kerestedjian, Antoni Camprubí, and Fernando Gervilla

The role of bi- and poly-metallic melts (i.e., Pb, Bi, Se, Sb, Te, etc.) is increasingly gaining attraction as highly efficient carriers for the precious metals Au and Ag in ore-deposit genesis. These melts have been reported in several types of ore deposits (e.g., orogenic, intrusion-related, volcanogenic massive sulfide) at different temperature ranges. Nevertheless, their occurrence and evolution in low-temperature (<400 °C) hydrothermal ore deposits (e.g., epithermal) is poorly understood. In this communication, we report a micro-to-nanoscale investigation of electrum (Au-Ag alloy) from two epithermal deposits with a very similar ore mineralogy dominated by Cu-Pb-Bi minerals from. In specific bands within a colloform-banded vein at the Switchback epithermal deposit in southern Mexico, electrum (Au-Ag alloy) form intergrowths with chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and minerals of the galena (PbS)-matildite (AgBiS2) solid solution (ss) and ourayite (Ag3Pb4Bi5S13). These minerals show a telescoping of their intergrowth and textures from the nano- to micron-sized scales, characterized by curvilinear boundaries, bleb-like morphologies, and rounded nanoparticles (~100 nm) within the gangue minerals (quartz, fluorite, and calcite) or pyrite. A similar telescoped transition from nano to micron-sized scales is observed in ore minerals of the epithermal gold-rich base metal prospect of Svishti Plaz in central Bulgaria. Here, electrum grains (~100 nm to 1 mm) are also intimately associated with Cu-Pb-Bi minerals, including: (1) chalcopyrite, bismuthite [Bi2S3]-pekoite (CuPbBi11S18), (2) aikinite (CuPbBiS3)-friedrichite (Cu5Pb5Bi7S8), or (3) bismuthiferous galena hosting exslutions of berryite (Cu3Ag2Pb3Bi7S16) and benjaminite (Ag3Bi7S12). All these minerals also exhibit mutual curved outlines but are exclusively found filling cracks of high porosity zones of pyrite. Collectively, all these observations are consistent with transport in a molten state of a precursor Pb-Bi melt containing Au, Ag, and Cu. Our nanoscale study suggest that that nano Cu-Pb-Bi melts in epithermal fluids are highly efficient collectors of Au and Ag, while acting as  transient agents for the formation of larger pools of melt precursors for the  crystallization of ore minerals. The intervention of these melts in the hydrothermal fluids parental to epithermal ores satisfactorily explains the abnormally high Au-Ag enrichments (i.e., bonanzas) observed in the deposits targeted in this study and elsewhere.

How to cite: González-Jiménez, J. M., Cano, N. A., Yesares, L., Kerestedjian, T. N., Camprubí, A., and Gervilla, F.: Nano Cu-Pb-Bi melts as highly efficient agents for Au-Ag enrichment in epithermal ore systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21114,, 2025.

Mineralization in the Limerick Basin, located in southwest Ireland, uniquely associates with volcanic rocks, unlike other mineralized zones in the Irish midlands, where mineral systems align with large-scale normal faults. To better visualize the subsurface structures influencing Limerick’s mineralization, we conducted 2D gravity inversion incorporating geological and petrophysical constraints.

Conventional methods of deterministic inversion involve adding a model norm term to the data misfit term in the objective function to regularize an ill-posed problem and obtain stable solutions. While previous studies on constrained deterministic inversion have modified the model norm to include prior information or constraints in geophysical inversion, the complex nature of geological priors makes encoding this information mathematically and computationally challenging. To tackle this problem, we implemented a deep generative model, specifically a conditional variational autoencoder (cVAE)-based inversion framework, to incorporate structural constraints derived from drill hole and petrophysical data.

Initially, we tested this framework on a synthetic case by training the cVAE on thousands of 2D density models comprising geological features analogous to the field geology and populated with density values consistent with the drill core measurements acquired from the study area. Artificial drill holes were created to fix the depths of geological units at the drill hole contact points across all training models, ensuring that the predicted models adhered to prior constraints. Following training, we tested the network on some test data, which showed that the predicted models successfully captured the structural and petrophysical property constraints. The geometries of the geological features were also well recovered.

We applied this method to gravity data from a NW-SE trending profile crossing the western part of Limerick Syncline. Thousands of density models were generated using drill hole data, incorporating measured rock densities for training. Since the profile’s central and deeper sections lacked sufficient geological data for direct validation of the results, we implemented a hypothesis-testing approach. In each hypothesis, geological features were added to the training density models based on prior geological knowledge of the study area. If simulated data from an inverted model failed to match field data, more geological features were added to the training models in the next hypothesis, and the workflow was repeated to achieve a low data misfit.

The inversion provided three key insights into the study area’s geology. First, it identified potential volcanic intrusions in the southern Limerick Syncline, possibly extending from depths below the basement. Second, it estimated the syncline’s geometry in areas with limited geological constraints. Third, it revealed a sharp vertical displacement in stratigraphy, indicating a potential south-dipping fault in the northwest portion of the syncline. This fault may have influenced mineralizing fluid migration, playing a critical role in mineral deposit localization.

How to cite: Chakraborti, P., Sun, J., and Melo, A.: An improved characterization of the subsurface in the Limerick Basin (Ireland) using deep generative model-based 2D gravity inversion constrained with drill hole and petrophysics data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-655,, 2025.

EGU25-700 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Towards sustainable activity in artisanal gold mining in Hoggar 

Mouloud Issaad and Aboulyakdane Bakelli

The Algerian government issued many artisanal gold mining authorizations to formalize gold-bearing quartz vein mining within the Hoggar shield. However, as observed all-over the world, miners have no technical knowledge and not use basics prospecting tools during mining; generally, they don’t incorporate geology and mineralogy knowledge in mining practices. The objective of this study is to provide artisanal miners with recommendations to enhance the sustainability of their mining projects by employing rational and optimized exploitation methods. For this study, nine artisanal mine sites were selected within the Taskret gold field, at approximately 150 Km from eastern Tamanrasset. The ore deposits consist mainly of gold-bearing quartz veins hosted by metamorphic rocks. Firstly, we will conduct a comprehensive study of the mineralogy of run of mine (ROM) samples, including both ore and rocks, using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Thin and thick sections will be meticulously prepared from the rock fragments and ores, enabling us to determine mineralogy and textures through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), and electron microprobe techniques. Gold grade determination will be performed using fire assay, while chemical characterization of other elements will be carried out through ICP-MS analyses. This holistic approach will provide us with vital insights into the geological and mineralogical characteristics of ROM materials, allowing us to make recommendations for enhancing the sustainability of artisanal mining practices in the Taskret gold field. Indeed, before any mining operations and ore treatment the good understanding of the ore mineralogy is very important to optimize the gold recovery and to minimize environmental impact of the activity. This project will significantly contribute to a rational and sustainable artisanal mining in Algeria, especially in the Hoggar, by giving scientific recommendation based on mineralogy of gold bearing minerals.

How to cite: Issaad, M. and Bakelli, A.: Towards sustainable activity in artisanal gold mining in Hoggar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-700,, 2025.

EGU25-940 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Design of MWPC-based muography measurements for geophysical research 

Boglárka Abigél Stefán, László Balázs, Gergő Hamar, Gergely Surányi, and Dezső Varga

 Muography is a most novel tool for geophysical density mapping. This
developing interdisciplinary research area is based on the detection of
muons originating from cosmic rays, allowing density-based non-destructive
investigations of the interior of objects up to the size of a mountain.
The cornerstone of the technology is that muons lose energy depending on
the density of the rock and the distance it travels through it. Thus, the
number and direction of the incoming muons can be used to determine
density anomalies (e.g. cavity, cave, ore) during data processing.

   Our Group in HUN-REN WignerRCP Budapest is internationally renowned in
the development of high-performance muon-detectors, data processing
procedures, and exploring new applications for muography.

   Recently we have developed a muographic-survey planning software, thus
for the various scenarios the optimal detector configuration and
orientations could be calculated.

   Reliability of this novel technology and any new equipments shall be
proven in well-known sites. The Jánossy Underground Laboratory (JURLab) in
Budapest is a simple-geometry multi-level underground infrastructure,
excellent for detector verifications and quantifying limits of underground
muographic surveys.

   We will present recent measurement series from JURLab campaigns;
validation of predicted yields with real data, and its implementation for
the tomographic inversion. Case studies and pilots from mining
applications will be shown.

How to cite: Stefán, B. A., Balázs, L., Hamar, G., Surányi, G., and Varga, D.: Design of MWPC-based muography measurements for geophysical research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-940,, 2025.

EGU25-983 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

Muography: A novel method of density measurement for mining and surveying 

Bence Rábóczki, Gergely Surányi, Gergő Hamar, and László Balázs

Muography is a rapidly developing geophysical method, that utilises high energy cosmic muon particles to explore the inner structure of large objects, such as volcanoes, pyramids or mountains. Cosmic muons originate from upper atmosphere and have a known, steady, angle dependent flux on the surface. Muons are absorbed as they pass through matter, depending on the density of the material along their trajectories. By comparing the expected and the measured muon flux and using geoinformatic models of the observed area it is possibble to calculate the density distribution inside these structures. Our group at the HUN-REN Wigner RCP focuses on muographic imaging including research, hardware development and geophysical applications. There are several ongoing muographic projects inside European mines. Our measurements were able to confirm known density anomalies in these areas. The method can be applied to a wide variety of problems, such as determining the shape and density of geological formations or ore bodies, the location of caves or fractured zones located up to a few hundred meters underground. The presentation describes the priciples of muography and demonstrates it’s usability with examples from multiple projects.

How to cite: Rábóczki, B., Surányi, G., Hamar, G., and Balázs, L.: Muography: A novel method of density measurement for mining and surveying, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-983,, 2025.

EGU25-1258 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Pollution monitoring at the Black Angel legacy mine in West Greenland using in-situ portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) measurements 

Christian Frigaard Rasmussen, Jens Søndergaard, Kristian Tommerup Vad, and Christian Juncher Jørgensen

In Greenland, mining has been undertaken in remote areas for more than 150 years and long before legislation for environmental protection was implemented. The Black Angel mine by the Affalikassaa fjord in Central West Greenland served as a marble quarry, known as Maarmorilik, operating in the 1930s when a metal-sulphide ore body was discovered in the ‘Black Angel’ mountain on the other side of the fjord. This discovery led to establishment of the Black Angel lead-zinc mine, operating from 1973-1990 with a total of 13.5 million tons of ore produced from an ore body located 600 meters up a vertical mountain side and only accessible via cable cart spanning 1500 meters across the fjord. Mining was done by the “Room-and-Pillar” method, where ore was crushed inside the mine before being transported via cable cart to the processing facility. Large amounts of pyrite and sphalerite bearing waste rock were dumped directly out of mine tunnel openings at approx. 600 meters altitude onto the steep mountain slopes below as well as and onto the “Tributary Glacier” towards the Greenland Ice Sheet. Since deposition, the waste rock has been exposed to the elements with significant leaching of heavy metals and dispersion of fine particles into the terrestrial and marine environments. Environmental monitoring since mine-closure in 1990 has documented a widespread pollution of Pb in the area. However, the knowledge on the geochemical composition of the different waste rock dumps, their relative contributions to both historical, current and future releases of heavy metals to the environment as well as future risk due to permafrost thaw and surface erosion is limited by a lack of widespread geochemical characterization of deposited waste rock.

In the current study we present the first large scale in-situ pollution monitoring at the legacy Black Angel mine, using portable X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF). pXRF has been shown to provide fast, accurate and cost-effective results for many heavy metals in sediment and soil, enabling effective in-situ identification of pollution hot-spots. Results from this study show significant variation in heavy metal content between different waste rock dump sites. The highest concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cd are found in the North Face Dump and 17xCut established early in the mine's history, and lower, yet still significant concentrations are found in the much younger Tributary Glacier dump. We find that the waste rock from the Tributary glacier has been reworked and transported downstream where we measure increased concentrations of heavy metals. This highlights the large environmental risks associated with depositing mine waste on dynamic landforms. Current surface and bank erosion of fine particles from waste rock dumps will likely continue in the future as a warmer climate may increase erosion potential in response to large precipitation events as well as changes in snow cover. The remaining environmental risk is generally dominated by the mine closure strategy of leaving waste rock exposed to the environment, with only limited impacts from future warming and thawing permafrost.

How to cite: Frigaard Rasmussen, C., Søndergaard, J., Tommerup Vad, K., and Juncher Jørgensen, C.: Pollution monitoring at the Black Angel legacy mine in West Greenland using in-situ portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1258,, 2025.

EGU25-2011 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

Classification of Phosphate Sedimentary Facies and Estimation of Carbonate-Fluorapatite Abundance Using Hyperspectral Infrared Imaging 

Houda Lkhaoua, Otmane Raji, Abdellatif Elghali, Radouan El bamiki, Abdelhafid El alaoui el fels, and Mostafa Benzaazoua

Over recent years, the use of hyperspectral infrared imaging has significantly increased in the mining sector, offering numerous applications from geological exploration and mining to sorting and the rehabilitation. However, this technology remains underutilized in the phosphate mining industry, particularly in countries like Morocco, where phosphates represent over 70% of the world's reserves. In this study, the objective is to investigate the use of hyperspectral infrared imagery as a tool to identify and characterize sedimentary phosphate facies for automated facies core logging applications as well as to identify the spectral signature of Carbonate-Fluorapatite (CFA), the primary phosphate mineral phase in sedimentary phosphates, in order to estimate its abundance.To achieve this, six samples have been carefully selected from the Benguerir phosphate sequence to represent the commonly encountered indurated facies. The samples were scanned using a core scanner equipped with three hyperspectral sensors: a Visible Near-Infrared (VNIR) camera, a Short-Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) camera, and a Medium-Wavelength Infrared (MWIR) camera. The covered wavelength interval ranges from 0.4 µm to 5.3 µm, with spatial resolutions varying from 0.117 mm/pixel to 0.228 mm/pixel. Eight facies were identified in the studied samples and characterized through petrography and XRF geochemical analysis of the whole rock. Subsequently, a spectral library was established for each of these facies. Moreover, a sample area rich in CFA was selected and characterized by automated SEM using Tescan Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA). The results indicate that all the facies exhibit distinguishable signatures in the various VNIR, SWIR, and MWIR intervals. However, the SWIR and MWIR intervals proves to be the most effective sensors for distinguishing these facies. The results indicate also that the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) is the most efficient method, achieving an overall accuracy of 98,75% in distinguishing the studied facies in the MWIR wavelength range. Additionally, several statistical methods were also tested to estimate the abundance of CFA using the spectral signature derived from the comparison between the SEM mineral maps and corresponding hyperspectral images. Band rationing (B(3.4µm)/B(4.7µm)) * (B(3.4µm)/B(3.9µm)) has demonstrated effective in identifying and estimating the abundance of CFA demonstrating the potential of hyperspectral imaging as a rapid and cost-effective method for the characterization of phosphates in terms of their apatite content.

How to cite: Lkhaoua, H., Raji, O., Elghali, A., El bamiki, R., El alaoui el fels, A., and Benzaazoua, M.: Classification of Phosphate Sedimentary Facies and Estimation of Carbonate-Fluorapatite Abundance Using Hyperspectral Infrared Imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2011,, 2025.

EGU25-2614 | Orals | ERE4.1

Rare Earth Elements – Multiphysics AI-aided Autonomous Prospecting (REE -MAP) 

Yuxin Wu, Chunwei Chou, JunWoo Chung, Baptiste Dafflon, Jim Panaro, Brian Quiter, Emil Rofors, Robin Tibaut, Jiannan Wang, Mike Whittaker, and John Wu

The growing demand for Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals (REE-CM) has heightened interest in extracting these elements from secondary resources, such as coal waste. Similar to traditional mining, resource mapping and prospecting to identify high concentration “hot zones” is key to prioritizing extraction efforts. Mapping REE-CM in unconventional sources is challenging due to low and variable concentrations and complex material characteristics. This study introduces an AI-aided, drone based multi-physics approach to rapidly characterize REE-CM hot zones in coal mine tailings. Our methodology integrates geophysical, radiological, hyperspectral and other technologies deployed on drones, complemented by other ground and laboratory analytical techniques. AI algorithms are key for integrating and interpreting complex multi-physics datasets to identify REE hot zones and optimize sensor selection and deployment. Field demonstrations at coal refuse and ash sites in Pennsylvania were carried out to validate the practical feasibility of this approach. The results revealed promising links between drone-acquired multi-physical signals and REE concentrations, and REE predictions with AI were validated with ground truth. Our study validated the feasibility of using drone-based multi-physics surveys to map REE concentrations in coal wastes to enhance their economic viability for recovery and guide extraction prioritization.

How to cite: Wu, Y., Chou, C., Chung, J., Dafflon, B., Panaro, J., Quiter, B., Rofors, E., Tibaut, R., Wang, J., Whittaker, M., and Wu, J.: Rare Earth Elements – Multiphysics AI-aided Autonomous Prospecting (REE -MAP), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2614,, 2025.

EGU25-4279 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

Towards a Global Carbonatite Atlas: A Satellite Remote Sensing Approach to Mapping and Characterization  

Rupsa Chakraborty, René Booysen, Saeid Asadzadeh, Sam Thiele, and Richard Gloaguen

Rare Earth Elements (REEs) have become critical for global technological advancements and, consequently, economic growth. Ensuring supply requires significant future exploration, potentially including the use of space-borne hyperspectral data for direct mapping of REEs. While space-borne detection of REEs has been demonstrated (e.g., Asadzadeh et al., 2024), this approach has limited application. Low concentrations of these valuable resources in most carbonatite host rocks and small sizes of ore zones represent a  major hurdle and complicate reliable detection and mapping efforts. 

We propose a comprehensive approach to remotely characterise carbonatites, which are known to host REEs, with the aim of improving our overall understanding of these unusual rocks and better identifying potentially fertile systems. Carbonatites are typically classified into three types: calcio-carbonatites, magnesio-carbonatites, and ferro-carbonatites. However, recent studies, such as Mitchell & Gittins (2022), suggest additional variants that don't fit these categories, indicating the current classification system may require further refinement. Regardless of classification complexities, the composite mineralogical phases of carbonatites are spectrally active and exhibit distinctive absorption features in hyperspectral data. Furthermore, the presence of alteration halos and the structural controls commonly associated with carbonatite structures make these sites well-suited for optical remote sensing studies by both hyperspectral and multispectral datasets. This paves the way for the development of a global carbonatite atlas based on remote sensing data.

We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach using two REE-bearing carbonatite complexes in Namibia—Lofdal and Marinkas-Quellen. We selected EnMAP provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) hyperspectral data as they are the most accurate to this date (Chakraborty et,al., 2024). We employed different processing techniques such as minimum wavelength mapping and spectral abundance analysis to map the carbonatite lithologies in each of the two sites individually. We then streamlined the workflow to identify common parameters and trained a decision tree to map the broader carbonatite footprints across both sites. In parallel, Sentinel-2 multispectral data was used to map geological structures (e.g., dykes, faults, and bedding) aiming to understand controls on carbonatite emplacement. A fusion-based resolution enhancement algorithm was also applied to integrate EnMAP with Sentinel-2 data, providing a more spatially detailed understanding of the targets. 

We aim to expand this study to include a wider range of carbonatite complexes, with the goal of creating a global carbonatite atlas. By covering diverse geological settings and ages, this atlas will capture the full spectrum of mineralogical variation and structural features, enhancing our understanding of carbonatite bodies. This atlas not only will promote the applications of remote sensing techniques in carbonatite studies but also provide a valuable basis for future exploration of REEs in carbonatite settings. 

1. Asadzadeh, S., Koellner, N., & Chabrillat, S. (2024). Detecting rare earth elements using EnMAP hyperspectral satellite data: a case study from Mountain Pass, California. Scientific Reports

2. Mitchell, R. H., & Gittins, J. (2022). Carbonatites and carbothermalites: A revised classification. Lithos

3. Chakraborty, R., Rachdi, I., Thiele, S., Booysen, R., Kirsch, M., Lorenz, S., ... & Sebari, I. (2024). A Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hyperspectral Data for Geological Mapping. Remote Sensing

How to cite: Chakraborty, R., Booysen, R., Asadzadeh, S., Thiele, S., and Gloaguen, R.: Towards a Global Carbonatite Atlas: A Satellite Remote Sensing Approach to Mapping and Characterization , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4279,, 2025.

EGU25-6028 | Posters on site | ERE4.1

 Evaluating LIBS analysis for improved steel alloy identification in end-of-life vehicle recycling  

Margret C. Fuchs, Rahul Patil, Aastha Singh, Gopi Regulan, Yuleika C. Madriz Diaz, Rene Ziegenrücker, and Richard Gloaguen

Securing raw material supply for high-tech products and reducing their ecological-economic footprint has become a pressing challenge for our society due to increasing demands while natural resources deplete. One solution is seen in closing material loops by recycling. But to ensure successful re-entry of secondary resources into the production chain essentially relies on the accurate identification of materials in mixed waste streams in order to allow for precise sorting into as pure as possible material types. A particular relevant, but at the same time particularly challenging, task relates to the identification of metal alloys. A wide variety has been engineered to provide highly specific functionalities of individual metals such as, for example, steel in the automotive industry. Innovation over many years resulted in cars containing multiple high-performance steel alloys. At their end-of-life, car recycling routines can sort out concentrates of steel, but mixing the different alloys prevents the recycling material from meeting the quality criteria needed for new car production, and hence, cause downcycling. Although several sensor-based sorting solutions are available to map qualitative material differences for many waste streams, a precise and quantitative solution is needed to differentiate between steel alloy types. LIBS provides a promising solution as it allows for elemental analysis along with concentration information in a fast and contact-free manner compatible with conveyor-belt operations.

            With this contribution, we highlight the challenges of steel alloy detection using LIBS and point out solutions for analytical workflows and practical applications. This involves especially the detailed investigation of measurement parameters, establishment of calibration models for most relevant elements and discuss potential influences from disturbances such as from surface coating. The results suggest a successful discrimination of automotive-relevant steel alloys. The workflow hence, provides the basis for improved alloy-specific sorting products. Providing such analytical tools and corresponding workflows will help for increasing the quality of recycling and reducing the risk of increasingly complex recycling mixtures after multiple cycles. In this context, accurate quantitative LIBS results provide one cornerstone to future innovations on material recycling by products that at least partially re-enter high-performance product cycles.

How to cite: Fuchs, M. C., Patil, R., Singh, A., Regulan, G., Madriz Diaz, Y. C., Ziegenrücker, R., and Gloaguen, R.:  Evaluating LIBS analysis for improved steel alloy identification in end-of-life vehicle recycling , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6028,, 2025.

The environmental and social issues related to abandoned mines are prevalent worldwide. Each country has developed various chemical, physical, and biological mine reclamation technologies to address these challenges, and the results have primarily been published in papers or patents. Therefore, analyzing relevant papers and patents to understand the trends in the mine reclamation industry is essential. This study conducts a quantitative analysis of papers and patents related to mine reclamation technologies to identify the latest technological trends, address limitations, and propose future R&D development directions. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this study evaluates the efficiency of diffusing papers and patents produced by national R&D investments in related industries, academia, research institutions, and government agencies. The input variables included the number of papers and patents, whereas the output variables comprised the number of citations for papers and patents and the number of triadic patent families. Using a comparative analysis of efficiency across countries, this study derives insights into the knowledge dissemination effects of research outcomes at the national level. To enhance knowledge dissemination and its impact in each country, research centered on solving current issues, improving data reliability, promoting multidisciplinary studies, and strengthening international cooperation is necessary. This study is significant as it provides future research directions for mine reclamation technologies and facilitates the application and commercialization of the developed technologies.

How to cite: Bae, S. W. and Bae, J.: Analysis of Knowledge Spillover Effects Using Data Envelopment Analysis on Papers and Patents Related to Mine Reclamation Technology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7522,, 2025.

EGU25-7554 | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Characteristics and Key Exploration Directions of Gold Deposits in China 

Bin Wang, Jingchao Li, and Jian Li

Based on the geodynamic environment, basic geological characteristics of minerals and so on, gold deposits in China are divided into 11 categories, of which tectonic fracture altered rock, mid-intrudes and contact zone, micro-fine disseminated and continental volcanic types are the main prospecting kinds. The metallogenic age of gold deposits in China is dominated by the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. According to the geotectonic units, geological evolution, geological conditions, spatial distribution, gold deposits types, metallogenic factors etc., 42 gold concentration areas are initially determined, and have a concentrated distribution feature. On the basis of the gold exploration density, gold concentration areas are divided into high, medium and low level areas. High ones are mainly distributed in the central and eastern regions. 93.04% of the gold exploration drillings are within 500 meters, but there are some problems such as less and shallower of drilling verification etc.. The paper discusses the resource potentials of gold deposits, and proposes the future prospecting directions and suggestions. The deep and periphery of old mines in the central and eastern regions and western area especially in Xinjiang and Qinghai will be the future key prospecting one, and have huge potential gold reserves. If the exploration depth is extended to 2,000 meters shallow, the gold resources will double. 

How to cite: Wang, B., Li, J., and Li, J.: Characteristics and Key Exploration Directions of Gold Deposits in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7554,, 2025.

EGU25-7634 | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Study on the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics within sediments in southwestern Taiwan 

Yen-Hua Chen, Chien-Che Huang, and Han-Lin Yeh

Rare earth elements are important resources and they can be widely used in smart phones, electric vehicles, and smart home appliances, etc. Recently, countries around the world pay attentions to their own rare earth resources and set policies to cope with the country's future development. Therefore, rare earth resources have obviously become valuable strategic materials. Rare earth minerals are mainly occurred in placer depositions in Taiwan. The literature on rare earth resources in Taiwan is quite limited; there are only a few studies on the characteristics of heavy sand deposits, and only a few about the distribution of heavy minerals in southwestern Taiwan. Therefore, this study utilizes the drainage basin of Zengwun River (the upstream, midstream and downstream of the river) as the study site for rare earth resources in southwestern Taiwan. Using the sediments in the river and offshore as study samples, the systematic investigation on the properties of rare earth minerals in river sands and sea sands will be deeply studied. This study aims to investigate the relevant characteristics of rare earth resources (microstructure, types of rare earth minerals, and concentrations of rare earth elements, etc.) and to provide the comprehensive results pertaining to the potential placer rare earth ore in the drainage basin of Zengwun River of southwestern Taiwan. The XRD data indicated that the samples contained major minerals of quartz, feldspar, muscovite/illite, kaolinite, and chlorite; some minor minerals of rutile, calcite, and monazite (rare earth mineral). The SEM results showed that these monazites can be divided into detrital and aggregated monazites. The aggregated monazite presented two different occurrences. Type I aggregated monazite displayed a skeletal morphology associated with quartz and feldspar inclusions. Type II aggregated monazite was symbiotic with allanites or TiO2 polymorphs. The REE concentration in this study area will be evaluated and compared with the UCC average and active REE mining countries.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-H., Huang, C.-C., and Yeh, H.-L.: Study on the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics within sediments in southwestern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7634,, 2025.

EGU25-7860 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Distribution and controlling factors of cobalt in polymetallic nodules in the Philippine Sea 

Liwei Liu, Chunmei Dong, Wei Huang, Yong Zhang, and Jun Sun

         Deep-sea polymetallic nodules are rich in a variety of essential metals, among which Co, as a redox-sensitive element, is not only an indispensable core material in modern industry and science, but also an effective indicator for recording changes in the marine environment. The geochemical and mineralogical analyses carried out on typical polymetallic nodule samples from the Philippine Sea, combined with microzonation morphology and compositional tests. The results revealed that the samples from the study area have Mn/Fe ranging from 0.73 to 2.24, with an average of 1.20, and the nodules are hydrogenetic, formed mainly in an oxidizing environment, with Co mainly hosted within hydroxylated manganese ores.

          Compared with the Co-rich (>0.4%) aquatic-origin nodules from the western Pacific, the nodule samples from the study area have low Co content (0.06% to 0.25%) but slightly higher Si, Al and other detrital fractions (mean values of 9.21% and 4.79%). Based on the empirical formula of Co age, it is inferred that there is no significant break in the growth process of the nodule samples in the study area, which may be due to the relatively short duration of nodule growth in the region and the restricting influence of land-based component supply (wind and dust) on the further enrichment of Co during the growth process in the study area. The polymetallic nodules in the study area are predominantly distributed below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), where high bottom water oxygen content, low sedimentation rates, and low organic matter content create favorable conditions for subsequent sustained enrichment and proliferation of Co in the nodules.

Keywords: Polymetallic nodule, Philippine Sea; Co; Controlling factors

How to cite: Liu, L., Dong, C., Huang, W., Zhang, Y., and Sun, J.: Distribution and controlling factors of cobalt in polymetallic nodules in the Philippine Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7860,, 2025.

EGU25-7895 | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Prediction of the abundance of ferromanganese nodules using Gaussian Process Regression based on multisource geological data in the western Pacific deep-sea basin 

Yong Yang, Hong Song, Shuang Hong, Xiaobing Li, Jiangbo Ren, Yonggang Liu, Miao Yu, and Gaowen He

Ferromanganese nodules, rich in cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and rare earth elements (REEs), are important marine mineral resources with the utmost capacity for commercial employment in the future. Recently, the discovery of high abundant Co-rich nodules in the Western Pacific has attracted significant attention. The prediction of nodule abundance is a vital geological problem to be solved in marine mineral resource exploration. Based on the multisource geological data of the study area in the western Pacific Ocean acquired through acoustic, optic and geological sampling, a stochastic probabilistic prediction for nodule abundance was developed via Gaussian process regression (GPR). The results revealed that the predicted abundance of nodules ranged from 0 to 71.2 kg/m2, with an average abundance of 26.3 kg/m2. The high-abundance (~30.0 kg/m2) nodules are mainly distributed in the deep-sea basins around several seamounts, and they may be spatially coupled with the Co-rich crust distributed over seamounts in the targeted study area. Compared to traditional machine learning approaches, such as stepwise linear regression, regression trees and support vector machine, intelligent prediction of nodule abundance by GPR is achieved with improved accuracy. Moreover, with the predicted abundance, the prediction error is obtained simultaneously by GPR. The deep-sea basins between the Magallan and Marcus-Wake seamounts are considered potential areas for further exploration of Co-rich ferromanganese nodules in the western Pacific Ocean.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Song, H., Hong, S., Li, X., Ren, J., Liu, Y., Yu, M., and He, G.: Prediction of the abundance of ferromanganese nodules using Gaussian Process Regression based on multisource geological data in the western Pacific deep-sea basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7895,, 2025.

EGU25-9451 | Orals | ERE4.1

Biogeochemical processes driving the fate of arsenic in phytostabilised mine tailings: elaboration of a conceptual model based on multi-scale experiments 

Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, Hugues Thouin, Ulysse Moreau, Vincent Milesi, Catherine Joulian, Hafida Tris, Michael Charron, Louis De Lary de Latour, Nicolas Devau, Marina Le Guédard, Olivier Pible, and Lydie Le Forestier

Securing mine tailings represents a major environmental challenge. Metal mines frequently produce solid wastes containing iron (Fe) and sulfur (S), often associated with the toxic metalloid arsenic (As). Phytostabilisation often appears as a suitable option to decrease the dispersion of particles by erosion, at a moderate cost. However, site managers need a more comprehensive view of all the consequences linked to this remediation technique, notably the side effects on the other pathways controlling As and metals mobility out of the tailings. The present research aims to develop a tool for predicting the mobility and plant toxicity of As in and outside the assisted phytostabilised tailings dump, based on developing an innovative reactive transport model (RTM) explicitly integrating bacterially-catalysed reactions related to As, Fe and S metabolisms. This objective is addressed through an interdisciplinary approach combining geochemistry, numerical modelling, plant physiology, microbiology and omics approaches coupled with a good knowledge of the former mining sites operational management. To be sure to validate and calibrate the RTM with a robust dataset, experiments at different spatial and time scales have been conducted, notably a metric scale column experiment. This pilot experiment reproduces the different compartments of the dump: phytostabilised surface, underlying unsaturated zone, then saturated zone, with a controlled outlet discharge. A stainless-steel column was filled with 1200 kg of fine tailings from an old tin (Sn) mine. The tailings are watered at a regime close to that of the rainfall on the site, and average temperature and surface lighting (day/night) are controlled. Porewater is sampled monthly, and solids are analysed every 6 months by core sampling. The assisted phytostabilisation was started after 6 months of monitoring of the bare tailings: the surface layer was amended with limestone and compost and seeded with Festuca rubra. The tailings porewater contained, before assisted phytostabilisation, about 50 µg/L of As. This experiment demonstrates that redox reactions catalysed by microbial activities play a key role in As mobility. The following redox sequence has been indeed monitored in the water saturated level: denitrification, ferric iron reduction and reduction of AsV into AsIII, these last two reactions inducing mobilisation of As and Fe. Change in pore water chemistry is supported by the growth of an active microflora, notably AsIII-oxidising, AsV-reducing and FeIII-reducing micro-organisms, despite the low initial tailings content in microorganisms. These results were confirmed by batch experiments carried out parallel with the pilot study: slurries of tailings in water, spiked or not with low concentration of acetate, were incubated in anaerobic conditions. Results highlight that microbial activities are not limited by the amount (0.02% total organic carbon) and nature of organic matter initially present in the tailings. Experimental data allow to establish the first basis of a conceptual model of the network of stoichiometric metabolic reactions representing the redox sequence occurring in the tailings, that will support the development of a numerical model describing explicitly microbially-redox reactions as thermo-kinetically controlled reactions as well as an explicit growth of microbial population, calibrated with metagenomic and metaproteomic data. 

How to cite: Battaglia-Brunet, F., Thouin, H., Moreau, U., Milesi, V., Joulian, C., Tris, H., Charron, M., De Lary de Latour, L., Devau, N., Le Guédard, M., Pible, O., and Le Forestier, L.: Biogeochemical processes driving the fate of arsenic in phytostabilised mine tailings: elaboration of a conceptual model based on multi-scale experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9451,, 2025.

EGU25-11360 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

Removal of Arsenic in a passive treatment system for mine drainage 

Andrew Oroke, Adam Jarvis, Lucia Rodriguez Freire, and Anke Neumann

Mine drainage from abandoned mines is a major source of Arsenic (As); a ubiquitous, toxic and carcinogenic metalloid affecting over 200 million people worldwide. Recently, we observed extensive (up to 90%) co-removal of As in a vertical flow pond (VFP) passive treatment system that was designed to remove zinc from mine water drainage by precipitating ZnS following microbial sulphate reduction. However, the mechanism of As removal in the passive treatment system was unclear, even as microbial sulphate reduction is an emerging and cost-effective innovation for treating As contamination yet has received limited attention. Hence, the aim of this research was to investigate the main mechanism of As removal in the passive treatment system.

To understand the complex biogeochemical interactions of As with redox sensitive elements (Fe, S) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), we conducted monthly field sampling over one year at the passive treatment system at the Force Crag abandoned mine site, Cumbria, UK. Aqueous sample and porewater of three depth profiles including overlying water in the VFP were collected and analysed for total element concentration, speciation (As, Fe) and DOC. Elemental composition was determined with ICP-MS. Speciation of As and Fe in aqueous phase were determined using solid phase extraction cartridges and phenanthroline method respectively, where DOC was determined with TOC Analyser.

The concentration of As (total, dissolved and colloidal) were consistently positively correlated with total, dissolved and colloidal Fe at the influent and four effluents, with concomitant decrease of both elements at the four effluents indicating potential influence of Fe on As mobility. Highest concentration of dissolved As and Fe were recorded in the porewater, which increased with depths, possibly due to vertical transportation and accumulation through the VFP, although highest level of DOC and sulphate in porewater may have caused competitive adsorption with As, resulting to weak retention of As on the binding sites. As(III) and Fe(II) were predominant in all aqueous samples, including the porewater, suggesting, to our surprise, the absence of redox transformations of As and Fe in the  VFP. Decreased As concentrations at the four effluents coincided with decreased redox potentials (anaerobic), decreased sulphate and increased DOC, indicating that organic substrates were available as electron donor and may have fuelled microbial sulphate reduction, and subsequently generating sulphide. Combined with geochemical modelling of mineral saturation indices, our results point to the precipitation of As sulphides and/or co-precipitation with Fe sulphides as the likely mechanism(s) through which As was scavenged in the treatment system. We suggest that this passive treatment system relying on microbial sulphate reduction could be further developed for treatment of As contamination in mine water effluents.

How to cite: Oroke, A., Jarvis, A., Rodriguez Freire, L., and Neumann, A.: Removal of Arsenic in a passive treatment system for mine drainage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11360,, 2025.

EGU25-12773 | Orals | ERE4.1

Preliminary paleostress study of the Kvartsevoe rare metals deposit, East Kazakhstan 

Christophe Pascal, Marina Mizernaya, Tatiana Oitseva, Eldar Salmenbayev, Dastan Tursungaliev, and Oxana Kuzmina

The Kvartsevoe rare metal deposit in East Kazakhstan was discovered in 1967 and is being currently re-evaluated after decades of inactivity. The geology of the area consists mainly of Devonian to Carboniferous metasediments, folded during the latest consolidation phase of the Altai orogen (i.e. Late Carboniferous-Permian) and intruded by series of post-kinematic Permian granites. Metals and elements of economic interest, in particular Lithium, are found in a ~300 m wide and ~700m long pegmatite body, associated with medium-earth biotite granites of phase II of the Kalba complex (i.e. 286±1 Ma). The deposit is represented by a series of pegmatite veins located in one of the projections of the Alypkelsky granite massif, the sedimentary host rocks near the deposit are hornfels of variable metamorphism up to the point of transformation into tourmaline-graphite-quartz-mica hornfels. Numerous quartz veins are found in the close vicinity of the Kvartsevoe deposit. Field observations suggest that the latter veins are genetically linked to the pegmatites. They cross-cut Permian granites and Paleozoic metasediments, show regular trends and typically extend 10s to 100s of metres. We conducted an integrated geochemical-structural study of the veins. Our preliminary results suggest vein emplacement under strike-slip stress regime with NW-SE orientation for the axis of minimum principal stress. The study seems, in addition, to confirm the genetic link between the veins and the pegmatites. Therefore, our findings suggest that the pegmatites were also emplaced under the same stress field. This latter result may be used in the future to predict the orientations of the pegmatites hosting economic metals in the subsurface.

How to cite: Pascal, C., Mizernaya, M., Oitseva, T., Salmenbayev, E., Tursungaliev, D., and Kuzmina, O.: Preliminary paleostress study of the Kvartsevoe rare metals deposit, East Kazakhstan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12773,, 2025.

EGU25-15620 | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Catchment-scale evaluation of potential particulate contaminant dispersion from post-mining sites under the effects of water erosion 

Thomas Grangeon, Rosalie Vandromme, Masson Florian, Sylvain Grangeon, Marion Ferfoglia, Stéphane Lafortune, Monique Terrier, and Olivier Cerdan

The ever-growing demand for critical resources, including metals and metalloids elements, has resulted in a dramatic increase of tailings worldwide. Tailings may contain significant concentration of potentially harmful elements like lead or arsenic. During rainfall events, runoff and associated erosion may result in contaminant dispersion to river systems, which may be particularly deleterious for ecosystems and significantly affect human health. While the massive impact of tailing dam failures has been studied in the literature, much less attention has been paid to estimating the diffuse dispersion from tailings under the effects of rainfall and runoff. Recent works however suggested that it may be a significant risk for populations, considering the significant number of tailings scattered all over the World (Macklin et al., 2023).

In the current study, more than 2000 tailings were inventoried over France. This study proposes to build a methodology to assess both the catchments structural and functional connectivity linking tailings to river channels, in a selected set of catchments located in contrasted environments (i.e. catchments located in lowland, upland and mountainous areas), in France. The proposed methodology makes use of national-scale databases, including rainfall, discharge, and suspended sediment concentration time series as well as catchments characteristics (e.g. morphology and land use). The aim of this study is to encourage discussions on the topic of catchment-scale assessment of contaminant dispersion from mining wastes under the effects of rainfall and runoff. It should ultimately help decision-makers to prioritize tailings for management plan design.


Macklin M.G., Thomas C.J., Mudbhatkal A., Brewer P.A., Hudson-Edwards K.A., Lewin J., Scussolini P., Eilander D., Lechner A., Owen J., Bird G., Kemp D., Mangalaa K.R. (2023). Impacts of metal mining on river systems: a global assessment. Science, 381:1345-1350.

How to cite: Grangeon, T., Vandromme, R., Florian, M., Grangeon, S., Ferfoglia, M., Lafortune, S., Terrier, M., and Cerdan, O.: Catchment-scale evaluation of potential particulate contaminant dispersion from post-mining sites under the effects of water erosion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15620,, 2025.

Smart mining integrates advanced geological, geophysical, and digital technologies—such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and real-time monitoring—into traditional mining operations. This paradigm shift enhances efficiency, safety, and sustainability by enabling precise resource extraction, optimized resource management, and reduced environmental impact. As the mining industry faces challenges like resource depletion and environmental constraints, the adoption of smart mining methods becomes crucial for sustainable operations.

Central to smart mining is a high-accuracy, high-resolution, and time-lapse geological model (HHT geological model), which provides critical data for applications such as adaptive mining path planning, resource management, hazard assessment, and operational monitoring. Current geological models, while effective in some automated mining processes, lack dynamic coupling with mining equipment and disaster simulation tools, limiting their real-time applicability.

To address these limitations, we propose an integrated workflow to construct the HHT geological model: (1) Geophysical Exploration and Interpretation: Using multi-modal geophysical techniques (e.g., well logs, seismic surveys, transient electromagnetics), we invert geological properties (e.g., seismic impedance, wave speed, resistivity) and interpret structural features such as horizons, faults, voids, rock facies, and mineral boundaries. (2) Model Generation: Employing Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) methods to create a detailed 3D geological framework. (3) Dynamic Updates via Continuous Monitoring: Utilizing data from seismic while mining (SWM), 4D seismic, and joint microseismic-electromagnetic monitoring to update the geological model as mining progresses.

The Key Innovations of our proposed workflow have three aspects: (1) we integrate geological, petrological, seismic, and electromagnetic data, combined with mining-induced seismic events, machinery running parameters, and video/image recognition technologies to enable high-resolution imaging and detection of coal seam thickness, fault zones, goaf areas, and subsidence columns, providing a comprehensive understanding of geological structures. (2) We apply Seismic While Mining (SWM) technology, which acquires continuous seismic data during mining operations, processed through reverse-time migration, cross-correlation, denoising, and source wavelet extraction, to dynamically image geological changes. A six-component seismometer further enhances constraints via virtual sonic well logging. (3) We apply the Real-time TIN regeneration method which incorporates the discrepancies between SWM-derived images and the prior model, ensuring accurate updates during mining.

We tested the platform in an underground coal mine near Erdos, Inner Mongolia, China, the SWM method successfully identified faults along a tunnel, later confirmed by mining reports. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrated HHT geological model in revealing hidden geological features.

In conclusion, the HHT geological modeling is fundamental for realizing true smart mining. Merging multi-source geophysical data establishes a reliable seismic baseline, while the SWM system provides critical real-time monitoring of roof deformation, stress distribution, water infiltration, and rock bursts. The integration of these methods is essential to achieving a "transparent geological model" and advancing towards sustainable and intelligent mining practices.

How to cite: Zhou, T.: Towards Smart Mining: An Integrated Process for High-Accuracy, High-Resolution, and Time-Lapse Geological Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15713,, 2025.

EGU25-15851 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Vegetation on Infiltration in Soil Covers of Potash Tailings Piles 

Felipe Edgardo Silva Monsalves and Thomas Graf

Potash tailings piles from the mining of potassium salts present considerable environmental challenges concerning surface and groundwater. Uncovered piles are primarily composed of saline residues such as sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride. To mitigate the interaction between saline residues and rainwater, some piles have been covered by different soil types in some regions of the world, including Germany, to act as a physical barrier to prevent water-salt contact. In this way, the amount of infiltrated water is reduced, thereby reducing the amount of salts that can be leached and transported to the underlying water bodies. The extent to which the soil cover prevents the contact of infiltrated rainwater will depend on the hydraulic parameters of each soil type, how many soil layers make up the overall soil cover, how the soil layers are distributed, and on the hydrological situation of each region. While climatic factors such as precipitation are fundamental controlling factors, the type and distribution of vegetation play a crucial role in the efficiency of the pile cover. The objective of this research is therefore to quantify the effect of vegetation on infiltration and evapotranspiration in a vegetated soil cover over a hypothetical potash tailings pile by numerical simulation. For this purpose, different types of vegetation are analyzed, represented by their hydrological parameters leaf area index, depth and root density. The seasonal variations of the vegetation represented by temporally changing parameter values are also taken into consideration. Different depths of the cultivation layer for vegetation, the stabilization layer, the drainage layer and the sealing layer are regarded. The numerical simulation is carried out with the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS), a software which allows surface-subsurface coupling through continuity conditions of pressure in both zones. The software solves the diffusion wave equation for surface flow and Richard’s equation for the subsurface flow. Additionally, ATS implements the Priestley-Taylor model for potential evapotranspiration. Together with vegetation parameters, this enables the calculation of actual evapotranspiration and, subsequently, the water balance of the soil cover. Results from 2D simulations demonstrate the ability of the model to represent the relevant coupled processes outlined above. The simulated infiltration patterns provide valuable insights for optimizing cover design and vegetation selection, contributing to the development of more effective solutions for groundwater protection in potash tailings piles areas.

How to cite: Silva Monsalves, F. E. and Graf, T.: Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Vegetation on Infiltration in Soil Covers of Potash Tailings Piles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15851,, 2025.

EGU25-16097 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

A Cutting-Edge Framework for Sustainable Phosphate Waste Characterization Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning 

Abdelhak El Mansour, Ahmed Laamrani, Abdellatif Elghali, Rachid Hakkou, and Mostafa Benzaazoua


Management of phosphate mine waste rock piles (PWRPs) is a critical challenge in the mining industry, particularly in regions like Morocco, which holds the world’s largest phosphate reserves. To this end, there is a need for an approach that focuses on real-time monitoring of waste rock heterogeneity, enabling more efficient resource recovery and environmental management. This study proposes a novel, multi-scale approach that integrates hyperspectral imaging, field spectroscopy, and explainable machine learning (XML) to characterize and map the mineralogical diversity of PWRPs at the Benguerir mine.  A total of 103 samples were collected from waste rock piles across an area of approximately 60 km², representing the full spectrum of mineralogical variability. Handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was conducted on the all the samples and revealed the dominance of SiO₂ (29.51 wt% ± 12.42), CaO (30.16 wt% ± 10.17), and P₂O₅ (7.23 wt% ± 4.21). These XRF analyses indicated the presence of silicate, carbonate, and phosphate-bearing materials. These findings were complemented by both PRISMA hyperspectral imaging, which captured spectral data across the visible to shortwave infrared (VSWIR) range. precise calibration and validation of the remote sensing outputs were conducted using field spectroscopy using the ASD FieldSpec 4 spectroradiometer.

To address the complexity of the spectral data, we developed an explainable machine learning framework based on SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This framework not only improved classification accuracy (achieving 0.92 overall accuracy) but also provided interpretable insights into the spectral features driving mineral identification. Our results showed that the used model successfully differentiated four main waste rock categories: carbonate-rich, phosphate-rich, clay-dominated, and siliceous materials. The resulting maps offer a practical tool for real-time waste management and resource recovery. For instance, carbonate-rich materials, characterized by high CaO content, can be identified or used for construction applications, while phosphate-rich zones, with elevated P₂O₅ levels, can be flagged for potential recovery and further processing. This targeted approach ensures that waste materials are repurposed efficiently, aligning with circular economy principles. The study highlights the potential for automated, spectroscopy-based monitoring systems to support sustainable mining practices. Overall, this study demonstrates the power of combining cutting-edge remote sensing technologies with explainable machine learning to address the challenges of phosphate waste rock characterization. The methodology provides a scalable, cost-effective solution for mining operations worldwide, with significant implications for environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and circular economy initiatives.

Keywords: Phosphate mine waste, Hyperspectral imaging, Field spectroscopy, Explainable machine learning (XML), Sustainable mining.

How to cite: El Mansour, A., Laamrani, A., Elghali, A., Hakkou, R., and Benzaazoua, M.: A Cutting-Edge Framework for Sustainable Phosphate Waste Characterization Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16097,, 2025.

EGU25-16370 | Orals | ERE4.1

Advancing Multivariate Simulations using Non-Euclidean Metrics 

Andrew Pavlides, Maria Despoina Koltsidopoulou, Maria Chrysanthi, and Emmanouil Varouchakis

Multivariate data analysis in natural resources exploration can be beneficial for each variable investigated as the correlation between the variables increases the prediction accuracy and reduces the error variance. Geostatistical modeling of mineral deposits often encounters challenges in accurately representing spatial dependencies, particularly in complex geological formations and irregular sampling grids. While traditional Euclidean distances are commonly used, they may not adequately capture spatial relationships in such scenarios. Non-Euclidean distances, such as Manhattan and Chebyshev metrics, as well as geodesic distance (like a sphere manifold), offer alternative solutions that may better accommodate spatial fields with complex sampling grids. Such distances however may result in non-positive definite (thus not invertible) covariance matrices. This is further complicated when dealing with multivariate random fields as the resulting covariance-cross-covariance matrix may not be positive-definitive even in the Euclidean distance.

This study builds on prior research to evaluate spatial dependencies for Aluminum (Al) and Zinc (Zn) concentrations in geochemical datasets under both Euclidean and non-Euclidean distance metrics. The data values have undergone Gaussian Anamorphosis with the previously introduced CDKC method. The recently introduced Harmonic Covariance Estimation (HCE) model is applied to generate covariance structures for co-kriging predictions, as well as multivariate simulations. Such simulations can assist in exploring the uncertainty of estimation (for example the 90% confidence interval) after the back-transform. The ability of HCE to maintain positive-definite cross-covariance matrices is a critical focus, particularly in multivariate simulations.

In addition, this work investigates a separate dataset from a mine in Ireland, which includes Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) concentrations. Here, the anisotropic form of the HCE model introduced and then applied in Euclidean space to account for directional dependencies. The performance of anisotropic HCE is then compared to kriging predictions using non-anisotropic HCE with non-Euclidean distances (Chebyshev, Manhattan, Spherical Manifold). This analysis aims to determine whether correcting for anisotropy or adopting non-Euclidean metrics yields better performance in this particular dataset, although more studies are required to reach a conclusion on the matter.

The investigation results indicate that the HCE model results in invertible, positive-definite matrices that can be used for simulations and predictions with non-Euclidean distances, offering insights into optimizing spatial modeling for irregular datasets and complex deposit structures.


The research project is implemented in the framework of H.F.R.I call “Basic research Financing (Horizontal support of all Sciences)” under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0” funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (H.F.R.I. Project Number: 16537)

How to cite: Pavlides, A., Koltsidopoulou, M. D., Chrysanthi, M., and Varouchakis, E.: Advancing Multivariate Simulations using Non-Euclidean Metrics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16370,, 2025.

EGU25-17455 | Orals | ERE4.1

Automated mineral sensing for robotic miners: the ROBOMINERS perception payload 

Christian Burlet and Giorgia Stasi

ROBOMINERS (Bio-Inspired, Modular and Reconfigurable Robot Miners, Grant Agreement No. 820971, was a European project funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The project aimed to test and demonstrate new mining and sensing technologies on a small robot-miner prototype (~1-2T) designed to target unconventional and uneconomical mineral deposits (technology readiness level 4 to 5).

As part of the ROBOMINERS sensors payload development, a set of mineralogical and geophysical sensors were designed to provide the necessary data to achieve “selective mining”, the ability to reduce mining waste production and to increase productivity of small mining machines. The robot should have the ability to react and adapt in real time to geological changes as it progresses through a mineralized body. The perception payload technologies demonstrated in the project are based on reflectance/fluorescence spectroscopy, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and Electrical Resistivity Tomography.

The field trials of the sensors have been carried out in the entrance of abandoned mine (baryte and lead mine, Ave-et-Auffe, Belgium), as well as in an open pit mine (bituminous shales mine in Kunda, Estonia) and in an underground lead mine (Mezica, Slovenia). These tests allowed to demonstrate the effectiveness of these sensors to provide realtime to sub-realtime mineralogical and geophysical data to a robotic drilling platform, paving the way for more autonomy in robotized mining machines.

How to cite: Burlet, C. and Stasi, G.: Automated mineral sensing for robotic miners: the ROBOMINERS perception payload, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17455,, 2025.

EGU25-17917 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Stabilizing hazardous mine waste in alkali-activated geopolymers for pollution mitigation at abandoned mining sites 

Jihene Nouairi, Slavka Andrejkovičová, Omaima Karoui, Tiago Pinho, Rafael Rebelo, Gil Gonçalves, Angelo Camerlenghi, Mounir Ghribi, and Fernando Rocha

The use of alkali-activated materials presents a sustainable approach to replacing conventional construction resources while promoting waste valorization, in line with the goals of the blue economy for environmentally responsible development. This study explores the innovative use of mine waste (MW) from an abandoned lead-zinc (Pb-Zn) mining site in Northern Tunisia as a cost-effective, high-adsorption additive in the production of metakaolin-based geopolymers. Metakaolin (sourced from Vicente Pereira, Ovar, Portugal) was partially substituted with MW in varying proportions (0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%). The geopolymer formulations maintained constant molar ratios of SiO₂/Al₂O₃ and Na₂O/Al₂O₃ at 1 to minimize the use of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide, leading to the development of environmentally friendly geopolymers with a reduced carbon footprint.

The study assessed how the incorporation of MW influences the geopolymers' microstructure, mechanical strength, and ability to adsorb methylene blue dye. Chemical analysis of MW revealed elevated concentrations of hazardous elements, up to 2.23 wt.% Pb and 8.2 wt.% Zn, highlighting the importance of stabilizing these elements to prevent environmental contamination. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) indicated varying degrees of geopolymerization across different formulations, predominantly featuring amorphous phases. After 28 days of curing, samples with 5 wt.% and 10 wt.% MW exhibited the highest compressive strengths of 25 MPa and 30 MPa, respectively.

The adsorption capacity of the developed geopolymers was evaluated using Methylene Blue (MB) dye, with experiments focusing on the effects of adsorbent dosage and contact time. Adsorption kinetics closely followed the pseudo-second-order model, while the Langmuir isotherm model best described the adsorption behavior. Notably, samples with 30 wt.% and 0 wt.% MW achieved the highest adsorption capacities, demonstrating the beneficial role of MW in enhancing the properties of alkali-activated metakaolin geopolymers and its potential to partially substitute metakaolin.

How to cite: Nouairi, J., Andrejkovičová, S., Karoui, O., Pinho, T., Rebelo, R., Gonçalves, G., Camerlenghi, A., Ghribi, M., and Rocha, F.: Stabilizing hazardous mine waste in alkali-activated geopolymers for pollution mitigation at abandoned mining sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17917,, 2025.

EGU25-18583 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Geodatabase of Sinkholes in the the Post-Mining Area of the Brown Coal Mine “Babina” (W Poland) 

Natalia Walerysiak and Jan Blachowski

Post-mining sites are prone to complex processes related to the ceased mining and disturbance of the rock mass around the excavations. Therefore, such sites require continuous monitoring to minimize threats associated with, e.g. occurrence of often unexpected discontinuous deformations such as sinkholes. This study focuses on the development and analysis of a database of sinkholes in the former “Babina” brown coal mine in Western Poland. The mine site is located in the SW part of the complex glaciotectonic area of the “Muskau Arch”. It was subjected to long-term open-pit and shallow underground mining. The primary objective of the study is to create a comprehensive database of sinkholes, based on analysis of differential digital elevation model and derivatives of digital elevation model such as slope and hillshade maps. The structure of the database includes dependent variables such as geographical location and dimensions of sinkholes, as well as parameters representing potential causative factors including: geological, mining, geophysical and topographical characteristics (exploratory variables). It will be used to analyse and model the relationship of sinkhole occurrence with potential causative factors of their occurrence in the project no. 2021/43/B/ST10/02157.

The geodatabase was developed using ArcGIS software from ESRI, encompassing information on more than 230 identified sinkholes. Each sinkhole in the database is comprehensively described by a range of attributes. The exploratory variables include total depth of mining, distance to the first underground level, distance to shafts and adits, location of brown coal outcrops locally named gizers, proximity to coal seams (geological mining factors). Among the topographical factors the following attributes have been stored: slope of the terrain, distances to former open pits, anthropogenic lakes and waste heaps, land cover types. The geophysical data include results of gravimetric observations (anomalies in the gravitational field). Whereas, the hydrogeological data include results of underground water modelling.

The construction of the database was done by using advanced spatial data processing tools such as Map Algebra Statistics and Surface Functions, as well as extract value to feature tools. These functions were used to calculate and to extract raster values associated with location of sinkholes in addition distance tools where used to determine parameters derived from vector data that include for example database of underground working.

The dataset was subjected to a comprehensive statistical analysis, which included developing descriptive statistics encompassing histograms of the values of dependent variables (sinkhole parameters) and independent variables (factors potentially influencing the formation of deformations). An exploratory data analysis was also conducted to determine correlations between variables.

The results of the study have allowed analysing weighted spatial distribution of sinkholes in the post-ming area. The weights included parameters of sinkholes. Further research is aimed at developing predictive models with a machine learning approach. The models will be used to identify areas prone to future sinkhole formation.

The results of the study confirm the complexity of post-mining impacts and the necessity for further detailed analysis of the changes taking place in the study area.

The research has been financed from the OPUS National Science Centre projects grants no. 2019/33/B/ST10/02975 and no. 2021/43/B/ST10/02157.

How to cite: Walerysiak, N. and Blachowski, J.: Geodatabase of Sinkholes in the the Post-Mining Area of the Brown Coal Mine “Babina” (W Poland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18583,, 2025.

EGU25-18653 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

UTLD: An Underground Thermal and LiDAR Dataset for Depth Estimation 

Zhihua Xu, Jiaxuan Lin, Qingxia Ye, and Zengyi Guo
  • Introduction

Depth estimation is a crucial task in photogrammetry and computer vision. The underground scenes, characterized by low-light conditions, high dusty, and narrow structures, pose challenges in depth estimation using existing visual-based datasets. We provide an Underground Thermal image and Lidar Dataset (UTLD) for depth estimation over underground scenes. It contains stereo thermal images and the corresponding point clouds achieved by stereo laser scanners over three different underground mines. We tested some monocular depth estimation methods on the UTLD dataset to highlight the challenges and opportunities. Figures 1-2 show the acquisition scenes and platforms, respectively.

Figure. 1. UTLD dataset real collection environment

Figure. 2. Data Collection Platform

  • Method Testing

We selected four existing monocular depth estimation methods, each implemented using their official source codes. Figure 3 compares the depth maps of different mathods on the dataset. The methods predict large objects well but struggle with distant targets and fine-grained details. Nevertheless, they capture the geometric structures. Besides, we presents the evaluation metrics for these methods on the UTLD dataset, where the PixelFormer method achieves the best performances (not included in the text).


Figure. 3. Depth maps of different methods on the UTLD dataset.

  • Conclusion & Prospects

This study introduces the UTLD dataset and validates the feasibility of monocular depth estimation methods in underground mines. In future work, we will improve the image quality under high dust underground scenes. Besides, semantic segmentation will be involved to promote the practical adoption of vision systems in smart applications of underground mines.

How to cite: Xu, Z., Lin, J., Ye, Q., and Guo, Z.: UTLD: An Underground Thermal and LiDAR Dataset for Depth Estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18653,, 2025.

EGU25-18711 * | Orals | ERE4.1 | Highlight

Invisible Mining: A Novel Approach to Addressing EU Critical Raw Materials Challenges 

Marko Komac, Vitor Correia, and Eberhard Falck


The European Union faces significant challenges in securing critical raw materials (CRM) while balancing environmental protection, public acceptance, and technological innovation. This research examines how innovative "invisible mining" approaches, enabled by advances in robotics and miniaturisation, could help resolve conflicts between mineral extraction needs and environmental preservation goals, particularly in the context of the EU's Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA). This paper addresses the growing tension between increased raw material demand for green technologies and the EU's stringent environmental protection mandates.



We analysed the intersection of technological innovation, policy frameworks, and social acceptance through a comprehensive review of EU-funded research projects in mining automation and robotics. We evaluated six major research initiatives from 2011-2026, examining their technological developments and potential applications. The analysis incorporates findings from case studies of mining operations in environmentally sensitive areas and assesses the viability of emerging business models in the mining sector. Special attention was given to projects developing autonomous robotic systems for underground operations and advanced sensing technologies for precise mineral extraction.



The research identifies four key transformative elements for successful implementation of invisible mining: (1) technological advances in robotics and miniaturisation enabling precise, low-impact extraction through smaller diameter galleries and reduced waste rock production; (2) comprehensive and integrated resource recovery principles maximising resource efficiency while minimising environmental disturbance; (3) materials-as-a-service business models creating circular resource loops and transforming mining companies from mere extractors to long-term material stewards; and (4) development of new workforce competencies in advanced cognitive domains such as robotics, data science, and environmental management. The analysis reveals that more than 80% of CRM deposits in Europe are located near or within environmentally protected areas, highlighting the urgent need for innovative extraction approaches. Additionally, the study demonstrates how autonomous mining systems can operate in narrow drifts without human presence, eliminating the need for extensive ventilation and drainage systems.



The findings demonstrate that invisible mining, characterised by minimal surface disturbance and environmental impact, represents a viable solution to the EU's raw materials challenges. This approach, combined with new business models and advanced technologies, could significantly increase public acceptance of mining activities while meeting the EU's resource needs. Success requires a fundamental transformation of the mining sector, encompassing technological innovation, business model evolution, and workforce development. The research suggests that invisible mining could enable the coexistence of resource extraction and environmental protection, particularly in sensitive areas, while supporting the EU's transition to a green economy. The study emphasises that this transformation demands sustained investment in robotics research, development of circular economy practices, and reimagining of traditional mining business models to create a more sustainable and socially acceptable mining industry.

How to cite: Komac, M., Correia, V., and Falck, E.: Invisible Mining: A Novel Approach to Addressing EU Critical Raw Materials Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18711,, 2025.

EGU25-19608 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

The PERSEPHONE project: Autonomous Exploration and Extraction of Deep Mineral Deposits 

Akash Patel, Anton Koval, Sumeet Gajanan Satpute, George Nikolakopoulos, Christian Burlet, and Giorgia Stasi

PERSEPHONE is a Horizon Europe project (Grant Agreement No.101138451) dedicated to autonomous exploration and extraction of deep mineral deposits. The project has been created in support to the increasing demand for raw materials, which compel European mining companies to extract ore at greater depths. In this framework, current mining operations and traditional technologies face significant challenges in maintaining profitability while aligning with the European Green Deal's environmental objectives and ensuring worker safety. 

To address these challenges and enable sustainable development, PERSEPHONE focuses on developing innovative technologies for resource-efficient extraction and near-mine exploration of critical raw materials. PERSEPHONE’s vision includes reducing the scale of mining equipment to optimize operations in challenging environments, integrating autonomous systems for risk-aware navigation, and digitalization of the extraction process. A key innovation is the creation of digital twins, supported by the validation of key enabling technologies at Technology Readiness Level 5 (TRL 5). Additionally, the project introduces groundbreaking approaches to online near-mine exploration, core analysis, and advanced data analytics for mine expansion and decision support. 

In the first half of the project, several of its key technologies have been tested in the laboratory and controlled underground environments at mine sites. More specifically, the initial tests of autonomy stack for high accuracy navigation have been carried out. Additionally, a multispectral camera has been integrated with a developed autonomy package that combines 3D LiDAR and RGB-D camera. This payload has been mounted on the Unitree robotic platform for the initial combined data collection. 

Ultimately, PERSEPHONE aims to digitalize and automate the mining value chain, advancing towards sustainable, efficient, and safe exploration and extraction practices. The project contributes significantly to achieving the EU’s critical raw material goals while supporting the transition to a greener economy. 

How to cite: Patel, A., Koval, A., Satpute, S. G., Nikolakopoulos, G., Burlet, C., and Stasi, G.: The PERSEPHONE project: Autonomous Exploration and Extraction of Deep Mineral Deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19608,, 2025.

EGU25-19825 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.1

Assessing SWIR and MWIR Hyperspectral Imaging for Rapid Estimation of P2O5 Distribution in Sedimentary Phosphate Drill Cores 

Mohamed Mazigh, Otmane Raji, and Mostafa Benzaazoua

Sedimentary phosphate rocks are crucial for global food security, contributing to over 90% of the fertilizer industry's needs. However, their exploration and mining face significant challenges due to substantial horizontal and vertical variations in phosphorus concentrations within the strata. Traditional characterization methods are time-consuming and costly, requiring complex sample preparation, which often limits the spatial resolution of measurements across the ore body. On the other hand, infrared hyperspectral core scanning has emerged as a proven technique for rapid characterization of mineral assemblages along drill cores, which by leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, offers a powerful tool for predicting geochemical variations. In this context, our study aims to assess the ability of hyperspectral infrared imagery to rapidly quantify the distribution of P₂O₅ in phosphate drill cores using a non-destructive methodology. For this, a ~65-meter drill core from the phosphatic series of Ben Guerir (Morocco) was analyzed. P₂O₅ measurements were acquired using a Thermo Fisher XL5 portable XRF (pXRF), and hyperspectral images were collected using a SPECIM SisuROCK core-scanner with SWIR (1000–2500 nm) and MWIR (2700–5200 nm) cameras. To predict P₂O₅ concentrations from infrared spectra recorded in hyperspectral imagery, we explored a direct method, using high-performing machine learning algorithms trained on a ~5-meter drill core dataset. When applied to the whole drill core dataset, the machine learning algorithms—Random Forest Regressor, KernelRidge Regressor, Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Regressor, and K-Nearest Neighbors— reported good predictive performance with strong correlations of 78%, 78.2%, 67.1%, 74.9%, and 68.7% in the SWIR region and 81.2%, 83%, 80.2%, 83.24%, and 82% in the MWIR region, respectively. Direct estimation of P₂O₅ using the Support Victor Regression model on MWIR imagery thus represents a more effective approach, offering significant potential for P₂O₅ chemical mapping and improved phosphorus resource estimation with a low mean absolute error of 3.29. Further improvements could be achieved by employing a larger training dataset and deep learning algorithms.

How to cite: Mazigh, M., Raji, O., and Benzaazoua, M.: Assessing SWIR and MWIR Hyperspectral Imaging for Rapid Estimation of P2O5 Distribution in Sedimentary Phosphate Drill Cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19825,, 2025.

EGU25-19998 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.1

Assesment for Water Flow and Solute Transport in Tailings Piles: a numerical modeling to design an artificial tracer test 

Wilfredo Puelles-Ramírez, Anne Jost, Pierre L'Hermite, Michael Descostes, Benoît Reilé, and Valérie Plagnes

The former uranium mine, Le Cellier, located in South of France, offers an opportunity to investigate the unsaturated flow and solute transport through a tailings pile resulting from heap leaching under real-world conditions (Ouedraogo et al., 2022; L’Hermite et al., 2024). Numerical simulations of one of the tailings pile were conducted to model the dynamics of the water flow. In order to tackle quality issues and to validate the hydrogeological model, we plan to make an artificial tracing test experiment. We developed a solute transport model for this pile to help the design of this experiment that will be carried out in the next future.

Conceptual one-dimensional (1D) systems representing the pile were simulated using the HYDRUS code for flow and conservative transport. The first results show that the model generates breakthrough curves exhibiting the same dynamics, irrespective of the top concentration of the injected dissolved solute. High values of hydraulic conductivity and longitudinal dispersivity accelerates solute transport, resulting in higher concentration peaks. Dual-porosity models yield significantly shorter residence times compared to single-porosity models, particularly during dry periods. The impact of climatic conditions before and during the tracer injection as well as the injection method have been also evaluated with this model.   

These findings suggest that artificial tracer experiments in the studied pile should be conducted under wet conditions and give useful information for the field implementation of the test. This simulation approach provides valuable insights for designing effective and realistic tracer test experiments. Our study shows that this type of field and modeling approach of tracer testing can help in mine water management strategies.

How to cite: Puelles-Ramírez, W., Jost, A., L'Hermite, P., Descostes, M., Reilé, B., and Plagnes, V.: Assesment for Water Flow and Solute Transport in Tailings Piles: a numerical modeling to design an artificial tracer test, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19998,, 2025.

EGU25-21220 | Orals | ERE4.1

Assessing the Critical Raw Materials potential in Europe to support the energy transition. 

Guillaume Bertrand, Capucine Albert, and Alex Vella

The energy transition imposes to Europe the crucial challenge of securing a sustainable supply of critical raw materials (CRMs). The European Union's Critical Raw Materials Act represents a strategic response to this challenge, aiming to strengthen Europe's supply chain resilience and reduce dependence on foreign imports for materials essential to green technologies. Assessing Europe's domestic potential for CRMs is fundamental to achieving the Act's objectives of securing 10% of the EU's annual consumption through domestic extraction by 2030. This evaluation becomes particularly vital as demand for these materials is projected to surge with the widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems.

In this context, European geological survey organizations (GSOs) play a key role, at national to EU levels. The EU-funded GSEU – Geological Service for Europe project, coordinated by EuroGeoSurveys, an international organization that brings together Europeans GSOs, aims at providing harmonized pan-European geoscientific data and expertise to support policy and decision making. The Raw Materials team, coordinated by BRGM, the French geological survey organization, has compiled a harmonized dataset of CRM deposits in Europe, controlled and updated by all national data providers, based on the 2023 CRM list of the European Commission. This dataset allows to assess and map the geological potential for CRM in Europe, globaly, per country and per commodity.

In addition to a harmonized and updated knowledge on the geological potential in Europe, mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) plays a pivotal role by identifying areas with high potential for the discovery of new CRM deposits. Based on the harmonized dataset of CRM deposits in Europe produced by the GSEU Raw Materials team, the 1 to 1.5M lithostratigraphic and structural maps of Europe and a new data driven MPM method combining the DBA (Disc Based Association) data aggregation approach and Random Forest regression, we have produced pan-European prospectivity maps for a selection of CRM (Co, Cu, Li, Ni, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sb, Ta, V, W). These maps provide crucial information to both industry stakeholders and policymakers. They reduce exploration risks and costs by highlighting promising areas for detailed investigation, and they enable informed decisions about land use, environmental protection and resource management strategies.

In this presentation, we briefly describe the CRM deposits dataset compiled by the GSEU Raw Materials team, the maps and potential assessments for CRM in Europe, and the pan-European mineral prospectivity maps for selected critical commodities. We also briefly present the methodologies that were used to develop these products and discuss future developments of this work.

How to cite: Bertrand, G., Albert, C., and Vella, A.: Assessing the Critical Raw Materials potential in Europe to support the energy transition., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21220,, 2025.

EGU25-21303 | Orals | ERE4.1

A continent-scale data-driven approach to map Critical Raw Materials potential in Europe 

Alex Vella, Guillaume Bertrand, Charles Gumiaux, and Capucine Albert

The energy transition presents a crucial challenge to Europe, with the necessity of securing a sustainable supply of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) as specified in the European Union's Critical Raw Materials Act. Reaching the goal set by the Act of securing 10% of the EU's annual consumption through domestic extraction by 2030 requires the assessment of Europe’s domestic potential for CRMs. The collection of available data regarding the known CRMs potential throughout Europe is needed to perform this assessment. This data collection allows to perform mineral potential mapping to highlight areas with potential for the discovery of new CRM deposits.

The EU-funded GSEU – Geological Service for Europe project, coordinated by EuroGeoSurveys, an international organization that brings together Europeans geological survey organizations, aims at providing harmonized pan-European geoscientific data and expertise to support policy and decision making. As part of this project, mineral prospectivity mapping methods are applied to outline areas with the highest likelihood to host potential mineralization. They allowed the production of pan-European prospectivity maps for a selection of CRM (Co, Cu, Li, Ni, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sb, Ta, V, W). Favorability maps highlight promising areas for mineral exploration, improving exploration benefit/costs ratio, reducing its environmental footprint and enabling informed decisions about land use, environmental protection, and resource management strategies. They provide crucial information to both industry stakeholders and policymakers.

These maps are produced using the “Disc-Based Association” (DBA) method in combination with a Random Forest supervised classification. This predominantly data-driven approach leverages spatial analysis and machine learning techniques to delineate prospective zones for mineral exploration, specifically targeting CRMs. The DBA method analyses neighboring associations of cartographic features over the studied area, producing a unique matrix presenting the multivariate features identified around each sample point. The Random Forest classification allows scoring of each sample points through a binary classification. The first class consist of sample points in the vicinity of known mineralization, accessed through the harmonized dataset of CRM deposits provided by the GSEU Raw Materials team, while the second class are all the other sample points. The classification process results in each point being given a score, displaying the favorability of an area for mineral exploration. The result of this classification allows the definition of favorable areas for mineral exploration throughout Europe.

In this presentation, we describe the methodology used to produce the favorability maps for CRMs in Europe using the data compiled by the GSEU Raw Materials team. We present some of the resulting favorability maps and discuss future developments and application of this methodology.

How to cite: Vella, A., Bertrand, G., Gumiaux, C., and Albert, C.: A continent-scale data-driven approach to map Critical Raw Materials potential in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21303,, 2025.

EGU25-484 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Permeability of oolitic limestones from the Upper Rhine Graben 

Sarvar Mammadov, Patrick Baud, Michael Heap, Mathieu Schuster, and Thierry Reuschle

The Grande Oolithe is an oolitic limestone from the Middle Jurassic, present at various depths within the Upper Rhine Graben (Alsace, France). It has been identified as a prospective target for geothermal energy extraction. A comprehensive evaluation of the geothermal potential of this formation hinges on a detailed understanding of its mechanical and physical properties, in particular permeability. Previous studies on porous carbonates highlighted the diversity and the microstructural complexity of this rock type. Permeability could be strongly influenced in particular by the degree of cementation and the proportion of macro and micropores in limestones, which often have a dual porosity structure. To identify the parameters controlling fluid flow in the Grande Oolithe, we initiated a systematic study to map its permeability over the entire Upper Rhine Graben and quantify its possible variations with pressure.

Cylindrical samples were prepared from 18 blocks collected from several outcrops in Alsace. Porosity measured on 90 samples span from 4 to 26% for the different blocks, while permeability was found to range from 10⁻15 to 10⁻18 m². Our preliminary microstructural analysis and X-ray Computed Tomography data revealed a high degree of cementation in most of our samples and that the pore space is dominated by micropores, mostly of submicron sizes. For high-pressure experiments, we targeted so far the high-porosity/high permeability end-members, from Bouxwiller (GO) and Gueberschwihr (GU), with respective porosity of 25 and 20%. Both limestones are made of 99% calcite. Conventional triaxial experiments were performed at room temperature on water-saturated samples, in drained conditions with a constant pore pressure of 10 MPa and at effective pressures up to 100 MPa. The experiments were performed at a constant strain rate of 10-5 s-1 and permeability was measured using steady-state flow technique at different stages of deformation.

Under hydrostatic compression, permeability was found to decrease moderately in both GO and GU during the poroelastic stage and then more significantly beyond the onset of pore-collapse. The total permeability decrease was more pronounced in GO than in GU. At an effective pressure of 100 MPa, inelastic compaction resulted in a permeability reduction of a factor 15 in GO and a factor 4 in GU, while respective porosity reduction was 7.8% and 2.5%. Under triaxial compression, the permeability measured in samples deformed at various effective pressures showed somehow similar variations, in qualitative agreement with previous studies on permeability in porous carbonates under triaxial compression.

How to cite: Mammadov, S., Baud, P., Heap, M., Schuster, M., and Reuschle, T.: Permeability of oolitic limestones from the Upper Rhine Graben, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-484,, 2025.

Porous reservoir rocks like sandstones have gained utmost importance in the last decade as a potential sink for CO2. Most of the targeted reservoirs are depleted oil and gas fields, which have caprocks to ensure the containment of the injected CO2. Injecting CO2 into porous reservoirs increases the pore pressure, reducing the effective horizontal and vertical stresses. Depending on the pre-injection stress condition and permeability of the reservoir, careful monitoring should be in place to define the upper limit of CO2 injection pressure to prevent any permanent damage to the reservoir, which can lead to leakage or induced seismicity. Lab-scale experiments provide key insights into the deformation behaviour of reservoir rocks under different stress conditions, which can be upscaled to understand reservoir-scale processes. To simulate the stress perturbation caused by CO2 injection operations, we have subjected porous reservoir rocks (core plugs) collected from different depths of offshore North Sea under realistic reservoir stress and saturation conditions, with liquid CO2 flow-through leading to failure. The P and S wave velocities along the core plugs were recorded every 15 s to assess the change in wave properties during deformation, fluid displacement and pore pressure build-up. It was observed that during each loading cycle, wave velocities are highest at the elastic-plastic transition zone, which can be attributed to the compression of pores and closure of microcracks perpendicular to the loading direction. The wave velocities and amplitudes decrease sharply after the onset of plastic deformation, which can be attributed to the formation of microcracks in the coreplug due to increasing load. During displacement of brine with CO2, velocities and amplitudes drop sharply. These indicators are used to develop a traffic light scenario for CCS operations to maintain safe stress conditions in the reservoir. The consistent correlation between the wave properties and mechanical response of the reservoir rocks reveals that constant monitoring of wave velocities during CO2 injection can act as a cheaper and more efficient tool for monitoring stress state and plume movement in the reservoir, facilitating safer CO2 storage operations.

How to cite: Chandra, D. and Barnhoorn, A.: Applicability of sonic velocities as a monitoring tool for subsurface CO2 plume migration and associated stress change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1802,, 2025.

EGU25-2171 | Orals | EMRP1.2

Compaction and permeability evolution of tuffs from the Krafla geothermal system (Iceland) 

Michael Heap, Kamal Bayramov, Gabriel Meyer, Marie Violay, Thierry Reuschlé, Patrick Baud, Albert Gilg, Claire Harnett, Alexandra Kushnir, Francesco Lazari, and Anette Mortensen

Pressure and stress perturbations associated with volcanic activity and geothermal production can modify the porosity and permeability of volcanic rock, influencing hydrothermal convection, the distribution of pore fluids and pressures, and the ease of magma outgassing. However, porosity and permeability data for volcanic rock as a function of pressure and stress are rare. We focus here on three porous tuffs from the Krafla geothermal system (Iceland). Triaxial deformation experiments showed that, despite their very similar porosities, the mechanical behavior of the three tuffs differs. Tuffs with a greater abundance of phyllosilicates and zeolites require lower stresses for inelastic behavior. Under hydrostatic conditions, porosity and permeability decrease as a function of increasing effective pressure, with larger decreases measured at pressures above that required for cataclastic pore collapse. During differential loading in the ductile regime, permeability evolution depends on initial microstructure, particularly the initial void space tortuosity. Cataclastic pore collapse can disrupt the low-tortuosity porosity structure of high-permeability tuffs, reducing permeability, but does not particularly influence the already tortuous porosity structure of low-permeability tuffs, for which permeability can even increase. Increases in permeability during compaction, not observed for other porous rocks, are interpreted as a result of a decrease in void space tortuosity as microcracks surrounding collapsed pores connect adjacent pores. Our data underscore the importance of initial microstructure on permeability evolution in volcanic rock. Our data can be used to better understand and model fluid flow at geothermal reservoirs and volcanoes, important to optimize geothermal exploitation and understand and mitigate volcanic hazards.

How to cite: Heap, M., Bayramov, K., Meyer, G., Violay, M., Reuschlé, T., Baud, P., Gilg, A., Harnett, C., Kushnir, A., Lazari, F., and Mortensen, A.: Compaction and permeability evolution of tuffs from the Krafla geothermal system (Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2171,, 2025.

EGU25-2429 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Control of Physical Properties by the Matching between Rock Components and Pore Structure in Shale Oil Reservoirs 

Zhaojing Song, Junqian Li, and Dianshi Xiao

Shale oil reservoirs are extremely tight, making it fundamental to evaluate their physical properties to exploration and development efforts. These properties are closely linked to the rock components (RC) and pore structure (PS). The significant complexity and heterogeneity inherent in the RC and PS pose considerable challenges for assessing the physical properties of these reservoirs. In specific depositional environments, a matching relationship between RC and PS exists. Identifying this relationship and associating microscale PS attributes with macroscale physical properties can expose substantial variations within shale oil reservoirs, aiding in the selection of optimal layers for exploitation and improving development efficiency.

This study focuses on the shale oil reservoirs of the Lucaogou Formation (P2l) in the Jimusar Sag, marked by mixed-source sedimentation. Using a combination of thin section observations, XRD, TOC analysis, and EDS analyses, it characterizes the RC within the designated area. Moreover, the investigation employs LTNA experiments, MICP tests, and SEM to detail the PS attributes. Based on these experiments, the research analyzes the matching relationship between RC and PS in the shale oil reservoirs and the connection between microscale PS and macroscale physical properties, highlighting the control of physical properties by RC and PS. The findings reveal that pore types in these shale oil reservoirs predominantly consist of small pores and mesopores. Small pores, developed within K-feldspar, quartz, and clay minerals, are chiefly dissolution pores; mesopores occur between dolomite or plagioclase grains, characterized by a regular pore morphology. Porosity is governed by the presence of micropores, mesopores, and macropores, while permeability is principally influenced by mesopores and macropores. This established relationship between RC and PS in this study offers a reference for the efficient development of the P2l shale oil reservoirs and can serve as a foundation for research into fluid-solid interaction and flow characteristics in porous media.

How to cite: Song, Z., Li, J., and Xiao, D.: Control of Physical Properties by the Matching between Rock Components and Pore Structure in Shale Oil Reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2429,, 2025.

EGU25-2734 | Orals | EMRP1.2

The behaviour of wave propagation in linear thermo-viscoelastic media 

zhiwei wang, liyun Fu, and carcione jose

We constructed a thermo-viscoelasticity equation based on Lord-Shulman (LS) thermoelasticity with the Kelvin-Voigt (KV) model for viscoelasticity. The plane-wave analysis predicts two compressional waves and a shear wave. These two compressional waves are the fast-P and slow-P diffusion/wave (the T-wave), which have similar characteristics to the fast- and slow-P waves of poroelasticity, respectively. To overcome the nonphysical phenomenon of high-frequency P-waves in the thermo-viscoelastic (KV model), we established the thermo-viscoelasticity equation by combining LS thermoelasticity and the Zener and Cole-Cole model of viscoelasticity. Plane-wave analysis predicts two inflection points on the dispersion and attenuation curves; these are mainly affected by thermal diffusion and viscoelasticity. The dispersion curves of both types of P waves have two-level limit velocities of high frequency, and their attenuation curves also feature two attenuation peaks. Selecting appropriate parameters can cause the two-level limit velocities of high frequency and attenuation peaks to move or overlap. Finally, we consider the experiment data of P-wave velocity varying with frequency of two kinds of sandstone. Indeed, a Cole-Cole fractional model is needed to obtain a good match. These results are helpful for studying the physics of thermo-viscoelasticity and for testing experimental data and numerical algorithms for wave propagation.

How to cite: wang, Z., Fu, L., and jose, C.: The behaviour of wave propagation in linear thermo-viscoelastic media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2734,, 2025.

EGU25-3471 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Revealing the Hidden Dynamics of Clay-Coated Quartz Grains in Sandstone with Multiphase-Field Modeling 

Akash Kumar, Nishant Prajapati, Daniel Schneider, Benjamin Busch, Christoph Hilgers, and Britta Nestler

The quality of the sandstone reservoir is critically influenced by the presence of clay coatings on the surfaces of quartz grains. These coatings play an essential role in determining porosity and permeability, key parameters that govern the storage and flow potential of sandstone reservoirs used for geothermal energy, groundwater, and hydrocarbons. This study employs a multiphase-field model, a versatile tool widely used in materials science, to simulate the complex interplay of interface motion and phase transitions within geological systems. By generating a detailed three-dimensional digital representation of sandstone, the model provides precise control over quartz grain coatings and composition, enabling a thorough investigation of their impact on reservoir properties. Two central aspects are explored: (1) the effect of varying clay coating coverage on quartz grains, and (2) the influence of coating distribution on the evolution of porosity and permeability during quartz precipitation. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations further quantify the changes in permeability at different stages of grain growth, revealing intricate relationships between the distribution of the coating, the properties of the rock, and the dynamics of fluid transport. The findings show that sandstones with a higher proportion of coated grains exhibit enhanced permeability due to the cement growth limiting effects of clay coatings on quartz grains. These insights provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that govern sandstone reservoir quality and offer practical implications for optimizing applications in geothermal energy, water resource management, and carbon and hydrogen storage.

How to cite: Kumar, A., Prajapati, N., Schneider, D., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., and Nestler, B.: Revealing the Hidden Dynamics of Clay-Coated Quartz Grains in Sandstone with Multiphase-Field Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3471,, 2025.

EGU25-5004 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Comparative Analysis of CO₂ Sequestration Potential in Shale Reservoirs: Insights from the Longmaxi and Niutitang Formations 

Li Bo, Yu Bingsong, Paul Glover, Piroska Lorinczi, Wu Kejian, and Ciprian Panaitescu


The rapid escalation of global warming, driven by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, underscores the necessity of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies as a critical strategy for mitigating atmospheric CO₂ levels. Shale reservoirs, characterized by their extensive nanopore networks and heterogeneous pore structures, hold significant promise for CO₂ sequestration. This study investigates the storage and sequestration potential of shales from two distinct formations: the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation (TY1 group) and the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation (N206 group). A comprehensive suite of experiments, including XRD analysis, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), low-pressure gas adsorption (N₂ and CO₂), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and mineralogical analysis, was employed to characterize pore structure, adsorption behaviour, and mineralogical controls on CO₂ storage. Moreover, a novel fractal parameter, succolarity along with conventional mass and surface fractal dimensions were used to depict the pore systems of the two groups.

Results reveal that the TY1 samples exhibit higher total organic carbon (TOC; up to 7.58%), greater microporosity, and stronger CO₂ adsorption energies (up to 34 kJ/mol) compared to the N206 samples, which display a more mesopore-dominated system and lower adsorption energies (28–30 kJ/mol). The Longmaxi Formation demonstrates superior pore connectivity and pore size distribution (PSD) homogeneity, enhancing both CO₂ retention and transport. Its higher carbonate content also suggests potential for mineral trapping through carbonation reactions. In contrast, the Niutitang Formation is characterized by higher total porosity (up to 2.4%) and mesoporous contributions, favouring rapid injection but limiting long-term retention. Meanwhile, the FE-SEM observations revealed that many authogenic minerals such as quartz, pyrite and rutile occupy the pore space in organic matters. It is much more prevalent in the N206 samples, which may be responsible for its lower microporosity.

Key findings include a strong correlation between TOC and micropore volume, as well as between clay minerals and mesopore-macropore attributes. These correlations highlight the dual role of organic matter and mineral content in determining gas adsorption capacity and flow dynamics. The TY1 group’s balanced micropore and mesopore contributions make it ideal for long-term CO₂ sequestration, while the N206 group’s larger pore sizes enhance its suitability for rapid injection and enhanced gas recovery (EGR) applications.

This study provides critical insights into the interplay of organic matter, mineral composition, and pore structure in controlling CO₂ storage potential in shale reservoirs. The findings emphasize the Longmaxi Formation's superior suitability for CO₂ storage and EGR, with implications for optimizing CCS strategies in similar shale systems globally.

How to cite: Bo, L., Bingsong, Y., Glover, P., Lorinczi, P., Kejian, W., and Panaitescu, C.: Comparative Analysis of CO₂ Sequestration Potential in Shale Reservoirs: Insights from the Longmaxi and Niutitang Formations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5004,, 2025.

EGU25-6979 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2 | Highlight

Developing methods for the location and characterisation of Li-bearing geothermal waters in Cornwall 

Joseph T. Brabin, Paul W. J. Glover, Taija M. Torvela, Chris M. Green, Robin K. Shail, and Chris Yeomans

Domestic production of lithium is central to the UK’s industrial strategy. This will facilitate the energy transition and will be essential to safeguard lithium supply against geopolitical developments. To this end, two different styles of lithium extraction are being developed in Cornwall: (1) open-pit ‘hard-rock’ lithium mining at two locations in the St Austell Granite and (2) Li-enriched geothermal fluids produced through fracture-controlled fluid-rock interaction and flow. The latter resource is being evaluated for Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) at multiple locations.

The work undertaken here will largely concern the geothermal lithium resource. In an early phase of research, the petrophysical properties of significant lithologies will be investigated, focusing on variation due to alteration around fractures. This will involve measuring the permeability, porosity, and electrokinetic properties (streaming potential and zeta potential) of core plugs; impedance spectrometry will also be carried out. Additionally, petrographic imaging, focused ion beam SEM imaging, and a combination of micro- and nano-CT scanning will be performed. Information gained in this phase of work will enhance interpretation of geophysical data and feed into prospectivity modelling. A subsequent phase of this research will, therefore, concern the analysis of pre-existing geophysical data, plus the acquisition and processing of new, pertinent geophysical measurements. Furthermore, petrophysical characterisation will permit modelling of the expected geophysical signatures of prospects of varying size, geometry, and potentially effective grade.

The formation and behaviour of the Cornish geothermal lithium resource will also be explored. Geochemical study will elucidate the chemical development of lithium-bearing groundwaters and may suggest the physicochemical consequences of water extraction at different rates. Self-potential signals will be used to recognise patterns of groundwater flow, feeding into a broader model of Cornish geothermal circulation.

Considering Cornwall as a case study, this work is expected to inform regional prospectivity for lithium-bearing geothermal brines; it could also enhance estimates of the geothermal energy potential of the region.

How to cite: Brabin, J. T., Glover, P. W. J., Torvela, T. M., Green, C. M., Shail, R. K., and Yeomans, C.: Developing methods for the location and characterisation of Li-bearing geothermal waters in Cornwall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6979,, 2025.

Effective stress is known to be a key factor affecting permeability measurements under geological conditions. As effective stress increases, the permeability of rock containing micro-fractures will decrease significantly. Based on laboratory measurement data, several scholars have come up with empirical equations to describe permeability changes with effective stress and found that there generally exists an exponential or power-law relationships. In this study, the experimental sample is a tight sandstone formation containing microfractures from Kuche Depression in Tarim Basin, China, where gas is produced from deep reservoirs of over 6000 m. Permeability was measured using the conventional pulse-decay method using an in-house true triaxial stress cell with maximum confining pressure of 120 MPa, pore pressure of 100 MPa and axial pressure of 250 MPa. The tight sandstone contains micro-fracture and an ambient porosity of 5%. Under the condition of high pore pressure (up to 80 MPa), the Knudsen number Kn<0.01, and the gas slippage effect appears to have little impact on the permeability, characteristic in the Darcy flow state. As the confining pressure increases, the gas permeability decreases significantly, whereas as the pore pressure increases, the gas permeability increases. It has been shown that as the effective stress increases, the gas permeability decreases, and ln(K/K0) shows an exponential relationship with (δ - δ0) (subscript 0 represents the initial state). As the effective stress decreases, ln(K/K0) shows a logarithmic relationship with (δ - δ0). Under the condition of equal effective stress, ln(K/K0) shows a linear relationship with pore pressure. In addition, we have also noticed a strong anisotropy in the permeability when differential axial stress was applied during the permeability measurement, reflecting a preferential distribution of microfractures in the tight sandstone measured.

How to cite: Yu, B., Liu, K., and Yu, L.: Experimental investigation of the relationship between permeability and effective stress for low-permeability sandstone with micro-fractures under high pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7924,, 2025.

EGU25-9935 | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Fracture Modelling and Geothermal Lithium 

Paul Glover, Joseph Brabin, Taija Torvela, and Christopher Yeomans

Lithium is a critical mineral in the fight against climate change:  it is used in electrical batteries for computing, in electric vehicles, and as local electrical storage for smoothing flow from intermittent sustainable power sources. According to the IEA, in 2023 lithium supply was mainly limited to China, Chile and Australia (85% for mining and 96% for refining), associating lithium supply with high geopolitical risk; a risk to which the UK and EU are exposed.

The UK has a world-class lithium resource in Cornwall, as mineable granite, but lithium is also dissolved in geothermal brines occupying fractures. These fluids have lithium concentrations at approximately 100 ppm (at 2000 m), but they also have order of magnitude lower levels of Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ compared with other brine deposits, which makes lithium extraction simpler. Furthermore, the geothermal nature of the brines may allow production plants to be powered by sustainable energy. The question remains, how much lithium-rich brine can be extracted? Here petrophysical fracture modelling can help.

This research reports on some of the modelling technology that can be used to understand lithium-rich brine flow during extraction. It is important to consider aspects of fracture connected volume and connectivity, and to find pragmatic quantitative methods for assessing and reporting such data. Fracture connectivity depends on the number of nodes where fractures interact, and the distance between nodes. Studies of these have been found to be fractal. If that is the case in Cornwall, it implies that aspects of the fracture network at different scales can be fractally extrapolated from measurements made at smaller or larger scales. Connected fracture volume is controlled by fracture length and aperture. These are also fractally distributed. Consequently, a reasonably reliable multiscale 3D model can be constructed in Fracman or FracpaQ.

The aperture, and to some extent the fracture length, changes as the stress regime changes. For example, significant brine drawdown could reduce the flow rate because  external stress acts to close fractures when the fracture fluid pressure is reduced, and hence also reduce connectivity. By contrast, a significant injection of brine from which lithium and heat has been extracted would have the opposite effect. Quantification of this can be carried out using electrical methods as well as non-invasive 3D imaging (CT or micro-CT). Consequently, it is important for the fracture model to be responsive to the changing stresses in the model that might result from different stress tensors and production scenarios.

Finally, geothermal brine flow is also controlled by the roughness of fracture surfaces, especially as fractures close during drawdown. The interacting asperities on the surfaces increase the tortuosity of fluid flow significantly, but they also prop fractures open when they would otherwise close. The fracture surfaces are also fractal, and this work shows both models of fractal fracture surfaces and the fluid flow through them. Examples are given which show that uncompressed fractal fracture surfaces with a fractal dimension of 2.349 can reduce fluid flow, in our scenario by 28%.

How to cite: Glover, P., Brabin, J., Torvela, T., and Yeomans, C.: Fracture Modelling and Geothermal Lithium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9935,, 2025.

EGU25-10606 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Is CO2 Sequestration in Marine Hydrate Reservoirs Geomechanically Stable?  

Qi Zhang, Zixuan Song, Daoyi Chen, and Mucong Zi

Hydrate-based CO₂ sequestration in marine gas hydrate reservoirs is a promising dual-purpose strategy for carbon storage and energy recovery. However, geomechanical stability remains a critical challenge for ensuring safe geo-engineering operations, as it directly influences risks such as wellbore destabilization, subsea subsidence, and submarine landslides. Despite significant advancements, a systematic understanding of the geomechanical responses of marine hydrate reservoirs under CO₂ injection is still lacking. This study provides a comprehensive review of the formation stability associated with hydrate-based CO₂ sequestration, adopting a cross-scale and multi-method perspective. Three distinct storage strategies are discussed: (1) CO₂ sequestration above the hydrate zone, forming an artificial hydrate cap; (2) sequestration within the hydrate zone through immediate CH4-CO2 exchange; and (3) sequestration within the hydrate zone via later-stage replacement, producing mix-hydrates. We further evaluate experimental, numerical, and molecular-scale studies that investigate the geomechanical behavior of hydrate reservoirs across these scenarios. Key findings reveal several unresolved issues, including the debated mechanical superiority of CO₂ hydrates compared to methane hydrates and the absence of quantitative relationships linking hydrate saturation to reservoir mechanical performance. Additionally, commercial viability remains a significant hurdle, with integrated approaches such as the co-production of gas hydrates, shallow gas, and deep gas proposed as potential solutions. This review highlights critical knowledge gaps and identifies future research directions to advance hydrate-based CO₂ sequestration. By addressing these challenges, this work aims to support the safe and sustainable implementation of this emerging carbon storage technology.

How to cite: Zhang, Q., Song, Z., Chen, D., and Zi, M.: Is CO2 Sequestration in Marine Hydrate Reservoirs Geomechanically Stable? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10606,, 2025.

EGU25-11103 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Quantification of the microstructural properties of CCS and radioactive waste target rocks using Convolutional Neural Networks 

Wurood Alwan, Paul Glover, and Richard Collier

Digital rock models are becoming increasingly important in addressing the challenges of transitioning to sustainable energy. While traditionally employed to model fundamental petrophysical and geomechanical processes, their utility is expanding into critical applications such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), geothermal energy development, and subsurface energy storage. By using advanced imaging, simulation, and multi-scale analysis techniques, digital rock models provide a detailed understanding of pore-scale properties and their implications for fluid flow, geomechanics, and geochemistry. These insights are essential for optimizing low-carbon energy systems and ensuring reservoir integrity during energy storage and CO2 sequestration. This work highlights some of the recent advancements in digital rock technologies and their contributions to innovative solutions in sustainable energy development.

Estimating the physical properties of rocks, a crucial and time-consuming process in the characterization of geothermal reservoirs, CCUS, and other renewable energy resources, has seen a shift from traditional laboratory experiments to the increasing use of digital rock physics. A key requirement of many forms of pore structure image analysis is that they require binary images to distinguish pore-space from non-pore-space (mineral phases). These are often obtained by thresholding grayscale SEM or X-ray tomographic images. In this study, we present the collection and processing of exceptionally high-quality two-dimensional images of carbonate rocks, with a resolution of 16-bit density and dimensions of 29056 × 22952 pixels. This dataset, subdivided into 155 smaller images of 2048 × 2048 pixels each, was further enhanced using data augmentation techniques such as rotation and reflection, creating a diverse and non-redundant set of training images.

The objective of this work is to train a machine-learning model capable of predicting porosity directly from the images. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was developed and modified for this purpose, using 60% of the dataset for training. The training process involves pre-labeled images, which are used to optimize the weights of the neural network. So far, the CNN has achieved an accuracy of 89.55% in predicting porosity during the training phase. Validation and testing datasets were employed to evaluate and refine the model’s performance, with ongoing efforts aimed at surpassing 95% accuracy in testing. Furthermore, we are working on analyzing the relational characteristics of porosity to expand the applicability of this approach. Initial work in 2D and 3D that has the power to discriminate between mineral phase, between connected and unconnected porosity, and to quantify the pore fluid-mineral surface area, are also in progress. This latter property is extremely relevant to CCS targets where the area for CO2 adsorption is an important parameter which is difficult to assess.

This research not only enhances our ability to quantify key petrophysical properties but also contributes to the development of sustainable energy technologies. The work has significant potential to enhance geothermal resource evaluation and advancing carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiatives, playing a critical role in the transition to low-carbon energy solutions.

How to cite: Alwan, W., Glover, P., and Collier, R.: Quantification of the microstructural properties of CCS and radioactive waste target rocks using Convolutional Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11103,, 2025.

EGU25-11208 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Experimental and microstructural analysis of feldspar solubility in CCS reservoirs 

Natalie Farrell, Lining Yang, Michael Flowerdew, Eszter Badenszki, Chris Mark, Buhari Ardo, Kevin Taylor, John Waters, Lewis Hughes, and Lee Paul

Feldspars are a common framework grain in sandstone reservoirs targeted for carbon capture and storage (CCS). They are mechanically weak under reservoir conditions and are very likely to react with CO2 injected into saline aquifers or depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs.  Reactions could dissolve feldspar and precipitate new minerals to an extent that fundamentally changes reservoir properties and potentially mineralises injected CO2. The current general consensus is that these features are unlikely to impact fluid migration during the injection lifespan of any CCS project. However, the response of feldspars to saturation with aggressive CO2-enriched fluids under stressed reservoir conditions is poorly understood.

In this contribution, the magnitude of any “feldspar effect” is re-evaluated using sandstone samples obtained from the Lower Cretaceous Captain Sandstone in the Central North Sea, which is the target reservoir for CO2 injection in the Acorn Project (UK). 

Firstly, using petrography, SEM analysis and Pb isotopic compositions of detrital feldspars, sediment provenance and subsequent diagenesis are shown to be significant drivers on feldspar composition and texture prior to injection. This is important because it is already understood that different feldspars react with CO2-rich fluids at different rates: thus any feldspar effect could significantly vary within a reservoir with mixed provenance and burial history on a sub-basin scale. Secondly, we conducted a suite of novel reaction experiments conducted using a triaxial ‘Nimonic’ deformation rig to investigate chemical dissolution in sandstone core plugs saturated with both CO2-enriched fluids and water under subsurface conditions. Experiments were run at CCS reservoir pressures (70MPa confining pressure, 50MPa pore fluid pressure) and a range of temperatures (80°C – 550°C) to accelerate reaction rates and promote geological reactions in a short timescale. Microstructural and elemental analysis of post-mortem experimental samples showed enhanced fracturing and dissolution of certain feldspars along with precipitation of secondary minerals, whereas other feldspars were apparently unaffected. Experiments performed above 400°C showed replacement and dissolution of K-feldspar grains with Ca-rich plagioclase and K-bearing clays.

The outcome of our re-evaluation is that the impact of feldspars in CCS reservoirs has likely been overlooked, but until further experimental work is carried out to constrain how quickly feldspar interactions will impact fluid flow within the reservoir, uncertainties will remain with regard to their impact on CO2 injectivity and storage capacity.

How to cite: Farrell, N., Yang, L., Flowerdew, M., Badenszki, E., Mark, C., Ardo, B., Taylor, K., Waters, J., Hughes, L., and Paul, L.: Experimental and microstructural analysis of feldspar solubility in CCS reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11208,, 2025.

EGU25-11807 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks enveloping reservoirs exploited for geo-energy purposes 

Mike Sep, Suzanne Hangx, and Hans de Bresser

Though the energy transition aims to phase out fossil fuels while continuing to exploit the subsurface for other storage solutions (e.g. geological CO2 storage, temporary hydrogen storage), natural gas, as a low-carbon energy carrier, will continue to play a role in our energy mix for the foreseeable future. In general, human activities in the subsurface change the physical and chemical environment, which in turn can lead to surface subsidence and induced seismicity. These phenomena may continue even after activities have stopped, as observed for natural gas extraction from the giant Groningen Gas Field in the Netherlands. They are largely caused by deformation in the reservoir rock, driven by fluid pressure changes. However, in-situ strain measurements from the Groningen Gas Field demonstrate that the clay-rich over- and underburden formations of the reservoir are also affected by these fluid pressure changes, displaying slow compaction. To make accurate predictions of reservoir deformation and to allow reliable assessment of the associated surface subsidence and induced seismicity, a detailed understanding of the deformation processes controlling deformation in these clay-rich formations is needed. Understanding which processes caused deformation in past (hydrocarbon) operations will help in understanding what may happen now that we plan to store other fluids in the subsurface.

We performed rock mechanical experiments at in-situ conditions on the Opalinus Claystone (Switzerland), an analogue to the Groningen over- and underburden claystones, to assess the grain-scale mechanisms responsible for deformation. We designed an innovative and comprehensive multi-step experimental procedure that provides new, coherent data on the time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks. The experiments were performed in a triaxial compression apparatus, applying systematic steps of constant stress while controlling the pore fluid pressure in the sample. These steps were either stepped up or down in differential stress during an experiment. At each differential stress we systematically analyzed the instantaneous and time-dependent deformation.

We observed general compaction of the samples upon increasing stress, and time-dependent expansion of the sample when stepping down in stress. Our results demonstrate that deformation in clay-rich rocks is strongly affected by the fluid-transport properties of the rock. We infer that sorption of fluids to the clay-rich matrix plays an important role in the deformation of clay-rich rocks, along with frictional slip controlling grain rearrangement. However, matters are complicated by slow diffusion of pore fluid pressure, which leads to an additional time-dependent component. Overall, our results demonstrate that over half of the observed deformation is permanent, even at low differential stresses. A detailed understanding of the time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks is crucial for accurate predictions of the impact of human activities in the subsurface, as sorption of fluid to the clay material may also be important during CO2 and hydrogen storage.

How to cite: Sep, M., Hangx, S., and de Bresser, H.: Time-dependent deformation of clay-rich rocks enveloping reservoirs exploited for geo-energy purposes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11807,, 2025.

Seismoelectric (SE) methods are potentially interesting for subsurface characterization by exploiting the coupling between seismic waves and electromagnetic fields in fluid-saturated porous media. While traditional SE techniques have primarily focused on body-wave-induced signals, recent research has highlighted the significant advantages of surface wave-induced SE signals, including enhanced amplitudes and increased sensitivity to near-surface heterogeneities. These characteristics make surface wave-induced SE signals particularly valuable for detailed subsurface investigations.

We conducted controlled laboratory experiments using a water-saturated sandstone sample (19.7% porosity, 310 mD permeability) and a planar acoustic source to generate surface waves at a water-sandstone interface. SE signal variations were systematically measured as a function of receiver distance from the interface, and array-based measurements were performed to analyze the velocity and characteristics of the induced SE surface waves. High signal-to-noise ratio SE surface waves were successfully measured across multiple excitation frequencies (100 kHz, 200 kHz, 300 kHz, 400 kHz, and 500 kHz), demonstrating the robustness of the phenomenon across a broad frequency range.

Our results show that SE signals were only observed in the presence of the porous medium, confirming that they originate from the fluid-porous interface. The SE signal amplitude decayed rapidly with increasing distance from the surface, which is consistent with surface wave behavior. Notably, the SE waveforms exhibited propagation velocities matching those of acoustic surface waves. They showed significantly shorter durations and different frequency content than the corresponding acoustic signals, indicating potential for enhanced spatial resolution in subsurface imaging. Ongoing work focuses on extracting the dispersion and attenuation characteristics of the measured SE surface waves across different frequencies. These findings will provide a foundation for more effective geophysical workflows, particularly in scenarios requiring detailed near-surface characterization.

How to cite: Liu, Y. and Smeulders, D.: Acoustically Induced Seismoelectric Surface Waves at a Fluid-Saturated Sandstone Interface: Multi-Frequency Experimental Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13204,, 2025.

EGU25-14303 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.2

Geophysical and Petrophysical Insights into Bedded Salt Formations: Implications for Underground Energy Storage in the Delaware Basin 

Nur Schuba, Lorena Moscardelli, Tim Dooley, Ander Martinez-Doñate, and Leandro Melani

This study integrates 3-D seismic reflection and petrophysical data to investigate the Lopingian bedded salt formations of the Delaware Basin, part of the Greater Permian Basin in the United States. Focusing on the Castile and Salado Formations, the analysis identifies a zone of thickened and deformed strata associated with an intra-salt fold-thrust belt in the southwestern portion of the seismic volume. Adjacent to this fold-thrust belt lies a geophysically distinct region termed the buffer zone.

Petrophysical analysis of the Castile Formation within the buffer zone reveals a unique composition, deviating from the expected cyclical anhydrite-halite members. Instead, this zone consists exclusively of anhydrite. This compositional anomaly challenges previous interpretations that halite absence results from dissolution, suggesting instead that gypsum deposition followed by conversion to anhydrite may have occurred.

The overlying Salado Formation displays significant heterogeneity and karst features, highlighting potential geohazards and complexities for underground energy storage. These findings emphasize the necessity of combining geophysical and petrophysical approaches to accurately characterize subsurface conditions, assess risks, and optimize the placement of salt caverns for energy storage applications.

How to cite: Schuba, N., Moscardelli, L., Dooley, T., Martinez-Doñate, A., and Melani, L.: Geophysical and Petrophysical Insights into Bedded Salt Formations: Implications for Underground Energy Storage in the Delaware Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14303,, 2025.

EGU25-15144 | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

Data Driven Porosity Measurement for Non-homogeneous Sandstone 

Yao-Ming Liu, Arata Kioka, and Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang

Pore structure is a critical factor in evaluating the quality of a reservoir or cap layer, influencing storage capacity, fluid flow efficiency, and reaction rates. Standard approaches, including Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP), Gas Pycnometry, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis, provide essential information; they are limited in their ability to capture pore connectivity and pathway complexity. X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) provides a distinct perspective, enabling three dimensional visualization of pore structures and insights into pore connectivity within 3D images. Accurate porosity analysis using CT, however, depends on careful evaluation of the segmentation process, especially the selection of thresholding methods, which can introduce biases and impact the reliability of the results. To address these challenges, this study introduces a new workflow leveraging grey-level terrain parameters from CT images as a reference index. Interbedded samples of muddy sandstone and siltstone are analyzed, with CT-derived porosity compared to experimental results obtained from an AccuPyc Helium Pycnometer. This comparison assesses the reliability and accuracy of the data-driven approach. By reducing uncertainties associated with porosity thresholding, the proposed workflow aims to establish a robust framework for CT-based pore structure analysis. It highlights the ability of CT imaging to deliver detailed 3D pore analysis, thereby supporting improved predictions of reservoir properties and resource management.

How to cite: Liu, Y.-M., Kioka, A., and Huang, J.-J. S.: Data Driven Porosity Measurement for Non-homogeneous Sandstone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15144,, 2025.

EGU25-20882 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.2

 Measuring the Fractal Dimensions of Reservoirs: A New Seismic Fractal Heterogeneity Log for Application to CCUS Prospects 

Mehdi Yaghoobpour, Paul Glover, and Piroska Lorinczi

Carbon Capture and Underground Storage (CCUS) is not simply the reverse of the hydrocarbon extraction process. The injection of supercritical CO2 involves different flow regimes (viscous, slip, Knudsen, and molecular diffusion) and the adsorption of CO2 to mineral surfaces. Small pressure differences control the distribution of the gas and gravity controls the overall gas distribution. Under these circumstances reservoir heterogeneity strongly controls where the CO2 goes. Consequently, it is important to have a quantitative description of this heterogeneity. Leeds University Petrophysics Group has been working on using fractals to describe heterogeneity and anisotropy of reservoirs at all scales for the past decade and to develop fractal reservoir models that account for flow at scales smaller than the seismic resolution. In this presentation we show how the fractal dimension of a bounded dataset can be measured, and the main influences on the accuracy of the measurement, taking account of the systematic uncertainties imposed by the finite boundary conditions, scale-dependent effects, and multifractal behaviour.

The approach has been used to carry out digital ‘logging’ of several reservoirs including the Chandon field (Offshore NW Australia) and is currently being implemented for the CCUS testbed Sleipner reservoir (UK North Sea). This logging differs from wireline logging in that it is carried out over an predefined area or seismic data as a function of depth. For the Chandon field, depth-averaged measurements have produced a fractal dimension of 2.15±0.18 (arithmetic mean±standard deviation) over the entire scale range. It is recognised that the fractal dimension of this reservoir is multifractal, with a fractal dimension of 2.06±0.19 in the 70-150 m scale range and 2.62±0.07 in the 200-400 m scale range. Hence, the reservoir is more heterogeneous at the larger scale. This work also has the advantage of providing a fractal dimension value as a function of depth. Our results show in each case that the fractal dimension varies significantly with depth and is dependent on lithofacies. The fractal dimension at both scales picks out apparent lithofacies, with the coarsening-up sequence in the top part of the reservoir (1950-2020 m, all depths TVDSS) associated with a decrease in fractal dimension, shalier units (2020-2035 m and 2080-2125 m) exhibiting high fractal dimensions, and cleaner units (2035-2080 m) showing much lower fractal dimensions. This is good evidence that this new Seismic Fractal Heterogeneity Log (SFHL) represents a measure of rock heterogeneity to horizontal flow at each depth. Work is ongoing concerning the discrimination of different fractal dimensions as a function of azimuth as well as vertically, which is especially important in reservoirs used in CCUS applications.

It is hoped that the new SFHL can provide the sought after quantitative measure of heterogeneity for use in quantifying and modelling CO2 injection into CCUS reservoirs. The real advantage of this approach is that it can be applied to existing 3D and 4D seismic datasets in order to extract from them extra information and extra value. Future work will be aimed at developing the approach further.

How to cite: Yaghoobpour, M., Glover, P., and Lorinczi, P.:  Measuring the Fractal Dimensions of Reservoirs: A New Seismic Fractal Heterogeneity Log for Application to CCUS Prospects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20882,, 2025.

EGU25-223 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.2

Assessing the Global Availability of Platinum Group Metal Resources  

Yongguang Zhu and Deyi Xu

Platinum group metals (PGMs) are critical mineral resources for many countries, playing a critical role in energy transitions and the development of emerging strategic industries. Over 95% of global PGMs occur in co-associated forms. This study compiled data from 197 active PGM mines worldwide, representing 88.77% of global reserves. Using knowledge graph techniques, the study constructed a network of PGM co-associations, integrating these relationships into availability cost calculations to reduce prediction uncertainties. Data were processed using multiple imputation based on random forests and small-sample machine learning models optimized via grid search, and the availability was further evaluated using ensemble algorithms. The results reveal that PGM co-associations are mainly categorized into PGEs-Nickel-Copper±Cobalt±Silver and PGEs-Gold±Chromium, with XGBoost identified as the most effective algorithm for calculating availability costs, driven by factors such as total reserves, deposit type, milling capacity, and mining method. PGEs-Nickel-Copper±Cobalt±Silver associations exhibit higher availability costs and reserves compared to PGEs-Gold±Chromium. The supply trajectory of PGMs includes three phases and two critical risk points, with potential risks involving the depletion of 75% of cumulative reserves and exhaustion of low-cost mines in South Africa. Technological innovations and diversification in new energy vehicles can mitigate global PGM supply risks, but China’s demand-supply gap will persist, and only a high-recycling scenario can significantly enhance domestic supply security.

How to cite: Zhu, Y. and Xu, D.: Assessing the Global Availability of Platinum Group Metal Resources , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-223,, 2025.

In this century, the intensity of road traffic has reached unprecedented levels, with an extraordinary number of vehicles circulating on the streets. Another notable aspect is the rapid rate of vehicle proliferation, driving the need for innovative approaches to enhance asphalt mixtures that can sustain this challenge. This paper aims to explore transformations brought by the rationalization and utilization of waste materials while presenting examples of their integration in reuse processes. Specifically, it discusses how industrial waste such as metallurgical slags, coal ash from power plants, and residual rubber can act as viable substitutes for widely used natural aggregates in asphalt mixtures.

In practice, these materials exhibit two key attributes for such applications.

The foremost quality is their comparable properties to conventional aggregates. Research shows that waste materials like power plant slags and ashes possess characteristics similar to those of aggregates typically used in asphalt production, with some even providing enhanced performance benefits. The second attribute is the ample availability of these materials, stored in quantities often exceeding demand. For example, substantial amounts of residual rubber can partially replace bitumen in asphalt mixtures, leading to considerable cost reductions.

Additionally, the fact that residual industrial materials are otherwise regarded as waste and contribute to pollution reinforces the value of replacing natural aggregates with artificial alternatives. Each of these waste materials has been subjected to rigorous laboratory testing to evaluate the properties they impart when substituting asphalt components. Furthermore, tests on reclaimed asphalt (recycled asphalt) demonstrate the potential to reuse older materials, thereby reducing reliance on natural resources and lowering production expenses.

The judicious use of industrial waste offers significant environmental advantages. The massive accumulation of slag and ash, which poses disposal challenges, can be repurposed effectively, alleviating environmental degradation. This research highlights the importance of incorporating waste materials into asphalt production to achieve sustainable development, optimize resource use, and protect natural ecosystems.

Key words: Aggregates, Pollution, Reuse, Waste


How to cite: Bogdan, B.: Reduction of Raw Material Consumption in the Manufacture of Asphalt Mixtures Using Modern Technologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6143,, 2025.

EGU25-7113 | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Heavy Minerals As a Contaminant From The Quartz Rich Sand Used As Raw Material In Glass Industry 

Siraj Mehboob, Sergio Ando, and Valentina De Lorenzi

Silica is the key constituent in production of glass, responsible for its structure, and it typically originates from quartz sand. Quartz-rich sand, commonly used as a primary raw material in glass production, may contain trace amounts of heavy minerals. The presence of these heavy minerals may compromise the quality of raw material and decrease the purity factor. In the glass industry it is believed that this trace amount of heavy mineral content may also act as contaminant and impurity which may affect the coloration of transparent glass. In this study, raw material samples (total five) of quartz rich sand are analyzed for studying proportion of heavy mineral content which contributed as impurity. To determine the heavy mineral content a gravimetric separation technique is used (Andò, 2020). By using this technique, from the bulk samples, approximately 30g of sediment was used for wet sieving to obtain a grain size window of 15-500µm, which is considered the most appropriate to identify the suite and amount of heavy minerals. The sieved fraction is mixed with a non-toxic heavy-liquid sodium polytungstate, with a density of 2.90g/cm 3 , to separate the heavy and light minerals using a centrifuge. A representative aliquot of HM separated is mounted on a slide for microscopic analysis. The investigation of grain mount is carried out by using point counting technique to measure quantitatively the proportion and percentage of different single heavy minerals. The heavy mineral fraction also contains the presence of opaque mineral impurities, which are also considered, due to their contribution as the major contaminants. The results indicate that in all studied samples, overall, the presence of heavy mineral percentage ranges from 0.02% to 0.35%. The most frequently occurring heavy minerals include zircon, rutile, apatite, tourmaline, andalusite and kyanite across all the five samples. The presence of these heavy minerals along with opaque mineral, may contribute as an impurity in the transparent glass, potentially impacting the production process. Furthermore, during the melting process, new minerals can crystallize and incorporated as defects within the final glass product. The identification of these defects (mineral inclusion) in final glass product is also being investigated using optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. This approach aims to enable glass manufacturers to identify mineral impurities more quickly and conveniently.

How to cite: Mehboob, S., Ando, S., and De Lorenzi, V.: Heavy Minerals As a Contaminant From The Quartz Rich Sand Used As Raw Material In Glass Industry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7113,, 2025.

EGU25-7184 | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Characterization of brazilian plastic and flux raw materials for application and innovation in the ceramic coating industry. 

Sergio Ricardo Christofoletti, José Francisco Marciano Motta, Michele Dondi, Antenor Zanardo, Fabiano Tomazini Conceição, Guillermo Rafael Beltran Navarro, Marsis Cabral Júnior, and Fábio Gomes Melchiades

The ceramic tile industry has resumed its growth around the world post-Covid 19, and Brazil ranks third among the largest producers and consumers. Among the products manufactured in Brazil, two stand out: porcelain tiles, produced by the traditional wet process, and semi-porous slabs, produced by the dry process, developed in Brazil. Porcelain tiles, the subject of the work presented here, are produced in two main Brazilian centers, Criciuma and Santa Gertrudes, located in the south and southeast of Brazil. Current production is expected to reach 200 million square meters in 2023. Porcelain tiles are made from a mixture of raw materials, particularly plastic and superplastic clays, which account for 30 to 40% of the total, and feldspars, which make up around 25 to 40%. Given the growing need for supplies for the manufacture of porcelain tiles, especially with regard to feldspars and plastic clays, this research focused on exploring and geologically, geochemically and technologically characterizing new sources of these traditional raw materials, as well as special fluxes and alternative sources of raw materials in different geological environments, especially in the southeast and northeast regions of Brazil. The methodology adopted involved carrying out geological mapping in pre-selected regions, which included the description of lithofacies, lithogeochemical characterization using techniques such as X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and the analysis of thin sheets, as well as the evaluation of ceramic properties, including water absorption, apparent density and mechanical strength, among other parameters. For some samples with innovative potential, additional analyses were carried out. Preliminary results indicated that some samples showed promise as raw materials for the manufacture of porcelain tiles, especially the alkaline fusion raw materials and plastic clays. Among the alkaline source rocks, nepheline syenite and anorthosite stood out, with an estimated composition of 60 to 90% feldspars, as well as 20% nepheline and 15% cancrinite, which showed high sum values of fusing elements (Na₂O + K₂O), reaching more than 18%. Another focus of analysis was diopside, which showed mineralogy composed of diopside, quartz and feldspar, with high levels of (CaO + MgO), which favored fusibility during firing, improving mechanical strength and decreasing water absorption, and reducing energy costs. With regard to plastic clays, some Quaternary and Permian deposits, consisting mainly of quartz minerals, feldspar (microcline) and the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and smectite, have shown remarkable ceramic performance, with high plasticity, high dry mechanical strength and light colors after firing. The initial results suggest that it is viable for use in coatings, but further research could expand its potential, including the search for new products through technological innovations. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Process nº 2023/01939-0, project, Prospection and characterization of brazilian raw materials for the production of porcelain tiles.

How to cite: Christofoletti, S. R., Marciano Motta, J. F., Dondi, M., Zanardo, A., Tomazini Conceição, F., Beltran Navarro, G. R., Cabral Júnior, M., and Gomes Melchiades, F.: Characterization of brazilian plastic and flux raw materials for application and innovation in the ceramic coating industry., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7184,, 2025.

EGU25-7467 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.2

Critical metal extraction from laterite ores using reductive dissolution and Fe(II) catalysed recrystallisation 

Maximilian Mann, Andrew Frierdich, Zhen Wang, and Jessica Hamilton

Critical metal extraction from laterite ores using reductive dissolution and Fe(II) catalysed recrystallisation


Maximilian Mann1, Andrew J Frierdich1, Zhen Wang1 and Jessica Hamilton2

1School of Earth, Atmosphere &amp; Environment, Monash University, 9 Rainforest Walk, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia

2Australian Synchrotron (ANSTO), 800 Blackburn Rd, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia


Critical metals such as nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co), are essential for modern green technologies (e.g., solar panels, windmill turbines and batteries)[1, 2]. The majority of the world’s Ni reserves are associated with iron (oxyhydr)oxides or laterites [3], while Co is mostly a by-product of Ni and Cu mining [4]. To produce Co metal, the three main deposit types are nickel sulphide ores, copper sulphide ores and nickel laterites [4]. This work examines the extraction of Co and Ni from various mining ores using Fe(II)-catalysed recrystallisation. Compared to conventional Ni extraction techniques that often involve high-pressure acid leaching, Fe(II)-catalysed recrystallisation has been shown to enhance the release of Ni from goethite and hematite under ambient and circumneutral pH, thus offering an environmentally benign strategy for Ni extraction. Although high Co release was observed, the Ni release was lower as expected. Interestingly, along with the high Co release, a high Mn release was also observed. As Co is often associated with manganese oxides [4], is seems that the Fe(II) used for the recrystallisation lead to a reductive dissolution of these manganese oxides resulting in Co release. This led to the conclusion that the Fe(II) is consumed during a reductive dissolution of cobalt rich manganese oxides. Hence, further experiments are underway to determine if more Co and Ni release can be archived by the addition of more Fe (II). Exploring these alternative Ni and Co extraction and recovery pathways can help reduce the environmental impact of mining and supply the resources needed for green technologies.


1.  Dupuis, C. and G. Beaudoin, Discriminant diagrams for iron oxide trace element fingerprinting of mineral deposit types. Mineralium Deposita, 2011.         46(4): p. 319-335.

2.  P.M.Y.V.Dathu, K. and R. Hariharan, Design of wind turbine blade material for higher efficiency. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020. 33: p. 565-569.

3.  Mudd, G.M. and S.M. Jowitt, The New Century for Nickel Resources, Reserves, and Mining: Reassessing the Sustainability of the Devil’s Metal.                     Economic Geology, 2022. 117(8): p. 1961-1983.

4.  Dehaine, Q., et al., Geometallurgy of cobalt ores: A review. Minerals Engineering, 2021. 160: p. 106656.

How to cite: Mann, M., Frierdich, A., Wang, Z., and Hamilton, J.: Critical metal extraction from laterite ores using reductive dissolution and Fe(II) catalysed recrystallisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7467,, 2025.

EGU25-8004 | Orals | ERE4.2

Clay Hosted Rare Earth Element Deposits in Australia: A case study from Western Australia 

Nathan Reid, Robert Thorne, Mario Iglesias-Martinez, Heta Lampinen, Aaron Davis, Rong Fan, Gabriel Valentim Berni, Yoram Teitler, Jo Miles, Catherine Spaggiari, and Tenten Pinchand

Critical minerals, particularly Rare Earth Elements (REE), are of growing global and national significance, especially in Australia. A multidisciplinary project aims to assess Australia’s potential for lower-grade REE resources, develop tailored processing technologies for CHRED and IAD deposits, and demonstrate their compatibility with existing REE separation techniques.

We aim to improve the deposit-scale understanding of REE mineral systems in Australia and deliver an integrated perspective of their formation and distribution. Key research areas include examining enrichment processes to show how REEs are mobilized from source materials and how their ratios evolve during deposit formation. Comprehensive ore characterization involves analyzing clay mineralogy, REE mineral distributions, compositions, and speciation. Additionally, the research investigates deposit heterogeneity by delineating REE concentrations across regolith profiles, unconsolidated sediments, and basement rocks, shedding light on REE cycling in natural systems.

By integrating these approaches, this work aims to unlock the potential of Australia’s CHRED and IAD deposits, supporting the sustainable and efficient development of critical mineral resources while addressing global demand for REEs.

How to cite: Reid, N., Thorne, R., Iglesias-Martinez, M., Lampinen, H., Davis, A., Fan, R., Valentim Berni, G., Teitler, Y., Miles, J., Spaggiari, C., and Pinchand, T.: Clay Hosted Rare Earth Element Deposits in Australia: A case study from Western Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8004,, 2025.

EGU25-8760 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Sustainable mining management frameworks in the Philippines 

Justine Perry Domingo, Antonio Contreras, Cecilia Tortajada, Decibel Faustino-Eslava, Karen Hudson-Edwards, Richard Williams, and Patrick Byrne

The global transition to clean energy necessitates a substantial increase in the production of energy transition minerals and metals (ETMs). As a major producer of ETMs such as nickel and copper, the Philippines is well-positioned to leverage its mineral resources for economic growth. Key mechanisms, such as the Social Development and Management Plan and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, have advanced community benefits and transparency in the large-scale mining sector. However, as one of the most biodiverse countries and highly vulnerable to climate change, the Philippines requires stronger policy, governance, and stakeholder collaboration that aligns mineral extraction with the UN Sustainable Development and climate action goals. This work presents three complementary approaches to help achieve sustainable mining in the Philippines. First, a river catchment-based management framework is proposed, incorporating catchment-specific environmental guidelines tailored to the country's geological diversity. This framework is essential for assessing the health and functionality of rivers, identifying contamination sources, understanding catchment connectivity, and planning targeted management, remediation, and prevention strategies. Second, we advocate for formalizing and regulating artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) through innovative policy interventions, such as institutionalized synergies between ASM and large-scale mining, fostering socio-economic equity and environmental accountability. Lastly, the guardian watersheds concept is introduced, establishing protected zones to naturally attenuate contaminants from mining-impacted areas, and complementing existing environmental safeguards. Collectively, these measures set a basis for global best practices while addressing mining-related socio-ecological challenges in the Philippines.

How to cite: Domingo, J. P., Contreras, A., Tortajada, C., Faustino-Eslava, D., Hudson-Edwards, K., Williams, R., and Byrne, P.: Sustainable mining management frameworks in the Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8760,, 2025.

Critical elements, a vital component both for energy and technology, are receiving more attention globally. These elements could be anomalously concentrated in the coals, host rocks, and associated byproducts. In this context, the Alatepe coal occurrences in Mugla Basin (SW Anatolia, Turkiye), one of the most productive coal basins, can attract attention to the economic possibilities of V-U-Mo enrichments. The Alatepe outcrop coal samples were collected for analysis. The V, U, and Mo contents of studied coals are up to 175 μg/g, 69 μg/g, and 26 μg/g respectively. These samples are characterized by relatively low Al and Fe contents (avg. of 2.5 and 1.0 wt.%, respectively) and high S contents  (avg. of 5.6 wt.%). The ash content of studied coals is up to 15 wt.% and petrographically characterized by a high huminite content. Based on the XRD analysis, the mineral composition of the studied samples is mainly of clay minerals, quartz, pyrite, gypsum, and mica suggesting that peatlands with a high detrital input, dominated by the quartz and clay mineral setting, may have been influenced by the sea in the Alatepe area. It can be stated that this situation increased coal ranking affecting the V content of studied coal samples and this higher maturation is probably attributed to more intensive post-depositional activities in these regions compared to the other coal fields in the Mugla Basin. Therefore, Alatepe coals can be classified as sub-bituminous C coal rank, while the main coal rank of the Mugla Basin is lignite. In addition, all of the redox indicators (such as V/Ni, V/(V+Ni), V/Cr, Ni/Co, Mo/Mn, and U/Th) suggest that reducing conditions provide a preservation condition for V-U-Mo. In these conditions, the form of V⁵⁺ reduced to its more reduced form, V³⁺, which then binds to organic material and surfaces like clays, leading to its accumulation. The U can be readily incorporated into organic and inorganic material as a form of insoluble U(IV). Moreover, Mo can form MoS₄²⁻, which readily precipitates and accumulates in sediments.

Keywords: V-U-Mo Enrichments, Critical Elements, Miocene Coals, Alatepe area, Mugla Basin (SW Anatolia of Turkiye)

How to cite: Sutcu, N. M. and Doner, Z.: Redox-Sensitive (V-U-Mo) Element Enrichments in Lower Miocene Coals from Alatepe area of Mugla Basin (SW Anatolia, Turkiye), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9197,, 2025.

EGU25-9340 | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Estimating the Grey Water Footprint of Tailing Ponds: A Transferable Reactive Transport Model  

Marc F. Muller, Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez, Nour El-Ajou, Julie Faure, and Sandra Pool

The grey water footprint (GWF) concept quantifies the volume of water required to dilute pollutants from industrial processes, such as mining, to safe levels in downstream water systems. In this study, we apply the GWF concept to tailing ponds, where pollutants leach into surrounding environments. The GWF represents the water needed to reduce the concentration of pollutants to acceptable levels, considering both pollutant release rates and natural background concentrations. While the GWF concept is promising for managing the environmental impact of mining, its application to tailing ponds is challenged by data scarcity and the complexity of these pollutants, including accumulation, release dynamics and reaction with the environment. To address this, we propose a model that balances site-specific accuracy with cross-site transferrability, ensuring it can be applied to a range of tailing pond settings with limited data. By focusing on key processes like seepage and adsorption, the model allows for practical estimation of pollutant fluxes and supports more effective water management strategies in data-scarce contexts, providing a valuable tool for assessing the environmental risks of mining operations. The approach will be demonstrated on a representative mining site, showcasing its practical utility in real-world mining scenarios.



How to cite: Muller, M. F., Jimenez-Martinez, J., El-Ajou, N., Faure, J., and Pool, S.: Estimating the Grey Water Footprint of Tailing Ponds: A Transferable Reactive Transport Model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9340,, 2025.

EGU25-9986 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Precious and critical metal potential of historic Cu-Au-As mine waste in the Eastern Alps 

Frederik Dunkel, Viktor Bertrandsson Erlandsson, James O. Douglas, Gustav Hanke, Shabnam Jameshourani, Peter Felfer, Stefan Wagner, Michel Varelija, Thomas Angerer, Philipp Hartlieb, Jürgen Antrekowitsch, and Phillip Gopon

For the world to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, a significant amount of raw materials is required. For example, in order to build the electricity grid needed for the move to ‘green’ electricity, we need to mine the same amount of copper in the next 30-40 years as in the entire history of mankind combined (Cathles and Simon, 2024). The difficulty of finding large geogene deposits of copper and other critical metals requires us to identify alternative sources of these critical and strategic metals.

We note that for much of human history, the extraction of metals from natural ores was significantly less efficient than it is today. Therefore, the mine waste of historic districts can still contain considerable quantities of raw materials. This is particularly true for the historic Cu-Au-As mining districts of the Eastern Alps. Recoveries for the produced metals (such as copper and gold) were between 50-66%, with the rest ending up as mine waste, largely in the form of sulfide minerals (Paar et al., 2006). These sulfide rich mine wastes can also be a source of critical metals that tend to associate with Au and Cu (i.e. As, W, Bi, In, Te; Gopon et al., 2019; Goebel, 2024; Hiller, 2024), as well as groundwater contamination.

By combining whole rock geochemistry, geophysics, and advanced micro- to atomic-scale characterization techniques we have produced estimates of the raw material potential of the 4000+ Cu-Au-As mine dumps found throughout the Eastern Alps. We will show examples from historic Cu-Au-As districts from the Hohe Tauern to the Fischbacher Alpen, and discuss which raw materials are present, in what form they are present, and how sulfide minerals are able to host such a diversity of important metals. The environmental impact of these sulfide rich mine wastes will also be discussed, as well as the possibility of remediating these former mine sites by re-mining the mine dumps.

The mining and metallurgical techniques required to process weathered, low grade, and arsenic rich ore pose a significant challenge. To this end we have started a combined geological, geophysical, environmental, metallurgical, and mining engineering study focused on a particularly well-suited Cu-Au mining district in the vicinity of Spielberg, Austria (Flatschach, Styria). This work is part of the SCIMIN project, which is looking at four mining waste sites across Europe (Spain, Bosnia, Sweden, Austria) and is funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme (No. 101177746).


Cathles, L., Simon, A., 2024, Copper Mining and Vehicle Electrification: International Energy Forum, 26p.
Goebel, E., 2024, Sulfide Geochemistry of the Hohen Tauern Historic Gold Districts (Austria): Montanuniversität Leoben.
Gopon, P., Douglas, J.O., et al., 2019, A Nanoscale Investigation of Carlin-Type Gold Deposits: An Atom-Scale Elemental and Isotopic Perspective: Economic Geology, v.114, p.1123–1133, doi:10.5382/econgeo.4676.
Hiller, J., 2024, A green future from a contentious past: Gold and critical metals in a historic arsenic mining district Straßegg (Styria): Montanuniversität Leoben.
Paar, W.H., et al., 2006, Das Buch von Tauerngold: Salzburg, AT, Anton Pustet, 570p.

How to cite: Dunkel, F., Bertrandsson Erlandsson, V., Douglas, J. O., Hanke, G., Jameshourani, S., Felfer, P., Wagner, S., Varelija, M., Angerer, T., Hartlieb, P., Antrekowitsch, J., and Gopon, P.: Precious and critical metal potential of historic Cu-Au-As mine waste in the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9986,, 2025.

EGU25-10258 | Orals | ERE4.2

Balancing between environmental pollution and unutilized resource potential: mine wastes of North Macedonia 

Tamara Đorđević, Goran Tasev, Todor Serafimovski, Ivan Boev, and Blažo Boev

Although North Macedonia covers only 0.7 % of the Earth's surface, it contains 3 % of the world's mineral deposits (Jovanovski et al. 2018). Both historical and recent mining operations in the country have left extensive waste deposits, particularly from operations focused on the exploration of antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and thallium (Tl). Over the past six years, we have intensively studied the mineralogy and geochemistry of two abandoned deposits, Lojane, a former Sb-As-Cr mine, and Allchar, a former Tl-As-Sb-Au mine (Đorđević et al. 2019, 2021; Kolitsch et al. 2018; Serafimovski et al. 2023; Vaňek et al. 2024). Historical mining practices, characterised by inadequate waste management, have resulted in huge accumulations of mining and processing wastes containing both economically valuable (Sb, As, Ba, Ni, Co, Pb, Cu, Zn) and environmentally hazardous elements (Cd, Cr, Hg, Tl). These sites now present a double challenge: environmental pollution and untapped resource potential.

The prediction of the environmental impact or strategic potential of these wastes is based on their mineralogical composition. Therefore, the precise characterisation of the host minerals and the possibility of their sequestration by secondary minerals is crucial for understanding such potential. At both the Lojane and Allchar deposits, we investigated the retention of As, Ba, Cr, Ni, Sb and Tl within secondary minerals in different mine waste environments. Minerals like scorodite, roméite-group antimonates, and pharmacosiderite-group minerals have been identified as significant reservoirs for arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and thallium (Tl). These minerals help immobilize these elements, reducing their immediate environmental mobility. The high concentrations of valuable elements (e.g., Sb, Tl, and Ni) in both primary and secondary minerals from the various waste environments (waste rock, tailings, technosols) present opportunities for resource recovery. Effective leaching and extraction technologies could turn these environmental burdens into economic assets.

By identifying specific mineral reservoirs and understanding their mobilisation potential, our research contributes to the development of contamination risk management strategies for polluted sites, linking mineralogical processes to practical environmental remediation requirements. Furthermore, by turning these environmental burdens into assets, Northern Macedonia has the potential to set a regional example for the long-term management of mine waste.

Financial support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [P 36828-N] to T. Đorđević is gratefully acknowledged.


Đorđević, T. et al. (2019): Can. Mineral., 57, 10–21.

Đorđević, T. et al. (2021): J. Appl. Geochem., 135.

Kolitsch, U. et al. (2018): Geologica Macedonica, 32, 95–117.

Jovanovski, G. et al. (2018): Allchar, a world natural heritage, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sci., 238 pp

Serafimovski, T. et al. (2023): Geol. Ore Deposits, 65, 315-331.

Vaňek, A. et al. (2024): Environ. Pollution, 357, 124413–124421.

How to cite: Đorđević, T., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., and Boev, B.: Balancing between environmental pollution and unutilized resource potential: mine wastes of North Macedonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10258,, 2025.

EGU25-13273 | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Satellite-based, integrated environmental monitoring of mine sites: an example from the Roşia Poieni copper mine, Romania 

Moritz Kirsch, Sandra Lorenz, Richard Gloaguen, Calin Baciu, Anna-Hajnalka Kerekes, Lucia-Timea Deaconu, Farid Djaddaoui, Oriol Monserrat, and Nicolae Pavel

Mining operations produce vast amounts of waste, posing critical geotechnical, environmental, and social risks. The EU Horizon-funded Multiscale Observation Services for Mining-Related Deposits (MOSMIN) project addresses these challenges by developing integrated Earth Observation (EO)-based services that combine satellite, uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV), and in-situ data. These services aim to deliver innovative multi-scale, multi-source solutions for enhanced environmental and geotechnical monitoring as well as valorisation, aligning with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in the raw materials industry. MOSMIN’s case studies across diverse mining sites demonstrate the real-world application and benefits of these services.

We apply this integrated framework at the Roșia Poieni open-pit porphyry copper mine in Romania to monitor its environmental impact and to support the development of effective remediation strategies. We use long-term satellite archives for temporal analysis of large-scale impacts, augmented by high-resolution UAV and in-situ data for localized insights and validation. Ground-truthed hyperspectral satellite (e.g. EnMAP) data allow us to map the mineral composition of waste rocks, identifying potential acid-generating and buffering materials. Multispectral Sentinel-2 and Landsat data enable monitoring of vegetation health and water quality over time, offering insights into the downstream effects of acid mine drainage (AMD). We then conduct supervised mapping of hydrogeochemical properties and AMD-associated minerals in sediments based on UAV hyperspectral data in areas of interest identified in the satellite data. Sentinel-1 InSAR and UAV-based topographic data provide displacement susceptibility maps.

Our results highlight the substantial environmental impacts of mining at Roșia Poieni. The waste rock dumps are predominantly characterized by argillic alteration, interspersed with potassic and phyllic alteration zones enriched in sulfides, which are potential sources of AMD. Secondary iron minerals spectrally identified within the dumps and downstream sediments provide clear evidence of AMD, as do elevated AMWI (Acid Mine Water Index) values in the water runoff, which show strong correlations with measured dissolved iron concentrations and pH levels. A 30-year Fourier-based harmonic analysis of vegetation indices reveals a progressive decline in vegetation health around the tailings pond and waste rock dumps, largely driven by mine expansion. In contrast, areas northwest of the open pit and downstream of the tailings dam show net vegetation recovery, suggesting effective reclamation measures. InSAR-derived displacement data highlight accumulated ground movements of up to 200 mm per year in parts of the northern waste rock dump, raising concerns about geotechnical stability.

This case study highlights the value of integrated EO-based monitoring for understanding mining’s environmental impacts. The insights gained enable informed decision-making, support targeted remediation of existing issues, and facilitate mitigation measures to prevent future harm, through collaboration with local communities, governments, and the mine operator.

How to cite: Kirsch, M., Lorenz, S., Gloaguen, R., Baciu, C., Kerekes, A.-H., Deaconu, L.-T., Djaddaoui, F., Monserrat, O., and Pavel, N.: Satellite-based, integrated environmental monitoring of mine sites: an example from the Roşia Poieni copper mine, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13273,, 2025.

EGU25-13461 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Leveraging multi-sensor remote sensing for monitoring moisture in tailings storage facilities 

Cornelius Quigley, Qi Gao, Moritz Kirsch, Oriol Monserrat, and Richard Gloaguen

The EU-Horizon-funded project Multiscale Observation Services for Mining-related Deposits (MOSMIN) aims to develop comprehensive services for the geotechnical and environmental monitoring of mine waste to improve the safety, efficiency, and transparency of mining operations. Monitoring moisture and water ponding in tailings storage facilities (TSF) is important for safeguarding the geotechnical stability of these structures and optimising operational efficiency, including discharge planning, water reuse, and dust control. 

Satellite-based moisture monitoring of tailings is a cost-effective alternative to traditionally employed in situ sensors, as it provides large-scale and long-term coverage. Spectral indices from multispectral satellite data have been used successfully as moisture proxies in TSF, and as a basis to track size and bathymetry of decant ponds. While this is a viable methodology in arid regions, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), an active technique employing microwaves that can penetrate clouds, provides an alternative in more challenging atmospheric conditions. In this contribution, we explore the possibilities of using Sentinel-1 SAR data for moisture estimation within TSF, focusing on the Talabre TSF in Chile, one of MOSMIN's pilot sites, which, due to its desert climate provides the opportunity for cross-validation with optical soil moisture proxies. A qualitative estimate of relative soil moisture, showing strong agreement with optical-derived moisture estimates, can be obtained by normalising backscatter values using a time series to establish minimum and maximum bounds. However, in contrast to natural soils, which tend to have consistent surface roughness characteristics over time, tailings at Talabre exhibit smooth surfaces when wet and are prone to rapid desiccation, creating rougher surfaces as they dry, which leads to a negative relationship between SAR backscatter and moisture. 

Salts forming on tailings are another complicating factor, acting as barriers to evaporation and obscuring the moisture-related backscatter behaviour outlined above. In SAR backscatter time-series, we observe that certain areas show a slower rate of increase in backscatter during drying periods than others. The spectral signatures extracted from Enmap hyperspectral satellite data suggest that these regions correspond to tailings impacted by salt formation, providing an effective means to identify salt-affected areas (and excluding them from moisture estimation). 

For water body delimitation, thresholding the backscatter intensity based on the premise that water acts as a specular reflector, works well in most situations. For windy areas, we present a new method to delineate water bodies which uses paired Sentinel-1 images from different incidence angles, acquired from different look directions, to detect deviations in backscatter caused by wind-induced Bragg scattering. 

These findings underscore the potential of integrating earth observation data to provide reliable and versatile moisture monitoring services in TSFs for proactive mine management and sustainable resource development.

How to cite: Quigley, C., Gao, Q., Kirsch, M., Monserrat, O., and Gloaguen, R.: Leveraging multi-sensor remote sensing for monitoring moisture in tailings storage facilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13461,, 2025.

EGU25-14741 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.2

Multi-physics Inversion by Gradual Deformation of Non-stationary Gaussian Processes 

Juan Pablo Daza, Jef Caers, Peng Li, David Zhen Yin, and Duncan Eddy

Our study presents a novel approach for predicting the distribution of subsurface minerals by utilizing multi-physics forward modeling and non-stationary Gaussian processes. By dividing a large exploration area into smaller segments, we can accurately estimate spatial models of physical properties. This method enhances traditional prediction techniques by incorporating geophysical and geological data, and non-stationary Gaussian processes, resulting in more precise and reliable subsurface models. Simulation is performed by using a highly parallelizable flood-fill sampling algorithm that enables our Gaussian process method to scale to address large spatial domains. Our approach has significant implications for the efficient and sustainable exploration of critical mineral resources, aiding in the global transition to renewable energy.

How to cite: Daza, J. P., Caers, J., Li, P., Yin, D. Z., and Eddy, D.: Multi-physics Inversion by Gradual Deformation of Non-stationary Gaussian Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14741,, 2025.

EGU25-15577 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.2

Innovative Training in Critical Raw Materials: The IMMERSE Project's Role in Advancing Education for the Clean Energy Transition 

Evangelos Machairas, Emmanouil Varouchakis, Bernd G. Lottermoser, Shima Hajinia Leilabadi, Michael Roach, Felipe González Barrionuevo, Manuel Toscano Macias, and José Miguel Nieto

In the energy transition era, the supply risk of critical raw materials (CRMs) must be addressed with strategic efficiency and expertise to address the pressing challenges of climate change, increasing resource demands and to support the objectives of the European Green Deal. Strengthening local production and promoting the sustainable management of CRMs is essential to reduce reliance on imports and ensure a resilient supply chain.

As the emphasis on sustainable resource practices increases, the demand for skilled professionals to oversee the responsible and secure extraction of these materials is increasing. However, a major challenge in Europe is the shortage of qualified professionals in the mining and mineral resources sector. Universities have been identified as playing a pivotal role in addressing the deficit in professional training by adopting innovative learning and teaching methods. The integration of advanced digitization technologies into educational frameworks is a key aspect of this, ensuring that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to support the sustainable development of the mining industry.

The IMMERSE (Immersive Virtual Tours on Critical Minerals for Clean Energy Transition) project constitutes an innovative educational initiative focused on the development of Virtual Excursions (VEs) to enhance learning in the CRMs sector. This collaborative project brings together leading universities from Europe and Australia to address the skills gap in mining and geoscience training by employing cutting-edge teaching approaches that prioritize sustainability.

The VEs serve as cutting-edge educational tools that allow students to safely engage with scenarios that are otherwise difficult to access or present safety concerns in real-world environments. By replicating real mining environments through immersive online experiences, VEs allow students to explore ongoing research and industry practices without the constraints of geography. These virtual platforms encourage the exploration of sustainable practices and innovative solutions to today's mining challenges, aligning educational goals with industry needs.


The realisation of the IMMERSE project has been made possible by funding from the ERASMUS+ grant programme of the European Union (grant number: 2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000165332). We are deeply grateful for their invaluable support, which has enabled us to undertake this important endeavour. Their commitment to promoting educational initiatives and intercultural exchange has been instrumental in shaping the trajectory of our project and empowering us to make meaningful contributions to our field.

How to cite: Machairas, E., Varouchakis, E., Lottermoser, B. G., Leilabadi, S. H., Roach, M., Barrionuevo, F. G., Macias, M. T., and Nieto, J. M.: Innovative Training in Critical Raw Materials: The IMMERSE Project's Role in Advancing Education for the Clean Energy Transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15577,, 2025.

EGU25-15875 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.2

RE(E)-mining what’s left behind: unravelling the mineralogy, distribution, and mining potential of REEs in Grängesberg IOA mine wastes (Bergslagen, Sweden) 

Viktor Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Kanishk Bhadani, Gauti Asbjörnsson, Michel Varelija, Phillip Gopon, and Rob Hellingwerf

Rare earth elements (REEs), as a group, make up the raw materials scored with the highest supply risk and economic importance out of the numerous critical raw materials listed by the European Union. This is due to the very limited source of REEs and its key-role in a wide range of high-tech applications (e.g., electro-magnets and high storage capacity batteries), many of them related to the green energy infrastructure and the defense industry. As is with most of the metals needed for an energy transition, demand predictions show high increases for REEs – up to seven times current production by just 2040   (European Commission, 2023). To achieve these goals and predictions, we need to re-envision what mining is, and what is being mined.

Kiruna-type iron-oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits in the Bergslagen region (central Sweden) were mined for centuries, with the largest deposit being the Grängesberg ore field – mined from the 1500s until 1989. The Grängesberg mining operation is since 1989 inactive and all that is left after the ~150 million tons of ore production (Allen et al., 2013), besides the open pits, are large piles of gangue waste material (e.g., 3.46 dry Mt Indicated Mineral Resources at the Jan-Matts tailings dam; Lindholm, 2021). At the time of production, the Grängesberg ore was solely processed for iron bearing minerals. However, as is apparent in the deposit type name (IOA), apatite is present in significant concentrations in the ore. It at the time it was viewed as waste rock and deposited as stamp sands in large waste piles.

Apatite, along with monazite that also occurs in the Grängesberg ore (e.g., Jonsson et al., 2016), are both well-known hosts of REEs. The presence of these minerals in the mine waste poses a possible ‘new’ source for REE in Europe. This study aims to constrain the mineralogical occurrence, distribution, and type of REEs, and other critical metals, in the mine waste from the Grängesberg deposit to evaluate the potential of extracting these metals.


This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101177746.


Allen, R., Jansson, N., & Ripa, M. (2013). SWE4 Bergslagen: Geology of the volcanic- and limestone-hosted base metal and iron oxide deposits (excursion guide).

European Commission. (2023). Study on the Critical Raw Materials for the EU 2023 – Final Report (European Commission, Ed.).

Jonsson, E., Harlov, D. E., MaJka, J., Högdahl, K., & Persson-Nilsson, K. (2016). Fluorapatite-monazite-allanite relations in the Grängesberg apatite-iron oxide ore district, Bergslagen, Sweden. American Mineralogist, 101(8), 1769–1782.

Lindholm, T. (2022). Jan-Matts tailings dam, Grängesberg - Updated Mineral Resource Estimate. GeoVista AB.

How to cite: Bertrandsson Erlandsson, V., Bhadani, K., Asbjörnsson, G., Varelija, M., Gopon, P., and Hellingwerf, R.: RE(E)-mining what’s left behind: unravelling the mineralogy, distribution, and mining potential of REEs in Grängesberg IOA mine wastes (Bergslagen, Sweden), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15875,, 2025.

EGU25-16358 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.2

CRM potential of EU sedimentary basins: Insights on Estonian phosphorites and black shales  

Sophie Graul, Mawo Ndiaye, Toivo Kallaste, Vincent Monchal, Lauri Joosu, Marko Moilanen, and Rutt Hints

The importance of critical raw materials (CRMs), such as rare earth elements (REEs), in high-tech industries and the growing demand for alternative sources have spurred interest in exploring unconventional deposits. Unconventional resources include a wide range of low-grade, high-tonnage ores. In the Baltic Paleobasin, two Lower-Ordovican formations bear significant CRM potential. Estonia's phosphorites, among Europe's most extensive phosphate rock reserves with a tonnage of 3Bt, are considered as REE prospects with extraction as a P by-product. The overlaying black shales, analogue of the Swedish Alum shale, are prospective for V, Mo and U. Assessing these poorly understood ores' economic potential and characteristics is essential to secure sustainable access to a wide range of elements and plan extraction procedures. Detailed investigations were conducted in the Toolse and Aseri deposits.

REE in Estonian phosphorites are carried by fragments of brachiopod shells, mineralised in carbonate fluorapatite (CFA). The shells are complex objects, apatite originating from the crystallisation of organic tissues and precipitation of secondary phosphate during burial, and later REE uptake during diagenesis, leading to diverse ΣREE signatures. Despite this variability, profiles present overall homogenous REE patterns, MREE-enriched up to 12-fold compared to PAAS, with positive Y and Ce anomalies indicative of a diagenetic overprint. Average ∑REE+Y concentration is 600±200ppm with 27% of apatite. In the lower part of the ore, ∑REE+Y reaches up to 1234 ppm with 60% of apatite. New LA-ICP-MS quantitative technique was applied to explore shell properties. The extent of diagenetic overprint and enrichment was found to vary locally, with specific REE grades on apatite edges. In Toolse, shells show less recrystallised textures - the average REE content is 1847±880ppm, with a maximum of 4150±1000ppm. In Aseri, LA-ICP-MS sorting first reveals a higher and more homogenous grade, 2440±450ppm, and a second alteration-driven enrichment stage in which the edges present a ΣREE up to 7020±3500ppm. Despite differences in enrichment level, REE distributions are similar. Main REEs are Ce(33%), Y(21%), La(12%), Nd(16%) and Dy(3%). The outlook coefficient was calculated to determine ore prospectivity (Seredin, 2010). It models the percentage of CR in total REE (REEdef) by the ratio of economical against excessive REE (Koutl). Both deposits fall in the 'promising for economic development' range. Therefore, the ratio of valuable REEs is relatively high.

Black shales were explored through two drill cores. They comprise thermally immature, organic-rich black, grey shales and siltstones. Study reveals maximum hyperenrichment in the basal part, with V content reaching up to 2349ppm and Mo up to 4500ppm, then gradually decreasing. The U content reaches up to 500ppm; however, elements present mismatching patterns, indicating a complex redox environment and specific enrichment mechanisms. Further experiments were conducted for particle fractionation, indicating that the main V carriers are the finest fractions (<2µm, illite-smectite), with V up to 4832ppm, while in organic-rich fractions, V content remained low (200ppm). Strong correlation between V-Cr-Al-Ti further confirms that hyperenrichment of V was largely controlled by clays and associated with dissolved OM.  

How to cite: Graul, S., Ndiaye, M., Kallaste, T., Monchal, V., Joosu, L., Moilanen, M., and Hints, R.: CRM potential of EU sedimentary basins: Insights on Estonian phosphorites and black shales , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16358,, 2025.

EGU25-16655 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.2

Environmental and economic perspectives on Fe-oxyhydroxide and atacamite at seafloor massive sulphide deposits 

Christian Bishop, Bramley Murton, Anna Lichtschlag, Stephen Roberts, and Maxime Lesage

Seafloor Massive Sulphide (SMS) deposits have received global interest because of their high average grades of copper and zinc. However, the weathering processes of SMS deposits and the fate of metals during sulphide oxidation remain poorly understood, posing a potential ecological risk within the context of seafloor mining operations. Atacamite and Fe-oxyhydroxide (FeOOH) are key weathering products at SMS deposits, formed during the oxidation of sulphide minerals. These weathering products are hypothesized to trap base metals (i.e., copper and zinc), limiting their release into seawater. Here we study the processes that control the formation of sulphide weathering products and metal retention to provide new insights in metal release during seafloor mining and the valorisation of sulphide weathering products at these systems.

For this study, 31 samples of FeOOH with and without atacamite veins were obtained from the Semenov hydrothermal field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Bulk geochemical analysis reveal copper grades of 2.40 wt.%, comparable to those in volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, highlighting the potential of FeOOH and atacamite as a secondary resource at SMS deposits. Leaching experiments on nine samples of FeOOH with different amounts of atacamite show that the majority, i.e., 63.5% of copper within sulphide weathering products is found in atacamite veins hosted within FeOOH, while the FeOOH itself holds 32.5% copper. Additionally, our leaching experiments show that the occurrence of atacamite veins within FeOOH correlates with increased copper enrichment in FeOOH. While this may be due to copper adsorbing onto FeOOH during atacamite dissolution, this supports the natural capacity of FeOOH to adsorb copper in conditions where atacamite is unstable, akin to what could happen in natural SMS systems. For example, during chalcopyrite oxidation, copper is mobilised in acidic pore fluids, which may adsorb onto FeOOH at a low pH where atacamite is unable to precipitate. The mobilised fluid will then precipitate as atacamite veins when mixing with sufficient amounts of seawater.

To assess the ecological impact of sulphide weathering products, we conducted oxidative dissolution experiments on mixed sulphides under simulated seafloor conditions (~2.1°C, pH 8.2) over a two-week period in synthetic seawater. Results show that dissolved copper and zinc concentrations increased by approximately an order of magnitude above background synthetic seawater levels, i.e 35 vs 4.1 μg/L and for copper and 274 vs 33 μg/L for zinc. Extrapolation of constant oxidation rates from our experiments suggest that stockpiling 1,000 tonnes of sulphide ore at the seafloor could release up to 2,730 kg of zinc and 280 kg of copper annually. However, FeOOH precipitation occurring during our experiments, adsorbs dissolved metals from seawater, with a maximum of 23.1% of the total dissolved copper captured, thereby reducing metal release into seawater during the oxidative dissolution of sulphides.

Together, these findings demonstrate the potential of sulphide weathering products as secondary resources and as mitigators of ecological risk. The observation of atacamite could serve as an indicator for copper-rich FeOOH, while FeOOH precipitation provides a natural mechanism to adsorb metals, reducing their release during potential SMS mining operations.

How to cite: Bishop, C., Murton, B., Lichtschlag, A., Roberts, S., and Lesage, M.: Environmental and economic perspectives on Fe-oxyhydroxide and atacamite at seafloor massive sulphide deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16655,, 2025.

EGU25-17612 | Orals | ERE4.2

Future Mining Scenarios: A Forward-Looking Exploration of the Mining Industry through 2050 

Vitor Correia, Christopher Keane, Marko Komac, Eberhard Falck, Zubeyde Oysul, and Stephan Schuele


The global mining sector faces unprecedented challenges as it navigates intensifying geopolitical tensions, opaque markets, mounting environmental concerns, and increasingly complex social license issues. This research presents a comprehensive scenario analysis examining potential futures for the mining industry through 2050, developed through a rigorous methodology combining expert knowledge with strategic foresight methods.



The study employed a structured scenario technique leveraging the PESTEL framework and incorporating input from industry experts across Europe and the United States. Through workshops conducted in 2023 and 2024, researchers identified 20 main factors driving the mining industry's future. These factors were analysed using Cross-Impact Balances methodology and the ScenarioWizard Tool, initially generating nine scenarios that were subsequently consolidated into four distinct futures.



The analysis yielded four contrasting scenarios: (1) "The Advancement Wave", characterised by technology-driven progress but widening inequality; (2) "Divided Dominions", depicting fragmented trade blocs and market distortion; (3) "Downward Spiral", showing widespread resource nationalism and environmental degradation; and (4) "The Great Transition", presenting unprecedented international cooperation following a global catastrophe. Each scenario explores interconnected dimensions including international cooperation, economic conditions, social dynamics, environmental aspects, and technological development within the mineral raw materials sector.



The research identified five fundamental differentiators determining the extractive industry’s trajectory: technological innovation adoption, societal acceptance of mining operations, stability of policy frameworks, management of demand volatility, and degree of international cooperation. The findings emphasise that while the industry's future remains malleable, success requires sustained political commitment and policy stability across electoral cycles, alongside careful balance between domestic security and international cooperation, environmental protection and economic development, and local impacts versus global benefits.


Policy Implications

Evidence from all scenarios demonstrates that geopolitics is the primary factor shaping the future of the mining sector. Moving towards more positive outcomes requires decisive actions: maintaining strong public support for R&D, improving societal acceptance through reformed permitting processes, creating mechanisms to minimise market cyclicity, enhancing multilateral cooperation, and developing long-term strategic planning beyond electoral cycles. These findings provide valuable insights for policy-makers in shaping resilient strategies to secure the supply of mineral raw materials.

How to cite: Correia, V., Keane, C., Komac, M., Falck, E., Oysul, Z., and Schuele, S.: Future Mining Scenarios: A Forward-Looking Exploration of the Mining Industry through 2050, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17612,, 2025.

EGU25-18092 | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Characterizing arsenic mineralization in the Carmen Quartz-Pyrite-Gold (QPG) Veins, Mankayan Mineral District, Philippines: A geometallurgical approach 

Kreyvin Geonathan Andal, Jillian Aira S. Gabo-Ratio, Djoan Kate T. Tungpalan, Pearlyn C. Manalo, and Rey Taylan

Geometallurgy has emerged as a critical approach for understanding unconventional ore deposits, leveraging advanced techniques such as automated mineralogy and diagnostic leaching to characterize the behavior of complex ores. In the Philippines, the Carmen quartz-pyrite-gold (QPG) veins in the Mankayan Mineral District exemplify such a deposit, where copper occurs as arsenic-bearing tennantite and enargite. The ore's complexity is emphasized by intricate mineral textural relationships and its deleterious nature. Understanding its ore’s mineralization characteristics is imperative for the improvement of mineral processing and metal extraction.

The main orebody of the Carmen QPG vein is a silicic hydrothermal breccia intersected by multiple sulfide veins. Petrographic analysis reveals a predominance of tennantite with minor enargite-luzonite, closely associated with quartz and pyrite, the primary gangue minerals. Trace inclusions of chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and covellite are also observed replacing the primary minerals. Automated mineralogy, performed using a Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA) on whole and ground ore, provided valuable insights into the processing behavior of these arsenic-bearing minerals. Mineral maps of whole and comminuted samples reveal complex and pervasive textures at the microscopic scale. Tennantite is commonly associated with enargite (22.79%), pyrite (21.71%), and quartz (30.07%), while enargite is associated with tennantite (34.45%), pyrite (6.72%), and quartz (17.98%). Particle size distribution data indicate a convergence in the grinding behavior of enargite and tennantite with increasing fineness. Both minerals exhibit similar liberation trends, where larger size fractions contain a higher proportion of binary and ternary+ particles that progressively liberate with finer grinding. However, enargite consistently shows a higher proportion of liberated particles per size fraction compared to tennantite. Diagnostic leaching studies are currently underway to further evaluate the leaching behavior of arsenic, aiming to inform strategies for the effective beneficiation of this unconventional ore.

How to cite: Andal, K. G., Gabo-Ratio, J. A. S., Tungpalan, D. K. T., Manalo, P. C., and Taylan, R.: Characterizing arsenic mineralization in the Carmen Quartz-Pyrite-Gold (QPG) Veins, Mankayan Mineral District, Philippines: A geometallurgical approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18092,, 2025.

EGU25-20276 | Posters on site | ERE4.2

Multi-Sensor Approach for Enhanced Characterization of Lithium Ore 

Feven Desta and Mike Buxton

Global trends indicate that the demand for many Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) and Strategic Raw Materials (SRMs) is rising and is expected to increase dramatically in the near future. These minerals are essential for key industries, including automotive and electronics, and serve as crucial enablers of the green energy transition, playing a vital role in achieving net-zero climate targets. To meet this increasing demand, it is crucial to enhance the characterization and modelling of these materials to better understand their quantity and distribution in both primary and secondary resources, such as mine waste. Sensor technologies could provide an effective solution for raw material characterization, supporting this effort. In this work, a data-driven methodology employing machine learning techniques is proposed. It utilizes laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and visible-near infrared/short-wave infrared (VNIR/SWIR) spectral data to achieve more accurate characterization of lithium, a critical SRM, in lithium-bearing pegmatite deposits. The methodology commences with data exploration and pre-processing, followed by an evaluation of the techniques' effectiveness in element and mineral identification. This is followed by data modelling and validation. The collected spectral data were used to develop classification models, using Support Vector Classification (SVC) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), as well as predictive models for the prediction of Lithium concentration using Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) and Support Vector Regression (SVR). The results show that using these techniques coupled with machine learning significantly enhances the compositional analysis of lithium ore. The findings suggest that this approach can improve material characterization, enable effective process control, and help define the requirements for mineral processing. As a result, it could potentially increase the efficiency of mining and re-mining operations.

How to cite: Desta, F. and Buxton, M.: Multi-Sensor Approach for Enhanced Characterization of Lithium Ore, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20276,, 2025.

Identification of source rocks bearing helium generation potential is essential to construct a robust play fairway for natural helium exploration. The main source rock for helium generation are widely accepted as granitic or metamorphic basement rocks of cratons while some researchers suggest that hydrocarbon source rocks and sediments might also generate helium. One of the most critical implications for potential zones is the presence of radioactivity as He generation is sourced from the alpha decay of 232Th, 238U, and 235U. Thus, more He generation means more decay, characterised by increasing radioactive heat. In addition, distinguishing heavy thorium minerals as clay types by 232Th-40K cross-plots could also indicate potential zones. Therefore, measuring and assessing the 232Th-238U-40K levels play a critical role in any region for natural helium exploration.

This study brings forward well log interpretation approach as one of the transferable methods from the oil and gas industry into natural He exploration by examining the 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs, known as SGR logs, which are generally neglected or overlooked although they provide numerous benefits for subsurface evaluation.

Based on the methodology 2 main research questions emerge for this study to answer;

  • Can sediments and hydrocarbon source rocks might generate He or contribute to the He generation process?
  • Can SGR Logs provide a robust methodology for detection of potential He generating intervals in sedimentary successions?

To answer these questions, Early and Mid-Triassic sediments from the Northern Arabian Plate are selected as a case study. Recently unlocked Mid-Triassic hydrocarbon play, including source rocks, and CO2 / N2 readings on gas chromatography of nearby wells make the region unique and a perfect study area to test the hypothesis. Radiogenic heat generations (A) have been calculated using the equation below to track radioactivity levels.

A = 0.01 p (9.52 238U + 2.56 232Th + 3.48 40K)

A; radiogenic heat (μWm–3),

p; rock density (g/cm3),

238U, 232Th, 40K; Uranium 238U (ppm); Thorium 232Th (ppm); potassium 40K (%)

Regarding the observations, a 1-15 m. thick, theoretical He generation zone has been detected in the shales of the Early Triassic succession. A consistent significant peak in radiogenic heat levels reaching 4 μWm–3 coincide with rapid increases in calculated He log and heavy thorium minerals content. Additionally, shales are represented by as high 232Th-238U levels as granitic basements. A thickness map of potential He generation zone demonstrates that the zone gets thinner towards ESE at where large fault zones dominate the regional geology.

As a conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that sediments might generate natural He and potential zones might be identified by the help of SGR logs. The results can also shed light on the He generation potential of Triassic sediments deposited in the other regions of the Arabian Plate. Moreover, the proposed workflow can be applied for any region or rock type if the interval of interest is covered by 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs.

How to cite: Uyanik, A.: Can Sediments Generate Helium? Implications from 232Th-238U-40K Concentration Logs from the Northern Arabian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1138,, 2025.

EGU25-1857 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings 

Rodolfo Christiansen, Mohamed Sobh, Nicolas Saspiturry, and Gerald Gabriel

This study presents a versatile methodological framework, implemented as a Python-based tool called PoNHy (Potential for Natural Hydrogen), designed to assess hydrogen generation in serpentinization environments using geophysical and laboratory data. As a practical application, the approach robustness is demonstrated in the Mauleon Basin localized in the north-western Pyrenees, where extensive data availability facilitates detailed analyses and validation. The workflow begins with a thorough assessment of key petrophysical properties such as density, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal conductivity. These properties guide the interpretation of underlying geological structures and help refining the initial subsurface models. Building on this foundation, gravity and magnetic data are inverted to determine the distribution and volume of source rocks, as well as their degree of serpentinization. Thermal modeling then delineates subsurface temperature regimes, which play a critical role in the serpentinization reactions and subsequent hydrogen production. To translate laboratory-derived hydrogen production rates into realistic field estimates, the framework integrates parameters from both lab experiments and field observations. Factors such as the water-to-rock ratio, fracture spacing, mineral composition, and specific surface area of reacting materials influence fluid flow, reaction rates, and the overall efficiency of hydrogen generation. By integrating these parameters alongside corrections for the degree of serpentinization, our new methodology provides a more accurate representation of subsurface conditions. This comprehensive integration yields hydrogen generation estimates that better reflect in situ conditions, ultimately improving our understanding of natural hydrogen volumes. Such insights are critical for subsequent transport models aimed at identifying potential reservoirs.

How to cite: Christiansen, R., Sobh, M., Saspiturry, N., and Gabriel, G.: A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1857,, 2025.

EGU25-2570 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration 

Frank Zwaan, Sascha Brune, Anne C. Glerum, Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Gianreto Manatschal, and Eric C. Gaucher

As the energy transition gathers steam, naturally occurring hydrogen gas (H2) generated by the serpentinization of mantle rocks is a highly promising sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. To undergo serpentinization, mantle rocks that are normally situated at great depth need to be brought closer to the surface by plate tectonics and other geodynamic processes. Here, they may react with water to be efficiently serpentinized and generate natural H2, which can accumulate in reservoirs as it migrates to the surface (as part of a natural H2 system).

Exploring natural H2 systems requires a solid understanding of their geodynamic history, which can be informed by numerical geodynamic modelling. Through such modelling we can trace how, when, and where mantle material enters the serpentinization window, as well as when active, large-scale faults penetrate exhumed mantle bodies allowing for water circulation, as well as serpentinization and H2 generation, to occur.

Our recent modelling of rifting and subsequent rift inversion (Zwaan et al., in press) shows that, although serpentinization-related natural H2 generation is a phenomenon best known from (magma-poor) rifted margins and oceanic spreading ridges, annual volumes of natural H2 generated during inversion may be up to 20 times higher than during rifting, due to the colder thermal regime in rift-inversion orogenic environments. Moreover, suitable reservoir rocks and seals required for natural H2 accumulations to form are readily available in rift-inversion orogens, whereas they may not be present when serpentinization occurs in deep marine continental rift or oceanic spreading settings.

Our model results thus provide a first-order motivation to turn to rift-inversion orogens for natural H2 exploration and are supported by indications of natural H2 generation in rift-inversion orogens such as the European Alps and Pyrenees.

REFERENCE CITED: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A.C., Vasey, D.A., Naliboff, J.B., Manatschal, G., Gaucher, E.C (in press). Rift-inversion orogens are potential hotspots for natural H2 generation. Science Advances. Link to preprint:

How to cite: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A. C., Vasey, D. A., Naliboff, J. B., Manatschal, G., and Gaucher, E. C.: Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2570,, 2025.

EGU25-2903 | Posters on site | GD6.1

The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy   

Philip Ball, Graham Banks, Mikenna Montgomery, Juan Carlos Afonso, and Vladimir Stroganov

Scaling up geothermal from a niche industry to a viable, global industry is important for all our collective decarbonization efforts. Here we explore the distribution of geothermal projects globally to understand where projects have been positioned to date. As a result of this global analysis, we recommend that future geothermal exploration and development be conducted using a Linnean-style classification system for geothermal entities. Hierarchical thinking and the pre-discovery exploration triangle will provide the technique for gaining the ‘big picture’ context about the location of the optimal geothermal plays and prospects.  It is further argued that the engineering approach used to complete a geothermal project significantly impacts the economics of the project, and that engineering should not be confused with play type, which at the highest level is either hydrothermal or petrothermal.

In this study we explore the distribution of Natural hydrothermal systems (NHS), Open loop Geothermal Systems (generically known EGS), and Closed Loop geothermal  systems (generically known CLG or AGS). Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022) our findings include an observation that there is little or no coherence to geothermal exploration to date. CLG/Closed Loop: Volcanic Arc systems (44%) EGS/Open Loop: Orogenic Belt systems (45%). Natural Hydrothermal: Volcanics Arc systems (51%). Our analysis is the first coherent global study of the geodynamic domain of geothermal projects. We observe that a better understanding of the internal variation within geodynamic domains and refined geodynamic models (paleo and present day) are necessary to improve the success of geothermal exploration. Furthermore, we find that identifying present day stress-state is important when planning wells and executing geothermal projects, and that higher resolution lithospheric models are needed to help understand the petrothermal and hydrothermal systems. Finally, further R&D is needed to help unlock geothermal exploration and drilling across the most prolific geodynamic settings.

How to cite: Ball, P., Banks, G., Montgomery, M., Afonso, J. C., and Stroganov, V.: The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2903,, 2025.

EGU25-3033 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome 

Moamen Ali, Mohammed Ali, and Hamda Alshehhi

The UAE government is actively exploring the use of Hormuz salt domes for large-scale hydrogen and hydrocarbon storage, aligning with its strategic goals for clean energy transition and decarbonization. A comprehensive understanding of the geometry, kinematics, and halokinetic phases of these Infra-Cambrian Hormuz salt structures is crucial to achieving this vision. This study focuses on the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome, the only exposed salt dome in onshore Abu Dhabi. Utilizing three 3D seismic surveys and data from four boreholes, the research analyzes its morphology and evolution. The Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome exhibits an elliptical structure elongated in the N-S direction, with dimensions ranging from 2 to 2.8 km (E-W) and 3.2 to 4.2 km (N-S). The dome features irregular crests, steeply dipping flanks, and a series of hills rising approximately 110 m above sea level. Surrounding the dome is a pronounced rim syncline, resulting from the upward evacuation of Hormuz salt through the thick Phanerozoic stratigraphic succession, creating a discordant relationship with the dome structure. Salt withdrawal at Jebel Al Dhanna likely initiated in the Late Cretaceous, driven by the reactivation of inherited basement faults associated with ophiolite obduction onto the Arabian foreland. Halokinetic activity persisted through the Oligocene-Miocene, coinciding with the continent-continent collision of Central Iran and the Arabian Plate. The presence of tilted Upper Miocene and Quaternary strata around and within the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome underscores continued salt evacuation to the present day. This research highlights the importance of salt tectonics for energy resource storage and provides valuable insights into fault-salt interactions, with significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration, energy security, and the UAE’s decarbonization initiatives.

How to cite: Ali, M., Ali, M., and Alshehhi, H.: Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3033,, 2025.

EGU25-3367 | Orals | GD6.1

Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China 

Haonan Gan, Xiao Wang, Guiling Wang, Wei Zhang, Linxiao Xing, and Yu Zhang

Eastern China (EC) is located in the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate and has been influenced by the subduction of the Izanagi and Pacific Plate since the Late Mesozoic, resulting in a large amount of tectonic-magmatic activities. After the India–Eurasia convergence, the topography of continental China changed from high-east-low-west to high-west-low-east. At present, the Bohai Bay Basin in EC mainly forms sedimentary basin-type geothermal system, and deep circulation-type geothermal systems mainly occur in southeast coastal China, with thermal springs widely distributed. In the northeastern China, Holocene volcanoes such as Changbaishan Volcano have been formed, together with many thermal springs exposed.

The genesis of shallow thermal anomalies is closely correlated with the thermal-rheological structure of the lithosphere. In this study, we comparatively analyzed the lithospheric thermal-rheological structures of different tectonic units in EC, such as the Bohai Bay Basin, the southeast coastal China, and the Changbaishan Volcano field. We revealed that under the influence of the Pacific tectonic domain, the lithospheric thermal structures differed significantly, and the temperatures at the same depth from high to low are the Changbaishan Volcano field, the Bohai Bay Basin and the southeast coastal China. The rheological structures are significantly weakened in the middle and lower crust in the presence of an intracrustal heat source. The shallow thermal anomalies in the three tectonic units are similar in that the reservoir temperatures are mainly in the range of 100-150°C, and the water sources are all meteoric water. The difference between shallow thermal anomalies corresponds to their lithospheric thermal-rheological structures. The geothermal systems in the sedimentary basin of the Bohai Bay Basin are characterized by wells with a geothermal reservoir depth of 3-5 km. The deep-circulation hydrothermal systems in southeast coastal China are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-7 km, and the hydrothermal systems in the Changbaishan Volcano field are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-5 km. The deep thermal-rheological structure influences the behavioral characterization of shallow thermal anomalies with respect to heat-accumulation patterns. When brittle-ductile transition depth greater than the circulation depth, magma chamber (or partial melting body) and fluid circulation systems are relatively independent, and mass transfer from the magma chamber to the geothermal system may not happen.

How to cite: Gan, H., Wang, X., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Xing, L., and Zhang, Y.: Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3367,, 2025.

EGU25-3694 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting 

Anne Glerum, Sascha Brune, Philipp Weis, Joseph M. Magnall, and Sarah A. Gleeson

The growing global demand for metal resources requires new discoveries of high-grade ore deposits. Known sediment-hosted clastic-dominated base metal deposits are found in failed continental rifts and the passive margins of successful rifts. Recent studies indicate that the majority of these Zn-Pb deposits are located near steps in lithospheric thickness (e.g., Hoggard et al., 2020), but a potential causal link between ore formation and craton edges remains elusive. However, numerical models have shown that a craton edge close enough to an incipient rift controls the direction of asymmetry of the rift system (Raghuram et al., 2023) and that asymmetric rifts are more favorable to deposit formation (Glerum et al., 2024). Understanding the large-scale controls of cratons on rift-related mineralizing processes, occurring on much smaller spatial and temporal scales, can thus help identify new areas for exploration.

To this end, we use the geodynamic code ASPECT (Kronbichler et al., 2012; Heister et al., 2017) coupled to the landscape evolution model FastScape (Braun and Willett, 2013; Neuharth et al., 2022) to model 2D rift systems from inception to break-up in the presence of a craton. We investigate the relationship between craton distance and favorable conditions for ore formation, i.e., those conditions where potential source rock, host rock, and fluid pathways co-occur. Our results show that cratons have a negative effect on ore formation in narrow asymmetric rifts, but a positive effect in wide rifts.

In a second step, we further investigate the hydrothermal ore-forming mechanisms by using potentially favorable geodynamic configurations from the ASPECT simulations as input for fluid flow modelling with CSMP++ (Weis et al., 2014; Rodríguez et al., 2021). This input comprises basin geometry, temperature, boundary heat flow and a permeability structure dependent on strain and strain rate. With a temperature- and salinity-dependent proxy of metal solubility in the basinal brines, we track the leaching, transport, and precipitation of metals. This cross-scale workflow allows us to identify those rifting scenarios with the highest metal enrichment potential.


Braun and Willett, 2013. Geomorphology 180–181: 170–79. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008.
Glerum et al., 2024. Solid Earth 15: 921-944. DOI: 10.5194/se-15-921-2024.
Heister et al., 2017. Geophys. J. Int. 210 (2): 833–51. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx195.
Hoggard et al., 2020. Nat. Geosci. 13 (7): 504–10. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-0593-2.
Kronbichler et al., 2012. Geophys. J. Int. 191 (1): 12–29. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05609.x.
Neuharth et al., 2022. Tectonics 41 (3): e2021TC007166. DOI: 10.1029/2021TC007166.
Raghuram et al., 2023. Geology 51:1077–1082. DOI: 10.1130/G51370.1.
Rodríguez et al., 2021. GCubed 22 (6). DOI: 10.1029/2020GC009453.
Weis et al., 2014. Geofluids 14, 347-371. DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12080.

How to cite: Glerum, A., Brune, S., Weis, P., Magnall, J. M., and Gleeson, S. A.: The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3694,, 2025.

EGU25-4193 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach 

Alan J. Yu, Sascha Brune, Judith Bott, Anne C. Glerum, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), situated along the border of France and Germany, is part of the intraplate European Cenozoic Rift System. The graben is widely recognized for its abundant geothermal resources, making it a key region for energy transition initiatives. However, the characterization of the URG’s geothermal potential remains poorly constrained due to its highly variable hydrothermal conditions and large observational gaps. Previous studies on fault criticality have often overlooked the role of historical plate movements, oversimplifying the intricate interactions that govern the thermal and structural evolution of the URG over the past ~40 million years.

Using the numerical geodynamic code ASPECT coupled with the landscape evolution code FastScape, we simulate the lithospheric-scale development of fault networks within the URG under geodynamically realistic stress and strain conditions. Our models incorporate various forms of structural and rheological heterogeneities inherited from the earlier Variscan Orogeny, along with a two-stage Cenozoic kinematic history involving rift-orthogonal extension followed by sinistral strike-slip. Preliminary results show the first-order impact of structural inheritance and divergence obliquity on strain localization, which shape the orientation, spacing, and strain rate of the resulting fault network. These results will lay the groundwork for subsequent basin-wide modelling with the thermo-hydro-mechanical code GOLEM, coupling geodynamically controlled basin development with heat and fluid flow simulations that involve shorter-term rock and fracture mechanics. Throughout all modelling stages, we compare our models with available geological and geophysical observations.

How to cite: Yu, A. J., Brune, S., Bott, J., Glerum, A. C., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4193,, 2025.

EGU25-6373 | Orals | GD6.1

A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees 

Alexandra Robert, Sepideh Pajang, Frederic Mouthereau, Ajay Kumar, and Jean-Paul Callot

The relationships between the serpentinised continental mantle in orogens, its geophysical signature at depth and hydrogen seepages are poorly understood. A petro-physical modelling approach accounting for serpentinisation shows that a large domain of serpentinised mantle is present in the northern Pyrenees. The serpentinisation reached a maximum of 40% during the mid-Cretaceous rifting, according to the predicted temperature and pressure. Although high-temperature serpentinisation could have generated large quantify of hydrogen during the Mesozoic, the shallow and inactive faulting in Northern Pyrenees make this process unlikely to explain the entire serpentinisation inferred by petro-physical modelling. A combination of low-temperature alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the North Pyrenean Zone, active normal faulting in the North Pyrenean Fault, accumulation in local traps and transport of H2-rich fluids along inactive but permeable fault may explain the hydrogen seepages observed today.

How to cite: Robert, A., Pajang, S., Mouthereau, F., Kumar, A., and Callot, J.-P.: A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6373,, 2025.

EGU25-7103 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage 

Leonardo Pichel, Ritske Huismans, Thomas Theunissen, Sabine Delahaye, Alexandre Pichat, Jean-Paul Callot, and Naim Celini

Thick salt deposits occur in a wide range of sedimentary basins and orogens. They are associated with large and geometrically complex structures due to the inherent ability of salt to flow as a viscous fluid. Salt basins form major hydrocarbon provinces and are increasingly targeted for CO2/H2 storage and geothermal energy due to the unique physical properties of salt, its low viscosity, high thermal conductivity and impermeability. Despite considerable advances in understanding salt basins and salt tectonics, there is still a significant knowledge gap on the internal geometry of salt structures. We apply a novel, very-high resolution (20x50m)2D numerical modelling approach to simulate salt diapirism and minibasin formation for heterogenous, layered salt sequences. We test the effects of varying i) viscosity, ii) density, iii) thickness, and iv) stratigraphic arrangement of intra-salt layers on the kinematics, and the internal and external geometries of deformed salt bodies by using scaled material properties to simulate: i) weak pure halite, ii) less-weak impure halite, ii) strong and dense anhydrite-rich layers, and iv) very-weak K-Mg salts.

Our results show that salt sequences including an alternation of weak and less-weak layers with different viscosity and density produce major intra-salt strain partition and complexity characterized by highly convoluted folding, horizontal and vertical shearing, and preferential flow of the weaker, less-dense salt (pure halite) into the core of diapirs. The less-weak layers can eventually flow into the diapir crest but are generally disrupted by flow of the underlying weak layers and positioned towards the diapirs’ flanks where they become overturned. The most complex and convolute intra-salt geometries occur around the diapirs’ flanks when there is an abrupt internal shift of minibasin depocentres. Recumbent intra-salt folds are also common and associated with the development of secondary minibasins by diapir-fall. For models that include strong anhydrite-rich layers, there is a general decrease in the magnitude and complexity of diapirism, with these layers being passively folded by flow of the underlying weak salt and displaying only moderate to negligible flow onto diapirs and vertical stretching. These stronger layers become trapped underneath the base of diapirs and their associated minibasins where they typically form short-wavelength folds. For models that include very-weak and light K-Mg salt layers, there is an increase in rate of diapirism with rapid vertical shearing and stretching of the weak layers along the diapir’s flanks and sub-horizontal flow and recumbent folds along their crests. Varying the position of both very-weak and strong layers generates very contrasting internal and external diapir geometries. These results can aid in the characterization of the internal structures of deformed, diapiric salt bodies, which is critical for the use of salt structures in the context of energy transition. They provide important insights that can help the design of salt caverns for H2/CH4 storage by identifying areas with broadly homogenous halite-rich salt, 2) avoiding drilling through sheared and highly-stressed and strained intra-salt heterogeneities, and 3) constraining minibasin architecture and evolution, improving the understanding of the distribution and geometry of CO2 reservoirs.

How to cite: Pichel, L., Huismans, R., Theunissen, T., Delahaye, S., Pichat, A., Callot, J.-P., and Celini, N.: The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7103,, 2025.

EGU25-7356 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions 

Trevor Atkinson, Ghanashyam Neupane, Ayowole Fifo, and Kevin Sylla

A significant component to international energy net-zero emission goals is the exploration, production, and utilization of hydrogen. It is estimated that the International Energy Agency’s goal to reduce emissions will require approximately 550 megatons of hydrogen annually. While traditional generation methods through electrolysis (green hydrogen) and from fossil fuels (blue hydrogen) are potential pathways, they each come with challenges in terms of critical minerals consumption and CO2 sequestration. An alternative and promising source of meeting these goals is geologic hydrogen, naturally produced within the Earth's subsurface. Recent studies estimate that over 20 megatons of hydrogen seep from various geological formations annually. A team led by industry pioneers, Pristine Energy and researchers from the Idaho National Laboratory aim to explore the potential of geologic hydrogen in the Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP), Idaho, USA. The ESRP is characterized by iron-rich basalt formations and mid-crustal mafic sills, both conducive to hydrogen production through serpentinization. Additionally, geothermal gradients and geochemical fingerprinting suggest the potential for rapid serpentinization at depth, giving insight into geologic hydrogen conversion kinetics. This project will proceed through a systematic approach including a thorough literature review, detailed field sampling, field instrumentation and measurements, lab characterization, and preliminary modeling. Gas, water, and soil samples will be collected from identified fissures, faults, hot springs, and existing wells to identify source and estimate rates and quantities of generated hydrogen. Hydrogen concentrations will be measured using advanced sensors and characterized via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). High-seepage locations will undergo continuous monitoring to understand seasonal variations in hydrogen emissions. This innovative approach leverages the unique geological attributes of the ESRP to contribute significantly to geologic hydrogen exploration and assessment workflows, and ultimately to the global hydrogen supply, supporting net-zero emission goals.

How to cite: Atkinson, T., Neupane, G., Fifo, A., and Sylla, K.: Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7356,, 2025.

EGU25-7428 | Orals | GD6.1

Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens  

Graham Hill, Ben Friemann, Eric Roots, Phil Wannamaker, Virginia Maris, Rasmus Haugaard, Jochen Kamm, Svetlana Kovacikova, Radek Klanica, Andy Calvert, Jim Craven, and Richard Smith

Despite abundant empirical evidence, the details of coupled deformation and mass transfer processes within a framework of the crustal architecture of ancient orogens remains enigmatic. Geophysical imaging of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone, a well-endowed crustal-scale fault system in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, characterises the crustal architecture and fault geometry of the system through the lower crust. By comparing the geophysically determined structure of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone to stress changes induced by Archean (peak orogeny) rupture of the fault system, we show domains of earthquake-triggered deformation coincide with the geophysically imaged low resistivity zones. These low resistivity zones likely formed due to mineral bearing fluid migration from underlying fertile source zones to downstream (shallower) crustal reservoirs and, ultimately, near surface traps. The multi-disciplinary approach identifies the syntectonic mass-transfer processes and fluid pathways, providing an interpretive framework for unraveling the geophysical manifestation of the deformation controlled processes responsible for upflow of metalliferous fluids that may result in ore deposit formation in collisional orogens. 

How to cite: Hill, G., Friemann, B., Roots, E., Wannamaker, P., Maris, V., Haugaard, R., Kamm, J., Kovacikova, S., Klanica, R., Calvert, A., Craven, J., and Smith, R.: Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7428,, 2025.

EGU25-8201 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach 

Manel Ramos, Ritske Huismans, Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Thomas Theunissen, Jean-Paul Callot, Alexandre Pichat, Naim Célini, Sabine Delahaye, and Claude Gout

Understanding the internal structure of intra-salt layers within deformed salt bodies is crucial for geo-energy storage in salt-bearing basins. This study integrates high-resolution 2D finite element numerical modelling to explore how variations in salt stratigraphy, lithological heterogeneity, and post-salt sedimentation patterns influence deformation processes and the internal architecture of diapiric salt structures across different basin geometries. Specifically, we examine the impact of lithological variability by systematically varying the position and thickness of frictional-plastic, relatively strong intra-salt layers (e.g., anhydrite or carbonates) within a viscous layered salt sequence. The position of the strong intra-salt layer within a salt body significantly influences salt flow dynamics, internal and external diapir morphology, and overburden deformation. When located at the top, the strong layer acts as a stiff cap, restricting upward salt flow and producing broader diapirs with limited overburden deformation. When located in the middle, it localizes strain within the salt, leading to sharper and more discrete diapirs. When located at the bottom, it enhances upward salt flow of the overlying weak salt layer, resulting in tall, narrow, and more intrusive diapirs with more pronounced overburden deformation. In all cases, the strong intra-salt layer breaks and forms boudins, which vary in dimensions, distribution and structural complexity according to their different position and thickness. These intra-salt boudins can be transported by the salt flow to the upper parts of salt structures, but are often trapped at diapir pedestals, beneath diapir flanks, or under minibasins, where they experience repeated folding and refolding as the weaker, less dense salt flows around them. The presence of this heterogeneous intra-salt layer alters the flow paths of the weaker salt and controls both the geometry of salt structures and associated deformation in the overburden. These findings underscore the critical role of stratigraphic and tectonic controls in shaping both the external and internal architecture of salt diapirs, patterns that are particularly relevant for the North Sea, where salt structures play a crucial role in emerging geo-energy storage.

How to cite: Ramos, M., Huismans, R., Muniz Pichel, L., Theunissen, T., Callot, J.-P., Pichat, A., Célini, N., Delahaye, S., and Gout, C.: Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8201,, 2025.

EGU25-8374 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis 

Eszter Békési, Csilla Szárnya, Alain Prinzhofer, Anna Twaróg, Kristóf Porkoláb, and Gábor Tari

With the increasing demand for alternative energy sources, natural hydrogen is gaining attention for commercial exploitation. Naturally accumulated hydrogen is only utilized today at the field of Bourakébougou, Mali, highlighting major knowledge gaps in the behaviour of hydrogen systems and in the related exploration-production workflows. Circular depressions called “fairy circles” represent a surface manifestation of hydrogen seeps that commonly occur in continental cratons and are formed relatively quickly (few years). Apart from the topographic imprint of these ~100 m to 2 km diameter depressions, a major signature of the structures is a vegetation anomaly; characterized by a zone of dying vegetation inside the circle, and a ring of healthy, enriched vegetation in their surroundings. Although the connection of surface H2 seeps to deep-seated H2 sources has been implied in several case studies, the exact mechanism of fairy circle formation is still largely unknown, together with the underlying generation, migration, and accumulation processes of H2.

Satellite images are widely used for the mapping of fairy circles, but these observations are mainly restricted to passive satellite sensors without monitoring any temporal changes of the structures. In this study we used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellites to monitor the evolution of fairy circles in terms of morphological and vegetational changes in two demonstration areas: in the Sao Francisco Basin of Brazil, and in the Lublin Basin of SE Poland. In both cases, the duration of the monitoring was ~5 years, with a temporal resolution of ~1 month. We applied the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to map ground motions associated with the potentially active surface deformation of fairy circles. We extended the ground motion time series with SAR backscatter analysis to identify changes in the strength of the backscattered signal through time. The aim of the backscatter analysis was to identify any rapid changes associated with the loss/increase of vegetation linked to H2 degassing. Results show significant ground motion and vegetation anomalies associated with fairy circles in the Sao Francisco Basin (Brazil). Results are not that evident in the Polish area, mostly due to its poorer suitability for InSAR and backscatter analysis (generally lower coherence areas and presence of agricultural and other artificial activities overprinting natural variations). The SAR-based observations were compared with geochemical measurements for monitoring H2 emissions in the soil in both areas, to better understand the potential link between H2 degassing and morphological and/or vegetation changes. The detailed understanding of subsurface processes responsible for the detected anomalies and H2 seeping cannot be inferred, but important constraints on fairy circle formation are achieved. This study demonstrates the applicability and limitations of InSAR and backscatter analysis for the mapping of actively changing fairy circles over two different areas, with important implications of the methodology for further case studies worldwide and constraints on natural hydrogen systems in general.

How to cite: Békési, E., Szárnya, C., Prinzhofer, A., Twaróg, A., Porkoláb, K., and Tari, G.: Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8374,, 2025.

EGU25-8635 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation  

Arijit Chakraborty, Jeroen van Hunen, Andrew Valentine, and Poulami Roy

The concentration of critical minerals and metals occurs within 200 km of the transition between thick and thin lithosphere or cratonic edges1. These cratons are regions comprising thicker lithosphere, which has remained stable for billions of years. The critical minerals are initially sourced from the mantle by a range of deep Earth geophysical, geochemical, and tectonic processes, to be further concentrated near the Earth’s surface via hydrothermal processes. These deep Earth processes involving mantle melting also play a crucial role in cratonic stability, and therefore, the improved understanding of these will help unravel intricate connections between craton dynamics and ore deposit formations. 

 The formation and evolution of cratons play a crucial role in the development of those critical minerals. Cratons formed under different scenarios have different internal structures, which, in turn, influence subsequent tectonics and melting scenarios. One of the challenges is how to deal with the vastly different time and length scales in these processes (e.g. between mantle dynamics and melt processes). Preliminary results regarding the best way to capture the processes of craton formation and stability under different geologic scenarios using numerical models developed with the ASPECT geodynamical software tool (REF) will be presented. 


  • Hoggard, Mark J., Karol Czarnota, Fred D. Richards, David L. Huston, A. Lynton Jaques, and Sia Ghelichkhan. “Global Distribution of Sediment-Hosted Metals Controlled by Craton Edge Stability.” Nature Geoscience 13, no. 7 (July 2020):504–10. 

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., van Hunen, J., Valentine, A., and Roy, P.: Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8635,, 2025.

EGU25-8941 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses  

Maria Isabel Vidal Reyes, Simone Reguzzi, Mattia Marini, Aurora Petagine, Niccolo Menegoni, Chiara Amadori, Matteo Maino, Magdala Tesauro, and Fadi H. Nader

The Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) in northwest Italy is a wedge-top basin developed during Eocene—Pliocene times in the Alps-Apennines tectonic junction. It accommodates, on average, 3 km of clastic sedimentary units with significant lateral facies variations, and several basin-scale unconformities tectonically-controlled. The basin experienced deformation under markedly different tectonic regimes, developing long-lived kilometric structures that affected both the sedimentary successions, and the underlying metamorphic rocks of the Ligurian Alps. The presence of several thermal springs, relatively high surface heat-flow, and locally high geothermal gradient in the TPB, suggests a deep groundwater circulation and heating most likely in a reservoir hosted within the Alpine metamorphic rocks, i.e., the basement.

The geothermal system of the basin is not fully understood, since it still lacks a comprehensive and detailed geological/geophysical model of the basin-basement present-day structure. Aiming to fulfill this gap, this study shows structural analyses performed in the TPB and its Alpine basement at different scales through field-based characterizations, Digital Outcrop Model-based fracture mapping, and seismic interpretation. The integration of these structural results coupled with the spatial distribution of the basement and overlying sedimentary cover, enables a preliminary evaluation of potential reservoir or seal units in the geothermal system. These outcomes provide an adequate conceptual model to better understand the geothermal systems of the TPB, and other systems in analogue settings, having geodynamic peculiarities like slab switches or brake-off.

How to cite: Vidal Reyes, M. I., Reguzzi, S., Marini, M., Petagine, A., Menegoni, N., Amadori, C., Maino, M., Tesauro, M., and Nader, F. H.: Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8941,, 2025.

EGU25-9147 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach 

Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Angela Maria Gomez-Garcia, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Judith Bott, Ana Maria Negredo, Juanjo Ledo, Fatima Martin-Hernández, and Aliss Bejerano

The Canary Islands stand out as a prime region within Spanish territory with significant potential for harnessing high enthalpy geothermal resources due to their active volcanic activity. La Palma, one of the youngest islands in the archipelago, has witnessed at least seven volcanic eruptions over the past 500 years, with the most recent one occurring in 2021. Despite these compelling signs, the development of high enthalpy geothermal power plants has not been pursued on the island, mainly because of the financial risk involved in such project and the lack of detailed geophysical data that can support the correct characterization of the geothermal potential on the island. Accordingly, a data-integrative approach that aids the characterization of potential geothermal sites will reduce such uncertainties, supporting the drilling planning phase of the project. Since the last eruption in 2021, several new geophysical experiments and projects have been undertaken within La Palma Island, aiming to understand the present-day configuration of the subsurface. In this study, we integrate the newly geophysical data in order to build a 3D thermal model that is consistent with the geological structure of the island. This research is funded by the Spanish Government projects PRX23/00106 and PID2022-139943NB-I00

How to cite: Jimenez-Munt, I., Gomez-Garcia, A. M., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Bott, J., Negredo, A. M., Ledo, J., Martin-Hernández, F., and Bejerano, A.: Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9147,, 2025.

EGU25-9976 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits 

Siyuan Sui, Yihe Xu, Sergei Lebedev, Emilie Bowman, Javier Fullea, and Sally Gibson

The structure, thickness, lateral heterogeneity, and temporal evolution of the lithosphere significantly influence the distribution of kimberlites, carbonatites, and sediment-hosted mineral deposits, including rare earth elements (REE) and critical metals (e.g., Nb and Ti) that are essential for advancing the transition to green energy.

Seismic data provide critical information on the thermal structure of the lithosphere and underlying mantle. However, seismic tomographic models are inherently non-unique. This can be remedied, to a large extent, by thermodynamic inversions, which utilize computational petrology and offer an effective approach to connecting seismic observations to the thermal structure of the lithosphere and mantle.

We present a new model of the African lithosphere’s thickness and thermal structure, derived from state-of-the-art sampling with seismic surface wave data. The model incorporates both Rayleigh and Love waves, to account and correct for seismic anisotropy of the elastic properties. Rayleigh and Love wave data in the 20–300 s range are inverted, on 1°×1° grids, for the upper-mantle temperature and lithospheric thickness, from which upper-mantle density and seismic velocities are calculated, with attenuation corrections. Radial anisotropy, seismic velocities in the crust, transition zone and uppermost lower mantle, and crustal density are also inversion parameters, the latter constrained primarily by the surface elevation. The resulting model reveals distinct regional variations in the lithospheric thickness that reveal deep lithospheric expressions of known crustal geology. Thick lithosphere (>220 km) is found beneath large parts of the West African Craton, Congo Craton, and Zimbabwe Craton. Thin lithosphere (<70 km) is predominantly observed along the East African Rift.

We analyse the new lithosphere model jointly with recent datasets of the distribution of different types of igneous rocks across the continent. These include kimberlites, which were emplaced at locations with thick cratonic lithosphere; basalts, which are emplaced at locations with thin lithosphere; and carbonatites that are commonly found on intermediate-thickness lithosphere (Gibson et al. 2024). Statistics analysis of the locations of these rock samples shows that kimberlites mostly are found within cratons, with some notable exceptions. Most Neogene basalts are in the East African Rift Zone, with a 50–100 km lithosphere. Carbonatite complexes and their associated REE deposits, are typically observed in clusters in the transition regions from cratonic to non-cratonic lithosphere.

This new lithospheric thickness and temperature model enhances our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of the African lithosphere. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the processes that govern the generation and spatial distribution of rocks of different types and the associated primary critical mineral deposits.


Gibson, S., McKenzie, D. & Lebedev, S. (2024). The distribution and generation of carbonatites. Geology 52, 667–671.

How to cite: Sui, S., Xu, Y., Lebedev, S., Bowman, E., Fullea, J., and Gibson, S.: A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9976,, 2025.

EGU25-10051 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin 

Michael Drews, Florian Duschl, Saeed Mahmoodpour, Enzo Aconcha, Julian Breitsameter, Peter Obermeier, Indira Shatyrbayeva, Parisa Babaie, Christian Tomsu, and Florian Einsiedl

The North Alpine Foreland Basin is the peripheral foredeep of the Northern Alps, extending from Lake Geneva in the West to Upper Austria in the East. The largest portion of the foredeep consists of an undeformed part, called Foreland Molasse, and a small, deformed belt along the North Alpine Thrust Front, called Subalpine Molasse. Spanning up to 150 km in N-S direction, the North Alpine Foreland Basin has its widest extent in SE Germany (Bavaria). Here, the physical properties of the Cenozoic basin fill and its underlying Mesozoic passive margin sediments display a high degree of heterogeneity in both the Foreland Molasse and Subalpine Molasse parts. Since 2016, we systematically analysed data from more than 300 deep wellbores, with vertical depths up to 5 km below ground level, to understand the distribution and interplay of these heterogeneities: We used minimum stress magnitude measurements such as formation integrity and leak-off tests in combination with geophysical borehole measurements such as density and velocity to infer the distribution of lateral and vertical stresses in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Collection of pore pressure indicators and measurements such as drilling mud weights, drilling problems, well tests and wireline formation tests and their correlation with vertical stress and sediment compaction allowed us to also infer the regional distribution of pore pressure and to model the variable styles of deformation of the Subalpine Molasse along the North Alpine Thrust Front. In this contribution, we give a graphical overview of how stress, pore pressure and deformation are linked and driven by sediment composition and compaction. We also set our findings into context with high frequency, large amplitude variations of temperature and fluid flow patterns, proposing an updated model for the distribution and interference of physical properties and processes in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany.

How to cite: Drews, M., Duschl, F., Mahmoodpour, S., Aconcha, E., Breitsameter, J., Obermeier, P., Shatyrbayeva, I., Babaie, P., Tomsu, C., and Einsiedl, F.: Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10051,, 2025.

EGU25-10415 | Orals | GD6.1

Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective 

Gianreto Manatschal, Marc Ulrich, Pauline Chenin, Francesca Dimasi, Quentin Gasser, Eric C. Gaucher, Emmanuel Masini, Cuimei Zhang, Peter Alt-Epping, Frank Zwaan, and Nick Kusznir

Serpentinization-sourced H2 has become a promising source of decarbonated energy. It can be generated in fiver tectonic settings, namely: (1) intra-craton settings, (2) divergent settings such as hyperextended rifts, ocean continent transitions and mid ocean ridges, (3) subduction systems, (4) obduction, and (5) rift-inverted orogens. Most recently, many studies have been focusing on parts of the H2-system, i.e., the kitchen, plumbing system, reservoir, cap rock and trapping and preservation mechanisms or on the detection of leaking natural H2 systems at or near the surface. However, a holistic understanding of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system is still in its infancy and an exploration protocol tailored to the different tectonic settings is missing to date.   

In our study, we aim to develop a protocol to predict, quantify and explore serpentinization-sourced H2 systems in rift-inverted orogens. To do so, we use the Grisons area (SE Alps in Switzerland) as a field analogue. In this area all play-elements of the serpentinization-sourced H2 system exist and can be accessed and the rift and convergent structures are well exposed and investigated. This allows us to examine the interplay, in time and space, between the play-elements of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system and to develop a predictive exploration protocol. In this perspective, we first seek  to define a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in a rift-inversion orogen and second to address when and where the serpentinization-sourced H2 forms, what are the essential play-elements and how they interact in time and space, impacting the location and timing of H2 production by considering the two dominant parameters, temperature and access to water, which determine entry into the serpentinization window (kitchen) for mantle rocks. In our presentation, we show the first preliminary results of our holistic, geological approach aiming to integrate different data sets from the Grisons area. We are aware that to develop a predictive play-element based exploration protocol for a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in rift-inverted orogens, similar to that developed in oil and gas systems, further studies will be necessary.

How to cite: Manatschal, G., Ulrich, M., Chenin, P., Dimasi, F., Gasser, Q., Gaucher, E. C., Masini, E., Zhang, C., Alt-Epping, P., Zwaan, F., and Kusznir, N.: Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10415,, 2025.

EGU25-10972 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics 

Timothy Schmid, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Tobias Diehl, Herfried Madritsch, Daniela van den Heuvel, Christoph Wanner, and Larryn Diamond

Orogenic geothermal systems develop when meteoric water infiltrates the subsurface at high elevations, heats up along a deep circulation path due to the background geothermal gradient and eventually emerges at the surface in low topographic sites as localized hot springs. Such systems depend on permeable fault geometries; however, in orogenic settings fluid-discharge zones may additionally be controlled by the configuration of topography, nappe geometry, fault patterns and unconsolidated deposits that can conceal the bedrock structure. Hence, it is crucial to study local hot springs in the context of fault structures related to regional tectonics in order to predict the locations of blind geothermal systems. The Rhône Valley is a favourable site for such a study, as it shows the highest seismic activity in Switzerland and hosts several clusters of hot springs aligned along the regional Rhône-Simplon fault system.

Here, we combine data sets on geodynamics such as geodesy of recent crustal movements, regional recent stress fields, relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms as well as structural field data to interpret the hot spring occurrences in the context of regional geodynamics. Our data suggest the presence of three adjacent structural domains: (1) A domain on the NW flank of the Rhône fault characterized by a NW–SE oriented maximum principal stress, high seismicity, and a pervasive network of strike- slip dominated faults; (2) a zone encompassing the Rhône Valley floor with transtensive, dilatant zones along strike-slip fault segments; and (3) a zone on the southern flank of the valley floor subjected to a recent NE–SW extension expressed by dominantly normal to transtensional faulting focal mechanisms. This southern domain constitutes the SW-extruding hanging wall block of the Simplon low-angle normal fault. The block is bounded by two crustal scale strike-slip faults, the dextral Rhône strike-slip fault in the NW and the sinistral Ospizio Sottile line in the SE.

In summary, our study highlights the importance of the large-scale tectonic setting for understanding and exploring fault controlled and hence, strongly localized geothermal resources in orogenic settings.

How to cite: Schmid, T., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Diehl, T., Madritsch, H., van den Heuvel, D., Wanner, C., and Diamond, L.: Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10972,, 2025.

EGU25-11375 | Orals | GD6.1

Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems 

Francesca Dimasi, Marc Ulrich, Manuel Muñoz, Flora Hochscheid, and Gianreto Manatschal

Climate-CO2 emission models point to the urgency for European society to transition from high to low carbon energy sources. In this frame, H2 could be a key component of the decarbonization strategy. Among the various colours of H2, white (i.e., native) H2 is one of the most promising. The most efficient way to produce native H2 is serpentinization, a high temperature hydrothermal process that forms serpentinites from Earth mantle rocks. This hydrothermal alteration transforms primary magmatic Fe-Mg-bearing silicates (olivine, pyroxenes) into secondary hydrous minerals (e.g. serpentine, brucite) and oxides (magnetite). Serpentinization also produces molecular hydrogen (H2) through oxidation of ferrous Fe (FeII) released from the dissolving primary minerals, to ferric Fe (FeIII) that precipitates in serpentine and magnetite. The serpentinization process has been extensively documented at various geological settings such as mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. In contrast, it has received much less attention at rift inverted orogens and continental rifts, representing classical sources of oil and gas, but nowadays being at the forefront of carbon capture, geothermal energy, and new decarbonated energy resources such as native hydrogen. In conclusion, understanding the iron redox state in a Wilson cycle will allow us to predict when, where and how serpentinized sourced hydrogen is produced, which is a prerequisite to develop a successful exploration strategy.

Our approach to achieve this goal is based on a representative sampling area, state-of-the-art analyses and modelling (the evolution of redox and the production of H2). A series of analytical methods will be conducted on serpentinites from well-defined sites (Tasna, Platta, Totalp, Val Malenco and Lanzo) documenting the Wilson cycle of the Alpine-Tethys system. The analysis will constrain the conditions  of serpentinization, i.e., temperature of fluid-rock interactions, PT paths recorded by mantle rocks, and redox state. Finally, the new data will constrain the evolution of iron speciation and H2 production during serpentinization and may be used to either test or calibrate numerical modelling results used for the quantification of H2 production.

How to cite: Dimasi, F., Ulrich, M., Muñoz, M., Hochscheid, F., and Manatschal, G.: Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11375,, 2025.

EGU25-11413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany 

Peter Klitzke, Meike Bagge, Maximiian Hasch, Nikola Koglin, Antonia Ruppel, Hamed Fazlikhani, Felix Johann, Jan-Felix Goldmann, Alexander Löwer, and Christian Ostertag-Henning

One of the main challenges in studying a natural hydrogen system is that ultramafic rocks - potential source rock for hydrogen generation by serpentinization - are often buried deep within the subsurface. The serpentinites of the metamorphic Münchberg Massif, obducted during the Variscian orogeny in Devonian times, offer a unique window into deep crustal and upper mantle processes. As part of an integrated study, we have acquired airborne magnetic and strapdown gravity data, seismic reflection profiles, as well as detailed petrological and geochemical analysis. This approach enables a multi-scale interpretation of the tectonic evolution, serpentinization processes, and associated fluid-rock interactions, mineralogical transformations, and implications for paleo-natural hydrogen generation in the Münchberg Massif. 

Serpentinite rock bodies are exposed at multiple outcrops across the Münchberg Massif. Geochemical analyses of major and rare earth elements indicate that serpentinites from both the Peterleinstein (west) and the Zell region (south) share a similar protolith of harzburgitic composition. However, different serpentine minerals dominate at the different locations. The Zell serpentinites, predominantly antigorite, appear to have undergone serpentinization at greater depths and higher temperatures than the Peterleinstein serpentinites, which are dominated by lizardite. Conversely, Peterleinstein demonstrates a higher degree of serpentinization, likely indicating increased fluid availability during the process. The sequence of events during serpentinization is evident in spatially resolved analyses of different generations of serpentine minerals in thin sections using microscopic and Raman micro-spectroscopic analyses.

Initial interpretation of the airborne magnetic data reveals a series of positive high-frequency anomalies with amplitudes of up to ~160 nT, associated with magnetite enrichment, a by-product of serpentinization and hydrogen generation across the Münchberg Massif. Petrological analyses confirm the presence of magnetite-bearing serpentinites. However, preliminary on-site magnetic susceptibility measurements do not resolve differences in the degree of serpentinization. Combined petrophysical, seismic, gravity and magnetic interpretation and modeling will constrain the extent of serpentinization in the subsurface and evaluate the role of major faults as fluid conduits during serpentinization.

How to cite: Klitzke, P., Bagge, M., Hasch, M., Koglin, N., Ruppel, A., Fazlikhani, H., Johann, F., Goldmann, J.-F., Löwer, A., and Ostertag-Henning, C.: Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11413,, 2025.

EGU25-11735 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management 

Bhargav Boddupalli, Børge Arntsen, Tim Minshull, Ketil Hokstad, Sylvie Leroy, Ståle Johansen, Louise Watremez, Ana Corbalan, and Lars Sørum

Hydrothermal circulation is a fundamental Earth process that transfers elements and minerals from the crust and mantle to the oceans. This circulation commonly occurs along tectonic plate boundaries in the oceans, where heat sources are located at relatively shallow depths (~2–3 km). Cold seawater percolates downward, becomes heated, and is enriched with minerals from the host rock and magmatic volatiles. The resulting hot fluids (exceeding 300°C) rise buoyantly and are expelled into the ocean through chimney-like structures on the seafloor, commonly referred to as "Black Smokers." The ejected particles settle on the seafloor, forming rich mineral deposits known as "Seafloor Massive Sulfide" (SMS) deposits, making mid-ocean ridges highly attractive for meeting future mineral demands. Moreover, ridge settings hold significant potential for geothermal energy, white hydrogen production, and other valuable resources. However, harnessing these resources requires a thorough understanding of the complex hydrothermal systems to develop sustainable resource management strategies.

Hydrothermal venting sites are widespread along the mid-ocean ridge system, occurring at all spreading rates and across diverse geological settings. However, the mechanisms driving hydrothermal processes vary depending on factors such as the presence of magma bodies, permeable zones, tectonic activity, and temperature. At ultraslow spreading ridges, where spreading rates are less than 20 mm/yr—such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Mohns Ridge, and Knipovich Ridge—tectonic processes dominate over magmatic activity, resulting in the exhumation of ultramafic material to the seafloor along large-scale detachment faults.

In this study, we developed two-dimensional, high-resolution velocity models through the crust and uppermost mantle of the Southwest Indian Ridge using wide-angle ocean-bottom seismic data. We present two ~150 km-long, high-resolution P-wave velocity models orthogonal to each other, running across and along the ridge axis at 64°30’E. We employed a state-of-the-art imaging technique known as full waveform inversion (FWI) using data from 32 ocean-bottom seismometers positioned along the two profiles. FWI is a data-fitting method in which the forward operator iteratively predicts the observed data by backpropagating the misfits to update the velocity model, thereby producing higher-resolution images of the subsurface.

Based on our high-resolution velocity models, we observe finer patterns of velocity anomalies compared to traveltime models, revealing more detailed variations in the degree of fluid-rock interaction. These interactions are influenced by the presence of faults and the extent of tectonic damage, aiding in the mapping of hydrothermal circulation. Additionally, our high-resolution images provide an improved understanding of the distribution of serpentinization and its correlation to mode of spreading. Overall, the high-resolution velocity models support the assessment of the feasibility of "Artificial Smoker," which replicates natural smokers, for the environmentally sustainable extraction of minerals, white hydrogen, and geothermal resources.

How to cite: Boddupalli, B., Arntsen, B., Minshull, T., Hokstad, K., Leroy, S., Johansen, S., Watremez, L., Corbalan, A., and Sørum, L.: Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11735,, 2025.

EGU25-12600 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite 

Jean de la Paix Izerumugaba, Anne Battani, Eric Deville, Camille Maziere, Julie Jeanpert, Olivier Lhote, Fréderic Mouthereau, Willy Foucher, Olivier Monge, and Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse

Natural emanations consisting of N₂-CH₄-H₂ type gases have been documented across the peridotite nappe of the New Caledonia Ophiolite [1], and the presence of H2 has been attributed to serpentinization [2, 3]. We present new major and noble gas compositional and isotopic data from low to high H2 bubbling gas seep sites from both the south (e.g: Lembi River (≤ 20% H2), Les Pirogues River (≤ 15%), Pourina (≤ 10%)), and north east klippes of the Ophiolite (e.g: Fanama and Nemwegi (≤ 300ppm)), providing new insights into gas origins that can be compared to other serpentinization systems (e.g: Oman, Italy, Turkey, and the Philippines).

Results show that gases are dominated by N2 (60-95%; d15N ranging from -0.2 to +0.1‰ vs air), while the H2 content can reach up to 35% with dD ranging from -740 to -710‰ VSMOW. CH4 reaches up to 20% with d13C ranging from -40‰ to -3.6‰ VPDB. Such major gas composition and isotopic values are characteristic of serpentinization [4, 5]. Additional factors, such as olivine-rich peridotite rocks, precipitation of magnetite, carbonates, and brucite, along with the elevated pH of spring waters (up to 10.5), confirm an active serpentinization system. Hydrogen H2-CH4-H2O isotopic fractionation factors suggest that, despite not being at equilibrium, the hydrogen-bearing fluids are formed at around 50°C, in comparison to 95°C, which was determined using magnetite-dolomite O₂ fractionation [6]. H2 and CH4 likely result from low-temperature serpentinization and processes involving inorganic carbon, respectively; potentially catalysed by Ni, Cr, and Chromitite-hosted Ru [7] which are enriched in the peridotite [1, 8]. Microbial activity indicators such as the presence of biogenic methane, when present, aligns with documented microbial communities.

Helium isotopic data (3He/4He) indicate signatures ranging from predominantly radiogenic (0.3 Ra) in the north, where the crust is thick [2], to ASW-like values in the central south (Lembi and La Coulée), to ~25% mantellic contribution in the southernmost coastal Prony region. We argue that the air-like signature is indicative of the degassing of circulating air-saturated groundwater, which aligns well with interpretations that air-like N₂ present in serpentinization systems may originate from aquifers [2, 3, 4].

Seismic and tectonic data reveal multiple deep faults and fractures in the massif du Sud [9], as well as a shallow Moho and 20 km-deep earthquakes that are indicative of active tectonics detected beneath the Prony area [10]. This explains the facilitated migration of mantle fluids to the surface at Prony.

[1] Maurizot et al., 2020(c). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 1–12

[2] Deville and Prinzhofer, 2016. Chem. Geol. 440, 139–147

[3] Monnin et al., 2021. JGR Biogeosci. 126, e2021JG006243.

[4] Vacquand et al., 2018. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 223, 437–461.

[5] Etiope, 2017. Procedia Earth Planet. Sci. 17, 9–12.

[6] Corre et al., 2023. Sci. Rep. 13(1), 19413.

[7] Molinet-Chinaglia et al., 2024. ChemCatChem 16(24), e202401213.

[8] Maurizot et al., 2020(f). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 247–277.

[9] Lagabrielle et al., 2005. Tectonophysics 403(1–4), 1–28.


How to cite: Izerumugaba, J. D. L. P., Battani, A., Deville, E., Maziere, C., Jeanpert, J., Lhote, O., Mouthereau, F., Foucher, W., Monge, O., and Ranchou-Peyruse, A.: Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12600,, 2025.

EGU25-12845 | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) 

Florian Duschl, Enzo Aconcha, Regina Ettenhuber, Christian Tomsu, Florian Einsiedl, and Michael Drews

Fluid temperatures in the Cenozoic basin fill of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) are locally significantly lower compared to adjacent areas of the basin. In the greater Rosenheim area, formation temperatures at a depth of 4000 mbs range ca. 80 K lower than expected with respect to a typical regional geothermal gradient of 28-30 K/km. Possible explanations for this so-called Wasserburg Trough anomaly include thermal blanketing by rapid deposition of cold sediments, effects of convective and advective heat transfer in Cenozoic sediments, long-term effects of glacial thermal overprint, increased gravity-driven recharge due to karstification in the underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone, and heat transfer towards the Tauern Window due to a thermal chimney effect. Recent studies on formation fluid ages in the Upper Jurassic Limestone, a prolific, hydrostatically pressured geothermal aquifer, show comparatively young fluid ages of <20 ka which points at local freshwater infiltration at greater depth. Freshwater influx may reduce heat flow, act as a conductive heat barrier and favour karstification. However, fluid overpressure in shales of the Cenozoic overburden does not allow for direct vertical fluid infiltration across the stratigraphic column.

We propose a tectonic control mechanism responsible for freshwater infiltration with the Bavarian Inntal Fault Zone, a normal fault system that was formed during indentation of the Southern Alps in Oligo-Miocene times, acting as a conduit fault. This fault zone is indicated by a steepening of W-E striking fold axes towards the Bavarian Inntal, and the existence of several, valley-parallel sets of NNW-SSE striking normal faults proving WSW-ENE directed extension. Total vertical displacement inferred from cross-sections and field data yield at ≥250 m which is probably sufficient to ensure hydraulic contact between sedimentary strata of the Alpine nappes and underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone in the deeper subsurface. Thereby, freshwater from the Alps could bypass the overpressure zone in the Bavarian Inntal and infiltrate into the Upper Jurassic Limestone aquifer of the foreland basin.

How to cite: Duschl, F., Aconcha, E., Ettenhuber, R., Tomsu, C., Einsiedl, F., and Drews, M.: Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12845,, 2025.

EGU25-13046 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach 

Riddhi Dave, Andrew Schaeffer, Fiona Darbyshire, and Juan Carlos Afonso

The architecture of the lithosphere is shaped by diverse geodynamic processes, including the presence of metasomatized mantle volumes, lithospheric thickness transitions, crustal- and mantle-scale fluid migration pathways, and the influence of plumes and subducting slabs. These features are preserved in the physical and chemical structures of the lithospheric mantle and sub-lithospheric upper mantle, providing critical insights into mineral systems and resource prospectivity.

To address these complexities within the Canadian lithosphere and mantle, we apply a probabilistic inversion framework, LitMod, which integrates geological constraints with multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. This unified approach enables the resolution of key lithospheric features, distinguishing between compositional (e.g., metasomatism) and thermal anomalies.

We present results from the first application of LitMod to Canada, highlighting its capability to map essential geophysical structures and surfaces. Validation of the model’s predictions using independent geochemical datasets underscores the robustness and reliability of our results. Beyond advancing mineral prospectivity, this work contributes to broader geoscientific applications, including refining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) models, improving Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) strategies, and enhancing seismic hazard assessments.

How to cite: Dave, R., Schaeffer, A., Darbyshire, F., and Afonso, J. C.: Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13046,, 2025.

EGU25-14781 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential. 

Abdul-Nazaa Nuhu, Alessandro Decarlis, Andrea Ceriani, and Philip Ball

Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022), Ball et al., (2025) observed that existing natural hydrothermal systems and associated geothermal power plants are distributed across 12 different geodynamic settings.  We observe based on the Hasterock classification only 18 out of 489 power plants (3.6%) are located within Back Arc Basins (BABs). This may lead to the conclusion that, at a global scale, BABs are not highly prospective. However, a much more detailed observation of the various tectonic settings at specific locations shows some incongruencies in the Hasterock geodynamic classification. For example, key power plants such as Larderello, Italy are in fact located in a BAB setting, not in a Volcanic Arc setting (Ball, 2022). At a local scale it is important to refine global models to account for younger deformation that overprint previous tectonic events.

With Larderello as an analogue, we explore the idea that other BABs could be increasingly perspective for geothermal resources if the geodynamic setting is correctly assessed, and the local tectonics is understood. BABs, are extensional basins, typically formed behind active or inactive volcanic arc on the overriding plates. BABs, are known to be associated with high heat flow, due to the interplay of mantle dynamics, slab processes and crustal extension. In this work, we review the first-order controls on heat flow within the Aegean and Tyrrhenian back arc systems. We point to the comprehension of how factors like rapid localization of thinning in the crust and lithospheric mantle impacts heat flow, coupled with sedimentary cover. In detail, we evaluate the role of accessory parameters, like hydrothermal fluids ascending along faults and fractures, the role of intrusions due to patrial melting in response to rapid thinning in the crust and mantle, localizing high heat flows spots and causing significant thermal heterogeneities.

The dynamic settings of BABs could offer intriguing geothermal opportunities, but their structural, magmatic and hydrological histories need to be better understood. BAB’s like the Tyrrhenian and Aegean may provide exceptional opportunities for power generation. Exploration in this geodynamic setting could benefit by using the exploration triangle, which organizes the geological assessment into a hierarchical sequence of tasks. This play-based approach focusses assessment from the geodynamic setting and can be applied at the geothermal systems, and reservoirs scale. Successful application could greatly assist in identifying future prospects for geothermal development,  successfully exploiting BAB’s for power generation.

How to cite: Nuhu, A.-N., Decarlis, A., Ceriani, A., and Ball, P.: Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14781,, 2025.

EGU25-16399 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR. 

Niko Adjie, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Djamel Nasri, Eric Normandin, and Christophe Voisin

Soil gas analysis is among the commonly used methods in the early stages of natural hydrogen exploration. While most punctual [H2] measurements can provide information on spatial variation, observing temporal variation requires long-term monitoring. The University of Pau and Adour Countries developed a hydrogen-monitoring instrument called MONHyTOR. It is a passive instrument capable of acquiring [H2], temperature, and relative humidity data with up to 1-s sampling interval at 1-m depth for up to several months in full autonomy.

Preliminary field data from multiple sites show that (1) an “installation peak” is almost systematically observed after drilling; (2) measured [H2] is nil most of the times; (3) daily oscillations are present in some datasets; (4) small-amplitude isolated peaks are seemingly related to weather events such as storm and heavy rain. These observations raise the question regarding the influence of water saturation and pressure balance in the atmosphere-soil-instrument system. To understand them, experiments are carried out in a controlled environment using airtight container filled with coarse homogeneous sand with a given water saturation level, where hydrogen is introduced via low-pressure (mbar) injections of 5%-95% H2-N2 mixture. The aim of this study is to see how variations in the pressure balance impact [H2] measurements by MONHyTOR.

How to cite: Adjie, N., Bordes, C., Brito, D., Nasri, D., Normandin, E., and Voisin, C.: In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16399,, 2025.

EGU25-16617 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia 

Zak Milner, Jon Gluyas, Ken McCaffrey, Bob Holdsworth, Darren Grocke, Darren Hillegonds, Thomas Renshaw, Chris Ballentine, and Philippa Ascough

Releasing only heat and water vapour when burnt, demand for hydrogen (H₂) is expected to increase eight-fold by 2050, driven by growth sectors such as transportation and industrial energy. Natural or gold H₂ is produced in the lithosphere via water radiolysis in U- and Th-rich Precambrian basement (alongside helium (He)) or serpentinization in mafic-ultramafic rocks. Gas occurrences in South Australia have anomalously high H₂ concentrations of up to 95%. It is, therefore, an excellent geographical focus to further understand the principles of H₂ exploration (source, migration, accumulation, and preservation).
This study reports noble gas isotopes (He to Xe) of gases dissolved in groundwater samples collected from 19 locations across the Yorke Peninsula and Adelaide Superbasin, along with their respective ages from radiocarbon dating. Using helium as a proxy, we provide insights into the source and migration of H₂ in South Australia. Through the use of a novel gas diffusion model (Cheng et al. 2023), we also investigate whether an H₂/He gas phase can be produced, critical for their concentration and formation as accessible resources.

How to cite: Milner, Z., Gluyas, J., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, B., Grocke, D., Hillegonds, D., Renshaw, T., Ballentine, C., and Ascough, P.: Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16617,, 2025.

There is a growing interest in natural hydrogen as a potential new source of energy with a negligible carbon-footprint, especially compared to all the other human-made hydrogen species. The white (or gold, natural, geologic or geogenic) and orange (or induced) hydrogen became the focus of intense research during the last decade.

From the energy industry point of view the fundamental question arises about natural hydrogen exploration, i.e. how different is it going to look compared to what we are used to in the hydrocarbon industry? After many decades of negligible consideration given to natural hydrogen as a subsurface target there are many papers and presentations published just in the last few years suggesting that many items in our collective industry and academic toolbox could be readily applied to natural hydrogen exploration. The consensus appears to be that three out four of the main petroleum systems elements the hydrocarbon industry tends to focus on in exploration projects are still going to play pivotal roles (i.e. migration, trapping and sealing) and it is only the generation/charge part which follows very different rules for hydrogen systems.

From an exploration point of view, several play types for natural hydrogen indeed appear to be very similar to what the oil and gas industry is used to. These include cases where there is a functioning trap, due to effective top seals. Numerous examples can be found in pre-salt traps worldwide where hydrogen has been documented for a long time as part of existing natural gas accumulations (e.g. Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine, and Amadeus Basin, Australia). Another, but unusual trapping style has been documented in the first hydrogen field discovery in Mali where the top seal is a set of dolerite dykes. In these cases, one expects finite hydrogen resources to be in place and the exploration approach has indeed some resemblance to that of hydrocarbon prospecting.

Another group of natural hydrogen targets revolve around large mega-seeps (fairy circles) and geometrically smaller, but pronounced fault-controlled seepages to the surface. These hydrogen occurrences seemingly have no traps or seals and, therefore, do not find a proper analogue in oil and gas exploration workflows. Strictly speaking, these are not yet hydrogen plays as there are no commercial discoveries associated with them. The hydrogen fluxing along fault planes requires a fresh look at the exploitation of various fault architectures if shallow drilling would target conductive (or “leaky”) faults at shallow depth. In a more traditional exploration workflow, properly mapping and quantifying hydrogen fluxing along fault planes in shallow depth might be the first critical step before more conventional deeper targets (>1000 m) could be addressed. This set of plays promises that if these seeps really correspond to ongoing charge in a dynamic, truly renewable system in a steady-state process, tapping successfully into them would provide infinite resources via a low-flux hydrogen “farming” process.

It is quite likely that natural hydrogen exploration, if it becomes economically successful at one point, will look much more different than similar to hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Tari, G.: Natural hydrogen exploration: it is quite different from looking for hydrocarbons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16903,, 2025.

EGU25-19413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy  

Pedro Brito, Luís Batista, Rúben Borges, Pedro Costa, Marta Neres, João Noiva, Ângela Pereira, Carlos Ribeiro, Marcos Rosa, and Pedro Terrinha

The Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) is undertaking extensive high-resolution geophysical and geotechnical studies over two areas proposed for the development of offshore windfarms in Portugal, surveying an area of circa 2000 km2. Leixões and Figueira da Foz study areas are located off the Portuguese mainland west coast, at depths between 120m and 530m, distant 21nm to 35nm to the coastline.

The aim of this work, being conducted between February 2024 and June 2026, is to provide detailed data on the morphology, geology, geophysics and geotechnical properties of the seafloor to inform offshore wind farm developers towards engineering and financial strategies, therefore providing the basis for launching subsequent auctions for the offshore areas listed in the Portuguese National Maritime Spatial Planning Situation Plan.

An initial exploratory campaign, commissioned to the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute, collected the initial MBES data (bathymetry and backscatter) and surface sediment sampling. Furthermore, in August-September 2024, a geophysical survey took place on board IPMA’s NI Mário Ruivo and retrieved over 2100 km of seismic data, from parametric sub bottom profiler (SBP) and multi-channel ultra-high resolution seismic reflection (UHRS). Preliminary results attest the scientific richness of the dataset already collected as well as the complexity and diversity of the seimostratigraphy present in the surveyed areas.  Seabed morphology, sediment textural features, seismic horizons and geohazards have been identified which allow inference of a preliminary geomodel of the areas and the planning of subsequent surveys.

Between May and November 2025 a survey will take place expanding the resolution of data collected (> 20 000 km lines planned) but also adding additional methodologies (magnetometer, side scan sonar, vibrocorer and CPT’s).

The data to retrieve over these 2 years will allow to produce a detailed Terrain model supporting a holistic data interpretation, essential for succeeding actions in the pioneering development of floating wind farms offshore Portugal.

This comprehensive geophysical and geotechnical characterization represents a pioneering effort in Portugal's energy transition, providing crucial data for the sustainable development of offshore wind energy and potentially serving as a model for similar initiatives.

This research was funded by PRR funds - RP-C21-i07.01 - Technical studies for offshore energy potential. This work is also supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Brito, P., Batista, L., Borges, R., Costa, P., Neres, M., Noiva, J., Pereira, Â., Ribeiro, C., Rosa, M., and Terrinha, P.: Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19413,, 2025.

Sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints are crucial for refining dynamic topographic measurements and evaluating geothermal energy prospectivity. Continental sedimentary and crustal thickness measurements are constrained in this ongoing global study. Here, we present the updated methodology and results. Total sedimentary thickness is accurately constrained via a combination of well data and controlled-source seismic experiments. A minimum curvature gridding algorithm is used to interpolate between sedimentary thickness data points. Crustal thickness, defined as the vertical depth from the sediment-basement interface to the Moho, is derived from the updated sedimentary thickness grid and recently published studies which exploit controlled- and passive-source seismic data to constrain depth to Moho. A grid resolution of 0.03 degrees is found to be essential for capturing fine-scale lateral variations in sedimentary thickness. Resulting sedimentary and crustal thickness estimates are used to improve continental residual elevation constraints, a proxy for dynamic topography. Residual elevation is quantified by isolating and removing isostatic signals arising from sediment loading and crustal heterogeneity, revealing the magnitude of mantle-induced vertical motion at the surface. Our estimates additionally improve predictions of surface heat flow and geothermal gradients, directly informing geothermal energy assessments. Collectively, these datasets can be used to advance our understanding of mantle-lithosphere interactions and sustainable energy resources.

How to cite: Slay, P., Holdt, M., and White, N.: Improved global sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints: Implications for dynamic topography and geothermal resource assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19524,, 2025.

Hydrogen use today is mostly as a chemical feedstock, producing ammonia used in fertiliser production amongst other hard to abate uses. Today’s hydrogen is produced directly from hydrocarbons with the resulting CO2 contribution ca 2.4% of global emissions. Hydrogen as a future clean energy vector could see hydrogen demand increase from ca 95 Mt H2 today, to 540 Mt H2 by 2050.

The mass of hydrogen generated within the continental crust is only recently being appreciated as a potential societal resource. Accumulation and preservation of a small portion of the natural hydrogen, in accessible parts of the continental crust, is required. The dominant sources of natural hydrogen are through water-rock reactions with mafic or ultramafic rocks and the radiolysis of water from the radioactive decay of U and Th in rocks.  The timescales and environments that enable significant hydrogen generation occur in geological different terrane. These vary from dominantly Phanerozoic ophiolite complexes; Proterozoic-Phanerozoic alkaline granite complexes; Mesoproterozoic-Phanerozoic large igneous provinces (LIP) to dominantly Archean TTG and greenstone belts. The tectonic evolution in each setting, and capacity to form traps, is required alongside the porosity and permeability history that exposes the rock to water. To form a commercial reserve, an environment that produces and preserves a free gas phase from the ubiquitous water over the timescale of the system is required. Helium (4He) provides an analogue for natural hydrogen behaviour and the processes that control both deep-seated flux to the near surface and gas phase formation. Loss due to microbial utilisation remains a high preservation risk.

C Ballentine, R Karolytė, A Cheng, B Sherwood Lollar, J Gluyas, M Daly. Natural hydrogen resource accumulation in the continental crust, In review

How to cite: Ballentine, C.: The character and habitat of natural hydrogen resource systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19964,, 2025.

EGU25-20357 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps 

Anna Twaróg and Henryk Sechman

The discovery and exploitation of the first natural (white) hydrogen reservoir in Mali has stimulated global interest in this zero-emission energy resource and carrier. Current research worldwide aims to identify its generation sources, occurrence potential, and extraction feasibility. Tools and methods normally used in hydrocarbon exploration are being adapted for this purpose. One such method is the molecular composition analysis of soil gases, a surface geochemical technique. These methods involve detecting and analyzing trace amounts of light hydrocarbons migrating from subsurface accumulations to the surface. Surface geochemical studies have been conducted across all petroleum basins in Poland. In addition to hydrocarbons, other gases, including hydrogen, were routinely analyzed in many soil gas samples. However, hydrogen played a marginal role in interpreting results aimed at identifying subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations. Large datasets containing hydrogen concentrations in soil gases, recorded over the past 35 years across Poland, remain largely unanalyzed and uninterpreted. One such dataset pertains to the Świdwin-Sławoborze area in Western Pomerania, northern Poland. In 1996, 478 soil gas samples were collected from a depth of 1.2 meters in this region. These samples were analyzed chromatographically for hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon gases, including hydrogen.

Molecular composition analysis revealed hydrogen in 85% of the samples, with a maximum concentration of 940 ppm. The mean hydrogen concentration (38 ppm) is five times greater than the median (8 ppm), indicating the presence of anomalous values. Hydrogen concentrations exceeding 40 ppm were partly recorded above an oil deposit located in Zechstein Main Dolomite formations. Elevated hydrogen concentrations in these samples correlate with increased levels of C2-C4 alkanes. Additionally, high hydrogen concentrations were observed above tectonic structures, which may indicate hydrogen migration from deeper horizons.

Reanalyzing and reinterpreting archival geochemical data with a focus on hydrogen concentration variations enables the identification of potential hydrogen migration and leakage zones at the surface. Integrating archived geochemical data with terrain morphology (e.g., potential "fairy circle" structures), geological formations, and the distribution of other resources highlights promising anomalous areas. These zones provide a valuable framework for investigating hydrogen origins and migration patterns within the Polish Zechstein Basin, part of the Central European Permian Basin.

The research project was supported by program “Excellence initiative – research university” IDUB for the AGH University of Krakow (project number 6237).

How to cite: Twaróg, A. and Sechman, H.: Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20357,, 2025.

GMPV7 – Advances in igneous petrology

We report a three-dimensional, two-phase thermal-chemical-fluid dynamical model and its application to explore the evolution of magma bodies.  The model solves for velocity using a finite-element approach, and for transport using a control-volume scheme to ensure conservation of energy, mass and components.  Solid and melt phases are modelled as Stokes fluids with very different Newtonian viscosities.  Individual crystals in the solid matrix are incompressible, but the solid phase is compressible to account for changes in melt fraction.  The formulation captures compaction and convection of the solid matrix, and flow of melt via a Darcy-type formulation at low melt fraction, and a hindered-settling type approach at high melt fraction.  It also captures heat transport by conduction and advection, melt-solid phase change, and component transport and reaction.  A chemical model is used to calculate phase fraction and composition.  The numerical package sequentially solves for (1) melt and solid velocity (mass and momentum conservation); (2) enthalpy and component transport (energy and component conservation) and (3) phase fraction and composition (chemical model).  Material properties such as density and viscosity are coupled to solution fields such as melt fraction and composition to yield a highly non-linear system of coupled equations which are solved iteratively.

We apply the code to investigate convection and melt segregation processes in a cooling magma body.  Our findings suggest that convection is expected across a wide range of magma reservoir geometries, melt fraction and bulk composition.  The rate of cooling and crystallization is a primary control on whether convection is observed, with thin bodies cooling and crystallizing before convection becomes established.  In more slowly cooled bodies, convection and melt segregation interact to produce spatially complex and dynamically evolving variations in melt fraction and bulk composition, which often differ significantly from simple conceptual models that envisage accumulation of buoyant, evolved melt at the top of the reservoir and dense residual solid at the base.  The transition between convecting- and non-convecting behaviour is also heavily influenced by the relationship between solid phase shear viscosity and melt fraction.  The solid phase bulk viscosity, which is indistinguishable from shear viscosity in one-dimensional analysis, plays a key and distinct role in controlling the predicted magma reservoir dynamics.

How to cite: Hu, H., Salinas, P., and Jackson, M.: Convection, melt segregation and chemical differentiation in crustal magma reservoirs: Insights from 2- and 3D numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4711,, 2025.

EGU25-6602 | ECS | PICO | GMPV7.1

Delineation of the geometries of magmatic structures beneath the East Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) Using 3D Gravity and Magnetic Inversion 

Mohamed Sobh, Gerald Gabriel, Hans-Jürgen Götze, Ronja Strehlau, Islam Fadel, Hao Zhang, and Torsten Dahm

The East Eifel Volcanic Field (EEVF) in western Germany comprises numerous scoria cones, maars, and lava domes, with recent geodetic measurements revealing uplift rates of up to ~2 mm/yr. Deep low-frequency earthquakes indicate ongoing magmatic processes and transcrustal melt pathways. To refine the understanding of the geometry and volume of potential magmatic structure, we present a 3D gravity and magnetic inversion of the uppermost crust beneath the EEVF.

Initially, synthetic forward modeling evaluated the detectability of magma bodies of varying sizes and depths, considering realistic density and susceptibility contrasts. We then applied advanced gravity data processing methods—namely terracing and clustering—to highlight subtle anomalies and improve interpretability prior to inversion. The subsequent inversion of the Bouguer gravity anomaly and total magnetic intensity data employed a flexible regularization scheme that balances smoothness and compactness, enabling realistic imaging of magmatic accumulations. As potential-field data alone is non-unique, we plan to incorporate results from local earthquake tomography provided by the ongoing Large-N seismic experiment in the Eifel. Notably, preliminary tomographic results suggest a cylindrical anomaly approximately 3 km in diameter extending from near-surface to ~10 km depth beneath the Laacher See. These seismic constraints will help reduce ambiguity in the final model by offering well-resolved information at shallow to mid-crustal depths and correlating known structures in both gravity and tomography. 

The resulting 3D model will illuminate the lateral and vertical extents of structures origination from magmatic processes beneath the EEVF, advancing our knowledge of its transcrustal magmatic system. This work will also inform future scientific drilling under the ICDP-EIFEL initiative, where new boreholes and monitoring efforts aim to clarify volcanic processes in this intraplate volcanic region.

How to cite: Sobh, M., Gabriel, G., Götze, H.-J., Strehlau, R., Fadel, I., Zhang, H., and Dahm, T.: Delineation of the geometries of magmatic structures beneath the East Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) Using 3D Gravity and Magnetic Inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6602,, 2025.

The volcanic rocks belonging to the Maden Complex are observed along the Southeastern Anatolian Orogenic Belt, and the study area covers the surroundings of Malatya (Türkiye). The Eocene (?) Maden Complex are represented by basalt and diabase dykes cutting them. The studied rocks have high Mg# (51.7-92) values. With increasing Zr ratios, positive trends are observed in CaO, TiO2, Fe2O3, Ba and Sr values, and negative trends are observed in MgO, Al2O3, Ni, and Co values. Positive trends in CaO and Sr values ​​indicate the effect of plagioclases in fractional crystallization. Trends in TiO2, Ni and Fe2O3 values ​​indicate fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides. The Maden Complex have relatively low La/Yb (1.16-6.69) and Nb/La (0.20-1.45) ratios, indicating a lithospheric mantle/lithospheric-asthenospheric mantle origin. In the primitive mantle-normalised multi-element diagram, negative trends are observed in Rb, P, Nb and Ti elements, and positive trends in Sr and Ba values ​​of the rocks belonging to the Maden Complex. A nearly horizontal trend is observed in the chondrite-normalised multi-element diagram. The LaN/LuN (LREE/HREE) ratios among the light rare earth elements (LREE) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE) of the studied volcanic rocks range from 0.79 to 4.76, showing weak to moderate fractionation. The basalts and diabases belonging to the Maden Complex show insignificant negative Eu anomalies, and the Eu/Eu* values ​​vary between 0.81 and 1.06.  The Dy/Yb ratios of the studied volcanic rock samples vary between 1.49 and 1.87. These ratios indicate that these rocks were derived from a spinel-bearing lherzolite source representing shallow depths. Mineral chemistry analyses were performed on pyroxene and plagioclase minerals in the studied volcanic rocks. According to pyroxene minerals, the temperature (T) and pressure (P) values ​​of the rocks vary in the range of (1194-1442) and (2.8-20), respectively. According to plagioclase minerals, the T and P values ​​vary between (945-1049) and (26.6-55.7).

The 87Sr/86Sr(i) values ​​of the studied volcanic rocks vary between 0.703514 and 0.704958, 143Nd/144Nd(i) values ​​vary between 0.512861 and 0.512897, and they exhibit a sequence close to the MORB field in the 87Sr/86Sr(i) versus 143Nd/144Nd(i) variation diagram. ƐNd(t) values ​​range from 5.6 to 6.3, and TDM(Ga) values ​​vary between 0.45 and 0.83. 206Pb/204Pb(i) values ​​vary between 18.42267 and 19.39642, 207Pb/204Pb(i) values ​​vary from 15.54136 to 15.62174, 208Pb/204Pb(i) values ​​range from 38.40535 to 39.04312. The 207Pb/204Pb(i) diagram versus 206Pb/204Pb(i) also shows a sequence close to the MORB field. In light of all data, it is thought that the volcanic rocks of the Maden Complex are derived from a magma source representing shallow depths of MORB origin. This study was supported by the TUBITAK project numbered 123Y070.

Key Words; Geochemistry, Maden Complex,  Mineral chemistry, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes

How to cite: Sar, A., Rizeli, M. E., Ertürk, M. A., and Yılmaz, İ.: Petrogenesis of the Maden Complex Volcanic Rocks in the Southeastern Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Malatya- Eastern Türkiye): insight from whole-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8091,, 2025.

EGU25-8093 | ECS | PICO | GMPV7.1

Serpentinisation of Guleman Ophiolite in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Türkiye)  

Mehmet Ali Ertürk, Mustafa Eren Rizeli, Abdullah Sar, Melahat Beyarslan, and Namık Aysal

The Guleman ophiolite is a part of the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SAOB) ophiolites. The Guleman ophiolite, which is located to the northeast of Maden and covers an area of 200 square km east of the Hazar Lake, is situated 50 km southeast of Elazığ, and it is one of the important ophiolitic massifs in the SAOB. The Guleman ophiolite formed in the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys ocean and was emplaced beneath the Anatolide-Tauride platform. It is usually in tectonic contact with the other units, and some of it has been intruded by Late Cretaceous granitic rocks and is covered by younger sediments. The Guleman Ophiolite is composed of serpentinised mantle tectonites, ultramafic-mafic cumulates, isolated gabbro and sheeted (diabasic) dykes. The mantle section of Guleman ophiolite mainly consists of serpentinised harzburgites and dunites with significant, economically level podiform chromitites. The serpentinised mantle peridotites consist of relicts of olivine and orthopyroxene, serpentine minerals and Cr-spinel ± carbonate minerals. Petrographic study of serpentinised peridotites shows that the rocks consist predominantly of lizardite and portlandite serpentines and olivine and have the opaque mineral assemblage of magnesioferrite+spinel developed during serpentinisation of the rock. Carbonate-bearing veins were observed in the serpentinite. The typical pseudomorphic textures consist of meshes and bastites. There are two types of alteration mineralogy and textural relationships. Firstly, lizardite mesh-textured vein networks with relict olivine cores, and secondly, bastite texture with serpentinisation of orthopyroxene. Mesh-textured serpentine veins with fresh olivine cores occur in all samples, while bastite texture occurs in harzburgite samples. The XRD pattern shows that the main constituents of the sample were the lizardite (Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4) and portlandite (the calcium analogue of brucite) Ca(OH)2 minerals, which have various microstructure features. This study was supported by the TUBITAK project numbered 124Y011.

Key Words: Guleman Ophiolite, Serpantinisation, Petrography, XRD, Türkiye

How to cite: Ertürk, M. A., Rizeli, M. E., Sar, A., Beyarslan, M., and Aysal, N.: Serpentinisation of Guleman Ophiolite in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Türkiye) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8093,, 2025.

EGU25-8624 | PICO | GMPV7.1

Fully coupled petrological/thermo-mechanical models of magmatic systems 

Boris Kaus, Nicolas Riel, Hugo Dominguez, Jacob Frasunkiewicz, Pascal Aellig, and Evangelos Moulas

Simulating the chemical evolution of magmatic systems can be done with thermodynamic equilibrium modelling and recently developed melting models do quite a good job of predicting observations and reproducing experiments for a wide range of compositions. Yet, it remains a significant computational challenge as some of the most recent melting models include 11 oxides along with pressure and temperature, which makes this a 13-dimensional Gibbs energy optimisation problem. We recently developed the open-source parallel software package MAGEMin [1], along with an easy-to-use Julia interface (MAGEMin_C.jl [2]). Over the last year, we also developed a web-based graphical user interface, MAGEMinApp [3], with which users can easily compute pseudo-sections, do fractional crystallization experiments, or predict seismic velocities.

However, despite the progress, each point-wise thermodynamic calculation still takes 10-50 milliseconds (depending on the complexity of the system). This is too slow if one wishes to directly couple thermodynamic and thermo-mechanical simulations of the magmatic system, as those may require 1000’s-100’000s of calculations per timestep.

An alternative approach is to develop simplified parameterizations from the complete thermodynamic models (e.g., using machine learning tools). That, however, requires recalibration for different scenarios, and gives up some of the predictive power of the models, such as the chemistry of the stable mineral assemblage or seismic velocities, unless the system was trained on that.

We therefore developed a new approach in which we dynamically update a database of precomputed points that only performs new thermodynamic calculations for points that do not yet exist in the database. We only store the minimum required information per point, with which we can reconstruct all derived thermodynamic quantities without having to redo the minimization. This significantly reduces the computational effort and allows coupling thermodynamic simulations with thermo-mechanical simulations in a self-consistent manner.  We illustrate the power of the method with 2D/3D thermo-kinematic simulations of magmatic systems, as well as by reactive two-phase flow calculations applied to small-scale magma transfer processes in lower crustal migmatites.




How to cite: Kaus, B., Riel, N., Dominguez, H., Frasunkiewicz, J., Aellig, P., and Moulas, E.: Fully coupled petrological/thermo-mechanical models of magmatic systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8624,, 2025.

EGU25-8644 | ECS | PICO | GMPV7.1

A neural network-based surrogate model to accelerate mineral phase equilibria calculations for silicate melts in arc settings 

Lorenzo G. Candioti, Chetan L. Nathwani, and Cyril Chelle-Michou

The modern view of magmatic systems includes transport and storage of melt at depths within the solid crust. An important process that directly controls the thermo-physical properties of magmatic systems is the chemical differentiation of the melt. Calculating the thermodynamic properties of the melt during its transport through the system is a well-known computational bottleneck in most multi-phase transport algorithms.


We present a Multi-Layer-Perceptron (MLP) surrogate model for fast prediction of thermodynamic properties of silicate melts in arc settings. The MLP takes a bulk rock composition of nine major oxides (SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO-FeO-TiO2-NaO-K2O-H2O), temperature, and pressure as input variables and returns the melt fraction, composition, as well as the melt and system density. The surrogate model’s ability to predict thermodynamic properties is tested for data it has not seen during the training process. Results indicate that the MLP generalizes well within the range of the database. The melt fraction and components (i.e., major oxide concentration in the melt) are predicted with a root-mean square error (RMSE) of less than 1 wt-% and the densities with an average RMSE of ca. 5 kg/m3. 


The synthetic data set for training and testing the model has been generated with MAGEMin, a parallelized Gibbs energy minimization software (Riel et al., 2022). MAGEMin features adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) capabilities. This functionality allows for high resolution phase diagrams at important reaction lines with a minimum amount of computational points. Our synthetic database consists of 360’000 MAGEMin minimization points. As input parameters to MAGEMin we used anhydrous compositions from arc settings provided by the GEOROC database (Lehnert et al., 2000) varying 43-60 wt-% SiO2 and a pressure-temperature range of 650-1000°C and 1.0-10.0 kbar.


Predicting melt properties with the surrogate model is a point-wise operation which takes only a fraction of a second for hundreds of thousands of points. This functionality opens the door for accelerating mineral equilibria calculations within the framework of high-performance computing transport algorithms. We discuss possible application of the surrogate model within the framework of modern geodynamic algorithm architectures.






Lehnert, K., Su, Y., Langmuir, C. H., Sarbas, B., & Nohl, U. (2000). A global geochemical database structure for rocks. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 1(5).


Riel, N., Kaus, B. J., Green, E. C. R., & Berlie, N. (2022). MAGEMin, an efficient Gibbs energy minimizer: application to igneous systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(7), e2022GC010427.

How to cite: Candioti, L. G., Nathwani, C. L., and Chelle-Michou, C.: A neural network-based surrogate model to accelerate mineral phase equilibria calculations for silicate melts in arc settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8644,, 2025.

EGU25-8875 | ECS | PICO | GMPV7.1

Channels or waves: controls on melt migration through the upper mantle 

Min Huang, John Rudge, and David Rees Jones

Understanding how melt is extracted and makes its way toward volcanoes is a fundamental problem in magma dynamics. Geological observations of ophiolites show tabular dunite channels, which are commonly considered to be reactive channels for melt migration. The reaction-infiltration instability has been identified as an important mechanism responsible for the formation of these high-porosity melt channels in the upper mantle. To better understand this mechanism, we have extended previous linear analysis and performed non-linear numerical simulations in a compacting, chemically reactive porous medium.

Strong interactions between compaction and dissolution lead to two interesting unstable features: (1) high-porosity channels and (2) compaction-dissolution waves. The channeling instability that grows monotonically comes from the positive feedback between chemical reaction and melt percolation. The oscillatory compaction-dissolution waves show a checkerboard pattern that migrates upwards in the melting region, driven by the nonlinear feedback between compaction and reaction. These instabilities are controlled by two key dimensionless parameters: the stiffness, which characterizes the system's ability to compact, and the Damköhler number, which describes the relative importance of reaction to advection. The stiffness is strongly affected by the compaction length, which may either follow an inverse power-law dependence on porosity or only a weak dependence on porosity. Here we present a regime diagram with a range of stiffness and Damköhler number values and show that compaction-dissolution waves are favoured in systems with smaller compaction length and lower stiffness relative to high-porosity channels.

The parameter regimes predicted by linear theory align well with the non-linear numerical simulation results. Simulations also show strong interactions between melt channels and oscillatory waves, where the melt channels are focused in the upper domain and porosity waves are in the lower part. The relationships between high-porosity channels and compaction-dissolution waves in this study may shed new light on the geochemical and petrological observations related to magma migration in the mantle.

How to cite: Huang, M., Rudge, J., and Rees Jones, D.: Channels or waves: controls on melt migration through the upper mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8875,, 2025.

EGU25-15139 | ECS | PICO | GMPV7.1

Coupled Geodynamical-Geochemical Perspectives on the Generation and Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts 

Thomas Duvernay, Shihao Jiang, and Fabrizio Magrini

Owing to their abundance and relative availability on Earth's seafloor, mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) have a well-defined chemical element budget, reflected by the low standard deviation associated with typical normal MORB (N-MORB) composition [1]. However, the exact mechanisms leading to magma differentiation and MORB generation remain debated, hindering our ability to evaluate MORB parental magma composition. In this study, we leverage the predictive power of the BDD21 numerical framework [2, 3] to obtain a representative trace element budget of parental MORB magma and assess its ability to fractionate into the N-MORB composition. Utilising revised parameterisations for mineralogy, melting, and partitioning, we couple BDD21 with numerical simulations of a MOR system driven by seafloor spreading in which we track the evolution of partial melting, mineral modal abundances, and concentrations of incompatible elements. Parental magma compositions are determined once simulations reach a steady state, and magma chamber replenishment models are employed to predict the trace element budget of the erupted liquid. We explore a range of geophysical and geochemical parameters to evaluate their effect on computed trace element concentrations and use the Bayesian inference framework BayesBay ( to invert for the set of parameters that best reproduces the N-MORB composition. Previous magma chamber replenishment models [4] are extended to account for multiple crystallisation events and melt-crystal interaction. Modelling outcomes suggest that petrologically constrained fractionation of parental magma compositions obtained through BDD21 yields glass compositions compatible with the N-MORB budget. Nevertheless, our results show a systematic underestimation of Sr concentration, indicating the presence of recycled oceanic crust in the MORB source region.

[1] Gale, A., Dalton, C. A., Langmuir, C. H., Su, Y., & Schilling, J. G. (2013). The mean composition of ocean ridge basalts. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(3), 489-518.

[2] Ball, P. W., Duvernay, T., & Davies, D. R. (2022). A coupled geochemical‐geodynamic approach for predicting mantle melting in space and time. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(4), e2022GC010421.

[3] Duvernay, T., Jiang, S., Ball, P. W., & Davies, D. R. (2024). Coupled geodynamical‐geochemical perspectives on the generation and composition of mid‐ocean ridge basalts. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(2), e2023GC011288.

[4] St C. O’Neill, H., & Jenner, F. E. (2012). The global pattern of trace-element distributions in ocean floor basalts. Nature, 491(7426), 698-704.

How to cite: Duvernay, T., Jiang, S., and Magrini, F.: Coupled Geodynamical-Geochemical Perspectives on the Generation and Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15139,, 2025.

EGU25-16021 | ECS | PICO | GMPV7.1

Numerical simulations of the influence of the magmatic system beneath Changbaishan volcano on surface deformation 

Hao Liu, Jianfeng Yang, Liang zhao, Boris Kaus, Arne Spang, and Baolu Sun

The Changbaishan volcano (CBV) located on the border of China and North Korea, is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes on Earth. The CBV has experienced two “unrest periods” since 2000C.E. with uplift, increased 3He/4He ratio gas emissions and increased seismicity frequencies. During the intermediate “rest period”, subsidence occurred particularly on the eastern part of the Tianchi caldera. Whereas the magmatic system beneath the volcano is likely responsible for the surface deformation, several factors can significantly influence the surface deformation field such as the geometry, physical properties, and connection between separate magma or mush chambers. The mechanism of uplift surface at CBV is interpreted as magma recharge and the mechanism of subsidence is still under debate. Previous geophysical investigations and satellite data indicate that a shallow magma chamber might exist at 5 km depth, and the shallow magma chamber plays an important role in producing the surface deformation field. Understanding the magmatic system beneath CBV will improve the assessment of the risk of CBV.

Here, we utilized a new approach to construct a 3D thermo-mechanical model of the magmatic system beneath CBV developed on the basis of seismic velocity data collected during the “rest period”. We compare model output with InSAR data of the same period, to analyze the mechanism of the surface velocity field during the “rest period”. We test the influence of the shallow magma chamber at 5km, the connection of the magma system and physical properties of the magma chamber and surrounding host rock. Our results are consistent with there being four interconnected magma chambers beneath the CBV compared with InSAR observation. They support that a shallow magma chamber exists at 5km depth. This shallow magma chamber depth causes a convection field, and the convection field induced a downward flow at CBV area. Magma channels connecting the different magma batches play an important role in producing the uprise velocity to the surface. The higher temperature of the magma channels, the lower viscosity of the surrounding host rock and the higher density contrast with the surrounding host rock can increase the uprise velocity magnitude.

How to cite: Liu, H., Yang, J., zhao, L., Kaus, B., Spang, A., and Sun, B.: Numerical simulations of the influence of the magmatic system beneath Changbaishan volcano on surface deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16021,, 2025.

Magnetite-apatite (MtAp) deposits, also known as iron-oxide-apatite or Kiruna-type deposits, are critical sources of high-grade iron ore and rare earth elements (REE), essential for industrial applications and the global transition to green energy. The formation of MtAp deposits is commonly attributed to the immiscibility between iron oxide phosphate liquids and silicate magma (FeP–Si). Recent studies have shown that light rare earth elements preferentially partition into the iron-phosphorus melt, explaining the enrichment of light rare earth elements in MtAp deposits. While there is good evidence of an origin involving sub-volcanic intrusion to volcanic extrusion of an Fe-enriched orthomagmatic melt, the exact formation mechanisms remain controversial.

This study focuses on the El Laco deposit in northern Chile, adopting the hypothesis that spontaneous magma unmixing has indeed occurred within an El Laco-type subvolcanic magma body. The research aims to explore the formation mechanisms of magnetite-apatite (MtAp) deposits by investigating the role of iron-rich magmatic melts. Using a one-dimensional (1D) three-phase mechanical model based on existing theoretical frameworks, we simulated the separation and accumulation of immiscible iron-rich melts within an increasingly crystalline parent magma. The model reproduces the previously proposed transition from droplet settling to porous drainage mode and quantifies the relative efficiency of both modes of phase separation. We also perform a scaling analysis to define porous, mush, and suspension flow regimes and construct a regime diagram for three-phase flow. The results show that the separation efficiency of immiscible iron-rich melts reaches its maximum under intermediate crystallinity conditions. Furthermore, the model-derived accumulation rate of iron-rich melts can be used to estimate the time required to accumulate immiscible melt sufficient to form magnetite deposits of a given scale. Our findings support the physical viability of the liquid immiscibility hypothesis in the genesis of MtAp deposits and provide new insights into the formation mechanisms of other valuable deposits associated with immiscible melts, such as the segregation of Ni-Cu-Co-enriched sulphide melts in orthomagmatic Cu-Ni-sulphide deposits and metal-enriched magmatic brines in porphyry copper systems.

How to cite: Chai, T. and Keller, T.: Three-phase flow modelling of immiscible melt segregation in the genesis of magnetite-apatite deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18413,, 2025.

Deciphering magmatic system dynamics is inherently challenging due to the lack of direct observations of subsurface processes. Numerical modelling serves as a key tool to interpret indirect evidence from petrological and geochemical analyses of igneous rocks. At the heart of magma dynamics lies the interplay between complex multiphase fluid mechanics and multicomponent thermochemistry. Accurate modelling of these systems requires determining stable phase assemblages, which involves computationally demanding Gibbs free energy minimisation across high-dimensional compositional spaces with dozens of end-members. Current algorithms often lack the robustness and efficiency required for real-time integration into coupled thermos-chemical-mechanical models.

Traditional approaches to coupled modelling have frequently employed highly simplified phase relationships, such as single-phase loops, or relied on precomputed lookup tables to avoid the computational cost of real-time phase equilibrium calculations. These methods, however, impose significant limitations. This work introduces an alternative—a petrological model that generates multi-dimensional pseudo-phase diagrams in P-T-X space using pseudo-component end-members. Inspired by ideal solution thermodynamics, this approach eliminates the need for computationally expensive energy minimisation, overly simplistic phase representations, or cumbersome lookup tables. Instead, it employs a computationally efficient Newton method to solve a constrained nonlinear system.

Calibration of the model using standard machine learning techniques allows it to closely approximate key petrological trends, such as fractional crystallisation, observed in experimental data and full thermodynamic calculations. Once calibrated, the model efficiently tracks the dynamic evolution of major mineral and melt phases, including their compositions, across extensive P-T-X ranges. The calibration process further identifies the principal axes of variability, typically reducing the system to 5-6 dominant pseudo-components associated with major liquidus phases. This dimensional reduction significantly simplifies the system’s complexity compared to full thermodynamic models while retaining essential petrological insights.

How to cite: Keller, T.: Efficient Modelling of Magmatic Systems: A Pseudo-Component Approach to Phase Equilibria in Coupled Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18794,, 2025.

EGU25-348 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.2

Unravelling the complex record of magma flow and solidification in sills 

Kate Williams, Stefano Urbani, Elisabetta Mariani, Andy Biggin, John Wheeler, and Janine Kavanagh

Sill emplacement is fundamental to the development of volcanic plumbing systems and their impact on volcanic hazard assessments, geothermal heat potential estimates and critical hydrothermal ore deposit models. Accurate interpretations of geological, magnetic, and petrographic evidence of magma flow provides essential and independent insights into the physics of sill emplacement but are rarely considered in combination with one-another. We integrate multiscale observations of the Whin Sill, located in the north of England, to discern between syn- and post-emplacement processes. The Whin Sill is a mafic sill that intruded into Carboniferous-aged sediment 295 ± 6 Ma, which is outcrops across northern England with coastal exposures and ridges, such as below Hadrian’s Wall.

Field observations of sill finger orientation and ropy structures provide the best indication of primary magma flow directions, whereas plagioclase feldspar crystals do not as they show weak shape and crystallographic preferred alignments (SPO and CPO). Early Ti-poor titanomagnetite with a low-inclination Kmax anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) tensor records magma finger inflation and variable flow during sill growth. A second Ti-poor titanomagnetite population records the migration of melt upwards and the post-solidification influx of hydrothermal fluids via cooling joints. This is captured through a steep Kmax anhysteretic anisotropy of remanent magnetisation (AARM) and inverse AMS fabrics. By integrating our results from multiple techniques, we have proposed a multi-stage emplacement mechanism for the Whin Sill in this area: 1) initial propagation as magma fingers based on field observations, 2) magma finger inflation and variations in magma flow direction, based on weak CPO and low-inclination AMS Kmax tensors, and 3) influx of fluids and upward melt migration syn-emplacement, based on high-inclination AARM and inverse AMS fabrics. These novel results highlight the complex dynamics of sill emplacement that can be reconstructed only through multiscale and multimethod analysis. Conducting similar analysis on samples taken from multiple locations across an intrusion would allow for further detail to be obtained, and for a greater understanding of the complex processes occurring. Not using an integrated approach risks over simplistic models with incorrect magma flow trajectories and inaccurate source locations.

How to cite: Williams, K., Urbani, S., Mariani, E., Biggin, A., Wheeler, J., and Kavanagh, J.: Unravelling the complex record of magma flow and solidification in sills, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-348,, 2025.

Lamprophyres are a group of igneous rock that are volumetrically minor and inherently restricted to continental setting. These volatile- rich, mantle derived alkaline rock, carry hydrous mineral such as amphibole and biotite within feldspathic groundmass and sometimes xenolith and xenocrysts, provide direct sample of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. As such the porphyritic nature of the lamprophyres are known to preserve evolutionary processes of magma through open and closed system magma chamber processes (i.e., magma mixing, mingling, recharge, remobilization, assimilation and crystallization) reflecting cognate (phenocryst) as well as disequilibrium (antecryst) relationship in a complex magmatic plumbing systems whereas the latter are interpreted as xenocrystic fragments from amphibole-rich metasomatic veins in the upper mantle. Major and trace element mineral chemistry data are presented for amphibole phenocrysts from lamprophyric calc-alkaline magmatism from Jonnagiri schist belt, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India. Variability in major oxide geochemical signatures (e.g., Mg#, temperature, pressure, fO2) of amphibole phenocrysts indicate phenocrysts cores to be representative of early-crystallised phenocrysts, whereas rims crystallised in equilibrium with amphibole microphenocrysts during final emplacement of host melts.  Amphibole trace element concentrations offset together with trace element modelling signatures in host rock – amphibole phenocryst pairs suggest a non-cognate relationship that likely represent the amphibole phenocryst cores as remnants of fractionated phase belonging to evolved lamprophyric melts. Our study reflect interaction between heterogeneous lamprophyric melt and/or cumulate amphiboles in the crustral levels that experienced localised varying degree of mantle melting in a moderately heterogeneous SCLM source.

How to cite: Naskar, S., Rao, N. V. C., and Pandey, R.: Petrogenesis of calc-alkaline lamprophyre from Jonnagiri green schist belt, Dharwar craton, southern India: Insights from major and trace element chemistry of amphiboles. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-645,, 2025.

EGU25-696 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

A reactive in-situ crystallization origin for the UG2 Chromitite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa? 

Victoria Scoging and Brian O'Driscoll

The UG2 Chromitite of the ~2 Ga Bushveld Complex (South Africa) is one of the largest platinum-group element (PGE) deposits on Earth. It is ~1 m thick and can be traced for virtually the entire circumference of the eastern and western lobes of the Bushveld. Despite its economic importance and a plethora of studies devoted to understanding its petrogenesis, there is no consensus on how the UG2 body formed (see recent studies by Robb & Mungall, 2020; Latypov et al. 2023; Maier & Barnes, 2024). Models invoking fractional crystallization, in situ crystallization, gravity settling within crystal-rich slurries and crustal contamination have all been proposed. Recent studies on chromitite formation in other layered intrusions have demonstrated significant mineral chemical and textural disequilibrium features associated with chromitite layers, attributed to a reactive origin for these bodies (Hepworth et al. 2020). This study aims to test the hypothesis that reaction between incoming magma and anorthositic footwall triggered crystallization of some or all of the massive UG2 Chromitite. Specifically, we focus on microtextural variations at the mm-to-cm-scale across silicate to massive chromitite contacts in the UG2 and associated leader seam from a drill core sampled on the Magazynskraal farm in the western lobe of the Bushveld intrusion. We have carried out petrographic analysis and quantitative textural approaches including crystal size distribution (CSD), dihedral angle measurements, as well as mineral chemical and in-situ 87Sr/86Sr laser ablation inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) in plagioclase samples leading up and into the base of the UG2 Chromitite. We also studied materials at the contacts of the overlying leader seam. Petrographic observations reveal disequilibrium textural relationships in the footwall pyroxenite; e.g., chromite is typically separated from orthopyroxene by thin (µm-scale) rims of plagioclase. Interstitial plagioclase is chemically zoned and the anorthite content of the plagioclase shows a distinct increase (An58 to An92) near chromite. CSD analysis yields mainly log-linear plots suggesting in-situ crystallization with some evidence for postcumulus textural modification. Apparent chromite-chromite-plagioclase dihedral angle measurements reveal median values (for a given ~1 cm thick interval) of 65-75° and suggest that textural equilibrium has not been achieved. The 87Sr/86Sr variability points to the interaction between isotopically distinct signatures at the postcumulus stage. Our combined observations suggest disequilibrium between mineral phases and hint at reactive (dissolution-reprecipitation) crystallization in the UG2 Chromitite.  


  • Robb & J. Mungall (2020). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 534, 116084.
  • Latypov et al. (2023). Lithos 460–461, 107374.
  • D. Maier & S.-J. Barnes (2024). The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 62(5), 731-745.
  • Hepworth et al. (2020). Nature Geoscience, 13(5), 375–381.

How to cite: Scoging, V. and O'Driscoll, B.: A reactive in-situ crystallization origin for the UG2 Chromitite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-696,, 2025.

This study presents first report on composition of olivines and associated minerals in eleven distinct olivine-bearing mafic dykes of the Dharwar Craton, representing the 2.37 Ga and 2.21 Ga large igneous provinces (LIPs). These dykes comprise of olivine, clinopyroxene (augite and pigeonite), plagioclase (labradorite to bytownite) and minor orthopyroxene (enstatite) in association with oxides (titano-magnetite, ilmenite, spinel) and sulphide (chalcopyrite). The olivine grains vary from being unzoned (Ol-I, Mg# 84–63) to zoned (Ol-II, Mg# 78–38), and represent primary and secondary growth during magmatic crystallization. Continuously zoned grains show decrease in Ni, Cr, Al, Ca contents and an increase in Mn, Co and Ti concentrations, from core to rim. Increase in the Ni/(Mg/Fe)/1000 ratios (0.7 to 3.0) and a decrease in 100Mn/Fe ratios (1.5 to 1.0) in olivines from the 2.37 Ga dykes to the 2.21 Ga dykes may be interpreted as a transition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) from a peridotite-dominated composition with lower proportions of recycled oceanic crust (XROC=0.2–0.3) at 2.37 Ga, to pyroxenite composition having higher proportions of recycled oceanic crust (XROC>0.3), at 2.21 Ga. Fractional crystallization modelling suggests that the olivines crystallized first, followed by clinopyroxenes and later by plagioclases within both the dyke swarms however, the two swarms exhibits diverse magmatic processes: 2.37 Ga dykes essentially reflect fractional crystallization and magma mixing processes while, the 2.21 Ga dykes, reflect multiple episodes of magma fractionation and recharge. Calculated NiO/MnO ratios in Fo89 olivines of the dykes show gradual increase from the eastern (1.16–1.36) through central (1.69–1.81), to the western parts (1.88–2.92) of the craton irrespective of their ages, indicating a thicker lithosphere for the Western Dharwar Craton. Al-in-olivine geothermometer registers high olivine crystallization temperatures of 1294–1466°C (±25°), compatible with the olivine crystallization temperatures of several worldwide LIPs (NAIP, Emeishan, Karoo) and suggests involvement of mantle plume. However, olivine compositions along with negative Nb-Ta anomalies, fractionated LREE with flat HREE patterns, variable (Dy/Yb)values (0.94–1.69), and largely negative ԐNd(t) values independent of SiO2, indicate essential role of SCLM in the genesis and suggests generation of the 2.37 Ga and 2.21 Ga mafic dyke swarms through plume-lithosphere interaction.

How to cite: Yadav, P.: Early crystallizing magmatic olivines as probes into mantle sources, magma crystallization and lithospheric thickness: Insights from the 2.37 Ga and 2.21 Ga mafic dyke swarms of the Dharwar Craton, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1318,, 2025.

The complex mineral assemblages and zonal texture in granites might be the outcome of multiple batches of magma convergence and mixing. Here, we delineate the genesis of the  adakitic granite porphyry in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet and analyze the chamber dynamic process of rapakivi feldspars based on the mineral assemblage and mineral compositions. The influences of magma mixing and post-magma alteration on the composition of granite porphyry and its metallogenic potential were examined by in-situ geochemical data of minerals and whole-rock geochemical data. The Quxu granite porphyry has high contents of SiO2 (68.14–69.36 wt%) and K2O (3.08–3.42 wt%), high ratios of Sr/Y (180.04–202.15) and (La/Yb)N (33.89–43.66) and low contents of Y (4.21–4.68 ppm) and YbN (1.97–2.29), characterized by of high-K adatikic granite. The granite porphyry has positive zircon εHf(t) values ranging from 6.27 to 11.55 and apatite εNd(t) values ranging from -0.65 to 1.06, and low plagioclase (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios from 0.704037 to 0.705084, as it originated from a juvenile crust source. Mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in the granite porphyry are regarded as wall rock fragments due to their angular shape and relative older crystallization age of 48.6 Ma, while felsic microgranular enclaves (FMEs) are defined as the magma schlieren because its crystallization age and major- and trace-element contents are consistent with the host granite porphyry. The granite porphyry undergoes magma mixing with more mafic magma in the magma chamber, resulting in the magma being slightly enriched in TiO2, MnO, MgO, and P2O5 and depleted in CaO content and Sr-Nd isotopes. The magma mixing also supplies heat for the formation of the rapakivi texture of K-feldspar megacrysts in the magma chamber. Additionally, the high oxygen fugacity (ΔFMQ = 1.46) and water content of granite porphyry and its adakitic characteristics indicate its favorable metallogenic potential. This study provides new insights into the petrogenesis and metallogenic potentials of adakitic rapakivi granites in the Gangdese belt.

How to cite: Meng, Y. and Yuan, H.: Petrogenesis and metallogenic implications of the rapakivi granites: evidence from in-situ geochemical data of minerals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1634,, 2025.

EGU25-3618 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Implementing GALES, a multiphysics Finite Element software, to model magma replenishment dynamics and associated Ultra-Long Period deformation patterns and tilt at Mount Etna 

Owen McCluskey, Paolo Papale, Chiara Montagna, Antonella Longo, Deepak Garg, Joe Carthy, Carmen Benitez, and Carolina Pagli

Numerical simulations of magma dynamics have revealed that Ultra-Long Period (ULP) ground displacements can be attributed to deep magma convection. This research produces a series of one-way coupled, time-dependent models of magma and rock dynamics during multicomponent magma convection and mixing are simulated in different chamber-dyke systems using a multiphysics finite element software, GALES (Garg et al., Comp. Math. Appl., 2021).

Modelled firstly by simulating 2D magma mixing during a replenishment scenario whereby magmas of variable compositions and temperatures are free to interact at an interface, the properties of which were constrained using the estimated saturation conditions of melt inclusions. The overpressures at the fluid-solid interface are then imposed as a boundary condition to simulate the elastostatic response of the surrounding medium. These 2D models were then extended and embedded into a 3D domain (Longo), with dimensions of 100 x 100 km and a depth of 50 km, that accounts for topography, the heterogeneous rock property profile (seismic tomography data) and incorporates the INGV’s multiparametic stations on the surface. 

This setup not only aided in constraining the characteristics of the Mount Etna volcanic system but also enabled the derivation of detailed synthetic space-time series of ground deformation at each of the stations for each of the pre-defined chamber geometries. Analysis of these respective synthetic signals reveal oscillations in a period range of approximately 150-300 seconds and changes in tilt in the order of milliradiants. 

Direct comparisons with recorded tilt measurements, obtained on Mount Etna as part of IMPROVE’s multiparametric experiment in July 2023, can potentially identify sets of geophysical signals that are diagnostic of magma movements at depth and help develop our interpretation of the dynamics between storage regions throughout the volcanic system and their overall contributions to the resultant deformation patterns. 

How to cite: McCluskey, O., Papale, P., Montagna, C., Longo, A., Garg, D., Carthy, J., Benitez, C., and Pagli, C.: Implementing GALES, a multiphysics Finite Element software, to model magma replenishment dynamics and associated Ultra-Long Period deformation patterns and tilt at Mount Etna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3618,, 2025.

EGU25-4157 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Multicomponent diffusion in K-feldspar: Sr, Ba, Ti and P diffusion experiments in sanidine 

Aurore Toussaint, Anne-Sophie Bouvier, Florent Plane, and Othmar Müntener

Diffusion is a key to understand the timescales of magma dynamics, and thus the evolution of igneous systems. As K-feldspar is a major mineral in felsic plutonic rocks, investigating the diffusion behaviour of trace elements in K-feldspar provides valuable information on magma dynamics. K-feldspar has been used to determine timescales of crystal growth or residence times for volcanic and plutonic systems (e.g., [1], [2]).

To provide better constraints on the duration of magmatic processes (e.g., magma replenishment, magma mixing, etc.), there is a need for accurate diffusion coefficients. Therefore, our study focuses on the results of experiments that aim to constrain diffusivities of Sr, Ba, Ti and P in sanidine (Or98). We performed experiments at 1 atm pressure, between 825 and 1050 °C, for diffusion normal to (010) at controlled aSiO2. The polished sections of sanidine were surrounded by source powders in Pt capsules and annealed in air, from times ranging from 1 month to 6 months. Sources of diffusant were SrO-, BaO-, TiO2- and P2O5-doped cristobalite or SrO- and BaO-doped cristobalite (made using the sol-gel method) mixed with finely ground sanidine (1:1), or with finely ground sanidine and apatite (1:1:1). The experimental products were then analysed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiling. The absolute depth of the profiles was determined with white light interferometry. Diffusion rates in sanidine determined in this study are different from earlier studies ([3], [4], [5]). Sr diffusion rate is ~1.5–2 orders of magnitude slower than previously determined, while Ba, Ti and P did not show any measurable diffusion profiles, indicating that Ba and Ti likely diffuse more slowly than previously determined. Zoning in Ba in natural K-feldspar megacrysts thus predominantly records crystal growth processes that are weakly affected by diffusion.


[1] Chamberlain, Morgan, Wilson (2014) Contrib Mineral Petrol; [2] Rout, Blum-Oeste & Wörner (2021) Journal of Petrology; [3] Cherniak (1996) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; [4] Cherniak (2002) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; [5] Cherniak & Watson (2020) American Mineralogist.

How to cite: Toussaint, A., Bouvier, A.-S., Plane, F., and Müntener, O.: Multicomponent diffusion in K-feldspar: Sr, Ba, Ti and P diffusion experiments in sanidine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4157,, 2025.

Australia hosts at least two continental basaltic volcanic provinces with Holocene eruption ages, yet little is understood about magma ascent and mantle to surface magmatic pathways and timescales in these regions. Such information advances our understanding of potential eruption warning timeframes of future volcanic activity. In this study we conducted mineral-scale textural and chemical investigation of a suite of stratigraphically constrained volcanic rocks from the Mount Gambier (Berrin) volcano. The ~5 ka maar-cone complex is the youngest volcano within the Newer Volcanics Province and mainland Australia and produced effusive magmatic to explosive (VEI 4) phreatomagmatic eruptions. The textural diversity and chemical zoning patterns in olivine and clinopyroxene in the volcanic rocks reveal a complex history of magma ascent. Olivine is classified into several types based on texture and composition: Normally zoned olivine at the margins of mantle xenoliths and rims of mantle-derived xenocrysts; skeletal, euhedral and polyhedral diffuse normally zoned (dominant type); reversely zoned olivine; and as reaction rims on xenocrystic orthopyroxene. Olivine compositions and zoning (diffusion) profiles are used to map out the magmatic plumbing system and determine the timescales of magma ascent to the surface. The information gained from this work provides new insight into pre-eruptive magmatic history and magma ascent at Australian volcanoes. These results yield important implications for better preparedness to future volcanic hazards in Australia.

How to cite: Handley, H., Cas, R., and Hellebrand, E.: Magma ascent dynamics at Mount Gambier (Berrin) Volcano, Newer Volcanics Province, Australia: Insights from olivine textures and compositions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5750,, 2025.

EGU25-6825 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.2

A material model for the evolution of size and composition of olivine grains in a magma mush zone as a consequence of mechano-chemical effects of diffusion 

Hendrik Holger Haddenhorst, Johanna Waimann, Sumit Chakraborty, and Klaus Hackl

Diffusion chronometry is used to understand various geological processes that occur in Magma reservoirs [1] and during solid state transformations. However, recrystallization restricts the timescales which can be accessed by diffusion chronometry. Recrystallization as a consequence of chemical dissolution-precipitation reactions or mechanical deformation are well known aspects of rock evolution. However, recrystallization due to a coupling of chemical and mechanical forces has not been studied yet in detail, although it is known from both natural settings [2] as well as experiments [3]. We have developed a thermodynamic multiphysics model to address this problem. We define an overall free energy function of a system that contains the standard chemical terms (enthalpy, entropy, volume) as well as the effects of mechanical stress (elastic as well as plastic). This function is minimized to study the evolution of a system, in particular with reference to evolution of the radius of a grain. It is found that the balance of chemical and mechanical forces may lead to continual growth of a mineral grain, or lead to the disappearance of a grain by shrinking (and growth of a new grain), depending on the values of different parameters. The behavior of the system is shown to be governed by four non-dimensional parameters, and the behavior of any given system may be predicted when a set of relevant material parameters are known.

In this presentation we build on the model introduced by Haddenhorst et al. [4] to describe the evolution of olivine crystals surrounded by a melt. We can use the model to calculate the lifespan of an olivine grain, the maximum size of a crystal and the time taken to reach that size as a function of pressure, temperature and a set of material parameters. Illustrative examples for magma mush zones will be shown.

[1]: Chakraborty, S., & Dohmen, R. (2022). Diffusion chronometry of volcanic rocks: looking backward and forward. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84 (6), 57. Retrieved from
[2]: Bestmann, M., Pennacchioni, G., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., Jones, M. W. M., & Kewish, C. M. (2021). Influence of deformation and fluids on ti exchange in natural quartz. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (12), e2021JB022548. Retrieved from
[3]: Nachlas, W., & Hirth, G. (2015). Experimental constraints on the role of dynamic recrystallization on resetting the ti-in-quartz thermobarometer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120 (12), 8120–8137.
[4]: Haddenhorst, H. H., Chakraborty, S., & Hackl, K. (2023). A model for the evolution size and composition of olivine crystals. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 00, e202300081.

How to cite: Haddenhorst, H. H., Waimann, J., Chakraborty, S., and Hackl, K.: A material model for the evolution of size and composition of olivine grains in a magma mush zone as a consequence of mechano-chemical effects of diffusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6825,, 2025.

EGU25-7637 | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Melting and melt segregation processes controlling granitic melt composition 

Yang Yu, Xiao-Long Huang, Roberto Weinberg, Min Sun, Peng-Li He, and Le Zhang

Several important processes in the petrogenesis of granite are still debated due to poor understanding of complex interactions between minerals during the melting and melt segregation processes. To promote improved understanding of the mineral-melt relationships, we present a systematic petrographic and geochemical analysis for melanosome and leucosome samples from the Triassic Jindong migmatite, South China. Petrographic observations and zircon U-Pb geochronology indicate that the Jindong migmatite was formed through water-fluxed melting of the Early Paleozoic gneissic granite (437±2 Ma) during the Triassic (238±1 Ma), with the production of melt dominated by the breakdown of K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz. The Jindong leucosomes may be divided into lenticular and net-structured types. Muscovite, plagioclase and K-feldspar in the net-structured leucosome show higher Rb and much lower Ba and Sr contents than those in the lenticular leucosome. This may be attributed to elevation of Rb and decreasing Ba and Sr abundances in melts during the segregation process, due to early fractional crystallization of K-feldspar and plagioclase. These leucosomes show negative correlation between εNd(t) and P2O5, reflecting increasing dissolution of low εNd(t) apatite during melting process. The continuous dissolution of apatite caused saturation of monazite and xenotime in melt, resulting in the growth of monazite and xenotime around apatite in the melanosome. This process resulted in a sharp decrease of Th, Y and REE with increasing P2O5 in the leucosome samples. This complex interplay of accessory mineral reactions in the source impact REE geochemistry and Nd isotope ratios of granites. As the granites worldwide exhibit similar compositional and isotopic patterns with the Jindong leucosomes, we suggest that both the melting and melt segregation processes strongly control the granitic melt compositions.

How to cite: Yu, Y., Huang, X.-L., Weinberg, R., Sun, M., He, P.-L., and Zhang, L.: Melting and melt segregation processes controlling granitic melt composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7637,, 2025.

EGU25-8206 | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

How do surface displacements reflect the structure of volcanic plumbing systems below? 

Janine Kavanagh, Kate Williams, Marco Bagnardi, Caitlin Chalk, and Michael Poland

Volcanic plumbing systems comprise a complex series of interconnected intrusions (sills and dykes), which store and transport magma laterally and vertically. The movement of magma within these systems can be inferred using geophysical and geodetic techniques. Surface displacement measurements are one of the most common tools used to monitor the state of volcanoes, where ground motion can be related to inflation and deflation of magma reservoirs at depth and therefore record potential precursors that help forecast an eruptive event. Satellite-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) provide data for surface changes on a near-daily basis; however, interpretation of deformation sources and mechanisms is limited by modelling approaches.  Inversion models (such as the Mogi model) are often used to interpret surface displacements in terms of the underlying structures, but these rely on assumptions and simplifications that may result in inaccurate estimations of intrusion sizes and volumes of eruptible magma.

To address this gap in understanding, we have developed a new synthetic volcano observatory to monitor scaled analogue volcanic plumbing system experiments. The first experiments we have tested include the simplest scenario for volcanic plumbing: a transparent gelatine solid (homogeneous or layered elastic crust analogue) injected by water (a Newtonian fluid magma analogue) to form an intrusion (a dyke or a dyke-fed sill). Over the course of the experiment, surface deformation is monitored using two CCD (charge-coupled device) cameras positioned above the tank, which track the vertical and lateral displacements of passive-tracer particles placed on the surface of the gelatine. Deformation of the surface above the dyke comprises an elongated central depression directly above the propagating tip of the dyke and parallel to its strike, and two inflated domes on either side of the elongated depression. In contrast, deformation of the surface above the sill forms a single inflated dome, with the area of greatest deformation centred above the connection between the sill and its feeder dyke. By analysing the experimental data with the same inversion approach used on natural magma intrusion events, we can explore how well factors such as intrusion geometry, depth, and volume are resolved, and how modelling algorithms can be improved to enhance volcanic eruption forecasting.

How to cite: Kavanagh, J., Williams, K., Bagnardi, M., Chalk, C., and Poland, M.: How do surface displacements reflect the structure of volcanic plumbing systems below?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8206,, 2025.

EGU25-8398 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.2

Diffusion of Sr and Ba in plagioclase: New experimental data and application to ignimbrites and calderas 

Thomas Grocolas, Elias Bloch, Anne-Sophie Bouvier, and Othmar Müntener

Constraining the temperature evolution of magma reservoirs constitutes an important scientific and societal challenge in order to mitigate future volcanic hazards. In the last decades, diffusion chronometry emerged as a valuable tool to track the timescales of magmatic processes and is now routinely applied on erupted volcanic products to infer crystal residence times and mixing-to-eruption timescales. As such, calibrating the diffusion rates of Sr and Ba in plagioclase, the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust, is critical to place timing constraints on different magmatic systems. However, discrepancies between previous studies investigating the diffusion rates of divalent cations in plagioclase persist (1–6). Here we report diffusion experiments that aim to constrain the diffusivities of Sr and Ba in oligoclase and labradorite at 1 atm pressure, between 900 and 1200 °C, and as a function of the crystallographic orientation and aSiO2. The experimental products were analysed by SIMS depth profiling and LA-ICP-MS line scanning. The analysed annealed crystals reveal no resolvable dependence of Sr and Ba diffusion in plagioclase upon aSiO2 or crystal orientation. However, Sr and Ba diffusivities are found to vary with plagioclase anorthite content. The diffusion rate of Sr in plagioclase determined in this study is ~1.5–2 orders of magnitude slower than previously determined, whereas Ba diffusion is similar to previous studies. This is likely due to Ba-feldspar stability at the experimental conditions employed by previous studies, whereas Sr-feldspar was absent from their source powder assemblage. By applying the Sr and Ba diffusivities determined in this study to plagioclase crystals from the Cerro Galán ignimbrite (Argentina) and Santorini caldera (Greece), we find timescales of ~105 years, with a good agreement between results from Sr and Ba diffusion modelling. Therefore, our data reconcile experimental diffusion data with measured Sr and Ba profiles in plagioclase and suggest that, at least regarding the Cerro Galán ignimbrite and Santorini caldera, plagioclase records the time needed to differentiate magma reservoirs and assemble large volumes of eruptible magma.

1. Cherniak, D. J., Watson, E. B. (1992). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 113, 411–415.

2. Cherniak, D. J., Watson, E. B. (1994). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 5179–5190.

3. Cherniak, D. J. (2002). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 1641–1650.

4. Faak, K., Chakraborty, S., Coogan, L. A. (2013). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 123, 195–217.

5. Gilleti, B. J., Casserly, J. E. D. (1994). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 3785–3793.

6. Van Orman, J. A., Cherniak, D. J., Kita, N. T. (2014). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 385, 79–88.

How to cite: Grocolas, T., Bloch, E., Bouvier, A.-S., and Müntener, O.: Diffusion of Sr and Ba in plagioclase: New experimental data and application to ignimbrites and calderas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8398,, 2025.

EGU25-8891 | Orals | GMPV7.2

Igneous cumulate forming processes 

Lydéric France

Cumulates are a key concept in igneous petrology and a key component of any magmatic series. A cumulate is the result of crystal segregation from its equilibrium melt. A cumulate is therefore refractory, enriched in compatible elements (those that like minerals) and depleted in incompatible elements (those that prefer melts) relative to segregated melts. The main cumulate formation processes recognised for several decades are crystal settling and crystal-rich magma (mush) compaction. Recently, in light of the mush-dominated character of igneous reservoirs and of the importance of melt-mush reactive percolation processes, which appear to be widespread in several geodynamic contexts, an additional cumulate process has been proposed: the melt flush process (Boulanger & France, 2023). The melt flush process conceptualises a continuous reactive porous flow: in continuously (or oscillatingly) replenished mushy reservoirs, freshly recharged melt percolates through the mush, flushing out previous interstitial (and relatively more evolved) melt and reacting with the mush-forming minerals. This thermodynamically feasible process results in crystal-melt segregation as less evolved melts replace fractionated ones; the resulting assemblage is more refractory and corresponds to a cumulate.

Crystal settling, mush compaction or melt flush are three cumulate forming processes that are buoyancy assisted. Here I discuss the potential role of an alternative process, not based on melt buoyancy or the density difference between melt and crystals, in cumulate formation. I show that heterogeneous nucleation has a strong potential to locally segregate evolved melt pockets from crystal clusters when crystallization is rather static and the magma becomes a mush (>50% crystal). Crystal nucleation requires a certain nucleation energy to be overcome before crystallization can proceeds, so nucleation is often delayed during early crystallization of magmas. In heterogeneous nucleation, the presence of pre-existing nuclei or impurities can allow crystal growth without the need to overcome the nucleation energy, resulting in a heterogeneous crystal distribution within the melt that is directly related to the presence of nuclei and can ultimately form crystal clusters. The maturation of such crystal clusters can then segregate the melt from the various clusters, eventually forming evolved melt pockets, and cumulative domains. Other modes of crystal clustering (e.g. synneusis) might also be involved in the acquisition of the cumulate signature. In the natural record, such a cumulate formation process can either be locally preserved or might act as a catalyser for crystal-melt segregation by deformation or buoyancy-assisted processes. During this presentation I will show the potential chemical implications of such a process and possible natural examples.


Boulanger, M. & France, L. (2023). Cumulate formation and melt extraction from mush-dominated magma reservoirs: the Melt Flush process exemplified at Mid-Ocean ridges. Journal of Petrology 64, egad005.

How to cite: France, L.: Igneous cumulate forming processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8891,, 2025.

EGU25-11528 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.2

Phosphorus zonation in olivine reveals the long-lasting history of basalt crystal cargo 

Cloé Falc'hun, Lydéric France, Muriel Laubier, Thomas Pereira, Pierre Bouilhol, and Laurent Tissandier

Phosphorus and aluminum are preferentially incorporated in olivine during rapid crystal growth (skeletal morphologies). Their zonation therefore records the early growth event, while the morphological evidence gets erased during subsequent crystal maturation. Here we focus on plutonic and volcanic olivine grains from slow-spreading ocean ridges, using P & Al chemical maps obtained via EPMA. Our study reveals the existence of a plutonic signal based on the decoupling of these elements due to their difference in diffusion rates (DP < DAl) within the olivine crystal. As the zonation in aluminum fades over time, the zonation in phosphorus persists. The coexistence, or lack thereof, of the skeletal enrichments of aluminum and phosphorus in olivine serves as an indicator of the environment in which the crystal resided. Using this criterion, we show that most of the olivine grains from the lavas studied here are inherited from the disruption of a long-lasting mushy domain as they record a chemical zonation that is similar to that of plutonic crystals. Lava thus represents a minestrone-like igneous assemblage of various melts and crystals inherited from several molten domains within the crustal plumbing system. The use of bulk-rock compositions to discuss mantle processes thus appears delusional. The crystal cargo derived from the disaggregation of mush zones provides a unique access to processes occurring in the deep active mushy reservoirs, which can usually only be reached by studying plutonic rocks (gabbros) after mush solidification.

How to cite: Falc'hun, C., France, L., Laubier, M., Pereira, T., Bouilhol, P., and Tissandier, L.: Phosphorus zonation in olivine reveals the long-lasting history of basalt crystal cargo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11528,, 2025.

EGU25-11890 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Towards a comprehensive understanding of Tenerife’s subsurface: review and integration of geophysical studies. 

Olaya Dorado, Adelina Geyer, Stephanie Barde-Cabusson, Xavier de Bolós, and Joan Martí

Tenerife, the largest and most populous island of the Canary Archipelago (Spain), is characterized by a prominent central volcanic complex (Teide-Pico Viejo) and two highly active rift zones (the Santiago and La Dorsal rift zones). The interaction between the rift systems, dominated by mafic monogenetic volcanism, and the central complex, which exhibits compositions ranging from basanites to phonolites, results in multifaceted volcanic activity that poses significant risks not only to the population of Tenerife but also to the broader Canary Archipelago and regions affected by potential ash dispersion. Both systems, particularly the central complex, have been the focus of numerous field-based, petrological, geochemical and geophysical studies, providing valuable insights into the island's interior and its magmatic plumbing system.

Despite the extensive geophysical research conducted on Tenerife in recent past decades, a comprehensive integration of these datasets has yet to be undertaken to provide a unified interpretation. Such an integrated approach is crucial, as individual geophysical techniques often have limitations that prevent a full characterization of the subsurface structures. However, by combining multiple techniques, these limitations can be addressed, offering a more comprehensive and holistic understanding.

In this study, we review and integrate available geophysical data to develop a new conceptual model of Tenerife’s interior. We analyzed 52 references encompassing seismic, gravimetric, magnetic, electrical, InSAR, GPS, and numerical modelling studies. Relevant observations (e.g., anomalies, measurements, discontinuities) and their interpretations were compiled into a visual database. This database facilitates a detailed and comparative analysis of existing geophysical findings, allows synthesizing the geological structures identified through one or more techniques, and highlights discrepancies between different methods.

The results were used to construct a series of interpretative cross-sections of Tenerife's interior, including its magmatic plumbing system. This new model serves as a foundation for multidisciplinary interpretations, such as integrating petrological data from recent studies on Tenerife’s magmatic plumbing system. By combining geophysical and petrological perspectives, our work offers a more comprehensive understanding of the island’s subsurface, contributing to improve the volcanic hazard assessment.

This research was partially funded by E.G., grant EVE (DG ECHO H2020 Ref. 826292) and the Intramural CSIC grant MAPCAN (Ref. 202130E083). OD was supported by an FPU grant (FPU18/02572).

How to cite: Dorado, O., Geyer, A., Barde-Cabusson, S., de Bolós, X., and Martí, J.: Towards a comprehensive understanding of Tenerife’s subsurface: review and integration of geophysical studies., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11890,, 2025.

EGU25-12374 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Delimitation of volcanic conduits in intraplate settings in Northeastern Mexico: coupling geophysics, structural geology and geochemistry 

Violeta Marcial, Vsevolod Yutsis, Randall Guevara-Betancourt, and Pablo Davila

Intraplate volcanism occurs within tectonic plates and is associated either with hotspots or with the development and propagation of fractures induced by intraplate stresses, and thinning of the crust. In northeastern Mexico, specifically in San Luis Potosí (SLP), Plio-Quaternary intraplate volcanic activity has been documented, linked to normal faulting. Notable examples include the Los Encinos and Santo Domingo volcanic fields, which host intraplate lava cones of trachybasaltic and basanitic composition, dated at 10.6–13.6 Ma and ~0.35 Ma, respectively. This activity, occurring along the boundaries of geotectonic provinces, forms the primary focus of this study.

Monogenetic volcanic complexes are aligned in a NW-SE direction across SLP, together with regional fault systems associated with the western margin of the Sierra Madre Oriental fold and thrust province. The peculiar occurrence of this volcanism motivated this research, with the aim to determine the geometry and extent of volcanic conduits through potential field methods, morpho-structural analysis and geochemistry.

For this study, a regional geophysical analysis was conducted using magnetometry and gravimetry. Eleven volcanic structures located along the NW-SE alignment were sampled. Petrographic analyses revealed that nine cones exhibit trachybasaltic compositions, characterized by high concentrations of olivine, clinopyroxene, alkali feldspar, and calcic plagioclase phenocrysts. One cone displays a trachyandesitic composition with amphibole, pyroxene, and sodic plagioclase crystals, while another is dacitic, containing pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite crystals. Gravimetric data indicate high anomalies over the trachybasaltic monogenetic complexes, underscoring density contrasts with the dacitic cone and emphasizing structural alignments of N–S faults in the NW region of the studied area and NW–SE faults in the SE region. Additionally, magnetometric data further revealed three primary anomalies, potentially corresponding to remnants of conduits that facilitated magma ascent, with the central region displaying the highest structural complexity.

How to cite: Marcial, V., Yutsis, V., Guevara-Betancourt, R., and Davila, P.: Delimitation of volcanic conduits in intraplate settings in Northeastern Mexico: coupling geophysics, structural geology and geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12374,, 2025.

EGU25-13369 | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Timescales and dynamics of magmatic processes in a Plinian eruption's feeding system: The 79 CE eruption of Somma-Vesuvius, Italy 

Pierangelo Romano, Carlo Pelullo, Sumit Chakraborty, Andrea L. Rizzo, Helene Balcone Boissard, Domenico Sparice, Domenico Doronzo, Mauro A. Di Vito, and Ilenia Arienzo

The eruption of Somma-Vesuvius in 79 CE is considered one of the most iconic eruptions of the last two millennia. It was the first documented Plinian eruption and caused the destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Previous petrological studies provided useful insights into the dynamics of the magma reservoir and pre-eruptive processes, such as the episodic mafic recharge, that is considered the growing mechanism of the 79 CE reservoir. Scattered knowledge exists about reservoir properties and the magmatic processes leading to this Plinian event.

In this study, we performed high-spatial resolution analyses of zoned clinopyroxene crystals from selected eruptive units representing the phonolitic (white pumice) and tephri-phonolitic (grey pumice) magmas of the 79 CE eruption. The Mg# [molar MgO/(MgO+Fetot)*100] of clinopyroxene ranges between 91 and 39, with a notable compositional variation ascribable to five distinct compositional populations. The relationship among the compositional populations tracks the sequential growth of crystals in different magmatic environments, reflecting crystallization at different conditions.

The combined use of chemical data on zoned clinopyroxene and whole rocks, of isotopic data and numerical models allowed us to simulate the evolution of a primitive Vesuvius magma and constrain the physico-chemical conditions of the magmas feeding the 79 CE eruption. Magma temperatures, calculated with different thermometric and MELTS models, vary in the range 870–1120°C across the identified populations. Moreover, this approach allows identifying a vertically extended magmatic system beneath Somma-Vesuvius prior to the eruption, with various melt reservoirs at pressures of 2–4.5 kbar. These reservoirs were interconnected, facilitating prolonged crystal transfer. A phono-tephritic reservoir (at ~1010°C and >7.5 km depth) possibly constituted the lower part of the reservoir that fed the Pompeii eruption, where most of the magmatic interaction(s) took place. Diffusion modelling applied to the clinopyroxene zoning pattern allowed us to infer crystals residence times, mostly in this part of the magmatic system. The clinopyroxene crystals resided in the phono-tephritic and phonolitic magma reservoirs for 30–20 years, and most of them for less than 10 years (mostly less than 5 years) before the eruption. This time is related to the last episodes of magma recharge and crystal transfer before the eruption, and aligns with historically verified and archeologically inferred seismic precursors.

How to cite: Romano, P., Pelullo, C., Chakraborty, S., Rizzo, A. L., Balcone Boissard, H., Sparice, D., Doronzo, D., Di Vito, M. A., and Arienzo, I.: Timescales and dynamics of magmatic processes in a Plinian eruption's feeding system: The 79 CE eruption of Somma-Vesuvius, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13369,, 2025.

EGU25-13554 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.2

A dynamic mid-crustal magma domain revealed by the 2023-24 Sundhnúksgígar eruptions, Iceland 

Simon Matthews, Enikö Bali, Sæmundur A. Halldórsson, Olgeir Sigmarsson, Guðmundur H. Guðfinnsson, and Gro B. M. Pedersen

Following periods of unrest in 2020 and late 2023, a sequence of eruptions started in December 2023 in the Svartsengi system, on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula. By the end of 2024, seven eruptions had occurred along the Sundhnúksgígar crater row. We undertook extensive sampling campaigns throughout and following each eruption in order to identify and characterise the properties of the pre-eruptive magma accumulation region and the chemical variability it hosts [1]. While the 2021 eruption in the neighbouring Fagradalsfjall complex provided a near real-time view of magmatic processes occurring near the Moho [2,3]; the eruptions in Svartsengi provide us with a view into the workings of mid-crustal magma domains.

Eruptions in Iceland fed from magma reservoirs in the mid-crust generally erupt lavas with next to zero mantle-derived geochemical variability (e.g., in radiogenic isotopes or incompatible trace element ratios) [4,5]. Extraordinarily, within the first hours of the eruptions at Svartsengi, high amplitude mantle-derived variability was erupted from the same fissure, indicating the involvement of multiple magma reservoirs. The amplitude and mean composition characterising the variability have changed from eruption to eruption, showing that the magma domain feeding these eruptions is dynamic. Magma storage and mobilisation in the mid-crust may be more complex than geochemical and petrological observations often suggest, which must be considered when interpreting real-time monitoring data.

[1] Matthews et al., Science (2024); [2] Halldórsson et al., Nature (2022); [3] Marshall et al. AGU Advances (2024); [4] Halldórsson et al., CMP (2018); [5] Caracciolo et al., EPSL (2023)

How to cite: Matthews, S., Bali, E., Halldórsson, S. A., Sigmarsson, O., Guðfinnsson, G. H., and Pedersen, G. B. M.: A dynamic mid-crustal magma domain revealed by the 2023-24 Sundhnúksgígar eruptions, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13554,, 2025.

The ionic radii of rare-earth elements (REE: Sc, Y, and the lanthanides) are key to interpreting partitioning behavior among minerals and melts for use as petrogenetic tracers and thermometry. Here, we show that published experimental data on mineral-melt partitioning of REE imply the ionic radius of Y3+ is smaller than commonly assumed by 0.002Å for 6-fold coordination to 0.004Å for 8- and 9-fold coordination. This difference reconciles the partitioning behavior of Y3+ compared to other REE and improves reference states for interpretations of trace element systematics in rocks. Thermobarometry can be highly sensitive to assumed ionic radii, and downward correction of the radius for Y3+ improves some REE-based temperatures by hundreds of degrees. Future studies that employ the common tabulation of ionic radii from Shannon (1976; Acta Crystallographica, A32, 751-767) should use an ionic radius of Y3+ of 0.898, 1.015, and 1.071Å for 6-, 8-, and 9-fold coordination; alternatively, the ionic radius of Y can be scaled to that of Ho3+ x 0.999. More generally, trace element partitioning data coupled with theoretical models provide a novel method to critically evaluate and refine effective relative ionic radii.

How to cite: Schwartz, D. M. and Kohn, M. J.: Ionic radii of the REE, 1: A novel method to refine ionic radii shows Y3+ is smaller than assumed in common minerals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14305,, 2025.

EGU25-14341 | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Ionic radii of the REE, 2: A practical revision to REE3+ radii in common minerals 

Matthew J Kohn and Darin M Schwartz

Nearly all geochemical applications of ionic radii appeal to the classic tabulation of Shannon (1976; Acta Crystallographica, A32, 751-767). In that work, smoothing was applied to the crystallographic systematics of lanthanides to ensure consistent decreases in cationic radii with increasing atomic number – the lanthanide contraction. Recent work of Hawthorne and Gagné (2024; Acta Crystallographica, B80, 326-339) has now updated preferred radii, based on a vastly larger database of crystal structures. However, values have not been smoothed, and several average radii violate the lanthanide contraction principle. Here, we propose a set of effective ionic radii for trivalent lanthanides using simple regressions, based in part on atomic theory, and verify that these radii satisfy theoretical principles of lattice strain:

r = 1/(0.0235·ne - 0.035·CN – 0.0015·ne·CN + 1.150)

where ne is electron number (0 to 14 for La to Lu) and CN is coordination number (6 to 12). Expressions for ionic radii of lanthanides in xenotime, zircon, monazite, and apatite are:

r = 1/(0.01593·ne + 0.8773) [xenotime and zircon

r = 1/(0.01148·ne + 0.8270) [monazite]

r = 1/(0.01143·ne + 0.8344) [apatite]

The ionic radius of Y3+ can be refined to high precision using partitioning data (= 0.999·rHo; see Schwartz and Kohn, this session), but the ionic radius of Sc3+ cannot because its ionic radius is so different from lanthanides, and because it does not necessarily substitute equivalently into mineral structures.


How to cite: Kohn, M. J. and Schwartz, D. M.: Ionic radii of the REE, 2: A practical revision to REE3+ radii in common minerals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14341,, 2025.

EGU25-16108 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

A digital twin for volcanic unrest at Mount Etna 

Rebecca Bruni, Erica De Paolo, Deepak Garg, Martina Allegra, Flavio Cannavò, Chiara Paola Montagna, Paolo Papale, and Michele Carpenè

Surface deformation at active volcanoes is often a direct consequence of magma movements at depth. These dynamics create pressure changes within magmatic systems, altering the stress state of the surrounding rocks. The resulting deformation signals propagate to the surface, where they are captured by monitoring networks, offering a potential for valuable insights into the magmatic activity.

To improve near-real-time detection and response during volcanic unrest, we are developing a digital twin for volcanic unrest induced by dike intrusions at Mount Etna. This innovative framework integrates 3D numerical simulations with artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance early warning capabilities and crisis management.

The project involves two interconnected AI modules: the first (AI1) scans multi-parametric monitoring data to identify signs of unrest, while the second (AI2) analyzes surface deformation patterns to infer the distribution of probability for the underlying pressure forces. The AI2 model is trained on a dataset derived from an order of 10 million numerical simulations of dyke intrusions beneath Mount Etna, performed using the open-source, multi-physics finite element software GALES on the HPC Leonardo pre-exascale machine at CINECA. These simulations account for a distribution of dyke characteristics - size, location, orientation, and dip - replicating the variability observed at Mount Etna. The 3D computational framework incorporates the latest DEM topography and heterogeneous rock properties from recent seismic tomography surveys. By solving elastostatic equations, the simulations establish input-output relationships between source parameters and deformation patterns. The trained AI2 is designed to reconstruct the probability distribution of source parameters from deformation datasets as recorded by the real GNSS stations on the volcano. The whole workflow, triggered by AI1, instructed by GALES, analysed by AI2, and automatically fed by real data every 30 – 60 minutes, provides a near-real-time picture of dyke propagation allowing a quick and robust interpretation of ground deformation data and assisting in early warning and volcanic crisis management.
All of the software and procedures will be available open source for direct use as well as for replicating the approach at other volcanoes.

How to cite: Bruni, R., De Paolo, E., Garg, D., Allegra, M., Cannavò, F., Montagna, C. P., Papale, P., and Carpenè, M.: A digital twin for volcanic unrest at Mount Etna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16108,, 2025.

EGU25-18450 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Orange-Volcanoes: Enhancing Data-Driven Petro-Volcanological Analysis with Applications in Petrological Volcano Monitoring 

Alessandro Musu, Valerio Parodi, Marko Toplak, Alessandro Carfì, Mónica Ágreda López, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Diego Perugini, Zupan Blaž, and Maurizio Petrelli

We introduce Orange-Volcanoes, an add-on for the open-source Orange Data Mining platform, designed to enhance data-driven workflows in petrology, geochemistry, and volcanology. Orange-Volcanoes extends the core features of Orange by incorporating tools for Compositional Data Analysis (CoDA), geochemical data preprocessing, and thermobarometric estimations.

These integrated tools enable users to perform machine learning, statistical evaluations, and predictive modeling on large petro-volcanological datasets while providing intuitive, interactive visualizations. The visual programming framework of the platform fosters collaborative research and ensures accessibility for a wide audience (e.g., scientists, educators, and students) without requiring programming expertise.

The combination of advanced machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence techniques, such as feature importance and Shapley additive explanations, supports deeper insights into geochemical variability and improves the interpretation of magmatic processes.

We explore the potential of Orange-Volcanoes through various case studies, showcasing applications such as clustering geochemical data and conducting petrological analyses. As the volume of volcanological and geochemical data continues to grow, this tool facilitates the integration of machine learning and data mining into standard scientific practices. The ability to apply diverse statistical and machine learning tools to geochemical data, while interactively visualizing step-by-step results, makes Orange and Orange-Volcanoes valuable assets for managing large multivariate datasets and supporting petrological volcano monitoring. Orange-Volcanoes represents a significant step forward in promoting reproducible, transparent, and collaborative research methodologies.

How to cite: Musu, A., Parodi, V., Toplak, M., Carfì, A., Ágreda López, M., Mastrogiovanni, F., Perugini, D., Blaž, Z., and Petrelli, M.: Orange-Volcanoes: Enhancing Data-Driven Petro-Volcanological Analysis with Applications in Petrological Volcano Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18450,, 2025.

EGU25-18708 | Posters on site | GMPV7.2

Plutonic construction and residual liquid segregation:  Insights from the Beauvoir granite mineral record 

Pierre Bouilhol, Nicolas Esteves, Lydéric France, and Michel Cuney

Constraining the assembly and evolution of granitic intrusions and the kinematics associated with their magmatic differentiation remain a major objective in igneous petrology. To progress on those issues, we took advantage of a 900m long drilled core of the Beauvoir granite, a rare metal granite intrusion from the French Massif Central, allowing a high-resolution sampling of a fully recovered plutonic body. Based on structural data, and high-resolution major and trace element composition of the mineral phases (in-situ measurements and chemical map) associated with cathodoluminescence imaging, we provide constraints on the differentiation processes and its dynamics during the construction of the intrusion. Mostly based on mineral composition and morphologies, we show that the granite formed via the stacking of deca- to hectometric crystal-poor sills, corresponding to the different sub-units of the Beauvoir granite. Furthermore, the detailed study of sill boundaries provides a dynamic record of the pluton assembly: although globally constructed from bottom to top, sill emplacement can also occur through off-sequence intrusion within partly crystallized sub-units.

Once intruded, early crystallised quartz and topaz will be accumulated at the base of their sills while residual melts progressively differentiate, that is recorded by the progressive metal (e.g., Li, Be) and fluxes (e.g., F and P) enrichment from bottom to the top of each sub-units. Textural and mineralogical evidences suggest an efficient extraction of these residual melts from the quartz-rich mush as these residual liquids are under the form of segregates dominated by albite, lepidolite (Li-mica) and amblygonite (Li-phosphate). These segregates can accumulate below an overlying sill or percolate through the upper solidification front of their sill, developing typical dendritic morphologies. In addition, these residual melts have also been observed as fragmented and dismembered mm to cm albite-rich ovoids, representing mixing features between two magmas. Such processes of residual melts collection and segregation contributed to the global enrichment in rare metals observed towards the top of the granite. This study eventually provides fundamental constraints on the processes leading to the construction and subsequent magma differentiation and melt extraction in rare metal granite bodies.

How to cite: Bouilhol, P., Esteves, N., France, L., and Cuney, M.: Plutonic construction and residual liquid segregation:  Insights from the Beauvoir granite mineral record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18708,, 2025.

Near real-time petrological monitoring represents a major advancement for volcanology, offering potential insights into magmatic plumbing systems, unravelling mechanisms driving volcanic eruptions, with strong implications for eruption forecasting and volcanic hazard assessment, aiding decision-making during volcanic crises.

Thanks to recent technological and procedural advances, petrological monitoring using trace elements geochemistry of groundmass glasses by LA-ICP-MS is highly promising, as it can be completed in a relatively short time without requiring additional sample preparation compared to SEM analysis. Here we present LA-ICP-MS trace elements analyses of groundmass glasses of lapilli samples from the 2020–2022 paroxysmal sequence produced by the South-East Crater (SEC) at Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily). Mt. Etna is an open-vent basaltic volcano characterized by periods of explosive activity of variable intensity, which, in some cases, lasts months. Between December 2020 and February 2022, about sixty paroxysms (lava fountains) occurred at SEC, with frequency varying throughout the period. Paroxysms were divided into two eruptive sequences1,2: 13 December 2020 to 1 April 2021 (SEQ1) and 19 May to 23 October 2021 (SEQ2), separated by 48 days of stasis; two paroxysms also occurred on 10 and 21 February 2022. The strong impact of erupted pyroclastic material on aviation, traffic, agriculture, and human life led us to investigate whether it is possible to quickly identify waxing and waning phases of activity.

Previous studies based on major elements, mineral compositions, and diffusion timescales have linked magma dynamics and eruptive activity, and, thanks to sampling of most lava fountains, a near real-time petrological monitoring was addressed mainly through major elements analyses of groundmass glasses and bulk-rock1,2. Trace elements analyses of groundmass glass are more sensitive than major elements to small and subtle changes in melt composition due to processes such as recharge, mixing, and crystal fractionation, changes that may be partly hidden in major oxides data of high-porphyritic bulk-rock. Thus, trace elements analyses of groundmass glasses can potentially fasten and improve petrological insights detecting magma evolution trends during eruptions.

We analyzed changes in the chemical composition of erupted magma throughout the entire sequence using a data-driven approach on glass analyses, employing hierarchical clustering (HC) to identify compositional groups based on trace element chemistry. This method allowed the fast and accurate recognition of different types of magmas involved in each examined lava fountain, the detection of mafic recharges, as well as the involvement of magma stored in different portions of the plumbing system, as stated in previous works1,2.

This information is also post-validated combining HC with textural analysis of investigated samples, providing a more complete knowledge of eruptive dynamics. From a petrological monitoring perspective, the acquisition of a large dataset on volcanic glass, combined with unsupervised learning, allows tracking eruptive episodes by recognizing different magmas using objective compositional criteria. At well-monitored volcanoes, this approach can aid in tracking the progression of eruptive activity, its climax, and/or its decline, offering valuable insights to complement data and results from geophysical and geochemical monitoring networks.

1 Corsaro, R.A., Miraglia, L. (2022);;

2 Corsaro R.A., Miraglia L., Arienzo I., Di Renzo V. (2024);;

How to cite: Costa, S., D'Oriano, C., Petrelli, M., and Corsaro, R. A.: LA-ICP-MS trace elements analyses of groundmass glasses for petrological monitoring: a data-driven study of magmatic processes in the Dec 2020–Feb 2022 lava fountains series at Mt. Etna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19688,, 2025.

EGU25-20350 | Orals | GMPV7.2

Magma plumbing system architecture and dynamics, a crystal perspective 

Hélène Balcone-Boissard

Magmas on Earth are more or less crystallized and they may display a wide range of crystal type, sometimes referred as the crystal cargo. First, crystals may entrap silicate melt from magma reservoirs as melt inclusions, acting as witness of magma storage conditions at the time of their entrapment. By analyzing them carefully we can retrieve information on magma pounding zones and thus about the architecture of magma plumbing system through time as well as magma ascent path and degassing. Crystals act also as key archives of magmatic processes, enabling a deeper understanding of the physico-chemical conditions during magma evolution and its pathways through Earth's crust. In particular, crystals in disequilibrium emphasized have a relevant role as a witness to trace crystallization conditions and magmatic dynamics. As this session aims to explore the reconstruction of magmatic history through crystal studies, I will present recent results on crystal analyses, particularly linking melt inclusion composition, and crystal textures and compositions to specific processes such as fractionation, recharge, mixing, assimilation, and degassing. In addition, the use of crystals as chronometers, particularly through diffusion chronometry, provides valuable insights into the timescales of different magmatic processes, contributing to volcanic monitoring and eruption forecasting. The rise of diffusive chronometry has thus made it possible to better constrain the dynamics of magmatic systems, with its advantages and limitations. Given this approach, we can now move to interdisciplinary approaches integrating petrological and volcanological investigations and human and social science researches.

How to cite: Balcone-Boissard, H.: Magma plumbing system architecture and dynamics, a crystal perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20350,, 2025.

EGU25-21078 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.2

Anorthosite-Trondhjemite-Tonalite (ATT) dyke swarms as testimony for the longevity of the Deep Hot Crustal Zone in Beja, Southern Portugal 

António Oliveira, Ana Jesus, Manuel Antunes Dias, Bruno Bartolomeu, and António Mateu

The Beja Layered Gabbroic Sequence (LGS) is a large mafic layered intrusion, exposed across the southwestern border of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif), in southern Portugal. Despite its synorogenic character, this intrusion is well-preserved from post-magmatic tectono-metamorphic events. The S-SW border of LGS was intruded by an anorthosite-trondhjemite-tonalite (ATT) suite, locally injected into NW-SE shear zones, which nature and geodynamic significance are here discussed. Dykes forming the ATT suite occur mainly as coalescing, ten-meter-wide stockworks, and are essentially composed of plagioclase (often strongly zoned) and green hornblende, plus accessory quartz, zircon, ilmenite, and magnetite. Gabbroic and amphibolitic xenoliths are frequently included in these rocks presenting evidence of variable chemical digestion. Three main lithological types were recognized: anorthosites displaying mortar texture, anorthosites with hornblende megacrysts, and trondhjemites. Plagioclase cores become less calcic from the former to the latter type (median = An 48 , An 46 , An 30 , respectively), but mortar subgrains are typically more evolved (An 23-61 ). Geochemical features of ATT rocks classify them as diorites or quartzdiorites. In chondrite-normalized REE spidergrams, most samples show strong to moderate positive Eu anomalies ((Eu/Eu*) N =1.30–7.22), moderate to strong LREE fractionation ((La/Sm) N =2.34–8.34) and relatively flat to positive HREE profiles ((Gd/Yb) N =0.85–2.10), correlating with zircon accumulation (Zr<2314 ppm). More evolved facies display weak negative anomalies ((Eu/Eu*) N =0.60–0.96), plus flat to moderate LREE and HREE profiles ((La/Sm) N =0.69–3.21; (Gd/Yb) N =0.60–1.42)). CL images of zircon concentrates reveal well-defined, concentric magmatic oscillatory zoning, as well as scarce diffusive, bright domains near the crystal edges, presumably related to hydrothermal overgrowths. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dating provided three sets of coherent weighted mean corrected ages: 330.7 ± 1.1 Ma (MSWD=0.0051), 336.5 ± 1.1 Ma (MSWD=0.092); and 348 ± 2 Ma (MSWD=0.0024). Age-corrected Sr and Nd isotopic signatures ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr i =0.704597–0.705319; εNd i = -1.07 to +1.06) suggest the contribution of enriched mantle sources or high amounts of poorly radiogenic crustal components. Values for εHf i in zircon (-1 to +6) are homogeneous and chondritic. Lithogeochemical and isotopic data do not exclude contributions from LGS magmas (εNd 350Ma = -4.21 to +6.75; 87 Sr/ 86 Sr 350Ma =0.703001–0.707448). Nonetheless, extreme enrichments in Zr+Hf+Th+U imply important contributions from crustal components, sometimes yielding superchondritic Zr/Hf ratios (38–59). Previous studies have shown that the LGS magmas were underplated at the crust-mantle boundary, triggering the formation of a deep crustal hot zone (DCHZ). Considering the geochemical/isotopic evidence, it is suggested that the ATT suite resulted from a protracted incubation period at the transition between the highly refractory granulitic basement and overlying metasediments. ATT melt generation possibly initiated ~348Ma and proceeded until ~330Ma, implying multiple periods of basaltic melt entrainment and thermal rejuvenation into mush reservoirs at depth, subjected to multi-phased extraction periods. The wide age span of the ATT suite and resetting of LGS amphibolite country rocks (333.9 ± 1.3 Ma, MSWD=0.079; 346.1 ± 1.9 Ma, MSWD=4.7E-06) suggest that the DCHZ in Beja should have persisted for a long period of time.

Co-funded by the EU SEMACRET GA#101057741 and by FCT I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (

How to cite: Oliveira, A., Jesus, A., Antunes Dias, M., Bartolomeu, B., and Mateu, A.: Anorthosite-Trondhjemite-Tonalite (ATT) dyke swarms as testimony for the longevity of the Deep Hot Crustal Zone in Beja, Southern Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21078,, 2025.

Mineral host-inclusion systems preserve crucial information regarding their geologic history. For example, we can determine their pressure and temperature of formation with elastic geobarometry. It is possible to determine the strain of the inclusion when still entrapped in its host by measuring changes in the Raman peak positions from those of a free crystal, which are interpreted through the inclusion phonon-mode Grüneisen tensors (Grüneisen 1926).  The calculated inclusion strains can then be used in an elastic model to back-calculate the pressure and temperature conditions of entrapment.   

While this approach works for many host-inclusion systems (e.g., quartz or zircon in garnet), there remain several challenges. For example, when both the host and the inclusion are anisotropic, symmetry-breaking strains are generally developed within the inclusion and change the Raman peak positions, and this can lead to errors in the calculation of the inclusion strains and pressure and hence their entrapment conditions (Murri et al. 2022). Many common inclusions are solid solutions (e.g., clinopyroxenes, apatites) in which the positions of the Raman modes change as a function of their chemical composition and cation ordering.  These changes must be determined before using Raman modes to determine the inclusion pressure (Baratelli et al. 2024). The thermoelastic properties of minerals also depend on their composition, so one has to know how the EoS of both the host and the inclusion depend on their composition to correctly calculate entrapment conditions (e.g., garnet solid solutions, Angel et al. 2022). The interpretation of inclusion pressures in terms of the geological history of the rock also depends on whether the inclusion stress has been reset following entrapment; for some host-inclusion systems, such as zircon in garnet, resetting is so fast on a laboratory timescale (Campomenosi et al. 2023) that measured inclusion pressures can reflect not the original entrapment, but a point on the exhumation path (Campomenosi et al. 2021).


Angel, R. J., Gilio, M., Mazzucchelli, M., & Alvaro, M., 2022. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177(5), 54.

Baratelli, L., Murri, M., Alvaro, M., Prencipe, M., Mihailova, B., & Cámara, F., 2024. American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials.

Campomenosi, N., Scambelluri, M., Angel, R. J., Hermann, J., Mazzucchelli, M. L., Mihailova, B., ... & Alvaro, M., 2021. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176, 1-17.

Campomenosi, N., Angel, R. J., Alvaro, M., & Mihailova, B., 2023. Geology, 51(1), 23-27.

Grüneisen, E., 1926. Zustand des festen K¨orpers. Handbuch der Physik 1, 1–52

Murri, M., Gonzalez, J. P., Mazzucchelli, M. L., Prencipe, M., Mihailova, B., Angel, R. J., & Alvaro, M., 2022. Lithos, 422, 106716.

How to cite: Murri, M.: State of the art and new frontiers in the study of host-inclusion systems  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-421,, 2025.

EGU25-945 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Geochemical Study of Fluid Pathways in Dilational Hydroshear Veins: A Record of Fossil Tremor and Slow Slip Events in Subduction Zones 

Jan Kulhánek, Francesco Giuntoli, Chiara Boschi, Daniela Rubatto, and Enrico Cannaò

Geophysical studies of subduction zones have identified deep episodic tremor and slow slip events (ETS), which frequently occur at depths >30 km in subduction zones. Recently, considerable attention has been devoted to the geological records of these events, with a particular focus on crack-seal fluid-mediated vein formation characteristic of these environments.

In this study, we examined continental metasediments from the Northern Apennines, Italy, where crack-seal quartz-carpholite veins are extensively developed. These dilational hydroshear veins predominantly align with the metamorphic foliation and consist of iso-oriented quartz and carpholite fibres. Thermodynamic modelling indicates that the formation of these veins and the associated mylonitic foliation occurred under high-pressure, low-temperature conditions (~1 GPa and 300–350°C), fitting to the identified ETS conditions in subduction zone.

The study emphasizes determining the composition and origin of fluids entrapped as fluid inclusions during the formation of quartz-carpholite veins. Raman spectroscopy revealed variability in the composition of the biphasic fluid-gas inclusions, showing commonly contents of H2O, CO2, alkanes (CH4), and N2. The research also focuses on reconstructing the major and trace element migration associated with the development of these fluid-mediated veins and examining the incorporation of trace elements into vein-associated phases (primarily carpholite). Elemental analyses conducted using WDS-EPMA and LA-ICP-MS revealed correlations and anti-correlations between trace elements, providing insights into the operating conditions, transferability and availability of elements during dilational hydroshear vein formation.

In-situ δ18O SIMS measurements constrain values between +18.4 and +19.2 ‰ for the quartz fibres in the veins. δ18O bulk rock analyses by laser fluorination range between +12.3 and +15.7‰ for the host metasediments and ca. +14‰ for the adjacent metabasites. These results suggest that the fluids responsible for vein formation were in O-isotope disequilibrium with the surrounding rocks, indicating at least partly derivation from an external source.

In conclusion, the study identifies the geochemical characteristics of fluid inclusions and pathways in deeply subducted metasedimentary rocks with quartz-carpholite veins, tracking forming conditions of a fossil record of deep ETS in subduction zones.

How to cite: Kulhánek, J., Giuntoli, F., Boschi, C., Rubatto, D., and Cannaò, E.: Geochemical Study of Fluid Pathways in Dilational Hydroshear Veins: A Record of Fossil Tremor and Slow Slip Events in Subduction Zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-945,, 2025.

Characterizing accurately rock properties at the core scale is essential for effective reservoir scale modelling. In particular, in carbonate rocks posing unique challenges due to their inherent heterogeneities across multiple scales. While standard core analysis methods provide precise laboratory measurements, in many cases they fail capturing pore-scale variability within core plug samples. Digital rock physics (DRP) has emerged, in the last decades, as a powerful method addressing this gap, utilizing X-ray computed tomography (CT), micro-CT, and numerical simulations to analyse rock properties. DRP has been used widely to estimate rock properties such as porosity, permeability, and elastic moduli in carbonate and siliciclastic rocks. Nevertheless, there remains no standardized workflow for numerically characterizing rock properties in carbonates.
This study proposes three innovative applications leveraging computer vision and machine learning methods. The first application focuses on analyzing X-ray CT data to classify core sample textures.
By modeling CT data, extracting representative textural descriptors, and employing the Kohonen method—an unsupervised classification technique—this approach identifies and categorizes primary textures within core sample images. The second application aims to interpolate rock properties obtained from core plug laboratory measurements along core samples. This approach exploits the continuity of properties like porosity and density observed in three-dimensional X-ray CT images by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) system to interpolate these properties along the cores.
The third application introduces a novel multiscale method for simulating permeability and porosity in heterogeneous carbonate samples using 3D X-ray CT images.
This approach uniquely incorporates a quantitative description of heterogeneity through machine learning-based texture classification. The texture classification results are then applied to scale up simulations of rock properties from fine to coarse scales. Finally, the proposed methods are demonstrated using two carbonate samples from a Middle East carbonate oilfield reservoir.

How to cite: Jouini, M. and Al-Khalayaleh, N.: Machine Learning and Digital Rock Physics Approaches for Multiscale Characterization of Rock Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1564,, 2025.

Periods of volcanic unrest present significant challenges for emergency management due to the inherent uncertainties. Rapid and unpredictable changes in the system conditions can signal either the onset of eruptive activity or a transition back to a quiescent state following non-eruptive unrest. In dormant volcanoes, such unrest is often driven by important variations in the hydrothermal system. Even in the absence of magma ascent or eruption, these variations can lead to hazardous phenomena, including phreatic eruptions caused by the rapid heating and vaporisation of fluids at shallow depths or landslides resulting from the failure of altered pyroclastic units.

Vulcano Island, an open-conduit system during the Middle and Modern Ages, currently represents a closed-conduit volcano with significant volcanic risk due to its potential for renewal of eruptive activity and associated hazards. This risk becomes particularly high during the summer, when tourism is at its peak. In fall 2021, Vulcano experienced one of the most significant episodes of unrest at La Fossa Crater in decades, marking a potential progression towards an eruption. Observations in September showed an increase in monitored parameters such as fumarole temperatures, steam emissions and concentrations of acid gases such as CO₂ and SO₂ as well as seismicity and uplift. In response, the Italian Civil Protection raised the alert level for Vulcano from green to yellow on 1 October. This phase of unrest ended in December 2023.

This escalation has prompted new research to deepen our understanding of the volcano's hydrothermal system and its dynamic behaviour, shedding light on the potential causes of phreatic and phreatomagmatic unrest phases. We present a comprehensive dataset on the microstructural characteristics of Vulcano's rocks, including pore content and size distribution, hydraulic and elastic properties, and mechanical behaviour. Volcanic samples were collected from various outcrops on Vulcano island, assuming they could represent the rock sequence down to approximately 1000 metres, through the correlation with the “horizons” identified along two cores extracted from the geothermal wells drilled around La Fossa cone in the 1970-80s. X-ray microtomography, an advanced imaging technique, is used to produce high-resolution (1 μm) 3D images of the volcanic rocks in a non-destructive manner. These analyses were further complemented by laboratory experiments such as uniaxial compression and tensile tests using 4D time-resolved imaging. The study of rocks microstructure and their geomechanical behaviour provided insights into the propagation of hydrothermal fluid-filled fractures within the unique tectonic context of the island. This understanding enhances our ability to identify conditions that promote instabilities and drive volcanic phreatic and phreatomagmatic unrest phenomena at Vulcano.

How to cite: Falasconi, A., Buono, G., De Astis, G., and Pappalardo, L.: Investigating hydrothermal unrest conditions of phreatic and phreatomagmatic events at Vulcano Island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy): insights from X-ray microtomography and in-situ experimental data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2272,, 2025.

EGU25-7044 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

A 3D geothermal simulation applied to the Lacco Ameno (Ischia island, Italy) faults system.  

Annarita Mangiacapra, Zaccaria Petrillo, Sergio Scippacercola, Simona Tripaldi, and Stefano Caliro

Although the faults geometry is generally approximate by 2-D models, when considering fluids circulation in porous media is fundamental to have instead a 3-D view of the area under study, to better evaluate the non-uniform behavior of the circulation and the inhomogeneous distribution of the possible correlated seismogenetic structures. Our research was aimed at studying the Ischia Island faults systems, and particularly the Lacco-Ameno system affected by volcanic gas emissions, mainly CO2 and H2O, coming from depth. We have modeled the flux of these magmatic fluids via the 3_D geothermal simulator TOUGH2 code, able to consider non-isothermal flows of multi-component (water and carbon dioxide), multiphase (gas and liquid) fluids, in porous and fractured media. Based on the measured flux of these two components at the surface, and assigning different permeability values between the fault and the host zone, we have estimate, via a 3-D Voronoi tessellation, the magnitude of the released energy by the deep source (H2O and CO2 enthalpy injected at depth) and the distribution of the pressure and temperature along the fault-zone, which could be correlated with the not uniform earthquakes location distribution.

How to cite: Mangiacapra, A., Petrillo, Z., Scippacercola, S., Tripaldi, S., and Caliro, S.: A 3D geothermal simulation applied to the Lacco Ameno (Ischia island, Italy) faults system. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7044,, 2025.

EGU25-7136 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.5

New insights into the assessment of mantle component in the paleo fluids that circulated along seismically active extensional faults, Irpinia Region, Italy 

Filippo Zummo, Fabrizio Agosta, Antonio Álvarez-Valero, Andrea Billi, Dario Buttitta, Antonio Caracausi, Gabriele Carnevale, Barbara Marchesini, and Michele Paternoster

The analysis of fault-related mineralization and, particularly, in the Fluid Inclusions (FIs) entrapped in synkinematic minerals are key to assess the origin and modalities of fluid circulation through fault zones. The results of these analyses, compared with those focusing on the present-day fluids, are crucial to better understanding the processes regulating both paleo and modern fluid degassing from Earth’s interior with seismicity and crustal deformation. In particular, the focus is on the role that deep fluids might have on crustal deformation over time, and hence on the processes of earthquakes nucleation and rupture propagation. In this study, we investigate the FIs of the fault-related calcite veins documented within fault-related samples collected from the Contursi hydrothermal basin of the Irpinia Region, a tectonically active area of the southern Italy characterized by fluid degassing and seismicity. The Irpinia Region was affected in 1980 by the catastrophic Mw 6.9 earthquakes, whose epicentral area was located between 1 and 5 km away from the Contursi village. There, the Contursi hydrothermal basin is characterized by a groundwater temperature ≤ 47 °C, and the outgassing of deep-sourced CO2 coupled with mantle-derived He.

The new data gathered from the study samples show presence of low salinity paleofluids (≅ 0.5 wt. % NaCleq), and two families of FIs homogenization temperatures, respectively in between 100 - 130 °C and another one at higher temperature (> 200 °C). Assuming a geothermal gradient of ~30 °C/km, we conclude that the paleofluids precipitated at depths respectively of ca. 3 ~ 4 km, and ca. 8 ~ 10 km. Noble gases in FIs show a wide range of R/Ra values (0.09 – 1.38 Ra) and taking the SCLM component as reference (6.1 Ra value) the FIs are characterized by a predominant crustal contribution and a mantle contribution (up to 20%) with a local atmospheric-derived fluids. The highest He isotopic ratio measured in FIs (1.38Ra) fits well with the values that characterize the current high-flux CO2 gas emission recorded in the study area (1.41 Ra). Such a similarity is interpreted as due to a ratio of crust-to-mantle He that remained approximately constant over time in the study area. The isotopic variability in FIs could be due to early trapping processes and, potentially, to paleo earthquakes associated to extensional faulting which ruptured the subsurface impermeable horizon provided by the tectonic mélange, and eventually allowed the ascendance of deep-warm fluids. The high transmissibility pathway of the ascending fluids is still active in the area, as suggested by the results of soil gas measurement, thus indicating that the current outgassing of mantle derived fluids could be associated to a long-lasting crustal process.


Amoroso et al., 2017 (Geophysical Research Letters)

Buttitta et al., 2023 (Science of the Total Environment)

Schirripa Spagnolo et al., 2024 (Earth and Planetary Science Letters)

Zummo et al., 2024 (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems)





How to cite: Zummo, F., Agosta, F., Álvarez-Valero, A., Billi, A., Buttitta, D., Caracausi, A., Carnevale, G., Marchesini, B., and Paternoster, M.: New insights into the assessment of mantle component in the paleo fluids that circulated along seismically active extensional faults, Irpinia Region, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7136,, 2025.

EGU25-8437 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.5

ID16B Beamline at ESRF: Multi-dimensional Nano-imaging in Earth Sciences 

Gustavo Pinzon and Julie Villanova

Nano-imaging is a critical tool for understanding the intricate chemical, physical, and structural characteristics of Earth materials, offering different perspectives on processes such as mineral formation, melt dynamics, and element redistribution. In this context, ID16B at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) stands out as a premier beamline for high-resolution nano-imaging, combining cutting-edge technology with versatility for studying diverse complex geological phenomena.

The ID16B beamline is specifically designed for nano-focused X-ray imaging and spectroscopy, delivering exceptional spatial resolution and sensitivity. Its advanced technical capabilities include hard X-ray nano-tomography with a pixel size as small as 25 nm, nano-X-ray fluorescence utilizing a sub-100 nm pencil beam capable of detecting element concentrations down to the parts-per-million (ppm) level, nano-X-ray diffraction with a monochromatic beam of ΔE/E ≈10-4, and nano-X-ray absorption spectroscopy covering an energy range of 5 keV to 33 keV with a resolution of 0.5 eV. This energy range encompasses the K-edges and L-edges of numerous elements, allowing comprehensive elemental and chemical analysis.

A particularly unique feature of ID16B is its capability for in situ x-ray tomography imaging at elevated temperatures using a custom-designed furnace. The furnace enables experiments to be conducted at temperatures up to 1000°C, offering an opportunity to simulate geological conditions and directly observe dynamic processes such as crystallization and phase transitions. Additionally, the high-flux synchrotron source at ESRF enables rapid data acquisition, allowing complete tomography scans to be performed within seconds. This capability makes it an exceptional platform for investigating dynamic and time-sensitive geological processes.

The ID16B beamline's technical innovations and experimental flexibility highlight its critical role in nano-imaging within Earth Sciences. Its combination of imaging techniques allows researchers to obtain detailed compositional and structural data without damaging valuable geological samples. By providing access to nano-scale measurements through various complementary techniques, ID16B empowers researchers to explore geological processes with unprecedented detail and accuracy, addressing long-standing questions and opening new avenues for interdisciplinary investigation

How to cite: Pinzon, G. and Villanova, J.: ID16B Beamline at ESRF: Multi-dimensional Nano-imaging in Earth Sciences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8437,, 2025.

EGU25-9220 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Exploring the pre-eruptive magmatic processes through melt inclusions: the case study of the Campi Flegrei Caldera. 

Carolina Baccari, Gianmarco Buono, Mauro Antonio Di Vito, Lucia Pappalardo, Paola Petrosino, and Vittorio Zanon

The Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc), one of the highest risk volcanic areas on Earth and the most dangerous volcano in Europe, originated from two large-scale caldera-forming eruptions occurred 40 and and 15 ka. Since 2005, it has been experiencing a new phase of unrest manifested by intensified ground uplift, seismicity and hydrothermal activity. The aim of this study is to investigate the magma volatile content and composition in pre-eruptive conditions through the study of melt inclusions in phenocrysts of pyroclastic rocks erupted in the last 15 ka. Study samples were collected from different deposits of several representative eruptions (Baia, Averno 2, Fondo Riccio, Minopoli, Astroni, Agnano-Monte Spina, Montagna Spaccata, St. Teresa, Nisida). Sixtyfive melt inclusions within olivine, clinopyroxene and alkali feldspar phenocrysts (perfectly glassy, regular shape, 20-30 µm in size, one or two fluid bubbles) representative of the studied eruptions were selected by microscope analysis. Image analyses performed on the inclusions allowed us to determine the ratio between the volume of the fluid bubble and glass in each inclusion. A comprehensive geochemical characterization of the melt inclusions has been systematically conducted using a combination of Raman spectroscopy, electron microprobe, laser ablation-inductively coupled mass spectroscopy, and nano secondary ion mass spectrometry. Such a complete dataset lays the foundation for a thorough investigation of the architecture and dynamics of the shallow CFc magma storage system, as well as for formulating pre-eruptive scenarios in the CFc active volcanic area.




How to cite: Baccari, C., Buono, G., Di Vito, M. A., Pappalardo, L., Petrosino, P., and Zanon, V.: Exploring the pre-eruptive magmatic processes through melt inclusions: the case study of the Campi Flegrei Caldera., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9220,, 2025.

EGU25-11232 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Melt inclusion constraints on volcanic CO2 releases from the Tibetan Plateau 

Sheng Xu, Xiangang Xie, Wenbin Zhao, Maoliang Zhang, Yun-Chao Lang, and Zhengfu Guo

Studying volcanic CO2 releases during geological periods is essential for unraveling the complex interactions between Earth's interior, atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere. Such studies provide critical insights into the mechanisms driving climate change, mass extinctions, and the evolution of life on Earth. The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has had a significant impact on global climate change, yet the assessment of CO2 releases from contemporaneous volcanic activities has received relatively little attention.

Melt inclusions trapped within phenocryst minerals of volcanic rocks represent a unique and powerful tool for studying the origin and evolution of magma. They also serve as direct evidence for investigating CO2 releases from volcanic activity. In this study, we focus on the post-collision volcanic rocks of the Lhasa terrane (12–15 Ma) and the Qiangtang terrane (35–40 Ma) in the southern Tibetan Plateau. We characterized olivine- and pyroxene-hosted melt inclusions, determined the CO2 content in bubble melt inclusions, and calculated the total CO2release. Our results show that the average CO2 content in volcanic rocks is approximately 1.73 ± 0.59 wt% in the Lhasa terrane and 0.46 ± 0.30 wt% in the Qiangtang terrane. Based on the estimated volumes of volcanic rocks, we calculated the CO2 fluxes from post-collision volcanic activities in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes to be 0.151 ± 0.052 Pg yr⁻¹ and 0.047 ± 0.007 Pg yr⁻¹respectively.

When combined with previous estimates of CO2 emissions from the Linzizong volcanic rocks (~50 Ma) in the Qiangtang terrane, our findings reveal that the total CO2 release from the Qiangtang terrane exceeded that from the Lhasa terrane. This pattern aligns with the global cooling trend and declining atmospheric CO2 levels observed between the Eocene and Miocene. We propose that the elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (~40 Ma) were likely driven by volcanic activity from the Linzizong and Qiangtang volcanic eruptions. Similarly, volcanic activity in the Lhasa terrane may have contributed to the elevated CO2 levels observed during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. Although uncertainties remain, our results provide preliminary data for modeling deep-sourced CO2 emissions associated with the India-Asia collision during geological history.

How to cite: Xu, S., Xie, X., Zhao, W., Zhang, M., Lang, Y.-C., and Guo, Z.: Melt inclusion constraints on volcanic CO2 releases from the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11232,, 2025.

EGU25-11434 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

The EXCITE² Network 

Selene van der Poel, Geertje ter Maat, Oliver Plümper, and Richard Wessels

The EXCITE² Network is transforming Earth and environmental material science with transnational access to 36 worldclass European imaging facilities in 19 research institutes across 12 European and partner countries. Researchers anywhere can now explore complex processes in Earth materials across scales ranging from nanometers to decimeters. This yields unprecedented insights into critical areas such as environmental toxicity and human health, sustainable extraction of critical metals for renewable energy, and safe long-term storage of climate-relevant gases.  

EXCITE² also brings together expertise and pioneers innovative services, tools, and training, to enhance the ability of users to address complex scientific challenges. To this end, EXCITE² will launch the ‘EXCITE Academy’ in the Spring of 2025, an open community and collaborative platform for sharing knowledge, tools, experiences and expertise via live and online events as well as an open online searchable database: the ‘Academy Hub’. Innovative services and tools include AI-driven data analysis and next-generation imaging technologies.  

By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between academia, industry, and diverse scientific fields, EXCITE² accelerates innovation and strengthens Europe's position in global sustainability efforts. The initiative actively supports capacity building through tailored training programs for early-career researchers, fully embedded within the principles of European open science.  

Through its commitment to scientific excellence, sustainability, and societal impact, EXCITE² is shaping the future of Earth and environmental research. Interested in joining the network? Apply for transnational access via our open call! Visit the EXCITE² website ( for more information.

How to cite: van der Poel, S., ter Maat, G., Plümper, O., and Wessels, R.: The EXCITE² Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11434,, 2025.

EGU25-11940 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Combined analysis of melt and fluid inclusions in recent Cézallier volcanoes, French Massif Central: from mantle melting to magma storage and ascent 

Laurine Barreau, Didier Laporte, Nicolas Cluzel, Vittorio Zanon, Federica Schiavi, Simon Falvard, Charley Merciecca, and Jean-Luc Devidal

There is increasing evidence that the primary magmas at the origin of low-silica alkaline volcanism, such as basanites, are very rich in CO2 and that they can rise rapidly, directly from the mantle to the Earth’s surface. Such volcanic systems are numerous in intraplate oceanic and continental settings, including the French Massif Central, and some are remarkable for the abundance of large mantle-derived xenoliths. Although they usually represent relatively modest volumes of magma, their eruptions constitute a real and specific volcanic threat because of (1) their high ascent rate, with magmas capable of rising from mantle depths to the surface in less than a day to a few days, (2) the large volumes of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere at the time of eruption, and (3) the effusion of very fluid lava flows. The recent part of the Cézallier volcanic province, French Massif Central, offers nice examples of such low-silica alkaline volcanoes that erupted less than 200 ka ago.

A study of fluid and melt inclusions has been carried out on three volcanoes from the recent part of the Cézallier volcanic province (Sarran, Mazoires, La Godivelle) in order to characterize the composition of primary magmas and to provide constraints on magma storage and ascent. Mg-rich olivine crystals (forsterite contents in the range of 83-89) were selected for the study of melt inclusions, while CO2-rich fluid inclusions were analyzed in olivine, pyroxene and amphibole crystals. After in-depth petrographic characterization, the melt inclusions were characterized using a series of analytical techniques, including: X-ray tomography (to characterize the shape and volume of melt inclusions and shrinkage bubbles); electron probe microanalysis (for major elements, Cl, F, S in glasses); Raman spectroscopy (to measure H2O and CO2 in glasses and to characterize the CO2-bearing phases in the shrinkage bubbles of the melt inclusions); and LA-ICP-MS (for trace elements). Microthermometry was used to measure CO2 densities in fluid inclusions, which were thereafter converted into pressures and into depths.

The glass compositions of the melt inclusions plot into the fields of basanites, basalts and trachy-basalts. The glasses have particularly high CO2 contents: up to 1.8 wt% dissolved CO2. These values are minimum values, as CO2 is also present in the shrinkage bubbles as a fluid phase and as microcrystals of carbonates (Mg-calcite, nahcolite, ferromagnesite) covering the bubble walls. These high CO2 contents imply that the mantle sources at the origin of these magmas were enriched in carbon. CO2-rich fluid inclusions in olivine, pyroxene and amphibole crystals are all re-equilibrated and have thus lost their primary densities. At all three volcanoes, the CO2 density histograms show a major peak at 900 to 1090 kg/m3 (» 750 to 900 MPa), indicating a stage of magma storage at Moho level followed by rapid ascent to the surface. Work is in progress to reconcile the observation of large peridotite xenoliths (at Mazoires) with magma storage at Moho level.

How to cite: Barreau, L., Laporte, D., Cluzel, N., Zanon, V., Schiavi, F., Falvard, S., Merciecca, C., and Devidal, J.-L.: Combined analysis of melt and fluid inclusions in recent Cézallier volcanoes, French Massif Central: from mantle melting to magma storage and ascent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11940,, 2025.

EGU25-12016 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Mechanical Behaviour and Failure of Glowing Volcaniclastic Rocks: Implications for Deposit-Derived Pyroclastic Density Currents 

Teresa Oreade Grillo, Sara Calandra, Teresa Servatici, Alessia Falasconi, Alessandro Frontoni, Gianmarco Buono, Lucia Pappalardo, Claudia Romano, Alba P. Santo, Guido Giordano, Emanuele Intrieri, Alessandro Vona, and Federico Di Traglia

Failure of glowing volcaniclastic rocks can result in hot rock avalanches, commonly referred to as deposit-derived pyroclastic density currents (PDCs). These phenomena are common in volcanoes with low to moderate eruptive activity, where steep slopes and proximal material accumulation near eruptive vents predispose volcanic flanks to instability. To investigate the factors influencing these failures, we studied the welded deposits from the 1944 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, which produced deposit-derived PDCs along the volcano's slopes. Our analyses include the physical, mechanical and compositional characterization of proximal fire-fountaining deposits, with particular emphasis on the influence of variations in welding degree, porosity and crystallinity at high temperatures. Field and laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the physical (porosity measurements) and mechanical (i.e., sclerometer measurements, point load tests, and uniaxial compression tests) properties. Petrographic observations were carried out using transmitted light microscopy, supplemented by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to examine textural and morphological characteristics. The composition of mineral phases was obtained through electron microprobe (EPM), while the abundance of major and trace elements in whole rocks was determined using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy.

High-temperature rheological experiments were carried out using a newly developed apparatus, the Volcanological In-situ Deformation Instrument (VIDI), designed to study magma rheology under conditions relevant to volcanic processes. VIDI allows vertical uniaxial deformation experiments on natural silicate melts at temperatures up to 1100°C. The experiments were performed on partially remelted samples with varying welding degrees, including (i) coherent lava blocks or pyroclastic bombs and (ii) partially welded pyroclasts. These investigations explored the rheological response of multiphase materials (comprising melt, crystals and pores) in different regimes ranging from homogeneous to inhomogeneous deformation, the latter characterised by viscous and brittle shear localisation. The flow curves generated from these high temperature deformation experiments defined the uniaxial strength of the materials at elevated temperatures. Additionally, the experiments quantified material weakening caused by shear band formation and ductile deformation. To further constrain the textural and porosity changes experienced by the samples, X-ray microtomography imaging analysis was carried out both before and after the experiments. This analysis provided valuable insights into the microstructural evolution of the materials during deformation. These results elucidate the mechanical processes that contribute to the failure of incandescent volcaniclastic rocks and the generation of deposit-derived PDCs, thereby advancing our understanding of instability dynamics in volcanic systems and provides critical insights into the hazards posed by such phenomena.

How to cite: Grillo, T. O., Calandra, S., Servatici, T., Falasconi, A., Frontoni, A., Buono, G., Pappalardo, L., Romano, C., Santo, A. P., Giordano, G., Intrieri, E., Vona, A., and Di Traglia, F.: Mechanical Behaviour and Failure of Glowing Volcaniclastic Rocks: Implications for Deposit-Derived Pyroclastic Density Currents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12016,, 2025.

EGU25-12235 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Investigation of microscale brittle fracture opening in diamond with olivine inclusion using advanced computational modelling 

Biswabhanu Puhan, Matteo Alvaro, Alessia Patton, Alessandro Reali, and Simone Morganti

Diamond-hosted inclusions offer critical insights into Earth's interior, serving as tracers of entrapment pressure (P) and temperature (T) during diamond formation. These inclusions preserve residual pressures, crucial for reconstructing deep-Earth processes through geothermobarometry (Kohn et al., 2023; Rustioni et al., 2015). However, current models assume purely elastic post-entrapment behavior, overlooking mechanisms like brittle fractures and viscous deformation, potentially underestimating formation depths (Angel et al., 2022). This study models brittle fractures in diamond-hosted inclusions to refine geothermobarometric techniques.

Using Extended Finite Element Methods (XFEM) (Moës et al., 1999) and Phase-Field Modeling (PFM) (Wu, 2017), we analyzed the interplay between inclusion geometry, material properties, and fracture behavior. XFEM simulations revealed brittle fractures contribute marginally (~5–6%) to residual pressure relaxation, leaving pressures significantly higher (~0.76 GPa) than observed in natural systems (<0.5 GPa). These findings highlight limitations in brittle fracture assumptions and emphasize the influence of inclusion size and shape on stress concentration and fracture propagation (Puhan et al., 2024).

To address XFEM’s limitations, PFM simulations incorporating brittle and quasi-brittle fractures were implemented within an ABAQUS framework. Results showed geometric singularities, such as sharp edges in cuboidal inclusions, enhance pressure relaxation (~0.72 GPa), aligning better with experimental observations. Stress interactions in multi-inclusion systems demonstrated fracture coalescence as a key mechanism for additional relaxation. However, these effects remain insufficient to fully explain the lower residual pressures observed in natural systems.

This study explores the influence of inclusion size, fracture toughness, and material properties on fracture initiation and propagation. It identifies the need for additional mechanisms, such as fluid-mediated weakening, plastic deformation, and preexisting defects, to accurately capture the complexity of natural inclusion-host systems. By advancing numerical methodologies and addressing critical gaps in current models, this work provides a robust framework for refining geothermobarometric methods and deepening understanding of diamond formation and exhumation processes.


  • Angel, R. J., Alvaro, M., & Nestola, F. (2022). Crystallographic Methods for Non-destructive Characterization of Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 88(1), 257–305.
  • Kohn, M. J., Mazzucchelli, M. L., & Alvaro, M. (2023). Elastic Thermobarometry. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 51(1), 331–366.
  • Moës, N., Dolbow, J., & Belytschko, T. (1999). A finite element method for crack growth without remeshing. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 46(1), 131–150.<131::AID-NME726>3.0.CO;2-J
  • Puhan, B., Patton, A., Morganti, S., Rustioni, G., Reali, A., & Alvaro, M. (2024). Investigation of microscale brittle fracture opening in diamond with olivine inclusion using XFEM and cohesive zone modeling. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110713.
  • Rustioni, G., Angel, R., Milani, S., Mazzucchelli, M., Nimis, P., Domeneghetti, M., Marone, F., Alvaro, M., Harris, J., & Nestola, F. (2015). Elastic geobarometry for host-inclusion systems: Pressure release and the role of brittle failure. Rendiconti Online Della Società Geologica Italiana, 35, 137.
  • Wu, J.-Y. (2017). A unified phase-field theory for the mechanics of damage and quasi-brittle failure. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 103, 72–99.

How to cite: Puhan, B., Alvaro, M., Patton, A., Reali, A., and Morganti, S.: Investigation of microscale brittle fracture opening in diamond with olivine inclusion using advanced computational modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12235,, 2025.

EGU25-12553 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.5

3D micro and nano-scale imaging of bubbles and crystals in volcanic rocks: Implications for magma rheology and ascent dynamics of highly explosive basaltic eruptions 

Emily C. Bamber, Fabio Arzilli, Giuseppe La Spina, Margherita Polacci, Silvia Cipiccia, Darren J. Batey, Lucia Mancini, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Ali Gholinia, Heath Bagshaw, Danilo Di Genova, Richard Brooker, Daniele Andronico, Rosa Anna Corsaro, Daniele Giordano, Pedro Valdivia, and Mike R. Burton

The explosivity of a volcanic eruption is controlled by several interdependent processes during magma ascent, such as crystallisation, gas exsolution and outgassing. Syn-eruptive crystallisation can increase the potential of magma fragmentation. Whilst the degree of coupling between the gas and melt phases during ascent can influence eruptive style. Quantitative textural analysis of vesicles and crystals in erupted products can provide insight into syn-eruptive conduit processes and the conditions leading to magma fragmentation. Synchrotron-based imaging techniques such as X-ray computed micro-tomography can provide information on vesicle and crystal size, shape and their spatial distribution in 3D. Furthermore, X-ray ptychography, an X-ray microscopy technique with nanoscale resolution, can be used to expand this 3D textural analysis to nanoscale crystals in volcanic rocks.
 Here, we present a 3D reconstruction and quantification of vesicle and crystal textures in pyroclasts of the Masaya Triple Layer eruption, a highly explosive Plinian eruption of Masaya caldera, Nicaragua. Images and observations of vesicle textures at the micro-scale were acquired using X-ray computed micro-tomography and used to reconstruct the geometrical properties of the connected pore network, including connectivity, tortuosity and the throat-pore size ratio. X-ray ptychography was used to perform a 3D textural analysis of nanoscale crystals within the groundmass of clasts. These data were used to reconstruct conduit processes and evaluate the impact of syn-eruptive crystallisation, vesiculation and outgassing on magma rheology and fragmentation. Our results provide insight into the driving mechanisms of highly explosive, basaltic Plinian activity, and also highlight the potential of using multi-scale 3D imaging techniques to analyse textural features in pyroclasts and investigate controls on eruptive style.

How to cite: Bamber, E. C., Arzilli, F., La Spina, G., Polacci, M., Cipiccia, S., Batey, D. J., Mancini, L., de' Michieli Vitturi, M., Gholinia, A., Bagshaw, H., Di Genova, D., Brooker, R., Andronico, D., Corsaro, R. A., Giordano, D., Valdivia, P., and Burton, M. R.: 3D micro and nano-scale imaging of bubbles and crystals in volcanic rocks: Implications for magma rheology and ascent dynamics of highly explosive basaltic eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12553,, 2025.

Understanding the dynamic processes within volcanic systems is crucial for advancing igneous petrology and mitigating volcanic hazards. Traditional imaging techniques often fall short in capturing the real-time, three-dimensional transformations occurring in volcanic materials under varying conditions. We present various studies from ESRF users employing static scans or in situ 4D (three spatial dimensions plus time) synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography to observe and quantify natural and synthetic magma's kinetics and morphological evolution under controlled thermal and pressure conditions.

Static scans of volcanic slags or volcanic bombs capture intricate frozen microstructural evidence of conduit processes such as magma ascent, expansion, and cooling with the preservation of features such as elongated vesicles and crystal clots that shed light on the interplay between degassing and crystallisation in dynamic volcanic systems.

Even minimal volumes of bubbles or crystals can significantly affect magma viscosity, potentially influencing eruptive dynamics. Utilising the high flux and coherence of synchrotron radiation, we achieved temporal and spatial resolutions sufficient to monitor rapid nucleation and growth of bubbles and microlites within the melt. 

Integrating 4D synchrotron imaging with advanced analytical tools such as digital volume correlation and dynamic segmentation offers insights into the microstructural evolution of volcanic materials. This approach provides valuable data for modelling and predicting volcanic activity. Our results underscore the potential of cutting-edge imaging technologies in unravelling the complexities of igneous petrology, contributing to the broader field of Earth sciences.

How to cite: Cordonnier, B.: Unleashing Volcanic Fury or Just a Snooze? Freezing Magmatic Processes in Motion with 4D Synchrotron Imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12610,, 2025.

EGU25-12779 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

AI-driven analysis of SEM images of thin layers of volcanic rocks: a test with Segment Anything for Microscopy 

Agustin Lobo, Adelina Geyer, and Cristina Ortiz-Rosell

In recent decades, image analysis has been consolidated as a standard quantitative method. However, with a few exceptions, this analysis has predominantly relied on laborious and highly dependent human expert intervention. Consequently, physicochemical methods, which can be more readily automated for the analysis of large sample sets, have been the most commonly employed approach to provide scientific evidence. This tendency is particularly pronounced in the field of geosciences, where the analysis of light and SEM microscopy images of thin rock layers is informative but can only be performed on a limited number of samples, thereby compromising conclusions at larger scales. In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence have elevated image analysis to a new level by automating human interpretation, thereby enabling the processing of a greater number of samples. In this study, we examine the Segment Anything for Microscopy (micro-sam) package, which is based on the widely used deep learning tool Segment Anything Model (SAM), to assess its practical application in the analysis of SEM images of thin layers of volcanic rock samples. 

To this end, we have first conducted a grid search of the best SAM parameter values using a set of three SEM images, exploring the impact of the different SAM parameter sets on automatic mask generation. We generated a data set comprising more than 300 objects per image by interactive delineation and identification ("labeling"), and used this data set to evaluate the results and identify the best sets of parameter values for each image, as well as common sets that provided good results across all three images. A common set of parameter values was then used to compare the results obtained from the three available SAM models. The findings of this study indicate that two distinct sets of parameter values are particularly noteworthy. The first set leads to maximized object detection, which is intended to be subsequently used for automatic instance segmentation through deep-learning methods. The second set produces severe object over-segmentation with a very low error rate, making it useful for subsequent classification. Furthermore, we have investigated the micro-sam capabilities of custom fine-tuning by employing our labeled objects as a training set. 

The preliminary findings indicate that deep-learning methodologies, such as micro-sam, can be efficiently implemented for the analysis of SEM images of thin layers of volcanic rock samples. This approach will lead to a substantial increase in the number of analyzed images, provided that appropriately labeled objects are fed to the system. This strategy notably enhances the cost-efficiency of the time invested by experts. In alignment with current practices in related domains, experts in the analysis of these images should collaborate in a concerted manner to generate shared training sets and artificial intelligence models.

This research was partially supported by the HYDROCAL (PID2020-114876GB-I00) grant funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. 

How to cite: Lobo, A., Geyer, A., and Ortiz-Rosell, C.: AI-driven analysis of SEM images of thin layers of volcanic rocks: a test with Segment Anything for Microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12779,, 2025.

EGU25-12979 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

The link between ophiolitic chromitites, natural hydrogen and methane:Insights from 3D microtomography 

Lucia Pappalardo, Gianmarco Buono, Monia Procesi, and Giuseppe Etiope

Ultramafic rocks in ophiolites are known as source rocks of abiotic hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4), due to serpentinization and successive CO2 hydrogenation. Ophiolites are therefore key targets in natural hydrogen exploration. While serpentinized peridotites are the main sources of H2, chromitites host both hydrogen and large quantities of methane, as revealed by analyses of direct gas extraction from rocks and micro-Raman analyses.
However, the fluid bearing properties of chromitites, as well as their mineralogical phases that are correlated to gas genesis and evolution are unclear. We conducted high-resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography (microCT) on chromitite samples from two ophiolites in Greece. The microCT analysis, using the X-ray attenuation coefficient (which is density-dependent), combined with 3D image analysis and pore-scale permeability simulations, revealed the geometry and distribution of pores and microfractures. This approach provided insights into their flow properties and spatial relationships with solid phases that could act as catalysts for CH4 production (Platinum Group Elements - PGM), H2 flow (altered PGM), and CO2 hydrogenation (amorphous carbon).
Microfractures appear as potential sites or microreactors for H2-CO2 conversion into CH4, while also retaining residual, unreacted H2. The microCT technique provides insights into the in-situ textural relationship between microfractures, gas pores and solid phases, unattainable through 2D traditional techniques, thus offering a valuable support for natural hydrogen exploration.

How to cite: Pappalardo, L., Buono, G., Procesi, M., and Etiope, G.: The link between ophiolitic chromitites, natural hydrogen and methane:Insights from 3D microtomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12979,, 2025.

EGU25-13225 | Orals | GMPV7.5

A new methodology to study element speciation in magmatic fluids 

Zoltan Zajacz and Stefan Farsang

The speciation of volatiles and metals in high-temperature fluids is unquenchable. Accordingly, it needs to be investigated in situ at high pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions using spectroscopic techniques. One experimental apparatus frequently used for this purpose, the hydrothermal diamond anvil cell, has several limitations, including leaking, imprecise pressure control at crustal pressures and a practical upper temperature limit of ~ 700 oC. In addition, the control of redox conditions is challenging due to the reactivity of the diamonds with oxidizing fluids at high T. Furthermore, Raman spectroscopy, one of the key techniques used for in situ speciation studies at high T, suffers from elevated spectral background due to thermal incandescence of the sample above 700-800 oC when common lasers are used for excitation (e.g. 532 nm).

To alleviate these limitations, and with the particular goal of being able to study speciation in magmatic fluids at upper crustal P-T conditions at controlled fO2, we developed a new methodology that comprises a new type of externally heated pressure vessel apparatus and a custom-configured Raman spectrometer optimized for in situ high-T spectroscopy on fluid samples. Magmatic fluid analogues are sampled at high P-T and controlled redox conditions in the form of synthetic fluid inclusions (SFI) in quartz, and are subsequently reheated under the Raman microscope in a Linkam TS1500 heating stage. Upon heating, the pressure increases within the SFI to approach the entrapment P, and on the timescale of the spectroscopic experiment, the fO2 within the SFI can be maintained at a near constant value by ensuring that the surface of the quartz chip is parallel with the fast direction of hydrogen diffusion in quartz (crystallographic c-axis).

It is essential to ensure that redox-preequilibrated fluids are trapped as SFI, and therefore the quartz has to be fractured in situ during the pressure vessel experiment. To facilitate this simultaneously with redox control, we developed a new type of MHC pressure vessel apparatus, both ends open with a water-cooled pressure seals, and the capsule and a semi-permeable hydrogen membrane (Shaw-membrane) sitting in the hot spot in the middle. This included the development of a new type of Shaw membrane well-suited for operation within externally heated pressure vessels.

To facilitate the acquisition of Raman spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios at magmatic temperatures, free of the effect of thermal incandescence, we configured a high-resolution Raman spectrometer with a 405 nm laser source. This wavelength is sufficiently low to make sure that even the 3000 – 4000 cm-1 region of the Raman spectra is not affected by overlap with blackbody radiation originating from samples at T far into the magmatic T range. At the same time, it is just high enough to be usable with visible light optics carrying numerous advantages over UV systems.

The methodology was successfully used to constrain redox-dependent sulfur speciation in magmatic fluids (Farsang and Zajacz, 2025).


Farsang S. and Zajacz Z. (2025) Nature Geoscience, 18, 98-104,

How to cite: Zajacz, Z. and Farsang, S.: A new methodology to study element speciation in magmatic fluids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13225,, 2025.

EGU25-18010 | ECS | Orals | GMPV7.5

X-ray nano-CT: A road towards 4D nanoscale data in Earth Science 

Adrian Alexander Schiefler, Henning Osholm Sørensen, Viktor Nikitin, and Rajmund Mokso

X-ray nano-computed tomography (nano-CT) is an established method to obtain 3D spatial image information in static systems. This method has enabled researchers to access ever finer details of complex bulk structures in various fields. Within Eath Science, this is relevant for the study of nanoporous formations, such as chalk, revealing the pore network structures from which local petrophysical formation properties can be derived. Various dynamic processes are also occurring, or are dependent on features at, the nanoscale, like residual CO2 trapping. Besides X-ray attenuation differences, phase contrast is another acquisition mode that allows for resolving different phases within the bulk. Imaging is limited by sample and feature size, time, as well as sample composition and stability. Today, high brilliance synchrotron X-ray sources allow for true nanometer resolution and acquisition times of minutes, rather than hours. Furthermore, recent advances in working at higher X-ray energies put imaging of X-ray sensitive aqueous systems within reach, without sample deterioration. We will illustrate the capacity of nano-CT on an example of static chalk data for deriving various formation properties. We will then give an overview of instrumental approaches for doing synchrotron nano-CT, experimental limitations, requirements, and illustrate how time resolved imaging (4D) of dynamic geological processes may be accomplished in the near future.

How to cite: Schiefler, A. A., Osholm Sørensen, H., Nikitin, V., and Mokso, R.: X-ray nano-CT: A road towards 4D nanoscale data in Earth Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18010,, 2025.

EGU25-18389 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Nanoscale evolution of bubbles in volcanic glasses 

Michele Cassetta, Herwig Peterlik, Martin Haßler, Nicola Daldosso, and Daniele Giordano

Bubble nucleation is a key process in controlling volcanic fragmentation, eruption dynamics, and magma degassing efficiency. Understanding the nanoscale mechanisms of bubble formation is essential for advancing models of eruptive behavior and hazard prediction.

We performed in-situ high-temperature small-angle X-ray scattering (HT-SAXS) experiments to investigate the nucleation and growth of bubbles in a hydrous volcanic glass sample from Tenerife. This study integrated HT-SAXS with low-frequency Raman spectroscopy, DSC-TGA, TEM, high-temperature elastic property measurements, and rheological analyses to analyze porosity evolution and its influence on magma dynamics.

Thermal treatment revealed a significant increase in porosity beyond 700 °C, corresponding to the rapid formation of voids between 50 and 100 nm driven by vapor pressure surpassing the atmospheric threshold. Smaller pore populations (10 nm) exhibited negligible changes, suggesting selective growth mechanisms under HT conditions.

Our findings provide new insights into the nanoscale processes governing bubble nucleation in volcanic glasses, emphasizing their role in porosity development, elastic properties, and the potential impacts on eruptive behavior. This multi-method approach establishes a framework for understanding the interplay between thermal dynamics and volcanic fragmentation.

Contribution of PRIN2022PXHTXM- STONE project, funded by EU - NextGeneration, PNRR-M4C2- CUP: D53D23004840006

How to cite: Cassetta, M., Peterlik, H., Haßler, M., Daldosso, N., and Giordano, D.: Nanoscale evolution of bubbles in volcanic glasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18389,, 2025.

This study employs Raman spectroscopy to measure the density of CO2 inclusions trapped in olivines and pyroxenes from Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Strzelin Volcanic Field, a part of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP). In this region, monogenetic volcanic fields are the most common manifestation of intraplate alkaline basaltic volcanism, which is usually linked to lithospheric extension, melting of upwelling asthenosphere, and interaction between lithospheric and asthenospheric melts. Rocks from the SW Poland show characteristics of mantle sources that are among the least enriched. Nephelinites, basalts and trachybasalts in the Strzelin Field scoria cones and lava flows show evidence of variable differentiation during magma rise towards the surface, but important details, such as storage and crystallization depths of magma, remained poorly constrained.

The study of the density of CO2 inclusions is crucial for determining the ascent history of magma, the depths and conditions of crystallization and the structure of magmatic systems. The Raman spectrum of CO2 consists of two characteristic peaks at ca. 1285 and 1388 cm⁻¹ (Fermi Diad). The distance between these peaks is directly proportional to the density of the inclusion which increases with entrapment pressure and thus, it is possible to calculate the pressure at which the inclusion was sealed. Combined with the temperature of inclusion formation, this method provides a reliable and rapid geothermobarometer, offering insight into the dynamics of magmatic processes.

Preliminary results of our study of 45 inclusions in 8 olivine phenocrysts in nephelinite suggest that magma crystallization occurred at depths of ca. 23-24.5 km. These values correspond to lower to middle crustal levels in this area and thus to relatively deep parts of the magmatic systems. Further studies of nephelinites, as well as basalts and trachybasalts (which represent more evolved compositions that resulted in more explosive eruptions), should reveal more details about the magmatic systems, their structure and evolution, and their influence on the eruptive processes in this region.

How to cite: Stolarczyk, K. and Awdankiewicz, M.: Magmatic Evolution of the Cenozoic Strzelin Volcanic Field (SW Poland) – preliminary results from Raman spectroscopy of CO2 inclusions in mafic phenocrysts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19217,, 2025.

EGU25-19736 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Using the Lamb Relation to Investigate Nanostructures in Silicate Glasses 

Gino Mariotto and Nicola Daldosso

The Lamb relation is a powerful tool for estimating nanoparticle sizes from vibrational spectra by analyzing the particle modes in the low-frequency region of the Raman spectrum. This approach has long time been applied to investigate the structural evolution of nano-structured silicate glasses. By linking shifts of the nano-particle mode maximum to nanoparticle’s material sound velocities, the Lamb relation provides precise size characterization within glass matrices.

A body of research has demonstrated the utility of this method in contexts such as the study of glass doped with silver through ion exchange and thermal treatments. These studies have revealed key insights into nanoparticle clustering and growth processes, influenced by temperature and local dopant concentrations.

For volcanologists, applying the Lamb relation could provide a robust approach to examining nanoscale processes in volcanic glasses. Estimating nanoparticle sizes allows for a better understanding of clustering phenomena and their influence on the mechanical and rheological properties of volcanic materials. This knowledge improves predictive models of volcanic behavior, offering valuable tools for interpreting eruption dynamics and enhancing hazard assessments.

How to cite: Mariotto, G. and Daldosso, N.: Using the Lamb Relation to Investigate Nanostructures in Silicate Glasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19736,, 2025.

EGU25-19996 | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Applications of Atom Probe Tomography in Earth Sciences 

Tao Long, Yan-Yan Wang, Yu-Ya Gao, Tong-Xiang Ren, Xiao-chao Che, Shi-wen Xie, and Dun-yi Liu

Atom Probe Tomography (APT) enables high-resolution elemental analysis at the nanoscale, making it an essential tool in Earth sciences. Recent advancements have focused on trace element distribution, mineral element migration, and water content analysis at the nanoscale. In this study, we present APT-based techniques for analyzing trace element enrichment in arsenian pyrite, water content and occurrence in glass, and isotope analysis with nanometer resolution.

Arsenian Pyrite in Carlin-type Gold Deposits:
We investigated arsenian pyrite with banded structures from a Carlin-type gold deposit using APT combined with SEM-EBSD, EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, and STEM. This multi-method approach revealed the structural and compositional characteristics of pyrite at micro- to nanoscale resolutions. Our findings show that Au, As, and Cu are hosted in pyrite in a substitutional form, while Sb, Pb, Hg, and Tl are concentrated as non-structural impurities in lattice defects. The accumulation of trace elements is coupled with the formation of lattice defects during pyrite’s growth, which transitions from a layered to an island-like growth pattern and back to a layered structure. The study also highlights the crucial role of As in promoting metal enrichment, and surface adsorption of Au as a key mechanism for gold mineralization.

Water Content and occurrence in Glass:
We applied APT in combination with NanoSIMS to study the nanoscale water content, occurrence, and distribution in water-bearing glass samples. The detection limit was achieved down to 0.02 at% for hydroxyl water. We identified nano-sized hydroxyl-water inclusions in glass, with higher hydroxyl water content in these inclusions correlating with increased water content in the surrounding glass. This demonstrates APT’s ability to analyze nanoscale water content and to distinguish hydroxyl water and nano-sized inclusions in mineral samples.

Silicon Isotope Analysis:
APT was also used to analyze silicon samples, including both standard pure silicon and silicon with different isotope ratios. After background correction and mass ranging, we achieved precise nanoscale isotopic ratio analysis. Studies on AVO28 and UHP silicon samples revealed homogeneous distribution of isotopes at the nanoscale without impurities. Our results matched those obtained by MC-ICP-MS and SIMS, demonstrating APT's potential to provide high spatial resolution isotopic analysis for geological sample analysis.

In conclusion, APT offers a powerful tool for exploring nanoscale trace elements, water content, and isotope ratios in geological samples, advancing our understanding of Earth and planetary materials.

How to cite: Long, T., Wang, Y.-Y., Gao, Y.-Y., Ren, T.-X., Che, X., Xie, S., and Liu, D.: Applications of Atom Probe Tomography in Earth Sciences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19996,, 2025.

EGU25-20815 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV7.5

Rutile inclusions in garnet: Inclusion microstructure as monitor of pegmatoid melt fractionation 

Victoria Kohn, Thomas Alister Griffiths, Rainer Abart, and Gerlinde Habler

The investigation of rutile inclusions in garnet host crystals is a rewarding topic, as this host-inclusion system may form in igneous and metamorphic lithologies in a wide range of rock compositions and pressure - temperature conditions. Different formation mechanisms have been discussed for the genesis of rutile inclusions in garnet, as for example overgrowth of pre-existing rutile by garnet, co-growth of host and inclusion phases, or exsolution of rutile from titanium-bearing garnet host crystals (Kohn et al., 2024b, with references).
The investigated rutile-bearing almandine-spessartine garnet crystal from the Moldanubian Gföhl Unit Bohemian Massif, AT, formed in three growth stages during fractional crystallization of a pegmatoid melt (Kohn et al., 2024a). Here, we focus on the first magmatic growth stage, which formed the core and inner rim domain of garnet, without significant changes in pressure-temperature conditions. This is reflected by the lack of an abrupt change in the major garnet components across the core-rim boundary of garnet. Instead, a gradual change of major element composition continues undisturbed across the boundary. However, the microstructural change (size and habit) of rutile inclusions is significant: while the coloured garnet core bears equant rutile inclusions (80 - 200 nm), the uncoloured rim is dominated by needle-shaped rutile (< 150 µm length, c. 200 nm width) with clear shape preferred orientations (SPOs). The microstructural differences correlate with abrupt changes in trace element composition of garnet (Na2O and OH-content relatively higher in the rim than in the core), which are referred to compositional changes of the pegmatoid melt during fractional crystallization. 
The synchronous formation of rutile inclusions and their garnet host crystal can be demonstrated on the basis of a statistical dataset of the SPOs of rutile inclusions with high aspect ratio, showing a selective effect of the local garnet growth direction on the observed SPO frequencies (Kohn et al. 2024b). Changes of the rutile inclusion habit from equant to acicular signals changes in the relative growth rates of garnet and rutile, as well as the nucleation rate of rutile, resulting from a reduction of the melt viscosity. 
Comparable microstructural changes (equant to acicular rutile inclusions, from the core to the rim of garnet) are also documented in a metapegmatite from the Austroalpine Crystalline Basement, Koralpe,  AT (Griffiths et al., 2020), separated in time and space from the studied lithology. Therefore, we conclude that the described microstructure of rutile inclusions in pegmatoid garnet is a potential marker of changes in melt properties upon fractional crystallisation of pegmatitic melts, which are not documented by the major garnet components.

Funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF): I4285-N37.


Griffiths T.A. et al (2020) American Journal of Science 320:753–789

Kohn V. et al (2024a) Lithos 466–467, 107461

Kohn V. et al. (2024b) Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 179, 69 

How to cite: Kohn, V., Griffiths, T. A., Abart, R., and Habler, G.: Rutile inclusions in garnet: Inclusion microstructure as monitor of pegmatoid melt fractionation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20815,, 2025.

EGU25-235 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Fault-melt interaction and its implications for Venusian Tectonic regimes in Aphrodite Terra, Venus 

Oguzcan Karagoz, Thomas Kenkmann, and Monika Gurau

Venus is believed to be deformed in a stagnant-lid, episodic-lid, or a plutonic-squishy-lid regime with mantle convection occurring beneath a unified lithosphere [1-3]. Its surface age, estimated at 240–800 Ma from impact crater records [4], suggests either a catastrophic resurfacing event involving rapid lithospheric recycling [5] or continuous, regionally tectonic and volcanic processes [6]. Here we raise a key question how strain localization occurs on Venus: do Venusian faults show evidence of multi-stage activation capable of leading to large-scale lithospheric deformation, and is it possible to use this to unravel the tectonic history of Venus?

To address this, we focused our investigation on the equatorial chasmata system in Eastern Aphrodite Terra, Venus, whose origin continues to be a subject of scientific debate. This study documents that the troughs consistently exhibit asymmetric cross-sectional profiles, with steeper slopes intersected by large-scale faults trending subparallel to the trough axis. These shear zones dip at low angles and occasionally form terraces along the slope profile, exposing sections of the shear planes. The shear planes are radar-smooth and exhibit radar emissivities distinct from the adjacent hanging wall and footwall. We propose that these fault planes be coated with melt films, which in some cases display flow features along downslope trajectories.

The formation of these melt films is explored in the context of frictional melting during co-seismic faulting. Frictional melting may be enhanced on Venus due to its elevated ambient temperatures and the likely water-free, mafic composition of its rocks. However, multi-incremental friction-induced melting is unlikely to result in significant strain localization, and the volume of melt generated even under Venusian conditions is insufficient to be resolved in the available SAR imagery. Instead, we hypothesize that the fault planes act as conduits for transporting magma from shallow subsurface reservoirs to the surface. Volcanic centers and edifices near the steep chasmata slopes and within corona interiors are potential sources for shallow subsurface melt reservoirs. Melt veneers along the fault planes may reduce friction coefficients, facilitating normal faulting at shallow dip angles.

The overall morphology of the troughs suggests that the faults were initially formed as thrust faults and later reactivated. Evidence of their youthfulness is provided by fresh hummocky landslide deposits originating from the steep hanging wall scarps, which partially obscure the exposed fault planes. They were likely triggered by fault-induced seismicity, suggesting that faulting on Venus is seismogenic. Seismic moments for the studied shear zones have been calculated to support fault activation.


[1] Solomatov, V. S., & Moresi, L. N. (1996). J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 101(E2), 4737–4753. [2] Turcotte, D. L. (1993). J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 98(E9), 17061–17068. [3] Lourenço, D. L., Rozel, A. B., Ballmer, M. D., & Tackley, P. J. (2020). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 21:e2019GC008756. [4] Le Feuvre, M., & Wieczorek, M. A. (2011). Icarus, 214(1), 1–20. [5] Armann, M., & Tackley, P. J. (2012). J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 117(E12), E12003. [6] Bjonnes, E. E., Hansen, V. L., James, B., & Swenson, J. B. (2012). Icarus, 217(2), 451–461.

How to cite: Karagoz, O., Kenkmann, T., and Gurau, M.: Fault-melt interaction and its implications for Venusian Tectonic regimes in Aphrodite Terra, Venus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-235,, 2025.

Wrinkle ridges (WRs) are among the most prevalent tectonic landforms observed on terrestrial planetary bodies, characterized by highly variable relief. They are interpreted as folds overlying blind thrusts, which can reach reliefs of 100’s meters and widths of several 10’s kilometers. The formation and subsurface characteristics of WRs is still debated with unresolved questions, including: i) geometry and likely structural style of associated blind faults, ii) fault depth, iii) number and role of faults, iv) amount of shortening. Several modelling methods have been proposed, however, none of them completely describe the entire spectrum of observations related to WRs morphometry and kinematics.

In this work, we conduct a 2D to 3D geometrical and kinematic reconstruction of a set of globally distributed WRs by applying Trishear and Fault-Parallel-Flow integrated forward kinematic modelling. The methodology allows to model complex fault geometries by assuming area conservation and plane-strain deformation, to determine the fault geometry and kinematics that best fits the observed topography and the measured outcropping faults dip angles.

Our results demonstrate the reliability of the trishear method to model planetary WRs and provide an improvement in understanding Mars’ lithospheric mechanical stratigraphy and WRs kinematics. We demonstrate how the wrinkly and complex nature of WRs can be related to the presence of multiple faults, which accommodate shortening differently. We suggest the presence of a heterogeneous stratigraphy composed of alternations of weaker and friction detachments which promote fault activity characterized by sequential deformation of backthrusts, synthetic thrusts.

The results of the trishear kinematic modelling indicate correlations of the main morphometric parameters of WRs with the geometry and kinematics of the faults. WRs characterized by a higher relief are driven by larger amounts of horizontal along-fault slip, while the broader the width of the main crest, the deeper and more spaced are the faults below the crest (i.e., master fault and possible backthrust). The location of the hinge zone of the main crest, corresponds to the fault dip change at depth.

How to cite: Carboni, F.: Martian wrinkle ridges morphometry and kinematics correlation from Trishear Forward Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-441,, 2025.

EGU25-459 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Impact of varying redox states on crystallization and atmospheric composition of rocky exoplanets. 

Mariana Sastre, Tim Lichtenberg, Dan Bower, Harrison Nicholls, and Inga Kamp

The magma ocean (MO) phase typically describes the early stage of rocky planets, during which the entire planet is molten due to heat generated by accretion processes. In the case of short-period exoplanets inside the runaway greenhouse limit, this phase may last Gyrs, until the inventory of major greenhouse gasses, such as H2O and H2, is exhausted. The internal evolution of these planets is influenced by various factors, including the exchange of volatiles between the molten planetary interior and the atmosphere. This exchange significantly impacts planetary climate, exoplanet bulk densities, surface conditions, and long-term geodynamic activity by controlling greenhouse effects, surface water stability, and atmospheric composition. This research focuses on modeling this interaction under different redox conditions. Using a coupled computational framework of the planetary interior and atmosphere, we study the detailed evolution of the magma ocean phase, aiming to understand the crystallization sequence and the atmospheric composition in equilibrium with long-lived magma ocean. 

How to cite: Sastre, M., Lichtenberg, T., Bower, D., Nicholls, H., and Kamp, I.: Impact of varying redox states on crystallization and atmospheric composition of rocky exoplanets., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-459,, 2025.

EGU25-862 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Effects of magmatic styles on the thermal evolution of planetary interiors 

Carianna Herrera, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Julia Maia, and Doris Breuer

It is broadly known that magmatic processes play a key role in cooling planetary interiors. While most studies have analyzed the influence of extrusive magmatism (e.g. Armann and Tackley, 2012, Moore and Webb, 2013), recent investigations have shown that intrusive magmatism could also be very efficient for cooling Earth-like planets (e.g. Rozel et al., 2017, Lourenço et al., 2020). Nevertheless, a systematic investigation of the role that the magmatic styles play in the evolution of different terrestrial planets has never been done. We study the effect of the magmatic style on the thermal evolution of Mercury-, Venus-, Mars-, and Moon-like planets, focusing on the magmatism endmembers i.e. ‘fully extrusive’ (Io-like heat pipe model, Moore and Webb, 2013) and the ‘fully intrusive’ (plutonic-squishy lid model, Lourenço et al., 2020).

We use the geodynamical code GAIA in a 2D spherical annulus geometry (Hüttig et al., 2013, Fleury et al., 2024). Our models assume a homogeneous distribution of the heat sources, a depth- and temperature-dependent viscosity (Karato et al., 1986) that follows an Arrhenius law for dry diffusion creep (Karato & Wu, 1993), pressure- and temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and expansivity (Tosi et al., 2013), a time-dependent core cooling (Steinbach & Yuen, 1994), and a melting curve parametrization derived for the Earth’s interior (Stixrude et al., 2009). Apart from surface and core temperature, mantle and core density, planet, and core radius, and initial concentration of radioactive elements, we keep the model parameters similar for all bodies. This choice was made to minimize the differences between models due to the particular conditions of each planet, allowing us to focus our analysis on the influence of intrusive vs. extrusive magmatism rather than each planet’s evolution.

Melting occurs when the mantle temperature exceeds the solidus. For all bodies, we compute partial melting considering latent heat consumption. We extract the melt either to the intrusive melt depth of 50 km for the fully intrusive cases or to the surface for the fully extrusive cases. We delimit the area of buoyant melt from which melts can be extracted by the lithosphere thickness (to avoid re-melting the hot intrusions) and the density crossover at 11 GPa (Ohtani et al., 1995).

For all studied bodies, the convection pattern is characterized by stronger mantle plumes and more vigorous mantle flow for the fully intrusive cases than for the fully extrusive cases. Throughout the evolution of all planet-like models, cases with intrusions present thinner and warmer lithospheres, cooler mantle and CMB temperatures, higher melt production, shallower melting depths with cooler melt temperatures, and higher surface and CMB heat fluxes. Limiting the melt production in the interior by the density crossover greatly impacts the planetary cooling of bodies with high mantle pressures such as Venus, for which an intrusive magmatism style allows for more efficient cooling of the interior while having a warm and thin lithosphere.

Our study provides the first detailed investigation of the effects of intrusive vs. extrusive magmatism on the global evolution of rocky planets, in a comparative planetology sense.

How to cite: Herrera, C., Plesa, A.-C., Maia, J., and Breuer, D.: Effects of magmatic styles on the thermal evolution of planetary interiors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-862,, 2025.

EGU25-1455 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Strength of continental lithosphere governed by the time since the last orogeny 

Zhezhe Lu, Jiabiao Li, Pascal Audet, and Chun-Feng Li

Earth’s tectonic history is punctuated by several cycles of supercontinent assembly and breakup that profoundly influenced the lithospheric structure; however, the roles of the various factors controlling continental strength and deformation during the cycles remain debated. The effective elastic thickness (Te) reflects the lithosphere’s long-term, depth-integrated strength and is useful for deciphering the complex evolution of continents. In this study, we estimate a new global map of continental Te projected onto a  grid by inverting the cross-spectral properties (admittance and coherence) between Bouguer gravity and topography data obtained from a continuous wavelet transform. Continental Te ranges from <5 to ~140 km, with a mean and standard deviation of 50 and 33 km, respectively. Based on a gaussian mixture model-based cluster analysis, we delineate tectonically active provinces, stable Archean cratons and transitional lithosphere. We find an obvious positive correlation between Te and lithospheric thickness obtained from calibrated upper mantle surface wave tomography models. Further comparing the Te distribution with orogenic age data shows that Te exhibits a clear time dependence where the strength is governed by the time since the last orogeny. Based on plate cooling models, we indicate that continental Tcorresponds approximately to the depth of the 300±150℃ isotherm. These results favour a diffusive (cooling) model that considerably influences the strength of the continental lithosphere, despite the complex relation between Te and the thermal, compositional and rheological structure.

How to cite: Lu, Z., Li, J., Audet, P., and Li, C.-F.: Strength of continental lithosphere governed by the time since the last orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1455,, 2025.

EGU25-3091 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

The efficient delivery of highly-siderophile elements to the core creates a mass accretion catastrophe for the Earth 

Richard Anslow, Maylis Landeau, Amy Bonsor, Jonathan Itcovitz, and Oliver Shorttle

The excess abundance of highly siderophile elements (HSEs), as inferred for the terrestrial planets and the Moon, is thought to record a 'late veneer' of impacts after the giant impact phase of planet formation. Estimates for total mass accretion during this period typically assume all HSEs delivered remain entrained in the mantle. Here, we present an analytical discussion of the fate of liquid metal diapirs in both a magma pond and a solid mantle, and show that metals from impactors larger than approximately 1km will sink to Earth's core, leaving no HSE signature in the mantle. However, by considering a collisional size distribution, we show that to deliver sufficient mass in small impactors to account for Earth's HSEs, there will be an implausibly large mass delivered by larger bodies, the metallic fraction of which lost to Earth's core. There is therefore a contradiction between observed concentrations of HSEs, the geodynamics of metal entrainment, and estimates of total mass accretion during the late veneer. To resolve this paradox, and avoid such a mass accretion catastrophe, our results suggest that large impactors must contribute to observed HSE signatures. For these HSEs to be entrained in the mantle, either some mechanism(s) must efficiently disrupt impactor core material into ≤0.01mm fragments, or alternatively Earth accreted a significant mass fraction of oxidised (carbonaceous chondrite-like) material during the late veneer. Estimates of total mass accretion accordingly remain unconstrained, given uncertainty in both the efficiency of impactor core fragmentation, and the chemical composition of the late veneer.

How to cite: Anslow, R., Landeau, M., Bonsor, A., Itcovitz, J., and Shorttle, O.: The efficient delivery of highly-siderophile elements to the core creates a mass accretion catastrophe for the Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3091,, 2025.

The behavior of SiO2 analogs (GeO2 and SnO2) under extreme pressure conditions provides critical insights into the structural evolution of oxide materials in planetary interiors. In this study, we investigate the ramp compression of GeO2 and SnO2 to ultra-high pressures exceeding 500 GPa, revealing novel high-pressure phases and structural transitions. Using advanced in situ X-ray diffraction techniques, we characterize these high-pressure phase transformations under conditions relevant to the deep interiors of large rocky planets. Our findings significantly enhance our understanding of the high-pressure behavior of SiO2 and its analogs, with important implications for modeling the deep interiors of super-Earths and other large rocky planets. Finally, our results underscore the vital role of analog materials in exploring the fundamental physics of oxide systems under extreme conditions.

How to cite: Kim, D.: Dynamic Compression of Planetary Analog Materials: Insights into the Interiors of Large Rocky Planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3397,, 2025.

Heat flux at the Earth’s core-mantle boundary (CMB) partially controls the outer core dynamics and its associated geodynamo. On the mantle side, spatial and temporal variations in this flux are, in turn, controlled by details of mantle convection. Previous simulations of mantle dynamics showed that CMB heat flux may be locally negative, i.e., in these regions heat flows from the mantle to the core. Here, we investigate the conditions needed to generate such patches of negative CMB heat flux. For this, we perform a series of high-resolution numerical simulations of thermo-chemical convection in spherical annulus geometry using the code StagYY. The compositional initial condition consists in a thin basal layer of chemically denser material (alos referred to as primordial material), which subsequently evolves into piles of hot, primordial material, modelling the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) observed on global seismic tomography maps. We more specifically explore the influence of two key parameters that promote temperature increase within the piles of primordial material: the excess internal heating within these piles ; and the temperature-dependence of thermal conductivity. We quantify the size and amplitude of negative heat flux patches depending on these parameters. As one would expect, a larger internal heating excess and a stronger temperature dependence of thermal conductivity both favor the development of negative heat flux patches within piles of dense material. However, these parameters also alter the piles stability, such that there is no straightforward relationship between them and the size and amplitude of the negative heat flux patches. Finally, we discuss possible consequences of our findings for core dynamics and geodynamo.

How to cite: Deschamps, F., Guerrero, J., and Amit, H.: Local patches of negative core-mantle boundary heat flux : insights from numerical models of thermo-chemical convection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3892,, 2025.

EGU25-4197 | PICO | GD3.1

Importance of grain size-dependent viscosity for the early and present-day Earth 

Gregor J. Golabek, Jyotirmoy Paul, Antoine B. Rozel, Paul J. Tackley, Tomoo Katsura, and Hongzhan Fei

Grain size is one of the primary influencing factors for mantle viscosity. Larger grains lead to increased diffusion creep viscosity and vice-versa. Grain size is a thermally activated process, so with higher temperature grains grow. Increasing temperature lowers the mantle viscosity but the associated grain size would potentially increase the viscosity.  The net result of this counterbalancing effect of grain size evolution and temperature in the lower mantle remains limited. In this study, we use the self-consistent two-dimensional finite volume StagYY to investigate the evolving grain size and its impact on average mantle viscosity. We compare a model with constant grain size to models with evolving grain size along with dynamic recrystallization and analyze the effect of grain size. 

Using grain size evolution parameters for olivine in the upper mantle and bridgmanite-ferropericlase in the lower mantle shows comparable results with previous literature. In this model, the upper mantle primarily undergoes deformation through dislocation creep, while the lower mantle is dominated by diffusion creep. Despite this, the average viscosity of the lower mantle calculated using the evolving grain size model does not significantly differ from that of a constant grain size model. This suggests that grain size variations exert a limited impact on the average viscosity of the lower mantle, which is predominantly influenced by temperature. This limitation arises because of the slow grain growth of the bridgmanite-ferropericlase assemblage due to Zenner pinning. Such slow grain growth is insufficient to counteract the temperature-dependent viscosity effects. In the early Earth, the Zenner pinning effect could be absent due to single phase crystallization from the magma ocean. Without a secondary phase, bridgmanite could grow significantly larger grains. To investigate the impact of faster grain growth, we applied olivine grain growth parameters to the lower mantle. This hypothetical scenario resulted in the formation of exceptionally large grains (~10,000 μm) and delayed the onset of lid-breaking events in our models. It is possible that in the early Earth, the lid-breaking event was delayed due to strong grain size dependent viscosity. However, once whole-mantle convection began, increased lower mantle stress promoted dislocation creep in the presence of these large grains. In such cases, the lower mantle becomes largely independent of grain size, particularly in the present-day Earth scenario.

How to cite: Golabek, G. J., Paul, J., Rozel, A. B., Tackley, P. J., Katsura, T., and Fei, H.: Importance of grain size-dependent viscosity for the early and present-day Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4197,, 2025.

EGU25-4391 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Effects of Temperature-Dependent Lithospheric Yield Stress on Ultra-Short Period super-Earth LHS 3844b 

Aleksander Zarebski, Maxim Ballmer, Tobias Meier, and Antonio Manjon Cabeza Cordoba

The discovery of exoplanets has uncovered a vast spectrum of planetary types, from enormous gas giants to smaller, rocky worlds akin to Earth. Among these, super-Earths are prevalent and are believed to exhibit a range of tectonic regimes. A portion of these have ultra-short periods and orbit their stars in mere hours to days, resulting in synchronous rotation with their host star. This establishes a surface temperature dichotomy like that seen on LHS 3844b, a bare-rock super-Earth with a radius approximately 1.3 times that of Earth, where temperatures reach 1040 K at the point receiving the most intense sunlight on the dayside and drop close to 0 K on the nightside.

We use StagYY to model mantle convection on LHS 3844b in a 2D spherical-annulus geometry. Our models incorporate a temperature-dependent yield stress that captures both near-surface and deep lithospheric rheological variations, rather than assuming a fixed effective yield stress as in previous studies. We represent the effects of various temperature-dependent microphysical processes by varying the temperature dependence of the yield stress slope. The yield stress components in our models are systematically varied to examine their impact on tectonic style and mantle dynamics.

Parameterisation of the brittle component is based on the proposition that temperature-dependent frictional weakening plays a factor in the tectonic regimes of Earth and Venus. On Earth, where low surface temperatures create a geothermal gradient that keeps much of the crust below 400°C, frictional heating can reduce the friction coefficient at high slip velocities. In contrast, Venus’ elevated surface temperatures maintain a higher friction coefficient, which helps suppress plate tectonics. In deeper lithospheric regions, elevated temperatures favour ductile deformation, which would normally weaken the lithosphere. However, these higher temperatures can also promote grain growth, counteracting dynamic strain localisation and thereby strengthening the rock.

We find that hemispheric temperature differences strongly influence lithospheric strength and deformation on LHS 3844b: the colder nightside allows brittle failure to persist over greater depths, whilst the hotter dayside promotes ductile flow at shallower depths due to a much thinner lithosphere. Importantly, we find that an increased temperature dependence of the ductile yield stress amplifies the hemispheric contrast in the planet's tectonic behaviour.

How to cite: Zarebski, A., Ballmer, M., Meier, T., and Manjon Cabeza Cordoba, A.: Effects of Temperature-Dependent Lithospheric Yield Stress on Ultra-Short Period super-Earth LHS 3844b, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4391,, 2025.

EGU25-4563 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Colour and Time: The Evolution of Crater Rays on the Moon and the Asteroid 4Vesta 

Emily Costello, Rebecca Ghent, and Christian Tai Udovicic

The solid surfaces of airless bodies continuously evolve due to bombardment by objects from space and solar wind.  We see evidence of this evolution in the differences in colour between surfaces known to be younger (such as freshly excavated crater rays) and older surfaces.  In a recent publication [1], we presented a new complete catalogue of the Moon’s rayed craters with diameters of 5 km and greater between ±50 degrees of the equator. In ongoing work, we are creating a catalogue of the rayed craters with diameters 2 km and greater on the asteroid 4Vesta. We use these catalogues and a model of impact gardening to examine how quickly the surfaces of large rocky bodies like the Moon and smaller rocky bodies like the asteroid 4Vesta evolve over timescales of years to billions of years.

Here, we present the results of the quantitative analysis of the maturity and composition of the lunar rayed crater population through the lense of diverse remote sensing datasets. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we find that the most charismatic rays have the least nanophase iron (also denoted ‘npFe’; i.e., they are the least mature). More compelling, however, is that the most charismatic rays include diverse and distinguishable mineralogical contrasts, for example, rays in both plagioclase, olivine, and FeO abundances. Further, regardless of whether the mineralogical contrast is high or low (i.e., a dark or bright ray), maturity is suppressed. As rays degrade, they appear more thermophysically and mineralogically homogenous; however, faint thermophysical and mineralogical contrasts can persist longer than it takes regolith to saturate with nanophase iron and disappear into the optically mature background. We demonstrate that comparative analysis of rayed crater populations can help us distinguish the timescale for various space weathering thresholds, such as the destruction of a thermophysical ray, the saturation of nanophase iron, and the homogenisation of mineralogical contrasts.

[1] Ghent, R. R., Costello, E. S., & Parker, A. H. (2024). The Population of Young Craters on the Moon: New Catalog and Spatial and Temporal Analysis. The Planetary Science Journal, 5(4), 89. 

How to cite: Costello, E., Ghent, R., and Tai Udovicic, C.: Colour and Time: The Evolution of Crater Rays on the Moon and the Asteroid 4Vesta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4563,, 2025.

EGU25-5097 | PICO | GD3.1

Ocean Circulation on Tide-locked Lava Worlds 

Jun Yang, Yanhong Lai, and Wanying Kang

Magma ocean is expected to exist on the dayside surface of tide-locked planets if surface temperature exceeds the melting temperature of typical crust. The strength of ocean circulation is important for horizontal heat transport that may could be observed by JWST. In most previous studies of lava planets, the system is typically assumed to be vigorously convecting and isentropic. This implies a magma ocean depth reaching 10-100 km, determined by adiabat and melting curves. However, ocean circulation was not included in the previous studies. In this study, we simulate ocean circulation on tidally locked lava worlds using more realistic 2D and 3D models developed by ourselves. Our simulation results show that under small internal heat source, the maximum zonal current speed ranges from 0.1 to 1.0 m/s and the magma ocean depth is 100-1000 m, being more than 100 times shallower than that predicted in a fully convecting system. The ocean depth is mainly determined by global ocean circulation rather than by the adiabat and melting curves. We further demonstrate that ocean heat transport strength is consistently smaller than the stellar insolation by 1–2 orders of magnitude. Consequently, the impact of ocean circulation on the thermal phase curve of tide-locked lava worlds should be  small in observations.

How to cite: Yang, J., Lai, Y., and Kang, W.: Ocean Circulation on Tide-locked Lava Worlds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5097,, 2025.

EGU25-5822 | PICO | GD3.1

Influence of water on global mantle dynamics 

Charitra Jain and Stephan Sobolev

Even though surface water is essential for Earth's habitability, the estimates of total amount of water (at the surface and in the deep interior) throughout Earth's evolution vary from 5-15 ocean masses (OM) based on magma ocean solidification models [Hamano et al., 2013] to 1.2-3.3 OM based on petrological studies [Hirschmann, 2006]. Previous numerical models of coupled surface-mantle system have estimated a lower bound of 9-12 OM [Nakagawa et al., 2018]. Experiments have shown that water lowers the melting temperature, density and viscosity of rocks and it is also required for the generation of felsic magmas. In this work, we use global convection models [Tackley, 2008] spanning the age of the Earth to elucidate the effect of water on mantle dynamics in terms of planetary cooling, surface mobility and production of continental crust.

Our models self-consistently generate oceanic and continental (Archean TTGs) crust while considering both plutonic and volcanic magmatism and incorporate a composite rheology for the upper mantle. Pressure-, temperature-, and composition-dependent water solubility maps calculated with Perple_X [Connolly, 2009] control the ingassing and outgassing of water between the mantle and the surface [Jain et al., 2022]. Irrespective of the initial water content used, our models exhibit mobile-lid regime (high surface mobility with subduction) throughout the 4.5 Gyr with episodes of short-lived plutonic-squishy-lid regime (low surface mobility with delamination or dripping) in the Hadean. These models are also consistent with the cooling history of the Earth inferred from petrological observations [Herzberg et al., 2010]. A strong positive correlation is observed between continental crust production and the total amount of water available, with the former's cumulative mass increasing by roughly three times when water in the planetary system is raised from 1 OM to 10 OM.

Models that consider a reduction in the density of crustal and mantle materials in the presence of water exhibit mobile-lid regime for the initial 200 Myr. Afterwards, the mobility stays low as the hydrated oceanic crust is less dense and does not subduct. It thickens over time and eventually collapses as global resurfacing events. Mantle stays comparatively warm and a much lower amount of continental crust is produced. This motivated us to make the following improvements to achieve more realistic models. First, mantle minerals only in the top 5 km of the computational domain (as opposed to 10 km considered previously) are ingassed with water. Second, instead of fully saturating the rocks based on their solubility maps, they are partially saturated to control the input of surface water into the lithosphere. Third, different partition coefficients for water are considered: 0.01 for pyrolite to basalt melting and 0.25 for basalt to TTG melting. These changes help in increasing the surface mobility, cooling down the planet and producing more continental crust. These trends are further amplified in models that additionally consider a viscosity reduction of mantle materials in the presence of water.

How to cite: Jain, C. and Sobolev, S.: Influence of water on global mantle dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5822,, 2025.

Ocean on the Earth is a key feature, which is likely responsible for the onset and further operation of plate tectonics as well as for the origin of life. Geochemical data suggests that ocean existed on the Earth already since at least the middle Hadean time. Recent studies also infer that after the solidification of the magma ocean, mean concentration of water in the Earth’s mantle could have been up to few 1000 ppm and that extraction of part of it formed the surface ocean. However, a clear understanding of this process is still lacking.

Here, we report results of modelling of Earth’s evolution during its first 1.5 Gyr with a focus on water cycle and generation of the continental crust. We use geodynamic code StagYY in 2D spherical annulus geometry that generates both basaltic and felsic melts, includes cooling of the core and uses an advanced treatment of water. We also included the effect of water on density of crustal and mantle materials based on experimental data and thermodynamic calculations.

Our models start just after solidification of magma ocean with assumed initial mantle potential temperature of 1900K and core temperature of 5000K. We run models with different initial mean water content in the mantle reaching up to 1500 ppm. In all the models, most of the water is initially concentrated in the mantle transition zone (MTZ), because of its higher water storage capacity. Due to the lower density of the water-containing materials, this leads to Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities and hot and “wet” mantle plumes rapidly rise to the surface. As a result, a large amount of mantle water is outgassed forming the surface ocean in just a few million years. Simultaneously, a significant amount of continental crust is produced. Masses of the produced ocean and continental crust depend on the initial concentration of water in the mantle. For instance, for the initial mean water concentration of 1000 ppm, ocean mass of about 1.5 times recent ocean masses (OM) and continental crust of about 0.7 times present-day continental crust mass (CCM) is produced during 7 Myr. Water outgassing from the mantle dominates during the first 100 Myr till ocean mass reaches about 2 OM. Afterwards, the outgassing by plumes and in-gassing by subduction are mostly balanced with a tendency of the surface ocean mass to decrease with time during the 1.5 Gyr.

Interestingly, in all models, MTZ behaves as a buffer for water cycle and despite it’s high water storage capacity, it’s mean water content mostly remains below 400 ppm, rising to up to 1500 ppm only for the short time periods when a number of cold slabs are resting in MTZ. We will show results from a set of models and compare the model-predicted trace elements ratios with the recent geochemical data.

How to cite: Sobolev, S. and Jain, C.: Models of water cycle and continental crust formation on Earth during Hadean and Eo-Archean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5969,, 2025.

EGU25-6256 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Numerical Study on Rheological Parameters Affecting the Stability of Thermochemical Piles and Plumes 

Henry W. Sitte, Carolin Weber, Claudia Stein, and Ulrich Hansen

The origin and exact nature of the large low seismic provinces (LLSVPs) located beneath Africa and the Pacific are still open questions and highly debated. As these structures are assumed to be at their respective locations for at least a few hundred million years, a thermochemical nature seems highly likely.
We use a 2D double-diffusive mantle convection model to numerically investigate the temporal and spatial stability of thermochemical piles for various rheological parameters. We compare results of the commonly investigated depth dependence of the viscosity (due to pressure and composition) with the effect of the yield stress and variable thermal expansivity. We find that increasing the top or bottom viscosity yields temporally and spatially more stable piles. Similarly, a decreased thermal expansivity with depth also results in slower entrainment of the high compositional material and thus more stable piles. Additionally, the appropriate combination of parameters can counterbalance destabilizing properties such that, for example, structures containing melt can also be long-lived and spatially stable, which would otherwise be quickly entrained due to the low viscosity of melt.
Furthermore, we studied the effect of rheological parameters on the stability of plumes and investigated the location of plumes with respect to thermochemical piles. Our results show a mutual dependency of the plumes and piles. Typically, large plumes are anchored by piles and located in the pile center. However, strong thermal plumes in the ambient mantle can pull along high compositional material. This can lead to the deformation of piles. During this process, or the merging of piles due to strong slabs, plumes are observed at the edges of piles, existing there for several million years before striving to the center of a pile.

How to cite: Sitte, H. W., Weber, C., Stein, C., and Hansen, U.: Numerical Study on Rheological Parameters Affecting the Stability of Thermochemical Piles and Plumes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6256,, 2025.

EGU25-6598 | PICO | GD3.1

How Phase Transitions Impact Changes in Mantle Convection Style Throughout Earth’s History: From Stalled Plumes to Surface Dynamics 

Ranpeng Li, Juliane Dannberg, Rene Gassmöller, Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, Lars Stixrude, and Robert Myhill

Mineral phase transitions can either hinder or accelerate mantle flow. In the present day Earth, the formation of the bridgmanite + ferropericlase assemblage from ringwoodite at 660 km depth has been found to cause weak and intermittent layering of mantle convection. However, for the higher temperatures in Earth’s past or on other planets, different phase transitions might have governed mantle dynamics and shaped mantle structure. 

Here, we apply a recently developed entropy formulation in mantle convection models with plate-like behavior to investigate the effect of phase transitions on changes in convection style throughout Earth's history. We have extended this method to include chemical heterogeneity, and we have implemented and tested the approach in the geodynamics software ASPECT. Our benchmark results show that this multicomponent entropy averaging method effectively captures the system's thermodynamic effects. Furthermore, we apply the entropy formulation in 2-D and 3-D geodynamic models, incorporating thermodynamic properties computed by HeFESTo. Our models reveal the impact of the endothermic transition from wadsleyite to garnet (majorite) and ferropericlase (occurring between 420–600 km depth and over the 2000–2500 K temperature range) in a mantle with potential temperatures hotter than 1700 K, which impedes rising mantle plumes. 

When encountering this phase transition, the plume conduits tilt significantly, and the plume heads spread out laterally. This change in plume morphology accumulates hot material in the transition zone, spawning secondary plumes.  Partial melt generated within these hot, stalling plumes may lead to chemical differentiation as plume material spreads laterally. On a larger scale, the phase transition can reduce the mass flux of plumes by ~90%. The stalling of plumes creates a long-lasting global hot layer and impedes mass exchange between lower and upper mantle, resulting in global thermal and chemical heterogeneity.

Our models reveal a systematic change in convection style during planetary secular cooling. The wadsleyite to garnet (majorite) + ferropericlase phase transformation only occurs at high temperatures and therefore layering of plumes becomes less frequent and eventually stops as the mantle cools down. This indicates that mantle convection may have been partially layered early in Earth's history, or may be layered today in terrestrial planets with a hotter mantle. As the mantle potential temperature decreases and layering ceases, we observe an increase of surface mobility, suggesting that such a change in convection patterns also affects plate tectonics.

How to cite: Li, R., Dannberg, J., Gassmöller, R., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., Stixrude, L., and Myhill, R.: How Phase Transitions Impact Changes in Mantle Convection Style Throughout Earth’s History: From Stalled Plumes to Surface Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6598,, 2025.

EGU25-8040 | PICO | GD3.1

Dynamics of heat producing elements rich domains in rocky planets 

Angela Limare and Charles-Edouard Boukare

The isotopic compositions of lavas from mantle plumes provide evidence for deep mantle heterogeneities and have been associated with primordial mantle material. However, little is understood about how such material formed during the early stages of planetary evolution. Its origin is typically linked to processes such as the sedimentation of iron-rich phases and crystallization in a primordial magma ocean, or, alternatively, to impacts during the later stages of planetary formation. These processes operated under varying temperature and pressure conditions, likely leading to a depth-dependent composition. Regardless of how it originated, this primordial material is thought to contain higher concentrations of radioactive elements compared to the upper mantle. We aim to address a critical question: how does a compositionally stratified mantle evolve over time under convective motions. These motions reshape the boundaries of chemically distinct domains and promote mixing. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the conditions that allow primordial material to persist at the mantle's base over long timescales, particularly in relation to differences in density and heat production between various mantle components.

To investigate this question, we conducted an in-depth experimental study of convection in a stratified system consisting of two fluids with distinct intrinsic densities and heat production rates. We derived scaling laws that connect the dynamical characteristics of convection to the key dimensionless numbers. These scaling laws, coupled with plausible physical parameters, are then applied to extrapolate the results to planetary mantle convection. We illustrate our approach with a diagram relating the effective partitioning coefficients of iron and that of heat producing elements to the lifetime of the stratified mantle.

How to cite: Limare, A. and Boukare, C.-E.: Dynamics of heat producing elements rich domains in rocky planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8040,, 2025.

EGU25-8161 | PICO | GD3.1

Provenance of Earth’s volatile building blocks inferred from the behaviour of nitrogen during core formation 

Dongyang Huang, Julien Siebert, Paolo Sossi, Edith Kubik, Guillaume Avice, and Motohiko Murakami

Nitrogen (N) is the most abundant element in Earth's modern atmosphere, but is extremely depleted in the silicate crust and mantle. The volatile inventory of the bulk silicate Earth shows a well-established N deficit compared to CI chondrites, the primitive meteorites representative of the solar composition. However, it remains unclear whether the formation of the iron-rich core, early atmospheric loss, or a combination of both was responsible for this depletion, partly due to the large extrapolation from low-pressure experiments. Here, we study the effect of core formation on the inventory of nitrogen in a terrestrial magma ocean using laser-heated diamond anvil cells. Under core-forming conditions relevant to Earth-sized planets, we find that N is siderophile (iron-loving), making the core its largest reservoir, notwithstanding that the simultaneous dissolution of oxygen in the core lowers that of nitrogen. A combined core-mantle-atmosphere coevolution model, however, cannot account for the observed N anomaly in the silicate Earth via its core sequestration and/or atmospheric loss during accretion, unless Earth's building blocks had experienced vaporisation processes akin to those accountable for the volatile signatures found in CV-CO chondrites. The terrestrial volatile pattern requires severe N depletion (>99%) on precursor bodies but limited atmospheric loss (<5%), prior and posterior to their accretion to the proto-Earth. We argue that early vapour loss/depletion on Earth's building blocks is the key to establishing our planet's volatile budget.

How to cite: Huang, D., Siebert, J., Sossi, P., Kubik, E., Avice, G., and Murakami, M.: Provenance of Earth’s volatile building blocks inferred from the behaviour of nitrogen during core formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8161,, 2025.

EGU25-8385 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Homogenization of Earth’s mantle after magma ocean solidification 

Laura Lark, Charles-Edouard Boukaré, James Badro, and Henri Samuel

As Earth’s magma ocean solidified, chemical fractionation and physical separation of silicate melt and crystal produced chemical heterogeneity, potentially resulting in the compositional stratification of Earth’s deep mantle. A stratified deep mantle would have prevented advective flux of heat or material between the deep Earth (basal magma ocean (BMO) and core) and the shallow mantle. Therefore, the thermochemical evolution of the Earth hinges on the evolution of the stratified deep mantle. How does this region evolve, especially considering that it is likely underlaid by a radioactively heated BMO and a cooling core? To what extent and in what form would heterogeneity introduced by magma ocean differentiation be preserved in Earth’s mantle over time?

We explored these questions through numerical experiments simulating the evolution of a compositionally stratified, initially solid layer underlaid by a volumetrically heated liquid layer. We model percolation as well as convection driven by density perturbations related to thermal expansion, composition (iron), and melt fraction, using pressure-dependent melting temperatures and density perturbations appropriate for Earth’s deep mantle. We explore a variety of heating rates, stratifications, and material properties.

We find that the evolution of a stratified deep mantle may proceed in two regimes, depending on the competition between the timescales of (1) melt segregation and (2) mantle stirring driven by thermochemical convection.

If stirring is efficient relative to melt segregation, bottom-heating will drive homogenization of a stratified region as heat added to deep material leads to density reduction through partial melting. In this regime, the timescale of homogenization is determined by the time it takes to deliver the energy necessary to reduce the density of the entire deep mantle to match that at the top of the stratified region. Density reduction can be achieved either by thermal expansion or melting; homogenization driven by melting-related density decrease will occur much more rapidly than homogenization driven by thermal expansion. The Earth’s solid mantle following deep mantle homogenization likely had multiple compositionally distinct layers (not including any BMO), which then would have proceeded to mix by entrainment.

If melt segregation is efficient relative to stirring, bottom-heating will still produce partial melt, which will be dense due to the incompatibility of iron and will percolate to the BMO. This process drains incompatible components from the deep mantle to the BMO, with the depleted low-density residue rising in diapirs until the deep mantle is homogenized through depletion. In this case, the Earth is left with a mantle which is more uniform and more depleted than in the stirring-dominated regime, and a thicker BMO.

How to cite: Lark, L., Boukaré, C.-E., Badro, J., and Samuel, H.: Homogenization of Earth’s mantle after magma ocean solidification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8385,, 2025.

EGU25-8985 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Examining the P-wave coda features of InSight seismic events 

Alexander Stott, Raphael Garcia, Mélanie Drilleau, Ludovic Margerin, Doyeon Kim, Sabrina Menina, David Mimoun, Naomi Murdoch, and Anna Horleston

The seismic events from the NASA InSight mission have provided a groundbreaking opportunity to explore the internal structure of Mars, from its crust to core. Events are catalogued by the MarsQuake Service (MQS) into several classes based on their frequency content and signal to noise ratio. This classification has provided a useful framework in which to decode Martian seismicity. In this work we will highlight newly observed features in the P-wave coda of these events to add to this effort.

A prominent feature of event waveforms on Mars is scattering, particularly at high frequencies (above 1 Hz) where the dominant energy of the majority of events is visible. The scattering obfuscates signal polarization, making seismic phase identifications and back azimuth estimations difficult. Although several events have been linked to particular sources, including impacts and tectonic features, the origin of a large number of events remains poorly constrained. Nevertheless, the scattering behaviour within events has offered important clues to the interior structure of Mars and its variation. Here, we present a re-analysis of Martian event envelopes to identify arrival features in the P-wave coda and how these vary across event types and epicentral distances. Using this additional information, we can further constrain MQS distance estimates and subsequently infer the implications for Mars’ internal structure and event origins. This helps open the door to new avenues for processing marsquakes to help place constraints on the seismicity of Mars.

How to cite: Stott, A., Garcia, R., Drilleau, M., Margerin, L., Kim, D., Menina, S., Mimoun, D., Murdoch, N., and Horleston, A.: Examining the P-wave coda features of InSight seismic events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8985,, 2025.

EGU25-11065 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Sublithospheric reworking of the continental crust 

Daniel Gómez Frutos, Antonio Castro, Attila Balázs, and Taras Gerya

The formation of the continental crust is driven by an igneous process in which mantle-derived magmatism is incorporated into the overlying crust. Continental collision represents a major lithospheric event, where crustal destruction and growth result from balancing continental subduction and orogenic magmatism. Emerging evidence supports a common mantle source for all orogenic, post-collisional magmatic suites. However, the geodynamic triggers behind the metasomatized mantle source of post-collisional magmas remain uncertain, and so does their implication for crustal evolution. In this work we present an integrated thermomechanical–experimental approach to constrain the geodynamic triggers behind orogenic magmatism. Numerical models predict the consistent relamination of deeply subducted continental crust into the orogenic lithosphere during continental collision, owing to the buoyancy-driven detachment of the upper crust. The interaction between the relaminated upper crust and the overlying peridotite is enhanced by protracted brittle-ductile damage of the lithosphere, facilitating the mechanical mixing of crust and mantle peridotite. Our high-pressure experiments confirm that this hybrid interaction generates orogenic magmas, reproducing their natural compositional trends. This crust-mantle interaction has been recorded throughout Earth's history, with magmatism in successive orogenic cycles exhibiting increasingly heterogeneous isotopic signatures. These findings highlight the critical role of deep crustal relamination in shaping Earth's continental crust.

How to cite: Gómez Frutos, D., Castro, A., Balázs, A., and Gerya, T.: Sublithospheric reworking of the continental crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11065,, 2025.

EGU25-11135 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Mineral-bound H2O solubility maps applied to Earth-like global mantle convection models 

Nickolas Moccetti Bardi and Paul Tackley

The amount and distribution of water within Earth’s mantle remain uncertain, largely due to limited observational constraints and the only moderately constrained water capacities of primary lower mantle minerals. Recent advances in experimental and theoretical determinations of H2O solubilities, however, now enable a more direct integration of these constraints into geodynamic models, offering new insights into Earth’s deep water cycle. Here, we employ Gibbs free energy minimization over a broad range of pressure–temperature conditions, combined with published H2O solubility measurements, to generate mineral-bound mantle H2O storage capacity maps as a function of phase equilibria. These maps—along with tables documenting density variations in nominally anhydrous minerals arising from water incorporation—are accessible through a customizable and parallelized Julia script.

Incorporating these storage capacity maps into a 2D mantle convection model (StagYY) yields outcomes consistent with existing literature. The simulations suggest that, throughout Earth’s history, the transition zone harbors a heterogeneous 0.2–0.5 wt% water content. Deeper in the mantle, water transport is controlled by the presence of dense hydrous magnesium silicates in subducting slabs. In their absence, descending material quickly dehydrates while exiting the wadsleyite–ringwoodite stability field, before H2O solubility increases again under CaCl2-type stishovite conditions (~50–60 GPa). Nevertheless, slow mantle convection and weak diffusivity enable any deeply emplaced water to persist at great depths. Over 4.5 Gyr of Earth-like evolution, an aquaplanet simulation retains roughly four to five ocean masses of water in the planetary interior, depending on the efficiency of water migration within the mantle. Simplified 3D models coupled with plate reconstructions further elucidate the dynamic balance of water influx and efflux over the Phanerozoic, providing an integrated view of the mantle’s evolving water budget.

How to cite: Moccetti Bardi, N. and Tackley, P.: Mineral-bound H2O solubility maps applied to Earth-like global mantle convection models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11135,, 2025.

EGU25-11284 | PICO | GD3.1

Compositional effects on shear localization in planetary lithospheres 

Philip Skemer, Andrew Cross, Bradford Foley, and Keith Putirka

For planets to develop narrow, dynamic plate boundaries that resemble Earth’s, the rocks that make up the lithosphere must be able to localize deformation. Decades of field studies have shown that plate boundary deformation manifests as frictional faults at shallow depths and mylonitic ductile shear zones below the brittle-plastic transition, with individual strands as narrow as 10-100s of meters. The physical mechanisms that produce mylonites from a primary lithosphere are of considerable interest since it is presumably impossible to create or sustain Earth-like plate tectonics without them. Experimental studies demonstrate that the characteristic microstructures in mylonites form through the serial processes of dynamic recrystallization and phase mixing.  However, the rapidity with which this occurs depends on temperature, grain-size, and composition, and the volume fraction and viscosity contrast between constituent mineral phases. As such, the mineralogical composition of a rocky planet will determine whether the planet can (a) localize deformation, and (b) initiate and sustain Earth-like plate tectonics. This contribution will review experimental evidence for the onset of mylonitization and show the results of models that predict the time scales (and therefore ease) with which planets of different compositions can localize deformation.  Drawing on data from the Hypatia catalog of exoplanets, these models identify specific stars with exoplanets that may be most amenable to forming Earth-like plate tectonics.

How to cite: Skemer, P., Cross, A., Foley, B., and Putirka, K.: Compositional effects on shear localization in planetary lithospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11284,, 2025.

EGU25-11728 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Influence of continental configurations on the thermal structure of the mantle 

Oliver Henke-Seemann and Lena Noack

Tectonic processes shape the Earth's lithosphere and surface. Deformation, as a result of tectonic forcings, arises mainly in the regions of plate boundaries. A recurring process is the subduction of oceanic lithosphere, which is widely regarded as the main driver of plate tectonics and the recycling of surface material into the mantle. In geodynamic models, the breaking of the strong crust is facilitated by processes that mimic plastic deformation. Most efforts to include plate tectonics self-consistently into mantle convection models, combine Newtonian diffusion creep with a stress-dependent pseudo-plastic rheology, given in the form of a yield criterion. Studies from seismology and geodynamic modelling indicate that cold lithospheric crust can reach the lowermost mantle regions, even the core-mantle-boundary. Additionally, the agglomeration of continental lithosphere (the most extreme variants of which are called supercontinents) inhibits the escape of heat over large surface areas, resulting in an abnormally heated mantle beneath. Therefore, it can be argued, that surface processes exert control on mantle dynamics as a whole, by introducing thermal and compositional heterogeneities. 

An example of the influence of surface tectonics on the interior can be found in the study of the Earth's geodynamo. Theoretical considerations and numerical models indicate, that the heat flux at the core-mantle boundary partly governs the variability of the geodynamo, and therefore the frequency of geomagnetic reversals and excursions.  
We run several numerical mantle convection simulations in a 2D-spherical annulus geometry, with various continental configurations at the surface and a visco-plastic rheology. The models are evaluated with respect to well known diagnostic values, used to recognise plate-like surface deformation, as well as the thermal structure of the lower mantle. In this, we aim to evaluate the influence of continental configurations to evolutionary trends in the mantles thermal structure.

How to cite: Henke-Seemann, O. and Noack, L.: Influence of continental configurations on the thermal structure of the mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11728,, 2025.

EGU25-12196 | PICO | GD3.1

Dissecting the puzzle of tectonic lid modes in terrestrial planets 

Maxim Ballmer, Tianyang Lyu, Zhonghai Li, Man-Hoi Lee, Jun Yan, Benjun Wu, and Guochun Zhao

The dynamics of the coupled plate-mantle system control planetary thermal evolution, crustal geology and geo-morphology, dynamo action, as well as atmospheric evolution and habitability. Rocky planets within our solar system display a diverse array of tectonic regimes, despite their similar origins. Among them, Earth is unique in exhibiting plate tectonics, or a “mobile lid”. Several bodies, such as Mars and the Moon, display a tectonically inactive surface, or a “stagnant lid”. An episodic lid or plutonic-squishy lid has been suggested for Venus, and a sluggish lid for early Mars. The conditions that give rise to these regimes and their transitions throughout planetary evolution remain poorly understood.

To address this challenge, we here explore 2D thermochemical mantle-convection models with self-consistent crustal formation and lithospheric yielding. In a broad parameter study, we examine the influence of core-mantle boundary temperature, internal heating rate, upper-mantle activation energy, and effective yield stress on mantle dynamics and surface tectonics. In each model, we analyze the long-term statistics of tectonic characteristics (mobility and plateness) in the statistical steady state in order to quantitatively distinguish between various tectonic regimes. Such an effort that has been previously complicated by the transient nature of planetary evolution. Thereby, we identify a previously unrecognized episodic-squishy lid regime that is characterized by alternating episodes of plutonic-squishy lid and mobile-lid behavior. By systematically exploring the parameter space, we develop a regime diagram that predicts the tectonic evolution of terrestrial planets as they cool over time. Our findings offer a comprehensive framework for understanding the tectonic history of Earth-like planets, shedding light on their surface conditions and interior evolution.

How to cite: Ballmer, M., Lyu, T., Li, Z., Lee, M.-H., Yan, J., Wu, B., and Zhao, G.: Dissecting the puzzle of tectonic lid modes in terrestrial planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12196,, 2025.

EGU25-12381 | PICO | GD3.1

Core-mantle interaction as one cause for dense thermochemical structures at the base of the mantle 

Claudia Stein, Henry Sitte, and Ulrich Hansen

Seismic observations have revealed a range of distinct features at the core-mantle boundary of the Earth. To simulate these structures, typically the presence of a primordial layer (a relic of the magma ocean) is assumed. During mantle convection thermochemical structures develop from this layer for which, however, the excess density and mass need to be prescribed ad hoc and are not well constrained.

An alternative origin of the thermochemical structures could be core material penetrating the mantle by various interaction mechanisms. As a potential explanation of the observed tungsten deficits in some ocean island basalts different mechanisms have been proposed by laboratory experiments. To investigate this concept further, we developed a numerical model that incorporates a chemical gradient between the mantle and core to investigate the infiltration of dense material into the chemically depleted mantle.

In our models core material penetrates the mantle by the diffusive chemical influx in regions where slabs spread across the bottom boundary. As a consequence we observe a self-consistently growing dense layer from which thermochemical structures emerge in a similar way as observed in the primordial layer scenario. In the scenario of core-mantle interaction, however, the thermochemical structures are long-lived because of the constant chemical influx. This temporal stability agrees with plate reconstruction models that suggest a stability of the structures in the last 200-500 Ma. We performed a large parameter study in which we analyzed excess density and mass of the primordial layer as well as rheological parameters for both scenarios. Here, we will present our results on the temporal and spatial stability of the structures resulting in the core-mantle scenario and compare these to results from the primordial layer scenario.

How to cite: Stein, C., Sitte, H., and Hansen, U.: Core-mantle interaction as one cause for dense thermochemical structures at the base of the mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12381,, 2025.

EGU25-12596 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

What controls the bulk iron content of rocky planets? 

Claire Guimond, Oliver Shorttle, Philipp Baumeister, and Raymond Pierrehumbert

Iron is a powerful element shaping rocky planets. The bulk iron content of a planet exerts a first-order control on its interior structure, of fundamental importance to geodynamic processes. Across the rocky planets and dwarf planets in the solar system, bulk iron contents vary considerably, appearing to correlate with orbital distance, and possibly the Sun’s magnetic field strength (McDonough & Yoshizaki, 2021). Potentially-rocky exoplanets show an even greater spread in bulk density and hence inferred bulk iron content. Such exoplanet censuses have begun to give us access to cosmic-scale statistics. We build on McDonough & Yoshizaki (2021) to present a tentative, positive trend between rocky exoplanets’ iron contents and the energy they receive from their host star (instellation). Previous studies have searched for such a trend in iron content with other factors; in particular, with host star iron abundance, as such a link would be evidence for a planet-star compositional connection. If planet bulk iron content is also affected by disk processes, then any other trends would become more complicated to interpret. We use our results to address exoplanet bulk compositional diversity, including the formation of super-Mercuries, and discuss potential implications of high iron contents on broader planet evolution.

McDonough, W. F., & Yoshizaki, T. (2021). Terrestrial planet compositions controlled by accretion disk magnetic field. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 39.

How to cite: Guimond, C., Shorttle, O., Baumeister, P., and Pierrehumbert, R.: What controls the bulk iron content of rocky planets?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12596,, 2025.

EGU25-12655 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Trace element and volatile redistribution from mantle to crust in rocky planetary bodies 

Julia Marleen Schmidt and Lena Noack

Inside the upper mantle of terrestrial planets and other rocky planetary bodies, melting events influence the further evolution of the mantle- crust system significantly. Upon partial melting, trace elements and volatiles that are incompatible with the solid material partition into the melt. If the melt is buoyant, it rises towards the surface where it enriches the crust while depleting the mantle. The change in element quantity in mantle and crust influences, for example in the case of heat producing elements (K, Th, and U) the thermal conditions whereas in the case of water it can affect the outgassing significantly. The amount of redistributed material is often quantified with partition coefficients, which are dependent on pressure, temperature, and composition. However, since there is a lack of high-pressure experiments and models, most studies in the past have typically taken partition coefficients as constant in mantle evolution models.

Our study combines a partition coefficient model that is adjusted for higher upper mantle pressures (Schmidt and Noack, 2021) with a 1D interior evolution model that starts after the magma ocean phase of a planet. We apply the model to the five planetary solar system bodies Mercury, Venus, stagnant-lid and mobile-lid Earth, Moon, Mars (Schmidt et al., in review), as well as planets of varying Earth-masses (Schmidt and Noack, in prep.). We observe that the partition coefficients of K and H2O are sensitive to pressure changes. However, while the P-T-X dependent partition coefficient calculation for heat producing elements exhibits only minor impacts on the thermal evolution, the effects on the H2O-redistribution are significant and imply that the outgassing of water in higher-mass planets might be overestimated if the effects of pressure on the partitioning is not taken into account.

Schmidt, J.M. and Noack, L. (2021): Clinopyroxene/Melt Partitioning: Models for Higher Upper Mantle Pressures Applied to Sodium and Potassium, SysMea, 13(3&4), 125-136.

Schmidt, J.M., Vulpius, S., Brachmann, C., Noack, L.: Redistribution of trace elements from mantle to the crust in rocky solar system bodies, in review.

Schmidt, J.M., Noack, L.: Planet mass controls the mineral/melt partitioning of trace elements in the upper mantle of rocky planets, in preparation.

How to cite: Schmidt, J. M. and Noack, L.: Trace element and volatile redistribution from mantle to crust in rocky planetary bodies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12655,, 2025.

The presence of a molten Basal (BML) enriched in iron and in heat-producing elements (HPE) has been suggested just above the Martian core (Samuel et al., 2023; Khan et al., 2023). Such a BML largely affects interior thermal evolution in multiple ways, through the redistribution of HPE between the BML and the mantle, and the likely suppression of core convection. The mode of heat transport from and across the BML itself is also crucial to Mars's thermo-chemical evolution. This, however, is linked to the convective state within the BML, which is yet to be further constrained. In the case of a compositional stratification within the layer, the large amount of heat generated by the HPE-enriched BML can be transferred to the mantle above and the core below via conduction. If compositional stratification is weak or absent, vigorous convection of the liquid-state BML (compared to the timescale of solid-state mantle convection) would allow additional heat loss from this layer.


Here, we consider the scenario where the BML is the product of end-member fractional crystallisation of the initial global magma ocean, followed by the subsequent overturn of the iron- and HPE-enriched component (as described by e.g. Elkins-Tanton et al., 2003). Contrary to the less extreme equilibrium and intermediate crystallisation modes (e.g. Ballmer et al., 2017), this scenario results in a very strong and stable density stratification, strictly preventing the BML to convect (Samuel et al., 2021, 2023). Using the mantle convection code StagYY, we therefore assume in our models that conduction is the only mode of heat transport across the BML; as such, the intrinsic thermal conductivities of the BML and of the mantle are key parameters that may impact the long-term thermal evolution of Mars, while their influence has not yet been thoroughly explored. Varying the intrinsic thermal conductivity as a function of depth, temperature and composition, we report on its effect on observational diagnostics including, but not limited to, mantle temperature and crustal growth history. We further investigate the thermal exchange and feedback between the BML and the core, considering different thermal structures within the core. Our model results assuming a conductive BML and adiabatic core temperature profile are compared with those obtained in Samuel et al. (2023). 

How to cite: Cheng, K. W., Deschamps, F., and Samuel, H.: Influence of intrinsic thermal conductivity of a stably stratified molten silicate layer above Mars's core : insights from mantle convection simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12899,, 2025.

EGU25-13152 | PICO | GD3.1

The Marsquake Service Reference Catalogue 

John Clinton, Nikolaj Dahmen, Savas Ceylan, Simon Stähler, Domenico Giardini, Cecilia Duran, Geraldine Zenhausern, Fabian Euchner, Anna Horleston, Taichi Kawamura, and Doyeon Kim

The Marsquake Service (MQS) [1] is finalizing the release of the reference catalogue of Martian seismicity recorded by NASA’s InSight mission. Previous catalogue versions [2] listed over 1300 events classified by their observed frequency content into i) low frequency (LF) and broadband (BB) - the key events for constraining interior structure, ii) 2.4 Hz and high frequency (HF) -  representing the majority of events with weak signals and enigmatic origin,  and iii) very high frequency (VF) events, including several nearby impacts [3].

Since the last release in April 2023, directly following the mission end, MQS has reviewed the entire data set, also using denoised data sets [4,5] to refine phase picks, back azimuths, and ensuring consistency across the catalogue. 

For distance computation, MQS has adopted an updated suite of interior models, now applied to all event types [6, 7]. Previously 2.4 Hz, HF, and VF events were located using constant crustal velocities. However,  new insights from observations of impacts and surface waves [8,9,10] suggest these events propagate through deeper interior layers, leading to significantly larger distances.

MQS has revised the frequency-based event classification, incorporating spectral analysis [11] and other parameters such as distance and seasonality to improve event characterization. Events are grouped into three interpretation types:

  • i) Tectonic events, mostly located ~30° east of InSight in Cerberus Fossae and in few other regions with deeper sources, include most LF and BB events with low corner frequencies.
  • ii) Swarm events are a subset of HF and 2.4 Hz events clustered in ~44° distance with shallow seasonal sources, though their source region remains speculative; this group has been significantly expanded through deep learning techniques [5].
  • iii) Meteorite impacts, characterized by high corner frequencies, encompass VF events, several large BB events, and HF/2.4Hz events located outside of the swarm region.

The reference catalogue includes over 1900 events with improved locations and new interpretation types, providing a more comprehensive view of Martian seismicity observed by InSight.

[1] Clinton et al (2018), 10.1007/s11214-018-0567-5

[2] Ceylan et al. (2022), 10.1016/j.pepi.2022.106943

[3] Garcia et al (2022), 10.1038/s41561-022-01014-0

[4] Scholz et al (2020), 10.1029/2020EA001317

[5] Dahmen et al. (2024), 10.1093/gji/ggae279

[6] Khan et al. (2023), 10.1038/s41586-023-06586-4

[7] Samuel et al. (2023), 10.1038/s41586-023-06601-8

[8] Posiolova et al. (2022), 10.1126/science.abq7704

[9] Panning et al. (2023), 10.1029/2022GL101270

[10] Charalambous et al. (in press)

[11] Stähler et al. (in prep.)

How to cite: Clinton, J., Dahmen, N., Ceylan, S., Stähler, S., Giardini, D., Duran, C., Zenhausern, G., Euchner, F., Horleston, A., Kawamura, T., and Kim, D.: The Marsquake Service Reference Catalogue, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13152,, 2025.

EGU25-13839 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Tectonic Diversity in Rocky Exoplanets: The Impact of Planet Mass and Magmatism 

Elena A. Zaharia, Maxim D. Ballmer, John P. Brodholt, Antonio Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba, and Lidunka Vočadlo

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the detection of exoplanets, revealing a remarkable diversity of exoplanetary systems that stand in sharp contrast to our Solar System. These systems exhibit a wide range of variations, including size, mass, orbital distance, and host star type. Among them, rocky exoplanets are particularly intriguing because of their potential to harbour life. Tectonic activity is often considered a crucial ingredient in terms of sustaining life-friendly surface conditions.  Therefore, modelling the interior processes of these terrestrial exoplanets is required to understand their tectonic regimes and identify potentially habitable worlds.

Progress made in numerical modelling has greatly enhanced our understanding of tectonically active “mobile lid” and inactive “stagnant lid” tectonic regimes. Alternative tectonic modes, e.g. the episodic lid, sluggish lid, and plutonic-squishy lid, have also been characterised, but are not fully confirmed by observations. In the context of exoplanet discoveries, the question arises whether the mobile lid regime is more or less likely on larger planets, or if alternative surface tectonic regimes become more prevalent. While this is not a completely unexplored topic, previous research yields conflicting results. Moreover, most existing studies overlook factors such as mantle melting, crustal production, and the occurrence of intrusive magmatism.

In this work, we use the mantle convection code StagYY to model generic sub- and super-Earths in 2D spherical annulus geometry, incorporating crustal formation due to extrusive and intrusive magmatism. We focus on determining the trends in tectonic regimes as a function of planet mass (from 0.5 to 2 times that of Earth), surface yield stress, and the ratio of intrusive-to-extrusive magmatism. Our models suggest that the propensity of the mobile lid regime at low surface yield stresses only depends weakly on planet mass. Additionally, the plutonic-squishy lid regime emerges in models with high intrusion efficiency and high yield stresses, whereas the stagnant lid regime occurs at high extrusion efficiency and high yield stresses. Another noteworthy finding is the identification of the episodic-squishy lid regime at intermediate yield stresses, characterised by an alternation between a mobile and a plutonic-squishy lid. Future research will explore the effects of varying surface temperatures within the model. This study holds significant implications for advancing our understanding of planetary thermal and tectonic evolution.

How to cite: Zaharia, E. A., Ballmer, M. D., Brodholt, J. P., Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba, A., and Vočadlo, L.: Tectonic Diversity in Rocky Exoplanets: The Impact of Planet Mass and Magmatism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13839,, 2025.

EGU25-14052 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Assessing the effects of heat-producing element enrichment and mantle thermal conductivity on the stability of primordial reservoirs 

Joshua Guerrero, Frederic Deschamps, Wen-Pin Hsieh, and Paul Tackley

Thermo-chemical mantle convection models featuring heterogeneous thermal conductivity indicate that heat-producing element (HPE) enrichment in large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) significantly impacts the long-term stability of these regions. Because the rate of internal heating was more significant in the past, thermal conductivity's influence on thermal buoyancy (and bulk erosion) must have also been more substantial. Consequently, their initial volume may have been significantly larger than their present-day volume. Energy balance calculations suggest that a smaller initial mantle volume fraction of LLSVP material supports more HPE enrichment than a larger mantle volume fraction to maintain the mantle's internal heat budget. For example, an initial layer thickness of 160km (~3% mantle volume) implies present-day HPE enrichment factors greater than ~45 times the ambient mantle heating rate (compared with more conservative factors of 10 to 20 for similar initial conditions employed in previous studies of thermo-chemical pile stability). Thus, HPE enrichment may have been significantly underestimated in earlier models of LLSVP evolution. Conversely, and assuming that LLSVPs formed from a much larger reservoir, HPE enrichment may be overestimated based on the present-day LLSVP volume. Our study considers LLSVPs with a primordial geochemical reservoir composition (consistent with an undegassed 4He/3He signature and HPE enrichment). We present thermo-chemical mantle convection models that feature time-dependent internal heating rates and HPE enrichment (implied by initial mantle volume fraction). In this new context, we re-examine, in particular, the impact of a fully heterogeneous lattice thermal conductivity (derived from conductivity measurements of upper and lower mantle minerals). Furthermore, in light of recent developments with radiative conductivity, we also examine the added effect of a strongly temperature-dependent radiative conductivity component on the stability of LLSVPs. Using tomographic filtering on our simulations, with LLSVPs' present-day volume and core-mantle boundary coverage as a constraint, we examine potential initial conditions, heating scenarios, and thermal conductivity for an Earth-like model.

How to cite: Guerrero, J., Deschamps, F., Hsieh, W.-P., and Tackley, P.: Assessing the effects of heat-producing element enrichment and mantle thermal conductivity on the stability of primordial reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14052,, 2025.

The physical processes involved in the transition of a planet  from a liquid magma ocean (‘MO’) to a convective solid mantle are still debated. Highly turbulent penetrative convection prevails when the MO is still liquid on the surface. But as the MO cools down in interaction with its atmosphere, its upper surface thermal boundary layer (‘TBL’) will eventually first becomes partially molten, then solid. As soon as the rheological front, with a melt content less than 40%, reaches the surface, the upper part of the TBL could behave like a solid skin. This has led to suggest that MO cooling would always end up in a stagnant lid regime of convection, whereby mantle convection proceeds under a surface plate that remains stagnant, limiting the heat and volatile transfers to the atmosphere. This would help retaining water within the mantle, but would render the onset of subduction and plate tectonics more difficult (how to break a thick lid?). On the other hand, another family of cooling MO models suggests that the numerous impacts during the early stages of a planet would break repeatedly any floating skin on the MO, so that it would be difficult to establish a stagnant lid regime. 

Laboratory experiments of penetrative convection-evaporation using visco-elasto-plastic colloidal dispersions (Di Giuseppe et al, 2012) suggest that two other phenomena could also be at play to destabilize the first solid skin: (1) melt flowing through a porous skin would generate in-plane compression that could generate buckling, exceed the yield strength of the material and initiate subduction; (2) rapid thermal contraction due to large temperature gradients across the skin could generate stresses large enough to exceed the yield strength and initiate subduction. 

We use these insights to explore the growth and stability of the TBL at the surface of a cooling magma ocean which interacts with a H₂O-CO₂ atmosphere. Our results indicate that, while on Earth, thermal stresses due to cooling could easily exceed the early lithosphere yield strength, this might not have been the case on Venus. On Venus, this process is strongly influenced by atmospheric conditions. For a high albedo of 0.5, the upper TBL could yield as early as 1.5 million years after cooling begins, similar to Earth, and therefore the MO stage would end up directly into a convective regime with repeated breaking and foundering of the lithosphere (e.g. subduction). But for an albedo of 0.2, thermal stresses never overcome the TBL’s yield strength. In such a scenario, the MO stage would end in a stagnant lid regime, which could act as a barrier to heat transfer and potentially filter degassing.

How to cite: Davaille, A. and Massol, H.: On the stability of the first solid skin at the surface of a magma ocean: stable on early Venus, breaking on early Earth ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14718,, 2025.

EGU25-15172 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Influence of solidification mechanism on magma ocean dynamics and evolution 

Christian Maas and Ulrich Hansen

During a later stage of Earth's accretion, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, impacts of Mars-sized bodies created a deep terrestrial magma ocean of global extent on proto-Earth. Once core formation is complete, the magma ocean begins to solidify. However, the solidification mechanism and the location where crystallization initiates remain unclear and are subjects of debate. One widely accepted model posits that solidification begins at the bottom of the magma ocean (e.g., [1]). Contrarily, laboratory experiments conducted under high-pressure and temperature conditions suggest two alternate scenarios: Solidification may also commence at the top of the magma ocean (e.g., [2]) or at mid-depth (e.g., [3,4]). The latter might yield a deep molten layer, referred to as a basal magma ocean, at the core-mantle boundary, which could potentially endure chemically and thermally isolated from the remaining mantle for an extended period [5].

We model these three distinct solidification styles (bottom-up, top-down, mid-depth) and examine their impact on the dynamics and temporal evolution of a convecting magma ocean through computational simulations. Determining whether the magma ocean solidifies from the bottom up, top-down, or in a mid-outward manner holds paramount significance for Earth's evolution, influencing factors such as the level of differentiation and the initial conditions governing the advent of plate tectonics. Furthermore, the dominant mechanism and its timing could bear crucial implications for the ensuing evolution of the mantle and the distribution of geochemical trace elements.

[1] Andrault et al. (2011) EPSL, 304(1), 251–259.
[2] Mosenfelder et al. (2007) JGR: Solid Earth, 112(B6).
[3] Stixrude et al. (2009) EPSL, 278(3), 226–232.
[4] Boukaré et al. (2015) JGR: Solid Earth, 120(9), 6085–6101.
[5] Labrosse et al. (2007) Nature, 450(7171), 866–869.

How to cite: Maas, C. and Hansen, U.: Influence of solidification mechanism on magma ocean dynamics and evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15172,, 2025.

EGU25-15903 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Exoplanet characterization across the mass-radius space using machine learning 

Philipp Baumeister, Johannes Bahrenberg, Nicola Tosi, and Aleeda Charly

Characterizing the internal composition of exoplanets is an essential part in understanding the diversity of observed exoplanets and the processes that govern their formation and evolution. However, the interior of an exoplanet is inaccessible to observations, and can only be investigated via numerical structure models. Furthermore, interior models are inherently non-unique, because the large number of unknown parameters outweigh the limited amount of observables. One set of observable parameters can correspond to a multitude of possible planet interiors.

Probabilistic inference methods, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, are a common, but computationally intensive and time-consuming tool to solve this inverse problem and obtain a comprehensive picture of possible planetary interiors, while also taking into account observational uncertainties. This prohibits large-scale characterization of exoplanet populations.

We explore here an alternative approach to interior characterization utilizing ExoMDN, a stand-alone machine-learning model based on mixture density networks (MDNs) that is capable of providing a full probabilistic inference of exoplanet interiors in under a second, without the need for extensive modeling of each exoplanet's interior or even a dedicated interior model. ExoMDN is trained on a large database of 5.6 million precomputed, synthetic interior structures of low mass exoplanets. 

The fast prediction times allow investigations into planetary interiors which were not feasible before. We demonstrate how ExoMDN can be leveraged to perform large-scale interior characterizations across the entire population of low-mass exoplanets. We can show how ExoMDN can be used to comprehensively quantify the effect of measurement uncertainties on the ability to constrain the interior of a planet, and to which accuracy these parameters need to be measured to well characterize a planet’s interior.

How to cite: Baumeister, P., Bahrenberg, J., Tosi, N., and Charly, A.: Exoplanet characterization across the mass-radius space using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15903,, 2025.

EGU25-16831 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Modelling the evolution of the short-lived Hf-W and Sm-Nd isotope systems in mantle convection models 

Jiacheng Tian, Paul Tackley, and Tim Elliott

The 182Hf-182W (half-life = 8.9 Myr) and 146Sm-142Nd (half-life = 103 Myr) isotope systems offer valuable insights into Earth's early differentiation and evolution. Active during the first ~50 and ~500 million years of solar system history, respectively, these systems preserve evidence of primordial fractionation processes, and for Hf-W system, possible imprints from the late accretion and Earth’s core-mantle interaction. Differences in W and Nd isotope ratios between Archean mantle and modern mantle suggest the long-term mixing of early-formed geochemical reservoirs within the silicate Earth over the Hadean and Archean. The absence of a direct correlation between 182W and 142Nd ratios in Archean rocks implies that silicate differentiation may not be the only significant process influencing the evolution of these isotopic systems.

Our study uses the global geodynamic model StagYY to track the evolution of the 182Hf-182W and 146Sm-142Nd isotope systems through mantle convection. With models start at 60 Myr after CAI formation, corresponding to an earlier estimated time of the Moon-forming impact, we investigate changes of isotopic ratios in basaltic material over time due to melting, magmatic crust formation, mantle mixing, and possible external inputs such as core-mantle interaction. Our model results demonstrate that (1) if Earth’s mantle was fully homogenized during the magma ocean period, the 182Hf-182W and 146Sm-142Nd systems would be naturally decoupled due to the low abundance of 182Hf in Earth’s mantle at 60 Myr, and (2) the chemical mixing within the mantle is strongly affected by mantle depletion: models indicate that the early-depleted mantle could remain in the lower mantle for billions of years but rarely resurface and be erupted, while early-formed basaltic crust could also stay at the core-mantle boundary for billions of years due to its high intrinsic density and influence the isotopic ratios of newly-formed crust through model time. These findings provide new insights into the processes shaping Earth's early geochemical evolution and highlight the importance of using thermo-chemical models in studying Earth's early history.

How to cite: Tian, J., Tackley, P., and Elliott, T.: Modelling the evolution of the short-lived Hf-W and Sm-Nd isotope systems in mantle convection models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16831,, 2025.

EGU25-16834 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Rheological controls on the plate-mantle system using Earth-like mantle models 

Marla Metternich, Paul Tackley, and Maëlis Arnould

Earth’s interior plays an important role in the long-term evolution of the surface, climate and biosphere. Rheology is the cornerstone of mantle convection and tectonics, and constraining mantle viscosity has been a priority in the geodynamic community. In this study, we employ fully self-consistent and three-dimensional Earth-like mantle convection models[1]. The mantle rheology is temperature-, pressure- and stress-dependent. Plate-like behaviour in global mantle models can be obtained using a pseudo-plastic rheology[2]. Rheology in some of our models also depends on phase and creep mechanism. As in previous work[3], this is implemented by using laboratory values for activation energy and activation volume for the upper mantle and an analytical fit to experimental data for the lower mantle. The novelty of this work lies in employing a composite rheology with “realistic” rheological parameters in a fully three-dimensional geometry. Using these more realistic models, we aim to improve our understanding of mantle rheology in the context of self-consistent generation of plate-like behaviour. To achieve this, slab sinking rates will be computed that can be compared to estimates based on tomography[4], which is a relatively new source of constraint[5]. The tectonic mode depends on the plastic yield stress. In turn, the yield stress parameter space for a plate-like regime depends on whether continents, phase-dependent rheology and dislocation creep are considered. Thus, the yield stress and reference viscosity parameter spaces must first be explored for each rheological model. Generally, we observe that lower yield stresses lead to higher surface mobilities. On top of high surface mobility (deformation), plate-like behaviour asks for localisation of deformation in narrow zones. Plateness is a widely used measure for this, which we find to be high for models with sufficiently low yield stresses. Furthermore, preliminary results show that models with phase-dependent rheology are more likely to be in a plate-like regime compared to models without a viscosity jump between the upper and lower mantle. Lastly, we hypothesise that the slab sinking speed may be highly sensitive to rheology and may be affected by the presence of continents.


[1] Tackley, P. J. (2008). Modelling compressible mantle convection with large viscosity contrasts in a three-dimensional spherical shell using the yin-yang grid. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171(1–4), Article 1–4.

[2] Moresi, L., & Solomatov, V. (1998). Mantle convection with a brittle lithosphere: Thoughts on the global tectonic styles of the Earth and Venus. Geophysical Journal International, 133(3), 669–682.

[3] Tackley, P. J., Ammann, M., Brodholt, J. P., Dobson, D. P., & Valencia, D. (2013). Mantle dynamics in super-Earths: Post-perovskite rheology and self-regulation of viscosity. Icarus, 225(1), 50–61.

[4] Van der Meer, D. G., Van Hinsbergen, D. J., & Spakman, W. (2018). Atlas of the underworld: Slab remnants in the mantle, their sinking history, and a new outlook on lower mantle viscosity. Tectonophysics, 723, 309-448.

[5] Van Der Wiel, E., Van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., Thieulot, C., & Spakman, W. (2024). Linking rates of slab sinking to long-term lower mantle flow and mixing. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 625, 118471.

How to cite: Metternich, M., Tackley, P., and Arnould, M.: Rheological controls on the plate-mantle system using Earth-like mantle models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16834,, 2025.

Recent impact simulations show that a planet’s iron core can be greatly heated by a giant impact – indeed , by more than the mantle above it (Zhou et al., 2024). This has been proposed to result in long-term influences on mantle evolution in Venus (Marchi et al., 2023), although previous works have shown that for an Earth-like planet, cases with different initial core temperature tend to converge to the same evolutionary path (Nakagawa and Tackley, 2010). Here, the evolution of the coupled mantle and core after giant impact heating of the core is examined using a 2D mantle model coupled to a 1D core model using the StagYY modelling framework.

If the outer core becomes hotter than the liquidus of mantle rock then it 100% melts the bottom of the mantle, with the molten mantle at the same potential temperature as the outer core. The melt front propagates rapidly upwards due to heat supplied by vigorous outer core & molten mantle convection (a Stefan problem) at the same time cooling the outer core rapidly. This phase of rapid mantle melting + core cooling continues until the bottom of the mantle has cooled to the rheological transition (~40% melt fraction). Depending on the temperature, the resulting very hot material at the base of the mantle tends to rise quickly in the form of plumes, causing a pulse of magmatism at the surface (in addition to any magmatism caused by impact heating of the mantle). At the bottom, melt-solid segregation upwards or downwards may result in further complexities including an iron-rich somewhat molten silicate layer. In any case, results show that impact heating of the core leads to transient phenomena rather than long-term dynamical effects.

Marchi, S., Rufu, R. & Korenaga, J. Long-lived volcanic resurfacing of Venus driven by early collisions. Nat Astron 7, 1180–1187 (2023).

Nakagawa, T. and P. J. Tackley (2010) Influence of initial CMB temperature and other parameters on the thermal evolution of Earth's core resulting from thermo-chemical spherical mantle convection, Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 11, Q06001, 16 pp., doi:10.1029/2010GC003031.

Zhou, Y., Driscoll, P.E., Zhang, M., Reinhardt, C., Meier, T. (2024) A Scaling Relation for Core Heating by Giant Impacts and Implications for Dynamo Onset, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets2024, 129(5), e2023JE008163

How to cite: Tackley, P.: Impact-induced core heating has only short-term effects of planetary evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17231,, 2025.

EGU25-18383 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

The Peculiar Case of Extensional Tectonics on Venus: Modes of RIfting and Activity 

Anna Gülcher, Michael Gurnis, and Suzanne Smrekar

Venus’ geological history holds critical insights into why Venus and Earth, despite their similarities, have followed such divergent evolutionary paths. Recent discoveries have transformed the perception of Venus from a geologically inactive planet to a one characterized by active and diverse geological processes. Mantle convection, lithospheric delamination, and plume-lithosphere (have) create(d) a surface rich with tectonic and volcanic structures, despite the absence of plate tectonics today. Among the most striking tectonic features on Venus are the expansive extensional rift structures, or "chasmata", which can span up to 10,000 km in length and show both unique and familiar features relative to Earth’s extensional tectonics. Many of Venus' rifts exhibit intersecting branches, multiple troughs, and associations with coronae, which are often interpreted as small-scale mantle upwellings.

Here, we present the first 3D geodynamic models of rift tectonics on Venus. With models of uniformly, slowly extending lithosphere, we investigate the impact of crustal rheology (wet vs. dry diabase, i.e., weaker vs. stronger crust) and the thickness of the crust and lithosphere on rift geometry, topography, surface fracturing, and heat flow. We further explore interactions between evolving rift structures and thermal upwellings (plumes) and magmatic intrusions – considered key components of Venus’ geodynamic regime.

We find that rift morphology is highly sensitive to crustal rheology and lithospheric properties, with five modes of rift morphologies predicted: (1) narrow, (2) wide-valley, (3) wide-troughs, (4) multiple, and (5) branching; of which the latter three (see Figure) align most closely with Venus observations. We find that a dry diabase crust -- often assumed likely for Venus -- favors Venus-like rift patterns only when combined with a thin, warm lithosphere, leading to focused faulting and branching rift structures. In contrast, a weaker wet diabase crustal rheology results in broader, less pronounced deformation zones. Underplated thermal plumes induce lower-crustal intrusions and cause localized lithospheric weakening, narrowing the rift regionally.

Importantly, the results show that along-axis rift geometry variations, like multiple offsets and branching, can emerge even in symmetric, uni-axial extension settings. Moreover, the models indicate that if Venus' crust follows a dry diabase rheology, a significantly warm and thin lithosphere is required to reproduce observed rift characteristics. Through comparison to observations, we find that Venus rift morphologies are reproduced by various activity stages of model evolution, commonly under conditions of a thin lithosphere, which supports the possibility that Venus rifts are currently active.

This research was partially conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract (80NM0018D0004) with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 

How to cite: Gülcher, A., Gurnis, M., and Smrekar, S.: The Peculiar Case of Extensional Tectonics on Venus: Modes of RIfting and Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18383,, 2025.

EGU25-19786 | ECS | PICO | GD3.1

Detecting Lava Oceans on Hot Exoplanets Using the Glint Effect 

Haolin Li and Daniel Koll

Theory and models predict that extremely hot rocky exoplanets (T>850 K) could be covered with lava oceans. However, direct observational evidence of lava oceans remains elusive. Here we show that phase curves can be used to distinguish between planets with smooth, molten surfaces (lava-ocean) versus rough, solid surfaces (Moon- or Mercury-like). To do so, we argue that lava oceans should be smooth enough to exhbit specular reflection, which gives rise to an ocean "glint". We develop both numerical and analytical models which solve for the reflected and emitted light of a surface with specular versus Lambertian reflection. We show that the phase curve of a specular surface is much flatter than the well-known sinusoidal shape of a Lambert surface, and causes the phase curve amplitude to be noticeably smaller than the secondary eclipse depth. Incorporating Fresnels law, we predict that two peaks will appear near transit for low-albedo surfaces. Our results suggest that phase curve variations caused by the glint effect can be used to detect smooth, molten surfaces such as lava oceans. This detection method holds promise for characterization of hot rocky exoplanets with thin atmospheres using JWST.

How to cite: Li, H. and Koll, D.: Detecting Lava Oceans on Hot Exoplanets Using the Glint Effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19786,, 2025.

EGU25-20096 | PICO | GD3.1

The role of graphite in the formation of thrust faults on Mercury 

Matteo Massironi, Natalia Amanda Vergara Sassarini, Telemaco Tesei, and Andrea Bistacchi

Globally, the most widespread contractional landforms on Mercury are lobate scarps. Lobate scarps are linear or curvilinear topographic features interpreted as the surface expression of thrust faults, formed as a consequence of planetary cooling and contraction. These features have been studied extensively, from the initial images captured by Mariner-10 to the more recent data acquired by MESSENGER's Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS). However, although several works have analyzed the global tectonics of the planet (e.g. Klimckzak et al. 2015; Watters et al., 2015), a comprehensive interpretation of thrust faults geometry and their mechanical behavior on a global scale has not yet been fully constrained. Here we show that the formation and growth of large-scale lobate scarps is facilitated by the presence of a graphite-rich layer(s), acting as fault lubricant. We studied thrust faults from seven different Mercury quadrangles and derived their geometric characteristics (relief height, amount of shortening, detachment depth) considering a fault-propagation geometry for a range of possible dip angles on isolated thrusts. Using a critical taper theory-based model (iterative mechanical model) we then estimated the basal friction coefficient for thrust-belts located in the same quadrangles. The low obtained friction coefficients indicate the presence of a weak material that allows fault slip. Our results demonstrate the crucial role that graphite possibly plays in shaping Mercury’s lithosphere, providing new understanding on thrust faults nucleation and growth and establishing a possible connection between surface deformational processes and Mercury’s early crust composition.

How to cite: Massironi, M., Vergara Sassarini, N. A., Tesei, T., and Bistacchi, A.: The role of graphite in the formation of thrust faults on Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20096,, 2025.

EGU25-331 | ECS | Posters on site | GD2.2

Petrogenesis of magmatic and hydrothermally derived late stage minerals associated with granitic plutonic complexes: A case study from the Ladakh Batholith, NW Himalayas, India 

Deepak Bhoir, Mallika Jonnalagadda, Gajanan Walunj, Hardik Sanklecha, Rishabh Bose, Bibhas Kulkarni, Raymond Duraiswami, and Nitin Karmalkar

Collision of the Indian and Asian continental plates and subsequent northwards subduction of the Indian plate beneath the active Andean-type southern margin resulted in the intrusion of a 2500km long Trans-Himalayan calc-alkaline batholith known as the Ladakh Plutonic Complex, or Ladakh Batholith. The Ladakh batholiths lies sandwiched between the Indus Suture Zone in the south and is unconformably overlain by the post-collisional Indus Molasse Group. In the Chumathang area, SE of Leh, the batholith (⁓ 400 mts high) is represented by two major granitoid phases exposed on the eastern side of Indus river. The granodiorite (57.7 ± 0.2 Ma) is dark-colored, massive, medium to coarse grained composed of plagioclase, quartz, hornblende, biotite with minor titanite, apatite, zircon, epidote, magnetite, ilmenite. The younger leucogranite (47.1 ± 0.1 Ma) is a relatively fine-grained rock containing quartz, plagioclase, and biotite with minor muscovite, zircon, tourmaline, and allanite. Several pegmatite veins of variable thickness are seen cross-cutting both phases of granite and at times intrude into the older metasediments.

Compositionally, these veins are dominated by quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, microcline and minor biotite, muscovite, and zircon. Minerals like tourmaline, chlorite, fluorite, aquamarine, baryte etc. are commonly observed along vein margins. The Chumathang granitoids exhibit pervasive hydrothermal alteration, with pronounced chloritization observed in proximity to fluorite mineralization zones. Chlorite is seen closely associated with biotite (K = > 1wt.%) with enriched Fe, Mn and Mg concentrations indicating elevated oxygen fugacity conditions. Flourite typically occurs in variable colors like green, purple, white and brown indicating different stages of fluid evolution. Ca contents vary between 55.27 wt.% to 60.85 wt. % with F varying between 41.33 to 46.39 wt.% higher than previous reports. Allanite, a REE-rich mineral belonging to the epidote group, has been identified in the present study. Allanites exhibit compositional zoning with rims enriched in Ca, Mg and Al as compared to core. Aquamarine, the blue to greenish-blue gem variety of beryl has also been identified in the pegmatites from the study area. Presence of predominant minerals like biotite, amphibole and epidote clearly suggest that both phases of granites and pegmatites were formed from a high temperature magma source. Secondary minerals like chlorite, fluorite, allanite and aquamarine found associated with the host rocks indicate derivation from a complex interplay of both late stage pegmatitic as well as hydrothermal melts. The observed accessory and secondary minerals from the study area provide key insights into magmatic differentiation, post-magmatic fluid activity, thermal history, and mineralization potential and economic potential of such plutonic complexes.

Keywords: Ladakh Batholith, Chumathang granitoids, pegmatites, magma crystallization, hydrothermal alteration

How to cite: Bhoir, D., Jonnalagadda, M., Walunj, G., Sanklecha, H., Bose, R., Kulkarni, B., Duraiswami, R., and Karmalkar, N.: Petrogenesis of magmatic and hydrothermally derived late stage minerals associated with granitic plutonic complexes: A case study from the Ladakh Batholith, NW Himalayas, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-331,, 2025.

EGU25-840 | Posters on site | GD2.2

The evidences of deep melting processes in xenolith bearing mafic rocks in Southern Thrace region: The new insights for peridotite and the pyroxenite source melting 

Biltan Kurkcuoglu, Mehmet Tekin Yürür, Berivan Günes, Tanya Furman, and Barry Hanan


The evidences of deep melting processes in xenolith bearing mafic rocks in Southern Thrace region: The new insights for peridotite and the pyroxenite source melting

       Xenolith bearing mafic rocks with late Miocene age are widely distributed in southern Thrace region. Primitive mantle - normalised multi-element diagrams of these mafic rocks display OIB signature and specific incompatible element ratios such as Nb/La (1.65-2.05) Nb/U (37.81 -48.74), Zr/Ba (0.45-0.72) further indicate that mafic rocks were originated from the OIB-like component. Re content of xenoliths range between 0.09 – 0.44 and similar with fertile mantle values (0.26 ppb) suggested by Morgan (1986), besides, xenoliths (0.1191-.0.1379) and the host rocks (0.1279-0.1439) have the similar   187Os/188Os isotopic compositions.

        Geothermobarometric analyses of clinopyroxene (Putirka, 2008) from host basalts express that the melting source resides at an estimated depth of around 85 km. In addition, Gd/Yb ratios span between 0.97-3.3 in xenoliths and also span between 3.92-5.24 in basaltic rocks, suggest melting from a deep source.The mafic lavas of Thrace region with high Tb/Yb(N) values (2.33 – 3.16) seem to be derived from garnet bearing peridotite (Tb/Yb(N) >1.8 Wang et al., 2002) and these ratios also gain significant support from Dy/Yb values that range between 2-2.43 for xenoliths and 1.98-3.27 for host rocks. High Nb/U, Gd/Yb ratios, Re-Os isotopic compositions, and the REE-based melting model starting from the primitive xenoliths (from study region) and pyroxenite source (Van Nostrand, 2015) reveal that single source melting is not capable of producing   the mafic lavas, instead, these rocks appear to originate from the melting of the deeper part of the mantle rather than shallow asthenosphere.

How to cite: Kurkcuoglu, B., Yürür, M. T., Günes, B., Furman, T., and Hanan, B.: The evidences of deep melting processes in xenolith bearing mafic rocks in Southern Thrace region: The new insights for peridotite and the pyroxenite source melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-840,, 2025.

On June 10, 2021, a M 5.1 earthquake occurred in the region between two large parallel strike-slip faults in Shuangbai County, Yunnan Province. To investigate the earthquake's mechanism, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the mainshock and its aftershock sequence were analyzed using template matching detection and relocation methods. Additionally, the regional stress field and fault slip tendency were examined. Other factors, such as tidal stress and the triggering effects of previous seismic events, were also considered. The results reveal that the 2021 M 5.1 Shuangbai earthquake sequence exhibited fluid-driven outward migration from the initial hypocenters. The study area is characterized by a strike-slip stress regime, with a nearly horizontal σ1 oriented in the NNW-SSE direction and a horizontal σ3. It was found that the seismogenic fault of the Shuangbai earthquake sequence was not optimally aligned with the regional stress conditions. The findings suggest that fluid overpressure played a primary role, while tidal stress had a secondary influence, in the occurrence of the mainshock and its aftershocks.

How to cite: Xie, C., Huang, M., and xu, Y.: Physical mechanism of the 2021 M 5.1 Shuangbai earthquake and its aftershock sequence in Yunnan Province, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1917,, 2025.

EGU25-2372 | Orals | GD2.2

Evolution of the of Variscan orogenic mantle root in Europe viewed through combined analysis of tectonic models and mantle xenoliths 

Jacek Puziewicz, Sonja Aulbach, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Michel Grégoire, and Małgorzata Ziobro-Mikrut

The European Variscan orogen (EVO) originated through tectonic accretion of few continental ribbons followed by collision of Gondwana and Laurussia, including docking of mantle parts of incoming terrains to the mantle wedge. At the late- and post-orogenic stage, the thickened orogenic root (Moho depth ca 55-60 km) flattened by lateral crustal flow and gravitational collapse [1], although this was not uniform across the EVO. In the Bohemian Massif, the crust is still fairly thick (ca. 35 km) and the impact of gravity-driven lateral flow of partially molten orogenic root was rather limited [2]. In contrast, the geology of French Massif Central (FMC) reflects the importance of lateral flow of the partially molten crustal orogenic root and its exhumation in crustal-scale domes beneath low-angle detachments. Where flattening occurred, it produced a relatively flat Moho at ca 30-32 km depth [3]. Thus, the lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle underlying the orogen must have been exhumed by 20-30 km.

The mantle parts of the EVO are sampled – as peridotite xenoliths – by numerous Cenozoic alkaline lavas of the Central European Volcanic Province. Despite locally strong Cenozoic metasomatic overprint, these xenoliths offer the opportunity to decipher the evolution of lithospheric mantle from which they come [4] including whether the xenoliths can constrain which parts of the Variscan orogen escaped delamination.

Slices of Variscan “orogenic peridotites”, attached to the growing orogen, now occur in the exposed basement “massifs”. They usually belong to the peridotite garnet facies (e. g. [5]), whereas the peridotite xenoliths occurring in Cenozoic lavas are exclusively spinel peridotites [6], confirming that large part of lithospheric mantle underlying EVO was exhumed from garnet- to spinel-facies P-T conditions. This decompression is recorded by spinel-pyroxene symplectites after garnet in some xenoliths, such as at Montboissier in the northern FMC domain.

Indeed, the xenoliths sampling large parts of the EVO lithospheric mantle are clinopyroxene-poor and depleted in major melt-mobile elements, suggesting that they represent lithospheric mantle fragments tectonically attached to the orogen root during orogenesis (“Variscan orogenic mantle” of [5]) which escaped subsequent delamination.

Our analysis suggests that lithospheric mantle evolution deciphered from xenoliths, if combined with geological data on crust evolution, allow to elaborate more pertinent tectonic-geodynamic models of EVO.

Funding. This study originated thanks to the project of Polish National Centre of Research 2021/41/B/ST10/00900 to JP.

[1] Vanderhaeghe, O., Laurent, O., Gardien, V.Moyen, J.-F., Gébelin, A., Chelle-Michou, C., Couzinie, S., Villaros, A., Bellanger, M., 2020. BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 191, 25.

[2] Schulmann, K., Lexa, O., Janoušek, V., Lardeaux, J.M. and Edel, J.B. 2014. Geology, 42, 275–278

[3] Artemieva, I., Meissner, R., 2012. Tectonophysics 530-531, 18-49.

[4] Puziewicz, J., Aulbach, S., Kaczmarek, M.-A., Ntaflos, T., Matusiak-Małek, M., Ziobro-Mikrut, M., Gerdes, A., 2025. Lithos 494-495, 107908.

[5] Kubeš, M., Čopjaková, R., Kotková, J., Ackerman, L., Haifler, J., Výravský, J., Holá, Škoda, R., Leichmann, J., 2024. Journal of Petrology 65, egae108.

[6] Puziewicz, J., Matusiak-Małek, M., Ntaflos, T., Grégoire, M., Kaczmarek, M.-A., Aulbach, S., Ziobro, M., Kukuła, A., 2020. Lithos 362-363, 105467.

How to cite: Puziewicz, J., Aulbach, S., Vanderhaeghe, O., Grégoire, M., and Ziobro-Mikrut, M.: Evolution of the of Variscan orogenic mantle root in Europe viewed through combined analysis of tectonic models and mantle xenoliths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2372,, 2025.

EGU25-2750 | Orals | GD2.2

Fluid segregation and retention in deep‑seated rocks near percolation thresholds 

Michihiko Nakamura, Wakana Fujita, Kentaro Uesugi, Philipp Eichheimer, Marcel Thielmann, and Gregor Golabek

Fluid segregation in deep-seated rocks has profound implications for their physical and chemical properties. Gravity drives the segregation of fluids interconnected through grain edges and corners, along with the compaction of the rock matrix, whereas isolated fluids are retained in the rocks. For wetting fluids, the critical volume fraction (i.e., percolation threshold) separating these two cases is principally determined by the balance and anisotropy of solid-fluid interfacial tensions (i.e., dihedral angle and faceting effect); however, the processes controlling the percolation threshold for non-wetting fluids are unclear, despite their critical importance, especially in the amount of pore fluids down-dragged in subducting slabs to the Earth’s interior. Hence, we implemented a combined approach involving high-pressure rock synthesis, high-resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray computed microtomography (CT) imaging, and numerical permeability computation to better understand how the permeability decreases and fluids are retained at low fluid fractions. We chose quartzite as a well-studied natural rock analog that is simplified but does not lose its essence as a silicate polycrystalline aggregate. A mixture of finely ground quartz and amorphous silica powders was sealed in Pt-lined Ni capsules with C-O-H fluid sources at different fractions and compositions and hot-pressed using a piston-cylinder apparatus. The dihedral angles of the experimental systems were 52° and 61–71° for the wetting and non-wetting systems, respectively.

In the wetting system, fluid connectivity rapidly decreased to approximately zero when the total fluid fraction decreased to 3.0–3.7 vol. %, mainly due to the grain faceting effect, consistent with the results of the previous study. In the non-wetting systems bearing CO2-rich fluids, the cutoff of fluid tubules isolated 4.8–6.2 vol. % of the fluid. A streamline computation based on the X-ray CT images of the experimental products revealed that the fluid flow just above this threshold focused on a few channels, establishing efficient channelized fluid pathways. These retained fluid fractions are higher than those in the previous assessment based solely on the dihedral angle, that is, the pinch-off condition for ideal (isotropic and homogeneous) fluid geometry and the equilibrium fluid fraction that minimizes the total interfacial energy of the fluid-rock system. Hence, the amount of aqueous fluids dragged down to the Earth’s interior could be higher than previously estimated, although the specific volume fraction depends on the anisotropy and heterogeneity of the system of interest.

How to cite: Nakamura, M., Fujita, W., Uesugi, K., Eichheimer, P., Thielmann, M., and Golabek, G.: Fluid segregation and retention in deep‑seated rocks near percolation thresholds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2750,, 2025.

EGU25-4266 | ECS | Orals | GD2.2

Emplacement of the Pindos ophiolite, NW Greece: P-T-t-kinematic constraints from the metamorphic sole 

Dimitrios Moutzouris, Evangelos Moulas, Dimitrios Kostopoulos, and Panagiotis Pomonis

Metamorphic soles are key petrotectonic units that offer valuable insights into the processes governing ophiolite emplacement. Ophiolite obduction involves complex thermomechanical phenomena and is associated with limited petrological data. In this work, we have investigated the metamorphic sole of the Pindos ophiolite in northwestern Greece. In the studied locality, the sole is sandwiched between mantle peridotites and pillow lavas of N-MORB affinity. We mainly focused on two lithologies: a garnet-mica metapelite and an amphibolite. Petrographic investigation of the metapelite revealed quartz inclusions in garnet indicating syn-kinematic growth, asymmetric quartz ribbons and S-C shear bands of syn-kinematic mica, all being consistent with top-to-the-NE shearing. Petrographic and textural evidence, temperature calculations (Fe-Mg garnet-biotite exchange and paragonite-muscovite solvus thermometry), and phase-equilibria modelling using an effective bulk composition bracket metamorphism at amphibolite-facies conditions (ca. 620-640°C and 1.1-1.2 GPa). Moreover, Quartz-in-Garnet (QuiG) barometry yielded a pressure of ~1.2 GPa for 635°C demonstrating that the syn-kinematic growth of garnet took place under high-pressure conditions. New ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar geochronology of syn-kinematic muscovite from the metapelite and amphibole from the amphibolite showed an apparent minimum age of 164.16 ± 0.37 Ma and a consistent age plateau at 165.5 ± 0.73 Ma respectively. Notably, the amphibole exhibited no evidence of argon loss, suggesting its apparent age closely represents the time of formation. The muscovite age, by contrast, should be considered a minimum apparent age due to the potential influence of argon diffusion. Despite this limitation, the studied metapelite represents, in all probability, metamorphosed pelagic sediments in association with oceanic crust of N-MORB affinity. A combination of heat conduction from the overlying peridotite and shear heating developed during emplacement are considered responsible for the formation of the metapelite. Our joint petrological, geochronological and structural data indicate that the Pindos metamorphic sole records evidence of rapid thrusting (<2.5Myr) of the ophiolite from a westerly oceanic tract (Pindos Ocean) onto the Pelagonian margin over to the east in Callovian times (uppermost mid-Jurassic).

How to cite: Moutzouris, D., Moulas, E., Kostopoulos, D., and Pomonis, P.: Emplacement of the Pindos ophiolite, NW Greece: P-T-t-kinematic constraints from the metamorphic sole, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4266,, 2025.

EGU25-4668 | Posters on site | GD2.2

Unraveling the structure of the magmatic hydrothermal system beneath Uturuncu Volcano by joint seismological and petrophysical analysis 

Ying Liu, Michael Kendall, Haijiang Zhang, Jonathan Blundy, Matthew Pritchard, Thomas Hudson, and Patricia MacQueen

The eruption risk of a volcano depends on how much melt and gas have built up in its magmatic hydrothermal system in the upper crust. However, it is still challenging to characterize their spatial distributions and quantitatively estimate their concentrations. By integrating geophysical imaging results, petrological analysis and rock physics models, we mapped the migration pathways of fluids and gases and estimated their concentrations beneath Uturuncu volcano in Bolivia. This volcano last erupted 250,000 years ago, and our results explain why it still shows activity and are helpful for assessing its future eruption risks. This study shows how combining seismology, petrology and rock physics can help resolve the internal structure and composition of hydrothermal system beneath a volcano.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Kendall, M., Zhang, H., Blundy, J., Pritchard, M., Hudson, T., and MacQueen, P.: Unraveling the structure of the magmatic hydrothermal system beneath Uturuncu Volcano by joint seismological and petrophysical analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4668,, 2025.

EGU25-6264 | ECS | Posters on site | GD2.2

Deep fluids transported by Apennine rivers: quantification of deep CO2 emission and implications for geochemical monitoring of the seismic activity. 

Mauro Tieri, Carlo Cardellini, Giovanni Chiodini, Stefano Caliro, Francesco Frondini, Daniele Cinti, Domenico Barberio, Dino Di Renzo, Alessandro Santi, Emilio Cuoco, Francesco Rufino, and Antonio Caracausi

Central Italy is affected by a significant migration of deep CO2 through the crust. CO2 upraise gives rise to numerous gas emissions in the western Tyrrhenian domain where extensional deformation has dismantled the compressional structures, enabling fluid emissions through a mature set of normal faults. Conversely, the thickened crust and the abundant groundwater circulation in carbonate aquifers of the Apennine “trap” migrating deep fluids. Here, in the eastern Apennine sector, deep CO2 dissolves in the large carbonate aquifers, while the CO2 anomalies disappear in the easternmost Adriatic domain. This divide is reflected in seismicity patterns, with Apennine earthquakes clustering close to the degassing anomaly boundary. Significant variations in dissolved deep CO2 were observed in some springs from large Apennine aquifers during the seismic crises of L’Aquila 2009 and Central Italy 2016-17, suggesting feedback mechanisms between CO2 degassing and seismicity. The region is also characterised by a dense hydrological network (i.e., the Tiber River Basin, TRB) running in the different tectonic settings, with some major rivers collecting water from areas where CO2-rich springs, sensitive to the seismic activity, are present. In this framework, a two-year geochemical survey of the major rivers of TRB was conducted aimed to explore the reliability of investigating the regional CO2 degassing process and its relations with the seismicity by studying the river’s waters. In addition to the geological peculiarities, this area is suitable for this objective, due to the well-developed hydrometric network managed by local authorities, allowing to couple geochemical and hydrological data. More than 350 river water samples were collected from the Tiber river and its 12 main tributaries. A large geochemical dataset including major ions and dissolved inorganic carbon isotopic compositions was produced covering different hydrological periods. Results show that river waters exhibit compositions and variability resembling those of the Apennine groundwaters, allowing to identify different fluids circulating in the crust. Compositional variation remains appreciable for long distances downstream of mixing between shallow and groundwaters and between rivers with different compositions, highlighting the preservation of the geochemical information over large areas. In particular, the content of dissolved carbon in river waters and its isotopic composition shows and preserves for long distances the signature of the input of deep CO2-rich waters. Coupling river’s geochemical and flow rate data, fluxes of dissolved deep CO2 were computed, providing results that closely match previous estimates based on spring data, indicating minor carbon loss along rivers. These findings highlight rivers as valuable indicators of deep CO2 flux across large areas and potentially to investigate temporal variation of the flux. This study has been also focused on the definition of ‘easily detectable parameters’ (EDP) which correlate to dissolved deep CO2. Measuring EDP at high frequency, together with the water flow rate, could provide a tool for monitoring variations of the deep CO2 flux to enhance a possible geochemical monitoring of the seismic activity.

How to cite: Tieri, M., Cardellini, C., Chiodini, G., Caliro, S., Frondini, F., Cinti, D., Barberio, D., Di Renzo, D., Santi, A., Cuoco, E., Rufino, F., and Caracausi, A.: Deep fluids transported by Apennine rivers: quantification of deep CO2 emission and implications for geochemical monitoring of the seismic activity., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6264,, 2025.

Olivine and its polymorphs are the dominant minerals in the upper mantle and transition zone. The olivine phase transitions, determined primarily by pressure and temperature, control mantle discontinuities and influence mantle dynamics. Pressure is a first-order control on olivine phase transition and relates primarily to depth; therefore, it is commonly used to interpret the depths of mantle discontinuities. However, mantle dynamic models predicted 100-300 MPa stress levels or as high as several GPa. Such stresses would affect the positions where mineral reactions occur and, hence, large-scale mantle structure. In this work, we focus on the feedback between pressure and stress on the olivine phase transition at grain scale, and then the results can be extrapolated and upscaled to mantle scale deformation.


We use the Open Phase Studio software based on the phase field model to simulate olivine phase transitions. The phase field model uses order parameters to distinguish different phases and describe their evolution. The parameter value of 1 indicates the bulk of the phase, and a value of 0 indicates the absence of this phase and is a smooth function of position. The smooth transition of a phase parameter indicates a diffuse interface between phases. The total free energies, including temperature-related, elastic and interfacial free energies, interface properties, and initial microstructure, govern the evolution of the phase field. We applied this model to the Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)-Wadsleyite (Mg2SiO4) phase transition under different stress boundary conditions. We considered both isotropic and anisotropic boundary stress conditions. Under isotropic stress conditions, we plotted the Forsterite-Wadsleyite phase transition boundary based on our simulation results. The results indicate that local pressure variations, characterized by lower pressure within the Wadsleyite grain, hinder the occurrence of the phase transition. The depth offset would be ~30 km depressed due to this problem, which would be seismically detectable. Under anisotropic stress conditions, the Wadsleyite phase grows faster towards the maximum compression direction, leading to an elongated grain shape; however, the deviatoric stress does not shift the phase transition boundary significantly. At the same pressure, the deviatoric stress slightly slows down the Wadsleyite growth in volume.

How to cite: Lu, L. and Wheeler, J.: Grain-scale simulation of olivine phase transition under stress: implications for mantle discontinuities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6808,, 2025.

EGU25-7412 | Posters on site | GD2.2

Comparable rodingitization processes identified in ophiolites from Pindos (Greece) and Krrabi (Albania)   

Petros Koutsovitis, Louiza Tsiarsioti, Harilaos Tsikos, Paul Mason, Theodoros Ntaflos, Panagiotis Pomonis, Christos Karkalis, Aikaterini Rogkala, Petros Petrounias, and Kujtim Onuzi

The Jurassic western-type ophiolites of the Tethyan Pindos oceanic basin are part of an ophiolite belt that extends within the Apulian and Pelagonian subcontinents in the Balkan Peninsula. These ophiolites tend to display MORB geochemical affinities, in contrast to the adjacent eastern-type ophiolites with SSZ affinities. The Orliakas locality in Pindos (Greece) and Krrabi in the Mirdita ophiolite (Albania) are two characteristic localities, representative of the south and north branches respectively of the Pindos western-type ophiolitic belt. Both localities include rodingitized gabbroic dykes hosted in highly serpentinized peridotites.

We report the occurrence of gabbronorite and olivine gabbro dykes of comparable thickness (0.5- 1.0 m) that were partly affected by rodingitization processes. In some cases, the gabbroic protoliths were found almost intact at the central parts of the dykes. Protoliths from the two localities exhibit highly comparable whole-rock geochemical properties: SiO2: 48.1-49.3 wt.%, TiO2: 0.08-0.11 wt.%, Al2O3: 16.7-18.0 wt.%, MgO: 12.2-13.5 wt.%; analogous REE patterns [(La/Yb)CN=0.2-0.4; EuCN/Eu*= 1.65-1.82]. PM-normalized multi-element patterns are also evidently comparable: noticeable LILE enrichments (e.g. Cs, Ba), higher ThPM-N and UPM-N compared to NbPM-N and TaPM-N, striking positive Pb and Sr anomalies, negative Zr and Ti anomalies.

Within the same dykes from the two localities, rodingites are also highly comparable in terms of: i) participating minerals and modal composition; ii) presence of hydrogarnets of similar composition (Avg. Adr4.0Grs94.3Prp1.6Sps0.1Uv0.1); iii) subparallel whole-rock PM-normalized multi-element patterns. In addition, the REE patterns obtained from LA-ICP-MS of the garnets, vesuvianites and clinopyroxenes display similar profiles. These features signify that similarities between the south and north branches of the Pindos ophiolitic belt are likely not limited to their magmatic lithotypes but may have also experienced comparable post-magmatic rodingitization processes, assigned to extensive infiltration of alkaline, Ca-rich, and Si-poor fluids.

How to cite: Koutsovitis, P., Tsiarsioti, L., Tsikos, H., Mason, P., Ntaflos, T., Pomonis, P., Karkalis, C., Rogkala, A., Petrounias, P., and Onuzi, K.: Comparable rodingitization processes identified in ophiolites from Pindos (Greece) and Krrabi (Albania)  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7412,, 2025.

EGU25-8395 | ECS | Posters on site | GD2.2

Volcanic gases vs. mantle fluids: clues from mineral-hosted fluid inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths from Mayotte island (Comoros archipelago, Indian Ocean) 

Federico Casetta, Luca Faccincani, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Barbara Faccini, Marco Liuzzo, Nicoló Nardini, Andrea Di Muro, and Massimo Coltorti

Combining the geochemistry of gas emissions in active volcanic regions with the signature of mineral-hosted fluid inclusions in mantle-derived xenoliths is the next frontier in geodynamics and volcano monitoring and can provide important clues on: i) the nature and evolution of the lithospheric mantle; ii) the storage and mobility of fluids through the lithosphere; and iii) the origin of fluids migrating within the mantle and in the plumbing system underneath active volcanoes.

In this study, we present new mineral and fluid inclusion chemistry (noble gases and CO2) data on a unique suite of mantle-derived xenoliths hosted in phonolite pyroclastic deposits in Mayotte island (Comoros archipelago, Indian Ocean), which was the scene of one of the largest submarine eruptions ever documented from 2018 to 2021 (Jacques et al. 2024).

The studied samples are spinel-bearing harzburgites and lherzolites, and are composed of Cr-spinel (Cr# = 0.4-0.55), Mg-rich olivine (Fo90-92, NiO = 0.3-0.5 wt%), orthopyroxene (Mg# = 91-92; Al2O3 = 1.5-3.0 wt%), and clinopyroxene (Mg# = 91-94; Al2O3 = 2.0-3.5 wt%). The mineral major and trace element distribution indicates that the xenoliths represent fragments of a residual lithospheric mantle which experienced 20 to 25% partial melting.

Olivine-, orthopyroxene-, and clinopyroxene-hosted fluid inclusions are CO2-dominated and have air-corrected 3He/4He isotopic ratios of 5.6-6.8 Ra that are intermediate between the typical signature of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB = 8±1 Ra) and Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM = 6±2 Ra). Such He isotopic signature is similar to that of subaerial and submarine gaseous emissions in the Mayotte area (Liuzzo et al. 2021; Mastin et al. 2023).

With respect to the mantle xenoliths from the neighbouring Grande Comore Island (Coltorti et al. 1999; Bordenca et al. 2023), the peridotites from Mayotte lie within a narrower compositional range, being moderately depleted and not showing significant metasomatic enrichment. Despite comparable 3He/4He ratios, fluid inclusions in the Mayotte samples have higher 4He/40Ar* values than those of the refractory mantle (Rizzo et al. 2021), likely indicating a shallow overprint by magmatic fluids.

Mantle xenoliths and hosted fluid inclusion data are used here to model the melt-fluid/rock reactions in the lithospheric mantle, the genesis and ponding of magmas linked to the recent volcanic activity at Mayotte and the geodynamic setting of the Comores archipelago.




Coltorti, M., Bonadiman, C., Hinton, R. W., Siena, F., & Upton, B. G. J. (1999). Journal of Petrology, 40(1), 133-165.

Jacques, E., Hoste-Colomer, R., Feuillet, N., Lemoine, A., van der Woerd, J., Crawford, W. C., ... & Bachèlery, P. (2024). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 647, 119026.

Liuzzo, M., Di Muro, A., Rizzo, A. L., Caracausi, A., Grassa, F., Fournier, N., ... & Italiano, F. (2021). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(8), e2021GC009870.

Mastin, M., Cathalot, C., Fandino, O., Giunta, T., Donval, J. P., Guyader, V., ... & Rinnert, E. (2023). Chemical Geology, 640, 121739.

Rizzo, A. L., Faccini, B., Casetta, F., Faccincani, L., Ntaflos, T., Italiano, F., & Coltorti, M. (2021). Chemical Geology, 581, 120400.

How to cite: Casetta, F., Faccincani, L., Rizzo, A. L., Faccini, B., Liuzzo, M., Nardini, N., Di Muro, A., and Coltorti, M.: Volcanic gases vs. mantle fluids: clues from mineral-hosted fluid inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths from Mayotte island (Comoros archipelago, Indian Ocean), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8395,, 2025.

EGU25-8582 | Orals | GD2.2 | Highlight

The dynamic role of Earth's continental mantle in ‘deep time’ volatile cycles  

Sally Gibson, Dan McKenzie, and Sergei Lebedev

Continental mantle represents one of Earth’s most ancient and long-lived chemical reservoirs. It plays a crucial role in the global cycling of volatile elements—such as C, H, S, F  and Cl —because of its unique ability to both sequester volatiles via metasomatism and release them to the atmosphere during volcanism (Gibson and McKenzie, 2023).

The widespread generation of deep-sourced, volatile-rich melts is borne out by global maps of magmas rich in CO2, H2O, S and F (e.g. kimberlites, lamproites and carbonatites). Moreover, mantle xenoliths preserve evidence of repeated episodes of pervasive, reactive percolation and stalling of these volatile-rich melts. High-precision analyses of volatile elements in the abundant nominally-volatile-free mantle minerals and accessory phases, together with analyses of volatiles of intraplate magmas, allow quantification of the storage of volatile elements in the lithospheric mantle.

Recent advances in global tomography, particularly multi-mode surface wave analysis, have significantly refined estimates of lithospheric thickness. These improvements enable more reliable calculations of lithospheric mantle volume across different geodynamic environments, including cratonic regions, continental off-craton areas and oceanic domains. The results indicate that the most significant global volatile reservoir resides within the mantle beneath ancient cratons. This is primarily due to their large volume and the elevated volatile concentrations preserved within their stable ‘roots’. Our new thermal models show that the outer ~ 50 km of craton margins is especially susceptible to devolatilisation during rifting and heating events (Gibson et al., 2024b). The thermal stability of craton interiors, however, ensures these regions have acted as long-term volatile sinks for at least the past 2.5 billion years. The volatile budget of off-craton lithospheric mantle is more dynamic. Volatiles stored in these regions may have significantly shorter residence times and can be rapidly remobilized through rifting and heating events. As a result, off-craton lithospheric mantle can transition from a volatile ‘sink’ to a ‘source’ over relatively short geological timescales, potentially within a few million years.

The ultimate source of volatiles stored in the continental mantle is challenging to decipher but 3He/4He exhibits a systematic behaviour with melt depletion in mantle peridotites and deviations from this global trend may be correlated with subduction events (Gibson et al., 2024a). The dynamic nature of volatile storage and release within Earth's lower lithospheric ‘lid’ underscores the need for continued refinement of mantle volatile estimates to improve our understanding of deep volatile cycling.


Gibson, S. A., Crosby, J. C., Day, J. A. F., Stuart, F. M., DiNicola, L. & Riley, T. R. (2024a). Systematic behaviour of 3He/4He in Earth’s continental mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 384, 44–64.

Gibson, S. A. & McKenzie, D. (2023). On the role of the lithospheric mantle in global volatile cycles. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 602, 117946.

Gibson, S., McKenzie, D. & Lebedev, S. (2024b). The distribution and generation of carbonatites. Geology 52, 667–671.

How to cite: Gibson, S., McKenzie, D., and Lebedev, S.: The dynamic role of Earth's continental mantle in ‘deep time’ volatile cycles , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8582,, 2025.

EGU25-12391 | Orals | GD2.2

Earthquake Hydrology and seismic detection capability of deep pressure devices within the Gran Sasso aquifer (central Italy) 

Vincenzo Guerriero, Domenico Isaya, Gaetano De Luca, Giuseppe Di Carlo, Raffaele Martorana, and Marco Tallini

This study investigates the potential of hydroseismograms for seismic monitoring and understanding earthquake physics, utilizing high-frequency pore pressure measurements within the Gran Sasso Aquifer (GSA) in central Italy. Hydroseismograms, obtained from a hydraulic pressure device (HPD) installed in deep, horizontal wells intersecting a major fault network within the GSA, are compared with seismic records from the nearby GIGS station to assess the HPD's earthquake detection capabilities. This unique setting, combined with the HPD's high-frequency (20 Hz) data acquisition system, offers a sensitive method for monitoring both seismic activity and pore pressure anomalies. The GSA’s fractured-karst geology and its location within a high seismic hazard zone in Italy, along with the presence of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) underground laboratory (UL), create an ideal environment for studying deep, saturated aquifer-earthquake interactions, minimizing interference from shallow hydrological processes. The UL houses two horizontal boreholes, named S13 (190 m) and S14 (175 m), equipped with the HPD. Approximately 250 meters from S13, the INGV seismic station GIGS, part of the GINGER experiment, uses two broadband seismometers for continuous microseismic monitoring and global seismicity recording. The research analyzes long-term, high-frequency pore pressure data from the GSA, aiming to further understand the complex relationship between groundwater and seismic activity. The primary objective of the joint analysis of well and seismic data, spanning from May 1, 2015, to December 31, 2023 (with ongoing monitoring), is to identify and correlate earthquake occurrence with hydraulic pressure variations detected by the HPDs in S13 and S14. A statistical inferential approach was used to evaluate HPD sensitivity, comparing the number of HPD-detected events with those recorded by GIGS (1068 events) across different magnitudes and epicentral distances. Statistical analysis demonstrates the HPD’s significantly enhanced sensitivity compared to previous studies. The HPD detected 148 of the 1068 events recorded by GIGS (a 13.9% overall success rate), with this detection probability strongly influenced by earthquake magnitude and epicentral distance. Mainly for far events, the identified detection threshold significantly exceeds the “hard” detection limit for typical aquifers defined by Montgomery and Manga (2003) based on the Dobrovolski et al. (1979) criterion, a limit below which they found no detections in a large dataset.

This finding warrants further investigation into the not yet fully understood mechanisms of hydroseismic detection. This study, covering data from May 2015 to December 2023, reveals the potential of HPDs installed in carbonate rock boreholes for seismic monitoring. The GSA hydrogeological and seismotectonic conditions provide an optimal environment for HPD deployment for both medium-to-long-term and high-frequency pore pressure monitoring. The strategic borehole locations intersecting the main fault network offer a unique opportunity to study the complex interplay between hydrological processes and seismic activity. Ongoing HPD monitoring will further explore their potential as a valuable tool for future seismic studies and contribute to the advancement of earthquake science, with implications for seismic hazard assessment and early warning systems.



Montgomery, D. R., & Manga, M. 2003. Streamflow and water well responses to earthquakes. Science, 300(5628), 2047-2049.

How to cite: Guerriero, V., Isaya, D., De Luca, G., Di Carlo, G., Martorana, R., and Tallini, M.: Earthquake Hydrology and seismic detection capability of deep pressure devices within the Gran Sasso aquifer (central Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12391,, 2025.

EGU25-13892 | ECS | Posters on site | GD2.2

Tracing Late-Stage Fluid Migration within Intrusions via Magnetic and Spectral Characterisation 

Ben Latimer, William McCarthy, Tobias Mattsson, and John Reavy

Hydrothermal alteration and geofluid transport in magmatic systems plays a crucial role in the development of ore deposits, the systematics of geothermal resources and the structural stability of volcanic edifices. Characterising the type, intensity and distribution of alteration associated with geofluid pathways is therefore critical to understanding how essential resources form. However, alteration is routinely classified on the basis of highly subjective evaluations made by individual geologists or on single semi-quantitative datasets such as hyperspectral core analysis. Similarly, the role of alteration in controlling the distribution of strain is poorly constrained within magmatic systems. This study adopts a semi-quantitative approach to characterising hydrothermal fluid alteration using a novel combination of hyperspectral and magnetic analysis to efficiently characterise the silicate, oxide and sulphide mineralogy of a hydrothermally altered granitoid shear zone and its impact on strain development.


The monzodioritic Fand Pluton, NW Ireland, is a late Caledonian intrusion crosscut by a NE-SW shear zone in its eastern periphery. Field observations across the ≈10m wide shear zone show partitioned strain development, with ≈0.5m wide bands of heavily sheared and foliated granite interspersed between regions of strongly altered yet relatively undeformed granite. Alteration systematically intensifies toward the core of the shear zone, from a partial alteration of the host intrusion to a complete destruction of original rock texture.


Lab analysis aims to quantitatively evaluate the type and intensity of alteration across the shear zone and evaluate if zones of high strain systematically map to zones of high or low alteration. Hyperspectral reflectance data were collected using airborne multispectral and handheld hyperspectral instruments to characterise hydrous mineral phase assemblages within each alteration type. Magnetic characterisation experiments including hysteresis, first order reversal curves and temperature dependent susceptibility were combined to characterise the ferromagnetic mineral assemblage.  Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and anhysteretic remanent magnetisation were measured to determine the distribution of strain across the shear zone, evaluating the role of alteration intensity in the observed partitioning of strain.


Our results outline a multi-disciplinary method of mapping late-stage fluid transport within igneous intrusions, identifying pathfinder signatures and fabric parameters, linking them to alteration intensity from distance from fluid pathways.

How to cite: Latimer, B., McCarthy, W., Mattsson, T., and Reavy, J.: Tracing Late-Stage Fluid Migration within Intrusions via Magnetic and Spectral Characterisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13892,, 2025.

EGU25-16196 | ECS | Orals | GD2.2

Petrogenetic and tectonic interpretation of Wadi Zikt Chromitite, Khor Fakkan block, United Arab Emirates: Evidence from major and trace mineral chemistry 

Mabrouk Sami, Bahaa Mahmoud, Xun Zhao, Amr El-Awady, Theodoros Ntaflos, Rainer Abart, and Douaa Fathy

This study investigates the mineral chemistry of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and chromite phases from the Wadi Zikt high Al-chromitite within the Khor Fakkan massif of the UAE ophiolites. The ophiolites, part of the well-preserved Semail ophiolite complex, represent mantle sections formed in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) environment. Detailed analyses reveal that the olivine exhibits high forsterite contents (Fo > 90), elevated NiO concentrations (up to 0.6 wt%), and low MnO (< 0.2 wt%), indicating significant partial melting under hydrous conditions. Orthopyroxenes display high Mg# (> 90), low Al₂O₃ (< 1.2 wt%), and elevated Cr₂O₃ (up to 0.62 wt%) contents, consistent with residues of extensive melt extraction. Clinopyroxenes are characterized by high Mg# and low TiO₂, Al₂O₃, Dy, and Yb contents suggesting a forearc setting. Chromite analyses show high Cr# (51–67), low TiO₂ (< 0.8 wt%), and low Ga/Fe3# ratio, reinforcing a fore-arc origin. The studied chromites are analogues to those of the fore-arc peridotite, indicating high degrees of partial melting (25–35%). The geochemical signatures of the studied phases, including low Ti, high Cr#, and high Mg#, suggest that the Wadi Zikt chromitite formed in a depleted mantle wedge influenced by subduction-derived fluids and boninitic melts during the early stages of subduction initiation. These findings provide critical insights into mantle wedge processes, arc magma genesis, and ophiolite formation in SSZ settings. This study underscores the significance of the Wadi Zikt chromitite as a key example of SSZ mantle dynamics and melt evolution, contributing to the broader understanding of ophiolite complexes worldwide.

How to cite: Sami, M., Mahmoud, B., Zhao, X., El-Awady, A., Ntaflos, T., Abart, R., and Fathy, D.: Petrogenetic and tectonic interpretation of Wadi Zikt Chromitite, Khor Fakkan block, United Arab Emirates: Evidence from major and trace mineral chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16196,, 2025.

EGU25-16266 | Orals | GD2.2

The origin of carbonatite magmas predating main-phase LIPs eruptions 

Cinzia G. Farnetani and Mark A. Richards

Carbonatites are spatially and temporally associated with Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) such as the Siberian traps, the Paraná-Etendeka and the Deccan traps. Carbonatites, and the associated alkaline rocks, can both predate and postdate the main tholeiitic volcanism. For example, the Sarnu Dandali complex (68.57±0.08 Ma) and the Mundwara complex (68.53±0.16 Ma), both characterized by high 3He/4He, predate the Deccan traps, whereas the 65±0.3 Ma carbonatites in the Narmada Rift postdate it. Similarly, carbonatites from the Amambay alkaline province (Eastern Paraguay) predate the Paraná-Etendeka LIP by several million of years, whereas the Jacupiranga carbonatites (130 Ma) in South America and the Damaraland carbonatites (129-123 Ma) in Namibia postdate the main tholeiitic pulse (134-132 Ma).

The origin of carbonatites remains a matter of debate, albeit radiogenic isotope ratios, trace element variations and primordial noble gases from most carbonatites support a plume origin. For carbonatites predating LIPs, a generally accepted model invokes partial melting of carbonate-metasomatized lithospheric mantle, heated by the plume. The implicit assumption is that heat, slowly diffused from the plume, can reach the lithosphere before buoyant melts from the plume itself, which is not obviously plausible.

Our 3D-numerical simulations of a mantle plume with millions of carbon- carrying tracers enable us to calculate the depth at which carbon-rich fluids form. These fluids, because of their physical properties, are highly mobile and separate from the solid matrix even at low melt fractions. At each time-step we calculate their ascent velocity (i.e., a linear combination of the solid matrix velocity and of the separation velocity) and their 3D-trajectories. We span a range of carbon concentrations in the plume source (196 ≤ C ≤ 440 ppm), and we explore different depths of redox melting and P-T conditions for the solidus of carbonated peridotite.

We find that, if mantle redox conditions allow for deep (>200 km) carbon-rich melting, then the fast rising carbonatitic fluids can reach the lithosphere 2-3 Myr before the onset of anhydrous peridotite melting. This key result reveals the existence of a precursory carbon flux (of order 10e+12 - 10e+13 mol/yr) across the base of the lithosphere (i.e., 140 km depth). When melting of anhydrous peridotite starts in the plume head, a total mass of 10e+16 kg C has already reached the lithosphere. This precursory carbon flux provides a new framework to interpret carbonatite complexes predating the earliest LIP's volcanism.

We also find that the radial extent of the zone permeated by carbon-rich fluids is much broader than the zone undergoing anhydrous peridotite melting. These vast lithospheric domains, fertilized during several millions of years by plume-derived carbon-rich fluids might be mobilized by peripheral tholeiitic magmas. Possibly, this scenario could explain the occurrence of carbonatites that postdate LIP's emplacement, but which carry a distinctive plume-like geochemical fingerprint (e.g., the high 129Xe/130Xe of the Jacupiranga carbonatites).



How to cite: Farnetani, C. G. and Richards, M. A.: The origin of carbonatite magmas predating main-phase LIPs eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16266,, 2025.

EGU25-16410 | Posters on site | GD2.2

Geochemical anomalies in the soil gases as potential precursors to seismic events: a case study in the Appennines, souther Italy 

Vincenzo Francofonte, Roberto M.R. Di Martino, Sergio Gurrieri, Andrea Mastrolia, and Filippo Altavilla

Geochemical anomalies are widely recognized as potential precursors to earthquakes. Recent studies on precursor signals and phenomena of the seismic process have demonstrated that significant transients in geochemical parameters may occur prior to moderate-to-high magnitude earthquakes (Magnitude > 4). Among the geochemical processes investigated, notable variations have been observed in the ion concentrations  and dissolved gases in groundwater, as well as in the composition of crustal and mantle-derived gases emanating from soils.

Soil gas anomalies, particularly diffuse degassing of CO2, serve as critical indicators for identifying fault zones due to their strong correlation with increased crustal permeability in the fault zones. Temporal variations in the degassing rate are modulated by changes in crustal stress preceding or accompanying seismic events. Hydrogen, in particular, has emerged as a promising indicator of seismic activity. Observations have revealed that hydrogen anomalies in soil gas decrease with increasing distance from the seismic source and occur both prior to and during earthquakes. The existing literature suggests that hydrogen is produced in the crust through water-rock interactions, generating concentration anomalies that can exceed four orders of magnitude relative to atmospheric hydrogen.

This study outlines the implementation of a monitoring network designed to measure soil CO₂ flux, hydrogen concentrations in soil gas, and selected atmospheric variables (e.g., temperature, pressure, rainfall, wind speed, and wind direction) that may influence the emissions of soil gases. The network consists of four stations strategically deployed near the Matese-Irpinia region, an active seismic zone in the southern Apennine chain, Italy. This area hosts several active fault systems where earthquakes with magnitudes > 3.0 have been recorded over the past two decades. The region is characterized by normal faulting and shallow hypocentral depths (less than 15 km). Notably, the Monti del Matese area has experienced several prolonged seismic swarms, including more than 250 earthquakes within a month during 2013, culminating in a moderate-magnitude event (ML 4.9) on December 29, 2013.

Measurements are collected hourly and telemetered to the INGV in Palermo. An automated software platform, adapted from a pre-existing gas hazard monitoring system, has been optimized for the specific objectives of this study. This platform (Gas Net Analytics), which has several tools for the automated analysis of the geochemical data, adopts high standard for data management, including security. It facilitates automatic statistical analysis and visualization of the data, ensuring low latency in delivering the geochemical information.

The implementation of the monitoring network aims to characterize hydrogen concentrations and CO₂ flux as potential tracers of the local response to regional variations in crustal stress field which is associated with the seismic processes. The data collected on H2 and CO2 are further utilized to refine physical-mathematical models of gas transfer through crustal rocks. These models incorporate mechanisms of advective and diffusive gas transport through porous media, enabling the interpretation of diffuse degassing variations in the context of crustal stress dynamics. The integration of geochemical monitoring and modelling offers a robust framework for elucidating the relationship between soil gas anomalies and seismic activity, thereby advancing our understanding of earthquake precursors.

How to cite: Francofonte, V., Di Martino, R. M. R., Gurrieri, S., Mastrolia, A., and Altavilla, F.: Geochemical anomalies in the soil gases as potential precursors to seismic events: a case study in the Appennines, souther Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16410,, 2025.

Knowledge of plumbing systems architecture and dynamics has increased in recent years. However, while the mid- to shallow-crustal regions are well-explored, the deepest parts of plumbing systems remain poorly understood. The Middle Triassic magmatic event in the Dolomites (Southern Alps; Italy) provides an exceptional opportunity to study all sections of ancient plumbing systems, owing to the excellent exposure and preservation of different magmatic lithologies representing various magma storage levels. Here, we present detailed textural and compositional analyses of ultramafic xenoliths embedded in mafic volcanic breccia from a diatreme outcropping in the Triassic Latemar carbonate platform (Zan de Montagna locality; 2576 m.a.s.l.). Ultramafic nodules have cumulate equigranular to inequigranular texture and are mainly clinopyroxenites, with subordinated wehrlites and websterites. Clinopyroxene goes up to 3 mm in size in all samples, while olivine in the wehrlite samples attains sizes of up to 1.5 mm. Clinopyroxene is diopsidic in composition (Wo45-49 En42-48 Fs4-10) with Mg# [MgO/(MgO+FeOtot) mol%] of 82-93 and CaO, TiO2, Cr2O3 and Al2O3 contents in the range of 22-24 wt%, 0.1-1.2 wt%, 0-0.7 wt% and 0.9-5.5 wt% respectively. Olivine has Fo contents between 84 and 89 and NiO concentration from 0.10 to 0.15 wt%. Notably, more primitive olivine can be found in the host lava, where crystals reach Fo92 and NiO content of 0.4 wt%. Orthopyroxene in the websterite is <1 mm in size and has enstatite (Wo1-4 En76-79 Fs17-23) composition, with Mg# values ranging from 77 to 82 and Al2O3 contents between 1.1 wt% and 1.8 wt%. Spinel is ubiquitous, occurring as chromite, magnetite and Ti-magnetite (Cr2O3=0.1-45.5 wt%; TiO2=0.8-16.7 wt%; FeOtot=29.0-81.0 wt%).

Overall, these xenoliths show compositional similarities with clinopyroxenitic nodules already reported in other localities of the Latemar platform (Nardini et al., 2024) and differ only for the wehrlite presence.

These new data represent an advancement in tracking back to the early stages of the liquid line of descent of the Middle Triassic magmas and help to reconstruct the deepest portion of the plumbing system of these ancient volcanoes. Moreover, the composition of clinopyroxene hosted by these nodules brings another piece of evidence about the source of the high-Mg# and high-Cr diopsidic antecrystic cores in the trachy-basaltic effusive rocks associated with this magmatism (Nardini et al., 2024).


Nardini, N., Casetta, F., Petrone, C.M., Buret, Y., Ntaflos, T., Coltorti, M., 2024. Modelling ancient magma plumbing systems through clinopyroxene populations: a case study from Middle Triassic volcanics (Dolomites, Italy). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 179, 22.

How to cite: Nardini, N., Casetta, F., Ntaflos, T., and Coltorti, M.: Exploring the roots of a plumbing system: insights from ultramafic xenoliths ejected during the Middle Triassic magmatic event in the Dolomites (Southern Alps; Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17535,, 2025.

EGU25-19823 | Posters on site | GD2.2

Mefite d’Ansanto CO2 emission area (Southern Apennines, Italy):  first results on the uppermost crustal structure from teleseismic data. 

Girolamo Milano, Simona Morabito, Paola Cusano, and Anna Gervasi

The Mefite d’Ansanto is the largest non-volcanic low temperature CO2 natural emission on the Earth (Di Luccio et al., 2023). It is located in the Southern Apennines, about 25 km away from the northern tip of the seismogenic structures of the November 23, 1980 MS = 6.9 earthquake. The main gas emissions manifest in a roughly circular depression with about 100 m of diameter, whose centre is characterized by bubbling mud. The emissions of CO2, likely of mantle origin, are probably fed by the reservoir found at Mt. Forcuso 1 well (Chiodini et al., 2010), located approximately 2 km east of Mefite area. In the framework of the Strategic INGV FURTHER Project, on 29 September 2020 a local seismic network was installed to investigate on the possible links between the fluid movements at depth and the seismicity of the area surrounding the CO2 emission site (Cusano et al., 2021; Morabito et al., 2023). With the aim of obtaining information on how large the emission area is and on its sub-surficial structure, we investigated the crustal structure beneath Mefite d’Ansanto and the surrounding area analysing the waveforms of teleseismic events. We selected deep and intermediate earthquakes that have impulsive onset, epicentral distance ∆ ≤ 90° and magnitude M ≥ 6.0. The seismic traces are those recorded by MEFA, a temporary seismic station installed at Mefite d’Ansanto, and by CAFE, SNAL and RFS3, permanent seismic stations belonging to the INGV National Seismic Networks. We, first, utilized cross-correlation technique to check the similarities among the waveforms (Milano et al., 2023). Successively, we computed synthetic seismograms to obtain the best fit with the recorded seismograms. The synthetic seismograms were computed by means of QSEIS6 software (Wang, 1999), fixing a starting velocity model extracted from that IASPEI91 ( Successively, we perturbed it beneath the study area taking also into account the upper crustal structure recently retrieved for the Irpinia region (e.g., Feriozzi et al., 2024). The cross-correlation analysis had already revealed some particularities in the waveforms suggesting similarities in the uppermost crust beneath MEFA and RSF3 stations, approximatively 2.5 Km apart. The first results from the synthetic seismograms evidence that the phase with the on-set in the range 4.5-5 s from the first arrival at each stations, is compatible with the P-to-S converted phase at Moho discontinuity.

Chiodini et al., 2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L11303.

Cusano et al., 2021,

Di Luccio et al., 2022,

Feriozzi et al., 2024,

Milano et al., 2023,

Morabito et al., 2023,

Wang, 1999, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 89(3), 733-741.

How to cite: Milano, G., Morabito, S., Cusano, P., and Gervasi, A.: Mefite d’Ansanto CO2 emission area (Southern Apennines, Italy):  first results on the uppermost crustal structure from teleseismic data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19823,, 2025.

EGU25-20133 | ECS | Posters on site | GD2.2

Tracking fluid-induced seismicity: integrating Vp/Vs ratio variations and focal mechanism analysis for reservoir monitoring 

Serena Panebianco, Grazia De Landro, Titouan Muzellec, Guido Maria Adinolfi, Vincenzo Serlenga, and Tony Alfredo Stabile

Fluid injection activities cause pore pressure perturbations within the reservoir's rocks, which can potentially trigger fractures, faults failures, and alter the elastic properties of the surrounding rocks. Thus, monitoring stress conditions of the reservoir medium and the evolution of pore pressure around wells, is crucial for hazard assessment in injection areas.

We present a rock physics-based approach using induced micro-seismicity to track pore pressure temporal evolution from  Vp/Vs ratio variations. Additionally, focal mechanisms analysis (BISTROP, De Matteis et al., 2016; TESLA, Adinolfi et al. 2023) of microearthquakes revealed insights into local stress patterns within the host rocks, in relation to induced seismicity.

The method was applied to wastewater disposal-induced micro-seismicity detected near of the Costa Molina 2 injection well (High Agri Valley, Southern Italy) in the Val d’Agri oilfield, the largest onshore oil and gas field in Western Europe. We used as dataset the enhanced seismic catalogue obtained in the Costa Molina area by Stabile et al. 2021. It comprises 196 induced micro-earthquakes, occurred between 2016 and 2018 around the injection well. The catalogue has events magnitudes ranging between − 1.2 ≤ Ml ≤ 1.2.

Accurate arrival time measurements are essential for calculating the Vp/Vs ratio using the Wadati method. Therefore, we first refined the first P- and S-wave arrival times using waveform cross-correlation and hierarchical clustering method. Then, the Vp/Vs ratio was estimated for each source-station pair and averaged across events at the four nearest stations to the well. This allowed us to track the temporal evolution of elastic properties in the well’s surrounding region and compare it with injection parameters (i.e., injection volume and pressure). Our findings show that variations in the Vp/Vs ratio, especially for the station closest to the reservoir, closely correlate with injection parameters.

Additionally, the obtained focal mechanisms reveal strongly contrasting behaviors, ranging from strike-slip to reverse faulting. For the latter events, we identified highly anti-correlated seismic waveforms. The presence of anti-repeaters, as described by Cesca et al., 2024, has been observed in various settings and is often associated with transient stress perturbations. Since many of these phenomena have been attributed to fluid migration processes, they could provide valuable insights into subsurface fluid movements and help track their dynamics over time.

These findings demonstrate the potential of integrating accurate locations, seismic velocity monitoring and focal mechanism analysis to enhance reservoir monitoring systems. This method improves understanding of induced seismicity and offers a valuable tool for risk assessment and fluid injection management, applicable to various reservoir contexts.


De Matteis R, Convertito V, Zollo A. 2016. Bayesian inversion of spectral-level ratios and P-wave polarities for focal mechanism determination. Seismol Res Lett. 87:944–954.

Adinolfi G.M., Convertito V, De Matteis R. 2023. TESLA, A Tool for Automatic Earthquake Low‐Frequency Spectral Level Estimation: The Study of 2013 St. Gallen Earthquake Fault‐Plane Solutions. Seism ReS Lett.  94 (5): 2441–2455.

Stabile, T.A., Vlček, J., Wcisło, M. et al. Analysis of the 2016–2018 fluid-injection induced seismicity in the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy) from improved detections using template matching. Sci Rep 11, 20630 (2021).

Cesca, S., Niemz, P., Dahm, T. et al. Anti-repeating earthquakes and how to explain them. Commun Earth Environ 5, 158 (2024).

How to cite: Panebianco, S., De Landro, G., Muzellec, T., Adinolfi, G. M., Serlenga, V., and Stabile, T. A.: Tracking fluid-induced seismicity: integrating Vp/Vs ratio variations and focal mechanism analysis for reservoir monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20133,, 2025.

EGU25-20279 | Posters on site | GD2.2

Multi-stage evolution of Continental Lithospheric Mantle beneath Devès volcanic field (Massif Central, France): an example from Allègre xenolith suite 

Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Hubert Mazurek, Jacek Puziewicz, Sonja Aulbach, and Theodoros Ntaflos

Cenozoic volcanic rocks occurring in Devès volcanic field (3.5 – 0.5 Ma) in the southern mantle domain of the French Massif Central (FMC) carry abundant peridotite xenoliths sampling Continental Lithospheric Mantle (CLM) [1, 2]. CLM in this area is fertile and might have formed due to 1) extraction of small amounts of partial melt(s) from mantle, and/or 2) refertilization of depleted mantle by asthenosphere-derived melts [1, 2]. We present mineral data for peridotites from several xenolith localities at Devès, in order to shed new light on the problem and document regional-scale CLM variability. Here, we complement the existing set of mineral chemical data from Allègre [2], Mt. Coupet [3] and Mt. Briançon [4] with a new data set on peridotitic xenoliths from Allègre volcano.

Peridotite xenoliths from Allègre (n = 16) are represented mostly by fine- to medium-granular lherzolites. Forsterite in olivine varies from 89.34 to 91.42%. The Mg# and Al content in orthopyroxene are: 0.89 – 0.92 and 0.06 – 0.22 apfu, respectively. In clinopyroxene, Mg# is 0.88 – 0.93 and Al content is 0.03 – 0.32 apfu. In spinel, Cr# and Mg# are: 0.09 – 0.50 and 0.63 – 0.76, respectively. Three major groups are recognized based on clinopyroxene REE patterns: (A) LREE-depleted, (B) LREE-enriched and (C) moderately LREE-enriched (spoon-shaped). However, two samples are characterized by significantly higher Cr# (0.38 – 0.50), lower Mg# (0.63 – 0.68) in spinel and lower Al in Opx and Cpx (0.06 – 0.13 and 0.03 – 0.20 apfu, respectively), along with strong LREE-enrichment and were classified as group D.

The mineral major element compositions for peridotite xenoliths from Allègre resemble those from other xenolith suites at Devès [2, 3, 4]. The only difference is recognized in the composition of spinel, which in peridotites from Allègre has higher Cr# (higher by up to ~0.20) and lower Mg# (~0.05) than that from other Devès localities (including previous data from Allègre [2]). Moreover, the trace element composition of pyroxenes is very similar in all three localities. Therefore, we assume that Allègre peridotites share an evolution with peridotites from other Devès localities. They record multi-stage metasomatism, including reaction with MORB-like melt (group A) and overprint by percolating alkaline melts (group B), additionally documented by transitional lithologies (group C).  On the other hand, the chemical composition of group D peridotites, which are more refractory but more strongly incompatible element-enriched, suggests the existence of mantle domains, which were not affected by MORB-like metasomatism observed in group A. Thus, despite the generally fertile composition of peridotites typical for the southern FMC mantle domain [1, 2], isolated relic pockets of more refractory material persist in the CLM, offering the rare opportunity to unravel regional CLM evolution prior to pervasive refertilization.


Funding. We gratefully acknowledge funding by the project of Polish National Centre of Research 2021/41/B/ST10/00900 to JP.


[1] Lenoir et al. (2000). EPSL 181, 359-375.

[2] Puziewicz et al. (2020). Lithos 362–363, 105467.

[3] Mazurek et al. (2024). Abstract EGU24-8658

[4] Ziobro-Mikrut et al. (2024). Lithos 482-483, 107670.

How to cite: Matusiak-Małek, M., Mazurek, H., Puziewicz, J., Aulbach, S., and Ntaflos, T.: Multi-stage evolution of Continental Lithospheric Mantle beneath Devès volcanic field (Massif Central, France): an example from Allègre xenolith suite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20279,, 2025.

EGU25-216 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Apatite-calcite U-Pb geochronology, trace element and C-O-Sr-Pb isotope geochemistry from the polychronous Mundwara alkaline complex: New evidence of mid-Cretaceous Pre-Deccan carbonatite magmatism in northwestern India. 

Sudipa Bhunia, N. V. Chalapathi Rao, Andrea Giuliani, Lorenzo Tavazzani, Debojit Talukdar, Rohit Pandey, Alok Kumar, Sirajuddin Ansari, and Bernd Lehmann

The polychronous Mundwara alkaline complex displays a range in 40Ar-39Ar ages between 68.5-110 Ma. It has been previously correlated to three distinct tectonomagmatic events: (i) the Deccan Large igneous Province associated with the Reunion plume, (ii) Indo-Madagascar breakup triggered by the Marion plume, and (iii) Rajmahal-Sylhet Traps linked to the Kerguelen plume. However, the age of carbonatites from the Mundwara complex was previously unknown and based on apatite U-Pb dating is now constrained at 100 ± 20 Ma. To further our understanding of carbonatite magmatism at Mundwara, this age is supplemented with petrographic observations, bulk-carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope analyses and in-situ determinations of trace element contents and Sr-Pb isotopic ratios for calcite and apatite. The Mundwara carbonatites consist of calcite cumulates and accessory apatite, pyrochlore, albite, orthoclase, Fe-oxides, and biotite. A range of REE-bearing phases is also present, including bastnaesite, parisite, and monazite. Cumulitic and seriate texture and high Sr contents (>1 wt%) attest to the primary igneous nature of the calcites. The apatites are magmatic, as demonstrated by their euhedral shape, low Sr content, and chondrite-normalized REE patterns, distinguishing them from typical hydrothermal apatite elsewhere. The apatite grains yield a weighted mean 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70447 ± 0.00003 (n = 24), indistinguishable from those of the carbonates analyzed in the same samples (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70446 ± 0.00001; n = 54). Lead (206Pb/207Pb = 0.820- 0.289; 206Pb/204Pb = 18.53-19.20) and Sr isotopic compositions of the calcites are broadly intermediate between enriched mantle (EM) and HIMU (high 238U/204Pb) compositions and signal a source that experienced geochemical enrichment by either metasomatism or addition of subducted material. The bulk- carbonate δ13C and δ18O data of the Mundwara carbonatites have a narrow range from -6.2‰ to -6.8‰ and from +6.3‰ to +7.3‰ respectively, showing typical mantle values and excludes significant contamination or post-magmatic alteration as well as contribution by subducted carbon. The mid-Cretaceous U-Pb age of the magmatic apatite overlaps with both the pre-breakup of the Indo-Madagascar event at ~88 Ma and the Kerguelen plume-induced magmatism (117 Ma) in the north-eastern parts of the Indian shield. Although this magmatic event cannot be assigned to a specific tectonic episode, this new temporal constraint and previously reported ages for other alkaline rocks from north-western India ascertains a pre-Deccan alkaline magmatic flare-up in this region.

How to cite: Bhunia, S., Rao, N. V. C., Giuliani, A., Tavazzani, L., Talukdar, D., Pandey, R., Kumar, A., Ansari, S., and Lehmann, B.: Apatite-calcite U-Pb geochronology, trace element and C-O-Sr-Pb isotope geochemistry from the polychronous Mundwara alkaline complex: New evidence of mid-Cretaceous Pre-Deccan carbonatite magmatism in northwestern India., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-216,, 2025.

EGU25-519 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Neoproterozoic (942 Ma) calc-alkaline magmatism from Simdega, Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex and their mineralisation aspects 

Deepak Kumar, Nittala V Chalapathi Rao, and Boris V Belyatsky

Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC) is a part of the E-W trending Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), India. The CITZ is a major intercontinental suture which separates the northern Indian and the southern Indian blocks whose subduction polarity is a contentious issue. We present petrography, mineral chemistry, bulk rock geochemistry, Lu-Hf, Re-Os and Pb-Pb isotopes of the Neoproterozic lamprophyre from Simdega. The studied lamprophyre is an unmetamorphosed and undeformed that exhibits a strong porphyritic-panidiomorphic texture imparted by the megacrysts/phenocrysts of mica and amphibole with feldspar, apatite, titanite, zircon and opaques confined to the groundmass. Our lamprophyre shows shoshonitic affinities and is classified to be of calc-alkaline variety (minette). The Mg# values (ranging from 70.7 to 78.2) indicate a primitive melt character while the trace element ratios are consistent with those of subduction-related rocks globally as well as with the calc-alkaline lamprophyres from the Eastern Dharwar Craton (southern India) that suggest no crustal contamination. Our findings demonstrate that the western part of the CGC was less affected by the M3 regional amphibolite-grade metamorphic event (ca. 920-880 Ma) compared to the eastern part. Our study also supports geodynamic models proposing northward subduction of the Southern Indian block beneath the Northern Indian block synchronous to the Rodinia assembly. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) helped to identify some of the mineral phases occurring as inclusions in zircons having abnormally higher Thorium (Th) and Silver (Ag) concentrations.

How to cite: Kumar, D., Chalapathi Rao, N. V., and Belyatsky, B. V.: Neoproterozoic (942 Ma) calc-alkaline magmatism from Simdega, Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex and their mineralisation aspects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-519,, 2025.

This study presents a detailed investigation of the field relationships, geochronology, mineral-whole rock geochemistry, and isotope systematics (Sr-Nd-Pb-Os-C-O) of a newly identified carbonatite-alkaline syenite intrusive system from the Gundlupete area, located near the tectonic boundary between the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) and the Granulite Terrain of South India. The carbonatite intrudes the syenite and is exposed along an E-W to ENE-WSW trending splay of the Moyar shear zone near the southern margin of the WDC. In-situ U-Pb dating of titanite and monazite provides crystallization ages of 2590 ± 42 Ma and 2474 ± 27 Ma for the syenite and carbonatite, respectively, indicating two distinct magmatic episodes with independent petrogenetic histories. The syenite comprises alkali feldspar (Or93.7-100), albite (Ab98-99), clinopyroxene (Di22.08–65.68 Hd20.04–44.65 Aeg13.91–44.64), biotite (Xmg: 0.54–0.58), titanite (Al: 0.03–0.06 apfu), and quartz. Geochemically, the syenite exhibits shoshonitic characteristics (K₂O/NaO: 0.9–2.42), enrichment in LILEs and LREEs, depletion in Mg, Ni, Cr, and HFSEs (Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, Hf), and crust-like ratios such as high Th/NbPM (avg. 79) and low Nb/U (avg. 2.17). Initial εNd values (-1.4 to 1.0) align with the Mesoarchean Dharwar TTG suite, suggesting a derivation from evolved partial melts of TTG sources, followed by clinopyroxene-biotite dominated fractional crystallization. The carbonatite is coarse-grained and composed predominantly of calcite, apatite, magnetite, monazite, amphibole, and phlogopite. Calcite and apatite are enriched in Sr and REEs, while phlogopite is Fe-Al-rich (Fe/(Fe+Mg)>0.22), and magnetite, containing 0.39–0.81 wt.% TiO₂, follows a typical titano-magnetite evolutionary trend. Geochemically, the carbonatite shows selective enrichment in LILEs (e.g., Ba and Sr) and Th, with lower HFSE concentrations (e.g., Zr, Hf, Ti, Nb, Ta). Isotopically, the carbonatite has a narrow range of Sr (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sri: 0.70307–0.70321), Nd (εNdi: -3.7 to -2.1), and Pb (²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴Pbi: 13.49–13.85, ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁴Pbi: 14.70, ²⁰⁸Pb/²⁰⁴Pbi: 33.32–34.96), while C-O isotopes range from -10.2‰ to -9.4‰ (δ¹³C) and 7.7‰ to 10.3‰ (δ¹⁸O). These characteristics suggest a primary carbonate melt derived from chondritic to slightly enriched mantle sources, with minor crustal assimilation and extensive crystal fractionation. The syenite’s geochemical signatures, εNdi values, and Nd model ages (2.8–3.0 Ga) support a derivation from Mesoarchean TTG sources. The carbonatite’s low δ¹³C values, higher time-integrated Rb/Sr ratios, and lower Sm/Nd and U/Pb ratios reflect the influence of recycled subducted components. Field, geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic evidence links the ca. 2.59–2.47 Ga magmatic events to the Neoarchean amalgamation of the Dharwar Craton and Granulite Terrain, driven by the northward subduction of the Dharwar Ocean lithosphere beneath the WDC. We propose a tectonic model where subduction-induced magma underplating triggered syenite emplacement at 2.59 Ga, coinciding with similar arc-related magmatism in the region. The carbonatite represents a later magmatic pulse in a post-collisional setting at 2.47 Ga, utilizing pre-existing conduits during the terminal accretion phase of the Dharwar Craton and Granulite Terrain at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary.

How to cite: Pandey, R., Debnath, S., Belyatsky, B., Chew, D., Rao, N. V. C., and Singh, M. K.: Decoding Archean-Paleoproterozoic carbonatite and syenite magmatism at the Dharwar Craton-Granulite Terrain boundary, southern India: Implication for petrogenesis, source characteristics and timing of terrane subduction-accretion  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-594,, 2025.

EGU25-596 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3 | Highlight

New Geochemical and Geodynamic Insights into the Cullinan Kimberlite, Kaapvaal Craton: Mantle Processes, Magmatic Heterogeneity, and Diamond Potential. 

Chanelle du Plessis, Nils Lenhardt, Lorenzo Milani, Jaco Delport, and Theo Phahla

The Cullinan kimberlite, also known as ‘Premier’, is located 40 km northeast of Pretoria on the Archean Kaapvaal craton, in South Africa. Dated at ca 1150 Ma, it provides a unique opportunity to explore the geochemistry and geodynamics of the deep mantle, and its interactions with the lithosphere.

This study integrates geochemistry of whole-rock and kimberlite indicator minerals with geothermobarometric evaluations to unravel the mantle components of the kimberlite magmas, and to disclose the diamond potential of the kimberlitic pulses. Major element thermobarometry on olivine, garnet, and pyroxene reveals pressure and temperature conditions of crystallization along the paleo-geotherm, as well as the correspondent mineral stability fields.

Cullinan consists of several distinct kimberlite types, four of which - Fawn, Pale Piebald, Black Transitional, and Blue - are the focus of this study. Geothermobarometric calculations demonstrates that each of these kimberlite eruptions formed under distinct chemical conditions, with three of the four types intersecting the diamond stability field. We highlight their potential to carry diamonds and we emphasize the influence of varying mantle conditions on their formation.

Preliminary geochemical classification confirms Fawn and Pale Piebald as Group I kimberlites, while Black Transitional and Blue kimberlites show evidence of contamination and metasomatic alteration, suggesting a more complex petrogenetic history. These variations in composition testify to the various mantle processes that contributed to the unicity of the Cullinan kimberlite pipe.

This study represents an advancement into the understanding of how mantle-derived melts evolve as they ascend and interact with the lithosphere. It provides critical insights into the geochemical fingerprints of the mantle and contributes to a better understanding of the dynamic processes that drive diamondiferous kimberlite formation, not only at Cullinan but also at a global scale.

How to cite: du Plessis, C., Lenhardt, N., Milani, L., Delport, J., and Phahla, T.: New Geochemical and Geodynamic Insights into the Cullinan Kimberlite, Kaapvaal Craton: Mantle Processes, Magmatic Heterogeneity, and Diamond Potential., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-596,, 2025.

EGU25-612 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Rifting-driven source melting and the origin of the alkaline magmatism located along the active fault segments in Southeastern Mediterranean, Türkiye 

Dihak Asena Önder, Biltan Kürkcüoğlu, Mehmet Tekin Yürür, Burcu Kahraman, and Güllü Deniz Doğan Külahcı

Rifting-driven source melting and the origin of the alkaline magmatism located along the active fault segments in Southeastern Mediterranean, Türkiye

Rift-related extensive mafic magmatism was developed along the active segments of the East Anatolian zone in southeastern part of Anatolian lithosphere, since Quaternary times. These mafic and mainly basaltic rocks are widely distributed in Osmaniye - Ceyhan district and along the Karasu valley in Hatay. The mafic lavas from Toprakkale region are predominantly classified as alkaline basalts with SiO₂ and MgO contents ranging from 45.79-48.65 wt% and 7.99-8.88 wt%, respectively. Additionally, one sample is classified as basanite, with a SiO₂ content of 44.18 wt% and MgO content of 6.53 wt%.

The primitive mantle-normalized multi-element diagram exhibit enrichments in LILE relative to HFS elements, and these elemental patterns are similar to that those of OIB source but differ from OIB signature with relatively depleted LILE and HFSE contents. However, the basanite sample distinguishes itself by the enrichment in Nb, Ta, Sr, P and minor depletions in Zr, Hf contents relative to OIB source. The incompatible element ratios Nb/U (27.29-77.55), Nb/La (0.72-1.60), Zr/Ba (0.57-0.70) suggest that basaltic rocks were derived from OIB-like mantle source. The (Tb/Yb)(N) ratios of the lava products span from 1.89 to 2.68 that separates the melting from the Garnet - Spinel ((Tb/Yb)(N) >1.8; [1]) transition zone, accompanied with moderately to high (La/Yb)(N) ratios (9.92-14.37). Besides, Zn/Fe ratios of basaltic rocks range between 10.40-12.41 which separates the peridotite-derived (Zn/Fe <12; [2]) and pyroxenite-derived (Zn/Fe 13-20); [2]) melts.

Rifting process has a key role in magma generation where the stretching lithosphere leads to decompression melting, collectively, all these elemental ratios strongly suggest that basaltic rocks were derived from the melting of peridotite source domains within the region significantly affected by the active fault segments.


1.Wang et al., 2002, J.Geophys.Res.vol:107, ECV 5, 1-21

2.Le Roux, et al.,2011, EPSL, vol:307, 395-408

How to cite: Önder, D. A., Kürkcüoğlu, B., Yürür, M. T., Kahraman, B., and Külahcı, G. D. D.: Rifting-driven source melting and the origin of the alkaline magmatism located along the active fault segments in Southeastern Mediterranean, Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-612,, 2025.

EGU25-2176 | PICO | GD2.3

Bulkur phreato-magmatic diamond deposits – new incites for origin from the geochemistry and thermobarometry.  

Igor Ashchepkov, Alexander Smelov, Sergei Grakhanov, and Akexander Ivanov

The phreatomagmatic Carnian (Upper Triassic) kimberlitic tuff deposit of the Bulkur anticline at the right side of the Lena Mouth has the most high diamond grade in Russia (to 12 crt/t). Comparison of the  thermobarometric reconstructions Ashchepkov ea 2001; Grakhanov ea., 2024) and geochemistry of pyropes (Skuzovatov et al., 2022) and presented here set of the EPMA (560), SEM (980) and LA ICP (140) analyses  from tuffs at Olenek’s duct at  Lena Mouth. Pyropes variations  0<Cr2O3<13% are similar to   (Grakhanov et al., 2024) but TiO2 are higher  to 2%.

 Chromites are  Ti -  Al rich - varieties, compared to (Biller et al., 2017). Micas from Bulkur refer to reaction of peridotite with K- rich melt (3.5-5 % FeO and Cr2O3 to 3%)  similar to range in orangeites or lamproites (Downes ea, 2006).  All   ilmenites ( MgO < 4%)   are not deep-seated. The Cr- diopsides divides to the Cr-Al rich and Fe- enriched types.

The PT diagram show 8 layers and comparing to (Ashchepkov et al., 2017) and (Grakhanov et al., 2024) show straight line P (6.5-2GPa)-Fe# (0.11-0.15) for megacrystic pyropes. The eclogitic inclined P- Fe# trend is less abundant than in previous sets. And Ca -rich layer in middle Eclogite layer 4-5 GPa chromites are Ti to 6% from 6.5-3. GPa

The Geochemistry of almost all pyropes despite on variations in REE from U to S- shaped (dunitic) and HMREE low harzburgitic and rounded lherzolitic varieties almost all show high U-Th-Nb-Ta- levels. There are extreme Zr-Hf types those with elevated Zr-Hf. Even Cr- highest pyropes reveal high HFSE. As well as Cpxs and Amphs with Nb peaks and Chrs – Ta peak. All carbonates in tuffs are magmatic showing high REE gently increasing Yb to La ~ 5000*C1. The mantle column beneath Bulkur was reacted with the HFSE -rich K-rich aillikite melt. The studied phase is late comparing to studied before. Grant RNF 24-27-00411.

Ashchepkov, I. V., Vladykin, N. V., Ivanov, A., Babushkina, S., Vavilov, M., & Medvedev, N. 2021, Ma Problems of mantle structure and compositions of various terranes of Siberian Craton. In Alkaline Rocks, Kimberlites and Carbonatites: Geochemistry and Genesis. pp. 15-48. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Skuzovatov, S., Shatsky, V. S., Ragozin, A. L., & Smelov, A. P. 2022. The evolution of refertilized lithospheric mantle beneath the northeastern Siberian craton: Links between mantle metasomatism, thermal state and diamond potential. Geoscience Frontiers13(6), 101455.

Grakhanov, S. A., Goloburdina, M. N., Ivanov, A. S., & Ashchepkov, I. V. (2024). Mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of diamondiferous formations of the Bulkur anticline, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Regional Geology and Metallogeny, (98), 41-63.

How to cite: Ashchepkov, I., Smelov, A., Grakhanov, S., and Ivanov, A.: Bulkur phreato-magmatic diamond deposits – new incites for origin from the geochemistry and thermobarometry. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2176,, 2025.

EGU25-3470 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Diffusion-induced nickel isotope fractionation in pyroxenitic xenoliths 

Xiaoyang Hu and Shuijiong Wang

Diffusion-induced nickel isotope fractionation in pyroxenitic xenoliths

Xiao-Yang Hu, Shui-Jiong Wang

State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China

University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China.

The bulk silicate earth has a homogenous nickel (Ni) isotopic value of +0.11±0.06‰[1][2]. However, sizable Ni isotope fractionation could occur during mantle metasomatism and melt-rock interaction[1][2][3][4][5]. Here, we analyzed the Ni isotopic composition of a pyroxenitic xenolith (~10cm in length) within Cenozoic intraplate basalts from the Hannuoba region, North China Craton. The host basalts have homogenous δ60Ni value of -0.15±0.09‰, whereas the pyroxenitic xenolith has highly variable δ60Ni value ranging from -0.05‰ to +0.95‰. In detail, the δ60Ni of the pyroxenite exhibit extremely high value at one side of the basalt-pyroxenite boundary, and gradually transitioned to mantle-like δ60Ni towards the other side of the basalt-pyroxenite boundary, leading to an stairs-like pattern instead of a U-pattern. Therefore, interaction of the pyroxenitic xenolith with the host basaltic magma after entrainment cannot account for the large Ni isotopic variation. It is likely that the ancient mantle metasomatism, during which, extensive elemental and isotopic exchange between the metasomatic agent and lithospheric mantle, has produced the diffusion-induced Ni isotope fractionation, and later ascending of the Cenozoic intraplate magmas has captured this metasomatized mantle materials, and erupted to the surface. 



[1] Wang et al. (2021), Nat Comms, 12, 294; [2] Klaver et al. (2020), GCA, 268, 405-421; [3] Saunders et al. (2020), GCA, 268, 405-421; [4] Gall et al. (2017), GCA, 199, 196-209;  [5] Sheng et al. (2022), JGR-Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB02455.

How to cite: Hu, X. and Wang, S.: Diffusion-induced nickel isotope fractionation in pyroxenitic xenoliths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3470,, 2025.

EGU25-4716 | PICO | GD2.3

The 3000 km mantle transect through Angola and Congo based on diamond satellite minerals from kimberlites 

Vladimir Zinchenko, Igor Ashchepkov, Akexander Ivanov, Benedito Paulo Manuel, and Joao Tunga Felix

The 3000 km SSW-NNE mantle transect through all Congo craton (including Angola and Congo DR) was constructed based on EPMA analyses of diamond satellite minerals (DSM) from  kimberlites (and placers) using monomineral thermobarometry (Ashchepkov et al., 2017)  and Surpher 8 software. It crosses Lucapa corridor from Kunene to Lushinga fields and goes from Mbuji-Mai and to Banalia field in Congo DR.  The NWW –SEE transect from Bas Congo to Kundelungu was built also.

The whole SW-NE profile consists of at least of 6 sections Angola part and 3 more in Congo DR part correspondently to the grouping of the kimberlites fields at the ancient mantle sub terranes. There are also heated regions with the higher concentrations of pipes correspondent to the boundaries of the sub terranes where the mantle columns are more heated and homogenized.

     Mantle sections show rather contrast layering. It is more evident and thin in P-FO2 diagram and total Fe# and less  for ToC and garnets CaO and Fe#.

      The section in Angola include several regions with the more dense  kimberlite population including Kunene, Cubango, Lubango and long array from Longo to Kamatue including Catoca cluster. The last highly diamondiferous part of mantle differ from other parts by the essential heating of the lower part of section relatively high amount of pyroxenitic and eclogitic material which probably define the high diamond grade. Several mantle clusters show heating and increase in Fe# accompanied by the low oxygen fugacity which corresponds to the high diamond grade In Angola: Cuilo – Liuele- Catoca and Camafuca Kamachia fields and in Congo DR – Mbuji- Mai and Wamba fields.

The relative homogenization beneath Catoca and close regions means more permeable mantle with concentration of proto-kimberlite magma chambers not only near the base of the lithospheric mantle, and also in intermediate and middle pyroxenite levels. The mineralogy suggests presence there and low-oxidized eclogites, dunites, and Mg-rich ilmenite-chromite-bearing metasomatites. Probably on such conditions many diamonds were growing during protokimberlite process in the large magmatic chambers near the lithosphere base where  large CLIPPIR type grains as megacrysts were growing.

The uppermost Early Archaean relatively thin plate mantle layers are inclined toward the  Catoca- Kamachia cluster in NNE  part of Congo where the concentration of eclogites are higher probably due subduction accretion.   RNF Grant 24-27-00411.


  • Ashchepkov I.V., Zinchenko V.N., Ivanov A.S. Mantle Transects in Africa According to Data of Mantle Xenocrysts and Diamond Inclusions. In: Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition. Vol. 95(S1), pp.15-17 (2021).
  • Zinchenko V., Ashchepkov I., Ivanov, A. Modelling of the mantle structure beneath the NE part of the Lucapa kimberlite corridor. Angola. In: Journal of science. Lyon, Vol.19. pp. 7-14. (2021).
  • Ashchepkov I.V.; Ntaflos T., Logvinova, A.M., Spetsius, Z.V., Downes, H., Vladykin, N.V. Monomineral universal clinopyroxene and garnet barometers for peridotitic, eclogitic and basaltic systems. Geoscience Frontiers. Vol.8, pp.775-795. (2017).
  • Ashchepkov I.V., Rotman A.Y., Somov al. Composition and thermal structure of the lithospheric mantle beneath kimberlite pipes from the Catoca cluster, Angola. In: Tectonophysics. Vol. 530, pp.128-151 (2012).

RNF grant 24-27-00411.

How to cite: Zinchenko, V., Ashchepkov, I., Ivanov, A., Manuel, B. P., and Felix, J. T.: The 3000 km mantle transect through Angola and Congo based on diamond satellite minerals from kimberlites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4716,, 2025.

EGU25-4945 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

The diamond-poor nature of corundum-bearing eclogite and Karoo-type overprint of deep eclogite sources beneath the Kimberley region (Kaapvaal craton) 

Jiten Pattnaik, Sonja Aulbach, Fanus Viljoen, Henriette Ueckermann, and Thando Mxinwa

Decades of studies have shown that the petrogenesis of kimberlite-borne cratonic eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths reflects the endemics of their crustal protoliths and local lithosphere evolution. Detailed investigations of the origin and metasomatic history of individual eclogite xenolith suites are thus required to understand how cratonic eclogite reservoirs - and their diamond inventory - evolve in the regional tectonomagmatic context. Here, we investigate a little-studied eclogite and pyroxenite xenolith suite from the Balmoral kimberlite in the Kimberley area of the Kaapvaal craton, which, like eclogite suites in neighbouring kimberlites, likely originated as subducted Archaean oceanic crust. Detailed petrographic observations and mineral major- and trace-element analyses, combined with published data for eclogite xenoliths and eclogitic inclusions in diamond, show that this sample suite records at least two distinct episodes of metasomatic overprint: (1) Metasomatism by a kimberlite-like melt caused a decrease in clinopyroxene jadeite component and garnet grossular component and imparted high MgO and Cr2O3 contents, recorded dominantly by pyroxenite xenoliths. Comparison to Kaapvaal kimberlites and lamproites confirms that the geochemical trends cannot be reconciled with bulk kimberlite-eclogite mixing but require precipitation of metasomatic clinopyroxene from the melt instead. This metasomatic style is recognised world-wide, and at Balmoral is notably restricted to the shallow lithosphere (110-150 km). (2) A distinct metasomatic event generated eclogites with extreme Y-HREE enrichment, at Balmoral restricted to the deep lithosphere (150-200 km). We propose that this enrichment style reflects phlogopite formation at the expense of garnet, with the liberation of these garnet-compatible elements to the metasomatic melt. This signature is identified in eclogite xenoliths both from early Cretaceous lamproite (Bellsbank) and late Cretaceous kimberlite (Balmoral, Kimberley) localities, tentatively ascribed to interaction with melts forming the Karoo large igneous province. Balmoral corundum-bearing eclogites derive from depths overlapping eclogites showing a Karoo-type overprint, which significantly diluted the Al2O3 content in the bulk rock and increased silica activity as gauged by the decrease in Al[IV] in clinopyroxene, thereby destabilising corundum.

Craton-wide, preserved corundum-bearing eclogites record diamond-stable ƒO2 and pressure conditions, yet show little compositional overlap with inclusions in eclogitic diamond. This may reflect the low propensity of COH fluids to reach carbon saturation in this lithology. The preserved corundum-bearing eclogites have reconstructed bulk major-element compositions, which, combined with small to absent Eu anomalies, suggest protoliths representing deep oceanic crustal (>0.5 GPa) cumulates of two pyroxenes plus only minor plagioclase that contained a significant melt component. The identification of such deep hybridised crustal rocks may reflect higher mantle potential temperatures and the formation of thicker oceanic crust in the Archaean.

How to cite: Pattnaik, J., Aulbach, S., Viljoen, F., Ueckermann, H., and Mxinwa, T.: The diamond-poor nature of corundum-bearing eclogite and Karoo-type overprint of deep eclogite sources beneath the Kimberley region (Kaapvaal craton), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4945,, 2025.

EGU25-11724 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Ilmenite in peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Siberian kimberlite pipes: morphology and genesis 

Tatiana Kalashnikova, Sophia Vorobey, and Sergei Kostrovitsky

Ilmenite is a diamond associate mineral from kimberlites and present in other ultramafic and basic alkaline rocks. In kimberlites ilmenite is common in the form of monomineral nodules-megacrysts, as well as phenocrysts in a fine-grained groundmass. The amount ilmenite-containing rocks from the total mantle xenoliths make up 4-7%, and it can be connected with proto-kimberlite melts. Ilmenite also occurs in a whole group of mantle rocks (called ilmenite hyperbasites), is presented as individual euhedral crystals, rounded grains, is also observed as inclusions in pyroxene, garnet and sometimes forms sideronite structures (intergrowths with silicates) and veinlets in a fine-grained olivine matrix.

In this work, mantle xenoliths were studied from the Mir (Mirny field) and Obnazhennaya (Kuoika field) kimberlite pipes of the Yakutian kimberlite province. These pipes are located in different parts of the Siberian craton and have different ages. The chemical composition of the ilmenite lamellaes and rounded inclusions from two pipes is discussed. A wide range of values ​​is observed for lamellae from both pipes - from 39.7 to 57.6 wt.% TiO2. Rounded inclusions from the Obnazhennaya pipe are distinguished by narrow composition variations - 53-56 wt.% TiO2. At the same time, they are close to megacrystalline and xenogenic (lithospheric) ilmenites from kimberlites. Large variations in the compositions of ilmenite lamellae from pyroxene and garnet crystals suggest that these ilmenites formed as disintegration and exsolution structures during gradual cooling of the initial megacrystals. Their cooling velocity and P-T final crystallization were different to reflect the difference in ilmenite compositions. Diffusion of elements from the host mineral could also affect composition variations, since the sizes of small inclusions are up to 20-40 μm. At the same time, some of the compositions of ilmenite lamellae from Mir pipe xenoliths close into the composition field of late fine-grained ilmenites of the main mass of kimberlites. This fact may indicate deep differentiation of melts enriched in iron and titanium, possibly longer processes of lithospheric mantle evolution under the Mir kimberlite pipe than under the northeast of the craton (Obnazhennaya pipe). Rounded inclusions of ilmenite in garnet and pyroxene from peridotites of the Obnazhennaya pipe have a different genesis. Their chemical compositions on the MgO-TiO2 diagram form a compact group and are close to the region of the original, asthenospheric ilmenites. It was formed from melts, but in terms of formation time they are later than ilmenites from lamellas, which indicates a more complex history of formation and heterogeneity of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Obnazhennaya pipe.

The research was supported by Russian Science Foundation grant № 22-77-10073.

How to cite: Kalashnikova, T., Vorobey, S., and Kostrovitsky, S.: Ilmenite in peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Siberian kimberlite pipes: morphology and genesis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11724,, 2025.

In this paper, the evolution of the upper mantle and the formation of regions of partial melting of the asthenosphere are simulated numerically within the framework of a single-velocity multilayer hydrodynamic model that takes into account the main phase transitions. The modeling results can be used to formulate problems on the introduction of magmatic melts into the lithosphere and crust in the ocean-continent transition region. The region from the marginal sea and the ocean-continent transition zone of the northern Pacific Ocean to the rift zone was numerically studied. To formulate the numerical problem, the data on the analysis of the structure of the earth's crust and upper mantle in the ocean-continent transition region of the northwestern Pacific Ocean were used, carried out by seismic tomography methods using the GIS-ENDDB geoinformation and computing system (Mikheeva, 2016). Tomographic data made it possible to determine the regional structure of magmatic systems in the lithosphere and upper mantle of the northern Pacific Ocean. Analysis of these data, together with data on gravity and magnetic anomalies in the earth's crust, allowed us to estimate the levels and areas of transformation of the earth's crust and lithospheric mantle by past magmatic processes. The fields of shear wave velocities with vertical polarization for the areas of manifestation of PTTS for different depths of the mantle lithosphere and mantle of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean are shown in Figure 1 according to data (Schaeffer, Lebedev, 2013) in the format of the shadow model GIS-ENDDB in relative units.

Figure 1. Tomographic maps of vertically polarized shear wave anomalies for areas of PTTS manifestation at depths of 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 km (according to [Schaeffer, Lebedev, 2013])

The results of the simulation of the ocean-continent transition zone and the northern part of the Pacific Ocean to the North American rift zone, calculated using a multilayer model taking into account seismic tomography data (Perepechko, Sharapov, 2014), are shown in Figure 2. The red zones indicate the melting regions that form the asthenosphere. The development of an active convective flow in the initially heterogeneous upper mantle leads to the appearance of ascending flows on the right boundary of the computational domain, corresponding to the north of the West Pacific rift belt.

Figure 2. Temperature distribution (blue) and degree of partial melting of mantle rocks (red) along the section of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (at 47° N). The time corresponds to 72 and 149 million years after the emergence of active convective flow in the upper mantle.

Grant No. 24-27-00411.


How to cite: Perepechko, Y., Mikheeva, A., and Imomnazarov, S.: Structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle in the ocean-continent transition region of the northwestern Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11899,, 2025.

EGU25-12237 | PICO | GD2.3

Trace elements in the black Pl bearing xenoliths in Quaternary basalts from Baikal rift. Implications to the origin of granites  

Igor Ashchepkov, Andrey Tsygankov, Galina Burmakina, and Nikolai Medvedev

It is suggested that in the genesis of the large volumes of the granites of Angara-Vitim Batholiths and similar huge granite massifs the important role play the plume magmas which were the major supply of the heart. But they also could directly participate in the magma generation providing volatiles and alkalis and other components. But of course the major melting components were granulites and lower crust gneisses.

We studied major elements and the geochemistry of the Pl- bearing pyroxenites captured by the Quaternary alkaline basalts from Baikal rift – using EPMA, SEM and LAM ICP methods from Vitim plateau, Tunka valley (Karierny volcano) (Ashchepkov et al., 2024) mainly compositions oof amphiboles, Pyroxenes, plagioclases and K-Fspars as well as micas and more rare garnets.

 Studied amphiboles mainly reveal  inclined spectra (La/Ybn ~5-10) of pyroxenes and higher for amphiboles (~ 15 ) having higher REE and elevated LILE. Single – grain The Pls have flatter REE patterns with the peaks in Ba the K- alkali feldspars have lower REE levels and higher Ba, LILE Sr peaks. Much lower REE and higher Ba, alkalis reveal micas.

Less inclined spectra of minerals from Karierny volcano 13.5 Ma indicate a less deep of origin of the parent melts.

Thermobarometry of Vitim pyroxenites gives 5-12 kbar and for amphiboles, 8-5 kbar is somewhat shallower. In Tunka valley 10-4 kbar and 7-4 in amphiboles. This corresponds to the lower thickness of the crust in Tunka and lower garnet influence.


On the whole, amphiboles give closer TRE spectra to alkaline granitoids. But all of them have a minimum Pb, which indicates fractionation processes, and granitoids (Tsygankov et al., 2014-2017), on the contrary, have a Pb peak, which indicates partial melting. In addition, in syenites, the concave part of the HREE spectrum indicates low-temperature garnet in restites.

the Vitim Plateau imply the participation of garnet in the processes of partial melting.


The genesis of the alkaline granites and syenites (Tsygankov et al., 2014) suggest the fractional and possibly disequilibrium melting of the K -FSp and micas and partly butch melting of Ampx-Pl of the granulite and gneisses possibly in different levels as well the direct infiltration of alkaline basalt are also suggested. These magmas are more typical for the regions with the thicker crust. The major factor was the plume melts impact.

For the Ca- alkaline granitoids the batch melting is more realistic model with the higher participation of the Pl and amphiboles in magma genesis. And they corresponds to the central parts of the Transbaikal with the relatively thinner crust. These means also the more higher melting of crust material  under plume influence. Supported by RNF grant 23-17-00030

How to cite: Ashchepkov, I., Tsygankov, A., Burmakina, G., and Medvedev, N.: Trace elements in the black Pl bearing xenoliths in Quaternary basalts from Baikal rift. Implications to the origin of granites , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12237,, 2025.

EGU25-14434 | PICO | GD2.3

 Intraplate Ca-rich and Ca-usual igneous rocks in Baluchestan, Iran associated with real carbonatites of Afghanistan 

Alexander Romanko, Nazim Imamverdiyev, Mehrdad Heidari, Bahman Rashidi, Michael Malykh, Ilya Vikentev, and Anton Poleshchuk

We present some data on Cenozoic (KZ) intraplate rocks in Baluchestan and Sistan, East Iran received by a group led by known regional trio: A. Hushmanzadeh, M.A.A. Nogol Sadate, and E. Romanko.

Some important features on intraplate and subduction-related rocks are as follows:

Rocks are mainly K-Na, middle K2O subalkaline (mainly) and alkaline ones, not very High-Ti, 87Sr/86Sr (ISr) = 0.7039+- 2 (trachyAndesite) and 0.7049+- 3 (trachyBasalt) alongside with 0.7049 of 'vulcanite' (Camp & Griffis, 1982), LREE-enrichment with a high LREE/HREE (La - more than 32 ppm), and a characteristical Eu/Eu* more than 1.1; up to high = 1/3 wt% CaO and up to a high=0.45% of Sr in basic trachyandesites (while Quaternary carbonatites are ca. 200 km to the east, Hanneshin, Afghanistan), complex correlation of some characteristical elements; then-High-Ti (rhutile, Ti-hornblende) and High-Ca phases (clinocoizite, also, Ca-rich ceolite - vayrakite is proposed), replacement of primary minerals due to a fairly strong rock-fluid interaction. North-East (submeridianal) tectonic-magmatic +- metallogenic (economic regional porphyry Cu-Au+-Mo; Pb, Zn, Au-Ag and fairly poor Ag, PGE, As, Hg, Bi etc. - e.x., Anarak known deposits in Central Iran associated with Pg (mainly Pg2) subalkaline volcanites (E. Romanko et al., 1984) ) ZONING related to known subduction of Arabian plate, e.x.: subduction-related (1) - intraplate (2) rocks:

1: Eocene shoshonites etc. - Paleocene-Oligocene calc-alkaline intrusives - Miocene-Recent calc-alkaline volcanic (-plutonic) rocks

2: Paleogene? (Lut block) - Neogene intraplate subalkaline - alkaline rocks - Quaternary Afghanistan carbonatites etc. Alpine compression in subduction depth up to 200 km in Central Iran, at least, partly compensated, as proposed, by contemporaneous / younger Pg?-N-Q intraplate magmatism of Iran - Afghanistan - SouthEast Pamir (Pg-N?) and maybe Saudi Arabia carbonatites etc.

This work was made due to the State program of the Geological Institute RAS.

How to cite: Romanko, A., Imamverdiyev, N., Heidari, M., Rashidi, B., Malykh, M., Vikentev, I., and Poleshchuk, A.:  Intraplate Ca-rich and Ca-usual igneous rocks in Baluchestan, Iran associated with real carbonatites of Afghanistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14434,, 2025.

EGU25-17151 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Dynamics of two-phase flows in magmatic channels 

Sherzad Imomnazarov, Yury Perepechko, and Konstantin Sorokin

The process of magmatic melt intrusion into permeable zones of the lithosphere, as well as deformation of the permeable region of magmatic channels, is studied within the framework of two-speed thermohydrodynamics of viscous compressible media. The model has applications in the problem of evolution of magmatic systems in the lithospheric mantle and crust of cratons and the ocean-continent transition region. The mathematical model of two-speed hydrodynamics of high-temperature melts is thermodynamically consistent and takes into account such dissipative processes as phase viscosity, thermal conductivity, interphase friction, and surface effects in a heterophase medium. Taking into account the compressibility of the medium allows us to study heat and mass transfer in flows of heterophase melts with a high content of magmatic fluids. Numerical modeling of magmatic melt intrusion into vertical channels was performed for problems characterized by the following parameters: temperature of the two-phase medium 500-1200°C, melt viscosity 101-106 P, velocities of the carrier phase and inclusions were 10-3-10-1 cm/s. The injected high-temperature heterophase magmatic flow was specified as non-uniform in terms of the content of the dispersed phase. This leads to the formation of two- and three-layer flows in the gravity field.

The process of introduction of a high-temperature heterophase medium into a permeable zone located at a lower temperature is shown in Figure 1. The introduced flow is characterized by a lower content of inclusions compared to their content in the channel. The development of instability of the intruded flow is caused by the initial heterogeneity at the boundary.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the introduction of a high-temperature heterophase substance into a vertical channel in a gravity field: the distribution of temperature (left) and volume content of dispersed phase particles (right) is shown for different moments in time.


The difference in the nature of the developed flow for melts with different viscosities is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Distribution of temperature (left) and volume content of dispersed phase particles (right) during the introduction of a heterophase substance with different viscosities of the carrier phase (10-1, 100, 101, 102 P)

The work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 24-27-00411.


How to cite: Imomnazarov, S., Perepechko, Y., and Sorokin, K.: Dynamics of two-phase flows in magmatic channels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17151,, 2025.

Much debate exists concerning mechanisms of crustal material transfer from subducting slab to overlying mantle. Formation of mélange rocks by physical mixing of slab components within subduction plate interface is predicted to transfer their compositional signal to source of arc magmas by ascending as diapirs from slab-top. Despite being supported conceptually and through modeling, existence of these diapirs in global subduction architecture remains inconclusive. plate interface. Here we present a comprehensive study on eclogites with distinct pressure-temperature-protolith histories from a deeply buried mélange “package” in the Atbashi low-temperature (LT)- high-pressure (HP) metamorphic complex, Kyrgyzstan section of the South Tianshan Metamorphic Complex (STMC), southern Altaids. Recent studies in the Chinese section of the STMC disclose massive sediment accretion at ~80 km depth along the subduction interface, suggesting continuous refrigeration, by incoming cold material from the slab, and juxtaposition to the “cold nose” of mantle wedge. In addition, transient thermal excursion was revealed, in region, from strikingly concordant chemical zonation of garnet in coesite-bearing oceanic eclogites, disclosing the potential translation of ultra-high-pressure rocks (UHP) refrigerated slices near to a relatively hotter mantle wedge. In this study, field mapping, bulk-rock geochemistry, metamorphic petrology, Zr-in-rutile & Ti-in-quartz thermobarometers, thermodynamic modeling, rutile & zircon trace elements, and U-Pb chronology analyses have been conducted to provide the first tangible eclogitic rock evidence recording mélange diapir melting signal (MDP) and experiencing substantial thermal excursion in a well-preserved refrigerated subduction plate interface, as confirmed by the pervasive presence of lowtemperature eclogitic rocks. Additional multi-disciplinary data, especially those Late Carboniferous ones, are also compiled from regional various lithologies to fingerprint the temporal-spatial variations of mantle signal and crustal feedback during which the eclogitic mélange rocks contemporaneously formed and their fate during substantial thermal excursion. Available data provide insights into a model of mélange diapir melting in refrigerated subduction plate interface as substantiated in the STMC. Implications for such process with a momentous contribution in transferring crustal volatile from slab surface to arc lava, regulating terrestrial geochemical cycle, are thus discussed.


How to cite: Sang, M.: Implications for mélange diapir melting from HT eclogite in refrigerated subduction plate interface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17317,, 2025.

EGU25-18578 | PICO | GD2.3

Ca, Mn, Na admixtures in pyropes as indicator of the diamond grade in kimberlites 

Alexander Ivanov, Vladimir Zinchenko, Igor Ashchepkov, and Sergey Kostrovitsky

 Triangular diagrams of pyrope compositions for minor elements – Mn, Na, Ti in wt%  are proposed to assess the diamond grade  of kimberlite pipes.

. Basing on group cluster analysis, diagrams are constructed for pyropes from high-diamondiferous (>1 ct/t) (Fig.1), poor and non-diamondiferous kimberlites (<0.1 ct/t) (Fig.2) of Yakutia and Angola. Oval areas correspond to peridotite, eclogitic, and websterite mantle paragenesis (Sobolev, 1971), the diameter of the analytical point is proportional to the CaO content. In highly diamondiferous kimberlites (Fig. 1), pyropes of peridotite dominating and eclogitic and websterite associations are equally present. Trends in their compositions overlap in the ratios of Na2O, MnO and TiO2 in all CG

Pyropes of diamond-poorly kimberlites (Fig. 2) do not show such overlap, and for each of their CG they are isolated or have a predominance of one paragenesis over another.

Discussion. The presence of pyrope CGs from different deep sources indicates the hybridization of the proto-kimberlite melt, which assimilated the rocks of the peridotite, eclogite, and websterite "layers" of the mantle. This explains the high diamond content of kimberlites, which assimilated diamonds from these three deep sources. In poor diamondiferous kimberlites, pyropes of various paragenesis are extremely unevenly represented, which is due to the weak interaction of the melt with the "layers" of diamondiferous eclogites and websterites. The catalytic role of Ti, Na, and Mn in the process of diamond formation was pointed out by V.A. Milashev (Milashev, 1994) and J. Gurney (Gurney et al., 1994). Pyropes of highly diamondiferous kimberlites are characterized by a short TiO2 trend and a fairly long Na2O trend (Fig. 1). Pyropes of poorly diamondiferous kimberlites, on the contrary, are distinguished by a long or unexpressed TiO2 trend and a limited Na2O (Fig. 2)

Conclusions. The revealed regularities in the distribution of impurity elements in pyropes from kimberlites of different degrees of diamond content are confirmed by diagrams with an MgO-MnO "diamond window", where most of the pyrope grains of highly diamondiferous pipes fall (Figs. 1 and 2). They can be used to assess the diamondiferous potential of kimberlites based on mineralogical and geochemical criteria.

  • Dawson J.B., Stephens W.E. Statistical classification of garnets from kimberlites and xenoliths. J. Geol. 1975. Vol. 83. № 5. P. 589-607
  • Grifin W.L., Ryan C.G. Trace elements in indicator minerals: Area selection and target evaluation in diamond exploration. J. Geochem. Explor. , Vol. 53, P. 311-357.
  • Ivanov A. S. 2015. A New Criterion of Kimberlite Diamond Content. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian (with international participation) Fersman session. KSC RAS, Apatity, pp. 268-270,
  • Milashev V.A. 1994. Environment and processes of formation of natural diamonds. "Nedra", St. Petersburg, 142 p.
  • Sobolev N.V. 1994. On the mineralogical criteria of diamond content of kimberlites. 1971. №3. – P. 70-80 J. J. Gurney, R. O. Moore. Geochemical correlation between kimberlite minerals and Kalahari Craton diamonds, Journal. Russian Geology and Geophysics, pp. 12 – 24,

How to cite: Ivanov, A., Zinchenko, V., Ashchepkov, I., and Kostrovitsky, S.: Ca, Mn, Na admixtures in pyropes as indicator of the diamond grade in kimberlites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18578,, 2025.

EGU25-18840 | PICO | GD2.3

Density of high SiO2 carbonatite liquids in the upper mantle. 

Vincent Clesi, Jean-Philippe Perillat, Laura Henry, Marisa Wood, Hervé Cardon, Stephan Klemme, Arno Rohrbach, and Carmen Sanchez-Valle

Carbonatite melts, while representing a small fraction of all magmas on Earths, are important features of the deep carbon cycle [1]. These melts are very reactive and quickly evolve during their ascent from a CO2-rich (CO2 higher 40 %) and SiO2 poor (SiO2 around 0 % wt) to compositions including more SiO2 and relatively less CO2 [2,3]. The physical properties of what is known as transitional melts (high CO2 contents and SiO2 content below 15% wt) at high pressure are not well constrained, although they are important for understanding the dynamics of carbonatite melt migration and chemical evolution. In this study we determined one high magnesium carbonatite with a ratio Ca/(Mg+Ca) ≈ 0.2 and one dolomite carbonatite with a ratio Ca/(Mg+Ca) ≈ 0.5. Both compositions have a 12 % SiO2 content and 5 % wt H2O content. We applied the in situ X-ray absorption method in combination with XCT-tomography in a Paris -Edinburgh press at the Psiché beamline of Soleil synchrotron to determine the density of melts [4]. We measured for each composition the melt density between 2 -4 GPa and 1200 K -1900 K and  complemented the in situ data with sink/float experiments at 4 GPa and temperature of 1700 K, using B4C and forsterite markers. Both types of experiments showed that dolomite carbonatite melts (high Ca content) with 12 % SiO2 have densities in the range of 2.9 – 3.05, closer to that of a forsterite than carbonatites with 0 % SiO2 (indicating that even small amounts of SiO2 tend to increase significantly the density compared to pure carbonatite melts [5]. The implications of this results for the mobility of transitional melts in the upper mantle will be discussed.

[1] Jones et al. (2013) Rev. Min. Geochem. 75, 289.

[2] Hammouda & Keshav (2015) Chem. Geol. 418, 171.

[3] Moussallam, et al. (2015) Chem. Geol. 418, 198.

[4] Ritter et al. (2020) EPSL 533, 116043.

[5] Massuyeau et al. (2023) Chem. Geol. 622, 121275.

How to cite: Clesi, V., Perillat, J.-P., Henry, L., Wood, M., Cardon, H., Klemme, S., Rohrbach, A., and Sanchez-Valle, C.: Density of high SiO2 carbonatite liquids in the upper mantle., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18840,, 2025.

EGU25-20349 | ECS | PICO | GD2.3

Experimental investigation of C-O-H volatile effects at the subcontinental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary 

Caroline Dornelles Kern Tolotti and Rommulo Vieira Conceição


This study presents an experimental simulation of interactions between two distinct lithologies, representing the contact zone between the asthenosphere and subcontinental lithosphere. These compositions were layered in the capsule (sandwich runs) and subjected to pressures and temperatures representative of two subcontinental mantle of 75 and 130 km, corresponding to Phanerozoic lithosphere thicknesses. The temperatures range from 900°C to 1450°C to simulate different metasomatic reactions and fusion processes in normal geothermal environments and anomalous conditions of high potential temperatures. The experiments were performed using a belt-type high-pressure-high-temperature apparatus, using toroidal pressure plates. Compositions were prepared from pure oxides, carbonates, and hydroxides.

The asthenospheric representative layer is a mixture of fertile lherzolite (MPY) enriched with 30% eclogite (GA1) and 0.75 wt.% CO₂. The lithospheric representative layer consists of NHD, a depleted lherzolite metasomatized with 0.8 wt.% H₂O and 0.17 wt.% K₂O. These compositions have been used in previous experimental studies, enabling direct comparison of our results with those from simpler compositional systems.

The results confirm that small amounts of C-O-H volatiles significantly lower the melting point of peridotite. Melting begins at 900°C at 2.5 GPa and at 1050°C at 4.5 GPa. Amphibole stability is observed up to 4.5 GPa, demonstrating the lithosphere's substantial capacity to retain water when interacting with enriched asthenospheric compositions, likely influenced by prior subduction events. Carbon remains dissolved in carbonate minerals at 4.5 GPa up to 1050°C. As the temperature increases, carbon transitions from being dissolved in the melt to the vapor phase. Liquid compositions are basanitic at low melt fractions and evolve to trachyandesitic above 1200°C.

This research focuses on metasomatic reactions involving fluids and melts generated under adiabatic decompression. Insights contribute to understanding magmatic processes at rift systems in supercontinent cycles, where ancient lithospheric plates accumulate volatiles. Additionally, this study advances the understanding of mantle geodynamics by examining water and carbon storage in mineral phases and the dehydration and decarbonation reactions observed experimentally.

Keywords: experimental petrology, mantle metasomatism, volatile geodynamics, high-pressure melts.

How to cite: Dornelles Kern Tolotti, C. and Vieira Conceição, R.: Experimental investigation of C-O-H volatile effects at the subcontinental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20349,, 2025.

EGU25-447 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Hyper-spectral acquisitions of ice mixtures with Martian simulant at low temperatures 

Nicole Costa, Alessandro Bonetto, Patrizia Ferretti, Bruno Casarotto, Matteo Massironi, Pascal Bohleber, and Francesca Altieri

The remote sensing observation of ices and cryospheres in planets and satellites in our Solar System have been accompanied by studies on field analogs (e.g., Antarctica Cianfarra et al. 2022; Svalbard, Preston et Dartnell 2024;) and spectroscopy analysis of dusty ice mixtures in laboratory (e.g., Stephan et al. 2021, Yoldi et al. 2021).

In this project, we used the Mars Global (MGS-1) High-Fidelity Martian Dirt Simulant (Cannon et al. 2019) to create artificial ice mixtures similar to the layer of the North Polar Cap on Mars and we acquired their spectra at low temperature. The spectral acquisitions were performed with the aim to compare the synthetic ice spectra with the ones collected by the NASA Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM; Zurek and Smrekar 2007) in the polar regions in order to quantify the content and understand the composition of the dust entrapped in the North polar deposits.

The finest part (0-32 µm) of the simulant MGS-1 (Cannon et al. 2019) is spectrally representative of the atmospheric dust included in the polar strata.

We mixed the simulant with deionized water in different ice/dust ratio to obtain mixtures from 0% to 35% dust. We cooled the mixtures at 193 K in a refrigerator or using liquid nitrogen and varying the freezing time from 1.30 h to 1 minute. Then, using Headwall Photonics Nano/Micro-Hyperspec cameras we acquired the reflectance spectra of different mixtures in a nitrogen controlled environment to avoid moisture and using a cooled sample-holder and a thermocouple to monitor the temperature increase during the acquisitions.

Both the slabs created with slow and fast cooling show absorptions at 1500 and 2000 nm due to water ice and at 500 nm due to the iron content. However, the fast cooling slabs has well-defined absorption bands and shoulders whereas the slow cooling slabs show shallower bands. As expected with the increase of the simulant amount in the mixtures, the 500 nm-band deepens while the 1500 and 2000 nm-bands get shallower. The rise of the sample temperature resultes in an increase of the whole reflectance. The overall results are consistent with previous works on the granular icy mixtures (e.g., Stephan et al. 2021, Yoldi et al. 2021) although some relevant differences are recorded such as the shapes of the absorption bands and the reflectance.

In conclusion, we developed a new set-up to acquire hyperspectral cubes of icy slabs that better represent the condition of exposed ice along Martian polar rupes as well as cuts, cliffs and walls of icy crust of planetary and small bodies of the outer Solar System.


Cannon K. M. et al. (2019) Icarus, 317, 470–478,

Cianfarra, P. et al. (2022) Tectonics, 4, 6,

Hauber, E. et al. (2011) Geol. Soc. Spec., 356, 111-131,

Lalich D. E. et al. (2019) J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 124, 7, 1690-1703,

Spilker L. (2019) Science, 364, 6445, 1046-1051,

Stephan, K. et al. (2021) Minerals, 11,

Yoldi, Z. et al. (2021) Icarus, 358, 114-169,

Zurek R. W. and Smrekar S. E. (2007) J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 112, 5, 1-22,

How to cite: Costa, N., Bonetto, A., Ferretti, P., Casarotto, B., Massironi, M., Bohleber, P., and Altieri, F.: Hyper-spectral acquisitions of ice mixtures with Martian simulant at low temperatures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-447,, 2025.

EGU25-3027 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

The Possible Aqueous Origins of Manganese Alteration Minerals in the Máaz Formation of Jezero Crater 

Kimberly Sinclair, Benton Clark, David Catling, William Elam, and Yang Liu

Home to a lake around 4 billion years ago, Jezero crater is a unique location to study the interplay between igneous processes and aqueous alteration on ancient Mars. The Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars in 2021, can be used to study the history of the Jezero ancient lake system to better understand the duration of time liquid water was present on the surface of Mars. The Máaz formation, rich in basaltic rock, is the highest stratigraphic unit in the crater floor and hosts a diversity of alteration phases that indicate multiple aqueous episodes may have affected the crater floor rocks. Manganese alteration phases can give us insight into aqueous alteration since manganese is sensitive to changes in redox conditions and so variations in manganese concentrations in the crater can indicate shifts in redox levels in the ancient lake. The Curiosity rover in Gale crater and the Opportunity rover in Endeavor crater have also discovered manganese enrichments, which have been used to infer the presence of more highly oxidizing conditions on Mars over its history than previously thought. Manganese is typically a minor component in igneous minerals, with concentrations often below 1 wt% in most terrestrial rocks. Using data from the PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-Ray Lithochemistry) instrument aboard the Perseverance rover, we investigated alteration products in the Máaz formation with anomalous MnO (much greater than 1 wt%). Our analysis reveals two anomalously high Mn regions in the Guillaumes and Alfalfa abrasion patches. The first has been identified as despujolsite (Ca₃Mn⁴⁺(SO₄)₂(OH)₆·3H₂O), discovered in the Guillaumes abrasion at a low stratigraphic unit within Máaz, which forms from either hydrothermal or lacustrine deposition in Earth analogs. In the Alfalfa abrasion patch, in a high stratigraphic unit in Máaz, we identified Mn-rich magnetite and a Mn-Fe hydrated sulfate in the solid solution series between szomolnokite (Fe2+SO4·H2O) and szmikite (MnSO4·H2O), suggesting a history of serpentinization followed by uplift and exposure to oxidizing acidic fluids. These findings underscore the complexity of aqueous alteration over the course of Jezero history. Future sample return missions could refine mineralogical interpretations and provide more information to refine our understanding of aqueous conditions and habitability in the crater.

How to cite: Sinclair, K., Clark, B., Catling, D., Elam, W., and Liu, Y.: The Possible Aqueous Origins of Manganese Alteration Minerals in the Máaz Formation of Jezero Crater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3027,, 2025.

EGU25-3289 | Orals | PS1.4

Electromagnetic Sounding on Mars with InSight 

Anna Mittelholz, Alexander Grayver, Catherine L. Johnson, and Federico Munch

The NASA InSight mission operated on Mars from November 2018 to May 2022, primarily  aimed at investigating the planet’s interior structure using seismology, geodesy, and heat flow measurements. Among its instruments was the InSight Fluxgate magnetometer, IFG, part of an auxiliary sensor suite, which provided environmental monitoring data. The IFG captured the first surface measurements of Mars’ crustal magnetic field, as well as time-varying magnetic fields. These data enable electromagnetic (EM) sounding, a technique that uses interactions between time-varying magnetic fields and the subsurface to infer electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity is in turn linked to subsurface mineralogy, temperature, and volatile content, offering complementary insights to other geophysical methods.

Previous attempts to use InSight IFG data for EM sounding were unsuccessful due to contamination from spacecraft-generated signals and limited data coverage. Here, we report the first successful EM sounding results from InSight data. By focusing on time periods of 100–1000 seconds, where coherence between horizontal and vertical magnetic field components is high, we compute transfer functions. Further, we derive the corresponding C-response under the assumption of an inducing field geometry and invert those for electrical subsurface elctrical conductivity.

Because the largest scale inducing field detectable at the equator (n=m=1) provides a maximum penetration depth and a lower limit of crustal conductivity, we evaluate the effect of a range of inducing field geometries. Irrespective of inducing field geometry, our results reveal conductivity profiles, characterized by a high-conductivity crust (>~10⁻² S/m) underlain by more resistive material. This contrasts with expectations of a cold, dry Martian crust and suggests elevated volatile content, high iron concentrations, and / or increased temperatures.

Our findings demonstrate the utility of EM sounding on Mars and underscore the scientific potential of magnetometer data in planetary exploration. They also highlight the need for further investigation of Martian electrical conductivity at longer periods and therfore at larger depths, which may reveal new insights into the planet’s thermal evolution and volatile inventory.

How to cite: Mittelholz, A., Grayver, A., Johnson, C. L., and Munch, F.: Electromagnetic Sounding on Mars with InSight, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3289,, 2025.

EGU25-3835 | Orals | PS1.4

Formation of clay-sulfate sedimentary units on Mars via phyllosilicate alteration by acid-sulfate fluids 

Liliana Lefticariu, Madeline G. Lewinski, Jerome F. Specht, Martin P. Pentrak, Tanya S. Peretyazhko, and Ryan S. Jakubek

Phyllosilicate and sulfate-bearing units are ubiquitous on Mars, indicating past water-rich planetary environments that likely transitioned from neutral-to-alkaline pH conditions (phyllosilicate formation) to more acidic pH conditions  (sulfate deposition). Thus, sediments with mixed mineralogy dominated by phyllosilicates and sulfates, informally referred to as the “clay-sulfate units”, may reflect planetary changes in ancient climate with implications on its habitability. Yet, the specific processes and surface conditions that led to the formation of the clay-sulfate units have remained uncertain.

In this study, we investigated the alteration of Mars-analog phyllosilicates (hereafter “clays”) with acidic, sulfate-rich solutions by performing laboratory batch (closed system) and field (open system) experiments to characterize dissolution processes and catalogue diagnostic alteration features produced under a wide range of conditions. Two Fe-rich smectites (nontronites), NAu-1 and NAu-2, and one silicon (IV) oxide (silica), which was used as control, were reacted with two types of acidic,  sulfate-rich solutions that were prepared with (1) natural acid rock drainage labelled ARD, and (2) synthetic sulfuric acid (H2SO4) labelled ASf. The initial solutions were adjusted at four pH values (1, 3, 5, and 7) and reacted at 4, 30, and 80°C for up to 6 months. At the end of the experiments, the filtered supernatants were analyzed by ICP-MS while the solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyses (ED-XRF), Raman spectroscopy and thermal analysis data, including thermal gravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and evolved gas analysis (EGA).

Results show that structural changes of the acid-treated nontronite clays were detected under all experimental conditions, as evidenced by multiple methods. However, the dissolution of clays was limited even under the most extreme conditions (i.e., NAu-1 reacted with ARD at a pH of 1, at the highest temperature (80°C) and for an extended duration). These results contradict previous studies that suggest that Fe-rich nontronite clays break down easily and dissolve when exposed to highly acidic and high-temperature conditions. Further investigations showed that the dissolution processes were ubiquitous and accompanied by changes in solutions composition and the precipitation of secondary phases, which included Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, a wide range (i.e., Fe(III), Al, Mg, Mn, and Ca) of sulfate minerals, and, in one instance, traces of dioctahedral mica (i.e., illite). These precipitates formed coatings on reacting nontronite clays, thus protecting them from aggressive dissolution. Significantly, the composition of the acid-sulfate solutions plays an essential role in the system evolution, including the geochemical characteristics of the reacting solution and the amount and identity of post-alteration mineralogical assemblages.

Application of our results to Mars reveals that acidic, sulfate-rich fluids were essential for producing clay-sulfate assemblages, such as those found at Gale Crater. Specifically, highly acidic solutions could have induced widespread disintegration of primary clay units and the formation of secondary sulfate deposits. The combined results of our study may allow us to produce a catalogue of alteration features to relate the mineralogical assemblages mapped on Mars to specific solution attributes and environmental conditions in which clays reacted with acidic solutions.

How to cite: Lefticariu, L., Lewinski, M. G., Specht, J. F., Pentrak, M. P., Peretyazhko, T. S., and Jakubek, R. S.: Formation of clay-sulfate sedimentary units on Mars via phyllosilicate alteration by acid-sulfate fluids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3835,, 2025.

This paper introduces a new mixing formalism for non-orographic gravity waves (GWs) that integrates with the stochastic GW scheme previously developed by \cite{liu2023surface}. The formalism extends the parameterization to turbulence-induced mixing from the surface to the exosphere, derived in terms of the eddy diffusion coefficient. Sensitive tests with the Mars Planetary Climate Model reveal eddy diffusivities of 104 -109 cm2 s-1 ,varying with altitude and season. While the induced mixing has minor temperature effects consistent with Mars Climate Sounder observations, it significantly enhances middle-upper atmosphere tracer transport, revealing the critical role of non-orographic GWs in regulating upper atmospheric dynamics and influencing processes like tracer escape.

How to cite: Liu, J., Forget, F., Millour, E., and Lott, F.: Integrating Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Mixing into the Mars Planetary Climate Model: Impacts on Upper Atmospheric Dynamics and Tracer Transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3864,, 2025.

EGU25-4106 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Insulation of Dust and Water Vapor by Martian Hadley Circulation 

Chen-Shuo Fan, Cong Sun, Zhiang Xie, and Siteng Fan

Dust and water vapor are key components influencing radiative processes in the Martian atmosphere. We identify a distinct barrier mechanism driven by the planetary-scale Hadley circulation (HC), which plays a significant role in controlling the global spatial distribution of dust and water vapor. Using six years of output data from the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS), we analyze the behavior of these components during northern winter. Our results reveal contrasting spatial patterns: dust is predominantly confined within the HC, while water vapor accumulates outside it. This differentiation is attributed to the distinct source regions of dust and water vapor. We demonstrate that the HC not only constrains these source regions but also acts as a barrier to their mixing. These findings highlight the critical role of HC dynamics in modulating the distribution of dust and water vapor in the Martian atmosphere and provide new insights into the complexity of Martian material cycle.

How to cite: Fan, C.-S., Sun, C., Xie, Z., and Fan, S.: Insulation of Dust and Water Vapor by Martian Hadley Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4106,, 2025.

EGU25-4315 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Seasonal Marsquakes Reveal Shallow Groundwater Activity on Mars 

Jing Shi, Jiaqi Li, Haoran Meng, Cong Sun, Siteng Fan, Chao Qi, Lei Zhang, and Tao Wang

Growing evidence supports the existence of subsurface water ice on Mars, though direct evidence of groundwater remains scarce. Using seismic data from seasonal marsquakes, we provide compelling evidence for groundwater within approximately 2 meters of the surface, restricted to localized regions in the northern mid-latitudes. The observed rapid seasonal variability in seasonal marsquake activity suggests that changes in subsurface pore pressure, driven by water ice melting during warmer seasons, play a critical role in triggering these events. This mechanism explains key characteristics of seasonal marsquakes, including their spatial clustering, elevated b-values, and shallow focal depths. Our findings offer new insights into the present-day water cycle on Mars, shedding light on the dynamic interplay between seasonal temperature changes and shallow subsurface hydrological processes.

How to cite: Shi, J., Li, J., Meng, H., Sun, C., Fan, S., Qi, C., Zhang, L., and Wang, T.: Seasonal Marsquakes Reveal Shallow Groundwater Activity on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4315,, 2025.

EGU25-4420 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Sorting and weathering trends of soil at Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for regional pedological processes 

Yutong Shi, Siyuan Zhao, Suniti Karunatillake, Agnes Cousin, Jiannan Zhao, and Long Xiao

Detailed soil characterization at Gale crater based on in-situ observations has revealed compositional trends within soils, while the physical and chemical processes underlying the compositional trends remains to be evaluated. Here we use the grain-morphometrical and geochemical trends across the Wentworth-classes of 48 in-situ soil targets at Gale crater to evaluate underlying pedological processes and potential chemical weathering signatures. The concentration of olivine minerals within the ~ 250 μm to ~ 500 μm size range indicates the prevalence of heavy mineral sorting on a granulometric sense in Gale soils that surpasses the possible effect of the cratering-induced mixing processes. The extent of olivine sorting in soils varies spatially, influenced by the targets’ aeolian setting. The finest portion of Gale soils (< 125 μm) is likely a mixture of allochthonous sediment, globally sourced from atmospheric suspension, and autochthonous counterparts from the weathering of local rocks, while the coarser soils (> 125 μm ) are mostly sourced from local rocks, with possible inputs from both the unaltered parent rock of the Stimson formation and the bedrocks that have undergone diagenetic alteration. If applicable globally, this would reinforce prior inferences that even dust-mantled regions are geochemically heterogeneous owing to a substantial fraction of soils derived from underlying lithology. The low chemical weathering intensity and coupling of mobile elements in soils suggest localized, low pH, low water-to-rock ratio aqueous weathering condition under predominantly cold and arid climate, which may occur either during post-pedogenetic alteration in soils or during the acidic alteration of source rocks.

How to cite: Shi, Y., Zhao, S., Karunatillake, S., Cousin, A., Zhao, J., and Xiao, L.: Sorting and weathering trends of soil at Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for regional pedological processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4420,, 2025.

EGU25-5334 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Martian Dynamo Change at ~4.1 Ga: Evidence from the Magnetic Measurements of the Iota Crater 

kuixiang zhang and aimin du

The Martian dynamo evolution is critical for understanding the interior properties and climate change of Mars. It has been referred to shut down at ~4.1-4.0 Ga based on the magnetic signatures of large impact craters but be present at ~3.9 Ga and ~3.7 Ga from the paleomagnetic studies and magnetic fields above volcanic units. Here, we investigate the magnetic signatures of the Iota crater, located inside the CT3-G crater with central strong magnetic fields. The Iota crater shows a weak central magnetic field with an inside-outside magnetic field ratio of 0.29. A forward model is established and the results show that the magnetization strength of the retained materials beneath the Iota crater is about 40% of the surrounding, indicating that the dynamo strength at that time became weak. The different magnetic signatures of Iota and CT3-G reveal that the Martian dynamo changed at ~4.1 Ga, but did not stop completely.

How to cite: zhang, K. and du, A.: Martian Dynamo Change at ~4.1 Ga: Evidence from the Magnetic Measurements of the Iota Crater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5334,, 2025.

EGU25-5680 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Global Distribution of Low Frequency Family Marsquakes From Deep Learning-Based Polarization Estimation  

Quanhong Li, Zhuowei Xiao, Jinlai Hao, and Juan Li

The deployment of the seismometer on Mars has recorded thousands of marsquakes. Accurately locating these events is crucial for understanding Mars' internal structure and geological evolution. With only a single station, determining the location, especially the accurate back-azimuth, is more challenging than on Earth. Deep learning, being data-driven, can learn patterns of complex noise that are difficult for traditional methods to model, making it promising for improving back-azimuth estimation of marsquakes. However, challenges arise when applying deep learning to estimate marsquake polarization due to the limited quantity and low quality of the data. In this study, we assumed the background noise remains relatively stable around the P-wave arrivals and trained a deep learning model to learn noise patterns preceding marsquakes. Then we combined the trained model with Sliding Window Inference and Featured-Training (SWIFT) to handle the high uncertainty in P phase picking to predict polarizations of low frequency family marsquakes. As a result, we have further improved the localization of marsquakes by relocating 56 events, including 7 Quality C events with epicentral distances over 90°. For two Martian impact events with ground-truth locations, S1000a and S1094b, our deviations are only ~5° and ~3°. Our results reveal a new clustered seismicity zone around compressional structures in Hesperia Planum, including 7marsquakes with magnitudes from 2.5 to 3.6. Marsquakes are also widely distributed along the northern lowlands, dichotomy boundary, and higher latitude southern highlands, suggesting a globally distributed character. Our renewed marsquake location brings new insight to the tectonic interpretation of marsquakes. 

How to cite: Li, Q., Xiao, Z., Hao, J., and Li, J.: Global Distribution of Low Frequency Family Marsquakes From Deep Learning-Based Polarization Estimation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5680,, 2025.

EGU25-5823 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Revealing the CME Impact on the Martian Nightside Ionosphere Based on MAVEN and Tianwen-1 Observations 

Longhui Liu, Xinzhi Qiu, Yiqun Yu, Wudi Luo, Xin Wang, Jinbin Cao, Cunhui Li, YuMing Wang, and TieLong Zhang

Due to the absence of an Earth-like dipole magnetic field, the impact of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) on the Martian nightside ionosphere differs from that on Earth and is still not well understood. This study investigates the responses in the Martian nightside ionosphere to a CME event occurred on August 30, 2022 using observations from Tianwen-1 and MAVEN. It is found that the ion density in the upper Martian nightside ionosphere between 200 and 500 km decreases when two successive CMEs hit the induced Martian magnetosphere, with a brief density recovery between the two CMEs. This suggests that the ion density in the Martian nightside ionosphere between 200 and 500 km decreases as the intensity of CME increases. The primary cause of the observed decrease in the nightside ion density is likely due to the enhanced magnetic field pressure above the Martian ionosphere during CMEs, which facilitates ion escape from the dayside ionosphere and subsequently reduces the amount of ions transported to the nightside ionosphere, thereby leading to a decrease in ion density on nightside. Furthermore, hemispheric asymmetry is found in the ionospheric response, which indicates that the crustal magnetic fields in the southern hemisphere may play a role in slowing down the reduction of ion density. This study expands the comprehensive description of the impact of a CME event on different regions of Mars and its underlying mechanisms.

How to cite: Liu, L., Qiu, X., Yu, Y., Luo, W., Wang, X., Cao, J., Li, C., Wang, Y., and Zhang, T.: Revealing the CME Impact on the Martian Nightside Ionosphere Based on MAVEN and Tianwen-1 Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5823,, 2025.

Mars possesses a strong remanent crustal field, indicative of an ancient magnetic dynamo which is now inactive. We address the problem of modelling this field using magnetometer measurements from two orbiters, MGS (1997 – 2006) and MAVEN (since 2014).

A substantial amount of additional low-altitude data has been collected by MAVEN since the most recent and highest resolution global model was published, thereby necessitating a new model to be computed. Two approaches were formally used for this: Spherical Harmonics (SH) and Equivalent Source Dipoles (ESD). We propose to solve this regression problem with an ensemble of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN). With this approach, (1) the generalization performance of our model is monitored while relying solely on the data for this purpose; (2) the entire datasets are used without the need to down-sample; (3) the resolution varies with respect to the nonuniform data coverage; and (4) model uncertainty is estimated.

The input of each network is the observer coordinates in the Mars body-fixed reference frame, and the output is a scalar potential. The predicted magnetic field is computed from this scalar potential with automatic differentiation before updating the free parameters with back-propagation. As such, the conservative nature of the magnetic field is encoded as a hard constraint. The estimation of prediction uncertainties relies on an implicit regularization scheme based on bootstrap aggregating and early stopping. From predicted values of the magnetic field and corresponding variances, a spherical harmonics expansion was performed with a weighted least-squares.

The corresponding spherical harmonics degree spectrum at orbit altitude is stable up to degree 160 and has more energy than previous models. The improved resolution of this model opens doors for future research and has potential for scientific inferences regarding the crustal magnetism of Mars and its interactions with the induced magnetosphere.

How to cite: Delcourt, T.: A New Model of the Crustal Magnetic Field of Mars Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6628,, 2025.

EGU25-6717 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Lithium Content in Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Aeolis Mons, Measured by ChemCam as a Tracer for Aqueous Alteration and Source Rock Geochemistry  

Katrine Nikolajsen, Jens Frydenvang, Erwin Dehouck, Patrick Gasda, Candice Bedford, Laetitia Le Diet, Ann Ollila, Agnes Cousin, Roger Wiens, Sylvester Maurice, Olivier Gasnault, and Nina Lanza

Lithium behaves uniquely in different geological environments, making it an excellent tracer element. It is moderately incompatible and is most prominent in highly evolved pegmatites and granites. However, its small ionic radius makes it susceptible to substitute, typically for Mg, and incorporate in a range of major rock-forming minerals and secondary phyllosilicates. Moreover, Li is highly soluble and can concentrate in late-stage brines and rare Li salts, and rocks typically preserve Li signatures related to the latest fluid alterations. The ChemCam instrument onboard NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover uses laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to quantify Li concentration through a dedicated Li calibration. It is currently one of only three science instruments (the others being the LIBS instruments SuperCam on the Perseverance rover and MarSCoDe on the Zhurong rover) on Mars able to do so. The Curiosity rover landed at the Bradbury Rise landing site in the ~155 km diameter impact crater, Gale, in August 2012 to search for past habitable environments in the more than 5 km tall Mount Sharp composed of sedimentary rocks. Since then, Curiosity has traversed more than 33 km through fluvio-deltaic sandstone and conglomerates, lacustrine mudstones, lake-margin sandstone, and aeolian dunes. We present Li concentrations where a majority of the stratigraphic members are enriched relative to terrestrial and martian basalts (~5 ppm in mid-ocean ridge basalts and ~3 ppm in shergottites) and with local enrichments up to 158 ppm. Furthermore, Li abundance and the correlations between Li and other elements detected by ChemCam vary systematically between the main chemostratigraphic groups encountered in Gale crater, alluding to the fact that Li is likely hosted in various mineral phases and that these vary between groups. The lowermost Bradbury group rocks have slightly elevated Li abundances relative to basaltic compositions (8-14 ppm, 25th-75th percentiles) with local enrichments up to 118 ppm and most likely reflect an igneous signature with Li hosted in multiple mineral phases such as feldspar, mica, and pyroxene. The lower Murray formation and the orbitally defined clay-rich Glen Torridon region are both enriched in Li (10-20 ppm and 11-18 ppm, respectively), which is best explained by Li uptake in secondary phyllosilicates as variations in Li content in these areas mirror the detected abundances of secondary clay minerals. This relationship breaks down in the clay-sulfate transition region, which is very poor in phyllosilicates but retains elevated Li concentrations (10-18 ppm), though Li decreases with increasing member elevation as Mg-sulfates become increasingly pervasive. This is best interpreted as an igneous source rock signature, more evolved than a typical basalt alining with geochemical and mineralogical evidence of dry deposition and a minimal amount of late aqueous alteration. The sulfate unit continues the trend of decreasing Li with increasing elevation observed in the clay-sulfate transition region, which demonstrates that Li is not associated with Mg-sulfates in the region. The younger Stimson formation exhibits slightly enriched Li abundances with local enrichments up to 158 ppm. It is interpreted as a primarily igneous signature potentially affected by post-depositional fluid alteration.

How to cite: Nikolajsen, K., Frydenvang, J., Dehouck, E., Gasda, P., Bedford, C., Le Diet, L., Ollila, A., Cousin, A., Wiens, R., Maurice, S., Gasnault, O., and Lanza, N.: Lithium Content in Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Aeolis Mons, Measured by ChemCam as a Tracer for Aqueous Alteration and Source Rock Geochemistry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6717,, 2025.

EGU25-6974 | Orals | PS1.4

Regional Mapping of MAVEN Orbital Magnetometer Data: Implications for the Nature of Crustal Field Sources and the Duration of the Mars Dynamo 

Lon Hood, Travis Matlock, David Williams, David Crown, Joana Oliveira, Jasper Halekas, Benoit Langlais, and Robert Lillis

Previous results of global mapping have shown that Mars crustal magnetism is generally stronger south of the crustal dichotomy boundary (where the crust is thicker) and is strongest in one-third of the Southern Hemisphere.  It is generally weak over ancient impact basins (e.g., Hellas, Argyre,) and is weakest over young volcanic provinces (Tharsis, Elysium).  However, a lack of clear correlations of orbital anomalies with surface geology has inhibited a full understanding of the nature of crustal magnetic field sources.  Here, we present preliminary regional mapping results for the Claritas Fossae region south of Tharsis that shows a more detailed correlation than found before of magnetic anomalies with areas of ancient magmatic activity and uplift.  The possible existence of a magnetic anomaly over Claritas Fossae was first reported by Dohm et al. (2009), based on MGS magnetometer data at higher altitudes.  However, the correlation of anomalies with the Claritas rise is much clearer using the MAVEN data.  The simplest interpretation is that the anomaly sources consist of magmatic intrusions magnetized thermoremanently in the Mars core dynamo magnetic field during the Noachian.  By extension, most or all crustal magnetic anomaly sources on Mars may consist of magmatic intrusions.

While it is accepted that a Mars core dynamo existed during the Early to Middle Noachian when the southern highlands formed and did not exist during the Late Hesperian and Amazonian when the younger volcanic constructs formed, the timing of the final termination of dynamo generation (Middle Noachian, Late Noachian, or Early Hesperian) remains uncertain. Preliminary regional mapping of anomalies over volcanic constructs whose final eruptions occurred in Late Hesperian or later times confirms that crustal fields are relatively weak over the main calderas.  Hadriacus Mons, with a Late Noachian or Early Hesperian model age, has previously been reported to have a magnetization signature based on MGS electron reflectometry data (Lillis et al., 2006).  Preliminary ESD mapping of MAVEN data confirms that an anomaly is present over the central caldera of Hadriacus Mons and its southern flank.  It extends southwestward along the direction of pyroclastic flows into the outer Hellas basin.  Formation of the large valley that dissects Hadriacus Mons’ flanks (Dao Vallis) has been attributed to melting of subsurface ice by magmatic heat, producing a large ‘’outburst flood’’. This interpretation is consistent with the hypothesis that acquisition of strong thermoremanence in Fe-rich volcanic materials occurred mainly in an oxidizing environment.  It is proposed here that this region is a good candidate for future low-altitude magnetometer data acquisition. If such measurements confirm that anomalies are associated with the pyroclastic flow deposits, which have a model age of 3.7 to 3.9 Gyr, it would follow that dynamo activity continued into the Late Noachian or Early Hesperian.

How to cite: Hood, L., Matlock, T., Williams, D., Crown, D., Oliveira, J., Halekas, J., Langlais, B., and Lillis, R.: Regional Mapping of MAVEN Orbital Magnetometer Data: Implications for the Nature of Crustal Field Sources and the Duration of the Mars Dynamo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6974,, 2025.

The composition of Mars' crust is crucial for reconstructing the internal structure and geological evolution of the planet. Recent observations based on high-resolution near-infrared spectral data have identified plagioclase-bearing geological units on the Martian surface, appearing in multiple distant locations [1],[2]. The spectral characteristics imply extremely low content of basic minerals, indicating the potential lithology of ferroan anorthosites [1] or felsic rocks [2], challenging the classic view that the Martian crust is primarily basaltic. However, thermal infrared spectra suggest that the silica content of previously identified plagioclase outcrops does not match that of felsic rocks on Earth [3]. In addition, the characteristic absorption of plagioclase at ~1.25µm has been found in the bulk spectra of rocks containing 30-80 wt% plagioclase, corresponding to a range of feldspar-bearing lithologies [4]. The plagioclase-bearing lithology on Mars identified with the characteristic spectral absorption feature remains unclear.

In this study, we analyzed both the visible-near-infrared point spectra and hyperspectral images of a set of Martian meteorites, specifically the basaltic shergottites, which are so far the most representative samples from the Martian crust. An integrated BSE and EDX analysis (TIMA) which characterized the mineralogy, grainsize and texture was performed on the same sample set. We found that all the point spectra of basaltic shergottites contain the ~1.25 µm band, with the potential contribution from the electronic transition of iron in either plagioclase or olivine. Martian olivine, being more iron-rich, is expected to show stronger and wider bands at around 1 µm, with greater contribution from the 0.85 and 1.25 µm band due to Fe2+ in the M1 site [5], which overlaps with the distinctive absorption of Fe-bearing plagioclase. Based on the analysis of amplitude ratio and area ratio at 1 µm and 1.25 µm after Gaussian fitting, the olivine-phyric basaltic shergottites have systematically stronger ~1.25 µm band than those without olivine phenocrysts. Meanwhile, the abundances of plagioclase in the samples varying from 9.2% to 36.5% do not correlate with the strength of the ~1.25 µm band. We derived the distinct spectral characteristics of Martian ferroan plagioclase from the hyperspectral image cubes co-registered to the mineral phase maps. Our results suggest that the presence and abundance of iron-bearing plagioclase in the samples cannot be determined solely based on the absorption band centered at ~1.25 µm. Further investigation into the spectral variability of plagioclase would reveal its correlation with composition, grain size and crystallinity. The analysis can be used to reinterpret the orbital spectroscopy data of key areas and provide valuable references for future interpretations of Martian surface remote sensing data.


[1] Carter J, Poulet F. (2013), Nature Geoscience, 6(12): 1008-1012;[2] Wray J J et al. (2013), Nature Geoscience, 6(12): 1013-1017;[3] Rogers et al. (2015), Geophysical Research Letters 42.8: 2619-2626;[4] Barthez M et al. (2023), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets,128(8): e2022JE007680; [5] Isaacson Peter J. et al. (2014), American Mineralogist 99: 467 - 478.

How to cite: Xing, G., Pan, L., Chen, J., and Zhao, Y.: Investigation of near-infrared spectroscopic characteristics of plagioclase in the Martian crust, implications from Martian meteorites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7877,, 2025.

Visible-to-near-infrared imaging is an efficient way to explore a planet, but the material diversity of a scene is not always expressed in the standard browse products of a multiband imager. We present progress in the development of a new method, Supervised Spectral Parameter Learning (SSPL), that seeks optimal ways of stretching and combining multispectral bands to enhance contrast between pre-selected material groups [1, 2]. We report on empirical developments of the method through application to the Jezero Crater region, the landing sight of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, as explored pre-landing [e.g. 3]. We use the publicly available end-member profiles of the composition identified by [3] to investigate how the associated spectral diversity is sampled by the 4 spectral channels of the ESA Trace Gas Orbiter CaSSIS imager [4]. We compute all ratio, slope, band-depth and shoulder-height spectral parameters afforded by the 4 CaSSIS channels and fit a Linear Discriminant to each paired combination of these spectral parameters. The Linear Discriminant finds the line that maximises the separation, quantified by the Fisher Ratio, between the defined target class, in this study carbonates, against the background phyllosilicates and mafic silicates hypothesized by [3]. We use the Fisher Ratio score and linear discriminant classification accuracy (over 500 repeat trials with 80/20 train/test splitting) to rank the success of the spectral parameter paired combinations (SPCs). We apply the top ranking SPCs to the I/F calibrated MY37 027246 019 CaSSIS observation of Jezero Crater, and report on the success and limitations in sorting carbonates from phyllosilicates and basalts, in comparison to overlapping CRISM hyperspectral orbital data.

[1] Stabbins et al, 2024, ESS, doi:10.1029/2023EA003398

[2] Stabbins et al, 2024, sptk, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10692531

[3] Horgan et al, 2020, Icarus, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113526.

[4] Thomas et al, 2017, Space Sci. Rev., doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0421-1

How to cite: Stabbins, R. and Grindrod, P.: Supervised Spectral Parameter Learning over Jezero Crater with the ESA ExoMars TGO CaSSIS Multiband Imager, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8773,, 2025.

EGU25-9007 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Influence of solar wind parameters on pickup ion beam instabilities upstream of Mars: Linear analysis 

Kun Cheng, Chao Shen, and Kaijun Liu

Linear instability analyses are performed to investigate the influence of solar wind parameters on instabilities driven by a cool pickup ion beam distribution, which is believed to excite the proton cyclotron waves upstream of Mars. Our analysis reveals that both parallel and oblique waves are excited, with parallel waves showing right-hand polarization and oblique waves exhibiting quasi-perpendicular, quasi-electrostatic characteristics at higher solar wind velocities. The growth rates of both wave types increase with solar wind velocity, while solar wind temperature primarily enhances oblique wave growth, leaving parallel waves unaffected. Quasi-linear theory indicates that parallel waves induce pitch-angle scattering of pickup ions, amplifying wave energy, while oblique waves increase the ion's perpendicular velocity, converting wave energy into ion kinetic energy. These findings advance our understanding of wave-particle interactions and their role in atmospheric escape at Mars.

How to cite: Cheng, K., Shen, C., and Liu, K.: Influence of solar wind parameters on pickup ion beam instabilities upstream of Mars: Linear analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9007,, 2025.

EGU25-9054 | Posters on site | PS1.4

Insights from model-observation comparisons of CO2++ concentrations in the Martian Ionopshere 

Long Cheng, Erik Vigren, Moa Persson, Hao Gu, and Jun Cui

The molecular dication, CO2++, was detected in the ionosphere of Mars by the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission [1]. This marked the first detection of a molecular dication in a planetary atmosphere. Results from photochemical models were compared with the observations with the modeled densities being significantly lower than the densities inferred from the observations. Here we show that a much better agreement between model results and observations is obtained when incorporating in the model the assumption that the ion is stable against unimolecular decay. We argue that this assumption not necessarily conflict with results from a storage ring experiment by Mathur et al. (1995) [Ref. 2]. Several modeling studies that cite [2] use a CO2++ lifetime against unimolecular decay of 4 s. This is, however, only a lower limit of the lifetime in question as the removal of the ions in the storage ring may have been strongly dominated by high energy collisions with residual gases. An experiment at a facility offering better (or variable) vacuum conditions could possible constraint the stability/longevity of CO2++.

[1] Gu, H., Cui, J., Niu, D. D., et al. 2020, E&PP, 4, 396

[2] Mathur, D., Andersen, L. H., Hvelplund, P., Kella, D., & Safvan, C. P. 1995, J Phys B At Mol Opt Phys, 28, 3415

How to cite: Cheng, L., Vigren, E., Persson, M., Gu, H., and Cui, J.: Insights from model-observation comparisons of CO2++ concentrations in the Martian Ionopshere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9054,, 2025.

EGU25-9427 | Posters on site | PS1.4

RAF - Analog Space Mission - The first analog space base on mining heaps 

Natalia Godlewska, Mikołaj Zawadzki, Norbert Nieścior, Filip Kaczorowski, and Piotr Lorek

For ten days, a post-mining heap from the coal mine in Bytom was transformed into an analog space base. This place became a hub of scientific activity as young researchers from the Scientific Club of Geophysics at the University of Warsaw embarked on an innovative project to simulate Martian conditions. The mission, named RAF-Analog Space Mission, aimed to replicate space conditions, test behaviors and principles applicable in outer space, and conduct essential scientific research.

The mission team comprised three students: Natalia Godlewska, an astronomy student and co-leader of the project; Norbert Nieścior, a physics student; and Piotr Lorek, a student of biotechnology and medical chemistry. These "astronauts" spent ten days living and working in a specially designed analog space base on the heap. The mission's primary objective was to conduct various scientific studies, including geophysical, geological, psychological, and astrobiological research.

The central phase of the project involved setting up a mobile base composed of a camper (serving as the living quarters) and a delivery van (serving as the scientific laboratory), connected by an airlock. This setup, located on approximately 30 square meters, provided a controlled environment simulating Martian conditions. The participants followed strict protocols, leaving the base only in space suits to maintain the illusion of being on Mars.

Analog space bases are terrestrial simulations of space conditions—in this case, Martian conditions. Analog astronauts strive to live and operate under space-like rules and constraints. The base allowed the team to experience and adapt to the challenges of life on Mars.

How to cite: Godlewska, N., Zawadzki, M., Nieścior, N., Kaczorowski, F., and Lorek, P.: RAF - Analog Space Mission - The first analog space base on mining heaps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9427,, 2025.

EGU25-9766 | Posters on site | PS1.4

WISDOM GPR calibration and data processing methods applied to field test data 

Dirk Plettemeier, Martin Laabs, Yun Lu, Wolf-Stefan Benedix, Evgeny Zakutin, Fabian Geißler, Valerie Ciarletti, Alice Legall, and Emile Brighi

The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover exobiology mission is now scheduled for launch in 2028 to search for traces of past or present life in the shallow subsurface of Oxia Planum. The rover is equipped with a drill that can take samples down to 2m, where organic molecules and possible biosignatures are likely to be preserved. The WISDOM GPR has been designed specifically for the objectives of the ExoMars mission. It will provide scans of the Martian subsurface down to a few meters, which, together with the other rover instruments, will help to understand the geological context of the landing site.

Rover-based GPR systems typically use antennas mounted at some distance from the ground. Over the large signal bandwidth, this fixed antenna-to-ground distance varies from a fraction of a wavelength to several wavelengths and can cause strong frequency-dependent coupling with the rover structure. Even with careful instrument design, additional coupling in the receiver chain cannot be avoided. These types of coupling, as well as the frequency-dependent main lobe response of the antenna, depend on the environment in which the rover is located (e.g. the dielectric properties of the ground), so that existing pre-calibrations of the radar system, e.g. in the laboratory, are of limited validity.

The algorithms we developed for data processing and system calibration can help to analyze and mitigate frequency-dependent coupling effects, separate the instrument transfer function and increase resolution, and thus improve the interpretation of surface and subsurface echoes. They will eventually be implemented in the pipeline that will be used to calibrate and interpret Martian data.

The proposed signal and data processing algorithms are validated on simulated data, on data collected during indoor measurement campaigns and on data collected during field tests. This paper focuses on the application of data processing algorithms to data collected during a field campaign in glacier and permafrost regions on Svalbard.

How to cite: Plettemeier, D., Laabs, M., Lu, Y., Benedix, W.-S., Zakutin, E., Geißler, F., Ciarletti, V., Legall, A., and Brighi, E.: WISDOM GPR calibration and data processing methods applied to field test data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9766,, 2025.

EGU25-10068 | Orals | PS1.4

Mars water cycle: an 11 Mars year climatology of water vapour column abundances by SPICAM on Mars Express 

Franck Montmessin, Loïc Verdier, Oleg Korablev, Franck Lefèvre, Alexander Trokhimovskiy, Anna Fedorova, Lucio Baggio, and Gaétan Lacombe

Water vapour on Mars has long been an important target for exploration, as its detection revealed that Mars was home to an active water cycle fuelled by exchanges between ice on the surface and the atmosphere. From its first spectroscopic identification in 1963 to the most recent studies carried out by the many spacecrafts that have orbited Mars, our understanding of the water cycle on Mars has made considerable progress. Here we present a climatology of water vapour column abundances over 11 Martian years (MY), observed by the “Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars” (SPICAM) instrument on the European Space Agency's Mars Express mission. Despite uneven spatial coverage due to the orbital configuration of Mars Express, SPICAM succeeded in monitoring the abundance of water vapour in daylight at almost all latitudes and seasons. As its water vapour measurements are based on sunlight reflected by Mars in the near infrared, SPICAM has not been able to observe during the polar night, where water vapour is predicted to be anyway present in almost undetectable quantities.

The 11MY-climatology encompasses two years with a Global Dust Event (GDE), allowing us to perform an initial exploration of the differences between years with and years without a GDE. We have also compared our measurements with those of past and present missions, a topic that has long resisted reconciliation attempts. Furthermore, we attempted to fill observation gaps with the well-known kriging (a Gaussian process regression) technique to allow better appraisal of the year-to-year variations. Finally, we propose a reference water vapor annual cycle based on averaging all the years of observations.

How to cite: Montmessin, F., Verdier, L., Korablev, O., Lefèvre, F., Trokhimovskiy, A., Fedorova, A., Baggio, L., and Lacombe, G.: Mars water cycle: an 11 Mars year climatology of water vapour column abundances by SPICAM on Mars Express, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10068,, 2025.

The possibility of life on Mars is a subject of interest in astrobiology due to the planet's proximity and similarities to Earth. Mars may thus hold the best record of the prebiotic conditions leading to life, even if life does not or has never existed there. Following the confirmation of the past existence of surface liquid water, the CuriosityPerseverance and Opportunity rovers started searching for evidence of past life. A significant portion of astrobiology studies focus on analyzing the (micro)biology of analog sites across the globe, as well as detecting evidence for the presence of life in such locations. These studies are essential for an increased understanding of the limits of life, biodiversity, resilience and adaptation of microorganisms being exposed to multiple extremes of relevance for Astrobiology, as well as long term viability of cells and their signatures under Mars-like settings [1]. Therefore search for evidence of habitability, taphonomy (related to fossils), and organic compounds on Mars is now a primary objective for space agencies. To support the scientific output of these missions and to go further on the search of life on Mars, Martian environmental investigations are necessary to study the survival potential and the short- and long-term stability of biosignatures, at space missions and at ground simulation beds, with extremophile organisms. We have selected at different Mars analog areas in Spain, volcanic-, clayey soils-, and gypsum areas, different lichen species. These samples were exposed to Mars-like environmental parameters, as there are Mars-like UV-Radiation, Mars composition of 95% CO2 and Mars-like pressure of 8-10 mB, at DLR [2], INTA-CAB [1], and on the EXPOSE facility, at the International Space Station [3, 4]. To study the vitality of the samples, we analyzed the metabolic activity, the metabolites, as well as the biomolecular changes before and after exposure. Ultrastructure- and morphological changes were analyzed by microscopic techniques. For the identification of biomarkers we used RAMAN spectroscopy. These studies are relevant as contribution for an urgent need to create a database of reference biosignatures, an European “biosignature data base”, and for analogue environments for future space exploration programs whose objective is the search for extraterrestrial life.


[1] Antunes, A., Lau Vetter, M., Flannery, D., Li, Y. (2023). Editorial: Mars analogs: Environment, habitability and biodiversity. Front. Astron. Space Sci., Sec. Astrobiology 10 – 2023:; 10.3389/fspas.2023.1208367

[2] de Vera, J.-P., Schulze-Makuch, D., Khan, A., Lorek, A., Koncz, A., Möhlmann, D. and Spohn, T. (2014). Adaptation of an Antarctic lichen to Martian niche conditions can occur within 34 days. Planetary and Space Science 98, 182-190. DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2013.07.014

[3] De la Torre, R., Ortega-García, M.V., Miller, A.Z., and de Vera, J.P. (2020). Lichen Vitality After a Space Flight on Board the EXPOSE-R2 Facility Outside the International Space Station: Results of the Biology and Mars Experiment. Astrobiology 20-5:583-600. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2018.1959.

[4] Baqué, M., Backhaus, T., Meeßen, J., and de Vera, J.P. (2022). Biosignature stability in space enables

their use for life detection on Mars. Science Advances, 8 (36), eabn7412 (1-12). DOI:


How to cite: de la Torre Noetzel, R.: Impact of extreme Martian environmental conditions on the limits of life and detection of biosignatures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11122,, 2025.

EGU25-11667 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Water Vapor and HCl Vertical Distribution in Mars as Measured by TGO/NOMAD Solar Occultations 

Adrian Brines, Miguel Angel Lopez-Valverde, Francisco González-Galindo, Bernd Funke, Miguel Angel Gamonal, Ashimananda Modak, Jose Juan Lopez-Moreno, Rosario Sanz-Mesa, Shohei Aoki, Ann Carine Vandaele, Frank Daerden, Ian Thomas, Justin Erwin, Loïc Trompet, Geronimo Villanueva, Giuliano Liuzzi, Manish Patel, and Giancarlo Bellucci

NOMAD [1] (Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery) is a multi-channel spectrometer onboard the ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), operating from Martian orbit since April 2018. Among other two, the Solar Occultation (SO) channel covers the infrared (IR) spectrum from 2.3 to 4.3 µm (2320 to 4350 cm−1). The design of NOMAD SO allows for a vertical sampling of typically 1 km. Its high spectral resolution (λ/∆λ∼17000) and its relatively high signal to noise ratio (∼2500), make this instrument suitable for the detection of trace species in the Martin atmosphere such as water vapor (H2O) or hydrogen chloride (HCl).

Here we present vertical profiles of H2O and HCl obtained during six continuous Earth years of NOMAD SO observations. The retrievals have been performed with an inversion scheme combining pairs of diffraction orders in the case of water vapor, following up and improving several previous studies [2]. In the case of HCl, we used multiple detector bins, retrieving an independent vertical profile form each bin in order to obtain robust detection of this species. This set up allowed us sounding water vapor up to about 120 km altitude and HCl up to 60 km. This study presents the most extended data set of water vapor measurements from the NOMAD instrument to date, and an ambitious data set of HCl observations. Covering three full and consecutive Martian Years, observations from April 2018 to December 2023 were analyzed, making a total of more than 7000 H2O and more than 2500 HCl vertical profiles ranging from the perihelion of Mars Year (MY) 34 to the aphelion of MY 37. We show consistent seasonal and latitudinal water vapor patterns, with H2O systematically being more vertically extended during the perihelion season than during the aphelion. In addition, we present an analysis of the water vapor local time variability, confirming overall larger abundances during the evenings than during mornings, and an extensive comparison of our NOMAD results with other water vapor data sets from TGO and with the Mars Planetary Climate Model (MPCM), applying clustering analysis techniques to water vapor vertical profiles for the first time on Mars. Regarding HCl, although until now considered to be a negligible compound in the Martian atmosphere [3, 4], it has been detected systematically by two instruments onboard TGO: the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) [5] and more recently NOMAD [6]. Here we present the latest HCl vertical profiles and the seasonal variability of this species from a climatological point of view, revealing possible links with water vapor and dust.

[1] Vandaele, A. C. et al. 2018, Space Science Reviews 214, 1–47.
[2] Brines, A. et al. 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, e2022JE007273.
[3] Hartogh, P et al. 2010, Astronomy & Astrophysics 521, L49.
[4] Villanueva, G. et al. 2013, Icarus 223, 11–27.
[5] Korablev, O. et al. 2021, Science Advances 7, eabe4386.
[6] Aoki, S. et al. 2021, Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2021GL092506.

How to cite: Brines, A., Lopez-Valverde, M. A., González-Galindo, F., Funke, B., Gamonal, M. A., Modak, A., Lopez-Moreno, J. J., Sanz-Mesa, R., Aoki, S., Vandaele, A. C., Daerden, F., Thomas, I., Erwin, J., Trompet, L., Villanueva, G., Liuzzi, G., Patel, M., and Bellucci, G.: Water Vapor and HCl Vertical Distribution in Mars as Measured by TGO/NOMAD Solar Occultations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11667,, 2025.

EGU25-11867 | Orals | PS1.4

The M-MATISSE mission: Mars Magnetosphere ATmosphere Ionosphere and Space weather SciencE. An ESA Medium class (M7) candidate in Phase-A 

Tom Andert, Beatriz Sanchez-Cano, and François Leblanc and the M-MATISSE team

The "Mars Magnetosphere ATmosphere Ionosphere and Space-weather SciencE (M-MATISSE)" mission is an ESA Medium-class (M7) candidate currently in Phase A study by the European Space Agency (ESA). M-MATISSE's main scientific goal is to unravel the complex and dynamic couplings of the Martian Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Thermosphere (M-I-T coupling) with relation to the solar wind (i.e., space weather) and the lower atmosphere, and the processes leading to this coupling, which are highly entangled between several regions of the system. The M-I-T coupling controls the dissipation of incoming energy from the solar wind, and therefore, the evolution of Mars' atmosphere and climate (including atmospheric escape, auroral processes, and incoming radiation). Moreover, understanding the behavior of Mars' M-I-T system and of the chain of processes that control space weather and space climate at Mars, as well as the radiation environment, is essential for exploration as it leads to accurate space weather forecasts and, thus, prevents hazardous situations for spacecraft and humans.

M-MATISSE consists of two orbiters with focused, tailored, high-heritage payloads to observe the plasma environment from the surface to space through coordinated simultaneous observations. It will utilize a unique multi-vantage point observational perspective, with the combination of in-situ measurements by both orbiters and remote observations of the lower atmosphere and ionosphere by radio crosstalk between them. The father-ship, called Henri, has a periapsis below 270 km and an apoapsis of 3000 km with an inclination of 60°. It is intended to spend most of its time within the Martian plasma system. The daughter-ship, called Marguerite, also has an inclination of 60°, a periapsis below 270 km and an apoapsis of 10,000 km. It is intended to spend most of its time in the solar wind and/or far tail of Mars (a region barely explored before). M-MATISSE has a nominal mission duration of 1 Martian year, and the launch date is identified for July 2037.

The M-MATISSE mission has three main goals:

Characterizing the global dynamics of the M-I-T coupling by unravelling its temporal and spatial variabilities. This will be done with simultaneous observations of the solar wind (energy input) and ionosphere-magnetosphere (energy sink), and also, via investigating the coupling of the mesosphere with the ionosphere and solar energetic particles.

Characterizing the radiation environment by determining how the M-I-T system absorbs the energy that reaches the planet and forecasting near-real time planetary space weather.

Characterizing the ionosphere/lower-atmosphere coupling, which is a region barely explored but essential for solar energetic particles related phenomena as well as for communications in HF wavelengths.

In addition, M-MATISSE will significantly contribute to the understanding of Mars climate and the lower atmosphere as two remote instruments have dedicated instrumentation to monitor dust, clouds, and to obtain temperature and density profiles from the surface up to about 50 km. Moreover, the heliophysics community will be involved in the mission with a full-package solar wind monitor at Mars' distances, contributing to the understanding of solar wind and the propagation of solar transients in the inner solar system.

How to cite: Andert, T., Sanchez-Cano, B., and Leblanc, F. and the M-MATISSE team: The M-MATISSE mission: Mars Magnetosphere ATmosphere Ionosphere and Space weather SciencE. An ESA Medium class (M7) candidate in Phase-A, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11867,, 2025.

EGU25-11889 | Orals | PS1.4

Analyses of Sulfate Deposits in the Martian Equatorial Chaos Regions 

Catherine Weitz, Rachel Sheppard, Janice Bishop, Samuel Cartwright, and Frank Seelos

We are conducting a coordinated effort to investigate the sulfate-bearing deposits within several different chaos terrains on Mars, including Aram Chaos, Iani Chaos, Aureum Chaos, Aurorae Chaos, and Arsinoes Chaos. Previous studies focused on sulfate deposits at three locations within the equatorial chaos regions were all conducted prior to 2014 using different data sets [1-8]. Improved CRISM image processing using Map-Projected Targeted Reduced Data Record (MTRDR) images [9] have enabled more precise identification and discrimination of sulfates, as well as the acquisition of numerous additional CTX, HRSC, and HiRISE images that provide additional coverage of the morphologies and locations of sulfates within the equatorial chaos regions. We also used the lower resolution but larger spatial coverage of the CRISM mapping data to produce indicator vector maps [10] across the chaos region which allowed us to identify polyhydrated (PHS) and monohydrated (MHS) sulfate outcrops in between locations of targeted CRISM images. Orbital data that we are analyzing include: CRISM MTRDR images and mapping-data-derived mineral indicator GIS vectors specific to the sulfates; HiRISE images and derived Digital Terrain Models (DTMs); CTX images and mosaics; and HRSC images and DTMs.

HiRISE and CTX images that cover the chaos regions were used to identify deposits that are generally brighter and smoother relative to the darker, hilly chaos terrain in which they occur. We mapped out the distribution of these light-toned deposits (LTDs) in ArcPro and determined they are more extensive than previously mapped. CRISM images were analyzed of the LTDs using spectral parameter maps corresponding to diagnostic mineralogies which indicate the presence of different types of sulfates. We identified sulfate-bearing units at all five chaos regions in association with the larger LTDs, with signatures of polyhydrated and monohydrated sulfates. At Aram Chaos, we identified ferric hydroxysulfate outcrops (FHS; Fe3+SO4OH) beyond what was mapped previously.

There are both similarities and differences between the sulfates within the chaos regions. Similarities include the identification of PHS at all five chaos locations and MHS at four, with stratigraphic relationships showing the PHS are always above the MHS where they occur together. Differences include variations in the brightness and surface textures of each type of sulfate. By comparing the distribution, mineralogy, stratigraphy, and morphology of the sulfates within each of the five chaos regions, we hope to evaluate how the geologic setting of each chaos region may have affected the characteristics of each sulfate deposit that formed within it. 

References: [1] Glotch, T., and P. Christensen (2005), JGR doi:10.1029/2004JE002389; [2] Glotch, T., and A. Rogers (2007) JGR doi:10.1029/2006JE002863; [3] Masse, M. et al. (2008) JGR doi:10.1029/2008JE003131. [4] Noe Dobrea, E.Z. et al. (2008) Icarus doi:10.1016/ j.icarus. 2007.06.029; [5] Lichtenberg, K. A., et al. (2010) JGR doi:10.1029/2009JE003353; [6] Warner, N.H. et al. (2011) JGR doi/ 10.1029/2010JE003787; [7] Sefton-Nash, E. et al. (2012) Icarus, 221, 20-42; [8] Sowe, M. et al. (2012) Icarus, 218, 406-419; [9] Seelos, F. et al. (2024) Icarus, 419, 115612; [10] Cartwright, S. F. A. and F. P.  Seelos (2023) AGU Mtg, Abs. #P51B-01.

How to cite: Weitz, C., Sheppard, R., Bishop, J., Cartwright, S., and Seelos, F.: Analyses of Sulfate Deposits in the Martian Equatorial Chaos Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11889,, 2025.

EGU25-12204 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Martian atmospheric aerosol composition and distribution over 3 full MYs from Nomad/TGO solar occultation measurements 

Miguel Ángel Gamonal García-Galán, Miguel Ángel López-Valverde, Adrián Brines, Aurelièn Stolzenbach, Ashimamanda Modak, Francisco González-Galindo, Bernd Funke, José Juan López-Moreno, Julio Rodríguez-Gómez, Rosario Sanz-Mesa, Giancarlo Bellucci, Manish Patel, and Ian Thomas

Suspended aerosols may have a direct impact in atmospheric processes, such as photochemical reactions and atmospheric radiative balance and dynamics. On Mars, the most common aerosols are composed of mineral dust particles and/or water ice. This last one is known to affect both the radiative balance [2] and the water cycle [1], whereas suspended mineral dust is the prevalent aerosol component on the planet.

The instrument Nadir and Occultation for Mars Discovery (NOMAD) is a suite of three spectrometers on board the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) which has been observing the Martian atmosphere routinely since April 2018, i.e., for almost 3 full Martian Years. [5] Data from its solar occultation channel (SO), combining several sets of diffraction orders, or wavelengths, are used in this work to retrieve the aerosol properties and distribution during that period with a very fine resolution in the vertical from the ground up to the thermosphere. Our aerosol retrieval strategy follows a three-step process [4]. Firstly, we perform a "cleaning" of the NOMAD observations, in the form of transmittance spectra at the tangent altitudes, using an in-house pre-processing algorithm developed at IAA/CSIC. This is intended to eliminate residual imperfections in the calibrated transmittances, like spectral shifts and bendings. Secondly, the cleaned spectra are used to retrieve the aerosol extinction vertical profiles following a global fit approach. Finally, we apply a fitting algorithm to compare the retrieved extinctions (spectral ratios of the retrieved extinctions) with the extinction ratios simulated with a Lorenz-Mie code [3]. The aerosol properties inferred are size (effective radius and effective variance), nature (mineral dust and water ice proportions), number density and mass of the particles, as well as their vertical distribution and variability over time.

In this talk we will review the obtained results analyzing more than three full Martian Years. This is a significant extension of a previous first analysis by our team [4] focused in the 1st year of NOMAD data. We have also improved a couple of aspects from the previous work, like vertical sampling and wavelength coverage. We will describe the dataset and the major results obtained on the distribution and properties of the aerosols, splitting between dust and water ice.



[1] Montmessin, F. et. al, Journal of Geopysical Research, 2004, doi: 1029/2004JE002284

[2]  Wilson, R.J, et. al, Geophysical Research Letter, 2008, doi: 1029/2007GL032405

[3]  Mishchenko, M.I et. al, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

[4]  Stolzenbach, A. et. al, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2023, doi: 1029/2023JE007835

[5]  Vandaele, A. C. et al., 2018, Space Science Reviews, doi: 10.1007/s11214-018-0517-2

How to cite: Gamonal García-Galán, M. Á., López-Valverde, M. Á., Brines, A., Stolzenbach, A., Modak, A., González-Galindo, F., Funke, B., López-Moreno, J. J., Rodríguez-Gómez, J., Sanz-Mesa, R., Bellucci, G., Patel, M., and Thomas, I.: Martian atmospheric aerosol composition and distribution over 3 full MYs from Nomad/TGO solar occultation measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12204,, 2025.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is undertaking the Martian Moons Exploration Mission which presents a valuable opportunity to understand Phobos’ surface environments by landing spacecraft on its regolith to collect surface soil samples. Several Phobos simulations have been developed, such as the UTPS-TB (University of Tokyo Phobos Simulant, Tagish Lake based) to aid engineering and scientific evaluation experiments. This study evaluates the accuracy of the UTPS-TB by comparing its organic and elemental composition to that of planetary bodies spectrally similar to Phobos. UTPS-TB was not initially created to simulate organic content, but this study assesses its potential suitability for use in organic analysis. A comparative analysis is conducted based on previous literature detailing spectroscopic signatures at the visible-to-near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths of Phobos and other planetary bodies. It is concluded that its reflectance spectrum is overall most similar to that of CM2 chondrites, Tagish Lake meteorite, and D-type asteroids. Key characteristics are discussed in depth, such as a reduced hydrated band at 2.7 µm, an anhydrous nature, olivine and pyroxene content, as well as a dark component containing pyrite, magnetite, and iron-nickel content. The UTPS-TB exhibits characteristics of a pristine planetary body. Thermogravimetric mass loss experiments reveal low grade metamorphic profiles similar to that of Tagish Lake and CM chondrites. Derived ratios between molecular water, organic and hydroxide, phyllosilicate, and carbonate content are comparable to CM chondritic ratios, with a dominant phyllosilicate component. Elemental analysis of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur content indicates that H and C content are consistent with expected low levels of alteration. The organic content ratio is notably very similar to that of CM2 Murchison. UTPS-TB, by this assessment, is a reliable simulation of Phobos. Amino acid analysis via ultra-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection and quadruple time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry (UPLC-FD/QToF-MS) of the UTPS-TB is currently being conducted.

How to cite: Munday, B. P., Chan, Q. H. S., and Kebukawa, Y.: Determining a good Phobos simulant: An organic analysis based on spectral similarities between Phobos, Tagish Lake, and CM chondritic meteorites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12293,, 2025.

EGU25-12355 | Posters on site | PS1.4

The Modification History of Large Craters in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits 

Asmin Pathare, Aaron Russell, Gareth Morgan, Alan Howard, Matthew Perry, and Nathaniel Putzig

Using the Planum Boreum and Planum Australe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD) 3D radargrams (Foss et al., 2017, 2024; Putzig et al., 2018, 2022), we have mapped the subsurface radar stratigraphy in the vicinity of six large craters in the North and South Polar Layered Deposits (PLD) – which exhibit striking cross-circumpolar similarities. For example, both Crotone crater in the North PLD and Crater S3 in the South PLD show an almost complete lack of subsurface radar layering. In contrast, Boola crater in the North PLD and McMurdo crater in the South PLD each exhibit significant subsurface stratigraphy below well-preserved surface features (a sizable ejecta blanket and a large secondary field, respectively). Similarly, the regions around both Udzha crater in the North PLD and Elim crater in the South PLD reveal extensive subsurface layering proximal to possible intra-crater deposition. We will estimate columnar radar dielectric properties in the vicinity of all six of these North and South PLD craters to constrain the effects of possible bulk composition variations upon surface crater preservation and subsurface layer stratigraphy. We will then input our subsurface stratigraphic mapping and dielectric radar property estimates into MARSSIM landform evolution modeling (Howard, 2020) of the modification history in and around these craters to assess the origins of the North and South PLD – could these circumpolar deposit complexes share a common genesis that dates back more than several hundred million or perhaps even over a billion years?



Foss, F.J. et al., 2017, 3D imaging of Mars' polar ice caps using orbital radar data, The Leading Edge, 36(1), 43-57.

Foss, F.J. et al., 2024, Producing 3D radargrams from orbital radar sounding data at Mars: History, results, methods, lessons and plans. Icarus, 419, 115793

Howard, A.D., 2020, Evolution of glacial landscapes of the Martian mid-latitudes, GSA Meeting, Abs #355189, 249-10.

Putzig, N.E. et al., 2018, Three-dimensional radar imaging of structures and craters in the Martian polar caps, Icarus, 308, 138-147.

Putzig, N.E. et al., 2022, New views of the internal structure of Planum Boreum from enhanced 3D imaging of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar data, The Planetary Science Journal, 3(11), 259.

How to cite: Pathare, A., Russell, A., Morgan, G., Howard, A., Perry, M., and Putzig, N.: The Modification History of Large Craters in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12355,, 2025.

Introduction: Numerous detections by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft’s CRISM instrument have established that the mineral kieserite (MgSO4·H2O)  is an important component of many sulfate deposits on Mars 1–4. These orbital detections were enabled by the distinct infrared absorption fingerprint of kieserite. Most recently the Curiosity rover’s CheMin instrument has detected the mineral kieserite in situ at Gale crater5, resulting in a renewed interest in the formation of this mineral.  Wang et al. (2018)6 and Kong et al. (2014)7 reported intriguing Raman spectra of an enigmatic ‘low-humidity kieserite’ phase occurring at Dalangtan Playa, an arid salt deposit in China. The maximum temperature at this field site barely exceeds 30 °C during summer, thus starkeyite (MgSO4·4H2O)  should be the stable phase under these conditions8. Wang et al. (2018)6 hypothesize that the formation of kieserite outside of its stability field was enabled via the formation of a transient amorphous phase that then crystallized to form kieserite. Higher hydrates (epsomite and hexahydrite) readily turn amorphous under dry, low-pressure conditions9 and amorphous magnesium sulfate hydrates are likely present in many samples analyzed by the MSL Curiosity rover 5,10. Therefore, the Wang et al. (2018)6 results suggest that kieserite formation potentially facilitated by an intermediate amorphous phase might explain the widespread occurrence of kieserite on Mars. To test this hypothesis, we have studied recrystallisation of amorphous magnesium sulfate both under simulated terrestrial and Martian environmental conditions.

Results: No indications of the presence of kieserite were found in our experiments, thus our preliminary results do not lend support to the hypothesis that kieserite may form via an intermediate amorphous phase. The kieserite occurrences on Mars and at Dalangtan Playa remain enigmatic and additional experiments at higher and lower temperatures, at varied RH, and on longer timescales are in progress.

Acknowledgments: JMM’s research was supported by an appointment to the NASA Postdoctoral Program at the  NASA Ames Research Center, administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities under contract with NASA.


1 Bishop, J. L. et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 114, (2009)

2 Roach, L. H. et al. Icarus 207, 659–674 (2010)

3 Roach, L. H. et al. Icarus 206, 253–268 (2010)

4 Sheppard, R. Y. et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126, e2020JE006372 (2021)

5 Chipera, S. J. et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, e2023JE008041 (2023)

6 Wang, A. et al. Astrobiology 18, 1254–1276 (2018)

7 Kong, W. G. et al. American Mineralogist 99, 283–290 (2014)

8 Chipera, S. J. et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 241–250 (2007)

9 Vaniman, D. T. et al. Nature 431, 663–665 (2004)

10 Smith, R. J. et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123, 2485–2505 (2018)

11 Trainer, M. G. et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124, 3000–3024 (2019)

How to cite: Meusburger, J. and Bristow, T.: Recrystallization of amorphous magnesium sulfate hydrates: A low-temperature formation pathway for kieserite (MgSO4·H2O)  on Mars?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12749,, 2025.

EGU25-13953 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Microstructure Decoding the Deformation history of the highly shocked Martian Shergottite NWA 7721 

Yaozhu Li, Szilvia Kalacska, Can Yildirim, Carsten Detlefs, Bo Zhao, Callum J. Hetherington, Roberta L. Flemming, and Phil McCausland

Martian meteorites offer insights into Martian magmatic processes and impact history, critical for understanding terrestrial planet evolution. Among over 100 identified Martian meteorites (4.4 Ga-165 Ma; Nyquist et al., 2001; Moser et al., 2013), shergottites are the most common, resembling terrestrial basalts (McSween, 2015; Kizovski et al., 2019) but showing strong shock metamorphism. Key shock features include plagioclase-to-maskelynite transitions, olivine and pyroxene mosaicism, and planar fractures in olivine (Stöffler et al., 1986; Walton & Herd, 2006; Jones, 2014). However, deformation history interpretations using shock and post-shock features remain ambiguous due to limited quantitative constraints and direct observation at a mesoscale. This study analyzes olivine microstructures in poikilitic shergottite NWA 7721 using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and dark-field X-ray microscopy (DFXM). We discovered a bimodal morphological subgrain distribution in the large olivine grain: (1) almost strain-free recrystallized crystallites (<5 µm) forming rims and filling fractures and (2) irregular subgrain fragments (>15 µm) with strong alignment and low-angle boundaries (< 15º). With DFXM, it further revealed two dislocation distributions in the 3D grain volume that 1) “dislocation network” formed by very-low-angle misorientation boundaries (<0.1º) and 2) incipient subdomain walls formed by low-angle misorientation boundaries (> 0.3º). These textures suggest a complex deformation-recovery process for the emplacement of shergottite on Mars. The small crystallites formed via shock-induced heterogeneous nucleation at olivine grain edges and fractures (Walton & Herd, 2006), facilitated by eutectic melting followed by recrystallization during brief post-shock heating that is less than 0.2 hours of 1600-2000K (Takenouchi et al., 2017; Speciale et al., 2020). The irregular subgrain fragments are preserved olivine relics, isolated by very-low-angle boundary networks developed during compressive shock wave passage, migrating to form low-angle boundaries during rapid quenching. This records the final deformation episode before meteorite delivery to the Earth, shedding light on shock metamorphism and recovery processes in Martian rocks.

How to cite: Li, Y., Kalacska, S., Yildirim, C., Detlefs, C., Zhao, B., Hetherington, C. J., Flemming, R. L., and McCausland, P.: Microstructure Decoding the Deformation history of the highly shocked Martian Shergottite NWA 7721, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13953,, 2025.

EGU25-14637 | Orals | PS1.4

The Spectroscopic Properties of Phosphates and Identifying Them on Mars 

Janice L. Bishop, Melissa D. Lane, and M. Darby Dyar

Phosphate minerals are present in multiple martian meteorites and have been detected on the surface of Mars by several rover missions and have important implications for astrobiology [1]. We initiated a study of the spectral properties of phosphate minerals two decades ago [2] to support identification of phosphates on Mars using Thermal-IR (TIR), Visible/Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Mössbauer spectroscopy and have been updating our collections [3, 4, 5]. Phosphate minerals form in a wide variety of structures built around PO4 tetrahedra, similar to the mineral structures containing SiO4 and SO4 tetrahedra and many of these could be present on Mars. Nanophase materials characterized at Gale crater may also contain phosphates [6].

Primary phosphates that crystallize from a fluid include apatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH) and triphylite (LiFe2+PO4), while strengite (FePO4•2H2O) and vivianite (Fe2+Fe2+2(PO4)2•8H2O) are secondary phosphates that form in low temperatures aqueous environments. Whitlockite (Ca9(MgFe)(PO4)6PO3OH) can be found in chondrites within meteorites. TIR emissivity spectra in the mid-IR region (Figure 1-A, 200-1500 cm-1) are dominated by the vibrational modes of the (PO4)3- tetrahedra including stretching vibrations near 1000-1200 cm-1 and bending vibrations near 600-700 cm-1 [5, 7].

Phosphates exhibit multiple spectral features in the VNIR region (Figure 1-B, 0.3-5 µm) due to vibrations of H2O, OH, and PO4 groups in the structure as well as excitation absorptions due to Fe [e.g., 4]. Fe bands typically occur near 0.6-1.2 µm, OH bands near 1.45, 2.2 and 2.8 µm, H2O bands near 1.45, 1.95, and 2.9-3 µm, and phosphate bands near 4.5-5 µm. Kulanite (BaFe22+Al2(PO4)3(OH)3), childrenite-eosphorite (Fe2+,Mn2+)AlPO4(OH)2·H2O), and gormanite (Fe32+Al4(PO4)4(OH)6·2H2O) are OH-bearing phosphates and their spectra have strong OH bands near 1.44-1.50, 2.17-2.47, and 2.76-2.87 µm, respectively due to an OH stretching overtone, an OH stretch plus bend combination band, and an OH fundamental stretching vibration. Apatite also includes OH and its spectra include a fundamental stretching vibration at 2.83 µm as well as a triplet near 3.37-3.48 µm and a doublet at 3.98 and 4.02 µm.

Mössbauer spectroscopy of ferric and ferrous phosphates provide a range of isomer shifts and quadrupole splitting values that can be used to identify specific minerals [3]. The Mössbauer parameters, TIR spectra, and extended visible region spectra collected by the Mars Exploration Rovers were used to constrain potential ferric phosphate minerals present along with sulfates at Paso Robles in Gusev Crater [8]. We are currently investigating the presence of phosphates at Gusev and Jezero Craters, especially Ca- and Fe-bearing phosphates including vivianite [9].

References: [1] Hausrath et al. (2024) Minerals, 14, 591.  [2] Lane et al. (2007) LPSC, #2210.  [3] Dyar et al. (2014) American Miner., 99, 914–942.  [4] Bishop (2019) Chapter 4, in Remote Compositional Analysis ... (Cambridge) 68-101.  [5] Lane & Bishop (2019) Chapter 3, in Remote Compositional Analysis ... (Cambridge) 42-67.  [6] Rampe et al. (2016) American Miner., 101, 678-689.  [7] Stutman et al. (1965) Trans. NY Academy Sci., 27, 669-675.  [8] Lane  et al. (2008) American Miner., 93, 728-739.  [9] Kizovski et al. (2024) LPSC, #2615.

How to cite: Bishop, J. L., Lane, M. D., and Dyar, M. D.: The Spectroscopic Properties of Phosphates and Identifying Them on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14637,, 2025.

EGU25-14678 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Geochemical and Geophysical Insights into the Elysium Volcanic Province: Unravelling the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Martian Volcanic Province  

Alka Rani, Heidi F. Haviland, Paul M. Bremner, Han Byul Woo, Arkadeep Roy, Ananya Mallik, Amit Basu Sarbadhikari, and Suniti Karunatillake


The Elysium Volcanic Province (EVP), including Cerberus Fossae (CF), is a geologically young and tectonically active region, notable for recent volcanic and seismic activity [1]. It is a great region of interest for investigating Martian mantle dynamics and volcanic evolution. The broader aim is to explore the interconnected dynamics of mantle heterogeneity, lithospheric evolution, and surface processes within a stagnant-lid framework, thereby enhancing our understanding of Mars's thermal and geodynamic evolution. Therefore, we employ a comprehensive approach by integrating geochemical, thermoelastic, and seismic analyses to explore the spatiotemporal evolution of volcanism in the studied province.

The geochemical investigations of EVP, using elemental datasets from Mars Odyssey's Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) [2-3], reveal igneous compositions with minimal alteration, preserving the primary signatures of volcanic processes in the study region. Pressure-temperature analyses [4-5] indicate variations from 1.3 to 2.2 GPa and 1350 to 1500°C, transitioning spatially from the Northwest to Southeast of the EVP. These variations align with differences in lithospheric thickness and mantle potential temperature, suggesting an evolution of localized magmatic activity. Furthermore, we developed a geophysical model using BurnMan [6-7] to deduce corresponding elastic properties, incorporating the Birch-Murnaghan Equation of State and temperature profiles [8]. Elastic properties were derived for various bulk silicate Mars compositions, revealing features like the olivine-wadsleyite transition, thermal boundary layers, and crustal thickness variations. These findings align with recent geophysical investigations [9-10], highlighting the influence of thermal and compositional variation on Mars’s interior. Additionally, to further constrain the subsurface structures, we have used seismic analyses, incorporating data from NASA’s InSight mission, to validate thermoelastic models by comparing differential travel times near Cerberus Fossae with derived ray paths. This multidisciplinary approach provides a robust framework for unraveling the geodynamic evolution of EVP. Integrating geochemical, thermoelastic, and seismic analyses ensures a comprehensive understanding of the mantle’s thermal and compositional state, advancing our knowledge of volcanic processes on Mars and their implications for planetary evolution.

References: [1] Vaucher J., et al., (2009), Icarus 204, 418–442. [2] Boynton W. et al., (2007) JGR: Planets, 112. [3] Rani A. et al., (2022) GRL, 49. [4] Putrika K.D. (2005) GGG, 6. [5] Lee C.T.A. et al., (2009) EPSL 279, 20–33. [6] Cottaar, S., et al., (2014), Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15.4, 1164–1179. [7] Cottaar, S., et al., (2016), BurnMan v0.9.0. Zenodo. [8] Plesa et al., (2018), GRL, 45(22), 12-198. [9] Khan, et al., (2023), Nature, 622 (7984), 718-723. [10] Samuel, et al., (2023) Nature, 622 (7984), 712-717.  

How to cite: Rani, A., F. Haviland, H., M. Bremner, P., Byul Woo, H., Roy, A., Mallik, A., Basu Sarbadhikari, A., and Karunatillake, S.: Geochemical and Geophysical Insights into the Elysium Volcanic Province: Unravelling the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Martian Volcanic Province , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14678,, 2025.

EGU25-15813 | Posters on site | PS1.4

The focal mechanism of Marsquake s1197a near Hesperia Planum 

Jinlai Hao, Quanhong Li, Zhuowei Xiao, and Juan Li

Our study, employing deep-learning-based polarization estimation to locate low-frequency family marsquakes, has detected seven marsquakes in the vicinity of Hesperia Planum. Among these, Marsquake s1197a is the largest event, with a magnitude of 3.6. The high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the data has facilitated an in-depth investigation into its focal mechanism. We have determined the relative arrival time between the sS and S phases in the tangential component, which is approximately 15 seconds. This measurement, in conjunction with the previous Martian crustal model, has led to an estimated depth of 30 km for the marsquake. This depth was held constant throughout our subsequent focal mechanism analysis. To characterize the source of the marsquake, we utilized a double-couple focal mechanism model and calculated synthetic waveforms using the FK method. The focal mechanism was constrained by three components of the S wave and the vertical P wave. Our preferred focal mechanism is a thrust mechanism. Notably, non-extensional focal mechanisms are also included among our top 200 focal mechanisms. The consistency between our preferred focal mechanism and the older compressional structures near Hesperia Planum suggests that the region may have experienced marsquakes at present. This finding implies that the seismic activity on Mars is more active than previously thought.

How to cite: Hao, J., Li, Q., Xiao, Z., and Li, J.: The focal mechanism of Marsquake s1197a near Hesperia Planum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15813,, 2025.

EGU25-15817 | Orals | PS1.4

First Science Results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Crater Rim Campaign 

Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Lisa Mayhew, Eleni Ravanis, Christopher Herd, Kenneth Farley, Kathryn Stack, Justin Simon, Rachael Kronyak, Margaret Deahn, Briony Horgan, Candice Bedford, Roger Wiens, Athanasios Klidara, Alexander Jones, Robert Barnes, Jeffrey Johnson, Larry Crumpler, and Fred Calef

Since February 2021, the Mars 2020 rover ‘Perseverance’ has been exploring Jezero crater on Mars to characterize the geology, assess the potential for rocks to represent ancient habitable environments and/or preserve biosignatures, and collect a suite of scientifically compelling samples for return to Earth (Farley et al., 2020). From 2021 to September 2024, Perseverance explored the interior of Jezero impact crater, and consequently the geological unit post-dating its formation. In September 2024, Perseverance has started the ascent of Jezero crater rim, the first step of a long campaign through Jezero crater rim and the rocks outside of the crater. The expectation of this campaign is to encounter rock types that are not included in the current sample cache typically representing materials from Mars most ancient crust (Pre-Jezero and even pre-Isidis crust).

         The crater rim campaign started by the investigation of the inner part of the crater rim from Jezero margin unit to the summit of the Crater rim. During this ascent, the rover investigated a complex of NW/SE aligned buttes (Curtis ridge, Mist Park and Eagle cliff). The inner part of the crater rim exploration ended by the investigation the back part of Pico Turquino butte. An exceptional diversity of rocks in terms of primary composition and alteration has been observed. Pyroxenites, Gabbros, Olivine bearing rocks and high Si rocks have been docmuented very close to each other suggesting a complex stratigraphy due either to Jezero impact itself or due to older impact events that have shaped the Noachian basement in the region.  In terms of alteration, non-altered rocks have been observed, as well as Mg/Fe clays, Al-clays and hydrated silica. It reveals complex and diverse alteration histories.  

         At time of this abstract writing, no samples have been collected yet. The notional sample cache for this campaign based on orbital data investigation includes: Noachian basement materials (including both stratified Fe-Mg smectites and “blue-fractured” low-calcium-pyroxene-bearing materials); megabreccia (including potentially kaolinite-bearing megabreccia); an in-situ example of the regional olivine-carbonate-bearing unit; hydrothermal features; and impact melt/breccia. Many of these targets are common on a regional to global scale but have never been studied with a rover, or sampled. The Crater Rim campaign promises to expand the already compelling sample suite onboard the Perseverance rover.

This presentation will discuss the up-to-date results from the Crater Rim campaign, the current and future sampling opportunities for the campaign, and the implications for Mars Sample Return.

How to cite: Quantin-Nataf, C., Mayhew, L., Ravanis, E., Herd, C., Farley, K., Stack, K., Simon, J., Kronyak, R., Deahn, M., Horgan, B., Bedford, C., Wiens, R., Klidara, A., Jones, A., Barnes, R., Johnson, J., Crumpler, L., and Calef, F.: First Science Results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Crater Rim Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15817,, 2025.

EGU25-16086 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Groundwater activity inferred from potential clastic dikes in Eberswalde crater, Mars 

Lu Pan, Guixin Xing, and Cenyu Qi

Fluvial and sedimentary deposits on Mars provide key evidence of surface water activity in geologic times. On the contrary, the distribution and characteristics of Mars’ past groundwater activity remain poorly understood, limiting our ability to reconstruct the early Mars climate regimes. Eberswalde crater, known for hosting the most well-preserved deltaic deposit on Mars, exhibits meandering lobes of inverted channels [1,2], as evidence for sustained fluvio-lacustrine activity in a standing body of water [2-4]. In this study, we present a detailed analysis of the morphology, mineralogy, and stratigraphy of vein-like structures within Eberswalde crater using high-resolution imagery data (HiRISE and CTX). We identified three major morphological types of vein-like structures. Type II structures showed varying widths between 1.5 m and 4 m. Through manual co-registration to the CRISM data, we identified a correlation between the high-albedo linear feature and a clay-bearing spectral signature which matches well with the spectral features in Eberswalde delta sediment. We propose that these features were clastic dikes formed due to groundwater activity, before or at the same time as the formation of the deltaic deposits. Stratigraphic relationships between the identified structures and the mapped geologic units [5-6] suggest the top unit of the delta is relatively young. The morphometry and spatial distribution of the clastic dikes offer valuable constraints on the flux and velocity of ancient groundwater in this region.

References: [1] Moore, J. M., & Howard, A. D. (2005). Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 110(E4). [2] Wood, L. J. (2006). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 118(5–6), 557–566. [3] Lewis, K. W., & Aharonson, O. (2006). Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 111(E6). [4] Pondrelli, M et al. (2008). Icarus, 197(2), 429-451. [5] Mangold, N., et al. (2012). Icarus, 220(2), 530-551. [6] Rice, M. S., et al. (2013). International Journal of Mars Science and Exploration, 8, 15–57.

How to cite: Pan, L., Xing, G., and Qi, C.: Groundwater activity inferred from potential clastic dikes in Eberswalde crater, Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16086,, 2025.

EGU25-16183 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Satellite gravity-rate observations to uncover Martian plume-lithosphere dynamics 

Riva Alkahal and Bart Root

Several orbiters and landers at Mars have allowed to unravel valuable knowledge about its surface and interior. Tracking of the satellites MGS, MRO, and Odyssey have provided us with detailed knowledge about the gravitational field of Mars, revealing the presence of subsurface structures in crust and mantle. With the InSight mission, seismic waves have indicated the presence of more frequent Marsquakes than assumed before the mission. This raises questions regarding the planet's formation and why Mars is more geologically active than was expected. Another important milestone in studying the interior of Mars is not only the recovery of static gravity field models but addition the seasonal variations, providing information on the periodic behavior of the polar ice caps. With the longer time-period of gravity variation could the secular time varying gravity field be linked to the solid deformation of the planet?

In this study, we focus on a new method for estimating the secular variations of Mars' gravity field using available Deep Space Network (DSN) tracking data with an open-source orbit estimation tool called TUDAT (TU Delft Astrodynamics Toolbox). We have constructed an orbit simulation, including realistic environmental models like the Mars-DTM atmosphere model, that has an orbital accuracy within 2 meters of SPICE kernels.

With this orbital simulator, we conduct sensitivity analyses to study the decoupling of secular gravity variations from other disturbing acceleration signals. These analyses incorporate all relevant dynamic forces acting on the satellite. We perform covariance analysis for various estimation parameters, including the satellite's initial state, atmospheric drag, static, periodic, as well as global versus arc-wise secular gravity coefficients.

By evaluating the formal errors of the estimated parameters and the correlations between them, we aim to identify scenarios where we can effectively separate the atmospheric signal from the gravitational changes of solid Mars. This investigation will contribute to addressing the unresolved question of Martian interior activity.

How to cite: Alkahal, R. and Root, B.: Satellite gravity-rate observations to uncover Martian plume-lithosphere dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16183,, 2025.

EGU25-16607 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Comparing Tropospheric Water Vapor Isotopic Distribution and Controls on Earth and Mars 

Di Wang, Camille Risi, Franck Montmessin, Lide Tian, Gabriel J Bowen, Margaux Vals, Emma Gourion, Siteng Fan, Guillaume Petzold, and Cong Sun

Isotopic analysis serves as a critical tool in understanding the complexities of the water cycle and quantifying the influence of distinct atmospheric processes.This research focuses on the spatio-temporal distribution of the HDO/H2O ratio in water vapor on Earth and Mars, identifying the processes that control these variations.Utilizing isotopic data from General Circulation Model LMDZ simulations for Earth and Planetary Climate Model (PCM) simulations for Mars, we investigate the similarities and differences in water vapor transport and phase changes within each planet's atmosphere. Key findings include a marked isotopic enrichment from ice sublimation in both planets, with a stronger effect observed on Mars due to longer crystal residence times. In contrast, Earth exhibits a buffering effect by the near-surface ocean not present on Mars. Our hypothesis that a unified conceptual framework can interpret isotopic distributions on both planets is supported, suggesting shared fundamental processes with adaptations to each planet's unique conditions.This comparative analysis not only highlights the similarities and differences in the water cycles of Earth and Mars, but also demonstates the adaptability of our conceptual framework to various planetary environments. These insights enhance our comprehension of planetary hydrological cycles and contribute to a deeper understanding of their underlying microphysical mechanisms.

How to cite: Wang, D., Risi, C., Montmessin, F., Tian, L., Bowen, G. J., Vals, M., Gourion, E., Fan, S., Petzold, G., and Sun, C.: Comparing Tropospheric Water Vapor Isotopic Distribution and Controls on Earth and Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16607,, 2025.

EGU25-17409 | Orals | PS1.4

Using ExoMars TGO/NOMAD observations to help constrain the GEM-Mars GCM gravity wave parameterisations 

Lori Neary, Loïc Trompet, Frank Daerden, Ian Thomas, Bojan Ristic, and Ann Carine Vandaele

Gravity waves are a phenomenon that has been observed in several planetary atmospheres, including Earth, Venus, and Mars. They are formed when air is stably stratified and are triggered by wind flow over topography (orographic) or by weather events such as frontal systems, jet streams and convection (non-orographic). As a parcel of air is forced up by one of these mechanisms in stable air, buoyancy acts as a restoring force on the parcel causing oscillations. As the resulting wave propagates upward where the atmosphere is less dense, the amplitude grows and energy and momentum are transferred from the lower to the upper atmosphere. On Mars, gravity-wave induced density and temperature fluctuations have been observed by orbiting platforms (e.g. [1-5]) and during aerobraking [6-7] and from the surface [8]. Their effects are also seen in airglow imagery [9].

While the waves are relatively small, ranging in wavelength from tens to hundreds of kilometres, their impact through thermal and dynamical forcing on the climate can be quite large and therefore need to be accounted for in atmospheric models. Global models typically do not resolve these waves so their impact on the large-scale flow must be parameterised. These parameterisation schemes are poorly constrained (see [10] for an overview).

We present the first analysis of density and temperature perturbations in the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) Nadir Occultation for MArs Discovery (NOMAD) Solar Occultation (SO) observations [11] to help constrain the GEM-Mars Global Climate Model (GCM) [12, 13].

The GEM-Mars GCM uses two parameterisations for orographic [14] and non-orographic gravity waves [15-17], originating from the terrestrial version of the model [18-20]. By comparing temperatures, mapping the perturbations and analysing the derived potential energy and gravity wave drag from the observations, we can then adjust the schemes’ tuning parameters to better match the NOMAD temperatures. For example, in the non-orographic scheme, the lower bound vertical wavenumber, which limits the maximum vertical wavelength of the spectrum allowed, can be adjusted.

We show that by adjusting the parameters in the schemes, we can better reproduce the temperatures in the 70-100 km altitude range, especially in the midlatitude to polar regions.

References :

1 England, S. L. et al., 2017

2 Vals, M. et al., 2019

3 Heavens, N. G. et al., 2020

4 Starichenko, E. D. et al., 2021

5 Starichenko, E. D. et al., 2024

6 Creasey, J. E. et al., 2006

7 Fritts, D. C. et al., 2006

8 Guzewich, S. D. et al., 2021

9 Altieri, F. et al., 2012

10 Medvedev, A. S. and Yiğit, E., 2019

11 Vandaele A. C. et al., 2018

12 Neary, L. and Daerden, F. , 2018

13 Daerden, F. et al., 2019

14 McFarlane, N. A., 1987

15 Hines, C. O., 1997a

16 Hines, C. O., 1997b

17 Charron, M. et al., 2002

18 Côté, J. et al., 1998

19 Côté, J. et al., 1998

20 Yeh, K.-S. et al., 2002

How to cite: Neary, L., Trompet, L., Daerden, F., Thomas, I., Ristic, B., and Vandaele, A. C.: Using ExoMars TGO/NOMAD observations to help constrain the GEM-Mars GCM gravity wave parameterisations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17409,, 2025.

EGU25-17677 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

 Analysis of Balloon Missions and Flight Trajectories on Mars 

Felix Nöding, Ramona Ziese, and Jürgen Oberst

The idea of using balloons for planetary surface and atmospheric exploration has been under discussion for many years. Balloons could complement missions of orbiters, landers, and rovers, and enable unique atmospheric or remote sensing investigations with various payloads.  Our study deals with the flight behaviour of planetary balloons over the surface of Mars. We studied trajectories for different types of balloons in terms of size, shape and materials starting from different launch points at various diurnal/seasonal launch times. The motion of a balloon is determined by a system of differential equations (Palumbo, 2008), which we solved numerically. The atmospheric parameters applicable to the current  location, such as wind speed, temperature and air density, are queried from the Mars Climate Database (Forget et al., 1999; Millour et al., 2022) and used to calculate the gross inflation and the drag (Farley, 2005).  At the conference we will present general flight characteristics of various balloon types and different mission scenarios. The results are presented graphically and numerically.  In further work, we will consider different properties of carrier gas and related permeability of the balloon’s skin. In addition, we aim at maximizing science opportunities and finding optimal composition of the variables with the help of an optimisation or machine learning algorithm.



Farley, R. (2005, September 26). BalloonAscent: 3-D Simulation Tool for the Ascent and Float of High-Altitude Balloons. AIAA 5th ATIO And16th Lighter-Than-Air Sys Tech. and Balloon Systems Conferences. AIAA 5th ATIO and16th Lighter-Than-Air Sys Tech. and Balloon Systems Conferences, Arlington, Virginia.

Forget, F., Hourdin, F., Fournier, R., Hourdin, C., Talagrand, O., Collins, M., Lewis, S. R., Read, P. L., & Huot, J. (1999). Improved general circulation models of the Martian atmosphere from the surface to above 80 km. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 104(E10), 24155–24175.

Millour, E., Forget, F., Spiga, A., Pierron, T., Bierjon, A., Montabone, L., Vals, M., Lefèvre, F., Chaufray, J.-Y., Lopez-Valverde, M., Gonzalez-Galindo, F., Lewis, S., Read, P., Desjean, M.-C., Cipriani, F., & MCD Team. (2022, September 23). The Mars Climate Database (Version 6.1).

Palumbo, R. (2008). A simulation model for trajectory forecast, performance analysis and aerospace mission planning with high altitude zero pressure balloons [Application/pdf].

How to cite: Nöding, F., Ziese, R., and Oberst, J.:  Analysis of Balloon Missions and Flight Trajectories on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17677,, 2025.

EGU25-17926 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Combined neutron and X-ray tomography of Martian meteorite NWA 7034 to locate hydrous phases 

Estrid Naver, Katrine Wulff Nikolajsen, Martin Sæbye Carøe, Jens Frydenvang, Martin Bizzarro, Jakob Sauer Jørgensen, Henning Friis Poulsen, and Luise Theil Kuhn

Meteorites originating from Mars represent the only tangible samples that allow us to investigate the geologic history of this planet, including its potential early habitability. The discovery of the polymict regolith breccia NWA 7034 meteorite and its pairs, informally known as Black Beauty, provides, for the first time, a direct time window into the earliest crustal processes on Mars [1,2]. Analyses of the crustal fragments from this meteorite indicates that water was present on the Martian surface 4450 million years ago [3].

Neutron tomographic imaging is a method for non-destructively characterising samples in 3D and as neutrons are sensitive to H it is possible to directly locate H-rich phases. When combined with X-ray tomographic imaging it is possible to confirm the identification of H and determine which minerals are hosting the H [4].

Two pieces of the Martian meteorite NWA 7034 have been analysed using neutron and X-ray tomography. High-resolution neutron CT was performed at ICON at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. X-ray CT was performed at the B05 beamline at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France by Phil Cook. The 3D volumes from each measurement were co-registered and high attenuation phases were segmented and identified.

Comparison to theoretical attenuation values of minerals in the sample shows that high X-ray attenuation stems from Fe-oxides and high neutron attenuation stems from hydrous phases. There are more high attenuation X-ray spots than high attenuation neutron spots, which shows that not all Fe-oxides contain H. Segmentation also shows that all hydrous phases overlap with the Fe-oxide phases. As such, this data suggests that the water-related H in the meteorite is stored in Fe-oxides.

[1] M. Humayun et al., Nature 503 (2013), 513–516
[2] A. Goodwin et al., Astrobiology 22 (2022), 755-767
[3] Z. Deng et al., Science Advances 6 (2020), eabc4941
[4] J. Martell et al., Science Advances 8 (2022), eabn3044

How to cite: Naver, E., Nikolajsen, K. W., Carøe, M. S., Frydenvang, J., Bizzarro, M., Jørgensen, J. S., Poulsen, H. F., and Theil Kuhn, L.: Combined neutron and X-ray tomography of Martian meteorite NWA 7034 to locate hydrous phases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17926,, 2025.

EGU25-18562 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Helium Bulges in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars: Seasonal and Latitudinal Variations in Helium Densities from NGIMS Observations and Mars-PCM Simulations 

Neha Gupta, Bijay Kumar Guha, Claus Gebhardht, Shaikha Al Daheri, Bhaskar Sharma, Stephen Bougher, Roland M.B Young, Ehouarn Millour, Luca Montabone, Narukull Venkateswara Rao, and Piyush Sharma

Light atmospheric species such as helium (He) serve as tracers of global circulation in Mars' upper atmosphere (>100 km). Due to its low mass and large scale-height, He exhibits unique behaviour, including the formation of He bulges, their spatiotemporal variations, and their response to Global Dust Storm (GDS). The significant variability observed during nominal dust conditions (i.e., in the absence of a GDS) highlights helium's sensitivity to global circulation across different locations and seasons on Mars. In recent years, seminal studies have explored the small- and large-scale variabilities in He bulges during nominal dust conditions using data from the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) onboard NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission. These observations were supplemented by simulations from the Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (M-GITM). However, no other Global Climate Models (GCMs) simulations have been compared with NGIMS He observations, despite notable discrepancies between NGIMS data and M-GITM outputs. Consequently, He climatology under nominal dust conditions using a GW-parameterized GCMs remains unexplored.

MAVEN dataset, spanning Mars Years (MY) 32–37, excluding the period of MY34 GDS, Solar Longitude (Ls) ~ 180-290°, obtained through the NGIMS instrument onboard MAVEN, provides sufficient global coverage and a rare opportunity to study the long-term climatology of He in the Martian upper atmosphere. We use this dataset at an altitude of ~200 km to understand the latitudinal, seasonal, and local-time variability of He bulges in the upper atmosphere during nominal dust conditions on Mars. Additionally, we compare these observations with simulations from a GW-parameterized version of Mars-PCM, which is prescribed with a ‘climatology’ dust scenario. This scenario uses column dust opacity derived by averaging dust opacities observed during MY 24 to 35, excluding MY 25, 28, and 34, to enable an unbiased investigation of He bulges independent of the effects of GDS. In addition, a comparative analysis of NGIMS observations and Mars-PCM simulations, with gravity waves turned on will allow us to study discrepancies between observations and simulations reported in previous studies. The result of this study shows a stronger agreement between NGIMS observed He bulges with those simulated by Mars-PCM as compared to the models used previously. Particularly, the latitudinally extended He bulges shown in this study discard the anonymity of their presence in the high latitude regions (>50°) of Mars, as suggested in previous studies. Furthermore, the sol-to-sol simulations from Mars-PCM for a typical Martian year provides an insight on the seasonal migration of He bulges throughout the year. The He bulges shift toward the southern hemisphere around Ls of ~50° as Mars transitions from the northern spring equinox to northern summer. Conversely, they migrate to the northern hemisphere around Ls ~183° as Mars moves from the northern autumn equinox to northern winter. Thus, the results of this study further our understanding of spatiotemporal variability and migration of He bulges, highlighting the significance of gravity waves induced changes, particularly at the high latitude regions in the upper atmosphere of Mars.

How to cite: Gupta, N., Kumar Guha, B., Gebhardht, C., Al Daheri, S., Sharma, B., Bougher, S., Young, R. M. B., Millour, E., Montabone, L., Rao, N. V., and Sharma, P.: Helium Bulges in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars: Seasonal and Latitudinal Variations in Helium Densities from NGIMS Observations and Mars-PCM Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18562,, 2025.

EGU25-18577 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Statistical Distribution of Whistler Mode Waves in the Martian Induced Magnetosphere Based on MAVEN Observations 

Hengle Du, Xing Cao, Binbin Ni, Song Fu, Taifeng Jin, Xiaotong Yun, Minyi Long, and Shuyue Pang

Whistler mode waves are a common type of electromagnetic waves in the Martian induced magnetosphere. Using high‐resolution magnetic field data from the Magnetometer (MAG) instrument onboard Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) from October 2014 to November 2022, we perform a detailed analysis of the statistical distribution of the occurrence rate, averaged amplitude, peak frequency, wave normal angle and ellipticity of left‐hand and right‐hand polarized whistler mode waves in the Martian induced magnetosphere. Our results show that whistler mode waves are mainly observed in the subsolar and magnetic pileup region, with the occurrence rate of right‐hand mode waves higher than that of left‐hand mode waves. The averaged wave amplitude ranges from 0.02 to 0.13 nT and peak wave frequency ranges from 2 to 9 Hz. We also find that the wave normal angles for both left‐hand and right‐hand polarized whistler waves are relatively larger in the subsolar region and magnetic pileup region where the corresponding wave ellipticity is closer to the linear polarization. Our results are valuable to in‐depth understanding of the generation mechanism of whistler mode waves as well as their contributions to the electron dynamics in the Martian induced magnetosphere.

How to cite: Du, H., Cao, X., Ni, B., Fu, S., Jin, T., Yun, X., Long, M., and Pang, S.: Statistical Distribution of Whistler Mode Waves in the Martian Induced Magnetosphere Based on MAVEN Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18577,, 2025.

EGU25-18700 | Orals | PS1.4

Reflection of Martian Penetrating Solar Wind Protons due to Wave-particle Interactions with Magnetosonic Waves 

Xiaotong Yun, Song Fu, Binbin Ni, Jun Cui, and Yasong Ge

We perform an observational event from Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) instruments that magnetosonic waves and penetrating solar wind H+ are simultaneously observed in Martian magnetic pileup region, accompanied by large reflected H+ flux. Combined with the observations, we use test particle simulations to quantify wave-particle interactions between the waves and H+ and the resulting H+ reflection. The results show that there is a strong Landau resonance for 101–104 eV H+ on time scale of ~12 s, with pitch-angle scattering at <(Δα)2> = 10-2–10-1 rad2 and energy diffusion at <(ΔEk/Ek0)2> = ~10-2. Surprisingly, the non-resonance effect can also affect the H+ with lower energy 100–101 eV. Landau resonance makes the reflection efficiency of penetrating H+ reach 12.30% with high energy (103–104 eV) and large pitch-angle (45°–90°), which provides a new way for reflecting the penetrating H+ to space.

How to cite: Yun, X., Fu, S., Ni, B., Cui, J., and Ge, Y.: Reflection of Martian Penetrating Solar Wind Protons due to Wave-particle Interactions with Magnetosonic Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18700,, 2025.

EGU25-18773 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

The Tumbleweed Science Testbed: Rolling Out Theory into Action 

James Kingsnorth, Luka Pikulić, Abhimanyu Shanbhag, Mário de Pinto Balsemão, Cristina Moisuc, Gergana Bounova, Daan Molhuijsen, Sabin Ilegitim, Arun Osman, Ben Placke, and Julian Rothenbuchner

The Tumbleweed mission is a swarm-based mission using a large set of wind-driven spheroidal rovers, providing large spatio-temporal datasets on the Martian surface. Development of the scientific use-cases requires proof of feasibility on the Tumbleweed rover and simultaneously of individual instruments aboard it. Although several prototypes have been developed to some success, the ability of the Tumbleweed Rovers to produce environmental data both statically and dynamically, and, more importantly, both conjointly, needs to be proven. 

Over the last few months we have been developing a reusable platform that enables the proposed suite of instruments to be tested on the so-called ‘Tumbleweed Science Testbed’. The  testbed is a sub-scale rover prototype, equipped with a cuboid payload bay which provides modular interfaces to a variety of COTS and bespoke payloads. In addition to the payload bay, modestly sized sensors can also be incorporated on the structure, providing opportunities for contact-based measurements and vertical profiling relevant for atmospheric sciences. 

The science testbed is a 2.7-meter-diameter prototype Tumbleweed rover equipped with a 1U-capacity payload bay. Phase 1 of development focuses on integrating simple, chip-based instruments and plug-and-play sensors with a commercially available single-board computer. For this first iteration, ten sensors have been integrated and subjected to functional tests. In accordance with the science objectives of the Martian Tumbleweed mission, these include a wind sensor, magnetometer, camera, temperature & humidity sensor, pressure sensor, dust/particle sensor, and gas sensor. These instruments will be tested on the mobile science testbed in the Netherlands to understand the influence of Tumbleweed rover dynamics on instrument collection and processing. The testbed will enable evaluation of operational strategies of the tumbling rover as well as the various sensors on-board. Subsequently, the testbed will be used for systematic evaluation of navigation, data compression, noise removal and communication algorithms which are currently under development.

Success criteria of this test includes the following:

  • The payload remains stable and successfully stabilises the rover while the overall structure remains intact.
  • Data collection from all instruments is achieved for the entirety of the test run and while idle.
  • Detailed observation and characterization of the rover’s tumbling dynamics.

The next phase of development of the science testbed will involve the integration of more sophisticated, custom-built instruments such as a radiation spectrometer, soil-permittivity sensor, electric field sensor and hand-lens imager.

Subsequently, the testbed will be used in Mars analog environments to test and develop novel, miniaturized payloads for swarm-based mission architectures. The testbed will be expanded with the addition of identical rovers, to simulate collaborative exploration and the execution of collocated measurements on Mars-like terrain.

How to cite: Kingsnorth, J., Pikulić, L., Shanbhag, A., de Pinto Balsemão, M., Moisuc, C., Bounova, G., Molhuijsen, D., Ilegitim, S., Osman, A., Placke, B., and Rothenbuchner, J.: The Tumbleweed Science Testbed: Rolling Out Theory into Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18773,, 2025.

EGU25-18947 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Assessing the Spectral Capability of the HiRISE Colour Channels: A Re-Visit to the CRISM Type-Locality Sites on Mars at Higher Resolution 

Vidhya Ganesh Rangarajan, Livio L. Tornabene, Ernst Hauber, Solmaz Adeli, Patrick S. Russell, James J. Wray, Alan W. Delamere, and Frank P. Seelos

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance orbiter has been acquiring images of the Martian surface at scales of ~25-50cm/px since 2006 [1]. The dataset has been instrumental in helping understand a variety of past and present geologic processes (e.g., [2,3]), and support landing site safety certification and science exploration for future missions (e.g., [4,5]). Apart from high-resolution panchromatic information provided by 10 overlapping CCDs with a broadband RED filter (~690nm), HiRISE also acquires colour infrared information along a central strip with two additional filters (BG: ~500 nm and IR: ~870 nm). While this colour swath is narrow and limited in coverage (and has recently become narrower still), it has provided crucial information for characterizing several colour-associated surface changes (e.g., [6,7]).

Most compositional information of Mars is provided at relatively medium-to-coarse resolution (10s to 100s of m/px) by Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité (OMEGA) and the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). With the loss of CRISM’s L-detector in 2018, and subsequent decommissioning of the instrument in 2022 [8], it is important for us to understand the spectral capabilities of presently operational higher-resolution multispectral instruments in orbit like HiRISE and the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS; ~4m/px). Recent studies (e.g., [7]) have demonstrated that HiRISE products available through the PDS, which are subject to cosmetic clipping of the values at extremes of the image histogram, may not be ideal for quantitative spectral analysis. Alternatively, generation of unfiltered data products, free from such cosmetic modifications, have been shown to be beneficial for spectral characterization of surface materials like pure water-ice [7,9].

We attempt to further explore this capability, to assess the spectral sensitivity of the three HiRISE colour channels to help characterise a variety of surface minerals that have been identified on Mars. We have been acquiring dedicated HiRISE colour observations at all CRISM mineral/phase type-locality sites identified by [10]. In this work, we describe how the three HiRISE colour wavelengths resolve each mineral/phase, and the extent to which HiRISE colour may be able to discriminate between them. We also provide band ratios and spectral parameters that are useful for mitigating the effects of the variable atmospheric opacity and illumination. Altogether, HiRISE colour products will be useful for future surface characterization studies, and permit co-analysis with other operational multispectral datasets like CaSSIS [11] and the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) [12].


[1] McEwen et al., (2007), JGR, E05S02,

[2] Dundas et al., (2021), JGR 126(8),

[3] Daubar et al., (2022), JGR 127,

[4] Mandon et al., (2021), Astrobiology 21(4),

[5] Fawdon et al., (2024), Journal of Maps 20(1),

[6] Dundas et al. (2023), GRL 50(2),

[7] Rangarajan et al. (2024a), Icarus 419,

[8] Seelos et al. (2024), Icarus 419,

[9] Rangarajan et al. (2024b), 10th Mars Conf.,

[10] Viviano et al. (2014), JGR 119(6),

[11] Tornabene et al. (2024), EPSC2024-1231,

[12] Jaumann et al. (2007), PSS 55,

How to cite: Rangarajan, V. G., Tornabene, L. L., Hauber, E., Adeli, S., Russell, P. S., Wray, J. J., Delamere, A. W., and Seelos, F. P.: Assessing the Spectral Capability of the HiRISE Colour Channels: A Re-Visit to the CRISM Type-Locality Sites on Mars at Higher Resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18947,, 2025.

EGU25-19582 | Orals | PS1.4

First Results from Thermal Infra-Red Imager (TIRI) during Hera’s Mars Swing-By 

Özgür Karatekin, Tatsuaki Okada, Naoya Sakatani, Joris Blommaert, Grégoire Henry, Luca Ruiz Lozano, Orkun Temel, Birgit Ritter, Dirk Nuyts, Jonathan Leon Tavares, Masanori Kanamaru, Yuri Shimaki, Takehiko Arai, Hiroki Senshu, Hirohide Demura, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, Toru Kouyama, Satoshi Tanaka, Patrick Michel, and Michael Küppers and the TIRI Team
The European Space Agency’s Hera mission aims to study the Didymos binary asteroid system  following NASA’s DART impact experiment. As part of its journey, Hera will perform  a swingby of Mars in March 2025 as a way of gathering extra momentum. Mars swing-by provides an opportunity to test and calibrate its onboard instruments, including the Thermal Infra-Red Imager (TIRI). TIRI is designed to map the planetary surfaces in mid-infrared to reveal  temperature as well as physical properties such as roughness, particle size distribution and porosity that can be deduced. Moreover, TIRI can also provide important observations regarding the Mars atmospheric science as its spectral range covers ice clouds and dust emissivity peaks.
The spacecraft will fly through the orbits of both Martian moons Deimos and Phobos, and perform science observations of the former body and the planet's surface and atmosphere  in synergy with the other HERA instruments.  Here, we will present the first results from TIRI captured during  the Mars swing-by, of the Martian Moons and Mars  surface and atmosphere under varying illumination conditions as well as the calibrations.  TIRI was provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA, inherited from the  TIR instrument onboard the Hayabusa2  with contributions from  Royal Observatory of Belgium and VITO  and the support of   The Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO).

How to cite: Karatekin, Ö., Okada, T., Sakatani, N., Blommaert, J., Henry, G., Lozano, L. R., Temel, O., Ritter, B., Nuyts, D., Tavares, J. L., Kanamaru, M., Shimaki, Y., Arai, T., Senshu, H., Demura, H., Sekiguchi, T., Kouyama, T., Tanaka, S., Michel, P., and Küppers, M. and the TIRI Team: First Results from Thermal Infra-Red Imager (TIRI) during Hera’s Mars Swing-By, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19582,, 2025.

EGU25-20114 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4

Enhancing SHARAD Subsurface Imaging on Mars through a combination of Very-Large Roll (VLR) Maneuvers and Super-Resolution Techniques. 

Maria Raguso, Marco Mastrogiuseppe, Pierfrancesco Lombardo, and Debora Pastina

Introduction: To accommodate all the payloads onboard MRO and mitigate electromagnetic interferences with the other spacecraft payloads, the SHARAD’s antenna was installed on the zenith deck of the spacecraft bus — on the opposite side of MRO relative to the Martian surface. This configuration causes the SHARAD antenna to be affected by the conductive structure of the solar arrays, leading to a reduction of the signal strength received at the nadir [1]. Modest roll maneuvers (up to 28°) have regularly been executed to compensate for the sub-optimal antenna placement thereby enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of SHARAD surface returns by several decibels [2].

SHARAD Very-Large Rolls Observations: Recent EM simulations of the spacecraft effects on the antenna pattern [3] reveal larger roll angles up to 120°, which could yield SNR improvements of up to 10 dB. Following these findings, the MRO Project and SHARAD team planned a series of very-large-roll (VLR) maneuvers during eclipse periods to minimize ionospheric interference while managing energy and instrument constraints. The first test in May 2023, targeting the sedimentary deposits of Eumenides Dorsum in Medusae Fossae (ID 7858301), confirmed the modeling predictions. The radargram revealed significant improvements in SNR and penetration capabilities compared to standard roll observations (0° or 28°). The VLR technique facilitated a clearer identification of the basal interface at ~800 m depth, where sedimentary deposits typically exhibited high radar transparency (i.e., low-loss tangent). Additional tests were performed at the polar deposits and mid-latitude targets including ground ice, sediments, and volcanics in Arcadia, Amazonis, and Elysium Planitiae.

Super-Resolution Techniques Applied to VLR Observations: To further maximize the scientific value of VLR observations, we applied advanced signal processing algorithms properly designed to enhance the range resolution of sounder data [4,5]. Comparative analyses of radargrams acquired at 0° and 120° roll angles highlight the remarkable improvement in signal clarity and depth achieved when VLR maneuvers are combined with super-resolution techniques. At this conference, we will present quantitative assessments of SNR gains of VLR products versus standard products, demonstrating the superior performance of super-resolution algorithms when applied to VLR data. All these efforts aim to enhance radargram product quality and to refine the understanding of sedimentary and glacial terrains on Mars, which are of high scientific interest to the SHARAD community. While opportunities for VLR observations remain limited due to the operational complexity of these large maneuvers, planned observations over mid-latitude and polar terrains will offer further opportunities to exploit advanced signal processing algorithms [6,7] and improve clutter discrimination [8].

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by ASI contract 2023-9-HH.0 – CUP: F83C23000120005.

References: [1] Croci et al. (2007), 4th International Workshop on, Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, pp. 241-245. [2] Campbell et al (2021), Icarus, 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114358; [3] DiCarlofelice et al. (2024), Icarus, 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115802.  [4] Raguso et al. (2018), 5th IEEE MetroAeroSpace, pp. 242-246, 10.1109/MetroAeroSpace.2018.8453529. [5] Raguso et al. (2024), Icarus, 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115803. [6] Pastina et al. (2003), Signal Processing, 83(8), pp.1737-1748, 10.1016/S0165-1684(03)00072-0. [7] Pastina et al. (2007), IEEE TGRS, 45 (11), 10.1109/TGRS.2007.905309. [8] Raguso et al. (2022), IEEE GRSL, pp. 1-5, 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3223882.


How to cite: Raguso, M., Mastrogiuseppe, M., Lombardo, P., and Pastina, D.: Enhancing SHARAD Subsurface Imaging on Mars through a combination of Very-Large Roll (VLR) Maneuvers and Super-Resolution Techniques., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20114,, 2025.

EGU25-20213 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.4 | Highlight

Application of Satellite Gravimetry and AI to Map the Density Distributions of Mars’s Upper Layers 

Henrietta Rakoczi, Bart Root, Christopher Messenger, and Giles Hammond

Satellite gravimetry data from Mars offers a unique glimpse into the planet's interior structure. Combined with topography data of the planet's surface, measurements of the gravitational field can be used to probe the lateral density variations in the planet's upper layers. Due to inherent degeneracies between the effects of density anomalies in the mantle and the crust on gravity, and incomplete isostasy models, previous efforts for global gravity inversion to decouple the two planetary layers were unsuccessful. This study aims to aid these inversion efforts by providing constraining information about the scale and magnitude of the lateral density fluctuations. In this simulation-based approach, a two-layer planetary model is applied and the Matérn covariance function is used to simulate physically viable density distributions. The simulations are used as an input to an inference method applying Normalising Flow neural networks to infer which Matérn parameters closest align with real observations. The results can provide constraints for future inversion attempts and inform us about the sensitivity of gravimetry data to the subsurface densities.

How to cite: Rakoczi, H., Root, B., Messenger, C., and Hammond, G.: Application of Satellite Gravimetry and AI to Map the Density Distributions of Mars’s Upper Layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20213,, 2025.

EGU25-20451 | ECS | Orals | PS1.4

Extremely long and narrow orographic clouds on Mars 

Ethan Larsen, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia, and Jorge Hernández-Bernal

We report new cases of extremely long and narrow clouds similar to the cloud formed at Arsia Mons (AMEC) (Hernández-Bernal et al, 2021) that form at mid-temperate and subpolar latitudes in both hemispheres of the planet.

For this study, we use the images obtained by the VMC camera on board the Mars Express mission. Given Mars Express’ advantageous polar elliptical orbit, we are able to characterize these clouds at different local times (during morning hours when these clouds develop) and spatial resolutions. 

We study the properties of the orographic elongated clouds that form in three regions with different topography: The volcanic region of Alba Patera (250°E, 40°N), the rugged mountain range of Thaumasia Highlands and Lyot crater (29.3°E, 50.4°N). The elongated clouds at Alba Patera form during the northern fall and winter between  Ls = 170° - 330° and can reach lengths of up to 2600 km with widths of 250 km. Similarly, the elongated clouds at Lyot crater form during Ls = 180° - 340° and can have lengths of up to 3000 km and widths of 300 km. Lastly, the elevated region of Thaumasia Highlands forms many elongated clouds. However, the longest clouds form at 269.5°E, 39°S and can have lengths of up to 2700 km and widths of 200 km. These clouds form during the southern fall and winter during solar longitudes Ls = 0° - 60° and Ls = 110° - 165°.

How to cite: Larsen, E., Sánchez-Lavega, A., del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T., and Hernández-Bernal, J.: Extremely long and narrow orographic clouds on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20451,, 2025.

GMPV8 – Physical and chemical processes in volcanic systems

Volcán Uturuncu is a volcano located in the southwestern corner of Bolivia, near the borders with Chile and Argentina. It sits above the Andean subduction zone and is part of the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC). Volcán Uturuncu is situated on top of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body (APMB), which is currently the world's largest continental silicic partial melt reservoir. This reservoir is estimated to hold a total volume of 500,000 km3 of 20-30% partial melt and is located about 15 to 20 kilometers below sea level.

Volcán Uturuncu has not produced any eruption during the last 250,000 years, effectively making it an "extinct" volcano. However, the presence of active fumarole fields and the discovery of a consistent uplift pattern suggest that this volcano remains, up until this day, a dynamic system. Hence, numerous geophysical and geochemical surveys have been conducted during the past decades to understand the physical processes behind the recent unrest of this "zombie" volcano. Thay also aimed to shed light on the dynamics between the APMB and the near-surface volcanic-hydrothermal activity. Recent seismological studies worked on constraining the crustal stress distribution, by mapping the faults below Volcán Uturuncu and studying the seismic anisotropy distribution in the surrounding area. Findings from these studies reveal a complex network of fractures with a strong NW-SE-directed seismic attenuation and anisotropy, seeming to indicate the preferential pathway of fluids (Hudson et al. [2022, 2023]).

With this new information in mind, we aim to re-assess the previous electrical resistivity model of Volcán Uturuncu, which was obtained from isotropic inversion of magnetotellurics (MT) data by Comeau et al. [2016]. This model shows a pattern of low resistivity and high resistivity structures, which was interpreted as a series of magmatic dykes. However, this interpretation may overlook the inherent anisotropy of the system. Thus, we aim to generate electrical resistivity models allowing for isotropic and anisotropic zones and assess the results in the context of the newly available scientific data. We will also present preliminary results from the joint inversion of MT and gravity data. Such joint modeling allows us to delineate the density signature of the resistivity anomalies in the subsurface. This can help us in determining whether low resistivity structures represent either saline brines, partial melt or dense sulfide mineralization.


Comeau et al. [2016] - New constraints on the magma distribution and composition beneath volcán uturuncu and the southern bolivian altiplano from magnetotelluric data.

Hudson et al. [2022] - From slab to surface: Earthquake evidence for fluid migration at Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia.

Hudson et al. [2023] - Hydrothermal Fluids and Where to Find Them: Using Seismic Attenuation and Anisotropy to Map Fluids Beneath Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia

How to cite: Manara, F. and Comeau, M.: New Insights on the Volcanic-Hydrothermal System beneath Volcán Uturuncu (Bolivia) - Modeling the Electric Anisotropy and Jointly Inverting Magnetotellurics & Gravity Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-352,, 2025.

EGU25-2267 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Deposit-Derived Pyroclastic Density Currents from the 1944 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Italy: Integrating Field Observations, Historical Accounts, and Morphological Data to Reconstruct Predisposing Factors and Triggering Mechanisms 

Federico Di Traglia, Jacopo Natale, Alessia Falasconi, Andrea Bevilacqua, Gianmarco Buono, Sara Calandra, Massimiliano Favalli, Alessandro Fornaciai, Alessandro Frontoni, Teresa Oreade Grillo, Emanuele Intrieri, Lucia Pappalardo, Rosella Nave, Claudia Romano, Alba Santo, and Alessandro Vona

The gravitational instability of glowing volcaniclastics can lead to the formation of deposit-derived pyroclastic density currents (PDCs). These flows can mobilise volumes of 10³ to 10⁷ m³, travelling several kilometres from their source while maintaining extremely high temperatures, posing a significant risk to nearby communities and visitors. Deposit-derived PDCs are typically formed by two primary mechanisms: (i) those driven by magma thrust, resulting in the collapse of crater rims, and (ii) those triggered by the collapse of hot material on volcanic slopes due to factors such as exceeding the angle of friction, undercutting or overloading by fresh volcaniclastics or lava flows. At Vesuvius, Italy, deposit-derived PDCs were directly observed during the 1822 and 1944 eruptions, both characterized by activity that varied from effusive, fire fountaining, sub-Plinian, to late Vulcanian. During the 1944 eruption, which occurred between 18 and 29 March, deposit-derived PDCs were generated during the fire fountaining phase (Phase 2) following the lava emission phase (Phase 1). This study presents a comprehensive investigation of the formation mechanisms of deposit-derived PDCs during the 1944 eruption. It integrates historical documentation and photographs by Giuseppe Imbò, the Director of the Vesuvius Observatory at the time, with fieldwork aimed at evaluating the geometric relationships between the proximal accumulation, welding and detachment zones. The spatial distribution of PDC deposits around the volcanic cone was mapped using photogrammetry-based digital elevation models (DEMs) and 1943 orthophotos. Volume estimates for deposits in the proximal cone and surrounding areas were derived by comparing the 1943 DEM with a more recent 2012 DEM. This analysis provided new insights into the dynamics of PDC formation and its spatial and volumetric characteristics. The results of this study show that the failure of glowing volcaniclastic deposits and the subsequent generation of deposit-derived PDCs is controlled by both the pre-eruption morphology of the volcano and the distribution of deposits with different degrees of welding. In particular, deposits accumulated near the old crater rim with lower degrees of welding were more susceptible to collapse, whereas zones with higher welding degree were less likely to fail. Conversely, in areas further from the crater rim where material from fire fountains accumulated, a greater thickness of deposits was required to initiate failure. These variations significantly influence the timing and volume of individual PDCs. In proximal areas, smaller flows were generated more quickly, while in distal areas, larger flows developed later, particularly towards the end of the fire fountaining phase. These results provide critical insights into the mechanisms governing the formation of deposit-derived PDCs in volcanoes with comparable eruptive styles. Such volcanoes can produce deposit-derived PDCs that extend over areas considerably larger than those directly affected by the primary eruptive phenomena.

How to cite: Di Traglia, F., Natale, J., Falasconi, A., Bevilacqua, A., Buono, G., Calandra, S., Favalli, M., Fornaciai, A., Frontoni, A., Grillo, T. O., Intrieri, E., Pappalardo, L., Nave, R., Romano, C., Santo, A., and Vona, A.: Deposit-Derived Pyroclastic Density Currents from the 1944 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Italy: Integrating Field Observations, Historical Accounts, and Morphological Data to Reconstruct Predisposing Factors and Triggering Mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2267,, 2025.

EGU25-5105 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Two years of the SANTORY shallow seafloor observatory: Advancing submarine volcanic monitoring in the Aegean Sea (Greece) 

Anna Katsigera, Paraskevi Nomikou, Paraskevi Polymenakou, Sergio Sciré Scappuzzo, Gianluca Lazzaro, Angelos Mallios, Valsamis Douskos, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Manfredi Longo, Javier Escartin, Konstantinos Karantzalos, Walter D' Alessandro, Lars-Eric Heimburger, Stephanos Kilias, Theodoros Mertzimekis, Fausto Grassa, Danai Lampridou, and Eirini Anagnostou

SANTORY is a state-of-the-art project dedicated to advancing submarine volcanic hazard monitoring and risk mitigation in the Aegean Sea. Located in Kolumbo submarine volcano, northeast of Santorini Island, this groundbreaking observatory employs advanced imaging, geophysical and geochemical measurements, and real-time monitoring technologies to address one of the most significant volcanic threats in the region.

Over the past two years, SANTORY has provided unparalleled insights into Kolumbo’s geological dynamics and processes and potential hazards. High-resolution 3D mapping has identified steep slopes, mass-wasting deposits, and hydrothermal vent fields, crucial for assessing seafloor instability and the risks associated with eruptions and submarine landslides. Novel hyperspectral imaging and autonomous video systems have documented persistent hydrothermal venting, bubbling plumes, and environmental changes, offering a comprehensive baseline for tracking volcanic activity and geohazard precursors.

Autonomous sensors on the crater floor have continuously monitored hydrothermal outflow temperature, pressure, and fluid chemistry, capturing variations driven by tides and magmatic activity. These continuous datasets are critical for identifying precursor signals of volcanic unrest, such as changes in subsurface permeability and magmatic degassing. Chemical and isotopic analyses of hydrothermal fluids have confirmed the degassing of CO2-rich fluids with a mantle-like 3He/4He signature, underscoring Kolumbo’s potential for hazardous eruptions and its significance as a high-risk volcanic system.

SANTORY goes beyond scientific exploration; it is a transformative initiative aimed at improving volcanic hazard assessment and developing mitigation protocols. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and multidisciplinary expertise, the project delivers actionable insights to enhance early warning systems and protect vulnerable coastal communities.

How to cite: Katsigera, A., Nomikou, P., Polymenakou, P., Sciré Scappuzzo, S., Lazzaro, G., Mallios, A., Douskos, V., Rizzo, A. L., Longo, M., Escartin, J., Karantzalos, K., D' Alessandro, W., Heimburger, L.-E., Kilias, S., Mertzimekis, T., Grassa, F., Lampridou, D., and Anagnostou, E.: Two years of the SANTORY shallow seafloor observatory: Advancing submarine volcanic monitoring in the Aegean Sea (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5105,, 2025.

EGU25-5190 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Dynamics of a large dyke intrusion at Fentale in the Ethiopian rift 

Carolina Pagli, Alessandro La Rosa, Simone Cesca, Eleonora Rivalta, Hua Wang, Manuela Bonano, Pasquale Striano, Derek Keir, Atalay Ayele, and Elias Lewi

Only a few large dykes have been intruded during the era of modern satellite geodesy and as a result the dynamics of how dikes grow over many tens of km’s and interact with faults is poorly understood. Here we exploit the exceptional spatial and temporal resolution of InSAR during the December 2024-January 2025 Fentale dyke (Ethiopia) combined with seismicity and numerical models to study the dynamics of a large dyke intrusion. Our results show that a ~40 km long dyke fractured the entire Fentale-Dofen volcanic segment of the Ethiopian Rift from 19 December 2024 to 03 January 2025. The dyke first migrated laterally in just ~15 days but opening continued for a protracted period. Throughout the episode, melt was fed from a single reservoir beneath Fentale at the southern end of the segment. The dyke migration ended with the triggering of two earthquakes, a Mw 5.5 and 5.7 on the 3 and 4 of January, ~20 km beyond the dyke tip. Dyke opening and concomitant deflation at Fentale instead continued until the time of writing this abstract. The volume and seismic character of the Fentale dyke are comparable to other major rifting episodes observed at mature rifts and ridges, like the 2005 Dabbahu dyke, the 2014 Bardabunga dyke, and the ongoing Reykjanes episode. Our results support models of repeated magmatic rifting episodes being the main mode of plate boundary extension even in youthful continental rifts. Our observations are also in agreement with theoretical dyke propagation models in which faulting ahead of the dyke arrests its propagation.

How to cite: Pagli, C., La Rosa, A., Cesca, S., Rivalta, E., Wang, H., Bonano, M., Striano, P., Keir, D., Ayele, A., and Lewi, E.: Dynamics of a large dyke intrusion at Fentale in the Ethiopian rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5190,, 2025.

EGU25-5982 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Seismic response to volcanic processes at Mount Etna: coupling thermomechanical simulations with seismic wave-equation modelling 

Sergio Vinciguerra, Michelle Bensing, Luca De Siena, and Giuseppe Puglisi

Mount Etna, located in the central Mediterranean on the north-eastern coast of Sicily (Italy) is one of the most active and hazardous strato-volcanoes in the world whose south-eastern flank is sliding towards the Ionian Sea. Flank collapses can be caused by gravitational spreading and tectonic forces, leading to crustal fracturing and possible opening of magma pathways. To investigate their effect on the sliding flank at Etna, we created a 3D geodynamic model of the volcano, containing the primary geological parameters and produced ground deformation with the 3D thermomechanical finite differences code LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model). To achieve a sufficient model resolution, simulations were run in parallel on an Open Computing Cluster for Advanced data Manipulation (OCCAM). The geometry of the model was built with the GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl package, also including real topography through the GMT.jl package by using the Julia programming language. Implemented geometries, which are based on geological maps and interpretation of seismic velocity data, were assigned rock parameters from laboratory-scale values and computational simplicity.

The model includes most importantly an upper brittle crust with a south-eastern flank that is decoupled by surrounding objects of weak rock characteristics relative to the flank, represented by two bounding fault systems (Pernicana in the north and Mascalucia-Tremestieri, Fiandaca-Pennisi and Gravina in the south) and an underlying Apennine-Maghrebian Chain. Additionally, the effect of a visco-elastic basement, a solidified high velocity intrusive body (HVB) and a supercritical fluid volume (LVZ) with strong and weak rock parameter values, respectively, were tested. 4 types of low-velocity zones (LVZ) and 2 types of high-velocity bodies (HVB) were implemented, with geometries deriving from seismic imaging. 

We observed the impact of each implemented geometry and its sensitivity to parameters by comparing the model results to GPS observations quantitatively, estimating the misfit between the model and data using the coefficient of determination. To quantitatively compare the geodynamic model results, deformation data from time periods (2004-2006), covering inflation and deflation phases of low intensity (Bonforte et al. 2008), were used to isolate the sliding of Etna’s southeastern flank through gravitational spreading. The greatest effect could be observed when adding the visco-elastic basement to the brittle upper part of the model, which also increased the fit to GPS observations. HVB presence seems to not have a significant effect on geodynamic model, but contributes to its stabilization, while a sphere shape geometry is the best choice for fitting the LVZ

How to cite: Vinciguerra, S., Bensing, M., De Siena, L., and Puglisi, G.: Seismic response to volcanic processes at Mount Etna: coupling thermomechanical simulations with seismic wave-equation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5982,, 2025.

EGU25-6155 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Pre-existing structures control the orientation of strike-slip faulting during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall dike intrusion 

Esme Glastonbury-Southern, Tom Winder, Nick Rawlinson, Robert White, Tim Greenfield, Conor Bacon, Thorbjörg Águstsdóttir, Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Egill Árni Gudnason, Gylfi Páll Hersir, Tomáš Fischer, Jana Doubravová, Pavla Hrubcová, and Eva P. S. Eibl

The 2021 Fagradalsfjall dike intrusion marked the initiation of a new era of volcanism on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula. In this study, we present a large automatic catalog consisting of more than 80,000 earthquake hypocenters spanning the full period of the dike intrusion, which were derived from seismic data recorded by a dense network of seismic stations. The 9 – 10 km long dike exhibits a two-segment geometry of similar lengths. Linear regression on a relatively relocated subset of over 12,000 earthquakes revealed a strike of 029° with a standard deviation of 2° in the southern segment, and 046° with a standard deviation of 1° in thenorthern segment of the dike. A total of 97 detailed fault plane solutions from relative relocations of selected subsets of events provide new insight into the controls on faulting, showing almost exclusively right-lateral strike-slip/oblique-slip faulting associated with the dike intrusion, and a lack of left-lateral strike-slip fault motion. The alignment of fault planes is consistent with the orientation of pre-existing fractures, within uncertainty estimates. In light of these observations, we conclude that the likelihood of faulting being related to classical dike tip fracture of new rock ahead of the dike tip is low. Instead, our preferred explanation for the dominant controlling factor on the orientation of dike-related faulting is the extensive network of pre-existing fractures formed by the active transtensional plate boundary along the Reykjanes Peninsula.

How to cite: Glastonbury-Southern, E., Winder, T., Rawlinson, N., White, R., Greenfield, T., Bacon, C., Águstsdóttir, T., Brandsdóttir, B., Gudnason, E. Á., Hersir, G. P., Fischer, T., Doubravová, J., Hrubcová, P., and Eibl, E. P. S.: Pre-existing structures control the orientation of strike-slip faulting during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall dike intrusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6155,, 2025.

EGU25-6302 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Volcanic unrest episodes at Vulcano, Aeolian Islands (Italy), monitored by InSAR and GNSS 

Francesca Silverii, Elisa Trasatti, Marco Polcari, Massimo Nespoli, Gianfilippo De Astis, Mimmo Palano, and Cristiano Tolomei

Vulcano is a composite volcanic edifice representing the southernmost emerged island of the Aeolian archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Grown at the convergence of the Africa and Eurasian plates, Vulcano is part of a complex volcano-tectonic system characterized by a NNW-SSE fault system which controls the volcanism evolution of the Aeolian central branch and its continuous long-term deformation. Vulcano experienced many eruption episodes in historical times, the most recent of which occurred in 1888-1890. Since then, it has undergone repeated phases of unrest characterized by shallow seismicity, increased fumarolic activity, and sometimes ground deformation. The most recent unrest episode occurred from the summer till the end of 2021 with intense fumarolic activity mainly concentrated at La Fossa cone and some sectors of the caldera.  

Long-term tectonic movement and unrest phases cause measurable deformation which can provide important insights into the volcanic system behavior. In this work we leveraged two types of satellite-geodesy deformation data: GNSS and InSAR. We considered the time series of 6 continuous GNSS stations managed by the Osservatorio Etneo of INGV. The SAR dataset consists of Sentinel-1A images acquired from January 2016 to December 2023 along ascending and descending orbits, and processed through the Interferometric Point Target Analysis (IPTA) approach to retrieve ground deformation velocity and displacement time series.

Focusing on the 2016-2023 interval, we first validated the InSAR results with GNSS data, obtaining a general good agreement. The GNSS time series clearly show different phases of deviation from the long-term linear trend, particularly in 2018 and 2021. The 2021 period is associated with up to about 2 cm uplift and 1 cm of nearly radial pattern around La Fossa caldera. InSAR data are noisier, but also show transient signals, with a clear signal in 2021, associated with an elliptical deformation area of up to about 3 and locally 5 cm in Line of Sight at La Fossa caldera.

InSAR and GNSS data provide complementary information respectively about the near- and far-field deformation pattern associated with the 2021 unrest phase. We jointly inverted these data using a new modeling algorithm implementing elastic and inelastic (thermo-poroelastic) sources to retrieve the volcanic source of the ground deformation observed during the recent unrest phase. Results indicate as preferred model a spheroid/cylindrical source located below La Fossa cone, with cumulated volume and pressure variations in agreement with previous studies using only InSAR or GNSS data. We also analyzed the 2018 deformation through GNSS data, whose pattern reveal an additional unrest episode possibly located at the northern edge of La Fossa Caldera. We discuss the highlighted unrest episodes in the context of the more general volcano-tectonic deformation pattern affecting the island.



How to cite: Silverii, F., Trasatti, E., Polcari, M., Nespoli, M., De Astis, G., Palano, M., and Tolomei, C.: Volcanic unrest episodes at Vulcano, Aeolian Islands (Italy), monitored by InSAR and GNSS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6302,, 2025.

EGU25-6776 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

The VolcaMotion project: Integrating Geophysical, Geological, and Geochronological Data to understand Flank Instability of Macaronesian Volcanoes 

Pablo J. Gonzalez, Maria Charco, Thomas Boulesteix, Jose Luis Garcia-Pallero, Maria Jose Jurado, Antonio Eff-Darwich Peña, Alex Webb, Laura Gregory, Anthony Hildenbrand, Eugenio Sansosti, Diego Reale, and Jesus Solé

Volcanic flank instability poses a significant geohazard, particularly in oceanic island settings. Since September 2023, the VolcaMotion project has been investigating the mechanisms and timing of volcano flank instability across the Macaronesian archipelagos (Cape Verde, Canary Islands, and Azores), integrating geological, geochronology and geophysical data. We combine detailed geological structural mapping of exposed volcanic edifices with high-resolution topographic surveys, including ground deformation monitoring, to study both active and past deformation patterns. This approach allows us to characterize shear/dilation fault and fracture networks and potential slip surfaces associated with flank instability. In October 2024, we carried out the first field campaign aiming to better constrain better volcano-tectonic structures and geochronology in El Hierro (Canary Islands). In this communication, we present the overall objectives and approach of the VolcaMotion project, as well as the preliminary results after completing its first year. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, the VolcaMotion project will generate, over the next few years (2023-2027), a comprehensive understanding of volcanic flank instability processes in diverse geological settings and contributes and thus contribute to improved risk mitigation strategies for coastal communities in the Macaronesian archipelagos.

How to cite: Gonzalez, P. J., Charco, M., Boulesteix, T., Garcia-Pallero, J. L., Jurado, M. J., Eff-Darwich Peña, A., Webb, A., Gregory, L., Hildenbrand, A., Sansosti, E., Reale, D., and Solé, J.: The VolcaMotion project: Integrating Geophysical, Geological, and Geochronological Data to understand Flank Instability of Macaronesian Volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6776,, 2025.

EGU25-6972 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Volcanic deformation monitoring using cost-effective GNSS: A case study on Saba 

Andreas Krietemeyer and Elske van Dalfsen

Volcano geodesy plays a vital role in monitoring volcanic activity, yet the high instrument costs may restrict the establishment of ground-based monitoring networks. This is especially challenging in developing countries, where volcanic hazards can be significant. The use of cost-effective equipment can help mitigate this.

We present the design and positioning results of four cost-effective Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) units on Saba, Caribbean Netherlands. Each unit costs less than €1,000 and is equipped with solar charging capabilities, data logging, and data transmission via a 4G extension. The units operate independently and log high quality GNSS data, despite the harsh environmental conditions. We show that the positioning accuracy of these units is comparable to those of conventional permanent GNSS stations on the island, with standard deviations of 2-4 mm horizontally and about 6-9 mm vertically. 

This makes them a viable option for expanding existing GNSS monitoring networks or establishing new networks in budget-constrained environments. The rapid deployment capability of these units also makes them suitable for use in hazardous applications where fast installations are essential. The schematics, material lists, and software for these units are made available to the community to encourage wider usage as well as further development and adaptation.

The results are published and further detailed information can be found in the paper by Krietemeyer and van Dalfsen (2025):

Krietemeyer, A., van Dalfsen, E., 2025. Cost-effective GNSS as a tool for monitoring volcanic deformation: A case study on Saba in the Lesser Antilles. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 459, 108263. doi:

How to cite: Krietemeyer, A. and van Dalfsen, E.: Volcanic deformation monitoring using cost-effective GNSS: A case study on Saba, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6972,, 2025.

EGU25-7134 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Ring faulting and piston collapse in the mantle sustained the largest submarine eruption ever documented 

Eric Jacques, Roser Hoste-Colomer, Nathalie Feuillet, Anne Lemoine, Jerome van der Woerd, Wayne C. Crawford, Carole Berthod, and Patrick Bachèlery
The basaltic submarine eruption offshore the island of Mayotte between July 2018 and January 2021 is one of the largest documented underwater eruptions. One of the most striking differences between this eruption and most documented eruptions is the exceptional depth of the associated seismicity, which is limited almost exclusively to the lithospheric mantle. This seismicity probably outlines magma reservoirs and dyking zones. 
In order to better understand the deep processes driving the eruption, we analyze precise earthquake locations and focal mechanisms associated with this event.  We present a set of 2677 accurate earthquake relocations and 300 focal mechanisms determined from data collected over the first 9 months of ocean bottom seismometer deployments, starting in February 2019. 
Our relocations refine the structure of two swarms (Proximal and Distal with respect to Mayotte), and reveal well-defined mantle structures between 20 and 55 km below sea level, which we interpret as a ring-fault zone and a dyke, respectively. The Proximal swarm outlines a ring-fault zone as the locus of a large piston collapse caused by the deflation of an underlying magma reservoir. Deformation around the piston is driven by normal faulting on a set of inward dipping patches surrounding the piston. Locally, collapse of the conical shaped piston causes a radial extensional stress field with strike-slip and normal faulting ruptures accommodating the relaxation of the damaged zone around the piston.
This piston collapse allowed the transfer of lava to the eruption site via the dyke highlighted by the Distal earthquake swarm. The link between the swarms is thus magmatic, in agreement with petrological analyses of lava from the new volcano. 
This is the first time that piston collapse and localized dyking have been documented in the mantle. The pattern of deformation documented here could apply to shallower, crustal piston collapses, such as in Iceland.

How to cite: Jacques, E., Hoste-Colomer, R., Feuillet, N., Lemoine, A., van der Woerd, J., Crawford, W. C., Berthod, C., and Bachèlery, P.: Ring faulting and piston collapse in the mantle sustained the largest submarine eruption ever documented, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7134,, 2025.

Whakaari (White Island) volcano is the most active volcano in New Zealand and has caused some of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in the country’s history. The volcano has a dynamic hydrothermal system and has had 4 eruptive periods since 2016 with the most recent period still ongoing. In this study, we aim to understand the pre-and post-eruption deformation processes occurring at Whakaari using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). We analyze Sentinel-1 Bursts spanning the period 2014 to 2024 from 3 different tracks (1 ascending and 2 descending) using small baseline subset (SBAS) InSAR time-series analysis. Three stacks are analyzed spanning the periods (a) 2014 to 2024, (b) 6 months before and after the 2016 eruptions, and (c) 6 months before and after the 2019 eruption. Initial results show several phases of uplift and subsidence spanning the entire period. These phases of observed vertical displacement also vary spatially among the western, central, and eastern sub-craters. These results will be discussed in the context of the long-term deformation rates at Whakaari over the last decade as well as short-term pre- and post-eruptive processes focused on the 2016 and 2019 eruptions. Results will help understand precursory deformation processes at active volcanoes and the use of InSAR as a potential monitoring tool.

How to cite: Essenmacher, S. and Kanakiya, S.: Characterizing spatiotemporal ground deformation at Whakaari (White Island) volcano, New Zealand, using InSAR time-series analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7224,, 2025.

Calderas often host monogenetic volcanism during their post-collapse evolution, and this is usually coupled with ground deformation episodes that lead to a resurgence in the long term. Understanding the non-trivial relationships between erupted volumes and resurgence deformation is critical to properly facing volcanic unrest at densely populated volcanoes. This sense of urgency is strongly felt for the restless Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy), which is experiencing elevated volcanic unrest with heightened levels of seismicity, geochemical anomalies and, not least, ground uplift. In this work, we reassess the state-of-the-art understanding of ground uplift at Campi Flegrei, addressing the affirmed models and interpretations of the observables at different time scales. As an element of novelty in the literature, we provide a quantitative estimation of the deformation shape and amount of ground uplift and subsidence, constraining the mode of resurgence and individuating deformation anomalies. This allowed us to comprehensively reconstruct the history of deformation throughout the Holocene. We also constrain the timing of volcano-tectonic fault activity and the reactivation of caldera structures that accommodate the deformation. On these grounds, in combination with the reassessment of spatial and temporal patterns of volcanism, we provide a robust interpretative model explaining the relationship between ground deformation and eruptions, including its significance in terms of volcanic hazards. Our results challenge the existing models linking ground deformation and eruptions and should foster constructive discussion about the volcano deformation dynamics at Campi Flegrei.

How to cite: Natale, J. and Vitale, S.: Uncovering the long-term evolution and pattern of ground deformation in active calderas: reconciling Holocene volcano-tectonic processes and volcanism at Campi Flegrei (southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7238,, 2025.

EGU25-7970 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Spontaneous transient summit uplift at Taftan volcano (Makran subduction arc) imaged using an InSAR common-mode filtering method 

Mohammadhossein Mohammadnia, Man Wai Yip, A. Alexander G. Webb, and Pablo J. González

We unambiguously document unrest at Taftan volcano. Summit uplift was detected using InSAR time series and its timing tightly constrained applying a new common mode filtering method. Uplift started and ended gradually lasting 10 months (July 2023 to May 2024). Uplift peaked at 11 cm/year rates, and during slowing-down several gas emission events occurred. Unrest was triggerless, uncorrelated with rainfall or seismic events. We favor internal driving processes with two possible scenarios: (1) dynamic hydrothermal alteration leading to permeability changes, shallow gas storage and pressurization, followed by opening of degassing pathways; or (2) a minor, undetected deep magmatic intrusion causing volatile exsolution and pore pressure increases within the hydrothermal system. Lack of post-unrest subsidence suggests persistence of hydrothermal high-pressure conditions at the summit and associated hazards. Our study shows how satellite imagery reveals hidden volcanic hazards at Taftan, and the need to implement a holistic volcano risk reduction strategy.

How to cite: Mohammadnia, M., Yip, M. W., Webb, A. A. G., and González, P. J.: Spontaneous transient summit uplift at Taftan volcano (Makran subduction arc) imaged using an InSAR common-mode filtering method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7970,, 2025.

EGU25-8752 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Geodetic and Seismic Analysis of Magmatic Processes During the 2016–2024 Eruptive Cycle of Nevados de Chillán Volcanic Complex, Southern Andes. 

Blanca Symmes-Lopetegui, Sabrina Metzger, Francisco Delgado, Juan Carlos Báez, Sergio Ruiz, and Leoncio Cabrera

The Nevados de Chillán volcanic complex, located in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, is one of the most active volcanoes in Chile. Its most recent eruptive cycle began in 2016 and lasted seven years until January 2023, with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) level 2. This sequence is the best instrumentally recorded eruption in Chile to date, encompassing small vulcanian eruptions, the formation of the new crater (called Nicanor), dome growth and collapse, effusion of lava flows, and seismic activity characterized primarily by long-period, tremor, and volcano-tectonic earthquakes.

To characterize the complete eruptive sequence, we integrated seismic, accurate position (GNSS) and radar interferometric (InSAR) observations. We calculated displacement time-series of the Sentinel-1 (C-band), ALOS-2, and SAOCOM-1 (both L-band) satellite missions, and identified three distinct phases of the eruptive cycle. The volcanic inflation caused a total of ~20 cm LOS range change between December 18, 2015, and March 1, 2024, that was preceded by a subtle deflation signal during 2017–2019. Maximum displacement of 25 cm observed between 2019 and 2022 in both InSAR and GNSS data coincided with an increased activity of long-period seismicity, and effusion of 0.01-0.02 km3 of andesitic lava flows. The volcano deflated afterwards with a rate of ~4 cm/yr between 2022 and 2024, marking the final stage of our observation cycle.

We inverted the InSAR data with a pressurized prolate spheroid spanning the inflation period and compared the results to the total GNSS displacement. Inversion results indicate that the deformation source is located at ~6.2 km depth. Due to the source depth, deformation is likely of magmatic origin, and only a fraction of the intruded volume fed the small lava flows, even accounting for magma compressibility. Post-eruptive deflation can also be explained by the same deformation source.

Our results indicate that the expected behavior for this eruption, such as large-scale ground deflation throughout the complete event, was not observed. Instead, the volcano inflated during 2019–2022, the period with the largest mass effusion, before decaying exponentially.

How to cite: Symmes-Lopetegui, B., Metzger, S., Delgado, F., Báez, J. C., Ruiz, S., and Cabrera, L.: Geodetic and Seismic Analysis of Magmatic Processes During the 2016–2024 Eruptive Cycle of Nevados de Chillán Volcanic Complex, Southern Andes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8752,, 2025.

EGU25-9714 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

A dynamic study of caldera collapse: Insights from analogue models and geophysical data 

Daniele Maestrelli and Claudia P. Sánchez Á.

Caldera collapse dynamics result from complex interactions involving multiple parameters, affecting surface deformation style, internal structural development, and structural style transitions. Furthermore, calderas are not only prominent features in volcanic environments, bearing intrinsic scientific significance, but they also represent a primary source of risk during periods of unrest, as well as a critical target for geo-resources (e.g., geothermal energy). For these reasons, understanding caldera collapse dynamics is of paramount importance for risk assessment and mitigation, as well as for understanding the evolution of volcano-tectonic systems.

We investigate caldera collapse dynamics through controlled laboratory experiments. Collapse is simulated in a granular material by draining an analogue magma (Polyglycerine-3) from an analogue magma chamber, with dynamic parameters (e.g., pressure) monitored using laboratory-scale geophysical sensors. The coupling between “classical” analysis (i.e., photogrammetric reconstruction of the model surface to quantify 3D deformation, structural line drawing, and PIV analysis) and geophysical data allows for the identification of a critical transition between inverse and normal faulting within the granular volume. While the magma discharge process maintains a consistent flow rate, overall fault propagation is influenced by this transition, leading to variations in caldera morphology. Our findings suggest that the evolving stress field significantly impacts faulting behavior, revealing the intricate relationship between internal fault mechanisms and surface collapse. This may provide a new way to compare analogue data with natural systems and enhances our understanding of caldera collapse dynamics, offering valuable insights into similar phenomena in volcanic environments.

How to cite: Maestrelli, D. and Sánchez Á., C. P.: A dynamic study of caldera collapse: Insights from analogue models and geophysical data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9714,, 2025.

EGU25-9835 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Monogenetic Volcanism in Compressional Tectonics: Insights from the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) 

Fabio Luca Bonali, Noemi Corti, Sofia Bressan, Nino Tsereteli, and Alessandro Tibaldi

We present a detailed study of the volcanotectonics in the Lesser Caucasus compressive belt, analysing 744 Quaternary monogenetic volcanoes using structural and geophysical field data. The study focuses on the interplay between tectonics and volcanism within this compressional setting. We analysed only volcanoes formed on horizontal or subhorizontal substrates, excluding those on the flanks of polygenetic volcanoes. For 394 volcanoes, we identified the underlying magma-feeding fractures based on volcanotectonic morphometric parameters. We also examined the spatial relationships between volcanoes and Quaternary faults, calculating the distance of each cone from the nearest main fault and considering fault kinematics. Furthermore, we correlated the azimuths of magma-feeding fractures with fault geometry, kinematics, GPS motion data, and focal mechanism solutions for shallow earthquakes.

The study reveals that most volcanoes are located more than 1 km away from regional Quaternary faults, suggesting these faults are not the primary conduits for shallow magma migration. Volcanoes near normal and strike-slip faults sometimes align with fault traces, confirming these faults can guide magma to the surface. The highest cone densities are linked to strike-slip faults, with magma pathways generally aligning WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW. Within tectonic blocks near strike-slip faults, magma-feeding fractures often deviate obliquely.

Magma can reach the surface also in contractional settings characterised by reverse faulting. In this case, no cones are within 200 m from reverse faults, indicating that magma can follow reverse faults at depth but migrates upward via secondary splays near the surface. Local structures formed by tectonic or magmatic stresses and self-generated hydrofractures from dyke overpressure also contribute to magma ascent, with hydrofractures aligned perpendicular to σHmin, depending on the stress regime.

Our findings emphasize that regional Quaternary faults are not the dominant pathways for shallow magma ascent in the Lesser Caucasus. Instead, magma utilizes local fractures within major tectonic blocks and self-generated hydrofractures. We also conclude that shallow magma paths are not necessarily always perpendicular to the least principal stress σ3, especially in the case of pre-existing mechanical discontinuities, suggesting caution in the use of volcano alignment or cone elongation (and similar morphometric parameters) to extrapolate stress orientations.

How to cite: Bonali, F. L., Corti, N., Bressan, S., Tsereteli, N., and Tibaldi, A.: Monogenetic Volcanism in Compressional Tectonics: Insights from the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9835,, 2025.

EGU25-10202 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Caldera collapse triggered by central vent eruptions - A numerical study 

Pascal Aellig, Albert de Montserrat, Boris Kaus, and Christian Schuler

The onset of large caldera forming eruptions is commonly associated with pre-, syn- and post-collapse volcanism along the previously formed ring faults. This collapse mechanism results on a caldera that spans the entire extent of the magma chamber as the ring faults are thought to localise at the margins of the chamber. Whilst larger calderas have been extensively researched, with numerical models providing a robust understanding of the driving forces, smaller systems (≤ 5 km in diameter) can also produce caldera-forming eruptions. Prominent examples include Krakatau (Indonesia) and Crater Lake (USA). Pre- and post-collapse volcanism is typically associated with a central vent eruption at a volcanic edifice.
In this study, we employ the thermo-mechanical geodynamic code JustRelax.jl to investigate the mechanics behind central vent eruptions that trigger caldera collapses. The models use a non-linear visco-elasto-viscoplastic rheology, magma dynamics of a pre-existing shallow magma chamber of various geometry, far-field tectonic stresses and a central conduit structure that connects the magma chamber with a volcanic edifice. We utilise a dynamic conduit density parametrisation that accounts for the nucleation of bubbles when the magma rises to the surface through a gas solubility constant and total volatile content. The dynamic conduit density parametrisation facilitates the emulation of magma upward flow and progressive chamber depletion. This framework enables investigation into the governing underlying processes of central vent-driven caldera formation. We present a systematic parameter study on the driving forces behind this type of caldera collapse.

How to cite: Aellig, P., de Montserrat, A., Kaus, B., and Schuler, C.: Caldera collapse triggered by central vent eruptions - A numerical study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10202,, 2025.

EGU25-10470 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches and Thermal Anomaly Indices to Advance Volcanic and Geothermal Insights on Lipari Island (Italy) 

Antonino Pisciotta, Marco Camarda, Sofia De Gregorio, and Giuseppe M. Riolo

Lipari Island, the largest of the Aeolian Archipelago in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, is a natural laboratory for investigating the intricate interactions between active volcanism, extensional tectonics, and hydrothermal processes. Spanning over 270,000 years of volcanic history, the island's evolution has been strongly influenced by the Tindari-Letojanni Fault System (TLFS), a major strike-slip fault that controls the emplacement of volcanic centers and the migration of hydrothermal fluids. Geological and geophysical studies, including ambient noise tomography (ANT) and high-resolution magnetic anomaly surveys, have revealed the complex subsurface structure of Lipari. High shear wave velocity (Vs) anomalies correlate with older volcanic buildings and active hydrothermal systems (e.g., San Calogero). At the same time, low Vs regions align with N-S trending faults, younger rhyolitic conduits, and ongoing volcanic processes. These findings highlight the crucial role of tectonics in shaping the island's geothermal and volcanic dynamics. Geochemical analyses further emphasize the influence of fluids in driving Lipari's hydrothermal systems. Elevated CO₂ fluxes, exceeding 2000 g/m²/day at key fault intersections, and distinctive isotopic signatures (e.g., helium and carbon) indicate a mantle-derived magmatic contribution to the hydrothermal activity. Sites such as Cave di Caolino and San Calogero demonstrate advanced argillic alteration, characterized by silica- and sulfate-rich minerals, driven by acidic steam condensates. This alteration reflects ongoing fluid-rock interactions and provides critical insights into the geothermal reservoirs' chemical and thermal conditions. Leveraging Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery, this study utilizes the Thermal Anomaly Index (TAI) to detect and quantify thermal anomalies across Lipari Island, overcoming the limitations of a dedicated thermal band. The TAI integrates Near Infrared (NIR) and Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) bands to identify moderate and extreme thermal variations associated with volcanic and geothermal activity. The SWIR 1 band is effective in detecting moderate heat anomalies, while the SWIR 2 band excels in capturing extreme thermal events, such as fumarolic activity and hydrothermal alteration zones. Enhanced Thermal Anomaly Indices (TAIE) further refine this analysis, enabling precise identification of active volcanic zones and areas under thermal stress, such as those prone to drought or water scarcity. Combining TAI-based thermal insights with geophysical and geochemical data identifies shallow basaltic intrusions as primary heat sources fueling Lipari's geothermal systems. These systems exhibit characteristics consistent with low-to intermediate-enthalpy geothermal reservoirs, with temperatures estimated between 170°C and 200°C. The TLFS is a primary conduit for fluid migration, facilitating geothermal fluid circulation and heat transfer. Such integrated findings underline Lipari's substantial potential for sustainable geothermal energy exploitation. This research advances our understanding of volcanic island processes by linking lithospheric-scale tectonics, hydrothermal circulation, and remote sensing methodologies. The insights gained hold significant implications for managing volcanic hazards and optimizing renewable energy resources, offering a robust framework for continuous monitoring and sustainable development.

How to cite: Pisciotta, A., Camarda, M., De Gregorio, S., and Riolo, G. M.: Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches and Thermal Anomaly Indices to Advance Volcanic and Geothermal Insights on Lipari Island (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10470,, 2025.

EGU25-10509 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Deformation Processes Driving Seismicity at Campi Flegrei Caldera 

Chiara Nardoni and Luca De Siena

Over the past two decades, Campi Flegrei caldera has experienced persistent ground deformation, paired with increasing seismic magnitudes and rates since 2015. Recent geodetic and seismic measurements reveal a significant increase in uplift rates, shedding light on the spatial and temporal deformation patterns. The effects of magma transport on the measured deformation have been discussed, along with the presence of shallow gas and fluid accumulation, which also play a critical role in building the pressure up. Understanding the source of the observed deformation and seismic activity requires integrating diverse geophysical observations into geodynamic modeling, which provides crucial insights into the geophysical response of coupled tectonic and magmatic processes.

Joining the interpretations from seismic imaging, geodetic observations, and rock physics, we perform thermo-mechanical modelling of the Campi Flegrei magmatic system using the Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model (LaMEM) code, which takes into account visco-elasto-plastic rheologies. Employing the available structural information on the caldera, such as a caprock layer and a hydrothermal system, the 3D thermo-mechanical numerical simulations account for the realistic topography and a deep crustal magma migration from an ∼8 km deep magma sill to a magma reservoir at ∼ 5 km depth. Our approach also considers shallow gas and fluid accumulation, investigating the interaction between deep magma dynamics and overlying structures. The modelling results show how structural complexity influences the symmetry and amplitude of the deformation patterns and whether deep magma migration should be paired with the effect of shallow structures and rheologies. The findings suggest that integrating additional geophysical constraints could significantly improve our understanding of the deformation source and evolution of stress fields for future modelling of seismic responses. This integrated approach advances our comprehension of tectonic-magma interactions at Campi Flegrei caldera.

How to cite: Nardoni, C. and De Siena, L.: Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Deformation Processes Driving Seismicity at Campi Flegrei Caldera, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10509,, 2025.

EGU25-10738 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Transient heat and mass transfer in a caldera setting quantified by 3D numerical simulations 

Jonas Köpping and Thomas Driesner

Fluid convection in many hydrothermal systems is driven by heat and energy provided by cooling igneous intrusions, while flow pathways are affected by rock permeability. Increased permeability in fracture zones and faults can form preferred fluid flow pathways. Although field evidence indicates that flow localisation in fracture zones and faults is a common phenomenon, its quantitative impact on heat and mass transfer around cooling intrusions has remained understudied. Here, we present three-dimensional numerical fluid flow simulations of a conceptual caldera setting with a ring fault to (1) explore the spatio-temporal evolution of heat and mass transfer, (2) quantify the effects of a high-permeability ring fault on fluid transport, and (3) describe the intra-fault flow dynamics. A circular, cooling magma chamber emplaced at 3 km depth acts as active heat source and an inwardly-dipping, cone-shaped zone of increased permeability represents the bounding caldera ring fault. We systematically vary the permeability of the bulk rock, the ring fault, and the crystallised intrusion, as well as the temperature (TBDT) at which rocks start to deform ductile and become impermeable to explore their first-order controls on heat and mass transfer in a caldera setting.

We observe two distinct intra-fault flow scenarios: (1) intra-fault convection allows for increased meteoric recharge and occurs when the fault permeability is at least two orders of magnitude larger than the permeability of the surrounding rock; and (2) upflow along the fault plane occurs via a continuous upflow front in case of permeability contrasts lower than two orders of magnitude. Both scenarios lead to a fault-focused fluid transport during the first ~5 kyrs, where hot fluids are directly fed into the fault plane by the underlying heat source, forming near-surface boiling zones. ~20–30 % of the total energy transfer to shallower depths <1.5 km takes place during this early flow stage and is accommodated by the ring fault. A continually cooling magma chamber and the consequently shrinking heat source shifts upflow of hot fluids towards the caldera infill. This shift of localised fluid upflow leads to the formation of a hydrothermal plume, which accounts for ~60–70 % of the total energy transfer to depths <1.5 km during the first 20–30 kyrs.

The efficiency of heat mining and how fast energy is transferred towards the surface is affected by the TBDT and by the permeability of the crystallised magma chamber. A higher TBDT allows fluids to migrate through hotter areas and increased permeability (e.g., caused by cooling joints) enables fluids to infiltrate into the crystallised magma chamber and therefore to harness energy more efficiently.

Overall, we conclude that ring faults can be important structures in caldera settings that transiently localise increased mass and heat transfer over a hundreds of years period, however, they may become less significant on geological timescales, particularly when the location of the heat source changes, which may reduce the input of hot fluids into the fault plane.

How to cite: Köpping, J. and Driesner, T.: Transient heat and mass transfer in a caldera setting quantified by 3D numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10738,, 2025.

EGU25-10886 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Effects of lateral dyke propagation and pre-existing fractures on dyke-induced deformation: field data from the Etna 1947 eruption 

Alessandro Luppino, Alessandro Tibaldi, Massimo Cantarero, Noemi Corti, Emanuela De Beni, Federico Pasquarè Mariotto, and Fabio Luca Bonali

Mount Etna, one of Europe's most active volcanoes, has experienced a variety of eruption settings throughout its history, including summit, flank, and eccentric eruptions. In this study, we provide a detailed analysis of the structures formed during the 1947 eruption, which occurred along the NE Rift, drawing on historical accounts, archival images, and contemporary field and drone data. Photogrammetric processing of 1932 and 1954 historical aerial photos enabled us to identify and map the structures formed before and during the eruption, in order to focus the effects of the direction of the dyke propagation, and of pre-existing fractures on the 1947 deformation pattern. Several data collected through recent field missions allowed us to classify the structures into different types including extensional fractures, normal faults, and eruptive fissures, and to determine their kinematics (pure extensional, right-lateral component, and left-lateral component). We also extracted information on the structures' length, azimuth, vertical offset, vectors and opening amount, to characterize the surface deformations resulting from the magmatic event. Furthermore, we reconstructed a detailed chronology of the eruption's day-by-day development based on available historical data. This information allowed us to characterize the event as a lateral propagation of magma along a N-S to NE-SW-striking dyke. This produced the formation of various structures, with different geometry and deformation amount. In particular, our reconstruction of the fault-slip profiles obtained at both sides of multiple grabens, show that fault scarps taper towards NE. This is consistent with the assumption that lateral dyke propagation can induce the formation of normal faults with asymmetric slip profiles.

How to cite: Luppino, A., Tibaldi, A., Cantarero, M., Corti, N., De Beni, E., Pasquarè Mariotto, F., and Bonali, F. L.: Effects of lateral dyke propagation and pre-existing fractures on dyke-induced deformation: field data from the Etna 1947 eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10886,, 2025.

EGU25-10962 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Hydrothermal signatures along the Carlsberg ridge using magnetic and geochemical investigations 

Sambhabana Lenka, Pratima M Kessarkar, Lina L Fernandes, and Concy Gomes

The Carlsberg ridge (CR) is a slow spreading mid-ocean ridge (MOR), which separates the Indian and Somalian tectonic plates in the northwest Indian Ocean. The CR has a total length of 1500 km with only four sites having hydrothermal activities being identified. Hydrothermal activities associated with the MORs can leave its signatures into the sediments. Eight sediment spade cores (SCs) from the ridge valley and flank regions of CR have been analysed for rock magnetic and geochemistry to find/fingerprint the presence of hydrothermal activity. Magnetic susceptibility (clf) ranges between 1.3 and 37.1 x10-8 m3 with relatively higher values in the ridge valley sediment cores. High clf and coarser magnetic grainsize observed in area A and two cores from area B can be probable new sites with active/ extinct hydrothermal activity in the vicinity . S – ratio and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) confirms the presence of magnetite as the main magnetic mineral in the sediment. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) ranges from (42.8–89.6%) and organic carbon (Corg) varies between 0.3% and 2.9% in all the spade cores analysed. High concentration of CaCO3 is present in ridge flank sediment may be related to high surface water column productivity. The sediment core 77/4 records clear enrichment of chalcophile elements Cu, Cd, Pb, Co, Zn, which may be due to rapid loss from the neutrally buoyant plume either by preferential settling, as such the above elements concentration is relatable with the concentration of another core 77/6 from area B except Cu and Cd. The low concentration of Cu and Cd may be linked to the oxidative dissolution of sulphides. Downcore similarity in variations in two sediment cores from the valley and flank, confirms common processes controls their variations, that may be present under the plume trajectory. The rare earth element (REE) concentration for all the cores varies from 84.1 ppm to 206.6 ppm with middle rare earth element (MREE) enrichment, and highest concentration of REEs for the flank core. Magnetics, trace elements and REE suggest hydrothermal activity in the study area.

How to cite: Lenka, S., Kessarkar, P. M., Fernandes, L. L., and Gomes, C.: Hydrothermal signatures along the Carlsberg ridge using magnetic and geochemical investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10962,, 2025.

EGU25-11815 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Rock physical properties and mechanical implications of a hydrothermal core within Teide volcano, Tenerife 

Ariane Loisel, Claire E. Harnett, Michael J. Heap, Davitia James, Benjamin De Jarnatt, Pablo J. González, Thomas Boulesteix, Thomas R. Walter, and Valentin R. Troll

Tenerife (Canary Islands) has undergone several lateral collapses, each followed by the regrowth of its edifice. In this context, the active stratovolcano Teide, in central Tenerife, has been regrowing following a north-directed collapse. Previous studies suggest that Teide continues to exhibit signs of potential flank instability to the north related to ongoing volcano spreading. This flank instability is thought to accelerate during magmatic and hydrothermal episodes. While outward displacement commensurate with spreading is not observed, morphological and structural features have still been linked to possible spreading. The volcano shows a concave slope profile on the northern flank, as well as normal faulting at the summit. These features may imply (1) a gently dipping low-strength breccia layer at the base of the volcano, facilitating large-scale spreading; and (2) the presence of a hydrothermally altered core and crater area later overgrown by the edifice. Here, we characterise the physical and mechanical properties of rock samples collected from (1) the pre-medieval Teide cone (Old Teide), (2) Old Teide’s crater rim, (3) Teide’s new summit cone, and (4) lava flows from Teide’s most recent summit eruption (Lavas Negras) using laboratory measurements of density, porosity, permeability, thermal conductivity, P-wave velocity, Young’s modulus, and uniaxial compressive strength. Combined with high-resolution drone imagery, these measurements provide critical data for computational models of large-scale volcano stability. This multidisciplinary study aims to test whether mechanical weakening from a hydrothermally altered core alone can cause the observed slope concavity, which would have significant implications for hazard assessment and monitoring of volcanic collapse events.

How to cite: Loisel, A., Harnett, C. E., Heap, M. J., James, D., De Jarnatt, B., González, P. J., Boulesteix, T., Walter, T. R., and Troll, V. R.: Rock physical properties and mechanical implications of a hydrothermal core within Teide volcano, Tenerife, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11815,, 2025.

EGU25-11914 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

FTIR Spectroscopy analysis of Mineralogical Alterations facies at active Volcanoes : Vulcano and Campi Flegrei case studies 

Germano Solomita, Monica Piochi, Angela Mormone, Giuseppina Balassone, and Gianfilippo De Astis

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis represents an advanced method for the study of mineralogical neogenesis in volcanic environments [1]. It provides information on several elemental bonds (such as O-H, Si-O-Si, C-O, N-H, B-O)  useful to detail mineral associations and organic molecules, and to unravel the inorganic-to-organic matrices interaction with implications on biotechnological applications and life evolution [2].  


This study concerns with the application of the FTIR methodology to the areas of Campi Flegrei and Vulcano Island in Southern Italy, both characterized by intense hydro-geothermal phenomena in relation to their magmatic system dynamics [3; 4]. As results, chemical and structural modifications in the primary minerals and new mineral formations directly by gaseous emissions are produced. The FTIR data integrate high-resolution images by electron microscopy and microanalyses (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and rock-geochemistry as well.


Both Campi Flegrei and Vulcano has experienced low-magnitude eruptions in recent times (1538 and 1888-90 AD, respectively) and are characterized for typical sulfate alteration facies with a sulfur bearing and quartz-enriched central portion close to the gaseous plume, varying to advanced argillic and argillic facies moving outwards  [1; 5]. Notably, in addition to S-bearing minerals, ammonium-sulfate, ammonium-chloride, borate, kaolinite and metals can be also detected. 


At the Campi Flegrei the neogenesis is mainly related to hydrothermal and magmatic phenomena, and here we report peculiar mineral changes (ammonium-sulfate disappearance) and trace element compositions (among which Mo, As, Hg) occurring, particularly, during volcanic unrest episodes. FTIR provides detailed information on functional groups, used to trace alteration processes, and can be a further method to monitor the evolution of volcanic/hydrothermal fluids dynamics.


In the case of Vulcano Island, the element compositions of the sulfate geoderma point for major components of deep gaseous magmatic supply, for example more significant Te and similarly limited Se contents, coupled with Au [5].  


In conclusion, we suggest FTIR as a useful tool to track mineralogical alterations and hydrothermal neogenesis at both Campi Flegrei and Vulcano Island contributing to deepen the knowledge of the dynamics of volcanic/hydrothermal processes taking place in these highly active geothermal settings. The obtained results are useful in the volcanic and environmental hazards associated with ongoing magmatic activities.



[1] Piochi M. et al. (2019) Solid Earth Discuss., 10, 1809–1831

[2] Kolb, V. M., (2018) ed. Handbook of astrobiology. CRC Press.

[3] Giacomuzzi G. et al. (2024) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 637 (2024), Article 118744

[4] De Astis G. et al. (2023) Terra Nova, 35, 471–487

[5] Fulignati et al. (1998) J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 86 (1-4) (1998), pp. 187-198

How to cite: Solomita, G., Piochi, M., Mormone, A., Balassone, G., and De Astis, G.: FTIR Spectroscopy analysis of Mineralogical Alterations facies at active Volcanoes : Vulcano and Campi Flegrei case studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11914,, 2025.

EGU25-13047 * | Orals | GMPV8.1 | Highlight

 Volcano-tectonic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, since December 2019: 13 dike injections in the Svartsengi and Fagradalsfjall volcanic systems reveal a wide range of magma flow rates into dikes  

Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Michelle Parks, Vincent Drouin, Halldór Geirsson, Kristín S. Vogfjörð, Chiara Lanzi, Benedikt Ófeigsson, Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Andrew Hooper, Yilin Yang, Sonja H. M. Greiner, Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir, and Páll Einarsson

Following an increase in seismic activity in December 2019, a pressure increase began in the center of the Svartsengi volcanic system in January 2020, as inferred from geodetic observations. The first diking event occurred, however, in the nearby Fagradalsfjall volcanic system, about 10 km east of Svartsengi, 24 February – 19 March 2021, when an ~9 km long dike gradually formed with geodetically inferred initial volume increase rates up to 35 m3/s, during the first week of diking. The total dike volume was ~34 Mm3, based on joint inversions of InSAR and GNSS observations that have been extensively used to study this and later events in the area. This dike intrusion culminated in an eruption on 19 March 2021. The initial dike had minor incremental volume increase in association with opening of additional vents above the dike during the 6-month-long 2021 eruption, with near-surface opening in the top few hundred meters. Three additional dike intrusions occurred in the Fagradalsfjall area between December 2021 to July 2023, with initial magma flow rates between 22 to 70 m3/s. The Fagradalsfjall dikes were fed through a channel with an inferred cross-sectional area of about ~2-4  m2, passing through the lower crust from a source near the crust-mantle boundary, with a geodetically imaged deflation source at about ~12-13 km depth. Since late 2023, activity has been focused at the Svartsengi system, with 9 diking events and 7 eruptions in 2023-24. Initial diking there occurred on 10-11 November 2023 with inferred peak flow rates of ~7400 m3/s when an ~15 km long dike formed, following magma accumulation near the brittle-ductile boundary at about 4-5 km depth. The inferred cross-sectional area of the limiting part of the channel from the Svartsengi magma domain feeding the zone where dikes have formed in 2023-24 is on the order of ~2000 m2 or about 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than that inferred at Fagradalsfjall. This and the different depth of magma storage in the plumbing systems at Fagradalsfjall and Svartsengi explains their different behaviour in recent years, that are coupled in such a manner that only one of of the systems has been primarily magmatically active at each time since 2020.

How to cite: Sigmundsson, F., Parks, M., Drouin, V., Geirsson, H., Vogfjörð, K. S., Lanzi, C., Ófeigsson, B., Hreinsdóttir, S., Hooper, A., Yang, Y., Greiner, S. H. M., Hjartardóttir, Á. R., and Einarsson, P.:  Volcano-tectonic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, since December 2019: 13 dike injections in the Svartsengi and Fagradalsfjall volcanic systems reveal a wide range of magma flow rates into dikes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13047,, 2025.

EGU25-13373 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Role of tectonic stress and topography on repeated lateral dikes: case studies from the 1975–1984 Krafla and 2023–2025 Svartsengi rifting episodes in Iceland 

Yilin Yang, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Halldór Geirsson, and Joachim Gottsmann

The behavior of temporally sequenced lateral dike intrusions into rift zones depend on intrinsic and extrinsic factors including the pressure build-up in the magma source and the local stress regime influenced by tectonic stress and topography. To reexamine the effects of these factors, we revised the simplified elastic model of rifting by Buck et al. (2006). In the revised model, topographic gradients and tectonic stress, in addition to magma accumulation, contribute to the driving pressure of dike propagation. In our model, dikes follow the positive gradient of driving pressure and open in the segment of the rift zone, where the local maximum driving pressure occurs, while available tectonic stress controls individual and total openings. A case study of the 1975–1984 Krafla rifting episode indicates repeated dike intrusions can be explained by a single magma inlet into the rift zone, located ~2–4 km north of the Krafla caldera center. An inferred magma pressure ~1–10 MPa above lithostatic stress at the inlet prior to the rifting episode generated the first and largest dike intrusion in the entire rifting episode, supported by >20 MPa of driving pressure from tectonic stress and topography. The case study indicates that the magma pressure at the initiation of the first dike is larger than that for later dikes by a factor of 2. The lower magma pressure to initiate later dikes, together with tectonic stress and magma compressibility, permits dike initiations when magma pressure at the inlet is below lithostatic. The model is also adapted to fit spatial distribution of dike openings in the 2023–2025 Svartsengi rifting episode in SW Iceland. In this case, inferred tectonic stress and significant magma buoyancy effects (~15 MPa) enable dike initiations with the magma pressure at the inlet below lithostatic, while topographic effects contribute ~2 MPa more of driving pressure to the southern propagation of the first dike intrusion. Tectonic stress also inhibited eruption from the initial dike of the Svartsengi rifting episode. Our findings demonstrate that tectonic stress and topographic effects are critical factors driving lateral dike propagation in an extensional plate boundary, allowing magma flow into dikes or eruptions under relatively low magma pressure, including magma pressure below lithostatic.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., and Gottsmann, J.: Role of tectonic stress and topography on repeated lateral dikes: case studies from the 1975–1984 Krafla and 2023–2025 Svartsengi rifting episodes in Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13373,, 2025.

EGU25-13512 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Insights into flank instability from geomechanical assessment of fresh volcanic products at the Chillán Viejo and Antuco volcanoes (Southern Andes of Chile) 

Jorge E. Romero, Michael J. Heap, Margherita Polacci, Carmen Solana, Patrick Baud, Philip Benson, Matías Clunes, John Browning, and Maëlys Moulin

Steep slopes, excessive volcanic edifice volume, weathering and/or alteration generating weak substratum, and magmatic-volcanic or seismic activity are known factors that all control volcano flank instability. These factors are critical in generating volcanic debris avalanches, which are rapid-onset catastrophic events that can cause substantial damage to infrastructure and loss of life within minutes to hours. Despite this, volcano hazard maps of Andean volcanoes do not specifically incorporate analysis of zones or areas prone to flank collapse. In a new project (Fondecyt 11241126), we aim to determine the distribution and geometry of potential sites of flank instability, and their controlling factors, that may produce potential future volcanic debris avalanches at the Chillán Viejo (3,195 m asl) and Antuco (2,979 m asl) volcanoes. In 1883, the upper south-southeast flank of Chillan Viejo volcano collapsed after an eruptive cycle, producing a 600 m-length scar. Comparatively, at ca. 7 ka BP, the western flank of Antuco collapsed catastrophically, producing a 6.4 km3 debris avalanche deposit [1]. Rapid edifice growth and regeneration at both volcanoes demands the assessment of future flank collapse scenarios. In the field, we sampled representative lithological units of both fresh and hydrothermally altered rocks for petrological and geochemical characterisation. Simultaneously, we performed rebound tests in substratum units, lava flows, and intrusive bodies using N-type Schmidt test hammers. These measurements were complimented by the construction of three-dimensional outcrop models from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle surveys for structural analysis. The samples collected were analysed in the laboratory in order to constrain the physical and mechanical rock properties of both intact and hydrothermally altered blocks. Preliminary results are compared with textural and compositional features of the effusive products to better understand the mechanical behaviour of both volcanic edifices, identify potential sites of future collapse, and ascertain potential collapse drivers.

This is a contribution to Fondecyt iniciación 11241126 and the European Research Council (ERC) SYNERGY grant 101118491 "ROTTnROCK". 

[1] Romero, J. E., Moreno, H., Polacci, M., Burton, M., & Guzmán, D. (2022). Mid-Holocene lateral collapse of Antuco volcano (Chile): debris avalanche deposit features, emplacement dynamics, and impacts. Landslides, 19(6): 1321-1338.

How to cite: Romero, J. E., Heap, M. J., Polacci, M., Solana, C., Baud, P., Benson, P., Clunes, M., Browning, J., and Moulin, M.: Insights into flank instability from geomechanical assessment of fresh volcanic products at the Chillán Viejo and Antuco volcanoes (Southern Andes of Chile), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13512,, 2025.

EGU25-15526 | Orals | GMPV8.1

ERS/ENVISAT, Radarsat2 and Sentinel1 SAR images: ground deformation at Campi Flegrei and Vesuvio, Italy, since 1993 

Antonella Amoruso, Luca Crescentini, and Giada Salicone

The densely populated area of Naples, Italy, situated between the Campi Flegrei caldera and the Vesuvio volcano, is recognised as one of the most hazardous regions on the planet. Over the past 15,000 years, numerous eruptions have occurred at Campi Flegrei, accompanied by the resurgence of the centre of the caldera. Following a period of quiescence spanning 3,000 years and several centuries of subsidence, Campi Flegrei experienced another eruption in 1538, preceded by an increase in seismic activity and uplift. Since the 1950s, Campi Flegrei has experienced intermittent unrest, with four main episodes occurring between 1950–1952, 1969–1972, 1982–1984, and 2005 to the present. The unrest between 1982 and 1984 was followed by prolonged subsidence, and there has been an almost continuous uplift since the early 2000s. Somma-Vesuvio is a stratovolcano with a summit caldera (Mount Somma) and a recent cone (Mount Vesuvio) resulting from several Plinian eruptions. The most recent Plinian eruption of Vesuvio occurred in 79 AD, with sub-Plinian eruptions following in 472 and 1631, subsequently succeeded by semi-persistent activity that endured until 1944.The eruptive histories of Campi Flegrei and Vesuvio are different, and past erupted products show dissimilar characteristics. However, the compatibility of past erupted products with the possible existence of a single magma accumulation layer at a depth of 8–10 km is noteworthy, with geophysical investigations also suggesting the presence of this layer.
Recent studies have utilised ERS/ENVISAT (1993–2010) and Sentinel1 (2015–present) SAR data to demonstrate that ground deformation is partially attributable to sources at a depth of approximately 8 km during the Campi Flegrei uplift. Furthermore, the findings indicate that a depressurisation occurred at depth beneath Vesuvio in the early 2000s, and that there were possible deep interactions between the two volcanoes during the transition period between subsidence and uplift at Campi Flegrei.
From 2010 to 2015, the available COSMO-SkyMed images acquired in ascending orbit did not cover the western end of the Campi Flegrei, and the descending orbit images did not cover the area around Vesuvio. However, the ESA's PP0094512 project, entitled "Campi Flegrei caldera evolution in between ERS/ENVISAT and Sentinel1 missions", has enabled the generation of deformation time series from Radarsat2 images encompassing the entire volcanic area. This achievement was made possible by the development of a hybrid procedure; this procedure consists of using various free or open-source software in sequence — SNAP (, GMT (, gdal (, GMTSAR ( — with appropriate adaptations. The validity of the series is confirmed through comparison with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data from the INGV NeVoCGPS network.
The first results obtained by combining the ERS/ENVISAT, Radarsat2 and Sentinel1 data, and in particular the evolution of non-moving statistically independent deformation sources, are presented.

How to cite: Amoruso, A., Crescentini, L., and Salicone, G.: ERS/ENVISAT, Radarsat2 and Sentinel1 SAR images: ground deformation at Campi Flegrei and Vesuvio, Italy, since 1993, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15526,, 2025.

EGU25-15847 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Microgravity Surveys for Volcano Monitoring in the Canary Islands 

Aarón Álvarez Hernández, Luca D'Auria, Rubén García Hernández, David Martínez van Dorth, Víctor Ortega Ramos, Javier Páez Padilla, Daniel Prieto González, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The primary objective of this study is to detect and analyse subsurface density variations that could indicate magmatic movements or other geological processes associated with volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. Microgravimetry is a geophysical technique that measures spatial and temporal variations in the Earth's gravitational field over its surface, allowing the detection of density changes within the crust. For this reason, it is a valuable technique in volcano monitoring, capable of detecting changes in a volcanic-hydrothermal system. This information is crucial for understanding the dynamics of volcanic systems and assessing potential volcanic hazards. Microgravity surveys involve precise gravitational field measurements along closed circuits across the islands. By comparing these measurements over time, we can identify local changes in the gravity field that may correspond to subsurface movements of magma or other density changes.

This work is focused on the volcanic islands of Tenerife, La Palma, Lanzarote, and El Hierro in the Canary Islands archipelago. These islands have experienced significant volcanic activity in the past centuries, making them ideal targets for using microgravity surveys as a volcano monitoring tool.  In this study, we conducted extensive surveys, collecting gravity data at numerous stations across the four islands. We realised periodic surveys consisting of 78 points in Tenerife, 22 points in La Palma, 7 points in Lanzarote and 19 points in El Hierro. The average spacing between measurement points is about 1.5 km in Tenerife and 2 km in the other islands. Field surveys are performed every 2 months in Tenerife and La Palma and every 6 months in the other islands.

Data are processed to correct the effects of tides, elevation and Bouguer anomalies and analysed to identify significant gravimetric anomalies. We created anomaly maps using Kernel Density interpolation, considering the differences between gravimetric values from one and a reference campaign. These maps visually represent the spatial distribution of gravimetric anomalies and enhance our understanding of the subsurface processes.

Applying microgravity surveys in volcanic regions like the Canary Islands offers an effective method for monitoring volcanic activity. This technique can complement other geophysical methods, such as seismic and geodetic measurements, to comprehensively understand volcanic processes. The results of this study contribute to the development of early warning systems for volcanic eruptions, ultimately aiding in the protection of local communities and infrastructure.

How to cite: Álvarez Hernández, A., D'Auria, L., García Hernández, R., Martínez van Dorth, D., Ortega Ramos, V., Páez Padilla, J., Prieto González, D., and Pérez, N. M.: Microgravity Surveys for Volcano Monitoring in the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15847,, 2025.

EGU25-17303 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Sensitivity of ground deformation and gravity anomalies in the detection of complex underground magmatic sources 

Chiara P Montagna, Antonella Longo, Deepak Garg, and Paolo Papale

Underground magmatic activity is often detected by analyzing geophysical signals recorder at the Earth's surface such as seismicity, ground deformation, gravitational and magnetic anomalies. Inversion of these signals can provide information on the source characteristics. On the other hand, forward modeling can aid in prediciting expected signals as a onsequence of specific source, and path, properties.
In this work, we employ  a finite element model of magma dynamics and coupled rock mechanics to retrieve ground deformation and gravitational anomalies expected as a consequence of magma arrival from depth into shallower reservoirs. The sensitivity of ground deformation and gravitational anomalies to different magma dynamics patterns is investigated with a parametric study on the effects of buoyancy and overpressurization within the magmatic system. The resulting space-time distribution of ground displacement and gravity anomaly shows that interpretation of observed patterns is not straightforward as soon as the assumption of simple (pressurized ellipsoid, dike) magmatic source is abandoned.  The results of this study suggest cautious interpretations of observed deformation and gravity patterns, in particular in relation to the complexities introduced by the spectrum of forces driving magmatic movements, and the multifaceted magma dynamics across multiple interconnected reservoirs. Similar care is suggested when inverting monitoring signals, especially when combining multiple signals such as those associated with ground deformation and gravity changes, that albeit originating from the same overall dynamics might reflect, under some circumstances, different processes occurring in separate regions of the magmatic domain.

How to cite: Montagna, C. P., Longo, A., Garg, D., and Papale, P.: Sensitivity of ground deformation and gravity anomalies in the detection of complex underground magmatic sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17303,, 2025.

EGU25-17441 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

A damage model for semi-brittle deformation of dome magmas from Colima volcano 

Mehdi Nikkhoo and Vladimir Lyakhovsky

The stability, collapse dynamics and/or eruption style of a lava dome is mainly controlled by the rheological response of its constituent magmas to a range of internal and external stresses of various magnitudes and rates. Laboratory experiments carried out on natural lava-dome samples with high crystallinity (>50%) have provided empirical relations between the viscosity of the samples and the applied temperature and strain rate. These experiments have also provided valuable insight into the complex link between the samples’ elastic parameters and physical properties, including porosity and microcrack density (damage). In order to incorporate this information into large-scale numerical models for lava dome deformations, it is crucial to quantify how different deformation mechanisms alter the elastic parameters and viscosity of dome magmas. We address this problem by applying a thermodynamically-based visco-poroelastic damage model to the deformation data from high-temperature uniaxial experiments involving lava samples from Colima volcano (Mexico). The experiments involve constant stresses (2.8-28 MPa) and constant temperatures (935-947°C) representing realistic lava dome conditions. For each experiment, we invert the deformation data using a nonlinear optimization scheme to constrain the optimal model parameters. Using the optimal parameters, we estimate the amount of damage, porosity and irreversible (inelastic) strain as a function of time throughout the experiments.

Our damage model establishes a quantitative link between the elastic parameters and the porosity and microcrack density of the magmas. We find that the rheological behavior of all three samples throughout the experiments is “semi-brittle” (brittle-ductile), and that the samples deform dominantly by pressure-driven compaction and cataclastic flow. We also find that the effective viscosity of the samples is a combination of two components: a ductile component with a constant viscosity, and a damage-induced viscosity, which depends on the strain-rate and the rate of damage increase; the damage-induced viscosity is responsible for the nonlinear variations of the apparent viscosity of the samples. The elastic parameters in all three models are determined by the competition between degradation (damage increase) and inelastic compaction (porosity decrease). Moreover, across the three models, the inferred kinetic parameters (e.g., damage rate, yield-cap parameters) decrease approximately linearly with the applied stress. Finally, the cumulative counts of the Acoustic Emissions (AEs), which were recorded for two of the experiments, match the evolution of the damage in the models. We discuss the implications of our damage model and the further theoretical, numerical and experimental work required for establishing large-scale numerical models for lava dome deformations.

How to cite: Nikkhoo, M. and Lyakhovsky, V.: A damage model for semi-brittle deformation of dome magmas from Colima volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17441,, 2025.

EGU25-17523 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Repeated inflations, deflations, dike injections and eruptions since 2023 in the Svartsengi volcanic system, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland 

Vincent Drouin, Michelle Parks, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir, Halldór Geirsson, Gro Birkefeldt Moller Pedersen, Joaquin Munoz Cobo Belart, Sara Barsotti, Chiara Lanzi, Kristín Vogfjorð, Andrew Hooper, Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Einar Bessi Gestsson, Ragnar Heiðar Þrastarson, Páll Einarsson, Valentyn Tolpekin, Drew Rotheram-Clarke, Sydney Gunnarson, and Birgir Óskarsson and the other co-authors

The Svartsengi volcanic system, SW-Iceland, started to show unrest in early 2020 with a series of inflation-deflation cycles. In late October 2023, it started to inflate at unprecedented rate of ~8 mm/day until it produced a ~15 km long dike intrusion on the 10 November 2023. The inflation resumed soon after and has been continuous since, only interrupted by deflation periods concurrent to additional dike injections and associated eruptions at the Sundhnúkur crater row. Geodetic modelling, assuming a deformation source within a uniform elastic half-space, infers pressure changes between about 3-6 km depth, with inflow causing volume increase rates of 3-8 m3/s of a crustal volume inferred to be a magma domain (complex of liquid magma, crystal mush and hot rock).  Displacements mapped by GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) geodesy are used to derive volume change estimates of the magma domain in near real-time. Additional geodetic inversions also use extensive interferometric analysis of synthetic aperture (InSAR) satellite images. These results have been used to map the locations and volumes of the intruded dikes and the concurrent contraction volume of the magma domain. Since 27 October 2023, we infer continuous inflow of magma from depth into the magma domain, which appears to continue even during outflow into dikes and the extrusion of lava flows. We analyze all the inflation-deflation cycles, to better understand the mechanisms controlling the activity. The relationship between volume loss of the magma domain during these events and subsequent volume recharged to the domain (before the next event is triggered) has allowed success in forecasting diking/eruption onset in the medium and short term.

How to cite: Drouin, V., Parks, M., Sigmundsson, F., Hjartardóttir, Á. R., Geirsson, H., Birkefeldt Moller Pedersen, G., Munoz Cobo Belart, J., Barsotti, S., Lanzi, C., Vogfjorð, K., Hooper, A., Ófeigsson, B. G., Hreinsdóttir, S., Gestsson, E. B., Þrastarson, R. H., Einarsson, P., Tolpekin, V., Rotheram-Clarke, D., Gunnarson, S., and Óskarsson, B. and the other co-authors: Repeated inflations, deflations, dike injections and eruptions since 2023 in the Svartsengi volcanic system, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17523,, 2025.

EGU25-18214 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Consequences of mountain shaking during the 2019-2024 oblique rifting episode at Mount Þorbjörn, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland 

Nicolas Oestreicher, Maria Hurley, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Elisabetta Panza, Alina V. Shevchenko, Xingjun Luo, Simon Bufféral, Thomas R. Walter, Páll Einarsson, Halldór Geirsson, and Joël Ruch

The Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) has been experiencing an oblique rifting episode since 2019. Intense and repeated earthquake swarms (magnitude up to ML~5) and ground shaking accompany the deformation of the region. Magma accumulation in crustal reservoirs and discharge to dikes and eruptive fissures actively participate in the tectonic crisis. The crisis is accompanied by fault offsets and slope instabilities, generating hazards that have not yet been systematically investigated. Using photogrammetry, digital image correlation and seismicity data, we analyse the rockfall activity (442 events mapped) and fault kinematics (up to 0.8 m offset) from Mount Þorbjörn (Thorbjoern) between 2019 and 2024. We find a positive correlation between the timing of rockfall events and earthquakes with energy density (estimated seismic energy that could generate a rock block displacement at a given location) larger than ~1 J/km3 at Mount Þorbjörn's summit. We propose that this energy density is sufficient to trigger rockfall events at steep slopes on the Reykjanes Peninsula. The seismic energy density for steep terrains could allow a quick assessment of the potential for rockfall activity after earthquakes.

The novel strategy to measure ground displacement using high-resolution and high-precision unmanned aerial vehicles presented here, adapted from several existing state-of-the-art methods (Post-Processing Kinematics, 3D point cloud correlation, 2D terrain correlation, mapping on orthophotos), enables the detection and kinematic characterisation of previously unmapped structural features and rockfall events. Multiple NS and NNE-SSW-oriented faults were reactivated in a right-lateral sense of motion, with up to 40 cm offsets. The graben faults dissecting the mountain were reactivated multiple times, with up to 80 cm vertical offsets in the centre of the graben. The methodology described here can serve various applications in research, industry, and local emergency management services after future seismic crises.

How to cite: Oestreicher, N., Hurley, M., Sæmundsson, Þ., Panza, E., Shevchenko, A. V., Luo, X., Bufféral, S., Walter, T. R., Einarsson, P., Geirsson, H., and Ruch, J.: Consequences of mountain shaking during the 2019-2024 oblique rifting episode at Mount Þorbjörn, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18214,, 2025.

EGU25-18293 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Ground Deformation Trends in Tenerife (Canary Islands) Uncovered Through Time-Series Analysis of DInSAR SBAS and ICA Applied to the 2004-2005 and 2023-2024 Datasets 

Monika Przeor, Luca D'Auria, Susi Pepe, Pietro Tizzani, Nemesio Pérez, and Raffaele Castaldo

Between 2004 and 2005, an increased seismic activity exceeding background levels was recorded in Tenerife, the most populated island of the Canary Archipelago. Some earthquakes were felt on the island, causing concern about a possible eruption among the island's population. Ground deformation analysis, conducted using Envisat satellite data from 2003 to 2010 and the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) statistical tool, revealed several centimetres of deformation within the Teide-Pico Viejo volcanic complex. This deformation was modelled and attributed to an ellipsoidal source beneath the Teide-Pico Viejo volcanoes, likely associated with hydrothermal activity.

Since 2016, the island's primary volcanic complex, the Teide-Pico Viejo stratovolcano, has exhibited increased seismicity and heightened volcanic manifestations. Between 2023 and 2024, the same volcanic area, the Teide-Pico Viejo complex, experienced renewed ground deformation in a region similar to that affected during the 2004-2005 unrest. To investigate the anomalies observed in the Teide-Pico Viejo stratovolcano and compare its current behaviour to that of 2004-2005, a DInSAR SBAS time-series analysis was performed using data from the Sentinel-1 sensor. Ascending and descending orbits were selected, analysing data from January to December 2024. The quality of the SBAS dataset was enhanced through detailed ICA decomposition, removing signal components unrelated to volcanic ground deformation. The component representing a distinct ground deformation pattern was then modelled to identify the location and geometry of the deformation source.

The SBAS DInSAR data from the Sentinel-1 sensor indicated that ground deformation was concentrated in the stratovolcano area, with displacement values approximating 3 cm/year. ICA decomposition identified the deformation pattern responsible for the observed ground displacement in the Teide-Pico Viejo volcanic complex. Modelling this ICA-derived pattern is crucial for understanding the source of the observed behaviour and determining whether its origin is magmatic or hydrothermal.

How to cite: Przeor, M., D'Auria, L., Pepe, S., Tizzani, P., Pérez, N., and Castaldo, R.: Ground Deformation Trends in Tenerife (Canary Islands) Uncovered Through Time-Series Analysis of DInSAR SBAS and ICA Applied to the 2004-2005 and 2023-2024 Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18293,, 2025.

EGU25-18615 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Impact of alteration and soil properties on geothermal gas emissions at Rotokawa, New Zealand 

Roberto Davoli, Giancarlo Tamburello, Tullio Ricci, Cristian Montanaro, Beth Murphy, Thomas Jones, Isabelle Brooks, Shane Cronin, and Bettina Scheu

The surface flux of geothermal gases is driven by diffusion and advection, influenced by soil temperature, steam-heated ground, seismic activity, as well as seasonal or meteorological variations. Soil permeability, shaped by natural and anthropogenic processes, plays a key role in fluid migration, while hydrothermal fluid-solid interactions can alter permeability, affecting gas migration and surface release dynamics.

The Rotokawa geothermal field in New Zealand exemplifies how anthropogenic activities can modify natural surficial degassing processes. Ash- to pumice-rich Taupo ignimbrite units built the surficial layers in this geothermal field. In undisturbed areas, degassing occurs through the variably altered soil layers. Excavation induced by anthropogenic activities into the near-surface clay-rich horizons within the ash- to pumice-rich Taupo ignimbrite created new fumarolic areas, springs, and mud pools, while producing thick sulphur crusts and silica patina over time. As a result, in many excavated sites the areal permeability was reduced and the degassing concentrated along cracks. In undisturbed areas, degassing occurred through the variably altered soil layers.

This study integrates petrophysical and geochemical analyses to quantify permeability and gas flux across surficial soil layers. During a field campaign in February 2023, six vertical and three horizontal gas profiles were analysed by inserting a metallic rod into exposed soil and subsurface layers to extract and measure accumulated CO2, CH4, and H2O. The CO2 concentrations ranged from 432 to 99,370 ppm, CH4 from 2 to 754 ppm, and H2O from 23,514 to 41,555 ppm. Further we measured the vertical and horizontal permeability for key layers in these profiles. Samples of these key layers were taken for grain size and componentry analysis. Comparing the gas measurements with the petrophysical properties of the different soil layers provided insight into the vertical and lateral fluid movement and the influence of permeability in individual horizons. Our results enhance our understanding of how alteration and soil properties with and without anthropogenic influences affect geothermal gas emissions and will help improve future soil gas flux assessments.

How to cite: Davoli, R., Tamburello, G., Ricci, T., Montanaro, C., Murphy, B., Jones, T., Brooks, I., Cronin, S., and Scheu, B.: Impact of alteration and soil properties on geothermal gas emissions at Rotokawa, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18615,, 2025.

EGU25-19222 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Characterizing Paroxysmal Sequences at Mount Etna by Integrating Geodetic and Petrological Analysis 

Alejandra Vásquez Castillo, Rosa Anna Corsaro, Francesco Gugliemino, Giuseppe Puglisi, Alessandro Bonforte, and Flavio Cannavò

Mount Etna experienced a remarkable eruptive cycle between 2020 and 2022. In December 2020 the South East Crater —one of Etna’s four main craters and the most active over the last 25 years— started exhibiting a series of paroxysmal events characterized by strong, short bursts of lava fountaining accompanied by increased seismic activity. This eruptive period intensified in February 2021 and continued until the end of March (Sequence 1). After a brief pause, a second paroxysmal period began in May 2021 continuing until October 2021 (Sequence 2). The last paroxysms of this cycle were observed in February 2022. A total of 64 events occurred between December 2020 and February 2022.

To investigate the ground deformation patterns and magmatic processes associated with these paroxysmal sequences, we integrated GNSS, InSAR, and petrological analysis (Corsaro et al., 2024). The eruptive sequences showed markedly different characteristics in terms of magma supply rates, eruptive styles, and ground deformation patterns. Sequence 1 was characterized by higher magma supply rates, larger erupted volumes, progressive mixing with deeper magma corresponding to larger paroxysms and dominant lava effusion. In contrast, Sequence 2 exhibited lower supply rates, more frequent but smaller paroxysms, a gradual trend from evolved toward primitive compositions together with prevalent explosive activity (Corsaro et al., 2024 and references therein). According to InSAR and GNSS time series, the volcano edifice experienced inflation during most of 2020, followed by a period of intense and continuous deflation, matching the occurrence of 17 lava fountain episodes during the first sequence. A second deflation trend is observed during the second paroxysmal sequence, although with reduced deformation intensity. The 48-day repose period between both sequences is interpreted as a critical phase in which conditions within the shallow reservoir changed, thereby facilitating the transition from predominantly effusive activity in Sequence 1 to more explosive behavior in Sequence 2. This period likely introduced increased complexity, manifesting not only in the potential magmatic processes during the second sequence, but also in the modeling of the associated deformation source.

Our analysis provides insights into how variations in magma storage conditions can influence both ground deformation patterns and eruptive styles. Furthermore, the joint analysis highlites the potential of integrating geodetic and petrological data for a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of Mount Etna’s magmatic system and its magma charging regime.

Corsaro et al., 2024. The 2020–2022 paroxysmal episodes of the South-East Crater (Mt. Etna): insights into high-frequency eruptive activity from petrological monitoring. Bulletin of Volcanology, 86 (10), 85.

How to cite: Vásquez Castillo, A., Corsaro, R. A., Gugliemino, F., Puglisi, G., Bonforte, A., and Cannavò, F.: Characterizing Paroxysmal Sequences at Mount Etna by Integrating Geodetic and Petrological Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19222,, 2025.

EGU25-20103 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

FEM model of surface deformation pattern applied to the Campi Flegrei caldera 

Pierdomenico Romano, Bellina Di Lieto, Annarita Mangiacapra, Zaccaria Petrillo, and Agata Sangianantoni

Campi Flegrei is the largest active urbanized caldera in Europe. Since 2005, it has shown slow but progressive ground inflation and, in recent years, an increase in seismic activity. Deformation is characterized by transient reversals in rate, leading to episodes of monotonic uplift lasting from several weeks to a few years. Additionally, some aseismic transients have been detected using high-sensitivity strainmeters and long-baseline tiltmeters, with amplitudes typically below the noise level and durations shorter than the sampling frequency of most geodetic techniques. A shallow hydrothermal origin for the ongoing deformation may explain non-eruptive cycles of subsidence and uplift, driven by the balance between magmatic input and fluid discharge at the surface. However, separating signals from magmatic and hydrothermal sources is challenging due to the presence of both types of reservoirs. A detailed study of ground deformation using a finite element model is essential to understand the kinematics of both the aquifer and the plumbing system at different depths. In this study, we used COMSOL Multiphysics to examine how deep pressure and temperature changes influence surface deformation in the Campi Flegrei caldera. The Tough software, simulating multi-phase fluid and heat flows, was used to model the sources which, within the COMSOL model, hasshown a good match with observed surface deformation data from GPS/GNSS and strainmeter time series, confirming the model’s accuracy. Combining data and models makes it more feasible to forecast volcanic system parameters on relevant timescales.

Data used contains valuable information for scientific community,following EPOS policies.

How to cite: Romano, P., Di Lieto, B., Mangiacapra, A., Petrillo, Z., and Sangianantoni, A.: FEM model of surface deformation pattern applied to the Campi Flegrei caldera, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20103,, 2025.

EGU25-20383 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Quantifying the link between ground deformation and seismicity during the ongoing unrest of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) 

Andrea Bevilacqua, Augusto Neri, Prospero Di Martino, Flora Giudicepietro, Giovanni Macedonio, and Patrizia Ricciolino

Campi Flegrei, the largest active caldera in Europe and home to over 350,000 people, has exhibited accelerating ground inflation and intensified seismic activity since 2005. Using monitoring data collected from 2000 to November 2023, we quantified the decadal accelerating trends, characterized oscillations of varying frequencies, and explored the relationships between deformation and seismic activity.

Analysis revealed a strong temporal correlation between deformation rates and seismic activity, expressed by an exponential relationship between ground deformation and the cumulative number of earthquakes. Since around 2010, the relationship between the cumulative number of earthquakes and vertical uplift has been better described by two exponential functions with increasing exponents over time, with the inflection in the period between 4/2020 and 9/2022.

This inflection effectively represents the rising intensity of seismic activity since about 2020 and is interpreted as a stress memory effect, attributed to reaching a stress level in the shallow crust comparable to the peak stress during the 1982–84 crisis. The recent exponential trend differs from the previously suggested linear relationship between these two variables and is interpreted as indicative of a progressive evolution in the quasi-elastic behavior of the shallow crust of Campi Flegrei caldera. Furthermore, this exponential-type relationship differs from the linear-type relationship observed during the 1982–84 crisis, suggesting that the two crises are driven by different forcing sources or mechanisms.

Crucially, these findings provide evidence of an accelerating sensitivity of seismic activity to caldera inflation. During 2024, the exponential correlation between vertical uplift and the cumulative number of earthquakes remained consistent. The Md 4.4 event on May 20, 2024, aligns closely with the hypothesized patterns, highlighting concerns about the possibility of new seismic crises should the bradyseism persist with these trends and relationships.

How to cite: Bevilacqua, A., Neri, A., Di Martino, P., Giudicepietro, F., Macedonio, G., and Ricciolino, P.: Quantifying the link between ground deformation and seismicity during the ongoing unrest of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20383,, 2025.

EGU25-20524 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Carbon dioxide emissions and fate from Vailulu’u seamount mapped using SAGE, a new in situ optical sensor 

Mary Burkitt-Gray, Sarah Youngs, Spencer Marquardt, Jordan Remar, Chris German, Adam Soule, Jason Kapit, and Anna Michel

Vailulu’u seamount, located at the eastern extent of the Samoan hotspot chain, is an active deep-sea volcano with strong hydrothermalism and a recent history of eruptive episodes. Since 1999, a cone more than 500 m in diameter and with height greater than 300 m has formed within the caldera, while hydrothermal vent fields are known throughout the basin. These include regions of diffuse venting, substantial microbial mat formation, and chimneys emitting buoyant plumes of gas bubbles that are dominated by carbon dioxide. Measurements of turbidity and chemical enrichment in the caldera, temperature anomalies, and tracer dye studies have all previously been used to estimate and model the hydrothermal exports from this active volcano. Biological observations across the caldera – including the prevalence of carcasses in the so-called “Moat of Death” surrounding the Nafanua cone – have been used to infer the impact and fate of these volcanic emissions. However, it has previously been challenging to acquire high resolution in situ measurements of the discharged carbon dioxide at Vailulu’u, with the gas composition and distribution instead being determined primarily from discrete samples.

We present here a comprehensive spatiotemporal study of the carbon dioxide discharge from across the Vailulu’u seamount, acquired using SAGE, a new in situ carbon dioxide sensor. SAGE – the Sensor for Aqueous Gases in the Environment – was developed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to quantify the concentration of dissolved gases in the deep sea. Dissolved gases are extracted across a gas-permeable membrane and into a hollow core optic fiber, which acts as an absorption cell for infrared absorption spectroscopy. SAGE has both a low detection limit (ca. 10 ppm) and a fast time response time (1-5 minutes). During a cruise on EV Nautilus in September 2024, SAGE was deployed on ROV Hercules and AUV Sentry to acquire high-resolution spatiotemporal maps of the carbon dioxide discharges from Vailulu’u. Comprehensive analysis of the hydrothermal exports from the vent fields on the rim allow estimation of the fate and flux of these discharges. Surveys from the caldera provide chemical context for the so-called “Moat of Death” and evidence for a significant diffuse venting across the Nafanua cone. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using in situ sensing of carbon dioxide at Vailulu’u.  

How to cite: Burkitt-Gray, M., Youngs, S., Marquardt, S., Remar, J., German, C., Soule, A., Kapit, J., and Michel, A.: Carbon dioxide emissions and fate from Vailulu’u seamount mapped using SAGE, a new in situ optical sensor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20524,, 2025.

EGU25-749 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.3

Controls on Geyser’s Eruption Behavior by Numerical Modeling 

Mei Yu Dara Chan, Yan Zhan, and Hui Wu

Geysers are natural hot springs that intermittently erupt with a mixture of water and steam. Geyser eruptions cause hazards but are also valuable resources for potential green energy. Additionally, geyser eruptions share similarities with volcanic eruptions in heat transfer and subsurface fluid dynamics, making them useful analogs for understanding volcanism and aiding hazard mitigation. However, significant gaps remain in our understanding of geyser behavior, particularly regarding the irregular eruption patterns observed in complex geysers like Steamboat. This research aims to address these knowledge gaps by investigating the behavior of geysers with different architectures and heat inputs. To achieve this, we simulate geyser eruption cycles and investigate the factors influencing their periodicity and the evolution within their eruption cycles.

We explore the sensitivity of eruption intervals to a range of geological and thermal parameters, including porosity, the permeability contrast between the geyser conduit and the surrounding rock matrix, basal heat flux, and conduit dimensions (radius and depth). Our results indicate that variations in basal heat flux can influence eruption style and, consequently, periodicity. We classify the observed eruption styles as "regular" and "long-period" geysers, based on the eruption duration and interval reflected in the evolution of the steam saturation profile within the conduit. Changes in permeability and porosity affect the eruption interval, with permeability demonstrating a particularly significant control over periodicity. Conduit dimensions, however, show no significant impact if the heat flux in the unit area unchanged. We compared the observed time intervals from the Steamboat geyser to our model results. The results indicate that the permeability change may reawaken the eruptions at Steamboat since 2018.

Additionally, we analyze the evolution of key parameters within the eruption cycle, including the migration of the boiling front, water and steam mass flux, pressure, and temperature in the conduit. The evolution of those parameters is consistent with the observations from Steamboat providing insights into the pre- and post-eruption dynamics, offering clues about the triggering mechanisms of Steamboat’s eruptions. This research contributes to a refined understanding of the complex interplay of factors governing geyser behavior, potentially offering insights into the dynamics of more complex real-world geysers such as Steamboat.

How to cite: Chan, M. Y. D., Zhan, Y., and Wu, H.: Controls on Geyser’s Eruption Behavior by Numerical Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-749,, 2025.

Flow systems in the Earth's subsurface represent dynamic interfaces where geological, chemical, and biological processes converge. Driven by pressure gradients, thermal regimes, and tectonic activity, these systems play a crucial role in redistributing elements, forming mineral deposits, and hosting unique microbial ecosystems. Despite their significance, the intricate interactions governing fluid migration, geochemical transformations, and biological adaptations remain incompletely understood. Findings from recent studies in modern microbialites provide valuable insights into the evolution of fluid flow in subsurface environments and its surface expressions.

Investigations along the modern Dead Sea shores have highlighted the critical role of tectonic discontinuities and pre-existing geological structures in controlling vertical fluid migration pathways. These findings emphasize how fault zones can act as conduits or barriers to fluid movement, influencing mineral precipitation, hydrothermal vent activity, and subsurface microbial habitats. The combination of geochemical tracers and detailed sedimentological analyses reveal the temporal and spatial dynamics of fluid-sediment interactions as well as the role of microbial communities. Similarly, studies in recent lacustrine environments in Patagonia, where ongoing microbialite formation occurs, have demonstrated the influence of diverse groundwater sources on the development of carbonate buildups. These findings underscore the role of fluid chemistry and hydrodynamics in shaping microbial communities, and the resulting microbialite structures and carbonate precipitation processes.

These studies highlight the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in deciphering fluid flow dynamics. By integrating geochemistry, sedimentology, and microbiology, we can better interpret modern and ancient fluid-driven systems. Bridging observations from active fluid flow systems with paleo-records enhances our understanding of the long-term implications of fluid flow on Earth's carbon cycle, climate regulation, and biosphere evolution. They further provide potential analogs for extraterrestrial habitable environments.

How to cite: Ariztegui, D.: Fluid flow in the subsurface: Geochemical, sedimentological and microbial interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3358,, 2025.

EGU25-3414 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Hydrothermal system of Izu-oshima volcano inferred from numerical simulation and field observations 

Nobuo Matsushima and Marceau Gresse

The Izu-Oshima volcano has been dormant for 38 years since its last eruption in 1986. Historical records indicate an average eruption interval of ~30 years, highlighting the importance of predicting changes in volcanic activity in the near future.

The water table of the Izu-Oshima volcano is at sea level, with a vadose zone about 500 meters thick in the summit caldera. Prior to the 1986 eruption, thermal and electromagnetic signals associated with volcanic fluids ascending through this vadose zone were observed (Kagiyama, 2018). We conducted numerical simulations of the hydrothermal system, based on electromagnetic and thermal observations, to analyze self-potential (SP) signal variations associated with fluid flow through the vadose zone.

Electromagnetic observations were conducted at 32 sites inside and outside the caldera using the Audio-Magnetotellurics (AMT) method in 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2022. A 3D resistivity structure was obtained using inversion analysis with the WSINV3DMT code. The results revealed low resistivities (1–10 Ω·m) below sea level, suggesting the presence of hot water containing dissolved components or altered minerals. In contrast, high resistivities (1,000–10,000 Ω·m) were observed above sea level, except beneath the crater, indicating unsaturated scoria or lava layers. The resistivity structure suggests that relatively stable hydrothermal activity has persisted below sea level through past eruptions.

Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the effects of rainwater infiltration into the vadose zone and water vapor rising from a deep source. Hydrothermal convection was found to depend on the flow rate of the source. At low flow rates, water vapor condensed, limiting fluid flow to below sea level, which aligns with the observed low-resistivity structures. The SP distribution was calculated from fluid flow and compared with observed SP distributions from 2006 and 2018. While accounting for spatial heterogeneities in some areas is necessary, the observed SP distributions are generally reproduced by incorporating rainwater infiltration and resistivity structure (Onizawa et al., 2009).

Simulations indicated that hydrothermal convection below sea level is difficult to detect through SP distribution alone. However, if the flow rate of water vapor from the source increases, water vapor can rise to near-surface levels, crossing the water table. In such cases, the SP distribution exhibits a negative anomaly at the summit due to the counterflow of water vapor and condensed water in the vadose zone.

Continuous SP monitoring at 20 sites has been conducted since 2006, with data recorded at 1-minute intervals and transmitted to our institute daily. To date, the long-term trends have remained unchanged at most locations. We continue SP monitoring to detect signal changes anticipated by the simulations, which may provide critical insights into future volcanic activity.

How to cite: Matsushima, N. and Gresse, M.: Hydrothermal system of Izu-oshima volcano inferred from numerical simulation and field observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3414,, 2025.

EGU25-4087 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Focused fluid flow: the mechanisms, geological impacts, and insights from analogue and numerical modeling 

James Johnson, Hongliang Wang, and Viktoriya Yarushina

Research on naturally occurring fluid migration within geological systems under higher pressures and temperatures has shown the ability for gas to be released with different physical mechanisms leading to formation of various geological structures (e.g., gas chimneys, volcanic diatremes, hydrothermal vents, salt diapirism). More recently, it has been suggested that such systems could result from fluid injection into the subsurface (e.g., CO2 sequestration, H2 storage as a battery). Focused fluid flow is often transient and self-organizing, occurring within a local area in reaction to changing temperatures and pressures (e.g., overpressure). Once started, a feedback loop between fluid pressure, media deformation, and permeability can occur resulting in a continuous fluid seepage. Geological evidence across a broad swathe of systems highlights that during and after the vertical fluid flow has occurred, there is a significant, localized impact on the geological fabric of the subsurface.   

Focused fluid flow is a phenomenon that could manifest within ductile deformation settings at lower fluid pressures than those associated with brittle stress behaviour (i.e., fractures), but higher fluid pressures than what is seen when solely diffusion occurs. As such, the impact on the surrounding media also varies. With higher pressures, fracturing (i.e. failure) of the media occurs. Heterogenous layering roughly parallel with the planetary surface will work to impede vertical propagation resulting in a series of oblique, but often interconnected pathways. With lower pressures, diffusion occurs, potentially resulting in geochemical and minor physical alterations to media with higher transmissibility. However, diffusion lacks the necessary pressure to bypass sections of lower transmissibility. At these intermediate pressures, porosity waves can develop, facilitating the movement of fluids through localized, transient increases in porosity within the medium. These waves enable fluid transport even in regions of relatively low permeability by temporarily enhancing the pore space without causing structural failure. The result is a dynamic interplay between pressure gradients, fluid viscosity, and the mechanical properties of the surrounding media. This interplay leads to significant changes in fluid distribution, mineralization patterns, and the potential for localized geochemical reactions.

Here we utilize analogue and numerical modelling of focused fluid flow in order to better understand the geological and injection engineering principles that could lead to the narrow range of conditions under which porosity waves could breach sections of lower transmissibility without fracturing it. Our modelling identifies key parameters of these systems that could help us better understand both the natural and the geo-engineered, including (1) proximity to surface, (2) strength of the host rock, (3) mechanical anisotropy, and (4) injection rates and amounts. For the analogue modelling we use a Hele-Shaw cell wherein we inject a lower density fluid into a viscoelastic hydrogel. By varying the injection rate we are able to identify the narrow range within which porosity waves occur. For numerical modelling we use a finite difference pseudo-transient methods to simulate coupled fluid flow and mechanical deformation in heterogeneous media. The numerical model is calibrated using results from the Hele-Shaw cell experiments, ensuring consistency between analogue and numerical observations.

How to cite: Johnson, J., Wang, H., and Yarushina, V.: Focused fluid flow: the mechanisms, geological impacts, and insights from analogue and numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4087,, 2025.

During the process of fluid transport in the cold seep system at the natural gas hydrate zone, the shallow part of the stratum will be impacted by the fluid, and at the same time, there is a “solid-liquid-gas” transformation of the fluid material in the lower stratum, and the release of energy will lead to vibration events such as fissure collapse and pore rupture, which will produce a series of micro-seismic signals related to the cold seep activity. These microseismic signals can visually and accurately reflect the growth and development status and life cycle of the cold seep system and reveal its fluid escape activity pattern. We use the microseismic data recorded by the ocean-bottom seismometers at two different years, 2014 and 2021, near the “Haima” cold seep in the gas hydrate zone of the Qiongdongnan sea area as the research data. After corresponding preprocessing, a large number of microseismic events related to cold seep activities are identified by using the STA/LTA method. The waveform characteristics, spectral characteristics, and time distribution characteristics of these microseismic signals are then analyzed in order to further understand the characteristics of cold seep microseismic events. The results show that the microseismic events generated by the cold seep activity in the “Haima” cold seep area include short-duration events and typical cold seep microseismic event signals. In these microseismic events, the tail of their waveforms shows a regular decay similar to an exponential pattern, with durations ranging from 0.3s to 2s and the peak frequency distribution in the range of 4-26 Hz, and the occurrence of cold seep microseismic events does not have an obvious tidal temporal distribution pattern but mainly exhibits short-term concentrated distribution characteristics.

How to cite: Hu, G. and Yang, S.: Identification and characteristics analysis of microseismic events in the "Haima" cold seep area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5553,, 2025.

Electrical methods are widely used to delineate fractured aquifers, still, there are some limitations in their possibility to obtain clear interpretation to simulate resistivity measurements and align the subsurface lithology layer without supplemental data directly. To decrease these limitations, the research integrates electrical measurements with borehole lithological data to explore groundwater potential in fractured basement terrains. In Sudan's Neoproterozoic basement complex, the Orshab watershed provides a suitable example to apply the methods caused by limited groundwater availability in the basement area. Until be approve the depth, thickness, number of layers, and distribution of groundwater-bearing formations, geo-electrical surveys were conducted clothing to productive wells to provide conceptual and enhance the other geophysical interpretation covered in the study area.

 Three distinct geo-electrical layers were identified: alluvial deposits with resistivity values ranging from 27 to 1997 Ωm and a thickness of ~5 m; a second layer with thicknesses of 2–10 m; and weathered basement, fractured basement rocks layers reaching 20–45 m and 20–35 m, respectively. Three primary aquifer types were found: alluvial deposits, weathered basement, and fractured basement as unconfined aquifer, with a maximum depth of approximately 65-70 m, as This depth is recommended for drilling new boreholes to ensure a sustainable water supply for the region.

This research expresses that integrating geophysical data with borehole lithological data notably enhances the interpretation of geophysical results. The approach has limited ability to contribute to a reliable understanding of resistivity for groundwater exploration in the region that has similar geological settings

How to cite: M. H. Hassan, M. N. and Buday, T.: Integrating Geophysical Measurements and Borehole Lithological Data Analysis to Assess Groundwater Potential in Fractured Basement Terrains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7118,, 2025.

EGU25-8429 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Gradual Sliding as a Common Growth Process in Caspian Mud Volcanoes 

Petr Brož and Adriano Mazzini

Many large-scale mud volcanoes (MVs) display kilometer-sized mud breccia flows that extend from the crater. These large-scale flows are assumed to be related to the intermittent episodic eruptive events that characterize MV activity. However, only a few sufficiently long-lasting and voluminous eruptions have been documented and considered to be able to generate such extensive flows. Therefore, the exact mechanisms promoting the formation of such long flows remain so far unclear.

In September 2022, shortly after the 11th of August 2022 Lokbatan MV eruption in Azerbaijan, we carried out fieldwork measurements and observations. Although the eruption was short and produced only a volumetrically small amount of mud breccia circumscribed around the crater site, we observed a horizontal displacement of the whole >1km long pre-existing mud flow. This movement was highlighted by fractures indicating detachment and downslope sliding and was later confirmed by InSAR historical data. These findings suggest that this kilometer-sized mud flow may not result solely from massive eruptions, as previously thought, but instead from by a gradual sliding triggered by 1) the additional weight of freshly erupted material and b) by inflation/deflation of the whole MV. We speculate that this gravitative flow behaves similarly to warm-based glaciers.

To validate this model and assess whether this mechanism is unique to Lokbatan, we analyzed Google Earth™ satellite imagery of other large MVs in Azerbaijan. Here we present data that reveal that a similar behavior was observed for least 20 MVs in the Caspian region (e.g. Koturdag, Goturlug, and Pirsaat Burnu among others). These new observations highlight that this previously overlooked mechanism for the growth of kilometer-sized mudflows is more widespread than previously thought and is indeed common for many large MVs. Understanding this process is critical for better assessing their dynamics and the risks they pose to surrounding infrastructures and settlements. Further, this process is essential for understanding the dynamics of mud volcanoes on Earth and may provide insights into the formation of large-scale flow-like features on other bodies in the Solar System.

How to cite: Brož, P. and Mazzini, A.: Gradual Sliding as a Common Growth Process in Caspian Mud Volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8429,, 2025.

EGU25-9083 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Unveiling the Polaris Mud Volcano Complex: A Chain of Mud Volcanoes in the Southwestern Barents Sea 

Claudio Argentino, Rune Mattingsdal, Tor Eidvin, Sverre Ekrene Ohm, and Giuliana Panieri

Global estimates on the number of submarine mud volcanoes are highly uncertain, as well as their role in the deep-sea biosphere and methane budgets. Here, we report the discovery of ten mud volcanoes in the Southwestern Barents Sea (440-480 m depth), where only two had been previously known. The new mud volcanoes form flat-topped mounds which are connected to seismic chimneys rooted within the infilling of a buried Pleistocene mega-slide. High-resolution seafloor imagery, collected with a Remotely Operated Vehicle during the EXTREME24 expedition in May 2024, revealed ongoing methane-rich mud expulsion, including mud pools, flows, and associated chemosynthetic fauna. Biostratigraphic and geochemical (gas and oil) analyses of extruded sediments provided insights into the plumbing system. We will present a formation model for the Polaris Mud Volcano Complex, offering new perspectives on the shallow geodynamics of (paleo)glaciated continental margins in relation to mega-slide events.

We acknowledge the projects Advancing Knowledge on Methane in the Arctic (AKMA) (Research Council of Norway grant No. 287869) and EXTREMES (UArctic UA 06/2024) for supporting this research and EMAN7 (Research Council of Norway grant No. 320100) for financing CA position. The Norwegian Offshore Directorate (NOD) partly funded the expedition and analysis. We are grateful to REV Ocean for support during the EXTREME24 cruise and the use of ROV Aurora.

How to cite: Argentino, C., Mattingsdal, R., Eidvin, T., Ohm, S. E., and Panieri, G.: Unveiling the Polaris Mud Volcano Complex: A Chain of Mud Volcanoes in the Southwestern Barents Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9083,, 2025.

EGU25-9144 | Orals | GMPV8.3

Preliminary results from the INGV-PROMUD Project: seismic and hydromorphological monitoring of Maccalube di Aragona Mud Volcano (Sicily, Italy). 

Paolo Madonia, Paola Cusano, Simona Petrosino, Antonio Costanza, Gioacchino Fertitta, and Daniele Gucciardo

The INGV-PROMUD is a 3-years (2023-2025) multidisciplinary project (, aimed to investigate the indicators of the activity of MVs, with the ultimate goal of individuating possible precursors of paroxysmal events. Its two main target areas, both in Italy, are the ‘Salse di Nirano’ (Northern Apennines) and the ‘Maccalube di Aragona’ (Sicily).

Among the multidisciplinary research activities carried out in the scopes of the project, particular attention is focused on the analysis of the background seismic noise wavefield, and its role in the identification and monitoring of degassing sources and conduits, and of the hydrological regime, and its influence on MVs activity.

Seismic data have been recorded at Aragona, since July 2024, by six seismometers, four of which are part of a seismic array located close to the vents, with the aim of investigating the characteristics of the recorded background seismic noise, e.g., spectral properties, H/V spectral ratios, energy (RMS) and polarization temporal pattern. Preliminary results of data recorded from July to September 2024 show that the main frequency content of the wavefield is below 5 Hz. H/V spectral ratios are almost flat, indicating the absence of amplification effects, at least in the investigated sites. The temporal pattern of the RMS amplitude is affected by some fluctuations, which need to be further investigated to look for evidences of a possible periodic behaviour. The polarization parameters (azimuth, incidence angle and rectilinearity) appear to be stable over the whole analysed time interval. At the array site, in the 0.2-1 Hz frequency band, the noise wavefield is polarized along the NS direction, while polarization azimuths 1-5 Hz band are more disperse.

Seismic monitoring has been coupled to near real time acquisition of meteorological data and temperature, volumetric water content and electric conductivity of soil, integrated by monthly surveys of number and position of active mud emitting vents, and apparent soil moisture content distribution.

First analyses of the acquired data indicate that the hydrological cycle exerts a strong control on both number and distribution of vents, and on the rheological properties of the emitted fluids, playing a potential role in determining pressure accumulation, prodromic to paroxysmal events.

How to cite: Madonia, P., Cusano, P., Petrosino, S., Costanza, A., Fertitta, G., and Gucciardo, D.: Preliminary results from the INGV-PROMUD Project: seismic and hydromorphological monitoring of Maccalube di Aragona Mud Volcano (Sicily, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9144,, 2025.

EGU25-9485 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Using Self-Potential and Seismic Ambient Noise Methods on Oʻahu’s Groundwater System, to Uncover the Geological Nature of the North Schofield Dam 

Stéphanie Barde-Cabusson, Aurélien Mordret, Niels Grobbe, Daniel Dores, Nicole Lautze, John Sinton, and Erin Wallin

The Schofield groundwater body on the island of Oʻahu is one of the most important freshwater reservoirs yet has enigmatically high hydraulic head as compared to the adjacent basal water bodies. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain this so-called North Schofield Dam, yet for the most part the Schofield aquifer’s high head remains unexplained. For this study we collected extensive self-potential and seismic ambient noise datasets in an effort to better understand the geologic and fluid flow conditions across the North Schofield Dam boundary.  We collected 40 km of interconnected self-potential profiles and seismic ambient noise data recorded by 53 stations (Magseis Fairfield) over 18 consecutive days. As a complementary approach, we performed a basic clustering analysis of our self-potential dataset. Our results revealed two distinct domains with different geophysical signatures, demarcated by a NE-SW-striking boundary. The southeastern area exhibits higher self-potential values and seismic velocities, while the northwestern area has lower values for both data types. This sharp boundary, oriented N25°, separates two hydrogeological domains and precisely highlights the North Schofield dam. We interpret that the NW domain contains buried valley-fill material with low permeability, while lava flows from the Wai‘anae and Koʻolau volcanoes dominate the SE zone. We interpret that the mostly impervious valley-fill material acts as a water flow boundary that may explain the abnormally high groundwater levels observed in the Schofield groundwater unit. We thus provide for the first time, the orientation, underground geometry, and geological nature of the North Schofield Dam. This study helps in understanding the mechanisms associated with forming a large aquifer in the elevated central part of the island of Oʻahu. It also emphasizes the importance of geological complexity of volcanic environments in influencing groundwater storage and flow. Our findings will be key to improving hydrogeological models, and thus fresh groundwater resources management on O‘ahu, and it opens perspectives for further comparative studies on other volcanic islands.

How to cite: Barde-Cabusson, S., Mordret, A., Grobbe, N., Dores, D., Lautze, N., Sinton, J., and Wallin, E.: Using Self-Potential and Seismic Ambient Noise Methods on Oʻahu’s Groundwater System, to Uncover the Geological Nature of the North Schofield Dam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9485,, 2025.

EGU25-10460 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

An innovative and fluid-sensitive prospection method: Deployment of Nodal Ambient Noise Tomography (NANT) in Muara Laboh geothermal system, Sumatra 

Adriano Mazzini, Elliot Amir Jiwani Brown, Iván Cabrera-Pérez, Julien Sfalcin, Herwin Azis, Indra Nugroho, Takashi Zaizen, and Matteo Lupi

Muara Laboh is a geothermal system located in central Sumatra along a sector of the Great Sumatra Fault and neighboring the Kerinci volcano. The area is characterized by diffused surface manifestations, including hot springs and fumarolic activity at various sites along the valley. In this geological context, the fluid migration is expected to be controlled by the lithological and tectonic discontinuities that characterize such a heavily faulted region.

To identify subsurface fluid pathways and reservoirs, a large region of nearly 400 km2 was investigated deploying a network of 212 3-components seismic nodes. 182 instruments were placed within a central 25 km area around the populated centre of Muara Laboh, while 6 external antennas (composed of 5 seismic nodes each) were deployed at 40 km SE from the main network to better constrain the depth within the central region. From the seismic records, we extracted cross-correlation functions and Rayleigh wave group-velocity dispersion curves to perform Nodal Ambient Noise Tomography (NANT). We derived a 3D S-wave velocity model that can be used to identify domains characterized by magmatic, tectonic, sedimentary, structural, hydrothermal, and geothermal features. Empirical Green's Functions (EGFs) were derived from ambient noise cross-correlations for Rayleigh waves using standard data processing methods. Dispersion curves were subsequently determined via the Frequency Time Analysis (FTAN) technique. Nonlinear multi-scale inversion was applied to produce group velocity maps for different periods. Finally, a transdimensional Bayesian approach was utilized for depth inversion, resulting in a 3D S-wave velocity model.

Our S-wave velocity model highlights the occurrence of fast and slow domains, often marked by sharp variations. Transition zones of intermediate-velocity are located at the shoulders of the low-velocity zones and are potentially interpreted as the boundaries of intrusive bodies displaying high shear wave velocities. One of these domains is located below the main Muara Laboh geothermal system. Other similar areas can be identified from the 3D tomography data and represent ideal targets for geothermal energy harnessing.

NANT is a non-invasive and cost-efficient method that provides high-resolution subsurface 3D images of the first 5 km of the upper crust. This approach is ideal to identify subsurface fluid storage and pathways along e.g., seismically active regions where tectonic discontinuities are broadly distributed. These discontinuities are often suggested to control the laterally extensive diffused hydrothermal fluid migration that is targeted for geothermal energy harnessing.

How to cite: Mazzini, A., Jiwani Brown, E. A., Cabrera-Pérez, I., Sfalcin, J., Azis, H., Nugroho, I., Zaizen, T., and Lupi, M.: An innovative and fluid-sensitive prospection method: Deployment of Nodal Ambient Noise Tomography (NANT) in Muara Laboh geothermal system, Sumatra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10460,, 2025.

EGU25-10680 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.3

Passive seismic measurements to characterize gas reservoirs in a mud volcano field in Northern Italy 

Albachiara Brindisi, Enrico Paolucci, Nicolò Carfagna, and Dario Albarello

The presence of a minimum within the low-frequency range in the average Horizontal (H) to Vertical (V) Spectral Ratios of ambient vibrations has been suggested to be representative of hydrocarbon reservoirs in active oil and gas fields in the Middle East and Europe. Similar evidence has been also found in correspondence of active mud volcanoes in Italy (Antunes et al., 2022; Panzera et al., 2016). In this view, the aim of the study is to explore the possibility of using ambient vibrations to identify and characterize reservoir corresponding to mud volcanoes vents in the Nirano mud volcanoes area (Norther Italy). Seismic surveys carried out in the area so far allowed the seismic characterization of the shallowest part of the subsoil involved in the emission process (Antunes et al., 2022; Brindisi et al., 2023; Carfagna et al., 2024). To extend downward this characterization and understand if the presence of the minimum detected in the Nirano Reserve (Antunes et al., 2022) is confined to the area of emitting vents, an extensive survey of ambient vibrations was performed. In particular, a dense network of velocimetric measurements has been deployed by considering single station and array configurations. Results obtained confirm that measurements with a clear HVSR minimum at around 0.5 Hz only characterize the area of emitting vents. In the assumption that this minimum depends on the characteristics of the reservoir responsible for fluid emissions, the Biot–Gassmann theory (Lee, 2004; Tinivella, 2002) for seismic waves velocities of gas hydrate-bearing sediments has been considered to infer reservoir characteristics from Vand Vprofiles obtained by the inversion of the HVSR curves. The satisfactory fit of model outcomes with observations testifies one more the effectiveness of ambient vibration measurements to characterize mud volcanoes and relevant subsoil configuration. This opens new possibilities for the study of mud volcanoes and gas reservoirs both onshore and offshore by passive seismic observations.


Antunes V., Planès T., Obermann A., Panzera F., D’Amico S., Mazzini A., Lupi M.; 2022: Insights into the dynamics of the Nirano Mud Volcano through seismic characterization of drumbeat signals and V/H analysis. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 431, 107619.

Brindisi A., Carfagna N., Paolucci E., Albarello D.; 2023: Fine structure of seismic emissions from Nirano mud volcanoes (northern Apennines, Italy): a phenomenological study. Bull. Geophys. Oceanogr, 20, 1-12. DOI 10.4430/bgo00437.

Carfagna N., Brindisi A., Paolucci E., Albarello D.; 2024: Seismic monitoring of gas emissions at mud volcanoes: The case of Nirano (northern Italy). J. Volcanol. Geotherm., 446, 107993.

Lee M.W.; 2004: Elastic velocities of partially gas-saturated unconsolidated sediments. Mar. Pet. Geol., 21(6), 641-650.

Panzera F., Sicali S., Lombardo G., Imposa S., Gresta S., D’Amico S.; 2016: A microtremor survey to define the subsoil structure in a mud volcanoes area: the case study of Salinelle (Mt. Etna, Italy). Environ. Earth Sci., 75, 1-13.

Tinivella U.; 2002: The seismic response to over-pressure versus gas hydrate and free gas concentration. J. Seism. Explor., 11(3), 283-305.

How to cite: Brindisi, A., Paolucci, E., Carfagna, N., and Albarello, D.: Passive seismic measurements to characterize gas reservoirs in a mud volcano field in Northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10680,, 2025.

EGU25-11183 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Tampen, the highest gas flaring region in the North Sea: distribution, characterization and fluid migration mechanisms 

stephane Polteau, Adriano Mazzini, Rune Mattingsdal, Stefan Buenz, Martin Krueger, Preben Thomsen, Itamara Campos, Claudio Argentino, and Jenny Fossan

The Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) is a region with 100,000s of active and extinct natural occurring methane seeps (NOMS) that are sustaining oases of unique ecosystems. These emissions are sourced from thermogenic and microbial methane. In addition, vigorous seafloor gas emissions (i.e., gas flares) are also found at, or in the vicinity of numerous wells (i.e. WAMS: well-associated methane seep). The NCS hosts ~10.000 wells, ~2,000 of these are already plugged and abandoned, and 2,245 operating wells heading for decommissioning in the next decades. Here we integrate the results of a multidisciplinary surveys conducted in the Tampen area (western Norwegian Channel) where the highest NOMS and WAMS and related gas flare concentration has so far been observed.

We combine a large (800 km2) multibeam and water column survey with high resolution seismic profiles and gas geochemistry analyses from active seepage sites. A complete mapping of the area reveals the presence of nearly 2000 flares, 175 of which are WAMS. The highest density is observed in the western side of the Tampen region where up to 20 flares per km2 can be mapped. Geochemical analyses show that methane is the main seeping gas with a microbial signature (d13CCH4 as low as -91 ‰) and pore water profiles (sulfate and dissolved inorganic carbon-DIC concentrations and d13CDIC) in gravity cores indicated intense anaerobic oxidation of dissolved methane in the shallow subsurface at 2-4 m bsf. Sediment incubations showed a widespread potential for aerobic and anaerobic MO as well as methane production in the top 20 cm, which was further confirmed by molecular biological analyses. We infer a shallow origin of the gas trapped in the glaciogenic wedge of the west shoulder of the Norwegian Channel. This shallow gas charge has also been observed on the reflection seismic data. Selected profiles have been used to trace back the potential fluid migration pathways from deeper units where reservoirs are sited. We suggest that deeper-sited tectonic discontinuities, clinoforms, and sedimentary interfaces promote the vertical and lateral fluid migration, respectively.

These findings are relevant to understanding the environmental impact of gas flare activity, future CO2 and hydrogen storage planning in depleted reservoirs, and mitigation strategies for gas seepage on the NCS.

How to cite: Polteau, S., Mazzini, A., Mattingsdal, R., Buenz, S., Krueger, M., Thomsen, P., Campos, I., Argentino, C., and Fossan, J.: Tampen, the highest gas flaring region in the North Sea: distribution, characterization and fluid migration mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11183,, 2025.

EGU25-12186 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Detection, classification, and localization of seismic signals at the Soufrière geothermal system, Guadeloupe 

Ugo Chatelain, Francisco Javier Munoz Burbano, Elliot Amir Jiwani-Brown, and Matteo Lupi

La Soufriere is an active stratovolcano located in the South of Basse-Terre island, Guadeloupe, and is part of the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc. Eruptions are usually characterised as peléan with the most recent magmatic eruption occurring approximately in 1530 A.D. Since then, activity at La Soufrière has consisted of phreatic eruptions, the last being in 1976. Present-day activity appears to be related to surface fumaroles and shallow-subsurface seismic activity. In 1992, the alert level was updated from green to yellow and the recorded activity began to slowly increase. Since 2018, the hydrothermal system has been subject to overpressure and overheating processes, resulting in a change to the usual fumarole activity and an increase in volcano seismicity.

We analyze the continuous passive seismic record from one month of data recorded on 47 3-component 5Hz nodal stations, deployed around the volcanic summit. We locate emergent seismic signals, including tremors, to have a better understanding of the subsurface structure of the plumbing system, and reveal more information pertaining to the hydrothermal system.

We use the Python package Covseisnet, which uses a network Covariance Matrix Analysis to detect and locate seismic signals that are typically induced by the geothermal systems and volcanic unrest. This method is based on the decomposition of the matrix into eigenvectors and eigenvalues.  Our results are also compared against two complementary methods derived from the same seismic dataset to obtain a more comprehensive interpretation of the subsurface architecture and reduce the uncertainty of our analyses. The combination of our Covariance Matrix analysis, Ambient Noise Tomography, and Local Earthquake Tomography provides an updated image of the shallow plumbing system of the Soufrière Volcano plumbing’s system.

How to cite: Chatelain, U., Munoz Burbano, F. J., Jiwani-Brown, E. A., and Lupi, M.: Detection, classification, and localization of seismic signals at the Soufrière geothermal system, Guadeloupe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12186,, 2025.

We deployed a network of temporary stations to invert passive seismic data to compare the intrinsic attenuation distribution and the S-wave velocity structure of a region of the Kendeng Basin in east Java, Indonesia. This geological domain hosts the Lumpur Sidoarjo, nicknamed Lusi, that is the eruptive centre of the sediment-hosted geothermal system that pierced the Earth's surface in May 2006. To date, Lusi is the youngest onshore hybrid system on Earth. We show that ambient noise and intrinsic attenuation tomographies are complementary tools that should be performed routinely when studying geothermal systems.

Our study highlights that Lusi's plumbing system features two distinct fluid flow regimes, one across the shallow sedimentary units and one developing sub-vertically across the deeper domains of the basin. Historically, this region is considered an hydrocarbon province as shown by the  dozens of wells extracting hydrocarbons form the gas reservoirs. However, we show that such a basin is also rich in geothermal resources and the well facilities could be re-purposed for the exploitation of geothermal resources. This is particularly timely since the hydrocarbon extraction of the gas fields is declining and the energy transition is becoming more and more pressing. The high geothermal gradient, the steep topography of the nearby volcanic arc, as well as the well-studied subsurface all combine to make this portion of the Kendeng basin an excellent geothermal site. We strongly recommend that future geothermal operators capitalise on the existing infrastructures and transform the natural disaster of Lusi into a geothermal opportunity.

How to cite: Lupi, M., Cabrera-Perez, I., and Mazzini, A.: Using Ambient Noise Attenuation and Surface Tomographies to investigate Lusi, Indonesia. From a natural disaster to a geothermal opportunity., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12190,, 2025.

EGU25-13139 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

The Borealis Mud Volcano is a sanctuary for vulnerable Arctic species 

Giuliana Panieri, Claudio Argentino, Alessandra Savini, Bénédicte Ferre, Fereshteh Hemmateenejad, Mari H. Eilertsen, Rune Mattingsdal, Sofia P. Ramalho, Anna Michel Michel, Alex Rogers, Stéphane Polteau, Adriano Mazzini, Ines Barrenechea Angeles, Stefan Buenz, and Dimitri Kalenitchenko

Borealis is a newly identified underwater mud volcano located in the Polar North Atlantic, distinct from the many methane emissions previously found in the area. In this study, we present direct observations from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), documenting the emission of warm (11.5°C) Neogene sediments and methane-laden fluids from a gryphon at Borealis. The seafloor around the mud volcano is covered with extensive carbonate formations, suggesting a long history of diffuse methane flow. Our sampling and imagery indicate that Borealis hosts unique ecosystems adapted to low-oxygen environments near methane seeps. Furthermore, the irregular carbonate formations may provide natural protection against bottom trawling, offer a surface for stationary marine life, and act as breeding grounds for endangered fish species. This finding highlights the ecological importance of cold seep ecosystems in the Polar North Atlantic, emphasizing their contribution to biodiversity by providing refuges for marine life and stressing the importance of their preservation.

The authors thank the projects AKMA (287869), HOTMUD (288299), NCS2030 (331644), WELLFATE (344447), and EMAN7 ( 320100),the Norwegian Offshore Directorate, and REV Ocean. 


How to cite: Panieri, G., Argentino, C., Savini, A., Ferre, B., Hemmateenejad, F., H. Eilertsen, M., Mattingsdal, R., P. Ramalho, S., Michel, A. M., Rogers, A., Polteau, S., Mazzini, A., Barrenechea Angeles, I., Buenz, S., and Kalenitchenko, D.: The Borealis Mud Volcano is a sanctuary for vulnerable Arctic species, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13139,, 2025.

EGU25-16958 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

A multidisciplinary approach for subsurface investigations of the Goshogake geothermal field, Japan  

Kareshma Narine, Matteo Lupi, Adriano Mazzini, Julien Sfalcin, and Perach Nuriel

Located on the western flank of the Akita Yakeyama Volcano lies the Goshogake hydrothermal system of Tohoku, Japan. Goshogake is situated between the magmatic volcanic arc and the hydrocarbon province in the back-arc of Japan. This system exhibits a variety of surface manifestations with temperatures ranging between 33°C to 97°C and low, acidic pH values of approximately 2.5. Seepage sites include sulphur-rich fumaroles, localized possible oil-rich pools, active mud- erupting gryphons, small hydrothermal lakes, and clustered bubbling pool fields, implying along with its geodynamic position, a possible hybrid field.

Hydrothermal emissions emerge at the base of a narrow valley, where a N-S oriented fault system framing the Akita Yakeyama Volcano is suggested to occur. Intense seismicity caused by the active tectonics in the region relates to ongoing deformation. To investigate the interconnection between the emission sites and the reservoir(s) feeding them, a 3D Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography study was conducted by deploying 25 Iris Fullwavers across the Goshogake system. The results were combined with drone-derived thermal photogrammetry, satellite images and geochemical analyses of the seeping fluids.

The inverted resistivity model reveals a conductive system that enables discrimination of the conduits feeding the vents. Geochemical analyses reveal the presence of H2S and CO2 dominated gas with mantle-derived isotopic signatures; the presence of minor quantities of CH4 in colder seepage sites, whether thermogenic or abiotic,remainunsolved.The detected H2 among the seeping gasses may result from the interaction of hydrothermal fluids with pyroxene andesite lava host-rocks.

Further analyses of the possible oil films aim to distinguish its origin with several potential scenarios. The first scenario involving the presence of shallow oil derived from the alteration of recent organic- rich deposits, or a second scenario involving deep oil originating from the thermo- metamorphism of deep-seated lacustrine deposits hosting the volcanic complex. If the latter is validated, Goshogake could well be Japan’s first example of a sedimentary-hosted geothermal system.

How to cite: Narine, K., Lupi, M., Mazzini, A., Sfalcin, J., and Nuriel, P.: A multidisciplinary approach for subsurface investigations of the Goshogake geothermal field, Japan , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16958,, 2025.

EGU25-16966 | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Continental rifts and reactive lids: Pervasive hydrothermal alteration and carbonation of volcanic rocks in the Oslo Rift  

Henrik H. Svensen, Sara Callegaro, Ivar Midtkandal, John Millett, Jack Whattam, Bjørgunn H. Dalslåen, Hans Jørgen Kjøll, Else-Raghnhild Neumann, and Sverre Planke

The Oslo Rift formed about 300 million years ago and is characterized by emplacement of subaerial lavas and an extensive sub-volcanic system of sills, dykes, and plutons. The earliest stages of volcanism were dominated by fissure-fed plateau basalts, trachytes and latites (including rhomb porphyries), followed by later stage caldera-related basalts, rhyolites and ignimbrites. More than 1.5 kilometer of rhomb porphyry stratigraphy is preserved in the ca 250 km long subaerially exposed rift system, but primary igneous minerals are usually completely altered except from apatite and rare zircons. Interestingly, the sedimentary rocks that form the substrate for the lavas remain unaffected by hydrothermal alteration, questioning conventional models for fluid flow and temperature evolution in rifts.

Here we use new boreholes and cores from the Oslo Rift to characterize and further understand rift-scale pervasive alteration of lava flows. We focus on two cores, where the first includes 350 meters of interbedded sandstones and lava flows, and the second is 50 meters long and drilled through a fault zone in the two lowermost flow units. We present wireline logs, geochemical data and petrography in order to further understand the hydrothermal alteration and porosity-generation in these rocks. Overall, the primary igneous minerals (e.g. pyroxene, feldspar, ilmenite) are hydrated and replaced by assemblages including chlorite, albite, K-feldspar, quartz, calcite, rutile, monazite, and magnetite. Vesicle-rich horizons in the lavas (flow bases and tops) are filled by chlorite and calcite, with minor dolomite, epidote, fluorite, barite, and bitumen. Vein minerals includes calcite, quartz, and epidote. In the presentation we also show the carbon and oxygen isotope systematics of the carbonates.

Our results shed light on the complex history of fluid-rock interactions in a continental rift. Lavas have acted as reactive lids, trapping water and light and mobile elements such as carbon and alkalies, whereas apatite-hosted REE still preserve igneous geochemical signatures. Hydrothermal circulation took place across a large temperature range, where the maximum temperature is recorded by quartz plus epidote assemblages (ca. 300 C). Conceptual models need to include the variability of fluid sources during rift progression, including igneous/mantle, contact metamorphic, basinal brines, meteoric and seawater sources. Finally, the pervasive hydrothermal alteration resulted in high porosity in the lavas that still has a significant influence on the content and flow of ground water.

How to cite: Svensen, H. H., Callegaro, S., Midtkandal, I., Millett, J., Whattam, J., Dalslåen, B. H., Kjøll, H. J., Neumann, E.-R., and Planke, S.: Continental rifts and reactive lids: Pervasive hydrothermal alteration and carbonation of volcanic rocks in the Oslo Rift , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16966,, 2025.

EGU25-17307 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.3

Complex Fluid Pathways and the Role of Shallow Evaporites in Mud Volcano Systems in the Gulf of Cadiz and Mediterranean Ridge 

Shuhui Xu, Walter Menapace, Roger Urgeles, Jonathan Ford, Alcinoe Calahorrano, Rafael Bartolomé, and Achim Kopf

The plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia, ranging from the transform-dominated Gulf of Cadiz in the west to the reverse-faulting Hellenic subduction zone in the east, has been studied to identify mud volcanoes (MVs) of various origins. Different salinity patterns, either freshening or salinization signals, have been identified in different MV fluids through various research expeditions. During the R/V Meteor cruise M149, contrasting fluid signatures were detected at the summit (Cl depletion) and moat/rim (Cl enrichment) of the Ginsburg and Yuma MVs in the Gulf of Cadiz, whereas previous ODP Leg 160 reported similar spatial distributions of Cl concentrations at the Milano MV in the Olimpi MV field on the Mediterranean Ridge. Focusing on three MVs with contrasting fluid signatures, we suggest complex fluid pathways, rarely acknowledged in previous studies, are responsible for fluid expulsion.

By utilizing pore water geochemistry, advection-diffusion modeling, and high-resolution seismic profiles, we trace fluid origins, quantify fluxes, and constrain migration pathways. The Cl-depleted summit fluids originate from clay dehydration and are channeled by central conduits, reaching high advection velocities (up to 50 cm/yr). The Cl-enriched moat fluids exhibit slower advection velocities (0.3-1.5 cm/yr) and show additional evaporite effects. At the Ginsburg MV, one MeBo core of up to 40 m length collected at the moat and high-resolution seismic profiles across the whole MV allow to constrain moat fluid sources and further explain the structural implications behind this spatial variation in chemical and fluid fluxes. Fluid formation temperatures have been calculated using water isotopes and Mg-Li geothermometer. The resulting low temperatures suggest source depths atop the Allochthonous Unit of the Gulf of Cadiz (AUGC) (~0.8 kmbsf), consistent with seismic data across the Ginsburg MV (showing high-amplitude reflections at the same depths) but differently than the summit sites, where the source is deeper within the AUGC (~2.2 kmbsf). We relate moat seepage occurrence to fractures formed due to edifice subsidence, marked by stacked enhanced reflectors. Upon comparing the three MVs with one younger and one inactive MV, we suggest that peripheral seepage of MV edifices is a widespread process that appears at a specific evolutionary stage, during which it represents an important component of the fluid budget.

The findings from this study not only offer insights into the complex mechanisms of fluid circulation within MV structures but also provide a new approach to investigating the role of shallow evaporites in MV fluid dynamics, particularly in regions like the Mediterranean Ridge where evaporites are extensively present. By focusing on rim sites around MVs, the influence of evaporites can be more effectively identified, as peripheral fluids are more susceptible to being overprinted by salinization signals compared to the typically freshening summit fluids.

How to cite: Xu, S., Menapace, W., Urgeles, R., Ford, J., Calahorrano, A., Bartolomé, R., and Kopf, A.: Complex Fluid Pathways and the Role of Shallow Evaporites in Mud Volcano Systems in the Gulf of Cadiz and Mediterranean Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17307,, 2025.

EGU25-18035 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography (DERT): a versatile method to investigate fluid migration systems and to identify ore deposits 

Julien Sfalcin, Damian Braize, Andrea Dini, Kalin Kouzmanov, and Matteo Lupi

Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography (DERT) has proven to be a versatile geophysical method to investigate fluid migration systems and to explore metalliferous deposits. We present the survey conducted at Calamita iron skarn deposit, located in Tuscany, Italy. The site, though no longer actively exploited, presents unique opportunities to evaluate the application of DERT in mineral exploration. The goal is to detect causative magmatic intrusions and map the associated mineralized structures at depth.

The DERT survey conducted at Calamita allowed us identifying several features that are part of a complex paleo-geothermal system. The anomaly beneath the Vallone skarn at a depth of -150 m.a.s.l is interpreted as either an altered granitic body or a pathway for the migration of magmatic fluids that are linked to mineralized surface zones. The resistivity model also highlights the presence of extension faults and a southward dip of the deposits which is consistent with the hypothesized location of the magmatic intrusion. Induced Polarization (IP) measurements further indicate widespread pyritization of schists, following their epidotization, at depths ranging from -50 to -200 m.a.s.l.


Integrated resistivity and chargeability data illustrate the potential of DERT to investigate skarn deposits and support decision-making in mineral exploration. This approach is particularly effective to define hidden ore bodies and to understand the tectonic control on mineralization and could significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with drilling programs.

How to cite: Sfalcin, J., Braize, D., Dini, A., Kouzmanov, K., and Lupi, M.: Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography (DERT): a versatile method to investigate fluid migration systems and to identify ore deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18035,, 2025.

EGU25-18483 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.3

Geothermal survey using earthquake seismic tomography in La Soufrière, Guadeloupe 

Hugo Gatein, Juan Luis Porras Loria, Elliot Amir Jiwani-Brown, and Matteo Lupi

La Soufrière volcano, located in the volcanic island of Guadeloupe, has virtually unlimited geothermal resources. The intense seismic activity of the volcanic system allows the application of passive seismic methods to explore the geothermal potential in the area. The high seismic activity in the volcano, together with the well-developed network of tectonic faults mapped at La Soufriere facilitates the upwelling of geothermal fluids in the upper crust.

This study aims to image the shallow seismic velocity structure of the volcano by deriving a Local Earthquake Tomography with data from a dense network of 48 three-component short-period nodal geophones deployed in October 2023 around the volcanic massif, complemented by 8 permanent seismic stations operated by the IPGP.

We first built a seismic catalogue by applying a machine-learning seismic phase picker PhaseNet, for which we initially obtained 551,383 P- and S-wave phases. We detected 339 seismic events with PyOcto and successfully located 145 events with NonLinLoc. The seismic catalogue was the input of a Local Earthquake Tomography using our relocated catalogue to develop a high-resolution model of the volcanic system. We produced an interpretation of the subsurface structure based on the distribution of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs ratio velocity anomalies. This model will highlight fractures and conduits that enable the circulation of hydrothermal fluids, and the different volcanic structures. Our results will be compared with ongoing studies of the volcanic system, such as Ambient Noise Tomography and Tremor relocation, to refine our interpretation of the shallow plumbing system of this active volcano. This work will contribute to the monitoring of the volcano and support geothermal exploration efforts in the region.

How to cite: Gatein, H., Porras Loria, J. L., Jiwani-Brown, E. A., and Lupi, M.: Geothermal survey using earthquake seismic tomography in La Soufrière, Guadeloupe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18483,, 2025.

EGU25-19000 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.3

Immiscible basaltic glasses – a prebiotic phosphate source 

Daniel Weller, Thomas Matreux, Iris B. A. Smokers, Almuth Schmid, Daniel Weidendorfer, Donald B. Dingwell, Christof B. Mast, Dieter Braun, and Bettina Scheu

Phosphorus is an essential element of life, as observable in modern life forms that have perfected phosphorus accumulation and recycling. Prebiotic chemistry, on the other hand, was likely challenged by the low abundance and poor solubility of phosphorus minerals on early Earth.

Current experimental approaches to solve this so-called phosphate problem mainly focus on the solubilization of phosphate minerals like apatite or reduced phosphorus species in extraterrestrial schreibersite. However, the possibilities for prebiotic chemistry through magmatic evolution and phosphate enrichment in basaltic melts have not yet been considered.

Here, we show the formation of phosphate-rich glass droplets, driven by liquid immiscibility in basaltic melts, and explore its downstream utilization for prebiotic chemistry. We synthesized two glasses mimicking an average composition of 2.2 – 3.8 Ga old basalts containing more than 0.5 wt.% phosphorus, and doped them with 1 and 10 wt.% P2O5 respectively. In the latter, unmixing lead to the formation of Fe-P-rich droplets in a Si-rich matrix with a partition coefficient of DP ~3.9. Subsequent leaching behavior of the synthesized glass was investigated over a range in pH and organic solvents delivering up to 5 mM dissolved phosphate. The concentration in the experimental leachate was sufficient to form di- and triphosphate afterwards at elevated temperatures and phosphorylation of adenosine was possible.

We further found that our initially produced leachates were able to trigger the synthesis of imidazole phosphate with up to 34 % yield and the downstream phosphorylation of glycerol in wet/dry cycles with up to 17 % yield. Our results thus show an alternative source of phosphate for prebiotic chemistry through its early enrichment in the magma and present an alternative approach to solving the phosphate problem for the origin of life.

How to cite: Weller, D., Matreux, T., Smokers, I. B. A., Schmid, A., Weidendorfer, D., Dingwell, D. B., Mast, C. B., Braun, D., and Scheu, B.: Immiscible basaltic glasses – a prebiotic phosphate source, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19000,, 2025.

The Permian system in northeastern Sichuan is a key natural gas exploration area in the Sichuan Basin. The deeply buried Permian carbonate reservoirs have undergone multiple tectonic events, resulting in complex diagenesis and varying degrees of modification. Fluctuations in temperature and pressure in these deep reservoirs over geological history have shaped the current states of hydrocarbons, reservoir diagenesis, and porosity evolution, all playing significant roles in hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, and preservation.

This study aims to analyze the temperature and pressure distribution characteristics of Permian reservoirs in the Yuanba-Longgang area. It investigates the mechanisms behind overpressure generation and the evolutionary pathway of formation pressure in the Permian Changxing Formation, based on the historical development of the geothermal field.

Data from 54 wells in the Yuanba-Longgang area were analyzed, revealing formation pressures in the Changxing Formation range from 53 to 68 MPa in Longgang and 69 to 90 MPa in Yuanba. The pressure distribution shows that Yuanba has higher formation pressures than Longgang. Sealing layers, including the Middle and Lower Jurassic formations, exhibit normal hydrostatic pressures, while the Lower Jurassic base and Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation constitute the first overpressure system, followed by the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation and Upper Mesozoic Permian as the third. Temperatures in the Changxing Formation range from 145°C to 154°C, with Yuanba generally exhibiting higher temperatures than Longgang.

Paleo-heat flow in the Permian of northeastern Sichuan ranged from 55 to 70 mW/m². By analyzing burial and thermal histories, we reconstructed the temperature and source rock maturity evolution in typical wells in the Yuanba-Longgang area. In the Early Triassic, source rocks in the Longtan Formation exceeded the hydrocarbon generation threshold but stagnated. From the Early Jurassic onward, source rocks continued evolving, reaching high maturity by the Late Jurassic and overmaturity by the Early Cretaceous, with peak thermal evolution in the Middle Cretaceous. Oil generation began in the Early Triassic, transitioning to gas generation by the Middle Jurassic, while crude oil cracking started in the Late Jurassic and concluded in the Early Cretaceous.

Gas component analysis in the Feixianguan and Changxing formations shows that the region’s natural gas primarily originates from crude oil cracking. These formations contain abundant asphalt from thermal cracking, with gaseous hydrocarbons forming a significant component of the natural gas. This process also drives overpressure development in the Feixianguan Formation. Basin modeling, using paleopressure values restored from fluid inclusions and current measured pressures, shows that prior to 230 Ma, formation pressures were hydrostatic. From 230 to 91 Ma, overpressure developed, peaking at 91 Ma, and since then, formation and residual pressures have declined.

How to cite: Wang, J. and Qiu, N.: Temperature and Pressure Distribution and Evolutionary Characteristics of Permian Strata in the Yuanba-Longgang Area of Northeastern Sichuan   , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21179,, 2025.

EGU25-221 | Orals | GMPV8.4

An Overview of the Iranian Quaternary Volcanic Centers and Their Hazards 

Monireh Kheirkhah and Mark Allen

The latest stage of magmatic activities in the Turkish-Iranian plateau is the release of volcanic lavas from the important volcanic centers. The Quaternary volcanic centers (Damavand, Sahand, Sablan, Taftan, and Bazman) are scattered in the Iranian plateau. Most of the Quaternary lavas have reached the Earth's surface due to the activities of major faults. The main composition of these lavas is a range from basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, trachyte andesite, to trachyte. Petrographic, mineral chemistry and volcanological studies have already been done to characterize the magmatic system of these rocks.

These five volcanic centers are located near the capital city, large and small cities, and villages; therefore, volcanic activities directly threaten many people and can represent just as much of a threat to human life and economies.

Most Iranian volcanic hazards occur many years after volcanic activities. They involve lavas and pyroclastic flows buried by the ash of eruptions, the heat caused by burning clouds, the movement of lahars, the emission of toxic volcanic gases, and underground water and spring pollution. Although all of Iran’s Quaternary volcanoes are dormant, there are still risks from fumaroles, landslides, and contamination of local aquifers. Damavand volcano is a large dormant stratovolcano in the Alborz Mountain Belt, in the Iranian high plateau. This young composite cone is in northern Iran, ~50 km north of Tehran, and is the highest mountain (elevation ~5671 m) in the Middle East and South Asia. Thermal anomalies related to geothermal activities have been revealed based on remote sensing models that theoretically confirm the existence of hot zones containing melt at shallow depths. The thermobarometric studies show that magma under the Damavand volcano is in a network of magma pockets at depths between 2 and 11 km (0.6 and 3 kbar). The fumarolic gases near the summit are related to the magmatic activities in a low-depth magma chamber. There are limited historical activities in Damavand volcano, indicating low risks (landslide, water pollution, fumaroles), and very uncertain risks.

How to cite: Kheirkhah, M. and Allen, M.: An Overview of the Iranian Quaternary Volcanic Centers and Their Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-221,, 2025.

EGU25-729 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

Characterizing eruption initiation mechanisms and storage conditions at the high-threat Kolumbo volcano, Greece. 

Teagan Maher, Susan DeBari, Tim Druitt, Steffen Kutterolf, Iona McIntosh, Abigail Metcalfe, and Thomas Ronge

Crystals and glass discharged as tephra during explosive volcanic eruptions provide a valuable window into magmatic processes. Kolumbo, a shallow submarine volcano on the Hellenic Arc of the southern Aegean Sea, recently erupted in 1650 CE and was both violently explosive and tsunamigenic, resulting in significant loss of life on neighboring Santorini. Developing a conceptual model of the magma storage and eruption processes at Kolumbo is crucial for improving preparedness in this volcanically active and densely populated region. Using in situ tephra deposits cored during the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 398, this study aims to reconstruct the temporal evolution of the magma plumbing system at Kolumbo over the two most recent eruptive units at Kolumbo (1650 CE and an earlier eruption). This research aims to (1) infer pre-eruption magmatic processes and eruption initiation mechanisms, (2) determine magma storage conditions, including pressure, temperature, and H₂O content, and (3) assess temporal variations in the magmatic system at Kolumbo. Methods include the traditional petrologic toolbox of major- and trace-element geochemistry, focusing on minerals and glass to delineate crystallization histories, identify zonation patterns, and infer pressures and temperatures of the crystallizing assemblages. Preliminary results suggest significant differences in eruption initiation mechanisms and magmatic histories between the two eruptive units. The 1650 CE tephra exhibits multiple populations of phenocrysts that preserve textures such as reverse zoning and sieving, consistent with mafic recharge into a silicic reservoir as suggested by previous research. Plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions reveal water content of 4.0–5.25 wt.% for 1650 CE at a storage temperature of 807–847ºC, determined using plagioclase-liquid hygrometry and thermometry (Waters and Lange, 2015; Putirka, 2008). Clinopyroxene-liquid barometry (Petrelli, 2020; Jorgenson, 2022) identifies two clinopyroxene populations, yielding pressures of 4 and 6 kbar, respectively (±0.3 kbar) and temperatures of 914–953ºC (±<3ºC) supportive of mafic injection from a deeper magma source that triggered the 1650 CE eruption. The newly analyzed older eruption was initiated by some other mechanism than mafic injection - either heating from below or depressurization of a highly evolved silicic reservoir. Plagioclase-liquid hygrometry and thermometry indicate water contents of 4.25–5.0 wt.% at a storage temperature of 797–817ºC, though pressures remain unconstrained. These findings offer critical insights into the contrasting magmatic processes driving eruptions at Kolumbo, highlighting the dynamic interplay between mafic recharge and silicic storage.

How to cite: Maher, T., DeBari, S., Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., McIntosh, I., Metcalfe, A., and Ronge, T.: Characterizing eruption initiation mechanisms and storage conditions at the high-threat Kolumbo volcano, Greece., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-729,, 2025.

EGU25-2586 | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Understanding the flow dynamics of a Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalt- a case study from the Westfjords, Iceland 

Patrícia Jones, Elisa Johanna Piispa, Alberto Caracciolo, and Edward W. Marshall

The volcanic landscapes of Iceland's Westfjords are marked by the intriguing of Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts (PUBs), distinctive lava formations characterized by plagioclase contents so high (up to 50-60%) that they approach the crystallinity of a crystal mush. This research investigates the magmatic origin, emplacement mechanisms, and flow dynamics of these unusual lavas through an interdisciplinary approach combining petrographical, geochemical, and rock magnetic analyses. Thermobarometric calculations reveal magma equilibration conditions at mid-crustal depths (11.6±2.5 km) and temperatures of 1204.5±9.7°C. Mineral-melt relationships reveal a mush origin for the macrocrysts cores, with high An-cores for the plagioclases (An85-89) and high Fo-cores for the olivines (Fo83-86), whereas the rims show more evolved rims with compositions ranges of An50-70 for the plagioclases and Fo48-84 for the olivines, indicating a complex crystallization history. Trace element concentrations in the lava matrix are similar to other non-PUB westfjords basalts. Plagioclase trace element compositions are nearly in equilibrium with the composition of the host lava, unlike most modern Icelandic PUBs that typically show plagioclase-melt disequilibrium. Despite calculated viscosities suggesting potentially explosive behaviour (with viscosity values (log η) = 6.2 Pa·s and crystal volume fractions (φ) = 0.59 at 900ºC), field evidence indicates effusive emplacement, explained by several mechanisms including crystal alignment, thermal exchange, and shear thinning behavior. Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) measurements reveal flow directions predominantly oriented WNW-ESE, consistent with the location of the Arnarfjörður central volcano. However, scattered AMS distributions in crystal-rich samples suggest that elevated crystal content influenced the flow dynamics.

These findings enhance our understanding of crystal-rich magmatic systems and their emplacement mechanisms, contributing to refined models of magma dynamics. The results highlight the importance of considering more complex emplacement mechanisms when studying crystal-rich magmas that appear to defy traditional rheological models.

How to cite: Jones, P., Piispa, E. J., Caracciolo, A., and Marshall, E. W.: Understanding the flow dynamics of a Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalt- a case study from the Westfjords, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2586,, 2025.

EGU25-3884 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

Assessing magma storage beneath Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, using combined barometric and microstructural constraints 

Penny Wieser, Berenise Rangel, Alex Bearden, Charlotte DeVitre, Kendra Lynn, and Matthew Gleeson

The plumbing system beneath Mauna Loa, Hawai'i, has been understudied relative to its younger neighbor, Kīlauea. It is particularly interesting to ponder whether Mauna Loa’s larger size and greater maturity is reflected in its magma storage geometry. For example, prior work has suggested the presence of a deep (>18 km) storage system based on the presence of high Mg# (>84) Opx, from which magmas may ascend within days towards the surface. This would have very different implications for hazards and effective monitoring than at Kīlauea, where eruptions mobilize mostly from 1-5 km depth. To assess the possibility of deep storage, we examine crystal cargoes from picritic to aphanitic basalts erupted in 1852, 1855, 1868, 1949, 1950, 1984 and 2022 from the summit and rift zones, including harzburgitic xenoliths present in lavas erupted on the south flank. We use confocal Raman Spectroscopy to analyze fluid inclusions (small pockets of CO2-rich fluid trapped within crystals), coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy to determine the chemistry of the host crystal. Fluid inclusion barometry provides a precise determination of the pressures at which fluids were trapped within crystals, and thus the depths at which crystals grew and/or stalled for prolonged periods. Analyses of ~300 fluid inclusions from seven effusive eruptions and ~80 from xenoliths show that magma is predominantly stored at 1-5.5 km depth, which is slightly deeper than similar measurements at Kīlauea. These results contrasts with past studies which have suggested that the high Mg# orthopyroxenes in the xenoliths formed at > 6 kbar based on pMELTS modelling of orthopyroxene stability. We show that different thermodynamic models (pMELTS, rhyoliteMELTS, MageMIN) disagree greatly on the depth of Opx stability, indicating that the high pressures of magma storage previously suggested for Mauna Loa are not required. The poikilitic textures within the xenoliths with rounded, resorbed olivine chadocrysts within large Opx oikocrysts suggest that the high Mg# Opxs within these samples formed from a reaction between a higher SiO2 melt (~52 vs 49 wt%) and the olivine cumulate pile, at 3-5 km depth based on fluid and melt inclusion pressures from the olivine chadocrysts. The observed phase assemblage can be reproduced with melt-mush reaction models in rhyoliteMELTS. In summary, we suggest that the presence/absence of high Mg# Opx in shield Hawaiian volcanoes may instead reflect differences in bulk SiO2 between the two chemical trends present in the Hawaiian hotspot (Loa and Kea trend), rather than drastic differences in the depth of magma storage.

How to cite: Wieser, P., Rangel, B., Bearden, A., DeVitre, C., Lynn, K., and Gleeson, M.: Assessing magma storage beneath Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, using combined barometric and microstructural constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3884,, 2025.

EGU25-5066 | Orals | GMPV8.4

Geochemistry and petrogenesis of acidic-intermediate dykes from the Yüksekova Complex around Elazığ (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) 

Melek Ural, Kaan Sayit, Osman Ersin Koralay, and Mehmet Cemal Goncuoglu

In this study, the geochemistry of acidic-intermediate dykes cutting basaltic volcanics around Elazığ (Osmanağa, Kuşsarayı, İçme and Harput) were discussed. The samples studied are of subalkaline character and are predominantly rhyodacite/dacite and, to a lesser extent andesite in composition. Two main groups can be distinguished for the rocks in the studied region: (1) aphanitic andesite, rhyolite, and dacite dykes (2) phaneritic tonalite, granodiorite dykes. While the Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, P2O5, Co, and V contents of the samples decrease with increasing SiO2, Zr, Hf, and Nb show a slight increase. In N-MORB (Normal mid-ocean ridge basalt) and ORG (ocean ridge granite) normalizations, large ionic radius lithophile elements (LILE) (e.g. K, Rb, Ba), Th, and La, are enriched compared to Nb, Zr, Hf, Ti, and heavy REE. All samples are characterized by high Th/Nb and La/Nb ratios (average [Th/Nb]M = 18.3; average [La/Nb]M = 3.5), indicating negative Nb anomalies.Chondrite-normalized patterns are parallel to each other and slightly REE enriched ([La/Sm]N = 1.6-5.4), while medium and heavy REEs have a flat-slightly down-concave pattern. Both the initial Nd and Pb isotopes of the samples are in a narrow range (143Nd/144Nd(i)=0.51285 - 0.51290; 206Pb/204Pb(i)=17.95-18.67, 207Pb/204Pb(i)=15.54 - 15.64, 208Pb/204Pb(i)=37.89 - 38.65), while εNd(i) is between +6.4 and +7.2. All samples have positive and variable Δ7/4, Δ8/4 values ​​(∆7/4Pb = +3.75 to +12.54; ∆8/4Pb = +12.65 to +48.76).High Zr/Nb (43.4-55.7) and εNd(i) values indicate a depleted mantle source. Considering the negative Nb anomalies, the mantle source of the samples can be suggested as a depleted mantle source metasomatically enriched by the slab-derived materials. The relatively high Pb isotopic values over DMM (depleted MORB mantle) can be attributed to the contribution of slab-derived sediment. The isotopic compositions of basaltic lithologies and the intruding acidic-intermediate dykes appear similar. The dykes show no sign of crustal contamination and reflect depleted mantle contribution (high, positive ε values). The negative Nb anomalies, low HFSE and HREE abundances (relative to ORG), and relatively low Th-La enrichment levels of the samples, coupled with high Zr/Nb and εNd(i) values, suggest an oceanic arc environment.

How to cite: Ural, M., Sayit, K., Koralay, O. E., and Goncuoglu, M. C.: Geochemistry and petrogenesis of acidic-intermediate dykes from the Yüksekova Complex around Elazığ (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5066,, 2025.

Mt. Etna is one of the most active basaltic volcanoes on Earth, producing a wide range of eruptive styles, from relatively gentle effusive eruptions to highly hazardous explosive eruptions. During the last three decades, Etna has produced numerous highly explosive paroxysmal events, generating intense lava fountaining and ash clouds that reached several kilometres in height. In particular, between 13 December 2020 and 21 February 2022, a series of 62 paroxysms occurred at Mt. Etna. Petrological and geochemical analyses of erupted samples collected throughout the entire eruptive period suggest that the activity can be divided into two main sequences. These two sequences are both associated with the arrival of a more primitive, hotter, and volatile-rich magma from an intermediate magma chamber at a depth of 9 km (relatively to the vent of the conduit) into a shallower magma chamber at a depth of 3 km where a more evolved, colder and volatile-poor magma was present.

Here, we investigate the role of the evolution in magma composition and the resulting variations in the pre-eruptive conditions (pressure, temperature, crystal and volatile content) on the magma ascent dynamics observed during the 2020-2022 paroxysmal activity at Mt. Etna. Specifically, we use a 1D steady-state model of magma ascent to simulate the ascent dynamics at Mt. Etna. We consider different magma compositions, emulating the progressive mixing between a more evolved magma with a more primitive magma, as suggested by petrological and geochemical analyses. We also explore different thermodynamic conditions of the shallow magma chamber, simulating the evolution of the pre-eruptive conditions due to the interaction of the two magmas.

How to cite: La Spina, G., Corsaro, R. A., and Miraglia, L.: The role of pre-eruptive conditions on magma ascent dynamics during the 2020-2022 paroxysmal activity at Mt. Etna: a numerical investigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5641,, 2025.

EGU25-5817 | Orals | GMPV8.4

Sierra Negra, Galápagos: a resurgent-block basaltic caldera  

Valerio Acocella, Federico Galetto, Falk Amelung, and Santiago Aguaiza

Caldera resurgence is rare at mafic volcanoes. Here we consider the well-exposed resurgence at Sierra Negra caldera (Galápagos), to investigate how resurgence develops at a mafic system. Based on topographic and field analysis, the structure of the resurgence consists of an eastward tilted block bounded by a fault-propagation fold activated by a steep inward-dipping reverse fault with dip decreasing towards the surface. Extension of the uplifted part of the reverse fault results from gravitational instability, and is accommodated by horst-and-graben structures over a several hundred meter wide zone. Extension culminates in the main normal fault responsible for the inward-tilt of the lava pile, forming a distinctive ridge. The resurgence results from spatially and temporally distinct unrest episodes, promoted by the shallow accumulation of large volumes of magma. Sierra Negra is the first documented example of piecemeal resurgence, as shown by the recent uplift episodes associated with eruptions in 2005 and 2018. The example of Sierra Negra suggests that the formation of resurgent blocks depends on the initial location of the feeding system, with non-centered feeding systems developing asymmetric (trapdoor) blocks. Finally, Sierra Negra demonstrates that mafic volcanoes without well-developed rift zones may promote resurgence when reaching a mature stage with significant amounts of viscous cumulates, favoring shallow magma accumulation.

How to cite: Acocella, V., Galetto, F., Amelung, F., and Aguaiza, S.: Sierra Negra, Galápagos: a resurgent-block basaltic caldera , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5817,, 2025.

EGU25-5867 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

Coupling magma ascent models with volatile diffusion chronometry 

Olivier Bernard and Fidel Costa

The pre- and syn-eruptive magma decompression rate is recognized as a key parameter modulating eruption dynamics, with explosive eruptions being generally associated with much larger decompression rates than effusive ones. Magma decompression rates cannot be directly measured and thus are typically inferred from petrological, geochemical, numerical modelling, and seismic data. Most studies use petrological information of volatile element diffusive equilibration in glass and crystals to infer a single value for the magma ascent rate for a given eruption, even though numerical volcano conduit simulations show that changes of velocity are expected during magma ascent. Here we integrate magma ascent conduit models with diffusion chronometry of volatiles in melt embayments and phenocrysts to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of magma ascent rates. We find that incorporating a more realistic boundary condition that depends on the magma ascent path with variable velocities gives time estimates that can be up to a factor of 7 longer than from the standard assumption of constant magma ascent rate. Therefore, previous magma ascent rates from diffusion chronometry of volatiles in crystals and melts with a fixed boundary condition may be significantly overestimated. Overall, we show that coupling of magma ascent models with diffusion chronometry can provide more robust inferences of magma ascent and thus improve the understanding of the role of this parameter into the explosive and effusive eruption controls.  

How to cite: Bernard, O. and Costa, F.: Coupling magma ascent models with volatile diffusion chronometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5867,, 2025.

Volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes can occur during the movement of magma when it exerts pressure on surrounding rock. During the 1998 dike-fed eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (PdF), over 500 VT events were documented, offering a rare chance to analyze the volcano's stress conditions. We derived double-couple fault plane solutions (FPS) for these events. The main orientation of the compressional (P) axes varied with depth: between approximately 2 and 6 km below sea level, the P-axes were vertical, while above 2 km BSL, they became horizontal. This horizontal orientation is perpendicular to regional compression at depths of 0–2 km BSL, then aligns with regional compression between 0–2 km above sea level. By integrating edifice loading with stress alterations from dike activity through an innovative damage-based model for dike propagation, we examined various factors influencing the stress field at PdF, including rock strength, density, and magma viscosity, thereby enhancing our understanding of the volcano's stress state before an eruption.

How to cite: Huang, Y. and Zhan, Y.: Dike-Induced Earthquakes as Probes of the Local Stress Field Prior to the 1998 Eruption of the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Reunion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7688,, 2025.

EGU25-9211 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

A phase field model of magma transport in dykes: validation with small-scale experiments 

Caitlin Chalk, Adrià Quintanas-Corominas, Janine Kavanagh, Guillaume Houzeaux, Antonio Costa, and Arnau Folch

Magma is transported through the Earth’s crust via thin fractures called dykes that cut through layers of bedrock towards the surface to feed volcanic eruptions. Dyke propagation is a multiphase problem where fluid dynamics control propagation velocities and solid mechanics determine dyke pathways. Numerical models are essential tools for understanding the hidden processes of magma transport and interpreting the geophysical and geodetic signals (e.g. earthquakes and surface deformations) that are released during dyke propagation. The complex physical processes governing propagation are challenging to implement in a numerical model, and simplifying assumptions must be made. Common simplifications include neglecting magma flow and assuming that buoyancy drives propagation, or assuming a viscosity-dominant unidirectional flow within a single, vertically oriented dyke. However, such models represent only a small subset of natural cases, and there is motivation for a new model that can simulate a wider range of dyke behaviour. We propose a phase field approach, where a continuous variable (the phase field) denotes the presence or absence of a fracture. Phase field evolution (i.e. dyke propagation) is governed by a simple equation which enables the simulation of nonlinear fracture pathways, whilst the continuous nature of the approach makes it well suited for multiphase fracture problems. We have developed a three-variable φ-p-u model that solves for the phase field φ, magma pressure p, and solid rock displacement u. Real-time simulations of an experimental dyke show promising results, suggesting that the phase field approach could bring significant advancements to models of natural dyke propagation.

How to cite: Chalk, C., Quintanas-Corominas, A., Kavanagh, J., Houzeaux, G., Costa, A., and Folch, A.: A phase field model of magma transport in dykes: validation with small-scale experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9211,, 2025.

Terrestrial volcanism is the result of a series of magmatic processes governed by the plumbing system architecture and the timescales of melt migration. It has been proposed that large stratovolcanoes are fed by transcrustal magmatic systems with crystals and melts erupted from a range of reservoir depths. At the other end of the spectrum, mafic monogenetic volcanoes are generally thought to be fed directly from the mantle and thus may lack a plumbing system. The presence or absence of a range of magma reservoirs prior to eruption has implications for the timescales of unrest and magma transport to the surface. Here we address these issues by a petrological and mineralogical study of six scoria cones representing the mafic endmember of the Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France). This monogenetic intracontinental volcanic province dominates the Clermont-Ferrand agglomeration and its 400,000 inhabitants, with the first eruptions starting about 100 kyr ago and the last only 6.7 kyr ago. Although very active at certain times, the Chaîne des Puys has also been inactive on several occasions over periods of several thousand years.

We investigated the composition and textures of several hundred clinopyroxene and olivine phenocrysts and applied crystal system analyses to propose a range of magmatic environments and also timescales of transfer between them and eruption using diffusion chronometry methods. We found that all scoria cones were fed by two or three magmatic reservoirs and that crystals circulated between them prior to eruption on a range of timescales. We propose that magmas migrate repetitively from the deepest basaltic reservoir (R1; ~25 km depth), partially in the mantle, to slightly more evolved and shallower reservoirs (R2) where they interact with the host magma before eruption onset. Occasionally, magmas from R2 migrate and interact with trachy-basaltic R3 reservoirs (~18 km). The R1 reservoir was involved in both the oldest and most recent eruptions studied (~40 kyr difference), demonstrating its stability over time. The timescale of eruptions triggered by magma transfer from R1 to R2 ranges from about six months to a few years, while the timescale for magma transfer from R2 to R3 ranges from about one week to five months.

How to cite: Pereira, T., France, L., Costa, F., and Villeneuve, J.: Kinetics of mafic magma transfer and destabilization of the deep plumbing system in monogenetic volcanic provinces (Chaîne des Puys, France)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9908,, 2025.

Mt. Etna, the most active volcano of Europe, produces both summit and flank eruptions. In recent decades, the summit eruptions have been more common than flank ones. They occur from the four summit craters, namely the South-East Crater, the youngest and the most active, the North-East Crater, the Voragine Crater and the Bocca Nuova Crater. Summit eruptions can also be generated by branching of the central conduits opened in sub-terminal position, i.e. slightly downslope from the summit craters. Besides the location of the eruptive vents, summit eruptions show a range of eruptive style, from discrete Strombolian explosions to high-intensity paroxysmal events characterized by lava fountains producing high-altitude ash plumes, and associated with lava effusion.

Here, we study a period of summit activity that began after the end of the long-lasting 2008-2009 eruption. More precisely, we investigate from 2010 to 2024, focusing on distinctive paroxysmal sequences, which mostly involved the South-East Crater (SEC) and, to a lesser extent, the Voragine Crater (VOR). Overall, The SEC produced 25 episodes in 2011–2012 and 23 in 2013–2014, while 4 and 2 episodes occurred at the VOR in December 2015 and May 2016, respectively. In recent years, more than 60 episodes took place at the SEC in December 2020-February 2022, and 7 at the VOR in July and November 2024. Noteworthy, the characteristics of paroxysmal activity at the two summit craters differ significantly for the number of events, the duration of each sequence, the repose period between episodes, the total volume of the erupted products, the proportion of tephra and lavas, the impact of the eruptive activity on the morphology of the summit area, as well as the texture and composition of the erupted products.

Although several petrological studies have considerably improved the knowledge of Etna’s summit explosive activity in the last decades, long-term investigations focused on paroxysms are scarce. Therefore, in the framework of petrological monitoring of the Etna Observatory, we carried out a regular sampling of the products erupted from 2010 to 2024, which have been analysed for petrographic textures and the compositions of glass, major and trace elements, as well as Sr-Nd isotopes. The research is still in progress.

The expected results will help to: i) deepen the knowledge of the magmatic processes (mafic recharge, magma mixing and crystallization), ii) investigate if/how pre-eruptive magma dynamics influence the syn-eruptive processes driving paroxysmal activity at SEC and VOR, iii) gain insight into the role that tectonic and /or geometry of the shallow plumbing system can play in determining different characteristics of paroxysmal activity at the SEC and the VOR, and finally iv) explore if the products erupted before a paroxysmal sequence show textural and compositional features heralding the onset of  paroxysms.

The scientific community has the important goal of deeply understanding the magmatic processes and mechanisms at the root of the paroxysmal activity in order to provide crucial information to the authorities in charge of mitigating hazard associated with such activity.

How to cite: Corsaro, R. A. and Miraglia, L.: Summit activity at Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy: long-period (2010-2024) petrologic study to investigate the high-energetic paroxysmal activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10212,, 2025.

EGU25-10314 | Orals | GMPV8.4

Nanocrystal Nucleation and Growth in Basaltic Glass: Implications for Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Pathways 

Sonia La Felice, Gian Carlo Capitani, Rajat Chaudary, Daniele Giordano, Mattia Biesuz, Nicola Daldosso, and Michele Cassetta

This study investigates the nucleation and growth of nanometric crystals within basaltic glass to understand their impact on the mechanical properties of the host medium. Our findings reveal that the evolution of the crystalline mass is far more complex than previously anticipated. Samples subjected to different thermal treatments—single ramp heating versus double-step annealing—exhibited dramatically enhanced toughness. These variations underscore the critical role of crystallization pathways in defining the mechanical performance of the material. Using advanced characterization techniques, including Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray Diffraction (XRD), we analyzed the interplay between nanocrystals, gas bubbles, and cracks within the remelted volcanic rock samples. Our results have implications for understanding the rheological evolution of volcanic systems during eruptions and for optimizing industrial processes in glass ceramics. This work sheds light on how nanocrystal formation and growth can significantly modify both natural and engineered materials. 

Contribution of PRIN2022PXHTXM- STONE project, funded by EU - NextGeneration, PNRR-M4C2- CUP: D53D23004840006

How to cite: La Felice, S., Capitani, G. C., Chaudary, R., Giordano, D., Biesuz, M., Daldosso, N., and Cassetta, M.: Nanocrystal Nucleation and Growth in Basaltic Glass: Implications for Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Pathways, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10314,, 2025.

EGU25-11951 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

Highlighting the buoyancy effects on surface deformation above an inflating magma chamber from analogue experiments 

Alexandra Morand, Alison C. Rust, Alain Burgisser, and Juliet Biggs

At active volcanoes, observed surface deformation results from the complex interaction between the magma and the host rock in the magmatic plumbing system. One common source of deformation is magmatic recharge, resulting in pressurisation of the magma chamber. All active systems, from the most basaltic to the most silicic magmatic composition, are subject to magma chamber replenishment. The majority of numerical models used to invert surface deformation focus on the effect of over-pressure and neglect the effect of the fluid buoyancy. In the case of silicic magma, the buoyancy is positive and can further be increased by the gas exsolution that occurs at shallow depths. Basaltic magma, on the other hand, has a negative buoyancy which is measurable by gravimetry. We present here experiments investigating the effect of buoyancy on surface deformation. Surface deformation, the shear strain pattern and the chamber overpressure are measured throughout the injection of liquid at constant volumetric flux. Then, we use the McTigue (1987) model to predict the surface displacement from the measured overpressure in the chamber, and conversely. We show that predictions are 7% below the observation when the liquid buoyancy is positive (ẟρ =-81 kg⋅m-3) and 9% above it when the liquid buoyancy is negative (ẟρ =-157 kg⋅m-3). Even if the effect of buoyancy is small, this highlights the possible error made on source overpressure when inverting surface deformation. This call to a careful consideration of the geological context in unrest period at active systems when volume change needs to be precisely estimated.

How to cite: Morand, A., Rust, A. C., Burgisser, A., and Biggs, J.: Highlighting the buoyancy effects on surface deformation above an inflating magma chamber from analogue experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11951,, 2025.

EGU25-12168 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Multi-elemental assessment of plagioclase-melt equilibria unravels episodes of crystal growth and provides clues on magma evolution 

Alessio Pontesilli, Fabrizio Di Fiore, Silvio Mollo, Ben Ellis, Daniele Andronico, Jacopo Taddeucci, Olivier Bachmann, and Piergiorgio Scarlato

Violent eruptive events in basaltic systems often follow input of hot, undegassed magmas in shallow magmatic reservoirs. Investigating how crystal and glass chemistry record such physicochemical changes in the system is critical to reconstruct the mechanisms driving sudden large scale explosive events in such settings, and may be integrated with crystal stratigraphy to recover the relative and absolute timing of eruption triggers. As such, it is of utmost importance to reconstruct such changes in natural systems through the record provided by crystals and glasses in the eruption products.

The reconstruction of crystal-melt equilibria is crucial for a thermodynamically rigorous assessment of intensive properties of the magmatic system based on mineral compositions. In this respect, experimental constraints on crystal-melt partitioning are quintessential to the modeling of melt compositions and intensive parameters, performed by minimizing the strain energy determined by the substitution of isovalent trace cations in crystal lattice sites. In this contribution we combine numerical modeling with a multi-elemental approach to the study of intracrystalline compositional variations in a statistically representative data set of plagioclase compositions from Stromboli volcano. This approach, applied to a well-studied volcanic system, allows to constrain the chemical evolution of the system, assessing the role of disequilibrium effects and transient melt compositions existing ephemerally during crystal growth and dissolution episodes. Implications of this work extend from the reconstruction of magma dynamics at Stromboli to the definition of best practices to deal with the interdependence inherent in the treatment of intensive thermodynamic properties of magmatic systems.

How to cite: Pontesilli, A., Di Fiore, F., Mollo, S., Ellis, B., Andronico, D., Taddeucci, J., Bachmann, O., and Scarlato, P.: Multi-elemental assessment of plagioclase-melt equilibria unravels episodes of crystal growth and provides clues on magma evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12168,, 2025.

EGU25-12502 | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

The role of bubble-crystal interactions in the eruption dynamics of alkaline magmas: implications for Vesuvius volcano 

Fabio Arzilli, Giuseppe La Spina, Emily Bamber, Daniele Morgavi, Lorenzo Fedele, Lucia Mancini, Marko Prašek, Thomas Lemaire, Ileana Santangelo, Giulia Chiominto, Annamaria Perrotta, Hélène Balcone-Boissard, Daniele Giordano, and Claudio Scarpati

Eruption dynamics and eruptive style are controlled by the interplay and feedback of non-linear conduit processes during magma ascent, such as gas exsolution, bubble expansion, outgassing and crystallisation. These processes control the evolution of magma viscosity and how easily the gas and melt phase decouple during ascent. Volcanism associated with intermediate and evolved alkaline magmas (from phonotephritic to phonolitic) is characterised by a wide range of eruptive styles, from lava flow to Plinian eruptions. This diversity in eruptive behaviour makes the eruption dynamics of alkaline volcanic systems challenging to predict.

The volcanic history of Vesuvius (Italy) is characterised by complex transitions in eruptive behaviour, producing eruptions that are amongst the most catastrophic volcanic eruptions in human history. Here, we combine synchrotron X-ray microtomography with a numerical conduit model to investigate the processes and the pre-eruptive conditions that control the style of activity of alkaline magmas, using Vesuvius as a case study. We quantify crystallinity, vesicularity and connectivity of pore networks in pyroclasts from deposits of the 79 AD Plinian eruption and of the 1944 lava fountaining eruption of Vesuvius using 3D textural analysis. Our results reveal that heterogeneous bubble nucleation, driven by leucite crystals, contributes to the formation of large bubble populations during Plinian eruptions, with vesicle number densities exceeding 10⁴ mm⁻¹. The numerical results, obtained using a 1D steady-state model, indicate that phonolitic magmas are prone to fragmentation considering a wide range of pre-eruptive conditions, including temperatures from between 830 and 970 ºC and crystal fractions up to 0.40.

How to cite: Arzilli, F., La Spina, G., Bamber, E., Morgavi, D., Fedele, L., Mancini, L., Prašek, M., Lemaire, T., Santangelo, I., Chiominto, G., Perrotta, A., Balcone-Boissard, H., Giordano, D., and Scarpati, C.: The role of bubble-crystal interactions in the eruption dynamics of alkaline magmas: implications for Vesuvius volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12502,, 2025.

EGU25-12976 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

New Age for the Archaeos Tuff: Using 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb to Redefine Ancestral Santorini’s Tephrochronostratigraphy and Implications for Rapid Magma Accumulation 

Sarah Beethe, Axel K. Schmitt, Anthony A.P. Koppers, Katharina Pank, Abigail Metcalfe, Timothy H. Druitt, Steffen Kutterolf, Jonas Preine, and Thomas Ronge and the IODP Expedition 398 Scientists

IODP Expedition 398 to the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo Volcanic Field unearthed the largest shallow submarine explosive eruption from ancestral Santorini: The Archaeos Tuff (AT). This ~90 km3 eruption erupted at water depths of 200–1000 m, forming a megaturbidite up to 150 m thick in the surrounding marine basins1. Shipboard biostratigraphic constraints initially suggested an age of 520 ± 10 ka, though nannofossils are subject to post-eruptive upward remobilization in active marine basins1. Here, we present preliminary 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb age determinations for AT from 5 samples at sites U1591 and U1593 that redefine AT as a stratigraphic marker approximately 250 kyrs older than shipboard estimates. Plagioclase and sufficiently degassed glass were separated from recovered pumice and lapilli by crushing, heavy liquid and/or magnetic separation, and subsequently leached and handpicked. Following irradiation, the samples were analyzed on the ARGUS-VI noble gas multi-collector mass spectrometer in the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology lab at Oregon State University. In parallel, zircons were separated from the residual sample powders (<150 µm) as well as one AT onshore equivalent and analyzed by secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) at Curtin University. Preliminary age determinations from Sites U1591 and U1593 in the Christiana and Anhydros Basins, respectively, of glass and plagioclase indicate a new stacked eruptive age that is tentatively constrained at 764 ± 3.5 . Tentative U-Pb crystallization ages from zircons collected from the same samples, after filtering for high-radiogenic (>90% 206Pb) spots, range from a minimum crystallization age of 775 ± 18 Ma, over a a (geologically meaningless) central age of 810 ± 19 Ma (MSWD = 3.1; n = 49), to a minor xenocrystic population with ages between 2.1 and 8.6 Ma (n = 5). Compared to other highly explosive arc systems, the equivalence between 40Ar/39Ar ages and those of a significant zircon population with near-eruption crystallization ages suggests rapid magma accumulation prior to the AT event. This highlights the importance of integrated, high-resolution radiometric age constraints in tephrochronostratigraphy and multi-chronometer assessments of recharge timescales in arc settings.

1Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T.A. et al. Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini. Commun Earth Environ 5, 24 (2024).

How to cite: Beethe, S., Schmitt, A. K., Koppers, A. A. P., Pank, K., Metcalfe, A., Druitt, T. H., Kutterolf, S., Preine, J., and Ronge, T. and the IODP Expedition 398 Scientists: New Age for the Archaeos Tuff: Using 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb to Redefine Ancestral Santorini’s Tephrochronostratigraphy and Implications for Rapid Magma Accumulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12976,, 2025.

EGU25-13221 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

A journey into the Monte Amiata volcanic system: data from field observations to petrography and chemistry of igneous enclaves 

Lucrezia Valeriani, Simone Paternostro, José Pablo Sepulveda Birke, Martina Casalini, Eleonora Braschi, Andrea Orlando, Raffaello Cioni, Riccardo Avanzinelli, Lorella Francalanci, Simone Tommasini, and Sandro Conticelli

Monte Amiata is a small linear Pleistocenic volcano emplaced in a short period of time (between 303 ka and 299 ka) and located in Southern Tuscany. It is made monotonously by silicic massive lava flows and exogenous domes, grouped in two main volcanic periods: the Bagnore Synthem and the Monte Amiata Synthem. Massive lavas and domes host rounded to sub-rounded Mafic Magmatic Enclaves (MMEs). They are abundant in the youngest period of activity (i.e., Monte Amiata Synthem), increasing, apparently in the most recent eruptions. Volcanic rocks and their MMEs range in composition from trachydacites to olivine latites. Here, we present the results of our detailed study about the distribution, origin, and evolution of the mafic magmatic enclaves hosted by Monte Amiata lavas and domes in the frame of the evolution of the short-lived volcanic activity at surface. In order to do this, fieldwork observations were made, thin sections were studied under the petrographic microscope and chemical and isotopic analyses on whole MMEs and their forming minerals were performed. Fieldwork observations, supported by image analysis, showed a variation of the outcropping percentage abundance of the magmatic enclaves within the Monte Amiata domes. The estimated mafic enclaves outcropping abundance percentage varies between ca. 5.5% for La Montagnola dome and ca. 0.8% in the case of the Pratini dome. This suggests a variable degree of interaction between the magmas involved in the mingling process and, in some cases, it remarks the occurrence of the mechanical fractionation. Through the petrographic investigation of the magmatic enclaves five groups of enclaves can be identified. They are diversified by type of phenocrysts, micro-phenocrysts and microliths, the degree of porphyricity and the presence and abundance of xenocrysts (such as, for example, sanidine, biotite, plagioclase and orthopyroxene). Their chemical composition range from olivine latite, with enclaves characterized by abundant xenocrysts of sanidine (Or75-Or82), anhedral orthopyroxene (Mg# = 0.42-0.72), anhedral biotite (Mg# = 0.40-0.686), and copious plagioclase phenocrysts (An89-An44) with sieved texture, to potassic trachybasalt, where the most representative enclaves group is marked by the occurrence of phenocrysts of clinopyroxene (Mg# = 0.15-0.92) and abundant acicular biotite to phlogopite (Mg# = 0.30-0.82). A similar group is also characterized by the presence of olivine phenocrysts and micro-phenocrysts (Fo90-Fo56), often entirely surrounded by acicular microcrystals of phlogopite or biotite. The other two more mafic groups are respectively made up of: i) aggregates of large and abundant clinopyroxene crystals (Mg# = 0.85-0.91) with a groundmass characterized mainly by plagioclase with a feathery texture; ii) large phenocrysts of olivine (Fo87-Fo53) and clinopyroxene (Mg# = 0.61-0.93) and a groundmass rich in microliths of olivine and plagioclase euhedral, as in the case of the most mafic sample among those sampled. Several traces of disequilibrium processes among the crystals of the magmatic enclaves, such as sanidine, orthopyroxene, olivine crystals were observed.

How to cite: Valeriani, L., Paternostro, S., Sepulveda Birke, J. P., Casalini, M., Braschi, E., Orlando, A., Cioni, R., Avanzinelli, R., Francalanci, L., Tommasini, S., and Conticelli, S.: A journey into the Monte Amiata volcanic system: data from field observations to petrography and chemistry of igneous enclaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13221,, 2025.

EGU25-13759 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Unravelling the processes behind the explosive to effusive transition during the ~4.3 ka Accademia volcanic eruption of Campi Flegrei, southern Italy 

Pooria Ebrahimi, Daniele Morgavi, Jacopo Natale, Fabio Arzilli, Fabrizio Di Fiore, and Paola Petrosino

Campi Flegrei caldera is an active volcanic system in southern Italy. The caldera was formed by the collapses associated with the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI; 40 ka BP) and the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT; 15 ka BP) eruptions. After the NYT, three volcanic epochs (i.e. 15-10.6, 9.6-9.1 and ~5.5-3.7 ka BP) of mainly mild to moderate explosive volcanic activity occurred. No effusive eruption has been documented in the first epoch, unlike Epochs 2 and 3. Due to their impact, the explosive eruptions at Campi Flegrei have been well studied over the years, but there are few studies on the lava domes/flows in the literature. Moreover, the shift in the eruption style during an eruption at Campi Flegrei has never been investigated by the scientific community. The infrequent observable eruptions of highly viscous and silicic alkaline lavas have hampered understanding of their mechanism as well. To bridge this knowledge gap, we studied the explosive and effusive products of Accademia eruption that followed the uplift phase after the Plinian eruption of Agnano-Monte Spina (4.55 ka BP). A fieldwork was carried out to distinguish the eruptive sequence and the pre-eruptive topography, and collect samples. Thin sections were prepared and observed under an optical microscope for petrographic characterization. The samples were also analysed with X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The fieldwork data, petrological characterisation and geochemical analysis were used to understand: (1) the pre-eruptive topography; (2) the volume of the eruption; and (3) the geochemical evolution, crystal size distribution and viscosity of the eruptive products. Our work aims to improve the knowledge about the transition from an explosive to an effusive event and, in general, the significance of effusive eruptions during resurgence phases at Campi Flegrei.

How to cite: Ebrahimi, P., Morgavi, D., Natale, J., Arzilli, F., Di Fiore, F., and Petrosino, P.: Unravelling the processes behind the explosive to effusive transition during the ~4.3 ka Accademia volcanic eruption of Campi Flegrei, southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13759,, 2025.

EGU25-14391 | Orals | GMPV8.4

Phenocryst or not? Using a stratovolcano’s crystal cargo to explore crustal-scale magmatic systems through time 

Susan DeBari, Ricardo Escobar-Burciaga, Kayla Aughenbaugh, Desiree Cunningham, Amanda Florea, Brendan Garvey, Erin Kaplan, Hannah Shamloo, Dave Tucker, Kristina Walowski, and Emily Yoder

Phenocrysts in magmas are often assumed to be the product of crystallization directly from a host magma. However, decades of research suggests that crystals carried in magmas (crystal cargo) are far more complex. We test the hypothesis that textural and chemical characteristics of phenocrysts (both native and disaggregated from crystal clots) in andesitic and dacitic lavas and tephras can be used to develop models for spatial arrangement of subcrustal magma systems and their evolution over time. To do this, we use geochemical fingerprinting of complex crystal cargo in a compositionally diverse set of lavas and tephras erupted over the last hundred thousand years at the very high-threat Mount Baker volcanic center in the northern Cascade Arc. These eruptive products, whose composition ranges from basaltic andesite to dacite, contain crystals of plagioclase (pl), clinopyroxene (cpx), orthopyroxene (opx), and sometimes olivine (ol). Multiple populations of each of these crystal types, even within a single thin section, show that they are not typical phenocrysts. Their textures and zoning profiles, especially within crystal clots, lead us to identify as many as five distinct co-crystallizing assemblages of pl-opx-cpx-ol that exist within each individual eruptive product. Careful work parsing out these assemblages has led us to infer that they are liquid-poor remnants of basaltic (B), basaltic andesite (BA), andesite (A), and dacite (D) mushes that exist in the subsurface. These crystal assemblages were first identified in mafic lavas that span ages of 110 ka to 9.8 ka, but we have also recently identified a subset of them in dacitic lava flows and a 6.7 ka dacitic tephra. The interpretation of these data is that multiple crystal mushes beneath Kulshan are tapped by multiple passing magmas that erupt at the surface at different times, producing the same array of crystal clot types/co-crystallizing assemblages in subsequent eruptive products for at least 100 ka. We use thermobarometry to constrain the depths of these mushes and textural/chemical characteristics to infer eruption triggers. We also show that a Holocene monogenetic flank eruption taps a very different mush system and has distinct eruption triggers. Our work shows that meticulous characterization of crystals is invaluable for development of conceptual models of individual volcanic centers to aid in hazard planning.

How to cite: DeBari, S., Escobar-Burciaga, R., Aughenbaugh, K., Cunningham, D., Florea, A., Garvey, B., Kaplan, E., Shamloo, H., Tucker, D., Walowski, K., and Yoder, E.: Phenocryst or not? Using a stratovolcano’s crystal cargo to explore crustal-scale magmatic systems through time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14391,, 2025.

Seven short-lived basaltic fissure eruptions took place from December 2023 to December 2024 at the Sundhnúkur crater-row on the Svartsengi intra-transform spreading centre. The duration and magma volume of each eruption increased with time until the last event. The whole-rock major-element composition of the basalt produced is limited (with 7-8.5% MgO) whereas incompatible element and Sr-Nd isotope ratios vary (e.g. 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70312 - 0.70323 and 143Nd/144Nd: 0.51302-0.51295) irregularly with time (Matthews et al. 2024) until June 2024. Similar variability was observed for the isotope ratios during the six-months long 2021 eruption at Fagradalsfjall (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70310 - 0.70323 and 143Nd/144Nd: 0.51302-0.51295); Halldórsson et al., 2022; Marshall et al. 2024). An important difference is that the Sr isotope ratios are significantly higher for a given Nd isotope ratio in the 2024 Sundhnúkur basalt. Mass-balance criteria exclude significant crustal interaction and consequently, the two eruptions are fed from different deep-seated magma aggregation zones. The main difference is that since late 2023 the basalt has ascended into a mid-crustal domain causing a regular inflation until eruption.  The eruptions at Sundhnúkur crater-row all start as an intense but short-lived phase on several km long erupting fissures reflecting pressure release in a magma chamber and consequent deflation.

After June 2024, the Sr- and Nd isotope ratios as well as the incompatible element ratios reached the background values of the historical basalts on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Therefore, the evacuation of the “enriched” (high 87Sr/86Sr and K2O/TiO2) basalt compositions, erupted from late April 2021, through 2022 and July 2023 in the Fagradalsfjall region and from December 2023 to June 2024 at Sundhnúkur, from the trans crustal magma domain may be over.

Correlations between Th, Sr and Nd with Th/U revealing magma mingling in an aggregation zone and/or during transport and corresponding timescales of ascent through the oceanic crust will be discussed.


Halldórsson, S.A. et al 2022. Rapid source shifting of a deep magmatic system revealed by the Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland. Nature 609, 529-534.

Marshall et al. 2024. The near-Moho magmatic system of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland: insights into melt aggregation processes at divergent plate boundaries. AGU Advances  5, AV001310.

Matthews et al. 2024. A dynamic mid-crustal magma domain revealed by the 2023-24 Sundhnúksgígar eruptions, Iceland. Science DOI: 10.1126/science.adp8778.

How to cite: Sigmarsson, O.: Thorium, Sr and Nd isotope study of basalt erupted 2021-2024 on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15066,, 2025.

EGU25-16018 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Basaltic lava flow characterization and modelling using a geomorphological approach: integration of field and drone acquired data (Krafla, Iceland) 

Isaure Louis-Sylvestre, Vincent Demeestere, Hervé Leyrit, Elsa Ottavi Pupier, Rejanne Le Bivic, Arnaud Dujany, Maxime Denis, and Julien Duquennoy

Krafla is located in the Mývatn region (North-East Iceland), on the axis of the Icelandic rift valley. The last episode of intense activity, examined in this study, remains the most important in the site’s history, and is called the ‘Krafla fires’ (1975-1984). Like most of Icelandic volcanoes, the Krafla eruptions are fissural and produce tholeiitic basaltic lavas (Nicholson, 1990).

The aim of this study is to determine whether it is possible to simulate a basaltic flow that is consistent to the reality in the field, based on morphologies observed in the field and on a very high-resolution numerical model. The focus of this study is an auxiliary flow, 605 m long and covering 0.04 km², positioned at the southern end of the main Krafla flow. In the field, variations in width (spreading and channeling) and thickness (in the centre and at the edge of the flow) were assessed at regular intervals. These were supplemented by a high-resolution drone survey of the upstream part of the flow (300 m), covering 0.05 km². The georeferenced pictures were computed to generate a Very High-Resolution Digital Surface Model (2 cm). The internal rheological parameters, such as yield stress and viscosity, are determined using the morphological approaches presented by (Chevrel et al., 2013) : The first approach evaluates these two parameters for Newtonian and Bingham behaviour. The second approach is based on lateral spread, excluding slope-related effects. Finally, the third approach evaluates these parameters in the context of channelized flows.

Field observations show that this bayonet-shaped flow has a range of thicknesses from 35 cm to 3.5 m. It has an average width of 48.5 m (with a minimum width of 15.7 m and a maximum width of 75.8 m) and slopes between 4° and 21°. In addition, upstream to downstream, the facies tend to have an increasingly rough and disturbed texture as they approach the flow terminations. Regarding internal parameters: these 3 approaches show a convergence of viscosity values between 2.1 and 4.2.103 Pa.s with ranges of values between 0.5 and 11.103 Pa.s ; and yield strength values which tend to converge towards 1.9 to 6.0.103 Pa with ranges of values between 0.9 and 105.103 Pa. Those orders of magnitude are consistent with the values obtained by  (Chevrel et al., 2013) for other cases of the spreading of icelandic basaltic flows.

This study provided an initial assessment of the morphological and rheological characteristics of a basaltic flow, based on field observations and high-resolution numerical models. Internal parameters such as viscosity and yield strength were assessed using several morphological approaches, yielding values consistent with similar studies carried out on other icelandic basaltic flows. Exploratory use of numerical simulation would allow further refinement of the model's internal parameters and external parameters, in order to assess and rank their relative influence on emplacement behavior.

Chevrel, M.O., Platz, T., Hauber, E., Baratoux, D., Lavallée, Y., Dingwell, D.B., 2013. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, volume 384, p. 109-120. DOI : 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.022

Nicholson, H., 1990. university of Edinburgh. 301 p.

How to cite: Louis-Sylvestre, I., Demeestere, V., Leyrit, H., Ottavi Pupier, E., Le Bivic, R., Dujany, A., Denis, M., and Duquennoy, J.: Basaltic lava flow characterization and modelling using a geomorphological approach: integration of field and drone acquired data (Krafla, Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16018,, 2025.

EGU25-16475 | Orals | GMPV8.4

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) features of glass in crystal fractures 

Jacopo Taddeucci, Alessio Pontesilli, Fabrizio Di Fiore, and Piergiorgio Scarlato

Small crystals (below 100 microns ca.) in pyroclasts from explosive volcanic eruptions are often fractured, with fractures that are both empty or filled with the same groundmass that surrounds the microlite, usually made of glass. Textural observations and experiments show that microlites are fractured during the same process of fragmentation that causes the transition from a continuum of liquid magma to a gas-pyroclast dispersion. However, the timing and dynamics of the fracturing process are still poorly defined. Aiming at constraining how and when crystals are fractured, we investigated the chemical and textural features of glass that entered into fractures within crystals. Under Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM), these glasses reveal inhomogeneities that are otherwise invisible. In particular, nanometer-sized patches of variable composition are outlined, which are present in the glass only inside the fractures but are lacking outside of them. These features, tentatively interpreted as incipient immiscibility leading to nanolite crystallization, testify local disequilibrium conditions between the melt and the newly-formed crystal fracture surface, and could provide a mean to define the timing intervening between crystal (and magma) fracturing and pyroclast quenching upon eruption.

How to cite: Taddeucci, J., Pontesilli, A., Di Fiore, F., and Scarlato, P.: Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) features of glass in crystal fractures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16475,, 2025.

EGU25-18854 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

Chemical and textural analysis by EMPA and synchrotron X-ray micro-CT: insights into lava tube formation at Vesuvius (Italy) 

Thomas Lemaire, Daniele Morgavi, Fabio Arzilli, Sonia Calvari, Emily Charlotte Bamber, Giuseppe La Spina, Ciro Cucciniello, Marko Prasek, Lucia Mancini, and Paola Petrosino

Lava flow emplacement depends on the effusion rate, the viscosity of the lava and the topography. The transport of lava within lava flows usually occurs through the formation of lava channels or by the development of lava tubes. Lava flows that form tubes are able to feed their front with molten lava, due to the insulation of the erupted lava by the roof of the tubes, preventing atmospheric cooling. These tube-fed lava flows can thus emplace over longer distances, increasing the hazard caused by lava flows. Lava tube formation within a lava flow can be influenced by different factors such as: eruption rate, pre-eruptive topography, geochemical composition, and lava viscosity. Understanding how these mechanisms influence the formation of a lava tube is of great importance to better assess the hazard caused by lava flows and better react in case of eruptive crisis. In this study, the 1858 lava flow field formed during the 1858-1861 eruption at Vesuvius was examined as it formed several lava tubes, including one which can be accessed. The 1858 lava flow field and the largest lava tubes were sampled from the vent to the front and from the inside to the outside respectively. We performed Electron Microprobe Analysis (EMPA) to measure crystal and glass compositions, and used phase-contrast synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography (µ-CT) to retrieve the 3D structure of our samples and characterize the crystal phases. Our results show a variation between the microlitic matrix of the samples in terms of size and number of crystals, suggesting different cooling conditions during lava flow emplacement and lava tube development. Moreover, the volume fractions of the different phases composing the lava, leucites and plagioclase, clinopyroxenes, oxides, also show variations. These variations in volume fraction, number and size of the microlitic matrix can be used to decipher the local conditions of emplacement within the lava flow and lava tube. Understanding the petrology and geochemistry of the lavas forming the flow field and the lava tube help us to further comprehend lava flow emplacement and lava tube formation at Vesuvius.

How to cite: Lemaire, T., Morgavi, D., Arzilli, F., Calvari, S., Bamber, E. C., La Spina, G., Cucciniello, C., Prasek, M., Mancini, L., and Petrosino, P.: Chemical and textural analysis by EMPA and synchrotron X-ray micro-CT: insights into lava tube formation at Vesuvius (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18854,, 2025.

EGU25-18893 | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Mineral chemistry investigations of the Quaternary alkaline basalts erupted at Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (Ririba rift, South Ethiopia) 

Andrea Orlando, Eleonora Braschi, Chiara Maria Petrone, Zara Franceschini, Yannick Buret, Cindy Broderick, Edgar Alejando Cortes-Calderon, Ermias Filfilu Gebru, Raffaello Cioni, Simone Tommasini, and Giacomo Corti

The Late Pleistocene-Holocene Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (Ririba rift, South Ethiopia) formed through monogenetic eruptions of limited volumes of alkaline basalts containing abundant mantle and crustal xenoliths. This activity postdated the emplacement of voluminous Pliocene subalkaline basaltic lavas related to the main rifting phase. Several NE-SW aligned vents, that abruptly cut the rift-related structures, form the two volcanic fields, indicating the occurrence of magmatism disconnected from the main rift activity (Corti et al., 2019).

New detailed petrological and mineral chemistry data (major and trace elements) on these products allow us to investigate the ascent pathways and plumbing system architecture of the related magmas, as well as their magmatic evolution. Alkaline lavas are dominated by olivines and pyroxenes phenocrysts, with minor oxides. Olivines are commonly dendritic or show jagged rims. Feldspar is the main phase found in the groundmass, together with clinopyroxenes, olivines and oxides. Occurrence of feldspathoids in the groundmass is also observed in some samples.  

Two different olivine populations can be recognized according to their composition and zoning. Most olivines are normal zoned, with Fe-enriched rims. Minor reversed zoned crystals or complex banding zoning are also found. CaO contents in olivines increase from core to rim, regardless of the zoning pattern. This feature can be related to the dynamic of magmatic processes (i.e. heating due to recharge events, decompression). Orthopyroxenes are always in disequilibrium with the groundmass showing olivine coronas or clinopyroxene armored-rims, which supports silica-under saturation conditions in the host melt. Clinopyroxenes show complex sector zoning, especially in the microlites of the groundmass, indicating rapid crystallization rates. Some clinopyroxene phenocrysts and micro-phenocrysts show resorbed cores with Ti-, Al-, Fe-enriched (coupled with Si-, Cr-, Mg-, Na-depleted) rims suggesting rapid cooling and/or decompression during magma ascent, or an increase of the activity of oxygen.

All these features point to the important role of kinetic processes during magma crystallization and indicate the fundamental role of rapid decompression related to magma ascent. The occurrence of xenoliths agrees with this hypothesis, testifying the high “erosion and transport capacity” of these magmas. However, the presence of complex zoning or discordant trace elements behavior suggests the possibility of more complex processes in the feeding system.

Pliocene rift-related magmatic products were also investigated and compared with the Quaternary volcanics indicating a change in the magmatic system, especially in the upward melt transfer mode (ascent dynamic, storage levels) related to variations of the thermal and rheological state of the extensional lithosphere associated with the transitions from the main rift phase (Pliocene) to the later rift deactivation (Quaternary).

Reference: Corti, G., Cioni, R., Franceschini, Z., Sani, F., Scaillet, S., Molin, P., Isola, I., Mazzarini, F., Brune, S., Keir, D., Erbello, A., Muluneh, A., Illsley-Kemp, F., Glerum, A., (2019). Aborted propagation of the Ethiopian rift caused by linkage with the Kenyan rift. Nat. Commun. 10, 1309.

How to cite: Orlando, A., Braschi, E., Petrone, C. M., Franceschini, Z., Buret, Y., Broderick, C., Cortes-Calderon, E. A., Filfilu Gebru, E., Cioni, R., Tommasini, S., and Corti, G.: Mineral chemistry investigations of the Quaternary alkaline basalts erupted at Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (Ririba rift, South Ethiopia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18893,, 2025.

EGU25-19156 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.4

Weak crustal layer beneath Campi Flegrei (Italy) identified: what's its impact on unrest? 

Gianmarco Buono, Francesco Maccaferri, Lucia Pappalardo, Anna Tramelli, Stefano Caliro, Giovanni Chiodini, Virginie Pinel, Eleonora Rivalta, Elena Spagnuolo, Elisa Trasatti, and Mauro A. Di Vito

Calderas often experience prolonged periods of unrest that are challenging to attribute to magmatic or hydrothermal origins, making it critical to develop a clear picture of these dynamics. The Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc), in southern Italy, is a striking example. Since 2005, the caldera has been undergoing its most recent phase of unrest, marked by increased ground uplift, seismicity and hydrothermal activity, the nature of which remains under debate. Understanding the past and ongoing behaviour of this volcanic system is far from trivial, yet it is of crucial importance. To address this, we focus on investigating the chemico-physical and mechanical properties as well as the dynamics of the CFc shallow crustal structure (first 4 km of depth), where most earthquakes and deformation occur, and their role during periods of unrest. Our study employs a multiscale analysis, integrating results from 4D X-ray microtomography (i.e., 3D imaging during in-situ experiments) of core samples from a ~3 km-deep geothermal well located near the caldera’s center with 3D high-resolution seismic tomography, complemented by magmatic dyke path simulations. At a depth of approximately 2.5–3.0 km, we identify a transition to a weak tuff layer likely acting as a trap for magmatic fluids. Simulations of magma pathways suggest that past intrusions may have stalled at these depth, influenced by caldera unloading stress and magma's neutral buoyancy level. These stalled dykes deformed, heated, and released magmatic fluids, weakening the surrounding rocks. This weak layer may play a pivotal role in generating overpressure, driving deformation and seismicity, and shaping the dynamics of recent CFc unrest episodes, as well as potential future magma ascent events.

How to cite: Buono, G., Maccaferri, F., Pappalardo, L., Tramelli, A., Caliro, S., Chiodini, G., Pinel, V., Rivalta, E., Spagnuolo, E., Trasatti, E., and Di Vito, M. A.: Weak crustal layer beneath Campi Flegrei (Italy) identified: what's its impact on unrest?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19156,, 2025.

EGU25-21008 | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the recent magmatic activity of the Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (Ririba rift, South Ethiopia) 

Eleonora Braschi, Zara Franceschini, Raffaello Cioni, Giacomo Corti, Federico Sani, Martina Casalini, and Ameha Muluneh

Magmatism in extensional tectonic settings, such as the East African Rift System, is mainly modulated by the interaction of plume upwelling and plate dynamics, resulting in complex tectonic processes associated to rifting (e.g., rift migration, focusing) and generating a large compositional variability of the erupted products, even over small distances and short time periods. The Ririba rift, formed from the southward propagation of the Main Ethiopian Rift, well exemplifies these complexities providing a unique opportunity to investigate in detail both the spatial and temporal evolution of mantle sources involvement and magma ascent dynamics related to tectonics. The activity of the Ririba rift is associated to the emplacement of subalkaline basalts producing a widespread basaltic lava basement during Pliocene. Later, the Quaternary Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (VFs) formed through monogenetic eruptions of limited volumes of alkaline-basalts, rich in mantle and crustal xenoliths. Both volcanic fields form lineaments that abruptly cut the rift-related features, suggestive of an emplacement after rift abandonment.

We provide new petrological, geochemical and isotopic data on both Pliocene and Quaternary products aimed at investigating the nature of mantle component(s) contributing to magma genesis during the two periods of activity and detail the processes driving magma evolution during the more recent magmatic phase.

All data discriminate the younger alkaline lavas from the Pliocene products, indicating they originated from different mantle sources. The Quaternary Dilo-Dukana and Mega products, on the contrary, overlap in major, trace elements and radiogenic (Sr-Nd-Pb) isotopes. No clear geochemical correlation is observed with respect to vent location (rift floor, scarp or plateau), xenoliths content or eruptive style (lava flows or tuff cones). However, well-defined trends, displayed by major and incompatible trace elements, coupled with the absence of a correlation between the evolutionary degree and isotopes, indicate the prominent role of fractional crystallization driving magma differentiation. The small variation in silica, decorrelated from MgO variation, indicates fractionation of mainly femic phases, probably in deep, transient, storage levels. Only light-REEs, together with some HFSE ratios and LILE contents, roughly discriminate between the products erupted at Dilo-Dukana and Mega VFs pointing to variations in the degree of partial melting and/or different phase proportion in the crystallizing assemblage of the ascending magmas between the two VFs.

We infer that the Dilo-Dukana and Mega VFs were fed by two different systems of deep structures, unrelated to rifting but associated to old inherited fabrics, directly transferring mantle melts to the surface without important differentiation in shallow storage levels before eruption. Moreover, from rift-related Pliocene sub-alkaline basalts to the Quaternary basanites, the nature of the involved mantle source changed towards a more plume-dominated signature with minor contribution from the sub-continental lithosphere mantle (SCLM). This can be correlated to a variation in the thermal and rheological state of the lithosphere following the transitions from the main rift phase (Pliocene) to the later rift deactivation (Quaternary) that limited the SCLM melting and promote a direct magma uprise in the more recent activity.

How to cite: Braschi, E., Franceschini, Z., Cioni, R., Corti, G., Sani, F., Casalini, M., and Muluneh, A.: Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the recent magmatic activity of the Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (Ririba rift, South Ethiopia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21008,, 2025.

EGU25-21226 | Posters on site | GMPV8.4

Evidence for the Venecia-Fredonia Monogenetic Volcanic Field as the northernmost Andes volcanism, supported by new geochemical, geochronological and structural data 

Yuly Paola Rave Bonilla, Alejandro Cáceres, John J. Sánchez, Aurélie Germa, Julia Ricci, and Mel Rodgers

We propose the existence of a previously undocumented monogenetic volcanic field in northwest Colombia, near Venecia and Fredonia in Antioquia, potentially marking the northernmost Andean volcanic field known to date. This field, situated within the Combia Volcanic Formation, encompasses Cerro Tusa, Cerro El Sillón, and Cerro Bravo—three features traditionally described as hypabyssal bodies but now reinterpreted as volcanic in origin. Petrographic observations of lava flows and bread-crust block deposits suggest a magmatic emplacement, linked to regional fault systems trending N-S and SE-NW, as well as local SW-NE structures, some of which intersect the volcanic features and may correlate with recent earthquake activity.

Petrographic and geochemical analyses conducted at the University of South Florida reveal a calc-alkaline dacitic composition characteristic of subduction-related volcanism. Textural features, including sieve textures, glomerocrysts, and oxidation rims, point to rapid magma ascent and disequilibrium processes. Geochemical diagrams (TAS, AFM, and spider) indicate advanced differentiation, aligning with trends observed in regional monogenetic volcanic fields.

Ongoing Ar/Ar geochronology aims to establish eruption timelines and temporal relationships among sampled units, refining connections to adjacent volcanic fields. These findings contribute to understanding magmatic evolution in the northern Andes and have broader implications for interpreting tectonomagmatic processes in subduction zone settings.

How to cite: Rave Bonilla, Y. P., Cáceres, A., Sánchez, J. J., Germa, A., Ricci, J., and Rodgers, M.: Evidence for the Venecia-Fredonia Monogenetic Volcanic Field as the northernmost Andes volcanism, supported by new geochemical, geochronological and structural data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21226,, 2025.

EGU25-63 | Orals | SM7.1

Illuminating the Meteorological Modulation of Eruptions of Strokkur Geyser, Iceland 

Eva P. S. Eibl, Shaig Hamzaliyev, Gylfi Páll Hersir, and Guðrún Nína Petersen

Similar to volcanoes, regularly erupting geothermal features such as geysers are based on a delicate balance between a heat source, fluid and geometry. This balance can be easily disturbed by various internal or external factors such as landslides, earthquakes or the weather. However, due to a lack of long-term studies, these relationships remain unclear in most cases. Here we examine the effect of the weather in detail in a long-term study. We include 4.5 years of seismic and weather data in our study and compile a water fountain catalogue containing 650 000 events. We find a strong relationship between the wind speed and waiting time after eruptions and discuss this in the context of a heat loss model. This effect is not limited to the surface water pool but affects the system down to at least 24 m depth. Additionally, we observe a weak inverse correlation between temperature and waiting time after eruption. Finally, we quantify this correlation to correct for these external weather effects in future studies. This will allow us to study further internal or external drivers.

How to cite: Eibl, E. P. S., Hamzaliyev, S., Hersir, G. P., and Petersen, G. N.: Illuminating the Meteorological Modulation of Eruptions of Strokkur Geyser, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-63,, 2025.

EGU25-4995 | ECS | Orals | SM7.1

Seismic Imaging in Highly Scattering Environments using Fourier Neural Operators 

Eoghan Totten, Christopher J. Bean, and Gareth S. O'Brien

Seismic imaging in volcanic settings continues to be an extremely challenging task due to the significant effect of seismic wavefield scattering from sharp, high amplitude seismic impedance changes in the subsurface. The combined effect of these along-path effects with highly rugous surface topography and complex earthquake source mechanisms results in significant codas in recorded seismograms. One of the main challenges in seismic tomography and inversion is harnessing these information-rich codas at the upper end of their frequency content, in order to resolve seismic velocity models on length scales of the smallest significant heterogeneities.

Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) machine learning models have been applied to make predictions of physical systems including flow in porous media but there are only a few examples of their use in seismology. Recent studies have demonstrated that geologically feasible velocity models can be recovered by FNOs from forward-modelled seismograms when trained on generalised model:seismogram populations, in a simulation-to-simulation (sim-to-sim) paradigm. However, an outstanding challenge for FNO research is to progress the successful performance of sim-to-sim FNOs to make robust velocity model predictions from field-gathered seismic data.

Here we generate a large population of velocity models (order 104)  with statistically-generated perturbations designed to represent the scale lengths of heterogeneity observed for volcanic rocks, informed by field measurements such as petrophysical logs. Full waveform modelling is used to produce a seismogram set for each velocity model, accounting for viscoelastic attenuation. We then train an FNO neural network to predict a velocity model from input seismic records. We discuss the resolution limits of the FNO-predicted velocity models, as well as the ability to recover geometric features likely to occur in volcanic settings, from unseen data.

How to cite: Totten, E., Bean, C. J., and O'Brien, G. S.: Seismic Imaging in Highly Scattering Environments using Fourier Neural Operators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4995,, 2025.

EGU25-5662 | ECS | Posters on site | SM7.1

From Cyclic to Paroxysm: the cryptic paroxysmal eruption of Etna, December 2023 

Duccio Gheri, Luciano Zuccarello, Silvio De Angelis, and Mariangela Sciotto

Basaltic and basaltic-andesite open-conduit volcanoes offer valuable opportunities to explore the mechanisms governing transitions from Strombolian activity to more intense paroxysmal events, such as lava fountains. Strombolian explosions can escalate into lava fountaining, a process characterized by surface fragmentation under choked-flow conditions, requiring low-viscosity, rapidly ascending basaltic magma. While strongly cyclic behaviour is common in Strombolian and lava-fountaining activity, it is rarely captured in geophysical datasets.

Beginning on November 12, 2023, the South-East Crater of Etna volcano exhibited cyclic Strombolian activity that culminated in paroxysmal events on December 2, 2023. This study exploits geophysical signals recorded by the monitoring network of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) to investigate the processes and timescales driving this eruptive sequence. The activity featured cyclic clusters of Strombolian explosions lasting 15–20 minutes, recurring every 50–70 minutes. Analysis of seismo-acoustic data reveals continuous, repetitive, and highly regular energy and volume emissions. Within each cycle, a systematic increase in both explosion frequency and amplitude was observed.

This behaviour is interpreted through a model involving foam collapse in the shallow conduit of the South-East Crater, which regulates degassing processes. The transition to paroxysmal activity occurs when the barrier trapping gas bubbles dissipates, enabling the choked flow conditions and driving the eruption. This study provides critical insights into the cyclic eruptive behaviour of basaltic volcanoes and contributes to a broader understanding of volcanic degassing dynamics and paroxysmal transitions.

How to cite: Gheri, D., Zuccarello, L., De Angelis, S., and Sciotto, M.: From Cyclic to Paroxysm: the cryptic paroxysmal eruption of Etna, December 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5662,, 2025.

EGU25-6692 | Orals | SM7.1

Onshore Seismic Monitoring of Submarine Kavachi Volcano Reveals Vigorous Eruptive Activity 

Georg Rümpker, Clinton Roga, Ayoub Kaviani, Fabian Limberger, Ludwig Bitzan, Patrick Laumann, Carlos Tatapu, Jack Gwali, Tina Manker, and Christopher Vehe

Submarine volcanoes pose considerable challenges in monitoring their activity. Kavachi, situated in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands, is a highly active submarine volcano that presents potential risks to nearby communities, as well as to air and marine traffic in the region. In this study, we employ onshore seismic stations to observe Kavachi's eruptive activity by analyzing volcano-seismic signals. Based on recordings from seismic array stations installed on Nggatokae Island, approximately 27 km and 36 km away from the volcanic edifice, we detected and quantified the eruptive activity of Kavachi between February and November 2023.

We first employed a dual-station approach, using recordings from stations separated by 9 km, to identify and quantify characteristic seismo-volcanic signals. This method is based on station-specific band-limited spectral-amplitude ratios, inspired by techniques originally developed in bioacoustics for detecting whale sounds in seismograms. Using this approach, we detected significant variability in volcanic activity, ranging from quiescent periods with no detected events to phases of intense activity with more than 2,500 seismo-volcanic events per day, associated with episodic volcanic tremors and short-duration explosive signals.

Additionally, array analysis was conducted using data from four closely spaced seismic stations (average spacing of 190 m) on the southern coast of Nggatokae. Cross-correlation techniques were applied to determine the back-azimuth and apparent velocity of the seismic wavefield associated with volcanic activity. Results indicated a consistent mean back-azimuth of 222.6°, closely aligning with the theoretical value of 225° for Kavachi.

Interpretation of these signals was further supported by waveform modeling to provide insights into the source mechanisms and path effects. The findings show that onshore seismic arrays can effectively monitor submarine volcanic eruptions. This methodology not only offers insights into the eruptive activity of Kavachi volcano but presents potential applications for monitoring other submarine volcanoes globally.

How to cite: Rümpker, G., Roga, C., Kaviani, A., Limberger, F., Bitzan, L., Laumann, P., Tatapu, C., Gwali, J., Manker, T., and Vehe, C.: Onshore Seismic Monitoring of Submarine Kavachi Volcano Reveals Vigorous Eruptive Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6692,, 2025.

EGU25-9436 | ECS | Posters on site | SM7.1

Insights into driving mechanisms of volcanic seismic high frequency tremor above 10 Hz on Mount Etna 

Maurice Weber, Christopher Bean, Silvio De Angelis, Jean Soubestre, Jean-Baptiste Tary, Luciano Zuccarello, Ivan Lokmer, and Patrick Smith

Seismic tremor plays a crucial role in eruption forecasting and is therefore monitored extensively on volcanoes around the world. However, the use of volcanic tremor for eruption forecasting purposes requires improving our present understanding of its source processes. This has proven a challenging task.
Traditionally, the generation of volcanic tremor is attributed to processes associated with magma transport or linked to fluid-induced resonance (e.g. gases or hydrothermal systems) within the volcano plumbing system. In contrast, other studies suggest that fluids may not be required to generate tremor but the weak, unconsolidated, materials that make up volcanic edifices can experience diffusive failure patterns causing non-localised, low-amplitude seismic events merging into tremor. Small departures from the background stress levels would be sufficient to generate low-amplitude, small-stress-drop events for materials near the brittle-ductile boundary that still support seismicity, as demonstrated by numerical models and laboratory experiments. Changes in stress could be caused by variable magma flow or gas influx or simply linked to gravity impact on the edifice. Even if magma flow or gas influx drive stress level changes the subsequent failure of material would be dry mechanically.
Here, we investigate high-frequency tremor, in the frequency band 10-20 Hz, from data recorded on the summit of Mount Etna during a large seismo-acoustic deployment during the summer of 2022. High-frequency seismic signals, with energy at frequencies >10 Hz, experience rapid attenuation and are affected by extensive scattering making their analysis particularly challenging. We show how insights into the driving mechanisms of the episodic, high-frequency, tremor at Etna can be gained from the analysis of the seismo-acoustic energy ratio, which shows significant variations across different tremor episodes; this suggests different conditions for tremor generation. Additionally, we are able to locate the high-frequency tremor using multi-array beamforming and 3D grid-search algorithms; our results reveal the presence of different source regions from where tremor is radiated, including areas associated with extensive degassing. We also carry out synthetic tests to assess the reliability of the localisation results. Finally, frequency-magnitude distribution of tremor episodes is explored to investigate the hypothesis that tremor may result from sequences of multiple small-magnitude, very small-stress-drop, individual seismic events.

How to cite: Weber, M., Bean, C., De Angelis, S., Soubestre, J., Tary, J.-B., Zuccarello, L., Lokmer, I., and Smith, P.: Insights into driving mechanisms of volcanic seismic high frequency tremor above 10 Hz on Mount Etna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9436,, 2025.

EGU25-12985 | ECS | Orals | SM7.1

A multiparametric analysis of the recent unrest at Campi Flegrei, Italy 

Stefania Tarantino, Piero Poli, Maurizio Vassallo, Nicola D'Agostino, Stéphane Garambois, and Prospero De Martino

Understanding volcanic activity, especially unrest, is a challenging task. This complexity is magnified in Napoli (Southern Italy), where the presence of nearly a million people living on the Campi Flegrei (CF) caldera makes invasive monitoring activities impossible to be performed. Yet, the analysis of coda-waves from continuous ambient-noise recordings (Shapiro & Campillo, 2004) provides highly resolved in-time measurements of mechanical and structural variations in the crust without the need to be invasive, as also exploited in the geothermal field (Hillers et al., 2015; Sánchez-Pastor et al., 2023).
The CF caldera is one of the active hydrothermal systems of the Mediterranean region experiencing notable unrest episodes. Since 2005 a monotonic uplift phenomenon started with unsteadily accelerating seismicity (Bevilacqua et al., 2022). Subsurface rocks withstand a large strain and have high shear and tensile strength (Vanorio & Kanitpanyacharoen, 2015).  As a consequence, seismicity reaches magnitude ~ 4.0 only upon relatively large uplifts (~70-80 cm in the previous unrest (’80 years) and > 1 m in the recent one) contrary to what is generally observed for calderas exhibiting much lower deformation levels (Hill et al., 2003). The caprock above the seismogenic area has a pozzolanic composition and a fibril-rich matrix contributing to its ductility and increased resistance to fracture (Vanorio & Kanitpanyacharoen, 2015). However, specific conditions, e.g., an increase in pore pressure or/and chemical alterations, may lead to mechanical failure over time of the caprock and a change in the structural properties of subsurface rocks. In addition, magma pressure in the reservoir can weaken the volcanic edifice, causing decreases in Elastic moduli (Carrier et al., 2015; Olivier et al., 2019). In recent years, a quasi-elastic behavior and a stress memory effect of the upper crust of the CF caldera under increasing stress suggest a progressive mechanical weakening (Bevilacqua et al., 2024; Kilburn et al., 2017, 2023). 
Elastic models used to describe volcanic surface deformation would assume that accelerations in surface deformation are due to increases in reservoir pressure. Another possible cause for these accelerations is magma pressure in the reservoir weakening the volcanic edifice. Weakening models imagine crustal shear modulus to decrease with damage and therefore with time (Carrier et al., 2015; Olivier et al., 2019). In analogy to these models, we fixed the source of deformation (location and size) to values from the literature, and we inverted the observed deformation searching for changes in the crustal rigidity, modeling for the sill by Fialko et al.  (2001).
We performed a continuous analysis at CF between 2016 and 2024 to investigate the recent unrest characterized by a significant uplift and increased seismicity.  We compared seismic-waves velocity variations δv/v in relation to the deformation and other sources of changes controlling the mechanical and structural variations of crustal rocks, such as rain and temperature. For this purpose, we employ seismic ambient-noise interferometry to estimate δv/v (Shapiro & Campillo, 2004) at various local seismic stations from single-station autocorrelations and we quantify surface geodetic strain using data from a local GPS network (De Martino et al., 2021).

How to cite: Tarantino, S., Poli, P., Vassallo, M., D'Agostino, N., Garambois, S., and De Martino, P.: A multiparametric analysis of the recent unrest at Campi Flegrei, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12985,, 2025.

EGU25-13877 | ECS | Orals | SM7.1

Imaging the Magmatic Plumbing System Using Seismic Tomography Beneath Hachijojima Volcanic Island, Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan 

Adrianto Widi Kusumo, Hiroyuki Azuma, Toshiki Watanabe, and Yoshiya Oda

This study presents a seismic tomography analysis of the magmatic plumbing system beneath the Hachijojima Island, a populated volcanic island in Japan. The island hosts two volcanoes, Nishiyama and Higashiyama, with Nishiyama considered to be the active volcano. The seismic data were collected from seismic observation which was conducted over two separate 7-month periods in 2019 and 2021, utilizing a dense network of 55 seismic stations installed on the island. During the observation period, a total of 179 local earthquakes were recorded, with 119 occurring in 2019 and 60 in 2021. The earthquake events were predominantly located approximately 20-30 km northwest of the island, rather than directly beneath it. These recorded earthquakes provided 4642 P-wave arrival times and 3927 S-wave arrival times, which were subsequently analyzed using the Double Difference (DD) Tomography method to derive the subsurface velocity structure.

The seismic tomography analysis employed a two-step DD Tomography approach. It aims to construct a robust initial reference velocity model and obtain a better resolution at shallower region beneath Nishiyama. The first step utilized a coarser and uniform grid size to generate a 3D velocity model, which was then utilized as the initial model for the second step of DD tomography inversion with finer grid size beneath Nishiyama.

The 3-D tomography results revealed a high-velocity anomaly region at approximately 4 km depth, extending vertically from the deeper area beneath Nishiyama. This suggests the presence of a potential pathway through which magma from past volcanic activity may have migrated. This high-velocity region is characterized by high P-wave velocities, low S-wave velocities, and high Vp/Vs ratios, potentially indicative of the existence of fluid in this area. Furthermore, the Vp perturbation image clearly visualized a magmatic plumbing system to a depth of approximately 20 km in the deeper, northwestern region of the island. The hypocenters which are predominantly located in this zone appear to be associated with the long-distance lateral magma transport. This region, situated in the middle to lower crust at depths of 10-20 km, is driven by the regional tectonic conditions within the deeper crust.

How to cite: Kusumo, A. W., Azuma, H., Watanabe, T., and Oda, Y.: Imaging the Magmatic Plumbing System Using Seismic Tomography Beneath Hachijojima Volcanic Island, Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13877,, 2025.

EGU25-13890 | Orals | SM7.1

Common initiation point of repeated dyke intrusions during the 2021-2023 Fagradalsfjall volcano-tectonic rifting event, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. 

Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, Esme Glastonbury-Southern, Rögnvaldur Líndal Magnússon, Tom Winder, Egill Árni Gudnason, Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Jana Dubravová, Jan Burjánek, Tomas Fischer, Pavla Hrubcova, Josef Vlček, Eva P.S. Eibl, and Gylfi Páll Hersir

Magmatic unrest within the Reykjanes Peninsula oblique rift zone, SW Iceland, ongoing since December 2019, has been closely monitored by a dense network of seismic and geodetic stations. A total of 12 dyke intrusions and 10 fissure eruptions have occurred near Fagradalsfjall and Svartsengi-Grindavík. The 2021-2023 Fagradalsfjall volcano-tectonic event consisted of 4 dyke intrusions, 3 of which surfaced in fissure eruptions. On 24 February 2021, intense seismicity along a 10 km long dyke path, fed a 6-months long eruption, the first in around 780 years on the Peninsula. The three subsequent dyke intrusions were shorter in time and space, propagating for around 5 days, along 5-7 km long paths, each illuminating a section of the February-March 2021 dyke’s path. Out of the subsequent dykes, the December 2021 dyke was most intense seismically, propagating to the SW, but not breaching the surface. The July-August 2022 dyke seismicity was more diffuse, illuminating the central to NE part, whereas the July 2023 dyke intrusion almost exclusively propagated NE. The 2022 and 2023 dyke intrusions both fed short lived eruptions. Our data show that all the Fagradalsfjall dyke intrusions were governed by N-S strike-slip faulting. Using high-resolution relative relocations of the dyke-induced seismicity, we find that the December 2021, the 2022 and 2023 intrusions all initiated at 6-8 km depth within an area of about 1 km2. All three dykes then propagated laterally at depths of 2 - 6 km. The December 2021 dyke was associated with seismicity at 4-6 km, the 2022 dyke at 1.5 - 3 km and the 2023 dyke at 2.5 - 5.5 km depth. The dykes initiated directly above a zone of deep long-period events (DLPs) at 8-14 km depth (Greenfield et al., 2022), between the 2022 and 2023 eruption sites, suggesting that the dykes were fed from near Moho magma levels. 


Greenfield, T., Winder, T., Rawlinson, N., Maclennan, J., White, R.S., Ágústsdóttir, T., Bacon, C.A., Brandsdóttir, B., Eibl, E.P.S., Glastonbury-Southern, E., Gudnason, E.Á., Hersir, G.P. and Horálek, J. (2022). Deep long period seismicity preceding and during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84,101.

How to cite: Ágústsdóttir, T., Glastonbury-Southern, E., Líndal Magnússon, R., Winder, T., Gudnason, E. Á., Brandsdóttir, B., Dubravová, J., Burjánek, J., Fischer, T., Hrubcova, P., Vlček, J., Eibl, E. P. S., and Hersir, G. P.: Common initiation point of repeated dyke intrusions during the 2021-2023 Fagradalsfjall volcano-tectonic rifting event, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13890,, 2025.

EGU25-13910 | Orals | SM7.1

On the challenge of constraining non-double couple moment tensor components, a case study of volcano-tectonic earthquakes in Iceland 

Felix Rodrigo Rodriguez Cardozo, Jochen Braunmiller, Vala Hjörleifsdóttir, and Kristín Jónsdóttir

This study addresses the challenge of reliably constraining non-double couple components (NDCCs) in moment tensor solutions for volcano-tectonic earthquakes in Iceland. While double-couple models adequately describe most global seismicity, Iceland's complex tectonic setting, featuring rifting and a hotspot, produces diverse seismic sources, some exhibiting significant NDCCs. These components, often dismissed as artifacts, may reflect actual source complexity. We analyze two recent volcanic events: seismicity related to the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga caldera collapse and subsequent uplift, and the ongoing Reykjanes Peninsula unrest that started in 2021. Both events featured intense seismic swarms, with numerous moment tensors exhibiting pronounced NDCCs. However, the origin and interpretation of these components differ. At Bárðarbunga, CLVD components likely arise from inverting ring-fault geometries as point sources, while in Reykjanes, isotropic components may indicate magma intrusions. To assess the reliability of NDCCs, we conduct a rigorous uncertainty analysis of moment tensor solutions for both regions. This approach examines the stability of NDCCs under different inversion parameters and explores the pitfalls of constraining these components based on their potential causes. Our findings provide criteria for identifying reliable NDCCs and contribute to a better understanding of the limitations of tectonic interpretations based on moment tensor solutions in volcanic environments.

How to cite: Rodriguez Cardozo, F. R., Braunmiller, J., Hjörleifsdóttir, V., and Jónsdóttir, K.: On the challenge of constraining non-double couple moment tensor components, a case study of volcano-tectonic earthquakes in Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13910,, 2025.

EGU25-16294 | ECS | Posters on site | SM7.1

Insights from the Methana Magmatic Observational Experiment (MeMaX): Seismological Monitoring of Magmatic and Tectonic Activity in the Western Saronic Gulf Region, Greece 

Jan-Phillip Föst, Joachim R. R. Ritter, Christos P. Evangelidis, Efthimios Sokos, Nicole Richter, and Klaus R. Reicherter

The South Aegean Volcanic Arc remains active, presenting not only primary volcanic hazards such as ashfall and lava flows but also secondary hazards from active submarine and coastal volcanoes with the potential to trigger tsunamis. These tsunamis pose a threat even to far-distant coastlines, as shown by the destructive history of large-scale eruptions in the Mediterranean, including the Thera/Santorini explosion (~1600 BCE). With growing population density, expanding infrastructure development, and seasonal tourism, both primary and secondary volcanic risks along the Aegean coasts are increasing, even with respect to smaller, more frequent eruptions.

This study focuses on the western Saronic Gulf region within the Aegean Sea, as possible impacts may even extend into the greater Athens metropolitan area. In this region, the dormant volcanoes of the Methana volcanic system, which last erupted in 230 BCE, and the submarine Pausanias Volcanic Field represent underappreciated hazards. To address this, we search for evidence of possibly yet undetected magmatic activity through the identification of related microseismic events.

Since 2019, the National Observatory of Athens and the University of Patras operate six seismic stations on Methana and the nearby Peloponnese mainland. In March 2024, an additional 15 seismic recording stations were deployed across Methana, Aegina, Agistri, Kyra, and Poros islands and the mainland Peloponnese for a two-year period.

This expanded network configuration provides a dense and robust azimuthal coverage of seismic ray paths for earthquake location and structural analysis. The continuous recordings enhance the observational capacities for earthquake detection, e.g. first results indicate low noise levels at the recording sites and that low magnitude events to ML ca. 0 can be recorded with very good signal-to-noise ratios. This geophysical experiment is part of the DAM mission ‘mareXtreme’ under the MULTI-MAREX project.

How to cite: Föst, J.-P., Ritter, J. R. R., Evangelidis, C. P., Sokos, E., Richter, N., and Reicherter, K. R.: Insights from the Methana Magmatic Observational Experiment (MeMaX): Seismological Monitoring of Magmatic and Tectonic Activity in the Western Saronic Gulf Region, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16294,, 2025.

The upper volcanic edifice is important in influencing the final leg of the migration pathway of magma to the earth’s surface. The expectation is that such migration will have a clear seismic response, which will allow it to be tracked through the shallow subsurface. Consequently, shallow Long Period (LP) seismicity and volcanic tremor are viewed with considerable interest in hazard estimation. However, a detailed analysis of LP seismicity and tremor signals demonstrates that it is possible to generate them in ways that do not require the presence of migrating fluids. Furthermore, it has long been recognised that a short interval of quiescence often precedes eruptions, which is puzzling if seismicity-generating fluids are approaching the surface. Here we look at the role played by compliant and weak rocks, the norm in upper volcanic settings, on the seismic & seismicity response. We find that many of the observed characteristics associated with pre-eruptive seismicity can be explained by considering upper edifice rheology. This analysis also points to exceptionally weak structures, at the scale of the whole edifice.

How to cite: Bean, C. and Lokmer, I.: Is the seismic response of the upper volcanic edifice dominated by the rheological properties of compliant weak rocks? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17652,, 2025.

EGU25-18464 | Posters on site | SM7.1

A large-N nodal array to study the structure and magmatic-tectonic processes of Kīlauea Volcanic System 

Federica Lanza, Alicia Rohnacher, Helen Janiszweski, and Stefan Wiemer

During the summer of 2024, a large-scale deployment of 340 SmartSolo IGU-16 3C 5Hz nodal seismometers took place across 116 locations within the the East Rift Zone (ERZ) of Kīlauea volcano, on the Island of Hawaiʻi. Each site housed three instruments to overcome the limited battery capacity of approximately 30 days, allowing the array to operate continously for three months. The array is designed to push developments in high-resolution mantle-to-crust seismic imaging, temporal monitoring, seismicity characterization and fault loading response caused by ascending magma in the ERZ. The recent eruptive events in 2018 and 2020 caused significant changes to Kīlauea’s internal structure, raising new questions about its eruptive processes and the pathways through which magma is transported. During the array's recording period, three magma intrusions accompanied by swarm seismicity and deformation were observed, culminating in an eruption near the Nāpau Crater in the Middle East Rift Zone in September 2024. These events provide compelling evidence that magma has begun re-entering the ERZ after years of absence. Here we provide an overview of the deployment, evaluate the quality of the collected data, and explore the dataset's potential for seismic imaging.We also show first results, including the development of a seismicity catalog generated using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, setting the stage for velocity inversion studies and other in-depth analyses. The 2-D nodal array offers new, independent constraints that complement previous geophysical investigations in the region, such as magnetotelluric surveys. The combined insights from these datasets are expected to contribute to a broader understanding of Kīlauea’s magmatic system and the changes occurring within its subsurface structure.

How to cite: Lanza, F., Rohnacher, A., Janiszweski, H., and Wiemer, S.: A large-N nodal array to study the structure and magmatic-tectonic processes of Kīlauea Volcanic System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18464,, 2025.

EGU25-18819 | ECS | Posters on site | SM7.1

Shear wave splitting and synthetic S wave tomography at Mt. Etna volcano 

Kira van Helden, Brandon Vanderbeek, Gianmarco Del Piccolo, Manuele Faccenda, Rosalia Lo Bue, Elisabetta Giampiccolo, Ornella Cocina, and Marco Firetto Carlino

In volcanic systems, seismic anisotropy is a common phenomenon, typically attributed to the presence of eruptive fissure, dikes, sills and microcracks/pores, whose preferential orientation depends on the local stress field. A common tool for observing seismic anisotropy is the measurement of shear wave splitting (SWS), the splitting of shear waves into two quasi shear waves with orthogonal polarization directions and different propagation speeds when entering an anisotropic medium.  The relationship between seismic anisotropy and the density and orientation of fluid-filled cracks makes SWS an excellent tool for studying the volcanic stress field and associated volcano dynamics (Savage et al. 2010; Araragi et al. 2015; Johnson et al. 2015; Mroczek et al. 2020; Nardone et al. 2020). However, SWS observations only provide path-integrated information, so the interpretation of anisotropic features from these observations is limited. In contrast, body wave tomography studies that have the potential to give insights into the 3D distribution of anisotropy are often conducted assuming isotropy as this simplifies the seismic inversion strategy. However, P-wave (Bezada et al. 2016; VanderBeek and Faccenda 2021) and S-wave (VanderBeek et al. 2023) tomography experiments have shown that the assumption of isotropy in the presence of anisotropic structure can generate significant velocity imaging artifacts, potentially resulting in misinterpretation of true thermal and compositional heterogeneities.

Here we present a study of seismic anisotropy beneath Mt. Etna, one of the best monitored active basaltic volcanoes in the world. Our preliminary SWS measurements of local earthquakes between 2006 and 2016 (following the automated method of Hudson et al. (2023)) provide evidence for strong anisotropy at Mt. Etna. This is supported by previous SWS studies (Bianco et al. 2006; Nardone et al. 2020), as well as by P-wave anisotropic tomography (Lo Bue et al. 2024). The well-established sensitivity of S waves to fluids suggests that in volcanic environments S waves should be particularly sensitive to anisotropy due to preferentially aligned fluid-filled cracks. To quantify the potential bias in seismic imaging caused by the neglection of anisotropy, we have performed seismological synthetic experiments and compared synthetic isotropic tomography results from an isotropic and an anisotropic model (based on prior imaging of Mt. Etna by Del Piccolo et al. (in review)). Our results give new insights into the importance of incorporating seismic anisotropy in the study of the subsurface structure and dynamics of active volcanoes with S wave tomography.

How to cite: van Helden, K., Vanderbeek, B., Del Piccolo, G., Faccenda, M., Lo Bue, R., Giampiccolo, E., Cocina, O., and Carlino, M. F.: Shear wave splitting and synthetic S wave tomography at Mt. Etna volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18819,, 2025.

EGU25-19845 | Posters on site | SM7.1

Can changes in the frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes be used as an eruption precursor? 

Marco Firetto Carlino, Rosalia Lo Bue, Flavio Cannavò, Matteo Taroni, Ornella Cocina, Graziella Barberi, Luciano Scarfì, and Mauro Coltelli

The emplacement of magmatic bodies within the crust induces significant changes in chemical and physical properties of the bedrock, which can be remotely measured to monitor the state of volcanoes and assess potential eruptions. In addition to geodetic (Dzurisin, 2003, 2007; Bruno et al., 2022) and geochemical (Aiuppa et al., 2007; Paonita et al., 2021) methods, seismology is widely used for volcano monitoring, as magma movement within the conduits and storages produces low-frequency vibrations of the volcanic edifice (i.e., volcanic tremor and long-period events; Eaton et al., 1987; Sciotto et al., 2022), while intruding magma loads the bedrock triggering volcano-tectonic earthquakes due to fracturing processes or the reactivation of pre-existing faults (McNutt et al., 2005; Firetto Carlino et al., 2022).

Magma movement along volcanic plumbing systems has been shown to also modify the rheology of the crust, influencing the attitude of a crustal volume at storing and releasing elastic energy (Firetto Carlino et al., 2022 and references therein). This aspect can be investigated by detecting changes in the slope b of the Gutenberg & Richter Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of earthquakes (Gutenberg and Richter, 1944; FMD; logN = a − bM, where N is the cumulative number of seismic events with magnitude above or equal to M and a represents the productivity), commonly referred to as the b-value.

The b-value expresses the proportion of small to large earthquakes, and time changes of this parameter should be considered a proxy for crustal stress variation (Scholz, 1973; Goebel et al., 2013). To examine whether the b-value can track magma movement from deep crustal sectors to the surface and potentially serve as an eruption precursor, we use Mount Etna (southern Italy) as a test site. Variation of the b-value over time has been computed on the 1 January 2005 - 31 December 2024seismic catalogue, but we restricted the period of observation from mid-2016 to December 2024, to ensure a significant number of earthquakes to be considered.

Our results show significant variations along the Etna plumbing system, which can be attributed to magma recharge from depth, increased fluid pressure within the magma storage and dike propagation, leading to eruptive activity. 

How to cite: Firetto Carlino, M., Lo Bue, R., Cannavò, F., Taroni, M., Cocina, O., Barberi, G., Scarfì, L., and Coltelli, M.: Can changes in the frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes be used as an eruption precursor?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19845,, 2025.

GMPV9 – Active volcanism: hazards, monitoring, human response, mitigation and risk

Timely detection of early warning signals prior to volcanic eruptions heavily relies on remote sensing, particularly for volcanoes which are not easy to access, such as the Sunda Arc volcanoes. Girona et al. (2021) have introduced a novel method using MODIS infrared radiation data to identify a long-term, large-scale, and subtle increase in the surface temperature preceding eruptions by several months to years. This finding suggests the presence of enhanced hydrothermal activities before volcanic eruptions, complementing other monitoring data like surface deformation, gas flux, and thermal infrared hotspot. Nevertheless, when employing this methodology in volcanoes situated in regions with a variety of landuse and pronounced cloud cover, the detected surface thermal anomalies may not be controlled by volcanic activities. Our strategy involves detailed pixel labeling to improve the precise selection of pixels for background temperature, boosting volcanic thermal signal recognition.

We used MODIS cloud mask data to filter out cloudy pixels. Then, we exclude the regions that may be sensitive to climate, like water bodies and urban areas. After cleaning the data, the correlation between the surface temperature evolution and the volcanic activities becomes stronger, especially for those volcanoes with more frequent eruptions. In addition, the correlation between the thermal signal and the eruptions with significant precursors, such as surface deformation and seismic activity, is stronger than those eruptions without early warning signals. One possible explanation is that in those sealed volcanic systems, the gas is accumulated and pressurized to trigger surface displacements or seismicity. At the same time, the gas can only slowly percolate through the volcanic edifice to generate long-term, large-scale thermal anomalies. 

To explain the origination of these large-scale thermal anomalies, we further built numerical models to explore a wide range of processes that can generate surface warming, including magma intrusion, intensified degassing, and redistribution of pore fluids due to rock permeability changes. The model and data support the hypothesis that within relatively “sealed/closed” volcanic systems, volcanic gases exsolved from magma reservoirs ascend to the surface via volcanic flanks, triggering extensive surface warming and uplift. The integration between the thermal data and the numerical model allows us to assess the practical viability of these adjustments, thereby deepening our comprehension of subsurface mechanisms and improving the predictive precision for forthcoming volcanic events.

How to cite: Chenyan, W. and Zhan, Y.: Detecting and Modeling Long-Term Volcanic Thermal Unrest Captured by MODIS Data Years Before Eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-751,, 2025.

EGU25-1097 | Orals | GMPV9.2

Can glaciers contribute to volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting? 

Matteo Spagnolo, Joseph Mallalieu, Tryggvi Unnsteinsson, Iestyn Barr, Társilo Girona, Andrea Gomez-Patron, Michael Martin, Matthew Pritchard, and Brice Rea

Volcanic eruptions can destroy infrastructure, affect businesses and economies, and claim lives, thus having disastrous consequences for people, communities and countries. Some 19% of all active volcanoes host glaciers, and the eruptions of ice-clad volcanoes are amongst the most disruptive (e.g., Eyjafjallajökull) and deadliest (e.g., Nevado del Ruiz) of the past century. It is now becoming increasingly clear that effective volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting, including for ice-clad volcanoes, requires a multi-disciplinary approach. This raises the following question: can glaciers, whose dynamic behavior might reflect volcanic activity, become an additional, much needed, parameter to consider and monitor?


To answer this question, we present global scale analyses of glacier velocity and glacier elevation that demonstrate how these two parameters are affected by proximity to active volcanoes. Specifically, glaciers closer to volcanoes possess higher velocities and are restricted to higher elevations. This is likely due to increased basal melting in response to higher geothermal heat flux experienced on and near volcanoes. In particular, we propose that the enhanced melting negatively affects the glacier mass balance, confining them to higher elevations. It also lubricates the glacier bed thus making them move faster, relative to glaciers that are further from volcanoes. As volcanoes often “heat up” prior to an eruption, sometimes for years in advance, we anticipate that glacier elevation (in the longer term – e.g., years) and velocity (in the shorter term – e.g., months) might also change, thus providing two valuable new parameters to consider in volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting efforts.

How to cite: Spagnolo, M., Mallalieu, J., Unnsteinsson, T., Barr, I., Girona, T., Gomez-Patron, A., Martin, M., Pritchard, M., and Rea, B.: Can glaciers contribute to volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1097,, 2025.

The Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted on March 19, 2021, marking its first eruption in nearly 781 years. During the six-month eruption period (March–September 2021), a total of 90 Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images were collected between January and December 2021. These images consisted of 60 frames from the Sentinel-1A satellite and 30 frames from the Sentinel-1B satellite, providing a short temporal baseline of approximately 6 days between interferogram pairs. The dataset was processed using an advanced time-series InSAR technique based on the Improved Combined Scatterers Interferometry with Optimized Point Scatterers (ICOPS) algorithm, which analyzed surface deformation through a combination of Persistent Scatterer (PS) and Distributed Scatterer (DS) points, collectively referred to as Combined Scatterer (CS) points. To refine the analysis, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was applied to evaluate the temporal patterns of the CS points, and the Optimized Hot Spot Analysis (OHSA) method was employed to spatially optimize these points by identifying statistically significant patterns between hot and cold points. In detail, PS points were identified using an amplitude dispersion index threshold of 0.4, in line with standard StaMPS processing procedures. For DS points, a combination of amplitude and phase information was used: the amplitude data helped detect statistically homogeneous pixels (SHPs) through a Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) test, while phase information enabled analysis of spatial and temporal coherence between each interferogram pair. By combining SHP detection with spatial and temporal coherence, the DS points were selected for further analysis as part of the CS point combination. To enhance displacement pattern reliability, a CNN was employed to assess consistency based on correlation coefficients. OHSA, using Getis-Ord Gi* statistics, was then applied to identify statistically significant hot spots by clustering data according to z-scores and p-values, determining the spatial significance of the deformation patterns. Finally, validation of ICOPS results against GNSS measurements around the deformation area demonstrated consistency in observed deformation patterns. The analysis revealed that deformation around the Fagradalsfjall volcano was primarily driven by magma reservoir activity associated with dike intrusion beneath the surface, which was accompanied by increased earthquake events. Seismic activity in the region was visualized through cross-sections of earthquake distributions during the deformation period, providing deeper insights into the volcanic activity.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF–2023R1A2C1007742).

How to cite: Hakim, W. L., Kim, B., and Lee, C.-W.: Advanced Time-Series InSAR Analysis using ICOPS for Monitoring Surface Deformation of Fagradalsfjall Volcano during the 2021 Eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2151,, 2025.

EGU25-4244 | Orals | GMPV9.2

Neglecting future sporadic volcanic eruptions underestimates climate uncertainty 

May M. M. Chim, Thomas Aubry, Chris Smith, and Anja Schmidt

Most climate projections represent volcanic eruptions as a constant forcing based on historical averages. This constant forcing approach ignores the sporadic nature of eruptions, preventing a full quantification of uncertainties in climate projections. Here we show that the contribution of volcanic forcing uncertainty to the overall uncertainty in global mean surface air temperature projections reaches up to 49%, and is comparable or greater than that from internal variability throughout the 21st century. Furthermore, compared to a constant volcanic forcing, employing a stochastic volcanic forcing (i) reduces the probability of exceeding 1.5 ºC warming above pre-industrial level by at least 5% for high climate mitigation scenario (SSP1-1.9) in this century; (ii) enhances the probability of negative decadal temperature trends by up to 8%; and (iii) increases the likelihood of short-term surface cooling and warming events. Intermediate to higher climate mitigation scenarios are particularly sensitive to the choice of volcanic forcing implementation in climate projections. Using a stochastic volcanic forcing approach also enables assessment of the associated climate risks and socio-economic impacts. We recommend improved volcanic forcing approaches for future climate model experiments.

How to cite: Chim, M. M. M., Aubry, T., Smith, C., and Schmidt, A.: Neglecting future sporadic volcanic eruptions underestimates climate uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4244,, 2025.

EGU25-5227 | Orals | GMPV9.2

Influence of rheology on lava flow dynamics inferred from numerical modeling 

Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Natalya Zeinalova, and Igor Tsepelev

Using numerical modelling, we study the influence of lava rheology (described by Newtonian, Bingham or Herschel-Bulkley fluids) on lava flow advancement and flow morphology. Numerical simulations were conducted using a three-dimensional fluid dynamics model as well as a depth-averaged model based on the shallow water approximation. In the case of isothermal flow models, we have shown that the increased yield strength significantly influences lava flow morphology by restricting flow advance and promoting upward growth of lava flows. In the case of temperature-dependent rheological models, the Newtonian and Bingham fluids demonstrate similar lava flow morphologies and thickness distributions. The viscosity values in both cases vary from about 102.7 – 106 Pa s across the central part of the lava flow to about 1012 Pa s near the lava flow margins. The Herschel-Bulkley model exhibits the viscosity values of 109 Pa swithin the flow and reaches the highest viscosity values, up to 1016 Pa s along the lava flow margins resulting in the shortest lava flow. We simulate the emplacement of a natural lava flow using observational data from the December 2015 eruption at Mount Etna. All thermal rheological models approximate the real lava flow width accurately, with the Newtonian model providing the best match for flow extent and developing the same morphological features as the real lava emplacement. While the Herschel-Bulkley model shows a slight deviation in the lava flow length, the Bingham model fits well the main flow branch, with minor divergence in the upper branches.

How to cite: Ismail-Zadeh, A., Zeinalova, N., and Tsepelev, I.: Influence of rheology on lava flow dynamics inferred from numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5227,, 2025.

EGU25-8314 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.2

Enhanced TROPOMI SO2 height and density retrievals applied to eruptions in 2023-2024 

Lorenzo Fabris, Nicolas Theys, Lieven Clarisse, Bruno Franco, Hugues Brenot, Jonas Vlietinck, Thomas Danckaert, Huan Yu, Jeroen van Gent, and Michel Van Roozendael

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from volcanic activity have significant impacts on human health, society, aviation, and atmospheric composition in general. While nadir-viewing satellites have delivered decades of valuable information on the SO2 Vertical Column Density (VCD), accurate retrieval of its Layer Height (LH) remains a major challenge, yet critical to further understand volcanic events and refine estimates of SO2 emissions, which play a key role on climate. Indeed, current UV retrieval techniques often face limitations in sensitivity and computational efficiency, particularly in aerosol-rich conditions.

Here, we present an enhanced SO2 height and column density retrieval algorithm developed from the high-resolution TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Our approach focuses on the second UV spectral band (BD2), which benefits from a strong SO2 absorption, rather than the third band (BD3) commonly used for sulfur dioxide retrievals.

Sensitivity analyses were first carried out on a set of synthetic spectra representative of TROPOMI observations with the Look-Up Table Covariance-Based Retrieval Algorithm (LUT-COBRA) [1, 2]. The impact of atmospheric, spectroscopic and observation conditions on the retrieval quality has been thoroughly studied, highlighting the considerable effect of ozone. Furthermore, results indicate that BD2 retrievals provide more accurate SO2 LHs and VCDs, with much lower retrieval errors, especially in the Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS).

The algorithm was then applied to real TROPOMI observations of different volcanic eruptions (e.g., Ruang, Etna). In comparison to BD3 retrievals, our method leads to a better sensitivity, with less noise and a detection limit as low as 2.0 DU, outperforming the current operational TROPOMI SO2 product. Moreover, our plume height estimates align well with independent measurements from IASI, CALIOP, and OMPS-LP, confirming the reliability of our results. 


[1] N. Theys et al., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(22):16727–16744, 2021.

[2] N. Theys et al., Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(16):4801–4817, 2022.

How to cite: Fabris, L., Theys, N., Clarisse, L., Franco, B., Brenot, H., Vlietinck, J., Danckaert, T., Yu, H., van Gent, J., and Van Roozendael, M.: Enhanced TROPOMI SO2 height and density retrievals applied to eruptions in 2023-2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8314,, 2025.

EGU25-8586 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Relationship between Gas Ratios and Eruption Styles: Real-Time Monitoring at Stromboli Volcano 

Angelo Battaglia, Giancarlo Tamburello, Marco Liuzzo, Marcello Bitetto, Fausto Grassa, Giovanni Giuffrida, Giuseppe Messina, Andrea Mastrolia, Antonino Cristaldi, and Daniele Andronico

We present our findings on the correlation between the CO₂/SO₂ molar ratio of volcanic gas in the plume and the hourly frequency of Strombolian explosions recorded at Stromboli from April to December 2024. Throughout this period, the two time series exhibited alternating weeks-long phases of synchronous variations and periods of decoupling, where one signal would increase while the other remained constant. In general, periods of high CO₂/SO₂ ratios were associated with an increased frequency of explosions. In the period preceding the paroxysm that occurred on 11 July 2024, the CO₂/SO₂ ratios experienced a sharp decline, coinciding with a rise in explosion frequency until June 28, when a lava overflow occurred, after which the frequency decreased rapidly. Following the paroxysm, we observed a gradual increase in the CO₂/SO₂ ratio through the end of December, along with a moderate increase in explosion frequency, albeit with similar fluctuations. It is known that the volcanic gases causing the explosions originate from deeper magmatic sources that exhibit a higher CO₂ content. The observed relationship between the variation in gas composition and the frequency of explosion suggests a potential causal relationship; nevertheless, the exact mechanisms underlying this association have yet to be comprehensively delineated. Long-term time series data and additional research are essential for a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the CO₂/SO₂ ratio and explosion frequency, as well as their links to volcanic processes and eruption forecasting. These findings enhance our understanding of Stromboli's degassing dynamics, the interplay between gas compositions and eruption frequency, and the styles of volcanic activity. They also underscore the importance of real-time monitoring of plume gas emissions to improve our understanding of magmatic dynamics at Stromboli and other basaltic volcanic systems.

How to cite: Battaglia, A., Tamburello, G., Liuzzo, M., Bitetto, M., Grassa, F., Giuffrida, G., Messina, G., Mastrolia, A., Cristaldi, A., and Andronico, D.: Relationship between Gas Ratios and Eruption Styles: Real-Time Monitoring at Stromboli Volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8586,, 2025.

EGU25-10309 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.2 | Highlight

Leveraging Machine Learning techniques and SEVIRI data to detect volcanic clouds composed of ash, ice, and SO2 during the 2020-2022 Etna eruption activity 

Camilo Naranjo, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Stefano Corradini, Luca Merucci, Dario Stelitano, and Matteo Picchiani

Volcanic eruptions inject large amounts of particles and gases into the atmosphere. The detection of volcanic constituents is crucial to support aviation safety and to quantify their impact on human health, environment and climate. Detection of volcanic clouds represents a key input for retrieval algorithms such as VPR (Volcanic Plume Retrieval) and LUT (Look-Up Tables), which are applied to get information on particles and SO2 total mass. 

The detection of volcanic clouds using satellite data is challenging, particularly in the presence of high quantities of water vapor. This latter, in combination with ash particles, can turn into water droplets and ice. This physical phenomenon supposes a limitation for the detection of volcanic clouds.

Mount Etna (Italy), between 2020 and 2022, has produced 66 lava fountain events. These events have generated volcanic clouds mixed with ash, ice and SO2, with a top height ranging between 4 and 13 km. In this work a Machine Learning-Based approach to detect the volcanic clouds generated during these Etna’s lava fountain events is carried out. The models have been trained and validated by exploiting a dataset that covers the 66 lava fountains observed by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) instrument, on board of Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite, aiming to get insights for the discrimination of ash, ice, and SO2 in the volcanic clouds. The results are promising for the automatic detection of volcanic clouds in near-real time.

How to cite: Naranjo, C., Guerrieri, L., Corradini, S., Merucci, L., Stelitano, D., and Picchiani, M.: Leveraging Machine Learning techniques and SEVIRI data to detect volcanic clouds composed of ash, ice, and SO2 during the 2020-2022 Etna eruption activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10309,, 2025.

EGU25-10458 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

More than Two Decades of Geochemical Surveillance on El Hierro, an Oceanic Volcanic Island in the Canary Islands 

Daniel Di Nardo, Alba Fernández, Patricia Hernández, Eleazar Padrón, Gladys V. Melián, Germán D. Padilla, Nemesio M. Pérez, María Asensio-Ramos, and Pedro A. Hernández

El Hierro, covering an area of 278 km2 is one of the eight islands that make up the Canary Islands archipelago. This oceanic island emerged approximately 1.2 million years ago and is among the most volcanically active in the region. Its most recent volcanic activity was a submarine eruption 2 km off its southern coast, lasting from October 12, 2011, to March 5, 2012. This event was significant as it marked the first eruption in the Canary Islands to be closely monitored. Since 1998, diffuse CO2 emissions across the island have been systematically measured using the accumulation chamber technique. These measurements are taken at 601 sites regularly distributed to cover the island’s surface. During periods of volcanic unrest, such as the 2011-2012 eruption, the frequency of these surveys increases. The island’s CO2 emission rates have varied over time, with the most notable increases occurring during pre-eruptive and eruptive phases (Melián et al., 2014). In the last survey, performed in the summer period of 2024, soil CO2 efflux ranged from levels below detection (<0.5 g·m-1·d-1) to a maximum of 44.0 g·m-1·d-1, with an average value of 3.0 g·m-1·d-1. The diffuse CO2 degassing rate was estimated in 699 ± 32 t·d-1. This value is slightly higher than the average background emission (412 t·d-1) but remains within the background range of 181-930  t·d-1as determined during the quiescent period from 1998 to 2010. The diffuse degassing studies carried out at El Hierro, have demonstrated that, at those volcanoes without visible volcano degassing, geochemical programs for volcano surveillance should be focused on diffuse degassing monitoring even if only low soil CO2 efflux measurements are recorded (Pérez et al., 2012). The regular monitoring of diffuse CO2 emissions has proven to be a valuable tool for detecting early signs of volcanic unrest, especially on islands like El Hierro, where visible gas emissions are not present.


Melián et al., (2014), doi:10.1002/2014JB011013.

Pérez et al., (2012), doi:10.1029/2012GL052410.

How to cite: Di Nardo, D., Fernández, A., Hernández, P., Padrón, E., V. Melián, G., D. Padilla, G., M. Pérez, N., Asensio-Ramos, M., and Hernández, P. A.: More than Two Decades of Geochemical Surveillance on El Hierro, an Oceanic Volcanic Island in the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10458,, 2025.

EGU25-12005 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.2

Volcanic hazards associated with explosive basaltic eruptions in Iceland: A case study of the Veiðivötn 1477 CE Eruption in Central Iceland. 

Méline Payet--Clerc, Guillaume Carazzo, William M. Moreland, Ármann Höskuldsson, Thor Thordarson, and Iðunn K. Valdimarsdottir
Recent historical eruptions such as Eyjafjallajökull 2010, La Palma 2018, and even the Hunga Tunga Hunga Ha'apai events in 2022 have highlighted the far-reaching impacts of volcanic plumes, including disruptions to air travel, infrastructure damage, and potential health consequences. These events were highly documented with direct observations and near real-time measurements, allowing scientists and local authorities to act rapidly. Highly active volcanoes are being monitored, such as Etna, Stromboli, Hekla, Piton de la Fournaise and Kilauea, and their eruptive history is well-constrained, allowing stakeholders to draw hazard maps and build action plans. However, some volcanoes with lower eruptive frequency, i.e., 500-800 years, such as the Veiðivötn fissure swarm in Iceland, have received less attention, and their potential volcanic hazards remain poorly constrained. 
The Veiðivötn 1477CE fissure eruption took place in the Southern highlands of Iceland. Tephra from this event covered an inland area of 53,000 km^2. Deposits from the eruption are still two centimetres thick at distances larger than 200 km from the source and reached as far as Scandinavia and Greenland, illustrating the long-range tephra dispersal and the potential for widespread disruption to communities, infrastructure, and economic activities.
In this study, we intend to decipher the volcanic hazards associated with the Veiðivötn eruption and its potential relevance as an analogue for a future explosive basaltic eruption in Iceland. We combine our field data on mapping, deposit thickness, tephra and bulk density, and total grain-size distribution to a one-dimensional physical model of a volcanic plume to estimate the Mass Eruption Rate (MER) and maximum column height.
Field data allows us to constrain two dispersal axes associated with different eruption phases. The main 1477 CE eruption dispersal axis was to the northeast, which significantly impacted the Icelandic population then. However, a similar eruption today with dominant winds directed to the north, south, or southwest would strongly impact the towns of Akureyri, Vík, and Reykjavík with tephra accumulations of up to 5 cm, 20 cm, and 10 cm, respectively. We also identified traces of buried vegetation beneath the deposit column in the highlands. The proximal area associated with this event is a sandy desert covered in tephra from the eruption. Suggesting that the Veiðivötn 1477CE eruption devastated the local environment, leaving the landscape bare and inhospitable since.
The comparison between our field data on this outstanding eruption and our physical model shows that the MER needed for a stable plume ranges from 10^7 to 10^8 kg/s, with a maximum column height between 15 and 25 km for volatile contents of 1-2 wt%. The results also emphasize the role of the wind on the sustainability and maximum height reached by the plume.
These findings highlight the use of one-dimensional models in refining predictions of eruption dynamics and enable us to evaluate the associated hazards if such an eruption were to occur today. 

How to cite: Payet--Clerc, M., Carazzo, G., Moreland, W. M., Höskuldsson, Á., Thordarson, T., and Valdimarsdottir, I. K.: Volcanic hazards associated with explosive basaltic eruptions in Iceland: A case study of the Veiðivötn 1477 CE Eruption in Central Iceland., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12005,, 2025.

EGU25-12193 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.2

Integration of Ground-Based and Satellite Data Using a Semi-Supervised GAN Model on Vulcano Island 

Francesco Spina, Iole Serena Diliberto, Giuseppe Bilotta, Maddalena Dozzo, Danilo Nastasi, and Gaetana Ganci

Surface heat transfer is a continuous process reflecting the dynamic equilibrium between the magmatic system and the surrounding rock. In volcanic systems, part of the energy transferred from magma drives fluid convection, increasing ground temperatures. Total heat transfer occurs through three primary mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. Each of these mechanisms plays a distinct role in volcanic systems and requires specific detection methods. Convective heat flow is observed in fumaroles and steaming ground; moderate thermal anomalies indicate conductive heat transfer; radiative heat flow is detected via multispectral instruments measuring surface thermal anomalies.

On Vulcano Island (Italy), a continuous monitoring network has detected transient variations in heat flow released by the active cone, which are correlated with increased seismic activity and ground deformation. Contact sensors monitor temporal variations in high-temperature fumaroles, while other sensors measure heat flux variations in areas of diffuse degassing. Long-term time series data have captured several episodes of volcanic unrest (e.g., Diliberto 2021; Federico et al., 2023).

This study presents results from the integration of artificial intelligence techniques with monitoring procedures, including:
a) Ground temperature measurements via contact sensors at selected sites;
b) Fumarole extent analysis;
c) Thermal and environmental indices derived from satellite imagery.

Specifically, a Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network (SGAN) model was employed to automatically classify different volcanic states (baseline activity, transient degassing, and increased degassing). The model leverages direct temperature measurements from contact sensors (installed on the ground-based network on the La Fossa cone), land surface temperature anomalies (from MODIS), the Normalized Thermal Index (from VIIRS), and environmental indices such as NDVI, NDWI, and NDMI (from Landsat 8).

Preliminary results indicate that the SGAN model achieves an accuracy exceeding 0.89 for nearly all analyzed periods.

How to cite: Spina, F., Diliberto, I. S., Bilotta, G., Dozzo, M., Nastasi, D., and Ganci, G.: Integration of Ground-Based and Satellite Data Using a Semi-Supervised GAN Model on Vulcano Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12193,, 2025.

EGU25-12609 | Orals | GMPV9.2

The continuous monitoring network of air gas concentration at Vulcano Porto (Aeolian Island, Italy) 

Maria Luisa Carapezza, Anna Abita, Riccardo Antero, Lucia Basiricò, Fabio Di Gangi, Vitangelo Pampalone, Massimo Ranaldi, Luca Tarchini, and Nicolò Tirone

Since September 2021, Vulcano Island was affected by a volcanic unrest crisis with an increase in fumarolic activity at La Fossa crater, seismic activity and ground deformations. A contemporary strong increase in the soil CO2 flux was observed both at the base of La Fossa cone and in some zones of Vulcano Porto settlement. The gas hazard also increased because the massive gas plume (mainly CO2 and SO2) descended the crater rim, particularly during night, investing the resident areas. The first civil protection measures adopted to face the health risk at Vulcano Porto included the evacuation of the houses most exposed to the gas and the night time ban of all houses. The long-term gas risk reduction was then achieved with the establishment of a continuous monitoring network for air gas concentration, equipped with an alert system. Also the INGV volcanic gas monitoring network of Vulcano Porto was strengthened. An ad-hoc appointed scientific commission, chaired by DPC and composed by all national and local authorities expert of health, environmental and volcanic hazard, suggested the continuous monitoring of volcanic gases both outdoor and indoor. Two dedicated networks were then built, installed and managed by Arpa Sicilia. The outdoor Arpa network, operational since March 2022 with two mobile labs, since February 2023 includes 6 stations with continuous monitoring of air CO2, H2S and SO2 concentration of which 1 for monitoring also CO, NO2, PM, C6H6, O3 concentration. The regulatory references of the limit values ​​and alarm thresholds are those provided for by Legislative Decree 13 August 2010, n. 155 - Implementation of Directive 2008/50/EC, as well as the values ​​identified by the WHO global air quality guidelines and in the ISTISAN Report 16/15. The recorded monitoring data show the occasional exceeding of the outdoor thresholds for CO2, H2S and SO2. The pilot indoor network, started in December 2023, is fully operational since June 2024 and currently monitors 33 buildings selected on a voluntary basis. The alert thresholds for indoor monitoring have been identified in agreement with the Regional Department of Civil Protection and the ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Some indoor stations, located in the most critical sectors of Vulcano Porto (Faraglione and Camping Sicilia) show the recurrence of anomalous CO2 values (and sporadically of H2S), especially during night time. The anomalous degassing affecting Vulcano Porto slowly decreased returning in January 2025 to background values. In conclusion, we stress the importance of finally having a risk mitigation tool for volcanic gases at Vulcano Porto, which will allow addressing the gas hazard both in condition of ordinary degassing and in possible future unrest crises. The Vulcano Porto air gas concentration monitoring networks represent one of the few examples present on active volcanoes in Europe together with those of Sao Miguel (Azores, Portugal) and La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain).

How to cite: Carapezza, M. L., Abita, A., Antero, R., Basiricò, L., Di Gangi, F., Pampalone, V., Ranaldi, M., Tarchini, L., and Tirone, N.: The continuous monitoring network of air gas concentration at Vulcano Porto (Aeolian Island, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12609,, 2025.

EGU25-12653 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Investigation on summit effusive activity from Etna SEC crater by relating erupted volumes estimated by multi-spectral satellite data and volcano strain response. 

Alessandro Bonaccorso, Marco Aloisi, Giuseppe Bilotta, Annalisa Cappello, Luigi Carleo, Gilda Currenti, and Gaetana Ganci

During the last twenty years the most active crater on Etna has been the South-East crater (SEC), which since 2011 has erupted over 100 lava fountains. These events are characterized by violent explosive activity lasting an average of few hours. In addition to this type of explosive events, the SEC has also produced several effusive events, i.e. activity with emission of lava flows beyond the crater rim with a short duration but longer than that of the lava fountains, usually lasting from days (effusive pulses) to tens of days (more prolonged effusive phases). Considering the high frequency of occurrence of these eruptive events, it becomes strategic to be able to quantify the erupted volumes in real time.

All these types of events from the open conduit SEC usually produce small deformations (≤1 microstrain) that can be detected by the high-precision borehole dilatometers as the ones installed at Etna. Recently, for the lava fountain episodes, by comparing volumetric strain changes with volumes derived from the analysis of digital surface models generated from optical satellite imagery, it was found a linear law able to determine the volume estimates from the recorded strain changes. This aspect is crucial to provide in real-time a robust characterization of the eruptions. With the aim of producing useful tools to be used in real-time, in this study we investigated the erupted volumes measured by the SEVIRI multi-spectral satellite sensor at 15 minutes of sampling time and their relationship with the strain recorded also for the effusive-type activity of the SEC for both effusive pulses and more prolonged effusive phases.

How to cite: Bonaccorso, A., Aloisi, M., Bilotta, G., Cappello, A., Carleo, L., Currenti, G., and Ganci, G.: Investigation on summit effusive activity from Etna SEC crater by relating erupted volumes estimated by multi-spectral satellite data and volcano strain response., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12653,, 2025.

EGU25-13248 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Post-eruptive monitoring of visible volcanic degassing from Tajogaite volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands  

Pedro A. Hernández, María Asensio-Ramos, Antonio Álvarez, Gladys V. Melian, Ana Gironés, Sttefany Cartaya, Mónica Arencibia, Daniela Taño, Laura Trujillo, Claudia Ramos, Germán Padilla, Daniel Di Nardo, Eleazar Padrón, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Once the Tajogaite eruption was over in December 13, 2021, INVOLCAN continued monitoring visible volcanic emanations. To do so, active in situ/remote monitoring techniques were undertaken based on different methodologies: direct sampling, alkaline traps, Multi-GAS and miniDOAS. These methods are suitable tools to provide as much information as possible on the emitted volcanic gases. Direct volcanic gas sampling was performed at two volcanic degassing sites, F1 and F2, by collecting samples burying a glass funnel at the sampling point and using TEDLAR bags for later chemical (CO2, H2, H2, H2S and CH4) and isotopic (δ13C-CO2) analysis. The temperature of F1 and F2 was always measured at each sampling. Three alkaline traps were installed to monitor the chemical composition of acid gases in the crater's atmosphere Traps are made of polythene containers and protected by a metal mesh and a PVC container to prevent contamination by rainwater and installed at a one meter height. The alkaline solution (KOH, 2N) was used to absorb acid gases. Multi-GAS was used to analyze in real-time visible emanations during the year 2024. This instrument comprises an infra-red spectrometer for CO2 and 2 electrochemical sensors for SO2 and H2S. Regarding miniDOAS, we carried out UAV-mounted and ground-based miniDOAS measurements. 

F1 site showed the highest temperature, with a maximum of 613ºC and an average of 455ºC, while F2 showed a maximum of 409ºC and an average of 266ºC. CO2, He, H2, CH4 and H2S concentrations for both degassing vents varied between 0.04-31 mol.%, 4.9-40.8 ppm, 0.3-5,400 ppm, 0-6.2 ppm and 0-4,792 ppm, respectively, with H2S being detected only during December 2021 and January 2022. The temporal evolution of the He/CO2 molar ratio shows a continuous decrease throughout the study period (Dec 2021-Sep 2024) indicating an impoverishment of the magmatic component. δ13C-CO2 showed a clear trend in both fumaroles towards lighter values, what was interpreted to be caused by stronger biogenic and air contribution. It should be noted that time series of C/S molar ratio measured with the alkaline traps during the first year showed a significant increase, also suggesting a decrease in the magmatic fraction of volcanic gases. Regardless of the degree of atmospheric contamination, MULTIGAS measurements revealed an increasing trend on CO2/SO2 molar ratios ranging 8.7-772, with SO2 as the major S species. Finally, around 80 SO2 miniDOAS measurements were made between December 15, 2021, and December 17, 2022 (Rodríguez et al., 2023). SO2 emission rates ​​ranged between 17 and 670 t/d, with a clear decreasing trend observed during this period. These relatively low SO2 emissions observed during the post-eruptive phase of the Tajogaite eruption appear to be clearly related to the cooling processes of the surface magma within the Tajogaite volcanic edifice. These results show that measuring the changes of visible volcanic degassing improves monitoring of Tajogaite volcano. 

 Rodríguez et al. 2023. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-3620

How to cite: Hernández, P. A., Asensio-Ramos, M., Álvarez, A., Melian, G. V., Gironés, A., Cartaya, S., Arencibia, M., Taño, D., Trujillo, L., Ramos, C., Padilla, G., Di Nardo, D., Padrón, E., and Pérez, N. M.: Post-eruptive monitoring of visible volcanic degassing from Tajogaite volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13248,, 2025.

EGU25-13496 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

TUBES: a multidisciplinary project for understanding lava tube formation and preservation at Vesuvius and Etna.  

Daniele Morgavi, Sonia Calvari, Claudia Barile, Thomas Lemaire, Paola Petrosino, Diego Di Martire, Ettore Valente, Leopoldo Repola, Letizia Spampinato, Lucia Miraglia, Giovanni Macedonio, Flora Giudicepietro, Giovanni Pappalettera, and Dany katamba Mpoyi

Volcanic eruptions are potentially catastrophic phenomena that could have a huge impact on the environment and society. Effusive eruptions can generate large lava flow fields reaching great distances from the main vent, expanding along a volcano flank by developing channels and structures whose shape and extension depend on magma properties (e.g. viscosity, density and composition), topographic features of the ground (slope and roughness), effusion rate and emplacement duration. The formation of lava tubes is one of the main causes which determine the further maximum extension of a lava flow. The development of a stable crust around a moving lava, caused by cooling, significantly decreases the exchange of heat between lava and the atmosphere. This phenomenon is extremely significant in the case of volcanoes producing voluminous lava effusions and characterized by a steady effusion rate (e.g. Hawaii and Etna), but it was described also in explosive volcanoes with a low rate of lava flow production (e.g. Vesuvius). Previous studies focused on qualitatively describing the development of lava tubes in lava flow fields, but only few works examined quantitatively the physical process of lava tube formation. The project TUBES (undersTanding lava tUBe formation and preservation) is focused on a detailed volcanological, petrological, physical (e.g. rheological) analysis, structural analysis (e.g. guided wave analysis, acoustic emission testing) and numerical modeling of the effusive phase of Vesuvius and Etna, focusing on understanding the mechanisms behind the formation of lava tubes, expanding our knowledge about the processes at the basis of lava flow emplacement providing vital information for volcanic hazard and risk assessment on such highly urbanized volcanic areas. Moreover the results of our studies, and especially on the connection between surface lava flow morphology and lava tube size, might help discover more tubes both on Earth and other planets and improve cosmic exploration.

How to cite: Morgavi, D., Calvari, S., Barile, C., Lemaire, T., Petrosino, P., Di Martire, D., Valente, E., Repola, L., Spampinato, L., Miraglia, L., Macedonio, G., Giudicepietro, F., Pappalettera, G., and katamba Mpoyi, D.: TUBES: a multidisciplinary project for understanding lava tube formation and preservation at Vesuvius and Etna. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13496,, 2025.

EGU25-13834 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Thermal infrared and visible ground camera images decomposed using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 

Dario Stelitano, Vincenzo Carbone, Stefano Corradini, Fabio Lepreti, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Vincenzo Capparelli, Leonardo Primavera, Luca Merucci, and Camilo Naranjo

The role of ground based infrared remote sensing in volcano monitoring increases during the years thanks to cost-cutting of this type of instrument and improvement of sensors.
A single board computer and three cameras make up the central part of VIRSO2, a low cost remote sensing instrument in use at INGV. One camera acquires in the visible bands, the other two in the thermal infrared bands (8-14 μm).
Using a filter in front of it, one of two broadband TIR cameras is narrow at 8.7 μm, allowing to detect SO2 gas and volcanic ash plume. The simultaneous use of the three cameras permits to study the geometry of the plume and retrieve  the physical parameters.

During these years, using the VIRSO2 camera, the eruptive (Etna, 1 April 2021), strombolian (Stromboli, May 2023) and degassing (Etna, August 2024; Popocatépetl, February 2023; Sabancaya, November 2022) volcanic different activities were investigated on the field by the INGV remote sensing group.

Turbulent fields, as the volcanic plumes, are the perfect application of the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD). The POD technique generates a field decomposition into eigenfunctions and their temporal coefficients. 
Reduced orthonormal basis generated using POD approximate thermal image fields acquired from cameras. Using this technique we aim to identify and characterize the different dynamical regimes and patterns acting on the emitted volcanic plume.   

Here the spatial and temporal volcanic plume dynamics are preliminarily investigated applying the proper orthogonal decomposition to the ground based measurement acquired using the VIRSO2 camera.

How to cite: Stelitano, D., Carbone, V., Corradini, S., Lepreti, F., Guerrieri, L., Capparelli, V., Primavera, L., Merucci, L., and Naranjo, C.: Thermal infrared and visible ground camera images decomposed using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13834,, 2025.

EGU25-13986 | Orals | GMPV9.2

Trace Element Emissions from the Tajogaite Eruption Plume, La Palma, Canary Islands 

Nemesio M. Pérez, Mike Burton, Sergio Rodríguez, Jon Vilches Sarasate, Pedro A. Hernández, Ben Esse, Jessica López Darias, Gladys V. Melián, Catherine Hayer, Jesús de la Rosa, Eleazar Padrón, and María Asensio-Ramos

During volcanic eruptions, a variety of metals and metalloids are emitted along with gases and particulate matter. These elements are released in trace amounts, often bound to volcanic ash, gases, and aerosols, and can be transported over long distances by wind currents. Some of the key metals and metalloids commonly found in volcanic emissions include Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Selenium (Se), Thallium (Tl), Tungsten (W), Antimony (Sb), Beryllium (Be) and Copper (Cu). These elements are of concern because several of them, such as As, Cd, Pb, and Cr, are toxic and pose significant risks to both human health and the environment. Their presence in volcanic emissions contributes to air and water pollution, with potential long-term effects on ecosystems and populations living in affected areas.

During the Tajogaite eruption (2021) at Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands), a substantial amount of CO2 and SO2 was released into the atmosphere. Throughout this eruption observations of SO2 emissions were made using ground-based instruments, in transverse mode, as well as by numerous satellite instruments. Data from the Sentinel-5P instrument TROPOMI was combined with the PlumeTraj back-trajectory analysis toolkit to produce sub-daily SO2 fluxes that can be directly compared to the ground-based miniDOAS observations (Hayer et al., 2022). Daily OP-FTIR volcanic gas composition measurements throughout the 2021 Tajogaite eruption revealed consistently high CO2/SO2 ratios in the plume (Asensio-Ramos et al., 2025). Combined with the estimated SO2, ~1,6 Mt (Albertos et al. 2022; Esse B. et al. 2025), the total amount of CO2 emitted during the 2021 eruption was estimated to be ~28 Mt CO2 (Burton et al., 2023).

Daily aerosol samples, or particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10), were collected on 150 mm quartz microfiber filters at a flow rate of 30 m3/h in the western part of La Palma Island during the Tajogaite eruption. The elemental composition of the aerosols was determined through acid digestion (HF:HClO4:HNO3) followed by analysis using ICP-MS and ICP-OES. Additionally, daily PM10 samples were collected on 47 mm quartz filters according to the UNE EN 12341:2015 standard, which outlines the standard gravimetric method for measuring the PM10 or PM2.5 mass concentration. The various metals in the samples were then analyzed in the laboratory following the UNE-EN 14902:2005 standard.

In this study, we present the estimated trace element emission rates from the Tajogaite eruption plume by combining the observed Xi/SO2 ratios in aerosols and PM10 particles (where Xi represents a trace metal) with the measured SO2 emission rate. Preliminary results of trace element emissions range from 0.04 to 14.02 t·d-1 for As, 0.05 to 7.85 t·d-1 for Cd, and 0.30 to 78.88 t·d-1 for Pb, spanning from September 29 to November 11, 2021

Albertos, V. T., Recio, G., Alonso, M., et al. (2022).
Asensio-Ramos, M., Pardo Cofrades, A., Burton, M. et al. (2025),
Burton, M., Aiuppa, A., Allard, P. et al. (2023),
Esse, B., Burton, M., Hayer, C. et al (2025) submitted to Bull. Volcano.
Hayer, C., Barrancos, J., Burton, M. et al. (2022),

How to cite: Pérez, N. M., Burton, M., Rodríguez, S., Vilches Sarasate, J., Hernández, P. A., Esse, B., López Darias, J., Melián, G. V., Hayer, C., de la Rosa, J., Padrón, E., and Asensio-Ramos, M.: Trace Element Emissions from the Tajogaite Eruption Plume, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13986,, 2025.

EGU25-14288 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Doppler radar to monitoring ash of Popocatepetl volcano 

Eric B. Tellez-Ugalde, Hugo Delgado-Granados, Emmanuel Sánchez-Tafoya, and Angélica Fernández-Pineda

Popocatepetl volcano is one of the most important threats to the safety of the population of Mexico City and some other important cities in Central Mexico. Monitoring volcanic hazards from this volcano aims to provide civil protection authorities with tools to prevent and mitigate the associated risks to its activity. The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) conducts surveillance to reduce the risks associated with eruptive activity, particularly, one of the tools used to monitoring ash emissions in real-time is a Doppler radar. This radar is located 11 km North to the volcano at ~4000 masl inside the Iztaccihuatl-Popocatepetl National Park. For the last few years we have collected data of the ash emissions and we already have 8 Tb of raw data that soon will be publicly available. This tool has allowed us to detect activity that otherwise is difficult or even impossible to detect due to meteorological conditions with a delay of less than 5 minutes. For instance, during the eruptive activity of May, 2023, the use of the radar was crucial to alert the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) about the ash emissions direction during a small crisis of the volcano and eventually the authorities decided to close Mexico City’s main airport. Almost all those days were clear enough to see the volcano through webcams, but one weekend was very cloudy, and the wind direction changed during the night and headed to Mexico’s most important airport. Thanks to the use of the radar, we were able to alert the authorities and finally the airport was closed for a few hours. In this presentation we provided further information about the data, the methods used to process the data and the general operation of the radar.

How to cite: Tellez-Ugalde, E. B., Delgado-Granados, H., Sánchez-Tafoya, E., and Fernández-Pineda, A.: Doppler radar to monitoring ash of Popocatepetl volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14288,, 2025.

EGU25-16354 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Diffuse CO2 degassing surveys for geochemical monitoring of the Tenerife North–South Rift Zone (NSRZ) volcano (Canary Islands) from 2002 – 2024. 

Héctor de los Ríos Díaz, Davitia James, Carla Méndez Pérez, Patricia Hernández Fuentes, Alberto Cano Ballesteros, Joel Siverio Rodríguez, Alba Fernández Calvo, Paola García Luis, Ariadna Elisa Vidaña Glauser, María Asensio-Ramos, Gladys V. Melián, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Tenerife (2,034 km²), the largest of the Canary Islands, hosts three active volcanic rift zones (RZ), including the North-South (NSRZ; 325 km²). Characterized predominantly by effusive basaltic activity, the NSRZ comprises 139 monogenetic cones, representing the island’s most active volcanic system over the last 1 million years. To monitor potential changes in volcanic activity, 11 diffuse CO emission surveys have been conducted since 2002 until 2024. Each survey involves 600 sampling sites where soil CO efflux is measured following the accumulation chamber method, whereas soil gas samples are collected at 40 cm depth for chemical and isotopic analysis. 

During 2024 survey, soil CO efflux values ranged from undetectable levels (0.5 g·m²·d¹) to 23 g·m²·d¹, with an average efflux of 1.3 g·m²·d¹. A Sinclair graphical analysis categorized the data into three geochemical populations: a background population (98% of the data) with a mean efflux of 0.8 g·m²·d¹ and a peak population (0.1% of the data) averaging 19.9 g·m²·d¹. Sequential Gaussian simulation estimated diffuse CO emission rate in 2024 from the studied area in 279 ± 11 t·d¹, value lower than the range 466 - 819 t·d¹ measured from 2002 to 2023, and peaking at 707 t·d¹ in 2015. 

Inspection of diffuse CO emissions rate time series suggests a relationship with seismic activity in and around Tenerife, particularly from late 2016 onward. This observation emphasizes the usefulness of soil CO efflux surveys in areas lacking visible degassing phenomena. The integration of geochemical data with geophysical observations enhances volcanic monitoring assessment, improves risk management, and strengthens early-warning systems. This study underlines the importance of discrete geochemical monitoring for understanding the dynamics of the NSRZ, offering critical insights to mitigate the impacts of potential volcanic threats on Tenerife.

How to cite: de los Ríos Díaz, H., James, D., Méndez Pérez, C., Hernández Fuentes, P., Cano Ballesteros, A., Siverio Rodríguez, J., Fernández Calvo, A., García Luis, P., Vidaña Glauser, A. E., Asensio-Ramos, M., Melián, G. V., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: Diffuse CO2 degassing surveys for geochemical monitoring of the Tenerife North–South Rift Zone (NSRZ) volcano (Canary Islands) from 2002 – 2024., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16354,, 2025.

EGU25-16736 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.2

A multidisciplinary investigation of the 10 February 2022 pyroclastic avalanches at Mt. Etna 

Francesco Zuccarello, Daniele Andronico, Boris Behncke, Annalisa Cappello, Francesco Ciancitto, Paola Del Carlo, Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi, Alessio Di Roberto, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro, and Ganci Gaetana

The 10 February 2022 pyroclastic avalanche at Mt. Etna represents a significant example of high-mobility granular flow occurring at basaltic volcanoes. While such phenomena are typically associated with more explosive volcanic systems, their occurrence at Etna underlines their relevance for hazard assessment in volcanic environments dominated by effusive and mildly explosive eruptions.

This study focuses on a pyroclastic avalanche triggered by the gravitational collapse of the Southeast Crater’s (SEC) during an intense lava fountaining episode. The event produced a reddish-brown deposit that extended up to 1.4 km southward, covering part of the 2002–2003 scoria cone. Stratigraphic analysis revealed four distinct units, ranging from fine ash to blocks, with variations in granulometry and thickness.

A multidisciplinary approach was applied to unravel the trigger of the avalanche, combining field surveys, granulometric and textural analyses on products collected from the deposit and remote sensing data, supported by the numerical modeling to better constrain the flow propagation dynamics. Our results highlight how these pre-collapse factors, including the elevated residual temperature and the fast accumulation of ultra-proximal pyroclastic fall deposit during the previous lava fountaining episodes, played a crucial role in enhancing the partial collapse.

The findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of pyroclastic avalanche behavior in basaltic volcanic systems, offering valuable insights into the mechanisms controlling these hazardous flows in volcanic regions like Mt. Etna, where eruptions frequently interact with human activity and infrastructure.

How to cite: Zuccarello, F., Andronico, D., Behncke, B., Cappello, A., Ciancitto, F., Del Carlo, P., de’ Michieli Vitturi, M., Di Roberto, A., Esposti Ongaro, T., and Gaetana, G.: A multidisciplinary investigation of the 10 February 2022 pyroclastic avalanches at Mt. Etna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16736,, 2025.

EGU25-16737 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Updating the assessment of lava flow hazards at Etna volcano 

Annalisa Cappello, Giuseppe Bilotta, Gaetana Ganci, Cristina Proietti, and Francesco Zuccarello

Lava flow hazard is a significant geological threat associated with volcanic activity. Understanding and quantifying this hazard is critical to protect communities, infrastructure and the environment, especially in active volcanic areas such as Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy). In this work, we propose a new probabilistic methodology for lava flow hazard assessment on Mount Etna based on a 4,000-year eruption dataset and accurate statistical analyses. The methodology combines the probability of future vent opening, the probabilities of occurrence of individual eruption classes and the weighted combination of lava flow inundation maps. These maps are obtained using representative scenarios for each eruption class, based on statistical analyses of duration and lava volume. The results are two maps, one for flank and one for summit eruptions, that provide the probabilities that a specific area will be affected by lava flow inundation during specific time intervals. Furthermore, we present the first attempt to assess the hazard of both types of eruptions occurring on Mount Etna. These hazard maps could be fundamental tools, especially in the long term, for emergency preparedness and territorial planning, allowing to easily identify the areas where future eruptions could have a greater impact. Furthermore, they could help local authorities to manage ongoing eruptions, making targeted decisions and mitigating the associated risk.

How to cite: Cappello, A., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., Proietti, C., and Zuccarello, F.: Updating the assessment of lava flow hazards at Etna volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16737,, 2025.

EGU25-16918 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.2

Using ice cores to constrain parameters of eruptions during the 7th Century of the Common Era: challenges and opportunities 

Helen Innes, William Hutchison, Michael Sigl, Joseph R. McConnell, Nathan J. Chellman, Britta J. L. Jensen, and Andrea Burke

Ice cores provide a valuable archive of volcanism in the pre-satellite era, which can be used to understand timing, hazards and climate impact of past explosive eruptions. Sulfur isotope analysis of volcanic aerosols deposited and preserved in ice cores are used to constrain plume heights, source latitudes and inform stratospheric sulfur loading, while identification and geochemical analysis of microscopic ash particles can link ice-core volcanic deposits to specific eruptive sources. These techniques have enabled researchers to identify eruptive sources and characteristics of numerous eruptions recorded in ice cores, often targeting large, explosive events associated with climate forcing or widespread ash dispersal. However, the vast majority of the ice core eruption archive is yet to be explored, and there is much to be done to utilise the record to benefit volcanology research.

An important period of large, climate-impacting volcanic eruptions occurs in the 7th Century of the Common Era. Historical eruption records are poor during this time period, but by targeting prominent sulfate and tephra deposits in Greenland ice core TUNU2013, we better constrain source parameters of three major eruptions in this century. As well as providing new insights into climate-forcing eruptions occurring in 626 and 682 CE, we identify the Newberry Pumice tephra from the Big Obsidian eruptive period of Newberry Volcano (Oregon, USA). This finding provides a new and precise ice-core chronology date for the Newberry Pumice and extends the known plume transport distance to Greenland.

These results demonstrate the wealth of data about individual volcanic eruptions that can be obtained from linking an ice-core tephra to its source, including eruption timing, plume height, tephra transportation distances, grain size and abundance. Knowledge of these characteristics is key for informing plume models which reconstruct past events where historic data is not available, and strengthen future hazard predictions. These findings demonstrate the opportunity the ice core volcanic records present to the wider volcanology community.

How to cite: Innes, H., Hutchison, W., Sigl, M., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Jensen, B. J. L., and Burke, A.: Using ice cores to constrain parameters of eruptions during the 7th Century of the Common Era: challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16918,, 2025.

EGU25-17539 | Orals | GMPV9.2

Modeling the dynamics of lava fountains at Etna 

Giovanni Macedonio, Alessandro Bonaccorso, Luigi Carleo, Antonio Costa, Gilda Currenti, and Flora Giudicepietro

In recent years, Etna's primary eruptive activity has been marked by extended sequences of lava fountain episodes. Lava fountains are explosive events involving intense jets of gas and solid particles, which significantly impact air traffic and urban areas due to ash dispersal and fallout. The development of a lava fountain at Etna typically follows a gradual progression: it begins with weak Strombolian activity, transitions to a characteristic lava jet, and culminates in the formation of a sustained eruptive column. These events generally last from several minutes to a few hours. During such eruptions, the interaction between magma and surrounding rock induces very small deformations that can be detected by a Sacks-Evertson strainmeter. This instrument measures the volumetric deformation of the surrounding rock with high resolution and across a broad frequency range. Analyzing strain data helps determine the timing of events, assess the fountain's magnitude, and estimate the volume of material erupted.

In this study, we propose a time-dependent model of shallow reservoir withdrawal, incorporating fluid dynamics within the conduit and associated pressure variations. The resulting variations of the strain field in the surrounding rocks is compared with data collected at Etna during lava fountaining episodes.

How to cite: Macedonio, G., Bonaccorso, A., Carleo, L., Costa, A., Currenti, G., and Giudicepietro, F.: Modeling the dynamics of lava fountains at Etna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17539,, 2025.

EGU25-17660 | Posters on site | GMPV9.2

Unrest Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques on Seismic Data: A Case Study of Vulcano Island, Italy 

Flavio Cannavo', Rosalia Lo Bue, and Joe Carthy

Many volcanoes worldwide remain dormant, exhibiting mild to weak hydrothermal fuming activity. Detecting early signs of reactivation, particularly for those volcanoes near densely populated or touristic areas, presents a significant challenge in volcanology. Periods of unrest often involve complex interactions between magmatic and hydrothermal systems, obscuring clear eruption precursors.


In mid-September 2021, Vulcano Island, Italy, experienced significant degassing episodes at the La Fossa cone. Despite the unrest, no phreatic or phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred. This makes Volcano an ideal case study for applying advanced machine learning techniques to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of unrest detection and to understand the factors that prevented an eruption. This study aims to develop and evaluate machine learning models for detecting signs of volcanic unrest using seismic data. 


Our approach utilizes continuously recorded seismic data to capture the intricate precursors to volcanic eruptions. We explore various machine learning approaches, including supervised and unsupervised methods, to identify patterns and correlations indicative of volcanic unrest. These models undergo training and validation using historical data on Vulcano Island, ensuring their applicability in real-time monitoring scenarios. 


This study aims to improve the detection of volcanic unrest on Vulcano Island and our understanding of the precursors to eruptions, including the conditions that may inhibit eruption despite significant unrest.

How to cite: Cannavo', F., Lo Bue, R., and Carthy, J.: Unrest Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques on Seismic Data: A Case Study of Vulcano Island, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17660,, 2025.

EGU25-17887 | Orals | GMPV9.2

Advancing knowledge of thermo-fluid dynamic processes in Vulcano's geothermal system through numerical simulations 

Carla Califano, Rosanna Salone, Antonio Troiano, Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe, Roberto Isaia, and Rosa Di Maio

The island of Vulcano, part of the Aeolian Archipelago, is a significant volcanic edifice in Italy. Its active geothermal system and frequent volcanic unrest, particularly the ongoing phase, since September 2021, marked by high fumarole temperatures, changes in gas composition, ground deformation, and micro-seismicity, underscore the importance of understanding the subsurface processes driving volcanic and geothermal phenomena.

The present study, using TOUGH2 code (Pruess et al., 1999), aims to enhance our understanding of the active geothermal system of Vulcano. A highly constrained petrophysical model of the island, derived from a 3D resistivity structure obtained from a magnetotelluric (MT) survey (Di Giuseppe et al., 2023), was used to simulate heat flow and fluid flow (H2O and CO2) for the time required to reach the natural thermodynamic state of the system. The numerical modelling results were analyzed by examining the fluid distributions in terms of pressure, temperature and CO2 partial pressure. Pressure increases linearly with depth, as expected in a hydrostatic system, while temperature and CO2 partial pressure show more complex distributions. These observations are consistent with a developed heterogeneous model that incorporates structural and petrophysical data from the MT model, providing a more realistic thermodynamic representation of the Vulcano geothermal system. In particular, the simulated temperature and CO2 partial pressure distributions show a clear differentiation between the central-northern and southern parts of the island, in agreement with literature and empirical data.

These results offer new insights into the system’s behavior, significantly enhancing our understanding of its current dynamics and providing a robust foundation for predicting its future evolution. This could potentially lead to more accurate predictive models and hazard scenarios.   

How to cite: Califano, C., Salone, R., Troiano, A., Di Giuseppe, M. G., Isaia, R., and Di Maio, R.: Advancing knowledge of thermo-fluid dynamic processes in Vulcano's geothermal system through numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17887,, 2025.

EGU25-481 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Combining numerical CFD models and AI to enhance lava flow simulations 

Eleonora Amato, Vito Zago, and Ciro Del Negro

Lava flows are complex, non-Newtonian fluids with visco-thermal dependencies that can overcome barriers, form tunnels, and significantly impact surrounding areas. Understanding and predicting these flows are critical for quantifying volcanic hazards. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are indispensable tools for simulating lava dynamics, but they often entail high computational costs, limiting their real-time applicability. To address these challenges, we propose an AI-enhanced CFD emulator for lava flows, designed to improve modeling efficiency while preserving accuracy. Our approach integrates AI with CFD to capture the visco-thermal properties of lava and its intricate dynamics, including phase transitions, particle solidification, and the influence of air on thermal behavior. The emulator has been validated through simulations of diverse physical scenarios, demonstrating its capability to generalize across varying conditions. Additionally, we conducted a sensitivity analysis, exploring the influence of key parameters, such as effusion rate, on lava flow evolution and eruption styles. By incorporating satellite-derived estimates, we provide insights into eruptive behaviors while minimizing the risks of field observations. Our results showcase the potential of combining AI, numerical models, and remote sensing to enhance traditional volcanic monitoring approaches. This hybrid methodology enables faithful, near real-time simulations of lava flows, offering valuable tools for hazard assessment and risk mitigation.

How to cite: Amato, E., Zago, V., and Del Negro, C.: Combining numerical CFD models and AI to enhance lava flow simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-481,, 2025.

EGU25-532 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Spatiotemporal Tracking of the Volcanic Cloud Dispersion Using ConvLSTM Models and SEVIRI Imagery 

Federica Torrisi, Claudia Corradino, and Ciro Del Negro

Explosive volcanic eruptions inject a variety of particles and gases into the atmosphere, forming volcanic clouds that significantly impact human health, climate, and aviation safety. Accurately capturing the temporal evolution of these clouds is essential for understanding their dynamics and improving predictive capabilities. Due to the rapid and unpredictable nature of explosive eruptions, volcanic clouds can form, expand, and disperse in short timeframes. For this reason, high-temporal-resolution geostationary satellite data are indispensable for near-real-time monitoring. SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager), onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite, provides high-frequency radiometric data essential for tracking volcanic clouds on a global scale. SEVIRI's ability to acquire images at intervals of 5–15 minutes enables the identification of patterns in cloud formation and dispersion, supporting timely warnings and informed decision-making during crises. Here, we propose a novel approach using a convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM) model, a type of recurrent neural network designed to handle spatiotemporal data, for effectively tracking the spread of volcanic clouds using satellite imagery. By training the model on a dataset of Ash RGB images derived from SEVIRI data, we analyze volcanic events at Mt. Etna (Italy) to demonstrate the model's capability to capture both spatial and temporal dynamics. Our findings show that ConvLSTM models excel in addressing complex spatiotemporal challenges, providing robust segmentation and reliable tracking of volcanic clouds over time. This approach delivers timely information that enhances aviation safety, emergency response, and public health monitoring, contributing to more effective management of volcanic crises.

How to cite: Torrisi, F., Corradino, C., and Del Negro, C.: Spatiotemporal Tracking of the Volcanic Cloud Dispersion Using ConvLSTM Models and SEVIRI Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-532,, 2025.

EGU25-3167 | Orals | NH2.3

Integration of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI data for detecting and mapping sea-water discoloration around submarine volcanoes 

Emanuele Ciancia, Francesco Marchese, Simon Plank, and Nicola Pergola

Shallow eruptions of submarine volcanoes can hamper navigation of ships and alter the biological response of marine ecosystems. Hydrothermal vents and ash-laden plumes can spread on sea-surface for weeks affecting the optical properties of the water column. Systematic in situ observations (i.e., underwater observations, hydro-acoustic and seismic arrays) are usually time-consuming, expensive, and difficult to carry out before and during an eruptive event. On the other hand, satellite remote sensing can provide timely and continuous information about volcanic activities around dangerous sites contributing to the assessment on the pre-, syn- and post-eruptive phenomena. Among these, sea-water discoloration is one of the most significant indicators of underwater volcanic activity as its accurate and timely detection may support in revealing possible precursor processes of submarine volcanic eruptions. Most of the published studies have been performed to characterize discolored water patches after huge eruptions through the assessment of their reflectance patterns by using multispectral ocean color data acquired by MODIS, VIIRS and Sentinel-3 OLCI. Although these sensors enable a timely detection of submarine eruption features, their coarse spatial resolution makes them unsuitable for mapping discolored patches whose size and spatial dynamics are at ten- or hundred-meter scale. The improved spatial resolution offered by Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI data (10-60 m) can ensure an accurate mapping of sea-water discoloration. Moreover, their joint use would allow for monitoring discolored plumes at unprecedented rates with a potential revisit time of 2-3 days at global scale. In this study, we aim at assessing the potential of the Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI integrated datasets in characterizing sea-water discoloration around a selected test case, namely the Kavachi submarine volcano (Solomon Islands, South Pacific Ocean).

By exploiting a 3-year (2020-2022) MSI-OLI combined dataset, we developed a novel spectral-derived method to detect and map discolored patches before potential subaerial eruptions. The proposed work is expected to provide a first contribution in better investigating  the possible precursor signs of submarine volcanic eruptions.

How to cite: Ciancia, E., Marchese, F., Plank, S., and Pergola, N.: Integration of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI data for detecting and mapping sea-water discoloration around submarine volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3167,, 2025.

EGU25-3620 | Orals | NH2.3

Forecasting the evolution of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, with TROPOMI/PlumeTraj-derived SO2 emission rates 

Mike Burton, Ben Esse, Catherine Hayer, Giuseppe La Spina, Ana Pardo Cofrades, María Asensio Ramos, José Barrancos Martínez, and Nemesio Pérez

As global populations grow, the exposure of communities and infrastructure to volcanic hazards increases every year. Once a volcanic eruption begins it becomes critical for risk managers to understand the likely evolution and duration of the activity to assess its impact on populations and infrastructure. Here, we report an exponential decay in satellite-derived SO2 emission rates during the 2021 eruption of Tajogaite, La Palma, Canary Islands, and show that this pattern allows a reliable and consistent forecast of the evolution of the SO2 emissions after the first third of the total eruption duration. The eruption ended when fluxes dropped to less than 6% of their fitted maximum value, providing a useful benchmark to compare with other eruptions. Using a 1-D numerical magma ascent model we suggest that the exponentially decreasing SO2 emission trend was primarily produced by reducing magma chamber pressure as the eruption emptied the feeding reservoir. This work highlights the key role that satellite-derived SO2 emission data can play in forecasting the evolution of volcanic eruptions and how the use of magma ascent models can inform the driving mechanisms controlling the evolution of the eruption.

How to cite: Burton, M., Esse, B., Hayer, C., La Spina, G., Pardo Cofrades, A., Asensio Ramos, M., Barrancos Martínez, J., and Pérez, N.: Forecasting the evolution of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, with TROPOMI/PlumeTraj-derived SO2 emission rates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3620,, 2025.

Forecasting changes in volcano activity requires a detailed understanding of magma plumbing architecture and dynamics in terms of geometry, distribution and connectivity of the magma bodies and magma properties. This is mandatory to apply effective monitoring strategies and deploy appropriate risk mitigations policies. The PGF's multidisciplinary approach, we have adopted over years on several volcanoes, combines the study and monitoring of petrography and mineral chemistry of erupted products, with the composition of fluids trapped in minerals and the study of gas emissions. This framework permits to constrain magma evolution and dynamics within a volcano plumbing system over a very large range of pressure, temperature and compositions, and on a large range of time scales and frequencies of eruptive events. Here we review the most recent results obtained on two active volcanic systems (Piton de la Fournaise and Mayotte) located in the Indian Ocean, formed in distinct geodynamic settings and with very contrasting eruption rates, volumes, and dynamics, but sharing a common feature: an important lateral shift of the magma ascent paths with respect to the eruptive sites and the coexistence of both evolved (phonolite to trachyte) and mafic (basalts to basanite) melts over a large depth range (from mantle to crust). We show that the most effective monitoring is obtained by focusing on the deepest parts of the plumbing system that allow recognizing and following new magma recharges, melt differentiation and degassing and magma lateral drainage. The occurrence already in the mantle and close to the Moho of variably evolved and degassed melts, besides primitive and volatile rich ones need to be carefully considered, in order to provide a robust interpretation of multidisciplinary monitoring datasets.

How to cite: Di Muro, A., Rizzo, A., Liuzzo, M., Grassa, F., and Benard, B.: The contribution of multidisciplinary petrological and geochemical framework (PGF) to assess the influence of plumbing architecture on volcano dynamics and monitoring strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4140,, 2025.

EGU25-5139 | Posters on site | NH2.3

From Magma to Eruption: Modeling VolcanicProcesses with Diffusion Theory 

Cataldo Godano, Massimiliano Semeraro, Giuseppe Gonnella, Giovanni Macedonio, Francesco Oliveri, Patrizia Rogolino, and Alessandro Sarracino

We present a model for volcanic eruption based on the Brownian motion of denser bodies of magma, embedded in a less dense one. The viscosity of the embedding magma contrasts the gravity and the unique global force, acting on these bodies, is represented by the vesicles of gas, dissolved in the magma, that accumulates beneath the denser bodies. Some simple assumptions lead to a theoretical expression that can fit very well the erupted
volumes distribution obtained from experimental data. Numerical simulations, including the main ingredients of the theoretical model, also reproduce the experimental distribution. The model is a good representation of the Strombolian eruptive style. However the capability of fitting the whole data set, including all eruptive styles, suggests that it could be viewed as a specific version of a more general model describing the whole spectrum of
eruptive styles..

How to cite: Godano, C., Semeraro, M., Gonnella, G., Macedonio, G., Oliveri, F., Rogolino, P., and Sarracino, A.: From Magma to Eruption: Modeling VolcanicProcesses with Diffusion Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5139,, 2025.

Volcanic ash from large eruptions in and around the Korean Peninsula poses significant risks to critical facilities. This study employs the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to evaluate the relative importance and interconnectivity of different facility sectors vulnerable to volcanic ash impacts. The analysis focused on 12 facility categories grouped into three main sectors: transportation, infrastructure, and public facilities.

Historical volcanic damage cases were analyzed using data from vHub and the Global Volcanic Program (GVP), revealing that 53.8% of volcanic eruption cases involved ash-related damage. Based on this analysis and expert consultation, a network model was developed to capture the complex relationships between facility sectors. Volcanic disaster experts participated in a survey to assess the relative importance and influence relationships between different facility categories.

The results showed that transportation facilities had the highest importance (0.509), followed by infrastructure (0.354) and public facilities (0.137). Among all subcategories, aviation emerged as the most critical sector with an importance value of 0.246, significantly higher than other facilities. This was followed by electricity (0.117), broadcasting and communication (0.110), and ships and ports (0.103). The high ranking of aviation reflects South Korea's particular vulnerability to long-range ash dispersion effects, similar to the impacts observed during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Europe.

Interconnectivity analysis using a weighted super-matrix revealed significant cascade effects between sectors. Road damage showed substantial influence on medical facilities (42.8%), aviation (27.1%), and railways (15.2%). The electricity sector demonstrated broad impacts across all facilities, with particularly strong influences on broadcasting and communication (23.1%), medical facilities (20.4%), and railways (16.6%). Medical facilities emerged as highly dependent on other sectors, being significantly affected by disruptions to roads, water supply, and electricity.

These findings provide valuable insights for volcanic ash risk management in South Korea, where the threat primarily comes from distant volcanoes like Mount Baekdu. The results highlight the need for targeted mitigation strategies focusing on aviation and electrical infrastructure, while also considering the complex interdependencies between different facility sectors. This study contributes to the development of more effective disaster response planning and risk assessment methodologies tailored to South Korea's specific volcanic hazard context.

How to cite: Kim, Y. J., Lee, S., Park, B. C., and Yoon, S.: Prioritization and Interconnectivity Analysis of Critical Facilities for Volcanic Ash Risk Management in South Korea: An ANP Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5433,, 2025.

EGU25-6355 | Orals | NH2.3

Modern Deep Learning Techniques for Volcanic Unrest Monitoring using InSAR Data 

Nantheera Anantrasirichai, Juliet Biggs, Robert Gabriel Popescu, Xuan Wern Joshua Kong, and Tianqi Yang

Satellites provide essential capabilities for widespread, regional, or global volcano surveillance, often offering the first indications of volcanic unrest or eruptions. Here, we focus on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), a technology detecting surface deformation that is statistically strongly linked to volcanic activity. Recent technological advancements have enabled the generation of vast amounts of monitoring data—e.g., LiSC system currently provides over 3.4 million raw interferograms. Clearly, manual analysis of such a large dataset is no longer feasible. This talk presents several modern, learning-based techniques for ground deformation monitoring using InSAR data, including supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning approaches.

Supervised learning methods have successfully detected fringes in wrapped interferograms. We improved our CNN-based detection process [1,2,3] by incorporating state-of-the-art Transformers. However, these methods may miss ground deformations with characteristics differing from the training data. To address this limitation, we explore the potential of using semi-supervised learning [4]. In this approach, a global feature representation of InSAR data is learned through unsupervised contrastive learning [5], and the detection task is subsequently fine-tuned on a limited number of labelled samples. For unsupervised learning, our model identifies samples that deviate from the norm of the data as anomaly detection. It is performed in the feature space of unwrapped interferograms [6] and employs a statistical-based approach, Patch Distribution Modelling [7]. The results show that this method outperforms existing supervised learning techniques when the characteristics of deformation are unknown.

Interferograms capture deformation signals and atmospheric effects, which can distort detection accuracy. While GACOS provides atmospheric corrections, it may fail to fully remove effects and sometimes introduces artifacts. To address these limitations, we enhance our system with learning-based denoising techniques to mitigate atmospheric effects. Two approaches are presented: Transformer-based and diffusion model-based denoising. The first method adapts the state-of-the-art image denoising model, Reformer [8], but replaces the feed-forward network with multi-layer perceptron. The second method leverages Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models [9], incorporating turbulence noise in the forward diffusion process. Initial results, evaluated against GPS data, demonstrate that this method outperforms traditional time-series processing in mitigating atmospheric effects.


[1] N Anantrasirichai et al., Application of Machine Learning to Classification of Volcanic Deformation in Routinely Generated InSAR Data. JGR Solid Earth, 2018

[2] N Anantrasirichai et al., A deep learning approach to detecting volcano deformation from satellite imagery using synthetic datasets, RSE, 2019

[3] N Anantrasirichai et al., The application of convolutional neural networks to detect slow, sustained deformation in InSAR time series, GRL, 2019

[4] N Anantrasirichai et al., Semi-supervised Learning Approach for Ground Deformation Detection in InSAR, Fringe, 2023

[5] T Yang et al., A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for B-line Detection in Lung Ultrasound Images. ISBI, 2023

[6] R Popescu et al., Anomaly detection for the identification of volcanic unrest in satellite imagery, ICIP, 2024

[7] T Defard et al., A Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization, ICPRW, 2021

[8] N Kitaev et al., Reformer: The Efficient Transformer, ICLR, 2020

[9] J Ho et al., Denoising diffusion probabilistic models. NIPS, 2020

How to cite: Anantrasirichai, N., Biggs, J., Popescu, R. G., Kong, X. W. J., and Yang, T.: Modern Deep Learning Techniques for Volcanic Unrest Monitoring using InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6355,, 2025.

Thermal infrared (TIR) imaging of volcanic activity has become common over the past quarter century with the advent of smaller, inexpensive, ground-based cameras and greatly expanded orbital coverage. Because of these advances, TIR data are also now integrated into the standard set of monitoring tools at many volcano observatories. These data are acquired using permanent ground-stations, less frequent campaign mode deployments from the ground and air, as well as orbital remote sensing. However, the ability to forecast a new eruption using orbital TIR data remains unrealized despite decades of data acquisition, modeling, and analysis. Fundamentally, these data are limited due to the design metrics of the sensors such as spatial and/or temporal resolution. One endmember group of these instruments is defined by lower spatial, higher temporal resolution whose data can detect large-scale thermal change such as new lava on the surface. Sensors in this class are used to rapidly identify a new eruption and monitor its evolution, for example. The other endmember has sensors with higher spatial, lower temporal resolution data with sensitivity to detect subtle temperature changes (1-2 degrees) over small spatial scales. Our work examines decades of TIR data from this second endmember class to identify precursory thermal eruption signals. By including all data (day and night) screened for clouds, we produce a larger statistical dataset from which to extract thermal signal deviations from a standard baseline. This long time series orbital TIR data enable a unique opportunity to quantify low-level anomalies and small eruption plumes over long periods. Most significant is the finding that the smaller, subtle detections served as precursory signals in ~81% of eruptions for our five test locations, which we have now expanded to a wider range of volcanoes and activity styles. The results also serve as training for machine learning based modeling that is applied to different targets for this study. This model learns to identify discriminant thermal trends associated to unrest conditions preceding eruptions.  Over the next decade, several high spatial (~ 60 m) resolution orbital sensors are planned will  provide near-daily TIR data at every volcano, vastly improving thermal baselines and detection of new activity. One of these, the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) TIR mission, contains an infrared instrument and a planned higher-level data product called the Volcano Activity (VA), which will be crucial for accurate daily monitoring of volcanic temperatures and degassing rates. However, despite the promise of SBG data, the next fundamental step-change in orbital volcanology will not come until high-speed, spaceborne data are possible. A proposed “hypertemporal” TIR mission would acquire these data at sub-minute scales to determine mass and thermal flux rates of gas emissions, eruptive ash plumes, and lava flows. With such a mission, data now acquired by current ground-based cameras will become possible from orbit for the first time.

How to cite: Ramsey, M. and Corradino, C.: Forecasting volcanic activity onset and eruption with the next generation of thermal infrared data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13414,, 2025.

EGU25-13863 | Posters on site | NH2.3

GNSS network and volcanic deformation patterns: Somma-Vesuvius case study. 

Umberto Tammaro, Mario Dolce, Giuseppe Brandi, Antonio Iorio, Giovanni Scarpato, and Prospero De Martino

Somma-Vesuvius is known worldwide for the devastating Plinian eruption (79 AD) that destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii. In this study provides an overview of the ground deformation patterns of the Somma–Vesuvius volcano from continuous GNSS observations. In the 2000–2022 time span, the GNSS time series allowed the continuous and accurate tracking of ground displacements of the volcanic area.

We processed the GNSS data using the Bernese GNSS software on a daily basis with the IGS final orbits and Earth rotation parameters. To obtain high-precision results, we processed all data collected from 2000 to 2022 using the same processing strategies: the updated products, and the most recent models.

As regards the results, we present the final daily position time series of the GNSS stations, their velocities, horizontal and vertical displacement patterns and strain maps.

A better knowledge of expected displacement patterns could be help in the location of monitoring sensors as well as in the design of a geodetic network. Therefore, we simulate the deformation of Somma-Vesuvius volcano due to some overpressure sources by means of a finite element 3D code. We modelled the structural heterogeneity in terms of dynamic elastic parameters retrieved from previous seismic tomography and gravity studies. Instead, the topography of the volcano retrieved from a resolution digital terrain model.

How to cite: Tammaro, U., Dolce, M., Brandi, G., Iorio, A., Scarpato, G., and De Martino, P.: GNSS network and volcanic deformation patterns: Somma-Vesuvius case study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13863,, 2025.

EGU25-13887 | Orals | NH2.3

Magma Depletion: An alternative to time-homogeneity for forecasting vent distribution in volcanic fields 

Mark Bebbington, Melody Whitehead, and Gabor Kereszturi

For small volume eruptions, such as those common for volcanic fields, the location of an eruptive vent controls the hazards, their intensities, and ultimately the impact of the eruption. An eruption through water can result in a highly explosive event, and an eruption beneath a hospital or critical infrastructure can cause significant long-term impacts. We look here at long-term probabilistic assessments, the outputs of which inform evacuation plans, the (re)location of vital infrastructure, and inform the placement of early-warning monitoring equipment.

Current estimates of future vent locations are based on point-process methods with probability surfaces built from patterns, clusters, and/or lineaments identified from previous vent locations. These all assume that locations with more past-vents are more likely to produce future-vents, or in other words a null hypothesis

Ho: The likelihood of an eruption at the location of an existing vent is a local maximum of the spatial density surface.

Critically, under this model the occurrence of an eruption does not change the likelihood of further eruptions at that locality. We investigate here an alternative (but not necessarily better) hypothesis of magma depletion, i.e., that after an eruption, the magma source at depth is depleted by the volume of the eruption in this area, lessening the likelihood by creating a local depression in the probability surface. More formally we consider the alternative hypothesis

Ha: The likelihood of an eruption at the location of an existing vent is a local minimum of the spatial density surface.

We present the mathematics and code for various alternatives to current kernel density estimates, and then set out to try and disprove our null hypothesis by examining goodness of fit to data, all using the exemplar of the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand

How to cite: Bebbington, M., Whitehead, M., and Kereszturi, G.: Magma Depletion: An alternative to time-homogeneity for forecasting vent distribution in volcanic fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13887,, 2025.

EGU25-13969 | Orals | NH2.3

Joint volcanic source term estimation and SO2 dispersion forecasting by combining model emulators, observations, and empirical relationships within a hierarchical Bayesian model. 

Talfan Barnie, Hadi Rezaee, Sara Barsotti, Leonardo Mingari, Manuel Titos, and Melissa Anne Pfeffer

We present a novel source term estimation and SO2 ground concentration forecasting system for the Reykjanes peninsula, developed as a Digital Twin Component for the DT-GEO project. The joint distribution over the source term and ground concentrations is estimated by drawing samples from the posterior specified by a Bayesian hierarchical model, using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. The Bayesian model consists of a physics based forward model that gives ground concentrations as a function of the source term, and an empirical model that describes the influence of the atmosphere on the source term. The forward model has to be (1) fast and (2) differentiable for the sampling procedure, so we replace the forward model (Fall3D) with an emulator. We can use simple linear emulators by taking advantage of the linearity of ground concentration with flux for basic scenarios, while neural network based emulators are being developed for more complicated model physics. Observations of SO2 flux, plume height, and ground concentration constrain the hierarchical model parameters that determine the forecast ground concentrations. Application to the recent basaltic fissure eruptions on Reykjanes, Iceland, will be presented.

How to cite: Barnie, T., Rezaee, H., Barsotti, S., Mingari, L., Titos, M., and Pfeffer, M. A.: Joint volcanic source term estimation and SO2 dispersion forecasting by combining model emulators, observations, and empirical relationships within a hierarchical Bayesian model., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13969,, 2025.

EGU25-14603 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Revisiting Wickman (1966): Forecasting eruption onset and periods of activity at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico) 

Daniela Hernández Villamizar and Hugo Delgado Granados

Delgado Granados et al. (1988) forecasted the initiation of an eruption at Popocatépetl volcano of any kind in 1997 with a 97% confidence and with a recurrence of eruptions every ~70 years. For this, they used the methods developed by Wickman (1966a-e) and Thorlaksson (1967) using the repose period concept. The current eruption at the volcano was initiated in 1994, three years in advance to the forecasted year. In this work we used the same expressions to calculate a new forecast using the same data. Interestingly, the forecast at 95% confidence indicates 1994 as the initiation of the next eruption after the end of the last eruptive period (1927) with a recurrence time of ~67 years. Further, we made the calculation adding more dates found in the recorded history of the volcano. We obtained a forecast of the initiation of the next eruption, after 1927, in the year 1994 at 95% confidence and a recurrence period of ~67 years. Using the same tools, but now for the duration of the activity intervals, we obtained a period of activity duration at ~43 years. Using this timing, the current eruption could be ending in 2037 at 95% probability.




Delgado Granados H., Carrasco Núñez G., Urrutia Fucugauchi J., Casanova Becerra J.M., 1988, Analysis of the Eruptive Records of the Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico, Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes, Proceedings Volume 1988, pp. 510-513.

Thorlaksson J.E.,1967, A probability model of volcanoes and the probability of eruptions of Hekla and Hekla and Katla, Bull. Vol., 31, 97-106.

Wickman F.E., 1966, Repose period patterns of volcanoes. I. Volcanic eruptions regarded as random phenomena. Ark. Mineral. Geol., 4, 7, pp. 291-301.

Wickman, F.E., 1966, Repose period patterns of volcanoes. IV. Volcanic eruptions regarded as random phenomena. Ark. Mineral. Geol., 4, 10, pp. 337-350.


How to cite: Hernández Villamizar, D. and Delgado Granados, H.: Revisiting Wickman (1966): Forecasting eruption onset and periods of activity at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14603,, 2025.

EGU25-15508 | Orals | NH2.3

Probabilistic hazard maps of pyroclastic density current at Vesuvius volcano (Italy): A new strategy for risk reduction 

Daniela Mele, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Fabio Dioguardi, and Roberto Sulpizio

The hazard of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) at Vesuvius is investigated based on past eruptions. The analysis is extended to all eruptions that left substantial deposits on the ground.

The currents are bipartite, with a basal highly-concentrated part, which was fed from the impact of the eruptive fountain on the ground, and an overlying part generated by the squeezing of the collapsed material that fed a dilute and turbulent shear flow.

Dynamic pressure, particle volumetric concentration, temperature and flow duration are hazardous characteristics of PDCs that can impact buildings and populations and are defined here as impact parameters. They have been calculated through an implementation of the PYFLOW code, which uses the deposit particle characteristics as input. The software searches for the probability density function of impact parameters. The 84th percentile has been chosen as a safety value of the expected impact at long term (50 years). Maps have been constructed by interpolation of the safety values calculated at various points over the dispersal area, and show how impact parameters change as a function of distance from the volcano. The maps are compared with the red zone, which is the area that the National Department of the Italian Civil Protection has declared to be evacuated in the impending of an eruption. The damaging capacity of currents over buildings and population is discussed both for the highly concentrated part and the diluted one.

How to cite: Mele, D., Dellino, P., Dioguardi, F., and Sulpizio, R.: Probabilistic hazard maps of pyroclastic density current at Vesuvius volcano (Italy): A new strategy for risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15508,, 2025.

EGU25-16114 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Making a volcanic point: certain subduction zones worldwide accumulate highly hazardous, pointy stratovolcanoes 

Pablo Tierz, Teresa Ubide, John Caulfield, Philippa White, Fabrizio Ponce, Roberto Mérida, Susan Loughlin, and Eliza Calder

Volcanic landscapes are amongst the most breathtaking visual features on Earth. Volcano morphologies can be extremely varied, including negative-relief topographic depressions (e.g. calderas) as well as many different configurations of positive reliefs (e.g. shields or stratovolcanoes). These volcano morphologies provide information about magmatic and eruptive processes and, therefore, represent invaluable sources of data, especially for data-scarce volcanic systems. Volcano morphology also modulates volcanic hazard, for example, by providing potential energy (edifice height, mean flank slope, etc.) for propagation of volcanic mass flows (lava flows, pyroclastic density currents, lahars, etc.); and/or in relation to potential instability of the volcanic edifice which, upon gravitational collapse, can generate large-volume, long-runout debris avalanches and debris flows.

Here, we quantify volcano morphology at several hundred volcanic systems worldwide, using a metric derived from an innovative, data-driven method to search for analogue volcanoes (VOLCANS). The metric simplifies volcano morphology by combining: (1) edifice height, (2) mean flank slope, (3) crater diameter and (4) degree of truncation of the edifice (i.e. ratio between the width of the summit area divided by that of the whole edifice). This makes it possible to distinguish between high, steep, pointy volcanoes with small craters and low, gentle-slope, truncated volcanoes with large craters/depressions. The VOLCANS metric indicates that high, steep and pointy (i.e. non-truncated) stratovolcanoes (henceforth referred to as ‘pointy volcanoes’) do not occur at random. Instead, pointy volcanoes tend to accumulate within specific subduction zones worldwide. Some of the most striking examples of subduction segments with high proportions of pointy volcanoes include Guatemala, which hosts all the pointy volcanoes in the entire Central American region (e.g. Fuego, Agua, Atitlán, Santa María, Tacaná) and Kamchatka, Russia, which hosts around 20% of all the pointy volcanoes identified worldwide (e.g. Klyuchevskoy, Vilyuchik, Kronotsky, Koryaksky). Other pointy-rich subduction segments include: the Alaskan Peninsula and the Cascades, USA (e.g. Pavlof or Mt Baker), Ecuador (e.g. Sangay), Java, Indonesia (e.g. Semeru, Merapi) or Central and Southern Chile (e.g. Lanín, Osorno, Villarrica).

We postulate that, in order to build such extreme volcano morphologies, frequent eruptive activity of mildly-evolved magmas (with low-to-intermediate viscosities), plus a limited spatial variability in the location of the eruptive vent(s), are necessary to maintain vertical growth of the volcanic edifice. Moreover, sparsity of large-explosive eruptions safeguards the ‘pointiness’ of the volcano, avoiding truncation of the edifice and/or mantaining small craters. We acknowledge that volcano morphology represents just a snapshot in time within the geological evolution of any volcanic system. Interestingly, however, some pointy volcanoes have experienced gravitational collapse(s) of their edifices in the past (e.g. Acatenango-Fuego, Guatemala), and have managed to rebuild their pointy edifices through subsequent eruptive activity. Currently, we are exploring several datasets of: (i) subduction kinematics, (ii) magma geochemistry and (iii) eruptive fluxes, to try to tie our morphological observations to their possible causative processes. Such an analysis is extremely relevant, not only to improve our understanding of how volcanic systems operate but also to quantify volcanic hazard at subduction zones and their volcanic systems.

How to cite: Tierz, P., Ubide, T., Caulfield, J., White, P., Ponce, F., Mérida, R., Loughlin, S., and Calder, E.: Making a volcanic point: certain subduction zones worldwide accumulate highly hazardous, pointy stratovolcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16114,, 2025.

EGU25-16933 | Posters on site | NH2.3

ALERTACO2 Project update: An extensive monitoring network for monitor and mitigate the CO2 hazard of indoor and outdoor air CO2 at the inhabited areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma (Canary Islands)  

Germán D. Padilla, Carmen López, Nemesio M. Pérez, Rubén López, Pedro A. Hernández, David Moure, Luca D'Auria, Pedro Torres, Gladys Melián, Daniel D'Nardo, Carla Méndez, Alexis González, and Juan A. Bermejo

As a result of the Tajogaite eruption (2021), La Palma island, anomalous volcanic CO2 emissions were observed by the end of November 2021 in the neighborhoods of La Bombilla, Puerto Naos, and some banana plantations, where appear daily many dead fauna (insects, birds, lizards and small mammals), located at about 6 km southwestern from Tajogaite eruption vents. These urban areas, not directly damaged by lava flows, were included in the exclusion zone due to the strong volcanic-hydrothermal CO2 concentrations (>5-20%). CO2 enters into the homes and premises through hydraulic and electrical conduits and the vertical structure of the buildings itself, causing an accumulation of CO2 indoor that reaches high or very high concentrations. CO2 is an asphyxiating and toxic gas in very high concentrations, as it implies a corresponding reduction in the oxygen (O2) content. Immediate evacuation of indoor spaces is recommended if the CO2 concentration excedes 1.5% (15,000ppm).

During the last two years after the eruption, several institutions deployed indoor and outdoor own gas networks, to try to delimitate the CO2 anomalies where CO2 air concentration exceed hazardous thresholds, but with an insufficient number of CO2 sensors (less than 100) to cover all homes, garages, basements and stores in real time. These studies aim to understand the dynamics of CO2 emission to delimitate the CO2 anomalies where CO2 air concentration exceed the hazardous thresholds, and help the authorities’ decision-making of people's return to their homes and stores.  

The ALERTACO2 project, participated by IGN and INVOLCAN institutes, was financed by the Spanish Government with an amount of 3M€ during a period of 4 years (2023-2026), and has the goals of implementing a much more extensive network of CO2 sensors (around 1,200 NDIR sensor developed by Sieltec Canarias) in real time in most of the building of both inhabited areas, the creation of a 24-hour monitoring room and an information and awareness campaign for the population about this volcanic hazard.

At the present time, 1294 sensors are installed (1,287 indoor and 7 outdoor), of which 147 are in La Bombilla and 1,133 in Puerto Naos and 7 moving stations and 7 outside these places. Each sensor has a color light code to indicate the CO2 concentration (green, yellow, orange and blue if the sensor is not working), and a QR code to view the information remotely. Each sensor sends the data to the 24-hour monitoring room via a gateway installed at the roof of each building. Thanks to ALERTACO2, many families have been able to return to their homes in safety conditions since December 2023, because their homes average CO2 concentrations were below 1,000 ppm. 


How to cite: Padilla, G. D., López, C., Pérez, N. M., López, R., Hernández, P. A., Moure, D., D'Auria, L., Torres, P., Melián, G., D'Nardo, D., Méndez, C., González, A., and Bermejo, J. A.: ALERTACO2 Project update: An extensive monitoring network for monitor and mitigate the CO2 hazard of indoor and outdoor air CO2 at the inhabited areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma (Canary Islands) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16933,, 2025.

EGU25-17985 | Posters on site | NH2.3

AI-driven insights into the volcanic processes and dynamics of explosive episodes inferred by satellite-based SO2 estimates, ground-based gas measurements, and petrological data 

Claudia Corradino, Alessandro La Spina, Lucia Miraglia, Federica Torrisi, and Ciro Del Negro

Identifying changes in a volcano's unrest and tracking the evolution of its eruptive activity are crucial for effective volcanic surveillance and monitoring. Variations in gas composition and amount can be associated with pre-eruptive changes in the volcano plumbing system. When combined with petrological studies, the emitted Sulphur dioxide (SO2) reflects the amount of magma involved (erupted or degassed), making it a useful parameter for constraining volcanic processes, dynamics, and the volume of magma. This work proposes an Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy to provide new insights into the volcanic processes and dynamics of explosive episodes using a multidisciplinary approach. Through advanced machine learning (ML) algorithms, we investigate the spatio-temporal relationships among the SO2 satellite image time series (SITS), ground-based gas measurements, and petrological data associated with volcanic pre- and syn-eruptive phases. SO2 emissions are estimated via satellite ultraviolet remote sensing, i.e. TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument. Both the quiescent/pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive/explosive gas phases are constrained from ground-based infrared remote sensing data i.e Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR). Rock compositions and textural features (e.g. crystallinity and vesicularity) of volcanic products are estimated by petrological study. The ML algorithm allows to both discover pre- and syn-eruptive patterns indicative of future eruption and better characterize volcanic processes. Unsupervised ML techniques are considered to explore previously unknown relationships without any external bias. We have tested this approach on recent volcanic activity that occurred on Mt Etna.

How to cite: Corradino, C., La Spina, A., Miraglia, L., Torrisi, F., and Del Negro, C.: AI-driven insights into the volcanic processes and dynamics of explosive episodes inferred by satellite-based SO2 estimates, ground-based gas measurements, and petrological data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17985,, 2025.

EGU25-18986 | Posters on site | NH2.3

Latest developments in measurement and geodetic monitoring techniques for shallow water volcanic areas subjected to vertical deformation phenomena (application on Campi Flegrei caldera). 

Sergio Guardato, Rosario Riccio, Rebecca Sveva Morelli, Francesco Chierici, Stefano Caliro, Giovanni Macedonio, and Giovanni Iannaccone

The monitoring of seabed deformation in coastal areas within active volcanic systems can be achieved through various techniques. However, several challenges must be addressed when conducting measurements in shallow marine environments. For instance, biological factors, such as biofouling, can compromise the long-term operability of instruments, while human activities, including overfishing and dragging operations, may cause physical damage to seafloor equipment. Additionally, temporal variations in seawater properties further complicate data analysis and interpretation.

To address these limitations, novel methodologies have been developed for monitoring seabed deformation in the Campi Flegrei volcanic region (southern Italy). Since 2016, a permanent marine infrastructure, MEDUSA (Marine Equipment for the Detection of Underwater Seafloor Activities), has been deployed within the marine sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera. This system consists of four spar buoys equipped for real-time geophysical monitoring of volcanic activity.

The methodologies implemented in MEDUSA include high-precision pressure measurements at the seafloor, sea-level monitoring, and the integration of GPS receivers mounted on the buoys. These advancements have significantly enhanced the geodetic and geophysical monitoring capabilities in the area, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of ground deformation patterns within the marine sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera.

The infrastructure is also able to accurately localize seismic events at sea, given the high seismic activity of the area, while simultaneously reducing the detection threshold.

To further improve covered area, we plan to deploy a network of cost-effective and autonomous seafloor instrumented modules, applying the new methodologies developed.

The presentation will cover the main techniques for measuring seafloor deformation, the solutions adopted in the Campi Flegrei region, the findings from nine years of continuous monitoring, and the planned advancements for future research.


How to cite: Guardato, S., Riccio, R., Morelli, R. S., Chierici, F., Caliro, S., Macedonio, G., and Iannaccone, G.: Latest developments in measurement and geodetic monitoring techniques for shallow water volcanic areas subjected to vertical deformation phenomena (application on Campi Flegrei caldera)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18986,, 2025.

EGU25-20727 | Posters on site | NH2.3

Long-term probabilistic hazard assessment posed by gas dispersion at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy)  

Silvia Massaro, Antonio Costa, Domenico Granieri, Manuel stocchi, giovanni macedonio, fabio dioguardi, alejandra guerrero, and arnau folch

Persistently active volcanoes emit gas continuously and may present a long-term hazard depending upon the gas specie, concentration levels and exposure time.

Following the last gas crisis occurred at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy) during 2021-2022, the surveillance activities carried out by the personnel of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia of Palermo Branch and the Etnean Observatory, let us to investigate the state of the island's hazard concerning volcanic gases by considering two degassing scenarios for CO2 and SO2 dispersion (background and unrest). To do this, we used the recently released version of VIGIL workflow (1.3.8) able to run automatically passive or gravity-driven gas dispersion simulations using DISGAS (2.6.0) and TWODEE-2 (2.6.0) models, respectively. Both models are interfaced with DIAGNO simulator (1.5.0) that require daily meteorological data.

Our results are based on 1000 simulations using averaged wind profiles from the ECMWF ERA5 database which constitute a representative sample of meteorological variability over the past 30 years (1993-2023). Long-term hazard maps are related to the probabilities of exceedance (PE) at 5% and 10% of the simulated CO2 and SO2 concentration at a height of 1.5 m above the ground (referring to the average height of a person). Persistence maps are built considering different thresholds for human exposure in accordance with the regulations of the European Union and the World Health Organization. Additionally, we present ongoing efforts to address current limitations in the VIGIL workflow, including improvements in handling source uncertainty (location and intensity), a more user-friendly interface, and the integration of a new wind simulator.

How to cite: Massaro, S., Costa, A., Granieri, D., stocchi, M., macedonio, G., dioguardi, F., guerrero, A., and folch, A.: Long-term probabilistic hazard assessment posed by gas dispersion at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20727,, 2025.

GMPV10 – Mantle-core fingerprints at Earth's surface - the connections

EGU25-708 | ECS | Orals | GD1.1

Tectono-magmatic reactivation in cratonic settings: a case study from the Superior province, Canada 

Egor Koptev, Alexander Peace, and Joseph Boyce

Phanerozoic intraplate magmatism has frequently been observed in association with ancient sutures, palaeorifts and strike-slip fault zones across multiple ancient cratons, including Laurentia, Baltica, Australia, Siberia. However, it is still unclear whether these lithospheric discontinuities were passive conduits for the melts generated in the asthenosphere, or if their tectonic reactivations acted as a primary control on melt production and distribution. In the Superior province of the Canadian shield, we explore the relationship between intraplate tectonic and magmatic activity along two segments of the Proterozoic St. Lawrence failed rift system, which hosts two Jurassic kimberlite fields (Kirkland Lake, Timiskaming) and a Cretaceous alkaline province (Monteregian Hills). Our goals are 1) to examine the structural settings of these provinces and 2) investigate the potential role of these lithospheric structures in melt production and channelling under the Mesozoic stress regime.

Basement fault structures associated with kimberlite pipes and alkaline intrusions were identified using available aeromagnetic data from Timiskaming and Montérégie. Magnetic data were employed  to construct a constrained 3-D inversion of the magnetic susceptibility distribution using Oasis montaj VOXI software package. Additionally, the regional stress field in the Superior province in the Mesozoic was reconstructed based on 542 measurements of joints, shear fractures, veins and dykes taken at 36 sites across the Palaeozoic cover of St. Lawrence lowlands. The Right Dihedron and Rotational Optimisation methods implemented in WinTensor 5.9.2 were used to compute stress tensors for structural associations of different relative ages.

The results demonstrate that Kimberlite pipes of the Timiskaming and Kirkland Lake fields tend to cluster around the intersections of two fault families: 1) thrust faults of Neoarchean Destor-Porcupine and Esker – Larder Lake sutures (trending W–E), and 2) normal faults of the Proterozoic Timiskaming graben (trending NNW – SSE). Intrusions of the Monteregian Hills alkaline province are also emplaced at the intersection of two fault families: 1) normal faults of the Proterozoic Ottawa – Bonnechere graben (trending W–E), and 2) a N–S trending set of faults of unclear kinematics or age. Reconstructed stress tensors for the Mesozoic are indicative of an extensional regime and a progressive counter-clockwise rotation of the stress-field throughout the Mesozoic (subhorizontal σ3  trend shifts from 86 to 306).

The spatial distribution of intrusions within the Timiskaming and Ottawa-Bonnechere grabens, indicates that intraplate magmatism was strongly controlled by St. Lawrence paleorift structures. However, intrusions are preferentially localized in areas where the paleorift is intersected by other fault systems. We speculate that these local fault systems are transfer faults oriented perpendicular to the normal faults of St. Lawrence system, creating pull-apart-like structures that accommodated intraplate magmatism. This emplacement model aligns with geochronological data, which indicate Jurassic intrusions of the Timiskaming and Kirkland Lake fields were emplaced along NNW–SSE-trending graben under a SW–NE  trending σ3 , while the Cretaceous Monteregian Hills were emplaced along the W–E-trending Ottawa–Bonnechere graben under a N–S trending σ3.

How to cite: Koptev, E., Peace, A., and Boyce, J.: Tectono-magmatic reactivation in cratonic settings: a case study from the Superior province, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-708,, 2025.

EGU25-1969 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.1

Subduction-stalled plume tail triggers Tarim large igneous province 

Kai Wang

Cold slab subduction and hot plume burst are generally envisaged as independent triggers for convergent margin and intraplate magmatisms, respectively. However, descending oceanic plates occasionally encounter ascending mantle plumes, leading to contrasting hypotheses that plumes interrupt subduction processes and/or slabs choke plume pathways. This study used 2-D numerical simulation to reproduce a Paleozoic scenario in Central Asia where a subduction-induced plume head is invoked to interpret the formation of the Tarim large igneous province (LIP). The model assumes a long-lived mantle plume beneath the South Tianshan oceanic plate adjacent to the trench. As subduction initiated, plume materials spread first under the moving oceanic lithosphere, which developed a sequence of seamounts. Subsequently, the continual subduction drove a strong downwelling flow that stalled or restricted plume ascent in the upper mantle and caused the accumulation of hot materials in the uppermost lower mantle. Ultimately, the slab break-off after collision provided an opening pathway allowing for the accumulated hot materials to reach the surface, resulting in the development of a concurrent plume head and the formation of LIP on the overriding Tarim craton. Bending and rollover of the subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath an implemented stationary trench may contribute slab components to the LIP source, which can reasonably explain the slab-like geochemical fingerprints of basaltic rocks. Our work offers a tentative interpretation for the paradox that seamount formation preceded the LIP eruption in Tianshan and highlights possible slab effects, where subduction can stall the plume tail, causing heat accumulation that triggers a LIP.

How to cite: Wang, K.: Subduction-stalled plume tail triggers Tarim large igneous province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1969,, 2025.

Multiple magmatic and metamorphic events occurred in northeast Asia during the Orosirian period. Orosirian multiple magmatic and metamorphic events are also known to provide information about the amalgamation and break-up of the Columbia/Nuna supercontinent. The Yeongnam Massif, one of the Paleoproterozoic tectonic provinces in the Korean Peninsula, is known to have undergone two magmatic activities during ca. 2.02-1.86 Ga. This study focused on the Orosirian metagranitoid and amphibolite in the Gangjin-Wando-Jangheung area in the southwestern part of the Yeongnam Massif. In this study, we conducted the zircon Lu-Hf isotope analysis, the whole-rock geochemical analysis, and zircon U-Pb dating for metagranitoid and mafic xenoliths. Our study, a detailed investigation into the emplacement timing and petrogenesis of the Orosirian metagranitoid and mafic xenoliths in the study area, can provide crucial insights into the Orosirian multiple magmatic activities in the Yeongnam Massif along with their tectonic implications.

How to cite: Ko, K.: Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope and whole-rock geochemical analysis of the Paleoproterozoic Orosirian metagranitoid and mafic xenolith in the southwestern part of the Yeongnam Massif, South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3561,, 2025.

EGU25-3700 | ECS | Orals | GD1.1

The Seidfjellet Formation in NW Spitsbergen: A Window into Miocene Volcanism and Tectonics of Arctic-Atlantic Gateway  

Maria Telmon, Peter Betlem, Sten Andreas Grundvåg, Rafael Kenji Horota, Alexander Minakov, Sverre Planke, Kim Senger, Christian Tegner, and Dmitrii Zastrozhnov

The Miocene epoch on Svalbard is characterized by volcanic activity and tectonic uplift, but the causes and relationship between these two processes remain debated. The evidence of coeval basaltic magmatism has probably affected a large area including Svalbard. The Seidfjellet Formation, a series of basaltic lava flows, represents a unique late Miocene subaerial magmatic event (5–10 Ma) in northwestern Spitsbergen. These flows, covering more than 200 km2, are exposed on top of numerous mountains in Andrée Land overlying Devonian sedimentary rocks. This study investigates the structure, composition and origin of this underexplored igneous province within a tectonomagmatic context, focusing on defining the magnitude, paleoenvironment, and chronology of the volcanism and contributing to our understanding of the Miocene evolution in Svalbard and adjacent Arctic regions.

In the summer of 2023, we systematically mapped and sampled (n = 83) well-exposed outcrops along Woodfjorden, logging basaltic lava flows from an elevation of approximately 600 to over 1000 m above sea level. Additionally, we acquired photospheres and photographs using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Photographs were processed to obtain high-resolution georeferenced digital outcrop models (DOMs) for systematic mapping of the Seidfjellet Formation and its relationship with the pre-basal emplacement paleosurface. To enhance the consistency of our dataset, 13 legacy samples collected in 2014 were analyzed for standard geochemical characterization, including major and trace element concentrations, isotopic ratios, and 40Ar/39Ar age determination.

The mapped lava flow sequences have variable thicknesses, with 400 m being the observed local maximum, indicating significant magma accumulation.  A massive 50 m thick olivine-rich sheet-flow unit is present in the lower part of the formation. Locally, a distinct hyaloclastic unit documents subaqueous lava emplacement. In contrast, the upper sections provide clear evidence of subaerial emplacement, with pahoehoe lava flow features. The interpretation of DOMs, the distribution of the lava flows as well as GIS-based thickness and volume estimates suggest that the igneous province extends more widely than what is evident from the existing remnant outcrops.  The Seidfjellet Formation shows variable sediment-basalt transitions, including sharp valley infill profiles and erosion surfaces above Devonian sandstones. Thickness estimates and remnant outcrop distributions point towards an eruption center near Scott Keltiefjellet, where hyaloclastites and dolerite layers are also exposed. Geochemical analysis reveals both silica-saturated 'tholeiitic' and silica-undersaturated 'alkaline' magmas, with isotopic evidence of crustal-contaminated mantle-derived magmas, reflecting a complex geological setting. Six Ar/Ar ages document a timespan of over 1 million years between 8 and 10 Ma, whereas one sample has an age of about 5 Ma refining earlier estimates.

The Seidfjellet Fm. represents the only subaerial expression of Miocene volcanic activity in Svalbard. Linking this event to similar and coeval features in the Arctic, both in terms of geochemistry and paleoenvironmental studies, provides an opportunity to identify a significant magmatic event potentially linked to the region's vertical motion history.

How to cite: Telmon, M., Betlem, P., Grundvåg, S. A., Kenji Horota, R., Minakov, A., Planke, S., Senger, K., Tegner, C., and Zastrozhnov, D.: The Seidfjellet Formation in NW Spitsbergen: A Window into Miocene Volcanism and Tectonics of Arctic-Atlantic Gateway , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3700,, 2025.

The Northeast Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) formed during the Paleocene/Early Eocene, driven by the Iceland hotspot. Its volcanic margins show a positive correlation between igneous thickness (H) and lower-crustal P-wave velocity (VP), indicating that high-temperature is driving excess mantle melting. However, previous studies have argued for large variations in structure and magmatic volumes between the conjugate margins of the Vøring Plateau and East Greenland, and there are inconsistencies in defining the conjugate continent-ocean transition zones (COTs). In this study, we use the H-VP correlation from various wide angle seismic studies, where a positive trend identifies igneous crust, while a rapid transition to a strong negative trend marks the increased presence of continental crust to redefine the COTs on conjugate Vøring Plateau and East Greenland margins. This definition gives consistent COTs in plate reconstruction to opening. Our results show that the total  magmatic volume of the East Greenland margin (8.23 × 10⁵ km³) is only slightly larger than for the Vøring Plateau (7.51 × 10⁵ km³). Later secondary magmatism in East Greenland (Late Eocene to Miocene) occurred during the separation between East Greenland and the Jan Mayen Microcontinent. Assuming symmetric magmatic volumes on each plate after breakup between the East Greenland margin and the Vøring Plateau, the difference can be used to estimate secondary magmatic volume in East Greenland (0.72 × 10⁵ km³), which is less than 10% of the initial breakup magmatism. In addition, other post-breakup mid-to-late Cenozoic events including Logi Ridge, Jan Mayen Plateau, Vesteris Seamount, Jan Mayen Island and Vøring Spur, contribute an estimated total volume of 2.2 × 10⁵ km³. While quite visible, the igneous volume of these events is thus far less than the Early Eocene breakup magmatism.


How to cite: Tan, P. and Breivik, A.: Break up and Post-Breakup Magmatism between the conjugate margins of the Vøring Plateau and East Greenland, NE Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4037,, 2025.

Granitoids are prevalent in southeastern China and are associated with numerous renowned polymetallic deposits. The mineralization is thought to have a close genetic linkage with granitic magmatism in this region. However, the petrogenesis of these granites remains a subject of debate. Dengfuxian granites in the eastern Hunan Province, a representative granitic pluton, formed during this geological period and are linked with tungsten deposits. To constrain their magmatic origins and petrogenesis, analyses were conducted, including whole-rock geochemistry, SIMS zircon geochronology, oxygen isotope studies, and LA-ICPMS zircon Lu–Hf isotopic analyses on selected samples of Dengfuxian granites.The Dengfuxian granitic pluton predominantly consists of biotite granite, two-mica granite, and muscovite granite. Age determinations of the various granite types indicate the existence of two distinct episodes: the Late Triassic (221–226 Ma) and the Late Jurassic (150–151 Ma). Granites from both periods consistently exhibit high concentrations of SiO₂, Al₂O₃, total alkalis, K₂O, and P₂O₅, while showing low levels of MgO, TiO₂, and MnO₂, exhibiting a range from weak to strong peraluminous characteristics. Geological and geochemical evidence supports that the Dengfuxian granites are highly fractionated I-type granites, although some features typical of S-type granites are present, likely due to significant magmatic fractionation.Zircon Hf and O isotopic data reveal that the granites from both episodes originated from ancient crustal material, undergoing partial melting and substantial fractionation. The Late Triassic granites, in particular, appear to have incorporated a greater proportion of ancient crustal material into their magma.

How to cite: Liu, Q. and Zhang, H.: Petrogenesis of Dengfuxian granites in Hunan Province, SE China: Insights from U-Pb zircon ages and geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5901,, 2025.

EGU25-6674 | ECS | Orals | GD1.1

Motions of the Kerguelen hotspot constrained by high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Ninetyeast Ridge 

Qiang Jiang, Hugo Olierook, Fred Jourdan, Diana Carmona Hoyos, Renaud Merle, Evelyn Mervine, and William Sager

Hotspots create linear volcanic features on Earth’s crust as tectonic plates migrate over and thus are often used to trace absolute plate motion. The effectiveness of a hotspot reference frame depends on the hotspot’s fixity or constraints on its motion history. Studies of Pacific hotspots revealed distinct hotspot motions that were variously attributed to shallow and/or deep mantle convection processes, but knowledge of hotspot movements elsewhere remains limited. Here we report robust and high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Ninetyeast Ridge, a >5000-km long linear volcanic ridge generated by the Kerguelen hotspot during the Indian Plate’s northward drift towards Eurasia. New ages suggest changing volcanic progression rates along the ridge, in contrast to a constant rate as previously documented. Combined with independent constraints on the Indian Plate motion and seafloor spreading, we reveal two periods of northward hotspot migration together with the Indian-Antarctic spreading ridge, and two periods of rapid southward motion of the hotspot when it was disconnected from and re-captured by separate spreading ridge segments. These rapidly changing motion histories affected by spreading ridges suggest that mantle plume lateral flows are susceptible to changes in shallow mantle convection processes due to the existence of horizontal ponding zones and vertical conduits as revealed by recent seismic tomography images of mantle plumes.

How to cite: Jiang, Q., Olierook, H., Jourdan, F., Carmona Hoyos, D., Merle, R., Mervine, E., and Sager, W.: Motions of the Kerguelen hotspot constrained by high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Ninetyeast Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6674,, 2025.

EGU25-8869 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.1

The Pan-African fayalite quartz-monzonite from north-central basement of Nigeria 

Isah Yahuza, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Michel Grégoire, and Ahmed Isah Haruna

Enigmatic fayalite and orthopyroxene-bearing quartz-monzonite, locally named bauchite, is identified at the lowest exposed structural level of the Pan-African basement in Nigeria. This very iron-rich rock challenges the typical Bowen's reaction series, which suggests that olivine and quartz should not coexist. Nigeria's Precambrian basement consists of a series of metamorphosed magmatic and sedimentary rocks including schists, quartzites, amphibolites, and calc-silicates, transitioning into a granitoid-gneiss complex, designated as the Bauchi complex, in the north-central region. The lowest structural level of this complex consists, from bottom to top, in bauchite, hornblende-biotite granite and biotite granite, which is in contact with granulite facies migmatites. Earlier studies attributed bauchite formation to the impregnation of granites by iron-rich fluids and argued that the coexistence of ortho- and clino-pyroxenes with fayalite and quartz suggests deep-crustal magmatic emplacement (≈30 km depth).

Our field investigations indicate that bauchite and surrounding granite, crosscuts the regional scale NW-SE trending foliation of the host migmatites, which is consistent with an intrusive plutonic body. The preferred orientation of feldspar phenocrysts in bauchite but also in granites, delineates a shallow-dipping magmatic foliation and a regional-scale domal structure. Bauchite, exposed in the core of the dome, has a granular texture, with microcline and albite phenocrysts in a matrix of fayalite, ortho- and clino- pyroxenes, hornblende, biotite, and quartz. The accessory minerals present are zircon, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, and titanite. At the lowest structural level, green bauchite dominated by fayalite and pyroxenes grades in brown bauchite characterized by a larger amount of hornblende and biotite. Textural analysis indicates a magmatic layering delineated by the alternation of fayalite-pyroxenes and microcline-albite layers. Interstitial quartz shows no signs of intracrystalline deformation, consistent with late crystallization from a melt. Hornblende shows lobate contacts with feldspars and typically forms a corona around fayalite and pyroxenes. Biotite is present as euhedral crystals in contact with hornblende. Microcline is typically bordered by myrmekite. These textures point to a reaction between fayalite-pyroxenes and microcline-albite layers leading to the crystallization of hornblende, biotite and quartz. Bauchite samples have an average SiO2 content of 65%, a high FeO/MgO ratio (14-17), and low Mg/(Fe+Mg) ratios (0.09-0.12). Their average K/(Na+K) is 0.49, with K2O exceeding 4%, making them highly potassic. The SiO2 content negatively correlates with most major oxides except K2O and Na2O, which show positive correlation. Trace elements data show high concentrations of Rb, Ba, K, and Zr, along with negative anomalies in Nb, Sr, P, Ti, Gd, Lu, and Y but positive anomalies in Zr, pointing to a deep-seated, alkaline magma. These features are consistent with an origin of bauchite resulting from interaction between an exotic iron-rich mantle derived alkaline magma and a felsic hydrous crustal one.

How to cite: Yahuza, I., Vanderhaeghe, O., Grégoire, M., and Isah Haruna, A.: The Pan-African fayalite quartz-monzonite from north-central basement of Nigeria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8869,, 2025.

EGU25-10002 | ECS | Orals | GD1.1

Prolonged (>100 Myr) magmatic and thermal evolution in the world’s largest massif-type anorthosite complex (Kunene Complex, Angola and Namibia) 

Glenance Ngomane, Thoriso Lekoetje, Lorenzo Milani, Grant M Bybee, Ben Hayes, Trishya M Owen-Smith, Jérémie Lehmann, and Hielke Jelsma

Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites are large plutons, predominantly composed of plagioclase, emplaced between 2.7 and 0.5 Ga. The Mesoproterozoic Kunene Complex is the largest massif-type anorthosite complex in the world, with an estimated area of ∼ 42,500 km², emplaced in southern Angola and northern Namibia. Recent geochronological studies on the main lithologies indicate ages between 1.50 and1.36 Ga, with the anorthosite dating between 1.43 and 1.37 Ga.

The anorthosite suite of the Kunene Complex locally hosts irregular pegmatoidal enclaves (a few meters-long, one meter-wide), primarily composed of large grains of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides, apatite, and plagioclase, with minor quartz, zircon, titanite and sulphide. The mineralogy and pegmatitic texture suggest that these enclaves represent evolved residual melts, occurring during the final stages of the liquid line of descent of parental magmas to the anorthosite. However, a U-Pb zircon date at ∼1.50 Ga obtained from an enclave is 60 Myr older than the oldest age measured on the Kunene anorthosite so far.

In this study, we provide new U-Pb dates and mineral trace element chemistry for zircon, apatite, and titanite in a set of enclaves and their direct host anorthosites. Samples were collected in two quarries in the central region of the complex in Angola, where these enclaves are well exposed.

Zircon dates from anorthosites and hosted enclaves range between 1.52 and 1.40 Ga. This establishes the beginning of the Kunene magmatism at around 1.5 Ga, testifies to coeval crystallisation of enclaves and host anorthosite, and indicates a prolonged zircon resetting due to the magmatism extending more than 130 Myr.

Both the subhedral cm-scale apatite observed in the enclaves and the smaller grains (max 200 µm) show textural features suggesting they are primary phases. Their trace element signature (relative enrichment in light rare earth elements) agrees with a magmatic origin. With no Pb loss after crystallisation, the igneous age would have been preserved. However, no ages at 1.5 Ga were documented for apatite, as they range between 1.41 and 1.35 Ga and overlap with the youngest zircon dates. We attribute these ages to partial resetting of the parent-daughter system during prolonged thermal activity and fluid circulation triggered by the long-lived Kunene magmatism, which resulted in apparent or mixed apatite ages.

Titanite in the enclaves crystallised as a secondary phase, appearing as clusters of minute anhedral grains closely associated with other alteration minerals. The U-Pb dates for titanite range from 1.41 to 1.37 Ga, overlapping with those for apatite. Titanite records the greenschist facies assemblages observed in the enclaves, providing key evidence of fluid-rock interactions during the post-magmatic stage.

The prolonged magmatic history of the Kunene Complex testifies to extended interaction between crystallisation processes, thermal reworking, and fluid-induced alteration. The new findings indicate that the enclave and host anorthosite are coeval, place the beginning of the anorthosite magmatism at 1.5 Ga, with metasomatic and thermal overprint at 1.42–1.35 Ga. The new data refine the temporal framework of the Kunene Complex emplacement and provide new fascinating insights into the magma dynamics of massif-type anorthosites.

How to cite: Ngomane, G., Lekoetje, T., Milani, L., Bybee, G. M., Hayes, B., Owen-Smith, T. M., Lehmann, J., and Jelsma, H.: Prolonged (>100 Myr) magmatic and thermal evolution in the world’s largest massif-type anorthosite complex (Kunene Complex, Angola and Namibia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10002,, 2025.

EGU25-10558 | ECS | Orals | GD1.1

Volcanism and long-term seismicity controlled by plume-induced plate thinning 

Raffaele Bonadio, Sergei Lebedev, David Chew, Yihe Xu, Javier Fullea, and Thomas Meier

Mantle plumes, the hot upwellings from the Earth's core-mantle boundary, are thought to trigger surface uplift and the emplacement of large igneous provinces (LIPs). Magmatic centres of many LIPs are scattered over thousands of kilometres. This has been attributed to lateral flow of plume material into thin-lithosphere areas, but evidence for such flow is scarce. Here, we use new seismic data and new methods of seismic thermography to map previously unknown plate-thickness variations in the Britain-Ireland part of the North Atlantic Igneous Province, linked to the Iceland Plume. The locations of the ~60 Myr old uplift and magmatism are systematically where the lithosphere is anomalously thin at present. The dramatic correlation indicates that the hot Iceland Plume material reached this region and eroded its lithosphere, with the thin lithosphere, hot asthenosphere and its decompression melting causing the uplift and magmatism. We demonstrate, further, that the unevenly distributed current intraplate seismicity in Britain and Ireland is also localised in the thin-lithosphere areas and along lithosphere-thickness contrasts. The deep-mantle plume has created not only a pattern of thin-lithosphere areas and scattered magmatic centres but, also, lasting mechanical heterogeneity of the lithosphere that controls long-term distributions of deformation, earthquakes and seismic hazard.

How to cite: Bonadio, R., Lebedev, S., Chew, D., Xu, Y., Fullea, J., and Meier, T.: Volcanism and long-term seismicity controlled by plume-induced plate thinning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10558,, 2025.

EGU25-12274 | Posters on site | GD1.1

Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of Lamprophyres from the UHP Makbal Complex, NW-Kyrgystan 

Daniela Gallhofer, Johannes Rechberger, Etienne Skrzypek, Rustam Orozbaev, and Christoph A. Hauzenberger

The Makbal Complex is located within the western Tien Shan mountain range in NW-Kyrgyzstan. It’s central part comprises high-pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metasedimentary and metabasaltic rocks of continental and oceanic origin, respectively.

Within the eastern part of the Makbal complex, abundunt 0.5 to 5 meter wide NW-SE oriented sills occur mainly within the Neldy group, but were also found in the Chymynsai and Kaindy groups.

The sampled rocks are altered to different extents with a dark to medium gray-green fine grained matrix comprising mainly chlorite and one to three millimeter sized porphyroclasts of amphibole, biotite, feldspar and carbonate, the latter most likely of secondary origin. Chlorite is not only the dominating matrix phase due to low grade alteration, it often replaces other mafic minerals such as amphibole, biotite and clinopyroxene. Although the majority of samples are highly altered, some phenocrysts are still fresh and include: (1) amphibole (kaersutite), (2) Mg-rich augite, (3) biotite of intermediate Fe-Mg content, (4) plagioclase of andesine to labradorite composition, and in some cases (5) K-feldspar. Based on the observed porphyritic texture and distribution of observed phenocrysts, the dikes can be classified as lamprophyres belonging mainly to the spessartite and to a lesser extent to the minette and vogesite groups.

Within the Nb/Y–Zr/Ti as well as the TAS diagrams (Pearce, 1996, Le Bas et al, 1986), the samples plot in the basalt, basaltic andesite, trachyandesite, and andesite fields. They all fall into the subalkaline field and most follow a shoshonitic or high-K calcalkaline trend in the SiO2-K2O diagram (Peccerillo and Taylor 1976). According to the Ti-Zr classification diagram after Pearce and Cann (1973) and the Nb/Yb−Th/Yb diagram (Pearce 2008), the lamprophyres were clearly emplaced within a compressional/continental arc setting. The chondrite normalized rare earth element pattern display a 100 times enrichment in light rare earth elements and a nearly constant 10 to 20 times enrichment of the middle and heavy rare earth elements excluding a deep-seated garnet bearing mantle as source of the lamprophyre melt. The patterns neither show a pronounced negative Nb-Ta anomaly nor any Eu anomaly.

Zircons could be extracted from an altered lamprophyre sample with kaersutite and plagioclase phenocrysts. The zircons are elongated with magmatic oscillatory zoning in CL image. The weighted mean 206Pb/238U age is 457 +/- 1 Ma, but a trend towards younger ages down to 440 Ma is observed. This age is similar to the intrusion age of a calcalkaline granodiorite body exposed approximately 5 to10 km to the west of the lamprophyre dikes. Both magmatic intrusives post-date the UHP event in the Makbal complex and bear important information to understand the full tectonic evolution. A genetic relationship of the lamprophyres and mafic enclaves found within the granodiorite is postulated.

How to cite: Gallhofer, D., Rechberger, J., Skrzypek, E., Orozbaev, R., and Hauzenberger, C. A.: Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of Lamprophyres from the UHP Makbal Complex, NW-Kyrgystan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12274,, 2025.

Age-progressive volcanic “hotspot” chains result from the passage of a tectonic plate over a deep-rooted thermochemical plume, thereby sampling the otherwise-inaccessible lowermost mantle. A common feature of oceanic hotspot tracks is the occurrence of two parallel volcanic chains. For example, the Hawaiian Loa and Kea chains are separated by a gap of 50 km, and likely sample the same ~100-km wide mantle melting zone. Several other tracks (including Tristan-Gough, Shona, the Wake seamounts, Tuvalu and Cook-Australs) are made up of a double chain with a 200-400 km spacing, but the origin of such widely-spaced double hotspots remains unknown.

Here, we explore 3D Cartesian geodynamic models of thermochemical plume ascent through the upper mantle. We investigate the effects of the lateral distribution of intrinsically-dense eclogitic material across the plume stem on upwelling style. For small eclogite contents, the plume rises as a “classical” columnar upwelling. For a wide range of intermediate eclogite contents in in the plume, the plume spreads laterally in the depth range of 300~410 km, where the excess density of eclogite is greater than above and below, as also predicted by [1]. This “Deep Eclogitic Pool” then splits up into two lobes that feed two separate shallow plumelets, particularly for significantly higher eclogite contents in the center than the periphery of the underlying plume stem. These two plumelets sustain two separate melting zones at the base of the lithosphere, which are elongated in the direction of plate motion due to interaction with small-scale convection. Such a “forked plume” morphology can account for hotspot chains with two widely-spaced (200~350 km) tracks and with long-lived (>5 Myr) coeval activity along each track. Some cases can even account for intermittent tripe-chain hotspot volcanism. Forked plumes may provide an ideal opportunity to study geochemical zonation of the lower-mantle plume stem, because each of the two plumelets robustly samples a distinct sector of the underlying deep plume stem, preserving chemical heterogeneity from the lowermost mantle.

We compare our model predictions to geochemical asymmetry evident along the Wake, Tuvalu and Cook-Austral double-chain segments, which together make up the extensive (>100 Ma) Rurutu-Arago hotspot track. The preservation of a long-lived NE-SW geochemical asymmetry along the Rurutu-Arago double chain indicates a deep origin, likely originating from the southern margin of the Pacific large low shear-velocity province. Our findings highlight the potential of the ocean-island basalt geochemical record to map lower-mantle structure over space and time, thus complementing seismic-tomography snapshots.

[1] Ballmer et al., 2013 (doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.06.022)

How to cite: Ballmer, M. and Finlayson, V.: Widely-spaced Double Hotspot Chains due to Forked Plumes sample Lower Mantle Geochemical Structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12410,, 2025.

EGU25-12411 | ECS | Orals | GD1.1

History of the Rodrigues Ridge, Indian Ocean: implications of the Réunion hotspot and the Central Indian Ridge 

Julien Seghi, Vincent Famin, Xavier Quidelleur, Loraine Gourbet, Martin Danisik, François Nauret, Sidonie Révillon, Laurent Michon, and Maëlis Arnould

The Rodrigues Ridge (Indian Ocean) is a N100°E oriented submarine volcanic structure stretching eastward of the Mascarene Plateau and toward the Central Indian Ridge (CIR). The geodynamic origin of Rodrigues’ volcanism is a matter of debate because the ridge neither follows the track of the Réunion hotspot nor the fabric of the oceanic lithosphere. To decipher the origin of this volcanism, we investigated the construction history of Rodrigues Island (i.e., the emerged portion of the ridge), by means of geomorphology, field observations, geochronology, and geochemistry. The morphology of Rodrigues Island’s slopes, the shape of the coral shelf, and unconformities observed in the field suggest that the island was constructed in two stages, including formation of a subcircular shield edifice, followed by formation of a N070°E ridge. This scenario is confirmed by K-Ar dating of groundmass and (U-Th)/He dating of zircon from volcanic rocks, suggesting that the circular edifice grew from 2.7 Ma to 2.5 Ma. Then, after a ca. 0.3 Myr hiatus and subsidence of the island, volcanic activity resumed from 2.2 Ma to 1.1 Ma, resulting in formation of the present-day ridge shape of Rodrigues Island. These ages are much younger than the unpublished ages ranging from 9.7 to 7.5 Ma reported for submarine volcanic rocks dredged on the flank of the Rodrigues Ridges.

Major/trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic analyses of the samples further show that the two stages of subaerial volcanism are chemically relatively homogenous, but much more enriched in incompatible elements than samples from the submarine ridge. Rodrigues Island was thus built by rejuvenescent volcanism of the submarine ridge. Available bathymetric and paleomagnetic data show that the Rodrigues Ridge propagates toward the east onto a less than 3 Ma old oceanic lithosphere (Demets et al., 2005) toward the CIR as en-échelon N070°E segments, called the Three Magi and the Gasitao ridges. The subaerial ridge shape of Rodrigues Island may thus belong to this array of en-échelon segments formed in the past 3 Ma.

Collectively, all the pieces of information suggest that the N100°E Rodrigues Ridge grew by protracted volcanism from ca. 10 Ma to ≤7 Ma, then from ca. 3.5 Ma to ca. 1 Ma by the propagation toward the CIR and coalescence of en-échelon N070°E segments of rejuvenated volcanism. Intriguingly, this temporality is coeval with the volcanic activity of Mauritius and Réunion Islands along the track of the Réunion hotspot, and particularly with the rejuvenescent volcanism of Mauritius since ca. 3.5 Ma. This coincidence favors a scenario of Rodrigues volcanism formed by capture of the Réunion plume ascending material by the CIR. We will discuss our results and their implications on the volcanic, structural and  geomorphology history of the Rodrigues Ridge.


How to cite: Seghi, J., Famin, V., Quidelleur, X., Gourbet, L., Danisik, M., Nauret, F., Révillon, S., Michon, L., and Arnould, M.: History of the Rodrigues Ridge, Indian Ocean: implications of the Réunion hotspot and the Central Indian Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12411,, 2025.

EGU25-12432 | ECS | Posters on site | GD1.1

The Vitória Dike Swarm: A Key Piece in the Puzzle of Low-Ti Tholeiitic Magmatism Related to the South Atlantic Rift System 

Antomat Avelino de Macedo Filho, Valdecir Janasi, Alisson Oliveira, Maria Helena Hollanda, Elton Dantas, and Lucas Lino

During the Lower Cretaceous, a significant tectonomagmatic activity around the South Atlantic Rift System led to the formation of numerous sedimentary basins, continental volcanism (basaltic and silicic), dike swarms, sill complexes, alkaline intrusions, and volcanic margins. In the northern Mantiqueira Province (Espírito Santo, Brazil), the Vitória-Ecoporanga belt is characterized by intense NW-SE-oriented faulting and fracturing zone, that hosts the Vitória Dikes, the northernmost low-Ti tholeiitic plumbing system of the Paraná Magmatic Province. These dikes exhibit microgabbroic textures and mineralogy composed mostly of plagioclase, clinopyroxenes, and Fe-Ti oxides. Geochemically, they have MgO = 3.83-7.2 wt.%, aligning with subalkaline tholeiitic basalts to basaltic andesites (total alkalis = 2.4-4.8 wt.%). These tholeiites are enriched in large ion lithophile elements, showing pronounced negative anomalies of Nb(-Ta) in comparison to Rb, Ba, U, Th, K, La, Ce, and Pb. They have 87Sr/86Sr(i) ranging from 0.70994 to 0.70575, and εNd(i) varying from -0.95 to -11.4, combined with heterogeneous values of Pb isotopes: 206Pb/204Pb(m) (18.2-16.7), 207Pb/204Pb(m) (15.6-15.4), and 208Pb/204Pb(m) (38.9-37.6), thus suggesting some degree of lithospheric/crustal contribution. New 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar geochronology confirms an Early Cretaceous filiation to the Vitória Dikes. After comparing the multidata types of the Vitória tholeiites with the existing dataset of the Riacho do Cordeiro Dikes of the Equatorial Atlantic Province, it is possible to suggest that both were interconnected during the Early Cretaceous. This reinforces therefore that the Vitória and Riacho do Cordeiro Dikes would constitute one of the largest low-Ti tholeiitic plumbing systems in the South Atlantic area associated with the Cretaceous breakup of the West Gondwana supercontinent. In this context, a parental E-MORB magma mixed with melts derived from the West Gondwanan lithosphere to form the low-Ti tholeiites. Although tracing a mantle plume as a direct geochemical contributor to low-Ti basalts is challenging and not straightforward, it cannot be completely dismissed. A smaller contribution from the plume may have been involved in the formation of potential parental liquids with signatures analogous to E-MORBs.

How to cite: Avelino de Macedo Filho, A., Janasi, V., Oliveira, A., Hollanda, M. H., Dantas, E., and Lino, L.: The Vitória Dike Swarm: A Key Piece in the Puzzle of Low-Ti Tholeiitic Magmatism Related to the South Atlantic Rift System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12432,, 2025.

EGU25-13333 | Orals | GD1.1

Tracking a common mantle plume, from Iberia to Canarias-Madeira 

Ricardo Pereira, Bruno Araújo, João C. Duarte, and João Mata

The origin, processes, and significance of intra-plate magmatism have long been debated, with the spotlight predominantly directed to oceanic volcanism. However, on continental margins the mechanisms that can generate or sustain prolonged magmatism throughout vast regions remains puzzling, with hotspot (s.s.), mantle plumes or edge-driven convection being invoked to explain these noteworthy manifestations.

Based on the age of emplacement and the present-day location of the magmatic occurrences, across the Central-East Atlantic Alkaline Province (CEAAP; Southwest Iberian Margin - SWIM, Morocco, Canarias and Madeira), the crustal paleogeographic location of emplacement was investigated. In parallel we analysed their relative motion paths relative to a stationary mantle reference and its associated tectonic plates.

Magmatism in this province, is revealed to be derived from a stationary super-plume ponded at the 660 km discontinuity at least since the late Cretaceous. Additionally, the recent discovery of new magmatic manifestation on the SWIM shows that magmatism in the region is more pervasive than anticipated. Our models indicate that this active mantle upwelling resulted in three main periods of activity and has been responsible for the irregular spatial-temporal distribution of magmatism. As tectonic plates wandered, alkaline magmatism that was initially emplaced within the Southwest Iberian Margin (103-70 Ma), was subsequently affecting continental Morocco (57-45 Ma), Canarias and Madeira (< 32 Ma), resulting in episodic and dispersed intra-plate magmatic activity, both on oceanic and continental crust. We estimate the position of the stationary mantle upwelling located between 20-30ºN and 10-20ºW.

Our models unravel prominent paleogeographic affinities of a common mantle source, linking late Cretaceous SWIM magmatism (e.g., Tore NW, Tore N, Ormonde, Sintra, Monchique) with present day Canarias and continental Morocco (e.g., Taourirt, Rekkame, Tamazert). Contrastingly, the motion paths from the occurrences on the SWIM (e.g., Torillon, Ampère and Unicorn), relate with the more recent magmatism at Madeira. Older magmatism from southern Canarias (e.g., Bisabuelas, Henry, Tropic) is revealed affine to the present-day location of the Sahara seamounts and Cape Verde. Younger magmatism in the High Atlas (e.g., Siroua, Sarrho, Oujda) appears to be as unrelated with the inherited SWIM mantle upwelling.

Results suggest that the intermittent emission of secondary mantle plumes (plumelets) ascended to the crust to form, as a whole, a cluster of dominantly non-aligned magmatism manifestations, including laccoliths, seamounts and volcanoes. Moreover, the spatial-temporal analysis of the magmatism on the CEAAP indicates a relative N-NW rejuvenation of emplacement. This is considered to have resulted from post-Cretaceous induced drag, as the plumelets progressively interacted with the base of the Nubian plate.

Acknowledgments: RP is supported Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), Portugal, through the research unit UIDB/04035/2020 - GeoBioTec. JCD is supported by an FCT contract CEEC Inst. 2018, CEECINST/00032/2018/CP1523/CT0002.

How to cite: Pereira, R., Araújo, B., Duarte, J. C., and Mata, J.: Tracking a common mantle plume, from Iberia to Canarias-Madeira, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13333,, 2025.

Classification of silica-undersaturated igneous rocks represents of one long-standing problems in igneous petrology. Mineralogical classification of foid-bearing rocks has been formally set [1,2] but no continuously applicable systematics and universal classification criteria have been developed for alkaline ultramafic rocks including melilite-bearing varieties and special rock groups [3,4,5]. Chemical classification is primarily based on the total-alkali – silica (TAS) diagram [2], but condensation of multiple components (CaO, MgO, MnO, FeO, Fe2O3, Al2O3, TiO2, P2O5) in the diagram’s origin precludes its effective use for descriptive classification and petrogenetic interpretation involving mafic and ultramafic rocks. Universal availability and accuracy of whole-rock geochemical data together with fine-grained or glassy character of many volcanic rocks on one hand and historical origin of petrographic classifications in mineral mode and involvement of mineral-melt relations in magma evolution and crystallization on the other hand require consistent and universal link between the chemical and mineralogical approaches. This is a component transformation problem, which can be approached from several different perspectives: (i) component transformation sensu stricto preserving the composition space dimensionality, (ii) reduction of space dimensionality involving projecting or condensing components, usually for graphical applications or for condensation of complex natural compositions into simplified synthetic (e.g., experimental) systems, and (iii) subsection of the space leading to multiple combinations of new components; this approach is embodied in norm calculations. The widely applied tool – the CIPW norm [6,7] – suffers from several inadequacies when applied to silica-undersaturated rocks: (i) persistence of anorthite to critically undersaturated state, (ii) absence of melilite or its end-members, and (iii) incomplete or incorrect feldspar-foid compatibility relations. In this contribution we develop a condensed composition space to represent principal chemical variations in silica-undersaturated rocks. The condensation offers uniform treatment of diverse heteromorphic relations in dependence on temperature, pressure or water activity. The breakdown of plagioclase to aluminous clinopyroxene with decreasing silica activity and subsequent transformation of clinopyroxene to melilite is visualized in chemographic projections via olivine and nepheline, involving thermodynamically based phase relations as a function of silica activity. Finally, we define intermediate members of feldspar, nepheline, clinopyroxene and melilite solid solutions and develop a more comprehensive, quasimodal normative calculation for anhydrous silica-undersaturated igneous assemblages. This approach offers successive, rigorous steps for (i) overall classification and interpretation of chemical variations independently of mineral assemblages, (ii) projective analysis for comparison of chemical variations with experimental or thermodynamic phase relations, and (iii) algorithm for normative calculation approaching modal associations. This provides a uniform basis for both descriptive classification as well as genetic interpretation of silica-undersaturated magmas and rocks.

References: [1] Streckeisen A., 1965. Geol. Rundsch. 55, 478-494; [2] Le Maitre R.W., ed., 2002. Igneous Rocks. A Classification and Glossary of Terms, Cambridge Univ. Press; [3] Woolley A.R., et al., 1996. Can. Mineral. 34, 175-186; [4] Dunworth E.A., Bell K., 1998. Can. Mineral. 36, 895-903; [5] Tappe S., et al., 2005. J. Petrol. 46, 1893-1900; [6] Cross W., et al., 1902. J. Geol. 10, 555-690; [7] Janoušek V., et al., 2016. Geochemical Modelling of Igneous Processes, Springer.

How to cite: Dolejs, D.: Chemographic projections and normative calculations for silica-undersaturated igneous rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13724,, 2025.

EGU25-16914 | Posters on site | GD1.1

 Seismic Imaging of Mantle Transition Zone Suggests Hot Deep Plume Underneath Iceland-Mid-Atlantic Ridge Region 

Xiuxuan Jiang, Yunfeng Chen, Yapo Abole Serge Innocent Oboue, Jingchuan Wang, Hongzhan Fei, and Christine Thomas

Iceland has long been a focal point of geophysical research due to its potential association with a mantle plume. While earlier studies generally supported a plume originating from the core-mantle boundary with minimal lateral displacement during ascent, recent high-resolution tomographic images have indicated the presence of a curved, ascending mantle plume beneath Iceland. Consequently, the detailed source region and morphology of the Iceland plume remain debated. In this study, we provide new constraints on the Iceland mantle plume by examining the structure of the mantle transition zone (MTZ) using SS precursor imaging. We collected a large SS precursor dataset from 1976 to 2023 and adopted a recently proposed multi-dimensional reconstruction method to enhance the weak SS precursor phases for improved probing of the MTZ.

Our seismic observations reveal substantial thinning (~230 km) of the MTZ beneath Iceland compared to the regional average of 238 km and the global average of 242 km. This thinning is characterized by a slight depression of the 410 km discontinuity (~5 km) and a pronounced uplift of the 660 km discontinuity (~12 km). Temperature anomalies estimated using Clapeyron slopes suggest respective perturbations of +50 K and +300 K at the 410 and 660 discontinuities beneath Iceland. The former estimate is significantly lower compared to the reported thermal anomalies at major hotspots, e.g., ΔT410 ≈ +200 K west of Hawaii. This large temperature contrast suggests that either strong thermal heterogeneities exist across the MTZ or an alternative mechanism is required to explain the thinning of the MTZ beneath Iceland. We suggest that the mildly depressed 410 may be partly attributed to the influence of water during the ascent of the mantle plume. The presence of water effectively reduces pressures for the phase transition from olivine to wadsleyite, causing upward displacement of the 410 km discontinuities. This result suggests that variations in water distribution and content play a critical role in the structural anomalies observed in the MTZ beneath Iceland. The observed thinning of the MTZ supports the existence of a deep mantle plume, potentially supplying material to the shallow hotspots near the Iceland-Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

How to cite: Jiang, X., Chen, Y., Oboue, Y. A. S. I., Wang, J., Fei, H., and Thomas, C.:  Seismic Imaging of Mantle Transition Zone Suggests Hot Deep Plume Underneath Iceland-Mid-Atlantic Ridge Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16914,, 2025.

EGU25-17727 | Posters on site | GD1.1

Ridge extinction in the Mascarene Basin due to the Réunion hotspot: preliminary results of the MASC Cruise 

Vincent Famin, Martin Danišík, Sidonie Révillon, Sébastien Zaragosi, Luc Beaufort, Daniel Sauter, Athina Tzevahirtzian, Geneviève Lebeau, julien Seghi, Guillaume Leduc, Franck Bassinot, Adrien Eude, Nicolas Vinet, Xavier Quidelleur, François Nauret, Laurent Michon, and Patrick Bachèlery and the MASC Team

The Mascarene Basin, between Madagascar, the Seychelles Plateau, and the Réunion hotspot track, is an ocean lithosphere whose geodynamic evolution remains enigmatic in many aspects. Part of the enigma concerns the unexplained extinction of the Mascarene mid-ocean ridge ca. 62 Ma ago and the shift of oceanic accretion to a new ridge (i.e., the Carlsberg Ridge) further north. The presence and timing of the Amirante aborted subduction trench (between Madagascar and the Seychelles) is another enigmatic aspect of the regional geodynamics (e.g., Rodriguez, CRGEOS 352, 235-245, 2020).

To shed light on these conundrums, we investigated the architecture of the Mascarene Basin during the MD245 “MASC” oceanographic cruise onboard the Marion Dufresne II research vessel. Bathymetric surveying revealed numerous seamounts at the axis of the paleo-ridge, along paleo-transform faults, and some also on the southern flank of the paleo-ridge. Interestingly, all the seamounts are located in the continuity of the Amirante paleo-subduction trench. Dredging operations on the seamounts recovered a suite of highly differentiated magmatic rocks ranging from biotite-rich basalts to rhyolites and granodiorites. Zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He data from these igneous rocks suggest that the seamounts formed during a protracted period between ca. 67 Ma and ca. 43 Ma.

Does this highly differentiated magmatism at 67-43 Ma reflect a residual activity of the ridge under extinction? Or, a nascent arc magmatism associated with the Amirante subduction? Further geochemical analyses are required to answer this question. Regardless, we note that the 67 Ma date coincides with the first magmatic manifestation of the Réunion plume as the Deccan traps, whilst the 43 Ma date corresponds to the deceleration of India and the passage of the Somalia Plate over the Réunion plume. We thus posit that differentiated magmatism, ridge extinction, and subduction initiation and abortion could be all related to the Réunion plume. Indeed, the Réunion plume is suspected to have pushed the Indian Plate toward Asia, causing its drastic acceleration and slowdown from 67 to 43 Ma (Cande and Stegman, Nature 475, 47-52, 2011). We further propose that the Réunion plume had a symmetric push effect on the Somalia Plate, converting oceanic spreading into compression, hampering spreading of the Mascarene Ridge, and eventually leading to the Amirante subduction. Compression (and differentiated magmatism) vanished when the Somalia Plate passed over the Réunion hotspot.

How to cite: Famin, V., Danišík, M., Révillon, S., Zaragosi, S., Beaufort, L., Sauter, D., Tzevahirtzian, A., Lebeau, G., Seghi, J., Leduc, G., Bassinot, F., Eude, A., Vinet, N., Quidelleur, X., Nauret, F., Michon, L., and Bachèlery, P. and the MASC Team: Ridge extinction in the Mascarene Basin due to the Réunion hotspot: preliminary results of the MASC Cruise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17727,, 2025.

Nyamuragira volcano is an active volcano near the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, situated about 25 kilometers north of Lake Kivu. It has been described as Africa's most active volcano and has erupted over 40 times since 1885. on 2 January 2010 Nyamuragira began spewing out lava flows. Extensive lava flows from the 2010 eruption can be seen on satellite photographs reaching 25 kilometers south-west to Lake Kivu, about 22 kilometers north-west and 35 kilometers north-north-east. The volcano erupted again on 5 November 2011.That eruption produced a 400-meter-high column of lava, and it is said to have been its largest eruption in 100 years. Volcanic activity attributed to The Kivu rift resulted from a sub-equatorial extensional motion and normal faulting and accompanied with seismological activities.  It suggests a complicated lower and upper crust tectonic patten and old neo tectonic settings.


It is a challenge to determine active tectonic and geologic structure attributed to magma eruption. Shallow and deep geologic structures around the volcanic area. Heterogeneities of the lithosphere and its impact on the volcanic activities. Old and neo tectonics responsible for volcanic and seismic activities. quantitatively predict the position and direction of dike intrusions and resulting eruptive fissures at volcanoes, because they are governed by the interplay between several factors, such as a heterogeneous regional stress field, preexisting discontinuities and heterogeneous and anisotropic properties of rocks.

  Radar altimetry data has been used to derive gravity and its variations over the world's oceans and an excellent tool for mapping sea floor structures, including tectonics, sea mounts and rifts. On the other hand, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission has widely demonstrated its sensitivity to ongoing mass redistribution within the various sub-systems of the earth. Finally, GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) satellite is the first satellite mission that observes gradient of the Earth gravity field from space.  Integrated satellite gravity data have been used to delineate the tectonic settings, magma referred pathway, magma reservoirs and vertical dikes.

How to cite: Zahran, K.: Volcanic activity at the East African Rift System as seen from space, case study Nyamuragira Volcano, D.R. Congo., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17876,, 2025.

EGU25-2959 | Posters on site | GD4.1

Molybdenum isotope insights into mass recycling in subduction zones 

Hai-Quan Liu, Feng Tian, Kaj Hoernle, Jie Li, Xiao-Long Huang, Le Zhang, Ilya Bindeman, and Yi-Gang Xu

Discriminating between fore-arc crust [1] and wedge serpentinite [2] contributions in arc magmas is critical for understanding mass recycling mechanisms in subduction zones but remains challenging because fore-arc crust may include serpentinite signatures from prior subduction events. Here we present molybdenum (Mo) isotope and concentration data, along with reanalyzed and published geochemical data, for common representatives of circum-Pacific high-Mg andesites and adakites. Elevated δ98/95Mo values (-0.13‰ to 0.00‰) in Kamchatka and Aleutian high-Mg andesites, accompanied by high Mo/Ce (0.026 to 0.075), Ba/Th (138 to 808), and Sb/Ce (0.0026 to 0.0192) ratios, as well as depleted mantle-like Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopes and moderate δ18O values (+6.6‰ to +7.8‰), indicate slab-derived aqueous fluids via fore-arc serpentinites. In contrast, Cascadia and Setouchi high-Mg andesites, along with adakites from Fiji and the Austral Volcanic Zone, show decreasing δ98/95Mo (-0.07‰ to -0.48‰), Mo/Ce, and Sb/Ce ratios, coupled with higher Sr/Y (15 to 207) and altered oceanic crust-like Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-O isotopic compositions, reflecting melts from subducted oceanic crust. Nine adakites from the Aleutians, Fiji, Panama, and the Austral Volcanic Zone exhibit intermediate δ98/95Mo (-0.19‰ to -0.04‰) with low Mo/Ce and Sb/Ce ratios, but high Sr/Y (57 to 295), radiogenic Nd-Hf isotopes, and low δ18O (+6.3‰ to +6.5‰), suggesting origins from fore-arc crust dragged by subducting slabs. These results link δ98/95Mo variations to partial melting of oceanic and fore-arc crust, highlighting dehydration and melting [3, 4] as key processes in subduction zones.

[1] Liu et al. (2023) Geology; [2] Li et al. (2021), Nature Communications; [3] Elliott (2003) Inside the Subduction Factory; [4] Liu et al. (2024) Chemical Geology.

How to cite: Liu, H.-Q., Tian, F., Hoernle, K., Li, J., Huang, X.-L., Zhang, L., Bindeman, I., and Xu, Y.-G.: Molybdenum isotope insights into mass recycling in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2959,, 2025.

EGU25-3005 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Subducted magnesite in serpentinite carries fluid-mobile elements and carbon into the lower mantle 

Hamed Gamaleldien, Yuan-Ru Qu, Tim Johnson, Sheng‐Ao Liu, Tamer Abu-Alam, Denis Fougerouse, Steven Reddy, Noreen Evans, and Ting-Nan Gong

Cycling incompatible elements and fluids into the mantle plays a crucial role in shaping its compositional heterogeneity through time and crustal evolution. Ocean island basalts (OIBs) and silicate inclusions in diamonds are enriched in incompatible fluid-mobile elements (FME) relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) and primitive mantle, which is commonly interpreted to reflect the presence of recycled oceanic crust (the HIMU endmember) and/or sediment (EM endmembers) in their lower mantle sources. However, the specific mineral phases that transport these FME into the lower mantle are poorly understood. Carbonatized serpentinites have attracted relatively little attention. These rocks represent a major source of FME that may be recycled into the deep mantle. In addition, magnesite is the main carbonate phase in subducted carbonatized serpentinites. It has been found to be an inclusion in deep diamonds and, with microdiamonds, in carbonatized peridotite and can be stable at depths of at least 700 km. Here, we present a comprehensive mineralogical and geochemical investigation of magnesite (MgCO3) within subducted Neoproterozoic carbonatized serpentinites from the Arabian–Nubian Shield, which is enriched in FME (e.g., B, Sb, As, Pb, and Mo) relative to primitive mantle. Atom probe tomography shows that these elements are more-or-less homogeneously distributed within magnesite and, thereby, structurally bound. Given that the experimentally determined stability of magnesite extends to lower mantle pressures, our findings indicate that magnesite is a major carrier of fluid-mobile elements (including carbon) into Earth’s deep interior, where it contributes to the lower mantle source of some ocean island basalts (OIBs) and superdeep diamonds.

How to cite: Gamaleldien, H., Qu, Y.-R., Johnson, T., Liu, S., Abu-Alam, T., Fougerouse, D., Reddy, S., Evans, N., and Gong, T.-N.: Subducted magnesite in serpentinite carries fluid-mobile elements and carbon into the lower mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3005,, 2025.

The process of subduction initiation is still debated and caused a great deal of controversy such as: Can a subduction zone initiate without any external forcing? Is the thicker and more buoyant lithosphere really the more likely to subduct? To try to answer these questions, a database of 70 cases of Cenozoic subduction zone initiation was built and analyzed in 2021. We find that initiation of subduction zone succeeded in reaching the mature stage for 72% of the cases, usually in less than ∼15 Myr, and that compositional heterogeneities are essential to localize convergence. Interestingly, we observe that the plate age offset when convergence starts is very low (close to zero) in half the cases; otherwise the incipient downgoing plate is as often the younger lithosphere as the older one, and that it could have any age. This indicates that the buoyancy contrast does not determine the subduction zone polarity.


We then build a numerical experimental setup to try to explain this observation. We consider the simple set-up of an oceanic transform fault (TF)  or a fracture zone and perform 2D thermomechanical simulation, by combining a non-Newtonian ductile and a pseudo-brittle rheologies. We carry out three different and complementary studies.

We first study the feasibility of ’spontaneous’ subduction initiation, i.e., gravitational collapse of the older lithosphere, at a TF. Simulations show that the main mechanical parameters have to be tuned to quite extreme values to trigger the old lithosphere collapse. The comparison to the geological records of the 3 most likely candidates of ’spontaneous’ subduction initiation (Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Yap, and Matthew & Hunter) leads us to conclude that this mode of initiation at a TF is unlikely in modern Earth conditions.


Second, we simulate normal convergence symmetrically imposed on the two oceanic plates forming the TF to study the ’forced’ mode of subduction initiation.  Surprisingly, the range of conditions leading to the older plate subduction is quite limited, whereas the subduction of the younger plate is much more frequently simulated. We find that the success of initiation, as well as the subduction zone polarity strongly depends on the plate age pair and on the initial structure of the TF. The rheological properties and the plate ability to be deformed and sheared may be the first order parameters controlling the subduction initiation mode for rather stiff lithospheres. The model predictions are in good agreement with different Cenozoic records (Gagua, Mussau, and Hjort).

However, this modeling forecasts that the older plate subduction cannot occur at a typical TF for large plate age offsets, in disagreement with what is observed at Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Matthew & Hunter or Palau. We note that, in these cases, a thicker crust made of continental or oceanic terranes (fossil arc or plateau) was always present near the inter-plate domain when convergence started. The third numerical study investigates how such a lithologic ‘raft’ might affect subduction initiation for high plate age contrasts. We find that the raft dimensions and location basically control the under-thrusting of the older and thicker plate.

How to cite: Arcay, D. and Lallemand, S.: Conditions for subduction zone initiation in  present-day Earth in the light of Cenozoic examples  and numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3662,, 2025.

Slab geometry and structures are critical to understanding subduction processes, regional tectonics, and arc volcanism. Located at the convergent plate boundary between the Cocos, Nazca, and Caribbean plates (locally the Panama microplate), the Costa Rica subduction zone is featured by the aseismic subduction of the Cocos Ridge initiated at ~2-3 Ma, and the spatial coincidence with the arc volcanoes that ceased activities since ~5-8 Ma and the uplift of the Talamanca Mountain since ~3 Ma. These phenomena were interpreted by the flat subduction of the Cocos Ridge that has a thick ocean crust. However, this interpretation has been challenged recently by geophysical imaging, which suggests alternative models involving the steep Cocos slab, the doubly convergent Caribbean plate, and the stagnant Nazca slab fragment, leaving the dominant factor driving the regional tectonics enigmatic.

Here, we propose a new teleseismic receiver function (RF) method, Dip Direction Searching Plus (DDS+), to detect weak RF signals associated with dipping interfaces. DDS+ estimates dip directions by fitting the back-azimuthal variations in both radial and transverse RFs. Applying DDS+ to teleseismic data recorded by 17 broadband seismic stations across Costa Rica, we identify positive RF phases with clear back azimuthal variations, indicating dipping interfaces with dip directions of ~N8˚-57˚E (±12˚ on average) beneath 11 stations. The dip direction estimates are consistent to the Cocos Slab2 model. The estimated depths of these interfaces (~13-113 km; ±2.8 km on average) align with the Cocos Slab2 model and the intra-slab seismicity, suggesting the phase are probably Ps conversions from the Moho of the Cocos plate. While the Cocos Moho extends to the depth of ~110 km beneath the northern Talamanca Mountain, it is absent at stations to the south where the slab is expected to subduct beyond 50 km depths. Additionally, we observe a mysterious positive RF phase indicating an interface at ~40-60 km depths in the mantle. This phase was interpreted as either the subducting Caribbean plate Moho (southwestern dipping) or the stagnant Nazca plate Moho (flat) beneath the Talamanca Mountain. Our result reveals no prominent dipping features for this phase, therefore favoring the stagnant Nazca plate Moho interpretation.

Different from previous studies debating continuously flat or steep Cocos subduction, our analysis indicates a steeply dipping Cocos slab to the north and a flat (or truncated) geometry to the south. Therefore, the flat Cocos subduction model cannot explain the volcanic cessation and Talamanca uplift across the entire region. Instead, we propose that the stagnant Nazca slab fragment plays a key role in barricading mantle magma upwelling and thus ceases the arc volcanism. Our study provides new insights into the slab geometry and structures within the Costa Rica subduction zone and the dominant factor shaping the orogenesis and volcanism.

How to cite: Feng, M. and Wei, S.: Distinct lateral slab geometry and structures in the Costa Rica subduction zone revealed by teleseismic receiver functions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3978,, 2025.

EGU25-5759 | Orals | GD4.1

Contributions of plate strength and dip geometry on the localization of deformation in Central Andes: a data-driven modelling approach 

Constanza Rodriguez Piceda, Michaël Pons, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Judith Bott, and Manfred Strecker

The southern Central Andes (29°S-39°S) is a key area for understanding the interplay between the oceanic plate and the continental plate and its resulting surface expressions in a subduction zone.  In this area, the dip of the oceanic plate changes from normal subduction (~30° between 33°S and 35°S) in the south to flat subduction (< 5° between 29° and 33°S) in the north. This region displays remarkable along- and across- strike variations in both tectonic and seismic deformation patterns. In this context, the relative contributions of each plate on the localization of the long- and short-term deformation along the mountain belt and its neighbouring regions have been a matter of long-standing debate. To address this issue, we investigated the relative contribution of various key factors to strain localization in the Southern Central Andes, including compositional and thickness variations in the upper plate, sedimentary basins, surface topography, frictional strength of the subduction interface and changes in the dip geometry of the lower plate. Using multiple geophysical approaches and data sources, we have built a series of structural, density, thermal, rheological and integrated them in a thermomechanical geodynamic model to quantify the relative importance of these key factors to strain localization at tectonic and seismic timescales. This forward data-driven modelling approach allows us to reconcile long- and short-term deformation as close as possible with geophysical and geological measurements.

We found that the compositional and thickness configuration of the upper plate, weak inherited faults associated with weak sediments, topography and thickness of the radiogenic crust plays a prominent role in modulating strain location between the flat and steep subduction segments. The flat slab in the northern part of the region, cools and further strengthens the upper plate, preventing the plate from pronounced deformation and propagating the deformation far inland to the eastern edge of the broken foreland. A complex broad shear zone developed at the transition between flat to steep subduction which is associated to the development of a thick to thin skinned foreland deformation style transition at the surface. In addition, the strength of the upper plate ultimately controls the spatial distribution of the short-term deformation occurs above the modelled transition from brittle to ductile conditions and seismicity is localised in regions at the transition between rigid and weak lithospheric blocks, such as the front of the forearc, which acts as a rigid indenter. These results highlight the importance of considering the interactions between the upper and lower plate to better understand multiscale scale deformation processes in subduction zones and their resulting surface expression.

How to cite: Rodriguez Piceda, C., Pons, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Cacace, M., Bott, J., and Strecker, M.: Contributions of plate strength and dip geometry on the localization of deformation in Central Andes: a data-driven modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5759,, 2025.

EGU25-6504 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Decoding Upper-Plate Aftershocks: The Critical Role of Pore-Pressure Diffusion following the 2014 Iquique Earthquake 

Carlos Peña, Oliver Heidbach, Bernd Schurr, Sabrina Metzger, Marcos Moreno, Jonathan Bedford, Onno Oncken, and Claudio Faccenna

After large earthquakes, aftershocks are observed globally as a time-dependent phenomenon. In subduction zones, aftershocks occurring in the upper plate are particularly hazardous, as they often take place near densely populated areas, increasing the risk to structures already weakened by the mainshock. The number of aftershocks typically decreases over time, following a pattern described by the empirical Omori-Utsu law. Despite this well-documented behavior, the physical mechanisms driving this decay remain uncertain. While coseismic static stress transfer cannot explain the non-linear time dependence of aftershocks, transient postseismic processes such as afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation have been proposed as possible mechanisms. Alternatively, considering the temporal decay of aftershock sequences and the similar behavior observed in induced seismicity caused by wastewater injection, we explore the hypothesis that pore-pressure diffusion plays a key role in controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of natural earthquake aftershocks.

In this study, we investigate the 2014 Mw 8.2 Iquique event to test our hypothesis, using an approach that integrates geodetic and seismological data, as well as geological, frictional, rheological, and hydraulic constraints. Using a 4D (space and time) modeling approach considering realistic rock material properties, we first reproduce the 3D postseismic deformation time series observed by continuous GNSS stations. We then disaggregate the individual contributions of the three dominant postseismic processes, i.e., afterslip, viscoelastic, and poroelastic relaxation, to the deformation signal. In particular, poroelastic deformation substantially affects the observed vertical geodetic signal in the near field. We then compute and analyze the spatiotemporal stress changes produced by the individual postseismic processes using the Coulomb Failure Stress (CFS) parameter. By comparing these CFS changes to the distribution of upper-plate aftershocks, we find that stress changes produced by pore-pressure changes best correlate in space with increased upper-plate aftershock activity. Furthermore, increased pore pressure reduces the effective fault normal stresses independently of the fault orientation and consequently triggers all faulting styles. This explains the higher diversity of faulting styles observed in upper-plate aftershocks. Finally, we find a very strong temporal correlation (>0.98) between the exponential increase of the cumulative number of upper-plate aftershocks and pore-pressure changes. This finding suggests that the unclear physical basis for Omori-type aftershock decay may relate to the hydraulic properties (e.g., rock permeability and porosity) of the upper plate. Thus, our work offers a deeper understanding of the hydro-mechanical behavior of the upper plate during large earthquakes and may open new avenues for physics-based aftershock forecasting.

How to cite: Peña, C., Heidbach, O., Schurr, B., Metzger, S., Moreno, M., Bedford, J., Oncken, O., and Faccenna, C.: Decoding Upper-Plate Aftershocks: The Critical Role of Pore-Pressure Diffusion following the 2014 Iquique Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6504,, 2025.

EGU25-7317 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Oceanic plateau accretion for young oceanic plates: Geodynamics models of Siletzia 

Moritz Urban and Claire Currie

The Siletzia oceanic plateau was accreted to the western margin of North America in the Eocene, marking the most recent accretion event in this area and the formation of the modern Cascadia subduction zone. Siletzia formed on or near the spreading ridge of two oceanic plates, and its chemical composition shows that its origin is a mixture of mid-ocean ridge basalts and hotspot volcanism likely associated with the Yellowstone plume. The plateau formed between 56 and 49 Ma, and accretion to the continent occurred at around 50 Ma. Plate reconstructions date the age of the oceanic plate during accretion at about 10 Ma. Therefore, Siletzia accretion occurred in a unique environment where the oceanic plate was young and likely hot and weak. Observation of modern equivalent plateaus show a conduit of hot, weak, partially melted mantle below the islands, which creates an especially weaken zone below the plateau.   

Using 2D thermo-mechanical numerical models, we explore the dynamics as an oceanic plateau is carried into a subduction zone to determine the conditions under which the plateau is accreted to the overlying continent. Our models examine the effects of variations in age of the oceanic plate, weakening of the plate due to the plateau creation and the structure of the continent. We also test the effect two different boundary conditions: (1) forced plate convergence at 4 cm/yr and (2) free subduction, where plate convergence is driven dynamically by the negative buoyancy of the oceanic plate.

Results show that in models with an old oceanic plate (>50 Ma), the plateau is readily subducted into the deeper mantle with little disruption to the subduction system for both boundary conditions. In contrast, for a young oceanic plate (~10 Ma), subduction stalls as the plateau enters the subduction zone, leading to accretion of the plateau and parts of the oceanic lithosphere to the continental margin. With no imposed convergence, all plate motions cease, whereas forced convergence is accommodated by formation of a new subduction zone outboard of the terrane when the plate is weakened by the formation of the plateau. Otherwise, deformation occurs within the interior of the oceanic plate, causing the oceanic plate to break 900 km seaward of the subduction zone. These models demonstrate that Siletzia accretion to North America may have occurred due to the young plate age, but in some models, accretion only lasts for around 10 Myr as continued plate convergence causes entrainment and subducting of the plateau. If the modern Cascadia subduction zone formed as a new plate boundary west of Siletzia, continued plate convergence may have been driven by the older subducting plate to the south. Ongoing work is using 3D models to assess this in more detail.

How to cite: Urban, M. and Currie, C.: Oceanic plateau accretion for young oceanic plates: Geodynamics models of Siletzia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7317,, 2025.

The Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is located in the convergence zone of the Eurasian Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Indo-Australian Plate, and is almost entirely surrounded by deep-sea trenches. Due to its special tectonic location, influenced by multiple tectonic factors such as plate subduction, seafloor spreading, and mantle plume activity, the Philippine Sea has always been a hot - spot area in the international geoscience community. It is a natural laboratory for reconstructing the plate tectonic pattern and studying the initiation mechanism of plate subduction and other cutting - edge scientific issues of the Earth. It is also the best place to develop and improve the plate tectonic theory.

This study utilized the acquired shallow - layer profile survey data, deep - reflection multi - channel seismic data, and combined with some borehole data from DSDP Leg 59 to comprehensively reveal the sedimentary and tectonic characteristics of several major tectonic units in the study area (the West Philippine Basin, the Kyushu - Palau Ridge, and the Parece Vela Basin), and established an initial geological model of the study area. The study found that in the West Philippine Sea Basin near the Kyushu - Palau Ridge (KPR), there are two sets of sedimentary covers of different origins, upper and lower. The thickness of the lower stratum varies greatly, mostly consisting of volcanic materials, and it continuously thickens in the direction of the KPR. At the foot of the mountain near the KPR, a large set of volcaniclastite aprons has developed. The thickness of the upper sequence is relatively stable, being a set of deep - water fine - grained sediments of the ocean. The crustal thickness of the West Philippine Sea Basin and the Parece Vela Basin is approximately 6-7 km, which is close to the global average oceanic crust thickness. The Moho discontinuity in the West Philippine Sea Basin is in the shape of a gentle fold, undulating basically in sync with the oceanic crust basement beneath the sediments. The depth of the Moho discontinuity shows a trend of gradually rising towards the spreading ridge of the central sea basin. Both the seismic profiles and drillings in the West Philippine Sea Basin have revealed a tectonic compression event during the Eocene period. The initiation of subduction along the ancient IBM might be an induced subduction caused by the far - field effect of the India - Asia collision. The subduction process was accompanied by lateral propagation and a continuous compressional stress field, until the island - arc rifting that started around 30 Ma.

Keywords: tectonic–sedimentary features; subduction initiation; seismic reflection; Philippine Sea Plate

How to cite: Qin, K.: Tectonic and Sedimentary Characteristics of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Initiation of Subduction: A Comprehensive Deep Reflection Seismic Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7902,, 2025.

EGU25-8366 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Building a 3D gravity-based model of the North Chilean subduction zone constrained by recent seismic results 

Dominika Godová, Christian Sippl, and Andrés Tassara

In the last decade, a large network of permanent seismic stations in Northern Chile (Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile network – IPOC) has enabled a range of studies that provided constraints on the geometry of the subduction zone in this region. Larger seismicity compilations and tomography studies have led to a better definition of the downgoing slab, and receiver function studies have illuminated the shape of the continental Moho. This calls for an effort to summarize these diverse constraints in a gravity-based 3D model of the region.

We compiled a 3D integrated geophysical model for Northern Chile in the IGMAS+ software based on the Complete Bouguer Anomaly computed at the Calculation Service of the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM) from the EIGEN-6C4 Global Gravity Field Model. The 3D gravity-based model represents an update of a similar model by Tassara and Echaurren (2012), which we used as an initial constraint of the geometry and physical properties of our model. The plate interface and slab surface geometry is updated based on the most recent IPOC seismic catalog, and offshore active seismic results. Other significant geophysical interfaces, namely the Moho and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) in both oceanic and continental domains, were constrained by recently published results from receiver functions, active seismics, seismic tomography, as well as joint inversion and isostatic studies. These studies show considerable uncertainty in the geometry of the mantle wedge near the plate interface. To fit the gravity observations, we had to address the tradeoff between assumed geometry and density distribution, which we did by trying out a range of different shapes and petrophysical properties.

This contribution aims to offer a better understanding of the impact of geometry adjustments, namely in the mantle wedge area, on the gravity response of our 3D model of the North Chilean subduction zone. The final obtained model offers a data-driven 3D geometry that can be used for a wide range of future regional or larger-scale studies.

How to cite: Godová, D., Sippl, C., and Tassara, A.: Building a 3D gravity-based model of the North Chilean subduction zone constrained by recent seismic results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8366,, 2025.

The Río Loa earthquake (Mw 6.2), which occurred at a depth of ~56 km in northern Chile on September 11, 2020, was inferred to have happened within the South American upper plate although it was located in the direct vicinity of the plate interface. This was mostly due to its strike-slip focal mechanism, which is distinct from the typical megathrust seismicity observed along the subduction interface. According to Tassara et al. (2022), this earthquake may reflect the fluid-driven rupture of a fault zone and the release of megathrust fluids into the upper plate, a process similar to that observed in the aftershock sequence of the 1995 Antofagasta earthquake (Mw 8.0).

In this study, we aim to perform a comprehensive analysis of temporal variations in seismic attenuation by conducting a comparative 3D tomography of the region before and after the Río Loa earthquake. This approach aims to detect potential changes in the attenuation structure, which could provide insights into stress redistribution, fluid migration, and fault zone evolution triggered by the event.

Seismic attenuation is highly sensitive to temperature variations, fluid presence, and the degree of fracturing within the crust and mantle. Changes in attenuation following a significant seismic event can indicate perturbations in these properties, reflecting enhanced permeability or increased pore fluid pressure in the surrounding rock. This study leverages data from a recent extension of the seismicity catalog of Sippl et al. (2023), which comprises over >200,000 events recorded between 2007 and 2023, with dense station coverage from the Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) and temporary deployments.

By applying the coda normalization method and the Multi-Resolution Attenuation Tomography (MuRAT) algorithm (Sketsiou et al., 2021), we obtain high-resolution attenuation models of the forearc region surrounding the Río Loa earthquake. Our inversion process uses ray paths traced through the 3D velocity model of Hassan et al. (2024) to estimate total-Q values. A key focus is the analysis of anomalies in attenuation that may coincide with the mainshock rupture plane or regions exhibiting aftershock clustering.

How to cite: Castro-Melgar, I. and Sippl, C.: Temporal Variations in Seismic Attenuation: A 3D Pre- and Post-Event Tomography of the region around the 2020 Río Loa Mw 6.2 Earthquake (Chile), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8387,, 2025.

The subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate in Northern Chile offers a unique opportunity to investigate processes associated with intermediate-depth intraslab seismicity. Microseismic catalogs (e.g., Sippl et al., 2023) have revealed a downdip transition from a well-defined double seismic zone to a ~30 km thick seismogenic volume where the distinction between the upper and lower seismic planes vanishes near 80 km depth. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of these phenomena can shed light on the factors and processes driving intermediate-depth seismicity. Seismic wavespeeds can provide insights into the state of the downgoing lithosphere, in terms of petrology, fluid distribution, and phase transitions. In order to investigate these factors, we conducted a high-resolution local earthquake tomography study to obtain a detailed seismic velocity distribution of the downgoing slab, using 14 years of travel-time data.
We selected a study area between 20.4°S–22.5°S and 68.0°W–70.0°W, particularly focusing on the seismogenic volume. Events from this region were considered down to depths of 200 km. The dataset includes 18,426 events recorded by 190 seismic stations, with 293,846 P-wave and 83,900 S-wave arrivals from 2007 to 2021. Data were sourced from the IPOC network (Sippl et al., 2023), augmented by additional picks from temporary networks generated using EQTransformer on 60-second time windows starting at each event’s origin time. Event selection prioritized spatial homogeneity and data quality, employing declustering techniques to ensure a balanced distribution. Tomographic inversion is performed using the SIMUL23 algorithm, and checkerboard tests with different grid sizes are used to check the reliable sizes of anomaly as seen in the tomography results, in different parts of the study area. Ray coverage maps and synthetic resolution tests validate the robustness and interpretability of our results. 
Our 3D velocity models reveal a number of P- and S-wave as well as Vp/Vs anomalies across and above the Nazca slab.  Most prominently, we retrieve low P-wavespeeds and significantly elevated Vp/Vs in the uppermost slab as well as in the overlying mantle wedge, which indicate the presence of fluids or melt in these areas. In contrast, the deeper portions of the downgoing slab feature high Vp and low Vp/Vs.  We will present a detailed description of the retrieved anomalies, as well as their tentative interpretation in terms of petrology and fluid processes.

How to cite: Hassan, N. and Sippl, C.: Visualizing Dehydration Processes with High-Resolution Local Earthquake Tomography of the Nazca Slab in Northern Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8499,, 2025.

EGU25-8522 | Posters on site | GD4.1

A deep-learning based seismicity catalog for Northern Chile(2007–2023) containing >2 million events 

Nooshin Najafipour, Christian Sippl, Javad Kasravi, Jonas Folesky, and Bernd Schurr

Northern Chile, located at the boundary of the South American and Nazca plates, is one of the most seismically active regions in the world. To better understand the seismicity and tectonic processes of this complex subduction zone, we analyzed and processed data from the Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) as well as all available temporary seismic stations, spanning the period from 2007 to 2023 (total: 243 seismic stations).

Using EQTransformer, a deep learning-based phase picker, we identified P and S wave arrivals with high precision across a vast dataset of seismic waveforms. We originally utilized the version of EQTransformer pre-trained on the INSTANCE dataset (available from SeisBench), but achieved better results by applying transfer learning based on hand-picked IPOC data. In total, 93,721,745 P- and 71,296,129 S- phases were obtained in this step. The selected phases were then processed with PyOcto, an advanced association and location tool, to group the phases into seismic events. This workflow resulted in a catalog of ~2.5 million events, about 10 times as many as the most complete regional catalog to date. Finally, we relocated the catalog using first Simul2000 and a 2D velocity model, then hypoDD to obtain relative locations, which provide a detailed view of the seismicity in the region.

We present a summary of the retrieved catalog, as well as zooms into potentially interesting subregions. Our catalog offers the potential for numerous follow-up studies, e.g. in statistical seismology or seismic tomography.  

How to cite: Najafipour, N., Sippl, C., Kasravi, J., Folesky, J., and Schurr, B.: A deep-learning based seismicity catalog for Northern Chile(2007–2023) containing >2 million events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8522,, 2025.

EGU25-10088 | Orals | GD4.1

2D Numerical modelling of continental subduction and synthetic obduction 

Filipe Rosas, Afonso Gomes, Wouter Schellart, Riel Nicolas, Joao Duarte, and Jaime Almeida

Continental subduction beneath an overriding oceanic plate is known to occur in nature, following the arrival of a continental margin at an intra-oceanic subduction zone, and often implying synthetic (i.e., Tethyan type) obduction. However, the main geodynamic constraints and geological/geophysical parameters governing this process, its viability and likelihood, are still not fully understood.

In the present work, we use 2D geodynamic numerical modelling to specifically investigate the geodynamic causes that might determine the amplitude of the subduction-exhumation (time-depth) cycle, as well as the viability of ophiolite emplacement and associated inward continental reach of ophiolitic nappes.

Using the finite-element code Underworld (Moresi et al., 2007) we constructed a 2D model with top free surface boundary conditions (to account for obduction-related topography build-up), lateral periodic boundary conditions (to compensate for the absence of asthenospheric mantle toroidal flow), and no-slip basal boundary conditions (to simulate subducting slab anchoring at the upper-lower mantle discontinuity when the slab reaches this interface at 660 km depth).

All simulations considered an initial intra-oceanic subduction zone, in which the subducting plate is linked to a trailing continental segment that eventually arrives at the subduction trench. To evaluate the geodynamic viability and efficiency of subsequent continental subduction and ophiolite emplacement, we used buoyancy driven models (i.e., without any externally imposed velocity boundary conditions), and investigated the following variable parameters: existence vs. absence of a weak (serpentinized) crustal layer in the overriding plate; variable age of the oceanic overriding plate (10, 20 and 60 Myrs) vs. a constant 70 Myrs subducting plate; different length of the oceanic segment of the subducting plate; and fixed vs. free subducting plate trailing edge boundary conditions.

Our preliminary results reveal a clear facilitation of ophiolite emplacement by the considered weak (serpentinite) crustal layer (in the overriding plate). Also, younger, less dense, and relatively weaker, overriding plates are shown to likewise favour more efficient obduction, including ophiolitic nappe allochthonous transport and formation of ophiolitic thrust windows and klippen. Finally, a higher length of the oceanic segment of the subducting plate and fixed trailing edge boundary conditions are shown to better comply with the geodynamic requirements assisting efficient, more realistic, amplitude subduction-exhumation cycles during continental subduction, as well as associated ophiolite obduction processes.        


This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (


Moresi, L., Quenette, S., Lemiale, V., Mériaux, C., Appelbe, B., & Hans-Bernd Mühlhaus (2007). Computational approaches to studying non-linear dynamics of the crust and mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163 (1), 69-82. (Computational Challenges in the Earth Sciences) doi: 488 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.06.009

How to cite: Rosas, F., Gomes, A., Schellart, W., Nicolas, R., Duarte, J., and Almeida, J.: 2D Numerical modelling of continental subduction and synthetic obduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10088,, 2025.

EGU25-10496 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Joint inversion of subduction zone velocity structure of central Chile by body wave arrival times and surface wave dispersion data 

Zixin Chen, Haijiang Zhang, Lei Gao, Shaobo Yang, Ying Liu, and Diana Comte

In this study, we assemble body wave arrival times from earthquakes occurring in the central Chile between 2014 and 2019, and Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods of 5-80 s from ambient noise Empirical Green's functions in Chile. By jointly using body wave arrival times and surface wave dispersion data, we refine the Vs model and improve earthquake locations in central Chile. Compared to other velocity models in the region that are determined by individual data type, our joint inversion Vs model shows better consistency with the intraslab seismicity distribution as well as the Moho and slab interfaces. Our Vs model clearly images an eastward dipping high velocity band of 40-50 km thick, corresponding well to the thickness of the Nazca plate estimated by receiver function imaging and thermal modelling.

Overall, the intraslab seismicity distribution spatially correlates well with the slab high velocity anomalies except for along the subduction paths of the Copiapó Ridge and Juan Fernández Ridge. Additionally, parallel low-velocity stripes are imaged beneath the subducting plate, which are likely associated with the accumulated melts. The joint inversion velocity model also resolves widespread low-velocity anomalies in the crust beneath the Central Volcanic Zone of the central Andes, likely representing crustal magma chambers for various volcanoes.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Gao, L., Yang, S., Liu, Y., and Comte, D.: Joint inversion of subduction zone velocity structure of central Chile by body wave arrival times and surface wave dispersion data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10496,, 2025.

EGU25-10715 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

The effect of oceanic forearc serpentinization on ophiolite emplacement: Insights from 3D geodynamic models 

Afonso Gomes, Nicolas Riel, Filipe Rosas, Wouter Schellart, and João Duarte

Ophiolites are exposed remnants of oceanic lithosphere that are critical to our understanding of the structure, composition, and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere.

Some ophiolites (e.g., some Tethyan-type ophiolites) originate in the oceanic forearc of an intra-oceanic subduction system (i.e., in the overriding plate). The forearc is then placed on top of the subducting continental passive margin. Subsequently, the buoyant crustal domains of the continental passive margin undergo a burial-exhumation cycle, during which the exhuming continental crust can drag and detach the tip of the overlaying oceanic forearc, creating an allochthonous ophiolitic nappe. Ophiolites of this type, and associated host assemblages, are invaluable to comprehending the evolution of subduction systems, as they record many key aspects of subduction initiation and forearc development, through to the closure of the oceanic basin and slab break-off.

However, the processes leading to obduction are still poorly understood. For instance, the possible control exerted on ophiolite emplacement by pre-existing weak zones within the oceanic forearc is still largely unexplored. Yet, it is expected that the paleo-forearcs (from which the Tethyan-type ophiolites in the geological record originated) were subject to faulting and other mechanical and chemical weakening prior to the emplacement process, since such structures are ubiquitous in present-day oceanic forearcs.

Physical and chemical weakening of the forearc is, however, not uniformly distributed through space. For example, significant variations in chemical weakening intensity and fault distribution are expected in both trench-parallel and trench-normal directions. If pre-existing weak domains in the forearc do in fact determine the mechanisms of ophiolite emplacement, then the three-dimensional distribution of such structures will exert a considerable control on obduction dynamics, as well as on the final tectonic architecture of the ophiolite and continental-basement assemblage.

Here, we present a set of novel 3D buoyancy-driven numerical models using LaMEM, to study the role of pre-imposed forearc weak structures on the ophiolite emplacement process. Specifically, we systematically test different initial spatial distributions for the weakened domains within the forearc (varying in both trench-parallel and trench-normal directions). 

Preliminary results show that spatial variation of pre-existing weakened domains in the oceanic forearc have a first order effect on the Tethyan-type ophiolite emplacement process.


This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (, and through scholarship SFRH/BD/146726/2019.

How to cite: Gomes, A., Riel, N., Rosas, F., Schellart, W., and Duarte, J.: The effect of oceanic forearc serpentinization on ophiolite emplacement: Insights from 3D geodynamic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10715,, 2025.

EGU25-11906 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Characterising the Northern Chile subduction zone (24⁰S - 31⁰S) with > 165,000 earthquakes 

Jannes Münchmeyer, Diego Molina, David Marsan, Mickaël Langlais, Juan-Carlos Baez, Ben Heit, Diego González-Vidal, Marcos Moreno, Frederik Tilmann, Dietrich Lange, and Anne Socquet

The Atacama segment in Northern Chile (24⁰S to 31⁰S) is a mature seismic gap with no major event (Mw≥8) since 1922. Nonetheless, the region regularly releases stress through shallow and deep slow slip events, and hosts recurring seismic swarm activity. To investigate this seismic gap and its complex seismic-aseismic behaviour, we instrumented the region with almost 200 seismic and geodetic stations between November 2020 and February 2024. Using machine learning techniques, we derived a dense, high-resolution seismicity catalog, encompassing over 165,000 events with double-difference relocated hypocenters. Within the network, we achieve relative location uncertainties below 50 m, enabling the resolution of fine-scale structures. Our catalog details the outer rise, interface, intraplate and upper plate seismicity. Furthermore, we capture anthropogenic sources from mine blasting and offshore active seismic experiments. Here, we focus on three aspects:

  • The new slab geometry and it’s influence on the large scale seismic segmentation

  • The fine scale space-time segmentation of the subduction interface

  • The complex seismic swarms around the 2023 shallow slow slip event in Copiapó, highlighting in detail the underlying mechanisms of slow-to-fast earthquake interaction

Our results provide a holistic view of this complex subduction zone, while at the same time giving insights into fine-scale structures and processes.

How to cite: Münchmeyer, J., Molina, D., Marsan, D., Langlais, M., Baez, J.-C., Heit, B., González-Vidal, D., Moreno, M., Tilmann, F., Lange, D., and Socquet, A.: Characterising the Northern Chile subduction zone (24⁰S - 31⁰S) with > 165,000 earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11906,, 2025.

EGU25-12060 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Meso–Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC): Existence of an either way subduction within Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) 

Avisekh Ghosh, Debojit Talukdar, Sudipto Mondal, Kallol Sen, Arnab Maity, Biswajit Ghosh, and Nilanjan Dasgupta

The present study investigates the tectonic evolution of the western extremity of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC), within the eastern part of E-W trending Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ). The study has been done along a N-S stretch (mostly within Chhattisgarh, India) extending from Sanawal in the north to Pali in the South. The reportedly Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic litho-package of the area, comprise metasedimentaries, metavolcanics and younger granite gneiss-granitoids, is mapped in details and records five episodes of deformation (named D1 to D5). The D1 is manifested by rarely preserved recumbent Class-2 folds (F1), while D2 is represented by E-W trending, low-plunging, upright to inclined and Class-1A, 1B, 1C geometry F2 folds. The D3 exhibits ESE-WNW trending, reclined to near vertical, Class-2 geometry F3 folds and D4 is brittle-ductile shear zone. D5 related F5 is a N-S cross warping. We prove that the first (D1), third (D3) and fourth (D4) episodes of deformation in CGC are due to thrust movement, which is manifested by development of shear zones and related folds. In one such northerly dipping thrust zone, named Balangi-Sanawal thrust zone (BSTZ, considered as a splay of the Son-Narmada South Fault, SNSF), enderbite and khondalite (of the Makrohar Granulite belt, MGB) are seen to be present as discrete bodies within the CGC granitoids. These granulite occurrences and adjacent CGC has been geologically mapped, which show that the enderbites of MGB have been thrusted over the D2 related F2 folds developed within the amphibolites of CGC. In the proximal zones of all these shear zones sheared porphyroclastic augen syenogranite is emplaced along numerous narrow channels as lensoidal bodies. These sheared syenogranite, along with the associated alternate amphibolite layers, exhibit D3 related near-vertical F3 folds.

Existing literatures from the southern part of CITZ, reveal granulites (Balaghat-Bhandara granulites, BBG and Chhatuabhavna granulites, CBG) occur with the greenschist-amphibolite facies CGC rocks against southerly dipping Central Indian Shear (CIS) zone along with emplacement of aforementioned syn-tectonic porphyroclastic augen syenogranite during ~1.62-1.42 Ga (Bhowmik et al., 2011). The field evidences suggest that this CIS thrusting event also marks regional D3 episode of shearing in CGC. Glancing through these geological evidences, we correlate the northerly dipping BSTZ in the northern part of CITZ to be at ~1.62-1.42 Ga. In the central part of CITZ, CGC rocks got juxtaposed with Ramakona-Katangi granulites (RKG) along northerly dipping Gavilgarh-Tan shear zone (GTSZ) placed at ~1.04-0.93 Ga (Chattopadhyay et al., 2020). We propose that this GTSZ, represents D4 episode of deformation within the CGC. This has produced a peculiar ‘Ramp and Flat’ geometry with imprints of brittle-ductile shearing in the study area. It is interesting to note that at ~1.62-1.42 Ga, during the D3 deformation phase, both northerly and southerly subduction of the Central Indian block (CIB) (now preserved as CGC) occurred along the northern and southern boundary of CIB respectively. This prompts us to think of a unique either way subduction accompanied by thrusting of deep-crustal granulites through hanging wall block over the Central Indian continental landmass.

How to cite: Ghosh, A., Talukdar, D., Mondal, S., Sen, K., Maity, A., Ghosh, B., and Dasgupta, N.: Meso–Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC): Existence of an either way subduction within Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12060,, 2025.

EGU25-12064 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

A study on the docking of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate through Numerical Modelling 

Arnab Banerjee and Paresh Nath Singha Roy

The collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate has led to the building of the Himalayas, the highest mountain range and one of the most seismically active regions in the world. The supercontinent Pangea began to break at around 200Ma, and the Indian plate moved northwards toward the Eurasian plate at 9-16cm/year. At around 50Ma, the velocity of the Indian plate slowed down to about 4-6cm/year. This slowdown is the beginning of the collision between the plates, the Tethys Ocean's closing, and the uplifting of the Himalayas. The Indian plate is still moving with a velocity of nearly 5cm/year, causing a rise in the height of the Himalayas at approximately 4-10mm/year, which is the cause of the extensive seismicity in the nearby region. There has been extensive research on tectonics and seismicity in the Himalayas; however, it is one of the most geologically complex regions, and much of it is still unfathomable and thus requires insight through further studies. This study attempts to find the variation in the physical properties at the subduction zone due to the variation in the collision velocities of the plates. In this study, we have used a numerical simulation of the collision and subduction using finite difference modelling in MATLAB. We have compared physical parameters such as pressure, stress, strain, and temperature for the profiles at different velocities of the colliding blocks at the subduction zone. This geodynamic study focuses on enhancing the understanding of the tectonics and collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates and the formation of the Himalayas. 

How to cite: Banerjee, A. and Roy, P. N. S.: A study on the docking of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate through Numerical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12064,, 2025.

EGU25-12184 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

The spatio-temporal behavior of the Mantle Wedge Seismicity and its relationship with the interface in Chile. 

Blandine Gardonio, Anne Socquet, and Jannes Münchmeyer

The serpentinized mantle wedge corner above subducting slabs has been long considered as mostly aseismic. However, mantle wedge seismicity (MWS) has been observed in different subduction zones such as Japan, New Zealand, Lesser Antilles, South America, Colombiaand the Hellenic subduction zone. Several hypothesis have been made to explain such seismicity: (i) a graveyard of piled seamounts that are detached from the subducting plate and underplates the forearc lithosphere; (ii) plume underplating leading to higher viscosity parts in the mantle corner; (iii) serpentine dehydration embrittlement and (iv) pulses of fluids released from the plate interface. Several subduction zones exhibit seismicity gaps on the interface that might indicate a diversion of the seismicity through vents. The rheological and mechanical behaviors of the mantle wedge and its possible interactions between its seismicity and the interface still remain largely unclear. In this study, we take advantage of the recent catalogue obtained with machine learning on Chile from November 2020 to February 2024 and analyse the spatio-temporal distribution and the statistics of the mantle wedge seismicity in this area.

We find that the MWS is mostly active between -27°S and 31°S latitude and shows a Gutenberg-Richter b-value of 1.4 which is higher than the interface seismicity (around 1). It presents a magnitude of completeness of 1.6 and is gathered as clusters of events that behave as swarms rather than mainshock-aftershocks sequences. Some clusters are triggered after a large event (magnitude > 5) occurring on the interface. The detailed analysis of the distribution of the MWS compared to the interface shows that the MWS is mainly located in a band between 130 and 160km away from the trench while the interface seismicity is mainly located in a band of 60km to 100km away from the trench. While the interface seismicity gap present just above the MWS might confirm the presence of vents that would deviate the seismicity, the difficulty to track potential fluid paths from the intraplate seismicity at depth to the MWS might rule out fluids as the origin of the MWS in Chile. Rather, this gap might indicate the importance of the mineralogical contact between the interface and the mantle wedge.

How to cite: Gardonio, B., Socquet, A., and Münchmeyer, J.: The spatio-temporal behavior of the Mantle Wedge Seismicity and its relationship with the interface in Chile., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12184,, 2025.

EGU25-12857 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Partitioning of deformation along the Andean margin: insights from elastic block modelling 

Florian Kusche and Nina Kukowski

Along the Andean margin, oblique subduction of the Nazca Plate is accommodated by slip on the subduction interface and deformation of the overriding South American Plate. Active plate boundary deformation, in particular due to strain partitioning, is analyzed using elastic block modelling constrained by compiled GPS velocities to estimate plate motions, fault slip rates, and spatially variable interplate coupling on the Nazca-South American subduction interface. In the block modelling approach, interseismic GPS velocities are assumed to be the sum of rigid block rotation and elastic strain accumulation on block-bounding faults. Therefore, the western South American margin is divided into smaller blocks, primarily based on active faults traces. The block model geometry is adjusted to minimize the misfit between observed and modeled velocities.

The preferred model shows strain partitioning of varying degrees along the Andean margin. In the North, the margin-parallel component of convergence is partially accommodated by right-lateral slip on a strike-slip system that extends from the Gulf of Guayaquil off southern Ecuador to western Venezuela. This results in the northeastward motion of the North Andean Block with respect to stable South America. In Peru, the model confirms the existence of the southeastward moving Inca Sliver, that is bounded by the trench and the Subandean fold-and-thrust belt. Along the central Chilean margin, oblique convergence is partially accommodated by minor right-lateral slip along the Subandean thrust fault. In southern Chile, right-lateral transpression along the intra-arc Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone results in the northward translation of the Chiloé Sliver.

The separation of the North Andean Block, the Peruvian Inca Sliver, and the Chilean Andean orogen is related to the curvature of the Andean margin and the associated changes in the sense of convergence obliquity. The differing directions of movement of these blocks result in extension in the Gulf of Guayaquil, where the Andean margin is seaward convex. In contrast, on the Altiplano, at the concave bend of western South America, the rotational velocities of the Peruvian and Chilean blocks are converging into a similar direction.

The spatial distribution of interplate coupling as estimated by our block modelling shows that the Andean margin is segmented into strongly and weakly coupled zones. Epicenters of major thrust earthquakes correlate fairly well with areas of strong interplate coupling.

How to cite: Kusche, F. and Kukowski, N.: Partitioning of deformation along the Andean margin: insights from elastic block modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12857,, 2025.

EGU25-13268 | Posters on site | GD4.1

Influence of Geometry and Rheology on Convergence Speed in Self-Sustained Andean-Type Subduction Systems 

Jamison Assunção, Boris Kaus, Nicolas Riel, Andrea Picollo, and Victor Sacek

In a subduction system where an oceanic lithosphere dips beneath a continental lithosphere, the convergence speed (CS) is predominantly governed by ridge push and slab pull forces. However, numerical models have shown significant sensitivity to the geometry under the same physical parameters. This study aims to shed light on how subduction dynamics is affected by changes in both geometry and rheology, and explore an approach for simulating subduction that makes convergence speeds more consistent and stable by incorporating an effective partial melt region. A series of 2D simulations was conducted to investigate how the kinematics of subduction zones evolve in a self-sustained manner, where no external forces were applied to drive subduction. To achieve this, we used the geodynamic numerical code LaMEM to solve the set of constitutive equations of momentum, mass, and energy suited for geological processes. We also used the mineral assemblage code MAGEMin to compute density changes in relevant lithospheric and asthenospheric rocks. Furthermore, a pyrolytic composition was employed to parameterize the phase change from the asthenospheric mantle to the lower mantle, adopting a Clapeyron slope. In this study, an oceanic plate subducts over a low-viscosity region (LVR) representing a partial melt region. The goal was to demonstrate how the convergence speed varies as a function of both the LVR and the asthenosphere viscosities. To minimize friction between the lithospheric plates, the oceanic plate slides beneath a weak zone. The role of the oceanic plate geometry was studied by varying its horizontal length at the surface. We observed that the CS is inversely correlated with the length of the oceanic plate at the surface. Our study indicates that the LVR makes the convergence speeds more stable over time, simplifies adjustments, and reduces the drag force influence on the overall kinematics of the descending plate. In summary, such an approach minimizes the role of the plate length on the overall evolution of the system in numerical studies and facilitates more stable convergence speeds.

How to cite: Assunção, J., Kaus, B., Riel, N., Picollo, A., and Sacek, V.: Influence of Geometry and Rheology on Convergence Speed in Self-Sustained Andean-Type Subduction Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13268,, 2025.

Within the last two-million years, subduction has initiated at the southern end of the New Hebrides trench along the ~E-W trending Matthew-Hunter section of the trench (Patriat et al., 2015; 2019). This part of the subduction system originated as a subduction-transform edge propagator (STEP) fault, a transcurrent plate boundary that terminates Australian plate subduction at the southern end of the New Hebrides trench at a slab tear and allows its rapid southwestward rollback (Govers and Wortel, 2005). The down warped torn lithospheric edge of the STEP fault dips northward in the same direction as the absolute plate motion of the Australian plate in a hotspot reference frame. This creates a strong southward mantle flow (~55 km/Myr) against the already failed and weak northward dipping STEP fault, promoting further down bending and subduction. Through this mechanism, subduction and southward rollback of the STEP fault edge has begun, initiating a subduction zone in an extensional stress regime without requiring initial convergence between the Australian plate and the North Fiji Basin. In fact, the North Fiji Basin is in extension, forming rifts and spreading centers and volcanically accreting crust unusually close to the Matthew-Hunter trench. Subduction initiation at the Matthew-Hunter trench has effectively terminated the STEP fault and slab tear, so that subduction now takes place continuously around the corner from the New Hebrides to the Matthew-Hunter section of the trench. This model proposes that STEP faults are favorable tectonic boundaries for subduction initiation, provided that mantle flow induced by absolute plate motion is oriented correctly, as shown by the opposing example of the Tonga step fault, which displays no evidence of initiating subduction despite a much larger lithospheric age contrast (Martinez, 2024).

Govers, R., and M. J. R. Wortel (2005), Lithosphere tearing at STEP faults: Response to edges of subduction zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236, 505-523.

Martinez, F. (2024), Subduction initiation (or not) due to absolute plate motion at STEP faults: The New Hebrides vs. the Tonga examples, in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria,

Patriat, M., et al. (2015), Propagation of back-arc extension into the arc lithosphere in the southern New Hebrides volcanic arc, G-Cubed, 16(9), 3142-3159.

Patriat, M., et al. (2019), Subduction initiation terranes exposed at the front of a 2 Ma volcanically-active subduction zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 508, 30-40.

How to cite: Martinez, F.: Subduction initiation at the New Hebrides STEP fault induced by absolute plate motion and mantle flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13469,, 2025.

EGU25-13559 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Mechanical and metasomatic evolution of a developing mantle wedge from subduction initiation to obduction 

Alissa Kotowski, Andrew Keats, Hester Smit, Jippe van Broekhoven, Matthew Tarling, Marguerite Godard, Oliver Plümper, Martyn Drury, and Eric Hellebrand

Geodynamic models suggest that plate boundary shear zones require mechanically weak materials to form. However, peridotites in proto-plate boundary hanging walls are inherently strong and experience cooling from >1000°C to <500°C over ~10 Myr during subduction initiation. Without a micro-physical or metasomatic mechanism to weaken the olivine-rich mantle, it will resist strain localization with cooling. Serpentinites are often credited with facilitating lithosphere-scale strain localization, but proto-interface temperatures exceed ~550°C at 20–30 km depth, and therefore are too hot for serpentine to be stable. What, therefore, are the roles of both olivine and serpentine in plate boundary formation?

To address this, we present structural and geochemical data from a fossilized subduction interface at Mont Albert (Québec, Canada). This Ordovician ophiolite records subduction initiation and subsequent obduction during the Taconian Orogeny (~450–500 Ma). Field and microstructural observations show that spinel peridotites in distributed shear zones evolved from mylonitic to ultramylonitic fabrics under increasingly hydrous conditions toward the paleo-plate contact. Olivine Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) transitions from A- and D-type fabrics in mylonites to weaker AG- and B-type fabrics in ultramylonites, accompanied by grain size reduction from ~60–80 μm to ≤20 μm, and phase mixing of olivine-orthopyroxene metasomatic layers. These transitions are consistent with a mechanical switch from dislocation creep to diffusion-accommodated creep, with sustained grain size reduction through phase mixing and growth of hydrous phases such as chlorite and amphibole.

At the paleo-plate contact, a ~10–20 m thick zone of ultramylonites is heavily serpentinized (75–90%). This zone contains finely layered, well-aligned lizardite (confirmed with Raman spectroscopy), Fe-oxides (hematite and magnetite), and relict olivine ± orthopyroxene, amphibole layers. No antigorite was identified. We interpret serpentinization as largely static and post-kinematic with respect to the incredibly strong fabrics in contact ultramylonites, supported by observations of undeformed lizardite mesh textures and hematite-decorated grain boundaries in coarser lizardite aggregates.

Bulk rock geochemical analyses along a 40 m transect in the hanging wall of the paleo-plate boundary reveal mantle Al2O3 (wt%), chondrite-normalized [Yb], and HREE concentrations all decrease systematically with distance from the contact, highlighting pimary compositional layering. Ce, Sr, and Pb show subtle enrichment at the contact where rocks are most heavily serpentinized. However, LREE and other fluid-mobile element distributions are highly variable, suggesting limited chemical overprinting associated with the serpentinizing fluid.

Our findings suggest that high-temperature ductile deformation initially localized due to hydrous phase introduction, facilitating deformation near the paleo-plate contact despite cooling conditions through shifts in deformation mechanisms. Based on the chemical data and the micro-textural observations of static lizardite, we infer that plate boundary serpentinization was late-stage and occurred under very low-temperatures (<300°C) from a highly oxidizing fluid. Serpentinites therefore did not aid strain localization or obduction but instead formed post-kinematically, locking the shear zone and forcing obduction-related strain to migrate elsewhere.

How to cite: Kotowski, A., Keats, A., Smit, H., van Broekhoven, J., Tarling, M., Godard, M., Plümper, O., Drury, M., and Hellebrand, E.: Mechanical and metasomatic evolution of a developing mantle wedge from subduction initiation to obduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13559,, 2025.

EGU25-13936 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Geochronology and geochemistry of Cenozoic magmatic intrusions in the north-western Ecuadorian Andes: the role of crustal thickness 

Jorge Iglesias Flores, Cesar Witt, Osman Poma, Olivier Bruguier, Delphine Bosch, Valerie Bosse, Massimiliano Zattin, Monique Seyler, Maria Jose Hernandez, Frank Chanier, and Olivier Averbuch

The Ecuadorian Cenozoic arc developed upon autochthonous continental and allochtonous accreted oceanic terranes. It provides a unique opportunity to explore the processes governing arc magmatism and crustal evolution. Using a multi-proxy approach, combining zircon petrochronology (U-Pb geochronology, trace element geochemistry, and isotopic analysis) with whole-rock geochemistry, we trace the tectono-magmatic evolution of the northernmost segment of this arc.

Our results define two distinct magmatic episodes: ~41–16 Ma and ~14–7 Ma. The older episode comprises tonalitic rocks exhibiting zircon δ18O (6.4 – 3‰) and εHf values (+17 – +12), as well as trace element ratios, indicating derivation from juvenile sources. Magma genesis during this period is believed to occurred within the amphibole stability field, in a moderately thick crust (~35 km). In contrast, the younger episode is dominated by granodioritic rocks derived from more enriched reservoirs (δ18O: 8.2 – 5.8‰ and εHf: +13 – +7). Zircon and whole-rock trace element and isotopic data suggest magma genesis in the garnet stability field, within a thickened crust (~60 km).

The transition to a thicker crust and enriched sources occurred around 14 Ma, coinciding with the tectonic reorganization associated with the arrival of the young (and buoyant) Nazca plate at the South American margin. This event likely induced a shallower subduction angle, increased compressional stresses, and facilitated melting of an evolved oceanic crust.

These findings highlight the dynamic interplay between tectonics, crustal processes, and magmatic evolution in shaping Cordilleran arcs. They also demonstrate the efficacy of zircon petrochronology as a tool for resolving crustal-scale processes, providing insights into the mechanisms driving continental growth and orogenesis.

How to cite: Iglesias Flores, J., Witt, C., Poma, O., Bruguier, O., Bosch, D., Bosse, V., Zattin, M., Seyler, M., Hernandez, M. J., Chanier, F., and Averbuch, O.: Geochronology and geochemistry of Cenozoic magmatic intrusions in the north-western Ecuadorian Andes: the role of crustal thickness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13936,, 2025.

EGU25-14177 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Seismicity of the south-western South American margin through a machine learning automated approach 

Martin Riedel-Hornig, Christial Sippl, Andrés Tassara, Serio Ruiz, Bertrand Potin, Jorge Puente, Catalina Morales, Favio Carcamo, and Catalina Castro

The South American margin, where the Nazca Plate subducts below the South American plate is a highly seismogenic region. In recent decades, it has been the focus of abundant studies with the deployment of temporal and permanent seismic networks. These efforts have generated large datasets that are challenging to process with traditional methods. To take advantage of the large volume of data available, we pair modern machine learning picking and association methods with traditional location and relocation techniques to create a dense, high resolution seismic catalogue. We process data from the CSN, OVDAS and other smaller permanent networks between 2017 and 2021 to obtain over 650.000 double-difference relocated events, at least 10 times more than any other regional catalogue in our study area. This implies at least a 1 order of magnitude reduction of the magnitude of completeness (Mc).

Our catalogue is designed to ensure temporal consistency (i.e. the selected stations are active for most or all of the study period) and the processing workflow is the same for the whole region (in contrast to joining catalogues resulting from independent local or regional networks). This consistency paired with the catalogue’s high resolution, allows us to observe spatial and temporal variations in seismicity and to improve our understanding of processes that may be studied through micro-seismicity. One application of such a catalogue is the observation that, although the Chilean subduction zone is known for its megathrust earthquakes, intraslab events make up the bulk of seismicity (>80% of the events), with two particularly active clusters. One is located in northern Chile, inland of the subduction of the Iquique Ridge, at an “unusual subduction segment” documented by Sippl et al. (2018) and another inland of the subduction of the Juan Fernandez Ridge. Furthermore, the slab and plate interface are most active in northern Chile an seismicity diminishes towards the south, especial from 36°S. This decrease in seismicity is likely related to changes in Nazca Plate age and temperature and/or to the influence of 1960 Valdivia and 2010 Maule mega-earthquakes.

How to cite: Riedel-Hornig, M., Sippl, C., Tassara, A., Ruiz, S., Potin, B., Puente, J., Morales, C., Carcamo, F., and Castro, C.: Seismicity of the south-western South American margin through a machine learning automated approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14177,, 2025.

The subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate at the Cascadia subduction zone significantly influences the mantle dynamics and the structure of the overlying North American Plate. In southwest Canada, the Cordillera lithosphere is thin (60-70 km) with high surface heat flow, low mantle seismic velocity, and low mantle electrical resistivity for ~500 km inboard of the subduction zone. Magmatism and geological observations suggest that the Cordillera lithosphere has been thin for at least 30 Myr. The eastern limit of thin lithosphere approximately underlies the Rocky Mountain Trench. East of this, the Laurentian Craton is thick (>200 km), and recent seismic data show that the Cordillera Craton boundary is marked by subvertical to west-dipping lithospheric step.

In this study, we investigate the effects of subduction and the lithosphere step on mantle dynamics and the evolution of the Cordillera lithosphere over the last 40 Myr. We use 2D thermal-mechanical models of ocean-continent subduction, where the domain is 3000 km wide and 660 km deep. We first test models where subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate occurs below a 60 km thick continent with no lateral variations, representing the Canadian Cordillera. These models show that if the mantle rheology is based on dry olivine, it has a relatively high viscosity, and the mantle flow field is dominated by subduction-driven corner flow. This results in a slow thickening of the backarc continental mantle lithosphere to nearly 90 km within 40 Myr. If a weaker (more hydrated) olivine rheology is used for the mantle, backarc thickening is inhibited by the development of small-scale convection (SSC). To maintain a ~65 km lithosphere, our models predict that the backarc mantle must be hydrated and weak (viscosity of 1018 – 1019 Pa s). In the second set of models, 200 km thick Craton lithosphere is added to the models. The presence of the lithosphere step at the Cordillera-Craton boundary induces edge-driven convection (EDC), which is enhanced for a hydrated mantle or weak craton mantle lithosphere. We find that EDC had only a secondary influence on the Cordillera lithosphere in the arc and central back arc regions, but EDC may be important for maintaining a sharp thermal contrast between the Cordillera and Craton.

In the final set of models, we investigate the effects of subduction termination on mantle dynamics, using the model structure that includes the Craton lithosphere step. After plate convergence ceases, SSC and EDC continue for tens of millions of years, and these slow the cooling and thickening of the continent. However, even with a hydrated mantle, the Cordillera thickens to ~80 km after 40 Myr. This suggests that the central Canadian Cordillera lithosphere (north of the current subduction zone), where subduction terminated in the Eocene, may be somewhat cooler than the modern backarc to the south. Future work will focus on how the slab edge geometry of the Juan de Fuca plate influences mantle flow patterns and lithospheric structure in the Canadian Cordillera.


How to cite: Baruah, A. J. and Currie, C. A.: Investigating mantle dynamics and lithospheric evolution in the Southern Canadian Cordillera: Insights from numerical modeling of the Cascadia subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14257,, 2025.

EGU25-14301 | Orals | GD4.1

What Causes the Non-closure of the Cocos-Nazca-Pacific Plate Motion Circuit? 

Richard Gordon, Tuo Zhang, and Chengzu Wang

By far the largest plate-circuit misfit on the planet for geologically current plate motion is that of the Cocos, Nazca, and Pacific plates. This plate motion circuit fails closure by a linear velocity of 12 mm a1 ±4 mm a1 (DeMets et al., 2010, Zhang et al., 2017).  Here we investigate this nonclosure.  In an initial test, we omit the spreading rates along the Cocos-Pacific plate boundary north of the Orozco transform fault where it appears that the Pacific and Rivera plates are separated by a diffuse boundary.  With this omission, the non-closure linear velocity shrinks to 9 mm a1 ±4 mm a1 (95% confidence limits) with a non-closure angular velocity of 0.22° Ma1 (± 0.12° Ma-1; 95% confidence limits) about a pole at 22°N, 92°W.  The size of the misfit remains too large to be explained by any known processes of intraplate deformation and suggests that there is an unrecognized plate boundary somewhere in the circuit.

We argue that undiscovered plate boundaries (or intraplate deformation large enough to explain the observed non-closure) within the Pacific plate and most of the Nazca plate are implausible, which leaves either a boundary within the traditionally defined Cocos plate or possibly a boundary within the northeast corner of the currently defined Nazca plate.  If the spreading rates and transform faults along the traditionally defined Cocos-Nazca plate boundary east of ≈87°W are eliminated from the Cocos-Nazca data set, the non-closure velocity is reduced to 3 mm a1 ±4 mm a1 (95% confidence limits), small enough to be within uncertainty or to be explained by expected horizontal thermal contraction.

This result indicates that the traditionally defined Cocos-Nazca plate boundary east of ≈87⁰W may not record motion between the Cocos and Nazca plate after all, but instead records motion between a small previously unrecognized plate and either the Cocos or Nazca plate.  The distribution of earthquakes suggests that the better candidate is a small plate within the traditionally defined Cocos plate.  We propose to call this hypothesized plate the Kahlo plate.  A possible location for a hypothesized narrow plate boundary and an alternative hypothesized diffuse plate boundary will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Gordon, R., Zhang, T., and Wang, C.: What Causes the Non-closure of the Cocos-Nazca-Pacific Plate Motion Circuit?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14301,, 2025.

EGU25-14427 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Quantification of thermally-controlled metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution in subduction zones 

Yang Wang, Zhong-hai Li, and Heng-rui Zhang

Oceanic subduction zone is the dominant (if not the only) pathway for transporting carbon into the interior of the Earth, and thus plays a critical role in deep carbon cycling. Several mechanisms have been proposed for slab decarbonation process, with two primary ones being metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution. The metamorphic decarbonation has been widely analyzed by numerical models in the closed system (i.e., with constant water content). However, the water and carbon evolutions in subduction zone are strongly coupled together, leading to an open system in which the water cycling not only affects the metamorphic decarbonation, but also controls the dissolution of carbonates. However, the decarbonation efficiency and the contributions of different decarbonation mechanisms to slab carbon removal remain controversial. Here, we develop a coupled thermo-metamorphic-dissolution model to investigate physicochemical decarbonation processes. Systematic numerical models with variable thermal parameters (Φ = slab age × subduction velocity / 100) have been conducted in both closed and open systems. The results indicate that the metamorphic carbon outflux in open system is lower than that in closed system, whereas the dissolved carbon outflux in open system is approximately three times higher due to fluid infiltration. Moreover, the metamorphic carbon outflux decreases exponentially with Φ in both closed and open systems. In contrast, the dissolved carbon outflux exhibits a nearly linear increase with Φ < 13 km, followed by an exponential decrease with Φ ≥ 13 km. The new models provide systematic and quantitative constraints for the deep carbon cycling in subduction zones.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Li, Z., and Zhang, H.: Quantification of thermally-controlled metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14427,, 2025.

Subduction zone plate boundary interfaces are some of the largest shear zones on our planet and are host to the largest earthquakes, plus other diverse seismic and aseismic slip phenomena. These zones are often highly heterogenous mélanges. Accreted and exhumed subduction interface mélanges therefore provide a ‘window’ into the conditions and processes within these otherwise inaccessible environments. The geometries of blocks, the proportion of blocks to matrix, and the relative mechanical properties between different block populations and between blocks and matrix have been demonstrated to control the physical behaviour of these mélange zones, including their propensity towards seismicity. Here we report a detailed multi-scale 3D characterisation of the material properties, block geometries and fracture networks within the Chrystalls Beach mélange, New Zealand.

3D structural analysis utilised a tiled photogrammetric model constructed from ca. 12,500 images and consists of detailed and systematic analysis of the mélange fabric, block geometries, and distribution and orientation of faults, fractures and veins. In-situ rock mechanics tests were performed using a Schmidt rebound hammer with measurement sites located to cm-accuracy in the field and on the 3D model. Samples were collected from these same sites for point-load strength tests and laboratory-based triaxial shear experiments. Through this approach, we aim to identify systematic relationships between measurable physical properties of the exhumed rock and the inferred original rheological behaviour of this mélange.

The Chrystalls Beach mélange consists of centimetre – decametre-scale blocks of sandstone, chert, and siltstone with minor altered basalt within a pelitic matrix and has been deformed within the shallow portion of the subduction zone. In-situ strength measurements show that the strength of blocks vary from up to twice as strong as the matrix to similar to — or in places below — the strength of the surrounding matrix. The matrix is also heterogenous in its material properties with two distinct matrix types defined on the basis of matrix lithology, included block populations, and material properties.

Patterns of fractures and brecciation of the blocks provide a structural indication of the comparative rheology of each of the block populations during deformation, with each lithology exhibiting distinct behaviour. Blocks in the mélange are either high-aspect-ratio, boudinaged, dismembered beds or variably rounded brecciated fragments, with stronger lithologies forming more angular, higher-sphericity, and less aligned fragments. This mélange is pervasively cut by several centimetre-thick veins which form an anastomosing network, often at the boundaries of the chert and sandstone blocks which they are deflected around.

This preliminary analysis has revealed varied deformation styles operate between blocks of different mechanical properties and that this deformation style depends both on the rheologies of the individual components and also on the difference in rheology between the blocks and the matrix. The patterns of the thick veins reveal the locations of the greatest slip localisation throughout the mélange and show that veins localise at the margins of blocks with the greatest rheological contrast. This analysis therefore provides the material and geometrical input parameters and end results which provide real-world constraints for future simulations of deforming mélange zones.

How to cite: Clarke, A., Fenske, S., and Toy, V.: A Glimpse into the Subduction Zone Plate Interface: 3D structural and mechanical mapping of the Chrystalls Beach mélange, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16257,, 2025.

EGU25-18961 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

 Rheological insights from Illapel postseismic deformation through GNSS and InSAR time series analysis  

Diego Molina, Bertrand Lovery, Mathilde Radiguet, Marie-Pierre Doin, and Anne Socquet

Understanding the inner structure of the crust and upper mantle is essential to evaluate those mechanisms driving Earth’s dynamics. Usually, surface deformation provides valuable constraints on viscoelastic parameters.  Postseismic deformation following large megathrust earthquakes, offers a unique opportunity to explore the viscoelastic properties of the shallower earth structure since it is strongly influenced by viscoelastic relaxation processes. This postseismic deformation is often recorded by GNSS stations, which offer high temporal resolution and therefore are useful to constrain the relaxation time along convergent margins. However, the spatial coverage of GNSS networks is often sparse,  inhibiting our ability to study the large scale variations in viscoelastic properties of the medium. 

To solve these issues, we rely on InSAR time series which provide continuous spatial resolution of surface deformation. In this work, we exploit the FLATSIM project (Thollard et al., 2021) initiative considering Sentinel-1 data  over Central Chile that has been processed using the NSBAS processing chain (Doin et al., 2013). Particularly, we focus on Central Chile, with special emphasis on the 2015 8.3 Mw Illapel earthquake. The InSAR data spans 8 years and has been corrected using the global atmospheric models ERA-5. Complementary, we use GNSS time series from 25 stations deployed over the Illapel rupture area, combining stations from Centro Sismologico Nacional and the DeepTrigger project.

Since both data sets contain the contribution from multiple tectonic and non-tectonic processes, we employ different techniques to isolate the postseismic deformation of the 2015 Illapel earthquake. Actually,  for GNSS, we apply Independent Component Analysis while for InSAR time series, we perform  a parametric decomposition pixel by pixel. Our findings reveal a very strong postseismic signal with a typical logarithmic decay, lasting at least 8 years.

In this work, in order to investigate the underlying rheological properties of the medium, we exploit the PyLith software,  a finite-element model that can take into account the complex rheological structure of the system. To do so, we impose the co-seismic slip model coming from averaged slip solutions, thereby initiating the model to distinguish between viscoelastic and afterslip contributions. By reproducing the surface deformation patterns given jointly by GNSS and InSAR data, we aim to determine the geometrical and rheological variations beneath the Illapel rupture area, particularly those viscoelastic parameters characterizing the crust and upper mantle regions. Our analysis provide insights to better understand how these properties affect both the seismic cycle and long-term deformation patterns at local and regional scales.

How to cite: Molina, D., Lovery, B., Radiguet, M., Doin, M.-P., and Socquet, A.:  Rheological insights from Illapel postseismic deformation through GNSS and InSAR time series analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18961,, 2025.

EGU25-19151 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Subduction dynamics and mantle anisotropy: modeling and clustering of olivine textures 

Yijun Wang, Ágnes Király, Clinton Conrad, and Valerie Maupin

The mantle near Earth's subduction zones experiences significant deformation, forming anisotropic rock textures. These textures can be detected using seismic methods and simulated in geodynamic models. This study employs time-series clustering to examine tracers in subduction models, identifying regions with similar deformation histories, olivine crystallographic-preferred orientation (CPO) development, and CPO-induced anisotropic viscosity. We compare the evolution of olivine textures predicted by various numerical methods (e.g. D-Rex, MDM, and MDM+AV) for both retreating and stationary trench subduction settings.

Our modeling shows notable variations in olivine texture around the slab and as a function of subduction dynamics. These variations, which are illuminated by the clustering analysis, show that texture, seismic, and viscous anisotropy can vary greatly within the mantle wedge, sub-slab, and subducting plate regions of the upper mantle. In the retreating-trench model, the strongest textures are observed in the mid-depth mantle wedge region and beneath the slab at the 660 km transition zone. Trench-normal olivine a-axis orientations are predominant in the center of subduction zones, while toroidal flow around slab edges produces a mix of trench-normal, trench-parallel, and oblique fast seismic directions. On the other hand, in the stationary-trench model, the trench-normal signal in front of the slab is weaker while there are stronger trench-normal signals behind the slab at shallow depths between 100 and 300 km. At the edge of the slab, weak toroidal flow produces trench-oblique orientations while trench-parallel and trench-normal orientations are missing. In general, the retreating trench model exhibits stronger textures and anisotropy due to increased deformation from trench motion.

These results provide valuable insights into seismic anisotropy in subduction zones and underscore the importance of considering texture heterogeneity when interpreting geodynamic models and seismic data. The use of time-series clustering algorithms highlights the intricate pattern of evolution and the relationship between deformation history, CPO, and CPO-induced viscous anisotropy occurring within subduction zones.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Király, Á., Conrad, C., and Maupin, V.: Subduction dynamics and mantle anisotropy: modeling and clustering of olivine textures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19151,, 2025.

EGU25-19402 | Posters on site | GD4.1

Relation Between Interplate Locking and Microseismicity in the southern Peru subduction  

Juan-Carlos Villegas-Lanza, Anne Socquet, Hugo Sanchez-Reyes, Caroline Chalumeau, Bertrand Lovery, and Mohamed Chlieh

We present preliminary results of the analysis of the interseismic coupling at the southern Peru subduction zone, with special focus on the Nazca Ridge and the Nazca fracture zone. This study is based on the analysis of GPS data from over 120 permanent and field GPS stations collected during the last decade. The obtained GPS velocity field shows the current state of interseismic deformation of the Peruvian subduction margin. The inversion of the geodetic displacements allowed us to estimate the interseismic coupling at the plate interface. Our results show that the interseismic coupling is heterogeneous, with two areas of significant low to weak coupling coefficient, one located over the Nazca ridge and the other in front of the Nazca fracture zone. These results are compared with the spatial distribution of the seismicity recorded by the IGP national seismic network and a temporary seismic network installed as part of the project for the period 2022-2024, which accounts for more than 100,000 events. The analysis reveals a remarkable correlation of the areas where high interseismic coupling is observed with lack of seismicity, whereas in the areas with low interseismic coupling intense seismic activity is observed. These results confirm the hypothesis that the Nazca Ridge acts as a persistent barrier against the propagation of earthquake rupture, and suggest that the interseismic coupling patterns could be associate with the seismic activity. This ongoing work provides valuable information for understanding the tectonic processes in the region and their implications for the earthquake potential.

How to cite: Villegas-Lanza, J.-C., Socquet, A., Sanchez-Reyes, H., Chalumeau, C., Lovery, B., and Chlieh, M.: Relation Between Interplate Locking and Microseismicity in the southern Peru subduction , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19402,, 2025.

Flat or near-horizontal subduction of oceanic lithosphere is suggested to occur for ~10% of Earth’s subduction zones. While it is therefore not the dominating geometry, it has been suggested to have significant impact on tectonic processes both currently and in the geologic past. As an example, the ongoing subduction of the aseismic Nazca Ridge beneath South America has been associated with the onset of flat subduction and the termination of arc volcanism in Peru.

In this study, we investigate the impact of flat-slab subduction on the mantle flow and deformation in the larger asthenosphere-lithosphere system beneath the northern portion of the South American subduction zone. Strain in the asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle causes an alignment of intrinsically anisotropic mantle minerals, particularly olivine. The resulting bulk anisotropy can be measured as splitting of core-mantle converted phases, parameterized by the delay time and the fast splitting direction. While shear phases are commonly investigated for average splitting parameters, the tomographic inversion of shear wave splitting data for upper mantle anisotropy has been a longstanding challenge for classical analysis techniques. Recent developments involve the calculation of finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for SKS splitting intensity observations, which allow us to take advantage of overlapping sensitivity kernels at adjacent stations to localize anisotropic structure at depth.

Here we apply probabilistic, finite-frequency SKS splitting intensity tomography to all available datasets across the Andes in Peru and Bolivia to improve our understanding of mantle flow and deformation in the lithosphere in the complex flat slab subduction scenario. While the data sets are mostly comprised of dense lines of seismic stations, the broad lateral distribution of the different networks allows us to combine the data set in a 3D tomographic inversion for upper mantle anisotropy.

How to cite: Link, F. and Long, M. D.: Lithospheric deformation and Mantle flow in the asthenosphere-lithosphere system of the flat slab subduction beneath the Peruvian Andes with probabilistic finite-frequency SKS splitting intensity tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20645,, 2025.

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